TF 347 UC-NRLF JNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION DIRECTOR GENERAL OF RAILROADS DIVISION OF FINANCE AND PURCHASES MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION WASHINGTON 6OVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1919 ! UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION DIRECTOR GENERAL OF RAILROADS DIVISION OF FINANCE AND PURCHASES MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION Recommended by the Railway Storekeepers' Association WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1919 INSTRUCTIONS. This classification for ordering, handling, and accounting for all material and supplies should be put in use on all railroads under Federal control at or before the taking of the next material inventory. Construction material should be included with the same kind of material for maintenance or operation. If further detail of any class is required, further subdivisions may be made. If less detailed classification is desired, subclasses and classes may be consolidated, provided, however, that the principle of the classi- fication must be maintained and none of the four general classes consolidated. JOHN SKELTON WILLIAMS, Director of Division of Finance and Purchases. WASHINGTON, D. C. ; January 15, 1919. 3 988916 GENERAL CLASSIFICATION. Material for maintenance of way and structures. Material for maintenance of equipment. Material for conducting transportation. Material common to all departments. DETAILED CLASSIFICATION. MAINTENANCE OF WAY AND STRUCTURES. Class No. 1-A Frogs, switches, and crossings, and parts of same. 1-B Track fastenings, track bolts, spikes, etc. 1-C Track tools all kinds, including hand and push cars, gasoline motor cars, velocipedes, and parts of same, and miscellaneous track material. 2-A Interlocking and signal material. 2-B Telegraph and telephone material. 3 Building and paving brick, cement, lime, stone, cast-iron water and culvert pipe, roofing tile and slate, prepared roofing, all kinds for buildings, sewer and drain tile, etc. 4 Lumber, bridge and building, including piling, bridge timber, bridge ties, fence posts, shingles, and manufactured lumber for bridges and buildings. 5-A Switch ties, treated or untreated. 5-B Crossties, treated or untreated. 6 Iron bridges, turntables, and structural steel, all kinds. 7 Ballast, all kinds, including riprap. 8 Rail, all kinds, except scrap. > > ' 9-A Fuel and water station material, and scales, and parts. 9-B Elevators, and coal and ore handling and conveying machinery. 9-C Steam derricks, steam shovels, steam ditchers, pile drivers and other such port- able equipment used in roadway work and special material for same. 10 Chemicals for timber treatment. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT. 11 Bolts, nuts, washers, rivets, lag screws, pins and studs. 12 Springs, helical and elliptical, all kinds, for locomotives and cars. 13 Flues for locomotive and stationary boilers, arch tubes, dry pipes, all kinds. 14 Brass, copper, and steel tubing, copper ferrules, and soft metals, such as copper, babbitt, tin, lead, and zinc. 15 Bar iron and steel, spring steel, tool steel, shaped steel, sheet steel under No. 13 gauge, sheet copper, tin and brass, chain, all kinds, except light coil, wire netting. 16 Boiler, fire-box, tank and sheet steel, No. 13 gauge and heavier, all kinds. 17 Heavy forgings for locomotives, such as crank pins, piston rods, quadrants arid levers, motion links, valve yokes, etc. 18 Car forgings, iron and steel for passenger and freight cars, including metal brake beams and metal bolsters. 19 Locomotive castings, including gray iron, malleable, and steel, rough and fin- ished, also cylinders, rough and finished. 20 Car castings, including gray iron, malleable, and steel all kinds, also couplers and knuckles, and parts for metal car roofs. 21 Rough and finished brass castings and journal bearings. 22 Air-brake material, all kinds, for locomotives, passenger and freight cars, except hose, but including air pump and parts. 23 Mechanical appliances for locomotives, such as injectors, lubricators, bell ringers, sanders, pop valves, air and steam gauges, whistles, boiler checks and parts, water gauge and lubricator glasses, and speed recorder?. 24 Passenger-car trimmings, all kinds, including oil and gas lampti and fixtures, steam-heat fixtures and fittings, except steam hose, mail car, coach and chair- car seat fixtures, including upholstering material of all kinds, such as carpet, linoleum, rubber tiling and matting for cars and buildings. MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION. No. 25 Electric material for steam and electric locomotives. 26 Electric material for steam and traction-line cars. 27 Shop fuel, smithing coal, coke, fuel oil for furnaces, gasoline, charcoal, etc. 28 Foundry supplies, fire brick, fire clay, etc. 29 Wheels, tires, and axles for locomotives and cars, including driving-wheel centers, cast-iron, steel-tired and rolled-steel wheels. 50 Lumber, locomotive and car, rough and finished , including manufactured articles. 31 M&.chiLeiy and machine tools, including all power-driven shop machinery. 2 Locomotive boilers, fire boxes, locomotive tenders and frames, 33 Trucks for equipment, locomotives, and cars. 51 Material in proceas of manufacture. 35 Float- ng-equipmant material, all special material peculiar to floating equipment. CONDUCTING TRANSPORTATION. 36 Locomotive, train, and station supplies, including tinware, all kinds; lanterns, train, switch, and other signal lamps and parts; locomotive and caboose tool equipment, such as jacks, shovels, wrecking frogs, train chains, etc. ; baggage and warehouse trucks, caboose and station stoves and parts, ticket cases, tool handles, and all kinds of woodenware. 37 Oil-house material, all kinds, including lubricating oils and grease, illumi- nating oils, boiler compound, all kinds, and waste, all kinds. 38 Ice, sawdust, hay, and straw for ice houses. 39 Fuel, locomotive, including coal and wood and fuel oil for locomotive use only. 40 Fuel for stations and cars; includes coal, coke, and wood. 41 Commissary supplies for dining cars and restaurants. GENERAL COMMON TO ALL DEPARTMENTS. 42 Pipe, iron and steel, except boiler flues. 43 Pipe fittings, all kinds, for steam, air, and water; valves and cocks for same. 44 Electric-lighting material and supplies for buildings and grounds. 45 Hardware, all kinds, including nails, jacks, small hand tools, emery wheels, wire, and wire cloth. 46 Rubber and leather goods, including air, steam, and water hose, packing, all kinds, including metallic packing, asbestos, rope, belting, pipe covering, and boiler lagging. 47 Glass, drugs, chemicals and painter's supplies, such as brushes, scrapers, sand and emery paper and cloth, also paints, oils, and varnishes; all kinds for equipment and buildings. 48 Stationery and printing. 49 Power-plant equipment, including steam and electric power plants and gen- erating stations, motors, and other electrical equipment for operating shop machinery. 50 Scrap, all kinds, including scrap rail. DETAIL OF CLASSIFICATIONS. CLASS 1-A. FROGS, SWITCHES AND CROSSINGS, AND PARTS FOR SAME. Item. Description. Unit. Blocks, cast iron: Pattern reference Pound. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Each. Do. Pound. Do. Set. Each. Do. Pound. Do. Each. Do. Do. Pound. Set. Each. Set. Do. Do. Each. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. do Blocking: Pattern reference do do/ Holts: Dial lii 01 ...... Size Head rod . do Switch clip do Transit clip .do .... Braces switch point ........ . Bridles connecting rod . . ... Castings for fro t iunij Yard Roofing ,. ........ Yard ... Do Hair, plasterers' Increasers: Cast-iron pipe Size... Pound. Vitrified pipe do Each .Tacks, smoke for roundhouse Catalogue reference Do Lime, common.. Barrel Lining: Flue Barrel.. Foot Paper .do Roll. Metal expanded do Pound Nipples cast-iron ; pipe do .. . Do Paper: Lining . do Roll. Roofing. . . .do Square. Tar. . Do. MATERIAL C ' ' i ' " ATION. CLASS S ''.jniJui^J. 13 BUILDIKO AND PAVING BRICK, CEMENT, LI iJ, CAST IRON, WATER AND CULVERT PIPE, ROOFING TILE AND SLATE, PREPARED y.'OOKING ALL KINDS FOR BUILDINGS; SEWER AND DRAIN TILE, ETC. Continv. J . Item. Description. Unit. Pipe: Cast iron 8i Pound Concrete do Foot Drain do Do Do Soil .. . .'lo ... . Do Vitrified do-.-.. Do Plaster: EL, o . . Sack. Cement do Do Plu^s cast-iron pipe Site Pound Powder blaptin 01 . . Reducers: Cast-iron pipe ' Do. Vitrified . ... 1 ! Each Roofing gravel Yard. Roofs, car (paper) Roll. Sand : Building Yard. Enodne Do Sills stone building Slate, roofing ,. KI; Each. Sleeves c&st-izbn pipe < \i! Pound Stone: Building . . Yard Crushed Do. Cut Foundation ... . Do. Lintel Ornamental building Paving Do. Riprap Yard Do Tees: Pound Soil pipe . . -i'i . . Do. Vitrified pipe v . *.-> Each. Tile: Drain . Do Rdadway Do Si&e Do Whistle Do Quarter "round building Size Lineal foot Sash window for building , . . do . Each. Shims wood tuack. do Thousand. Shingles Grade Do Siding building Grade and size .... Board foot Signs roadway Kind - Each. Stakes srado . Size Thousand. Stringers bridge (wood) do Board foot. Ties bridge do Do Window complete (buildin p ) do Each. Window, ticket do Do. MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 5-A. TIES, SWITCH TREATED OR UNTREATED. Item. Description. Unit. Ties: Crossing Kind and size Board foot. Switch do Do. CLASS 5-B. TIES, CROSS TREATED OR UNTREATED. Ties, cross, all kinds o f wood Kind Each. CLASS 6. IRON BRIDGES, TURNTABLES AND STRUCTURAL STEKL ALL KINDS. ___ Beams, eye, for structural work. Kind and size Pound. Bridges, iron Size Each. Girders, bridge Blue print reference 1 *o. Piling, sheet steel Size Pound. Steel, structural , for bridges and build- Kind and size Do. ings. Stringers, bridge, iron Size Do. Tables, turn do | Each. ! CLASS 7. BALLAST ALL KINDS, INCLUDING RIPRAP . Cinders, ballast Yard. Gravel, ballast '. Do. Riprap , Do. Rock, crushed Do. Slag, ballast Do. Stone, ballast Do. CLASS 8. RAIL, ALL KINDS, EXCEPT SCRAP. Rail , all weights and kinds except scrap . Size Gross ton . CLASS 9-A. FUEL AND WATER STATION MATERIAL AND SCALES AND PARTS. Beams, scale Size and kind Pound. Bells, scale gong. Catalogue reference Each. Blanks, counterpoise do Do. Boilers: For heating and lighting buildings do Do. 1 For water station , do % . Do. Clamps, hydrant Size Do. Engines: Lighting, for stations, etc., and parts. Catalogue reference Do. Steam and gas,forpumpingstations do Do. and parts. 102008 19 3 16 MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 9- A Continued. FUEL AND WATER STATION MATERIAL AND SCALES AND PARTS Continued. Item. Description. Unit. Filters and parts Catalogue reference. Each. Floats copper do Do. Gon"s scale Size Do Governors engine for punipin ' stations . Kind and size Do. Hands tank indicator . .... Size Do. Hydrants Size and kind Do. Injectors and parts for stationary boilers Catalogue reference Do Inspirators and parts for stationary do Do. boilers. Lubricators for pumps and stationary do Do engines. Machinery and parts for water stations do . Do. Meters water . Do. Mills wind and parts do Do. Pipes stand and parts do Do. Plungers pump .do Do. Points well drive . Do. Pumps: Hand water and parts do Do. Power for water stations and parts do . Do. Steam for water stations and parts. . Do. Water and parts do Do Scales: Counter do 1 Do. Platform do Do. Spring balance . . . .do Do. S to c ky ards do Do. Track do . Do. Wagon do . ... Do. Seats, tank valve .do Do. Spouts: Crane do Do. Tank do . Do. Springs steam pump .do Do. Stacks pumping station Size Do. Strainers well do Do. Tanks: Oil-storage Kind and size Do. Water, and parts .... . . .do Do. Weights scale do Do. CLASS 9-B. ELEVATOR AND COAL AND ORE HANDLING AND CONVEYING MACHINERY. Buckets conveyor Catalogue reference Each Chutes coal and parts do Do. Elevators: Coal do Do Grain do Do Ore do Do. Hoists coal and parts .do Do. Machinery and parts: Coal hand 1 in Do Conveyor . ' do . . Do. Grain handling .. Do. Ore handlin^ do Do. Spouts grain do .. Do. MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION. 17 CLASS 9-C. STEAM DERRICKS, STEAM SHOVELS, STEAM DITCHERS, TILE DRIVERS, AND OTHER SUCH PORTABLE EQUIPMENT USED IN ROADWAY WORK AND SPECIAL MATERIAL FOR SAME. Item. Description. Unit. Cables swin or in or for steam shovels Size Each. Crabs derrick Catalogue reference Do. Cranes locomotive, and parts . ... do Do. Crushers rock do Do. Derricks steam, and parts Do. Ditcher^ steam and parts do .. Do Drivers pile and parts Do. Engines hoistin^ and parts . ... . . Do. L/evclers ballast and parts do Do Mixers concrete and parts do . Do Plows: Ballast and parts do . Do. Snow and parts do Do. Steam, and parts . . .do Do. Spreaders, ballast and parts . .do Do. Unload ers: Ballast, and parts Do. Rail and parts do Do. Wreckers and parts do Do. CLASS 10. CHEMICALS FOR TIMBER TREATMENT. Includes all chemicals used in timber preservation. CLASS 11. BOLTS, NUTS, WASHERS, RIVETS, LAG SCREWS, PINS, AND STUDS. Bolts: Anchor ... . Size Pound . Bridge .... do Do. Binder do Do Button head do Do Car do Hundred Carriage do Pound Cellar" do Do Common, for frogs ... do Do. Countersunk ... do Do. Crown bar do Do Drift . ... do Do Dry pipe do Do. Eccentric blade do ... Do. Eccentric strap .do Do. Flat head do Each. Flexible stay Pound . Handhole plate do Do Hook do Do Key , do Do Machine do Do Main rod do ... Do Patch do .... Do Plow... . ( J Hundred. Rod, for locomotives do Pound Radial stay.