Hispanic Notes Monographs 'vMEKieAHSERCES HISPANIC HISPANIC SOCIETY AMERICAN SERIES 5^ I HE HISPANT iOCtETlCi OF AMERICA HISPANIC NOTES & MONOGRAPHS ESSAYS, STUDIES, AND BRIEF BIOGRAPHIES ISSUED BY THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA VI '^^^■''\ »>».■■!!»'— jM^aj^m ' t ' . J. a iiLitaiiuj' II II II $$$ lEir^WE" The Hispanic Society of America PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY EDITED BY WILLIAM BELMONT PARKER Corresp. Memb. of The Hispanic Society of America, Editor of « Culjans of To-Dny>, « Peruvians of To-Daji « Bolivians of To-Day », • Cliilcans of To-Day » "Argentines of To-Day », etc. THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA LONDON NEW YORK 1921 Es PROPIEDAD DK THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA All Rights Reserved en CO CJJ so: TO MY WIFE FOREWORD FOREWORD " Paraguayans of To-Day, " the sixth book in the series on the men of Hispanic America, makes a special ap- peal to interest because of the compara- tive remoteness of the country and the tragic character of its history. The hundred and twenty persons whose lives are recorded here are be- lieved to be representative of the lead- ers of Paraguay. Needless to say the list is not complete ; some whom it were desirable to include are missing and others are inadequately presented for a lamentable lack of data. The subjects of the biographies are drawn from all parts of the country and from all classes and professions. In- complete though it is, this collection of biographies may therefore serve to give a fairly just impression of the civili- HISPANIC NOTES VI FOREWORD zation of Paraguay and the state of art, education, government and com- merce which it has attained. It may also afford at least occasional glimpses of the historical and geographical back- ground — of the devastating war which left the country maimed in 1870, and of the wide leagues of unused ter- ritory which stretch away to Brazil and Bolivia. As little here as in earlier volumes has an alphabetical arrangement seem- ed desirable; the order, therefore, except for certain obligations of courtesy, is purely fortuitous ; nor has any attempt been made to proportion exactly the biographies to the importance of their subjects. The Editor once more acknowledges the obligations he has incurred in fulfil- ling his task and repeats his inadequate but sincere thanks for the manifold signs of courtesy and cooperation shown him. He remembers with grati- tude the many kindnesses of Senor Juansilvano (lodoi and his son Rolnn- VI HISPANIC NOTES FOREWORD do Augusto Godoi ; he pays his thanks for the facilities afforded by the Na- tional Library and its staff; he records his sense of obligation to Seiior Juan Francisco Perez for competent and diligent cooperation, and to Senor Nar- ciso Binayan, who accompanied him to Asuncion, for unwearied collaboration. Finally he presents his thanks to the subjects of the biographies themselves and to the members of the press of Asuncion, whose friendly interest light- ened his labor. W. B. P. Buenos Aires, October 23, 1920. To the second edition I hanje added one nenxi biography. W. B. P. London, June 15, 1921. AND MONOGRAPHS JX VI TABLE OF CONTENTS Biographies marked with a star (') are illustratei Manuel Gondka * Juan Sinforiano Bogarin * Cecilio Baez * juansilvano godoi * . Maria F. Gonzalez * . Venancio Victor Lopez Teodosio Gonzalez * . Eloy Farina Nunez Juan Monte * Alfonso Belisario Campos Gomes Freire Estf.ves Federico Garcia . Juan B. Nacimiento . Pedro Bruno Guggiari * Fermin Casco Espinosa * Ernesto Velazquez * J. Alfredo Aponte Manuel W. Chaves * Manuel J. Duarte EuLOjio Jimenez . Evaristo Acosta . Juan L. Mallorquin Daniel Codas J. Benigno EsconAR PAGE I 7 II 15 19 21 27 31 Z2, 35 37 39 43 4? 47 49 51 55 57 61 65 67 69 xii TABLE OF CONTENTS Teresa L. C. de Rodriguez Alcala Luis de Gasperi . Gustavo M. Crovatto * Enrique Ayala . RoGELio Ibarra * . Juan Stefanich . Jose Tomas Legal * Fernando Centurion * Francisco Antonio Brizuela Pablo M. Ynsfran Pedro Saguier * Juan B. Eenza * Felix Paiva * Eliseo Zavala * Federico Codas * Juan Bautista Gaona * Adolfo Francisco Antunez Juan Francisco Recalde * Juan Emiliano O'Leary * Andres Barrero *. Carlos Rodriguez Santos Juan Vicenti: Ramirez* Emilio Acebal Victor Abente Haedo . Manuel Riouf.lme * Marcial Sosa Escalada Juan A. Samudio* OviDio Rebaudi /I 71 75 77 79 8i 8.3 85 87 89 91 93 95 101 103 105 107 109 113 115 119 123 125 127 129 131 135 TABLE OF CONTENTS xiii Manlio Sciienoni Lugo Antonio Sosa * . Jose Antonto Ortiz* Jose P. Montero * EusEBio A. Lugo * Teodoro Rojas Cristobal Duarte Eduardo Sciiaerer Fulgencio R. Moreno Enrique Bordenave * Hermenegildo Roa Hector Velazquez * Pedro Bobadilla * Ramon Indalecio Cardozo Juan Francisco Perez * Enrique L. Pinho Delfin Chamorro Serafina Davalos * Francisco C. Chaves JusTO Pastor Vera Guillermo Tell Bertoni Juan Manuel Sosa Escalada Jose P. Guggiari . Pedro L. Barbosa Eliseo Da Rosa . Jose Irala Arsenio Lopez Decoud * Narciso R. Colman * . 141 145 149 151 155 157 159 161 153 167 171 173 175 177 179 183 185 187 189 191 193 195 199 201 205 207 211 213 xiv TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Benigno Ferreira 215 Jose Antonio Perez . 219 Adolfo Aponte 221 Leo Centurion 223 EusEBio Ayala * . 225 JusTO Pastor Duarte . 229 Alejandro Arce . 231 Pablo Alborno * . 233 Juan Jose Soler . 235 Adolfo Chirife * . 237 M. Eliseo Sisa . 239 Juan R. Dahlquist * . 241 Atilio a. Pena 243 Carlos Calcena . 245 Ramon Lastra Castro 247 Emiliano Gonzalez Navero * 249 Eladio Velazqukz 251 Patricio Alejandrino Escobar =• 253 Arturo Rebaudi . 257 LiBERATO MaRCIAL RoJAS 259 Manuel Pena 261 Raimundo D. Obelar * 263 Luis E. Micone 265 Mario Usher* 269 Ricardo Odriosola 271 RoMULO Goiburu 273 Genaro Romero * . 275 Concepcion Silva ue Airaldi 277 TABLE OF CONTENTS xv Pedro A. Mendoza* . GUALBERTO CaRDUS HuERTA Pedro Pena . Ca-rlos Luis Isasi * ESTANISLAO PeREIRA Emilia Recalde de Recalde Jose Natalicio Rojas . JerONIMO Zur.IZARRETA Luis Alberto Riart Manuel Gamarra . Manuel Dominguez Eligio Ayala * Hector F. Decoud J. IsiDRO Ramirez Manuel Rojas A. * . Silvano Mosqueira Alphabetical Index 279 281 283 28s 287 289 291 293 295 297 299 303 305 307 309 3" 313 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY MANUFX GONDRA President of Paraguay. Manuei. Gondra, the son of Manuel Gondra and Natividad Pereira, was born on tlie first of January, 1872. He learned his letters in the school of Ipane, continued his studies in the city schools of Asuncion and at the age of eleven entered the Colcgio Nacional where he gained the Bachelor's degree. There also, almost at once, he began to teach — Grammar, Geography and Li- terature — and was teaching in 1892 when the National University was founded. In spite of the urgent invita- tions of his friends, many of whom entered the Law School at that time, to join their ranks, he continued his professorial laljors, devoting himself HISPANIC NOTES VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY increasingly to general literature and the classics, in which he won a reputa- tion both as a scholar and as a teacher. He accepted, liowever, the post of Se- cretary of the University and cooperated with its first rector, Doctor Ramon Zu- bizarreta, in the difficult tasks attend- ing the beginnings of the new institu- tion. Applying himself assiduously to study, Sr. Gondra acquired the modern lan- guages, making himself master of French, English, German and Italian, collected a notable library, and gained steadily in prestige as scholar and teacher until 1899. In this year he re- signed and entered the Law School, but after studying there for a time, was drawn away by other attractions, aban- doned the course and devoted himself rather to carrying out for the govern- ment investigations, at that time much needed, upon education, the national boundaries and other public questions. In fulfilling these duties he went as Connnissioner to Buenos Aires to studv VI HISPANIC NOTES GONDRA the documents there relating to the boundaries of the ancient Province of Paraguay. Meantime he had begun to interest himself in politics : in 1896 he produced a notable manifesto which is considered the first clear declaration of principles of the Radical Party ; on his return from Argentina he took an active part in the Revolution of 1904 and when it succeeded, was appointed Minister to Brazil; in 1908, after the Revolution of July, he was appointed Minister of the Interior, but soon resigned the post to devote himself to the reorganization of the Liberal Party ; in 1909 he took part in the military expedition to the North which was successful in suppressing the Revolution of that year; in 1910 he was nominated and elected President, but remained in power for a few weeks only, being obliged to resign in the Revolution of January, 191 1, headed by Col. Jara; after the counter-revolution of the same year he accepted the post of Minister of War and the Navy and AND MONOGRAPHS VI VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY later became IMinister of Foreign Af- fairs in the administrations of Pre- sident Schaerer and President Franco, where he lent invaluable services in the organization of the diplomatic staff; in 1917 he was appointed Minister to the United States, a post which he filled with marked distinction, and served also during his period of office as Delegate to the First International Labor Conference which met in Wash- ington in 1919. Finally, in the elections of I\Iay, 1920, he was elected President of the Repub- lic and took possession of his office on the fifteenth of August, 1920. Throughout his life President Gon- dra has been a student of literature and a writer: he has contributed constantly to the press : for some years he was a member of the staffs of the leading papers of Asuncion, including El Ticm- po, La Prcnsa, La Scmaiia, EL Indc- pendientc and La Dcmocracia, of which he was also for a short time editor-in- chief; he is the author of a number HISPANIC NOTES GONDRA of critical essays of which the best known are his review of Garay's His- tory of Paraguay and his essay on Ru- ben Dario. AND MONOGRAPHS VI Monsenor Juan Sinfoi-iano Bogarin Obispo del I'aragviay BOGARiN JUAN STNFORIANO BOGARJN Bishop of Asuncion. Juan Sinforiano Bogarin, the son of Juan Jose Bogarin and Monica de la Cruz Gonzalez, was born on the twenty-first of August, 1863, in the town of Mbuyapey, but was educated in Asuncion. There he entered the Se- minary in 1880, became sub-Deacon in August, 1885, Deacon in September of the same year, and was ordained Priest in 1886. Soon after his ordination Father Bo- garin was assigned to officiate in the Cathedral where he gave strong proofs not only of activity but of marked ability, and three years later Bishop Juan Aponte appointed him Secretary with the duties of General Secretary of the Diocese. HISPANIC NOTES VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY In 1891, on the death of Bishop Aponte, Father Bogarin resigned the post of Secretary to return to his former place in the Cathedral, but in Septem- ber, 1894, the Holy See designated him as Bishop of Asuncion, choosing him out of the three priests nominated by the Paraguayan clergy and the Para- guayan government. He was at that time only thirty-one years old and the youngest bishop in America. The con- secration took place in February, 1895. Bisliop Bogarin has been an energetic head of the Church : he has organized for the women in the Capital and in all the territory under his jurisdiction the League of Catholic I>adies, which has acquired decided importance; for the young men, the Catholic Youth and the Catholic Student's Club, and for the men the Catholic Club. He has also found- ed the Revista Dioccsana, a jieriodical intended to carry to the remotest re- gions of Paraguay moral instruction, the decrees of the Roman Congrega- tions, the Episcopal instructions and VI HISPANIC NOTES BOGARIN general information about the diocese. In August, 1920, a notable celebra- tion was held on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of his eleva- tion to the episcopacy. AND MONOGRAPHS VI L.^'-c-xJ-^^_l_ [/^<J^ju- BAEZ CECILIO BAEZ Rector of the University. Cecii.io Baf.z, the son of Nicolas Baez and Faustina Gonzalez, was born on the first of February, 1862, in Asun- cion and there was educated in the schools of the city and the Colegio Na- cional where he gained the Bachelor's degree in 1882. Six years later he enter- ed the Law School attached to the Co- legio and when the University was founded in 1890, he continued his studies there, completed the course and obtain- ed his degree as Doctor of Laws in 1892, with a thesis entitled Ensayo so- bre la libertad civil. From the date of receiving his degree, Dr. Baez has entered largely into the academic and public life of his country. He began at once to teach : in 1893 he HlSPAiNlC NOTES \T 12 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI gave the course in Law in the School for Notaries : in 1894 he taught Consti- tutional Law; in 1896 General History; in 1899, Introduction to the Study of I>aw ; in 1900, Sociology and, tempor- arily Finance and the Philosophy of Law; in 1913 he was appointed Pro- fessor of Civil Law, and in 1920 he was appointed Rector of the University. His carrer as a public man has been distinguished, for he has held the higliest offices, alike in the Diplomatic, the Judi- cial nad the Administrative service of his country: in 1901 he was Minister to Mexico; in 1904, Minister to tlie United States; in 1904 he served also, under the Presidency of Senor Juan B. Gaona, as Minister of Foreign Affairs; from De- cember, 1905 until December, 1906, he held office as Provisional President ; in 191 1, under the administration of Col. Jara, he was Minister of Foreign Af- fairs; during 1914 and 1915 he served as a member of the High Court of Justice, and from 191 7 to 1919 he was Minister of Paraguay in Furope. HISPANIC NOTES BAEZ He represented his country in the Con- gress of Jurisconsults held at Rio Ja- neiro in 1912, and, in company with Col. Juan C. Centiu-ion, was commission- ed to make a study of the boundary question with Bolivia. Dr. Baez has written much, in the press, in reviews and in the more per- manent form, of books. He is the authoi of the following works : Sociologia, 1903; Esiudio dc jurisprndencia, 1903; La tiran'ia en cl Paraguay, 1903; Cnrso de fiiiaiiaas, 1906; Ciiadros historicos y descriptivos del Paraguay, 1907; Resii- nien dc la historia del Paraguay, 1910; Ensayo sobre el dictador Francia, 1910; Ley elemcntos de la civilizacion cristia- na: Caracteres dc la Edad Media; El arte, 1913; El Paraguay modcrno (in collaboration), T915; Confercncias da- las en la Universidad de la Asuncion ■^ohre el Dcrecho Constitncional, 1917. 13 AND MONOGRAPHS VI GODOI JUANSILVANO GODOI Magistrate; journalist. JuANSiLVANO GoDoi, llie SOU of Juaii Vicente Godoy and Maria Petrona Echagiie, was born on the twelfth of November, 1850, in the city of Asun- cion, but was educated in Argentina at the Academy of the Immaculate Conception of Santa Fe. He returned to Paraguay in 1869 when the long war against Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay was drawing to a close, and was appointed Clerk of the Superior Court. One year later he was elected Deputy to the Constitutional Convention to draw up a new Constitu- tion for the Republic and there, although he was but nineteen, he played a credit- able part in drafting the liberal consti- tution which is now in force. HISPANIC NOTES VI i6 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI Besides having been a member of the famous Convention, Sr. Godoi has occupied many important posts : he was Chief of the Revohition which broke out on June 5th. 1879; '11 1902 he was appointed Director General of the Li- brary, Museum and Archives of Para- guay; he has been Justice of the Federal Court; he was appointed Dele- gate to the XVII Congress of Ameri- canists which met in Buenos Aires dur- ing the commemoration of the first centenary of Argentine Independence in igio, and in 191 1 was sent as Minister Plenipotentiary to Rio de Janeiro. He has also been a member of the High Court of Justice. Sr. Godoi has done much for the artistic and intellectual life of Asuncion: he has formed a library which has hardly a rival in the city and also an art gallery which contains many pic- tures of note and has placed both at the disposal of the public. He has also been an active journalist/ not only in Paraguay but also in Ar- HISPANIC NOTES GODOI gentina, Avhere he founded two daily newspapers— ^I a Discusion and Las Pro- vincias, both pubHshed in Buenos Aires; he has written much for periodicals and reviews and has published the follow- ing books : Monografias historicas, 1893 ; Ultimas operaciones de giierra, 1897; ^^^ mision a Rio Janeiro, 1897; El concepto de patria, 1898; El coro- nel J. A. Esciirra, 1903 ; La mnerte del mariscal Lope.-y, 1905; El triiDivirato, 191 1 ; El baron de Rio Branco, 1912; Docttmentos hisforicos, 1916 ; El asalto a las acorazados, 1919. Of these the first three ware published in Buenos Aires, and the others in Asuncion. AND MONOGRAPHS 17 VI cir^^,^^^^^ 4. '^ y '''^'^"'^t^. GOiNZALEZ MARlx\ F. GONZALEZ Teacher. MARfA F. Gonzalez was born of humble parents on the seventh of March, 1884, '^n the city of Paraguari, but was taken I0 the Capital at the age of two and there learned her let- ters in the school of Las Mercedes. In the year 1896 she was inscribed as a student in the school then directed by the Misses Speratti, but when, some years later, Las Mercedes was raised to the rank of Normal School, Sehorita Gonzalez returned thither and graduat- ed in 1905. Thereupon she was appoint- ed teacher in the same school. In 1900, however, she obtained from the Gov- ernment a scholarship which enabled her to study in the Argentine city of Parana where she attended the Nor- HISPANIC NOTES 19 VI 20 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY \T mal School and graduated cum laudc with the degree of Teacher in 1907. After her return from Parana she was appointed Directress of the School of Encarnacion ; a few months later she was designated Regent and Professor of Pedagogy of the Normal School of Paraguay, where in 1912 she was also made teacher of Physical Exercises ; in 1914, she became vice-Directress of the Normal School ; she was recently chosen to be vice-Directress of the Normal School founded by the National Teacher's Association and tliere she teaches Pedagogy. Sefiorita Gonzalez is a member of the directing board of various societies : she belongs to the Ccntro Adda Spe- ratti, to the Asociacion dc Damas dc Caridad, the Sitbcomision nacional dc damas, the National Asylum and other institutions, being also vice-Presidcnt of the Asociacion Feminista Paragiiaya. IIlSPAi\MC NOTES LOPEZ VENANCTO VICTOR L6PEZ Lawyer; public man; author. Vf.nancio Victor Lopez, the son ol Colonel Venancio Lopez, Minister of War and of the Navy during the first three years of the great Paraguayan War against the Triple Alliance (1865- 1870), and of Manuela Otazu, was horn on the twenty-first of February, 1862, in the city of Asuncion. He was only seven years of age when he was taken to Buenos Aires to study in the Ne- grotto school, the Colegio Nacional, the now extinct Facultad dc Humanida- des where he received his Bachelor's degree, and the Law School which granted him the degree of Doctor in Jurisprudence in 1884. As soon as he had won his doctorate AND MONOGRAPHS VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI he was appointed substitute-Professor of Elementary Philosophy, Political Economy and Civics in the Normal School of Buenos Aires, but retired after three years to return to Para- guay. When General Escobar assumed power in 1S87, Doctor Lopez was appointed Justice of the Supreme Court, but did not take office because he had not attained the age — twenty-five years — required in the Paraguayan constitu- tion. He continued in private life for a period of three years, and in 1890 accepted the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs and Colonization in the Cabinet of Don Jnan A. Gonzalez — a post which he held until 1894 when a revolu- tion put an end to Gonzalez's govern- ment. During that period, through his endeavors, Paraguay concluded eighteen treaties with other nations, among which were the telegraph convention, the parcel-post convention with Argen- tina, and commercial and shipping arrangements with France, Belgium and HISPANIC NOTES LOPEZ Italy. Thanks to his efforts Paraguay celebrated, on the twelfth of October, i8g2, its first National Exposition of Produce and Industry. When the Revolution of 1895 over- threw the second Escobar government, Doctor Lopez fled, but returned to his country one year later when normal conditions were restored and in 1896 was appointed Professor of Roman Law in the Law School and Professor of Private International Law in the Mer- cantile School. A few months later he was made a member of the Superior and Secondary Council of Education and cooperated in the foundation of the schools of Pharmacy and Obstetrics and later in the creation of a Faculty of Medicine. In i8c)9 President Emilio Aceval appointed him Minister of Education in which post he reformed the plans of study in all branches of education; in 1902 he was elected National Deputy and was chosen vice-President of the Chamber ; there he immersed himself AND MONOGRAPHS 23 VI 24 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY in the economic problems of the period, serving on the Committee on Agricul- ture and Industries of the Banco Agri- cola, and furthering the establishment of new industries as well as new agri- cultural crops. Having been appointed Dean of the Law School in 1903, he was sent as representative of the University of Asuncion to the dedication in Cordoba (Argentina) of a monument to Fray Trejo y Sanabria, the founder of the University of Cordoba. In 1904 his career was again inter- rupted by a revolution which caused the downfall of the Conservative Party to which he belonged, and once again Dr. Lopez abandoned his country and settled in Buenos Aires. Soon after his arrival in the Argentine capital he was appointed to teach Legal Agrimcnsura- tion in the University of La Plata, Logic in the Colrgio Nacional and Geography in the Normal School, which posts he has retained ever since. He is an Honorary Corresponding VI HISPANIC NOTES LOPEZ Member of the Royal Academy of Legislation and Jurisprudence of Spain; a member of the Geographic Society of London, and has received decorations from Italy and Belgium as well as that of the Palms of Education from France. He has written much for the ]-)ress and was for a time the editor of La Patria which he founded in 1890; he is also the author of several works of a practical nature : Rcfoniias y crUicas a las practicas nota7-iales; Escuelas practicas dc agriciiltura en el Paraguay; Las vias fcrrcas y los puertos dc des- emharque. AND MONOGRAPHS VI GONZALEZ TEODOSTO GONZALEZ Public man; lawyer. Teodosio Gonzalez, the son of Don Vicente M. Gonzalez and Dona Rosa Gonzalez, was born on the tenth of December, 1871, in the city of Asun- cion, where he studied in the primary school from 1877 to 1881 and in the Colegio Nacional which granted him the Bachelor's degree in 1887. There being at the time no LTniversity in Pa- raguay, he went to Buenos Aires and read Law in the LTniversity where he graduated in 1893, at the early age of twenty-one, with the degree of Doctor in Jurisprudence. He returned with his honors to Asun- cion and on his arrival was appointed Attorney General and Prosecutor in the HISPANIC NOTES VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY Criminal Court, holding' both posts with slight interruptions from 1893 to 1902; from 1895 until 191 3 he taught Penal Law in the Law School of Asuncion. His exceptional legal knowledge led to his appointment in 1904 by the Govern- ment to draw up new penal and rural codes, the former of which became law in 1905. In the elections of 1905 he was chosen Senator for Asuncion: in 191 1 he was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs and on that occasion introduced in Congress a bill for the re-organization of the diplomatic and consular services of Paraguay. He has also served on international commissions: in 1901 he was appointed Delegate of the Para- guayan Institute to the Latin- American Congress held in Montevideo; in 1903 the Executive commissioned him to pre- sent a report on prisons ; in 1908 he was appointed Paraguavan Delegate to the Pan-American Scientific Congress which met in Santiago de Chile, and again in 1910 he held n similar post in VI HISPANIC NOTES GONZALEZ the Pan-American International Con- gress of Buenos Aires. He has striven to aid in the develop- ment of his country by furthering the construction of railways, such as that of the Paraguayan North-eastern Line intended to establish direct communica- tion between Asuncion and Rio de Ja- neiro — a project of great importance which would make it possible to go from Asuncion to Europe in ten days instead of twenty-five. Dr. Gonzalez has written much — in the press, in pamphlets and in books ; in the last form he has published : Cri- tica ol proyecto dc itn niicvo codigo pe- nal, prcscntado par los doctorcs Znbi- sarrcta y Brngada, (i vol.), 1895; Pro- yecto de iin nncvo codigo penal para la rcpnhlica y sn exposiciSn dc vioti- z'os (i vol.), T905; Proycclo dc un nuevo codigo rural para cl Paraguay y su e.vposicion de motivos, 1906; Leccio- ncs de derecJio penal (3 vols.), 1910, which is used as a text book in the Law School. AND MONOGRAPHS 29 FARINA NUNEZ ELOY FARIK^A NtJJjEZ Author. Ei.OY Farina Nqnez, the son of Fe- lix Farina and Buenaventura Nufiez, was