THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO 1888 - 1917 JAMES A. FRENCH STATE ENGINEER Engineering Library x~ g CONTENTS Page Division of Work 10 Introduction 9 References 9 Asknowledgments 9 Revisions 9 Run-off Records Alamogordo Basin 11 Rio Tularosa near Tularosa, N. Mex 11 Rio la Luz on Colgan's Ranch, near La Luz, N. Mex 12 Rio La Luz near La Luz, N. Mex 13 Rio La Luz at La Luz, N. Mex 13 Rio Fresnal at Mountain Park, N. Mex 14 Rio Fresnal near Mountain Park, N. Mex 14 Canadian River Basin 15 Canadian River near Sanchez, N. Mex 15 Canadian River near Bell Ranch, N. Mex 16 Canadian River at Logan, N. Mex 17 Chico Rico Creek near Raton, N. Mex 19 Una del Gato Creek near Raton, N. Mex 21 Vermejo River near Dawson, N. Mex 21 Cimarron River at Ute Park, N. Mex 22 Cimarron River at Springer, N. Mex 25 Ponil Creek near Cimarron, N. Mex 26 Rayado River Near Cimarron, N. Mex 27 Rayado River near Abreu's Ranch, near Cimarron, N. Mex 28 Rayado River at Abreu's Ranch, near Cimarron, N. Mex 30 Rayado River below Abreu's Ranch, near Cimarron, N. Mex 30 | Rayado River near Springer, N. Mex 31 Uracca Creek near Cimarron, N. Mex 32 ^ Ocate River at Ocate, N. Mex 33 Ocate River, West Fork, at Ocate, N. Mex 33 J) Ocate River, East Fork, at Ocate, N. Mex 34 Sweetwater Creek near Colmar, N. Mex 35 Mora River at La Cueva, N. Mex 36 La Cueva, or Mora, Canal at La Cueva, N. Mex 38 Mora River near Golondrinos, N. Mex 40 Mora River near Shoemaker, N. Mex , 41 H Sapello River at Sapello, N. Mex 42 Sapello River at Los Alamos, N. Mex 43 Pajarito Creek near Hanley, N. Mex 45 Pajarito Creek below mouth of Vigil Creek, near Hanley, N. Mex. 45 Ute Creek near Logan, N. Mex 46 Estancia Valley 48 Canon de los Gallegos near Moriarty, N. Mex 48 Tajique Creek at Tajique, N. Mex 49 Torreon Creek near Torreon, N. Mex 49 Canon Nuevo at Manzano, N. Mex 50 Arroyo del Ojo at Manzano, N. Mex 51 Arroyo de los Pinos Reales at Manzano, N. Mex 52 Arroyo Colorado near Manzano, N. Mex 53 Barranca Canon near Mountainair, N. Mex 54 Page Gila River Basin 55 Gila River near Silver City, N. Mex 55 Gila River near Gila, N. Mex 57 Gila River near CUff, N. Mex 57 Gila River near Redrock, N. Mex 58 Mimbres River Basin 61 Mimbres River near Faywood, N. Mex 61 Lampbright Draw near Santa Rita, N. Mex 63 Whitewater Creek at Hurley, N. Mex 65 Rio de Arena near Hurley, N. Mex 66 Cameron Creek at Fort Bayard, N. Mex 67 Cameron Creek near Hurley, N. Mex 69 Stevens Creek near Fort Bayard, N. Mex 71 Pecos River Basin 72 Pecos River near Cowles, N. Mex 74 Pecos River near Anton Chico, N. Mex 74 Pecos River at Santa Rosa, N. Mex 77 Pecos River near Guadahipe N. Mex 79 Pecos River near Fort Sumner, N. Mex 81 Pecos River near Roswell, N. Mex 83 Pecos River near Dayton, N. Mex 84 Pecos River near Lakewood, N. Mex 87 Pecos River at Avalon, N. Mex 89 Pecos River at Carlsbad, N. Mex 90 Gallinas River above Hot Springs, near Las Vegas, N. Mex 93 Gallinas River near Las Vegas, N. Mex 94 Gallinas River, South Fork, near Porvenir, N. Mex 98 Gallinas Planting Station Ditch near Porvenir, N. Mex 100 Hondo River Basin 100 Hondo River at Picacho, N. Mex 100 Hondo River at Border Ranch, N. Mex 101 Hondo River at "Diamond A" Ranch, N. Mex 102 Inlet Canal of Hondo Reservoir near Roswell, N. Mex 102 Hondo River be'ow Inlet to Hondo Reservoir, near Roswell, N. Mex 103 Hondo river at Hondo Reservoir site, near Roswell, N. Mex... 104 Hondo River at Roswell, N. Mex 104 Bonito River at Angus, N. Mex 105 Bonito River below Fort Stanton, N. Mex 105 Bonito River at Government Springs, near Fort Stanton, N. Mex 106 Government Springs near Fort Stanton, N. Mex 107 Rio Ruidoso at Coe, N. Mex 107 Penasco River near Dayton, N. Mex 108 Black River near Malaga, N. Mex 108 Delaware River near Malaga, N. Mex 109 Rio Grande Basin 110 Rio Grande near Del Norte, Colo 110 Rio Grande near Lobatos, Colo 117 Rio Grande at Embudo, N. Mex 122 Rio Grande near Buckman, N. Mex 127 Rio Grande near San Marcial, N. Mex 133 Costilla Creek near Mouth, N. Mex 139 Rio Colorado above Questa, N. Mex 140 Rio Colorado near Questa. N. Mex 140 Rio Colorado below Questa, N. Mex 143 Rio Hondo at Valdez, N. Mex 145 Rio Hondo near Arroyo Hondo, N. Mex 146 Rio Fernando de Taos near Taos, N. Mex 148 Rio Taos at Los Cordovas. N. Mex 149 Rio Pueblo de Taos near Taos, N. Mex 152 Page Rio Lucero near Taos, N. Mex 154 Chama River at Chama, N. Mex 155 Chaina River near Chama, N. Mex 156 Chama River at Park View, N. Mex 157 Chama River near Tierra Amarilla (at El Vado), N. Mex 159 Chama River at Abiquiu, N. Mex 160 Chama River near Chamita, N. Mex 160 Brazos River near Brazos, N. Mex 162 Brazos River at Brazos, N. Mex 163 Little Brazos River near Brazos, N. Mex 164 Nutritus Creek near Tierra Amarilla, N. Mex 165 Nutrias Creek near Cebolla, N. Mex 166 Horn River (Rio Canjilon) near Canjilon, N. Mex 167 Rio Vallecitos at Vailecitcs, N. Mex 168 Rio Medio above Cundiyo, N. Mex 169 Rio Medio at Cundiyo, N. Mex 170 Rio Medio at Chimayo, N Mex 171 Rio Frijoles at Cundiyo, N. Mex 172 Rio Chiquito at Cordova, N. Mex 173 Rio Chiquito at Chimayo, N. Mex 174 Santa Fe Creek at Monument Rock, near Santa Fe, N. Mex 175 Santa Fe Creek above Reservoir, near Santa Fe, N. Mex 175 Santa Fe Creek at Santa Fe, N. Mex 177 Arroyo Hondo near Santa Fe, N. Mex 178 Rio Puerco at Rio Puerco, N. Mex . . . . 180 Rio Puerco Near La Joya, N. Mex 181 Bluewater Creek near Bluewater, N. Mex 182 Bluewater Creek at Grants, N. Mex 184 San Jose River near Suwanee, N. Mex 185 San Francisco River Basin 188 San Francisco River at Alma, N. Mex 188 San Francisco River near Alma, N. Mex 190 San Francisco River at Clifton, Ariz 191 Whitewater Creek near Mogollon, N. Mex 192 San Juan River Basin 195 San Juan River at Arboles, Colo 195 San Juan River at Turley, N. Mex 198 San Juan River at Blanco, N. Mex 199 San Juan River near Bloomfield, N. Mex 200 San Juan River at Farmington, N. Mex 201 San Juan River near Farmington, N. Mex 202 San Juan River at Shiprock, N. Mex 203 Navajo River at Edith, Colo 204 Piedra River at Arboles, Colo 206 Los Pinos River near Ignacio, Colo 210 Animas River at Durango, Colo 213 Animas River at Aztec, N. Mex 217 Animas River near Farmington, N. Mex 220 Animas River at Farmington, N Mex 220 Florida River near Durango, Colo 222 La Plata River near La Plata, N. Mex 224 OFFICE OF THE STATE ENGINEER Santa Fe, New Mexico July 25, 1918. HON. W. E. LINDSEY, Governor of New Mexico. Sir: I have the honor to submit herewith a report containing the compila- tion of monthly discharge records on all streams in New Mexico where game have been computed, from all available reliable sources, from 1888, the date of the establishment of the Hydrographic Instruction Camp at Embudo (10th Annual Report U. S. G. S., part 2, page 79) to December 31, 1917. Respectfully yours, JAMES A. FRENCH, State Engineer. SURFACE WATER OF NEW MEXICO 1888 - 1917 I N TRODUOTION This compilation of the monthly discharge of all streams in New Mexico, where same have been computed, is published to fill a long felt want for such a book of reference ; as it is a difficult and at times an impossible matter for the average engineer or other person interested to get to a complete set of Water Supply Papers, Bulletins and Annual Re- ports of the U. S. G. S. and the records of hydrographic surveys made by the Territorial or State Engineer. The references given at the foot of the description of each station are for the benefit of those who may be interested in the daily gage heights and discharges. In some cases prior to 1903, the references are not given where the data published consists of gage heights, measurements or de- scriptive matter only; but anyone who desires to make a detailed study of any station will find a complete index of the publications of the II. S. G. S. prior to 1903, in Water Supply Paper 119. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS In compiling this book, we have used the Annual Reports of the U. S. G. S., the Water Supply Papers and Bulletins of the U. S. G. S., the Reports of the U. S. R. S., the papers published by the Department of State, in reference to Equitable Distribution of the Waters of the Rio Grande, the reports of the State Engineer of Colorado and of the Terri- torial and State Engineers of New Mexico. REVISIONS In some cases the U. S. G. S. have revised estimates originally pub- lished, in later years upon discovery of mistakes in rating, gage heights or interpretation of data ; in most instances the revised figures are pub- lished in this book, and, where they were not, suitable explanatory notes are given. Where revisions of original figures have been made simply to conform to a standard method of computation with reference to the number of significant figures, the revisions have been disregarded and the figures printed as originally published. The most notable cases of revision are the earlier winter records of 10 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 the Rio Grande at Del Norte and Lobatos, and we have printed the re- vised figures with explanatory notes. These revisions were necessary owing to the fact that in the earlier years the men who did stream gaging work did not take into account the variation of gage heights dur- ing the winter months caused by either ice cover or freezing on the sur- face or in the bottom of the channel. It is not unlikely that some day the winter records for streams in the San Juan River Basin for the earlier years will be revised for the same reason. A few mistakes made in printing have been discovered in the 1912 and 1915 reports of this office and are referred to at the proper place in explanatory notes. DIVISION OF WORK The various reports from which the information contained in this book were taken have been gathered together in this office at various times since the writer was appointed State Engineer in 1912; but the manuscript was assembled, checked and edited, and this report printed under the direction of Robt. L. Cooper, Assistant Engineer in charge of the stream gaging and hydrographic survey work. ALAMOGORDO BASIN RIO TULAROSA NEAR TULAROSA, N. MEX. Location. Three miles above Tularosa, half a mile above the headgate of the Tularosa Irrigation Ditch, in Sec. 21, T. 14 S., R. 10 E. Records available. December 2, 1912, to July 31, 1917. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 328 p. Ill, 358 p. 666; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 143, 1913 p. 13, 1914 p. 125, 1916 p. 124, 1917 p. 127. Monthly discharge of Rio Tularosa near Tularosa, N. Hex., for 1912-1914. Discharge in second-feet Month Maximum Minimum Mean 1912 December 14 1913 January 18 February 20 March 19 April 30 May June 56 July 29 August 116 September 35 October November 15 December 14 The year 116 1914 January | February March 16 April 16 May 17 June I 325 July (1 and 17-31) 135 August 260 September 22 October 27 November 19 December 22 The period 325 11.4 Run-off (total in acre- feet) ; o i. 9.2 10 G.2 7.7 3.5 4.5 2.5 3.5 5.8 4.5 6.6 12 13 8.8 4.2 5.8 4,2 4.8 8.0 6.3 5.8 6.6 14 16 4.2 13.5 15.2 14.3 14.4 9.78 12.2 9.54 26.8 11 7 7.31 10.5 13.6 13.2 14.5 13.4 11.7 12.4 11.3 24.4 43.6 23.0 12.5 12.9 14.6 18.1 16.6 830 844 879 857 601 726 587 1,650 696 449 625 836 9,580 892 744 719 738 695 1,450 1,380 1,410 744 793 869 1,110 11,500 12 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888 1917 Monthly discharge of Rio Tularosa near Tularosa, N. Hex., for 1916, 1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1916 October (26-31) 19.0 21.1 20.6 226 1,250 1,260 November 22 23 19 17 December The period 20.6 2,740 1917 36 38 34 18 23 22 86 18 28 5.8 7.5 6.5 5.0 11 27.8 31.4 21.2 11.8 12.0 11.4 21.7 1,710 1,740 1,300 699 736 677 1.330 July The period 86 5.0 19.5 8,190 Records at the following five stations in Rio La Luz Basin were secured during a hydrographic survey made by the State Engineer in 1911-1912. Water for irrigation was diverted at many points alon.g Rio La Luz and Rio Fresnal during the time covered by the records. For details see State Engineer's Report on the Fresnal Hydrographic Survey. RIO LA LUZ ON COGLAN'S RANCH, NEAR LA LUZ, N. HEX. Location. On the Patrick Coglan Ranch near the northwest corner of Sec. 30, T. 15 S., R. 12 E. Records available. August 1, 1911, to August 31, 1912. Reference. Weirs No. 27 and 28, Sheet No. 21, Fresnal Hydrographic Survey. Monthly discharge of Rio La Luz on Coglan' s Ranch near La Luz, N. Hex , for 1912. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean Mp.rch 1.752 1.776 1.688 1.452 al.287 al.034 April .... May June July August The period 546.97 a Measurements at the above station were made by means of weirs and do not show flood discharges which occurred in July and August beyond the capacity of the weirs. ALAMOGORDO BASIN 13 RIO LA LUZ NEAR LA LUZ, N. MEX. Location. Two miles southeast of La Luz, 100 yards above the juncture of Rio La Luz and Rio Fresnal, in Sec. 30, T. 15 S., R. 11 E. Records available. July 9, 1911, to August 24, 1912. Drainage area. 30 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 358 p. 667; State En- gineer's Report on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 144; State Engineer's Report on the Fresnal Hydrographic Survey, by S. S. Carroll, page 34. Monthly discharge of Rio La Luz near La Luz, N. Mex., for 1912. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 3.93 3.04 2.70 1.84 2.00 2.17 241.6 180.66 166.13 109.30 123.2 133.63 July T ti e t> e r i o d 954.52 1 I RIO LA LUZ AT LA LUZ, N. MEX. Location. Three-quarters of a mile above La Luz, in Sec. 30, T. 15 S., R. 11 E., half a mile below the mouth of Rio Fresnal. Records available August 13, 1910, to April 4, 1913. Drainage area 74 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 358 p. 669; State En- gineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 147, 1913 p. 16; State Engineer's Report on the Fresnal Hydrographic Sur- vey, by S. S. Carroll, page 34. Monthly discharge of Rio La Luz at La Luz., N. Mex., for 1912. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 8.89 6.67 3.93 2.99 4.30 5.29 546.6 396.7 241.8 178 264.7 325.75 April . . May June .... July ' August The period 1,953.55 14 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 RIO FRESNAL AT MOUNTAIN PARK. N. MEX. Location. About 300 yards above the head of Fresnal box canon, in the north- west quarter of Sec. 5, T. 16 S , R. 11 W. Records available. March 1 to August 31, 1912. Reference Weir No. 46, sir et No. 22, Fresnal Hydrographic Survey. Monthly discharge of Rio Fresnal at Mountain Park, N. Mex., for 1912. Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Month Maximum \ Minimum Mean March ; 4.488 3.335 .632 .715 al.361 a2.112 April i M -.y -June i Julv August . . The period . . .... 769.34 a Measurements at the above station were made by means of a weir and do not show flood discharges which occurred in July and August beyond the capacity of the weir. RIO FRESNAL NEAR MOUNTAIN PARK, N. MEX. Location. Five miles east of Mountain Park, one mile below the mouth of Fres- nal box canon., a quarter of a mile below the mouth of Salado Creek, the nearest tributary, in Sec. 1, T. 16 S., R. 10 E. Records available August 7, 1911, to August 23, 1912. Drainage area. 44 square miles. References. U. S Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 358 p. 671; State En- gineer's Report on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 149; State Engineer's Report on the Fresnal Hydrographic Survey, by S. S. Carroll, page 34. Monthly discharge of Rio Fresnal near Mountain Park, N. Mex., for 1912. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean March 5.21 3.67 1.27 1.27 2.72 3.10 320 218.45 78.31 75.63 167.43 190.83 April Mav June July August The period. . 1.050.65 CANADIAN RIVER BASIN CANADIAN RIVER NEAR SANCHEZ, N. MEX. Location. One mile below the old Sanchez ruins, two miles north of Sanchez post office, 30 miles northwest of Bell Ranch post office, about five miles south of the mouth of IVLora River, one and one-half miles below the mouth of Canon Largo, In Sec. 8, T. 17 N., R. 24 E. Records available. May 15, 1912, to July 28, 1915. .-'.nces. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 198, 1913 p. 27, 1914 p. 11, 1915 p. 8. Monthly discharge of Canadian River near Sanchez, N. Hex , for 1912-1914. Month 1912 May (15-31) June July Aug-ust . . . September . October . t . November . December . The period. 1913 January 39 February . 99 March 64 April 129 May 15 Juno 50,000 July 485 A u^'iist 555 September 131 October 740 November 56 December 76 The year 50,000 1914 January 508 February 76 March !" ) April 282 Mav 8.380 June 1,380 July 2,180 August . . ! I,fi40 September 445 October 605 November 164 December . . . 131 Discharge in second-feet Ma.ximum ' Minimum 2,670 2,240 269 386 62 38 43 35 644 221 26 6 17 14 18 8 28 31 4 2 2 4 110 24 S3 50 28 38 Run-off (total in acre- Mean feet) 1,390 5S-; 145 63.1 31.8 26.1 34.5 25.6 46.900 32 SCO 8,920 3,880 1,890 1,600 2,050 1,570 99,600 36.4 58.6 35.6 30.4 5.16 3,780 239 96.1 50.7 149 44.2 57.1 378 2 240 3.250 2,190 1,81.0 317 225,000 1-1,700 5,910 3,370 9,160 2.GXO 3,510 274,000 Tbe year. 50 38 12 12 835 131 710 176 ?8 20 12 :i8o 56. !l "7.3 146 1,990 545 1,130 778 104 138 al!5 33.1 11,100 3,160 2 ?-'<) 8,690 122,000 32 400 69,500 47.800 6,190 8.480 6.840 5.720 448 324.000 s, Estimated. 16 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Daily discharge, in second-feet, of Canadian River near Sanchez, N. Hex., for 1915. Day. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Day. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. j 80 16. ... 2 90 17 3 , 122 18 240 4 19 5 20 6 .... 21. ... 290 11') 50 22 g 65 23. ... 9 24. ... 10 .... 25 11 . 26 12 .... i22 27. ... 122 320 13 28 . . 2,870 14 ... 29 15 30. ... 31. . CANADIAN RIVER NEAR BELL RANCH, N. MEX. Location. Twenty-one miles southwest of Medio station on the El Paso and Southwestern Railroad, 9 miles southwest of Bell Ranch headquarters, and half a mile helow the crossing of the road from Las Vegas to Bell Ranch. This station was established to take the place of the station near Sanchez, 17 miles above. Records available July 28, 1915, to July 31, 1917. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1915 p. 9, 1916 p. 9, 1917 p. 10. Monthly discharge of Canadian River near Bell Ranch, N. Hex., for 1915-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1915. July (26-31) 988 435 82.8 05.8 38.8 11,800 26,700 4,M'0 s.050 2,316 August , 1,380 405 11.5 60 120 5 35 20 September October November December The period 1,380 5 196 49,800 1916. January a35.0 a75.0 b33.9 212 355 66.0 4.23 475 41.9 33.1 40.2 46.8 2,150 4,310 2,080 12,600 21,800 3,930 260 29,200 2,490 2,030 2,390 2,880 February March April 490 688 24U 63 1,920 198 68 46 83 49 41 4.6 0.8 93 11 8.0 33 33 May June July August , September October November December The year. . 1.920 0.8 119 86,100 CANADIAN RIVER BASIN 17 Monthly discharge of Canadian River near Bell Ranch. N. Mex , for 1915-191", continued. Discharge in seo->nd -icet Hun -off Month 1 | Maximum Minimum Mean acre- feet) 1917. January . 63 32 48 7 2 990 February 55 34 45.5 2,530 March 34 15 17 7 1 090 April 0.7 0.20 12 May 94 0.6 37.6 2 310 June . 52 0.0 24.5 1,460 July , 121 2.5 48.3 2,970 The period. . . 121 0.0 31.8 13,400 a Estimated b Estimated 1-14. CANADIAN RIVER AT LOGAN, N. MEX. Location This station was established June 29, 1904, at the bridge of the Chi- cago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad one mile west of the depot at Logan. After the flood of October, 1904, the gage was moved to a temporary high- way bridge about 750 feet below the old gage. It was discontinued Febru- ary 26, 1905, and re-established at the original location December 22, 1908. Automatic recording gage was installed August 5, 1910, at a poin.t three- quarters of a mile above the bridge. Records available. June 29, 1904, to February 26, 1905; December 22, 1908, to May 20, 1914. Drainage area. About 12,000 square miles. References U S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 131 p. 160, 173 p. 60, 247 p. 118, 267 p. 57, 287 p. 56; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 201, 1913 p. 31, 1914 p. 13. Estimated monthly discharge of Canadian River at Logan, N. Mex., for 1904, 1905 Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Month Maximum Minimum Mean 1904. July . . 22,691 53,880 290.806 1,150,358 23,485 17,167 August September .... October November December . . The period . . \ 1,558,387 1905. January .... 22,137 18,167 February The period. ... ' 40,304 NOTE Taken from Bulletin No. 3, Department of Territorial Engineer, Page 5, 18 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Canadian River at Logan, N. Mex., for 1908-1910. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-oft (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean December The 1908. (25-31) 58 20 39.4 547 period 58 20 39.1 547 January , February March . . April 1909. 35 14 8 480 5,150 980 7,300 53,200 14 .0 .0 .0 .0 1.0 2 38 .0 20.9 3.63 .11 43.9 1,540 207 831 6.660 1,290 202 7 2,700 91,600 12,700 51.100 198,000 May , . . June July . i . . August . . September October . November December The (1-15) (4-31) . . 330 . . 69 250 13,900 period 371.000 January , February March (1- April . , 1910. 1,340 92 108 230 375 10,800 3,400 84 48 48 32 84 42 10 790 70.8 64.4 149 177 778 340 48,600 3,930 1,790 8,870 10,900 46,300 20,900 14) June . , July . . . The neriod. . 141,000 Monthly discharge of Canadian River at Logan, N. Mex., for 1912-1914- Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1912. January 190 115 1,480 1,920 3,280 7,500 2,080 16,000 390 1 10 12 30 73 73 70 512 256 15 12 1 6 S4.9 79.1 274 588 1,240 998 142 935 38.3 .19 3.65 9.0 5,220 4,550 16,800 35,000 76,200 59,400 8,730 57,500 2,280 12 217 553 February . March i April . May June July August September , October . November December . The year 16,000 367 266,000 CANADIAN RIVER BASIN 19 Monthly discharge of Canadian River at Logan, N. Hex., 1912-191^. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-'.ff (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1913. January 39 103 93 935 51 56,500 990 650 248 771 48 112 6 15 .0 .0 .0 .0 112 6.8 21 25 25 16 16.3 38.6 24.7 179 6.31 4,870 319 110 89.4 120 31.8 47.6 1,000 2,140 1,520 10,700 388 290,000 19,600 6,760 5,320 7,380 1,890 2,930 February March April May June A July , , August September . . October , November . . December . , The year 56,500 .0 483 350,000 1914. January 624 110 42 900 48 31 .0 .0 177 54.0 19.8 192 10,900 3,000 1,220 11,400 February March April ... The period 900 .0 112 26,500 CHICO RICO CREEK NEAR RATON, N. MEX. Location. Tea miles southwest of Raton, a mile above the mouth of Raton Creek, four miles above the mouth of Una del Gato Creek, two hundred yards above the St. Louis, Rocky Mountain and Pacific Railway bridge, in Sec. 28, T. 30 N., R. 24 E. Records available. July 29, 1910, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. 89 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 287 p. 58; State En- gineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 204, 1913 p. 34, 1914 p. 14, 1915 p. 11, 1916 p. 11, 1917 p. 12. Note Above is description of location after June 8, 1914. Prior to that date the gage was attached to the St. Louis, Rocky Mountain and Pacific Rail- way bridge. Monthly discharge of Chico Rico Creek near Raton, N. Mex., for 191S-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1913. January t aO.20 a .20 a .20 1.60 1.96 482 2.37 4.31 2 59 2.90 .62 a .60 12 11 12 95 121 28,700 146 265 154 178 37 37 February . , March , . April 16 6.0 4,020 9.5 40 12 38 .8 .0 .3 1.8 .0 .0 .0 .0 .4 May June July August . , September October November December . . The year 4,020 .0 41.1 29,800 20 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888 1917 Monthly discharge of Chico Rico Creek near Raton, N. Hex., for 1913-1911. continued. Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) January . . February . March , . . April . , . . May June July , , . . . August . . September . October - . November . December . 1914 4.0 69 104 540 37 238 86 5.2 3.8 4.0 4.3 The year. 540 .6 1.8 28 17 1.0 .6 5.5 2.2 1.0 2.2 a .80 2.09 21.3 58.3 132 9.44 50.9 27.9 2.95 1.91 2.75 2.17 26.3 January : February . March . . April , , . May . . . . June , July , , . . August . September October , November December 1915. 60 400 20 4 0.2 15 ' 3.4 2.8 1.7 1.1 6.05 !4'.i lOf. 63 15 5.96 3.03 2.5 1.02 .7 49 116 1.310 3,470 8,liO 562 3,130 1,720 176 117 164 133 19,100 The year. 105 61 372 8,450 6,520 3,750 922 366 181 154 61 43 21,000 a Estimated. 1016. March (a) April . t May Jun j July , August September October , November December . , The period iim January , February . March April . . May June July , August September October November , December . , The year I 0.5 0.4 0.3 7.5 0.2 44 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.50 0.36 0.22 0.91 0.16 2.76 0.20 0.24 0.34 0.26 31 21 14 54 10 170 12 15 20 16 11 0.0 0.60 363 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.8 20 20 0.2 9.9 13 1.2 17 0.9 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 00 0.0 0.22 0.46 0.45 0.25 4.24 2.42 0.12 0.92 1.37 0.57 0.78 0.57 13 26 28 15 261 144 7.5 57 82 35 46 35 20 0.0 1 03 750 a Estimated 1-12, CANADIAN RIVER BASIN UNA DEL GATO CREEK NEAR RATON, N. MEX. Location. In Sec. 13, T. 30 N., R. 25 E., about two miles northeast of Meloche's Ranch headquarters, and 18 miles southeast of Raton. Records available. May 3, 1910, to August 2, 1913. Drainage area. About 80 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 287 p. 58; State En- gineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 206, 1913 p. 37. Monthly discharge of Vila del Gato Creek near Raton, N. Mex., for 1912. Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Month Mas cimum Minimum Mean March (26-31) 47 42 43.7 L40 .2 53.4 L04 .0 300 16 .3 1.79 11 .3 2.13 9.1 .0 1.35 .8 .1 .37 .3 .0 .09 .3 .0 .16 .0 .0 .00 520 3,180 1,840 107 131 83 22 6 10 April : May . June July August . . September October . . . ... November December . The period .... . . . . ) . 5,900 1 VERMEJO RIVER NEAR DAWSON, N. MEX. Location, Three miles above Dawson and one mile above Loretta. Records available. October 26, 1915, to December 31, 1917. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1915 p. 17, 1916 p. 13, 1917 p. 14. Monthly discharge of Vermejo River near Dawson, N. Mex., for 1915-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1915. October (26-31) 11 14 25 8.4 8.4 9.4 9.5 10.1 15.7 113 604 967 November , December The period 25 8.4 12.7 1,680 1916. January 12 17 9.3 54 83 13 66 250 48 17 8.6 6.9 5.8 7.3 6.1 5.7 12 6.9 4.9 25 8.6 7.7 6.9 5.9 8.38 11.6 7.36 13.8 44.4 8.38 15.6 83.0 21.3 13.0 7.83 6.40 515 665 152 819 2,730 498 961 5,100 1,270 796 466 393 February March April May , June July August , September , October t November December The year 250 4.9 20.0 14,700 22 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-191? Monthly discharge of Vermejo River near Dawson, N. Hex., lor 1915-1911. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1917. 6.4 6.7 3.9 12 276 76 76 34 100 7.2 6.1 4.7 5.5 4.0 3.0 2.9 9.6 29 12 1.3 4.7 3.3 3.7 2.5 5.81 5.61 3.46 6.52 93.7 39.1 29.7 10.7 9.26 5.20 5.19 3.75 357 311 212 388 5,760 2,330 1,820 659 551 320 308 231 February t , Marcli April . i May J u ly . t Sepcember . . 276 1.3 18.3 13,200 CIMARRON RIVER AT UTE PARK, N. MEX. Location. At a highway bridge at Ute Park, half a mile below the mouth of Ute Creek, in Sec. 19, T. 27 N., R. 18 E. Records available. July 14, 1907, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. 235 square miles (measured on. Land Office map). Rejerences. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 247 p. 66, 267 p. 60, 287 p. 59; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 210, 1913 p. 38, 1914 p. 16, 1915 p. 14, 1916 p. 15, 1917 p. 16. u I* ~ Monthly discharge of Cimarron River at Ute Park, N. Mex., for 1907-1917. Month Maximum Minimum Mean acre- feet) 1907. July (14-31) 44 22 25 4 907 August i 44 14 27 9 1 720 (September . > 59 14 21 1 250 October . i 32 14 15 7 965 November 32 9 15 9 946 14 9 12 2 750 The period 6 538 1908. 22 14 14.8 910 22 9 15.2 874 62 14 23.5 1,450 196 22 96.0 5,710 117 77 91.4 5,620 77 9 30.0 1,790 July 22 9 16.4 1,010 August i i 22 14 18.4 1,130 14 6 8.73 519 October i t 14 6 7-. 16 440 22 5 10.5 620 December 15 4 9.52 580 The year 196 4 28.5 20,700 Monthly discharge of Cimarron River at Ute Park, N. Mex., for 1907-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-f.eet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1909. January 19 February .. 20 March . i 64 April . 151 May 182 June 104 July 12 August , 102 September 130 October , , November 10 December 16 The year 182 1910. January 16 February 16 March 154 April 226 May (4-15 and 29-31) 125 June 31 July 11 August . 16 September t October .1 16 November 26 December , 26 The period 11.6 16.0 28.5 70.7 126 32.8 8.39 32.8 33.3 16.9 9.88 14.8 713 889 1,750 4,210 7,750 1,950 516 2,020 1,980 1,040 588 910 33.5 24,300 15.7 13.1 88.4 122 70.4 15.3 6.30 9.97 7.63 8.36 11.5 7.94 965 728 5,440 7,260 2,100 910 387 613 454 514 684 488 20,500 1911. January * February * March . . April . . May . . . June . . . July .... August . . . September October . November December The year. 48 52 99 102 108 87 117 48 28 74 44 32 8.4 2.0 2.0 40 40 8.4 11 13 6.9 11 18 11 117 2.0 15.9 23.6 34.6 60.3 65.2 24.0 23.7 21.1 13.7 34.6 30.9 19.5 30.6 978 1,310 2,130 3,590 4,010 1,430 1,460 1,300 815 2,130 1,840 1,200 22,200 1912. January . February , March . . April .. . May , . . June . , . July .,.. August . , September October . November December The year. 32 29 371 211 379 231 58 39 17 36 15 15 379 13 13 13 76 197 64 13 10 8 11 5 5 17.7 18.6 67.6 139 273 122 25.6 17.7 12.0 13.9 10.7 8.1 60.6 1,090 1,070 4.160 8,270 16,800 7,260 1,570 1,090 714 855 637 498 44,000 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Cimarron River at Ute Park, N. Mcx., for 1907-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1913. January . . . a9.00 aS.OO 15.4 90.7 40.8 29.9 11.2 7.66 14.3 18.8 15.7 a!2.0 553 444 947 5,400 2,510 1,780 689 471 851 1,160 934 738 February March 61 130 91 78 36 18 26 30 22 8.0 42 19 17 3.0 1.2 9.4 16 9.4 April May June . . July . , August September October . i November December The year 130 1.2 22.7 16,500 1914. Jp.nuary a 14.0 a 15.0 37.4 114 224 38.7 54.3 45.1 20.2 18.4 12.9 9.47 861 833 2,300 6,780 13,800 2,300 3,340 2,770 1,200 1,130 768 582 February March 91 199 422 94 93 69 51 18 36 101 8.5 8.5 24 6.8 11 7.0 April . , May June July , .. August , i September . October , November 22 December . The year 422 50.6 36,700 1915. January 18 22 33 327 347 201 38 31 16 18 18 16 12 13 13 22 127 24 14 13 10 13 10 11 13.6 15.8 16.9 146 219 92.0 20.5 19.4 12.3 16.6 14.9 14.7 833 875 1,040 8,660 13,400 5,470 1,260 1.190 730 1,020 885 904 February , March April , May . June . July . August . . September October . , November December , The year 347 10 50.1 36,300 1916. Jf.ruary a200 b26.0 74.1 183 388 44.3 19.2 26.6 14.4 14.6 17.0 11.0 1,230 1,500 4,560 10,900 23,900 2,640 1.180 1,640 859 900 1,010 674 March . 132 538 747 102 57 40 28 20 21 16 19 75 107 7.0 6.0 15 8.0 8.0 11 7.0 April . , May . June . . July . August . . ... September October November December The year 747 6.0 70.2 51,000 a Estimated on days of missing gage heights, b Estimated 1-3. 25 Monthly discharge of Cimarron River at Ute Park, N. Mex., for 1901-1911. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1917. January 19 21 32 48 250 78 21 34 4.5 6.5 5.8 5.4 11 11 13 21 32 9.0 6.9 2.8 1.9 2.6 4.5 3.7 15.4 14.8 21.3 30.9 111 33.5 10.6 9.07 3.07 4.06 4.84 4.45 948 823 1,310 1,840 6,820 2,000 651 557 183 250 288 274 February March , April . . May , June July August . September . October . . November , The year 250 1.9 22.0 15,900 CIMARRON RIVER AT SPRINGER, N. M. Location. At the highway bridge which crosses the Cimarron about half a mile above the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railway bridge at Springer, N. Mex., 6 miles below the mouth of the Rayado and 6 miles above the junction of the Cimarron an.d the upper Canadian. Records available. July 13, 1907, to December 31, 1909. Drainage area. About 1,000 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 247 p. 69, 267 p. 63. Monthly discharge of Cimarron River at Springer, N. Mex., for 1907-1909. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1907. August (12-31) 166 66 4.9 6.6 2.7 5.3 3.4 3.1 2.7 2.5 31.9 16.0 3.31 3.39 2.55 1,270 952 204 202 157 September October . . November December The period 2,785 1908. January 17 64 58 265 200 12 25 232 2.9 16 17 26 7.6 27.6 26.3 110 95.7 2.87 2.41 11.3 1.30 4.49 9.21 6.16 467 1,590 1,620 6,550 5,880 171 148 695 83 276 548 379 February , 10 19 5.2 19 1.4 .9 1.4 1.0 1.1 2.6 1.6 March * A pril May June , - July August September October . t November December . , The year 265 .9 25.4 18,400 26 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Cimarron River at Springer, N. Mex., for 1907-1909. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1909. 12 8.0 8.0 51 110 51 6.6 12 a800 6.6 6.6 2.0 1.4 1.4 1.4 8.0 2.8 .8 .6 .9 3.3 3.3 4.01 2.79 2.77 13.2 29.5 6.24 2.26 1.57 86.6 4.76 4.63 5.0 247 155 170 786 1,810 371 139 97 5,150 293 276 307 March April May June J U ly August . October , November 13.6 9,800 a Estimated. PONIL CREEK NEAR CIMARRON, N. MEX. Location. Five miles northwest of Cimarron, on the road to Ponil Park, one mile above the Chase Ranch and above all diversions. Records available. October 29, 1915, to December 31, 1917. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mex- ico for 1915 p. 16, 1916 p. 17, 1917 p. 18. Monthly discharge of Ponil Creek near Cimarron, N. Mex., for 1915-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1915. 8.6 9.2 0.6 1.0 2.99 3.81 178 234 The period 9.2 0.6 4.41 412 1916. 7.0 16 20 96 117 17 11 69 14 3.9 6.6 6.2 4.9 4.6 5.9 15 17 2.9 2.0 13 2.5 2.4 3.6 3.7 5.32 7.98 12.9 43.8 71.4 8.90 4.27 25.7 5.69 3.17 4.84 4.43 327 459 794 2,610 4,390 529 263 1,580 338 195 288 272 July . November December , . The vear. . 117 2.0 16.6 12,000 27 Monthly discharge of Ponil Creek near Cimarron, N. Mex., for 1915-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second feet Kun-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1917. 3.7 3.6 6.4 28 114 60 21 5.2 6.4 1.9 2.4 2.2 3.0 3.4 3.6 5.2 22 6.9 3.0 1.9 1.1 0.5 0.6 1.1 3.26 3.57 4.88 15.7 61.7 32.0 7.50 2.85 2.75 0.93 1.24 1.44 200 198 300 936 3,790 1,900 461 175 163 57 74 88 April . May July November 114 0.5 11.5 8,340 RAYADO RIVER NEAR CIMARRON, N. MEX. Location. Just above the head of a box canon, in Sec. 23, T. 25 N., R. 17 E., 20 miles southwest of Cimarron. The nearest tributary, Agua Fria Creek, enters one-fourth mile above. Records available. May 8 to October 7, 1911; May 25 to September 17, 1913; and June 1 to September 11, 1914. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 213, 1913 p. 41, 1914 p. 20. Monthly discharge of Rayado River near Cimarron, N. Mex., for 1911, 1913, 1914. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean May (8-31 June . . . 1911. ) 26 20 26 10 7 106 10 5.4 5.4 4.8 2.7 4.0 16.2 9.01 9.05 6.00 3.81 42.9 757 536 556 369 227 596 July .... August . . . September October (1 The -7) period 3,040 May (25-3 June . i . . 1913. 1) 18 339 15 22 6.2 14 14 6.2 4.0 4.8 15.4 43.1 10.0 7.79 5.64 214 2,560 615 478 190 July .... August . September The (1-17) period 4,060 June .... 1914. 48 70 80 18 12 12 16 12 23.5 29.5 38.4 13.5 1,400 1,810 2,360 294 July .... August . September The (1-11) period 80 12 28.7 5,860 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OP NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 RAYADO RIVER NEAR ABREU'S RANCH, NEAR CIMARRON, N. MEX. Location. Fifteen miles southwest of Cimarron, six miles above the Abreu Ranch house and 100 yards above the ranch house of Ramon Abreu. Records available. May 4, 1911, to December 31, 1917. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 215, 1913 p. 43, 1914 p. 21, 1915 p. 18, 1916 p. 19, 1917 p. 20. Monthly discharge of Rayado River near Abreu' s Ranch near Cimarron, N. Hex., for 1911-1911. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1911. May (4-31) 30 21 16 7.9 12 111 16 10 4.2 4.2 4.2 2.4 3.3 18.7 8.96 8.26 5.62 3.80 17.8 a7.94 a2.0 1,040 533 508 346 226 1,090 472 a!23 June , July August , September October .... November December , The period . . 4,340 a Estimated. 1912. January 3.3 4.2 17 69 122 62 22 12 8.5 8.7 6.5 2.4 2.0 2.8 2.8 11 69 21 8.5 5.1 3.1 3.7 1.5 1.0 2.58 3.44 6.86 35.6 90.4 31.6 12.8 6.82 4.54 4.47 3.56 1.69 159 198 422 2,120 5,560 1,880 787 419 270 275 212 104 February March , April May . . June July August . September October . November . The year 122 1.0 17.1 12,400 1913. a2.00 a4.00 a4.00 20.6 16.9 35.2 12.8 9.72 8.24 8.91 3.70 a3.00 123 222 246 1,230 1,040 1,880 787 598 490 548 220 184 April . . . 37 25 80 22 13 22 16 5.9 6.5 9.5 10 9.2 4.5 2.5 3.3 1.0 June (1-9 and 13-30) July August October The period 10.4 7,570 CANADIAN RIVER BASIN 29 Monthly discharge of Rayado River near Abreu's Ranch near Cimarron, N. Hex., for 1911-1917. continued. Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Run-off (total in acre- Mean feet) 1914. January . . February . March . . . . April . ._ May . , . . June . , . . July . . . August . . September October . . November December 158 186 58 48 50 15 16 11 The year. a Estimated. 1915. January February March (1-13) May (7-18) December (14-31) . . The period. 1916. 186 January 4.8 February 5.8 March 32 April ,. 83 May . . 110 June 33 July 18 August 86 September 45 October , 16 November 6.5 December 5.8 The year 110 1917. January 5.0 February . , 4.5 March 13 April 17 May . . 50 June 19 July , 12 August 17 September 7.0 October (1-28) November (5-30) December . . . 4.8 The period. 18 36 14 12 17 6.8 6.4 4.2 a 5.0 a 5.0 a 10.0 43.2 93.7 21.8 21.7 32.0 10.6 9.62 6.98 a5.00 22.2 3.4.32 a4.68 ao.50 74.2 a.5.18 3.7 4.4 4.5 14 30 7.0 7.0 6.5 5.4 3.8 2.3 5.0 2.3 3.8 3.3 4.5 9.0 14 8.5 4.0 3.0 2.6 1.6 4.17 5.08 16.2 i4.9 68.7 18.1 10.4 30.2 14.7 7.11 4.75 5.41 18.4 4.51 3.80 7.13 12.2 27.8 12.8 7.22 5.66 4.41 2.66 4.62 3.29 307 278 615 2,570 5,760 1,300 1,330 1,970 631 592 415 307 16,100 66 258 142 1,770 185 257 292 994 2,080 4,230 1,080 642 1,860 876 437 283 333 13,400 277 211 438 728 1,710 760 444 348 262 148 238 202 5,770 30 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 RAYADO RIVER AT ABREU'S RANCH, NEAR CIMARRON, N. MEX. Location. Three-fourths of a mile up-stream from Abreu's Ranch, 20 miles west of Springer, and 12 miles southwest of Cimarnon. Records available. August 10, 1908, to August 31, 1910. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 267 p. 67, 287 p. 61. Monthly discharge of Rayado River at Abreu's Ranch near Cimarron, N. Hex., for 1909, 1910. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1909. January . , 5.2 6.7 6.7 52 39 18 21 38 66 8.8 6.7 12.7 3.2 3.8 5.2 6.7 16 5.2 3.8 3.8 3.3 3.8 5.5 6 3.98 5.05 6.12 18.4 24.9 9.78 6.17 11.1 17.3 6.25 6.39 8.40 245 280 376 1,090 1,530 582 379 682 1,030 384 380 516 February . , March April May June , July August . , September . , October . , November December The year 66 3.2 10.3 7,470 1910. January , . 12.2 7.5 12.1 11.0 5.38 3.61 6.68 750 327 432 436 182 222 411 February (1-22) April (1-18) 28 52 8 8 39 .0 .0 1.7 1.7 3 May (4-23) June (14-30) July . . August RAYADO RIVER BELOW ABREU'S RANCH, NEAR CIMARRON, N. MEX. Location. Twelve miles south of Cimarron, one-half mile east of Abreu's Ranch house, one-fourth mile above the headgate of the ditch of the Farmer's De- ve'opment Co., in Sec. 28, T. 25 N., R. 19 E. Records available. September 10, 1912, to September 4, 1913. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mex- ico for 1911-12 p. 218, 1913 p. 46. Monthly discharge of Rayado River below Abreu's Ranch, near Cimarron, N. Mex., for 1912, 1913. Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Month Maximum Minimum Mean September October . November December The 1912. (10-30) 28 0.1 .6 .4 1.39 2.11 2.32 al.OO 58 130 138 61 41 61 period . . 387 CANADIAN RIVER BASIN 31 Monthly discharge of Rayado River below Abreu's Ranch, near Cimarron, N. Mex., for 1912, 1913. continued. Month Discharge in second -feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean January . February March 1913. 4.8 10 6.0 39 32 62 2.0 3.07 aS.OO 4.36 21.5 12.7 20.5 189 278 268 1,280 781 976 1.9 7.0 2.7 6.0 April . . . May . , June (1-9 The and 16-30) period 3,770 a Estimated. i RAYADO RIVER NEAR SPRINGER, N. MEX. Location At the site of the proposed reservoir dam of the Farmer's Develop- ment Company, half a mile north of Miami, six miles above the junction of Rayado and Cimarron rivers and 12 miles west of Springer. Records available. July 9, 1907, to October, 1909. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 247 p. 70, 267 p. 69. Monthly discharge of Rayado River near Springer, N. Mex , for 1907-1909. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1907. July (12-31) 0.4 17.0 17.0 1.8 .4 .4 0.2 .4 .8 .4 .4 .4 0.33 2.91 3.73 .96 .40 .40 13.1 179 222 59.0 23.8 24.6 August September October November December The period 522 1908. January 0.4 1.8 5.8 25.0 12.0 17.0 1.8 1.8 .4 .4 .4 .4 0.4 .4 .4 .8 .8 .4 .4 .2 .2 .2 .4 .4 0.40 .49 .93 9.54 6.07 3.03 .45 .34 .22 .26 .40 .40 24.6 28.2 57.2 568 373 180 27.7 20.9 13.1 16.0 23.8 24.6 February March April , May , June . . July August September October Xovember December The year 25.0 .2 1.88 1,360 1909 January 0.4 .4 2.3 26 12 2.6 1.8 .6 0.4 .4 .4 1.8 .7 .4 .3 .3 0.4 .4 .75 9.26 6.14 .84 .42 .45 25 22 46 551 378 50 26 ' 28 February March t . April . , May , June July August . The period 1,130 32 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 URRACA CREEK NEAR CIMARRON, N. MEX. Location. Eight miles southwest of Cimarron, 5 miles upstream from Urraca Ranch, near Sec. 35, T. 26 N., R. 18 E. Records available. November 25, 1912, to April 4, 1915. Drainage area 6.3 square miles. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 220, 1913 p. 48, 1914 p. 18, 1915 p. 20. Monthly discharge of Urraca Creek near Cimarron, N. Mex., for 1912-1915. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1912. November (25-30) 1.3 1.4 0.9 .5 1.10 .73 13 45 December The period 58 1913. January , aO.40 .88 1.43 3.82 2.31 6.91 2.02 1.71 1.12 .89 .69 a .60 25 49 88 227 142 411 124 105 67 55 41 37 February 1.6 2.7 5.2 3.8 26 3.9 5.2 1.8 1.4 .9 March 1.0 2.7 1.3 1.4 .8 .5 .6 .6 .6 April May , June July August September October November December ' The year 26 1.89 1,370 a Estimated. 1914. January , 0.6 1.9 5.8 24 22 5.6 25 9.2 1.2 2.8 2.2 0.3 .5 1.2 2.0 5.4 1.4 1.7 1.2 .8 1.1 1.2 0.45 .90 2.36 4.00 9.50 3.11 7.10 4.43 1.10 1.62 1.52 al.OO 28 50 145 238 584 185 437 272 65 100 90 61 February .... March April . May June July t - August Septembi r . October November . December , , The year 25 0.3 3.12 2,260 1915. January aO.71 aO.62 1.30 2.40 43.4 34.5 79. T 19.0 February March 2.7 3.0 0.6 2.0 April (1-4) The period . . 177 a Estimated. CANADIAN RIVER BASIN 33 OCATE RIVER AT OCATE, N. MEX. Location Just below the juncture of the east and west forks of the Ocate, one-fourth mile below the town of Ocate, three miles above the point of diversion of the Lake Charette Irrigation Company's canal, in the southwest quarter of Sec. 1, T. 22 N., R. 18 E. Records available. March 15 to August 17, 1914. Reference. State Engineer's Report on the Surface Water Supply of New Mex- ico for 1914, p. 23. Discharge measurements of Ocate River at Ocate, N. Mex., in 1914. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height Feet. Discharge Sec -ft. Mar. 15. April 24, June 22, Aug. 5. BJ. Powers. do do do 0.73 .75 .60 .50 aO.8 3.5 4.4 23.4 a Estimated. WEST FORK OF OCATE RIVER AT OCATE, N. MEX. Location. About 400 feet above the junction of the east and west forks of Ocate River, in the southeast quarter of Sec. 2, T. 22 N., R. 18 E. Records available. September 28, 1914, to December 31, 1917. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mex- ico for 1914 p. 24, 1915 p. 21, 1916 p. 21, 1917 p. 22. Monthly discharge of West Fork of Ocate River at Ocate, N. Mex., for 1915-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1915 January February . , March , April May June , July . , August . September October . . November December The year 1916. January . , February March April May June July August . , September October November December The year 0.2 17 20 80 30 3 13 15 35 .7 1.3 1.3 80 0.2 .0 .1 .2 .4 .0 .0 1.0 .0 .4 .5 .4 0.0 0.2 4.89 3.81 30.63 10.23 1.14 1.25 2.57 2.66 0.61 .79 .76 4.91 12.3 272 234 1,820 629 68 77 158 158 37 47 47 3,600 1.1 0.7 0.4 0.9 0.6 0.6 0.3 73 0.7 0.7 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.65 0.36 0.31 0.43 0.44 0.33 0.21 2.84 0.55 0.58 0.65 0.60 40 21 19 26 27 19 13 174 32 36 38 37 73 0.2 0.66 482 34 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888 1917 Monthly discharge of West Fork of Ocate River at Ocate, N. Mex., for 1915-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) January . February , March . . April May t . . . June . . . July .... August . . September October . November December 1917. 1.5 2.6 6.0 2.6 10 1.2 18 0.4 1.5 0.1 3.9 0.3 The year. 18 0.5 0.6 1.4 0.4 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.81 49 80 176 53 118 23 42 67 8.9 6.2 17 8.5 588 EAST FORK OF OCATE RIVER AT OCATE, N. MEX. Location. About 500 feet above the juncture of the east and west forks of Ocate River, in the southeast quarter of Sec. 2, T. 22 N., R. 18 E. Records available. September 28, 1914, to December 31, 1917. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1914 p. 25, 1915 p. 23, 1916 p. 23, 1917 p. 24. Monthly discharge of East Fork of Ocate River at Ocate, N. Hex., for 1915-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1915. January , , February March April May . i June . , July , . August . . September . October November . , December . , The year. . . . 1916 January February t . March t * April May , . June July . , August September . . October . . . -. November , . December . . . The year. . 2.2 15 3.6 87 59 20 20 12 18 5.3 4.2 4.1 1.1 1.0 .1 .3 19 1.7 .1 2.7 2.7 2.4 1.7 .7 87 0.1 1.72 4 75 1.60 27.27 41.48 7.37 3.52 4.90 4.63 3.74 2.64 1.62 106 264 99 1,620 2,550 439 216 301 276 230 157 99 8.79 6,400 4.7 8.0 4.4 24 23 10 20 75 17 21 8.0 7.5 1.2 1.4 0.7 1.4 0.7 0.4 0.7 3.2 2.1 3.9 1.4 0.7 2.21 4.44 1.65 12.2 7.64 1.30 2.19 245 5.89 7.78 3.10 4.10 136 256 102 728 470 78 135 1,510 350 478 184 252 75 0.4 6.44 4,680 CANADIAN RIVER BASIN 35 Monthly discharge of East Fork of Ocate River at Ocate, N. Mex., for 1915-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1917 January 5.7 3.5 2.3 2.3 22 3.1 11 16 11 0.4 8.9 2.6 3.6 1.1 0.5 0.5 1.1 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 4.73 2.74 1.42 1.19 5.64 1.05 0.89 1.61 1.77 0.31 1.76 2.32 290 151 87 71 346 62 55 99 106 19 104 143 February March t April June July . . August October , November December . . The vear. . 22 0.0 2.12 1,530 SWEETWATER CREEK NEAR COLMOR, N. MEX. i Location. One hundred feet upstream from the highway bridge on the Springer- Ocate road, 15 miles southwest of Springer, 8 miles west of Colmor, in the northeast quarter of Sec. 10, T. 23 N., R. 20 E., about 5 miles below the point of diversion of the Lake Charette Irrigation Company's canal. Records available. March 17, 1914, to December 31, 1917. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1914 p. 26, 1915 p. 25, 1916 p. 25, 1917 p. 26. Monthly discharge of Sweetwater Creek near Colmor, N. Mex., for 1914-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1914. March (17-31) 0.4 .4 10 1.2 12 .5 .3 3.0 .2 .2 0.0 .2 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .2 .2 .2 0.27 .26 1.09 .29 2.18 .26 .22 .53 .20 .20 8 15 67 17 134 16 13 33 12 12 April , May . June July * August t September October November . December The period 12 0.0 .57 327 1915. January 0.2 .4 3.5 1.2 .3 1.6 .4 .8 .7 .3 0.2 .4 .7 .2 .0 .0 .2 .4 .1 .1 0.2 .31 1.47 .51 .12 .39 .35 .61 .43 .17 1.59 6.74 26.2 31.3 7.14 23.8 21.2 37.3 25.8 10.7 February , April . , May June July August October . November December 36 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888 1917 Monthly discharge of Sweetwater Creek near Colmor, N. Hex., for .191.'i-J9J7. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Run- off (total in acre- Mean feet) 1916. January February March April . * May , t June . July August . , September , October November December , The year 1917. January February . , March . April May June July , , August September October . . November December , The year 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 2 2.7 3.1 0.9 0.9 3.1 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.2 03 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.36 0.31 0.21 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.73 1.77 0.31 0.35 0.42 0.20 0.30 0.28 0.16 0.18 0.14 0.11 0.13 0.10 0.10 0,10 0.10 0.17 22 18 13 12 12 12 12 12 44 109 18 21 305 18 17 17 9.3 1] 8.5 6.7 7.9 5 8 6.2 6.0 6.2 120 MORA RIVER AT LA CUEVA, N. MEX. Location. At the highway bridge at La Cueva, above the mouth of the Cebolla. a short distance down stream from the intake, and below the waste- way of La Cueva Canal. RrcordK available August 25, 1903, to July 31, 1911, when the station was dis- continued. References U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 173 p. 63, 209 p. 42, 247 p. 76, 267 p. 74, 287 p. 66; State Engineer's Report on, the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 223. Monthly discharge of Mora River at La Cueva. N. Mex., for 1905-1911. Month 1905. (22-28) . . February March . . April May June (25 days) July August September . . . . October November . . December (1-22) The period. Discharge in second-feet Maximum 18 60 292 310 193 27 77 30 30 34 32 Minimum 14 17 21 115 27 21 21 17 18 27 Mean Run-off (total in a.cre- feet) 15.7 28.2 87.1 175 72.6 22.8 35.0 23.2 25.4 27.8 27.5 218 1,734 5,183 10,760 3,600 1,402 2,152 1,380 1,562 1,654 1,200 30,840 CANADIAN RIVER BASIN 37 Monthly discharge of Mora River at La Cueva, N. Hex., for 1905-1911. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1906. April (13-30) 150 150 150 125 68 74 50 45 300 40 89 4 6 4 6 17 17 11 93.4 117 71.6 65.4 30.2 22.2 34.5 28.4 39.4 3,330 7,190 4,260 4.020 1,860 1,320 2,120 1,690 2,420 May June ... July August September October , November December The period 28,200 1907. January 35 29 54 73 96 214 45 167 104 20 17 32 16 20 17 8 62 54 11 13 4 3 2 4 21.9 25.5 32.5 41.6 77.7 110 25 49.7 32.5 14.3 13.4 12.2 1,350 1,420 2,000 2,480 4,780 6,550 1,540 3,060 1,930 879 797 508 February March April May . June July August September October November December (1-21) The period 27,300 1908. February (12-29) 16 6.5 26 61 48 27 92 23 16 16 19 3.5 .5 .5 1.6 .2 .3 23 3.5 5.0 1.5 6.5 8.81 3.36 9.00 18.0 17.6 6.87 46.8 8.68 11.8 9.38 12.7 315 207 536 1,110 1,050 422 2,880 516 726 558 781 May July . August . September October t 9,100 1909. 22 22 15 29 57 103 91 234 320 29 18 18 0.0 5.5 2.0 2.0 15 5.5 2.0 .9 18 12 2.5 10.3 11.5 11.3 11.8 35.4 39 1 24.7 84.7 76.2 21.6 12.6 11.5 633 639 695 702 2,180 2,330 1,520 5,210 4,530 1,330 750 707 April . June . July August October . November , December i . . . . The vear 320 0.0 29.2 21,200 38 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Mora River at La Cueva, N. Mex., for 1905-1911. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Pun -off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1910. January , 29 24 39 128 115 46 186 94 9 12 12 9 13.4 12.8 22.3 73 3 63.6 16.2 9.05 16.9 3.10 5.04 5.33 2.76 824 711 1,370 4,360 3,910 964 556 1,040 184 310 317 170 February , March . , 8 16 28 3 .0 .8 .8 .5 .8 April . . May June , . July August . > September . October , November , December . . The year 186 0.0 20.3 14,700 1911. January 9.0 22 16 16 151 149 406 2.05 6.04 10.0 4.94 52.9 39.1 142 126 335 615 294 3,250 2,330 8,730 February . , 1.5 1.5 2.5 4.0 2.0 16 March April * May June . July 15,700 LA CUEVA, OR MORA, CANAL AT LA CUEVA, N. MEX. Location. On a foot bridge a short distance below the canal wasteway, which discharges into the Mora River above the Mora River gage. Records available. August 25, 1903, to July 31, 1911, when the station was dis- continued. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 173 p. 60, 209 p. 42, 247 p. 72, 267 p. 71, 287 p. 64; State Engineer's Report on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-1912 p. 221. Monthly discharge of La Cueva or Mora Canal at La Cueva, N. Mex., for 1906-1911. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1906. April (9 days) 21 27 27 18 15 15 15 6.4 4.0 5.5 4.6 2.6 2.3 .4 .4 2.0 11.6 15.5 18.2 8.0 7.6 5.5 4.2 4.5 207 953 1,080 222 467 305 100 80 May , . June July (14 days) August September (28 days) October (12 days) December (9 days) The period . 3,420 1 CANADIAN RIVER BASIN Monthly discharge of La Cueva or Mora Canal at La Cueva, N. Hex., for 1906-1911. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Hun- off (total in acre- feet) 1907. January 7.4 February 2.3 March 5.8 April , 15 May 15 June 21 July , 14 August September October 15 November December 13 The year 21 1908. January 0.0 February 15 March . . 19 April 19 May 19 June 22 July 22 August 20 September 24 October 26 November 18 December 7.2 The year 26 1909. January 8.6 February 2.4 March 6.5 April 21 May , June 18 July 23 August 16.7 September 14.3 October 17.9 November 9.9 December 6.1 The year 23 1910. February 7.0 March 8.0 April , 10.5 May 15 June 18 July 15 August 17 September 17 .October 11 November 8.5 December 8.0 The period 0.0 0.0 1.0 4.4 0.0 7.4 2.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.77 .56 3.41 10.7 10.8 12.5 11.3 3.21 9.60 3.49 3.10 2.63 6.01 47 31 210 637 664 744 695 197 571 215 184 162 4,360 0.0 3.8 2.8 0.0 13.0 5.8 0.0 5.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 4.87 11.3 11.0 16.5 18.3 13.6 12.3 14.6 7.81 4.98 .71 9.66 280 695 655 1,010 1,090 836 756 869 480 296 44 7,010 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.4 4.5 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 2.09 0.70 1.59 10.4 10.6 12.6 10.0 6.32 7.30 4.96 4.04 0.82 5.95 129 39 98 619 652 750 615 389 434 305 240 50 4,320 0.0 0.0 2.8 6 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.72 3.70 7.19 11.2 10.4 5.88 10.3 10.1 4.98 4.22 5.37 40 228 428 689 619 362 633 601 306 251 330 4,490 40 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of La Cueva or Mora Canal at La Cueva, N Mex. for 1906-1911. continued. Month January February March . . . April . , May June . July 1911. The period. Discharge in second-feet Maximum 9.8 9.8 14.9 17.0 18.1 20.4 21.5 Minimum 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.5 0.0 8.5 0.0 Mean 5.23 3.39 6.89 11.3 9.85 14.2 12.3 Run-off (total in acre- feet) 322 188 424 672 606 845 756 3,810 MORA RIVER NEAR GOLONDRINOS, N. MEX. Location. Four miles southeast of La Cueva, two miles above Golondrinos and 300 yards below the mouth of Cebolla Creek. Records available. March 10, 1915, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. About 230 square miles. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1915 p. 27, 1916 p. 27, 1917 p. 28. Monthly discharge of Mora River near Golondrinos, N. Mex., for 1915-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1915. March (10-31) 140 April 1,130 May , 325 June 215 July 260 August 114 September 62 October . . 28 November 25 December . , 29 The period 1,130 1916 January 49 February 36 March 28 April 198 May 230 June 69 July 119 August 170 September 55 October 106 November 46 December 34 The year 230 21 67 173 54 4.2 11 14 18 20 17 4.2 52.45 297.87 224.32 138.43 41.77 40.77 28.17 22.16 21.70 23.13 89.75 2,290 17,700 13,800 8,240 2,570 2,510 1,680 1,360 1,290 1,420 52,900 13 15 10 39 63 12 1.7 43 15 15 20 17 33.1 25.7 19.5 95.3 140 30.3 14.2 80.8 33.5 42.1 29.9 24.8 2,030 1,480 1,200 5,670 8,630 1,800 872 4,970 1,990 2,590 1,780 1,530 1.7 47.6 34,500 CANADIAN RIVER BASIN 41 Monthly discharge of Mora River near Golondrinos, N. Mex., for 1915-1911. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1917 January 40 36 21 6.0 158 64 6.4 20 11 8.2 14 14 19 13 5.0 0.5 0.0 2.6 0.4 0.0 2.6 2.8 3.1 3.7 25.1 18.6 10.3 3.49 55.9 32.1 2.31 3.46 4.44 5.11 8.62 8.49 1,540 1,040 634 207 3,430 1,910 142 213 264 314 513 522 April June July August September October November December The year 158 0.0 14.8 10,700 MORA RIVER NEAR SHOEMAKER, N. MEX. Location. At head of a box canon, 8 miles east of Shoemaker, 20 miles above the mouth of the river, and below all important tributaries. Records available. October 1, 1914, to December 31, 1917. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1914 p. 28, 1915 p. 29, 1916 p. 29, 1917 p. 30. Monthly discharge of Mora River near Shoemaker, N. Mex., for 1914-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1914 187 85 97 15 55 58.1 63.1 50.5 3,570 3,750 3,110 December 1915 January , 88 105 315 3,670 878 321 66 54 40 33 26 35 27 352 253 68 5 33 10 26 38.06 53.93 138.42 948.33 531.29 172.63 28.89 40.39 25.30 29.53 2,340 3,000 8,510 56,400 32,700 10,300 1,090 1,840 1,000 879 February March April May June July October November December SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Mora River near Shoemaker, N. Mex., for 1914-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1916 28 37 22 390 481 14 13 3.2 20 30 20.5 20.4 7.72 168 244 19.6 13.2 96.4 21.2 79.3 38.5 23.0 1,260 1,170 475 10,000 15,000 1,170 811 5,920 1,260 4,870 2,290 1,410 April July 275 47 110 42 12 31 The year 62.9 45,600 1917 64 77 45 2.7 165 24 24 7.0 13 8.5 4.0 19 20 35 2.5 2.0 2.2 15 1.2 1.7 2.7 3.1 0.5 1.3 40.5 60.0 14.9 2.24 43.9 21.2 10.9 4.06 5.31 5.76 2.44 9.54 2,490 3,330 915 133 2,700 1,260 672 250 316 354 145 586 April May July August September October November December The year 165 0.5 18.2 13,200 SAPELLO RIVER AT SAPELLO, N. MEX. Location. About 70 yards above the bridge at the crossing of the road from Las Vegas to Mora, three-eighths of a mile below Sapello and half a mile below the mouth of Manuelitos Creek. Records available. August 12, 1903, to March 31, 1904; May 9, 1915, to Decem- ber 31, 1917. Drainage area. About 70 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 99 p. 250, 131 p. 165; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1915 p. 31, 1916 p. 31, 1917 p. 32. Monthly discharge of Sapello River at Sapello, N. Mex., for 1915-1917. Month Discharge in ascond-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1915 May (9-31) 140 76 530 240 96 6 68 68 71 20 3.9 39 6 2.5 2 2 95.09 43.40 98.42 89.58 24.40 3.66 20.32 22.52 4,340 2,580 6,050 5,510 1,450 225 1,210 1,380 June July August September October November December The period 530 2 48.40 22,700 CANADIAN RIVER BASIN 43 Monthly discharge of Mora River near Shoemaker, N. Mex., for 1914-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second -feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run -off (total in acre- feet) 1916 January February 44 March 10 April 170 May 77 June 20 July 186 August 120 September 15 October 27 November December 46 The year 186 1917 January 18 February 19 March 32 April 12 May 100 June I 24 July 22 August 14 September 21 October 1.2 November 1.4 December 7.2 The year 100 10 5.5 1.8 5.5 9.6 2.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 6.0 0.0 19.2 13.2 6.99 52.0 34.6 10.3 9.56 25.7 3.74 8.86 13.5 18.3 18.0 1,180 759 430 3,100 2,130 615 588 1,580 222 545 806 1,120 13,100 8.4 8.5 8.6 3.2 4.9 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.8 1.4 0.0 11.3 13.0 12.1 6.74 40.2 8.42 4.17 1.94 2 06 0.99 0.96 2.43 8.70 695 720 746 401 2,470 501 257 119 122 61 57 150 6,300 SAPELLO RIVER AT LOS ALAMOS, N. MEX. Location. At Los Alamos post office, near Sec. 28, T. 18 N., R. 16 E. No im- portant tributary enters between this station and the mouth of the Sapello. Records available. August 22, 1903, to May 31, 1911, when the station was dis- continued. Drainage area. 144 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 99 p. 249, 131 p. 166, 173 p. 63, 209 p. 44, 247 p. 79, 267 p. 75, 287 p. 67, 307 p. 57; State Engineer's Report on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-1912 p. 226. Monthly discharge of Sapello River at Los Alamos, N. Hex., for 1905-1911. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) February March April May June .... July August . . September October . November December 1905 (3-28) . 160 545 1,100 457 101 82 74 29 6 220 26 The period. 32 54 111 91 10 5 14 60.7 120 289 187 42.3 9.47 17.0 7.55 6.00 18.1 15.5 3,130 7,380 17,200 11,500 2,520 582 1,050 449 369 1,080 953 46,200 44 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Sapello River at Los Alamos, N. Mex., for J90-J-1911. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1906 January 86 February March 38 April 194 May 172 June 86 July 80 August September October 13 November 16 December 1,170 The year 1,170 1907 January February 39 March 35 April 59 May 172 June 148 July 95 August 80 September 50 October 2.2 November 1.8 December 1.5 The year 172 1908 January 1.5 February 6.5 March 6.5 April 44 May 6.5 June 2.2 July 3.0 August 85 September 34 October 2.5 November 2.0 December 2.0 The year 85 1909 January 2.8 February 1.3 March 1.9 April 2.1 May 1.8 June 1.3 July 95 August 29 September 159 October 3.4 November 1.7 December 1.6 The year 159 4 15 11 38 23 3.5 3.5 2.4 1.8 2.8 10 16 1.8 31 5 15.5 16.5 54.2 64.3 25.0 18.6 7.95 7 30 8.88 12.0 120 31.8 1,940 861 1,010 3,230 3,950 1,490 1,140 489 434 546 714 7,380 23,200 23 21 4.6 2.8 37 11 4.6 3.5 1.0 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.0 26.6 31.6 19.7 14.8 64.2 48.7 15.1 19.2 6.62 1.57 1.54 1.50 20.9 1,640 1,760 1,210 881 3,950 2,900 928 1,180 394 96.5 91.6 92.2 15,100 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.0 .5 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.5 0.5 0.7 .3 8 1.1 1.0 .7 .7 1.5 2.1 1.2 1.6 0.6 1.50 2.69 2.60 15.6 2.23 1.72 .96 28.0 4.71 2.11 2.00 1.69 5.49 1.56 .84 1.19 1.68 1.54 1.11 7.01 4.65 16.2 1.91 1.65 1.45 92 2 155 160 928 137 102 59.0 1,720 280 130 119 104 3,990 96 47 73 100 95 66 431 286 964 117 98 89 3.40 2,460 CANADIAN RIVER BASIN 45 Monthly discharge of Sapello River at Los Alamos, N. Mex., for 1905-1911. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1910 3.2 1.5 6.3 14.8 7.4 46 2.8 112 2.4 1 2 3.8 1.5 .6 1 2 4 3.8 1.2 1.2 1.2 .6 .6 .6 1.2 2.09 1.32 2 6.68 6.09 3.55 1.45 8.76 .89 .75 1.32 2.85 129 73 123 397 374 211 37 348 53 46 79 175 March April May . June Julv (1-13) August (12-31) September October November J^ocember The period 2,050 1911 January 1.5 3.5 8.2 10 5* 1.37 2.30 5.05 6.82 14.2 84 128 311 406 873 February .... 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Ma,rch A )>ril May The period 1,800 PAJARITO CREEK NEAR HANLEY, N. MEX. Location. In Sec. 26, T. 11 N., R. 28 E., 2 miles north of Hanley and one-fourth mile above the mouth of Vigil Creek, the nearest tributary. Records available. August 30, 1911, to May 20, 1912. Drainage area. 310 square miles. References. State Engineer's Report on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 228. NOTE Owing to the possibility of shift and the fact that the upper portion of the rating- curve is determined by floats and slope measurements, no estimates of discharge have been made. PAJARITO CREEK BELOW MOUTH OF VIGIL CREEK, NEAR HANLEY, N. MEX. Location.. In Sec. 21, T. 11 N., R. 29 E.. 2 miles below the mouth of Vigil Creek, about a mile above the mouth of Alamo Draw, 9 miles west of Tucumcari and three miles northeast /of Hanley, the nearest post office. Records available. May 21, 1912, to December 5, 1913. Drainage area. About 350 square miles. References State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 230, 1913 p. 51. NOTE. On account of the erratic flow of the stream, sufficient data have not been collected to allow daily estimates of the discharge made. 46 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 UTE CREEK NEAR LOGAN, N. MEX. Location. Four miles above the mouth of Ute Creek, in the northeast corner of T. 13 N., R. 32 E. Records available. August 12, 1904, to June 30, 1906; April 13, 1909, to May 23, 1914. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 131 p. 170, 173 p. 64, 209 p. 45, 267 p. 78, 287 p 70, 307 p. 59; State Engineer's Reports on, the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-1912 p. 231, 1913 p. 52, 1914 p. 29. NOTE. The finding of an error in obtaining the cross section of the stream necessitated the revision of the back data which are published in Water Supply Paper 307, and the revised figures are published in this report. Monthly discharge of Ute Creek near Logan, N. Mex., for 1904-1906. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1904 August (14-31) 6,400 September 19,000 October 700 November U December The period 1905 January 3.9 February 166 5Sru h :::::::::::::::: May 1 .:::::::. .Tune July 5.00U August September October 2 November 750 December The year 18,000 1906 January February 19 March 2 April 65 May 300 June 3,200 The period 423 1,200 63 .032 15,100 71,400 3,870 2 90,400 1.40 18.5 10.9 395 1,550 14.2 353 489 90.8 .26 85.1 16.3 86 1,030 670 23,500 95,300 845 21,700 30,100 5,400 16 5,060 1,000 255 185,000 13.3 5.57 .065 6.8 21.2 124 818 309 4 405 1,300 7,380 90,400 CANADIAN RIVE3R BASIN 47 Monthly discharge of Ute Creek near Logan, N. Mex., for 1909-1911. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1909 May June July August . . . September October . . November December The period. 67 1,330 1,260 12,500 310 2 13 2.60 121 120 521 71 .067 5.52 160 7,200 7,380 31,000 4,370 3. 339 50,500 1910 January 2,100 February .2 March .1 April .0 May .0 June 88 July 8,020 August 3,600 September 6 October .0 November .0 December .0 The year 8,020 1911 January February March April May 7,100 June 55 July 5,900 August 2,600 September 1,080 October 14 November 3 December The year 7,100 126 .14 .10 .0 .0 6.33 1,090 465 .2 .0 .0 .0 143 7,750 7.8 6.2 377 67,000 28,600 12.3 104,000 .00 .25 .00 .00 420 6.3 355 153 62.1 1.88 .59 3.4 14 25,800 375 21,800 9,410 3,700 116 35 209 85.0 61,500 ESTANCIA VALLEY CANON DE LOS GALLEGOS NEAR MORIARTY, N. MEX. Location. At the Martinez ranch, about 8 miles west of Moriarty. Records available. August 10, 1915, to December 31, 1917. References.- State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1915 p. 34, 1916 p. 33, 1917 p. 34. Monthly discharge of Canon de los Gallegos near Moriarty, N. Mex., for 1915-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1915 November (7-30) 0.6 .6 0.4 .4 0.51 .52 24.0 32.0 The period 0.6 0.4 0.52 56.0 1916 January 1.8 2.5 0.9 4.6 01 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.62 1.66 0.57 2.42 2 84 38 61 35 144 40 February March April May (1-6 and 13) June Julv (21-31) 1.09 0.84 0.30 1.07 0.41 1.44 24 52 18 66 24 88 August 1.9 0.4 16 1.6 24 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 September October November December The period 1.02 590 1917 January 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.2 1.2 1.0 7.1 2.0 3.4 0.1 0.6 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.66 0.25 0.16 0.16 0.32 0.23 68 0.32 0.46 0.02 0.12 0.01 41 14 9.7 9.5 20 14 42 20 28 1.2 7.1 0.8 February March April May June Julv August September October ... November December The year 7.1 0.0 0.28 207 ESTANCIA VALLEY 49 TAJIQUE CREEK AT TAJIQUE, N. MEX. Location. Three-quarters of a mile above Tajique. Records available July 19, 1915, to December 31, 1917. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1915 p. 35, 1916 p. 35, 1917 p. 36. Monthly discharge of Tajique Creek at Tajique, N. Hex , for 1915-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1915 August (5-23) 14 November (4-201 December 0.4 1916 January 4.6 February 10 March 13 April 114 May 41 June 13 July 6.0 August 1.6 September 1.2 October 50 November 4.0 December 1.7 The year 114 1917 January 0.3 February 0.2 March 2.0 April 2.5 May 3.0 June 1.3 July 1.3 August 0.7 September 3.2 October 0.6 November 0.0 December 0.0 The year 3.2 3.2 01 0.2 0.1 4.8 9.1 13 13 6.1 1.0 0.6 00 0.0 0.9 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.7 1.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.91 0.15 0.23 1.76 7.76 9.85 53 4 26.2 9.96 2.77 0.84 0.46 5.83 2.16 093 10.1 0.12 0.10 1.05 1.63 1.82 0.92 0.56 0.51 0.41 0.14 0.0 0.0 267 8 14 108 446 606 3.180 1,610 592 170 52 27 358 128 57 7,330 7.1 58 65 97 112 55 34 31 24 8.9 00 0.0 0.0 0.61 440 TORREON CREEK NEAR TORREON, N. MEX. Location. On the ranch of A. E. Gallegos, 2 miles above Torreon. Records available. July 17, 1915, to December 31, 1917. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1915 p. 36, 1916 p. 37, 1917 p. 38. Monthly discharge of Torreon Creek near Torreon. N. Mex., for 1915-1917. Month 1915 July (17-31) August September (1-25) November (4-30) December .... Discharge in second-feet Maximum 582 138 22 3 a Minimum 1.0 12 8 2 1 Mean 2.08 31.5 12.8 2.89 1.39 Run-off (total in acre- feet) 6.200 1,900 633 155 86 50 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Torreon Creek near Torreon, N. Hex., for 1915-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run -off (total in acre- feet) 1916 January 26 February 26 March 26 April 178 May 183 June 14 July 14 August 200 September ' 14 October 319 November 5.3 December 0.9 The year 319 1917 January 0.2 February a -2 March 3.2 April 8-4 May 9-*> June 4.4 July 65 August 52 September fl October 0.5 November 0.3 December 0.2 The year. . 71 0.8 3.0 9.8 20 14 0.4 0.1 2.0 0.2 0.2 0.9 0.4 0.1 0.2 2 1 6 1.1 1.8 0.7 0.7 0.2 02 0.1 0.1 0.1 10.2 9.44 17.0 102 59.1 7.92 1.89 30.9 3.86 52.4 2.56 0.43 0.20 0.55 2.72 3.42 5.47 2.11 8.05 5.39 5.29 0.30 0.17 0.14 627 543 1,040 6,050 3,630 471 116 1,900 230 3,220 152 27 18,000 12 31 167 203 336 126 495 331 314 18 9.9 8.3 1 2.84 2,050 CANON NUEVO AT MANZANO, N. MEX. Location. About one-fourth mile north of Manzano. Records available. July 17, 1915, to December 31, 1917. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico Cor 1915 p. 37, 1916 p. 39, 1917 p. 40. Monthly discharge of Canon Nuevo at Manzano, N. Mex., for 1915-1911. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1915 August (6-28) . .. November (14-27) December (5-31) 3.3 0.0 .0 1.3 0.0 .0 2.03 0.0 .0 1916 January . . February . Mr.rch April May ........ June July ......... August . . . September October . . November December 5 3 4.8 13 29 2V U 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 . * *8 0.3 0.0 0.0 1.4 02 16 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.00 3.54 1.94 24.4 11.7 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 045 0.08 0.00 93.0 0.0 .0 123 204 119 1.450 721 6.9 0.0 0.0 00 28 ' " 4-ff ''0.0' ^ The year. ..';.... ,...., : ...... ......-.,......, , 29. 0,0 ESTANCIA VALLEY 51 Monthly discharge of Canon Nuevo at Manzano, N. Mex., for 1915-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1917 00 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.5 0.0 0.0 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 July August September October November December The year. . 0.4 0.0 0.01 8.1 ARROYO DEL OJO AT MANZANO, N. MEX. The source of the water passing this stat'on is a spring situated in the south- western part of the town. The water rises in the bottom of a large, enclosed basin, whence it escapes through a subterranean, fissure about 400 feet in length, appearing finally at the surface near the center of the town. The amount of the flow varies considerably with the seasons, and from year to year. Sometimes it exceeds the capacity of the underground outlet, in which case, after rising to a depth of thirty feet or more, it flows over a low place in the rim of the basin and reaches the arroyo a short distance above the gage. Location. In the southwestern part of the town of Manaano. Records available. July 17, 1915, to December 31, 1917. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1915 p. 38, 1916 p. 41. 1917 p. 42. Monthly discharge of Arroyo del Ojo at Manzano, N. Mex., for 1915-1911. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1915 August (9-28) 12 2.8 .6 5.6 06 .6 9.73 1.49 .60 386 83 37 November (3-30) December 1916 January 5.0 8.5 11 20 23 8.3 2.7 0.2 0.2 2.1 1.6 0.2 0.6 4.5 5.7 11 8.3 2.7 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.1 2.23 5.32 8.24 15.9 12.6 4.17 1.26 0.20 0.07 0.62 0.95 0.19 137 306 507 944 777 248 78 12 4.4 38 57 12 February March April May June . . . July August September October November December The year 23 0.0 4.30 3,120 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888 1917 Monthly discharge of Arroyo del Ojo at Manzano, N. Hex., for J91i>-HH7. continued. Month Discharge in second- foer Kun-i.ff (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1917 .la.rua.ry 0.4 0.5 3.3 3 3 3.2 1.1 0.8 0.5 U.3 0.2 O.i U.I 0.3 0.4 0.5 3.3 1.2 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.32 0.42 3.21 3.30 1.90 74 0.49 0.38 0.28 0.19 0.10 0.10 19 24 197 196 117 44 30 23 17 12 6.0 6.2 Kebruarv March . . ... April . . May June Julv August .... September October . . November December The rear. . 3.3 1 0.96 fifll ARROYO UE LOS PINOS REALES AT MANZANO, N. MEX. Location. In the southern part of the town, about 50 feet below the ford on the main road to Torreon. Records available. July 17, 1915, to December 31, 1917. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1915 p. 39, 1916 p. 43, 1917 p. 44. Monthly discharge of Arroyo cle los Pinos Reales at Manzano. N. Mex., for 1915-1911. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1915 August (6-31) 1.9 .u 0.0 0.0 .0 0.0 0.70 .00 000 32.1 0.0 0.0 November (f?1-?0) December 1916 January 0.0 1 2 8.5 8.1 15 4.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 3.6 4.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.42 2.54 6.87 9.63 2.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.02 0.00 0.0 24 156 408 592 137 0.0 0.0 00 17 1.0 00 Februarv March April Mav June July August September . October November . . . December The vrar J5 0.0 1.84 1,340 .. ESTANCIA VALLEY 53 Monthly discharge of Arroyo de los Pinos Reales at Manzano, N. Hex., for 1!) 1. 1-1917. continued Month Discharge in second-fett Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1917 0.0 0.0 0.0 U.O 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 April July December The year . . 5.2 0.0 0.02 18 ARROYO COLORADO NEAR MANZANO, N. MEX. Location. Three and one-half miles southeast of Manzano and 100 yards south of the J. B. Kelly ranch house. Records available. July 16, 1915, to December 31, 1917. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1915 p. 40, 1916 p. 45, 1917 p. 46. Monthly discharge of Arroyo Colorado near Manzano, N. Hex., for 1915-1917* Month Discharge in second-feet Run-of* (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1915 July (16-31) 1,220 0.4 .1 0.6 0.1 .0 136 0.37 .01 4,320 19 0.8 1916 2.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.54 0.79 0.48 25.0 8.33 0.72 0.76 0.37 0.23 11.7 0.01 0.00 33 46 30 902 512 43 46 23 14 578 0.8 0.0 \pril (12-30) 55 1.0 12 2.0 0.4 5 0.5 03 0.2 0.1 June July August September October (1 3 s^d 10-31) November 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 December The period 3.22 2,230 1917 January 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 75 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 February March April May . . June July August September October November December The year 19 0.0 0.10 75 4 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 \t BARRANCA CANON NEAR MOUNTAINAIR, N. MEX. Location. On the Harry Owen Ranch, about four and one-half miles west of Mountainair. Records available. November 20, 1915, to December 31, 1917. References. State Engineer's Repor!s on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1915 p. 41, 1916 p. 47, 1917 p. 48. NOTE. The stream was dry during the period covered by the record in 1915; in 1916 there was some discharge February 9-16, April 3-10 and 14-21, May 3-6, July 15, and October 12-lb; in 1917 there was discharge July 15, August 17, 23 and 24, and September 20, but no measurements have been made when there was water running. GILA RIVER BASIN GILA RIVER NEAR SILVER CITY, N. MEX. Location. Forty-five miles northeast of Silver City, 2% miles below Lyon's Hunting Lodge, one mile below the XSX Ranch house, 500 feet below the confluence of the East and West forks of the Gila River, in the northwest corner of T. 13 S., R. 13 W. Records available. June 20, 1912, to December 31, 1917. References. State Engineer's Repor s on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 65, 1913 p. 54, 1914 p. 31, 1915 p. 43, 1916 p. 48, 1917 p. 49. Monthly discharge of Gila River near Silver City, N. Hex., for 1912-1917 Month 1912 June (20-30) July August September .. October .... November . . December . . . The period. 