- . do . Do. 18 MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 11 Continued. BOLTS, NUTS, WASHERS, RIVETS, LAG SCREWS, PINS, AND STUDS Continued. Item. Description. Unit. Bolts Continued . Round he id Size Pound Stav -- . do Do Stack .. Do Side rod do Do Steam pipe do Do Stone do Do Spring hanger .. do Do Tee head do Do Wedge do Do Nut lo^ks for cars . Kind and size Thousand Nuts: Blank do Pound Castle Size Do Crank pin Kind and size Do Hexagon Size Do Knuckle pin Kind and size Do Piston rod .. . do Do Square Size Do Tapped Kind and size Do Pins: Driver brake Size Each Round flat head do . ... Pound Rivets: Boiler Kind and size Do Tank do Do Screws, lag Size Thousand Stay bolts do Pound. Radial do Do Flexible do Each Studs: Boiler do Do Cylinder do Do. Steam chest do Do Washers: Plate do Pound Wrought iron do Do CLASS 12. SPRINGS, HELICAL AND ELLIPTICAL ALL KINDS FOR LOCOMOTIVES AND CARS. Springs: Buffer . . Blue-print reference Pound Caboose do . .... Do Centering . do Do. Coach bolster . do Do. Coil engines and cars do Do Counter balance do Do. Drawbar do . . . Do. Engine do Do. Equalizer do Do Freight car bolster do Do Freight car draw bar do . .. Do. Locomotive drivin " do Do. Locomotive throttle do Do. Locomotive truck do Do. Passenger buffer do . * Do. Piston packing.. Do. MATERIAL, CLASSIFICATION. 19 CLASS 12 Continued. SPRINGS, HELICAL AND ELLIPTICAL ALL KINDS FOR LOCOMOTIVES AND CAKS COD. Item Description. Unit. Springs Continued. Reverse lever Blue-print reference Pound Reverse shaft do Do Throttle do Do Trailer do Do Truck . do Do Valve strip Do CLASS 13. FLUES FOR LOCOMOTIVE AND STATIONARY BOILERS, ARCH TUBES, DRY PIPES ALL KINDS. Flues: Arch .... Size Foot Boiler do Do Circulating do . . Do Pipes, dry Do Tubes: Arch do Do Boiler do Do Circulating do Do Superheater... Do. CLASS 14. BRASS, COPPER, AND STEEL TUBING, COPPER FERRULES AND SOFT MKTALS, SUCH AS BABBITT, COPPER, LEAD, TIN, AND ZINC. Antimony Slab Pound Babbitt Kind Do Bars: Brass Size..-. Do Copper do Do Brass, bar do Do Copper: Bar.. do Do Pig Do Ferrules, copper Size Do Lead, pig Do Metal, babbitt Kind Do Metals, soft do Do Pipe: Brass Size Do do Do Lead Do Rods, brass do ... Do Solder Do Spelter Do Tin: Block Pound Pig Do Tubing: Brass Size Do Copper do . Do Shelby steel do Foot Steel do Do Zinc, slab PoiirtH 20 MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 15. / BAR IRON AND STEEL, SPRING STEEL, TOOL STEEL, SHAPED STEEL, SHEET STEEL UNDER NO. 13 GAUGE, SHEET COPPER, TIN, AND BRASS, WIRE NETTING, CHAIN, ALL KINDS, EXCEPT LIGHT COIL, WIRE NETTING. Item. Description. Unit. Bands Russia iron Number and size Pound Bars: Steel Kind and size Do Z Size . . Do Cable, wire .. '.. . Foot Chain, common .... Kind and size Pound Copper, sheet Size Do Iron: Angle . .... do Do Bar, all kinds .... Kind and size Do Channel . do Do Engine bolt do Do. Galvanized sheet do Do Hammered . do Do Norway do . . Do Planished Do. Russia Size ' Do. Sheet No. 14 and lighter do Do. Stay bolt do Do Stovepipe do Do Swedish do Do. Tennessee . .. do Do. Lead, sheet . Do. Nettin** wire all kinds Kind and size Square foot and Rods steel drill Size pound. Pound Rope wire do Foot Shafting steel shop .... do Pound . Steel: Galvanized Sheet ,, Do. Locomotive jacket do Do Machine . do Do Round edge for draft keys, Do. Sheet (liht) do Do. Soft do .: Do. Spring . .... do Do. Tool .. do Do. do Do. Tin sheet , Box. Zinc sheet do Pound. CLASS 16. BOILER, FIREBOX AND TANK STEEL NO. 13 GAUGE AND HEAVIER, ALL KINDS. Iron, sheet, No. 13 and heavier Steel: Boiler Size do Pound. Do. do Do. do Do. Stack .... . do Do. MATERIAL, CLASSI I'K 'ATION. CLASS 17. 21 HFAYY FOIU.INGS FOR &0CGMOTIYES, SUCH AS CRANK PINS, PISTON RODS, QUADRANTS AND LEVERS, MOTION LINKS, VALVE YOKES, ETC. Item. Description. Unit. Bars: Draw between engine and tenders. Guide Locomotive class number. . do Pound. Each Transmission Do Billet? 1 st^el for locomotive rods Size Pound Blades eccentric Locomotive class number Each Draw bars between engine and tender .. do Pound Forgings: Locomotive Blue Drint reference Do Locomotive side rod . do Do Frames locomotive (wrought iron) .... .. . do . Each Gibbs spring hanger .... do Do Hangers: Link . . do Do Sprin ' . . do . . Do Jaws transmission bar . do Do Levers: Reverse Do Throttle . . do Do. Links motion do Do Pins: Crank do Pound Crosshead do Do Draw bar .. do Do. Knuckle joint do Do. Valve motion .... do Do. Wrist . Do. Quadrants, locomotive . < . .. do Do. Rods: Drivin ' do Each Alain do Do Piston do Do Side do Do Shafts tumbling do Do Straps rod for locomotives do Do. Yoke" valve for locomotives . ... do Do. CLASS 18. CAR FORGINGS, IRON AND STEEL, FOR PASSENGER AND FREIGHT CARS. ALSO METAL BRAKE BEAMS AND METAL BOLSTERS. INCLUDES Bands corner Shop card number Pound Bars, arch do Do. Beams: Brake (metal) Kind.. Each. Brake (repairs for) do Each and Ib. Bolsters (metal) Do. Bolts: Eye, for cars Size Pound U for cars do Do Braces: Draft timber. Shop card number Do Running board (cars) . do Do. Brackets, brake stem . . Do. Buckles, turn ! Size Each. 22 MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 18 Continued. CAR FORCINGS, IRON AND STEEL, FOR PASSENGER AND FREIGHT CARS. INCLUDES ALSO METAL BRAKE BEAMS AND METAL BOLSTERS Continued. Item. Description. Unit. Carlines (Steel) Blue print reference . Each. Chains brake . . Size Pound. Ckmps: Air pipe Shop card number Do Brake beam Kind of beam Each and Ib Clips brake beam do Each Eyes draft rod Shop card number Pound. Ferrules hanger pin do Do. Forgin"s car do Do Fulcrums brake beam Shop card number or pat- Eachand pound. Fulcrum brake lever tern number. Shop card number Pound Fulcrums dead do Do Guides: Brake rod Do Dead lever k do Do. Handles grab do Do Hangers : Brake do Do Sprin 01 car and coach do Do Truck do Do Heads brake car Pattern number Do Hooks safety Shop card number Do Irons : Brake staff carrier do Do Draft timber carrier do Do Jaws brake . . . . do Do Keys: Amer. Cont. rod do .. Do Brake shoe . Do. Center pin do Do. Hanger pin do Do Ratchet wheel do . . Do Tail pin .... do Do Levers: Brake . do Do Cylinder . do .. Do. Cut do Do Floating do Do Truck do . Do Uncoupling do Do Links : Open . do Do. Uncoupling rod do Do. Pins: Brake do Do Center do Do. Freight car connection do Do. Coupler . . do Do. Coach tail . do Do. Knuckle . do Do. Plates: Deadwood do Do Side and end steel do Do. Posts: Follower.. do Do. End door, corner, and side, steel . . . do '. Do. Purlines steel car do Do. Rivets, drawbar voke. . . .. Do. I\l ATliRJAL CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 18 Continued. CAR FORCINGS, IRON AND STEEL, FOR PASSENGER AND FREIGHT CARS. INCLUDES ALSO METAL BRAKE BEAMS AND METAL BOLSTERS Continued. Item. Dcs""i y.tion. Unit Rods: All kinds for cars Shop card numbers Pound. Bottom . do Do. Brake do Do. Cylinder do Do Cylinder lever push do Do Crosstie -. Do. Draft .. do Do. End for cars Do. Hand brake do Do Tlclea c e do Do 'Pop brake do Do Trnnsom truss do Do Uncoupling do . . ... Do Staffs brake do . ... Do. Steps sill do Do. Straps: Door for cars . - . do . Do. Lii 1 " for cars Do. Pipe for cars do Do. Turnbuckl es car Size Each. Yokc 1 ^ cou pier Shop card number Pound CLASS 19. LOCOMOTIVE CASTINGS, INCLUDING GREY IRON, MALLEABLE AND STEEL, ROUGH AND FINISHED; ALSO CYLINDERS, ROUGH AND FINISHED. liars pressed steel, grate side Locomotive class number . Each. Beams bumper (steel) do Do Casings: Cylinder head . . . Pattern reference Each and pound Steam chest . do Do Casting: Gray iron locomoti vc .do .. Pound Gray iron miscellaneous shop . .do Do. Grav iron, sand stove .. .do Do Malleable locomotive .. Do. Steel locomotive do Do Covers grease cup finished do Each Cylinders locomotive do Each and pound Driers sand and parts do . . Pound Heads: Brake locomotive driver do . Do Cross .. Do Engine brake Do Lubricators, driving box and parts .... do Each. Pistons locomotive do Pound Shoes engine brake Kind Do Steps, engine (cast iron) Pattern reference Do. Stoves, sand drier and parts do Do. Torches engineers (malleable) do Each Washers, cast bridge do . . Pound 102008 19- 24 MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION". CLASS 20. CAR CASTINGS, INCLUDING GRAY IRON, MALLEABLE AND STEEL, ALL KINDS J ALSO COUPLERS AND KNUCKLES', AND PARTS FOR METAL CAR ROOFS. Item. Description. Unit. Bearings gravity side Class of equipment Set Castings: Gray iron car Pattern reference Pound Malleable iron car ... . do Do Steel car do . Do Couplers, car and parts Catalogue reference Each or pound Covers oil box Kind Do Dampencrs sprin 01 Set Devices, centering, for passenger car. . Blue-print reference ... Do. Fasteners, door freight car Kind Each Fixtures, door, for cars Kind and size Do Gears, draf t, for cars do Do Hangers door (cars) Kind Pound Lids oil box do Each or pound Locks, coupler do Pound Lugs, draft .do Pair Pedestals, car and coach . . Pattern reference Pound Plates, tender, coupler Blue-print reference Each Platforms, and parts, steel, coach do Do. Rigging draft Kind Do Rollers car door do Pair Roofing galvanized car Size Sheet Roofs, car (gal vanized) . Do Shoes car brake Kind Pound Springs, oil box do Each Track: Car door do Foot Climax door Size Do Durham door do Do Freight car door .. Do CLASS 21. ROUGH AND FINISHED BRASS CASTINGS AND JOURNAL BEARINGS. Bearings, journal . .. Size and number . Pound Castings: Brass rough Pattern reference Do Brass, finished do Each. Cocks, cylinder, common Do Gongs, cab Do Holders, grenade Pattern reference Do Whistles, engine Do. MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION". CLASS 22. AIR BRAKE MATERIAL ALL KINDS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, PASSENGER AND FREIGHT CARS, EXCEPT HOSE, BUT INCLUDING AIR PUMPS AND PARTS. Item. Description. UiU Adjusters, slack Catalogue reference and Each Air brake material, except hose and number. do Do couplings. Air pumps and parts do Do Brakes, Eames vacuum.. . .... .do.. Do Cocks, angle .. do.. . Do Governors, air pump do Do Pumps air and parts do Do CLASS 23. MECHANICAL APPLIANCES FOR LOCOMOTIVES, SUCH AS INJECTORS, LUBRICATORS, BELL RINGERS, SANDERS, POP VALVES, AIR AND STEAM GAUGES, WHISTLES, BOILER CHECKS AND PARTS, WATER GAUGE AND LUBRICATOR GLASSES AND SPEED RECORDERS. ''andles, lubricator Size Thousand Checks, boiler except shop made Catalogue reference Each Cocks: Blow off Kind Do Hancock pneumatic cylinder Do Gauges: Air and parts Size Do Steam and parts ... .do . Do Glasses: Lubricator Dozen Water do Do Injectors and parts for locomotives. . . . Inspirators and parts for locomotives Catalogue reference do Each. Do Joints: Ball do Do Moran ... .do.. . Do Leathers, bell ringer do.. Do. Lights, well and parts. N . . . do Do. . Lubricators and parts: Locomotive . do Do Shop .... do Do Openers, fire door, and parts do... Do. Regulators, muffler pop. . .. do Do Ringers, bell and parts do. DC. Sanders, track and parts do Do. Recorders, speed and parts do Do. Springs: Fire-door opener Do. Pop valve do Do Strainers locomotive Kind Do Testers, boiler and parts Catalogue reference Do Tubes, steam gauge Size Do. Valves: Blow-off Catalogue reference . . . Do. Pop, and parts . .do Do. Reducing and parts .. . do Do. Relief and parts do Do. Sander do Do. Washers, boiler and tester Do. Whistles. encll cord Catalogue reference Do Hair curled Kind Pound Han^crk bell cord Catalogue reference Each Hassocks ' . . Kind Do Heaters coach and parts Catalogue reference Do Hinges roach .do Paii- Holders: Bell cord do . Each Bottle do Do Coach door do Do Soap do Do Hoods vestibule do Do Hooks: Bell cord . do Do Coat and hat, passenger car . . . do Do Hoppers, salon, coach Do. Keepers door for coaches do Do Kevs coach lock. do Dozen Knobs coach door ... do Dozen and pair Lace Kind Yard Latches, door, for coaches Catalorie reference Each Lavatories, for passenger cars do Do Lifts, sash, for passenger cars . . do Do Lighters match do Do Linen Kind Yard Linoleum do Do Locks, coach Catalogue reference Each Mats: Aisle Size Do Rubber do Do Mattin 01 corrugated do Do Moss Kind Pound Muslin ." . . . do Yard Nails: Catalogue reference Gross Black carriage . do Do. Plush do Do. Upholsterin " . . . do Do Needles Size Dozen Oil, sewing-machine .... Kind Bottle. Pads, rubber. . Size... Each. 28 MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION, CLASS 24 Continued. PASSENGER CAR TRIMMINGS, ALL KINDS, INCLUDING OIL AND GAS LAMPS AND FIXTURES, STEAM HEAT FIXTURES AND FITTINGS (EXCEPT STEAM HOSE), MAIL CAR, COACH, AND CHAIR CAR SEAT FIXTURES, INCLUDING UPHOLSTERING MATERIALS, ALL KINDS, SUCH AS CARPET, LINOLEUM, RUBBER TILING, AND MATTING FOR CARS AND BUILD- INGS continued. ' Item. Description. Unit. Pantasote Kind Yard Pe^amoide curtain cloth do Do Pins escutcheon coach Catalogue reference Each Plush Kind Yard Pulls drawer (coach) Catalogue reference Each Pulleys bell cord do Do Pumps toilet and parts (coach) . do Do Racks: Basket Do Towel for coaches do Do Ranges dinin^ car and parte . . . . do Do Ratchets deck sash ... do Do Rattan Kind Yard. Receivers gas Catalogue reference Each Rests seat do Do Rollers vestibule curtain do . . Do Rubber corrugated Size Pound Rubbers mail car do Each. Scratchers match Catalone reference Do Seats: Coach do .. Do Coach hopper do Do. Coach window do Do Sheetin** Kind Yard Sheets do . . Each Silks ' . do Yard Springs: Chair cushion Size Pound Coach seat . . do Do Door (coaches) Catalogue reference Each Sash (coaches) do Do Upholstering Size Pound. Steps coach (steel) do Each Stops: Door (coach) Catalogue reference Do Sash (coach) . do Do. Stoves coach and parts do Do Straps bell cord . . do Do Strikers match do Do Strips weather Kind Yard. Tapestry do Do. Tassels silk do Each Thread Size Spool Tickino- Kind Yard. Tips fas . . do Each. Tow do Poun Zincs battery ! do so MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 27. SHOP FUEL, SMITHING COAL, COKE, FUEL OIL FOR FURNACES, GASOLINE, CHARCOAL, ETC. Item. Description. Unit. Charcoal Ton Coal, lump and slack, for shop use Do Coke Do Gasoline Kind Gallon CLASS 28. FOUNDRY SUPPLIES FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, ETC. Brick, arch Kind Fach Brick, fire, for shop. . . do Thousand Clay, fire do Ton Crucibles Size Each Iron, pi? Grade Ton CLASS 29. WHEELS, TIRES, AXLES FOR LOCOMOTIVES AND CARS, INCLUDING DRIVING-WHEEL CEN- TERS; CAST-IRON, STEEL-TIRED, AND ROLLED-STEEL WHEELS. Axles: Car Size Each Engine-driving do Pound Engine-truck . do Each Passenger-car do Do Tender-truck do Do With wheels applied Kind and size Pair Centers, wheel Pattern reference Pound Tires, coach-wheel Blue-print reference Do Tires, locomotive do Do Wheels, cast-iron car and locomotive. . . Kind and size . Each Wheels, steel-tired car and locomotive .do Do CLASS 30. LUMBER, LOCOMOTIVE AND CAR. ROUGH AND FINISHED, INCLUDING MANUFACTURED ARTICLES. Ash Grade and size Board foot Bass wood Do Beams: Brake (wood) Class and size Each Bumper (wood) Locomotive class number Do Beech Grade and size Board foot Birch do Do Blinds for cars . Size Each Bolsters (wood) . . . Blue-print reference Do Cabs, engine (wood) do Do Carlines (wood) do Do Catchers, mail... Do. MATERIAL, CLASSIFICATION. 