born on the twenty-fifth of June, 1885, in the city of Humaita, but went to Argentina for his education and studied first in the Colegio Nacional of Corrientes, where he received his Bachelor's degree in 1905, and later in the University of Buenos Aires where he read Law. Although he is a Paraguayan citizen, Sefior Farina Nufiez has held official posts in the Argentine Republic ; in 1906 he was appointed Clerk in the General Administration of Internal Revenue and there he continued for a long time, dividing his energies between HISPANIC NOTES 3' VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY his official duties and the study of Uterature. He has written both in prose and in verse: when in 1913 the Buenos Aires newspaper La Preiisa, opened a li- terary contest, Eloy Farina Nufiez won the first prize with a story entitled Un- cles de oro which was much praised by the critics; in igii he published Canto secular, a poem; in 1914 Las vertebras de Pan, a collection of sliort stories, and in 1918 El csfanco del tahaco, an eco- nomic essay. He is also the author of El jardin del silcncio, a philosophical sketch; La niirada de los vinertos, a volume of fiction; Cuentos gnaranics; Elogio del sdencio, on philosophy and aesthetics ; RJwdopis, a novel of Greco- Egyptian life and customs ; Poeslas, poems ; Conceptos esteticos, an essay on aesthetics; Asnncion, studies on Para- g'uay; Critica, critical essays on litera- ture and music. V[ HISPANIC NOTFS MONTE JUAN MONTE Public man; lawyer. Juan Monte, the son of Jose Monte, and De-Jesiis Barbier, was born on the twenty-fifth of July, 1875, iii the city of Paraguari, where he had his early education in the local primary school and the Colegio Nacional which grant- ed him his Bachelor's degree in 1896. He then entered the University, read Law, and in 1903 graduated with tlie degree of Doctor of Laws. He had begun to hold appointive posts while he was still a student in the Co- legio Nacional : in 1894 he taught in the primary schools; in 1895 he was appointed Clerk of the General Land Registry; in 1898 he became Chief Clerk of Archives of the Law Courts, and in the same year taught Physical AND MONOGRAPHS 33 VI 34 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY Exercises in the public sclioOls of Asun- cion and served as Director of the San Roque night-school; since that time he has held in succession the posts of Police Counsel, Attorney for the Poor and Federal Attorney, (1903). In 1912 he was elected to the Chamber of Deputies where his col- leagues chose him First vice-President ; in 1919 he was elected President of the Catholic Club of Paraguay. VI HISPANIC NOTES CAMPOS ALFONSO BELISARIO CAMPOS Public official; teacher. Alfonso Belisario Campos, the son of Manuel L. de Oliveira Campos and Maria de J. Fernandez, was born in Asuncion on the fourth of May, 1881, and educated there in the schools of the city. Tn the year 1905 he was appointed General Secretary of the Banco Agri- cola; in 1913 he became correspondent of the Bank of Spain and Paraguay; in 1918 he was appointed Chief of the Department of Valorization in the Treasury; from 1919 to the present he has been Chief of the Postal Telegraph Administration, and has been also Com- missioner of the Ministry of Finance in charge of administration. In 1901 he founded a society for the 35 AND MONOGRAPHS VI 36 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY mutual protection of employees ; in 1906 he founded the Commercial School of Paraguay and from 1913 to the present he has been Teacher and Principal of that school. He is the editor and pub- lisher of the Revista de la Escucla de Conicrcio. In 1918 he received from the Mexican Government the appointment as Consul General in the Republic of Paraguay and in 1920 the Colombian Government honored him with a similar appoint- ment. Sr. Campos is the author of many articles in the national and foreign press on international, economic and admi- nistrative topics. He initiated in Para- guay the national celebrations of the patriotic anniversaries of the American republics, a step intended to make still more ample the friendly relations which subsist on the continent. VI HISPANIC NOTES ESTEVES GOMES FREIRE ESTEVES Journalist. Gomes Freirk Esteves, the son of Gomes Freire Esteves and Toribia Bacz, was born in the city of Asuncion on the twenty-second of April, 1886, and was educated there in the Colcgio Na- cional and the University. From the age of fourteen until the present he has been an indefatigable author and journalist; his writings in newspapers and pamphlets are volumin- ous and have largely been directed to political ends. They are said to have been effective also; for to them is at- tributed in part the success of the Re- volution of 1904 which brought down the Conservative Party. In 1906 he was sent as Delegate of the Government to Europe; m igo8 he AND MONOGRAPHS 37 VI a^GD (V,. 38 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI undertook to combat with the pen the poHtics of the so-called Radical regime which after a successful coup d'etat had become master of the situation ; he was one of the unflinching defenders of the principles of the Democratic Liberal Party. In 1910, together with other intel- lectuals, he founded the daily newspaper El Nacional through which he con- tinued to combat the governing group; in 191 5, after a prolonged cam])aign of publicity, he headed a revolutionary movement which almost succeeded in overthrowing the Government and on its failure he went abroad; in 1917 he was granted amnesty and returned to his country. Of late he has been the leader of various movements looking to- ward a radical reform in the internal affairs of Paraguay. HISPANIC NOTES GARCIA FEDERICO GARCIA Author; teacher. Federico Garcia, the son of Jose Garcia and Mercedes Samaniego, was born on the twentieth of June, 1892, in the village of Tobati, but learned liis letters in the public school of Barrera Grande. In 1908 he went to Asuncion and became a student in the Colegio Nacional where he won his degree of Bachelor in 1914 and in the follov/ing year entered the University to read Law. While a student he was President of the Students' Association and editor of Its periodical; in 1915 he was elected Secretary of the Law Students' Club and, together with Senator Tomas Aya- la, founded a daily paper, La Reac- c'wn, of which he became one of the AND MONOGRAPHS 39 VI 40 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY editors; in 1915 he was appointed L'- brarian and Chief of the Archives of the National Congress, but resigned the post before the end of the year to accept the duty for which he was chosen by the then Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sefior Manuel Gondra — to carry out a study of the historic documents in the Archivo de Indias of Seville. On his return to Asuncion in 1 91 8 he was appointed Professor of Geo- graphy in the Colegio Nacional where in 1919 he also taught Roman History. He is the librarian and the chief of the Propaganda Department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and be- longs to the staff of the newspaper El Liberal — virtually the organ of the gov- erning Radical Party. Various chapters of a novel of which he is the author, entitled Trcpadora have recently appeared in El Libera': he has written Mosaico, a collection of monographs, Asuncion, 1018; he also published in 1919 three historical monographs in the form of biographical VI HISPANIC NOTES GARCIA 41 narratives of the Paraguayan War : Pancha Garmendia; Juliana Insfran, and Juana Carrillo dc Lope:; — the three victims of the tyrant. AND MOiNOGRAPIiS VI NACIMIENTO JUAN B. NACIMIENTO Official. Juan B. Nacimiento, the son of Do- na Castorina de Nacimiento, was born in the provincial city of Luque, on the twenty-ninth of August, 1881. After receiving' his early education in his native country, he went abroad and studied in the University of Liege (Bel- gium) where in 1908, he graduated with the degree of Mechanical Engineer. Meanwhile he had been attending the Montefiore Electro-Technical Institute annexed to the University and there also he graduated a year later with the degree of Electrical Engineer. In the years 1912 and 1913 he was Chief of the Department of Public Works of the Municipality of Asuncion; in 1914 he was raised to the rank of HISPANIC NOTES 43 VI 44 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY Chief of the division of Bridges and Highways and was appointed vice- Director of the national department of Public Works ; recently he has been chosen Technical Director of the works in the ports of Concepcion and Encar- nacion; in 1919 he was appointed Post- master General, a post which he holds at present. He has also served in the field of education: in 1917 he received his ap- pointment as Professor of Physics in the Colcgio Nacional of Asuncion • since 1913 he has taught Algebra in the School of Commerce, and in 1920 he be- came Professor of Algebra in the Nor- mal School. VI HISPANIC NOTES GUGGIARI PEDRO BRUNO GUGGIARI Engineer; chemist. Pedro Bruno Guggiari, the son of Pedro Guggiari, was born on the sixth of October, 1885, in the city of Asun- cion, and there was educated at the Colcgio Nacional, which granted him his Bachelor's degree in 1902, and the University, where he graduated with the degree of Pharmacist in 1906, and where he began to study Medicine. At that time, however, the government offered a scholarship for the advanced study of Chemistry in Germany, which Sr. Guggiari won. He left immediately for Europe and attended the Royal Technical High School of Charlottenburg where he graduated siimma cum laude in 1910 and was awarded the silver medal ; he continued in the same Insti- AND MONOGRAPHS 45 VI 46 I PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI tute, studying under Liebermann, Witt, von Knorre and other famous Profes- sors, and in 1912 received his diploma as Doctor. During his sojourn in Germany he devoted special attention to the organi- zation of Chemical Laboratories, and from October, 1912 to April, 1913, held the position of acting second assistant in the Municipal Chemical Laboratory of the city of Hamm (Westphalia) . In 1913 he went to Spain, and engag- ed in the industry; thence wood alcohol he went to Geneva and studied Biolo- gical Chemistry in the University un- der Professor Chodat ; in 1914 he returned to Asuncion where he was ap- pointed Director of the Colcgio Nacio- nal, a post which he held until 1917; he is at present Director of the Depart- ment of Public Health, of the Municipal Chemical Laboratory and of the Labo- ratory attached to the Military Hospital' HISPANIC NOTES *^^^^<<5^*<-«-7 CASCO ESPINOSA FERMIN CASCO ESPINOSA Soldier; farmer. Fermin Casco Espinosa, the son of Juan Carlos Casco and Modesta Espi- nosa, was born on the seventh of July, 1887, in the city of Ytaugua. Intending- to be a business man, he obtained a post as clerk in a store, but the glamour of a military career drew him away and in 1903 he joined the army. He entered the Military Academy where he gained the rank of Second Lieutenant in 1905; in 1907 he was pro- moted to the rank of Lieutenant; in 1909 he was made Captain, and in 1905 he was promoted to be Major. He has also held appointments of a political character: in 1907 he was ap- pointed Chief of Police of Villa Hayes, in 1908 Chief of Police of Concepcion, AND MONOGRAPHS 47 VI 48 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI and in 1909 he was made Military Com- mander of the frontier settlement of Pedro Juan Caballero. There he was able to bring about many important im- provements. He has also engaged in business : first in and subsequently Para- guayan tea (mate); in the year 191 1 he acquired a distillery and a great saw mill, an extensive cattle ranch in the Departm.ent of Concepcion. He was appointed Second Chief of the First Military Zone in 1918, and in 1920 was made temporary Commander of the First Zone of Concepcion where since 1914 he had been Commissioner of Education. HISPANIC NOTES C-C«,l^^.^„^^^i„^4t.,.^«--*' VELASQUEZ ERNESTO VELASQUEZ Teacher; public man. Ernesto Velasquez was born on the twenty-seventh of August, 1882, in the city of Asuncion, and was educated there in the primary school, the Colegio Na- cioiial, the Normal School — which granted him the degree of Professor of Secondary and Normal Education in 1902 — and the University, where he won his degree of Doctor of Laws and Social Sciences in 1917. In 19 1 2, a year after graduating as Normal Professor, he was appointed Regent of the Normal School of Asun- cion, and in the same year was advanc- ed to the post of Director of the school where he continued until 1908; from 1903 until 1914 he was also Professor, both in the Colegio Nacional and the AND MONOGRAPHS 49 VI 50 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY Normal School of Asuncion; from 1908 to 191 1 he was Director General of Schools; he has taught in the Military Academy, and since 1919 he has taught Comparative Lahor Legislation in the Law School; in 1914 he l)ecame a member of the Upper Council of Education. He has also had a conspicuous part in public life: he was Chief of Police of Asuncion between 1912 and 1914 ; from 1914 until 1917 he was a member of the Cabinet with the portfolio of War and the Navy, and was acting Minister of the Interior until 1916; in 1917 he was elected Deputy to the National Congress for the term ending in 1921. Doctor Velasquez is now the Pres- ident of the Instituto Paraguayo. VI HISPANIC NOTES APONTE J. ALFREDO APONTE Soldier. ]. Alfredo Aponte, the son of Juan Asencio Aponte, a distinguished pub- lic man, and Patricia Silvero, was born on the nineteenth of March, 1874, in the village of Yhacanguazu where he began his education which he continued later at Asuncion at the St. Vincent de Paul Academy. For a short time he was occupied in business and for another interval he had a government post, but the tranquil life of the civil service did not suit him and in 1891 he broke into military action as a revolutionist and took part in storming the Cavalry Barracks of Asuncion — an assault carried out by the Liberal Party on the eighteenth of October. His bravery attracted the at- AND MONOGRAPHS 51 VI y- PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI tention of his superiors and led him to the miHtary career. In the following year he enlisted as a private in a bat- tallion of infantry. Colonel Aponte's successive promo- tions were won by actions at the front ; a private in 1892, he was Corporal in 1893, Sergeant in 1894, Second Lieutenant in 1895, First Lieutenant in 1897, Captain in 1900, Major in 1904, Lieutenant-Colonel in 1909, and Colonel in 1915. Upon being promoted to the latter rank he was placed on the retir- ed list with the right to a full pension. An ardent partisan of democratic ideals, he took part in all the revolu- tionary movements which occurred in the years 1904, 1908, 1909, 1910, 191 i and 1912. He acted as Commander in various actions such as Pariri, Puente del Rio Confuso, Limpio, Puerto Maria, Rosario and in the famous three days' street fighting in Asuncion (January 15, 16, 17, 1912) in which he was seri- ously wounded. Col. Aponte has had many advcn- HISPANIC NOTES APONTE tares : he has been condemned to exile, pursued with a price on his head, made prisoner; he has seen defeat as well as victory, and has also held power as one of the members of the Triumvirate. He has lately been Commander in Chief of the First Military Zone and, on the occasion of his retirement was appointed Civil Delegate of the City of Concepcion, the second city of Para- guay. AND MONOGRAPHS 53 VI a^/m CMAVES MANUEL W. CHAVES Public man; journal- ist; author. Manuel W. Chaves, the son of Fe- derico Chaves and Felicia Careaga, was born on the twenty-eighth of Septem- ber, 1878, in the city of Asuncion and was educated there in the Colcgio Na- cional. In 1897 he was appointed General In- spector of Schools, a post which he held until 1901 ; in 1904 he was chosen to act as temporary Government Director of Railways, and in 19 18 he entered political life for the first time on beijig elected National Deputy for the legisla- tive period 1918-1922. His activities as a journalist have been noteworthy: in 1900 he founded the daily newspaper El Pais of which he HISPAiNlC NOTES 55 \'I 56 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY was managing editor until 1903 ; in 1906 he founded El Tiempo and in 191 1 u third newspaper, La Prcnsa. While he was a member of the board of school inspectors he founded La Enscnansa (1900-1903), a magazine of a didactic character which met with much success. He has published a Guia general del Paraguay which made its first appear- ance in 1906 and of which six volumes have already appeared; El nenc pa- ragiiayo (1902), reading books for the lower grades ; Nociones dc Instrnccion civica (1898) and El cscolar, text books for use in primary schools ; El Paraguay ilustrado, a work of propa- ganda with 900 illustrations (1909), of which a second edition is at present be- ing printed in Asuncion. VI HISPANIC NOTES DUARTE MANUEL JOS£ DUARTE Naval officer. Manuel Jose Duarte, the son of Alejandro Duarte, a Portuguese, and Maria Ines Valdez, a Paraguayan, was born on the nineteenth of February, 1873, in the city of Luque, but in ac- cordance with custom went to Asun- cion for his education and attended the Colegio Nacional from 1886 to 1890. More than twenty years later, he entered the University of Buenos Ai- res, studied in the Faculty of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, and in 1915 was granted the title of National Agrimensor. Meantime, in 1891, feeling a voca- tion for the naval career, he went to Argentina and entered the Naval-Mili- tary School in Buenos Aires, studied AND MONOGRAPHS 57 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY \T there for three years, and attained high rank in scholarship. In 1903 he had risen to be Second Lieutenant in the Argentine Navy. The next year, however, he returned to Pa- raguay and played so notable a part in the Revolution of 1904 that he was made, first lieutenant Commander and then Commander in the Paraguayan Navy. In 1908 he was raised to the rank of Captain and commended for distin- guished services. Captain Duarte has held many honor- ary posts, not only in his own country but also in Argentina: in the Argentine Navy he held an officer's commission for nearly fourteen years, during eight of which he was a member of the Gen- eral Staff; he served on hydrographic and geodetic commissions, co'"iperated in the revision of the Signal Code of the Navy, etc. In Paraguay he commanded the fleet of operations in the Revolu- tion of 1904; he has served as Chief of the General Staff of the Army; he founded the Military vSchool in 1905; HISPANIC NOTES DUARTE he founded the Army General Staff in 1905 ; he was chairman of the com- mittee on armaments which was sent to Europe to acquire dredges in 1906. On his return to Paraguay in 1908, lie was called by President Benigno Ferreira to participate in the Govern- ment as Minister of War and Marine. He is Professor of Ballistics in the Military .School of Asuncion and is the author of an interesting book on the subject; he has made many journeys of exploration into the Chaco and other remote parts of Paraguay on which he is regarded as an authority; he was a member of the Pan-American Scientific Congress which met in Buenos Aires in 1910 on which occasion he presented to the Geographic section a paper on the Great Chaco which was highly praised. He has written on the results of his explorations in the River Santa Cruz, Patagonia, and elsewhere; he is also the author of a pamphlet on the Ar- gentine Navy, published in 1918. AND MONOGRAPHS 59 VI JIMENEZ EULOGIO JIMfiNEZ Magistrate. EuLOGio Jimenez^ the son of Can- dido R. Jimenez and Juana Villamayor, was born on the eleventh of November, 1884, in Pilar, where he began his education in the Colegio Nacional, but went to Asuncion to continue his studies in the Colegio Nacional there. In 1901, he received his Bachelor's degree, enter- ed the University, read law, and obtain- ed his degree as Doctor of Laws and Social Sciences in 191 5, on presenting a thesis entitled Defensoria de pobres y ausentes. While a student he had fulfilled the duties of Counsel for the Poor and the Absent in the Courts of Asuncion (1911-1914), and the year before gra- duating had been raised to the rank of HISPAxNIC NOTES 61 VI 62 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY Prosecutor in the Civil Courts, a post which he held until 1915. In this year he was made Judge of the Lower Civil Courts and continued in this post two years; in 1917 he was appointed Justice of the Civil Court of Appeals. VI HISPANIC NOTES ACOSTA EVARISTO ACOSTA Banker. EvARiSTO AcosTA, the son of Juan Gregorio Acosta and Monica Valenzue- la, was born on the fourth of Decem- ber, 1876, in the city of Tobati and there began his education which he con- tinued in Asuncion at the Colcgio Na- cional and obtained his Bachelor's degree in 1896. EarHer than this, in 1894, he had entered upon what was to be his career — that of banker — when he joined the staff of the Banco Agricola del Para- guay as a clerk ; after two years in that position he was appointed sub- Secretary of the Bank and in the same year was promoted to the post of Secre- tary of the Mortgage Department ; in 1897 he was advanced to the office of AND MONOGRAPHS 63 VI 64 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI Cashier of the section and made Gen- eral Secretary of the Agricultural and Industrial Council and General Secre- tary of the Council; in June, 1899, he was appointed assistant Manager and in June, 1903, acting General Manager of the Bank. Finally in 1909, he receiv- ed his appointment as titular General Manager of the Banco Agricola del Pa- raguay, a post which he continues to hold. HISPANIC NOTES MALLORQUIN 65 JUAN L. MALLORQUIN Public man; lawyer. Juan L. Mallorouin, the son of J. Angel Mallorquin, was born on the eleventh of April, 1880, in the city of Encarnacion, but was educated in Asun- cion at the Colegio Nacional, which granted him the Bachelor's degree in 1902, and the University where he read law and in 1908 obtained the degree of Doctor of Laws and Social Sciences. Immediately upon receiving his degree as Bachelor in 1903 he was appointed Professor of Geography in the Colegio Nacional of Asuncion, a post which he has held up to the present. While a law student he gave such proofs of capacity that in 1907 he was appointed Secretary of the Boundary Commission to study the frontier ques- AND MONOGRAPHS VI 66 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY tion with Bolivia; the next year he resigned that position and was appoint- ed Civil Judge, a post which he retained until 191 1 when he became a member of the Appellate Criminal Court where he continued until 1914. He had always felt the attraction of public life and after severing his rela- tion with the Appellate Court he be- came a candidate for Deputy. In 191 7 he was successful and was elected to represent the Department of Encarna- cion. In the Chamber he has introduc- ed two important bills, one relating to agricultural questions and another pro- viding for reform of the electoral system. Sr. Mallorquin has written various pamphlets on legal sul)jects and is the author of a Compcndio sobre Hmitcs del Paraguay, y cspeciahnente nucstra cncstion dc fronicra pcndicntc con Bo- livia. HISPANIC NOTES CODAS DANIEL CODAS Journalist; public man. Daniel Codas, the son of Cosme Co- das and Ramona Insfran, was born in the city of Villarrica in the year 1869, but was educated in Asuncion, where he received his Bachelor's degree in the Colegio Nacional and read Law in the University. JournaHsm drew him away from the courts, and he has now been a journal- ist for over twenty-five years during which time he has been editor of more than ten different newspapers and has written for others ; in Asuncion he has edited: El Pueblo, El Comercio, La Pa- tria, La Capital, La Democracia, La Ley, La Evolucion, La Rcaccion, El Dia and La Libertad. In the elections of 1910 he was chosen AND MONOGRAPHS 67 VI 68 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY Senator but resigned the post. This, however,' did not keep him away from pubHc life, for in the elections of the following year he was again elected to the Senate and served. In the year 1912 he was appointed Minister of the Interior, and made an interesting attempt to compose the political differences of the time and ameliorate the party strife. He succeed- ed in bringing to pass the unity of the Liberal Party which, until then, had been divided into four antagonistic frac- tions and he strove to establish the system of offering participation in the Government to all regular parties. But tliis programme was too far advanced for the times; his political opponents grasped the opportunity and betrayed him, carrying out an armed revolu- tionary movement which caused the downfall of the Government in 1912. In 1889, in collaboration with Fran- cisco T. Barciro and Bias Garay, he pul)lishcd a volume entitled Nucvas ideas en lines tra politica. VI HISPANIC NOTES ESCOBAR J. BENIGNO ESCOBAR Physician; teacher. J. Benigno Escobar, the son of Gen. Patricio Escobar and Ignacia Garcete, was born on the thirteenth of February, 1878, in the city of Asuncion and there began his education at the Colegio Na- cional which granted him the degree of Bachelor in 1896; but for his university course he went to Buenos Aires, enter- ed tlie Medical School and graduated as Doctor in Medicine and Surgery in 1904, with a thesis on Hcjnatomielia traumatica. In 1906 he was appointed Professor of Descriptive Anatomy in the Medical School of Asuncion ; in 