1913 January 56 February 70 March 241 April 400 May 194 June 74 July 42 August 138 September 112 October 99 November 353 December 95 The year 400 1914 January 90 February 194 March 158 April 138 May 157 June 74 July 1,340 August 558 September 286 October 3,530 November 396 December 2,880 The year 3,530 Discharge in second-feet Maximum 72 109 160 147 70 64 54 Minimum 52 28 52 45 48 42 39 40 45 50 136 63 28 26 28 37 40 40 56 Mean 58.7 67.2 88.4 71.2 56.3 47.9 45.1 49.0 54.5 91.8 260 96.8 51.6 31.7 54.2 55.6 54.5 86.9 68.6 79.4 Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1,280 4,130 5,440 4,240 3,460 2,850 2,770 24,200 3,010 3,030 5,640 15,500 5,950 3,070 1,950 3,330 3,310 3,350 5,170 4,220 57,500 53 58 83 86 50 37 55 148 107 104 64 41 66 2 85.5 105 111 74.9 51.8 406 300 162 353 117 627 4,070 4,750 6,460 6,600 4,610 3,080 25,000 18,400 9,640 21,700 6,960 38,600 37 207 150,000 56 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Gila River near Silver City, N. Mex., for 1912-1917 continued. Month 1915 January .. February . March April May June July August . . . September October . . November December The year. NOTE a Estimated. Discharge in second-feet Maximum 6,670 1,450 2,450 2,000 627 275 403 14V 7b 53 60 57 6,670 Minimum 115 314 288 522 285 61 46 66 48 47 47 47 46 Mean a 523 517 980 1,030 431 148 111 104 57.6 a 49. 7 51.1 50.8 337 Run-off (total in acve- feet) 32,100 28,700 60,300 61,600 26,500 8,810 6,830 6,410 3,430 3,060 3,040 3,130 244,000 1916 January (1-16 and 24-31) February 615 March 680 April 32V May 352 June 99 July , 266 August 465 September 177 October 9,620 November 22b December 92 The p.riod 9,620 1917 January 1.300 February 550 March 465 April 395 May 250 June 140 July 112 August 108 September 50 October 42 November 43 December 44 The year 1,300 234 365 190 105 30 28 74 66 65 80 52 28 28 125 150 230 132 61 50 44 31 38 35 41 259 406 464 249 187 64.4 79.4 175 110 697 130 65.7 240 12,300 23,400 28,500 14,800 11,500 3,830 4,880 10,800 6,520 42,800 7,730 4,040 171,000 205 221 272 276 182 85.8 62.0 63.6 40.8 40.1 40.2 42.1 12,600 12,300 16,700 16,400 11,200 5,110 3,810 3,910 2,420 2,460 2,390 2,590 28 127 91,900 GILA RIVER BASIN 57 GILA RIVER NEAR GILA, N. HEX. Location. In the Gila National Forest, in the northeast quarter of Sec. 21, T. 14 S., R. 16 W., about y mile below the mouth of Turkey Creek and 9 miles northeast of Giia. Mogollon Creek enters about 5 miles below the gage. Records available. April 8 to December 17, 1914. Reference. State Engineer's Report on the Surface Water Supply of New Mex- ico for 1914 p. 33. Monthly discharge of Gila River near Gila, N. Mex., for 191Jf. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean April (8 30) 21o 150 92 104 62 35 54 158 85.2 59.5 668 a 405 218 473 201 104 7,210 5,240 3,540 41,100 24,900 13,000 29,100 12,000 3,510 J u ly 443 3,240 900 147 124 120 100 80 140,000 NOTK a Estimated. GILA RIVER NEAR CLIFF, N. MEX. Location. One-half mi'e below the mouth of Mancos River, 9 miles below post office and 40 miles northwest of Silver City. Records available September 9, 1904, to December 31, 1907. Drainage area. About 2,450 Square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Papers 133 p. 198, 175 p. 159, 211 p. 122, 249 p. 176. Monthly discharge of Gila River near Cliff, N. Mex., for 1905, 1906. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1905 May (22-31) 648 458 436 436 602 268 13,640 3,190 390 99 72 65 68 120 127 342 516 272 133 182 192 149 1,392 665 10,230 16,180 8,178 11,190 11,420 9,162 82,830 40,890 July August September November December The period 190,100 58 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-191? Monthly discharge of Gila River near Cliff, N. Mex., for 1905, 1906. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1906 437 1,140 4,850 860 382 112 141 5,250 189 10V 118 4,180 186 193 359 391 125 32.0 32 88.0 60.0 76.0 90.0 36.0 236 574 1,060 590 238 69.4 89.1 461 90.3 83.3 98.5 459 14,500 31,900 65,200 35,100 14,600 4,130 5,480 28,300 5,370 5,120 5,860 28,200 July August September October November December The year. . 5.250 32.0 337 244.000 GILA RIVER NEAR REDROCK, N. MEX. Location. Four miles northeast of Redrock post office and *4 mile above the mouth of Middle Box Canon. Records available. May 14, 1908, to December 31, 1917. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 249 p. 176, 269 p. 219, 289 p. 200; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 68, 1913 p. 57, 1914 p. 35, 1915 p. 45, 1916 p. 50, 1917 p. 51. Monthly discharge of Gila River near Redrock, N. Hex., for 1908-1910. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1908 November (16-30) 395 97 53 40 119 59.9 3,540 3,680 1909 January 116 380 1,230 730 288 142 233 710 1,120 109 109 193 33 59 174 195 178 16 25 152 72 68 90 103 50.9 181 686 341 212 48.2 118 308 255 91.3 98.3 148 3,130 10,100 42,200 20,300 13,000 2,870 7,260 18,900 15,200 5,610 5,850 9,100 April . June July August September October November December The year. . 1.230 16 211 154.000 RIVER BASIN 59 Monthly discharge of Gila River near Redrock, N. Mex., for 1908-1910. continued. Discha rge in seco nd-feet Run-off Month Maximum Minimum Mean acre- feet) 1910 185 114 162 9 960 February 114 96 105 5,830 120 67 87 5 350 118 57 87 3 5 190 71 49 56 3 440 80 32 44 4 2 640 July 164 27 39 5 2 430 240 28 44 5 2 740 73 36 44 7 2 660 October 63 49 56 6 3 480 November 87 60 75 6 4 500 108 80 93 4 5 740 The year 240 27 74 6 54 000 Monthly discharge of Gila River near Redrock, N. Mex., for 1912-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1912 144 144 98 97 83 69 74 62 84 82 99.2 93.2 86.8 86.1 82.3 6,100 5,550 5,340 5,120 5,060 The period 27,200 1913 a 80.0 a 85.0 289 379 158 70.4 48.9 134 138 194 244 156 4,920 4,720 17,800 22,600 9,720 4,190 3,010 8,240 8,210 11,900 14,500 9,590 414 578 202 120 226 418 665 663 665 268 188 125 25 18 35 40 111 84 126 June July September November December The year 665 18 165 119,000 1914 January 252 528 332 250 201 123 138 142 217 147 102 55 63 288 149 118 175 240 267 200 130 81.6 790 442 282 484 406 1,270 10,800 13,300 16,400 11,900 7,990 4.860 48,600 27,200 16,800 29,800 24,200 78,100 February March April May June July August 748 452 3,620 1,750 5,120 September October November December 131 The year 5,120 55 428 290,000 60 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Gila River near Redrock, N. Mex., for 1912-1911. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet . lun-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1915 February 1,760 2,860 2,340 810 350 3,250 1,670 355 175 120 145 340 430 615 350 160 140 195 165 125 105 100 a 618 1,260 1,360 549 226 469 370 203 150 115 134 34,300 77,500 81,200 33,800 13,400 28,900 22,700 12,100 9,250 6,840 8,220 May July . ... AllgUSL September October . November . December . , The period 3,250 100 495 328,000 1916 January (15 17 and 26) 1,750 601 584 514 10,400 27,400 27,800 5,090 February (7-29) March (1-24) April (2-4 and 16-30) May June (3, 5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22. 26. 30) July (1-10, 16, 23 and 30) ) 181 94.9 554 850 543 167 150 3,230 2,450 34,000 50,600 24,800 9,920 9,240 August 2,020 1,720 203 572 September October (1-13 and 22-31) November 185 176 157 122 December The period 463 205,000 1917 January (1-14 and 30-31) 179 354 535 404 220 111 79.9 76.0 59.7 56.4 56.8 64.7 5.670 19,600 32.900 24,000 13,500 6,600 4,910 4,670 3,550 3,470 3,380 3,980 February 1,120 820 595 295 148 115 142 93 73 66 76 226 420 259 149 81 50 33 25 32 47 48 March April May June July August September October November December The period 25 182 126,000 NOTE a Estimated. MIMBRES RIVER BASIN MIMBRES RIVER NEAR FAYWOOD, N. MEX. Location. At a point about 6 miles northeast of Faywood Hot Springs and 10 miles from Faywood station on the Silver City branch of the Santa Fe Railway. It is about 400 feet below the proposed Rio Mimbres reservoir dam site. Records available. April 23, 1908, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. About 450 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 248 p. 109, 268 p. 75, 288 p. 100, 358 p. 643; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Sup- ply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 152, 1913 p. 68, 1914 p. 37, 1915 p. 47, 1916 p. 52, 1917 p. 53. Monthly discharge of Mimbres River near Faywood, N. Hex., for 1908-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1908 May 25 15.8 630 1,000 520 61 44 65 6.3 7.8 10.1 24 41 28 16 16 11.6 9.70 126 124 63.0 50.3 23.9 30.3 713 577 7,750 7,620 3,750 3,090 1,420 1,860 July Vugust October The period . . . 26,800 1909 January 46 21 25 50 3.2 4.2 93 108 18 7.0 8.5 4.0 4.4 4.0 4.8 1.6 .7 .2 .1 1.0 .5 2.0 5.0 1.5 17.2 9.54 8.91 3.15 2.21 1.25 5.92 11.4 3.57 4.47 6.90 2.26 1,060 530 548 187 136 74 364 701 212 275 411 139 February March A pril . . May June July . August September October November December The vear 108 .1 6.40 4,640 1910 January 8 10 2.5 2.5 2.5 12.5 57 196 25 5 3 2 2 1.6 1.6 .5 5.11 4.41 2.34 2.20 1.80 2.47 5.92 2.69 2.60 .17 314 245 144 131 111 147 364 1,650 155 101 Februarv March April May June July August September October November December The year 196 2.47 3,270 62 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Mimbres River near Faywood, N. Mex., for 1908-1911. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1911 January .. 1912 May June July August .. . September October . . November December . The period. 10 38 150 100 160 16 11 10 1913 January 21 February 10 Mp.rch 21 April i 98 May 10 June 32 July 21 August 63 September 36 October 6.8 November 46 December 34 The year 98 1914 January 25 February ] 4 March 6.4 April 11 May 11 June 70 July 2,200 August 223 September 44 October | 610 November I 26 December 1,420 The year 2,1'00 1915 January 396 February I 278 March , 400 April 376 May I 151 June ! 52 July ; 664 August ! 372 September 209 October 84 November 50 December 54 The year 664 6 7 19 12 11 11 10 10 2 L4 7.6 1.4 1.6 1.9 1.7 1.3 1 4 1.4 15 .2 13 1.6 2.6 1.6 1.3 .9 4.2 29 12 14 16 11 .8 9.0 8.1 35.6 42.9 36.2 11 5 11.0 10.0 553 482 2,190 2,640 2.150 707 655 615 9,990 12.9 2.56 7.61 57.2 4 01 3.40 3.14 8.91 5.91 2.16 7.79 20.7 11.3 19.4 6.01 3.96 3.97 3.70 11.0 355 86.2 26.7 63.3 21.9 200 67.9 30 15 27 151 56 29 18 125 52 52 19 17 a 66.0 59.9 157 248 94.8 33 6 124 260 152 67.6 31.6 32.7 793 142 468 3,400 247 202 193 548 352 133 464 1,270 8,210 1,190 334 243 236 228 655 21,800 5,300 1,590 3,890 1,300 12,300 49,100 4,060 3,320 9,680 14,800 5,830 2,000 7,610 16,000 9,020 4,160 1,880 2,010 15 111 80,400 MIMBRES RIVER BASIN 63 Monthly discharge of Mimbres River near Faywood, N. Mex., for 1908-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1916 January February 105 March 89 April 60 May 18 June 5.0 July 13 August 316 September 248 October 394 November December 27 The year 394 1917 January 233 February 52 March 52 April 35 May 31 June 7.0 July a 42 August 40 September 12 October 2.6 November 5.0 December 3.2 The year 233 32 70 48 2.9 3.2 2.6 2.0 12 6.8 2.2 24 18 80.1 81.2 68.5 18 3 7.32 4.27 3.08 62.0 114 71.6 34.0 22.6 1.2 47.1 2.5 8.8 8.3 12 2.9 2.5 2.1 2.5 2.3 1.0 1.2 2.1 37.3 23.9 20.7 22.0 14.4 3.10 3.97 10.4 3.09 1.47 3 82 2.93 1.0 12.2 4,930 4,670 4,210 1,090 450 254 189 3,810 6,800 4,400 2,020 1,390 34,200 2,290 1,320 1,270 1,310 885 185 244 638 184 91 227 180 NOTE a Estimated. LAMPBRIGHT DRAW NEAR SANTA RITA, N. MEX. Location. Five and a half miles southeast of Santa Rita, at the mouth of a box canon, in Sec. 19, T. 18 S., R. 11 W., 2 miles below the mouth of Rustler Canon and 3% miles above the mouth of Martin Canon. Records available. August 20, 1912, to December 31, 1917. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911 12 p. 157, 1913 p. 73, 1914 p. 39, 1915 p. 49. 1916 p. 54, 1917 p. 55; U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 358 p. 651. Monthly discharge of LampbrigJit Draw near Santa Rita, N. Mex., for 1912-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1912 August (20-31) September .... October November .... December . 5.8 16 1 7 1.8 1.1 0.4 1.1 .7 .8 .7 1.17 1.84 1.11 1.05 .78 The period. 28 109 68 62 48 315- 64 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Lampbright Draw near Santa Rita, N. Mex., for 1912-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum 1913 January 0.7 February 1.2 March .9 April .7 May I .5 June ' -5 July ! .4 August | 5.3 September i 4.2 October 4.2 November 3.1 December 3.1 The year j 5.3 1914 January I 2.0 February .8 March , .4 April ; .3 May ! .6 June .6 July 500 August i 45 September .7 October ' 28 November ; 16 December 157 The year j 500 1915 January 27 February March 17 April I 2.4 May ! 2.2 June j 1.0 July i 290 August 1.8 September : 280 October 2.5 November i 1.7 December j 2.3 The year 1916 January 6.4 February 2.4 March 2.4 April 1.4 May 1.7 June 1.4 July 2.5 August 1.5 September 1.7 October 35 November 17 December , 1.2 The year. . 35 0.3 .4 .7 .4 .4 .3 .1 .2 1.2 .6 .1 .4 0.3 .1 .8 1.1 1.0 .6 .6 .7 8 1.7 1.1 .8 0.' 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.4 0.6 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.1 04 Mean 0.49 .57 .75 .62 .43 .43 .23 1.34 2.68 1 36 .73 .94 .88 082 .62 .33 .30 .28 .24 69.1 6.93 .43 1.64 1.03 17.5 2.22 2.87 4.74 1.60 1.56 .86 a 19.7 1.16 b 10.9 2.02 1.35 .99 1.36 1.43 1.60 1.27 1.22 0.90 0.72 0.90 1.27 4.03 1.49 1.19 1.45 Run-off (total in acre- feet) 30 32 46 37 26 26 14 82 159 84 43 58 637 50 34 20 18 17 14 4,250 426 26 101 61 1,080 6,100 137 159 292 95.2 96.0 51.2 1,210 71.2 651 124 80.1 60.7 3,030 84 82 98 75 75 54 44 55 76 248 89 73 1,050 MIMBRES RIVER BASIN 65 Monthly discharge of Lampbright Draw near Santa Rita, N. Mex., for 1912-1911. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1917 9.3 2.2 4.7 1.1 0.9 0.6 1.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 1.2 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 1.59 1.51 1.77 0.98 0.62 0.30 0.44 0.37 0.39 0.35 040 0.36 98 84 109 58 38 18 27 23 23 22 24 22 July November . The year. . 9.3 0.2 0.75 546 a Estimated July 26-28. b Estimated September 16. WHITEWATER CREEK AT HURLEY, N. MEX. Location. About the center of Sec 30, T. 18 S., R 12 W., at the "B" Ranch pumping station of the Chino Copper Company, % mile northeast of Hur- ley. A small draw enters from the east below the station. Records available. June 2, 191b, to December 31, 1914. Drainage area. About 35 square miles References. State Engineer's Repor s on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1913 p. 76, 1914 p. 41; U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Pa- per 358 p. 654. Floods on "Whitewater Creek at Hurley, N. Mex., in 1913-1914 Date Duration, hours Maximum gage height, feet Date Duration, hours Maximum gage height, feet 1913 Oct 2 8 2 30 1914 July 19 6 2 70 Nov. 16 24 20 8 1 50 17 4 2 20 20 9 5 00 20 9.5 1 90 21 18 3 50 24 14.0 2 00 22 7 1 60 1914 July 1.. 4 4 00 26. 27 4.5 8 5 2.50 5 00 2 10 5 4 00 29 22 4 70 12 3.0 1 20 Aug 5 8 4 70 14 4 1 80 7 7 2 90 15 8 5 2 80 20 4 3 00 16 55 1 70 21 5 2 50 17 17.0 4.90 24 9 5 5 70 18 23.0 5 20 30 24 4 70 19. . 18.0 1.50 Sfin 10. 8B 2 7ft 66 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888 1917 RIO DE ARENA NEAR HURLEY, N. MEX. Location. In Sec. 21, T. 18 S., R. 13 W., 4 miles northwest of Hurley, 150 feet southwest of the pumping station of the Chino Copper Company, just above a small concrete dam, about half a mile above the mouth of a small stream coming from the north. (Note.) Records available. July 2, 1913, to December 31, 1914. References. State Engineer's Repor's on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1913 p. 80, 1914 p. 42; U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 358 p. 662. ' Note. This description applies to gage established August 12, 1914; for de- scription of original gage see State Engineer's Report on Surface Water Supply of New Mexico, 1913. Floods on Rio de Arena near Hurley, N. Mex., in 1913-1914. Maximum Estimated Mean gage gage discharge height Mean Run-off, height at of discharge, acre- Date of maximum Duration, flood, second- feet flood, gage hours feet feet feet height, second- feet 1913 July 15. 1.20 8 2 0.92 1.0 0.2 21. 1.40 20 2.5 1.00 2.0 .4 Aug. 5 . 2.20 105 1.75 1.17 7.0 1.0 13. 2.20 105 2 1.85 60 10 14. 5.40 1,020 5.5 2 24 110 50 Sept. 6. 2.90 260 3.5 1.94 68 20 7. 1.10 3 2.5 .77 .5 .1 8. 2.00 79 4.0 1.54 30 10 9. 3.00 285 2.5 2 02 80 17 Oct. 3. 1.80 55 1.0 1.60 35 3.0 Total 111.7 data. NOTE. From July 1 to December 31, the stream was dry on days of missing MIMBRES RIVER BASIN 67 Floods on Rio de Arena near Hurley, N. Hex., in 1913-1914 continued. Maximum Estimated Mean gage gage height discharge at height of Mean discharge, Run-off, acre- Date of maximum Duration, flood, second- feet flood, gage hours feet feet feet height, second- feet 1914 July 1. 3.60 440 4.0 2 30 124 41 2. 1.20 8 2.0 .65 3. 2.50 164 4.0 1.90 64' ' ' 2l' ' 8. 5.20 950 4.0 2.65 196 65 10. 1.60 35 1.5 1 25 11, - 1 11. .50 .5 .30 - / 13. 1.50 ' '28 2.5 0.85 Y" 13. 1.50 28 2.5 0.85 2 14. 2.20 105 1.5 1.90 64 " 16. 10.10 2,660 3.5 4.60 750 217 17. 1.10 4.0 .60 18." 11.00 24.0 5.70 21. 3.00 3.0 1.45 26. 2.5 3.5 1 20 27. 2.5 2.0 1.15 29. 3.5 3.5 1.85 Aug. 7. 2.6 2.0 1.85 20. 1.1 'I 5 .90 30. 1.9 4.0 1.15 Oct. 3. 2.00 12.5 1.25 Dec. 22. 1.00 24.0 .40 23. 1.00 12.0 .50 NOTE. The stream was dry on days of missing data. CAMERON CREEK AT FORT BAYARD, N. MEX. Location. Near the pumping plant at Fort Bayard, in sec. 25, T. 17 S , R. 13 W., one mile below the mouth of the nearest tributary, Beartooth Creek, an intermittent stream. Records available. January 17, 1907, to September 11, 1911, and August 6, 1912, to December 31, 1914. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 248 p. 110, 268 p. 78, 288 p. 102, 358 p. 654; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Sup- ply of New Mexico for 1911-1912 p. 158, 1913 p. 77, 1914 p. 43. Monthly discharge of Cameron Creek at Fort Bayard, N. Mex., for 1907-1910. jjiscna rge in seco na-ieet Kun-orr Month Maximum Minimum Mean a.cre- feet) 1907 January (19-31) 2 54 '65 5 February 1 02 56 6 March 1 00 61 5 April 1 00 59 5 May 1 00 61 5 June 1 00 59 5 July 1 31 80 6 August 2 35 144 September .50 29 8 October .50 30 7 November 50 29 8 December 50 30 7 The period 710 x ...... 68 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Cameron Creek at Fort Bayard, N. Mex., for 1901-1910. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1908 0.50 .52 .50 .50 .50 .50 1.06 2.05 .50 .50 .50 .50 30.7 29.9 30.7 29.8 30.7 29.8 65.2 126 29.8 30.7 29.8 30.7 April . J U ly September October . . November The year .68 494 1909 January . . 0.5 .5 .f> .5 .5 .5 8.0 96 .2 .2 .2 .2 0.5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 0.5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .77 6.27 .2 .2 .2 .2 31 28 31 30 31 30 47 404 12 12 12 12 February March April May June July August September October November December The year 96 .2 .93 680 1910 January 0.2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .22 .61 .23 .13 .067 .0 12.3 11.1 12.3 11.9 12 3 13.1 37.5 14.1 7.7 40 February March April May June July August September October November December The year. . .183 136 Floods on Cameron Creek at Fort Bayard, N. Hex., in 191S. March Date 13. . Hour Duration in hours 1 00 Maximum gage height in feet 1 40 15 1 '00 p m 1 00 1 55 July 14 5 - 30 a m 6 5 250 Aug. 5 3'00 p m 3 00 3 00 13 12 '30 p m 2 5 >-cn 14 2 '15 p m 3 5 TJfl NOTE. -In other- parts. of the year the fl-ow-comes from" gp'rTrigs "and "amounts to less than 1 second-foot MIMBRES RIVER BASIN 69 Floods on Cameron Creek at Fort Bayard, N. Hex., in 1914- Maximum Estimated Mean gage gage discharge height Mean Run-off, height at of discharge, acre- Date of maximum Duration, flood, second- feet flood, gage hours feet feet feet height, second- feet July 17. 20. 3.00 3.00 1,270 430 7 2 2.50 2.15 770 40 445 7 Aug. 3. 2.10 100 4 1.70 30 10 5 . 2.60 500 1 2.20 160 13 11. 3.00 500 y 2.50 107 80 24. 3.00 1,300 4 2.05 355 117 Total. 672 NOTE. During the remainder of the period from January 1 to September 30, the flow comes from springs and amounts to less than 1 second-foot. CAMERON CREEK NEAR HURLEY, N. MEX. Location. In Section 27, T. 18 S., R. 13 W., 2 miles northwest of Hurley, *4 mile below the concrete dam of the Chino Copper Company. Two small draws enter just above the station from the northwest. Records available. July 2, 1913, to December 31, 1914. Drainage area 46 square miles. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1913 p. 78, 1914 p. 44; U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 358 p. 657. Floods on Cameron Creek near Hurley, N. Mex., in 1913, 1914- Maximum Estimated Mean gage gage discharge height Mean Run-off, height at of discharge, acre- Date of maximum Duration, flood, second- feet flood, gage hours feet feet feet height, second- feet 1913 July 14. 2.50 1,450 8.5 1.30 400 282 22. 2.30 1,250 9.5 1.20 340 268 Aug. 5 . .60 100 6.0 .50 70 35 11. 1.00 230 6.0 .90 200 100 12. .30 20 1.5 20 10 1 13. 1.30 400 7.5 1.20 340 212 14. 5.50 5,490 12.0 2.40 1,370 1,360 Sept 8. 1.20 340 5.0 .55 85 35 9. 3.30 2,350 4.5 .90 200 75 Nov. 17. .50 70 4.0 .35 35 12 Total 2.380 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-191? Floods on Cameron Creek near Hurley, N. Hex., in 1913,- 191^ continued. Maximum Estimated Mean gage D'ate gage height of discharge at maximum Duration, height of flood, Mean discharge, second- Run-off, acre- feet flood, gage hours feet feet feet height, second- reet 1914 June 6 ... 0.40 21 1.0 0.30 8 1 July 1... 1.80 825 8.0 .70 108 71 .40 21 8.0 .20 3 2 3i! .80 150 8.5 .45 32 22 8... .20 3 2.5 .10 1 10... .30 8 2.5 .45 32 "? 11. . . .20 3 2.0 0.10 1 12... 1.80 825 5.0 1.20 375 'i55 13... .40 21 5.5 .25 6 3 15.. . .90 200 6.5 .95 228 122 16... 2.50 1,480 7.0 1.35 475 275 17.. . 1.90 910 14.0 .95 228 264 18.. . 3.00 2,000 22.0 1.40 510 927 19. .. .30 8 1.5 .15 2 .... 20... 1.20 375 7.0 .70 108 62 26... .80 150 3.0 .55 57 14 27. .. .70 108 15.5 .45 32 41 28. . . .70 108 10.5 .45 32 28 Aug. 4. . . .70 108 13.0 .50 42 45 5. . . 1.50 585 13.0 .85 175 188 7 ... .90 200 11.5 .55 57 54 11. . . 1.40 510 13.0 .85 175 188 21.. . 1.20 375 9.0 .85 175 130 23... .30 8 3.5 .15 2 1 24. . . 2.80 1,790 8.0 1.25 408 270 26. . . .80 150 20.0 .45 32 53 Sept. 6... .40 21 4.0 .30 8 3 7 ... 1.70 745 2.5 1.10 315 65 Oct. 4 ... 2.40 1,380 7.75 1.15 345 221 Dec. 19. .. 1.30 401 5.0 .60 54 22 20... 1.10 279 24.0 .85 146 290 21. . . 1.50 540 24.0 .80 125 248 22. .. 1.30 401 24.0 1.10 279 553 23. . . 1.30 401 24.0 1.15 321 637 24. . . 1.20 339 24.0 1.10 279 553 25. .. .90 170 24.0 .85 146 290 26... .70 86 24.0 .65 69 137 27. . . .50 29 24.0 .50 29 58 28.. . .50 29 24.0 .50 29 58 29.. . .30 5 24.0 .30 5 10 30.. . .30 5 24.0 .25 2 4 31. .. .20 1 24.0 .20 1 2 Total .... 6,070 NOTE. Prom July 2 to December 31, 1913, there was no flow on days for which data are missing. The stream was dry in 1914 during the periods for which data are missing. MlMBRES RIVER BASlN 71 STEVENS CREEK NEAR FORT BAYARD, N. MEX. Location. About 3% miles north of Fort Bayard, 2 miles above the mouth of the creek, in Sec. 12, T. 17 S., R. 13 W. There is no tributary below the station. Records available. Fragmentary records January 17, 1907, to December 31, 1914. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 248 p. 112, 268 p. 80, 288 p. 104, 358 p. 658; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 159, 1913 p. 79, 1914 p. 46. Floods on Stevens Creek near Fort Bayard, N. Mex , 1912-191 If. Date Duration, hours Maximum gage height, feet Date Duration, hours Maximum gage height, feet 191? Aug. 5 1 5 1 Aug. 15 1.5 0.5 14 2.0 2.9 16 1.5 .2 1914 19 1 5 .1 July 1 1.0 30 ... 4 1.1 17 3 5 1 i 31 2.0 .5 20 2.5 1 l Sept 2 2 5 4 Aug. 1 1 5 1 i 1913 22 1.0 9 July 14. . . 1.0 23 2 1 4 18 1.5 .3 30 1.5 1.1 NOTE. The creek was dry Aug. 6-14, 17, 18, 20-29, Sept. 1, and Sept. 3 to Dec. 31, 1912. The creek was dry in 1913 during parts of the year not shown. The creek was dry in 1914 on all days not shown except Dec. 19-31. when there was an average flow of 1 second-foot. PECOS RIVER BASIN PECOS RIVER NEAR COWLES, N. MEX. Location. At a highway bridge in Sec. 28, T. 18 N., R. 12 E., 5 miles below Cowles post office, midway between Canon Espiritu Santo and Mora Creek, and half a mile below the mouth of Willow Creek. Records available. March 9, 1910, to December 31, 1917. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 288 p. 112, 358 p. 455; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911 12 p. 164, 1913 p. 161, 1914 p. 47, 1915 p. 51, 1916 p. 56, 1917 p. 57. Monthly discharge of Pecos River near Cowles, N. Mex., for 1910-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1910 March (9-31) 107 April 384 May 370 June July 79 August 117 September 36 October November December 30 The period 1911 January 25 February 70 March 79 April 172 May 520 June 433 July 560 August 338 September 75 October 523 November 110 December 99 The year 560 1912 January February March 60 April 271 May 1,800 June 1,380 July 168 The period 62 62 172 62 55 30 30 25 20 78.0 147 280 106 58.9 58.5 32.2 31.7 26.8 20.5 3,560 8,750 17,200 6,310 3,620 3,600 1,920 1,950 1,590 1,260 49,800 13 11 20 42 149 75 112 45 45 63 56 11 19.5 27.1 36.2 89.9 327 174 296 110 47.9 125 85.8 58.5 117 1,200 1,500 2,230 5,300 20,100 10,400 18,200 6,760 2,850 7,690 5,110 3,600 85,000 22 29 299 98 30 a 20.0 a 25.0 32.2 110 778 547 96.2 1,230 1,440 1.980 6,550 47,800 32,500 5,920 97,400 PECOS RIVER BASIN 73 Monthly discharge of Pecos River near Cowles, N. Mex., for 1910-1911. continued. 1913 January I .... February .... March .... April 160 May 300 June 724 July 160 August September 136 October 170 November 65 December 54 The year 724 1914 January .... February .... March I 71 April May 663 June 637 July ' 566 August 369 September .... October 150 November 65 December The year 663 1915 January 35 February 29 Marcfc 54 April 391 May 700 June 670 July 300 August 124 September 102 October 39 November 35 December 35 The year 700 44 170 138 91 71 60 71 47 25 21 50 229 171 57 43 38 29 23 18 51 180 227 77 55 41 31 29 24 18 a 25.0 a 20.0 a 40.0 89.1 205 248 121 98.4 77.9 106 49.4 30.7 92.9 26.6 32.0 36.9 126 466 315 356 247 85.4 61.3 53.7 31.0 154 a 31. 8 a 30.6 30.5 181 416 470 137 77.6 60.7 34.1 30.7 32.1 1,540 1,110 2,460 5,300 12,600 14,800 7,440 6,050 4,640 6,520 2,940 1,890 67,300 128 1,640 1,780 2,270 7,500 28,700 1.8,700 21,900 15,200 5,080 3,770 3,200 1,910 112,000 1,960 1,500 1,880 10,800 25,600 28,000 8.440 4,770 3,610 2,100 1,830 1,980 92,500 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-191? Monthly discharge of Pecos River near Cowles, N. Mex., for 1910-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Hun-ofr (total in acre- feet) 1916 January February 35 March 145 April 360 May 804 June 575 July August 240 September October 164 November 87 December 56 The year 804 1917 January 42 February 58 March 58 April 129 May 183 June | 284 July 160 August 86 September 52 October 32 November 31 December 32 The year 284 21 21 24 84 187 140 96 82 41 42 56 21 26.8 27.1 83.1 145 520 387 118 144 55.4 96.1 70.5 31.7 142 1,650 1,560 5,110 8,650 32,000 23,000 7,230 8,850 3,300 5,910 4,200 1,950 103,000 21 21 21 21 70 136 81 37 29 15 16 16 28.4 33.8 35.3 65.5 108 211 111 57.7 40.0 24.8 21.1 21.6 15 63.1 1,740 1,870 2,170 3,890 6,620 12,500 6,820 3,550 2,380 1,530 1,260 1,330 45,700 Note. a estimated. PECOS RIVER NEAR ANTON CHICO, N. MEX. Location. Three miles northwest of Anton Chico, one mile below the settlement of Tecolotito, and one and one-fourth miles below the mouth of Teoolote Creek. Records available. April 28, 1910, to December 31, 1917. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Papers 288 p. 114, 358 p. for 1911-12 p. 167, 1913 p. 164, 1914 p. 49, 1915 p. 53, 1916 p. 58, 1911 p. 59. Monthly discharge of Pecos River near Anton Chico, N. Hex., for 1910. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) April (25-30) May June Aug'ust September . . October .... November . . December . . . 292 138 342 35 35 28 23 The period. 292 116 20 20 17.5 292 254 69.7 66.6 26.2 26.6 22.9 20.0 3,480 15,600 4,150 4,100 1,560 1,640 1,360 1,230 33,120 PECOS RIVER BASIN 75 Monthly discharge of Pecos River near Anton Chico, N. Mex., for 1912-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1912 January February March 375 April 466 May 1,150 June 1,040 July 305 August 238 September 42 October November I 33 December I .... The year 1,150 1913 January February I .... March 24 April 180 May 208 June i 3,980 July 307 August 356 September 213 October 149 November 47 December 60 The year 3,980 1914 January 81 February .... March 144 April 290 May 724 June 534 July 1,060 August .... September 180 October 180 November 98 December 60 The year 1,060 1915 January 47 February 88 March 254 April 2,400 May 1,060 June 810 July 1,900 August 550 September 410 October 125 November 84 December 36 The year 2,400 12 16 141 445 340 68 2 9 19 17 a 25.0 14.6 119 302 757 744 154 54.3 16.3 27.5 21.8 a 19.0 188 1,540 840 7,320 18,000 46,500 44,300 9,470 3,340 970 1,690 1,300 1.170 136,000 12 31 92 63 63 35 31 24 24 28 a 25 a 20 20.9 88.9 139 566 117 119 71.6 54.2 33.2 50.3 109 1,540 1,110 1,290 5,290 8,550 33,700 7,190 7,320 4,260 3,330 1,980 3,090 78,600 40 21 21 53 254 60 137 133 86 40 60 21 53.1 31.1 62.5 187 476 221 378 272 133 77.1 80.7 43.8 169 3,260 1,730 3,840 11,100 29,300 13,200 23,200 16,700 8,180 4,740 4,800 2,690 123,000 42 35 23 193 229 264 30 115 93 48 36 14 a 45.0 64.6 89.3 742 589 543 301 243 144 69.6 53.6 25.1 2.760 3,590 5,490 44,100 36,200 32,300 18,500 15,000 8,550 4,280 3,190 1,540 14 242 176,000 76 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Pecos River near Anton Chico, N. Hex., for 1912-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum 1916 January February March 475 April 1,210 May 1,640 June (1-24) July (15-31) August (1-13) September (7-30) October 444 November 158 December 59 The period 1917 January 56 February 54 March 29 April 133 May i 450 June 280 July 80 August 160 September 120 October 23 November 22 December 48 The year. . 450 Minimum 20 84 170 300 650 24 62 20 Mean 47.8 150 331 682 1,000 454 221 236 63.8 184 148 36.5 305 Run-off (total in acre- feet) 2,940 8,630 20,400 40,600 61,700 21,600 7,470 6,090 3,030 11,300 8,820 2,240 195,000 24 24 24 29 98 87 20 10 12 11 12 1.0 36.9 38.4 25.8 50.9 258 170 41.3 41.2 44.8 15.7 17.5 11.9 2,270 2,130 1,590 3,030 15,900 10,100 2,540 2,530 2,660 968 1,040 730 1.0 62.9 45,500 NOTE a Estimated. PECOS RIVER BASIN 77 PECOS RIVER AT SANTA ROSA, N. MEX. Location. At the highway bridge at Santa Rosa, one mile above the mouth of Rio Agua Negra Chiquita and six miles above the mouth of Canon Pia- tada. Records available. May 5, 1903, to December 31, 1906; February 1, 1910, to July 31, 1911; September 21, 1912, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. 2,780 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 99 p. 363, 132 p. 97, 174 p. 93, 210 p. 78, 288 p. 116, 358 p. 465; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 171, 1913 p. 167, 1914 p. 51, 1915 p. 55, 1916 p. 60, 1917 p. 61. Monthly discharge of Pecos River at Santa Rosa, N. Mex., for 1906. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean January 14 14 85 620 830 2,470 1,370 1,750 88 160 88 810 14 10 10 ?50 423 6 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 13.3 15.1 374 544 399 377 179 22.4 43.9 53.9 132 861 739 928 22,300 33,400 23,700 23,200 11,000 1,330 2,700 3,210 8,120 April . May June . . July August September October November December The year. . 2.470 6 181 131.000 Monthly discharge of Pecos River at Santa Rosa, N. Mex., for 1910-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1910 February 30 60 160 340 1,010 120 4,300 192 23 16 23 13 10 5 100 10 10 13 6 6 8 8 19.8 22.6 53.6 214.0 141.0 31.7 782.0 39.8 11.8 12.4 13.3 1,100 1,390 3,190 1,320 8,390 1,950 48,100 2,370 726 738 818 March April May June July August September October November December The period 70,100 1911 January 29 25 20 200 1,960 1,840 6,080 11.0 8.8 10.0 10.0 62.0 46.0 127 15.5 13.8 13.3 47.0 454 349 902 953 766 818 2,800 . 27,900 20,800 55,500 February March April May June July "The period 14 May I 136 June i 136 July ' 1,280 August j 290 September i 1,520 October ! 1,280 November ! 0.0 December 0.0 The year 1,520 5 14 14 14 14 95 105 155 36 36 245 320 290 0.0 0.0 64 50 50 24 43 68 84 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mean 364 169 56.9 24.2 168 417 212 268 153 354 430 342 247 305 80.4 5.0 0.0 31.8 160 58.6 81.1 37.5 173 140 365 110 0.0 0.0 96.4 Itun-off (total in acre- feet) 22,400 9,390 3,500 1,440 10,300 24,800 13,000 16,500 9,100 21,800 25,600 21,000 179,000 18,800 4,620 307 23,700 0.0 1,770 9,840 3,490 4,990 2,230 10,600 8,610 21,700 6,760 0.0 0.0 70,000 PECOS RIVER BASIN 89 PECOS RIVER AT AVALON, N. MEX. Location. Half a mile below the headquarters of the main canal of the Carls- bad Project, half a mile below the Avalon dam, six miles north of Carlsbad. Records available. June 18 to October 10, 1891; April 1 to November 30, 1895; January 1, 1899, to December 31, 1903; January 6, 1906 to March 16, 1907. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 210 p. 88, 248 p. 124, 358 p. 507; Fourth Annual Report of the United States Reclamation Ser- vice p. 271. Monthly discharge of Pecos River at Avalon, N. Mex., for 1906, 1901. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1906 January (6 31) 635 490 365 1,430 1,210 1,660 5,650 1,770 490 458 365 90 150 138 165 180 150 105 522 450 165 487 535 408 751 573 219 26,900 25,000 10,100 29,000 32,900 24,300 46,200 26,100 6,520 July August (9-31) The period 227,000 1907 January (11-31) 1,540 1,430 1,100 150 150 180 648 344 286 27,000 19,100 9,080 February March (1-16) The period 55,200 Estimated Monthly discharge, in acre-feet, of Pecos River at Avalon Dam. [From U. S. Reclamation Service Fourth Annual Report, p. 271] Month 1891 1895 a!899 13 527 1900 15 739 February 16,697 9,099 March d 8,641 7,993 April 8,985 10,240 10,155 May 9,897 14,777 35,428 June e!5,755 20,513 12,323 26,589 July 26,925 141 997 21,908 14,901 August 13,280 89,440 21,829 24,491 September 51 290 23 496 14,064 67 169 October f49 100 7 155 4,781 25,725 November 9,080 2,338 14,765 December 14,952 5,534 The year or period . . 156 350 310 563 151,076 266,588 90 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888 1917 Estimated Monthly discharge, in acre-feet, of Pecos River at Avalon Dam. continued. Month 1901 9,636 1!)02 12,977 1903 b!7,321 1904 1905 g 20,201 February 10,955 7,734 15,521 c 4,762 g 41,814 March 7,425 11,907 8,424 c 8,724 g 73,811 April 14,161 9,828 4,688 ell, 310 May . . .... 15 853 23,766 9,934 c 9,290 i$ !0 562 June 17,417 20,823 79,072 c 5,534 g 6!,506 July 38,678 19,171 11,331 16,540 g310,790 August 8,868 43,449 12,513 C14.794 September 10 837 31,387 4,236 October .... 4,663 14,559 6,118 November 5,203 83,967 3,068 December 9,947 15,212 1,488 The year or period 153,643 294,880 173,714 70,954 a No record of spillage for the years 1896. 1897 and 1898 was kept, except during 1898 when 106,270 acre-feet were spilled at Lake Avalon. b Gates closed at McMillan and Avalon. During month Lake McMillan gained about 8,500 acre-feet. c This water is used for irrigation. No record of spillage, if any. d There was water either passing through gates or over spillway during March, for reservoir fell steadily, as did Lake McMillan. e June 18-30, 13 days. f October 1-10, 10 days. g Estimated by deducting 80 second-feet from flow at Carlsbad. PECOS RIVER AT CARLSBAD, N. MEX. Location. At the Green street bridge in Carlsbad. There are n.o important tributaries within several miles. Records available May 20, 1903, to March 31, 1908; May 18, 1914, to Decem- ber 31, 1917. References U S. Geological Survey Water Supply Papers 99 p. 358, 132 p. 103, 174 p. 102, 210 p. 90, 248 p. 125, 358 p. 510; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply -of New Mexico for 1914 p. 57, 1915 p. 61, 1916 p. 66, 1917 p. 67. Monthly discharge of Pecos River at Carlsbad, N. Hex , for 1903-1906. Month Discharge in second-feet rCi.n-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum A\Iinimum Mean 1903 June b 15,640 390 110 85 82 82 82 119 110 82 82 80 80 80 1,959 164 92.7 82.8 81.5 81.7 80.3 116,600 10,080 5,700 4,927 5,011 4,862 4,938 July August September October ... November December The period. . 152.100 b The rating table used is not strictly applicable June 13 to 22. 1903, owing to a considerable change in the high-water section during flood of October, 1904. PECOS RIVER BASIN 91 Monthly discharge of Pecos River at Carlsbad, N. Mex., for 1903-1906. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum 1904 January I 161 February March 137 April 90 May June 122 July 107 August September 224 October (1-2 and 11-31) 30,200 November 1,530 December (1-24) 766 The period 1905 January 790 February 1,360 March 3,204 April 3,534 May 3,480 June 3,220 July 47,600 August 4,287 September 1,700 October 568 November 1,800 December 1,118 The year 47,600 1906 January 618 February 530 March 360 April 1,440 May 1,290 June 1,150 July 4,800 August 1,630 September 222 October 230 November 1,090 December 1,890 The year 4,800 Minimum 80 90 22 88 0.0 75 95 104 107 ,190 255 295 322 734 295 338 338 255 ?06 305 206 246 305 518 206 485 372 176 ?44 210 262 266 210 190 18 230 206 18 Mean 99.4 94.0 85.0 88.1 84.3 91.4 96.5 132 152 4,269 695 521 392 838 1,266 1,079 1,574 1,256 5,236 1,164 486 308 739 742 Run-off (total in acre- feet) 6,112 5,407 5,226 5,242 5,183 5,439 5,934 8,116 9,045 194,800 41,360 24,800 316,700 24,100 46,540 77,840 64,210 96,780 74,740 321,900 71,570 28,920 18,940 43,970 45,620 1,257 . I 915,100 528 482 240 580 552 511 884 499 207 217 327 744 481 32.500 26,800 14,800 34,500 33,900 30,400 54,400 30,700 12,300 13,300 19,500 45,700 349,000 Monthly discharge of Pecos River at Carlsbad, N. Mex , for 1914-1917. Month 1914 May (18-31) June July August September . . October November . . December . Discharge in second fe< t Maximum Minimum 3,500 2.600 4.330 928 248 1,160 1,640 515 The period. 85 74 85 97 85 85 85 85 Mean 1,230 574 1,300 312 133 253 369 299 Rur-f ff (total in acre- feet) 34,200 34,200 79,900 19,200 7,910 15,600 22 000 18,400 231,000 92 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888 1917 Monthly discharge of Pecos River at Carlsbad, N. Mex., for 19H-J9J7. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1915 January 5,190 February a, 150 March 2,340 April 18,800 May 1,890 June 1,570 July 2,020 August 1,720 September 3,993 October 1,400 November 400 December 270 The year 18,800 1916 January February March April May June July August September October November December The year 1917 January 1,770 February 476 March 174 April 107 May Ill June i 213 July | 182 August I 121 September I 113 October 87 November 110 December 285 The year 1,770 50 68 85 74 101 93 50 67 67 245 50 50 50 414 367 355 3,880 630 205 223 318 961 390 111 113 660 239 195 150 218 505 165 142 2,810 443 527 205 343 25,500 20,400 21,800 231,000 38,700 12,200 13,700 19,500 57,000 24,000 6,600 7,000 477,400 14,700 11,200 9,220 13,000 31,000 9,820 8,730 173,000 26,400 32,400 12,200 21,100 363,000 270 111 99 91 43 52 26 77 83 75 50 30 551 297 111 102 82.5 74.5 116 93.2 100 78.6 75.0 94.5 33,900 16,500 6,820 6,070 5,070 4,430 7,130 5,730 5,950 4,830 4,460 5,810 26 147 107,000 PECOS RIVER BASIN 93 GALLINAS RIVER ABOVE HOT SPRINGS, NEAR LAS VEGAS, N. MEX. Location. Two miles and a half above Hot Springs, at the end of the Agua Pura ice house spur. Records available. March 9, 1915, to December 31, 1917. On account of back- water which reaches the gage from the Agua Pura Company's reservo ; r No. 9, observations are discontinued during time gage heights are affected by such backwater. Drainage area. 86 square miles. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1915 p. 66, 1916 p. 68, 1917 p. 69. Monthly discharge of Gallinas River above Hot Springs, near Las Vegas, N. Mex., for 1915-1917. Month Discharge in second -ieet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1915 March (9-31) 76 April 492 May 179 June 70 July 695 August 75 September (1-18) The period 695 1916 May (17-31) June (1, 11, 16 and 22-30) July 310 August 162 September (1-28) The period. 1917 February (11-28) 7.1 March 12 April 16 May 130 June 24 July 7.9 August 8.1 September (1-15) 6.0 The period 130 7.0 42 68 15 7.5 21 14 7.0 28.7 173 111 39.0 64.6 33.8 20.3 71.5 1.310 10,300 6,800 2,320 3,970 2,080 726 27,500 10 20 69.9 24 8 22.6 58.8 18.9 37.6 2,080 589 1,390 3,610 1,050 6.3 7.3 10 14 8.3 4.0 3.5 3.0 6.43 8.98 12.2 40.3 14.5 5.67 4.79 3.96 230 552 728 2,480 863 349 295 118 3.0 13.0 5,620 94 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 GALLINAS RIVER NEAR LAS VEGAS N. MEX. Location. At Las Vegas Hot Springs, six miles northwest of Las Vegas. There are no tributaries between, the station and Las Vegas. Records available. August 13, 1903, to May 31, 1912, and December 1, 1912, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. 89 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 99 p. 253, 132 p. 116, 174 p. 115, 210 p. 97, 248 p. 134, 268 p. 93, 288 p. 125, 358 p. 561; State En- gineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 184, 1913 p. 179, 1914 p. 63, 1915 p. 68, 1916 p. 70, 1917 p. 71. NOTE. The water supply for the town of Las Vegas is diverted about a mile and a half above the station. Beginning a short distance above the gage and extending 1 upstream a distance of aoout two miles, is a series 01 nine reservoirs belonging to the Agua Pura Co., in which water is stored for the production of ice. These have no effect on the irrigating capacity of the stream, as the water, which is stored only between October and March, is comparatively small in quantity. The intake of the Sanguijuela reservoir project, the property of the town of j^as Vegas, is about one-half mile below the station. There are diversions through small private ditches for the ir- rigation of about 1500 acres between the station and the mouth of the Gal- linas. Monthly discharge of Gallinas River near Las Vegas, N. Mex., for 190Jf-1911 Month Discharge in second -feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1904 October (8-31) November 57 December 1905 January February March ! April 380 May June 163 July 75 August 75 September 57 October 12 November December 30 The year 380 1906 January 14 February March 84 April 200 May 134 June 64 July 120 August 74 September 64 October 33 November 22 December | 240 The year ! 240 12 12 57 75 121 20 12 12 6 2 2 12 4 8 14 47 64 8 8 14 8 2 14 14 32.6 13.7 10.2 12.0 40.1 93.3 177 206 63.4 17.1 26.7 14.0 3.5 32.1 18.7 57.8 9.2 11.1 25.9 98.7 101 31.8 38.5 21.9 14.7 17.0 15.7 45.6 1,551 815 627 738 2,227 5,737 10,530 12,670 3,773 1,051 1,642 833 215 1,910 1,150 42,480 566 616 1,590 5,870 6,210 1,890 2,370 1,350 875 1,050 934 2,800 35.9 26,100 PECOS RIVER BASIN 95 Monthly discharge of Gallinas River near Las Vegas, N. Mex., for 190-^-1911 continued. Discharge in second-feet Month Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1907 January February | March i April May 113 June July August J*5 September * October 7.0 November December 3.5 The year 135 1908 January 3.5 February March 20 April 92 May June 35 July 124 August September October 5.0 November 5.0 December 5.0 The year 158 1909 January February 14.8 March 24 April 41 May 39 June 16 July 43 August 78 September 280 October 24 November 5.0 December 5.0 The year 280 1910 January 10.5 February 5.0 March 55 April 41 May 41 June 7.8 July 41 August 55 September 10.5 October 1.0 November 0.3 December 0.3 The year 55 7 14 14 25 55 14 10.5 7.0 7.0 0.0 1.3 3.5 0.0 13.6 14.9 27.6 43.5 91.3 64.0 24.7 27.3 22.8 1.68 3.02 3.50 28.2 836 828 1,700 2,590 5,610 3,810 1,520 1,680 1,360 103 180 215 20,400 1.3 1.3 3.5 3.5 20 4.0 4.0 29 5.0 0.0 0.3 5.0 0.0 2.97 5.62 7.07 29.4 27.5 10.7 15.6 64.8 12.2 0.74 1.34 5.00 15.2 183 323 435 1,750 1,690 637 959 3,980 726 46 80 307 11,100 1.8 1.8 3.4 5.0 15 2.0 2.0 7.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 1.8 0.0 4.38 4.03 11.6 23.4 24.6 6.6 11.0 32.7 41.6 5.93 4.71 3.76 14.5 269 224 713 1,390 1,510 393 676 2,010 2,480 365 280 231 10,500 1.8 1.8 5.0 10.5 5.0 0.3 0.3 1.8 03 0.3 0.3 0.3 4.99 4.26 21.4 30.5 21.8 2.07 4.92 12.3 2.28 0.32 0.30 0.30 307 237 1,320 1,810 1,340 123 303 756 136 19.7 17.9 18.4 0.3 8 83 6,390 96 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Gallinas River near Las Vegas, N. Hex., for 1904-1917 continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1911 January 1.8 0.3 February 1.8 0.3 March I 44 1.8 April 31 14 May I 126 12 June ! 30 3.0 July [ 358 9.5 August 71 3.0 September 7.0 0.5 October 260 1.0 November 19 3.0 December 7.0 1.0 The year 358 0.3 1912 January j 2.0 2.0 February j 54 2.0 March ! 81 2.0 April ! 91 40 May 167 81 December ! 3.2 1.4 The period 1913 January 19 1.3 February 16 1.3 March 2.8 1.0 April ' 14 2.5 May i 14 1.3 June | 598 2.8 July i 43 4.1 August 26 1.3 September j 46 1.3 October 13 0.9 November , 9.0 2.3 December ' 4.5 2.1 The year j 598 9 1914 January 2.5 1.8 February 5.4 1.3 March 26 1.8 April I 38 6.0 May 183 20 June i 37 2.2 July : 523 10 August I 287 16 September I 26 2.9 October I 70 1.3 November ! 73 3.2 December i 7.2 3.8 The year. . 523 1.3 0.44 1.34 12.7 18.6 32.9 7.8 92.1 14.9 2.15 30.8 14.1 4.1 19.6 27 74.4 781 1,110 2,020 463 5,660 916 128 1,890 839 252 14,200 2.0 6.67 28.0 56.7 121 1.72 2.25 3.72 1.85 5.87 6.58 76.7 12.2 6.39 6.24 4.34 4.87 3.42 123 384 1,720 3,370 7,440 106 13,100 11.1 138 207 114 349 405 4,560 750 393 371 267 290 210 8,050 2.05 1.84 6.84 18.6 57.0 11.6 169 115 8.92 14.2 15.7 5.19 126 102 421 1,110 3,500 690 10,400 7,070 531 873 934 319 36.0 26,100 PECOS RIVER BASIN 97 Monthly discharge of Gallinas River near Las Vegas, N. Mex., for 1904-1911 continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1915 January February March . . ". Ar>ril May June July August September October November December The year. 1916 January February March April May June July August September October November December The year. 1917 January February March April May June July August September October November December The year. 9.5 65 61 492 163 69 690 69 20 5.0 5.0 9.0 690 5.0 2.5 5.0 36 20 9.0 1.0 9.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 1.0 1.0 5.50 14.2 25.1 160 93.9 37.5 60.0 20.5 5.90 2.24 4.45 3.94 36 338 789 1,540 9,530 5,560 2,230 3,690 1,260 350 138 265 242 25,900 10 29 95 835 750 194 452 164 59 77 13 8.0 835 1.6 4.0 7.0 0.5 56 4.0 2.5 14 3.4 2.6 2.5 4.2 0.5 3.23 10.6 30 421 284 42.5 22.8 62.6 16.5 21.4 8.09 5.84 77.3 199 612 1,840 25,000 17,500 2,530 1,400 3,850 982 1,320 481 359 56,100 53 89 6.0 11 132 26 6.1 9.8 29 0.9 0.8 0.1 3.9 3.8 3.8 5.0 7.5 5.2 2.9 1.3 1.0 0.2 0.1 0.1 9.34 5.11 5.00 7.17 36.4 13.7 4.89 3.27 3.94 0.26 0.24 0.10 574 284 307 427 2,240 816 301 201 234 16 14 6.2 132 0.1 7.49 5,420 98 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 SOUTH FORK OF GALLINAS RIVER NEAR PORVENIR, N. MEX. Location. At the planting station of the United States Forest Service, in the Santa Fe National Forest, one mile south of Porvenir post office and two and one-half miles above the junction of the north and south forks of the Gallinas. Records available. May 9, 1911, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. 25 square miles. References U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 358 p. 574; State En- gineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 187. 1913 p. 182, 1914 p. 61, 1915 p. 63, 1916 p. 72, 1917 p. 73. NOTE. The U. S. Forest Service diverts water for irrigation and domestic use at the Gallinas planting station about 50 yards above the gage, and has filed an application in the State Engineer's office to appropriate 4.2 second-feet a short distance below. Between the station and the mouth of the north fork, 3 miles below, several small ditches divert nearly all the normal flow during the irrigation season. Monthly discharge of South Fork of Gallinas River near Porvenir, N. Mex., for 1911-1917 Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1911 May (9-31) 24 June 8.9 July 52 Aiigust 16 September 3.8 October 226 November 13 December 2.6 The period 226 1912 January February March 35 April 34 May 59 June 34 July August 13 September 3.6 October 6.4 November 3.4 December 2.5 The year 59 a Estimated. 1913 January February March 83 April 19 May 14 June 185 July 18 August 15 September 7.1 October 8.6 November 4.3 December '' ' The year 185 5.7 1.2 5.7 3.2 1.2 1.8 2.6 2.0 13.3 3.07 24.2 5.79 1.91 27.4 9.22 2.33 10.9 607 183 1,490 356 114 1,680 549 143 5,120 2 13 29 10 3.4 2.4 1.9 2.4 1.4 1.7 a 2.00 a 2.00 10.9 20.5 42.8 22 4.99 481 2.53 2.84 2.36 2.15 10.0 123 115 270 1,220 2.630 1,310 307 296 151 175 140 132 7,270 2.5 4.1 3.8 2.7 3.6 2.5 2.6 3.1 2.0 2.0 a 2.00 a 2.50 3.88 9.87 8.44 38.4 8.37 5.90 4.74 5 08 3.23 2.36 7.80 123 139 239 587 519 2,280 515 363 282 312 192 145 5,700 a Estimated, PECOS RIVER BASIN 99 Monthly discharge of South Fork of Gallinas River near Porvenir, N. Hex., for 1911- 1917 continued Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1914 January February 4.0 March 7.2 April 19 May June 16 July 71 August September October November 18 December 5.3 The year 71 a Estimated. 1915 January 5.6 February 8.5 March 33 April 113 May 55 June 32 July 540 August 215 September 11 October 7.7 December (19-31) 4.3 1916 January 7.1 February 62 March 10 April 93 May 118 June 34 July 26 August 61 September 18 October 26 November 14 December 6.4 The year 118 1917 January 5.2 February 7.8 March 10 April 11 May 62 June 18 July 7 jl August 5.6 September 6.7 October 27 November 59 December 5^2 The year 62 1.6 2.5 5.0 11 2.0 10 12 6.0 3.2 3.5 3.4 1.6 a 3.00 2.65 4.07 11.2 18.6 8.16 35. 26.3 8.84 6.15 6.49 4.13 16.0 184 147 250 666 1,140 486 2,150 1,620 526 378 386 254 8,190 4.9 5.8 7.3 29 29 6.5 1.3 9.9 6.6 5.8 3.5 5.25 7.01 13.5 54.1 38.7 16.1 589 28.5 7.97 6.17 3.90 323 390 831 3,220 2,380 960 3,620 1,750 474 367 101 2.7 4.6 6.8 21 35 5.4 4.8 11 7.1 5.3 6.1 4.8 2.7 3.4 5.3 7.9 9.8 9.8 4.9 1.0 0.2 0.4 1.0 2.0 0.8 4.51 5.31 8.51 49.0 68.4 165 7.49 29.7 12.3 16.3 8.77 5.34 19.4 4.27 6.64 8.93 10.0 22.8 10.1 4.17 2.00 2.77 1.56 3 98 3.72 277 305 523 2,910 4,210 983 460 1,830 734 1,000 522 328 14,100 262 368 549 598 1,400 603 257 123 165 96 237 229 0.2 6.75 4,890 100 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 GALLINAS PLANTING STATION DITCH NEAR PORVENIR, N. MEX. Location. This ditch takes water from the river about 50 yards above the gage on the South Fork of the Gallinas River. Measurements were taken in a flume near the head of the ditch. Reference. State Engineer's Report on the Surface Water Supply of New Mex- ico for 1915 p. 65. Monthly discharge of Gallinas Planting Station Ditch near Porvenir. N. Mex., for 1915. Month Discharge in second-feet Run -off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean July (13-31) 0.20 0.08 0.12 0.09 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.10 0.03 0.04 0.07 3.84 1.84 2.50 3.92 August ; September October The period 0.20 0.00 0.06 12.1 HONDO RIVER BASIN Records at all stations in the Hondo River Basin, except those at Hon- do Reservoir site and Roswell, were obtained during a hydrographic survey made under the direction of the Territorial Engineer in 1908-9. Water for irrigation was diverted at many points along the Hondo and its tributaries during the time covered by the following records. For details of the use of water see Second Biennial Report of the Territorial Engineer and sheets 1 to 8, Hondo hydrographic survey. There are records on streams in this basin in a hydrographic survey made by W. W. Follett in 1913 and 1914 contained in his report to Messrs. Franklin and Hawkins. HONDO RIVER AT PICACHO, N. MEX. Location. In the western part of section 15. T. 11 S., R. 18 E., N. M. P. M. ( about one mile above the town of Picacho. Records available. May 10, 1908, to August 31, 1909. References. Sheets 1 to 8, Rivers, Hondo Hydrographic Survey. Monthly discharge of Hondo River at Picacho, N. Mex., for 1908, 1909. Month Discharge in second-feet Rur -off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1908 May (16-31) 86.4 37 300 102 90.69 41.5 41.06 43.69 46.0 12.75 16 81.6 27 22 34.71 40.84 2,073 1,146 4.908 5,616 3,082 2.458 2,263 2,546 June July August September October November December The period 24,092 PECOS RIVER BASIN 101 Monthly discharge of Hondo River at Picacho, N. Hex., for 1908, 1909. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1909 39.60 40 13.31 24.48 21.81 27.74 247.06 35.21 15.23 12.95 13.46 12.27 10.72 13.37 2,333 1,628 817 1,035 992.1 974.1 2,745 June July The period .... 10,524.2 NOTE. Report on Hondo Hydrographic Survey gives run-off for August, 1909, as 5,000 acre-feet and for the period, 1909, as 15,524 acre-feet. NOTE. Discharge in second-feet is given for May 10, 1908, but run-off in acre-feet was not computed. HONDO RIVER AT BORDER RANCH, N. MEX. Location. In the southwest quarter of section 30, T. 11 S., R. 20 E., N. M. P. M., just below the Border Ranch house. Records available. May 16, 1908, to August 31, 1909. References. Sheets 1 to 8, Rivers, Hondo Hydrographic Survey. Monthly discharge of Hondo River at Border Ranch, N. Hex., for 1908, 1909. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1908 May (16-31) 60.4 24.6 300 80 60 39 39 40.09 24.6 5.0 13.4 21.8 17.2 17.2 30.8 30.8 1,410 795 3,537 3,744 2,542 1,578 1,895 2,377 July October The period 17,878 1909 January 39.1 39.1 21.8 14.4 17.5 6.8 80 100 22.7 18 3.8 3.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 50 2,202 1,578 617 439 343.2 273.2 1,404 4,680 February March April May June . . . . . July August The period. . 11.536.4 NOTE. The report on the Hondo Hydrographic Survey gives the run-off for March, 1909, as 677 acre-feet, and for the period, 1909, as 11,596 acre-feet. 102 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 HONDO RIVER AT DIAMOND "A" RANCH, N. MEX. Location. In the northeast quarter of section 20, T. 11 S., R. 21 E., N. M. P. M. about M> mile below the Diamond "A" Ranch house. Records available. May 16, 1908, to August 31, 1909. References. Sheets 1 to 8, Rivers, Hondo Hydrographic Survey. Monthly discharge of Hondo River at Diamond "A" Ranch, N. Mex., for 1908, 1909. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1908 May (16-31) 55.04 5.0 80 60 60 12.2 27 30 5.0 0.0 0.0 38.5 12.2 0.4 27 26.2 1,119 13 2,188 2,834 2,084 648 1,603 1,740 June July . . August . . September November December The period 12,229 1909 January 26 19.2 14.4 7.1 0.0 10.8 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 20.7 .... 1,316 653 143 13 0.0 100 917 2,932 February March April May June July 70 100 August The period 6,074 NOTE. Report on the Hondo Hydrographic Survey gives run-off for May, 1908, as 1,196 acre-feet and for period, 1908, as 12,206 acre-feet. INLET CANAL OF HONDO RESERVOIR, NEAR ROSWELL, N. MEX. Location. On Inlet Canal from Hondo River to Hondo Reservoir, about 12 miles southwest of Roswell. Records available. May 16, 1908, to August 31, 1909. References. Sheets 1 to 8, Rivers, Hondo Hydrographic Survey. Monthly discharge of Inlet Canal of Hondo Reservoir near Roswell, N. Mex., for 1908, 1909. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1908 May (16-31) 0.0 0.0 100 60 45 10 9.0 9.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 588 1,572 873 112 100 380 June July August September October November December The period .... .... 3,625 PECOS RIVER BASIN 103 Monthly discharge of Inlet Canal of Hondo Reservoir near Roswell, N. Hex., for 1908, 1909. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1909 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 40 70 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 37 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 187 443 March June July August The period . . ... 667 NOTE. Report on Hondo Hydrographic Survey gives run-off for October, 1908, as 0.0 acre-feet and for period as 3,513 acre-feet. HONDO RIVER BELOW INLET TO HONDO RESERVOIR, NEAR ROSWELL, N. MEX. Location. Below head of Inlet Canal to Hondo Reservoir, about 12 miles south- west of Roswell. Records available. May 16, 1908, to August 31, 1909. References. Sheets 1 to 8, Rivers, Hondo Hydrographic Survey. Monthly discharge of Hondo River below Inlet to Hondo Reservoir, near Ros- well, N. Mex., for 1908, 1909. Discna rge in seco nd-feet Run-off Month Maximum Minimum Mean acre- feet) 1908 May (16-31) 21.92 0.0 460 0.0 0.0 July 22.84 0.0 528 August 30 0.0 423 September . . 0.0 October 0.0 0.0 November 7.0 0.0 53 December 0.0 0.0 The period 1,941 1909 January 0.0 February 0.0 March 0.0 0.0 April May 0.0 June July 20 324 August 40 1 562 The period 1 886 NOTE. The report on the Hondo Hydrographic Survey gives the run-off for May, 1908, as 400 acre-feet; November, 1908, 534 acre-feet; the period, 1908, as 1,945 acre-feet; August, 1909, as 156.2 acre-feet, and the period, 1909, as 480.2 acre-feet. 104 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 HONDO RIVER AT HONDO RESERVOIR SITE, NEAR ROSWELL, N. MEX. Location. At the first New Mexico Reservoir dam site, just below the diver- sion dam for the Hondo reservoir, in Sec. 34, T. 11 S., R. 22 E., 12 miles south, west of Roswell. No tributaries enter the Hondo within several miles of the station. Records available. April 25, 1903, to December 31, 1906. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 99 p. 362, 132 p. 119, 174 p. 118, 210 p. 100, 358 p. 579. Monthly discharge of Hondo River at Hondo Reservoir Site, near Roswell, N. Hex., for 1906. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 200 34 10 44 3.0 0.0 5.0 39 45 39 66 18 19 7.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 67.4 21.6 3.10 24.4 0.10 0.00 0.32 10.1 5.23 7.32 14.4 7.23 4,140 1,200 191 1,450 6.1 0.0 19.7 160 311 450 857 445 l^ebruary . June . . July October . November December The period 9,230 HONDO RIVER AT ROSWELL, N. MEX. Location. At the intersection of Main and Vegas streets. Between Roswell and the mouth the Hondo receives North and South Spring rivers, which are fed by springs at their source. Records available. April 25, 1903, to March 2, 1906. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 99 p. 361, 132 p. 118, 174 p. 117, 210 p. 98, 358 p. 585. Monthly discharge of Hondo River at Roswell, N. Hex., for 1906. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean January 38 23 8.0 0.2 27.3 5.5 1,680 305 February The period 1,980 PECOS RIVER BASIN BONITO RIVER AT ANGUS, N. MEX. 105 Location. At the Town of Angus in the northwest corner of section 15, T. 10 S., R. 13 E. Records available. July 1, 1908, to August 31, 1909. References. Sheets 2 to 8, Rivers, Hondo Hydrographic Survey. Monthly discharge of Bonito River at Angus, N. Hex., for 1908, 1909. Month Discharge in second-ieet Kun-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1908 July 4.6 15 20.7 3.2 4.3 10.3 2.1 3.2 3.2 3.0 1.2 1.4 243.3 430.5 350 187 124 137 1,471.8 1909 4.3 7.2 10.6 27 12.8 14.6 23 25 1.4 1.7 1.7 7.2 0.8 1.5 1.0 1.5 112 105 287 599 305.7 243.5 349 561 April May June July August The period 2,562.2 NOTE. The report on the Hondo Hydrographic Survey gives the following run-off in acre-feet: July, 1908, 243; August, 1908, 430; the period, 1908 1,471: May, 1909, 305; June, 1909, 243; period, 1909, 2,561. BONITO RIVER BELOW FORT STANTON, N. MEX. Location. About 3% miles below Ft. Stan ton Sanitarium and about % miles above the east line of the reservation. Records available.- May 21, 1908, to August 31, 1909. References. Sheets 1 to 8, Rivers, Hondo Hydrographic Survey. Monthly discharge of Bonito River below Fort Stanton, N. Hex., for 1908, 1909. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1908 August , 13.28 19.59 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.68 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 351.9 262 8 0.0 0.0 September October November December The period 621.9 106 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-191? Monthly discharge of Bonito River below Fort Stanton, N. Mex., for 1908, 1909. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1909 January 0.0 1.4 4.5 14.5 0.0 0.0 5.0 6.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 143 249 0.0 0.0 193 205 February March April May June July August The period 792 NOTE. The report on the Hondo Hydrographic Survey gives the following run-off in acre-feet: August, 1908, 351; September, 1908, 291; October, 1908, 7; and the period, 1908, 647. NOTE. Discharges in second-feet are given for May 21, July 22, 25, 31, 1908, but run-off in acre-feet was not computed. BONITO RIVER AT GOVERNMENT SPRINGS, NEAR FORT STANTON, N. MEX. Location. About 4% miles below Fort Stanton, near the center of Section 15, T. 9 S., R. 15 E., N. M. P. M., about % mile below the east line of Fort Stan- ton Military Reservation. Records available. July 1, 1908, to July 14, 1909. References. Sheets 1 to 8, Rivers, Hondo Hydrographic Survey. Monthly discharge of Bonito River at Government Springs, near Fort Stanton, N. Mex., for 1908, 1909. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total, in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1908 August 21.2 20.92 2.6 3.0 3.0 4.32 2.6 2.2 2.2 2.4 711 320 138 156 176 November December The period 1,501 1909 January 3.0 3.4 3.65 12.3 1.6 4.8 2.4 1.83 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 160 165 149 246 90 134 February March April May June The period 944 NOTE. The report on the Hondo Hydrographic Survey gives the following run-off in acre-feet: October, 1908, 187; November, 1908 190; December 1908 212- the period, 1908, 589: January, 1909, 187.2; February, 1909, 171, March, 1909 218; April, 1909, no record; May 1909, 180; June, 1909, 231; and the period, 1909, 98*7.2. NOTE. Discharge in second-feet is given for July 14, 1909, but run-off in acre-feet was not computed. NOTE. Acre-feet computed for October and December, 1908, and June, 1909. Acre-feet for the balance of this record computed by taking the mean discharge in second-feet of the days given as the monthly mean. PECOS RIVER BASIN 107 GOVERNMENT SPRINGS NEAR FORT STANTON, N. MEX. Location. About }4 mile above the east line of Fort Stanton Military Reserva- tion and 100 yards south of Bonito River, into which the springs empty. Records available. September 8, 1908, to July 14, 1909. References. Sheets 3 to 8, Rivers, Hondo Hydrographic Survey. Monthly discharge of Government Springs near Fort Stanton, N. Hex, for 1908, 1909. Month Discharge in second-feet Run -off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1908 3.1 3.6 3.7 2.1 2.7 2.9 187 190 212 589 1909 3.6 4.1 4.4 3.9 6.0 2.8 2.4 2.7 3.1 2.4 187 171 218 237.1 231.6 May June The period 1,044.7 NOTE. The report on the Hondo Hydrographic Survey does not give record for this station. NOTE. .Discharge in second-feet for September 8, 1908, April 1 to 8, 1909, and July 14, 1909, is given but run-off in acre-feet was not computed. RIO RUIDOSO AT COE, N. MEX. Location. In the western part of section, 25, T. 10 S., R. 15 E., N. M. P. M., about 300 feet below the mouth of Eagle Creek. Records available. June 16, 1908, to July 17, 1909. References. Sheets 1 to 8, Rivers, Hondo Hydrographic Survey. Monthly discharge of Rio Ruidoso, at Coe, N. Hex., for 1908, 1909. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1908 July 38.0 38 90 100 30.4 5.0 26.4 12.02 11.2 14.08 2,102 2,071 1,966 2,059 1,289 October The period 9,487 1909 March 23.8 42.4 10.8 11.4 0.0 10.8 2.0 2.4 599 1,372 331.7 392 April May June . . The period 2,694.7 NOTE. The report on the Hondo Hydrographic Survey gives the following run-off in acre-feet: November. 1908, 1,287; the period, 1908, 11,485: May, 1909, 331; July, 1909, 324; the period, 1909, 3,018. NOTE. Discharges in second-feet are given for June 16, 22, 23, 26, 27, in 19-8, and February 19 to 28, and July 17, in 1909; but run-off in acre-feet was not com- puted. 108 SURFACE WATER StJPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 PENASCO RIVER NEAR DAYTON, N. MEX. Location. Two miles east and one mile north of Dayton and about one mile above the mouth of the Penasoo. Records available. September 12, 1905, to March 31, 1908. Drainage area. About 1,300 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Papers 174 p. 121, 210 p. 103, 248 p. 139, 358 p. 592. Monthly discharge of Pefiasco River near Dayton, N. Hex., for 1905, 1906. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1905 September (12-30) 77 7.0 150 180 1.0 5.0 7.0 26 9.3 6.8 28.3 75.3 351 418 1,684 4,630 November The period 7,083 1906 January (22-31) 53 73 53 53 13 0.0 23 35 7.0 7.0 0.0 0.0 46.4 53.1 20.2 28.3 2.2 0.0 920 2,950 1,240 1,680 135 0.0 February March April May June The period 6,920 BLACK RIVER NEAR MALAGA, N. MEX. Location. At the highway bridge on the Malaga-Loving road, one mile north of Malaga, 400 feet downstream from the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway bridge, about a mile and a half above the confluence of Black and Pecos rivers, in the N. W. *4 of the N. E. % of Sec. 10, T. 24 S., R. 28 E. Records available. May 1 to December 31, 1914. Reference. State Engineer's Report on the Surface Water Supply of New Mex- ico for 1914 p. 65. Monthly discharge of Black River near Malaga, N. Hex., for 1914. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean May 230 108 108 54 128 58 28 33 4.0 5.0 4.4 4.4 6.6 4.0 19 22 20.4 27.4 28.1 16.4 30.4 15.2 23.7 22.5 1,250 1,630 1,730 1,010 1,810 935 1,410 1,380 June July , August September October November December The period 11,200 PECOS RIVER BASIN 109 DELAWARE RIVER NEAR MALAGA, N. MEX. Location. About one-fourth mile south of the New Mexico-Texas state line, 20 miles southwest of Malaga, N. Mex., 5 miles above the mouth of Delaware river, in Sec. 33, T. 26 S., R. 28 E. Records available. April 20, 1912, to September 25, 1913. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 358 p. 595; State En- gineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 193, 1913 p. 187. Monthly discharge of Delaware River near Malaga, N. Mex., for 1912, 1913. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1912 April (20-30) 3.6 May 7.5 June 200 July 65 August 179 September 21 October 78 November 5.2 December 3.7 The period. 1913 January 39 February 4.6 March 52 April " " 8.0 May 568 June 376 10 Aug-ust 47 September (1-25) .' 44' The period . . 568 2.7 2.8 2.8 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.0 3.0 2.8 3.03 4.84 19.7 7.06 24.1 6.16 7.47 3.56 3.41 66 298 1,170 434 1,480 367 459 212 210 4,700 3.2 3.2 3.2 3 5 2.2 4.8 3.5 36 4.9 3.72 3.82 3.95 4.34 25 55.8 4.24 3.93 15.7 229 212 243 258 1.540 3,320 261 242 778 2.2 13.3 7,080 RIO GRANDE BASIN RIO GRANDE NEAR DEL NORTE, COLO. Location. At a highway bridge, about Sec 29, T. 40 N., R. 5 E, 6 miles west of Del Norte, a short distance below the mouth of Wolf Creek. Records available. April 16, 1908, to December 31, 1917. From July 1, 1889, to November 30, 1906, a station was maintained about 4 miles below* the present station and just above Los Pinos Creek. The flow at the two points is not directly comparable, as a number of small streams contri- bute water dur'ng certain seasons, and a small amount of water is diverted for irrigation. The record for both stations, however, is given below under the head of "Rio Grande near Del Norte." Drainage area. Approximately 1,400 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Annual Reports 11 p. 98, 12 p. 349 13 p. 94, 14 p. Ill, 18 p. 247, 19 p. 383, 20 p. 360, 21 p. 256, 22 p. 347; Water- Supply Papers 75 p. 153, 84 p. 194, 99 p. 400, 132 p. 52. 174 p. 36, 210 p. 48, 248 p. 34, 268 p. 36, 288 p 44, 358 p. 46; Sixteenth Biennial Report of the State Engineer of Colorado, p. 251 ; Seventeenth Biennial Report of the State Engineer of Colorado, p. 187; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1914 p. 69, 1915 p. 71, 1916 p. 74, 1917 p. 75. Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near Del Norte, Colo., for 1889-1906. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1889 October (11-31) 345 November 364 December The period 1890 January February March April 1,380 May 5,930 June 5,555 July 2,260 Auerust 930 Sentember 450 October 862 November 404 December The year 5,930 1891 January February March April 3,160 May 5,650 June 5,555 July 3.565 Auerust 1.460 September 1.234 October 2.475 November 450 December The year. . .. 5,650 214 290 404 1,990 2,550 862 450 326 307 278 319 a 248 a 220 a 200 a 445 913 4.331 3,807 1.515 612 383 470 a 340 a 300 17.097 18,980 15,200 51,277 13,500 11,100 27,400 54.323 266,356 226,516 93,172 37,638 22.800 28,900 20,200 18,400 820,305 796 1,860 2,190 862 404 290 450 308 a 275 a 250 a 435 1,410 3,285 4,146 1,693 663 527 844 374 a 310 16,900 13,900 26.700 83.895 202,027 246,687 104,119 40,774 31,356 51,906 22,253 19,100 859,617 a Estimated. RIO GRANDE BASIN 111 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near Del Norte, Colo., for 1889-1906. continued. Discharge in second-feet Month 1892 Maximum i Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) January .... February .... March .... April i 2,400 May i 4,730 June 3,160 July 1,074 August 610 September 308 October 290 November 274 December | .... The year 4,710 1893 January .. February . March .... April 1,037 May 3,320 June 2,850 July 640 August 450 September 345 October 308 November .... December .... i The year 3,320 1894 January . . February . March .... April 2,110 May 3,570 June 1,980 July 470 August 530 September 470 October 442 November 315 December .... The year 3,570 1895 January . . February . March .... April 3.060 May 3.030 June 3,690 July 1,500 August 1,060 September 604 October 470 November 385 December .... The year 3,690 345 1,510 1,152 554 308 243 243 a 275 a 250 316 1,047 2,605 2,187 740 444 262 259 a 240 a 175 16,900 14,400 19,400 62,296 160,207 130,126 45,510 27,306 15,589 15,928 14,300 10,800 532,762 326 732 670 290 258 228 243 a 160 a 175 a 250 533 1,944 1,749 395 324 270 263 a 240 a 175 9,840 9,720 15,400 31,714 119,556 104,066 24,292 19,926 16,065 16,175 14,300 10,800 391,854 530 1,450 404 292 292 270 315 230 a 175 a 175 a 300 922 2,390 1,070 365 383 355 359 282 a 225 10,800 9,720 18,400 54,900 147,000 63,700 22,400 23,600 21,100 22,100 16,800 13,800 424,320 642 1,670 1,290 810 554 365 385 315 a 200 a!90 a 435 2,000 2,290 2,330 1,050 735 448 419 342 a 300 12,300 10,600 26,700 119,000 141,000 139,000 64,600 45.200 26,700 25,800 20,400 18,400 649,700 a Estimated. 112 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near Del Norte, Colo., for 1889-1906. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1896 January February March April 3,000 May 3,510 June 2,140 July 669 August September 1,550 October 566 November 375 December The year 3,510 1897 January February March April 2.111 May 5,234 June 4,830 July 2,261 August 598 September 972 October 2,261 November 860 December The year 5,234 1898 January February March April 3.406 May 4 382 June 5,266 July 2,664 August 61 4 September 398 October 328 November December The year 5,266 1899 January February March April 1,030 May 2,315 June 1.509 July 1,302 August 1,207 September October November December The year. . 2,315 578 1,430 395 306 230 262 395 262 a 275 a 270 a 500 1,530 2,450 867 395 268 499 454 305 a 225 16,900 15,500 30,700 91.000 151,000 51,600 24,300 16,500 29,700 27.900 18,100 13,800 487,000 598 1,660 1,660 570 354 354 756 542 a 225 a 200 a 440 1,067 3.537 3,391 1,108 475 631 1,472 665 a 390 13,800 11,100 27,100 63,491 217,483 201,778 68,129 29,207 37.547 90,510 39,570 24,000 823,715 890 2.152 2.824 708 384 260 220 a 325 a 300 a 450 1.912 2,722 4,390 1,643 509 319 259 a 220 a!80 20.000 16.700 27.700 113,772 167,369 261,223 101,024 31.297 18,982 15,925 13,100 11,100 798,192 280 537 753 537 280 280 a!80 a!80 a 300 618 1,377 1,091 703 597 370 a 475 a 400 a 205 11,100 10,000 18,400 36.774 84,668 64,919 43,226 36,708 22,017 29.200 23,800 12,600 393,412 a Estimated. RIO GRANDE BASIN 113 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near Del Norte, Colo., for 1889-1906. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum 1900 January February March April 518 May 5,454 June 5,379 July 978 August September 384 October 384 November 320 December .... The year 5,454 1901 January .... February .... March .... April , 1,734 May 4,479 June 2,754 July 1,063 August 660 September 895 October 320 November .... December .... The year 4,479 1902 January .... February .... March .... April 1.027 May 1,787 June 1,201 July ,. 189 August 631 September 348 October 312 November .... December (evidently In error) .... The year 1,787 1903 April 1,561 May 5.101 June 6,025 July 3,720 August 650 September 755 October 454 The period 6,025 1904 Anril 1,450 May 2,040 June 1 050 July 479 August 1,050 September 1 410 October 3,100 The period. . Minimum 320 553 1,020 289 169 198 320 198 Mean a 150 a 190 a 250 418 2,850 2,688 546 228 255 342 251 a 200 Run-off (total in acre- feet) 9,220 10,600 15,400 24,873 175,240 159,947 33,572 14,019 15,174 21,029 14,936 12,300 506,310 289 1,463 1,149 384 320 258 228 a 200 a 175 a 225 710 2,570 1,782 594 464 446 262 283 a 175 12,300 9,720 13,800 42,248 158,023 116,036 36,524 28,530 26,539 16,110 16,840 10,800 487,470 265 660 210 112 69 112 169 304 1,390 4.243 710 454 389 269 269 a 160 a 150 a 230 638 1,169 618 152 180 206 242 a 217 a 200 748 2,8?9 5,189 1,655 526 515 349 9,840 8,330 14,100 37,964 71,879 36,774 9,346 11,068 12,258 14,880 12,900 9,840 249,179 44.509 173,948 308,767 101.762 32,342 30,645 21,459 713,432 195 535 465 245 500 465 675 652 1,158 716 336 689 692 1,449 38,800 71.200 42,600 20,660 42.360 41,180 89,090 345,900 a Estimated. 114 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly (discharge of Rio Grande near Del Norte, Colo., for 1889-1906. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1905 April 1,760 7,460 10,030 2,390 905 1,227 860 330 318 1,135 2,745 630 355 290 355 220 760 3,411 6,090 1,091 578 376 430 296 a 200 45,220 209,700 362,400 67,080 35,540 22,370 26,440 17,610 12,300 May June July August October November The period 10,030 798,660 1906 January Mi 1,120 2,650 1,270 582 390 715 320 al80 a!80 a 305 1,090 3,830 4,970 1,880 775 719 891 546 a 300 11,100 10,000 18,800 64,900 236,000 296,000 116 000 47,700 42,800 54,800 32,500 18,400 February March April 2,440 6.860 7,670 2,860 1,200 1,550 1,380 798 May June July . . August October November D'ecember The year. . 7.670 949.000 a Estimated. NOTE. All mean discharges in winter months marked "a" were revised by the United States Geological Survey and are printed as published in Water Supply Paper 358. The entire figures for 1894, 1895 and 1896 were revised and are printed as published in same paper, the remainder of figures are taken from published records noted in description of station. Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near Del Nortet, Colo., for 1908-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Hun -off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1908 April (16-30) 1,320 3,440 4,130 1,770 1,420 505 310 255 840 1,020 2,040 660 580 255 230 160 1,060 1,690 2,930 1,070 931 345 271 205 31,600 104 000 174,000 65,800 57,200 20,500 16,700 12,200 May .... June July August September October . November The period 482,000 1909 April (25-30) 1.620 4.530 6.870 2,880 1,320 5,050 965 490 458 965 1,060 2.420 875 675 710 158 295 ..50 1,310 3,180 4,770 1,520 864 1,660 661 418 397 15,600 106.000 ?84,000 93.500 53.100 98,800 40,600 24,900 24,400 May June July August September October November December The period 831,000 RIO GRANDE BASIN 115 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near Del Norte, Colo., for 1908-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1910 January February March 1,210 April 3,860 May i 5,260 June ! 4,840 July ! 1,060 August 710 September 398 October 710 November 370 December 270 The year 5,260 1911 January 287 February 270 March 672 April 1,900 May 4,620 June 6,450 July 4,480 August 1,520 September 1,000 October 14,000 November 678 December 450 The year 14,000 1912 January I 400 February 325 March 340 April 1,150 May 6,940 June 6,940 July 3,320 August 1,430 September 680 October 450 November 420 6,940 635 2,190 1,060 398 320 295 270 202 321 293 646 1,400 3,410 2,420 618 493 333 362 305 218 905 19,700 16,300 39,700 83,300 210,000 144,000 38,000 30,300 19,800 22,300 18,100 13,400 655,000 200 200 225 560 1.260 3,280 1,710 636 555 720 450 350 200 248 239 336 958 3,318 4,816 2,795 967 668 2,451 543 407 1,486 15,275 13,281 20,666 56,995 204,020 286,592 171,868 59,480 39,774 150,732 32,309 25,021 1,076,029 275 215 230 315 1,150 2,600 1,200 450 365 340 180 340 272 279 577 3,730 4,374 1,753 812 447 385 262 180 1,206 20,296 15,679 17,137 34,354 229,322 260,275 107,773 49,940 26,587 23,658 15,606 801,257 1913 January (discharge Jan. 25, was 165 second-feet) February (discharge Feb. 8 was 156 second-feet) March April (12-30) May June July August September October November December . The period. 1,530 3,800 2,860 1,280 875 650 650 618 330 920 1,060 758 498 410 470 290 190 974 2,350 2,110 1,070 687 491 562 384 302 36,700 144,000 126,000 65.800 42,200 29.200 34,600 22,800 18,600 519,900 116 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near Del Norte, Colo., for 1908-1917. continued. Discharge in second-feet Month Maximum Minimum Run-off (total in acre- Mean feet) 1914 March (17-31) 300 April 935 May 4,990 June 5,820 July 2,740 August 1,830 September 1,330 October 2,520 November 460 The period 1915 January 250 February 260 March 295 April 1,540 May 2,800 June ' 4,500 July i 3,040 August 1,480 September 1,180 October . 755 November 595 December 300 The year 4,500 1916 January 530 February 560 March 1,060 April 2,120 May 4,690 .Tune 4,160 July 2,490 August : ?,640 September 1,120 October 2.880 November 1,400 The period ] 4,690 1917 March (21-31) ! 