31 CLASS 30 Continued. LUMBER, LOCOMOTIVE AND CAR, ROUGH AND FINISHED, INCLUDING MANUFACTURED ARTICLES continued. Item. Description. Unit. Cedar . . Grade and size Board foot Ceilin 01 car do Do Cherry . .do Do Cleats cotton Each Cranes, mail Do Cvoress Grade and size Board foot Deadwoods Blue-print reference Each Decking car Size Board foot Doors car do Each Doors coach . do Do Doors grain ... do Do Elm .. Grade and size . Board foot. Fir do Do Floorin cr car do Do Frames: Door for car Size Each Window, for car do Do Tender (wood) do Do Gates coal end do Do Headlining do Foot Hickory _ Grade and size Board foot Lining, car .do Do Locust do Do Lumber: Car and locomotive Grade kind and size Do Grain door Grade and size Do Mahocrany do Do Maple do Do Oak, for cars and locomotives do Do Pine, for cars and locomotives. do Do Planks, spring Blue-print reference Each Pilots, engine . do Do Poplar Grade and size Board foot Posts, end, door, corner, and side (wood) Blue-print reference Each Purlins, car (wood) do.. Do. Quarter round for coaches . Grade and size . Linear foot Sash, window, for coaches Size Each Sheeting, car (wood) Grade and size Board foot Siding, wood, for cars ... .do ' Do Sills: Wood , car do Do Tender, end .do Each Steps: Caboose (wood) Size Do Coach (wood) do Do. Timbers: Back end do Do Draft do Do Front end . .do Do Veneer Grade and size Linear foot Walnut do Board foot. Whitewood ... do . . Do Windows, complete, for coaches Size Each 102008 19- 32 MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 31. MACHINERY AND MACHINE TOOLS, INCLUDING ALL POWER-DRIVEN SHOP MACHINERY. Item. Description. Unit. Air compressors and parts Catalogue reference Each. Do. Do. Do. Set. Each. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Set- Each. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Bars borin^ do Bellows power do Blowers fan do Chasers die do Chucks lathe do Compressors air, and parts ... .do Cranes transfer (shop) do Cutters: Flue do Gear do Power bolt do . Dies for power machinery . . .do Dogs, lathe do Dynamos and parts do Elevators shop do Engines turntable, and parts do . . . . Forces shop .do Furnaces, shop . Hangers shaftin ' do Hoists pulley (shop) do Holders tool do Jaws lathe do Knives planer do Lathes . .do Machinery shop and repair parts do Machines: Die-grinding do do do Punch and shear -- . * - . . ; * do Saw-filin* do Sewing do Wood -planer do Woodworking and parts do Magnets lifting : do Motors turntable, and parts .do Pulleys shop machinery do Saws: Band do Circular do Crosscut . .... Rip do CLASS 32. LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, FIRE BOXES, LOCOMOTIVE TENDERS AND FRAMES. Boilers locomotive Blue-print reference Each. .do Do. Frames: Tender (steel) do . Do. do Do. Do. do Do. MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION. 33 CLASS 33. TRUCKS FOR EQUIPMENT LOCOMOTIVE AND CAR. Item. Description. Unit. Trucks: Car complete Kind Each. Do. Locomotive complete do CLASS 34. MATERIAL IN PROCESS OF MANUFACTURE. Includes all material being manufactured or finished in the shops on shop or lot orders, and labor on same, which have not been completed. Material to be charged to proper store classification on completion of the order. CLASS 35. FLOATING-EQUIPMENT MATERIAL ALL SPECIAL MATERIAL PECULIAR TO FLOATING EQUIPMENT. Anchors, boat Catalogue reference Each Boats: Life do -> *i\ Do Ferry do Do Boats and parts . ... do Do Capstans .. .do . Do Capstan bars .^ . .do ... Do Charts do Do Cloth, sail Yard Fenders, boat do Each. Grating for hatches do Do. Preservers, life do Do. Sailcloth do Yard CLASS 36. LOCOMOTIVE, TRAIN AND STATION SUPPLIES, INCLUDING TINWARE, ALL KINDS, LANTERNS, TRAIN, SWITCH, AND OTHER SIGNAL LAMPS AND PARTS; LOCOMOTIVE AND CABOOSE TOOL EQUIPMENT, SUCH AS JACKS, SHOVELS, WRECKING FROGS, TRAIN CHAINS, ETC., BAGGAGE AND WAREHOUSE TRUCKS; CABOOSE AND STATION STOVES AND PARTS; TICKET CASES, TOOL HANDLES, AND ALL KINDS OF WOODEN WARE. Adze handles Dozen Agate cups Do Arms, settee Catalogue reference Each A wnings for stations and buildings Size Do Axes Kind and size Dozen Badges Kind . . . Each Bags: Paper Size . . Thousand Waste paper Each Barrows, wheel. Kind Do Bars: Engine tool do Do. Gooseneck claw Size Do Bar, jack, for caboose . . do ... Do Basins, tin, wash Do Baskets: Clothes Kind and size Do Coal.. Do. 34 MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 36 Continued. LOCOMOTIVE, TRAIN AND STATION SUPPLIES, INCLUDING TINWARE, ALL KINDS, LANTERNS, TRAIN, SWITCH, AND OTHER SIGNAL LAMPS AND PARTS; LOCOMOTIVE AND CABOOSE TOOL EQUIPMENT, 'SUCH AS JACKS, SHOVELS, WRECKING FROGS, TRAIN CHAINS, ETC., BAGGAGE AND WAREHOUSE TRUCKS; CABOOSE AND STATION STOVES AND PARTS; TICKET CASES, TOOL HANDLES, AND ALL KINDS OF WOODENWARE con. Item. Description. Unit. Beaters carpet Kind Each. Do. Package. Each. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Dozen. Do. Do. Do. Each. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Dozen. Do. Pound. Each. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Pound. Beddin * caboose Blackin ' stove Kind Blankets caboose - - Size Boards: Bread . do Cleat - - do Coach do Headlight do... Lamp do Meat j do Stove ... Bowls: Closet Catalogue reference Wash do Boxes: Boiler-maker tool ' ..... Size Conductor's clothes Train - Brackets: Catalogue reference. do Brooms: Whisk ' Wire - Buckets: Coal T)OT)P jrire - Sand Wfltor Burners: Kind do Candles, emergency, lighting Cans: Oil Size Kind and size Kind and size Size Cases: . do StpnHl Ticket do Castings, station and caboose stove T^flttprn rpfprpnoe MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION. 35 CLASS 36 Continued. LOCOMOTIVE, TRAIN AND STATION SUPPLIES, INCLUDING TINWARE, ALL KINDS, LANTERNS, TRAIN, SWITCH, AND OTHER SIGNAL LAMPS AND PARTS; LOCOMOTIVE AND CABOOSE TOOL EQUIPMENT, SUCH AS JACKS, SHOVELS, WRECKING FROGS, TRAIN CHAINS, ETC., BAGGAGE AND WAREHOUSE TRUCKS; CABOOSE AND STATION STOVES AND PARTS; TICKET CASES, TOOL HANDLES, AND ALL KINDS OP WOODEN WARE con. Item. Description. Unit. Chains: Each. Train Do. Chairs office - ........ Catalogue reference Do. Chalk all kinds Kind Gross Charges fire extinguisher Kind and size Each Chimneys all kinds Kind Dozen Clamps: Blizzard lamp ... Do. Hot-box cooler . Each Switch lamp Do. Cleaners: Drain Do. Window Do. Cleats headlight Size Do. Clocks: Station and office Catalogue reference Do Watchman . . . do Do Coolers: Hot box Do Water Size Do Cord: Bell Foot Sash Pound. Signal Foot- Corks Size Gross. Cots Each. Cravon : 'Chalk Kind Gross Rail road do . . Do School do Do. Cupboards Kind and size Each Cups: A gate Dozen Tin . . . Do Varnish . . Do Curtains, window for buildings ... . Kind and size Each Cushions: Caboose Size Do. Chair . Do. Locomotive do Do Cuspidors Kind Dozen Damper, stove pipe Size Each Desks Catalogue reference Do Dippers, tin Dozen. Dollies: Piano Size Each. Timber do Do. Drawers, money Do Drums, stove Kind and size Do Dust, gold Pound Elbows, stove pipe Size . . Dozen Extinguishers fire ........ .. Kind and size Each Fenders, stove Kind Do Fillers, lamp. do Dozen Flags... Each. 86 MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 36 Continued. LOCOMOTIVE, TRAIN AND STATION SUPPLIES, INCLUDING TINWARE, ALL KINDS, LANTERNS, TRAIN, SWITCH, AND OTHER SIGNAL LAMPS AND PARTS, LOCOMOTIVE AND CABOOSE TOOL EQUIPMENT, SUCH AS JACKS, SHOVELS, WRECKING FROGS, TRAIN CHAINS, ETC., BAGGAGE AND WAREHOUSE TRUCKS, CABOOSE AND STATION STOVES AND PARTS, TICKET CASES, TOOL HANDLES, AND ALL KINDS OF WOODENWARE COH. Item. Description. Unit. Forks: Coal Kind Dozen Coke do Do Manure do Do Switch lamp do Do Founts: Lantern . . do Do Lamp do Do Frames headlight number plate Do Fro"s rerailing Pail- Funnels . ... Size Dozen Furniture : Camp Catalogue reference Each Office do Do Station do Do Fusees "'.'. Kind Gross Glasses: Cab lamp Size Each Oil cup do Do Globes: Cab lamp Dozen Opal gas Kind Do Lamp do Do Lantern , Do. Switch lamp . . Do Guards: Dusf '. .......;;.. ..... Size . Each Water glass do Do Handles wood Kind and size Dozen Hatchets ' Do Headlights oil and parts . . Size Each Heaters freight car and parts . . ... Kind . *. " Do Hods, coal Dozen Hoes: Ash pan Do Garden , . . . Do Holders: Lamp Do Shade Do Toilet paper Do Hooks: Clinker Each Packing Do. Hoppers salon building Catalogue reference Do Indicators caboose Do Irons packing Do Jacks: Stove Size Do. Caboose do Do. JllfifS do Do Kegs water do Do Kitchen ware (camp) . ...... Do. Knives: Packing Do. Table for camr>... Do. MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION. 37 CLASS 36 Continued. LOCOMOTIVE, TRAIN AND STATION SUPPLIES, INCLUDING TINWARE, ALL KINDS, LANTERNS, TRAIN, SWITCH, AND OTHER SIGNAL LAMPS AND PARTS, LOCOMOTIVE AND CABOOSE TOOL EQUIPMENT, SUCH AS JACKS, SHOVELS, WRECKING FROGS, TRAIN CHAINS, ETC., BAGGAGE AND WAREHOUSE TRUCKS; CABOOSE AND STATION STOVES AND PARTS; TICKET CASES, TOOL HANDLES, AND ALL KINDS OP WOODEN WARE con. Item. Description. Unit. Ladders for buildin " work ... Size Each Ladders coach step .... do Do Lanterns ....... Kind . .. Do Catalogue reference Do Size and color Dozen Lime chloride of Can Links switch rope Size Pound Lockers sectional shop . ..... Each Lye Case. Mallets wooden Dozen Mantles Welsbach ""as Size . . Do Case Each Do Iron bed Do Measures liquid Size Dozen Mops do Pound. Movers car . ... . Catalogue reference Each Mowers lawn do Do Oilers Kind Dozen Pails: Dope Size Do Fiber . , do ... Do Galvanized .do Do Rubber .... do Do Tin .... do Do \\ ooden do Do Pans: Drip do Each Dust Dozen Paper toilet Case Parts: For bunk car stoves Kind.. Pound For caboose stoves do Do For station stoves Do Pearline Do Picks: Coal Each Ice Do Pillows Size Do. Pipe stove do Joint? Pokers: Fire Each Do S to ve Do Poles: Ice Do Lo- Do Tike Do Push Do Signal lamp > Do Tent Do Window.. Do. B8 MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 36 Continued. LOCOMOTIVE, TRAIN AND STATION SUPPLIES, INCLUDING TINWARE, ALL KINDS, LANTERN, TRAIN, SWITCH, AND OTHER SIGNAL LAMPS AND PARTS; LOCOMOTIVE AND CABOOSE TOOL EQUIPMENT, SUCH AS JACKS, SHOVELS, WRECKING FROGS, TRAIN CHAINS, ETC., BAGGAGE AND WAREHOUSE TRUCKS; CABOOSE AND STATION STOVES AND PARTS; TICKET CASES, TOOL HANDLES, AND ALL KINDS OF WOODENWARE con. Item. Description. Unit. Polish: Enameline Can. Mexoline Do Silver - - Do Star metal Do. Do. Tripoline Do Pomade putz Do. Pots: Dozen. Tallow . Do. Presses: Letter Each. Seal . - - Do. Waybill Do. Pumps oil Catalogue reference Do. Racks towel for buildings Do. Radiators Catalogue reference .... Do. Dozen. Ratchets: Headlight burner Kind - - Each Mail-car lamp burner do Do. Reels hose Size Do. Reflectors: Headlight Do. Do. Lantern Do. Replacers car Pair. Rests stove foot ... Catalogue reference Each. Rings: Seal Do. Size Do. Ropes switch Do. Do. S&polio - - Case. Size Dozen. Screws can Gross. Thousand. Seats hopper (building) . . Catalogue reference Each. Seeds garden and grass Kind . - . Package. Settees Catalogue reference Each. Shades: Lamp (oil) Kind Do. Roller . . . do Do. Window do Do. Shakers stove do Do. Shovels: Fire Do. Scoop Do. Snow Do. Signs: Caboose Kind Do. Coach .. do Do. Skids Size Do. Slips, pillow. . Do, MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION. 39 CLASS 36 Continued. LOCOMOTITE, TRAIN AND STATION SUPPLIES, INCLUDING TINWARE, ALL KINDS, LANTERNS, TRAIN, SWITCH, AND OTHER SIGNAL LAMPS AND PARTS; LOCOMOTIVE AND CABOOSE TOOL EQUIPMENT, SUCH AS JACKS, SHOVELS, WRECKING FROGS, TRAIN CHAINS, ETC., BAGGAGE AND WAREHOUSE TRUCKS; CABOOSE AND STATION STOVES AND PARTS; TICKET CASES, TOOL HANDLES, AND ALL KINDS OF WOODENWARE con. Item. Description. Unit. Soap: Common Kind Case .... do Do Toilet do Do. Each. Staffs fla^ * Do. Stands wavbill press Do Stools office Do Stops chimnev Size Do. Stoves: Bunk car and parts Kind Pound Caboose and parts do Do. *.. , Station and parts do- Do Stretchers invalid Each Tables tcleTaph Size Do Tableware for camps Do. Tanks station oil . Size Do. Tapers wax Box. Tents Size - Each. Thermometers do Do. Thimbles stovepipe do Do Tinware Kind Dozen Ton^s ice Size Pair Top 5 ' lamp Kind Each Torches tin Dozen. Torpedoes Gross. Traps mouse or rat Catalogue reference Dozen. Trimmers, lamp . .' . . . Pair. Tripoli Pound. Tripoline Can Trucks: BaS'a op e Size Each. 4cf^7 c Warehouse . . Do. Tubs: Bath for buildings Catalogue reference Do Wash Size Do Tumblers glass Dozen Uniforms Kind Each Urinals for building Catalogue reference Do. Ventilators for buildings and coaches. do Do. Wagons ba^erage Size Do Wheels: Truck Kind . . . Do Wheel barrow . . do Do Wicks, lamp do Gross. Wickinc*, candle do Pound . Willow ware do Each. Wooden ware do Do Wringers do Do 40 MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 37. OIL HOUSE MATERIAL, ALL KINDS, INCLUDING LUBRICATING OILS AND GREASE, ILLUMI- NATING OILS, BOILER COMPOUND, ALL KINDS, WASTE ALL KINDS. DOES NOT INCLUDE GASOLINE. Item. Description. Unit. Barrels 6mpty ... ..... Kind Each Buna's barrel Size . Do Carboys do Do Compound: Boiler Kind Pound Drilling .. . do Do Soft soap Do Disinfectant t do Pound or gallon Dope Pound . Grease: Antirust Kind . . . Do Badger Do Center platTe Do Rod cup Do on-. Illuminating Kind Gallon. Lubricatin & Do Pnt* umatic hammer Do Pitch Pound Soap jelley oil Do. Waste Kind Do. CLASS 38. ICE, SAWDUST, AND HAY AND STRAW FOR ICEHOUSES. Hay for packin (y ice Kind Ton Ice .... Do. Sawdust *. .. Do. Straw Do. CLASS 39. FUEL, LOCOMOTIVE, INCLUDING COAL AND WOOD, AND FUEL OIL FOR LOCOMOTIVE USE ONLY. "Coal lump and slack for locomotive Kind Ton do Gallon. \Vood for locomotives do Cords CLASS 40. FUEL FOR STATIONS AND CARS; INCLUDES COAL, COKE, AND WOOD. Coal lump and slack for stations and Kind Ton. cars. do Cords. MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 41. COMMISSARY SUPPLIES FOR DINING CARS, HOTELS, AND RESTAURANTS. 