1907, however, wishing to pursue his studies further, he went abroad and during that year and 1908 attended clinics in Paris and Ber- AND MONOGRAPHS 69 VI 70 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY Hn ; in 1909 lie was appointed Surgeon ad hoiwrcm of the Emergency Hospital of Asuncion, a post which he still holds. He was Paraguayan Delegate to the First Pan-American Scientific Congress which met in Santiago de Chile in 1908; he was Director of the Emergency Hospital from 1909 until 1915; Para- guayan Delegate to the Medical Con- gress held in Buenos Aires in 1910 on the occasion of the Centenary; delegate to the International Sanitary Conven- tion held in Montevideo in 1914; again Director of the National Emergency Hospital from 1915-1917; Head of the National Department of Public Health, 1919-1920, and in 1919 he was appointed Professor of Topographic Anatomy in the Faculty of Medicine of Asuncion. HISPANIC NOTES RODRIGUEZ ALCALA TERESA LAMAS CARtSIMO DE RODRIGUEZ ALCALA Writer; benefactress. Teresa Lamas Carisimo de Rodri- guez Alcala, the daughter of Don Vi- cente Lamas and Dona Clementina Ca- risimo, was born in the city of Asun- cion, in the year i88g, and there was educated at tlie pubHc schools. She married Seiior Jose Rodriguez Alcala. In 1918, together with other ladies of Asuncion, she founded the National As- sociation of Charitable Dames (Asocia- cion Nacional de Damas de Caridad) — practically an Anti-Tuberculosis League — of which she was elected Secretary ; in 1919 she became a member of the Council of tlie Paraguayan Red Cross. Sefiora de Rodriguez Alcala is also a AND MONOGRAPHS 71 VI 72 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY writer; as a student she wrote sketches and stories of unusual promise and in 1919 she was awarded the first prize in a competition conducted by the daily paper El Diario for Paraguayan stories ; she has published in newspapers a number of Tradiciones paraguayas which are now being collected for pub- lication in two volumes. VI HISPANIC NOTES DE GASPERI LUIS DE GASPERI Magistrate; public man. Luis de Gasperi, the son of Dama- so de Gasperi and Juana Vera, was born on the third of March, 1890, in the city of Asuncion where he was also educated at the Colegio Nacional and the University, graduating in the for- mer as Bachelor in 1910 and in the latter as Doctor of Laws in 1917. In 1912 the Students' Club elected him delegate to the Third Students' Congress which met at Lima; in 1913 he was appointed Clerk of the Supe- rior Court; in 1915 he was advanced to the rank of Prosecutor in the Cri- minal Courts; in 1916 he was Secretary of the Gimnasio Paraguayo and in 1919 was elected Deputy to the National Congress. AND MONOGRAPHS 73 VI 74 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY Doctor de Gasperi is the author of a study on the Civil Code of Brazil (published in the Annals of the Gim- nasio Paragiiayo) and has written a Gcografia del Paraguay which was adopted for use in the schools of the Republic by the Nacional Council of Education and published in Buenos Ai- res in 1920. \'l HISPANIC NOTES I CROVATO GUSTAVO M. CROVATO Chemist. Gustavo M. Crovato, the son of Angel Crovato, an Italian, and Adela Myszkowski, was born on the second of August, 1886, in the city of Asuncion, where he was educated at the "Billordo" school, the Liceo Universal, the Cole- gio Nacional, where he received his Bachelor's degree in 1903, and the School of Pharmacy where he graduat- ed as Chemist sumnia cum laude in 1906. In 1907 he went abroad and attended the Berlin Polytechnic where he obtain- ed the degree of Engineer in 191 1. He has held many appointive posts : in 1912 he was made Professor of Che- mistry in the Normal School; in the same year he taught Chemistry in the AND MONOGRAPHS 75 VI 76 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI Colegio Nacional and was appointed Assistant in the IMunicipal Chemical Laboratory; in 1913 he became Professor of Chemistry in the School of Phar- macy; in 1914, General Inspector of Pharmacies, and in 1915 Professor of Analytic Chemistry. Senor Crovato lias written much on chemistry, his principal work being Observaciones al mctodo dc Imhcrt. Bonnamottr, Porcher y Hervicux para la dctcrminacion directa dc la acctona en la orina, 1919; he is the author of the regulations for the practice of phar- macy which are now used in Paraguay, and has published a Proyecto dc modi- ficacion del arancel rclafivo a drogas. productos qn'unicos y farmaccuticos y cspccialidades, etc. HISPANIC NOTES AYALA ENRIQUE AYALA Magistrate. Enrique Ayala, the son of Estanis- lao Ayala and Filomena Benitez, was born on the fifteenth of July, 1879, in the city of Asuncion and was educated there at the Colcgio Nacional, where he obtained the degree of Bachelor in 1899, and the University, which granted him the degree of Doctor of Laws in 1918. Public office possessed a powerful at- traction for Sefior Ayala and in 1905 he obtained the post of Chief Clerk in the Ministry of Finance; in 1908, before completing his studies, he was appointed to a judicial position in Asuncion: he was then made Justice of the Correc- tional Court and in the same year was promoted to the post of Prosecuting At- torney; in 1910 he was made Prosecutor AND MONOGRAPHS 7« VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY in tlie Civil Courts; in igi2 he became Prosecutor in the Criminal Courts and during 1913 he served as Attorney Gen- eral pro tcm; in 19 15, he was made Justice of the Criminal Courts. In 1919 he was elected Deputy to the National Congress. HISPANIC NOTES ^^C^ft-^,^^^ IBARRA ROGELIO IBARRA Public man. RoGELio InARRA, the son of S. Iba- rra Legal and Inocencia Munoz, was born on the fifteenth of August, 1888, in the city of Asuncion, and was educat- ed there in the Colegio Nacional, whicli granted him the Bachelor's degree in 1905, and the University, where he read Law. He has divided his energies between journalism and politics: in 1913 and 1914 he was editor-in-chief of the daily paper El Liberal, the organ of the Li- beral Party ; he has also been prominent in the ranks of the Party and is at present one of its leaders as a member of the Executive Committee; in 1915 he was elected Deputy to the National Congress where his brilliant participa- AND MONOGRAPHS 79 VI 8o VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY tion in the debates led to his re-election in 1919, in which year he was chosen President of the Chamber. When the present Government came into power, Seilor Ibarra was selected by the President as Minister of Justice, Wor- ship and Education. HISPANIC NOTES STEFANICH JUAN STEFANICH Author; editor. Juan Stefanich, the son of Antonio Stefanich and Juliana Troche, was born on the third of May, 1889, in Asuncion and was educated there in the schools of the city and her University where he won his degree of Doctor of Laws in 1920. While he was a student he was chosen as Delegate to the Third Students' Con- gress held in Lima in 1912 and headed the Paraguayan delegation at the Al berdi Commemoration in Buenos Aires in 1920. He has been elected by the Law Students' Club as Editor of the Paraguayan Library, a series of books by Paraguayan authors such as Manuel Dominguez, J. E. O'Leary, J. V. Ra- mirez and others. He is also the author AND MONOGRAPHS VI 82 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI of several books which have been well received: Hacia la cinnbre, travels and impressions, Asuncion, 1914; Aurora, a novel, Asuncion, 1920; Alherdi, la Ar- gentina y el Paraguay, the record of the celebration in Buenos Aires in 1920, published in Asuncion. HISPANIC NOTES / //^ /U^t^^ l)^^^ LEGAL B3 JOS£ TOMAS LEGAL Magistrate; lawyer. Jose Tomas Legal, the son of Fran- cisco D. Legal and Liocencia Acosta, was born on the twenty-first of Decem- ber, 1865, in the city of Asuncion and was educated there at the Colegio Na- cional where he received his Bachelor's degree in 1885. Later he went to Mon- tevideo (LTruguay) to study Law in the University and graduated in 1893 with the degree of Doctor in Laws. In 1895 he became Judge of the Com- mercial Courts; in 1899 ^^^ ^ose to be a member of the Appellate Criminal Courts; in 1900 he was called into the Cabinet as Minister of Justice, Worship and Eduaction and as acting Minister of Foreign Affairs; from 191 1 to 1912 AND MONOGRAPHS VI 8-1 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY he served as a Justice of the Superior Court. These were not, however, his only fields of activity: beginning in 1893 he was a Professor in the University of Asuncion and taught Commercial Law for twenty-seven consecutive years, retiring at last with full pension in 1920; from 1902 to 1908 he held the position of Dean of the University. He has also held important elective posts : in 1905 he was chosen Deputy to the National Congress for the period end- ing in 1908 ; in 1906 he was elected vice- Prcsident of the Liberal Party, being elected President in 1918 in which year he presided over the Liberal Conven- tion. HISPANIC NOTES J AA/ W ... ■ X.^ CENTURION FERNANDO CENTURION Mttsician. * Fernando Centurion, the son of Colonel Juan C. Centurion, a Paragua- yan historian, and Concepcion de Zayas y Hechavarria, was born in the city of Asuncion on the fourteenth of March. 1 886, and there began his musical career under the direction of the violinist C. Ascherman. Later he went on to Bue- nos Aires and studied in the Argentine Conservatory. He went abroad and while there participated in concerts given in Paris. Brussels, Liege and Louvain. His travels brought him also to Santiago de Cuba and Havana where he was much praised by the critics, but, wish- ing to perfect his art, he again went to Europe and, in iQio, entered the Royal AND MONOGRAPHS PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI Conservatory at Liege, where he studied under Oscar Dossin; he studied also in Brussels under Cesar Thomson and De Boeck and in Paris under Prof. Schwartz Joseph and White. But Sr. Centurion has not limited his ambition to concerts; he is also one of the foremost Paraguayan composers: his Marcha hcroica, a sj^mphonic piece for orchestra, and his Canto amoroso, a piece for violin and piano, are highly considered and his Campamcnto Cerro Leon is thought by many to be his masterpiece; he has also composed Ce- rro-Cord, a march for military bands : Fantasia sohre tin tenia paraguayo and Idilio, for violin and piano, and Aires paraguayos. HISPANIC NOTES BRIZUELA FRANCISCO ANTONIO BRIZUELA Soldier. Francisco Antonio Brizuela, the son of Ramon Brizuela and Cristina Baez, was born on the seventeenth of February, 1879, in the town of Carape- gua, but was educated in Asuncion at the Colcgio Nacional where he gained the degree of Bachelor in 1903. In 1905 he joined the expedition sent by the Paraguayan Government against the rebel Indians and his experiences on this service enkindled the desire to be- come a professional soldier. Next year therefore, upon returning to Asun- cion, he entered the Military Academy whence he graduated as Second Lieu- tenant and by successive promotions has risen to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel which he reached in 1919. AND MONOGRAPHS 87 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI In 1901 he was appointed Clerk of Court ; in 1903 he was chosen vice- Director of the Sati Luis school ; in 1905 and 1906, before entering the Military Academy, he served as Chief of Police in various provincial villages. For five years (1913-1918) he was Second in Command of the Fourth Military Zone (Encarnacion) ; in 1919 he was offered the post of Chief of Police in the city of Asuncion and accepted it, but after a year returned to military duties as Commander of the First Military Zone (Conccpcion). HISPANIC NOTES YNSFRAN PABLO M. YNSFRAN JoHrnalist. Pablo M. Ynsfran, the son of Doctor Facundo Ynsfran and Dona Francisca Jimenez, was born on the thirtieth of June, 1894, in Asuncion. There he was educated at the Normal School, the Co- Icgio Nacional, where in 191 1 he receiv- ed his Bachelor's degree, and — after an intermission — at the University, where he was granted the degree of Advocate in 1918. In March, 1918, he was appointed General Secretary of Customs and in 1919 was made Counsel for the In- digent. But he has never practiced his profes- sion, preferring to enlist in the ranks of journalism which exerted an over- powering attraction for him. His first AND MONOGRAPHS 89 VI 90 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI journalistic training was acquired on El Liberal in 1914 while he was a student; in 1915 he was attached to the staff of El Diario, the oldest newspaper of Pa- raguay, where he has continued and has held almost every post, until he is at present editor-in-chief. He has written various vagrant verses which have appeared in periodicals, but his most important published works arc monographs dealing with the history of the great Paraguayan War against the Triple Alliance, to which period of the history of his country he has devoted long study. HISPANIC NOTES Pedro Saguier SAGUIER PEDRO SAGUIER Diplomat. Pedro Saguier, the scion of one of the oldest families of Paraguay and one intimately associated with the history of the country, was born in Asuncion in the year 1863, but was still a boy when he went to Buenos Aires to be educated His schooling over, he returned to his country and devoted himself to the study of the economic problems which at that time were many and difficult. His appointment as President of the National Bank of Paraguay offered him an opportunity of which he availed him- self to advance the interests of the bank. Some time afterwards he was appoint- ed Director-General of the Postal and Telegraph Administration where he succeeded in getting a bill passed by the AND MONOGRAPHS 91 VI 92 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI Paraguayan Congress establishing the Postal and Telegraph codes which were in use in A^rgentina. In the year 1905 the Government ap- pointed him Consul General in Argentina a post which he held until 191 1, having been also appointed, in 1908, Charge d'affaires of the Legation. In 1912 he was entrusted with a confidential mis- sion to the Argentine government which, having been crowned with success, was followed by his appointment to the post of Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Paraguay in Argen- tina which he has retained until the pre- sent. HISPANIC NOTES BENZA JUAN B. BENZA Physician; public man, Juan B. Bf.nza was born in Humaita on the twenty-fifth of February, 1875, and began his education in Pilar and Asuncion where he obtained the Bachelor's degree in 1896. Then he went on to Buenos Aires to study Pharmacy and Medicine in the University where he won his degree as Chemist in 1898 and that of Doctor of Medicine in 1905. On his return to Asuncion he was made, in 1906, a member of the staff of physicians of the Municipal Emergency Hospital, which post he held but one year; in 1906 he taught Semeiology in the Medical School of Asuncion; in 1908 he was appointed Director of the National Board of Health and held that post until 1912; in 1914 he became AND MONOGRAPHS 93 VI 94 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY Director of the Maternity Hospital ; in the same year he was Dean of the Me- dical School, a position which he retain- ed until 1919; from 1916 until the pre- sent he has been a member of the Board of Hygiene and Emergency Hospitals. Doctor Benza has also held elective offices: since 1912 he has been a mem- ber of the Executive Committee of the Liberal Party which is now in power; in 1912 he was elected National Deputy, and in 1917 he won election to the Senate where he was chosen First vice- President of the Chamber. VI HISPANIC NOTES PAIVA F£LIX PAIVA Vice-President of Pa- raguay. Felix Paiva was born on the twenty- first of February, 1877, in the town of Caazapa, and there learned his letters in the local primary school; later he went to school in Villarrica and the Ca- pital, attended the Colegio Nacionnl, where he won his Bachelor's degree in 1896, read Law in the University of Asuncion and graduated with the degree of Doctor of Laws and Social Sciences in 1901, upon the presentation of a thesis on Stifragio. Five years earlier, in 1896, he had won the contest for the post of Profes- sor in the Colegio Nacional and Normal School of Asuncion, and from that time until 1 9 10 taught Geography, Algebra AND MONOGRAPHS 95 VI 96 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI and Geometry; he also taught Public Speaking, Introduction to the Study of the Law, and Finance in the Law School between 1903 and 191 1; since 1914 he has been Professor of Penal Law and since 1919, Professor of Constitutional Law in the same Faculty. In 1908 he became Dean of the Faculty of Law and has twice been Rector of the National University, from 1908 to 191 1, and again for a few months in 1912. From his early youth he has taken a conspicuous part in Paraguayan politics . Pie was a member of the staff of the daily paper El Diario when the Revolution of 1904 broke out and he then took part in the street-fighting between the revolutionists and the gov- ernmental forces,. and in the 1)ombard- mcnt of the harbor of Asuncion; he was one of the leaders of the Revolu- tion of 1908 which ended with the de- position of President Benigno Ferreira; he was involved also in the so-called Revolution of February, 191 1, after which he took refuge in Buenos Aires, HISPANIC NOTPZS PAIVA where he remained during the whole of Colonel Jara's administration ; but when President Rojas assumed power, in Oc- tober, 191 1, he returned to Paraguay and became the leader of the Liberal Party. During the elections of 1906 he was chosen Senator for the period ending, in 191 1 ; in 1912 he was aoDointed Minister of Foreign Affairs ; later in the same year he became Minister of Justice and Education under President Schaerer; he continued in office also during the Government of President Franco (1916-1919) and when Senor Montero succeeded to the Presidency, he still remained in the Cabinet, with the portfolio of Minister of the Interior until the latter part of 1920, thus hav- ing the remarkable experience of serv- ing under four successive Presidents. In the Ministry of Education he carried out important reforms, creating more than two hundred new schools, estab- lishing the Faculty of Medicine, bring- ing professors from abroad, and en- 97 AND MONOGRAPHS VI 98 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY couraging the building of schools and public libraries. He has had an influence in shaping legislation : he is the author of the first electoral law based on the sj'stem of the secret vote, and has also to his credit important bills on the Mining Code, and the law for the prosecution of Magistrates. Dr. Paiva has also served in the Judiciary: in 1902 and 1903 he was a member of the Appellate Court; in 1908 he was appointed Attorney General, and finally, between 191 3 and 19 16, was a member of the Superior Court. Dr. Paiva has been President of the Instituto Faraguayo, the leading social- cducacional institution of Asuncion, for more than eight years. His militant political activities carried him into journalism, and he has belong- ed to the staff of various Liberal news- papers and periodicals, among them, El Scmanario, the organ of the Students' Federation, La Dcmocracia, El Para- guay, and El Diario, the oldest Paragua- VI HISPANIC NOTES PAIVA yan newspaper, of which he was the founder and former editor-in-chief. In addition to his work as a journal- ist he has written much on legal sub- jects and is the author of the following books: Una inferpretacioii constitucio- nal (art. y^), Asuncion, 1910; La in- dependencia del poder judicial, Asun- cion, 1915; Estudio dc dcrecho consti- tucional. AND MONOGRAPHS 99 VI _ Eliseo Zavala ZAVALA ELISEO ZAVALA Land-ozvncr ; farmer. Eliseo Zavala, the son of Ang-ela Zavala, was born on the twenty-first of March, 1857, in the remote settlement of paso Uritndcy, a suburb of the town of Belen. He had just finished his primary education in the school of the city of Concepcion when the Paragua- yan War against the Triple Alliance (1865-70) broke out. At the end of the terrible fight, Sefior Zavala, like many of those who surviv- ed the ruin, had to earn his living. Though he was then only thirteen years old, he had already discovered a way of making a living in the mate (Para- guayan Tea) industry. He began in this as a laborer and it was only after thirty years of arduous work, much of it spent HISPANIC NOTES lOI VI 102 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY in the desert, in distant forests owned by the Compania Matte Larangeira, and in the torrid regions of Brazil, that, having reached the position of General Manager of the company, he was able to retire. He chief interest now is the breed- ing of cattle, in which he has a large capital, seventy thousand hect areas of land and forty thousand head of cattle. HISPANIC NOTES CODAS FEDERICO CODAS Magistrate; teacher. Federico Codas, the sou of Cosme Codas and Ramona Insfran, was born on the twenty-second of December. 1868, in the town of Villarrica. He had his early education at the Colegio Na- cioiial of Asuncion from which he went to the University of Montevideo, Uru- guay, but returned to win his degree in the University of Asuncion which gave him the degree of Doctor in 1896 on the presentation of a thesis entitled Jnicio politico en el Paraguay. He had already entered upon an ac- tive career : in 1894 he had been ap- pointed a member of the National Board of Education; in the same year he was made a Judge of the Superior AND MONOGRAPHS 103 104 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY Court; in 1898 he was elected a Deputy in the National Congress, and in 1901 he became Professor in the University. There he revealed his capacity as a teacher and an administrator ; he taught International Law and other subjects until 1920 and had the honor of serving as Rector of the University for a period of two years, from 1903 until 1905. He taught also from 1904 to 19 15 in the Colegio Nacional and during a number of years in the Normal School. In addition to his academic labors, Dr. Codas has practised his profession as a lawyer and held high posts in the government: in 191 1 he was appointed Minister of Justice, in 1912 he was selected to fulfill a confidential mis- sion before the government of Argenti- na, and in the same year was made Minister of Foreign Affairs. Finally in 191 5 he was appointed for the second time Judge of the Superior Court and retained the position until 1920 wlicn he retired to private life. VI HISPANIC NOTES Juan li. (Jaona GAONA JUAN BAUTISTA GAONA Banker; e.v-Presidcnt of Paraguay. Juan Bautista Ga.ona, the son of Juan Pablo Gaona and Pastora Figue- redo, was born in the year 1845 in Asuncion and was educated there in private and public schools. Senor Gaona's career has had two aspects, of the banker and the public man: his career as banker began early; as long ago as 1893 he became President of the Mercantile Bank of Paraguay and, with the exception of the years 191 1 and 1912, has continued in that post until the present ; meantime he has served on the Board of Directors of the National Bank, of the Bank of the River Plate, and of important corpora- tions including the Industrial Paragna- AND MONOGRAPHS 105 VI io6 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY yo of which he has acted more than once as President. His poHtical career began somewhat later: in 1905 he was President of the RepubHc ; from 1909 to 191 1 and from 1912 to 1919 he was a member of the Senate; in 191 1 he served as vice- President of the RepubHc ; he has been a member of the Commission on Pubhc Works, and from 1912 to 1919 was the Head of the Liberal Party. VI HISPANIC NOTES ANTUNEZ ADOLFO FRANCISCO ANTtNEZ Official; journalist. Adolfo Francisco Antunez, the son of Joaquin Anti'inez and Mercedes Ba- rrios, was born on the twenty-ninth of January, 1871, in the city of Asuncion, and was educated there in the Colcgio Nacional. In 1887 he was appointed Clerk in the Ministry of Finance, but only remained in that post for the period of a year ; his next appointive post was that of Customs Inspector, a position which he retained for two years until 1899: from 1903 to 1906 he held a higher office in the Administration, be- ing Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior, and finally in 1910 he was appointed Assistant Business Manager of the Banco Acjricola of Paraguay. AND MONOGRAPHS 107 VI io8 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI For the greater part of this period he was interested in journalism: from 1S99 to 1901 he was Manager and later Editor-in-Chief of the daily paper La Tribiina; in 1902 and 1903 he edited two papers — El Paraguay and El Pais — and from 1908 until 1910 he was editor of Los Principios. He is the author of Iiidiistria nacional: Dcscrip- cion dc las divcrsas fdbricas, 1897. HISPANIC NOTES RECALDE JUAN FRANCISCO RECALDE Physician; teacher. Juan Francisco Rfxalde, the son of Juan F. Recalde and Tomasa Valdez, was born on the ninth of March, 1885, in the city of Asuncion and had his e'arly education there at the Cole- gio Nacional which granted him the Bachelor's degree in 1902. He began his medical studies in the University of Buenos Aires in 1903, but interrupted his course to participate in the Revolution of 1914, joining the expedition of the steamer Sajonia. He was wounded at Pilar, but did not abandon the adventure, and after Yta- pytapunta had been forced and when the expedition to the North was organiz- ed, he joined those who continued up AND MONOGRAPHS 109 VI I JO PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY the river in the