HN IC-NRLF El SIS o o F Mortal tot Ammra A STUDY SYLLABUS By HORNELL HART IN THE PRESENT SOCIAL CRISIS When old social and economic institutions are being abandoned; When government control of industry has been carried to an unpre- cedented degree; When public regulation of wages and prices have been greatly ex- tended; When taxation of incomes, profits, inheritances, and luxuries has been immensely increased by war necessity; When equal suffrage seems imminent; When prohibition of the liquor traffic is impending; When organized labor has acquired unprecedented influence; When extreme radicals are the controlling native force in Russia; When a Socialistic Republic is being established in Germany; When the British Labor Party is uniting hand and brain workers on a program of fundamental economic reconstruction; When capitalists of the Charles M. Schwab type predict the ajp- proaching domination of America by the manual workers; In such a crisis, every thinking person wants to know the rudiments of the great issues up. for decision, to think these issues through for himself, and to encourage others to face the social reconstruction with equal frankness. As an aid to these ends, this study syllabus has been prepared as the co-operative product of a number of liberal thinkers. Copies may be secured at 15 cents each, eight for one dollar, or $10 per hundred, prepaid, from Hornell Hart, 449 Riddle Road, Cincinnati. THIRD EDITION '