41 Item. Description. Unit. Bread Kind Loaf Butter do Pound Cake do Each China ware Catalogue reference ..... Do Cigars Kind . Box Cigarettes do Do Cocoa do Pound Cocoanut do Do Coffee do Do Commissary supplies Cookin or utensils , ' Corn meal Kind Pound Corn starch do Do Crackers do Do Cream . do Gallon Crockery Cutlery Fish all kinds Pound Fruit fresh and canned . . Game all kinds Glassware for commissary department Gridirons Catalogue reference Each Groceries Hominy Kitchenware for dining cars Knives for dining cars . Meats fresh salted and canned . Milk Molasses Oatmeal Olives Oysters Pantrvware Pepper Pies Preserves . Queensware Spices Starch corn Steaks and chops Suet Sugar Sirup Tableware for diners Tea Toothpicks Vegetables fresh and canned. Water for dininf* cars 42 MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 42. PIPE, IRON AND STEEL, EXCEPT BOILER FLUES. Item. Description. Unit. Size Foot Pipe: ' Extra heavy steel do . . Do Galvanized do Do Steel do Do. \Vrought iron do Do CLASS 43. PIPE FITTINGS ALL KINDS FOR STEAM, AIR AND WATER, VALVES AND COCKS FOR SAME. Air cocks ....... Catalogue reference .... Each Bends: Iron pipe Size Do Railing do Do do Do. Branches iron pipe do Do Lo .. do Do. Cocks: Air tee handle Catalo r ue reference Do Bibb do Do . do Do Check and waste . do Do Compression hose .. do Do. Frost do Do. do Do. do Do. Plug do Do. Steam ... do Do. Stop ... do Do. Stop and waste do Do Siphon . . . ... . do Do Size Do. Crosses pipe do Do. Disks valve Kind and si/e Do/en Elbows iron pipe Si?e Each Faucets . ...... Kind and size Do. Fittings pipe do Do. Flanges pipe Size Do.' Gates: Molasses do Do. Oil do Do. Gauges water . do Set. Hangers: Expansion pipe - - Catalogue reference Each Pipe do Do. Hooks pipe conductor . do Do. Joints expansion pipe do Do. Nipples: Pipe Size Do. Radiator . ... do Do. Soldering do Do. do Do. do Do. Plates: do Do. Hook (pipe)... Do. MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION. 43 CLASS 43 Continued. PIPE FITTINGS ALL KINDS FOR STEAM, AIR AND WATER, VALVES AND COCKS FOR SAME continued. Item. Description. Unit. Plujjs pipe Size Each. Reducers pipe - - do Do. Saddles pipe .... do Do. do Do. Unions : Pipe Do. Solder-in " do Do. Valves: . do... Do. Butterfly Do. Check do.... Do. Cross do Do. Foot do Do. Gate do Do. Globe do Do. Pl U o- do Do. Radiator do Do. CLASS 44. ELECTRIC LIGHTING MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES FOR STATIONS AND GROUNDS. Adjustable brackets electric Catalogue reference Each. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Foot. Each. Do. Foot. Each. Do. Do. Do. Foot. Each. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Each. Foot. Pound. Each. Do. Do. Adi listers cord electric do Ammeters do - Annunciators do - Armatures Kind . Bases electric .... . . do ...:..... Bells electric ...... Catalogue reference . . : ; . Boxes cut-out electric .... do Brushes carbon Size Bulbs electric Size and voltage Bushings conduit Catalogue reference do . .. Buttons electric ceilin 01 Buzzers electric do Cable electric .do Coils resistance . .do Commutators electric Conduit electrical Controllers circuit do Covers battery do Dials electric do Fans electric for buildings . do Fiber electric Size Fixtures electric for buildings Catalogue reference Fuses electric do Gongs electric do Guards electric li^ht do Holders electric lamp . . do . Insulators electric . do Knobs porcelain electric Lamps incandescent . Size and voltage Loom circular do Mica electric ... Catalogue reference Plu^s electric ...... do Receptacles electric do Reels, cable, building electric wire. . .. Size 44 MATERIAL, CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 44 Continued. ELECTRIC LIGHTING MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES FOR STATIONS AND GROUNDS COntd. Item. Description. Unit. Shades electric Catalogue reference Each Slate electric do Square foot Sockets electric do Each Sticks soldering do Do Switches electric do Do Tape electric Kind Pound Trays battery Catalogue reference Each Tubes, electric wiring do^. Do. Tubing, hard rubber electric. Size Foot. Wire electric Kind Pound Zincs battery Catalogue reference Each CLASS 45. HARDWARE, ALL KINDS, INCLUDING NAILS, JACKS (EXCEPT TRACK), SMALL HAND TOOLS, EMERY WHEELS, WIRE, AND WIRE CLOTH. Air tools and parts Catalogue reference Each Anvils Size and weight Do Augers: 1 Bung Size Dozen Machine do Do Ship do Do Balances sash Catalogue reference Do Balls steel Size Hundred Bars jack . Each Bellows hand Catalogue reference Do Bitts: A uger Size Dozen Car machine do Do Drill do Do H ollow chisel do Do Machine do Do Blades hack saw do Do Blanks key Kind Do Blocks:' Pullev Kind and size Each Snatch do Do. Bolts: Door Size Dozen Barrel do Do Cap . do . Hundred Chain, for buildings do Dozen Stove do. Hundred. Window sash do Dozen Borers bung do Do Braces: Carpenter . do... Do. Ratchet do Do Brackets, shelf ...,.do Pair. Brads do Pound. Brushes: Expansion flue .. Each. File . . do Do Steel tube do Do. . Gross. Burrs, copper do Do. Butts... Dozen pair. MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION". 45 CLASS 45 Continued. HARDWARE, ALL KINDS, INCLUDING NAILS, JACKS (EXCEPT TRACK), SMALL HAND TOOLS, EMERY WHEELS, WIRE, AND WIRE CLOTH Continued. Item. Description. Unit. Calipers Size.. Pair. Casters chair .. . do Dozen Cards file .. Do Catches cupboard Catalogue reference Do. Chain: Brass Kind and size Foot German coil do Do Checks door for buildings Catalogue reference Each Chisels: Cape . . . . Size . Do Carpenter do Do Cold do Do Diamond point do Do Fra.min ' do Do Hollow do Do Machinist's do Do Set Do. Wood do ... Do Cleaners flue . .'. do , Do Cloth wire .. Yard Coppers soldering do Each Cotters sprin " do Thousand Crayon metal workers Kind Gross Cutters: Emerv wheel do Each Glass do Dozen Pipe and parts Kind and size Each Dies and stocks Catalogue reference Set Dies pipe do Each Dividers do Pair Dressers emery wheel Kind Set Drills: Stone Catalogue reference a Each Twist Do Wire do Do Drivers screw Size Dozen : Ears kettle.. Kind and size Pound and gross Elbows down-spout . Size Each Escutcheons lock, buildings Catalogue reference . . Do Expanders, flue Size Do Eyes, screw Gross Fasteners: Door buildings Catalogue reference Each Sash buildings do Do Window buildings do . Do Fastenings wire rope Kind and size Do Figures: Pattern Size Hundred. Steel do Set Files Kind and size Dozen Flashing galvanized iron Kind Foot Forges portable . Catalogue reference Each Frames: Hack saw Size Dozen. Wrench Kind and size ' Do Furnaces, portable Catalogue reference Each Gauges, wheel Do Gimlets Size Do Glasses, level do... Dozen. 46 MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 45 Continued. HARDWARE, ALL KINDS, INCLUDING NAILS, JACKS (EXCEPT TRACK), SMALL HAND TOOLS, EMERY WHEELS, WIRE AND WIRE CLOTH Continued. Item. Description. Unit. Grindstones: Machine ... Cataloone reference Each Shop ... do Do Gutter, galvanized Size Foot Hammers: Car repair Dozen Claw do Do Engineer do Do Machinists' do Do Handles: Chest Catalogue reference Pair Door . . do Do Hangers door for buildings . . do Do Hasps hinge Size . Do Hinges: Standard building Catalogue reference Do Strap Size Do Tee do Do Holders, door (building) * do Do Hooks: Belt Catalogue reference Hundred Box do Doyen Coat do Do Harness Size Gross Screw . . . do . . Do Hooks and eves . -. do Do Irons solderin r do Each Jacks: Catalogue reference Do Car repair do Do Shop tool do . . Do Jaw^. wrench Kind Do Keepers door for buildin^ Catalogue reference Do Keys: Building lock . . . . do Do/en Split Size Thousand Knives: Drawing Catalogue reference Each Plaster do Dozen Knobs door for building do Each Lacing metallic belt . .... Kind Hundred foot Ladles, melting Catalogue reference Each Latches, door, building . . do Do Letters: Pattern Kind Hundred Steel Size Set Lifts, sash, for building Catalogue reference Each. Lines: Mason ... Do Tape Kind Do. Locks: Building Catalo r ue reference Do Hand car Do Pad ... Catalogue reference Do. Machines, hand pipe cutting do Do. Measures, tape Do. Nails wire . .... Kind Pound. Padlocks Cataloone reference Each. Parts for pneumatic tools. . . Do. MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION. 47 CLASS 45 Continued. HARDWARE, ALL KINDS, INCLUDING NAILS, JACKS (EXCEPT TRACK), SMALL HAND TOOLS, EMERY WHEELS, WIRE, AND WIRE CLOTH Continued. Item. Description. l/nit. Pencils: Slate Gross Soapstone Do. Pins escutcheon for building Catalogue reference Fach Plates die do Do Pliers: Burner . ... do Do Fence . do . Do Gas Do Plumbs and levels do Do Points glazier Size Gross Pots o'lue and shellac Catalogue reference Each Pulls, drawer, for building do . . Do Pullers, nail . do Do. Pulleys: Awning do Do. Frame do.. Do. Punches belt do Do Rail, barn door Kind Foot Rasps Kind and size Dozen Reamers Catalogue reference Each Rings, harness Size Gross Rings for flue expander. ....:..;..;... do Each Rivets : Brass do Pouud Copper do .... Do Sectional do Do Tinnore' do Do. Rollers: Barn door . Catalogue reference Se* Flue Size Each Rules Cata'loo'iie reference T)r Screen, wire Size Screws: Cap do 1 1 1 1 ii ' i 'i 1 Jack Catalogue reference E'l^h Machine Size * Hun ired Set do Do Wood do ( ifO8 Barn door track 45 13 Barrel bolts 45 37 Barrels empty ... 37 sS Barrows, wheel Bars: An^le 36 IB ?A Arch 18 % Borin 1 * . . ....... 31 49 Brass 14 OR 14 47 Engine tool 36 47 Draw between en^n an 1 ten Jer 17 Concrete 3 46 36 46 Guide . . . . 17 46 Iron . . . . 15 46 Jack. 46 Offset an:le... IB 53 54 INDEX. Bars Continued. Class No. Pressed steel si lc 19 Track tool 1C Transmission 17 Z 15 Steel 15 Bases: Electric 44 Lightning arrester 2 A-2B Basin plugs 46 Basin stopper^ 46 Basins: Coach, wash 24 Wash, tin 36 Basket racks 24 Baskets: Clothes 36 Coal : 36 Waste paper 48 Basswood lumber 30 Bathtubs an 1 fittings for cars 24 Batteries: Dry 2B Sigml 2A Storage, passcniercar 26 Telegraph an 1 parts 2B Battery chutes 2A Battery iars for simal work 2A Battery jars for telegraph work 2B Battery wells 2A Battery zinos 2A-2B Battens, O. G 4 Battin i, cotton 24 Beadin *, win low 4 Beams:' Brake, wood 30 Brake, metal 18 Brake, parts for 18 Bridge 6 Bumper, woo 1 30 Bumper, steel 19 I for structural work 6 Scab 9A Hearings: Gravity si le 20 Journ iJ 21 Beaters, carpet 36 Beds, coach '24 BeddinT - 24-36 Bc3ch lumber 30 Beech cross plan'.c 4 Beeswax 47 Hell cord 36 B ushings ..'. 21 Couplings 24 Guides 24 Han jers 24 Holders 24 Hooks 24 Straps 24 Bell ringers 2 Bell ringers: Leather 23 Parts 23 Bells: Electric 44 Road cross and sisnil 2A Scale gong 9A Bellows: Han 1 45 Power 31 Belt dressing 47 Belthooks 45 Belt lacing: Leather 46 Wire 46 Belt punches 45 Belt studs 45 Belting: Leather 46 Rubber 46 Bench screws 36 Benches for shops uss 4 Benders: Rail 1C Rail parts for 1C Bends: Cast iron pip? 3 Tj *^n rniv 43 Bends Continued. Uuilin? Vitrified Y Bemin3 Bibb cocks. Class No. 43 3 43 47 43 Bicarbonate of potash 47 Bicarbonate of soda 47 Billets, steel for loco rods 17 Billiard cloth 24 Binder bolts 11 Bin ler plates for ferry boats 35 Bin 3 in^, carpet 24 Birch lumber 30 Biscuit,rat 47 Bits: Auger 45 Car machine 45 Driii ;.;;;; 45 Hollow chisel 45 Machine 45 Track drill 1C Bituminous coal: Shop use 27 Locomotives 39 Stations and car 40 Black oxide, manganese 47 Black smaltz 47 Blacking, stove 36 Blacksmith anvils 45 Blacksmith coal 27 Blades: Dwarf for mechanical signals 2A Dwarf for electro pneumatic signals 2A Eccentric 17 Hack saw 4i Semaphore 2A Blasting caps .' . 3 Blasting fuse 3 Blasting powder Bleeder cocks 43 Blind fasteners: Coach 24 Building 45 Blind pulls: Building 45 Coach.. 24 Blinds for buildings 4 Bl inds for cars 30 Blizzard lamps 36 Blizzard lamps: Brackets 36 ('lamps 36 Block signals 2a Blocks: Cement 3 Concrete ; 3 Cast-iron heel for frogs 1A Cast-iron heel for s witches 1 A Cast-iron for guard rail 1 A Paving 3 Sighting 1C Pulley, wood or steel 45 Snatch, woodorsteel 45 Blocking: Frog, cast-iron 1A Frog, wood 4 Guard rail, cast-iron 1 A Guard rail , wood .* 4 Switch, cast-iron 1 A Switch, wood 4 Blower elbows 21 Blowers, fan 31 BlowofI cocks 23 Blotters 48 B lotters . baths 48 Blue smaltz 47 Bluestone 47 Blue vitriol , crystals 2A Boards: Bread 36 Cleat 36 Coach 36 Headlight 3> Lamp 36 Level 1C Meat 32 Roadway sign 4 INDEX. 55 Boards Continued. Slow and stops Stove Boat anchors Boat fenders Boat oar Class No. 4 36 35 35 35 Boat parts 35 Boat rudders 35 Boat spikes 1C Boats, life 35 Body bolsters: Iron or steel 18 Wood 30 Boiler check valves 23 Boiler covering 46 Boiler flues 13 Boiler lagging 46 Boiler makers tool boxes 36 Boiler rivets 11 Boiler steel 16 Boiler studs 11 Boiler taps 45 Boiler washer testers 23 Boilers for heat and light buildings 9A Boilers: For locomotives 32 For water stations 9A Bolsters: Iron 18 Steel 18 Wood 30 Bolts: Anchor 11 Barrel 45 Bridge 11 Binder 11 Button head 11 Cap 45 Car 11 Carriage 11 Cellar 11 Chain for cars 24 Chain for buildings 45 Common for frogs 11 Countersunk 11 Crossarm 2B Crown bar 11 Dialing 1A Door 45 Drift 11 Dry pipe 11 Eccentric blade 11 Eccentric strap 11 Eye for stockyard gate 1C Eye for cars 18 Flathcad 11 Flathead rough 11 Flexible stay 11 Handhole pfate 11 Head rod 1 A Hex head engine 11 Hook 11 Key 11 Machine 11 Main rod 11 Patch 11 Plow 11 Rod for locomotives 11 Radial stay 11 Roundhead 11 Stay 11 Stack 11 Side rod -11 Steam pipe 11 Stone 11 Stove 45 Switch clip 1A Spring hanger 11 Tee head 11 Track IB Transit clip 1A U, for cars 18 Wedge 11 Window sash 45 Bolt cutters, power 31 Bolt taps 45 Bond wires 2A Bone black 47 Boots, hip, rubber 46 Class No. Borax 47 Borers, bung 45 Boring bars 31 Bottle holders 24 Bottom rods 18 Bowls: Closet 24-36 Wash 24-36 Box hooks 45 Boxes: Boilermaker tool 36 Conductors' check 35 Conductors' clothes 35 Cut-out, electric 44 Drain 4 Engine seat 36 Engine tool 36 Fusee 36 Journal 20 Medical supplies 47 Relay 2A-2B Section dump 4 Torpedo and fusee 36 Train 35 Braces: Carpenter 45 Draft timber is Galvanized-iron telegraph 2B Ratchet. 