steamer Constitiicion under the command of Col. Elias Ayala. In 1905 he went to Europe to renew his studies in the National School of Florence (Ilaly), where he graduated smmna cum lande in 191 1 and became Assistant in the Clinic of Professor Burci, where he continued for some time. On his return to Paraguay he entered on the practice of the profession, giving special attention to surgery, and estab- lished a private hospital. In 1913 he was appointed Official Delegate to the Latin •\merican Medical Congress held in Li- ma; from 1913 to 1914 he was surgeon n the Hospital de Caridad; in 1915 he became surgeon, and in 1919 was made Director, of the National Hospital; in 1920 he was appointed Chief of the First Sanitary Zone; in 1920 he was chosen Director General of the Na- tional Department of Public Health and of the Emergency Hospitals of Para- guay; from 1919 to 1920 he taught Anatomy in the Colcgio Nacional and VI HISPANIC NOTES RECALDE in 1920 was appointed Professor of Surgical Pathology in the Medical School. Dr. Recalde is an Honorary Member of the Academy of Medicine of Lima. He reorganized the Medical Associa- tion of Paraguay ; he i« at present the editor of the Rcvisia Mcdica del Para- guay, and has written many pamphlets on medical subjects, principally on the surgical treatment of tropical diseases. AND MONOGRAPHS 1 1 VI Juan E. OLeary O'LEARY JUAN EMILIANO O'LEARY Author; lawyer; teacher. Juan Emiliano O'Leary y Urdapi- LLETA, the son of Juan O'Leary and Dolores Urdapilleta, was born on the thirteenth of June, 1880, in Asuncion, and was educated there, at the Colc- gio Nacional. where he obtained the Bachelor's degree in 1899, and the University. Since the year 1899 he has devoted himself chiefly to teaching and writ- ing: he has taught American and Pa- raguayan History, the History of Span- ish Literature, Geography, Rhetoric and the History of the World, both in the Colegio Nacional and in the Normal School of Asuncion, and in 1910 became Director of the Colegio Nacional of Asuncion. In 1917 he made an excur- HISPANIC NOTES 113 VI 114 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY sion into politics and was elected Deputy to the National Congress. As a writer he has produced poetical works, such as A mi hija published in 1918; but his principal acliievemcnt is in the field of history; there he has written: Historia de la gncrra del Pa- raguay, 1910; Paginas dc historia, 1916; Nn'estra cpopeya, 1919; El mariscal So- lano Lope::, 1920, and he considers that his masterpiece will l)e the Historia complcta de la gncrra del Paraguay which he is writing at present. HISPANIC NOTES ^^^^^iL^ /^c^^'^'^.. BARBERO ANDRfiS BARBERO Physician; public man. Andres Bart.eko, the son of Don Juan Barl)ero and Dona Carolina Cro- sa, both of Itahan birth but settled in Paraguay, was born on the twenty- eighth of July, 1877, in the city of Asuncion and was educated there at private schools, the Colegio Nacional, which granted him the Bachelor's ■degree in 1895, and the University, where he won his degree as Chemist in 1898 and as Doctor of Medicine in 1904. Meantime, in 1910. he had been ap- pointed Professor of Physics in the Colegio Nacional of Asuncion and in the same j^ear became a member and Secretary of the National Council of Public Health; in 1901 he received his AND MONOGRAPHS 115 VI ii6 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI appointment as Professor of Medical Physics in the Aledical School; in 1905 he was made Director of the National Institute for vaccination and the same year taught Physiology and Histology. In 1906, he became Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences. During this time he was most active in organizing and re-organizing the laboratories and clinics; in the twelve years of his professorship he had made three separate voyages to Europe where he acquired instruments for the Laboratory to a value of more than 150,000 francs. In 1905 the Government appointed him Director ad Iwnorcm of the Mu- seum of Natural History; in 1906 he was Director of the National Board of Health; in 1908 he was commissioned to go to Europe to study industrial and agricultural education; from 1909 I0 191 1 he was a member of the National Council of Education. He has also had active participation in the financial affairs of his coimtry : in 1913 he became a member and Prcs- HISPANIC NOTES BARBERO ident of the Board of Directors of the Agricutural Bank of Paraguay (1913- 1917). In 1917, as Director of the National Board of Health, he conducted an active campaign against one of the tropical plagues of his country — Hook-worm (Anqnilostomiasis). To that end he ap- pointed eighty-two commissions whose studies and investigations permitted the conclusion that malaria, leishmaniosis and anqnilostomiasis are endemic in certain limited areas of the country. In 19 19 he was unanimously elected Pres- ident of the Paraguayan League to combat Tuberculosis and was also chosen President of the Paraguayan Red Cross. Finally, in 1920, he was appointed Mayor of the city of Asun- cion. Doctor Barbero is an enthusiastic collector of the fauna and flora of Pa- raguay ; he has written on these and related topics for the press and is the author of : Instrucciou tccnica, Asun- cion, 1908; Dispensaries medicos ambu- AND MONOGRAPHS 117 VI ii8 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY ^ lantes e higiene municipal rural, and of the Informe de la direccion del Departa- menfo naciotial de higiene (August to December, 1917). VJ HISPANIC NOTES RODRIGUEZ SANTOS CARLOS RODRIGUEZ SANTOS Official; publicist. Carlos Rodriguez Santos, the son of Silverio R. Santos and Sara Riva- rola, was born on the fifth of March, 1871, in the city of Asuncion, but was educated in Montevideo where he at- tended the primary and secondary schools and won his Bachelor's degree in 1889. He has never sought elective office, but has held many official posts: in 1890 he was appointed Clerk in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; in 1891 he was promoted to the post of Second Secretary and translator in the same ministry ; in 1894 li^ was made Chief of the Information Bureau, in 1896 he taught Book-keeping in the National Agricultural School ; in iqoo he was a AND MONOGRAPHS 119 VI 120 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI member of the National Council of Education; in 1902 he was appointed General Post Master; in 1903, Business Manager of the Agricultural Bank of Paraguay; in 1908 Honorary Member of the Council of Agriculture and In- dustries and also member of the special commission appointed to report on the national finances; in 1912 he received liis nomination as Director General of Revenue and in the same year he was made a member of the National Com- mission of Audit of which two years later he became President, a post wliich he holds at present. But besides these duties, it has fallen to him to represent his country on vari- ous occasions: in 1899 he was Official Delegate of Paraguay at the Interna- tional- Commercial Congress which met in Philadelphia (U. S. A.) ; in 1909 he was a member of the Central Com- mittee of the International Agricultural Exposition held on the occasion of the Centenary of Argentine Independence in Buenos Aires; in 1910 he was HISPANIC NOTES RODRIGUEZ SANTOS Delegate of the Agricultural Bank of Paraguay to the International Exposi- tion of Buenos Aires. Senor Rodriguez Santos has also won a high place among Paraguayan writ- ers as the author of the following books : La Repi'tblica del Paraguay, 1898; Es- tudios sobrc conicrcio y colonizacion, awarded the gold medal at the Interna- tional Exposition of Brussels, 1897; Apuntes sobrc el porvcnir de la agri- cultura y de la ganaderia en cl Para- guay, 1910, a book of which the Para- guayan Government published a second edition in 1912. AND MONOGRAPHS 121 VI A^i^ Aj^^^^^z^^^^^^^^^ RAMIREZ JUAN VICENTE RAMIREZ Journalist; author. Juan Vicente Ramirez, the son of Alejo Ramirez and Victoria Acosta, was born on the twenty-second of January, 1877, in the remote village of Santiago, Department of Misiones. He had his primary education in the rural schools and later went to Asuncion where he attended the Colcgio Nacio- nal, which granted him his Bachelor's degree in 1910. Whereupon he entered the Law School of the University and is at present a student. He was elected President of the Law Students' Club in 1919, and in August of that year was also chosen President of the Students' Federation; he was chosen to head the Paraguayan Delega- tion sent to Montevideo to participate HISPANIC NOTES 123 VI 124 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI in the funeral ceremonies of the writer Jose Enrique Rodo, when the latter's body arrived from Italy in 1920, and he is at present Director General of Statistics. He has written much for the press of Asuncion and has published four books : Ensayos, a collection of article? of a literary character (1917) ; La cnes- fion social, a study of the labor problem, 1919; El divorcio, a scries of articles (1919), and Visioncs nrngnayas, a book containing impressions of travel. HISPANIC NOTES ACEVAL 125 EMILIO ACEVAL Man of affairs; ex- President of Paraguay. Emilio Aceval, the sou of Leonardo Aceval and Monica Marin, was born on the sixteenth of October, 1853, in the city of Asuncion, and there was educated at the Colegio Nacional which granted him his diploma as Bachelor in 1875. He devoted himself for some years to practical affairs and did not appear in public life until he was appointed In- spector of Banks; in 1892 he became Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Bank ; in 1894 he was made Minister of War and the Navy, a post which he held for a period of four years, serving also in 1896 and 1897 as Minister of Finance. AND MONOGRAPHS VI 126 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI In 1898 he was nominated for Pre- sident of tlie Republic, elected and com- pleted the full term in office. Again in 1904 he appeared in public life, upon being- elected Senator ; on the expiration of his term of office he was again appointed President and Manager of the Banco Agricola and later be- came Director of the Bank of the Republic; in 1908 he was appointed Ambassador to Argentina. The French Government has honored him by making him Commander of the Legion of Honor and the King of Spain granted him the Naval Grand Cross of Merit. HISPANIC NOTES ABENTE HAEDO VICTOR ABENTE HAEDO Public man; lawyer. Victor Abente Haedo, the son of Victoriano Abente and Maria Haedo, was born on the fifth of July, 1882, in the city of Concepcion, but was educat- ed in Asuncion at the Colegio Nacio- nal, which granted him his Bachelor's degree in 1899, and the University, where he read law and won the degree of Doctor of Laws in 1906 and in 1909 that of Public Notary. He married Maria Irene Saguier, a member of one of the most distinguish- ed families of Paraguay. In 1905, while he was still a student, he was appointed Secretary to the Pre- sident of the Republic; in 1906 he was elected Chairman of the Law-Students' Club; in 1908 he made his first appear AND MONOGRAPHS 127 VI 128 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY ance in politics, when he was elected Deputy to the National Congress; he was re-elected in iqii,, and was honored by his associates by being chosen Pres- ident of the Chamber in 1912, 1913, and 1914; in the elections of 1915 he was elected Deputy for the third time and in 19 19 was chosen Senator. His activies, however, have not been limited to the field of politics : he has also given part of his energies to teach- ing: in 1910 he became Professor of History in the Colcgio Nacional of Asuncion, and continued to teach dur- ing the years 19 11 and 1912 when he retired to the practice of his profession. For two years, 1915 and 1916, he acted as Counsel of the Municipality of Asun- cion. In tlic course of 1920 he was appoint- ed Honorary Counsel of the Munici- pality of Concepcion, his native town. HISPANIC NOTES •^-^^i^:***-*^ RIQUELME MANUEL RIQUELME TcacJicr. Manuel Riouelme, the son of Ma- nuel Jose Riquelme and Tomasa No- guera, was born on the fifth of May, 1885, in the city of Asuncion, where he was educated in the Normal School and the University. In 1905 he received his diploma as Normal Teacher and was awarded a scholarship enabling him to study in the Normal School of Parana (Argentina) where he graduated in 1910. In 1912 he was appointed snb-Secre- tary in the Ministry of Education and in 191 5 he was made Director General of Schools, a post which he has continu- ed to hold until the present. He is also Professor of Philosophy and Literature in the Colegio Nacional and teaches Literature in the Normal School. AND MONOGRAPHS 129 VI SOSA ESCALADA MARCIAL SOSA ESCALADA Official; journalist. Marcial Sosa Escalada, the son of Don Jaime Sosa Escalada and Dona Asuncion Escalada, both members of one of the historic families of South Ame- rica, was born on the twenty-eighth of May, 1873, in the city of Asuncion, but was educated in Argentina, at the Normal School of Buenos Aires, the Colegio Nacional, which in 1892 grant- ed him his Bachelor's degree, and the University of Buenos Aires where he read Law and graduated with the degree of Doctor in Jurisprudence and Social Sciences in 1899 upon the pre- sentation of a thesis on Aceptacion y rcpudiacion de la hcrencia. On his return to Paraguay he was made Magistrate in 1901 and continued HISPANIC NOTES [31 \T n2 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI in the courts until 1905 when he ahan- doned the judicial career to take charge as editor-in-chief of the daily paper El Civico; he retained that post until 190S, but in the meantime was appoint- ed Professor of Civics at the Military Academy in 1906; in the same year he was made City Attorney of Asuncion and also appointed Secretary to the Pa- raguayan Commission on the Bolivian Boundary, a position which he held for two years and did not return to Asun- cion until 1908. In 1505 he had been appointed Professor of Roman Law in the Uni- versity and continues in that position until the present. lie has been a Justice of the Superior Civil Court and is at present a mem])er of the Appellate Civil Court in Asuncion; from 1914 to 1917 lie was Counsel of the Municipality of Encarnacion, and from 1918 to 1919 he held a similar office for the city of Con- cepcion. He has also held elective posts — in 1912 he was chosen Deputy to the Na- HlSPANiC iNOTES SOSA ESCALADA tional Congress ; and he has been a journalist for many years, being for- merly editor of La Epoca in 1904 and of El Nacional in 1919. He has published the following books : Las instituciones jnridicas dc los roma- nos, a translation of E. Cuq's text book, 1910; Las pcrsonas jnridicas ante el de- rccho dc los romanos, a translation of a chapter of the book on that subject by Professor van Wetter, 1910; Cuestiones sohre posesion de Est ado, 19 18. AND MONOGRAPHS 133 VI ^^^^^' SAMUDIO JUAN A. SAIMUDIO Painter. Juan A. Samudio, the son of Satur- nine Samudio and Juana Dominguez, was born on the twenty-first of April, 1879, in the city of Asuncion, and there in his native city received his academic education, but, feehng an irresistible vocation for the art of painting, went to Rome in 1903 and studied there for the next five years. He first showed his work in Rome, at the exhibition of 1906, where he had only one small painting entitled Chiog- gia which was signed merely with his initials J. A. S., but it was discovered and praised by so discerning a critic as Francisco Radi; at the International Exposition of Buenos Aires in 1910 Samudio was represented by two pic- HISPANIC NOTES 135 VI 1^6 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI tures, Noche de luna and Pncnte Cano- nica, the former of which won for the artist the bronze medal and was acquir- ed by the National INIuseum of Asun- cion. In 1920, he held a special exhibition in Asuncion, which was well attended by the public and highly praised by the local critics. Among his best pictures is Lncio, a portrait. Sr, Samudio is at present the Direc- tor of the Academy of Fine Arts of Asuncion. HISPANIC NOTES REBAUDI OYIDIO REBAUDI CJicinist. OviDio Rebauui, the son of Antonio Rebaudi and Petrona Balestra, was born in December, i860, in the city of Asun- cion, where he began his education, l)ul at the age of seventeen his parents sent him to Italy. There he entered the " Carlo Alberto " Royal School of Pisa, which conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Chemistry in 1880. He holds also the diplomas of Doctor of Sciences of the University of Chicago; First Class Chemist of the School of Applied Chemistry of Buenos Aires; Honorary Municipal Chemist, and Chemist of the Faculty of Sciences. In the year 1882, soon after his ar- rival in Buenos Aires, he was appointed to a post in the Women's Hospital and AND MONOGRAPHS 137 n8 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY in the Children's Hospital, and became a member of the Argentine Medical Society; in 1894 he joined Doctor Arata in founding the Oficina qiiimica nacional and became one of the Direc- tors; in igo2 he was made Second Chief of the Municipal Chemical Laboratory. In 1889, when the epidemic of Yellow Fever was invading certain zones of the Argentine Republic, the Municipality of Buenos Aires asked Doctor Rebaudi to study and analyse the waters of the districts in danger; in 1905 he was appointed Professor of Analytical Che- mistry in the National University of La Plata, but two years later resigned that post to return to Paraguay. In 1907 he was asked to reorganize the Chemical and Bacteriological Labora- tory of Asuncion, which he accom- plished;- in 1908 he becauie Rector of the University of Paraguay, and in 1913 received the appointment of Professor of Medical Chemistry in the Medical School of Asuncion. He was vicc-President of the Agricul- VI HISPANIC NOTES REBAUDI tural Exposition of Paraguay, which was held in Buenos Aires in 1910; the same year the ItaHan Government made him a memher of the Jury at the Ex- position of Pubhc Health, and again in the same year the National Council of Hygiene of the Argentine Republic appointed him a member of the Direct- ing Board of the section of " Chemistry applied to the service of Public Health," in the Scientific Congress (1910). In 1910 he discovered a ghicocidc analogous to glicirricina, a substance with a sweetening power greater than that of sacarose, the discovery of which gave rise to further investiga- tions in the laboratories of Vienna, Antwerp, Wiesbaden and Hamburg, where the new product was called Re- handina, after the name of its dis- coverer. For some years Doctor Rebaudi has lived in Buenos Aires, where he is the Honorary President of the Scientific Society for Psychical Studies, Honorary member of the Circulo Farmaccnlico AND MONOGRAPHS 139 VI 140 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY Argcnfino and of the General Pharma- cological Society. He founded and is the editor of the Revista dc qu'imica y fannacia; he has also lectured and written many articles on suhjects of sociology and Psychical Research. Among his published works Tire: Dosajc del taiuuo y la materia co- 'orante de los fideos; Articnlos y traba- ios, 1907; El cxiracto dc came, 1910. HISPANIC NOTES SCHENONI LUGO MANLTO SCHENONI LUGO Soldier. Manlio Sciienoni Lugo, the son of Fernando Schenoni and Isabel Lugo, was born on the second of May, 1879, in the city of Asuncion. He studied first in the Colcgio Nacional of Asuncion and upon receiving- his Bachelor's degree, in 1896, went to Chile where he attended the Military School of San- tiago and later the School for Military Engineers. In October, 1898, he graduated with the rank of Second Lieutenant of Mili- tary Engineers in the Chilean Army ; in 1900 he was promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant and thereupon return- ed to his native country where he revalidated his rank and in 1904 was promoted to the rank of Captain ; he be- AND MONOGRAPHS M' VI 142 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI came a Major in September of the same year, Lieutenant-Colonel in 1908 and finally Colonel in 1915. From 1905 to 1907 he was Secretary of the General Staff ; during the same period he was Director and Professor in the Military School of Paraguay; between 1906 and 1907 he was a mem- ber of the Superior and Appellate Mili- tary Courts; from 1907 until 1909 he was in Europe as a member of the Pa- raguayan Military Mission; from 1909 to 191 1 he was Secretary to the Ministry of War; from 1912 to 1914, Commander-in-Chief of the First Mili- tary Zone; in 1913 Commissioner to Chile; from 1914 to 1916 Secretary in the Ministry of War. and since 1916 he has been Director of the Military School. In 1906 he directed the construction of the first military telegraph line, from Villa Hayes to the interior of the Chaco, a distance of 48 miles; from 1909 till 191 1 he was Prefect General of Harbors; at present he is a member HISPANIC NOTES SCHENONI LUGO of the tribunal for qualifications in the Army and a meml)er of the Committee on Physical Education in the Instituto Paraguayo. He has translated from French hito Spanish several books on military sub- jects; he is the editor of El memorial del Ejercito and of the Rcvista dc la Esciiela Militar, and the author of numerous articles on military topics. AND MONOGRAPHS 143 VI ^?7,^^ yy^^:^ SOSA ANTONIO SOSA Public man; journal- ist; teacher. Antonio Sosa, the son of Casimiro Sosa and Faustina Ortigoza, was born on the thirteenth of June, 1870, in the city of Asuncion, and was educated there at the Colcgio Nacional, where he received liis diploma as Bachelor, and the Law School where he graduat- ed with the degree of Doctor of Laws and Social Sciences. He has held many appointive and elective posts: in 1893 he was appoint- ed General Secretary in the Customs Departmeii* ; in the same year he be- came Clerk in the National Revenue Office; in 1895 he received the appoint- ment as Professor of Geography in the Colegio Nacional; from 1898 to 1899 HISPANIC NOTES 145 VI 146 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI he occupied the post of member of the Board of Education; in 1895 he receiv- ed a Judicial appointment as Judge of the Lower Courts which he resigned to accept his nomination to the Chamber of Deputies where he held a scat for two consecutive periods, — from 1898 to 1903 — and served as First vice-President of the body in 1902. While he was Deputy he introduced the so-called law of pensions and allowances, a bill for the establishment of a penal colony, and another, which was passed and became law, increasing the annual outlay for Education fifty per cent; from 1903 to 1904 he was Minister of Finance, and in 1904-1905 was appointed Minister Plenipotentiary to Argentina and Uru- guay; in 1912 he was elected Senator for a period of four years, and then proposed that a measure be taken to allow the repatriation of emigrants, including political refugees; in 1913 he was appointed Professor of Finance in the University of Asuncion; in 1915 he was made a member of the Board HISPANIC NOTES SOSA of the Emergency Hospital; from 1915 to 1916 he was a member of the Com- mittee on Uniform Legislation. Dr. Sosa has played a part also in journalism: he has been a member of the staff of various newspapers, includ- ing La Opinion, La Tribuna, El Pais, La Lihcrlad and El Tiempo, the latter during six years, from 1910 to 1916. He has travelled in Europe and resided in Paris for two years. He has published the following books: Vida pnblica, 1905, dealing with poli- tical controversy; El estado de sitio, 1907, of a strictly legal character ; Pa- pel moneda, 1907, relating to the standard of paper money. AND MOlNOGRAPHS 147 VI ORTIZ JOSfi ANTONIO ORTIZ Public man; diplomat. Jose Antonio Ortiz, the son of Juan Antonio Ortiz and Andrea Rojas, was born on the nineteenth of March, 1870, in the provincial city of San Andres de Limpio. He was educated, however, in Asuncion, at the Concihary Seminary and the Colegio Nacional where he won the degree of Bachelor in 1894, and in Buenos Aires where he read Law in the University and gained the degree of Doctor of Jurisprudence in 1902. Ten years earlier, while he was a student in Asuncion, he had been appointed Clerk in the National Council of Education; in 1894 he held a post as Clerk in the Ministry of Finance; in the same year he was appointed Professor in the Normal School ; in HISPANIC NOTES 149 VI 150 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY 1895 he entered the diplomatic service and was made attache of the Paragua- yan Legation in Buenos Aires; in 1896 he was appointed Secretary to the Con- sul in Buenos Aires, and in 1898 Se- cretary of Legation and Charge d'af- faires ad interim in Argentina. In 1905 he returned to Asuncion and was at once appointed Attorney Gen- eral; in 1907 he hecamc Auditor of the War Department; in 1909 he was elect- ed to the National Senate and in 1910 appointed Director General of Revenue. In the same year President Gondra called him into the cahinet as Minister of Finance during the hitter's first period of office and he retained office under President Col. Jara; in 191 1 he again occupied a diplomatic post, heing appointed Confidential Envoy hefore the Argentine Government. Finally, in 1908, he was appointed Justice of the Civil Appellate Court where he con- tinues. HISPANIC NOTES MONTERO JOSfi P. MONTERO Physician ; ex - Pres- ident of Paraguay. Jose P. Montero, the son of Fran- cisco Montero and Gregoria Candia, was born on the tirst of August, 1878, in the city of Asuncion where he had his early education in the primary schools and the Colegio Nacional which granted him the Bachelor's degree in 1896. For his professional studies he