585 April 1,500 May 3,720 June 8,250 July 6,260 August ' 1,380 September I 780 October 520 November 520 December 205 The period 8.250 275 300 780 1,960 1,900 730 460 500 160 286 314 2,790 3,870 2,090 1,080 816 881 277 8,530 18,700 172,000 230,000 129,000 66,700 48,600 54,200 16.500 744,230 145 170 205 285 635 1.950 1,430 755 360 330 200 170 145 180 223 259 626 1,730 3,470 1,880 1,010 660 537 293 204 923 11,100 12,400 15,900 37,200 106,000 206,000 116,000 62.100 39,300 33,000 17,400 12,500 669,000 TOO 245 265 490 1,460 2,340 1,590 725 430 460 460 200 276 289 554 949 2,940 3.300 2,010 1,610 640 1,630 804 1,370 17,000 16,600 34.100 56.500 181,000 196. noo 124000 99,000 38,100 100.000 47,800 910,000 259 320 695 1,880 1,500 735 395 320 132 132 132 374 637 1,850 6,040 2,990 1,060 568 410 296 176 1,510 8,150 37,900 114,000 359.000 184,000 65,200 33,800 25,200 17.600 10,800 856,000 NOTE. Records taken from T. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Papers until 1910: after which they are taken from records of the State Engineer of Col- orado who maintained the station, RIO GRANDE BASIN 117 RIO GRANDE NEAR LOBATOS, COLO. Location. At the State bridge across the Rio Grande, at a point near the Colo- rado-New Mexico State line, and about 10 miles east of Lobatos, Colorado. Up to 1903, the statioa was called "Rio Grande at Cenicero, Colorado." Records available.- June 28, 1899, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. 7,700 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Annual Reports 21 p. 257, 22 p. 349; Water-Supply Papers 75 p. 153, 84 p. 192, 99 p. 395, 132 p. 55, 174 p. 39, 210 p. 51, 248 p. 37, 268 p. 38, 288 p. 47, 358 p. 79; Sixteenth Biennial Report of the State Engineer of Colorado, p. 255; Seventeenth Biennial Report of the State Engineer of Colorado, 1913-14, Part Two, p. 194; State Engi- neer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 83, 1913 p. 87, 1914 p. 71, 1915 p. 73, 1916 p. 76, 1917 p. 77. Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near Lobatos, Colo., for 1899-1917. Discharge in second-feet Month 1899 July August September October 170 November December The period. 1900 January February March April 475 May 4,700 June 4,700 July 64 August September 34 October 54 November December The ; 1901 January .. February . March 760 April 1,080 May 3,620 June 2,270 July 250 August 150 September 54 October 80 November .... December .... The year. Maximum Minimum 12 20 31 65 170 Mean 42 53 102 117 259 a 255 Run- off (total in acre- feet) 2,582 3,259 6,069 7,194 15,412 15,700 50,216 195 390 80 12 8.0 8.0 20 200 250 300 339 1,730 1,810 19.2 11.9 20.1 27.2 55.0 275 12,300 13,900 18,400 20,200 106,000 108,000 1,180 732 1,200 1,670 3,270 16,900 303,752 112 112 1,310 250 12 12 34 34 250 250 362 283 2,010 1,110 80.8 55.4 43.3 47.9 35.0 150 15,400 13,900 22,300 16,800 124,000 66,000 4,970 3,410 2,580 2,950 2,080 9,220 283,610 118 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near Lobatos, Colo., for 1899-1917 continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1902 January February March April 475 May 565 June 390 July 12 August 12 September 20 October 34 November 20 December ! 34 The year 1903 January 25 February 25 March 184 April 462 May 3,840 June 12,780 July 4,460 August 112 September 112 October 84 November December The year 1904 January February March April 751 May 42 June 34 July 42 August 751 September 468 October 3,198 November December The year 1905 January February March : April 1,840 May 11,700 June 13,100 July 1,350 August ! 290 September ! 90 October j 195 November i 405 December | .... The year 13,100 195 150 12 12 6.0 8.0 12 12 8.0 180 160 305 308 464 112 12.0 9.7 16.1 21.7 19.2 26.8 11,100 8.890 18,800 18,300 28,500 6,660 738 595 958 1,330 1,140 1,650 98,661 25 25 25 236 556 2,385 144 14 60 60 14 14 14 14 14 88 662 25 25 34 314 2,012 6,375 1,178 47 90 64 a 140 a 120 a 120 a 110 a 110 153 21.5 20.3 17.5 140 196 1,590 a 300 a 300 1,537 1,388 2,091 18,684 123,713 379,339 72,432 2,890 5,355 3,935 8,330 7,380 627,074 7,380 6,330 6,760 9,104 1,322 1,208 1,076 8,608 11,660 97,770 17,900 18,400 187,518 405 1,840 1,470 90 90 45 45 120 a 350 a 325 898 773 5,690 7,220 272 163 64.4 102 229 a 250 21,500 18,000 55,200 46,000 350,000 430,000 16,700 10,000 3,830 6,270 13,600 15,400 45 986,500 RIO GRANDE BASIN 119 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near Lobatos, Colo., for 1899-1917 continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1906 January . February March ... April 2,420 May 6,700 June 8,280 July 2,050 August 1,290 September 1,470 October 1,470 November (1-24) 1,230 December The period. 1907 January February March 1,470 April 3,770 May 7,540 June 8,670 July 8,800 August 2,520 September 2,750 October 705 November 530 December .... The year. 1908 March 900 April 900 May 1,410 June 2,150 July 1,060 August 1,230 September 615 October 430 November 400 December The period. 1909 January February March 615 April 3,060 May 4,870 June 7,460 July 1,730 August 1,600 September 4,550 October 1,350 November 705 December 705 The year 7,460 155 1,000 1,350 1,000 195 240 550 475 715 1,470 3,700 2,450 1,230 660 530 400 a 275 a 270 a 340 761 3,330 4,370 1,470 503 423 923 954 a 500 a 500 a 525 779 1,960 3,270 6,900 5,440 1,740 1,230 576 473 a 358 16,600 15,000 20,900 45,300 205,000 260,000 90,400 30,900 25,200 56,800 45,400 30,700 842,200 30,700 29,200 47,900 117,000 201,000 411,000 334,000 107,000 73,200 35,400 28,100 22,000 1,436,500 495 400 495 615 63 63 205 250 125 678 629 765 1,150 316 624 306 289 250 a 240 41,700 37,400 47,000 68,400 19,400 38,400 18,200 17,800 14,900 14,800 318,000 320 430 1,170 2,130 110 122 1,110 495 430 300 a 300 a 350 490 1,060 3,460 4,520 607 466 2,360 869 569 441 18,400 19,400 30,100 63,100 213,000 269,000 37,300 28,700 140,000 53,400 33,900 27,100 933,400 120 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near Lobatos, Colo., for 1899-1911 continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Kun-off (total in acre- feet) 1910 January February March 2,060 April &.380 May 5,380 June 3,530 July 85 August 135 September ti5 October 250 November 320 December The year 5,380 1911 January 450 February 450 March 530 April 1,520 May 4,000 June 5,750 July 5,110 August 2,195 September 1,050 October 7,510 November (1-6) 1,410 The period 7,510 1912 January 530 February 530 March 850 April 1,520 May 8,680 June 8,140 July 3,550 August 660 September 295 October 345 November 400 The period 8,680 1,170 1,230 85 20 20 30 30 165 390 355 1,240 2,030 3,370 1,010 32.9 74.2 43.3 121 228 289 769 24,000 19,700 76,200 121,000 207,000 60,100 2,020 4,560 2,580 7,440 13,600 17,800 556,000 250 330 320 135 900 2,195 2,065 65 460 1,200 1,100 65 370 380 375 461 2,090 4,086 3,604 579 699 3,143 1,235 1,582 22,758 21,086 23,070 27,441 128,509 243,134 221,623 35,581 41,621 193,230 14,698 972,751 450 430 460 460 1,050 2,880 122 110 135 228 205 110 497 486 597 840 4,259 5,141 805 282 196 283 364 1,250 30,575 17,977 36,738 50,004 261,901 305,905 49,490 17,320 11,693 17,393 21,636 830,632 1913 January (discharge Jan. 26 was 230 second-feet) February (discharge Feb. 10 was 224 second-feet) March (discharge Mar. 20 was 391 second-feet) April May June July August September October November . 1,465 1,465 1,810 205 65 122 460 615 400 345 228 30 20 30 110 345 The period. 1,810 20 959 821 885 80 38 69 384 403 453 57,064 50,471 52,661 4,919 2,336 4,106 23,611 23,980 219,158 NOTE. The discharge and run-off figures for 1913 are printed as published and differ from those published in Seventeenth Biennial Report, State Engineer in State Engineer's Report on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1913 of Colorado, figures being carried further. RIO GRANDE BASIN 121 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near Lobatos, Colo., for 1S99-1917 continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (.local in acre- leet) 1914 March 715 April 850 May 3,210 June 4,580 July 1,810 August l.olO September 1,200 October 1,910 November | 546 The period 1915 January j 315 February I 315 March b05 April 1,920 May 3,790 June 3,140 July 2,780 August 1,680 September 470 October 400 November 475 December 360 The year 3,790 1916 January 640 February 710 March 1,320 April ! 2,190 May 5,910 June 2,760 July 1,060 August 2,310 September 720 October 2,900 November 1,540 The period 5,910 1917 March (15-31) 875 April 2,110 May i 4,980 June i 7,750 July 5,830 August 488 September I 200 October [ 245 November i 450 December i 430 The period I 7,750 310 545 545 470 185 247 435 310 375 514 647 1,660 2,610 787 710 817 734 429 31,600 38,500 102,000 155,000 48,400 43,700 48,600 45,100 25,500 538,400 275 260 325 370 505 1,130 175 175 165 175 190 285 165 292 288 399 823 1,660 2,100 646 424 280 254 327 308 650 18,000 16,000 24,500 49,000 102,000 125,000 39,700 26,100 16,700 15,600 19,500 18,900 471,000 315 370 465 428 1,270 858 250 320 250 160 810 160 450 415 450 1,450 565 180 120 180 320 300 120 368 456 778 865 2,660 1,920 613 1,360 428 1,530 1,100 1,100 549 938 1,880 4,980 2,560 287 160 196 376 357 1,250 22,600 26,200 47,800 51,500 164,000 114,000 37,700 83,600 25,500 94,100 65,500 732,000 18,500 55,800 116,000 296,000 157,000 17,600 9,520 12,100 22,400 22,000 727,000 NOTE. Winter estimates up to and including 1909 have been revised by the U. S. G. S. and all mean discharges marked "a" are printed as published in Water Supply Paper 358. Estimates for 1900, 1901 and 1902 have been revised completely and are printed as published in the same paper, the records are taken from U S. i ' Water Supply Papers up to and including 1910, after which time they are taken from records of the State Engineer of Colorado, who maintained the station 122 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 RIO GRANDE AT EMBUDO, N. MEX. Location. About 300 feet east of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad station at Embudo, gage used Mar. 1, 1889, to Dec. 31, 1903, was about 1,500 feet above gage installed Sept. 8, 1912. Records available. January 1, 1889a, to December 31, 1903, and September 8, 1912, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. Approximately 10,100 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Annual Reports 11, ii, p. 107; 12, ii, pp. 350, 360; 13, iii, p. 94; 14, ii p. 112; 18, iv, p. 251; 19, iv, p. 385; 20, iv, pp. 358, 364, 368; 21, iv, p. 258; 22, iv, p. 350; Bull. 140, p. 173; Water- Supply Papers 75 p. 154, 34 p. 189, 99 p. 391, 358 p. 98; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 86, 1913 p. 89, 1914 p. 73, 1915 p. 75, 1916 p. 78, 1917 p. 79. NOTE. Revised discharges at this station for the years 1900 and 1901 are printed as published in U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 358. a This station was established in the fall of 1888; but first monthly discharge estimates were made for 1889. Monthly discharge of Rio Grande at Embudo, N. Hex., for 1889-1903. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum 1889 January February 576 March 1,042 April 4,4zO May 5,075 June 5,660 July 1,105 August 253 September 264 October I 324 November j 507 December 610 The year 5,660 1890 January 617 February 670 March 1,044 April 3,220 May 6,071 June 5,740 July 2,640 August 1,134 September 1,044 October 606 November 699 December [ 660 The year 6,071 1891 January 666 February 1,000 March ! 1,450 April 5,690 May 8,550 June 6,340 July 4,130 August 1,805 September 2,025 October ! 3,350 November 970 December 880 The year , . 8,550 379 420 537 970 2,443 1,390 236 181 184 243 253 364 181 Mean 431 473 784 2,261 3,430 2,922 471 206 212 283 366 542 1,032 Run-off (total in acre- feet) 26,506 26,251 48,216 134,530 210,945 173,859 28,966 12,669 12,614 17,404 21,777 33,333 747,070 260 344 330 842 2,660 2,768 920 636 496 523 550 636 260 550 550 735 735 4,520 4,325 1,250 320 320 225 515 340 437 553 682 2,083 4,960 4,107 1,593 814 545 562 616 648 1,467 586 616 917 2,370 5,965 5,040 2,356 933 469 1,681 778 553 26,875 30,691 41,943 123,938 305,040 244,366 97,969 50,061 32,427 34,563 36,652 39,852 1,064,377 36,039 34,182 56,395 141,015 366,847 299,880 144,894 57,379 27,905 103,381 46,291 34,009 225 1,855 1,348,217 RIO GRANDE BASIN 123 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande at Embudo, N. Hex., for 1889-1903. continued. Discharge in second-feet Month Maximum Minimum Run-off (total in acre- Mean feet) 1892 January February 700 March 1,550 April 4,910 May b,665 June I 4,715 July I 1,400 August 300 September I 165 October 260 November 400 December ! 490 The year 6,665 1893 January 360 February 465 March 670 April 2,465 May 5,105 June 3,740 July 1,150 August 565 September 440 October 420 November .... December .... The year 5,105 a Estimated. 1894 January 340 February 360 October 1,400 November 340 December 465 1895 January 552 February 672 March 1,410 April 4,290 May 4,290 June 4,985 July 2,530 August 2,016 September 1,146 October 572 November 700 December 580 The year 4,985 440 490 700 860 4,130 1,550 180 152 140 165 243 165 140 497 596 1,051 2,979 4,890 3,146 538 191 152 202 317 324 1,240 30,565 34,270 64,636 177,250 300,735 187,187 33,087 11,746 9,044 12,423 18,861 19,926 899,730 280 340 360 700 1,500 540 130 140 225 340 130 332 415 501 1,436 3,119 2,533 226 230 287 363 a 330 a 320 841 20,418 23,033 30,812 85,442 191,819 150,714 13,899 14,145 17,077 22,325 19,636 19,676 608,996 300 300 261 261 300 318 330 679 299 338 19,600 18,300 41,800 17,800 20,800 432 420 640 592 1,573 790 612 652 480 460 540 420 475 503 759 2,541 2,679 3,021 1,335 1,080 636 494 611 534 29,207 27,935 46,546 151,200 164,725 179,762 82,086 66,407 37,845 30,375 36,357 32,834 420 1,222 885,279 124 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande at Embudo, N. Hex., for 1889-1903. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1896 January 660 February 640 March 2,100 April 2,720 May 2,980 June 990 July 1,380 August 310 September 580 October 1,090 November 660 December 500 The year 2,980 1897 January 435 February 480 March 865 April 3,177 May 8,745 June 7,600 July 2,465 August 1,015 September 460 October 2,150 November 1,435 December 745 The year 8,745 1898 January 605 February 660 March 912 April 3,540 May 3,467 June 4,410 July 4,700 August 987 September 385 October 345 November 425 December 385 The year 4,700 1899 January 560 February 560 March 1,030 April 1,550 May 1,400 June 560 July 660 August 290 September 685 October 420 November 660 December ..'... 610 The year 1,550 460 480 580 1,200 850 210 210 210 210 275 210 380 210 532 551 957 1,797 1,598 367 299 249 228 349 395 414 645 32,712 31,694 58,844 106,929 98,259 21,838 18,385 15,310 13,570 21,459 23,504 25,456 467,960 375 375 410 700 3,177 2,270 375 285 285 495 745 460 285 385 425 537 660 1,515 2,400 800 310 310 265 285 265 265 375 420 465 660 610 65 185 185 185 290 420 420 394 408 561 1,698 5,443 4,621 1,274 338 344 1,538 1,138 551 1,497 488 471 695 2,240 2,149 3,480 2,566 478 338 283 357 339 1,157 470 481 761 1,090 956 249 297 236 309 356 535 478 24,226 22,659 34,495 101,038 334,679 274,968 78,336 20,783 20,469 94,569 67,716 33,880 1,107,818 30,006 26,159 42,733 133,289 132,137 207,074 157,777 29,391 20,112 17,401 21,243 20,844 838,166 28,899 26,713 46,792 64,859 58,782 14,817 18,262 14,511 18,387 21,890 31,835 29,391 518 375,138 RIO GRANDE BASIN 125 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande at Em'buAo, N. Mex., for 1889-1903. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1900 January 520 475 765 520 5.410 5,220 455 210 395 355 475 475 395 475 475 180 150 150 245 245 280 453 475 628 467 2,410 2,440 281 173 248 252 324 354 27,900 26.400 38,600 27,800 148,000 145,000 17,300 10,600 14,800 15,500 19,300 21,800 February March April May June July August September October 280 475 395 November December The year 5,410 150 709 513,000 1901 January 400 650 680 2,110 5,410 3 530 280 350 350 350 1,880 539 220 300 300 300 340 360 343 466 518 652 3,130 1,720 407 451 359 331 357 425 21,100 25.900 31,900 38,800 192,000 102.000 24.800 27,700 21,400 20,400 21,200 26,100 February March April May Tune . July 2,110 1.040 500 480 460 500 August September October November December The year 5,410 220 763 553,300 1902 January 460 585 630 800 1,100 1,360 280 820 1,050 260 310 315 390 3fiO 410 450 420 130 140 150 165 215 220 240 430 462 539 661 798 440 158 246 228 231 231 264 26,420 25.676 32 698 39,352 49.061 26,202 9,719 15,154 13.587 14,182 13,736 16,245 February March April May June July August September October November December The year 1,360 130 390 282,032 1903 January 375 455 1,900 2.010 4.080 15 8fiO 270 290 380 610 1.680 2.490 670 170 390 320 S'O 35 317 375 788 987 2.574 8.974 1.506 334 348 323 434 283 19.468 20.836 48 436 58.711 158,241 533.970 92.608 20.537 20.707 19,860 25,825 17,401 February March April May June July 5,450 672 370 370 K99 August Sentpmber .. . October November December 535 The year 15,860 35 1,437 1,036,600 126 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande at Embudo, N. Mex., for 1912-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1912 September (8-30) 434 October 562 November 620 December 562 The period .... 1913 January 432 February 497 March 787 April 1,840 May 1,950 June 2,040 July 430 August 369 September 649 October 875 November 981 December 594 The year 2,040 1914 January 610 February 686 March 940 Anril 1,650 May 5,230 June 7,000 July 3,050 2,260 1,500 -^T 2,200 November 873 December 674 The year 7,000 1915 January 500 T3v.brup.ry 675 March 1 .000 April 3,740 May 7.QOO June 5,490 July 3,530 August 2,610 September 795 October 785 November 890 December 700 The year 7,000 1916 January 810 February 8?0 March 1.950 April 3.970 May 9.790 June 4. 850 .Tiilv 1.540 Auerust 7.5SO September 895 October (7-14 and 21-31) .... November 1..9RO December 965 309 420 428 390 373 484 564 440 17,000 29,800 33,600 27.100 108,000 342 416 452 803 931 525 247 241 254 360 579 309 241 387 450 661 1,350 1,420 1,310 289 276 307 718 699 418 690 23,800 25,000 40,600 80,300 87,300 78,000 17.800 17,000 18,300 44,100 41,600 25,700 500,000 401 477 604 913 1,640 1,140 599 520 749 582 604 401 401 474 552 763 1,280 3,180 3,830 1,510 1,190 1,150 1,090 690 498 1,350 P9.100 30,700 46,900 76.200 196.000 228,000 9?, 800 73,200 68,400 67,000 41,100 30.600 980,000 413 440 640 945 1.900 2,790 495 345 395 370 415 335 335 515 550 695 1.100 2,800 1,410 710 765 620 960 470 463 557 784 1,950 3.884 4 295 1,232 826 493 507 541 532 1,340 559 686 1,150 1.650 5,040 3.330 1,060 1,910 740 1,980 1,340 732 1,680 28 400 31.000 48.200 116,000 239 000 256.000 75.700 50.800 29 300 31.200 32.200 32.700 970,000 34,400 39,500 70800 98.400 310000 198.000 65.200 117.000 44,000 74.400 79,400 45,000 1,180.000 RIO GRANDE BASIN 127 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande at Embudo, N. Hex., for 1912-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet RUM -off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1917 January 664 736 885 2,360 5,020 7,050 5,800 898 432 432 646 658 562 510 526 837 970 2,460 898 415 330 400 400 510 611 610 755 1,230 2,490 5,000 3,090 553 388 418 598 570 37,600 33,900 46,400 73,400 153,000 298.000 190,000 34,000 23,100 25,700 35,600 35,100 February March April May June July August September October November December The year 7,050 330 1,360 986,000 RIO GRANDE NEAR BUCKMAN, N. MEX. [In earlier reports called "Rio Grande at Water Tank," "Rio Grande at Rio Grande," and "Rio Grande near San Ildefonso."] Location. At the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Bridge, 4 miles above Buck- man and 2 miles below the Indian village of San Idlefonso. The nearest tributaries are Tesuque Creek, which enters 3 miles above, Rito de Sena, which enters 200 feet below, and Pajarito Canon, which enters 4 miles be- low the station. Records available. February 1, 1895, to December 31, 1905, and June 23, 1909, to December 31, 1917. References. U. S. Geological Survey Annual Reports 18, iv, p. 254; 19. iv, p. 386; 20. iv, p. 370; 21, iv, p. 259; 22, iv, p 351; Bull. 140, p. 177; Water- Supply Paners 75 p. 154, 84 p. 189 99 p. 390, 132 p. 62, 174 p. 43, 268 p 43, 288 p. 51, 358 p 120; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 88, 1913 p. 93, 1914 p. 75, 1915 p 77, 1916 p 80, 1917 p. 81 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near Buckman, N. Mex., for 1895-1905. Month Discharge in second-feet Run -off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1895 b February 1,440 2,640 8,630 6,055 7.200 4,430 2,490 1,160 880 940 855 355 730 1,610 2.420 1,120 1,005 705 530 630 655 605 591 1,371 5,073 4,616 4,630 1,768 1,481 723 707 834 713 32,822 84,294 301,864 283,827 275,504 108,710 91,063 43,021 43.472 49,626 43,841 March April May June July August September October November December The period 1,358,044 NOTE. b The discharge for 1895 and 1896 are printed as published in United btates Geological Survey Bulletin 140 and Eighteenth Annual Report. 128 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near Buckman, N. Mex., for 1895-1905. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-oft (total in acre- feet) 1896b. January February March (4-31) April May June July August September . . October November . . , December . . 3,015 5,140 5,250 1.680 920 310 735 617 617 645 675 1,810 1,265 255 255 210 255 350 310 330 a 600 a 600 1,355 3,483 2,704 535 412 243 299 461 498 488 The period. 36,893 34,512 75,264 207,253 166,263 31,835 25,333 14,942 17,792 28,346 29,633 30,006 698,072 NOTE. a Estimated. b The discharge for 1895 and 1896 are printed as published in United States Geological Survey Bulletin 140 and Eighteenth Annual Report. Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near Buckman, N. Mex., for 1895-1905. continued. Discharge in second-feet Month Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1897 January i 570 February 590 March 2,485 April 9,220 May 15,240 June 10900 July [ 3,190 August 1.255 September 2,360 October 3,465 November 1,710 December ' 745 The year 15,340' 1898 January i February 630 March 790 April 8,020 May 7.060 June 5,140 July 6,580 August 2 450 September i 750 October I 710 November 1.1 50 December 1,090 The year. . 8,020 290 470 610 1. 9 00 8,500 2,480 200 200 260 550 680 215 467 542 988 5,094 11,421 6,153 1,582 446 680 2,215 1,208 524 200 2.610 28,715 30,101 60.750 303.113 702,254 366,128 97,274 27,423 40,463 136,196 71,881 32,220 1,896,518 290 320 400 425 1.750 1,910 530 255 230 250 360 450 353 449 544 4,468 3,258 3,764 2,628 637 324 356 598 637 230 1,501 21,705 24,936 33.449 265.864 200.328 223,973 161,590 39,168 19,279 ?1,890 35,583 39,168 1,086,933 RIO GRANDE BASIN 129 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near Buckman, N. Mex., for 1895-1905. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Run-off (total in acre- Mean feet) 1899 January February March 1,990 April 5,620 May 3,550 June 740 July 4,450 August 2,160 September 8,260 October 560 November December 775 The year 8,260 1900 January February 670 March 1,430 April 1,350 May 7,500 June 7,500 July 650 August 370 September 6,030 October 460 November 570 December 570 The year 7,500 1901 January 610 February 1,360 March 1,275 April 4,940 May 8,400 June 4,740 July 2,930 August 3,450 September 2,295 October 1,870 November 580 December . . . . 640 The year 8,400 1902 January 495 February , 540 March 735 April 3,200 May 2,230 June 1,530 July 2,200 August 2.300 September 6,460 October 345 November 420 December 440 The year 6,460 295 485 775 935 810 190 135 100 95 310 535 360 423 641 1,320 2,965 1,914 399 596 361 893 432 756 621 95 943 26,009 35,599 81,164 176,430 117,687 23,742 36,647 22,197 53,137 26,563 44,985 38,184 682,344 520 420 600 670 1,070 510 160 110 130 320 360 360 598 582 859 866 3,440 2,914 297 165 716 387 472 472 110 977 36,770 32,322 52,818 51,531 211,517 173,395 18,262 10,145 42,605 23,796 29.022 29,022 707,472 255 420 390 420 4,000 815 280 200 280 320 380 260 397 658 742 1,402 5,194 2,199 729 827 580 491 462 463 200 1,179 24,410 36,543 45,624 83,425 319,367 130.850 44 824 50,850 34,512 30,190 27,491 28,468 856,554 455 475 480 510 520 70 60 105 85 255 250 200 482 489 548 1,640 1,196 474 272 556 484 279 309 313 60 587 29,643 27,183 33,709 97.577 73,567 28,215 16,730 34,165 28,790 17,157 18,386 19,220 424,342 130 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near Buckman, N. Hex., for 1895-1905. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1903 January 470 810 3,750 9,450 10,900 19,300 7,260 995 045 370 520 500 290 290 380 1,260 4,290 5,870 630 340 300 340 355 300 376 445 1,223 2,896 6,613 11,923 2,225 432 375 355 423 384 23,127 24,724 75,193 172,324 406,612 709,468 136,780 26,563 22,314 21,828 25,170 23,611 April July August October November December The year 19,300 290 2,306 1,667,714 1904 January 400 560 560 905 465 530 870 3,745 9,790 17,700 1,040 759 300 310 250 190 259 165 62 385 600 1,085 726 419 340 421 347 459 393 286 246 1,496 2,493 4,111 831 576 20,910 24,220 21,340 27,310 24,160 17,020 15,130 91,990 148,300 252,800 49,450 35,420 February March April May June July . . August September October November The year 17,700 62 1,000 728,000 1905 January 792 1,889 3,472 7,682 19,500 17,400 2,290 1,430 560 560 1,200 680 540 614 1,757 1,757 6,330 2,530 410 40 330 370 460 460 707 929 2,571 3,679 12,770 9,625 874 629 389 422 638 617 43,470 51,590 158,100 218,900 785,200 572,700 53,740 38,680 23,150 25,950 37,960 37,940 February March April May June July August September October November December The year 19,500 40 2,821 2,047,000 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near Buckman, N. Mex., for 1909-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1909 June (23-30) 6,330 3,210 4,800 5,670 2,100 709 865 3,400 533 500 1,720 709 337 413 4,750 1,540 1,460 3,410 1,320 489 578 75,400 94,700 89,800 203,000 81,200 29,100 35,500 July August September October November December The period 609,000 RIO GRANDE BASIN 131 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near Buckman, N. Hex., for 1909-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1910 January February 1,420 March 4,480 April 12,300 May 12,400 June 4,720 July 440 August 865 September (1-23) (536 October (25-31) November 865 December The period 1911 January February 1,130 March 3,440 April 5,350 May 10,800 June 7,300 July 8,150 August 3,900 September I 2,040 October I 15,600 November 3,010 December 1,510 The year 15,600 1912 January 900 February 772 March 4,960 April 3,570 May 23,800 June (1-7) 14,800 July (4-31) 3,620 August 1,360 September 1,000 October 760 November 718 December 590 The period .... 1918 January 674 February 707 March 976 April 4,140 May 4,440 June i 3,600 July 987 August 424 September 1,120 October 1,230 November 1,?50 December 790 The year 4,440 413 362 2,040 2,780 2,320 413 120 230 158 533 470 440 608 563 3,250 5,120 6,930 2,190 179 360 259 627 568 525 37,400 31,300 200,000 305,000 426,000 130,000 11,000 22,100 11,800 8,710 33,800 32,300 1,250,000 480 602 775 1,380 4,540 3,240 3,240 540 816 3,030 1,550 1,010 480 750 640 760 1,380 4,200 13,100 685 620 350 538 498 490 775 748 1,490 2,520 6,630 5,720 5,690 1,130 1,080 5,470 2,220 1,260 2,910 790 744 1,540 2,330 11,400 14,000 1,230 862 644 622 643 528 47,700 41,500 91,600 150,000 408,000 340,000 350,000 69,500 64,300 336,000 132,000 77,500 2,110,000 48,600 42,800 94,700 139,000 701,000 194,000 68,300 53,000 38,300 38,200 38,300 32,500 1,488,700 439 592 608 1,270 1,880 1,000 288 139 237 715 742 480 549 646 796 2,460 2,920 1,880 614 273 434 811 829 572 33,800 35,900 48,900 146,000 180,000 112,000 37,800 16.800 25,800 49,900 49,300 35,200 139 1,070 771,000 132 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near Buckman, N. Mex., for 1909-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1914 January 852 1,760 2,290 4,020 8,410 8,000 550 530 1,010 1,340 3,360 1,290 914 819 868 884 746 428 665 770 1,470 2,860 6,060 4,360 2,280 1,910 1,400 1,420 941 592 40,900 42,800 90,400 170 000 373 000 259,000 140,000 117,000 83.300 87,300 56,000 36,400 February March April May June July August 3,460 1,760 2,560 1,180 819 September October November December The year 8,410 428 2,070 1,500,000 1915 July 4,180 570 m" 555 472 510 1,490 al,160 729 649 597 629 91,500 71,200 43.400 39,900 35,500 38,700 August September 956 903 920 750 October November December The period 878 320,000 a Estimated. 1916 January 1,070 1,180 7,850 9,900 15,900 6,670 2,330 3,370 1,180 645 625 850 2,420 6,100 2,240 1,180 1,020 520 1,180 630 717 862 3,160 4,460 8.960 5,460 1,600 2,140 842 1,330 1,590 905 44,100 49,600 194.000 266,000 551.000 325,000 98,500 132,000 50,700 31.600 94.800 55,600 February March April May June July August September October (1-12) November 2,430 1,150 December The period 2,750 1,890,000 1917 January 760 900 2,350 5.750 9.960 9,750 6,300 1,100 750 420 735 675 628 674 705 1,360 2,410 5,550 635 446 400 390 430 408 685 747 1,050 2,750 5,080 7,640 3,180 612 467 404 629 573 42,100 41,500 64,800 163.000 312,000 455,000 196,000 37,600 27,800 24.800 37,400 35,200 February March April May June July August September October November December The year 9,960 390 1,990 1,440,000 RIO GRANDE BASIN 133 RIO GRANDE NEAR SAN MARCIAL, N. MEX. Location. At the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railway bridge one half mile south of San Marcial. Records available. January 29, 1895, to December 31, 1917. References. U. S. Geological Survey Annual Reports 18, iv, p. 257; 19, iv, p. 388; 20, iv, p. 371; 21, iv, p. 261; 22, iv, p. 352; Water-Supply Papers 75 p. 155, 84 p. 183, 99 p. 386, 132 p. 67, 174 p. 48, 210 p. 55, 248 p. 45, 268 p. 45, 288 p. 54, 358 p. 141; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 92, 1913 p. 96, 1914 p. 77, 1915 p. 79, 1916 p. 82, 1917 p. 83. NOTE. A gage was installed here in 1889 and a measurement which gave a discharge of 19 second-feet was made on Aug. 8. NOTE. Up to and including January, 1901, the monthly and annual totals, given by the U. S. G. fo., do not quite agree with figures published in paper printed by the Department of State, called "Silt in the Rio Grande" by W. W. Follett. From January 1, 1901, to 1914, this station was maintained by the International Boundary Commission and the United States Section of the International Water Commission; since 1914 the record has been furnished by the U. S. Reclamation Service. Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near Kan Marcial, N. Mex., for 1895-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1895 (see note) February 1,755 March 3,115 April 7,800 May 6,265 June 5,958 July 7,339 August 6,265 The period 1896 (see note) February 885 March 2,200 April 4,800 May 4,800 June 820 July 4,800 August 820 September 1,500 October 11,300 November 496 December 820 The period 280 1,350 2,180 2,095 1,080 960 1,210 986 2,096 4,689 3,625 3,922 2,431 2,913 580 240 1,400 195 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15 460 680 679 3,142 2,019 164 466 118 130 742 209 619 53,760 128,879 279,014 222,892 233,375 149,476 179,113 1,246,509 39,114 41,750 186,962 124,143 9,759 28,653 7,255 7,735 45,624 12,444 38,060 541,499 NOTE. The discharges for 1895 do not agree with those printed in Water Supply Paper 358. The discharges for 1896 are the same as those printed in Water Supply Paper 358 except that paper prints discharge and run-off January 22-31 The tables for 1895 and 1896 here printed are taken from the 18th Annual Report of the U. S. Geological Survey, part iv, page 257. SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near San Marcial, N. Mex., for 1895-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Run-off (total in acre- Mean feet) 1897 January February 600 March 1,350 April 7,025 May 21,750 June 11,088 July 2,025 August 365 September 6,050 October 15,500 November 3,500 December 3,100 The year 21,750 1898 January 1,090 February 1,290 March 1,185 April 11,300 May 10,205 June 3,170 July 16,775 August 1,045 September 878 October .... November (5-30) 372 December 915 The period , 16,775 a Approximated. 1899 January 580 .February 670 March 620 April 2,220 May .. 1,610 June 130 July ! 4,655 August 1,295 September 690 October 60 November j 252 December 690 The year 4,655 1900 January 980 February 980 March 1,300 April 170 May 6,250 June 7,460 July 0.0 August 0.0 September (8-30) 8,500 October I 0.0 November j 80 December | 280 The period 200 350 350 900 6,150 1,775 270 5.0 5.0 650 2,100 2,400 318 438 663 3,572 12,282 6,158 1,073 100 1,919 4,581 2,953 2,484 5.0 3,045 19,553 24,325 40,767 212,548 755,196 366,426 65,977 6,149 114,188 281,677 175,715 152,736 2,215.257 462 915 775 775 1,000 1,475 462 50 32 ' '27 170 938 1,070 1,011 4,562 2,697 2,122 2,717 225 78 a 20 197 380 27 1,335 57,675 59,425 62,164 271,458 165,832 126,268 167,062 13,835 4,641 a 1,230 11,722 23,365 964,677 400 75 350 160 156 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 72 246 453 443 448 909 570 16 462 104 49 11 160 355 0.0 332 27,854 24,603 27,546 54,089 35,048 952 28,407 6,395 2,916 676 9,521 21,828 239,835 370 420 140 20 90 65 0.0 0.0 15 0.0 10 30 660 632 540 105 2,010 2,687 0.0 0.0 1,230 0.0 41 164 40,582 35,099 33,203 6,248 123,590 159,888 0.0 0.0 73,190 0.0 2,440 10,084 484,324 RIO GRANDE BASIN 135 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near San Marcial, N. Mex , for 1895-1911. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1901 January 450 February j 1,000 March 480 April ! 3,560 May i 5,570 June 4,740 July 6,600 August 5,865 September J 6,210 October 2,320 November ! 1,460 December 460 The year 6,600 1902 January February March 250 April 1,650 May 1,710 June 560 July 0.0 August 10,500 September 2,460 October 75 November December 350 The year 10,500 1903 January February | March 2,410 April 5,500 Mav 8,950 June ! 18.880 July 3,600 August September October 75 November December 335 The year 18,880 1904 January February March 330 April 0.0 May 0.0 June 0.0 July 1,070 August 2,260 September 7,550 October 33,000 November 1,430 December 1,130 The year 33,000 30 290 30 0.0 2,880 60 0.0 120 0.0 0.0 160 230 341 458 246 398 4,165 1,616 964 1,066 632 277 337 313 0.0 901 20,967 25,468 15,114 23,683 256,126 96,178 59,286 65,534 37,607 17,018 20,053 19,240 656,274 300 220 50 0.0 35 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 15 65 0.0 75 280 320 680 2,720 2,860 240 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 260 0.0 370 314 129 674 436 108 0.0 800 224 13 78 184 278 280 395 761 1,681 5,178 14,100 1,266 50 24 9.0 93 307 1,762 22,731 17,435 7,954 40,106 26,787 6,407 0.0 49,210 13,349 823 4,641 11,286 200,729 17,197 21,927 46,790 100,007 318,367 660,476 77,841 3,064 1,438 545 5,534 18,883 1,272,069 115 270 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 20 0.0 1,120 650 355 0.0 274 329 99 00 0.0 0.0 171 910 752 7,534 870 679 16,840 18,902 6,060 0.0 0.0 00 10,532 55,974 44,727 463,240 51,769 41,752 968 709,796 136 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near San Martial, N. Mex., for 1895-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run- oft (total in acre- feet) 1905 January 1,005 February 3,220 March 5,620 April J 14,160 May 29,070 June 19,970 July ^,770 August 710 September ] 470 October 180 November 3,720 December 1,530 The year 29,070 1906 January 1,390 February 875 March 2,450 April 6,000 May 10,800 June 8,530 July 2,640 August 1,940 September 9,070 October 1,430 November i 1,650 December ' 4,500 The year 10,800 1907 January 1,385 February 1,460 March 2,880 April 7,500 May 11,470 June 11,680 July 7,860 August 10,050 September 10,610 October 2,230 November 1,440 December 850 The year 11,680 1908 January 935 February 1,640 March 1 2,010 April j 4,070 May I 4,000 June 2,250 July | 2,390 August [ 2,860 September 875 October | 285 November i 810 December 820 The year 4,070 370 290 2,200 1,730 7,500 2,640 65 0.0 0.0 80 160 160 636 1,150 3,544 4,695 15,649 12,004 582 327 89 120 713 559 0.0 3,339 39,114 63,868 217,904 279,392 962,221 714,268 35,782 20,093 5,276 7,3-iy 42,397 34,344 2,422,008 125 615 520 1,110 4,210 2,310 1,070 105 0.0 880 720 685 594 715 925 2,742 8,143 5,799 1,924 703 429 1,152 1,307 1,401 0.0 2,153 36,496 39,689 56,866 163,140 500,707 345,064 118,314 43,210 25,527 70,830 77,752 86,142 1,563,737 685 1,020 710 1,700 3,770 6,770 2,490 950 940 760 700 545 545 986 1,219 1,505 3,745 6,001 8,809 5,346 2,692 2,704 1,048 949 727 2,961 580 510 935 635 1,580 535 230 540 0.0 0.0 355 500 0.0 710 834 1,258 2,083 2.688 1,521 796 1,556 163 45 503 625 60,635 67,696 92,549 222,863 368,965 524,192 328,740 165,521 160,899 64,453 56,489 44,707 2,157,709 43,636 47,970 77,375 123,927 165,263 90,516 48,952 95,663 9,709 2,757 29,931 38,410 1,065 774,109 RIO GRANDE BASIN 137 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near San Martial, N. Mex., for 1895-1917. continued-. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1909 January 775 555 February 705 530 March j 1,200 495 April 4,080 750 May ! 7,180 2,610 June 7,890 2,700 July 2,260 110 August 3,950 20 September 9,490 1,090 October 2,150 615 November I 1,100 510 December 1,210 450 The year 9,490 20 1910 January 1,730 275 February 1,370 525 March 3,300 1,400 April 7,560 1,900 May 8,420 1,310 June : 3,100 35 July 160 0.0 August 1,220 0.0 September 785 0.0 October 45 0.0 November 310 40 December 465 310 The year 8,420 0.0 1911 January 820 0.0 February 985 440 March ; 3,700 470 April 3,830 890 May 8,100 3,360 June 6,120 3,190 July 11,000 2,820 August 4,560 15 September 1,285 505 October 11,780 1,280 November 2,980 1,270 December 1,340 160 The year j 11,780 0.0 676 618 856 1,753 5,468 4,873 782 856 3,009 972 665 679 1,767 41,554 34,334 52,622 104,340 336,238 289,983 48,080 52.661 179,048 59,742 39,580 41,752 1,279,934 997 757 2,336 3,192 5,019 1,060 17 119 50 9.0 150 377 1,180 61,329 42,019 143,663 189,917 308,628 63,094 1,061 7,339 2,995 575 8,915 23,157 852,692 491 642 1,416 1,554 4,942 4,530 6,382 1,027 658 5,086 1,957 927 2,490 30,198 a 35,633 87,094 92,450 303,888 269,554 392,390 63,164 39,164 312,754 116,469 56,975 1,799,733 a State Engineer's Report on the Surface "Water Supply of New Mexico 1911-12 printed 35,663 but should have been 35,633. 138 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near San Martial, N. Mex , for 1895-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum 1912 January 1,230 February 970 March 3,460 April 3,320 May 15,270 June 14,820 July 4,570 August a, 380 September I 955 October j 265 November 585 December ' 555 The year 15,270 1913 January 775 February ! 810 March ; 745 April 3,860 May 3,910 June 6,230 July 1,670 August 20 September i 800 October ! 