45 Rail...' IB Running board 18 Scre T .v spike 1C Sway, bridge 4 Switch point l A Brackets: Arm 2A Blizzard lamp 36 Curtain 24 Deck sash 24 Brake stem is Lamp, station 36 Shelf 45 Telegraph 2B Brads 45 Brake-beam clamps 18 Brake-beam clips 18 Brake-beam heads 18-20 Brake beams: Iron and parts 18 Wood 30 Brake chains 18 Brake hangers 18 Brakeheads, driver 19 Brake-lever fulcrums 18 Brake-lever guides 18 Brake levers 18 Brake jaws 18 Brake pins... 18 Brake rods 18 Brake shoes: Car 20 Driver 19 Keys 18 Brake staffs, carrier iron 18 Brake-stem brackets 18 Brakes, Eames vacuum 22 Braid: Binding 24 Gimp 24 Bran 47 Branches: Cast-iron pipe 3 Iron pipe 43 Vitrified 3 Brass: Bar 14 Castings 21 Journal bearings 21 Pipe 11 Rivets 45 Rods 14 Screws, machine 45 Screws, wood 45 Sheets 15 Spelter 14 Tubing 14 Wire 45 Bread 41 Breadboards... 36 56 INDEX. Brielc: Class No. Arc-li 28 Common 3 Fire, for diriing-( ar iMiiggs 24 Fire, for shops'. 28 Lines 45 raving.., 3 Trowels 45 Bridge bolts 11 Bridge jacks 45 Bridge lumber 4 Bridge washers, cast 19 Bridges, iron . (5 Bridle?, connecting rod 1A Bright tin sheets 15 Bright; v/ood screws 45 Brine cocks 43 Brooms: Carpet 36 Rattan, chisel point 1C Warehouse 36 Whisk 36 Wire 36 Brushes: Carbon 25, 20, 44, 49 Counter Duster Expansion flue. File Floor Painter Steel tube Buckets: Coal Conveyor Dope Fire Galvanized iron Ice Sand Water Buckles: Harness Interlocking 2A Turn, for cars IS Buffer springs 12 Buffs, cotton 24 Building plaster 3 Built-up bolsters 18 Bulbs, electric 25, 26, 44 Bumper beams: Iron 19 Wood 30 Bung augers 45 Bungs, barrel *... 37 Bung borers 45 Buntings. Burden rivets Burlap Burners: Lamp, all kinds... Lantern, all lands . Burner pliers Burnt gumbo Burnt sienna Burnt umber Burrs, copper Bushings: Bell cord . 45 7 47 47 45 24 Conduit 25,26,44 Fiber for signal work 2A Pipe 43 Washbowl 24 Butter 41 Butterfly valves 43 Buttons: Ceiling, electric 25, 26, 44 Upholstering 24 Button-head bolts . n Butts 45 Buzzers, electric 26, 44 C. Cabs, engine: Steel 3-2 Wood 30 Cab gongs 21 Cab lamp globes 3o Cables: C i as TCledrie 2 \ Swinging, for steam shovels . Wire Caboose blankets Caboose cushions Caboose mattresses Caboose springs " \ Caboose stencils . . . Cake...' Calipers Camp furniture ...'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Candles: Emergency lighting Lubricator Candle wicking Cans: Oil Sprinkling Can screws: Cork embedded Zinc Cant hooks Canvas Cap bolts Cap screws Capping, signal Caps: Blasting.... Bridge ;;;;;; Pipe ...;;; Post, signal Roofing Uniform Capstans Capstan bars / Cape chisels Carbon brushes 25 Cards: File Fire Playing. .". Carboys Car axles sNo. 44,49 9C 36 36 38 12 36 41 45 38 36 23 30 4 43 2A 3 36 35 3") 45 i, 44 Car bolts Car castings: Brass Orav iron Mall Steel Car doors Car journal bearings Car lines: Steel Wood ! Car-repair jacks Car-repair hammers Car movers Car roofing, galvanized Car seals Car-seat castings Car wheels Carpenters' braces Carpet boaters Carpet binding , Carpet gr emmets Carpet knobs , Carpets, aisle Carriage bolts , Carrier irons: BrakestafT Draft timber Carriers: Timber Wire Cars: Hand Hand, repair parts Motor inspection Motor inspection, repair parts. Push Push, repair parts Velocipede ' Velocipede, repair parts Carts , mail Case*: Filing Stencil Ticket 36 48 37 29 11 21 20 20 20 30 21 18 30 '45 45 36 20 36 24 29 45 36 24 24 24 24 11 18 18 1C 2A 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 36 36 36 36 INDEX. 57 Class No. Casing, well 42 Casings: Cylinder,cast 19 Cylinder, pressedstcel 19 Steain chest, cast 19 Steam chest, pressed steel 19 Castings: Brass, all kinds 21 Car seat 24 For frogs and switches, gray iron, malle- able or steel 1A Gray iron, car 20 Gray iron, locomotive 19 Gray iron, miscellaneous shop 19 Gray iron sand stove 19 Gray iron, station and caboose stove 36 Malleable iron, car 20 Malleable iron, locomotive 19 Steel, car 20 Steel, locomotive 19 For signal department, gray iron, malle- able or steel 2A Cast-iron blocking for switches 1 A Cast-iron pipe and fittings . : 3 Cast steel bolsters... 18 Castle nuts 11 Castors, chair 45 Catches: Cupboard 45 Cupboard special for passenger equip- ment 24 Mail 30 Cattle-guard parts 4 Cedar lumber 30 Ceiling buttons, electric 44 Ceiling, building 4 Ceiling, car 30 Cellar bolts 11 Cement: Asbestos 46 Blocks 3 Pipe joint 47 Portland building 3 Rubber 47 Center pins for cars 18 Center-pin keys 18 Centering devices, passenger car 20 Centering springs, draw bar 12 Centers: Wheel, driving 29 Wheel, steel 29 Chain bolts: Buildings 45 Coaches 24 Chain: Brake 18 Brass 45 Common 15 German coil 45 Wrenches 45 Sandboard 36 Train 36 Chair castors 45 Chair cushions 36 Chair cushion sprinrr 24 Chairs: Head, switch 1 A Office 36 Chalk, all kinds 36 Chamois skins 47 Chandeliers, coach 24 Channel pins, signal 2A Channels for cars and locomotives 15 Channels for structural work 6 Charcoal 27 Charges, fire extinguisher 36 Charts 35 Chasers, die 31 Check valves 43 Check and waste cocks 43 Checks: Boiler 23 Door, buildings 45 Door, coach , 24 Cheesecloth 24 Cherry lumber 30 Chest handles 45 Class No. Chest locks 45 Chests, ice 36 Chimneys 36 Chinaware 41 Chisel bitts, hollow 45 Chisel steel 15 Chisels: Cape 45 Carpenters' 45 Cold. 45 Diamond point 45 Framing 45 Hollow 45 Machinists' 45 Set 45 Track 1C Wood..! 45 Chloride of lime in cans 36 Chucks: Lathe 31 Track drill 1C Chutes: Battery 2 A Coal and repair parts 9B Cinder guards 24 Cinders, ballast 7 Cigars 41 Cigarettes 41 Circuit controllers 2A Circular loom 44 Circular saws 31 Circulating tubes 13 Clamshell dredges and parts 9C Clamps: Air hose 46 Air pipe 18 Blizzard lamp 36 Brake beam 18 Hot box coolers 36 Hydrant 9A Interlocking 2A Steam hose 46 Switch lamp 36 Switch point, temporary < 1 A Valve stem 19 Water hose 46 Wire rope 45 Classification lamps and parts 30 Claw hammers 45 Claw bars: Gooseneck, for stations 36 Track 1C Clay: Fire 28 Picks 1C Cleaners: Drain 36 Flue 45 Window 36 Cleaning tools for grooves in air-brake cou- plings 45 Cleat boards 36 Cleats: Cotton 30 Headlight 36 Climbers, linesman 2B Clinker hooks 36 Clip bolts, switch 1A Clips: Brake-beam 18 Paper 48 Clocks: Station and office 36 Watchman 36 Closet bowls 36 Cloth: Carb9rundum 47 Awnings 24 Bookbinders' 48 Canvas 24 Cheese 24 Curtain 24 Emery 47 Enamel 24 Hair 24 Rubber 46 White duck 24 Wire... 45 58 INDEX. Clothes baskets Coach bolster springs Coach door springs Coach platforms and parts (steel) Coach pins Coach seat springs Coach steps: Wood Steel Coach trimmings Coach wheels Coal: Lump or slack, locomotives Lump or slack, shop use Lump or slack, stations and cars. Baskets Buckets Class No. 36 12 24 20 18 21 30 20 24 29 39 27 40 36 36 Chutes and repair parts 9B Hods 36 Handling machinery and parts 9B Pails 36 Picks 36 Cocoa 41 Coconut 41 Cocks: Air, tee handle 43 Angle 22 Baker heater 24 Bibb 43 Blow-off 23 Brine 43 Car lighting 24 Check and waste 43 Compression hose 43 Coach water cooler 24 Cylinder, common 21 Cylinder, Hancock pneumatic 23 Frost 1 43 Gauge 43 Hydrant 43 Plug 43 Steam 43 Stop 43 Stop and waste 43 Siphon 43 C offeo 43 Coil chain, German . 45 Coils, resistance 2A, 25, 2(5, 44. 49 Coke. !...'. '27 Colors in oil 47 Collars: Lamp -36 Stovepipe 36 Cold chisels .*.. 45 Colors: Dry 47 MLxcd 47 C ombs, toilet 24 Commissary supplies 41 Commutators, electric 25, 26, 44-49 Common bar iron 15 Common brooms 36 Common glue 47 Common iron wire 45 Common soap . 36 Compound: Boiler 37 Drilling 37 Soft soap 37 Welding 47 Compression hose cocks 43 Compressors, air, and parts 31 Compromise bars ' IB Compromise joints IB Concrete blocks 3 Concrete gravel 3 Concrete mixers 9C Concrete pipe 3 Concrete reinforcing bars 3 Condensed milk 41 Conductors' boxes 36 Conduit and bushing, electric 44. 49 Conduit/electrical 44, 49 Connection pins: Interlocking 2A Freight brake 18 Connecting rod bridles. 1A Class No. Connecting rods: Switch stand 1A Interlocking 2A Connection rod jaws, signal 2 A Connections, water and air hose 46 Controllers, circuit 2A,2B,44,49 Conveyor buckets 9B Conveyor machinery and parts 9B Cooking utensils 41 Cooler couplings 24 Coolers: Hot box 36 Water 36 Cooling compound 37 Copper: Bar 14 Burrs 45 Chain 45 Ferrules 14 Gaskets 40 Pig 14 Pipe 14 Rivets 45 Sheet ; 15 Tubing 14 Wire 4* Coppers: Battery 2A,2B Soldering 45 Copying books 48 Copying presses 36 Cord: Adjusters', electric -14 Bell 36 Curtain 24 Electric 44 Sash '. 36 Signal 36 Silk 2^ Cords, telephone 2 B Corks . 36 Cork-imbedded can screws 35 Corner bands 18 Corn meal 41 Cornstarch 41 Corrugated matting 24 Corrugated rubber 24 Corrugated tin roofing 15 Corundum wheels 45 Cots.. 36 Cotters, spring 45 Cotton 24 Absorbent 47 Batting 24 Buffs - 24 Duck 24 Mops 36 Mosquito netting 24 Waste 37 Counterbalance springs 12 Counter scales 9A Countersunk head bolts 11 Couplers: Car and parts 20 Hose 46 Coupler knuckles 20 Coupler knuckle locks 20 Coupler knuckle pins ^ IS Coupler plates, tender 20 Coupler yokes IS Coupler yoke rivets 18 Couplings: Bell cord 24 Cooler 24 Pipe 43 Waste pipe, rubber 46 Water, air, and steam hose 46 Covering: Boiler 46 Pipe 46 Covers: Battery 2 A, 2B, 26, 44, 49 Battery well 2A Grease cup 19 Oil box 20 Crabs, derrick 9C Crackers 41 INDEX. 59 Class No. 30 Cranes: Mail Locomotive ............................. yo Transfer ................................. 31 Crank pins .................................. Crank-pin nuts .............................. 11 Cranks, interlocking ......................... 2A Crash ........................................ 24 Cravon: Chalk ................................... 36 Lumber ................................. 48 Mel al workers' .......................... Railroad ................................. School ................................... 36 Cream ....................................... 41 Creepers, antirail ............................ IB Creosote oil .................................. 10 Crockery for dining cars ..................... Crossarms ................................... Crossarm braces ........................... 2B Crossarm bolts .............................. Crossarm lag screws ......................... 2B Crossarm .pins ...................... ......... 2B Cross hcadpins. . ..>. ......................... 17 Crossbead reamers ........................... 45 Crosstie rods ................................. 18 Crosst ies ..................................... 5B Cross valves .......... .' ...................... 43 Crosses for cast-iron pipe ..................... 3 Crosses: Pipe ..................................... 43 Vi t r i fied ................................. 3 Crossing gates: Street ................................. .. 1C | Street repairparts ....................... lv | Crossingplank .............................. 4 } Crossing signs ............................... 4 j Crossing spikes ........................ . ..... 1C Crossings, railroad ...................... ..... 1A i Crown-bar bolts ............................. 11 ! Crowbars .................................... 1C Crucibles .................................... 28 Crushed rock ..................... . .......... 7 C 'rushers, rock ............................... 9C Cupboards ................................... 3G Cupboard catches: Building ................................ 45 Passenger cars ....................... .... 24 Cupboardturns ............................. 45 Cupboard turns, passengercars .............. 24 Cups: Agate .................................. . 36 Tin ..................................... . 36 Varnish ................................. 36 Curbing stone ........................... .... 3 Curtain brackets ............................ 24,36 Curtain: Vestibule ................................ 24 Window, buildings ...................... 36 Curtains, coach .............................. 24 Cushion beaters ......................... .... 36 Cushion springs ............................. 24 Cushions: Caboose ................................. 36 Chair. ..... . ............................ 36 Coach seat ............................ 24 Locomotive ................... .......... 36 Cuspidors ...................... ............. 36 Cut stone .................................... 3 Cut levers for cars ........................... 18 Cutlery ...................................... 41 Cut-out boxes, electric ........ ........ ____ 25, 26, 44 Cutters: Emery wheel ............................ 45 Flue ..................................... 31 Gear ..................................... 31 Glass ...... ....................... ....... 45 Pipe, and parts .......... ................ 45 Power bolt .............................. 31 Weed ................................... 1C Cyanide of potassium ........................ 47 Cylinder cocks: Standard .............................. .. 21 Pneumatic .............................. 23 Cylinder-head studs ......................... 11 Cylinder levers .............................. 18 Cylinder-lever push rods ..................... 18 Cylinder packing rings ....................... 19 fyl indor rods Cylinders, locomotive. Cypress lumber Class No. 18 19 30 Dampers: Stovepipe Spring Daniels' packing Dead-lever fulcmrcs. Dead-lever guides. . . Deadwocd plates Deadwoods Deck lights for boats. 36 20 46 IS 18 18 30 35 Deck plates for boats 35 Deck-s-ish brackets 24 Deck-sash ratchets 24 Deckiner: Bridge 4 Car 30 Derailers 1A Derrick crabs 9C Derricks and parts, steam 9C Desks 36 Devices, centering, passenger car 20 Diallugs 1A Dial-lug bolts 1A Dials, electric 25, 26, 44 Diaphragms, Eames vacuum 46 Die chasers 31 Die plates 45 Dies for power machinery 31 Dies and stocks 45 Dies, pipe 45 Diggers, post-hole 1C Dippers, tin 30 Disks, valve. 43 Dishes, soap 24 D isinf ectant 37 Distant signals 2A Ditchers, steam, and parts :.. 