went to Buenos Aires, entered the Uni- versity and graduated as Physician and Surgeon in 1904, when he presented a thesis on La pritcba de los dortiros. On his return to Paraguay he entered upon a career of marked success : he was appointed General Director of the Emergency Hospitals, which he reor- AND MONOGRAPHS 151 VI 152 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI ganized by founding the Maternity Hospital, the Pharmacy and the Che- mical-Bacteriological Laboratory ; he has been a member of the Superior Council of Education, Professor of Pediatrics in the Medical School, Professor of Obstetrics in the School for Midwives, and Dean of the Medical School. In 1906 he was made official Delegate of Paraguay at the Fourth American Medical Congress which met in Monte- video. Dr. Montero has had a no less suc- cessful career in politics: in 1910 he was elected Deputy to the National Congress; in the same year he was Pa- raguayan Delegate to the Pan-Ameri- can Congress held in Buenos Aires ; the Revolution of 191 1 compelled him to flee to the Argentine Republic, but he returned and in 1912 took part in the Countcr-Revolution; after which he be- came Minister of the Interior under President Schaerer and held office until 1916, when he was elected vice-Pres- ident of the Rci)ublic. Finally, on the HISPANIC NOTES MONTERO 153 death of President Manuel Franco in June, 1919, he succeeded to the Pres- idency and held office until the end of the term, in August, 1920. AND MONOGRAPHS VI /:. v/. %^ LUGO EUSEBIO A. LUGO Dramatist. ExiSEBio A. Lugo, the son of Ramon A. Avciro and Isal^el Ltigo, was born on the fifteenth of December, 1890, in the village of Emboscada, but was educated at Asuncion in the Colcgio Nacional. ■ From his early youth he has been a lover of the drama and in the year 1912 obtained a post as stenographer in the National Congress which permitted him to devote much of his time to the study of the stage and to the produc- tion of plays based on the national history and character. There he remain- ed seven years and meantime wrote several successful pieces : La Chala, a drama in three acts, was presented in 1917 with great success in the National HISPANIC NOTES 155 VI 156 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY Theatre of Asuncion and was published by the Government printing office ; Ca- mino de la fiicnte, a comedy in one act, repeated the success and was followed by Las ruinas del rosal, a comedy in one act, and La muerte dc la quimera, a fantastic drama in three acts, all of which were published in the daily paper El Liberal, of Asuncion. Sr. Lugo was elected President of the Clul) of Paraguayan Dramatic Authors for the year 1918, and in 1919 was elected President of the Students' Club of the Colegio Nacional of Asun- cion. VI HISPANIC NOTES ROJAS 157 TEODORO ROJAS Botanist. Teodoro Rojas, the son of Jose M. Rojas and Dolores Vera, was born on the twenty-fifth of September, 1877, in the city of Asuncion and there began his education in the primary schools; later he attended the National Schools of Villa Pilar and of Limpio ; in 1897 he went abroad and studied at the School of Arts and Crafts of Aarau (Switzerland) . He has devoted himself to the study of botany and for fifteen consecutive years, from 1900 to 1915, held the post of " Guardian " of the Herbaria Hass- leriano; in 1916 he was appointed chief of herbariums and of the Museum and Botanical and Zoological Gardens of Trinidad in the city of Asuncion. AND MONOGRAPHS VI 158 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY A large part of each year he devotes to field work and to gathering speci- mens of Paraguayan plants to be offer- ed in exchange for the flora of other countries or given to botanists visiting Asuncion. In 1906, he was a member of the scientific expedition to the Pilco- mayo, the results of which — from the point of view of botany — were publish- ed by Dr. Emilio Hassler under the title of Florida Pilcomayensis in 1909. HISPANIC NOTES DUARTE CRIST6BAL DUARTE Teacher. Cristobal Duarte, the son of Felipe Duarte and Francisca Franco, was born on the tenth of July, 1866, in the city of Asuncion, where he was educated in the schools of the city and the Normal School which granted him the degree of Teacher in 1906. He gave such proofs of talent that, in 1904, before he had graduated, he was appointed Primary Teacher, a post which he held until 1910 when he left Paraguay and went to Entre Rios (Ar- gentina). There he taught, first as primary teacher, but later as Principal of a school. In 1913 his Government granted him a scholarship permitting him to attend the Normal School at AiND MONOGRAPHS '59 VI i6o PARAGUAYANS OF TODAY VI Parana, the Capital of the Province of Entre Rios. On his return to Asuncion he was appointed Regent of the Normal School there in 1915; in 1918 he was made acting Director of the Normal School of the city of Concepcion, a post whicli he still holds, and meantime pursues the study of Law in the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of Asuncion. HISPANIC NOTES SCHAERKR EDUARDO SCHAERER Ex-Presidcnt of Pa- raguay. Eduardo SciiAERER, the son of San- tiago Schaerer and Isabel Vera, was born on the second of December, 1873. in the city of Caazapii and was educated there in the Colcgio Nacional. Senor Schaerer has filled a large place in the political life of Paraguay for the past twenty years. He has held high public offices: in 1905 he was Director General of the Customs House ; in 1908 he was appointed by the President of the Republic Mayor of Asuncion and held the position for two years; in 1912 he was Minister of the Interior; mean- time, in 1909-1910 and again from 1918 to 1919 he was President of the Liberal Party in which he still has an influential AND MONOGRAPHS 161 VI l62 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY voice; in 1912 he was llie candidate of the party for the Presidency of the Republic and was elected. After the expiration of his term as President in 1916 he did not retire to private life, but remained active in politics: he was elected Senator in 1917; from 1919 to 1920 he has been Pres- ident of the Senate, and in these high positions has done much for the pro- gress of his country and especially for its capital, Asuncion, which he has aided greatly to modernize. VI HISPANIC NOTES MORENO FULGENCIO R. MORENO Diplomat; author. FuLGENCio R. Moreno was born in Asuncion on the ninth of November, 1872, and was educated there in the schools of the city and her University. Senor Moreno lias played an im- portant part in the affairs of his country as journalist, public official and diplomatist. His career as journalist began early: in 1893, when he was twenty-one, he was a member of the staff of La Union and subsequently served also on El Progreso, La Trihu- na, and La Prcnsa on which he continu- ed until 1901. He was also for a time one of the editors of the literary pe- riodical La Semana and editor-in-chief of the Magazine of the Paraguayan In- stitute (Reznsta del Liislitnto Paragna- yo) the ablest literary and scientific AND MONOGRAPHS 163 VI 164 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY periodical which has yet appeared in Paraguay. His official career began in 189.4 when he was appointed Clerk in the General Post and Telegraph Office; he was next made Clerk of the Chamber of Deputies and soon thereafter was elected Deputy; in 1901 he was appoint- ed Minister of Finance; in 1903 he was elected Senator and dining his term in the Senate fulfilled a confidential diplo- matic mission to Buenos Aires; in 1907 he was appointed a member of a tech- nical Commission to study the rights of Paraguay in the boundary dispute with Bolivia; in i()i2 he held for a brief period the portfolio of Minister of For- eign Affairs. Earlier than this he had also occupied posts in the field of education: in 1901 he had been chosen Principal of the Colegio Nacional of Asuncion and had also served as Professor of History in the Normal School and as a member of the Board of Education, but from this date he was immersed in diplomacy and VI mSPANIC NOTES MORENO authorship. In 1913 he was appointed Minister to the two governments of Chile and Peru, a post which he resign- ed in 1915 on being selected as Pleni- potentiary Extraordinary to discuss the boundary question with Bolivia; in 1917 he attended the inauguration of the new President of Bolivia with the rank of Ambassador; in 1918 he took up his residence in La Paz as Minister to Bo- livia, and in 1919 was transferred to Santiago as Minister to Chile. As a writer Sr. Moreno has a well deserved reputation : he is the author of many articles and pamphlets on literary, biographical and historical, as well as international topics and is the author of the following books: La cues- tion monetaria, 1902 ; Diplomacia para- guayo-holiviana, 1904; Estudio sobre la indcpcndcncia del Paraguay, 1912; In- formc sobrc reforma impositiva, 1912; Juan Zorrilla de San Martin, a brief critical essay, 1915; and Paraguay-Boli- via, a discussion of boundaries, 3 vols., 1917-1920. AND MONOGRAPHS 165 VI Enrique JSunlcnavc BORDENAVE ENRIQUE BORDENAVE Lawyer; public man. Enrique Borpenave, the son of Ab- don Bordenave and Dolores Franco, was born on the thirtieth of October, 1889, in the city of Barrero Grande and was still a youth when he went to the Capital. There he studied at the Normal School, the Colcgio Nacional,, which granted him the degree of Bachelor, in 1907, and the University where he read Law and graduated as Doctor of Laws and Social Sciences in 191 5. While he was still a student he had held public posts: from 1912 to 1913 he was Chief of the Political Depart- ment in the Ministry of Foreign Af- fairs, and in 1914-1915 he was Secretary to President Schaercr. In the vear that HISPANIC NOTES 167 VI 1 68 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI he received his Doctor's degree he was appointed Professor in the Colcgio Na- cional and there taught the History of the Modern World; in 1916 he was ap- pointed Secretary of the Paraguayan Delegation at the Conference for Uniform Legislation which was held at Buenos Aires and was also elected a Member of the National Board of Education. In 1917 he began his political career: he was elected Deputy to the National Congress for a period of four years and in 1920 he was appointed Secretary to the Paraguayan Delegation to the Second Financial Conference held at Washington, where important interna- tional questions were discussed and where he signed for Paraguay the so- called American Convention. Dr. Bordcnave is well known in his own country as a journalist: from 1913 until 1915 he was the Director of the daily newspai)cr Rl Diario and is at present the editor of the magazine Letras. tic is a member of the National HISPANIC NOTES BORDENAVE Council of Education, one of the lead- ers of the Liberal Party and Counsel for the Paraguayan Chamber of Com- merce. AND MONOGRAPHS 169 VI ROA HERMENEGTLDO ROA Churchman; teacher. Hermf.nf.gildo Roa, the son of Jose del Rosario Roa and Simona Gomez, was born on the thirteenth of April, 1865, in the town of Carayao, but was educated in Asuncion, at the Seminary, and in Rome, at the Latin American College and the Gregorian University, where he gained the three degrees of Doctor of Philosophy in 1885, Doctor of Theology in 1889 and Doctor of Canon Law in 1892. On his return to Paraguay he served as Parish Priest at Luque, San Roque and the Cathedral of Asuncion; he was l^'ofessor of Latin from 1900 to 1906, Secretary of the Curia until 1906 and has been Vicar-General from 1906 until the present time. HISPANIC NOTES 171 I?: VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY He is also a supernumerary member of the Secret Council of Pope Benedict XV with the title of Monscnor. Dr. Roa collaborated with Father Fi- del Maiz in the Rescna historica de la diocesis del Paraguay, Asuncion, 1899. HISPANIC NOTES J lector \ckizquez VELASQUEZ HfiCTOR VELASQUEZ Physician. Hector Velasqukz was born on the twenty- fourth of August, 1863, in the city of Asuncion and there began his education at the Colegio Nacional, but for his professional courses went to Buenos Aires where he entered the University and won his degree as Doc- tor of Medicine in 1890. On his return to Paraguay he began to practise medicine and to teach in the University, of which he was chosen Rector in 1892, and ten years later was again elected to the same office ; in 1897 he was made Chairman of the National Board of Health, and from 1902 until 1907 was substitute-Professor of Operative Medicine. Meantime he was called upon to oc- AND MONOGRAPHS 173 VI 174 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY cupy governmental posts of trust : in 1894 he was appointed Minister of For- eign Affairs and again, in 1910, during his absence from the country, was selected for the same position by Pres- ident Gondra, but did not arrive to assume his duties until after the gov- ernment had fallen in the Revolution of that year; he was made Minister to Washington mider the administration of President Schacrer (1912-1916) and was later appointed Diplomatic Repre- sentative in Europe. Dr. Velasquez was the Parn.guayan Delegate at the Congress of Madrid. He is the author of the first study on Hook-Worm (Anquilosioviiasis) in Pa- raguay which he published in the Rc- vista del Instituto Paraguayo. VI HISPANIC NOTES BOBADILLA PEDRO BOBADILLA Public man. Pedro Bobadilla, the son of Don Juan Gregorio Bobadilla and Dona Ju- liana Escobar, was born in the year 1895 in the city of Villeta. He was brought up for the Church and educat- ed in the CathoHc Seminary of Asun- cion where he remained from 1880 to 1885, but he found other pursuits more attractive and after some years entered the University of Asuncion which granted him the degree of Doctor of Laws in 1898. He founded a private school, the Ins- tituto Paragiiayo in Asuncion and was Director there from 1885 until 1892; in 1894 he was appointed Civil Judge and was also chosen to act as Attorney for Minors, holding both posts until 175 AND MONOGRAPHS VI 176 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY 1898 in which year he was appointed Justice of the Civil Appellate Court; in 1905 he was made Judge of the Superior Court; in 1912 he was chosen Rector of the University of Asuncion. Meantime he had occupied political positions : in 1901 he was Minister of Worship, Justice and Puhlic Education, "n the year 1912 he was elected vice- President of the Republic and complet- ed the full term, holding oftice until 1916. VI HISPANIC NOTES CARDOZO 177 RAM6N INDALECIO CARDOZO Teacher. Ramon Indalecio Cardozo was born on the sixteenth of May, 1876, in the city of Villarrica and began his educa- tion there in the primary schools and the Colegio Nacional, but continued his studies in the Capital of the Republic, at the Colegio Nacional which granted him the Bachelor's degree in 1895, and the Normal School which granted him the degree of Teacher in 1898. In 1896, before finishing his studies in the Normal School, he had begun to teach there ; from that time until the present he has devoted his whole ener- gies to the profession. He was appointed Paraguayan Dele- gate to the Second Congress for the welfare of children which met in Mon- AND MONOGRAPHS VI 1 78 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI tevideo in 1919. He is now the Direc- tor and Professor in Pedagogy of the Normal School of Villarrica and Professor in the Colegio Nacional of the same city. In the elections of 1909 he was chosen National Senator, but only oc- cupied the seat for a very short time and presented his resignation, in order to give his full time to his teaching. Sefior Cardozo has the honor of hav- ing been the leader in organizing the elementary Normal School in Villarrica which attained such brilliant results that he was encouraged to establish others. At the Congrcso del niiio he present- ed a work entitled Educacion panameri- cana. He is also the author of various works on pedagogical subjects, among which is Pestalozzi y la educacion con- tempordnea ; Proyccto de legislacion es- colar, 1919. HISPANIC NOTES PEREZ JUAN FRANCISCO PfiREZ Official. Juan Francisco Perez, the son of Jose del Carmen Perez and Juana Rosa Acosta, was born on the fourteenth of April, 1873, in Cerro Leon, Department of Pirayii, but was educated in Asun- cion, at the primary schools, the Co- legio Nacional, which granted him the Bachelor's degree in 1890, and the University, where he read Law. His first appointive post was that of stenographer in the National Congress, which he held from 1891 to 1899; in 1900 he was Counsel for the Poor ; from 1900 to 1902 he acted as Clerk in the Department of Colonization in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; in 1903 he succeeded Senor Manuel Gondra as Secretary of the University; in 1905 he AND MONOGRAPHS 179 VI i8o PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI was appointed Director of the Bureau of Statistics and in the same year be- came Judge in the Lower Civil Courts. After the Revokttion of 1908 he was chosen to be Secretary to the Chief of Police of Asuncion; soon afterwards he himself became Chief of Police, but resigned that position to accept the appointment as Postmaster General which oftice he held from 1909 until the downfall of Sehor Gondra's first Pres- idency in 191 1 ; he was Secretary of the Committee on Codes and Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, Worship and Education from 1915 to 1920; he is at present Chief Stenographer in the Na- tional Congress and editor of the Dia- rio dc Scsioucs of that body. After the Revolution of 191 1, on the formation of the new Liberal Govern- ment, he was nominated Deputy to the National Congress, but he declined the nomination as well as that to a seat in the Senate. During his service as Postmaster Gen- eral he was appointed Delegate to the HISPANIC NOTES PEREZ South American Postal Congress held in Montevideo in 191 1, where he was elected Chairman of the first depart- ment. He has held various honorific posts, among others that of Secretary and memher of the Board of Directors of the Institnto Paraguay since 1895 until the present and its Delegate at the Pan-American Scientific Congress which met in Washington; he has been editor of El Diario (1911-1912) and of El Liberal (1913-1914) ; from 1912 to 1914 he was one of the directors of the Bank of the Republic; in 1920 he was made a member of the Pan-American Committee. AND MONOGRAPHS 181 VI PINHO ENRIQUE L. PINHO Magistrate ; teacher. Enrique L. Pinho, the son of Ernes- to J. S. Pinho and Ana Galeano, was born on the twenty-fourth of August, 1875, in Asuncion. He had part of his education in Buenos Aires where he attended the Colegio Nacional and ob- tained the Bachelor's degree in 1895, but he took his professional courses at the University of Asuncion which granted him the degree of Doctor of Laws in 1907 on the presentation of a thesis on Institncion del jurado — Fen- tajas y defectos — Reformas que re- quierc. While he was at school in Buenos Aires he was Monitor from 1893 to 1895 ; in 1896 he was appointed Teacher in the Normal School of Asuncion; in HISPANIC NOTES 183 VI 184 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY 1898 he became Assistant-Principal of the public school of Encarnacion and in 1905 Principal. Meantime he was studying Law and in 1905 was appointed Public Pros- ecutor; in IQ06 Police Judge; in 1907 he was admitted to the Bar; in 1909 he was appointed Judge of the Superior Civil Court, and in 1910 Judge of the Superior Criminal Court where he con- tinues until the present. Dr. Pinho has taken an active and useful part also in the social life of the Capital: in 1902 he joined a number of friends in founding the Ubique Club of which he has been Secretary ever since; in 1913 he was chosen President of the Paraguayan Foot-Ball League and retains that post imtil now ; in 1914 he was made Director of the Boy- Scouts and is still at its head, and he has been for many years one of the Directors of the Instituto Paraguayo. HISPANIC NOTES CHAMORRO DELFIN CHAMORRO • Teacher. Df.lfin Ciiamorro, the son of Jose de la Cruz Chainorro and Juana Ines Martinez, was born in the town of Caa- guazu on the twenty-fourth of Decem- ber, 1863, and was educated in the Colcgio Nacional which granted him the Bachelor's degree in 1885. He chose teaching as his profession and has devoted himself to it with rare singleness of purpose, for he pursued it without deviation for thirty-five years. He showed similar concentration and tenacity in h's subject; he chose the Spanish language and literature which he taught to the practical exclusion of other subjects and in which he made himself a competent instructor. He got his first post of dignity in 1885 AND MONOGRAPHS 185 VI t86 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY when he was appointed Principal of the school of San Juan Bautista; in 1889 he was advanced to be Prin- cipal of the School of Villarrica; in 1892 he was made Professor of Rhetoric, Poetry, etc., in the Colcgio Nacional of -Villarrica, where he taught in various capacities until 191 1; from 191 1 until 1919, when he retired on a pension, he taught in the Colegio Na- cional of Asuncion and served mean- time as Secretary of the Colegio from 1912 to 1914 and also as Secretary of the University in 191 1 and 1912. VI HISPANIC NOTES -^^-z^iu^^::^ DAVALOS SERAFINA DAVALOS Teacher. Serafina Davalos, the first woman to obtain the Doctor's degree in Para- guay, is the daughter of Don Caspar Davalos and Doha Teresa Alfonze. She was born on the ninth of September, 1883 in the town of Ajos, but was educated in Asuncion — at the Normal School, where she was given her diploma as Teacher in 1898, at the Colcgio Na- cional, where she obtained her degree as Bachelor in 1902, and at the Univer- sity which granted her the degree of Doctor of Laws in 1907. Sefiorita Davalos began to teach at the Colegio Nacional in 1902 while she was still a student in the University and has continued as a member of the faculty of the Colegio until the present, AND MONOGRAPHS ,87 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY teaching Ancient History, Morals and Common Law. In 1905 she founded a business school for girls, known as the Colcgio Mcrcan- til de Ninas of which she is still the head. On receiving her law degree in 1907 she began to exercise the profession and practices before the courts. In 1910 she was sent as Delegate to the International Women's Congress which met at Buenos Aires, where she was appointed a member of the Execu- tive Committee of the Pan-American Women's Federation and later was chosen Honorary President of the Na- tional Council of Women of Paraguay. VI HISPANIC NOTES CHAVEZ FRANCISCO C. CHAVEZ Public man. Francisco C. Chavez, the son of Federico C. Chavez and Felicia Carea- ga, was born on the seventh of June. 1875, in the city of Asuncion and was educated there at the Colegio Nacional, which granted him the Bachelor's degree in 1895, ^.nd the University which made him Doctor of Laws in 1901 when he presented a thesis entitled Publicidad del delito. He had begun his career in the pub- lic service as early as 1894 when he began to teach in the Colegio Nacional; in 1895 he assumed also the duties of Chief Clerk in the Ministry of Justice; in 1898 he was appointed Public Prose- cutor, and in 1900 he was made Police Counsel — all of which offices he held AND MONOGRAPHS 189 VI 1 90 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI before receiving his degree. In 1901 he was admitted to the Bar and entered upon the practice of his profession; in the same year he was made Justice of the Superior Court and Professor of Civil Law in the University where he taught until 1908; in 1903 he was ap- pointed Minister of Justice; in 1907 he was elected National Deputy; in 1908, Rector of the University; in 191 1 he was Minister to Brazil; in 1913 he was again elected Deputy, and in 191 5 was chosen a member of the Senate where he continues until now. HISPANIC NOTES VERA • JUSTO PASTOR VERA Physician. JusTO Pastor Vera, the son of Adriano Vera and Dolores Gonzalez, was born on the seventeenth of Octo- ber, 1878, in the city of Asuncion and was educated there at the Colegio N^a- cioiial, where he obtained his degree as Bachelor in 1896. and the University which granted him the degree of Doc- tor of Medicine in 1905. In recognition of his proficiency, the Government sent him abroad to continue his studies in the University of Paris where he took special courses on the Nose, Ear and Throat under Professors Lermoyes and Luc and also made special studies in Tropical Diseases, by which he won the degree of Mcdecin colonial. On his return to Paraguay in 1908 AND MONOGRAPHS 191 VI 19: VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY he was appointed Professor of Public and Private Hygiene and also of Me- dical Physics in the University; in 1910 he served as Physician to the Emer- gency Hospital; in 1912 he was appoint- ed Secretary of the National Depart- ment of Hygiene ; in 1914 he was elect- ed President of the Paraguayan Gym- nasium; in igi8 he was appointed to the Municipal Council in which he repre- sented the Health Department ; in that year also he was made Professor of Biological Physics in the Medical School. Dr. Vera is at present a member of the Board of Directors of the Paragua- yan Institute and of the National Board of Health which has chosen him Ho- norary Medical Director of tlic Schools. HISPANIC NOTES BERTONI GUILLERMO TELL BERTONI Botanist; official. GuiLLERMO Tkll Bertoni, the son of Moiscs S. Bertoni, the famous Swiss naturalist, who is the leading authority on the fauna and flora of Paraguay, and Eugenia Rossetti, was born on the twenty-eighth of August, 1880, in Jesus