5,040 November 1,020 December 765 The year 6,230 1914 January 1,170 February 2,050 March 1,910 April 2,860 May ,005 June 5,875 July 7,925 August 5,475 September 1,120 October 2,605 November 935 December 1,150 The year 7,925 1915 January 945 February 1,005 March 1,735 April 12,615 May 10,360 June 8,095 July 8,995 August 2,685 September 2,075 October ; 365 November \ 735 December | 730 The year i 12,615 195 585 570 990 2,150 4,650 560 95 0.0 0.0 260 145 0.0 Mean 818 772 1,258 1,980 8,161 8,438 1,850 371 128 146 463 406 2,066 Run-off (total in acre- feet) 50,311 44,430 77,375 117,798 501,779 502,096 113,772 22,830 7,646 9,005 27,580 24,992 1,499,614 80 565 430 260 935 855 0.0 0.0 0.0 130 405 50 381 686 574 1,666 2,103 1,597 112 3.0 82 539 591 406 0.0 726 23,425 38,102 35,306 99,114 129.293 95,058 6,863 169 4,860 33,144 35,167 24,942 525,443 430 450 680 1,000 2,140 1,375 500 295 230 715 485 410 620 722 1,071 1,946 4,335 3,566 2,600 1,403 556 1,260 726 651 230 1,628 38,122 40,086 65,862 115,7^0 266,562 212,225 159,850 86,243 33,085 77,515 43,206 40,017 1,178,493 a 360 495 a 480 1,260 3,500 2,590 70 55 5 125 165 425 541 684 866 4,562 6,404 5,210 1,950 751 301 213 381 576 1,870 33,243 38,013 53,163 271,487 393,774 309,493 119,871 46,175 17,911 13,081 22,681 35,405 1,350,000 a The minimum discharges for January and March were printed in error In the State Engineer's Report on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1915. In the 1915 report the discharge for June 8 was printed 7,795, should have been 7,075. RIO GRANDE BASIN 139 Monthly discharge of Rio Grande near San Martial, N. Mex., for 1895-1917. continued. Discharge in second-feet Month Maximum Minimum 19.1.6 January 1,670 February i 1,125 March 7,110 April 8,210 May 15,145 June 4,860 July 1,419 August 2,535 September 760 October 11,390 November 2,238 December 1,063 The year 15,145 1917 January ! 985 February 791 March 991 April 5,245 May 9,085 June 8,632 July 5,873 August 509 September 1,932 October 24 November 443 December 564 The year 9,085 430 580 750 2,505 4,405 1,370 352 295 175 135 1,004 497 135 526 568 439 665 978 3,213 608 0.0 0.0 12 24 321 0.0 Run-off (total in acre- Mean feet) 777 818 2,675 3,926 8,081 3,461 743 1,592 325 2,640 1,479 796 2,280 741 683 631 1,590 3,879 6,165 2,836 98.4 130 15.8 244 462 47,782 47,070 164,459 233,214 496,909 205,583 45,651 97,884 19,329 162,327 88,005 48,959 1,657,172 1,456 45,550 37,939 38,797 94,591 238,522 366,872 174,379 6,052 7,744 970 14,499 28,334 1,054,241 COSTILLA CREEK NEAR MOUTH, N. MEX. Location. In Sec. 5, T. 1 S., R. 74 W., a mile or more above the mouth, on the Questa road, and seven miles from the state bridge. Records available. April 23, 1912, to September 30, 1913. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 358 p. 376. Monthly discharge of Costilla Creek near Mouth, N. Mex., for 1912. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) April (27-30) May June July (1-7) .. 160 344 344 69 20 110 89 0.3 86.2 186 172 32.7 684 11,400 10,200 454 NOTE. No flow from May 1 to Sept. 30, 1913. No flow after July 7, 1912. 140 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 RIO COLORADO ABOVE QUESTA, N. MEX. [Locally called Red River] Location. Five miles above Questa, in Taos County, and about 5 miles above Cabresto Creek, the nearest tributary, near Sec. 2, T. 28 N., R. 13 E. Records available. April 5, 1910, to September 4, 1911, when the station was discontinued. No estimates were made. Drainage area. Not measured. Gage. Vertical staff; table of gage heights for 1910 refer to a gage at a different datum and location. Channel. Apparently permanent. Discharge measurements. Made by wading. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply papers 288 p. 85, 358 p. 378; State Engineer's Report on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 97. RIO COLORADO NEAR QUESTA, N. MEX. [Locally called Red River] Location. Two miles above Questa, % mile above Eagle Rock Ranger Station of the U. S Forest Service, 1% miles above the mouth of Cabresto Creek. Records available. October 6, 1912, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. About 90 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 358 p. 380; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Wa'er Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 98, 1913 p. 100, 1914 p. 80, 1915 p. 82, 1916 p. 86, 1917 p. 85. Monthly discharge of Rio Colorado near Questa, N. Mex., for 1912, 1913. Month Discharge in second-feet Run -off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1912 October (6-31) 56 30 32 18 28 16 45.6 25.0 19.4 2,350 1,490 1,190 5,030 1913 January .... 23 67 77 40 26 22 22 22 a 20.0 a 20 a 22.0 45.5 102 103 50.6 29.3 26.2 27.4 23.1 a 12.0 1,230 1,110 1,350 2,710 6,270 6,130 3,110 1,800 1,560 1,680 1,370 738 February .... March .... April 72 155 133 77 37 41 35 24 May June July August September October November December The year 155 40.2 29,100 a Estimated. RIO GRANDE BASIN 141 Daily discharge, in second^feet, of Rio Colorado near Questa, N. Hex., for 1914- Day Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 . 67 266 47 28 15 2 26 72 34 3 67 277 44 26 4 67 76 15 5 84 42 14 6 90 76 42 38 26 7 118 185 g 136 82 66 9 36 193 14 10 219 163 74 61 11 32 211 74 34 23 12 32 190 14 13 35 180 56 48 20 14 206 180 74 33 21 15 20 168 52 42 16 54 195 163 30 17 17 24 54 160 14 18 74 56 20 19. . . . 215 137 39 20 54 144 88 51 32 21.. 245 74 51 42 18 22 24 270 122 89 61 23 67 277 40 24 279 58 32 25 23 67 102 80 56 26 18 247 77 52 38 27 23 67 252 85 50 15 28 21 67 234 49 35 31 29 67 85 72 30 26 73 49 28 31 Monthly discharge of Rio Colorado near Questa. N. Hex., for 1915-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1915 January ' 'l9 18 24 102 174 91 50 38 29 18 a 18.5 22.1 21.4 62.2 211 266 128 70.8 43.1 32.1 26.0 a 21.2 1,140 1,230 1,320 3,700 13,000 15,800 7,880 4,360 2,570 1,970 1,550 1,300 February 26 24 163 305 318 168 91 50 37 30 March April May June July August September October November December The year 55,800 a Estimated. 142 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Rio Colorado near Questa, N. Mex., for 1915-1911. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1916 January February 30 March 48 April ?53 May 685 June 451 July 160 August 188 September 57 October 67 November 38 December 28 The year 685 1917 January 33 February 32 March 24 April 56 May 236 June 377 July 215 August 58 September 32 October 23 November 16 December 15 The year 377 26 27 26 42 188 174 80 55 33 31 28 13 13 30.2 28.3 39.4 80.0 420 399 110 80.7 44.7 41.3 33.7 20.1 106 1,850 1,630 2,420 4,760 25,800 20,200 6,790 4,960 2,660 2,540 2,000 1,240 76,800 22 19 19 17 43 212 65 32 23 16 15 10 26.8 22.2 21.7 30.5 135 294 129 42.8 27.8 20.9 15.1 12.2 1,650 1,240 1,330 1,810 8,280 17,500 7,960 2,630 1,650 1,280 896 754 10 64.9 47,000 RIO GRANDE BASIN 143 RIO COLORADO BELOW QUESTA, N. MEX. [Locally called Red River] Location. Two miles below Questa, at the head of the lower canon, below all important tributaries, the nearest one above being Cabresto Creek. Records available. April 8, 1910, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. About 110 square miles. References U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Papers 288 p. 86, 358 p. 382; S'ate Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911 12 p. 100, 1913 p. 103, 1914 p. 81, 1915 p. 84, 1916 p. 88, 1917 p. 87. Monthly discharge of Rio Colorado below Questa. N. Hex., for 1912-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1912 January February March 54 April 96 May .... June (13-30) 86 July 62 August 74 September 62 October 70 November 30 December 30 The period .... 1913 January 32 February 28 March 29 April 95 May 132 June 127 July 68 August 33 September 45 October 33 November 29 December 32 The year 132 1914 January 28 February 28 March 22 April 207 May 405 June 405 July 112 August 98 September 82 October 55 November 41 December 31 The year 405 33 23 28 33 ' V.O 5.0 23 41 32 21 16 45.3 35.8 39.0 59.3 2V.1 41.1 41.7 48.1 41.2 26.5 25.1 18 17 17 29 96 73 31 16 14 22 16 6.0 25.5 22.6 25.8 58.8 117 102 42.0 24.4 22.4 27.9 22.6 18.0 6.0 13 15 14 20 207 28 61 53 38 39 21 11 11 42.3 21.2 19.1 17.6 99.2 311 173 81.0 71.1 50.1 41.8 30.6 19.6 2,790 2,060 2,400 3,530 "860 2,530 2,560 2,860 2,530 1,580 1,540 25,240 1,570 1,260 1,540 3,500 7,190 6,070 2,580 1,500 1,330 1,720 1,340 1,110 30,700 1,300 1,060 1,080 5,900 19,100 10,300 4,980 4,370 2,980 2,570 1,820 1,210 78.3 56,700 144 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Rio Colorado below Questa, N. Mex., for 1912-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1915 January 31 February 29 March 31 April 209 May 563 June 635 July 260 August 108 September 58 October 46 November 43 December 40 The year 635 1916 January 50 February 43 March 74 April 197 May 600 June 395 July 246 August 162 September 75 October 89 November 64 December 57 The year 600 1917 January 38 February 38 March 36 April 125 May 395 June 410 July 215 August 70 September 45 October 38 November 21 December 29 The year 410 22 20 23 31 147 240 98 55 42 40 21 19 26.3 26.1 27.7 80.2 276 427 168 71.2 49.7 42.4 35.0 29.5 105 1,620 1,450 1,700 4,770 17,000 25.400 10,300 4,380 2,960 2,610 2,080 1,810 76,100 7.0 3.0 17 57 160 255 145 71 39 37 15 8.0 3.0 30.0 36.3 54.1 93.0 294 324 201 105 52.9 59.9 47.3 35.0 111 1,850 2,090 3,320 5,530 18.000 19,300 12,400 6,460 3,150 3,680 2,810 2,150 80,700 22 25 23 27 75 215 77 43 37 24 25 14 31.7 33.3 29.5 54.0 197 305 140 53.4 42.0 31.3 28.0 21.3 1,950 1,850 1,820 3.210 12,100 18.100 8,610 3,290 2,500 1,920 1.670 1,310 14 80.7 58,300 RIO GRANDE BASIN 145 RIO HONDO AT VALDEZ, N. MEX. [In 1915 Report called Rio Hondo, near Arroyo Seco.] Location. About a mile and a quarter north of Arroyo Seco and half a mile be- low the mouth of the main canon. Records available. December 20, 1915, to December 31, 1917. References. State Engineer's Report on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1915 p. 86, 1916 p. 90, 1917 p. 89. Monthly discharge of Rio Hondo at Valdez, N. Mex., for 1916, 1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum 1916 January February 17 March ; April 142 May 276 June 341 July (1-fi) August (23) .... September .... October (21-31) November 26 December The period 1917 January 17 February 15 March 13 April 47 May 107 June (1-15 and 27-30) July 129 August 20 September 53 October 6.0 November 13 December 25 The period Minimum 12 14 17 20 51 80 22 10 15 13 11 11 14 25' 11 60 1.8 1.8 4.5 Mean 12.8 15.3 23.1 45.5 175 212 75.5 22.0 VT'.O 23.3 14 8 63.8 16.0 13.9 12.3 16.6 53.5 126 62.1 13.6 12.0 4.01 5.68 9.76 25.8 llun-off (total in acre- feet) 789 882 1,420 2,700 10,800 12,600 898 44 ' '589 1,390 910 33,000 986 771 754 990 3,290 4,760 3,820 835 712 246 338 600 18,100 146 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 RIO HONDO NEAR ARROYO HONDO, N. HEX. Location. At the highway bridge at John Dunn's, 200 yards above the mouth of the stream, and below all tributaries and diversions. It is 15 miles from Servilleta, the nearest rai'.road point, and 14 miles from Taos. Records available. April 8, 1910, to December 31, 1917. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Papers 288 p 87, 358 p. 386; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 103, 1913 p. 106, 1914 p. 83, 1915 p. 86, 1916 p. 92, 1917 p. 91. Monthly discharge of Rio Hondo near Arroyo Hondo, N. Mex., for 1912-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum 1912 July 44 Aug-ust 35 September 29 October November 17 December , 49 The period 1913 January j February ; 15 March ] 15 April i 32 May 77 June 55 July ! 75 August ' 50 September I 37 October 12 November 17 December ! .... The year 77 1914 January .... February j .... March i 25 April 27 May 171 June | 121 July i 42 Aug-ust 51 September 18 October 19 November I 19 December 16 The year 171 Minimum 37 29 11 3.0 9.0 12 Mean 37.9 300 26.0 8.7 14.0 25.9 Him- ; ff (total in acre- feet) 2,330 1,840 1,.",50 535 833 1,590 8,680 8.0 10 11 8.9 25 21 4.8 4.8 5.4 8.0 9.2 4.8 13 16 14 34 11 80 6.0 7.6 9.5 11 11.5 12.3 12.3 19.6 44.7 43.2 23 7 86 9.09 9.92 13.6 11.7 18 3 12.4 14.0 16.0 19.2 62.8 52.2 26.7 13.2 9.07 11.9 14.0 13.4 6.0 22.1 707 683 756 1,170 2,750 2,570 1,410 483 541 610 809 719 13,200 762 778 984 1,140 3 860 3,110 1,640 812 540 732 833 824 16,000 a Estimated. RIO GRANDE BASIN 147 Monthly discharge of Rio Hondo near Arroyo Hondo, N. Mex., for 1912-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1915 January February 17 March 19 April 100 May 350 June 363 July 185 August September October 11 November 16 December 26 The year 363 a Estimated. 1916 January 28 February 46 March 64 April 220 May 381 June 308 July 78 August 34 September 30 October 32 November 28 December 32 The year 381 1917 January 30 February 29 March 24 April 36 May 218 June 245 July 112 August (1) . .. September (23-30) October 18 November 13 December 67 The period. . . . 16 13 13 18 17 185 19 9.0 8.0 9.0 9.0 16 16.0 16.0 15.7 42.7 174 261 63.5 13.1 9.33 10.0 11.0 21.5 54.5 984 887 966 2,540 10,700 15,500 3,900 805 555 617 653 1,320 39,400 25 26 26 36 82 72 29 25 25 25 25 24 26.1 28.4 41 5 80.3 244 219 45.3 28.4 26.4 27.8 26.8 28.1 68.5 1,610 1,640 2,550 4,780 15,000 13,000 ?,780 1,750 1,570 1,710 1,600 1,730 49,700 23 19 15 15 25 41 12 4.6 5.6 5.6 24.8 23.6 20.9 24.1 79 2 160 46.2 16.0 12.8 9.50 8.81 17.0 40.6 1,520 1,310 1,280 1,430 4,870 9,550 2,840 32 202 584 524 1,050 25,200 148 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 RIO FERNANDO DE TAOS NEAR TAGS, N. MEX. Location. Two miles southeast of Taos, 200 yards upstream from the headgate of B. G. Randall's intake ditch, at the mouth of the canon, in Sec. 21, T. 25 N., R. 13 E. Records available. April 6, 1910, to December 31, 1917. References. -U. S Geological Survey Water Supply Papers 288 p. 91, 308 p. 106, 328 p. 72, 358 p. 405; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911 12 p. 117, 1913 p. 109, 1914 p. 91, 1915 p. 92. 1916 p. 94, 1917 p. 93. Monthly discharge of Rio Fernando de Taos near Taos, N. Mex., for 1912-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1912 October November December The period 1913 January February March April May June July 8.0 August September October 7.0 November 7.0 December The year 44 1914 January 3.0 February I 3.0 March 30 April 100 May 92 June 20 July 20 August September 8.5 October 7.7 November 4.2 December 4.7 The year 100 1915 January 3.3 February 3.1 March 16 April 103 May 110 June 76 July 16 August ! 29 September 6.8 October j 3.9 November 4.5 December 2.9 The year. . 110 2.7 1.4 1.4 3.38 2 04 1.70 0.4 0.6 2.0 12 7.0 5.4 1.7 0.2 0.7 2.2 1.3 0.6 0.68 089 4.38 22.5 15.0 11.3 3.54 2.16 1.86 :; 81' 2.97 1.08 0.2 5.84 2.2 2.2 2.2 14 20 3.8 4.7 4.0 2.9 2.9 2.4 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.4 3.1 10 67 16 7.8 5.3 3.3 18 2.3 2.0 1.8 2.30 2.28 9.81 35 8 60.5 10.8 10.1 8.09 4.12 3.95 2.99 2.68 12.9 2.96 2.89 4.93 45.6 84.6 39.2 10.4 7.48 4.37 3.25 3.06 2.32 17.6 208 121 105 434 42 49 269 1.340 922 672 218 133 111 235 177 66 4,230 141 127 603 2.130 3,720 643 621 497 245 243 178 165 9,310 182 160 303 2.710 5.200 2,330 639 460 260 200 182 143 12,800 RIO GRANDE BASIN 149 Monthly discharge of Rio Fernando de Taos near Taos, N. Mex., for 1912-1911 continued. Discharge in second-feet Month Maximum Minimum Run-off \ (total in acre- Mean feet) 1916 January 5.5 February March | 31 .ipril I 84 May 104 June ! 19 July 14 .-vugust 9-7 September 6.4 October 7.7 November 4.1 December The year 104 1917 January 2.8 February 4.5 March 9.6 April 10 May 40 June 17 July 3.8 August 2.0 September 0.9 October 1.1 November 0.8 December 0.4 The year 40 2.1 4.0 2.1 20 20 7.7 3.3 4.4 1.3 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.6 3.77 6.76 15.7 37.0 69.4 11.9 4.9* 6.45 4.18 4.17 2.38 1.49 14.0 232 389 967 2,200 4,260 706 303 396 249 256 142 91 10,200 0.9 0.8 2.3 5.5 8.3 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.3 2.00 2.25 4.41 7.29 17.9 7.08 1.83 1.07 0.73 0.77 0.48 0.31 123 125 271 434 1,100 421 112 66 44 47 28 19 0.3 3.86 2,790 RIO TAOS AT LOS CORDOVAS, N. MEX. Location. About 100 feet downstream from the mouth of Rio Grande del Ran- cho and Arroyo Seco, and about one mile below the mouth of Rio Lucero, just below A. G. Anderson's grist mill and a short distance northeast of Los Cordovas. Records available April 6, 1910, to December 31, 1917. References U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Papers 288 p. 89, 308 p. 68, 328 p 68, 358 p. 395; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Sup- ply of New Mexico for 1911,12 p. 109, 1913 p. 112, 1914 p. 87, 1915 p. 89, 1916 p. 96, 1917 p. 95. Monthly discharge of Rio Taos at Los Cordovas, N. Hex., for 1910-1917. Month 1910 April (6-30) May June July August .... September . October . . . November . December . The period. Discharge in second-feet Maximum 315 300 59 6.8 4.5 4.5 15 15 23 Minimum 67 28 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 4.5 15 18 Mean 160 152 11.6 2.20 3.92 4.35 9.23 15.0 18.8 Run-off (total in acre- feet) 7,930 9,350 690 135 241 259 568 893 1,160 21,200 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Rio Taos at Los Cordovas, N. Mex., for 1910-1917. continued. Discharge in second-feet Month Maximum Minimum 1911 January 43 15 February 31 20 March 101 23 April 192 48 May 345 129 June ^Ij6 15 July 92 28 August 85 3.0 September 149 15 October ' 495 59 November 92 30 December .... .... The year | 345 3.0 1912 January 30 16 February 59 23 March 159 46 April 216 59 May 670 315 June 492 78 July 71 3.0 August 14 6.0 September 25 8.0 October 31 18 November 3t> 19 December ! 46 28 The year 670 3.0 1913 January .... February 35 17 March 47 25 April 122 47 May 113 35 June 17b 9.1 July 25 5.0 August 47 5.0 September 43 5.0 October 29 15 November 26 26 December 2b 18 The year 176 5.0 1914 January 40 20 February > 40 18 March 52 30 April 190 52 May 588 255 June 420 11 July 66 22 August 46 17 September 23 14 October 34 lg November 28 21 December 36 16 The year 588 11 Mean 20.7 23.4 51.7 86.9 216 85.7 57.4 23.6 24.3 137 66.1 20.0 68.1 26.2 37.6 700 137 442 233 21.8 8.5 11.9 24.4 31.4 37.5 90.3 25.0 28.0 41.7 84.0 72.4 47.1 6.96 8.03 11.9 25.0 260 19.4 32.9 31.0 27.2 38.6 115 406 113 39.8 27.9 18.3 24.6 24.9 21.5 74.4 Run-off ( total in acre- feet) 1.270 1,300 3,180 5,170 13,300 5,100 3,530 1,450 1,450 8,420 3,930 1,230 49,300 1,610 2,160 4,300 8,150 27,200 13,900 1,340 523 708 1,500 1,870 2,310 65,600 1,540 1,560 2,560 5,000 4,450 2,800 428 494 708 1,540 1,550 1,190 23,800 1,910 1,510 2,370 6,840 25,000 6,720 2,450 1,720 1,090 1,510 1,480 1,320 53,900 RIO GRANDE BASIN 151 Monthly discharge of Rio Taos at Los Cordovas, N. Mex., for 1910-1917. continued. Discharge in second-feet Month Maximum Minimum Mean Run- off (total in acre- feet) 1915 January February March 67 April 520 Ma/ 875 Juns j 595 July 86 August September 20 October November December 40 The year 875 1916 January 75 February 76 March 131 .A pril 322 M:..y | 498 June 205 July 58 August September I 32 October 95 November 52 Dec mber I 52 The year 498 1917 Jr.nuary 54 February 48 March 43 April 54 May 176 June 202 July 214 August 16 September 13 October 20 November 28 December 28 The year. . 214 23 28 38 57 245 119 11 13 15 17 18 30 29.1 44.3 50.7 230 492 375 24.7 17.1 17.1 19.8 27.9 34.4 114 1,790 2,460 3,120 13,700 30,300 22,300 1,520 1,050 1,020 1,220 1,660 2,120 82,300 35 40 48 95 200 24 16 22 20 20 15 25 45.0 56.7 89.2 152 287 136 28.3 30.2 22.8 47.1 33.3 37.4 80.5 2,760 3,260 5,480 9,070 17,600 8,100 1,740 1,850 1,360 2,900 1,980 2,300 58,400 28 28 30 27 42 42 8.0 5.5 7.0 8.0 20 12 39.1 35.9 37.3 35.8 104 121 34.6 10.7 10.9 13.4 24.2 18.2 5.5 40.4 2,400 1,990 2,290 2,130 6,370 7,210 2,130 658 646 826 1,440 1,120 29,200 152 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888 1917 RIO PUEBLO DE TAGS NEAR TAOS, N. MEX. Location. Two miles above the Taos Pueblo, 4% miles northeast of Taos, at Glorieta Grove, near Sec. 2, T. 25 N., R. 13 E. A number of intermittent tributaries enter above and below (he station. Records available April 7, 1910, to December 9, 1916. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Papers 288 n. 89, 308 p. 66, 328 p. 66, 358 p 390, 438 p. 80; State Engineer's Reports "on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911 12 p. 106, 1913 p. 115, 1914 p. 85, 1915 p. 88. Monthly discharge of Rio Pueblo de Taos near Taos, N. Mex., for 1911- 191P. Discharge in second-feet Month Maximum Minimum Mean (total in acre- fee O 1911 January February i 16 March 38 April 133 May : 285 June Ill July i 30 August ( 28 September j 40 October . | 215 November 52 December 67 The year j 285 1912 March (8-31) 30 April 99 May (1-24) 440 June (17-30) 30 July 18 August 12 September I 12 October | .... November i .... December i 13 The period j .... a Estimated. 1913 January .... February I .... March .... April 64 May 74 June i 44 July 21 August ! 12 September , 16 October 14 November ! 8.7 December 8.7 The year 74 a Estimated. 8.0 11 26 81 26 20 12 11 20 20 15 20 127 20 10 8.5 9.5 7.0 a 70 12.9 21.5 55.8 147 60.5 24.8 19.0 16.8 44.9 24.3 a 19.6 38.1 22.0 46.6 229 24.4 12.7 9.56 10.0 10.0 9.00 8.58 430 714 1.32J 3,320 9,040 3,600 1,520 1,17t) ... 30 136 31 NUTRITUS CREEK NEAR TIERRA AMARILLA, N. MEX. Location. At a highway bridge on the road from Tierra Amarilla to Canjilon, about 1M> miles south of Tierra AmariUa, in T. 29 N., R. 3 E. This station is located about 7 miles above the mouth of the Nutritus. Records available. May 24 to December 31, 1914. References. State Engineer's Report on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1914 p 105; U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 408 p. 73. NOTE. Data inadequate for determination of daily discharge. 166 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-191? NUTRIAS CREEK NEAR CEBOLLA, N. MEX. Location. At a highway bridge over Nutrias Creek on the road from Tierra Amarilla to Cebolla, 3 miles northwest of Cebolla, 13 y 2 miles southeast of Tierra Amarilla and about 18 miles above the mouth of the Nutrias. Records available. April 9 to December 13, 1914. Reference. State Engineer's Report on the Surface Water Supply of New Mex ico for 1914 p. 106. Daily discharge, in second feet, of Nutrias Creek near Cebolla, N. Mex., in 1914. Day Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 56 1.6 2 4.7 2 3 .... 42 3 3 1 7 4 42 3.3 1 7 5 48 6 7 7 4 7 7 5 8 2.6 8 114 27 9 26 2 1 10 24 5.4 2 1 4 3 11 13 12 13 156 1.7 3 5 4 1 5 14 11 3.2 15 32 2.6 16.. . 108 3 5 17 36 11 3 5 5 6 18 1.2 2.0 19 126 11 20 3 2 5 4 21.. 4.0 1.3 22 81 2 6 23 4 9 14 24 37 1 9 25 73 1 4 26.. . 73 4 27 28 39 32 1 8 29 39 1 6 6 6 30 3 5 1 * . 31 RIO GRANDE BASIN 167 HORN RIVER (RIO CANJILON) NEAR CANJILON, N. MEX. Location. In. the Carson National Forest at Canjilon ranger station, in Sec. 2, T. 26 N , R. 5 E., five miles northeast of Canjilon. Records available. June 19, 1911, to August 18, 1914. References.- State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 124, 1913 p. 135, 1914 p. 108. Monthly discharge of Horn River (Rio Canjilon) near Canjilon, N. Hex., for 1913. Discharge in second-i'ett Run- off (total in acre- feet) Month Maximum Minimum Mean a 1.00 a 1.00 a 5.00 29.0 59.1 6.53 2.53 0.41 0.62 1.09 1.12 a 1.00 61 56 307 1,730 3,630 389 156 25 37 67 67 61 April 168 10 May 172 5.6 June 60 1.1 July 54 0.3 August 2.0 0.1 September 4.4 0.1 October 4.6 0.6 December .... .... The year 172 9.10 6,580 NOTE. a Estimated. Da'.ly discharge, in second feet, of Horn River (Rio Canjilon) near Canjilon, N. Mex., in 1914. Day Apr. May June July Aug. Day ApT. May June July Aug. 1 222 Q 16 62 1.3 2 62 17 75 5 8 4.6 3 62 18 44 32 1 6 4 19 78 5 126 8.8 20 187 4 6 6. . 6.2 1.5 21. . 241 7 110 22 110 4 6 8 5.2 1.5 23 65 110 9 75 110 1.3 24 225 10 44 4 3 1 5 25 58 68 2 5 11. . 30 5 1 3 26 1 9 12 27 1 9 13 123 5 6 1 3 28 50 44 14. . 139 1 3 29 44 1 6 ... 15 16 30 350 12 1 3 31 168 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 RIO VALLECITOS AT VALLECITOS, N. MEX. Location. At Vallecitos, in Sec. 17, T. 26 N., R. 8 E., in the Carson National Forest. Records available. June 17, 1911, to December 31, 1914. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911 12 p. 126, 1913 p. 138, 1914 p. 109. Monthly discharge of Rio Vallecitos at Vallecitos, N. Mex., for 1911- Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1911 June (17-30) 28 July 442 August 18 September 17 October ] 137 November I 26 December (1-5) j 24 The period j .... 1912 April i 590 May 970 June 222 July . 61 August 9.3 September 4.2 October 7.2 November 5.0 December .... The period 970 1913 March 33 April ! 710 May I 612 June I 102 July | 10 August i 27 September j 12 October ' 16 November j 11 December j .... The period 710 1914 January P^ebruary i .... March 38 April 480 May ; 564 June ' 116 July ; 51 August ' 95 September ; 4.6 October 40 November 23 December i 15 The year 564 8.2 8.4 4.0 5.8 9.0 16 20 15.5 37.6 7.90 8.37 33.6 22.1 23.0 8.2 232 18 3.7 3.7 3.8 4.0 3.6 106 535 82.4 11.4 4.65 4.00 5.32 4.14 5.00 84.7 6.0 24 44 5.9 4.6 4.0 5.7 8.2 7.3 9.39 218 169 27.9 6.07 10.9 6.67 9.47 9.01 6.00 47.0 10 31 111 2.9 2.9 3.2 2.3 3.0 15 6.00 7.00 21.1 194 305 39.3 15.8 36.5 3.00 28.3 19.1 9.00 57.4 430 2,310 486 498 2,070 1,320 2-8 7,340 6,310 32,900 4,900 701 286 238 327 246 307 46,200 577 13,000 10,400 1,660 373 670 397 582 536 369 28,600 369 389 1,300 11,500 18,800 2,340 972 2,240 179 1,740 1,140 553 41,500 NOTE. a Estimated. RIO GRANDE BASIN 169 RIO MEDIO ABOVE CUNDIYO, N. HEX. Location Three-fourths of a mile above Cundiyo and five miles above Chimayo. Records available. September 10, 1915, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. About 20 square miles. References. StaLe Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 19.1.5 p. 105, 1916 p. 100, 1917 p. 103. Monthly discharge of Rio Media, above Cundiyo, N. Hex., for 1915-1917. Month 1915 September (10-30) 15 October 15 November December 11 The period 17 1916 January 15 February March 47 April 74 May 110 June 110 July (1-26 and 28-30) August 55 September 27 October 20 November 18 December 12 The period .... 1917 January 12 February 12 March 12 April 33 May 138 June 106 July 44 August 16 September 17 October 7.7 November 4.8 December 6.1 The year 138 Discharge in second-fe^t Maximum Minimum 9.. 6 8.8 8.0 4.8 Mean 11.1 10.1 9.81 7.38 9.47 Run-oif (total in acre- feet) 463 622 584 454 2,120 10 10 14 22 28 16 4 14 8.5 12 10 12.5 17.0 29.5 41.8 72.2 54.6 44.5 33.4 19.0 12.1 15.2 11.3 30.2 765 980 1,810 2,480 4,440 3,250 2,560 2,050 1,130 742 904 694 21,800 10 2.4 0.1 5.3 13 33 6.8 5.8 6.0 4.7 4.6 4.8 10.7 7.16 7.85 13.8 56.8 59.6 16.4 9.90 7.95 6.16 4.71 5.26 656 398 483 824 3,490 3,550 1,010 608 473 379 280 323 0.1 17.2 12,500 170 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 RIO MEDIO AT CUNDIYO, N. MEX. Location. At Cundiyo, just below the junction of Rio Frijoles and Rio Me- dio, at the head of a box canon and about 4 miles above Chimayo. Records available. September 10, 1915, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. About 38 square miles. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1915 p. 107, 1916 p. 102, 1917 p. 105. Monthly discharge of Rio Medio. at Cundiyo, N. Mex., for 1915-1917. Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Month Maximum Minimum Mean 1915 September (11-30) 15 11 4.0 10 17.2 13.8 11.3 13.0 682 849 670 801 The period 26 4.0 13.5 3,000 1916 10 10 20 44 101 46 ' ' V.O 28 19 20 16 11.7 14.0 46.4 77.3 218 158 70.5 47.6 34.7 23.1 21.8 20.1 722 803 2,850 4,600 13,400 9,380 4,190 2,930 2,070 1,420 1,300 1,240 April 150 May 322 June 329 July (1-26 and 28-31) .... August 134 September 47 October 28 November 24 December 24 The period .... 62.0 44,900 1917 January 20 16 13 10 15 37 55 16 10 7.4 . 7.4 2.4 4 8 17.9 19.2 38.4 27.9 69.2 74.4 33.8 18.2 16.1 10.1 8 61 9.20 1,100 1,070 2,360 1,660 4,250 4,420 2,080 1,120 960 622 512 566 February 28 March 54 April 47 May 130 June . 97 July 64 August 29 September . 28 October 16 November 16 December 10 The year 130 2.4 28.6 20,700 RIO GRANDE BASIN RIO MEDIO AT CHIMAYO, N. MEX. Location. At Chimayo, about 100 feet above the junction of Rio Chiquito and Rio Medio. Records available. September 8, 1915, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. About 42 square miles. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1915 p. 108, 1916 p. 104, 1917 p. 107. Monthly discharge of Rio Medio at Chimayo, N. Mex , for 1915-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1915 September (8-30) October 11 November December 16 The period 16 1916 Ja.nuary 16 February 20 March 65 April 200 May 310 June i 221 July 378 November 20 December 18 The period 1917 January 15 February 11 March 15 April 28 May 234 June 88 July 15 August 13 September (1-13 and 19-30) October 6.3 November 2.8 December 8.5 The period 7.0 8.5 4.6 7.0 4.6 9.07 8.58 8.35 10.3 9.07 414 528 497 630 2,070 9.0 11 16 60 170 60 34 16 14 12.2 14.6 44.0 106 214 140 88.3 18.2 15.6 72.9 748 841 2,700 6,330 13,200 8,340 5,430 1,080 962 39,600 11 3.9 10 14 29 14 7.3 3.3 ' V.O 1.0 0.8 12.1 10.2 11.9 20.1 85.1 60.3 11.3 9.15 4.80 4.98 1.60 5.17 746 565 730 1,190 5,230 3,590 698 562 238 306 95 318 20.0 14,300 172 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888 1917 RIO FRIJOLES AT CUNDIYO, N. MEX. Location. About one mile above Cundiyo, and five miles above Chimayo. Records available. September 9, 1915, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. About 13 square miles. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1915 p. 109, 1916 p. 106, 1917 p. 109. Monthly discharge of Rio Frijoles at Cundiyo, N. Hex., for 1915-1911. Discharge in second-fett Month Maximum Minimum 1915 September (9-30) October November December The period 6.8 1916 January 10 February March April 81 May 81 June 79 July (1-26 and 28-31) August September 5.3 October | 11 November ; December I 12 The period .... 1917 January ! 4.2 February j 5.2 March 11 April | 12 May ! 31 June i 29 July i 15 August ' 12 September 8.8 October 3.1 November 3.1 December 2.0 The year. ... 31 3.3 1.7 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.3 11 22 37 17 ' V.I 3.6 3.3 2.8 4.3 3.0 3.3 3.3 4.3 8.5 10 2.5 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.0 1.3 Mean 3.79 2.59 1.33 3.16 2.64 5.15 7.70 20.2 50.7 64.2 41.9 23.1 9.24 4.26 5.80 8.15 6.36 20.6 1.3 3.56 4.58 7.36 6.49 16.5 18.7 7.90 5.06 4.62 2.66 2.51 1.58 6.80 Run-off (total in acre- feet) 165 159 79 194 597 317 443 1,240 3,020 3,950 2,500 1.4:0 568 253 356 485 391 14,900 219 254 452 386 1,010 1,110 486 311 275 164 149 97 4,910 RIO GRANDE BASIN 173 RIO CHIQUITO AT CORDOVA, N. MEX. Location. About cne mile above Cordova and five miles above Chimayo. Records available. September 6, 1915, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. About 34 square miles. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1915 p 110, 1916 p. 108, 1917 p. 111. Monthly discharge of Rio Chiguito at Cordova, N. Mex., for 191o-1911. Discharge in second-fee t Month Maximum Minimum 1915 September (7-30) 6.7 October November December 5.2 The period 6.7 1916 January 5.0 February 5.7 Ms.rch 23 April (1-25) May (18-31) June 84 July 88 Aug-ust 64 September 15 October I 10 November 7.6 December 5.7 The period .... 1917 January 3.9 February 5.3 March 7.0 April 14 May 50 June 54 July 225 August 165 September 13 October ..'.'.. I 7.1 November December The year 225 2.6 1.7 1.7 3.0 Mean 1.7 4.22 2.70 4.20 4.94 3.99 201 164 250 304 919 5.0 1.6 5.7 28 8.7 10 5.7 5.7 5.7 3.3 2.9 3.9 5.3 1 8 2.4 2.4 1.1 1 1 0.6 1.9 1.8 1.0 0.6 5.00 4.22 16.4 36.1 81.3 55.6 51.6 22.7 7.75 6.12 6.26 3.98 3.30 4.60 6.04 5.94 13.1 16.6 27.8 11.0 4.16 3.70 2.31 1.36 307 242 1,010 1,790 2.260 3 310 2,170 1,390 461 376 372. 244 14 900 203 255 371 354 802 985 1,710 678 248 227 137 84 6,050 174 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 RIO CHIQUITO AT CHIMAYO, N. MEX. Location. At Chimayo, about 40 feet above the junction of Rio Medio and Rio Chiquito. Records available. September 7, 1915, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. About 45 square miles. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1915 p. Ill, 1916 p. 110, 1917 D. 113. Monthly discharge of Rio Chiquito at Chimayo, N. Mex., for 1915-1917. Month Discharge in second -t'e.t Maximum 1915 September (7-30) 2.4 October 1.2 November December ' 6.8 The period | 6.8 1916 January February March 5.0 April May 45 June ; July i 1-80) August September October (30-31) Novomber j 12 December I The period 1917 January 12 February 7.7 March 2.4 April 0.3 May 7.5 June 7.2 .Tulv < 1-11 and 25) I August (6-31) i September (1-13) October (4-31) November 2.7 December The period Minimum 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.2 1.1 1.1 0.2 0.7 11 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.2 1.1 0.8 Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 0.81 0.68 2.03 3.33 1.79 2.36 1.54 1.87 14.2 24.6 9.66 2.34 3.8 2.21 3.92 6.99 3.57 1.32 0.74 0.28 1.64 3.08 0.40 0.15 0.69 2.73 1.62 1.18 1.59 38.5 42.1 121 211 413 145 89 115 844 1,520 575 139 15 131 241 3,810 220 73 46 16 101 183 9.5 7.5 18 168 97 72 1,010 175 SANTA FE CREEK AT MONUMENT ROCK, NEAR SANTA FE, N. MEX. Location Nine mi'es above Santa Fe, at Monument Rock, a large conspicuous boulder near the creek, 4 miles above the station established May 12 1910, near the head of the San' a Fe Water and Light Company's ditch. No im- portant tributaries enter between the stations. Records available. August 29, 1910, to August 7, 1911. Drainage area About 11 square miles. References. U S Geological Survey Water Supply Papers 288 p. 93. 308 p. 74, 358 p. 425; State Engineer's Report on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911 12 p. 128. Monthly discharge of Santa Fe Creek at Monument Rock, near Santa Fe, N. Mex , for 1910. Month Discharge in second-fe^t Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 3.3 2.0 2.0 1 3 1.3 1.1 1.1 0.7 1.90 1.32 1.36 1.17 113 81.2 80.9 71.9 October November December The period .... SANTA FE CPEEK, ABOVE RESERVOIR, NEAR SANTA FE. N. MEX Location. Five niTes east of Santa Fe, l^A miles above the Santa Fe Water an.d Light Company's storage reservoir, and *4 mile above the diversion of their supply ditch. Records available. January 1, 1913. to December 31, 1917. (See note.) Drainage area. About 22 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paoer 358 p. 426; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1913 p. 143, 1914 p. Ill, 1915 p 112, 1916 p. 112 1917 p 115. NOTE.- From MP.V 1?. 1910, to February 22. 1913, occasional rea.dings were tp.ken from a. st.ff garr^ one mile below the location of this pta.tion. This was be- low the Sa.Tita Fe Watr and Light Company's diversion. Estimates of the dis- chp.rere at this statio^ from January 1 to April 23 have been revised to represent the flow at the upper station. Monthly discharge of Santa Fe Creek, above Reservoir, near Santa Fe, N. Mex., for 1913-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in p.cre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1913 Ja.nuary Y.O 5.0 13 13 5.8 4.8 3.2 ?.9 3.3 3.1 a 1.00 a 1.50 2.05 9.66 lfi.5 23.9 10.7 7.10 5.16 5.32 4.14 4.89 61 83 126 575 1,010 1,420 658 437 307 327 246 301 February March 4.8 19 20 64 27 11 8.5 7.6 7.4 6.6 April May June July August September October November December The year 64 7.67 5.550 a Estimated. 176 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888 1917 Monthly discharge of Santa Fe Creek, above Reservoir, near Santa Fe, N. Mex. for 1913-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1914 January February March April May Tune July August September October November December The year. 1915 January February M^.rrh May .Tiir-o July ...'.'.'.'.'.".'. August September October November Decembrr The year. 1P16 January February Mp.^^h A pril ATay Juno Julv *. US'USt Sptmber . . . . October November December The year. 1917 January Februa.ry March , April May .Tim" July August September . . . . October November December The year. 4.0 8.1 16 29 43 38 44 26 10 13 7.2 7.6 ! 1 3.5 9.4 27 124 79 53 108 24 68 4.1 3.2 2 7 124 12 18 59 56 91 44 .16 19 5.4 24 6.4 3.4 91 5.6 4.1 3.3 4.5 14 17 5.0 4.1 2.9 1.3 1.3 1.0 17 1.7 2.0 5.3 7.2 17 8.5 10 11 3.6 3.6 3.8 2.6 1.7 2.1 1.4 6.5 1.8 1.8 1.6 2.8 4.5 2.3 2 1.8 1.9 1.4 20 O 8 3 7 4 26 28 17 5.7 4.4 3.0 3.1 3.2 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.4 2 2.3 4.5 3.7 2.3 1.7 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.6 0.6 2.92 3.69 8.40 18.3 29.8 16.8 25.9 16.8 6.09 6.91 5 87 3.60 14.4 2 80 4.15 12.2 68.5 42.2 36.1 19.4 10.5 3.81 2.98 3.82 2.21 17.4 5.75 14.2 300 40.9 55 3 30.6 12 6 7 74 4.37 9 73 4 54 2 77 18.2 3.50 3.34 2.42 3.37 9.09 9.90 3 64 2.40 1.83 1.22 1.21 0.85 3.56 180 205 516 1,090 1,830 1.000 1,590 1,030 362 425 349 221 8,800 172 231 749 4,080 2,600 2,150 1,200 645 227 183 228 136 12,600 353 81fi 1 840 2,430 3,400 1.820 774 476 260 598 270 170 13,200 215 186 149 201 559 589 224 147 109 75 72 52 2.K80 RIO GRANDE BASIN 177 SANTA FE CREEK AT SANTA FE, N. MEX. Location. At the Don Caspar Avenue bridge in the town of Santa Fe. Records available. June 1, 1907, to November 12, 1911. Drainage area. About 40 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Papers 248 p. 107, 268 p. 69, 288 p. 94, 358 p. 429; State Engineer's Report on the Surface Water Sup ply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 129. Monthly discharge of Santa Fe Creek at Santa Fe, N. Mex., for 1901-1910. Discharge in second-feet Month 1907 June 22 July 1.0 August 85 September 34 October 1.0 November 3.5 December 8.6 The period 1908 January 8.2 February 5.2 March 4.7 April 2.2 May 18 June 26 July (29 days) 14 August (27 days) 186 September 2.0 October 5.5 November 2.0 December 2.0 The period 1909 January 2.6 February 2.0 March 2.0 April 2.6 May 14 June 5.5 July 6.0 August 15 September 72 October 2.0 November 4.0 December 0.2 The year 72 1910 (note) January February March April May (21 days) June 60 July (1-16) 3.7 The period. . Maximum Minimum 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.3 Mean 13.7 0.56 4.53 6.71 0.54 1.54 4.80 Run-off (total in acre- feet) 815 34 279 399 33 92 295 1,950 1.0 0.9 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.0 4.04 2.70 1.05 0.22 1.65 3.10 3.53 64.4 0.25 0.94 0.64 0.52 248 155 65 13 101 184 203 3,450 15 58 38 32 4,560 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 1.45 0.81 0.90 0.59 3.36 1.45 0.34 3.24 20.5 0.72 0.57 0.20 2.84 89 45 55 35 207 86 21 199 1,220 44 34 12 2,050 0.4 0.4 0.22 0.20 0.20 0.66 9.30 1.61 1.93 13.5 11.1 12.3 39.3 387 95. 61 620 NOTE. Daily discharges for January to May 1 have been established from records taken at the old station. Practically no flow from April 1 to 18. Discharg- 2 to July 16 were obtained from a fairly well defined rating curve based on measurements made at the station established May 12. 178 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 ARROYO HONDO NEAR SANTA FE, N. MEX. Location. Six miles southeast of Santa Fe, 2,000 feet upstream from the cross- ing of the Santa Fe Trail, one mile above the confluence of the two branch- es of Arroyo Hondo, in the northeast quarter of Sec. 17, T. 16 N., R. 10 E. Records available. February 21, 1913, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. About 13 MJ square miles. References. U. S. Geologlical Survey Water-Supply Paper 358 p. 435; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1913 p. 146, 1914 p. 114, 1915 p. 114, 1916 p. 114, 1917 p. 117. Monthly discharge of Arroyo Hondo near Santa Fe, N. Hex., for 1913-1917. Month Discharge in scond-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1913 February (21-28) ' ' V.2 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.2 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.20 0.78 1.41 0.23 0.65 0.74 0.20 0.06 0.19 0.05 0.00 3 48 84 14 39 46 12 4 12 3 2.8 2.6 0.5 3.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.7 0.8 0.0 April August October November December The period 3.2 0.0 0.42 265 1914 0.7 0.8 2.0 0.7 1.0 35 15 10 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 ' ' 'o.i 0.3 0.1 0.44 0.49 0.73 0.40 0.59 2.12 2.58 0.91 a 0.50 0.37 0.48 0.18 27 27 45 24 36 126 159 56 30 23 28 11 February March . April Ma'y July August . . September October 3.0 0.5 0.3 November December The year 35 0.1 0.82 592 NOTE. a Estimated. 1915 , January ..',..".-, ; 0.0 1.4 5.4 52 7.5 0.0 0.0 1.3 3.6 3.9 0.00 0.62 2.45 15.0 5.39 a 2.33 7.71 1.66 0.93 0.17 0.74 0.10 0.0 34.3 151 892 331 139 474 102 55 5 10.7 44.0 6.15 March '. . ;. April .. . . ..._- May , . : . r. ? .Tune L .. '. July L . . 50 8.7 4.5 1.3 1.7 0.1 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 . August ..!..>.( September ' . ri. ^ October , November . . . , December ;....- The year.. ..,. 3.09 2,240 a Estimated. RIO GRANDE BASIN 179 Monthly discharge of Arroyo Hondo near Santa Fe, N. Mex., for 1913-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1916 January ; .... February (11-29) .... March 26 April I 23 May 2.4 June i 0.2 July ! 8.2 August (14-31) j September j 0.2 October 8.7 November j 7.2 December 0.3 The period a Estimated. 1917 January 0.2 February 0.4 March 0.4 April 0.4 May 0.2 June 0.05 July 0.4 August 0.2 September I 0.0 October 0.0 November 0.0 December 0.0 The year 0.4 3.3 1.5 0.2 0.1 0.1 V.l 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.20 9.51 9.50 8.18 0.73 0.14 2.10 0.31 0.15 4.24 1.25 0.25 2.93 12 358 584 486 45 8.3 129 10.9 8.7 260 74 15 1,990 0.06 0.04 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.14 0.19 0.25 0.19 0.08 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 16 12 4.7 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.07 53 180 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 RIO PUERCO AT RIO PUERCO, N. MEX. Location. At the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railway bridge between Dalies and Rio Puerco, in Sec. 3, T. 7 N., R. 1 W. The nearest tributary is a small stream entering from the west just below the station. The mouth of San Jose River is about 8 miles above. Records available. August 19, 1912, to December 31, 1917. Fragmentary rec- ords from September 7, 1910, to October 2, 1911. Drainage area. About 4,800 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 358 p. 438; State En- gineer's reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 132, 1913 p. 149, 1914, p. 116, 1915 p. 116, 1916 p. 116, 1917 p. 119. Monthly discharge of Rio Puerco at Rio Puerco, N Mex., for 1913-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum 1913 January 0.0 February 0.0 March 15 April 92 May 0.0 June 569 July 119 August 551 September 551 October 1,160 November 740 December 14 The year 1,160 1914 January February 2,380 Marcli 397 April I HO May 478 June 152 July i 2,770 August ! 3,010 September I 612 October | 1,230 November | 6.0 December .... The year 3,010 1915 January 39 February 345 March i 1,260 April 8,800 May I 1,620 June 260 July 14,000 August , 1,080 September j 4,550 October ' 5.0 November j 8.5 December j 80 I The year ... 14,000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 11 8.5 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 00 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 Mean 0.00 0.00 0.94 17.1 0.00 72.3 5.10 70.8 60.8 98.9 31.2 4.61 30.2 30.5 292 75.0 60.6 62.2 14.8 845 305 54.1 194 4.13 27.4 164 15.2 50.2 320 1,310 149 56.1 a 1,430 191 260 1.7 3.1 11.5 317 Run -off (total in acre- feet) u 58 1,020 4,300 314 4,350 3,620 6,080 1,860 283 21,900 1 880 16,200 4,610 3,610 3,820 881 52,000 18,800 3,220 11,900 246 1,680 119.000 938 2,790 19,700 78.000 9,190 3,340 87,100 11,800 15,500 102 185 705 229,000 a Estimated July 1-20 and 25-27. RIO GRANDE BASIN 181 Monthly discharge of Rio Puerco at Rio Puerco, N. Mex., for 1913-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1916 January 370 February 547 March 955 April 265 May 302 June 0.1 July 2,320 August 3,380 September 77 October 4,120 November 7.5 December 95 The year 4,120 1917 January 154 February 21 March 25 April 3.2 May 0.0 June 0.0 July 175 August 400 September 3,780 October 2.8 November 2.5 December 4.4 The year 3,780 1.0 28 45 13 0.0 0.0 0.0 25 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 70.4 118 348 108 78.9 0.01 319 785 12.7 452 3.42 22.3 0.0 195 2.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.5 0.0 0.2 0.6 0.0 33.3 3.34 4.43 0.21 0.00 0.00 20.8 48.6 258 0.31 1.29 1.77 4,330 6,810 21,400 6,440 4,850 0.4 19,600 48,300 758 27,800 203 1,370 142,000 2,050 185 272 13 0.0 0.0 1,280 2,990 15,300 19 77 109 22,300 RIO PUERCO NEAR LA JOYA, N. MEX. Location. At the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railway bridge, 2 miles north of La Joya railway station, in Sec. 20, T. 2 N., R. 1 E., one-fourth of a mile above the mouth of the river, below all tributaries. There are no import- ant tributaries for several miles above. Records available. Fragmentary records from September 10, 1910, to September 30, 1913. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Papers 288 p. 98, 358 p. 441; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 134, 1913 p. 152, 1914 p. 118. NOTE. No estimates of dicharge for this station, charge measurements see references noted above. For gage heights and dis- 182 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 BLUEWATER CREEK NEAR BLUEWATER, N. MEX. Location. About two and one-half miles northwest of Bluewater post office, one-fourth mile from the mouth of Bluewater Creek box canon, 8 miles be- low the dam site of the Bluewater Development Company, near Sec. 8, T. 12 N., R. 11 W. Records available. May 29, 1912, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. About 56 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Papers 328 p. 81, 358 p. 443; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 136, 1913 p. 153, 1914 p. 121, 1915 p. 120, 1916 p. 118, 1917 p. 121. Monthly discharge of Bluewater Creek near Bluewater N. Hex., for 1912-1917. Mont h Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Run-off (total in acre- Mean feet) 1912 July (13-31) 406 August September 11 October I 7.5 November 1.5 December 0.9 The period 1913 January 0.0 February . , 0.0 March I 118 April | 339 May i 7.2 June | 2.4 July 3.4 August 5.5 September 34 October 53 November I 12 December 0.7 The year 339 1914 January 0.0 February .... March 207 April 108 May 6.6 June . 2.0 July 58 August 38 September 15 October 30 November 2.3 December .... The year 207 0.3 0.8 0.4 0.8 3 0.0 64.9 5.53 1.20 1.56 0.68 0.25 2,450 340 71 96 40 15 3,010 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.5 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.00 00 8.35 80.4 1.13 0.78 0.95 0.80 6.14 5.00 1.70 0.09 8.70 0.0 0.0 513 ,780 69 46 58 49 365 307 101 6 6,290 0.0 20 7.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.00 12.5 98.2 33.4 2.88 0.50 14.7 6.33 3.22 3.08 1.42 1.00 0.0 14.8 0.0 694 6,040 1,990 177 30 904 389 192 189 84 61 10,800 a Estimated. RIO GRANDE BASIN 183 Monthly discharge of Bluewater Creek near Bluewater, N. Mex., for 1912-1917. continued. Discharge in second-feet Month Maximum Minimum 1915 January February March 535 5.8 April 540 39 May 175 10 June 160 2.0 July 78 0.1 August 74 0.5 September 8.0 0.7 October I 8.5 1.0 November I 39 5.0 December The year a Estimated. 1916 January (1, 12. 19, 22 and 29) .... February March (8-31) I April 547 6.0 May 5.0 1.2 June 2.1 1.2 July 121 1.1 August 98 19 September 25 6.0 October (1-28 and 31) .... November 15 3.0 December 4.6 3.2 The period .... 1917 January 3.8 3.2 February 4.2 3.9 March 53 4.1 April 52 8.0 May 100 2.9 June 3.1 0.1 July 7.2 0.1 August 4.5 0.0 September 5.2 0.0 October 0.4 0.0 November 0.4 0.3 December 0.4 0.1 The year 100 0.0 Run-off (total in acre- Mean feet) 3.09 4.08 133 181 57.7 48.7 11.7 7.45 2.68 3.85 10.1 . 6.47 39.2 190 227 8,150 10,800 3,540 2,900 721 458 159 237 600 398 28,400 42.1 52l' 128 2.34 1.80 15.3 27.7 11.7 50.9 9.77 4.00 67.1 418 24',800 7,620 144 107 943 1,700 694 2,930 581 246 40,200 3.51 4.12 14.6 17.5 13.0 1.00 1.77 0.67 0.89 0.24 0.34 0.13 216 229 898 1,040 800 60 109 41 53 14 20 7.7 4.82 3,490 184 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 BLUEWATER CREEK AT GRANTS, N. MEX. Location. At the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad bridge about 200 yards west of the depot at Grants. Records available. October 30, 1912, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. About 383 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Papers 328 p. 82, 358 p. 446; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 138, 1913 p. 156, 1914 p. 123, 1915 p. 122, 1916 p. 120, 1917 p. 123. Monthly discharge of Bluewater Creek at Grants, N. Hex., for 1913. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run -off (total in acre- feet) 1913 January . . February . March .. . . April May June July August . . . September October . . November December The year. 0.0 0.0 16 145 0.0 0.0 9.5 0.0 li 108 0.2 0.0 145 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.67 32.7 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.37 5.04 0.07 0.00 0.0 3.24 0.0 0.0 41 1,950 0.0 0.0 19 0.0 22 310 4.0 0.0 2,350 Monthly discharge of Bluewater Creek at Grants, N. Mex., for 1915-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1915 February (25-28) March (1-20) April (14-30) May 96 June 23 July 31 August 20 September 48 October 0.2 November 0.0 December 0.0 The period a Estimated. 1916 January ( 17-31) February 119 March 334 April | I 334 May I 3.0 June 02 July 28 August 38 September 17 October 40 November 3.0 December ' The period. . . . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 65 3.0 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.25 8.13 67.6 22.4 1.84 4.58 3.04 2.22 0.03 0.00 0.00 11.2 22.4 205 96.7 0.92 0.10 2.25 9.33 1.09 10.7 0.87 0.08 1.98 323 2,280 1,380 110 282 187 132 1.60 0.0 0.0 332 1,290 12,600 5,760 56 6.1 138 574 65 659 52 4.8 31.1 21,500 RIO GRANDE BASIN 185 Monthly discharge of Bluewater Creek at Grants, N. Mex., for 1915-1911. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1917 0.0 0.7 1.1 0.3 31 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.00 0.20 0.65 0.21 2.22 0.35 0.20 0.22 0.20 0.20 0.16 0.08 0.0 11 40 13 136 21 12 13 12 12 9.3 5.2 April July . . October November . ... December The year. . 31 0.0 0.39 284 SAN JOSE RIVER NEAR SUWANEE, N. MEX. Location. Two miles east of Suwanee station and 6 miles above the mouth of the San Jose, near Sec. 29, T. 8 N., R. 2 W. Records available. August 30, 1910, to September 15, 1917, when the station was discontinued. Drainage area. About 550 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 288 p. 98, 308 p. 78, 328 p. 83, 358 p. 448; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Sup.- ply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 138, 1913 p. 158, 1914 p. 119, 1915 p. 118, 1916 p. 122, 1917 p. 125. Monthly discharge of San Jose River near Suwanee, N. Mex., for 1910. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean September (7 30) 422 75 7.0 5.0 1.9 1.0 1.4 0.9 47.0 5.69 4.17 2.07 2,240 350 248 45 October November December (1-11) Monthly discharge of San Jose River near Suwanee, N. Mex., for 1912-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Run -off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1912 January 24 3.6 60 32 6.8 27 6.8 112 6.8 5.7 2.2 2.4 0.0 2.1 4.0 11 6.8 6.8 4.0 0.0 8.28 2.73 14.5 5.23 4.22 16.8 6.80 18.2 6.10 2.35 509 157 892 156 167 367 148 1,120 363 144 February March June (16-30) July (1-20) August (18-28) September (20-30) October November December 186 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of San Jose River near Suwanee, N. Hex., for 1912-1917. continued. Month 1913 January .... February .... March 9.0 April 120 May 4.8 June 134 July 15 August 44 September . 97 October 181 November 24 December 12 The year 181 1914 January 11 February 8.5 March 140 April 57 May 263 June .... July 454 August 485 September 316 October 448 November 11 December 46 The year 485 a Estimated. 1915 January 26 February 38 March 240 April 396 May 200 June 9.0 July 1,540 August 146 September 146 October 6.5 November 3.3 December 6.5 The year 1,540 a Estimated May 12-31. b Estimated July 22-30. 1916 January 119 February 122 March 282 April 235 May 41 June 16 July 294 August (24-31) September 8.5 October 317 November ' 15 December 18 The period Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum 5.0 3.3 2.9 4.1 3.0 2.8 3.2 5.5 4.0 4.0 Mean 3.00 4.50 8.05 32.5 3.57 29.4 4.23 9.24 11.9 19.0 6.76 4.78 11.4 Run-off (total in acre- feet) 184 250 495 1,930 220 1,750 260 568 708 1,170 402 294 6.5 0.8 0.5 2.8 2.5 3.8 2.5 3.4 6.9 5.9 7.61 3.07 39.9 16.4 19.4 6.00 95.0 53.0 27.4 53.4 8.00 13.4 0.5 468 170 2,450 976 1,190 357 5,840 3,260 1,630 3,280 476 824 20,900 5.5 5.2 4.0 22 2.5 2.5 7.2 5.0 5.2 2.0 1.7 2.0 10.4 19.0 50.0 159 a 42.7 5.57 b!85 34.6 33.1 2.70 2.55 3.76 1.7 45.9 639 1,060 3,080 9,470 2,620 330 11,400 2,130 1,970 166 152 231 33,200 2.8 12 112 18 14 8.7 5.0 ' ' .8 3.8 3.9 3.9 43.8 75.5 196 136 22.4 11.4 44.5 31.8 5.05 97.5 10.6 9.14 2,690 4,340 12,000 8,100 1,380 677 2,740 505 300 5,990 628 562 58.7 39,900 RIO GRANDE BASIN 387 Monthly discharge of San Jose River near Suwanee, N. Mex., for 1912-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1917 January 65 36 10 4.0 8.5 3.8 110 158 2.8 6.8 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.1 17 2.0 2.6 23.4 16.7 4.96 3.16 3.63 3.55 9.79 21.8 2.70 1,440 925 305 188 223 211 602 1,340 80 February March April May June July August September (1-15) The period 158 1.7 10.4 5,310 SAN FRANCISCO RIVER BASIN SAN FRANCISCO RIVER AT ALMA, N. MEX. Location. About one half mile south of Alma, 90 miles northwest of Silver City, 5 miles above the mouth of Whitewater Creek, and just below the mouth of Mineral Creek. Records available. From August 18, 1904, to December 31, 1907, and from Jan- uary 1, 1909, to August 12, 1911, when the station was discontinued. Drainage area. 1,670 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Papers 133 p. 206, 175 p. 166, 211 p. 125, 249 p. 177, 269 p. 222, 289 p. 205; State Engineer's Report on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 70. Monthly discharge of San Francisco River at Alma, N. Mex., for 1904-1907. Discharge in second- feet Month Maximum Minimum 1904 August (18-31) 690 September 470 October 2,000 November (1-18) 55 The period .... 1905 January 3,162 February 5,060 March 3,410 April 2,048 May 618 June 52 July 205 August 425 September 1,575 October ! 115 November ( 1-26) 755 December (3-31 ) ! 215 The period 1906 January 222 February 438 March i 2,040 April I 405 May 113 June i 11 July 116 August 181 September 232 October 23 November 36 December 4,340 The year 4,340 60 10 10 45 Mean 161 43.2 138 47.8 Run- off (total in acre- feet) 4,470 2,571 8,485 1,709 17,235 10 80 110 602 58 6.0 4.0 8.0 16 25 45 25 .23 52 170 105 8.0 1.0 2.0 21 4.0 7.0 15 38 1.0 282 790 1,289 1,224 269 21.8 23.8 56.7 170 45.6 204 65.7 47.6 222 520 234 42.4 3.8 30.4 61.3 54.1 11.8 22.8 600 17,340 43,870 79,260 72,830 16,540 1,297 1,463 3,486 10,120 2,804 10,520 3,779 263,300 2,930 12,300 32,000 13,900 2,610 226 1,870 3,770 3,220 726 1,360 36,900 154 112,000 SAN FRANCISCO RIVER BASIN 189 Monthly discharge of San Francisco River at Alma, N. Mex., for 1904-1907. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1907 January (1-19) 5,200 1,600 465 270 150 80 970 3,200 515 465 135 80 115 350 173 98 50 1.0 1.0 35 50 50 55 50 936 572 311 168 79.4 34.1 80.9 273 125 91.5 81.7 68.5 35,300 31,800 19,100 10,000 4,880 2,030 4,970 16,800 7,440 5,630 4,860 4,210 February March April May June July August September October November December The period. . 5.200 1.0 235 147.000 Monthly discharge of San Francisco River at Alma, N. Mex., for 1909, 1910. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1909 1,050 355 1,200 840 52 11 1,200 690 1,140 39 30 34 31 52 52 52 11 4.0 3.0 12 16 3.0 6 22 104 84.7 399 324 27.3 6.90 64.1 95 6 70.0 12.6 12.0 29.7 6,400 i,700 24.500 l'J,300 1,680 411 3,940 5,880 4,170 775 714 1,830 FVbruai'v March April M?.y June July August September Octob. r November December The year 1,200 3.0 102 74,300 1910 370 36 34 32 0.0 0.0 17 160 98 17 48 39 36 15 12 0.0 00 0.0 00 00 0.0 11 15 18 62.4 26.3 20.2 12.4 0.0 0.0 0.5 10.4 9.4 12.8 18.1 25 3,840 1,460 1,240 738 0.0 0.0 31 640 559 787 1,080 1,490 February March April May June July August September October November December The year. . 370 0.0 16.5 11.900 190 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 SAN FRANCISCO RIVER NEAR ALMA, N. MEX. Location. At the mouth of a box canon l 1 /^ miles south of Alma, 90 miles north- west of Silver City, 1% miles below the mouth of Mineral Creek, and 4% miles above the mouth of Whitewater Creek. Records available. August 11, 1912, to February 24, 1914. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 72, 1913 p. 60, 1914 p. 127. Monthly discharge of San Francisco River near Alma, N. Hex , for 1912-1 9 14- Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum 1912 August (11-31) ! 229 12 September 284 3.6 October 121 16 November 22 15 December [ 36 15 The period 1913 January 16 February 53 16 March 114 27 April ! 151 22 May ' 22 0.0 June 0.0 00 July 63 0.0 August 415 0.0 September 170 5.8 October 130 10 November 76 16 December \ 32 14 The year 415 0.0 1914 January 17 The period Mean 47.7 37.1 36.4 15.2 17.8 18.5 26.9 53.3 63.2 8.08 0.00 9.19 59.3 24.8 28.4 30.3 24.5 28.9 20.5 Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1,990 2,210 2,240 904 1,090 8,430 1,140 1,490 3,280 3,760 497 0.0 565 3,650 1,480 1,750 1,800 1,510 20,900 1,260 SAN FRANCISCO RIVER BASIN 191 SAN FRANCISCO RIVER AT CLIFTON, ARIZONA. Location. At the railroad bridge at Clifton in Sec. 19, T. 4 S., R. 30 E , one and three fourths miles below the diversion dam of the Arizona Copper Company and 5 miles above the junction with the Gila River. Records available. October 24, 1910, to January 14, 1911 ; January 24 to March 31, 1912; and August 5, 1912, to December 31, 1915. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-supply Papers 329 p. 214, 359 p. 224; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1914 p. 128, 1915 p. 125. NOTE. The records at this station for calendar years 1916 and 1917 will be found in the Water Supply Papers of the United States Geological Survey where they are published. Monthly discharge of San Francisco River at Clifton, Arizona, for 1910-1915. Discharge in second-feet Month Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1910 October (23-31) ; 175 November 200 December 100 The period 1911 January (1-10) 65 1912 September 200 November (25-30) 55 December 200 The period 1913 January 100 February 470 March 550 May 174 June 130 July 1,170 August 925 September 315 October 99 November , 1,080 December 131 The period .... 1914 January 115 February 155 March 180 April 70 May 50 June 40 July 1,280 August 410 September 335 October 8,200 November 2,800 December 22,000 The year 22,000 68 45 25 109 99.3 53.7 1,950 5,910 3,300 10 31.5 625 100 55 10 143 55.0 118 8,510 655 7,260 30 42 99 112 37 5.0 6.0 30 30 42 75 57.1 119 282 133 73.7 86.3 115 109 62.6 177 98 3,510 6,610 17,300 8,180 4,390 5,310 7,070 6,490 3,850 10,500 6,030 50 50 135 35 35 30 100 155 70 75 125 135 74.7 67.0 152 48.3 41.1 37.7 494 292 196 537 429 2,640 4,590 3,720 9.350 2,870 2,530 2,240 30,400 18,000 11,700 33,000 25.500 162,000 30 423 306,000 192 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of San Francisco River at Clifton, Arizona, for 1910-1915. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1915 January 14,600 4,400 4,750 4,500 850 285 9,300 385 295 100 130 95 225 530 870 1,150 290 30 40 90 50 75 80 80 1,120 1.260 2,135 2,250 515 161 656 228 139 91.6 79.7 87.4 68,900 70,000 131,000 134,000 31,700 9.580 40,300 14,000 8,270 5,630 4,740 5,380 February March April May June July August September October November December The year 14,600 30 723 524,000 WHITEWATER CREEK NEAR MOGOLLON, N. MEX. Location. Three miles south of Mogollon, 90 miles northwest of Silver City, at the Socorro Mines Company's plant, 650 feet below the confluence of the north and south forks of Whitewater Creek, in Sec. 4, T. 11 S., R. 19 W. Records available. September, 1909, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. 34 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Papers 289 p. 208; State En- gineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 73, 1913 p. 63, 1914 p. 130, 1915 p. 127, 1916 p. 126, 1917 p. 129. NOTE. This station was established in September, 1909, by the Socorro Mines Company, about half a mile above their power house, and about three miles from Mogollon. It was a weir at which daily readings were taken, and from these and three current meter discharge measurements taken in 1910, a hydro- graph was constructed from which the following monthly discharges were taken up to May 30, 1911, when a staff gage was installed at the power plant, 500 feet below the confluence of the south and north forks of Whitewater Creek. Monthly discharge of Whitewater Creek near Mogollon, N. Mex., for 1909-1917. Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Month Maximum Minimum Mean 1!)09 October 44 3.3 3.73 3.44 3.57 229 205 220 November 5.6 3.3 December . . 51 2.5 The period. . 654 SAN FRANCISCO RIVER BASIN 193 Monthly discharge of Whitewater Creek near Mogollon, N. Mex., for 1909-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1910 January February 6.0 March 12.0 April 24.0 May 20.0 June 3.9 July 4.4 August 6.5 September 5.3 October 2.7 November 4.2 December 3.3 The year | 24.0 1911 January (1-10, 13-31) 42 March (14-22, 26-31) 37 April 36 May (1-5, 13-31) 20 June 12 July (1-9, 11-24, 29, 30) 20 August 10 September (1-27, 29, 30) 18 The period 1912 January 2.2 February 1.6 March 34 April 5.4 May (1-10) 5.4 July (20-31) 3.1 August 17 September 15 October 5.4 November 4.9 December I 6.5 i The period .... 1913 January 3.4 February 4.5 March 45 April 53 May 53 June 16 July 5.9 August 8.0 September 13 October 14 November '. '. 52 December 12 The year 53 5.2 4.3 4.3 5.1 3.5 1.6 1.6 2.1 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 1.6 7.88 4.92 8.56 13.6 8.79 2.46 2.77 3.11 2.71 2.04 2.77 2.64 5.18 485 273 526 809 540 146 170 191 161 125 165 162 3,750 1.1 32 14 8.8 1.9 2.3 2.0 1.1 1.6 1.0 1.6 3.1 5.4 1.7 2.4 2.9 2.9 3.9 3.5 14.7 33.9 21.5 13.6 4.9 10.2 3.9 3.3 2.14 1.29 8.85 3.33 5.40 2.92 5.48 6.32 5.13 4.08 4.49 846 1,010 1,280 647 292 505 240 190 5,010 132 74 544 198 107 69 337 376 315 243 276 2,670 3.4 3.4 3.4 28 18 3.6 2.0 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.5 3.8 3.40 3.52 20.3 35.6 33.4 7.97 2.85 4.34 4.66 4.17 14.2 6.10 209 195 1,250 2,120 2,050 474 175 267 277 256 845 375 2.0 11.7 8,490 194 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Whitewater Creek near Mogollon, N. Mex., for 1909-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1914 January February 47 March 25 April 52 May 24 June 13 July 32 August 30 September 15 The period 52 1915 January , February 58 March 147 April 232 May 251 June 128 July I 114 August 76 September : 106 October ; 14 November 19 December 12 The year 251 1916 January 280 February 147 March 440 April 126 May 113 June 33 July 57 August 50 September 65 October 413 November 12 December 8.0 The year 440 1917 January 248 February 60 March 60 April 73 May 55 June 30 July 12 August 8.2 September 5.4 October 2.6 November 2.6 December 2.6 The year 248 4.6 5.4 14 14 8.1 3.9 4.9 9.5 5.6 3.9 8.42 12.0 16.3 26.3 13.9 6.27 16.3 16.9 8.85 13.9 518 666 1,000 1,560 855 373 1,000 1,040 527 7,540 5.0 24 20 95 61 10 5.8 12 82 3.5 3.6 1.7 1.7 5.0 13 52 48 33 3.0 3.0 11 7.0 6.0 7.5 4.0 3.0 21.4 37.5 63.3 146 133 53.7 25.5 24.6 18.1 7.02 6.28 6.74 45.2 48.3 59.3 157 82.1 64.2 16.5 16.6 19.2 23.8 47.0 9.58 6.93 45.9 1,320 2,080 3,900 8,720 8,160 3,200 1,570 1,520 1,080 432 374 414 32,800 2,970 3,410 9,630 4,890 3,950 982 1,020 1,180 1,410 2,890 570 426 33,300 6.0 8.0 17 28 22 4.7 3.0 2.2 26 2.3 2.6 2.2 21.6 19.2 31.3 45.6 35.6 16.1 4.74 3.65 3.08 2.50 2.60 2.56 1,330 1,070 1,920 2,710 2.190 956 292 224 183 154 155 157 2.2 15.7 11,300 SAN JUAN RIVER BASIN SAN JUAN RIVER AT ARBOLES, COLO. Location. About !/4 mile above the mouth of Piedra River. Records available. January 19, 1895, to September 30, 1899, and August 21, 1910, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. 1,394 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 140 p. 196; Annual Reports 18, iv, p. 281; 19, iv, p. 410; 20, iv, p. 401; 21, iv, p. 297; Water Supply Papers 269 p. 234, 289 p. 172; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 34, 1913 p. 190, 1914 p. 132, 1915 p. 129, 1916 p. 128, 1917 p. 131. Monthly discharge of San Juan River at Arboles, Colo., for 1895-1899. Discharge in second-feet Month Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1895 July i 1,427 August 777 September 295 October 339 November 275 The period 1896 April (12-30) 2,250 May 2,595 June 1,298 July 444 August 584 September 1,032 October 484 November 244 The period | .... 1897 January February March April 3,464 May 4,423 June 3,759 July 1,328 August 404 September 1,998 October j 2,210 November 534 December .... The year a Estimated. 1898 April 2,954 May 3,104 June 3,255 July 2,579 August 408 September 216 October 216 November 83 The period 414 254 174 174 135 689 689 187 198 136 177 209 157 635 422 220 206 197 1,123 1,635 444 256 189 309 250 210 39,046 25,949 13,090 12,667 11,722 102,474 42,313 100,532 26,420 15,741 11,621 18,387 15,372 12,496 242,882 478 2,431 1,020 340 182 182 478 300 a 200 a 200 a 300 1,987 3,393 2,311 685 303 607 1,019 396 a 300 975 12,298 11,107 18,446 118,234 208,629 137,513 42,119 18,631 36,119 62,656 23,564 18,446 707,762 241 1,157 1,082 319 124 83 83 83 1,488 1,884 2,390 1,022 255 123 99 83 88,542 115,843 142,214 62,841 15,679 7,319 6,087 4,939 444,324 196 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of San Juan River at Arboles, Colo., for 1895-1899. continued. Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1899 April (23-30) May June July August September .. The period. 1,286 1,976 805 1,838 1,700 1,838 569 373 248 152 116 96 934 917 550 523 385 219 55,577 56,384 32,727 32,158 23,673 13,031 213,561 Monthly discharge of San Juan River at Arboles, Colo., for 1910-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1910 August (21-31) 395 September 222 October 1,300 November 250 The period. 1911 January 135 February 230 March 2,450 April 2,970 May 4,690 June 5,030 July 5,880 August 2,900 September 3,120 October (1-4) 4,290 The period. 1912 January February March 4,240 April 2,710 May 4,460 June 3,972 July 2,095 August 1,082 September 235 October 520 November 300 December 134 The year. . . 4,460 126 58 50 108 216 121 186 152 4,710 7,190 11,500 9,000 32,400 100 125 230 1,080 2,030 2,250 1,560 420 290 385 121 151 1,430 1,980 3,150 3,660 2,830 864 775 1,820 7,450 8.400 88,000 118 COO 194. OCO 218 000 174,000 53,100 46,100 14,500 921,000 160 635 1,780 1,738 635 222 145 155 135 105 a 232 a 194 870 1,543 3,228 2,785 1,038 350 184 251 199 120 14,281 11.167 53,493 91,640 198,473 165,729 63,807 21,495 10.979 15,449 11,841 7,380 920 666,000 a Estimated. SAN JUAN RIVER BASIN 197 Monthly discharge o/ San Juan River at Arboles, Colo., for 1910-1911. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Run-off (total in acre- Mean feet) 1913 January February I .... March 1,080 April 3,100 May 3,260 June 2,960 July 984 August 374 September 570 October 1,300 November 365 December 213 The year 3,260 a Estimated. 1914 January .... February 244 Marcli 1,500 April 1,780 May 4,590 June 6,030 July 1,790 August 1,760 September < 1,650 October i 5,220 November 456 December 241 The year ! 6,030 1915 January 176 February 202 -March y75 April 4,720 May 3,900 June : 4,650 July 5,850 August 1,020 September 5,200 October 370 November 255 December 200 The year 5,850 a Estimated. 1916 January 274 February 930 March 5,460 April 3,150 May 3,850 June 4 070 July 2,370 August 2,990 September 800 October 5 000 November 625 December 370 The year 5,460 120 805 920 730 177 124 105 141 135 120 a 100 a 115 225 1,650 1,900 1,560 401 171 203 309 204 147 582 6,150 6,390 13,800 98,200 117,000 92,800 24,700 10,500 12,100 19,000 12,100 9,040 422,000 178 960 1,200 1,100 494 270 306 337 199 101 a 140 a 190 726 1,410 2,680 2,830 1,000 580 659 855 283 172 960 8,610 10,600 44,600 83,900 165,000 168,000 61,500 35,700 39,200 52,600 16,800 10,600 697,000 148 159 188 980 1,240 1,770 715 175 140 150 110 104 104 a 163 a 178 453 1,970 2,700 3,300 1,720 429 548 210 147 a 132 997 10,000 9,870 27,900 117,000 166.000 196,000 106,000 26,300 32,600 12,900 8,740 8,130 721,000 102 280 330 1,270 1,800 1,870 820 930 330 470 240 210 102 177 516 2,050 1,980 2,400 2,920 1,400 1,490 537 1,300 389 250 1,290 10,900 29,600 126,000 118,000 148,000 174,000 85,800 91,900 31,900 80,200 23,100 15,400 935,000 198 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of San Juan River at Arboles, Colo., for 1910-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1917 January 339 341 1,500 3,230 4,120 5,220 4,470 1,000 340 195 118 118 263 280 246 470 1,380 2,030 940 205 158 95 61 22 303 324 738 1,850 2,200 4,150 2,170 422 228 134 99.6 68.9 18,600 18,000 45,400 110,000 135.000 247,000 133,000 26,000 13,500 8,220 5,920 4,240 February May . June July August September October November . ... December The year. . 5.220 22 1.060 765.000 SAN JUAN RIVER AT TURLEY, N. MEX. Location. Oae-fourth of a mile north of Turley post office and about 18 miles east of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad at Aztec. Records available. June 6, 1907, to November 30, 1908, when the station was dis- continued. The station at Blanco was established as a substitute for this station December 9, 1908. Drainage area. About 4,700 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 249 p. 154, 269 p. 191, 289 p. 174. Monthly discharge of San Juan River at Turley, N. Hex., for 1907, 1908. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1907 June (6-30) 10,600 10,900 3,200 2,480 1,090 725 550 6,280 2,610 1,440 800 550 305 280 8,150 6,030 2,080 1,450 711 489 367 404,000 371,000 128,000 86,300 43,700 29,100 22,600 July August September October November December The period 1,080,000 1908 520 2,610 3,600 4,420 4,320 5,680 3,120 11,400 1,090 690 585 330 258 760 1,770 2,110 2,750 1,510 1,320 430 490 115 395 766 1,920 2,930 2,910 4,020 1,990 2,550 627 592 337 24,300 44,100 118,000 174,000 179,000 239,000 122,000 157,000 37,300 36,400 20,100 May June July August October . November The period. . 1,150.000 NOTE. Discharge estimated for days in August and September, 1907, that the gage record is missing. SAN JUAN RIVER BASIN 199 SAN JUAN RIVER AT BLANCO, N. MEX. Location. At the suspension bridge which crosses the San Juan at Blanco about 4 miles below Turley post office, 16 miles southeast of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad at Aztec, N. Mex., one half mile above the mouth of Canon Largo. Records available. December 9, 1908, to October 31, 1910, when the station was discontinued. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Papers 249 p. 157, 269 p. 191, 289 p. 174. Monthly discharge of San Juan River at Blanco, N. Mex , for 1908, 1909. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run- off (total in acre- feet) 1908 December (9-31) 450 1909 January 1,280 February 700 March 2,720 April 10,400 May 8,520 June 12,300 July 4,530 August 9,500 September a!3,000 October 3,400 November 620 December 580 The year 13,000 90 265 12,100 290 90 610 1,190 3,350 3,750 800 970 950 670 380 420 90 555 372 1,750 4,310 5,840 7,340 2,240 3,460 6,050 1,090 494 483 2,830 34,100 20,700 108,000 256,000 359,000 437,000 138,000 213,000 360000 67,000 29,400 29,700 2,050,000 a Estimated. 200 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888 1917 SAN JUAN RIVER NEAR BLOOMFIELD, N. MEX. Location. At the suspension bridge about l 1 /^ miles below Bloomfield and 11 nailer below the station at Blanco. Records available. September 28, 1909, to October 6, 1911, when the station was discontinued. Drainage area. 5,190 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Papers 269 p. 191, 289 p. 175; State Engineer's Report on, the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911 12 p. 37. Monthly discharge of San Juan River near Bloomfield, N. Mex., for 1910,1911. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1910 January 865 February (15 days) 4,520 March (15 days) 8,620 April (3-30) 7,180 May i 6,520 June 6,110 July 1,150 Aug-ust i 1,830 September 370 October i 4,000 November | 800 December i 400 The period I .... 1911 January (15-31) 2,350 February 910 March 7,360 April 5,780 May 10,600 June 10,200 July 12,200 Aug-ust 5,250 September 3,750 The period 500 405 2,690 1,740 1,460 900 170 210 110 210 400 255 450 412 615 2,350 2,780 2,600 900 1,120 1,320 684 903 4,890 3,460 3,940 2,440 480 500 226 724 616 329 835 530 2,510 4,260 7,080 6,720 4,640 1,800 1,960 42,100 26,900 145,000 192,000 242,000 145,000 29,500 30,700 13,400 44,500 36,700 20,200 968,000 28,200 29,400 154,000 253.000 435,000 400,000 285,000 111,000 117,000 1,810,000 SAN JUAN RIVER BASIN 201 SAN JUAN RIVER AT FARMINGTON, N. MEX. Location. One-half mile southwest of Farmington, at the old bridge site near Bentley's Ferry, 1,500 feet below the confluence of the San Juan and Ananias Rivers, in Sec. 17, T. 29 N., R. 13 W. Records available. September 19, 1912, to December 31, 1917. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 39, 1913 p. 193, 1914 p. 134, 1915 p. 131, 1916 p. 130, 1917 p. 133. Monthly discharge of San Juan River at Farmington, N. Mex., for 1912-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- leet) 1912 September (19-30) 833 October 1,970 November 1,450 December 796 The period 1913 January February 602 March 2,510 April 6,570 May 11,100 June 9,860 July 4,340 August 1,310 September 4,150 October 7,350 November 1,080 December ! 992 The year 11,100 1914 January February 6,520 March 4,900 April 5,360 May 15,100 June 20,400 July 8,620 August 3,310 September 4,380 October 12,600 November 2,120 December 992 The year 20,400 1915 January 660 February 800 March 3,600 April 10,500 May 12,190 June 13,600 July 17,600 August 3,400 September 3,520 October 1,540 November 675 December 570 The year ... 17,600 505 502 621 240 657 945 1,090 498 15,600 58,100 64,800 30,600 169,000 366 394 2,760 4,520 3,500 673 353 628 673 688 464 471 683 4,650 8,020 5,880 1,770 621 1,450 1,480 932 684 2,260 28,500 26,200 42,000 277,000 493,000 350,000 109,000 38,200 86,300 91,000 55,500 42,100 1,640,000 501 580 2,470 3,430 3,540 4,540 2,680 866 887 887 939 650 501 440 510 750 2,500 4,350 5,000 2,640 870 715 640 500 400 597 1,870 3,460 4,480 7,940 9,900 4,260 2,020 1,610 3,080 1,340 801 3,450 400 559 638 1,629 6,780 7,200 9.540 5,630 1,560 1,110 914 585 482 36,700 104,000 213,000 267,000 488,000 589,000 262,000 124,000 95,800 189,000 79,700 49,300 2,500,000 3,060 34,400 35,400 100,000 404,000 443,000 568,000 346,000 96,100 66.300 56,200 34,800 29,700 2,210,000 202 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888 1917 Monthly discharge of San Juan River at Farmington, N. Hex., for 1912-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Run-off (total in acre- Mean feet) 1916 January 870 February 1,750 March 9,750 April 10,500 May 14,200 June 12,300 July 6,340 August 14,200 September 7,810 October 19,800 November 3,170 December 1,360 The year 19,800 1917 January 1,310 February 2,360 Marcli 5,900 April 8,900 May 14,600 June 22,500 July (1-29) August (6-25) September (15-30) October (1-7) November (8-30) December 470 The period 355 320 1,090 2,340 7,340 6,560 2,490 2,000 1,630 2,760 1,210 220 220 651 989 4,870 5,040 9,630 9,620 4,640 4,700 3,200 7,530 1,940 841 4,480 40,000 56,900 299,000 300,000 592,000 572,000 285,000 289,000 191,000 463,000 115,000 51,700 3,250,000 943 943 905 1,800 3,770 6,200 340 1,040 1,120 1,890 4,890 7,370 17,500 11,000 2,120 1,360 809 396 366 63,700 62,400 116,000 291,000 453,000 1,040,000 634,000 83,900 43,100 11,200 18,100 22,500 4,660 2,840,000 SAN JUAN RIVER NEAR FARMINGTON, N. MEX. Location. At the suspension footbridge at the Methodist Indian school, about 3 miles south of Farmington and 2 miles below the mouth of the Animas River. Records available. June 19, 1904, to September 26, 1906, when the station was discontinued. Drainage area. About 6,920 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Papers 133 p. 180, 175 p. 132, 211 p. 100. Monthly discharge of San Juan River near Farmington, N. Hex, for 1904, 1905. Month 1904 June (19-30) July August September .. October .... November . . December . . Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum The period. 1,300 1,578 4,980 8,625 20,000 1,695 780 780 20 1,450 400 2,625 630 90 Mean 1,030 375 2,627 1,375 5,935 1,087 348 Run-off (total in acre- feet) 24,520 23,060 161,500 81,820 364,900 64.680 21,400 741,900 SAN JUAN RIVER BASIN 203 Monthly discharge of San Juan River near Farmington, N. Mex., for 1904, 1905. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1905 338 2,582 3,410 7,460 19,100 24,800 8,240 3,740 4,870 4,635 2,708 1,300 40 230 780 1,085 4,635 10,960 2,180 840 1,180 1,180 1,085 840 242 682 1,625 4,290 10,110 18,270 3,604 1,747 1,673 1,690 1,306 1,084 14,880 37,880 99,920 255,300 621.600 1,087,000 221,600 107,400 99,550 103,900 77,710 66,650 February May July August September October November December 24,800 40 3,860 2,793,000 SAN JUAN RIVER AT SHIPROCK, N. MEX. Location. At the highway bridge ^4 mile from the Shiprock Indian Agency, 5 miles below the mouth of Rio Chaco. (See note.) Records available. January 14 to October 6, 1911, and November 17, 1915, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. About 13,100 square miles. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 41, 1915 p. 133, 1916 p. 132, 1917 p. 135. NOTE. The station established November 17, 1915, bears no relation to the gage established in 1911, but the discharges should be the same. Monthly discharge of San Juan River at Shiprock, N. Mex., for 1911. Month Discharge in second-feet Run- off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean January (14-31) 2,800 1,450 9,920 9,920 15,000 14,300 20,400 4,950 4,250 47,600 850 600 1,050 4,250 7,100 6,000 3,200 325 300 9,600 1,400 979 4,390 7,090 10,700 10,600 10,000 1,140 872 19,300 50,000 54,400 270,000 422,000 658,000 631,000 615,000 70,100 51,900 230,000 April May July August September October (1-6) The period 3,050,000 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO. 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of San Juan River at Shiprock, N. Hex., for 1915-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1915 November (17-30) j 553 December \ 542 The period j 553 1916 January 1,020 February 18,700 March 33,100 April 13,200 May 21,600 .Tune 21 800 July 12,400 August 21,600 September 13,500 October 31,800 November 2,470 December 1,680 The year 33,100 1917 January 1,160 February ! 2,850 March 7,450 April 11,500 May i 20,300 June 27,800 July 24,100 August 4,040 September 1,340 October 850 November i 575 December , 460 The year | 27,800 543 519 519 548 530 536 15,200 32,600 47,800 400 480 595 3,650 5,700 8,300 2,010 2,100 880 1.330 740 390 390 641 2,370 8.430 7,240 11,700 14,000 7,230 7,770 2,690 8,850 1,410 754 6,110 39,400 U6.000 518,000 431,000 718,000 834,000 444,000 478,000 160,000 544,000 84.200 46,300 4,430,000 520 680 630 900 5,400 3,400 3,500 470 445 550 405 380 380 768 1,100 1,920 6,710 9,260 17,300 8,010 1,510 815 646 482 413 4,070 47,200 61,300 118,000 399,000 569,000 1,030,000 492.000 92,800 48 500 39,700 28,700 25,400 2,1150,000 NAVAJO RIVER AT EDITH, COLO. Location. At a highway bridge on the road from Edith to Lumberton, N. Mex., a short distance north of the New Mexico-Colorado state line, Vi mile east of Edith and 6 miles northeast of Lumberton. About five miles down stream from the confluence of the Navajo and Little Navajo Rivers. Records available. September 21, 1912, to December 31, 1917. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 43, 1913 p. 196, 1914 p. 136, 1915 p. 136, 1916 p. 134, 1917 p. 137. Monthly discharge of Navajo River at Edith. Colo., for 1912-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1912 September (21-30) October November December 42 112 55 43 33 36 43 40 35.6 52.3 48.9 42.7 The period. 706 3,220 2,910 2,630 9,470 SAN JUAN RIVER BASIN 205 Monthly discharge of Navajo River at Edith, Colo., for 1912-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1913 January February March April 427 May 401 June 368 July 152 August 122 September 66 October 184 November 53 December 45 The year 427 NOTE.- a Estimated. 1914 January February March 276 April 420 May 927 June (1-19) 1,120 October 535 November 95 December The period .... 1915 January 39 February 65 March 260 April 755 May 820 June 892 July 1,050 August 242 September 84 October 43 November 43 December 39 The year 1,050 NOTE. a Estimated. 1916 Ja.nuary 45 February 85 March 681 April 798 May 775 June 681 July 451 August 460 September 432 October 656 November 98 December 58 The year 798 130 253 162 50 34 32 40 40 40 , 35.0 , 30.0 . 60.0 271 328 251 86.5 45.9 41.3 63.9 45.5 41.6 108 2,150 1,670 3,690 16,100 20,200 14,900 5,320 2,820 2,460 3,930 2,710 2,560 78,500 195 286 380 69 43 34 40 67 208 299 384 179 23 43 43 39 39 23 a 37.0 a 35.0 161 348 534 649 142 62.1 a 40.0 a 35.3 a 48.2 111 424 564 645 337 101 51.5 43.0 40.4 a 39.0 204 2,280 1,940 9,900 20,700 32,800 24,500 8,730 3,700 2,460 2,170 2,680 6,840 25,200 34,700 38,400 20,700 6,230 3,060 2,640 2,400 2,400 147,000 39 50 85 365 497 430 264 78 22 38 38 41 41.1 66.3 346 541 590 561 328 208 77.9 196 56.1 52.1 22 256 2,530 3 820 21,200 32,200 36,300 33,400 20,200 12,800 4,640 12,100 3,340 3,200 186,000 206 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Navajo River at Edith, Colo., for 1912-19H. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1017 January 67 62 74 660 966 1,490 57 41 36 76 210 338 ' 49' 37 32 32 61.8 51.0 52.7 345 523 916 646 68.0 56.5 45.9 34.3 37.8 3,800 2,830 3,240 20,500 32,200 54,500 14,100 2,700 3,360 2,820 2,040 2,320 February March April May June July (1-11) August (12-31) September 67 54 43 43 October November December The period. . 218 144.000 PIEDRA RIVER AT ARBOLES, COLO. Location. At the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad bridge, y 2 mile above the confluence of the Piedra and San Juan Rivers. Records available. June 19, 1895, to September 30, 1899, and August 21, 1910, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. 650 square miles. References. U. S Geological Survey Bulletin 140 p. 198; Annual Reports 18, iv, p. 283; 19, iv, p. 413; 20, iv, p. 402; 21, iv, p. 208; Water Supply Paper 289 p. 177; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 44, 1913 p. 199, 1914 p. 138, 1915 p. 138, 1916 p. 136, 1917 p. 139. Monthly discharge of Piedra River at Arboles, Colo., for 1895-1899. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1895 June (19-30) 602 670 342 185 185 156 127 303 233 141 87 87 60 114 432 346 200 115 125 93 118 25,706 21,275 12,298 6,843 7,686 5,534 7,256 July August September October November December (1-7) 1896 April (12-30) 1,660 2,066 677 190 266 3,000 235 176 354 416 79 66 23 66 119 92 804 1,048 229 111 59 347 175 121 30,305 64,438 13,627 6,825 3,628 20,648 10,760 7,200 May June July August ... September October November The period. . 157,431 SAN JUAN RIVER BASIN 207 Monthly discharge of Piedra River at Arboles, Colo., for 1895-1899. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1897 January February I .... March I .... April 2,190 May i 2,398 June 2,051 July 585 August 168 September 799 October ' 1,772 November 364 December The year NOTE. a Approximate. 1898 April 1,599 May 1,564 June 1,564 July 1,390 August 246 September 165 October 165 November . . . , 52 The period 1899 April (23-30) 467 May 643 June 256 July 439 August 869 September 138 The period .... 344 1,703 487 152 68 68 364 183 a 150 a 150 a 200 1,460 2,025 1,189 296 106 399 840 241 a 200 605 9,223 8,331 12,298 86,876 124,513 70,750 18,200 6,518 23,742 51,650 14,340 12,298 468,999 361 614 614 229 106 52 52 27 978 966 1,211 585 149 89 70 37 58,195 59,397 72,059 35,970 9,162 5,296 4,304 2,202 246,585 256 138 88 60 38 25 380 315 168 141 180 49 22,612 19,369 9,997 8,670 11,068 2,916 74,632 Monthly discharge of Piedra River at Arboles, Colo., for 1910-1917. Month 1910 August (21-31) September .... October November .... The period. 1911 January . . February , March . . . . April May June July August . . . September Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum 132 96 245 132 The period. 600 215 1,450 2.320 2,960 2,240 2,400 808 1,710 86 67 81 91 100 105 130 1,280 1,140 1,280 655 175 175 Mean 100 82.4 120 112 192 133 728 1,840 1,920 1,810 1,380 401 344 Run-off (total in acre- feet) 2,190 4,880 7,380 6,660 11,800 7,370 44,800 109,000 118,000 107000 84,900 24,700 20,500 529,000 208 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of PieJra River at Arboles, Colo., for 1910-1911. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1912 March 970 April 2,002 May 2,668 June 2,570 July 1,284 August 626 September 151 October 321 November 272 December 98 The period 1913 January February March 580 April 1,790 May 1,550 June 1,410 July 307 August 257 September 356 October 520 November 151 December The year 1,790 a Estimated. 1914 January February March 1,030 April 1,310 May 2,880 June 3,660 July 1,800 August 497 September 670 October 3,360 November 337 December 159 The year 3,360 1915 January 95 February 237 March 890 April 4,140 May 3,120 June 2,520 July 2,140 August 510 September 1,790 October 275 November 135 December 125 The year 4,140 58 558 1,260 714 229 112 85 85 80 40 403 1,125 2,279 1,501 568 242 111 146 153 54 24,800 67,000 140,000 89,000 34,900 14,900 6,600 8,980 9,100 3,320 399,000 504 812 367 77 62 92 92 90 a 40.0 a 70.0 111 1,020 1,180 876 139 94.3 137 176 119 97.2 338 2,460 3,890 6,820 60,700 72,600 52,100 8,550 5,800 8,150 10,800 7,080 5,980 245,000 137 697 785 641 427 137 140 205 149 a 70.0 a 85.0 520 1,030 1,570 1,520 762 266 262 662 226 130 594 4,300 4,720 32,000 61,300 96,500 90,400 46,900 16,400 15,600 40,700 13,400 7,990 430,000 65 97 247 790 ,010 950 280 120 100 115 65 70 a 79.6 a 142 434 1,880 1,800 1,860 764 227 241 167 111 87.2 65 649 4.890 7.870 26,700 112,000 111,000 111.000 47,000 13,900 14,400 10 300 6 590 5,360 471,000 a Estimated. SAN JUAN RIVER BASIN 209 Monthly discharge of Piedra River at Arboles, Colo., jcr 1910-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off l total in acre- feet) 1916 January February (20-29) March 3,420 April 2,590 May (1-6 and 26-31) June 2,020 July 870 August 1,610 September 570 October 3,270 November 445 December 150 The period, a Estimated. 1917 January 144 February 135 March 732 April 3,110 May 3,970 June 3,420 July 2,240 August 607 September 290 October 132 November 91 December 80 The year 3,970 218 950 790 252 212 130 200 130 30 a 75.0 234 1,460 1,710 1,710 1,540 656 800 267 1,090 260 97.9 810 4,610 4,650 89,600 102,000 40,800 91,400 40,300 49,200 15,900 67,100 15,500 6,020 527,000 117 124 47 405 1,420 1,560 607 80 65 60 47 15 133 128 181 1,490 2,100 2,550 1,200 217 135 93.4 74.0 33.2 8,190 7,110 11,100 88,400 129,000 152,000 73,800 13,400 8,020 5,740 4,400 2,040 695 503,000 210 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 LOS PINOS RIVER NEAR IGNACIO, COLO. [Better known as Pine River] Locution. At the highway bridge near the Southern Ute Indian Agency, near Sec. 8, T. 33 N., R. 7 W., and about 1 mile north of Ignacio. Records available. April 22, 1899, to October 31, 1903; September 1, 1910, to November 30, 1912; March 10, 1913, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. 450 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Annual Reports 21, iv, p. 299; 22, iv, p. 393; U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Papers 66 p. 95, 75 p. 176, 85 p. 39, 100 p. 59, 289 p. 179; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 48, 1913 p. 202, 1914 p. 140, 1915 p. 140, 1916 p. 138, 1917 p. 141. Monthly discharge of Los Pinos River near Ignacio, Colo., for 1899-1903. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1899 April (23-30) May 947 June 605 .July 662 August 1,346 September 264 October 292 November 124 .December (1-21) 89 The period 1900 January 101 February 61 March 141 April (1-7) May (9-26) 1,326 The period 1901 April 1,166 May 1,569 June 887 July 555 August 825 September (1-26) The period 1902 April 615 May 765 June (1-14) The period .... 1903 April (13-30) 1,364 May 2,606 June 2,744 July (1-19) 1,732 August 444 September 996 October 203 The period ... 2,744 180 264 124 19 36 36 89 49 61 61 61 785' 109 735 645 83 95 73 465 489 950 1,778 674 80 156 118 499 530 469 289 349 62 127 103 59 82 61 94 166 998 452 1,026 763 226 202 186 312 577 341 840 1,685 2,267 1,030 163 289 148 80 29,693 32,588 27,907 17,770 21,4. r >'t 3,689 78,088 6,129 3,628 220,951 5,042 3,388 5,780 61,365 75,575 26,896 63,086 45,402 13,896 12,420 9,592 171,292 18,565 35,478 9,469 63,512 29 990 103,607 134,896 38,817 10.022 17,197 9,100 343,629 SAN JUAN RIVER BASIN 211 Monthly discharge of Los Pinos River near Ignacio, Colo., for 1910-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum 1910 September 51 October 440 November 126 December 98 The period 1911 January 248 February 170 March !) 10 April , 1,320 May 2,620 June 3,500 July 2,780 August 380 September 1,160 October (1-4) 2,460 The period .... 1912 January 150 February 180 Mp.rch 510 April 805 May 1,632 June 1,590 July 820 August 576 September 96 October 330 November 289 The period 1913 March (10-31) 349 April 966 May 1,500 June 1,230 July I 420 August I 146 September ! 635 October 458 November 164 December 150 The period 1,500 1914 January 100 February 152 March 814 April 1,030 May 3,340 June L 4,120 July r 2,500 August 324 September 80 October 1,930 November 317 December 121 The year 4,120 Minimum 36 43 65 85 120 560 1,030 1,120 445 60 145 1,760 Mean 43.4 117 106 90.3 125 110 105 230 768 594 438 58 32 41 138 48 351 856 509 2.0 0.1 28 71 96 85 0.1 60 84 137 431 394 930 364 23 9.1 9.7 114 50 124 118 429 976 1,830 2,360 1,290 174 279 1,970 136 120 222 493 1,148 1,002 556 220 48 131 202 95.9 692 1,230 826 111 18.8 154 185 125 113 362 Run-off (total in acre- feet) 2,560 7,200 6,300 4,300 9.1 81.1 117 387 737 1,520 2,320 1,130 134 22.4 4.30 182 87.8 597 20,360 7,640 6,540 26,400 58,100 113,000 141,000 79,100 10,700 16,600 15,600 8,331 6,922 13,636 29,314 70,613 59,656 34,166 13,514 2,882 8,035 12,012 259,081 4,180 41,200 75,600 49,200 6,820 1,160 9,160 11.400 7,440 6,950 213 000 4,990 6,500 23,800 43,900 93,500 138 000 69.500 8,240 1,330 26 400 10,800 5,400 432,000 212 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888 1917 Monthly discharge of Los Pinos River near Ignacio, Colo., for 1910-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum 1915 January : February March \nril ! L 760 May 2 ' 080 June 2 ' 640 j u l y 1,480 August ! September ; 1 > 12 " October | November j December 83 The year 2,640 a Estimated. 1916 January ' February I 250 March 1,670 April 1,590 May : 2,120 June ' 1,990 July 1,400 August 2,700 September | 675 October 3,500 November 630 December 182 The year 3,500 1917 January 173 February ! 175 March 460 April 1,220 May 1,940 June 2,860 July i 2,290 August 255 September 160 October , 120 November I 36 December 97 The year 2,860 37 62 153 355 650 920 315 16 15 32 34 56 62 63 62 660 910 1,030 348 325 165 172 138 61 61 89 105 56 202 685 940 315 8.0 5.0 29 16 23 Mean 5.0 a 54 6 a 91.0 259 930 1,310 1,950 738 72.7 117 89.4 68.0 73.5 479 94. 135 678 1,020 1,400 1,560 708 1,000 299 1,210 317 101 713 119 141 122 637 1,110 2,180 1,090 99.5 58.8 61.6 26.8 58.0 Run-off (total in acre- feet) 475 3,360 5,050 15,900 55,400 80,300 116,000 45,400 4,470 6,970 5,500 4,040 4,520 347,000 5,830 7,760 41,700 60,600 86,000 93,100 43,500 61,700 17 800 74,600 18,800 6,200 518,000 7,310 7.800 7,490 37,900 68,400 129.006 66,900 6,120 3,500 3,790 1,590 3,570 343,000 SAN JUAN RIVER BASIN 213 ANIMAS RIVER AT DURANGO, COLO. Location. At ihe footbridge at the foot of Fourteenth street in Durango, in the southwestern part of T. 35 N., R. 9 W. The nearest tributary is Light- ner Creek which enters just above. Records available. June 20, 1895, to December 31, 1905, and August 22, 1910, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area 694 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Annual Reports 18, iv, p. 285; 19, iv, p. 414; 20, iv, p. 379, 403; 21, iv, p. 301; 22, iv, p. 394; Water Supply Papers 85 p. 35, 100 p. 51, 133 p. 183, 175 p. 134, 289 p. 180; Fifteenth and Sixteenth Biennial Reports of State Engineer of Colorado; State Engineer's Reports on. the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 51, 1913 p. 205, 1914 p. 142, 1915 p. 142, 1916 p. 140, 1917 p. 143. NOTE. From June 20, 1895, to December 31, 1905, this station was maintained by the United States Geological Survey at the wagon bridge 200 feet above the Rio Grande Southern Railroad bridge. It was discontinued December 31, 1905, and re-established August 22, 1910, by the State Engineer of Colorado, this time on the Rio Grande Southern Railroad Bridge, where it was maintained until March 2, 1912, when the gage was transferred to its present location. Monthly discharge of Animas River at Durango, Colo., for 1895-1900. Discharge in second-feet Month Maximum Minimum 1895 June (20-30) 836 July 574 August 990 September 512 October 379 November 296 December 316 The period .... 1896 April (12-30) 3,776 May 4,042 June 1,902 July 508 August 292 September 7,800 October 826 November 334 December 252 The period .... 1897 January .... February < .... March .... April 4,770 May 5,870 June 5 170 July 1,715 August ' 780 September 1,340 October 2,205 November 720 December The year 574 278 208 278 259 224 208 869 956 334 272 138 218 334 203 188 Mean 646 388 510 363 307 246 251 1,634 2,326 875 349 199 1,004 475 274 216 Run-off (total in acre- feet) 14,091 23,857 31,359 21,600 18,870 14,638 15,433 139,848 61,579 143,021 52,066 21,459 12,236 59,742 29,206 16,304 13,280 408,893 690 3,400 1,715 660 325 275 780 375 a 310 a 284 a 374 2,608 4,498 3,218 1,120 534 875 1,385 553 a 430 19,061 15,773 22,997 155,186 276,573 191,484 68,867 32,835 52,066 85,160 32,905 26,440 1,349 979,347 a Estimated. 214 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Animas River at Durango, Colo., for 189J-1900. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1898 January February March April 2,910 May 3,664 June 4,677 July 3,220 August 502 September 442 October 177 November December The year a Approximate. 1899 April 1,256 May 3,240 June 2,855 July 1,^08 August 2,049 September 379 October 357 November 315 December 275 The period 1900 January February March 272 April 490 May 3,830 June 3,466 July 811 August 236 September 394 October November December The year 412 1,255 2,125 502 303 160 160 125 a 378 a 267 a 306 1,510 1,765 3,431 1,364 364 263 161 158 a 250 851 23,242 14,828 18 816 89,851 108,526 204,158 83,870 22,382 15,650 9,900 9,402 15,372 615,997 138 532 923 402 315 201 201 201 168 584 1,730 1,797 668 691 276 297 267 212 122 236 490 811 236 143 143 a 178 a 132 224 334 2.183 1,990 409 179 231 a 252 a 205 a 214 544 34,750 106 374 106,929 41,074 42,488 16,423 18,262 15,888 13 035 :-'! :, 22:: 10.945 7,331 IS', 773 19,874 134,227 118,41., 25,148 11,006 13,745 15,495 12,198 13,158 395,313 NOTE. a Estimated. Monthly discharge of Animas River at Durango, Colo., for 1902-190'). Discharge in second-feet Month Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1902 April May June July August .. . September October . . 1,334 2,750 2,300 342 717 435 435 The period. 140 717 387 206 160 182 206 445 1,699 1,179 271 273 299 256 26,479 104 467 70,155 16,663 16,786 17,792 15,741 268,083 SAN JUAN RIVER BASIN 215 Monthly discharge of Animas River at Durango, Colo., for 190^-190-1. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum 1903 May 4,560 1,935 June 4,745 3,685 July 3,997 761 August 854 429 September 672 362 October 429 257 The period 1904 July (7-31) I 672 306 August 1,395 586 September 1,615 429 October 3,630 761 November | 761 362 December (1-17) 362 306 The period April 2,980 550 May 6,850 1,230 June 8,470 2,930 July 2,930 1,160 August 1,730 470 September 2,930 350 October 1,160 350 November | 350 240 December | 290 240 The period i Run-off (total in acre- Mean feet) 3,241 4,129 2,446 554 542 347 199,281 245,692 150,399 34,064 32,251 21,336 683,023 453 903 738 1,679 511 339 1,465 3,894 6,297 1,825 816 534 522 290 243 22,460 55,520 43,910 103,200 30,410 11,430 266,900 87,170 239,400 374,700 112,200 50,170 31,780 32,100 17,260 14,940 959,700 Monthly discharge of Animas River at Durango, Colo., for 1910-1917. Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1910 December 285 185 The period. 263 16,155 1911 January .. February . March April May June July August .. . September October . . November December 370 180 1,350 2,490 4,290 4,670 4,670 1,950 930 11,000 965 400 170 160 160 1,250 2,490 2,890 1,950 555 555 1,102 400 290 The year. 11,000 160 234 165 466 1,720 3,096 3,981 3,267 896 576 3,024 628 307 1,531 14,396 9,144 28,642 102,368 190,396 236,889 200,909 55,102 34,285 173,951 37,350 18,903 1,102,335 NOTE. Discharge estimated Dec. 21, 1910 Feb. 28, 1911. Discharge Oct. 6, approximate. 216 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888 1917 Monthly discharge of Animas River at Durango, Colo., /or 1910-1917. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum 1912 January 290 February I 260 March 355 April 1,060 May 6,990 June 6,770 July ' 3,055 August 1,385 September ! 622 October j 410 November ! 310 | The period 6,990 191?. January February 180 March 398 April 1.340 May ! 3,700 June 3,050 July 1,210 August I 519 September ' 1,260 October ! 825 November 335 December 265 The year 3,700 a Estimated. 1914 January j 280 February \ 248 March ! 900 April i 1,410 May I 6,340 June 8,330 July 3.700 August 1,230 September , 523 October ' 2,360 November I 475 December | 272 The year 1915 January 220 February 190 March 600 April 3,130 May ; 3,760 June 4,430 July j 3,020 August 'JlO September i 1,090 October j 560 November , 350 December 285 The year 4,430 275 235 235 332 1,100 1,640 1,295 465 270 270 200 200 104 94 381 960 1,380 420 315 365 315 265 160 Mean 279 246 289 631 3,630 3 562 1,749 706 370 305 280 Run-oft (total in acre- feet) 1,099 189 144 ?22 505 870 2,040 1,260 431 325 348 280 130 130 180 155 165 560 1,120 1,700 930 330 260 280 220 135 135 a 150 162 194 787 2,190 2,060 807 389 561 481 290 225 17,147 14,152 17,800 37,531 223,202 L'll.!i24 107..V 4 13,42 21,991 18,724 16,681 730,102 ; 220 9,000 1 1,900 46.800 135,000 I' 3,000 49. COO 23,900 33,400 29 600 17 300 13,800 692 503,000 209 186 487 1,000 3,170 4,530 2,150 655 376 651 338 202 1,170 200 169 290 1,200 2.250 3,420 1,700 549 374 329 268 213 12 '.:00 10,300 29,900 59,500 195,000 270.000 132,000 40 300 22,400 40.000 20,100 12,400 845,000 12,300 9.400 17,800 71.400 138,000 204.000 105,000 33,700 ?2.200 20.200 16.000 13,100 915 663,000 SAN JUAN RIVER BASIN 217 Monthly discharge of Animas River at Durango, Colo., for 1910-1911. continued. Month 1916 January 242 February 293 March 1,700 April 3,160 May 5,4UO June 6,140 July 3,000 Aug-ust 2,840 September 550 October 4,400 November S10 December 390 The year 6,140 1917 January 330 February March 775 April i 1,980 May 3,900 June 8,460 July 6,140 Aug-ust 1,390 September 500 October 445 November 287 December 214 The year Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum 150 190 2iO 810 1,600 2,760 1,110 590 390 360 415 268 150 290 270 255 455 990 1,790 1,600 475 350 287 166 50 Mean 201 236 844 1,400 2,940 4,290 1,850 1,400 46!; 1,670 547 326 1,350 50 318 294 326 928 1,990 5,850 2,920 763 431 372 225 143 Rur.-olf (total in acre- feet) 12,400 13,600 51, SCO 83,400 181,000 255,000 114,000 85,800 27,900 103,000 32,600 20,000 981,000 1,210 19,500 16,300 20,000 55,200 122,000 348,000 179,000 46,900 25,700 22,900 13,400 8,770 878,000 ANIMAS RIVER AT AZTEC, N. MEX. Location. About % mile west of Aztec, 200 feet upstream from the suspension bridge on the main road to Farming' on and La Plata in Sec. 9, T. 30 N., R. 11 W., 20 miles above the mouth of the river and below all important tributaries. Records available. June 21 to December 14, 1904, and June 8, 1907, to March 31, 1915, when the station was discontinued. Drainage area. Approximately 1,300 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Papers 133 p. 187, 249 p. 158, 269 p. 194, 289 p. 181; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 54, 1913 p. 208, 1914 p. 144, 1935 p. 144, Estimated monthly discharge of Animas River at Aztec., N. Mex., for 1904. Month June (21-30) . . . July August September October November December (1-14) The period. Discharge in second-feet Maximum i Minimum 810 435 1,940 I,b20 5,540 570 195 435 130 510 290 370 152 152 Mean 606 235 917 689 1,720 318 174 Run-off (total in acre- feet) 12,020 14,450 56,380 41,000 105,800 18,920 4,830 253,400 218 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OP NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Animas River at Aztec, N. Mex., for 1907-19U. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum 1907 June (14-30) 5,500 July 5,1)00 August 2,520 September I 1,890 October I 510 November December 270 The period .... 1908 January 510 February < 450 March 1,890 April 1,890 May 3,660 June 4,360 July 3,660 August 1,3^0 September 620 October 410 November 292 December 721 The year 4,360 1909 January 4 tO February 5r92 Mp.rch 930 April 4,180 May 4.490 June 8 920 July 3,690 August 3,590 September 12,500 October 1,420 November 830 December ; 440 The year 1 2,500 1910 January i 480 February 620 March 1,890 April 3',620 May 4,670 Tune 4,670 July 1,040 August 1,590 September 360 October 735 November '.'.'.'. I 390 December 310 The year 4,670 Minimum 3,040 1,720 800 570 400 270 270 270 270 400 970 970 2,080 705 670 292 235 235 180 180 130 235 350 788 1,400 1,860 858 788 700 620 310 260 360 ?60 620 902 1,540 860 360 220 240 220 260 220 220 Mean 4,370 3,540 1,300 903 472 337 270 329 336 1,020 1,250 1,880 3,240 1,230 959 377 299 256 279 955 239 279 697 1,660 3,030 6,150 2,000 1,380 3,000 992 398 333 1,680 Run-off (total in acre- feet) 147,000 218,000 7!,!iOO 53,700 L'9,000 20,100 Hi.tiOO 564,000 399 381 1,260 1,520 2,740 2,060 561 500 277 367 324 240 20,200 19,300 62,700 74,400 116,000 193,000 75,600 59,000 22,400 18,400 15.2CO 17,200 693,000 14.700 15,500 42,900 98,800 186 000 366 000 123,000 84,800 179,000 61,000 23,700 20,500 1,220,000 24,500 21.200 77,500 90,400 168,000 123,000 34 500 30.700 16,500 22,600 19,300 14,800 643.000 SAN JUAN RIVER BASIN 219 Monthly discharge of Animas River at Aztec, N. Mcx.. for 1!)0~-J!)1~>. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1911 January 355 February 305 March ! 1,860 April 2,720 May 4,-iUO June 5,6-10 July 4,700 August 1,1)70 September 2,590 October 23,800 November COO December 490 The year 23,800 1912 January 440 February 420 March 760 April 960 May ! 5,850 September ( 16-30) 325 October 360 November 360 December 260 The period 1913 January 300 February 330 March 900 April 1,960 May 5,000 June 4,500 July 1,560 August I 475 September | 948 October i 1,040 November I 438 December 298 The year 5,000 1914 January 230 February 350 March 1,110 April 1,880 May 6 530 June 9,360 July 4,800 August 1,110 September 560 October 3,700 November 623 December '. . 318 The year 9,360 1915 January 265 February 250 March 2,440 The period 2,440 225 210 280 1,120 1,860 3,110 2,210 560 440 650 490 350 238 i54 1,130 1,840 3,370 4,500 3,540 887 705 2,160 532 411 210 1,680 360 380 380 470 960 221 220 260 115 390 399 467 654 2,860 279 317 287 197 160 150 150 555 995 1,660 178 60 150 265 265 178 230 233 289 1,120 2,780 2,850 842 205 391 477 304 223 60 830 14,600 14,100 69,500 109 000 207,000 268,000 218,000 54,500 42,000 160,000 31,700 25,300 1,210,000 24,000 23,000 28,700 38,900 176,000 8,300 19 500 17,100 12,100 347,600 14,100 12.900 17,800 66,600 171,000 170,000 51 800 12,600 23,300 29,300 18.100 13,700 601,000 140 210 270 560 950 2,570 1,180 270 255 258 261 198 208 279 658 1,260 3,650 5,000 2,160 542 348 1,010 377 250 140 1,310 160 180 160 224 213 530 12,800 15,500 40,500 75,000 224,000 298 000 133,000 33,300 20,700 62.100 22.400 15,400 953,000 13,800 11,800 32,600 160 303 58,200 220 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 ANIMAS RIVER NEAR FARMINGTON, N. MEX. Location. At the highway bridge about one mile northeast of Farmington. Records available. June 20, 1904, to October 31, 1905, when the station was discontinued. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Papers 133 p. 191, 175 p. 137. Monthly discharge of Animas River near Farmington, N. Hex., for 1904, .Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1904 June c'0-30) 885 430 1,225 1,175 4,174 438 229 332 4.0 437 144 462 160 127 588 112 687 414 1,301 245 158 11'. 830 6,888 42,240 24 640 80000 14,580 9,715 July Aug'ust October . . December 190,900 1905 JfTiuciry 239 358 988 2,670 7,468 11,250 3,901 1,574 2,265 2,100 135 95 402 595 1,666 4,273 669 119 83 278 176 186 695 1,338 3,962 7,655 1,448 534 275 576 10,820 10,330 42,730 79,620 243,600 455,500 89,030 32,830 16,360 35,420 February M? roh April May June July Auyust September . . October The period 1,016,000 ANIMAS RIVER AT FARMINGTON, N. MEX. Location. About % mile east of Farmington, 14 mile above the confluence of the Animas and San Juan. Rivers, in Sec. 15, T. 29 N., R. 13 W. Records available. September 17, 1912, to December 31, 1917. References. State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 59, 1913 p. 211, 1914 p. 146, 1915 p. 145, 1916 p. 142, 1917 p. 145. Monthly discharge of Animas River at Farmington, N. Hex., for 1912-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1912 September (17-30) 336 280 276 316 170 305 386 363 237 8,470 23,700 21,600 14,600 October 534 November 445 December ... 336 The period 68,400 SAN JUAN RIVER BASIN 221 Monthly discharge o/ Animas River at Farmington, N. Mex., for 1912-1911. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1913 January 451 February 514 March 718 April 1,690 May j 3,940 June i 3,480 July i 1,240 August 421 September ! 1,470 October 2,300 November 591 December 410 The year 3,940 1914 January 547 February 804 March i 1,550 April ! 1,870 May I 6,670 June 9,040 July 3,880 August 1,490 September 551 October 3,760 November 628 December 378 The year 9,040 1915 January 380 February 360 March 1,220 April 4,930 May 4,460 June 5,670 July 3,450 August 920 September 1,860 October 670 November 295 December 315 The year 5,670 a Estimated. 1916 January 335 February 490 March 2,900 April 2,900 May 4,300 June 4,430 July 2,800 August 3,240 September 1,270 October 4,820 November 1,120 December '650 The year 4,820 183 230 238 481 900 1,470 383 64 294 366 326 204 311 366 293 956 2,380 2,210 711 182 623 653 372 302 781 19,100 20,300 18,000 56,900 146,000 132,000 43,700 11,200 37,100 40.2CO 22,100 18,600 565,000 212 . 242 411 768 960 2,560 1,540 268 255 255 388 215 212 265 170 270 880 1,450 1,800 925 195 185 245 225 210 170 323 368 875 1,410 3,610 4,990 2,500 606 360 982 469 309 1,400 a 302 283 566 1,840 2,770 4.100 1,770 412 391 415 245 252 1,110 19,900 20,400 53,800 83,900 222, COO 297,000 154,000 37,300 21,400 60,400 27,900 19 000 1,020,000 18,500 15,700 34,800 110,000 170,000 244,000 109,000 25,300 23,200 25,500 14,600 15,500 806,000 200 203 375 1,410 1,930 2,770 1,1?0 680 525 530 530 370 274 339 1,440 1,990 2,720 3,590 1,930 1,720 723 2,160 768 524 200 1,520 16,900 19,500 88,300 118 000 167,000 213,000 119.000 106,000 43,000 133,000 45,700 32,200 1,100,000 222 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917 Monthly discharge of Animas River at Farming ton, A T . Mex.. for continued. 1912-1911. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1917 510 530 1,380 3,610 6,200 9,430 7,790 1,310 650 425 222 270 335 398 355 735 1,490 2,300 1,520 190 137 215 163 163 445 476 567 1,610 3,150 7,040 3,190 662 361 312 188 214 27,400 26,400 34,800 95,600 194,000 118,000 196 000 40,700 21,500 19,200 11,200 13,500 February March May June .... July Aug'ust September October November December . The year. . 9.430 137 1.520 1.100.000 FLORIDA RIVER NEAR DURANGO, COLO. Location. At wagon bridge 9 miles east of Durango on the Stewart ranch, from time established until discontinued in 1903. Re-established on the Cash ranch September 18, 1910, by the State Engineer of Colorado. Reestao- lished on wagon bridge near Cash ranch May 22, 1917, by the State Engi- neer of New Mexico co-operating with the State Engineer of Colorado. Records available. May 19, 1899, to July 31, 1899; April 1, 1901, to October 31, 1903; September 18, 1910, to November 30, 1912; May 22 to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. Not measured. References. U. S. Geological Survey Annual Reports 21, iv, p. 300; 22, iv, p. 392; U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Papers 66 p. 96, 75 p. 176, 85 p. 37, 100 p. 56, 289 p. 183; Fifteenth and Sixteenth Biennial Reports of State Engineer of Colorado; State Engineer's Report on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1917 p. 147. Estimated monthly discharge of Florida River near Durango, Colo., for 1899. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean May (21-31) ' iV 6.0 139 68 45 8,547 4,046 2,767 June 121 211 July The period. . 15.360 SAN JUAN RIVER BASIN 223 Estimated monthly discharge of Florida River near Durango, Colo^ for 1901-1903. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Run-off (total in acre- Mean feet) 1901 April 339 May 625 June 326 The period April 287 May 313 June 86 July 17 August 146 September 134 October 19 The period 1903 April 356 M?.y 872 June 1,012 July 375 August 29 Sr-pt^mber 169 October 64 The period .... 21 248 41 110 377 172 6,545 23,181 10,235 39,961 11 24 9.0 9.0 7.0 5.0 7.0 63 134 19 11 21 23 13 51 203 460 25 6.0 9.0 5.0 181 455 745 127 15 52 25 3,749 8,239 1,131 676 1,291 1,369 799 17,254 10,770 27,977 44,331 7.809 922 3,094 1,537 96,440 Monthly discharge of Florida River near Durango, Colo., for 1910-1912. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1910 September (18-30) October November December 38 55 38 29 The period. 55 19 16 22 16 16 26 34 32 23 29 678 2,060 1,886 1,390 6,014 1911 January February March April May June . July August September . . . October (1-4) The period. 23 23 190 330 702 818 682 178 446 727 818 15 17 20 125 2?6 350 210 46 40 167 17 19 20 63 213 508 637 388 77 72 376 225 1,172 1.111 3,896 12,645 31,262 37,880 23,843 4.724 4,268 2,979 123,780 224 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917. Monthly discharge of Florida River near Durango, Colo., for 1910-1912. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1912 4.pril (21-30) 244 648 556 247 115 55 60 45 122 221 158 83 45 15 15 21 164 377 271 131 68 28 32 30 3,249 16,453 15,060 8,639 4,187 1,642 1,958 1,763 May June July August September October The Deriod. . 648 15 124 ' 52.351 Monthly discharge of Florida River near Durango, Colo., for 1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean May (22-31) . ... 450 1,680 1,320 132 70 44 13 7.0 270 219 145 21 21 13 7.0 7.0 318 1,190 428 70.7 34 8 20.3 11.7 7.00 6,320 70,700 26,300 4,350 2,070 1,250 698 430 Jure Julv August September October November December The period. . 1.680 7.0 253 112.000 LA PLATA RIVER NEAR LA PLATA, N. MEX. Location. On a highway bridge about 16 miles northwest of Aztec, N. Mex., and one mile south of La Plata post office, about 15 miles above the mouth of the La Plata and below all tributaries and all principal diversions. Records available. May 25, 1905, to December 31, 1917. Drainage area. 340 square miles. References. U. S. Geological Survey Water? Supply Papers 175 p. 142, 211 p. 103, 249 p. 161, 269 p. 196, 289 p. 186; State Engineer's Reports on the Surface Water Supply of New Mexico for 1911-12 p. 60, 1913 p. 214, 1914 p. 148, 1915 p. 147, 1916 p. 144, 1917 p. 151.. Monthly discharge of La Plata River near La Plata., N. Mex., for 1905-1910. Month Discharge in second-feet Run-off (total in acre- feet) Maximum Minimum Mean 1905 May (25-31) 565 817 107 0.0 970 800 8.0 5.0 165 95 " *4 337 358 7.8 0.00 64.0 79.7 1.2 4.2 4,680 21,300 49 0.0 3,810 4,900 71 258 June July August September October .... November December The period. . 35,500 SAN JUAN RIVER BASIN 225 Monthly discharge of La Plata River near La Plata, N. Hex., for 190,5-1910. continued. Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1906 January February March 190 April 360 May 450 June 320 July 182 August September (1-24) The period NOTE. a Estimated, b partly estimated. 1907 June (7-30) 1'60 July 750 August 1,280 September . . . | 246 October .... November December The period 1908 January February (iOO March 106 April 85 May 12.4 June 1.5 July 247 August 2,300 December 5.5 The period a Estimated. 1909 January February March 890 April 970 May 570 June 498 July 60 August 920 September a5,000 October 23 November 3.0 December 2.5 44 74 2.0 a 10.0 a 5.00 b 29.5 160 238 154 b 9.3 a 2.00 a 2.00 615 278 1,810 9,520 14,600 9,160 572 123 95 36,800 46 0.5 0.5 1.0 The year J aS.OOO 05 05 9 0.9 0.9 52 67 85 7.0 0.5 0.5 23 3.0 ' V.l 139 45.7 123 38.7 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.60 49.7 27.1 22.1 3.17 0.14 12.9 154 1.33 5.35 6.38 158 278 222 161 1.53 93.7 336 9.6 1.36 0.49 6,620 2,810 7,560 2,300 31 30 37 19,400 37 2,860 1,670 1,320 195 8 793 9,470 82 16,400 39 354 9,720 16,500 13,600 9,580 94 5,760 20,000 590 81 30 76,600 a Estimated. 226 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY OF NEW MEXICO, 1888-1917. Monthly discharge of La Plata River near La Plata, N. Mex., for 1903-1910. continued. 1910 January .. February , March April May June July August .. . September October . . November December Month The year. Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum 4.5 10.2 73 66 0.5 0.3 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.5 1.0 0.5 7,000 0.1 Mean 11.4 47.5 202 138 39.1 3.46 1.08 258 23.5 23.8 1.27 0.90 62.8 Run-off (total in acre- feet) 701 2,640 l:',400 8,210 2,400 206 66 15,900 1,400 1,460 76 55 45,500 Monthly discharge of La Plata River near La Plata, N. Mex., for 1913-1917. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Mean Run-off (total in acre- feet) 1913 January .... February 5.7 March 21 April 404 Way 84 June 0.5 July 104 August 84 September 13< October 91 November 44 December 2.0 The year 404 a Estimated. 1914 August 180 September 6.0 October 248 November 22.0 December 86 The period 248 1915 January 18 February 36 March 83 April 442 May 368 June 195 July 994 August 74 September 716 October 12 November 6.0 December 7.5 The year 994 0.5 05 3.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.5 0.5 2.0 0.0 2.00 3.41 8.79 90.6 22.6 0.20 3.48 5.53 7.19 5.65 4.97 2.00 13.0 123 189 540 5,390 1,390 12 214 340 428 347 296 123 9,390 6.0 6.0 6.2 8.9 7.1 6.0 14 14 14 51 150 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 4.5 9.87 6.00 38.4 13.1 7.62 15.1 15.5 22.6 29.1 148 198 40.6 46.7 4.13 47.8 2.55 3.12 6.06 607 357 2,360 780 469 4,570 956 1,250 1,790 8.800 12,200 2,420 2,870 254 2,840 157 185 373 1.0 47.0 34.100 a Estimated. SAN JUAN RIVER BASIN 227 Monthly discharge of La Plata River near La Plata, N. Mex., for 1913-1911. continued. Month Discharge in second-feet Maximum Minimum Run-off i (total in acre- Mean feet) 1916 January I February I 22 March I 685 April 292 May 260 June 22 July 148 August I 128 September 46 October 534 November 33 December I 24 The year 685 1917 January 19 February 30 March 50 April 190 May 250 June 295 July 700 -August 15 September 0.7 October 0.7 November 0.7 December 0.8 The year 700 8.0 8.0 18 148 2.5 2.9 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 18 11 2.0 8.26 15.4 180 217 106 3.82 11.6 27.6 3.93 134 24.2 17.1 62.7 508 888 11,000 12,900 6,540 227 714 1,690 234 8,240 1,440 1,050 45,400 7.3 15 7.3 7.3 44 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.5 14.2 20.7 22.7 63.4 115 107 47.0 1.15 0.70 0.70 0.59 0.74 32.8 872 1,150 1,400 3,770 7,090 6,350 2,890 71 42 43 35 46 23,800 University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. A 000398910 M.72 f