9C Ditch ing lines 46 Dividers. Dogs, lathe 31 Dollies: Piano 36 Timber 36 Door bolts: Building 45 Coach 24 Door fixtures, car 20 Door hangers: Car 20 Building 45 Door holders: Building 45 Coach 24 Doorkeepers: Building -. 45 Coach 24 Door knobs: Building 45 Coach 24 Door springs: Building 45 Coach 24 Door screens: Building 4 Coach , 30 Door straps for cars 18 .Doors. Building 4 Car 30 Coach 30 Grain 30 Dope. Dope buckets Dope pails Double-end wrenches.. Double-faced hammers Double-faced sledges. . . Down spout and fittings. . .37 36 86 45 1C 10 46 Draft castings 20 Draft rigging 20 Draft rods 18 Draft rod eyes 18 Draft timbers 30 Draft timber braces 18 GO INDEX. Class No. Draft Umber-carrier irons 18 Drain tile 3 Drawbar pins: Car Locomotive Drawbar springs Drawbar yoke rivets Drawbars between engine and tender Draw knives Drawer pnlls Drawers, money Dressors, emery wheel Driers, sand . and parts Drift bolts Drill bills, track 1C Drill rod steel . . 15 Drills: Rail Ratchet Stone Track and parts Twist Wire Drip pans Drive rods for slip switch 1 A Drive well points 9A Drivers, pile and parts 90 Drivers, screw 45 Driving axles, engine 29 Driving-box lubricators and parts 19 Driving, brake pins 11 Driving rods for locomotives 17 Driving springs 12 Driving wheel centers 29 Drugs 47 Drums, stove 36 Dry-coll batteries 2 B Dry pipe bolts 11 Dry pipes for locomotives ,. 13 Dnck 24 Dunham door track Dust, gold Dust guards Dust pans Dusters: Feather Painter's Dwarf blades for signals 2A Dwarf signals 2A Dyes 24 Dynatni te 3 Dynamos 25,31,49 Dynamo parts 25,31, 49 E. Earaos vacuum brake and parts 22 Ears, kettle 45 Eave trough 45 Eccentric blades 17 Eccentric-blade bolts 11 Eccentric set-screw wrenches 45 Eccentric strap bolts 11 Economy heaters 36 Elbow, blower 21 Elbows: Cast-iron pipe 3 Gal van i zed-iron down spout 45 Iron pipe 43 Stovepipe 36 Vitrified 3 Electric bells 2A, 44 Electric globe? 25, 26, 44 Electric material 2A,2B,25.26 44 49 Electric material . headlight 25 Electric material , coaches 26 Electric material, buildings 44 Elevators: Coal 9B Grain and ore 9B Shop ] 31 Kim lumber 30 Emery ] 47 Emery cloth ] 47 Emery wheels '45 Emery wheel dressors 45 Empire packing 4$ Fnamol cloth.. 24 Enamclinc polish. End gate Oast End rods End sills, locomot ive and car Engine axles Engine bars Engine bolt iron En?ine bolts Engine frames, cast-steel Engine frames, wrought Engine oils Engine sand Engine seat boxes Engine swings Engine t ires Engine tool boxes Engine wheels Eneine whistles Engineer's hammers Engines: Hoisting Lighting, for stations, etc Steam and gas for pumping stations Turntable and parts .- Envelopes Eoualizcr springs Escutcheon pins: Building Coach Escutcheons, lock: Building Coach Ether Expanded metal Expanders, fluo Expansion brushes, flue Expansion pipe hangers Expansion joints, pipe Expansion shims Extinguishers, lire Eycbeams, steel Eyebolts: Cars - Stockyard gate Eves: * Draft rod Screw F. Fans, electric: For buildings For cars Fasteners: Door, buildings Door, coaches Door, freight-car Sash, buildings Sash, coaches Window, buildings Window, coaches Fastenings, wire rope Faucets Feather dusters Feathers Felt Fence pliers Fence posts Fence staples Fence stretchers Fence wire: Barb Woven Fenders: Boat Stove Ferrules: Copper Hanger pin Fiber bushings for signal work. Fiber, electric Fiber washers for signal work. . Figures: Pattern Steel File cards File handles Files... Files, lector and paper. No. 36 30 18 30 29 30 15 11 32 17 37 3ti 12 29 96 29 21 45 90 9A 9A 21 48 12 44 26 45 24 20 45 24 45 24 45 43 47 24 4G 45 4 1C 1C 1C 1C 35 36 14 IS 2A 44 2A 45 45 45 3fi 45 48 INDEX. 61 Clf fF No Fillers: Guardrail, cast-iron 1A Lamp 36 Switch point, cast-iron 1 A Wood track 4 Fillets, leather 46 Filters and parts 9A Fir lumber 4, 30 Fire boxes 32 Fire-box steel 16 Firebrick 28 Fireclay 28 Fire-door openers and parts Fire extinguishers 36 Fire hose 46 Fire plugs 9A Fire pokers 36 Fire sand 28 Fire shovels - 36 Fish, all kinds 41 Fittings: Bushings 43 Caps 43 Cast-iron pipe Couplings 43 Crosses 43 Elbows 43 Nipples . . 43 Pipe 43 Reducers 43 Tecs 43 Unions 43 Vitrified pipe 3 Fixtures: Door for cars 20 Electric for buildings .- 44 Electric for coaches 26 Flags 36 Flagging stone 3 Flanges: Pipe : 43 Cast-iron pipe 3 Flannel, canton 24 Flashing, galvanized-iron 45 Flathead bolts 11 Flathead pins 11 Flax packing 46 Flexible: Cord 44 Joints 23 Stay bolts 11 Floating levers 18 Floats, copper 9A Floor plates, pipe 43 Flooring: Building 4 Car 30 Flour, molders' 47 Flue brushes 45 Flue cleaners 45 Flue expanders 45 Flue lining 3 Flue rollers 45 Flues: Arch 13 Boiler 13 Circulating 13 Follower plates 18 Foot bolts 45 Foot guards for frogs and switches, cast-iron. . 1 A Foot guards for frogs and switches, wood 4 Forges : Portable 45 Shop 31 Forging machines and parts 31 Forgings: Car 18 Locomotive 17 Side rod 17 Forks, ballast 1C Forks, coal 36 Forks: Coke 36 Manure : 36 Switch lamp 36 Formaldehyde 47 Founts: Lamp 36 Lantern 3G Class No. Frame pulleys 45 Framing chisels 15 Frames: Door, for buil jin^s 4 Door, for cars 30 Hack saw 45 Headlight number plate 36 Locomotive cast steel 32 Locomot ive wrought iron 17 Ten ler steel 32 Ten ler wood 30 Win low, for buildings 4 Wrench 45 Freight-car bolsters 18 Freight-car bolster springs 12 Freight-ear castings: B rass 21 Grayiron 20 Malleable ' 20 Steel 20 Freight-car forgings 18 Freight-car heaters and parts 36 Freight-car lumber 30 Fresh meat, all kinds 41 Frog blocking: Cast iron 1A Wood 4 Frog bolts, common n Frogs: Rerailing 35 Track 1 A Front-end netting 15 Front-end pokers 36 Frost cocks 43 Frosted glass 47 Fruit, fresh an 1 cannod 41 Fuel oil, locomotive use 39 Fuel oil, shop use 27 Fulcrums: Brake beam, malleable or gray iron 18 Brake beam, wrought 18 Brake lever 18 Dead lever IS Funnels 36 Furnaces: Portable 45 Shop -. 31 Furniture: Camp 35 Office 33 Station 3 > Fuse, blasting 3 Fusee boxes 36 Fuses, electric 2A, 2.5,20,44, 49 Fusees... 36 G. Galvanized cans 36 Galvanized down spout ? n 1 Mtin r s 45 Galvanized flashing 45 Galvanized gutter 45 Galvanized-iron sheets 15 Galvanized-iron wire 45 Galvanized pails 33 Galvanized pipe 42 Game, all kinds 41 Garbage can? 3f> Garden hose 46 Garden rakes 36 Garlock packing 46 Gas: Aeetylen3 47 Engines 9A Gas fixtures: Passenger cars 24 Station 36 Gas: Opal globes 36 Pintsch material 24 Pliers 45 Tips 24, 35 Gaskets: Copper 46 Han Ihole plate .^ 4(5 Leather 46 McKim 48 Rubber 46 Gasolino blmv torches 45 62 INDEX. Class No. Gasoline engines for pumpin ; station? 9A Gasoline engine parts for pumping stations . . 9A Gasoline shop fuel 27 Gravel: Ballast .... CUss No. 7 Concrete 3 Gate eyebolts, stockyard 1C Roofing 3 Gate hinges stockvard 1C Gravity side bearings 20 Gate hooks stockvarj 1C Grease: Antirust 37 Gate staples stock vard 1C Gate valves stock yard 43 Badger 37 Gates: Coach tail 24 Center plate . 37 Rod cup 37 Crossing .. 1C Grenade homers 21 Crossin" parts . ... 1C Grenades hand 24 Fni coal for locomotives 30 Gray iron castings for 3 Farm wood 4 Frogs and switches 1A Molasses 43 19 Oil 43 Miscellaneous 19 Gauge cocks 43 Sand stoves Gauge lamps 36 Shop repairs 19 Gauge plates switch 1A Stations and caboose stoves 36 Gauges: Air anl parts 23 Gridirons.. 41 Grills, ticket 4 Car lightin 5 ' 24 Grinders tool for sections 1C Steam 23 1C Steam parts 23 Grindstones: Machine 45 Track 1C Water 43 Section 1C Wheel 45 Shop 45 Gear cutters . 31 Groceries 41 Gear draft for freight cars 20 Grommets 24 Generators, electric 25,26,49 17 Ground emery . 4T Gibbs sprin ' htin r er . ... . Grounders te'legr?ph department Gimlets 45 Guard-rail blocking: 1 V (jimp 24 Girders bridge . .... 6 Wood 4 Girts bridge ' 4 Guard-rail fillers, cast ircn Guard-rail plates 1A 1A Glass . 47 Glass cutters 45 Guard rails: Bridge 4 Glass deck sash 47 Glass, headlight. 47 Track 1A Glass insulators . 2B Guards: \ Glass plate ~ 47 Glass, Skylight 47 Dust 3G Glass, window . ... 47 Electric light 41 Glass tumblers 36 24 Glasses: Cab lamp .. ... 36 Water g'ass 17 Level 45 Guides- 21 Lubricator 23 Be!! cord Oil cup . ... 36 23 IS Water, for loccmot ives Dead lever 18 Glassware for commissary department Glazier points . . . 41 45 InterlocV hi" 2A Globe valves 43 45 Globes: Cab lamp 36 11. Hak-saw b'adc^ 45 Electric 25 T 44 .. '36 36 Hack-saw frames 45 Switch lamp 36 Hair: ( 'uv'ed 24 46 Glue: Common 47 Fc't 46 Plasterers' 3 47 Hammered iron 15 Pots . . 45 Hammers: Car repairers' 45 Glycerine: Crude 47 Claw 45 Pure 47 Dcublc-faccd 1C Gold dust 36 Engineers' 45 Gold leaf 47 Machinists' 45 24 Masons' . 1C Gongs: Cab 21 1C Stone 1C Electric 44 Hand cars 1C Scale 9A Hand-car repair parts 1C Goosenecks: Brass . 21 IS 11 Cast 19 Hand pumps 9A Governors: 22 9A Hand reamers 45 Steam engine for pumping station Grab handles 9A 18 Hand saws 36 45 Grain doors 30 Hands tank indicator 9A 30 Handles chest . . 45 Grain-elevator mi^hinery 9B Handles: Door 45 Grainin" combs 47 Grapl'ite flake 47 18 1C Wood 36 Grating for hr.lrhrs... 35 Haneer, bolts, spring.. . 11 INDEX. 63 Class No. Hanger pin ferrules 18 Hanger pin keys 18 Hangers: Bell cord 24 Brake 18 Door, for buildings 45 Link 17 Door, car 20 Expansion pipe 43 Interlocking 2A Pipe 43 Shafting 31 Spring, car and coach Spring, locomotive 17 Truck. 18 Harness buckles 45 Harness leather 46 Harness rings 45 Hasps, hinge 45 Hassocks 24 Hatchets 36 Hat hooks: Building 45 Coach - 24 Hay for packing ice 38 Headlight boards 36 Headlight cleats -36 Headlight reflectors 36 Headlights: Electric 25 Electric repairs 25 Oil 36 Oil repairs - 36 Head chair for stub switches 1 A Head rod bolts, switch 1A Head rods, switch 1 A Heads: Brake, ear 18 Brake, locomotive driver 19 Cross 19 Engine brake 19 Head lining 30 Heaters: Coach and parts 21 Freight ear and parts 36 Hektograph composition 48 Hcktograph pans 48 Helical springs 12 Hemp packing 46 Hexagon head engine bolts . 11 Hexagon nuts .!, 11 Hickory 30 Hinge hasps 45 Hinges: Coach Standard building Stoc-kyard gate Strap Tee 24 45 1C : 45 45 Hods, coal 36 Hoes: Ash pan 36 Garden 36 Weed.... 1C Hoists: Coal and parts 9B Pulley (shop) 31 Holders: Bell cord 21 Bottle 21 Door, building 45 Door, coach 2i Electric lamp 44 Grenade 21 Soap 24 Toilet paper 36 Tool.. 31 Hominy 41 Hoods, vestibule 24 Hook bolts 11 Hook plate?, pipe 43 Hooks: Bell cord 21 Belt 4o Box 45 Coat, coaches 21 Class No. Hooks Continued. Clinker 33 Coat, buildings 4,* Coat and hat, passenger cars 24 And Eyes. Harness . Packing 30 Pipe conductor 43 Rail for wreckers 1C Safety is Screw 45 Stockyard gate ... 1C Hopper seats: Building 36 Coach 21 Hoppers, saloon: Building 36 Coach 21 Hose: Air brake 46 Cocks compression 43 Connections, rough brass 21 Couplings 46 Fire 46 Garden 46 Locomotive tender 46 Pneumatic 46 Steam 45 Water 46 Reels . 36 Hot-box coolers 36 Huck toweling 24 Hydrant clamps 9A Hydrant cocks . . 43 Hydrants 9A Hydraulic jacks 45 I. I-beams for Bridges . 6 Cars and locomotives Structural work I-bolts for oars Ice Ice boxes Ice picks Ice poles Ice tongs Illuminating oils Imitation leather Imperial packing Incandescent lamps 25 Increasers for cast-iron pipe Increasers for vitrified ^pipe Indicator hands, tank Indicators, caboose Injectors: Locomotives and parts Stationary boilers and parts Ink. Inkstands . . Inkstand bases Inspirators and parts for locomotives Inspirators and par) > for stationary boilers. . . Instruments: Surgical Telegraph Insulating joints Insulators, electric . 2A, 215, ^, Interlocking spring Interlocking and signal-material Iron: An?le Bar, all kinds Boher rivets Bridges Channels Engine bolt Gal van: zei sheet Hammered Norway Planished Russia - Sheet No. 14. and Hghtor '. Sheet No. in. and heavier Staybolt. . . . .' Stove pipe Swelish 15 6 18 38 36 36 36 36 37 24 46 26,44 3 3 9A 36 23 9A 48 48 48 23 9A 47 2B 2A 25, 44 V 2A 2A 15 15 11 6 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 ir> it; I F 15 15 64 INDEX. Iron Continued. Class No. 31 L. Class No. Tennessee 15 jj Lace Lacing, metallic belt 24 45 Wire Irons: 45 18 Lacing rawhide Ladders: For building work 46 36 18 Coach step 36 36 Interlocking 2A 45 Ladles, melting 45 Lag screws 11 j. Lagging: Boiler 40 Jacket iron 15 Pump 46 Jacket steel 15 AK Lamp boards 36 Lamp collars . 30 Jack levers: Iron 36 Lamp fillers 36 36 Wood Jacks: Bridge 36 45 Lamp guards Lamp holders 44 36 Caboose Car repairers Screw 36 45 45 45 Lamp shades: Paper Electric 36 25,26,44 Smoke, for roundhouse Stove Switchboard, telegraph Track 3 36 2B 1C 1C Lamp tops Lamp trimmers Lamps: Coach, gas Incandescent 30 30 24 25,26,44 Jars, bttry Jaws: Brake Connection rod, interlock .. 2A,2B,20,49 18 2A Oil Lantern globes Lantern reflectors Lantern rings 30 36 36 30 30 Lathe Transmission bar Wrench 31 17 45 Lard oil Latches: 37 Joints: Ball, flexible pipe Expansion pipe Insulated Rail, except insulated 23 43 2A IB Door, coach Interlocking Lathes Lathe chucks Lavatories for passenger cars 24 2A 31 31 24 Moran Journal bearings, all kinds Journal boxes . Journal lubricators, driving box , . Jugs 23 21 20 19 36 Lawn mowers Lawn rollers Lawn sprinklers Leach sonders 30 30 30 . 23 K. Lead: Pig . ... - 14 Keepers, door: Pipe 42 Building 45 Red 47 Coach ^4 miort 15 36 White . . 47 Kettle ears 45 Keybolts 11 46 Key bHnks 45 Sole 40 Keys- Bell ringer 23 Brake shoe 18 30 Building lock 45 30 Center pin 18 Letter files 48 Coach lock 94 . . 48 18 36 Ratchet wheel 18 Letters' Split 45 45 Tail pin 18 Steel 45 1C 41 45 Camp . . 36 Levelers ballast and parts 9C 1C Drawing 45 Lever fulcrums: 36 Brake 18 Planer 31 18 Plaster 45 Putty 47 Brake 18 36 18 41 18 Floating 18 Build"m or 45 2A Coach 24 17 Knobs porcelain electric . . 25 26 44 Throttle 17 Knuckle joint pins 17 Truck 18 11 18 Knuckle pin^ coupler 18 20 >o 35 Knuckles, con pier . . 20 Life preservers 35 INDEX. 65 Lift?: Class No. Sash, building 45 Sash, coach 24 Lightning arresters 2A-2B Lighters, match 24 Lights, wells and parts 23 Lime: Chloride of 30 Common 3 Limit signs 4 Linen 24 Linen ojl sheets 48 Lines, ditching 46 Lines: Mason. . . Tape . . . * b:irs. Lining Lining, building ... Lining, ear Lining, flue Links, fuse, electric Link hangers Links: Interlocking 2A Motion 17 Open 18 Switchropc. 