y Trinidad, a suburb of Asuncion, where his father was in charge of the Zoological Garden. He went to school in the Capital at the National School of Agriculture where he obtained the title of Agronomist in 1904. In the same year he was appointed Head of the Agricultural .Station at Puerto Bertoni and Editor of the Re- vista de Agronomia, a post which he held until 19 14 when he was made In- spector of the National Department for AND MONOGRAPHS 193 VI 194 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY the Encouragement of Industry (Fo- mento). In 1909 he was appointed In- spector of the Agricultural Bank of Paraguay which has a leading part in the agricultural and industrial develop- ment of the country. He is the author of several pamphlets of a hotanical and industrial interest: El tahaco paragnayo, 1915; Verba mate, (Ilex paraguariensis), 1916; La ycrba mate, 1920; El indio gnarani, an ethno- logical sketch, 1920. VI HISPANIC NOTES SOSA ESCALADA JUAN MANUEL SOSA ESCALADA Public man. Juan Manuel Sosa Escalada, the son of Tgnacio Sosa and Josefa Encar- nacion Escalada, a descendant of the historic Escalada family of Argentina, was born in Villa de San Pedro on the tenth of November, i860, but was educated in Buenos Aires, at the Co- Icgio Nacional, which granted him the Bachelor's degree, and the University where he read law. Meantime, in 1S69, when Paraguay went to war against the Triple Al- liance, though he was hardly more than a child, he had fought, as many other Paraguayan boys had done, as a private in the ranks. Although he has not been a lover of politics, his name has appeared among AND MONOGRAPHS 195 VI 196 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI the leading" men of the traditional Li- beral-Democratic Party which on vari- ous occasions has offered him posts in the Administration. His first appointive post was that of Judge in the Lower Civil Courts in 1890, which he resigned in 1891 on the outbreak of the Revolution of that year; in 1900 he was appointed Mayor of Asuncion by the President, but resigned in 1902 when the Government changed; again in 1905 he was made Mayor, but in 1906 he once more re- signed. Nevertheless, his period of office was fruitful in enterprise and it was then that four of the principal streets — Espana, Colombia, Colon and 15 de Mayo — were paved. His political career also began in 1891 when he was elected Senator, but was prevented by the Revolution from occupying his scat, in spite of having been elected by a great majority; but having again been elected Senator by the southern departments of the Repub- lic he took his seat and retained it until llISl^VNIC NOTES SOSA ESCALADA the revolutionary movement of July, igo2, caused the downfall of the Gov- ernment. In the Revolution of 1904 he took a prominent part as Governor General of War and the Navy (Intcndentc general de giierra y marina) of the revolu- tionary army, a post which he continu- ed to hold until the peace of Pilcoma- yo had been signed; in 1906 he received his appointment as Chief of the Na- tional Guard with the rank of Lieu- tenant-Colonel. In 19 10 he removed to Buenos Aires where he has lived ever since and where he is now the President of the Paraguayan Club which thirty-three years ago, during a sojourn in the city, he helped to found. He is an Plonorary Member of the Instifitlo Paraguayo. AND MONOGRAPHS 197 VI GUGGIARI JOSfi P. GUGGIARI Public man; lawyer. Jose P. Guggiari, the son of Pedro Guggiari and Petrona Corniglione, was born on the seventeenth of March, 1884, in the city of Asuncion, but his parents having settled in Villarrica he had his early education there. His later studies he had in Asuncion, at the Co- legio Nacional, which granted him the Bachelor's degree in 1900, and the Uni- versity, where he graduated in 1910 with the degree of Doctor of Laws. For many years he has been a mem- ber of the Board of Education and has belonged to the Board of Directors of the Instituto Paragnayo; in 1908 he was appointed Prosecutor in the Criminal Courts and in the same year designated by Executive decree to occupy ad inte- HISPANIC NOTES 199 VI 200 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY rivi the post of Attorney General ; in 1912 he was elected Deputy to the Na- tional Congress and re-elected in 1913 and 1917 respectively, and in 1918 he was chosen President of the Chamber of Deputies. From 1913 until 1920 he was a member of the University Council. He had belonged to the Liberal Party since 1903 and had been on various occasions a member of the Central Committee : finally, in August, 1920, he was offered the portfolio of the Interior and thus became a member of the Cabinet of President Gondra. HISPANIC NOTFS BARBOSA PEDRO L. BARBOSA Physician. Pedro L. Barbosa, the son of Fran- cisco Barbosa was born on the thirtieth of April, 1890, in the city of Encarna- cion, where he received his primary education and entered the Colegio Na- cional; in 1904 he went to Asuncion and in the Capital won his Bachelor's degree at the early age of sixteen; in 1907 he began his medical studies in the University of Asuncion, but a year later the Medical School was tempo- rarily closed and he was compelled to abandon his career. He then joined the staff of El Dia- rto and re-entered the University to read Law, but in 1911 he left Paraguay on account of the Revolution of that year and went to Buenos Aires where AND MONOGRAPHS 201 VI 202 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI he found employment on the newspaper El Nacional. There his interest in Me- dicine was re-awakened and he entered the Medical School; in 1913, however, he returned to Asuncion and soon after- wards the Government granted him a scholarship enabling him to study in Europe. Near the end of that year he entered the Medical School of Geneva, but the outbreak of the Great War once more interrupted his studies and made his position critical, for his government stopped all scholarships. After many hardships he obtained a post on the Genevan newspaper Le Journal de Ge- neve and a few months later, thanks to the editor, he was appointed As- sistant in the Hospital, and finally graduated in 1917 as Doctor of Medi- cine in the Medical School of Geneva, presenting a thesis on Tachycardia pa- roxisfica. Before returning to Paraguay, Dr. Barbosa made a journey to Africa and visited several European countries; he remained in Monte Carlo during 1919 HISPANIC NOTES BARBOSA and reached Asuncion in 1920, where he was promptly appointed Physician of the Sanitary Zone in the fight against Hook-worm (Anquilostomiasis). He has written much, not only in the daily press as correspondent of El Dia- rio, but in pamphlets and articles on medical and psychological topics. AND MONOGRAPHS 203 VI DA ROSA ELTSEO DA ROSA Journalist; official. Eliseo Da Rosa, the son of Juan Da Rosa and Pilar Serqueira, was born on the fourteenth of June, 1883, in the city of Paraguari where he learned his letters and received his secondary education. In 1914 he went to Paris, attended the P.cole dcs Sciences Politi- ques, and graduated in 1917, receiving his diploma cum laudc in Economy and Finance. Before the end of the Great War he returned to his country and at once embraced the journalistic career. In January, 1918, he became editor- in-chief of El Diario of Astmcion, the oldest and most widely circulated news- paper of the city, in whose columns HISPANIC NOTES 205 VI 206 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY Senor Da Rosa writes on topics related to finance which is his special interest. He has held important official posts; he has been Secretary to the Mayor of Asuncion; he was Director General of Customs in 1917; Chief of Police of Asuncion during a few months in 1918, and in 1920 he was for the second time appointed to the position of Director General of Customs which he now holds. HISPANIC NOTES IRALA JOSfi IRALA Official; diplomat; law- yer; public man. Jose Trai.a, the son of Don Gero- nimo Irala and Doiia Rosa Gertrudis Fleitas, was born on the nineteenth of May, 1864, in the village of San Jose, where he began his education, but for his later studies went to Asuncion. There he attended the Colegio Nacio- nal and won his Bachelor's diploma in 1887. He entered the University and won the title of Public Agrimensor ; in 1893 he gained that of Notary Public. In 1901 he received the degree of Doc- tor in Jurisprudence on the acceptance of a thesis on Gohierno municipal pre- sented in 1898. While he was a student he look rin active and prominent part in politics : AND MONOGRAPHS 207 VI 208 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY in 1891 he was elected Deputy and served during the whole of that legisla- tive term; he was re-elected in 1895 "'""^ again in 1901, but resigned in both cases before the conclusion of the period to accept posts in the Admin- istration; in 1917 he was elected Se- nator for the term ending in 1921. He has held other government posi- tions : he has been Clerk in the At- torney General's office, Clerk of Courts, Judge in the Lower Criminal Court and also in the Commercial Court, Minister of Justice, Worship and Edu- cation; he has also been the diplomatic representative of his country before five European governments — Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, Holland and Switzerland. Dr. Irala has practised his profession in Asiuicion, with interruptions, for more than thirty years and has won a place in the front rank of Paraguayan lawyers. In 1900 and 190 1 he taught Civil Law in the University. He was an honorary VI HISPANIC NOTES IRALA member of tlie Sociedad de bencficen- cia del Paraguay and belonged to its Council until 1914 when Congress decreed the dissolution of all such societies. In his youth he was a member of the staff of La Democracia and wrote freely on public questions, but during recent years his writings have been confined to official matters. AND MONOGRAPHS VI LOPEZ DECOUD ARSENIO LOPEZ DECOUD Author; public man. Arskmio Lopf.z Decoud, the son of Benigno Lopez and Petrona Decoud, was born in the city of Asuncion, in June, i86S, but was educated in Buenos Aires at the Naval School where he graduated in 1887 with the rank of Ensign. On his return three years later to Paraguay he attended the Colcgio Nacional which granted him his Ba- chelor's degree in 1894. In 1895 he won the contest for the cliair of Geography of the American and European continents in the Co- lcgio Nacional of which subsequently he became Director and retained that post from 1900 to 1902. Meantime in 1894 he had been elected Deputy, re- HISPANIC NOTES 211 VI 2 12 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY elected in 1897 and in 1902 chosen member of the National Senate. He has held not only elective but also appointive posts;. in 1906 the Ex- ecutive appointed him Delegate to the Third Pan-.'\merican Congress; on the occasion of the commemoration of the Centenary of Argentine Independence (1910), he was appointed Plenipoten- tiary; in 1912 he was Mayor of the city of Asuncion, and in 1917 he was chosen Delegate to the International Confe- rence which took place in Havana. Sr. Lopez Decoud holds a high rank among Paraguayan writers and journal- ists : he has l)een editor-in-chief of lead- ing papers including El Progreso, La Preusa, Til Nacional and Figaro, and is the author of the following books: El fcminismo, 1901 ; El tcrccr Congreso Pan-Avicricano, 1906; Los interescs ar- geniinos en cl Paraguay, 191 1; Album grdfico del Paraguay: Un sigh de vida independiente, 1912; Oscar Wilde, 1915; Del deslierro, 191 5; Alfredo de Miisset, 1916. liiSl'ANlC NOTES y/ayi^u^c^^i^O^^ €^^ . COLMAN NARCTSO R. COLMAN Official; anthologist. Narciso R. Colman, the son of Juan V. Colman and Rosa Isabel Cuellar, was born on the twenty-ninth of Octo- ber, 1876, in Ibytymi but was educat- ed in the Capital at the Normal School which he attended from 1887 to 1889. He then went to Buenos Aires and obtained occupation as a telegraphist in the Buenos Aires-Rosario Railway and later had a similar post in the Buenos Aires-Pacinc Railroad;, in 1900 he was made Assistant Station Master; in 1901 he returned to Paraguay and was ap- pointed Chief of the Telegraph Service in the Postal Administration, a post which he held for nineteen consecutive years ; in 1920 he was promoted to the AND MONOGRAPHS 213 VI 214 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI office of General sub-Inspector of the Department. He has also acted in the judicial life of his country, occupying various posi- tions from Clerk of Court to that of Judge of the Criminal Court. Sefior Colman has studied Guarani, the native language of the most numer- ous Indian stock of Paraguay and still in general use throughout the country, and has published: Ocara Pofy (Wild flowers) an antholog\', containing more than seventy poems written in Guarani; Era (The seeding plot), a series of lectures in Guarani, in press. HISPANIC NOTES FERREIRA BENIGNO FERREIRA Public man; soldier; lazvyer. Benigno Ff.rriciija was born of humble parents in Isla Aveiro, Depart- ment of Eimpio, in the year 1846. He had his primary education in his own country, but in 1859 went to Argentina, and entered the historic Colcgio Nacio- nal of Concepcion del Uruguay (Pro- vince of Entre Rios) which in due time granted him his Bachelor's degree. He went on to Buenos Aires, read Law in the University and after a long inter- mission caused by the Paraguayan War, which drew him from his books in 1865 and kept from returning to them until 1877, he won the degree of Doctor of Laws in 1880. The fighting had practically ceased AND MONOGRAPHS 215 VI 2i6 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY and a provisional government been organized in Paraguay in 1869. Under this he served as Commander of the Port of Asuncion, sub-Prefect and Chief of the National Guards of the ; Capital; in 1870 he was elected Deputy to the National Congress; in 1871 he was appointed Minister of War and in 1873 he was made Minister of the In- terior. In March of that year a revolu- tion broke out, headed by General Ber- nardino Caballero, and the governmental forces under Major Gonzalez were defeated at Jabibiry. Thereupon the , President of the Republic put Doctor Ferreira in command of tlie regular forces which conclusively defeated the revolutionists on June i8th. In January 1 1874, a new revolution broke out with the object of deposing Dr. Ferreira, but he, in fact, had already resigned, had returned to Argentina and resumed his law studies. j For the next twenty years he remain- ed in Buenos Aires, studying and prac- tising Law, but having returned to his VI HISPANIC NOTES FERREIRA country in 1895 he became the President of the Liberal Party and in the same year was appointed Justice of the Superior Court of which he was later chosen Presiding Judge. He had retired to private life when the Revolution of August, 1904, was organized, but he accepted the direction of the movement and the command of the revolutionary army. The Revolu- tion prospered and as soon as peace was re-established in 1906 Gen. Ferrei- ra was elected President of the Repub- lic. Two years later another revolution put an end to his government and he again withdrew to Buenos Aires. Never- theless, during his Administration he had accomplished much ; he had sur- rounded himself with capable men; Ije had brought the railway question to a settlement and the lines had been extended to a junction with the Argen- tine lines, thus finally 'establishing rail- road commimication between the two republics ; through the mediation of the Argentine Government he had post- 217 AND. MONOGRAPHS VI 2l8 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY poned the boundary question with Bo- Hvia and obtained the foundation by foreign capitaHsts of the Banco de la Republica on a sohd basis. Gen. Dr. Benigno Ferreira is married to Doha Carmen Mora, a grand- daughter of Don Fernando de la Mora, one of the leaders of the Paraguayan Independence movement, and lives in Buenos Aires. VI HISPANIC NOTKS PEREZ JOS£ ANTONIO P£REZ Lawyer. Jose Antonio Perez, the son of Jo- se del Carmen Perez and Juana Rosa Acosta, was born on the nineteenth of March, 1878, in Pirayu, but obtained his education in Asuncion at the Colegio Nacional, where he received his Ba- chelor's degree in 1898, and in the Uni- versity where he won the degree of Doctor of Laws and Social Sciences in 1914 upon the presentation of a thesis on Modos de adqiiisicion de tierras fis- cales en el Paraguay. Upon receiving his diploma he enter- ed upon the practice of his profession and is counted among the leading Pa- raguayan lawyers. Meantime, before completing his studies, he was elected Deputy to the National Congress for a AND MONOGRAPHS 219 VI 220 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI period of three years, from 1905 to 1908, and in 1907 he was appointed Professor of American History in the Colcgio Nacional. There he taught, however, only during the years 1907 and 1908, and resigned to give his full time to his legal studies. He has contributed to various pe- riodicals and to such daily papers as El Civico and El Democrata; he is also the author of a pamphlet entitled El doc- tor Bac::, sii actiiacion politica dentro y flier a del pais, 1907. HISPANIC NOTES APONTE ADOLFO APONTE Lawyer; public man. Adolfo Aponte, the son of Juan Asencio Aponte and Carmen Fleytas, was born on the twenty-seventh of Oc- tober, 1873, in the city of Itape, but was educated in Asuncion at the Colcgio Na- cional, where he received his Bachelor's diploma in 1896, and the University which he entered in 1913. There he read law, and graduated in 19 17 with the degree of Doctor of Laws, presenting on that occasion a thesis on Propicdad litcraria. In 1908 he was elected Deputy to the National Congress and during his term of office introduced a bill for the re- gistration of literary property. After graduating he entered on the AND MONOGRAPHS 221 VI 222 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY practice of his profession and in 1915 was appointed to the post of Prosecutor in the Civil and Commercial Courts which he retained until 1920. VI HISPANIC NOTES CENTURION LEO CENTURION Dramatist; journalist. Leo Centurion, the son of Ciriaco Mario Centurion and Juana Torres Ro- mero, was born on the twenty- fourth of September, 1893, in the city of Con- cepcion and there was educated in the Church Schools. He began while he was a boy to write both for the press and for the stage, as he has continued to do until the pre- sent: as a journalist he has contributed to various periodicals including La Ra- son, Pegaso, of Montevideo, La Tribii- na, El Municipio and Cronica and has been editor of the last three. As a dramatist he has produced La ceiia dc los romanticos, a comedy in two acts, presented in the National Theatre of Asuncion in 1916; Final de nn ciicnto. AND MONOGRAPHS PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY a comedy, 1908; El huracan, a comedy of manners, 1920. He has also publish- ed A traves de un alma, a psychological novel, 191 1, and A traves del monoculo, a collection of critical and satirical articles, 1915. VI HISPANIC NOTES CiJ-^^^^X^ ^ < AYALA EUSEBIO AYALA Public man; teacher. EusEBio Ayala was born in the town of Barrero Grande, Paraguay, in 1875, and was educated in the Capital, at the Colegio Nacional where he obtained his Bachelor's degree in 1895, '^^^^ the University, which granted him the degree of Doctor of Laws in 1900 on the presentation of a thesis on El prc- supucsto nacional. Soon after graduation he entered upon his career as teacher in which he has won a high reputation : he taught for some time in the Colegio Nacional and there won the chair of Philosophy in open competition. Later he taught m the University, giving the courses in Political Law in 1905, Sociology, Penal AND MONOGRAPHS 225 VI 226 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY Law and Statistics in 1906, and in other years Political Economy which he still teaches. He is also a member of the University Council. Dr. Ayala has visited the United States and has travelled over Europe where he has passed much time in England and France, thus adding to his preparation for the important govern- mental posts which he has held : in 1909 he was Minister of Education and be- tween 1909 and 1912 served on oc- casions as Minister of Finance and Minister of Foreign Affairs — a post to which he was recalled in 1920 when President Gondra assumed power. Dr. Ayala has represented his country in various international congresses: in 1910 he went to The Hague as Delegate to the conference on International Money Orders; he headed the Para- guayan delegation to the Second Pan- American Scientific Conference at Washington in 1915; he was Delegate to the Pan - American Conference of Buenos Aires in IQ16 and also to the HISPANIC NOTES AYALA 227 Second Pan-American Financial Con- ference in Washington in 1919. He is vice-President of the Banco Mercantil of Paraguay. AND MONOGRAPHS 1 VI i 1 1 DUARTE JUSTO PASTOR DUARTE Physician. JusTO Pastor Duarte, the son of Pedro Duarte and Facunda Ramirez was born on the twenty-fifth of August, 1863, in the city of Hiaty, but for his schoohng went to Asuncion where he studied in the Colcgio Nacional and ob- tained his degree as Baclielor in 1883. Armed with this he went to Montevi- deo (Uruguay) and there entered the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery. He has twice been Rector of the Na- tional University of Asuncion, the first time in 1893 and the second in 1905 ; in 1897 he became titular Professor in the Medical School where he taught in vari- ous chairs for eleven years and retir- ed in 1908, having served as Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in 1902. HISPANIC NOTES 229 VI 230 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY Besides his formal relations with the Medical School he has done much for the public health : he founded the Emer- gency Hospital in 1903, being its first Director and a member of its Adminis- trative Council from that time until 1920; from 1899 to 1900 he was also a member of the National Board of Health and of the Council of Hygiene. He has served one term in the Na- tional Senate, HISPANIC NOTES ARCE ALEJANDRO ARCE Physician; teacher. Alejandro Arce, the son of Esta- nislao Arce and Candelaria Montes, was born on the nineteenth of March, 1883, in the city of Asuncion, and was educated there at the Colcgio Nacional, which granted him his Bachelor's degree in 1900, and the University where he won his degree of Physician and Surgeon in 1908. In 1903 and 1904, while he was still a student, he taught Chemistry in the Normal School of Asuncion and in 1905 he also taught the same subject in the Colegio Nacional. He has held important posts : for more than five years he was Head Physician in the Maternity Hospital and from 1907 to 1912, Physician of the AND MONOGRAPHS 231 VI 2^2 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY Emergency Hospital of Asuncion. He has been selected on various occasions to represent his country at international congresses : he was the Paraguayan Delegate to the Medical Congress which met in Buenos Aires in 1910 and was also Delegate to the Medical Congress held in Rio de Janeiro in 1918. From 1912 until 19 16 he was a mem- ber of the diplomatic corps of Paraguay and held the position of Secretary of Legation in Paris. At present be is Chief of Police of Asuncion. HISPANIC NOTES .^^^ ALBORNO PABLO ALBORNO Artist; teacher. Pablo Ai.borno, the son of Santiago Alborno and Asuncion Alfaro, was born on the seventh of June, 1877, in Asun- cion, but was educated in Montevideo where he studied at the School of Arts and Crafts and obtained honorable men- tion in the classes in Painting in 1889. On his return to Asuncion he studied art in the Institnto Paraguayo and in 1903 won the competition for a gov- ernment scholarship enabling him to go abroad to continue his studies. He elected to go to Kome and there worked with so much success that he had canvases hung in the Liternational Exhibitions both of 1905 and 1906. His attainments were recognized in Para- guay where he was appointed Director AND MONOGRAPHS 233 VI 234 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY of the National Academy of Fine Arts in 1909, Professor of Drawing and Painting in the Colegio Nacional in the same year and also Professor of Draw- ing in the Colegio San Jose. In the Centennial Exposition held at Buenos Aires in 1910 he was awarded a Silver Medal for his picture La parlida a las castas. Sr. Alborno is the author of the Pa- raguayan method of drawing (El di- bujo paragnayo), which he has set forth in sixteen charts graded for use in schools, and also of a series of paintings of the Founders of the Na- tion. VI HISPANIC NOTES SOLER JUAN JOS^. SOLER Lawyer; land-owner. Juan Jose Soler, the son of Enri- que Soler and Francisca Arevalo, was born on the twenty-third of June, 1880, in the city of Asuncion where he had his early education, but continued his studies in Argentina at the Normal School of Parana which granted him the title of Teacher in 1902. Six years later, after an active period of journal- ism and politics, he resumed his studies at the University of Asuncion where in two years he completed the required studies and obtained his degree as Doc- tor of Laws in 1910. Meantime he was occupied in acade- mic tasks : he taught in the Colegio Na- cional and the Law School and was a member of the National Board of AND MONOGRAPHS 235 VI 236 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI Education ; from 1903 to 1906 he was vice-Director General of Schools, and from 1906 to 1908 he served as Se- cretary to the President of the Repub- lic. Dr. Soler has played a conspicuous part as a journalist: he was one of the editors of El Civico until 1908 and a contributor both to tlie Rcvisla del Ins- tituto Paragnayo and the Revista del Gimnasio Paraguayo ; he was editor-in- chief of La Revista de Inslntccion Pri- viaria in 1903 and there published many articles on pedagogical topics; he has also written a number of pamphlets such as El bucn lector and La cvoln- cion de la cnsefiaiica secundaria en el pais. For the past eight years Dr. Soler has taken no part in public life, but has devoted himself to his profession and to the care of his extensive country properties. HISPANIC NOTES ^-...