36 Uncoupling rod 18 Linoleum 24 Locks: Building 45 Coach 24 Coupler - 20 Lock escutcheons: Building 45 Coach. 24 Locks, hand-car 45 Lock nuts for cars 11 Locks: Nut, pipe 43 Nut, track IB Pad 45 Signal 2A Lockers, sectional shop 36 locomotive castings: Gray iron ..." 19 Brass 21 Steel 19 Malleable 19 Locomotive forgings 17 Locomotive springs 12 Locust lumber 30 Loom, circular.. 44 Low-speed signals: Electric 36 Temporary 2A Lubricators, driving box and parts 19 Lubricator glasses 23 Lubricators: Locomotive and parts.. ... 23 Pumps and stationary engines. 9A Shafting 23 Lubricating oils 37 Lugs: Draft 20 D ia 1 f or s wi t ches 1 A Transit for switches IA Lug straps for cars is Lumber: Bridge and building .. 4 Car and engine 30 Crayon 48 Gram door 30 Lump chalk 36 Lye 36 Mae hi no atmri MM Machine bolts Machine oils: Sewing Shops Machine nut taps. . Machine screws.. . Mffchine steel Machines: Class No. Die grinding 31 Forging and parts 31 Hand pipe cutting 45 Interlocking 2A Iron planer 31 Mortisingand parts 31 Punch and shear 31 Saw filing and parts 31 Sewing and parts 31 Wool planer 31 Woodworking and parts 31 Machinery: Coal-handling, and parts 9B Conveyor 9B For interlocking plants 2A Grain-handling, and parts 9B Ore-handling, and parts 9B Shop and repair parts 31 "\Vater station 9A Machinist's chisels 45 Machinist's hammers , 46 Machinist's hand taps 45 Machinist's vises 45 Magnesia boiler lagging . 46 Magnets: Indicator for signals 2A For electric signals 2A Lifting 31 Mahogany lumber 30 Mail-car rubbers 24 Mail carts 30 Mail catchers 30 Mail-car cinder guards. . : 24 Mail cranes 30 Main rods 17 ' Main rod bolts 11 Mallets, wooden 30 Malleable-iron castings: Car 20 Locomotive 19 Shop work 19 Miscellaneous 19 Manganese, black oxide 47 Manila rope 4<; Manson tape 44 Mantles: Coach, gas 24 Welsbach gas 36 Manure forks 30 Maple lumber for buildings 4 Maple lumber for cars 30 Marlin 46 Mason's hammers 1 C Mason's trowels 45 Mats, aisle 24 Master taps 45 Matches 30 Match lighters 24 Match scratchers 24 Mats, rubber 24 Material being manufactured on shop orders. 34 Material for electric block signals 2A Material for electric headlight 25 Ma terial for interlocking plan ts 2A Material for pintsch gas 24 Material signal and in terlocking 2A Matting, corrugated 24 Mattocks 1C Mattresses: Caboose. .... 36 Iron bed 36 Mauls: Spike 1C Spike, handles 30 Post, wood face 1C Post 1C Measures: Liquid 36 Tape 45 Meats, fresh, salted, and canned -41 Mechanical fixtures, interlocking and signal. . 2A Medical boxes 47 Medical supplies 47 Metal, babbitt 14 Metal substructures for bridges (> Metal-workers' era von . . . -t5 66 INDEX. Class No. 46 Oilcloth Class No. 3 Oil gates 43 MfHN soft 14 Oil pumps ., 3i5 9A \{j, .j pli>'-iric 44 Creosote 10 46 37 9A Lubricat ing 37 Miik 41 Pneumatic hammer 37 Milopo^ts 4 Sewing-machine 24 M in' c i r 'Ct 41 Oilers 30 37 Olives 41 Mirroi ^ 47 Open links . IS 9C 90 41 15 43 9B 36 Oxalic acid 47 45 47 36 Oystors 41 23 Mosuuit o netting 24 ^j os <- 24 Motor inspection cars 1C 15 V 40 Mot ion links 17 Motor?, turntable, and parts Molders flour 31 47 Air pump 46 4C, Mold ings , wood Mounted wheels, locomotive and car 4 29 36 Daniels Duck 4i> 4(> Mowers, lawn 36 Empire iq a x 4G 46 Mud taps 45 4('> Muffler pop regulators Muriatic acid 23 47 Knives 3t> 4ti Muslin 24 Jenkins sheet 4t> 46 N. Hooks 3f> N-uls' Metallic piston ... 4(> 4 4(1 24 Rainbow . . . 46 Plu c h 24 19 Upholstering 24 Rubber 46 45 Throt tie 40 45 Valve stem 46 1C Padlocks 4."i Needles 24 Pads rubber mail cars 24 Netting; wire all kinds . ... 15 Pails- Dope 36 \ir hose 46 Fiber 36 Pipe 43 ( Jalvanizcd 36 Pipe for cast-iron pipe 3 Rubber . . . 36 43 Tin 96 St 0" m ho^c ..." 46 36 43 47 47 47 15 Pans* "No/zle^ brass hose 43 Drh) 36 Number plates, interlocking 2A Dust , 36 Nut locks* 48 Car 11 24 Nut*:* 41 Track IB Blank 11 \11 kinds stationery 48 Castle 11 Blank 48 11 Blottin a 48 Hexagon - - - 11 . ... 4S 11 47 Lock pipe 43 48 11 Files 48 Special for switch clip bolts 1A 3 11 3 H 3 Sand 47 O. 3 Toilet 36 4 Weights ... . 48 Oak lumber for cars and locomotives 30 48 Oak ties' ... . 24 Cro^s . . 5B 36 Switch 5A 36 Oakum 4C 23 Oatnuvil 41 Parts for injectors stationary plants. .. 9A Office chairs 36 Parts for inspirator^ locomotive Office furniture . . . 36 .... 23 Office stools 36 Paris fo r inspirators stationary plants. . *lA Oil barrels 37 Part 1 * for lubricator^ stationary plants. 9A Oil boxes 20 45 Oil boxjids 20 19 Oil box spring 1 * 36 Oilcans... 36 Passencer-car buffer springs. . . 12 INDEX. 67 Passenger-ear eastings: Gray iron Brass Mn.11 Steel Passenger-car seat springs. Passenger-car door . , Class No. 20 21 20 20 24 24 Passenger-car forgings 18 Passenger-car lamp parts, electric 26 Passenger-car lamp parts, gas 24 Passenger-car trimmings 24 Paste, pipe covering 46 Patch bolts 11 Patch bolt taps 45 Paving blocks 3 Paving brick Paving stone 3 Pearline 36 Peavies 1C Pedestals, car, coach 20 Pegamoide, curtain cloth 24 Pencils: Lead ,... 48 Slate 45 Soapstone 45 Penholders 48 IVnrocks 48 Pens, writing 48 Pepper , 41 Perforated sheet brass 15 Perforated sheet copper 15 Perforated sheet tin 15 Pet cocks 43 Picks: Clav 1C Coal 36 Ice 36 Tamping 1C Mattocks 1C Pig iron 28 Pig copper 14 Pig lead 14 Pig tin 14 Pies 41 Pikepoies 36 1 'ilots, engine *. 30 Pillow... 36 Pillow sups 36 Pile drivers and parts 9C Pil ing. sheet steel 6 Piling, wood 4 Pine lumber: Buildings and bridges... 4 Car and locomotive 30 Pinch lurs: Kiisuni' 36 Track '. 1C Pintsch gas material 24 Pin trays , 48 Pins: Brake Center i 'oimection freight car. . ('onneetion, interlocking Coupler Coach tail ('rank Crosshcad Drawbar Driving brake Drift Kscut cheon, building. . . Ksmtcheon, coach Insulator , Knuckle Knuckle joint Round flat head Valve mot ion Wrist '. Pipe bends Pipe, brass Pipe bushings Pipe, cast iron Pipe caps Pipe, cement 18 18 18 2A 18 18 17 17 17 11 11 45 24 2B 18 17 11 17 17 43 14 43 3 43 47 Pipe clamps 46 Pipe, copper 14 Class No. Pipe covering, asbestos *. 46 Pipe crosses 43 Pipe crosses for cast-iron pipo 3 Pipe coverin <* 46 Pipe couplings 43 Pipe cutters 45 Pipe cutters wheels 45 Pipe, concrete 3 Pipe cutting machines, hand 45 Pipe dies 45 Pipe, drain 3 Pipe elbows 43 Pipe elbows for cast-iron pipe 3 Pipe, extra heavy steel 42 Pipe flanges ." ;. 43 Pipe flanges for cast-iron pipe 3 Pipe, galvanized 42 Pipe hangers 43 Pipe hooks 43 Pipe joints, expansion 43 Pipe, lead 14 Pipe lock nuts '..'.'.'.'. 43 Pipe nipples 43 Pipe plugs 43 Pipe reamers 45 Pipe saddles 43 Pipe sewer 3 Pipe soil 23 Pipe, steel 42 Pipe, stove... 36 Pipe taps 45 Pipe tees 43 Pipe tees for cast-iron pipe 3 Pipe unions. 43 Pipe vises 45 Pipe, vitrified 3 Pipe wrenches 45 Pipe, wrought iron 42 Pipes: Dry 13 Stand and parts 9A Pistons, locomotive 19 Piston packing 4o Piston packing springs 12 Piston rods 17 Piston rod nuts 11 Pitch 37 Planer knives 31 Planished iron : 15 Plank: Crossing 4 Spring 30 Plaster: Building 3 Cement 3 Paris 47 Plastering trowels 15 Plates: Deadwood IS Die 45 Floor, pipe.., 43 Follower 18 Gauge for switches 1A Guardrail 1 A Heel for switch point 1A Interlocking 2A Number signal 2A Side and end steel 18 Side and end wood 30 Slide for switches 1A Switch 1A Tender coupler 20 Plate glass 47 Plate washers 11 Plates, hook pipe 43 Platform scales 9A Platforms, steel coach and parts 20 Pliers: Burner 45 Fence 45 Gas 45 Plow bolts.... 11 Plows: Ballast and parts 9C Snowand parts .'. 9C Steam and parts '. . 9C 68 INDEX. Plugs: Basin, rubber.. Cast-iron pipe.. Electric Pipe Tie Plumbago Plumbs and levels. Plungers, pump Plush Pneumatic hose.... Pneumatic tools and parts. Class No. 46 3 43 1C 47 45 9A 24 46 45 Point blocking, switch, cast iron 1A Points: Glazier 45 Switch 1A Well drive 9A Pokers: Fire .. 36 Front end 36 Stove 36 Polarized relays: Signal 2A Telegraph 2B Poles: Block signal 2A Ice ' 36 Log 36 Pike 36 Push 36 Signal lamp 36 Telegraph 2B Tent 36 Train-order 2 A Trolley 49 Window 36 Polish: E nameline - 36 Mexoline 36 Silver 36 Spear silver 36 Star metal 36 Stove 36 Tr ipol ine 36 Pomade, Putz. . . ^ 36 Pop valves and parts 23 Poplar lumber 30 Porcelain knobs 25. 2\ 44 Porcelain insulators 25, 26, 44 Portable furnaces 45 Portable scales 9A Postal scales 48 Post mauls 1C Post-hole augers 1C Post-hole diggers 1C Post-hole tampers , 1C Posts: Bumping and parts 1C Bridge, wood 4 Cedar, fence 4 End door, corner, and side steel 18 End door, corner, and side wood 30 Fence 4 Interlocking 2A Mile 4 Rail 4 Roadway 4 Stockyard 4 Whistle 4 Potash, Prussiatc of. 47 Potassium, cyanide of 47 Pots: Glue and shellac 45 Marking 36 Tallow 36 Powder, blasting 3 Power pumps and parts for water stations . . 9A Preserves 41 Preservers, life 35 Presses: Letter 30 Seal 36 Waybill 36 Pulls: Drawer, buildings 45 Drawer, coaches 24 Pullers: Nail 45 Spike 1C Pulley blocks 45 Pulleys: . Awning Bell cord ....... . Frame Shop machinery Pumice stone Pump lagging Class No. 45 24 45 31 47 46 Pumping station machinery 9 A Pumps: Air and parts 22 Hand, water and parts... 9A Oil 36 Power and parts for water station 9A Steam and parts for water stations 9A Toilet and parts , coaches 24 Water and parts 9A Punches: Belt 45 Track 1C Purlins: Car, steel IS Car, wood 30 Pushbuttons: Buildings 44 Cars 21 Push cars and parts 1C Putty 47 Put t y k m'ves 47 Q. Quadrants: Interlocking 1 2A Locomotive 17 Quarter round: Buildings 4 Coaches 30 Q ueenswa re 41 R. Racks: Basket Towel for buildings Towel for coaches Radial stays Radiator nipples Radiator valves Radiators 24 36 24 Jl 4:; 4.S 36 Rails, all weights and kinds except scrap 8 Railscrap 50 Rail anchors for wreckers 1C Rail anchor track IB Rail barn door.... 45 Rail benders and parts 1C Rail braces IB Rail creepers, anti IB Rail cutters - 1C Rail drills and parts 1C Rail hooks 1C Rail joints, standard IB Rail joints, insulated 2A Rail post s 4 Rail punches Rail tongs 1C Rail unloader and parts 8C Railroad crossings 1 A Railings fittings, iron 43 Rails, guard , 1A Rainbow packing Rakes, garden 36 Ranges, dining car and parts 24 Rasps 45 Ratchet braces.....' 45 Ratchet drills 1C Ratchet jacks 45 Ratchet jacks track 1C Ratchet wheel keys 18 Ratchets 24 Deck sash 24 Headlight, burner 36 Mail car lamp burner 36 Rattan 24 Rattan chisel point brooms 1C Rat traps Reasonuters, telegraph : 2B Reamers 45 Receivers, gas, coach : 24 Rerept acles, electric 2y, 26, 44 Reducing valves nnd parts 23 INDEX. 69 Reducers: Class No. Pipe 1 , cast-iron 3 Pipe 43 Vitrified 3 Keels, cable Signal Deparment 2A Building, electrical wire 44 Hose 36 Reflectors: Headlight 36 Lamp 36 Lantern : 36 Regulators, mufflerpop 23 Reinforcing bars. 3 Relays: Signal 2A Telegraph 2B Relay magnets 2B Release rods 18 Relief valves and parts 23 Repeating relays, telegraph 2B Repeating sounders, telegraph 2B Replacers, car 36 Reservoir paint 47 Resin 47 Resistance coils, electric 2A, 25; 26, 44 Rests: Foot, stove 36 Seat 24 Return bends, pipe 43 Reverse levers 17 Reverse-lever springs 12 Reverse-shaft springs 12 Rice 41 Rigging, draft . 20 Ringers, bell and parts 23 Rings: Harness 45 Lantem 36 Packing, piston 46 Packing, valve stem 46 Rubber for flue expanders 45 Seal 36 Ventilator 36 Riprap 7 Rivets: Boiler 11 Brass 45 Copper .45 Drawbar yoke . 18 Strutcural 11 Tank 11 Tinner 45 Road crossing bells 2A Road crossing signs 4 Rock: Crushed Crushers Riprap Rock salt. Rod baits for locomotives Rod baits for switch head rods . Rod straps for locomot ives Rods: All kinds for cars Bottom Brake Brass Connection for switches Cylinder. 9C 7 1C 11 1A 17 18 18 18 14 1A 18 Connection, interlockers 2A Cylinder leverpush IS Cross tie 18 Draft 18 Driving 17 End of cars 18 Hand brake 18 Head for switches 1A Main 17 Piston 17 Release 18 Side 17 Slip switch 1 A Steel drill 15 Switch 1A Tie for switches 1A Top brake 18 Transom truss 18 Uncoupling 18 Rollers: Barn door Car door Flue Vestibule curtain Roofing caps Roofing, galvanized, car Roofing gravel Roofing lumber: Buildings Cars Roofing paper Roofing slate Roofing tin, sheets Roofs, car, paper Roofs, car, galvanized Rope: Manila . . . Wire Ropes, switch Rosin Round edge steel for draft keys. Round flat head pins Round head bolts Roundhouse smoke jacks Rowboats Rubber boots Rubber cloth Rubber: Corrugated Gaskets Mats . Packing Pads Pails Rings for flue expanders Sheets Tubing Rubbers: Eames brake Mail car... Class Rugs. Rules Rulers Ruling pens Running-board braces for cars. Running boards: Steel Wood Russia iron... No. 45 20 45 24 3 20 3 S. Saddles,pipe 43 Safes, iron 36 Safety hooks 18 Sail cloth 35 Sal ammoniac 47 Sal soda 47 Salt: Common : 1C Rock 1C Salts, soldering 47 Sand: Building 3 Fire 28 Locomot i ve 3 Molding 28 Board chains 36 Dryers and parts 19 Sanders, track and parts 23 Sapolio 36 Sash balances 45 Sash cord 36 Sash lifts: Building 45 Coach 24 Sash, springs 24 Sash stops 24 Sash, window: Building 4 Coach 30 Saw blades, hack 45 Sawdust . 38 Saw sets 45 Saws: Band 31 Circular 31 Crosscut 1C Cut-off 31 70 INDEX. Saws Continued. Class No. Hand 36 Rip 31 Scale weights 9A Scales: Counter 9A Platform 9A Postal 48 Spring balance 9A Stockyard 9A Track 9A Wagon 9A Scoop shovels 36 Scoops, battery 2A Scrap, all kinds ; 50 Scrapers, paint 47 Scrapers or spatulas 47 Scratchers, match 24 S crecn , wire 45 Screw eyes 45 Screw drivers 45 Screw spikes IB Screw wrenches 45 Screws: Cap 45 Cork imbedcd can 36 .Tack 45 Lag 11 Machi n e iron 45 Machine brass 45 Set 45 Wood, brass 45 Wood, bright 45 Sc vthe stones 1C Scythes, all kinds 1C Seals, car 36 Sealing wax 48 Seat arm rests 24 Seat castings, coach 24 Seats: Coach 24 Hopper, building 36 Hopper, coach 24 Tank valve 9A Second-hand bridges, iron G Section signs 4 Seeds, garden and gYass 36 Segments, interlocking 2A Semaphore blades 2A Semaphores, interlocking 2A Set chisels. Set screw wrenches Set screws Sets: Rivet Saw Settees Set tec arms Settee legs Sewer pipe 45 45 36 , 36 36 ... 3 Sewers, interlocking 2A Shackles, interlocking 2A Shades: Coach window 24 Electric .. 