^^ CHIRIFE '37 ADOLFO CHIRIFE Soldier. Adolfo CniRii'E, the son of Manuel Chirife and Rufina Morales, was born on the sixth of May, 1878, in Asuncion and had his academic studies there at the Colegio Nacional, which granted him the degree of Bachelor in 1896; but for his professional training he went to Chile, entered the Military School and was made Second Lieut- enant in 1898. He continued for five years in the Chilean Army where he won his First Lieutenancy in 1903 and then returned to Paraguay; in the following year he was made Captain in the Paraguayan Army and went abroad to study German methods; there he served until 1907 in various branches of the German organi- AND MONOGRAPHS VI 238 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI zation — in the Sixth Rhine Infantry, the Fourth Machine-Gun Division and in the Upper School of Artillery. In 1907 he returned to Paraguay and was promoted to the rank of Major; in 1908 he was made Lieut. -Colonel and given command of the Third Regiment of Infantry; in 1912 he was placed in command of the troops which suppress- ed the insurrection of Col. Jara; in 191 5 he was promoted to be Colonel; in 1918 he was appointed Minister of War and has continued to hold that office under Presidents Franco, Mon- tero and Gondra. From 1915 to 1918 he served as Governor of the Department of Para- guari; he has served as Inspector of Military Schools, Member of the High Military Court and also as Presiding Judge of that tribunal. Colonel Chirife holds decorations be- stowed upon him by the Chilean and German governments. HISPANIC NOTES SISA M. ELISEO SISA Lawyer; official. M. Eliseo Sisa, the son of Mariano Sisa, a Spaniard, and Juana B. Corva- lan, a Paraguayan, was born on the. thirteenth of March, 1880, in Quiquio. He had his early education in the town of Ibycui and continued his studies in Asuncion, at the Colegio Nacional, where he won his degree as Bachelor in 1900, and the University, where he read Law. In 1900 he entered upon his career as a public official with a post as Clerk in the office of the Mayor of Asuncion; in 1901 he was appointed Clerk in the statistical department of the Banco Agricola; in 1904 Attorney for Poor Criminals (Defensor de reos pohres); in 1908 District Attorney; in 1913 Cri- AND MONOGRAPHS 239 VI 240 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY minal Judge, and in 1914 President of the Court of Juries. In the Revohition of 1904 he had an active part and enjoyed the rank of Captain of Infantry. Sr. Sisa has taught both in the Co- Icgio Nacional and the Colegio San Luis, occupying the chair of Roman History. In 1919 he was elected one of the Directors of the Iiistilulo Paragiiayo. HISPAiNIC NOTES .<f> J-t^^ DAHLQUIST JUAN R. DAHLQUIST Teacher; author. Juan R. Dahlquist, the son of Juan Enrique Dahlquist and Rosa Caballero, was born on the second of January, 1884, in San Isidro, Argentina, and began his education there at the pubhc schools and the Colegio Nacional of Pilar. In 1895, however, he removefl to Paraguay where in 1898 he entered the Normal School of Asuncion and obtain- ed the title of Teacher in 1901. He began at once to teach in the same school and taught also in Encar nacion, but in 1904 the government designated him to take advanced courses at the Normal School of Parana, Ar gentina, where he won the title of Nor- mal Professor in 1905. On his return to Asuncion he was appointed Inspector of the City Schools ; the next year he AND MONOGRAPHS 241 VI 242 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI was made Inspector General of Schools ; he taught in the "Normal School in 1906, and in the Colegio Nacional in 1908; in 191 1 he was appointed Princi- pal of the Normal School, a post which he still holds. He was one of the founders of the National Teachers' Association. Since 1915 he has been the editor of the Rc- vista do instrnccion primaria; he found- ed and edited La Enseiianza, the organ of the Teacher's Association, and also founded and conducted for several year^ an illustrated magazine for children called Kavnrc-i. Sr. Dahlquist has written man}- articles and pamphlets on educational topics: in La Tribuna of the first of January, 1920, he published the Histor}- of Public Instruction from 1870 until the present ; he wrote the History of the Normal School in Paraguay for El Pa- raguay, sn prcscnte y sii fiitnro, and is the author of Paginas de un maestro, Aventnras dc Ratoncito Perez, and La leyenda del Ihpakaa, a short story. HISPANIC NOTES PENA ATTLIO A. PE^A Naval Officer. Atilio A. Pena, the son of Angel D. Pena and Transito Machain, was born on the eighth of August, 1878, in Asun- cion and began his education there at the Colegio Nacional; but for his professional training he went to the Naval School of Chile, where he gained his first rank of Marine Guard in 1900. Returning then to his own country he won the succeeding steps of promo- tion to Ensign in 1902, Lieutenant in 1904, Commander in 1905 and Captain in 1908. He has been entrusted with important duties and missions : from 1905 to 1908 he was Prefect of Ports ; in 1908 he liad a confidential mission to Buenos Aires; du.ring the years 1910 to 1912 he AND MONOGRAPHS 243 VI 244 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI served as Sub-Secretary of War and the Navy; in 1914 he was Attorney for the War Department; in 1916 Military Judge; in 1914 he was sent to France on a mission to purchase armament, and in 1916 was appointed Professor of BalHstics in the Naval School. He has also fulfilled educational tasks: in 1908 he founded the National Machine Shops and brought from Chile two batteries of guns and six submarine mines; in 1909 he established the Naval School of Mechanics; in 1913 he was one of the founders of the Boy-Scouts and in the same year aided in establish- ing: the General Diaz School. HISPANIC NOTES CALCENA CARLOS CALCENA Lawyer; official. Carlos Calcena, the son of Augusto Calcena and Dolores Chirife, was born on the eleventh of November, 1876, in the city of Asuncion, v^^here he spent his youth and began his education at the Colcgio Nacional. For his profes- sional training he went to Buenos Aires and there won his degree of Doctor of Jurisprudence at the University in 1898. He returned to Paraguay where he entered on the practice of his profes- sion and soon thereafter was selected for government employment in high positions : in 1906 he was appointed At- torney General; from 1908 to 1910 he was Government Director of the Bank of the Republic; in 1909 he was the Paraguayan Delegate to the First Pan- AND MONOGRAPHS 245 VI 246 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI American Congress, held in Santiago : in 1910, Delegate to the First Scientific Congress, held in Buenos Aires, and in 191 1 he was appointed Minister of Pa- raguay in Buenos Aires. Since 191 1 Dr. Calcena has resided in Buenos Aires where he is engaged in the practice of the law and where, in 1918, he was elected President of the Paraguayan Club. HISPANIC NOIFS LARA CASTRO RAM6N LARA CASTRO Lawyer; public man. Ramon Lara Castro, the son of Jose Felix Lara and Ramona Oliva Castro, was born in the city of Asuncion in the year 1873, and there was educated at various schools and the University where he graduated with the degree of Notary Public. He had not yet finished his studies when in 1899 he was appointed Clerk in the Land Registry Bureau ; soon afterwards he was appointed Clerk of the Lower Civil Courts and served on more than one occasion also as Clerk of the Appellate Court ; in 1905 he was elected Deputy to the National Con- gress; in 1908 he was re-elected and at the termination of the period was once AND MONOGRAPHS m VI 48 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI more re-elected. During this term he was on leave, travelling in Europe, when he was chosen Senator for Villa- rrica, but did not take the seat, prefer- ring to continue in the Chamber of De- puties ; in 1914 he was appointed Gen- eral Postmaster, a post which he resign- ed to accept the duties of ]\Iinister to Brazil; in 1915 he was elected Senator and resigned his diplomatic post to serve, but in 1918 he returned to Rio de Janeiro as Minister and in June of that year was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary; in 1919 he was chosen Minister of Foreign Affairs and in 1920 served for a time as Minister of the Interior. Dr. Lara Castro is one of the found- ers of the Institnto Paraguayo, a mem- ber of the Paraguayan Society of In- ternational Law, and vice-Presidcnt of the National Council of Education; he is also a member of the Academy of History and of the Bar Association of Brazil and belongs to the National So- ciety of Geography of Rio de Janeiro. HISPANIC NOTES GONZALFZ NAVERO 2^9 EMILIANO GONZALEZ NAVERO Lawyer; ex-President of Paraguay. Emiliano Gonzalez Navero, the son of Don Nicanor Navero and Dofia Do- lores Gonzalez, was born on the sixteenth of June, 1861, in the city of Caraguatay, but was educated in the Capital, at the primary and secondary schools, and later at the University where he read Law. He has divided his life between the duties of administration — for he has oc- cupied many important governmental posts — and the political activities of the Liberal Party of which he is one of the founders and chosen leaders. In 1887 he was appointed Judge of the Lower Courts and after two years was promot- ed to be a member of the Superior Tri- AND^MONOGRAPHS VI 250 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY bunal of Justice in wliich post he re- mained until 1894; in 1895 he began his poHtical career proper, on being elected Senator; in 1905 he was called into the Cabinet as Minister of Fi- nance ; in the same year he was elected vice-President of the Republic and when the President died in 1908, he occupied the Presidential chair until the end of the period (1910). He served also as Provisional President of Paraguay dur- ing several months in 1912, in conse- quence of the revolutions of that year; in 1913 he was elected Senator for a second time and served until 1917 when he was appointed Minister of War and the Navy, and at the termination of his period of service in the Cabinet retired to resume the practice of the Law. VI HISPANIC NOTES VELASQUEZ ELADIO VELASQUEZ Magistrate. Eladio \^Ei.ASQrjEZ, the son of Hector Velasquez and Estefania Jimenez, was born in December, 1883, in the city of Asuncion and was educated there at the Colegio Nacional, where he won his Bachelor's diploma, and the Univer- sity, which granted him the degree of Doctor of Laws in 19 10. In 1908, when on the death of Pres- ident Benigno Ferrera, Emiliano Gon- zalez Navero succeeded to the Pres- idency, Sefior Velasquez was appoint- ed Secretary to the President, but soon retired to accept the appointment of Judge in the Lower Civil Courts; in 1910, upon the election of President Manuel Gondra, he was promoted to the Civil Appellate Court — a post which AND MONOGRAPHS 251 VI 252 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY he resigned in 1914; in March, 1917, he was elected Deputy to the National Con- gress and there was chosen vice-Pres- ident of the Cliamber ; finally, in 1919, President Montero appointed him Jus- tice of the Superior Court of Justice — the highest court in the Paraguayan judiciary — which he still holds. Dr. Velasquez is the author of a monograph on Prucha dc la filiacion na- tural and another on Organisacion de los tribnnalcs; he has also written many articles on judicial subjects. He was the founder and is the editor of the Boletin dc los trihunales, the official organ of the courts. VI HISPANIC NOTES ESCOBAR PATRICIO ALEJANDRINO ESCOBAR Soldier; public man. Patricio Alfjandrino Escobar, the son of Major General Patricio Escobar and Ignacia Garcete, was born on the twenty-fifth of November, 1874, in the city of Asuncion, but was educated in Argentina, at the primary schools of Buenos Aires, the Colegio Nacional and the National Military School where, after passing the preliminary ranks of Corporal and Sergeant, he graduated with the rank of Ensign of Cavalry in 1895. In 1896 he was made Adjutant of the San Rafael Brigade in the Argen- tine Army; in 1897 he returned to Pa- raguay and was immediately appointed Inspector in the First Cavalry Regi- AND MONOGRAPHS 253 VI = 54 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI ment ; his successive ranks in the Para- guayan Army are as follows : Lieu- tenant, in 1897; Captain, in 1900; Major, in 1904; Lieut. -Colonel, in No- vember, 1904; Colonel, in 1908; Briga- dier-General, in 1915. He has held official posts consonant with his military rank: in 1899 he was appointed Adjutant General and In- structor of the National Guards ; in 1900 he was promoted to be Second in Command of the barracks of Fuertc Olimpo ; in 1902 he became Commander of the First Cavalry Regiment; in 1904 he was made a member of the General Staff; in 1906 he was Judge of the Military Court and in the same year was selected to go to Europe as Se- cretary of the Committee appointed for the acquisition of armaments, but was unable to go ; in 1909 he was promoted to be Inspector General of the Army, a post which he resigned in 191 1 on account of the Revolution of that year, but was newly appointed to the same office in May, 1912; in 1913 he was HISPANIC NOTES ESCOBAR Presiding Judge of the High MiUtary Court and of the MiUtary Court of Appeals ; in the same year he entered the Cabinet, accepting the portfoHo of War and the Navy, but in 191 5 return- ed to his former position as Inspector General of the Army with the additional duties of Chief of the General Staff, and in 1917 was again offered the post of President of the Superior Military Tribunal, but did not accept it, pre- ferring to continue in his former posi- tion. Gen. Escobar has shared in several revolutions : as to the Revolution of 1904 — he had resigned from the Army before it broke out and was thus free to participate in the movement, which he headed as Commander of the Third Krigade and later as Chief of Staff; when the Revolution of 1908 occurred he was in the service, but succeeded in taking part in the fighting; the Re- volution of 191 1 counted him among its leaders, but on the termination of the struggle he was reincorporated in the AND MONOGRAPHS 255 VI 256 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI army and appointed Inspector General, a post which he holds at present. Gen. Escobar is joint-author of the Ley orgdnica viilitar and of the project for a reform of the Ley del servicio mi- litar obligaforio which he introduced as a bill in the Chamber of Deputies when he was Minister of War. HISPANIC NOTES REBAUDI ARTURO REBAUDI Physician. Arturo Rebaudi, the son of Antonio Rebaudi and Octavia Balestra, was born on the ninth of October, 1858, in the city of Asuncion, where he began his education, but for his professional training he went to Italy. There he spent the years from 1871 to 1883 studying in the "Carlo Alberto" Royal College of Pisa and the Medical School of Flo- rence where he graduated as Physician and Surgeon in 1883. The year after finishing his course he won the competition for the post of Staff Physician in the Children's Hospital of Florence, which he retained for two years ; then he sailed for Bue- nos Aires, where soon after his arrival, AND MONOGRAPHS 257 YI 258 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY in 1886, he was appointed Physician in the Italian Hospital. Although he had been away from Paraguay for many years his attain- ments had won him the appreciation of his countrymen, and the Government appointed him Paraguayan Delegate to the First Latin-American Medical Con- gress, which met in Buenos Aires in 1904. He has continued to live in Buenos Aires where he has published many pamphlets on medical and surgical topics and has also written two books, controversial in nature, on the Para- guayan War (1865-70) : Giicrra del Pa- raguay, Conspiracion, and Gncrra del Paraguay (Veneer morir), Buenos Aires, 1920. HISPANIC NOTES ROJAS LIBERATO MARCIAL ROJAS Public man; cx-Pres- ident of Paraguay. LiBERATO Marcial Rojas, the son of Gorg-onio Rojas and Avelina Cabral, was born on the seventeenth of August, 1870, in Asuncion and educated there at the Colegio Nacional and the Univer- sity which granted him the degree of Surveyor in 1889. His career lias had two aspects — of journalist and public man: as early as 1885, when he was a boy of fifteen, he began to write for the papers and con- tinued to play an active part as a writer and a journalist for thirty-seven years, until he assumed office as President of the Republic in 1912. His public career also began early : ih 1887 he united with others to found AND MONOGRAPHS '59 VI 26o PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI the Liberal Party of which he continued to serve as one of the directors until he became President. Meantime he play- ed an important part in the Revolution of 1904 which was promoted by the Liberal Party ; he was one of the lead- ers of the movement and commanded the cruiser Pafria of the revolutionary flotilla. In the following year he was elected Deputy to Congress; in 1908 he was chosen Senator by the united vote of Liberals and Republicans,, and in 191 1 was elected President of Paraguay. His election came at a troubled period in the national history and he retained office for only a brief period, being overthrown l)y a revolution in February, 1912. Sr. Rojas lives at present in Monte- video. HISPANIC NOTES PENA 261 MANUFX PEfTA Physician; public man. Manuel Pena, the son of Jaime Pena and Serapia Rojas, was liorn on the sixteenth of May, 1887, in Asuncion and received his academic education there at the Colcgio Nacional, but for his professional training he went abroad and studied at the University of Paris which conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Medicine and Surgery in 1913. ' On his return to Paraguay, Dr. Pefia was received with many signs of ap- preciation; he was made Professor of Histology and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in the University, Head of the National Hospital, and Director Gen- eral of the National Department of AND MONOGRAPHS VI 26: PARAGUAYAiNS OF TO-DAY VI Hygiene — a post which he held until 1920. In 1913 he was chosen to represent his country at the Pan-American Congress which met in Lima; in 1914 he was elected Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medicine of Lima, ar.d in 1919, after serving for several years as a member of the Board of Directors of the Giinnasio Paraguayo, he was chosen its President. Dr. Pefia has also been honored by political preferment: in 1919 he was elected Deputy to the National Congress where he served on the Foreign Rela- tions Committee, and in 1920 he was ap- pointed Minister of Foreign Relations. HISPANIC NOTES OBELAR RAIMUNDO D. OBELAR Teacher. Raimundo D. Ojselar, the son of Ce- lestino Obelar, was born on the fif- teenth of March, 1878, in Asuncion and was educated there in the schools of the city, the Colcgio Nacional and the Normal School which granted him the title of Teacher in 1901. He entered at once on the practice of his profession, teaching in the pri- mary schools, secondary schools and the Normal School until he completed the period of fifteen years' service which entitled him to a retiring pen- sion. From 191 1 to 1916 he served in the Statistical Department in the Na- tional Council of Education. He is the author of Vocobiilario Gua- rani which has gone through several editions. AND MONOGRAPHS 263 VI MIGONE LUIS E. MIGONE Bacteriologist; physician. Luis E. Migone was born in 1876 in Asuncion and was educated there at the primary schools, the Colegio Nacional and the University wliich granted him the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1903. As a student he had taken special interest in bacteriology and had col- laborated with Dr. Elmassian, the head of the National Bacteriologicallnstitute, in a study of the Tripanosomiasis pare- siante de los equinos. In 1904 the gov- ernment sent him abroad to continue his studies : he went to Paris and pursu- ed his investigations on the Tripanoso- miasis at the Pasteur Institute. On his return to Asuncion in 1907, he was made Chief of the Bacteriological HISPANIC NOTES 265 VI 266 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY Institute and Professor of Bacteriology and Zoology in the Medical School where he continued until the school was closed in 1908 and resumed his courses when it re-opened its doors in 1915. Meantime Dr. Migone devoted him- self to the practice of his profession and to bacteriological research, espe- cially in those diseases which are endemic or peculiar to Paraguay: in 1913 he published, in the annals of the Society of Exotic Pathology, a study on La Icishmaniosis amcricana, com- monly known in Paraguay as " Buba." He published also in the same journal in 1913 a case of Kala-Azar, believed to be the only case hitherto known in America. At the Second Pan-American Scientific Congress which met in Wash- ington in 1916 he presented a study on the blood of the birds, fishes and rep- tiles of Paraguay, and another on the parasites of the A sclepiadacecB . In 191 7 he read a paper at the Congress of Me- dicine of Buenos Aires on our know- ledge of the l)actcriology of Leprosy. Tn HISPANIC NOTES 1 MIGONE 1918 he was commissioned by the Gov- ernment to make a study of the sanitary conditions in some of the districts in the North of Paraguay and he then made a report on the distribution of Lcishmaniosis, Anquilostomiasis, Articu- lar Rheumatism, Conjunctivitis, Leprosy and other diseases, setting forth in gen- eral terms, the means of combating these ailments. In 19 1 4 he was made a Correspond- ing Member of the Sociedad de patolo- gia exotica of Paris, and in 1919 he was elected President of the Gimnasio Paraguayo. AND MONOGRAPHS 267 VI -^^s^"^^;^ USHER MARIO USHER Journalist; official. Mario Usher, the son of Jorge Ra- mon Usher and Melchora Genes, was born on the eighteenth of June, 1884, in the city of Asuncion and was educat- ed there at the Colegio Nacional where he obtained the Bachelor's degree in 1898. His career has had two aspects — of journaHst and public man. He has played a part in the political struggles of his time and is deeply versed in political methods. Among the offices which he has held are Cashier of the Conversion Fund — now extinct, National Treasu- rer pro tern, Head of the Section of Administration in the National Postal and Telegraph Service, Military Gov- HISPANIC NOTES 269 VI 270 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI ernor of the Misiones Territory, and Chief of PoUce of Asuncion. Sr. Usher has also had a long- ex- perience in. political journalism and is at present Editor-in-Chief of El Nacio- nal, the official organ of the Liberal Party. HISPANIC NOTES ODRIOSOLA RICARDO ODRIOSOLA PJiysician. RiCARDO Odriosola, the son of Sil- vestre Odriosola and Asuncion Ortella- do, was born on the thirty-first of July, 1876, in Asuncion and there was educat- ed at the schools of the city, the Cole- gio Nacional and the University where he received his degree as Doctor of Medicine in 1904. After obtaining his degree he went abroad to continue his studies and at- tended the University of Naples. There he served as Assistant in the Children's Clinic and on returning to Asuncion entered immediately upon a career of success: in 1906 he was appointed to a Professorship in the Medical School and in the School of Pharmacy; he was made Physician to the Police Depart- AND MONOGRAPHS 71 VI 272 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY ment and Secretary to the Department of Hygiene; in 1908 he removed to Ar- gentina, but in 191 1 returned to Para- guay, resumed his practice and was soon afterwards appointed Head of the De- partment of Hygiene; in 1915 he was made Head of the Children's Ward in the National Hospital; in 1919 he was Delegate to the Second American Child Conference held in Montevideo. At present he is Head of the National Hospital, a member of the Executive Committee on Health charged by the government with combating the diseases endemic in Paraguay; he is a member of the South American Bacteriological Society and of the Pediatric Society of Naples. He is the author of various articles and pamphlets on medical subjects including one on Anqnilostomiasis en los nifios and his doctoral thesis on La discnicria en el Paraguay. HISPANIC NOTES GOIBURU ROMULO GOIBURtr Public man. RoMULO GoiP.URU, the son of Vicente Goiburii and De Jesus Irala, was born on the nineteenth of May, 1883, in the town of San Jose, but was educated in Asuncion where he attended the Cole- gio Nacional. He entered poHtical life at an early age and when he was twenty-six won his election to the Chamber of Deputies, where he has held his seat for three consecutive terms and is now President of the Chamber. During his service as a Deputy he has introduced a number of bills of impor- tance including one to define the rights of witnesses, another to determine the rules for granting pensions and a third on the revision of the Constitution. AND MONOGRAPHS '73 VI c^^ t^(^^ ROMERO GENARO ROMERO Public official. Genaro Romero, the son of Cipriano Romero, was born on the nineteenth of September, 1884, in the city of Concep- cion and was educated there at the Co- legio Nacional. He has held a member of official posts: he was Clerk in the Ministry of Foreign Relations in 1902; Chief pro tcm of the Bureau of Immigration and Colonization in 1908; sub-Secretary pro tern of the Ministry of Foreign Rela- tions in 1916, Head of the Section of Lands and Colonics from 1917 until the present. From his early youth Seiior Romero has been a writer : he has long been a con- tributor to El Municipio of Conccpcion, the oldest newspaper in Paraguay ; he HISPANIC NOTES 275 VI 276 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY writes occasionally for papers in other cities and is special correspondent of the Pan-American l^nion of Wash- ington. Sefior Romero has not only written for the press, but is also the author of the following books and pamphlets: In- formcs sobre las Colonias, 191 1; Repa- iriacion, 1913; Conccpcion, siis progre- sos y sits neccsidadcs; Apnntes para cl inmigraute, 1914; Los prohlemas nacio- nalcs, 1915; Gu'ia del iumigrantc. 1920. VI HISPANIC NOTES SILVA DE AIRALDI C0NCEPCI6N SILVA DE AIRALDI Teache7\ CoNCF.PcroN SiLVA, the daughter of Cristobal Silva, was born on the nineteenth of September, 1879, in the city of Asuncion and was educated there at the Normal School where she obtain- ed,lier diploma as Teacher in 1898. She had already begun to teach be- fore obtaining her degree ; two years later, in 1900, she won, in competitive examination, the chair of Geometry in the Normal Schools ; later she taught Geography and Reading in the same school and in 1907 became Principal of the Normal School for Girls. She married Dr. Tomas Airaldi, who was also a teacher, lawyer and magis- trate, with whom she collaborated in his AND MONOGRAPHS -^77 VI 278 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY literary and intellectual labors until his death in 1920. Senora Silva de Airaldi is an occa- sional contributor to educational journals and is Treasurer of the Adela Speratti Club. HISPANIC NOTES MENDOZA PEDRO A. MENDOZA Soldier. Pedro A. Mendoza, the son of Lucia- no Mendoza and Consolacion Arias, was born on the thirteenth of May, 1S77, in tlie town of Luque and there began his education which he continued at the Co- legio Nacional of Asuncion and the Mihtary School of Santiago, Chile. He served for a time in the Chilean Army where he rose to be a member of the General Staff; later he went abroad and served in the German army; finally he entered the army of Paraguay where he won rapid promotion: in 1902, when he was twenty-five, he was made Lieute- nant ; he was promoted to be Captain in 1905, advanced to the rank of Major in the same year, made Lieutenant- Colonel in 1909 and Colonel in 1915. AND MONOGRAPHS •79 VI j8o PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY Col. Mendoza has seen service chiefly in connection with the numerous revolu- tions in Paraguay : he commanded an expedition against the revolutionists of 1909; on the other hand, he was a leader in the revolution against Col. Jara, com- manding a brigade until the engagement of Humaita; in the Revolution of 1911 he was Chief of the Northern forces; in 1912 he took part in the figh.ting at Luque, Asuncion and Paraguari. He has served as Professor in the Military School, Clerk of the High Court of Justice, Civil Governor of En- carnacion. Head of the Port Works, President of the School Board and Mem- ber of the Board of Agriculture. He holds the decoration of the Order of Merit bestowed upon him by the Chilean Government. VI HISPANIC NOTES CARDUS HUERTA GU ALBERTO CARDtJS HUERTA Lazvycr. GuALBERTO Cardus Huerta, the son of Antonio Cardus, a wealthy land- owner, was born on the twelfth of July, 1878, in Concepcion, where he began his education; but for his later studies he went to Asuncion and there obtain- ed the Bachelor's degree in 1896 and in 1900 that of Advocate in the Univer- sity. In the following year he was called into the faculty and taught Civil Law; he then taught Roman Law, with inter- ruptions caused by absence from the country, from 1904 until 1917 when he went to Europe for a prolonged stay. Meantime he had taken an active part in political affairs: he had been one of the managers of the Liberal Party ; he AND MONOGRAPHS 2«I VI 2b2 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI had also served in the Cabinet : he had been Minister of Foreign Affairs under President Gaona in 1904, and in the administration of Gonzalez Navero in 1908, Minister of Finance. The years from 1909 to 1912 he spent in Europe where he is at present. Dr. Cardi'is Huerta has played a part also in journalism as one of the found- ers and editors of El Diario and is the author of two well-known books — Pro Palria and Arado, plnma y cspada, both published in Barcelona in 191 1. {IISPANIC NOTES PENA PEDRO PERA Public man. Pedro Pena, the son of Manuel E. Pena and Francisca Cariete was born on the twenty-ninth of June, 1865, in Asuncion and had his early education there, but for his professional studies went to Buenos Aires where he obtain- ed the degree of Doctor of Medicine at the University Earlier than this he had taught at the Colegio Nacional in 1895 ; on returning with his degree to Asuncion he was made Professor in the Medical School, and in 1902 was appointed Rector of the University. He has held high political office : in 1902 he was for a brief period Minister of Foreign Affairs; he served sub- sequently as Minister to Brazil and in AND MONOGRAPHS 283 VI 284 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY 191 1 he held office as President of the RepubHc for a period of four months. He has also been President of the National Republican Party. VI HISPANIC NOTES ^c^ ISASI CARLOS LUIS ISASI Public man; land-ozvncr. Carlos Luis Isasi was born on the eighteenth of October, 1871, in Quiendi, Paraguay, but was educated in Asun- cion, at the Colegio Nacional, where he obtained the degree of Bachelor in 1892, and the University, which granted him the title of Doctor of Laws in 1902 when he presented a thesis entitled Po- Htica. Dr. Isasi lias had a career of varied activities : he has held academic and political office, has taken an active part in journalism, and has devoted much interest and attention to his extensive estates. He served as sub-Secretary of the University and taught in the Law School; from 1896 to 1904 he held a AND MONOGRAPHS .85 VI 286 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY seat in the Chamber of Deputies ; he has held a post in the Cabinet on three occasions — as Minister of Finance in 1906 under President Baez, as Minister of Justice and Education under Pre- sident* Ferreira (1Q06-1908), and also as Minister of Foreign Affairs in 191 1. He was President of the Civic-Liberal Party in 1914. VI HISPANIC NOTES PEREIRA ESTANTSLAO PEREIRA Teacher. EsTANiSLAO Pereira, the son of Jua- na J. Pereira, was born on the sixth of May, 1877 in Ibycui, but was educated in Asuncion, at the Normal School where he obtained his title as Teacher in 1898, and in Parana, Argentina, where he studied three years and won the diploma of Professor in 1902. He returned then to Paraguay and entered upon his profession which he has pursued with single-minded devotion: in 1903 he was appointed Principal of the Colegio Nacional of Concepcion and also Clerk in the Ministry of Education; in 1905 he was made General Inspector of Schools; in 1907, Principal of . the Normal School of Villarrica; in 1909, Principal of the Normal School of AND MONOGRAPHS VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY Asuncion; in 191 1, Superintendent of Schools and Chairman of the National Board of Education; in 1914, Professor in the Colcgio Nacional, and in 1919, Principal of the Colcgio. Sr. Pereira has been editor of the magazine of Primary Education, he teaches in private schools and is Pre- sident of the Teachers' Association. HISPANIC NOTES RECALDE DE RECALDE EMILIA RECALDE DE RECALDE Leader in zvorks of charity. Emilia Recalde, the daughter of Hi- lario Recalde and Maria de Jesus La- vierna Gasiaga, was born on the seventh of July, 1863, in the city of Asuncion. She was educated in the private schools of Asuncion and Buenos Aires and in 1883 was married to Rufino M. Re- calde. Her life has been largely occupied with works of charity: in 1888 she was a member of the Board of Managers of the Beggars' Asylum of Asimcion; in 1894 she was one of the founders of the Pro-Templo Society of Villarrica, and in 1918 she aided in founding the Na- tional Association of Ladies of Charity of which she is now the President. AND MONOGRAPHS 289 VI ROJAS JOSfi NATALICIO ROJAS Cliiirchman. Jose Natalicio Rojas, the son of Ni- colas Vicente Rojas and Florentina Ve- lazquez, was born on the ninth of May, 1866, in Valenzuela. He began his education in the school of Father Fidel Maiz, the confidante and advisor of the Dictator I.opez, but for his theological studies he entered the Seminary of Asuncion, where in 1890 he won the degree of Priest. His life in the church has been filled! with active service : immediately on leav- ing the Seminary he was made Priest of the parishes of Trinidad, Limpio and Luque; from 1892 to 1895 he was Parish Priest of Caacupe ; from 1895 until 1899 he was Diocesan Missionary; in 1899 he served as Priest of the Cathedral ; from HISPANIC NOTES 291 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY 1900 to 1904 he was Priest of San Igna- cio and Principal of a local school ; in 1905, Priest of the Church of the En- carnacion in Asuncion; from 1906 until 1915, Priest in charge of the Cathedral, and from 1916 until the present, Parish Priest of San Jose de los Arroyos. Father Rojas has served also as Secre- tary of the Curia, Examiner of the Junior Clergy and Synodal Judge. He is the author of an Atlas y mapa de la repiihUca del Paraguay which was acquired by the Government in 1913. VI HISPANIC NOTES ZUBIZARRETA JER6NIM0 ZUBIZARRETA Lawyer; public man. JeRONIMO ZUBIZARRETA, the SOIl of Doctor Ramon Zubizarreta, the first Rector of the University of Asuncion, and Catahna Lara, was born in Asun- cion where also he was educated, at the Colegio Nacional, which granted him the Bachelor's degree in 1896, and the Uni- v^ersity where he won his degree as Doc- tor of Laws with a thesis on Del bene- ficio de deliberar y de invcntario. He entered promptly upon the prac- tice of his profession and upon those political activities which have occupied much of his life. He joined the Liberal Party to which he has been constant, not only serving in its counsels but also acting with it in those revolutionary AND MONOGRAPHS 293 VI 294 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI movements to which it has felt obhged to resort from time to time. He has held high office: from 1909 to 191 1 he was a member of the Chamber of Deputies and opposed the administra- tion of President Jara with so much vigor that he was imprisoned and de- ported; in 1912, after the fall of Colonel Jara, he was appointed Minister of Finance in the Cabinet of President Schaerer and held that responsible post until 1914; in 1917 he was elected Sena- tor and continues in office, and in 1918 he was appointed Head of the Bureau of Conversion where also he continues until the present. In 1910 he was honored by being made the representative of Paraguay at the Argentine Centenary. HISPANIC NOTES RIART LUIS ALBERTO RIART Lawyer; public man. Luis Alberto Riart was born in Villa Florida, Paraguay, on the twenty- fifth of June, 1880, and was educated in the Capital at the Colegio Nacional, where he won his Bachelor's degree in 1898, and the University, where he read Law. On leaving the University he began to teach in the Colegio Nacional; in 1908 he was advanced to the Chair of Forensic Practice in the Law School which he still holds; he has also taught Administrative Law and has served on the Upper Council of the University. In 1913 he was elected Senator and held his seat until 1916 when he was called into the Cabinet by President Franco as Minister of the Interior. This AND MONOGRAPHS 295 296 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY post he resigned in 1919, but during his term of service he proposed and support- ed the reform of the electoral law which was enacted and is in force. In 1920 he was elected Deputy and retains his seat in the Chamber. He has been a member of the Execu- tive Committee of the Liberal Party on several occasions and from 1910 to 191 5 was the President of the Instituto Pa- raguayo. VI HISPANIC NOTES GAMARRA MANUEL GAMARRA Churchman. Manuel Gamarra, the son of humble fanner parents, was born in Lambare, near Asuncion, on the fourteenth of November, 1888. He began his education in the Capital, where he attended the Colegio Nacional and the Sem'inary which granted him the degree of Priest in 1909. In 1913 he went abroad to continue his studies at the University of Louvain but they were interrupted by the Ger- man invasion in 1914. Father Gamarra's duties have includ- ed those of Vicar of the Church of the Incarnation of Asuncion, Vicar of the Cathedral, of which he was also Rector, Ecclesiastical Notary of the Diocese and AND MONOGRAPHS 297 VI 298 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY Parish Priest of Itaugiia wliere he is still in charg-e. He has published several articles and lectures on the European War of which he was an immediate witness ; he has taken part in controversies of a religious character and in defence of Marshal Lo- pez, and from 1915 to 1917, he edited the Catholic newspaper Los Principios. VI HISPANIC NOTES DOMiNGUEZ MANUEL DOMINGUEZ Public man; aniJwr. Manuel Domincuez, the son of Con- cepcion Dominguez, was born in 1869 in the city of Asuncion and was eckicat- ed there at the Colegio Nacional, where he obtained his Bachelor's degree in 1890, and the University, which grant- ed him the degree of Doctor of Laws in 1899 on the presentation of a thesis on La traicion a la pafria. Doctor Dominguez has had a varied and noteworthy career in which he has distinguished himself as a teacher, lawyer, Minister of State and author. He began to teach in 1889 at the Cole- gio Nacional where he continued until 1915, giving courses in many subjects including Arithmetic, Geography, Zoo- logy, Roman History, Paraguayan His- AND MONOGRAPHS 300 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY tory, Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene. In 1904 he was appointed Professor of Constitutional Law, a chair which he retained until 1906: he served also for brief periods as Rector of the Univer- sity and Chief of the National Archi- ves, in which post he published El Ar- chivo N^acional. His career as public man began in 1896 when he was elected Deputy; in 1902 he was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Cabinet of Pres- ident Carvallo; a few months later he became vice-President in the new admi- nistration headed by Colonel Juan An- tonio Escurra — a post which he held until the government was overthrown in the Revolution of 1904; in 191 1 he was again called into the Cabinet of Colonel lara where he served as Minister of Justice and Education and also as Minister of Finance; from 1908 until 1912 he served as Envoy Extraordinary to Bolivia to treat the question of boundaries. Dr. Domingucz has a high reputation VI HISPANIC NOTES DOMINGUEZ in his native country as an orator and as a writer. As a writer his reputation rests not only upon his work as a journal- ist, in which he continues active until the present, but also upon his achievements as the author of pamphlets and books, among which are the following- : Las es- cuelas en el Paraguay, 1897; Discusidn sohre filologia etnogrdfica y gcografia historica, a controversy with the Italian ethnologist Boggiani, 1899; Estudio so- bre la Alldntida del doctor Diogenes De- cond, 1901 ; Caria al doctor Cccilio Bdez sohre Marcelino Menendez y Pelayo, 1902; El algodon, su produccion en el Paraguay, 1903 ; El cnervo y Las campa- nas a study of the two well-known poems of Edgar Allan Poe, 1908; La Nacion, 1908; Esiado de sitio, 1909; La constitucion del Paraguay, a commen- tary, 3 vols., 1909-1912; Internipcion de prescripcion, declaratoria de hcredcros, 1912; Rafael Barret, a critical study, 1912; Raices guaranies; Vocacion here- ditaria del nieto natural, 1913; Paraguay- Bolivia, the boundary question, iC)iy;El AND MONOGRAPHS 301 VI 302 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY abna de la raza, a collection of articles, 1918; Lo que fuimos y lo que scrcmos, 1920. All of these were published in Asuncion. VI HISPANIC NOTES wCy^S^^ AYALA ELIGIO AYALA Public man; teacher. Eligio Ayala was born on the fourth of December, 1880, in the town of Mbu- yapey and there began his education which he continued in Asuncion, at the Colegio Nacional and the University, which granted him the degree of Doctor of Laws in 1908 on the presentation of a thesis upon La soberania popular. He had ah-eady begun to teach in the Colegio Nacional where, from 1904 until 1910, he gave courses in Arithmetic, Philosophy, Civil Government, Practical Morals, Psychology and Logic. He has also taught the course in Commercial Mathematics at the Instituto Para- guayo. Still earlier, in 1901, he had begun to hold public office : in that year he AND MONOGRAPHS 303 VI 304 VI PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY held the position of Attorney for the Indigent; in 1902 he was also Attorney for the Absent; in 1905 he was appoint- ed Civil Judge ; subsequently he served as Municipal Attorney, and in 1909 he was elected Deputy , He has been a member of the Liberal Party from his youth and took part in the Revolutions of 1904 and 191 1. In the latter year he made a voyage to Europe and remained there, occupied in travel and study, until 1919. On his return he was elected Deputy and retained his seat until August, 1920, when he was selected by President Gon- dra as Minister of Finance. HISPANIC NOTES DECOUD HfiCTOR F. DECOUD Journalist; author. Hector F. Df.coud, the son of Colonel Juan Francisco Decoud and Concepcion Domecq, was born on the ninth of July, 1855, i" Asuncion and there began his ■education which was cut short by the War against the Triple Alliance (1865- 1870). In 1882 he was appointed District At- torney, but resigned this post in the fol- lowing year on being elected Deputy to the National Congress where he retained his seat during the full period of four years. Sefior Decoud has written much, both in the press, where he also served as editor of El Heraldo in 1884 and of La Repitblica in 1890, and in books: He is the author of Compendio de gcografia e AND MONOGRAPHS 305 VI 3o6 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY VI historia del Paraguay, 1896 and 1901, which was adopted for use in the schools and was awarded the Gold Medal in the Brussels Exposition. He has now in preparation a historical work entitled Una dccada dc liistoria nacional des- piics de la guerra. HISPANIC NOTES RAMIREZ J. ISIDRO RAMIREZ Laivyer; Official. J. IsiDRO Ramirez was born on the fifth of April, 1883, in Santiago, Para- guay, and was educated in the Capital, at the Colegio Nacional, where he gain- ed his degree as Bachelor in 1903, and the University, which granted him the degree of Doctor of Laws in 1907 on the presentation of a thesis on El divor- cio en el Paraguay. He was still a student when he was appointed to his first post — that of As- sistant-Secretary to the President — in 1902. After obtaining his degree he began to practise law and in 1910 was appointed Justice of the Civil Appellate Court to which he was re-appointed in AND MONOGRAPHS 3o8 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY 1914 and from which he resigned to resume his private practice. Dr. Ramirez is the author of Cuestio- nes fcrroviarias and of Idealcs politicos, a pamphlet. VI HISPANIC NOTKS /^w^^<^ ROJAS 309 MANUEL ROJAS A. Soldier. Manuel Rojas, the son of Aniceto Rojas and Patrocina Acosta, was born in the town of Luque on the sixteenth of March, 1878. After receiving his academic ediication at the Colegio Na- cional of Asuncion, he went to Chile for his professional training, studied at the Military School and won the rank of First Lieutenant of Cavalry. He returned to Paraguay and in 1905 was made Professor of Horsemanship in the Military School of Asuncion; from 1905 to 1908 he served as Chief of the Technical Department of the General Staff; in 1909 he was Secretary in the Ministry of War, and -in 1915 he was promoted to the rank of Colonel. Col. Rojas has held military commands AND MONOGRAPHS VI 310 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY as Governor of the First and Second Military Zones ; he has been Head of the Military Commission to acquire armament in Europe, and has been President both of the Upper Military Court and of the Appellate Military Court. VI HISPANIC NOTES MOSQUEIRA 311 SILVANO MOSQUEIRA Diplomat; author. SiLVANO MosQUEiRA was born in September^ i875j in the town of Cara- pegui, a place lacking in educational opportunities. Force of circumstances compelled him to rely upon his own resources, and he is, by his own account, a " self-made man." Early in life he went to the capital and there entered into the political and journalistic activities in which he has found his career. From 1901 until the end of 1902 he was secretary to the Mayor of Asuncion; from January 1903 until December 1904 he was Keeper of the National Archives, and then returned to his former post in the Mayoralty which he retained until 1908. Four years later he was appointed AND MONOGRAPHS VI 312 PARAGUAYANS OF TO-DAY Secretary of Legation at Washington, and remained there until the outbreak of the Great War in 19 14, when he was trans- ferred to Rio de Janeiro with the rank of Charge d' Affaires. In 19 18 he was called to Asuncion to take charge of the Political and Diplomatic division of the Department of State, a position which he held until 1920, when he was again ap- pointed Charge d' Affaires in Brazil, and returned to his former post in Rio de Janeiro. Sehor Mosqueira has won a high place among Paraguayan authors. As early as 1902 he pubHshed in Asuncion a volume entitled Ensayos, which was favourably received; five years later a second volume of papers appeared with the title Pdginas Sueltas ; in 1908 he issued a volume of studies of Paraguayan life entitled Semblanzas Paraguayas, and in 1913 he published in Washington a volume of more general studies called Ideales. VI HISPANIC NOTES ALPHABETICAL INDEX ALPHABETICAL INDEX Abente Haedo, Victor 127 Acebal, Eniilio i25 Acosta, Evaristo 63 Airaldi, Concepcion S. de 2'^'^ Alborno, Pablo 2 33 Antiinez, AdolCo F ic^ Aponte, Adoll'o 221 Aponle, J. Alfredo 5i Arce, Alejandro 23 1 Ayala, Eligio 3o3 Ayala, Enrique 77 Ayala, Eusebio 226 Baez, Cecilio 11 Barbero, Andres 1 1 5 Barbosa, Pedro L 201 Benza, Juan B gB Bertoni, Guillermo Tell igS Bobadilla, Pedro 176 Bogarin, Juan S n Bordenave, Enrique 167 Brizuela, Francisco A 87 Calcena, Carlos 245 Campos, Alfonso B 35 Cardozo, Baraon 1 177 Cardiis Huerta, Gualberto 281 Casco Espinosa, Fermin ^7 AND MONOGRAPHS VI 3M ALPHABETICAL LNDEX Centurion, Fernando 85 Centurion, Leo 3a3 Chamorro, Delfin 1 85 Chaves, Francisco C 1 89 Chaves, Manuel \V 55 Chirife, Adolfo 287 Codas, Daniel 67 Codas, Federico io3 Colman, Narciso W a i3 Crovatto, Gustavo 75 Dahlquist, Juan R 2/11 Da Rosa, Eliseo 2o5 Diivalos, Serafina 1 87 Dccoud, Hector F 3o5 Dominguez, Manuel 2qg Duarte, Cristobal 1 5g Duarte, Justo P 229 Duarte, INIanucI J 57 Escobar, J . Renigno ' Oi^ Escobar, Patricio Alejandrino 253 Farina Nutiez, Elov 3i Ferreira, Renigiio 2i5 Frcire Eslevez, Gouies 37 Gamarra, Manuel, 297 Gaona, Juan R io5 Garcia, Federico 3r) Gasperi, Luis de 73 Godoi, Juansilvano l5 (joiburu, Honiulo 273 Gondra, Manuel i Gonzalez, Felicidad Maria ig Gonzalez, Teodosio 37 VI HISPANIC NOTES ALPHABETICAL INDEX PAGE Gonzalez Navero, Emiliano 3^9 Guggiari, Jose P 199 Guggiari, P. Bruno 45 Ibarra, Rogelio 79 Insfran, Pablo Max 89 Irala, Jose 207 Isasi, Carlos L 286 Jimenez, Eulogio 61 Lara Casiro, Ramon 2^7 Legal, Jose Tomas 83 Lopez, Venancio V 21 Lopez Dccoud, Arscnio 211 Lugo, Eusebio A 1 55 Mallorquin, Juan L 65 Mendoza, Pedro A 279 Migone, Luis E 265 Monte, J uan 33 Montero, Jose P i5i Moreno, Fulgencio l\ i63 Nacimiento, Juan B 43 Obelar, Raimundo 1) a63 Odriosola, Ricardo 271 O'Leary, Juan E 1 13 Ortiz, Jose Antonio i ig Paiva, Felix gS Pefia, Atilio A 2'|3 Pena, Manuel 261 Pena, Podro 283 AND MONOGRAPHS 315 VI ;i6 VI ALPHABETICAL INDEX PAGE Pereira, Estanislao 287 Perez, Jose Antonio 219 Perez, Juan Francisco 179 Pinho, Enrique L i83 Ramirez, J. Isidro 807 Kainirez, Juan Vicente laS Rebautli, Arturo 267 Rehaudi, Ovidio 187 Recalde, Emilia R. de 289 Recalde, Juan F 109 Riart, Luis Alberto 296 Riquelme, Manuel 129 Roa, Hermencgildo 171 Rodriguez Alcala, Teresa L. G. de 71 Rodriguez Santos, Carlos 119 Romero, Genaro 276 Rojas, Liberate Marcial 209 Rojas A . , Manuel 3og Rojas, Jose Natal icio 291 Rojas, Teodoro 157 Saguier, Pedro 91 Samudio, Juan A i35 Schaerer, Eduardo iCi Schenoni Lugo, Manli 1/41 Sisa, I\L Eliseo 289 Soler, Juan Jose 235 Sosa, Antonio i45 Sosa Escalada, Juan Manuel igS Sosa Escalada, Marcial i3i Stefanich, Juan 81 Usher, Mario 369 Velazquez, Eladio 261 HISPANIC NOTES ALPHABETICAL INDEX 317 PAGE Velazquez, Ernesto ^9 Velazquez, Hector 170 Vera, Justo Pastor 191 Zabala, Eliseo loi Zubizarreta, Jeronimo 298 Moiqueira, Silvano 311 AND MONOGRAPHS VI PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN By HAZELL, WATSON AND VINEY, LD., LONLON AND AYLESBURY. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Thisbf>«k :- T>TT ■ '" ♦•v- '-* -1-' • ^. n-o -•-- UNIVERSITY of CAT.t^'^'^NIa AT LOS ANGELES UBRARY HISPANIC SOCIETY AMEF L 006 1 28 1 62 2 OF AMERICA