26,44 Lamp (oil) Roller Window... Shafts, tumbling Shafting, steel, shop 15 Shakers, stove 36 Shears: Office 48 Tinner 45 Sheet asbestos ,. . 46 Sheet brass 15 Sheet copper 15 Sheet lead 15 Sheet fiber 25,26,44 Sheet rubber 46 Sheet steel: Light 15 110 and thicker 16 Washers 11 Sheet tin 15 Sheet zinc 15 Sheeting. 24 Sheeting for car roofs: Class No. Iron 20 Wood '.... 30 Sheets 24 Shelf brackets 45 Shellac 47 Shellac and glue pots 45 Shims: Expansion 1C Wood truck 4 Shingles 4 Ship augers 45 Shoes: Car 'brake 20 Engine 19 Shop ventilators 3 Shop lockers 36 Shovels: Fire 36 Scoop 30 Snow 30 Steam, and parts 9C Track 1C Siding, lumber: Buildings 4 Cars 30 Side bars, pressed steel 19 Side rod 17 Side-rod bolts ' 11 Side-rod forgings 17 Sighting blocks 1C Sighting boards 1C Signal batteries 2A Signal blades 2A Signal cord 30 Signal parts 2A Signal poles 2A Signal and interlocking material 2 A Signals: Interlocking 2 A Automatic block 2A Signs: Caboose Coach Roadway Silk.. Silk curtains Silk tassels Sill steps ,.. Sills: Car, wood Stone, building. Tender, end Silverware Skidding tongs Skids... ... . Skins, chamois Slab zinc Slag, ballast Slash bars. Slate, electrical Slate pencils Slate roofing -. Sledges Sleeves, cast-iron pipe Slide plates for switches Slip switch crossings Slip switch rods Slips, pillow Slot arms Slow posts Slow and stop boards Smaltz Smoke jacks for round house . Smoke jacks for stoves Snatch blocks Snaths, scythe Snips, tinner Snow plows and parts Snow shovels Soap chips Soap, common Soap dishes Soap holders: Building Coach 14,49 45 1C 3 1A 1A 1A 36 2A 4 4 47 3 30 45 1C 45 9C 36 37 36 24 36 24 INDEX. 71 Soap: Class No. Jelly oil 37 Laundry 36 Toilet 36 Soapstone 47 Soapstone pencils 45 Sockets: Drill 45 Electric 2A,25,26,44 Soda ash 47 Soda: Arsenateof 47 Arseniate of 47 Bicarbonate of 47 Caustic 47 Sal 47 Soft steel 15 Soil pipe fittings 3 Solder 14 Soldering irons or coppers 45 Soldering nipples 43 Soldering sticks 2A,2B,26,44 Soldering unions 43 Sole leather 46 Solid pulleys 45 Sounders, telegraph 2B Spades 1C Spatulas or scrapers 47 Spectacles: Train order 2A Automatic block 2A Speeders, track and parts 1C Speed recorders and parts 23 Spelter 14 Spices 41 Spike braces for screw spike 1C Spike mauls 1C Spike pullers 1C Spikes: Boat 1C Track IB Wire 45 Wrought . 45 Spindle taps 45 Spittoons 36 Splice bars, telegraph 2B Splices, track IB Split keys 45 Sponges 47 Spoons, telegraph 2B Spot boards 1C Spout, down, andfittings 45 Spouts: Crane 9A Grain 9B Tank 9A Spreaders, ballast and parts 9C Spring balance scales 9A Spring cotters 45 Spring dampeners 20 Spring hanger bolts 11 Spring hanger gibbs 17 Spring steel 15 Spring steel wire 45 Springs: Buffer 12 Caboose 12 Centering 12 Chair cushion 24 Coach bolster 12 Coach seat 24 Coil, engines and cars 12 Counterbalance 12 Cushion 24 Door, buildings 45 Door, coaches 24 Drawbar 12 Engine 12 Equalizer 12 Fire door opener 23 Freight-car bolster 12 Freight-car drawbar 12 Interlocking 2A Locomotive driving 12 Locomotive ihrottle 12 Locomotive truck 12 Oil box 20 Passenger buffer 12 Springs Continued. Piston packing . . Pop valve Reverse lever Reverse shaft Sash, coach. Class No. 12 23 12 12 24 Steam pump 9 A Throttle 12 Trailer 12 Truck 12 Upholstering 24 Valve strip 12 Sprinkling cans. 36 Spun cotton 24 Spun yarn 24 Square head bolts 11 Square nuts ,, 11 Squares: Steel . 45 T 45 Stack bolts n Stacks: Pumping station 9A Shop building 49 Staffs: Brake 18 Flag 36 Stakes, grade 4 Stamps, steel 45 Standpipes and parts 9A Stands: Switch..... 1A Waybill press 36 Staples: Fence 1C Standard hardware 45 Stockyard 1C Star polish 36 Starch, corn 41, 47 Station lamps 36 Station signs 4 Stayboltiron 15 Stay bolt taps... ........... 4/5 Staybolts 11 Staybolts: Radial 11 Flexible 11 Steaks and chops 41 Steam chest studs 11 Steam chests 19 Steam cocks 43 Steam derricks and parts 9C Steam ditchers and parts 9C Steam engines and parts: Powerplants . 49 Pumping stations. 9A Steam gauges and parts 23 Steam hose 46 Steam hose clamps 46 Steam pipe bolts 11 Steam pumps and parts, pumping stations . . 9A Steam shovels and parts. 9C Steam traps 24 Steam wreckers and parts 9C Steel angles 6,15 Steel axles 29 Steel balls 45 Steel bars 15 Steel billets for locomotive rods 17 Steel boiler 16 Steel brake shoes: Locomotive 19 Car 20 Steel bridges 6 Steel castings: Car 20 Locomotive 19 Shop machinery 19 Steel channels 6-15 Steel, crushed 47 Steel draft rigging 20 Steel drill rods 15 Sreel erasers 48 Steel figures 45 Steel fire box 16 Steel, galvanized sheet 15 Stwllbeams 6-15 Steel letters 45 Steel locomotive jacket 15 72 INDEX. Class No. Strainers: Class No. 42 Locomotive. . . 23 8 Woll 9 V 15 Strap hinges . ... 4" Steel sheet 1 10 and heavier 16 Straps: 15 Bell cord 24 15 Door for cars .... IS Steel soft 15 Lug for cars . . IS 15 Pipe for cars IS Rod for locomotives 17 4 it Steel structural for bridges and buildings. . G Invalid . . . 30 Steel toes - G 15 Wire 1C Steel t 're ^ - -- 29 Street lamps: 29 Electric 44 15 Except electric 30 H Strikers, match 29 Strips, weather 4 45 Stringers, bridge: 15 Iron 6 15 Wood 4 36 Stub switch chairs 1 \ 36 Studs: Belt 4") 30 Boiler 11 24 Cylinder 11 30 Steam chest 11 19 Substructures for bridges, iron.. I; Sill for cars 18 Suet 41 Sticks soldering 2\,2B c ><} 44 Sugar 41 9A Sulphur 45 Sulphuric acid 47 1C Supplies for medical boxes 47 1C Surgical bandages, etc . 47 1C Surgicalinstruments 47 Stockyard gate staples 1C Swav braces bridge .... 4 Stokers mechanical and parts for power Swedish bar iron 15 49 Swinging cables for steam shovels 9C Switch chairs for stub switches . . 1A Ballast 7 Switch clip bolts 1A 11 Switch head rod bolts 1A 3 Switch lamps 3(5 3 Switch lamp forks 30 3 30 Cut 3 Switch plates 1\ 45 1\ 3 Switch point braces 1 A. 1C 1\ Lintel 3 1 \ 3 Switch rods 1A 3 Switch rods for slip switches 1A 47 36 7 30 Rubbing 47 1 \ Wedges 1C 1 \ Stones: Switch targets 1A 1C Switch ties all kinds of wood 5 \ 1C 45 Complete track 1A 36 Electrical' 2 A 2B 25 26 44 49 43 ' ' ' '43 Stops: Sirup 41 36 S Wrenches . ... 45 45 Door coach . . 24 T Sash 24 Table cloths 4J Stoppers, basin 46 Table lamps 36 Storage batteries: Coach 26 Tables: 36 Signal 2A Turn 6 36 48 Stove boards ... 36 41 45 36 Stov6 drums 36 4"t 36 Tacks 45 Stove polish 36 Tags chain 20 36 Tail pin keys 18 36 Tail pins 18 36 Tallow 37 36 Tallow pots 36 Stovepipe iron 15 Tampe r s post hole 1C Stovepipe thi mbles 3G Tamping bars . 1C Stoves and parts: Tamping picks 1C 36 Tank boxes 36 Caboose 36 Tank buckets 36 Coach . . . 24 Tank hose 46 Sand 19 23 Station.. 36 Tank-indi a t or hands. . . . 9A INDEX. 73 Tank rivets Liass :NO. 11 Tank spouts 9A Tank steel 16 Tank valves 9A Tank valve seats 9A Tanks: Locomotive 32 Oil, storage 9A Station oil 36 Water and parts 9A Tape, electric Tape lines 2A, 25, 26, 44 45 Tapes, measuring 45 Tapers, wax 36 Tapestry 24 Taps: Boiler 45 Bolt 45 Hand 45 Machinists' hand 45 Machine nut 45 Master 45 Mud ;.... 45 Patch bolt 45 Pipe 45 Spindle 45 Stavbolt 45 Tar....: 37 Targets, switch stand 1A Tarred paper Tassels, silk 3 24 Tea 41 T head bolts 11 T hinges 45 Tsteel 6,15 T cast-iron pipe 3 T down spout 45 T gas pipe 43 T soil pipe T vitrified pipe Telegraph cable 3 3 2B Telegraph instruments and parts Telegraph-keys Telegraph poles Telegraph relays 2B 2B 2B 2B Telegraph sounders Telegraph spoons . 2B 2B Telephone cable Telephone cord 2B 2B 2B Telephone instruments and pans. Telephone switchboards and parts.. Tender truck axles 2B 2B 29 Tender coupler plates 20 Tender end sills 30 Tender frames: Iron 32 Wood 30 Tenders, locomotive 32 Tennessee iron 15 Tents 36 Testers, boiler and parts Thermometers ......... 23 36 36 Thread 24 43 Throttle levers 17 Throttle packing 46 Throttle springs Ticket cases 12 36 Ticking Tie plates 24 IB Tie plugs Tie rods for curves 1C IB Tie rod? for switches 1A Tie wires, telegraph 2B Ties: Bridge 4 Cross, all kinds of wood 5B Crossing 5A Switch 5A Tile: Drain 3 Roofing 3 - Sewer 3 Timber bars 1C Timber carriers 1C Timber dollies 36 Class No. Timber grapples. Timbers: Bac-kend Front end . . . Draft Tin: Block Cups 14 Pig Sheet Valley Tinware cans, pails, oilers, etc Tinners' rivets 45 Tinners' shears 45 Tinners' snips 45 Tips, gas 24 Tires: Coach wheel 29 Locomotive 29 Toilet paper 35 Toilet soap 36 Tongs: Blacksmith 45 Ice , 36 Rail ic Skidding ic Tie 1C Toolboxes, all kin Is 36 Tool grinders for sections 1C Tool holders 31 Tool steel 15 Tools, air and parts 45 Tools, cleaning 45 Toothpicks 41 Top brake rods 18 Tops, lamp 36 Torches: En^in3er's malleable 19 Gasoline blow 45 Tin 36 Torpedo and fusee boxes 36 Torpedoes 36 Tow 24 Towel brackets 24 Towel rollers 24, 36 Towels 24 Toweling 24 Tower lamps 36 Track bars (tools) 1C Track, barn door 45 Track bolts IB Track, car door 20 Track chisels 1C Track, climax door 20 Track drills and parts 1C Track drill bitts 1C Track, Dunham door 20 Track, freight car door 20 Track gauges 1C Track jacks and parts 1C Tracklevels 1C Track picks 1C Track punches 1C Track scales 9A Track shims, wood 4 Track splices IB Track wrenches 1C Trailer sprin ?s 12 Train boxes 36 Train chain? 36 Transformers forcurrent 49 Transformers for electric plants 49 Transitlugs for switches 1A Transit lug bolts 1A Transmission bar jaws 1 1 Transmission bars 17 Transmitters, telegraph 2B Transom truss rods IS Trap door parts, coaches ; 24 Traps: Mouse or rat - 36 Stoam 24 Vitrified 3 Tra B S attery -. 2A, 26,26,44 Pin , INDEX. Class No. 4 Class Valve strip springs 4 Valve vokcs for locomotives Trimmers lamp 36 Valves: Angle Trimmings coach 24 Tripoli 36 1 How- off Tripolin-^ 36 Butterflv . .... ' r rollev bou Is 49 Check 49 Cross Trolley wires 49 Foot . . 45 Gate . . 45 Globe Truck axles locomotives and cars . . . 29 Plug Truck bolsters: Steel 20 Pop, and parts Radiator Wood 30 Reducing, and parts Truck hangers 18 Relief and parts . 18 Rubber Truck springs, locomotives and cars . Trucks: 12 Sander . . 36 Varnish Vaseline Car complete ... ..... 33 Vegetables fresh and canned Locomotive complete 33 Velocipedes and parts 36 Veneer lumber Trunkin ' signal .... 2A Ventilator rings . . IS Ventilators for buildings and coaches Tubes: Ventilators, for shop Boiler 13 Vestibule material Circulating 13 Vestibule rollers Flectric wirin* 25 26 44 Vestibule trimmings 23 13 Vises: Machinists' Tubing: 14 Pipe Copper .... 14 Vitrified sewer pipe - - - Hard rubber electric 2A 25 26 44 Vitriol: Blue, crystal . Rubber 46 Shelby steel .... 14 Liquid acid Steel 14 W Wagon scales Tubs: Bath, buildings 36 Bath, coach Wash 36 Wagons, baggage Tumbler holders 24 Warehouse brooms 17 Warehouse scales 49 45 Turnbuckles: Car 18 Washers: Interlocking 2A Cast bridge Turntable engines and parts Turntable motors and parts Turntables Turpentine 31 31 6 ' 47 Fiber for signal work Plate - Wrought iron Waste Twist drills Twist drill sockets .... 45 45 48 Waste cans Waste and stop cocks Water, artesian and special U 18 18 18 18 Unions: Pipe . 43 Water hose 43 36 36 Unloaders: Ballast and parts . 9C ....* 90 90 24 Wax' floor . . . . 24 45 Urinals: 36 Wedge bolts Coach 24 V Valley tin 45 Weights, scale We igh t s , sash Valve disks 43 Valve motion links Valve oil 17 37 Welding-compound Well casing Valve seats, tank. ., 9A 1 Well driver points 43 23 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 23 43 23 23 46 23 47 47 41 1C 30 3(5 30 3 24 24 24 24 47 4.") 4:> 3 2A 47 9A 36 30 36 9A 30 3d 24 23 19 2A 11 11 37 30 43 41 41 30 36 24 43 23 36 46 40 40 36 9A 9A 9A 36 47 47 48 24 24 11 1C 1C 1C 9A 45 47 42 9A INDEX. 75 Class No. Well strainers 9A Wells, battery for automatic signals 2A Welsbach mantles. Wheelbarrows Wheel centers, car and locomotive. Wheel gauges Wheels: Cast iron car and locomotive... Emery Hand-car. 36 36 21) 48 29 45 1C Interlocking .................. . ........... 2A Pipe cutter .............................. 45 Wheels: Steel Tires, car and locomotive ......... 29 Truck ................ . ........... . ...... 36 Wheelbarrow ............................ 3G Whetstones .................................. 1C Whisk brooms ............................... 36 Whistles, engine ............................. 21,23 Whitelcad .................................. 47 Whitewood ................................. 30 Whiting ..................................... 47 Wicks, lamp ................................. 36 Wicking, candle ............................. 36 Wicking, asbestos ........... . ............... 46 Willowware ................................ 36 Windmills and parts ........................ 9A Window brush poles ......................... 36 Window brushes Window curtains: Buildings Coaches Window fastenings: Coaches Buildings Window frames Window glass Window sash: Building Coaches Windows: Complete, building Complete, coaches Ticket Wire brads Wire brooms Wire cables Wire carriers Wire cloth Wire drills 47 36 24 24 45 4 47 4 30 4 30 4 45 36 15 2A 45 45 Wire gauges ................................. 45 Wire netting .................. . ............ . 15 Wire stretchers .............................. 1C Wire, barb fence ............................ 1C Wire, brass .................................. 45 Class No. Wire , copper 45 Electrical 2 A, 2B, 25, 26, 44. 49 Fence 1C Iron 45 Music 45 Signal 2A Telegraph 2B Woven fence 1C Wire, spring steel 45 Wire, steel 45 Wiring tubes 25,26,44 Wires, bond 2A Wood blocking for switches 4 Wood preservatives 10 Wood pulley Mocks 45 Wood screws 45 Woodsnatch blocks 45 Wood split pulleys 31 Wooden mallets 36 Wooden pails 36 Wooden ware 36 Wrecker axles 29 Wreckersand parts 9C Wrecking frogs 36 Wrench frames 45 Wrench jaws 45 Wrenches: Alligator 45 Except track 45 Monkey 45 Track 1C Wringers 36 Wrist pins for locomotives 17 Wrougnt-iron nails 45 Wrought-iron pipe 42 Wrought-iron spikes 45 Wrought-iron washers 11 Y. Y bends 43 Y bends, cast-iron pipe 3 Y bends, vitrified pipe 3 Yarn, lath 46 Yellow: Chrome 47 Ocher 47 Yoke rivets, drawbar 18 Yokes: Coupler 18 Valve for locomotive 17 Z. Z bars 6-15 Zinc, battery 2A,2B,26,44 Zinc, sheet 15 Zinc, slab 14 O YC 6947 988916 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY