K.v l-\] \.fi «fi\ '.V VJi>*lft^- f'r,^ m rHEBOOK OF DIGNITIES; CONTAINING LISTS OF THE OFFICIAL PEKSONAGES OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE, CIVIL, DIPLOMATIC, HERALDIC, JUDICIAL, ECCLESIASTICAL, MUNICIPAL, NAVAL, AND MILITARY, FROM THE EARLIEST PERIODS TO THE PRESENT TIME: TOGETHER WITH THE SOVEREIGNS AND RULERS OF THE WORLD, FROM THE FOUNDATION OP THEIR RESPECTrVE STATES; PHE ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD OF THE UNITED KINGDOM & INDIA AND NUMEROUS OTHER LISTS. FOUNDED ON BEATSON'S POLITICAL INDEX (1806); RE-MODELLED, AND BROUGHT DOWN TO 1851, BY THE LATE JOSEPH HAYDN; CONTINUED TO THE PRESENT TIME, WITH NUMEROUS ADDITIONAL LISTS, AND AN INDEX TO THE ENTIRE WORK, BY HORACE OCKERBY, SOLICITOB OP THE SUPREME COURT. LONDON : W. H. ALLEN AND CO., 18 WATERLOO PLACE. S.W. AND AT CALCUTTA. 1890. [All Bights Beserved.] PA' 3^ H3 LONDON : PKINTED BY W. H. ALLKN AND CO.. 13 \VATERLO11 1, ,. 2| 14 For " Mr. Poulett Thom- son" read " Chas. Poulett Thomson." For "Sudley" read " Sudelev." For "1736'^"read"1764." For " Wm. Vise. Dun- cannon" read " "Wm. 2nd E. of Bessborough." For " Wm. Vise. Dun- cannon" read " Wm. 2nd E. of Bessborough." For " Sir Geo. Hope " read "Sir Geo. J. Hope." For "Dudley Ryder, E. of Harrowby " read "Dudley, E. of Har- rowby. " For "Jas., Id. Wham- cliffe " read "Jas. Archd., Id. Wharn- clifife." For " Aberdeen " read " Aberdare." For "Parkinson" read " Samuel." (Lowther.) For "baron" read " Id." For " Thos. , E. of Derby " read "Jas., 10th E. of Derby." For " Queensbury " read " Queensberry:" (Dartmouth.) For" 1810" read "1801." (Bentinck. ) Dele. "■gov. - gen. of India. :May , 1833, " and insert " Tr. Hhold." (Bentinck.) Add '• gov.- gen. Ind. 1833." For " Jas. Horatio " read "Geo. Jas. Horatio." ERRATA. 1 1 1 Correction. 1 t 1 Correction. 212 1 26 For " Wm., viae. Anson " read " Thos. Wm.,vi8c. 294 1 37 (Arundel.) For "Hy." read "Wm." Anson." J, 2 26 Read" Gilbert Elliot, aft. ,^ 2 5 At end of year 1831 add Sir G." "Dec. 7, Hon. Thos. 298 23,24 Dele. "aft. Id. Hatton." Erskine, ch. judge in ,, 40 (Manchester.) After Bankruptcy." "Chas." insert "Vise. 215 1 7 (Wood.) For "Id. Hali- Mandeville, aft." fax" read " vise." 300 1 (Evelyn.) For " E. of" 217 2 63 For "Lopus" read read " Vise." " Loftus." ,, 4 (St. John.) For "Geo. 218 1 2 (Xapier.) Add '• and Id. chanc. Jr." Richd., vise," read "St. Andrew, Id." 220 1 57 (Gibson.) For "Id. chanibn." read " Id. chanc." 312 > 41 (Somerset.) After "Al- gernon " insert " Id. Percy, aft. D. of." " 2 38 For "Wm. Schomberg Rt." read " Schomberg 318 25 (Asheton.) After "Robt." insert "(?) Richd." Hy." 319 5 For "1847 "read" 1487." 223 1 4 For "1408 "read"] 480." 323 15 For " Grenville " read 229 1 44 For "Harvey" read " Granville." " Hervey." „ 17 (Granville.) For"Ja8." 230 1 20 After " Edw. Jno. read " Jno." Stanley "add "aft. Id. 347 34 For " four " read " three," Eddisbury, &c." 355 54 (Nevill.) For "Canter- 2 24 For " Boyce " read bury" read " York." "Bryce." 356 43 (Ley.) For " John " read J 2 42 For "Corrie" read " James." "Currie." 364 30 For " Comhill" read 233 1 8 (Stanley.) For "Hon." "Cornhill." read "Col." 399 49,50 (North.) Dele, "and E. 234 1 37 (Hillsborough.) For of." "Wm." read "Wills." 401 33 (Roswell.) For" Richd." 239 2 1 After "Lyon Playfair, read"Wm." C.B.," add "aft. Sir 408 3&24 For " — Brooke" read L." "Rd. Brooke." 241 2 3 For "Jno., aft. E. of 411 39 For " Eyres "read " Eyre." Durham," read "Jno. 415 40 After '• Winnington Jef- Geo., aft.,"&c. freys" insert " Wm.Lee. " 242 (1 45 For " Moore" read " More." 429 11 For " Maddore " read " Maddox." 252 1 37 JJele. "Grosvenor." 435 13 For "1445 "read "1454." 254 2 21 Between " Baring " and "Id." insert "aft." 438 60 For "Barry" read " Parrj'." 256 1 25,26 For "Vise. Dumblane" 456 2 For "1614 "read "1605." read " Vise. Osborne 461 16 For " Belcanquall " read of Dumblane." "Balcanquall." 269 1 1 10,11 Dele. " aft. D. of Rut- land." 477 1 21 For "Strafford" read "Stratford." 2 27,28 Dele. "aft. D. of Rut- land." 484 2 12 (Eden.) For " succ. to that title" rend "succ. 260 2 32 For " Sir Edwd. G. R. Owen" read" Sir Edwd. C. U. Owen." 488 to the title of Id. Auck- land." Until the alteration of 262 2 28 (Booth.) For "Gon." road " Goo." to 492 the " Style" in 1753 Lord Mayor's Day was 289 1 12 (Arundel) For " Wm." road "Hy." Oct. 21»tli and not Nov. 9th. The Hat of Lord 294 1 20 (Orford.-) After "Edwd." insert " Russell " Mayors should be ' altered accordingly. ERRATA. 1 ^ 1 Correction. 1 •3 c„»t \i correct en- 55 (Sutton.) tries p. 897, I 21 Dec. 1862. 49 (Tapp.) /fcle. whole line. See correct entry p. 903, 6 Mar. 1868. 41 (Briggs.) J)vte. whole I line. See correct entry same jmge, line 54. 61 (Billiard.) I hie. whole lino. See correct ent ry p. U07, 16 Aug. 1868. ERRATA. s n' s Correction. ! l. married. s. and h. son and heir. iss. issued. m.g. ordn. master general of S.L. Serjeant at Law. judge judge of the prero- the ordnance. s.p. sine prole. prerog. gative court. m.-gen. major-general. sec. secretary. just. c.p. justice of the com- m. horse. master of the horse. sec. St. secretary of state. mon pleas. m. mint. master of the mint. sign. signet. just. K.B. justice of the king's m. ordn. master of the ord- sp. ho. speaker of the house bench. nance. ^ comm. of conmions. K. King. m. roUs. master of the rolls. 1 sp. miss. special mission. K.B. Knight or Knight mahar. maharajah. succ. succeeded. Companion of the mart. martyred. surn. surnamed. Bath. mast. master. surr. surrender. K.C. King's Counsel. i mast.gen. master general of surrend. surrendered K.C.B. Knight Comman- ord. the ordnance. susp. suspended. der of the Bath. mast. gr. master of the great sw. sworn. K.C.H. Knight Comman- wardr. wardrobe. T. Trailbaston (jus- der of the order Michs. T. Michaelmas Term tice of). of tlic Guelphs. or Vac. or Vacation. teU. ex. teller of the ex- K.CM.E. Knight Comman- mil. tri. military tribune. chequer. der of the Indian mln. minister. tr. trade. Empire. min.plen. minister plenipo- translated. K.C.M.G. Knight Comman- 1 tentiary. treasr. treasurer. der of St. Michael ! min. res. minister resident. treasv. treasury. and St. George. miss. mission extraordi- Trin."T. Trinity Term or K.C.B.I. Knight Conmian- extr. narv. Marchioness. or Vac. Vacation. der of the Star Mss. unm. unmarried. of India. natl. natural. v. vice. K.G. Knight of the Gar- noni. nominated. t». vice. ter. obt. obtained. V. chambn vice chamberlain. K.H. Knight of the ordn. ordnance V. chanc. vice chancellor. order of the n. 1. bd. , I'.P. poor law board Patent of Prece- vie. vicar. Guelphs. 1 Vise. Aiscount. K.P. Knight of St. Pat- 1 dence. Vlscss. Viscountess. rick. pari. parliamentary. warrt. warrant. TABLE OF CONTENTS. ♦ PAGE Preface ........... iii Errata vii List of Abbreviations used in the Body of the Work . . xi Table of Contents xiii LISTS OF DIGNITIES. The Lists are divided into XVI. Parts, as under : — PART I.— ROYAL. Sovereigns and Rulers of the Principal Countries in the World. PART IL— DIPLOMATIC. Ambassadors, Envoys Extraordinary, Ministers Plenipotentiary, &c., from Great Britain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to Foreign States. PART III.— POLITICAL AND OFFICIAL. Government Officials, Officers of State, Officers of the House- hold, &c. PART IV. Lord-Lieutenants of Counties, Governors and Constables of Castles, &c. PART v.— HERALDIC. Earl-Marshals, Kings of Arms, Heralds, and Pursuivants. PART VI.— LEGAL. Judges and other Legal Dignitaries. PART VII.— ECCLESIASTICAL. Archbishops, Bishops, and Deans of England and Wales. PART VIII.— LONDON. PART IX.— SCOTLAND. PART X.— IRELAND. PART XL— INDIA. PART XII.— THE COLONIES. Governors and Bishops of the Colonies and other Dependencies of the British Empire. xiv TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART XIII.-ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. Orders of Knighthood, &c., connected with the British Empire. PART XIV.— NAVAL. PART XV.— :\riLITARY. PART XVI.— MISCELLANEOUS. PART I.— ROY.AL. Sovereigns AND Rulers of the Principal Countries in the World. EUROPK. Sovereigns, &c. of — PAGE Sovereigns. &c. of- _ PAGE Sovereigns. &c. of — PAGE Great Britain (see Poland . . . 90 Alenoon . . . . 20 under separate PoiTdgal . . 88 Anhalt . . . . 66 Kingdoms) . 1-17 Prussia 65 Bernburg . 66 Greece . 96 Reggio . . 52 Dessau 66 Hainault . . . 81-2 Reuss-Greiz . 76 Anjou .... 27 Hanover . . . 70 Schleiz. 77 Arragon . 86 Hesse . . . . 71 Rhine, Confedera Austria 58 Cassel . . 72 tion of . . . 63 Baden .... 66 Darmstadt . 72 Rhine, Palatinate of 68 Baden . . 67 Homburg . 72 Durlach . 67 Hildbourghausei 1 Rome — Bavaria . . . 67 (.see Saxe-Al ten- Consuls, Dicta- Belgium . 84 burg) . . . 78 tors, &c. 37 Bohemia . 58 Holland . . . 82-3 Emperors . 47 Brabant . . . 29 Hungary . . . 59 Kings . . 36 Brandenburg 65 Ionian Islands (I ^art Popes . . 32 Brittany . . . 27 II.) . . . . 129 Roumania 95 Brunswick . . 68 Ireland . 20 Russia . . 89 Bulgaria . 95 Ital}', Ancient . 49 Sardinia . 54 Burgundy 28 .Modem . 51 Savoy . 54 Castile ' . . . 85 Liechtenstein . 73 Saxony 77 Danubian Principa Lippe-Detmold . 73 Saxe-Altenburg 78 lities . . . 94 rg. 73 Coburg-Goths I 78 Denmark . . . 93 Lombardy (see An- Saalfeld 78 Eastern Empire . 49 cient Italy) . 49 Gotha Alten England — Lorraine . . . 29 burg . . . 78 Sovereigns 1 Lucca . . . . 52 79 Kings Consort 7 Luxemburg . . 84 Rovale . 77 Queens Consort 7 Mecklenburg . . 73 Weimar . 79 Princes of Wales 8 Schwcrin 74 Schwarzburg-Rudo - Princes and Prin -Strehtz 75 stadt . . . 79 cesses of . 9 Modena . . 52 Sondershau- Ferrara . . . 62 81 Moldavia . . Monaco . . . 114 . 30 son .... 79 Flanders . . . Scotland . . . 17 France . . . 22 Montenegro . Naples . . 95 Servia .... 95 Franconia . . 71 . 55 Sicily and Two Sici Friesland (^ee Hoi land) . . . Germany . . . 82-3 Nassau . . Navarro . . . 75 85, 87 lies .... 55 Spain .... 84 61 Netherlands . . 82-3 Suabia . . . 80 German Confodera Normandy 30 Sweden 91 tion, North 64 Norway . . . 91 and Norway 92 German Empire . 61,64 Oldenburg . 76 Switzerland . 31 German States, Orange (Pr. of) 83 Transylvania 60 South . . . 64 Parma . . .->3 Turkey (see Asia) 97 Germanic Confede Placonza . 53 Tuscany . . . 56 ration . 63 Placcntia . . 53 Two Sicilies . 55 Sovereigns, &c. of — page United Kingdom of G. B. and I. (see under separate Kingdoms) . . 1-20 Waldeck-Pyrmont . 80 Wales. Sovereigns of 16 Princes of . . 8 Wallachia. ... 94 Western Empire . 48 Wurtemburg . . 80 Zell(s(?eBrunswick) 70 Asia. Arabia 98 China 100 Egypt 98 Japan 100 Jerusalem . . 96 Ottoman Empire .- . 97 Persia 99 Siam 100 Trebizond ... 98 Turkish Empire . 97 TABLE OP CONTENTS. Africa. Sovereigns, &c. of — page Liberia .... 100 Madagascar . • . 101 Morocco .... 101 Orange Free State . 101 Transvaal . . . 101 Tunis 101 Zanzibar .... 102 America. America, Central . 105 U.S. of . . . 102 Argentine Confede- ration .... 109 Republic . . 109 Bolivia .... 109 Brazil 108 Buenos Ayres . . 110 Central America . 105 Chili Ill Colombia, Republic of 107 U.S. of . . . 107 Costa Rica ... 106 Sovereigns, &c. of — PAGE Dominican Republic 105 Ecuador . . . 108 Granada, Nevr . 107 Guatemala . . 105 Hayti .... 104 Honduras . . . 106 Mexico . . . 103 New Granada . 107 Nicaragua 106 Panama . . 107 Paraguay . . . 110 Peru .... 108 St. Domingo . . 105 St. Salvador . . 106 U.S. of America 102 107 Uruguay . . HI Venezuela 107 Vera Cruz 103 Hawaiian or Sane wich Islands . HI PART II.— DIPLOMATIC. Ambassadors, Envoys Extraordinary, Ministers Plenipotentiary, &c., FROM Great Britain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain AND Ireland to Foreign States. From the Accession of George III., 1760. Ambassadors to — Ambassadors to- Ambassadors to — Abyssinia 131 Dominican Repub Morocco . . . . 132 America, Central . 133 ■ lie 133 Muscat . . . . 130 America, U.S. of . 132 Ecuador(addendum ) 942 Naples and the Tv ire Argentine Confede- Egypt .... 130 Sicilies . . . . 114 ration and Repub- France . . . 112 Netherlands, &c. . 122 lic ... . 136 German States . 121 New Granada . . 134 Austria . . . . 116-7 Germany . . . 116 Nicaragua . 133 Baden, &c. . . . 119 Granada, New 134 Norway and Swedf n 127 Barbary States . . 131 Greece. . . . 128 Ottoman EmjDire . 129 Bavaria . . . . 119 Guatemala . • 133 Panama . . . . 134 Belgium . 123 Hanover . . . 120 Paraguay . . . . 136 Bolivia . . . . 135 Hanse Towns . 120 Parma, &c. . . 115 Borneo . . . . 131 Hawaiian Islands 137 Persia .... . 130 Brazil 135 Hayti .... 133 Peru .... . 135 Bulgaria . . . . 128 Hesse-Darmstadt 119 Plata, Rio de la . . 136 Central America . 133 Honduras 133 Poland . . . . 126 Chili 137 Ionian Islands (Lit Portugal . . 124 China and Corea . 130-1 High Commrs. ) 129 Prussia . • 117 Colombia, Republic Italy, Modern . 114 Rio de la Plata . . 136 of 134 Japan .... 131 Roumania . . . 128 Corea, China and . 130-1 Lucca, &c. 115 Russia .... . 125 Costa Rica . , . 133 Mexico 133 San Salvador. . . 133 Danubian Principali Modena, &e. . 115 Sandwich Islands . 137 ties . . . . 128 Moldavia . . . 128 Sardinia . . . . 114 Denmark . . . . 127 Montenegro . 128 Saxony . . . . 120 v\ TABLE OF CONTENTS. mbassadors to— PAGE Aml)a8sadors to — PAGE Ambassadors to — PAGE Servia 128 Texas 132 United States of Siam 131 Tunis 132 Colombia . . 134 Sicilies, Naples and Turkey ... IL'9 Uruguay . . . . 136 the Two . . . 114 Tuscany. &c. 115 Venezuela . . . 134 Spain 123 Two Sicilies, Naples Venice . . . . 116 Sweden .... 126 and 114 Wallachia . . . 128 and Norway . 127 United States of Wurtemburg, &c . 118-9 Swiss Confederation 113 America . . . 132 Zanzibar . . . . 132 PART III.— POLITICAL AND OFFICIAL. Government Officials, Officers of State, Officers of the Household, &c. Administrations- Treasury — Lord High Treasu- ) rers. &c. . • -r 152 Commissioners . .) Secretaries, parlia- mentary and finan- cial 163 Secretaries, assistant 164 Secretaries, perma- nent 164 Exchrquer (see (i/so Part VI ) Chancellors . . . 164 Chamberlains . . 166 Auditors .... 166 Tellers 167 Clerk of the Pells . 168 ■ Comptrollers-Gene- ral 168 Auditors-General of Public Amounts . 168 Assistant ditto . . 169 Admirctlty — Lord High Admirals, &c \ , Commissioners . .j ^^^ Secretaries, first . 186 Secretaries, second . 187 Secretaries, perma- nent 187 Privj! Council — Lord Presidents . 187 Privy Councillors . 189 Judicial Committee (see Part VI.). . 360 /reliititl — (Sec PartX.) Secretaries of State — Introduction ... 221 Principal Secre- taries to 1782. . 222 Under Secretaries to ditto. . . . 225 I Home Depurtment- i Secretaries . , Under Secretaries, parliamentary Under Secretaries, permanent . . . Foreiffii Department — Secretaries . . Under Secretaries parliamentary Under Secretaries, permanent Under Secretaries. IDcrmanent, assis tant .... 227 228 226 229 India (and see Part XL, and Board of Con- trol, infra) I Secretaries . Under Secretaries, I parliamentary Under Secretaries, 2^<^rmanent . . . Scotland (see Part IX. ) Post Ofpce- 230 230 War and Colonial Depart- ment Secretaries . . . Under Secretaries, parliamentary Under Secretaries, permanent . . War Department — Secretaries . . . Under Secretaries, parliamentarj' Under Secretaries, financial . Under Secretaries, permanent . . Soci'etaries of War Secretaries of War, deputy .... Colonial JJepartment — Secretaries . . . Under Secretaries, parliamentary Under Secretaries, permanent . . Under Secretaries , permanent, assis- tant Postmasters - Gene- ral . ... Secretaries . . . Secretaries, second . Secretaries, financial Lord Chancellors, &c. (see Part VI.) Lords Privy Seal Chancellors of the 236 236 236 237 239 239 240 Duchy of Lancaster 241 Paymasters-General . 243 Paymasters-General of the Forces . . 243 Wardens and Masters of the Mint . . 245 Judge Advocates Ge- neral (Part XV.) . 937 Sjjeakors of the House of Commons . . 247 Control, Board of' (see a/so "Indian Secre- tari:-s.".sM/>w,and Part XL)— Introduction . 251 Presidents and Com- missioners to 1841 252 Presidents from 1841 254 Secretaries . . . 254 Education, Boardof — Vice-Presidents . . 254 Health, Boardof— Presidents 255 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Local Government PAGE Surveyors of Land PAGE Inland Revenue PAGE Board— Revenues . . . 271 from 1849 . . 285 Presidents . . 256 Commissioners of Lord High Stewards . 286 Secretaries,, parlia- Woods, Forests, Lord Great Chamber- mentary . . . 256 and Land Reve- lains 287 Secretaries, ijerma- nues . . 271 , 273 Deputy Chamberlains 288 nent 256 Commissioners of Lord High Constables 288 ^(tvy Boards — Woods, Forests, Earls Marshal and Treasurers of the Land Revenues, their Deputies(.see Navy .... 256 Works, and Build- PartV.) . . . 325 Comptrollers . . 257-8 ings 272 Lord Steward's De- Surveyors 257 First Commissioners partment — Ordnance, Board of— of Works and Pub- Lord Stewards of Masters - General of lic Buildings . . 272 the Household . 289 the Ordnance . . 258 Revenue — Treasurers of the Lieutenants-General Commissioners of Household . . 291 of the Ordnance . 259 Customs, England Comptrollers of the Surveyors - General of the Ordnance . 259 and Wales, to 1722 273 Household . 292 Cofferers of the Clerks of the Ord- Commissioners of Household . . 293 nance .... 260 Customs, Great Treasurers of the Storekeepers . . . 260 Britain, 1723-42 . 275 Chamber . . . 294 Police- Commissioners of Lord Chamberlain's Chief Commission- Customs, England Department — ers, &c. ... 261 and Wales, 1742- Lord Chamberlains Poor Law Board — 1823 275 of the Household 294 Commissioners . 262 Commissioners of Vice - Chamberlains Presidents . . 262 Customs, United of the Household 296 Secretaries . . . 262 Kingdom, from Masters of the Great Trade, Board of— 1823 .... 277 Wardrobe . . . 295 Original Boards to Commissioners of Governors and Con- 1786 263 Excise, England stables of Wind- Subsequent Mem- and Wales.to 1823 277 sor Castle (Part bers 268 Commissioners of IV.). . .\ . 322 Presidents from Excise, United Captains of the Yeo- 1786 268 Kingdom, from men of the Guard 297 Vice-Presidents from 1823-49 . . . 282 Captains of the Gen- 1786. ■. . . . 269 Commissioners of tlemen Pensioners 299 Secretaries, parlia- Stamps, England Captains of the Gen- mentary . . . 269 and Wales, to tlemen-at-Arms . 300 Secretaries, perma- 1834 283 Poets Laureate . . 300 nent 270 Commissioners of Examiners of Stage Woods and Forests. Taxes, England Plays .... 301 Land Revenues. and Wales, to Master of the Horse's Works and Public 1834 .... 284 Department — Buikh'n(/s — Commissioners of Masters of the Horse 301 Introduction . . 270 Stamps & Taxes, Masters of the Buck- Surveyors - General England & Wales, hounds .... 302 of Woods, Forests, 1834-49 . . . 285 Grooms of the Stole . 303 Parks, and Chases 271 Commissioners of Mistresses of the Robes 304 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART IV.— LORD LIEUTENANTS OF COUNTIES, NORS AND CONSTABLES OF CASTLES, &c. Lord Lieutenants of Counties. COVER- Introdaction . . . 30o Lord Lieutenants of — Lord Lieutenants of — Leicestershire . .309 Yorkshire, E. Riding 313 England. Lincolnshire . . 310 N. ., 313 Lord Lieutenants of — Middlesex . . 310 w. „ 313 Bedfordshire . . 30G Monmouthshire . 310 North Wales. Berkshire .... 30(] Norfolk . . . 310 Lord Lieutenants of — Buckinghamshire . 300 Northamptonshire . 310 Anglesey .... 314 Cambridgeshire . . 306 Northumberland . 310 Carnarvonshire . . 314 Cheshire . . . . 30G Nottinghamshire . 311 Denbighshire . . 314 Cornwall . . . . 307 Oxfordshire . . 311 Flintshire . . . 314 Cumberland . . . 307 Rutlandshire . . 311 Merionethshire . 314 Derbyshire . . . 307 Shropshire . . 311 Montgomeryshire . 315 Devonshire . 307 Somersetshire . . 311 North Wales . . . 314 Dorsetshire . 307 Southamptonshi •e . 311 South Wales. Durham . . . . 308 Staffordshire . . . 312 Lord Lieutenants of — Essex 308 Suffolk . . . . 312 Brecknockshire . 315 Gloucestershire . . 308 Surrey . . . . 312 Cardiganshire . . 315 Hampshire . . . 311 Sussex . . . . . 312 Carmarthenshire . 315 Herefordshire . . 308 Tower Hamlets . . 319 Glamorganshire . . 315 Hertfordshire 308 Warwickshire . . 312 Haverfordwest . . 310 Huntingdonshire 809 Westmoreland . . 313 Pembrokeshire . 316 Kent 309 Wiltshire . . . . 313 Radnorshire . . 317 Lancashire . . 309 Worcestershire . . 313 South Wales . . . 315 Scotland, .see Part IX., and Ireland, see Part X. Governors and Constables of Castles, &c. Constables of Dover Castle .... Wardens of the Cinque Ports Constables of the Tower of London . 316 316 Lord Lieutenants of the Tower Ham- lets 319 Lieutenants of the Tower of London . 321 Governors and Con- stables of Windsor Castle Lord Wardens of the Stannaries . . . 322 PART v.— HERALDIC. Earls Marshal, Kings of Arms, Heralds, and Pursuivants. Introduction . . 324 Kings of Arms— Heralds Extraordinarv- — Norroy . 329 Surroy .... 334 Sec. I. — Heraldic Offices Bath and Gloucost or 330 Maltravers . 335 STILL Existent. Heralds— Lords Marslial ... 325 Chester . . . . 330 Pursuivants of Arms— Earls Marshal . . . 326 Windsor . . 331 Kongo Croix . . . 335 Deputy Karls Marshal 327 Somerset . . 332 Bluomaiitlo . . . 336 Lancaster . 332 Portcullis. 337 Garter 327 Richmond . 333 Itouge Dragon . 337 Clarencieux . . . 328 York .... . 334 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Sec. II. —Heraldic Offices Heralds and Heralds Pursuivants Extraor- NOW Extinct. Extraordinary — PAGE dinary — PAGE Kings of Arms- PAGE Norfolk . . '. 341 Guisnes .... 343 Ireland . 338 Suffolk . . . 341 Hampnes .... 343 Lancaster . 338 Pursuivants Extraor- Kildare .... 343 Leicester . . . . 339 dinary — Mont-Orgueil 343 Marcbe . . . 339 Antelope . . . 341 Nottingham . . . 343 Heralds and Heralds Athlone . . . 341 Portsmouth . . . 344 Extraordinary — Bai-nes 341 Risebank .... 344 Arundel . . . 339 Berwick . 341 Rose 344 Blanc Coursier . 339 Blanch Lion . 341 Rose Blanche . . 344 Buckingham . . 339 Blanch Rose . . 342 Rose Rouge . . . 344 Carlisle . . . 339 Blanch SangHer 342 Clarencieus . . 340 Calais .... 342 Scotch Officers (Part IX,)— Gloucester . . 340 Comfort . 342 Lyon Kings of Arms 513 Hanover . 340 Cork .... 342 Lyons Depute . 513 Leicester . 340 Eagle .... 342 Marche . . . 340 Falcon . . . 342 Irish Officers (Part X. ) Mowbraj' . . . 340 Fitzalan . . . 343 Ulster Kings of Arms 572 PART VL— LEGAL. Judges and other Legal Dignitaries. Introduction . . . 345 Puisne Justices, see Ecclesiastical an d Lord High Chancellors 352 H.C.J.,EXCH. DIV. 385 Admiralty Courts, inf.) Lord Keepers . 352 Cursitor Barons 386 Bankruptcy — Commissioners of the County Palatine of Judges of the Court Great Seal . . . 352 Chester or Welsh of Review . 392 Lords of Appeal . . 358 Judges — Chief Judges in Judicial Committee of Chief Justices . . 386 Bankruptcy . . 392 the Privy Council . 358 Second or Puisne Bankruptcy Judges 392 Chief Justiciaries . 3G2 Justices 386 County Court Judges . 403 Justiciaries .... 3G3 Chancery — Lord Chancellors, Attorneys General Solicitors General . . 397 Justices Itinerant . . 365 400 Justices of Trailbas- &c. (vide supra) . 352 Serjeants-at-law . . 406 ton 365 Masters of the Rolls 387 Kings Counsel, Queen's King's and Queen's Lord Justices of Counsel, Patents Bench— Appeal .... 388 of Precedence 414 Chief Justices, k.b. Vice Chancellors . 390 Ecclesiastical Courts — and Q.u. ... 369 Justices, H.C.J., CH. Deans of the Arches 420 Presidents. H.C.J., DIV 390 Judges of the Pre- Q.B. DIV. . . . 371 Masters in Chancery 392 rogative Court of Puisne Justices, k.b. Accountants Gene- Canterbury . . 421 nnrl o R 371 ral (Chancery) Appeal — 392 Vicars General to Puisne Justices, the Archbishop of H.C.J., Q.B. DIV. 374 Lords of Appeal Canterbury 421 Common Fleas — {vide supra) . . 358 Judges of the Consis- Chief Justices, c.p. 375 Lords Justices of tory Court (Chan- Presidents, h.C.J. , Appeal before the cellors of the dio- C.p. DIV. . . . 376 Judicature Acts . 388 cese of London) . 422 Puisne Justices, c.p. 376 Lords Justices of King's and Queen's Puisne Justices, Appeal after the Advocates . . . 422 H.C.J. , c.p. DIV. 380 Judicature Acts . 389 Admiralty Court (and Exrhequer — Probate, Divorce, vide supra) . . 391 Chancellors (Part Admiralty — Judges .... 422 III.). . .\ . 164 Judges, Probate and Admiraltj' Advo- Chief Barons Exch. 381 Divorce, 1858-75 391 cates .... 423 Presidents, H.c.J., Judges, ii.c.J., Pro- Recorders and Com- EXCH. DIV. . . 382 bate, Divorce, and mon Serjeants of Puisne Barons Admiralty Divs. 391 London (Part Exch. . . . 382 {For earlier Judges, VIII) .... 493-0 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART VII.— ECCLESIASTICAL. Archbishops, Bishops, and Deans of England and Wales. Those marked * are Bishops Suffragan. Archbishops, Abp. 1 ci ! Archbishops, Abp. Archbishoi )8. Abp. ^ Bishops, and or s Bishops, and or i ° Bishops, ai id or l_ Deans of Bp. Deans of Bp. PAGE Q page Deans of Bp. PAGE PAGE PAGE PAGE Bangor . . . 425 426 Durhnm . . 478 479 Oxford . . 456 457 Bath and Wells 427 East Angles . 452 Penrith . , 476 — •Bedford . . 447 Elmham . . . 454 &482 &452 1 Peterboroup 'h . 457 458 ♦Berwick . . 479 wich . . . 454 Ripon . . ' 482 482 Bristol . . . 439 440 Ely ... . 434 435 Rochester . 459 461 Gloucester Exeter . . . 436 437 St. Alban's . 461 — and . . . 43'J i Gloucester . . 438 440 St. Asaph .| 401 462 Canterbury 429 431 St. David's . 463 465 Carlisle . . . 475 476 tol . . . . 439 St. Paul's . 1 452 Chester . . . 476 477 i ♦Guildford . . 471 Salisbury '. 466 468 Chichester . . 432 433 Hereford . . 441 442 Selsey . . 432 Christ Church, Hexham . . 4S0 — ♦Shaftesbur y . 467 Oxford . . — 457 Holy Island . 478 — Sherborne . 466 — College, ♦Hull . . . 486 — ♦Shrewsbur y . 444 — Manchester . 481 ♦Ipswich 455 Sidnacester . 446 — ♦Colchester . 460-1 Lichfield . . 443-4 445 Dorcht ster Cornwall . . 436 and Coven- 1 and . . 446 — Devon and 436 try . . . 443 — Sodor and ] Ian 483 — Coventry . . 443 ♦Leicester . . 458 — Southwell . 468 — Lichfield Lincoln . . 446 447 ♦Taunton . 428 and . . . 443 Lindisfaruo 478 1 *Thetford . 455 Devon and Corn- Liverpool . . 480 Truro . 468 wall . . . 436 Llandaft" . . 448 449 ' Wakefield . 484 — Devonshire 436 — London . . 450 452 i Wells . . 427 428 Dorchester 446 Manchester 480 481 ! Bath and 427 and Sidna- ♦Marlborough 452 Westminste r . ! 469 469 cester . . 446 &4G7 Wilton . . 46(! — ♦Dover . . . 431 Newcastle- on- Winchester . 470 471 Dunwich . . 454 Tyne . . . 481 — Windsor . i — 474 Elmham Norwich . . 454 455 Worcester . . 472 473 and ... 454 — ♦Nottingham . 447 York . . 484 486 PART VIIL— LOxNDON. Portreeves, Mayors, pagk I and Lord Mayors of Chamberlains of Lon- London .... 48H don liocordors .... 493 493 I Common Serjeants . 194 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART IX.— SCOTLAND. Sovereigns of Scotland. Lord Lieutenants of — page Exchequer — page See Part I., p. 17. Banffshire 508 Introduction . . . 523 Berwickshire . . 508 Chief Barons . . 523 Officees of State, &c. , Buteshire .... 508 Barons 524 OF Scotland. Caithuess-shire . . 509 Admiralty Court — Treasury — PAGE Clackmannanshire . 509 Judges .... 524 Lord High Trea- Cromarty .... 509 Lord ClerkRegisters . 524 surers, &c. 496 Dumbartonshire 509 Lord Advocates . . 525 Comptrollers . . 498 Dumfries-shire . . 509 Solicitors General . . 526 Admirdlty — Lord High Admirals Edinburghshire . . 509 Deans of Faculty . . 527 499 Edinburgh City 509 Vice-Admirals . 499 Elginshire 509 Archbishops and Bishops Frivy Council — Fifeshire .... 510 OF Scotland. Lord Presidents 500 Forfarshire . . . 510 Vice Presidents for Haddingtonshire . 510 Part. 1. — Ante - Revo Bishops. ution Education . . . 500 Inverness-shire . . 510 ^ Lords Privy Seal . 500 Kincardineshire 510 Archbishops and Secretaries of State — Kinross-shire 510 Bishops of — Secretaries of State Kirkcudbright, Aberdeen .... 530 in Scotland from Stewartry . . . 510 -^i-syii. ■ 537 13 — to the Union 501 Lanarkshire . . . 511 Brechin . 530 Principal Secre- Linlithgowshire 511 Caithness . 531 taries of State Midlothian . . . 509 Dunblane . 532 for Scotland in Nairnshire 511 Dunkeld . 532 England from the Orkney and Zetland 511 Edinburgh 533 Union to 1746 502 Peebleshire . . . 511 Galloway . 538 Secretaries for Scot- Perthshire . 511 Glasgow . 53 J land under 48 & Renfrewshire . . 511 Isles, The. 539 49 Vict. cap. 61 502 Ross-shire . . . 512 Moray . 534 Post Office— Roxburghshire . 512 Mortlach . 530 Postmasters-Gene- Selkirkshire . 512 Orkney . 534 ral 502 Shetland .... 511 Ross . . 535 Lord Chancellors, vide Stirlingshire . . . 512 St. Andrew's 528 infra 514 Sutherlandshire . . 512 The Isles . . 539 Lord Keepers of the Wigtonshire . 512 Great Seal from Zetland, Orkney ,&c. 511 Part 2.— Post - Revol ution Union to present Bishops. time 503 Heraldic Officers Archbishops and Revenue — Scotland. Bishops of — Commissioners of Lyon Kings of Arms . 513 Aberdeen .... 540 Customs . . . 503 Lyons Depute . . . 513 541 Commissioners of Argyll and the Isles 541 Excise .... 504 Judges and other Legal Brechin .... 541 Lord High Stewards . 505 Dignitaries of Scotland. Caithness .... 541 Lord Great Chamber- Lord Chancellors, &c. 514 Moray, Ross, lains 505 Court of Session— &c 544 Lord High Constables 506 Introduction . . . 515 545 Earls Marischal . . 507 Lord Presidents. 516 Dunblane .... 542 Knights Marischal , 507 Lord Justice Clerks 516 Dunkeld and . 542 Lord High Commis- ExtraordinaryLords Fife, Dunkeld sioners to the Par- of Session . . . 517 and 543 liaments of Scot- Ordinary ditto . . 518 St. Andrew's, land 507 Court oj' Justiciary — Dunkeld and . . 545 Introduction . 521 Dunkeld .... 542 Lord Lieutenants of Lords Justices Ge- 542 Counties— Scotland. neral .... 522 (Fife, Dunkeld Lord Lieutenants of — Lord Justice Clerks 516 and Dunblane) . 543 Aberdeenshire . . 508 Judges or Commis- (St. Andrew's. Argyleshire . . . 508 sioners of Justi- Dunkeld and Dun- Ayrshire .... 508 ciary .... 522 blane) . 545 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Archbishops and page Archbishops and PAGE Archbishops and page Bisliops of — Bishops of — Bishops of — Edinburgh . . . 542 Moray. Ross and The Isles, Argyll and 541 Fife. ..... 543 Caithness . . . 544 Scotch Bishops with- Dunkeld and Orkney .... 545 out Sees .... 545 Dunblane . . . GaUoway .... Glasgow and . Glas^'ow .... 543 543 544 543 644 Aberdeen and. '^Primus" Bishops. Ross and Caithness . Moray and . . 541 540 545 545 544 General Assembly of tue Kirk of Scotland— Lord High Commis- 54 r. 547 Isles, Argyll and (Moray. Ross sioners . Moderators the 541 and Caithness) 544 Moray 544 St Andrew's, Dun- Lord Provosts of and Ross . . 544 keld and Dunblane 545 1 Edinburgh . . . 547 PART X.— IRELAND. Sovereigns of Ireland. — LoKD Lieutenants of Vice-Chancellors . . 574 6ee Part I. , p. 20. Counties— Ireland. Lord Keepers . . . 574 Lord Lieutenants of — Deputy Keepers . . 574 Officers of State, &c , OF Antrim 568 Commissioners of the Ireland. Armagh .... Carlow .... 568 Great Seal . . . 574 Lord Lieutenants and 508 A'l/K/'s and Queen's Chief Governors Cavan .... 569 ■ Bench- of Ireland, includ- Clare .... 569 Chief Justices, K.u. ing Lord Deputies Cork .... 569 andQ.B. . . . 577 and Lord Justices 549 Donegal . 569 Presidents, ii.c.j.. Treasury — Downshire 569 Q.B. DIV. . . . 578 Lord Treasurers . 558 Dublin (County) 569 Puisne Justices, k.b. Vice-Treasurers 558 Fermanagh . Galway 569 and Q. B. ... 578 Treasury Commis- 569 Puisne Justices, sioners .... 558 Kerry .... 569 H.C.J. , Q.B. DIV. . 579 Secretaries . . . 5U1 Kildare 569 Common Pleas — Chancellors of the Kilkenny . . . King's County . 670 Chief Justices, c.p. 580 Exchequer. . . 5G1 570 Presidents, h.c.j.. Secretaries of Slate — Leitrim 570 c.r. DIV. . . . 581 Principal Secre- Limerick (County) Londonderry. . 570 Puisne Justices, c.p. 6»1 taries of State 562 670 Puisne Justices, Chief Secretaries to Longford . . . 570 H.C.J., c.r. DIV. . -,b2 the Lord Lieu- Louth .... 570 Exrhe(juer — tenant .... 502 Mayo .... 570 Chancellors (vide Under Secretaries r.7rt siiitra) .... 501 to* the Lord Lieu- JVleatu .... Monaghan Queen's County . 570 Chief Barons, Excii. 582 tenant,' perma- . 571 Presidents, ii.c.J., nent 5G3 I{o8common . 571 EXCU. DIV. . . 583 Under Secretaries Sligo .... Tipperary . . Tyrone . 571 Puisne Barons, to the Lord Lieu- 571 EXCH 583 tenant, parlia- . 571 Puisne Barons. mentary . . . 504 Waterford . . . 571 H.C.J.,EXCH. DIV. 584 Po.st Ojiir.c— Westmeath . . 571 Chunceri/ — Postmasters - Gene- AVexford . . . . .^.71 Lord ^ hanccllors. ral 504 Wicklow . . . . 571 Ac. (viilc supra) . 574 Commanders of the Masters of the Forces .... 5G4 Rolls .... 585 Revenue — IIeualuu- Ofkueus. — IRE- Lord Justices of Commissioners of land. Api)cal .... 585 Customs . . . 505 Ulster Kings of Arm s 572 Vioe-Chanoellors . 5b0 Commissioners of .lustices, II. CI., cii. Excise .... 5GG Judges and utiii.u LF.tiAI. DIV 580 Commissioners of Dionitauies of Ike LAND. Lanii Court.'' — Accounts . 507 Introduction . . . 572 Judges of the Commissioners of Lord Chancellors . . 574 Landed Estate Stamps .... 508 Deputy Cliuncellors . 574 Court .... 'iS~ Land Court — (cont.) — page Land Judges . . . 586 Irish Land Commis- Appeal — Lord Justices of Ap- peal before the Judicature Acts . TABLE OF CONTENTS. Lord Justices of Ap- page peal after the Judicature Acts . 586 Probate and Matri- monial — Judges before the Judicature Acts . Judges after the Judicature Acts . Admiralty Court — Judges .... Bankruptci/ Court — Judges . . . 587 Attorneys General I Solicitors General . 587 I Serjeants-at-Law . PAGE 587 587 588 58'J 5 'JO Archbishops, Bishops, and Deans of Ireland. Archbishops, Abp. 1 Archbishops, Abp. «• ! Archbishops, Abp. a Bishops, and or 1 Bishops, and or a Bishops, and or c3 Deans of Bp. Q Deans of Bp. Q Deans of Bp. Q PAGE PAGE PAGE PAGE PAGE PAGE Achonry 612 614 Connor, Down Glendalough Killala and 613 — 1 and . . 604 — (Dublin, Tuam, (Down,Con- Glendalough, Killala, and . 613 — nor, andDro- and Kildare) 617 Aghadoe, Ard- more) . 605 Kildare . . . 616 619 fert and . . 639 Cork .... 630 632 Dublin, Limerick, and Cloyne 631 — Glendalough, Ardfert, and 639 Cloyne, and . . . 617 — Ardagh . . . 607 609 and Ross . . 631-2 — Kilfenora . 635 637 607 632 — Killaloe, Derry . . . 600 602 and ... 635 — Elphin, and . 608 andRaphoe 602 — (Killaloe, Ardfert . . . 640 Down . . . 603 605 Kilfenora, andAghadoe 639 and Connor 604 — Clonfert, and (Limerick, Connor, Kilmacduagh) 636 — Ardfert, and and Dromore 605 — Killala . . . 612 614 Aghadore) . 639 — Dromore 604 606 and Achon- Armagh . . 595 597 Down, ry .. . . 613 — &597 Connor, and . 605 — (Tuam, and Clogher 597 Dublin . . . 615 617, Killala, and Cashel . . . 624 627 618 Achonry) 613 and Emly 626 Killaloe . . . 634 637 Emly, dalough . 615 — and Kilfe- Waterford, Glenda- nora . . . 635 — and Lismore 627 lough, and Kilfenora, Christ Church, Kildare . . 617 — Clonfert, and Dublin . . 618 Elphin . . . 608 609 Kilmacduagh 636 Clogher . . 596 &597 597 Elphin, and Kilmacduagh . Clonfert, 636 637 Armagh and 597 Ardagh) . 608 — and . . . 636 — Clonard . . . 598 Emly. . . . 625 628 Killaloe, Clonfert . . . 635 637 Cashel and 626 — Kilfenora, and Kil- (Cashel, Clonfert, and 636 macduagh . 636 Emly, Water- Kilmore . . 607 609 (Killaloe, ford, and Lis- 1 andArdagh 607 — Kilfenora, more) . . . 627 — Elphin, Clonfert, and Enachdune . . — 613 and Ardagh . 608 Kilmacduagh) 636 Ferns . . . 621 623 Leighlin . . . 621 62.5 Clonmacnois . 599 600 Ferns and 622 Cloyne . . . 630 632 lin . . . . 622 — Ossory, 631 — (Ossory, Ferns and . 622 — (Cork, Ferns, and Limerick . . 638 639 Cloyne, and Leighlin) . 622 — Ardfert, Ross) . . . 631-2 — Glendalough . 615 619 and Aghadoe 639 — Connor . . . 603 605 615 — Lismore . . . 626 628 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Archbishops, Abp. c Archbishops, Abp. ^ Archbishops, Abp. ^ Bishops, and or S Bishops, and or PAGE Bishops, and or o Deans of Bp. PAOE Deans of Bp. PAGE Deans of Bp. PAGE ^ PAGE p\- Lismoie,Cashe], 1 Ossorv, Ferns, Tuam . . . 611 i;i. Emlv, Water- and Leighlin. 622 Killala. ford, and 627 Raphoe . . . 601 602 and Aohonrv 613 — Waterford Derrv. and 602 — Waterford . . 62G PART XL— INDIA. Bengal — Lieutenant - Gover- nors 652 Commanders - in - Chief .... 652 and .see Commanders- in-Chief — India . 650 Chief Justices, Su- preme Court . . 652 Chief Justices, High Court of Judica- ture 653 Bishops of Calcutta 653 Xorth-West Provinces and Oudh — Lieut. -(iovernors — Xorth-West Pro- vinces .... 653 Chief-Commissioners, Oudh .... 654 Lieut. - Governors, North-West Pro- vinces, and Chief C o m mi ssionors, Oudh, united . . 652 Chief Justices, North-Wost Pro- vinces .... 654 Punjab — Presidents of Board of Administr.ition 654 Cbii'fCominissionerH 654 Lieut. -Governors . (i54 l'iisho])S of Lahore . 65.5 Central Provinces — Chief Commis.sioners 655 Burma — Chief Commissioners 655 Bisliops of Rangoon 655 Assam — Chief Commissioners 656 Madras- Governors . . . 656 Commanders - in - Chief .... 657 Chief Justices, Su- preme Ccurt . . 658 Chief Justices. High Court of Judica- ture 658 Bishops .... 658 Bombay — (iovernors . . . . 651) Commanders - in - Chief .... 65i) Chief Justices. Su- preme Court . 660 Chief Justices. High Court of Judica- ture 660 Bishops .... 661 Prince of Wales' Island or Penang, Ma- lacca, Singapore (.see Straits Settle- ments, Part Xil.) TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAET XIL— THE COLONIES. Go^'ERNORS AND BiSHOPS OF THE CoLONIES AND OTHER DEPENDENCIES OF THE British Empire. Governors of — page Ontario (and see Canada, Upper) . 692 Pacific, Western — High Commrs. . 711 Penang . . . 674-5 Port Jackson, .see New South Wales. Port Philip see Vic- toria. Prince Edward Island . . . 691-2-9 Prince of Wales' Island . . . 674-5 Quebec (and .see Canada, Lower) . 693 Queensland . . . 705 Red River Settle- ment .... 696 Redonda, see p. 726 Rodriguez . . . 684 Rupert's Land . . 696 St. Christopher . 727-9 St. Helena ... 682 St. Kitts, see St. Christopher. St. Lucia . . 719-20-5 St. Vincent . 719-20-5 Sark 668 Seychelles Islands . 684 Sierra Leone . . 685 Singapore . . . 674-5 Somers Islands . . 701 South Africa — High Commrs. . 679 South African Colonies . . 677-82 South Australia . 706 Straits Settlements 674-5 Swan River Settle- ment, .seeWestern Australia. Tasmania . . . 708 Tobago . . . 719-20-3 Trinidad . . 719-20-1 Turks and Caicos Islands . . . 713 Vancouver Island . 699 Van Diemen's Land 708 Victoria .... 704 Virgin Islands . 727-31 West Africa Set- tlements . . 684-8 Western Australia 707 Western Pacific High Commrs. . 711 Windward Islands 717-26 Introduction, contain- PAGE Governors of— PAGE ing a rlassifipd Demerara . 715 list of the various Dominica . . . 727-30 Indian and Colo- Essequibo . . 715 nial Dioceses . 662 Falkland Islands 731 Fiji 711 Colonial Governors. Gambia . . . Gibraltar . . . 686 669 Governors of— - Gold Coast . . 686 Africa, see South Grenada . . .719-20-4 Africa and West Grenadines, -•ee p. 718 Africa. Griqualand West . 681 Alderney .... 668 Guernsey. &c. (Go America, .see North vernors) . . 668 America. (Bailiffs). 669 Anguilla, .see pp. 726-30 Guiana, British . 714-5 Antigua ... 727-8 Heligoland . . 670 Auckland Islands 710 Herm .... 668 Australasia . . 702-12 Honduras, British 714 Australia, see Aus- Hong Kong . 673 tralasia, North Ionian Islands (Pari Australia, South IL) .... . 129 Australia, and Isle of Man . . . 664 Western Aus- Jamaica . . . 712 tralia. Jersey (Bailiffs) 668 Bahama Islands . . 716 (Governors) 667 Barbados . . 7 19-21 Kaffraria, British 680 Barbuda, see p. 726. Labuan . . . 675 Basutoland . . . 681 Lagos .... 687 Bechuanaland. Leeward Islands 726-31 British .... 680 Malacca . . 674-5 Belize 714 Malta . . . 671 Berbice .... 715 Man, Isle of . . 664 Bermudas 701 Manitoba . . . 696 Borneo — British Martinique . 719 North .... 676 Mauritras . . 683 British Bechuana- Montserrat . 727-8 land . .... 680 Moreton Bay, see 698 Queensland. Guiana . . . 714-5 Natal .... 680 Honduras . . 714 Nevis .... 727-9 Kaffraria . . 680 New Brunswick 691-2-5-6 711 New Guinea, Bri 676 tish .... 711 Canada .... 691-2 New South Wales 702 Dominion New Zealand . 708 of 689-99 Newfoundland . 699 692 Niger Protectorate 688 North American see Quebec) . . 691-3 Provinces . . . 692 Upper (and see North Australia 705 Ontnrio) . . . 691-2 North Borneo, Br - Cape Breton . . . 696 tish .... . 676 Cape of Good Hope . 678 North Western Ceylon 672 Territory and Channel Islands 667 Northwest Terri - Christmas Island . 674-5 tories . 696-7 Cyprus .... 671 Nova Scotia . 691-2-4-5 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Colonial Bishops. Bishops of— PAGE Bishops of — For Classified list o^ Dunedin . . . . 710 Newfoundland . . dioceses, see p. 602 Eastern Equatorial New Westminster . Africa .... 688 New Zealand ishops of — PAGE Falkland Islands . 730 Niagara . . . . Adelaide . . . . 707 Fredericton . 696 Niger District . Africa, see Central Gibraltar .... 670 North China . . . Africa, and East Goulbum .... 704 North Queensland . em Equatorial Grafton and Armidale 704 Nova Scotia . . . Africa. Grahamstown . . 680 Ontario .... Algoma . . . (593 Guiana .... 715 Orange Free State . Antigua . . . 728 Hong Kong . . . 673 Perth, W.A. . . . Armidale, Grafton &. 704 Honolulu .... 712 Pretoria .... Assiniboia (;98 Huron 693 Qu'appelle . . . Athabasca . . (597 Jamaica .... 713 Quebec .... Auckland . . 709 Japan 677 Queensland, North . Australia . . 703 Jerusalem 677 Rangoon (Part XI.) Ballarat . . . 70.5 Jersey (Deans) . . 668 Riverina . . . . Barbados . . . 721 Kaffraria .... 681 Rupert's Land . . Bathurst . . . . 704 Labuan .... 675 St. Helena . . . BloeTijfontein 680 Lahore (Part XI.) . 655 St. John's Kafifraria Bombay (Part XI.) 661 Mackenzie River 697 Saskatchewan . . Brisbane . . . 706 Madagascar . . . 689 Sierra Leone . . Britinh Columbia 698 Madras (Part XL) . 658 Sydney .... Calcutta (Part XI. \ 653 Maritzburg . . . 680 Tasmania .... Caledonia . . 698 Mauritius 684 Toronto .... Cape Town . . 679 Melanesia .... 711 Travancore and Central Africa . 688 Melbourne . . . 705 China . . . . China, Mid . . 676 Mid-China . . . 676 Trinidad .... China, North 676 Montreal .... 694 Victoria (Hong China, Travancor 3 Moosonee .... 697 Kong) .... and . 676 Nassau .... 717 Waiapu .... Christchurch, N.Z 709 Natal 680 Wellington . . . Colombo . . . 673 Nelson 710 Zambesi .... Columbia . . . 6!i8 Newcastle, N.S.W. 703 Zululand .... PAGE 700 693 689 676 706 695 693 681 707 682 698 694 706 655 704 697 682 681 697 685 703 708 693 67») 723 673 710 710 688 681 PART XIIL— ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. Orders of Knighthood, &c., connected with the I^ritish Empire. Introduction . Garter — Introduction . Knights (k.g.) Prelates . Chancellors . Registrars Kings of Arms Thistle- Introduction . Knights (k.t) Deans . . . Secretaries . Kings of Arms St. Patrick — Introduction . Grand Masters Knights (k.p.) Prelates . . 732 732 733 745 745 746 740 746 747 749 749 749 749 750 7.50 7.-.2 St. Patrick- Bath- Chancellors . . . 752 Genealogists . . 784 Secretaries . , . 752 Regi-itrars . . . 784 Genealogists . . . 752 Secretaries . . . 784 Kings of Arms . . 752 Kings of Arms . . 785 Bath- Guelphs — Hanover — Introduction . . 752 Introduction . . . 785 Great Masters . 753 Knight sCirandCross Acting Masters . . 754 (ecu.) . . . 785 Kni^htsCompauions Knights Comman- (K.H.) . . . . 754 ders (k.c.h.) 787 Knights Grand Cross Knights (K.H.) . . 789 (G.C.B.)— Chancellors . . . 792 Military . . . 706 Vico-C'hancellora . 792 Civil .... 771 Secretaries . . . 792 Knights Comman- King- of Arms . . 793 ders (K.c.n.) — St. Michael and St. Military . . . 773 (ieorge- Civil .... 782 Introduction . . . 793 Deans 784 Grand Masters, &c. 794 TABLE OF CONTENTS. St. Michael and St PAGE Star of India- PAGE Indian Empire — PAGK George — Grand Masters . 800 Knights Grand Com- Knights GrandCross Knights Grand manders (g.c.i.e.) 805 (g.c.m.g.) . . 794 Commanders Knights Comman- Knights Comman (G.C.S.I.) . . . 800 ders (k.c.i.e.) . 805 ders (k.c.m.g.) 796 Knights Comman- Companions (c.i.E.) 805 Prelates . . . 799 d(.rs (k.c.s.i.) 802 Registrars 808 Chancellors . . 799 Registrars . . . 804 Secretaries . 808 Secretaries . . 799 Secretaries . 804 Crown of India — Kings of Arms . 799 Indian Empire — Introduction . . - 809 Registrars 799 Introduction . . . 804 Members (Cr. I.) . 809 Star of India — Grand Masters . . 804 Registrars . . 810 Introduction . 800 Lord High Admirals, Commissioners of Admiralty, &c. (Part III.) . . . Secretaries to the Ad- miralty (Part III.) Treasurers of the Navy (Part III) . Comptrollers of the Navy (Part HI) . Surveyors of the Navy (Part III.) . Judges, High Court of Admiralty, Eng- land (Part VL) . Judges, High Court of Admiraltj', Scot- land (Part IX.) Judges, High Court of Admiralty, Ireland (Part X.) . . . . Admiralty Advocates (Part VI.) . . . 169 186 256 257 257 422 524 587 423 PAET XIV.— NAVAL. Admirals (List A) — Admirals from the Restoration to 1836, with the dates of their first promotion as Rear-Admirals . 813 Admirals (List B) — Admirals of the Fleet from 1837 . 821 Admirals (List C) — Admirals of the United Kingdom from 1837 ... 822 Admirals (List D) — Admirals of the Red, White, and Blue, from 1837 to the discontinuance of the division into three squadrons in 1864 ... 823 Admirals (List E) — Admirals on the Active List from 1864 .... Admirals (List F) — Promotions of Ad- mirals tranferred from the Active to the Retired List Admirals (List G) — Admirals on the Reserve Half-Pay List from 1851 to the closing of the List Admirals (List H) — Captains promoted to the List of Re- tired Admirals . Governors of Green- wich Hospital . . Lieut.-Governors of Greenwich Hospital 838 844 854 854 PART XV.— MILITARY. Commanders-in - Chief Captains-General . Field-Marshals . . Generals (List A) — Officers who at- tained the rank of General, down to June 1854 . . Generals (List B) — Officers who at- tained the rank of Lieut. - General 855 down to Novem- cers, from 1837; 855 ber 1846 . . . 864 with their subse- 856 Generals (List C)— quent promotions Officers who at- to Lieut. -Gene- tained the rank of rals and Gene- Major - General rals .... down to January Governors of Chelsea 857 1837 .... 871 Hospital .... Generals (List D)— Lieut.-Governors of Major - Generals, Chelsea Hospital . including the In- Judge Advocates dian General Offi- General .... 876 936 TABLE OF CONTEXTS. PART XVI.— MISCELLANEOUS. PAGE Presidents of the Presidents of Royal College of Royal Society Physicians . . . 938 Presidents of the Presidents of the Royal Institution . 940 Royal College of Surgeons .... 938 PAGE the Presidents of the . . 940 Royal Academy of Arts It41 Astronomers-Royal 941 List of Abbreviations used in Index of Names 944 Index of Names .........•••• 943 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, PART I. ROYAL. SOVEREIGNS AND RULERS OF THE PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD. SOVEREIGNS AND RULERS OE EUROPE. ENGLAND. SOVEREIGNS OF ENGLAND. Kings of the Heptarchy. Kent. Co-extensive with the shire of Kent. 455. Hengist. 488. ^sc, Esca, orEscus, son of Hengist, in honour of whom the kings of Kent were for some time called iEscings. 512. Octa, son. 542. Hermenrie, or Ermenric, son. 560. St. Ethelbert, 1st Christian king. 616. Eadbald, son. 640. Ercenbert, or Ercombert, son. 664. Ecbert, or Egbert, son. 673. Lother, or Lothaii-. brother. 685 Edric; slain in 687. The kingdom was now subject for a time to various leaders. 694. Wihtred, or Wightred. 725. Eadbert 748. Ethelbert 760. Alric "] sons of Wihtred, suc- ceeding each other. 794. Edbert, or Ethelbert Pryn ; dep. 796. Cuthred, or Guthred. 805. Balred ; who in 823 lost his life and kingdom to Egbert, K. of Wessex. South Saxons. Sussex and Surrey. 490. Ella. 514. Cissa, son. The South Saxons here fell into an almost total dependence on the kingdom of Wessex, and the names of tho princes who were possessed of this titular sove- reignty are scarcely known. 648. Edilwald, Edihvach, or Adelwalch. 688. Anthun and Berthun. brothers ; they reigned jointly ; both were van- quished by Ina, K. of Wessex. and the kingdom was finally conquered in 725. 1 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 674. G76, (J85. . V Vi'isT Saxons. , fi^rJcSfSotUhnmpton, Wilis, Somerset, ; .' '^utikt^'Divifn, and.yart hf Cornwall. 5l9. "Ce'rdicus. 534. Cynric, or Kenric, son. 559. Ceawlin, son ; banished by his sub- jects ; d. 593. 591. Ceolric, nephew. 597. Ceolwulf. 611. (Cynegils, and in 614. ^Cwichelm, his son, reign jointly. 643. Cenwal, Cenwalh, or Cenwald. 672. Sexburga, his queen, sister to Penda, K. of Mercia : dep. Escwine, in conjunction with Cent- wine. On the death of Escwine Centwine rules alone. Ceadwal, or Ccedwalla. 688. Ina, or Inas. 728. Ethclheard, or Ethelard, related to Ina. 740. Cuthred, brother. 754. Sigebryt, or Sigebert. 755. Cynewulf, or Kenwnlf, of the line of Cerdic. 784. Bertric, or Bcorhtric. 800. Egbert, aft. sole monarch of Eng- land. East Saxons. Essex, Middlesex, and parts of Herts. 527. Erchenwin, or Erchwine. 587. Sledda. son. 597. St. Sebert, or Sabert, son; first Christian king. 614. Saxred, or Sexted, or Serred, jointly with Sigebert and Seward; all slain. 623. Sigebert II., surn. the Little, son of Seward. 655. Sigebert III., surn. the Good, brother of Sebert ; put to death. 661. Swithelm, son of Sexbald. 663. Sigher, or Sigeric, jointly with Sebbi, or Sebba, who became a monk. 693. Sigenard, or Sigehard, and Suenfrid. 700. Offa. 709. Suebricht, or Selred. 738. Swithred, or Swithed. 792. Sigeric. 799. Sigered. 823. The kingdom seized upon by Egbert, K. of Wessex. NoKTIIIIMllKlA. Lditcaster, York, Cumin rlund, Westmore- land, Durham, and Northumberland. Xorthumbria was at lirst divided into two separate governments, Bemicia and Ueira ; the fonnor stretching from the river Tweed to the Tyiie, and the latter from the Tyno to the Ilumber. 547. Ida, Saxon. 560. Adda, son, K. of Bemicia — Ella, K. of Deira ; aft. sole K. of Xorthumbria. 567. Glappa, Clappa, or Elappea ; Ber- nicia. 572. Heodwulf ; Bemicia. 573. Freodwulf; Bemicia. 580. Theodric ; Bemicia. 588. Ethelric ; Bemicia. 693. Ethelfrith, .surn. the Fierce. 617. Edwin, son of Ella, K. of Deira in 590 : slain in battle with Penda, K. of Mercia. 634. The kingdom again divided; Ean- frid ruled in Bemicia, and Osric in Deira ; both put to death. 635. Oswald : slain in battle. 644. Osweo, or Oswy. 670. Ecfrid, or Egfrid, K. of Xorthumbria. 685. Alcfrid, or Ealdferth. 705. Osred. son. 716. Cenred ; sprung from Ida. 718. Osric, son of Alcfrid. 729. Ceolwulf ; d. a monk. 738. Eadbert, or Egbert; retired to a monastery. 757. Oswulf. or Osulf ; .slain in a sedition. 759. Edilwald, or Mollo ; slain by Aired. 765. Aired, Ailred, or Alured ; dep. 774. Ethelred, son of Mollo ; expelled. 778. Elwald, or Celwold ; dep. and slain. 789. Osred, son of Aired; fled. 790. Ethelred rest. ; aft. slain. 795. Erdulf . or Ardulf ; dep. 808. Alfwold; succ. by Erdulf, and perhaps by others. East Angles. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Isle of Ely. 575. Uffa ; a noble German. 582. Titilus, or Titulus, son. 599. Redwald, son. 624. Erpwald, or Eorpwald. 629. Sigebert, half-brother. 632. Egfrid, or Egric, cousin. 635. Anna, or Annas ; killed. 654. Ethelric, or Ethelhere ; slain in battle. 655. Ethelwald, brother. 664. Aldulf. or Aldwulf. 713. Selred, or Ethelred. 746. Alphwuld. 749. Beorn and Ethelred, jointly. 758. Beorn, alone. 761. Ethelred. 790. Ethelbert, or Ethelbyrht ; jmt to death in Mercia in 792, when Offa, K. of Mercia. overran the country, which was finally sub- dued by Egbert, K. of Wessex. Mkucia. Counties of Cloucvstir,, Herefurd, Chp.tler, Stafford, Worii:iler, Oxford, Salop, Warwick, Dfrhy, Leicvster, Burks, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 755. Beornred, or Bernred ; himself slain. 755. Ofifa. 794. Egfrid, or Egferth, son; he had ruled jointly with his father for some years ; d. suddenly. 794. Ccnulf, or Kenulph ; slain. 819. Kenelm, or Cenelm, a minor reigned five months ; killed by his sister Quendreda. 819. Ceolwulf, uncle ; driven from the throne. 821. Beornulf, or Burnwulf; killed by his own subjects. 823. Ludecan ; slain. 825. Withlafe, or Wiglaf. 838. Berthulf, or Bertulf. 852. Burhred, or Burdred. This last kingdom merged, like the other kingdoms of the Hep- tarchy, into that of England. Northampton, Notts, Lincoln, Bedford, Rutland, Huntingdon, and parts of Herts. 586. Crida, or Cridda. 593. Interregnum. 597. Wibba, son. 615 Ceorl, or Cheorl, nephew. 626. Penda ; killed in battle. 655. Peada, son ; murdered. 656. Wulfhere, brother, to make way for whom Peada was slain. 675. Ethelred ; became a monk. 704. Cenred, Cendred, or Kendred ; be- came a monk at Rome. 709. Ceolred, or Celred, or Chelred, son of Ethelred. 716. Ethelbald ; slain in a mutiny by one of his own chieftains, his suc- cessor, after a defeat in battle. The Saxons, although they were divided into seven different kingdoms, yet were for the most part subject to one king alone, who was entitled Rex gentis Anglorum, or King of the English nation ; those which were stronger than the rest giving the law to them in their several turns, till, in the end, they all became incorporated in the empire of the West Saxons, under Egbert. The term "Octarchy" is sometimes applied, by writers, to the Saxon kingdoms, inasmuch as Northumbria, the seventh kingdom, was at different periods divided into two kingdoms, Bernicia and Deira, ruled by separate kings. Other writers apply the term to the successive kings whose authority was acknowledged by the other princes of the Heptarchy ; these they call Octarchs. Kings, oe Octarchs, of the English Saxons during the Heptarchy. 704. Cenred, 8th K. of Mercia. 709. Celred, 9th K. of Mercia. 716. Ethelbald, 10th K. of Mercia. 758. Offa, 11th K. of Mercia. 796. Egferth, 12th K. of Mercia. 796. Kenulph, 13th K. of Mercia. 820. Egbert, 17th K. of the West Saxons ; first and absolute monarch of the whole Heptarchy, who van- qviished all or most of the Saxon kings, and added their dominions to his own. 457. Hengist, 1st K. of Kent. 490. Ella, 1st K. of the South Saxons. 519. Cerdic, 1st K. of the West Saxons. 534. Kenric, 2nd K. of the West Saxons. 560. Ceawlin, 3rd K. of the West Saxons. 593. Ethelbert, 5th K. of Kent. 616. Redwald, 3rd K. of the East Angles. 630. Edwin, 4th K. of Northumbria. 635. Oswald, 5th K. of Northumbria. 644. Osweo, 8th K. of Bernicia. 670. Wulfhere, 6th K. of Mercia. 675. Ethelred, 7th K. of Mercia. Kings op England before the Conquest. 827. Egbert, first sole Monarch of Eng- land. 837. Ethelwolf, son. 857. Ethelbald, son. 860. Ethelbert, 2nd son of Ethelwolf. 866. Ethelred, brother ; mortally wounded by the Danes in battle ; d. April 27, 871. 871. Alfred, sui-n. the Great, 4th son of Ethelwolf ; d. Oct. 26, 901. 901. Edward the Elder, son ; d. 925. 925. Athelstan, natural son of Edward, whose legitimate sons were too young to govern ; d. Oct. 17, 941. 941. Edmund, son of Edward; d. May 26, 947. 947. Edred, brother. 955. Edwy, son of Edmund. 959. Edgar, brother ; d. July 1, 975. 975. Edward the Martyr, son ; stabbed at Corfe Castle, at the instance of his step-mother Elfrida, Mar. 18, 978. 978. Ethelred II., half-brother. This prince retired to Normandy during the Danish usurpation, when Sweyn was prod, king, 1013. Sweyn d. a few months after- wards, and was succ. by his son, Canute the Great. While the latter was absent in Denmark, the exiled king returned. Ethel- red d. April 24, 1016. I * THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 1016. Edmund II.. sum. Ironside, son of 1039. Ethelred. The English and Dan- | ish nobility, tired of war, obliged Edmund and Canute to divide the kingdom between them. Canute ruled the northern por- 1041. tion. while the southern was held by Edmund, who, however, did not long survive the treaty; he was murdered at Oxford by two 1066. of his chamberlains, accomplices of Duke Edric, Nov. 30, 1016. The Danish Race. 1016. Canute, styled the Great, and the Dane ; estabhshed himself as K. of England in 1017 : d. Nov. 12, 1035. 1035. Harold I., surn. Harefoot,- from his agility in running ; d. April 14, 1039. Hardicanute, or Canute the Hardy, 80 named from his bodily powers, brother : d. June 8, 1041. The Saxons Repossessed. Edward the Confessor, son of Ethel- red II. by Emma, his 2nd queen ; d. Jan. 5, 1066. naming William of Xormandy his heir. Harold II., son of Godwin, E. of Kent ; reigned only nine months ; killed at the battle of Hastings. William of Xormandy invaded Eng- land in Sept. 1066 with a power- ful fleet and army, and on Oct. 14 following, gave battle, at Hastings, to Harold, over whom he obtained a complete victory. Harold being slain, William was proclaimed king by his trium- phant anny on the spot. Sovereigns op England after the Conquest. The Norman Line. 1066. William the Conqueror, natural son of Robert, D. of Nonuandy, by Harlotta, a tanner's dau., at Falaise. h. 102"); ;//. Matilda, dau. of Baldwin, Count of Flanders; d. at Rouen, Sept. 9, 1087. 1087. William Rufus, or the Red, from the colour of his hair, second son of William I., h. 1057 ; d. unm., Aug. 2, 1100. 1100. Hbnry I., surn. Beauclerk, youngest son of William I., A. 1070; in. 1st, Matilda, dau. of ^lalcolm Canmorc, K. of Scotland ; and, 2nd, Adclicia, dau. of Godfrey, D. of Louvaine; d. Dec. 1, 1135. 1135. Stephen, son of the E. of Blois (by Adela, dau. of William I.), and nephew of Henry I., I>. 1105. The Empress Maud. dau. of Henry, and rightful heir to the throne, con- tended for it with Stephen, but ultimately concluded a peace with him. by which she secured the succession to her son. See next lieifin. Stephen in. Matilda, dau. of Eustace, count of Bou- logne ; d. Oct. 25. 1154. The Plantaoenet Line. 1154. Henky II., son of the Empress Maud and GeofTrey Plantagenot. Earl of Anjou, her second husband, A. 1133; M. Eleanor, dau. of th(> 1). of (Juionno and divorced quonn of Louis VII. of France: d. July 6, 11K9. 1189. RirHAitn I.. Ca-nr i/i Jjon, son of Henry I., h. 1157 ; in. Berengaria, dau. of Sancho VI., K. of Navarre; d. Apr. 6, 1199. 1199. John, sum. Lackland, brother. I>. Dec. 24, 1166: m. Ist, Avisa, dau. of William, Earl of Glou- cester, whom he divorced upon the ground of consanguinity ; and. 2nd, Isabella, dau. of Aymer, count of Angouleme, the affi- anced wife of the Count de la Marche ; d. Oct. 19, 1216. 1216. Henry III., son, h. Oct. 1,1206; in. Eleanor, dau. of Raymond, comit de Provence ; d. Nov. 16, 1272. 1272. Edward I., surn. Longshanks, son, h. June 17, 1239; »i. 1st, Eleanor, dau. of Ferdinand III. , K. of Cas- tile ; and, 2nd, Margaret, dau. of Phihp III., the Hardy, K. of France ; d. July 7, 1307. 1307. Edward II., son', l>. Apr. 25, 1284; m. Isabella, dau. of Philip IV., the Fair, K. of France : deth. .Ian. 25, 1327 ; and murdered at Berkeley Castle Sept. 21 follow- ing. 1327. Edward III., son, b. Nov. 13. 1312; in. Philippa, dau. of William, count of Holland and Hainhault ; d. .Iune21. 1.'577. 1377. Ri( HAKK 11.. .son of Edward the Black Prince and grandson of Edward III., h. Jan. 6, 1367 : m. Ist, Anne. dau. of the Emp. Charles IV. ; and, 2nd. Isabel, dau. of Charles VI. of France; deth. Sep. 29, 1399, and murdered at Pomfret Castle, Feb. 13 fol- lowing. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. The Line of Lancaster. 1399. Henry IV., surn. Bolingbroke, son of John of Gaunt, D. of Lancaster, who was fourth son of Edward HI., h. 1367 ; m. 1st, Mary de Bohun, dau. and co-heu-ess of the E. of Hereford; and, 2nd, Joanna of Navarre, widow of John de Mont- fort, D. of Bretagne ; d. Mar. 20, j 1413. 1413. Henrt v., of Monmouth, son, b. 1388 ; m. Katherine, youngest dau. of Charles VI., K. of France ; d. Aug. 31, 1422. 1422. Henry VI., son, h. Dec. 6, 1421; m. Margaret of Xn]o\x, dau. of Rene' or Regnier, D. of Anjou, titular K. of Sicily and Jerusa- lem ; deth. Mar. 4, 1461, and d. in the Tower (supposed to have been murdered there by Richard, D. of Gloucester), June 20, 1471. The House of York. 1461 Edward W., eldest sui-viving son of Richard, D. of York, son of Richard, E. of Cambridge, and Anne, his wife, who was dau. of Roger, E. of March, the son of Edmund Mortimer and Philippa, his wife, who was dau. of Lionel, D of Clarence, the third son of Edward III, h. Apr. 29, 1441; m. Elizabeth Widvile, (or Wood- ville), dau. of Sir Richard Wid- vile, afterwards E. Rivers, widow of Sir John Grey, of Groby ; d. Apr. 9, 1483. Edward, pr. of Wales, son of Henry VI., was murdered in this reign. 1483. Edward V., eldest son, b. Nov. 4, 1470. Dep. June 22, 1483. He was shortly afterwards murdered, with his brother Richard, in the Tower, by their uncle Gloucester, who had usurped the throne. 1483. Richard III., D. of Gloucester, eighth and yomigest sou of Rich- ard, D. of York, and brother of Edward IV., b. 1443; m. Anne, dau. of the great E. of Warwick, and widow of Edward, pr. of Wales, above-mentioned. Slain at the battle of Bosworth Field", Aug. 22, 1485. The Famlies of York and Lancaster United in the House of Tudor. 1485. Henry VII., E. of Richmond, grand- son of Owen Tudor and Catharine, widow of Henry v., //. July 26, 1455: claimed his title to the crown in right of his mother, descended from John of Gaunt, 4th son of Edward III. ; «i. Eliza- beth, eldest dau. of Edward TV., by which marriage the houses of Lancaster and York were united. Overcame Richard III. at tho battle of Bosworth, and was crowned king upon the spot ; d. Apr. 22, 1509. 509. Henry VIII., son, b. June 28, 1491 ; m. (1), Katharine of Arragon (widow of his elder brother, Arthur), whom he repudiated and afterwards formally divorced. (2) Anne Bolejm (dau. of sir Thomas Boleyn, and maid of honour to queen Katharine), whom he be- headed. (3), Jane Seymour (dau. of Sir John Seymour and maid of honour to Anne Boleyn), who died in childbirth of a son, aft. Edward VI. (4), Anne of Clevea (sister of WiUiam, D. of Cleves), whom he divorced. (5), Katharine Howard (niece of the D. of Nor- folk), whom he beheaded. (6), Katharine Parr (dau. of sir Thomas Parr and widow of Edward Nevill, lord Latimer, her 2nd husband), who survived him ; d. Jan. 28, 1547. 1547. Edward VI. , son, by Jane Seymour b. Oct. 12, 1537: d. warn., July 6, 1553. 1553. Mart, eldest dau. of Hem-y VIII., by Katharine of Arragon, b. Feb. 11, 1516 ; m. Philip II. of Spain, who was joined with her in the government, July 25, 1554 ; d. Nov. 17, 1558. In the beginning of this reign lady Jane Grey, dau. of the D. of Suffolk, and wife of lord Guild- ford Dudley, was proclaimed queen ; Edward ^^., when dymg, having been persuaded to alter the succession in her favour. In 10 days afterwards she returned to private life ; but was tried Nov. 13, 1553, and beheaded Feb. 12, 1554, being then but seventeen years of age. Her nominal reign extended from July 6 to July 17 1553. 1558. Elizabeth, second dau. of Hem-y VIII. by Anne Boleyn, b. Sept. 7,1533; ^. unm. Mar. 24, 1603; and in her ended the Tudors. House of Stu.4:rt. 1603. James I. of England, and VI. of Scotland, son of Mary, Q. of Scots, by Heni-y Stuart, lord Darniey ; and grandson of James IV. of Scotland, by Margaret, TlIE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 164U, 164J», clau. of Henry VII. of England : b. June 19, I56(>; iti. Anne, dau. of Frederick II. of Denmark ; fi. Mar. 27, 1(525. 1625. Charler I., eldest surviving son, /i. Nov. 19. 1(100: m. Henrietta- Maria, dau. of Henrj' IV. and sister of Louis XIII. of France. This monarch was brought to trial on a charge of making war against the parliament, sentenced to be )>cheaded, Jan. 27. 1649, and ex- ecuted on the 30th. Commonwealth. Oliver Cromwell, was decl. protector of England. Dec. 12, 1653; d. Sept. 3, 1658. Succ. by his son, Richard Crom- well, who was made protector, Sept. 4 ; he resigned the office. Apr. 22, 1659. Chables II., son of Charles I., b. May 29, 1630. This king's reign commenced, in effect, with his restoration to the throne, May 29, 1660 ; but it is reckoned by historians from the day of his father's death, Jan. 30, 1649; ni. the infanta Catharine of Por- tugal, dau. of John IV. and sister of Alphonso VI. ; d. Feb. 6, 1(>85. 1685. James II.. brother, b. Oct. 13,1633 ; wi. Ist, lady Anne Hyde. dau. of Edward, E. of Clarendon, who died before ho ascended the throne ; and. 2nd, ISIary Beatrice Eleanor d'Este. pr. of Modena, dau. of Alphonso d'Este, D. of Modena. James abd. by flight, finally quitting England Dec. 23. 1688 ; d. in exile Sept. 6, 1701. 1689. Wii-liam III., pr. of Orange, and Makv II., his queen. The former was the posthumous son of William of Nassau and Orange by tlie pr. Mary, eldest dau. of Clharles I., h. Nov. 14. 1650. The latter was the elder dau. of James II., by ladv Anne Hvde; A. April 3(t, 1662. Procl. Fob. 13, 1(J89 ; this event consummating the Re- volution of 1688. Marv(/. Dec. 28. 1694 ; and William. .AJar. 8, 1702. 1702. Annk, second dau. of James II. by lady Anne Hyde. //. Feb. 6, 1665; /". pr. George of Denmark. July 28, 1683; ,/. Aug. 1, 1714. Hoi'SE OK Hanover. 1714. George I. (George Lewis), the near- est Protestant heir to the crown ; son of Ernest Augustus, elector of Hanover and D. of Bnms- wick-Luneburg, bj' the pr. Sophia, youngest dau. of Frederick V., elector palatine and K. of Bohemia, and the pr. Elizabeth, dau. of James I., h. May 28, 16(50 ; m- Sophia Dorothea, dau. of George William. D. of Zell ; d. June 11, 1727. 1727. George II. (George Augustus), son, b. Oct. 30, 1683 ; in. Wilhelmina Caroline, dau. of John Frederick, margrave of Brandenburg - Anspach ; d. Oct. 25, 1760. 1760. George III. (George William Frederick), son of Frederick Lewis, pr. of Wales, and grand- son of George II., b. June 4, 1738; ;«. Charlotte Sophia, dau. of Charles Lewis Frederick, D. of Mecklenburg-StreUtz, Sept. 8, 1761. His son, George, pr. of Wales, declared regent of the kingdom. Feb. 5, 1811. and so continued until Jan. 29, 1820, when the king died. 1820. George IV. (George Augustus Frederick), eldest son, /». Aug. 12, 1762 ; III. his cousin Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, dau. of Charles William Ferdinand. D. of Bruns- wick-Wolfenbuttel, by Augusta, eldest sister of George III., Apr. 8, 1795. Became prince regent. Feb. 5, 1811 ; and succ. to the throne, Jan. 29, 1820; d. June 26. 1830. 1830. William IV. (William Henry), D. of Clarence, third son of George HI., b. Aug. 21, 17(55: m. Amelia Adelaide Louisa Theresa Caroline, dau. of (ieorge Frede- rick Charles, D. of Saxe- Meiningen, July 11, 1818 ; d. .June 20. 1837. 1837. Victoria (Aloxandrina Victoria), dau. of Edward, 1). of Kent, fourth son of (Joorge III., b. Way 24. 1819; »i. Feb. 10, 1840, her cousin, Francis Albert Augustus Charles Emmanuel D. of Saxe, I)r. of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Wales was (inally subdued by England in 1282-3, and the "Statute of Wales," 12 Edw. I., was passed May 19, 12H4. Wales was "incorporated, united, and annexed to and with " England in 1535 by 27 lien. VIII. cap. 26. Scotland was united to both on and after May 1, 1707, by (5 Anne cap. 11. and the three wore then styled "(Jreut Britain." Irebmd was united to (Jreat Uritnin ..n nnd .iftor .Ian. 1. ISOI, "by .-59 and 40 THE BOOK OF DKiNITIES. 7 Geo. III. cap. 67, and the four countries were then and are still styled "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland." CONSORTS OF THE QUEENS OF ENGLAND. Philip, Consort of Q. Mary; son of Charles, K. of Spain (Charles I.) and Emp. of Germany (Charles V.); styled King Philip, b. May 21, 1527; m. (1) to Q. Mary, July 25, 1554, and (2) to Isabella, dau. of Henry II., K of France, June 24. 1559 ; succ. to throne of Spain as Philip II. Jan. 16, 1556; d. Sept. 13, 1598. George, Consort of Q. Anne, son of Fre- derick III., K. of Denmark ; styled Pr. George or Pr. George of Denmark, h. Apr. 21, 1653 ; m. July 28, 1683 ; cr. D. of Cumberland. Apr. 9. 1689 ; d. Oct. 28, 1708. Albert (Francis Albert Augustus Charles Emmanuel), Consort of Q. Victoria, son of Ernest-Anthony, D. of Sase-Coburg and Gotha ; styled Pr. Albert, until June 25, 1857, when he received the style or title of the Pr. Consort ; J). Aug. 26, 1819 ; m. Feb. 10, 1840 ; d. Dec. 14, 1861. CONSORTS OF THE KINGS OF ENGLAND. Including those who died before their husbands accession to the throne. Compiled, chiefly, from Miss Agues Strickland's Queens of Eiigland, the dates in which have been followed. Styled " Queen." Matilda of Flanders, consort of Wil- liam I., dau. of Baldwin, Count of Flan- ders, 6. abt. 1031; /«. 1050; d. Nov. 2, 1083. Matilda of Scotland, 1st consort of Henry I., dau. of Malcolm Canmore, K. of Scotland, b. 1079; m. Nov. 11, 1100; d. May 1, 1118. Adelicia of Louvaine, 2nd consort of Henry I., dau. of Godfrey, D. of Bra- bant, 6. 1102 ; m. Jan. 24, 1121 ; d. Apr. 1151. Matilda of Boulogne, consort of Stephen, dau. of Eustace, Count of Boulogne, m. 1128; d. May 3, 1151. Eleanor of Aquitaine, consort of Henry II. , dau. of the D. of Guienne and divorced Q. of Louis VIL of France, b. 1122 ; iii. May 1, 1152 ; d, June 26, 1204. Berengaria of Navarre, consort of Richard I., dau. of Sancho VI., K. of Navarre ;«i. May 12, 1191; ret. to the Abbey of Espan in 1230, and d. there some years aft. AviSA or Hawise, 1st consort of John, dau. of William, E. of Gloucester; m. 1191 ; divorced, on ground of consan- guinity, 1200. This lady was not crowned or acknowledged as Queen. Isabella of Angouleme, 2nd consort of John, dau. of Aymer, Count of An- gouleme, b. abt. 1185 ; m. Aug. 24, 1200; d. 1246. Eleanor of Provence, consort of Henry III., dau. of Raymond, Count de Pro- vence, b. 1222; m. Jan. 4, 1236; d. June 24, 1291. Eleanor of Castile, 1st consort of Edward I, dau. of Ferdinand IH., K. of Castile, b. abt. 1244; m. Aug. 1254; d. Nov. 9, 1290. Margaret of France, 2ad consort of Edward I., dau. of Philip III., K. of France, b. abt. 1281 ; m. Sept. 8, 1299 ; d. Feb. 14, 1317. Isabella of France, consort of Edward II., dau. of Philip IV., K. of France, b. 1295 ; m. Jan. 22, 1308 ; d. Aug. 22, 1358. Philippa of Hainhault, consort of Ed- ward III., dan. of William, Count of Holland and Hainhault, b. 1311 ; m. Jan. 24, 1328; d. Aug. 15,1369. Anne of Bohemia, 1st consort of Richard II., dau. of Charles IV., Emp. of Ger- many, b. May 11, 1366; Jn. Jan. 14, 1382 ; d June 7, 1394. Isabella of Valois, 2nd consort of Richard IL, dau. of Charles VL, K. of France, b. Nov. 9, 1387; ?n. Nov. 1, 1395 ; d. Sept. 13, 1410. Mart de Bohdn, 1st consort of Henry IV.. dau. of the E. of Hereford, m. 1384; d. 1394 ; before Henry became King. Joanna of Navarre, 2nd consort of Henry IV., dau. of Charles, K. of Navarre, and widow of John de Montfort, D. of Bre- tagne, b. abt. 1360 ; vi. Feb. 7, 1403 ; d. July 9, 1437, Katherine of Valois, consort of Henry v., dau. of Charles VI., K. of France, b. Oct. 27, 1401 ; m. June 3, 1420 ; d. Jan. 3, 1437. Margaret of Anjou, consort of Henry VL, dau. of Rene or Regnier, D. of Anjou. b. Mar. 23, 1429; m. Apr. 22, 1445: d. Aug. 26, 1481. Elizabeth Woodville, consort of Ed- THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. ward IV., dan. of Sir Richard Widvile or Woodville, aft. E. Rivers; widow of Sir John Grey, of Groby, aft. Id. Ferrars, b. abt. 1435 ; ///. privately May 1, 1464 ; marriage announced Sept. 29, 1464; d. June 8, 1492. Anne of Warwick, consort of Richard III., dau. of the E. of Warwick, widow of Edward pr. of Wales, h. June 11, 14.54; w. Auf(. 1470; d. March 16, 1485. Elizabeth of York, consort of Henry VII., dau. of Edward IV., b. Feb. 11, 1466; w. Jan. 18, 1486; d. Feb. 11, 150a. Katharine of Arragon, 1st consort of Henry VIII., dau. of Ferdinand, K. of Arrawon, and widow of Henry's elder brother Arthur, h. Dec. 15, 1485 ; m. June 11 1509; divorced May 25, 1533; d. Jan. 7, 1536. Anne Boleyn, 2nd consort of Henry VIII., dau. of Sir Thomas Bolevm, b. 1501 ; III. Jan. 25, 1533, and Apr. 12, 1533; beheaded May 19, 1536. Jane Seymodr, 3rd consort of Henry VIII., dau. of Sir John Seymour ; m. May 20, 1536; d. Oct. 24, 1537. Anne of Cleves. 4th consort of Henry VIII., dau. of John, D. of Cleves, b. Sept. 22, 1516 ; m. Jan. 6, 1540; divorced July 9, 1540; d. July 16-17, 1557. Katharine Howard, 5th consort of Henry VIII., dau. of Id. Edmund Howard, niece of the D. of Norfolk, h. 1521 or 1522; III. July 1540; beheaded Feb. 12, 1542. Katharine Parr, 6th consort of Henry VIII. , dau. of Sir Thomas Parr, widow of Edward, Id. Borough of Gainsborough, and of John Neville, Id. Latimer, her second husband, h. {teste Miss Strick- land), 1513, but according to other autho- rities in 1509 or 1510; m. July 12, 1543; (/. Sept. 7, 1548. Anne of Denmark, consort of James I., dau. of Frederick II., K. of Denmark, b. Dec. 12, 1574; m. Nov. 23, 1589; d. Mar. 2, 1619. Henrietta Maria, consort of Charles I., dau. of K. Henry IV., and sister of K. Louis XIII. of France, b. Nov. 25, 1609 ; m. June 13, 1625 ; d. Sept. 10, 1669. Catharine of Braganza, consort of Charles H., dau. of K. John FV., and sister of K. Alphonso VI. of Portugal, b. Nov. 25, 1638 ; m. May 20, 1662 ; d. Dec. 31, 1705. Anne Hyde, 1st consort of James II., dau. of Edward, E. of Clarendon, rn. Sept. 3, 1660; d. Mar. 31, 1671, before James became King. Anne was the mother of Q. Mary and Q. Anne. Mary Beatrice Eleanor d'Este of MoDENA, 2nd consort of James II., dau, of Alphonso D'Este, D. of Modena, b. Oct. 5, 1658 ; /«. Nov. 21, 1673 ; d. May 7, 1718 Sophia Dorothea of Zell, consort of George I., dau. of George William, D. of Zell, b. Sept. 15, 1666: m. 1682; d. Nov. 13, 1726. WiLHELMINA CAROLINE, COUSOrt Of GcOTge H., dau. of John Frederick, Margrave of Brandenburg- Anspach, b. Mar. 1, 1683 ; m. 1705 ; d. Nov. 20, 1737. Charlotte Sophia, consort of George IH., dau. of Charles Lewis Frederick, D. of Mecklenburgh-Strelitz, b. May 19. 1744 ; m. Sept. 8, 1761 ; d. Nov. 17, 1818. Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, consort of George IV., dau. of Charles William Ferdinand, D. of Brunswick-Wolfenbut- tel, b. May 17, 1768; m. Apr. 8, 1795; (/. Aug. 7, 1821. Amelia Adelaide Louisa Theresa Caroline, consort of William IV.. dan. of George Frederick Charles, D. of Saxe-Meiningen, b. Aug. 13, 1792; in, July 11, 1818 ; d. Dec. 2, 1849. PRINCES OF WALES OF THE BLOOD ROYAL OF ENGLAND. 1284. Edward, of Carnarvon, son of Ed- ward I. ; aft. Edw. II. 1343. Edward, the Black Prince, oldest son of Edward HI. 1376. Richard, of Bourdeaux, only surviv- ing son uf the Black Prince ; aft. Richard II. 1399. Henry, of Monmouth, eldest son of Henry IV. ; aft. llonry V. 1454. Edward, of Westminster, only son of Henry VI., murdered by the dukcH of (iloucosterand Clarence, in 1471. 1472. Kdwaid, of Westminster, oldest son of Edward IV. ; aft. Edward V. 1 483 Kdward, E. of Salisbury, only son of Richard III. ; cr. Sept. 8, 148:^ ; d. April, 1484. 1490. Arthur Tudor, oldest son of Henry VIL;f/. 1502. 1503. Henry, D. of York, second son of Henry VII., cr. pr. of Wales on his brother's death; aft. Henry vin. 1537. Edward Tudor, son of Henry VIIL ; aft. Edward VI. The patent of creation to the dignity was never actually passed. 1610. Henry Frederick, oldest son of James I. ; d. 1612. Charles, D. of York, second son of THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. James I. ; aft. Charles I. Not cr. pr. of Wales. Charles, eldest son of Charles I. ; aft. Charles II. Not cr. pr. of Wales. 1714. George Augfustus, only son of George I. ; aft. George II. 1729. Frederick Lewis, eldest son of George II. ; cr. Jan. 9, 1729 ; d. before his father, Mar. 20, 1751. 1751. George William Frederick, eldest son of the preceding ; cr. Apr. 20, 1751 ; aft. George III. 1762. George Augustus Frederick, eldest son of George III. ; cr. Aug. 17, 1762 ; aft. George IV. 1841. Albert Edward, eldest son of Q. Victoria; cr. Dec. 7, 1841. PRINCES AND PRINCESSES OF ENGLAND. Born op the Norman Line. Issue of William I. Robert. D. of Normandy. Richard, said to have been killed by a stag in the New Ferest. WiLLiAM-RuFUS, aft. William II. Henky, aft. Henry I. Cicely, d. abbess of the convent of the Holy Trinity at Caen. Constance, m. to Alan, E. of Brittany, and of Richmond, in England. Alice, contracted to Harold (who after- wards refused her), she died un- married. Adela, /«. to Stephen, E. of Blois, by whom she had (besides three other sons), William, Theobald, and Henry. Stephen, aft. King. Gundred, m. to William, E. of Warren and Surrey. Agatha (called Margaret by Ralphe Brooke), betrothed to Alphonso, K. of Galicia, but died on her journey to join her bridegroom. Issue of Henry I. 1. William, drowned on his passage from Normandy ; the prince's newly married bride, Matilda, dau. of Fulke, E. of Anjou, shared the same fate. 2. Maud, or Matilda, m. 1st, to the emp. Henry V., and 2nd, to Geoffrey Plantagenet, son of Fulke, E. of An- jou, by whom she had : I. Henry, aft. Henry II. II. Geoffrey (Pembroke) E. of Nantes. III. William, E. of Poitou. IV. Emma, iii. to David, by usur- pation pr. of North Wales. Issue of Stephen. 1. Baldwin, d. in infancy. 2. Eustace, E. of Boulogne. 3. William, E. of Mortaigne. 4. Maud, d. young. 5. Mary, m. to Matthew, son of Theodore, count of Flanders. Born of the Plantagenet Line. Issue of Henry II. 1. William, who died in childhood. 2. Henry, m. Margaret, dau. of the Fx-ench king ; d. before his father. 3. Richard, aft. Richard I. 4. Geoffrey, E. of Brittany and Richmond, m. Constance, dau. of Conan, D. of Brittany ; accidentally killed at a tournament in Paris, leaving I. Arthur, E. or D. of Brittany, who was rightful heir of his uncle Richard. n. Eleanor, d. unm. 5. Philip, d. young. 6. John, aft. King. 7. Eleanor, m. to Alphonso VIII., K. of Castile. 8. Maud, m. to Henry the Lion, D. of Brunswick, ancestor of the present royal family of England. 9. Joan, m. 1st, to William II., count of Sicily ; and, 2nd, Raymond, count of Toulouse. [Henry had two sons by Rosa- mond Clifford : viz. William Longespee, or Longsword, so named from the sword he usually wore ; and Geoffrey, abp. of York.] Issue of King John. 1. Henry, aft. Henry III. 2. Richard, E. of Poitou and Cornwall ; elected K. of the Romans in 1256. 3. Joan, VI. to Alexander II., K. of Scot- land. 4. Eleanor, m. 1st, to William Marshall the younger, E. of Pembroke ; and, 2nd, to Simon de Montfort, E. of Leicester. 5. Isabel, m. to the Emp. Frederick U. Issue of Henry III. 1. Edward, aft. Edward I. 2. Edmund Plantagenet, surn. Crouch- back, E. of Lancaster. 3. Richard; 4. John; 5. William; all d. young. 6. Henry, assass. at mass in Italy. 7. Margaret, m. to Alexander III., K. of Scotland. 10 THE BOOK OF DKiXITIES. 8. Beatrice, ///. to John, 1st D. of Brit- tany. 9. Catherine, d. in infancy. Issue of Edward I. 1. John; 2. Henry; 3. Alphonso ; d. young. 4. Edward, pr. of Wales ; aft. Edward H. 6. Eleanor, m. Ist, to Alphonso of Arra- gon, who died soon after ; and, 2nd, to Henrv, comtc de Barre. 6. Joan, m. 1st, to Gilbert de Clare, E. of Gloucester; and 2nd, to Ralph de Monthermere. 7. Margaret, m. to John, D. of Brabant. 8. Berangera or Berenice, d. in infancy. 9. Alice, d. young. 10. Mary, a nun at Amesbury in Wiltshire, and aft. at Fontevraud, in Nor- mandy. 11. Elizabeth, m. 1st, to John, E. of Hol- land ; and, 2nd, to Humphrey, E. of Hereford and Essex. 12. Beatrice, d. in infancy. 13. Blanch, d. in infancy. 14. Thomas, E. of Norfolk and marshal of England. 15. Edmund, of Woodstock, E. of Kent; beheaded in 1329. 10. Eleanor, second of the name; d. young. IssuK OF Edward II. 1. Edward, aft. Edward III. 2. John, of Eltham, E. of Cornwall. 3. Joan, m. to David, pr. of Scotland son of Robert Bruce. 4. Eleanor, m. to Rcynald or Reginald, E. of Gueldres. Issue of Edward HI. 1. Edward, surn. the Black Prince, pr. of Wales, h. June ir>, 1330; in. his cousin Joan, the " Fair Maid of Kent," dau. of Edmund, E. of Kent, repudiated wife of Thomas Monta- cute, E. of Salisbury, and widow of sir Thomas Holland ; d. July 8, 187G, having had issue I. Edward, who died in his seventh year. II. RiciiAUD, aft. Richard II. 2. William, of Hatfield, died early. 3. Lionel, \). of Clarence. /;/. Ist, Eli- zabeth de Burgh, dau. of William, E. of Ulster, by whom ho had an only daughter, Philippa, in. to Edmund Mortimer, E. of March. Lionel esjjousod, 2nd, Violante. dau. of the 1). of Milan, and died in Italy Boon after. For the issue of Philippa, see below. 4. John, of Ghent, or Gaunt (so called from the place of his birth), D. of Lancaster. From this prince sprang that branch which afterwards possessed the crown. See below. 5. Edmund, of Langley, E. of Cambridge. and aft. D. of York, m. Ist, Isabel, dau. of Peter, K. of Castile and Leon; and 2nd, Joan, dau. of Thomas, E. of Kent. For his issue (by his first duchess), see below. 6. William, of Windsor, d. young. 7. Thomas, of Woodstock, D. of Glouces- ter, m. Eleanor, eldest dau. and co- heiress of Humphrey de Bohun, E. of Hereford, Essex, and Northamp- ton. The duke was murdered at Calais, Sept. 8, 1397. 8. Isabel, m. to Ingelram de Courcy, or. E. of Bedford. 9. Joan, contracted in marriage to Alphonso, K. of Castile, but died before its celebration. 10. Blanch de la Tour (born in the Tower), d. an infant. 11. Mary, m. to John de Jlontfort. sur- named the Valiant, D. of Brittany. 12. Margaret, m. to John Hastings, E. of Pembroke, who was poisoned. The following are given under separate heads, as materially serving to elucidate the claims to, and the descent of. the crown. Issue of Philippa Dauyhter of Lionel, duke of Clarence, Srd .son of Edward III. See above. 1. Roger Mortimer, E. of March, m. Eleanor, dau. of Thomas Holland, E. of Kent; killed in Ireland, leaving issue I. Edmund, K of March, who, on the death of Richard II. became rightful heir to the crown ; ho was kept in con- finement by Henry IV., and it. in prison, 1424. II. Anno Mortimer, who became heiress of her house, and convoyed its claims on the crown to the house of York, by her marriage with Richard E. of Cambridge. III. Eleanor, m. to Edward Courte- nay, E. of Devon. 2. Edmund Mortimer, who settled in North Britain. 3. John Mortimer, put to death in 1424. 4. Elizabeth, m. to Henry, lord Percy, surn. Hotspur. 6. Philippa, w. 1st. to John. E. of Pem- broke ; and. 2nd. to Richard Fitz- Alan, E. of Arundel. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. II Issue of John of Gaunt. D. of Lan- caster. 4.th son of Edward III. This prince m. 1st, Blanch, youngest daughter and co-heiress of Henry, D. of Lancaster, and had issue 1. Henry, aft. Henry IV. 2. Philippa, m. to John I., K. of Por- tugal. 3. Elizabeth, m. 1st to John, D. of Exeter, and 2nd, to sir John Cornewall, cr. baron Fanhope. He m. 2nd, Constance, eldest dau. and co-heiress of Peter, K. of Castile and Leon, by whom he had 4. Catherine, m. to Henry, pr. of Asturias, aft. king of Castile and Leon. He m. 3rd, Catherine, dau. of sir Payn Roelt, knt., and widow of sir Hugh Swynford. By this lady he had, before marriage 5. John, marq. of Dorset and Somerset, ancestor of the present D. of Beau- fort. 6. Henry, bp. of Winchester. 7. Thomas, D. of Exeter. 8. Joan, 111. 1st, to Robert, lord Ferrers ; and 2nd, to Ralph Nevill, E. of Westmoreland. These last, by act of parliament, 20 Richard II. , were declared legitimate for all purposes but inheriting the crown. Issue of Edmund, E. of Cambridge. 5th son of Edward III. 1. Constance, m. to Thomas le Despencer, E. of Gloucester. 2. Edward, D. of York and Albemarle ; slain at the battle of Agincourt. 3. Richard, E. of Cambridge, m. Anne Mortimer, great-grand-daughter, and eventually heiress of her uncle Lionel, D. of Clarence. Through her the house of York derived its title to the crown in preference to the house of Lancaster, which, though descended in an unbroken male line from Edward III. was the line of a younger son. The earl was beheaded for a plot against the life of Henry V., leaving issue I. Isabel, m. to Henry Bourchier, E. of Essex. II. Richard, D. of York and pro- tector of England, m. Cicely, dau. of Ralph Nevill, E. of Westmoreland; he was slain at the battle of Wake- field in IIGO. His issue follows : Issue of Richard, D. of York. 1. Henry, d. in infancy. 2. Edward, aft. Edward IV. 3. Edmund, E. of Rutland ; slain at Wake- field, aged only 12 years. 4. William, d. in infancy. 5. John, d. in infancy. 6. George, D. of Clarence ; w. Isabel, dau. of Richard Nevill, E. of Warwick ; attainted, and d. 1477 ; he left issue I. Edward, E. of Warwick ; be- headed in 1499. II. Margaret, countess of Salisbury, m. to sir Richard Pole ; at- tainted, and beheaded in 1541. 7. Thomas, d. in infancy. 8. Richard, aft. Richard III. 9. Anne, m. Ist, Henry Holland, D. of Exeter; and 2nd, sir Thomas St. Leger, knt. 10. Elizabeth, m. to John Delapole, D. of Suffolk. 11. Margaret, m. to Charles, D. of Bur- gundy. 12. Ursula. Edward, earl of Warwick, beheaded as above, in 1499, was the last of the male line of the Plantagenets. Born of the House of Lancaster. Issue of Henry IV. 1. Henry, sum. Monmonth, pr. of Wales, aft. Henry V. 2. Thomas, of Lancaster, D. of Clarence, who fell at the battle of Beague, in 1421. 3. John, of Lancaster, D. of Bedford, regent of France in the minority of Henry VI. 4. Humphrey, D. of Gloucester, regent of England in the same minority. It is supposed that he died by violence or poison. 5. Blanch, m. 1st, to Louis, pr. palatine of Bavaria; 2nd, to the K. of Arragon ; and, 3rd, to the D. of Barre. 6. Philippa, m. to Eric, K. of Denmark. Issue of Henry V. Henry, pr. of Wales, aft. Henry VI. The widow of Henry V. married sir Owen Tudor of the principality of Wales, said to be of royal lineage, by whom she had I. Edmund Tudor, cr. E. of Rich- mond, who m. Margaret, dau. of John, first D. of Somerset, and great-grand-daughter of John of Gaunt. He left an 12 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. only son, Hkxry, E. of Rich- mond : aft. Henry VII. II. Jasper Tudor, cr. E. of Pem- broke. III. Tacina Tudor, in. to Reginald, lord Grey, of Wilton. Issue of Henry VI. Edward, pr. of Wales, h. Oct. 31, 1452 , III. in 1470, the lady Anne Nevill, second dau. and co-heiress of Richard, Nevill, E. of Warwick. This prince was, with his mother, taken prisoner at the battle of Tewkesbury, in 1471, and was murdered a few days afterwards by the dukes of Glouces- ter and Clarence, and lord HastinKS. His widow, Anne, subsequently married (iloucester, one of his murderers, who became king as Richard III. Born op the House op Toek. Issue of Edward IV. 1. Edward, pr. of Wales, aft. Edward V., and 2. Richard, D. of York. These two princes were murdered in the Tower, at the instance of their uncle Richard, D. of Gloucester, in 1483. The latter prince, Richard, was married in his infancy to Anne, heiress of the house of Mowbray, only child of John ^lowbray, D. olE Norfolk and earl marshal of Eng- land, she being also an infant. 3. George, who d. young. 4. Elizabeth, m. to Henry VII. 5. Cicely, in., 1st, to John, lord Wells ; and, 2nd, to Sir J. Kyme. 6. Anne, in. to Thomas Howard, D. of Norfolk. 7. Bridget, who became a nun. 8. Mary, who d. unm. 9. Margaret, and 10. Katharine, m. to William Courtenay, E. of Devonshire. Issue of Richard III. Edward, E. of Salisbury, cr. pr. of Wales; upon whom the crown was entailed by parliament ; but he died ritd /I'ltn's. Born of the House of Tudor. Issue of Henry VII. 1. Arthur, pr. of Wales, b. Sept. 20. 1486 ; in. Nov. 1.501, the infanta Catharine, daughter of Ferdinand of Arragon, but died in a few months afterwards. His widow became the first wife of his brother Henry VIII., to whom she was married June 3, 1.509. 2. Henry, aft. Henry VIII. 3. Edmund, who died young. 4. Margaret, m. 1st, to James IV. of Scotland, by whom she had an only son, James V. of Scot- land, father of Mary, Q. of Scots, whose son, James VI., as- cended the English throne as James I. Margai-et m. 2nd, Arthur Douglas, E. of Angus, from whom she was divorced ; and 3rd, Henry Stuart, E. of ISIcthven. By her second husband she had an only daughter, Margaret, who espoused Matth(!W Stuart, E. of Lenox, and was mother of Henry, E. of Darnloy, the husband of Mary, Q. of Scots, and father of Jiiuies I. of England. 5. Elizabeth, d. in infancy. 6. Mary, /«. 1st, to Louis XII. K. of France ; and. 2nd, to Charles Bran- don, D. of Suffolk ; by whom she left I. Henry, E. of Lincoln ; d. unm. II. Frances, in. to Henry Grey, marq. of Dorset, aft. D. of Suffolk; and had three daughters, of whom the eldest was lady Jane Grey. III. Eleanor, m. to Henry Clifford, E. of Cumberland, and left a daughter, Margaret, who in. Henry Stanley, E. of Derby. Issue of Henry VIII. 1. Henry, d. young. 2. Mary (by Katharine of Arragon), aft. Q. Mary. 3. Elizaiieth (by his second queen, Anne Boleyn), aft. Q. Elizabeth. 4. Edward (by his third queen, lady Jane Seymour), aft. Edward VI. The king had by his lirst f Saxe- THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Coburg - Saalfeld, and widow of Emich Charles, pr. of Leiningen ; the Duke d. Jan. 23, 1820, leaving jxn only daughter, Alexandrina Victoria, the pre- sent Queen. The Duchess of Kent d. Mar. 16, 1861. «. Augusta Sophia, h. Nov. 8, 1768 ; d. Sept. 22, 1840. 7. Elizabeth, h. May 22, 1770; m. to Frederick Joseph Louis, landgrave of Hesse-Homburg ; d. Jan. 10, 1840. 8. Ernest Augustus, D. of Cumberland and Teviotdale, b. June 5, 1771. See Hanover. 9. Augustus Frederick, D. of Sussex, b. Jan. 27, 1773 ; m. April 3, 1793, lady Augusta Mui-ray, dau. of John, E. of Dunmore ; this marriage was dissolved (being contrary to the statute 12 George III. c. 11.) in Aug. 1794 ; d. April 21, 1843. 10. Adolphus Frederick. D. of Cambridge, b. Feb. 24, 1774 ; vi., May 7, 1818, Augusta Wilhelmina Louisa, dau. of Frederick, landgrave of Hesse- Cassel, d. July, 1850, leaving issue : I. George Frederick William Charles, b. March 26, 1819, the present Duke. II. Augusta Caroline Charlotte Elizabeth, b. July 19, 1822 ; m. June 28, 1843, Frederick "William Gustavus, hereditary Grand D. of Mecklenburg- Strelitz ; and has issue. III. Mary Adelaide Wilhelmina Elizabeth, 6. Nov. 27, 1833; m. June 12, 1866, Francis Louis Paul Alexander, D. of Teck ; and has issue. 11. Mary, b. April 25, 1776 ; in. July 22, 1816, her cousin, William Frederick, D. of Gloucester. {See D. of Gloucester.) 12. Sophia, b. Nov. 3, 1777 ; d. May 27, 1848. 13. Octavius, b. Feb. 23, 1779 ; d. May 3, 1783. 14. Alfred, b. Sept. 22, 1780 ; rf. Aug. 26, 1782. 15. Amelia, b. Aug 7, 1783; d. Nov. 2. 1810. Issue of Geokge IV. Charlotte Caroline Augusta, b. Jan. 7, 1796 , 111. to pr. Leopold George Frederick of Saxe-Cobui-g-Saalfeld, aft. K. of the Belgians, May 2. 1816 ; d in childbed, Nov. 6, 1817. Issue, a son, still-born, the day before. Issue of William IV. 1. Charlotte Augusta Louisa, b. March 27, 1819; d. next daj'. 2 Elizabeth Georgina Adelaide, b. Dec. 10, 1820 ; d Mar. 4, 1821. Issue of Queen Victoria. 1. Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa, Prin- cess Royal, b. Nov. 21, 1840; m. Jan. 25, 1858, Fredk. Wni ^ crown( je^^'i^'jh.ju pr. of Germany, i-JtSa^'Mi had ''^MeC.n- issue: J^iUJ' I. Frederick William Vic tor A l-feu.,^f^,^ bert, b. Jan. 27, 1859 ; wTTebT ^s^^, 27, 1881, Augusta Victoria princess of Schleswig-Hol- stein, and has issue. n. Victoria Elizabeth Augusta Charlotte, b. July 24, 1860; m. Feb. 18, 1878, Bernard, hered. pr. of Saxe Meiningen, and has issue. III. Albert William Henry, b. Aug. 14, 1862.1k. j^,>v,<^/r/V/'u:««?7ex« .f^k^M. rV. Sigismund, b. Sep. 15, 1864 ; d. June 18, 1866. 6w i»>>< V. Frederica Wilhelmina Amelia<"i3c/^'i n,h Victoria, b. Apr. 12, ISee.-^./nA^/jy^f, VL Waldimar, 6. Feb. 10, 1868, d. Mar. 27, 1879. VII. Sophia Dorothea Ulrica Alice, b. June 14, 1870.'?„.a;^i^-//mJl.^<^r^' rV. Victoria Alexandra Olga Mary, h. July 6, 1868. V. Maud Charlotte Mary Victoria, b. Nov. 26, 1869. VI. Alexandi^^ b. Apr. 6, 1871 ; d. Apr. 7, 1871. 3. Alice Maud Mary, b. Apr. 25, 1843 ; m. July 1, 1862, Fredk. Wm. Louis,, , , , Gr. D. of Hesse, d. Dec. 14, 1878,'^'^-'"^*' ' having had issue: I. Victoria Alberta Elizabeth Ma- tilda Mary, b. Apr. 5, 1863 ; in. Apr. 30, 1884, pr. Louis of Battenb€rg. II. Elizabeth, h. Nov. 1, 1864 ; m. June 15, 1884, Gr. D. Sergius of Russia. III. Irene Marie Louise Anna, b. , July 11, 1866.r;„;ia-,/.T/ Pi^^-iW^'y IV. Ernest Louis Charles Albert William, h. Nov. 25, 1868., ^-^^f^P'-^'-' V. Frederick William, b. Oct. H<^fi~^-j 1870 ; d. June 29, 1873. A^ *.. !^^ 16 THE BOOK OP DIGNITIES. III. IV. VI. Victoria Alix Helene Louise Beatrix, l>. June 7, 1872. VII. Mary Victoria, h. May 24, 1874; (L Apr. 20,1884. Alfred Ernest Albert. D. of Edinburgh, &c., 6. Aug. <;, 1844; W.Jan. 23, 1874, Gr. D. Mario Alexandrovina, only dau. of Alexander II. Emp. of Russia, and has had issue : I. Alfred Alexander William Er- nest Albert, h. Oct 15, 1874. /u^c^ II. Marie Alexandra Victoria, b. Oct. 30, 1875. Victoria Melita, b. Nov. 25, 1876. Alexandra Louise Olga Vic- toria, b. Sep. 1, 1878. V. Beatrice Leopoldine Victoria, b. Apr, 20, 1884. Helena Augusta Victoria, b. May 25, 1846 ; III. July 5, 1866, pr. Fredk. Christian Chas. Aug. of Schleswig- Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg, and has had issue : I. Christian Victor Albert Lud- ■wig Ernest Anton, b. Apr. 14. 1867. II. Albert John Charles Frede- rick Alfred George, b. Feb. 26, 1869. Victoria Louise Sophia Augus- ta Amelia Helena, b. May 3, 1870. Francisca Josepha Louise Au- gusta Marie Christiana He- lena, b. Aug. 14, 1872. III. IV. V. Harold, b. Mar. 12, 1876; d. May 20, 1876. 6. Louisa Caroline Alberta, b. Mar. 18, 1848; m. Mar. 21, 1871, Jno. Doug- las Sutherland Campbell, M. of Lome, eldest son of D. of Argyll. 7. Arthur William Patrick Albert, D. of Connaught, &c., b. May 1, iS.'iO; m. May 13, 1879, pr, Louise Margaret, 3rd dau. of pr. Fredk. Chas. of Prussia, and has had issue: I. Margaret Victoria Augusta Char- lotte Nora, b. Jan. 15, 1882. II. Arthur Frederick Patrick Al- bert, b. Jan. 13, 1883. in. Victoria Patricia Helena Eliza- beth, b. Mar. 17, 1886. 8. Leopold George Duncan Albert, D. of Albany, &c., b. Apr. 7, 1853; ;«, Apr. 27, 1882, pr. Helena Frederica Augusta, dau. of pr. of Waldeck- Pyrmont ; d. Mar. 28, 1884, having had issue : I. Alice Mary Victoria Augusta Paulina, b. Feb. 25, 1883. II. Leopold Charles Edward George Albert, b. July 19, 1884. 9. Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodore, b. Apr. 14, 1857; m. July 23, 1885, pr. Hy. Maurice of Battenburg, and has had issue : I. Alexander Albert, b. Nov. 23, 1886. II. Victoria Euge'nie Julia Eva, />. Oct. 24, 1887. WALES. Kings and Princes of Wales. Kings of Wales. 640. Dyvnwal Moelmud K. of the Cymry. 688. Idwallo. 720. Rhodri, or Roderic. 755. Conan, or Cynan. 818. Mervyn, or Merfyn. 843. Roderic, surn. the Great. This prince divided Wales between his three sons, allotting to each his part. To the eldest ho gave North Wales; to the second, South Wales ; and to the third, Powys-land. PUINCES OF NOKTIl WaLKS. Counties of Merioneth, jxirt ot' Ueiibif^h, ^ 1073 lalc of Atii/lc 948. 972. 984. 985. 992. 998. 1015. 1021. 1038. 1061. 1073. 1079. Flint, C'dniarruii, and the sea. At Abnjraw, in thin last, was the prince's scat. \ 1187. 877. Anarawd. I 1169. 913. Edwal Vocl. 1194. Howel Dha, or Hywel Dha, surn. the Good, pr. of all Wales. Jevaf or .levav, and lago. Howel ap .Jevaf, or Hywel ab Jevav. Cadwallon ab Jevaf. Meredith ap Owen ap Howel Dha, or Morodydd ap Owain ab Hywel Dha. Edwal ab Meyric ab Edwal Voel. Aedan, an usurper. Llewelyn ab Sitsyllt, and Angharad his wife, lago ab PMwal nb Meyrio. Griffith, or Grufydd ab Llewelyn ab Sitsyllt. Bloddyn and Rj'gwalloii. Trahaern ab Caradoc. Griftith ap Conan, or (Jrufydd ab Cynan. Owain Gwynedd. David ab Owain Gwynedd Leolinus Magnus. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 17 1240. David ab Llewelyn. 1246. Llewelyn ap Griffith, or Grufydd, last pr. of the blood ; slain after battle, 1282. Pkixces of South Wales. Counties of Glamorgan, Pembroke, Car- marthen, CanUijan, and part of Breck- nock. Dyneror Castle was the prince's seat. 877. Cadeth, or Cadell 007. Howel Dha, or Hywel Dha. the Good, pr. of all Wales. 948. Owen ap Howel Dha, or Owain ap Hywel Dha, son. 987. Meredith ap Owen, or Meredydd ab Owain, all Wales. 993. Llewelyn ap Sitsyllt, and Angharad his wife. 1021. Rytherch, or Rhj'dderch ab JestjTi, an usurper. 1031. Hywell and Meredydd. 1042. Rhydderch and Rhys, sons of the usurper. 1061. Meredydd ab Owain ab EdwjTi. 1073. Rhys ab Owen, or Owain, and Rhydderch ab Caradoc. 1077. Rhys ab Tewdwr Mawr. 1092. Cadwgan ab Bleddyn. 1115. Griffith, or Grufydd ab Rhys. + The last Prince who held this dominion entu'e. He divided it between his two sons, Madoc and Grufydd. South Wales was conquered by Heury II. about 1157. The rest of the country was finally subdued by Edward I. about 1282-3. The annexation of the country to England is recorded by the Statute of Wales, 12 Edward I., passed March 19, 1284. The country was "in- corporated, united, and annexed to and with " England in 1535 by 27 Hen. VIII. cap. 26. Princes op Wales of the Blood Royal of England. (See ante, p. S.) 1137. Rhys ab Grufydd, or Griffith, called the lord Rhys. 1196. Grufydd ab Rhys. 1202. Rhys ab Grufydd. 1222. Owain ab Grufydd. 1235. Meredith, or Meredydd ab Owain ; (I. 1267. Princes and Lokds of Pom-ys-Land. Counties of Montr/omei-i/ and Radnor, and parts of Denhujh, Brecknock, Merioneth, and Shropshire. The princess seat icas at Matraral, in the first-named counti/. 877. Merfyn, or Mervyn. 900. Cadeth, or Cadeli, also pr. of South Wales. 927. Howel Dha, or Hywel Dha, the Good, pr. of all Wales. ****** 985. Meredydd ab Owain. 1061. Bleddyn ab Cynvyn. 1073. Meredydd ab Bleddyn.f 1087. Cadwgan ab Bleddyn. 1132. Madoc ab Meredydd. 1160. Griffith, or Grufydd ab Meredydd. 1256. Gwenwinwin, or Gwenwynwyn. 1256. Owain ab Grufydd. SCOTLAND. Kings of Scotland. Before Christ. The early accounts of these kings are, by many historians, deemed, in a measure, fabulous. The antiquity of the kings is carried as far back as Alexander the Great. 330. Fergus I. ; lost in the Irish Sea. 305. Fritharis, brother ; poisoned. 290. Mainus, nephew. 261. Dornadilla, son. 233. Northatus, brother ; slain. 213. Reutherus, son of Dornadilla. 187. Reutha, brother ; res. in favour of his nephew. 170. Thereus, son of Reutherus, dep. and exiled. 158. Josina, brother. 134. Finanus, son. 104. Durstus, son; slain in civil war. 95. Evenus. 76. Gillus, his illegitimate son, who. usurping the royal power, caused the murder of the rightful heirs ; dep. by his nobles, and beheaded. 2 18 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 75. Evenus II., nephew of Finanus; chosen in his room. 59. Ederus, grandson of Durstus. 12. Evenus III., son ; dep. and strangled in prison. i 4. Metellanus, nephew of Ederus. After Christ. 35. Caratacus or Caractacus, nephew. 55. Corbred, brother. 72. Dardanus, son ; his subjects slew him. 7G. Corbred II., surn. Galdus. Some suppose this king to be the (ial- gacus whom Tacitus mentions as having fought valiantly against Julius Agricola. 110. Luctacus or Lugthacus, son ; mur- dered by his nobles. 113. Mogaldus, grandson of Corbred II.; murdered. 149. Conarus, son; conspired in his father's murder, dep. and d. in prison. 1G3. Ethodius I. ; slain by an Irish harper in revenge for the murder of a kinsman. 195. Satreal or Satrahel, brother; strangled by his courtiers. 199. Donald I. , brother. 216. Ethodius II., son of Ethodius I.; slain by his guards in a domestic tumult. ' 231. Athirco, son ; slew himself to avoid a severer death. 242. Nathalocus, wlio usurped the throne | on the king's death ; killed by his I domestics. 1 253. Findochus, son of Athirco ; mur- 1 dered in a conspiracy, in which his brother, Carantius, was a princi- pal. ! 204. Donald II., a third son of Athirco; slain in a battle ^^-ith Donald of the Isles, who succeeded. 2G5. Donald III., lord of the Isles, usurped the throne ; slain by his successor. 277. Carthilinthus or Crathilinthus, son of Findochus. 301. FincoiTnachus, son of Donald II. 348. Komachus, nephew ; slain by his nobles. 351. Angusianus orTEneanus, cousin; fell in battle with the Pictish king, who was also slain. 354. Fethelmachus, also cousin of Roma- chus, defeated the Picts and mortally wounded their now king in battle ; murdered by a Pictisli minstrel who feigned himself a Scot, hired by Hergustus, the succeeding king of the Picts. 357. Eugenius I., son of Finconnachus ; slain in battle by ^laximus, the 404. 420. 451. 457. 479. 501. 535. 558. 509. 570. 605. 006, 621, 632, 664. 684, 688, 698, 699, 715 730 761 767, 787. Mli), 824 Roman general, and the confede- rate Picts. With this battle ended the kingdom of the Scots, after having existed from the coronation of Fergus I. , a period of 706 years ; the royal family tied to Denmark. Interregnum of 27 years. Fergus II., great-grandson of Eugenius and 40th king ; slain in battle with the Romans. ••Some call this Fergus the^/ir.st king, and suppose either that the previous kings are fabulous, or that they were only chiefs or generals of armies, having no royal authority. The controversy thus arising, I leave to be decided by the anti- quaries, and must follow the re- ceived histories of Scotland." — Ande?son. Eugenius II. or Evenus, son. Dongardus or Domangard, brother ; defeated and drowned. Constantine I., brother; assass. by Dugall, a noble, whose daughter he had dishonoured. Congallus I., nephew. Goranus, brother ; murdered. Eugenius III., nephew. Congallus II., brother. Kinnatellus, brother ; res. in favour of Aidanus. Aidanus or Aldan, son of Goranus. Kenneth or Kennett I., son of Con- gallus II. Eugenius IV., son of Adianus. Ferchard or Ferquhard, son. Donald IV., brother ; drowned in Loch Tay. Ferchard II., son of Ferchard I. ; d. from the bite of a mad wolf. Malduinus, son of Donald IV.; stran- gled by his wife for his supposed infidelity, for which crime sh« was immediately afterwards burnt. Eugenius V., brother. Eugenius VI., son of Ferchard II. Aniberkeletus, nejihew ; fell by an arrow from an unknown hand. Eugenius VII., brother. Mordachus, son of Aniberkeletus. Etlinus, son of Eugenius VII. Eugenius VIII., son of Mordachus; killed by his nobles. Fergus III., son of Ettinus ; killed by bis (|ueen in a fit of jealousy; she innnediately afterwards stabbed herself to escape a death of torture. Solvathius, son of Eugenius VIII. AchaiuH. Congallus III. Dongal or Dougal. son of Solvathius; drowned in the Sjjey. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 19 ■881. Alpine, son of Achaius ; taken priso- ner and beheaded, with many of his nobles, by the Picts. 834. Kenneth II., son, sum. MacAlpine; defeated the Picts, and slew their king and his nobility. United the Picts and Scots under one scei^tre, and became the first sole monarch of all Scotland, 843. 854. Donald V., brother; deth., and d. in prison by his own hand. 858. Constantine II. , son of Kenneth ; taken in battle by the Danes, and beheaded. •874. Eth or Ethus, surn. Lightfoot ; d. of grief in prison. ■876. Gregory, called the Great. 893. Donald VI., 2nd son of Constantine. 904. Constantine III., son of Ethus; res. after a long reign, and retired to a monastery. i)44. Malcolm I. , son of Donald VI. ; murdered in Moray. 953. Indulfus or Gondulph ; killed by the Danes in an ambuscade. 961. Duff or Duffus, son of Malcolm ; murdered by Donald, governor of Forres Castle. 965. Cullen or Culenus, son of Indulfus ; avenged the murder of his prede- cessor ; assass. at Methven by a Thane, whose daughter he had dishonoured. 970. Kenneth III., brother of Duffus; murdered by Fenella, the lady of Fettercairn. '994. Constantine IV., son of Culenus, usurped the throne ; slain. 995. Grimus or the Grim, son of Duffus ; routed and slain in battle by Malcolm, the rightful heir to the crown, who succeeded. 1003. Malcolm 11., son of Kenneth III.; assass. on his way to Glamis. 1033. Duncan I., grandson; assass. by his cousin Macbeth, who asc. the throne. 1039. Macbeth, usurper ; slain by Macduff', the Thane of Fife, and the right- ful heir succeeds. Historians so dift"er up to this reign, in the number of the kings, the dates of suc- cession, and the circumstances narrated, that no account can be taken as pre- cisely accurate. 1093. 1094. Malcolm III., (Cean-Mohr or Can- more), son of Duncan ; killed while besieging Alnwick Castle. Donald VII., or Donald Bane, bro- ther, iisurped the throne ; tied to the Hebrides. Duncan II., natural son of Malcolm, also an usurper ; murdered. 1094. Donald Bane, again ; dep. 1098. Edgar, son of Malcolm, and rightful heir. Henry I. of England mar- ried his sister Maud. 1107. Alexander, brother, surn. the Fierce 1124. David, brother, m. Matilda, dau. of Waltheof, E. of Northimiber- land. 1153. Malcolm IV., grandson. 1165. William, brother, sum. the Lion. 1214. Alexander H. , son, m. Joan, dau. of John, K. of England. 1249. Alexander III., vi. Mai'garet, dau of Henry III., of England; dis- located his neck, when hunting, near Kinghorn. 1285. Margaret, called the " Maiden of Norway," grand-dau., " recog- nized by the States of Scotland though a female, an infant, and a foreigner " ; d. on her passage to Scotland. On the death of Margaret, a compe- tition arose for the vacant throne, which Edward I. of England de- cided in favour of 1292. John Baliol, who aft. surrendered his crown, and d. in exile. Interregnum. 1306. Robert (Bruce) I., "the Bruce of Bannockburn." 1329. David (Bruce) II., son; Edward Baliol disputed the throne with him. 1332. Edward Baliol, son of John, res. 1342. David II., again, 11 years a priso- ner in England. 1371. Robert (Stuart) II., nephew, d. Apr. 19, 1371. 1390. Robert III., son, d. Apr. 4, 1406; his proper name was John, changed on his accession. 1406. James I., 2nd son, imprisoned 18 years in England, set at liberty in 1423 ; conspired against and murdered in his bed-chamber, Feb. 21, 1437-8. 1438. James II., son, succ. at seven years of age ; killed at the siege of Roxburgh Castle by a cannon bursting, Aug. 3, 1460. 1460. James III., son, killed in a revolt of his subjects at Bannockburn, June 11, 1488. 1488. James IV., nt. Margaret Tudor, dau. of Henry VII. of England ; killed at the battle of Flodden, Sept. 9, 1513. 1513. James V., son, succ. when little more than a year old ; d. Dec. 14, 1542. 1542. Mary, dau., better known as Mary 2 * 20 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Q. of Scots, b. Dec. 7, 1542; ///. 1st, Francis, dauphin of Franco, aft. Francis II., Apr. '1\. laaH ; 2nd, Hcinv Stuart, Lord Darnloy. July 29. I'oG.J ; 3rd, James. E. of Bothwcll, May 15, lufiT; res. July 22, 1567, in favour of her son, James VI. ; beheaded at Fothcringav Castle, Feb. 8, 1587. 15()7. James VI., son, h. June 19, 1566; VI. Anne of Denmark, dau. of Frederick II. ; d. Mar. 27, 1625. In 1603, on the death of Q. Eliza- beth, he succ. to the throne of England. For subsequent Sovereigns of Scotland see Sovereigns of England ^ ante p. 5. The two Kingdoms, though governed by the same Monarch, remained separate Kingdoms until the Act of Union 6 Anne cap. 11. They were, on and after May 1, 1707, united and styled " Great Britain." IRELAND. Kings of Ireland. Arrordinr; to Bmork Christ. I So much fable is mixed up with the early history of this country, and the dates and the orthof^raphj' of the names so vary | in every account, it is impossible to do more than compile from accepted autho- rities. From thk Milesian C«)X(jukst. 1300. Heber and Horemon. 1291. Hercmon, alone. 1285. Muirmhne. Luif(hne, and Laighne. sons, succ. their father, Heremon, reigning jointly ; the first died, and the other two were slain in battle by the sons of Heber. 1282. Er, Orbha, Fearon, and Feargna, sons of Heber ; all slain in battle by their successor. 1281. Irial, or Irial-Faidh ; slew and succ. the four sons of Heber. 1271. Eithrial ; slain in battle by his successor. 1251. Conmaol, or Conveal, " first absolute monarch of the Hibernian race " ; slain in ))attle. 1221. Tigermas ; introduced idolatry into Ireland. 1171. Eochaidh-Eadgothac. 1147. Cearmna and Sobhair, brothers ; partitioned Ireland into south and north. 1107. Fiachade-Labhruin ; slain by his successor. 1083. Eochaidh-Muniho ; slain l)y his suc- cessor. 1061. Aongus - Olmuchac ; slain by his successor. 1043. Eadna-Airgtheach, and 1010. Rotheachta ; both slain by their successors. K rating. 991. Seadhua ; slain by his own son. 986. Fiachadh-Fionsgothach ; slain by his successor. 966. Muinheamhoin. or Muinimone ; d. of the plague. 9(J1. Aildergoith, son; slain by his suc- cessor. 934. Odlamh-Fodhla. 924. Fionachta, son. 909. Slanoll, lirother ; d. at Tara. 894. Geido - Olgothach, also a son of Odlamh - Fodhla ; slain bj' his nephew and successor. 877. Fiachadh ; slain by his successor. 853. Bearngall ; slain by his successor. 841. Oilliol ; slain by his successor. 825. Siorna - Saoghalach ; slain by his successor. 804. Rotheachta; burnt. Six succeeding kings, among whom was Xuadha-Fionn-Fail, died violent deaths. 735. Fion-Fin, of the line of Er, or Ir. 715, Seadhna ; slain by his successor. 695. Sinioon Breac ; slain bj' his suc- cessor. 689. Duach-Fionn or Fin ; slain by his successor. 681. Muireadach, and two succeeding kings, died violently. 659. Siorlamh ; slain by his successor. Eleven princes succeeded, who all died in civil wars or broils, or by assassination. 540. Aodh-Ruadh ; drowned. 519. Diothorba ; d. of a malignant dis- tc.IllHM-. •I'.IH. Coinihaoth; d. of the plaguo. 478. Maoliadh - Mongruadh, Q., cousin, surn. the Ued-hnired Princess^; slain by her successor. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 21 471. Reachta-Righclhearg ; slain by his successor. 451. Ugaine Mor, or the Great, " had 22 sons and 3 daughters, among whom he partitioned his king- dom"; slain by his brother and successor. 421. Laoghaire-Lorck ; slain by his bro- ther and successor. 419. Cabhthaick, slew his brother and nephew ; himself slain by his grand-nephew. Ten kings succeeded, of whom three only died natural deaths. 275. Feargus - Forthamhuil ; killed in battle. 263. Aongus-Tuirunheach ; slain at Tara. Of 15 succeeding princes, 11 died in battle, or were murdered. 66. Conau-e Mor, or the Great ; depr. of his crown and life by his suc- cessor. ■36. Lughaidh-Riebdearg ; killed himself by falling on his sword. Two kings succeeded, of whom the latter died a.d. 4. After Christ. 4. Fearaidhach-Fionfachtna ; slain by his successor. ■24. Fiachadh-Fion; slain by his successor. 27. Fiachadh-Fionohudh, the Prince with the white cows ; -'murdered by the Irish plebeians of Connaught." ■54. Cairbre-Cinncait ; murdered in a con- spiracy. ■59. Elim ; slain in battle. 79. Tuathal-Teachtmar ; slain by his successor. 109. Mai or Mail ; slain by his successor. 113. Feidhlimhidh ; d. a natural death. 122. Cathoire Mor, or the Great, "had 30 sons." 125. Conn Ceadchadhach, called the Hero of the hundred battles ; slain. 145. Conaire ; killed. 152. Ai-t-Aonfhir, the Melancholy ; slain in battle. 182. Lughaidh, sum. Mac Conn ; thrust through the eye with a spear, in a conspiracy. 212. Feargus, sum. Black-teeth ; mur- dered at the instigation of his successor. 213. Cormac-Ulfhada ; choked by the bone of a fish at supper. 253. Eochaidh-Gunait ; killed. 254. Caii'bre-Liffeachair ; slain in battle. 282. Fiachadh, son; slain in battle by his three nephews. Slo. CairioU or Colla-Uais ; deth. and retii-ed to Scotland. 319. Muirreadhach-Tireach ; slain by his successor. 352. Caolbhach ; slain by his successor. 353. Eochaidh - Moidhmeodhain ; d. a natural death. 360. Criomthan ; poisoned by his own sister to obtain the crown for her son. 375. Niall, surn. of the nine hostages; killed in France, on the banks of the Loire. 398. Dathy : killed by a thunderbolt at the foot of the Alps. 421. Laoghaire ; killed by a thunder- bolt. 453. Oilioll-Molt ; slain in battle. 473. Lughaidh ; killed also by a thunder- bolt. 493. ]\Im-tough ; d. a natural death. 515. Tuateal-Maolgarbh ; assass. 528. Diarmuid ; fell bv the sword of Hugh Dubh. 550. Feargus, in conjunction with his brother Daniel ; the manner of their deaths uncertain. 551. Eochaidh, jointly with his uncle Baodan ; both slain. 554. Ainmei-each ; depr. of his crown and life. 557. Baodan ; slain by the two Cuimins. 558. Aodh or Hugh ; killed in battle. 587. Hugh Slaine ; assass. 591. Aodh-Uaireodhnach ; killed in battle. 618. Maolcobha ; defeated and slain in battle. 622. Suibhne-Meain ; killed. 635. Daniel ; died a natural death. 648. Conall Claon, jointly with his brother Ceallach ; the first was murdered, the other dro-wTied in a bog. 661. Diarmuid and Blathmac ; both died of the plague. 668. Seachnasach ; assass. 674. Cionfaola, brother ; murdered. 678. Fionachta-Fleadha ; murdered. 685. Loingseach ; killed in battle. 693. Congal Cionmaghair ; d. suddenly. 702. Feargal ; routed and slain in battle. 718. Fogartach ; slain in battle. 720. Cionaoth ; defeated, and found dead on the battle-field. 724. Flaithbheartagh ; became a monk. 731. Aodh or Hugh Alain ; killed in battle. 740. Daniel ; d. on a pilgrimage at Joppa, in Palestine. 782. Xiall-Freasach ; became a monk. 786. Donagh or Donchad; " (/. in his bed." 815. Aodh or Hugh ; slain in battle. 837. Connor or Conchabhar ; _ " died of grief." 851. Niall-Caillie ; drowned in the river Cailhe. 866. Turgesius, the Norwegian chief, possessed himself of the sovereign ] power; '• expelled the Irish his- torians, and burnt their books ; ' 22 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. made prisoner, and thrown into a Friday, 1039 ; a3sass. in his tent louKh, and drowned. the same night. 879. Maol Ceachlin, or Malachy I. Brian Boiroimhe was 30 vears K. of 897. Hugh Fionnliath. Munster, and 12 K. of" Ireland. 913. Flann Sionna. 1039. Maol Ceachlin II. ; restored. 951. Niall-Ghuiduhh : '• died on the field 1048. Donough or Denis O'Brian, 3rd of honour." son. 954. Donnaffh or Donough. 1098. Tirloch or Turlough, nephew. 974. Congall; slain by the Danes at 1110. Muriertagh or Murtough; res., and Armagh. became a monk. 984. Daniel ; became a monk. 1130. Turlough (O'Connor) II.. the Great. 1004. Maol Ceachlin H. ; res. on the elec- 1150. Murtough Mac Neil Mac Lachlin; tion of Brian Boiroimhe as king slain in battle. of Ireland. 1168. Roderic or Roger O'Connor. 1027. Brian Boromy, or Boiroimhe, de- 1172. Henry II. K. of England: conq. feated the Danes in the memor- the country, and became lord of able battle of Clontarf, on Good Ireland. The English monarchs were styled " Lords of Ireland," uutil the reign of Henry VIII., who styled himself King ; and this title con- tinued down to the Union. For subsequent Sovereigns of Ireland see Sovereigns of England, ante p. 4. By the Act of Union 39 & 40 Geo. HI. cap. 67, Ireland was, on and after Jan.l, 1801, united to Great Britain (England and Scotland), the three Kingdoms being thenceforth styled " the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland." FRANCE. The following are the principal dates relating to this country :- Merovingians . . Carlovingians . . Hugh Capet, cr. at Rheims . . . Line of "Valois . . Elder line of Bour- bons 1st Republic . . 1st Empire . . . ... 418 Elder line of Bour- ... 752 bons " The Hundred July 3, 987 Days," Mar. 20 to June 29, 1815 April 1, 1328 Line of the Orleans Bourbons . . Aug. 2, 1589 2nd Republic . Sc-pt. 21, 1792 2nd Empire . May 18,1804 3rd Republic . April, 1814 Aug. 9, 1830 Fpb. 24, 1848 Dec. 2, 1852 Sept. 4, 1870 Kings of France. Mkrovinoian Rack. 534 Pharamond. i '"'48. Clodion, or Clodius, the Hairy, suji- < •^^^• posed son of Pharamond. Merovaus or Merovee, son-in-law of Clodion ; this race of kings called from him Merovingians. -(., Childeric. ho!i. ' ' Clevis the Great, son, and the real founder of tlio monarchy. He left four sons, who divided the empire between them : — 511. Childtbert, Paris. — Clodomir, Orleans. — Tliierry, Met/. ; and 57; — Clotaire or Clotharius. Soissons. ' 584. 418 427 448. 458. 481, TheodelxMt. Met/,. Theodebald, succ. in Met/.. Clotaire, now sole ruler of France. Upon his death the kingdom was again divided between his four sons, viz. : — Charebert, ruled at Paris. Gontran, in Orleans and Burgundy. Sigebert, at Metz, and I both Chili>eric at Soissons ) assass. France coiitiinipd at times after- wards to be ruled in various divi- sions by sej>arate kings. Childebert II. Clotaire II., Soissons. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 23 596. Thieriy II., son of Childebert, in Orleans. — Theodebert II., Metz. 613. Clotaire II., became sole king. 628. Dagobert the Great, son; he di- vided the kingdom, of which he had become sole monarch, between his two sons 638. Clovis II., who had Burgundy and Neustra ; and — Sigebert II., who had Austrasia. 656. Clotaire III., son of Clovis II. 670. Childeric II. ; he became king of the whole realm of France ; assass. with his queen, and his son Dagobert. At this time Thierrj' III. rules in Burgundy and Neustra, and Dagobert II., son of Sigebert, in Austrasia. Dagobert is assass., and Thierrj' reigns alone. 691. Clovis III. Pejain, mayor of the palace, rules the kingdom in the name of this sovereign, who is succ. by his brother. 695. Childebert III., surn. the Just; in this reign Pepin also exercises the royal power. 711. Dagobert III., son. 716. Chilperic II. (Daniel) ; he is go- verned, and at length deposed, by Charles Martel, mayor of the palace. 719. Clotaire IV., of obscui-e origin; raised by Charles Martel to the throne ; dies soon after, and Chil- peric is recalled from Aquitaiae, whither he had fled for refuge. 720. Chilperic II., rest. ; he shortly after- wards dies at Noyon, and is succ. by — Thierry IV., son of Dagobert III., surn. de Chelles ; d. 737. Charles Martel now rules under the new title of " D. of the French." 737. Interregnum, till the death of Charles Martel, in 741 ; and until 742. Childeric III., son of Chilperic II., surn. the Stupid. Carloman and Pepin, the sons of Charles Mar- tel, share the government of the kingdom in this reign. The Carlovingians. 752. Pepin the Short, son of Charles Martel ; he is succ. by his two sons 768. Charlemagne and Carloman; the former, surn. the Great, crowned emp. of the West, by Leo III., in 800. Carloman reigned but three years. 814. Louis I., le Dehmmaire, son, emp. ; dethr., but restored to his do- 840. Charles, surn. the Bald, emp. in 875 ; poisoned by Zedechias, a Jew physician. 877. Louis II., the Stammerer, son. 879. Louis III., son, and Carloman II. ; the former d. 882 ; and Carloman reigned alone. 884. Charles le Gros, an usurper, in pre- judice to Charles the Simple. 887. Eudes or Hugh, count of Paris. 893. Charles III. the Simple ; dep. and d. in prison 929 ; m. Edgina, dau. of Edward the Elder, of England, bj^ whom he had a son, who was aft. king. 922. Robert, brother of Eudes, crowned at Rheims ; but Charles marched an army against him, and killed him in battle. 923. Rodolf , D. of Burgundy, elect, king, but never acknowledged by the southern provinces. 936. Louis IV. d'Oi(fremer, or Trans- marine (from having been con- veyed by his mother into Eng- land), son of Charles III. and Edgina ; (/. by a fall from his horse. 954. Lothaire, son ; he had reigned jointly with his father from 952, and succeeds him, at 15 j'cars of age, under the protection of Hugh the Gi'eat ; poisoned. 986. Louis V. the Indolent, son ; also poisoned, it is supposed by his queen, Blanche. In this prince ended the race of Charlemagne. The Capets. 987. Hugh Capet, eldest son of Hugh the Abbot, and the Great, count of Paris, &c. ; he seized the crown, in prejudice to Charles of Lor- raine, uncle of Louis Transmarine. From him this race of kings is called Capevingians, and Cape- tians. 996. Robert II., surn. the Sage, son. 1031. Henry I., son. 1060. Philip I. the Fair, and VAmoureux ; succ. at eight years of age, and ruled at fourteen. 1108. Louis VI., son, surn. the Lusty, or le Gros. 1137. Louis VII., son, surn. the Young, to distinguish him from his father, with whom he was for some years associated on the throne. 1180. Philip II. (Augustus), succ. to the crown at fifteen ; crowned at Rheims in his father's lifetime. 1223. Louis VIII., Coeur de Lion, son. 1226. Louis IX., son, called St. Louis; ascended the throne at fifteen, 24 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. under the guardianship of his mother, who was also regent ; (I. in his camp before Tunis, and was canonized. 1270. Philip III., the Hardy, son; d. at Perpignan. 1285. Philip IV., the Fair, ascended the throne in his 17th year. 1314. Louis X., son, sum. Hulin, an old French word signifying head- strong or mutinous. 1316. John, a posthnmous son, lived a few days only. — Philip v., the Long (on account of his stature), brother of Louis X. 1322. Charles IV., the Handsome; this king, and Louis X., John, and Philip V. , were kings of Navarre. See Narane, jwst. Hous?: OF Valois. 1328. Philip VI., de Valois, grandson of Philip the Hardy. 1350. John II., the Good ; d. suddenly in the Savoy in London. 1364. Charles V., surn. the Wise, the first prince who had the title of Dauphin. 1380. Charles VI., the Beloved. 1422. Charles VII., the Victorious. 1461. Louis XL, son. 1483. Charles VIII., the Affable. 1498. Louis XII., D. of Orleans. 1515. Francis I., of Angouleme. 1547. Henry II.. cl. at a tournament, when celebrating the nuptials of his sister with the D. of Savoy, from a wound accidently given him by the count de Montmorency. 1559. Francis II., /«. Mary Stuart, aft. Q. of Scots. 1560. Charles IX. ; Catherine of Medicis, his mother, obtained the regency. 1574. Henry III., elect. K. of Poland; murdered Aug. 1, 1589, by Jacques Clement, a Dominican friar. In this prince was extinguished the house of Valois. HousK OP Bourbon. 1589. Henry IV., the (ireat, of Bourbon. K. of Navarro ; murdered by Francis Uavaillac. 11)10. Louis Xlll., the Just, son. 1643. Louis XIV., son. 1715. Louis XV., great-grandson, the Well- beloved. 1774. Louis XVI.. grandson, m. the archd. Maria Antoinette, of Austria, May 1770. Deth. in the great revolution; guillotined Jan. 21, 1793, and his queen, Oct. 16, following. 1793. Louis XVII., son. Though num- bered with the kings, this prince never reigned ; he died in prison supposed by poison, June 8, 1795, aged ten years and two months. Repitblic. 1792. Republic established by the National Convention, Sept. 20-21. 1795. The Directory estabhshed Oct.. nominated Nov. 1. 1799. The Directory abolished Nov. 8, 9, 10, and a consulate of three es- tablished. Napoleon Buonaparte 1st consul ; Cambaceres and Le Brun appointed Dec. 24. 1802. Napoleon B. appointed 1st consul for 10 years, May 6, and 1st con- sul for life, Aug. 2. French Empire. 1804. Napoleon B., 6. Aug. 15, 1769; decl. emp. May 18, 1804. Divorced his first wife, the empress Jose- phine ; and in. Maria Louisa of Austria, April 7, 1810 ; abd. and retired to Elba, April 5, 1814. Again appears in France, March 1, 1815 ; defeated at| Waterloo, and finally abdicates in favour of his infant son, June 22. Banished to St. Helena, where d. May 5, 1821. See Imperial Line, post, p. 25. Bourbons Restored. 1814. Louis XVIIL, next brother of Louis XVI., b. Nov. 17, 1755; ;;i. Maria Josephine Louise, of Savoy. Entered Paris and took possession of the throne, Mav 3, 1814; obliged to tlee, March 20, 1815 ; returned, July 8, same vear ; d. Sept. 16, 1824. 1824. Charles X., brother, b. Oct. 9, 1757; m. Maria Therese, of Savov : dej). July 30, 1830; */. Nov. 6, 1836. See Legitimate Line, post, p. 25. House of Orleans. 1830. Louis Philippe, son of the D. of Or- leans, called Kijitlile', b. Oct. 6, 1773; m. Nov.' 25, 1809, Maria Amelia, dau. of Ferdinand I. (IV.), K. of the Two Sicilies. Raised to the throne, as "king of the Fronoh." Aug. 1830; elect. 7th, sw. 9tli; dep. Feb. 24, 1848 ; d. Aug. 26, 1850. See Orkanist Line, post, p. 25. Second Repubmo. 1848. The revolution commenced in ;i popular insurrection at Paris, Feb. 22. The royal family escaped by tlight to England, a prov. govt. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. was estab., monarchy abolished, and France decl. a republic. \ Louis Xapoleon (Charles L. N. Buonaparte), L April 20, 1808, 1852. son of Louis Buonaparte some time K. of Holland, and nephew of the late emp. Napoleon I. ; elect, pres. of the republic, by 6,048,872 votes, out of 8.040.604; having a majoiuty of 4,600,770 votes over his rival, general Ca- vaignac, Dec. 11, 1848. Louis Napoleon declared by the 1870. national assembly pres. of the republic of France, Dec. 19, and prod, next day, Dec. 20, 1848. The Second Empire. Napoleon II. (Francis Joseph Charles Napoleon), son of the emp. Xapoleon I., b. March 20, 1811 ; cr. K. of Rome, and aft. made D. of Reichstadt ; d. July 22, 1832 ; he never reigned, but 1871. 1873. 1879. 1887 THE LEGITIMATE LINTS on the establishment of the second empire was recognised as Napoleon IL Napoleon HI. (Louis Napoleon) above-named, the pres. of the Republic, decl. Emperor Dec. 2 ; m. Eugenie de Montijo, countess of Teba, Jan. 29, 1853 ; dep. Sept. 4, 1870 ; d. Jan. 9, 1873. See Imperial Line, supra. Third Republic. Repubhc procl., Sept. 4; prov. govt, by Committee of Public Defence, until election of Presidents. Louis Adolphe Thiers, Aug. 31. Marshal Marie Edme Patrice Maurice de Mae Mahon, D. of Magenta, May 24. Fran9ois Paul Jules Grew, Jan. 30. Marie Francois Sadi-Garnot, Dec. 3.>«->J^) J'l Charles X. (see ante, p. 24), abdicated, July 1830, and on Aug. 2, following, his eldest son the Dauphin, Louis Antoine, renounced his rights in favour of his nephew Henry V. (Hemy Charles Frederick Marie Dieudonne', of Artois), D. of Bordeaux, better known as the Count of Chambord. He was son of pr. Charles Ferdinand, of Artois, D. of Berri, who was 6. Jan. 24, 1778, and d. Feb. 14, 1820. Hemy V. was 6. Sept. 29, 1820; d. Aug. 24, 1883. On his death the elder branch of the Bourbons became extinct and the succession passed to the house of Orleans. THE ORLEANIST LINE. Louis Philippe (see ante, p. 24), d, Aug. 26, 1850. His eldest son was Ferdinand Philippe Louis Charles Henry Joseph, of Orleans. D. of Orleans, pr. roval ; /'. Sept. 3, 1810 ; m. May 30, 1837. Helena Louisa Elizabeth, dau. of Frederick Louis, hered, Gr. D. of Mecklenburg- Schwerin ; d. July 13, 1842, leaving as his eldest son Louis Philippe Albert d'Orleass, Count of Pans, //. Aug. 24, 1838, who became entitled to the throne of France, as rep. of the Orleans line, on death of his grandfather, Louis Philippe, Aug. 26, 1850, and as rep of the Legitimate line, on death of the Count of Chambord (Henry V.), Aug. 24, 1883. THE IMPERIAL LINE. Empresses of Napoleon I. Josephine (Marie Rose Joseph), dau. of — Tascher de la Pagerie, b. June 24, 1768 ; tn. 1st, Alexr. de Beauharnais ; 2nd, the emp. March 8, 1796 ; div. Dec. 16, 1809 ; d. May 29, 1814. Maria Louisa, archd. of Austria, b. Dec. 12, 1791 ; m. Apr. 2, 1810 ; d. Dec. 18, 1847. See Parma, post, p. 53. Issue of Napoleon I. See Napoleon II., supra. Brothers of Napoleon I. 1. Joseph Buonaparte, K. of Naples, aft. K. of Spain ; m. Maria Julia de Clary; d. July 28, 1844. 2. Lucien Buonaparte, pr. of Canino ; m. 1st, Christine Elenore Boyer, 1794 ; 2nd, Marie Alexandrine Charlotte Louise Lawrence de Bleschamps ; d. June 30, 1840. 3. Louis Buonaparte, K of Holland, m. Hortensia Eugenia de Beauharnais, dau. of the Emp. Josephine ; d. July 25, 1846. The father of Napoleon nt 4. Jerome Buonaparte, K. of Westphalia, m. 1st, Elizth. Patterson, Dec. 24, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1803, an American ; 2nil, Frederica, dau. of the K. of Wurtembeig. Aug. 1807. Sisters of Xapolkon I. 1. Elizabeth, gr. duch. of Florence, and pr. of Piombino, ?h. to general Felix Bacciochi, actual pr. of Piombhio. 2. Maria Paulcttc, or Pauline, ?h. 1st., general Leclerc ; 2nd. , pr. Borghese. 3. Annonceade Caroline, m. to Joachim Miirat, aft. K. of Xnplcs. His Other Relatives. Cardinal Fesch, abp. of Lyons, uncle- to Napoleon I. Eugene de Beauhamaia, son of Jose- phine, viceroy of Italy, Gr. D. of Frankfort, and aft. D. of Leuch- tenberg and pr. of Eichstadt: III. Amelia Augusta, pr. of Ba- varia. Stephanie de la Pagerie, niece of Jose- phine, pr. of Baden. Napoleon's Great Officers of State, Marshals, &c. Officers of State. CambaceiX's, D. of Parma. Caulaincourt, D. of Vicenza. Champagne, D. of Cadore. Duroc, D. of Friuli. Fouche', D. of Otranto. Le Brun, D. of Piacenza. Maret. D. of Bassano. Savary, D. of Rovigo. TallejTand de Perigord, pr. of Bcncvcnto. ^Iakskals. Arrighi, D. of Padua. Augereaii, D. of Castiglione. Bcrnadotte, pr. of Ponte Corvo, aft. K. of Sweden. Berthier, pr. of Neufchatel and Wagram. Bessieres, D. of Istria. Davoust, pr. of Eckmuhl and D. of Auer- stadt. Jourdan, peer of France. Junot, D. of Abrantes. Kellerman, D. of Valmy. Lanncs, D. of Montebello. Lefebre, D. of Dantzic. Macdonald, D. of Tarento. Marmont, D. of Ragusa. Massena, pr. of Essling and D. of Rivoli.. Moncey, D. of Conegliano. Mortier, D. of Treviso. Murat, K. of Naples. Ney, pr. of iloskwa and D. of Elchingcn- Oudinot, I), of Reggio. Soiilt, D. of Dalmatia. Suchet, D. of Albufera. Victor, D. of Belluno. Remarkable Generals. Andrcossi, Goxivion St. Cvr, Grouchy. Hulin, Rapp, Regnier, Sebastiani, Ser- rurier. Vandamme, &c. Napoleon III. Had issue one child only, Napoleon Eugene Louis Jean Joseph, known as the Prince Imperial, who was killed in the Zulu War, June 1, 1879. and d. unmarried. ALENgON. Counts of Alen(;on. 1268. Peter. 1293. Charles I. of Valois. 1325. Charles II. 1346. Charles III. 1361. Peter. Dukes of Alen(,'on. 1404. John I. 141;-.. John II. 1476. Charles IV, defeated at the battle of Pa via in 1525, and the duchy was merged in the Kingdom of France. ANJOU. In 877, Louis the Staiiimeror, son and successor of Charles the Bald of France, upon his accession to that crown, bestowed many largesses on his friends. In order to reconcile the nialconteuts who had not THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 27 shared them, Louis found it expedient to dismember great portions of' his domains ; and hence arose many seignories, duchies, and counties^ possessed by various individuals and families. This is believed to be the origin of the Counts of Anjou. Counts of Anjou. Fuleo (Fulke), sum. the Red. after having united the counties of Eudo and Ingelger, d. 1)38. 938. Fulco II. surn. the Good. 958. Geoil'rey I., son; he obtained foi" himself and his successors the dignity of seneschal of France. 987. Fulco III., the Black, d. returning from Jerusalem. 10-10. Geoffery II. , Martel (the Hammer), son, d. without male issue. lOCO (Geoffrey III., the Bearded, and iuou. I p^^j^Q jy . ^j^g j.^^^gj. imprisoned his brother, and was excommuni- cated by the pope ; his consort, Bertrade of Montfort, was carried off by K. Philip I. of France, who married her. HOG. Geoffrey IV., released his uncle, who died soon after, leaving Anjou to his nephew. Geoff'rey fell in a war with his father by a poisoned an'ow, discharged at him, it is said, at the instance of Bertrade. 1100. Fulco v., son, became K. of Jerusa- lem, and d. 1142. 1129. Geoffrey V., Plantagenet, 3rd son. obt. Anjou from his father this year ; his two elder brothers suc- ceeded the father as kings of Jerusalem. Geoff'rey V., »». Mathilde d'Angle- terre (Maud, dau. of Henry I.) ; he conq. Normandj', which he gave, in 1149, to his son Henry, aft. Henry II., K. of England. From this marriage of Maud of England with Geoffrey of Anjou, sprung the line of the Plantage- nets of our own country, a race of fourteen kings, commencing with Henry II. in 1154, and ter- minating with Richard III. in 1485, a period of 331 j-ears. 1150. Geoffrey YI., second son, d. without an heir. 1158. William, E. of Poitou, third son of Geoffrey V., d. 1164. Anjou from this time became a possession of the kings of Eng- land. It was, however, in the reign of John, taken, together with Normandy, by Philip Augustus of France, and incorpo- rated with that kingdom, and given, as a fief, first to * * John, son of Louis VIII. , who died early, and next to 1264. Charles, his brother, who, later, became Charles I. of Sicily, and whose descendants were called the house of Anjou. Alfonso V ., of Arragon and Naples, achieved a victory over Rene' of Anjou in 1422. The dukedom of Anjou afterwards became nothing more than a mere title, taken by the second sons of the Kings of France. This title has long since ceased. BRETAGNE OR BRITTANY. This name, in the earliest ages, was common to all that tract of country situated between the mouths of the Seine and the Loire. When, how- ever, the Bretons were obliged to abandon the Isle of Albion (England), and to take refuge in a part of Armorica in the 5th century, they gradually communicated their name as well to the inhabitants as to the province itself. Counts and Dukes of Brittany. 560. Conober, about this time. * * * 590. Waroc, about this time. 824. Nomenoe. 851. Erispoe or Herispoe. 857. Salomon, cousin. 874. Pasqnito de Yannes, and Gurvan de Rennes. 877. Alain III., de Vannes, and Judicael de Rennes. :28 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 907. Gurmallion. 1237. John I., the Red. 830. Berenger de Renncs. 1286. John n. 937. Alain IV. de Vanncs. 1305. Arthur II. 952. Drogo. 1312. John III., styled the Good. 980. Gueroc, de Nantes. 1341. Charles, count of Blois, and John 987. Conan I., de Rennes. IV., de Montfort, brother to John 992. Geoffrey I. the Good. 1008. Alain V. 1345. Charles de Blois, alone. 1040. Conan II. 1364. John V. , styled the Valiant. 10G6. Hoel V. 1399. John VI. 1084. Alain Fergent, the Red. 1442. Francis I. 1112. Conan III. the Fat. 1450. Peter II. 1148. Eudes, Hoel VI., and Geoffrey II. 1457. Arthur III. 1156. Conan IV. 1458. Francis II. 1171. Geoffrey III. 1488. Anne, dau. 1196. Arthur, and Constance, da u. of Conan 1513. Claude, dau. IV.. and wife of Geoff rey, son of 1524. Francis I., of France. Henry II. of England. 1532. The dukedom of Brittany annexed 1203. Guy de Tours, regent. to the crown of France. 1213. Peter Mauclerc. BURGUNDY. The Kingdom of the Burgundians began in Alsace in 413, and con- tinued for 119 years, the Franks stripping them of their dominions in 532. In the division of France among the sous of Clotaire in 561, Gontran had Orleans and Burgundy ; in 638, Clovis II. had Burgundy and Neustra ; and, on the death of Charles le Gros, in 888, Rodolph hecame king of Trausjuran Burgundy. The Kingdom was soon after- wards united to that of Aries, and both passed, on the death of Eodolph III., in 1032, to Conrad the Salique, emperor of Germany. The Burgundians, who settled in Celtic Gaul, gave name to the county and . 1737. 1766. Leopold, son. Francis Stephen, Gr. D. of Tuscany in 1737. //(. Maria Theresa of Aus- tria. Emp. of Germany in 1745. Stanislaus, of Poland. Lorraine united to France. Sff note to " Tuxcani/," 1735-7. In 1871, part of Lorraine was ceded by France to Germany. NORM AND V. The Normans, enticed by plunder, having made many descents upon Pi-ance, Charles the Simple, at length wearied by their aggressions, •came to an accommodation with them, and concluded the famous treaty of St. Clair upon the Epte, whereby he gave them a part of Neustra, which from their incursions had already taken the name of Normandy. •Charles also gave his daughter Giselle to tiieir chief, Kollo, in marriage, •on the condition of his embracing Christianity, and giving it encourage- anent among his followers. Dukes op Normandy. 1028. 1035. 1087. Robert I., surn. le Diahle. William the Bastard, natural son of Richard III. (our William I. or the Conqueror) ; became K. of Eng- land in 106C. Robert, surn. Courthose,* eldest son of William, became D. of Nor- mandy on his father's death, his brother William succeeding to the crown of England ; gov. until 1106 ; d. 1134. * This Robert had a son, William, to whom (and not to his father) the French historians give the surname Courthose (Courtecuisse), short-thigh. The contention between the last Duke, Robert, and his brother Henry (third son of the Conqueror, and then king of England), termi- nated with the battle of Tinchebray, in Lower Normandy, Sept, 28, 1106. Robert was defeated, made prisoner, and sent to England, where he died in captivity. Normandy was then annexed to England, but was re-united to the crown of France in the reign of King John. ■911. Rollo, the Dane, 1st D., yielded homage for his dukedom to Charles the Simple, K. of France. '927. William Loii. St. Anterus ; mart. 100. St. Evaristus ; mart. 2:50. St. Fabian ; mart. 250. 109. St. Alexander ; mart. 2r,o. Throne vacant. 119. St. Sixtus ; mart. 251. St. Cornelius. 128. St. Telesphorus ; mart. 252. St. Lucius ; mart, the same year. 1:59. St. Hyginus ; the fir.st wl was called Novatianus, nntipopo. pope. 2.''.;{. St. Stephen ; mart. 142. St. Pius ; mart. 257. Sixtus II., his coa: l.JOo. Pius III., Francis Todeschini or H - Piccolomini, Sept. 22 ; d. Oct. 18. If(|l>8. Julius II. , Julian de la Rovere, Oct. 31 : d. Feb. 21. 1513. Leo X. ,-J^rinK4.e Medici. Mar. 11; d. Dec. 1, 1521. 1522. Adrian of Hatlr-ian VI., |ljldrian Boy ens, Jan. 9 ; d. Sept. 14. 1523. Clement VII., J^ttsa, de Medici. Nov. 19; d. Sept. 2o. 1534. Paul III., Alexander Farnese. Oct. 13 ; d. Nov. 10, 1549. 1550. Juliiis III.. John Maria del Monte, Feb. 7; J. Mar. 23. 1555. Mai-cellus II. , Marcellus Cervini, April 5 : d. May 1. 1555. Paul IV., John Peter Caraffa, Mav 23 ; d. Aug. 18. 1559. Pius IV., John Angelo de Medici, Dec, 28 ; d. Dec. 9, 1565. 1566. Pius V. , Michael Ghislieri, Jan. 8 ; d. May 1. 1572. Gregory XIIL, Hugh Bnoncom- pagno. May 13 ; d. April 10. 1585. Sixtus V , Felix Peretti, April 24; d. Aug. 27. 1590. Urban VII., John Baptist Castagna, Sept. 15 ; d. Sept. 27. 1590. Gregory XIV., Nicolas Sfondrati. Dec. 5 : d. Oct. 15. THE BOOK OK DIGNITIES. lo'Jl. Innocent IX., John Antony Facchi- netti, Oct. 29: d. Dec. 30, 1591. I.J02. Clement VIII.. Hippolytus Aldo- brandini, Jan. ?>0: d. Mar. ii. I2;{. Urban VIII. , Maffeo Barberini. Aug. G : July 29. 1()44. Innocent X., John Baptist Pamphili, Sept. 15 ; d. Jan. 7. 1655. Alexander VII.. Fabius Chigi, April 8 ; (/. May 22. lt)t)7. Clement IX., Julius Rospigliosi. June 20; d. Dec. 9, 1G69. IG70. Clement X.. John Baptist .^milius Altieri, A],ril 29 ; ii. July 22. 1G76. Innocent XI., Benedict Odeschalchi. Sept. 21 : d. Aug. 12. 1G89. Alexander VIII.. Peter Ottoboni. Oct. 6 ; d. Feb. 1. 1G91. Innocent XII., Antonio Pignatelli, July 12; d. Sept. 17. 170(). Clement XL, John Francis Albani. Nov. 23: d. Mar. 19. 1721. Innocent XIII. . Michael Angelo Conti, May 8 : d. Mar. 7. 17l'4. Benedict XIII. . Peter Franci.s Or- sini, .May 29: d. Feb. 21. 1730. Clomont XII.. Laurence Corsim, July 12 : d. Feb. G. 1740. Benedict XIV.. Prosper Laurence Lambertini, Aug. 17 ; d. May 2. 1758. Clement XIII., Charles Rezzonico, July G ; (/. Feb. 2. 17G9. Clement XIV., John Vincent Gau- ganelli. Mav 18: d. Sept. 22. 1774. 1775. Pius VI.. John Angelo Braschi. Feb. 15 ; d. Aug. 29, 1799. ISUO. Pius VII., Barnabas Chiaromonti. Mar. ; dep. bv Buonaparte in 1809, rest, in 1814 : d. Aug. 20. 1.S23. Leo XII.. Annibal della Genga, Sept. 2h ; d. Feb. 10. 1829. Pius VIII., Francis Xavier Castig- lioni, Mar. 31 ; d. Xov. 30. 1831. Gregory XVI.. Maunis Cappellari, Feb. 2; d. Juno 1. 184(;. Pius IX., John .Maria Mastai Fer- retti, June IG ; d. Feb. 7. 1878. Leo XIII.. Joachim Pecci. elect. B'eb. 20. ROME. ANCIENT ITALY. WESTERN EMPIRE. EASTERN EMPIRE. LOMBARDS. Rome was first governed by kings, who ruled for a period of 243 years. It afterwards became a commonwealth, which existed under consuls 479 years. The Roman empire commonly dates from 31 b.c, the vear in which was fought the battle of Actium, which gave to Augustus (the title afterwards conferred by the senate upon Octavius Caosarj the 8Ui)reme power. liOMK. Kings ok IIomk. 716. 715. rt40. GIC. BEFOKE ClIRI.-iT. Iiomulus, murdered by the senators, i'atius, K. of the Cures, removeil In Rome in 747, and ruled jointly with Romulus six years. Interregnum. Xuma I'ompilius, son-in-law of Tatius the .Sabine, elected ; d. at the ajre of «!'. ^ TuUus liostilius; murdered by his successor. Ancus Martins, grandson of Numa. Tnrqninius I'risciis. son nf Dcuiiirn- tus, a Corinthian emigrant, chosen king. ."»7:>. Servius TuUius, a manumitted slave. w. the king's dau., and succ. by the united suffrages of tho nrm> and the people. .J34. Tarquinius Superbus, grandson of Tarquinius Prisons ; assass. his fathor-in-law, and usurps the throne. 510. The rape of Lncretia, by Soxtus, son of Tarquin, leads to the abolition nf rovaltv, and tlie ««stnl>lishmcnt of a nrpilblir. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Roman Republic. First Period. — From the expulsion of : Tarquin to the dictatorship of Sulla or Sylla 510 to 82 b.c. | Second Period. — From Sj'lla to Augus- tus 82 to 31 B.C. During the Republic , the chief magistrates were the Consuls, who were elected annually. Their powers being limited, Diutatoks were occasionally appointed to meet emer- gencies which required an absolute ruler. A dictatorsliip could not be lawfully held longer than six months, and this rule apjjears to have been adhered to except in the instances of Sylla and Julius Caesar. During a dictatorship the Consuls remained in office but were subordinated to the Dic- tator. Consuls continued to be elected after the establishment of the Empire, but they then became of comparatively minor importance, the suj^reme pmvcr being exercised by the Emjjer^rs. It will be seen that durin^; the Re- public, the supreme government was occasionally placed in the hands of CoNSULAit Tkibunes, Decemvirs, and Triumvirs, but these departures from the regular course of government were only temporary. Consuls, Dictator,s, &c., of Rome. 509. Conx. L. Junius Brutus. >0. Cons. L'n. Maulius Ciuciimatus. M. Fabius Vibulanus (2nd time). +79. Conn. K. Fabius Vibulanus (3rd time). T. Vir;,'iniu8 Tricostus Rutilus. 478. Cons. h. .Smilius Mamercus (2nd time). C. Servilius Structus Ahala,r/. Opiter Virginius Tricostus Es- quilinus. 477. Cons. C. Horatius Pulvillus. T. Menenius Lanatus. 476. Cons A. Virginius Tricostus Rutilus. Sp. Servilius Priseus Structus. 475. Cons. P. Valerius Poplicola. C. Xautius Rutilus. 474. Cons. A. Manlius Vulso. L. Furius Medullinus Fusus. 473. Cons. L. ^Emilius Mamercus (3rd time). Vopiscus Julius Julus. 472. Cons. L. Pinarius Mamercinus Rufus. P. Furius Medullinus Fusus. 471. Cons. Ap. Claudius Sabinus Regil- lensis. T. Quinctius Capitolinus Bar- batus. 470. Cons. L. Valerius Potitus (2nd time). Ti. .ffimilius Mamercus. 4()9. Cons. A. Virgins Tricostus C'lolio- montanus. T. Xumicius Priscue. 4H8 fens. 'V. Quinctius Capitolinus Bar- batus (2nd time), y. Servilius Priseus Structus (2nd time). 467. Cons. Ti. iEmilius Mamercus (2nd time). Q. Fabius Vibulanus. 4t!6. ( 'ons. Sp. Postiunius Albus Regillcn- sis. Q. Servilius Priseus Stnictus (2nd time). 465. Cous. Q. Fabius Vibulanus (2nd time). T. Quinctius Capitolinus Bar- batus (3rd time). A. Postumius Albus Regillensis. Sp. Furius Medullinus Fusus. P. Servilius Priseus Structus. L. ^butius Elva. L. Lucretius Tricipitinus. T. Veturius Geminus Cicurinus. P. Volumnius Amintinus Gallus. Ser. Sulpicius Camerinus Cor- nutus. 460. Cons. C. Claudius Sabinus Regillensis. P. Valerius Poplicola, d. (2nd time). L. Quinctius Cincinnatus. 459. Cons. Q. Fabius Vibulanus (3rd time). L. Cornelius Maluginensis. 468. Cons. L. Minucius Esquillinus Augu- rinus. C. Xautius Rutilus (2nd time). Diet. L. Quinctius Cincinnatus. 464. Cons. 463. Cons 462. Cons 461. Cons. 457. Cons. C.Horatius Pulvillus (2nd time). Q. Minucius Esquillinas Augu- rinus. 456. Cons. M. Valerius (Lactuca) Mazi- mus. Sp. Virginius Tricostus Caelio- montanus. 455. Cons. T. Romilius Rocus Vaticanus. C. Veturius Geminus Cicurinus. 4o4. Cons. Sp. Tarpeius Montanus Capi- tolinus. A. Aternius Vai-us Fontinalis. 453. Cons. Sex. Quinctilius Varus. P. Curiatius Festus Trigeminus. 462. Cons. P. Sestius Capitolinus Vati- canus. T. Menenius Lanatus. 451. Cons. Ap. Claudius Crassinus Regil- lensis Sabmus (2nd time), abcl. T. Genucius Augurinus, abd, Dccemin'ri — Ap. Claudius Crassinus Regil- lensis Sabinus. T. Genucius Angurinus. Sp. Veturius Crassus Cicurinus C. Julius Julus. A. Manlius Vulso. Ser. Sulpicius Camerinus Cor- nutus. P. Sestius Capitolinus Vati- canus. P. Curiatius Festus Trigeminus. T. Romilius Rocus Vaticanus. Sp. Postumius Albus Regil- lensis. 450. Decemviri — Ap. Claudius Crassinus Regil- lensis Sabinus (2nd time). M. Cornelius Maluginensis. L. Sergius Esquilinus. L. Minucius Esquilinus Augu- rinus. T. Antonius Merenda. Q. Fabius Vil)ulanus. Q. Poetilius Libo Visolus. K. Duilius Longus. Sp. Oppius Cornicen. M. Rabulcius. 449. Cons. L. Valerius Poplicola Potitus. M. Horatius Barbatus. 448. Cons. Lar. Herminius Aquilinus (Con- tinisanus). T. Virginius Tricostus Ca-lio- montanus. 447. Cons. M. Geganius Macerinus. C. Julius Julus. 446. Cons. T. Quinctius Capitolinus Bar- batus (4th time). Agrippa Furius Medullinu* Fusus. 445. Cons. M. Genucius Augurinus. C. Curtius Philo. 444. Cons. L. Papirius Mugillanns. L. Sempronius Atrntinus. THE BOOK OK DIGNITIES. :{9 t-13. Cuns. M. (ieganius Macerinus (2nd time). T. Quinctius Capitolinus Bar- batus (oth time). 442. (^ns. M. Fabius Vibulanus. Po.stumiifs ^biitius Elva Cor- nicen. 441. Cons. C. Furius Pacilus Fusiis. !M. Papivius Crassus. 440. Cons. Proculus Geganius Maceriniia. L. Menenius Lanatns. 4;)9. Cons. T. Quinctius Capitolinus Bar- batus (6th time). Agrippa ^Nlenenius Lanatus. Diet. L. Quinctius Gincinnatus (2n(l time). 438. 3 Military Tribunes with con- sular power. 437. Cons. M. Geganius Macerinus (3rd time). L. Sergius (Fidcnas). Diet. Mam. ^milius Mamercinus. 436. Cons. M. Cornelius IMeluginensis. L. Papirius Crassus. 435. Cons. C. Julius Julus (2nd time). L. Virginius Tricostus. Dicf. Q. Servilius Priscus Structus (Fidenas). 434. 3 Mil. Tri. 433. 3 do. Diet. Mam. ^milius Mamercinus (2nd time). 432. 3 Mil. Tri. 431. Cons. T. Quinctius Pennus Gincin- natus. C. Julius Mento. Diet. A. Postumius Tubertus. 430. Cons. C. Papirius Crassus. L. Jiilius Juhis. 429. Cons. L. Sergius Fidenas (2nd time). Hostus Liicretius Tricipitinus. 428. Cons. A. Cornelius Cossus. T. Quinctius Pennus Gincin- natus (2nd time). 427. Cons. C. Servilius Structus Ahala. L. Papirius Mugillanus (2nd time). 426. 4 Mil. Tri. Diet. 51am. ^milius Mamercinus (3rd time). 425. 4 Mil: Tri. 424. 4 do. 423. Cons. G. Sempronius Atratinus. Q. Fabius Vibulanus. 422. 4 Mil. Tri. 421. Cons. X. Fabius Vibulanus. T. Quinctius Capitolinus Bar- batus. 420. 4 Mil. Tri. 419. 4 do. 418. 3 do. Diet. Q. Servilius Priscus Fidenas (2nd time). 417. 4 Mil. Tri. 416. 4 do. 415. 4 Mil. Tri. 414. 4 do. 413. Cons A. Cornelius Cossus. L. Furius Medullinus. 412. Cons Q. Fabius Vibiilanus Ambustu.s G. Furius Pacilus. 411. Cons M. Papirius Mugillanus. C. Nautius Rutilus. 410. Cons M. iEmilius Mamercinus. C. Valerius Potitus Volusus. 409. 408. Cons. Cn. Cornelius Cossus. L. Furius Modullinus (2iid time). 3 Mil. Tri. Dirt. P. Cornelius Rutilus Cossus. 407. 4 Mil. Tri. 407. 406. 4 Mil. Tri. 4 do. 405. (! do. 404. 6 do. 403. 6 do. 402. 6 do. 401. 6 do. 400. 6 do. :',9y. 6 do. 398. 6 do. 397. 6 do. 396. 6 do. Diet. M. Furius Gamillus. 395. 394. 6 Mil. Tri. 6 do. 393. Cons. L. Valerius Potitus, ahd. P. Cornelius Maluginensis Cos- sus, abd. L. Lucretius Flavus (Tricipi- tinus). Ser. Sulpicius Camerinus. 392. Cons L. Valerius Potitus. M. Manlius Capitolinus. 391. 6 Mil. Tri. 390. 6 do. Did. M. Furius Caniillus (2nd time). 389. 6 Mil. Tri. Dirt. M. Furivis Caniillus (I'.rd time). 388. 6 Mil. Tri. ;;s7. 6 do. 386. 6 do. 385. 6 do. Dirt. A. Cornelius Cossus. 384. 6 Mil. Tri. 383. 6 do. 382. 6 do. 381. 6 do. 380. 6 do. Diet T. Quinctius Gincinnatus Gapi tolinus. 379. 6 Mil. Tri. 378. 6 do. 377. 6 do. 376. 6 do. 375 to 371 . C. Licinius and L. Su.ctius re- elected Tribunes every year and prevented the eleoiion of the Consular Tribune B- 370 6 Mil. Tri. 369 6 do. 40 TJIE ROOK OK DKiXITIKS. 367. 366. 365. 364. 363. 361. 360. 358. 357. 355. 354. Diet. Diet. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Dirt. Cons. Diet. Cons. Diet. Cons. Diet. Cons. Cons. Diet. Cons. Diet. Cons. Cons. 353. Cons 352. Diet, ('ons. Dirt. < 'o)is. Din. ( 'ons. I>irl. • ; Mil. Tii. ."M. Furius Camillus (4tb time). P. Manlius Capitolinu.s. 6 Mil. Tri. M. Furius Camillus (5th time). L. ^milius 3Iamerciiius. L. Sextius Sextinus Latera- nns. L. Genucius Aventincnsis. Q. Servilius Ahala. C. Sulpicius Peticus. C. Licinius Calvus Stolo. Cn. Genucius Aventinensis. L. .^milius Mamercinus (2nd time). L. Manlius Capitolinus Im- periosus. Q. Serviliu.s Ahala (2nd time). L. Genucius Aventinensis (2nd time). Ap. Claudius Crassinus Regil- Icnsis. C. Sulpicius Peticus (2nd time). C. Licinius Calvus Stolo (2nd time). T. Quinctius Pennus Capitolinus Crispinus. C. Poetelius Libo Yisolus. M. Fabius Ambustus. Q. Servilius Ahala. M. Popilius La-nas. Cn. Manlius Capitolinus periosus. C. Fabius Ambustus. C. Plautius Proculus. C. Sulpicius Peticus. C. ilarcius Rutilus. Cn. Manlius Capitolinus periosus (2nd time). M. Fabius Ambustus (2nd time). M. I'opilius Lsenas (2nd time). C. Martins Rutilus. C. Sulpicius Peticus (3rd time). M. Valerius Poplicola. M. Fabius Ambustus (3rd time). T. Quinctius Pennus Capitolinus Crispinus. C. Sulpicius Peticus (4th time). M. Valerius Poplicola (2nd time). T. Manlius Imperiosus Tor- quatus. P. Valerius Poplicola. C. .Marcius Rutilus (2nd time). ('. .lulius JuluB. C. Sulpicius l\>ticuK (5th time). '!'. t^uinctius Pennus Capitolinus Crispinus (2nd time). M. Fabius .Vmbubtus. M. Popilius Licnas (3rd time). I^. Cornelius Scipio. Tj. Furius Camillus. 344. Diet. (. 'ons 343. Dirt. Cons. 342. Cons. :?41. Did. Cons. Im- Im- 34y. Cons. L. Furius Camillus. Ap. Claudius Crassinus Kcgil- lensis, d. Diet. T. Manlius Imperiosus Torqua- tus (2nd time). 348. Cons. M. Valerius Corvua. M. Popilius La^nas (4th time). Diet. C. Claudius Crassinus Re^il- leusis. 347. Cons. T. Manlius Imperiosus Tor quatus. C. Plautius Venue Hypsaus. 346. Cons. M. Valerius Corvus (2nd time). C. Poetelius Libo Visolus. 345. Cons M. Fabius Dorso. Ser. Sulpicius Camerinus Rufus. L. Furius Camillus (2nd time). C. Marcius Rutilus (3rd time). T. Manlius Imperiosus Tor- quatus (2nd lime). P. Valerius Poplicola. M. Valerius Corvus (3rd time). A. Cornelius Cossns Arvina. C. ISIarcius Rutilus (4th time). Q. Servilius Ahala. :M. Valerius Corvus. C. Plautius Venno Hypsa^us (2nd time). L. ^Tilmilius Mamercinus Pri- vernas. 340. Cons. T. Manlius Imperiosus Tor- quatus (3rd time). P. Decius Mus. Diet. L. Papirius Crassus. 339. Cons. Ti. iEmilius Mamercinus. Q. Publilius Philo. Diet. Q. Publilius Philo. 338. Cons. L. Furius Camillus. G. Majnius. 337. Cons. C. Sulpicius Longus P. .ffilius Partus. Din. C. Claudius Crassinus Regil- lensis. 336. Cons. L. Papirius Crassus. K. Duilius. 335. Cons. M. Valerius Corvus (Calenus) (4th time). M. AtiliusRegulus. Din. L. .ffimilius Mamercinus Pri- vernas. 334. Cons. T. Veturius Calvinus. Sp. Postumius Albinus (Cau- I dinus). I Diet. P. Cornelius Rufinus. I 333. f'oH.s-. L. Papirius Cursor. I (.'. Poetelius Libo Visolus (2ntl I time). 332. Cons. A. Cornelius Cossus Arvina (2nd time). Cn. Homitius Calvinus. Din. M. Papirius Crassus. 831. Cons. M. Claudius .Marcellus. C. Valerius Potitus Flncous. Diet. Cn. (Juintilius Varus. UK I'AXJK OF ])I(J\IT]E> 41 mo. Cons. 329. Cons. :'>26. Cuns. 327. Cons. Dirt. 82fi. Cons. Diet. 324. 323. Cons. 322. Cuns. Dirt. ;J21. r^io.s-. Dirt. 320. ('0//.V. Dirt. 319. ron.s\ 318. t'o«*'. 317. Co«.s. 316. Cons. Diet. 315. Cons. Diet. 31 4. Cons. Diet. 313. Cons. Diet. 311. Cons. 310. Cons. L. Papirius Cnissus (2nd time) L. Plautius Veiino. L. .ffimilius Mamerciuus Pri- vernas (2nd time). C. Plautius Deciamis. C. Plautius Deeianus (Venox) (2nd time). P. Cornelius Sciijio Bailiatus. L. Cornelius Lentiilus. Q. Publilius Philo (2nd time). M. Claudius Marcellus. C. Poetelius Libo Visohis (8rd time). L. Papirius Mugillanus (Cur- sor) (2nd time). L. Furius Camillas (2u(l time). D. .Junius Brutus Sc;ova. L. Papirius Cursor. Diet, continued -without any Consuls. C. Sulpicius Longus (2nd time). Q. Auliiis Cerretanus. Q. Fabius Maximus Rullianus. L. Fulvius Curvus. A. Cornelius Cossus Arvina. T. Yeturius Calvinus (2ud time). Sp. Postumius Albinus (2nd time). Q. Fabius Ambustus. M. JSmilius Papus. Q. Publilius Philo (3rd timej. L. Papirius Cursor (3rd time). C. Maenius. L. Cornelius Lentulus. T. Manlius Imperiosus Tor- quatus. L. Papirius Cursor (Mugilla- nus) (3rd time). Q. xVulius Cerretanus (2nd time). M. Foslius Flaccinator. L. Plautius Venno. C. Junius Bubulcus Brutus. Q. .S^milius Barbula. Sp. Nautius Rutilus. M. Popilius Lcenas. L. .ffimilius Mamercinus Pri- vernas (2nd time). Q. Publilius Philo (ith time). L. Papirius Cursor (4th time). Q. Fabius Maximus Rullianus. M. Poetelius Libo. C. Sulpicius Longus (3rd time). C. Maenius (2nd time). L. Papirius Cursor (5th time). C. Junius Bubulcus Brutus (2nd time). M. Valerius Maximus. P. Decius Mus. C. Sulpicius Longus. C. Junius Bubulcus Brutus (3rd time). Q. iEmilius Barbula (2nd time). Q. Fabius Maximus Rullianus (2nd time). C. Marcius Rutilus (Censorinus). 309. 308. Dirt. Cons. 307. Cons. 30(;. ( 'ons .30.-.. Dirt. ( 'ons. 304. ( '(ins 303. Cons 300. 299. JJirt. Din. ( 'ons. < 'ons. 298. r 29(]. 295. 294. 293. 292. : 291. ' 290. 289. 288. 287. 28G. ( 'ons ( 'ons. ( 'ons. ( 'ons. ('o)is, Cons. ( 'ons. Cuns. Cons. Cons. Diet. Cons. Xo Con.suls. L. Papirius Cursor (2nd time). Q. Fabius Maximus Rullianus (3rd time). P. Decius Mus (2nd time). Ap. Claudius Ca3cus. L. Volumnius Flamma Violens. P. Cornelius Arvina. Q. Marcius Tremulus. P. Cornelius Scipio Barbatus. L. Postumius Magellus. Ti. Minucius Augurinus, r/. M. Fulvius Corvus Putinus. P. Sulpicius Saverrio. P. Sempronius Sophias. L. Genucius Aventinensis. Ser. Cornelius Lentulus (Ru- finus). M. Livius Denter. M. ^milius Paullus. C. Junius Bubulcus Briitus. Xo Consuls. Q. Fabius Maximus Riillianus (2nd time). ]M. Valerius Corvus (2nd time). (j. Appuleius Pansa. M. Valerius Corvus (ath time). M. Fulvius Pffitinus. T. Manlius Torquatus, d. M. Valerius Corvus ((!th time). L. Cornelius Scipio. Cn. Fulvius Maximus Ccntu- malus. Q. Fabius Maximus Rullianus (4th time). P. Decius Mus (4th time). L. Volumnius Flamma Violens (2nd time). Ap. Claudius Caucus (2nd time). Q. Fabius Maximus Rullianus (5th time). P. Decius Mus (4th time). L. Postumius Magellus (2nd time). M. Atilius Regulus. L. Papirius Cursor. Sp. Carvilius Maximus. Q. Fabius Jlaximus Gurges. D. Junius Brutus Scajva. L. Postumius 31agellus (3rd time). C. Junius Bnitus Bubulcus. P. Cornelius Rufinus. M. Curius Dentatus. M. Valerius Maximus Corvinus. Q. Caedicius Xoctua. Q. Marcius Tremulus (2ud time). P. Cornelius Arvina (2nd time). M. Claudius Marcellus. C. Nautius Rutihis. M. Valerius Maximus Potitus. C. .^lius P»tus. Q. Hortensius. C. Claudius Canina. M. .ffimilius Lepidus. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. '2ii4. Cuns. 283. Cons. 2!52. Cons. I'SI. Com. 280. Cms. Dirt. '-'7!i. Cons. 278. Con.«(. 277. ( 'ou.s. 27(>. ^'OM.9. Dk/. 275. (,'on.s-. 274. ( 'ons. 27:1 Cons. 272. Cons. 271. Cons. •-'70. ( 'ons. 2(i'J. ( 'mis. 2l!8. Cons. 2(57. Cons. 2<;(;. Cons. 2(;,".. Cons. 204. ( ons. L'C.It. Cons. Diet. 202. ( 'ons. 261. Cons. 200. (hn.t. C. Sjcrviliiis Tucca. L. Casciliiis Metellus Denta. P. Cornelius Dolabella Maximu,s. Cn. Domitius Calvimi.s Maxi- mus. ('. Faljiicius Luscinu.s. (). MmilhiH Papus. li. ^milius Barbula. Q. Marcius Philippu.s. P. Valerius Lajvinus. Ti. Coruncanius. Cn. Domitius Calvinus Maxi- uuis. P. Sulpicius Saverrio. P. Deciu.s Mus. C. B'abrieiu.s Luscinus (2ncl time). Q. iEmiliu.s Papus (2nd time). P. Cornelius Rulinus (2n(l time). C. Junius Brutus Bubulcus (2nd time). Q. Fabius JIaximus Gurjfes (2nd time). C. Genucius Clepsina. P. Cornelius Rutinus. M. Curius Dentatus (2nd time). L. Cornelius Lentulus. M. Curius Dentatus (8rd time). Ser. Cornelius Mcrcnda. C. Claudius Canina (2nd time). C. Fabius Dorso Licinus, d. C. Fabricius Luscinus (8rd time). L. Papirius Cursor (2nd time). Sp. Carvillius Maximus (2nd time). C. Quinctius Claudus. L. Genucius Clepsina. C. Genucius Clepsina (2nd time). Cn. Cornelius Blasio. (}. ()f,nilnius Gallus C. Fabius Pictor. Ap. Claudius Crassus Ilufus. P. Hempronius Sophus. M. Atilius llegulus. L. Julius Libo. N. Fabius Pictor. D. .Junius Pcra. Q. Fabius Maximus Gurj>:os (3rd time). L. Mamilius Vitulus. Ap. Claudius Caudox. 'M. Fulvius FlaccuH. M. Valerius MaximuB (Mossahi). M. Otacilius Crassus. Cn. Fulvius Maximus Centu- nialuH. L. PostumiuB (Ma^cllus). Q. Mamilius Vitulus. L. Valerius Flaccus. T. Otacilius Crassus. Cn. Ci)rnolius Scipio Asina. C. Duilius. '.-)3. Cons. .V2. ( 'ons. ul. ( 'ons no. ( 'ons. 4!). Cons. Diet. '48. (^ons. 25!). Cons. Li. Cornelius Scipio. C. Aquilius Florus. 258. Cons. A. Atilius Calatinus. C. Suljiicius Paterculus. 257. Cons. C. Atilius Rej^ulus (Serranus). Cn. Cornelius Blasio (2nd time). Dirt. Q. Ogulnius Gallus. 25(i. Cons. L. Manlius Vulso Longus. (l C;edi(ius. f/. M. Atilius RoKulus (2nd time). 255. Cons. Ser. Fulvius Pa'tinus Xobilior. M. j'Emilius Paullus. 254. Cons. Cn. Cornelius Scipio Asina (2nd time). A. Atilius Calatinus (2nd time). Cn. Servilius Ciepio. C. Sempronius Blaesus. C. Aurelius Cotta. P. Servilius Gominus. L. Caecilius Motellus. C. Furius Pacilus. C. Atilius Uegulus (Serranus) (2nd time). L. Manlius Vulso (Longus) (2nd time). P. Claudius Pulcher. L. Junius Pullus. M. Claudius Glicia, ahd. A. Atilius Calatinus. C. Aurelius Cotta (2nd time). P. Servilius Geminus (2nd time). 247. Cons. L. Cascilius Metellus (2nd time). X. Fabius Buteo. 240. Cons. M. Otacilius Crassus (2nd time). ]M. Fabius Licinus. Dirt. Ti. Coruncanius. JI. B'abius Buteo. C. Atilius Bulbus. A. Manlius Torquatus Atticus. C. Semjjronius Blnesus (2nd time). C. Fundanius Fundulus. C. Sulpicius Gallus. C. Lutatius Catulus. A. Postumius Albinus. A. Manlius Torquatus Atticus (2nd time). Q. Lutatius Corco. C. Claudius Centho. ^1. Sem))ronius Tuditanus. C. Mamilius Turrinus. Q. Valerius Falto. Ti. Sempronius Gracchus. P. Valerius Falto. L. Cornelius Lentulus Chu- dinus. Q. Fulvius Flaccus. 230. Cons. P. Cornelius Lentulus Cau- dinus. C. Lieinius Varus. 235. Cons. T. ManliuB Torquatus. C. Atilius Bulbus (2nd time). 245. ( ons. 244. ( 'ons. 243. ( 'ons. 242. Cons. 241. Cons. 240. Cons. 239. Cons. 238. Cons. 237. Cons. THE B<"X)K (»F DIGNITIES. 43 234. Cons. 233. Cons. 232. Cons. 231. Cons. 230. Diet. Cons. 229. Cons. 228. Cons. 227. Cons. 226. Cons. 225. Cons. 224. Cons. 223. Diet. Cons. 222. Cons. '^21 Cons. Diet. 220. Cons. 2iy. Cons. 218. Cons. 217. Cons. Diet. 216. Cons. Diet. 215. Cons. 214. Cons^ L. Postuuiius AlbinuH. Sp. Carvilius Maximus. Q. Fabius Maximus Verru- cosus. M. Pomponius Matho. M. ^milius Lepidus. M. Publicius Malleolus. M. Pomponius Matho. C. Papirius Maso. C. Duilius. M. iEmilius Barbula. M. Junius Pera. L. Postumius Albinus (2nd time). Cn. Fulvius Centumahis. Sp. Carvilius Maximus (2nd time. Q. Fabius Maximus Verrucosus (2nd time). P. Valerius Flaccus. M. Atilius Regulus. M. Valerius Messala. L. Apustius Fullo. L. ^milius Papus. C. Atilius Regulus, d. T. ManliuR Torqiiatus (2nd time). Q. Fulvius Flaccus (2nd time). L. Caecilius Metellus. C. Flaminius. P. Fnrius Phil us. Cn. Cornelius Scipio Calvus. M. Claudius Marcellus. P. Cornelius Scipio Asina. jM. Minucius Rufus. Q. Fabius Maximus Verru- cosus. L. Veturius Philo. C. Lutatius Catulus. M. Livius Salinator. L. .ffimilius PauUus. P. Cornelius Scipio. Ti. Sempronius Longus. Cn. Servilius Geminus. C. Flaminius (2nd time), (/. M. Atilius Regulus (2nd time). Q. Fabius Maximus Verru- cosus (2nd time). L. Veturius Philo. C. Terentius Varro. L. ^milius Paullus (2nd time), d. M. Junius Pera. M. Fabius Buteo. Ti. Sempronius Gracchus. L. Postumius Albinus (3rd time), d. M. Claudius Marcellus (2nd time), abd. Q. Fabius Maximus Verru- cosus (3rd time). Q. Fabius Maximus Verru- cosus (4th time). M. Claudius Marcellus (3rd time). 212. Dirt. ■Cons. 211. Cons. 210. Cons. 20!). Dirt. Cons. 218. Cons. Q. Fabius Maximus. Ti. Sempronius Gracchus (2iid time). C. Claudius Ceutho. Q. Fulvius Flaccus (3rd time). Ap. Claudius Pulcher. Cn. Fulvius Centumalus. P. Sul25icius Galba Maximus. M. Claudius Marcellus (4th time). M. Valerius Ljevinus. Q. Fulvius Flaccus. Q. Fulvius Flaccus (4th time). Q. Fabius Maximus Verru- cosus (5th time). 208. Cons. M. Claudius Marcellus (5th time), d. T. Quinctius (Pennus Capitoli- nus) Crispinus, d. T. Maulius Torquatus. C. Claudius Nero. M. Livius Salinator (2nd time). M. Livius Salinator. L. Veturius Philo. Q. Caacilius Metellus. P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus. P. Licinius Crassus Dives. Q. Caecilius Metellus. i\I. Cornelius Cethegus. P. Sempronius Tuditanus. Cn. Servilius Ca3pio. C. Servilius. P. Sulpicius Galba Maximus. M. Servilius Pulex Gominus. Ti. Claudius Nero. C. Servilius. Cn. Cornelius Lentulus. P. -SElius Paatus. P. Sulpicius Galba Maximus (2nd time). C. Aurelius Cotta. L. Cornelius Lentulus. P. Villius Tappulus. Sex. .ffilius Pwtus Catus. T. Quinctius Flamininus. C. Cornelius Cethegus. Q. Mincius Rufus. L. Furius Purpureo. Q. Claudius Marcellus. L. Valerius Flaccus. M. Porcius Cato. P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus (2nd time). Ti. Sempronius Longus. L. Cornelius Merula. Q. Minucius Thermus. L. Quinctius Flamininus. Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus. L. Cornelius Scipio Nasica. M. Acilius Glabrio. L. Cornelius Scipio Asiati- cus. C. Laelius. 189. Cons. M. Fulvius Nobilior. Cn. Manlius Vulso. 207. Diet. Cons. 206. Dirt. ( 'ons. 205. Cons. 204. Din. ( '(ins. 203. (Jons. 202. Diet. Cms. 201. Did. Cans. 200. Cons. 199. Cons. 198. Cons. 197. Cons. 19(3. Cons. 195. Cons. 194. Cons. 193. Cons. 192. Cons. 191. Cons. 190. Cons. THK r.ooK (»K DIUN'ITIEf 44 18t>. Cons. M. Valerius Messalit. C. Liviua Salinator. 187. Cons. M. Gemilius Lepidus. C. Flaminius. 186. Cons. Sp. Postumius Albinus. Q. Marcius Philippus. 185. Cotus. Ap. Claudius Pulcher. M. Sempronius Tuditanus. 184. Con.8. Cons. M. .Smilius Lepidus. C. Popillius La-nas (2nd time). 157. Cons. Sex. Julius Ca;sar. L. Aurelitis Orestes. 150. Cons. L. Cornelius Lentulus Lupus. C. Marcius Figulus (2nd time). 155. Cons. P. Cornelius Scipio Xasica (2nd time). M. Claudius Marcellus (2nd time). 154. r„iis. Q. opimius. L. Postumius Albinus. d. M. Acilius Glabrio. Q. Fulvius Nobilior. T. Annius Luscus. M. Claudius Marcellus (:'.rd time). L. Valerius Flaccus, d. L. Licinius Lucullus. A. Postumius Albinus. T. Quinctius Flamininus. M. Acilius Balbus. L. Marcius Censorinus. M. Manilius. Sp. Postunius Albinus Magnus. L. Calpurnus Piso Ca-soninus. P. Cornelius Soi])io Africanus .SImilianus. C. Livius Drusus. Cn. Cornelius Lentulus. L. Mummius Achaicus. Q. Fabius ^Maximus .Umilia- nus. L. Hostilius Mancinus. Ser. Sulpicius Galba. L. Aurelius Cotta. Ap. Claudius Pulcher. Q. Ca'cilius Metellus fMace- donicus). L. Ca?cilius Metellus Calvus. Q. Fabius Maximus Servilianus. Cn. Servilius Ctepio. Q. Pompeius. L. Liclius Sapiens. Q. Servilius Ca»pio. Cn. Calpurnius Piso. M. PojMllius La?na8. P. Cornelius Scipio Xasica Serapio. D. Junius Brutus (Callaicus). M. iEmilius Lepidus Porcinu. C. Hostilius Mancinus, nhd. L. Furius Philus. Sex. Atilius Serranus. Ser. Fulvius Flaccus. Q. Calpurnius Piso. P. Cornelius Siipio Africanus .Similianus (2nd time). C. Fulvius Flaccus. 1H;{. Cons. P. Mucius Scmvola. L. Cal])uruius Piso Frugi. 1.53. ( 'ons. 1.52. Cons. 151. Cons. 150. Cons. 149. Con.1. 148. Cons. 147. Cons. 140. Cons. 145. <\>IIS. 144. ( 'ons. 143. Cons. 142. Cons. 141. Cotis. 140. (.'ons. 139. Cons. 138. Cons. 137. Cons. 186 Cons. 135 Cons. 134 Cons. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 45 132. Conn. 131. Cons. 130. Cons. 129. Cons. 128. Cons. 127. Cons. 120. Cons. 125. Cons. 124. Cons. 123. Cons. 122. Cons. 121 Cons 120. Cons. 110. Cons. 118. Cons. 117. Cons. IIG. Cons. 115. Cons. 114. Cons. 113. Cons. 112. Cons. 111. Cons. 110. Cons. 109. Cons. 107. 106. 105. 104. Cons. Cons. Cons. Co7}S. P. Popillius Lsenas. P. Rupilius. P. Licinius Crassus Mucianus. L. Valerius Flaccus. C. Claudius Pulcher Lentulus. M. Paperna. C. Sempronius Tuditanus. M. Aquillius. On. Octavius. T. Annius Luscus Rufus. L. Cassius Longinus Ravilla. L. Cornelius Cinua. M. .ffimilius Lepidus. L. Aurelius Orestes. M. Plautius Hypsaous. 31. Fulvius Flaccus. C. Cassius Longinus. ('. Sextius Calviuus. Q. Cascilius Metellus (Ballari- cus). T. Quinctius Flamininus. Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus. C. Fannius Strabo. L. Opimius. Q. Fabius Maximus (Allobro- gicus). P. Manilius. C. Papirius Carbu. L. Cascilius Metellus (Dalnia- ticus). L. Aurelius Cotta. M. Porcius Cato, d. Q. Marcius Rex. P. Caecilius Metellus Diade- matus. y. Mucius Sc;evoIa. C. Licinius Geta. Q. Fabius Maximus Eburuus. M. .^milius Scaurus. M. Csecilius Metellus. M. Acilius Balbus. C. Porcius Cato. C. Csecilius Metellus Capra- rius. Cn. Papirius Carbo. M. Livius Drusus. L. Calpurnius Piso Caasoninus. P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica, d. L. Calpurnius Bestia. M. Minucius Rufus. Sp. Postumius Albinus. Q. Cajcilius Metellus (Numi- dicus). M. Julius Silanus. Ser. Sulpicius Galba. L. Hortensius, d. M. Aurelius Scarus, L. Cassius Longinus, d. C. Marius. C. Atilius Serranus. Q. Servilius Caepio. P. Rutilius Rufus. Cn. Mallius Maximus. C. Marius (2nd time). ('. Flavius Fimbria. C. Marius (3rd time). L. Aurelius Orestes, d. C. Miirius (4tli time). Q. Lutatius Catulus. C. Marius (5th time). M. Aquilius. C. Marius (6tli time). L. Valerius Flaccus. M. Antonius. A. Postumius Albinus. Q. Ciccilius Metellus Nepos. T. Didius. Cn. Cornelius Lentulus. P. Licinius Crassus. Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus. C. Cassius Longinus. L. Licinius Crassus. Q. Mucius Sca3vola. C. Ccelius Caldus. L. Domitius Ahenobarbus. C. Valerius Flaccus. M. Herennius. C. Claudius Pulcher. M. Perperna. L. Marcius Philippus. Sex. Julius Cajsar. L. Julius Caesar. P. Rutilius Lupus, d. Cn. Pompeius Strabo. L. Porcius Cato, d. L. Cornelius Sulla (Felix). Q. Pompeius Rufus, d. Cn. Octavius, d. L. Cornelius Cinna. abd. L. Cornelius Merula, (/. L. Cornelius Cinna (2nd time). C. Marius (7th time), d. L. Valerius Flaccus (2nd time). L. Cornelius Cinna (3rd time). Cn. Papirius Carbo. Cn. Papii-ius Carbo (2nd time). L. Cornelius Cinna (4th time), d. L. Cornelius Scipio Asiaticus. L. Norbanus Balbus. C. Marius, d. Cn. Papirius Carbo (3rd time), d. L. Cornelius Sulla Felix. M. Tullius Decula. Cn. Cornelius Dolabella. Sulla continues Ijicf. 80. Cons. L. Cornelius Sulla Felix (2nd time). y. Csecilius Metellus Pius. Sulla continues Dirf. as well as Cons. 79. Co7is. P. ServiUus Vatia (^^Isauricusj. Ap. Claudius Pulcher. 78. Co7is. M. .fflmilius Lepidus. Q. Lutatius Catulus. 77. Cons. D. Junius Brutus. Mam. .^milius Lepidus Livia- nus. 76. < 'otis. Cn. Octavius. L. Scribonius Curio. 103. Cons 102. Cons 101. Cons. 100. Cons. 99. Cons. 98. Cons. 97. Cons. 96. Cons. 95. Cons. 94. Cons. 93. Cons. 92. Cons. 91. Cons 90. Cons. 89. Cons. 88. Cons. 87. Cons 85. Cons 84. Cons. S3. Cons 82. Cons. Diet. 81. Cons. 46 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 75. Cons. L. Octavius. C. Aurelius Cotta. 48. Cons. 74. Cons. L. Licinius LucuUus. M. Aurelius Cotta. 47 Diet. Cons. 73. Cons. M. Terontius Varro Lncullus. C. Cassius Varus. 46. Con.-!. 72. Cons. L. Gellius Poplicola. Cn. Cornelius Lcntulus Clo- 45. Dirt. dianus. Cons. 71. Cons. P. Cornelius Lcntulus Sura. Cn. Aufidius Orestes. 70. Cons. Cn. Pompeius Magnus. Licinius Crassus Dives. 69. Cons. Q. Hortensius. Q. Caecilius Metellus (Creticus). 44. Diet. 08. Cons. L. Caecilius Metellus. d. Q. Marcius Rex. Cons. 67. Cons. C. Calpurnius Piso. M. Acilius Glabrio. 66. Cons. M. ^milius Lepidus. L. Volcatius TuUus. 43. Cons. 65. Cons. P. Cornelius Sulla, did not act. P. Autronius Pfetus, did not act. Ij. Aurelius Cotta. L. Manlius Torquatus. 64. Cons. L. Julius Ciosar. C. Marcius Figulus. 2nd 63. C071S. M. Tullius Cicero. C. Antonius. 42. Cons. 62. Cons. D. Junius Silanus. L Licinius Murena. 41. Cons. 61. Cons. M. Pupius Piso Calpurnianus. M. Valerius Messala Niger. 60. Cons. 1st 1 Ij. Afranius. Q. CiL'cilius Metellus Color. riumvirate : — Caesar, Pompeius, and Crassus. 40. Cojis. 69. Cons. C. Julius Ca3sar. M. Calpurnius Bibulus. 39. ( ons. 58. Cons. L. Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus. A. Gabinius. 38. Cons. 57. Cons. P. Cornelius Lentuhis Spinther. Q. Caicilius Metellus Nepcs. :!7. Cons 56. Cons Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Marcel- linus. L. Marcius Philippus. 55. Cons Cn. Pompeius I^Iagnus (2nd time). M. Licinius Crassus (2nd time). 36. Cons 54. Cons L. Domitius Ahenobarbus. Ap. Claudius Pulcher. 53 Cons Cn. Domitius Calvinus. M. Valerius Messala. 52. Cons Cn. Pompeius :Maguus (3rd time). Q. Ciucilius Metellus Pius 35, < 'iins. Scipio. 51 Cons Ser. Sulpicius Rufus. M. Claudius Marcellus. 34. Cons. 50 Cons L. ^milius Paullus. C. Claudius Marcellus. 49 Cons Jjirt C. Claudius Marcellus (2nd time). L. Cornelius Lentulus Crus. C. Julius Caesar. . C. Julius Caisar (2nd time). P. Serviliua Vatia Isauricus. . C. Julius Ca?sar (2nd time). . Q. Fufius Calenus. P. Vatinius. . C. Julius Cajsar C3rd time). M. iEmilius Lepidus. C. Julius Caesar (3rd time). . C. Julius Ca'sar (4th time); made Cons, for 10 years and Diet, for life. Q. Fabiup Maximus, d. C. Caninius Rebilus. C. Trebonius. C. Julius Caesar (4th time). . C. Julius C<-fisar (5th time) : assass. 15th March. M. Antonius. P. Cornelius Dolabella. . C. Vibius Pansa, d. A. Hirtius, d. G. Julius Ca'sar Octavianus (aft. emp. Augustus), ahd. C. Carrinas. Q. Pedius, d. P. Vcntidius. Triumvirate : — Octavianus, An- tonius, and Lepidus. . L. Munatius Plancus. M. .ffimilius Lepidus (2nd time). . L. Antonius Pittas. P. Servilius Vatia Isauricus (2nd time). . Cn. Domitius Calvinus (2nd time), ahd. C. Asinius Pollio. L. Cornelius Balbus. P. Canidius Crassus. . L. Marcius Censorinus. C. Calvicius Sabinus. . Ap. Claudius Pulcher. C. Norbanus Flaccus. . M. Agrippa. L. Caninius Gallus, abd. T. Statilius Taurus. Renewal of the Triumvirate for another period of 5 years. . L. Gellius Poplicola, add. M, Cocceius Nerva, abd. L. Munatius Plancus (2ad time). C. Sulpicius Quirinus. Lepidus ceases to be one of tho Triumvirs. . L. Cornificius. Sex. Pompeius. . L. Scribonius Libo. il. Antonius. abd. L. Sempronius Atratinus. Paullus iEuiilius Lepidus (from July). C. Mommius (from July). M. Horennius Picens (from Nov.;. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 47 33. Cons. C. Julius Ciesar Octavianus (2nd time), ahd. L. "Volcatius Tullus. P. Autronius Pa3tus. L. Flavius (from May). C. Fonteius Capito (from July). M. Acilius (Aviola) (from July). L. Vinucius (from Sept.). L. Laronius (from Oct.). 32. Cons. Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus. C. Sosius. L. Cornelius (from July). N. Valerius (from Nov.). 31. Cons. C. Julius Caesar Octavianus (3rd time). M. Valerius Messala Corvinus. M. Titius (from May). Cn. Pompeius (from Oct.). 30. Cows. C.Julius Caesar Octavianus (4th time). M. Licinius Crassus. C. Antistius Vetus (from July). M. TuUius Cicero (from Sept.). L. Saenius (from Nov.). 29. Cons. C. Julius Cresar Octavianus (5th time). Sex. Appuleius. Potitus Valerius Messala (from July). C. Furnius (from Nov.). C. Cluvius (from Nov.). 28. Cons. C. Julius Cffisar Octavianus (Gth time). M. Agrippa (2nd time). 27. Cons. C. Julius Caesar Octavianus (7th time). M. Agrippa (3rd time). Emperors of Rome. B.t. 31. A.D. 14. 37. 117. 138. 161. 193. Octavianus Caesar; in the year 27 B.C. styled Augustus Imperator. Tiberius (Claudius Nero). Caius Caligula ; murdered by a tri- bune. Claudius (Tiber. Drusus) ; poisoned by his wife Agrippina, to make way for Claudius Nero, dep. ; put himself to death. Servius Sulpicius Galba ; slain l)y the praetorian band. M. Salvius Otho ; stabbed himself, after a reign of three months. Aulus Vitellius ; dep. by Vespasian, and put to death. Titus Flavius Vaspasian. Titus (Vespasian), son. Titus Flavius Domitian, brother of Titus, last of the 12 Caesars; assass. Cocceius Nerva. Trajan (M. Ulpius Ciinitus). Adrian or Hadrian (Publius .ffilins). Antoninus Titus, surn. Pius. Marcus Aurelius, and Lucius Verus, his son-in-law ; the latter (/. 169. Commodus (L. Aurelius Antoninus), son; poisoned by his favourite mistress, Martia. Publius Helvius Pertinax; put to death by the praetorian band. Four emperors now start up ; Didius Julianus, at Rome ; Pescennius Ni- ger, in Syria ; Lucius Septimius Severus, in Pannonia ; and Clodius AlbinuB, in Britain. Luoins Septimius Sevorus ; d. at York, in Britain, in 211 ; succ. by his sons. 211. M. Aurelius Caracalla, and Septi- mius Geta. Geta murdered the same year by his brother, who reigned alone until 217, when he was slain by his successor. 217. M. Opilius Macrinus, praefect of the guards ; beheaded in a mutiny. 218. Heliogabalus (M. Aurelius Anto- ninus), a youth ; put to death by his subjects. 222. Alexander Severus ; assass. by some soldiers corrupted by Maximinus. 235. Caius Julius Verus Maximinus ; assass. in his tent before the walls of Aquileia. 237. M. Antonius Gordianus, and his son ; the latter having been killed in a battle with the partisans of Maximinus, the father strangled in a fit of despair, at Carthage, in his 80th year. 237. Balbinus and Pupienus ; put to death. 238. Gordianus junior, grandson of the elder Gordianus, in his 16th year ; assass. by the guards, at the in- stigation of his succ. 244. Phillip, the Arabian ; assass. by his own soldiers ; his son Philip was murdered, at the same time, in his mother's arms. 249. Metius Decius ; he perished, with his two sons, and their army, in an engagement with the Goths. 251. Gallus Hostilius, and his son Volu- sianus ; both slain by the soldiery. 253. iffimilianus ; put to death after a reign of only 4 months. 48 THE BOOK OF DK^NITIES. 276. 276. 282. 2H3. 284. 286. 305, Valerianus, and his sou, Gallienub : the first was taken prisoner by Sapor, king of Persia, and flayed alive. Oallionus reigned alone. About this time 80 pretenders to the imperial power started up in diffe- rent parts of the empire ; of these, Cyriades was the first, but he was slain. Claudius II. (Gallienus having been assass. by the oflScers of the guards) succ ; d. of the plague. (^hiintillus, his brother, elect, at Home by the senate and troops : Aurelian by the army in lUyri- cum. Quintillus, despairing of success against his rival, who was marching against him, opened his veins, and bled himself to death. Aurelian; assass. by his soldiers in his march against Persia, Jan. 275. Interregnum of about 9 months. Tacitus, elect. Oct. 25 ; d. at Tarsus in Cilicia, April 13, 276. Florian, brother ; his title not recog- nised by the senate. M. Aurclius Probus ; assass. by his troops at Sirmium. M. Aurelius Carus ; killed at Ctesi- phon by lightning. Carinus and Xumerianus, sons ; both assass. aft(>r transient reigns. Diocletian ; who associated as his colleague in the government Hercules Maximianus ; the two em- perors resign in favour of Constantius Chlorus and Galerius Maximianus ; the first d. at York, in Britain, in 306, and the troops saluted as emperor, his son 306. Consantine, aft. styled the (^reat ; whilst at Rome the praetorian band proclaimed 306. Maxentius. son of Hercules Maxi- mianus. Besides these were 306. Hercules Maximianus, who endea- voured to recover his abdicated power. 306. Flavins Valerius Severus, murdered by the last named jnetender, and 307. Flavins Valerianus Licinius, the hrother-iu-law of Constantine. Of these. Hercnles Maximianus was strangled in Gaul in 310 ; Galeriu> Maximianus d. 311: Maxentius was drowned in the Tiber in 312 ; and Licinius was put to death bv order of Constantine in 324. 324. Constantine the Great now reigned alone ; d. Whitsundav, Mav 22, 337. /Sons of Constan tine, divided the empire between them ; the first was slain in 340. and the second murdered in 350, when the third became sole emperor. Julian, the apostate, so called for abjuring Christianity, having been educated for the priesthood ; mortally wounded in a battle with the Persians. Jovian : reigned 8 months : found dead in his bed; supposed to have died from the fumes of charcoal. The Roman Empire may be said to have terminated here, as a single dominion. 337. 361. 363. ^Constantine II. .V Constans i Constantius II. DIVISION OF THE EASTERN AND WESTERN EMPIRE. Western Empire. Some writers date the Western Empire from the death of Theo.h»sius the Great, January 17, 303; and as completed by Odoacer, on the defeat of Orestes by that prince, on August 23, 470. Emperors of the 34(!. Valentinian, son of Gratian, takes the Western Empire, and his bro- ther, Valens, ttie Eastern Empire. .367. Gratian, son of Valentinian, made a colleague in the government by his father. 376. Valentinian II., another son, was, on on the death of his father, asso- ciated with his brother in the «mpiro. Gratian ftssasH. by his l^'encral. Andragathius. in 3H3 : Western Empire. Valentinian murdered by one of his officers, Arbogastes, in 392. 392. Eugenius, an usurper, assumes the imperial dignity ; he and Arbo- gastes are defeated by Theodosius the Groat, who bocomes solo em- peror. AndragathiuB throws himself into the sea, and Arbogastes dies by his own hand. 39^. Ilonorins, son of Theudosius, reigni, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 40 on his father's death, in the West, and his brother, Arcadius, in the East. Honorius dies in 423. Usurpation of John, the Notary, who is defeated and slain, near Ravenna. 425. Valentinian III. , son of the Empress Phxcidia, dau. of Theodosius the Great ; murdered at the instance of his successor. 455. Maximus ; )ii. Eudoxia, widow of Yalentniian, who. to avenjife the death of her first husband and the j(uilt of her second, invites the African Vandals into Italy, and Rome is sacked. Maximus stoned to death. 450. Marcus Macilius Avitus, forced to resign, and dies in his flight to- wards the Alps. 457. Julius Valerius Majorianus; mur- dered at the instance of his min- ister Ricimer ; who raises 461. Libius Severus to the throne, but holds the supi-eme power. Severus is poisoned hy Ricimer. 465. Interregnum. Ricimer retains the authority, without assuming the title of emperor. 467. Anthemius. chosen by the joint suiTrages of the senate and army ; miu-dered by Ricimer, who dies soon after. 472. Flavins Anicius Olybrius ; slain by the Goths soon after his accession, 473. Glycerins ; forced to abd. by his successor 474. Julius Nepos ; deposed by his gene- ral, Oi'estes, and retires to Salonse. 475. Romulus Augustulus, son of Orestes. Orestes is slain, and the emperor deposed by 476. Odoacer, king of the Heruli, who takes Rome, assumes the style of king of Italy, and completes the fall of the Western Empire. Ancient Italy. 476. 493. 526. 534. 536. 540. 541. 541. 552. 553. 573. 575. 584. 590. 591. 615. 625. 636. 652. 653. 364. Kings of Italy. Odoacer, chief of the Heruli. Theodoric, the Ostrogoth. Athalaric. Theodatns. Vitiges. Theodebald. Araric. Totila, or Badxiilla. Teia, the last of the Goths. Narses, duke or governor of Italy. Narses was succ. bj' Longinus, who made the chief towns of Italy exarchates : he governed at Ra- venna, which was afterwards ruled by imperial lieutenants called exarchs, until 752, when it was reduced by the Lombards. Alboinus, the Lombard. Cleophis. Interregnum of lOyears, during which the Lombards were governed by elective dukes. Kings of the Lombards. Autharis. Romanus. Agilulphus. Adawaldus, with his mother, Theo- dolinda. Ariwaldus. Rotharis, D. of Brescia. Rodoaldus. Aribert I. 661. Pertharitus ; dep. 661. Gondibert. 662. Grimoald. 671. Pertharitus, rest. 686. Cunibert, son. 700. Luitpert, or Leutbert. 701. Ragimbertus. 701. Aribert IL 712. Luitprandus. 744. Hildebrand. 744. Ratchis, D. of Friuli. 749. Astolphus. 756. Desiderius, or Didier. In 774. Desiderius, the last of the Lombards, was taken prisoner by Charlemagne, :ind the kingdom of Italy was united, first to France, and afterwards to the empire, until 888, when it was separated from the latter, on the death of Charles le Gros. 888. Berenger, D. of Friuli ; dep. 900. Louis, the blind. 905. Berenger, rest. 922. Rodolph, K. of Burgundy. 926. Hugh, count of Provence. 945. Lothaire. 950. Berenger II. ; dep. 962. The emperor Otho reduced Italy, and re-rmited it to the German empire. The title of King of Italj- was re- vived in 1805, and again in 1861. See Modern Italij. Eastern Empire. Emperors of the Eastern Empire. Valens, son of Gratian, takes the | tinian the Western, Empire ; de- feated by the Goths and wounded 4 Eastern, and his brother Yalen- 50 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 379. 395. 408. 450. 457. 474. 474. 491. 518. 527. 565. 578. 582. 602. 610. 641. 641. 668. 685. 695. 698. 705. 711. 713 716. 718. 741, 776. 780. in his retreat : his soldiers placed him in a cabin, which the enemy burnt, not knowing ho was there. Theodosius the Great, becomes sole emperor in 392 ; succ. by his sons Arcadius in the East, and Honorius in the West. Arcadius is succ. by Theodosius II., son, under the guar- dianship of his sister Pulcheria. Marcianus. Leo I., surn. the Thracian. Leo II., the younger, grandson. Zeno, the Isaurian, father, (having man-ied Ariadne, daughter of Leo I.) ; dep. but rest. Anastatius I., the Silentiary. Justin, the Thracian. Justinian I., nephew; collector of the body of laws called the Digest, now the Paudictie Florentin(p, and of the Novflhe ; and founder of the magnificent church of St. Sophia at Constantinople. The re- nowned Belisarius was his general. Justin II., nephew. Tiberius II. Maurice, the Cappadocian ; mur- dered, with all his children, by his successor. Phocas, the Usurper, whose crimes and cruelties led to his own assass. in 610. Heraclius, by whom Phocas was dethr. Constantine III. (Heraclius Constan- tine), reigned a few months ; poisoned by his step-mother, Martina. Constans II. ; assass. in a bath. Constantine IV., Pogonatus. Justinian II., son ; dethr. and muti- lated by his succ. Leontius ; dethr. and mutilated by Tiberius A.spimiir. Tiberius III. Aspimar. Justinian II. rest. Leontius and Tiberius degraded in the Hippo- drome, and put to death. Justi- nian slain in 711. Phillippicus Bardanes; assass. Anastatius II., tied on the election of Theodosius in 716; aft. deli- vered up to Leo III. and put to death. Theodosius III. Leo III., the Isaurian. In this reign (72(!) commences the great Iconoclastic controversy; the alternate prohibition and re- storation of images involves the peace of several reigns. Constantino V. Copronymus, son. Leo IV., son. Constantino VI., and his mother Irene. 790. Constantine, alone, by the desire of the people, Irene having become unpopular. 792. Irene. (i(//iiii, jointlj' with her son, and aft. alone ; dep. and exiled. 802. Xicephorus I., sum. Logothetes ; slain. 811. Staurachius ; reigns a few days only. 811. Michael I., defeated in battle ; abd. the throne, and retires to a monas- tery. 813. Leo v., the Armenian; killed in the temple at Constantinople on Christmas-day. 820. by conspira- tors in the interest of his succes- sor. 820. ilichael H., the Stammerer. 829. Theophilus. 842. Michael III., surn. Porphyrogen- netes, or the Sot, son, succ. under the regency of his mother, Theo- dora ; put to death by Basilius. 867. Basilius I., the Macedonian. 886. Leo VI.. styled the Philosopher. 911. Alexander, and Constantine VII., brother and son of Leo., the latter only six years of age ; the former dying in 912, Zee, mother of Constantine. assumes the re- gency. 919. Romanus Lecapenus usurps the im- perial power. 920. Constantine VIIL. son. 928. Stephen and Christopher. Five emperors now reign ; of these, Christopher d. 931 ; Romanus is exiled by his sons, Constantine and Stephen, who are themselves banished the next year. 945. Constantine VII. now leigns alone ; poisoned by his daughter-in-law, Theophania. 959. Romanus II.. son. 963. Nicephorus II., Phocas; in. Theo- phania, his predecessor's consort, who has him assassinated. 0G9. John I., Zemisces, celebrated gene- ral, takes Basilius II. and Con- stantine IX., sons of Romanus II., as colleagues ; John nc ; on his death Zoo ))lacos 1041. Michael V.. surn. Calaphates, as his succ; him she dethr., has his eyes put out, and in. 1042. Constantino X., Monomnchus. who. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. and Zoe, reign jointly ; Zoe d. 1050. 1054. Theodora, widow of Constantine. 1056. Michael VI. , Stratiotic ; dep. 1057. Isaac I., Comnenus ; abd. 1059. Constantine XL, surn. Ducas. 1067. Eudocia, consort of the preceding, and Romanus IV., surn. Dio- genes, whom she marries ; reign to the prejudice of Michael, Con- stantine's son. 1071. Michael VII., Parapinaces, recovers his throne, and reigns jointly with Constantine XII. 1078. Nicephorus III. ; dethr. by 1081. Alexius I., Comnenus. 1118. John Comnenus, son, surn. Kalos ; (/. of a wound from a poisoned arrow. 1143. Manuel I., Comnenus, son. 1180. Alexius II., Comnenus, son, under the regency of the empress Maria, his mother. 1183. Andronicus I., Comnenus; causes Alexius to be strangled, and seizes the throne ; put to death by 1185. Isaac II., Angelus Comnenus, who is dep., imprisoned, and dep. of his eyes by his brother. 1195. Alexius III., Angelus, called the Tyrant ; this last dep. in his turn, and his eyes put out ; d. in a monastery. 1203. Isaac II., again, associated with his son, Alexivis IV. ; dep. Latin Emperors. 1204. Baldwin I., E. of Flanders, on the capture of Constantinople by the Latins, elected Emperor ; made a I prisoner by the K. of Bulgaria, and never heard of afterwards. 1206. Henry I., brother ; d. in 1217. 1217. Peter de Courtenay, brother-in-law. 1221. Robert de Courtenay, son. 1228. Baldwin II., brother, a minor, and John de Briemie, of Jerusalem, regent and associate emperor. 1261. Constantinople recovei'ed, and the empire of the Franks or Latins terminates. Greek Empire at Nice. 1204. Theodore Lascaris. 1222. John Ducas, Vataces. 1255. Theodore Lascaris II., son. 1259. John Lascaris, and 1260. Michael VIIL, Palteologus. Emperors at Constantinople. 1261. Michael VIIL, now at Constanti- nople ; he puts out the eyes of John, and reigns alone. 1282. Andronicus II., Palaeologus, the Elder, son ; dep. by his grand- son, Andronicus the Younger. 1332. Andronicus III., the Younger. 1341. John Palaeologus, under the guar- dianship of John Cantacuzenus ; the latter procl emp. at Adria- nople. 1347. John Cantacuzenus. 1355. John Palaeologus, rest. 1391. Manuel Palaeologus, son. 1425. John Pala^ologxis II., son. 1448. Constantino XIII., Palajologus, son. 1453. Constantinople taken on May 29, 1453, by the Ottomans, under their Sultan, Mahomet II. ; Con- stantine is slain, and with him ends the Eastern Empire. MODERN ITALY. The Kings of ancient Italy will be found in succession to the Sovereigns of the Western Empire {ante p. 49). The Emperor Napoleon I. of France revived the title of King of Italy in 1805, but it did not long erdure, and is not now recognized. The modern Kingdom of Italy dates from 1861, when Victor Emmanuel, King of Sardinia, assumed the title. Kings op Modern Italy. 1861. Victor Emmanuel II. (Victor Em- I 1878. Humbert I. (Humbert Reniere manuel Mary Albert Eugene | Chas. Emmanuel John Mary Ferdinand), K. of Sardinia, took I Ferd. Eugene), son, June 9. the title of K. of Italy, Mch. 17. | THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. LUCCA. Charlemagne having destroyed the empire of the Lombards, a.d. 774, Lucca came into the possession of the Franks, and in two centuries afterwards was annexed to Germany by Otto the Great. After many sulisequeut revolutions it was sold to Florence, and in a short time it obtained its complete freedom by purchase from the Emperor Charles IV., and retained it until modern times. Napoleon having conferred Piombino upon his sister Elizabeth and her husband. Prince Bacciocchi, as an hereditary principality, the prince was chosen, in 1805, constitutional chief of the republic of Lucca. In 1806, Massa, Carrara, and Garfagorano, were united to the principality of Lucca. Finally, the congress of Vienna conferred Massa and Car- rara upon the archduchess Beatrice d'Este ; Piombino upon Prince Ludovisci Buoncampagni ; and the Duchy of Lucca, with an annual pension of .£20,000 upon — 3Iaria Louisa, dau. of Charles IV. of Spain, and widow of Louis, K. of Etniria ; she d. March 13, 1824, and was succ. bj' her 1824. Charles Louis, duke, h. Dee. 22, 179'J ; //(. Aug. 1820. INIaria Theresa, dau. of Victor Emmanuel I. ,K. of Sardinia. Relimiuished the dukedom. Oct. 1847. On the death of Maria Louisa, widow of the Emperor Napoleon L, of France, and duchess of Parma, Piacenza, and Guastalla (see Parma), which took place Dec. 18, 1847, Charles Louis, Duke of Lucca, was invested with the Government of the duchy of Parma, as had been agreed upon by the treaty of Paris of June 10, 1817, and congress of Frankfort, July 20, ]819; and, in conformity with the conditions of succession arranged by these acts, and by the subsequent treaty of Florence (Nov. 28, 1844), the duke Louis Charles resigned Lucca to the grand-duke of Tuscany, Oct. 5, 1847. MODENA. REGGIO. FERRARA. Albert Azon, or Azzo IE. (great-grandson of Albert Azon I., who died A.D. 964), espoused Cunegunda, daughter of Guelph II., count of Alt- dorf and duke of Lower liavaria, and, dying in 1097, left two sons. Of these, the elder, Guelph, inherited the states of Altdorf at the decease of his uncle, Guelph, duke of Cai-inthia ; and from him sprang the branch of Guelph-Este. Prom the second son, Fulke, emanated the brunch of Fulke-Este. The illustrious house of Este governed as Siy/iori of Ferrara in the 12th century ; and Modena, Reggio, and Ferrara became ducal territories, by concession, partly of the emperor and partly of the pope, in favour of Borso and Hercules d'Este, in 1452. Sovereigns of Modena, &c. SioNoui AND JlAKiiLKSbLis OK Kkkuaka. IIDG. SalinKuonii II. 10(j7. Eredoric I. Azzo VI., marc[. d'Este; to tho as- Ill 8. Guy Salingucrra. cendnncy of whose house tho lliiO. Taurello. Tarrclli afterwards gave way. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 53 1212 Aldovraudino. 1215 Azzo VII. d'Este. 1264' Obizzo II. 1293' Azzo VIII. d'Este. 1308^ Folco or Fulke d'Este. r>- ij 1 On the death of Rinaldo Kinalclo. .^33-. ^^^ Niccolo Nkcolol 1 C?-^^^) 0^^""° '■^'^'^ alone. 1352. Aldovrandino II. 1361 1383, Xiccolo II. Alberto. 1393. Niccolo III. 1441. Lionello. 1450. 1471. 1505. 1534. 1559. 1597. 1628. 1629. 1658. 1662. 1694. 1737. 1780. Dukes of Modena, &c. Borso ; elevated by the emp. Frede- rick II. and the pope, 1452, to the dukedom of Modena and Reggio. Ercole (Hercules) I. Alfonso I. Ercole (Hercules) II. Alfonso II. Ccxsar d'Este. This pr. obt. pos- session of Modena as a fief of the empire. Ferrara was at- tached to the Church by Clement VIII. Alfonso III. Francis I. Alfonso IV. Francis II. Reginald. Francis III. Ercole (Hercules) III. This prince 1803. 1806. acquired, in dowry with his con- sort, the principalities of Massa and Carrara. He was expelled in 1796, and d. 1803, leaving an only child and heiress Maria Beatrix, duchess of Modena and princess of Massa and Car- rara. She espoused the archd. Ferdinand of Austria, and conferred the dukedom upon her husband ; he d. Dec. 24, 1086, and was succ. in the dukedom by their son Fi-ancis IV., duke ; the duchess, his mother, retaining the principali- ties. Modena, which had been incorpora- ted in 1797 with the Cisalpine Re- public, and, in 1805, with the kingdom of Italy founded by Napoleon I., was rest, to Francis IV. upon the dissolution of the kingdom of Italy in 1814. 1829. Francis IV., now inherited Massa and Carrara, on the death of his mother, Maria Beatrix, Nov. 14. Francis V., (Francis Ferdinand Gemenien), son, Jan. 21 ; d. Nov. 20, 1875. 1846. 1860. United to the kingdom of Sardinia by Decree, Mar. 18, and now forms part of the kingdom of Italy. See Modern Italy. PAUMA. PLACENTIA, or PIACENZA, &c. In 1346, Parma and Piacenza formed part of the territory of the counts of Milan, and were subsequently in the possession of Louis XII. of France ; but were ceded by his successor, Francis I,, under the league of Cambray, to pope Julius IV., when they were attached to the domi- nion of the Church. In 1545, pope Paul III. erected Parma and Piacenza into a duchy, and conferred it upon his natural son, Peter Louis Farnese .in whose family it continued for nearly two centuries. The subsequent details are given below. Dukes. 1545. Peter Louis Farnese, first D. 1547. Octavius Farnese. 1586. Alexander Farnese. Ranntio I. Edoard. Ranutio II. ; Edoard,his eldest son,who dying vitapatris, left a dau. , Eliza- beth, who m. Philip V. of Spain. Francis I. 1727. Antony. Upon the extinction of the male 1592. 1622. 1646. 1694. line of the old dukes, the duchy devolved upon the grandson of Edoard. 1731. Don Carlos, who, upon ascending the throne of the Sicilies, ceded the duchy to the house of Austria, with whom it remained until the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, Oct. 18, 1748. 1749. Don Philip, brother of Don Carlos. 1765. Don Ferdinand. 54 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1803. The duchy now passed under the dominion of France, and pr. Louis, son of Ferdinand, became K. of Etruria. 1814. Maria Louisa of Austria, vridow of the emp. Napoleon I. She became duchess of Panna, Piacenza, and Guastalla ; d. Dec. 18, 1847. Parma, &c.,were ^iven by the con- vention of April 11, 1814, to the arch-duchess ISIaria Louisa, ex- empress of France. After her death (Dec. 18, 1847) Charles Louis, Duke of Lucca, -was given the government of this duchj', as had been arranged by the Treaty of Paris, June 10, 1817, and by the congress of Frankfort, July 20, 1819 ; and comformably with these acts, and with a subse- quent Treaty (that of Frankfort, Nov. 28, 1844), Charles Louis, of Lncca relinquished that duchy to- the grand-duke of Tuscany. 1847. Charles II. (Charles Louis de Bourbon, D. of Lucca), succ. by Manifesto, Dec. 20. 1847. 1848. Regency established Mar. 20., Prov. govt, substituted Apr. 9. Charles II. left the country Apr. 19, and ahd. in favour of his son. Mar. 14, 1849. 1849. Charles III. (Ferd. Charles Joseph Mary Victor Balthasar de Bour- bon) Aug. 27. 1854. Robert I. (Robert Charles Louis Maiy de Bourbon), son. Mar. 27, a minor, his mother appointed regent. 1860. Parma was annexed to Sardinia by decree, Mar. 18, and now forms part of the Kingdom of Italy. See Modern Italy. SAVOY. SARDINIA. Savoy, after various changes, was erected into a county in the beginnings of the 11th century, and at the close of the 14th the governing count obtained the title of duke. The Dukes of Savoy, who acquired Sicily in 1713, exchanged it with Austria, in 1718, for Sardinia, and became kings of Sardinia. This state became involved in the great war between France and Austria, which closed with the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748. After enjoying a long term of peace, it took part in the war of the French revolution, and in 1798 the continental territories were parcelled out into departments of the French empire, and were not restored to the legitimate sovereign until the overthrow of Napoleon in 1814. Genoa was added to Sardinia by the congress of Vienna in 1815. Savoy was ceded to France in 1860, and Sardinia became part of the new kingdom of Italy in 1861. Counts and Dukes op Savoy. Counts of Mai iuknnk. 1020. Beroald, surn. the Sa.Kon. 1027. Humbert I., " with the White Hands." 1048. Amadous I.. IjOiigtail. 1072. Humhort II. le Reufi,rce. Counts of Savov, 1108. Amadous II. 1148. Huuil)cit 111., surn. the Saint. 1188. Thomas. 12.33. Amadous 111. 12ulJ. Boniface Rolando. 12(iJJ. Peter, or Charlemagne Ic Petit. 12()8. Philij). 1285. Amadous IV., styled the Groat. 1.32;i Edward. 1329. Aimon, styled the Peace-maker. 1343. Amadous V. (or VI.), the Green Count. 1383. Amadeus VII., the Red Count. 1391. 1451, 14G5. 1472. 1482. 1489. 149G. 1497. 1504. 1.553. Dukes of Savoy. Amadeus VIII., sum. the Pacific, D. in 1416. Elected pope in 1439, as Felix. V., antipojw. Louis. Amadeus IX., sum. Benevolent. Philibert, the Hunter. Charles I., the Warrior. Charles II. Philip II., Sans Tene, or Lackland. Philibert II., surn. the Beau. Charles III., the Good. Emmanuel Philibert, surn. the Iron- hand. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 55 1580. Charles Emmanuel, Great. 1630. Victor Amadeus I. 1637. Francis Hj^acinth. 1638. Charles Emmanuel n. 1675. Victor Amadeus 11. styled the 1713. He obtained Sicily this year, and in 1718 exchanged it for Sardinia, taking the title of king. Of this dominion, Piedmont and Savoy formed the continental pai-t. Kings of Sardinia. 1720. 17£0. 1773. 1792. 1796. 1802. 1805. 1814. 1814. Victor Amadeus I., K. (II. as duke), res. in 1730, in favour of his son ; d. 1732. Charles Emmanuel I. , son. Victor Amadeus II.. son. Savoy conquered by France. Charles Emmanuel II.. son; res. in favour of his brother. Victor Emmanuel I. Sardinia merged in the kingdom of Italy, of which the emp. Napo- leon I. was crowned king. May 26, 1805. Savoy restored to Sardinia. Victor Emmanuel, rest. Res. Mar. 1821 ; andf/. 1824. On his death the eider branch of the House of Savo}-, became extinct in the male line. 1821. Charles Felix. 1831. Charles Albert, nephew. This prince provoked a war with Austria, was defeated in battle, and ahd. in favour of his son. Mar. 23, 1849 ; d. July 28. 1849. 1849. Victor Emmanuel II. (Victor Em- manuel Marv Albert Eugene Fer- dinand), Mai-. 23. 1860. Savoy ceded to France under Ple- biscite, Apr. 2;5. 1861. Victor Emmanuel assivmed the title of K. of Italy, and his Sardinian dominions were merged in that Kingdom. Sfe Modern Italy. SICILY. NAPLES. THE TWO SICILIES. The Greek emperors, upon the expulsion of the Ostrogoths by Ben- sarius in the 6th century, took possession of Lower Italy, and retained it for more than 200 years. The duchy of Benevento (Naples), how- ever, founded by the Lombards in the same century, attained such importance and territorial extent that it possessed, within 120 years, the greater part of the country now comprising the kingdom of Naples. In the 9th century the Arabs conquered the island of Sicily, which was wrested from them in the 11th century by count Roger I., who inherited Naples from his elder brother, Robert Gruiscard, by whom it had been acquired by conquest. Kings of Sicily. Counts and Dokes of Apulia. 1043. Wilham I., Bras de Fer, or Arm. 1046. Drogo. 1051. Humfrey. 1054. Robert Guiscard, D. in 1060. 1085. Counts and Kings of Sicily. 1072. Roger I. , count of Sicily. 1101. Roger II., son; obt. from pope Honorius II., in 1130, the style of " ki7ig of Sicily." 1154. William, surn. the Wicked. 1166. William H., surn. the Good. 1189. Tancred, count de Lecce'. grandson of Roger II. 1194. William III., sou: dethr. 1194. Henry (Husband of Constantia, dau. of William III.); emp.. as Henry VI., 1190. 1197. Frederick I., son ; emp. in 1212, as Frederick II. 1250. Conrad I., son; emp. as Com-ad IV. 1254. Conrad II., or Conradin, son; dep. in his minority by his uncle Man- fred ; aft. beheaded. 1258. Manfred or Mainfroy. an usurper ; slain in battle hj his successor. 1266. Charles of Anjou, youngest son of Louis VIII. of France; dep. in 1282 by the bloody revolution known as the " Si/ician Vespers." 1282. Sicily now separated from Naples ; Charles of Anjou retaining the 50 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1282. 1285. 1295. 1296. 1337. 1342. 1355. 1377. 1391. 1402. 1409. style of lord paramount of Naples, and governing there. Peter, the Great. K. of Arragon, consort of Constantia, dau. of Manfred, the Usurper. James I. ; succ. to the kingdom of Arragon as James II. in 1291. Interregnum. Frederick II. Peter II. Louis I. Frederick III., sum. the Simple. Mary. dau. of Frederick ; aft. jointly with her consort. Marj' and Martin, pr. of Arragon. Martin, alone. Martin, the Elder. Sicily rsixED to Arhagox. (^See Arragon.) 1410. Ferdinand. K. of Arragon. 1435. Alfonso. K. of Arragon. 1458. John. K. of Arragon. 1479. Ferdinand the Catholic. In 1503 this prince took entire pos- session of Naples, which he hai previously seized, and divided it with Louis XII. of France. Sicily remained subject to the sove- reigns of Spain until 1713. 1713. Victor Amadeus, D. of Savoy, obt. the crown of Sicily from Spaia 1718. He exchanged Sicily with Aus;ria for Sardinia, which became a kingdom. Sff Naples and Sar- dinia. Kings of Naples. 1282. Charles of Anjou, lord paramount. 1285. Charles II., the Lame. 1309. Robert, the Wise. 1343. Joanna I. ; dethr. by her cousin 1382. Charles III., Durazzo. 1386. Ladislas, son, and father of 1414. Joanna II., or Janella. or Johan- nilla, of Bourbon. 1435. Alfonso, the Wise ; Alfonso V. , as K. of Arragon. Succ. by his natural son 1458. Ferdinand I., the Bastard. 1494. Alfonso IL 1495. Ferdinand IL 1496. Frederick III. , son. 1501. Partitioned by France and Spain ; but two years afterwards Ferdi- nand the Cathohc became master of the whole, and it I'emained under the dominion of Spain until 1707. 1707. Charles, of Austria ; aft. the emp. Charles VI. 1713. The possession of Naples confirmed to Austria by the tieaty of Utrecht. 1734. Sicily and Naples (the Two Sicilies), lost to Austria, and became vested in the royal family of Spain. 1735. Charles, son of Philip V. of Spain ; he succeeded to his father's domi- nions, and ceded the Two Sicilies to his third son, Ferdinand. 1759. Ferdinand IV., ascended at eight years of age ; dep. by the French in 1798, and again in 1806. In the latter year, the emperor Napoleon I. placed his brother Joseph on the throne of Najjles. 1806. Joseph Buonajiartc ; advanced in 1808 to the throne of Spain. 1808. Joachim Murat, brother-in-law to Napoleon I., succ. as king. 1815. Ferdinand IV., restored. It was now decreed that Naples and Sicily should, as formerly, be united in one monarchy, under the designation of the •• Kingdom of the Two Sicilies." 1815. Ferdinand I. (late IV.), king of the Two Sicilies. 1825. Francis I., son, Jan. 24. 1830. Ferdinand II. (Ferdinand Charles), Nov. 8. 1859. Francis II. (Francis Marv Leopold), May 22. Kings op the Two Sicilies I860. Annexed to the kingdom of Sardinia by j)lel)iscite, Oct. 21; Victor Euniianuel jtrocl. king, Nov. 7. Now forms part of the kingdom of Italy. See Modi in Itali). TUSCANY. Tuscany became subject to Rome in the 5th century before the Chris- tian era, aud was jiossessed by that empire for about 800 years. Tus- cany was governed by a succession of marquesses or dukes Iroiu the THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 57 '9th. until the 13th century. The continual divisions by which the country was agitated led to a change in the form of government, and eventually to the ascendancy of the great family of the Medici as Grand Dukes. The ancient name, Etruria, was revived for a time in 1801. Marquesses or Dukes of Tuscany. 828. Boniface I. , niarq. 1076. 847. Adalbert L, D. and marq. 1119. 890. Adalbert II., surn. the Rich, marq. D. and 1119. 1131. 919. Guy, D. 1133. 929. Lambert, D. 1139. 931. Boson, D. 1153. 936. Hubert, D. 1195. 961. Hugh, surn. the Great. 1001. Adalbert III. 1208. 1014. Rinaldo, D. and marq. 1027. Boniface II., styled the Pi and marq. ous , D. 1052. Frederick. 1055. Beatrice, and Godfrey the Be arded. Matilda, styled the Great, countess. Ratbod, or Radboton. Conrad, president and marq. Rampret, president and marq. Henry of Bavaria, count. Ulderic, marq. Guelph. Philip, elected emp. in 1198 ; assass at Bamberg in 1208. Florence became a republic, gov. chiefly by Signori, until 1531. In that year Alexander de Medici was appointed its chief, as doge of Florence : 1537. Grand Dukes of Tuscany. 1537. 1574. 1587. 1609. 1621. 1670. 1723. 1737, House of Medici. Cosmo de Medici, son of Alexander ; cr. gr. d. in 1569 by pope Pius V. Francis Mary, de Medici, son; to whom the dignity of gr. d. was confirmed by the emp. Maxi- milian II. Ferdinand I., de Medici. Cosmo II., de Medici. Ferdinand TI., de Medici. Cosmo III., de Medici. John Gastone de Medici ; last re- presentative of the family. By the treaty of peace in 1735 be- tween France and Austria, the D. of Lorraine was named to succeed to the grand-duchy of Tuscany on the death of John Gastone de Medici, which took place in 1737 ; and upon this arrangement being effected, the duchy of Lorraine lapsed to the French crown, sub- ject to a life interest of Stanislas Lezinski, ex-king of Poland. House of Lorraine. Francis II., D. of Lorraine, m. Maria Theresa, emp. and Q. of Hungary and IBohemia ; elected emp. in 1745. By a decree of this monarch it was 1790. 1801. 1814. 1824. 1859. 1860. settled that in future the Grand Duchy should be the patrimony of a younger son of the Imperial house ; the emp. was accordingly succ. in 1765 by his second son. Peter Leopold ; on the demise of his brother, the emp. Joseph II., he became emp. as Leopold II., and was succ. as gr. d. by his youngest son Ferdinand III. ; dep. by the treaty of Luneville, in 1801. Louis, pr. of Parma, succ. by the style of " King of Etruria," con- formably with the above-men- tioned treaty. Charles Louis, his infant son, under the regency of the Q., Maria Louisa, his mother; afterwards duchess of Parma. See Parma. Tuscany united by the emp. Napo- leon I. to the kingdom of Italy. Ferdinand III., rest. Leopold II. (Leopold John Joseph Ferdinand Charles), June 18; abd Ferdinand IV. (Ferdinand Salvator Mary, &e.), son, July 21. Tuscany imited to the kingdom of Sardinia by decree. Mar. 22, and now forms part of kingdom of Italy. See Modern Italy. 58 THE BOOK OF DK;XITIES. AUSTRIA. Austria was part of the German empire. The mars^raves of Austria, were established bj Charlemagae between 791 and 796, and were after- wards declared princes of the empire. In 1156 the margravate was made an hereditary duchj, which, in its turn, was, in 1453, raised to an archduchy. The dukes of Germany were frequently elected emperors of Germany, and at length, from 1493 to 1804, the imperial title was hereditary in the Austrian line. In 1804 the emperor Francis II. of Germany became emperor Francis I. of Austria only. 928. Leopold I. 1018. .Ubertl. 1056. Ernest. 1075. Leopold II. Maegeaves of Austria. 1096. Leopold III. 1136. Albert II. 1136. Leopold lY. 1142. Henry II.. made a D. 1156. Dukes of Austria. 115G. Henry II., above-named. 1177. Leopold V. 1194. Frederick I., the Catholic. 1198. Leopold VI., the Glorious. 1230. Fre.lerick III., the Warlike ; killed in battle with the Hungarians, 15 June. 124G. Interregnum. 1282. Albert I. and his brother Rodolph Albert, elect, emp. of Germany, 1292. 1308. Frederick II. 1330. Albert II. and Otho, his brother. 1358. Rodolph. 1365. Albert III. and Leopold VII. ; killed at Sempach. 1395. William and other brothers, and their cousin, Albert IV. 1411. The same. The provinces divided into the duchies of Austria and Corinthia, and the county of Tyrol. 1411. Albert V., D. of Austria, obtains Bohemia and Moravia ; elect. K. of Hungary and emp. of Grer- mauy, 1437 ; d. 1439. 1439. Ladislaus, posthumous son; made an archduke in 1453. 1453. Ladislaus, above-named less, 1457. 1457. The emp. Frederick III. and Albert VI. 1493. Maximilian I., son of the archduke Archdukes of Austria 1. child- Frederick III., emp. of Germany. His descendants took the title of emp. of Germany until 1804. See •• Emperors of Gvrmnuij.'' Emperors of Austria. 1804. Francis I., late Francis II., emp. of Germany, commenced his reign as emp. of Austria only, Aug. 1 1 ; d. Mar. 2, 1835. 1835. Ferdinand, son ; abd. in favour of his nephew, Dec. 2, 1848. 1848. Francis Joseph (^Francis Joseph Charles), 6. Aug. 18, 1830: came to the throne on the abdication of his uncle and the relimjuishment of his right to the succession by his father, archd. Francis Charles Joseph, the prosiuiiptive heir. Dee. 2, 1848. BOHEMIA. Bohemia had forrperly an elective government, but Ferdinand I. declared it hereditary in the house of Austria in 1547 ; and the king- dom may be said tu have remained since that time iu the undisturbed THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 5^ possession of that house. In the early part of the 17th century, the Bohemians made an attempt to shake of the imperial yoke, and offered the crown to the elector palatine Frederick, then the most powei'ful Protestant prince in Germany ; but he was driven out of Bohemia by the emperor's generals, stripped of his other dominions, and obliged to depend on James I. of England, whose daughter Elizabeth he had married, for a scanty subsistence. Dukes and Kings of Bohemia. Dukes. 1230. Wenceslas III. 890. Borzivoi. 1253. Premislas II. 902. Spitigneus I. 1278. Wenceslas IV. 907. Wratislas I. 1305. Wenceslas V. 916. Wenceslas I. 1306. Henry and Rodolph, of Hapsburg. 936. Boleslas I. 1310. John, count of Luxemburg, brother 967. Boleslas II. le Dehonnaire. to the emperor. 999. Boleslas III. 1346. Charles, son; elect, emp. in 1347. 1002. Jaromir. 1378. Wenceslas VI., son; dep. as emp. 1012. Udalric. in 1400. 1037. Bretislas I. 1419. Sigismund, emp. 1055. Spitigneus II. 1437. Albert, D. of Austria and K. of Hun- 1061. Wratislas II. ; the title of king con- gary, and emp. ferred upon him by the emp. 1440. Ladislas V. Henry IV. 1458. George Podiebrad. the Protestant 1092. Conrad I. chief. 1093. Bretislas II. 1471. Ladislas VL 1100. Borzivoi II. 1516. Louis I. (Louis II. of Hungary) ; 1107. Suatopluc. killed at the battle of Mohatz. 1109. Ladislas II. 1526. Ferdinand I. , who by his marriage 1125. Sobieslas. with Anne, sister of Louis, succ. 1140. Ladislas III. ; 2nd king. to the crown. 1174. Sobielas II. Frederic. Conrad II. 1178. 1190. F. Oct. 30, 1804. Dep. by his younger brother William in 1830." 1830. William (Augustus Louis William Maximilian Frederick), h. April 25. 1806 ; succ. Sept. 7, 1830 ; d. Oct. 18, 1884. On his death Ernest Augustus William Adolphus George Fredk., D. of Cumberland and titular K. of Hanover, should have succ. to the dukedom, but this was not permitted by the German Imperial Authorities, and jn*. Albrecht of Prussia was appointed Regent, Oct. 21, 1884. FRANCONIA. Pharamond is the first of the Franconian kings of whom we have anj distinct mention ; see France. They were conquered by Charlemagne, and Pranconia was subsequently govei'ned by dukes. In modern times, Franconia consisted of two principalities, Bayreuth and Anspach; three bishoprics, Bamburg, Wursburg, and Eichstadt; se^en counties, and three lordships. These divisions are now altered, one district having been given to Wurtemburg, another to Baden, a third to the house of Hesse, and the tract called Henneberg to the house of Saxe. All the rest has been made over to Bavaria. Dukes of Franconia. 891. Conrad I., about this time. 912. Eberhard. 939. Conrad II. 955. Othol. 1004. Conrad III. 1011. Conrad IV. 1038. The dukedom extinct until 1116. 1116. Conrad V., emp. as Conrad III. in 1138. 1152. Frederick, and D. of Suabia 1167. Conrad VI. 1191. Conrad VII., and D. of Suabia. HESSE. HESSE-CASSEL, HESSE-DARMSTADT, HESSE-HOMBURG. HESSE. All the Hessian branches proceed from Philip the Generous, who at the death of his father, William II., in 1509, inherited the entire princi- 72 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. pality of Hesse. Dying in 1567, he left four sons, who divided the ter- ritory, so that lour lines originated: — (1) Hesse-Cassel, (2) Hesse-Mar- burg, which lapsed in 1583, (3) Hesse-Rheinfels, which lapsed in 1604, and (4) Hesse-Darmstadt. Of the two principal brandies, the eldest Kon, William IV., became the founder of that of Hesse-Cassel ; and George, the youngest son, became the founder of the branch of Hesse- Darmstadt. Landueaves op Hessk. 1509. Philip, siirn. the Generous. On his death in 1507 Hesse was divided as above. IIESSE-CASSEL, OR ELECTORAL HESSE. 1567. 1592. 1627. 1637. 1650. 1663. 1730. Landgraves. WilHam IV., eldest son of Philip, Burn, the Wise. Maurice, son, abd. in favour of "William Y.. son, surn. the Constant. His three younger brothers were the founders of the three lines of Rothenberg, Eschwegen, and Rheinfels. William died during the campaign of East Friedland, supposed by poison ; his consoi't, Amelia Elizabeth, governed until 1(550, when she handed over the rule to her son, William YL. surn. the Good and the Wise. Charles, brother. Frederick I., son, who became, in right of his consort, K. of Sweden in 1719; his bro. acted as viceroy, and, at his death, siicc. in Hesse. 1751. William YIL, brother. 1760. Frederick II.. son. 17S5. William IX. (YIII.), son, obtained the electorship 1801, and called himself William L, elector 1803. Electors. 1801-3. William I. (as above). After the battle of Jena he fled to Denmark, and, by the treaty of Tilsit, Hesse-Cassel became part of the kingdom of Westphalia. Returned in 1813; cl. 1821. 1821. William II., son, retired to Hanau in 1831. The hereditary pr. made co-regent, Sept. 30, 1831. 1847. Frederick William I., son, late co- regent, Nov. 20 ; d. January 6, 1875. Hesse-Cassel was annexed to Prussia by Decree, Sept. 20, 1866. HESSE-DARMSTADT, OR GRAND-DUCAL HESSE. The founder of this line, as already mentioned, was George I., youngest son of Philip the Generous. The princes of Hesse-Darmstadt were elevated to the rank of grand dukes by the French emperor Napoleon. Landgraves. 1567. George I. 1596. Louis v., son, surn. the Faithful. 1624. George II., son. 1661. Louis VL 1678. Louis YII., reigned only a few months. 1678. Ernest Louis, brother. 1733. Louis YIIL, son. 1768. Louis IX., son. 1790. Louis X.. son, became Gr. D. Gband-Dukes. 1803. Louis I. (late Louis X.), first Gr. D. 1830. Louis II., son. was thrice married. 1848. Louis III., son, June 16. 1877. Louis IV., nephew (Frederick Wil- liam Louis Charles), Juno 13. nESSE-IIOMRUR(J This house owes its origin to a junior branch of Hesse-Darmstadt. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 73 George I. left in 1596 three sons, of whom Frederick became the founder of this line. The later princes were as under : — Landgraves. 1751. Frederick Louis T. ]820. Frederick Joseph, son. 1829. Louis William Frederick, brother. 1839. Philip Augustiis Frederick, brother. 1846. Gustavus Adolphus Frederick, brother. 1848. Ferdinand Henrv Frederick, brother. Sept. 8 ; d. March 24, 186G. On his death the male line became extinct, and Hesse-Homburg re- verted to the Grand Duchy of Hesse - Darmstadt, by whom it was ceded to Prussia as from Oct. 8, 1866, by treaty dated Sept. 15, 1860. LIECHTENSTEIN. Peinces OF Liechtenstein. 1858. 1836. Alois Joseph, April 20. John II. (John Maria Francis Placidus), Nov. 12. LIPPE-DETMOLD. Princes of Lippe-Detmold. * * Frederick William Leopold. 1802. Paul Alexander Leopold, \]iY\\ 4. 1851. Leopold (Paul Frederick Emile LeojDold), Jan. 1. 1875. Woldemar (Gonthier Frederick Wol- demar), Dec. 8. LIPPE-SCHAUMBURG. Princes of Lippe-Schaumburg. Philip Ernest. 1787. George Wilham, Feb. 13. 1860. Adolphus George, Nov. 21 MECKLENBURG. MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN. MECKLENBURG- STRELITZ. Charlemagne, during his wars with the Saxons, entered Mecklenburg, a.d. 789, and compelled the inhabitants to embrace Christianity. Louis, his successor, had the country governed by the dukes of Saxony ; the 74 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. people, however, threw off that yoke, and Nicolas and Pi-emislas, princes, divided the territory between them. In 1147, Nicolas being slain in battle, Henry the Lion conquered Mecklenburg, and divided it among his generals and knights. But to the son of Nicolas (Premislas II.) he restored a part of his father's dominions, with the title of " Prince of Mecklenburg," instead of the former title, which was "King of the Wenden." After the death of Premislas II. followed Henry Borwin, his son, founder of the house of Mecklenburg. The modern division of the duchy was made at the commencement of the 18th century. The dignity of grand duke was conferred on the princes of Mecklenburg by the Conojress of Vienna in 1815. MECKLENBURG. Princes. 1236. 1264. 1349. 1380. Henry Borwin I. From this prince and his consort Matilda, dau. of Henry the Lion, sprang the house of Mecklenburg. Henry Borwin II., d. 1236, and left four sons, who divided Mecklen- burg into four parts, viz. : Meck- lenburg, Gustrow, RosTOCK.and Parchim, which existed till 1611. The eldest son of Henry Borwin succ. John, surn. Theologus. Henry I. (called III.), son. Went to Jerusalem, and was therefore surn. Hierosolyniitanus; was made prisoner, and was supposed to be dead. Henry II. (IV.), son. The former prince returned from captivity, and governed with Henry II., who d. 1329; and through his sons, Albrecht and John, sprung uji the new lines of jMecklenburg and Stargard. In the line of Mecklenburg, succ. Albrecht or Albert I., who was succ. by his three sons , Albert II., elect. K. of Sweden 1363. J Henry, who took but little part in 1 the government, and I Magnus I., to whom Albert res. V the principality, j- Albert IIL, soil of Albert II., J governed, together with 1 John, son of Magnus I., whoso I two sons succ. 1423. 1477. j 1503. 1547. 1553. i(;03. 1610. 1658. 1679 j Henri' m. (V.), surn. the Fat. ( and John IL, who d. 1442. Henry the Fat again united Stargard to Mecklenburg, and, dying in 1477, left three sons, who succ. Albert I\\ \ Co-regents. The ]Magnus II. - three sons of Balthazar ) Magnus II.succ. (Henry I Y. (YI.)] -Erich, and -Co-regents. ( Albert the Fair, j John Albert I., the eldest of five sons of Albert the Fair. His brother Ulrick made claims to the co-regency, and caused there- by a division in the coimtry. Ulrick, above-named. Charles, brother, who governed, in- stead of his minor cousins. Adol- ])luis Frederick and John Albert until 1610. The Territory was again divided into two lines, ^Mecklenburg and GrsTRow ; the latter line became extinct in 1695. Adolphus Frederick. Christian Louis, son. Frederick William, nephew. Ilis disputes with his cousin, Fred- crick Adolphus (II.) led to the llambro treaty, by which, in 1701, the two lines of Mecklenbukg- ScinvEKiN and Mecklexburq- Strei.itz were formed. MECKLENBURG-SCIIWKKIX. Princes and Grand Dukes. Princes. Frederick William, the above-men- tioned prince, lie retained throe- fourths of the tcrritorv. 1713. Charles Leopold, brother. His brother. Christian Louis, who afterwards succ, was ap]iointed administrator by the emj). in 1732. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1747. Christian Louis II., brother. 1756. Frederick, snrn. the Kind. 1785. Frederick Francis I., nephew. The j 1815. dignity of Gr. D. was conferred j 1837. upon this pr. by the Congr. of 1842. Vienna 1815. ' I 1883. Grand Dukes. Frederick Francis I., above named. Paul Frederick, grandson. Frederick Francis II., son, Mar. 7. Frederick Francis III., son, Apr. 15. :\IECKLEXBURG-STRELITZ. Princes and Grand Dukes. Princes. 1701. Adolphus Frederick II., founder of this Hne. 1708. Adolphus Frederick III., son. 1749. Charles Louis Frederick I., brother. 1752. Adolphus Frederick lY., son. 1794. Charles Louis Frederick II., brother. The dignity of Gr. D. was con- ferred upon this pr. by the Congr. of Yieima 1815. Grand Dukes. 1794. Charles Louis Frederick II., above named. 1816. George Frederick Charles Joseph, son, Nov. 6. 1860. Frederick William Charles George Ernest Adolphus Gustavus, son, Sept. G. NASSAU. Walram III., who possessed, in 1195, all the territory belonging to Nassau, died in 1198; and his sons, Henry I. and Rupert V., reigned jointly until the latter entered into the union of the German knighthood in 1230. The sons of Henry I. (who was surnamed the Rich) were Walram and Otho. They governed in common until 1255, and became the founders of two distinct principal lines. That of Walram became possessed of the principality of Nassau, and that of Otho is represented by the Netherlands' dynasty. Walram's successor was his son, Adolphus, elected emiD. in 1292 ; | fell in battle with Albert of j 1361. Austria, at Gellheim ('Spires), in 1298. ■ j 1298. Gerlach, son,reignedimtill361. This j prince's two sons, Adolphus II. j and John I., divided Walram's 1371. line again into two branches, 14-9. Nassau-Idstein-Weisbaden and Nassau-Weilburg ; the latter -'-f ^p- created by John I., the former by 1523. Adolphus. Line of Nassau-Idstein-Weisbaden. 1361. Adolphus II. 1370. Walram. son. 1393. Adolphus III. son. 1426. John. son. 1480. Adolphus lY., son. 1511. Philip, son. 1568. Balthazar, second son. 1568. John Louis, son. His son died vita patris, and this line and its pos- sessions fell to the younger branch. 1559. 1593. Line of Nassau-Weilburg. John I., who enlarged his terri- tories by marriage, and was invested by the emp. Charles lY. with the coronet of a prince ; (L 1371. Philip I. , son. Philip II., second son; the elder, John II., founded a separate line. Louis I., grandson. Philip III., son, he left two sons. Albert and Philip lY., who divided their territory ; the line of the latter became extinct in 1602, and his part fell back to his brother's line. Albert, son. Louis II., son, who inherited in 1602 the possessions of Philip IV., and after the death of John Louis (see above) he inherited all the possessions of the Walram line. Louis d. 1627 ; his thi-ee sons be- came founders of three distinct lines, of which the most important 76 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. was that of Nassau- Weilburg, ruled by his third son, Ernest Casiuiir. 1629. Ernest Casimir, third son. 1655. Frederick, son. 1675. John Ernest, son. j 1719. Charles Augustus, son, who again assumed the princely title con- , ferred on his ancestors by the > emp. Charles IV. 1753. Charles Christian. 1788. Frederick William. This prince lost by the peace of Luneville a part of his possessions on the left border of the Rhine ; the Confed- eration of the Rhine, however, which he joined in 1816, enlarged his ten-itory, and conferred upon him the ducal title. Dukes. 1806. Frederick William, above named. 1816. William George, son, who inherited in March, 1816, the possessions of Nassau-Usingen, and thus united all the territory of the elder Walram line of the hotLse of Nassau. 1839. AdolphusWilliam Charles Augustus, Frederick, son, Aug. 20. Nassau was annexed to Prussia by Decree, Sept. 20, 1866. OLDENBURG. Oldenburg comprises (i) the duchy of Oldenburg, (2) the principality of Lubeck, and (3) the principality of Birkenfeld, 1180 (about). The independence of Oldenbui'g established. ****** 1448. Count Christian YIII., of Oldenbui-g, elected K. of Denmark, and Oldenburg transferred to his brother Gerhard. 1531. Anton I., d. 1573. 16—. Anton (iUnther, d. 1667. 1667. On his death the succession passed to the K. of Denmark, and so continued until 1773, when it was resigned to the Holstein-Gothorp line, who renounced their claims to Schlcswig-Holstein. Oldenburg was at this time created a duchy. Dukes and Grand Dukes of Oldenburg, DCKES. 1773. Frederick Augustus, bp. of Lubeck. 1785. Peter Frederick. * * Peter Frederick Louis. The Duchy was seized and annexed to the French Empire by Napo- leon I. about IHll, but its inde- pendence was restored at the Congress of Vienna (1814-5), and it was, at the same time, created a Grand Duchy. Graxd Ddkes. 1815. Peter Fi-ederick Louis above named. 1829. Augustus (Paul Frederick Augus- tus) succ. May 21, decl. Gr. D. , May 28. 1853. Peter I. (Nicholas Frederick Peter), Feb. 27. 1881. Augustus (Fi-ederick Augustus), May 14. Honry XX. REUSS-GKEIZ. (77/< Elder Bnturh.) Princes. 1836. Henry XXL, Oct. 31. 1859. Henry XXII., son, Nov. 8 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 7T REUSS-SCHLEIZ. (The Younger Brunch.) Princes. * * Henry XL* 1818. Henry XII., son, Apr. 17. 1854. Henry XIII.. brother, June 19. 1867. Henry XIV., son, July 11. SAXONY OR SAXE-ROYALE. SAXE-ALTENBURG, LATE HILDBOURGHAUSEN. SAXE-COBURG AND GOTHA, LATE SAXE-COBURG-SAALFELD. SAXE-GOTHA- ALTENBURG. SAXE-MEININGEN. SAXE-WEIMAR. Little is known of Saxony until Charlemagne directed his arms to the right bank of the Rhine. He experienced much resistance from the Saxons under Wittikind, but they, in the end, submitted to him ; and among the consequences of their subjection to this great conqueror, was the conversion of the country to Christianity. He conferred the title of duke upon their chief. The first who became elector was Bernard III. of the House of Ascania, and, on the extinction of that line, Frederick the Warlike, margi-ave of Misnia or Meissen was made elector. Saxony continued an electorate until 1806, when the title of elector was changed to king, conformably with the treaty of peace between France and Frederick Augustus, signed at Posen, Dec. 11, in that year. SAXONY OR SAXE-ROYALE. Dukes, Ele.ctors, and Kings. Dukes. 880. Otho I., styled the Great. 912. Henry, surn. the Fowler, elect, emp. 918. 936. Otho II., son, elect, emp. 959. Herman Billing. 973. Bernard I. 1010. Bernard II. 1062. Otho III. 1073. Magnus. 1106. Lothaire, elect, emp. 1125. and surn. the Saxon. 1136. Henry, surn. the Proud, of Bavaria, dep. 1188. Henry, surn. the Lion. dep. by the emp. Frederick Barbarossa ; this prince is regarded as the ancestor of the present royal family of England. — (A^ee Brunswick). Electors. 1180. Bernard IIL, of the house of As- cania, first elector. 1212. Albert I. 1260. 1298. 1356. 1370. 1389. 1419. 1423. 1428. Albert II. Rodolphus I. Rodolphus II. Wincelaus. Rodolphus III. Albert III. Frederick I., surn. the Warrior, Landgrave of Thuringia and marq. of Misnia of the ancient Hoiise of Saxony. Frederick II. , the Peaceable and the Good. This pr. d. 14G4, and left two sons, Ernest and Albert. The first gave name to the elder, or Ernestine branch of the family; the second, to the younger, or Albertine branch. Eknestink Branch. 1464. Ernest, eldest son of Frederick II. 1486. Frederick III., the Wise ; he refused the imperial crown. 1525. John, brother, sum. the Constant. 78 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. lu;52. John Frederick, styled the Magnani- mous, dep. by the emp. Charles v., and the electorate conferred upon the Albertixk Link. Of this line were previously, in 1464, Albert, already mentioned ; in 1500, George the Rich ; and in 1539, Henry the Pious. 1548. Maurice, cousin to the deposed elector John Frederick. l.")53. Augustus, the Just and the Pious, brother. 158G. Christian I. , son. 1591. Christian II., son. 1611. John George I., brother. 1056. John George II., son. 1680. John George III., son. 1691. John George IV., son. 1694. Frederick Augustus L, brother, K. of Poland. 1733. Frederick Augustus II., son, K. of Poland. 1763. Frederick Christian, son. Feb. 1763. Frederick Augustus III. Dec. Ruled as elector until 1806. Kings of Saxony. 1806. Frederick Augustus, above named, first king, conformably with the treaty of Posen, signed Dec. 11. 1827. Anthony Clement Theodore, brother. 1836. Frederick Augustus II., nephew. June 6. 1854. .7ohn(JohnXe'pomuck Maria Joseph), brother. Aug. 0. 1873. Albert (Albert Frederick Antoine, &c.), son. Oct. 29. SAXE-ALTEXBURG, LATE HILDBOURGHAUSEX. Dukes. 1675. Ernest, the 6th son of Ernest I. of ( 1834. Joseph George Gotha. Sept. 29. Frederick, son. 1715. Ernest Frederick I., son. 1724. Ernest Frederick II., son. 1745. Ernest Frederick Charles, son. 1780. Frederick, son. Became, by the convention of Xov. 12, 1826, D. of Saxe-Altenburg. 1848. George Charles Frederick, second son of Duke Frederick, succ. on his elder brother's abdication, Xov. 30. 1853. Ernest Frederick Paul George Xicholas, son. Aug. 3. SAXE-COBURG AXD GOTHA, LATE SAXE-COBURG-SAALFELD. Dukes. 1675. John Ernest, 7th son of Ernest I. Gotha. 1729. Christian Ernest, son. 1745. Francis Joseph, brother. 1764. Ernest Frederick, son. 1800. Francis Frederick, son. 1S06. Ernest Anthonv, son. Father- 1844. />fS law of Q. Victoria. Became, by the convention of Nov. 12, 1826, D. of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, as Ernest I. ; d. 1844. Ernest II., son, (Ernest Augustus Charles John Leopold Alexander Edward), Jan. 29. SAXE-GOTHA-ALTENBURG. Dukes. 1605. Ernest 1., sum. the Pious, 7th son of John, of Saxe- Weimar, who was duke in 1573. 1675. Frederick I., son. 1691. Frederick II., son. 1732. Frederick 111., son. 1772. Ernest Louis, son. 1804. Emilius Augustus, son. 1822. Frederick IV., brother; i"^KS. by the emp. Charles V. iu 1519, 1457. Eberbard I., the Bearded, lirst duke, but they were restored to him in 1496. Eberhard 11., le Jeune. 1534. 1498. Ulric ; dispoBSCssod of his dominions 1C50. Christopher, styled the Pacific. THE BOOK OP DIGNITIES. 1568. 1593. 1608. 1628. 1674. 1677. 1733. 1737. 1793. 1795. Louis. Frederick I. John Frederick. Eberhard IH. William Lewis. Eberhard Louis. Charles Alexander. Charles Eugene. Louis Eugene. Frederick Eugene. 1797. Frederick II., son, became elector in 1803, and king, Dec. 12, 1805. Kings. 1806. Frederick I. (late elector Frederick II.), procl. king, Jan. 1. 1816. William L (William Frederick Charles), son, Oct. 30. 1864. Charles I. (Charles Frederick Alex- ander), son, June 25. FLANDERS. This country passed early into the hands of Prance, and was governed by its counts or earls, chiefly subject to that crown, from a.d. 862, until united with Burgundy in 1384. In 862, Baldwin, the great forester or ranger of France, having carried oif Judith, the daughter of Charles the Bald, widow of a king of England, after much difficulty obtained the king's consent to marry her, and was made eai'l of Flanders. Counts of Flanders. 862. Baldwin L, Bras de Fer, first 1168. count. 1191. 879. Baldwin II., sum. the Bald. 1194. 918. Arnulph I. and Baldwin III. 965. Arnulph II., le Jeune. 1206. 989. Baldwin IV., surn. the Bearded. 1233. 1036. Baldwin V. , le Debonnaire. 1244. 1067. Baldwin VI., surn. the Good. 1280. 1070. Arnulph III. 1071. Robert I., le Frison. 1093. Robert II., of Jerusalem. 1305. nil. Baldwin VIL, a fol?ac/;e. 1322. 1119. Charles the Good, assass. in the 1346. church of Donatianus during 1384. divine service. 1127. William de Clito, or Cliton, mortally wounded at the siege of Alost 1128. Thierry. Philip d'Alsace. Margaret I. and Baldwin VIII. Baldwin IX., of Constantinople, Eastern emp. in 1204. Jane and Ferdinand. Jane governs alone. Margaret II., of Constantinople. Guy de Dampierre, son ; another son, John d'Avennes, became count of Holland. Robert III. , de Bethune. Louis I., de Crecy, grandson. Louis II., de Male. On the death of Louis II. , Philip the Hardy, D. of Burgundy, succ. by marriage with his dau. and heiress, and united Flanders to his own dukedom. HAINAULT. Counts. 875. Regner I 916. Regner II. 932. Regner in. 958. Richer! * » * * 972. Gamer and Rainald 973. Godfrey the Old and Arnulph. 998. Regner IV. 1013. Regner V. 1030. Rechila, Herman, and Baldwin I. 1051. Rechila. 1070. Baldwin II., of Jerusalem. 1099. Baldwin III. 1120. Baldwin IV., sum. the Builder. 1171. Baldwin V., sum. the Valiant. 1195. Baldwin VI. 82 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1206. Jane. 1244. Margaret, countess of Flanders. 1280. John d'Avennes, her son ; another son, Guy de Dampierre, by another husband, became count of Flanders. 1299. John d'Avennes succ. to Holland. The provinces united. HOLLAND. THE NETHERLANDS. BELGIUM. PRINCES OF ORANGE. About the lOtli century, Holland and other provinces were governed by their own counts or dukes. The Netherlands subsequently fell to Burgundy, next to Austria ; and the emperor Charles V. annexed them to Spain. The tyranny of Philip II. and the barbarities of the duke of Alva exasperated the people, and under the conduct of William, prince of Orauij^e, was formed the famous League of Utrecht, which proved the foundation of the Republic of the Seven United Provinces. The Nether- lands were conquered by Napoleon I. and annexed to France, but recovered their independence and became a kingdom in 1815 ; the southern part, Belgium, separated from it, and became a kingdom in 1830-1. Counts of Holland, &c. Counts of Friesland. 1234. Thierry I. « « * * * 9G3. Thierry II. 1256 988. Arnulph the Great. 1296. 1003. Thierry HI. , of Jerusalem. 1039. Thierry IV. 1049. Florence I., of Holland; in whom the title became merged. Counts of Holland. 1299. 1049. Florence I. 1061. Thierry V. 1304 The previous counts of this name, 1337 Thierry I. II. III. and IV., were 1.345 counts of Friesland. See above. 1356 1091 Florence II. , sum. the Fat. 1389 1122. Thierry VI. 1404 1157. Florence III. 1417 1190 Thierry VII. 1433 1203 William I. 1223 Florence ^V^ William II. The pope gave the im- perial title to this prince on the death of theemp. Frederick H. Florence V. John I. ; on his death, the ancient house of the counts of Holland became extinct. John II. (John d'Avennes) count of Hainault, succ, and the provinces became united. Holland and Hainault. William III., sura, the Good. William IV. Margaret, countess. William V., sura, the Senseless. Albert. William VI. Jacquclina of Bavaria, countess. Holland and Hainault came under the dominion of Philip the Good, of Burgundy. GOVEENORS OP THE NETHERLANDS. 1477. Adolphus of Cleves. 1485. Engilbcrt, count of Nassau. 1489. Albert of Saxony. 1494. Philip /(' Beau, assumed the govern- ment. 1505. William do Croi. 1507. Margaret of Austria. 153L Mary of Austria, dowager Q. of Hungary, and niece of Margaret. 1555. Emmanuel, D. of Savoy. 1559. Margaret of Austria, duchess of Parma. 15()7. Ferdinand, D. of Alva. 1573. Louis de llequisons. 1576. John of Austria. 1578. Alexander of Parma. 1592. Peter Ernest, count of Mansfeldt. 1594. Archd. Ernest. 1595. Pedro de Fuentes. 159G. Albert of Austria. THE BOOK OP DIGNITIES. 83 1599. The infanta of Spain, Isabella, m. 1682. the archd. Albert, and both were 1692. invested with the sovereign 1701. power. 1702. 1621. Isabella, alone. 1706. 1633. Ferdinand. 1710. 1641. Francisco Mello. 1714. 1644. Marq. de Castel Rodrigo. 1716 1647. Archd. Leopold. 1725 1656. John of Austria. 1741 1659. Marq. de Fromiata. 1744 1664. Marq. de Castel Rodrigo. 1745 1668. D. de Feria. 1781 1670. Comte de Monterei. 1675. D. de Villahermosa. 1793. 1678. Pr. of Parma. 1795 Marq. de Castanaga. The elector of Bavaria. M. Bedmar. The elector of Bavaria, again. Council of state. Conseil la Conference. Comte de Koenigseck. Prince Eugene of Savoy. Mary Elizabeth of Austria. Count de Harrac Rohrau. Mary Anne of Austria. Charles, pr. of Lorraine. Mary Christina of Austria, Albert of Saxony, jointly. The archd. Charles. United to France. Dutch Stadtholders. 1579. William of Nassau, first stadtholder. See "Princes of Orange," infra. 1587. Prince Maurice of Nassau. 1625. Frederick Henry of Orange. 1647. William II. of Orange. 1650. The stadtholderate suppressed and the office administered by the states. 1672. William III., pr. of Orange. In 1689 he became K. of England. The stadtholderate again resumed by the states, on the death of William. William IV. The stadtholderate re- vived in William IV., and made hereditary in the house of Orange. 1702. 1747. Princes of Orange. 1502. 1530. 1544. 1584. 1618. 1625. 1647. The years of the stadtholderate are 1660. not always in unison with those of the princes of Orange. Philibert de Chalons. Rene de Nassau. William of Nassau, styled the Great, 1702. cousin to Rene'. To this prince j 1711. the republic of the Seven United | 1751. Provinces owed its foundation. Elected stadtholder in 1579; killed by an assassin hired by 1795. Philip if. of Spain, June 30, 1584. Philip William, son, stolen away 1806. from the university of Louvaine ; the Dutch would never suffer him to reside in their provinces ; d. 1806. 1618. Maurice, the renowned general, stadtholder in 1587 ; he was the 1810. younger son of William by a 1813. second marriage. Frederick Henry. William II., in. Mary, dau. of Charles I. , of England, by whom he had a posthumous son, who succeeded as William III., stadtholder in 1672. This pr. m. Mary, eldest dau. of James II. of England, and both afterwards ascended the English throne. William IV. William V. William VI., retired on the invasion of the French in 1795 ; d. in 1806. Holland and Belgium united to the French republic. William Frederick suce. his father, WiUiam VI., as pr. of Orange de jure. Louis Buonaparte, made K. of Holland by his brother Napoleon^ June 5, 1806 ; abd. July 1, 1810. Holland again united to France. House of Orange rest. William Fre- derick, pr. of Orange, procl. Dec. 6, 1813; took the oath of fidelity as sov. pr. Mar. 30, 1814, and assumed the style of K. of the Netherlands, Mar. 16, 1815. KiNos OF THE Netherlands. Kings of Holland. 1815. William I., late pr. of Orange, above- named, first king, abd. in favour of his son, Oct, 7, 1840 ; d. Dec. 12, 1843. 1840. William II., succ. on his father's abdication, Oct. 7. 1849. William III. (William Alexander Paul Frederick Louis), Mar. 17. Since the separation of Belgium in 1830, the K. of the Nether- lands is often called in popular language, the K. of Holland. 84 THE BOOK OP DIGNITIES. The Belgian Revolution commenced Aug. 25, 1830. A provisional Government was appointed, who declared Belgium independent, Oct. 4. The sovereignty was offered to Louis Charles, due de Nemours, second son of Louis Philippe, king of the French, but declined. It was next offered to Leopold, pr. of Coburg, by whom it was accepted. KiKGS OF THE BELGIANS. 1831 Leopold I. (Leopold George Christian I 1865. Leopold U. (Leopold Louis Philippe- Frederick), elected July 12. | Maria Victor), son, Dec. 10. LUXEMBURG. SiGEFKiD was first count in the 10th century, and the province continued to be governed by independent counts or dukes until it was sold to- Burgundy in 1444. The princes of Luxemburg became of considerable note and several of them have been emperors of Germany. The present dynasty of the Netherlands has the title of grand-duke of Luxemburg. Counts oe Dukes of Lxjxembuug. 965. Sigefrid. 998. Frederic. 1019. Gilbert or Giselbert. 1057. Conrad L 1086. Henry I. 1096. ^Yilliam. 1128. Conrad II. 1136. Henrj- IL, surn. the Blind, gov. 60 years. 1196. Ermensind and Theobald. 1214. Ermensind and Waleran. 1226. Henry IH., surn. the Great. 1275. Henry IV. 1288. Henry V., elect, emp. in 1308, aa Henry VIL ; said to have been poisoned. 1309. John, K. of Bohemia ; killed at the battle of Cre9y, in 1346. 1346. Charles, elect, emp. in 1347, aa Charles IV. 1353. Wenceslasl., D. 1383. Wenccslas II., emp. 1388. Jossus, le Darbu. 1411. Antony of Burgundy. 1451. EUzabeth de Gorlitz. 1444. Luxemburg united to Burgundy. SPAIN. ARRAGON. CASTILE. Spain was anciently divided into a number of petty states. The counts of Castile became possessed of Leon, Oviedo, and Toledo, whic-h had been separate territories ; and, after many years, the kingdom ot Castile was united to that of Arragon by the marriage of IsaUella, qneeu ot Castile, with Ferdinand, king of Arragon, in 1474. Ferdinand, by the conquests of Navarre and Granada, entirely put au end to the dominion of the Moors ; and we may hence date the foundation of the present monarchy. Kings of Spain. Reion of the Goths. 40G. Alaric, K. of the Goths. 411. Ataulfo ; murdered by his soldiers. 415. Sigerico ; reigned a few weeks only, 415. Viilia, or Wallia. 420. Theodoric I. ; killed in a battle, which he gained, against Attila. 421. Thorismund, or Toi rismund ; assasa. by his favourite. 452. Theodoric II. ; assass. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 466. Euric, or Evarico. 484. Alaric II. ; killed in battle. •507. Gesalric, his bastard son. 511. Almaric, legit, son of Alaric. 531. Theudis, or Theodat ; assass. 548. Theudisela, or Theodisele ; mur- dured for female violation. 549. Agila ; taken prisoner, and put to death. 554. Atanagildo. 567. Liuva, or Levua I. 568. Leuvigildo ; associated on the throne with Liuva, in 568, and sole king in 572. 585. Recaredo I. €01. Liuva II. €03. Vitericus 610. Gundemar. €12. Sisibut, or Sisebuth, or Sisebert. €21. Recaredo IL €2a. Suintila ; dethr. €31. Sisenando. 640. Tulga, or Tulca. €41. Cindasuinto ; d. 652. €49. Recesiiinto ; associated on the throne this year, and in 652 became sole king. €72. Vamba, or Wamba ; deth. and d. in a monastery. €80. Ervigius, or Ervigio. 687. Egica, or Egiza. €98. Vitiza, or Witiza ; associated on the throne ; in 701 sole king. 711. Rodrigo. or Roderic ; slain in battle. Second Monarchy. 718. Pelagius, or Pelayo ; overthrew the Moors, and put a stop to their conquests. 737. Favila ; killed in hunting. 739. Alfonso the Catholic. 757. Froila I. ; murdered his brother Sa- maran, in revenge for which he was murdered by his brother and successor, 768. Aurelius, or Aurelio. 774. Silo, the Saracen. 783. Mauregato, the Usurper. 788. Veremundo (Bermuda) I. 791. Alfonso IL, the Chaste. «42. Ramiro I. *50. Ordogno, or Ordono I. 866. Alfonso III., sum. the Great, re- linquished his crown to his son, 310. Garcias. 914. Ordogno, or Ordono II. 923. Froila II. 925. Alfonso IV., the Monk ; abd. 927. Ramiro II. ; killed in battle. 950. Ordogno, or Ordono III, 955. Ordogno, or Ordono IV. 956. Sancho I. , the Fat ; poisoned. 967. Ramiro in. 982. Veremundo II. (Bermuda) the Gouty. 999. Alfonso V. ; killed in a siege. 1027. Veremundo IIL (Bermuda) ; killed. The above were kings of Asturiae, of Oviedo, or of Leon. Kings of Navakre. 905. Sancho Garcias (Sancho I.) 926. Garcias I. 970. Sancho II. 994. Garcias II., sum. the Trembler. 1000. Sancho III. , surn. the Great. 1035. Garcias IIL 1054. Sancho IV. 1076. Sancho Ramirez (Sancho V.), K. of Arragon. 1094. Peter of Arragon. 1104. Alfonso I. of Arragon. 1134. Garcias Ramirez. 1150. Sancho VI., surn. the Wise. 1194. Sancho VII., surn. the Infirm. 1234. Theobald L, count of Champagne. 1253. Theobald II. 1270. Henry Crassus. 1274. Juanna ; m. Philip the Fair of France, 1285. 1305. Louis Hutin of France. 1316. John ; lived but a few days. 1316. Philip V. the Long, of France. 1322. Charles I., the IV. of France. 1328. Juanna and Philip, count d'Evereux. 1343. Juanna alone. 1349. Charles II. , or the Bad. 1387. Charles IIL, or the Noble. 1425. John II. , aft. K. of Arragon. 1479. Eleanor. 1479. Francis Phoebus. 1483. Catharine and John d'Albret. 1512. Navarre conq. by Ferdinand the Catholic. Kings of Castile. 1035. Ferdinand the Great, of Leon and Castile. 1065. Sancho II. the Strong, son. Alfonso in Leon and Asturias, and Gar- cias in Galicia. 1072. Alfonso VL the Valiant, K. of Leon. 1109. Urraca and Alfonso VIL 1126. Alfonso VIIL, Raymond, 1157. Sancho IIL, sum. the Beloved. 1158. Alfonso IX. , the Noble. Leon is separated from Castile, and Ferdinand king. 1214. Henry I. 1217. Ferdinand III., the Saint, and the Holy. In him Leon and Castile were perpetually united. 1262. Alfonso X. the Wise. 86 1284. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, the Great, and the .Sancho IV., Bravo. 1294. Ferdinand IV. 1312. Alfonso XI. 1350. Poter the Cruel, dep. Reinstated by Edward the Black Prince of England; aft. slain by his sub- jects. 1368. Henrj' II. , the Gracious ; poisoned. 1879. John I. ; he united Biscay to Castile. 1390. Henry III., the Sickly. 1406. John II. , son. 1454. Henry IV., the Impotent. 1474. Ferdinand V., the Catholic, in whom, by his marriage with Isabella, queen of Castile, the kingdoms of Castile and Arragon were united. 1504. Joan, or Jane, dau. of Ferdinand and Isabella, and Philip I. of Austria. On her mothers death Joan succ, jointly with her husband Philip ; but Philip dying in 1506, and Joan becoming an imbecile, her father Ferdinand continued the reign; and thus perpetuated the xmion of Castile with Arragon. {See Sicili/.) K. of Navarre. (See Nnratre.^ Kings of Aeragom. 1035. Ramiro I. 1063. Sancho Ramirez. 1094. Peter of Navarre. 1104. Alfonso the Warrior. 1134. Ramiro II., the Monk. 1137. Petronilla, and Raymond, count of Barcelona. 1162. Alfonso II. 1196. Peter II. 1213. James I. 1276. Peter III., son. This prince con- trived the horrible massacre known as the Sicilian Vespers, in 1282. 1285. Alfonso III., the Beneficent. 1291. James II., sum. the Just. 1327. Alfonso IV. 1336. Poter IV. , the Ceremonious. 1887. John I. 1396. Martin I. 1410. Interregnum. 1412. Ferdinand the Just, K. of Sicily. 1416. Alfonso V.. the Wise. 1458. John II., K. of Navarre, brother; d. 1479. 1479. Ferdinand V., tho Catholic, the next heir ; by his marriage with Isabella of Castile, the kingdoms wore united. Kings of Spain. 1612. Ferdinand V., the Catholic. This prince having conquered Granada and Navarre, became king of all Spain. 1516. Charles I., grandson, son of Joan of Castile and Philip of Austria; became emp. of Germany, as Charles V. in l.')19 ; res. both crowns, and retired to a mo- nastery. 1556. Philip li., son, K of Naples and Sicily ; wj. Mary, queen regnant of England; annexed Portugal 1580. 1598. Philip III., son. 1621. Philip IV., son, who lost Portugal in 1640. 1665. Charles XL, son, the last prince of the Austrian line ; nominated, by will, as his successor 1700. Philip v., D. of Anjou, grandson of Louis XIV., of France; hence arose the war of the succession, terminated by the treaty of Utrecht in 1713, 1724. Loxiis I., who reigned only a few months. 1724. Philip v., ac/ain. 1745. Ferdinand VI.. sum. the Wise. 1759. Charles III., K. of the two Sicilies, brother ; on ascending the Spanish throne he renounced th« Sicilies to his third son Ferdinand. 1788. Charles IV. , son ; abd. in favour of his son and successor 1808. Ferdiaand VII., whom Napoleon I. forced to resign. 1808. Joseph Buonaparte, brother of Na- poleon I. ; dep. 1814. Ferdinand VII., rest. 1833. Isabella II., dau. (Maria Isabella Louisa), l>. Oct. 10, 1830; succ. her father Sept. 29. while yet in her third year. The Salic law, ex- isting in Spain, had been formally abolished by Ferdinand, under a decree, March L'9, 1830. by virtue of which the order of succession was altered in favour of his daughter, to the exclusion of his brothers, Don Carlos and Don Francis. Repitblic. 1868. Revolution commenced about Sept. 17. and Prov. Govt, apptd. Sept. 19. The Queen deprived of the crown by the Prov. Govt. Sept. 29, and loaves Spain Sept. 30 : aft. abd. in favour of her son, Alfonso, Juno 25, 1870. A " Junta " api)ointod to carry on tho Government, Pros., — D'Aguirro. Marshal Francisco Serrano y Doniin- guoz due do la Torre apptd. Pres. of Prov. Govt., Oct. 4. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1869. Serrano's appointment confirmed bj^ the Cortes, Feb. 22-25; hereditary monarchy resolved on by the Cortes as the future form of Govt., May 21. New constitution procl., June 6. Serrano procl. Regent of the monarchy, June 18. Monarchy kestored. — Italian line. 1870. Amadeus Ferdinand Maria, Duke of Aosta,son of Victor Emmanuel II., K. of Italy, chosen king, Nov. 16; procl., Nov. 17 ; accepts the crown, Dec. 4; takes possession, Dec. 30. 1873. K. Amadeus abdicates, Feb. 11, and leaves Spain. Second Republic. 1873. New Govt, chosen by the Cortes. Pres. — 1. Figueras. 2. Pi y Margall. 3. Nicholas Salmeron y Alonso, July 18. 4. Emilio Castelar, Sept. 8. 1874. Castelar resigns, Salmeron takes his place, and the Cortes dissolved by force by Gen. Pavia, Jan. 3. New Ministry under Presidency of Serrano, Jan. 4. Monarchy restored. — Bourbon Line. 1874. 1886. Alphonso XII. (A. Francis d'i Ferdinand, &c.),son of Isabella II. , procl. Dec. 30; d. Nov. 25, 1885, leaving two daughters, the elder Maria Mercedes Isabella, and a widow, Maria Christina, who gave birth to a son Alphonso XIII. ; b. May 17, and succ. to the throne at his birth. His mother, Q. Maria Christina, was appointed Regent. NAVARRE. See France and Spain. Navakre was conquered by Cbarlemange in 778, but shortly after- wards obtained or asserted its independence. Garcias Ximines (860) is named as the first king. The principal dates and changes of monarchy are given below. The greater part of Navarre, that lying to the south of the Pyrenees, now belongs to Spain. The part lying to the north of the Pyrenees, sometimes called lower Navarre, now belongs to France. Sovereigns op Navarre. 778. 860. 1035. 10—. 1076. 1134. * * 1234. 1274. Navarre conquered by Charlemagne, * * * * Independence of Navarre decl. and Garcias Ximines made king. » * * * Sancho III., K., d. 1035. He divided his dominions and Navarre fell to his son Garcia III. Sancho IV., son, who was in Conq. and succ. by his cousin Sancho V. (Sancho Ramirez of Arragon), (see Spain and Arra- gon) ; and the two kingdoms re- mained united until the death of Alfonso I. in when Garcia IV. was elected K. Sancho VII. Theobald I., Count of Champagne, adopted heir of Sancho VII. Joanna I., grand-dau. of Theobald I., m. 1284, Philip of France, aft. 1305. 1316. 1316. 1322. 1328. 1349. 1387. 1425, 1479. Philip IV., whereby for some years the crown of France and Navarre were united ; d. 1305. Louis, son, aft. Louis X. of France^ John I., K. of France, posthumous son, lived a few days only. Philip V. of France, bro. to Louis X4 Charles I. (Charles IV. of France) ; d. without male issue ; whereupon France and Navarre were again separated. Joanna II., dau. of Louis X., and wife of Philip Count d'Evereux, crowned 1329. Charles II., son. Charles III. , son. Blanche, dau., wife of John, son of Ferdinand, K. of Arragon. John II, husband, who seized the crown to the prejudice of Blanche's sonCharles; became K. of Arragon in 1458. Eleanor, dau., wife of Gaston de Foix; d. same year. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1479. Francis Phoebus, son or grandson. 1483. Catherine, sister, wife of John D'Albret. who being placed under a ban by the pope 1512. Ferdinand V. of Arragon, seized the whole of his dominions south of the Pyrenees and annexed them to Spain. LOWER NAVARRE, NOW PART OF FRANCE. 1516. Henry II., son of Catherine and John D'Albret,succeeded to the remnant of his parents dominions. 1555. Joanna III., wife of Anthony de Bourbon. 1572. Henry HI., son or grandson, be- came Henry FV. of France in 1589. 1607. Lower Navarre united to France. PORTUGAL. Portugal submitted to the Eoman arms about 250 b.c, and under- went the same changes as Spain on the fall of the Eoraau empire. Conquered by the Moors a.d. 713. They kept possession till they were vanquished by Alfonso VI., the Valiant, of Castile, assisted by many other princes and volunteers. Among those who shone most in this expedition was Henry of Burgundy, grandson of Robert, king of France. Alfonso bestowed upon him Theresa, his natural daughter, and, as her marriage portion, the kingdom of Portugal, which he was to hold of him. Portugal fell under the Spanish yoke in 1580, but shook it off in 1640, since which time the Braganza family has reigned. Kings op Poetugal. 1093. 1112. 1128. 1139. 1185. 1212. 1223. 1248. 1279. 1325. 1357. 1367. 1384. 1433. 1438. 1481. 1495. 1521. 1557. Henry, count or Earl of Portugal. I Alfonso I. , son, and Theresa. Alfonso, alone. Alfonso decl. king, having obtained a signal victory over a prodigious army of Moors on the plains of Ourique. Sancho I., son. Alfonso 11. , sum. Crassus, or the Fat. Sancho II., or the Idle ; dep. Alfonso III. Denis, or Dionysius. Alfonso IV. Peter the Severe. Ferdinand I., son. John I., the Bastard, and the Great, natural brother; m. Phi- lippa, dau. of John of Gaunt, D. of Lancaster. Edward. Alfonso v., the African. John II., the Great, and the Perfect. Emmanuel, the Fortunate, cousin. John IIL, son. Sebastian ; slain in the battle of Alcazar, in Africa, Aug. 4, 1578, when the crown reverted to his great uncle 1578. 1580. 1640. 1656. 1683. 1706. 1750. 1777. 1786. Henry, the Cardinal, son of Em- manuel. Anthony, prior of Crato, son of Emmanuel ; dep. by Philip II. of Spain, who united Portugal to his other dominions, till 1640. John IV., D. of Braganza, dis- possessed the Spaniards in a bloodless revolution, and was procl. king, Dec. 1. Alfonso VI., dep. in 1668, and his brother and successor Peter made regent ; the latter ascended the throne in Peter II. John v., son. Joseph, son. The daughter and successor of this prince in. his brother, by dispensation from the pope, and they ascended the throne, as Maria (Frances Isabella) and Peter III., jointly. Maria, alone ; this princess after- wards foil into a state of melan- choly and derangement. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 8S 1792. Regency. John, son of the queen, and aft. king, decl. regent of the kingdom. 1816. John VI., previously regent. He had withdrawn in 1807, owing to the French invasion of Portugal, to his Brazilian dominions, but returned in 1821 ; d. in 1826. 1826. Peter IV. (Dom Pedro), son, making his election of the empire of Brazil, abd. the throne of Portugal in favour of his daughter 1826. Maria II. (da Gloria), who became queen at 7 years of age. 1828. Dom Miguel, brother to Peter IV., usurped the crown, which he re- tained, amid civil contentions, until 1833. 1833. Maria II., rest., decl. in Sept. 1834 (being then 15) to be of age, and assumed the royal power accord- ingly. 1853. Pedro v., son, Nov. 15. His father, pr. Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg- Gotha, acted as regent until Sept. 16, 1855. 1861. Louis I. (Louis Philippe Mary), brother, Nov. 11. RUSSIA. Etissia was peopled by numei-ous tribes who were comprehended in the general name of Scythians. Eurick was great duke in the 9th ■century ; and Vladimir or Waldimir, called the Apostle and the Solo- mon of Russia, was the first Christian sovereign in the 10th. His marriage with Ann, sister of the Eastern emperors Basil and Constan- tine, led to the adoption of the doctrines of the Greek Church in his dominions. The history of Eussia previous to the last three or four . 1829. Gen. George Washington, first pre- sident. Apr. 30. Gen. Washington, (i. Separation from Spain formally de- clared July 9, but the indepen- dence of tiie states was not re- cognised by Spain till 1842. 18L'.T. National constitution for the federal states decreed. * * Gen. .Juan Manuel de Rosas. 1840. Gen. de Rosas re-elected. Mar. 5. 18.52. Prov. Gov. established, Feb. 5, and Vincent Lopez appointed Prov. Gov. : Gen. Justo Jose Urquiza elect. Prov. Director, Jlay 20; Dr. Alsina elected gov. and capt.-gen., Oct. 30. lie re- tired, and Gen. Pinto elected Prov. Gov. in his place, Dec. 6. 1853. Buenos Ayres secedes and be- comes an independent state. Oct 12. 1S53. Gen. Jasto Jos^ d'Urquiza. Nov. 20. 1859. Buenos Ayres re-united to the Ar- gentine Republic. Nov. 10. 1860. Santiago Derqui. Feb. 8. 1861. Victory of Gen. Mitre at Pavon, in consequence of which Derqui resigned, Sept. 17: Prov. Gov. under Gen. Bartholomew Mitre. 1862. Gen. Mitre elected perm. pres. Oct. 12. 1868. Col. Dominique Faustino Samiiento. Oct. 12. 1874. Nicolas Avellaneda. Oct. 12. 1880. Gen. Julio A. Roca. Oct. 12. 1886. Miguel Juarez Celman. Oct. 12. BUENOS AYRES. Buenos Ayres separated from the Argentine Republic, Oct. 12, 1858, and was re-united thereto, Nov. 10, 1859. Governors or Presidents. 1853. Pastor Obligado. Oct. 12. 1857. Valentine Alsina. May. 1860. Gen. Bartholomew Mitre. May I. 1859. Re-united to Argentine Republic by peace of S. Jose de Floris, Nov. 10, 1859, and Act of Union. June 6, 1860. PARAGUAY. Paraguay revolted from Spain in 1811, and declared itself an inde- pendent state. Dictators and Presidents of Paraguay. DiCTATOKS. 1814. Jose' Gaspar Rodriguez Francia, elect. Nom. for life, 1817. 1840. Vibal Bucc. Francia. 1844. Carlos Antonio Lopez elect. 18G2. l<'rancisco Solano Lopez, son, Sept. ; wont to war with Uruguay, Brazil, and the Argentine Re- public and was killed in battle, Mar. 1, 1870. IHOK. Prov. (jov. composed of C. Loizaga, Cyril Antonio Rivarola, and J. Diaz do Bedoj'a, Aug. 15. 1870. Treaty of peace between (1) Brazil and the Argentine Republic, and (2) Paraguay, June 20. under which Rivarola was app.prov. pres. 1870. Paraguay becomes a constitutional republic. Prk.sidests. 1871. Salvador Jovellanos. Dec. 12. 1874. Juan Baptista Gill. Nov. 2.".. 1877. Iliginio Uriarte. April 12. 1878. Candido Bareiro. Nov. 25. 1880. Gen. Bernardino Caballero. Sept. 14; re-eloct. Nov. 1882. 1886. Gen. Escobar. Sept. 25. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. URUGUAY. This republic was formerly a part of Buenos Ay res. It declared its independence in 1825, and was recognised as a separate republic by the treaty of Montevideo, signed between Brazil and Buenos Ayres, Aug. 27, and ratified Oct. 4, 1828. Presidents of Uruguay. 1830. Fructuoso Rivera. Oct. 22. 1835. Manuel Oribe. Mar. 1. 1838. Rivera aqain. Oct. 21. * * Joaquim Suarez. 1852. .Juan Francisco Girc). Mar. 1. 1854. Col. Venancio Florez. Mar. 12. 1855. Manuel Basilico Bustamente. Oct. 1856. Gabriel Antonio Pereira. Mar. 1. 1860. Bernardo Prudencio Bcrro. Mar. 1. 1864. Athanase Cruz Aguirre. Mar. 1. 1865. 1868. 1872. 1873. 1875. 1876. 1880. 1882. 1886. Gen. Venancio Flores, prov. Feb. Francisco Antonio Vidal. Col. Lorenzo Battle. Mar. 1. Sarmiento. Tomas Gomensoro. Mar. 1. Jose' Ellauri. Mar. 1. Pedro Varela. Mar. 15. Col. L. Latorre. Mar. 11. Vidal again. Mar. 17. Gen. Maximo Santos. Mar. 1 Maximo Tages. Nov. 19. gov. CHILI. This republic declared its independence from Spain, Sept. 18, 1810, but, a long war ensuing, its actual independence dates from Feb. 12, 1817. New constitutions were promulgated in 1828 by General Pinto, and in May 1833, by General Prieto. Directors and Presidents of Chili. 1817. Gen. Demetrius O'Higgins. Res. 1828. 1823. The government was administered by a prov. triumvirate until Gen. Freire was chosen director. He res. 1826. 1826-1830. During these years the government was administered by six different directors, be- sides a second provisional tri- umvirate. 1831. Gen. Prieto, who became pres. | under constitution of May 25. 1833. Presidents. 1833. Gen. Prieto, above named. 1841. Gen. Manuel Bulnes. Sept. 1851. Manuel Montt. Sept. 18. 1861. Jose Joaquim Perez. Sept. 7. 1871. Frederico Ei-razuriz. Sept. 18. 1876. Anibal Pinto. Sept. 18. 1881. Domingo Santa Maria. Sept. 18. 1886. Jose Manuel Balmaceda. Seijt. 18. HAWAIIAN OR SANDWICH ISLANDS. Kings and Queens. * * Kamehameha I., d. 1819. 1819. Kamehameha II., son, d. in Eng- land, with his queen, July 1824. 1824. Kamehameha III. 1854. Kamehameha IV. 1863. Kamehameha V., brother, Nov. : , Dec. 11. 1873. Lunalilo I. (Q), Jan. 8 ; d. Feb. 3 1874. 1874. Kalakaua. Feb. 12. XX2 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PART II. DIPLOMATIC. AMBASSADORS, ENVOYS EXTEAORDINARY, MINIS- TERS PLENIPOTENTIARY, &c., FROM GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND TO FOREIGN STATES. From the accession of George III., 1760. TO FRANCE. 1761. 1762. 1763. 176.5. 1766. 1768. 1772. 1783. 1784. 1785 1790 Hans Stanley, ch. d'a. .John, D. of Bedford, amb. Sept. 4. Fras. Seymour, E. of Hertford, amb. Cbas., D. of Richmond, amb. Wm. Hy. Nassau, E. of Rochford, amb. .July 2. Simon Harcourt, E. Harcourt, amb. David Murray, vise. Stormont, aft. E. of Mansfield, amb. Sept. 9. Fras. Godolphin Osborne, M. of Carmarthen, amb. Feb. 10. Geo. Montagu, D. of Manchester, amb. Apr. J). John Frederick Sackville, D. of Dor- set, amb. Daniel Hailcs, min. plen., ad int. Apr. 28. Wm. Eden, aft. Id. Auckland, onv. ext. and plen. for commercial affairs. Dec. 9. Geo. Granville, E. Gower, amb. June 11. Recalled Sept. 1792. The war interrupted the diplomatic relations between the two coun- tries. 179G. Jas.,ld., aft. E. of Malmesbury, amb. ext. and min. plen. for ncKotiatinjf a treaty of peace. Oct. 13. 1797. Jas., Id. Malmesbury. again, for negotiatmg a peace with the plens. of the French republic at Lisle. June 30. 1801. Chas., M. Cornwallis, plen. at the congress held at Amiens. Oct. 29. Fras. James Jackson, min. plen. Dec. 2. 1802. Anth. Merry, min. plen. Apr. 1. — Chas., Id., aft. vise, and E. Whit- worth, amb. June 18, G. Left Paris, May 19, 1803. The war with Napoleon I. again in- terrupted the diplomatic relations between the two countries. 1806. Fras. Seymour. E. of Yarmovith. and James, E. of Lauderdale, comnirs. for negotiating a peace with Franco. Aug. 1. 1814. Sir Chas. Stuart, aft. Id. Stuart de Rothesay, onv. ext. and min. plen. ad int. June 4. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. ii; — Chas. Bagot, aft. Sir C, min. plen. July 11. — Arthur, D. of Wellington, amb. Aug. 8. 1815. Lord Fitzroy Jas. Hy. Somerset, min. plen. Jan. 18. — Sir Chas. Stuart, again, amb., ad int. Mar. 26. 1824. Granville, vise., aft. E. Granville, sp. miss, to congratulate Charles X. on his accession to the throne. Oct. 7. — Hon. Algernon Percy, niin. plen., ad int. Oct. 12. — Granville, vise. Granville, again, amb. Nov. 3 1825. Hugh, D. of Northumberland, sp. embassy ; coronation of Charles X. Apr. 30. 1828. Lord Stuart de Rothesay, amb. July 1. 1830. Vise. Granville, aqain. amb. Dec. 8. 1832. Hamilton Chas. Jas. Hamilton, min. plen. , ad int. Mar. 23. 1833. Arthur Aston, aft. Sir A., min. plen., ad int. Apr. 19. 1835. Hy., Id. Cowley, amb. Mar. 13. — Granville, E., late vise. Granville, amb. Mar. 29. 1837. Arthur Aston, again; min. plen., ad int. Aug. 25. Permanent July 17. 1838. 1839. Hy. Lytton Bulwer, aft. Sir H. and Id. Dalling and Bulwer, min. plen., ad int. July 29. 1841. Lord Cowley, again, amb. Oct. 16. 1845. Lord Wm. Hervey. min. plen., ad int. July 29. 1846. Constantino Hy. . M. of Normanby, amb. Aug. 18. 1848. M. of Normanby, continued ; sp. and temporary miss, to the French National Assembly. Aug. 18. 1849. M. of Normanby, continued, amb. Jan. 31. 1852. Hy. Rd. Chas., Id., aft. E. Cowley, amb. , ext. and plen. to the French RepubUc. Feb. 3. 1856. Geo. Wm. Frederick, E. of Claren- don, plen. to Congress at termi- nation of war with Russia. Feb. 1860. Hon. Wm. G. Grey. eh. d'a., ad int. Jan. 2.* 1866. Hon. Julian Hy. 'Chas. Fane, min. plen., ad int.* 1867. Richd. Bickerton Pemell, Id., aft. vise. Lyons, amb., ext. and plen. July 6." 1869. Hon. Lionel Sackville West, min. plen., ad int.* 1871. Ld. Lyons, again, amb., ext. and plen. to French Republic. Feb. 18. 1871. Hon. L. S. West, again, min. plen., ad int. Sept. 15.* 1878. Edwd. Robt. , Id. aft. E. Lytton, min. plen. , rtf/ inf. Apr. 10.* 1875. Fras. Ottiwell Adams, aft. sir F., min. plen., ad int. Mar. 23.* 1882. Hon. Fras. Richd. Plunket, min. plen., ad int. Mar. 11.* 1884. Sir Jno. Walsham, hart., min. plen., ad int. July 31.* 1886. Edwin Hj'. Egerton, min. plen., ad int. Mar. 30.* 1887. Robt., Earl Lytton, g.c.b., g.c.s.i., amb., ex. and plen. Nov. 1. During temporary absence of the ambassador. TO SWISS CONFEDERATION. * * Arthur Villettes, min. 1765. Wm. Norton, min. Jan. 1. * * Col. Braun, ch. d'a. 1792. Lord Rob. Stephen Fitzgerald, min. plen. May 12. 1795. Wm. Wickham, min. plen. July 11. 1798. James Talbot, min., a(^e«f. Jan. 22. 1S14. Stratford Canning, aft. Sir S., and vise. Stratford de Redcliffe, env. ext. and min. plen. June 14, G. 1820. Edw. Cromwell Disbrowe, aft. sir E., ch. d'a., ad int. June 12. 1822. Hy. Watkin Williams Wynn, aft. sir H., env. ext. and min. plen. Feb. 12. 1823. Chas. Rd. Vaughan, aft. sir C, min. plen. H'eb. 28. 1825. Hon. Algernon Percy, min. plen. Oct. 10. 1832. David Rd. Morier, min. plen. June 21. 1847. Gilbert, E. of Minto ; ext. miss, to the Italian States, Sardinia, Sicily, and Switzerland. Sept. 14. — Sir Stratford Canning, again, ext. miss, to Belgium, Germany, Greece, and Switzerland. Nov. 26. 1848. Hy. Rd. Chas., Id., aft. E. Cowley, "min. plen. Feb. 29. 1849. Sir Edmund Lyons, min. plen. Feb. 9. 1851. Arthur Chas. Magenis, aft. sir A., min. plen. Jan. 27. 1852. Andrew Buchanan, aft. Sir A., min. plen. Feb. 12. i 1853. Hon. Chas. Aug. Murray, aft. sir ' C, min. plen. Feb. 9.' 8 lU THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1854. Geo. Jno. Robt. Gordon, min. plen. Sept. 19. 1858. Capt. Hon. Edwd. Alfred Jno. Harris, R.N., min. plen. Mar. 31. 1867. Jno. Savile Lumley, env. ext. and min. plen. Aug. 22. 1868. Alfred Guthrie Graham Bonar, env. ext. and min. plen. Oct. 19. 1874. Edwin Corbett, min. res. May 23. 1878. Sir Horace Rumbold, bt., min. res. Jan. 17. 1879. Hon. Hussey Crespigny Vivian, C.B., min. res. Oct. 10; env. ext. and min. plen. Mar. 1,1881. 1881. Eras. Ottiwell Adams, c.n., aft. sir F., K.C.H.G., env. ext. and min. plen. TO THE MODERN KINGDOM OF ITALY. Fob Ambassadors, «fcc., to the various states composing the modern kingdom of Italy prior to the formation of that kingdom, see under the names of those states. 1861. Sir .Tas. Hudson, env. ext. and min. | plen. i 1863. Hon. Hy. Geo. Elliot, env. ext. and min. plen. Sept. 12. 1867. Sir Augs. Berkeley Paget, k.c.b., | env. ext. and min. plen. July 6 ; \fes. amb., ext. and min. plen. Mar. 24, 1876. Sir Jno. Savile-Lumley, k.c.b., aft. G.C.B., and subseq. Sir Jno. Savile, only ; amb. ext. and plen. Aug. 26.->ca^' (c'AS4.v^X;ftff: 5^i< .->./<-./'.,f'.*, ;••''••?.,(.' J. i' TO SARDINIA. * * Hon. Jas. Stuart Mackenzie, env. 1824. ext. 1761 . Geo. Pitt. aft. Id. Rivers, env. ext. 1840. 1768. Sir Wm. Lynch, env. ext. Oct. 1. 1779. John, vise. Mountstuart, env. ext. 1847. and plen. Aug. 16. i 1783. Hon. John Trevor, env. ext. Feb. i 22; min. plen., June 16, 1789. j 1799. Thos. Jackson, min. plen. Apr. 13. | 1807. Hon. Wm. Hill, env. ext. and min. 1852. plen. Dec. 9. i Aug. John Foster, aft. knt.. env. ext. and min. plen. Sept. 10, G. Hon. Ralph Abcrcromby, env. ext. and min. plen. May 30. Gilbert, E. of Minto, ext. miss, to Italy, Sardinia, Sicily, and Swit- zerland. Sept. 14. Hon. Ralph Abcrcromby, remaining minister to Sardinia. Jas. Hudson, env. ext. and min. plen. Jan. 19, G. Sardinia now forms part of the kingdom of Italy. See Italy. TO NAPLES AND THE TWO SICILIES. * * Sir Jas. Gray, bt., env. ext. 1764. Wm. Hamilton, aft. sir W., env. ext. 1800. Hon. sir Arthur Paget, env. ext. and min. plen. Jan. 17. 1801. Wm. Drummond, env. ext. Aug. 4. 1803. Hugh Elliot, env. ext. and min. plen. Jan. 29. 1806. Gen. Hy. Edwd. Fox, onv. ext. and min. plen. (military). May 29. — Wm. Drummond, again, env. ext. and min. plon. Oct. 3. 1809. Wm. Pitt, Id., aft. E. Amherst, env. ext. and min. plon. Feb. 1. 1811. Ld. Wm. Cavendish Bcntinck, env. ext. and min. plon. Feb. 1."), G. 1812. Hon. Fredk. Jas. Lamb, aft. sir F. and Id. Beauvale, and succ. as vise. Melbourne, min. plen.. ad int. May 18. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 115 1814. Wm. A'Court, aft. sir W. and Id. Heytesbury, env. ext. and min. plen. Oct. 1, G. 1822. Win. Rd. Hamilton, env. est. and min. plen. Feb. 12. 1824. Wm. Noel Hill, env. ext. and min. plen. Sept. 14. 1825. John, Id. Burghersh, succ. as E. of Westmoreland ; sp. miss, on the accession of the king (Francis I.), as king of the Two Sicilies. Feb. 23. 1830. John, Id. Burghersh, again; env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 16. Not sent. 1832. John, Id., aft. vise. Ponsonby, env. ext. and min. plen. June 8. — Hon. Wm. Temple, aft. sir W., env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 27, (?) 1833. 1847. Gilbert, E. of Minto; ext. miss, to Italy, Sardinia, Sicily, and Swit- zerland. Dee. 17 ; the hon. Wm. Temple, remaining minister to the Two Sicilies. 1856. Geo. Glyn Petre, ch. d'a. July 28. Diplomatic relations suspended Oct. 1856 to June 1859, in con- sequence of the king's tyrannical government. 1859. Hon. Hy. Geo. Elliot, aft. Sir H. ; sp. miss, to Francis II. on his accession. June 1. 1859. Sir Arthur Chas. Magenis, k.c.b. June G ; env. e xt. and min. plen. Not sent, 1859. Hon. Hy. Geo. Elliot, again, env., ext. and min. plen. July 4 until Nov. I860. The Two Sicilies now form part of the kingdom of Italy. Hee Italy. TO TUSCANY, PARMA, MODENA, AND LUCCA. Unless otherwise stated the mission was to Tuscany only. * * Sir Horace Mann, bt. , env. ext. ; d. Nov. 1786, having been forty- six years minister at this court. 1787. Wm. Fawkener, env. ext. pro teiti. April 27. 1787. John Aug., Id. Hervey, env. ext. Aug. 4. Min. plen. July 22, 1791. 1794. Hon. Wm. Fredk. Wyndham, env. ext. Jan. 25. Min. plen., Feb. 8, 1800. 1814. John, Id. Burghersh, aft. E. of Westmoreland, env. ext. and min. plen. Aug. 14. 1818. The same, in the same character, to Parma, and Modena. Feb. 14. — The same, in the same character, to Lucca, Mar. 5. 1830. Ld. Geo. Hamilton Seymour, aft. sir G. , min. res. Nov. 3. — John, Id. Burghersh, min. plen. to Parma, &c. Nov. 16. Not sent. 1831. Sir Geo. Hamilton Seymour, min. res. to Pai"ma, Lucca, and Modena. June 13. 1835. Hon. Ralph Abercromby, min. res. to Tuscany, Parma, and Lucca. Dec. 26. 1839. Hon. Hy. Edw. Fox, aft. Id. Hol- land, min. plen. to Tuscany, Parma, and Lucca. Jan. 2. 1841. Hy. Edw., Id. Holland, min. plen. to Modena. May 14. 1846. Sir Geo. Baillie Hamilton, min. plen. to Tuscany, Parma, Modena, and Lucca. May 23. 1847. Gilbert, E. of Minto ; ext. miss, to the Italian States, Sardinia, Si- cily, and Switzerland. Sept. 14. — Sir Geo. Baillie Hamilton ; d. at Florence while min. plen. in Sept. 1850. 1850. Hon. Peter Campbell Scarlett, ch. d'a. — Rd. Lalor Sheil, min. plen., ch. d'a. Oct. 24. 1851. Jas. Hudson, c.b., env. ext. and min. plen. Aug. 29, G. 1852. Sir Hy. Lytton Bulwer, g.c.b., aft. Id. Dalling and Bulwer, env. ext. and min. plen. Jan. 19, G. 1854. Constantine Hy., M. of Normanby, K.G., env. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 16, G. 1858. Hon. Hy. Geo. Howard, env. ext. and min. plen. Mar. 31, G. 1858. Hon. Rd. Bickerton Pemell Lyons, aft. Id. and vise. Lyons, env. ext. and min. plen. June 16. G. 1858. Hon. Peter Campbell Scarlett, c.b., a(/ain, env. ext. and min. plen. Dee. 13. G. Tuscany now forms pai"t of the Kingdom of Italy. See Italy. 116 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. TO VENICE. 1761. 1762. 1765. 1773. 1788. 1789. 1791. John Murray, resident. Chas. Compton, E. of Northampton, amb. ext. and min. plen. John Murrav , resident. Jas. Wright, aft. sir J., bt., resident. John Strange, resident. Oct. 19. Robt. Ritchie, ch. d'a Sir Fras. Vincent, bt., resident. Sept. 26 ; d. Aug. 1791. Wm. Lindsay, resident. Nov. .*>. 1793. Fras. Drake, resident. Jan. 19. — Sir Rd. Worsley, bt., resident. July 27. The republic of the Venetian States was wholly overthrown in 1797. The emperor of Germany took possession of these dominions in that year ; it being settled by a private article in the treaty of Campo Formio, that he accepted them in compensation for the Netherlands. Venice now forms part of the kingdom of Italy. See Italy. TO GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. The various states constituting geographical Germany have been from time to time united in various combinations for diplomatic purposes. Hence there is some difficulty in arranging the ambassadors under each separate state. Where an ambassador is accredited to one state where it was the custom to have a separate diplomatic representative, he will be found under that state, but where he is accredited to several states or to one of the confederations of German states, or was sent, as an exception, to one particular state generally associated with others, he should be searched for under the heading " German States and Con- federations" The name of each separate state mentioned in the credentials will be found both in the Table of Contents and in the Index. TO THE EMPERORS OF GERMANY PRIOR TO 1804. See " Austria," and " German States and Confederations." TO THE EMPIRE OF GERMANY AND THE KINGDOM OF PRUSSIA SINCE 1871. 1871. Lord Odo \Vm. Leopold Russell, amb. ext. and plen. to emp. of Germany and K. of Prussia. Oct. 16. 1878. Benj.E.of Beaconsfield, Robt. Arthur Talbot Gascoigno, M. of Salis- bury, and Id. Odo Wm. Loftus Russell, plens. to Congress at close of Russo-Turkish War. June 3. 1884. Sir Edw. Baldwin Malet, k.c.b., amb. ext. and plen. to emp. of Germany and K. of Prussia. Sept. 20. 1885. Garnet Jos., vise. Wolsoley, sp. miss, of congratulation. Dec. 30. TO AUSTRIA. Down to 1804 the ambassadors to Austria were accredited to the sove- reigns by their title of Emperors of Germany. Murray Keith, amb. 1763. David Murray, vise. Storniont, aft. E. of Mansfield, amb. May 7. 1772. Sir Robert Aug. 14. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 11 1790. Thomas, E. of Elgin, amb. ext. to congratulate Leopold II. on his accession to the throne. 1792. Thomas, E. of Elgin, amb. to the emp. Francis II. Aug. 18. 1793. Sir Morton Eden, aft. Id. Henley, env. ext. and niin. plen. 1794. George John, E. Spencer, amb. ext. on particular affairs. 1799. Gilbert, Id. Minto, env. ext, and min. plen. July 2. 1801. Hon. Arthur Paget, aft. sir A,, env. ext. and min. plen. Aug. 21. In 1804, the emperor Francis 11. became emperor of Austria only, and the ambassadors were thenceforward accredited to him and his successors as Emperors of Austria. 1805. Charles, E. of Harrington, ext. min. Nov. 28. 1806. Robt. Adair, aft. sir R., env. ext. and min. plen. May 7. 1807. Geo. Aug., E. of Pembroke and Montgomery, amb. May 14. 1809. Benj, Bathurst, ext. miss. Feb. 14. 1813. Geo. Hamilton Gordon, E. of Aberdeen, amb. July 29. — Hon. Fredk. Jas. Lamb, aft. sir F. and lord Beauvale, succ. as vise. Melbourne, min. plen., ad. int. Aug. C. Chas. Wm. Id. Stewart, aft. succ. as M. of Londonderry, amb. Robt., vise. Castlereagh, aft. M. of Londonderry, Rd. E. of Clancarty, Wm., E. Cathcart, and Chas. Wm. , Id. Stewart, plens. to the congress at Vienna. Aug. 11. Arthur, D. of Wellington, first plen. to the congress at Vienna. Jan. 18. Hon. Robt. Gordon, aft. sir R., min. plen. ad. int. Mar. 27. The same, ad. int. June 24. Robt., vise. Castlereagh, and Arthur, D. of Wellington, plens. to.the con- ference at Aix-la-Chapelle. Aug. 18. 1821. Hon. Robt. Gordon, «//«?n, min. plen. ad int. Jan. 19. — Arthur, D. of Wellington, plen. to the conference at Vienna. Sept. 9. 1822. The same, ext. miss. ; congress at Verona. Sept. 14. 1823. Sir Hy. Wellesley, aft. Id. Cowley, amb. Feb. 3. 1831. Hon. Fras. Reginald Forbes, min. -ple^.. ad. int. April 22. 1814. 1815. 1817. 1818. — Hon. sir Fredk. Jas. Lamb, again, amb. May 13. 1832. John Geo. Id., aft. E. of Durham, ext. miss, to Austria, Prussia, and Russia. Sept. 14. 1834. Hon. Wm. Thos. Horner Fox- Strangways, min. plen. ad. int. Oct. 8. 1835. Sir Chas. Bagot, sp. miss. April 7. — Hon. Hy. Edw. Fox, aft. Id. Holland, min. plen., ad. int. July 2. 1838. John Ralph Milbanke, aft. sir J. R. M. Huskisson, bt., min. plen. ad. int. Nov. 7. 1841. Sir Robt. Gordon, amb. Oct. 16. 1845. Arthur Chas. Magenis, aft. sir A., min. plen. , ad. int. June 18. 1846. John, vise. Ponsonby, amb. Aug. 10. 1849. A. C. Magenis, again, min. plen. , ad. int. April 20. 1851. John, E. of Westmoreland, env. ext. and min. plen. Jan. 27. 1855. Sir Geo. Hamilton Seymour, g.c.b., env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 23. 1855. Ld. John Russell, aft. E. Russell, sp. miss. Feb. 11. 1858. Ld. Aug. Wm. Fredk. Spencer Loftus, env. ext. and min. plen. March 31. 1859. Hy. Rd. Chas., E. Cowley, sp. miss. Feb. 23. 18G0. John Arthur Douglas, Id. Bloom- tield, G.C.B. , amb. ext. and plen. Nov. 22. 1871. Sir Andw. Buchanan, g.c.b., amb. h ext. and jDlen. Oci. l&.<^^^'^Al»iM;.tC]6\ 18771 V Sir Hy. Geo. Elliot, g.c.b., amb. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 31. 1884. Sir Aug. Berkeley Paget, g.c.b., amb. ext. and plen. Jan. 1. TO PRUSSIA. 1705. And. Mitchell, aft. sir A., env. ext. | 1771. Robt. Gunning, aft. sir R., bt. Dec. 13. I env. ext. Feb. 13. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1772. Jas. Harris, aft. Sir J., Id. and E. of Malmesbury, env. ext. Jan. 3. 1776. Hugh Elliot, env. ext. Oct. 13. 1782. Geo. Jas., E. of Cholmondeley, env. ext. June 14. — Sir John Stepney, bt., env. ext. Sept. 21. 1784. John, viae. Dalrymple, aft. E. of Stair, env. ext. 1788. Jos. Ewart, env. ext. Aug. 5. 1791. Sir I\Iorton Eden, aft. Id. Henley, env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 3. 1793. James, Id. Malmesbury, mjain, env. ext. and min. plen. 1795. Lord H. John Spencer, env^ ext. and min. plen. : d. July, 1795. — Thos., E. of Elgin, env. ext. and min. plen. Aug. 15. 1800. John Joshua. E. of Carysfort, env. ext. and min. plen. July 12. 1802. Eras. Jas. Jackson, env. ext. and min. plen. Oct. 24. 1805. Edwd. Thornton.aft. sir E., min. plen. to Denmark, the Hanse Towns, Lower Saxony. :Mecklenburg - Schwerin, and Mecklenburg - Strehtz. I\Iay 4. — Dudley, Id., aft. E. of Harrowby ; ext.' miss, to Prussia and Russia. Oct. 25. 1806. Ld. Granville Leveson Gower, aft. E. Granville, ext. miss. Jan. 8. Chas. , E. of Harrington, ext. miss, Jan. 9 Londonderrv, ext. miss., Dec. 27. 1815. Geo. Hy. Rose, aft. .sir G., env. ext. and min. plen. Sept. 10. 1822. Arthur, D. of Wellington, ext. miss. to the congress at Verona. Sept. 14. 1823. Rd. Meade, E. of Clanwilliam, env. ext. and min. plen. Feb. 3. 1827. Sir Brook Tavlor, env. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 28. 1830. Geo. Wm. Chad. env. ext. and min. plen. Sept. 20. 1832. Gilbert, E. of Minto. env. ex. and min. plen. Aug. 22. — John Geo., Id. Durham, aft. E. of Durham ; ext. miss, to Austria, Pi-ussia, and Russia. Sei)t. 14. 1834. Sir Geo. Shee, bt., env. ext. and min. plen. Oct. 31. 1835. Sir Robt. Adair, sp. miss. July 28. Lord Geo. Wm. Russell, env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 24. 1841. John, lord Burghersh, aft. E. of Westmoreland, env. ext. and mm. plen. Oct. 10. 1846. Hy. Fras. Howard, ch. d'a. ad int. Mav 28. 1851. Jno. Arthur Douglas, Id. Bloom- tield, env. ext. and min. plen. Apr. 28. 1860. Ld. Aug. Wm. Fredk. Spencer Loftus, env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 22. 1861. Jno., M. of Breadalbane, sp. miss. Feb. - J (1 r eu. ( . iis E. of Carlisle. Sept. 29. — John Hely, lord Hutchinson, succ. as E. of Donoughmore. Nov. 18. 1807. John Hookham Frere. env. ext. and min. plen. June 17. — Benj. Garlike, env. ext. and mm. plen, ad int. July 17. 1813. Hon. sir Chas. Wm. Stewart, aft. Id. Stewart, and j\I. of Londonderry, env. ext. and min. plen. Apr. 7. — Robt., vise. Castlereagh, aft. M. of K.G., K.C.B., amb. oxt. to K. of Prussia on coronation. Oct. 1. 1862. Sir And. Buchanan. K.c.n.. amb. ext. and plen. Oct. 28. 1864. Francis, Id. Napier, k^t., amb. ext. and plen. Sept. 15. 1866. Ld. A. V:. F. S. Loftus, k.cb., again, amb. ext. and plen. Jan. li). Accredited to N. Germ. Con- fed., Feb. 24, 1868. See " German States and Confederations." The North German Confederation was dissolved in 871, =»^'^ t'^'' ^^""i" ;,3?. ^J Germany was then founded, the king of Prussia bemg chosen emperon ^ '^'^. :;y^;^?. theTmblssadors have been accredited " to the emperor of Germany and kmg of 1 .uss.a. See Empire of Germany. TO WURTEMBURG, BADEN, AND HESSE-DARMSTADT See also " German States and Confederations." To WURTEMBURQ. 1803. John Spencer Smith, env. oxt. to the elector of Wurtemburg. Juno 25, G. The electorate of Wurlomburg was, by the provisions of the treaty of Prosburg, erected into a kingdom, and the eloctor, Frederick^ II., was procl. king. Jan. I, 1806 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 119 1814. Brook Taylor, aft. sir B., env. est. and min. plen. July 11. 1820. Alex. Cockburn, env. ext. and min. plen. Mar. 6. 1823. Hy. Watkin Williams Wynn, aft. sir H. , bt., env ext. and min. plen. Feb. 8, G. 1824. David Montagu, lord Erskine, env. ext. and min. plen. Sept. 10, G. 1828. Edwd. Cromwell Disbrowe, aft. sir E.. env. ext. and min. plen. Jan. 4, G. 1833. Lord Wm. Russell, min. plen. Not. 26. 1835. Sir Geo. Shee, bt., env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 24. For suhsequent Ambassadors see below. To WUETEMBUEG AND BaDEN. 1841. Sir Geo. Shee, bt., env. ext. and min. plen. to Wurtemburg, made also min. plen. to Baden. June 29. 1844. Sir Alex. Malet, bt., env. ext. and min, plen. Sept. 17. 1852. Arthur Chas. Magenis, aft. sir A., env. ext. and min. plen. Feb. 12. 1854. Hon, Geo. Sulyarde Stafford Jer- ningham, env. ext. and min. plen. May 20. 1859. Geo. Jno. Robt. Gordon, env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 11, G. To WUETEMBTTRG ONLY. 1871. Robt. Burnett David Morier. C.B., | 1881. Gerard Fras. Gould, C.B., min. res. aft. sir R., ch. d'a. July 18, G. : Apr. 16, G. 1872. Geo. Glynn Petre, ch. d'a. Feb. 13, j 1883. Sir Hy. Page Turner Barron, bt., G. I C.M.G., min. res. Oct. 1, G. To Baden and Hesse-Darmstadt. 1871. Evan Montagu Baillie,ch. d'a. Jly. 18. I 1878. Hon. "Wm. Nassau Jocelyn. ch. d'a. 1873. Fras. Clare Ford, aft. sir F., ch. Mar. 27. d'a. Oct. 11. I l6'f}.qc^^^euc.^h<.^<^^^_ TO BAVARIA. For Ambassadors prior to 1814, see " German States and Confederations." Diplomatic relations between England and the king of Bavaria were established at the close of the war in 1814. 1814. Geo. Hy. Rose, aft. sir G., env. ext. and min. plen. Jan. 31. 1815. Hon. Fredk. Jas. Lamb, aft. sir F., and lord Beauvalc ; succ. as vise. Melbourne, env. ext. and min. plen. July 25, G. 1820. Brook Taylor, aft. sir B., env. ext. and min. plen. Mar. 6. 1828. David Montagu, lord Erskine, env. ext. and min. plen. Jan. 4. 1843. John Ralph Milbanke, aft. sir J. R. M. Huskisson, bt., env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 24. 1862. Lord Aug. Wm. Freak Spencer Loftus, K.C.B.. env. ext. min. plen. Oct. 28. and 1866. Sir Hy. Fras. Howard, k.c.b., env. ext. and min. plen. Jan. 19. 1872. Robt. Burnett David Morier. C.B., aft. sir R., ch. d'a. Jan. 30. 1876. Maj.-Gen. Edwd. Stanton. c.B.,aft. sir E. , ch. d'a. May 10. 1882. Hugh Guiou Macdonell, ch. d'a. Feb. 23. 1885. Victor Arthur Wellington Drum- mond, ch. d'a. Nov. o.T^^uMi,tJfum(,f^ii^«. 120 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. TO HANOVER. Hanover was separated from the crown of Great Britain by the demise of his Britannic Majesty, William IV., June 20, 1837, and Ernest, duke of Cumberland, ascended the throne. 1838. Hon. John Duncan Bligh, env. ext. and min. plen. May 2. 1857. Sir Jno. Fiennes Twistleton Cramp- ton, bt., K.C.H., env. ext. and min. plen. Mar. 2. 1858. Geo. Jno. Robt. Gordon, env. ext. and min. plen. Mar. 31. 1859. Hy. Fras. Howard, env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 11. 18(36. Sir Chas. Lennox Wyke, k.c.b., env. ext. and min. plen. Jan. 19. Mission ceased on annexation of Hanover to Prussia, Sept. 186(3. TO THE HANSE TOWNS. See also " Gterman States and Confederations." 1805. Edwd. Thornton, aft. sir E., resi- dent, and min. plen. to Denmark, Lower Saxony, INIecklenburg- Schwerin, and Mecklenburg- Strelitz. Feb. 22, G. 1813. Alex. Cockburn, sp. miss. Mar. 1815. The same, env. ext. to the Hanse Towns and Lower Saxony. May 2, G. 1836. Hy. Canning, eh. d'a. to the Hanse Towns and to Lower Saxony. Nov. 29. 1841. Colonel Lloyd Hodges, ch. d'a. July 31. 1860. Jno. Ward, ch. d'a. July 1, G. Min. res., Oct. 30, 1861. * * Philip Stanhopi 1762. Robt. Colebrooke, resident. 1763. Ralph Woodford, resident. Alar. 22. 1772. Emmanuel Matthias, resident. Aug. 14. 1790. Chas. Hy. Fraser, resident, and min. plen. to Lower Saxony. Aug. 13. 1798. Sir Jas. Craufurd, bart., resident, and min. plen. to Lower Saxony. July 28. 1803. Sir Geo. Berriman Rumbold, bart., resident. Seized by the French government, and conveyed to Paris, Oct. 25, 1804 ; rest, to liberty, and arrived in London, Nov. 18, following. TO SAXONY. Electorate. * * David Murray, vise. Stormont, aft. E. of Mansfield, env. ext. 1764. Philip Stanhope, env. ext. Apr. 3. 1768. Robt. Murray Keith, aft. sir R., env. ext. Nov. 27. 1771. John Osborne, env. ext. Feb. 11. 1775. Sir John Stepney, bart.. env. ext. Nov. 30. 1783. Morton Eden, aft. sir M., and lord Henley, onv. ext. 1789. The same, min. plen. 1791. Hugh Elliot, env. ext. and uiin. plen. Nov. 13. 1803. Hy. Watkin Williams Wynn, aft. sir H., bt., env. ext. Juno 26. Kingdom. Saxony was erected into a kingdom, conformably with the treaty of Posen (signed Dec. 11, 1806) between Franco and Frederick Augustus, the then elector, aft. king. 1816. John Philip Morior, env. oxt. Jan. 5. 1824. Geo. Wm. Chad, min. plen. Dec. 11. 1828. Edwd. Michael Ward, min. plen. Feb. 12. G. 1832. Hon. Fras. Reginald Forbes, min. })leu. Nov. 26. 1842. ThoH., E. of Wilton, env. ext. and min. plen., sp. miss. Sopt. 24. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 121 1857. Hon. Fras. Reginald Forbes again, env. ext. and min. plen. May 2. 1858. Angs. Berkeley Paget, aft. sir A., env. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 13. 1859. Hon. Chas. Augs. Murray, c.b., aft. sir C, env. ext. and min. plen, June 6. 1866. Jno. Savile Lumley, aft. sir J., env. ext. and min. plen. June 16. 1867. Josh. Hume Burnley, eh. d'a. Dec. 9. 1873. Geo. Strachey, ch. d'a. Oct. 25. For Am/xissadors to Loioer Saxony see " German States and Confederations." TO THE SEVERAL GERMAN STATES AND CONFEDE- RATIONS DETAILED BELOW. See Introduction to " Germany and Austria." 1763. Philip Stanhope, env. ext. to the 1796. diet of the empire. Mar. 22. — Jas. Porter, aft. sir J., min. plen. to the emp. of Germany's court at Brussels. May 7. 1764. Wm. Gordon, aft. sir \Vm., min. i plen. to the diet of Ratisbon. i — April 3 ; min. plen. to the emp's i Court at Brussels. Nov. 23, | 1765. I 1765. Fulke Greville, env. ext. to the elec- ' 1799. tor of Bavaria, and min. plen. to the diet of Ratisbon. Nov. 23. 1769. Lewis de Visme, min. plen. to the j 1800. elector of Bavaria and diet of '• Ratisbon. 1773. Hugh Elliot, min. plen. to the elec- 1801. tor of Bavaria, and min. to the diet of Ratisbon. Dec. 24. 1776. Morton Eden. aft. sir M., and lord 1802. Henley, to the same. Oct. 31. 1777. Alleyne " Fitzherbert, aft. lord St, Helens, min. at Brussels. Mar. 4. 1779. Rd. Cakes, min. to the diet of Ratis- bon. 1805. 1780. Hon. John Trevor, min. plen. to the elector palatine, and min. to the diet of Ratisbon. April 7. 1781. Ralph Heathcote, min. plen. to the elector of Cologne, &c. Mar. 3. 1783. George Byng, vise. Torrington, env. ext. to the emp's. court at Brus- 1815. sels. — Robert, vise. Galway, env. ext. to the elect, pal., and min. to the 181/ diet of Ratisbon. Feb. 22. — Hon. Thos. Walpole, env. ext. to the elect, pal. Nov. 19 ; env. ext. and plen. to same. 1788. 1820. 1790 Chas. Hy. Fraser. min. plen. to the circle of Lower Saxony, and res. 1823. at the Hanse Towns. Aug. 14. ! 1792. Thos. E. of Elgm, env. ext. to the i emp's. court at Brussels. Aug. 1824. 18. I Wm. Elliot, min. plen. to the elect, pal., and min. to the diet of Ratis- bon. Hon. Arthiir Paget, aft. sir A., env. ext. to the elect, pal., and min. to the diet of Ratisbon. May 22. Sir Jas. Craufurd, bart. , min. plen. to the circle of Lower Saxony, and res. at the Hanse Towns. July 28. Fras. Drake, env. ext. to the same, and min. to the diet of Ratisbon. June 11. The same, to the elect, pal., new cre- dentials, and env. ext. to the diet of Ratisbon. May. Brook Taylor, aft. sir B., min. plen. to Hesse-Cassel and to the elect. of Cologne. Aug. 4. Fras. Drake, min. plen. to the elect, pal., in addition to his former character. July 1 ; min. plen. to the diet of Ratisbon, Feb. 27, 1803. Hon. Wm. Hill, env. ext. and plen. to the circle of Franconia. Mar. 1. Edw. Thornton, aft. sir E., min. plen. to Denmark, the Hanse Towns, and the circle of Lower Saxony, to Mecklenburgh-Schwerin, and to Mecklenburgh Strelitz. May 4. Alex. Cockbuj-n, env. ext. to the Hanse Towns and to Lower Sax- ony. June 1. Hon. Fredk. Jas. Lamb, aft. sir F., and lord Beauvale ; succ. as vise. Melbourne, min. plen. to the Germ. Confed. Nov. 28. The same, env. ext. and min. plen. Apr. 17, G. Geo. Hamilton Seymour, aft. sirG., ch. d'a., ad. int., to the Germ. Confed. Oct. 7. Hon. Fredk. Cathcart, min. plen. to the Germ. Confed. Jan. 15, G. 122 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1826. Hon. F. Cathcart, min. plen. to Hesse-Cassel. Feb. 2. 1827. John Ralph Milbanke, aft. sir J. R. M. Huskisson.bt., ch. d'a., adint., to the same. 3Iar. 20. 1828. Hy. Unwin Addington, min. plen. to the Germ. Confed. and to Hesse- Cassel. Feb. 18. 1829. Geo. Wm. Chad, min. plen. to the Germ. Confed. and to Hesse- Cassel. July 30, G. 1830. Thos. Cartwrigbt, aft. sir T., min. plen. to the Germ. Confed. Nov. 3, G. 1831. The same, min. plen. to Hesse-Cassel. Jan. 14. 1836. Hy. Canning, ch. d'a. to the Hanse Towns and to Lower Saxony. 1838. Hon. Hy. Edwd. Fox, aft. lord Holland, min. plen. to the Germ. Confed. Apr. 17, G. — The same, to Hesse-Cassel. May 2. 1838. Hon. Ralph Abercromby. min. plen. to the Germ. Confed. Dec. 0, G. — The same to Hesse-Cassel. July 25. 1840. Hon. Wm. Thos. Horner Fox Strang- ways. env. ext. and min. plen. to the Germ. Confed, and min. plen. to Hesse-Cassel. Mar. 17. G. 1841. Hon.Fras. Reginald Forbes. min.plen. to Saxe Coburg Gotha. June 29. 1843. Hon. Fras. Geo. Molyneux, oh. d'a. to the Germ. Confed. Jan. 24. 1847. John, E. of Westmoreland, min. plen. 1848. 1851. 1852. 1853. 1868. to Mecklenburgh-Schwerin, and to Mecklenburgh-Strelitz. Apr. 20. Hon. John Duncan Bligh, min. plen. to Oldenburg. Apr. 20. The same, min. plen. to Brunswick. Oct. 15. John,E. of Westmoreland, min. plen. to Anhalt Dessau. Oct. 15. Hon. Fras. Reginald Forbes, min. plen. to Saxe Weimar Eisenach, Saxe Altenburg, and Saxe Meinin- gen. Oct. 15. Hon. Wm. Thos. Homer Fox Strang- ways, min. plen. to Hesse-Darm- stadt, and to Nassau. Oct. 15. Sir Stratford Canning, aft Vise. Stratford de Redcliii'e, ext. miss. to Belgium, Germany. Greece, and Switzerland. Nov. 26. Hy. Rd. Chas.,ld., aft. E. Cowley. sp. miss, to Germ. Confed. without credentials. July 29. Env. ext. and min. plen. to Germ. Confed. May 12, 1851. Hon. Rd. Edwardes, ch. d"a. to Germ. Confed. Dee. 13. Sir Aloxr. Malet, bart., env. ext. and min. plen. to Germ. Confed. Feb. 12. Hon. Rd. Edwardes, arinin, ch. d'a. to Germ. Confed. June 11.* Lord Aug. Wm. Fredk. Spencer Loftus, amb. ext. and plen. to N. Germ. Confed. Feb. 24, G.t * The mission to the Gennanic Confederation ceased in 1866 in consequence of the Austro-Prussian war ; the Confederation vras then dissolved, and Frankfort annexed to Prussia. t The North German Confederation was established in April 1867. It ceased in 1871 on the foi-mation of the German Empire. See " Empire of Germunij." TO THE NETHERLANDS, &c. * * Hon. Jos. Yorkc, aft. Sir J. ; env. ext. and plen. 1784. Sir Jas. Harris, aft. lord and E. of Malmesbury, env. ext. and plen. to the states-general of the United Provinces. July 3. 1788. The same, amb. ext. and plen. to the states-general, &c. Feb. 8. 1789. Alleyno Fitzherbert, aft. lord St. Helens, env. ext. and plen. to the states-general, &c. May 16. — Wm. Eden, lord Auckland, amb. to the states-general. &(;. Nov. 28. 1790. Lord Hy. John Si)oncer. min. plen., till int. , to their high mightinesses. April 7. 1793. Hon. Wm. Eliot, aft. lord Eliot and E. of St. Germans, min. plen., ml int. 1794. Alleyne, lord St. Helens, env. ext. and plen. 1802. Robt. Liston, aft. sir R.. env. and min. plen. to the Batavi.nn re- public. Aug. 14. 1813. Rd., E. of Clancarty. amb. to the pr. of Orange. Nov. 25. 1814. Sir Chas. Stuart, aft. lord Stuart de Rothesav, amb. to the pr. of Orange. Oct. 8, G. 1815. Sir Chas. Stuart, aft. lord Stuart de Rothesay, amb. to the Low Countries. Jhir. 21. — John James, min. plen.. ml int. Jane 29. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 123 1816. Rd., E. of Claiicartv, again, amb. May 23, G. 1819. Geo. Wm. Chad, min. plen.. ad int. Mar. 23. 1824. Granville, vise, aft. E. Granville, amb. Feb. 14. — Andrew Snape Douglas, min. plen., ad int. Oct. G. — Sir Chas. Bagot, amb. Nov. 27. 1829. Thos. Cartwright, aft. sir Thos., min. plen., ad int. July 28. 1832. Hon. John Duncan Bligh, min. plen. ad int. June 10. 1833. Hon. Geo. Sulyarde Stafford Jern- ingham, ch. d'a. 1835. Sir Edw. Cromwell Disbrowe, env. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 30. 1851. Hon. sir Ralph Abercromby, aft. lord Dunfermline, env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 26. 1858. Francis, lord Napier, env. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 15. 1860. Sir Andrew Buchanan, k.c.b., env. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 11. 1862. Sir Jno. Ralph Milbanke, aft. sir J. R. M. Huskisson, bt., env. ext. and min. plen. Oct. 28. 1867. V. adm., aft. adm. hon. Edw. Alf. Jno. Harris, C.B., env. ext. and min. plen. Aug. 22. 1877. Hon. Wm. Stuart, c.u., aft. Sir Wm., K.c.M.G. , env. ext. and min. plen. Oct. 31. 1879. The same to K. Netherlands, as Gr. D. of Luxembourg. Nov. 27, G. 1888. Sir Horace Rumbold, bt., k.c.m.g., env. ext. and min. plen. Feb. 1. 4'~ ?C''<'-^. TO BELGIUM. From the separation of Belgium from the kingdom of the Netherlands, and the establishment of a distinct monarchy, 1830-31. 1830. John, vise. Ponsonby, sp. miss, to Prov. Gov. Dec. 1. i831. Sir Robt. Adair, sp. miss. Aug. 3. 1832. Col. hon. John Hobart Caradoc, aft. succ. as baron Howden, military sp. miss. Nov. 15. 1835. Hy. Lytton Bulwer, aft. sir Hy., and Id. Dalling and Bulwer, ch. d'a. Dec. 3. 1836. Sir Geo. Hamilton Seymour, env. ext. and min. plen. April 4. 1845. Thos. Wathen Waller, ch. d'a. Oct. 18. 1846. Chas. Aug., lord Howard de Wal- den and Seaford, env. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 10. 1856. 1866. 1868. 1878. 1883. 1884. Sir Stratford Canning, aft. vise. Stratford de Redcliffe, ext. miss. to Belgium, Germany, Greece, and Switzerland. Nov. 26. Jno. Fane, E. of Westmoreland, sp. miss. July 16. Jno. Robt., E. Sydney, sp. miss. Feb. 7. Jno. Savile Lumley, aft. Sir J., env. est. and min. plen. Oct. 19. Geo., vise. Torrington, sjd. miss. Aug. 12. Sir Edwd. Baldwin Malet, env. ext. and min. plen. Aug. 29. Hon. Hussey Crespigny Vivian, c.b. aft. Lord Vivian, k.c.m.g., env. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 15. TO SPAIN. * * Geo. Wm. Hervey, E. of Bristol, ambassador. 1763. John Montagu, E. of Sandwich, amb. Feb. 19. — Wm. Hy. Nassau, E. of Rochford, amb. June 18. 1766. Sir Jas. Gray, bt., amb. Nov. 25. 1770. Geo. Pitt, aft. lord Rivers, amb. Feb. 19. 1771. Thos.. Id. Grantham, amb. Jan. 25. — Jas, Harris, aft. sir J., and lord and E. of ]Malmesbury, min. plen, ad. int. Feb. 22. 1783. John, vise. Mountstuart, aft. E. and M. of Bute, amb. Mar. 12. — Philip, E. of Chesterfield, amb. Dec. 31. 1784. Robt. Listen, aft. sir R., min. plen., ad int. 1787. William Eden, aft. lord Auckland, amb. Aug. 18. 1789. Chas. Hy. Fraser, min. plen. ad int. July 18. 124 1794. 1795. 1802. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1813. 1820. 1822. 1825. 1829. 1832. 1833, 1835 1839 1840 1843 Sir Morten Eden, aft. lord Henley, I amb. Mar. 15. John, E., aft. M. of Bute, again, amb. Apr. 23. John Hookham Frore, env. ext. and min. plen. Sept. 20. Rd., Marq. Wellcsley, amb. June 9. Bartholomew Frere, min. plen., ad int. Sept. 17. Hon. Hy. Wellesley, aft. sir H., and Id. Cowley, env. ext. and min. plen. Jan. 3 ; amb., Oct. 1, 1811. Chas. Rd. Vaughan, aft. Sir C, min. plen., ad int. July 16. Lionel Hervey, min. plen., ad int. Nov. 25. Sir Wm. A'Court, aft. lord Heytes- bury, env. ext. and min. plen. AuR. 8. Hon. Fredk. Jas. Lamb, aft. sir F., and lord Beauvalc, succ. as vise. ^lelbourne ; env. ext. and min. plen. Feb. 18. Hy. Unwin Addington, env. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 7. Sir Stratford Canning, aft. vise. Stratford de Redcliffc, sp. miss. Dec. 13. Hon. Geo. \\'m. Fredk. Yilliers, aft. sir G., succ. as E. of Clarendon ; env. ext. and min. plen. Sept. 5. Lord Elliot, military miss. Hon. Geo. Sulyarde Stafford Jer- ningham, ch. d'a. Oct. 18. Arthur Aston, aft. sir A., env. ext. and mill. plen. Feb. 13. Hy. Lytton Bulwer, aft. Sir H., and id. Dalling and Buhver, env. ext. and min. \>\cn. Nov. 25. In 1850. 1858. 1860. 1869. 1878. 1884. t^ik. May 1848, Mr. Balwer was or- dered by the Spanish govern- ment to quit Madrid within forty-eight hours, on the alleged ground of his improper inter- ference in the internal affairs of the kingdom. The minister of Spain in London (M. Isturiz) was, in consequence, informed by the British government that he could not be allowed to continue at the court of Great Britain as minister from the Q. of Spain. M. Isturiz took his departure, therefore, from London on the 14th Jane following ; and diplomatic rela- tions were not renewed between the two countries until April 1850 ; when lord Howden was appointed British minister to the court of Madrid, and M. Isturiz returned to the court of London. John Hobart, lord Howden, env. ext. and min. plen. May 9. Andrew Buchanan, c.H., aft. sir A., env. ext. and min. plen. Mar. 31. Sir Jno. Fiennes Twistleton Cramp- ton, bt., K.r.B., env. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 11. Austen Hy Layard, aft. Sir A., env. ext. and min. plen. Oct. 23. Hon. Lionel Sackville Sackville West, aft. sir L., env. ext. and min. plen. Jan. 11. Robt. Burnett David Morier, c.n., aft. sir R., env. ext. and min. plen. June 22. Fras. Clare Ford, c.b., c.m..g, aft. sir F.,env. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 15 ; amb. ext. and plen. Dec. 8, 1887. TO PORTUGAL. * * Hon. Edw. Hay, env. ext. and min. plen. 1766. Wm. Hy. Lyttleton, aft. lord Westcote, env. ext. and min. plen. Oct. 25. 1771. Hon. Robt. Walpole, env. ext. and min. plen. June 12. 1786. W^m. Fawkener, env. ext. and mm. plen. , for negotiating commercial affairs in conjunction with the hon. Robt. Walpoie. Oct. 4. 1800. John Hookham Frere, env. ext. and and min. plen. Oct. 14. 1802. Lord Robt. Stephen I<'it/.gerald, env. ext. and min. plen. Sept. 25. 1806. James, E. of Rosslyn, John, E. of St. Vincent, and gen. Simcoe ;ext. miss. Aug. 9. 1814. Percy Clinton, vise. Strangford,min. plen., ad int. Dec. 1. Env. ext. and min. jilen. Apr. 16, 1808. Vise. Strangford went to the Brazils on the court of Portugal going thither. John Chas. Villiers, env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 27. Chas. Stuart, aft. sir C. and lord Stuart de Rothesay, env. ext. and min. plen. Jan. 10. Thos. Sydenham, env. ext. and min. plen. May 26. George Canning, amb., to congratu- late the king on his return to his European dominions. Oct. 17. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 123 1817. Edw. Thornton, aft. sir Ed., env. ext. and min. plen. July 29. Mr. Thornton went to the Brazils same year. 1819. The same, amb. pro tern. Apr. 12. 1820. Edw. Michael Ward, ch. d'a. Mar. 6. 1823. Sir Edw. Thornton, again, env. ext. and min. plen. Aug. 7. 1824. Sir Wm. A'Court, aft. lord Heytes- bury, amb. Aug. 16. 1825. Sir Chas. Stuart, aft. lord Stuart de Rothesay, sp. miss. Mar. 14. 1827. Sir Fredk. Jas. Lamb, aft. lord Beau- vale ; succ. as vise. Melbourne, amb. Dec. 28. 1833. Lord Wm. Russell sp. miss. Aug. 7. — Chas. Augs. , lord Howard de Wal- den, aft. lord Howard de Walden and Seaford, env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 26. 1847. Sir Geo. Hamilton Seymour, env. ext. and min. plen. Feb. 2. 1851. Sir Rd. Pakenham, env. ext. and min. plen. Apr. 28. Sp. miss. Aug. 17, 1855. 1855. Hy. Eras. Howard, aft. Sir H., env. ext. and min. plen. Oct. 10. 1858. Jno. Alexr., M. of Bath, env. ext. and min. plen., sp. miss. Apr. 27. 1859. Sir Arthur Chas. Magenis, k.c.b., env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 11. 1865. Wm. Philip, E. of Sefton. sp. miss. Apr. 17. 1866. Sir Aug. Berkeley Paget, k.c.b., env. ext. and min. plen. June 9. 1867. Edwd. Thornton, c.b., aft. Sir E., env. ext. and min. plen. Sept. 3. 1867. Hon. Sir Chas. Aug. Murray, k.c.b., env. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 13. 1874. Edwd. Robt., Id., aft. E. Lytton, env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 26. 1876. Robt. Burnett David Morier, c.b., aft. sir R., env. ext. and min. plen. Mar. 1. 1881. Sir Chas. Lennox Wyke, G.c.M.a., K.C.B., env. ext. and min. plen. June 22. 1884. Geo. Glynn Petre, env. ext. and min, plen. Jan. 16. ^/< ^" -je-^c, ^ r « f TO RUSSIA. * * Robt. Murray Keith, aft. sir R., env. ext. 1762. John, E. of Buckinghamshire, amb. ext. and min. plen. July 17. 1764. Sir Geo., aft. Id., vise, and E., Ma- cartney, env. ext. Aug. 31. 1766. Hans Stanley, amb. ext. and min. plen. Aug. 12. 1767. Sir Geo. Macartney, again, amb. ext. and min. plen. Oct. 14. 1768. Chas. Shaw, lord Cathcart, amb. ext. and min. plen. Feb. 23. 1771. Robt. Gunning, aft. sir R., bt., env. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 13. 1776. Sir Jas. Harris, aft. Id., and E. of Malmesbury, env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 30. 1783. AUeyne Fitzherbert, aft. Id. St. Helens, env. ext. and min. plen. Aug. 19. 1788. Chas. Whitworth, aft. sir C, and Id., vise, and E. Whitworth, env. ext. and min. plen. Oct. 13. 1790. Wm. Fawkener, env. ext. and min. plen, ad int. 1801. Alleyne, Id. St. Helens, amb. to the emp. Alexander on his accession. Apr. 24. — Benj. Garlike, min. plen., ad int. July 13. 1802. Sir John Borlase Warren, bt., amb. Sept. 5. 1804. 1806. 1806. 1813. 1817. 1820. 1822. 1824. Lord Granville Leveson Gower, aft. E. Granville, amb. Aug. 10. Wm. Shaw, Id., aft. vise, and E., Cathcart, amb. Nov. 28. Dudley, Id., aft. E. of Harrowby; ext. miss, (and to Prussia). Nov. 28. Lord G. L. Gower, again, amb. May 17. Alex., M. of Douglas and Clydes- dale, succ. as D. of Hamilton, amb. May 28. Wm. Shaw, vise. Cathcart, amb. July 25. Horatio, Id. Walpole, succ. as E. of Orford, min. plen., ad int. Aug. 4. Robt., vise. Castlereagh, succ. as M. of Londonderry, sp. miss. Dec. 27. Lewis Casamajor. min, plen., ad int. July 5. Sir Chas. Bagot, amb. May 23. Lt. -col. hon. Fredk. Cathcart, min. plen., ad int. Arthur, D. of Wellington, ext. miss. to the congress of Verona. Sept. 14. Edwd. Michael Ward, min. plen., ad int. June 30. Stratford Canning, aft. sir S. and vise. Stratford de Redcliffe, sp. miss. Dec. 8. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 126 1825. Edwd. Cromwell Disbrowe, aft. sir E., min. plen., arf int. Feb. 23. 182.5. Percy Clinton, vise. Strangford, amb. Oct. 10. I 1826. Arthur, D. of Wellington, again, | sp. miss. Feb. 6. ; \Vm. Spencer, D. of Devonshire, sp. j embassy, coronation of the emp. ' Nicholas. May 5. I Edwd. Cromwell Disbrowe, again, i min. plen., ad int. May 31. I 1828. Hon. Wm. Temple, min. plen., ad int. Jan. 4. i _ Wm. lord Heytesbury. amb. June 7. | 1832. John Geo., lord, aft. E. of Durham, est. miss, to Austria, Russia, and | Prussia. July 3. 1832. Hon. John Duncan Bligh, min. plen., I ad int. Sept. 3. 1835. JohnGeo.,E. of Durham, amb. July 8. | 1836. John Ralph Milbanke, aft. sir J. R. i M., min. plen., ad int. Sept. 29. 1838. Ulick John M. of Clanricarde, amb. Oct. 6. 1840. Hon. John Arthur Douglas Bloom- field, aft. Id. Bloomfield, min. plan., ad int. IVIar. 28. 1841. Chas. , lord Stuart de Rothesay, amb. Oct. 16. 1844. 1851. J. A, D., Id. Bloomfield, again, env. ext. and min. plen. Mar. 9. Sir Geo. Hamilton Seymour, cnv. ext. and min. plen. Apr. 28. Dipl. rel. suspended Feb. 1854, till termination of Crimean war. 1856. Jno., Id. Wodehouse, env. ext. and min. plen. May 4. 1856. Geo. Granville, E. Granville, amb. ext. to emp. Alexander II. on coronation. 1858. Sir Jno. Fiennes Twistleton Cramp- ton, bart., K.c.B. , env. ext. and min. plen. Mar. 31. 1860. Francis, lord Napier, amb. ext. and plen. Dec. 11. Hon. Sir Andrew Buchanan, k.c.b., amb. ext. and min. plen. Sept. 15. Lord Aug. Wm. Fredk. Spencer Loftns, G.O.B., amb. ext. and plen. Oct. 16. Fredk. Temple Hamilton, E. of Dufferin, k.p., g.c.m.g., k.c.b., amb. ext. and plen. Feb. 8, G. 1881. Sir Edwd. Thornton, k.c.b., amb. ext. and plen. May 26. 1884. Sir Robt. Burnett David Morier, k.c.b., amb. ext. and plen. Dec. 1. 1864. 1871. 1879. IM: VfCe.; ir.^^ k'^.f^^.')titni,. TO POLAND. * * Thos. Wroughton, aft. sir T., min. plen. 1778. Rd. Oakes, min. plen. June 10. 1779. Jas. Hare, min. pl<;n. Oct. 19. 1782. John, vise. Dalrymple, aft. E. of Stair, min. plen. Jan. 5. 1784. Chas. Whitworth, aft. sir C, Id., vise, and E. Whitworth, min. plen. June 25. 1788. Daniel Hailes, min. plen. Sept. 13. 1791. Wm. Gardiner, min. plen. Dec. 14. Poland was finally partitioned by Russia. Austria, and Prussia, in 1795. SWEDEN. SWEDEN AND NORWAY. To Sweden. 1773. 1776. 1778. 1787. 1788. 1795. 1802. Sir John Goodricke, bt., env. ext. Lewis de Visme, env. ext. Nov. 29 ; d. 1776. Horace St. Paul, env. ext. Oct. 31. Thos. Wroughton, aft. sir T. , env. ext. June 10. Min. plen., Apr. 27, 1787 ; d. Sept. this year. Chas. Keene, ch. d'a. Sept. 22. Robt. Listen, aft. sir R., min. plen. Sept. 13. Lord Uy. John Spencer, env. ext July 13. Daniel Hailes, min. plen. July 11. Chas. Arbuthnot, cnv. ext. Sept. 5. 1804. 1807. 1811, 1812 Hon. Hy. Man vers Pierrepont, env. ext. and min. plen. Apr. 20. Alexr. Straton, env. exl. and min. plen. Jan. 19. Hon. Hy. M. Pierrepoint, again, sp. miss. May. Edwd. Thornton, aft. sir E., cnv. oxt. and min. plen. Dec. 10. Anthy. Merry, env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 1. Edwd.Thornton,o_7rti»i,sp. miss. Oct. Edwd. Thornton again, env. ext. and min. plen. Aug. 5. Norway united to Sweden. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. To Sweden and Norway. 1817. Percy Clinton, vise. Strangford, env. est. and min. plan. July. 18. 1820. Wm. Fitzgerald Vesey Fitzgerald, aft. Id. Fitzgerald and Vesci, env. est. and min. plen. Aug. 7. 1823. Sir Benj. Bloomfield, aft. lord Bloom- field, env. ext. and min. plen. Apr. 24. 1832. Ghas. Aug., Id. Howard de Wal- den, aft. Id. Howard de Walden and Seaford, env. ext. and min plen. Sept. 21. 1833. Sir Edwd. Cromwell Disbrowe, env. ext. and min. plen. Nov 26. 1835. Hon. John Duncan Bligh, env. ext and min plen. Nov. 3. 1838. Sir Thos. Cartwright, env. ext. and min. plen. Oct. 6. 1850. Geo. John Robt. Gordon, ch. d'a., May 2, during absence of sir T. Cartwright. 1851. Sir Edmd. Lyons, bt., aft. Id. Lyons, env. ext. and min. plen. Jan. 27. 1853. Hon. Geo. Sulyarde Stafford Jerning- ham, env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 23 ; (appt. cancelled). 1854. Arthur Chas. Magenis, aft. sir A., env. ext. and min. plen. May 20. 1859. Augs. Berkeley Paget, aft. sir A., env. ext. and min. plon. June 6. Note. — This appointment was can- celled and A. C. Magenis remained until 1859. Hon. Geo. Sulyarde Stafford Jerning- ham, af/aiii, env. ext. and min plen. Nov. 11. 1872. Hon. Edwd. Morris Erskine, env. ext. and min. plen. July 24. 1881. Sir Horace Rumbold, bt., env. ext. and min. plen. Apr. 1. 1884. Edwin Corbett, env. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 24. 1888. Hon. Eras. Rd. Plunkett. Apr. x^J-' TO DENMARK. 1763. Dudley Alex. Sydney Cosby, aft. Id. Sydney, of Leix, in Ireland, resident. Sept. 10. 1765. Wm. Gordon, aft. sir W., bt., env. ext. June 29. — Robt. Gunning, aft. sir R., resident. Nov. 23. 1771. Robt. Murray Keith, aft. sir R., env. ext. Feb. 13. 1772. Ralph Woodford, env. ext. Aug. 14. 1774. Daniel de Laval, resident. July 15. Env. ext., June 10, 1778. 1779. Morton Eden, aft. sir M., and Id. Henley, env. ext. Mar. 17. 1782. Hugh Elliot, env. ext. and aft. min. plen. 1791. Daniel Hailes, env. ext. Dec. 14. 1795. Lord Robt. Stephen Fitzgerald, env. ext. and min. plen. July 7. 1800. Chas., Id., aft. vise, and E. Whit- worth, ext. miss. Aug. 1. 1803. Sir Jas. Craufurd, env. ext. and min. plen. Feb. 27. — Robt. Listen, aft, sir R., ext. miss. June 23. 1804. Benj. Garlike, env. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 31. 1805. Edwd. Thornton, aft. sir E., min. plen. to Denmark, the Hanse Towns, Lower Saxony, Mecklen- burg-Schwerin, and Mecklenburg- Strelitz. May 4. 1807. Brook Taylor, aft. sir B., env. ext. and min. plen., ad int. July 17. — Fras. Jas. Jackson, env. ext. and min. plen., ud int. July 24. 1807. Anthy. Merry, env. ext. and min. plen. Oct. 3. 1812. Edwd. Thornton, again, env. ext. and min. plen. July 5. 1813. Gen. hon. Alexr. Hope, env. ext. and min. plen. Jan. 15. 1814. Aug. John Foster, aft. sir A., env. ext. and min. plen. May 19. 1824. Hy. Watkin Williams Wynn, aft. sir H., bt., env. ext. and min. plen. Sei^t. 14. 1853. Andrew Buchanan, aft. sir A. , env. ext. and min. plen. Feb. 9. 1858. Hon. Hy. Geo. Elliot, aft. Sir H., env. est. and min. plen. Mar. 31. 1859. Augs. Berkeley Paget, aft. sir A., env. ext. and min. plen. July 4. 18(33. Jno., Id. Wodehouse, aft. E. of Kimberley, sp. miss, to congrat. K. Christian IX. on his accession. Dec. 9. 1866. Hon. Chas. Aug. Murray, c.u., aft. sir C, env. ext. and min. jjlen. June 9. 1867. Sir Chas. Lennox Wyke, K.c.n. , env. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 16. 1881. Hon. Hussey CresjDigny Vivian, C.B., env. ext and min, plen. July 1. 1884. Hon. Edmund Jno Monson,c.u., aftj sir E., env. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 29. 1888. Hugh Guion Macdonell, env. ext. and min. plen. Feb. 1. '-^JuM^jl', 128 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. TO THE DANUBIAN PRINCIPALITIES OF MOLDAVIA AND WALL AC HI A. United in 1861 under the name of ROUMANIA. 1851. Robt. Gilmour Colquhoun, aft. sir R., agent and C.G. Nov. 18. 1859. Jno. Green, aft. sir J., agent and C.G. July 17. 1874. Hon. Hussey Chas. Vivian, agent and C.G. Feb. 16. 1876. Lt.-col. Chas. Edw. Mansfield, agent and C.G. May 10. 1878. Wm. Arthur White, c.b., aft. sir W., agent and C.G. July 1- Env. ext. and min. plen., Feb. 20, 1880. G. 1882. Percy Sanderson, apptd. C.G. and Commr. for Danube arrange- ments. Jan. 1. G. 1887. Sir Frank Cavendish Lascelles, K.C.M.G., env. ext. and min. plen. Jan. 1. I^ai. SiA Hc^ Jv^ •>..,%<,. U/ffAoi^/^rM-f TO BULGARIA. 1879. Wm. Gifford Palgrave, agent and C.G. June 20. 1879. Frank Cavendish Lascelles, aft. sir F., agent and C.G. Nov. 26. 1887. Nichs. Roderick O'Conor, agent and C.G. Jan. 1. TO SERVIA. 1868. Jno. A. Longworth, agent and C.G. Mar. 17. 1875. Wm. Arthur ^Vhite, aft. sir A. agent and C.G. Feb. 27. 1878. Gerard Fras. Gould, agent. July 1. Ch. d'a., Jan. 8, 1879. Min. res. Mar. 3. 1879. 1881. Sidney Locock, min. res. Apr. 16. 1885. Geo. Hugh Wyndham, c.b., min. res., Feb. 25; env. ext. and min plen. Sept. 8, 1886. 1888. Fredk. Robt. St. John, env. ext. and min. plen. Feb. 1. TO MONTENEGRO. 1879. Wm. Kirby Green, ch. d'a. Monte- I 1886. Walter Baring, ch. d'a. July 20. negro, and C.G., Scutari. Jan. 6. | .-.■',- .i^^yV/.K .iCc~^e<(., ' ,''J TO GREECE. Greece became a kingdom, October 5, 1832 ; and Otlio, of Bavari ascended the throne, as first king, January 25, 1833. 1883. Edw. Jas. Dawkins, min. plen. Jan. 1. 1835. Sir Edmd. Lyons, min. plen. July 2 1847. Sir Stratford Canning, aft. visct. Stratford de Redcliffe, ext. miss. to Belgium, Germany, Greece, and Switzerland. Nov. 26. 1849. Thos. Wvso, aft. sir T., min. plen. Feb. 9. G. Dipl. rel. susp. from Jan. 22 to Apr. 28, 1850. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 129 1862. Hon. Hy. Geo. Elliot, after sir H., sp. miss, to K. Otho. Apr. 24, G. Sp. miss, to Prov. Gov. Dec. 13. 1862. Hon. Peter Campbell Scarlett, G.B., env. ext. and min. plen. June 12. 1864. Hon. Edw. Morris Erskine, env. ext. and min. plen. May 7. 1871. Hon. Wm. Stuart, sp. miss. May 1. Env. ext. and min. plen., July 29, 1872. 1878. Edwin Corbett, env. ext. and min. plen. Jan. 7. 1881. Eras. Clare Ford, c.b., c.m.q.,' aft. sir P., env. ext. and min. plen. Mar. 5. 1884. Sir Horace Rumbold, bt., env, ext. and min. plen. Dec. 17. — le^p. iflwi^ Nt'My ? '; f^ fe),, t.a TO THE IONIAN ISLANDS. Corfu, Cephalonia, Zante, St. Mauea, Ithaca, Cekigo, and Paxo. These islands, called the "Republic op the Seven Islands," were placed under the protection of Great Britain, by the congress of Vienna, in 1815, and "Lord High Commissioners" were from time to time appointed and sent out. A list of these is given here, in the absence of any more appropriate place, although their functions differed con- siderably from those of ordinary diplomatic representatives. Lord High Commissioners. 1816. Lt.-gen. sir Tbos. Maitland, g.c.b. May 7. 1824. Lt.-gen. sir Fredk. Adam, k.c.b. Apr. 7. 1832. Sir Jas. Macdonald. June 2, G. — Geo., Id. Nugent. Aug. 13, G. 1835. Lt.-gen. sir Howard Douglas, bt. Mar. 13. 1840. Jas. Alex. Stewart Mackenzie. Dec. 2. 1843. Lt.-gen. John, Id. Seaton, g.c.b. Feb. 24. 1849. Hy. Geo. Ward. May 2. 1855. Sir Jno. Young, bt. Mar. 20, G. 1858. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, commr. ext., Nov. 6, G. ; Id. high commr., Jan. 25, 1859, G. 1859. Col. sir Hy. Knight Storks, k.c b., Feb. 2, G. The Ionian Islands were united to Greece in 1863. See " Greece. TO TURKEY. 1761. 1765. 1775. 1793. 1796. 1799. 1803. 1804. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1812. 1820. James Porter, aft. sir Jas., amb. Hon. Hy. Grenville, amb. Robt. Colebrooke, amb. July 31. j John Murray, amb. Nov. 30 ; o?. at Venice, Aug. 9, 1775. j Sir Robt. Ainslie, amb. Sept. 20. Robt. Listen, aft. sir R., amb. Oct. 1. Fras. Jas. Jackson, amb. July 23. j .John Spencer Smith, min. plen., ad. int. Thos.,E. of Elgin, amb. Apr. 13. Wm. Drummond, amb. Feb. 9. Chas. Arbuthnot, amb. June 5. Hon. sir Arthur Paget, amb. May 15. Robt. Adair, aft. sir R., sp. miss. July 5 ; amb. April 14, 1809. Stratford Canning, aft. sir S. and vise. Stratford de Redcliffe, min. plen. July 17. Robt. Listen, again, amb. Mar. 2. | Bartholomew Frere, min. plen. Mar. 1820. Percy Clinton, visc.Strangford, amb. Aug. 7. 1824. Wm. Turner, min. plen., ad inf. May 18. 1825. S. Canning, again, amb. Oct. 10. 1827. Col. the hon. John Hobart Caradoc, aft. lord Howden, sp. miss, to Egypt and Greece. July 4. 1829. Robt. Gordon, aft. sir R., amb. Apr. 8. 1831. Sir S. Canning, again, amb. Oct. 31. — John Hy. Mandeville, min. plen., ad int. Nov. 7. 1832. John, Id., aft. vise. Ponsonbv, amb. Nov. 27. 1837. Sir Chas. Rd. Vaughan, amb. Mar. 1. 1841. Chas. Bankhead, min, plen., ad inf. Mar. 30. — Sir S. Canning, again, amb. Oct. 16. 1845. Hon. Hy. Rd. Chas. Wellesley, aft. Id. and E. Cowley, min. plen., ad int. June 14. 1858. Sir Hy. Lytton Bulwer, g.c.b., aft. 9 130 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Id. Dalling and Bulwer, amb. ext. and plen. May 10. 1865. Rd. Bickerton Pemeil, Id. Lyons, G.C.B., amb. ext. and plen. Aug. 10. 1867. Hon. Hy. Geo. Elliot, aft. sir H. amb. ext. and plen. July §. 1876. Robt. Arth. Talbot, M. of Salisbury, sp. amb. Nov. 8. 1877. Austen Hy. Layard, aft. sir A., sp. amb., ad int. Mar. 31. 1871. Edw. Baldwin Malet, aft. sir E., vain. -plen., ad int. Feb. 18. 1880. Geo. Joachim Goschen, sp. amb. ext. and plen. May G. 1881. Fredk. Temple Hamilton E. of Dufiferin, k.p.. g.c.m.g., k.c.b., amb. ext. and plen. May 26. 1884. Sir Edw. Thornton, g.c.b., amb. ext. and plen. Dec. 1. 1885. Sir Wm. Arthur White, k.c.m.g., env. ext. and min. plen. (td uit. Apr. 18. 1885. Sir Hy. Drummond Wolff, g.c.m.g., K.C.B., env. ext. and min. plen., sp. miss, on Egyptian affairs. Aug. 3. 1886. Sir W. A. White, g.c.m.g., af^-^<"iS.''i^'^ TO TEXAS. 1842. Capt. Chas. Elliot, ch. d'a., Juno 28. Texas was admitted to the United States of America in 1846. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. TO MEXICO. 1843 1847. 1835. Rd. Pakenham, aft. sir R., min plen. Mar. 12. Percy Wm. Doyle, eh. d'a. Jan. 4. Chas. Bankhead, min. plen. Nov. 24, G. P. W. Doyle, again, eh. d'a. 1850. C. Bankhead, again, ch. d'a. 1851. P. W. Doyle, again, min. plen. Dec. 24. 1855. Wm. Garrow Lettsom, ch. d'a. May 4. Dipl. rel. susp. Nov. 1, 1855, to Nov. 1856, when Mr. Lettsom resumed his functions. 1858. Loftus Chas. Otway, c.b., min. plen. Feb. 19. 1860. Chas. Lennox Wyke, C.B.,aft. sirC, env. est. and min. plen. Jan. 23. Dipl. rel. susp. July 25, 1861. 1864. Hon. Peter Campbell Scarlett, c.b., env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 9. Dipl. rel. susp. in consequence of the murder of the emp. Maxi- milian, from Dec. 21, 1867, to 1883. Sir Spenser St. John, k.c.m.g., sp. miss. May 29. Env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 28, 1884. TO HAYTI. 1859. Thos. N. Ussher, ch. d'a. and C.G. May 13. 1861. Spenser St. John, aft. sir S., ch. d'a. and C.G. May 20. Min. res. and C.G. , Dec. 12, 1872. 1874. Major Robt. Stuart, min. res. and C.G. Oct. 28. Ret. May, 1883. No successor app. TO THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. 1871. Spenser St. John, after sir S., ch. d'a. June 28. 1874. Major Robt. Stuart, ch. d'a. Oct. 28. Ret. May, 1883. cesser app. No sue- TO CENTRAL AMERICA. GUATEMALA. COSTA RICA. To Guatemala. 1849. Fredk. Chatfield, ch. d'a., June 16. To Guatemala and Costa Rica. 1850. Fredk. Chatfield, apptd. ch. d'a. to Costa Rica in addition to his previous appt. to Guatemala, Feb. 20. To Centeal America. Comprising Guatemala, San Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras. 1854. Chas. Lennox Wyke, aft. sir C, ch. d'a. Oct. 31. 1857. Sir Wm. Gore Ouseley, sp. miss. Oct. 30. 1859. C. L. Wyke, again, env. ext. and min. plen. Aug. 8. 1860. Geo. Fagan, ch. d'a and C.G. April 7. 134 THE BOOK OF DIGNITffiS. 1861. Geo. Benvenuto :Mathew, aft. sir G., ch. d'a. and C.G.,May 25; min. plen., Aug. 21. 1865. Robt. Bunch, ch. d'a. and C.G., Aug. 30, G. Appt. cane, and Mr. Bunch appt. to U.S. Colombia from Jan. 15, 1806. , 1866. G. B. Mathevr, appt. to U.S. Colom- bia, cane, and re-appt. to Cent. America from Jan. 15, 1866. 1860. Edwin Corbett, ch. d'a. and C.G., April 27; min. res. and C.G.. Dec. 12, 1872. 1874. Sidney Locock, min. res. and C.G. May 23. 1881. Fredk. Robt. St. John, min. res. and C.G. Feb. 12. 1884. Jas. Plaister Harriss-Ciastrell, min. res. and C.G. Mar. 25. TO COLOMBIA. THE REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA. UNITED STATES OF COLOMBIA, NEW- GRANADA. VENEZUELA, ECUADOR, PANAMA. For the history of these states and their unions with and their separation from each other, see " Cok-inbia," Part I., page 106. To THE Republic of Colombia. Comprising New Gkanada, Venezuela, and Ecuador. 1825. Alex. Cockburn, env. ext. and min. 1828. Geo. Wm. Chad, onv. ext. and min plen. Dec. 24, G. plen. Feb. 12, G. '■ 1829. Wm. Turner, env. ext. Sept Zl- To New Granada. 1837. Wm. Turner, env. ext. and min. plen. June 27. 1841. Robt'. Stewart, ch. d'a. Aug. 10, G. 1843. Danl. Florence O'Leary. ch. d'a. and C.G. Nov. 28. 1854. Edwd. Thornton, aft. air E.. ch d'a. May 6. — Philip Griffith, ch. d'a. Sept. 19. To the United States of Colombia. Comprising New Granada and Panama. 1881. Aug. Hy. Mounsev, min. res. and C.G. ' Apr. 26. " 1882. Jas. Plaister Harrisa-Gastrell, mm. res. and C.G. May 10. 1884. Fredk. Robt. St. John, min. res and C.G. Mar. 25. 1885. Wm. Jno. Dickson, min. res. and C.G. Mar. 14. /I 1865. Geo. Benvenuto Mathew, c.is., aft. sir G., min. plen., Aug. 26 ; appt. cane, and Mr. Mathew rc-appt. to Cent. America from Jan. 15, 1866. 1866. Robt. Bunch, ch. d'a. and C.G., Jan. 15; min. res. and C.G., Dec. 12, 1872. 1878. Col. Chas. Edwd. Mansfield, min. res. and C.G. July 1. To Venezuela. 1858. Philip Edmund Wodehouse, aft sir ch. d'a. I 1835. Sir Robert Ker Porter, „ , • v k o.> July 2 P.,sp. miss. l. f,i- TO PARAGUAY. 1852. Sir Chas. Hotham, sp. miss. April 17. 1854. Chas. Alan Henderson, consul. Apr. 24. 1858. Wm. Dougal Christie, sp. miss. Dipl. rel. susp. from Aug. 5, 1859. 1863. Edwd. Thornton, aft. sir E., min. plen. Oct. 30. 1866. Geo. Buckley 3Iathew, aft. sir G., min. plen. Dec. 6. 1868. Hon. Wm. Stuart, min. plcn. June 22 ; did not proceed. 1882. Geo. Glynn Petre, min. jilen. ilar. 2.' 1884. Hon. Edmd. Jno. Monson, <.ii., min. plen. Jan. 16. 1885. Hon. Fras. Jno. Pakenham, uiin. plcn. Feb. 1. TO URUGUAY. 1843. AdolphuH Turner, ch. d'a. and C.G. i 1847. John Hobart, lord llowdon, sp. miss. April 11. Jan. 25. 1847. Wm. Gore Ouseley, aft. sir Wm., — Capt. hon. Robt. Gore, u.N.. ch. min. plen. and sp. miss. Jan. 2. | d'a. Oct. 26, G. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 137 1851. Hon. Fredk. Wm. Adolphus Bruce, aft. sir F., ch. d'a. and C.G. Aug. 29. 1852. Sir Chas. Hotham, sp. miss. Apr. 17. 1853. Geo. Jno. Robt. Gordon, ch. d'a. and C.G. Sept. 23. 1854. Edwd. Thornton, aft. sir E., ch. d'a. and C.G. Sept. 19. 1859. Wm. Garrow Lettsom, ch. d'a. and C.G. Sept. 9. 1869. Hon. Wm. Stuart, ch. d'a., Sept. 24. Dipl. rel. susp., Nov. 13, 1871. 1879. Fras. Clare Ford, c.b. and c.m.g., aft. sir C, min. plen. and C.G. Feb. 24. 1879. Hon. Edmd. Jno. Monson, C.B., min. res. and C.G. June 21. 1884. Wm. Gifford Palgrave, min. res. and C.G. Jan. 16. IC^S l-ikzi-: '}r.,a>e^ ScLU\r, c. /"(.(J TO CHILI. 1841. Col. hon. Jno. Walpole, ch. d'a. May 24. 1849. Stephen Hy. Sulivan. ch. d'a. and C.G. May 30. 1853. Capt. hon. Edwd. Alfred Jno. Harris, aft. adm. sir E.,ch. d'a. . and C.G. Jan. 17. 1858. Wm. Taylour Thomson, aft. sir W.. ch. d'a. and C.G. Feb. 24. 1872. Horace Rumbold, aft. sir H., min. res. and C.G. Oct. 24. 1878. Hon. Fras. Jno. Pakenham, min. res. and C. G. Mar. 8. 1885. Hugh Eraser, min. res. and C.G. Feb. 17. Transf. to Japan 1888. TO THE HAWAIIAN OR SANDWICH ISLANDS. 1866. Maj. Jas. Hay Wodehouse, commr. and C.G. , June 21. 138 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PART 111. POLITICAL AND OFFICIAL. GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, OFFICERS OF STATE, OFFICERS OF THE HOUSEHOLD, &c. THE ADMINISTRATIONS OF ENGLAND, GREAT BRITAIN, AND THE UNITED KINGDOM. The higher officers of the Government, holding their offices during the sovereiOT's pleasure, and removable on political change, are collectively called " the Administration," and are almost invariably members of one or other house of parliament. A select number of these, filling the most important offices, who assemble to concert on and conduct the measures of the Government, are now called the Cabinet, a name not known to the constitution, but which is, in fact, a committee of the privv council, who constitute the responsible advisers of the Crown. The'following lists are confined to cabinet ministers, or to those who m former times exercised analogous powers. Administbations of From the Accession of Kinp KnfG Hen-kt ATQ. 1509. Wm. Warham, abp. of Canterbury, Id. chanc. : Thos. Howard, E. of Snrrey. aft. D. of Norfolk, Id. treas. : Richd. Fox, bp. of Win- chester, former sec. to Henry VU., pr. seal : Geo., E. of Shrews- bury, Id. stewd. : Chas. , lord Her- bert, Id. chambn. ; John Fisher, bp. of Rochester and cardinal. 153:2 1514. Thos. Wolsey, abp. of York and cardinal. Id. chanc. ; Thos. D. of Norfolk, Id. treas. ; Chas., E. of Winchester, Id. chamb. ; Thos. Routhal, bp. of Durham, sec. st. (made pr. seal), &c. The D. of Norfolk aft. res. in favour of his son. 1523. Thos., E. of Surrey. Id. h. treas. ; Cuthbert Tunstall. bp. of London, pr. seal ; Richd. Pace, succ. by Dr. Knight, sec. st. 1529. Sir Thos. More, Id. chanc. ; Thos. Howard, D. of Norfolk, Id. h. 1540. I 1544 England. Henr,, VIIJ. treas. ; Cuthbert Tunstall, bp. of London, pr. seal : Stephen Gardiner, aft. bp. of Winchester, sec. St. : Thos. Cramner, aft. abp. of Canterbury, &c. Sir Thos. Audley. aft. Id. Audley, Id. kpr. : Thos. Boleyn, E. of Wiltshire, pr. seal : Thos Crom- well, aft. E. of Esses, Thos. Cranmer. aft. abp. of Canterbury, &c. Thos., Id. Audlev, Id. chanc, Thos., D. of Norfolk^ Id. h. treas. Chas., D. of Suffolk, Id. pres. : Hy., E. of Surrey, bp. Gardiner. Id. Russell. Ac. Sir Thos, aft. Id. Wriothesley, and sir Ralph Sadler, sees. St. Thos., Id. Wriothesley, Id. chanc. Thos. D. of Norfolk, Id. treas. ; Chas.. I), of Suffolk, Id. pres.; John. Id. Russell, pr. seal ; Wm., Id. .St. John. John. Id. Lisle. sir Anthv. Brown, &c. Sir Wm. Petre and sir Wm. Paget, sees. St. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 139 King Edavard VI. 1547. Win., Id. St. John, Id. kpr. and Id. pros.. Slice, by Rd.. Id. Rich, as Id. chanc. ; Edwd., E. of Hertford, Id. protector, cr. D. of Somerset, and made Id. treas. ; John, Id. Russell, pr. seal; Hy., E. of Arun- del. Id. chambn. : Thos., Id. Sey- mour, sir Anth. Brown, &c. Sir Wm. Paget and sir Wm. Petre, sees. st. 1551. Thos. Goodrich, bp. of Ely, Id. kpr., aft. Id. chanc. : John Dudley, late Id. Lisle, E. of Warwick, cr. D. of Northumberland. Id. h. adm. ; Wm., late Id St. John, now E. of Wiltshire, Id. treas. in l.")50, pres. of the council ; John, E. of Bedford, pr. seal : Thos., Id. Wentworth, Id. chambn., &c. Sir Wm. Petre and Sir Wm. Cecil, QuEEX Mart. 1554. Stephen Gardiner, bp. of Winchester, Id. chanc. ; Wm., M. of Win- chester, late Id. Wiltshire, Id. treas. ; E. of Arundel, Id. pres. ; .John. E. of Bedford, succ. by Edwd., E. of Derby, pr. seal: Wm.. Id. Howard. Id. h. adm. ; sir Edw. Hastings, sir John Baker, Edmd. Bonner, bp. of London, &c. Sir Wm. Petre, sir John Cheke, and sir John Bourne, sees. St. It appears by the council Register, folio 725, that three secretaries of state were appointed 7 Edward VI., June 2, 1553. Queen Elizabeth. 1558. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Id. kpr. andpr. seal : Wm. , M. of Winchester, Id. treas. ; Edw.. Id. Clinton, Id. adm. ; sir Robt. Dudley, aft. E. of Leicester. Id. Howard of Effing- ham, Id. Arundel,sir Fras.Knollys, &c. Sir Wm. Cecil, sec. st. This last statesman, aft. Id. Burleigh, continued secretary or chief min- ister during almost the whole of this reign. 1572. Sir Wm. Cecil, now Id. Burleigh, Id. h. treas. ; sir Nichs. Bacon, Id. chanc. ; Id. Howard of Ef- fingham, pr. seal ; Robt. Dudley, E. of Leicester, m. horse ; sir Hy. Cocks, the E. of Sussex, &c. Sir Francis Walsingham, sec. st. 1579. Sir Thos. Bromley. Id. chanc. ; Wm. Id. Burleigh, Id. treas. ; Edw.,E. of Lincoln, Id. h. adm. : Ambrose, ' E. of Warwick, ordnance ; Thos., E. of Sussex, Robt., E. of Lei- cester, sir Walter Mildmaj', Jas. Windebank, &c. Sir Fras. Wal- singham and sir Thos. Wilson, sees. St. 1587. Sir Christ. Ilatton, Id. chanc. ;Wm., Id. Burleigh, Id. treas. ; Robt. Dovereux, E. of Essex, &c. 15t)9. Thos. Sackville, Id. Buckhurst, aft. E. of Dorset, Id. h. treas. ; sir Thos. Egerton, aft. Id. Ellesmere and subsequently vise. Brackley, Id. kpr. ; Chas., Id. Howard of Effingham, &c. Sir Robt. Cecil, son of lord Burleigh, sec. st. King James I. 160;'.. Thos.. E. of Dorset, Id. treas. ; Thos., Id. Ellesmere, Id. chanc. ; Chas.. E. of Nottingham. Id. adm. : Thos. , E. of Suffolk, Edwd., E. of Worcester, sir Rd. Vernon, Geo., Id. Hume of Berwick, Jas. Hay, Id. Hay. &c. Robt. Cecil, aft. E. of Salisbury, sec. st. lGOi». Robt. Cecil. E. of Salisbury, Id. h. treas. : Thos., Id. Ellesmere, Id. chanc. ; Hy., E. of Northampton, pr. seal; Chas., E. of Notting- ham, Thos., E. of Suffolk, &c. 1G12. Hy., E. of Northampton, first commr. 'of the treas. : Thos., Id. Elles- mere. Id. chanc. : Robt. Carr, vise. Rochester, aft. E. of Somer- set, Id. chambn.; Edwd., E. of Worcester, sir Ralph Winwood, Chas.. E. of Nottingham, &c. 1615. Thos., E. of Suffolk, Id. treas. ; Thos., Id. Ellesmere, Id. chanc. ; Edwd. . E. of Worcester, pr. seal ; Chas., E. of Nottingham, sir Geo. Villiers. aft. vise. Villiers, and successively E. , M., and D. of Buckingham. Id. h. adm. in 1G19 ; sir Ralph Winwood, sir Thos. Lake, &c. 1620. Sir Hy. Montagu, aft. vise. Mande- ville, and E. of Manchester, Id. treas. 1621. Lionel, Id. Cranfield, aft. E. of Middlesex, Edwd., E. of Worces- ter, John, E. of Bristol, John WiUiams, dean of Westminster, Geo. Villiers, now M. of Bucking- ham, sir Edwd. Conway, aft. Id. Conway, &c. King Charles I. 1628. Rd., Id. Weston, aft. E. of Port- land, Id. treas. ; sir Thos. Co- ventry, aft. Id. Coventry, Id. kpr. ; Hy., E. of Manchester 140 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. (succ. by Jas., E. of Marlborough, who, in turn, gave place to Edwd., Id., aft. vise. Conway), pr. seal; Wm. Laud, bp. of London, sir Albertus Morton, &c. | 1636. "Wm. Laud, now a])p. of Canterbury, ; first commr. of the treas. ; Frs., Id. Cottington, Jas., M. of Hamil- ton, Edwd., E. of Dorset, sir John Coke, sir Eras. Winde- bank, &c. The gieat seal in commission. 1640. Wm. Juxon, bp. of London. Id. treas. ; sir John Finch, aft. Id. Finch, Id. kpr. ; Fras., Id. Cottington, Wentworth, E. of Strafford, Algernon, E. of North- umberland, Jas., M. of Hamilton, Laud, abp. of Canterbury; and sir Fras. Windebank and sir Hy. Vane, sees. st. Commonwealth. 1653. Oliver Cromwell, made protector. He named a council whose num- ber at no time was to exceed twenty-one members, nor be less than thirteen. 1658. Rd. Cromwell, son of Oliver, succ. on the death of the latter. A council of ofKcers ruled at Wal- lingford House. King Charles II. From the Jientoration of the King. Until this time there was not, in point ui fact, anything that could be properly called a cabinet. The sovereign had latterly go- verned by a collection of privy councillors, sometimes of larger, sometimes of smaller number, not always holding the same oflBces, and still less the same men. 1060. Sir Edwd. Hyde, aft. E. of Claren- don, Id. chanc. ; Geo. Monk, general of the king's forces in the three kingdoms, and m. horse, cr. D. of Albemarle ; Thos. , E. of Southampton, soon made Id. treas. ; Edwd. Mon- tagu, cr. E. of Sandwich, general and adm. ; Jas., D. of York, brother to the king, Id. h. adm. ; lord Sey and Sele, i)r. seal ; sir Robt. Long, ch. ex. ; E. of Man- chester, lord Seymour, &c. Sir Edwd. Nicholas and sir Wm. Morrice, sees. st. 1607. Geo. Monk, D. of Albemarle, made first comnir. of the treas. , &c. 1070. " The Cahal" Ministrv. Sir Thos. Clifford, aft. Id. ClitTord (C) ; Antliy. Ashley, aft. E. of Shaftes- bury' (A); Geo. Villiers, D. of Buckingham (B) ; Hy., Id. Ar- lington, aft. E. of Arlington (A) ; and John, D. of Lauderdale (L). This Ministry obtained the name of Cnlntl from the initial letters of their tive names, which composed the word. At the time that this appellation had gene- rally obtained, about 1672, Id. Clifford held the office of Id. treas. : Id. Ashley had become Id. chanc. ; the D. of Buckingham was Id. pres. ; Id. Arlington, sec. St. ; and the D. of Lauder- dale, Id. pres. of Scotland. 1672. Thos., Id. Clifford, Anthy., E. of Shaftesbury, late Id. Ashley, Hy.. E. of Arlington, E. of Angle- sey, sir Thos. Osborne, cr. vise. Latimer, Hy. Coventry, sir John Duncombe, sir Geo. Carteret, Edwd. Seymour. &c. 1673. Thos., vise'. Latimer, aft. E. of Danby, made Id. h. treas. June 26. 167'.). Arthur,' E. of Essex, made first commr. of the treas.. Mar. 26; succ. by Laurence Hyde, aft. E. of Rochester, Nov. 21, both in this year. Robt. , E. of Sunder- land, sec. St., vice sir Joseph Williamson, «fcc. The king nominated a now council this year, on April 21, consisting of thirty members only, of whom the principal were the great offi- cers of state and great officers of the household. 1684. Sidney, Id. (iodolphin, Lawrence, E. of Rochester. Danl., E. of Nottingham, Robt., E. of Sunder- land, sir Thos. Chicheley, Geo., Id. Dartmouth, Hy., E. of Clarendon, EE. of Bath and Radnor, &c. King James II. 1685. Lawrence, E. of Rochester, Geo., ^I. of Halifax, sir Geo. Jeffreys, aft. lord Jeffreys and Id. chanc, Hy. . E. of Clarendon, sir John Ernley, D. of Queensberry, vise. Preston. »S:c. 1687. The E. of Rochester was di.splaced, and John, Id. Belasyse, made j first commr. of the treas. in his I room. Jan. 4 ; the E. of Sunder- land made pres. of the council ; I vise. Preston, sec. st.; and various other changes took place in this and the following year. 1 1088. The king left Whitehall in the night I of Dec. 17, and, quitting the kingdom, landed at Ambleteuse. in France. Doc. 23. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 141 King William III. 1689. Chas., vise. Mordaunt, first commr. of the treas. ; Thos. Osborne, E. of Danby, cr. M. of Carmarthen, aft. D. of Leeds, Id. pres. ; Geo., M. of Halifax, pr. seal; Arthur Herbert, aft. lord Torrington, first commr. of the admy. ; EE. of Shrewsbury, Nottingham, and Sunderland, E. of Dorset and Middlesex, Wm., E., aft. D. of Devonshire, Id. Godolphin, Id. Montagu, Id. De la Mere, &c. The great seal in commission. 1690. Sidney, Id. Godolphin, first commr. of the treas. ; Thos., E. of Danby, Id. pres. : Rd. Hampden, ch. ex. ; Thos., E. of Pembroke, adm. ; Hy., vise. Sydney, and Daniel, E. of Nottingham, sees. st. , &c. The great seal and pr. seal in commission. 1698. Chas. Montagu, aft. Id. Halifax, first commr. of the treas.. May 1 ; succ. by Ford, E. of Tanker- ville, Nov. 15. 169i». Queen Anne. The formation of a ministry under a "Premier " began about this time. 1702. Sidney, loed, aft. E. Godolphin, Id. treas. ; Thos., E. of Pembroke and Montgomery, Id. pres. ; John Sheffield, M. of Normanby, aft. D. of Normanby and Buckingham, pr. seal ; hon. Hy. Boyle, ch. ex ; sir Chas. Hedges and the E. of Nottingham (the latter succ. by Robt. Harley, cr. E. of Oxford in 1704). sees. 'st., &e. 1711. Robt., E. of Oxford, Id. treas.; sir Simon, aft. lord Harcourt, Id. kpr. ; John, D. of Normanby and Buckingham, Id. pres. ; John, bp. of Bristol, aft. of London, pr. seal ; Hy. St. John, aft. vise. Bolingbroke, andWm., lord Dart- mouth, sees. St. ; Robt. Benson, aft. Id. Bingley, ch. ex., &c. 1714. Chas., D. of Shrewsbury, Id. treas., July 30, two days before the queen's death. Patent revoked Oct. 13 following. King Geokge I. 1714. Chas., E. of Halifax, first Id. treas., succ. on his death by the E. OF Carlisle ; Wm. , Id. Cowper, aft. E. Cowper, Id. chane. ; Danl., E. of Nottingham, Id. pres. ; Thos. , M. of Wharton, pr. seal ; Edwd.,E.of Oxford, first Id. admy.; Jas. Stanhope, aft. E. Stanhope, and Chas., vise. Townsliend, sees. St. ; sir Rd. Onslow, ch. ex., DD. of Montrose & Marlborough, lord Berkeley, Robt. Walpole, Wm. Pulteney, aft. E. of Bath, &c. 1715, Rout. Walpole, first Id. treas. and ch. ex.. &c. 1717. Jas. Stanhope, aft. E. Stanhope, first Id. treas. and ch. ex. ; Wm. , Id. Cowper, Chas., E. of Sunder- land. D. of Kingston, Id. Berke- ley, Joseph Addison. &e. 1718. Chas.. E. of Sunderland, first Id. treas; Thos., Id. Parker, aft. E. of Macclesfield, Id. chanc. ; E. Stanhope, D. of Kent, Id. Ber- keley, Jas. Craggs, Jno. Aislabie, &c. 1721. Robt. Walpole, aft. sir Robt., first Id. treas. and ch. ex. : Thos., Id. Parker, cr. E. of Macclesfield, Id. chanc.; Hy., Id. Carleton, succ. by Wm., D. of Devonshire, Id. pres. ; Evelyn, D. of Kingston, succ. by Id. Trevor, pr. seal ; Jas.,E. of Berkeley, first Id. adm.; Chas., vise. Townshend, and John, lord Carteret (the latter suec. by the D. of Newcastle), sees. st. ; John, D. of Marlborough, suec. by the E. of Cadogan, ordnance ; Geo. Treby, succ. byHy. Pelham, sec.-at-war; vise. Torrington, &c. King George II. 1727. Sir Robt. Walpole, &c. cnntd. The following was the state of the Cabinet near the close of sir Robt. Walpole's long administration. 1740. Sir Robt. Walpole, first Id. treas. and ch. ex. ; Philip, Id. Hard- wieke. Id. chanc; Spencer, E. of Wilmington, Id. jires. ; John, Id. Hervey, pr. seal ; John Potter, abp. of Canterbury ; D. of New- castle and E. of Harrington, sees. .St.; sir Chas. Wager, first Id. admy.; D. of Dorset, Id. stewd. t; D. of Grafton. Id. chambn.t ; D. of Richmond, m. horse f ; E. of Pembroke, gr. stole,! &e. t These great household officers were at this period always in what was called the Cabinet, but there was an interior council, of Walpole, the chancellor, and the secretaries of state, who, in the first instance, consulted together on the more confidential points.* * Lord Hervey s Memoirs of the Reign of Georr/e II. edited hy John Wihon Croker.— Mr. Croker adds, "The duke of Bolton, without a right to it from his office 142 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1742. Sir Robt. Walpole res. Feb. 8, having j been first minister twent3'-one con- ' secutive years. He was cr. E. of Orford. vise. Walpole, and baron | Houghton. The E. of Wilmington i was made minister in his room. | 1742. Sl'ENCKB,E. OF WlL.MIN<;TON, first Id. Feb. treas. ; Id. Hardwieke, Id. chanc; Saml. Sandys, ch. ex.; E. of Har- rington, pres. of the council ; E. Gower, pr. seal ; Id. Carteret and the D. of Newcastle, sees. St. ; E. of Winchilsea, first Id. admy. ; D. of Argyll, com. of the forces and m. g. ordn. ; Hy. Pel- ham, paym. of the foi'ees, &c. The D. of Argyll res., and was succ. by the E. of Stair, as com. of the forces, and by the D. of Montagu as m. g. ordn. 1743. Hy. Pklham, first Id. treas. and ch. Aug. 2.5. es..,rice Sj^encer, E. of Wilming- ton, deceased. 1744. The '* Broau Bottom " Administra- Nov. tion : Hy. Pelham, first Id. treas. and ch. ex. ; Id. Hardwieke, Id. chanc; D. of Dorset, pres. of the council ; E. Gower, pr. seal ; D. of Newcastle, sec. st. for the Southern, and the E. of Harring- ton for the Northern dept. : D. of Montagu, m. g. ordn. ; D. of Bedford, first Id. adm. ; D. of Argyll, kpr. of the gr. seal of Scotland ; M. of Tweeddale, sec. St. for Scotland ; D. of Grafton, Id. chambn. ; D. of Richmond, m. horse. 1740. Mr. Pelham and his friends having tendered their resignation to the king, the formation of a new ad- ministration, which expired within two days while yet incomplete, was undertaken by the E. of Bath ; the members of it actually appointed, and submitted for approval to his majesty were : — 1746. The "Short-lived" Ministry: Feb. 10 Wm., E. ok Bath, first Id. treas. ; to Id. Carlisle, pr. seal ; Id. Winchil- Feb. 12. sea, first Id. admy. ; and Id. Granville, sec. st. Expired Feb. 12. 1746. Hy. Pelham returned, with his col- Fob. 12. leagues, to power. The D. of Bedford res. the admy. to the E. of Sandwich, and succ. the E. of Chesterfield as sec. st., Feb. 1748 ; and the E. of Holder- nesse succ. the D. of Bedford, June 17.Jl, in the same office. Mr. Pelham (/. Mar. G, 17.J4. 1754. Tuos. HoLLES Pelham, D. of New- Apr. CASTLE, first Id. treas. ; lion. Hy. Bilson Legge, ch. ex.; E. of Hol- dernesse and sir Thos. Robinson, aft. Id. Grantham, sees. st. ; the latter succ. by Hy. Fox ; Id. Anson, first Id. admy.; Id. Gran- ville, Id. pres.; Id. Gower, succ. by the D. of Marlborough, pr. seal ; D. of Grafton, E. of Halifax, Geo. Grenville, &c. E. of Hard- wieke, Id. chanc. 1756. Wm., D. of Devonshire, first Id. Nov. treas.; Wm. Pitt, sec. st. for the Southern dept.; hon. Hy. Bilson Legge, ch. ex.; E. Granville. Id. pres.; E. Gower, pr. seal; E. of Holdernesse, sec. st. for the Northern dept.; Geo. Grenville, E. of Halifax, DD. of Rutland and Grafton, E. of Rochford, &c. The gr. seal in commission. 1757. D. OF Newcastle and Wm. Pitt's June. Administration. Thos. Holies Pelham, D. of Newcastle, first Id. treas.; Wm. Pitt, aft. Id. Chat- ham, sec. st. for the Northern dept., and leader of the liouse of commons ; Id. Henley, Id. kpr.; Id. Granville, Id. pres.; E. Temple, pr. seal ; Hy Bilson Legge, ch. ex. ; E. of lloldernesse, sec. st. for the Southern dept.; D. <>f Devonshire, Id. chambn.; D. of Rutland, Id. stewd. ; Id. Anson, first Id. admy.; D.of Marlborough, succ. by lord Ligonier, m. g. ordn. ; Hy. Fox, aft. Id. Hol- land, paym. ; Geo. {irenville, lords Halifax and Gower, .las. Grenville, &c. King George III. 1760. D. OP Newcastle and Wm. Pitt's ' of George III.: sir Robt. Henley, ministry, rontd. cr. lord Henley, Id. chanc, Jan. The following were among the 1761 ; the E. of Bute, sec st., changes subsequent to the ace. | nee the E. of Holdernesse, Mar.; of captain of the Band of Pensioners, in which employment ho succeeded the duke of Montagu on liis removal to the ordnance, was likewise admitted to the cabinet council, because he had been of the cabinet seven years previously, at the time ho was turned out of all his offices." And he further saj's, "Sir John Norris (vice-admiral of Eng- land) was called in, as an auxiliary, when anything was under deliberation in relation to our then maritime war with Spain." THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 143 1765. July. et seq. and the E. of Egremont, rzceWm. Pitt, Oct same year ; Id. North, a Id. of the treas., &c. 1762. John, E. of Bute, first Id. treas. ; May. Id. Henley, Id. chanc. ; sir Eras. Dashwood, aft. Id. le Despencer, ch. ex. ; Id. Granville, Id. pres.; D. of Bedford, pr. seal ; E. of Halifax, first Id. admy. ; E. of Egremont and Geo. Grenville, sees. St. ; Id. Ligonier, ordn. ; Hy. Fox, paym. ; vise. Barrington, Id. Sandys, D. of Marlborough, lords Huntingdon and North, &c. 1763 Geo. Grenville, first Id. treas. May. and ch. ex. ; E. Granville, succ. et seq. by John, D. of Bedford, Id. pres. ; D. of Marlborough, pr. seal ; Id. Henley, aft. E. of Xorthington, Id. chanc. ; EE. of Halifax and Sandwich, sees. st. : E. Gower, Id. chambn. ; Id. Eg- mont, first Id. admy. ; M. of Granby, ordn. ; Id. Holland, late Mr. Fox, paym. ; Welbore Ellis, sec.-at-war ; Id. Hillsborough, first Id. of trade ; D. of Rutland, lord North, &c. Chas., M. of Rockingham, first Id. treas ; Wm. Dowdeswell, ch. ex. ; E. of Winchilsea and Not- tingham, Id. pres. ; D. of New- castle, pr. seal ; D. of Portland, Id. chamb. ; D. of Rutland, m. horse ; Id. Talbot, Id. stewd. ; gen. the hon. H. SejTnour Conway, and the D. of Grafton, sees, st.; Id. Egmont, first Id. admy. ; ]M. of Granby, ordn. ; vise. Barrington, sec.-at-war; vise. Howe, treas. of the navy; hon. Chas. Townshend, pajTB. ; E. of Dartmouth, first Id. of trade ; Id. John Caven- dish, Thos. Townshend, &c. E. of Noi-thington (Inte Lord Hen- lev), Id. chanc. 1766. E. of Chatham (late Wm. Pitt), Aug. first min. and pr. seal ; D. of Grafton, first Id. tieas. ; hon. Chas. Townshend, ch. ex. ; E. of Northington, Id. pres ; Wm. E. of Shelburne and gen. Conway, sees. St. ; sir Chas. Saunders, succ. by Sir Edw. Hawke, first Id. admy. ; M. of Granby, ordn. ; Id. Hillsborough, first Id. of trade; lord Barrington, sec.-at- war; Fredk.,lord North, a joint pajTH. ; vise. Howe, &c. Lord Camden, Id. chanc. 1767. Wm., lord Mansfield, Id. c. j. of the king's bench, became, ex officio, ch. ex., pro. tern., on the death of Mr. Townshend, Sept. this year ; and Fredk., lord North, was app. ch. ex. Dec. following. 1767. Aug. Ht., D. of Grafton, first Id. Dec. treas.; Fredk., Id. North, ch. ex. ; E. Gower, Id. pres. ; E. of Chatham, Id. pr. seal until Oct. 1768, then succ. by the E. of Bristol ; E. of Shelburne, sec. st. for the Southern dept. ; vise. Weymouth, Northern dept. ; and Id. Hillsborough, colonies ; sir Edwd. Hawke, first Id. admy. ; M. of Granby, ordn. ; lords Sand- wich and le Despencer, joint postm. gen. ; Lord Hertford, Thos. Townshend, &c. Lord Camden, Id. chanc. 1768. Vise. Weymouth, sec. st. for the Nov. Southern dept., vice lord Shel- burne ; E. of Rochford, sec. st. for the Northei-n dept. , i;?ce lord Weymouth. 1770. Fredk., lord North, first Id. Jan. treas. and ch. ex. ; E. Gower, Id. pres. ; E. of Halifax, pr. seal ; Id. Rochford, Id. Weymouth (succ. by Id. Sandwich), and Id. Hillsborough (colonies), sees. St. ; Sir Edwd. Hawke, first Id. admy. ; Id. Granby, ordn. ; sir Gilbert Elliot, treas. of the navy ; lord Barrington, sec.-at-war; lord Hertford, lord Carteret, &c. The great seal was delivered to Mr. At- torney-gen. Yorke, who was made Id. chanc. ; but before the patent for his peerage, under the title of lord Morden, was completed, he died suddenly, and the seal, after being a year in commission, was given to the hon. Henry Bathurst, one of the commrs., who was or. lord Apsley. Lord North continued minister eleven years, during the whole of the American war. The changes within this period were numerous ; among them were : 1771. Lord Halifax, sec. st., ince Id. Sandwich, who went to the ad- miralty ; succ. as Id. pr. seal by the E.of Suffolk and Berkshire. Jan. The latter gave place to the D. of Grafton, and became sec. st. June. 1772. Lord Dartmouth, sec. st., i-tce Id. Hillsborovigh. Aug. Vise. Towns- hend, ordn, vice M. of Granby. Oct. 1775. Vise. Weymouth, again sec. st., vice Rochford ; and Id. Geo. Sack- ville Germaine, I'ice Dartmouth, made pr. seal. Nov. 1778. Lord Thurlow, Id. chanc. June. 1779. Lords Stormont and Hillsborough sees. st.E. Bathurst, Id. pres. Nov. 144 1782 Mar. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES Cha8., M. of Rockingham, first Id. trcas. ; Id. John Cavendish, ch. ex. ; Id. Camden, pres. of the council ; D. of Grafton, pr. .seal ; Wm., E. of Shelburne, and Chas. Ja-s. Fox, sees. st. ; Augs. Keppel, first Id. admy. ; D. of Richmond, ordn. ; Thos. Townshend, sec.-at- ■war; Isaac Barre, treas. of the navy; Edm. Burke, paym., &c. Li.rd Thurlow, Id. chanc. i The death of the INI. of Rock- ingham (July 2, 1782) led to j the administration of lord Shel- i burne, who accepted the oftice of | first minister, -without the privity | of his colleagues, and Mr. Fox, , lord John Cavendish, and others, ; resigned. | 1782. Wm. . E. of Shelbukne, aft. M. of Jtdy. Lansdowne, first Id treas. ; Wm. Pitt, ch. ex. ; Id., aft. E. Cam- den, pres. of the council ; D. of Grafton, pr. seal ; Thos., Id. Grantham, home, and Thos. Townshend, foreign, sees.; Aug., vise. Keppel, first Id. admy. ; D. of Richmond, ordn. ; Hy. Dundas, treas. of the navy ; Isaac Barr(5, paym. ; Sir. Geo. Yonge, scc.-at- war; &c. Lord Thurlow, Id chanc. chanc. 1783. "■THE Coalition" Ministry, so Apr. called from the coalition of Ld. North and Mr. Fox, who had, for years previously, opposed and even abused each other. D. of Portland, first Id. treas. ; vise. Stormont, pres. of the council; E. of Carlisle, pr. seal ; Fredk., Id. North, and Chas. Jas. Fox, home and foreign sees. ; Id. John Cavendish, ch. ex. ; vise. Keppel, first Id. admy. ; vise. Townshend, ordn. ; Chas. Townshend, treas. of the navy ; Edm. Burke paym. ; R. Fitzpatrick, sec. -at war; &c. The great seal in commission ; lord Loughborough, c. j. of the com- mon pleas, first commr. 1783. Wm. Pitt, first Id. treas. and ch. Dec. ex. ; E. Gower, pres. of the coun- cil; D. of Rutland, pr. seal ; M. of Carmarthen, and E. Temple, (the latter immediately succ. by lord Sydney), sees. st. ; D. of Richmond, ordn. ; vise. Howe, first Id. admy. ; Id. Mulgrave and Wm. Wyndham Grenville, aft. Id. Grenville. joint-paym. ; Hy. Dun- das, &c. Lord Thurlow,ld. chanc. During Mr. Pitt's long adminis- tration numerous changes in the ministrv took place : among the.se were: EE. Camden, Fitz- william, Mansfield, and Chatham, Buccessivelv pres. of the council ; M. of Stafford, and EE. of Chat- ham, Spencer, and Westmore- land, pr. .seal; E. of Chatham and E. Spencer, first Ids. admy. and Mr. Grenville, aft. lord Grenville, ^Ir. Dundas, and D. of Portland, sees, at.- ; (fee. Mr. Pitt res. in 1801. 1801. Ht. Addington, first Id. treas. and Mar. ch. ex. ; D. of Portland, pres. et sea. of the council ; E. of Westmore- land, pr. seal; lord Pelham, home, lord Hawkesbury, foreign, and lord Hobart, colonial sees. ;E. St. Vincent, first Id. admy. : E. of Chatham, ordn. ; Chas. Yorke, sec.-at-war; vise. Lewisham, India Board : lord Auckland, bd. tr. ; &c. Lord Eldon Id. chanc. Changes: vise. Castlereagh, India board; Sept. 1802; Chas. Yorke, home sec. July 1803. Wai. Pitt, first Id. treas. ; D. of Portland (succ. by lord Sidmouth, late Mr. Addington, Jan. 180.5), pres. of the council ; E. of Westmoreland, pr. seal ; Id. Hawkesburj-. home sec. ; Id. Harrowby (succ. by Id. JIul- grave), for. sec. : and E. Camden (succ. by vise. Castlereagh), col. sec. ; vise. Melville (succ. by Id. Barham), first Id. admy. ; D. of Montrose, bd. tr. : Id. Mul- grave, duchy of Lane. ; Mr. Dundas, Geo. "Camiing, &c. Lord Eldon. Id. chanc. The death of Mr. Pitt, on Jan. 23, 1806, led to the formation of another cabinet. 180(5. "All the Talents"* administra- Feb tion : Wm. Wyndham, Lord Grenville, first Id. of the treas. : Id. Hy. Petty, eh. ex. ; E. Fitzwilliam. pres. of the council ; vise. Sidmouth, pr. seal; Chas. Jas. Fox, for., E. 1804. I May. I et seq. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 145 Spencer, home, and Wm. Wind- ham, war, sees. ; E. of Moira, ordn. ; sir Chas. Grey, aft. vise. Howick and E. Grey, first Id. admy. ; Id. Minto, bd. of control ; Id. Auckland, bd. of tr., &c. Lord Erskine, Id. chanc. Lord Ellen- borough, Id. c. j. of the K. B., had a seat in this cabinet. 1806. The death of Mr. Fox, on Sept. 13, caused several changes : viz. : vise. Sidmouth, pres. of the council ; Id. Holland, pr. seal ; Id. Howick, for. sec, vice Mr. Fox; Thos. Grenville, first Id. admy. ; Geo. Tierncy, bd. of con- trol, &c. 1807. Wm. Hy. Cavendish, D. of Port- Mar. LAND, first Id. treas. ; E. Camden, Id. pres. of the Council ; E. of Westmoreland, pr. seal ; hon. Spencer Perceval, ch. ex. and leader of the House of Commons ; Id. Hawkesbnry, Geo. Canning, and vise. Castlereagh, home, for., j and col. sees. ; E. Bathurst, bd. of tr. : Hy., Dundas, bd. of con- trol ; Id. Mulgrave, first Id. admy. ; E. of Chatham, ordn., &c. Lord Eldon, Id. chanc. 1809. A quarrel and duel on Sept. 22, between Id. Castlereagh and Mr. Canning (the latter wounded) led to the retirement of both. This, with the subsequent retirement of the D. of Portland, who died shortly after (Oct. 30, 1809) dis- solved the administration, which, after some negotiation with tbe Whigs, was reconstituted under 1809. Spencer Perceval, first Id. treas., Nov. ch, ex., and ch. duch. Lane. ; E. & Camden, pres. of the Council; Dec. E. of Westmoreland, pr. seal ; hon. Rd. Ryder, home. M. Wel- lesley, for., and E. of Liverpool, col. sees. ; lord Mulgrave, first Id. admy. ; Hy. Dundas, bd. of control ; E. Bathurst, bd. of trade ; E. of Chatham, ordn. ; vise. Palmerston, sec.-at-war, &c. Lord Eldon, Id. chanc. 1810. Lord Mulgrave went to the ordn.. May. and was succ. at the admy. by Chas. Yorke. Some subordinate changes took place. Regency of George, Prince of Wales. 1811. Spencer Perceval and his col- Feb. leagues, continued. The death of Mr. Perceval, who was assassinated by a man named Beilingham, in the lobby of the House of Commons on May 11, 1812, led to several changes. After much fruitless negotiation ■with the Whigs the former govt, was reconstituted under the 1812. RoBT. Banks, E. of Liverpool, May first Id. treas. ; E. of Harrowby, & pres. of the council ; E. of West- June, moreland, pr. seal; Nichs. Van- sittart, ch. ex. ; E. of Mulgrave, ordn. ; Id. Melville, first Id. admy. ; vise. Sidmouth, vise. Castlereagh, and E. Bathurst, home, for., and col. sees.; E. of Buckinghamshii-e, bd. of control; Marq. Camden, Id. Palmerston, E. of Clancarty, &c. Lord Eldon, Id. chanc. 1814. Among the changes that afterwards to took place, were the following : 1819. Chas. Bragge Bathurst, ch. duch. Lane, a cabinet minister, and W. Wellesley Pole advanced to the cabinet as m. mint, 1814. Geo. Canning made pres. bd. control, 1816. Fredk. John Robinson, pres. bd. tr., 1818; and the D. of Wellington, m. g. ordn., 1819. King George IV. 1820. E. of Liverpool and his colleagues, Jan. continued. The cabinet at the commencement of this reign was constituted thus : E. of Liverpool, first Id. treas. ; E. of Harrowby, pres. of the council ; E. of West- moreland, pr. seal ; Mr. Vansittart, ch. ex. ; vise. Melville, first Id. admy. ; D. of Wellington, ordn. ; vise. Sidmouth, vise. Castlereagh, and E. Bathurst, home, for., and col. sees. ; Geo. Canning, bd. of control ; Fredk. J. Robinson, bd. tr. ; Chas. B. Bathurst, ch. duch. Lane. ; W. Wellesley Pole, m. mint ; E. of Mulgrave without office. Lord Eldon, Id. chanc. 1822. Robt. Peel became home sec, Jan., and W. W. Wynn, pres. bd. tr., Feb. ; and, on the death of vise Castlereagh, then M. of Lon- donderry, Geo. Canning became for. sec, Sept. Vise Sidmouth continued a member of the cabinet, without office. In 1823, Wm. Huskisson united the board 10 146 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. of trade with the treasurership of the navy ; and a few other changes subsequently occurred. 1827. E. of LivKRi'ooL, continued. At the close of lord Liverpool's long administration, it consisted of the following members ; E. of Liver- pool, first Id. treas. ; Fredk. J. Robinson, ch. ex. ; lords Harrowby and Westmoreland, pres. of the council and pr. seal ; Robt. Peel, Geo. Canning, and E Bathurst, sees. St. for the home, for., and col. depts. ; lord Melville, first Id. admy. ; D. of Wellington, ordn. ; lord Bexley, late Mr. Vansittart, duchy of Lane. ; Chas. W. W. Wynn and Wm. Huskisson, bds. of" control and trade ; Id. Sid- mouth, without office, &c. Lord Eldon, Id. chanc. Dissolved, owing to lord Liverpool's illness, April 1827. 1827. Geo. Caxking, first Id. treas. and Apr. ch. ex. ; Id. Harrowby, pres. of the council ; D. of Portland, pr. seal ; Id. Dudley, vise. Goderich, and Sturges Bourne, for., col., and home sees. ; C. W. W. Wynn, bd. of control ; Wm. Huskisson, bd. of trade; Id. Palmerston, sec.-at-war ; Id. Bexley, duch. Lane. ; D. of Clarence, Id. h. adm. Lord Lyndhurst, Id. chanc. The marquess of Lansdowne had a seat in the cabinet, to which were soon added the seals of the home department. The death of I^Ir. Canning on Aug. 8, following, led to several changes. 1827. Vise. GoDERicn, late Fkedk. Jno. Aug. RoniNSON, aft. E. of Ripon, first King Wii D. OF Wellington and his colleagues, continued. 1830. Chas., Earl Gkey, first Id. treas.; Nov. vise. Althorpe, ch. ox. ; M. of Lansdowne, pres. of the council ; E. of Durham. ])r. seal ; vises. Mel- bourne, Palmerston. and Goderich, home, for., and col. sees. ; sir Jas. Graham, first Id. admy. ; Id. Auckland and Chas. Grant, pres. of the bds. of trade and control ; Id. Holland, ch. duch. Lane. ; Id. John Russell, paym. of the forces (not of the cabinet at first) ; D. of Richmond. E. of Carlisle, C. W. W. Wynn, &c. Lord Brougham, Id. chanc. Sir Hy. Parnell aft. became sec.- at-war, vice Wynn; and sub- Id. treas. ; D. of Portland, pres. of the council ; E. of Carlisle, pr. seal ; vise. Dudley, Wm. Hus- kisson, and M. of Lansdowne, for. , col. , and home sees. ; Id. Palmerston. sec.-at-war; C. W. W. Wynn, ))d. of control ; Chas. Grant, bd. of trade; Geo. Tiemey, m. mint, &c. Lord Lj-ndhurst, Id. chanc. 1828. Arthur, D. of Wellington, first Id. Jan. treas. ; Hy. Goulburn, ch. ex. ; E. Bathurst, pres. of the council ; Id. EUenborough, pr. seal ; Robt. Peel, E. Dudley, and Wm. Hus- kisson, home, for., and col. sees. ; vise. Melville, bd. of control; Chas. Grant, bd. of trade ; Id. Palmerston, sec.-at-war; J. C. Herries, m. mint ; E. of Aberdeen, ch. duch. Lane. ; — Arbuthnot, Chas. Y. Fitzgerald, &c. Lord Lvndhurst, Id. chanc. Mr." Huskisson, E. Dudley, vise. Palmerston, and Mr. Grant, quit the ministry, and changes follow. 1828. D. OF Wellington, first Id. treas. : May E. Bathurst, pres. of the council ; &" Id. EUenborough. pr. seal ; Robt. June. Peel, E. of Aberdeen, and sir Geo. Murray, home, for., and col. sees. ; vise. Melville and Chas. V. Fitz- gerald, bds. contr. and tr. ; sir Hy. Hardinge, sec.-at-war ; vise. Lowther, first commr. of land revenues, &c. Lord Lyndhurst, Id. chanc. The D. of Clarence surrendered the ofifice of Id. h. adm., Aug. 12 ; and lord Melville became first Id. admy. , Sept. lit ; lord EUenborough became pres. bd. contr., and lord RoBslyn pr. seal. LIAM IV. sequently sir Hy. Parnell was succ. by sir John Hobhouse. 1832. Earl Grey resigned, owing to a majority against him in the lords on a question relating to the Re- form Bill, May 10, but resumed office. May 18." The E. of Ripon, late vise. Goderich succ. the E. of Dur- ham as pr. seal, April 3, 1833, when, also, E. G. S. Stanley, aft. E. of Derby (previously sec. for Ireland), became col. sec, and Ed. Ellice, sec.-at-war. 1834 Wm., Visr. Melboirnk, first Id. July. treas. ; M. of Lansdowne, pres. of the council ; E. of Mulgrnve, pr. seal ; vise. Althorpe, ch. ex. ; vise. Duncannon, homo sec. ; vise. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 147 1834. Nov. & Dec. Palmerston, for. sec. ; Spring Rice, war and col. ; Id. Auckland first Id. admy. ; Chas. Grant and C. P. Thomson, bds. of control and trade ; Id. John Russell, paym. forces ; sir John Hob- house, Ed. EUice, M. of Conjaig- ham, Mr. Littleton, »&c. Lord Brougham, Id. chanc. Vise. Melbourne's administra- tion dissolved. The D. of Wellington takes the helm of state provisionally, waiting the return of sir Robei't Peel from Italy. Nov. 14. Sir Robt. Peel, first Id. treas. and ch. ex. ; Id. Wharncliffe, pr. seal ; E. of Rosslyn, pres. of the council ; Hy. Goulburn, D. of Wellington, and E. of Aberdeen, home, for. and col. sees ; E. de Grey, first Id. admy. ; Id. Ellen- borough and Alex. Baring, aft. Id. Ashburton, bds. of control and trade ; sir Edw. Knatchbull, paym. forces ; J. C. Herries, sec. -at- war; sir Geo. Murray, ordn. , &c. Lord Lyndhurst, Id. chanc. 1835. Vise. Melbocrne, again first Id. Apr. treas.; M. of Lansdowne,pres. of the council ; vise. Duncannon, pr. seal, with the woods and forests ; Th. Spring Rice, ch. ex. ; Id. John Russell, vise. Palmerston, and Id. Glenelg, late Chas. Grant, home, for., and col. sees. ; E. of Minto, first Id. admy. ; sir .John Hobhouse and Chas. Poulett Thomson, pres. bds. of contr. and tr. ; Id. Holland, ch. duch. Lane. ; vise. Ho wick, sec.-at-war; sir Hy. Parnell, Hy. Labouchere, Id. Morpeth, &c. The gr. seal in commission. The chancellorship, which had been in commission from the formation of this ministry, was given to sir Chas. C. Pejiys, Jan. 1836, with the title of lord Cottenham. hiEEN Victoria. 1837. Vise. Melboukn'e and his col- leagues, contd. June 20. F. T. Baring aft. becomes ch. ex. , vice Spring Rice, cr. lord Monteagle ; M. of Normanby, late E. of Mul- grave, home sec, i-ice Id. John Russell, made col. sec. ; T. B. Macaulay, sec. - at - war, vice vise. Howick ; E. Clarendon, Id. pr. seal, rice vise. Duncannon; Hy. Labouchere, pres. bd. trade, rice C. P. Thomson, &e. 1839. Ministers announced their determina- } tion to resign, in consequence of j the division in the Commons on the Jamaica Bill, in which they had a majority of only, /ire. May 7. Sir ' RoJjt. Peel received the queen's j commands to form a new adminis- tration, May 8 ; but owing to the refusal of her majesty to dismiss I the ladies of her household, on which sir Robt. Peel insisted, this command was withdrawn, and on May 10 lord Melbourne and his friends returned to power. 1841. Sir Robt. Peel, first Id. treas. ; D. Aug. of Wellington, without civil office, & comm. -in-chief ; Id. Wharncliffe, Sept. pres. of the council ; D. of Buck- ingham, pr. seal ; sir Jas. Graham, E. of Aberdeen, and Id. Stanley, home, for., and col. sees. ; Hy. Goulburn, ch. ex. ; E. of Hadding- ton, first Id. admy. ; E. of Ripon, bd. trade; Id. EUenborough, bd. control ; sir Hy. Hardinge, sir Edwd. Knatchbull, sir Geo. Mur- ray, &c.LordLyndhurst, Id. chanc. 1841. Among the many succeeding changes to were : Id. Fitzgerald and Vesey 1846. to the bd. of control, vice lord EUenborough a pp. gov. -gen. of India, Oct. 1841 ; D. of Buc- cleuch, pr. seal, Feb. 1842. E. of Ripon, from the bd. of trade to the bd. of control, vice lord Fitz- gerald, deed.. May 1843. SirThos. Fremantle, sec.-at-war, vice sir Henry Hardinge, app. gov. -gen. of India, May 1844. E. of Dal- housie, to the bd. of trade, and Sidney Herbert, sec.-at-war, Feb. 1845.' W. E. Gladstone, col. sec, rice Id. Stanley, res. ; D. of Buccleuch, pres. of the council, vice Id. Wharncliffe, deed. ; E. of Haddington, pr. seal; and- E. of EUenborough, first Id. admy. . Jan. 1846. 1846. Lord John Russell, first Id. treas July. and prem. ; M. of Lansdowne, Id, pres. council ; E. of Minto, Id pr. seal ; sir Geo. Grey, home sec. ; vise. Palmerston, for. sec. ; E. Grey, war and col. sec. ; Chas. Wood, ch. ex. ; E. of Auckland, first Id. admy. ; sir Jno. Hobhouse, 10 ' u» THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. aft. Lord Bioughton, pres. bd. control; E. of Clarendon, pres. bd. trade ; vise. Morpeth, aft. E. of Carlisle, first commr. woods and forests ; il. of Clanricarde, postm.- gen. ; T. B. Macaulay, paym.-gen.; lord Cottcnham, Id. chanc. ; lord Campbell, chanc. d. Lane. Changes: Hv. Labouchere, app. pres. bd. trade, July 22, 1847, vice E. of Clarendon ; E. Gran- ville, app. paym.-gen. May 1848, via' Macaulay : to be of cabinet, Oct. 1851 ; sir F. T. Baring, app. first Id. admy., Jan. 18, 1849, riri- E. of Auckland, deed. ; hon. Fox Maule, sec.-at-war, to be of cabinet, Nov. 1841) ; E. of Carlisle, app. chanc. d. Lane., Mar. 6, 1850. rir,- lord Campbell, app. Id. ch. just. q. b. ; lord Cottenham, Id. chanc, res. June I'J, 1850, and commrs. app. ; sir Thos. Wilde, Id. ch. just. c. p., app. Id. chanc, July 15, 1850, and cr. lord Truro ; Id. Seymour, app. first commr. works. &c., Aug. 1851; to be of cabinet, Oct. 1851 ; E. Granville, app. for. sec, Dec. 26, 1851, vice lord Palmerston, res ; hon. F. Maule (aft. Id. Panmure), app. pres. bd. control, vice Hobhouse, res. Feb. 1852. 1852. Edwd. G., E. of Derby, first Id. Feb. treas. and prem. ; E. of Lonsdale, Id. pres. of the council ; M. of Salisbury, Id. pr. seal; Spencer Horatio Walpole, home sec. ; E. of Malmesbury, for. sec. ; sir Jno. S. Pakington, bt., war and col. sec. : Benjn. Disraeli, ch. ex. ; D. of Northumberland, first Id. admy. ; Jno. Chas. Herries, pres. bd. cont. ; Josh. Warner Henley, pres. bd.tr.; E. of Hardwicke, postm.-gen. ; sir Edwd. B. Sug- den, cr. lord St. Leonards, Id. chanc. ; Id. Jno. Manners, first commr. works, &c. Wm. Beres- ford, app. scc.-at-war with seat in cabinet, Feb. 28, 1852, vice R. V. Smith, who was not in cabinet. 1852. Geo. Hamilton, E. of Aderdeen, Dec. first Id. troas. and prem. ; E. Granville, Id. pres. of the council ; D. of Argyll, Id. pr. seal ; vise. Palmerston, home sec. ; lord John Russoll, fur. sec. ; D. of Newcastle, war. and col. sec. ; hon. Sidney Herbert, sec. -at-war; Wm. Ewart Gladstone, ch. ox. ; sir Jas. 11. G. Graham, bt., first Id. admy. ; sir Chas. Wood, bt. , pros. bd. cont. ; sir Wm. Molesworth bt., first commr. works, &c. ; Id. Cran- worth, Id. chanc. ; M. of Lans- downe, without office. Changes. — E. of Clarendon, app. for. sec, Feb. 21, 1853, vice Id. John Russell, who remained in the cabinet without office ; secretary- ship of St. for war and colonies divided June 12, 18.54, D. of New- castle app. sec. war, sir Geo. Grey app. sec. col. ; E. Granville, app. chanc. d. Lane, June 21, 1854, vice E. Strutt. who was not in cabinet ; Id. John Russell, app. Id. pres. of the council, June 12, 1854, vice E. Granville. 1855. Hy. Jno., Vise. Palmerston, first Feb. 10. Id. treas. and premier; E. Gran- ville, Id. pres. council ; D. of Argyll, Id. pr. seal ; Sidney Her- bert, home sec, Feb. 8, succ. by Sir Geo. Grey, bt., Feb. 28; E. of Clarendon, for. sec. ; Sidney Her- bert, col. sec. ; Id. Panmure, war sec. ; W. E. Gladstone, ch. ex. ; Sir Jas. R. G. Graham, bt., first Id. admy. ; Sir Chas. Wood, bt., pres. bd. cont. ; lord Cranworth, Id, chanc. ; E. of Harrowby, chanc. d. Lane. (app. Mar. 1855); sir Wm. Molesworth, bt., first commr. works, &c. ; vise Canning, postm.- gen. ; M. of Lansdowne, without office. Changes.— Sidney Herbert, W. E. Gladstone, and sir J. R. G. Gra- ham, res. , Feb. 22, 1855 ; sir Chas. Wood, bt., app. first Id. admy., Mar. o, 1855, vice Graham, res. ; Robt. Vernon Smith, app. pres. bd. cont.. Mar. 13, 1855, rice Wood; sir Geo. C. Lewis, bt.,app. ch. ex., Mar. 5, 1855, vice Glad- stone, res. ; lord Jno. Russell, app. col. sec. May 1, 1855, rjce Sidney Herbert, re's. ; sir Wm. Moles- worth, app. col. sec, July 21, 1855, vice lord John Russell, res. ; Hy. Labouchere, app. col. sec, Nov. 21, 1855, vice Molesworth, deed. ; D. of Argyll, app. postm. gen., July 1855, vice vise. Can- ning, app. gov. gen. India; E. of Harrowby, app. Id. pr. seal, Dec. 7, 1855, vice D. of Argyll; Mat- thew Talbot Baines, app. chanc. d. Lane, Dec. 7, 1855, i-/Vv E. of Harrowby ; Id. Stanley of Aldorley, pres. bd.tr., to be of cabinet, — 1855 ; M. of Clanricarde, app. Id. pr. seal, Feb. 3, 1858, vice E. of Harrowby, res. 1858. Euwn. G.,'E. ok Derhy, first Id. Fob.25. treas. and ])remior ; M. of Salis- bury. Id. pros, council; E. of Hard- THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 149 ■wicke,ld.pr. seal; Spencer H.Wal- pole,home sec. ; E.of Malmesbury, for. sec. ; lord Stanley, col. sec. ; Jonathan Peel, war sec. ; Benjn. Disraeli, ch. ex. ; sir Jno. S. Pakington, bt., first Id. admy. ; E. of EUenborough, pres. bd. cent. ; Jos. Warner Henley, pres. bd. tr. ; lord Jno. Manners, first commr. works, &c. ; sirFk. Thesi- ger, cr. Id. Chelmsford, Id. chanc. Changes. — E. of Donoughmore,app. pres. bd. tr., Feb. 1859, vice Henley ; lord Stanley, app. pres. bd. cont., June 5, 1858, vice E. of EUenborough ; sir E. Bulwer- Lytton, app. col. sec, June 5, 1858, vice lord Stanley ; Board of control abolished by 21 & 22 Vic. , cap. 106, and Secretaryship of State for India created ; lord Stanley, app. first sec. st. for India, Sept. 2, 1858 ; F. H. S. Sotheron Estcourt, app. home sec. Mar. 3, 1859, vice Walpole, res. 1859. Hy. Jno., Vise. Palmerston, first June 18. Id. treas. and prem. ; E. Gran- ville, Id. pres. council ; D. of Argyll, Id. pr- seal; sir Geo. Cornewall Lewis, bt., home sec. ; Lord Jno. Russell, cr. E. Russell, 18(51, for. sec. ; D. of Newcastle, col. sec. ; Sidney Herbert, war sec. ; sir Chas. Wood, bt., India sec. ; Wm. Ewart Gladstone, ch. ex. ; D. of Somerset, first Id. admy. ; Thos. Milner Gibson, pres. p. 1. bd., and then pres. bd. tr. ; Edw. Cardwell, Irish sec. ; Jas. E. of Elgin, postm. gen. ; Chas. P. Villiers, pres. p. 1. bd. , vice Gib- son. Ld. Campbell, Id. chanc. ; sir Geo. Grey, bt. , chanc. d. Lane Changes.— Ld. Stanley of Alderley, app. postm. -gen., Aug. 17, 1860, vice E. of Elgin, sent as amb. to China ; sir Richd. Bethell,app. Id. chanc. and cr. Id. Westbury, June 26, 1861, vice Id. Campbell, deed. ; Sidney Herbert, res. and cr. Id. Herbert of Lea, July 1861, d. Aug. -, 1861; sir G. C. Lewis, app. SL-c war, July 23, 1861, vice Her- bert ; sir Geo. Grey, app. home sec, July 25, 1861, vice Lewis; Edw. Cardwell, apjj. chanc. d. Lane, July 25, 1861, vice Grey ; Sir Robt. Peel, app. Irish sec. (without seat in cabinet) July, 1861, vice Cardwell ; E. De Grey and Ripon, app. sec. war, Apr. 28, 1863, rzcp Lewis, deed. ; Edw. Cardwell, app. col. sec, Apr. 7, 1864:, vice D. of Newcastle, res. ; E. of Clarendon, app. chanc. d. Lane, Apr. 7, 1861, vice Card- well ; Id. Cranworih, app. Id. chanc, July 7, 1865, vice Id. Westbury, res. 1865. Jno., Earl Russell, first Id. treas. Nov, 6. and prem. ; E. Granville, Id. pres, council ; D. of Argyll, Id. pr. seal ; sir Geo. Grey, bt.,home sec. ; E. of Clarendon, for. sec. ; Edw. Card- well, col. sec. ; E. De Grey and RilDon, war sec. ; sir Chas. Wood, bt. , India sec. ; Wm. Ewart Glad- stone, ch. ex. ; D. of Somerset, first Id. admy. ; Thos. Milner Gib- son, pres. bd. tr. ; Chas. Pelham Villiers, pres. p. 1. bd. ; Id. Stan- ley of Alderley, postm. gen. ; Id. Cranworth, Id. chanc. ; Geo. Joa- chim Goschen, chanc. d. Lane, (app. Jan. 1866). Changes. — E. De Grey and Ripon, app. India sec, Feb. 16, 1866,?'2'ce sir Chas. Wood, res. and cr. vise, Halifax ; M. of Hartington, app. sec. war, Feb. 16, 1866, vice E. De Grey and Ripon. 1866. Ed WD. G., E. of Derby, first Id, July. treas. and prem. ; D. of Bucking- bam and Chandos, Id. pres. coun- cil ; E. of Malmesbury, Id. pr. seal ; Spencer H. Walpole, home sec. ; Id. Stanley, for. sec. ; E. of Carnar- von, col. sec. ; Jonathan Peel, war sec ; vise Cranborne, India sec. ; Benjn. Disraeli, ch. ex. ; sir J. S, Pakington. bt., first Id. admy. ; sir Stafford Hy. Northcote, bt., pres. bd. tr. ; Gathorne Hardy, pres, p. 1. bd. ; Id. Chelmsford, Id. chanc. ; Id. Naas, aft. E. of Mayo, Irish sec ; lord Jno. Manners, first commr. works, &c. Changes. — E. of Carnarvon, gen. Peel, and lord Cranborne, res.. Mar. 1867 ; D. of Buckingham and Chandos, app. col. see, Mar. 8, 1867. rice E. of Carnarvon ; D. of Mai'lborough, app. Id. pi"es. coun- cil, Mar. 8, 1867, rzW D. of Buck- ingham; sir J. S. Pakington, app. sec. war. Mar. 8, 1867, vice Peel ; Hy. Thos. Lowry Corry, app. first Id. admy., Mar.'S, 1867, vice Pak- ington ; sir Stafford Hy. North- cote, app. sec. India, Mar. 8, 1867, vice lord Cranborne ; D. of Rich- mond, app. pres. bd. tr. , Mar. 8, 1867, vice Northcote; Gathorne Hardy, app. home see, May 17, 1867, vice Walpole, res. ; E. of Devon, app. pres. p. 1. bd. (with- out seat in cabinet). May 17, 1867, rice Hardy. E. of Derby res. through ill-health, Feb. 1868, and d. Oct. 23, 1869. 150 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1868. Benjn. Disraki.1, first Id. treas. and Feb. premier ; D. of Marlborough, Id. pres. council ; E. of Malmesbury, Id. ])r. seal ; Gathorne Hardy, home sec. ; Id. Stanley, for. sec. ; D. of Buckingham and Chandos, col. sec. ; sir J. S. Pakington, bt. , ■war sec. ; sir Staflford Hy. North- cote, bt., India sec. ; Geo. Ward Hunt, ch. ex. ; Hy. Thos. Lowry Cony, first Id. "admy. ; U. of Richmond, pres. bd. tr. ; E. of Mayo, Irish sec. (res. Sept. 1868, and succ. by Col. Jno. Wilson Patten, not in cabinet) ; lord Jno. Manners, first commr. works, &c. ; Id. Cairns, Id. chanc. 1868. Wm. Ewakt Gladstonk, first Id. Dec. treas. and prcm. ; E. De Grey and Ripon, Id. pres. council ; E. of Kimberley, Id. pr. seal ; Hy. Austin Bruce, home sec. ; E. of Clarendon, for. sec. ; E. Gran- Tille, col. sec. ; Edw. Cardwell, ■war sec. ; D. of Argyll, India sec. ; Robt. Lowe. ch. ex. ; Hugh C. E. Childers, first Id. admy. ; Jno. Bright, pres. bd tr. ; Chichester S. Fortescue, Irish sec. ; M. of Hartington, postm.- gen. ; Geo. Joachim Goschen, pres. p. 1. bd. : sir Wm. Page Wood, cr. Id. Hatherley, Id. chanc. Changes. — W. E. Foster, v. pres. educatn., brought into the cabi- net, July 1870; E. Granville, app. for. sec, July 6, 1870, ?'?Ve E. of Clarendon, deed. ; E. of Kimberley, app. col. sec, July (i, 1870, rice E. Granville ; vise. Halifax, app. Id. pr. seal, July 6, 1870, vice E. of Kimberley ; Chi- chester S. Fortescue, app. pres. bd. tr., Jan. 14, 1871, r/tr Bright, res. ; M. of Hartington. app. Irish sec, Jan. 1871, rice Fortescue; Wm. Monsell, app. postm. gen., Jan. 9. 1871. rice Id. Hartington, but without seat in cabinet ; (tco. Joachim Goschen, first Id. admy., Mar. '.», 1871, rice Childers, res. ; Jas. Stansfeld.ai))). jn-es. loc gov. bd., Aug. 1871 ; Hugh C. E. Chil- ders, app. chanc. d. Lane. Aug. 9, 1872, vice Id. Dufferin, who was not in cabinet ; sir lloundell Palmer, app. Id. chanc. and cr. Id. Selborne, Oct. 15, 1872, vice Id. Hatherloy, res. ; II. A. Bruce, ap]). Id. jiroH. council, Aug. t), 187!{, and cr. lord Aberdaro, vice E. Uo (irey and Uii)on, res. ; R. Lowe, a))]), homo sec, Aug. !>, lH7:i, r/rv Bruce; W. E. Glad- stone, aj)]). ch. ex., rice Lowe. Aug. y. 1873, and held the offico jointly with that of first Id. treas. and premiership ; Jno. Bright, app. chanc. d. Lane, Sept. 30, 1873, vice Childers, res. 1874. Benjn. Disraeli, first Id. treas. and Feb. prem. ; D. of Richmond, Id. pres. of the council ; E. of Malmes- bury, Id. pr. seal ; Richd. Asshe- ton Cross, home sec. ; E. of Derby, for. sec. ; E. of Carnarvon, col. sec. ; Gathorne Hardy, war sec. ; M. of Salisbury, India sec. ; sir Stafford Hv. Northcote, bt., ch. ex. ; Geo. Ward Hunt, first Id. admy.; Id. Jno. Manners, postm. - gen. ; Id. Cairns, (cr. E. Cairns, Sept. 23, 1878), Id. chanc. Changes.— B. Disraeli, aft. E. of Beaconsfield, app. Id. pr. seal, rice E. of Malmesbury, Aug. 12, 1876, and held the office jointly with first Id. treas. and premiership ; sir Michl. E. Hicks-Beach, bt., Irish sec. to be of cabinet, Feb. 1877 ; Wm. Hy Smith, app. first Id. admy. .Aug. 14, 1877, rice Hunt, deed. : D. of Northumberland, app. Id. pr. seal, Feb. 4, 1878, rice E. of Beaconsfield, res. ; sir Michael E. Hicks-Beach, bt., app. col. sec, Feb. 4, 1878, vice E. of Carnarvon, res. ; Jas. Lowther app. Irish sec, without seat in cabinet, Feb. 1878. vice Hicks- Beach ; M. of Salisbury, app. for. sec, Apr. 2, 1878, rice E. of Derby, res. ; Gathorne Hardy, app. sec. India. Apr. 2, 1878, (cr. vise. Cranbrook, May 3, 1878), rice Salisbury; col. Fredk. xVrthur Stanley, app. sec. war, Apr. 2, 1878, vice Hardy ; vise. Sandon, app. pres. bd. trade, with seat in cabinet, Apr. 4, 1878, i-ice Adderley. 1880. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, first Id. Apr. 28. treas., ch. ex. and prem.; E. Spen- cer, Id. pr. council ; D. of Argyll, Id. pr. seal ; Wm. G. G. Ver- non Harcourt, home sec. ; E. Granville, for. sec. ; E. of Kimberley, col. sec. ; Hugh 0. E. Childers, war .sec ; M. of Hartington. India sec. ; E. of Northbrook, first Id. admy.; Jos. Chamberlain, pres. bd. trade ; John (>eo. Dodson, pres. loo. gvt. bd. ; Wm. Edwd. Forster, Irish see. ; Id. Selborne, Id. chanc. (cr. E. Selborne. Dec 2'.t, 1881); Jno. Bright, chanc. d. Lane Changes. —Ld. Carlingford, app. Id. pr. seal. May 2nd, ISSl, riccD. of Argyll, res. ; earl Spencer, app. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 151 Id. lieut. Ireland, Apr. 28, 1882, vice E. Cowper, who was not in cabinet; lord Fredk. Chas. Caven- dish, app. Irish sec., without seat in cabinet. May, 1882, (assass. May 6, 1882) vice Forster, res. ; Geo. Otto Trevelyan, app. Irish sec, without seat in cabinet. May 9, 1882, vice Cavendish; E. o"f Kimberle}', app. clianc. d. Lane, July 25, 1882, i-ice Bright, res. ; H.C. E. Childers, app. chanc. ex., Dec. 1(5, 1882, vice Gladstone, res. ; M. of Hartington, app. war sec, Dec. IG, 1882, vice Childers ; E. of Kimberley, app. India sec, Dec. 16, 1882, vice M. of Har- tington; E. of Derby, app. col. sec, Dec. 16, 1882, vice E. of Kimberley ; J. G. Dodson, app. chanc. d. Lane, Dec. 28, 1882, vice E. of Kimberley ; sir Chas. Wentworth Dilke, bt., app. pres. loc gvt. bd., Dec. 28, 1882, vice Dodson; Id. Carlingford, app. Id. pres. council. Mar. 11), 1883, vice E. Silencer, res. ; G. 0. Tre- velyan, app. chanc. d. Lane, Oct. 29, 1884, vice Dodson, res. ; H. Campbell-Bannerman, app. Irish sec, without seat in cabinet, Oct. 29, 1884, vice Trevelyan; G. J. Shaw-Lefevre (app. postm.-gen., without seat in cabinet, vice Faw- cett, deed., also not in cabinet), to be of cabinet, Feb. 1885 ; E. of Rosebery, app. first commr. works, Feb. 1885, vice Shaw-Lofevre ; E. of Rosebery, app. Id. pr. seal, Mar. 5, 1885, vice Id. Carlingford, res. 1885 RoBT. Arthur Talbot, M. of Salis- June. BURY, for. sec and prem. ; sir Stafford Hy. Northcote, bt. (cr. E. of Iddesleigh). first Id. treas. ; vise Cranbrook, Id. pres. council ; E. of Harrowby, Id. pr. seal ; sir Rd. Assheton-Cross, homo see; sir Fredk. A. Stanley, col. sec ; Wm. Hy. Smith, war sec. ; Id. Randolph H. S. Churchill, India sec; sir M. E. Hicks-Beach, bt., chanc. ex.; Id. Geo. F. Hamilton, first Id. admy.; D. of Richmond and Gordon, pres. bd. tr. ; E. of Car- narvon, Id. lieut. Ireland ; Id. Jno. J. R. Manners, postm.-gen. ; hon. E. Stanhope, v. pres. educatn. ; sir H. S. Giffard (cr. Id. Halsbury), Id. chanc. ; Id. Ashbourne, Id. chanc. Ireland. Changes.— Hon. Edwd. Stanhope, app. pres bd. tr., Aug. 19, 1885, vice D. of Richmond and Gordon, app. sec. Scotland ; W. H. Smith, app. Irish sec. Jan. 25, 1886, vice sir W. Haiii-Dyke, who was not in cabinet. 1886. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, first Id. Feb. treas.. Id. pr. seal, and prem. ; E. Spencer, Id. pres. comicil; Hugh C. E. Childers, home sec. ; E. of Rosebury, f or. sec. ; E. Granville, col. sec. ; Hy. Campbell-Banner- man, war sec. ; E. of Kimberley, India sec. ; Geo. Otto Trevelyan, sec. Scotland ; sir Wm. G. G. V. Harcourt, chanc. ex. ; M. of Ripon, first Id. admy. ; Anthy. Jno. Mundella, pres. bd. tr. ; Jos. Chamberlain, pres. loc. gvt. bd. ; John Morley, Irish sec ; sir Farrer Herschell (cr. lord Her- schell). Id. chanc. Changes. — E. of Dalhousie, app. sec. Scotland, without seat in cabinet, Apr. 3, 1886, vice Tre- velyan. res. ; Jas. Stansfeld, app. pres. loc. gvt. bd., Apr. 3, 1886, vice Chamberlain, res. 1886. RoBT. Arthur Talbot, M. of Salis- Aug. 3. BURT, first Id. treas. and prem. ; vise Cranbrook, Id. pres. council ; Hy. Matthews, home sec. ; E. of Iddesleigh, for. sec ; hon. Edwd. Stanhope, col. see ; Wm. Hy. Smith, war. see; sir Rd. Assheton Cross, G.C.B., (cr. vise Cross, Aug. 8. 1886), India sec. : Id. Randolph H. S. Churchill, chanc. ex.; Id. Geo. F. Hamilton, first Id. admy. ; sir Fredk. Arthur Stanley (cr. Id. Stanley of Preston, Aug. 6, 1886), pres.'bd. tr. ; sir Michl. E. Hicks-Beach, bt., Irish sec; Id. Halsbury, Id. chanc. ; vise. Cran- brook (pro teiii), and then Id. Jno. Manners, chanc. d. Lane ; Id. Ashbourne, Id. chanc. Ireland. Changes. — Arthur Jas. Balfour, sec Scotland, brought into cabi- net, Nov. 1886 ; M. of Salisbury, app. for. see, Jan. 14, 1887, vice E. of Iddesleigh, res. ; the mar- quis retained the premiership ; W. H. Smith, app. first Id. treas., Jan. 14, 1887, vice M. of Salisbury ; hon. Edw. Stanhope, app. war sec, Jan. 14, 1887, vice Smith; sir Hy. Thurstan Holland, (cr. Id^ Knutsford, Feb. 27, 1888), app. col. sec, Jan. 14, 1887, vice Stanhope ; Geo. Joachim Goschen, app. chanc. ex., Jan. 14, 1887, vice Id. R. Churchill, res. ; Arthur Jas. Balfour, app. Irish see, Mar. 8, 1887, vice Hicks- Beach, who res., but remained in the cabinet without office ; M. of Lothair. ajsp. sec. Scotland, Mar. 11, 1887, vice Balfour ; Earl Ca- 152 ^ THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. i''''S'fr"*''^/flogan, Id. pr. seal, and C. T. the cabinet, Jan. 1888. but re- /h^^Lr!.^ Ritchie, pres. loc. gvt. bd. ; \ joined it in the following month (Jvli-^hii-v^" brought into cabinet May 1887. i as pres. bd. tr., virf Stanley of .,%i7L M..>ftVC gir ^,[^ Hicks-Beach retired from | Preston, app. gov. -gen. Canada. . LORDS >tcw*.^„., 1278. 1279. 1280. LORD TREASURERS. LORD HIGH TREASURERS. COMMISSIONERS OF THE TREASURY. The lord treasurership, though not highest in nominal rank, has generally been the hi?hest political office in the state. For many years past the office has been executed by commissioners known as lords of the trea- sury. The first lord is almost invariably the head of the government, and the second lord is, generally, also the chancellor of the exchequer. TiORD Treasurees, &c., of England. 1266. Thos. de Wymundham. 1269. John de Chi'shull, dean of St. Paul's, London, aft bp. of London. 1271. Philip de Eh'. King Edward I. 1274. Joseph de Clancy. 1275. Walter Gitt'ard,' bp. of Bath and Wells, aft. abp. of York. — Robt. Burnel, bp. of Bath and Wells. John de Clancy, prior of St. John's of Jerusalem, in England. Thos. Beck, archd. of Dorchester. Richd. de Warren, or de Ware, abbot of Westminster. 1284. Walter Wenlock, abbot of West- minster. 1 28G. Roger de Longespee, al/'as de Molend, bp. of Lichtield. — John dc Kirkeby, archd. of Coven- try, aft. bp. of Ely. 1290. Wm. de Marchia, bp. of Bath and Wells. 1293. Peter de Leicester, baron of the exch., who, witn the two cham- berlains of the exch., executed the office of treasr. until the ap- pointment of 1295. Walter de Langton. bp. of Lichfield. Under him, Peter Willeby was ch. ex. King Edward II. Walter Reynolds, bp. of Worcester, aft. abp. of Canterbury. He had been schooluuister to the king. Under him, John de Sandale was ch. ex. John de Sandale. Sir Walter de Norwich. John do Sandale, bp. of Winchester, (ii/ain. Sir Walter de Norwich, again. John do Drokenesford, bp. of Bath and Wells. Hervey de Stanton, ch. ox. 1317. John ilotham. bji. of Ely. 1234. 1258. 1200. 1263. ; William the Conqueror. Odo, E. of Kent. King Henry I. Geoffry dc Clinton. Kanulph Flambard, bp. of Durham. Roger, bp. of Salisbury. Nigellus, bp. of Ely. King Henrv II. Geotrrev Ridel, bp. of Ely. Richd. de Ely. King Richard I. The same, contd. Wm. de Ely. King John. The same, contcl. Dean of St. Paul's, London. Walter de Grey, bp. of Worcester. Geoflrey, archd. of Norwich. King Henry III. John Ruthal. Eustace de Fauconbridge, aft. bp. of London. John de Eontibus, bp. of Ely. Walter Maclevk, or Lacklatine, bp. of Carlisle. Hubert de Burgo. Peter de Orial. Under him, Robert Passelewe was ch. ex. , or deputy treasurer. Hugh de Patteshull. Galfridus Tcmplarius. Wm. IlavorhuU, canon of St. Paul's, London. Richd. de Barking, abbot of West- minster. Philip Level, dej). by the barons in the year 1258. John Crackhall, archd. of Bedford. John, abbot of Peterborough, made treas. by the barons. NichohiH de Ely. archd. of Ely, 1307 1311. 1312. 1313. 1316. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 163 1318. Wm. Walwaine. _ John de Stratford, bp. of Winchester. 1319. Walter Stapleton, bp. of Exeter. 1321. Sir Walter de Norwich, again. 1322. Roger de Northburgh, bp. of Lich- tield and Coventry. 1324. Walter Stapleton, bp. of Exeter, again. He was beheaded in the year 1326, by order of the queen regent, Isabella. 1324. Wm. de Melton, abp. of York. King Edwakd III. 1326. John de Stratford, bp. of Winches- ter, again. — Adam de Orleton, bp. of Hereford. 1327. Hy. de Burghersh, bp. of Lincoln. 1329. Thos. Charleton, bp. of Hereford. 1330. Robt. Woodhouse. 1331. Wm. Melton, abp. of York, again. 1332. Wm. Ayremin, bp. of Norwich. 1333. Robt. le Ailstone. 1336. Hy. de Burghersh, bp. of Lincoln, again. 1337. Richd. de Bury, bp. of Durham. 1338. Wm. de la Zouch, or le Zouch, abp. of York. 1340. Sir Richd. Sodington. — Roger de Northburgh, bp. of Lich- tield and Coventry, again. 1342. The same, again. 1343. Wm. de Cusans. 1345. Wm. de Edington, bp. of Winchester. 1358. John de Shepey, bp. of Rochester. 1361. Simon Langham, bp. of Ely, aft. abp. of Canterbury, Id. chanc, and a cardinal. 1363. John Barnet, bp. of Worcester. Under him, Wm. Ashby, archd. of Northampton, was ch. ex. 1371. Richd., Id. Scrope, of Bolton, No. 1. 1376. Sir Richd. Ashton, Id. wden. of the Cinque Ports. 1377. Hy. Waketield, bp. of Worcester. King Richard II. 1377. The same, contd. 1378. Thos. Brentingham, bp. of Exeter. 1379. Richd. Fitzalan, E. of Arundel and Surrey. 1380. Thos. Brentingham, bp. of Exeter, again. 1389. John Gilbert, bp. of St. David's. 1390. JohnWaltham, bp. of Salisbury. 1395. Roger Walden, sec. to the king, and treasr. of Calais. He was elected abp. of Canterbury, but rejected by pope Iimocent VII. , who aft. confirmed him bp. of London. 1398. Guy de Mona, bp. of St. David's. — Su' Wm. le Scrope, E. of Wiltshire ; beheaded at Bristol in 1399. Kjng Henry IV. 1399. 1403. 1404. 1405. 1408. 1409. 1410. Sir John Northbury. Hy. Bowet, bp. of Bath and Wells. Wm., Id. Roos or Ros. Thos., Id. Furnival. Nicholas Bubbewith, bp. of London. Richd., Id. Scrope, of Bolton, No. 2. John de Tiptoft. Hy . , Id. Scrope, of Masham ; b eheaded at Southampton, 1415. King Henry V. 1413. Thos., E. of Arundel and Surrey. 1416. Sir Philip Lech. 1417. Hy., Id. Fitz-Hugh. King Henry VL 1422. John Stafford, dean of Wells, made bp. of Bath and Wells ; aft. abp. of Canterbury. 1425. Walter, Id. Hungerford. 1431. John, Id. Scrope, of Upsal. 1434. Ralph, Id. Cromwell. 1444. Ralph, Id. Sudley. 1447. Marmaduke Lumley, bp. of Carlisle. 1448. Jas., Id. Say and Sele ; beheaded by the Kentish rebels under Jack Cade. 1450. John, Id. Beauchamp of Powyk. 1452. John, E. of Worcester. 1455. Jas., E. of Wiltshire and Ormond. — Thos. Thorpe, ch. ex. — Hy., vise. Bourchier. 1456. John, E. of Shrewsbury ; killed at the battle of Northampton, 1460. 1458. Jas., E. of Wiltshire and Ormond, again ; beheaded at Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 1461. 1460. Hy., vise. Bourchier, again. King Edward IV. 1460. Thos. Bourchier. 1462. John, E. of Worcester, again; be- headed in 1470 or 1471. 1464. Edmd., lord Grey of Ruthyn, cr. E. of Kent. 1465. Sir Walter Blount, aft. lord Mont- joy- 1466. Richd. , E. Rivers ; beheaded at Northampton, 1469. 1469. John Longstrother, prior of St. John's of Jerusalem, in England. — Wm. Grey, bp. of Ely. 1471. Hy., vise. Bourchier, now E. of "" s, again. King Edward V. 1483. Hy., E. of Essex, contd. King Richard HI. 1483. The same, contd. 1484. Sir Richd. Wood. 164 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. King Henby VII. 1485. Sir Reginald Bray. — Sir Wiu. Stanley, cb. ex, 1486. John, lord Dynham. 1501. Thos., E. of Surrey, Norfolk. aft, D. of King Henry VIII. 1509. The same, contd. * * Thos. Cromwell, aft. E. of Essex ; and oh. ex. ; beheaded 1540. 1522. Thos. , E. of Surrey, son to the last Id. treasr. ; beheaded 1547. King Edward VI. 1547. Edwd., E. of Hertford, aft. D. of Somerset ; beheaded 1551. 1551. Wm., E. of Wiltshire, aft. M. of Winchester. Qdeen Mary'. 155;'.. Wm., M. of Winchester, contd. Queen Elizabeth. 1558. The same, contd. — Richd. Sackville, ch. ex. 1506. Sir Wm. Mildmay, ch. ex. 1572. Sir Wm. Cecil. Id. Burleigh, held office 27 years. 1580. Sir John Fortescue, ch. ex. 1599. Thos. Sackville, Id. Buckhurst, aft. E. of Dorset; d. Apr. ID, 1609. King James I. lOOi). Geo., Id. Hume, of Berwick, ch. ex. — Sir Fulke Greville, ch. ex. 1609. Robt., E. of Salisbury ; d. May 24, 1612. 1612. Hy., E. of Northampton, and others (first commrs.) by pat., June 16. 1614. Thos. Egerton. Id. EUesmere, Id. chanc, and others, commrs., Jan, 24. 1614, Thos., Id. Howard de Walden and E. of Suffolk, res. 1615. Geo. Abbott, abp. of Canterbury, and others, commrs., by succes- sive patents, dated July 21, 1618, and Jan. 25, 1619. 1620. Sir Richd. Weston, bt., aft. E. of Portland, ch. ex. — Sir Hy. Montagu, Id. ch. just. k. b. ; cr. baron Kimbolton, and vise. Mandi'ville ; aft. E. of Manchester. 1621. Lionel, Id. Cranfield, aft. E. of Middlesex ; sent to the Tower, and deprived, May 14, 1C.24. 1622. Commission enabling the Id. troas. to act as ch. ex., A))r. 22. 1624. Sir Richd. Weston, aft. Id. Wes- ton, chanc. and under treas. of the ex. ; coiinnr. during the va- cancy, by i)at., :May 25. 1624, Sir Jas. Ley, knt. and bt.. Id. ch. just. k. b. ; cr. lord Ley, aft. E. of Marlborough. King Charles I. 1625. The same, contd. 1628. Rd., Id. Weston, ch. ex.: cr., in 1633, E. of Portland, — Eras. Cottington, aft. Id, Cotting- ton, ch. ex. 1635. Wm. Laud, abp. of Canterbury, Hy.. E. of ^lanchester. Id. pr, seal, Eras., Id. Cottington, late ch. ex.. Sir John Coke, and Sir Fras. Windebank, principal sees, of St., commrs. 1636. Wm. Juxon, bp. of London. — Edwd., Id. Newburgh, in Fifeshire, ch. ex. 1641. Sir Edwd. Littleton, Id. kpr. of the gr. seal, Hy., E. of Manchester, Id. pr, seal, Sir John Bankes, Id. ch. just. c. p., Edwd., lord Newburgh, ch. ex., and Sir Ily. Vane, commrs, 1642. Sir John Colepepcr, ch. ex. — Sir Edwd. Hyde, ch ex. 1643. Fras., Id. Cottington, by pat., dated Oct. 3. Commonwealth. 1654. Bulstrode Whitelockc Sir Tbos. Widdrington, and John Lisle, Ids. commrs. of the gr. seal. Hy. Rolle, and Ohver St. John. Ids. ch. just, of the upper and common bench ; Edwd. Montagu. Wm. Sydenham, and Wm. Matham, commrs. of the treasy,, by pat., dated Aug. 3. When Richd. Cromwell became pro- tector, another commission issued. 1658. Bulstrode, Id. Whitelocke, const. of the ca.stlo of Windsor, Edwd., Id. Montagu, one of the generals at sea, Wm., Id. Sydenham, gov. of the Isle of Wight, and Sir Thos. Widdrington. ch, bar, exch.. commrs. of the treasy., by pat., dated Sept. 18. After Richd. Cromwell ceased to be protector, another commission issued under the " Keepers of the Liberty of England," 1659, John Disbrowe. Wm. Sydenliani, Richd. "Salwey. Cornelius Holland, .Tohn Clcrke. and John Blackwell, commrs. of the treasv. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 155 King Charles II. The dates given below are those of the patents, except those marked G., which are the dates of the Gazette notices. Commissioners. June 19, 1660. Sir Edward Hyde, (Id. chanc), aft. E. of Claren- don. Geo. Monk, gen. of the king's forces. Thos., E. of Southampton. John, Id. Robartes. Thos., Id. Colepeper. Gen. Edwd. Montagu. Sir Edwd. Nicholas and sir Wm. Morrice, principal sees, of st. Lord Treasurer. Sept. 8, 1660. Thos.,E. of Southampton. Sir Robt. Long, ch. ex. Commissioners. May. 24, 1667. Geo., D. of Albemarle. Anthy. , Id. Ashley, ch. ex. Sir Thos. Clifford, comptr. of the household. Sir Wm. Coventry. Sir John Duncombe. Apr. 8, 1669. Geo., D. of Albemarle. Anthy., Id. Ashley, eh. ex. Sir Thos. Clifford, comptr. of the household. Sir John Duncombe. Lord Treasurers. Nov. 28, 1672. Thos., lord Clifford. Sir John Duncombe, ch. ex. June 24, 1673. Sir Thos. Osborne, Baron Osborne, and Yisc. La- timer and DuNBLAiN. Cr. E. of Danby ; aft. M. of Carmarthen and D. of Leeds. Commissioners. Mar. 26, 1679. Ajrthur, E. of Essex. Hon. Laurence Hyde, ch. ex. Sir John Ernley. Sir Edwd. Deering, bt. Sidney Godolphin. Not. 21, 1679. Hon. Laurence, aft. lord Hyde. Sir John Ernley. ch. ex. Sir Edwd. Deering, bt. Sidney Godolphin. Sir Stephen Fox. July 9, 1684. Laurence, vise. Hyde, now E. of Rochester. Sir John Ernley, ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox. July 26, 1684. Laurence, E. of Roches- ter. Sir John Ernley, ch. ex. Sir Dudley North. Hy. Fredk. Thynne. Sept. 9, 1684. Sidney, lord Godolphin. Sir John Ernley, ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox. Sir Dudley North. Hy. Fredk. Thynne. King James II. Lord Treasurer. Feb. 16, 1685. Laurence, E. of Roches- ter. Commissioners. Jan. 4, 1687. John, lord Belasyse. Sidney, Id Godolphin. Hy. , Id. Dover. Sir John Ernley, ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox. William and Mary. Apr. 9, 1689. Chas., vise. Mordaunt. Hy., Id. Delamere, ch. ex. Sidney, Id. Godolphin. Sir Hy. Capel. k.b. Richd. Hampden. Mar. 18, 1690. Sir John Lowther, bt. Richd. Hampden, ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox. Thos. Pelham. Nov. 15, 1690. Sidney, lord Godolphin. Sir John Lowther, bt. Richd. Hampden, ch. ex. Thos. Pelham. Sir Stephen Fox. Mar. 21, 1691. Sidney, lord Godolphin. Richd. Hampden, ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox. Chas. Montagu, aft. lord Halifax. Sir Edwd. Seymour, bt. May 3, 1694. Sidney, lord Godolphin; and ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox. Chas. Montagu. Sir Wm. Trumbull. John Smith. King William III. Nov. 1. 1695. Sidney, lord Godolphin. Chas. IMontagu, ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox. John Smith. May 2, 1696. Sidney, lord Godolphin. Chas. Montagu, ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox. John Smith. Sir Thos. Littleton, bt. May ] , 1698. Chas. Montagu, and ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox. John Smith. Sir Thos. Littleton, bt. Thos. Pelham. June 1, 1699. Chas. Montagu, and ch. ex. Ford, E. of Tankerville. Sir Stephen Fox. John Smith. Hon. Hy. Boyle Nov. 15, 1699. Ford, E. of Tankerville. John Smith, ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox. Hon. Hv. Boyle. Richd. Hill. Dec. 9, 1700. Sidney, lord Godoli'Hin. John Smith, ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox. Hon. Hy. Boyle. Richd. Hill. ' Mar. 29, 1701. Sidney, lord Godoli'Hin. Hon. Hy. Boyle, ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox. Richd. Hill. Thos. Pelham. Dec. 30, 1701. Chas., E. of Carlisle. Hon. Hy. Boyle, ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox. Richd. Hill. Thos. Pelham. Queen Anne. Lord Treasurer. May 8, 1702. Sidney, lord Godolphin, aft. vise. Rialton and E. of Godolphin. 156 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Union with Scotland. LoED Teeasueees, &c., of Geeat Beitain. Commissioners. Aug. 10, 1710. John E. Pollet. Robt. Harley, ch. e.\. Hon. Hy. Paget. Sir Thos. Mansell, bt. Robt. Benson. Lord Treasurer. May 30, 1711. Robt. E. of Oxford and E. Mortimer. King George I. Lord Treasurer. Chas., D. of Shrewsbury. He was at the same time Id. chambn. of the hshold. and Id. Ueut. of Ireland. From the accession of George I. to the present time the office of lord treasurer has been executed by commissioners ; the duke of Shrewsbury being the hist person who executed the office as an individual. Oct. 13, 1714. Chas., E. of Halifax. Sir Richd Onslow, bt., ch. ex. Sir Wm. St. Quintin, bt. Edwd. Wortley Montagu. Paul Methuen. ! May 23, 1715. Chas., E. of Carlisle. Sir Richd. Onslow, bt., ch. ex. Sir Wm. St. Quintin, bt. Edwd. Wortley Montagu. Paul Methuen. Oct. 11, 1715. Robt. Walpole, andch. ex. Daniel, Id. Finch. Sir Wm. St. Quintin, bt. Paul Methuen. Hon. Thos. Newport. June 1.'5, 171G. Robt. Wali'ole, and ch. ex. Sir Wm. St. Quintin, bt. Paul Methuen. Hon. Thos. Newport, aft. Lord Torrington. Richd. Edgcumbe. Apr. 15, 1717. Jas. STANHorK, aft. E. Stan- hope, and ch. ex. Thos. , Id. Torrington. John Wallop. Geo. Baillie. Thos. Micklethwaite, aft. vise. Micklethwaite, in Ireland. Mar. 20, 1718. Chas., E. of Sunderland. John Aislabie, ch. ex. John Wallop, aft. vise. Lym- Commissioners. ington and E. of Ports- mouth. Geo. Baillie. Wm. Clayton. June 11, 1720. Chas., E. of Sunderland. John Aislabie, ch. ex. Geo. Baillie. Sir Chas. Turner, bt. Richd. Edgcumbe. Apr. 3, 1721. Robt. Walpole, aft. sir R. I and E. of Orford ; and ch. ex. Geo. Baillie. Sir Chas. Turner, bt. Richd. Edgcumbe, aft. Id. Edgcumbe. Hon. Hy. Pelham. Mar. 23, 1724. Robt. Walpole, and ch. ex. Geo. Baillie. Sir Chas. Turner, bt. Hon. Hy. Pelham. Wm. Yonge. Apr. 2, 1724. Robt. Walpole, and ch. ex. Geo. Baillie. Sir Chas. Turner, bt. Wm. Yonge. Geo. Dodington, aft. loi-d Melcombc. May 27, 1725. Sir Robt. Walpole, and ch. ex. Sir Chas. Turner, bt. Sir Wm. Yonge, k.b. Geo. Dodington. Sir Wm. Strickland, bt. King George II. July 28, 1727. Sir Robt. Walpole, k.o. ; and ch. ex. Sir Chas. Turner, bt. Geo. Dodington. Sir Geo. Oxenden, bt. Wm. Clayton. May 11, 1730. Sir Robt. Walpole, k.g. ; and ch. ex. Geo. Dodington. Sir Geo. Oxenden, bt. Wm. Clayton, aft. lord Sun- don, of Ireland. Sir Wm. Yonge, k.b. May 1735. Sir Robt. Walpole, k.g. ; and ch. ex. Geo. Dodington. Sir Geo. Oxenden, bt. Wm. , lord Sundon. Geo. , vise. Malpas. May 1730. Sir Robt. Walpole, k.g.; and ch. ex. Geo. Dodington. Sir Geo. Oxenden, bt. Wm. , lord Sundon. Thos. Winnington. June 1737. Sir Robt. Walpole, k.o. ; and ch. ex. Geo. Dodington, aft. lord Melcombc. Wm. , Lord Sundon. Thos. Winnington. Giles Earle. 1741. Sir Robt. Walpole, k.g. ; and ch. ox. Thos. Winnington. Giles Earle. Goo. Troby. Thos. Clutterbuck. THE BOOK OP DIGNITIES. 157 Feb. 16, 1742. Spencek, E. of Wilming- ton, K.G. Saml. Sandys, ch. ex. Hon. Geo. Compton. Sir John Rushout, bt. Philip Gibbons. Aug. 25, 1743. Hy. Pelham ; and ch. ex. Hon. Geo. Compton, aft. E. of Northampton. Philip Gibbons. Chas. E. of Middlesex, aft. D. of Dorset. Hy. Fox, aft. lord Holland. Dec. 25, 1744. Hy. Pelham ; and ch. ex. Charles, E. of Middlesex. Hy. Fox. Hon. Richd. Arundel. Geo. Lyttelton. June 1746. Hy. Pelham ; and ch. ex. Chas., E. of Middlesex. Geo. Lyttelton, aft. sir G. and Id. Lyttelton. Hon. Hy. Bilson Legge. John Campbell. June 1747. Hy. Pelham ; and ch. ex. Geo. Lyttelton. Hon. Hy. Bilson Legge. John Campbell, Hon. Geo. Grenville. May 1749. Hy. Pelham ; and ch. ex. Geo. Lyttelton. John Campbell. Hon. Geo. Grenville. Hon Hy. Vane, aft. E. of Darlington. Mar. 18, 1754. Thos. PelhamHolles, D. of Newcastle, first commr. April 6, 1754. Thos. Pelham Holles, D. of Newcastle. Hy., E. of Darlington. Hon. H. B. Legge, ch. ex. Thos., vise. Dupplin, aft. E. of Kinnoul. Robt.Nugent, aft. E. Nugent. Nov. 22, 1755. Thos. Pelham Holles, D, OF Newcastle. Hy., E. of Darlington. Sir Geo. Lyttelton, bt. , ch. ex. Thos., vise. Dup23lin. Robt. Nugent. Dec. 20, 1755. Thos. Pelham Holles, D. OF Newcastle. Sir Geo. Lyttelton, bt., ch. ex. Robt. Nugent. Percy Wyndham O'Bryen. Hy. Furnese. Nov. 16, 1756. Wm., D. of Devonshire. Hon. H. B. Legge, ch. ex. Robt. Nugent. Wm. vise. Duncannon. Hon, Jas. Grenville. July 2, 1757. Thos. Pelham Holles, D. of Newcastle. Hon. H. B. Legge, ch. ex. Robt. Nugent. Wm., vise. Duncannon, aft. E. of Besborough. Hon. Jas. Grenville, June 2, 1759. Thos. Pelham Holles, D. of Newcastle. Hon. H. B. Legge, ch. ex. Robt. Nugent. Hon. Jas. Grenville. Fredk., lord North. Dec. 22, 1759. Thos. Pelham Holles, D. of Newcastle. Hon. H. B. Legge, ch. ex. Hon. Jas. Grenville. Fredk., lord North. Jas. Oswald. King George III. Mar. 12, 1761. Thos. Pelham Holles, D. OF Newcastle. Wm., vise. Barrington, ch. ex. Fredk., lord North, Jas. Oswald. Gilbert Elliot. May 28, 1762. John, E. of Bute. Sir Fras. Dashwood, bt., aft. lord le Despencer, ch. ex. Fredk., lord North. Jas. Oswald. Sir John Turner, bt. April 15, 1763. Geo. Grenville, and ch. ex. Fredk., lord North, Sir John Turner, bt. Thos. Orby Hunter, Jas, Harris, July 10, 1765, Chas. , M. of Rockingham. Wm. Dowdeswell, ch. ex. Lord John Cavendish. Thos. Townshend, aft. lord Svdney. Geo'; Onslow, aft. Id. Cran- ley, and Id. Onslow. Aug. 2, 1766. Aug. Hy. , D. of Grafton. Hon. Chas. Townshend, ch. ex. Thos. Townshend. Geo. Onslow. Pryse Campbell. Dec. 1, 1767. Aug. Hy. , D. of Grafton. Fredk., lord North, ch. ex. Geo. Onslow. Pryse Campbell. Chas. Jenkinson. Dec. 31, 1768. Aug. Hy. , D. of Grafton. Fredk., lord North, ch. ex. Geo. Onslow. Chas. Jenkinson. Jeremiah Dyson Feb. 6, 1770 Fredk. , lord North ; and ch. ex. Geo. Onslow. Chas. Jenkinson, aft. lord Hawkesbury. Jeremiah Dyson. Chas. Townshend. Jan. 9, 1773. Fredk., lord North; and ch. ex. Geo. Onslow. Jeremiah Dyson. Chas. Townshend. Hon. Chas. Jas. Fox Mar. 12, 1774. Fredk. , lord North ; and ch. ex. Geo. Onslow. Chas. Townshend. Fras. Seymour Conway, vise. Beauchamp. Chas. Wolfran Coruewall. 158 June 5, 1777. Fbedk. , LORD North : and ch. ex. Geo. Onslow, now Id. On- slow and Cranlcy. Fras., vise. Beauchamp. Chas. Wolfran Cornewall. Wm. Hy. , Id. Westcote. Dec. 14, 1777. Fredk. , i-ORD North ; and ch. ex. Fras., vise. Beauchamp. Chas. Wolfran Cornewall. Wm.Hy., Id. Westcote. Henry, vise. Palmerston. Sept. G, 1780. Fkedk., LORD North; and ch. ex. Wm. Hy.,ld. Westcote. Hy.,visc. Palmerston. Sir Richd. Sutton, bt. John BuUer. Mar. 27, 1782. Chas., il. of Rockingham. Lord John Cavendish, ch. ex. Geo. John, vise. Althorpe. Jas. Grenville. Fredk. Monta^ru. July 13, 1782. Wm. , E. OF Shelburnf,. Wm. Pitt, ch. ex. Jas. Grenville. Richd. Jackson. Edwd. Jas. Elliot. April 4, 1783. Wm. Hy., D. of Portland. Lord John Cavendish, ch. ex. Chas. , E. of Surrey. Fredk. IMontagu. Sir Grey Cooper, bt. Dec. 27, 1783. Wm. Pitt, and ch. ex. Jas. , M. of Graham. John Buller. Edwd. Jas. Elliot John Aubrey, aft. sir J. Sept. 19, 1780. Wm. Pitt ; and ch. ex. Jas., M. of Graham. Hon. Edwd. Jas. Elliot. Sir John Aubrey, bt. Bichd., E. of Mornin^fton. April 8, 1781). Wm. Pitt ; and ch. ex. Hon. Edwd. Jas. Ellijt. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. I Richd., E. of Momington. | d I John Jeffreys, vise. Bay- I ham. Hy. , lord Apsley. June 20, 1791. Wm. Pitt ; and ch. ex. Hon. Edwd. Geo. Elliot. Richd., E of Mornington. .John Jeffreys, vise. Bay- ham. Richd. Hopkins. June 22, 1793. Wm. Pitt ; and ch. ex. Richd. , E. of Mornington. John Jeffreys, vise. Bay- ham. Richd. Hopkins. Hon Jno. Thos. Townshcnd. May 7, 1794. Wm Pitt ; and ch. ex. Richd., E. of Mornington. Richd. Hopkins. Hon. John Thos.Townshend John Smyth. Feb. 3, 1797. Wm. Pitt ; and ch. ex. Richd., E. of ^lornington. Hon. John Thos.Towushend. John Smyth. Sylvester Douglas. Aug. 3. 1797. Wm. Pitt ; and ch. ex. Hon. John Thos.Towushend. John Smyth. Sylvester Douglas. Chas. Small Pybus. July 28, ISOl). Wm. Pitt ; and ch. ex. John Smyth. S. Douglas, lord (Jlcnbervie. Chas. Small Pybus. Lord Granville Lovoson Gower. Dec. 9, 1800. Wm. Pitt; and ch. ox. John Smyth. Chas. Siiall Pybus. Lord Granville Lovoson Gower. John Hiley Addington. Mar. 21, 1801. Hy. Ai)DiN(iTO>; ; and oh. ex. John Smyth. Chas. Small Pybus. Lord Geo. Thynno. Nathl. Bond. July 5, 1802. Hy. Addington: and ch.ex. Chas. Small Pybus. Lord Geo. Thynne. Nathl. Bond. John Hiley Addington. Nov. 13, 1803. Hy. Addington ; and ch.ex. Chas. Small Pybus. Lord Geo. Thynne. Nathl. Bond. Hon. Wm. Brodrick. Nov. 19, 1803. Hy. Addington: and ch.ex. Lord Geo. Thynne. Nathl. Bond. Hon. Wm. Brodrick. Edwd. Golding. May 16, 1804. Wm. Pitt ; and ch. ex. Geo., Id Lovaine. Jas. Edwd., vise. Fitzharris Hon. Hy. Wellesley. Chas. Long. Aug. 6, 1804. Wm. Pitt ; and ch. ex. Geo., Id. Lovaine. Jas. Edwd., vise. Fitzharris Chas. Long. Geo., M. of Blandford. Feb. 10, 180G. Wm.. lord Grenville. Lord Hy. Petty, ch. ex. John Ciias., vise. Althorpe. Wm. Wickham. John Courtenay. Mar. 31, 1807. Wm. Hy., D. of Portland. Spencer Perceval, ch. ex. Wm. Hv., M. of Titchliel.l. Hon. Wm. Eliot. Wm. St urges Bourne. Sept. IG. 1807. Wm. Hy.,D. of Portland. Spencer Perceval, ch. ex. John Foster, lion. Wm. Eliot. Wm. Sturges Bourne. Hon. Richd. Ryder. Dec. 2, 1807. Wm. Hy., D. of Portland. Spencer Perceval, ch. ox. John Foster. Hon. Wm. Brodrick. Hon. Win. Eliot. Wm. Sturges Bourne. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Dec. G, 1809. Spencer Perceval ; and ch. ex. John Foster. Hon. Wm. Brodrick. Hon. Wm. Eliot. John Otway, E. of Desart. Snowden Barne. June 23, 1810. Spencer Perceval ; and ch. ex. John Foster. Hon. Wm. Brodrick. Hon. Wm. Eliot. Snowden Barne. Hon. Berkeley Paget. Jan. 0, 1812. Spencer Perceval ; and ch. ex. Hon. Wm. Wellesley Pole. Hon. Wm. Brodrick. Snowden Barne. Hon. Berkeley Paget. Richd. Wellesley. June Iti, 1812. RoBT., E. OF Liverpool. Nicholas Vansittart, ch. ex. Snowden Barne. Hon. Berkeley Paget. Oct. 5, 1812. RoBT. , E. OF Liverpool. Nichs. Vansittart, ch. ex. Wm. Vesey Fitzgerald. Hon. Berkeley Paget. lot) Fdk. Jno. Robinson, aft. vise. Goderich, and E. of Ripon. Jas. Brogden. Nov. 25, 1813. RoBT. , E. OF Liverpool. Nichs. Vansittart, aft. Id. Bexley, ch. ex. Wm. Vesey Fitzgerald. Hon. Berkeley Paget. Jas. Brogden. Wm., vise. Lowther. Dec. 20, 1813. RoBT. , E. OF Liverpool. Nichs. Vansittart, ch. ex. Wm. Vesey Fitzgerald. Hon. Berkeley Paget. Wm. , vise. Lowther. Chas. Grant, jun. Revenues of Geeat Britain and Ireland united, UNDER 56 Geo. III., c. 98. Lord Treasurers, &c., op the United Kingdom. Jan. 7, 1817. RoBT., E. of Liverpool. Nichs. Vansittai-t, ch. ex. Hon. Berkeley Paget. Wm., vise. Lowther. Chas. Grant, jun. John Maxwell Barry. Wm. O'Dell. The two last from the Irish Treasury. Mar. 25, 1819. RoBT.j E. OF Liverpool. Nichs. Vansittart, ch. ex. Hon. Berkeley Paget. Wm., vise. Lowther. Lord Granville Chas. Hy. Somerset. John Maxwell Barry. Ednid. Alexr. MacNaughten Feb. 10, 1823. RoBT., E. OF Liverpool, K.G. Fredk. John Robinson, ch, ex. Hon. Berkeley Paget. Wm., vise. Lowther. Lord Granville Chas. Hy. Somerset. John Maxwell Barry. Edmd. Alexr. MacNaughten. May 3, 1823. Rout., E. of Liverpool, COSOIISSIONERS. Fredk. John Robinson, ch. ex. Hon. Berkeley Paget. Wm. , vise. Lowther. Lord Granville Chas. Hy. Somerset. Edmd. Alexr. MacNaughten. June 13, 1826. RoBT., E. OF Liverpool, K.G. Fredk. John Robinson, ch. ex. Wm., vise. Lowther. Lord Granville Chas. Hy. Somerset. Eras. Nathl. Conyngham, E. of Mount Charles. Edmd. Alexr. MacNaughten. Apr. 30, 1827. Geo. Canning, and ch. ex. Fras. Nathl., E. of Mount Charles. Lord Fras. Leveson Gower. Edwd. Granville, lord Eliot. Edmd. Alexr. ^MacNaughten. July 31, 1827. Geo. Canning, and ch. ex. Fras. Nathl., E. of Mount Charles. Lord Fras. Leveson Gower. Edwd. Granville, lord Eliot. Maurice Fitzgerald. Edmd. Alexr. MacNaughten. Sept, 8, 1827. Fredk, John Robinson, cr. vise. Goderich. John Chas. Herries, ch. ex. Fras. Nathl., E. of Mount Charles. Edwd. Granville, lord Eliot. Maurice Fitzgerald. Edmd. Alexr. MacNaughten. Jan. 26, 1828. Arthur, D. of Welling- ton, K.G. Hy. Goulburn, ch. ex. Lord Granville Chas. Hy. Somerset. Fras. Nathl., E. of Mount Charles. Edwd. Granville, lord Eliot. Edmd. Alexr. MacNaughten. Apr. 24, 1830. Arthur, D. of Welling- ton, K.G. Hy. Goulburn, ch. ex. Lord Granville Chas. Hy. Somerset. Edwd. Granville, lord Eliot. Geo. Bankes. Edmd. Alexr. MacNaughten. July 24, 1830. Arthur, D. of Welling- ton, K.G. I Hy. Goulburn, ch. ex. 160 Lord Granville Chas. Hy. Somerset. Edwd. Granville, lord Eliot. Geo. Bankes. Wm. Yates Peel. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Nov. 24, 1830. Chas., E. Grky,k.g. John Chas. , vise. Althorpe, ch. ex. Geo. , lord Nugent. Kobt. Vernon Smith. Fras. Thomhill Baring. Hon. Geo. Ponsonby. Nov. 22, 1832. Chas.. E. Gkey, k.g. John Chas., vise. Althorpe, ch. ex. Robt. Vernon Smith. Fras. Thomhill Baring Hon. Geo. Ponsonby. Thos. Fras. Kennedy. Apr. 9, 1834. Chas., E. Grey, k.g. John Chas., vise. Althorpe, ch. ex. Robt. Vernon Smith. Fras. Thornhill Baring. Hon. Geo. Ponsonby. Robt. Graham. June 20, 1834. Chas., E. Grey, k.g. John Chas., vise. Althorpe ch. ex. Robt. Vernon Smith. Hon. Geo. Ponsonby. Robt. Graham. Capt. Geo. Stevens Byng. July 18, 183*. Wm. vise. Melbourne. John Chas., vise. Althorpe, ch. ex. Robt. Vernon Smith. Hon. Geo. Ponsonby. Robt. Graham, and Capt. Geo. Stevens Byng. Nov. 21, 1834. Arthur, D. of Welling- ton, K.G. Jas., E. of Rosslyn, g.c.b. Edwd. Id. Ellcjiborough. Wm., Id. Maryborogh. Sir John Beckct, bt. Joseph Planta. Tho duke of Wellington held oilico pruvisionally, waiting the return of sir Robt. Peel from Italy. Dec. 26, 1834. Sir Robt. Peel, bt., and ch. ex. Wm. Yates Peel. Hy. Pelham Clinton, E. of Lincoln. Wm. David, vise. Stormont. Chas. Ross. W'm. Ewart Gladstone. Mar. 14, 1835. Sir Robert Peel, bt., and ch. ex. Wm. Yates Peel. Hy. Pelham Clinton, E. of Lincoln. Wm. David, vise. Stormont. Chas. Ross. John NicoU. Apr. 18, 1835. Wm., vise. Melbourne. Thos. Spring Rice, aft. Id. Monteagle, ch. ex. Edwd. Adolphus Seymour, lord Seymour. Wm. Hy. Ord. Robt. Steuart. May 16, 1835. Wm., vise. Melbol-rne. Thos. Spring Rice, ch. ex. Edwd. Adolphus, Id. Sey mour. Wm. Hy. Ord. Robt. Steuart. Richd. More O'Ferral. July 18, 1837. Wm., vise. :Melbourne. Thos. Spring Rice, ch. ex. Edwd. Adolphus, Id. Sey- mour. Robt. Steuart. Richd. More O'Ferral. John Parker. Aug. 28, 1839. Wm., vise. Melbourne. Fras. Thornhill Baring, ch. Edwd. Adolphus, Id. Sey- mour. Robt. Steuart. John Parker. Thos. Wyso, jun. Nov. 2, 1839. Wm., vise. Melbourne. Fras. Thornhill Baring, ch John Parker. Thos. Wyse, jun. Hy. Tuffnell. May 26, 1840. Wm., vise. Melbourne. Fras. Thomhill Baring, ch. ex. John Parker. Thos. Wvse, jun. Hy. Tuffnell. Edwd. Horsman. I June 23, 1841. Wm., vise. Melbourne. Fras. Thornhill Baring, ch. Robt. Steuart. Thos. Wyse, jun. Hy. Tuffnell. Edwd. Horsman. Wm. Fras. Cowper. Sept. 6, 1841. Sir Robt. Peel, bt. Hy. Goulburn, ch. ex. Jas. Milne Gaskell. Hy. Bingham Baring. Alexr. Perceval. Alexr. Pringle. Sept. 16, 1841. Sir Robt. Peel, bt. Hy. Goulburn, ch. ex. James :Milnes Gaskell. Hy. Bingham Baring. Alexr. Pringle. John Young. May 21, 1844. Sir Robt. Peel, bt. Hy. Goulburn, ch. ex. Jas. :Milnes Gaskell. Hy. Bingham Baring. Alexr. Pringle. Lord Arthur Lenox. Apr. 26, 1845. Sir Robt. Peel, bt. Hy. Goulburn, ch. ex. Jas. Milnes Gaskell. Hy. Bingham Baring. Lord Arthur Lenox. Wm. Forbes Mackenzie. Aug. 8, 1845. Sib Robt. Peel, bt. Hy. Goulburn, ch. ox. Jas. Milnes Gaskell. Hy. Bingham Baring. W"m. Forbes Mackenzie. Wm. Cripps. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 161 Mar. 11, 1846. Sir Robt. Peel, bt. Hy. Goulbnrn, ch. ex. Hy. Bingham Baring. Wna. Cripps. Hon. Swynfen Thos. Car- negie. Ralph Neville. July 6, 1846. Lord John Russell, aft. E. Russell. Chas. Wood, ch. ex. Hugh, vise. Ebrington. The O'Conor Don. Wm. Gibson Craig. Hy. Rich. Aug. 6, 1847. Lord John Russell. Sir Chas. Wood, bt., ch. ex. Hugh, vise. Ebrington. Wm. Gibson Craig. Hy. Rich. Richd. Montesquieu Bellew. Dec. 24, 1847. Lord John Russell. Sir Chas. Wood, bt, ch. ex. Wm. Gibson Craig. Hy. Rich. Richd. Montesquieu Bellew. Hy.,E. of Shelburne, retd. , Aug. following. On the retirement of lord Shelburne, the office of one of the junior lord- ships of the treasury was abolished. Feb. 28, 1852, G. Edavd. Geoffrey, E. of Derby. Benjn. Disraeli, ch. ex. Richd. P. C. T. N., M. of Chandos. Lord Hy. Geo. Chas. Gor- don Lennox. Thos. Bateson. Jan. 1, 1853, G. Geo. Hamilton, E. of Aberdeen. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, ch. ex. Lord Alfred Hervey. Hon. Fras. Wemyss Char- teris. Jno. Sadleir. Mar. 6, 1854, G. Geo. Hamilton, E. of Aberdeen, k.t. Wm. E. Gladstone, ch. ex. Lord Alfred Hervey. Lord Elcho. Chichester Saml.Fortescue. Feb. 10, 1855, G. Hy. Jno., vise. Palmers- ton, (i.C.li. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, ch. ex. Lord Alfred Hervej'. Lord Elcho. Chichester Saml. Fortescue. Mar. 7, 1855, G. Hy. Jno., vise. Palmers- ton, g.c.b. Sir Geo. Cornewall Lewis, bt., ch. ex. Chas Stanley, vise. Monck. Adam Duncan Haldane, c.c. vise. Duncan. Chichester Saml. Fortescue. Apr. 16, 1855, G. Hy. Jno., vise. Palmers- ton, K.C.B. Sir Geo. Cornewall Lewis, bt., ch. ex. Chas. Stanley, vise. Monck. Adam Duncan Haldane, c.c. vise. Duncan. Hon. Hy. Bouverie Wm. Brand. Mar. 1, 1858, G. Edwd. Geoffrey, E. of Derby. Benjn. Disraeli, ch. ex. Lord Hy. Geo. Chas. Gor- don Lennox. Thos. Edwd. Taylor. Hy. Whitmore. Mar. 15, 1859, G. Edwd. Geoffrey-, E. of Derby. Benjn. Disraeli, ch. ex. Thos. Edwd. Taylor. Hy. Whitmore. Peter Blackburn. June 24, 1859, G. Hy. Jno., vise. Palmers- ton, K.G. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, ch. ex. Edwd. Hugessen Knatch- buU-Hugessen. Sir Wm. Dunbar, bt. Jno. Bagwell. Mar. 25, 1862, G. Hy. Jno., vise. Palmers- ton, K.G. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, ch. ex. Edwd. Hugessen Knatch- bull-Hugessen. Sir Wm. Dunbar, bt. Lt.-Col Luke White. Apr. 21, 1865, G. Hy. Jno., vise. Palmers- ton, K.G. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, ch. ex. Edwd. Hugessen Knatch- buU-Hugessen. Wm. Patrick Adam. Lt.-Col. Luke White. Nov. 6, 1865, G. Jno, E. Russell. Wm. E. Gladstone, ch. ex. Edwd. Hugessen Knatch- bull-Hugessen. Lt.-Col. Luke White. Wm. Patrick Adam. June 2, 1866, G. Jno., E. Russell, k.g. Wm. E. Gladstone, ch. ex. Jno. Bonham-Carter. Wm. Patrick Adam. Jno. Esmonde. July 12, 1866, G. Edwd. Geoffrey, E. of Derby, k.g. Benjn. Disraeli, ch. ex. Hon. Gerard Jas. Noel. Sir Graham Graham ]Mont- gomery, bt. Hy. Whitmoi-e. Feb. 29, 1868, G. Benjn. Disraeli, aft. E. OF Beaconsfield. Geo. Ward Hunt, ch. ex. Gerard Jas. Noel. Sir Graham Graham ]\Iont- gomery, bt. Hy. Whitmore. Nov. 2, 1868, G. Benjn. Disraeli. Geo. Ward Hunt, ch. ex. Claud Jno. Hamilton, c.c. lord C. J. Hamilton. Sir Graham Graham IMout- gomery, bt. Hy. Whitmore. Dec. 16, 1868, G. Wm. Ewart Gladstone. Robt. Lowe, ch. ex. Jas. Stansfeld. jun. Hy. Chas. Keith, M. of Lansdowne. Wm. Patrick Adam. Hon. Jno. Cranch Walker Vivian. Nov. 2, 1869, G. Wm. Ewart Gladstone. Robt. Lowe, ch. ex. 11 162 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. M. of Hy. Chas. Keith, Lansdowne. Wm. Patrick Adam. Hon. Jno. Cianch Walker Vivian. Wm. Hy. Gladstone. Aug. S, 1873, G. Wji. Ewart Gladstone, eh. ex. Fredk. Chas. Cavendish, c.c. lord F. C. Cavendish. Wm. Hy. Gladstone. Hon. Algernon Wm. Fulke Grevillc Mar. 4, 1874, G. Benjn. Disraeli. Sir Stafford Hy. Xorthcote, bt., ch. ex. Arthur Philip Hy. Stanhope, c.c. vise. Mahon. Rowland ^Yinn. Sir Jas. Dalrymple Howard Elphinstone, bt. Feb. 16, 1876, G. Benjn. Disraeli, (or. vise. Hughenden, and E. of Beaconsfield, Aug. 16, 1876.) Sir Stafford Hy. Xorthcote, bt. , ch. ex. Jno. Hy. Crichton, c.c. vise. Cricbton. Rowland Winn. Sir Jas. Dalrymple Howard Elphinstone, bt. May r,, 1880, G. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, and ch. ex. Sir Arthur Divett Hayter, bt. Jno. Holms. Chas. Cecil Cotes. Aug. 24, 1881, G. W'M. Ewabt Gladstone, and ch. ex. Sir Arthur Divett Hayter, bt. Jno. Holms. Chas. Cecil Cotes. Herbert Jno. Gladstone. June 26, 1882, G. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, and ch. ex. Chas. Cecil Cotes. Herbert Jno. Gladstone. Robt. Wm. Duff. Jan. 1, 1883, G. Wm. Ewart Gladstonk. Hugh Culling Eardley Chil- ders, ch. ex. Chas. Cecil Cotes. Herbert Jno. Gladstone. Robt. Wm. Duff. June 29, 1885, G. Sir Stafford Hy. Xorth- Cote, bt.. G.c.iJ., first Id., but under the pre- miership of the M. of Salisbury the for. sec. cr. vise. St. Cyres and E. of Iddesleigh, July 2, i 1885. Sir Michael Edwd. Hicks- Beach, bt., ch. ex. Chas. Dalrymple. Hon. Sidnev Herbert. Lt.-Col. Wm. Hood Wal- rond. Feb. 13, 1886, G. Wm. Ewart Gladstone. Sir Wm. Geo. Granville Venables Vernon Har- court, ch. ex. Sir Edwd. Jas. Reed, k.c.b. Cyril Flower. Geo. (4ranville Leveson- Gower. Aug. J), 1886, G. Robt. Arthur Talbot, M. OF Salisbury. Randolph IIv. S]>encer Churchill, c.c. Id. K. H. S. Clmrchill, ch. ex. Hon. Sidney Herbert. Col. Wm. Hood Walrond. Sir Herbert Eustace Max- well, bt. Jan. 17, 1887, G. Wm. Hy. Smith, first Id., but under the premiership of the ^I. of Salisbury, the for. sec. Geo. Joacliim Goschen, ch. ex. Hon. Sidney Herbert. Col. Wm. Hood Walrond. Sir Herbert Eustace Max- well, bt. SECRETARIES AND UNDER SECRETARIES TO THE TREASURY. The time of the first appointment of a secretary to the Treasury Board is uncertain ; but it is presumed there must always have been a secre- tary or some officer actino; in that capacity to the lord treasurer, or the board. It is probable that Lord Burleigh was the first treasurer who used a secretary to notify his directions to the officers of the receipt side of the exchequer. Sir George Downing was secretary in May 1667. In the reign of James II., when the earl of Rochester was treasurer, he had two secretaries, Henry Guy and Francis Gwyn, as is stated in a subsequent Treasury Minute Book (year 1711). In the Treasury Minute Book, 1695, No. 6, page 12, is the following memorandum: " This evening the king was graciously pleased to bestow on me the place of Secretary to the Troasury." " William Lowndes." Fron this it would ai)pear that there was only one secretary in 1695, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 16S as Mr. Lowndes distinctly states the place of secretary to have been bestowed upon him. It is quite certain there were two secretaries in 1714. Both the secretaries to the Treasury are political oflElcers who go out of office with their party. One is termed the " jjarliamentary " or "patronage" secretary, and generally acts as the principal government " whip " in the House of Commons. The other is termed the " finan- cial " secretary, and attends to what is, really, Treasury business. Besides the two political secretaries there is a permanent official formerly called the " assistant," but now called the " permanent " secre- tary. Seceetaries to the Treasury. From the accession of George III. Jas. West, and In 1760. Saml. Martin 17G2. Saml. Martin, and Jeremiah Dyson, May 29. 1763. Jeremiah Dyson, and Chas. Jenkinson, Apr. 16. 1764. Chas. Jenkinson, and Thos. Whateley, Apr. 5. 1765. \Vm. M?llish, and Chas. Lowndes, July 12. 1765. Chas. Lowndes, and Grey Cooper, July 30. 1766. Grey Cooper, and Thos. Bradshaw, Aug. 2. 1770. Sir Grey Cooi^er, bt., and John Robinson, Feb. 6. 1782. Hy. Strachey. and Edwd. Chamberlain, Mar. 29. 1782. Hy. Strachey, and Richd. Burke, Apr. 1782. Thos. Orde, and Geo. Rose, July 15. 1783. Richd. Brinsley Sheridan, and Richd. Burke, Apr. 5. 1783. Geo. Rose, and Thos. Steele, Dec. 27. 1791. Geo. Rose, and Chas. Long. 1801. John Hiley Addington, Mar. 24 ; and Nichls. Vansittart, Apr. 9. 1802. Nichls. Vansittart, and John Sargent. 1804. Wm. Huskisson, and Wm. Sturges Bourne, May 21. 1806. Nichls. Vansittart, and John Iving, Feb. 10. 1806. Nichls. Vansittart, and Wm. Henry Fremantle. 1808. Wm. Huskisson, and Hon. Hy. Wellesley. 1809. Richd. Wharton, and Chas. Arbuthnot. 1814. Chas. Arbuthnot, and Stephen Rumbold Lushington. 1823. Stephen Rumbold Lushington, and John Chas. Herries, Feb. 7. 1827. Jos. Planta, vice Lushington, Apr. 19, and Thos. Frankland Lewis, vice Har- ries, Sept. 4. 1828. Geo. Robt. Dawson, vice Lewis, Jan. 28. 1830. Thos. Spring Rice, and Edw. Ellice, Nov. 26. 1832. Chas. Wood, rire Ellice, Aug. 10. 1834. Fras. Thornhill Baring, vice Spring Rice, June 6 1834. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt., Dec. 19. Sir Thos. Fras. Fremantle. bt. , Dec. 20. 1835. Fras. Thornhill Baring, and Edwd. J. Stanley, Apr. 21. 1839. Robt. Gordon, vice Baring, Sept. 6. 1841. Richd. More O'Ferral, June 9. Sir Denis Le Marchant, June 19. 1844. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt. , and John Young, May 21. 1845. Edwd. Cardwell, vice Clerk, Feb. 4. 1846. Hy. Tufnell, and John Parker, July 7. 1849. Wm. Goodenough Hayter, vice Parker, May 22. 1850. Geo. Cornewall Lewis, aft. sir G., bt., vice Tufnell, July 9. 1852. Geo. Alex. Hamilton (Fin.), and Wm. Forbes Mackenzie (Pari.), Feb. 1853. Wm. Goodenough Hayter (Pari), and Jas. Wilson (Fin.), Jan. 1858. Geo. Ales. Hamilton (Fin.); app. perm, assist, sec, 1859, and SirWm. Geo. Hilton Jolliffe(Parl.), Mar. 1859. Samuel Laing (Fin.), and Hon. Hy. Bouverie Wm. Brand, aft. sir H. and vise. Hampden (Pari.), Jime 9. 1859. Fredk. Peel (Fin.), vice Laing. 1865. Hugh Culling Eardley Childers (Fin.), vice Peel. 1866. Thos. Edwd. Taylor (Pari.), and Geo. Ward Hunt (Fin.), July. 11 • 164 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1868. Geo. Sclater Booth (Fin.), vice Hunt, Feb. 1868. Hon. Geo. Grenfell Glynn, aft. lord Wolverton (Pari.), and Acton 8mee Aj-rton (Fin.), Dec. 1869. Jas. Stansfeld (Fin.), vice Ayrton, Oct. 1871. Wm. Edwd. Baxter (Fin.) ivce Stans- feld, Auc(. 1873. Arthur Wellesley Peel (Pari.), vice Glyn, Au^. 1873. John Geo. Dodson, aft. lord Monk- Bretton (Fin.), vice Baxter. 1874. Wm. Hart Dyke, aft. sir W., bt., (Pari.), and Wm. Hy. Smith (Fin.). Feb. 1877. Col. Fredk. Arthur Stanley, aft. lord Stanley of Preston (Fin.), vice Smith, Aug. 1878. Sir Hy. Jno. Selwin-Ibbetson (Fin.), vice Stanley, Apr. 1880. Lord Richard Grosvenor (Pari.), and Lord Fredk. Cavendish (Fin.), Apr. 1882. Leonard Hy. Courtney (Fin.), vice Cavendish, ilay. 1885. John Tomlinson Ilibbert (Fin.), rice Courtney. 188.5. Aretas Akers-Douglas (Pari. ), and Sir Hy. Thurstan Holland, aft. Id. Knutsford (Fin.), June. Sir Matthew White Ridley, bt., (Fin.), Sept. 188G. Wm. Lawies Jackson (Fin.), r/. Ridley, Jan. Arnold ]Morlev (Pari.), and Hy. Hartley Fowler (Fin.), Feb. Aretas Akers Douglas (Pari), and Wm. Lawies Jackson (Fin.), Aug. 4 u, y.^ ^^>. '/«i*f I >^.;; lif ''rt. i^, nu 1886. '$^' Assistant or Permanent Secretaries to the Treasury. From the institutiou of the Office. Assistant Seceetakiks. 1805. Geo. Harrison, aft. sir Geo., Aug. 19. 1826. Wm. Hill, Feb. 24. 1828. Hon. Jas. Keith Stewart, July 4. 1836. Alexr. Young Speannan, aft. sir A. bt.. Jan. 22. 1840. Chas. Edw. Trevelvan, aft. sir C. bt., Jan. 21. 1859. Geo. Alex. Hamilton. Permanent Secretaries 18G7. Geo. Alex. Hamilton, above named. 1870. Ralph Robt. Wheeler Lingen, c.b., aft. sir R., K.c.ii;c,.LUL^fc^ //^y 1885. Sir Reginald Earle Welby, CHANCELLORS OF THE EXCHEQUER. The Chancellor of the Exchequer is one of the lords of the treasury, except on particular emergencies, when the office is held by the lord chief justice of the queen's bench. Chancellors of the Exchequer. From the restoration of King Charles II. to the present time. The earlier chancellors will be found in the list of lord treasurers. King Charles II. 1660. Sir Robt. Long, Sept. 8. 1667. Anthy, Id. Ashley, aft. E. of Shaftesbury, May 24. 1672. Sir John Duncc/mbe, Not. 13. 1679. Hon. Lawrence Hyde, aft. vise. Hyde and E. of Rocliestor, Mar. 26. — Sir John Ernlo (Krnlev), Nov. 21. King James II. Sir John Ernley, contd. William and ]Mart. 1689. Henry, Id. De la I\Iere, aft. E. of Warrington, Apr. 8. 1690. Richd. llnmi)den, Mar. 18. 1694. Sidney, Id. Godoli)hin, and first comuir. treas. ; aft. E. of Godol- })hiu, May 3. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 165 King William III., alone. 1695. Chas. Montagu, Nov. 1. 1697. Chas. Montagu, and first commr. treas, May 1. 1699. .John Smith, aft. sp. of the ho. of commons, Nov. 15. 1701. Hon. Hy. Boyle, aft. baron Caiieton, Mar. 29. Queen Anne. Hon. Hy. Boyle, contd. 1708. John Smith, again, Feb. 11. 1710. Robt. Harley, aft. E. of Oxford and Mortimer, Aug. 10. 1711. Robt. Benson, aft. Id. Bingley, June 14. 1713. Sir Wm. Wyndham, bt., Nov. 1. King George I. 1714. Sir Richd. Onslow, bt., jDreviously sp. of the ho. of commons, Oct. 13 ; cr. Id. Onslow in 1716. 1715. Robt. Walpole, aft. sir Robt., and first commr., treas., Oct. 11. 1717. Jas. Stanhope, and first Id. treas., aft. E. Stanhope, Apr. 15. 1718. John Aislabie, Mar. 18. 1721. Sir John Pratt, Id. ch. just, of the k. h.,pro tern., Jan. 25. — Robt. Walpole, again, and first Id. treas., Apr. 3. King George II. Robt. Walpole, rontd. 1742. Saml. Sandys, aft. Baron Sandys, Feb. 16. 1743. Hon. Hy. Pelham, and first Id. treas., Aug. 25. 1754. Sir Wm. Lee, Id. ch. just, of the k. h., pro teiii.. Mar. 9. — Hon. Hy. Bilson Legge, Apr. 6. 1755. Sir Geo. Lyttelton, bt., aft. Id. Lyttelton of Frankley, Nov. 22. 1756. Hon. Hy. Bilson Legge, again, Nov. 15. 1757. Wm., Id. Mansfield, Id. ch. just, of the k. b., p7-o tern., Apr. 9. — Hon. Hy. Bilson Legge, again, July 2. King George III. 1761. Wm. Wildman. vise. Barrington, Mar. 12. 1762. Sir Eras. Dashwood, bt., aft. lord Le Despencer, May 28. 1763. Geo. Grenville ; and first Id. treas., Apr. 15. 1765. Wm. Dowdeswell, July 10. 1766. Hon. Chas. Townshend, Aug. 2 ; d. Sept. 4, 1767. 1767. 1770. 1782. 1783. 1801. 1804. 1806. 1807. 1809. 1812. Wm., Id. Mansfield, Id ch. just, of the k. b., pj-o fern., Sept. 12. Fredk., Id. North, Dec. 10. Fredk., Id. North, again, and first Id. treas., Feb. 10. Lord John Cavendish, Mar. 27. Wm. Pitt, July 13. Lord John Cavendish, again, Apr. 4, Wm. Pitt, again, and first Id, treas., Dec. 27. Hy. Addington, and first Id. treas. ; previously sp. of the ho. of com- mons ; aft. vise. Sidmouth, Mar. 21. Wm. Pitt, again, and first Id. treas., May 16. Edwd., Id. Ellenborough, Id. ch. just, of the k. b., on Mi. Pitt's de- cease, ;jro tein., Jan. Lord Hy. Petty, aft. M. of Lans- downe, Feb. 10. Spencer Perceval, Mar. 31. Spencer Perceval, again, and first Id. treas., Dec. 6 ; assass. May 11, 1812. Nicholas Vansittart, June 9. King George IV. Nicholas Vansittart, contd.; res. Jan. 1823; and cr. Id. Bexley, Mar. 1, 1823. 1823. Fredk. John Robinson, aft. vise. Goderich and E. of Ripon, Jan. 3L 1827. Geo. Canning, and first Id. treas., Apr. 24 ; d. Aug. 8, same year. — John Chas. Herries, Aug. 17. 1828. Hy. Goulburn, Jan. 26. King William IV. Hy. Goulburn, contd. 1830. John Chas., vise. Althorpe, aft. E. Spencer, Nov. 22. 1834. Thos., Id. Denman, Id. ch. just, of the k. h.,pro tem., Dec. 2. — Sir Robt. Peel, bt., and first Id. treas., Dec. 10. 1835. Thos. Spring Rice, aft. Id. Mont- eagle, Apr. 18. QoEEN Victoria. Thos. Spring Rice, contd. ; cr. lord Monteagle in Sept. 1839. 1839. Fras. Thornhill Baring, aft. sir Eras., bt., Aug. 26. 1841. Hy. Goulburn, again, Sept. 3. 1846. Chas. Wood, aft. sir Chas., bt., July 6. In some instances the date of the commission to the lords of the treasury instead of that of the separate appointment of the Chancellor 166 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES of the Exchequer is adopted in the preceding list. In the following list the date when the chancellor was sworn is adopted. 1852. Benjn. Disraeli, aft. E. of Beacons- field, Feb. 27. — Wm. Ewart Gladstone, Dec. 30. 1855. Sir Geo. Cornewall Lewis, bt., Mar. 5. 1858. Benjn. Disraeli, wjain, Feb. 28. 1859. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, again, June 18. Benjn. Disraeli, aqnin, July 6. Geo. Ward Hunt, Feb. 29. — Robt. Lowe, Dec. 9. 1873. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, again, and first Id. treas., Aug. 11. 18G6. 1868, 1874. Sir Staftord Hy. Northcote, bt., aft. E. of Iddesleigh, Feb. 21. 1880. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, again, and first Id. treas., Apr. 28. 1882. Hugh Culling Eardley Childers Dec. IG. 1885. Sir Michael Edwd. Hicks-Beach, bt., June 24. 1886. Sir Wm. Geo. Granville Vernon Harcourt, Feb. G. 1886. Lord Randolph Hy. Spencer Churchill, Aug. 6. 1887. Geo. Joachim Goschen, Jan. 14. THE TWO CHAMBERLAINS OF THE EXCHEQUER. From the restoration of King Charles II. to the abolition of the oflSce in 1826 under 23 Geo. HI., cap. 82. 1. 1660. Hy. Hildeyerd, adm. July 27, "to the office formerly had by sir Edwd. Bash, deed.," under pat. dated July 10. 1675. Philip Hildeyerd, son of the fore- going, adm. under pat. dated Feb. 16 ; including the reversion to * * Chas. Cole, son of Hy. Cole. His admission under the preceding pat. is not recorded. 1712. Sir Simeon Stuart, bt. (grandson and heir of sir Nichs. Steward or Stuart, formerly a chamberlain, see bf'low), adm. July 8, under pat. dated July 7. 1761. Sir Simeon Stuart, bt., son of the foregoing; by pat. dated Dec. 12. 1779. Hon. Fredk. North, aft. E. of Guildford, by pat. dated Dec. 13 ; office sun-, by him. Oct. 10. 1826. 2. 1660. Sir Nichs. Steward or Stuart, bt., adm IGGO, " to the office formerly had by sir Nichs. Carew, alias Throckmorton, deed.," under pat. dated Oct. 1, this year. 1710. Sir Wm. Ashburnham, bt. , adm. June 15, under pat. dated May 25, preceding ; d. Nov. 8. 1755. 1755. Sir John Miller, bt., adm. Nov. . ., under pat. in reversion, dated Apr. 7 preceding. 1772. Montagu Burgoyne, by pat. dated July 17 ; office surr. by him» Oct. 10, 1826. AUDITORS OF THE RECEIPT OF THE EXCHEQUER. From the restoration of King Charles II. to the abolition of the office in 1834 under 4 & 5 Will. IV., cap. 15. 1660. Sir Robt. Pye, bt., adm. Jan. 24, I 1673. Sir Robt. Howard, adm. July 14. 1620 ; rest. June 25, 1660. I 1698. Chris. Montagu, adm. Sept. 5 ; surr. 1662. Sir Robt. Long, bt., adm. May 21. | 1699. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1(;7 161)!). Chas. Montagu, aft. baron and E. of Halifax, adm. Nov. 17 ; res. 1714. 1714. Geo. Montagu, adm. Sept. 30 ; succ. as E. of Halifax. 1739. Robt. , lord Walpole, adm. May 9 ; succ. his father as E. of Orfoi-d. 1751. Hy., E. of Lincoln, aft. D. of New- castle, by const, dated Apr. 1. 1794. Wm. Wyndham, baron Grenville, by const, dated Feb. 27. 1834. Geo., baron Auckland, bj' const, dated Jan. 14. Office abolished Oct. 10, 1834. THE FOUR TELLERS OP THE RECEIPT OF THE EXCHEQUER. Prom the restoration of King Charles II. to the abolition of the office in 1834 under 4 & 5 Will. IV., cap. 15. 1. 16G0. Geo. Downing, aft. sir G., bt.,contd. in the office bv Oliver Cromwell, Sept. 8, 1«56 ; *(/. July, 1684. 1684. Simon Clifford, pat. dated June 3, 1671. Forfeited as a " recu.sant papist," 1689. 1681). Thos. Howard, adm. Jan. 16. 1701. Sir John Stanley, bt., adm. July 11, under pat. dated July 8, during pleasure only ; determined by the next grant. 1702. Jas. Vernon, late sec. st.; pat. dated June 29 ; during pleasure only. 1710. John Smith, late ch. ex., adm. Oct. 13 ; during pleasure only. 1712. Thos., Id. Mansell, adm." July 23; during pleasure only. 1714. John Smith, re-adm. Nov. 6 ; during pleasure only ; d. Oct. 1723. 1724. Geo. Treby, adm. Apr. 25; during pleasure only ; " removed." 1727. Thos. Townshend, adm. Aug. 12. 1780. John Jeffreys Pratt, aft. E. and M. Camden, bv pat. dated Aug. 18, 1766. Office abolished Oct. 10, 1834. 2. 1660. Leonard Pinckney, adm. July 25, by pat. dated July 16 ; during the life of his son, " into the place formerly occupied by John Brooke, esq., deceased." 1661, Wm. Pinckney, adm. in his father's place. Jan. 28. 1667. Sir Wm. Doyly, adm. Mar. 19. Susp. Jan. 25, 1673, and on Nov. 17, 1677, two deputies were app. to act in his stead by Id. treas. warrant, Aug. 15, 1678 ; d. April 1680. 1680. Geo. Downing, jun, aft. sir Geo., bt., adm. Apr. 21. Refused to serve king William, and so "abdicated" in 1689. j 1689. Hy, Maynard, adm. Apr. 16. i 1694. Guy Palmes, adm. Monday, . . . under pat. dated Oct. 24 ; " re- j moved," 1702. 1702. Sir Christ. Musgrave, bt., adm, June 30. 1704. Fras. Robartes, adm. Sept. ; quitted office, Oct. 27, 1710. 1710. Russell Robarts, adm. Oct. 31. 1714. John, Id. De la Warr, adm. Nov. 6. 1715. Sir Richd. Onslow, bt., aft. Id, j Onslow, adm. Nov. 7. I 1718. Thos., Id. Torrington, adm. Mar. 21 ; (/. May, 1719. 1719. Geo. Parker, aft. vise. Parker, and E. of Macclesfield, adm. July 4, under a pat. in reversion, dated May 3, 1718. 1764. Geo. Grenville, jun., aft. Geo. Nu- gent, E. Temple, and M. of Buckingham, entered this office, Mar. 21, under a pat. in reversion, dated May 2, 1763; d. Feb. 1813. 1813. Spencer Perceval, entered this office Feb. 16, under pat. dated Feb. 15. Office abolished Oct. 10, 1834. 3. 1660. John Loving, adm. by royal sign manual warrant, dated June 17, on pat. dated Dec. 14, 18th Car. I., (1642), "into the place formerly occupied by Authur Squibb, esq., deceased.'" 1693. Hy. Carew, adm. July 18. 1699. Fras. Godolphin, adm. June 8 ; surr. in 1704. 1704. Thos. Coke, adm. May 26; ex- changed with his successor, for the office of v. chamb. to the queen. 1706. Hon. Peregrine Bertie, adm. Dec. 1711. Geo. Hay, vise. Dupplin, aft. E. of Kinnoull, adm. Sept. 6 ; during pleasure only. 168 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1715. Sir Rof^or Mostyii, bt., adm. Jan. 8; during' pleasure only. 1716. Richd. Hampden, adm. June 27 ; during pleasure only. 1718. Tbos., Id. Onslow, adm. Mar. 21; during pleasure only. 1741. Horatio Walpole, aft. Id. Walpole, adm. Apr. 2S ; d. Feb. I7.")7. 17.57. Jas., E. of Waldegrave, entered this oflBce about Feb. 1), under a pat. in reversion, dated Nov. 6, preceding. 1736. Hon. Robt. Henley, aft. succ. as E. of Northington, entered this office Apr. 13. under a pat. in reversion dated July 22, 17.58. 1786. Edwd., Id. Thurlow, entered this office July 13, when Id. chanc, under a pat. in reversion, dated June .5, 178-1. 1806. Hon. Wm. Fredk. Elliot Eden, en- tered this office Sept. 15, under a pat. in reversion, dated July 31, 1790 ; found drowned in the river Thames. Feb. 24,1810. 1810. Hon. Chas. Philip Yorke, sw. Mar. 2, under a pat. dated Mar. 1 ; d. Mar., 1834. 1834. Chas. Wm. Manningham (formerly deputy to Mr. Yorke, from Mar. 3, 1810), app. by treas. minute, Apr. 25. and bv pat. Apr. 29 ; sw. May 10. Office abolished. Oct. 10, 1834. 4. 1000. Laurence Squibb, adm. June this year, under pat. in reversion. dated June 9, Uth Car. I. (1635) ; d. Dec. 1674. 1()74. Thos. Vernon, adm. Dec. 22. 1685. Fras. Villiers, sw. Feb. 23. 1694. John, vise. Fitzhardinge, adm. Feb. 16; d. Dec. 1712. 1713. Basil, E. of Denbigh, adm. Aug 31. 1715. Wm., Id. Paulet, adm. Nov. 7: during pleasure only. 1729. Sir Chas. Turner, bt., adm. May ; during jjleasure only. 1738. Hon. Philip Yorke, aft. vise. Roy- ston and E. of Hardwicke, adm. Dec. 14, under a pat. in reversion, dated Mar 9, 1737. 17S(i. Hy. Bathurst, Id. Apsley, aft. E. Bathurst, pat. dated Aug. 22. Office abolished, Oct. 10, 1834. CLERKS OF THE PELLS. From the restoration of KiriiJ- Charles II. to the abolition of the oflSce in 1834 under 4 «fe 5 Will. IV. cap. 15. 1060. Wm. Wardour, adm. or rest. Julj- 7, under constitution dated 17 Apr., 22 Car. I. (1640), and confirmed by patent, Aug. 22, this year. 1698. Hy. Pelham, adm. Feb. 1. 1721. Robt. Walpole, jun. (son of the jnime minister), adm. Apr. 12, under const, dated Apr. 5, preceding. Aft. or. vita put r in, baron Wal- pole. Surr. May 9, 1739. to take the office of auditor of the Ex. 1739. 1784. Edwd. Walpole, aft. sir E.. K.n., adm. May 9. Isaac Barrc, by const., dated Jan. 13. Hy. Addington, junr. aft. hon. Hy. by const., dated July 21. Edwd. Roberts, by const. , dated July 21. Hy. Ellis, by const., dated Jan. 25. Office abolished Oct. 10, 1834. COMPTROLLERS - GENERAL OF THE EXCHEQUER AND AUDITORS-GENERAL OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. On the abolition of tlu' offices of auditor and tellers of the exchequer, and clerk of the pells, as from October 11, 1834, under 4 & 5 Will IV.. cap. 15, the office of Comptroller-General of the ExcHEtiUER was created, to perform the functions of thesuppri'sst'd departments. As far back as 1785 commissioners were appointed to audit the ])ublic accounts, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 169 and numei'ous acts were passed defining their duties. By 28 & 29 Vict., cap. 23 (July 5, 1855), it was provided that on the next vacancy in the office of comptroller-general of the exchequer the duties were to he performed by the chairman for the time being of the audit commissioners. On July 5, 1865, lord Monteagle, the then comptroller, surrendered his ofiice, and on July 25, 1865, Sir Wm. Dunbar, the then audit chairman, was appointed comptroller in his place. By 29 & 30 Vict., cap. 39, the crown was empowered to appoint the person holding the ofiices of comp- troller-general of the exchequer and chairman of the audit commissioners to be comptroller-general of the exchequer and auditor-general of the public accounts (now usually styled comptroller and aviditor-general), and one of the audit commissioners to be assistant-comptroller and auditor; and, on these appointments, the offices of comptroller- general of the exchequer and of audit-commissioners were abolished. The comptroller and his deputy hold office during good behaviour, and are removable only on the joint address of both houses of parlia- ment. They are thus rendered independent of the executive government and are enabled to exercise freely their functions of considering the strict legality of every payment demanded by the treasury for the public service. Comptkollers-General of the Exchequer. Since the creation of the office, in 1834. 1834. Sir John Newport, Oct. 11. 1839. Thos., Id. Monteagle of Brandon, Sept. 9 ; surr. his office July 5, 1865. Sir Wm. Dunbar, bt. Chairman of Audit. Commrs. App. under 28 & 29 Vict., cap. 23, July 25. Comptrollers and Auditors-Gteneral. TJnder 29 & 30 Vict., cap. 39. 1867. Sir Wm. Dunbar, bt., above named. Mar. 15, G. Res. Apr. 1888. 1888. Sir Chas. Lister Ryan, k.c.b., May. Assistant Comptrollers and Auditors. Under 29 & 30 Vict., cap. 39. 1867. Wm. Geo. Anderson, Mar. 15, G. 1873. Chas. Lister Ryan, aft. sir C, Mar. ^,20, G.. LORD HIGH ADMIRALS AND LORDS COMMIS- SIONERS OF THE ADMIRALTY. This, as may be readily supposed, is an office of the highest importance, and in former times was frequently filled by the king himself, or by a member of the royal family. For many years it has, like the office of lord treasurer, been executed by commissioners, who are known as lords of the admiralty. The first lord is always a cabinet minister, and some of the other lords are also appointed on political grounds, and go out 170 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. with the ministry. There are, however, always one or two permanent officials on the board, whose names are inserted in the successive com- missions. i, j • • The lord high admiral of England appears always to have had ]uris- diction over Ireland, as well before as after the Union ; but the lord high admiral of Scotland was a separate office until the appomtmeut of prince George of Denmark as lord high admiral of Great Bntam on June 28, 1707. Lord High Admieals, &c., op England. 2'/ie letter N nuhjoined to the names denotes the Northern, the letter W the Western, S the Southern station. and 871. King Alfred, to his death in 901. 925. King Atheistan, to his death, 941. 959. King Edgar, to his death, in 975. 1016. The duke Edric. 10G(i. King Harold. 1106. King Henry I. 1172. King Henry II. 1177. ^\m. Mandeville, E. of Essex. 1189. King Richard I. 1189. Gerard, abp. of Aix. Bernard, bp. of Bayonne. Robt. de Sabloil. Richd. de Camville. Wm. de Fortze, of Oleron. Leaders and governors of all the king's navy, and governors of the king's ships going to the Holy Land. 1191. Sir Stephen de Turnham, and Sir Robt. de Turnham. 1199. King John. 1213. Wm. Longespee (claiming to be E. of Salisbury), nat. son of Henry II. , by Rosamond Clifford. * * The E. of Boulogne. Many of the kimjs in this list were in sea-liattles, or went upon ex- peditions with their fleets. King Henry III. 1217. Sir Hubert de Burgh. Sir Philip do Albini. 1224. Sir Geoffrey de Lucy. Richd. de Aguillon. 1235. Peter de Rivall, a priest ? 1264. Sir Thos. de Moleton, capt. and kee])i'r of the sea and coasts. Kino Edward I. 1293. Sir Robt. Tiptoft. 1294. Sir John de Botetourt, for the coasts of Yarmouth. N. Sir Wm. de Leybourne, for the coasts of Portsmouth. S. Sir Ormond, for Ireland. 1297. Sir John de Botetourt, keeper of the northern seas. Sir Wm. de Leybourne, capt. of the mari- ners. 1300. Gervase Alard, adm. of the fleet of the Cinque Ports. 1306. Gervase Alard, capt. and adm. of the king's fleet. W. Edwd. Chas., capt. and adm. of the king's fleet. X. King Edward II. 1308. Wm. de Betour, capt. of the king's ships going to the relief of Aberdeen. 1310. Sir John de Caunton, capt. and gov. of the king's fleet going to Scotland. Sir Simon de Montacute, adm. of the king's navy. 1311. Sir John of Argyle, coast of Argyle. 1314. Sir John Sturmy, and J Joint adms. against Peter Bard. i" the Scots. 1315. Wm. de Creye, W., Scotland and Ireland. Thos. de Hewys. March 15, 1315. John, Id. Botetourt; adm. and caj)t. of all the mariners from the Thames, to Berwick-on-Tweed. July 3, 1315. John de Athoy, capt. and leader of the expedition from Bristol against the Scots. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 171 Sept. 18, 1315. Sii- Hiimphrey Littlebury, adm. -in-chief of one part of the king's navy. Sir John Sturmy, adm. -in-chief of one part of the king's navy. Nov. 3, 1316. Sir Kobt. Leybourne, adm. of the fleet going against the Scots. Dec. 9, 1316. Sir Nichs. Kyriel, adm. of the fleet of the Cinque Ports, westward. March 28, 1317. John de Athey, caj^t. of the fleet in Ire- land. John de Perburn, or Perbroun, adm. of the king's fleet. N. Sir Robt. Leybourne, adm. of the king's fleet west of the Thames. April 24, 1318. Wm. Gettour, capt. and leader of the king's fleet going to Scotland. May 23, 1319. Ro'br Ashman.^' l^^"^': f J^% f^P''* Wm. de Thewell. J ^^amst the Scots. 1321. Sir Hugh le Despenser, adm. May 19, 1232. Robt. Battayle, Cinque Ports. John de Perburn, or Perbroun. N. Robt. de Leybourne, W. July 16, 1324. Sir John de Cromwell, adm. of the sea- coasts, and capt. of the king's mariners going to Gascony. Aug. 5, 1324. Sir Robt. Beaudyn. W. Sir John Sturmey. N. Sept. 18, 1324. Stephen Alard, adm. in the absence of sir Robt. Beaudyn. 1325. Sir Jno. Sturmey. ) . , Sir Nichs. Kyriel. [^% ms. of the three Jan. 2, 1326. Sir Nichs. Kyriel.) Adms. of the West- Sir John Sturmey. [ em fleets. Sept. 19, 1326. Sir Robt. de Leybourne. N. King Edward III. April 21, 1327. John de Perburn, or Perbroun. N. May 24, 1327. Waresius de Valoignes. W. April 6, 1333. Hy. Randolph, capt. and adm. for the Scottish War. July 16, 1333. Sir Wm. Clinton, capt. and adm. of the Cinque Ports and places west of the Thames. Jan. 2, 1335. Sir John de Norwich. N. Sir Roger Higham. W. April 4, 1335. Sir John Howard, capt. and adm. of the king's fleet of Great Yarmoiith and the ports north of the Thames. April 6, 1335. Sir Robt. Holand, capt. and adm. of the fleet on the coast of Wales and part of Ireland. April 24, 1335. Sir John Athy or Athey, capt. and adm. of the Irish fleet. July 6, 1335. Sir John Cobham, capt. and adm. of the Cinque Ports and places west of the Thames. Peter Bard, capt. and adm. of Cinque Ports and other western ports, to pro- ceed against the Scots. Feb. 10, 1336. Sir Thos. Ughtred, capt. and adm. N. April 10, 1336. Sir John de Norwich, capt. and adm. N. Sir Geoffrey Say, or Galfrid de Say, capt. and adm. W. Nov. 8, 1336. Sir John Roos, or de Ros. N. Jan. 14, 1337. Sir Robt. Ufford, and Sir John Roos, app. jointly adms. of the king's northern fleet. Sir Wm. Montaeute, capt. and adm. W. May 30, 1337. Sir Geoffrey de Say, and Sir Otho Grandison, commanders of the W. fleet. Aug. 11, 1337. Sir Walter Manny, capt. and adm. N. Sir Wm. Burghersh, capt. and adm. W. July 28, 1338. Sir Thos. Dravton or Draiton. N. Peter Bard. W. 172 Feb. IS, 1339. Sir Robt. Morley. N. Sir Wm. Trussell. W. Feb. 20, 1340. Sir Richd. Fitz-Alan, E. of Arundel. AV. Mar. 6, 1340. Sir Robt. Morley, capt. and adm. N. April 5, 1341. Sir Robt. Morley, adm. X. June 12, 1341. Sir Wm. Clinton, E. of Huntingdon, capt. and adm. of the W. fleet. April 10, 1342. Sir John de Montgomery. W. Dec. 20, 1342. Sir Wm. Trussell. N. Sir Robt. Beaupel. W. May S, 1344. Sir Robt. Ufford, E. of Suffolk. X. Sir Reginald de Cobham, capt. and adm. W. Feb. 23, 1345. Richd. , E. of Arundel. W. Jan. 25, 1347. King Edward III., styled Ki'iiff of the Seas. Feb. 23, 1347. Sir John de Montgomery. W. Mar. 8, 1347. Sir John Howard. X. Mar. 14, 1348. Sir Walter Manny. X. Sir Reginald Cobham. W. JuneO, 1348. Sir Robt. Morley. X. Aug. 17, 1349. Sir John Beauchamp, adm. of a fleet off Calais. 1350. Robert de Causton. X. — Sjulman. July 22, 1350. Sir Robt. ^Morley, ae/ain. — Spelman. Mar. 8, 1351. Sir W^m. do Bohun, E. of Northampton, capt. and adm. W. 1352. Thos., E. of Warwick. W. — Spelman. Mar. 1354. John Gybon, adm. of a squadron. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. :\Iar. 5, 1355. Sir Robt. :Morley. X. Sir John Beauchamp. W. Jan. 1356. Robt. Ledrede, adm. of a fleet going to Gascony for wine. Aug. 8, 1356. Robt. Drouss, of Cork, adm. of the Irish fleet. July 18, 1360. Sir John Beauchamp, adm. of the king's N., S., and W. fleets. Jan. 26, 1361. Sir Robt. Herle, adm. of the N. , S. , and W. fleets. July 7, 1364. Sir Ralph Spigurnell, adm. of the N'. and W. fleets. April 28, 1369. Sir Robt. Ashtou. W. June 12, 1369. Sir Nichs. Tamworth. X. Feb. 6, 1370. Sir Guy Bryan. W. Sir Guv Bryan was at sea in command of a squadron in Jan. 1370. May 30, 1370. John, lord Xeville. X. Sir Guy Bryan. W. July 8, 1370. Sir Ralph Ferrers, adm. of the king's fleet going to Britannj-. Oct. 6, 1371. Sir Robt. Ashton, adm. W. Sir Ralph Ferrers, adm. X. Mar. 7, 1372. Sir Philip Courtenay, adm. W. Sir Wm. de Xeville. X. Fob. 16, 1373. E. of Salisbury app. caj)t. of all shij)s and barges going to sea. July 16, 1376. Wm., E. of Suffolk. N. Nov 24, 1376. Sir Michael do la Pole. X. Sir Robt. Hales, prior of St. John's of Jerusalem, adm. W. King Riciiakd II. Aug. 14, 1377. Sir Michael do la Pole. X. Sir Robt. Hales. W. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 173 Dec. 5, 1377. Thos., E. of Warwick. N. Richd., E. of Arundel. W. Sept. 10, 1378. Sir Hugh Calverley. W. Nov. 5, 1378. Sir Thos. Percy. N. Mar. 8, 1380. Sir Philip Courtenay. W. April 8, 1830. Sir Wm. de Ehnham. N. May 22, 1382. Sir John Roche, or Roches, adm. of from Southampton, westward. Oct. 26, 1382. Sir Walter Fitz-Walter. N. Sir John Roche. W. Nov. 13, 1383. Edwd. , E. of Devonshire. W. fleet Hy. Dec. 2, 1383. E. of Northumberland. N. Jan. 29, 1385. Sir Thos. Percy. N. ; aft. E of Wor- cester, and beheaded in 1402. Sir John Radington, or Radlington, prior of St. John's of Jerusalem. W. Feb. 22, 1386. Sir Philip Darcy. N. Dec. 10, 1386. Richd., E. of Arundel, adm. of the N. and W. fleets ; held that ofiSce until May 18, 1389. May 20, 1389. John, Id. Beaumont. N. John, E. of Huntingdon. W. May 81, 1389. Sir John Roche, adm. of the W. and N. June 22, 1389. John, Id. Beaumont. N. John, E. of Huntingdon. W. Mar. 22, 1391. Edwd., E. of Rutland. N. Albemarle. aft. D. of Nov. 29, 1391. Edwd., E. of Rutland, adm. of the N. and W. fleets. Aug. 30, 1393. Matthew Swetenham and Nichs. Maccles- field, made adms. of Ireland. May 9, 1398. John, M. of Dorset, high adm. of the N. and W. fleets for life. He had been made adm. of the Irish fleet for life, Feb. 2, 1398. King Henry IV. Nov. 15. 1399. Thos., E. of Worcester, adm. of the N. and W. fleets, and adm. of the Irish fleet. April 21, 1401. Sir Thos, Rampston, or Rempston. W. April 26, 1401, Richd., Id. Grey, of Codnor. N. Nov. 5, 1403. Thos., Id. Berkeley. W. Nov. 18, 1403. Sir Thos. Beaufort. N. ; aft. E. of Dorset and D. of Exeter. July 5, 1404. James Dartasso, made adm. of Ireland. Feb. 20, 1405. Sir Thos. Lancaster (Plantagenet), 2nd son of the king, aft. D. of Clarence, high adm. of England. April 28, 1406. Nichs. Blackburne. N. Richd. Cl3'derow. W, Dec. 23, 1406. John, M. of Dorset (E. of Somerset), adm. of the N. and W. fleets. May 8, 1407. Edmd., E. of Kent, high adm. of England. Sept. 21, 1408. Sir Thos. Beaufort, adm. of the N. and W. fleets for life. King Henry V. June 3, 1413. Thos., E. of Dorset, adm. of England, Ireland, Aquitaine, and Picardy. Sept. 28, 1414. Patrick Coterell and Jas. Cornewalsche, app. the king's adms. of Ireland, from Wykynglone Head to Leperisylond, for their lives. Feb. 18, 1415. Sir Thos. Carew, and Sir Gilbert Talbot, app. capts. and leaders of men at arms at sea, in the absence of the E. of Dorset, with the usual powers of adms. 174 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. the July 6, 141(5. Thos., Id. Morley, adm. of a fleet going from London to Southampton. July 26, 1416. Sir Walter Hungerford, adm. of an expe dition under the D. of Bedford, th king's lieut. at sea. July 20, 1417. Edmd., E. of March, app. the king's lieut. at sea to bring the fleet to England, and then conduct it again with troops to the king. July 25, 1417. John, E. of Huntington, app. the king's lieut.. with all the powers of adm., during the king's absence. Mar. 2, 1421. Sir Wm. Bardolf, app. adm. of a fleet. John, E. of Richmond and D. of Bedford, Id. adm. KxsG Hexrt VI. 1422. John, D. of Bedford, contd. Oct. 21, 1437. John, D. of Exeter and E. of Huntingdon, and Hy. his son. for their lives. Id. adms. of England, Ireland, and Aquitaine. 1448—1451. Wm. de la Pole, ditto; during the minority of Hy. Holland, D. of Exeter. July 23, 1451. Hy., D. of Exeter. King Edwakd IV. 1461. Richd., E. of Warwick and Salisbury, styled the " King maker." July 30, 1462. Wm. , E. of Kent. Oct. 12, 1462. Richd., D. of Gloucester, brother to the king. Jan. 2, 1470. Richd., E. of Warwick ; capt. of the town and citadel of Calais, const, of Dover Castle, and Id. warden of tho Cinque ports. 1472. Richd., D. of Gloucester. KlXCi UlCUAKD III. July 25, 1483. John, D. of Norfolk. King Henry VII. 1485—1512. John de Vere, E. of Oxford. King Henky VHI. John de Vere, E. of Oxford, contd. Aug. 15, 1513. Lord Edwd. Howard. May 4, 1514. Thos., D. of Norfolk. 1525—1536. Hy. Fitzroy (natural son to the king), D. of Richmond and Somerset, and E. of Nottingham. Aug. 16, 1536. Wm., E. of Southampton. July 18, 1540. John, Id. Russel. June 27, 1542. John, vise. Lisle, and baron of Malpas, aft. D. of Northumberland, high adm. King Edward VI. Feb. 17, 1547. Thos. , Id. Seymour, of Sudley, high adm. of England, Ireland, Wales, Calais, Boulogne, :Marches of ditto, Normandy, Gascony, and Aquitaine, capt. -gen. of the navy and seas ; beheaded 20th January 154'.}. Oct. 28, 1549. John, vise. Lisle, aft. D. of Northumber- land, high adm. May 4, 1550. Edwd., Id. Clinton and Say. Queen Mary. Mar. 20, 1554. Id. Howard, of Effingham, high Wm., adm. Mar. 3, 1556. Edwd., Id. Clinton and Say, aft. E. of Lincoln. Queen Elizabeth. Edwd., E. of Lincoln, contd 1585—1619, Chas., Id. Howard of Effingham, aft. E. of Nottingham. King James I. Chas., E. of Nottingham, contd. Jan. 28, 1619. Geo., M. of Buckingham, aft. E. of Coven- try and D. of Buckingham. KiN(i Charles I. Geo., D. of Buckingham, contd. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 175 Mar. 16, 1636. Commissioners. Richd., Id. Weston, and Robt., E. of Lindsey, gr. chambn. of England. Edwd., E. of Dorset, Id. chambn. to the queen. Fras., Id. Cottington, chanc. and under treas. of the exchequer. Sir Hy. Vane, compt. of the household. Sir John Coke and Sir Fras. Windebank, sees. st. Mar. 23, 1636. Algernon, E. of Northumberland, Id. adm. King Charles I. Robt., E. of Warwick, Id. high adm. of England, for the parliament. Surrendered his commission by an ordinance tliat members shotdd have no employments. April 15, 1645. A committee appointed hy hoth Houses. Arthur, E. of Essex. Robt., E. of Warwick. Wm., vise. Say and Sele. Dudley, Id. North. Wm. Earle, Philip Stapleton, J. Levelyn, jun., Christr. Wray, J. Rolle, G. Greene, b. Hollis, J. Selden, F. Rouse, T. Eden, J. Lisle, Bulstrode Whitelocke. April 28, 1645. Appointed hy the Commons. Robt., E. of Warwick. Messrs. Bense and H. Pelham. Feb. 12, 1649. Messrs. Dean, Fras. Popham, and R. Blake King Charles II. June 6, 1660. James, D. of York, brother to the king, lord high adm. of England, passing of the Test Act. Commissioners. Res. on the July 9, 1673. Prince Rupert. Authy., E. of Shaftesbury, Id. high clianc. Thos.,visc. Latimer, aft. E. of Danby, Id. high treas. Arthur, E. of Anglesey, Id. pr. seal. Geo.,D. of Buckingham. Jas., D. of Monmouth. John, D. of Lauderdale. Jas., D. of Ormond. Hy. , E. of Arlington, sec. St. Sir Geo. Carteret, bt., vice chambn. Hy. Coventry, sec. st. Edwd. Seymour. Sept. 29, 1674. Prince Rupert. Heneage, Id. Finch, Id. high chanc. Thos., E. of Danby, Id. high treas. Arthur, E. of Anglesey, Id. pr. seal. Jas., D. of Monmouth. John, D. of Lauderdale. Jas., D. of Ormond. Hy. , E. of Arlington. Sir Geo. Carteret, bt. , vice chambn. Hy. Coventi-y. Sir Jos. Williamson. Edwd. Seymour. July 28, 1675. Prince Rupert. Heneage, Id. Finch, Id. high chanc. Thos. , E. of Danby, Id. high treas. Arthur, E. of Anglesey, Id. pr. seal. Jas. , D. of Monmouth. Jas. , D. of Ormond. Hy., E. of Arlington, sec. St. Thos., E. of Ossory. Wm. , E. of Craven. Sir Geo. Carteret, bt. , vice chambn. Hy. Coventry. Sir Jos. Williamson, sec. St. Edwd. Seymour. Sept. 14, 1677. Prince Rupert. Heneage, Id. Finch, Id. high chanc. Thos. , E. of Danby, Id. high treasr. Arthur, E. of Anglesey, Id. pr. seal. Jas., D. of Monmouth. John, D. of Lauderdale. Jas. , D. of Ormond. Thos. , E. of Ossory. Hy., E. of Arlington, Id. chambn. of the hshold. Wm. , E. of Craven. Sir Geo. Carteret, bt., vice chambn. Sir Jos. Williamson, sec. st. Sir John Ernley, bt. Sir Thos. Chicheley, mast. of the ordn. Edwd. Seymour. Feb. 14, 1679. Sir Hy. Capel. Hon. Danl. Finch. Sir Thos. Lee, bt. Sir HumjDhrey Winch, bt. Sir Thos. Meeres. Edwd. Vaughan. Edwd. Hales. Feb. 19, 1680. Hon. Danl. Finch, aft. Id. Finch, & E. of Notting- ham. Sir Humphrey Winch, bt. Sir Thos. Meeres. Edwd. Hales. Wm., vise. Brouncker, of Ireland. Sir Thos. Littleton, bt. Jan. h, 1682. Danl. lord Finch, aft. E. OF Nottingham. Sir Humphrey Winch, bt. Sir Thos. Meeres. Edwd. Hales. Wm. , vise. Brouncker. Hy. Savile. Sir John Chicheley. 176 THE BOOK OF DIf4NITIES. Aug: 28, 1683. Danl., E. of Nottingham. Sir Humphrey Winch, bt. Sir Thos. Meeres. Sir Edwd. Hales, bt. Hy. Savile. Sir John Chicheley. Arthur Herbert. John, lord Vaughan. Apr. 17, 1684. Daxl. , E. OF Nottingham. Sir Humphrey Winch, bt. Sir Thos. Meeres. Sir Edwd. Hales, bt. Hy. Savile. Sir John Chicheley. Arthur Herbert. John, lord Vaughan. This commission was voked May 22, 1684. 1684-5. King Charlks II. , lord high adm. King James II. King James II. declared himself in council, lord high adm. and lord general of the navy ; and he managed the admiralty affairs by Mr. Secretary Pepys all his reign. King William IH, Mar. 8, 1689. Hon. Arthur Herbert. John, E. of Carberry. Sir Michael Wharton. Sir Thos. Lee, bt. Sir John Lowther, bt., of Whitehaven. Wm. Sacheverell. Jan. 20, 1690. Thos., E. of Pembroke and Montgomery. John, E. of Carberry. Sir Thos. Lee, bt. Sir John Lowther, bt. Sir John Chicheley. Jan. 23, 1691. Thomas, E. of Pembroke and M. Sir Thos. Lee, bt. Sir John Lowther, bt. Sir Richd. Onslow, bt. Hy. Priestman. Anthy., vise. Falkland. Robt. Austen. Nov. 16, 1691. Thomas, E. of Pembroke and M. Sir John Lowther, bt. Sir Richd. Onslow, bt. Commissioners. Hy. Priestman. Anthy., vise. Falkland. Robt. Austen. Sir Robt. Rich. , bt. Mar. 10, 1692. Chas., lord Cornwallis. Sir John Lowther, bt. Sir Richd. Onslow, bt. Hy. Priestman. Anthy., vise. Falkland. Robt. Austen. Sir Robt. Rich., bt. Apr. 15, 1693. Anthy., vise. Falkland. Sir John Lowther, bt. Hy. Priestman. Robt. Austen. Sir Robt. Rich, bt. Hv. Killegrew, bt. Sir Ralph Delaval, bt. May 2, 1694. Edwd. Russell, aft. E. of Orford. Sir John Lowther, bt. Hy. Priestman. Robt. Austen. Sir Robt. Rich, bt. Sir Geo. Rooke. Sir John Houblon. Feb. 24, 1696. Edwd. Russell, aft. E. of Orford. Hy. Priestman. Robt. Austen. Sir Robt. Rich, bt. Sir Geo. Rooke. Sir John Houblon. Jas. Kendal. June 5, 1697. Edwd. Russell, now E. of Orford. Hy. Priestman. Robt. Austen. Sir Robt. Rich, bt. Sir Geo. Rooke. Sir John Houblon. Jas. Kendal. Goodwin Wharton. June 2, 1699. John, E. of Bridge water. John, lord Haversham. Sir Robt. Rich, bt. Sir Geo. Rooke. Sir David Mitchell. Apr. 4, 1701. Thos., E. of Pembroke and M. John, lord Haversham. Sir Geo. Rooke. Sir David Mitchell. Geo. Churchill. Jan. 18, 1702. Thos., E. of Pembroke and Montgomery, Id. high adm. Queen Anne. May 20, 1702. Pr. George of Denmark, Id. high adm. of England ; and. June 28, 1707. Pr. George, Id. high adm. of Gnat Britain ; on account of the Union between England and Scotland. THE BOOK OP DIGNITIES. 177 Commissioners appointed by P May 20, 1702. Sib Geo. Booke. Sir David Mitchell. Geo. Churchill. Bichd. HiU. AprU 30, 1704. Sib Geo. Eooke. Sir David Mitchell. Geo. Churchill. Bichd. Hill. Hon. Jas. Bridges, aft. D. of Chandos. Hon. Hy. Paget, aft. E. of Ux- bridge. George of Denmark to be his Council. I Feb. 8, 1706. Sib David Mitchell. Geo. Chiu-chiU. Bichd. HiU. Hon. Hy. Paget. June 28, 1707. Sir Da VXD Mitchell. Geo. ChurchUl. Bichd. Km. Hon. Hy. Paget. Sir Cloudesley Shovel. Bobt. Walijole, aft. sir E. & E. of Orford. Sir Stafford Fairborne. April 19, 1708. David, E. of Wemyss. Geo. ChurchUl. Bichd. HiU. Hon. Hy. Paget. Sir Stafford Fairborne. Sir John Leake. June 20, 1708. David, E. of Wemyss. Geo. ChurchiU. Bichd. HiU. Hon. Hy. Paget. Sir John Leake. Sir Jas. Wishart. Bobt. Fairfax. The Prince died October 28, 1708, and Queen Anne acted by Secretary Burchett. Union with Scotland. Lord High Admirals, &c., of Great Britain. 1707. June 28. Pr. George, Id. high adm. Yide supra. 1708. Nov. 29. Thcs., E. of Pembroke & Montgomery, Id. high adm. Nov. 8, 1709. Edwd., E op Okford. Sir John Leake. Sir Geo. Byng, aft. vise. Torrington. Geo. Dodington. Paul Methuen. Oct. 4, 1710. SiK John Leake. Sir Geo. Byng. Geo. Dodington. Paul Methuen. Sir Wm. Drake, bt. John Aislabie. Sept. 30, 1712. Thos., E. of Steaffoed. Sir John Leake. Sir Geo. Byng. Sir Wm. Drake, bt. John Aislabie. Sir Jas. Wishart. Geo. Clarke. Apr. 9, 1714. Thos., E. of Steaffoed. Sir John Leake. Sir Wm. Drake, bt. Sir Jas. Wishart. Oeo. Clarke. Sir Geo. Beaumont, bt. King George I. Oct. 14, 1714. Edwd., E. of Orfoed. Sir Geo. Byng. Geo. Dodington. Sir John Jennings. Commissioners. Sir Chas. Turner. Abraham Stanyan. Geo. Baillie. Apr. 16, 1717. Ja3ies, E. of Berkeley. Matt. Aylmer, aft. lord Aylmer. Sir Geo. Byng. Sir John Jennings. John Cockburne. Wm. Chetwynd. March 19, 1718. Jas., E. op Berkeley. Sir Geo. Byng. Sir John Jennings. John Cockburne. Wm. Chetwynd. Sir John Norris. Sir Chas. Wager. Oct. 10, 1721. Jas., E. op Berkeley. Sir John Jennings. John Cockburne. Wm. Chetwynd. Sir John Norris. Sir Chas. Wager. Danl. Pulteney. June 11, 1725. Jas., E. op Berkeley. Sir John Jennings. John Cockburne. Wm. Chetwynd. Sir John Norris. Sir Chas. Wager. Sir Geo. Oxenden, bt. King George XL Aug. 2, 1727. Geo., vise. Torrington. John Cockburne. Sir John Norris. Sir Chas. Wager. Sir Thos. Lyttleton, bt. Geo., vise. Malpas, k.b. Saml. Molyneux. June 1, 1728. Geo., vise. Torrington. John Cockburne. Sir John Norris. Sir Chas. Wager. Sir Thos. Lyttleton, bt. Geo., vise. Malpas, k.b., aft. E. of Cholmondeley. Sir WiUiam Yonge, k.b. May 19, 1729. Geo. , vise. Torrington. John Cockburne. Sir John Norris. Sir Chas. Wager. Sir Thos. Lyttleton, bt. Sir W^m. Yonge, k.b. Lord Archd. Hamilton. May 13, 1730. Geo., vise. Torrington. John Cockbui-ne. Sir Chas. Wager. Sir Thos. Lyttleton, bt. Lord Archd. Hamilton. Sir Thos. Frankland, bt. Thos. Winnington. 12 178 June 15, 1732. Geo., vise. Torrington. Sir Chas. Wa^er. Sir Thos. L3'ttleton, bt. Lord Archd. Hamilton. Sir Thos. Frankland, bt. Thos. Winnington. Thos. Clutterbuck. Jan. 25, 1733. Sir Chas. Wagkr. Sir Thos. Lyttleton, bt. Lord Archd. Hamilton. Sir Thos. Frankland, bt. Thos. WinninKton. Thos. Clutterbuck. Lord Harry Poulett, aft. 1 of Bolton. May 22, 1736. Sir Chas. "Wager. Sir Thos. Lyttleton, bt. Lord Archd. Hamilton. Sir Thos. Frankland, bt. Thos. Clutterbuck. Lord Han-y Poulett. Jobn Campbell. Mar. 13, 1738. Sir Chas. Wager. Sir Thos. Lyttleton, bt. Sir Thos. Frankland, bt. Thos. Clutterbuck. Lord Harry Poulett. John Campbell. Lord Vere Beauclerk, a Id. Vere. May 14, 1741. Sir Chas. Wager. Sir Thos. Frankland, bt. Lord Harry Poulett. John Campbell. Lord Vere Beauclerk. John. vise. Glenorchy. Edwd. Thompson. Mar. 19, 1742. Danl., E. of Wikchilsea and Nottingham. John Cockburne. Lord Archd. Hamilton. Chas., Id. Baltimore. Philip Cavendish. Geo. Lee. Hon. John Trevor. Dec. 13, 1743. DaNL., E. of WiNCHILSEA and Nottingham. John Cockburne. Lord Archd. Hamilton. Chaa., Id. Baltimore. Geo. Lee. Sir Chas. Hard v. Thos. Philipson. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Dec. 27, 1744. John, D. of Bedford. John, E. of Sandwich. Lord Arch. Hamilton. Lord Vere Beauclerk. Chas., Id. Baltimore. Geo. Anson. Geo. Grenville. April 20, 1745. John, D. of Bedford. John, E. of Sandwich. Lord Archd. Hamilton. Lord Vere Beauclerk. Geo. Anson. Geo. Grenville. Hon. Hy. Bilson Legge. Feb. 22, 1746. John, D. of Bedford. John, E. of Sandwich. Lord Vere Beauclerk. Geo. Anson. Geo. Grenville. Hon. Hy. Bilson Legge. Wm. Wildman, vise. Bar- rington. Feb. 1747. John, D. of Bedford. John, E. of Sandwich. Lord Vere Beauclerk. Geo. Anson, aft. lord Anson. Wm. Wildman, vise. Bar- rington. Wm. , vise. Duncannon. Welbore Ellis. Feb. 10, 1748. John, E. of Sandwich. Lord Vere Beauclerk. Geo., Id. Anson. Wm. Wildman, vise. Bar- rington. Wm., vise. Duncannon. Welbore Ellis. Hon. John Stanhope. Nov. 18, 1749. John, E. of Sandwich. Geo., Id. Anson. Wm. Wildman, vise. Bar- rington. Wm., vise. Duncannon. Welbore Ellis. Hon. Thos. Villiers. Granville Leveson, vise. Trentham, aft. E. Gower. Juno 22, 1751. Geo., Id. Anson. Wm. Wildman, vise. Bar- rington. Wm., vise. Duncannon. Welbore Ellis. Hon. Thos. Villiers. Wm. Rowley. Hon. Edwd. Boacawen. April 6, 1754. Geo., Id. Anson. Wm., vise. Duncannon. Welbore Ellis. Hon, Thos. Villiers. Sir Wm. Rowley, k.b. Hon. Edwd. Boscawen. Hon. Chas. Townshend. Dec. 23, 1755. Geo., Id. Anson. Wm., vise. Duncannon, aft. E. of Besborough. Hon. Thos. Villiers. [ Sir Wm. Rowley, k.b. ' Hon. Edwd. Boscawen. John, vise. Bateman. Hon. Richd. Edgcumbe,aft. Id. Edgcumbe. Nov. 19, 1756. Richd., E. Temple. Hon. Edwd. Boscawen. Temple West. John Pitt. George Hay. Thos. Orbv Hunter. Gilbert Elliot. Dec. 11, 1756. Richd., E. Temple. Hon. Edwd. Boscawen. Temple West. Geo. Hay. Thos. Orbv Hunter. Gilbert Elliot. Hon. John Forbes. April 6, 1757. DaNL., E. of WiNCHILSEA and Nottingham. Sir Wm. Rowley, k.b. Hon. Edwd. Boscawen. Gilbert Elliot. John, Id. Carysfort. Savage Mostyn. Hon. Edwin Sandys, aft lord Sandys. July 2, 1757. Geo., Id. Anson. Hon. Edwd. Boscawen. Temple West. Geo. Hay. Thos. Orbv Hunter. Gilbert Elliot. Hon. John Forbes. King George III. March 21, 1761. Geo., Id. Anson. Hon. Edwd. Boscawen. Goo. Hay. Thos. Orbv Hunter. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 179 Hon. John Forbes. Hans Stanley. Geo. Bussey, vise. Villiers. Thos. Pelham. June 19, 1762. Geo. Montagu Dunk, E. of Halifax. Geo. Hay. Thos. Orby Hunter. Hon. John Forbes. Hans Stanley. Geo. Bussey, vise. Villiers. Thos. Pelham, aft. lord Pelham. Jan. 1, 1763. Hon. Geo. Grbnville. Geo. Hay. Thos. Orby Hunter. Hon. John Forbes. Hans Stanley. John, Id. Carysfort. Jas. Harris. April 23, 1763. John, E. of Sandwich. Geo. Hay. Hans Stanley. John, Id. Carysfort. Ricd., vise. Howe. Hy.,ld. Dig by. Thos. Pitt. Sept. 10, 1763. John, E. of Egmont. Geo. Hay. Hans Stanley. John, Id. Carysfort. Richd., vise. Howe. Hy., Id. Digby. Thos. Pitt. Aug. 30, 1765. John, E. of Egmont. Thos. Pitt, aft. lord Camel- ford. Sir Chas. Saunders, K.B. Hon. Aug. Keppel. Chas. Townshend. Sir Wm. Meredyth, bt. John Buller. Dec. 21, 1765. John, E. of Egmont. Sir Chas. Saunders, k.b. Hon. Aug. Keppel. Chas. Townshend. Sir Wm. Meredyth, ht. John Buller. Hon. John Yorke. Sept. lO, 1766. Sir Chas. Saunders, k.b. Hon. Aug. Keppel, aft. vise. Keppel. Chas. Townshend. Sir Wm. Meredyth, bt. John Buller. Hy., vise. Palmerston. Sir Geo. Yonge, bt. Dec. 10, 1766. Sir Edwd. Hawke, k.b. Chas. Townshend. John Buller. Hy., vise. Palmerston. Sir Geo. Yonge, bt. Sir Piercy Brett. Chas. Jenkinson. March 19, 1768. Sir Ed WD. Hawke, k.b. Chas. Townshend. John Buller. Hy. , vise. Palmerston. Sir Geo. Yonge, bt. Sir Piercy Brett. Lord Chas. Spencer. Feb. 24, 1770. Sir Edwd. Hawke, k. aft. lord Hawke. John Buller. Hy. , vise. Palmerston. Lord Chas. Spencer. Wilmot, vise. Lisburne. Eras. Holburne. Hon. Chas. Jas. Eos. Jan. 12, 1771. John, E. of Sandwich. John Buller. Hy. , vise. Palmerston. Lord Chas. Spencer. Wilmot, vise. Lisburne. Fras. Holburne. Hon. Chas. Jas. Fox. Jan. 26, 1771. John, E. of Sandwich. John Buller. Hy., vise. Palmerston. Lord Chas. Spencer. Wilmot, vise. Lisburne. Hon. Chas. Jas. Fox. Hon. Aug. John Hervey. May 6, 1772. John, E. of Sandwich. John Buller. Hy., vise. Palmerston. Lord Chas. Spencer. Wilmot, vise. Lisburne. Hon. Aug. John Hervey. Thos. Bradshaw. Dec. 4, 1774. John, E. of Sandwich. John Buller. Hy., vise. Palmerston. Lord Chas. Spencer. Wilmot, vise. Lisburne. Hon. Aiig. John Hervey, aft. E. of Bristol. I Hy. Penton. April 6, 1775. John, E. of Sandwich. John Buller. Hy., vise. Palmerston. Lord Chas. Spencer. Wilmot, vise. Lisburne. Hy. Penton. Sir Hugh Palliser, bt. Dec. 4, 1777. John, E. of Sandwich. John Buller. Lord Chas. Spencer. Wilmot, now E. of Lisburne. Hy. Penton. Sir Hugh Palliser, bt. Constantine John, lord Mul- grave. April 1779. John, E. of Sandwich. John Buller. Lord Chas. Spencer. Wilmot, E. of Lisburne. Hy. Penton. Constantine John, lord Mul- grave Robt. Man. July 6, 1779. John, E. of Sandwich. John Buller. Wilmot, E. of Lisburne. Hy. Penton. Constantine John, lord Mul • grave. Robt. Man. Bamber Gascoigne. Sept. 6, 1780. John, E. of Sandwich. Wilmot, E. of Lisburne. Hy. Penton. Constantine John, lord Mul- grave. Bamber Gascoigne. Hon. Chas. Fras. Greville. Geo. Darby. March 30, 1782. Hon. Aug. Keppel, aft. vise. Keppel. Sir Robt. Harland, bt. Hugh Pigot. Wm., vise. Duncannon. Hon. John Townshend. Chas. Brett. Richd. Hopkins. July 13, 1782. Aug., vise. Keppel. Sir Robt. Harland, bt. 12 * 180 Hugh Pigot. Chas. Brett. Richd. Hopkins. Hon. John Jeffreys Pratt. John Auhrey. Jan. 28, 1783. Richd., vise. Howe. Hugh Pigot. Chas. Brett. Richd. Hopkins. Hon. John Jeffreys Pratt. John Aubrey. Hon. John Leveson Gower. April 8, 1783. Aug., vise. Keppel. Hugh Pigot. Wm., vise. Duncannon. Hon. John Townshend. Sir John Lindsay, k.b. Wm. Jolliffe. Whitshed Keene. Dec. 30, 1783. Richd., vise. Howe. Chas. Brett. Hon. John Jeffreys Pratt. Hon. John Leveson Gower. Hy., Id. Apsley. Hon. Chas. Geo. Perceval, aft. Id. Arden. Jas. Modyford Heywood. April 2, 1784. RiciiD. , vise. EowE, aft. E. Howe. Chas. Brett. Richd. Hopkins. Hon. John Jeffreys Pratt, aft. vise. Bayham. Hon. John Leveson Gower. Hy., Id. Apsley. Hon. Chas. Geo. Perceval, lord Arden. July 16, 1788. John, E. of Chathaji. Richd. Hopkins. John Jeffreys, vise. Bayham. Hon. John Leveson Gower. Hy. , Id. Apsley. Chas. Geo. , Id. Arden. Saml., Id. Hood. Aug. 12, 1789. .John, E. of Ch/tham. Richd. Hopkins. Chas. Geo. , Id. Arden. Saml., Id. Hood. Ilobt., vise. Belgravo. Sir Eras. S. Drake, bt., d. Nov. 1789. lion. John ThoB. Townshend, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Jan. 19, 1790. , John, E. of Chatham. Richd. Hopkins. | Chas. Geo., Id. Arden. i Saml., Id. Hood. | Robt., vise. Belgrave. Hon. John Thos. Townshend. Alan Gardner. June 2.5, 1791. John, E. of Chatham. Chas. Geo., Id. Arden. Saml., Id. Hood. Hon. John Thos. Townshend. Alan Gardner. John Smyth. Chas. Small Pybus. May 4, 1793. John, E. of Chathasi. Chas. Geo., Id. Arden. Saml., Id. Hood. Alan Gardner. John Smyth. Chas. Small Pybus. Philip Affleck. May, 1794. John, E. of Chatham. Chas. Geo., Id. Arden. Saml., Id. Hood. Alan Gardner. Chas. Small Pybus. Philip Affleck. Sir Chas. Middleton, bt. Dec. 20, 1794. Geo. John, E. Spencek. Chas. Geo., Id. Arden. Saml., Id. Hood. Sir Alan Gardner, bt. Chas. Small Pybus. Philip Affleck. Sir Chas. Middleton, bt. Mar. 2, 1795. Geo. John, E. Spencer. Chas. Geo., Id. Arden. Chas. Small Pybus. Sir Chas. Middleton, bt. aft. Id. Barham. Lord Hugh Seymour. Sir Philip Stephens, bt. Jas. Gambier. Dec. 2, 1795. Geo. John, E. Spenoee, Chas. Geo., Id. Arden. Chas. Small Pybus. Lord Hugh Seymour. Sir Philij) Stephens, bt. Jas. Gambier. 1 Wm. Young. July 1797. Geo. John, E. Spencer. Chas. Geo., Id. Ardea Lord Hugh Seymour. Sir Philip Stephens, bt. Jas. Gambier. Wm. Young. Thos. Wallace. Sept. 18, 1798. Geo. John, E. Spencer. Chas. Geo. , Id. Arden. Sir Philip Stephens, bt. Jas. Gambier. Wm. Young. Thos. Wallace. Robt. Man. July 10, 1800. Geo. John, E. Spencer. Chas. Geo., Id. Arden. Sir Philip Stephens, bt. Jas. Gambier. Wm. Y'oung. Robt. Man. Hon. Wm. Eliot. Feb. 19, 1801. John, E. St. Vincent. Sir Philip Stephens, bt. Hon. Wm. Eliot. Sir Thos. Troubrdge, bt. Jas. Adams. John Markham. Wm. Garthshore. Jau. 17, 1804. John, E. St. Vincent. Sir Philip Stephens, bt. Sir Thos. Troubridge, bt. Jas. Adams. John ilarkham. John Lemon. Sir Harry Burrard Neale, bt. :May 15, 1804. IIy. , vise. Melville. Sir Philip Stephens, bt. Jas. Gambier. Sir Harry Burrard Neale, bt. Sir John Colpoys, k.b. Philip Patton. Wm. Dickinson, jxin. Sept. 13, 1804. IIy., vise. Melville. Sir Philip Stephens, bt. Jas. Gambier. Sir John Colpoys, k.b. Philip Patton. Wm. Dickinson, jun. Sir Evan Nei)ean, bt. May 2, 1805. Sir Chas. MiDOLhrroN, bt., cr. lord Barham. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 181 Sir Philip Stephens, bl. Jas. Gambier. Philip Patton. Wm. Dickinson, jun. Sir Evan Nepean, bt. Geo., Id. Garlies. Feb. 10, 1806. Hon. Chas. Gret. Sir Philip Stephens, bt. John Markham. Sir Chas. Moriee Pole, bt. Sir Harry Burrard Neale, bt. Lord Wm. Russell. Wm., Id. Kensington. Sept. 29, 1806. Thos. Grenville. Sir Philip Stephens, bt, John Markham. Sir Chas. Moriee Pole, bt. Sir Harry Burrard Neale, bt. Lord Wm. Russell. Wm. , Id. Kensington. Oct. 23, 1806. Thos. Grenville. John Markham. Sir Harry Burrard Neale, bt. Lord Wm. Russell. Wm., Id. Kensington. Thos. Fras. Fremantle. Wm. Prankland. April 6, 1807. Hy., Id. Mulgrave. Jas. Gambier. Sir Richd. Bickerton, bt. Wm. Johnstone Hope. Robt. Ward. Hy. John, vise. Palmerston. Jas. Buller. May 9, 1808. Hy., lord Mulgrave. Sir Richd. Bickerton, bt. Wm. Johnstone Hope. Robt. Ward. Hy. John, vise. Palmerston. Jas. Buller. Wm. Domett. Nov. 24, 1809. Hy., lord Mdlgrave. Sir Richd. Bickerton, bt. Robt. Ward. Jas. Buller. Wm. Domett. Robt. Moorsom. Wm., vise. Lowther. May 1, 1810. Chas. Yorke. Sir Richd. Bickerton, bt. Robt. Ward. Jas. Buller. Wm. Domett. Sir Jos. Sydney Yorke. Hon. Fredk. John Robinson. June 17, 1811. Chas. Yorke. Sir Richd. Bickerton, bt. Jas. Buller. Wm. Domett. Sir Jos. Sydney Yorke. Hon. Fredk. John Robinson. Horatio, Id. Walpole. Mar. 25, 1812. Robt., vise. Melville. Wm. Domett. Sir Jos. Sydney Yorke. Hon. Fredk. John Robinson, aft. vise. Goderich and E. of Ripon. Horatio, Id. Walpole. Wm. Dundas. Geo. Johnstone Hope. Oct. 5, 1812. Robt., vise. Melville. Wm. Domett. Sir Jos. Sydney Yorke. Wm. Dundas. Geo. Johnstone Hope. Sir Geo. Warrender, bt. John Osborn. May 18, 1813. Robt. , vise. Melville. Wm. Domett. Sir Jos. Sydney Yorke. Wm. Dundas. Sir Geo. Warrender, bt. John Osborn. Lord Hy. Paulet. Oct. 23, 1813. Robt., vise. Melville. Sir Jos. Sydney Yorke. Wm. Dundas. Geo. Johnstone Hope. Sir Geo. Warrender, bt. John Osborn. Lord Hy. Paulet. Aug. 23, 1814. Robt., vise. Melville. Sir Jos. Sydney Yorke. Geo. Johnstone Hope. Sir Geo. Warrender, bt. John Osborn. Lord Hy. Paulet. Barrington Pope Blachford. May 24, 1816. Robt., vise. Melville. Sir Jos. Sydney Yorke, K.C.B. Sir Geo. Hope, k.c.b. Sir Geo. Warrender, bt. John Osborn. Sir Graham Moore, k.c.b. Hy., M. of Worcester. April 2, 1818. Robt., vise. Melville. Sir Geo. Warrender, bt. John Osborn, aft. bt. Sir Graham Moore, k.c.b. Hy. , M. of Worcester. Sir Geo. Coekburn, g.c.b. Sir Hy. Hotham, k.c.b. Mar. 15, 1819. Robt., vise. Melville. Sir Geo. Warrender, bt. Sir John Osborn, bt. Sir Graham Moore, k.c.b. Sir Geo. Coekburn, g.c.b. Sir Hy. Hotham, k.c.b. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt. Mar. 13, 1820. Robt., vise. Melville. Sir Wm. Johnstone Hope, K.C.B. Sir Geo. Warrender, bt. Sir John Osborn, bt. Sir Geo. Coekburn, g.c.b. Sir Hy. Hotham, k.c.b. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt. Feb. 8, 1822. Robt., vise. Melville. Sir Wm. Johnstone Hope, K.C.B. Sir John Osborne, bt. Sir Geo. Coekburn, g.c.b. SirHy. Hotham, k.c.b. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt. Wm. Robt. Keith Douglas. March 23, 1822. Robt., vise. Melville. Sir Wm. Johnstone Hope, K.C.B. Sir John Osborn, bt. Sir Geo. Coekburn, g.c.b. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt. Feb. 16, 1824. Robt., vise. Melville. Sir Wm. Johnstone Hope, K.C.B. Sir Geo. Coekburn, g.c.b. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt. Wm. Robt. Keith Douglas. 182 THE BOOK OF DIGXITIES. Lord High Aumikal. May 2, 1H27. Wm. Henry, U. of Clarence, aft. Wm. IV., Ld. High Adm. of the U. K. of Gr. Britain and Ireland, assisted by the following. H.E.H. Council. V. ADM. SIB Wm. Johnstone Hope, g.c.b. V. adm. sir Geo. Cockbum, G.C.B. Wm. Kobert Keith Douglas. John Evelyn Denison. CoUNCII-S. Feb. 4, 1828. V. ADM. SIR Wm. Johnstone Hope, g.c.b. V. adm. sir Geo. Cockbum, G.C.B. Su: Geo. Clerk, bt. Geo. Chas., E. of Brecknock. March 12, 1838. V. adm. sir Geo. Cockbubn, G.C.B. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt. Geo. Chas., E. of Brecknock. R. adra. sir Edwd. Wm. Camp- bell Rich Owen, k.c.b. The D. of Clarence res. the office of Id. high adm., Aug. 12, 1828. Sept. 19, 1828. RoBT., vise. Melville. V. adm. sir Geo. Cock- bum, G.C.B. V. adm. sir Hy. Hotham. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt. Geo. Chas., E. of Breck- nock. July 15, 1829. Rout., vise. Melville. V. adm. sir Geo. Cock- burn, G.C.B. V. Adm. sir Hy. Hotham. Sir Geo. Clerk i bt. Fredk., vise. Castlercagh. July 31, 1830. RoBT., vise. Melville. v. adm. sir Geo. Cock- burn, G.C.B. V. adm. sir Hy. Hotham. Fredk., vise. Castlereagh. Chas. Ross. Xov. 25, 1830. Sir Ja.s. Robt. Geo. Gra- ham, bt. R. adm. sir Thos. Master- man Hardy. R. adm. hon. Geo. Ileneage Lawrence Dundas. Sir Sand. John Brooke Pechfll, bt. Hon. Geo. Barrington. June 8, 1832. Sir Jas. Robt. Geo. Gra- ham, bt. R. iidm. sir T. M. Hardy. R. a(hn. hon. Geo. Ilcneago L. Dundas. Sir Sunil. John Brooke Pochcll. bt. C0MMIS.SI0NERS. Hon. Geo. Barrington. Hy. Laboueherc. Apr. 13, 1833. Sir Jas. R. G. Graham, bt. R. adm. sir T. M. Hardy. R. adm. hon. Geo. Heneage L. Dundas. Sir Saml. John Brooke Pechell, bt. H3-. Labouchere. Hon. Maurice Fredk. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley. June 11, 1834. Geo., lord Auckland. R. adm. sir T. M. Hardy. R. adm. hon. Geo. Heneage L. Dundas. Sir Saml. John Brooke Pechell, bt. Hy. Labouchere. Hon. Maurice Fredk. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley. Aug. 1. 1834 Geo., lord Ai ( kland. Hon. Geo. Heneage L. Dundas. Sir Saml. John Brooke Pechell, bt. Hy. Labouchere, and Hon. M. F. Fitzhardinge Berkeley. Nov. 1, 1834. Geo., Id. Auckland. R. adm. sir Chas. Adam. R. adm. sir Win. Parker. Sir Saml. John Brooke Pechell, bt. Hy. Labouchere, aft. Id. Taunton. Hon. M. F. Fitzhardinge Berkeley. Dec. 23, 1834. Tnos. Philip, E. de Grey. V. adm. sir Geo. Cock- burn, G.C.B. Sir John Poo Beresford, bt. Sir Chas. Rowley, K.C.B. Anthy, Id. Ashley. Maurice Fitzgcr.-ild. Apr. 25, 1835. Geo., lord Auckland. R. adm. sir Chas. Adam. R. adm. sir Wm. Parker. Capt. Geo. Elliot. Sir Edwd. Thos. Trou- bridge, bt. Archd., Id. Dalmeny. Sept. 19, 1835. Gilbert, E. of Minto. R. adm. sir Chas. Adam. R. adm. sir Wm. Parker. Capt. Goo. Elliot. Sir Edwd. Thos. Trou- bridge, bt. Archd., Id. Dalmeuy. July 22, 1837. Gilbert, E. of Mixto. V. adm. sir Cinis. Adam. R. adm. sir Wni. Parker. Sir Edwd. Thos. Trou- bridge, bt. Archd., Id. Dalmeny. Hon. M. F. Fitzhardinge Berkeley. Mar. 5, 1S39. Gilbert, E. of Minto. Sir Chas. .\dani. Sir Wni. Parker. Sir. Edwd. Thos. Trou- bridge, bt. Sir Saml. John Brooke, Pechell. bt. Archd., Id. Dalmeny. June 25, 1841. OlLBERP, E. of MiNTO. Sir Chas. Adam. Sir Edvd. Thos. Troubridge, 11 bt. Sir Saml. John B. Pechell, bt. Arch., Id. Dalmeny. Capt. Jas. Whitley Deans Dundas, C.B. Sept. 8, 1841. Thos., E. of Haddington. Adm. sirG. Cockburn,G.C.B. V. adm. sir Wm. Hall Gage. Sir Geo. Eras. Seymour. €apt. hon. Wm. Gordon, R.N. Hon. Hy.Thos.LowryOorry. May 22, 1844. Thos., E. of Haddington. Adm. sirG. Cockburn,G.C.B. V. adm. sir Wm. Hall Gage. R. adm. Wm. Bowles. Hon. Wm. Gordon. Hon. Hy. Thos. Lo wry Gorry. Feb. 12, 1845. Thos., E. of Haddington. Adm. sir G. Gockburn,G.C.B. V. adm. sir Wm. Hall Gage. R. adm. Wm. Bowles. Hon. Wm. Gordon. Hon. Hy. Fitzroy. Jan. 13, 1846. Edwd., E. of Ellen- borough. Adm. sirG. Cockburn,G.C.B. V. adm. sirWm. Hall Gage. R. adm. Wm. Bowles. Hon. Wm. Gordon. Hon. Hy. Fitzroy. Feb. 17, 1846. Edwd., E. of Ellen- borough. Adm. sirG. Goekburn.G.C.B. V. adm. sir Wm. Hall Gage. R. adm. Wm. Bowles. Hon. Hy. Fitzroy. Hon. Hy. John Rous. July 13, 1846. Geo., E. of Auckland. V. adm. sir Wm. Parker. R. adm. Jas. Whitley Deans Dundas, c.b. Capt. hon. Maurice Fredk. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Fitzhardinge Berkeley, Capt. lord John Hay, c.b. Hon. Wm. Eras. Cowper. July 24, 1846. Geo., E. of Auckland. V. adm. sir Chas. Adam. R. adm. J. W. D. Dundas, Capt." hon. M. F. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley, c.b. Capt. lord John Hay, C.B. Hon. Wm. Fras. Cowper. July 20, 1847. Geo. , E. of Auckland. R. adm. Jas. W. D. Dundas, c.b. R. adm. Hy. Prescott. Capt. hon. M. F. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley, c.b. Capt. lord John Hay, c.is. Hon. Wm. Fras. Cowper. Dec. 23, 1847. Geo., E. of Auckland. R. adm. J. W. D. Dundas, C.B. Capt. hon. M. F. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley, C.B. Capt. lord John Hay, c.B. Capt. Ales. Milne. Hon. Wm. Fras. Cowper. Jan. 18, 1849. Sir Eras. Thornhill Bar- ing, bt. R. adm. J. W. D. Dundas, c.B. Hon. M. F. Fitzhardinge Berkeley, nowr. adm., c.B. Capt. lord John Hay, C.B. Capt. Alex. Milne. Hon. Wm. Fras. Cowper. Jan. 30, 1850. Sir Fras. Thornhill Bak- ing, bt. R. adm. J.W.D.Dimdas,c.B. R. adm. hon. M. F. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley, c.b. Capt. Houston Stewart, C.B. Capt. Ales. Milne. Hon. Wm. Fras. Cowper. Feb. 12, 1852, G. Sir Eras. Thornhill Bak- ing, bt. R. adm. hon. M. F. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley, c.b. R. adm. Houston Stewart, C.B. Adm. Sir Jas. Stirling. Capt. Ales. Milne. Hon. Wm. Fras. Cowper. 183 Feb. 28, 1852, G. Algernon, D. of North- umberland. R. adm. Hyde Parker, c.b. R. adm. Phij^ps Hornby, c.b. Capt. sir Thos. Herbert, K.C.B. Capt. hon. Arthur Dun- combe. Capt. Alex. Milne. Dec. 30, 1852. Sir Jas. Robt.Geo. Graham, bt. V. adm. Hyde Parker, C.b. R. adm. hon. M. F. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley, c.b. Capt. hon. Richd. Saunders Dundas, c.b. Capt. Alex. Milne. Hon. Wm. Fras. Cowper. June 1, 1854. Sir Jas. Robt. Geo.Graham bt., G.C.B. R. adm. hon. M. F. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley, C.B. R. adm. hon. Richd. Dun- das, c.B. Capt. Peter Richards, c.B. Capt. Alex. Milne. Hon. Wm. Fras. Cowper. Mar. 13, 1855, G. Sir Chas. Wood, bt. R. adm. hon. M. F. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley, c.b. R. adm. Hy. Eden. Capt. Peter Richards, c.b. Capt. Alex. Milne. Sir Robt. Peel, bt. Mar. 28, 1857, G. Sir Chas. Wood, bt., g.c.b. V. adm. hon. sir M. F. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley, k.c.b. R. adm. hon. sir Richd. Saunders Dundas, k.c.b. R. adm. Hy. Eden. Cajjt. Alex. Milne. Sir Robt. Peel, bt. May 27, 1857, G. Sir Chas. Wood, bt., g.c.b. V. adm. hon. sir M. F. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley, k.c.b. R. adm. hon. sir Richd. S. Dundas, k.c.b. R. adm. Hy. Eden. Capt. Alex. Milne. Thos. Geo. Baring. 184 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Nov. 21,1857,0. Sir Chas. Wood, bt., g.c.b. , aft. vise. Halifax. R. adm. hon. sir llichd. S. Dundas, k.c.b. R. adm. Hy. Eden. Capt. Alex. Alilne. Capt. hon. Fredk. Thos. Pelham, C.iJ. Thos. Geo. Baring, aft. E. of Northbrook. Mar. 8, 1858, G. Sir Jno. Somerset Paking- TON, bt. V. adm. Wm. Fanshawe Martin. V. adm. hon. sir Richd. S, Dundas, k.c.b. R. adm. Alex. Milne. Capt. hon. Jas. Robt. Dnimmond, c.b. Algernon Geo., Id. Lovaine. Jan. 26, 1859, G. Sir Jno. Somerset Pakixg- TON, bt. V. adm. Wm. F Martin. V. adm. hon. sir Richd. S. Dmidas, k.c.b. R. adm. sir Alex, Milne, K.C.B. Capt. hon. Swynfen Thos. Carnegie, c.b. Algn. Geo. Id. Lovaine. Mar. 9, 1859, G. Sir Jno. Somerset Paking- TON. bt. V. adm. Wm. F. Martin. V. adm. hon. sir Richd. S. Dundas, k.c.b. R. adm. sir Alox. Milne, K.C.B. Capt. hon. Swynfen Thos. Carnegie, c.b. Hon. Fredk. Lygon. Apr. 20, 1859, G. Sir Jno. Somerset Paking- TON, bt. V. adm. Wm. F. Martin. V. adm. hon. sir Richd. S. Dundas, k.c.b. R. adm. sir Hy. Jno. Leeko, K.C.B. R. adm. sir Alex. Milne, K.C.B. Hon. Fredk. Lygon. June 27, 1859, G. Edwd. Adoli'Iils, D. of Somerset. "V. adm. hon. sir Richd. S. Dujidas, K.C.B. R. adm. hon. Fredk. Thos. Pelham, c.b. Capt. Chas. Eden, c.R Capt. Chas. Frederick. Saml. Wbitbread. June 14, 1861, G. Eda\t). Adoli'IU-.s, D. of Somerset. R. adm. hon. sir Fredk. Wm. Grey, k.c.b. Capt. Chas. Eden, c.b. Capt. Chas. Frederick. Capt. hon. Jas. Robt. Dnim- mond, c.b. Saml. Whitbread. Mar. 23, 18G3, G. Edwd. Adolphus, D. of Somerset, k.g. V. adm. hon. sir Fredk. Wm. Grey, k.c.b. R. adm. Chas. Eden, c.b. R. adm. Chas. Frederick. Capt. hon. Jas. Robt. Drum- mond, C.B. Spencer Compton Caven- dish, c.c. M. of Harting- ton. May 2, 1863, G. Edwd. Adolphus, D. of ScMEBSET, k.g. V. adm. hon. sir Fredk. Wm. Grey, k.c.b. R. adm. Chas. Eden, c.b. R. adm. Chas. Frederick. Capt. hon. Jas. Robt. Drum- mond, C.B. Jas. Stansfeld, jun. April 21, 1864, G. Ed'wd. AnoLPius, D. of Somerset, k.g. V. adm. hon. sir Fredk. Wm. Grey, k.c.b. R. adm. Chas. Eden, c.b. R. adm. Chas. Frederick. R. adm. hon. Jas. Robt. Dnimmond. c.b. Hugh Culling Eardley Chil- dcrs. Mar. 13, 1865, G. Edwi). Adolphus, D. of Somerset. V. adm. hon. sir Fredk. Wm. Grey, k.c.b. R. adm. Chas. Eden, c.b. R. adm. Edwd. Gennj's Fan- shawe. R. adm. hon. Jas. Robt. Drunmiond, c.b. Hugh C. E. Childcrs. Jan. 22, 1866, G. Ed'\\t>. Adolphus, D. of Somerset, k.g. Adm. hon. sir Fredk. Wm. Grey, k.c.b. R. adm. Chas. Eden, c.b. R. adm. Edwd. Gennvs Fan- shawe, c.b. Hon. Jas. Robt. Dnimmond, c.b. Hy, Fenwick. April 7, 1866, G. Edwd. Adolphus, D. of Somerset, k.g. Adm. hon. sir Fredk. Wm. Grey, k.c.b. R. adm. Chas. Eden, c.b. R. adm. Edwd. Gennys Fan- shawe, c.b. Hon. Jas. Robt. Drummond, C.B. Capt. John Hay, c.c. Lord John Hay, c.b. May 8, 1866, G. Edwd. Adolphus, D. of Somerset, k.g. Adm. hon. sir Fredk. Wm. Grey, g.c.b. V. adm. Chas. Eden, C.B. R. adm. Edwd. Gennys Fan- shawe, C.B. Capt. John Hay, c.c. lord John Hay, c.b. Geo. John Shaw-Lefevre. July 12, 1866, G. Sir Jno. Somerset Par- ing ton, bt., G.C.B. V. adm. sir Alex. Milne, K.C.B. V. adm. sir Sydney Colpoys Dacres, k.c.b. R.adm.Geo.Hy.Seymour,c.B. R. adm. sir John Chas. Dal- rymple Hay, bt. Chas. Du Cane. March 8, 1867, G. Hy, Thos. Lowry Corry. V. adm. sir Alex. Milne» K.C.B. V. adm. sir Sydney Colpoys Dacres, k.c.b. R. adm. Geo. Hy. Seymour, C.B. R. adm. sir John Chas. Dal- rjTnple, Hay, bt. Chas. Du Cane. Aug. 29, 1868, G. Hy. Thos. Lowuv Corrv. V. adm. sir Alex, Milne» K.C.B. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. V. adm. sir Sydney Colpoys Dacres, k.c.b. R. adm. Geo. Hy. Seymour, C.B. R. adm. sir Jno. Chas. Dal- rymple Hay, bt. Hon. Fredk. Arthur Stanley, aft. Id. Stanley of Preston. Dec. 21, 1868, G. Hugh Culling Eardley Ghilders. v. adm. sir Sydney Colpoys Dacres, k.c.b. V. adm. sir Robt. Spencer Robinson, K.C.B. Capt. John Hay, c.c. lord John Hay, c.B. Geo. Otto Trevelyan, aft. bt. July 11, 1870, G. Hugh Culling Bardlet Childers. Adm. sir Sydney Colpoys Dacres, k.c.b. V. adm. siT Robt. Spencer Robinson, k.c.b. Capt. John Hay, c.c. lord John Hay, c.b. Robt. Adam Philips Hal- dane, E. of Camperdown. Feb. 9, 1871, G, Hugh Culling Eardley Childers. Adm. sir Sydney Colpoys Dacres, k.c.b. Capt. Robt. Hall, c.B. Capt. John Hay, c.c. lord John Hay, c.B. Robt. A. P. H., E. of Cam- perdown. Mar. 9, 1871, G. Geo. Joachim Goschen. Adm. sir Sydney Colpoys Dacres, k.c.b. Capt. Robt. Hall, c.b. Capt. John Hay, c.c. lord John Hay, c.b. Robt. A. P. H., E. of Cam- perdown. June 28, 1871, G. Geo. Joachim Goschen. Adm. sir Sydney Colpoys Dacres, k.c.b. Capt. Robt. Hall, c.b. R. adm. John Walter Tarle- ton, c.B. Robt. A. P. H., E. of Cam- perdown. May 4, 1872, G. Geo. Joachim Goschen. Adm. sir Sydney Colpoys Dacres, g.c.b. R. adm. Jno. Walter Tarle- ton, c.B. R. adm. Fredk. Beauchamp Paget Seymour, c.b. Robt. A. P. H., E. of Cam- perdown. Nov. 27, 1872, G. Geo. Joachim Goschen. Adm. sir Alex. Milne, G.C.B. R. adm. Jno. Walter Tarle- ton, C.B. R. adm. Fredk. Beauchamp Paget Seymour, c.b. Robt. A. P. H., E. of Cam- perdown. Mar. 4, 1874, G. Geo. Ward Hunt. Adm. sir Alex. Milne. G.C.B. V. adm. sir Jno. Walter Tarleton, k.c.b. Capt. Richd. Jas. Meade,c.c. Id. Gilford. Sir Lopes Massey Lopes, bt. Dec. 29, 1874, G. Geo. Ward Hunt. Adm. sir Alex. Milne, G.C.B. R. adm. Geoffrey Thos. Phipps Hornby. Capt. Richd. Jas. Meade, c.c. Id. Gilford. Sir Lopes Massey Lopes, bt. Sept. 7, 1876, G. Geo. Ward Hunt. Adm. sir Hastings Reginald Yelverton, g.c.b. V. adm. Geoffrey Thos. Phipps Hornby. Capt. Richd. Jas. Meade, c.c. Id. Gilford. Sir Lopes Massey Lopes, bt. Jan. 11, 1877, G. Geo. Ward Hunt. Adm. sir Hastings Reginald Yelverton, g.c.b. R. adm. Arthur Wm. Ac- land Hood, c.B. R adm. Richd. Jas. Meade, c.c. Id. Gilford. Sir Lopes Massey Lopes, bt. 185 Aug. 14, 1877, G. Wm. Hy. Smith, Adm. sir Hastings Reginald Yelverton, g.c.b. R. adm. Arthur Wm. Ac- land Hood, c.B. R. adm. Richd. Jas. Meade, c.c. Id. Gilford, c.b. Sir Lopes Massey Lopes, bt. Nov. 5, 1877. G. Wm. Hy. Smith. Adm. Geo. Greville Welles- ley, c.B. R. adm. Arthur Wm. Ac- land Hood, c.b. R. adm. Richd. Jas. Meade, c.c. Id. Gilford, c.b. Sir Lopes Massey Lopes, bt. Aug. 12, 1879, G. Wm. Hy. Smith. Adm. sir Astley Cooiier Key, k.c.b. R. Adm. Arthur Wm. Ac- land Hood, c.B. R adm. Richd. .las. Meade, c.c. Id. Gilford, c.b., aft. E. of Clanwilliam. Sir Lopes Massey Lopes, bt. Dec. 4, 1879, G. Wm. Hy. Smith. Adm. sir Astley Cooper Key, k.c.b. R. adm. Richd. Jas., E. of Clanwilliam, C.b. R. adm. sir Jno. Edmd. Commerell, k.c.b., v.c. Sir Lopes Massey Lopes, bt. May 12, 1880, G. Thos. Geo., E. of North- brook, G.C.S.I. Adm. sir Astley Cooper Key, K.C.B. V. adm. John Hay, c.c. Id. John Hay, c.b. R. adm. Anthy. Hiley Hos- kins, c.B. Thos. Brassey. Apr. 12, 1882. Thos. Geo., E. of North- brook, G.C.S.I. Adm. sir Astley Cooper Key, K.C.B. V. adm. sir John Hay, c.c. Id. John Hay, k.c.b. R. adm. Thos. Brandreth. R. adm. Anthy. Hiley Hos- kins, c.B. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. July 22, 1882. Thos. Geo., E. of Xortii- bbook, g.c.s.i. Adm. sir Astley Cooper Key, K.c.B. v. adm. sir John Hay, c.c. Id. John Hay, k.c.h. R. adm. Thos. Brandrcth. R. adm. sir Fredk. Wm. Richards, k.c.b. Sir Thos. Brassey, k.c.b. Geo. Wightwick Rendel. Mar. 3. 1883, G. Thos. Geo., E. of North- brook, G.C.S.I. Adm. sir Astley Cooper Key, G.c.B. Adm. Fredk. Beauchamp Paget, Id. Alcester, g.c.b. R. adm. Thos. Brandreth. R. adm. sir Fredk. Wm. Richards, k.c.b. Sir Thos. Brassej', k.c.b., aft. Id. Brassey. Geo. Wightwick Rendel. Nov. 24, 1884. Thos. Geo., E. of North- brook, G.C.S.I. Adm. sir Astley Cooper Key, G.c.B. Adm. Fredk. Beauchamp Paget, lord Alcester, V. adm. Thos. Brandreth. R. adm. sir Fredk. Wm. Richards, K.C.B. Wm. Sproston Caine. Geo. Wightwick Rendel. May 25, 1885, G. Thos. Geo., E. of North- brook, G.C.S.I. Adm. sir Astley Cooper Key, G.C.B. Adm. Fredk. Beauchamp Paget, lord Alcester, G.c.B. V. adm. sir Wm. Nathan Wrighte Hewett, k.c.b., K. C.S.I. V. adm. Thos. Brandreth. Wm. Sproston Caine. Geo. Wightwick Rendel. July 1, 1885, G. Geo. Fras. Hajiilton, c.c. lord George Hamilton. V. adm. Arthur Wm. Ac- land Hood, c.B. V. adm. sir Anthj-. Hiley Hoskins. k.c.b. V. adm. Thos. Brandreth. Capt. Wm. Codrington, c.B. Ellis Ashmead Bartlett. Feb. 15, 1886, G. Geo. Fredk. Saml., M. of RiPON, K.G.. G.C.S.I. Adm. sir John Haj', c.c. Id. John Hay. Adm. sir Anthy. Hiley Hos- kins, K.c.B. V. adm. Wm. Graham, c.B. R. adm. Jas. Elphinstone Erskine. Robt. Wm. Duff. Aug. '.I, 18.^G, G. Geo. Fras. Hamilton, c.c. LORD Geo. Hamilton. Adm. .sir Arthur Wm. Ac- land Hood. K.C.B. V. adm. sir Anthy. Hiley Hoskias. k.c.b. V. adm. Wm. Graham, c.B. Capt. lord Cbas. Wm. De la Poer Beicsfor.l, c.B. Ellis Ashmen d Bartlett. Jan. 30, 188S. G. Geo. Fras. Hamilton, c.c. lord Geo. Hamilton. Adm. sir Arthur Wm. Ac- litnd Hood, k.c.b. V. :idm. sir Anthy. Hil-y Hoskins, K.c b. V. atlm. sir Wm. Graham, K.C.B. R. !idm. Chns. Fn dk. Hotham. C b. Ellis Ashmead Bartlett. FIRST SECRETARIES OF THE ADMIRALTY. This is now a political office, the lioldGr of which goes out with the ministry. First Secretaries of the Admiralty since the Revolution. Saml. Pepys, the then sec, was dis- missed at the Revolution. 1689. Phineas Bowles. Mar. 165)0. Jas. Soutberne. Jan. 17. 1694. Wni. Bridgcman. Aug. 1. 1695. Wm. Bridgcman and Josiah Bur- chott, jointly. Jan. 1698. Josiah Burchett, ahm. Juno 24. 1742. Thos. Corbett. Oct. 14. 1751. John Cleveland. May 1. 1763. Philip Stephens, aft. sir P..bt. Juno 19. 1795. Evan Nepoan. aft. sir E., bt. :Mar. 3. 1804. Wm. :MarKden. Jan. 21. 1807. Hon. Wm. Wollosloy Polo, aft. lord jVIaryborough. Juno 24. I80!». 1830. 1834. 1835. 1 839. 1841. 1845. 1846. 1849. John Wilson Crokcr. Oct. 9. Mr. ("rokcr was the first adni}-. sec. who resigned on a change of ministry. Hon. Geo. Elliot, capt. R.N. Nov. 29. Geo. Robt. Dawson. Dec. 24. Chas. Wood, aft. sir C, bt., and vise. Halifax. Apr. 27. Richd. More O'Ferrall. Oct. 4. John Parker. Juno 9. Hon. Sidney Herbert, aft. lord Her- bert of Lea. Sei)t. 10. Hy. Thos. Lowry Corry. Fob. 13. lly. Geo. Ward. July 13. John Parker. May 21. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 187 1852. 1853. 1858. 1859. 1866. 1868. 1871. Aug. O'Brien Stafford. Mar. 3. Ralph Bemal Osborne. Jan. 6. Hy. Thos.'Lovf TjCorry , again. Mar. 9. Lord Clarence Paget. June 30. Hon. Thos. Geo. Baring, aft. E. of Northbrook. Apr. 30. Lord Hv. Gordon Lennox. July 16. Wm. Ed-wd. Baxter. Dec. 18. Geo. John Shaw-Lefevre. Mar. 17. 1874. 1880. 1882. 1884. 1885. 1886. Hon. Algn. Fulke Egerton. Feb. Geo. Otto Trevelyan, aft. sir G. , bt. Apr. Hy. Campbell Bannerman. May. Sir Thos. Brassey, K.C.B., aft. lord Brassey. Oct. Chas. Thomson Ritchie. June. John Tomlinson Hibbert. Feb. A.rthur Bower Forwood. Aug. SECOND SECRETARIES TO THE ADMIRALTY. The of&ce of " second secretary " existed at first only at intervals, and under various titles ; but the succession has been regular since the year 1756, and the name has been the same from Jan. 13, 1783, till 1871, when it was changed to that of " permanent secretary." Second Secretaries to the Admiraltt since 1702. 1702. 1744. 1746. 1756. 175U. 1764. 1766. 1782. Geo. Clarke, joint sec, to Oct. 25, 1705. May 20. Thos. Corbett, dep. and aft. joint sec, to Oct. 13, 1742. June 25. Robt. Osborne, dep. sec. Nov. 17. John Cleveland, second sec, to May 1, 1750. Aug. 4. John Milnes, dep. sec. June 15. Phili}) Stephens, second sec. Oct. 16. Chas. Fearne, dep. sec. June 28. Sir Geo. Jackson, dep. sec. Nov. 11. John Ibbotson, dep. and second Second Secretaries. 1795. ysm. Marsden. Mar. 3. 1804. Benjn. Tucker. Jan. 21. — John Barrow, aft. Sir J. May 22. 1806. Benjn. Tucker, again. Feb. 10. 1807. John Barrow, aft. sir J., ■ bt. Apr. 9. 1845. Capt. Wm. Alexr. Baillie Hamilton, R.N. Jan. 28. 1855. Thos. Phinn. 1857. Wm. Govett Romaine. 1869. Vernon Lushington. Permanent Secretaries. 1871. Vernon Lushington, above named ; ceased 1877. 1873. R. adm. Robt. Hall, R.N., naval sec, jointly with Lushington until 1877, and then alone. Ceased 1882. 1882. Capt. Geo. Tryon, perm. sec. 1884* Evan Macgregor, c.b., perm. sec^-zJ^t W.>, LORD PRESIDENTS OF THE COUNCIL. The lord president of the council presides at the privy council in the absence of the sovereign. He is appointed to his office by a declaration of the sovereign in council, and holds it durante hene placito. He is ex officio president of all committees of the privy council, with the ex- ception of the board of trade, which has a president of its own. The office is now purely a political one, and the holder changes with the ministrv. Lord Presidents of the Council. Since the Council was remodelled in 1679. KixG Charles II. 1679. Anthy., E. of Shaftesbury. Apr. 21. Struck off the council Oct. 15, same year — John, E. of Radnor. Oct. 24. 1684. Laurence. E. of Rochester. Aug. 24. King Ja:mes II. 1685. Geo., M. of Halifax. Feb. 18. — Robt., K of Sunderland. Dec. 4. 1689. King Williasi III. Thos., E. of Danby, aft. M. 188 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Carmarthen and D. of Leeds. Feb. U. 1G99. Thos., E. of Pembroke and Mont- gomery. Maj' 18. 1701. Chas., D. of Somerset. Jime 28. QuEEX Anne. 1702. Thos., E. of Pembroke and Mont- gomery, (if/ain. July 14. 1708. John, lord Somers. Nov. 25. 1710. Laurence, E. of Rochester. Sept. 21. 1711. John, D. of Xormanby and Bucking- hamshire. June 14. King Geokge I. 1714. Daniel, E. of Nottingham. Sept. 22. 1715. Lionel Cranfield, E., aft. D. of Dorset. Jan. 3. 1716. Wm., D. of Devonshire. July 5. 1717. Chas., E. of Sunderland. Mar. IG. 17ly. Evelyn, D. of Kingston. Feb. G. 1720. Chas., vise. Townshend. June 11. 1721. Hy., lord Carletou. June 25. 1725. Wm.jD. of Devonshire, a^azn. Mar. 27. King Geokge II. 1727. D. of Devonshire, contd. 1730. Thos., lord Trevor. May 8. — Spencer, E. of Wilmington. Dec. 31 1742. Wm., E. of Harrington. Feb. 13. 1745. Lionel Cranfield, D. of Dorset ayuin. Jan. 3. 1751. John, E. Granville. Jime 17. King George III. 1760. E. Granville, cmtd. 1763. John, D. of Bedford. Sept. 9. 1765. Daniel, E. of Winchilsea and Not- tingham. July 12. 1766. Robt., E. of Northington. July 30. 1767. Granville Leveson, E. Gower. Dec 22. 1779. Hy., E. Bathurst. Nov. 24. 1782. Chas., Id. Camden. Mar. 27. 1783. David, vise. Stormont. Apr. 2. — Granville Leveson, E. Gower, again. Dec. 19 ; aft. M. of Stafi'ord. 1784. Chas., Id. Camden, aijuin, Dec. 1 ; aft. E. Camden. 1794. Wm. Wcntworth, E. Fitzwilliam. July 11. 1794. David, E. of Mansfield. Dec. 17. 1796. John, E. of Chatham. Dec. 21. 1801. Wm. Hy., 4th D. of Portland July 30. 1805. Hy., vise. Sidmouth. Jan. 14. — John Jeffreys, E. Camden. July 10. 180G. Wm. Weutworth, E. Fitzwilliam, again. Feb. 19. 1806. Hy., vise. Sidmouth, a^iam. Oct. 8. 1807. John, E. Camden, aft. M. Camden, again. Mar. 26. 1812. Hy., vise. Sidmouth, a^am. April 8. — Dudley Ryder, E. of Harrowby. June 11. King George IV. 1820. E. of Harrowby, contd. 1827. Wm. Hy., 5th D. of Portland. Aug. 17. 1828. Hy. , E. Bathurst. Jan. 28. King Williasi IV. 1830. E. Bathurst, contd. — Hy., M. of Lansdowne. Nov. 22. 1834. Jas., E. of Rosslyn. Dec. 15. 1835. Hy., M. of Lansdowne, again. Apr. 18. Queen Victoria. 1837. M. of Lansdowne, contd. 1841. Jas., Id. Wharncliffe. Sept. 3. 1846. Walter Francis, D. of Buccleuch. Jan. 21. — Hy., M. of Lansdowne, again. July 6. 1852. Wm., E. of Lonsdale. Feb. 27. — Granville Geo., E. Granville. Dec. 28. 1854. Lord John Russell. 1855. Granville Geo., again. Feb. 8. 1858. Jas. Brownlow Wm., M. of Salis- bui-y. Feb. 24. 1859. Granville Geo., E. Granville, k.g., again. June 18. 1866. Richd. Plantagenet Campbell Tem- ple Nugent Brydges Chandos, D. of Buckingham and Chandos. July 6. 1867. John Winston, D. of Marlborough^ Mar. 8. 1868. Geo. Fredk. Saml., E. de Grey and Ripon. Dec. 9. 1873. Hy. Austin Bruce, Aug. 9; cr. Id. Aberdare Aug. 20, G. 1874. Chas. Hy., D. of Richmond, k.g. Feb. 21. 1880. John PojTitz, E. Spencer, K.o. April 28. 1883. Chichester Parkinson, Id. Carling- ford. Mar. 19. 1885. Gathorne, vise. Cranbrook. June 24. 1884. John Povntz, E. Spencer, again. Fob. 6. ^^ 1886. Gathorne, vise. Granb|^B||G.c.s.i.,. again. Aug. 3. *:^ ^^^^»w"- ■ June 12. E. Granville, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 189 PRIVY COUNCILLORS. The number of the council was anciently about twelve, when it dis- charged the functions of state, now confined to the members of the cabinet ; but it had grown to an unwieldy size before 1679, in which / year it was remodelled upon Sir William Temple's plan, and reduced to thirty members. The number is now unlimited, but no members attend unless specially summoned. The members are selected by the sovereign, and are, or ought to be, distinguished by high ofi&ce, wisdom, and political experience. The council includes the principal ministers of the crown, some of the judges, many diplomatists, and peers and commoners whose services to the state and whose position in it, whether past or present, render them eligible to advise upon public affairs. A privy councillor, even though a commoner only, is styled " right honourable," and has precedence of all knights, baronets, and the younger sons of barons and viscounts. He is admitted a member upon taking the oath prescribed by law, and forthwith takes his seat at the board, according to his rank. Privy Gottncilloes. The first names on this list are those of the persons who formed the privy council of Charles II. at the period of the Commonwealth. They were sworn at councils held at the Hague, at Breda, and elsewhere, and were not re-sworn at the Restoration. 1649. Sir Richd. Lane, Id. kpr., sw. at the Hague, May 13. Fras., Id. Cottington, Id. treasr., same time and place. John, Id. Culpeper (Colepeper), m. rolls. Ralph, Id. Hopton, same time and place. Sir Edwd. Hyde, eh. ex., same time and place ; aft. Id. chanc. and E. of Clarendon. Robt. Long, sec. to his majesty, May 14. Patrick, E. of Brentford (county of Middlesex) and Forth (in Scot- land), sw. at Peronne, July 12. Sir Edwd. Nicholas, sec. st. to his late majesty, sw. at Jersey, Oct. 4. He became sec. st. to Charles II., and was again sw. of the council in 1660. 1650. Geo., D. of Buckingham, sw. at Breda, Apr. 6. Wm., M. of Newcastle, same time and jjlace. Wm., D. of Hamilton, sw. at Breda, Apr. 7. The following privy councillors are named in the records ; hut there is no mention of the times when they were sworn. James, D. of York, aft. K. James II. Hy., D. of Gloucester. Jas., M. of Ormond. Geo., E. of Bristol. Murrough, E. of Inchiquin. Thos.,ld. Wentworth. Hy., Id. Jermyn, aft. E. of St. Albans. The king first sat at a council held at Canterbury, May 27, 1660, ivhen were sworn : Sir Geo. Monk, genl. of all the forces in the three kingdoms, and m. hoi'se, made D. of Albemarle, July 7, 1660. Thos., E. of Southampton, made Id. treasr., Sept. following. Sir Wm. Morrice, sec. st. Sir Anthy. Ashley Cooper, bt., cr. Id. Ashley. Apr. 1661; and baron Cooper and E. of Shaftesbury, AjDr. 1772; Id. chanc, Nov., same year. Struck from the list, May 19, 1674. 190 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES The Kkstoration. 1660. May 31. Wm., M. of Hertford, sw. in London. Algernon, E. of Northumberland. Robt., E. of Leicester. Thos., E. of Berkshire. Fras., Id. Seyniour. Arthur Anneslcy, aft. baron Annesley, in Ireland, and E. of Anglesey, in Wales, sw. of the council, and obtained these honours in reward of his ser- vices for the king's restoration. Susp. from the office of treasr. of the Navy, Nov. 16G8 ; made Id. pr. seal, Apr. 1673. June 1. Montagu, E. of Lindsey, Id. gr. chambn. of England. Edwd., E. of Manchester, Id. chambn. Geo., E. of Norwich. Hy., E. of St. Albans, late Id. Jermyn ; sat as a pr. councillor before being re-sw., May 31, this year ; amb. to France. Wm., vise. Say and Sele. John, lord Robartes, of Truro, aft. vise. Bodmin and E. of Radnor ; Id. pr. seal, May 16G1. Denzil Holies, cr. baron Holies, Apr. 1(;61. Struck from the list, Jan. 7, 1G75. June 2. Col. Chas. Howard. June 14. Gen. Edwd., Id. Montagu, k.g., cr. baron Montagu, of St. Neot's, vise. Hinchinbroke, and E. of Sandwich, July following. Killed in the great sea-fight with the Dutch fleet off Southwold bay. May 28, 1672. July 6. Sir Fredk. Cornwallis, knt. and bt. , treasr. hhold. ; cr. lord Cornwallis, Apr. 1661. Sir Chas. Berkeley, comptr. hhold., cr. vise. Fitzhardinge, 1665. July 11. Sir Geo. Carteret, knt. and bt., V. chambn. Aug. 27. Hy., M. of Dorchester. 1661. Jan. 2. John, E. of Lauderdale, sec. St. for Scotland, aft. D. of Lauderdale. June 28. Wm., E. of Glencairn, Id. chanc. of Scotland. Sept. 13. Richd., Id. Vaughan and E. of Carberry, Id. pres. of Wales. 1662. Jan. 29. Christr., Id. Hatton, made gov. of Jersey. Sir Hugh Pollard, comptr. hhold. Apr. 3. Jerome, E. of Portland. Sir Wm. Compton. Apr. 28. His highness pr. Rupert, adm» of the council without being sworn, as a near relative of the king's. Geo., D. of Buckingham. John, E. of Middleton, H.M. high commr. for Scotland. Oct. 15. Sir Hy. Bennet, sec. st. ; cr. Id. Arlington, Mar. 1663 ; and E. of Arlington, Apr. 1672. 1663. Apr. 3. Gilbert Sheldon, bp. of Lon- don; transl. to Canterbury, Aug. 1663. Apr. 6. Wm. Juxon, abp. of Canterbury. June 17. John, Id. Berkeley, of Stratton, Id. lieut. of Ireland in 1670. July 26. John, E. of Bath, gr. stole. Oct. 2. Sir Richd. Fanshawe, knt. and bt., one of the masters of requests. Nov. 4. John, E. of Rothes, H. :M. high commr. for Scotland. Dec. 9. Humphrey Henchman, bp. of London. 1664. Aug. 17. Sir Thos. Ingram, chanc. d. Lane. May 26. Roger, E. of Orrery, late Id. just, in Ireland. 1666. Apr. 11. Wm., E. of Craven. June 13. Thos. . E. of Ossory. Dec. 5. Sir Thos. Clifford, kt. comptr. hhold ; cr. lord Clifford, Apr. 1672, and made treas., 28th same month. Dec. 12. Robt., E. of Lindsey, Id. gr. chambn. of England. 1667. Feb, 13. John, E. of Bridgewater. May 22. Sir John Duncombe, a commr. of the treas. and ch. ex. Sept. 4. Sir Orlando Bridgeman, sw. a j)r. councillor and Id. kpr. , at the same time. July 1. Fras., lord Newport, comjitr- hhold. ; cr. vise. Newport. ]Mar. 1675, and E. of Bradford, May l(>!t4. Sept. 29. Sir John Trevor, sec. st. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 191 1670. June 10. Sir Thos. Chicheley, m, g. ordn. June 15. Hy. , E. of Ogle. Became D. of Newcastle, succeeding his father, in 1676. 1671. Jan. 5. Aubrey de Vera, E. of Oxford. Apr. 29. James, duke of Monmouth, natural son to the king. 1672. Jan. 2. Ralph Montagu, mast. gr. wardr. Feb. 14. Sir Robert Carr, knt. and bt. , chanc. d. Lane. Apr. 17. Hy., M. of Worcester, Id. pres. of Wales. Arthur E. of Esses, app. Id. lieut. of Ireland. Thos., vise. Fauconberg. Geo. vise. Halifax. Struck from the list Jan. 7, 1675. May 3. Sir Thos., Osborne, treasr. of the navy ; cr. vise. Latimer. Aug. 1673 ; E. of Danby, June, 1674 ; made Id. treasr. of England. Cr. M. of Carmarthen, Apr., 1689, and D. of Leeds, May 1694. July 3. Hy. Coventry, sec. st. Sir Robt. Long, bt. Nov. 29. Wm., Id. Maynard, comptr. hhold. 1673. Mar. 7. Jas., E. of Northampton. Apr. 9. Edwd. Seymour, aft. sir E., bt., sp. ho. commons. Nov. 12. Sir Heneage Finch, bt.. Id. kpr. ; cr. Id. Finch, of Daventry, Jan. 1674 ; and E. of Notting- ham, May 1681. Made Id. chanc. of England, Dec. 1675. 1674. May 27. Robt, E. of Sunderland, sec. st. in 1679. June 8. Alex. , E. of Kincardine. Struck from the list, Anq. 1676. July 10. Hy., E. of Peterborough. Sept. 11. Sir Jos. Williamson, sec. st. Dec. 4. Wm., E. of Strafford. 1675. June 23. Giles Strangways. July 21. Geo. Morley, bp. of Winchester. Oct. 15. Christr., D. of Albemarle. 1676. Jan. 21. Hy. Compton, bp. of London. Apr. 26. Nathl., Id. Crew, bp. of Dur- ham. May 10. Sir John Ernie (Ernley), ch. 1678. Feb. 6. Wm. Bancroft, abp. of Canter- bury. July 17. Geo. , Id. Berkeley. Oct. 10. Robt. , E. of Ailesbury. 1679. Jan. 3. Jas. , E. of Salisbury. Jan. 8. Hy., E. of Clarendon, Id. lieut. of Ireland in 1685. On the 21st April, 1679, His Majesty King Charles II. was pleased to dissolve the whole of the privy council, and in their room to choose thirty privy councillors, principally selected out of the old list. This number was not in future to be exceeded, with the exception only of such persons as were to be privy councillors ex officio, as the lord president, the secretary of state for Scotland, the princes of the blood, &c., who were not reckoned in the thirty. Conformably with this order the following were sworn at the council board: — 1679. Apr, 21. His Highness Pr. Rupert. Anthy., E. of Shaftesbury, as Id. pres. His name again struck from the list Oct. 15 following. Heneage, lord Finch, Id. chanc. of England. Arthur, E. of Anglesey, Id. pr. seal. Christr., D. of Albemarle, capt. of the life guards. Jas., D. of Monmouth, m. horse. Beheaded on Tower Hill for rebellion against king James, in 1685. Chas. , M. of Winchester. Hy., E. of Arlington, Id. chambn. hhold. Jas., E. of Salisbury. Struck from the list, Jan. 18, 1681. John, E. of Bridgewater. Robt., E. of Sunderland, sec. st. Struck out Jan. 24, 1681 Eeadm. 192 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Sept. 20, 1682 ; decl. Id. pres,. Dec. 4, 1685. Apr. 21. Arthur, E. of Essex, first Id. of the treas. Struck from the list, Jan. 24, 1681. John, E. of Bath, gr. stole. Geo., vise. Halifax, cr. E. of Halifax, July, 1679, and M. of Halifax, Aug. 1682 ; decl. Id. pres. in the next reign. Struck from the list Oct. 21, 1685. Hy. Compton, bp. of London. Struck from the list, Dec. 23, 1685. John, lord Robartes, cr. vise. Bodmin and E. of Radnor, July following; decl. Id. pres., Oct. 24, 1679. Wm.,lord Russell. Beheaded in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, July 21, 1683. Wm.. lord Cavendish. Hy. Coventry, sec. of st. SirFras. North, Id. ch. just. c. p.; made Id. kpr., Dec. 1682. Sir Hy. Capei., k.b., first commr. of the admy. Sir John Ernie (Ernley), ch. ex. Sir Thos. Chicheley, mast. ordn. Struck from the list, March 2, 1687. Sir Wm. Temple, bt. Struck from the list, Jan. 24, 1681. Sir Edwd. Seymour, bt. Hy. Powle, aft. m. rolls. 1679. Apr. 22. Wm. Bancroft, abp. of Cantcr- bui-y. John, D. of Lauderdale, sec. st. for Scotland. Hy., M. of Worcester, cr. D. of Beaufort, Nov. 1682. Thos., vise. Fauconberg, er. E. of Fauconberg, Apr. 1689. Apr. 27. Hy., D. of Newcastle. June 24. Denzil, lord Holies. Nov. 19. Laurence Hyde, first commr. of the treas. ; cr. E. of Rochester, Nov. 1682 ; decl. Id. pres., Aug. 24, 1684 ; Id. treasr. in the next reign. Feb. 4. Danl. Finch, first commr. of the admy. ; succ. as E. of Not- tingham, and aft. as E. of Winchilsca. Struck from the list, Mar. 12, 1695. Sidney Godolphin, a commr. of the treas. ; cr. lord Godolphin, Sept. 1684, and made first Id. of the treas. Feb. 11. Sir Leoline Jenkins, judge of the high court of admy. , made sec. St. Apr. 16. Thos., E. of Ossory, late Id. just. in Ireland ; admiral. May 26 Hy., E. of Clarendon, app. Id. lieut. of Ireland in 1685. Oct. 15. Sir Robt. Carr, knt. and bt., chanc. d. Lane. 1681. Jan. 26. Aubrey, E. of Oxford. Philip, E. of Chesterfield, Id. warden and ch. just, in eyre on this side Trent.. Robt., E. of Ailesbury, aft. Id. chambn. to king James II. Feb. 2. Edwd., E. of Conway, sec. st. Mar. 9. Wm.,E. of Craven. 1682. Mar. 3. Adm. Geo. Legge, er. Id. Dart- mouth, Nov. 2, following. May 23. Jas., D. of Ormond, Id. steward; Id. lieut. of Ireland. June 29. Robt., E. of Lindsey, Id. gr. chambn. of England. Dec. 22. Sir Fras. Pemberton, knt.. Id. ch. just, of k. b. Struck from the list, Oct. 24, 1683 1683. Feb. 28. Theophilus, E. of Huntingdon. Hy., E. of Peterborough. Oct. 4. Sir Geo. Jeffreys, Id. ch. just. k. b. ; cr. Id. Jeffrej's, and made Id. chanc., Oct. 1685. 1684. July 11. Alexr.jE. of Moray, Id. pr. seal of Scotland. Chas., E. of Middleton, made sec. St. Jan. 1685. 7. John Drummond. King James II. Feb. 9. Mar. 27 May 16. July 24. July 31. Oct. 16. Oct. 21. Oct. 30. 1685. Geokge. , pr. of Den-jiark ; intro- duced to the council, not sworn ; Consort of the princess Anne. Cr. Id. Wokingham, E. of Kendal, and D. of Cumberland, Apr. 9, 1689. Wm., D. of yueensberry. Id. high commr. for Scotland. Jas., E. of Perth, Id. chanc. of Scotland. Hy,, D. of Newcastle. John. E. of ^lulgrave. Id. chambn. Oct. this year. Geo., E. Berkeley. Sir Edwd. Herbert, Id. ch. just, k. b. Riehd.. vise. Preston. Tho.s., K of Plymouth. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 193 1686. Jan. 8. Nathl., Id. Crewe, bp. of Durham, re-sw. July 17. Wm., E. of Powis, cr. M. of Powis next year. He was cr. M. of Montgomery and D. of Powis by the king after his abdication, but these titles were never allowed in England. Hy., Id. Arundel, of Wardour, sw. Id. pr. seal, Mar. 1687. John, Id. Belasyse. Hy. , Id. Dover. Oct. 8. Richd., E. of Tyrconnell, Id.lieut. of Ireland. Roger, E. of Castlemaine, amb. to the pope. Oct. 14. Wm., D. of Hamilton. Sir Nichs. Butler. Nov. 11. Edwd. Petre. Many of the lords and gentlemen sworn of the council in this reign were Roman Catholics. William and Mary. Upon the uccesston of their majesties the JoUowiny persons loere sworn of the privy council. Feb. 14. Hy., D. of Norfolk, earl marsh. and hered. marsh, of England. Chas., M. of Winchester, cr. D. of Bolton, Apr. this year. Geo., M. of Halifax, made Id. pr. seal Feb. 19. Struck from the list, June 23, 1692. Robt., E. of Lindsey, Id. gr. chambn. of England. Wm., E. of Devonshire, Id. stewd., cr. M. of Hartington and D. of Devonshire, May 1694. Chas., E. of Dorset, Id. chambn. Aubrey, E. of Oxford. Chas., E. of Shewsbury, sec. st. Struck from the list, June 23, 1692. Wm., E. of Bedford, cr. M. of Tavistock and D. of Bedford, May 12, 1684. Chas.,E. of Macclesfield. Thos., vise. Fauconberg. Chas., vise. Mordaunt, first commr. treasy.,Apr. following; cr. E. of Monmouth, same time. Struck from the list, Jan. 21, 1696. Fras., vise. Newport, treasr. hhold., cr. E. of Bradford, May 1694. Richd., lord Lumley (vise. Lumley, in Ireland), gent. bed-ch., cr. vise. Lumley, of England, Apr. following, and E. of Scarborough, Apr. 1690. Feb. 14. Hy. Compton, bp. of London, dean of the chapel. Ralph, Id. Montagu, mast. gr. wardr. ; cr. vise. Monthermer and E. of Montagu, Apr. this year ; D. of Montagu, Apr. 1705. Hy., Id. de la Mere, ch. ex. ; cr. E. of Warrington, Apr. 1690. John, Id. Churchill, gen. : cr. E. of Marlborough, Apr. 1689. Struck from the list, June 23, 1692. Aft. cr. M. of Blandford and D. of Marlborough. See year 1698. Wm. Bentinck, gr. stole, cr. Id. Cirencester, vise. Woodstock, and E. of Portland, Apr. 1689. Hy. Sydney, gent, bed-ch., cr. Id. and vise. Sydney, Apr. ] 689 ; Id, lieut. of Ireland in 1692 ; E. of Romney, May 1694. Sir Robt. Howard. Sir Hy. Caj^el, commr. treasy., cr. Id. Capel, Apr. 1692; aft. Id. dep. in Ireland. Hy. Powle, sp. ho. commons. Edwd. Russell, adm., first Id. admy.. May, 1614 ; cr. Id. Shingay, vise. Barfieur, and E. of Orford, May 1697. Richd. Hampden, commr. treasy. Hugh Boscawen, cr. lord Bos- caweu and vise. Falmouth, June, 1720. Feb. 19. Thos. Wharton, aft. Id. Whar- ton, compt. hhold. ; cr. vise. Winchendon and E. of Wharton Dec. 17015, and vise. Malmes- bury and M. of Wharton, Jan. 1715; Id. pr. seal, 1714. In 1709, he was app. Id. lieut. of Ireland, of which kingdom he became baron of Trim, E. of Rathfarnliam, and M. of Cat- herlogh. Sir John Lowther, of Lowther, bt., V. chamb.; cr. Id. Low- ther and vise. Lonsdale. May, 1696 ; Id. pr. seal. May 1699. Feb. 26. Arthur Herbert, first commr. admy., cr. Id. Torbay and E. of Torrington, May following. Struck from the list, June 23, 1692. Mar. 8. Wm. Harbord, amb. to Turkey in 1692. Apr. 25. Fredk., D. of Schomberg, field- marsh. ; mast. gen. ordn. 13 194 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Sep. 26. Sir John Holt, bt., Id. ch. just, k. b. Oct. 14. Thos., E. of Pembroke and Mont- gomery, first commr. admy., Jan. 1690 ; Id. pr. seal, Mar. 1692; Id. pres.,May 18, 1699; anda^ainld. pres., July 9, 1702. Feb. 13. Sir Hy. Goodricke, bt., lieut. gen. ordn. June 3. Chas., M. of Winchester, cr. D. of Bolton, Feb. 1698. Nov. 20. Sidney, Id. Godolphin, first commr. treasy. , Id. treasr. in 1702 ; cr. vise. Rialton and E. of Godolphin, Dec. 1706. Jan. 1. Sir John Trevor, sp. ho. commons, prev. and subs. m. rolls. May 7. John, E. of Bridgewater. June 4. John Tillotson, abp. of Canter- bury. Mar. 1. Laurence, E. of Rochester, Id. lieut. of Ireland, in 1701. Richd. , E. of Ranelagh, paym. of the forces. Chas., Id. Cornwallis, first commr. admy. Sir Edwd. Seymour, bt., commr. treasy. Mar. 17. Anthy., vise. Falkland, commr. admy. Robt., Id. Lexinton. Mar. 23. Sir John Somers, Id. kpr. ; cr. Id. Somers and made Id. chanc, Dec. 1697. Sir John Trenchard, sec. st. Apr. 18. Thos., Id. Coningsby, of Ireland, late Id. just, in that kingdom; aft. Id. Coningsby, of Lincoln, and E. of Coningsby. Struck from the list, Nov. 7, 1724. Mar. 4. Chas., E. of Shrewsbury, sec. at.; cr. M. of Alton and D. of Shrewsbury, Apr. following. May 3. John, M. of Normanby. Struck from the list, Mar. 12, 1695. Chas., vise. Dursley, succ. as E. Berkeley. May 10. Thos., E. of Stamford. Chas. Montague, ch. ex., first Id. treasy.. May 1697; or. Id. Halifax, Dec. 1700. King William III., alone. 1695. Jan. 31. Thos. Tennyson, abp. of Canter- bury. May 3. Sir Wm. Trumbull, sec. st. May 5. Meinhardt, D. of Schomberg, comm. in ch. Ford, E. of Tankerville, aft. first commr. treasy. and Id. pr. seal. Peregrine Bertie, v. chambn. May 23. John Smith, commr. treasy., aft. ch. ex. and sp. ho. commons. Apr. 9. Jas., D. of Ormond, aft. comm. in ch. Nov. 19. Sir Jos. Williamson, app., with the E. of Pembroke and vise. Villiers, plen. to treat for peace with France. Nov. 25. Edwd., E of Jersey, app. Id. just, of Ireland ; aft. Id. chambn. to the king ; sec. st. 1700. Dec. 5. Jas. Vernon, sec. st. May 18. Robt., Id. Ferrers, cr. vise. Tam- worth and E. Ferrers, July 1711. June 9. Chas., E. of Manchester, cr. D. of Manchester. Apr. 1719. June 19. John, E. of Marlborough, cr. M. of Blandford and D. of Marl- borough, Dec. 1702. His name had been removed from the list of pr. councillors, June 23, 1692; but it was now restored, and he re-sworn. See year 1689. 1700. May 21. Sir Nathan Wright, Id. kpr. Nov. 6. Sir Chas. Htdges, sw. a second time ; sec. st., May 2, 1702. 1701. Mar. 27. Hy. Boyle, ch. ex. ; sec. st., Feb. 1708. June 19. Robt., E. of Lindsey, Id. gr. chambn. of England; cr. M. of Lindsey, Dec. 1706, and D. of Ancaater and Kesteven, July 1715. Chas., E. of Carlisle, earl marsh, during minority of Thos., D. of Norfolk, the hered. earl marsh, of England. June 28. Chas., D. of S; treasr. navy, Feb. 1823 ; col. and war. sec, Sept. 1827. Aug 10. Wm. Sturges Bourne ; commr. bd. contr. .Tuly 1818; home sec, Apr. 1827 ; first commr. of woods and forests, July, same year. 1815. Mar. 17. Wm. Adam, chief of the civil jury court of Scotland. Dec. 4. Hon.Chas.Bagot, aft.sir C, G.C.B., min. plen. to the Netherlands ; aft. min. to the United States ; gov. gen. of Canada 1841. Dec. 30. Wm. Pitt, Id. Amherst, on his embassy to China ; cr. E. Am- herst, Dec. 19, 1828 ; gov. gen. of Bengal from Oct. 1822 to Mar. 1828. 1816. June 8. Edwd. Thornton, aft. sir E. , G.c.B. ; min. plen. to Sweden 1812; to Portugal 1823. June 27. Sir Hy. Russell, bt., late ch. just. Bengal. July 1. Leopold, pr. of Saxe-Coburg Saalfeld, consort of Char- lotte Augusta, princess of Wales ; aft. K. of the Bel- gians; introd., not sw. 1817. Apr. 26. Sir Richd. Richards, Id. ch. bar. ex. May 31. Sir Geo. Fitzgerald Hill, bt., v. treasr. Ireland. July 11. John Becket, aft. sir J., bt., judge adv. gen. July 15. Sir Benjn. Bloomfield, private sec. and kpr. of the pr. purse to the prince regent ; cr. Id. Bloomfield, May 11, 1825; min. to Sweden. Sept. 17. Chas. Chetwynd, E. Talbot, app. Id. Heut. of Ireland. Dec. 30. John Leach, aft. sir J., v. chanc; m. rolls, Apr. 1827. Sir Wm. A'Court, bt., min. to the Two Sicilies, &c. ; cr. Id. Heytesbury, Jan. 23. 1828; Id. lieut. of Ireland, July 1844. 14 210 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1818. April 6. Geo. Hy. Rose. amb. to Prussia. Nov. 19. Sir Chas. Abbott, Id. ch. just. k. b.: cr. Id. Tenterden, Apr. 30, 1827. Sir Robt. Dallas, Id. ch. just. c. p. 1819. May 28. Chas. Grant, ch. sec. Ireland ; pres. bd. tr., Sept. 1827 : of the bd. contr., Dec. 1830; col. sec, Apr. 1835 ; cr. Id. Glenelg, May 11, same year. July 23. Sir Saml. Shepherd, Id. ch. bar. ex. in Scotland. King George IV. 1820. April 8. David Boyle, Id. just. elk. in Scot- land. June 7. Peter, Id. Gwydir, dep. gt. chambn. of England. July 20. Stratford Cnnning, aft. sir S. and Id. Stratford de Redcliffe ; amb. to Turkey, 1841. Oct. 10. Sir Gore Ouseley, bt. ; prev. amb. ext. to Persia and ti> Russia. Thos., Id. Manners, Id. chanc. of Ireland; re-sw. 1821. Feb. 6. Wm. Carr, Id. Beresford ; It.- gen. ordn., 1823; mast, gen., Apr. 1828 ; cr. vise. Beresford, Mar. 28, 1823. Feb. 23. Jas., M. of Graham, v. chambn. hhold. ; succ. his father as D. of ]Montrose in 1836. June 30. Peter Robt., Id. Gwydir, son of the preceding Id. Gwydir, hered. gr. chambn. of Eng- land ; Id. Willougbby d'Eres- by in 1828. Dec. 10. Chas., D. of Dorset, m. horse. Hy., M. of Conyngham, Id, st. hhold. Hy. Goulbum, ch. sec. Ireland; ch. ex., Jan. 1828; home sec, Dec. 1834 ; again ch. ex. , Sept. 1841. 1822. Jan. 17. Chas. Watkin Williams Wynn, pres. bd. contr. ; sec. at war, Nov. 1830; chanc. d. Lane, Dec. 1834. Wm. Ily. Fremantle, commr. bd. contr. Feb. 4. Sir Geo. Warrendor, bt., commr. bd. contr. Mar. 28. John, Id. Burghersh, min. to Tuscany ; min. to Prussia, 1841 ; succ. his father as E. of Westmoreland, Dec. 15. 1841. Mar. 28. Aug. John Foster, min. to Den- mark and aft. to Sardinia. Hon. Fredk. Jas. Lamb, amb. to Vienna, Spain, Portugal, &c. ; cr. Id. Beauvale, Apr. 30, 1839 ; succ. his brother as vise. Melbourne, Nov. 24, 1818. Aug. 17. Chas. Hope, Id. pies, court of sesision in Scotland. 1824. Jan. 10. Sir Robt. GifTord. bt., ch. just. c. p. ; cr. Id. Gifford, Jan. 31 following. Sir Wm. Alexander, Id. ch. bar. ex. Apr. 7. Wm. Noel Hill, min. to Naples. May 25. Sir Wm. Draper Best, Id. ch. just. c. p. ; cr. Id. Wynford. June 5, 1829. 1825. Mar. 23. Hugh, D. of Northumberland, Id. lieut. of Ireland. Mar. 1821). Chas. Vaughan, aft. sir C, min. to the United States. Sept. 30. Hy. Watkin Williams Wynn. June 1. Jas., M. of Salisbury. July 27. Hon. sir Robt. Gordon, min. to Brazil ; aft. min. to Austria. Nov. 20. Sir John Singleton Copley, m. rolls ; cr. Id. Lyndhurst, April 25, 1827, and made Id. chanc. May 2, following ; Id. ch. bar. ex., Jan. 1831 ; againXA. chanc. Dec. 1834, and again Sept. 1841. 1827. Apr. 30. Wm. Spencer, D. of Devonshire. Id. chambn. Wm. Hy., D. of Portland, Id. pr. seal; decl. Id. pres., Aug. 17, following. Hy. Wm., M. of Anglesey, mast.- gen. ord. ; Id. lieut. of Ireland. Mar. 1828; again Id. lieut., Dec. 1830 ; and again mast. gen. ordn., July 1846. John Wm., vise. Dudley and Ward, for. sec. ; aft. earl Dud- ley. Sir Anthy. Hart, v. chanc. of England ; Id. chanc. of Ireland same year. Hon. Wm. Lamb, sec. for Ireland ; succ. as vise. Melbourne, 1828 ; homo sec, Nov. 1830; first Id. treasv., July 1834; again, April 18:?o. Sir Geo. Cockburn, v. admiral ; first naval councillor to the Id. high adm. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 211 May 10. Wm. Conyngham Plunket, ch. just. c. p. in Ireland ; subs. Id. chanc. in that kingdom, and cr. Id. Plunket. May 23. Jas. Abercromby, judge adv. gen.; m. mint, July 1834 ; sp. ho. commons from Feb. 1835 to May 1839 ; cr. Id. Dunferm- line, June 7 following. June 30. Stephen Rumbold Lushington, gov. of Madras. Aug. 17. Lord Wm. Hy. Cavendish Ben- tinck. John Chas. Harries, chanc, ex. ; m. mint, Feb. 1828 ; pres. b. tr., Feb. 1830 ; and sec. at war, Dec. 1834. Nov. 16. Sir Lancelot Shadwell, v. chanc. of England. Sir Jas. Mackintosh, some time recorder of Bombay ; commr. bd. contr. Sir Wm. Keppel, gov. of Guern- sey. Jan. 28. Edwd., Id. Ellenborough, Id. pr. seal ; pres. bd. contr. , Sept. this year ; again, Dec. 1834 ; and a third time, Sept. 1841 ; gov. gen. of India, Oct. 1841; cr. E. of Ellenborough, Oct. 1844. Feb. 5. Thos. Frankland Lewis, v. pres. bd. tr.; treasr. navy, Feb. 1830 ; cr. a bt. 1846. Feb. 13. Rowland, Id. Hill, gen. on the staff, commanding in ch. Mar. 5. Sir Ohristr. Robinson, judge of the admy. court. May 30. Wm., vise. Lowther, first commr. of woods and forests ; v. pres. bd. tr. , Dec. 1834; postm. gen., Sept. 1841 ; and cr., vitdpatris. Id. Lowther ; succ. as E. of Lonsdale, Mar. 1844. Sir Geo. Murray, sec. st. war and cols. ; mast. gen. ordn., Dec. 1834; again, Sept. 1841, Sir Hy. Hardinge, sec. at war ; ch. sec. Ireland, 1834; again sec. at war, Sept. 1841 ; app. gov. gen. of India, May 2, 1844 ; cr. vise. Hardinge, Apr. 1846. Thos. Peregrine Gcurtenay, v. pres. bd. tr. June 16. John Wilson Croker, sec. admy. John Calcraft, paym. of the forces. June 28. Lord Eras. Leveson Gower (aft. Id. Fras. Egerton), ch. sec. Ireland; sec. at war, July 1830; cr. E. of EUesmere, June 1846. Hy. Hobhouse, kpr. of the state papers, and honoris causa. July 23. Robt. Adair, aft. sir R., g.c.b., late min. to Austria, &c. July 31. Chas. Jas. Blomfield, bp. of Chester; tr. to London Aug. following. 1829. .June 10. Jas., E. of Rosslyn, Id. pr. seal ; decl. Id. pros., Dec. 1834. Sir Nicliolas Conyngham Tindal, Id. ch. just. c. p. Oct. 12. Sir Brook Taylor, g.c.h., late min. to several courts. Apr. 7. Geo., D. of Gordon, kpr. gr. seal of Scotland. King William IV. 1830. June 28. Bernard Edwd., D. of Norfolk, hered. earl marsh, of England. July 19. Jas. Horatio, M. of Cholmondeley, dep. gr. chamb. of England. Geo., E. of Jersey, Id. chambn.; again, Dec. 1834 ; m. horse, Sept. 1841. Geo., E. of Belfast, v. chambn. ; cr. Id. Ennishowen, Aug. 1841; succ. as M. of Donegal, Oct, 1844. Sir Wm. Rae, bt.. Id. adv. of Scotland. July 28. Hy. , vise. Hereford. Aug. 25. John, E. of Clare, gov. of Bom- bay. Nov. 22. Chas., D. of Richmond, postm. gen. ; postm. gen. of Gr. Britain and Ireland, by a new patent, Apr. 1831. Wm. Chas., E. of Albemarle, m. horse ; again, April 1835. .John, Id. Durham, Id. pr. seal; cr. E. of Durham, Mar. 1833; amb. to Russia, 1836 ; gov. gen. of Canada, 1838. Geo., Id. Auckland, pres. bd. tr., to which was joined the master- ship of the mint, Dec. 14 follow- ing ; first Id. admy., June 1834; again, April 1835 ; gov. gen. of India, Aug. same year; E. of Auckland, Dec. 1839 ; again first Id. admy., July 1846. Hy., Id. Brougham, Id. chanc. John Chas. Spencer, vise. Al- thorpe, ch. ex. ; succ. his father as earl Spencer, Nov. 1834. Geo. Jas. Agar Welbore Ellis, first commr. of woods and forests. Lord John Russell, paym. gen. ; home sec, April 1835 ; sec. st. 14 * 212 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. war and cols., Aug. 1839; first Id. treasv.. July 1846 and Nov. 1865; cr. E. Russell, July 30, 1861. Nov. 22. Hon. Edwd. Geoffrey Smith Stan- ley, eh. sec. Ireland ; col. sec, April 1833; again col. sec. Sept. 1841 ; summoned to the house of peers, as lord Stanley, of Bickerstaffe, Oct. 1844 : succ. his father as E. of Derby, 1851 ; first Id. treasy., Feb. ■] 852, Feb. 1858, and July 1866. Sir .Tas. Robt. Geo. Graham, bt., first Id. admy ; home sec, Sept. 1841. Geo. Robt. Dawson, late sec. treasy. and admy. Chas. Poulett Thompson, v. pres. hd. tr. ; treasr. navy, Dec. 13 following; pres. bd. tr., June 1834 ; aft. gov. of Canada ; cr. Id. Sydenham, Aug. 1840. Nov. 24. Sir Wm. Johnstone Hope, adm. Wm., vise. Anson, m. buck- hounds. Robt. Grant, judge adv. -gen. ; aft. sir R., g.c.h. Dec. 1. Ulick John, M. of Clanricarde, amb. to Russia; postm. gen.. July 1846. Hon. Robt. Grosvenor, compt. hhold ; cr. Id. Ebury, Sept. 10, 1857. Dec. 8. Thos., Id. Foley, capt. gent, arms. Sir Jas. Kempt, mast. gen. ordn. ; gov. gon. and commr. in ch.in Canada, Aug. 1828. 1831. Jan. 31. Wm. Geo., E. of Errol, hered. Id, high const, of Scotland ; m horse to the queen consort ; Id, St. hhold, Nov. 1839. Richd. Wm. , E. Howe, Id. chambn. to the queen consort. Feb. 23. Archd., E. of Rosebcry. John, vise Duncannon, first commr. of woods and forests ; home sec, July 1834; Id. pr. seal, and first commr. of woods and forests at/am, May 1835 ; succ. as E. of Bessborough, Feb. 1844. Michael Angolo Taylor, honoris causa. Mar. 23. Edwd., E. of Derby. Wm. Conyngliam. Id. Plunkot, Id. chanc of Ireland; againld^. chanc of Ircliuul, \\n\ 1835. June 29. Aug. Fredk., D. of Leinster. Sir Fredk. Adam, Id. high commr. of the Ionian I.slands. Sir Edwd. Hyde East, bt., late oh. just, of Bengal. Feb. 6. Sir John Cam Hobhouse, bt. , sec. at war ; sec. for Ireland, 1834 ; first commr. of woods and forests, July same year ; pres. bd. contr., Apr. 18.35 and Apr. 1846. Chas. Tennyson, who assumed the name of D'Eyncourt, in 1835, honoris causa. Feb. 22. Sir Wm. G arrow, bt., late bar. ex. May 30. Hy. Constantino Phipps. E. of Mulgrave ; aft. M. of Nor- manbv ; Id. rr. seal, July 1834 ; Id. lieut. of Ireland, April 1835 ; cr. ^I. of Normanbv, June 1838; . col. sec, Feb. 1839 ; home sec, Aug. same year; amb. to France, Aug. 18,"l84ti. July 11. Holt Mackenzie, commr. bd. contr. Hy. Ellis, min. to Persia. Aug. 15. Gilbert, E. of Minto, min. to Prussia: first Id. admy., Sept. 1835 ; Id. pr. seal, July 1846. Nov. 6. Sir Thos. Denman, Id. ch. just. k. b. ; cr. Id. Denman, Mar. 1834. 1833. Feb. 4. Basil Percy Fielding, E. of Den- bigh, Id. chambn. to the queen consort. Geo. Fitzclarence, E. of Munster. Edwd. EUice, sec. at war. Edwd. John Littleton, apptd. ch. sec. Ireland ; cr. Id. Hatherton, May 1835. Sir Jas. Parke, bar. ex. Sir John Bernard Bosanquet, just. C )). Sir Alex. Johnstone, late ch. just. Ceylon ; assessor to the jud. comm. Geo. Wm., D. of Argyll, Id. st. hhold. Feb. Apr. June Aug. Sept. Sept.ll. 1834. Jan. 24. Howe Peter, I^I. of Sligo. gov. of Jamaica. Mar. 5. Sir John Bayloy, lute bar. ex. Apr. 16. Sir Robt. Grnhnm, Id. treasy. June 5. Thos. Spring Rice, col. sec; ch. ex., Apr. 1835; cr. Id. Montoagle, Aug. 1839. Sir John Vaughan, late bar. ox., now just. c. J). THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 213 JnlylG. Robt. Cutlar Fergusson, judge adv. gen. Sept. 3. Archd., E. of Gosford, gov. of Canada. Oct. 1. Sir Chas. Christr. Pepys, m. rolls ; first commr. of the gr. seal, Apr. 1835 ; made Id. chanc. and cr. Id. Cottenham, Jan. 1836 ; cr. E. of Cottenham, June, 1850. Oct. 29. Sir Herbert Jenner (Fust), vicar- gen., dean of the arches' court, &c. Dec. 16. Stapleton, vise. Combermere, general. Jas. Arch., Id. WharncUffe, Id. pr. seal ; decl. Id. pres., Sept. 3, 1841. Sir Edwd. Knatchbull, bt., pay- m. of the forces ; again. Sept. 1841. Sir Jas. Scarlett, Id. ch. bar. ex.; cr. Id. Abinger, Jan. 1835. Sir Edwd. Sugden, app. Id. chanc. of Ireland ; again, Id. chanc. of Ireland. Oct. 1841 ; app. Id. chanc. of Eng., Feb. 27, 1852, and cr. Id. St. Leonards. Alexr. Baring, pres. bd. tr., and immediately aft. m. mint; cr. Id. Ashburton, Apr. 1835. Dec. 20. Lord Granville Chas. Hy. Somer- set, first commr. of woods and forests ; chanc. d. Lane, Sept. 1841. Wm. Yates Peel, Id. treasy. Joseph Planta, late sec. and Id. treasy. Dec. 29. Geo., E. of Chesterfield. Thos. Philip, E. De Grey, first Id. admy. ; Id. lieut. of Ire- land, Sept. 1841. 1835. Feb. 18. Thos., E. of Wilton. Id. st. hhold. Feb. 23. Fredk. vise. Castlereagh, v. chambn. hhold. Hon. Hy. Thos. Lowry Corry, compt. hhold. Apr. 18. Hy., vise. Howick, sec. at war ; succ. as E. Grey, July 1845 ; sec. for war and cols., Jxily 1846. May 6. Hy. Labouchere, aft. Id. Taun- ton, V. pres. bd. tr. and m. mint ; pres. bd. tr. , Aug. 1839 ; ch. sec. Ireland, 1846 ; again pres. bd. tr., July 1847. May 20. Fras. Nathl., M. of Conyngham, postm. gen ; aft. Id. chambn. Geo., vise. Morpeth, ch. sec. Ireland ; first commr. of woods and forests, July 1846 : succ. as E. of Carlisle, Oct. 1848; chanc. d. Lane, Mar. 1850. May 27. Sir Richd. Hussey Vivian, bt., general ; mast. gen. ordn. ; cr. Id. Vivian, Aug. 1841. Hon. Geo. Stevens Byng, compt. hhold; vise. Enfield on his father's creation as E. of Strafford, Sept. 1847 ; succ. as E. of Strafford, June 3, 1860. June 24. Sir Harford Jones Brydges, bt., late sir H. Jones, form. min. to Persia. July 1. Lord Chas. Fitzroy, v. chambn. hhold. Sir Chas. Edwd. Grey,_bt., a commr. for investigating the grievances aff'ecting Canada. 1836. .Jan. 16. Hy. Bickersteth, m. rolls; cr. Id. Langdale, Jan. following; first commr. gr. seal, June, 1850. Aug. 3. John, Id. Elphinstone. 1837. Mar. 1. Lucius, vise. Falkland, gov. of Nova Scotia. Apr. 5. J. A. Stewart Mackenzie, gov. of Ceylon. Queen Victoria. 1837. July 12. Hy. Stephen, E. of Ilchester, capt. yeom. guard. July 19. Hy. Chas. Howard, E. of Surrey, treasr. hhold. ; cr. Id. Mal- travers, Aug. 1841 ; succ. as D. of Norfolk, Mar. 1842 ; m. horse. July 1846. Nov. 5. StephenLushington,judge admy. court. 1839. Mar. 1. Hugh, vise. Ebrington, app. Id. lieut. of Ireland ; summoned to the house of peers, vita, patris, as Id. Fortescue ; succ. as E. Fortescue, June 1841 ; Id. std. hhold., July 1846. Sir Geo. Grey, bt., judge adv. gen. ; chanc. d. Lane., June 1841 ; home sec, July 1846. May 22. Hy., E. of Uxbridge, Id. chambn.; aft. M. of Anglesey. June 3. Chas. Shaw Lefevre, sp. ho. commons ; aft. vise. Eversley. July 31. Sir Chas. Theophilus Metcalfe, gov. of Canada ; cr. Id. Met- calfe, June 1845. 214 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Aug. 26. Eras. Thornhill Baring, chanc. ex. ; first 1(1. admy., Jan. 1841) ; aft. Id. Northbrook. Aug. 29. Richd. Lalor Sheil, v. pres. bd. tr. ; judge adv. gen., June 1841: m. mint, July 1846; min. to Tuscany, Oct. 1850. Sept. 30. Thos. Babington Macaulay, sec. at war ; paym. gen., July 1846 ; aft. Id. Macaulay. 1840. Jan. 3. Geo. .E. of Clarendon, Id. pr. seal; chanc. d. Lane, Oct., same year ; pres. bd. tr. , July 1846 ; Id. lieut. of Ireland, May 1847. Jan. 15. Geo., Id. Kinnaird, m. buck- hounds. Sept. 11. Prince Albert, consort to the queen, introd., not sw. 1841. Feb. 25. Sir Jos. Littledale, late just q. b. June 23. Lord Arthur Marcus Cecil Hill, compt. hhold ; (i(/ain compt., July 1847 ; aft. Id. Sandys. John, Id. Campbell, Id. chanc. Ireland ; chanc. d. Lane, July 1846 ; Id. ch. just. q. b., Mar. 1850 ; Id. chanc. Eng., June 18, 1859. June 28. Hon. Fox Maule, v. pres. bd. tr.; sec. at war, July 1846 ; aft. Id. Panmure and E. of Dalhousie. Aug. 11. Hon. Edwd. John Stanley, payui. gen. ; cr. Id. Eddisbury, vita patris, Mav 1848 ; succ. as Id. Stanley of Alderley, Oct. 1850. Aug. 21. Robt. Vernon Smith, und. sec. cols. ; aft. Id. Lyveden. Sept. 3. Richd. Plantagenet, D. of Buck- ingham and Chandos, Id. pr. seal. Chas. Cecil, E. of Liverpool, Id. St. hhold. Edwd. Granville, Id. Eliot, ch. see. Ireland ; .succ. as E. of St. Germans, Jan. 1845; postm. gen.. Jan. 1846. Lord Ernest Bruce, v. chambn. ; aft. M. of Ailesbury. Hy. Pclham, E. of Lincoln, first commr. of woods and forests ; ch. sec. Ireland, 1846. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, v. pres. bd. tr. and m. mint ; pres. bd. tr., .Juno 1843; col. sec. , Dec. 1845; ch. ex.. Dec. 1852. June 1859, Aug. 1873, and Apr. 1880; first Id. treasv., Dec. 1868, Apr. 1880, and Fob. 188G; Id. pr. .soal. Fob. iHSd. Sept. 14. Brownlow, M. of Exotcr, hored. grand almoner ; gr. stole to pr. Albert. Sept. 14. John Wm. Robt., M. of Lothian, capt. yeom. guard. Geo. John, Id. De la Warr. Id. ehambn. Jas. Alex., E. of Rossljm, m buckhounds. John Geo., lord Forrester, capt gent. arms. Hon. Geo. Lionel Dawson Damer, compt. hhold. John Xicholl. judge adv. gen. ; Id. of tr. , Jan. 1846. Oct. 6. Fredk. Wm., E. Jermvn, treasr. hhold. ; aft. M. of Bristol. 1842. Jan. 15. Geo., E. of Beverley. Sir Jas. Lewis Knight Bruce, v. chanc. Sir Jas. Wigram. v. chanc. Feb. 2. Walter Eras., D. of Buccleuch and Queensberrv, Id. pr. seal ; decld. Id. pres., Jan. 21, 1846. 1843. June 10. Jas., E. of Dalhousie. v. pres. bd. tr. : cii/ain Feb. 1845 ; gov. gen. of India, Aug. 1847 : cr. M. of Dalhousie. Sir Edwd. Ryan, lato ch. just., Bengal. Thos. Pemberton Leigh, chanc. and kpr. of the gr. seal to the D. of Cornwall : cr. Id. Kings- down, Aug. 28, 1858. Dec. 13. Richd. Pakenbam, env. ex. to the United States : aft. sir R. 1844. Apr. 17. John Hope, Id. just. elk. Scot- land. Sir Fredk. Pollock. Id. ch. bar. ex. May 23. Sir Thos. Eras. Fremantle, bt., sec. at war ; ch. sec. Ireland ; aft. Id. Cottesloo. Sir Hy. Pottinger, bt., late plen. in China ; app. gov. of Madras, Aug. 1847. 1845. Feb. 3. Hon. Sidney Herbert, sec. at war ; aft. Id. Herbert of Lea. Feb. 6. Sir Goo. Clerk, bt.. v. pres. bd. tr. and m. mint. June 30. Wm. Bingham Baring, jiayni. gen.; succ. as Id. Ashburton, May 1848. Hy. Lyttoii Bulwor. aft. sir II. and tlien lord Dalling and Bul- wer; niin. j)loii. to Spain ; subs. to the United States. Ac. 1846. Feb. 25. Jas., M., aft. D. of Aberoorn, gr. stole 1.) i)r. Albert. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 215 Feb. 23. Hon. Jas. Arch. Stuart Wortley, judge adv. gen. Mar. 18. Chas. John, vise. Canning, first commr. of woods and forests. July 6. Fras., D. of Bedford. Chas. Wood, ch. ex. ; aft. sir C, bt., and Id. Halifax. July 8. Fredk. , E. Spencer, Id. chambn. hhold. Lord Edwd. Geo. Fitz-Alan How- ard, V. chambn. ; aft. Id. How- ard of Glossop. Thos. Milner Gibson, v. pres. bd. tr. Aug. 1. Granville Geo., E. Granville, m. buck-bounds ; v. pres. bd. tr. and paym. gen. , May 1848. Oct. 30. Sir Thos. Wilde, ch. "just. c. p. ; aft. Id. chanc, and cr. lord Truro in 1850. Edwd. Strutt, first commr. of railways ; aft. Id. Belper. 1847. June 17. Sir Geo. Arthur, bt.. late gov. of Bombay. July 22. Hon. Wm. Sebright Laseelles, compt. hhold. SirWm. Meredyth Somerville,bt., ch. sec. Ireland ; aft. Id. Ath- lumley. Oct. 30. Jas. Stephen, aft. sir James, K.C.B., late und. sec. war and cols. Nov. 22. Richd. More O'Ferrall. gov. of Malta. 1848. Feb. 11. Thos. Musgrave, abp. of York. Wm. Goodenough Hayter, judge adv. gen. ; joint sec. treasy.. May 1849; aft. sir W., bt. Apr. 15. John Bird Summer, abp. of Can- terbury. June 27. John Geo., E. of Besborough, m. buck-hounds. Saml. March Phillips, late und. sec. home. Sept. 4. John, M. of Breadalbane, Id. chambn. 1849. Feb. 13. Thos. Wyse, min. pleu. to Greece ; aft. .-ir T. June 29. Sir David Dundas, judge adv. gen. July 30. Matt. Talbot Baines, first commr. p. law bd. 1850. Mar.22. Richd., M. of Westminster, Id. st. hhold. July 13. Hy. Tufnell, late sec. treasy. Aug. 14. Sir John Jervis, Id. ch. just. c. p. Nov. 13. Sir Robt. Monsey Rolfe, late a bar. ex., v. chanc. ; cr. Id. Cranworth, Dec. 1850 ; Id. chanc, Dec. 28, 1852, and July 6, 1867. May 5. Aug. 7. 1851. Apr. 14. Sir John Romilly, m. rolls. '^frJ^ fi.^u^'a^ Geo. Jas. Turner, aft. sir G. . v. chanc. Andw. Rutherford, Id. sess., Scot- land. Geo. Aug. Constantine Hy Phipps, c.c. E. Mulgrave, compt. hhold.,/i^.>h*,^£..,-,/ V>>s«A^, Lawrence Sulivan, dep. sec. at war. Oct. 23. Edwd. Adolphus St. Maur, c.c. Id. Seymour, first commr. woods, forests. &c., 1849-51 : first commr. works, &c., 1851. 1852. Feb. 2. Hy. R. C, Id. Cowley, amb. to France. e\. te*re ^rT-dy , Sir Jno. Patteson, late just. q. b. Feb. 27. Algernon, D. of Northumberland, first Id. admy. John Wm. , E. of Sandwich, capt. gent. arms. Archd. Hamilton, E. of Eglinton, Id. lieut. Ireland. Chas. Philip, E. of Hardwicke, postm. gen. Jas., E. of Malmesbury, for. sec. Jno. Jas. Robt. Manners, c.c. lord John Manners, ch. commr. works, &c.,r~^ VUc .1 (uA^i, Lord Claude Hamilton, treasr. hhold. Wm., Id. de Ros, capt.yeom.guard. Chas., Id. Colchester, v. pres. bd. tr. Hon. Geo. Cecil Weld Forester, compt. hhold. Sir Jno. Somerset Pakington, sec. war and cols. ^'•A.t Apv^i, Spencer Horatio Walpole, home sec. Benjn. Disraeli, ch. ex.ii. t*.^-,^ ^x^^^f^ul Jos. Warner Henlej-, pres. bd. tr. Robt. Adam Christopher, chanc. d. Lane. Wm. Beresford, sec. at war. Geo. Bankes, judge adv. gen. Mar. 5. Orlando Geo. Chas., vise. New- port, V. chambn. Sir Jno. Trollope, pres. p. law bd.f. ^'^ ^-<' Sir Jno. Dodson, judge prerog. court, Canterbury. Richd. Southwell, Id. Naas, ch. sec. Ireland. ''|r<',/-.'.^><.«,^ c^mv\^.^ .^ ^i«. Fitzroy Jas. Hy., Id. Raglan, m. gen. ordn. Apr. 5. May 15. Oct. 16. 216 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Aug. 11. Nov. 14. Dec. 28. Sir Wm. Molesworth, bt., first commr. works, ,. .June 25. Hy. Arthur Herbert, ch. sec. Ireland. Aug. 27. Sir Edmd. Walker Head, bt., gov. gen. Canada. 1858. Feb. 3. Sir Creswell Creswell, judge of ct. of prob. and div. Feb. 26. Hy. Chas. FitzRoy, D. of Beau- fort, m. horse. Hy. Jno., Earl Talbot, capt. gent. arms. Edwd. IIv., lord Stanley, col. see. *^."<^4:lA^ Sir Fredk. Thesiger, Id. Chelms- ford. Id. chanc. Jon. Peel, war sec. Thos. Hy. Sutton Sotheron-Est- eourt. pres. p. 1. bd. Chas. Bowyer Adderley, v. p. comm. education.*. i^^i.HtM, Apr. 6. Richd. John, E. of Donoughmore, pros. bd. tr. Jno. Robt. Jlowbray, judge adv. gen. i^jr.r-^^.^M' June 5. Sir Edwd. Geo. Earle Lytton ^ Bulwer-Lytton, bt., col. s,^c.^<^-*^^ Sir Jno. Taylor Coleridge, late just. q. b. 1859. Feb. 2. Jno. Inglis, Id. just. elk. Scot- land. Mar. 3. Chas. Hy. Gordon Lennox, c.c. E. of March, pres. p. 1. bd.4^ *«£-j<.WUw, Algernon Geo. Percy, lord Lovaine. v. pres. bd. tr. May 13. Sir Jno. Laird Mair Lawrence, •M{^^^^^ l)t., G.C.H., M.C.Lfc .lW^.v.»s« June 11. Hugh, vise. Gough, comm. ch. India. June 18. Geo. Wni Fredk., M. of Ailes- bury, m. horse. SirWni. Geo. Hylton Jollifife, bt., late sec. treasy.<% A.W i^^M .Tas. Wilson, v. pres. bd. tr. Thos. Emerson Headlam, judge adv. gen. July 6. Jno. Poyntz, P'arl Spencer, gr. stole to ])r. Albert. Hy. Jno., E. of Ducie, capt. yeom. guard. Wm. Coutts Koppel, c.c. vise. Bury, treasr. hbold..if'>-<.ja/Ki'w^ Griinville Loveson Probv, o.c. Id. Prol.y, eonii)t. hh..ld."Afl-iU,|'-tvh' Sir Wni. Erie, Id. eh. just. c. p. Sir Jas. Will. Colvile, late ch. just. CaUuttii. THE BOOK OF DIGNTTIES. 217 Feb. 22. Wm. Hutt, v. pres. bd. tv.ati/f^a/cn June 9. Chas Thos. Longley, abp. design. ' York. Dec. 17. John Arthur Douglas, Id. Bloomfield, amb. to Prussia. 1861. Feb. 4. Fras. , lord Napier, amb. to Russia. June 26. Sir Rd. Bethell (Id. Westbury), Id. chanc. July 25. Sir Robt. Peel, bt., eh. sec. Ire- land. 1863. Feb. 3. Wm. Thomson, abp. York. Sir Andrew Buchanan, k.C.b., amb. to Prussia. Apr. 28. Geo. Fred. Saml., E. De Grey and Ripon, sec. war. ^^ '■*f'*'''/'M Dec. 8. Albert Edwd. Pr. of Wales introd., not sw. Sir Wm. Gibson Craig, bt. 1864. Apr. 7. Chichester Saml. Fortescue, und sec. cols. t, Af/t^n/^/^, ';'"■''. '/'^^'H. Apr. 26. Sir Jas. Plaisted Wilde, judge of ct. of prob. and. div ..',./>./{ ^'".j^^ Hy. Austin Bruce, v. pres. comm. education.c, . L^{\l-e-^y>^ Nov. 1. Jno., Id. Wodehouse.ft 5<»j^>^A'..^i\ . Hy. Bouverie Wm! Brand, sec. treasy.'»/i-..fA^t<»^s"i. T"--— ' A'vi^/''^^ Gathorne Hardy, pres. p. 1. bd.'i. /'/VyJ^/, July 10. Jno. Winston Spencer, D. of Marlborough, Id. st. hhold. Wm. Reginald, E. of Devon, chanc. d. Lane. Chas. Aug., E. of Tankerville, capt. gent. arms. Hy. Chas., E. of Cadogan, capt. yeom. guard. Wm. Alleyne Cecil, c.c. Id. Burghley, treasr. hhold. Chas. Philip Yorke, c.c. vise. Royston, compt. hhold. Chas. Jno., Id. Colville of Cul- ross, m. buckhounds. Stephen Cave, v. pres. bd. tr. Hy. Jas. Baillie, M.P. Inverness. Sir FitzRoy Edwd. Kelly, Id. ch. bar. ex. Sir Hugh MacCalmont Cairns, 1. (. j. app.»/'''-^»V/i4»A«i4 ';./'^/r'--^/-£<.f,(2!t?„3 Sir Rd. Torin Kindersley, late v. chanc. M.-gen. sir Hy. Knight Storks, G.C.B., gov. Malta. Dec. 28. Sir Wm. Bovill, Id. ch, just, c. p. Wm. Robt. Seymour Vesey Fitz- Gerald, gov. Bombay. "i/^'AV.ff.// Aug. 9. Nov. 10. Mar. 19. Robt. Montagu, c.c. lord Robt. Montagu, v. p. comm. educa- tion. Hon. Percy Egerton Herbert, C.B., treasr. hhold. ♦/'''V^^ , /''f June 26. Col. Jno. Wilson Patten, chanc. d. Lane. 1^. .4./ ^i^-t^^vL-f^ Aug. 3. Sir Jno. Rolt, 1. j. app. i,w^. Sir Robt. Josh. Phillimore, judge admy. court. uZ/'Ar Aug 20. Hon. Hy. Geo. EUiot, amb. Tmx- kej.^r.^ ^.;. /.'«. Nov. 4. Geo. Patton, Id. just. elk. Scot- land. Dec. 20. Sir Fras. Bond Head, bt., late It. gov. Upp. Canada. JJK^^d, 1868. Feb. 29. Geo. Ward Hunt, ch. ex. Mar. 28. Sir Wm. Page Wood, 1. j. app.fAO <*,•><=.. -iV/^ Sir Chas. Jasper Selwyn, 1. j. app. Nov. 7. Col. Thos. Edwd. Taylor, late sec. treasy. ; chanc. d. Lane, pro. tern. Nov. 11. Aug. Wm. Fredk. Spencer Loftus, G.c.B. , c.c. lord W. F. S. Lopus, amb. Prussia. 218 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Nov. 11. Sir Jos. Napier, bt., v. chanc. univ. Dublin, and late Id. chanc Ireland. Sir Jas. Fergusson, bt. , gov. S. Au.stralia.f^*'?-''-" 5- Dec. 9. Jno. Bright, pres. bd. tr. Hugh Culling Eardley Childers first Id. admy. Austen Hy. Layard, first commr ■works, &c.»i(i^^' ,) <"■•■ Wm. Edwd. Forster, v. p. comm education. Dec. 12. Fredk.Temple,ld. Dufferin, K.p. K.C.B., chanc. d. Lane. Wf-^luJ^^it**;. Sir Colman Michael O'Loghlen bt., judge adv. gen. Feb. de Tabley, treasr. 4. Geo., Id. hhold. Sir Geo. Markham Giffard, 1. j. app. Jas. Stansfcld, Id. treasy. Feb. 15. Wm. Amelius Aubrey De Vere, D. of St. Albans, capt. yeom. guard. Geo. Wm., Id. Lyttelton, for- merly und. sec. cols. Maj' 13. Jno. Jackson, bp. of London. Aug. 7. Chas. Stanley, vise. Monck,gov. gen. Canada. Thos. Geo., Id. Northbrook, und. sec. war.^.W^K)Mi^^U;u(, Mountaguo Bernarcl, d.c.l., prof. at Oxford, momber jud. comm. Aug. 19. Sir Edwd. Thornton, k.c.b., env. est. U. S. America. Nov. 3. Sir Jas. Shaw Willos, late just, c. p. Sir Montague Edwd. Smith, mem- ber jud. comm. Sir Edwd. Lugard, g.c.b., uni sec. war. Sir Robt. Porrett Collier, member jud. comm. Feb. 1872. Sir Jas. Weir Hogg, bt., late M.C.I. Odo Wm. Leopold Russell, amb. (jermany. Mar. 19. Richd. d'Aguilar Grosvenor, c.c. Id. Richd. Grosvenor, v. chambn. hhold. Aug. Fredk. «-. Nov. 27. Peter Erie, late charity commr. Sir Jas. Hannon. judge of ct. of prob. and div. ^^ 'W< ■rt»v».t^ 1873. Mar. 3. Sir John Barnard Byles, late just. c. p. Mar. 24. Wm. Edwd. Baxter, late sec. treasy. Edwd. Hugessen Knatchbull- llugessen, und. sec. cols.£. 1874. Fob. 2. Wm. John, II. Monson, treasr- hhold. c../>i-i-^'*-^. Sir Saiiil. Martin, late bar. ex. Fob. 21. Hy. Edwd, E. of llchoster, cap. gout, arms ^. Richd. .\s-iliot n Cro.ss. homo sec.'' •"♦ ' Mar. 2. Fras. Hug i Goo , M. of Hertford, Id. chambn. hhold. Hy. (Joo. 1*0 cy. c.c. E. Percy, treasr. hhold. Fredk.. E. Bcauchamp. Id. st. hhol.l THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 21» Mar. 2. Hy. Richd. Chas. Somerset, c.c. Id. Somerset, compt. bhold. Geo. Wm., vise. Barring'on, v. chambn. hhold. Dudley Fras. Stuart Ryder, c.c. vise. Sandon, v. p. comm. educatn. Edwd. , Id. Skelmersdale, capt. yeom. guard. 'i-'^Ui/, Ult^iK Sir iUichael Edwd. Hicks-Beach, bt., ch. sec. Ireland. Sir John Chas. Dalrj'mple Hay, bt., commr. pub. works loan bd. Geo. Sclater Booth, pres. 1. g. bd.s Mar. 17. Edwd. Strathearn Gordon, Id. adv. Scotland. May 12. Hon. Gerard Jas. Noel, form. sec. treasy., aft. first commr. wks., &c. July 7. Hy. Chas. Geo. Gordon Lennox, c.c. Id. Hy. Gordon Lennox, first commr. wks., &c. Aug. 6. John Gellibrand Hubbard, first commr. pub. wks. loan \iA.cL)(i^ Oct. liO. Pe. Leop. Geo. Duncan Albt., aft.D.of Albany, introd., not sw. 1875. Feb. 4. Chas. John, E. of Shrewsbury and Talbot, capt. gent. anus. Sir fdy. Singer Keating, late just. c. p. Mar. 17. John Douglas Sutherland Gamp- bell, c.c. M. of Lome, M.P. Argyleshire. Hon. sir Chas. Augs. Murray, K.C.B., groom in waiting. Sir Richd. Baggallay, 1. j. app. Sir Richd. Couch, late ch. just. Bengal. Geo. Augs. Fredk. Cavendish Ben- tinck, judge adv. gen. 1876. Feb. 12. Hon. Hy. Fk. Thynne, c.c. Id. Hy. Fk. Thynne. treasr. hhold. Mar. 24. Sir John Burgess Karslake, late att. gen. July 21. Sir Augs. Berkeley Paget, k.C.b., auib. to Italy. Nov. 28. Colin, Id. Blackburn, Id. of app. Sir Hy. Couyngham Montgomery, bt., late M.C.L Sir Geo. Wm. Wilshere Bramwell, 1. j. app. '..'Ui 'viA>M»{t Sir Wm. Baliol Brett, 1. j. app. ^ Sir Richd. Paul Amphlett,!. j. ajip. 1877. July 11. Hy. Cotton. 1. j. app. Aug 13. Geo. Wm., E. of Coventry, capt. gent. arms. Wm. Hy. Smith, first Id. admy. Dec. 12. Hon. Alf. Hv. Thesiger, 1. j. app. Dec. 22. Lt.-gen. sir Thos. Myddelton Bid- dulph,K.c.B.,kpr. pr. purse, &c. June 26. Aug. 14. May 13. Nov. 27. 1878. Feb. 22. Jas. Lowther, ch. sec. Ireland. Mar. 26. Wm., D. of Devoishire, k.g. Wm. Watson, Id. adv. Scotland. April 2. Col. hon. Fredk. Arthur Stanley, sec. war. 'i/i^'kj'.^-fiei.^j April 4. Geo. Fras. Hamilton, c.c. Id. Geo. Fras. Hamilton, v. p. comm. educatn. Aug. 14. John Arthur Roebuck. 1879. Feb. 22. Hugh de Grey Seymour, c.c. E. of •^i*^ Yarmouth, compt. hhold. May 17. Wm. Hy.. E. of Mount Edg- cumbe, Id. chambn. hhold. Sir Robt. Lush, 1. j. app. Sir John Mellor, late just. q. b. Sir John Alexr. Macdonald, k.c.b.> prem. of Canada. Mar. 18, Mar. 24. Apr. 20. Apr. 28. May 3. 1880. Gilbert Hy., Id. Aveland, dep. Id. gr. chambn. ^^ 'iu^a^.i^it^ Hy. Cecil Raikes, chainn. comm. ways and means and dep. sp. ho. of commons. David Robt. Plunket, paym. ^Q^.t.-UiL'^-^ Geo. Cubitt, M.P. West Surrey.*.. W^^^ Hon. Robt. Bourke, late imd. see for. 'i i-^i^CeK 'I'fKrtv'. Sir Wm. Hart-Dyke, late Fee. treasy. Lt.-gen. sir Hy. Fredk. Ponsonby, K.C.B. , kpr. pr. purse. Alesr. Jas. Beresford Beresford- Hope, M.P. Camb. Univ. Hugh Lupus, D. of Westminster, K.G., m. horse. Sir Wm. Geo. Granville Venables Vernon Harcourt, home sec. Gavin, E. of Breadalbane. treasr. hhold. 1-, .K, .;">•/ HwHh^- Alexr. Wm. Geo., E. of Fife. capt. gent. arms.r,..i^A« j^« Chas. W^m. Brudenell Bruce, c.c. Id. C. W. B. Bruce, v. chambn. hhold. Wm.. Id. Kensington, compt. hhold. Jos. Chamberlain, pres. bd. tr. Anthony John Mundella, v. p. comm. educatn. Hy. Fawcett, postm. gen. k\(1ylu^ Geo. Osborne ^Morgan, judge adv. gen. A. A "^.c Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant Duff, imd. sec. cols..}^-A'^. j-.f-o' Dec. 16. Geo. John Shaw Lefevre. first commr. wks., &c. 1881. Mar. 2. Chas., M. of Huntley, capt. gent. a20 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Mar. 2. Sir Arth. Hobhouse, k.c.s.i., memb. jud. comm.*< ■ )^^ M^t-^-.* May 18. Sir Richd. Malins, late v. chanc. July 15. Chas. Robt., Id. Carrington. capt. gent, arms.t, v^/^j/'^^i't^ Aug. 26. Archd. Philip, E. of Rosebery, und. sec. home. Dec. 19. Sir Xatbl. Lindley, 1. j. app. 1882. Feb. G. Sir John Holker, 1. j. app. June 29. John David FitzGerald, Id. of app. Sir Chas. Synge Christopher Bowen, 1. j. app. (.i^J^ ^^^ Geo. Otto Trevelyan, ch. sec. Ire- land.,-(r.K<;.''. O-.*- Dec. 28. Sir Chas. Wentworth Dilke, bt., pres. 1. g. bd. Mar. 19. Edwd. White Benson, abp. of Canterbury. Apr. 20. Sir Edwd. Fry, 1. j. app. ^.(t. May 22. Sir Hercules Geo. Robt. Robin- son, G.C.M.G., gov. C. G. Hope. Aug. 23. Sir Louis Mallet, c.b., late und. sec. India. Sir Thos. Dyke Acland, M.P. North Devon. John Baird Balfour, Id. adv. Scotland. Dec. 12. Sir John Savile Lumley, k.c.b., amb. Italy. '-■^■'- Jti^4 June June July Aug. Sept. Dec. 1884. May 19. Arthur Wellesley Peel, sp. ho. commons. «« I'^jc-.^- PnZ Pelj, Aug. 11. Sir Thos. Erskine May, K.c.n., elk. ho. commons. 1^ ^^.Wyl, ; Adm. Sir Astley Cooper Key, G.C.U., Id. admy. ■ Nov. 29. Hy. Campbell JBannerman, ch. | sec. Ireland. r'vKu/Kij.f.ft, Jan. 27. Sir Robt. Burnett David Morier. K.C.I!., amb. Russia. Mar. 26. Sir Edmd. Baldwin Malet, ic.c.u., amb. Germany. May 19. Fredk. Temple, bp. of London. Sir John Lambert, k.c.b., form, sec. 1. g. bd. June 24. Sir Hy. James, late atty. -gcn.^ iKiij ns»i Randolph Hy. Spencer Churchill. Feb, C.C. Id. R. H. S. Churchill sec. India Hon. Edwd. Stanhope, v. pres. comm. oducatn. Edwd. Gibson (Id. Ashbourne) Id. chamlin. Ireland. Sir Hy. Sehvin-Ibbet8on,bt.,forui, und. sec. home, sec. treany. , &C. ti.^t^WlvvW 24. SirHy. DrummondWolff,G.c.M.G., K.c.n., high commr., &c., to Egypt. Sir Ilardinge Stanley Giflfard Cld. Halsbury), Id. chanc. Hy. Chaplin, chanc. d. Lane. Arthur Jas. Balfour, pres. 1. g. bd. 27. John Hy..M. of Waterford, k.p., m. buckhounds. Geo. Hy., earl Cadogan, Id. pr. seal. Arth. Wm. Hill, c.c. lord A. W. Hill, compt. hhold. Wm. Pleydell, Bouverie, c.c. vise. Folkestone, treasr. hhold. j((*i-<»^^ Wm. Heneage Legge, c.c. vise. Lewisham. chambn. hhold. -^k'i^./ ^''^ 9. Sir Arth. John Otway, bt., chair- man committees and dep. sp. ho. commons. Wm. Thackeray Marriott, judge adv. gen. Sir Massey Lopes, bt., form. Id. admy. Sir Harry Verney, bt., M.P. Buckm. Sir Eras. Richd. Sandford, k.c.b., und. sec. Scotland. a -^X^^vTv/. 12. John Hay Athol Macdonald, Id. adv. Scotland. 17. Sir Hy. Thurstan Holland, bt., K.C.M.G., V. p. comm. educatn.''«^V.Ai 12. Sir Hy. Chas. Lopes, 1. j. app. Stephen Woulfe Flanagan, late land judge chanc. div. Ireland. 6. Wm. Schomberg Robt., M. of Lothian, kpr. pr. seal, Scot- land. Sir Chas. Lennox Wyke,G.C.M.O., K.C.B., late dipl. service. Chas. Newdigato Newdigate, late M.P., N. Warwicksh. John Campbell, E. of Aberdeen, Id. lieut. Ireland. Sir Farror Hcrsehell (lord Hcr- Rchell), Id. chanc. .John Morley, ch. seo. Ireland. Edwd. Henoage, chanc. d LancA^-./Vf.-^ 10. Chas. Douglas Richd., Id. Sude- ley, capt. gent. arms. Hon. Edwd. JIarjoribanks, compt. hhold. */^A-«^wiA^(lt. 17. Victor Ale.\r.,E. of Elgin, treasr. hhold. Albert Edmd., E. of .Morley, first commr. wks., &c. Fredk. Edwd. Gould, vise. Kil- coursio, v. chambn. hhold.Y^.'i-w.js,.*^ Chas., Id. Sulliold, m. buck- hounds. John TomliuBon Ilibbert, sec. admy.KC^*-';" ^^rt THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 221 Mar. 8. John Wm. Mellor, judge adv. gen. Nov. 26. Api-. 3. John Wm. , E. of balhousie, kpr. gr. seal. Scotland. Thos.John,ld.Thurlow,paym.gen. Col. John Sidney North, late M.P. Osfordsh. " Apr. 16. Sir Ughtred Jas. Kay-Shuttle- worth, bt. , chanc. d. Lane. Jan. 25. June 26. Hy. Hartley Fowler, sec treasy ''''<»'*■, .v<. Aug. 3. Sir John Rose, bt., g.c.m.g. July 12. Sir John Hay Drummond-Hay, G.C.M.G., K.C.B. Chas. Stewart, 'SI. of Londonderry, Id. lieut. Ireland. Nov. 28. Aug. 3. Hy. Matthews, home secj; .4,'^-/^'fc;f Chas. Thomson Ritchie, pres. 1. g. bd. Feb. 21. Aug. 16. Wm. John Arth. Chas. Jas., D. of June 29. Portland, m. horse. Algn. Hawkins Thomond, E. of Kintore, capt. yeom. gd. Fras. Robt., E. of Rosslyn, capt. gent. arms. Sir Jas. Bacon, late v. chanc. Sir Geo. Ferguson Bowen, G.C.M.G., gov. Hong Kong. 1887. Edwd. Macnaghten, aft. Id. Mac- naghten, Id. of app. Adelbeit Wellington Brownlow, E. Brownlow, paym. gen. Sir Jno. Clayton Cowell, k.c.b., mast, hhold. Sir Wm. Robt. Grove, late just.q.b. Sir Rd. Garth , late ch. just . Bengal. Edw. Robt. Earl Lytton, g.c.b., G.C.s.i. , amb. to France. Sir Wm. Arth. White, g.c.h., G.C.M.G., amb. to Turkey. LORDS LIEUTENANT OF IRELAND. CHIEF SECRETARIES TO THE LORDS LIEUTENANT. PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARIES AND UNDER SECRETARIES TO THE LORDS LIEUTENANT. See Part X. " Ireland," post. THE PRINCIPAL SECRETARIES OP STATE. The earliest mention of a king's secretary (secretarius nosier) occurs in 1253 (37 Hen. III.). There was only one secretary of state until 1539, when Henry VIII. increased the number to two, of equal rank and authority. These secretaries were either at the time of their first appointment, or soon afterwards, styled secretaries for the " northern " and " southern " departments. Both attended to home affairs, but foreign affairs were divided between them — the " northern " secretary taking the Low Countries, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Russia; and the "southern" secretary taking France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portu- gal, Turkey, &c. Irish affairs were under the charge of the senior secretary. In 1708, soon after the union between England and Scotland, a third secretary of state was appointed, styled the secretary of state for Scot- land. This office was abolished in 1746 ; but in 1885, by 48 & 49 Vict., cap. 61, a " secretai-y for Scotland " was again appointed. He, how- ever, does not rank as a secretary of state, and is not always a cabinet minister. In 1768 a third secretary of state was again appointed, to attend to American affairs. He was styled the secretary of state for the colonies. This office was abolished in 1782 by 22 Geo. III., cap. 82. In the same year the terms " northern " and " southern " departments were 222 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. discontinued, and the secretaryships were divided into " home " and " foreign," Ireland and the colonies being allotted to the former. The " secretary at war " was not a principal secretary of state, but an oflBcial of inferior rank. On July 11, 1794, a secretary of state for war was appointed, and on March 17, 1801, the duties connected with the colonies were transferred to his department, he being thenceforth styled secretary of state for war and the colonies. The secretary at war was continued as a separate office, but from 1855 it was always held jointly with the secretaryship of state for war, and it was ultimately abolished in 1863 by 26 & 27 Vict., cap. 12. On June 12, 1854, a fourth secretary of state was appointed, and the duties of the " war " and " colonial " departments were separated. In 1858 the board of control was abolished by 21 & 22 Vict., cap. 106, and a fifth secretary of state was appointed for Indian affairs. He is styled the secretary of state for India. The Irish secretary is not a secretary of state, but is chief secretary to the lord lieutenant of Ireland. He is not always a cabinet minister. There are now five principal secretaries of state viz. : — I. Home. II. Foreign. III. War. IV. Colonies. V. Indit These are always members of the Cabinet, and retire from office on a change of ministers. The division of the duties of the principal secretai-ies of state into departments is purely a matter of arrangement for greater convenience in the despatch of business. Each secretary has full power to transact the business of any or every department. PRINCIPAL SECRETARIES OF STATE DOWN TO 1782. See Introduction, ante p. 221. The earlier dates represent the time when they were found to be secre- taries, not their appointments, unless expressly so mentioned. King Henry III. 1253. John Maunsell, described as ' farms noster." King Edwakd I. 1278. Francis Accursii. 1299. John de Benstede. Kino Edward II 1308. Wm. de Melton. King JtiiiiAUD II. 1379. Robt. Braybrooke. King Henry IV. 1402. John Profit, held the office until 1412, when he was app. Id. pr. yeal. King Henry V. secre- , 1415. John Stone, who, before 1421. was succ. by Wm. Alnwick. King Henry VI. 1432. Wm. Hayton, dismissed and no per- son at that time appointed to suc- ceed him. 1439. Thos. Bockington, who held the office until 1443, when he was app. Id. pr. seal. 14G0. Thos. Manning. King Edward IV. 1464. Wm. HatcIilTo, called " one of the king's secretaries," called secre- tary and councillor, in 14(57 ; held the office until 1480, when a co- adjutor, t)liver King, was given THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 223 him on account of his age : Oliver King was to succeed him; Hatcliffe died same year. 1408. Oliver King. King Richard HI. 1483. John Kendal; Oliver King having been removed. Kendal was sec. on Aug. 1, 1485. King Henky VII. 1485. Richd. Fox, made bp. of Exeter in 1487, probably succ. by 1487. Oliver King, who was certainly sec. in 1489 and in 1492, when he was made bp. of Exeter ; probably succ. by 1500. Thos. Ruthal. or Routhall, who was certainly sec. in 1500 and to 1509, when he became bp. of Dur- ham. King Henry VIII. 1509. Routhall, rontd. Sec. until May 1516, when he became Id. pr. seal. 1516. Richd. Pace. 1526. Wm. Knight. 1528. Stephen Gardiner, bp. of Winchester in 1531. 1533. Thos. Cromwell, aft. Id. Cromwell and E. of Essex ; Id. pr. seal, July 2, 1536. 1536. Thos. Wriothesley. First Appointment of Two Secretaries. 1539. Thos. Wriothesley, and Sir Ralph Sadler. 1543. Sir Wm. Petre, vice Wriothesley. Sir Wm. Paget, vice Sadler, April 23. King Edward VI. 1547. Sir Wm. Petre, and Sir Wm. Paget, contd. 1548. Sir Wm. Petre, and Sir Thos. Smith. 1549. Nichs. Wotton, and Sir Wm. Petre. Sir Wm. Cecil, cice Wotton. 1551. Sir Wm. Petre and sir Wm. Cecil, " our secretaries." 1553. Sir John Cheke, in addition to sir Wm. Petre and sir Wm. Cecil. Queen Mary. 1553. Sir Wm. Petre, and sir John Bourne. 1557. John Boxall, the first sec. app. by letters pat. Queen Elizabeth. 1558. Sir Wm. Cecil, aft. Id. Burleigh ; Id. treasr. in 1572. 1572. Sir Thos. Smith. 1574. Sir Fras. Walsingham. 1578. Thos. Wilson, app. by pat., Jan. 5, in addition to sirFras.Walsingham- 1586. Wm. Davison, app. " one of the chief secretaries " by pat. 1596. Sir Robt. Cecil, also app. " one of the chief secretaries" by pat. July 13. He continued sec. during the remain- der of this reign. King James I. 1603. Sir Robt. Cecil, contd. ; aft. E of Salisbury. 1609. Sir Alexr. Hay. 1612. Thos. Hamilton. 1616. Sir Ralph Winwood. Sir Thos. Lake. 1618. Sir John Herbert, vice Winwood. Sir Robt. Naunton, vice Herbert. 1619. Sir Geo. Calvert, aft. Id. Baltimore, rice Lake. 1622. Sir Edwd. Conway, aft Id. Con- way, vice Naunton. King Charles I. 1625. Sir Albertus Morton. Apr. 9. Sir Edwd., Id. Conway, contd. Apr. 23. Sir John Coke, vice Morton. Nov. 9. 1630. Sir Dudley Carleton, Id. Carleton, aft vise. Dorchester, vice Conway. 1632. Fras., Id. Cottington, vice Dorches- ter. Sir Harry Vane, vice Coke. Sir Fras. Windebanke, vice Cotting- ton. 1641. Sir Edwd. Nicholas, vice Winde- banke. 1642. Lucius, vise. Falkland, vice Vane. Geo., Id. Digby, vice Falkland. On the commencement of the civil war all went into confusion. The name of Secretary of State was abolished during the Common- wealth. From the Restoration op King Charles II. 1660. Sir Edwd. Nicholas. June 1. Sir Wm. Morrice. June 30. 1662. Sir Hy. Bennet, aft. E. of Arlington, vice Nicholas. 1668. Sir John Trevor, vice Morrice. Sept. 29. 1672. Hy. Coventry, vice Trevor. July 18. 1674. Sir Jos. Williamson, vice Arlington. Sept. 11. 1678. Robt., E. of Sunderland, vice Wil- liamson. Feb. 20. 1680. Sir Leoline Jenkins, vice Coventry. Feb. IL 1681. Edwd., E. of Conway, vice Sunder- land. Mar. 9. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1683. Robt., E. of Sunderland, again, vice Conway, ilar. 6. 1684. Sidney Godolphin. aft. E. of Godol- phin, vice Jenkins. May 1. Chas., E. of Middleton, vice Godol- phin. Sept. 25. King James II. 1685. Robt., E. of Sunderland, aqain. Mar. 13. 1688. Richd. , vise. Preston, vice Middleton. King William III. 1689. Cbas., E. of Shrewsbury. Feb. 19. Danl., E. of Nottingham. 1690. Hy., vise. Sydney, aft. E. Romncy, vice Shrewsbury. Dec. 26. 1692. Sir John Trenchard, vice Sydney. 1694. Chas., E. of Shrewsbury, at/ain, vice Nottingham. Mar. 4. 1695. Sir Wm. Trumbull, vice Trenchard. May 3. 1697. Jas. Vernon, vice. Trumbull. Dec 5. 1700. Edwd., E. of Jersey, vice Shrews- bury. May 26. Sir Chas. Hedges, vice Vernon. Nov. 5. 1701. Chas., E. of Manchester, i-ice Jersey. Jan. 4. Queen Anne: 1702. Danl., E. of Nottingham, again May 15. Sir Chas. Hedges, aqain, May 2. 1704. Robt. Harley, aft. E. of Oxford and E. Mortimer, vice Nottingham. May 18. 1706. Chas., E. of Sunderland, vice Hedges. Dec. 3. 1708. Hy. Boyle, aft. Id. Carleton, vice Harley. Feb. 15. 1710. Wm. , Id. Dartmouth, aft. E. of Dart- mouth, rice Sunderland. June 15. Hy. St. John, aft. vise. Bolingbroke, ince Boyle. Sept. 21. 1713. Wm. Bromley, vice Dartmouth. King George I. 1714. Chas., vise. Townshend, vice Boling- broke. Sept. 27. Jas. Stanhope, aft. E. Stanhope, i-ica Bromley. Sept. 27. 1716. Paul Mcthuen, in the absence of Mr. Stanhope. June 23. 1717. Chas., E. of Sunderland, vice Stan- hope. Apr. 16. Jos.Addison,?vcfiTown8hond. Apr 16. 1718. Jas. Craggs, vice Addison. Mar. 16. Jas., E. Stanhope, aijuin, vice Sun- derland. Jhir. 18. 1721. Chas., vise. Townshend, vice Stan- hope. Feb. 10. John, Id. Carteret, aft. E. Gran- ville, vice CraLTga. Mar. 5. 1724, Thos. Polham Holies, D. of New- castle, vice Carteret. Apr. 14. King Geokge II. 1727. D. of Newcastle, and Vise. Townshend, contd. ; patents dated Julv 27. 1730. Wm., Id. "Harrington, aft. E. of Harrington, rire Townshend. June 27. 1742. John, Id. Carteret, again vice Har- rington. Feb. 15. 1744. Wm., ¥j. of Harrington, again, vice Carteret. Nov. 27. 1746. John. E. Granville, vice Harrington. Feb. 10. 1746. Wm., E. of Harrington, again, vice Granville. Feb. 14. Philip Dormer, E. of Chesterfield, vice Harrington, Nov. 4. 1748. John, D. of Bedford, vice Chester- field. Feb. 13. 1751. Robt., E. of Holdernesse, vice Bed- ford, June 21. 1754. Sir Thos. Robinson, aft. Id. Grant- ham, vice Newcastle, Apr. 15. 1755. Hy. Fox, aft. Id. Holland, vice Robinson, Nov. 25. 1756. Wm. Pitt, aft. E. of Chatham, vice Fox, Dec. 14 ; res. Apr. 1757. 1757. Wm. Pitt, again, June 30. King George III. 1760. Wm. Pitt, and Robt., E. of Holdernesse, contd. From this time the two departments are distinguished, " N. Dep." sig- nifying Northern Department, and " S. Dep." Southern Department. 1761. John, K. of Bute, vice Holdernesse (S. Dep.), Mar. 25; pat. dated Apr. 13. Chas., E. of Egremont, vice Pitt (N. Dep.), Oct. 9; pat. dated Oct. 23. 1762. Hon. Geo. Grenville, vice Bute (S. Dep.), May 29; pat. dated June 19. 1763. John, E. of Sandwich, vice Egre- mont (N. Dep.), Sept. 2; pat. dated Sept. 23. Geo., E. of Halifax, vice Grenvill» (S. Dep.), Oct. 14; pat. dated Nov. 15. 1765. Aug. Hv., D. of Grafton, vice Hali- fax (S. Dep.), July 10. Hon. Hy. Seymour Conway, »•«'(•< Sandwich (N. Dep.), July 10 ; pat. dated July 19; transf. to S. Dep., May 2(1, "l 7 66. 1766. Chas., D. of Richmond, vice Grafton (N. Dep.), May 6; pat. dated Juno 3. Wm. , E. of Sbolburne, aft. M. of Lansdowno, vice Richmond (N. Dep.), July 30; pat. dated Aug. 18. 1768. Thos., viae. Weymouth, aft. M. of THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 226 Bath, vice Conway (S. Dep.), Jan. 20 ; pat. dated Feb. 5 ; transf. to N. Dep., Oct. 21. 1768. Wm. Hy. , E. of Rochford, vice Shel- burne (S, Dep.), Oct. 21 ; transf. to N. Dep., Dec. 19, 1770. 1770. John, E. of Sandwich, again, vice Weymouth (S. Dep.), Dec. 19. 1771. Geo., E. of Halifax, vice Sandwich (S. Dep.), Jan. 22. 1771. Hy., E. of Suffolk and Berkshire, vice Halifax (S. Dep.), June 12. 1775. Thos., vise. Weymouth, aft. M. of Bath, again, vice Rochford (N. Dep.), Nov. 10. 1779. David, vise. Stormont, aft. E. of Mansfield, vice Suffolk (S. Dep.), Oct. 27 ; pat. dated Nov. 30. Wills, E. of Hillsborough, aft. M. of Downshire (N. Dep.), Nov. 24; pat. dated Jan. 19. UNDER SECRETARIES OF STATE DOWN TO 1782. See Introduction, ante p. 221. 1680. John Cooke. Apr. 14. Fras. Gwynn. Apr. 26. 1682. Wm. Bridgeman, vice Gwynn. William and Makt and King Williasi III. Southern Department. 1689. Richd. Warr. John Isham. 1699. Robt. Yard. Matt. Prior. Southern Department. 1702. Richd. Warr. Wm. Aglionby. 1704. John Isham, vice Aglionby. 1707. John Tucker. Jos. Addison. 1710. Thos. Hopkins. Robt. Pringle. Southern Department. 1714. Robt. Pringle, contd. Chas. Stanhope. 1717. Temple Stanian. Thos. Tickell. 1718. — Corbiere. Chas. de la Faye. 1724. Chas. de la Faye. Temple Stanian. Northern Department. 1692. Wm. Bridgeman. Jas. Vernon. Thos. Hopkins, vice Vernon. 1697. Thos. Hopkins. John Ellis, vice Bridgeman. 1700. John Ellis. John Tucker, vice Hopkins. Queen Anne. Northern Department. 1702. John Ellis, ) , , John Tucker, j" ^""'^• 1704. Richd. Warr. Erasmiis Lewis. 1710. Geo. Tilson. Horatio Walpole. King George I. 1714. Northern Department. Geo. Tilson, ( , , - contd. Horatio Walpole, j 1717. Geo. Tilson. Chas. de la Faye. 1724. Geo. Tilson. Thos. Townshend. King George II. Southern Department. 1735. John Couraud, vice Stanian. 1736. And. Stone, vice de la Faye. 1743. Thos. Ramsden, vice Couraud. Northern Department. 1730. Geo. Tilson. Edwd. Weston. 1740. Thos. Stanhope, vice Tilson. 15 226 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. SouTHEKK Department (continued'). 1748. Richd. Nevill Aldworth. John Potter. Hon. Richd. Leveson Gower, rice Potter. 1751. Claudius Amyand. Richd. Pottinger. 1754. Claudius Amyand. Jas. Rivers. 1755. Claudius Amyand. Jas. Rivers. Hv. Rivers. 1756. Robt. Wood. Jas. Rivers. Northern Depahtment (conttnued). 1742. Edwd. Weston. — Balaguier. 1745. Edwd. Weston. — ChetwjTid. 174G. — Chetwynd. John Potter. 1748. Andw. Stone. Thos. Ramsden. 1750. Claudius Amyand. Hugh Valence Jones, rice Ramsden. 1751. Jas. Wallis, vice Amyand. Andw. Stone. 1754. Jas. Wallis. Richd. Pottinger, rice Stone. 1760. Michael Peter Morin, vice Pottinger. Wm. Eraser, vice Wallis. King George HI. Southern Department. 1763. Richd. Phelps. 1761. Robt. Wood, ]^^„,j Jas. Rivers, T^"'^- Edwd. Sedgwick. Jas. Rivers. 17G5. Rd. Stonehewer. 1762. Wm. Eraser. Level Stanhope. 1766. Wm. Eraser. 1765. Wm. Burke. Wm. Burke. Michael Peter Morin. 1768. Wm. Eraser. John Chas. Roberts. David Hume, vice Burke 1768. Robt. Wood. Robt. Wood. Wm. Eraser. 1769. R. Sutton. 1773. Eras. Willis. Stanier Porten. Sir Stanier Porten. 1770. Richd. Phelps. 1775. Sir Stanier Porten. Wm. Eraser. Sir Anthy. Chamier, vice Willis. 1771. Edwd. Sedgwick. 1779. Robt. Bell, vice Chamier. Level Stanhope. Wm. Eden. Northern Department. Wm. Eraser. 1761. Edwd. Weston. 1772. Wm. Eraser. Chas. Jenkinson. Thos. Whately. 1762. Edwd. Weston. 1773. Wm. Eden, i-j'ce Whately Edwd. Sedgwick. 1779. Wm. Eraser. Lovell Stanhope, vice Weston. Benj. L'Anglois. SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR THE HOME DEPARTMENT. See Introduction, ante p. 221, and " Secretaries of State," ante p. 222. 1782. Wm., E. of Shelburne, vice Id. Stormont, Mar. 27. Thos., Id. Grantham, July 17; res. Apr. 1783. 1783. Fredk., Id. North, aft. E. of Guild- ford. Apr. 2. Fras. , M. of Carmarthen, aft. succ. as D. of Leeds, Dec. 23. 1789. Wm. Wyndham Grenvillo, aft. Id. Groiiville, June 5. 1701. Hv. Dundas, aft. Id. Melville. Juno 8. 1794. Wm. Hv., D. of Portland, Julv 11. 1801. Thos.. Id. Pelham, aft. E. of Chi- chester, .lulv 30. 1803. Chas. Pliilip Yorko, Aug. 7; res. May 1804. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. t>27 1804. Robt., Id. Hawkesbury, aft. E. of Liverpool, May 12. 1806. Geo. John, E. Spencer, Feb. 5. 1807. Robt., Id. Hawkesbury, again, Mar. 25. 1809. Richd. Ryder, Nov. 1. 1812. Hy., vise. Sidmouth, June 11. 1822. Robt. Peel, aft. sir R., bt., Jan. 17. 1827. Wm. Sturges Bourne, Apr. 30. Hy., M. of Lansdowne, July 16. 1828. Robt. Peel, acjain, Jan. 26. 1830. Wm., vise. Melbourne, Nov. 22. 1834. John, vise. Duncannon, aft. E. of Besborough, July 19. Hy. Goulburn, Dec. 15. 1835. Ld. John Russell, aft. E. Russell, Apr. 18. 1839. Constantino Hy., M. of Normanby, Aug. 30. 1841. Sir Jas. Robt. Geo. Graham, bt., Sept. 6. 1846. Sir Geo. Grey, bt., July 6. 1852. Spencer Horatio Walpole, Feb. 27. Hy. Jno., vise. Palmerston, Dec. 28. 1855. Hon. Sidney Herbert, aft. Id. Herbert of Lea, Feb. 8. 1855. Sir Geo. Grey, bt., again, Feb. 28. 1858. Spencer Horatio Walpole, again, Feb. 26. 1859. Thos. Hy. Sutton Sotheron-Est- court, Mar. 3. Sir Geo. Cornewall Lewis, bt., June 18. 1861. Sir Geo. Grey, bt., g.c.b., again, July 25. 1866. Spencer Horatio Walpole, again, July 6. 1867. Gathorne Hardy, aft. vise. Cran- brook. May 17. 1868. Hy. Austin Bruce, aft. Id. Aber- dare, Dec. 9. 1873. Robt. Lowe, aft. vise. Sherbrooke, Aug. 9. 1874. Rd. Assheton Cross, aft. vise. Cross, Feb. 21. 1880. Sir Wm. Geo. Granville Venables Vernon Harcourt, Apr. 28. 1885. Sir Rd. Assheton Cross, g.c.b., again, June 24. 1886. Hugh Culling Eardley Childers. Feb. 6. Henry Matthews, Aug. 3. UNDER SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR THE HOME DEPARTMENT. There are two under secretaries for this department, one parliamentary, the other permanent. Parliamentary Under Secretaries of State for the Home Department. From the year 1782, when the " Southern " was changed into the " Home " Department. 1782. 1783. 1784. 1796. 1798. 1800. 1803. 1804. 1806. 1810. 1812. 1818. Thos. Orde, and Hy. Strachey. Hon. G. North. Hon. John Thos. Townshend, Feb. 10. Chas. Greville. Wm. Wickham. Edwd. Finch Hatton. Sir Geo. Shee, bt. Reginald Pole Carew. John Hy. Smyth. Chas. Watkin Williams Wynn, Feb. 19. Hon. Chas. Cecil Cope Jenkinson, aft. E. of Liverpool, Oct. 10. Hy. Goulburn, Feb. 27. John Hiley Addington, Aug. 21. Hy. Clive, Apr. 21. 1822. Geo. Robt. Dawson, Jan. 17. 1827. Spencer Perceval, Apr. 30. Thos. Spring Rice, aft. Id. Mont- eagle, July 16. 1828. Wm. Yates Peel, Apr. 5. 1830. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt., Aug. 5. Hon. Geo. Lamb, Nov. 22. 1834. Hy., vise. Howick, aft. E. Grey, Jan. 13. Edwd. John Stanley, aft. Id. Eddis- bury, and Id. Stanley of Alderly, July 23. Wm. Gregson, Jan. 3. 1835. Hon. Fox Maule, aft. Id. Panmure and E. of Dalhousie, Apr. 18. 1841. Edwd. Adolphus, Id. Seymour, June 15. 15 - 228 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1841. 1847. 1848. 1850. 1852. 1853. 1855. 1858. 1859. 1863. 1864. Hon. John Hy. Thos. Manners Sut- ton, Sept. 3. Sir Wm. Marcus Somerville, bt., July 5. Sir Denis Le ^Marchant, July 22. Geo. Cornewall Lewis, aft. sir G., bt., May 15. Hon. Edwd. Pleydell Bouverie, July 9. Sir Wm. Goo. Hilton Jolliffe,bt., Feb. Hon. Hy Fitzroy, Dec. Wm. Natbl. ^lassey, Feb. Gathorne Hardy, aft. vise. Cran- brook, Feb. Geo. Clive, June. Hy. Austin Bruce, aft. Lord Aber- dare. Hon. Thos. Geo. Baring, aft. Id. and E. of Northbrook. 1866. Saml. Richd. Lowry, E. of Belmore, July. 1867. Sir Jas. Fcrgusson, bt. 1868. Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, bt., Feb. Edwd. Hugessen Knatcbbull-Huges- sen, aft. Id. Brabourne, Dec. 1871. Hy. Selfe Page Winterbotham. 1874. Sir Hy. Jno. Selwin-Ibbetson, bt., Feb. 1878. Sir Matthew White Ridley, bt. 1880. Leonard Hy. Courtney, May. 1881. Arch. Philip, E. of Rosebery. 1883. John Tomlinson Hibbert. 1884. H}'. Hartley Fowler. 1885. Chas. Beilby Stuait-Wortley, June. 1886. Hy. Broadhuist. Feb. Chas. B. Stuart- Wortlcy, o^ani, Aug. l^ilU. C IM^ '-J^^y^ iu'-" iu'^UC. '"^'i^.U. Permanent Under Secretaries op Btat!e"f6r the Home Department, 1782. Evan Ncpean, aft. sir E., bt. 1789. Scrope Bernard. 1792. John King. 1806. John Beckett, jun.. aft. sir J., bt., Feb. 19. 1817. Hy. Hobhouse, June 28. 1827. Saml. March Phillips, July 16. 1848. Horatio Waddington, May 15. 1867. Hon. Adolphus Freak Octavius Liddell, aft. sir A., k.c.b. ; d. June 27, 1S85. 1885. On Liddell 8 death, Sir Hy. J. S. Maine, k.c. s.i.. was appointed, but, being unable through ill- health to perform the duties, he retired in favour of Godfrey Lushington, July.. 221. I. From 1768 to 1782. 1768. Wm. E. of Hillsborough, aft. M. of I 1770. Lord Geo. Sackville Germaine, aft. Downshiro, Feb. 27. vise. Sackville. Jan. 25. 1772. Wm., E. of Dartmouth, Aug. 27. 1782. Welbore Ellis, aft. Id. Mendip, I Mar. 8. The office was abolished in 1782, and the duties transferred to the Home Secretary until 1794, when the Secretary of State for War was appointed, and the duties trans- ferred to him. See " Secretaries of State for War and Colonies," ante p. 230. II. From 1854 to the present time. 1854. Sir Geo. Grey, bt , June 2. 1855, Hon. Sidney Herbert, aft. Id. Her- bert of Lea, Fob. 1855. Lord John Russell, aft. E. Russell, May 1. Sir Wm. Molosworth, bt., July 21. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 235 1855. Hy. Labouchere, aft. Id. Taunton, Nov. 21. 1858. Hon. Edwd. Hy. Stanley, c.c. Id. Stanley, aft. E. of Derby, Feb. 26. Sir Edwd. Geo. Earle Lytton Bulwer Lytton, bt.,aft. Id. Lytton,May31. 1859. Hy. Pelham, D. of Newcastle, June 18. 1864. Edwd. Cardwell, aft. vise. Cardwell, Apr. 4. 1866. Hy. Howard Molyneux, E. of Car- narvon, July 6. 1867. Richd. Plant. Campbell Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos, D. of Buckingham and Chandos, May 8. 1868. Granville Geo., E. Granville, Dec. 9. 1870. 1874. 1878. 1880. 1882. 1885. 1886. 1887. John, E. of Kimberley, July 6. Hy. Howard Molyneux, E. of Car- narvon, again, Feb. 21. Sir Michael Edwd. Hicks-Beach, bt., sw. Feb. 4. John, E. of Kimberley, again, Apr. 28. Edwd. Hy., E. of Derby, again,I>6c. 16. Fredk. Arth. Stanley, aft. Id. Stan- ley of Preston, June 24. Granville Geo., E. Granville, k.g., again, Feb. 6. Hon. Edwd. Stanhope, Aug. 3. Sir Hy. Thurstan Holland, bt., G.c.M.G. , Jan. 14, sw. ; or. Id. Knutsford, Feb. 27, 1888, G. UNDER SECRETARIES OE STATE FOR THE COLONIES. See Introduction, ante p. 221, and see note to " Secretaries of State for the Colonies," ante p. 234. I. From 1768 to 1782. 1768. Richd. Philips. John Pownall. 1772. Wm. Knox, vice Philips. 1776. Christian D'Oyly, vice Pownall. 1778. Thos. De Grey, junr. , vice D'Oyly. 1780. Benjn. Thompson, vice De Grey. II. FeOM 1854 TO THK PRESENT TIME. There are now two under secretaries of state for the colonies, one parliamentary, the other permanent. There are also two permanent assistant under secretaries. Parliamentary Under Secretaries oe State for the Colonies. Jas. Lowther, Feb. Geo. Hy., E. Cadogan, Feb. Mountstewart Elphinstone Grant- Duff, aft. sir M., Apr. Leonard Hy. Courtney. Hon. Anthy. Evelyn M. Ashley. Wyndham Thos., E. of Dunraven, June. Geo. Osborne Morgan, Feb. W. T., E. of Dunraven. again, Aug. Wm. Hillier, E. of Onslow, Feb. 17. Baron Hy. de Worms. Slff-KS^ Cni^.. SitA/Ju Permanent Under Secretaries op State for the Colonies. 1825. Robt. Wm. Hay, war and colo- till June 1854. and then colonies, nies. I May 1848. 1835. Jas. Stephen, aft. sir J., war and 1859. Sir Fred. Rogers, aft. Id. Blachford. colonies, 1836. I 1871. Robt. Geo. Wyndham Herbert, aft. 1847. Herman Merivale, war and colonies! sir R.,v^' "5 ,, 1854. Fredk. Peel, aft. sir F. 1874 1855. John Ball, Feb. 1878. 1857. Chichester Saml. Fortescue, aft. Id. Carlingford. 1880. 1858. Hy. Howard Molyneux, E. of Car- 1881. narvon, Feb. 1882. 1859. C. S. Fortescue, aft. lord Carling- ford, again, June. 1885. 1865. Wm. Edwd. Foster, Nov. 1886. 1866. Chas. Bowyer Adderley, aft. sir C, bt. , and Id. Norton, July. 1887. 1868. Wm. Monsell, aft. Id. Emly. Feb. 1871. Edwd. Hugessen KnatchbuU-Huges- 1888. sen, aft. Id. Brabourne, Jan. /V"'*^ '*'•'' THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 237 SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR SCOTLAND from 1708 to 1746, and SECRETARIES FOR SCOTLAND. appointed under 48 & 49 Vict. cap. 61. See Part IX, " Scotland," 'post. POSTMASTERS-GENERAL. " It does not appear at what precise pei'iod the crown undertook to be the regular carrier of letters for its subjects. The crown, doubtless, at a very eai'ly period, found it necessary to the exercise of the func- tions of sovereignty, to be able to convey with speed and security its own despatches from one part of the realm to another, and for that purpose it appointed certain messengers or runners called the ' Posts.' These posts were also employed for the personal convenience of the sovereign and the individuals composing the royal court. In course of time a ■• Master of the Posts ' was appointed, and the first of these on record was Brian Tuke, esq., afterwards sir Brian Tuke, knt., who held that office in 1516. The joint successors of sir Brian Tuke were sir William Paget, one of Henry VIII.'s chief secretaries of state, and John Mason, esq., secretary for the French tongue. The letters patent, dated Nov. 12, 1545, conveying to them this office, grant to them during their lives and the live of the survivor, the office of 'Master of the Mes- sengers, Runners, or Posts,' as well within the kingdom of England as parts beyond the seas, with the wages or fee of £,QQ 13s. 4d. a year, to be held by themselves or their sufficient deputy or deputies. But, besides his fee, the ' Master of the Posts ' received from the crown the amount of his expenses lor conveying the letters, of which he rendei'ed an account. There is a succession of patents granting the same office, at the same fee, to other parties for life, in the reigns of Elizabeth, James I., and Charles I." — House of Commons' Report, July 2, 1844. Down to 1823 this office was generally held by two joint postmasters of equal rank and authority, but from that time only one postmaster has been appointed. The office is now a political one, the holder resigning with the ministry of which he is a member. Postmasters-General. From the earliest official accounts to the present time. The earlier names are taken from a return made to the House of Commons, dated March 25, 1844. King Charles II. 1687 to Philip Frowde, acting for the D. 1688. of York. King William III. 1690 to Sir Robt. Cotton, and 1708. Thos. Frankland. 238 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Queen Annb. 1708 to Sir Thos. Frankland, and 1716. Sir John Evelyn, bt. King Geokge I. 1715 to Chas., Id. Cornwallis, and 1720. Jas. Craggs. 1720 to Edwd. Carteret, and 1725. Galfridus Walpole. 1725 to Edwd. Carteret, and 1732. Edwd. Harrison. King George II. 1732. Edwd. Carteret, o/one, from Christ- mas 1732 to midsummer 1783. 1733 to Edwd. Carteret, and 1739. Thos., Id. Lovel, aft. vise. Coke and E. of Leicester. 1739 to Sir John Eyles, bt. , and 1744. Thos., Id. Lovel, aft. vise. Coke and E. of Leicester. 1744 to Thos., now E. of Leicester, 1745. alone. 1745 to Thos., E. of Leicester, and 1758. Sir Everard Fawkener. 1758 to Thos., E. of Leicester, from Nov. 1769. 1758 to Apr. 1759. 1769. Wm., E. of Besborough, and Hon. Robt. Hampden, Jvme 2. King George III. 1762. John, E. of Egmont, and Hon. Robt. Hampden, Nov. 27. 1763. Thos., Id. Hyde, and Hon. Robt. Hampden, Sept. 23. 1765. Wm., E. of Besboi-ough, and Thos., Id. Grantham, July 19. 1766. Wills, E. of Hillsborough, and Fras., Id. Le Despencer, Dec. 29. 1768. John, E. of Sandwich, and Fras., Id. Le Despencer, Apr. 26. 1771. Fras., Id. Le Despencer, and Hy. Fredk. Carteret, Jan. 16. 1781. Hy. Fredk. Carteret, a/one. Dec. 11. 1782. Wm., vise. Barrington, and Hy. Fredk. Carteret, Jan. 24. Chas., E. of Tankerville, and Hy. Fredk. Carteret, Apr. 25. 1783. Thos., Id. Foley, and Hy. Fredk. Carteret, May 1. 1784. Chas., E. of Tankerville, and Hy. Fredk. Carteret, Jan. 7 ; cr. Id. Carteret, Jan. 29, 1784. 1786. Thos., E. of Clarendon, and Hy. Fredk. , Id. Carteret, Sept. 19. Hy. Fredk., Id. Carteret, a/one, Dec. 10 to July 0, 1787. 1787. Hy. Fredk., Id. Carteret, and Thos., Id. Walsingham, July C. 1789. Thos., Id. Walsingham, and John, E. of Westmoreland, Sept. 19. 1790. Thos., Id. Walsingham, and Philip, E. of Cbestcrlield, Mar. 13. 1794. Philip, E. of Chesterfield, and Geo., E. of Leicester, July 28. 1798. Geo., E. of Leicester, and Wm., Id. Auckland, Mar. 1. 1799. Wm.,ld. Auckland, and Geo., Id. Gower, Feb. 27. 1801. Wm., Id. Auckland, and Lord Chas. Spencer, Mar. 31. 1804. Lord Chas. Spencer, and Jas., D. of Montrose, July 19. 1806. Robt.,E. of Buckinghamshire, and John Joshua, E. of Carvsfort, Feb. 20. 1807. John, E. of Sandwich, and Thos., E. of Chichester, May 5. 1814. Tho8.,E. of Chichester, a/o;ie,Jime 6. Thos., E. of Chichester, and Richd., E. of Glancarty, Sept. 30. 1816. Tho8.,E. of Chichester, and Jas., M. of Salisburv, Apr. G. M. of Salisbury d. June 13, 1823. King George IV. Appointed by Letters Patent dated as under. 1823. Thos., E. of Chichester, alone, Nov. 27 ; d. July 4, 1826. 1826. Lord Fredk. Montague, Aug. 18; res. Sept. 17, 1827. 1827. Wm., D. of Manchester, Sept. 27. King William IV. 1830. Chas., D. of Richmond, Dec. 14. 1831. Chas., D. of Richmond, Apr. 14, as postm.-gen. of Great Britain and Ireland, conformably with th© ]irovisions of 1 Will. IV., cap. 8 (March 11, 1831), whereby the two separate offices of postm.- gen. of Great Britain and postm.- gen. of Ireland were united into one, to possess the same powers, and to be subject to the same penalties, as the former two ; and the appointments of sees, and other officers of the Post-Office at Dublin were thereafter vested in the postm.-gen. 1834. Fras. Nathaniel, M. Conyngham, July 5. Wm., Id. Maryborough, Dec. 31 ; sw. Jan. 1, 1836. 1835. Fras. Nathaniel, M. Conyngham, ar/ain. May 8 ; sw. May 9. Thos. Wm., E. of Lichfield, May 30; sw. Juno 1. Queen Victoria. 1837. Thos. Wm., E. of LichBold, contd. 1841. Wm., vise. Lowther, Sept. 15; sw. same day. 1846. Edwd. Granville, E. of St. Germans, .Ian. 2; sw. Jan. 3. Uliek John, M. of Clanricarde, July 14. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 239 1852. Chas. Philip, E. of Hardwicke, Mar. 1, G. 1853. Chas. John, vise. Canning, Jan. 5, G. 1865. Geo. Douglas, D. of Argyle, Dec. 1858. Chas., Id. Colchester, Feb. 1859. Jas., E. of Elgin, June. 1860. Edwd. Jno., Id. Stanley of Alder- ley, Aug. 17, G. 1866. Jae., D. of Montrose, July. 1868. Hon. Spencer Compton Cavendish, c.c. M. of Hartington, Dec. 9, sw. 1871. Wm. Monsell, Jan. 9, G. 1873. 1874. 1880. 1884. 1885. 1886. ,•.7/. Hon. Lyon Playf air, c.b., Nov. 18, G. John Jas. Robt. Manners, c.c. Id. John Manners, aft. D. of Rutland, Feb. 21, sw. Hy. Fawcett, May 3, sw. Geo. John Shaw-Lefevre, Nov. 18. Sir John Jas. Robt. Manners, G.C.B., c.c. Id. John Manners, aft. D. of Rutland, again, June 24, sw. Geo. Grenfell, Id. Wolverton, Feb. 17, sw. Hy. Cecil Raikes, Aug. 9, sw. SECRETARIES TO THE GENERAL POST OFFICE. There is no complete record in the department of the General Post office of the per- sons by whom the office of secretary was held previously to the year 1762, when Anthony Tod., esq., was appointed. 1720. The name of Jas. Craggs appears on the records of the Post-office as sec. in this year. 1723. In this year, Jos. Godman is found to be tilling the office of sec. 1738. John David Barbutt, app. sec, vice T. Robinson, deed. Sept. 17. 1742. Geo. Shelvocke, vice Barbutt, re- moved July 22. 1762. Anthy. Tod, app. (in whose room is not stated), Dec. 1. 1797. Fras. Freeling (who had acted for a short time previously as joint sec), vice Tod, deed. ; cr. a bt. Mar. 11, 1828. 1836. Lt.-Col. Wm. Leader Maberly, Sept. 29. 1854. Rowland Hill, aft. sir R., k.c.b. 1864. John Tilley, Mar. 1880. Stevenson Arthur Blackwood, aft. sir S., K.C.B. Second Seceetaey to the General Post Office. 1869 to 1875. Frank Ives Scudamore. Financial Secretaries to the General Post Office. 1875. Stevenson Arthur Blackwood, aft. I 1880. Algernon Turnlfr. c ' sir S., K.C.B. ' LORD HIGH CHANCELLORS, LORD KEEPERS, AND COMMISSIONERS OF THE GREAT SEAL. Vide Part VI., " Legal," jjosL 240 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. LORDS PRIVY SEAL COMMISSIONERS FOR EXECUTING THAT OFFICE. This office is now a political oue, the holder retiring with the ministry. King Heney VIII. * * Richd. Fox. bp. of Winchester. 1516. Thos. Routhall, bp. of Durham. Hy., Id. Marney. 1523. Cuthbert Tunstal, bp. of London. 1533. Wm., E. of Southampton. Thos., E. of Wiltshire and Ormond. 1536. Thos., Id. Cromwell, aft. E. of Essex ; beheaded in 1540. 1543. John, Id. Russell, aft. E. of Bed- ford. KiKG Edward VI. 1547. Lord Russell, contd. Queen Mart. 1553. Lord Russell, contd. 1554. Edwd., E. of Derby. 1556. Wm. , Id. Paget. Queen Elizabeth. 1558. Sir Nicholas Bacon. 1572. Wm., Id. Howard of Effingham. Jas. Windebank. King James I. 1608. Hy., E. of Northampton. 1614. Edwd., E. of Worcester. King Charles I. 1625. E. of Worcester, contd. 1627. Hy., E. of Manchester. King Charles II. 1660. Wm., vise. Saye and Sele. 1G61. John, Id. Robartes, aft. E. of Rad- nor. 1669. Sir Edwd. Deering, bt., sir Thos. Strickland, and Robt. Milward, commrs. during lord Robartes' absence in Ireland as Id. liout. , Sept. 22. 1673. Arthur, E. of Anglesey, Apr. 24. 1682. Geo., M. of Halifax, Feb. 24. King James II. 1685. Hy., E. of Clarendon, Feb. 18. Robt., vise. Tiviot, Robt. Phillips, and John Evelyn, commrs. during the earl's absence in Ireland as Id. lieut. 1686. Hy., Id. Arundel of Wardour, Mar. 11. King William III. 1689. Geo., M. of Halifax, Feb. 19. 1690. Wm. Cheney, sir John Knatchbull, bt., and sir Wm. Pulteney, commrs. 1691. Thos., E. of Pembroke. 1697. Sir Thos. Montpesson, sir Chas. Cotterel, jun., and Jas. Tyrrell, commrs. during the earl's absence in Ireland as Id. lieut., Apr. 13. 1699. John, vise. Lonsdale, May 16. 1700. Ford, E. of TankerviUe. 1701. Edwd. Southwell, Christr.Musgrave, and Jas. Vernon, commrs. June 11. QoEEN Anne. 1702. John, M. of Normanby, aft. D. of Normanby and Buckinghamshire, Apr. 27. 1705. John, D. of Newcastle, Mar. 31. 1711. John Robinson, bp. of Bristol, aft. bp. of London. Apr. 23. Sir Geo. Beaumont, bt., Robt. Byerly, and Ed^vd. Nicholas, commrs. during the bishop's ab- sence at the treaty of Utrecht, Dec. 22. 1713. Wm., E. of Dartmouth. King George I. 1714. Thos., M. of Wharton. Sept. 24; d. Apr. 12, 1715. 1715. Edwd. Southwell, sir Christr. Mus- grave, bt., and Andrew Charleton, commrs., Apr. 30. Chas. , E. of Sunderland, Aug. 20. 1716. Edwd. Southwell, Jas. Vernon, and AndrewCharleton, commrs. during the earl's absence at Aix-la- Chapelle, Aug. 28. Evelj'n, D. of Kingston, Dec. 19. 1718. Hy., D. of Kent, Feb. 6. 1720. Evelyn, D. of Kingston, again, Juno 11. 1726. Thos., Id. Trevor, Mar 11. King George II. 1727. Lord Trevor, contd. 1730. Spencer, E. of Wilmington, May 8. 1731. Wm., D. of Devonshire, June 12. 1733. Hy., vise. Lonsdale, Jlay 5. 1735. Francis, E. of Godolphin, Maj'. 1740. John, Id. llervey, oldest son of the E. of Bristol, Apr. 7. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1742. John, Id. Gower, July 13. 1743. Geo., E. of Cholmondeley, Dec. 1744. John, Id. Gower, again, Dec. 21. 1755. Ghas., D. of Marlborough. Jan. S. Granville, E. Gower, Dec. 22. 1757. Kichd.,E. Temple, June 30. King George III. 1760. Earl Temple, contd. 1761. John. D. of Bedford, Nov. 25. 1763. Geo., D. of Marlborough, Apr. 22. 1765. Thos. Pelham Holies, D. of New- castle, Aug. 25. 1766. Wm., E. of Chatham, July 30. 1768. Richd. Sutton, Wm. Blair,' and Wm. Eraser, commrs. for six weeks, or other sooner determination, Feb. The seal re-delivered to the E. of Chatham, Mar. 21. Geo. Wm.. E. of Bristol, Nov. 2. 1770. Geo., E. of Halifax, Feb. 26. 1771. Hy., E. of Suffolk and Berkshire, Jan. 22. Aug. Hy., D. of Grafton. June 12. 1775. Wm. , E. of Dartmouth, Nov. 4. 1782. Aug. Hv., D. of Grafton, again, Mar. 27. 1783. Fredk., E. of Carlisle, Apr. 2. Chas., D. of Rutland, Dec. 23. 1784. Wm. Fraser, Stephen Cotterell, and Evan Nepean, commrs. , Mar. 8. Granville Leveson, E. Gower, aft. M. of Stafford. Nov. 27. 1794. Geo. John. E. Spencer. July 16. Evan Nepean, Stephen Cotterell, and Jas. Bland Burgess,commrs. during the absence of E. Spencer. July 26. John, E. of Chatham, Dec. 17. 1798. John. E. of Westmoreland, Feb. 14. 1806. Hy., vise. Sidmouth, Feb. 5. Hy. Richd., Id. Holland, Oct. 15. 1807. John, E. of Westmoreland, again. Mar. 25. King George IV. 1820. E. of Westmoreland, contd. 1827. Wm. Hy., D. of Portland, Apr. 30. Geo., E. of Carlisle, July 16. 1828. Edwd.. Id. Ellenborough, Jan. 26. 1829. Jas.,E. of Rosslyn, June 10. King William IX. 1830. E. of Rosslyn, contd. John. Id., aft.E.of Durham,Nov. 22. 1833. Fredk. John, E. of Ripon, Apr. 3. 1834. Geo., E. of Carlisle, again, June 5. Constantine Hy., E. of Mulgrave, aft. M. of Normanby, July 30, Jas. Archibald, Id. Wharncliffe, Dec. 15. 1835. John Wm., vise. Duncannon, aft. E. of Bessborough, Apr. 23. Queen Victoria. 1840. Geo. W^m. Fredk., E. of Clarendon, Jan. 15. 1841. Richd., D. of Buckingham, Sept. 8. 1842. Walter, D. of Buccleuch, Feb. 2. 1846. Thos., E. of Haddington, Jan. 21. Gilbert, E. of Minto, July 6. 1852. Jas. Brownlow Wm., M. of Salis- bury, Feb. 27. 1853. Geo. Douglas, D. of Argyll, Jan. 4. 1855. Dudley, E. of Harrowby, Dec. 7. 1858. Ulick Jno. . M. of Clanricarde, Feb. 3. Chas. Philip, E. of Hardwicke, Feb. 26. 1859. Geo. Douglas, D. of Argyll, again, June 18. 1866. Jas. Howard, E. of Malmesbury, July 6. 1868. Jno., E. of Kimberley, Dec. 9. 1870. Chas.. vise. Halifax, July 6. 1874. Jas. Howard, E. of Mahnesbury, G.C.B., again, Feb. 21. 1876. Benj. Disraeli, Aug. 12. Also first Id. treasy. and premier. 1878. Algernon Geo., D. of Northumber- land, Feb. 4. 1880. Geo. Douglas, D. of Argyll, k.t., again, Apr. 28. 1881. Chichester Saml., Id. Carlingford, May 2. 1885. Arch. Philip, E. of Rosebery, Mar. 5. Dudley Eras. Stuart, E. of Har- rowby, June 24. 1886. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, Feb. 17. Also first Id. treasy. and premier. Geo. Hy., E. Cadogan, Aug. 3. 1^1- S.rth.iJ tUAeU (^^,^ (',;^/-'/<,j^,,;.f.»,f err, 6 Mv CHANCELLORS OF THE DUCHY OF LANCASTER. The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster formerly sat as judge of the Duchy court of Lancaster, held at Westminster, in which causes relating to the revenue of the Duchy of Lancaster were tried. Another branch of the same court was established at Preston, in Lancashire, called the court of the county palatine of Lancaster. The office of Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster is now, practi- 16 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. cally, a sinecure. It is held by a member of the ministry, who resigns with his party. Chancellors of the Duchy of Lancaster. From the creation of the Dukedom. King Edward III. 1360-1. Sir Hy. de Haydok, chanc. of Henry, 1st D. of Lancaster. 1372-3. Ralph de Ergham, bp. of Salisbury. 1377. Thos. de Thelwall, Apr. IG. King Richabd II. 1377-8. Sir Jno. De Yerborough. 1382. Sir Thos. Stanley, Nov. 10, pro tern. Sir Thos. Scarle, Nov. 29. 1383. Sir Wm. Okey, Oct. King Henry IV. 1399-1400. Jno. de Wakering. Wm. Burgoyne. 1404:. Sir Thos. Stanley, May 15. 1410. Jno. Springthorpe, Mar. 30. King Henry V. 1413. Jno. Woodhouse, Apr. 4. King Henry VI. Jno. Woodhouse, contd., Jan. 20. Wm. Troutbecke, June 10. Walter Sherington, Feb. 16. The same, May 7, for life. Wm. Tresham, July 3, in reversion. The same, Nov. 1. Jno. Say, aft. sir J . , June 10. King Edward IV. Jno. Say, contd., June 16. Sir Richd. Fowler, June 10 ; and eh. ex. Sir Jno. Say, again, Nov. 3. Thos. Thwaites, April 2; and ch. ex. 1423. 1424. 1431. 1439. 1442. 1447. 1449. 1461. 1462. 1477. 1478. 1483. U86. 1504. 1505. 1509. 1524. 1525. 1529. 1633. King Richard III. Thos. Metcalfe, July 7. King Henry VII. Sir Reginald Bray, Sept. 13. Sir Jno. Mordant, June 24. Sir Richd. Empson, Oct. 3. King Henry VIII. Sir Henry Marny, May 14. Sir Richd. Wingfield, Apr. 14. Sir Thos. Moore, Dec. 31, aft. Id. chanc. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliams, aft. E. of Southampton, Nov. 3. Sir Jno. Gage, May 10. King Edward VI. 1547. Sir Wm. Pagett. July 1. 1552. Sir Jno. Gate, July 7. Queen Mary and Philip and Mart. 1553-4. Sir Robt. Rochester. 1558. Sir Edvrd. Walgrave, June 22. Queen Elizabeth. 1558-9. Sir Ambrose Cave. 1568. Sir Ralph Sadler, May 16. 1577. Sir Fras. Walsingham, June 15. 1589-90. Sir Thos. Heneage. 1595. Sir Robt. Cecil, Oct. 7. 1601. Sir John Fortescue, Sept. 16. King James I. 1615. Sir Thos. Parry and Jno. Daccombe, aft. sir J., May 27. 1616. Sir Jno. Daccombe, alone, June 5. 1618. Sir Humphrey May, Mar. 23. King Charles I. 1629. Edwd., Id. Newburgh, Apr. 16. 1644. Wm. , Id. Grey of Wake, and Wm. Lenthall, Feb. 10. Commonwealth. 1649. Jno. Bradshawe, Aug. 1. 1655. Thos. Fell. 1659. Sir Gilbert Gerrard, May 14. King Charles II. 1660. Fras. (? Chas.), Id. Seymour, July 9. 1664. Sir Thos. Ingram, July 21. 1672. Sir Robt. Carr, bt., Feb. 22. 1682. Sir Thos. Chichely, Nov. 21. William and Mary. 1689. Robt., Id. Willoughby d'Eresby, Mar. 21. King William III. 1697. Thos., E. of Stamford, May 4. Queen Anne. 1702. Sir John Levcson Gower, bt., aft. Id. Gower, May 12. 1706. Jas. E. of Derby, June 10. 1710. Wm., Id. Berkeley of Stratton, Sept. 21. King George I. 1714. Heneage, E. of Aylesford, Nov. 6. 1716. Richd., E. of Scarborough, Mar. 12. 1717. Nicholas Lechmere, aft. Id. Loch- mere, for life, June 19. King Georc.e II. 1727. John, D. of Rutland. July 17. 1735. Goo., E. of Cholmondeley, May 21. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 243 1742. Richd. , Id. Edgcumbe, Dec. 22. 17G0. Thos. Hay, vise. Dupplin, aft. E. of Kinnoul, Feb. 27. King George III. 1762. Jas., Id. Strange, Dec. 13. 1771. Thos. , Id. Hyde, aft. E. of Claren- don, June 14. 1782. John, Id. Ashburton, Apr. 17- 1783. Edwd.,E. of Derby, Aug. 29. Thos., E. of Clarendon, Dec. 31. 1787. Chas., Id. Hawkesbury, aft. E. of Liverpool. Sept. 6. 1803. Thos., Id. Pelham, aft. E. of Chi- chester. Nov. 11. 1804. Hy., Id. Mulgrave, .June 6. 1805. Robt., E. of Buckinghamshire, Jan. 14. Dudley, Id., aft. E. of Harrowby, July 10. 1806. Edwd., E. of Derby, again, Feb. 12. 1807. Spencer Perceval, Mar. 30. 1812. Robt. , E. of Buckinghamshire, again, May 23. Chas. Bathurst June 23 King Geokge IV. 1823. Nichs. Vansittart, aft. Id. Bexley, Feb. 13. 1828. Geo., E. of Aberdeen, Jan. 26. Chas. Arbuthnot, June 2. King William IV. 1830. Hy. Richd., Id. Holland, Nov. 25. Thos. E. of Haddington, Dec. 20. 1834. Chas. Watkin Williams Wynn, Dec. 26. 1835. Hy. Richd., Id. Holland, again, Apr. 23. Queen Victoria. 1840. Geo. Wm. Fredk., E. of Clarendon, Oct. 31. 1841. 1846. 1850. 1852. 1853. 1854. 1855. 1858. 1859. 1861. 1867. 1868. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1880. 1882. 1882. 1884. 1885. 1886. -M4S. Sir Geo. Grey, bt. , June 23. Lord Granville Chas. Hy. Somerset, Sept. 3. John, Id. Campbell, July 6. Geo. Fredk. Wm., E. of Carlisle, Mar. 6. Robt. Adam Christopher, Mar. 1. Edwd. Strutt, Jan. 1. Granville Geo., E. Granville, June 2L Dudley, E. of Harrowby, Mar. 31. Matthew Talbot Baines, Dec. 7. Jas., D. of Montrose, Feb. 26. Sir Geo. Grey, bt. , aqain, June 22. Edwd. Cardwell, aft. Id. Cardwell, July 25. Geo. Wm. Fredk., E. of Clarendon, K.G., G.C.B., again, Apr. 7. Geo. Joachim Goschen, Jan. 26. Wm. Regd., E. of Devon, July 10. Col. Jno. Wilson Patten, June 26. Thos. Edwd. Taylor, Nov. 7. Fredk. Temple, Id. Dufeerin, k.p., K.C.B., aft. E. Dufferin, Dec. 12, Hugh Culling Eardley Childera, Aug. 9. Jno. Bright, Sept. 30. Thos. Edwd. Taylor, again. Mar. 2. Jno. Bright, again, Apr. 28. John, E. Kimberley, July 25. Jno. Geo. Dodson. Dec. 28. George Otto Trevelvan, aft. sir G., bt., Oct. 29. Hy. Chaplin, June 24. Edwd. Heneage, Feb. 6. Sir Ughtred Jas. Kay-Shuttleworth, Apr. 16. Gathorne, vise. Cranbrook, pro tern., Aug. 3. Hon. sir Jno. Jas. Robt. Manners, c.c. Id. John Manners, aft. D. of Rutland, Aug. 16. PAYMASTERS-GENERAL OF THE FORCES AND PAYMASTERS-GENERAL. "The office of Paymaster-General of the Forces was formerly one of the most lucrative in the gift of the crown, not so much on account of the salary annexed to it, as on account of the vast suras of public money that lay in the Paymaster's hands for long spaces of time ; the whole of the money voted by parliament for the land forces passing through his department. In 1782 the office underwent a reform, and the Pay- master-General and his deputy wei'e allowed fixed salaries in lieu of perquisites. On the 1st December, 1836, by Treasury warrant, under 5 & 6 Will. 16 * THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. IV. cap. 35, the offices of Paymaster-General of the Forces, Treasurer of Chelsea Hospital, Treasurer of the Navy, and Treasurer of the Ordnance were abolished and the duties transferred to a new officer, styled the Pay- master-General. By 11 & 12 Vict. cap. 55 (Aug. 14, 1848), the offices of Paymaster of Exchequer Bills and Paymaster of Civil Services were also abolished, and the duties transferred to the Paymaster-General. By 35 & 36 Vict. cap. 44 (Aug. 6, 1872), and subsequent rules of court, the office of Accountant-General of the Court of Chancery was abolished and the duties transferred to the Paymaster-General. This office was generally held jointly with that of Vice-President of the Board of Trade from 1848 until the abolition of the latter office in December 1868, under 30 & 31 Vict. cap. 72. Paymasters-Geneeal of the Fobces. 1660. Sir Stephen Fox. 1679. Nichs. Johnson, and Chas. Fox. 1682. Chas. Fox. 1689. Richd., E. of Ranelagh. This nobleman was charged with the misapplication of large sums of the public money ; he resigned to avoid prosecution, and was expelled the house of commons, 1702. 1703. John Howe, for guards and garri- sons at home, Jan. 4. Chas. Fox, for the other troops and Chelsea Hospital. 1707. Hon. Jas. Brydges, aft. D. of Chandos. 1713. Thos. Moore, for her majesty's forces abroad. Edwd. Nicholas, treasr. and paym. of her majesty's pensioners. 1714. Robt. Walpole, aft. sir R., and E. of Orford. 1715. Hy., E. of Lincoln, Oct. 26. 1720. Robt. Walpole, aqain. 1721. Chas., Id. Cornw'allis; d. 1722. 1722. Hon. Spencer Compton, aft. E. of Wilmington. 1730. Hon. Hy. Pelham. 1743. Sir Thos. Winnington, bt. 1746. Wm. Pitt, aft. E. of Chatham. 1755. Hy., E. of Darlington. Thos. Hay, vise. Dupplin, aft. E. of Kinnoul. 1757. Hy. Fox, aft. Id. Holland. 1765. Hon. Chas. Townshend. 1766. Fredk., Id. North, and Geo. Cooke, Dec. 10. 1767. Geo. Cooke, and Thos. Townshend, Dec. 23. 1768. Richd. Rigbv. 1782. Edmund Burke, Mar. 27. Isaac Barre, July 17. 1783. Edmd. Burke, again, Apr. 8. 1784. Wm. Wyndham Grenville, aft. Id. Grenville, Jan. 8. Wm. Wyndham Grenville, and Constantine John, Id. Mulgrave, Apr. 7. 1789. Lord Mulgrave, and Jas., M. of Graham. Sept. 4. 1791. Dudley Rvder, and Thos. 'Steele, Mar. 7. 1800. Thos. Steele, and Geo. Canning, Jiily 5. 1801. Thos. Steele, and Sylvester. Id. Glenbervie. Mar. 26. 1803. Thos. Steele, and John Hiley Addington, Jan. 3. 1804. Geo. Rose, and Lord Chas. Hy. Somerset, July 7. 1806. Richd, Earl Temple, and Lord John Townshend, Feb. 17 1807. Chas. Long, aft. sir C. and Id. Fam- borough, and Lord Chas. Hy, Somerset, again, Apr. 4. 1813. Chas. Long, again, and Fredk. John Robinson, aft. vise. Goderich and E. Ripon, Nov. 13. 1817. Sir Chas. Long, alone, Aug. 14. 182G. Wm. Vesey Fitzgerald, aft. Id. Fitzgerald and Vesci, July 15. 1828. John Calcraft, July 15. 1830. Lord John Russell, aft. E. Russell, Dec. 16. 1834. Sir Edwd Knatchbull, bt.. Doc. 23. 1835. Sir Hy. Parnell, bt., aft. Id. Congleton, May 14. Paymastebs-General. 1836. Sir Hy. Parnell, bt., above named. 1841. Edwd. John Stanley, aft. Id. Ed- disbury and Id. Stanley of Alder- ley, July 1. Sir Edwd. Knatchbull, bt , again, Sept. 12. 1845. Wm. Bingham Baring, aft. Id. Ashburton, Mar. 1. 1846. Thos. Babington Macaulay, aft. Id. Macaulay, July 12. 1848. Granville tieo., E. Granville, May 11. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 245 1852. 1853. 1855. 1858. 1859. 1860. 1865. Edwd. John, Id. Stanley of Alder- ley, again, Feb. 12, G. Chas., Id. Colchester, Feb. 28, G. Edwd. John, Id. Stanley of Alder- ley, again, Jan. 5, G. Edwd. PI ey dell Bouverie, Mar. Robt. Lowe, aft. vise. Sherbrooke, Aug. 28, G. Richd. John, E. of Donoughmore, Apr. Algernon Geo. Percy, Id. Lovaine, Mar. Jas. Wilson, June. "Wm. Fras. Gowper, Aug. Wm. Hutt, Feb. Geo. Joachim Goschen. 1868. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1880. 1885. 1886. 1887. WARDENS AND MASTER! Wm. Monsell, aft. Id. Emly, Mar. Stephen Cave, July. Fredk. Temple, Id. Dufferin and Clandeboye, k.p., k.c.b., aft. Earl Dufferin, Dec. Hugh Culling Eardley Childers. Wm. Patrick Adam. Stephen Cave, Apr. 20, sw. Geo. Grenfell, Id. Wolyerton, May 24, sw. Fredk., E. Beauchamp, June. Thos. John, Id. Thurlow, Apr. 3, sw. Fredk., E. Beauchamp, again, Aug. 19, sw. Aldebert Wellington Brownlow, E. Brownlow, July. S OF THE MINT. The Warden was anciently the chief officer of the Mint, but his office ■was abolished by 57 George III. cap.
    ThoH. Chaucer, Oxfordshire. King Henry V. 1413. Wm. Stourton, Dorsetshire ; but he being unwell, John Doreword, Essex, was chosen in his room. 1414. Walter Hungerford, Wilts. 1415. Thos. Chaucer, again. Oxfordshire. Richd. Redman, Yorkshire. Sir Walter Beauchamp, Wilts. 1416.) 1417. y Roger Flower, Rutlandshire. 1419.) 1421. Richd. Baj'nai'd, Essex. Henry VI. 1422. Roger Flower, again, Rutlandshire. 1423. John Russell, Herefordshire. 1425. Sir Thos. Waughton or Wanton, Beds. 1426. Richd. Vernon, Derbyshire. 1428. John Tyrrell, Essex.' 1430. Wm. AUington, Cambs. 1431. John Tyrrell, again, Essex. 1432. John Russell, ai/ain, Herefordshire. 1433. Roger Hunt, Hunts. 1436. John Bowes. Here the records are imperfect, but it is presumed he sat for Northumberland. 1439. Sir John Tyrrell, again, for a third and fourth time, Essex. Wm. Boerley, Shropshire. 1440. Wm. Tresham, Northamptonshire. 1445. Wm. Boerley, again. Shropshire. 1447. Wm. Tresham, «(/a//i. Northampton- shire. 1449. John Saye, Cambs. 1450. John Popham, Hants. ; but ho ex- cusing himself, Wm. Tresham, Northamptonshire, was chosen agniu. 1451. Sir Wm. Oldhall, Herefordshire. 1453. Thos. Thorpe, Essex. Thos. Thorpe, «f/ Robt. Harlev, New Radnor. 1701. ) Queen Anne. 1702. Robt. Harley, ac/aiii, New Radnor. 1705. John Smith, Andover. Union of England and Scotland UNDEK THE STVLE OF GrEAT BRITAIN. 1707. John Smith, again, Andover, Hants. 1708. Sir Richd. Onslow, bt., Surrey. 1710. Wm. Bromlev, Oxford univ. 1713. Sir Thos. Hanmer, bt., Suffolk. King George I. Hon. Spencer Compton, Sussex, filled the chair all this reign. King George II. 1 Arthur Onslow, Surrej', chosen by I these five parliaments succes- )■ sively ; and so filled the chair dur- I ing the whole reign of this king, J embracing a period of 33 years. King George III. 1761. Sir John Gust, bt.. Grantham. 1768. Sir John Cust, bt. , again, Grantham. Res. on account of ill-health, Jan. 17, 1770, and on the 23rd of same month the commons elected 1770 Sir Fletcher Norton, Guildford. 1774. Sir Fletcher Norton, again. 1780. Chas.Wolfran Cornewall,Winchel8ea. 1784. Chas. Wolfran Cornewall, again. Rye ; d. Jan. 2, 1789. 1789. Wm. Wyndham Grenville, alt. Id. Grenville, Bucks, Jan. 5 ; res. June 5 following. Hy. Addington, Devizes, June 8. 1790. Hy. Addington, ai/ain, Nov. 25. 1796. Hy. Addington, again, Sept. 27. Union of England, Scotland, and Ireland, under the stvle of the United Kingdom of Great Britain AND Ireland. 1801. Hy. Addington, again, fourth time, Jan. 22 ; res. Feb. 10, and became first Id. treusy. and ch. ex.. Mar. 1714 & 1722. 1727. 1734. 1741. 1747. 1754. following ; cr. vise. Sidmouth^ Jan. 1S05. 1801. Sir John Mitford, Beeralston, Feb. 11; res. Feb. 9, 1802, on being cr. Id. Redesdale, and made Id. chanc. of Ireland. 1802. Chas. Abbot, Helston, Feb. 10. Chas. Abbot, again, Nov. 16. 1806. Chas. Abbot. a -mr „^ 1^13-isirRobt. Seppings. ^ ^^J ^'^' Jos. Tucker superanuated Mar. 1831 ; and sir Robt. Seppings, June 1832. 1832. Sir Wm. Symonds, June 9. 1848. Sir Baldwin W. Walker, k.c.b., Feb. 5. 17 258 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. In 1860 the office of Comptroller of the Navy was revived. CoMPTEOLLERS — Continued. 1860. R.-adm. sir Baldwin W. Walker, bt., K.C.B. 18G1. R.-adm. Robt. Spencer Robinson, aft. sir R. and v.-adm. 1871. Capt. Robt. Hall, c.b. 1872. R.-adm. Wm. Houston Stewart, C.B., aft. sir W. and v.-adm. 1881. R.-adm. Thos. E. Brandreth. 1885. V.-adm. Wm. Graham, c.b., aft. sir W. K.C.B. THE BOARD OF ORDNANCE. The Ordnance Department is of very great antiquity. A master of the Ordnance is mentioned temp. Richard III., and a clerk of the Ordnance as early as 1418. Henry VIII. constituted a Board of Ordnance by adding to the master and clerk a lieutenant, a surveyor, a storekeeper, and a clerk of the cheque. In 1604 James I. dignified the master and lieutenant with the style of master- general and lieutenant-general. The clerk of the cheque was abolished many years ago, and the lieutenant- general in 1831, but this latter office was revived for a short time in 1854. By letters patent of May 25, 1855 (G.) the appointments of master- general, lieutenant-general, and principal storekeeper of the Ordnance were revoked, and the civil administration of the army and Ordnance vested in lord Panmure, the then secretary of state for war. The Act 18 & 19 Vict. cap. 117 (Aug. 14, 1855) recites these letters patent and vests all statutory powers, lands, &c., of the principal officers of Ordnance in the secretary of state for war. The office of surveyor-general of the Ordnance was abolished about the same time, but was revived with somewhat different duties, by 33 & 34 Vict. cap. 17 (June 28, 1870). Masters-General of the Ordnance. Queen Elizabeth. 1596. Robt. E. of Essex ; beheaded. King James I. 1603. Ghas., E. of Devonshire. 1609. Geo., E. of Totnes. 1628. Sir Richd. Morrison. King Charles I. 1028. Sir Thos. Stafford. 1629. Horatio, Id. Vore, of Tilbury. 1634. Montjoy Blount, E. of Newport. King Charles II 1060. Sir. Wm. Compton. rJohn, Id. Bcrkelej'. 1665. < Sir John Duncoinbo, (Sir Tlios. Chicholoy 1070. Sir Thos. Chicheloy. 1074. Sir John Chicholoy. Com- missioners. Com- (Sir John Chicheley. ) 1679. -,' Sir Wm. Hickman. y ]sirChristr.Musgrave.j '"•ss'°°«rs- 1681. Geo. Legge, aft. Id. Dartmouth. William and Mabt. 1689. Fredk., D. of Schomborg. 1693. Hy. vise. Sydney, aft. E. of Romnoy. Queen Anne. 1702. .John, K. , aft. D. of Marlborough, July 1. 1712. Richd., E. Rivers. Jan. 1. 1712. Jas., D. of Hnniilton and Brandon, July 1 ; killed in a duel, Nov. 15, same year. King George I. 1714. John, D. of Marlborough, again, Oct. 1. 1722. Wm., E. Cadogan, July 1. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 259 1725. 1740. 1742. 1743. 1756. 1759. 1763. 1772. 1782. 1783. 1795. 1801. 1806. John, D. of Argyll and Greenwich, Julyl. EliNG George II. John, D. of Montagu, July 1. John, D. of Argyll, again. John, D. of Montagu, again. Ghas., D. of Marlborough, Jan. 1. John, vise, aft. E. Ligonier, July 1. King George III. John, M. of Granby, aft. D. of Rut- land. Geo., vise. Townsend, Oct. 1. Chas.,D. of Richmond, Lenox, and Aubigny, Mar. 30. Geo., vise. Townshend, again ; aft. Marq. Townsend. Ghas., D. of Richmond, again, Dec. 23. Ghas., M. Cornwallis, Feb. 13. John, E. of Chatham, June 16. Fras., E. of Moira, aft. M. of Hast- ings, Feb. 14. 1807. 1810. 1827. 1828. 1830. 1834. 1835. 1841. 1846. 1852. 1853. John, E. of Chatham, again, Apr. 4. Hy., Id., aft. E. of Mulgrave, May 5. Arthur, D, of Wellington, Jan. 1. King George IV. Hy. Wm. , M. of Anglesey, Apr. 30. Wm. Carr, vise. Beresford, Apr. 28. King William IV. Sir Jas. Kempt, Nov. 30. Sir Geo. Murray, Dec. 18. Sir Richd. Hussey Vivian, bt., aft. Id. Vivian, May 4. Queen Victoria. Sir Geo. Murray, again, Sept. 9. Hy. Wm., M. of Anglesey, again, July 6. Hy. , vise. Hardinge, g.c.b., Mar. 5, G. Lt. - gen. Id. Fitzroy Jas. Hy. Somerset, g.c.b., aft. Id. Raglan, Sept. 30, G. Office abolished in 1855. Lieutenants-General of the Ordnance. From the Union of England and Scotland. 1603. 1635. 1636. 1670. 1681. 1687. 1688. 1702. 1705. 1712. 1714. 1717. 1718. 1742. 1748. 1757. Sir Geo. Carew, aft. E. of Totnes. Sir Wm. Haydon. Colin Legge. David Walter, Nov. 25. *George Legge, aft. lord Dartmouth, Dec. 7. Sir Chas. ?ilusgrave, bt. Sir Hy. Tichborne, bt. Hy. Goodricke, bt. John Granville, aft. Id. Granville. Thos. Erie. John Hill. Thos. Erie, again. Thos. Micklethwaite. Sir Chas. Wills, k.b. Geo. Wade, field marshal, 1743; comm. in ch. , 1745. *Sir John Ligonier, k.b., aft. vise. and E. Ligonier ; field marshal and comm. in ch., 1757. Lord Geo. Sackville (Germaine) ; dism. the service in 1759 ; aft. vise, Sackville. 1759. *John, M. of Granby, aft. D. of Rut- land. 1763. *Hon. Geo. Townshend, aft. vise, and M. Townshend. 1767. Hon. Hy. Seymour Conway, aft. comm. in ch. , &c. 1772. Sir Jeffrey Amherst, k.b., aft. Id. Amherst, comm. in ch. 1778, et seq. 1782. Hon. Sir Wm. Howe, aft. vise. Howe, 1804. Sir Thos. Trigge. Richd. Fitzpatrick. 1807. Sir Thos. Trigge, again. 1810. Sir Hildebrand Oakes, bt. 1823. *Wm. Carr, vise. Beresford. 1824. *Sir Geo. Murray. 1825. Sir W. H. Clinton. 1829. Lord Robt. Edwd. Hy. Somerset. The office was abolished in 1831, but temporarily revived in 1854. 1854. Lt.-gen. sir Hew Dalrymple Ross, k.c.b., May 2, G. Ceased in 1855. * Subsequently Masters-General. Stijbveyoes-General op the Ordnance. From the Union of England and Scotland. * * Wm. Brydges. 1714. Maj.-Gen. Michael Richards. 1722. John Armstrong, aft. maj.-gen. 1742. Thos. Lascelles. 17 * 260 THE BOOK OP DIGNITIES. 1750. Chas. Frederick, aft. sir C, k.b. 1782. Hon. Thos. Pelham. 1783. John Courtcnay. 1784. Hon. Jas. Luttrell. 1789. Hon. G. C. Berkeley, 1795. Maj.-Gen. A. Ross. 1804. Lt.-Col. Jas. M. Hadden, Nov. 22. 1810. Sir Robt. Moorsoom, b.n., July 20. 1820. Lt.-Col. sir Ulysses Burgh, aft. Id. Downes, Mar. 18. 1827. Adm. sir Edwd. Wm. C. R. Owen, May 14. 1828. Lt.-gen. sir Herbert Taylor, Mar. 24. 1829. Lt.-gen. sir Hy. Fane, Apr. 3. 1831. 1832. 1835. 1841. 1846. 1852. 1853. Lt.-Col. Wm. Leader Maberloy, Jan. 12. Lt.-Col. Chas. R. Fox, Dec. 5. Lord Robt Edwd. Hy. Somerset, Jan. 12. Lt.-Gen. sir Rufano Shawo Donkin, May 6. Col. Chas. R. Fox, again, May 12. Col. Jonathan Peel, Sept. 10. Maj.-Gen. Chas. R. Fox, again. Lt.-Gen. sir Geo. Hy. Fredk. Berke- ley, K.c.u., June 28, G. Lt.-Col. hon. Lauderdale Manle, Jan. 15, G. OflBce abolished, 1855. Office revived under 33 & 34 Vict. cap. 17. 1870. Maj.-Gcn. sir Hy. Knight Storks, G.C.B. 1874. Lord Eustace B. H. Gascoyne Cecil, Fob. 1880. Lt.-Gen. sir Jno, Miller Adye,K.C.B., Apr. 1883. Hon. Hy. Robt. Brand. 1885. Hon. Guy Cuthbert Dawnay, June. 1886. Wm. Woodall, Feb. 188G. Hon. Hy. Stafford Northcote, aft. Sir H. , bt. , Aug. Clerks op the Ordnance. From the Union of England and Scotland. 1712. 1714. 1718. 1733. 1740. 1772. 1781. 1782. 1783. 1793. 1802. 180G. J807. 181L 1823. Chas. Musgrave. 1827. Edwd. Ashe. 1828. Lt.-Gen. Wm. Cadogan, aft. Id. and 1830 E. Cadogan. Thos. White. Leonard Smelt. Wm. liowlinson Earle. Sir Chas. Cocks, bt., aft. Id. Somers. John Aldridge. Gibbs Crawford. Ilumpliroy JNIinchin, Apr. Gibbs Crawford, again, Dec. John Sargent. Hon. Wm. Wellesley Pole, July 5. John Calcraft, Feb. 15. Hon. W. W. Pole, again. Mar. 31. Hon. Cropley Ashley Cooper, July 21. Robt. Ward, June 4. SirHy. Hardingo, aft. vise. Hardingo. OfBco abolished, 1832, 1833, 1834 1835. 1838, 1841, 1845, 1846 1852, 1853 Sir Geo. Clerk, bt., May 4. Spencer Percival, aft. Sir S., Aug. 4. Chas. Tennyson, aft. Tennyson - D'E>^lcou^t, Dec. 30. Thos. Fras. Kemiedy, Feb. 8. Lt. Col. Wm. Leader Maberly. Col. Andw. Leith Hay, aft. sir A., June IG. R.-Adm. sir Edwd. G. R. Owen, Dec. 22. Sir Andw. Leith Hay, again, Apr. 18. Capt., aft. adm., J. W. Deans Dun- das, Mar. 21. Capt. Hy. Geo. Boldero. Lord Arthur Lennox. . Col. Hon. Geo. Anson. . Lt.-Col. Fras. Plunkett Dunne, :Mar. 6, G. . Wm. Monsell, aft. Id. Emly, Jan. 13, G. 1857. Principal Storekeepers of the Ordnance. From the Union of England and Scotland. * * Jas. Lowthor. 1712. lion. Dixie Windsor. 1715. Geo. Gregory. 1717. Sir Thos. Wheato, bt. 1721. Geo. Gregory, ugaiit. 174G. Andw. Wilkinson. 17G2. Sir Edwd. Winnington, bt., Doc. 17G5. Andw. Wilkinson, ngtiin, Sept. 7. 1778. Bonjn. L'Anglois. July. 1780. Hy. Strachey, aft. sir H., Oct. 1782. John Aldridge, Apr. 30. 1783. Sir lly. Strachey, again, Apr. 12. John Aldridge, again, Dec. 26. 1795. Mark Singleton. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 2G1 1806. John M'Mahon, Feb. 1807. Mark Singleton, aqain. 1829. Col. Fredk. Wm. French, June 4. 1830. Capt hon. Hy. Duncan, Dec. 30. 1834. Eras. Robt. Bonham, Dec. 22. 1835. Hon. Geo. Anson. 1841. Eras. Robt. Bonham, cujain, Sept. 9. 1845. Capt. sir Thos. Hastings. Office abolished 1855. CHIEF COMMISSIONERS OF POLICE OF THE METROPOLIS. The Metropolitan Police District was formed by 10 Geo. IV. cap. 44 (June 19, 1829), and by this act two " Justices " wei-e appointed, whose title was afterwards changed by 2 & 3 Vict. cap. 47 (Aug. 17, 1839) to that of " Commissioners of Police of the Metropolis." On the death of one of the commissioners in 1855 an Act, 19 & 20 Vict. "cap. 2 (Feb. 28, 1856), was passed enacting that thenceforth there should only be one commissioner (to be styled " the Commissioner of Police of the Metro- polis ") and two assistant commissioners. " Justices " under 10 Geo. IV. cap. 44. 1829. Col. Chas. Rowan, aft. sir C. | Richd. Mayne, aft. sir R., k.c.b. " Commissioners " under 2 & 3 Vict. cap. 47. 1839 Col. Chas. Rowan, aft. sir C.;rf. 1850. | 1850. Capt. Wm. Hay, aft. C.B., Apr.,- Richd. Mayne, aft. sir R., k.c.b. j vice Rowan; d. Aug. 29, 1855. Chief " Commissioners " under 19 & 20 Vict. cap. 2. 1856. Sir Richd. Mayne, K.C.B. 1886. Col. sir Chas. Warren, k.e., g.c.m.g., 1869. Col. Edmund Yeamans Walcott Hen- Mar. 29, G. derson, aft. sir E., K.C.B., Feb. 12, G. /cVi". 'i^wu:./ '^^inv-jc .cg, THE POOR LAW BOARD. The Poor Law Board was first established by 4 & 5 Will. IV. cap. 7Q (Aug. 14, 1834), under which the Crown was authorised to appoint three commissioners, besides assistant commissioners, secretaries, &c. The appointment was limited to five years, but was continued by various Acts down to 1847, when a new Act, 10 & 11 Vict. cap. 109 (July 23, 1847), was passed, under which the power of the Crown to appoint com- missioners was continued ; but the lord president of t'le council, the lord privy seal, the home secretary, and tUe chancellor of the exchequer were made ex officio commissioners, and the first-named commissi mer in each commission was to be styled the president. Under this Act the appointment was again limited to five years, but was continued by various Acts, and ultimately made permanent by 30 & 31 Vict. cap. lOS (Aug. 20, 1867). 262 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. By 34 & 35 Vict, cap. 70 (Aug. 14, 1871) the Poor Law Board was abolished, and its duties and powers transferred to the Local Govern- ment Board. Vide ante, p. 255. PooB Law Commissioners for England and Wales. Under 4 & 5 Will. IV. cap. 7Q (Aug. 14, 1834). fThos. Frankland Lewis, Jan. 30, 1839. Aug. 18. 1833. John Geo. Shaw Lefevre, res. Nov. 25, 1841. Geo. Nicholls, res. Dec. 17, 1847.* 1839. Geo Cornewall Lewis, aft. sir G., bt., Jan. 30 vice Lewis ; res. Ang. 2, 1847.* 1841. Sir Edmd. Walker Head, bt., Nov. 25, vice Shaw Lefevre ; res. Dec. 17, 1847.* 1845. Edwd. Turner Boyd Twistleton, Nov. 5, additional commr. ; res. July 23, 1847,* * Resigned on formation of Poor Law Board under 10 & 11 Vict. cap. 109. infra. Vide Presidents of the Poor Law Board. Under 10 & 11 Vict. cap. 109 (July 23, 1847). 1847. Chas. Buller, jun., d. Nov. 29, 1848. 1849. Matt. Talbot Baines, Jan. 1. 1852. Sir John Trollope, bt. , Feb. 1852-3. Matt. Talbot Baines, again. 1855. Edwd. Pleydell Bouverie, Aug. 13, G. 1858. Thos. H. S. Sotheron-Estcourt, Feb. 1859. Chas. Pelham Villiers, June. 1866. Gathorne Hardy, aft. vise. Cran- brook, July 12, G. 1867. Wm. Regd., E. of Devon, May 21, G. 1868. Geo. Joachim Guschen, Dec. 9, sw. 1871. Jas. Stansfeld, Mar. 9. Powers transferred to Local Government Board under 34 & 35 Vict. cap. 70. ante, p. 255. Secretaries to the Poor Law Board. Vide Pakliamentary. 1847. Hon. Hugh Fortescuc, c.c. vise. Eb- rington ; aft. E. Fortescue. 1851. Ralph Wm. Grey. 1853. Chas, Lennox Grenville Berkeley. 1856. Ralph Wm. Grej', ayain. 1858. Fredk. Winn Knight, Feb. 1859. Chas. Gilpin, June. 1865. Hon. Geo. Hy. Chas. Byng, c.c, vise. Enfield, aft. Id. and E. of Straf- ford. 1866. Ralph A. Earle, July. 1867. Gen. Sclator Booth. 1868. Arthur Wellesley Peel, Dec. Permanent. 1847. Geo. Nicholls. 1850. Hon. Wm. Regd. Courtenay, c.c. vise. Courtenay, aft. E. of Devon. 1859. Hy. Fleming ; continued as sec. to loc. gov. bd. THE BOARD OF TRADE. Oliver Cromwell seems to have given the first notion of a Bnard of Trade, as in 1655 he appointed his son Richard, with many lords of his council, judges, and gentlemen, and about twenty merchants of London, York, Newcastle, Yarmouth, Dover, and other places, to meet and consider Ly what means the traffic and navigation of the roi)ublic might be best promoted and regulated, and to rci)ort upon the subject. Charles II., on his restoration, established a Council of Trade, " for THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 263 keeping a control and superintendence upon the whole commerce of the nation," Nov. 7, 1660; and by patent, dated Dec. 1, same year, he also created a Council of Foreign Plantations. In 1672, these Boards were united, and various revisions followed from time to time. In 1782, by statute 22 Geo. III. cap. 82, the Board was abolished, and the busi- ness was managed by a committee of the privy council, whose duty was " to examine the custom-house accounts of all goods and merchandise exported and imported to and from the several ports in the kingdom, as well as from foreign ports, in order to inform the government of the advantages and disadvantages of the trade of this nation with other kingdoms and states, in regard to the balance of trade. And also to encourage our plantations abroad by endeavouring to promote their trade, and by discovering and encouraging such branches as wex'e most conducive to their respective interests, as well as to those of the kingdom at large." In 1786, by an order in council, dated Aug. 23, the Board of Trade, as at present constituted, was formed. Vide infra. The president is now always a cabinet minister. The Original Boards. 1660. Edwd., Id. Hyde, aft. E. of Clarendon, Id. chanc. , ex officio. Thos., E. of Southampton, Id. treasr. Geo., D. of Albemarle. Montagu, Id. Willoughby d'Eresby. Wm. , E. of Pembroke. Jas., E. of Marlborough. Chas., E. of Portland. Chas. , E. of Norwich. Edwd., E. of Sandwich. John, Id. Eobartes, and others. Oct. 20, 1668. All the great officers of state. The sees, of state. John, E. of Bridgewater. Wm., E. of Craven. Sir Hy. CoTcntry. Sir John Ernley. Sir Geo. Carteret. Robt. Southwell. Sept. 16, 1672. A standing council, of which Anthy., E. of Shaftesbury, and Thos., Id. Colepeper were pres. and vice-pres. April 16, 1679. A new commission, which included many of the pre- ceding commrs. , and Wm., E. of Devonshire. Geo., vise. Halifax, and Geo., Id. Berkeley. Dec. 16, 1695. The Id. chanc. or keeper of the gr. seal. Ld. pres. of the council. Ld. keeper of the pr. seal ; all for the time being, to- gether with John, E. of Bridgewater, and others. May 15, 1696. The great officers of state for the time being, and John, E. of Bridgewater. Ford, E. of Tankerville. Sir Philip Meadows. Wm. Blathwayte. John PoUexfen. John Locke. Abraham Hill. John Methuen. June 9, 1699. By a commission under this date, the following great officers of state were spe- cially mentioned : — Ld. chanc. or keeper of the gr. seal. Ld. pres. of the council. Ld. keeper of the pr. seal. Ld. treas. or first commr. of the treasy. Ld. highadm. or first commr. of the admy. The two principal sees, of state, and Ch. ex. ; all for the time being, with Thos., E. of Stamford. Robt. , lord Lexinton. Sir Philip Meadows. Wm. Blathwayte. John Pollexfen. John Locke. Abraham Hill. Geo. Stepney. From this time all the great state officers continued to be members of the board. June 11, 1700. The same board, with the addition of iMatt. Prior. Jan. 8, 1702. The same board, with the addition of Robt. Cecil. 1705. Thos., E. of Stajiford. Thos., vise. Weymouth. Wm., Id. Dartmouth. Sir Philip Meadows. Wm. Blathwayte. John Pollexfen. Geo. Stepney. Matt. Prior. Robt. Cecil. 1706. Thos., E. of Stamford. Wm., Id. Dartmouth. Hy., Id. Herbert. Sir Philip Meadows. Geo. Stepney. John Pulteney. Robt. Monckton. 1707. Thos., E. of Stasiford. Wm., Id. Dartmouth. 264 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Hy., Id. Herbert of Cher- bury. Robt. IMonckton. John Pultcney. Sir Chas. Turner. John Locke. 1710. Thos., E. of Stamford. Wm., Id. Dartmouth. Sir Philip Meadows. John Pultcney. Robt. Monckton. Sir Chas. Turner. Geo. Baillie. Oct. 4, 1710. The same board, with the addition of Arthur Moore. June 12, 1711. Chas., E. of Wincuilsea, and the same board with the addition of Fras.Gwyn. Sejjt. 15, 1713. Fras., Id. Guildford. Sir Philip Meadows. Robt. Monckton. Arthur Moore. Sir John Hj'nde Cotton, bt. John Sharpe. Saml. Pitts. Thos. Vernon. Sept. 1714. Wm., Id. Berkeley of Stratton. Sir Jacob Astley, bt. Robt. Molesworth, aft. vise. Molesworth. John Cockburn. Archibald Hutchinson. John Chctwynd. Chas. Cooke. Paul Docminiquo. 1715. Hy., E. of Suffolk and BiNDON, and the same board, except Archibald Hutchinson, in whose room came Jos. Addison. Danl. Pultcney, vice Cock- burn. Martin Bladen, vice Addi- son. July 13, 1717. Hy., E. of Suffolk and BiNDON. John Chctwynd. Chas. Cooke. Paul Docminiquo. John Molesworth. Thos. Pelham, vice Astley. Jan. 31, 1718. Robt., E. of Holdernesse, vice Suffolk, and the same board. May 11, 1719. Tnos., E. of Westmore- land, vice Holdernesse, and the same board. June 24, 1720. Thos., E. of Westmore- land. John Chetwynd. Sir Chas. Cooke, bt. Paul Docminiquo. Thos. Pelham. Martin Bladen. Edwd. Ashe, vice Pulteney. Sept. 4, 1721. Thos., E. of Westmore- land, and the same board, with the addition of Richd. Plumer. Oct. 4, 1721. Thos., E. of Westmore- land, and the same board, except Sir John Hobart, bt., aft. E. of Buckinghamshire, vice Cooke. Aug. S, 1727. Thos , E. of Westmore- land, and the same board, except Sir Orlando Bridgeman, bt., vice Plumer, and Walter Carey, vice Hobart. June 1, 1728. Thos., E. of Westmore- land, and the same board, except Sir Thos. Frankland, bt., rice Chetwynd. 1730. Thos., E. of Westmore- land, and the same board, except Hon. Jas. Brudonoll, vice Frankland. May 13, 1730. Tik)8., E. of Westmore- land, and the same board, cxcopt Sir Archer Croft, bt., vice Carov. May 1735. Benjn. Mildmay, E. FiTz- WALTER, vice Westmore- land. Thos. Pelham. Martin Bladen. Edwd. Ashe. Sir Orlando Bridgeman, bt. Hon. Jas. Brudenell. Sir Archer Croft, bt. Richd. Plumer. June 1737. John, Id. Monson, vice Fitzwalter, and the same board. Feb. 1742. John, Id. Monson. Martin Bladen. Edwd. Ashe. Hon. Jas. Brudenell. Richd. Plumer. Hon. Robt. Herbert, vice Pelham. Sir Chas. Gilmour, bt. , vice Briilgeman. Benjn. Keene. vice Croft. Dec. 25, 1744. John, Id. Monson. Martin Bladen. Edwd. Ashe. Hon. Jas. Brudenell. Richd. Plumer. Hon. Robt. Herbert. Sir John Phillips, bt., vice Gilmour. John Pitt, vice Keene. May 7, 1745. John. Id. Monson, and the same board, except Hon. Baptist LevesonGower, vice Phillips. Feb. 174G. John, Id. ^Ionson, and the same board, cxcopt Hon. Jas. Grcnvillo, rice Bladen. Nov. 174G. John, Id. Monson. Edwd. Ashe. Richd. Plumer. Hon. Robt. Herbert. John Pitt. lion. Jns. Grenvillo. Thos., vise. Dupplin, vice Brudenell. Fras. Faiu'. vice tJowor. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 265 Nov, 1, 1748. Geo., E. of Halifax, vice Monson. Kichd. Plumer. Hon. Robt. Herbert. John Pitt. Hon. Jas. Grenville. Thos., vise. Dupplin. Fras. Fane. Sir Thos. Robinson, k.b., aft. Id. Grantham, vice Ashe. June 1749. Geo. , E. of Halifax. Hon. Robt. Herbert. John Pitt. Hon. Jas. Grenville. Thos., vise. Dupplin. Fras. F^ine. Sir Thos. Robinson, k.b. Hon. Chas. Townshend, vice Plumer. Nov. 1749. 6eo.,E. of Halifax. Hon. Robt. Herbert. John Pitt. Hon. Jas. Grenville. Thos., vise. Dupplin. Fras. Fane. Hon. Chas. Townshend. Andrew Stone, vice Robin- son. Dec. 1751. Geo. , E. of Halifax. John Pitt. Hon. Jas. Grenville. Thos., vise. Dupplin. Fras. Fane. Hon. Chas. Townshend. Andrew Stone. Jas. Oswald, vice Herbert. Apr. 6, 1754. Geo., E. of Halifax. John Pitt. Hon. Jas. Grenville. Fras. Fane. Andrew Stone. Jas. Oswald. Hon. Richd. Edgeumbe, aft. Id. Edgeumbe, vice Dupplin. Thos. Pelham, aft. Id. Pelham, vice Townshend. Dec. 23, 1755. Geo. , E. of Halifax. Fras. Fane. Andrew Stone. Jas. Oswald. Thos. Pelham. Hon. John Talbot, vice Pitt. Soame Jenyns, vice Gren- ville. Richd. Rigby, vice Edg- cumb.'. Apr. 24, 1756. Geo., E. of Halifax, and the same board, with the exception of Wm. Gerard Hamilton, vice Fane. Dec. 11, 1756. Geo., E. of Halifax, and thf^ same board, with the exception of Wm. Sloper, vice Talbot. Dec. 24, 1759. Geo. , E. of Halifax. Andrew Stone. Thos. Pelham. Soame Jenyns. Richd. Rigbv. Wm. Gerard Hamilton. Wm. Sloper. Edwd. Bacon, vice Oswald. Jan. 1760. Geo. , E. of Halifax. Andi-ew Stone. Thos. Pelham, now Id. Pelham. Soame Jenyns. Wm. Gerard Hamilton. Wm. Sloper. Edwd. Bacon. Edwd. Eliot, vice Rigby. Mar. 21, 1761. Saml., Id. Sandys, vice Halifax. Andrew Stone. Soame Jenyns. Edwd. Eliot. Edwd. Bacon. Hon. John Yorke, vice Pel- ham. Sir Edmd. Thomas, bt., vice Hamilton. Geo. Rice, vice Sloper. Oct. 23, 1761. Saml., Id. Sandys. Soame Jenyns. Edwd. Eliot. Edwd. Bacon. Hon. John Yorke. Sir Edmd. Thomas, bt. Geo. Rice. John Roberts, vice Stone. Dec. 28, 1762. Saml., Id. Sandys, and the same board, with the exception of Fras., Id. Orwell, aft. E. of Shipbrooke, ' vice Roberts. Mar. 1, 1763. Hon. Chas. Townshend, vice Sandys, and the same board. Apr. 20, 1763. Wm., E. of Shelburne, aft. M. of Lansdowne, vice Townshend. Soame Jenvns. Edwd. Eliot. Edwd. Bacon. Geo. Rice. Fras., Id. Orwell. Jeremiah Dyson, vice Yorke. Bamber Gascoyne, vice Thomas. Sept. 9, 1763. Wills, E. of Hills- BOEOUGH, vice Id. Shel- burne, and the same board. July 20, 1765. Wm., E. of Dartmouth, vice Hillsborough. Soame Jenyns. Edwd. Eliot. Geo. Rice. Jeremiah Dyson. Hon. John Yorke, vice Orwell. John Roberts, vice Gas- coyne. Wm. Fitzherbert, vice Bacon. Dec. 1765. Wm., E. of Dartmouth. Soame Jenyns. Edwd. Elio't. Geo. Rice. Jeremiah Dyson. John Roberts. Wm. Fitzherbert. Hy. , vise. Palmerston, vice Yorke. Aug. 16, 1766. Wills, E. of Hills- borough, vice Id. Dart- mouth, and the same board. 266 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Oct. 11, 1766. Wills, E. of Hills- borough. Soame Jenyns. Edwd. Eliot. Geo. Rice. Jeremiah Dyson. John Roberts. Wm. Fitzherbert. Hon. Thos. Robinson, aft. 2nd Id. Grantham, vice Palmerston. Dec. 1766 EOBT. NUGEKT, aft. E. Nugent, I'JceHillsborough, and the same board. Jan. 20, 1768. Wills, E. of Hills- borough, and the same board, except Wilmot, vise. Lisburne, vice Dyson. Apr. 12, 1770. Wills, E. of Hills- borough. Soame Jenyns. Edwd. EUot. Geo. Rice. John Roberts. Wm. Fitzherbert. Wilmot, vise. Lisburne. Geo. Greville, Id. Greville, vice Robinson. Apr. 16, 1770. Wills, E. of Hills- borough, and the same board, except Wm. Northey, vice Lis- burne. May 16, 1770. Wills, E. of Hills- borough. Soame Jenyns. Edwd. Eliot. John Roberts. Wm. Fitzherbert. Geo., Id. Greville. Wm. Northey. Bamber Gascoyne, vice Rice. Jan. 16, 1771. Wills, E. of Hills- borough. Soame Jenyns. Edwd. Eliot. John Roberts. Wm. Fitzherbert. Geo., Id. Greville. Bamber Gascoyne. Thos. Whateley, vice Northey. Feb. 11, 1772. Wills, E. of Hills- borough, and the same board, except Wm. Jollifife, vice Fitzher- bert. Aug. 15, 1772. Wills, E. of Hills- borough. Soame Jenyns. Edwd. Eliot. John Roberts. Geo., Id. Greville. Bamber Gascoyne. Wm. Jolliffe. John, Id. Garlics, vice Whateley. Aug. 31, 1772. Wm., E. of Dartmouth, vice Hillsborough. Soame Jenyns. Edwd. Eliot. Geo., Id. Greville, aft. E. of Warwick. Bamber Gascoyne. Wm. Jolliffe. John, Id. Garlics, aft. E. of Galloway. Lord Eobt. Spencer, vice Roberts. Jan. 25, 1774. Wm. , E. of Dartmouth. Soame Jenyns. Edwd. Eliot, aft. Id. Eliot. Bamber Gascoyne. Wm. Jolliffe. Lord Robt. Spencer. Hon. Chas. Greville, vice Warwick. Wbitshed Keene, vice Gal- loway. Nov. 10, 1775. Lord Geo. (Sackvillk) Germaine, vice Dart- mouth, and the same board. Mar. y, 1776. Lord Geo. Germaine. Soame .Jenyns. Bamber Gascoj'no. Wm. JollilVo. Lord Robt. Spencer. Hon. Chas. Greville. Whitshed Keene. Wm. Eden, vice Eliot. June 5, 1777. Lord Geo. Germaine. Soame Jen3Tis. Bamber Gascoyne. Wm. Jolliffe. Lord Robt. Spencer. Hon. Chas. Greville. Wm. Eden. Thos. de Grey, vice Keene. July 6, 1779. Lord Geo. Germaine, aft. vise. Sackville. Soame Jenyns. Lord Robt. Spencer. Hon. Chas. Greville. Wm. Eden. Thos. de Grey. Andrew Stuart, vice Gas- coyne. Edward Gibbon, vice Jolliffe. Nov. 6, 1779. Fredk., E. of Carlisle, vice Germaine, and the same board. Sept. 6, 1780. Fredk., E. of Carlisle. Lord Robt. Spencer. Wm. Eden. Hon. Thos. de Grey, aft. Id. W^alsingham. Andrew Stuait. Edwd. Gibbon. Hans Sloane, vice Jenyns. Benjn. L'Anglois, vice Gre- ville. Dec. 9, 1780. Thos., 2nd Id. Grantham, vice Carlisle, and the same board. 1781. Thos., Id. Grantham. Lord Robt. Spencer. Wm. Eden. Andrew Stuart. Edwd. Gibbon. Hans Sloane. Sir Adam Forgusson, bt., rice VValsinghaui. Anthy. Storcr, vice L'Ang- lois. Dec. 22, 1781. Thos., Id. Grantham. Wm. Eden. Andrew Stuart. Edwd. (ilbbon. Hans Sloano. Sir Adam Fergusson, bt. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 267 Anthy. Storer. John Chetwynd Talbot, aft. Earl Talbot ; vice Spencer. The Board of Trade and Plantations was abo- lished in June 1782, under 22 Geo. Ill, cap. 82, and the business was transferred to the secre- taries of state. Mar. 5, 1784. The abolition of the Board of Trade, being greatly felt by the trading part of the nation. His Majesty was pleased, in order to protect the interests of the mercantile commu- nity, to appoint the fol- lowing Committee of the most honourable Privy Council, for the conside- ration of all matters re- lating to Trade and Foreign Plantations. Thos., Id. Sydney, one of the principal sees, of st. , pres. Heneage, E. of Aylesford. Thos., E. of Effingham. Thos. , E. of Clarendon. Geo., E. of Leicester. Lord Fredk. Campbell. Richd. , vise. Howe. Robt., bp. of London. Thos., Id. Grantham. Thos., Id. Walsingham. Fletcher, Id. Grantley. Constantino John, Id. MtjI- grave. Hon. Thos. Harley. Hon. sir Jos. Yorke, k.b. Chas. Jenkinson. Sir John Goodricke, bt. Hy. Dundas. Jas. Grenville. Wm. Wyndham Grenville. Establishment of the present Board op Trade. Lords of the Committee of Privy Council appointed hy Kino George III. for the consideration of all matters relating to Trade and Foreign Plantations. Order in Council, August 23, 1786. " His Majesty, having thought fit to revoke his Order in Council, bearing date the 5th day of March, 1784, appointing a Committee of Privy Council for the consideration of all matters relating to Trade and Foreign Plantations, and to declare the said Committee dissolved, was pleased to appoint a New Committee of Privy Council for the business above-mentioned, to consist of the following members : — The Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. The First Commissioner of the Trea- sury. The First Lord Commissioner of the Ad- miralty. His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State. The Chancellor and Under-Treasurer of the Exchequer. The Speaker of the House of Commons. " And also such of the persons of His Majesty's most honourable Privy Council as shall hold any of the following offices : — The Treasurer of the Navy, and The Master of His Majesty's Mint. The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. The Paymaster or Paymaster- general of His Majesty's forces. " And His Majesty was at the same time pleased to order that the Speaker of the House of Commons of Ireland, and such persons as shall hold offices in His Majesty's kingdom of Ireland, and shall be members of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council in this kingdom, shall be members of this Committee ; and also that — Lord Fredk. Campbell, Robt., Id. bp. of London, Fletcher, Id. Grantley, Sir Lloyd Kenyon, bt., The Hon. Sir Jos. Yorke, Sir John Goodricke, bt. The Hon. "Wm. Eden, Jas. Grenville, and Thos. Orde, " be members of this Committee. And that Charles Lord Hawkesbury, chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, and, in his absence, William 268 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Wyndhain Grenville, joint p lymaster-general of the forces (vice-president of the Board, &c.), be President of the Committee." Subsequent Members op the Boaed. 1788. 1790. 1793. 1797. 1798. 1799. 1802. 1803. 1805. Beilby Porteus, bp. of London, Jan. 25. John Chas. Villiers, Feb. 2i. Sir Richd. Pepper Arden, m. rolls, Mar. 18. Dadlej' Ryder, same date. Sir Wm. SVynne, same date. .John, vise. Bayham, June 21. Sj'lvester Douglas, aft. Id. Glen- bervie. ^lar. 17. Sir Jos. Banks, bt., Mar. 20. Sir Wm. Scott, aft. Id. Stowell, Oct. 31. Robt. Banks, Id. Hawkesbury, aft. E. of Liverpool, Mar. 14. Sir John Scott, aft. Id. and E. of Eldon, July 17. John Beresford, Feb. 17. •John Foster, same date. ^Ym. Wickham, same date. Geo. Rose, same date. Chas. Long, same date. Chas. Bragge, June 22. Lord Geo. Thynne, May 1. Lord John Th^^lne, same date. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1812. 1813. 1815. 1823. 1846. 1848. John Smvth, same date. Nathl. Bond, same date. Regd. Pole Carew, same date. John Sullivan, same date. Fredk. Morton, Id. Henley, Feb. 14. Richd., Id. Donoughmore. May 23. John Joshua, E. of Carysfort, June 18. Isaac Corry, Jan. 28. Chas., Id. Whitworth. Apr. 15. Richd., E. of Clancarty, May 20. John, Id. Redesdale.Mar. 30. Sir John Xicholl, Feb. 6. John Randolph, bp. of London Oct. 11. John, Id. Sheffield, Dec. 20. Fredk. John Robinson, aft. vise. Goderich and E. of Ripon, Aug. 13. Wm. Howley, bp. of London, Dec. 2. Wm. Huskisson, Jan. 7. Chas. Arbuthnot, Apr. 3. Johp Nicholl, aft. sir J., Jan. 21. Sir Jas. Stephen, Apr. 15. Sir Edwd. Ryan, Apr. 18. The Board of Trade, from the time of its reconstruction in 1 786, consisted* as "before, of six or more members, besides the ex officio commissioners ; but the business of late years has been wholly conducted by the presi- dent, the vice-president, and the secretaries ; no other members having been appointed since the year 1823, with the exception of Dr. Nicholl in 1846, and of sir James Stephen and sir Edward Ryan in 1848, all of whom were appointed for special purposes and in reference to certain duties. The vice-presidency was abolished by 30 & 31 Vict. cap. 72 (Aug. 12, 1867) " as from the next vacancy," and a parliamentary secretary- ship was substituted. Vide " Vice-Presidents of the Board of Trade," infra. Presidents op the Board op Trade prom 1786. 1786. Chas., Id. Hawkesbury, aft. E. of Liverpool, first pres., Aug. 23. 1804. Jas., D. of Montrose, June 7. 1806. Wm., Id. Auckland. Feb. 5. 1807. Hv., E. Bathurst, JIar. 31. 1812. Richd., E. of Clancarty, Sept. 29. 1818. Fredk. John Robinson, aft. vise. Goderich and E. of Ripon, Jan. 24. 1823. Wm. Huskisson, Fob. 21. 1827. Chas. Grant, aft. Id. Glonelg, Sept. 4. 1828. Wm. Vesoy Fitzgerald, aft. Id. Fitz- gerald and Vesci, Juno 11. 1834. John Chas. Herries, Fob. 2. 1830. Geo., Id., aft. E. of Auckland, Nov. 22. 1834. Chas. Poulett Thomson, aft. Id. Sydenham, vice-pres., acting as j)ros., Juno 5. Aloxr. Baring, aft. Id. Ashboi-ton, Doc. 15. 1835. Chas. Poulott Thomson, again, Apr. 18. 1839. Hy. Labouchero, aft. Id. Taunton, Aug. 29. 1841. Fredk. John, E. of Ripon, ayain, Sept. 3. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1843. 1845. 1846, 1847. 1852. 1855. 1858. 1859. 1866. 1786. 1789. 1790. 1801. 1804. 1806. 1807. 1812. 1818. 1823. 1828. 1834. 1835. 1839. 1841. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, June 10. Jas. Andrew, E., aft. M., of Dal- housie, Feb. 5. Geo. Wm. Fredk., E. of Clarendon, July 6. Hy. Labouchere, again, July 22. Jos. Warner Henley, Feb. 27. Edwd. Cardwell, aft. vise. Cardwell, Dec. 28. Edwd. Jno., Id. Stanley of Alder- ley, Mar. 31. Jos. Warner Henley, again, Feb. 26. Richd. Jno., E. of Donoughmore, AjDr. 6. Thos. Milner Gibson, July 6. Sir Stafford Hy. Northcote, bt., aft. E. of Iddesleigh, July 6. Vice-Presidents of the Board Wm. Wyndham Grenville, aft. Id. Grenviile, Aug. 23. Jas., M. of Graham, aft. D. of Mon- trose, Aug. 8 ; aft. pres. Dudley Ryder, aft. Id. and E. of Harrowby, Oct. 20. Sylvester Douglas, Id. Glenbervie, Nov. 18. Nathl. Bond, Feb. 8. Geo. Rose, June 7. Richd. Chandos, E. Temple, aft. D. of Buckingham, Feb. 5. Geo. Rose, again, Mar. 30. Fredk. John Robinson, aft. vise. Goderich and E. of Ripon, Sept. 29 ; aft. pres. Thos. Wallace, aft. Id. Wallace, Jan. 28. Chas. Grant, Apr. 3, aft. pres. Thos. Frankland Lewis, Feb. 5. Thos. Peregrine Courtenay, May 30. Chas. Poulett Thomson, aft. Id. Sydenham, Nov. 22 ; aft. pres. Wm., vise. Lowther, Dec. 20. Hy. Labouchere, aft. Id. Taunton, May 6 ; aft. pres. Richd. Lalor Shell. Aug. 29. Fox Maule, aft. Id. Panmure and E. of Dalhousie, June 28. 1867. Chas. Hy., D. of Richmond, Mar. 8. 1868. Jno. Bright, Dec. 9. 1871. Chichester Saml. Fortescue, aft. Id. Carlingford, Jan. 14. 1874. Sir Chas. Bowyer Adderley, k.C.m.g. , aft. Id. Norton, Mar. 2. 1878. Dudley Fras. Smart Ryder, c,c. vise. Sandon, Apr. 4. 1880. Jos. Chamberlain, May 3. 1885. Chas. Hy., D. of Richmond and Gordon, June 24. Hon. Edwd. Stanhope, Aug. 19. 1886. Anthy. Jno. Mundella, Feb. 6. Sir Fred. Arthur Stanley, G.C.B., Aug. 3 ; or. Id. Stanley of Pres- ton, Aug. 0, G. I 1888. Sir Michh Hicks-Beach, bt., Feb. 21. OF Trade from 1786. 1841. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, Sept. 3 ; aft. pres. 1843. Jas. Andrew, E., aft. M. of Dal- housie, June 13 ; aft. pres. 1845. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt., Feb. 5. 1846. Thos. Milner Gibson, July 6; aft. pres. 1848. Granville Geo., E. Granville, May 8. 1852. Edwd. Jno., Id. Stanley of Alderley, Feb. 11 ; aft. pres. Chas., Id. Colchester, Feb. 27. 1853. Edwd. Jno. , Id. Stanley of Alderley, again, Jan. 4 ; aft. pres. 1855. Edwd. Pleydell Bouverie, Mar. 31. Robt. Lowe, aft. vise. Sherbrooke, Aug. 13. 1858. Rd. Jno.jE. of Donoughmore, Apr. 6. 1859. Algernon Geo. Percy, Id. Lovaine, Mar. 3. Jas. Wilson, June 18. Wm. Fras. Cowper, Aug. 12. 1860. Wm. Hutt, Feb. 22. 1865. Geo. Joachim Giischen, Nov. 29. 1866. Wm. Monsell, aft. Id. Emly, Mar. 12. Stephen Cave, July 10. By 30 & 31 Vict. cap. 72, (Aug. 12, 1867,) the office of Vice-President of the Board of Trade was aboUshed, and a Parliamentary Secretary to the Board substituted "as from the next vacancy." Mr. Cave resigned, Dec. 1868. Parliamentary Secretaries to the Board of Trade. Appointed under 30 & 31 Vict. cap. 72, in lieu of the Vice-President. 1868. Geo. Jno. Shaw Lefevre, Dec. 1871. Arthur Wellesley Peel. 1874. Geo. Aug. Fredk. Cavendish Ben- tinck. May. 1875. Hon. Edwd, Stanhope. 1878. John Gilbert Talbot. 1880. Hon. A. Evelyn Ashley, May. 1882. John Holms. 1885. Bar. Hy. de Worms, Aug. 1886. Chas. Thos. Dyke Acland, Feb. Bar. Hy. de Worms, again, Aug. 1888. Wm. HilUer, E. of Onslow, Feb. 270 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES Permanent Secretaries to the Board op Trade. I In virtue of Sir Stephen Cottrell, J their office Wm. Fawkenor, I of clerks of ( the council. Lord Chetwynd, vice Mr. Fawkener. Thos. Lack, app. assist, sec., Aug. 25. 1829. Jos. Deacon Hume, second assist. sec. ; new app., July 15. 1836. Denis le Marchant, aft. sir Denis, ht. , vice Lack, Feb. 8. 1840. John MacGreyor, rire Hume, Jan. 24. John Geo. Shaw Lefevre, vice Le Marchant, transferred to the treasury, June 19. 1810. 1841. 1847. Geo. Richardson Porter, vice Mac Gregor, Aug. G. 1848. Sir Denis Le Marchant, bt., vice Lefevre, transferred to the house of lords. May 14. 1850. Jas. Booth, 7-ice Le Marchant, trans- ferred to the house of commons, Oct. 10. 1843. Sir Jas. Emerson Tennent, second sec. 1865. The same, first sec. Thos. Hy. Farrer, second sec. 1867. The same, sole sec. ; cr. bt., 1883. 1886. Hy. Geo. Calcraft, sole 8ec.4f^.C,«^v/.. WOODS AND FORESTS. LAND REVENUES. AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. WORKS The Crown Lands and Palaces were for many years managed by Com- missioners or Surveyors, from time to time appointed by the Crown, and various statutes were passed extending, defining, or restricting their powers and duties. In 1810, by 50 Geo. III. cap. 65, the then offices of Surveyor- General of Woods, Forests, Parks, and Chases, and Surveyor- General OP the Land Revenues op the Crown were united under a Board of Commissioners, styled the Commissioners op Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues. The status, powers, and duties of these commissioners were more clearly defined by a subsequent consoli- dating statute, 10 Geo. IV. cap. 50, which came into operation June 10, 1829. In 1814, by Geo. III. cap. 157, His Majesty's Works and Public Buildings were placed under the superintendence and control of a Surveyor-General of Works and Public Buildings. In 1832, by 2 Will. IV. cap. 1, the duties of the Commissioners of Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues, and of the Surveyor-General of Works and Public Buildings were united under a board of commis- sioners, styled the Commissioners op Woods, Forests, Land Reve- nues, Works, and Buildings. In 1851, by 14 & 15 Vict. cap. 42, the two departments were again divided into two separate boards : (1) styled Commissioners op Works and Public Buildings ; (2) styled Commissioners op Woods, Forests, AND Land Revenues. The first commissioner of the old Board of Woods, Forests, Land Revenues, Works, and Buildings was to be first commissioner of the new Board of Works and Public Building, the remaining commissioners being the principal secretaries of state, and the president and vice-president of the Board of Trade for the time being. The other commissioners of the old Board of Woods, Forests, Land Revenues, Works, and Buildings were to be commissioners of the THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 271 new Board of Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues, The Crown was empowered to appoint other commissioners as vacancies occurred, and also to appoint a Surveyok-Geneeal of Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues, on whom the duties, rights, powers, &c., of the commis- sioners of Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues was to devolve, when the appointment of such commissioners was to cease. This last power has not yet been exercised. The office of first commissioner of Works and Public Buildings is a political one. The other offices are permanent. Surveyors-General of Woods, Forests, Parks, and Chases. See Introduction, supra. 1607 (or 1608). John Taverner. 1608. Thos. Morgan. iThos. Morgan and ) t„;„+i„ Robt. Treswell, j" ^°'''^^^- Robt. Tres-svell, ] And-w. Treswell, and y Successively. Treswell, ) Jointly. 1667. Thos. Agar, and ] John Madden. j 1688. Philip Riley. 1701. Thos. Hewett. 1702. Edwd. Wilcox. 1714. Thos. He-wett, again. 1716. Edwd. Younge. 1720. Chas. Whithers. 1736. Eras. Whit worth. 1742. Hy. Legge. 1745. John Phillipson. 1756. John Pitt. 1763. Sir Edmond Thomas, bt. 1767. Jehn Pitt, again. 1786. John Robinson. 1803. Sylvester, Id. Glenbervie. 1806. Lord Robt. Spencer. 1807. Sylvester, Id. Glenbervie, again. Surveyor-General of the Land Revenues op the Crown. See Introduction, supra. 1666. Sir G. Harbord. 1682. Wm. Harbord. 1692. Wm. Tailer. 1693. Saml. Travers. 1710. J. Manley. 1714. Alesr. Pendarves, 1715. H. Chomeley. 1722. J. Poulteney. 1726. Phillips Gybbon. 1730. 1732. 1750. 1751. 1769. 1775. 1784. 1794. 1809. Eston Sayer. Thos. Walker. John, vise. Galway. Robt. Herbert. Peter Burrell. John St. John. G. Aug. Selwyn. John Fordyce. Jas. Pillar (^acting). Commissioners of Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues. Appointed under 50 Geo. III. cap. 65, and 10 Geo. IV. cap. 50. See Introduction, supra. Dates of Patents. July 31, 1810. Sylvestee, ld. Glenbekvie. Wm. Dacres Adams. Hy. Dawkins. Aug. 21, 1814. Wm. Huskissojt. Wm. Dacres Adams. Hy. Dawkins. Feb. 8, Ghas. Aebuthnot. Wm. Dacres Adams. Hy. Dawkins. 1823. May 30, 1827. Geo., E. of Carlisle. Wm. Dacres Adams. Hy. Dawkins. July 23, 1827. Wm. Stueges Bourne. Wm. Dacres Adams. Hy. Dawkins. Feb. 11, 1828. Chas. Arbuthnot. Wm. Dacres Adams. Hy. Dawkins. June 14, 1828. Wm., vise. LOWTHEE. Wm. Dacres Adams. Hy. Dawkins. 272 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Dec. 13, 1830. Geo. Jas. Welbore Agar Ellis. Wm. Dacres Adams. Hy. Dawkins. Feb. 11, 1831. John Wm., vise. Ddncannon. Wm. Dacres Adams. Hy. Dawkins. Commissioners of Woods, Forests, Land Revenues, Works, and Buildings. Appointed under 2 Will. IV. cap. 1, See Introduction, ante, p. 270. Dates of Patents. Feb. 22, 1832. John Wm., vise. Duxcannon. Wm. Dacres Adams. Sir Benjn. C. Stephenson. July 30, 1834. Sib John Cam Hobhouse, bt. Wm. Dacres Adams. Sir Benjn. C. Stephenson. Aug. 23, 1834. Sir John Cam Hobhocse, bt. Sir Benjn. C. Stephenson. Alexr. Milne, c.b. Dec. 31, 1834. Lord Granville Chas. Hy. Somerset. Sir Benjn. C. Stephenson. Alexr. Milne, c.b. May 7, 1835. John Wm., vise. Duncannon. Sir Benjn. C. Stephenson. Alexr Milne, c.b. Juno 18, 1839. John Wm. , vise. Duncannon. Alexr. Milne, c.b. Hon. Chas. Alexr. Gore. Sept. 25, 1841. Hy. Pelham, E. of Lincoln. Alexr. Milne, c.b. Hon. Chas. Alexr. Gore. Mar. 10, 1846. Chas. John, vise. Canning. Alexr. Milne, c.b. Hon. Chas. Alexr. Gore. July 13, 1846. Geo. Fredk. Wm., vise. Morpeth, aft. E. of Carlisle. Alexr. Milne, c.b. Hon. Chas. Alexr. Gore. Apr. 15, 1850. Edwt). Adolphos Seymour, c.c. lord Seymour. Alexr. Milne, c.b. Hon. Chas. Alexr. Gore. Aug. 28, 1850, G. Edwd. Adolphus Seymour, c.c. lord Seymour. Hon. Chas. Alexr. Gore. Thos. Fras. Kennedy. First Commissioners of Works and Public Buildings. Appointed under 14 & 15 Vict, cap, 42. See Introduction, ante, p. 270. The other commissioners are the principal secretaries of state and the president and vice-president of the Board of Trade for the time being. 1851. 1852. 1853. 1855. 1858. 1859. 1860. Edwd. Adolphus Seymour, c.c. Id. Seymour, form, first commr. of w., f., 1. r., w., & p. b. John Jas. Robt. Manners, c.c. Id. John Manners, aft. D. of Rutland, Mar. 4, G. Sir Wm. Molesworth, Jan. 5, G. Sir Benjn. Hall, bt., aft. Id. Llan- over, July 21. Lord .Tolm Manners, ar/ain, Fob. 26. Hy. Fitzroy, Juno 18. Fras. Wm. Cowpcr, Feb. 9. 18G6. Lord John Manners, agatn, July 6. 1868. Austen Hy. Layard, aft. sir A., O.O.B., Dec. 9, 8w. 1869. Acton Smeo Ayrton, Oct. 26, G., Nov. 11, sw. 1873, Wm. Patrick Adam, Aug. 11, sw. 1874. Hy. Chas. Goo. Gordon Lennox, c.c. lord Gordon Lennox, Mnr. 21, sw. 1876. Gerard Jas. Noel, Aug. 14, sw. 1880. Wm. Patrick Adam, again, May 3, sw. Goo. John Shaw Lofovro,Nov. 29,8W. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 2/3 1885. Archd. Philip, E. of Rosebery, Feb. 1886. Victor Alexr., E. of Elgin and Kin- 13, sw. cardine, Apr. 16, sw. Hon. David Robt. Plunket, June 24, Hon. David Robt. Plunket, ayain, sw. . Aug. 5, sw. 1886. Albert Edmd., E. of Morley, Feb. 6. i ''^1^ 1^vJ./U 3,W-X^^W,a^.. Cu.c^ Commissioners of Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues. Appointed under 14 & 15 Vict. cap. 42. See Introduction, ante, p. 270. 1851. Hon. Ghas. Alexr. Gore, and Thos. Fras. Kennedy, form, commrs. of W., F., L. R., W., &P. B. 1855. Hon. Chas. Kenneth Howard, vice Kennedy. 1882. Sir Hj'. Brougham Loch, vice Howard. 1884. Geo. Gullev, vice Loch. 1885. Col. Robt. Nigel Fitzhardinge Kings- cote, c.b,, vice Gore. 2 ,".^" !l>'H^i;H(IJ. COMMISSIONERS OF CUSTOMS. From the Restoration of King Charles II. Commissioners of Customs foe England and Wales. 1660. Sir Job Harby, sir John Wolsten- holme, sir John Jacob, sir Nichs Crispe, sir John Harrison, and sir John Shawe, Sept. 20. 1671. Sir Geo. Downing, sir Wm. Thomp- son, sir Wm. Lowther, Wm Gar- way, Fras. Millington, and John Upton, Sept. 27. 1672. Sir Richd. Temple, sir Geo. Down- ing, sir Wm. Thompson, sir Wm. Lowther, Wm. Garway, Fras. Millington, and John Upton, Mar. 30. 1675. Sir Richd. Temple, sir Edwd. Deer- ing, sir Geo. Downing, sir Wm. Lowther, Chas. Cheyne, Fras. Millington, and John Upton. Jan. 8. 1677. Sir Richd. Temple, sir Edwd. Deer- ing, sir Fras. Lawley, sir Geo. Downing, sir Wm. Lowther, Chas. Cheyne, and Fras. Millington, Nov. 9. 1679. Sir Richd. Temple, sir Edwd. Deer- ing, sir Fras. Lawley, sir Geo. Downing, Chas. Osborne, Chas. Cheyne, and Fras. Millington, Feb. 14. Sir Richd. Temple, sir Geo. Down- ing, Chas. Cheyne, Fras. Milling- ton, and John Upton, Apr. 10. 1680. Chas., vise. Newhaven, sir Richd. Temple, sir Geo. Downing, John Upton, and Nichs. Butler, July 1. 1681. Chas., vise. Newhaven, Andw New- port, sir Richd. Temple, sir Geo. Downing, and Nichs. Butler, Nov. 11. 1684. Chas., vise. Newhaven, sir Dudley North, Andw. Newport, sir Richd. Temple, sir Geo. Downing, and sir Nichs. Butler, Mar. 7. Chas., vise. Newhaven, Andw. New- port, sir Richd. Temple, sir Nichs. Butler, sir John Buckworth, and Wm. Dickinson, Aug. 1. Chas., vise. Newhaven, Andw. New- port, sir Richd. Temple, sir Nichs. Butler, sir John Buckworth, Wm. Dickinson, and Thos. Chudleigh, Dec. 31. 1685. Chas., vise. Newhaven, sir John Werden, sir Nichs. Butler, Wm. Dickinson, and Thos. Chudleigh, Feb. 28. Chas., vise. Newhaven, sir Dudley North, sir John Werden, sir Nichs. Butler, sir John Buckworth, Wm. Dickinson, and Thos. Chudleigh, Apr. 2. 1686. Chas., vise. Newhaven, sir Dudley North, sir John Werden, sir John Buckworth, sir Nichs. Butler, Wm. Dickinson, Thos. Chud- leigh, and Saml. Clarke, June 25. Chas., vise. Newhaven, sir Dudley North, sir John Werden, sir Nichs. 18 274 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1687. 1688, 1689. 1691. 1694. 1696. 1697. 1698. 1699. 1701. 1702. Butler, sir John Buckworth, Wm. Dickinson, Thos. Chndleigh, and Saml. Clarke, July 9. Sir Dudley North, sir John Werden, sir Nichs. Butler, sir John Buck- worth, and Thos. Chudleigh, Feb. 25. Sir Nichs. Butler, sir Dudley North, sir John AVerden, Thos. Chud- leigh, and Wm. Culliford, Jan. 14. Sir Nichs. Butler, Hy. Browne, sir Dudley North, sir John Werden, and Wm. Culliford, Feb. 28. Geo. Booth, sir Richd. Temple, sir John Werden, sir Robt. South- well, sir Robt. Clayton, sir Patience Ward, and Thos. Pel- ham, Apr. 20. Geo. Booth, sir Richd. Temple, sir John Werden, sir Robt. South- well, sir Robt. Cla^'ton, sir Patience Ward, and Hy. Guy, Mar. 24. Geo. Booth, sir Richd. Temple, sir John Werden, sir Robt. South- well, sir Patience Ward, sir Robt. Clayton, and Chas. Godolphin, July 3. Sir Robt. Clayton, sir Patience Ward, sir Robt. Southwell, Chas. Godolphin, sir Walter Young, Jas. Chadwick, and Saml. Clarke, Aug. 14. Sir Robt. Clayton, sir Patience Ward, sir Robt. Southwell, Chas. Godolphin, sir Walter Young, Jas. Chadwick, Saml. Clarke, and Benjn. Overton, Apr. 14. Chas. Godolphin, sir Walter Young Saml. Clarke, Benjn. Overton, sir Hy. Hobart, sir John Austin, and Robt. Henley, June 21. Chas. Godolphin, sir Walter Young, Saml. Clarke, Benjn. Overton, sir Hy. Hobart, sir John Austin, Robt. Henley, and sir Wm. St. Quintin, Nov. 22. Chas. Godolphin, sir Walter Young, Saml. Clarke, Benjn. Overton, Robt. Henley, sir Wm. St. Quin- tin, and hon. Thos. Newport, Nov. 22. Chas. Godolphin, Saml. Clarke, Benjn. Overton, Robt. Henley, Thos. Newport, Arthur Mayn- waring, and Wm. Culliford, Dec. 18. The same commrs. to the close of K. William HI. 'a roign ; contd. at the commencement of that of Q. Anno. Chas. Godolphin, Snml. Clarke, Thos. Newj)ort, Arthur Mayn- waring, Wm. Culliford, sir John 1705, 1706 1708 1711. 1715. 1721. 1722. Werden, and Richd. Bretton, July 14. Chas. Godolphin, Saml. Clarke, Thos. Newport, Wm. Culliford, sir John Werden, Richd. Bretton, and Thos. Hall, May 15. Chas. Godolphin, Saml. Clarke, Thos. Newport, Wm. Culliford, sir John Werden, Thos. Hall, and sir Matt. Dudley, June 6. Chas. Godolphin, Saml. Clarke, Thos. Newport, Wm. Culliford, sir John Werden, sir Matt. Dud- ley, and sir John Stanley, May 4. Chas. Godolphin, Thos. Newport, Wm. Culliford, sir John Werden, sir Matt. Dudley, sir John Stan- ley, and John Shuto, Dec. 23. Chas. Godolphin, sir John Werden, sir John Stanley, Matt. Prior, John Bridges, Robt. Williamson, and Edwd. Gibbons, Jan. 25. Sir John Werden, sir John Stanley, Matt. Prior, John Bridges, Robt. Williamson, Edwd, Gibbons, Chas. Godolphin, and sir David Naime. May 17. Sic John Stanley, John Bridges, Robt. Williamson, sir John Wer- den, Matt. Prior, Edwd. Gib- bons, and sir David Naime, Nov. 9 ; their patent revoked, and sir Walter Young, sir Matt. Dudley, sir John Stanley, John Bridges, Robt. Williamson, John Pulteney, and Thos. Walker, app. Sir Walter Young, sir Matt. Dudley, sir John Stanley, Robt. William- son, John Pulteney, Thos. Walker, and sir Chas. Peers, Dec. 4. Sir Walter Young, sir Matt. Dudley, sir John Stanley, John Pulteney, Thos. Walker, sir Chas. Peers, and sir Thos. Frankland, Mar. 17. Sir Walter Young, sir Matt. Dudley, sir John Stanley, John Pulteney, Thos. Walker, sir Chas. Peers, and Robt. Baylis, Jan. 2. Sir Walter Young, sir Matt. Dudley, sir John Stanley, John Pulteney, Thos. Walker, sir Chas. Peers, and Robt. Baylis, Oct. 1. Sir Walter Young, sir John Stanley, John Pulteney, Thos. Walker, sir Chas. Peers, Kobt. Baylis, and sir John Evelyn, Sept. 4. Sir Walter Young, sir John Stanley, Thos. Walker, sir Chas. Peers. Robt. Baylis, sir John Evelyn, and Thos, Maynard, Mar. 27. THE BOOK OP DIGNITIES. 275 1727. 1728. Commissioners of Customs for Great Britain. Fourteen cominissioiiers were appointed, seven to reside in London, five in Edinburgh, and two to attend the outports. Vaughan, Geo. Ross, Wardel Geo. Westby, and sir Robt. Baylis, Aug. 28. 1732. Sir John Stanley, sir Chas. Peers, sir John Evelyn, sir Jas. Campbell John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, Hy. Hale, Geo. Drummond, John Hill, Gwynn Vaughan, Geo. Rosa, Wardel Geo. Westby, sir Robt. Baylis, and Edwd. Trelawney. Jan. 2. 1735. Sir John Stanley, sir Chas. Peers, sir John Evelyn, sir Jas. Campbell, John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, Geo. Drummond, John Hill, Gwynn Vaughan, Geo. Ross, Wardel Geo. Westby, sir Robt. Baylis, Edwd. Trelawney, and sir Robt. Corbett, May 24. 1737. Sir John Stanley, sir John Evelyn, John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, John Hill, Gwynn Vaughan, Geo. Ross, Wardel Geo. Westby, sir Robt. Baylis, sir Robt. Corbett, Richd. Chandler, Beaumont Hotham, Richd. Somers, and Colin Campbell, Oct. 15. 174:1. Sir John Stanley, sir John Evelyn, JohnCampbell,BrianFairfax,John Hill, Geo. Ross, now Id. Ross, Wardel Geo. Westby, sir Robt. Baylis, Richd . ChandIer,Beaumont Hotham, Richd. Somers, Colin Campbell, Edwd. Riggs, and Isaac Leheup, June 29. 1742. Sir John Stanley, sir John Evelj'n, John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, John Hill, Wardel Geo. Westby, sir Robt. Baylis, Richd. Chandler, Beaumont Hotham, Richd. Somers, Colin Campbell, and Gwyim Vaughan. 1723. Sir Walter Young, sir John Stanley, Thos. Walker, sir Chas. Peers, Robt. Baylis, sir John Evelyn, Thos. Maynard, sir Jas. Camp- bell, Humphry Brent, John Camp- bell, Brian Fairfax, Hy. Hale, Geo. Drummond, and John Hill. Sir Walter Young, sir John Stanley, Thos. Walker, sir Chas. Peers, sir John Evelyn, Thos. Maynard, sir Jas. Campbell, Humphry Brent, John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, Hy. Hale, Geo. Drummond, John Hill, and Allan Broderick, Oct. 18. Sir Walter Young, sir John Stanley, Thos. Walker, sir Chas. Peers, sir John Evelyn, sir Jas. Campbell, Humphry Brent, John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, Hy. Hale, Geo. Drummond, John Hill, Allan Broderick, Gwynn Vaughan, and Thos. Maynard, July 19. 1730. Sir Walter Young, sir John Stanley, Thos. Walker, sir Chas. Peers, sir John Evelyn, sir Jas. Campbell, John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, Hy. Hale, Geo. Drummond, John Hill, Gwyim Vaughan, and Geo. Ross, aft. Id. Ross, Sept. 21. Sir Walter Young, sir John Stanley, Thos. Walker, sir Chas. Peers, sir John Evelyn, sir Jas. Campbell, John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, Hy. Hale, Geo. Drummond, John Hill, Gwynn Vaughan, Geo. Ross, and Wardel Geo. Westby, May 14. Sir John Stanley, Thos. Walker, sir Chas. Peers, sir John Evelyn, sir Jas. Campbell, John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, Hy. Hale, Geo. Drummond, John Hill, Gwynn 1731. At this time the commission for Great Britain was divided, and nine commissioners were appointed for England and Wales, and five for Scotland. Commissioners of Customs 1742. Sir John Stanley, sir John Evelyn, Brian Fairfax, John Hill, sir Robt. Baylis, Richd. Chandler, Wardel Geo. Westby, Beaumont Hotham, and Saml. Mead, Sept. 1744. Sir John Evelyn, Brian Fairfax, John Hill, sir Robt. Baylis, Richd. Chandler, Wardel Geo. Westby, Beaumont Hotham, Saml. Mead, and Gwynn Vaughan. 1747. Sir John Evelyn, Brian Fairfax, sir Robt. Baylis, Richd. Chandler, FOR England and Wales. 1748. 1750. Wardel Geo. Westby, Beaumont Hotham, Saml. Mead, Gwynn Vaughan, and Wm. Levinz. Sir John Evelyn, Brian Fairfax, Richd. Cavendish, Wardel Geo. Westby, Beaumont Hotham, Saml. Mead, Gwynn Vaughan, Wm. Levinz, and Edwd. Hooper. Sir John Evelyn, Richd. Cavendish, Wardel Geo. Westby, Beaumont Hotham, Saml. Mead, Gwynn Vaughan, Wm. Levinz, Edwd. 18 * 276 Hooper, and sir Miles Staple- ton. 1752. Sir John Evelyn, Richd. Cavendish, Wardel Geo. SVestby, Beaumont Hothani, Saml. Mead, Gwynn Vaughan, Wm. Levinz, Edwd. Hooper, and Thos. Tash. 1756. Sir John Evelyn, Richd. Cavendish, Beaumont Hotham, Saml. Mead, Gwynn Vaughan, Wm. Levinz, Edwd. Hooper, Thos. Tash, and Claudius Amyand. 1758. Sir John Evelyn, Richd. Cavendish, Beaumont Hotham, Saml. Mead, Wm. Levinz, Edwd. Hooper, Thos. Tash, Claudius Amyand, and Hy. Pelham. 1761. Sir John Evelyn, Beaumont Hotham, Saml. Mead, Wm. Levinz, Edwd. Hooper, Thos. Tash, Claudius Amyand, Hy. Pelham, and John Frederick. 1762. Sir John Evelyn, sir Beaumont Hotham, Saml. Mead, Wm. Levinz, Edwd. Hooper, Claudius Amyand, Hy. Pelham, John Frederick, and Hy. Banks, Dec. 11. 1763. Saml. Mead, Edwd. Hooper, Claudius Amyand, Hy. Pelham, sir John Frederick, Hy. Banks, sir Wm. Musgrave, sir Jos. Pen- nington, and Corbyn Morris, Mar. 15. 1765. Saml. Mead, Edwd. Hooper, Hy. Pelham, sir John Frederick, Hy. Banks, sir Wm. Musgrave, sir Jos. Pennington, Corbyn Morris, and hon. Hy. Grenville, June 8. 1766. Saml. Mead, Edwd. Hooper, Hy. Pelham, sir John Frederick, Hy. Banks, sir Wm. Musgrave, sir Jos. Pennington, Corbyn Morris, and Jas. JetTreys, Aug. 16. 1769. Saml. Mead, Edwd. Hooper, Hy. Pelham, sir John Frederick, Hy. Banks, sir Wm. Musgrave, Cor- byn Morris, Jas. Jeffreys, and Thos. Boone, Dec. 5. 1776. Edwd. Hooper, Hy. Pelham, sir John Frederick, sir Wm. Musgrave, Corbyn Morris, Jas. Jeffreys, Thos. Boone, Welbore Ellis Agar, and Wm. Hay, Oct. 31. 1778. Edwd. Hooper, Hy. Pelham, sir John Frederick, sir Wm. Mus- grave, Jas. Jeffreys, Thos. Boone, Wolborc Ellis Agar, Wm. Hay, and Thos. Allan. 1782. Edwd. Hooper, Hy. Pelham, sir Wm. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Musgrave, Jas. Jeffreys, Thos. Boone, Welbore Ellis Agar, Wm. Hay, Thos. Allan, and sir Stanier Porten, Mar. 27 1785. Edwd. Hooper, Hy. Pelham, sirWm. Musgrave, Jas. Jeffreys, Thos. Boone, Welbore Ellis Agar, Wm. Hav, sir Stanier Porten, and John Pownall, Feb. 8. Edwd. Hooper, Hy. Pelham, Jas. Jeffreys, Thos. Boone, Welbore Ellis Agar, Wm. Hay, sir Stanier Porten, John Pownall, and Joah Bates, Aug. 10. Edwd. Hooper, Hy. Pelham, Thos. Boone, Welbore Ellis Agar, Wm. Hay, John Pownall, Joah Bates, sir Alesr. Munro, and Richd. Frewin, Xov. 15. Edwd. Hooper, Thos. Boone, Wel- bore Elhs Agar, Wm. Hay, Joah Bates, sir Alexr. Munro, Richd. Frewin, Wm. Stiles, and Wm. Roe, Mar. 18. Thos. Boone, Welbore Ellis Agar, Wm. Hay, Joah Bates, sir Alexr. Munro, Richd. Frewin, Wm. Stiles, Wm. Roe, and Fras. Fownes Luttrell, Dec. 2. Thos. Boone, Welbore Ellis Agar, Joah Bates, sir Alexr. Munro, Richd. Frewin, Wm. Stiles, Wm. Roe, Fras. Fownes Luttrell, and John Buller. Thos. Boone, Welbore Ellis Agar, sir Alexr. Munro, Richd. Frewin, Wm. Stiles, Wm. Roe, Fras. Fownes Luttrell, John Buller, and Gloucester Wilson. Welbore Ellis Agar, sir Alexr. Munro, Richd. Frewin, Wm. Roe, Fras. Fownes Luttrell, John Buller, Gloucester Wilson, Jas. Hume, and John Williams, Sept. 17. Sir Alexr. Munro, Richd. Frewin, Wm. Roe, Fras. Fownes Luttrell, John Buller, Gloucester Wilson, Jas. Hume, John Williams, and Jas. Willis, Nov. 2G. 1810. Richd. Betenson Dean, vice Munro, Sept. 17. 1812. Snowden Barne, previously a commr. of tho treaay., Oct. 22. 1813. Hy. Richmond, vire Frewin, May 6. Wm. Boothby, aft. sir Wm., bt., Sept. 15. 1819. Hon. Edwd. Stewart and Wm. Thos. Roe, Feb. 17. 1821. Hon. Jas. Hy. Keith Stewart, Apr. 21. 178G. 1788. 1793. 1797. 1799. 1805. On September 13, 1823, the consolidation of the Boards of Customs for England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, took place, and the connnis- sioners from that time have been commissioners for the United Kingdom. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 277 Commissioners of Customs for the United Kingdom. 1823. Richd. BetensonDean, Wm. Boothby, aft. sir W.,bt., Gloucester Wilson, John Williams, Hy. Richmond, hon. Jas. Hv. Keith Stewart, Wm. Thos. Roe, Edwd. Earl, hon. Abraham Hely Hutchinson, Hul- ton Smith King, Eras. Seymour Larpent, Fredk. Beilby Watson, aft. sir F., bt., and Hy. Jas. Bouverie, Sept. 13. Of these, Edwd. Earl had been pre- viously commr. in Scotland, and the hon. Abraham Hely Hutchin- son and Hulton Smith King commrs. in Ireland. 1824. Geo. Wm. Fredk. Yilliers, aft. E. of Clarendon, Xov. 27. 1825. Stephen Geo. Lushington, Jan. 3. Hon. Wm. Gust, Apr. 21. 1826. Hon. Heneage Legge, Apr. 13. David Munro Binning, July 15. 1827. Culling Chas. Smith, Mar. 13. Aug. G. Stapleton. Aug. 31. 1834. Lt.-Col. Wm. Leader Maberly, June 28. 1836. Sir Geo. Hy. Freeling, bt.,Oct. 21. 1838. Hon. Stephen Edmd. Spring-Rice, Sept. 10. 1841. Geo. Robt. Dawson, Dec. 29. 1845. Fredk. Goulburn. Jan 28. Thos. Pai-giter Dickenson, Apr. 4. 1846. Sir Thos. Fras. Fremantle, bt., Feb. 24. Capt. Edwd. Saurin, k.s., aft. adm., July 4. COMinSSIONEES IN 1851. Where marked " ceased" the vacancy was not filled up. Sir Thos. Fras. Fremantle, bt., aft. Id. Cottesloe, chairman ; ceased 1875. Geo. Robt. Dawson, dep. ch. Hy. Richmond, ceased 1851. Steph. Geo. Lushington, ceased 1854. Culling Chas. Smith, ceased 1854. Hon. Steph. Edmd. Spring-Rice, dep. ch,, 1856, vice Dawson. Fredk. Goulburn, dep. ch., 1859, vice Spring-Rice ; chairman 1875, vice Fre- mantle. Thos. Pargiter Dickenson. Adm. Edwd. Saurin, ceased 1860. Subsequent Appointments. 1856. Granville C. L. Berkeley, vice Daw- son ; ceased 1886. Wm. Rathbone Greg, vice Dickenson. 1859. Ralph W. Grey, vice Spring-Rice. 1865. Col. Fredk. Romilly, vice Greg; dep. ch. 1875, rirc Goulburn. 1870. Sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, vice Grey. 1878. Sir Chas. Du Cane, K.C.M.G., chair- man, vice Goulburn. 1883. Arthur Sanders Wm. Chas. Fox, vise. Sudley, aft. E. of Arran; vice Doyle. 1885. Horace Alfred Darner Se3anour, Jan. 1, vice Arran.; ^,;.f/i /.-yj "i^^ ''.iv'-}^, 1887. Herbert Harley Murray, dep. ch., vice Romilly.' :MVt^.-, U'jo ^^^ j<^ Tu-k^. COMMISSIONERS OF EXCISE, STAMPS, TA.XES, AND INLAND REVENUE. There were three distinct boards of Excise, Stamps, and Taxes. In 1833 the same persons were by two separate letters patent appointed Commissioners of Stamps and Commissioners of Taxes, and by 4 & 5 Will. cap. 60 (Aug. 13, 1834) the two boards were consolidated under the style of Commissioners of Stamps and Taxes. In 1849 a similar course was adopted. On January 6 the same persons were appointed Commissioners of Excise and Commissioners of Stamps and Taxes, and by 12 & 13 Vict. cap. 1 (Feb. 27, 1849) the boards were consolidated under the style of Commissioners of Inland Revenue. COMMISSIONERS OF EXCISE. Commissioners of Excise foe England and Wales. From the Restoration of King Charles II. 1660. Sir Matth. Hale, Id. ch. baron ; sir 1 Rich. Browne, Id. mayor of Lon- Edwd. Atkyns and sir Christr. don; sir Wm. Doyley, sir Hy. Turner, barons of the exch. ; sir Vernon, sir Geo. Bimon, Wm. 278 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1660, 1664. 1665. 1666, 1670. 1671. 1672. 1673. 1674. 1677. Prynne, John Birch, Robt. Sea- wen, Fras. Finch, Nathl. Martin, and Edwd. Wingate, commrs. for discharging, settling, and re- covering the arrears of excise due to the king, Feb. 8. Sir Geo. Bimon and others, or any three of them, to receive all arrears of excise due to Novem- ber 8, last past, within London, 'Westminster, Southwark, Surrey, and Middlesex, South Mimms in Middlesex excepted, Nov. 29. Sir Denny Ashburnham, sir Geo. Bi- mon, Fras. Finch, and Edwd. Wingate, Mar. 20. Sir John .Tames, John James, Richd. Kingdom, and Wm. Hiccocks, commrs. within London, West- minster, Southwark, and counties of Middlesex and Surrey, except South Jlimms in Middlesex, on behalf of his majesty's farmers of the excise, June 24. Robt. Huntingdon, Richd. Kingdom, John James, jun., and Wm. Forthe, commits, for the above- said places for the farmers of the excise, Oct. 11. Wm. Forthe, Robt. Huntingdon, Richd. Kingdom, and John James. Sir Saml. Morland, Robt, Hunting- don, Wm. Forthe, and Richd. Kingdom, Aug. 15. Sir Saml. Morland, sir John James, Robt. Huntingdon, Wm. Forthe, and Richd. Kingdom, Sept. 24 Sir Saml. Morland, sir Robt. South- well, one of the clerks of his majesty's privj' council, sir John James, Robt. Huntingdon, Wm. Forthe, and Richd. Kingdom, May 15. Sir Saml. Morland, sir John Davys, sir Robt. Southwell, sir John James, Robt. Huntingdon, and Richd. Kingdom, Jan. 31. Sir Saml. Morland, sir Robt. Wise- man, sir Robt. Southwell, sir John James, sir Robt. Huntingdon, Wm. Forthe, and Richd. King- dom, Sept. 12. Sir Saml. Morland, sir Robt. Wise- man, sir Robt. Southwell, sir John James, sir Robt. Huntingdon, Wm. Forthe, Richd. Kingdom, and Richd. Brett, Dec. 1. Sir Saml. Morland, sir Robt. Wise- man, sir Robt. Southwell, sir John James, Robt. Huntingdon, Richd. Kingdom, Fras. Finch, and Hy. Fred. Thynne, Oct. 23. Sir Saml. Morland, sir Robt. Wise- man, sir Robt. Southwell, sir John 1678. 1679. 1681, 1683, 1684, 1685. 1688. 1689. James, Robt. Huntingdon, Hy. Fredk. Thynne, Edwd. Wingate, Frcdk. Christian Howard, and sir John Elves, Nov. 9. Sir Dennj- Ashburnham, sir Saml. Morland, sir Robt. Wiseman, sir John Elves, sir Robt. South- well, sir John James, Robt. Hun- tingdon, Chas. Davenant, Edwd. Wingate, and Fredk. Christian Howard, Aug. 3. Sir Denny Ashburnham, sir Robt. Wiseman, sir John Elves, sir Robt. Southwell, sir John James, Robt. Huntingdon, Chas. Dave- nant, Edwd. Wingate, Fredk. Christian Howard, and John Bendo, Mar. 11. Hon. Chas. Bertie, sir Denny Ash- burnham, sir Robt. Southwell, sir John James, Robt. Hunting- don, Chas. Davenant. Edwd. Win- gate, Fredk. Christian Howard, and John Bende, Mar. 21. Sir Denny Ashburnham, sir Robt. Southwell, Robt. Huntingdon, Chas. Davenant, and Edwd. Win- gate, May 14. Sir Denny Ashburnham, Fras. Parry, Robt. Huntingdon, Chas. Dave- nant, and Edwd. Wmgate, Feb. 14. Sir Denny Ashburnham, Fras. Parry, Robt. Huntingdon, Chas. Dave- nant, John Freind, Felix Calvert, and Nathl. Hornby, May 19. Sir Denny Ashburnham, Fras. Parry, Robt. Huntingdon, Chas. Dave- nant, John Freind. Felix Calvert, Nathl. Hornby, Patrick Traunt, and Wm. Bridges, commrs. of excise and hearth-monev, Apr. 10. Sir Denny Ashburnham. Fras. Parry, Robt. Huntingdon, Chas. Dave- nant. John Freind, Felix Calvert, Nathl. Hornby, Patrick Traunt, Wm. Bridges, and Richd. Graham, Sept. 17. Sir Denny Ashburnham, Fras. Parry, Robt. Huntingdon, Chas. Dave- nant, John Freind, Felix Calvert, Nathl. Hornby, and Richd. Gra- ham, Mar. 11. Sir Denny Ashburnham, Fras. Parry, Chas. Davenant, John Freind, Felix Calvert, Nathl. Horn- bv, and Richd. Graham, Aug. 26. Sir Denny Ashburnham, Fras. Parry, sir John Freind, Chas. Dave- nant, Nathl. Hornby, Richd. Graham, and John Wilcox, jun., Fob. 22. Sir Hy. Fane, sir Hy. Ashurst, sir THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 279 1691. 1694. 1695. 1696. 1698. 1699. 1706. 1710. Humphry Edwin, Thos. Frank- land, Fras. Parry, John Danvers, and John Wilcox, Apr. 20. Sir Hy. Ashurst, sir John Morden, sir Saml. Dashwood, sir Humphry Edwin, Wm. Strong, John Foche, and Stephen Evance, Oct. 14. Sir Saml. Dashwood, sir Stephen Evance, Fras. Parry, Wm. Strong, John Foche, Nathl. Hornby, John Wilcox, jun., Thos. Hall, and Thos. Aram, Apr. 13. Sir Saml. Dashwood, sir Stephen Evance, sir John Foche, Fras. Parry, Wm. Strong, Thos. Hall, Edwd. Clarke, John Danvers, and Foot Onslow, Aug. 14. Sir Saml. Dashwood, sir Stephen Evance, sir John Foche, Fras. Parry, Wm. Strong, Thos. Hall, Edwd. Clarke, John Danvers, Foot Onslow, and sir Philip Mea- dows, Mar. 9. Sir Stephen Evance, sir John Foche, Fras. Parry, Wm. Strong, Edwd. Clarke, John Danvers, Foot On- slow, sir Philip Meadows, and Thos. Everard, June 30. Edwd. Clarke, Foot Onslow, Philip Meadows, Thos. Everard, sir Wm. Ashurst, Christr. Montagu, John Smith, Wm. Carr.and Wm. Flem- ing, Aug. 15. Foot Onslow, sir Philip Meadows, John Smith of Beaufort Buildings, Wm. Fleming, Fras. Parry, Wm. Strong, Geo. Townshend, Philip Ryley, and Richd. Cocks, June 22. Foot Onslow, sir Philip Meadows, Fras. Parry, Wm. Strong, Geo. Townshend, Philip Ryley, and Richd. Cocks, June 19. Foot Onslew, sir Philip Meadows, Fras. Parry, Wm. Strong, Geo. Townshend, Philip Ryley, and sir Marmaduke Wyvill, Oct. 8. Foot Onslow, Wm. Strong, Geo. Townshend, Philip Ryley, sir Marm. Wyvill, Edwd. Noell, and John Boys, Dec. 17. Foot Onslow, Wm. Strong, Geo. Townshend, Philip Ryley, sir Marm. Wyvill, Edwd. Noell, and Christr. Montagu, June 6. Wm. Strong, Geo. Townshend, Phi- lip Ryley, sir Marm. Wyvill, Edwd. Noell, Christr. Montagu, sir Wm. Gifford, Nichs. Pollexfen, and Whitelock Bulstrode, May 20. Wm. Strong, Geo. Townshend, Phi- lip Ryley, sir Marm. Wyvill, Edwd. Noell, Christr. Montagu, Nichs. Pollexfen, Whitelock Bul- strode, and Jas. Vernon, jun,, Oct. 20. 1712. Wm. Strong, Geo. Townshend, Phi- lip Ryley, sir Marm. Wyvill, Edwd. Noell, Christr. Montagu, Whitelock Bulstrode, Jas. Vernon, jun., and John Price, July 7. 1714. Geo. Townshend, sen. , Philip Ryley, sir Marm. Wyvill, Edwd. Noell, Christr. Montagu, Whitelock Bul- strode, Jas. Vernon, John Price, and John Whetham, Feb. 2. Geo. Townshend, sen., Philip Ryley, sir Marm. Wyvill, Edwd. Noell, Christr. Montagu, Whitelock Bul- strode, Jas. Vernon, John Whet- ham, sir Wm. Ashurst, and Wm. Carr, Nov. 12. 1715. Geo. Townshend, sen., sir Marm. Wyvill, Christr. Montagu, Jas. Vernon, John Whetham, sir Wm. Ashurst, Wm. Carr, Roger Gale, and John Brougham, Nov. 24. 1719. Geo. Townshend, sen., sir Marm. Wyvill, Christr. Montagu, Jas. Vernon, John Whetham, Wm. Carr, Roger Gale, John Brougham, and Benjn. Mildmay, Mar. 3. 1720. Geo. Townshend, sen., sir Marm. Wyvill, Christr. Montagu, Jas. Vernon, John Whetham, Roger Gale, John Brougham, Benjn. Mildmay, and Richd. Elliott, June 18. 1721. Geo. Townshend, sen., sir Marm. Wyvill, Christr. Montagu, Jas. Vernon, John Whetham, Roger Gale, John Brougham, Benjn. Mildmay, and Richd. Elliott, Mar. 15. 1722. Geo. Townshend, sen., Christr. Mon- tagu, Jas. Vernon, JohnWhetham, Roger Gale, John Brougham, Benjn. Mildmay, Richd. Elliott, and Geo. Duckett, Mar. 20. 1724. Geo. Townshend, sen., Christr. Montagu, Jas. Vernon, John Whetham, Roger Gale, Benjn. Mildmay, Richd. Elliott, Geo. Duckett, and Patrick Haldane, May 20. 1726. Geo. Townshend, sen., Christr. Montagu, Jas. Vernon, John Whetham, Roger Gale, Benjn. Mildmay, Richd. Elliott, Geo. Dackett, Patrick Haldane, and Chas. Polhill, June 22. Christr. Montagu, John Whetham, Roger Gale, Benjn. Mildmay, Richd. Elliott, Geo. Duckett, Patrick Haldane, Chas. Polhill, and John Fowle, jun., Oct. 11. 1727. Christr. Montagu, John Whetham, Roger Gale, Benjn. Mildmay, Richd. Elliott, Geo. Duckett, Chas. Polhill, John Fowle, and Thos. Wylde, Nov. 3. 380 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1728. Christr. Montagu. John Whetham, Roger Gale, Richd. Elliott, Geo. Duckett. Chas. Polhill, John Fowle, Thos. Wylde, and Jas. Vernon, June 26. 1729. Christr. Montagu, John Whetham, Roger Gale, Geo. Duckett, Chas. Polhill, John Fowle, Thoa. Wvlde, Jas. Vernon, and Robt. Eyre, May 21. 1732. Christr. Montagu, John Whetham, Roger Gale, Chas. Polhill, John Fowle, Thos. Wylde, Jas. Ver- non, Robt. Eyre, and Humphry Thayer, Oct. 20. 1735. John Whetham, Chas. Polhill, John Fowle, Thos. Wylde, Jas. Vernon, Robt. Eyre, Humphry Thaj-er, hon. Horatio Townshend, and sir Thos. Robinson, Nov. 1737. Chas. Polhill, John Fowle, Thos. Wylde, Jas. Vernon, Robt. Eyre, Humphry Thayer, hon. Horatio Townshend, sir Thos. Robinson, and Wm. Burton, Oct. 1738. Chas. Polhill, John Fowle, Thos. Wylde, Jas. Vernon, Robt. Eyre, hon. Horatio Townshend, sir Thos. Robinson, Wm. Burton, and John Orlebar, Jan. 1740. Chas. Polhill, John Fowle, Jas. Vernon, Robt. Eyre. hon. Horatio Townshend, sir Thos. Robinson, Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, and Aug. Earle, Nov. 1742. Chas. Polhill, John Fowle, Jas. Vernon, Robt. Eyre, hon. Horatio Townshend, Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, Aug. Earle, and David Papillon, Feb. 1750. Chas. Polhill, Jas. Vernon, Robt. Eyre, hon. Horatio Townshend, Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, Aug. Earle, David Papillon, and John Wyndham Bowyer, July. 1751. Chas!; Polhill, Jas. Vernon, Robt. Eyre, Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, Aug. Earle, David Papillon, John Wyndliam Bowyer, and Wm. Mellisb, Dec. 1753. Chas. Polhill, Jas. Vernon, Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, Aug. Earle, David Papillon, John Wyndham Bowyer, SVm. Mellish, and Fredk. Frankland, Feb. 1754. Chas. Polhill, Jas. Vernon, Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, Aug. Earle, John Wyndham Bowyer, Wm. Mellish, Fredk. Frankland, and David Papillon, jun., Apr. 1755. Jas. Vernon, Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, Aug. Earle, John Wynd- ham Bowyer, Wm. Mellish, Fredk. Frankland, David Papillon, Jan., and Wm. Cayley, Apr. 1756, 1758. 1760. 1762. 1763. 1765. 1766. 1767. 1772. 1774. Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, Aug. Earle, John Wyndham Bowyer, Wm. Mellish, Fredk. Frank - land, David Papillon, jun., Wm. Cayley, and Thos. Farrington, Apr. Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, Aug. Earle, John Wyndham Bowyer, Wm. Mellish, Fredk. Frankland, David Papillon, jun., Wm. Cay- ley, and Geo. Lewis Scott, Feb. Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, Aug. Earle, John Wyndham Bowyer, Fredk.Frankland, David Papillon, jun., Wm. Cayley, Geo. Lewis Scott, and Hy. Poole. Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, John Wyndham Bowyer, Fredk. Frank- land, David Papillon, Wm. Cay- ley, Geo. Lewis Scott. Hy. Poole, and Thou. Bowlby, June' 19. Wm. Burton. John Orlebar, John Wyndham Bo wyer,David Papillon, Wm. Cayley, Geo. Lewis Scott, Thos. Bowlby, Hy. Vernon, and John Bindley, Feb. 15. W'm. Burton, John Orlebar, John Wyndham Bowyer, David Papillon, Wm. Cayley, Geo. Lewis Scott. Thos. Bowlby, Hy. Vernon, and Richd. Bagot. Jan. 5. Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, John WyndhamBewyer, David Papillon, Wm. Cayley, Geo. Lewis Scott, Thos. Bowlby, Richd. Bagot. and sir Hy. Poole, bt., Aug. 24. Wm. Burton, John Wyndham Bowyer, David Papillon, Wm. Cayley, Geo. Lewis Scott, Thos. Bowlb}-, Richd. Bagot, sir Hy. Poole, bt., and Geo. Quarme. Wm. Burton, John Wyndham Bowj'or, David Papillon, Geo. Lewis Scott, Thos. Bowlby, Richd. Bagot, sir Hy. Poole, bt., Geo. Quarme, and Richd. Stonehewer, Jan. 17. Wm. Burton, John Wyndham Bowyer, David Papillon. Geo. Lewis Scott, Thos. Bowlby, Richd. Bagot, Geo. Quarme, Richd. Stonehewer, and Anthy. Lucas. Aug. 29. Wm. Burton, John Wyndham Bowyer, David Papillon. Geo. Lewis Scott,Thos. Bowlby, Richd. Bagot, Geo. Quarme, Anthy. Lucas, and Wm. Lowndes, Oct. 31. Wm. Burton, John Wj-ndham Bowyer, David Papillon, Geo. Lewis Scott. Thos. Bowlby, (Jeo. Quarme, Antliy. Lucas, Wm. Lowndes, and Wm. Burroll, May 14. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 281 177G. John Wj'ndham Bowyer, David Papillon,Geo. Lewis Scott, Anthy. Lucas, Wm. Lowndes, \Vm. Burrell, Stamp Brooksbank, John Pownall, and Heneage Legge, Oct. 31. 1780. David Papillon, Geo. Lewis Scott, Anthy. Lucas, Wm. Lowndes, Wm. Burrell, Stamp Brooksbank, John Pownall, Heneage Legge, and Chas. Garth, Dec. 2. 1781. David Papillon, Anthy. Lucas, Wm. Lowndes, Wm. Burrell, Stamp Brooksbank, John Pownall, Heneage Legge, Chas. Garth, and Martin Whish, Aug. 25. 1782. David Papillon, Anthy. Lucas, Wm. Lowndes, Wm. Burrell, Stamp Brooksbank, John Pownall, Chas. Garth, Martin Whish, and Geo. Jas. Cholmondeley, June 1. 1784. David Papillon, Anthy. Lucas, Wm. Lowndes, Wm. Burrell, Stamp Brooksbank, John Pownall, Martin Whish, Geo. Jas. Cholmon- deley, and Hy. Reveley, May 18. 1785. David Papillon, Anthy. Lucas, Wm. Lowndes, Wm. Burrell, Stamp Brooksbank, Martin Whish, Geo. Jas. Cholmondeley, Hy. Reveley, and hon. John Luttrell-Olmius, aft. E. of Carhampton, Feb. 5. 1789. David Papillon, Wm. Lowndes, Wm. Burrell, Stamp Brooksbank, Martin Whish, Geo. Jas. Chol- mondeley, Hy. Reveley, hon. John L.-Olmius, and Timothy Caswell, Sept. 12. 1790. Wm. Lowndes, Stamp Brooksbank, Martin Whish, Geo. Jas. Chol- mondeley, Hy. Revelej', hon. John L.-Olmius, Timothy Caswell, Robt. Nicholas, and John Buller, Mar. 31. 1792. Martin Whish, Wm. Lowndes, Geo. Jas. Cholmondeley, Hy. Reveley, hon. John L.-Olmius, Timothy Caswell, Robt. Nicholas, John Buller, and hon. Aug. Phipps, July 7. 1794. Martin Whish, Wm. Lowndes, Geo. Jas. Cholmondeley, Hy. Reveley, hon. John L.-Olmius, Timothy Caswell, Robt. Nicholas, hon. Aug. Phipps, and Wm. Jackson, Jan. 17. 1797. Martin Whish, Wm. Lowndes, Geo. Jas. Cholmondeley, hon. John L.- Olmius, Timothy Caswell, Robt. Nicholas, hon. Aug. Phipps, Wm. Jackson, and Richd. Spiller, Aug. 16. 1801. Martin Whish, Wm. Lowndes, hon. John L.-Olmius, Timothy Caswell, 1802. 1805. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1815. 1819. Robt. Nicholas, hon. Aug. Phipps, Wm. Jackson, Richd. Spiller, and Id. Geo. Seymour, July 24. Martin Whish, Wm. Lowndes, hon. John L.-Olmius, Robt. Nicholas, hon. Aug. Phipps, Wm. Jackson, Richd. Spiller, Id. Geo. Sey- mour, and Edwd. Fisher, Sept. 27. Martin Whish, Wm. Lowndes, hon. John L.-Olmius, Robt. Nicholas, hon. Aug. Phipps, Wm. Jackson, Richd. Spiller, Id. Geo. Seymour, and Geo. Watson, Sept. 14. Martin Whish, Wm. Lowndes, hon. John L.-Olmius, Robt. Nicholas, hon. Aug. Phipps, Wm. Jackson, Id. Geo. Seymour, Geo. Wat- son, and Alexr. Campbell, July 7. Martin Whish, hon. John L.-Olmius, Robt. Nicholas, hon. Aug. Phipps, Wm. Jackson, Id. Geo. Seymour, Geo. Watson, Alexr. Campbell, and Christr. Thompson Maling, July 22. Martin Whish, hon. John L.-Olmius, Robt. Nicholas, hon. Aug. Phipps, Id. Geo. Seymour, Geo. Watson, Alexr. Campbell, Christr. Thomp- son Maling, and Benjn. Syden- ham, July 15. Martin Whish, hon. John L.-Olmius, Robt. Nicholas, hon. Aug. Phipps, Id. Geo. Seymour, Geo. Watson, Alexr. Campbell, Benjn. Syden- ham, and Wm. Manley, July 14. Martin Whish, hon. John L.-Olmius, Robt. Nicholas, hon. Aug. Phipps, Id. Geo. Seymour, Alexr. Camp- bell, Benjn. Sydenham, Wm. Manley, and sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, Oct. 7. Martin Whish, hon. John L.-Olmius, Robt. Nicholas, hon. Aug. Phipps, Id. Geo. Seymour, Alexr. Camp- bell, Wm. Manley, sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, and sir John Cheetham Mortlock, Apr. 5. Hon. JohnL.-OImius,Robt. Nicholas, hon. Aug. Phipps, Id. Geo. Sey- mour, Alexr. Campbell, Wm. Manley, sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, sir John Cheetham Mortlock, and hon. Chas. Rodolph Trefusis, Oct. 15. Lord Geo. Seymour, chairman, sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, dep. ch., hon. John L.-Olmius, now E. of Carhampton, hon. Aug. Phipps, Alexr. Campbell, Wm. Manley, sir John Cheetham Mortlock, hon. Chas. Rodolph Trefusis, and Richd. Dawkins, Mar. 19. 283 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. On September 13, 1823, the consolidation of the Boards of Excise for England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland took place, and the commis- sioners from that time have been commissioners for the United Kingdom. Commissioners op Excise foe the United Kingdom. 1823. Ld.Geo. Seymour, cAa»V;nan, sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, dep. ch., John, E. of Carhampton, hon. Aug. Phipps, Alexr. Campbell, Wm. Manley, sir John Cheotham Mortlock, hon. Chas. Rodolph Trefusis, Richd. Dawkins, hon. Jas. Hewitt, Woodbine Parish, Wm. Plunkot, and John Back- house, Sept. Abraham Cutto, Patrick P. Fitz- patrick, Saml. Rose, and Jae. Cornwall, asst. commrs. , of whom the latter two retired in Sept. 1829, and the former two in May 1830. 1824. Lord Geo. Seymour, chairman, sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, dep. ch., John, E. of Carhampton, hon. Aug. Phipps, Alexr. Campbell, sir John Cheetham Mortlock, hon. Chas. Rodolph Trefusis, Richd. Dawkins, hon. Jas. Hewitt, Woodbine Parish, Wm. Plunkot, John Backhouse, and Hart Davis, Aug. 11. 182G. Lord Geo. Seymour, chairman, sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, dep. ch., hon. Aug. Phipps, Alexr. Camp- bell, sir John Cheetham Mortlock, hon. Chas. Rodolph Trefusis, hon. Jas. Hewitt, Woodbine Parish, Wm. Plunket, John Backhousa, Hart Davis, Thos. Harrison, and hon. Berkeley Paget, July 28. 1827. Lord Geo. Sej'mour, chairman, sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, dep. ch., hon. Aug. Phipps, Alexr. Camp- bell, sir John Cheetham Mortlock, hon. Chas. Rodolph Trefusis, hon. Jas. Hewitt, Woodbine Parish, Wm. Plunkot, Hart Davis, Thos. Harrison, hon. Berkeley Paget, and Thos., Id. Graves,. -July 24. / 1828. Lord Geo. Seymour, chairman, sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, dep. ch., Alexr. Campbell, sir John Cheet- ham Mortlock, hon. Chas. Ro- dolph Trefusis, hon. Jas. Hewitt, Woodbine Parish, Wm. Plunket, Hart Davis, Thos. Harrison, hen. Berkeley Paget, Thos., Id. Graves, and hon. Wm. 11 j. Percy, July 28. 1830. Lord Geo. Seymour, chairman, sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, dep. ch., Alexr. Campbell, sir John Cheet- ham Mortlock, hon. Chas. Ro- dolph Trefusis, hon. Jas. Hewitt, Woodbine Parish, Wm. Plunket, Hart Davis, Thos. Harrison, hon. Berkeley Paget, and hon. Wm. Hy. Percy, Feb. 1832. The same board, with the exception of Alexr. Campbell, hon. Jas. Hewitt, and Woodbine Parish, who ceased to be commrs. in Oct. this year. 1833. Lord Geo. Seymour, chairman, (until July this year), sir Fras. Hast- ings Doyle, dep. ch., sir John Cheetham Mortlock, hon. Chas. Rodolph Trefusis, aft. Id. Clinton, Wm. Plunket, Hart Davis, Thos. Harrison, hon. Berkeley Paget, and hon. Wm. Hy. Percy. 1834. Sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, chairman, Wm. Plunket, . ch., sir John Cheetham Mortlock, hon. Berkeley Paget, hon. Wm. Hy. Percy, Thos. Harrison, and Hy. Fredk. Stephenson. 1839. John Wood, chairman, Hart Davis, dep. ch., sir John Cheetham Mort- lock, hon. Berkeley Paget (until Nov. 22, 1842), hon. Wm. Hy. Percy, Thos. Harrison, Hj*. Fredk. Stephenson, and Chas. John Her- ries. The last app. Xov. 22, 1842. 1845. John Wood, chairman. Hart Davis, dfp. ch., sir John Cheetham Mort- lock (until Doc. this year), hon. Wm. Hy. Percy, Thos. Harrison, Hy. Fredk. Stephenson, Chas. John Herrios, and Chas. Ross. The last app. Dec. 13. 1849. John Wood, rhairmaii, John Thorn- ton, dep. ch., Thos. Harrison, Hy. Fredk. Stejjhenson, Chas. John Herries, C'has. Powlott Rush- worth, Alfred Montgomery, and Chas. Preasly, Jan. G. Consolidated with the Board of Stamps and Taxes. See Introduction, ante, p. 277, and '♦ CommisBioners of Inland Revenue," poAf, p. 285. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. COMMISSIONERS OF STAMP DUTIES FOR ENGLAND AND WALES. From the reiga of William III. to the consolidation of of the Board with the Board of Taxes in 1884. 1694. Christr. Montagu, John Stanley, Edwd. Lloyd, Hy. Cornish, Hy. Harris, Jacob Vanderesch, and Jas. Isaacson, commrs. for the several duties upon stamped vel- lum, parchment, and paper, to commence from June 28; May 21. 1698. John Stanley, Edwd. Lloyd, Hy. Cornish, Hy. Harris, Jacob Van- deresch, Jas. Isaacson, and Thos. Farrington, Sept. 13. 1700. Edwd. Lloyd, Hy. Cornish, Hy. Harris, Jas. Isaacson, Thos. Far- rington, Richd. Uthwayte, and Robt. Pooley, Dec. 7. 1702. Edwd. Lloyd, Hy. Cornish, Richd. Uthwayte, Robt. Pooley, and John Weneyve, June 13. Edwd. Lloyd, Hy. Cornish, Richd. Uthwayte, Robt. Pooley, and Richd. Dyott, Oct. 8. 1706. Edwd. Lloyd, Hy. Cornish, Robt. Poole, Richd. Dyott, and John Molesworth, June 26. 1708. Edwd. Lloyd, Robt. Pooley, Richd. Dyott, John Molesworth, and Richd. Martyn, May 1. 1710. Edwd. Lloyd, Robt. Pooley, Richd. Dyott, Richd. Martyn, and Richd. Steele, June 1. 1713. Robt. Pooley, Richd. Martyn, Richd. Steele, sir Brocas Gardiner, and Thos. Palmer, June 12. 1714. Robt. Pooley, Richd. Martyn, sir Brocas Gardiner, Thos. Palmer, and Chas. Vivian, Jan. 15. Sir Brocas Gardiner, Thos. Palmer, Chas. Vivian, Richd. Shelton, and Geo. Cowper, May 5. Richd. Martyn, Richd. Pye, Thos. Warner, Nichs. Carew, sen., and Roger Gale, Dec. 20. 1715. Sir Brocas Gardiner, Richd. Pye, Thos. Warner, Nichs. Carew, sen., and Roger Gale, May 4. Sir Brocas Gardiner, Richd. Pye, Thos. Warner, Nichs. Carew, sen., and Richd. Houlditch, Nov. 28. 1717. Sir Brocas Gardiner, Richd. Pye, Thos. Warner, Nichs. Carew, sen., and John Shutz, Feb. 21. 1721. Sir Brocas Gardiner, sir Richd. Pye, Thos. Warner, John Shutz, and Geo. Townshend, Jan. 29. Sir Brocas Gardiner, sir Richd. Pye, John Shutz, Geo. Townshend, jun., and John Turner, May 12. 1722. Sir Brocas Gardiner, John Shutz Geo. Townshend, jun., John Tur- ner, and John Shorter, Oct. 12. 1727. Sir Brocas Gardiner, John Shutz, John Turner, John Shorter, and Wm. Hewett, Mar. 17. 1729. Sir Brocas Gardiner, John Turner, John Shorter, Wm. Hewett, and Richd. Shelly, June 3. 1734. Sir Brocas Gardiner, John Shorter, Richd. Shelley, Wm. Fisher, and Burrington Goldsworthy, June 1. 1736. Sir Brocas Gardiner, John Shorter, Richd. Shelley, Wm. Fisher, and Brinley Skinner, May 6. 1737. Sir Brocas Gardiner, John Shorter, Richd. Shelly, Wm. Fisher, and Wm. Blair, Feb. 2. Sir Brocas Gardiner, Richd. Shelley, Wm. Blair, Matt. Kenrick, and John Bird, Apr. 2. 1739. Richd. Shelley, Wm. Blair, Matt. Kenrick, John Bird, and John Plumptree, jun., Feb. 7. 1742. Richd. Shelley, Wm. Blair, Matt. Kenrick. .John Plumptree, jun. ,and John Bernard, Aug. 30. 1754. Richd. Shelley, Wm. Blair, Matt. Kenrick, John Bernard, and Robt. Thompson, Apr. 15. 1755. Wm. Blair, Matt. Kenrick, John Bernard, Robt. Thompson, and Geo. Whitmore, Dec. 5. 1762. Wm. Blair, John Bernard, Robt. Thompson, Geo. Whitmore, and John Kenrick, Mar. 17. 1763. John Bernard, Robt. Thompson, sir Jas. Calder, Edwd. Tucker, and Marm. Gwynne, Feb. 8. 1764. John Bernard, sir Jas. Calder,Edwd. Tucker, Marm. Gwynne, and Jas. Bindley, Jan. 4. 1765. Wm. Blair, John Bernard, Geo. Whitmore, John Kenrick, and Jas. Bindley, Aug. 24. 1775. Wm. Blair, Geo. Whitmore, John Kenrick, Jas. Bindley, and Wm. Bailey, Aug. 3. 1776. Wm. Blair, John Kenrick, Jas. Bind- ley, Wm. Bailey, and Wm. Waller. 1778. John Kenrick, Jas. Bindley, Wm. Bailey, Wm. Waller, and Martin Whish, July 7. 1781. Jas. Bindley, Wm. Bailey, Wm. Waller, Richd. Tickel, and Goo. Jas. Cholmondeley, Aug. 24. 1782. Jas. Bindley, Wm. Bailey, Wm. 284 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Waller, Richd. Tickel, and hon. John Byng, June 1. 1783. Jas. Bindley, Wm. Bailey, Richd. Tickel, hon. John Byng, and Everard Fawkener. 1793. Jas. Bindley, Wm. Bailey, hon. John Byng. Everard Fawkener, and Chas. Mellish. 1795. Jas. Bindley, hon. John Byng, Everard Fawkener, Chas. Mellish, and Lewis Jenkins. 1797. Jas. Bindley, hon- John Byng, Everard Fawkener, Lewis Jen- kins, and Wm. Robt. Spencer. 1799. Jas. Bindley, Lewis Jenkins, Wm. Robt. Spencer, Warwick Lake, and Edwd. Finch Hatton. 1800. Jas. Bindley, Everard Fawkener, Lewis Jenkins. Wm. Robt. Spen- cer, and Warwick Lake. 1804. Jas. Bindley, Wm. Robt. Spencer, Warwick Lake, Edwd. Finch Hat- ton, and Lewis Jenkins. 1806. Gilbert Neville Neyle, cJudnnan, Jas. Bindley, Wm. Robt. Spencer, Warwick Lake, Edwd. Finch Hat- ton, Hy. Hallam, and Lewis Jen- kins. 1807. The same board, with the addition of Hy. Bouverie, vice Jenkins. 1817. Jas. Sedgwick, rhairinun, vice Xeyle, res. ; Jas. Bindley, Wm. Robt. Spencer, Warwick Lake, Edwd. Finch Hatton, Hy. Hallam, and Hy. Bouverie. 1819. Jas. Sedgwick, chairman, Wm. Robt. Spencer, Hy. Hallam, Hy. Bou- verie, John Kingston, Meyrick Shaw, and Haviland John Ad- dington. 1823. The same board, with the addition of Edwd. John Johnston, vice Mey- rick Shaw, and capt. Wm. A. Montagu, vice Bouverie, both res. 182G. The same board, with the addition of Hy. Seymour Montagu, vice Spen- cer, res. 1827. Hon. Jas. H. K. Stewart, chairman, John Thornton, capt. Wm. A. ^Montagu, Hy. Seymour Montagu, John Wm. Bowden, capt. Edwd. Saurin, k.n., and Richd. Wel- lesley. 1828. The same board, with the exception of hon. Jas. H. K. Stewart, in lieu of whom John Thornton became chairman. 1833. John Thornton, chairman, capt. Wm. A.Montagu, Hy. Seymour Montagu, John Wm. Bowden, capt. Edwd. Saurin, k.x., and Richd. Wellesley. John Wood, chairman, John Thorn- ton, dep. ch. Chas. Powlett Rush- worth, Hj'. Sej-mour Montagu, John Wm. Bowden, and capt. Edwd. Saurin, r.n. Consolidated with the Board of Taxes. See Introduction, ante, p. missioners of Stamps and Tas.es," post, p. 285. '7, and " Com- COMMISSIONERS FOR THE AFFAIRS OF TAXES. From the accessiou of George III. in 1760 to the consolidation of the Board with the Board of Stamps in 1834. * * Edwd. Younge, Hy.Kelsall,Christr. Rigby, Richd. Frankland, John Trenchard, and John Fane. 17G2. Edwd. Younge, Christr. Rigby, John Trenchard, John Fane, Geo. Quarme, and Thos. Wyndham, Feb. 15. Hy. Reade, Edwd. Yonge, Christr. Rigby, John Trenchard, John Fane, Geo. Quarme, and Thos. Wyndham, Apr. 27. Edwd. Younge, John Trenchard, Thos. Wyndham, Wm. Blair, Danl. Bull, Geo. Blount, and Thos. Bradshaw, Feb. 1. Edwd. Younge, John Trenchard, Thos. Wyndham, Danl. Bull, Geo. Blount, Thos. Bradshaw, and Christr. Rigby, July 24. Edwd. Younge, Christr. Rigby, John Trenchard, Thos. Wyndham, Danl. Bull, Geo. Blount, and Edwd. Tucker, Oct. 24. 17G3. 17C5. 1707. 1773. Chiistr. Rigby, John Trenchard, Thos. Wyndham, Danl. Bull, Geo. Blount, Chas. Deering, and John Eames, May 29. 1777. Christr. Rigbv, John Trenchard, Danl. Bull," Geo. Blount, Chas. Deering, John Eames, and Geo. Heathcote. 1783. John Trenchard, Danl. Bull, Geo. Blount, Chas. Deering, John Eames, Geo. Heathcote, and Alexr. Popliam. 1784. John Trenchard, Danl. Bull, Geo. Blount, Chas. Deering, John Eames, Geo. Heathcote, and Fras. Fownos Luttroll, Julj* (I. 1789. John Trenchard, Danl. Bull, (Jeo. Blount, Chas. Deering, John Eames, Fras. Fownes Luttrell, Alexr. Popham, and Wm. Lowndes. 1791. John Trenchard, (lOo. Blount, Chas. Deering, John Eames. Fras. Fownos Luttrell, Alexr. Popham THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 285 "Wm. Lowndes, and Barne Barne, Apr. 9. 1793. John Trenchard, Geo. Blount, Chas. Deering, John Eames, Alexr. Popham, Wm. Lowndes, Barne Barne, and Edwd. Meadows. 1795. John Trenchard, Geo. Blount, Chas. Deering, Alexr. Popham, Wm. Lowndes, Barne Barne, Edwd. Meadows, and Horace Hayes. 1798- Wm. Lowndes, Barne Barne, Edwd. Jleadows, Horace Hayes, Geo. Trenchard Goodenough, and Hy. Hodgson. 1804. Wm. Lowndes, Barne Barne, Edwd. Meadows, Hy. Hodgson, and Thos. Davis Lamb. 1806. Wm. Lowndes, Barne Barne, Edwd. Meadows, Hy. Hodgson, and Thos. Davis Lamb. 1810. Wm. Lowndes, Barne Barne, Hy. Hodgson, Thos. Davis Lamb, and Gabriel Tucker Steward. 1818. Wm. Lowndes, Barne Barne, Thos. Consolidated with the Board of Stamps. See Introduction, ante, p. 277, and " Commissioners of Stamps and Taxes," infra. Davis Lamb, Gabriel Tucker Steward, and Chas. Powlett Rushworth. 1819. Wm. Lowndes, Barne Barne, Ga- briel Tucker Steward, Chas. Powlett Rushworth, and Wm. Rigby Bradshaw. 1820. Wm. Lowndes, Gabriel Tucker Steward, Chas. Powlett Rush- worth, Wm. Rigby Bradshaw, and Sir Hy. Campbell. 1823. Robt. Mitford, Gabriel Tucker Steward, Chas. Powlett Rush- worth, Wm. Rigby Bradshaw^ and Sir Hy. Campbell. 1828. Robt. Mitford, Chas. Powlett Rush- worth, Wm. Rigby Bradshaw^ and sir Hy. Campbell. 1833. John Wood, chairman, John Thorn- ton, dep. ch., Chas. Powlett Rush- worth, Hy. Seymour Montagu^ John Wm. Bowden, and Capt. Edwd. Saurin, k.n. COMMISSIONERS OF STAMPS AND TAXES. Under 4 & 5 Will. IV. cap. 60. 1834. John Wood, chairman, John Thorn- ton, dep. ch. , Chas. Powlett Rush- worth, Hy, Seymour Montagu, John Wm. Bowden, and Capt. Edwd. Saurin, r.n. 1838. Lewis Wickham, chairman, John Thornton, dep.-ch., Chas. Powlett Rushworth, Hy. Seymour Monta- gu, John Wm. Bowden, and Capt. Edwd. Saurin, r.n. Mr. Wood, previously chairman of this board, was appointed chairman of the board of Ex- cise. Consolidated with the Board of Excise '• Commissioners of Inland Revenue," infra. 1840. The same board, with the exception of John Wm. Bowden, deceased. 1846. Hy. Lewis Wickham, chairman, John Thornton, dep. ch., Chas. Powlett Rushworth, Hy. Seymour Monta- gu, and Alfred Montgomery, vice Saurin, transf. to the Board of Customs. 1849. John Wood, chairman, John Thorn- ton, dep. ch., Thos. Harrison, Hy. Fredk. Stephenson, Chas. John Herries, Chas. Powlett- Rushworth, Alfred Montgomery, and Chas. Pressly. Jan. 6. See Introduction, ante, p. 277, and COMMISSIONERS OF Under 12 «fc ] S Original Board. Where marked " ceased " the vacancy was not filled up. 1849. John Wood, chairman. John Thornton, dep. ch., ceased 1855. Thos. Harrison, d. May 6, 1851. Hy. Fredk. Stephenson. Chas. John Herries, dep. ch. 1857, vice Pressly ; chairman Aug, 15, 1877, vice W. H. Stephenson. INLAND REVENUE. > Vict. cap. 1. 1849. Chas. Powlett Rushworth, ceased 1855. Alfred Montgomery, ceased 1881-2. Chas. Pressly, dep. ch. 1855, vice Thornton ; chairman 1857, vice Wood. Spbsequent Appointments. 1855. Hy. Roberts, vice Thornton or Rush- worth. 1858. Sir. Alexr. Wood. Duff Gordon, vice THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1858. Jas. Disraeli, vice H. F. Stephenson ; d. 1869. 1863. Wm. Hy. Stephenson, aft. sir W., K.c.B. ; commr. and chairman, vice Pressly. 1872. Algernon Edwd. West, aft. sir A., vice Gordon ; dep. ch. Aug. 15, 1877, rue Herries; chairman 1881, vice Herries. 1874. Major Hon. Chas. Jas. Keith-Fal- coner, vice Roberts, i' '-.v.uV^ 1877. Walter StafiFord Northcote, aft. vise. St. Cyres and E. of Iddesleigh Aug. 15, vice Stephenson ; dep. ch. 1886, vice young;fA- ''-'^^i. Nf^: 1881. Adam Young, commr., t-jce Herries, and dep. ch., vice West. 1882. John Arthur Godley, c.u., vice Montgomery. /.T^TTr'; . . '/,^,,a.^ 1883. Fredk. Lacey Robinson, vice Godley. ' 1888. Sidney Fras. Godolphin Osborne, vice Young. iF/ji. V>i**''^ Biiw'i-o c.fiA-:i^.\.jcyi- ^'^"■^W?'i.<;sct-/ir/.t >, u^tnVi •i^ad/.^, ' LORD HIGH STEWARDS OF ENGLAND. This office is of great antiquity, having been established prior to the reign of Edward the Confessor. The Lord High Steward was the prime officer under the king, the office was annexed to the lordship of Hinckley, in Leicestershire, and this lordship belonging to the family of Montfort, earls of Leicester, they were in right of it, Lord High Stewards of England. But Simon de Montfort, the last earl of this family, having made a bad use of the power which this office gave him, raised a rebellion against his sovereign Henry HI., and was attainted and his estate forfeited. Henry and his successors in some measure abolished the office, and it is now only revived pro hue vice, to officiate at a coronation or on the trial of a peer. LoED High Stewards op England from the Restoration op King Charles II. 16G1 1666. 1676. 1677. 1679. 1680. 1686. 1689. Jas. . D. of Onnond ; for the coron of Charles II., crowned Apr. 23. Edwd. , E. of Clarendon, Id. chanc. ; for the trial of Thos., Id. Morley and iIontenf(le, Apr. 12. Heneage, Id. Finch, Id. chanc. ; for the trial of Chas., Id. Cornwallis, Jvme 15. The same ; for the trial of Philip, E. of Pembroke and Montgomery, Mar. 18. The same ; for the trial of Thos., E. of Danby, May 10. The same ; for the trial of Wm. , E. of Powis ; Wm., vise. Stafford ; Hy., Id. Arundel of Wardour; Wm., Id. Potre; and John, Id. Belasyse, May 27. The same; for the trial of Wm., vise. Staflford, Nov. 30. Jas., D. of Ormond ; for the coron. of Jas. II., crowned Apr. 23. Geo., Id. JelTreyH, Id. chanc. ; for the trial of Uy., Id. Delamero, Jan. 9. Wm., E. of Devonshire; for the coron. of William III. and Mary II., crowned Apr. 11. 1692. Thos., M. of Carmarthen; for the trial of Chas., Id. Mohun, Mar. 25. 1699. John, Id. Somers, Id. chanc. ; for the trial of Edwd. Hy., E. of Warwick and Holland, and of Chas., Id. Mohun, Jan. 31. 1702. Wm., D. of Devonshire; for the coron. of Queen Anne, crowned Apr. 13. 1714. Chas., D. of Grafton, for the coron. of George I. , crowned Oct. 20. 1716. Wm. , Id. Cowpor, Id. chanc. ; for the trial of Jas., E. of Derwont- watcr; Wm., Id. Widdrington; Wm., E. of Nithsdalo; Hobt.. E. of Carnwath; Wm., vise. Ken- mure ; and Wm. , Id. Xairno, Jan. 10. The same; for tho trial of Geo., E. of Wintoun, Mar. 15. 1717. The same; for tho trial of Robt., E. of Oxford and E. Mortimer, Juno 24. 1725. Peter, Id. King, Id. chanc. ; for tho THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. trial of Thos., E, of Macclesfield, May 14. 1727. Lionel Cranfield, D. of Dorset ; for the coron. of George II., crowned Oct. 11. 1746. Philip, Id. Hardwicke, Id. chanc. ; for the trial of Wna., E. of Kil- marnock ; Geo.,E. of Cromarty; and Arthur, Id. Balmerino, July 5. 1747. The same ; for the trial of Simon, Id. Lovat, Mar. 9. 1760. Robt., Id. Henley, Id. keeper; for the trial of Lawrence, Earl Fer- rers, Apr. 1761. Wm., Earl Talbot ; for the coron. of George III. , crowned Sept. 22. 1765. Robt., E. of Northington, Id. chanc; for the trial of Wm. Byron, Id. Byron, May. 1776. Hy. , E. Bathurst, Id. chanc. ; for 'the trial of Elizth. Chudleigh, duchess of Kingston, Feb. 10. 1788. Edwd., Id. Thurlow, Id. chanc. ; for the trial of Warren Hastings, Feb. 12. 1793. Alexr., Id. Loughborough, Id. chanc; for the trial of the same, Jan. 28. This trial continued seven years, and ended in the acquittal of Mr. Hastings, Apr. 23, 1795. 1806. Thos., Id. Erskine, Id. chanc ; for the trial of Hy., vise Melville, Apr. 29. 1821. Hy. Wm., M. of Anglesey; for the coron. of George IV., crowned July 19. 1831. Alexr., D.of Hamilton ; for the coron. of William IV. , crowned Sept. 8. 1838. The same ; for the coron. of Queen Victoria, crowned June 28. 1841. Thos., Id. Denman, 1. c. j. of the queen's bench; for the trial of Jas. Thos. Brudenell, E. of Car- digan, Feb. 16. LORD GREAT CHAMBERLAINS OF ENGLAND AND THEIR DEPUTIES. This office is hereditary, is of great antiquity, and was anciently of much importance. It was granted by Henry I. to the family of De Vere, earls of Oxford, by whom it was enjoyed for nearly six centuries. On the death of the 18th earl of Oxford, of this family, without issue, in 1625, both the office and earldom were claimed, together with other titles, by Robert Bertie, baron Willoughby De Eresby, in right of his mother, who was sister and heiress of Edward, 17th earl of Oxford. The earldom was awarded by the house of lords to the heir male colla- teral, in whose son it became extinct ; while the office of Hereditary Great Chamberlain was adjudged to be descendible through heirs female, and was consequently confirmed to lord Willoughby De Eresby, who took his seat in the house of lords in that capacity in 1626. This nobleman was created duke of Ancaster and Kesteven in July 1715, and the office descended uninterruptedly in his family until the death of the 4th duke in 1779, when the barony of Willoughby De Eresby fell into abeyance, and the chamberlainship was claimed by five distinct branches of the family. The house of lords decided that it became vested in the two sisters of the deceased 4th duke jointly, and that they were competent to appoint a deputy. In favour of the elder of these sisters the abeyance of the barony of Willoughby De Eresby was ter- minated, and she became a baroness in her own right. The second sister married into the family of Cholmondeley. Lord GtReat Chamberlains of England from 1626. King Chakles I. 1626. Robt., Id. Willoughby De Eresby, by descent from the De Veres, earls of Oxford ; cr. E. of Lindsey ; killed at the battle of EduehilL Oct. 23, 1642. 1642. Montagu, E. of Lindsey. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. King Charles II. 1666. Robt., 3rd E. of Lindsey. King William III. 1701. Robt., 4th E. of Lindsey; cr. M. of Lindsey in 170G, and D. of Ancaster and Kesteven in 1715. King Geokgb I. 1723. Peregrine, 2nd D. of Ancaster and King George II. 1742. Peregrine, 3rd D. of Ancaster and Kesteven. King George III. 1778. Robt., 4th D. of Ancaster and Kes- teven ; d. July 8, 1779. 1779. The oflBce vacant, and the claim to it in dispute for upwards of a year. 1780. Priscilla Barbara Elizth. , lady Wil- loughby De Eresby, andGeorgiana, countess, aft. marchs. of Chol- mondely, jointly ; the baroness d. Dec. 2, 1879. 1879. Wm. Hy. Hugh, 3rd M. of Ghol- mondeley, and Clementina Elizth., lady Willoughby De Eresby, and Chas. Robt., Id. Carrington, joint- ly. The M, of Gholmondeley d. Dec. 16, 1884. 1884. Geo. Hy. Hugh, 4th M. of Ghol- mondeley, ClementinaElizth., lady Willoughby De Eresby, and Chas. Robt., Id. Carrington, jointly. Deputy Great Chamberlains of England. 1780. Sir Peter Burrell, bt., husband of Priscilla Barbara Elizth. , lady Wil- loughby d'Eresby, aft. Id. Gwy- dyr ; as deputy to his wife, and for Georgiana, countess and aft. marchs. of Gholmondeley. 1821. Peter Robt., Id. Gwydyr, aft. Id. Willoughbj' De Eresb}', as deputy to lady Willoughby De Eresby and the marchs. of Gholmondeley, above named ; succ. to the ofBce 1871. 1879. in his own right on the death of his mother in 1828; vide supra. Gilbert Hy. , Id. Aveland, as deputy to Clementina Elizth., dowager lady Aveland, aft. lady Willoiighby De Eresby, and Charlotte Augusta Annabella, dowager lady Car- rington, vide xupra. Gilbert Hy., Id. Aveland, as deputy to lady Willoughby De Eresby, above named. LORD HIGH CONSTABLES OF ENGLAND. The office of Constable existed before the conquest, and seems to have been instituted by the Saxons. It was granted in the reign of Stephen to Milo de Gloucester, earl of Hereford, and went with inheritanci', and by the tenure of certain manors in Gloucestershire,* by grand sergean- try, into the family of the Bohuns, earls of Hereford and Essex, and afterwards into the family of Stafford, as heirs-general to them. In * The castle of Cnldocot or Caldocote, near Chepstow, in ^fonmouthshire, was the residence of the Lord High Constables of England, and was held by them in virtue of their office. THE BOOK OF DIG>^ITIES. 1521 this office became forfeited to the king ia the person of Edward Stafford, duke of Buckingham, who was in that year attainted of high treason, and it then ceased to be hereditary. The Lord High Constable is now only appointed pro hdc vice, to officiate at coronations or at trials by combat. Lord High Constables at Coronations from that of Edward VL King Edward VI. 15i7. Hy., M. of Dorset, aft. D. of Suffolk. The king crowned, Sunday, Feb. 20. QcEEN Mary. 1553. Wm., E. of Arundel. The queen crowned, Oct. 1. Queen Elizabeth. 1559. Hy., E. of Arundel. The queen crowned, Jan. 15. King James I. 1603. Edwd., E. of Worcester. The king crowned, with his queen, Anne, July 25. King Charles I. 1626. Geo., D. of Buckingham. The king crowned, with his queen, Hen- rietta Maria, Feb. 2. King Charles II. 1661. Algernon, E. of Northumberland. The king crowned, Apr. 23. King James II. 1685. Hy., D. of Grafton. The king crowned, Apr. 23. William and :Maey. 1689.;^ Jas., D. of Ormond. The king and queen crowned, Apr. 11. Queen Axne- 1702. Wriothesley, D. of Bedford. The queen crowned, Apr. 13. Kjng George I 1714. John, D. of Montagu, crowned, Oct. 20. The king King George II. 1727. Chas., D. of Richmond, Lenox, and Aubigny. The king crowned, with his queen, Wilhelmina Caroline, Oct. 11. King George III. 1761. John, D. of Bedford. The king crowned, with his queen, Char- lotte Sophia, Sept. 22. King George IV. 1821. Arthur, D. of Wellington. The king crowned, July 19. EliNG William IV. 1831. The same. The king crowned, with his queen, Adelaide, Sept. 8. Queen Victoeia. 1838. The same. The queen crowned, June 28. EARL MARSHALS AND THEIR DEPUTIES. See Part V., " Heraldic," j^osf. THE LORD STEWARD'S DEPARTMENT. LORD STEWARDS OF THE HOUSEHOLD. King Henry VH. * * Robert, Id. Brooke. 1502. Sir Gilbert Talbot. King Henry VIIL 1509. Geo., E. of Shrewsbury. 1541. Chas., D. of Suffolk. 19 290 / THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1644. Wm., Id. St. John of Basing, aft. E. of Wiltshire, and M. of Win- chester. King Edward VI. 1547. Wm., Id. St. John, contd. 1551. John, D. of Northumberland, be- headed in 1553. Queen Mary. 1553. Hy., E. of Arundel. QUEEK ElIZAIJETH. 1568. Hy., E. of Arundel, contd. 1568. Wm., E. of Pembroke. 1570. Robt., E. of Leicester. 1588. Wm. , Id. St. Jonn of Basing, eldest son to the M. of Winchester. King James I. 1603. Chas., E. of Nottingham. 1618. Ludovick, D. of Richmond and Lenox. 1623. Jas., M. of Hamilton and E. of Cam- bridge. King Charles I. 1625. Wm., E. of Pembroke, d. in 1630. The olEce vacant for some years. 1640. Thos., E. of Arundel and Surrey. 1644. Jas., D. of Richmond and Lonox. King Charles U. 1660. Jas., D. of Ormond. King James II. 1685. Jas.,D. of Ormond, contd. King William HI. 1689. Wm., E., aft. Ist D. of Devonshire. Queen Anne. 1702. Wm., 1st D. of Devonshire, contd. ; d. Aug. 18, 1707. 1707. Wm., 2nd D. of Devonshire, Sept. 8. 1710. John, D. of Buckinghamshire and Noi-mandy. 1711. John, E. Paulet. King George I. 1714. Wm., 2nd D. of Devonshire, again. 1716. Hy., D. of Kent. 1718. John, D. of Argyle and Greenwich. 1725. Lionel Cranlicld, D, of Dorset. King George II. 1727. Lionel Cranficld, D. of Dorset, contd. 1730. Philip Dormer, E. of Chesterfield. 1733. Wm., 3rd D. of Devonshire. 1737 liiouel Cranlield, 1). of Dorset, again. 1744 Wm , 3rd D. of Devonshire, again. 1749. Chas., D. of Marlborough, June 12. 1755. John, D. of Rutland. 17C0. 1761. 17S2. 1783. 1789. 1799. 1802. 1804. 1812. King George IIL John, D. of Rutland, contd. Wm.. E. of Talbot. Fredk., E. of Carlisle, May 4. Chas., D. of Rutland, Feb. 14. William, E. of Dartmouth, Apr. 9. Jas.,D. of Chandos, Dec. 26; d. Oct., 1789. John Fredk. , D. of Dorset, Oct. 7. Geo., E. of Leicester, Feb. 20. Geo., E. of Dartmouth, Aug. 15. Heneage, E. of Aylesford, May 30. Geo. Jas., E., aft. M. of Cholmonde- ley, Feb. 19. King George IV. 1821. Hy., M. of Conj-ngham, Dec. 11. King William IV. 1830. Richd., D. of Buckingham and Chandos, July 16. Richd. , marq. Wellesley, Nov. 23. 1833. Geo. Wm., D. of Arg:i-ll, Sept. 12. 1835. Thos., E. of Wilton, Jan. 5. Geo. Wm., D. of Argyll, again, Ajir. 23. Qdeen Victoria. 1839. Wm. Geo., E. of ErroU, Nov. 15. 1841. Chas. Cecil, E. of Liverpool, Sept. 3. 1846. Hugh, E. Fortescue, July 9. 1850. Richd., M. of Westminster, Mar. 22. 1852. Jas., D. of Montrose, k.t., Feb. 27, G. 1853. Hy. Chas., D. of Norfolk, k.g., Jan. 4, G. 1854. Fredk., E. Spencer, k.g., Jan. 10, G. 1857. Edwd. Granville, E. of St. Germans, G.C.B., Nov. 23, G. 1858. Bro'^^•nlo^v, M. of Exeter, k.g., Feb. 20, G. 1859. Edwd. Granville, E. of St. Germans, G.C.B., again, June 18, G. 1866. John Geo. Brabazon, E. of Bess- borough, Jan. 20, G. John Winston, D. of Marlborough, July 10, G. 1867. Chas., E. of Tankerville, Mar. 19, G. 1808. John Geo. Brabazon, E. of Bess- borough, ai/ain. Doc, 12, sw. 1874. Fredk., E. Boauchamp, Mar. 2, G. 1880. John Robt., Earl Sydney, o.c.a. May 3, G. 1885. Wm. Hy., E. of Mount-Edgcumbe, Jmie 27, sw. 1886. John Robt., Earl Sydney, G.C.B., again, Feb. 10. G. Wm". Hy., E. of Mount-Edgcumbe^ . , , again. Aug. 10, G. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 291 TREASURERS OF THE HOUSEHOLD. King Henkt VII. * * Sir Richd. Croft. 1500. Sir Thos. Lovell. King Henry VHI. 1521. Sir Thos.Boleyn (father of Q. Anna Boleyn), aft. vise. Rochford and E. of Wiltshire, Dec. 1537. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, aft. E. of Southampton. 1538. Sir Wm. Paulet, aft. Id. St. John of Basing, E. of Wiltshire and M. of Winchester. 1541. Sir Thos. Cheney. King Edward VI. 1547. Sir Thos. Cheney, contd. Queen Mart. The office vacant. Queen Elizabeth. 1560. Sir Thos. Parry. * * Sir Edwd. Montagu. 1586. Sir Eras. Knollys, k.g. 1597. Roger, Id. North. 1601. Sir Wm. Knollys. King James I. 1603. Sir Wm. Knollys, contd. ; aft. Id. Knollys, vise. Wallingford, and E. of Banbury. 1616. Edwd., Id. Wotton. 1618. Sir Thos. Edmonds. Ejng Charles I. 1625. Sir Thos. Edmonds, contd. 1639. Sir Hy. Vane, sen. 1641. Thos., vise. Savile, in Ireland, and Id. Savile of Pomfret, in Eng- land. King Charles H. 1660. SirFredk. Cornwallis, bt., aft. Id. Cornwallis. 1663. Chas., vise. Fitz-Harding, of Ire- land. 1668. Sir Thos. Clifford, Id. Clifford of Chudleigh. 1672. Fras., Id. Newport, aft. vise. New- port and E. of Bradford. King James H. 1686. Wm., E. of Yarmouth. King William III. 1689. Fras., Id. Newport, again. Queen Anne. 1702. Fras., now E. of Bradford, contd. 1708. Hugh, E. of Cholmondeley. 1712. Geo., E. Lansdowne of Bideford, Aug. 18. King George I. 1714. Hugh, E. of Cnolmondeley, again. 1725. Paul Methuen, aft. sir P., k.'b. King George II. 1727. Sir Paul Methuen, contd. 1730. Robt, Id. Birigley. 1731. John, Id., aft. E. De la Warr, K.B., June 12. 1737. Benjn., E. Fitzwalter. 1755. John, Id. Berkfley of Stratton. 1756. John, vise. Bateman, Nov. 19. 1757. Percy, E. of Thorn ond, July 8. King George III. 1760. Percy, E. of Thomond, contd. 1761. Hy. Arthur, E. of Powis. 1765. Geo., Id. Edgeumbe, aft. vise. Mount Edgeumbe. 1766. John Shelly, aft. sir J. 1777. Fredk., E. of Carlisle, June 13. 1779. Geo., Id. Onslow and Cranley. 1780. Jas., vise. Cranbourn, aft. E. of Salisbury, Sept. 1782. Thos., E. of Effingham, Apr. 10. 1783. Hon. Chas. Gieville, Apr. 1784. Jas., E. of Courtown, Aug. 1793. Jas. Geo., vise. Stopford, June 20. 1806. Chas. Aug., Id. Ossulston, Feb. 12. 1807. Jas. Geo., vise. Stopford, again, Mar. 31 ; aft. E. of Courtown. 1812. Robt., vise. Jocelyn, May 8. Lord Wm. Chas. Cavendish Ben- tinck, July 29. King George IV. 1826. Sir Wm. Hy. Fremantle, Apr. 29. King William IV. 1830. Sir Wm. Hy. Fremantle, contd. Queen Victoria. 1837. Hy. Chas., E. of Surrey, July 19. 1841. Geo. Stevens Byni(,aft. Id. Strafford, vise. Enfield, and E. of Strafford, June 23. Fredk. Wm., Earl Jermyn, Sept. 9. 1846. Lord Robt. Groavenor, Aug. 4. 1847. Lord Arthur Marcus Cecil Hill, July 22. 1852. Lord Claude Hamilton, Feb. 27, G. 1853. Geo. Aug. Constantino, E. of Mul- grave, aft. M. of Normanby, Jan. 4, G. 1858. Lord Claude Hamilton, again, Feb. 26, G. 1859. Hon. Wm. Coutts Keppel, c.c. vise. Bury, June 23, G. 19 • 292 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1860. Hon. Otho Aug. Fitzgerald, c.c. Id. Otho Fitzgerald, May 8, G. Wm. Alleyne Cecil, c.c. Id. Burgh- ley, July 10, G. 1867. Hon. Percy Egerton Herbert, c.B., Feb. 27, G. 1868. Geo., Id. de Tabley, Dec. 12, G. 1872. Aug. Fredk. Geo. Warwick, Id. Poltimore, Mar. 1, G. 1874. Wm. John, Id. Monson, Jan. 1, G. 1874. Hon. Hy. Geo. Percy, c.c. E. Percy, Mar. 2, G. 1875. Hon. Hv. Frcdk. Thynne, c.c. Id. Hj'. fhvnne, Dec. 14, G. 1880. Gavin, E. of Broadalbane, May 3, G. 1885. Wm. Pleydell-Bouverie, c.c. vise. Folkestone, June 27, G. 1886. Victor Alosr., E. of Elgin and Kin- cardine, Feb. 17, G. Wm. Pleydell-Bouverie, c.c. vise. Folkestone, again, Aug. 5, G. ' ''c COMPTROLLERS OF THE HOUSEHOLD. King Henry VII. * * Sir Richd. Edgcumbe. King Henry VIII. * * Sir Edwd. Povnings. 1537. Sir John Riissell, aft. Id. Russell and E. of Bedford. 1542. Sir John Gage. King Edward VI. 1547. Sir John Gage, contd. Sir Wm. Paget, aft. Id. Paget. 1550. Sir Anthy. Wingfield. Queen Mary. 1553. SirRobt. Rochester, k.g. 1557. Sir Thos. Cornwallis, Queen Elizabeth. 1558. Sir Thos. Parry. 15G0. SirEdwd. Rogers. 1505. Sir Jas. Crofts. 1588. Sir Eras. Knollys. 1590. Sir Wm. Knollys, (his son), aft. Id. Knollys and vise. Walling- ford. 1601. Sir Edwd. Wotton, aft. Id. Wotton. King James I. 1603. Sir Edwd., now Id. Wotton, contd. Sir Hy. Carey. 1616. Sir Thos. Edmondes, k.b. 1618. Sir Hv. Carey, aft. vise. Falkland. 1G21. Sir John Suckling. King Charles I. 1625. Sir John Savile, aft. Id. Savile, and E. of Sussex. 1628. Sir Hy. Vane, sen. 1760 1640. Sir Thos. Jermyn. 1761. 1041 Sir Peter Wyche. 1642. Sir Christr. Hatton, aft. Id. 1762. Haiton. 1763. 1765. King Charles II. 1660. Sir Chas. Berkeley, aft. vise. Fitz- 1774. harding. 1777 1660. Sir Hugh Pollard, k.b. 1779. 1666. Sir Thos. Clififord, aft. Id. Clifford of Chudleigh. 1668. Eras., Id. Newport, aft. vise. New- port and E. of Bradford. 1672. Wm., Id. Maynard. King James II. 1685. Hy., Id. Waldegrave. King William III. 1689. Hon. Thos. Wharton, aft. Id., E. , and M. of Wharton. Queen Anne. 1702. Sir Edwd. Sevmour, bt. 1704. Sir Thos. Mansell, bt., aft. Id. Mansell, Apr. 27. 1708. Hugh, E. of Cholmondelev, May. Sir Thos. Felton, bt., Oct. 1709. Sir John Holland, bt., June 2. 1711. Sir Thos. Mansell, bt., aft. Id. Mansell, again. 1712. Geo., Id. Lansdowne of Bideford. 1713. Sir John Stonehouse, bt. King George I. 1714. Hugh Boscawen, aft. vise. Falmouth. 1720. Paul Methucn. aft. sir P., k.b. 1725. Daniel, Id. Finch, aft. E. of Win- chclsea and Nottingham. King George II. Danl., Id. Finch, contd. Hon. sir Conyers D'Arcy, June 11. Wills, E. of Hillsborough. John, Id. Ilobart, aft. E. of Buck- inghamshire. Hon. Richd. Edgcumbe, aft. Id. Edgcumbe, Nov. 19. King George III. Richd., Id. Edgcumbe, contd. Ily. Arthur, E. of Powis, May 31. Lord (ieo. Cavendish, Nov. Lord Chas. Spencer. Ilumphroy Morrice, Jan. 10. Thos. Polham, aft. Id. Pelham, Sept. 6. Sir Wm. Meredith, bt., Mar. 9. Geo., Id. Onslow and Cranley. Sir Richd. Worsley, bt. 1727. 1730. 1754. 1755. 1756. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 293 1782. Peter, earl Lndlow. 1784. Robt, vise. Gal way. 1787. Hon. John Chas. Yilliers, Feb. 19. 1790. Hon. Dudley Ryder, aft. Id. Harrowby, Feb. 27. 1791. Geo., vise. Parker, aft. E. of Maccles- field, Apr. 21. 1797. Lord Chas. Hy. Somerset, Apr. 27. 1804. Lord Geo. Thynne, May 31. 1812. Lord Geo. Thos. Beresford, July 29. KiKG George IY. 1820. Lord Geo. Thos. Beresford, contd. King William IV. 1830. Lord Robt. Grosvenor, Nov. 23. 1834. Hon. Hv. Thos. Lowry Corry, Dec. 29. 1835. Geo. Stevens Byng, aft. Id. Strafford, vise. Enfield, and E. of Strafford, May 7. Queen Victokia. 1837. Geo. Stevens Byng, contd. 1841. Lord Arthur Marcus Cecil Hill, June 23. 1841. Hon. Geo. Lionel Dawson Darner, Sept. 9. 1846. Lord A. M. C. Hill, injain, July 7. 1847. Hon. Wm. Sebright Lascelles, July 22. 1851. Geo. Aug. Constantine, E. of Mul- grave, aft. M. of Normanby, July 23 1852. Geo. Cecil Weld Forester, Feb. 27, G. 1853. Archibald, vise. Drumlanrig, aft. M. of Queensberry, Jan. 4, G. 1856. Hon. Val. Aug. Browne, c.c. vise. Castlerosse, aft. E. of Kenmare, July 25, G. 1858. Geo. Cecil Weld Forester, again, Feb. 26, G. 1859. Hon. Granville Leveson, c.c. Id. Proby, June 23, G. 1866. Hon. Chas. Philip Yorke, c.c. vise. Rovston, July 10, G. 1868. Hon. 'Otho Aug. Fitzgerald, c.c. Id. Otho Fitzgerald, Dec. 12, G. 1874. Hon. Hy. Richd. Chas. Somerset, c.c. Id. Hy. Somerset, Mar. 2, G. 1879. Hon. Hugh De Grey Seymour, c.c. E. of Yarmouth, Feb. 4, G. 1880. Wm. , Id. Kensington, May 3, G. 1885. Arthur Wm. Hill, c.c. Id. Arthur Hill, June 27, G. 1886. Hon. Edwd. Majoribanks, Feb. 10, G. 1886. Arthar Wm. Hill, c.c. Id. Arthur Hill, again, Aug. 5, G. COFFERERS OF THE HOUSEHOLD. This office was abol shed in 1782 by 22 Geo. III. cap. 82, and the duties transferred to the lord steward and the paymaster of the house- hold. Cofferers of the Household. Fi'om the reign of Queen Eliz ibeth to the abolition of the office in 1782. Queen Elizabeth. * * Sir Hy. Cocks. King James I. 1603. Sir Richd. Vernou. 1615. Sir Arthur Ingram. 1620. Sir Marmaduke Darrell. King Charles I. 1625. Sir Hy. Vane. 1628. Sir John Suckling. 1642. Wm. Ashburnham. King Charles II. * * Wm. Ashburnham, contd. King James II. * * Sir Peter Apsley. King William III. * * Hy. Herbert, aft. Id. Herbert of Chirbury, Queen Anne. 1702. Sir Benjn. Bathurst. 1704. Hon. Fias. Godolphin, aft. vise. Rialton, and E. of GodoljAin. 1711. Saml. Masham, aft. Id. Masham. King George I. 1714. Francis, E. of Godolphin, ar/ain. 1723. Wm. Pultenev, aft. E. of Bath. 1725. Hy., 7th E. of Lincoln. King George II. 1727. Hy., E. of Lincoln, contd. 1730. Horace Walpole, aft. Id. Walpole. 1741. Sir Wm. Y'onge, bt. and K.b. 1743. Saml., Id. Sandys. 1744. Edmd. Waller. 1746. Hy., 9th E. of Lincoln, aft. D. of Newcastle. 1754. Sir Geo. Lyttelton, bt., aft. Id. Lyttelton. 1755. Thos., D. of Leeds. 294 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. King George III. 1774. Jeremiah Dyson. 1760. Thos., D. of Leeds, rontd. 1776. Hans Stanley, nfjain. 1761. Hon. Jas. Grenville, Apr. 17. 1780. Fras., vise. Beauchamp, aft. 2nd Percy, E. of Thomond, Nov. 18. E. of Yarmouth and M. of Hert- 1765. Rich'd., E. of Scarborough, July 12. ford. 1766. Hans Stanley. Office abolished in 1782 by 22 Geo. HI. cap. 82. TREASURERS OF THE CHAMBER. This office was abolished in 1782 by 22 Geo. III. cap. 82, and the duties transferred to the lord steward and the paymaster of the house- hold. Teeasurebs of the Chamber. From the Eestoration to the abolition of the office in 1782. 1685. 1689. 1692, 1702. 1713. 1714. 1720. 1722. King Charles II. Sir Edwd. Griffin, bt. King James II. Sir Edwd. Griffin, contd. Kino William III. Sir Rowland Gwin. Edwd., aft. E. of Orford. Queen Anne. Chas., vise. Fitzharding. John, Id. De la Warr. King George I. Chas. Bodville, E. of Radnor. Hon. Hy. Pelham. Hon. Chas. Stanhope. 1727. Kino George II. John Hobart, bt. Sir John Hobart, bt., aft. Id. Hobart and E. of Buckmgham- shire. 1744. Sir John Hindo Cotton, bt. 1746. Hon. Richd. Arundel. 1747. Saml., Id. Sandys. 1755. Wills, E. of Hillsborough. 1756. Hon. Chas. Townshend. King George III. 1760. Hon. Chas. Townshend, contd. 1761. Sir Fras. Dashwood, bt., aft. Id. Le Despencer. 1762. Sir Gilbert Elliot, bt. 1770. Geo. Rice. 1779. Lord Chas. Spencer. Office abolished in 1782 by 22 Geo. III. cap. 82. THE LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S DEPARTMENT. LORD CHAMBERLAINS OF THE HOUSEHOLD. King Henry VIL 1485. Sir Wm. Stanley, beheaded. 1508. Sir Chas Somerset, aft. Id. Herbert and E of Worcester. King-Henry VIII. 1509. Chas., E of Worcester, wnfrf. 1526. Hy.,E. of Arundel. 1530. Wm., Id. Sandys of the Vino. 1535. Wm., Id. St. John of Basing. King Euward VI. 1547. Wm., Id. St. John of Basing, contd. 1550. Thos., Id. Wontworth. 1551. Thos., Id. D'Arcy of Chicho. QcEEN Mary. 1553. John, Id. WiUiams. 1557. Wm., Id. Howard of Effingham. Queen Elizahetii. 1558. Wm., Id. Howard of Effingham, contd 1572. Thos., E. of Sussex. 1585. Hy., Id. Hunsdon. 1596. Goo., Id. Hunsdon. King James I. 1603. Goo., Id. Hunsdon. contd. Thos., E. of SulTolk. 1613. Ilobt., E. of Somerset. 1615. Wm., E. of Pembroke THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 295 King Charles I. 1625. Wm., E. of Pembroke, contd. Philip, E. of Montgomery, and aft. of Pembroke. 1641. Robt., E. of Essex. 1642. Edwd., E. of Dorset. KiXG Charles II. 1660. Edwd.,E. of Manchester. 1671. Hy., E. of St. Albans. 1674. Hv. . E. of Arlington. 1681. John, E. of Mulgrave, aft. D. of Buckingham. King James II. 1685. Robt., E. of Ailesbury and Elgin, July. Thos., E. of Ailesbury and Elgin, Oct. 1686. John, E. of Mulgrave, aft. D. of Buckingham, again. King "William III. 1689. Chas., E. of Dorset and Middlesex. 1695. Robt., E. of Sunderland. 1699. Chas. , D. of Shrewsbui-y. 1700. Edwd., E. of Jersey. Queen Anne. 1702. Edwd., E. of Jersey, contd. 1704. Hy.. E. of Kent, aft. M. and D. of Kent. 1714. Chas., D. of Shrewsbury. King George I. 1714. Chas., D. of Shrewsbury, contd. 1715. Chas., D. of Bolton, June 19; res. July 4, following. The oflBce vacant. 1717. Thos., D. of Newcastle, Apr. 14. 1724. Chas., D. of Grafton. King George IL 1727. Chas., D. of Grafton, contd. 1757. Wm., D. of Devonshire. King George IH. 1760. Wm., D. of Devonshire, contd. 1762. Geo., D. of Marlborough, Nov. 22. 1763. Granville, earl Gower, Apr. 22. 1765. Wm. Hy., D. of Portland, Jtdy 10. 1766. Eras., E. of Hertford, aft. 1st E. of Yarmouth and M. of Hertford, Dec. 4. MASTERS OP THE 1782. Geo., D. of Manchester, Apr. 10. 1783. Eras. , E. of Hertford, aft 1st E. of Yarmouth and M. of Hertford, again, Apr. 9. Jas., E., aft. M.of Salisbury,Dec. 26. 1804. Geo., E. of Dartmouth, May 14. 1812. Fras., 2nd M. of Hertford, Mar. 6. King George IV. 1821, Jas., D. of Montrose, Dec. 11. 1827. Wm. Spencer, D. of Devonshire, May 5. 1828. Jas., D. of Montrose, again, Feb. 18. King William TV. 1830. Geo. Child, E. of Jersey, July 24. William Spencer, D. of Devonshire, again, Xov. 22. 1834. Geo. Child, E. of Jersey, again, Dec. 15. 1835. Richd., M. Wellesley, Apr. Fras. Xathl. , Marq. Conyngham, May. Queen Victoria. 1839. Hy., E. of Uxbridge, Mav 6. 1841. Geo. John, E. De la Warr, Sept. 14. 1846. Fredk., earl Spencer, July 8. 1848. John, M. of Breadalbane, Sept. 4. 1852. Brownlow, M. of Exeter, k.g., Feb. 27, G. 1853. John, M. of Breadalbane, k.t., again, Jan. 15, G. 1858. Geo. John, E. De la Warr, Feb. 26, G. 1859. John Robt., vise. Sydney, June 23, G. 1866. Orlando Geo. Chas., E. of Bradford, July 10, G. 1868. John Robt., vise. Sydney, G.c.B., again, Dec. 9, G. 1874. Fras. Hugh Geo.. M. of Hertford, Mar. 2, G. 1879. Wm. Hv., E. of Mount-Edgeumbe, May 7, G. 1880. Valentine Augustus, E. of Ken- mare, K.P., Mav 3, G. 1885. Edwd., E. of Lathom, Juno 27, G. 1886. Valentine Augustus, E. of Kenmare, K.P., again, Feb. 10, G. Edwd., E. of Lathom, again, Aug. . 5, G. GREAT WARDROBE. The Master or Keeper of the Great Wardrobe was an officer of great antiquity and dignity. High privileges and immunities were conferred upon him by King Henry VI., and were confirmed to him by his suc- cessors. King James I. not only enlarged these, but ordained that the office should be a corporation or body politic for ever. The salary 296 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. of this oflBcer was d£2,000 per annum. He -was usually a personage of high political consideration, and subordinate to him were a comptroller, a patent clerk, and many other officers and servants. The -wardrobe establishment was abolished in 1782 by 22 Geo. III. cap. 82, and the duties transferred to the department of the lord cham- berlain. Masters op the Great Wardrobe. From tbe reign of King James I. to the abolition of the office in 1782. King James I. * * Geo., Id. Hume of Berwick, aft. E. of Dunbar, in Scotland. 1616. Jas., Id. Hay, aft. E. of Carlisle. 1636. Wm. , vise. Fielding, aft. E. of Den- bigh. King Charles I. * * Spencer, E. of Northampton. 1642. "Wm. Legge. King Charles II. 1660. Edwd., E. of Sandwich. 1672. Ralph Montagu, aft. Id., E., and D. of Montagu. King James II. 1685. Jas., E. of Arran, aft. D. of Hamil- ton. King William III. 1689. Ralph, lord Montagu, aft. E. and D. of Montagu, ar/ain. Queen Anne. 1702. Ralph, E., aft. D. of Montagu, contd. 1709. John, D. of Montagu. King George I. 1714. John, D. of Montagu, contd. King George II. 1727. John, D. of Montagu, contd. 1750. Sir Thos. Robinson, k.b., aft. Id. Grantham, deputy mast. 1754. Wm. Wildman, vise. Barrington. 1755. Sir Thos. Robinson, k.b., aft. Id. Grantham ; again. King George III. 1760. Granville, E. Gower. 1763. Fras. , Id. Le Dcspencer. 1765. John. E. of Ashburnham. 1775. Thos., Id. Pelham. Office abolished in 1782 by 22 Geo. III. cap. 82. VICE-CHAMBERLAINS OF THE HOUSEHOLD. King Henry VIII. * * Sir John Gage. King Edward YI. * * Sir Anthy. Wingfield. * * ^ir John Gates. 1550. Sir Thos. D'Arcy. Queen Mart. 1553. The office vacant. Queen Elizabeth. * * Sir Edwd. Rogers. * * Sir Thos. Heneago. 1577. Sir Cbristr. Hatton, Nov. 11. 1602. Sir John Stanhope, aft. Id. Stan- hope of Harrington. King James I. 1603. John, Id. Stanhope, contd. 1616. Sir John Digby, aft. Id. Digby and E. of Bristol. King Charles I. 1625. Sir Dudley Carletou, aft. Id. Carle- ton and vise. Dorchester. 1626. Sir Hy. May. Sir Thos. Jormyn. 1640. Goo., Id. Goring, aft. E. of Nor- wich. IviNG Charles II. 1660. Sir Geo. Carteret. 1670. Hy. Savilo or Saville. King Jame 1685. lly. Savile, contd. 1G86. Jas. Porter. King William III 1689. Sir John Lowthor, bt., aft. vise. Lonsdale. 1090. Hon. Peregrine Bortio. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Queen Anne. 1702. Hon. Peregrine Bertie, contd. 1706. Thos. Coke, aft. Id. Lovel and E. of Leicester, Dec. 5. King George I. 1714. Thos. Coke, contd. 1727. Wm. Stanhope, aft. E. of Harring- ton. King George H. 1727. Wm. Stanhope, contd. 1730. Lord John Hervey, May 8. 1740. Lord Sydney Beauclerk, May 1. 1742. Hon. Wm. Finch, July 13. King George III. 1760. Hon. Wm. Finch, contd. 1765. Geo. Bussy, vise. ViUiers, aft. E. of Jersey, July 12. 1770. Hon. Thos. Robinson, aft. Id. Grantham, Feb. 13. 1771. John, vise. Hinchinbroke, Feb. 6. 1782. Geo., vise. Chewton, aft. E. Waldegrave, May 2. 1784. Geo., Id. Herbert, aft. E. of Pem- broke, Xov. 20. 1794. Chas. Fulke Greville, Aug. 1804. Lord John Thynne, July 11. 1812. Fras. Chas., E. of Yarmouth, aft. 3rd M. of Hertford, Mar. 10. Robt., vise. Jocelyn, Aug. 15. King George IV 1821. Jas., M. of Graham, Feb. 7. 1827. Sir Saml. Hulse, May 5. 1830. 1834. 1835. 1838. 1841. 1846, 1852. 1858 1859, 1866 1868, 1874. 1880, 1885 1886 GOVERNORS AND CONSTABLES See Part IV., King William IV. Geo., E. of Belfast, aft. M. of Donegal, July 24. Fredk, vise. Castlereagh, Dec. 27. Lord Chas. Fitzroy, June 29. Queen Victoria. Geo., E. of Belfast, aft. M. of Donegal, again ; May 2. Lord Ernest Aug. Brudenell Bruce, Sept. 8. Lord Edwd. Geo. Fitz-Alan Howard, July 8. Orlando Geo. Chas., vise. Newport, aft. E. of Bradford, Mar. 5, G. Lord Ernest Aug. Brudenell Bruce, again, Dec. 30, G. . Orlando Geo. Chas., vise. Newport, aft.E.ofBradford,a5ram,Feb.26,G. Val. Aug. Browne, c.c. vise. Castle- rosse, aft. E. of Kenmare, June 23, G. Claude Hamilton, c.c. Id. Claude Hamilton, July 10, G. Val. Aug. Browne, c.c. vise. Castle- rosse, aft. E. of Kenmare, again, Dec. 12, G. Richd. De Aquila Grosvenor, c.c. Id. Richd. Grosvenor, Feb. 25, G. , Geo. Wm. ,visc. Barrington, Mar.2,G. , Chas. Wm. Brudenell Bruce, c.c. Id. Chas. Bruce, May 3, G. , Wm. Heneage Legge, c.c, vise. Lewisham, June 27, G. , Fredk. Edwd. Gould, vise. Kilcoursie, Feb. 17. Wm. Heneage Legge, c.c. vise. Lewisham, again, Aug. 5, G. A««.« • 8ir.\i><\r /-/evi.; (je^e. Cic^e^ l.c. Icl Su'tj(i&. OF WINDSOR CASTLE. . ^ 6tt^^»vy, ^(^urt.-'i J'iO't'lv^ post. CAPTAINS OF HER MAJESTY'S BODY-GUARD, OR THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD. The Body-Guard of the Queen is the oldest corps in Her Majesty's service. The corps was instituted by Henry VIL ia 1485, neary two hundred years before any regiment that is now in existence was raised ; it was, in fact, the only standing force in the kingdom, with the excep- tion of the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms. The officers of the corps consist of a captain, who is now always a peer, and a member of the privy council, and who carries a gold stick of office; a lieutenant, an ensign, four exons, and an adjutant or clerk of the cheque. All the officers, under the captain, carry, when on duty, a silver stick of office, which they have the privilege of receiving, at a private audience, immediately from the hands of the sovereign. The office of captain is now a political one, and the holder resigns on a change of ministry. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Captains of the Yeomen op the Guard. From the institution of the corps by King Henry VII. in 1485. King Hekry VII. 1486. John, E. of Oxford. 1488. Sir Chas. Somerset, aft. Id. Herbert, and E. of Worcester. King Heney VIII. 1509 1614 1521 Sir Ch.is. Somerset, rontd. Sir Hy. Guilford, k.g. Sir Hy. Marney, aft. Id. Marney, K.G. 1523. Sir Wm. Kingston, k.g. 1536. Sir Anthy. Wingfield, k.g. King Edwakd VI. 1547. Sir Anthy. Wingfield. k.g., contd. 1550. Sir Thos. D'Arcy, aft. Id. D'Arcy, Queen Mary. 1553. Sir Hy. JernjTigham. Queen Elizabeth. 1558. Sir Wm. St. Loe. 15G9. Sir Fras. Knowlys. 1578. Sir Christr. Hatton, k.g., aft. Id. Hatton. 1587. Sir — Goodier. 1592. John Best, champion of England. 1597. Sir Walter Raleigh. King James I. 1603. Sir Thos. Erskine, aft. vise. Fenton, and E. of Kellie, K.G. 1617. Hy., E. of Holland. King Charles I. 1625. Hy., E. of Holland, contd. 1630. Sir Christr. Musgrave. 1632. Geo.,E. of Kinnoul. 1635. Wm., E. of Morton, k.g. King Charles II. 1660. Geo., vise. Grandison. 1662. Chas., E.of Norwich. 1670. Chas., E. of Manchester. Queen Anne. 1702. Wm.,M. of Hartington, aft. D. of Devonshire. 1707. Chas., vise. Townshend, k.g. 1723. Philip Dormer, Id. Stanhope, aft. E. of Chesterfield, k.g. 1725. John, E. of Leicester, k.b. King George II. 1727. John, E. of Leicester, k.b., contd. 1731. John, Id. Ashburnham, aft. E. of Ashbxirnham. 1733. Chas., E. of Tankervillo, k.b. 1737. Wm., D. of Manchester, k.b. 1739. Wm., E. of Essex, k.g. 1743. John, Id. Berkeley of Stratton. 1746. Pattee, vise. Torrington. 1747. Hugh, vise. Falmouth. King George HI. 1760. Hugh, vise. Falmouth, contd. 1782. John Fredk., D. of Dorset, Feb. 1783. Geo. Jas.,E. of Cholmondeley, Apr. Heneage, E. of Avlesford, Dec. 16. 1804. Thos.. Id. Pelham. Geo., E. of Macclesfield. King George IV. 1820. Geo.,E. of Macclesfield, contd. King William IV. 1830. Ulick John, M. of Clanricarde. Dec. 1. 1834. Archd., E. of Gosford, Sept. 3. 1835. Jas. Geo., E. of Courtown, Jan. 5. Archd., E. of Gosford, Apr. King George I. 1714. Hy., Id. Paget, aft. bridge. 1715. Jas., E. of Derby. of Ux- 1837. 1841. 1842. 184G. 1848. 1852. 1858. 1859. 1866. 1868. 1874, 1880, 1885, 1886, itL. Queen Victoria. Hy. Stephen, E. of Ilchoster, July 22. Hy. Chas., E. of Surrey, July 5. John Wm., M. of Lothian, Sept. 8. Geo., E. of Beverley, Jan. 18. Lucius, vise. Falkland, July 24. Geo., M. of Donegal, Feb. 16. Wm. Lennox Lascelles, Id. de Ros, Feb. 27, G. John Robt., vise, aft. E. Sydney, Dec. 30. Wm. Lennox Lascelles, Id. de Ros, Mar. 17, G. Hy. John, E. of Ducio, Juno 28, G. Hy. Chas., E. Cadogan, July 10, G. Wm. Amelias Aubrey do Vere, D. of St. Albans, Doc. 22, G. Edwd., Id. Skohiiorsdalo, aft. E. of Lathom, Mar. 2, G. Wm. John, Id. Moiison, May 3, G. Geo. Wm., vise. Barrington, June 27, G. Wm. John, Id. Monson, again, Fob. 10, G. Algernon Hawkins Thomond, E. of Kintore, Aug. 5, G. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 299 CAPTAINS OF THE CORPS OF GENTLEMEN-AT-ARMS, FORMERLY THE BAND OF GENTLEMEN PENSIONERS. The Honourable Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms (formerly styled the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners) is the oldest corps in England, with the exception of the Yeomen of the Guard and the Sergeants-at-Arms. This corps was instituted in 1509, soon after Henry VIII. ascended the throne, and was composed entirely of gentlemen of noble blood. The officers of the corps consist of a captain, who is always a peer and a member of the privy council, a lieutenant, a standard bearer, and an adjutant or clerk of the cheque. The office of captain is now a political one, and the holder resigns on a change of ministry. On March 17, 1834, his late Majesty, William IV., " was graciously pleased to command that " the Honourable Ban 1 of Gentleman Pensioners should be in future " called His Majesty's Honourable Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms." Captains of the Corps of Gentlemen Pensioners. From the institution of the corps by King Henry VIII. in 1509. King Henry VIII. 1509. Hy., E. of Essex, k.g. 1539. Sir Anthy. Browne, k.g. King Edward VI. 1549. John, Id. Bray. 1550. Wm. (late E. of Essex), M. of Northampton, k.g. Queen Mary. 1553. Wm., M. of Northampton, k.g., con^J. Thos., E. of Sussex, k.g. QcEEN Elizabeth. 1558. Hy., Id. Hunsdon, k.g. 1596. Geo., Id. Hunsdon, k.g. King James I. 1603. Geo., Id. Hunsdon, contd. Hy., E. of Northumberland, k.g., May. 1615. Thos.,E. of Suffolk, K.G. 1616. Theophilus, Id. Howard de Walden, aft. E. of Suffolk, K.G. King Charles I. Theophilus, Id. Howard de Walden, aft. E. of Suffolk, contd. Wm., E. of Salisbury, k.g., May. Fras., Id. Dunsmore, aft. E. of Chichester. King Charles II. Wm., E. of Salisbury, again. Thos., E. of Cleveland. Geo., E. of Norwich. Thos., E. of Cleveland, again. John, Id. Belasyse of Worlaby. Thos., vise. Fauconberg. Wentworth, E. of Roscommon. Robt., E. of Scarsdale. 1625. 1635. 1643. 1660. 1661. 1662. 1667. 1672. 1674. 1684. King James II. 1687. Theophilus, E. of Huntingdon. King William III. * * John, 3rd Id. Lovelace. 1693. Ralph, E., aft. D. of Montagu. 1695. Ghas., D. of St. Albans, k.g. Queen Anne. 1712. Hy., D. of Beaufort, k.g., Jan. 13. King George I. 1714. Chas., D. of St. Albans, again. 1726. Wm., M. of Hartington, aft. D. of Devonshire, k.g. King George II. 1727. Wm. , M. of Hartington, aft. D. of Devonshire, contd. 1731. Richd, E. of Burlington and Cork, K.G. 1734. John, D. of Montagu, k.g. and k.b. 1740. Chas., D. of Bolton, k.g. 1742. Allen, Id., aft. E. Bathurst. 1745. John, Id. Hobart ; aft. E. of Buck- inghamshire, K.B. 1756. John, Id. Berkeley, of Stratton. King George III. 1760. John, Id. Berkeley, of Stratton, contd. 1762. Geo. Hy.,E. of Lichfield, July 17 1772. Geo., Id. Edgcumbe, Dec. 31 ; aft. vise. Mount-Edgcumbe and Valle- tort. 1782. Geo., Id. Ferrers, or de Ferrers, aft. E. of Leicester and M. Towns- hend, Mar. 29. 1783. Geo. Bussy, E. of Jersey, May 14. Geo., Id. Ferrers, again, Dec. 31. 300 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1797. Geo. Evelyn, E. of Falmouth. 1799. Honeage, E. of Aylesford. 1804. Geo., E. of Macclesfield. 1806. Geo. Richd., visct. St. John, Feb. 19. 1808. Richd., E. of Monnt-Edgcumbe, Mar. 19. 1812. Jas. Geo., E. of Conrtown, Apr. 11. King George IV. 1820. Jas. Geo., E. of Courtown, contd. 1827. Hy., vise. Hereford. King William IV. 1830. Hv., vise. Hereford, contd. Thos., Id. Foley, Dec. 8. 1833. Thos. Hy., Id. Foley, May. Captains op the Coeps of Gentlemen-at-Arms. From the alteration in the name, March 17, 1834. 1834. Thos. Hy., Id. Foley, above named, Mar 17. Hy., vise. Hereford, Dec. 30. 1835. Thos. Hy., Id. Foley, again. May 6. Queen Victoria. 1841. John. Geo., Id. Forester, Sept. 8. 1846. Thos. Hy.,ld. Foley, again, July 24. 1852. John Wm., E. of Sandwich, Feb. 27, G. Thos. Hy., Id. Foley, again, Dec. 30, G. 1858. Hy. Jno., E. Talbot, aft. E. of Shrewsbury and Talbot, Feb. 24, G. 1859. Thos. Hy., Id. Foley, again, June 25, G. 1866. Chas., E. of Tankerville, July 10, G. 1867. Wm. Alleyne, M. of Exeter, Mar. 20. 1868. Thos. Hy., Id. Foley, afjain, Dec. 12, G. 1869. Geo. Aug. Constantine, M. of Nor- manby, Dec. 17. 1871. Eras. Thos. De Grey, E. Cowper, Apr. 20. 1874. Hy. Edwd., E. of Hchester, Jan. 1, G. Wm. Alleyne, M. of Exeter, again. Mar. 2, G. 1875. Chas. Jno., E. of Shrewsbury and Talbot, Feb 4, G. 1877. Geo. Wm., E. of Coventry, May 28, G. 1880. Alexr. Wm. Geo., E. of Fife, May 3, G. 1881. Chas., M. of Huntley Jan. 21, G- Chas. Robt., Id. Carrington, June 27, G. 1885 Geo. Wm., E. of Coventry, again, July 6, G. 1886. Chas. Douglas Richd., Id. Sudeley, Feb. 10, G. Geo. Wm., vise. Barrington, Aug. 5, G. Eras. Robt., E. of Rosslyn, Nov. 24, POETS LAUREATE. /^v/,f..^>.A<.^/-!.'''""-/'''V,^-.-, The origin of this oflBce cannot be precisely traced, nor can a complete list be furnished. Warton, in his History of English Poetry, states that in the reigu of Henry III, there was a Versificator Regis, and there is reason to suppose that Chaucer held this or some analogous office. The first mention of a Poet Laureate was in the reign of Edward IV., when the name of John Kay, or Key, occurs as holding that appoint- ment. The name of Andrew Bernard occurs in the reign of Henry VII., and the name of John Skelton in the reign of Heni'y VIII. Edmund Spenser was the first Poet Laureate in the reign of Elizabeth, and from this time the succession appears to be tolerably regular. Wherever in the following list the date of the appointment is not given, it was pro- bably shortly after the death of the predecessor. Poets Laureate. 1369. Geoffrey Chaucer. # « « Edw. IV. John Kay or Key. I Hen.VILifc) Andrew Bernard. I Hon. VIII. ]" John Skolton. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Eliz. Edmund Spenser, d. Jan. 15, 1599. * * Saml. Daniel, d. Oct. 14. 1619. 1619. Ben Jonson, d. Aug. 16, 1G37. * * Sir Wm. Davenant, d. Apr. 7, 1668. 1670. John Dryden, removed 1688 ; d. May 1, 1700 or 1701. 1688. Thos Shadwell, d. Dec. 6, 1692. 1692 or 1693. Xahum Tate, d. Aug 12, 1715. * * Nicholas Rowe, d. Dec. 6, 1718. 1718 or 1719. Laurence Eusden, d. Sept. 27, 1730. 1730. ColleyCibber, Dec. ; d. Dec. 12, 1757. 1757. Wm. Whitehead, Dec. 28 ; d. Apr. 14, 1785. 1785. Thos. Warton, Apr. 30, sw. ; d. May 21, 1790. 1790. Hy. Jas. Pye, July 17 ; d. Aug. 11, 1813. 1813. Robt. Southey, Nov, 11. G. ; d. Mar. 21, 1843. 1843. Wm. Wordsworth, Apr. G, G. ; d. Apr. 23, 1850. 1850. Alfred Tennyson, aft. Id. Tenny- son, Nov. 21, G. oLt td. ipf^ EXAMINERS OF STAGE PLAYS. The act 10 Geo. II. cap. 28 provides that after June 24, 1737, every stage play, &c., shall, previous to performance, be submitted to the Lord Chamberlain for approval. This act is now repealed, but these pro- visions are repeated in 6 & 7 Vict. cap. 68 (Aug. 22, 1843), the act now regulating stage plays. Examinees of Stage Plays. 1741. — Lee, " Master of the Revels." 1743. Wm. Chetwynd, "Principal Master of the Revels." Thos Odell, deputy. 1747. Wm. Chetwynd, inspector of plays. Thos. Odell, deputy. 1749. Edwd. Capell, deimty, vice Odell. 1778. John Larpent, inspector, vice Chet- wynd, Nov. 20. 1781. Jas. Trail, deputy, vice Capell. 1783. John Larpent, alone. 1824. Geo. Colman, Feb. 24, G. 1836. Chas. Kemble, Oct. 27, G. 1840. Jno. Mitchell Kemble, Feb. 22, G. 1857. Wm. Bodham Donne, Mar. 31, G. 1874. Edwd. Fredk. Smyth Pigott, Aug. 25, G. DEPARTMENT OF THE MASTER OF THE HORSE. MASTERS OF THE HORSE. This office is always filled by noblemen of great rank. The Master of the Horse has the management and direction of all matters relating to the royal stables and of the revenue appropriated to this branch of the royal household. He has the privilege of using horses belonging to the crown, and of being attended by images and servants attached to his department. In royal processions and on occasions of state he usually rides in the same carriage with the sovereign or is in immediate atten- dance. The office is now a political one, and the holder resigns on a change of ministry. Masters of the Horse. King Henry VIII. * * Sir Thos. Knivet. * * Sir Nichs. Carew. 1539. Sir Anthy. Brown. Kjng Edward VI. 1547. Sir Anthy. Brown, contd. 1548. Sir Wm. Herbert, aft. Id. Herbert and E. of Pembroke, May. 1552. Ambrose, E. of Warwick. Queen Mary. 1556. Sir Hy. Jernyngham. 802 THE BOOK OF DIGXITIZS. Queen Elizabeth. 1569. Sir Robt. Dudley, aft. E. of Leices- ter; Jan. 11. 1688. Robt., E. of Esses. 1602. Edwd., E. of Worcester. King James I. 1603. Edwd., E. of Worcester, contd. 1616. Geo., vise. Villiers, aft. D. of Buck- ingham. King Charles I. 1625. Geo., D. of Buckingham, contd. 1629. Jas., M., and aft. D. of Hamilton. King Charles II. 16C0. Geo., D. of Albemarle. 1665. Jes., D. of Monmouth and Euccleuch. 1672. Geo., D. of Buckingham. 1673. Hy. Guy. ITheophilus Oglethorpe, and Chas. Adderley, Commrs. during the minority of Chas., D. of Richmond and Lenox. 1679. Chas., D. of Richmond and Lenox. King William III. 1689. Hy. de Nassau d'Auverquerque. Queen Anne. 1702. Chas., D. of Somerset. King George L 1714. Chas., D. of Somerset, contd. 1717. Hy. Berkeley, commr., vice D'Arcy, June 14. Fras. Negus, June 27, apptd. and contd. sole commr. till the acces- sion of George II. Ejng George II. 1727. Richd. , E. of Scarborough. June 15. i^oA (Hon. Jas. Lumlej'. [Commrs., ^^'^*- 1 Hon. Hy. Berkeley. J May. 1735. Chas., D. of Richmond, Lenox, and Aubigny, Jan. 9. 1751. Wm., M. of Hartington, aft. D. of Devonshire. 1765. Lionel Cranlield, D. of Dorset. 1757. Granville, E. Gower. King George III. 1760. Fras. , E. of Huntingdon. 1761. John, D. of Rutland. 17G6. 1778. 1780. 1790. 1795. 1798. 1804. 1806. 1807. Fras.,E. of Hertford, aft. Ist E. of Yai-mouth and M. of Hertford Aug. j-.*^ Peregrine, D. of Ancaster and Kes- teven, Dec. Hugh, D. of Northumberland, Dec. 10. Geo., D. of Montagu, Dec. 11. Jas., D. of Montrose, Dec. 7. John, E. of Westmorland, Mar. Philip, E. of ChesterBeld, Feb, 14. Fras., 2nd M. of Hertford, July 21. Hy., E. of Carnarvon, Feb. 11. Jas., D. of Montrose, Apr. 4. King George IV. 1821. Chas., D. of Dorset, Dec. 11. 1827. Geo. Wm. Fredk., D. of Leeds, May 4. King William IV. 1830. Wm. Chas.,E. of Albemarle, Nov. 22. 1835. Chas. , D. of Dorset, again, Jan. 1. Wm. Chas., E. of Albemarle, again, Apr. 25. Queen Victoria. 1837. Wm. Chas., E. of Albemarle, contcf., June 20. 1841. Geo. Child, E. of Jersey, Sept. 4. 1846. Hy. Chas., D. of Norfolk, July 11. 1852. Geo. Child, E. of Jersey, again, Mar. 1, G. 1853. Arthur Richd., D. of Wellington, Jan. 21. G. 1858. Hy. Chas. FitzRoy. D. of Beaufort, Feb. 26, G. 1859. Geo. Wm. Fredk., M. of Ailesbury, June 24, G. 1866. Hy. Chas. FitzRoy, D. of Beaufort, af^'"i LORD LIEUTENANTS OF CHESHIRE. See " Anglesey," juosf, p. 314. 1569. 1574. 1607. 1626. 1660. 1672. 1676. 1688. 1689. Edwd. , 3rd E. of Derby, Nov. 18. Hy., 4th E. of Derby, Apr. 24. Wm., 6th E. of Derbv, Doc. 22. Jas., 7th E. of Derby, Sept. 27. Chas., 8th E. of Derby, July 30. John, E. of Bridgewater, during minority of Wm. Richd. Goo., 9th E. of Derby. Wm. Richd. Goo., 9th E. of Derby ; removed by .las. II. Same, ugain apj). Hy., id. Dolamore, Apr. 12. 1693. Richd. , vise. Colchester. 1708. Hugh, Ist E. of Cholmoiidoloy ; removed 1713, rest. 1714. 1725. Goo., 2nd E. of Cholmondoley, Mar. 20. 1727. Geo., vise. Malpas, aft. 3rd E. of Cholmonp. of Durham, 1715. Id. pres. of the North and Id. lieut. 17'.'1. 1552. Hy., E. of Westmorland, May 7 ; 1754. d. 1563. 1758. * * Sir Geo. Bowes, lieut. for the Crown. 1792. * * Algernon Percy, E. of Northumber- } land. Id. lieut. for the Parlt. 1842. 1660. Thos. , vise. Fauconberg. 1687. Nathl. Crewe, bj). of Durham, aft 1854. Id. Crewe. I 1689. Richd., vise. Lumley, aft. E. of 1880. Scarborough. I 1712. Nathl., Id. Crewe, bp. of Durham, 1884. again. Richd., E. of Scarboroujfh, again. Wm. Talbot, bp, of Durham. Hv-, 1st E. of Darlington. Hy., 2nd E. of Darlington. Wm. Hv., 3rd E. of Darlington, aft. D. of Cleveland. Chas. Wm., M. of Londonderry, Apr. 27, G. Geo. Fredk. D'Arcy, E. of Durham, Aug. 11, sw. Geo. Hy. Robt. Chas. Wm., M. of Londonderry, June 8, G. Jno. Geo., E. of Durham, Dec. 1,G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF ESSEX. 1641. 1675. 1714. 1719. 1741. 1756. 1754. 1761. 1762. John, Id. Petre. Thos., vise. Colchester, aft. E. Rivers. Robt. Richd., E. of Warwick. Geo., D. of Albemarle. Christr., D. of Albemarle, Nov. Hy., E. of Suffolk and Bindon, Oct. 14. Chas. Wm., E. of Suffolk, Oct. 29. Hy., E. of Thomond. Ben;n.,E. FitzwalJer, May. Wm. Hy., E. of Rochford, Apr. 6. LORD LIEUTENANTS 1781. John, E. Waldegrave, Oct. 12. 1784. John, Id. Howard of Walden, Nov. 1798. Richd., Id. Braybrooke, Jan. 19. 1825. Hv., vise. Maynard, Apr. 20. 1865. Thos. Crosbi : Wm., Id. Dacre, Nov. 14, sw. 1869. Thos. Burch Western, May 8, G. 1873. Chichester Saml. Parkin.=on For- te.oa7, p. 311. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF HEREFORDSHIRE. See " Anglesey," post, p. 314. 1690. Chas., E., aft. D. of Shrewsburv. 1704. Hy., E., aft. D. of Kent. 1715. Thos., Id. Coningsbj'. 1727. Jas., D. of Chnn.los. 1741. Chas. Hanbury Williams. 1747. Jno., vise. Batenian. 1802. Geo., E. of Essex, Mar. 24, sw. 1817. John, Id. Somers, Aug. 26, G. 1841. Wm.,ld. Batoman. 1845. Jno. Somers, E. Somers, Aug. 8, sw. 1852. Wm. Bateman, Id. Bateman, Nov. 10, G. LIEUTENANTS AND LORD LIEUTENANTS OF HERTFORDSHIRE. 1588. Sir Rowland Lytton. 1605. Robt., E. of Salisbury, Aug. Lieutenants. I 1612. Wm., E. of Salisbury, July 10. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Lord Lirittenants. 1660. Arthur, E. of Essex. 1681. Jno., E. of Bridgwater, Feb. 10. 1686. Lawrence, E. of Rochester. 1689. Chas., E. of Shrewsbury, during minority of E. of Essex. 1691. Algernon, E. of Essex. 1711. Jas., E. of Salisbury. 1714. Wm., E. Cowper. 1764. Wm. Anne Holies, E. of Essex, Oct. 10. 1771. Jas., vise. Cranborne, aft. M, of Salisbury, Mar. 1. 1823. Jas. Walter, 1st E. of Verulam, July 16, sw. 1846. Jas. Walter, 2nd E. of Verulam, Jan. 21. sw. LORD LIEUTENANTS OP HUNTINGDONSHIRE. 1739. Robt., D. of Manchester, Nov. 3. 1762. Geo., D. of Manchester. 1789. Geo., D. of Montagu, May 15. 1790. Jas., M. of Graham, aft. D. of Montrose, June. 1793. Wm., D. of Manchester, Mar. 1. 1841. Jno. Wm..>E. of Sandwich, Sept. 14, sw '"^ 1884. Fras. Chas. Hastings, D. of Bedford, K.G., Apr. 7, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF KENT. 1559. 1598. 1624. 1660. 1672. 1687. 1692. 1702. 1704. 1705. 1724. Wm., Id. Cobham. Hy.,ld. Cobham, attainted 1 Jas. I. Philip, E. of Montgomery, Mar. 17. Heneage, E. of Winchilsea. Chas., D. of Richmond and Lennox; d. 1672. Christr., Id. Tenham, Jan. 16. Vere, E. of Westmoreland, and Hy.. vise. Sidney; jointlv. The E. of Westmorland (/. 1693. Danl. , E. of Nottingham, May. Chas., E. of Winchilsea. Lewis, Id., aft. 1st E. of Rocking- ham, Apr. 16. John, E. of Leicester, May 5. 1737. Lewis, 2nd E. of Rockingham, Jan- 12. 1746. Thos.,E. of Rockingham. Lionel Cranfield, D. of Dorset, July. 1766. Chas., D. of Dorset, Feb. 10. 1769. Jno. Fredk.. D. of Dorset. 1797. Chas., Id., aft. E. of Romney. 1808. John JeiEFreys, E., aft. M. Camden, Mav 25. 1841. Hy., E. of Thanet. 1846. Geo. Augs., E. Cowper, Nov. 14, sw. 1856. Jno. Robt., vise, aft. E. Sydney, June 24, sw. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF LANCASHIRE. Baines, in his history of Lancashire (1831-5), states that the first lord lieutenant for this county was the duke of Norfolk, followed by the earl of Shrewsbury, who was succeeded by Edward, earl of Derby, and that almost ever since the office has been held by the successive holders of that title. * * * 1851. Chas. Wm.,E. of Sefton, July 17, sw. * * John Smith, c.c. Id. Strange. 1856. Fras., E. of Ellesmere, Apr. 9, sw. 1771. Edwd., Id. Stanley, aft. 12th E. of 1857. Wm., E. of Burlington, Mar. 20, sw. Derby, July 19. 1858. Wm. Philip, E. of Sefton, Apr. 6, 1834. Edw., 13th E. of Derby, Nov. 20, sw. sw. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF LEICESTERSHIRE. 1721. John, 3rd D. of Rutland, Apr. 26. 1779. Chas., 4th D. of Rutland, July 6. 1787. Hy., D. of Beaufort, Dec. 5. 1799. John Hy., 5th D. of Rutland, July 10, sw. 1857. Chas. Cecil John, 6th D. of Rutland Mar. 20, sw. 1888. Richd. Wm. Penn, E. Howe, C.B., June 18, G, 310 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF LINCOLNSHIRE. 1852. Chas. Cecil Jno.,M. of Granby, aft. 1742. Peregrine, 3rd D. of Ancaster and Kesteven, Jan. 1. 1857. 1778. Robt., D. of Ancaster and Kesteven, D. of Rutland, Aug. 18, sw. Chas. Anderson Worslcy, E. of Yar- borough, Feb. 7, G. Dec. 15. ; 1862. Gilbert John, Id. Avcland, Mar. 1779. Brownlow, D. of Ancaster and ! 12, sw. Kesteven, Aug. 9. ' 1867. Adelbert Wellington Brownlovr, E. 1809. John, Id., aft. E. Brownlow, Mar. 1, : Brownlow, Nov. 22, sw. sw. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF MIDDLESEX. 1714. Thos., D. of Newcastle, Oct. 9. 1762. Hugh, E., aft. 3rd D. of Northum- berland, d. 1786, when the office was placed in commission until 1794. Wm. Hy. Cavendish, M. of Titch- fleld, aft. D. of Portland, Aug. 1842. Jas. Brownlow Wm. , M. of Salisbury, Feb. 2, sw. 1868. Arthur Richd., D. of Wellington, May 4, G. 1884. Geo. Hy. Chas., vise. Enfield, aft, E. of Strafford, Sept. 20. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF MONMOUTHSHIRE. See " Anglesey," 7Josf, p. 314, and " Brecknockshire," ;jo.s-^, p. 315. 1715. John Morgan, Oct. 27. 1720. Wm. Morgan, June 21. 1728. Sir Wm. Morgan. June 26. 1732. Thos. Morgan, June 18. 1771. Hy., 5th D. of Beaufort. Dec. 24, 1803. Hy. Chas., 6th D. of Beaufort, Oct. 2(;, sw. 1836. Capel Hanbury Leigh, Feb. 3, sw. 1861. Benjn., Id. Llanover, Nov. 20, sw. 1867. Hy. Chas. Fitzroy, 8th D. of Beau- fort, May 17, sw. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF NORFOLK. J82;; Id. 1757. Geo., E. of Orford, June 21. 1792. Geo., Marq. Townshend, Feb. 15. 1808. Wm. Assheton Harbord, aft. Id. Suffield, jNlar. 2. Hon. John Wodehouse, aft, Wodehouse, Mar. 28, sw. 1846. Thos. Wm., E. of Leicester, Aug 1 LORD LIEUTENANTS OF NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. 1749. Geo. Montagu, E. of Halifax, Nov. 23, sw. 1771. Spencer, E. of Northampton, July 19. 1796. Chas., E., aft. M. of Northampton. 1828. John, E. of Westmorland, June 28, sw. 1842. Brownlow, M. of Exeter, Feb. 2, G. 1867. Chas., Id. Southampton, Mar. 1, sw. 1872. John Poyntz, E. Spencer, Aug. 10. G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Juno 15, 1798, when the duke was again app. 1817. Hugh, 5th D. of Northumberland, July 24, sw. 1786. Hugh, 4th D. of Northumberland, ' 1847. Hy., E. Grey, Feb. 27, pw. Sept. 2; res. 1798. The office was I 1877. Algernon Geo., D. of Northumler- tben put into coumnssion until I land. Dec. 27, G. 1753. Hugh, E., aft. 3rd D. of Northum- berland, Mar. 20. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. LORD LIEUTENANTS OP NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. 1763. Evelyn, D. of Kingston, Jan. 10. 1765. Thos. Holies, D. of Newcastle, Sept. 7. 1768. Hy. Fiennes, D. of Newcastle, Dec. 16. 1794. Thos., D. of Newcastle, Apr. 30. 1795. Wm. Hy. Cavendish, 3rd D. of Portland, June 20. 1809. Hy. Pelham, 4th D. of Newcastle, Dec. 20, sw. 1840. John, E. of Scarborough. 1857. Hy. Pelham, 5th D. of Newcastle, Feb. 2, sw. 1864. Edwd., Id. Belper,Nov. 25, sw. 1880. Wm. Amelius Aubrey de Vera, D. of St. Albans, Aug. 18, sw. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF OXFORDSHIRE. 1760. Geo., 4th D. of Marlborough, Mar. 21. 1817. Geo., 7th E. of Macclesfield. 1842. Geo., 6th D. of Marlborough, Apr. 27, sw. 1857. John Winston, 7th D borough, Aug. 27, sw. 1883. Sir Hy. Wm. Dashwood, bt, 13, G. 1887. Victor Albert Geo., E. of G. of Marl- Aug. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF RUTLANDSHIRE. 1751. Brownlow, Id. Burghley, aft. 9th E. of Exeter, June 21. 1779. Geo., E. of Winchilsea and Notting- ham, Mar. 19. 1826. Brownlow, 4th M. of Exeter, Nov. 20. 1867. Chas. Geo., E. of Gainsborough, Mar. 6, sw. 1881. Wm. John Manners, E. of Dysart, Oct. 29, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF SHROPSHIRE. 1761. Wm., E. of Bath. 1764. Hy. Arthur, E. of Powis, Aug. 17. 1772. Robt., Id. Clive, Oct. 9. 1775. Edwd., Id. CHve. aft. E. of Powis, Apr. 7. 1839. Geo. Granville, D. of Sutherland, Aug. 26, sw. 1845. Rowland, vise. Hill, Nov. 20, sw. 1875. Orlando Geo. Chas., E. of Bradford, Jan. 23, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 1711. John, 1st E. Poulett, Jan. 30; to Sept., 1714. 1744. John, 2nd E. Poulett, Jan. 1764. Percy. E. of Thomond, Nov. 30. 1773. John Jas., E. of Egmont, Feb. 12. 1774. Fredk., Id. North, aft. E. of Guild- ford. Mar. 15. 1792. John, 4th E. Poulett, Oct. 26. 1819. Thos., 2nd M. of Bath, Feb. 8, G. 1837. Hy., E. of Ilchester, Apr. 19, sw. 1839. Edwd., Id. Portman, May 22, sw. 1864. Richd. Edmund St. Lawrence, E. of Cork and Orrery, k.p., June 24, LORD LIEUTENANTS OF SOUTHAMPTONSHIRE. 1759. Chas., D. of Bolton, Oct. 25. 1763. Jas., M. of Carnarvon, aft. D. of Chandos, June 1. 1764. Robt., E. of Northington, Aug. 21. 1771. Jas. Brydges, c.c. M. of Carnarvon, aft. i). of Chandos, Jan. 23. 1780. Geo., Id. Rivers, Mav. 1782. Harry, D. of Bolton," Apr. 6. 1793. Geo. "Powlett Sir Wm. Heathcote, bt., and Wm. Chute, commrs. 1798. Chas., E. of Wiltshire. 1800. Thos., Id. Bolton, Feb. 21, sw. 1807. Jas.,E. of Malmesbury, k.b., Aug. 11, G. 1820. Arthur, D. of Wellington, k.g., Deo. 19, sw. 1852. John, M. of Winchester, Nov. 10, sw. 1887. Hy. Howard Molyneux, E. of Car- narvon, Aug. 6, G. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF STAFFORDSHIRE. 1849. Hy. Wm., M. of Anglesey, Jan. 31, 8W. 1854. Edw. Jno., Id. Hatherton, June 8, 8W. 1863. Tho8., E. of Lichfield, June 18, 8W. 1871. Arthur, Id. Wrottesley, July 8, G. 1887. Wm. Walterjl JB. of Dartmouth, Mar. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF SUFFOLK. 1844. John Edwd. Cornwallis, E. of Stradbroke, Jan. 31, sw. 1886. Fredk. Wm. John, M. of Bristol, Feb. 15, G. 1755. Granville, E. Gower, aft. M. of Stafford, Jan. 7. 1800. Geo. Granville, E. Gower, aft. M. of Stafford and D. of Sutherland, Oct. 21. 1801. Hy., E. of Uxbridge, June 2, G. 1812. Chae., E. Talbot, Apr. 8, sw. 1763. Chas., Id., aft. vise. Maynard, Feb. 8. 1769. Aug. Hy., D. of Grafton, June 3. 1790. Geo. Hy., E. of Euston, aft. D. of Grafton, June. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF SURREY. Jas.I. Edwd., vise. Wimbledon. 1621. Chas., Id. Howard of Effingham, aft. E. of Nottingham, July 27. 1635. Thos., E. of Arundel and Surrey, July 23. 1660. John, vise. Avalon, June 30 ; d. 1675. * * Prince Rupert, d. 1682. 1682. Hy., E. of Arundel, Dec. 1701. Geo., 2nd D. of Northumberland. 1702. Chas., E. of Berkeley, June 7. 1814. 1830. 1840. LORD LIEUTENANTS 1712. Geo., 2nd D. of Northumberland, again, Oct. 9. 1714. Chas., E. of Halifax, Nov. 3. 1716. Richd., 1st Id. Onslow, July 6. 1717. Thos., 2nd Id. Onslow, Dec. 9. 1741. Richd., 3rd Id. Onslow, Jan. 29. 1776. Geo., 4th Id. Onslow, aft. E. Onslow, Oct. 31. Geo., vise. Middleton, May 30, sw. Chas. Geo., Id. Ardcn, Nov. 1, sw. Wm., E. of Lovelace, Aug. 10, sw. OF SUSSEX.''''^''^'^-"^^""^'*'' 1550. 1553. 1598. 1608. 1670. 1677. 1705. 1 754. 1757. Sir Richd. Sackville. Hy., E. of Arundel. Richd., Id. Buckhurst, and Chas.,E of Nottingham. Chas., E. of Nottingham, and Thos. E. of Arundel. Thos., E. of Arundel, and Edwd., E, of Dorset. Richd., E. of Dorset, and Chas., Id, Buckhurst. Chas., E. of Dorset. Algernon, D. of Somerset. John, E. of Ashburnham. Geo., E. of Abergavenny. 1759. In Commission. 1762. Chas.,E. of Egremont. 1763. Chas., 3rd D. of Richmond, Oct. 18. 1807. Chas., D. of Norfolk, Jan. U, 8W, 1816. Chas., 4th D. of Richmond, Jan. 3rd E. of Egremont, 1835. 1860. 1886. Chas., 4th D 30, 8w. Geo. O'Brien, Nov. 5, G. Chas., 5th D. of Richmond. Hy. Thos., E. of Chichester, Nov. Hy. Bouverie Wm., vise. Hampden, G.C.B., Apr. 5, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF THE TOWER HAMLETS. See " Constables of the Tower of London," /jos<, p. 319. LORD LIEUTENANTS OP WARWICKSHIRE. 1750. Fras., E., aft. Ist M. of Hertford, June 30, sw. 1795. Geo., E. of Warwick and Brooke, Jan 4. 1816. Fras., 2nd M. of Hertford, June 27. 1822. Hy. Richd., E. of Warwick and E. Brooke, July 5, aw. 1854. Wm., 3rd E. of Craven, Mar. 29, sw. 1856. Wm. Hy., Id. Leigh, Apr. 4, sw. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 313 LORD LIEUTENANTS OF WESTMORELAND. * * * ' 1868. Hy. Lowther, aft. 3rd E. of Lonsdale 1758. Sir Jas. Lowther, bt., aft. E. of Dec. 2, G. Lonsdale, Aug. 14. 1876. Sir Richd. Courtenay Musgrave, bt., 1802. Wm., vise. Lowther, aft. 1st E. of Sept. 27, G. Lonsdale(secondcreation),.Junel6. 1881. Sir Hy. Jas. Tufton, bt., aft. Id. 1844. Wm., 2nd E. of Lonsdale, Apr. 17, Hothfield, Mar. 14, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF WILTSHIRE. 1761. Hy., 10th E. of Pembroke, Mar. 18. 1780. Thos., E. of Ailesbury, Feb. 19. 1782. Hy., E. of Pembroke, again, Mar. 27. 1794.' Geo. Aug., E. of Pembroke, Jan. 26. 1827. Hy., M. of Lansdowne, Nov. 16, 8W. 1863. Geo. Wm. Fredk. , M. of Ailesbury, Mar. 25, sw. I 1878. Jacob, E. of Radnor, Mar. 7, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF WORCESTERSHIRE. See " Brecknockshire," /)os<, p. 315. 1831. Thos., Id. Foley, Apr. 27, sw. 1833. Wm. Hy., Id. Lyttleton, Mav 29, sw. 1837. Thos. Hy., Id. Foley, July 12, sw. 1839. Geo. Wm., Id. Lyttleton, 6ct.21,sw. 1876. Fredk., E. Beauchamp, May 13. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF YORKSHIRE— EAST RIDING. 1751. Geo. Wm., 6th E. of Coventry, June 12. 1808. Geo. Wm., vise. Deerhurst, aft. 7th E. of Coventry, Nov. 23, sw. 1778. Fras. Godolphin, M. of Carmarthen, aft. D. of Leeds, July 11. 1780. Fredk., E. of Carlisle, Feb. 9. 1782. Fras. Godolphin, M. of Carmarthen, aft. D. of Leeds, again, Mar. 27. 1799. Fredk., E. of Carlisle, Feb. 26. 1807. Hy., Id. Mulgrave, Aug. 19, sw. 1824. Geo., vise. Morpeth, aft. E. of Carlisle, Nov. 20, sw. 1840. Paul Beilby, Id. Wenlock. Jan. 29, G. 1847. Geo. Wm. Fredk., vise. Morpeth, aft. E. of Carlisle, Jan. 29. 1864. Beilby Richd., Id. Wenlock, Nov. 22, sw. 1880. Marmaduke, Id. Herries, Dec. 16, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF YORKSHIRE— NORTH RIDING. 1740. Robt., E. of Holdernesse, Apr. 15. 1777. Hy.,E. Fauconberg, Dec. 1802. Geo. Wm. Fredk., D. of Leeds, Apr. 7. 1839. Hon. Thos. Jno. Dundas, c.c. Id. Dundas, aft. E. of Zetland, Feb. 3, sw. 1873. Geo. Fredk. Saml., M. of Ripon, K.G., Mar. 19, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF YORKSHIRE— WEST RIDING. 1762. Fras., E. of Huntingdon. 1765. Chas., M. of Rockingham, again, Aug. 7. 1782. Chas., E. of Surrey, aft. D. of Nor- folk, Sept. 28. 1798. Wm., E. Fitzwilham, Feb. 14. 1819. Hy., vise. Lascelles, aft. 2nd E. of Harewood, Nov. 5, G. 1842. Jas. Archibald, Id. Wharncliffe. 1846. Hy., 3rd E. of Harewood, Jan. 21, sw. 1857. Wm. Thos. Spencer, vise. Milton, aft. E. Fitzwilham, Mar. 20, sw. 314 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. NORTH WALES. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF ANGLESEY. 16G0. Richd. Vaughan, E. of Carbery,app. for all counties of S. Wales, and for Haverfordwest, Sept. 18. The same, re-app. for all counties of N. and S. Wales, and for Haver- fordwest, Dec. 22. 1662, The same, re-app., July 19. 1673. Hy. Somerset, 3rd M. and 7th E. of Worcester, aft. D. of Beaufort ; app. for all counties of X. and S. Wales, July 20. 1685. The same, re-app. for ditto, and for Haverfordwest, and the counties of Gloucester, Hereford, and Monmouth, Mar. 28. 1689. Chas. Gerard, E. of Macclesfield, app. for ditto. Mar. 22. 1695. The same, re-app. for all counties of N. Wales, Mar. 10. 1702. Wm., E. of Derby, app. for ditto, Jan. 18. Hugh, Id. Cholmondeley, aft. Ist E. of Cholmondeley, app. for ditto, Dec. 2. 1714. The same, re-app. for ditto, Aug. 21. 1725. Geo. , 2nd E. of Cholmondeley, app. for ditto, and for Cheshire, Apr. 7. 1733. Geo. , 3rd E. of Cholmondeley, app. for ditto, June 14. Anglesey only. 1771. Sir Nicholas Bayloy. bt. 1782. Hy., E. of Uxbndge, July 20. 1813. Hy. Wm., E. of Uxbridge, aft. 1st M. of Anglesey. 1854. Hy. , 2nd M. of Anglesey, June 8, sw. 1869. Hon. Wm. Owen Stanley, Mar. 2, G. 1884. Richd. Davies, Mar. 27, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF CARNARVONSHIRE. See " Anglesey," supra. 1761. Thos. Wynne, aft. Id. Newborough. 1781. Thos. Jas., vise. Bulkeley, Nov. 20. 1822. Thos. Assheton Smith, Sept. 16, sw. 1829. PeterRobt. .Id.WilloughbyDeEresby, Feb. 11, sw. 1851. Sir Richd. Bulkeley Williams Bulke- ley, Feb. 11, sw. 1866. Edwd. Gordon, Id. Penrhyn, Sept. 18, sw. 1886. Jno. Ernest Greaves. LORD LIEUTENANTS OP DENBIGHSHIRE. See " Anglesey," supra. * * Watkin Williams, in 1792. 1793. Richd. Myddelton. 1795. Sir Watkin Williams WjTin, bt. 1840. Middleton Biddulph. 1852. Robt. Myddelton Biddulph. 1872. Maj., aft. col., Wm. Cornwallis West, May 9, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF FLINTSHIRE. See ^' Anglesey," supra. 1701. Sir Roger Mostyn, bt. 1797. Lloyd, Id. Kenyon. 1798. Robt., vise. Belgrave, aft. E. Gros- voiior and M. of Westminster. 1845. Sir Stephen Rd. Glynne, bt., June 30, sw. 1874. Hugh Robt. Hughes, Aug. 1, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF MERIONETHSHIRE. See " Anglesey," supra. * * * I 1793. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, 5th bt., 1762. Wm. Vaughan— the grant to the E. Juno 10. of Cholmondeley for all counties 1830. Sir Watkin Williams Wymi, 6th bt., in N. Wales revoked, pro lantv, Dec. 21. Apr. 26. 1840. Hon. Edw. Mostyn Lloyd, aft. Id. 1775. Sir Watliin Williams Wynn, 4th bt. ' Mostyn, June 25. 1789. Watkin Williams, Aug. 31. 1 1884. Robt. Davies Pryce, May 12, G. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF MONTGOMEEYSHIRE. See "Anglesey," ante, p. 314. 1772. Robt., Id. Clive, Oct. 9. 1775. Fras.. E., aft. 1st M. of Hertford, Apr. 7. 1776. Geo. Edwd. Hy. Arthur, E. of Powis, Nov. 8. 1804. Edwd., E. of Po-svis, June 6, sw. 1839. Edwd. Herbert, E. of Powis. 1848. Chas., Id. Sudeley, Feb. 11, sw. 1858. Hon. Thos. Chas. Sudeley, aft. Id. Sudelev, Apr. 6, sw. 1863. Sudeley Chas. Geo., Id. Sudeley, Apr. 22. 1877. Edyd. Jas., E. of Po-svis, May 22. SOUTH WALES. 1704. 1715. 1720. 1728. 1731. 1771. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF BRECKNOCKSHIRE. See " Anglesey," ante, p. 314. Thos. Herbert, E. of Pembroke and Montgomery, app. for all counties of S. Wales and for Haverford- west and Monmouthshire, May 11. The same, re-app. Jan. 27. John Morgan, app. for Brecknock- shire and Monmouthshire, Oct. 7. Wm. Morgan, app. for ditto, June 21. Sir Wm. Morgan, app. for ditto, June 26. Thos. Morgan, app. for ditto, June 18. Chas. Morgan, app. for Brecknock- shire only, Dec. 23. 1787. Hy., D. of Beaufort, app. for ditto, June 1. 1803. Hy. Chas., D. of Beaufort, app. for Brecknockshire and Monmouth- shire, Oct. 26. sw. Bkeckkockshike onlt. 1836. Penry Williams, Feb. 3, sw, 1847. Lloyd Vaughan Watkins, Feb. 4, sw. 1865. Geo. Chas., M. Camden, Oct. 31, G. 1866. Chas. Morgan Robinson Tredegar, Sept. 25, G. 1875. Sir Jos. Russell Bailey, bt., .June 14, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF CARDIGANSHIRE. See "Anglesey," ante, p. 314, and " Brecknockshire," supra. 1763. Hon. Wilmot Vaughan, aft. vise, and E. of Lisburne, Jan. 10. 1800. Thos. Johnes, July 2, sw. 1816. Wm. Edwd. Powell, Oct. 26, G. 1854. Thos. Lloyd, Oct. 18, sw. 1857. Edwd. Lewis Pryse, Aug. 27, sw. 1888. Herbert Davies Evans, July 16, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF CARMARTHENSHIRE. See " Anglesey," ante, p. 314, and " Brecknockshire," supra. * * Geo. Rier. 1779. Thos. Johnes. 1780. Jno. Vaughan, Mar. 25. 1804. Geo., Id. Dynevor, June 6, sw. 1852. Jno. Fredk., 1st E. Cawdor, May 15, sw. 1861. Jno. Fredk. Vaughan, 2nd E. Caw- dor, Apr. 30. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF GLAMORGANSHIRE. See " Anglesey," ante, p. 314, and " Brecknockshire," supra. 1728. Chas. Paulet, 3rd D. of Bolton, Mar. 22. 1752. Other Lewis, E. of Plymouth, Nov. 6. 1772. John, Id. Mountstewart, aft. 4th E. and 1st M. of Bute, Mar. 22. 1794. Geo. Aubrey, ] Dep. Heuts. to John Price, and - act during va- John Richards, j cancv. Mar. John. 4th E., aft. 1st M. .of Bute.Dec. 1815. John, 2nd M. of Bute. June 2. 1848. Christopher Rice Mansel Talbot Apr. 15, sw. 316 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF HAVERFORDWEST. See "Anglesey," ante, p. 314, and " Brecknockshire," ante, p. 315. * * • I 1857. Jno. Hy. Philipps, aft. sir J. H. * * Sir Wm. Owen, bt. Philipps-Scourfield, bt., July 16, 1770. Sir Rd. Philipps, bt. , aft. Id. Milford, ! sw. 1876 Chas. Edwd. Gregg Philipps, Aog. Jan. 23. 1824. Rd. Bulkeley Philipps Philipps, aft. I 7. a;:>St, :.?, /-f ' Id. Milfoid, Apr. 7, sw. | "* ' LORD LIEUTENANTS OF PEMBROKESHIRE. See " Anglesey," ante, p. 314, and " Brecknockshire," ante, p. 315. * * * I 1824. Sir Jno. Owen, bt, * * Sir Wm. Owen, bt. j 1861. Wm., 3rd Id. Kensington, Apr. 30, 1778. Hugh Owen, Feb. 10. | sw. 1780. Richd., Id. Milford. j 1872. Wm., 4th Id. Kensington, Feb. G, Q. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF RADNORSHIRE. See "Anglesey," ante, p. 314, and " Brecknockshire," ante, p. 315. * * * 1842. Sir Jno. Benn Walsh, bt., aft. Id. 1766. Edwd., E of Oxford. , Ormathwaite. Aug. 11, sw. 1792. Hon. Thos. Harley. , 1875. Hon. Arthur Walsh, aft. Id. Orma- 1805. Geo., Id. Rodney, Mar. 21. | thwaite, Apr. 19, G. SCOTLAND AND IRELAND. For lord lieutenants of counties in these countries, see Part IX., "Scot- land," post, and Part X., " Ireland," post. GOVERNORS AND CONSTABLES OF CASTLES, &c. CONSTABLES OF DOVER CASTLE AND WARDENS OF THE CINQUE PORTS. These are very ancient oflBces, and in former days had important duties attached to them in protecting the country from invasion. They are now merely honorary posts, generally conferretl upon some distin- guished statesman, and the only emolument now derived from them is the enjoyment of Walmer Castle as a residence. The two offices were formerly sometimes separated, but for many yeai*s past they have been held by the same person. In compiling the present list, the lists given in Harris's History op Kent, Hasted's History of Kent, and Lyons* History of Dover, have been collated and, as far as possible, reconciled. There are, how- ever, some slight differences in some of the earlier names and dates, and therefore, although the list now given will probably be found suffi- THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 317 cient for all practical purposes, the works above quoted should, in any case of difficulty, be consulted, and the ancient records on which they rely examined. Constables op Dover Castle and Wardens of the Cinque Ports. C. signifies constable only ; W., warden only ; C. and W., both constable and warden. * * Godwin, E. of Kent, gov. in the reign of Edward the Confessor. 1053. Harold, his son, gov., aft. king. 1066. Bertram de Ashburnham, gov. ; put to death by William the Conqueror. Wm. Peverel. gov., pro. tern. Will, I. Odo, bp. of Baieux, E. of Kent, gov. Baron John de Fienes, C. and W. 1084. Jas. de Fienes, C. and W. 1111. Baron John de Fienes, again ; C. and W. 1138-9. Wm. Mareschall, E. of Pem- broke, C. (4 Stephen). Steph. Wakelyn de Magminot, C. Richd., E. of Ewe, C. Eustace, E. of Boulogne, C. andW. Hen. XL Hy. de Essex, bar. of Raleigh and E. of Essex, C. and W. ; dism. 1163. Simon de Sandwich, C. and W Hy. de Sandwich, C. and W. Alan de Fienes, C. and W. Rich. I. Jas. de Fienes, C. and W. Ingelram de Fienes, C. (?). Richd. , otherwise Matth. de Clare, C. and W. Wm. Longspee, E. of Salisbury, natl. son of Henry II., some- times called Wm. Devereux, C. Wm. Longchamp (?). John. Wm. de Wrotham, C. and W. 1201-2. Thos. Bassett, C. (3 John). Hubert de Burgh, aft. E. of Kent. C. and W. (3 John). 1203-4. Wm. de Huntingfield, C. and W. (5 John). 1204. Wm. Longspee, E. of Salisbury, at/ain ; C. and W., Sept. 9. 1206-7. Geo'ffry Fitz-Pier, aft. E. of Essex, C. May 25. 1215. Hubert de Burgh, aft. E. of Kent, again ; C. and W. , June 30. 1219-20. Hy. de Braibroc, or Braybrooke C. (4 Hen. III.). 1220-1. Sir Robt. de Neresford, C. (5 Hen. III.) 1223. Hughde Windlesore, or Wynsore, C, Oct. 31. 1225. Sir Geoft'ry de Shurland, C, Apr. 13. 1226. Wm. de Averenches, or Albrincis and Tergusius, mayor of Dover, joint W., Mar. 14. Hen. III. John Mansel, C. (?). 1827-8. Hubert de Burgh, again; C. (12 Hen. III.) 1231-2. Stephen de Segrave, C. and W. (16 Hen. III.) Symon, or Harry Hoese, C. (15 Hen. III.) Bertram de Criol, C. (16 Hen. HI.) 1233-4. Hubert de Husato, C. (18 Hen. HI.) 1234-5. Hams de Crevequer, or Crevecoeur, C. and joint W. with Walerand de Teyes (19 Hen. HI.) 1237-8. Bertram de Criol, a/jain; C. (22 Hen. III.) ; and again C. 1240-1 (25 Hen. HI.) 1241-2. Peter de Savoy, E. of Richnond, C. (26 Hen. III.) Humphry de Bohun, E. of Here- ford and Essex, C. (26 Hen. III.) 1246-7. Sir Robt. de Neresford, again ; 0. (31 Hen. III.). 1247-8. Peter de Rivallis, C. (32 Hen. HI.) 1254-5. Reginald de Cobham, C. and W. ('39 Hen. III.) 1258-9. Peter de Savoy, E. of Richmond, again ; C. and W. (42 Hen. III.) 1258. Roger Northwood, C. and W.,. June 9. Nicholas de Moels, C. and W.,. June 10. Richd. de Grey, C. and W., July 28. 1259. Hugh, or Roger Bigod, C. and W. (43 & 44 Hen. III.) 1259-60. Wm. de Say, C. (44 Hen. HI.) 1261. Robt. Waleran, C, May 3. 1262-3. Hy. Braybro ke, C. (47 Hen. III.) Ediiid. and Robt. de Gascoyne, joint C. (47 Hen. III.) 1263. Hy. de Sandwich, bp. of London, C, July 10. Walter de Bersted, C. and W. July 20. Richd. de Grey, C. , and aft. W. Nichs. de Criol, W. ; res. in favour of De Grey 1264. Hy. Montfort, C. and W., May 8. Roger de Leyborne, W., Nov. 26. Hy., or Ediiid. and Robt. Gaa- coigne, joint C, July 8. Hen. III. Walter Berested, C. Matth. Belers, or Besliz, W, 318 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1265-6. Simon de Sandwich, aft. sir S., C. (50 Hen. III.) 1266-7. Edwd., pr. of Wales, aft. Edw. I,, C. and W. (51 Hen. III.) 1272-3. Sir Steph. de Penchester, C. (1 Edw. I.), and W., July 4, 1273. 1275. Simon de Grey, C. andW., (3 and 4 Edw. I.) 1277-8. Ralph de Sandwich, C. and W. (6 Edw. I.) 1290. Sir Steph. de Penchester, ayain ; C. and W., Sept. 24; and aqain, 1298-4 (22 Edw. I.) Edw. I. Sir JRobt. de Shurland, W. 1290-1. Robt. Burgess, or de Burghersh, C. and W. (19 Edw. I); again, July 20, 1299. 1305-6. Hy. Cobham, C. and W. (34 Edw. I-) 1307. Robt. de Kendall, C. and W., Nov. 14. 1314-5. Hy. de Cobham, jun., C. and W. (8 Edw. II.) 1315-6. Robt. de Kendall, again ; G. and W. (9 Edw. II.) Bartholomew de Badlesmere, grandson of Robt. de Burgh- hersh, C. and W. 1320-1. Sir Hugh de Spencer, or Le Spen- cer, junr.,aft. E. of Gloucester, W. (14 Edw. II.) 1321-2. Edmd., E. of Kent, C. and W. (15 Edw. II.) Edw. H. Sir Thos. Peaehe, C. 1325-6. Robt. de Kendall, again ; C. and W. . and Ralph de Camoys, W. (18 Edw. II.) 1326. Ralph Basset, Mar. 18. Ralph de Camoys and Robt. de Kindale, again; C. and W., Sept. 30. 1326-7. Sir Hugh de Spencer or Le Spen- cer, junr., again ; W. (20 Edw. II.) 1327. Bartholomew de Badlesmere, or de Burghersh, or Id. Burghersh, again ; C. and W., Aug. 1. 1327-8. Edmd. of Woodstock, E. of Kent, C. (1 Edw. III.) 1330. Robt. de Burghersh, C. and W., Feb. 28. 1331. Wm. de Clinton, aft. E. of Hunt- ingdon, C. and W., Sept. 4. 1337-8. John de Lancaster (11 Edw. IIL) 1339-10. Wm.,E. of Huntingdon, again ; C. and W. (13 Edw. IIL) 1343-4. Bartholomew, Id. Burghersh, again; C. and W. (17 Edw. III.) Sir John Peche, C. and W. (17 Edw. III.) 1345-6. Ralph, Id. Bassett, C. and W. (19 Edw. III.) 1346-7. Bartholomew, Id. Burghersh, aqain; C. and W. (20 Edw. III.) 1350-1. Reginald de Cobham, K.G., or Id. Cobham, W. (24 Edw. IIL) 1355. Otho de Grandison, C, Aug. 4. 1355-6. Roger de Mortimer, E. of March, C. and W. (29 Edw. IIL) Edw. III. Guy St. Clere, C. and W. 1360-1. Sir John Beauchamp, k.g. , C. and W. (34 Edw. III.) Reginald de Cobham, K.G., C. and W. (34 Edw. IIL) 1361-2. Sir Robt. Herle, C. and W. (35 Edw. IIL) 1365-6. Sir Ralph Spirgunell, 0. and W. (39 Edw. IIL) 1369. Sir Richd. de Pembrigg, or Pem- bridgo, C. and W., Mar. 20. 1372. Wm. de Latimer, or Id. Latimer, C. and W., Feb. 7. 1376-7. Edmd. Plantagenet de Langley, E. of Cambridge, C. and W. (50 Edw. IIL) 1380-1. Sir Robt. Asheton, C. and W. (4 Rich. II.) 1384. Sir Simon de Burley, K.G., C. and W. , Feb, 6. 1388. Sir John Devereux, k.g., C. and W., Jan. 4. 1391-2. Hy. de Cobham, son of Reginald, 'C. and W. (15 Rich, IL) 1392-3. John, Id. Beaumont, C. and W. (16 Rich. IL) 1396-7. Edwd., D. of York and Albc- marle, C. and W. (20 Rich. IL) 1398. John, M. of Dorset, C. and W. Feb. 5. 1401-2. Sir Thos. Erpingham, k.g., C. and W. (3 Hen. IV.) 1409. Hy , pr. of Wales, aft. Hen. V,, C. and W., Dec. 12. 1413-4. Sir Thos. Fitz-alan, E. of Arundel, C. and W. (1 Hen. V.) 1420. Humphry, D. of Gloucester, son of Hen. IV., C. and W., Jan. 20. 1425-6. John Reynsford, C. (4 Hen. VL) 1447. Sir Jas. Fienes, cr. Id. Saye and Sele, C. and W., Feb. 24. 1449-50. Humphry, D. of Buckingham, C. and \V."(28 Hon. VL) 1459-60. Edmd., D. of Somerset, 0. and W. (38 Hen. VL) 1461-2. Simon Montfort, C. and W. (1 Edw. IV.) Richd., E. of Warwick, C, and W. (1 Edw. IV.) 1470-1. Sir John Scott, C. and W. (10 Edw. IV.) Wm., E. of Arundol, 0. and W. (10 Edw. IV.) Edw. V. Richd., D. of Gloucester, aft. Richd. IIL, 0. and W. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 319 1483-4. Hy., D. of Buckingham, C. and W. (1 Rich. III.) 1483. Wm., E. of Arundel, aqain; C. and W., Oct. 23. 1847-8. Sir Wm. Scott, C. and W. (3 Hen. VII.) 1493. Hy., D. of York, aft. Hen. VIII., C. and W., Apr. 5. 1504-5. Sir Edwd. Poynings. k.g., C. and W. (20 Hen. VII.) 1510-1. Geo., Id. Abergavenny, C. and W. (2 Hen. VIII.) 1513. Sir Edwd. Poynings, k.g., again; 0. and W., May 17. 1521-2. Sir Edwd. Guildeford. k.g., C. and W. (13 Hen. VIII.) 1532-3. Geo., vise. Rochford, C. and W. (24 Hen. VIII.) 1536-7. Hy., D. of Richmond, 0. and W. (28 Hen. VIII.) Arth. Plantagenet. vise. Lisle, 0. and W. (28 Hen. VIII.) 1539-40. Sir Thos. Cheney, k.g. C. and W. (31 Hen. VIII.) 1558. Wm., Id. Gobham. 1596-7. Hy., Id. Gobham. his son, C. and W. (39 Eliz.) 1603-4. Hy.. E. of Northampton, 0. and 'W. (1 Jas. I.) 1615-6. Edwd., Id. Zouch of Haringworth, 0. and W. (13 Jas. I.) ? 1614. 1623-4. Geo., D. of Buckingham, G. and W. (21 Jas I.) 1628. Theophilus, E. of Suffolk, G. and W., July 24. 1640. Jas., D. of Richmond, G. and W., June 9. 1648. Robt., E. of Warwick, G. Dm-ing the commonwealth the oflBces were at first executed by the Gouncil of State ; after- wards they were put into com- mission. Held.theofficeof Constable dur- ing the com- monwealth. G. John Lambert, John Desborough, Robt. Blake, Chas. Fleetwood. 1660. Jas., D. of York. aft. Jas. II., and W. Ghs. IL Hy., vise. Sidney, aft. E. of Romney, G. and W. Anne. Pr. Geo. of Denmark, consort of Q. Anne, C. and W. 1708. Lionel Cranfleld, E., aft. D. of Dorset, G. and W., Dec. 1713-4. Jas., D. of Ormond, C. & W.,(12 Anne). Lionel Cranfleld, E.,aft. D. of Dor- set, fifjain ; G. and W.(l Geo. I.) 1717. John Sidney, E. of Leicester, G. and W. Lionel Cranfleld, now D.of Dorset, again ; C. and W. (1 Geo. II.) 1765. Robt., E. of Holderness. C. and W.,Oct. 1778. Fredk. North, c.c. Lord North, K.G, aft. E. of Guildford, G. and W. 1792. Wm. Pitt, G. and W., Aug. 18. 1806. Robt. Bankes Jenkinson, c.c. Id. Hawkesbury, aft. E. of Liver- pool, G. and W., Jan. 28, G. 1829. Arthur. D. of Wellington, C. and W., Jan. 20, G. 1853. Jas. Andrew, M. of Dalhousie, K.T., C. and W., Jan. 13, G. 1861. Hy. Jno., vise. Palmerston, k.g., G. and W., Mar. 27, G. 1865. Granville Geo., E. Granville, e.g., G. and W., Dec. 23. G. Fit tl.i Tc^jy L //frv^ liU%,tf. irJ, '*^ t^ clC^^ iL^''/5.,f-f.M.^',;.r,;.x '" CONSTABLES AND LIEUTENANTS OF THE TOWER OP LONDON. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF THE TOWER HAMLETS. CONSTABLES OF THE TOWER OF LONDON AND LORD LIEUTENANTS OF THE TOWER HAMLETS. These two offices have been united for many years, probably from the first institution of the office of lord lieutenant. The act 14 Chas. IL cap. 3, sec. 31, recites, " Whereas the Militia of the Tower division of Middlesex known as the Tower Hamlets are, and always have been, under the command of his majesty's constable or lieutenant of the Tower. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Constables of the Towee of London. ^VILLIAM I. 1066. Geoffrey de Mandeville (No. 1). * * Wm. de Mandeville, his son. 1140. Geoffrey de ilandeville (No. 2), his grandson. Stepiiek. 1153. Richd. de Lucy. Henry H. * * Gamerius de Isenei. Richard I. 1189. Wm. Longchamp, bp. of Ely, with Wm. Piuntellus under him. 1192. Archbp. of Rouen 1194. Roger FitzRenfred. John. 1205. 1213. 1214 1215. 1217. 1220. 1223. 1224. 1225. 1226. 1229. 1232. 1233. 1234. 1235. 1241. 1243. 1244. 1245. 1255. 1256. 1260. 1261. 1262. 12G4. 1266. 1267. 1268. 1272. 1273. 1274. 1283. 128G Roger de la Dune. Geoffrey de Mandeville (No. 3). Henrf III. Eustace de Greinville. Steph. Langton, abp. of Canterbury. Walter de Verdun. Stephen de Segrave. Hugh de Wyndlesore. Pandulph Masca, bp. of Norwich. John de Boville. Thos. de BluuTill. Hy. Fitz Aucher. Ralph de Gatel. Hubert de Burgh, E. of Kent. W. de St. Edmund. Geoffrey de Crancumb. Hugh Giffard. Walter de Grey, abp. of York, and Bertram de Crioyle, jointly. Peter de Vallibus. John de Plessetis. Peter de Blund. Aymon Thorimbergh. Imbert Pugeys. Richd. do Culwurth. Richd. de Tilbury. Hugh de Bigod. John Manscl. Hugh le Despenser. Roger de Leyburn. Hugh Fitz O'tho. John Walerand and John delaLind, jointly. Alan la Zouch. Thos. de Ippegrave. Stephen de Eddeville. Hugh Fitz Otho, cKjain. Walter Giffard, abp. of York. John do Burgh. Philip Basset. Anthy. Bek. Edward I. Ranulph de Dacre. Ralph do Sandwich. 1289. Ralph de Berners. Ralph de Sandwich, again. Edward II. 1307. John de Crumb well. 1320. Guy Frere. 1321. Roger de Swynnerton. 1322. Stephen de Segrave. 1323. Walter Stapleton, bp. of Eseter. John de Weston. 1326. Thos. Wake. John de Gisors and Rd. de Betoigne, jointly. 1327. Maurice" de Berkeley. Wm. la Zouche. Edward III. 1329. John de Crumb well, uijain. 1335. Wm. de Montacute. Nicholas de la Beche. 1341. Robert de Dalton. 1346. John Darcy (No. 1). 1347. John Darcy (No. 2), son. 1355. Bartholomew de Burghersh. Robert de Morley. 1360. Jno. de Beauchamp. 1361. Richd. de la Vachc. 1365. Alen Buxhill, or Alan de Burcholl. Richard II. 1381. Sir Thos Murrieux. 1391. Edwd., E. of Rutland. 1397. Ralph de Nevill. Edwd., D. of Albemarle. Sir Thos. de Rempston. 1407. Edwd., D. of York. Henry V. 1413. Robt. de Morley. John Dabrichcourt. 1415. Sir Wm. Bourchier. 1420. Sir Roger Aston. Henry VI. 1446. John, D. of Exeter. Jas., Id. Saye and Sele. Edward IV. 1461. John, Id. Tiptoft, E. of Worcester. 1473. John. Id. Dudley. Richd., Id. Dacre. 1478. John, Id. Howard. * * Thos., M. of Dorset. Richard III. 1483. Sir Thos. Brackonbury. Henry VII. 1485. Jno., E. of Oxford. Henry VIII. 1509, Sir Thos. Lovel. 1524. Sir Wm. Kingston. 1540. Sir John Gage. 1553. Edwd., Id. Clinton. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 321 Mary. 1554. Sir John Gage, again. 1556. Sir Edmund Braj'. Temp. Elizabeth and Jamks I. Thos., Id. Howard of Walden. Charles I. 1640. Eras., Id. Cottington. 1647. Gen. Sir Thos. Fairfax. Charles II. 1660. Sir John Robinson. 1678. Jas., E. of Northampton. 1680. Wm., Id. AUington. 1684. Geo., Id. Dartmouth. William III. to Victoria. 1688. Thos., Id. Lucas. 1702. Montagu, E. of Abingdon. Algernon, E. of Esses. 1712. Geo., E. of Northampton. 1717. Chas., E. of Carlisle. 1722. Hy.. E. of Lincoln. 1725. Chas., D. of Bolton. 1726. Hy. , vise. Lonsdale. * * Richd. , E. Rivers. * * John, E. of Leicester. 1740. Chas., Id., aft. E. Cornwallis. 1762. John, Id. Berkeley of Stratton. 1770. Chas., E., aft. M. Cornwallis. 1783. Ld. Geo. Hy. Lennox. 1785. Chas., E., aft. M. Cornwallis, K.G. 1806. Eras.. E. of Moira, aft. M. of Hast- ings, Fob. 12, sw. 1826. Arthur, D. of Wellington, k.g., Dec. 29, G. 1852. Stapleton, vise. Combermere, g.c.b., Oct. 11, G.; Feb. 21,1853, sw. 1865, Gen. Sir John Fox Burgoyne, bt., G.C.B. , Apr. 8, G. ; Apr. 22, sw. 1871. F.-marsh. Sir Geo. Pollock, g.c.b., G.C.8.I., Nov. 14, G. 1872. F.-marsh. Sir Wm. Maynard Gomm, G.C.B. , Oct. 31, G. 1875. Gen. Sir Chas. Yorke, g.c.b., Apr, 5, G. 1881. Gen. Sir Wm. Fenwick Williams, of Kars, bt., g.c.b.. May 9, G. Gen. Sir Richd. Jas. Dacres, g.c.b., July 2, G. 1887. Robt. CorneHs, Id. Napier of Mag- dala, G_,c.B., G.C.S.I., Jan, 6, G. LIEUTENANTS OF THE TOWER OF LONDON. From the Reicn of Edward I, Edward I. Giles de Oudenard. Edward II. Ralph Bavant. Henry Y. Sir Roger Aston. Henry VIL Sir John Digby. Henry VIIL Sir Richd. Cholmondeley. Sir Edwd. Walsingham. Sir Wm. Sidney. Sir Anthony Knevit. — Stoner. Edward VI. Sir John Markham. Sir Arthur Darcy. Queen Mary. Sir John Bridges, aft. Id. Chandos. Sir Thos. Bridges, bir Hy. Bedingtield. Sir Robt. Oxenbridge. Queen Elizabeth, Sir Thos. Garden and Sir Edwd. Warner were app. to take charge of the tower jointly with Sir Robt. Oxenbridge. Sir Edwd. Warner, alone. Sir Richd. Blount. Sir Fras. Jobson. Sir Owen Hopton. Sir Michael Blount. Sir Drue Drury. Sir Richd. Barkley. Sir John Peyton. James I. Sir Geo. Harvey. Sir Wm. Waad. Sir Gervase Helwias. Sir Geo. More. Sir Allan Apsley, who continued in office on the accession of Charles I. Sir Wm. Balfour, Col. Lunsford. Sir John Byron. Sir John Conyers. Sir Robt. Harlowc. Alderman Pennington. 322 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. COMMOXAVEALXn. Col. John Berkstead. Col. Titchbourn. Col. Fitch. Col. Herbert Morley. Charles II. Sir John Robinson. James II. Thos. Cheek. Sir Edwd. Hales. Sir Bevill Skelton. 1688. Col. King, as dep. gov. William and Maby. Col. John Farewell. I AxxE TO Victoria. \ Chas. Churchill. I Brig. -gen. \Vm. Cadogan. I Lt.-gen. Sir Hatton Compton. I Lt.-gen. Chas. Vernon. i 1810. Lt.-gen. Wm. Loftus, Aug. 18, G. 1831. 1833. 1851. 1876. f^, G. ; aft. "York." 1872. Stephen Isaacson Tucker, Sept. 9, G. ; aft. '• Somerset." 1880. Hv. FarnhamBurke, Auif. 27. G. ; aft. •' Somerset." 1887. Geo. \Vm. Marshall, .Jan. BLUE MANTLE PURSUIVANTS. According to some this uame was adopted by Edward II[., in honour of the colour of the " field " of the French co it of arras, which he assumed. Accordinfr to others, and more probal)ly, it was taken from the colour of the garter. The office was founded either by Edward III. or l»y Henry V., pro- bably by the former. Blue Mantle Pursuivants. * * * ' 1588. Edw. IV. Ro^cr Bromley, aft. " Chester." Rich. III. John Brice. Hy. VII. — Coller. 1597. * * Thos. Franclie. * * Laurence Alford. * * JohnYounge. 1611. * * Fras. Dj'es; aft. " Windsor." Hy. VIII. Thos Wall; aft. "Lancaster." 161G. 6 Hy. VIII. I 1514-5. Ralph Lago. 1 10 Hv. VIII. * * 1518-9. John Ilutton. 1633. 1522. Thos. Byslev, Nov. 5 : aft. "York." ' 1641. 1528. John Narboone, cr. Nov. 1 (All- 1646. hallows daj') ; aft. " Rich- mond." * * Rowland Plaj'nford; aft. "York." 1660. 1536. Richd. Ratclifife, May 16; aft. "Somerset." 1665. * * Leonard Warcup ; aft. "Carlisle. " . * * * * Wm. Harvey; L. P. June 18 ; aft. \ 1668. " Somerset." ! 1544. Edmd. Atkynson, Sept. 28 ; aft. 1719. '• Somerset." j 1550-1. Nicholas Narboone; aft. "Rich- 1737. mond." 1557. John HoUingworth, nom. ; cr. 1743. Dec. 9, 1558; L. P. Sept., 1757. 1559; (/. Oct. 10, 1559. 1559. Richd. Turpin, app. ; cr. Jan. 22, 1759. 1561 ; iift. •' Windsor." 1761. 1564. Nichs. Dethick, app. ; cr. Apr. 1762. 19, 1565; aft. "Windsor." 1763. 1583. IIum))hrv Hales, app. ; cr. Nov. 3, 1584; aft. " York." 1764. 1587. Jas. Thomas ; sign. Apr. 24 ; 1767. L. P. Apr. 25; cr. Juno 4; 1774. aft. " Chester." Robt. Treswell orCreswell; sign. Feb. 21; L. P. May 18; cr. Mar. 26, 1592: aft. " Somerset." Mercury Patten, cr. Oct. 22 : L. P. May 8, 1604 ; sold his office to his successor. Hy. St. George (No. 1), Dec. 23 ; aft. " Richmond." Sampson Lennard, cr. Mar. 22; L. P. Mar. 23 and Apr. 29, 1617 : »v«u^^5OAf. LANCASTER KINGS OF ARMS. See Lancaster Heralds, ante, p. 332. THE BOOK OP DIGNITIES. LEICESTER KINGS OF ARMS. See Leicester Heralds, post, p. 340. MARCHE KINGS OF ARMS. Founded by Edward IV., formerly earl of March. There are prior traces of a Marche Herald. Edw. IV. John Ferrant. I Edw. IV. Wm. Ballard. ARUNDEL HERALDS EXTRAORDINARY. This title was no doubt taken from the second title of the dukes of Norfolk, who were hereditary earls marshal. 1735. Fras. Hutchenson, L. P. July; Sept.; aft." Chester." Jno. Cheale. Thos. Bewes. BLANC COURSIER HERALDS. This title was taken from the White Horse in the Brunswick arms. The office was afterwards consolidated with that of genealogist of the Bath. sier " and ' ' Bath " genealogist until his death in 1831. 1831. Walter Aston Blount, Dec. 20, G. ; aft. " Chester," &c., con- tinued "Blanc Coursier" and ' ' Bath " genealogist until app.to " Norroy "in 1859 ; no succ.app. Geo. I. John Anstis (No. 2); aft. "Gar- ter." Geo. II. Sackville Fox, res. ; d Dec. 18, 1760. 1757. John SuflBeld Brown, res. 1792. Geo. Nayler, Sept. ; aft. " York," &c. , but continued " Blanc Cour- BUCKINGHAM HERALDS. This officer is mentioned as attending the funeral of Edward IV., but nothing further appears to be known of him. CARLISLE HERALDS. This office was founded by Richard III., who was formerly earl of Carlisle. Rich. III. Christopher Carhill ; aft. " Nor- roy." 1493. Thos. Waters. 1514. Thos. Hawley cr. Nov. 1 (All- hallows Day); L. P. Jan. 2 and 30, 1515; aft. " Clarencieux." 1544. Leonard Warcup. 840 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. CLARENCIEUX HERALDS. See Clarencieux Kings of Aems, ante, p. 328. GLOUCESTER HERALDS. See Bath and Gloucester Kings of Arms, ante, p. 330, HANOVER HERALDS. This oflBce was founded by George I. in honour of his Hanoverian dominions. It was annexed to Bath and Gloucester king of arms, q.v.y ante, p. 330. 1726. Grey Longueville, Feb. 1 ; d. Sept. 29, 1745. 1745. Hon. Edwd. Young, Oct. * * Wm. Woodley. 1757 or 17G1. Saml. Horsey, Jan. 4. ; d. July 28, 1771. LEICESTER HERALDS. This office was founded by Henry IV., formerly Earl of Leicester. Hy. IV. Hy. Grene, Leicester Herald ; aft. cr. Leicester K. Arms. A Leicester Herald appears in the records of the reigns of Hy. IV., Hy. V., Edw. IV., Rich, in., and Hy.VII.,butthe names are unknown. MARCHE HERALDS. See Marche Kings of Arms, ante, p. 339. MOWBRAY HERALDS EXTRAORDINARY. Mowbray was the ancient family name of the dukes of Norfolk, the hereditary earls marshal. 1G23. Jas. Borough or Burroughs, June ; aft. " Norroy." 1G24. Wm. Lo Nevo,L. P., June 24 ; cr. June 29 ; aft. "York." 1G77. Fras. Burghill, cr. June 24 ; aft. " Somerset." 1G94-5. Robt. Plot, Feb. 2. Anno. Rowland or Richd. Fryth ; aft. " Lancaster." Geo. I. Jno. Dugdale ; d. Aug. 4, 1749. 17G4. Jos. Kdinondson, Mar. ; d. Feb. 17, 17SG. 1842. Edwd. Howard Gibbon, Apr. 25 G. ; aft. " Norroy," THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 341 NORFOLK HERALDS EXTRAORDINARY. Geo. I. Jno. Anstis (No. 1), aft. " Garter." 1761. Stephen Martin Leake (No. 2) ; d. Feb. 19, 1797. 1825. Wm. Woods, May 9, G; aft. " Clarencieux." SUFFOLK HERALDS EXTRAORDINARY. This office was founded by George HI. The title was taken from the earldom, which belongs to a branch of the Howard family. 1774. John Ives, junr., Oct. ; d. Jan. 9, 1776. ANTELOPE PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. Henry V. John Wrythe, aft. " Rouge Croix." ATHLONE PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. 1552. Philip Butler, June 22. BARNES PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. Henry VII. Richard Ratcliffe, or Radcliffe. BERWICK PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. Rouge Edw. rV. Wm. Jennings, aft, Croix. " Hy. Vn. Thos. Wall, aft. " Rouge Croix." 1523. Leonard Warcup, or. Nov. 1 (Allhallows Day) ; aft. " Blue- mantle." Hy.VIIL Chas. Wrythe or Wriothesley, aft. " Rouge Croix." Hy. Ray; d. about 1565. 1602. Richd. St. George, Apr. 22 ; aft. " Windsor." BLANC LION PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. Jas. 1. Nicholas Charles, or Carles ; aft. 1618. John Philipot, sign. Oct. ; L. P. Nov. 13 ; aft. " Rouge Dra- gon." 1623. Thos. Hamelin, Feb. 14. Chas. I. Edwd. Walker, aft. " Rouge Croix." 1686. Thos. Holford, junr.. May 3; aft. " Portcullis." 1690. Hugh, or Hy. Clopton, May 29 ; aft. " Rouge Dragon." Anne. Robt. Dale. 1720. Arth. Shepherd, sw. June 24; aft. '' Rouge Dragon." 1782 Alexr. Ocherlony. 842 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. BLANCHE ROSE PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. See Rose Blanche, post, p. 344. BLANC SANGLIER PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. The White Boar was Richard the third's cognizance and one of his supporters. A pursuivant extraordinary with this title appears to have been ap- pointed bj Richard III., and it is believed his name was St. Leger, but there is no certainty on the point. CALAIS PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. Edw. IV. Thos. Wall, aft. " Blue Mantle." Hen. Vm. Ralph Lagysse, aft. "Port- cullis." Christr. Barker, aft. " Rouge Dragon." Hen. Vin. Thos. Mylner, aft. " Rouge Dragon." 28 or 30 > Martin Maroffe, L. P. Mar. 4 ; Hen.VIIL| aft. " Rouge Dragon. " Hen. VIII. Laurence Dalton, aft. "Rouge Croix." Nichs. Fairlewe, or Fellow ; killed in the attack on Calais, 1558, and with him. the oflSce expired. COMFORT PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. Hen. VII. John Joyner, aft. "Rouge Croix"; on his promotion the office was- not filled up. CORK PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. This oflBce was created by Henry VII., but the name of the oflScer is unknown. EAGLE PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. This oflBice was created by Henry YII., but the name of the officer unknown. FALCON PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. The title of Falcon was given to a herald or a pursuivant by Henry V.^ by Edward IV., possibly by Richard III., and by Henry VII. The names of the officers are not known. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 343 FITZALAN PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. Named from the duke of Norfolk's family. 1837. Albert Wm. Woods, June 27, G.; aft. "Portcullis." GUISNES PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. Gttisnes was the name of a town in Picardy, France. Edw. IV. Robt. Browne, aft. "Rouge Hen VIII. John Button, aft. " Blue Croix." Mantle." Rich. III. Thos. Ffrancb, or Fr anke, aft. Allan Dagnall, cr. Nov. 1 "Blue Mantle." (Allhallows Day), 1528 ; aft Hen. VII. Wm. Fellows, aft. "Port- "Portcullis." cullis." 1523. Fulk ap Howell, L. P. July Wm. Tyndall, aft. " Rouge 6; cr. Nov. 1 (Allhallows Dragon." Day); aft. " Rouge Dragon." * * * 1536. Wm. Flower, cr. July 10. Hen. VIII. Richd. Withers, aft. "Port- 1521. Wm. Jennings, aft. ' ' Lan- cullis." caster." Edw VI. Hy. Fellow. HAMPNES PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. Hampnes was the name of a castle near Calais. 22 Hen. VIII. 1530-1. Bartholomew Butler, aft. " Rouge Croix." 1536. Gilbert Dethick, cr. June 16 ; L. P. June 18 ; aft. " Rouge Croix." Hen. VIII. Wm. Harvey, aft. " Blue Mantle. " Hen. VIII. Edmond Atkynson, aft. " Blue Mantle." Nichs. Tubman, aft. " Rouge Croix." Edw. VI. Richd. Turpin, aft. "Blue Mantle." KILDARE PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. A pursuivant bearing this title, but name unknown, attended the funeral of Henry VII. MONT-ORGUEIL PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. Hen. VII. Randolph Jackson. NOTTINGHAM PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. Created by Henry VIII. and named after his illegitimate son, Henry Fitzroy, Earl of Nottingham. Port VIII. Wm. Hastings, aft. cullis." 1528. Richd. Croke, May ' ' Rouge Dragon." 22 Hen. VIII. 1530-1. Thos. TrahejTon, or Trahern, 844 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PORTSMOUTH PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. Named after the Town. Jas. I. John Gwillim, aft. " Rouge Croix." RISEBANK PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. EiSEBANK, or Rysbrook, was the name of a fortress in the English dominions in France. Hen. VII. Thos. Bysley, aft. "Blue Hen. VIII. Justinian Barker, aft. " Rouge Mantle," Croix." Hen. Vin. John Narboone, aft. " Blue : Wm. Lambarde. Mantle." 1554. John HoUingworth, Apr. 29; 1528. Richd. Storke, cr. Nov. 1(A11- aft. "Blue Mantle." hallows Day) ; d. same year, i ROSE PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. Edwd. VI. } Mary. / Richard. ROSE BLANCHE PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. Cbeated by Edward IV., the white rose being the badge of his family. Edw. rV^ John Waters. 1561. Robt. Cook, cr. Jan. 25 ; aft Rich. III. Laurence Alford. '• Chester." Hen. VII. Thos. Hawley. Chas. II. Name unknown. ROSE ROUGE PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. 1602. Philip Holland, Apr. 22; aft. " Portcullis." 1610. Hy. St. George, cr. May ; L. P. Dec. 18 ; aft. " Blue Mantle." 1615. Sampson Lennard, sign. Feb. ; L. P. Mar. 11 ; aft. " Blue Mantle." 1616. Augustine Vincent, L. P. Feb. 22 ; inv. Mar. 22 ; aft. " Rouge Croix." 1623. John Bradshaw, inv. Feb. 14; aft. " Rouge Croix." 1630. Wm. Ryley, July 31 ; aft. " Blu« Mantle." * * Hy. Lilley, aft. " Rouge Croix." Anne. Thos. Coote. LYON KINGS OF ARMS. LYONS DEPUTE. See Part IX, " Scotland," post. ULSTER KINGS OF ARMS. See Pabt X, " Ieeland," post. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 345 PART VI. LEGAL. JUDGES AND OTHER LEGAL DIGNITARIES. INTRODUCTION. Most of the lists in the previous editions of this work were compiled irom Dugdale, or from some later writers who simply adopted his materials and added to them. These lists have now been collated with, corrected by, and compiled from those given by the late Mr. Foss in his Judges of England, a work ot great authority and research, to which reference should be made in all cases of difl&culty, as the learned author not only gives the authorities on which he relies, but is careful, where he differs from other writers, to give his reasons for so doing. It would be beyond the scope of the present work to enter into anything like a detailed history of the origin of the various Courts in which sat the Judges whose names figure in the following list. Many volumes have been written on the subject, but the information contained in Mr. Foss's book will probably be found sufficient for all practical purposes. Here the barest outline must suffice. Prior to the Norman Conquest each hundred or other subdivision of a county had its separate Court, which exercised both civil and ■criminal jurisdiction. Besides these, each county had its "County Court," which then possessed extensive powers and was altogether a far different tribunal to the County Court of the present day, the jurisdiction of which is very limited, and which is, as a rule, only resorted to in trivial matters. Finally, there was the " Witenagemote," to which cases of great importance were sometimes brought by way ■of appeal. William the Conqueror introduced an entirely new system of juris- prudence, adopted from that established in Normandy, and the leading principle of which was to make the Sovereign the supreme head or fountain of justice, and to have the laws administered, if not by him in person, by judges appointed directly by and dependent upon him. 346 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Under this system the ancient local Courts were practically super- seded. They gradually became extinct or obsolete, or, if they sur- vived, their jurisdiction was limited to petty local disputes. The tribunal founded by William the Conqueror was styled the CuEiA Regis, and was composed of the King himself, some of his principal officers, and of the Bishops and Lords ; or, as they were then styled, the Barons of the Kingdom. The King sometimes presided in person ; in his absence the head of the Court was an official styled the Chief Justiciary, or the Justiciaby of England. It was soon found that judicial aptitude can only be attained by judicial training, and that a judge, to do his duty properly, must be a skilled lawyer. Hence there were gradually added to the bishops and barons who. composed the Curia Regis a body of men who were called Justiciaries, who probably acted as deputies for the Chief Justiciary, and, afterwards, as the business of the Court increased^ divided the duties with him. They also went on itinera, or as it is now called, on circuit, to administer justice throughout the Kingdom ; and on these occasions some men of rank or learning in each county were joined with them in their Commissions, all the Commissioners being designated Justices Itinerant. Towards the end of the reign of Edward I., commissions of Trailbaston were issued for the trial of certain offences, the Commissioners being termed Justices of Trailbaston. The appointment both of these justices, and also of the Justices Itinerant, ceased early in the reign of Edward III., when the regular Judges went circuit, as at the present day. For some time after the Curia Regis was established, great incon- venience was experienced from the fact that it followed the person of the King, so that suitors were frequently compelled to travel great distances to prosecute or defend their suits. This was one of the grievances redressed by Magna Charta, which provides that " commoa pleas," i.e. the Court for the decision of suits between subjects, should " not follow the Court, but be held in some certain place," which was then or soon afterwards fixed at Westminster Hall. This was the origin of the Court of Common Pleas. Other changes gradually fol- lowed, into the details of which it is impossible here to enter ; but by the reign of Edward I., the Chief Justiciary had been superseded and the Curia Regis, divided into three distinct Courts, known by the namea of the King's Bench, the Common Pleas, and the ExcHEiiUER, or Exchequer of Pleas; and these Courts continued until they were absorbed into the Supreme Court of Judicature in 1875. The Court of King's Bench originally hud jurisdiction only in criminal matters, or in cases where the Crown was otherwise interested^ or was called on to interfere, in order to compel some inferior tribunal or some official or corporation to fulfil its duties, or to prohibit it from exceeding its powers. But, as the emolument of the Judges depended to a great extent upon fees, and, consequently, upon the amount of business done, and as suits between individuals were found to be profit- able, the Judges of the King's Bench, by means of certain legal fictions, whereby a defendant was presumed to be in the custody of the Marshal of the Court, under a latitat or a hill of Middlesex, and therefore liable to be sued in that Court on auy cause of action^ gradually acquired or assumed cognizance of i)rivate suits. The Court of Common Pleas confined itself to its original jurisdic- THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 347 tion over private suits, but its exclusive jurisdiction in this respect was gradually encroached upon by the other Courts, It, however, for many years, retained exclusive jurisdiction over " real actions," i.e. actions brought for the specific recovery of land. The Court of Exchequer was founded upon a department of the Curia Eegis called the Soaccarium, and originally had jurisdiction only in cases concerning the Revenues of the Crown. Afterwards, jurisdiction over private suits was acquired by means of a writ of quo minus issued by a plaintiff who pretended to be a debtor to the Crown and " less able to discharge his indebtedness for want of the debt owing to him by the defendant," which debt he was thereby able to sue for in the Exchequer Court. So long as the business of this Court was confined to Revenue Cases the Judges were frequently lay- men, i.e. men not bred to the profession of the law, and it was not until the reign of Elizabeth or James I. that they were, invariably, selected from the serjeants-at-law like the Judges of the other Courts. It then became necessary to appoint another Judge to attend exclu- sively to the purely revenue or exchequer business. This functionary was styled a Cursitor Baron, His duties were gradually transferred to various Government departments not connected with the administra- tion of justice, and the office was ultimately abolished in 1856. The Court of Exchequer, besides its revenue and common law juris- diction, had also jurisdiction in equity cases; but this branch was abolished in 1841 by the 5 Vict., cap. 5, and the equity suits then pending were transferred to the Court of Chancery. The Judges of the Court of Exchequer retained their original title of Barons down to the establishment of the Supreme Court of Judicature, whilst the Judges of the other Courts were styled Justices. At the head of each Court was a Chief Justice or Chief Baron, the other Judges being styled " Puisnes." At first the number of Judges in each Court varied from time to time, being increased or diminished at the pleasure of the Sovereign ; but in the Reign of Henry VIII. the number had become fixed at four in each Court (the Chief and four puisnes), and so remained, with very rare exceptions, until 1830, when by 1 Wm. IV., cap. 70, the number was increased to five in each Court, In 1868, by 31 & 32 Vict., cap. 125, the number was again increased to six in each Court. In 1831, by the " Uniformity of Process Act " 2 & 3 Wm. IV., cap. 89, the legal fictions above mentioned were abolished and statutory jurisdiction in all private suits given to each Court. The King's Bench retained its exclusive jurisdiction in all Crown suits and criminal cases, and all revenue cases were still confined to the Exchequer. The Court of Chancery rose from a department of the Curia Regis called the Cancellaria, where all writs, charters, and other documents were prepared for the Great Seal. The chief of this department was the Cancellarius, or Chancellor, who held the Great Seal. He was at first inferior in rank to the Chief Justiciary, but ultimately he be- came the head of the law, and in former times was generally also the King's chief minister. His title was, at first. The Chancellor of THE King, then Chancellor of England, then Lord Chancellor, and finally Lord High Chancellor. The Great Seal was sometimes delivered to a Lord Keeper instead of to a Lord Chancellor; but even Mr. Foss admits himself unable to distinguish between the two, either 348 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. in point of dignity or duties, and in 1563 by 5 Eliz. cap. 18, their iden- tity iu rank, power, and privileges was explicitly declared. There has been no appointment of a Lord Keeper since 1760, but both before and since that date the Great Seal has been occasionally " put into com- mission," i.e., delivered into the custody of several persons styled ■" Commissioners op the Great Seal," who jointly performed the Ohancellor's duties. Occasionally, a deputy or Vice Chancellor was, in early times, appointed to assist the Lord Chancellor or act in his absence ; but the office was not ])ermanently established until 1813, when by 53 Geo, III., cap. 24, a Vice Chancellor of England was appointed. After- wards, in 1841, by 5 Vict., cap. 15, extended by 14 & 15 Vict., cap. 4, and 15 and 16 Vict., cap. 80, two additional Vice Chancellors were appointed. On the death of Sir Lancelot Shadwell in 1850, the title of Vice Chancellor of England was discontinued and the three Vice Chancellors thenceforward ranked according to seniority of appint- ment. By the statutes above referred to, the Lord Chancellor's jurisdiction as a judge of first instance was practically abolished and his duties as an equity judge were confined to hearing appeals. By 14 & 15 Vict., cap. 83, the "Court of Appeal in Chancery" was established, being composed of the Lord Chancellor and two new Judges styled Lords Justices. The Lord Chancellor had a number of Clerks or Masters to assist him in the minor details of his many duties. The principal of these was styled The Master of the Eolls, the others Masters in Chan- cery. The Master of the Eolls soon became a very important per- sonage, and ranked next after the Chief Justice of the King's Bench, and before the chiefs of the Common Pleas and Exchequer. In addition to having the custody of the Eecords or Eolls, he assisted the Chan- cellor in his judicial duties, his powers being gradually increased by 3 Geo. IL, cap. 30, and 3 & 4 Wm. IV., cap. 94. The Masters in Chancery also assisted in working out the details of the Chancellor's decrees and iu other minor matters. They were abolished in 1852, by 15 & 16 Vict., cap. 80, their duties being trans- ferred to the Vice Chancellors, to be performed either by them in person or by a staff of " Chief Clerks," of whom at first two and after- wards three were attached to each Judge's Court. The proceedings in the various Courts were, for many years, conducted in Latin or Norman-French, languages with which the oi'dinary suitor was unacquainted. He was, probably, equally ignorant of the law and practice of the Courts, and hence there was, from the very earliest times, a distinct class of men bred to the law who represented the suitors and pleaded their causes before the Judges, and from whose ranks the Judges soon came to be selected. These were anciently divided into Serjeants-at-Law and Apprentices. The Serjeants were appointed by the Crown, and it would seem that in very early times they were appointed without regard to their ])relimiuary legal training; but it soon became the settled practice to promote them from the ap- prentices or ordinary barristers, according to their seniority, merit, or interest at Court. Down to the establishment of the Suprenie Court of Judicature, every Common Law Judge must have been a Serjeant, and if, as frequently happened in more recent times, the person selected did not THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 34» possess the necessary qualification, he was made a Serjeant, ^ro /orma^ and appointed a Judge immediately afterwards. As much of the business brought before the Courts affected the interests of the Crown, either in its revenues or its prerogatives, it was. necessary that those interests should be properly protected. Hence the appointment of the Attornattjs Regis or Attoiiney General about 1277, (5 Edw. L), and of the Sollicitor Regis or Solictor General in 1461, (1 Edw. IV.). These ofiicers had a right of pre-audience over all the other members of the bar except the two most ancient of the King's Serjeants, which exception was abolished in 1813. Rights of pre-audience were also enjoyed by King's Serjeants and by those members of the bar who received the appointment of King's Counsel, a dignity which, with one or two doubtful exceptions, was not conferred until the reign of Charles I. At first, the office was what its name implied, and certain small fees and perquisites were annexed to it ; but it gradually became a mere step of professional rank, and all the emolu- ments were abolished in 18o0. From the time of George I., to the present day, the Crown has also on special occasions, granted Patents op Precedence to eminent members of the bar, whether Serjeants, King's Counsel, or ordinary Barristers, giving them certain rights of pre-audience over their fellows as fixed by their patents. Holders of Patents of Precedence have the same privileges as King's Counsel, but are able to hold briefs against the Crown, which a King's Counsel cannot do without a " licence to plead." In addition to the Courts above mentioned which were generally known as the Superior Courts, it is necessary to refer to the Ecclesiastical. Courts and the High Court of Admiralty because, although formerly inferior Courts, their jurisdiction has now been transferred to the Su- preme Court of Judicature. The Ecclesiastical Courts were of very great antiquity. Every Bishop had his own Court, and, besides dealing with questions of theology and church discipline, had jurisdiction within his diocese over testamentary and matrimonial causes ; but as the Archbishop of Canter- bury's jurisdiction extended over the whole of his province, most of the important litigation came before his tribunals, the Prerogative. Court oe Canterbury, and the Court op Arches. The Bishop's Courts were pi-esided over by their Chancellors, the Prerogative Court of Canterbury bv a " Master Keeper, or Commissary," and the Court of Arches by a Dean. In 1857, by 20 & 21 Vict., cap. 11, the juris- diction of all the Ecclesiastical Courts in testamentary matters was transferred to the newly established Court op Probate, and in the same year, by 20 & 21 Vict., cap. 85, their jurisdiction in matters matrimonial was transferred to another new tribunal called The Court FOR Divorce and Matrimonial Cases. These two Courts were dis- tinct tribunals but were presided over by the same Judge. The advocates who practised before the Ecclesiastical Courts were Doctors of Civil Law, and the Crown was represented by a King's Advocate. The High Court op Admiralty was a very ancient tribunal with jurisdiction over all maritime matters including, in time of war, all questions of prize. It was presided over by the Lord High Admiral and in modern times by his deputy, who was styled The Judge of the 350 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Admiralty. The Court was thoroughly re-orp;aiiized, and its practice of procedure much improved in 1840 by the 3 & 4 Vict., caps. 65 and 66. The Crown was represented in this Court by an Admiralty Advo- cate. The present Supreme Court of Judicature was formed by con- solidating the old Courts of Chancery, Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty. It was established by the following Acts : — (1) The Supreme'Court of Judicature Act, 1873 (36 & 37 Vict., cap. 66). (2) „ ' „ 1875 (38 & 39 Vict., cap. 77). <3) The Appellate Jurisdiction Act, 1876 (39 & 40 Vict., cap. 59). <4) The Supreme Court of Judicature Act, 1877 (40 & 41 Vict., cap. 9). (5) The Judicature (Officers) Act, 1879 (42 & 43 Vict., cap. 78). <6) The Supreme Court of Judicature Act, 1881 (44 & 45 Vict., cap. 68.) the combined effect of which was that the Supreme Court of Judica- ture was divided into two permanent divisions : — I. Her Majesty's High Court of Justice. II. Her Majesty's Court of Appeal. I. HER MAJESTY'S HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. This Court originally consisted of five divisions : — 1. The Chancery Division, consisting of the Lord Chancellor (President), the Master of the Rolls, and the Vice Chancellors of the old Court of Chancery. 2.tTHE Queen's Bench Division, consisting of the L. C. J. of England (President), and the other Judges of the old Court of Queen's Bench. 3. The Common Pleas Division, consisting of the L. C. J. of the Common Pleas (President), and the other Judges of the old Court of Common Pleas. 4. The Exchequer Division, consisting of the L. C. B. of the Exchequer (President), and the other Judges of the old Court of Exchequer of Pleas. 5. The Probate, Divorci:, and Admiralty Division, consisting of the then existing Judge of the Court of Probate and Divorce (President), and the then existing Judge of the Court of Admiralty. Power was given to reduce or increase the number of divisions and to abolish (on vacancy) any of the following offices : the L. C. J. of England, the Master of the Rolls, the L. C. J. of the Common PJeas, and the L. C. B. of the Exchequer. Under these powers the Com- mon Pleas and Exchequer Divisions, and the offices of L. C. J. of the Common Pleas and L. C. B. of the Exchequer, were abolished by Order in Council dated December 16, 1880. Power was also given to appoint other judges from time to time, as vacancies arose, under the title of Judges of the High Court, altered by the Suprenu- Court of Judi- cature Act, 1881, to Justices of the High Court, the old titles of Vice Chancellor and Baron of the Exchequer being for the future abolished. THE BOOK OP DIGNITIES. Under the Supreme Court of Judicature Act, 1881, the Master of the Eolls was removed from the High Court of Justice and is now a Judge of the Court of Appeal only. II. HER MAJESTY'S COURT OF APPEAL. This Court, as ultimately settled, consists of : — 1. Three ex-officio Judges, viz., the Ld. Chanc, the L. C. J. of England, and the President of the Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Division. The Master of the Rolls, the L. C. J. of the Common Pleas, and the L. C. B. of the Exchequer were originally made ex-officio judges, but the Master of the Rolls is now exclusively a Judge of the Court of Appeal, and the ofl&ces of L. C. J. of the Common Pleas and L. C. B. of the Exchequer have been abolished. 2. The Master of the Rolls. 3. Five (reduced from six) Ordinary Judges to be appointed from time to time under the style of Justices of Appeal, altered by the Supreme Court of Judicature Act, 1881, to Lords Justices of Appeal. The two Lord Justices of Appeal in Chancery were appointed two of these Ordinary Judges. There has been for centuries a final appeal from the Superior Courts of Common Law, and from the Court of Chancery, to the " High Court of Parliament." This appellate jurisdiction has always been exer- cised by the House of Lords, and was expressly disclaimed by the House of Commons in the reign of Henry IV. There is nothing to prevent the lay Lords from hearing and voting on appeals to their House ; but for many years the judicial powers have been exercised by the " law Lords " alone, i.e. by such of the Lords as either hold or have held judicial offices. By the Appellate Jurisdiction Act, 1876, it was enacted that no appeal should be heard and deter- mined by the House of Lords unless there were present not less than three of the following persons, who were designated Lords of Appeal : — 1. The Lord Chancellor of Great Britain for the time being. 2. The Lords op Appeal in Ordinary, to be appointed under the Act. 3. Such peers as were holding or had held any " high judicial office," which term was by the interpretation clause defined to mean (1) Lord Chancellor of Great Britain or Ireland ; (2) paid Judge of Judicial Committee of Privy Council ; and (3) Judge of one of the Superior Courts of Great Britain or Ireland. By this Act the Crown was empowered at once to appoint two Lords of Appeal in Ordinary, with life peerages, to appoint one additional Lord of Appeal in ordinary, on the death or resignation of any two paid Judges of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, and another additional Lord of Appeal in ordinary on the death or resig- nation of the remaining two paid Judges of that Committee. 352 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. By this Act, also, the Lords of Appeal in Ordinary if Privy Coun- cillors were made Members of the Judicial Committee of that body, and were required to sit and act as such. Either by virtue of the royal prerogative or under the provisions of various statutes too numerous to quote, a final appeal from the Eccle- siastical and Admiralty Courts, and from the Courts of India and the British Colonies a final appeal lay to the -King or to the King in Council. This appellate jurisdiction was in practice exercised by a Judicial Committee composed of privy councillors who held or had held judicial office. For many years such a committee was appointed pro hue vice as occasion required ; but in 1833, by 3 & 4 Wm. IV., cap 41, a per- manent committee was formed, the constitution of which has been modified from time to time by subsequent statutes. The principal change effected by the establishment of a permanent committee was the addition of paid members ; but under the Appellate Jurisdiction Act, 1876, the places of these are gradually being supplied by the Lords of Appeal in Ordinary (see ante p. 351.) Appeals in probate and admiralty cases, which are now heard by a division of the High Court of Justice, now lie to the House of Lords, and not to the Judicial Committee. In many of the following lists there is some little uncertainty about the earliest names. It must be borne in mind that in ancient times the various changes in judicial procedure were introduced very gradually, indeed almost imperceptibly, and by authority of the King or of the judges only, and not, as now, by an elaborate Act of Parliament, in which every detail is carefully set forth. Hence, it is frequently impossible to say exactly when a particular change took place or what was the exact status of particular officials during a transition period. LORD HIGH CHANCELLORS. LORD KEEPERS. COMMISSIONERS OF THE GREAT SEAL. See Introduction, ante, p. 347. The Lord Chancellor, in addition to his judicial duties, presides over the House of Lords, his office being analogous to that of Speaker of the House of Commons, though there are some points of difference between the two ; the most imjjortant being that the Lord Chancellor is at liberty both to speak and vote upon every question before the House. He is always an important member of the Government and of the Cabinet, and goes out of office with his party. Lord High Chancellors, &c., of England. Where no other title is ^i^cn, that of Chancellor is to be presumed. Those marked thus f are omitted from Foss's list, for reasons which ho explains ; but, as they are given in Hardy's list, they are included here with this distinguishing mark. William I. 1067. ArfastuH, or Hercfast, aft. bp. of Elmham. 1070. Osbert, aft. bp. of Exeter. 1073. Osmund doSoez,aft.bp. of Salisbury. 1078. Maurice, aft. bp. of London. 1083. Wm. Vclson, or Wclson (do Bello- fago), aft. bp. of Thetford. 108G. Wm. Giffurd, aft. bp. of Win- chester. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 353 William II. 1087. Wm. Giffard, contd. 1090. Robt. Bloet, or Bluet, July ; aft. bp. of Lincoln. 1093. Baldric, or Galdric, and (?) Drogo, kpr. under him. 1094. Wm. Giffard, «5ro?H. Henry I. 1100. Wm. Giffard, now bp. of Winchester, contd. 1101. Roger, Sept.; aft. bp. of Salisbury. 1103. Wm. Giffard, bp. of Winchester, again, Mar. 1104. Waldric, Jan. 1107. Ranulph, or Arnulph; d. 1123. 1124. Geoffrey Rufus, aft. bp. of Durham. Stephen. 1135. Roger Pauper, son of Roger, bp. of Salisbury. 1139. Philip. 1142. Theobald, abp. of Canterbury, const. by the emp. Maud. * * Wm. Fitzgilbert, const, by the emp. Maud. * * Wm. de Vern, also const, by the empress, in reversion. * * Robt. de Gant ; d. 1153. Henry II. 1154. Thos. a Becket, Dec, aft. abp. of Canterbury ; res. 1162. From 1162-1173 no chancellor can ■with certainty be placed. — Foss. 1173. Ralph de Warneville,treasr. of York. 1177. fWalter de Constantiis,bp. of Lincoln and abp. of Rouen ; v. chanc. or deputy. 1181. Geoffrey Plantagenet, bp. of Lincoln; aft. abp. of York. Richard I. 1189. Wm. de Longchamp, Sept. 3 ; aft. bp. of Ely ; d. 1197. 1190. John de Alen9on, archd. of Lisieux, V. chanc. , Jan. 1191. Roger Malus Catulus, v. chanc, Mar. Benet, v. chanc, Oct. 1194. Eustace, dean of Salisbury, May ; aft. bp. of Ely ; v. chanc. 1198. Warine, or Guarinus, prior of Loches inTouraine, v. chanc, Feb. 28. Eustace; bp. of Ely, chanc, Feb. (?) Roceline, v. chanc Nov. John. 1199. Hubert Walter, abp. of Canterbury, May. 1205. Walter de Grey, Oct. 2 ; aft. bp. of Worcester and abp. of York. 1213. Peter de Rupibus, bp. of Winchester, Oct. 1214. Walter de Grey, again, Jan. 2. Richd. de Marisco, aft. bp. of Dur- ham, Oct. 29. Henry III. 1216. Richd. de Marisco, contd. 1218. Ralph, de Nevill, aft. bp. of Chi- chester, kpr. or V. chanc. 1226. Ralph de Nevill, chanc. The king took the gr. seal from him in 1238, and delivered it to Geoffrey, a Templar, and to John de Lexinton ; but Ralph had still the emoluments of the chancellor- ship. 1238. Simon Normannus, or de Cantilupe, kpr. , Aug. 1240. Richd. Crassus, abbot of Evesham, kpr. 1244. Silvester de Everdon, or Eversden, kpr., Nov. 14. 1246. John Mansel, provost of Beverly, kpr. , Nov. 8. 1247. John de Lexinton, kpr., in the absence of John Mansel on an em- bassy, Aug. 28. 1248. John Mansel, on his return, again, kpr., Aug. 10. 1249. John de Lexinton, again, kpr., Sept. 8. 1250. Wm. de Kilkenny, aft. bp. of Ely, kpr. 1255. Hy. de Wingham, bp. of London, kpr. 1260. Nichs. de Ely, aft. bp. of Worcester and Winchester, kpr. 1261. Walter de Merton, bp. of Rochester, July 5. 1263. Nichs. de Ely, July 12. 1265. Thos. de Cantilupe, bp. of Hereford, Feb. 21. Walter Giffard, bp. of Bath and Wells, Aug. 1267. Godfrey Giffard, bp. of Worcester. 1268. John de Chishull, aft. bp. of London, kpr., Oct. 30. 1269. Richd. de Middleton, kpr. ; aft. chanc. July. 1272. John de Kirkeby, aft. bp. of Ely, Aug. 7. Edward I. 1272. Walter de Merton, bp. of Rochester, again, Nov. 1273. Robt. Burnell, archd. of York, Sept. 21 ; aft. bp. of Bath and Wells. 1292. Wm. de Hamilton, kpr., Oct. 25. John de Langton, Dec. 17; aft. bp. of Chichester. 1302. Adam de Osgodby, kpr. , Aug. 26. Wm. de Grenefield, dean of Chi- chester ; aft. abp. of York. 1304. Wm. de Hamilton, dean of York, Dec. 29. John de Benstede, kpr., until the new chancellor's arrival to receive the seal. 1307. Ralph de Baldoc, Baldok, or Beau- dake, bp. of London, Apr. 21. 354 1307. 1310. 1311. 1312. 1314. 1318. 1320. 1323. 1326. 1327. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Ed-vvard II. Ralph, de Baldoc, contd. John de Langton, bp. of Chichester, again. Adam de Osgodby, Wm. de Melton, Robt. de Bardelby, Ingelard de Warlegh, and John Fraunceis, kprs. Walter Reginald, bp. of Worcester, July G. Adam de Osgodby, m. rolls, Robt. de Bardelby, and Wm. de Ayremynne, kprs. Walter Reginald, bp. of Worcester, again, kpr., Oct. 6; aft. abp. of Canterbury. John de Sandale, Sept. 26 ; aft. bp. of Winchester. John de Hotham, bp. of Ely, June 11. John Salmon, bp. of Norwich, Jan. 26. Robt. de Baldock, archd. of Middle- sex, Aug. 20 ; aft. bp. of Norwich. Wm. de Ayremynne, bp. of Norwich, again, kpr., Nov. 30. Hy. de CliiJ, kpr. , Dec. 17. Edward III. John de Hotham, bp. of Ely, again, Jan. 1328. Hy. de Cliff, m. rolls, again, and Wm. de Herlaston, kprs.. Mar. 1. Hy. de Burghersh, bp. of Lincoln, May 12. 1330. John de Stratford, bp. of Winches- ter, Nov. 28. 1334. Richd. de Angarville, or Bury, bp. of Durham, Sept. 28. 1335. John do Stratford, again, now abp. of Canterbury, June 6. 1337. Robt. de Stratford, archd. of Canter- bury, Mar. 24. 1338. Richd. de Bynteworth, or Went- woi'th, bp. of London, July 6. John do St. Paul, m. rolls, and Thos. de Baumburgh, kpx'S,, yjro tern., July. 1339. John de St. Paul, Michl. de Wath, and Thos. de Baumburgh, kprs.. Doc. 8. 1340. John de St. Paul, kpr., Feb. 6. John de Stratford, abp. of Canter- bury, again, chanc, Apr. 28. Robt. do Stratford, again, now bp. of Chichester, June 28. Wm. do Kildesby.kpr., Dec. 1. Sir Robt. Burgchier, or Bourchior, Dec. 14. 1341. Sir Robt. Par;iyng, Oct. 29 ; d. Aug, 26, 134:5. 1343. John do Thoresby, m. rolls, John do St. Paul, Thos. de Bi-ayton, and Thos. de Beauchamp, E. of War- wick, kprs., Aug. 27. 1343. Robt. de Sadyngton, Sept. 29. 1345. John do Offord, or Uflford, dean of Lincoln, Oct. 26; app. abp. of Canterbury, but (/. May 20, 1349, before consecration. 1349. David de Wollore, m. rolls, John de St. Paul, Thos. de Brayton, and Thos. Cotvngham, kprs.. May 20. John de Thoresbv, bp. of St. David's, June 16. 1356. Wm. de Edington, bp. of Winches- ter, Nov. 27. 1363. Simon Langham, bp. of Ely, Feb. 19 ; aft. abp. of Canterbury. 1367. Wm. de Wyckham, or Wykeham, bp. of Winchester, Sept. 1371. Sir Robt. de Thorpe, Mar. 26 ; d. June 29, 1372. 1372. Richd. le Scrope, Id. Scrope of Bolton; kpr., Jxme 29. Sir John Knyvet, July 5. 1377. Adam de Houghton, or Hoghton, bp. of St. David's, Jan. 11. Richard II. 1377. Adam de Houghton, cotitd. 1378. Richd., Id. Scrope. again, Oct. 29. 1379. Simon de Siulbury, abp. of Canter- bury, July 4; beheaded by the rebels under Wat Tvler, June 14, 1381. 1381. Richd., E. of Arundel, kpr., June 14. Hugh de Segrave, stewd. of the king's household, kpr., June 16. Wm. Courtenay, bp. of London, Aug. 10. Richd., Id. Scrope, again, Nov. 18. 1382. Hugh do Segrave, treasr., Wm. do Dighton, pr. seal, John de Wal- tham, m. rolls, and Walter de Skirlawe ; kprs., July 11. Robt. de Braybroke, bp. of London, Sept. 20. 1383. John de Waltham, m. rolls, kpr., Mar. 10. Sir Michael de la Pole, Mar. 13. 1386. Thos. de Arundel, or FitzAlan, bp. of Ely, Oct. 24 ; aft. abp. of York and of Canterburj'. 1389. Wm. de Wykeham, bp. of Winches- ter, again. May 4. 1391. Thos. de Arundol, now abp. of York, again, Sept. 17. 1396. Edmund Stafford, bp. of Exoter, Nov. 23. 1399. Thos. do Arundol, now abp. of Can- terbury, again, Aug. John de Scurlo, m. rolls, Sept, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 355 Henry IV. 1399. John de Scarle, contd. 1401. Edmund Stafford, bp. of Exeter, again, Mar. 9. 1403. Hy.de Beaufort, bp. of Lincoln, Feb. 1405. Thos. Longley, or Langley, kpr. of the pr. seal. Feb. 28; bp. of Dur- ham in 1406. 1407. Thos. de Arundel, abp. of Canter- bury, again, Jan. 30. 1410. John Wakering, kpr., Jan. 19. Sir Thos. de Beaufort, aft. E. of Dorset and D. of Exeter, Jan. 31. 1412. Thos. de Arundel, abp. of Canter- bury, again, Jan. 5. Henky V. 1413. Hy. de Beaufort, bp. of Winchester, (transl. from Lincoln), Mar. 21. 1417. Thos. Longley, or Langley, bp. of Durham, again, July 23. Henry VI. 1422. Simon Gaunstede, m. rolls, kpr., Sept. 28. Thos. Longley, or Langley, bp. of Durham, again, Nov. 16. 1424. Hy. de Beaufort, bp. of Winchester, again, July 6. 1426. John Kempe, bp. of London, Mar. 16 ; aft. abp. of York. 1432. Humphrey, D. of Gloucester, kpr., Feb. 25. John Stafford, bp. of Bath and Wells, ' Mar. 4 ; aft. abp. of Canterbury. 1450. John Kempe, now a cardinal, and abp. of York, Jan. 31 ; d. Mar. 2, 1454. 1454. Richd., E. of Salisbury, Apr. 2. 1455. Thos. Bourchier, abp. of Canterbury, Mar. 7. 1456. Wm. de Waynflete, bp. of Winches- ter, Oct. 11. 1460. Thos. Bourchier, abp. of Canterbury, again, kpr., July 7. Geo. Nevill, bp. of Exeter, July 25 ; aft. abp. of York. Edward IV. 1461. Geo. Nevill. contd. 1463. Robt. Kirkham, m. rolls, kpr. during the chancellor's absence, Aug. 23, and subsequently. 1467. Robt. Kirkham, kpr., June 9. Robt. Stillington, bp. of Bath and Wells, June 20. 1470. Geo. Nevill, now abp. of York, Oct. 9 to Apr. 1471, during restn. of Hen. VI. 1471. Apr., Edw. IV. resumed the throne, and bp. Stillington remained chanc. 1473. John Morton, m. rolls, June IS ; aft. bp. of Ely and abp. of Canter- bury, kpr. Hy., E\ of Essex, kpr., June 23. 1473. John Morton, again, kj^r., July 17. Lawrence Booth, bp. of Durham, July 27; aft. abp. of York. 1474. Thos. Rothei-am, bp. of Lincoln, May 25 ; aft. abp. of York. 1475. John Alcock, bp. of Rochester and m. rolls, Apr. 27 ; aft. bp. of Wor- cester and of Ely. Thos. Rotheram, bp. of Lincoln, again, Sept. 28. Edward V. 1483. John Russell, bp. of Lincoln, Richard III. 1483. John Russell, contd. 1485. Thos. Barowe, m. rolls, kpr., Aug. 1. Henry VII 1485. John Alcock, now bp. of Worcester, Aug. 22 ; aft. bp. of Ely. 1486. John Morton, now abp. of Canter- bury, Mar. 6. He had been made bp. of Ely in 1478 ; d. Sept. 1500. 1500. Richd. Nikke, dean of the chapel royal, kpr., Sept. 16. Hy. Deane, bp. of Salisbury, Oct. 13 ; aft. abp. of Canterbury, kpr. 1502. Wm. Barnes, or Barons, m. i-olls, kpr., July 27. Wm. Warham, bjD. elect of London, kpr., Aug. 11. 1504. Wm. Warham, now bp. of London, and abp. elect of Canterbury, Id. chanc, Jan. 21. Henry VIII. 1509. Wm. Warham, contd. 1515. Thos. Wolsey, cardl., and abp. of York, Dec. 22. 1529. Thos., D. of Norfolk, treasr., and Chas., D. of Suffolk, earl marsh., kprs., Oct. 17. Sir Thos. More, Oct. 25. 1532. Sir Thos. Audley, kpr.. May 20; chanc, Jan. 26, 1533 ; cr. Id. Audley of Walden,Nov. 29, 1538. 1544. Thos., Id. Wriothesley, kpr., Apr. 22 ; chanc. May 3. Edward VI. 1547. Lord Wriothesley, contd. : cr. E. of Southampton. Wm., Id. St. John, kpr.. Mar. 25. Richd. , Id. Rich. , Oct. 23. 1551. Thos. Goodrich, bp. of Ely, kpr., Dec. 22; chanc, Jan. 19, 1552. Mary. 1553. Stephen Gardiner, bp. of Winchester, Aug. 23. 1556. Nichs. Heath, abp. of York, Jan. 1. 23 * 866 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Elizabeth. 1558. The Qdeen, kpr., Xov. 18. Sir Nichs. Bacon, kpr., Dec. 22; the first kpr. that ranked as Id. chanc. tinder 5 Eliz., cap. 18; d. Feb. 20, 1579. 1579. The Queen, Feb. 20. Wm. Cecil, Id. Burleigh, and Robt., E. of Leicester, kprs., Feb. 24. Sir Thos. Bromley, Apr. 26 ; d. Apr. 12, 1587. 1587. Hy., Id. Hunsdon, Wm., Id. Cob- ham, and sir Fras. Walsingham ; kprs., Apr. 15. Wm., Id. Burleigh, Robt., E. of Leicester, and sir Fras. Wal- singham ; kprs., Apr. 26. Sir Christr. Hatton, Apr. 29 ; d. Nov. 20, 1591. 1591. Wm., Id. Burleigh, Hy., Id. Huns- don, Wm., Id. Cobham, and Thos., Id. Buckhurst; commrs. gr. seal, Nov. 22. Sir Gilbert Gerrard, m. rolls, and others ; commrs. to hear causes, Nov. 22. 1592. Sir John Puckering, kpr., May 28; d. Apr. 30, 1596. 1596. Sir Thos. Egerton, m. rolls, kpr., May 6. James I. 1603. Sir Thos. Egerton, contd.; or. Id. EUesmere, July 19; chanc, July 24; aft. cr. vise. Brackley; d. Mar. 15, 1617. 1017. Sir Fras. Bacon, Id. kpr. , Mar. 7 ; chanc, .Jan. 4, 1618; cr. Id. Verulam, and aft. vise St. Albans ; removed May 1, 1621. 1621. Sir Julius C.Tsar, m. rolls, and others, commrs. to hear causes in chancery. May 1. Sir John Ley, knt. and bt., ch. just, and others ; commrs. , to hear causes in the lords, May 1. Hy., vise. Mandeville, Id. treasr., Ludowic, D. of Richmond, and the E. of Arundel ; to use the seal. May 1. John Williams, dean of Westminster, aft. bp. of Lincoln, kpr., July 10. Chakles I. 1625. John Williams, coutd. ; res. Oct. 30. Sir Thos. Coventry, kpr., Nov. 1; aft. Id. Coventry ; d. Jan. 13, 1640. 1640. Sir John Finch, ch. just, c. r., kpr., Jan. 17 ; aft. Id. Finch. 1641. Sir Edwd. Lyttleton, ch. just, c.i'., kpr., Jan. 19; aft. Id. Lyttloton. 1642. The King, May 21. 1643. Hy., E. of Kent, Oliver, E. of Boling- broke, Oliver St. John, John Wilde, Saml. Browne, and Edmd. Prideaux ; parly, commrs. or kprs., Nov. 10. 1645. Sir Richd. Lane, royal kpr. , Oct. 25. 1646. Wm., E. of Salisbury, parly, commr. vice. E. of Bolingbroke, July 3. Edwd., E. of Manchester, sp. h». lords, and Wm. Lenthall, sp. ho. commons and m rolls ; parly, commrs. or kprs., Oct. 30. 1648. Hy., E. of Kent, and Wm., Id. Grey of Werko ; parly, commrs. or kprs.. Mar. 15. Sir Thos. Widdrington, and Bul- strode Whitelocke, joined to the preceding, Apr. 12. TuE Commonwealth. Parliamentary Commissioners or Keepers. 1649. Bulstrode Whitelocke, John Lisle, and Richd. Keeble, Feb. 8. 1654. Bulstrode Whitelocke, sir Thos. Widdrington, and John Lisle, Apr. 5. Sir Thos. Widdrington, alone, Whitelocke being abroad, and Lisle unwell. May 30. Bulstrode Whitelocke, sir Thos. Widdrington, and John Lisle, a^ani, July 14. 1656. Nathl. Fiennes and John Lisle , Jan. 15. 1659. Nathl. Fiennes, now styled Id. Fiennes ; John Lisle, now styled Id. Lisle ; and Bulstrode White- locke, now styled Id. Whitelocke, Jan. 22. Wm. Lenthall, May 14, John Bradshaw, Thos. Terry 11, and John Fountain, June 3. Bulstrode, Id. Whitelocke, Nov. 1. 1660. Wm. Lenthall, (K/ain, Jan. 13. Sir Thos. Widdrington, Thos. Terryll, and John Fountain, Jan. 17. Edwd., E. of Manchester, joined to the above, May 5. Charles II. Keepers of the Great Seal /or the King during the Commonwealth. 1649. Sir Richd. Lane, contd. ; d. 1650. 1653. Sir Edwd. Herbert, kpr., Apr. 5 res. June 1654. 1658. Sir Edwd. Hydo, knt. and bt. made kpr. at Bruges, Jan. 13 and chanc, Jan. 29. The Restoration. 1660. Sir Edwd. Hydo, contd., June 1; aft. Id. Hydo, vise. Cornbury, and E. of Clarendon ; removed Aug. 1667. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 357 1667. Sir Orlando Bridgeman, knt. and bt.,kpr., Ang. 30. 1672. Anthy. Ashley, E. of Shaftesbury, Nov. 17. 1673. Sir Heneage Finch, bt., kpr., Nov. 9 • cr. Id. Finch, Jan. 10, 1674 ; chanc, Dec. 19, 1675 ; aft. E. of Nottingham; d. Dec. 18, 1682. 1682. Sir Fras. North, aft. Id. Guildford, kpr., Dec. 20. James II. 1685. Lord Guildford, contd. ; d. Sept. 5, 1685 Geo., Id. Jeffreys, ch. just., k. b., Sept. 28. William and Maby. 1689. Sir John Maynard, sir Anthy. Keck, and sir Wm. Rawlinson; commrs.. Mar. 4. 1690. Sir John Trevor, sir Wm. Rawlin- son, and sir Geo. Hutchms; commrs.. May 14. 1693. Sir John Somers, kpr.. Mar. 23; chanc, Apr. 22, 1697; aft. Id. Somers; depr., Apr. 27, 1700. 1700. Sir Jno. Holt, ch. just. k. b., sir Geo. Treby, ch. just. c. p., sir Edw. Ward, ch. bar. ex. , and sir John Trevor, m. rolls, commrs., May 5. Sir Nathan Wright., kpr.. May 21. Anne. 1702. Sir Nathan Wright, contd. ; removed in 1705. 1705. Wm. Cowper, kpr., Oct. 11; aft. Id, Co-wper; chanc. May 4, 1707 ; res. Sept. 25, 1710. 1710. Sir Thos. Trevor, ch. just. c. p., Robt. Tracy, just. c. p., and bar. Jno. Scrope, of Scotland; commrs., Sept. 26. Sir Simon Harcourt, atty. genl., kpr., Oct. 19 ; aft. Id. Har- court ; chanc, Apr. 7, 1713. George I. 1714. Lord Harcourt, contd. ; depr., Sept. 21. Wm., Id. Cowper, Sept. 21; aft. E. Cowper. 1718. Sir Robt. Tracy, just. c. p., sir John Pratt, just. K. B., and sir Jas. Montague, bar. ex.; commrs., Apr. 18. Thos., Id. Parker, May 12, aft. E. of Macclesfield; surr. the seal, Jan. 4, 1725. 1725. Sir Jos. Jekyll, m. rolls, sir Jeffrey Gilbert, bar. ex., and sir Robt. Raymond, just. K. B. ; commrs., Jan. 7. 1725, Sir Peter King, cr. Id. King, June 1. George II. 1727. Lord King, contd. 1733. Hon. Chas. Talbot, Nov, 29, aft. Id. Talbot ; d. Feb. 1737. 1737. Philip, Id. Hardwicke,* ch. just. K. B., Feb. 21. 1756. Sir John Willes, ch. just. c. p., sir Sidney Stafford Smythe,bar. ex., and sir John Eardley Wilmot, just. K. B. ; commrs., Nov. 9. 1757. Sir Robt. Henley, atty. gen., kpr,, June 20 ; aft. Id. Henley. George III. 1760. Lord Henley, contd. ; chanc, Jan. 16, 1761 ; aft. vise. Henley, and E..Northington. 1766. Chas., Id. Camden, ch. just, c P., July 30. 1770. Hon. Chas. Yorke, atty. gen., cr. Id. Morden, Jan. 17 ; d. Jan. 20, before the seals were put to his patent of peerage. He held the gr, seal only three days. Sir Sidney Stafford Smythe, bar. ex., hon. Hy. Bathurst, just. C. P., and sir Richd. Aston, just, k, b. ; commrs., Jan. 21. 1771, Hon. Hy. Bathurst, cr. Id. Apsley, Jan. 23 ; succ. his father as E. Bathurst, 1775. 1778. Edwd. Thurlow, atty. gen., cr. Id. Thurlow, June 3. 1783. Alexr., Id. Loughborough, ch. just, c. P., sir Wm. Hy. Ashhurst, just. K. B., and sir Beaumont Hotham, bar. ex. ; commrs., Apr, 9, Edwd., lord Thurlow, agmn, Dec. 23. 1792. Sir Jas. Eyre, ch. bar. ex., sir Wm. Hy. Ashurst, just. K. b., and sir John Wilson, just. c. p. ; commrs. , June 15. 1793. Alexr., Id. Loughborough, ch. just. c. P., Jan. 28; cr. E. of Rosslyn on his resignation. 1801. John, Id. Eldon. ch, just, c. P., Apr. 14. 1806. Hon. Thos. Erskine, cr. Id. Erskme, Feb. 7. 1807. John, Id. Eldon, again, Apr. 1. George IV. 1820. Lord Eldon, contd., aft. E. of Eldon, 1827. John Singleton Copley, m. rolls, cr. Id. Lyndhurst, May 2. • Lord Hardwicke continued, it is said, chief justice of the king's bench until June 7, 1737, though he had kissed hands for the great seal. 858 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. William IV. 1830. Lord Lyndhurst, contfl. Hy. Brougham, cr. Id. Brougham and Vaux, Nov. 22. 1834. Lord Lyndhurst, again, Nov. 21. 1835. Sir Chas. Christr. Pepys, m. rolls, sir Launcelot Shadwell, v. chanc, and sir J. B.Bosanqnet, just. c. r. ; commrs., Apr. 23. 1836. Sir Chas. Christr. Pepys, cr. Id. Cottenham, chanc, Jan. 16. Victoria. 1837. Lord Cottenham, contd. 1841. Lord Lyndhurst, again, Sept. 3 1852. Robt. Monsey, Id. Cranworth, Id. just. app. 1858. Sir Fredk. Thesiger, cr. Id. Chelms- ford, Feb. 2G. 1859. John, Id. Campbell, ch. just. Q. B., June 18; d. June 23, 1861. 1861. Sir Richd. Bethell, atty.-gen., cr. Id. Westbury, Juno 26. 1865. Ld. Cranworth, at/ain, July 7 ; d. July 20, 1868. 1866. Ld. Chelmsford, again, July 6; d. Oct. 5, 1878. 1868. Hugh McCalmont, Id. Cairns, Id. just, app., Feb. 29. Sir Wm. Page Wood, Id. just, app., cr. Id. Hatherley, Dec. 9. 1846. Lord Cottenham, «5r«/«, July 4 ; cr. 1872. Sir Roundell Palmer, cr. Id. Sel- E. of Cottenham on his resigna- tion. 1850. Hy., Id. Langdale, m. rolls, sir Laun- celot Shadwell, v. chanc. , and sir Robt. Monsey Rolfe, bar. ex. ; commrs., Juno 19. Sir Thos. Wilde, ch. just. c. i'., cr. Id. Truro, July It borne, Oct. 1^ 1874.* Ld. Cairns, agam, Feb. 21 ; cr. E. Cairns, Sept. 23, 1878 ; d. Apr. 2, 1885. 1880. Ld. Selborne, again. Apr. 28; cr. E. Selborne, Dec. 29, 1881. 1885. Sir Hardinge Stanley Giflfard, cr. Id. Halsbury, June 24. 1852. SirEdwd. Burtenshaw Sugden(for- 1886. Sir Farrer Herschell, cr. Id. Her- merly Id. chanc. for Ireland), schell, Feb. 6. cr. Id. St. Leonards, Feb. 27. Ld. Halsbury, again, Aug. 3. * Under the S. C. J. Acts 1873 & 1875 (See ante, p. 350), the Id. chanc, on the 1st Nov. 1875, became President of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice and one of the ex-officiu judges of the Court of Appeal. . . , LORDS OF APPEAL. Appointed under the "Appellate Jurisdiction Act, 1876" (39 & 40 Vict. cap. 59), with Peerages for Life. See Introduction, ante, pp. 351-2. 1876. Sir Colin Blackburn, just. Q. B. div. ; cr. Id. Blackburn, Oct. 5, G. ; res., Jan. 1887. Edwd. Strathearn Gordon, Id. adv. Scotland ; cr. Id. Gordon, Oct. 6, G. ; d. Aug. 21, 1879. 1880. Wm. Watson, ricp Gordon; cr. id. Watson, Apr. 26. G. 1882. Jno. David Fitzgerald, just. q. b. div., Ireland; addl. Id. app. ; cr. Id. Fitzgerald. June 19. G. 1887. Edwd. Macnaghten. rirc Blackburn; cr. Id. Macnaghton, Jan. 25, G. J I J' !f:fl iufdtijj ttxvM. )m ^ .-(la JUDICIAL COMMITTEE OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL. See Introduction, ante, p. 352. This committee was first established by 3 & 4 Wm. IV., cap. 41 (Aug. 14, 1833), and its constitution has been enlarged by various subsequent Acts. It is composed partly of ex-oJ)ici<> inenil)ers, and partly of persons specially appointed. See the following table. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 359' Qualification. Qualifying Statdte. Remarks. 'AII persons beimj Privy Councillors 1 who hold, or have held, any of the following offices: — Ld. Pres. of the Council - 3&4Wm. IV.,c. 41,s. 1 Ld. Chancellor ,, 1 Ld. Keeper - - - - ,, , First Commr. of the Great Seal- _ L. C. J. of the Queen's Bench. " Now styled L. C. J. of England. Justice of the Queen's Bench - '• Now Justice of the Q.B. Division of the H.C.J. L. a J. of the Common Pleas - ^, OflBce now abolished Justice of the Common Pleas - ,', ,, L. C. B. of the Exchequer .. ,, Baron of the Exchequer - ., ,, Judge of the Prero(j. Court of Canterbury ^ jj Judge of the Court of Probate - L'0&21Vict!,c.77,s. 15 Now Pres. of the Pro- bate Division of the H. C. J. Judge of the High Court of Admiralty- " - 3&4Wm.IV.,c.41,s.l Office now abolished. Chief Judge in Bankruptcy ,, Master of the Rolls - Vice Chancellor of England \\ Vice Chancellor 5& evict., c. 5, s. 24 Judge of the Court of Appeal in Chancery ' - 14 & 15 Vict., c. 83, s. 15 J, Judge of the Court of Appeal under S. C. J. Acts - 44 & 45 Vict., c. 3, s. 1 Lords of Appeal . . . 39 & 40 Vict., c. 59, ss. 6& 14. Archbishop or Bishop 3&4Vict..c.86,s. 16, & To sit on appeals 39&40Vict.,c.59,s.l4 under Church Discip- line Act, and in Ecclesiastical cases. Any two retired East Indian or Colonial Judges ajipointed by the Crown - - - 3&4Wm.IV.,c.41,s.30 Any two other persons being Privy Councillors, and ap- pointed by the Crown 3&4Wm.IV.,c.41,s.l Four persons who have h&en] Judges of the Superior Courts, or C. J. of the High fThese persons are, under 39 & 40 Vict., ) c. 59, s. 14, now ] being gradually Court of Judicature of ; Bengal, Madras, or Bom- 34 & 35 Vict., c. 91 1 bay; or of the late Supreme Court of Bengal - -J 1 1 superseded by the [_ Lords of Appeal. The Judicial Committee first sat on November 27, 1833. 360 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. MEMBERS OF THE JUDICIAL COMMITTEE OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL. * Appointed under 3 & 4 Wm. IV., cap. 41, ss. I & 30. t Do. 34 & 35 Vict., cap. yi. J Do. 3 & 4 Vict , cap. «6, s. 16. The rest are ex-officio members. The date of appomtment is, except where other- wise stated, also the date of being sworn a member of the Privj- Council. Original Members, Aug. 14, 1833. Hy. , Id. Brougham. Id. chanc. Hy,, M. of Lansdowne, Id. pres. Wm. Hy., D. of Portland, ex Id. pres. Jno. Jeffreys, M. Camden, do. Jno., E. of Chatham, do. Hy., E. Bathurst, do. Dudley, E. of Harrowby, do. Jno., E. of Eldon, ex Id. chanc. Hy., vise. Sidmouth, ex Id. pres. Wm., Id. Stowell, ex judge admy. ct. Jno. Singleton, Id. Lyndhurst, ch. bar. ex. Wm. Draper, Id. Wynford, ex ch. just. c. r. Thos., Id. Denman, ch. just. K. B. Sir Jno. Nicholl, judge prerog. ct. Canterbury, &c. Sir Jno. Leach, m. rolls. Sir Wm. Alexander, ex ch. bar. ex. Sir Lancelot Shadwell, v. chanc. England. Sir Nichs. Conygham Tindal, ch. just. c. p. Hon. Thos. Erskine, ch. judge bkptcy. Sir Wm. Garrow, ex bar. ex. Sir Jas. Parke, aft. Id. Wensleydale, just. K. B. *Sir Edwd. Hyde East, ex. ch. just., Calcutta. Subsequent Appointments. 1833. Sir Jno. Bernard Bosanquet, just. c. p., Sept. 4. Sir Alexr. Johnston, ex. ch. just., Coj'lon, Sept. 4. 1834. Sir Jno. Biiyley,ex. bar. ex., Mar. 5. Sir Robt. Graham, ex. bar. ex., Apr. 16. Sir Jno. Vaughan, just. c. p., June 5. Sir Chas. Christr. Pcpys, aft. Id. Cottcnham, m. rolls, Oct. 1. Sir llcrbt. Jenner, (Fust) judge pre- rog. ct., Canterbury, &c., Oct. '2\). Jas., E. of Hosslyn, Dec. 16; sw. Juno 10, 182'J. 1834. 1836. 1838. 1840. 1841. 1842. 1844. 1846. 1848. 1850. 1851. 1852. Sir Jas. Scarlett, aft. Id. Abinger, ch. bar. ex., Dec. 16. Hy. Bickersteth, aft. Id. Langdale. m. rolls, Jan. 16. Stephen Lushington, judge admy. ct. JWm. Howley, abp. of Canterbury; sw. Oct. 5. 1813. JEdwd. Venables Vernon Harcourt, abp. of York ; sw. Jan. 20, 1808. JChas.Jas. Blomfield, bp. of London ; sw. July 31, 1828. Sir Jos. Littledale, ex. just. Q. B., Feb. 25. Jno., Id. Campbell, ex. Id. chanc. Ireland, June 23. Jas. Archd., Id. Wharncliffe, Id. pres., Sept. 3; sw. Dec. 16, 1834. Sir Jas. Lewis Knight Bruce, v. chanc, Jan. 15. Sir Jas. Wigram, v. chanc, Jan. 15. •Thos. Pemberton Leigh, aft. Id. Kingsdown, chanc. d. Cornwall, June 10 ; cl. 1867. *Sir Edwd. Ryan, ex. ch. just. Ben- gal, June 10 ; res. 1859. Sir Fredk. Pollock, knt., aft. bt., ch. bar. ex., Apr. 17. Walter Fra.s., D. of Buccleuch, Id. pres., Jan. 21 ; sw, Feb. 2, 1842. Sir Thos. Wilde, aft. Id. Truro, ch. just. 0. p., Oct. 30. JThos. Musgrave, abp. of York, Feb. 11. JJno. Bird Sumner, abp. of Canter- bury, Apr 15. Sir Jno. Jervis, ch. just. c. p., Aug. 14. Sir Robt. Monsey Rolfc, aft. Id. Cranworth, v. chanc, Nov. 13. Sir John Roniilly, aft. Id. Romilly, m. rolls, Apr. 14. Geo. Jas. Turner, aft. Sir G., v. chanc. Apr. 14. Sir Jno. Piitteson, ex. just. ij. «., Feb. 2. Wm., E. of Lonsdale, Id. pres., Feb. 27 ; sw. May 30, 1828. Edwd. Burton.sliaw, Id. St. Leo- nards, Id. chanc, Feb. 27 ; sw. Dec 16, 1«34. Sir Jno. Dodson, judge prerog. ct., Canterbury, Apr. 5. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 361 1852. Granville Geo., E. Granville, Id. pres., Dec. 28 ; sw. Aug. 1, 1846. 1054. Ld. Jno. Russell, aft. E. Russell, Id. pres., June 12: sw. Nov. 22, 1830. 1855. Sir Wm. Hy. Maule, ex. just. c. p., July 21. 1856. *Sir Lawrence Peel, ex. ch. just. Calcutta, Apr. 4. JArchd. Campbell Tait, bp. of Lon- don, Nov. 28. 1857. Sir Alexr.Jas.Edmd.Cockburn,knt., aft. bt., ch. just. c. p., Feb. 2. 1858. Sir Cresswell Cresswell, judge prob. and div. cts. , Feb. 3. Jas. Brownlow Wm., M. of Salis- bury, Id. pres., Feb. 24; sw. June 1, 1826. Fredk., Id. Chelmsford, Id. chanc, Feb. 26. Sir Jno. Taylor Coleridge, ex. just. Q. B., June 5. 1859. Sir Wm. Erie, ch. just. c. p., July 6. *tSir Jas. Wm. Colvile, ex. ch. just. Calcutta ; sw. July 6, and app. under 3 and 4 Wm. IV., cap. 41, s. 1 ; app. under s. 30, Nov. 20, 1865, G., vice Ryan, res.; app. under 34 and 35 Vict., cap. 91, Nov. 1871. JChas. Thos. Longley, abp. of York, June 1, G. Richd., Id. Westbury, Id. chanc, June 26. JWm. Thomson, abp. of York,Feb.3. Sir Jas. Plaisted Wilde, aft. Id. Pen- zance, judge prob. and div. cts., Apr. 26. Sir Edwd. Vaughan Williams, ex. just. c. p. , Mar. 9. Richd. C. T. X. B. C, D. of Buck- ingham, Id. pres., July 6. Sir FitzRoy Edwd. Kelly, ch. bar. ex., Nov. 10. Sir Hugh McCalmont Cairns, aft. Id. and E. Cairns, Id. just, app., Nov. 10. Sir Richd. Torin Kindersley, ex. v. chanc, Nov. 10. Sir Wm. Bovill, ch. just. c. p., Dec. 28. 1867. Jno. Winston, D. of Marlborough. Id. pres. Mar. 8 ; sw, July 10, 1866. Sir Jno. Rolt, Id. just, app., Aug. 3. Sir Robt. Jos. Phillimore, judge admy. ct.. &c., Aug. 3. 1868. Sir Wm. Page Wood, aft. Id. Hather- ley, Id. just, app.. Mar. 28. Sir Chas. Jasper Selwyn, Id. just. app.. Mar. 28. *Sir Jos. Napier, bt., ex. Id. chanc. Ireland. Nov. 11. Geo. Fredk. Saml., E. de Grey and Ripon, Id. pres., Dec. 9; sw. Apr. 28, 1863. 1860. 1861, 1863. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1869. 1870. 1872. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1879. 1880. Sir Geo. Markham Giffard, Id. just. app., Feb. 4. JJno. Jackson, bp. of London, May 13. Sir Wm. Milbourne James, Id. just. app. , July 6. *tSir Barnes Peacock, ex. ch. just. Bengal ; sw. July 6, and app. under 3 and 4 Wm. IV., cap. 41 ; app. under 34 and 35 Vict. , cap. 91, June 10, 1872, G. Sir Geo. Mellish, Id. just, app., Aug. 9. Sir Jno. Stuart, ex. v. chanc, Mar. 24. Sir Jas. Shaw Willes, ex. just. c. P., Nov. 3. fSir Montague Edwd. Smith, ex. just. c. P., Nov. 3. tSir Robt. Porrett Collier, ex. just. c. p., Nov. 3. *Mountague Bernard, vice. Colvile, Nov. 24, G; sw. June 29. Roundell, Id. , aft. E. Selborne, Id. chanc, Oct. 15. Sir Jas. Hannen, judge prob, and div. cts., Nov. 27. Sir Jno. Barnard Byles, ex. just. c. p.. Mar. 3. Hy. Austin Bruce, aft. Id. Aberdare, Id. pres., Aug. 9; sw. Apr. 26, 1864. Sir Geo. Jessel, m. rolls, Aug. 30. Sir Jno. Duke Coleridge, aft. Id. Coleridge, Id. ch. just. c. P., Dec. 12. Sir Saml. Martin, ex. bar. ex., Feb. 2. Chas. Hy., D. of Richmond, Id. pres., Feb. 21 ; sw. Mar. 3, 1859, Sir Hy. Singer Keating, ex. just. c. p., Feb. 4. Sir Richd. Baggallay, Id. just, app., Nov. 27. Edwd. Strathearn, Id. Gordon, Id. of app., Oct. 5. G- ; sw. Mar. 17, 1874. Colin, Id. Blackburn, Id. of app., Nov. 28. Sir Geo. Wm. Wilshere Bramwell, aft. Id. Bramwell, Id. just, app., Nov. 28. Sir Wm. Baliol Brett, aft. Id. Esher, Id. just, app., Nov. 28. Sir Richd. Paul Amphlett, Id. just. app., Nov. 28. Hy. Cotton, aft. Sir H., Id. just. app., July 11. Hon. Alf. Hy. Thesiger, Id. just. app., Dec. 12. Sir Robt. Lush, Id. just, app.. May 17. Sir Jno. Mellor, ex just. Q. b., June 26. Jno. Poyntz, E. Spencer, Id, pres., Apr. 28 ; sw. July 6, 1859. 362 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1880. Wm., Id. Watson, Id. of app., Apr. 26, G. ; sw. Mar. 20, 1878. 1881. *Sir Richd. Couch, ex. ch. just. Bengal, vice. Bernard, Jan. 24, G. ; 8w. Nov. 27, 1875. *Sir Arthur Hobhouse, K.c.s.i., aft. Id. Hobhouse, vice Napier, July 2, G. ; sw. Jlar. 2. Sir Richd. Malins, ex. v. chanc, May 18. Sir Nathl. Lindley, Id. just, app., Dec. 19. 1882. Sir Jno. Holker , Id. just. app. , Feb. 6. Jno. David Fitzgerald, aft. Id. Fitz- gerald, Id. of app., June 29. Sir Chas. Synge Christr. Bowen, Id. just, app., .lune 29. 1883. Chichester Saml., Id. Carlingford, Id. pres. . Mar. 19 ; sw. Apr. 7, 18G4. 1883. JEdwd. White Benson, abp. of Can- terbury, Mar. 19. Sir Edwd. Fry, Id. just, app., Apr. 20. 1885. Sir Hardinge Stanley Gififard, aft. Id. Halsbury, Id. chanc, June 24. Gathorne, vise. Cranbrook. Id. pres., June 24 ; sw. July 6, 1866. Sir Hy. Chas Lopes, Id. just, app., Dec. 12. JFredk. Temple, bp. of London, May 19. 1886. Sir Farrer Herschell. aft. Id. Her- schell. Id. chanc, Feb. 6. Sir Jas. Bacon, ex v. chanc, Nov. 26. 1887. Edwd. Macnaghten, aft. Id. Mac- naghten. Id. of app., Jan. 25. Sir Wm. Robt. Grove, ex just. Q. B., Nov. 28. CHIEF JUSTICIARIES. JUSTICIARIES. JUSTICES ITINERANT. JUSTICES OF TRAIL B ASTON. See Introduction, ante, p. 346. Chief Justiciaries. Those marked t are omitted from Foss's lists, and must be considered doubtful. It is also doubtful whether those marked ? were Chief Justiciaries or Justiciaries. Those marked J were possibly Chief Justices of the King's Bench and not Chief Justiciaries of the Aula Reyis. 1007. Odo., bp. of Bayeuxand E. of Kent, ch. justr. of the southern div., and W'm. Fitz-Osborne, E. of Hereford, ch. justr. of the northern div. of the kingdom. 1073. Wm. de Warenne, and Richd. Fitz- Gilliert or de Benefacta. 1078. Lanfranc, abp. of Canterbury. Geoffrey, bp. of Coutance, in Nor- mandy, and Robt., E. of Moreton, or Mortagne. 1087. Bp. Odo, (K/diii. 1088. Wm. do Carilefo, bp. of Durham. Ranulph Flamhard, aft. bp. of Durham. 1100. Robt. Bloct, bp. of Lincoln. 1107-8. Roger, aft. bp. of Salisbury. * * t^I^K^ '^^^ Budand, canon of St. Paul's. * * ? Geoffrey Ridel. * * ? Ralph Basset, baron of Wold. * * ? Richd. Basset, son of Ralph. * * ? Geoffrey de Clinton, troasr. * * ? Alberic do Vore. 1153. Hy., D. of Xurniandy, Nov. ? Richd. do Luci, or Lucj'. 1154. Robt. de Beaumont, E. of Leices- ter, and Richd. de Luci, or Lucy, jointly, Dec. 1167. Richd. de Lucy, only. 1179. Richd. Tocliffe, bp. of Winchester. Geoffrey Ridel, bp. of Ely, and John of Oxford, bp. of Norwich. 1180. Ranulph de Glanville. 1189. Hugh Pusar. or Pudsey, bp. of Durham, and Wm. de :\liindeville, E. of Albe- marle, Sept. 1"). Hugh Pusar, or Pudsey, ayuin, and Wm. de Longchamp, bp. of Ely, Dec U. 1191. Walter de Constanliis, bp. of Lin- coln and abp. of Rouen. Oct. 1193. Hubert Walter, abp. of Canterbury, Sept. 1198, Geoffrey Fitz- Peter, aft. E. of Essex, July. 1214. Peter do Rupibus, bp. of Winches- ter, Feb. 1. 1215. Hubert do Burgh. E. of Kent, June. He was regent of England in 1219 during tho minority of Henry III. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1225. J Martin de Pateshull. 1232. Stephen de Segrave, July. 123i. JRobt. de Lexinton, July. 1236. JThos. de Muleton. 1240. J Wm. of York. aft. bp. of Salisbury. 1250. t Hv. de Bathonia. 1258. Hugh Bigot, June 22. 1259. t Roger de Thurkilby, Dec. 29. 1260. Hugh le Despencer, Oct. 18. 1261. Philip Basset, .luly 5. { Wm. de Wilton. 1263. Hugh le Despencer, again, Oct. 1265. X Hj\ de Bracton, Aug. 1267. Nichs. de Turn. Justiciaries. It is doubtful whether those marked ? were Justiciaries or Chief Justiciaries, and whether those marked t were regular Justiciaries at all. In the reign of Hen. III. (1216-1272) those Justiciaries marked B have been called Justiciakii de Banco, and those marked F have had fines levied before them, and for these reasons have been considered as belonging to the Court of Common Pleas, though it is doubtful whether at the dates of their service the Court of Common Pleas had been actually established as a separate court. * * ? Hugh de Bocland, caaon of St. Paul's. * * ? Geoffrey Ridel. * * ? Ralph Basset, baron of Weld. * * ? Rd. Basset, son of Ralph. * * ? Geoffrey de Clinton, treasr. * * ? Alberic de Vere. 1153. ? Rd. de Luci, or Lucy. 1164-5. Nigel, bp. of Ely. Geoffrej' Ridel, archdn. of Can- terbury. Rd. Tocliffe, archdn. of Poictiers. Rd. Fitz-Nigel, treasr. Guy, dean of Waltham. Hy. Fitz-Gerold. Wm. Malduit. Simon Fitz-Peter. Alan de Xevil. Geoffrey ilonachus. Wm. Fitz-Andelm. Philip de Davencester. 1169-70. Wm. Fitz-Martin. John Malduit. 1174-5. Thos. Basset. Wm. Basset. Wm. Fitz-Ralph. Bertram de Verdun. 1176-7. Hugh de Cressi. Walter Fitz-Robert. Turstin Fitz-Simon. Wm. Fitz- Stephen. Robt. Mantel. 1178-9. Roger Fitz-Reinfrey. Godfrey de Luci. John Cumin. Hugh de Gaerst. Ranulph de Glanville, aft. eh. justiciary. Wm. de Bendings. Alan de Furnellis. 1181-2. Wm. de Auberville. Michael Belet. Gilbert de Coleville. Gervase de Cornhill. Thos. Fitz-Bernard. Osbert Fitz-Hervey. 1181-2. Ralph de Gedding. Osbert de Glanville. Wm. Rufus. Wm. Torell. 1183-4. Hugh Bardolf. Ralph Fitz-Stephen. Robt. Marmium. Hugh de Morewic. Robt. de Whitefeld. 1184-5. Nigel Fitz- Alexander. Hubert Walter, dean of York. 1186-7. Thos. de Husseburn. Robt. de Inglesham, archdn. of Gloucester. Josceline, archdn. of Chichester. Ralph, archdn. of Hereford. 1188-9. Ralph, archdn. of Colchester. Wm., archdn. of Totnes. 1189-90. Michael Belet. Ralph Murdac. 1193-4. Roger Bigot, E. of Norfolk. Ranulph Blundevil, E. of Ches- ter. Walter de Constantiis, abp. of Rouen. Rd. Fitz-Neale, bp. of London. Hugh Pusar, bp. of Durham. Stephen de S. Jacobo. Wm. de S. Marise Ecclesia, dean of St. Martin's ; aft. bp. of London. Geoffrey Fitz-Peter. Otho Fitz- William. Gilbert de Glanville, bp. of Ro- chester. Wm. de Longchamp, bp. of Ely, chanc. Wm. Mareschall. Simon de Pateshull. 1194-5. Richd. de Herierd. Herbert Pauper, bp. of Salis- bury. Hugh Peverel. 1195-6. Richd. Barre, archdn. of Ely. Geoffrey de Bocland. Wm. Briwer. 864 THE BOOK OP DIGNITIES. 1195-6. Wm. Chanvill, archdn. of Rich- mond. Hy. de Chastillon, archdn. of Can- terbury. Oger Fitz-Oger. Osbert Fitz-Simon. Wm. de Glanville. Wm. de Kunill. Wm. de Vere, bp. of Hereford. Wm. de Warenne. 1197-8. John de Gestling, F. James de Poterna. Stephen de Turnham. Hy. de Wichinton. 1198-9. Eustace, bp. of Ely, chanc. Robert Fitz-Roger. Osbert Fitz-William. Richd. Flandrensis. Godfrey de Insula. Philip of Poictiers, bp. of Dur- ham. Ralph de Welford. Wm. de Wrotham, archdn. of Taunton. 1199-1200. Hugh le Bobi. Geoffrey de Bocland, archdn. of Norfolk and dean of St. Mar- tin's, F. Walter de Cropping. Reginald de Comhill. Wm. de Faleise. Eustace de Fauconberg, F ; aft. bp. of London. Hy. de Furnellis. Hy. of London, archdn. of Staf- ford ; aft. abp. of Dublin. 1200-1. Ralph de Stoke. 1201-2. Reg. de Argentine. John de Grey, bp. of Norwich. 1202-3. Jordan do Turri. 1203-4. Wm. de Cantilupe. Thos. de Samford. Josceline de Wells, aft. bp. of Bath and Wells. 1204-5. Richd. de Mucegros. Hugh do Wells, archdn. of Wells, aft. bp. of Lincoln. 1206-7. Hy. Fitz-Ailwyn, mayor of Lon- don. 1207-8. Walter de Grey, chanc. Hy. de Ponte Audomare. 1208-9. Robt. do Aumari. Wm. de Ely, treasr. Wm. de Furnellis. John Fitz-Hugh. Ralph llareng, F. Robt. Malduit. Peter do Rupibus, bp. of Win- cbestor, aft. ch. just. 1209-10. John do Briwes. Robt. (? Roger) Iluscarl. 1211-12. Saherus do Quincy, E. of Win- chester. 1212-13. Richd. do Marisco, archdn. of Richmond ; aft. chanc. 1213-14. Joaceline de Stivicle. 1216-7. Richd. de Seingea, F. 1217-8. fWm. de Albini, E. of Arundel, F. + Alan Basset, F. Simon de Insula, F. Martin de Pateshull, archdn. of Norfolk and dean of St, Paul's, F. Stephen de Segrave, aft. cb. just. , F. 1218-9. Maurice de Audeley, F. tHugh Foliot, F. f Geoffrey Gibbewin, F. Thos. de Heydon, B. t Robt. de Neville, F. t Benedict de Sansetun, bp. ol Rochester, F. 1219-20. Robt. de Lexinton, B. 1222-3. Geoffrey le Sauvage, F. 1223-4. Thos. de Muleton, B. 1225-6. Warin Fitz-Joel, F. 1226-7. Hy. de Braybroc, B. 1227-8. Wm. de Insula, F. Roger de Northwold, F. 1228-9. t Thos. de Camviel, F. Wm. de London, F. Wm. de Raleigh, aft. bp. of Nor- wich and Winchester, F. Robt. de Shardelow, F. 1229-30. Ralph de Norwich, B. t Richd. Reinger, F. 1230-1. Wm. of York, aft. bp. of Salis- bury, F. 1231-2. Adam Fitz-William, B. 1232-3. Wm. de St. Edmund, F. 1233-4. Robt. de Beauchamp, B. Regd. de Moyun, B. Robt. de Rockcle, B. Robt. de Ros, B. 1235-6. Wm. de Cule worth, F, John de Kirkeby, F. 1237-8. Hy. de Bathonia, F. Hugh Giffard, F. 1241-2. Jollan de Neville, F. Gilbert de Preston, B. Roger de Thurkelby, B. 1242-3. Robt. de Esseby, F. 1243-4. Jeremiah de Caxton. John de Cobbchani, F. 1244-5. Robt. de Nottingham, F. 1245-6. Alan de Watsand, F. 1246-7. Simon de Wauton, F. Wm. do Wilton, F. 1247-8. John de Lexinton. 1248-9. Wm. le Breton or Brito. Hy. de Mara. 1249-50 Hy#do Bracton or Bretton Robt. de Brus, B. John do Giitesdon, F. t Alan de Zouche. 1250-1. Giles do Erdiiigton, F Gilbert do Segrave. Nicha. do Turri. Robt. Wftlorand, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 365 1251-2. 1253-4. 1254-5. 1255-6. 1256-7. 1259-60. 1260-1. 1261-2. 1264-5. 1265-6. Roger de Whitchester, F. Wm. Trussel, B. t John le Fraunceys. John de Caleto, F. John de Cave, F. Nichs. de Hadlow, or Handle, F. Robt. de Shottinden, F. John de Cokefield, F. John de Wyvile, B. Peter de Percy. Wm. de Englefield. Martin de Littlebiri. fThos. Basset. Wm. Bonquer, or Boncour, B. Richd. de Middeton, B. Hervey de Boreham, F. t Fulco Fitz-Warine. Richd. de Hemington. Geoffrey de Leuknore. Walter de Berstede, F. Adam de Greinvill, B. John de la Lynde, B. John le Moyne. 1265-6. Wm. de Poywick. 1266-7. John le Bretun, aft. bp. of Here- ford. Robt. Fulcon, B. Roger de Messenden, B. Hy. de Monteforti, B. 1267-8. Lawrence del Brok. Adam de Castreton. Roger de Seyton, B. 1268-9. Walter de Helynn. John de Oketon. John de Reygate. Wm. de St. Omera. Richd. de Stanes. Thos. Trevet. Hy. de Wollaveston. 1269-70. John de Cobbeham, B. Nich. de Yattenden. 1270-1. Stephen Heym, F. Ralph de Hengham. Jas. de Paunton. 1271-2. t Walter de Merton. Wm. de Weyland. Justices Itinerant. Prior to 1155 these lists are very imperfect, but from that date they are tolerably complete. Those marked f are doubtful, and those marked T were Justices of Trailbaston (See Introduction, ante, p. 346). Many of the Justices Itinerant were also Justiciaries or Judges, and will we found repeated in the other lists. Those marked * are included in Dugdale's list, but Foss considers them to be only Com- missioners appointed to deal with certain complaints which had been made against the Sheriffs of particular counties. 1155-6. Robt. de Beaumont, E. of Leices- ter. Thos. Becket, chanc. Henry de Essex. 1162-3. Wm. Fitz-John. 1165-6. Geoffrey de Mandevil, E. of Essex. Richd. de Luci, or Lucy,ch. justr. 1167-8. Wm. Basset. Guy Rufus, dean of Waltham. Richd. , archdn. of Poictiers. Regd. de Warenne. 11G8-9. Gervase de Cornhill. John Cumin. 1169-70. Hy. Fitz-Gerold. Hugh de Morevill. Alan de Nevil, jun. Oger. Robt. de Stuteville. 1170-1. *The Abbot of St. Augustin,Can- terbury. *The Abbot of Chertsey. *Roger, E. of Clare. *Wm. de Abrincis. *Manaserins de Dammartin. *Gerold Fitz-RaljA. *Gilbert de Pinkeni. *Wm. Fitz-Helton. *Wm. Fitz-Xigel. *Wm. Fitz-Martin. *Ralph de Hospitali. 1170-1. *Ralph de Dene. 1172-8. Hugh de Bocland. Turstin Fitz-Simon. Adam de Gernemue. Regd. de Luci. Robt. Mantel. Walter Map. Richd. Fitz-Nigel, treasr. Wm. Rufus. Sefred, archdn. of Chichester. Nichs. de Sigillo. Richd. de Wilton. — Wimer. 1173-4. Alard Banastre. Wm. Bastard. Alexr. le Boteler. Wm. de Braiosa. John le Clerk. John le Dover. Mathew de Escuris. Philip Fitz-Ernise. Wm. Fitz-Ralpb. Wm. Fitz-Richard. Ralph Fitz-Stephen. Hugh de Gundevil. Walter de Hadlield. John Jukel. Leonard. Alured de Lincoln. Robt. de Luci. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1173-4. 1174-5, 1176-7. 1177-8. 1179-80. 1181-2. 1184-5. 1186-7. 1189-90. 1191-2. John Malduil. Hamon Morgan. Milo de Muccgros. Const, do Oxenford. Walter de St. Quintin. Guy le Strange. Thos. Basset. Hugh de Cressi. Ranulph de Glanville. Win. de Lamvallei. Roger Fitz-Rcinfred. Walter Fitz-Robert. Wm. FLtz-Stephen. Bertram do Verdun. Robt. Fitz- Bernard. Riehd. (iiffard. Robt. Pikenot. Gilbert Pipard. Robt. de Vaux. Michael Relet. Ralph Briton. Gilbert do Columbiers. Thos. Fitz-Bernard. Riehd. Tocliflf, bp. of Winches- ter. Geoft'rey Ridel, bp. of Ely. Jno., of Oxford, bp. of Norwich. Wm. de Bending. Nich. Fitz-Torold. Alan de Fiirnellis. Hugh de Gaerst. Geoffrey Hose. Godfrey do Luci. Hugh Murdac. Riehd. de Pec. Regd. do Wisebec. Robt. de Witefeld. Riehd. Rufus, or Giffard. Samson de Totington, abbot of St. Edmunds. Thos. de Husseburn. Hugh de Morewic. Ralph Murdac. Wm. Vavasour, Xo. 1. Hugh Bardolf. Wm. Briwer. Riehd., archd. of Wilts. Ralph do Arden. Roger Arundel. JNIaurice de Berkeley. Riehd. Brito,archdn.of Coventry. Wm. Fitz-Alan. GoofTrey I'Mtz-Peter. Gilbert do Glanville, bp. of Rochester. Robt. de Hardres. Hy. de Northampton. Hugh Pantulf. Hugh Pusar, bj). of Durham. Peter de Ros. Wm. de Stutovillc. Wm. do Vero, bp. of Hereford. Simon do Kymo. Adam de Tornoura, 1193-4. Regd. de Argentine. Walter Fitz-Robert. Wm. de Warenne. 1195-6. Wm. de Braiosa. Simon de Pateshuli. Jno. Suthill, abbot of Hyde. 1196-7. Hugh de Bobi. Walter de Cropping. Hy. Fitz-Hervey. Jno. do Garland. Eustace de Ledenham. Roger de Stikesward. 1197-8. Wm. Achard. Simon Basset. Baldwin de Cuserugge. Osbert Fitz-Hervey. Robt. Fitz-Roger. Geoffrey, archdn. of Berks. Hy. de Kingeston. Wm. de Rideware. Roger de St. Edmund. Theobald Walter. Wm. do Albini. PhiHp Fitz-Robert. Geoffrey Hachet. Ranulph. Ralph de St. Martin. 1199-1200. Alan, abbot of Tewkesbury. Robt. de Braybroc. Ralph de Weileford. 1200-1. Stephen de Clay. Ralph Morin. 1201-2. Rd. Malebysse. 1202-3. Roger Arundel. Wm. Fitz-Richard. Hy. de Northamjiton. Alexr. de Poynton. 1203-4. Hugh de Chaucomb. 1204-5. 1206-7. Robt. Marmion. Humphrey de Bassingborncj ai'chdn. of Sarum. Walter de Bovington Roger de Huntingfield. Simon de Kyme. Wm. de Percy. Rd. de Seingcs. Robt. de Veteriponte. 1207-8. Ralph de Arden. 1 208-9. Robt. de Berkeley. Gerard de Camvill. Wm. de Cornhill, archdn.of Hun- tingdon, aft. bp. of Lichfield and Coventry. Hy. Fitz-Hervey. Wm. de Huntinglield. Roger do Lacv. Robt. do Pt-rey. Rd. de Ponte. Adam de Port. Wm., archdn. of Hereford. 1210-11. Simon deWaldluill. 1218-9. (Jill.ert de Ahbingworth. Jno. de Bayeux. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1218-9. Faukes cle Breaute. Wm. de Cantilupe. Hy. de Cobbebam. AVm. de Cressy. Ralpb de la Ferte. Matth. Fitz-Herbert. 'S\m. Fitz-Roger. AYalter Follot. Ralpb Gernum. John Marescallus. Walter Mauclerk, aft. bp. of Car- lisle Thos. de Muleton. Adam de Newmarket. Walter de Pateshull. Rd. Poore, bp. of Chichester, Salisbury, and Durham. Walter de Ripariis. Jordan de Sackville. James le Sauvage. Ralph Tablir. Wm. de Trumpington. Maurice de Turvil. Walter de Verdun. Wm, de Vernon. Robt. de Veteriponte. Philip de Ulecot. Hugh de Wells, bp. of Lincoln. Josceline de Wells, bp. of Bath and Wells. John Wigenholt. Laurence de Wilton. John de Winchestede. 1219-20. Stephen de Ebroicis. Waren de Granden. John de IMonmouth. Robt. de Vere, E. of Oxford. 1220-1. Ralph Musard. Randolph, abbot of Evesham. Simon, abbot of Reading. 1223-4. Hy. de Braybrok. Warin Fitz-Joel. Wm. de Houbrug. Ralph de Neville, bp. of Chiches- ter. 1224-5. Herbert de Alencun. Wm. de Ambly. Roger de Auntreseye. John de Baalun. Roger de Baalun. Roger Bertram. Rd. de Beynvill. Nich. le Boteler, or Pincerna. Hugh de Glahaul. Robt. de Cokefield. Hugh de Droes. Rd. Duket. Walter Duredent. Alan de Englefield. Jordan de Essebj-. Hy. le Evesk. Brian Fitz-Alan. Walter Fitz-Robert. Wm. Fitz-Rosceline. Richd. Fitz-Simon. 1224-5. Wm. Fitz-Warine. Adam Fitz- William. Robt. Fitz- William. Wm. de Frenchvill. Barth. de Glanville. Simon de Hale. Wm. de Haunsarde. Jordan Heyrun. Jno.de Houton.archdn. of Bedford. Wm. de Insula. Regd. de Kaune. Richd. de Kellesay. Richd. de Levinton. Aimed de Lincoln. Ralph de Lydiard. Roger de Merelay. Richd. de Montfichet. Jordan Oliver. Peter, abbot of Tewkesbury. Adam de Porteseye. Jno. de Reiny. Walter de Romsey. Jno. de St. Helena. Jno. de St. John. Richd. de Stoke. Theobald de Valoines. Richd. de Veym. Wm. de Waleis. Jno. de Wauton. Wm. de Welles. Wm. de Wichinton. 1225-4. Wm. Basset. Walter de Beauchamp. Peter de Brus. Jno. de Daivill. Jno. Fitz-Robert. Randolph Fitz-Robert. Alexr. Holdernesse. Brian de Insula. Jno. de Lacy, const, of Chester, aft. E. of Lincoln. Wm. de Lancaster. Walter le Poer. Roger de Scarborough. Wm. de Tametone. Thos.. abbot of Winchecumbe 1226-7. Fulco Baynard. Maurice de Gant. Wm. de Hengham. Jno. de Kirkeby. Wm. de London. Wm. de Sorewell. Wm. of York. 1227-8. Hugh de Bolebec. Stephen de Luci. 1229-30. Ralph Fitz-Reginald. Jno. de Ulecot. 1230-1. Wm. Loudham. 1231-2. Walter de Cantilupe, aft. bp. of Worcester. 1232-3. Hy. de Tracy. 1233-4. Norman de Aresey. Adam de Ascwardby. Roger Bigot, E. of Norfolk. Ranulph Fitz-Henry, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1233-4. Thos. Fitz-John. Simon de Fnrnellis. Robt. Grimbald. Jollam de Neville. Robt. de Salceto. Oliver de Vaux. 1239-40. Warner Engaine. Robt. de Haya. Gilbert de Preston. Ralph de Sudley. Roger de Thurkelbv. 1244-5. Hy. de Bracton, or Bretton. 1245-6. Hugh Fitz-William. Simon de Wauton. 1247-8. Wm. le Breton, or Brito. Regd. de Cobbeham. 1250-1. Silvester de Everdon, bp. of Car- lisle. Adam de Hilton. Jno. Plessitis. E. of Warwick. 1251-2. Hy. de Coleville. Robt. de Ripariis. Simon de Trop. 1252-3. Giles de Argentine. 1258-4. Wm. de Spaldewck. 1254-5. Wm. de Cobbeham. Wm. de Englefield. Geofi'rey do Leuknore. Nichs. de Romesei. 1255-6 Peter de Percy. 1259-60. James de Audley. Humphrey de Bohun, E. of Here- ford. Hugh le Depenser. Jno. de Grey. Jno de ^lontealto. Jno. de Verdun. Jno. de Warenne, E. Warren. 1260-1. Adam de Greinvill. Martin de Littlebiri. Roger de Sumeri. Gilbert Talebot. 1261-2. Jno. de Aure. Walter de Berstede. Ralph Fitz-Ranulj)h. Richd. do Hemington. Robt. de Neville. Wm. de Nottingham. Wm. de Poywick. Wm. de Staunton. 1267-8. Regd. de Acle. Peter de Brus. Roger de Clifl'ord. Matth. de Columbariis. Walter de Hclynn. Jno. de Oketon. Richd. de Stanes. Jno. de la Strode. Thos. Trevct. Hy. do WoUaveston. 1269-70. Wm. de Boscohall. Peter do Chester. GeoiTrcy do Neville. Geoffrey de Upsale. 1271-2. Ralph de Marsh. 1271-2 1272. 1273-4. 1277-8. 1278-9. 1279-80. 1280-1. 1284-5. 1286-7. 1294-5. 1298-9. 1301- 1303-4. 1304-5, Jno. de Spalding. Thos. de Weyland. Wm. de Weyland. Walter de Hopton. Elias de Beckingham. Solomon de Rochester. Wm. de Northbury. Wm. de St. Omera. fjno. de Saunford. Roger Loveday. Geoffrey de Newbald. Thos. de Sadington. Godfrey Giffard, bp. of Wor- cester. Geoffrey de Picheford. Jno. de Vaux. Richd. de Ware. Richd. de Boyland. Wm. de BrabcDuf. t Roger de Clifford, senr. i Matth. de Columbiers. t Adam Gurdon. fWm. de Hamilton. Alan de Walkingham. Thos. de St. Vigore. Nichs. le Gras. Hamon Hauteyn. t Richd. de Crepping. j Thos. de Normanville. Wm. de Vesey. Roger de Brabazon. Walter de Stircheleye Wm. W>-ther. f Wm. de Bereford. Jno. de Berewyk. Hugo de Cressingham. f Jno. de Crokesley. t Simon do Ellesworth. Peter Heym. Jno. Lovel. Wm. de Mortimer. Wm. de Ormesby. Roger le Strange. Jno. Wogan. Jno. do Bate.sford. Jno. de Boseo. Walter de Cambhou. Hugh de Cave. Adam de Crokedayk. Hy. de Eynefeld. Thos. Fisheburn. Wm. Howard. Wm. Inge. Jno. de Insula. Gilbert de Kirkcby. Jno. de Lythogrenos. Robt. de Retford. Jno. de Bank well. Lambert do Trikinghani. Wm. de Burnton. Jno. Rundolf. Hervey do Staunton. Hy. do Guldeford. Jno. de Barton, T. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1304-5. Roger de Bellaforgo. 1310-1 Wm. de Goldington. Jno. de Botetourt, T. Walter de Gloucester. Jno. le Breton, T. Milo de Rodborough. Thos. de Burnham, T. Jno. de Westcote. Win. de Crossy, T. 1313-4 Richd. de Berningham. Edmd. D'Eyncourt, T. 1314-5 Robt. de Maddingley. Nichs. Fermbaud. 1317-8. Gilbert de Toutheby. Ralph FitzWilliam, T. 1329. Ralph de Bereford. Robt. de Harwedon. T. Adam de Brome. Thos. de la Hvde, T. Jno de Ifeld. Wm. de Kardeston, T. Jno. de Radenhale. Gilbert de Knovill, T. Jno. Randolph. Peter de Malo Lacu, orMauley,T. Lambert de Trikingham. Wm. Martvn, T. 1330. Hugh de Courtney. Adam de Middleton, T. Nichs. Fastolf. Gerard Salveyn, T. Peter de Middleton. Milo de Stapl'eton, T. Thos. de Radclyve. Wm. le Vavasour, T. Robt. de Thorpe. Richd. de Walsingham, T. Wm. de Zouche. 1306-7. Geoffrey de Hertelpole. 1333. Jno. Claver. Hiigh de Louthere. T. 1349. Wm. de Herlaston. Jno. de Mutford, T. Wm. de Scothou. Thos. de Snyterton, T. 1370. Robt. Bealknap. Jno. de Thorp, T. Jno. de Cavendish. 1310-1. Richd. de Bereford. Edmd. Chelreye. Nichs. de Bolinbroke. Wm. de Wakebrug. Robt. de Clyderhou, or Glider- Jno. de Fencotes. hou. Roger de Fulthorpe. Wm. de Colneye. Roger de Meres. 1332. CHIEF JUSTICES OF THE KING'S OR QUEEN'S BENCH AND LORD CHIEF JUSTICES OF ENGLAND. PUISNE JUSTICES OF THE KING'S OR QUEEN'S BENCH. PRESIDENTS AND JUSTICES OF THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, QUEEN'S BENCH DIVISION. See Introduction, ante, p. 346. Chief Justices of the King's or Queen's Bench, sometimes STYLED Chief Justices of England. 1268, Robert de Brus, or Brius,in modern times spelt Bruce ; the first judge who was distinctly constituted ch. just, of the K. B. — Foss. Ralph de Hengham, just. k. b. Foss gives the date of his appt. as 1273-4. 1290. Gilbert de Thornton 1296. Roger le Brabazon, just. k. b. 1316. Wm. Inge, Mar. 1317. Hy. le Scrope, June 15. 1323. Hervey or Hy. de Staunton, Sept. 1324. Geoffrey le Scrope, just. c. p., Mar. 21. 1329. Robt. de Malberthorp, just. k. b., May 1. Hy. le Scrope, again, Oct. 28. 1330. *Geoffrey le Scrope, again, Dec. 19. 1333. 1337. 1338. 1340. 1341. *Richd. de Wyllughby, just. K. B., Mar. 28. *Geoffrey le Scrope, again, Sept. 20. *Richd. de Wyllughby, again, Sept. 10. *Geo£frey le Scrope, again. *Richd. de Wyllughby, again, Oct. Sir Robt. Pai-ning, just. c. P., July 21. Sir Wm. Scot, Jan. 8. 1346. Sir Wm. de Thorpe, just. K. B., Nov. 26 ; hanged for malpractices in 1351. 1350. Sir Wm. de Shareshull, just. k. b., Oct. 26. 1357. Sir Thos. de Seton,just. k.b., July 5. 1361. Sir Hy. Greene, May 24. * These changes were occasioned by Geoffrey Le Scrope's absences abroad with the king, during which Wyllughby was appointed chief justice in his place. 24 370 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1365. Sir Jno. Knivet, or Knyvet, Oct. 29. 1372. Jno. de Cavendish, July 15 ; be- headed by the Kentish rebels. 1381. Sir Robt. Tresyliau. just. k. b., June 22 ; executed in 1388. 1388. Sir Walter de Cloptone, Jan. 31. 1400. Sir Wm. Gascoigne, Xov. 15. 1413. Sir Wm. Hankford, Mar. 29. 1424. Sir Wm. Cheyne, just. k. b.. Jan. 21. 1439. Sir John Ivyn. or Juyn. ch. just. €. V. , Jan. 20. 1440. Sir John Hody, Apr. 13. 1442. Sir John Fortescue, Jan. 25. 1461. Sir John Markham, just. K. B., May 13. 1469. Sir Thos. Billing, just. k. b., Jan. 23. 1481. Sir Wm. Huse, or Hussey, May 7. 1495. Sir John Fineux, just. c. p., Nov. 24. 1526. Sir John Fitz-James, just. k. b., Jan. 23. 1539. Sir Edwd. Montague, Jan. 21 ; aft. ch. just. c. P. 1545. Sir Richd. Lvster, Nov. 9. 1552. Sir Roger Chomeley, Mar. 21. 1553. Sir Thos. Bromley (No. 1), just. K. b., Oct. 4. 1555. Sir Wm. Portman, just. k. b. , June 11. 1657. Sir Edwd. Saunders, just. C. P., May 8 ; aft. ch. bar. ex. 1559. Sir Robt. Catlyn. just. c. p., Jan. 22. 1574. Sir Christr. Wray, just. k. b.,Nov.8. 1592. Sir John Popham, June 2. 1607. Sir Thos. Fleming, or Flemynge, bar. ex. , .Jime 25. 1613. Sir Edwd. Coke, ch. just. c. p., Oct. 25 ; disch. Nov. 1616. 1616. Sir Hy. Montagu, Nov. 16; made Id. treasr. 1620. 1621. Sir Jas. Ley. knt. and bt., Jan. 29, aft. Id. Ley ; made Id. treasr. and cr. E. of Marlborough 1626. 1625. Sir Ranulph Crewe, Jan. 26. 1627. Sir Nichs. Hyde, Feb. 5. 1631. Sir Thos. Richardson, ch. just. c. p., Oct. 24. 1635. Sir John Brampston, or Bramstone, Apr. 14; removed Oct. 1643. 1642. Sir Robt. Heath, just. k. b., Oct. 31 ; removed by a vote of parlt., Oct. 1645. 1645. " There now sat only two judges in each court of law, until the close of this troubled reign." White- locke. 1648. Hy. RoUo, just. k. b., apptd. by the parlt. under the Commonwealth, Oct. 12. 1655. 1660. 1G63. 1665. 1671. 1676. 1678. 1681. 1683. 1685. 1687. 1689. 1710. 1718, 1725. 1733. 1737. 1754. 1756. 1788. John Glyn. ch. just, of the "upper bench " under the Commonwealth, June l.">; confirmed to him Oct. 11, 1(556. WIntelocke. Sir Richd. Newdigate. ch. just, of the " upper bench," Jan. 17. Sir Robt. Foster, just. c. p., Oct. 1. Sir Robt. IIvd3, just. c. p., Oct. 19. Sir.TohnKelvnge, just. K. B.,Nov. 21. Sir Matth. Hale, just. C. P., May 18 ; res. 1676, and d. on Christmas Day following. Sir Richd. Haynsford, or Rainsford, just. K. B., Apr. 12; removed May 1678. Sir Wm. Scroggs, just. c. p., May 31 ; removed 1681. Sir Fras. Pemberton, just. K. b., Apr. 11 ; aft. ch. just. C. P. Sir Edmd. Saunders, Jan. 3. Sir Geo. Jefifreys, bt., Sept. aft. Id. chanc, and cr. Jeff re vs. Sir Edwd. Herbert, Oct. 23; ch. just. c. p. Sir Robt. Wright, ch. just. c. P., Apr. 22. Sir John Holt, Apr. 17. Sir Thos. Parker, :\Iar. 11 ; aft. Id Parker, Id. chanc, and E. of Macclesfield. Sir John Pratt, just. K. B., May 15. Sir Robt. Raymond, just. K. B., Mar. 2 ; aft. Id. Raymond. Sir Philip Yorke, Oct. 31 ; aft. Id. Hardwicke, Id. chanc, and E. of Hardwicke. Sir Wm. Lee, just. K. B. , June 8; became a bt. on the death of his brother, in 1749. Sir Dudley Ryder, atty.-gen., May 2. Wm. Murray, atty.-gen., cr. Id. Mansfield,' Nov. 8 ; cr. E. of Mansfield in 1776 ; res. June 1788. Lloyd, Id. Kenyon, m. rolls, Jane 4 ; d. Apr. 1802. Id. aft. 1802. Sir Edwd. Law, atty.-gen., Apr. 11, cr. Id. Ellenborough ; res. Nov. 1818; d. Dec. following. 1818. Sir Chas. Abbott, just. ic. b., Nov. 2 ; aft. Id. Tentcrden. 1832. Sir Thos. Donman,attv.-gon., Nov. 4 ; cr. Id. Denman, Mar. 22, 1834; res. Feb. 28, 1850. 1850. John, Id. Campbell, Mar. 5; app. Id. chanc. Juno 18, 1859. 1859. *Sir Alexr. Jas. Edmd. Cockburn, bt., ch. just. c. P., Juno 24. * Transferred Nov. 1, 1875, to the H. C. J., Q. B. Division, and also made an ex- officio judge of the Court of Appeal, under Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875. (See ante, pp. 350-1.) THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 371 Presidents op the High Court of Justice, Queen' Division. (Lord Chief Justices op England.) Bench 1875. Sir Alexr. Jas. Edmd. Cockburn, bt. , transf. from court of Q. B. Nov. 1 ; d. Nov. 20, 1880. 1880. John Duke, Id. Coleridge, pres. of c. p. div., Nov. 29. '^^-r «.^.A7/;. <)^(,^ Puisne Judges op the King's or Queen's Bench. Those marked f are omitted from Foss's lists and must be considered doubtful. Dugckde commences his list with — 1250. t^ianus de Zouch, Id. mayor of London in 1267 and 1268. 1253. tHy. de Bathonia. 1258. fRoger de Thorkelby, or Thurkilby, fGilbert de Preston. fNichs. Handle, or Hadlow. 1262. fThos. Basset. 1265. tJohn le Breton, or Bracton. 1269. t'^'m. de St. Omero. •f-Richd. de Stanes. 1270. tJas. Panton. ■f-Ralph de Hengham, aft. ch. just. 1271. fJohn de Cokefeud, or Cokefield. Some of the above were probably only "Justiciaries." According to Foss the following were the puisne judges of the king's bench at the death of Henry III. in Nov. 1272. John de Cobbeham. Walter de Helynn, or Helyun. Martin de Littlebire or Littlebiri. John de Reygate (?). Rd. de Stanes (?). The following are the subsequent ap- pointments. 1274-5. Nichs. de StajDelton. Wm. de Saham. Walter de Hopton. 1275. Martin de Letilbir. John de Cobham, or Cobbeham. 1275-6. John de Metingham. Walter de Wymburne. 1282-3. fJohn de Cave, Dugdale ; doubted by Foss. 1284-5. Elias de Suttone. 1288-9. Ralph de Sandwic. 1289-90. Roger de Brabazon, aft. ch. just. Robt. Malet, or Mallet. 1293-4. John Lovel. 1294-5. Gilbert de Roubury. 1295-6. Wm. de Ormesby. 1300-1. Hy. Spigurnell. 1316. Geoffrey le Scrope, aft. ch. just. Lambert de Trikingham, Aug. 6. 1320, Robt. de Malberthorpe, Aug. ; aft. ch. just. 1327. Walter de Friskeney, Mar. 6. 1327. Robt. Bavnard, Mar. 9. 1328. Hy. de Hanbury. 1330. Richd. de Wyllughby, Dec. 15; aft. ch. just. Thos. de Louthere, or Louthe, Dec. 15. 1331. Geoffrev Edenham, Jan. 18. 1332. Thos. Bacon. Jan. 28. 1333. Wm. de Shareshull, Mar. 20; aft. ch. just. 1334. Robt. de Scardeburgh, Sept. 14 ; transf. to c. p., 1339. 1338. Robt. Brundish, Apr. 4. Wm. Faunt. Apr. 4. 1339. Wm. Scot, May 2. John de Shardelow, or Cherdelawe. just. c. p., Sept. 6. 1341. Robt. de Scardeburgh, again ; from the c. p., Jan. 8. Roger de Bankewell. Wm. Bassett, Oct. 28. 1342. Adam de Staingrave, Jan. 10. . 1345. Wm. de Thorpe, aft. ch. just. 1354. Thos. de Seton, aft. ch. just. 1355. Wm. de Notton, Oct. 12. 1361. Thos. de Ingelby, Sept. 30. 1378. Robt. Tresylian, May 6 ; aft. ch. just. 1383. David Hanemere, Feb. 26. 1387. John de Lokton, or Lockton, Oct. 25. 1389. John Hull, or Hill, May 20. Hugh Hulse, May 20. 1409. Robt. Thirwit, or Tirwhit, May. 1415. Roger Horton, June, 16. Wm. Cheyne. June 16 ; aft. ch. just. 1424. John Halls, Jan. 21. 1426. Wm. Westbury, Feb. 6. 1434. Wm. Goderede, July 3. 1443. Wm. Yelverton. 1444. John Markham, Feb. 6; aft. ch, just. 1445. Richd. Bingham, aft. sir R, 1452. Ralph Pole, July 3. 1464. Thos. Billing, Aug. 9; aft. ch. just. 1465. Wm. Lakene, June 4. 1470. Richd. Neele, Oct. 9. 1471. John Needham, June 17. 1475. Thos. Young, Apr. 29. 24 ♦ 372 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1477. Guido Fairfax. 1481. "Wm. Jennej'. 1484. John Sulyard, or SuUiard, Oct, 26. 1488. Thos. Treniavle, July 16. 1495. Robt. Read, Nov. 24. 1507. Robt. Brudnell, or Brudenell, Apr. 28 ; transf. to c. p. 1509. Humfrey Coningsby, May 21. 1520. Jno. Moore, Apr. 1622. John Fitz-James, Feb. 6 ; aft. ch. just. 1529. John Port, Nov. 1532. John Spelman. Wm. or Walter Luke, Aug. 23. 1540. Wm. Coningsby, July 5. Edwd. or Edmd. Mervin, Nov. 22. 1544. Robt. Brooke, or Broke. Thos. Bromley (No. 1), Nov. 4 ; aft. ch. just. 1546. Wm. Portman, May 14; aft. ch. just. 1553. John Whyddon, Oct. 4. 1556. Wm. Daliison, Jan. 1558. Fras. Morgan, Jan. 23. Sir Jas. Dyer, just. c. p., Apr. 23. Held both offices joro tern. ; aft. eh. just. c. p. Wm. Rastal. Oct. 27 ; res. 1559. Regd. Corbet, Oct. 16. 1563. John Southcote, Feb. 10. 1566. Thos. Carus. 1572. Christr. Wray, May 14 ; aft. ch. just. 1574. Thos. Gawdy, aft. sir T., Nov. 16. 1576. John Jefferay, May 15 ; aft. ch. bar. ex. 1577. Wm. Ayloffe. 1584. John Clench, bar. ex., May 24. 1586. Robt. Schute, bar. ex., Feb. 8. 1588. Fras. Gawdy, aft. sir F.,Nov. 25. ; aft. ch. just. c. P. 1590. Edwd. Fenner, aft. sir E., May 26. 1602. Christr. Yelverton, aft. sir C, Feb. 8. 1604. David Williams, aft. Sir D., Feb. 4. 1606. Laurence Tantield, aft. sir L., Jan. 13. 1607. Sir John Croke, late sp. ho. comm., June 2"). 1612. Sir John Doderidge, Nov. 25. 1613. Sir Robt. Houghton, Apr. 21. 1620. Sir Thos. Chamberlain, Oct. 8. 1624. Sir Wm. .Tones, just. c. p., Oct. 17. Sir Jas. Whitelock, Oct. 18. 1625. Sir Hy. Yelverton. 1628. Sir George Croke, just. c. p., Oct. 28. 1632. Sir Robt. Berkeley, Oct. 11; re- moved. " Taken off the bench." — Wliilelockc. 1641. Sir Robt. Heath, Jan. 23 ; aft. ch. just. Sir Thos. Mallet, July 1 ; removed by the parlt. U'A't. 1642. Sir Fras. Bacon, Oct. 14. 1644. Sir Robt Brcrewood, Jan. 31. 1645. Hy. Rollo, Sept. 30 ; under the parlt. ; aft. ch. just. 1648. Philip Jermin, Oct. 12. Saml. Browne, Oct. 12. 1649. Justice Bacon and Justice Brown (with judges of other courts) refused to act under the new commission, Feb. 8. Robt. Nicholas, June. Richd. Ask, June 1. 1654. Richd. Newdigate, aft. sir R., June 2 ; aft. removed. It appears that there now sat three judges in this court. 1655. Peter Warburton, June ; removed in 1659. Richd. Newdigate, now sir Richd., (if/ain, Jan. 17; aft. ch. just. 1660. Robt. Nicholas, and Roger Hill, vice Newdigate (now ch. just.) and Warburton, Jan. 17. Sir Thos. Mallet, rest. by Charles EL, May 31; disp. with in June 1663. Sir Thos. Twisdcn, July 2; disp. with in 1678, "but continued judge until his death in Jan. 1682. " — Raymond. Sir Wadham Wvndham ; Nov. 24. 1663. Sir John Kelyng, June 18. 1665. Sir Wm. Morton, Nov. 23. 1669. Sir Richd. Raynsford, or Rainsford, bar. ex. . Feb. 6 ; aft. ch. just. 1673. SirWm. Wylde. knt. and bt., just, c. p., Jan. 21 ; removed Apr. 29, 1679. 1676. Sir Thos. Jones, Apr. 13, aft. ch. just. c. p. 1678. Sir Wm. Dolben. Oct. 23. 1679. Sir Fras. Pemberton, rice Wylde, May 1 ; removed Feb. 17, 1680; aft. ch. just. K. B. and c. p. 1680. Sir Thos. Raymond, just. c. P., Apr. 29 ; d. July 14, 1683. 1683. Sir Fras. Wythens. Apr. 25. Sir Richd. Holloway, or Ilalloway, Sept. 25 ; removed June. 1688. Sir Thos. Walcot, Oct. 22. 1685. Sir Robt. Wright, bar. ex.. Oct. 23 ; aft. ch. just. c. p. and k. h. 1687. Sir John Powell, sen., just. c. P. Apr. 16 ; removed June, 1(>88. Sir Richd. Allibone, Apr. 22. 1688. Sir Thos. Powell, bar. ex., July 7. Sir Robt. Baldock, July 7. Sir Thos. Stringer, Aug. Sir Richd. Holloway and Sir John Powell were removed for giving their opinions against the court, in favour of the seven bishops ; and Sir Thos. Powell and Sir Robt. Baldock, the king's aerjeant, were made justices in their room. 1689. Sir Wm. Dolben, .Mar. 11. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 373 1689. Sir Wm. Gregory, bar. ex., May 4. Sir Giles Eyre, May 4. 1694. Sir Sam. Eyre, Feb. -22. 1695. SirThos. Rokeby, just. C.P., Oct. 29. 1696. Sir .John Turton, bar. ex., July!; rem. June 9, 1702. 1699. SirHy. Gould, Jan. 26. 1701. Sir Lyttelton Powys, bai-. ex., Jan- 26 ; res. Oct. 1725. 1702. Sir John Powell, jun. just. c. P. June 24. 1710. Sir Robt. Eyre, vice Powell, May 5 ; aft. ch. bar. ex. and eh. just, c. p. 1713. Sir Thos. Powis, June 8 ; removed Oct. 14, 1714. 1714. Sir John Pratt, I'zce Powis, Nov. 22; aft. ch. just. 1718. Sir John Fortescue Aland, vice Pratt, May 15 ; transf . to c. p. 1729, and cr. Id. Fortescue, of Oredan, in Ireland, 1746. 1724. Sir Robt.Raymond, vice Eyre,Feb. 1 ; aft. ch. just., and cr. Id. Ray- mond. 1725. Sir Jas. Reynolds, sen., vice Ray- mond, Mar. 16 ; aft. ch. bar. ex, 1726. Sir Edmd. Probyn, Nov. 3, aft ch. bar. ex. 1727. 1730. 1737. 1740. 1741. 1745. 1755. 1764. 1765. 1766. 1768. 1770. 1787. 1794. 1799. Sir Fras. Page, just. c. p., Sept. Sir Wm. Lee, June 1, aft. ch. just. Sir Wm. Chappie, vice Lee, June 16. Sir Martin Wright, bar. ex., vice Probyn, Nov. 28 : res. 1755. Sir Thos. Denison, Dec. Sir Michl. Foster, Apr. 22. Sir John Eardley Wilmot, Feb. 3 ; aft. ch. just. c. p. Sir Jos. Yates, Jan. 23 ; transf. to c. p. in 1770. Sir Richd. Aston, Apr. 19; res., d. 1778. Jas. Hewitt, Nov. 6 ; made Id. chanc. of Ireland in 1767, and cr. Id. Lifford. Edwd. Willes, vice Hewitt, Jan. 27. SirWm. Blackstone, Feb. 12 ; transf. to C. p. same year. Su- Wm. Hy. Ashhurst, vice Black- stone, June 22 ; res. 1799. Sir Fi-as. BuUer, knt. , aft. bt., vice Aston, May 6 ; transf. to c. p. 1794. Sir Nash Grose, vice Willes, Feb. 9 Sir Soulden Lawrence, just C. P. Apr. 9; transf. to c. v., again, 1808. Sir Simon Le Blanc, June 6. 1808. John Bayley, vice Lawrence, May 9 ; knt.. May 11 ; transf. to ex., Nov. 1830. 1813. Hy. Dampier, vice Grose, June 23 ; knt., July 14; d. Feb. 1816. 1816. Geo. Sowley Holroyd, vice Dampier, Feb. 20 ; knt.. May 14 ; res., Nov. 1828, Chas. Abbott, just. c. p. , vice Lie Blanc, Apr.; knt.. May 13 ; aft. ch. just, and Id. Tenterden. 1818. Wm. Draper Best, ch. just. Chester, vice Abbott, Nov. 30 ; knt. June 1819 ; aft. ch. just. c. p. and Id. Wynford. 1824. Jos. Littledale, aft. sir J., wee Best, Apr. 80; res., Feb. 1841. 1828. Jas. Parke, vice Holroyd, Nov. 8; knt. Dec. 1 ; transf. to ex., Apr. 1834, by exchange with Williams ; aft. Id. Wensleydale. 1830. Wm. Elias Taunton, vice Bayley, Nov. 12 ; knt. Nov. 17 ; d. Jan. 11, 1835. Jno. Patteson, Nov. 12 ; knt. Nov. 17; additl. or fifth judge under 1 Wm. IV., cap. 70(July 23, 1830); res. Feb. 1852 ; d. June 28, 1861. 1834. Sir John Williams, bar. ex., vice Sir vice 10, vice just. Parke, Apr. 29; d. Sept., 14, 1846. 1835. John Taylor Coleridge, aft. J. , vice Taunton, Jan. 27 ; May 1858; d. Feb. 11, 1876. 1841. Wm. Wightman, aft. Sir W., Littledale, Feb. 17 ; d. Dec, 1863. 1846. Sir Wm. Erie, just. c. p., Williams, Oct. 27; aft. ch c. P., June, 1859. 1852. Chas. Crompton, vice Patteson, Feb. ; knt., Feb. 26; res, Oct. 6, and d. Oct. 10, 1865. 1858. Hugh Hill, vice Coleridge, May 29 ; knt. Apr. 18 ; res. Dec. 1861. 185J. *Colin Blackburn, vice Erie, June ; knt. Apr. 14, 1860. 1861. *Jno. Mellor, vice Hill, Dec. 3 ; knt. .Tune 11, 1862. 1863. Wm. Shee, vice Wightman, Dec. 18 ; knt. June 10, 1864 ; d. Feb. 19, 1868. 1865. *Robt. Lush, vice Crompton, Nov. 2 ; knt. Nov. 20. 1868. Jas. Hannen, vice Shee, Feb. 25 ; knt. May 14 ; apptd. judge of prob. and div. ct., Nov. 1872. 1868. Geo. Hayes, Aug. 25; additl. or 374 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. sixth judge under 81 & 32 Vict. cap. 125 (July 31, 1868); knt. Dec. 9, 1868 ; d. Nov. 25, 1869. *Jno. Richd. Quain, vice Hayes, Jan. 5 ; knt. Apr. 22. 1872. Thos. Dickson Archibald, ric Han- nen, Nov. 20 ; knt. Feb. 5, 1873 ; transf. to c. p., Feb. 6, 1875. 1875. *Wm. Ventris Field, vice Archibald, Feb. 6 ; knt. May 13. * On Nov. 1, 1875, these Judges were transf. to the H. C. J., Q. B. Div. , under Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875. (See ante, pp. 350-1.). Puisne Judges of the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court op Justice. Tiituaf erred from the old Court of Queen's Bench, Nov. 1, 1S75. Sir Colin Blackburn, made Id. app., Oct. 1876. Sir Jno. Mellor, res. 1879. Sir Robt. Lush, made Id. just. app. Nov. 5, 1880. Sir Jno. Rd. Quain; d. Sept. 12, 1876. Sir Wm. Ventr^ls Field, v.- f^fl Subseqvvit Appointments. (- -tU Li 1876. Hy. Manisty, vice Quain, Oct. 31 ; knt. Nov. 28.«( !.''»^^--,, /f^o Hy. Hawkins, vice Blackburn, Nov. 2, G. ; transf. to ex. div., Nov. 14, 1876. 1879. Chas. Synge Christr. Bowen, vice Mellor, June 16 ; knt. June 26; made Id. just. app. June 2, 1882. Chas. Jas. "Watkin Williams, vice Lush, Nov. 5 ; knt. Dec. 1 ; d. July, 1884. Upon the abolition of the Com. Pleas and Exch. Divisions under the Supreme Court of Judicature Act, 1873, sees. 22 and 75, and Order in Council, Dec. 16, 1880 (see ante, p. 350), the following Judges became, on Feb. 26, 1881, judges of this division, but •with relative rank according to their original appointments : — From the Common Pleas Division. Sir Wm. Robt. Grove, res. Sept. 1887. Hon. Geo. Denman. Vj, A i?; Sir Nathl. Lindley, made Id. just. app., Nov. 1, 1881. Sir Hy. Chas. Lopes, made Id. just. app., Dec. 1, 1885. From the Excliequer Division. Sir Chas. Edwd. Pollock. Sir Jno. Walter nuddleston..'c3>-~<(/A Sir Hy. Hawkins. ' Sir Jas. Fitzjames Stcphen,K.C.6.i. Subsequent Apjyointments . 1881. Sir Hy. Mather Jackson, bt., vice Id. Coleridge, Mar. 2 ; d. before taking his .seat. Jas. Chas. Mathew, vice Kelly, Mar. 3 ; knt. Apr. 1. Lewis Wm, Cave, rz'ce Jackson, Mar. 14; knt. Apr. 1. Ford North, vice Lindley, Nov. 1 ; knt. Dec. 7 ; transf. to ch. div. Api\ 1883^. U^^; '-^-i^.v^A M"/^ 1884. Alfred Wills, vice Watkin Williams, July 21 ; knt. Aug. 11. 1886. W'm. Grantham, vice Lopes, Jan. 4 ; knt. Jan. 19. 1887. Arthur Charles, t'/re Grove, Sept. 8 ; knt., Nov. 28. - — THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 375 CHIEF AND PUISNE JUSTICES OF THE COMMON PLEAS, PRESIDENTS AND JUSTICES OF THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, COMMON PLEAS DIVISION. See Introduction, ante, pp. 346-7. Chief Justices of the Common Pleas. Those marked t are omitted from Foss's lists, and must be considered doubtful. 1227, 1235, 1248. 12G1. 1272. 1273- 1277- 1289- 1301. 1309. 1326. 1327. 1329. 1331. 1335. 1341. 1342. 1354. 1356. 1371. 1374. 1370. 1388. 1396. 1413. 1423. 1436. 1439. 1449. 1470. 1471 1500, 1502 1506 1519 Dugdale commences his list with — fRobt. de Lexinton. JThos. de Muleton. tHy. de la Mare or Mara. fWm. de Wyltono or Wilton. But Foss considers it doubtful -whe- ther the division of the aula regis had yet actually taken place and whether the office of chief jus- tice of the common pleas had yet been clearly established. He therefore begins with — Gilbert de Preston, just. c. P., Nov. 4. Roger de Seytone or Seyton. 8. Thos. de Weyland, just. c. p. ; re- moved 1288. 90. John de Metingham. Ralph deHengham,just.c.p. ,Sept.l9. Wm. de Bereford, just. c. P., Mar. 15. Hervey deStaunton,just.c.P.,Julyl8. Wm. de Herle, just. c. p., Jan. 25. John de Stonore, just. c. p., Sept. 2. William de Herle, again chief, and John de Stonore, second just., ^Mar. 2. John de Stonore, again, July 7. Roger Hillary, just. C. p., Jan. 8. John de Stonore, again. May 9. Roger Hillary, again, Feb. 20. Robt. de Thorpe, June 27. Wm. de Fyncheden,just.c.P.,Apr.l4. Robt. de Bealknap.aft. sirR.,Oct.lO. tSir Robt. de Preston, Oct. 5. Robt. de Carleton, Jan. 30. Wm. Thirning or Thyrnynge, just. C. p., Jan. 15. Richd. Norton, June 26. Wm. Babington, eh. bar.es. and just. C. p. , May 5. John Ivyn, or Juyn, bar. ex., Feb. 9. John Cottesmore, just. c. p., Jan. 20. Richd. Newton, just. C. P., Oct. 14. , John Prysot, Jan. 16. , Robt. Danby, aft. sir R., just. C. p., Oct. 9. tRichd. Choke, Sej^t. 5. . fSir Robt. Danbv, aqain. Thos. Brj'an, May 29. . Thos. Wood. just. c. p., Oct. 28. . Thos. Frowvk, Sept. 30. . Sir Robt. Read, Apr. 26. . John Ernley, Jan. 27. 1521. 1531. 1535. 1545. 1553. 1554. 1558. 1559. 1582. 1605. 1606. 1613. 1626. 1631. 1634. 1640. 1641. 1648. 1660. 1668. 1675, 1686, 1687, 1689 1692 Robt. Brudnel, just. c. p., Apr. 13. Robt. de Norwich, just. C. p., Feb. Sir John Baldwin, Apr. Sir Edwd. Montague, ch. just. K. b., Nov. 6. Sir Richd. Morgan, Sept. 5. Sir Robt. Brooke, or Broke, Oct. 8. Sir Anthy. Browne, Oct. 5 ; aft. just. only. Sir Jas. Dyer, just. c. p. and K. B., Jan. 22. Sir Edmd. Anderson, May 2. SirFras. Gawdy, just. K. B.,Aug. 26. Sir Edwd. Coke, June 30 ; aft. ch. just. K. B. Sir Hy. Hobart, bt., Nov. 26.. Sir Thos. Richardson, Nov. 28 ; aft. ch. just. K. 15. Sir Robt. Heath, Oct. 26 ; removed Sept. 1634; aft. ch. just. K. B., whence he was removed by a vote of parlt. Sir John Finch, just. C. p. (?), Oct. 14 ; aft. Id. Finch and Id. kpr. Sir Edwd. Lyttelton, Jan. 27 ; aft. Id. Lvttelton and Id. kpr. Sir John Banks, Jan. 29; d. Dec. 1644. The chief justiceship was not filled uji until Oliver St. John, Oct. 12. Sir Orlando Bridgman, ch. bar. ex., Oct. 22 ; aft. Id. kpr. Sir John Vaughan. May 23. Sir Eras. North, Jan. 23; aft. Id. kpr. and Id. Guilford. SirFras. Pemberton, ch. just. k. b., Jan. 22 ; removed Sept. same year. Sir Thos. Jones, just. k. b., Sept. 29 ; removed Apr. 1686. SirHy. Bedingfield, just. C. p., Apr. 21 ; d. next year. Sir Robt. Wright, just. K. b., Apr. 16 : immediately aft. made ch. just. K. B. Sir Edwd. Herbert, ch. just. K. B., Apr. 22. Sir Hy. Pollexfen, May 4. Sir Geo. Treby, May 3. 376 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1701. 1714. 1725. 1736. 1737. 1762. 1766. 1771. 1780. 1793. 1799. Sir Thos. Trevor June 28 ; aft. Id. Trevor; removed, Oct. 1714. Sir Peter Kin^. Oct. 14; aft. Id. chanc., and Id. King. Sir Robt. Eyre, ch. bar. ex. .June 3. Sir Thos. Reeve, just. c. p., Jan. 26; d. Jan. 13. 1737. Sir John \\'illes, Jan. 28; aft. commr. gv. .seal. Sir Chas. Pratt. Jan. 23; or. Id. Camden ; aft. Id. chanc. Sir John Eardley Wilmot, just. K. B., Aug. 21 ; res. 1771. Sir Wm. de Grey, Jan. 25 ; res. Jane 1780, and cr. Id. Walsing- ham, Oct. following. Alexr. Wedderbui-n, June 9 ; cr. Id. Loughborough ; aft. Id. chanc. and E. of Rosslyn. Sir Jas. Eyre, ch. bar. ex., Jan. 28; d. July 1799. Sir John Scott, atty.-gen., July 18; cr. Id. Eldon ; aft. Id. chanc. and E. of Eldon. 1801. Sir Richd. Pepper Arden. m. rolls, May 30 ; cr. Id. Alvanley ; (/. Mar. 1804. 1804. Sir Jas. Mansfield, May 8; res. Feb. 1814. 1814. Sir Vicary Gibbs, ch. bar. ex.. Feb. 24; res. Oct. 1818. 1818. Sir Robt. Dallas, just. c. v., Nov. 5; res. Nov. 1823. 1824. Sir Robt. Gifford, Jan. 9; cr. Id. Gifford, Jan. 30 ; aft. m. rolls. Sir Wm. Draper Best, just. k. b., Apr. 15 : res. June, 1829, and cr. Id. Wynford. 1829. Sir Nicolas Conyngham Tindal, solr.-gen., June 9; d. July 1846. 1846. Sir Thos. Wilde, atty.-gen., July 7 ; aft. Id. chanc, and Id. Truro. 1850. Sir John Jervis, attv.-gen., July 15 ; d. Nov. 1, 1S56. " 1856. Sir Alexr. Jas. Edmd. Cockbum, knt., aft. bt. ; atty.-gen., Nov. 21 : aft. ch. just. Q. n. 1859. Sir Wm. Erie, just. ij. it., June 24 ; res. Nov. 26, ISGG. 1866. Sir Wm. Bovill, solr.-gen., Nov. 29, G. ; d. Nov. 1S73. 1873. *Sir John Duke Coleridge, atty.- gen., Nov. 19, G. ; cr. Id. Cole- ridge, Jan 1, 1874, G. * Transferred Nov. 1, 1875, to the H. C. J., C. P. Div., and also made an ex officio judge of the Court of Appeal under the Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875. (See ante, pp. 350-1 .) Presidents of the High Court of Justice, Com.mon Pleas Division. (Chief Justices of the Common Pleas.) 1875. John Duke, Id. Coleridge, transf. from court of c. p., Nov. 1 ; made Id. ch. just, of England and pres. of the Q. b. div., Nov. 29, 1880. The C. P. Div. and the oflBce of ch. just, thereof were abolished under Supreme Court of Judicature Act, 1873, sees. 22 & 75, and Order in Council Dec. 16, 1880. (See ante, p. 350.) Puisne Justices op the Common Pleas. Those marked f are omitted from Foss's lists, and must be considered doubtful. 1234. 123." Dufid'ile commences his list with — fRobt. de Bello Campo, or Beau- champ. tRcgd. de Movun, or Mohun. tRobt. de Rockclo. tAdam. son of William. tJohn de Kirkeby. 1236. tWm. de Ciileworth. 1238. tHugh Giffard, const. Tower of London. 1241. tJollanus de Neville. 1242. tOilbert de Prcbton, aft. ch. just. I 1243. tRoger de Thiirkilby. I fRobt. de F^sRcburne, or Esseby. 1244. tJohn de Cobbeham. 1245. tHobt. de Nottinghnni. 1247. tAlanus de Watsand, or Wnssand. fWm. de Wvltone. tllv. de la Mare. 1250. tHy. de Bathonia. tJohn de Gatesden, canon of St. Paul's. 1251. fSimon de Wauton, aft. bp. of Nor- wich. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 377 1251. fGilus de ErdiiiKton. 1252. tWm. Trussell. 1254. fKoger de Wircestre,orWhitchester. fNichls. Handlo, or Hadlow. 1256. tJolm de Wyville. f John de Cokefield. 12.57. fRobt. de Briwes. 1262. fNichls. de Tiirri. fRichd. de Middelton. fWm. de Bonquer, or Boncour. 1263. fJohn de Wyville, again 1265. tWm. de Wylton, again. tFulco, son of Warren. +Hervey de Boreham. 1266. fJohn de la Lynde. fWalter de Berestede. f Adam de Greynville. 1267. fJohn le Breton, aft. bp. of Here- ford. fHy. de Monteforti, or Montfort. fRoger de Messenden. 1268. tMartin de Litelbiri. fRoger de Seyton, or Seytone. 1271. fRobt. Fulke, or Fulc. f Stephen Hayme, or Heym. +Ralph de Hengham, chanc. of Exe- ter ; aft. eh. just. 1272. fWm. de Weyland. Fosx considers it uncertain whether the judges above named were jus- tices of the common pleas or justi- ciaries of the aula regis, and begins his list of und(jubted justices of the common pleas with the fol- lowing as being those in office at the end of the reign of Henry III., Nov. 1272:— Robt. Fulcon. Ralph de Hengham. Stephen Heym. Hy. de Monteforti. Roger de Seyton. Wm. de Weyland. The following are the subsequent ap- pointments : 1273-4. Richd. de Stanes. Thos. de Weyland, aft. ch. just. 1274-5. Ralph de Frenyngham. John de Lovetot. 1275-6. Roger de Leicester. fRoger Loveday. fGeoffrey de Leuknore. fGeoffrey de ewbold. Walter de Helynn, or Helyun. 1277-8. Wm. de Brompton. 1283-4. f Stephen de Pencestre. 1284-5. Elias de Bekingham. 1289-90. Robt. de Hertford. Robt. de Thorpe. Wm. de Giselham. 1290-1. Wm. de Bereford. aft. ch. just. 1291. fWm. de Ormesby. 1291-2. Peter Walore. 1296-7. Wm. Howard. 1299-1300. Lambert de Trikingham. 1304- 1305- 1308. 1309. 1313. 1314. 1316. 1319. 1320. 1321. 1323. 1338. 1329. 1331, 1332. 1333. 1334. 1337. 1339. 1340. 1342. 1348. 1354. 1355. 1357. 1359. 1361. 1364. 5. fHy. de Guldeford. 6. Horvey de Staunton; aft. ch. just. Hy. le Scropc, Nov. 27 ; aft. ch. just. John de Benstede, Sept. 29. Wm. de Burne, Sept 29. John Bacon, or Baooun, Feb. 19. Wm. Inge, Sept. 28. Gilbert de Roubury, Mar. 10. John de Mutford, Apr. 20. John de Doncaster, June 5. Wm. de Herle, Oct. 16; aft. ch. just. John de Stonore, Oct. 16 ; aft. ch. just. John de Bousser, May 21. Walter de Friskeney, July 9. Geoffrey le Scrope, Sept. 27 ; aft. ch. just. K. l^. Richd.' de Wyllughby, Mar. 6. John Travers, Mar. 2. Thos. Bacon, or Bacoun, Sept. 30. Robt. de Malberthorpe, Jan. 18. John de Cantebrig, Jan. 18. John Inge, .Jan. 18. John de Stonore, late ch., now a puisne just., Apr. 1. John de Shardelow, or Gherdelawe, Jan. 28. Richd. de Aldeburgh. Feb. 3. Wm. de Shareshull, May 30. fGeoffrey le Scrope, a/y«2n(?),Julyl6. John de Trevaignon, Sept. 24. Wm. Basset, Jan. Roger Hillary, Mar. 18 ; aft. ch. just. Wm. Scot, Mar. 18; aft. ch. just. Robt. de Scardeburgh, Sept. 6. Jas. de Wodestoke, F'eb. 4. Robt. Pai-ning, May 23 ; aft. ch. just. K. B. Richd. de Wyllughby, again, Oct. 9. Stonore, Shareshull, Shardelowe, and Wyllughby were removed about Nov., 1340. Thos. de Heppescotes, Jan. 8. Richd. de Kelleshull, May 30. Adam de Staingrave, Oct. 28. Wm. de Thori)e, Apr. 23. John de Stonford. Apr. 23. Wm. de Shareshull, rest. May 10. John de Shardelowe, rest. May 10. Richd. de Wyllughby, rest. ^lay 10. Roger Hillary, res. ch. justiceship to Stonore, and became a puisne just. Thos. de Fencotes, Jan. 14. Hy. Greene, Feb. 6. Thos. de Seton. Hy. de Motelow. July 4. .John de Moubray, July 11. Wm. de Skipwith, Oct. 25. John Knivet, Sept. 30. John Delves, Feb. 3. 378 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1365. Wm. de Fynchedcn, Oct. 29 ; aft just. . ch. 1487. Wm. de Winchinj^ham, Oct. 29. 1488. 1371. Roger de Meres, Nov. 2. 1490. John de Cavendish, Nov. 27. 1494. 1372. Roger de Kvrketon. 1374. Robt., or Roger de Kulthorp, Nov.28. | 1495. 1376. Wm. de Skip with, Oct. 8. 1501. 1377. Hy. de Perchehay, or Percehay, Nov. 1503. 26. 1508. fThos. de Ingleby. 1509. 1380. Hy. Astv, Dec. 6. 1383. John Holt. Wm. Burgh. 1388. John Wadham. 1513 Richd. Svdenham. 1514. Wm. Thirning, or Thyrnynge, Apr. 1518. 11; aft, ch. just. 1389. Wm. RickhiU, May 20. 1520. 1391. John Penros. or Penrose, Jan. L5. 1523. 1391. tJolm Hull. 1526. 1396. John Marlcham, July 7. 1398. Wm. Hankford, May 6. 1530. 1399. Wm. Brenchesley. 1400. fJohn Hulse. ? Hugh. 1537. 1405. John Cokayne, May 14. 1538. 1406. John Colepeper. June 17. 1542. 1408. Robt. Hill, May 14. 1545. 1409. fRobt. Thirwit. 1549. 1415. Wm. Lodington, June 16. ]550. John Preston, June H). 1552. fWm. Cheyne. 1553. tRoger Horton. 1554. 1420. Wm. Babington, ch. bar. ex., June 1557. 30: held both offices until app. ch. just, in 1423. Jbhn Martin, June 30. 1558. fRobt. Hull. 1423. John Ivj'n, or Juyn, May 5 ; app. 1559. ch. bar. ex. same time ; aft . ch. just. C. p. and K. u. John Halls, May 5. 1563. 1426. Jas. Strangways, Feb. 6. 1567. tWm. Wcstbury. 1571. 1429. JohnCottesmore,Oct.l5 ; aft.ch.just. 1572. Wm. Pastonc. 1438. Richd. Newton, Nov. 8 ; aft. ch. just. 1439. Thos. Fulthorpe, Jan. 1577. 1440. Wm. Ayscoghe, Apr. 17. 1579. 1443. John Portington. 1581. 1444. Richd. or Nichs. Ayshton, June. 1448. Peter Arderne, Nov. 1585. 1450. Robt. Danvers, Aug. 14. 1589. 1452. Robt. Danby, June 28 ; aft. sir R. , 159:5. and ch. just. 1594. 1454. Robt. or Walter Moyle, July 9 1598. 1457. John Necdham, May 9. 1599. 1461. Richd. Choke, Sept. 5. 1600. 1466. Thos. Littelton, Apr. 17. 1604. 1467. Thos. Young, Nov!' 4. 1606. 1471. Sir Richd. Neelo. .May 29. 1607. 1481. Sir John Catesby, Nov. 20. 1611. « * Humphrey Starkey, ch. bar. ex. ; 1612. held both offices'. 1(;17. 1484 Roger Townsend, Jan. 1621. Wm. Calowe, or Collow, .Tan. 31. John Haugh, Jan. 31. Wm. Danvers. Fel). 5. John Vavasour, Aug. 14. John Fineux, Feb. 11 ; aft. ch. juat. K. IJ. Thos. Wood, Nov. 24 ; aft. ch. just. John Fisher, Nov. 3. John Kingsmill, July 2. John Boteler, or Butler, Apr. 26. Robt. Brudnel, just. K. B., Apr.; aft. ch. ju.st. Wm. Fairfax, Apr. Wm. Grevvle, or Ureville. Mav 21. Richd. Elliot, Apr. 26. Lewis Pollard, May 29. John More, father of Sir Thos. More, Jan. Richd. Brooke, or Broke, Apr. Anthy. Fit/.herbert, Apr. Thos." Englelield, or Englefeld. Wm. Shelley. Robt. de Norwich, Nov. 22 ; aft. ch. just. Sir Thos. WiUoughby, Oct. 9. Sir Christr. Jenny, June 30. Sir Humfrey Brown, Nov. 20. John Hinde, Nov. 5. Sir Jas. Hales, Mav 20. Sir Edwd. Molyneus, Oct. 22. Wm. Cooke, or Coke, Nov. 16. Edwd. Saunders, Oct. 4. Wm. Staunford, Oct. Sir Jas. Dyer, ;\Iay 8 ; aft. just. K. B.; held both offices pro tern. ; aft. ch, just. c. 1'. Robt. Catlyn, Oct. 28 ; aft. ch. just. K. I J. Ch. just, sir Anthy. Browne, now justice, Jan. 22. Richd. Weston, Oct. 16. John Welsh, or Walsh, Feb. 10. Richd. Harper. Christr. Wray, aft. ch. just. k. b. Roger Manwood, Oct. 14 ; aft. ch. bar. ex. Robt. Monson, Oct. 31 : res. 1579. Thos. Mcado. Nov. 20. Fras. Windham. Wm. Periam, Feb. 13 ; aft. ch. bar. ex. Fras. Rodcs. June 29. Sir Thos. Walmesley, :May 10. Fras Beaumond, or Beaumont. Jan.25. Thos. Owen, Jan. 21 ; cl. 1598. John Glanvile, or Glanville, June 30. Sir Geo. Kingsmill, Feb. ; ros. 1605. , Peter Warburton. Nov. 24. Sir Wm. Daniel, Feb. 3. , Sir Thos. Coventry, Jan. , Sir Thos. Foster, Nov. 24. , Sir Humphrey Winch, Nov. 7. . Sir .Vugustino Nichols. Nov. 26. . Sir Richd. Hutton, May 3. . Sir Wm. Jones, sift. just. K. l». THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 579 1624. 1625. 1630. 1631. 1632. 1634. 1639. 1640. 1645. 1647. 1648. 1649. 1658. 1659. 1660. 1663. 1668. 1672. 1673. 1676. 1678. 1679. 1680. 1681. 1684. Sir Geo. Crooke, or Croke, Feb. 11 ; aft. just. K. B. Sir Fras. Harvie, or Harvey, Oct. 18. Thos. Chamberlayne, pro tern., Mar. Sir Henry Yelverton, bt., May. Sir Humphrey Davenport, Feb. 2 ; aft. ch. bar. ex. Sir Geo. Vernon, bar. ex.. May 8. Sir Fras. Crawley, Oct. 11. fSir John Finch, aft. ch. just. Sir Edmund Reve, or Reeve, Mar. 24 ; (I. 1047. Sir Robt. Foster, Jan. 27. Just. Crawley and just. Foster (with several judges of other courts) removed by the parlt. Peter Phe.'.ant, Sept. 30. John Godbolt, Apr. 30 ; d. 1648. fJohn Creswell {Dugdule). Rd. Cresheld {Foss), Oct. 12. Thos. Bedenlield, Oct. 12. Just. Creswell and just. Bedenfield refused to act, under the new commission. /John Puleston, and ■j Peter Warburton, just, of the ( " common bench," .June 1. Edwd. Atkins, Oct. 19, vice Phesant, decsd. Matthew Hale, Jan. 25, vice Warbur- ton, transf. to the "upiDcr bench." Hugh ^Yyndham, June 2 ; removed 1660 ; made bar. ex. 1670. Just. Hale threw up his commission about Sept. John Archer, May 15. Sir Robt. Foster, again, May 31 ; aft. ch. just. K. B. Sir Robt. Hyde, May 31; aft. ch. just. K. B. Sir Thos. Tyrrell, .July 27. Sir Saml. Browne, Nov. 3. Sir John Archer, Nov. 4. Sir Wm. Wylde, knt. and bt., Apr. 16 ; transf. to K. b. Sir Robt. Atkyns, knt., Apr. 15; aft. ch. bar. ex. Sir Wm. Ellis, or Ellys, Dec. 18; removed Oct., 1676. Sir Hugh Wyndham, again, Jan. 22. He had been made bar. ex. in 1670, and now returned to this court. Sir Wm. Scroggs, Oct. 23 ; aft. ch. just. K. B. Vere Bertie, bar. ex., June 15; re- moved Apr. 1679. Sir Wm. Ellis, or Ellys, again, Apr. 30. Sir Thos. Raymond, bar. ex., Feb. 7. Sir Job Charlton, Ajjr. 26 ; removed Apr. 1686. Sir Creswell Levinz, or Levinge, Feb. 12 ; removed Feb. 1686. Sir Thos. Street, bar. ex., Oct. 29. 1687. 1688, 1691. 1695. 1697. 1702. 1706. 1722. 1726. 1727. 1729. 1733. 1736. 1740. 1741. 1743. 1746. 1750. 1753. 1754. 1757. 1763. 1770. 1771. 1780. 1786. 1793. 1794. Sir Hy. Bedingfield, Fob. 13; aft. ch. just. Sir Edwd. Lutwyche, Apr. 21. Sir John Powell, sen., Apr. 26; transf. to k. b. Sir Christr. Milton, bar. ex., Apr. 16 ; res. nest year. Sir Thos. Jenner, bar. ex., July 6. Sir John Powell, sen. , again. Mar. 11. fSir Wm. Gregory, bar. ex., Apr. 18 ; immediately aft. to K. B. Sir Thos. Rokeby, May 4 ; transf. to K. B. Sir Peyton Ventris, May 4. Sir Edwd. Neville,'bar. ex., Oct. 30, Sir John Powell, jun., bar. ex., Oct. 29 ; transf. to K. B. Sir John Bloncowe, bar. ex., Nov, 23 ; res. 1722. Sir Robt. Tracy, bar. ex., .June 24; aft. a commr. gr. seal ; res. Sir Robt. Dormer, Jan. 8. Alexr. Denton, June 25. Sir Robt. Price, bar. ex., Oct. 16. Sir Fras. Page, bar. ex., Nov. 4. Spencer Cowper, Oct. 24 ; d. Dec, 1728. Sir John Fortescue Aland, just. k. b., Jan. 27 ; aft. Id. Fortescue ; res. 1746. Thos. Reeve, Apr. 16; aft. ch. just. Sir John Comj'n, bar. ex., Jan. 5; aft. ch. bar. ex. Wm. Fortescue, aft. sir W., bar. ex., July 7 ; made m. rolls 1741. Sir Thos. Parker, jun., bar. ex., Aj^r. 21 ; aft. ch. bar. ex. Sir Thos. Burnet, Nov. 8. Sir Thos. Abney, bar. ex., Feb. 10. Sir Thos. Birch, June 24. Sir Nathl. Gundry, June 23. Sir Edwd. Clive. bar. ex., Jan. 30; res. 1770. Hon. Hy. Bathurst, May 2; aft. Id. chanc. and Id. Apsley ; succ. as E. Bathurst, 1775. Hon. Wm. Noel, Mar. 3. Sir Hy. Gould, bar. ex., Jan. 24. Sir Jos. Yates, just. K. b. , Feb. 16 ; (/. June 16 following. Sir Wm. Blackstone, just. K. b., June 22 ; d. 1780. Sir Geo. Nares, Jan. 26. Sir John Heath, vice Blackstone, July 19. Sir John Wilson, Nov. 7. Sir Giles Rooke, Nov. 13; res. 1808- Sir Soulden Lawrence, Mar. 8 ; transf. to k. b. by exchange with — Sir Fras. Buller, knt. and bt., just. K. B., Apr. 380 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1800. 1808. 1812. 1813. 1816. 1818. 1824. 1830. 1834. 1837, 1842. Alan Chambre, aft. Sir A., bar. ex., vice Boiler, June 13; res. Dec. 1815. Sir Soulden Lawrence, again, vice Rooke, Mar. 31 ; res. at Easter, 1812. Sir VicaiT Gibbs, atty.-gen., vice Lawrence, May 29 ; aft. eh. bar. ex. and eh. just. c. p. Sir Robt. Dallas, solr.-gen., vice Gibbs, Nov. 18 ; aft. ch. just. James Alan Park, vice Chambre, Jan. 24 ; knt. May 14 ; d. Dec. 8, 1838. Chas. Abbott, vice Heath, Feb. 1 ; knt. May 14 ; aft. just, and ch. just. K. B. and Id. Tenterden. Jas. BuiTough, rice Abbott, May 4 ; knt. May 14 ; res. 1829. John Richardson, vice Dallas, Nov. 30; knt. June 1819; res. May 1824. Stephen Gaselee, aft. sir S., vice Richardson, July 5 ; res. 1837. John Bernard Bosanquct, vice Bur- rough, Feb. 1 ; knt. Feb. 2 ; res. 1842. Edwd. Hall Alderson. Nov. 12 ; knt. Nov. 17 ; addl. or fifth judge under 1 Wm. IV., cap. 70 (July 23, 1830) ; transf. to ex. by exchange with — Sir John Vaughan, bar. ex.. Apr. 27; d. Sept. 1, 1839. Thos. Coltman, vice Gaselee, Feb. 24 : knt. Mar. 1 ; d. July 1849. Hon. Thos. Erskine, vice Park, Jan. 9; res. Nov. 1844. Sir Wm. Hy. Maule, bar. ex., vice Vaughan, Nov. 11 ; res. Jime 1855. Cresswell Cresswell, vice Bosanquet, Jan. 22 ; knt. May 4 ; app. to court of prob. and div., Jan. 1858. 1844. Wm. Erie, vice Erskine, Nov. 7; knt. Apr. 23, 1845 ; transf. to Q. B., 184G. 1846. Edwd. Vaughan Williams, vice Erie, Oct. 27 : knt. Feb. 4, 1847 ; res. Jan. 1865. 1849. Thos. Noon Talfourd, vice Coltman, July 28 ; knt. Jan. 30, 1850 ; d. Mar. 13, 1854. 1854. Richd. Budden Crowder, vice Tal- fourd, Mar. ; knt. May 3 ; d. Dec. 5, 1859. 1855. Jas. Shaw Willes, vice Maule, July 3 ; knt. Aug. 14 ; (/. 1»72. 1858. Jno. Barnard Byles, rice Cresswell, Jan. ; knt. Apr. 14 ; res. Jan. 1873. 1859. Sir H}-. Singer Keating, solr.-gen., vice Crowder, Dec. 14, G. ; res. 1875. 1865. Montague Edwd. Smith, vice Vaughan Williams, Feb. 2 ; knt. May 18 ; app. to jud. comm. p. c, 1871. 1868. *Sir Wm. Baliol Brett, solr.-gen., Aug. 24, G. ; addl. or sixth judge under 31 & 32 Vict, cap 125 (July 31, 1868). 1871. Sir Robt. Porrett Collier, atty.-gen., vice Smith, Nov. 7, G. ; app. to jud. comm. p. c, 1871. *Wm. Robt. Grove, vice Collier, Nov. 30, G.; knt. Feb. 21, 1872. 1872. *Hon. Geo. Denman, vice Willes, Oct. 17, G. 1873. Sir Geo. Essex Honyman, bt., vice Byles, Jan. 23, G.'; res. 1875. 1875. *Sir Thos. Dickson Archibald, just. Q. B., i'?ce Keating, Feb. 6. Jno. Walter Huddleston, rice Hony- man, Feb. 22, G. ; transf. to ex. May 12, 1875. *Nathl. Lindley, vice Huddleston, May 12, G. ; knt. May 13. * On Nov. 1. 1875, these judges were transferred to the H. C. J., C. P. Div., under Supreme Coui-t of Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875. (See ante, pp. 350-1.) Puisne Judges of the Common Pleas Division op the High Court OP Justice. Transferred from the Old Court of Common Fleas, Nor. 1, 1875. Sir Wm. Baliol Brett, made Id. just. app., Oct. 27, 1876. ♦Sir Wm. Robt. Grove. *Tho Hon. Geo. Denman. Sir Thos. Dickson Archibald; d. 1876. *Sir Nathl. Lindley. 1876. *IIy. Cha Subhequent Appointments. Lopes, vice Archibald, Nov. 7, G. ; knt. Nov. 28. * Under Supreme Court of .ludicature Act 1873, sees. 22 and 73 (see ante, p. 350), and Order in Council, Dec. 16, 18.S0, the Common Pleas Division was abolished, and these judges became, on Feb. 26, 1881. judges of the Q. B. Div., but with relative rank according to their original appointments. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 3811 CHIEF, PUISNE, AND CURSITOR BARONS OF THE EXCHEQUER. PRESIDENTS AND JUSTICES OF THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, EXCHEQUER DIVISION. See Introduction, ante, p. 347. Chief Barons of the Excheqtjer. Those marked f are omitted from Foss's lists, and must be considered doubtful. The title of chief baron of the ex- chequer was, according to Foss, first used in the reign of Edwd. II. The following were senior barons : — 1303. Wm. de Carleton, Jiily 26. 1308. Thos. de Cantebrig, Oct. 24. 1310. Roger le Scotre, July 17 ; but Foss considers it doubtful whether they actually enjoyed the title of chief. Then comes — 1312. Walter de Norwich, Mar. 3, who was a few days afterwards designated " Capitalis Baro " in certain letters patent, appointing John Abel a puisne baion. Walter retired from his oiBce whilst holding the treasurership, and on his re-appointment. May 30, 1317, he was distinctly ap- pointed " Capitalem Baronem." 1327. fHervey de Staunton, July 17. 1329. John de Stonore, Feb. 22. 1330. Hv. le Scrope, Dec. 20. 1337. Robt. de Sadington, Mar. 24. 1344. Wm. de ShareshuU. July 2. 1345. .John de Stouford, Nov. 10. Robt. de Sadington, ar;ain, Dec. 8. 1350. Gervase de Wilford, Apr. 7. 1362. Wm. Skypwith, or Skipwith. 1365. Thos. de Lodelow, Oct. 29. 1374. Wm. Tanks, or Tant, Feb. 3. 1375. Hy. Astv, Nov. 12. 1380. Robt. de Plesyngton, Dec. 6. 1384. fWm. de Karleol, June 27. 1386. Jno. Gary, Nov. 5. 1387. fRobt. de Plesyngton, again, Aug 8. 1388. Thos. Pynchebek, Apr. 24. 1389. John Gassy, or Gassey, May 12. 1400. John Gokayne, Nov. 15. 1413. Wm. Lasingby, Apr. 28. 1419. Wm. Babington, Nov. 4. 1423. John Ivyn, or Juyn, May 5 ; app. just. c. p. same time ; aft. ch. just. c. p. and k. b. 1436. John Fray, Feb. 9. 1448. Peter Arderne, May 2. 1462. Sir Richd. Illingworth, Sept. 10. 1471. Sir Thos. Urswyk, May 22. 1479. Wm. de Nottingham, Apr. 3. 1483. 1486. 1513. 1522. 1526. 1529. 1545. 1552. 1553. 1558. 1559. 1577. 1578. 1593. 1604. 1607. 1625. 1631. 1648. 1655. 1658. 1671 1676 1686 1689, Sir Humfrey Starkey, June 15; just. C. p. same time. Wm. Hody, Oct. 29. John Scot, Jan. 8. John Fitz-James, Feb. 8. Richd. Brooke, or Broke, Jan. 4. Richd. Lyster. or Leicester. May 12.. Sir Roger Cholmeley, Nov. 11. Hy. Bradsbaw, May 21. Sir David Brooke, Sept. 1. Sir Glement Higham, Mar. 2. Sir Edwd. Saunders, ch. just. K. B., Jan. 22. Sir Robt. Bell, .Tan. 24; d. the- summer assizes following. Sir John Jefferay, or Jeffrey, just. K. B., Oct. 12. Roger Manwood, Nov. 17. Sir Wm. Periam, just. C. p., Feb. Sir Thos. Fleming, or Flemynge,. Oct. 27 ; aft. ch. just. ic. b. Sir Laurence Tanfleld, just. K. B.,. June 25. Sir John Walter, May 10. Sir Humphrey Davenport, just. C.P.,. Jan. 10. Sir Richd. Lane, Jan. 25 ; aft. (Oct. 23, 1645) Id. kp ■. ; his place was not tilled up until John Wild, app. under the Gommon- wealth, Oct. 12. Wm. Steele, under the Gommon- wealth, vice Wild, May 1 ; aft. Id. chanc.'of Ireland. Sir Thos. Widdrington, under the Gommon wealth, vice Steele, June 26. John Wild, again, vice Widdrington, Jan. 17. Sir Orlando Bridgman, knt. and bt., June 1; aft. ch. just. C. p. and Id. kpr. Sir Matthew Hale, just. c. p., Nov. 7 ; aft. ch. just. k. b. Sir Edwd. Turner, May 23. Sir Wm. Montagu, Apr. 12 ; re- moved Apr. 1686. Sir Edwd. Atkyns, bar. ex., Apr. 21. Sir Robt. Atkins, Apr. 18. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1695. Sir Eclwd. Ward, June 8 ; d. July 1714. 1714. Sir Saml. Dodd, Nov. 22. 1716. Sir Thos. Bury, bar. ex., June 10. 1722. Sir Jas. Montague, bar. ex., May 4. 1723. Sir Robt. Eyre, just. k. b., Nov. 16 ; aft. ch. just. c. p. 1725. Sir Jeffrey Gilbert, bar. ex., June 3. 1726. Sir Thos.'Pengelly. Oct. 16. 1730. Sir Jas. Reynolds, just. k. b., Apr. 30 ; res. July, 1738. 1738. Sir John Gomvns, just. c. p., July 7 ; (/. Nov. i3, 1740. 1740. Sir Edmd.Probyn, just.K.B.,Nov.24. 1742. Sir Thos. Parker, jun., just. c. P., Nov. 29 ; res. Oct. 1772. 1772. Sir Sydney Stafford Smythe, bar. ex., Oct. 28 ; res. Dec. 1777. 1777. Sir John Skynner, Nov. 27; res, Dec. 178G. 1787. Sir Jas. Eyre, bar. ex., Jan. 26; aft. ch. just. c. p. 1793. Sir Arch. Macdonald, atty. gen., Feb. 13 ; res. Mich, term', 1813. 1813. 1814. 1817. 1824. 1831. 1834. 1844. 1866. Sir Vicary Gibbs, just. c. p., Nov. 8 ; aft. ch. just. c. p. Sir Alexr. Thomson, bar. ex., Feb. 14 ; d. Apr. 1817. Sir Richd. Richards, bar. ex., Apr. 22 : d. Nov. 1823. Wm. Alexander, mast. chanc.,Jan.9 ; knt. .Tan. 19 ; res. Jan. 1831. John Singleton, Id. Lyndhurst, Id. chanc, Jan. 18; again Id. chanc. 1834. Sir Jas. Scarlett, Dec. 24; cr. Id. Abinger, Jan. 1835 ; d. Apr. 1844. Sir Fredk. Pollock, atty. gen., Apr. 15 ; res. July 1866, and cr. a bt. ; d. Aug. 22, ] 870. *Sir Fitzrov Edwd. Kelly, July 16, G. ♦Transferred Nov. 1, 1875, to the H. C. J., Ex. Div., and also made an ex-q^c/o Judge of the Court of Appeal under Supreme Court of Judicature Acts 1873 and 1875. the old Court of Chancery, Nov. 1. 1875. Sir Geo. Mellish, Nov. 1 ; d. 1877. 1878. Sir Wm. Milbourne .James, Nov. 1 ; | d. 1881. I Additional appointment under Supreme Court of .Judicature Act, 1875. 1875. Sir Richd. Baggallay, Oct. 29, G. ; res. 1885 ; d. Nov. 13, 1888. Additional appointments under Appellate Jurisdiction Act, 1876 1876 Sir Geo. Wm. Wilshere Bramwell, judge ex. div. h. c. j., Oct. 27, G. ; res. 1881 ; cr. Id. Bramwell, 1882. Sir Wm. Baliol Brett, judge c. p. div. H. c. J., Oct. 27, G. ; m. rolls, AjDr. 3, 1883 ; cr. Id. Esher, 1885. Sir Richd. Paul Amphlett, judge ex. div. H. c. J., Oct. 27, G. ; res. 1877; d. Dec. 7, 1883. Subsequent Appoin tments. 1877. Hy. Cotton, vice Mellish, June 28 ; knt. July ll.^-u!^-^i:i.\X^=^li'fX _ Hon. Alfred HJ^ Thesiger, " rice Amphlett, Nov. 2, G. ; d. Oct. 20, 1880. 1880. Sir Robt. Lush, judge q. b. div. H. c. J., vice Thesiger, Nov. 5, G. ; d. Dec. 27, 1881. 1881. Sir Nathl. Lindley. judge Q. n. div. H. c. J., vice Bramwell, Nov. 1, G. 1882. Sir John Holker. vice Lush, Jan. 14, G. ; res. 1882 ; d. May 24, 1882. Sir Chas. Synge Christr, Bo wen, jiulge Q. B. div. H. c. "ar., vice Holker, June 2.n;.'d.'. *v,iAJr Chas. Hall, v. chanc. ; res. judge of the court of appeal. d. Dec. 12, 1883. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 391 Subsequent Appointments. These new judges were styled justices, and not vice chancellors. 1877. Edwd. Fry, Apr. 27 ; knt. Apr. 30 ; j 1882. John Pearson, vice Hall, Oct. 24, additl. judge under S. C. J, Act, ' G.; knt. Nov. 30 ; d. May 13,1886. 1877; app. Id. just, app., Apr. 9, ' 1883. Sir Ford North, ?-ece Fry; transfd. 1883. from q. b. div. with relative rank 1881. Edwd. Ebenezer Kay, vice Malins, from date of orignl. appt. (Nov. Mar. 30, G. ; knt. May 2.,-.^.^/-'^i/'/'.'-wif<) ^^ 1881.) Jos. Wm. Chitty, vice Jessel, m. 1886. Jas. Stirling, vice Pearson, May 20, rolls, who was made exclusively G. ; knt. Nov. 26. a judge of the court of app. ut i Arthur Kekewich, vice Bacon, Nov. supra, Sept. 6, G. ; knt. Dec. 7. , 12 ; knt. Nov. 26. JUDGES OF THE PROBATE AND DIVORCE COURTS, AND OF THE PROBATE, DIVORCE, AND ADMIRALTY DIVISIONS OF THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. See Introduction, ante, j). 349. JtTDCES OF Her Majesty's Court op Probate. Appointed under 20 & 21 Vict. cap. 77, AND Judges Ordinary of Her Majesty's Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes. Appointed under 20 & 21 Vict. cap. 85. This jurisdiction was previously exercised by the judges of the Ecclesiastical Court, See Introduction, ante, p. 349, and the lists of those judges, post. 1858. Sir Oresswell Oresswell, just, c. p., Jan. 6, G. ; d. July 29, 1863. 1863. Sir Jas. Plaisted Wilde, bar. ex.. Aug. 26, G. ; cr. Id. Penzance, Apr. 6, 1869 ; res. 1872. 1872. *Sir Jas. Hannen, just. Q. b.,Nov. 14, G. * Transferred on Nov. 1, 1875, to the H. C. J., Prob., Div., and Adm. Div., under the Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875 (see ante, p. 350). Judges of the Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Division of THE High Court of Justice. Transferred from the old Courts of Probate and Divorce. 1875. Sir Jas. Hannen, president, Nov. 1 ; made an ex-officio judge of the ct. of app. on Aug. 27, 1881, under S. C. J. Act, 1881 (see ante, p. Z9,d).'-ux.^ Li.ui.Y \-^,ij^, ; c, Uu/i-^h Transferred from the old Court of Admiralty, Nov. 1, 1875. 1875. Sir Kobt. Jos. Phillimore, Nov. 1 ; cr. bt. Dec. 15, 1881 ; res. 1883 ; d. Feb. 4, 1885. Subsequent Appointments. 1883. Chas. Parker Butt, vice Phillimore, Apr. 3, G. ; knt. Apr. 30.;l^S''''e^t<.yc^'^--^'-^,^'^"'f';'(fyk 392 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES JUDGES OF THE COURT OF REVIEW IN BANKRUPTCY. Appointed undee 1 & 2 Will. IV. cap. 56 (Oct. 20, 1831). Dec. 2, 1831, G. 1. Hon. Thos. Erskine, ch. judge; res. | 2. Albert Pell; knt. Dee. Not. 1842; app. just. c. p., Jan. | y, 1839, and held both offices for | nearly four years. /. 1832. 3. John Cross ; knt. Dec. 7 ; d. 1842. 4. Geo. Rose ; knt. Dec. 7 ; res. Dec. 1840, on appt. as mast, in chanc Vice chancellor Sir Jas. Lewis Knight-Bruce was app. ch. judge in Nov. 1842, on the resignation of Erskine. He held both offices until the Court of Review was abolished in 1847 by 10 & 11 Vict. cap. 102, by which Act the jurisdiction of the court was trans- ferred to such of the vice chancellors as the lord chancellor might name for that purpose. By the Bankrupt Law Consolidation Act, 1849 (12 & 13 Vict. cap. 106), as amended by the 14 & 15 Vict. cap. 83, extended by 30 & 31 Vict. cap. 64, the Bankruptcy Appellate Jurisdiction was transferred to the Court of Appeal in Chancery. (See list of the judges of that court, ante, p. 388-9.) This jurisdiction was continued by the 32 & 33 Vict. cap. 71, and on the passing of the Supreme Court of Judicature Acts (ante, pp. 350-1), was transferred to the Court of Appeal thereby established. By the 46 & 47 Vict. cap. 52, and 47 & 48 Vict. cap. 9, the London Bankruptcy Court was transferred to the High Court of Justice, and appellate jurisdiction in bank- ruptcy was given to the Divisional Courts of the High Court of Justice, with an appeal therefrom to the Court of Appeal. CHIEF JUDGE IN BANKRUPTCY. Appointed under 32 & 33 Vict. cap. 71. 1869. Jas. Bacon. Dec. 31 ; app. v. chanc. July 4, 1870; knt. Jan. 14, 1871. Held both offices until Dec. 31, 1883, when the office of ch. judge in bankruptcy was abolished by 46 & 47 Vict., cap. 52. BANKRUPTCY JUDGE. Appointed under 46 & 47 Vict. cap. 52. 1884. Sir Lewis Wm. Cave, just. q. is. div. ii. c. j. , Jan. 1. MASTERS IN CHANCERY. ACCOUNTANTS GENERAL OF THE COURT OF CHANCERY. See Introduction, ante, p. 248. The list of masters prior to 1697 is compiled from Foss. The list sub- sequent to that date is founded on that comjuled bv the late Sir Thos. DufEus Hardy. The office of master in chancery was abolished in 1852 by 15 & 16 THE BOOK OF DIGXITIES. 395 Vict. cap. 80, and the duties transferred to the vice chancellors and their chief clerks. The then existing masters were gradually released from their duties, the last retiring Aug. 8, 1860. The office of accountant general of the Court of Chancery was created in 1726 by 12 Geo. I. cap. 32. Although there is nothing in that statute which requires such a qualification, yet no person has been appointed to the office without having first become a Master in Chancery. This office was abolished in 1872 by 35 & 36 Vict. cap. 44, and the duties transferred to the paymaster-general (see ante, p. 244). Masters in Chancery prior to 1597. A. R. Edward I. A. R A. R. 1-12. Jno. de Kirkeby. 1-1-i. Geoffrey de Welle- 15-17. Jno. de Marton. 7- . Thos. Bek. ford, contd. 15-36. Elyas de Grymesby. 11-19. Hugh de Kendal. W' alter de Odyham. 1-12. Robt. de Askeby. 18- . Gilbert de ChishuU. 11-12. 6-20. Adam de Brome. 18-21. Thos. de Capen- 14-33. Wm. de Hamilton. 8- . Jno. Bray. hurst. 21- . Wm. de Chyrinton. Jno. de Cadomo. 8-20. Wm. de Hcrlaston. 18-28. Wm. de Emelden. 21-85. 9-16. Edmund de London. 19-29. Andr. de Offord. 23-35. Robt. de Radeswell. 10- . Hugh de Burgh. 22- Jno. de Chestrefeld. 23-29. Jno. de Derbj'. 10- . Jno. Terlyng. 25-29! Jno. Gogh. 23-33. Jno. de Craucombe. 10-15. Jno. de Merton. 25-29. Wm. de Xewnham. 23-30. Wm. de Grenefield, 10-18. Jno. de Crosseby. 25-47. Walter Power. aft. chanc. 12-14. Roger de Sutton. 33- . Jno. de Rokyngham. 23-33. Wm. de Kilkenny. 12-18. Wm. de Leycester. 33-43. Jno. de Codington. 23-35. Peter de Dene. 13-16. Wm. de Cliff. 36-48. Jno. de Branketre. 23-33. Regd. de Braundon. 18- . Hy. de Edenstowe. 36-49. Wm. de Mirfield. 23-29. Jno. de Lacy. 36-51. Rd. de Ravenser. 25-35. Thos. de Logore. Edward IH. 45-48. Nichs. de Spaigne. 26-33. Wm. de Birlaco. 1-3. Adam de Brome, 45-50. Robt. de Wykford, 28-33. Peter de Insula. contd. aft. abp. Dublin 29-35. Robt. de Pykering. 1-27. Wm. de Herlaston, and chanc. Ire- 29-35. Wm. de Pykering. contd. land. 29-30. Wm. de Sardenne. 1-2. Jno. de CrossebA', 45-51. Thos. de Xewnham. 29-33. Phihp Martel. contd. 46-49. Simon de Multon. 29-35. Rd. dePlumstok. 1-8. Wm. do Leycester, 49-51. Hy. de Codington. 30-35. Robt. de Bardelby. contd. 50- . Rd. de Tissvngton. 30-35. Jno. Busshe. 1-20 Hy. de Edonstowe, 50-51. Thos. de Thelwall. 85- . Jno. Fraunceis. contd. 50-51. Jno. de Fret ton, or 35- . Geoffrey de Welle- 1-14. Thos. de Baum- Frethorne. ford. ' burgh. 50-51. Michl. de Raven- 2- . Adam de Herwyn- dale. Edward II. ton. 50-51. Peter de Barton. 6-12. Jno. de Blebury. 50-51. Jno. de Bouland. 1-2. Robt. de Radeswell, 6-33. Thos. de Brayton, or 51- . Walter Skirlawe, contd. Drayton. dean of St. Mar- 1-15. Peter de Dene, 7-14. Jno. de Longtoft. tins, aft. bp. of contd. 9-27. Edmd. de Grymesby. Lichfield,Bathand 1-7. Thos. de Logore, 11- . Thos. de Elingham. Wells, and Dur- contd. 11-20. Robt. de Kettleseye. ham. 1-3. Jno. de Cadomo, 12- . Wm. de Kyldes- 1-19. con td. Robt. de Pykering, 12- . bury. Thos. Durant. Richard II. contd. 12-15. Jno. de Wodehouse. 1-10. Rd. de Ravenser, 1- . Wm. de Pykering, aft. ch. ex. contd. contd. 12-20. Hy. de Iddesworth. 1-15. Thos. de Xewnham, 1- . Rd. Plumstok,coH;ters living at the death of Hen. VII. Wm. Throgmorton. Rd. Wolman, dean of Wells. Roger Lupton. Edwd. Hj'gons. Rowland Lee, bp. of Lichlield and Coventry. Thos. Newman. Wm. Peter, aft. sir W. Thos. Wetherall. Rd. Layton, dean of York. Edwd. Came, aft sir E. .Iiio. London, dean of Oxford. Thos. Lcgh, aft. sir T. John Tregonwell.aft. sir J. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. A. K. A. R. A. R. 36-38 Jno. Oliver, dean of 5- . Jno. Gosnold. 4-9. Robt. Weston, dean Christcburch. 6-7. Rd. Lyell. of Wells, aft.chanc. 36-38 Anthony Bellasis. 6-7. David Lewes. 1 f Ireland. 37-38 — Mitchell. V Jno. Belley. 38- Wm. Leeson. Mart. 11-26. 17- . Hy. Hervey. David(? Thos.)Yale. Edwakd VI. 1- . Anthony Bellasis, -25. Robt. Lougher. 1-i. Sir Jno. Tregonwell, C07ltd. 21- . — Forth. contd. 1-2. Jno. Croke, contd. 25- . — Harris. 1-4. Jno. Oliver, contd. 1-6. Sir Rd. Read contd. 25-45. SirMatth. Carew. 1-7. Anthy. Bellasis, 1- . Rd. Lj-ell, con fd. 25-45. Sir Rd. Swale. contd. 1- . David Lewes, contd. 30-33. Julius Cccsar. 1-2. Wm. Leeson, contd. 9 Wm. Awbrey 36-45. Sir Edwd. Stanhope. 2- . — Grimstead. ? Wm. Mowse. -42. Thos. Bynge. 2-4. — Standish. 38-45. Thos. Legge. 3-4. — Hussey. Elizabeth. 38-45. Jno. Hone. 3-6. Jno. Croke. 1-17. Sir Rd. Read contd. -40. Rd. Cosin. 4- . Wm. Cooke. 1-26. David Lewes, contd. 38-44. Lawrence Hussey. 4- . — Breten. 3-4. — Vaughan. 38-40. Wm. Lewen. 4-7. Sir Rd. Read. 3-17. Thos. Huyck, chanc. 38-45. Wm. or Jno. Hunt. o- . Rd. Goodrich. of London. 38-45. Sir Jno. Amye. Masters in Chancery subsequent to 1507. The Accountants General are marked * 1597. Dec. 2. Wm. Lambard, vice Cossyne. 1624. Dec. 18. 1598. Apr. 17. John Tyndall, vice Lewen. 1625. July 22. 1599. Dec. 21. Geo. Carewe, vice Bynge. 1627. July 3. 1601. Aug. 27. Edwd. Grymstone, vice Lambard. 1631. Jan. 22. 1602. Feb. 23. Hy. Hickman, vice Hussey. 1607. July 17. Hy. Thoresbye, vice Legge. 1635. June 8. 1608. Mar. 18. Sir John Bennett, vice Stan- 1637. Mar. 20. hope. 1638. Jan. 29. June 2. Sir Thos. Crompton, vice Swale. 1639. Jan. 28. May 20. 1609. Feb. 8. Thos. Ridley, aft. Sir T., 1640. Nov. 10. vice Crompton. 1641. July 22. 1612. Nov. 24. Gregory Bonhault, vice Geo. Carewe. 1643. Apr. 12. 1614. Apr. 12. Fras. James, vice Bon- hault. 1644. June 1. 1615. May 17. Jas., or Jno. Wolveridge, vice Thoresbye. 1645. Aug. 2. May 19. Sir 'Jhas. Caesar, vice Hunt. 1646. Feb. 6. 1616. Feb. 17. Richd. More, vice Hick- Nov. 21. man. 1647. June 2. Nov. 13. John Hayward, aft. sir J. , vice Tyndall. 1650. May 22. 1617. Jan. 11. Ewball Thelwall, vice Hone. 1651. Aug. 6. 1618. Aug. 7. Robt. Rich, vice sir M. Carew. 1652. July 12. 1619. Oct. 30. John Michell, vice Ridley. July 14. 1621. July 11. July 16. Edwd. Salter, vice Amye. Edwd. Leech, vice Bennett. 1655. May 3. * * Sir Wm. Birde, vice Grym- stone (19-22 Jas. I.)- June 21. 1624. Oct. 14. Sir Peter Mutton, vice Birde. Nov. 15. Nov. 22. Edwd. Clarke, vice Wol- veridge. Thos. Eden, vice James. John Page, vice Hay- ward. Sir Dudley Digges, vice Thelwall. Thos. Bennett, aft. sir T., vice More. Wm. Griffith, vice Digges. Robt. Aylett, vice Mutton. Wm. Child, vice Clarke. Jas. Littleton, vice Caesar. Thos. Heath, vice Eden. Justinian Lewen, aft. sir J., vice Griffith. Sir Thos. Mainwaring, vice Salter. John Sadler, vice Michell. Ai'thur Duck, vice Little- ton. Edwin, or Edwd. Rich. vice Heath. Wm. Hake well, vice Rich. Edwd. Eltonhed, vice Main- waring. John Bonde, vice Duck. Robt. Keylway, vice Lewen. Thos. Estcourt, vice Hake- well. Nathl. Hobart, vice Leech. Arthur Barnardiston, vice Bonde. Wm. Harrington, vice Bar- nardiston. Wm. Glascocke, vice Page. Edmd. Gyles, vice Aylett. 396 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1656. 1659. 1660. Feb. 4. May 30. June 7. May 31. June 1. June 2. June 4. June 5. June G. June 18. 1664. 1665. 1667. 1669. 1670. Oct. 1. June 26. Nov. 15. Oct. 3. Nov. 19. June 29. Dec. 10. Dec. 2(J. 1672. 1673. July 5. Jan. 2. Jan 9. Feb. 11. June 7. 1675. Dec. 24. July 7. 1676. Jan. 29. 1680. 1682. June 28. Apr. 12. 1683. 1684. Apr. 27. May 13. 1685. 1688. June 20. Mar. 26. 1689 Mar. 8. 1694 1699 Oct. 20. Juno 28. Feb. 23. Thos. Bulstrode, vice Sadler. Robt. Warsup, vice Glas- cocke. Wm. Eden, vice Child. Wm. Child, again, vice Eden. Justinian Lewen, again, vice Keylway. Thos. Estcourt, re-app. Thos. Bird, vice Gyles. Thos. Bennett, re-app. Mounteford Brampston, vice Rich. Nathl. Hobart, re-app. Weq. Glascocke, vice War- sup. Walter Littleton, x-ic.e Har- rington. Sir Edmund, or Edwd. Pearce, vice Bulstrode. Toby Woolrich, vice Elton- hed. John Coell, vice Woolrich. Wm. Lisle, vice Bird. Richd. Proctor, vice Lisle. Thos. Croft, vice Pearce. John Halsey, vice Proctor. Robt. Steward, vice Ben- nett. Timothy Baldwin. vice Halsey. Andrew Hacket, vice Littleton. Wm. Beversham, vice Croft. Wm. Howell, vice Lewcn. Edwd. Lowe, aft. sir E., vice Howell. Wm. Pargeter, vice Ste- ward. Saml. Clarke, vice Par- geter. Sir Lacon Wm. Child, rice Wm. Child. Miles Cooke, vice Hobart. John Franklyn, vice Glas- cocke. John Hoskins, vice Bramp- ston. Adam Oatley, vete Hacket. Robt. Legard, vice Bald- win. Jas. Astry, vice Estcourt. John, or Jas. Edisbury, vice Lowe. John Methwen, vice Coell. Roger Meredith. vice Clarke. Saml. Keck, xnce Bevers- ham. Thos. Pitt, vice Oatley. . Richd. Holford, vice Astry. . Uy. Xcwton, aft. sir H., vice Cooke. 1700. July 1. Thos. Gery, vice Meredith, 1701. Aug. 20. Wm. Rogers, vice Newton. 1703. July 20. Jno.HiccockSjficfi Hoskins. 1706. Aug. 7. Jas. Medlycott, vice Meth- wen 1708. Aug. 22. Wm. Fellows, vice Frank- lyn. 1709. Mar. 17. John Meller, vice Edis- bury. 1710. July 24. John Orlebar, vice sir L. W. Child. Dec. 2. Fleetwood Dormer, vice Holford. 1711. June 6. Saml. Browning, vice Keck. 1712. Oct. 17. Robt. Holford, vice Legard. Nov. 3. Hy. Lovibond, vice Pitt. 1717. Mar. 10. John Bennett, vice Medly- cott. 1719. Oct. 14. Richd. Godfrey, vice Gery. 1720. Jan. 7. Jas. Lightbourn, rice Browning. July 29. John Borrett, vice Meller. 1721. Jan. 10. Edwd. Conwaj', vice Orle- ^lay 18. Hy. Edwards, i7ce Dormer. Aug. 9. Wm.Kvnaston, vice Rogers. 1723. June 1. Thos. ' Bennett, vice Hic- cocks. 1724. Feb. 1. Eras. Elde, vice Fellows. Aug. 5. Mark Thurston, vice Bor- rett. 1726. June 29. *Hy. Edwards, app. acct. gen. Dec. 12. *Fras. Cudworth Masham, app. acct. gen., vice Edwards. 1727. Feb. 17. Saml. Burroughs, vice God- fre}'. Rol.t' Yard, vice Conway. 1728. May 29. Anthy. Allen, vice Yard. John Tothill, vice Lovi- bond. 1731. May 19. *Mark Thurston, app. acct. gen., vice Masham. June 2. Wm. Spicer. app. master, vice Thurston. 1732. Mar. 31. Richd. Edwards, vice Tot- hill. 1738 May 12 Edmd. Sawyer, vice Light- bourn. 1739. Feb. 10 Hy. Montague, vice John "Beimett. 1749. :Mar. 2 Thos. Lane, vice Kynas- ton. Aug. 9 *John Waple, app. acct. gen. , vice Thurston. 1750 Aug. 14 . Peter Holford, vice Robt. Holford. 1754 Apr. 24 Thos. Harris, rice Allen. 1759 Oct. 27 *Potcr Da vail, app. acct. gcii.. rice Waple. Peter Boniior, rice Sawyer. 1760 Mar. 8 . John Browning, vice Eldo. 1761 Sept. 21 . Thos. Anguish, rice Spicer. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES 397 1761. Xov. 7. \Vm. Grares, rice Bur- roughs. 1763. Jan. 10. *Thos. Anguish, app. acct. gen., vice Davall. Jan. 15. Saml. Pechell, app. master, vice Anguish. 1764. June 20. John Earaes, vice Thos. Bennett. 1765. June2-t. Edwd. Montague. vice Bonner. Dec. 3. Thos. Cuddon, vice Hy. Montague. 1767. Aug. 6. Robt. Pratt, vice Richd. Edwards. 1773. Jan. 21. Edwd. Leeds, vice Lane. 1775. July 26. Wm. Weller Pepys, vice Pratt. Dec. 19. John Hett. vice Cuddon. 1778. Mar. 6. Fras. Ord, vice Harris. 1780. Apr. 11. Robt. Bicknell. r/ce Brown- ing. 1781. Aug. 6. John Wilmot. vice Bick- nell. 1782. May 11. Alexr. Thomson, vice Pechell. 1786. Jan. 4. *Alexr. Thomson, app. acct. gen., vzce Anguish. Apr. 1. Alexr. Popham. app. master, i-ice Thomson. 1787. Feb. 13. *Thos. Walker, app. acct. gen., vice Thomson. 1790. Xov. 11. John Spranger, ru'e Hett. 1795. May 16. Nichs. Smith, vice Fames. Xov. 20. John Simeon, vice Edwd. Montague. 1801. June 2. John Campbell, vice Graves. 1802. Feb. 1. *Xichs. Smith, app. acct. gen., vice Walker. Nichs. Ridley, app. master, vice Smith. 1803. Mar. 28. Fras. Paul Stratford, vice Leeds. 1804. Jan. 13. John Springett Harvey, vice Wilmot. July 18. Saml. Compton Cox, rice Holford. July 23. Jas. Stanley, vice Spranger. 1805. Jan. 16. Robt. Steele, vice Ridley, 1807. Apr. 1. Edwd. :Morris, vice Weller, 1809. Feb. 10. Chas Thomson, vice Popham. X'^ov. 9, Wm. Alexander, vice Ord. 1811. 1815, 1817, Feb. 20. June 22. July 30. 1819. Nov. 29. 1820. Feb. 8. 1821. 1823. 1824. July 12. Mar. 3. Feb. 16. Mar. 9. 1826. Feb. 2. 1836. 1838. 1839. Mar, 23. 1831. Mar. 4. Mar. 29. June 9. June 7. Feb. 17. Mar, 15. Apr. 30. July - 1840. Dec, 7, 1841. Oct. — 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850. Dec. 20. Mar, 10, Dec. 6. Dec. 7. Jas. Stephen, rice Stanley, Jos. Jekyll, vice Morris, Wm. Couitenay, vice Steele. *John Campbell, app. acct. gen., vice Smith. John E. Dowdeswell, app, master, vice Campbell. Fras. Cross, vice Thomson. Jas. Trower, vice Jekyll, Wm. Wingfield, i^ice Alex- ander. Jas. Wm. Farrer, vice Simeon. *John Springett Harvey, app. acct. gen., vice Campbell. Robt. Henley Eden, aft Id, Henley, vice Courte- nay. Sir GiflBn Wilson, app, master, vice Harvey. Geo. B. Roupell, vice Cox. Hy. Martin, vice Strat- ford. Wm, Brougham, vice Stephen, *Wm. Geo. Adam, app. acct. gen., vice Harvey, Nassau Wm. Senior, vice Trower, Andw, Hy. Lynch, vice Roupell. Saml. Duckworth, vice Cross. *Wm. Russell, app. acct. gen, , vice Adam, Sir Wm, Home, vice Martin. Sir Geo. Rose, vice Id, Henley, Richd, Richards, acct. gen. and mast, of the ct. of exch., app. under 5 Vict. cap. 5. Wm. Hy. Tinney, vice Duckworth. Richd. Torin Kindersley, vice Wilson. John Elijah Blunt, vice Wingfield. Jos. HumjDhry , receDowdes- well. Oflfices abolished bv 15 & 16 Yict. cap. 80, and 35 & 36 Vict, cap. 44. (See ante, pp. 392-3.) ATTORNEYS GENERAL. See Introduction, ante, p. 349. The attoenet general for the time being is the head of the bar, and his office is esteemed the highest below the bench. It has subsisted for six hundred years, though not under its present designation, the original THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. title being Attornatus Regis. The appointment, which is bj letters patent, was formerly " quamdm se bene gesserit," but is now " durante bene placito," and the holder retires with his political friends on every change of administration. Attorneys General. From the reign of Edward I. 1277-8. 1278-9. 1279-80. 1280-1. 1281-2. 1284-5. 1286. 1286-7. 1289-90. 1291-2. 1292-3. 1293-4. 1300-1. 1302. 1304-5. EinVARD I. Wm. do Boneville. Wm. de Giselham. Gilbei't de Thornton. Alanus de Walkingham. Jno. le Fawconer. Wm. de Seleby. Gilbert de Thornton, again (?"). Wm. Inge. Jno. de Bosco. Nichs. de Warwick Jno. de Haydell. Richd. de Breteville. Hugh de Louther. Roger de Hegham. Jnu. de Mutford. Jno. de Cestria, or Chester. Jno. de Mutford, again. Jno. de Drokenesford (?). Edward II. 1307-8. Jno. de Chester, again. 1309-10. Matt, de Scaccario. 1312-3. Jno. de Norton. 1315-6. Wm. de Langeley. 1318-9. Adam de Fyncham. 1320-1. Geoffrey le'Scrope. 1322-3. Geoffrey de Fyngale. 1325. Adam de Fyncham, again. Edward III. 1327. Alexr. de Hadenham. Wm. de Merston, or Mershton, Feb. 26. 1329. Richd. de Aldeburgh. 1334. Simon de Trowythosa. Wm. de Hepton, or Hopton. 1338. Jno. de Lincoln, May 28. Jno. de Clone, or Clove, Aug. 4. Wm. dc Merington. 1339. Jno. do Clone, again. 1342. Wm. de Thorpe. 1343. Jno. de Lincoln, again. Jno. de Clone, again. 1349. Simon de Kcgworth. 1353. Hy. de Greystok. 1356. Jno. Gaunt, or de Gaunt. 1360. Richd. de Fry-seby, Jlay 4. 1362. Wm. de Plosto (? Robt.). 1363. Wm. do Ncsselield. 1366. Thos. do Shardelow, Nov. 9. 1367. Jno. de Asliwell, ilay 20. ]\Iichl. SkiUing. Richard II. 1378. Thos. dc Shardelow, again. 1381. Wm. Ellis. Laurence Dru. 1384. Wm. de Hornebv. 1386. Edmd. Brudnell.' or Brudenell. 1398. Thos. Coveley. Henry TV. 1399. Wm. de Lodington, Sept. 30. 1401. Thos. Coveley, again. 1407. Thos. Dereham, July 13. Roger Hunt. Aug. 17. 1410. Thos. Tickhill. Henry V. 1414. Wm. Babington, Jan. 16. 1420. Wm. Babthorpc. Henry VI. 1429. Jno. Vampage, Oct. 28. 1452. Wm. de Nottingham, June 30. Edward IV. 1461. Jno. Herbert, ? Aug. 12. Hy. Sothill, or Sotill. 1471. Wm. Husee, or Hussee, June 16. 1481. Wm. Huddersfield, May 7. Edward V. and Richard III. 1483. Morgan Kyd welly. May 28. Henry VII. 1485. Wm. Hody. Sept. 20. 1486. Jacob Hubbard, Nov. 3. Henry VIIL 1509. Jno. Ernley, Apr. 1518. Jno. Fitz- James, Jan. 26. 1522. Jno. Roper. Feb. 1524. Ralph Swillington, Apr. 1. 1525. Richd. Lyster, ? Aug. 1529. Christr. Hales, Juno 3. 1535. Sir Jno. Baker, July 10. 1540. Wm. Whorwode, Nov. 8. 1545. Hy. Bradshaw, Juno 18. Edward VI. and Mary. 1552. Edwd. Griffin, May 21. Elizabeth. 1559. Sir Gilbert Gcrrard, Jan. 22 ; aft. THE BOOK OP DIGNTITIES. 399 1581. Sir Jno. Popham, June 1 ; aft. ch. just. Q. B. 1592. Sir Thos. Egerton, Juno 2 ; aft. Id. kpr., Id. chanc, and Id. Elles- mere. 1594. Sir Edwd. Coke, Apr. 10; aft. ch. just. c. p. and k. b. James I. 1606. Sir Hy. Hobart, bt., July 4; aft. ch. just. c. p. 1613. Sir Eras. Bacon, Oct. 27 ; aft. Id. kpr., Id. chanc, and Id. Verulam. 1617. Sir Hy. Yelverton, bt., Mar. 12; aft. just. c. p. 1621. Sir Thos. Coventry, Jan. 11; aft. Id. kpr. , and Id. Coventry. Charles I. 1625. Sir Robt. Heath, Oct. 31 ; aft. ch. just. c. p. and k. b. 1631. Wm, Nov, Oct. 27. 1634. Sir Jno. Banks, Sept. 27. 1641. Sir Edwd. Herbert, Jan. 29 : aft. ch. just. c. p. 1645. Thos. Gardner, Nov. 3. Commonwealth. 1644. Oliver St. John, (?j May. St. John is named as atty. gen. by Whitelocke, but Foss says he was merely continued in his old office of king's solr. gen. , and that the ordi- nance of the Commons, on which Whitelocke relies, merely enabled him to perform the duties of atty. gen. 1649. Wm. Steele, Jan. 10 ; aft. recorder of London, and ch. bar. ex. Edmd. Prideaux, Apr. 9. 1659. Robt. Reynolds. Charles II. 1649. Edwd. Herbert held the nominal title during the king's exile until 1653. 1660. Sir Geoffrey Palmer, bt., May 31. 1670. Sir Heneage Finch, knt, and bt., May 10 ; aft. Id. chanc. , Id. Finch of baventry, and E. of Notting- ham. 1673. Sir Fras. North, Nov. 12; aft. ch. just. c. p., Id. kpr., and Id. and E. of Guilford. 1675. Sir Wm. Jones, Jan. 25. 1679. Sir Creswell Levinz, or Levinge, Oct. 27 ; aft. just. c. p. 1681. Sir Robt. Sawyer, Feb. 24. James II. 1687. Sir Thos. Powis, Dec. 13. William III. 1689. Sir Hy. Pollexfen, Feb. ; aft. ch. just. c. p. 1689. Sir Geo. Treby, May 4; aft. ch. just. c. p. 1692. Sir Jno. Somers, May 3; aft. Id. kpr.. Id. chanc, and Id. Somers. 1693. Sir Edwd. Ward, Mar. 30 ; aft. ch. bar. ex. 1695. Sir Thos. Trevor, June 8 ; aft. ch just. c. p.. and Id. Trevor. 1701. Sir Edwd. Northey, June 28. Anne. 1707. Sir Simon Harcourt, Apr. 26. 1708. Sir Jas. Montague, Oct. 22. 1710. Sir Simon Harcourt, again, Sept. 19; aft. Id. kpr.. Id. Harcourt, and Id. chanc. Sir Edwd. Northey, again, Oct. 19. George I. 1718. Sir Nichs. Lechmere, Mar. 18 ; aft. Id. Lechmere. 1720. Sir Robt. Raymond, May 7 ; aft. just, and ch. just. k. b. , and Id. Raymond. 1724. Sir Philip Yorke, Feb. 1 ; aft. ch. just. K. B., Id. Hardwicke, Id. chanc, vise. Royston, and E. Hardwicke. George II. 1734. Sir Jno. Willes, Jan. ; aft. ch. just. c. p. 1737. Sir Dudley Ryder, Jan. 28 ; aft. ch. just. K. B. 1754. Hon. Wm. Murray, May ; aft. ch. just. K. B., and Id. and E. of Mans- field. 1756. Sir Robt. Henley, Nov. 3 ; aft. Id. kpr.. Id. and vise. Henley, E. of Northington, and Id. chanc. 1757. Sir Chas. Pratt, July 1 ; aft. ch. just. c. p.. Id. chanc, and Id. and E. Camden. George III. 1762. Hon. Chas. Yorke, .Tan. 25. 1763. Sir Fletcher Norton, Dec. 16; aft. sp. ho. comns. , and Id. Grantley. 1765. Hon. Chas. Yorke, again, Sept. 17 ; aft. Id. chanc. 1766. Wm. de Grey, Aug. 6 ; aft. ch. just., c. p., and Id. Walsingham. 1771. Edwd. Thurlow, Jan. 26 ; aft. Id. chanc. and Id. Thurlow. 1778. Alexr. Wedderburn, June 11 ; aft. ch. just. C. p.. Id. Loughborough, Id. chanc, and E. of Rosslyn. 1780. Jas. Wallace, July 21. 1782. Lloyd Kenyon, Apr. 18. 1783. Jas. Wallace, again, May 2 ; d. Nov. following. John Lee, Nov. 22. Lloyd Kenyon, again, Dec. 26 ; aft. m. rolls, a bt., ch. just. K. b., and Id. Kenyon. 400 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1784. Richd. Pepper Arden, Mar. 31 ; aft. m. rolls, eh. just. c. p., and Id. Alvanley. 1788. Sir Archd. Macdonald, June 28 ; aft. ch. bar. ex. 1793. Sir John Scott, Feb. 14 ; aft. ch. just. c. p.. Id. Eldon, Id. chanc. and E. of Eldon. 1799. Sir John Mitford, July 18 ; aft. sp. ho. commons ; Id. chanc. Ireland, and Id. Redesdalo. 1801. SirEdwd. Law, Feb. 14; aft. ch. just. K.U., and Id. Ellenborough. 1802. Hon. Spencer Perceval, Apr. 15 ; assass. by Bellingham, while prime minister. May 11, 1812. 1806. Sir Arthur Pigott, Feb. 12. 1807. SirVicaryGibbs,Apr. 1; aft. just.c. P. ch. bar. ex., and ch. just. c. p. 1812. Sir Thos. Plumer, June 26 ; aft. v. chanc. of England, and m. rolls. 1813. Sir Wm. Garrow, May 4 ; aft. bar. ex. 1817. Sir Saml. Shepherd, May 7 ; aft. a judge in Scotland. 1819. Sir Robt. Gifford, July 24 ; aft. ch. just. c. p., Id. Gifi'ord,and m. rolls. George IV. 1824 Sir John Singleton Copley, Jan. 9 ; aft. m. rolls, id. Lyndhurst, Id. chanc. (three times), and ch. bar. ex. 1826. Sir Ghas. Wetherell, Sept. 20. 1827. Jas. Scarlett, aft. sir J., Apr. 27. 1828. Sir Chas. Wetherell, ufjain, Feb. 19. 1829. Sir Jas. Scarlett, uc/ain, June 29 ; aft. ch. bar. ex., and Id. Abinger. William IV. 1830. Thos. Denman, Nov. 19 (? 26) ; knt. Nov. 24 ; aft. ch. just. k. b. and Id. Denman. 1832. Sir Wm. Home, Nov. 26 ; aft. mast, in chanc. 1834. Sir John Campbell, Mar. 1. Fredk. Pollock, Dec. 17 ; knt. Dec. 29. 1835. Sir John CamiDbell, lujain, Apr. 30; aft. Id. chanc. Ireland, Id. Camp- bell, ch. duch. lane, ch. just. Q. 15., and Id. chanc. Victoria. 1841. Sir Thos. Wildo, July 3. Sir Fredk. Pollock, f^//«?'H. Sept. 6; aft. ch. bar. ox., and a bt. SOLICITORS 1844. Sir Wm. Webb Follett, Apr. 15 ; d. June 28, 1845. 1845. Sir Fredk. Thesiger, June 29. 1846. Sir Thos. Wilde, wjain, July 7 ; aft. ch. just. c. p., Id. chanc, and Id. Truro. John Jervis, July 17 ; knt. , Aug. 1 ; ch. just. c. p. 1850. Sir John Romilly, July 11 ; aft. m. rolls, and Id. Romilly. 1851. Sir Alexr. Jas. Edmd. Cockbum. Mar. 28. 1852. Sir Fredk. Thesiger, again, Feb. 27, aft. Id. chanc, and Id. Chelms- ford. Sir Alexr. Jas. Edmd. Cockbum, cu/ain, Dec. 28; aft. ch. just. c. p. and Q. B. 1856. Sir Richd. Bethell, Nov., knt. Nov. 15. 1858. Sir Fitzroy Kelly, Feb. 26 ; aft. ch. bar. ex. 1859. Sir Richd. Bethell, ar/ain, June 18 ; aft. Id. chanc. and Id. Westbury. 1861. Sir Wm. Atherton, June 27. 1863. Sir Roundell Palmer, Oct. 2, G. ; aft. Id. chanc. and Id. and E. Selborne. 1866. Sir Hugh McCalmont Cairns. July 10, G. ; aft. Id. just, app.. Id. Cairns, Id. chanc, and E. Cairns. 1866. John Rolt,Oct. 29, G. ; knt. Nov. 10; aft. Id. just. app. 1867. Sir John Burgess Karslake, Julv 18. 1868. Sir Robt. Porrett Collier, Dec'. 12, G. ; aft. just. c. p., and jud. com. p. c. 1871. Sir John Duke Coleridge, Nov. 10, G. ; aft. ch. just. c. p., Id. Coleridge, andch. just. q. b. 1873. Hy. James, Nov. 20, G. ; knt. Dec. 12. 1874. Sir John Burgess Karslake, aiiain, Feb. 27, G. 1874. Sir Uichd. Baggallay, Apr 20 ; aft. Id. just. app. 1875. Sir John Holker, Nov. 25, G. ; aft. Id. just. app. 1880. Sir Ily. James, (it/ain, May 3, G. 1885. Richd. Everard Webster, June 26 ; knt. July 9. 1886. Chas. Arthur Russell, Feb. 9, G. ; knt. jMar. 8. 1886. Sir Richd. Everard Webster, aaain, ,■ Aug. 5.^ GENERAL. ^ ^ '^ The Solicitok General is uext in rank to the Attorney General. The oflice, wliich was originally styled Sollicitor ReqisJ was tirst instituted in the reign of Edward IV. It is created by letters patent, and is held on the same tenure as that of the attorney-general. The THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 401 honotir of knighthood is now always conferred both upon the attorney and the solicitor-genex-al, and, together, they are usually styled the "Law Officers of the Crown." Solicitors General. From the reign of Edward IV. Those marked * afterwards became attorneys general. See ' ante p. 398, where their subsequent promotions are noted. Edward IV. 1461. Richd. Fowler, Mar. 12. 1470. Richd. Page, Jan. 31. Attornevs General," Richard III. 1483. Thos. Lynom, Aug. 26. Hekry VII. 1485. Andrew Dimmock or Dymock, Nov. 15. 1503. Thos. Lucas. 1507. *John Ernley, July 9. Henry VIII. 1514. John Port. 1521. Richd. Ly.ster, July 8. 1525. *Ghristr. Hales, Aug. 14. 1531. Baldwin Mallet. 1533. Richd. Rich, Oct. 4. 1536. *Wm. Whorwode, Apr. 13. 1540. Hy. Bradshaw, Nov. 1545. *Edwd. Griffin, June 18. Edward VI. 1552. John Gosnel or Gosnold, May 21. 1553. Wm. Cordell, Sept. 30. 1557. Richd. Weston, sen., Nov. 20. Elizabeth. 1559. Richd. Roswell, Feb. 1. 1566. Richd. Onslow, June 27. 1569. Thos. Bromley, jun., Mar. 13; aft. sir T. and Id. chanc. 1579. *Sir John Popham, June 26. 1581. *Sir Thos. Egerton, June 28. 1592. *Sir Edwd. Coke, June 16. 1595. Thos. Fleming, or Flemynge, Nov. 6. James I. 1604. Sir John Doderidge, Oct. 1G07. *Sir Fras. Bacon, June 25. 1613. *Hy. Yelverton, Oct. 29. 1617. *Sir Thos. Coventry, Mar. 14. 1621. *Robt. Heath, Jan. 22. Charles I. 1625. Sir Richd. Sheldon,orShilton,Nov. 1. 1634. Sir Edwd. Littleton, Oct. 17 ; aft. Id. Littleton and Id. kpr. 1640. *SirEdwd. Herbert, Jan. 25. 1641. Oliver St. John, Jan. 29. 1643, Sir Thos. Gardner, knt. and bt., Oct. 30. 1645. Geoffrey Palmer, Nov. 3. Commonwealth. 1643. Oliver St. John, continued in office by the parliament. 1548. *Edmd. Prideaus, Oct. 12. 1649. John Cook, Jan. 10. 1650. *Robt. Reynolds. 1654. Wm. Ellis, May 24. Charles II. 1660. *Sir Heneage Finch, June 6. 1670. Sir Edwd. Turner, May 11; aft. oh. bar. ex. 1671. *Sir Fras. North, May 20. 1673. *Sir Wm. Jones, Nov. 11. 1674. Sir Fras. Winnington, Dec. 1679. Hon. Heneage Finch, Jan. 13. James II. 1686. *Sir Thos. Powys, or Powis, Apr. 26. 1687. Sir Wm. Williams, Dec. 13. William III. *Sir Geo. Treby, Feb. *John Somers, May 4. *Sir Thos. Trevor, May 3. Sir John Hawles. June 8. 1692. 1695. 1702. 1707. 1708. 1710. 1714. 1715. 1717. 1720. 1724. 1734. 1737. 1742. Anne. *Sir Simon Harcourt, June 1. *Sir Jas. Montagu, Apr. 26. Robt. Eyre, Oct. 22 ; aft. just. Q. b., ch. bar. ex., and ch. just. C. i'. *Sir Robt. Raymond, May 13. George I. *Nichs. Lechmere, Oct. 14. John Fortescue Alatid, Dec. 6 ; aft. bar. ex., just. k. b., just. C. p., and. Id. Fortescue, in Ireland. Sir Wm. Thomson Jan. 24 ; aft. bar. ex. *Sir Philip Yovke, Mar. 23. Sir Clement Wearg, Feb. 1 ; d. next year. Chas. Talbot, Apr. 23; aft. Id. chanc. and Id. Talbot. George II. *Sir Dudley Ryder, Jan. John Strange, Jan. 28 ; aft. m. rolls, *Hon. Wm. Murray, Nov. 27. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1754. Sir Richd. Lloy.l, May; aft. bar. ex. 1756. *Hon. Chas. Yorkc, Nov. 3. George III. 1762. *Flotcher Norton, Jan. 25. 1763. *Wm. (le Grov. Dec. 16. 1766. Edwd. WiUes, Aug. 6; aft. just. K. B. 1768. John Dunning, Jan. 28 ; aft. Id. Ash- burton. 1770. *Edwd. Thurlow, Mar. 30. 1771. *Alexr. Wedderburn, Jan. 26. 1778. *Jas. Wallace, June II. 1780. Jas. Mansfield, Sept. 1. 1782. *John Lee, Apr. 18. *Richd. Pepper Arden, Nov. 7. 1783. *John Lee, again, Apr. 18. Jas. Mansfield, again, Nov. 22 ; aft. ch. just. c. p. *Richd. Pepper Arden, again, Dec. 26. 1784. *Archd. Macdonald, Apr. 8. 1788. *John Scott, aft. sir J., .June 28. 1793. *John Mitford, aft. sir J., Feb. 14. 1799. Wm. Grant, aft. sirW., July 18 ; aft. m. rolls. 1801. *Hon. Spencer Perceval, Feb. 14. 1802. Thos. Manners Sutton, May 11 ; knt. May 19 ; aft. bar. ex., Id. chanc. Ireland, and Id. Manners. 1805. *Vicary Gibbs. Feb. 12 ; knt. Feb. 20. 1806. Saml. Romilly, aft. sir S., Feb. 12. 1807. *Thos. Plumer, aft. sir T., Apr. 1. 1812. *Wm. Garrow, June 26 ; knt. July 17. 1813. Robt. Dallas, May 4; knt. May 9 ; aft. just, and ch. just. c. p. *Saml. Shepherd, Dec. 22 ; knt. May 11, 1814. 1817. *Robt. Gifford, May 9; knt. May 29. 1819. *John Singleton Copley, aft. sir J., July 24. George IV. 1824. *Chas. Wetherell, Jan. 12; knt. Mar. 10. 1826. Nicolas Conyngham Tindal, Sept. 20; knt. Nov. 27; aft. ch. just. c. p. 1829. Sir Edwd. Burtenshaw Sugden, June 29; knt. June 10; aft. Id. chanc. Ireland, Id. St. Leonards, and Id. chanc. William IV. 1830. *Wm. llorne, Nov. 26; knt. Nov. 24. 1832. *John Campbell, Nov. 26 ; knt. Dec. 3. 1834. Chas. Christr. Pepys, Fob. 25 ; knt. Feb. 26 ; aft. m. rolls, Id. Cotten- ham, Id. chanc, and E. of Cot- tenham. 1834. Robt. Monsey Rolfe, Nov. 6. *Wm. Webb FoUett, Dec. 20 ; knt Dec. 22. 1835. Robt. Monsey Rolfe, a«/ain, May 4 ; knt. May 6; aft. bar. ex., v. chanc. Id. Cranworth, Id. just, app., and Id. chanc. Victoria. 1839. *Thos. Wilde, Dec. 2 ; knt. Feb. 19, 1840. 1841. *Sir Wm. Webb Follett, again, Sept. 6. 1844. *Fredk. Thesiger, Apr. 15 ; knt May 23. 1845. Fitzroy Kelly, July 17 ; knt. Aug. 8. 1846. *John Jervis, July 4. David Dundas, Julv 18; knt. Feb. 24, 1847. 1848. *John Romilly, Mar. ; knt. May 17. 1850. *Alexr. Jas. Edmd. Cockbum, July 11 ; knt. Aug. 14. 1851. Wm. Page Wood, Mar. 28; knt. Apr. 14; aft. v. chanc. ; Id. just, app., Id. chanc, and Id. Hather- ley. 1852. *Sir'Fitzroy Kell^, again, Feb. 27. *Richd. Bethell, Dec. 28 ; knt. June 13, 1853. 1856. Hon Jas. Stuart Wortley, Nov. 22. 1857. Hy. Singer Keating, May 28; kut. June 18. 1858 *Hugh MacCalmont Cairns, aft. sir 11., Feb. 20. 1859. Sir Hy. Singer Keating, again, June 18 ; aft. just. C. p. *Wm. Atherton. Dec. 16, G. ; knt. Feb. 23. 1860. 1861. *Roundell Palmer, June 28 ; knt. Aug. 5. 1863. *Robt. Porrctt Collier, Oct. 2. G. ; knt. Nov. 23. 1866. *Wm. Bovill, July 10, G. ; knt. July 26 ; aft. ch. just. c. p. *John Burgess Karslake, Nov. 29, G. ; knt. Dec. 28. 1867. Chas. Jasper Selwyn, July 18 ; knt. xVug. 31 ; aft. Id. just. app. 1868. Wm. Baliol Brett, Feb. 10; knt Feb. 29; aft. just. c. P., Id. just app. ,m. rolls, and Id. Esher. *Richd. Baggallav, h-ept. 14 ; knt. Dec. 9. *John Duke Coleridge, Dec. 12, G. ; knt. Dec. 12. 1871. Gee Jesscl, Nov. 10, G. ; knt. Feb. 21, 1872; aft. m. rolls. 1873. *Hv. James, Sept. 26, G. : knt. Dec. 12. Wm. (ieo. Granville Venablos Ver- non Harcourt, Nov. 20. G. ; knt Doc. 12; aft. ch. ex., &c. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 403 1874. *Sir Richd. Baggallay, again, Feb. 27, G. *John Holker, Apr. 20; knt. Dec. 12. 1875. Hardiuge Stanley Giffard, Nov. 25, G.; knt. Nov." 27; aft. Id. chanc. and Id. Halsbury. 1880. Farrer Herschell, May 3, G. ; knt. May 13. ; aft. Id. chanc. and Id. Herschell. 1885. John Eldon Gorst, July 2, G. ; knt. Aug. l.a/r t.t.fH^ 'X^-4. Richd. Lewkonor. •Peter Warl.urton. Richd. Branthwaite. •John >avilo. t John lloale. Q. 1602. I 'Thos. Fleming. j •David Williams. I •Matth. Ewons. I John Spurlirig. •Geo. Kingsmill. Q. I *Edwd. Heron. I •Wm. Daniell. Q, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 409 1601. Edmd. Pelham. 160.3. *John Croke, K. *Thos. Coventry, K. 1606 *Lawrence Tanfield. *Thos. Foster. Robt. Barker. *Edwd. Phelips, K. *Augustine Nichols. *Robt. Houghton. Thos. Harris. Henry Hobart. *Jas. Altham. John Shirley. *Geo. Snigg. *Richd. Hutton. *John Doderidge, K. 1607. *Jas. Ley. 1606. *Edwd. Coke. John Davies, K. 1612. *Humphrey Winch. 1609. *John Denham. *Edwd. Bromley. 1610. *Hy. Montagu, K. 1611. 1611. *Wm. IMethwould. 1614. Robt. Hicham, K. 1616. *Ranulph Crewe, K. Geo. Wilde. Wm. Towse. Fras. Moore. Fras. Hervey. Hy. Finch, K. 1616. *Thos. Chamberlayne. Thos. Athowe. Leonard Bawtrj'. John More. John Cbibon. *Thos. Richardson, K. 1624. 1616. *Edwd. Henden. *Wm. Jones. 1617. Fras. Ashley, K. 1625. 1620. John Shirley. *Jas. Whitelock. 1623. *Geo. Croke, K. Rice Gwyn. John Bridgman. Heneage Finch. Richd. Amherst. ! Thos. Crew, K. 1624. *Humphrey Davenport, K. 1625. j Thos. Headley. Fras. Crawley. Richd. Diggs. John Dany. John Hoskins. Egremont Thyn. *John Bramston, K. 1634 1625-6. John Lloj'd. *John Walter, K. *Thos. Trevor, K. Hy. Yelverton, K. 1626-7. *Nichs. Hyde, K. 1627-8. Rowley Ward. *Robt. Berkeley, K. Wm. Ayloff. *Robt. Callice. *Geo. Vernon. 1631-2. *Jas. Weston. *Robt. Heath, K. 1637. 1633-4. *Richd. Weston. 1634-5. *John Finch. Ralph Whitfield, K. 1635-6. *Thos. Malet. 1636-7. Timothy Leving. *John Wilde. *Robt. Foster. Hy. Clarke. Thos. Milwarde. *Richd. Creshold. *Edmd. Reeve. *John Godbolt. *Arth. Turner. Nath. Finch, K. 1640-1. Gilbert Boone. *Philip Jermyn. 1637-8. John Glanville, K. 1640-1 and 1660. 1639-40. *Edwd. Lyttleton. 1640-1. John Stone. John Whitwich. *Hy, Rolle. Wm. Lyttleton. *Robt. Brerewood, K. Robt. Hyde. Richd. Taylor. Edwd. Atkyns. John Greene, C. 1650. *Peter Pheasant. *Fras. Bacon. Sampson Evre (? Eyre), K. 1640-1. *John Banks. 1643-4. *Richd. Lane. The following being called by the authority of Parlia- ment only, the call was sub- sequently declared to be in- valid. The survivors were subsequently recalled at the Restoration. 1648. *Thos. Widdrington, K. ; 0. 1650. *Thos. Bedingfield. *Richd. Keble. *Fras. Thorpe. *John Bradshaw. *01iver St. John. *Saml. Browne. *John Glynne, C. 1654. Erasmus Erie, or Earle, 0. 1654. *Bulstrode Whitelock, K. Wm. Coniers. *John Puleston. Thos. Chapman. *Thos. Gates. Wm. Lyttleton. Wm. Powel. John Clerke. John Eltonhead. *Robt. Nicholas. *John Parker. Robt. Bernard. Robt. Hutton, or Hatton. 1649. *Peter Warburton. *Alesr. Rigby. Evan Seys. *Richd. Aske. 1654. *Richd. Pepys. Thos. Fletcher. *Matt. Hale. *Wm. Steele. *Richd. Newdigate. Thos. Twisden. *Hugh Wyndham. *JohnMaynard, C. 1658 Unton Croke. 410 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1655. •Roger Hill. 1G56. Wm. Shephard. 1658. *John Fount aine. *John Archer. 1659. •Thos. Tyrrell. — Steel. Thos. Waller. — Wroth. — Finch. — Lynne. John Corbet. — Hyde. June 1, 1660. *Sir Orlando Bridgeman. June 22. 1660. At the Restoration the fol- lowing fifteen old Serjeants •were recalled : — *Sir Thos. Widdrington. *Thos. Bedingfield. *Sanil. Brown. •John Glynne, K. Erasmus Earle. Sir Robt. Bernard. •Matthew Hale. •John Maynard, K. •Richd. Newdigate. •Thos. Twisden. •Hugh Wyndham. John Fountain. Evan Seys. •John Archer. Thos. Waller. July 6, 1660. •Thos. Tyrrell. •Christ r. Turner. Geo. Beare. Edmd. or Edwd. Hoskins. •Wadham Wyndham. •Job Charlton, K. 1668. •Sir Wm. Morton, K. 1663. John Parker. John Merelield. •John Kelyng, son. K. 1661. Chas. Holloway. Chas. Dalison. Thos. Broome, or Bromo. Oct. 5, 1660. •Sir Wm. Wylde. K. 16G1. •Richd. Rayn8for(l,or Rains- ford. Fredk. Hyde. May 22, 1668. •Sir John Vaughan. Oct. 30, 1669. Timothy Tourner, K. 1670. •Wm. Ellis, or EUys, K. 1671. Nichs. Willmot. Thos. Hardy, or Hardres, K 1676. Guibon Goddard. Sir Richd. Hopkins. Thos. Flint. John Turner. John Barton. Sir John Howell. •Eras. Bramstone. Sir Hy. Peckham. Christr. Goodfellow. Saml. Baldwin, K. 1672. Thos. Powys. •Thos. Jones, K. 1671. •Sir Wm. Scroggs, K. 1669. 1670. •Timothy Littleton. May 23, 1671. •Sir Edwd. Turner. April 24, 1672. •Sir Robt. Atkvns. •Sir Edwd. Thiirland. Jan. 23, 1673. •Sir Eras. North. April 21, 1(;75. Edwd. Pecke, K. Tristram Convers. Sir Thos. Skipwith, K. 1685. Richd. Croke. Sir Richd. Stote. K. 1676. Sir Nichs. Podley. L'Estrange Calthorp, K. Sir Robt. Shaftoe. Eras. Barrel!, or Barwell. •Edwd. Rigbv. •Geo. Strode,' K. 1676. •Sir Eras. Pemberton, K. Robt. Stevens. June 4, 1675. •Vore Bertie. April 12. 1676. •Wm. Montague. Oct. 23, 1677. Thos. Holt. Thos. Rawlins. •Wm. Gregory. •Richd. Weston, K. 1678. Eras. Wingficld. Geo. Johnson. •Robt. Baldock, K. 1685. •Richd. Holloway, K. 1683. Thos. Strode. Sir John Shaw, K. 1685. •Thos. Raymond. •Sir Thos. Stringer, K. 1679. •Thos. Street, K. 1678. John Simpson, K. •Sir Wm. Dolben, K. May 7, 1679. Edwd. Atkins. Wm. Leake. May 12, 1680. •Sir Geo. .Jeffreys, K. Sir John Kelyng, jun., K. Robt. Hampson. Edmd. West. •Thos. Wallcott. Sir John Boynton, K. 1685. Edwd. Bigland. Wm. Richardson. Wm. Buckby, Bugby, or Bucklebj'. •Sir Robt. Wright, K. Sir Fras. Manley. Feb. 12, 1681. •Sir Creswell Levinz, or Levinge. Jan. 23, 1682. Edmd. Saunders. April 23. •Sir Fras. Wythens. Jan. 23, 1683. •Sir Thos. Jenner, K. John Windham. Edwin Wyatt. Edwd. Birch. •Hy. Bcdinglield, K. 1684. •Sir Edwd. Novil, K. 1686. Sir Paul Barret. Anthy. Farrington. John Jeffreson. •Edwd. Lutwyche, K. 1684. •Richd. Heath. Hy. Selby. John Miliington. •Thos. Powell Owen Wynne. Sir Geo. Pudsev. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Oct. 23, 1685. •Sir Edwd. Herbert. Apr. 21, 1686. *John Holt, K. *Christr. Milton. *John Powell. John Tate, K, 1688. *Win. Rawlinson. Ambrose Phillips, K. and in 1693. Wm. Killing-worth. Hugh Hodges. Thos. Geeres. Geo. Hutchins. K.1689 and 1693. 1687. *Rd. AUibone. *Chas. Ingleby. June 18, 1688. ♦Salathiel Lovell, K. 1695, Q. 1702. Hy. Chauncey. Wm. Moses. Fras. Fuller. Hy. Trinder. Wm. Thomson, K. 1689. Wm. le Hunt. *John Rotherham. Vincent Demi. May 1, 1689. *Hy. Pollexfen. *Nichs. Lechmere. *Thos. Rookby, or Rokeby. John Thurbone. Wm. Woogen, or Wogham, K. Thos. or Wm. Powlett. Nathl. Bond, K. *Gyles Eyres. *Hy. Hatsel. *John Blencow. *Peyton Ventris. Roger Belwood. John Tremayne, K. John Trenchard, K. 1693. *John Turton. Apr. 27, 1692. *Sir Geo. Treby. *Saml. Eyre. Fras. Purley. Wm. Coward. Wm. Edwards (?). Geo. Prickett. Thos. Goodinge. *Hy. Gould, K. 1693. Roger Moore. Regd. Britland. John Darnell, K. 1698, Q. 1702. Jos. Girdler. *Littleton Powys. *Nathan Wright, K. 1697. Chas. Bonython. June 10, 1695. *Sir Edwd. Ward. Oct. 30, 1700. John Green. Chas. Whiteacre, K. Thos. Gibbons. *Thos. Bury. John Keen. Philip Neve. Nichs. or Richd. Hooper, Q. 1702. Hy. Turner. *John Smith. *Robt. Tracy *Sir Jos. Jekyll, K. ; Q. 1702 ; K. 1714. Jas. Mundy. John Hook. Lawrence Agar. *John Pratt. Wm. Hall. Jas. Selby. Thos. Carthew. July 5, 1701. *Sir Thos. Trevor. June 23, 1702. *Sir Thos. Powys, Q. ; K. 1714. *Robt. Price. June 8, 1705 (? 1706). *Thos. Parker, Q. Hy. Chetham. Jas. or .Tno. Grove. *Wm. Banister. John or St. John Brodrick. Jos. Weld. John Bennett. Hv. Lloyd. Richd. Wynne. Richd. Richardson. John Hoo. John Birch, Q. 1712. John Cheshire, Q. 1711 ; K. 1715. *John Comyns. Thos. Webb. Feb. 11, 1706. *Robt. Dormer. May 12, 1710. *Robt. Eyre. *Thos. Pengelly. K. 1719. Oct. 26, 1714. *Sir Peter King. *Sir Saml. Dodd. *Sir Jas. Montague. Jan. 24, 1715. *Fras. Page, K. Wm. Earle. Hy. Stevens. John Cuthbert. Wm. Brydges. Thos. Hanbury. Edwd. Whiteacre. Wm. Branthwayt. John Belfield, or Benfield. Wm. Salkeld. Edwd. Miller. Nathl. Meade. *Jas. Reynolds Dec. 3, 1716. *John Fortescue Aland. May 31, 1722. * Jeffrey Gilbert. *Alexr. Denton. Jan. 27, 1724. *Edmd. Probyn. *Sir Robt. Raj^mond. Feb. 1, 1724. *Lawrence Carter, K. Thos. Morley. Fettiplace Nott. Jos. Girdler, jun. John Baynes. John Raby. Richd. Comyns. Wm. Hawkins. *Wm. Chappie, K. 1729. Jas. Shepherd. Eyles, or Giles, Eyre, K. 1736. Matth. Skinner, K. 1745. 1725. ^Bernard Hale. Oct. 24, 1727. *Spencer Cowper. Edwd. Corbet. Nov. 17, 1729. *Sir Wm. Thompson. Simon Urlin (?) June 13, 1730. *Wm. Lee. *Thos. Birch, K. 1745. Apr. 14, 1733. *Thos. Reeve. *Martin Wright. 412 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Union of the Serjeants of the Inn rs Fleet Street with the Serjeants in Chancery Lane. April 23, 1733. 1733. Oct. 31, 1736. June 4. 1737. Jan. 27. 1740. June 11. Nov. 27. 1742. Feb. 11. 1746. Mav 1. 1747. June 23. 1760. June 23. 1763. Feb. 3. 1754. May 2. 1755. Feb. II. 1756. Nov. 1757. May 1759. Feb. Nov. 14 1761. Nov. 7, 1762. Jan. 23. 1763. Jan. 24. 1764. Jan. 23, 1766. Apr. 24, 1768. Jan. 29. 1770. Feb. 12 * Sir Philip Yorke. * Thos. Parker, K. Tbo.s. Hussey. Abraham Gappcr. Robt. Priite, jun. ♦Michl. Foster. * Thos. Burnet, K. 1740. Wm. Wynne. John Afeo. Chilton. Fob. 24. Jno. Eviins, Fob. 24. Richd. Budden Crowder, Fob. 24. Mohn Jervis. P. P. *Jns. Eras. NVhitmarsh. Chas. Purton Cooper. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 417 1839. Hil. Vac. Wm. Goodenough Hayter, P.P. Saml. Girdlestone. Robt. Vaughan Richards. *John Stuart. Griffith Richards. 1840. Hil. Vac. Robt. Baynes Armstrong, Feb. 21; to rank before *Geo. Jas. Turner^ David Dundas. -Feb. 17. *Richd. Bethell. ) 1841. Trin. Vac. Wm. Whately Richd. Godson Sutton Sharpe Ghas. Jas. Knowley Matth. Talbot Baines Chas. Austin, P. P. Hon, Jas. Stuart Wort- ley *Alexr. Jas. Edmd. Cock- burn. 1841. Mich. Term. Edwd. Wilbraham. Wilkinson Matthews. •John Herbert Koe. John Godfrey Teed. Wm. Loftus Lowndes. Thos, Purvis. John Walker. Kenyon Stevens Parker. Jas. Russell. Robt. Prioleau Roupell. Thos. Oliver Anderdon. Loftus Tottenham Wig- ram. 1843, Hil. Vac, Digbv Cay lev Wrangham, serjt. P. P.' 1843. East. Term. Sir Geo. A. Lewin. Hon. John C. Talbot. *Saml. Martin. John Arthur Roebuck. *Wm. Hy. Watson. 1843. Mich. Vac. *John Romilly. 1844. Trin. Vac. John Hodgson. Wm. John Alexander. Chas. H. Whitehurst. Robt. Chas. Hildyard. *Jas. Parker. 1845, Hil, Vac, Jas. Manning, serjt, P, P. *Wm. Fry Channell. serjt. P. P. Wm. Lee. Lebbens Chas. Humfrey. John Billingslev Parry. *Wm. Page Wood. Russell Gurney. Geo. Medd Butt. Abrm. Hayward. 1845. Trin. Vac. *Wm. Shee, serjt. ; P.P. after W. P. Wood, supra. Montagu Chambers, 1846. Trin, Vac. Jos. Humphry, *Jas, Bacon. Spencer Horatio Walpole. *John Rolt. 1847. Trin. Vac, Fras.Stack Murphy, serjt.; P. P, after A. Hayward, supra. *John Barnard Bvles, serjt,; P.P. after F. S. Murphy. 1847. Mich, Term. Chas. Buller, 1849, Hil, Vac. Jno. Alex. Kinglake, serjt.; P.P. after J. Rolt, supra. Edwd. John Lloyd. John Greenwood, *Richd, Malins. Fred. Calvert. *Hy. Singer Keating. *Roundell Palmer. Jas. Robt. Hope, P. P. 1850. Hil. Vac. Michl. Prendergast. Hy. Bliss. Chas. Sprengel Greaves. Wm. Chas. Townsend. Christr. Argyle Hoggins. Wm. t arpenter Rowe. Thos. Colpitis Granger. Peter Fredc. O'Malley. Barnes Peacock. Edwin John James ; dis- barred, Trin. Vac. 1881. Kenneth Macaulay, 1850. Mich. Term. Robt. Allen, serjt. P. P. Chas. Wilkins, serjt. P. P, 1851. Trin, Vac, Robt. Ingham, Jas. Campbell. Thos. Chandless. Wm. Elmsley. John Wm. Willcock. Walter Coulson. Graham Willmore. Wm. Thos. Shave Daniel. Fredk. Wm. Slade. John Baily. John Geo. Phillimore, Brent Spencer Follett, *John Mellor. Wm, Bulkeley Glasse, Richd. Davis Craig. Saml. Warren. Robt. Pashley. *Geo. Wm. Wilshere Bram- well. Jas. Anderson. Thos. Emerson Headlam. Wm. xVtherton. *Hugh Hill. Chas. Jas, Hargreave, 1853. Hil, Vac. *Wm, Milbourne James, Hy. Alworth Merewether. 1853. Trin. Vac. Stephen Temple. Edwd. James. *Montagu Edwd. Smith. *Wm. Robt. Grove. 1854. Trin, Vac. Peter Erie. Thos. Phinn, P. P. Edmd. Beckett Denison. *Robt. Porrett Collier, P. P. 1854, Mich. Vac. Hy. Ridgard Bagshawe, 1855, Trin, Vac. Chas. Shapland Whitmore, Wm. Overend. Percival Andw. Pickering. *Jas. Plaisted Wilde. *Wm. Bovill. 185G. Hil. Vac. *Chas. Jasper Selwyn. *Hugh McCalmont Cairns. 1857, Trin, Vac. Hon. Edwd. Phipps, Chas. F. F. Wordsworth. John Locke. *Gillery Pigott, serjt. P. P. Allan Maclean Skinner. *John Walter Huddlestone. *Robt. Lush. John Monk. Wm. Forsyth. *Hy, Manisty. 27 418 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1857. MicL Vac. Evelyn Bazalgette. John Shapter. Saml. Bush Toller. Thos. Webb Greene. Fras. Hy. Goldsmid.*^ ^' ♦Richd. Paul Amphlett. Jas. Fleming. 1858. Hil. Term. Sir John Dorney Harding. Jesse Adams. *Robt. Jos. Phillimore.4<- 1 Jas. Parker Deane. '^fW' ''''■'• Travers Twiss.'vfi-.W-. 1858. East. Term. David Power. 1858. Mich. Vac. Benj. Bridges Hunter Rod- well. *Geo. Markham Giffard. *Hy. Hawkins. 1859. Trin. Term. Jno. Hinde Pnlmer. Archd. Jno. Stephen. Wm. David Lewis. Feb. 22, 1861, G. *Geo. Hayes, serjt. P. P. Wm. Dugmore. Wm. Anthy. Collins. *Anthy. Cleasby. Hy. Warwick Cole. John Fraser Macqueen. Thos. Chambers. 6fm''-S. Edwin Plumer Price. Josiah Wm. Smith. *Richd. Baggallay. Hy. Mills. Hon. Adolphus Fred. Oc- tavius Liddell. •"«•'•* *Wm. Baliol Brett. c:-.iU<. John Burgess Karslake..|N Wm. Digby Seymour. *John Duke Coleridge. »{"^-''^ *Hon. Geo. Denman. *Geo. Mellish. Feb. 5, 1862, G. Wm. Matthewson Hind- march. Geo. Boden. Thos. Weatherloy Phipson. Nov. 1, 1862, G. John Robt. Kenyon. Thos. Soutbgate. Arthur Hobhouse.-Hi k'.u.*«'«'- Nov. 2'.), 1862, G. John Osborne. Jas. St. Geo. Burke. Feb. 3, 1863, G. Geo. Stovin Venables. June 20, 1863, G. Geo. Loch. Nov. 4, 1863, G. Wm. Hy. Cooke. .John Gray. John Jos. Powell. Jan. 12, 1864, G. Wm. Ballantine, serjt. P. P. Feb. 9, 1864, G. John Humffreys Parry, serjt. P. P. Feb. 13, 1864, G. David Deedy Kcane. John James Johnson. *Wm. Ventris Field. l^a^-lKM. July 7, 1864, G. John Lee. John Bridge Aspinall. Feb. 17, 1865, G. Thos. Webster. Sir Thos. Phillips. Jos. Brown. Clement Milward. Jas. Bedford Bulwer. i^^^u^.j •Hardinge Stanley Giffard. <- Mar. 30, I860, G. John Peter De Gex.4fA.' Joshua Williams. Edwd. Fras. Smith. *Geo. Jessel. John Shapland Edmonds Stock. Jan. y, 1866, G. Hy. Hopley White. Hon. Anthy. John Ashley. Hy. Wm. Cripps. John Robt. Davison. Wm. Geo. Granville Ven- ables Vernon Harcourt.-i' June 26, 1866, G. John Blossett Maule...-' "<' July 23, 1866, G. Jas. Dickinson. Robt. Scarr Sowler. Saml. Prentice. Thos. Jones. *Cha8. Edwd. Pollock. Wm. Adam Mundell. Richd. Garth.. v'"',!''"' ^<'>'\. *Sir Geo. Essex Honj'man, bt. •John Richd. Quaiu. Dec. 13, 1866. G. Thos. Spinks. Jos. Trijfge Schomberg. Harris Prendergast. Geo. Morley Dowdeswell. Chas. Greville Prideaux. Benj. Hardy. Geo. Little.' Hy. Thos. Cole. •John Pearson. Fras. Roxburgh.'^f*^' Thos. Jas. Clark. ♦Hy. Cotton. Edwd. Kent Karslake. Gen. Druce. •Edwd. Ebenezer Kay. Thos. Kingdon Kingdon. Feb. 21, 1868, G. John Simon, serjt. P. P. «' Wm. Wyllys Mackeson. Martin Archer Shee. John Clerk. John Archd. Russell. Edwd. Vaugban Richards. Edwd. V'aughan Kenealey ; patent cancelled Dec. 11, 1874. Wm. Housman Higgin. Hv. Wvndham West. HV. Matthews.^' »'.£...-<.i'.,^'^~<', Alexr. Staveley Hill.»f"'' Horace Lloyd.^/'*-t- *Jas. Fitzjames Stephen, "i'' ^' *John Holker. Clement Tudway Swans- ton, No. 2. Robt. Stuart./c"*'";*"-'-*^- Dec. 8, 1868, G. Wm. Golden Lumley. Edmd. FitzMoore. Sir Patrick JIacChombaich de Colquhoun, ll.d. Granville Robt. Hy. Somer- set. *Chas. Parker Butt. Vernon Lushington. June 22, 1869, G. Arthur Robarts Adams. Wm. Cracroft Fooks. Arthur Shelley Eddis. Douglas Brown. Ily. Fox Bristowe.'f 1^ Peter Hy. Edlin.f^vKi- Thos. Hughes. Montagu Bore. Jos. Kay. Henry James.'-i*'"''^'''-'^'''—'' 'Hy. Chas. Lopes. Goo. Osborne Morgan/^' -"^ *Edwd. Fry. Saml. Pope. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 419 Feb. 5, 1872, G. Augustine Sargood, serjt, P. P. Thos. Chas. Renshaw. Leofric Temple. Chas. Wm. Wood. JEneas John Mclntyre. Wm. John Bovill. Saml. Boteler Bristowe. *John Chas. Day. John Berry Torr. *Nathl. Lindley. Jos. Xapier Higgins. Thos. Halhed Fischer. Jas. Kemplay. Theodore Aston. Alexr. Edwd. Miller.^-*<-J.-t« '^ Chas. Arthur Russell.i^^i.)<.^Hy. Bret Ince, *Farrer Herschell.".-W ^iW^U? 1872. Trin. Term. Judah Philip Benjamin, P. P. Nov. 1, 1872. John Farley Leith. *Alfred Wills. Feb. 3, 1873, G. Wm. Jas. Metcalfe. Thos. Hardwicke Cowie. Morgan Lloyd. Jas. Wm. Bowen. *Watkin Williams. *Hy. Mather Jackson.»f+M'. Ralph Daniel Makinson Littler.M'''-'i July 3, 1873, G. *Hon. Alfred Hy. Thesiger. Feb. 5, 1874, G. Chas. Clark. Thos. Ewing Winslow. Saml. Joyce. Fredk. Waller. Wm. Hy. Gunning Bag- shawe. Wm. Pearson. Chas. Hy. Hopwood. John Westlake. *Jos. Wm. Chitty. John Patrick Murphy. Alfd. Geo. Marten. Robt. Griffith Williams. Arthur Cohen. Saml. Danks Waddy. Mar. li), 1874, G. Philip Cliasemore Gates. Fredc. Andw. Inderwick. Edwd. Hy. Pember. Fredk. AdolphusPhilbrick. Geo. Parker Bidder. 1874. Trin. Term. Benj. Coulson Robinson, serjt. P. P. Alborough Henniker. Wm. Talfourd Salter. Hy. Rowcliii'e. John Morgan Howard. Wm. Ambrose. John Edwards. June 28, 1875, G. Thos. Campbell Foster. Jas. Olliff Griffits. Chas. Locock Webb. Geo. Wirgman Hemming. Jas. Motteram. Graham Hastings. Thos. Hy. Baylis. Wm. Fothergill Robinson. Benj. Thos. Williams. *Lewis Wm. Cave. Montague Hughes Cook- son ; aft. Cookson - Crackanthorp. John Wm. Mellor.^^^'- *Horace Davey. u^ft.^— /■^'••^-^ John Eldon Gorst.^F'-^"^-' July 7, 1876, G. Andw. Richd. Scoble.'ir«:'- Feb. 14, 1877, G. Wm. St. Jas. Wheelhouse«,' Chas. Geo. Mei-ewether. Wm. Haworth Hell. Wm. Geo. Harrison. Fredk. Meadows White. Wm. Patchett. Chas. Marshall Griffith. Thos. Richardson Kemp. * John Compton Lawrance. Wm. Court Gully.'rJ|«s>^^/!c, Arthur John Hammond Collins. 'V/*'-- "'/'"'■■•"•" Wm. Willis. *Arthur Charles. Marston Clarke Buszard. *Wm. Grantham. Hy. ;\lason Bompas. Wm. Thackeray Marriott.*"* May 7, 1877, G. Edwd. Jas. Bevir. *Ford North. *■ Arthur Kekewich. Richd. Horton Smith. April, 1878. Wm. Hy. Michael. Richd. Everard Webster.'/*'' Mar. 24, 1880, G. Hy. Geo. Allen. Wm. Shaw. Fredk. Bailey. Edgar Rodwell. Jas. Jones Aston. Fredk. Waymouth Gibbs.ira. Edmd. Swetenham. Geo. Browne. Wm. Cole Beasley. Fredk. Chas. Jas. Millar. Lumlev Smith. Wm. P'otter. Jos. Underbill. John Edmd. Wentworth Addison. Arthur Richd. Jelf. .John Thos. Crossley. Edwd. Geo. Clarke. ■-.'•'"' ''"^'''- Sir Wm. Thos. Charley. ^-v.-%''; Wm. Comer Petheram.-^"'^''''''^ Apr. 23, 1880, G. *Edwd. Macnaghten. c U^'( ^'i-e./kf'- May 31, 1880, G. Jos. Graham. Mar. 21, 1881, G. Thos. Hutchinson Tristram. Eugene Comerford Clark- son. Hon. Edwd.ChandosLeigh.'^K'^'?. Herbert Clifford Saunders. John Forbes. Apr. 25, 1881, G. Jas. Chas. Whitehorne. Wm. Wollaston Karslake-.i/rf'^'' Hugh Shield. *:John Rigby.-i-''^'- *Robt. Romer. June 2, 1881, G. Chas. Hall.-^"'-'^-?'*^'^ Jan. 18, 1882, G. Fras. Wm. Everitt Everitt. Wm. Barber. Herbert Hardy Cozens - Hardy. Pembroke Scott Stephens. Philip Albert Myburgh. Jos. Addison McLeod. Chas. Cromj3ton. Hy. Alexr. Giffard. John Freeman Xorris. Robt. Bannatyne Finlay.^/^'^i'--''''-^^ Wm. Bowen Rowlands. Mar. 14, 1882, G. Edwd. Cooper Willis. Mar. 31, 1882, G. Fras. Savage Reilly. Dec. 16, 1882, G. Robt. John Biron. Jas. Anstie. Hugh Cowie. 27 * THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. John Stratford Dugdale. Fredk. Albert Bosanquet. Cornelius Marshall Warm ington. I Robt. Threshio Reid, Frank Lockwood.';**-^ Oct. 27, 1883. G. * Richd. Henn Collins. John Chas. Bigham. ^.Gainsford Bruce. Fredk. Thos. Durell 'Led- gard. John Shiress Will. Walter Geo. Frank Philli- ruore, P. P.' ■'■''■ ■July 2, 1885, G. Saml. Taylor. Sir Arthur Townley Wat- son, bt. Arthur IMoseley Channell. Robt. Augs. Bayford. Chas. Isaac Elton. Thos. Townsend Bucknill. John Lawrence Gane. "^Wm. Rann Kennedy. Danl. O'Connell French. John Fletcher Moulton. July 13, 1885, G. Fras. Whittaker Bush. Jas. Marshall Moorsom. Chas. Hy. Anderson. Fredc. Octavius Crump. Hy. David Greene. John Hutton Balfour Browne. Nov., 1885. Wm. Speed. Benj. Fras. Williams. Geo. Pitt Lewis. Chas. John Darling. May, 1886. Wm. Lloyd Birkbeck. John Home Payne. John Edge, i^i-'^ ' ^C-'^i-'d. Fras. Wm. ^Maclean. Clement Higgins. Alfd. Cock. Nov., 1886. Edwd. Cutler. Wm. Latham. Emanuel Maguire Under- down. Walter Chas. Renshaw. Thos. Whittenburj' Wheeler. Lindsey Middleton Asp- land. Hy. Burton Buckley. Geo. Candy. Edwd. Tindal Atkinson. Seward Wm. Brice. Kenneth Augs. Muir Mac- kenzie. '•/v. ?. Feb. 13, 1888, G. Geo. Deedes Warry. Montagu Stephen Will- iams. Richd. Harris. David Nasmith. Arthur Ruscombe Poole. Edmd. Widdrington Byrne. W)n. Phipson Boale. •"Fras. Hy. Jeune. Edwd. Jas. Castle. Thos. Milvain. Saml. Hall. Ralph Neville. Hy. Winch. ^■John Gorell Barnes. JUDGES OF THE ECCLESIASTICAL COURTS. DEANS OF THE ARCHES. From the reign of Henry VIII. See Introduction, ante, p. 349. 1541. 1543. 1545. 1549. 1556. 1557. 1558. 1559. Richd. Gwent. John Cockys. Wui. Cooke. Griffin, or Griffith Leyson. David Polo ; bp. of Peterborough in 1557, but lost his jjreferments in 1559, refusing to take the oath of sui)reniacy. Hy. Cole ; app. dean of St. Paul's by queen Mary, and dean of the archcH by cardl. Polo. Nichs. Harpisfeld. Wm. Mowse ; being unwilling to take the cath of supremacy, ho was superseded by Sir Hy. Horvie, founder of the col- lege of Doctors' CoDimons. Robt. Weston, aft. sir R. ; dean until 15(17, when ho was made Id. chanc. Ireland, and also became a Id. just, in that kingdom. 1567. Thos. Yale, one of the high commrs. under queen Elizabeth. 1573. Barthw. Clerk. 1590. Richd. Cosin, chanc. of the diocese of Worcester ; li. 1598. * * Thos. Byng, dean in i:.98. 1598. Sir Danl. Dun. 1618. Sir Wm. Bird. 1024. Sir Hy. Marten. 1634. Sir John Lamb, chanc. to Queen Henrietta Maria; dean until 1647. 1647. * * * * • 1660. Sir Goiles Sweit, principal of Alban Hall. 1672. Sir Robt. Wyseman. 1684. Sir Richd. Lloyd. 1686. Sir Thos. Exton. 1694. (Jeo.O.xondon, master of Trinity Hall. 170:{. Sir John Cooke. 1710. John Bottosworth, dean until 1751. 1751. Sir Goo. Lee. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 421 1758. Edwd. Simpson, aft sir E. 1764. Sir Geo. Hay. 1778. Peter Calvert, Oct. 17 ; d. 1788. 1788. Sir Wm. Wynne, knt., Aug. 22. 1809. Sir John Nicholl, res. 1834; d. 1838. 1834. Sir Herbert Jenner (Fust). 1852. Sir John Dodson. 1858. Stephen Lushington, July 2 ; res. 1867 ; d. Jan. 19, 1873. 1867, Sir Robt. Jos. Phillimore ; knt, aft. bt., Aug. 23 ; res. 1875 ; d. Feb. 4, 1885. 1875. Jas. Plaisted, Id. Penzance, Oct. 20. Under the Pub. Worship Regn. Act, 1874 (87 & 38 Vict. cap. 85), Id. Penzance -was app. judge of the Provincial Courts of Canterbury and York, and, as such, he, on the resignation of Sir R. J. Philli- more, became Dean of Arches and Master of Faculties. JUDGES OF THE PREROGATIVE COURT OF CANTERBURY. From the reign of King Henry VI 11. See Introduction, ante, p. 349. Walter Walker ; app. by the Com- wealth, Mar. 12. Wm. Turner, aft. Sir W. ; app. a short time before the Restoration Sir Leoline Jenkins, Feb. 6 ; sec. st., 1680; d. 1685. Richd. Raines ; judge this year, but no record of his appointment; knt. 1686. Sir Chas. Hedges, late sec. st., Jan. 10. John Bettesworth, June 11 ; d. Dec. 1751. Sir Geo. Lee, m.p., Dec. 20. Edwd. Simpson, Dec. 2. Sir Geo. Hay, June 4. Peter Calvert, Oct. 13. Sir Wm. Wynne, Aug. 25. Sir John Ni choll, Jan. 20. Sir Herbert Jenner (Fust), Oct. 21. Sir Jno. Dodson. This office was abolished and the jurisdiction of the Coui't transferred to the courts of Probate and Divorce by 20 and 21 Vict. cap. 77. {See list of jud(jes of those courts, ante, p. 391.) 1545 John Barbar. 1659. 1548. Wm. Cooke. * * Hy. Cole ; died in confinement. * * 1558. Walter Haddon. 1559. Wm. JNIowse ; removed. 1668 1560. Wm. Parker, aft. Sir W. Wm. Drurye. 1685. 1576. Wm. Lewen ; m. in chanc. 1598. Sir John Gibson. 1611. Sir John Benet, or Bennet ; judge in this year ; but there is no record 1710. of his appointment. 1714. 1622. Sir Wm. Byrde, or Bird, June 29. 1624. Hy. Marten, Aug. 28. 1751. 1641. Sir Wm. Mericke, Sept. 28. Lost 1758. his preferments during the Com- 1764. monwealth ; but recovered them 1778. at the Restoration. 1788. * * John Godolphin, Wm. Clarke, and 1809. Chas. Geo. Cocke; joint commrs. 1834 under the Commonwealth. 1658. Wm. Purefoy, June 7. 1852. VICARS GENERAL TO THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. From the reign of King Henry VIII. 1543. 1556. 1557. 1559. 1561. 1583. John Cockys. David Pole. Henry Cole. Wm. Mowse. Thos. Yale ; d. 1577. Richd. Cosin, m.p. Wm. Aubrev ; d. 1595. Sir Edwd. Stanhope ; d. 1609. * * John Cowell, mast, of Trinity Hall ; d. 1611. * * Sir Thos. Crompton. * * Sir Thos. Ridley; d. 1G29. 1621. Sir Nathl. Brent. * * Sir Robt. Wyseman ; d. 1684. 1688. Geo. Oxenden, master of Trinity Hall ; d. 1703. 1703. John Cooke. 1710. John Bettesworth. 422 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1714. 1755. 1764. 1778. 1821. 1832. Geo. Paul ; d. Mar. 1755. Sir Geo. Hay. Peter Calvert ; res. Sir Wm. Wynne ; re.s. Wm. Scott; aft. Sir W. and Id. Sto-well ; res. Jas. Hy. Arnold, res. Herbert Jenner, aft. sir H. Jenncr (Fust) ; res. 1834. Sir John Nicholl ; d. Aug., 1838. 1838. John Nicholl, aft. sir J. ; res. 1844. Sberrard Beaumont Burnaby; d. 1841). 1849. Sir John Dodson ; res. 1852. 1852. Travers Twiss ; knt. 1867; res. 1872. 1872. Jas. Parker Dcane : knt. Aug. 1, 1885. JUDGES OF THE CONSISTORY COURT. Chancellors of the Diocese of London. From the reign of King Henry VIII. 1520. Richd. Foxfoord, under bp. Stokes- ley, chanc. until 1539. * # « # 1540. JohnCroke. 1561. Thos. Huick, or Huycke. 1574. John Hamond, or Hammonde. 1583. Sir Edwd. Stanhope. 1607. Sir Thos. Grompton. 1611. Thos. Edwards. 1616. Hy. Marten, aft. sir H. 1627. Arthur Ducke. 1637. Sir Richd. Chaworth. 1663. Sir Thos. Eston. 1685. Sir Hy. Newton. 1715. Humphrey Henchman. 173'J. John Andrew. 1747. Sir Edwd. Simpson. 1751). John Bettesworth. 1764. Sir Geo. Hay. 1779. Sir Wm. Wynne. 1788. Wm. Scott ; aft. sir W. and Id. Stowell. 1821. Sir Christr. Robinson. 1828. Stephen Lushingtou ; res. 1858. 1858. Travers Twiss: knt. 1867; res. 1872. 1S72. Thos. Hutchinson Tristram. KING'S OR QUEEN'S ADVOCATES. From the commencement of the Eighteenth Century. See Introduction, ante, pp. 349. 1701. Sir John Cooke, July 25. 1715. Sir Nathl. Lloyd, Jan. 13. 1727. Geo. Paul, Jan. 26, 1755. Geo. Hay, aft. sir G., Apr. 23. 1764. Jas. Marriott, aft. sir J., Sept. 11. 1778. Wm. Wynne, aft. Sir W., Nov. 2. 1798. John Nicholl, aft, Sir J., Nov. 6. 1809. Sir Christr. Robinson, Mar. 1. 1828. Herbert Jenner, aft. Sir H. Jenner (Fust), Feb. 28. 1834. John Dodson, Oct. 18 ; knt. Oct. 29. 1852. Jno. Dorney Harding, Mar. 5 ; knt. Mar. 24 ; res. 1862. 1862. Robt. Jos. Phillimore, Sept. 12 ; knt. Sept. 17. 1867. Traver8Twiss,Aug.27; knt. Nov. 4; res. 1872. The office has not since been filled up. JUDGES OF HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY. From the reign of Henry VHI. See Introduction, ante, pp. 349-50. 157 1514. Christr. Myddleton, or Middylton, 1524. John Tregoawell, aft. sir J. 1542. Anthy. Huse. 1549. Richd. Lyell. Griffith Leyson. 1554. Wm. Cooke. 1558. David Lewes, or Lewis David Lowes and sir John Harbort, joint commrs. 1584. Julius Cajsar ; aft. sir J. . m. rolls and commr. gr. seal. * * Valentino Dalo ; years. 1555. Wm. Glynn, master of Queen's Col- lege, Cambridge. 1559. Rowland Merrick, chanc. and resi- dentiary of St. David's. 1566. Nichs. Robinson. 1585. Hugh Bellot, tr, to Chester. 1595. Richd. Vaughan, arehn. of Middle- sex ; tr. to Chester. 1598. Hy. Rowlands. 1616 1631. 1633. 1637. 1666. 1673. 1689. 1701. Lewis Bay ley. David Dolben, vicar of Hackney. Edmd. Griffith, dean of Bangor. Wm. Roberts, sub-dean of Wells. Robt. Morgan, archdn. of Merioneth. Humphrey Lloyd, dean of St. Asaph. Humphrey Humphreys, dean of Ban- gor ; tr. to Hereford. John Evans, tr. to Meath, in Ire- land. 1715. Benjn. Hoadley, rector of St. Peter's-le-Poor, London ; tr. to Hereford. 1721. Richd. Reynolds, dean of Peter- borough ; tr. to Lincoln. 1723. Wm. Baker, warden of Wadham College, Oxford ; tr. to Norwich. Thos. Sherlock, dean of Chichester ; tr. to Salisbury. Chas. Cecil, tr. from Bristol. Thos. Herring, dean of Rochester ; tr. to York. 1743. Matth. Hutton, tr. to York. 1748. Zacariah Pearce, dean of Winches- ter ; tr. to Rochester. 1756. John Egerton, dean of Hereford ; tr. to Lichfield and Coventry. John Ewer, tr. from Llandaff. John Moore, dean of Canterbury ; tr. to Canterbury. John Warren, tr. from St. David's. Wm. Cleaver, Apr. 5 ; tr. from Chester: tr. to St. Asaph. 1806, John Randolph, Dec. 13; tr. from Oxford ; tr. to London. 1809. Hy. Wm. Majendie, Aug. 12; tr. from Chester: d. Julv 9, 1830. 1830. Christr. Bethell, Oct. io ; tr. from Exeter: d. Apr. 19, l>s.'.9. 1859. Jas. Colquhoun Campbell, archdn. of Llandaff; May 12, G. 172g 1734, 1737, 1769. 1774. 1783. 1800. DEANS 0I< BANGOR. go;;. Jago Ab Beli. » » Nichs. Rewys. • * * Arthur De Bardsey. 144-. Richd. Kyffin y Deon Du. * # Adam Decan. 1504. Richd. Cowland. * * Kyndehv. 1534. John Glynn. * » William. * ♦ Robt. Evans. * # Anian Sais. 1554. Rhese Powel. * * Adam Elias Kenrick, 1570, Rowland Thomas. 13.V.'. Hywel Ab Gronow. ♦ » Hy. Rowlands. * ♦ John 1 avid Daron. 1599. Richd. Parry; bp. St. Asaph, ♦ * Wm. Pollard. 1603. 1410. Hy. Honorc. 1605. J. Williams. 1413. Roger Wodhele. 1613. Edmd. Griffith ; bp. B.ingor, 1633. i4n;. J. Vantort. 1634. (ir. Williams. * * Nigellus Bonde z. 1G73. W. Lloyd ; bp. Bangor 1680. « # J. Martyn. 1680. Humphrey Humphreys ; b]i. Bangor, ♦ * Hugh Alcock- 1689. * * Hugh Morgan. 1689. J. .lones. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 427 1727. Peter Maurice. 1750. Hugh Hughes. 1753. Thos. Lloyd. 1793. John Warren. 1838. John Hy. Cotton. 1862. Jas. Vincent Vincent. 187G. Hv. Thos. Edwards. 1884. Evan Lewis. DIOCESE OF BATH AND WELLS. The diocese, although it has a double name, is but one bishopric. The church was built at Wells in 704, and was erected into a bishopric in 905. John de Villula, the sixteenth bishop, having purchased the city of Bath of Hen. 1. for 500 merts, transferred his seat to that city in 1088. From this, disputes arose between the monks of Bath, and the canons of Wells, about the election of a bishop ; but they were at length compromised by Eobert the eighteenth bishop, who decreed that thence- forward the bishop should be styled from both places, that the precedency should be given to Bath ; that, in the vacancy of the see, the bishop should be elected by a certain number of delegates from both churches ; that he should be installed in them both ; that both should constitute the bishop's chapter ; and that all his grants and patents should be confirmed in both. So matters stood until the Reformation, when by 35 Hen. VIII., cap. 15, it was enacted that the dean and chapter of Wells should make one sole chapter for the bishop. In 1538 a bishop suffragan of Taunton was appointed to this see under 26 Hen. YIIL, cap. 14, but no subsequent appointments have been made. BISHOPS OF WELLS. 905. Athelm, or Adelmus, abbot of Glas- tonbury ; tr. to Canterbury. 915. Wolphelmus, or Wulfhelme, or Wul- felm I. ; tr. to Canterburj'. 924. Elphegus, or AljDhegus. 942. Wolphelmus, or Wulfelmus II. 958. Brithelmus, monk of Glastonbury. 973. Kinewardus, or Kinewaldus, abbot of Middleton. 985. Sigarus, abbot of Glastonbury. 997. Alwinus, or Ealfwyn. 1005. Burwaldus, or Burwold. 1008. Leovingus, Livingus, or Elstan ; tr. to Canterbury. 1013. Ethelwyn ; exp. ; rest. 1023. 1021. Brithwyn ; exp. ; rest. 1024. 1025. Herewith, abbot of Glastonhurj-. 1031. Dudoeo, or Bodeca, of Saxony or Lorraine. 1059. Giso, a Frenchman. BISHOPS OF BATH AND WELLS. 1088. John de Villula, a Frenchman. 1123. Godfrey, or Godefridus, chanc. to the queen. 1135. Robert, monk of Lewes, Sussex ; d, 1165. See vacant 9 years. 1174. Reginald Fitz'joceline ; ti-. to Can- terbury. 1192. Savaricus, archdn. of Northampton, and abbot of Glastonbury ; whither he removed the bishopric. 1205. Joceline, canon of Wells ; d. 1242. The see vacant 2 years. 1244. Roger, chanter of Salisbury. 1247. Wm. Bitton, or Button L, archdn. of Wells. 1264. Walter Giffard, canon of Wells, Id. chanc. ; tr. to York. 1267. Wm. Bitton. or Button II., archdn. of Wells. 1274. Robt. Burnel, archdn. of York, Id. chanc. and Id. treasr. 1292. Wm. de Marchia, dean of St. Mar- tin's, Id. treasr. 1302. Walter Haselshaw, dean of Wells. 1310. John Drokenesford, kpr. of the king's wardrobe, and dep. to the Id. treasr. 428 THE BOOK OF DIGXITIES. 1329. Ralph de Shrewsbury. 1584. 13C3. John Barnet, tr. from Worcester] Id. treasr. ; tr. to Ely. | 13G6. Johnllareivell, chanc. of Gascoigne; j 1592. chaplain to the Black Prince. ! 1386. Walter Skirlow, or Skirlaw ; tr. from Lichfield and Coventry; tr. to , 1608. Durham. I 1616. 1388. Ralph Ergham, orErghnm; tr. from | Salisbury. " ' 1626. 1401. Richd. Clifford ; app. to this see, but before consecration tr. to Wor- j 1628. ccstcr I 1402. Hv. Bowet, canon of WeUs; tr. to I 1629. York. , 1408. Nichs. Bubwith, or Bubbewith ; tr. ' 1632. from Salisbury. 1425. John Stafford, dean of Wells, Id. 1670. treasr. ; tr. to Canterbury ; Id. 1672. chanc. I 1443. Thos. Beckyngton, warden of New j 1684. College, Oxford ; kpr. pr. seal. I 14G5. Robt. Stillington, archdn. of Taun- ton ; Id. chanc. 1691. 1492. Richd. Fox ; tr. from Exeter ; tr. to Durham, 1494. 1703. 1495. Oliver King ; tr. from Exeter. 1727. 1504. Adrian de Castello, cardl. ; tr. from 1744. Hereford ; dep. by Pope Leo X. 1774. 1518. Thos. Wolsey, cardl. ; abp. of York, and Id. chanc. ; he held 1802. this see in commendam, and res. it ' 1522. 1824. 1523. John Clark, m. rolls, dean of Windsor. 1541. Wm. Knight, sec. St., preb. of St. 1845. Paul's. 1549. Wm. Barlow, tr. from St. David's ; 1854. depr. by Queen Mary. See C/a- chester. 1554. Gilbert Bourde, or Bourn, preb. of 1869. St. Paul's; Id. pres. of Wales. 1559. Gilbert Berkeley ; d. 1581. See vacant 3 years. H'i'i- ; Thos. Godwin, dean of Canterbury ; d. 1590. See vacant 2 years. John Still, master of Trinity College, Cambridge, and preb. of West- minster. Jas. Montague, dean of Worcester. Arthur Lake, dean of Worcester, and master of St. Cross. Wm. Laud ; tr. from St. David's ; tr. to London. Leonard Mawe, master of Trinity College, Cambridge. Walter Curie ; tr. from Rochester ; tr. to Winchester. Wm. Piers, or Pierce ; tr. from Peterborough. Robt. Creighton, dean of Wells. Peter Mew, or Mews, dean of Ro- chester ; tr. to Winchester. Thos. Ken, preb. of Winchester ; depr. for not takmg the oaths to William and Mary. Richd. Kidder, dean of Peter- borough ; (/. 1703. Geo. Hooper, tr. from St. Asaph. John Wynne, tr. from St. Asaph. Edwd. Willes. Chas. Moss, tr. from St. David's ; d. 1802, aged 91 years. Richd. Beadon, Apr. 17 ; tr. from Gloucester; d. Apr. 21, 1824. Geo. Hy. Law, May 8 ; tr. from Chester ; d. Sept. 22, 1845. Hon. Richd. Bugot. Oct. 14; tr. from Oxford ; d. May 15, 1854. Robt. John, Id. Auckland, June 2, G. ; tr. from Sudor and Man ; res. Sept. 6, lti(;9. Arthur Chas. Hervey, c.c. Id. Arthur Chas. Hervey, archdn. of Sud- bury, Nov. li, G. BISHOPS SUFFRAGAN OF TAUNTON. 1538. Wm. Finch. DEANS OF WELLS. 1150. Ivo, 1295. Walter do Haselshaw ; bp. Bath and 1160. Richd. de Spakeston. Wells. 1302. 1180. Alexander. 1302. Hy. Husee. 1205. Leonius. 1305. John de Godelegh. 1218. Ralph de Lechlade. 1332. Richd. de Bury, or de Angarvillo ; 1220. Peter de Ciceter. b).. Durham* 13.!3. 1236. Wm. (le Merton. 1334. Wibert de Littleton. 1241. .Joanes Saraceuus. 1335. Walter de Loudon. 1253. Giles de Bridport ; bp. Salisbury, 1350. John de Carlton. 1256. 1361. Wm. de Camell. elect, and refused. 1256. Edwd. de la Knoll. Stephen de Pyuipcll. 1284. Thos. de Button; bp. Ex< tor, 1292. 1378. John Fordham ; bp. Durham, 1381. 1292. Wm. Buinell. 1381. Thos. do Sudbury. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 429 1396. Nichs. Slake. 1607. Richd. Meredith. 1397. Hy. Beaufort ; bp. Lincoln, 1398. 1621. Ralph Barlow. 1401. Thos. Tuttebury. 1631. Geo. Warburton. 1402. Thos. Stanley. 1641. Walter Raleigh. 1410. Richd. Courtney. Deanery Vacant 14 Years. 1413. Thos. Karnicke 1660. Robt. Creicrhton ; bp. Bath and Walter Mitf ord. Wells, 1670. 1423. John Stafford ; bp. Bath and Wells, 1670. Ralph Bathurst. 1425. 1704. Wm. Graham. 1425. John Forest. 1713. Matth. Brailsford. 1446. Nichs. Carent. 1733. Isaac Maddore ; bp. St. Asaph, 1736. 1467. Wm. Witham. 1736. John Harris, bp. Llandaff. 1472. John Gunthorp. 1739. Saml. Creswicke. 1498. Wm. Gosyn. 1766. Ld. Fras. Seymour; d. Sept. 19, 1526. Thos. Winter. 1785. 1529. Richd. Woolman. Deanery vacant until 1537. Thos. Cromwell. 1799. Geo. Wm. Lukin. Mar. 26. 1540. Wm. Fitzwilliams. 1813. Hon. Hy. Ryder, bp. Gloster, Dec. 1548. John Goodman. 12, G.; aft. bp. Lichfield. 1550. Wm. Turner. 1831. Edmd. Goodenough, Sept. 6, G. 1570. Robt. Weston. 1845. Richd. Jenkyns, June 4, G. 1574. Valentine Dale. 1854. Geo. Hy. Sacheverell Johnson, Mar. 1589. John Herbert. 27, G. 1602. Benjn. Heydon. 1881. Edwd. Hayes Plumptre, Dec. 6, G. M^.'. V,J>^^^,Uu^L^ Je^-ee^ke. DIOCESE OF CANTERBURY. This see was settled by Austin, or Augustin, a monk, who first preached the gospel in England. The diocese included, until recently, a number of parishes in other dioceses; these were called Peculiars, it having been an ancient privilege of this see, that, wheresoever the archbishops had either manors oradvowsons, that place was exempted fi'om the jurisdiction of the ordinary of the diocese wherein it was situated, and was deemed in the diocese of Canterbury. This privilege was abolished from 1st January 1846. The archbishop of Canterbury ranks first amongst the English bishops, and is styled Primate and Metropolitan of all England. He is also the first peer in the realm; having the precedence of all dukes not of the blood royal, and all the great officers of state. He is styled His Grace, and he writes himself Divind Proviclentid ; whereas other bishops style themselves JDivind Perniissione. At coronations, he places the crown on the king's head ; and, wherever the court may be, the king and queen are the proper domestic parishioners of the archbishop. The bishop of London is accounted his provincial dean ; the bishop of Winchester, his sub-dean ; the bishop of Lincoln, his chancellor ; and the bishop of Rochester, his chaplain. In 1537 a bishop suffragan of Dover was appointed to this see under 26 Hen. VIII. cap. 14, and this appointment was revived in 1870. ARCHBISHOPS OF CANTERBURY. 597. Augustine, or St. Augustine. 604. Laurentius, or St. Lawrence. 619. Mellitus, or St. Miletus; tr. from London. 624. Justus, or St. Justus ; tr. from Rochester. 627. Honorius, or St. Honorius. 655. Deus-dedit, or St. Adeodatus ; the first Englishman who ruled this see. See vacant 4 years. 664. Wigard ; d. of the plague before consecration. 430 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Adrian ; app. by the pope, but re- fused the see. 668. Theodore, a Grecian. 693. Brihtwald, abbot of Reculver. 731. Tatwine ; made primate of all England. 735. Xothelmus. 741. Cuthbert ; tr. from Hereford. 759. Bregwin, a noble Saxon. 766. Lambert, or Jaenbert ; abbot of St. iVugustiii's. 793. Ethelhard ; tr. from Winchester. 805. Wulfred, a monk of Canterbury. »32. Syred ; d. before he had obtained full possession. Theolojp. of Winchester ; depr. of both sees for simony. Lanfranc, or St. Lanfranc, abbot of Caen, an Italian ; cl. June 4, 1089. See vacant 4 years. An8elm,or St. Anselm, abbot of Becco. See vacant 5 years. Ralph, or Rodolphus ; tr. from Rochester. Wm. Corbois, or Corbyl, prior of St. Osyth, in Essex. See vacant 2 years. 1139. Theobald, abbot of Becco. See vacant 2 years. Thomas iiBeckct, archdn. of Canter- bury, provost of Beverley, and Id. chanc. ; murdered Dec. 28, 1170. Richd. . prior of Dover. Baldwin, tr. from Worcester. He followed Richard I. to the Holy Land, and i lGf> L^JU.. DIOCESE OF HEREFORD. This was a bishopric in the time of the Britons, and one of tlie suffragans to the metropolitan see of St. David's. Wlieu the country was con- THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. quered by the Saxons, it became a member of the province of Canterbury. BISHOPS OP HEREFORD. 680. Putta, tr. from Ro- chester. 691. Tirhtullus. 703. Tortherus. 718. Walstodus, or Wastol- dus. 736. Cuthbert, tr. to Can- terbury. 741. Podda. 746. Ecca, or Acca. 752. Cedde. 758. Albertus, or Alberus. 769. Esna. 775. Celmund. 783. Utellus. 788. Wulfehard. 809. Beonna. 829. Edulph. 849. Cuthwolf. 868. Mucellus. 888. Deorlaf. 908. Cunemund, or Ceyne- mundus. 928. Ed^ar. 949. Tidhelm. 9r.6. Wulfehelm. 990. Alt'ric. 997. Athulf. 1012. Athelstan. 1055. St. Leovegard, or Leofgar. See vacant 4 years. 1060. 1079. 1095 1101. 1115. 1120. 1131. 1148. 1163. 1174. 1186. 1200. 1216. 1219. 1234. 1240. 1268. 1275. 1282. 1317. 1327. 1344. 1361. 1375. 1389. 1404. 1417. 1420. Walter, chaplain to the queen. Robt. Losing, preb. of St. Paul's. Gerard, chanc. to William the con- queror ; tr. to York. Rainelm, chanc. to the queen; he rebuilt the cathedral. Geotl'rey de Clyve, chaplain to the king. Richd. de Cappella, clerk of the seal. Robt. de Betun, prior of Lanthony. Gilbert Foliot, abbot of Gloucester ; tr. to London. Robt. de Melun, prior of Lanthony ; d. 1166. See vacant 7 years. Robt. Foliot, archdn. of Oxford. Wm. de Vere, preb. of St. Paul's. Giles de Bruse, or Braose. Hugh deMapenore, dean of Hereford. Hugh Foliot, archdn. of Salop Ralph de Maydenstune,orMaidstone, dean of Hereford ; res. Dec. 1239. Peter de Egueblank,or Egeblaunch, a Savoyard. Johd de Breton. St. Thos. de Gantilupe, ai-chdn. of Stafford; Id. chanc. of England, and chanc. of Oxford. Richd. Swinefleld. Adam de Orleton, Id. treasr. ; tr. to Worcester. Thos. Charlton, canon of York ; Id. chanc. of Ireland. John Trilleck. Lewis de Charleton, canon of Here- ford ; chanc. of Oxford. Wm. Courteney, canon of York ; tr. to London. John Gilbert, tr. from Bangor; Id. treasr. ; tr. to St. David's. John Trevenant, or Treffnant, canon of St. Asaph and Lincoln. Robt Mascbal, confessor to the king. Edmd. Lacy, canon of Windsor ; tr. to Exeter. Thos. Polton, dean of York ; tr. to Chichester. 1422. Thos. Spofford. abbot of St. Mary's, York ; bp. elect of Rochester, but removed to this see before conse- cration ; res. 1448. 1448. Richd.Beauchamp,archd.of Suffolk; tr. to Salisbury. 1450. Regd. Butler, or Botteler, abbot of Gloucester ; tr. to Lichfield and Coventry. 1453. John Stanbery, or Stanbury, tr. from Bangor. 1474. Thos. Milling, abbot of Westminster. 1492. Edmd. Audley, tr. from Rochester ; tr. to Salisbury. 1502. Adrian de Castello, preb. of St. Paul's ; tr. to Bath and Wells. 1504. Richd. Mayhew, or Mayo, pres. of Magdalen College, Oxford. 1516. Chas. Booth, preb. of Lincoln. 1535. Edwd. Fox, provost of King's College, Cambridge. 1538. Edmd. Bonner, archdn. of Leicester ; before consecration, tr. to London. 1539. John Skypp, archdn. of Dorset. 1553. John Harley, preb. of Worcester; depr. for being married. 1554. Robt. Warton, or Parfew, tr. from. St. Asaph. Thos. Reynolds ; nom. by Mary, but on her death, set aside by Eliza- beth. 1559. John Scory, the depr. bp. of Chichester ; made bp. Hereford by Elizabeth. 1585. Herbert Westphaling, canon of Wind- sor. 1602. Robt. Bennet, dean of Windsor. 1617. Eras. Godwin, tr. from Llandaff. Wm. Juxton, dean of Worcester, elec- ted ; but before consecration, tr.to London. Godfrey Goodman, bp. Gloucester, elected ; but declined the app. 1634. Augustin Lindsell, tr. from Peter- borough ; d. same year. Matth. Wren, dean of Windsor ; tr. to Norwich. 1635. Theoph. Field, tr. from St. David's Dec. 1635 ; d. June, 1636. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1636. Geo. Cook, or Coke, tr. from Bris- tol ; d. 1646. See Tacant 14 years. 1660. Nichs. Monk, provost of Eton. 1661. Herbert Croft, dean of Hereford. 1691. Gilbert Ironside, tr. from Bristol. 1701. Humphrey Humphreys, tr. from Bangor. 1712. Philip Bisse, tr. from St. David's. 1721. Benjn.Hoadley, tr. from Bangor ; tr. to Salisbury. 1723. Hon. Hy. Egerton, canon of Christ- church, Oxford. 1746. Lord Jas. Beauclerk, canon of Wind- sor ; d. 1787. 1787. Hon. John Harley, dean of Windsor ; d. 1788. 1788. John Butler, tr. from Oxford; d. 1802. 1802. FoUiot Herbert Walker Cornewall, tr. from Bristol ; tr. to Wor- cester. 1808. John Luxmore, July 16 ; tr. from Bristol ; tr. to St. Asaph. 1815. Geo. Isaac Huntingford, July 23 ; tr. from Gloucester; (/.Apr. 1832. 1832. Hon. Edwd. Grev, dean of Here- ford, May 7 ; d. June 24, 1837. 1837. Thos. Musgrave, Aug. 7; tr. to York. 1847. Renn Dickson Hampden, principal of St. Mai-y's Hail, reg. prof. Divinity, and canon of Christ- church, Oxford, Dec. 11 ; d. Apr. 23, 1868. 1868. Jas. Atlay, vicar of Leeds, May 13, G. DEANS OF HEREFORD. 1140. Ralph (1). 1529. Gamaliel Clifton. lloO. Gefiry (1). 1549. Hugh Curwyn ; bp. Oxford. 1567. 1157. Ralph (2). 1558. Edmd. Daniel. 1172. Getiry (2). 1559. John Ellis. 1187. Richard. 1576. John Watkins. 1202. Hugh de Breuse. 1593. Chas. Langford. 1203. Hugh de Mapenore ; bp. Hereford, 1607. Edwd. Doughtie. 1216. 1610. Richd. Mountague. 1216. Henry. 1617. Sylvanus Gryfiith. 1218. Thos. de Bosbury. 1623. Danl. Price. 1231. Ralph de Maideston. 1631. John Richardson. 1234. Steph. de Thome. 1635. Jonathan Browne. 1247. Ancelinus, or Ancelin. 1644. Herbert Croft ; bp. Hereford. 1661. 1271. Giles de Avenburj'. 1061. Thos. Hodges. 1278. John de Aquablanca. 1672. Geo. Benson. 1320. Steph. de Ledbury. 1692. John Tyler ; bp. Llanda£F, 1707. 1352. Thos. de Trilleck. 1724. Robt. Clavering. 13(13. Wm. de Birmingham. « * Edwd. Cresset ; bp. Llandafif, 1748. * * John de Middleton. 1748. Edmd. Castle. 1380. John Harold. 1750. John Egerton ; bp. Bangor, 1756. 1393. John Prophet. 1756. Fras. Webber. 1407. Thos. Felde. 1771. Nathan Wotherell. 1419. John Stanwey. 1808. Wm. Leigh, Jan. 16, G. 1434. Hy. Shelford. 1809. (ieo. Grelton, Mar. 21, G. 1445. John Berew. 1820. Rcbt. Jas. Carr. Aug. 14, G. ; and 1402. John ap Richard. bp. Chichester, 1824. * * Richd. Pede. 1827. Edwd. Mellish, June 28, G. 1481. 1490. Thos. Chandeler. Oliver King. 1830. Hon. Edwd. Grey, Dec. 22, G. ; bp. Hereford, 1832. 1491. 1501. John Harvey. Regd. West. Thos. Wolsey. 1832. John Merewether, May 15, G. 1512. 1850. Richd. Daws, May 15, G. Edmd. Frowcestor. 1807. Hon. Geo. Herbert, Apr. 10, G. DIOCESE OF LICHFIELD, FORMERLY LICHFIELD AND C0VI':NTRY. This bishopric is said to have been founded by Oswy, king of North- umbria, about the year 65G, and although it had, until very recently, a THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 443 double name (Lichfield and Coventry), yet, like Bath and Wells, it has always been a single diocese. Offa, king of Mercia, by the favour of pope Adrian, constituted it an archiepiscopal see ; but this title was laid aside on the death of that king. In 1075, Peter, the thirty-fourth bishop, removed the see to Chester; in 1102, his immediate successor, Robert de Limesey, removed it to Coventry ; and bishop Roger de Clinton, according to some authorities (bishop Hugo Novant being mentioned by others), removed it back to Lichfield, but with great opposition from the monks of Coventry. The dispute was finally settled in a manner nearly similar to that adopted between Bath and WeJls : it was agreed that the bishop should be styled from both places ; that they should choose the bishop alternately ; and that they should both make one chapter, of which the prior of Coventry should be the chief. Matters continued thus until the Reformation, when the priory of Coventry was dissolved by Henry VIII., but the style of the bishop continued as before. By an order in council dated Jan. 24, 1837, the archdeaconry of Coventry was separated from this see and added to the see of Worcester ; and the double name was then discontinued. In 1537 a bishop suffragan of Shrewsbury was appointed (probably to this see) under 26 Hen. VIII., cap. 14, and this title was revived in 1888. BISHOPS OF LICHFIELD. 656. Dwyna, Diuma, or Duma. 845. Humbert IL 658. Cellach, a Scot ; he resigned and re- 864. Kinebert, or Kenferth. turned to his own country. 872. St. Cumbert, or Cineferth. 660. Trumhere, abbot of Ingethling. 898. Tunbright, Tunfrith, or Tumfriht. 664. Jaruman. 928. Ella. 667. St. Chad, or Ceadda, tr. to York. 944. ^Ifgar. 672. Winfride, depr. by abp. Theodore. 953. Kinsey, or Kinsius. 676. St. Sexulf, or Saxulf , abbot of Mede- 964. Winsey, or Winsius. shamstede, now Peterborough. 977. Elphege. 691. Headda, or Eatheadus, of Sidna- 990. Godwin. cester. 1007. Leofgar, or Leosgar. 721. Aldwyn. 1027. Brithmar. 737. Witta, or Huitta. 1038. Wolfius. 752. Hemel. 1054. Leofwin, abbot of Coventry.- 765. Cuthfrid ; d. 768. 1067. Peter ; he removed the see to Ches- 768. Berthun ; d. 785. ter in 1075. 785. Higbert, or Sigbert I. 1085. Robt. de Limesey, preb. of St. 786. Adulphus, the Archbishop. This title Paul's ; he removed the see to was laid aside in 799. Coventry in 1102. * * Humbert I. See vacant 4 years. 812. Herewin. 1117. Robt. Pecham, or Peche, chaplain to 834. Higbert, or Sigbert II. Hen. I. ; d. 1127. 837. Ethelwald, or Ethelwold. See vacant 2 years. BISHOPS OF LICHFIELD AND COVENTRY. 1129. Roger de Clinton, archdn. of Buck- ingham ; he removed the see to Lichfield. 1149. Walter Durdent, prior of Canter- bury. 1162. Richd. Peche, archdn. of Coventry. 1183. Geraldus Puella, or la Pucelle ; d. Jan. 1185. 1185. Hugh Novant, Nunant, or Minant, prior of the Carthusians ; he re- moved the see permanently to Lichfield. 1198. Geoffrej' de Muschamp, archdn. of Cleveland. 1208. Walter Grey, Id. chanc. ; tr. to Worcester. 1215. Wm. de Cornhull, archdn. of Hunt- ingdon. 1224. Alexr. de Savensby, or Stavenby ; d. Dec. 26, 1238. 444 THE BOOK OF DIGMTIES. 1239. Wm. de Rule, or Raleigh, elected by both chapters ; but being chosen bishop of Norwich also, he accepted the latter ; the chap- ter of Lichfield then chose Wm. de Manchestre, their dean, and that of Coventry elected Nichs. de Farnham ; and after much con- troversy, both chapters, at the kind's request, agreed in the choice of Hugh de Pateshull, Id. treasr. . conf. Dec. 25; d. Dec. 1241. 1242. Richd. , surn. Crassus, elected; but (/.Dec. 8,1 242, before consecration. 1243. Robt. de Monte Pessulano next chosen; but he, finding his elec- tion disagreeable to the king, refused the see, and the pope ap- pointed 1245. Roger de AVeseham, dean of Lin- coln. 1257. Roger de Longespee, or de Molend. 1296. Walter de Langton, Id. treasr. and Id. chanc. 1322. Roger de Xorthbrugh, or Xorth- burgh, archdn. of Richmond; Id. kpr. and Id. treasr. 1360. Robt. Stretton, canon of Lichfield. 1386. Walter Skirlawe, dean of St. Mar- tin's; tr. to Bat I and Wells same year. Richd. Scrope, tr. to York. 1398. John Burghill, tr. from Llandafif. 1415. John Keterich, tr. from St. David's ; tr. to Exeter, 1419. 1419. Jas. Gary, tr. to Exeter ; d. before taking possession of that see. Wm. Hevworth, Nov. 20; d. Mar. 13, 1447. 1447. Wm. Booth. preb. of St. Paul's; tr. to York. 1452. Xichls. Close, tr. from Carlisle ; chanc. of Cambridge. 1453. Regd. Butler, tr. from Hereford. 1459. John liaise, or Hales, preb. of St. Paul's. 1492. Wm. Smith, archdn. of Surrey : tr. to Lincoln. 1496. John Arundel, dean of Exeter; tr. to Exeter. 1503. Geoffry Blythe, dean of York. 1534. Rowland Lee, chanc. and preb. of Lichfield, and Id. pres. of Wales. 1543. Richd. Sampson ; tr. from Chiches- ter ; Id. pres. of Wales. 1554. Ralph Baines, or Baj-ne, depr. 1559, and d. soon after. 1560. Thos. Bentham, fellow of Magdalene College, Oxford. 1580. Wm. Overton, preb. of Winchester and Salisbury. 1609. Geo. Abbot, dean of Winchester ; tr. to London. 1610. Richd. Xeile, or X'eale, tr. from Ro- chester; tr. to Lincoln. 1614. John Overal, dean of St. Paul's ; tr. to Xorwich. 1619. Thos. Mor ton, tr. from Chester ; tr. to Durham. 1632. Robt. Wright, tr. from Bristol. 1643. Accepted Frewen, dean of Glouces- ter; tr. to York. 1661. Johnllacket, can.-res. of St. Paul's. 1671. Thos. Wood, dean of Lichfield. 1692. Wm. Lloyd, bp. of St. Asaph ; tr. to Worcester. 1699. John Hough, tr. from Oxford; tr. to Worcester. 1717. Edwd. Chandler, preb. of Worces- ter ; tr. to Durham. 1730. Richd. Smalbroke, tr. from St. David's. 1749. Hon. Fredk. Cornwallis, canon of Windsor, and, in 1766, dean of St. Paul's ; tr. to Canterbury. 1768. Hon. John Egerton, tr. from Ban- gor ; tr. to Durham. 1771. Brownlow Xorth, dean of Canter- bury; tr. to Worcester. 1774. Richd. Hurd, master of the Temple; tr. to Worcester. 1781. Hon. Jas. Cornwallis, dean of Can- terburv ; succ. to the earldom of Cornwkllis, 1823 ; d. 1824. 1824. Hon. Hy. Ryder. Feb. 4 ; tr. from Gloucester; «/. Mar. 31, 1836. 1836. Saml. Butler, June 15 ; became bp. of Lichfield only, Jan. 24, 1837. BISHOPS OF LICHFIELD. 1837. Saml. Butler, above named, Jan. 24 ; I 1867. Geo Augs. Selwyn, Dec. 13, G. d. Dec. 4, 1839. 1839. Jas. Bowstead, Dec. 30; tr. from Sodor and Man; d. Oct. 11, 1843. 1843. John Lonsdale, archdn. of Middlesex and principal of King's College, London, Xov. 6 ; d. Oct. 19, 1867. tr. from X'ew Zealand ; ■ L'-^J .'(«»J- V.x£ln,f. t/.j» n utM BISHOPS SUFFRAGAN OF COLCHESTER. See Diocese of St. Albans, j)ost, p. 461. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 461 DEANS OF ROCHESTER. 1533. 1570. 1574. 1585. 1592. 1611. 1615. 1620. 1624. 1641. 1660. 1660. 1670. "Walter Philips, June 18; last prior and first dean ; d. 1570. Edmd. Freake, Apr. 10 ; bp. Ro- chester, May 9, 1571. Thos. Willoughby, June 23 ; d. Aug. 19, 1585. John Coldwell, Jan. 7 ; bp. Salis- bury, Dec. 2G, 1591. Thos. Blague, Feb. 1 ; d. Oct. 1611. Richd. Milbourne, Dec. 11 ; bp. St. David's, July 9, 1615. Robt. Scott, July 13 ; d. Dec. 1620. Godfrey Goodman, Jan. 6; bp. Glou- cester, Mar. 6, 1624. Walter Beleanquall, Mar. 12 ; dean of Durham, 1638. Hy. King, Feb. 6 ; bp. Chichester, Feb. 16, 1641. Thos. Turner, Feb. 26; dean of Canterbury, 1643. Benj. Laney, July 24 ; bp. Peter- borough, same year. Nathl. Hardy, Dec. 10 ; d. June 1, 1670. Peter Mew ; bp.Bath and Wells, 1 672. 1673. Thos, Lamplugh, Mar. 6 ; bp. Exe- ter, Nov. 12, 1676. 1676. John Castilion, Nov. 15 ; d. Oct. 21, 1688. 1689. Hy. Ullock ; d. June 20, 1706. 1706. Saml. Pratt ; d. Nov. 14, 1723. 1724. Nichs. Claggett, Jan. 4; bp. St, David's, Jan. 1731. 1731. Thos. Herring ; bp. Bangor, 1737. 1743. Wm. Bernard ; bp. Raphoe, 1744. 1744. John Newcombe ; d. Mar. 10, 1765. 1765. Wm. Markham, dean of Christ Church, 1767. 1767. Benj. Newcombe, Oct.;c?. Aug. 1775. 1775. Thos. Thxirlow, Nov. 8 ; bp. Lincoln, 1779. 1779. Richd. Oust ; dean of Lincoln, 1782. 1782. Thos. Dampier; bp. Rochester, 1802. 1802. Saml. Goodenough ; bp. Carlisle 1808. 1808. Wm. Beaumont Busby, Mar. 15, G. 1820. Robt. Stevens, Oct. 17, G. 1870. Thos.DaIe,Feb.23,G.; f/.Mayl4,1870. Robt. Scott, June 16, G. 1887. Saml. Reynolds Hole, Dec. 31. DIOCESE OF ST. ALBANS. This see was constituted under 38 and 39 Vict. cap. 34, and order in council April 30, 1877, under which its establishment was to date from May 4, 1877. It was formed out of the diocese of Eochester. The title of bishop suffragan of Colchester was revived in 1882, but the bishop was made suffragan to this see instead of to Rochester as before. There are at present no dean and chapter attached to this see. BISHOPS OF ST. ALBANS. 1877. Thos. Legh Claughton, May 11, G.; tr. from Rochester ; first bishop. ?--,/J'/6',Vi'''J'yJ ,-» fcff<^, Jc'l^n iiJojciK f^Jhwj BISHOPS SUFFRAGAN OF COLCHESTER. 1536. Wm. More 1567. John Sterne Probably suffragan to Rochester. j 1882. Alfred Bloomfield, archdn. of Essex I and hon. canon of St. Albans I June 6, G. DIOCESE OF ST. ASAPH. This bishopric is of great antiquity, having been founded in the sixth century, by Kentigern, a Scotsman, bishop of Glasgow, who, returning into Scotland, left as his successor a boly man, named St. Asaph, from 462 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. whom the see takes its name. Who succeeded St. Asaph is uncertain, as no authentic records supply the information, and the list of bishops is not renewed until 1143. BISHOPS OF ST. ASAPH. 583. 1143 1152 1154 1155, 1175. 1183. 1186. 1225. 1235! 1240, 1249. 1267. 1268. 1293. 1314. 1352. 1357. 1376, 1382. 1390. 1395. 1402. 1411. 1433. 1444. 1450. 14G1. 1472. 1495. 1499. 1503. 1513. 1518. 1535. 1636. 1554. 1559. 1561. 1573. 1601. 1244 and 1272. Kentigorn, bp. of Glasgow. St. Asaph. ♦ * # * Gilbertus, or Galfridus. Geoffrey of Monmouth. Richard ; d. the next year. Godefridus, or Godfrey. Adam, a^Yelshman ; canon of Paris. John I. , or Johannes. Reinerus, or Reyner. Abraham. Hugo, or Hugh. Howel ap Ednevet. See vacant 2 j-ears. Enion, or Anian I. John II. Enion, or Anian II. LeoHne de Bromfeld, canon of St. Asaph. David I. John Trevaur I. LeoHne ap Madoc, dean of St. Asaph. Wm. de Sprinlington, dean of St. Asaph. Lawrence Child, penitentiary to the pope. Alexr. Bache. John Trevaur II., prcb. of Here- ford ; depr, 1402. David II. Robt. de Lancaster. John Lowe, tr. to Rochester. Regd. Peacock, tr. to Chichester. Thomas I. Thomas II. Riehd. Redman, tr. toExetei'. ]\Iichl. Dyacon. David Ili. David IV. , abbot of Conway. Edmd. Birkhead. Hy. Standish, guai'dian of the Franciscans. Wm. Barlow, prior of Bisham ; tr. to St. David's. Robt. Warton, or Parfew, or Purfoy, abbot of Bermondsey; tr. to Here- ford. Thos. Goldwell ; he went into volun- tary exile. Richd. Davies, tr. to St. David's. Thos. Davies. Wm. llu>,'hes. Wm. Morgan, tr. from Llandaff. 1603. Richd Parry, dean of Bangor. 1622. John Hanmer, preb. of Worcester. 1629. John Owen, archdn. of St. Asaph ; d, 165L See vacant 9 years. 1660. Geo. GrifBth, archdn. of St. Asaph. 1667. Hy. Glenham, dean of Bristol. 1669. Isaac Barrow, tr. from Sodor and Man. 1680. Wm. Lloj'd, dean of Bangor ; tr. to Lichfield and Coventrv. 1692. Edwd. Jones, tr. from Cloyne, Ire- land. 1703. Geo. Hooper, dean of Canterbury ; tr. to Bath and Wells. 1704. Wm.Beveridge, archdn. ofColchester. 1708. Wm. Fleetwood, canon of Windsor ; tr. to Ely. 1714. John Wynne, principal of Jesus College, Oxford ; tr. to Bath and Wells. Fras. Hare, dean of Worcester, and dean of St. Paul's; tr. to Chi- chester. Thos. Tanner, canon of Christ Church, Oxford. Isaac Maddox, dean of Wells ; tr. to Worcester. 1748. JohnThomas, deanof Peterborough; elected, but not consecrated ; tr.to Lincoln. Saml. Lisle, archdn. of Canterbury ; tr. to Norwich. 1748. Hon. Robt. Drummond, preb. of Westminster ; tr. to Salisbury. 1761. Richd. Ncwcombe, tr. from LlandafT. 1769. Jonn. Shipley, tr. from Llandaff. 1789. Saml. Halifax, tr. from Gloucester. 1790. Lewis Bagot, tr. from Norwich. 1802. Saml.Horsley, July 29 ; tr.from Ro- chester ; (/. Oct. 4, 1806. Wm. Cleaver, Oct. 15 ; tr. from Bangor; d. May 15, 1816. John Luxmore, May 23; tr. from Hereford; d. Jan. 21. Wm. Carey, Feb. 23 ; tr. from Exeter ; d. Sept. 13, 1846. 1846. Thos. Vowler Short, Oct. 10 ; tr. from Sodor and Man ; res. Jan. 1870 ; d. Apr. 13. 1872. 1870. Joshua Hughes, Vicar of Llandovery, Mar. 25, G- 1727. 1731. 1736. 1806. 1815. 1830. DEANS OF ST. ASAPH. 1279. Anian (1). 1294. R ^^Wn. David. 1299. Anian (2). 1339. LeolineabMadoc.bp. St. Asaph, 1357. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 463 * * Robt. de Walshum. 1357. Wm.de Spridelington; bp, St. Asaph, 1376. 1376. Alan de Stokes. 1381. David de Calwylegh. 1389. ) and >- Howel ab Madoc Kyffen. 1391. ) 1397. Hugh Collingham; preb. ofSt.Paul's, 1402; (/. 1409. 1402. Richd. Courtenay. 1404. Hugh Holbeche ; d. 1417. 1418. JohnBlodwell; res. 1441. 1441. David Blodwell ; d. 1461. 1462. John Tapton ; Jan. 27. 1493. Fulke or Fouke. Salisbury. 1544. Richd. Puskin ; res. 1556 ; d, 1566. 1556. John Gryffyth, Sept. 27 ; d. 1557. 1557. Maurice Blayne, alias Griffith, Aug. 5 ; contd. until Feb. 27, 1559. 1559. John Lloyd, Apr. 4 ; depr. 1559. 1560. Hugh Evans. Apr. 26; d. Dec. 17, 1587. 1587. Thos. Banks, Dec. 18; d. July 31, 1634. 1634. Andrew Maurice, Aug. '28; d. 1653-4. 1660. David Lloyd, Sept. 24; d. Sept. 7, 1663. 1663. Humphrey Lloyd, Dec. 14; bp. Bangor, 1673 ; d. 1688. 1673-4. Xichs. Stratford, bp. Chester, 1689. 1689. Geo. Bright, Sept. 28; d. 1696, 1696. Daniel Price, July 26 ; d. Nov. 7, 1706. 1706. Wm. Stanley, Dec. 7 ; d. Oct. 9, 173L 1731. Wm. Powell, Oct. 21 ; d. Apr. 14, 1751. 1751. Wm. Herring ; d. May 13, 1774. 1774. Wm. Davies Shipley, May 27. 1826. 0. Scott Luxmoore. 1854. Chas. Butler Clough. 1859. Richd. Bonner Maurice Bonner. 1886. Herbert Armitage James. 1888. David Evans. DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID'S. This see was once the metropolitan see of Wales and archiepiscopal ; and for many years the seat of the supreme ordinary of the Welsh. When Christianity was first planted in Great Britain there were three archbishops' seats appointed, viz., London, (afterwards removed to Can- terbury), York, and Caerleon upon Usk, in Monmouthshire. That at Caerleon being found to be too near to the dominions of the Saxons, was removed, in the time of Arthur, king of the Britons, to a place called Menew, in the furthermost part of Pembrokeshire ; and since, in honour of the archbishop who translated it there, the see is called St. David's. It is from the first name that the bishops style themselves Menevensis. Bishop Sampson was the last of the ai'chbishops of St. David's ; for he, withdrawing himself, on account of a pestilence which raged in his diocese, to Dole, in Brittany, carried the pall with him. His successors, though they lost the name, still preserved the archiepis- copal power ; and the Welsh bishops continued to receive consecration at his hands, until the reign of Henry I., when Bernard, the forty- seventh bishop, was forced to submit himself to Canterbury. ARCHBISHOPS OF ST. DAVID'S. 577. St. David. * * Cenauc. * * Eluid. * * Ceneu. * * Morvael. * * Haernunen. * * Elwaed. * * Gurnven. * * Lendivord, or Lued- with. * * Gorwysc, or Gorwyst. Gorgan, or Gogan. Cledauc, or Cledauke. Anian. Elvoed, or Eludgeth. Ethelmen. or Eldunen. Elanc, Elnaeth, or El- vaoth. Mascoed, Malscoed, or Maelschwythe. Sadermen, Sadumven, or Madenew. Catellus, or Catu- lus. Sulnay, or Sulhaith- Novis, Nonis, or Namis. Etwal, or Doythwal. Asser. Arthvael, or Alhuael. St. Sampson, the last abp. 464 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. * * Kuclinus, or Riicli- nus. * * Rodberlc. * • Elguni, or Elguen. * * Lunverd.or Lywarch. * * Nergu. or Vergu. * * Sulhidyr, Sulhidwr, or Hubert. * * Everus, or Eneuris. * * Morgeneu. * * Nathan. BISHOPS OF ST. DAVID'S. Jovan. ArgustPil. Morgenvoth, or Ur- geneu. Ervin, or Hemun. Tramarin, or Caer- merin. Joseph. Bleithud. Sulgheim, or Sulge- he'V'Ti. Abraham. Sulgheim, again. Rythmarch. ^Vilfride, or GriflFri. Bernardus, chane. to queen Adelise. The first bp. who submitted to the see of Canter- bury. 1147. David Fitzgerald, archdn. of Cardi- gan. 1176. Peter de Leia, prior of Wenlock. 1198. Giraldus Canibrensis, the historian ; his election was disputed, and he resigned. 1203. Geoffrey. 1214. Gervase ; d. 1229. 1230. Anselm le Gros. 1248. Thos. Wallensis. 1256. Richd. de Carew. 1280. Thos. Beck, archdn. of Dorset. 1293. David Martyn. 1328. Hy. Gower. 1347. John Thoresby, Id. chanc. ; tr. to Worcester. 1350. Regd. Brian ; tr. to Worcester. 1353. Thos. Falstoffe, parson of Faken- ham, Norfolk. 1361. Adam Houghton, Id. chanc. Richd. Metford ; elected, but set aside by the pope. 1389. John Gilbert, tr. from Hereford; Id. treasr. ; d. in 1397. See vacant 4 yeai's. 1401. Guy de Mona, Id. treasr. 1408. Hy. Chicheley, archdn. of Salisbury ; tr. to Canterbury. 1414. John Ketterich, or Catryk, archdn. of Surrey ; tr. to Lichfield and Coventry. 1415. Stephen Patrington, archdn. of Sur- rey ; tr. to Chichester. 1417. Benedict Nichols, tr. from Bangor. 1433. Thos. Rodeburn, archdn. of Sud- bury. 1442. Wm. Lynwood, Id. pr. seal. 1447. John Langton, chanc. of Cambridge ; chosen Jan., 1447; d. May, 1447. John Delabere, dean of Wells, Sept. 15. 1460. Robt. Tully, monk of Gloucester. 1482. Richd. Martin, pr. councillor to Edwd. IV. 1483. 1484. 1485. 1496. 1505. 1509. 1523. 1536. 1549. 1553. 1561. 1582. 1594. 1615. 1621. 1627. 1635. 1660. 1677. 1683. 1686. 1687. Thos. Langton, preb. of Wells. Andrew * ; his surname does not appear. Hugh Pavy, or Parry, archdn. of Wilts. John Morgan, or Young, dean of Windsor ; d. May 1504. Robt. Sherborne, dean of St. Paul's ; tr. to Chichester. Edwd. Vaughan, preb. of St. Paul's. Richd. Rawlins, preb. of St. Paul's. Wm. Barlow, tr. from St. Asaph ; tr. to Bath and Wells. Robt. Ferrar ; depr. by Mary ; burnt Mar. 30, 1555. Hy. Morgan, principal of St. Ed- ward Hall, Oxford; depr. by Elizabeth. Thos. Young, chanc. of St. David's ; tr. to York. Richd. Davies ; tr. from St. Asaph. Marmaduke Middleton ; tr. from Waterford, Ireland; depr. 1592, for publishing a forged will. See vacant 2 years. Anthy. Rudd, dean of Gloucester. Richd. Milbourne, dean of Rochester; tr. to Carlisle. Wm. Laud, dean of Gloucester ; tr. to Bath and Wells. Theoph. Field, tr. from Llandafif; tr. to Hereford. Roger Mainwaring, dean of Wor- cester ; d.. 1653. See vacant till the Restoration. Wm. Lucy, rector of High Clere, Hunts. Wm. Thomas, dean of Worcester; tr, to Worcester. Lawrence Womach, archdn. of Suf- folk. John Lloyd, principal of Jesus Col- lege, Oxford. Thos. Watson, fellow of St. John's * The accounts of the early prelates of this see are very conflicting ; Godwin, Isaacson, Ileylyn, and Le Neve frequently differing in names and dates. .Sir Harris Nicholas appears to follow Le Neve, who is also hero adopted as an authority in many instances. -j ^-'''i^n^aytit'.e.i^ THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 465 College, Cambridge; clepr. for simony and other crimes in 1699. See vacant 5 years. 1705. Geo. Bull, archdn. of Llandaff. 1710. Philip Bisse ; tr. to Hereford. 1712. Adam Ottley, archdn. of Salop, and preb. of Hereford. 1723. Richd. Smalbroke, treasr. of Llan- dail ; tr. to Lichfield and Coven- try. 1730. Elias Sydall, dean of Canterbury ; tr. to Gloucester. 1731. Nichs. Clagget, dean of Rochester ; tr. to Exeter. 17'13. Edwd. Willes, dean of Lincoln ; tr. to Bath and Wells. 1744. Hon. Richd. Trevor, canon of Wind- sor ; tr. to Durham. 1752. Anthy. Ellis, preb. of Gloucester. 1761. Saml. Squire, dean of Bristol. 1766. Robt. Lowth, preb. of Durham ; tr. to Oxford. I 1766. Chas. Moss, archdn. of Colchester ; tr. to Bath and Wells. 1774. Hon. Jas. York, dean of Lincoln ; tr. to Gloucester. 1779. John Warren, archdn. of Worcester ; tr. to Bangor. 1783. Edwd. Smallwell ; tr. to Oxford. 1788. Saml. Horsley, preb. of Gloucester ; tr. to Rochester. 1793. Hon. Wm. Stuart, canon of Christ Church, Oxford r. to Armagh. 1800. Lord Geo. Murray, Dec. 20; d. June 3, 1803. 1803. Thos. Burgess, preb. of Durham, Jime 25 ; tr. to Salisbury. 1825. John Banks Jenkinson, June 18 ; d. July 7, 1840. 1840. Connop thirlwall, fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, July 23 ; d. July 27, 1875. 1874. Wm. Basil Jones, archdn., chanc, and can.-res. of York, July 13, G. DEANS OF ST. DAVID'S. Until the year 1840 the bishops of this see were also the deans. In that year the precentor assumed the title of dean under 3 and 4 Vict., cap. 113, sec. 1 (Aug. 11, 1840). 1840. LI. Llewellyn, precentor, now dean ; I 1878. Jas. Allen. Aug. 11. DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. This see Las undergone many alterations, from the time of its estab- lishment to its final settlement at Salisbury. Its first seat was at Sherborne, in Dorsetshire; and the diocese then had episcopal jurisdic- tion over all those counties that now constitute the sees of Salisbury, Bristol, Wells, and Exeter. Wells and Exeter were dismembered from it, and erected into two distinct bishoprics. Another see was afterwards formed out of the remaining jurisdiction of Sherborne, and seated at Wilton, in Wiltshire ; but this last, after having had eleven bishops of its own, was once more united to Sherborne. Subsequently the seat of the see was removed to Salisbury, the principal city in those parts ; but the then bishop removed it to the hill called Old Sarum, and began to build a cathedral church there, which was finished by St. Osmund. This situation was chosen, perhaps, from the strong fortifications with which the hill was surrounded, and as being more out of the reach of the Danes. Bishop Richard Poore, in 1220, once more brought the seat of the see from Old Sarum to Salisbury, or TSTew Sarum, where it has continued ever since. In ancient times the bishops of Salisbury were precentors to the archbishops of Canterbury. Edward IV. annexed the chancellorship of the Garter to the bishops of this see ; but in the new statutes made by Henry YIII. this office was left solely at the king's disposal, and might be conferred on a clergyman or a layman. After 466 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. bishop Ward's time, however, it was conferred without interruption, until recently, on the bishops of Salisbury. Two bishops suffragan were appointed (probably to this see) under 26 Henry VIII., cap. 14, one with the title of Marlborough in 1537, and the other with the title of Shaftesbury in 1539. Neither appointment was continued ; but a bishop suffragan of Marlborough was again appointed in 1888, and made suffragan to London. BISHOPS OF SHERBORNE. 705. St. Adhelm, or Aldhelm. 710. Fordhere. 738. Herewald. 756. Ethel w aid I. 778. Denefrith. 798. Wilbert. 717. Ealstan, or Alfstan. 868. Eadmund, or St. Hamund ; martyr. 872. Etheleage. 875. Alfric. 879. Asser, sum. ^fenevensis. 883. Swithelmus, or Sigelmus I. 889. Ethelwald II. After his death the diocese was divided into several sees, Wells, Devonshire, &c., by Plegmund, abp. of Canterbury; and another see was erected at Wilton, whose seat was some- times there, and sometimes at Ramsbury and Sunning. SHERBORNE. 906. Werstane. 918. Elthebald. Sigelmus H. 984. Alfred. 941. Wulfine. 958. Alfwold, or Elfwold. 978. Athelric. 986. Ethelsius. 998. Brithwyn I. 1009. Elmer. 1020. Brithwyn II. 1041. Elfwold ; d. 1058. 1058. After Elfwold's death in this year Herman, who had before been bp. of Wilton, and resigned that see, was made bp. of Sherborne ; and having united both sees, he shortly removed the seat to Salisbury from which place the bishops have since had their WILTON. 906. Ethelstan. 920. Odo Sevcrus. 934. Osulph. 971. Alfstan. 981. Wulfgar, or Alfgar. 986. Siricius ; tr. to Canterbury. 990. Alfric, or Aluricius ; tr. to Canter- bury. 996. Brithwold. 1013. Ethelwin. 1046. Herman, vide infra. BISHOPS OF SALISBURY. 1046, Herman ; succ. in 1046 as bp. of Wilton, and in 1058 as bp. of Sherborne ; ho removed the see, first to Salisbury, and then to Old Sarum. 1078. St. Osmund de Sees, Earl of Dorset, Id. chanc. ; d. 1099. See vacant 2 years. 1102. Roger, Id. ch. just, and Id. treasr. d. 1139. See vacant 3 years. 1142. Josccline de Bailol, a Lombard, archdn. of Winchester, and prob. of York; d. 1184. See vacant 4 years. 1188. Hubert Walter, dean of York; tr. to Canterbury, 1193. 1194. Herbert Poore, "or Robt. Poore. 1217. Richd. Poore ; tr. from Chichester ; ho removed the see back to Salis- bury; tr. to Durham. 1228. Robt. de Bingham, preb. of Salis- bury. 1246. Wm. de York, provost of Beverley. 1256. Giles dc Bridport, dean of Wells. 1263. Walter de la Wyle, sub-chanter of Salisbury. 1274. Robt. Wykehampton, dean of Salis- bury. 1284. Walter Scammel, dean of Salisbury. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 467 1287. Hy. de Brandeston, dean of Salis- bury; d. Feb. 1288. Lawrence de Awkeburne, elected ; but d. before consecration. 1288. Wm. de Corner ; he was also elected abp. of Dublin ; but was set aside by the pope. 1291. Nichs. Longespee, preb. of Salis- bury. 1315. Roger de Martival, dean of Lincoln. 1330. Robt. Wivill. 1375. Ralph Ergham ; tr. to Bath and Wells. 1388. John Waltham, m. rolls, and Id. treasr. 1395. Richd. Mitford ; tr. from Chichester, 1407. Nichs. Bubbewith ; tr. from London. 1408. Robt.Hallam, archdn. of Canterbury, cardl. and chanc. of Oxford. 1417. John Chandeler, dean of Salisbury. 1427. Robt. Nevill, provost of Beverley. 1438, Wm. Aiscough, clerk of the council. 1450. Richd. Beauchamp ; tr, from Here- ford ; the first chanc. of the Garter, 1482. Lionel Woodville, dean of Exeter, chanc. of Oxford. 1485. Thos. Langton ; tr. from St. David's ; tr. to Winchester ; chanc. of the Garter. 1493. John Blyth, m. rolls, chanc. of Cambridge, chanc. of the Garter. 1500. Hy. Deane ; tr. from Bangor ; tr. to Canterbury. 1501. Edmd. Audley ; tr. from Hereford ; chanc. of the Garter. 1524. Lawrence Campejus, cardl. ; depr. for non-residence by act of par- liament, 1534. The chancellor- ship of the Garter in lay hands. 1535. Nichs. Shaxton, treasr. of Sarum ; res. in consequence of not sub- scribing to the Six Ai-ticles. 1539. John Salcott, alias Capon; tr. from Bangor; d. Oct. 1557, 1557-8. Peter Petow, cardl. ; app. to this see by the pope ; but the queen would not allow him to enter the realm. 1558. Fras. Mallet, nominated by the queen, Oct. 14, 1558 ; but set aside on her death, Nov. 17. fol- lowing. 1559. John Jewell ; d. 1571. 1571. Edmd. Gheast ; tr. from Rochester ; almoner. 1577. John Piers ; tr. from Rochester ; almoner; tr. to York, Feb. 1,1589. See vacant 2 years. 1591. John Coldweli, dean of Rochester. 1598. Hy. Cotton, preb. of Winchester. 1614. Robt. Abbot, master of Baliol Col- lege, Oxford. 1618. Martin Fotherby, jjrob. of Canter- bury. 1620. Robt. Tounson, or Thompson, dean of Westminster. 1621. John Davenant, master of Queen's College, Cambridge. 1641. Brian Duppa ; tr. from Chichester ; tr. to Winchester, 1660 ; d. 1662. 1660. Humphrey Henchman, precentor of Salisbury ; tr. to London. 1683. John Earle ; tr. from Worcester. 1665. Alexr. Hyde, dean of Winchester. 1667, Seth Ward ; tr. from Exeter ; chanc. of the Garter. 1689. Gilbert Burnet, preacher at the rolls. 1715. Wm. Talbot; tr. from Oxford; tr. to Durham. 1722. Richd. Willis ; tr. from Gloucester ; tr. to Winchester. 1723, Benj. Hoadley; tr. from Hereford; tr. to Winchester. 1734. Thos. Sherlock; tr. from Bangor; tr. to London. 1748. John Gilbert; tr, from Llandaff ; tr. to York. 1757. John Thomas I. ; tr. from Peter- borough ; tr. to Winchester. 1761. Robt. Drummond; tr. from St, Asaph ; tr. to York, John Thomas II. ; tr. from Lincoln. 1766. John Hume ; tr. from Oxford. 1782. Hon. Shute Barrington ; tr. from Llandatf ; tr. to Durham. 1791. John Douglas ; tr. from Carlisle ; d. 1807. 1807. John Fisher, May 30; tr. from Exeter ; d. July 2, 1825. 1825. Thos. Burgess, May 21 ; tr. from St David's ; d. Feb. 19, 1837, 1837. Edwd. Denison, fellow of Merton College, Oxford, Mar. 13; d. Mar. 6, 1854. 1854. Walter Kerr Hamilton, can. -res. and precentor, Salisbury, Mar. 27, G. ; d. Aug. 1, 1869. 1869. Geo. Moberly, canon of Chester, Aug. 14, G. ; d. July 6, 1885. 1885. John Wordsworth, Oriel prof, of divinity, Oxford, Sep. 3, G. BISHOPS SUFFRAGAN OF MARLBOROUGH. See Diocese of London, ante, p. 452. BISHOP SUFFRAGAN OF SHAFTESBURY. 1539. John Bradley. 30 468 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. DEANS OF SALISBURY. * * Roger. * * Osbert. * * Serlo. * * Robert ; d. 1111. * * Robt. Chichester ; bp. Exeter about 1128. 1140. Robt. Warlewest. * * Henr}'. 1165. John of Oxford; bp. Norwich, 1175. * * Robert. * * Jordan, dean in 1192. * * Eustachius, dean in 1195 ; bp. Ely, 1198. 1197. Richd. Poor ; bp. Chichester, 1214. 1215. Adam do Ilchester ; d. 1220. 1220. Wm. de Waude. 1238. Robt. de Hertford ; d. 1257. 1257. Robert, de Wykehampton ; bp. Salisbury, 1274. 1274. Walter Scammel ; bp.Salisbury,1284. 1284. Hv. de Blaundeston ; bp. Salisbury '1287. 1287. Simon de Mitcham. 1298. Peter of Savoy. 1309. Cardl. Wm. Ruffatus de Cassineto. 1310. Cardl. Raymond de la Goth; d. 1346. 1346. Bertrand de Farges. 1347. Reynold Orsini. 1380. Robt. Braybrooke. 1385. Thos. de Montacute ; d. 1404, 1404. John Chandler ; bp. Salisbury, 1417. 1418. Simon Sidenham ; bp. Chichester, 1430. 1430. Thos. Browne ; bp. Rochester, 1434. 1434. Nichs. Billesdon ; d. 1441. 1441. Adam Moleyns. 1446. Richd. Lcvat ; d. 1449. 1449. Gilbert Kj-mer ; d. 1463. 1463. 1473. 1505. 1509. 1514. 1521. 1522. 1539. 1563. 1570. 1571. 1577. 1604. 1619. 1620. 1629. 1635. 1667. 1675. 1691. 1702. 1705. 1727. 1757. 1780. 1786. 1809. 1823. 1846. 1850. 1880. Jas. Goldwell ; bp. Norwich, 1472. John Davyson ; d. 1485, Edwd. Cheyno, dean in 1499; d. 1.502. Thos. Rowthall ; bp. Durham, 1508. Wm. Atwatcr; bp. Lincoln, 1514. John. Longland, or Langland ; bp. Lincoln, 1521. CuthbertTun8tall;bp. London,1522. Raymimd Padc. Peter Vannes ; res. 1563. Wm. Bradbridge ; bp. Exeter, 1571. Edmund Freke ; bp. Rochester, 1571. John Piers ; bp. Salisbury, 1577. John Bridges ; bp. Oxford, 1603. John Gordon ;<7. 1619. John Williams; dean of Westmin- ster, 1620. John Bowie ; bp. Rochester, 1629. Edmund Mason ; d. 1634. Richd. Baylie ; d. 1667. Ralph Bridecake ; bp. Chichester, 1675. Thos. Peirce ; d. 1691. Robt. Woodward ; d. 1701. Edwd. Young ; d. 1705. John Young. John Clark ; d. 1757. Thos. Green; d. 1780. Rowney Noel ; \a-a!uuu. dean of Exeter, 1883. i DIOCESE OF NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. This see was constituted under the " Bishoprics Act 1878 " (41 & 42 Vict., cap. 68), and an order in council, dated May 17, 1882, under which its establishment was to date from May 23, 1882. It was formed out of the diocese of Durham. BISHOP OF NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. 1882. Ernest Roland Wilberforce, canon of Winchester, June 26, G. ; first bishop. 31 482 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. DIOCESE OF RIPON. This see was constituted under 6 &7 Will. IV., cap. 77 (Aug. 13, 1836), and an order in council, dated Oct. 5, 1836, under which its estab- lishment was to date from October 7, 1836. It was formed out of the dioceses of York and Chester. In 1557, a bishop suffragan of Penrith was appointed under 26 Hen. Vni., cap. 14. He was probably suffragan to Carlisle, but when in 1888 the title was revived, the bishop was made suffragan to Ripon. BISHOPS OF RIPON. 1836. Chas. Thos. Longley, head master of Harrow, Oct. 15 ; first bp. ; tr. to Durham, 1856. 1856. Robt. Bickersteth, canon of Salis- 9, G. ; d. Apr. II bury, Dec. 1884. 1884. \Vm. Boyd Carpenter, canon of Wind- sor, June 12, G. BISHOPS SUFFRAGAN OF PENRITH. 1637. Jno. Bird, probably suffragan to I 1888. Jno. Jas. Pulleine, can. of Ripon, Carlisle. | Apr. 30, G. DEANS OF RIPON. Before the constitution of the see, Ripon possessed a collegiate church. It was originally a monastery dissolved by Henry VIII. and refounded by James I., in 1604. By the Act 6 & 7 Will. IV., cap. 77 (Aug. 13, 1836) and order in council, dated Oct. 6, 1836, establishing the see of Ripon, it vras provided that the deans and pre- bendaries of the Collegiate Church should be the dean and canons of the new see. Deans of the Collegiate Church op Ripon. From the restoration by James I. The dates are those of the installations, except when otherwise stated. 1604. Moses Fowler, Aug. 2 (first dean) ; 1676. Thos. Cartwright, instituted Jan. 31 ; d. Mar. 1608. installed Feb. 1 ; bp. Chester, Oct. 1608. Anthy. Higgins. 17, 1686. 1624. John Wilson, d. Feb. 1635. 1686. Christr. Wyvill, Nov. 6 ; d. Jan. 7, 1635. Thos. Dod, Apr. 23; dispossessed; ,_,, „ ^^^^' t^ • >» ia j » d Feb 1648 Heneage Dermg, Mar. 10 ; rf. Apr. 8, 1660. John Wilkins, Aug 31 ;^bp. Chester 1750 Fras.*" Wanley, instituted Aug. 13; 16G8 ; (/. Nov. 19, lbi2. installed Aug. 16 ; d. Julv 1791. 1673. John Neile, instituted May 25; in- ' 1791. Robert Darby Waddilove, app. Oct.; stalled May 30 ; d. Apr. 14, 1675. I instituted Jan. 14, installed Jan. 1675. Thos. Tullic, instituted May 5 ; in- 1 21, 1792; d. Aug. 18, 1828. stalled Aug. 21 ; d. Jan. 14, 1 1828. Jas. Webber, app. Nov. 14 ; installed 1676. Nov. 24. Deans of Ripon Cathedral. 1836. Jas. Webber (above-named), Oct. 5 ; d. Sept. 3, 1847. 1847. Hon. Hy. David Erskine, app. Sept. 23, G. ; installed Nov. 14; d. July 27, 1859. 1869. Thos. Gamier, app. Aug. 29, G. ; in- stalled Oct. 6 ; made dean of Lincoln Mar. 30, 1860. 1860. Wm. Goode, app. May 10, G.; in- stalled July 17 ; d. Aug. 13, 1868. 1868. Hugh McNeile, app. Sept. 9, G. ; in- stalled Oct. 29; res. 1876; d. Jan. 28, 1879. 1876. Sydney Turner, app. Dec. 20, G. ' installed Jan. 27, 1876 ; res. same year. 1876. Wm. Robt. Fremantlo, app. Apr. 18, G. ; installed May 9. THE BOOK OP DIGNITIES. DIOCESE OF SODOR AND MAN. The bishopric of Man was established or affirmed by pope Gregory IV. It had united to its diocese the Western Isles of Scotland, which, when Man became dependant upon England, withdrew their obedience and had a bishop of their own. The patronage of the diocese was given, together with the island, to the Stanleys, afterwards earls of Derby, from whom it passed to the dukes of Athole. The pati'ons nominated the bishop to the king, who sent him to the archbishop of York for consecration. The prelates thus appointed were not lords of Parlia- ment, not holding from the king himself, and though allowed to sit in the House of Lords by courtesy, did not enjoy a vote. This disability continues, although, since 1829, when the last remaining rights of the dukes of Athole over the Isle of Man were bought up, the bishops have been directly nominated by the Crown. The bishopric is nominally united to that of Sodor, or Sudreys, i.e., South Hebrides, a diocese which compreheuded all the islands, together with the Isle of Man. The bishop is still called " Bishop of Sodor and Man " ; but the diocese consists of the Isle of Man only. There are no dean and chapter attached to this see. BISHOPS OP SODOR AND MAN. I. bishops of Man. of Man ; styled also bishops 447. Germanus, * * Conindrins, * * Romulus, 498. Machutus, Machi Maughold, * * Conanus, * * St. Gontentus, * * St. Bladus, * * St. Malchus, 889. Torkinus, * * Roolwer, * * William, * * Brendinus, Bishops of Sodor and Man. 1113. Wymundus, or Reymundus ; depr. 1151. John, a monk of Sais, in Normandj'. 1154. Gamaliel. * * Reginald, a Norwegian. * * Christian Orcadensis, or of Orkney. * * Michael, a Manxman. 1203. Nicholas de Meaux, abbot of Purnes. 1217. Reginald, nephew to king Olave. 1226. John. 1230. Simon Orcadensis, or of Orkney. 1249. Lawrence, archdn. of Man. See vacant almost 2 years. 1252. Richard. 1275. Mark of Galloway. 1305. Allen, or Onachus, of Galloway. 1321. Gilbert of Galloway. 1324. Bernard, a Scot, abbot of Kilwinning, Scotland. 1334 Thomas, a Scot. 1348. Wm. Russell, a Manxman, abbot of Rushen. 1374. John Donkan, a Manxman. 1381. Robt. Waldby ; tr. to Dublin, 1391. He is said to have been bp. of this see in 1396 ; but Le Neve doubts it. See vacant many years. 1429. Richd. Pully. 1448. John Green, or Sprotton, vicar of Danchurch, Warwickshire. 1455. Thos. Burton. 1458. Thos. . abbot of Vale Royal, Cheshire. 1480. Richd. Oldham, abbot of Chester. 1487. Huan Hisketh, or Blackleach. 1510. Thos. Stanley, rector of Wigan ; depr. 1545. Robt. Farrer, or Ferrar ; tr. to St. David's. 1546. Hy. Mann, dean of Chester. 1558. Thos. Stanley, rest. ; d. 1570. 1571. John Salisbury, dean of Norwich. 1573. Jas. Stanley. Le Neve says the see was vacant about 3 years ; but Heylyn states that this prelate held it from 1573 to 1576. 1576. John Merick, vicar of Homchurch, Essex. 1600. Geo. Lloyd ; tr. to Chester. 1604. John Philips, archdrtof Cleveland and ilan. 1634. Wm. Porster, preb. of Chester. 1635. Richd. Parr, rector of Eccleston, Lancashire; d. 1643. 31 * 484 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. See vacant 17 years. 1 1827. 1661. Saml. Rntter, archdn. of Man. 1 1838. 1G63. Isaac Barrow, fellow of Eton College ; tr. in 16G9 to St. Asaph ; but held 1839. this sec two years in commemlam. 1841 1G71. Hy. Brid^man, dean of Chester. 1682. John Lake, archdn. of Cleveland ; tr to Bristol. 1846, 1684. Baptist Levinge, preb. of Win Chester. 1847 See vacant 5 years. 1697. Thos. Wilson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin f/. 17.55. 1755. Mark Hiddeslev, vicar of Hitchen, 1854 Herts. 1773. Richd. Richmond, vicar of Walton-on- the-Hill, Lancashire. 1877 1780. Geo JIason ; d. 1783. 1784. Claudius Crigan ; d. 1813. 1887 1813. Geo. Murray ; tr. to Rochester. Wm. Ward ; d. 1838. Jas. Bowstead ; tr. to Lichfield and Coventry. Hy. Pepys ; tr. to Worcester. Thos. Vowler Short, rector of St. George's, Bloomsbury; tr. to St. Asaph. Walter Aug. Shirley ; app. Nov. 28 ; d. 1847. Hon. Robt. John Eden, who, on the decease of his brother, the E. of Auckland, in 1849, succ. to that title ; tr. to Bath and Wells 1854. Hon. Horatio Powys, rector of War- rington and rural dean. July 5, G. ; d. May 31, 1877. Rowlev Hill, canon of York, July 17. Q.{d. May 27, 1887. John Wareing Bardsley, archdn. of Warrington,' '^ .'r >■ ><'. j Cc DIOCESE OF WAKEFIELD. This see was constituted under the "Bishoprics Act 1878" (41 & 42 Vict., cap. 68), and an order in council dated May 17, 1888, under ■which its establishment was to date from May 18, 1888. It was formed out of the dioceses of York and Eipon. There are at present no dean and chapter attached to this see. BISHOP OF WAKEFIELD. 1888. Wm. Walsham How, tr. from Bedford, May 28, G. ; first bishop. DIOCESE OF YORK. YoKKis the most ancient metropolitan see in England, dating, it is said, from about a.d. 180, when Christianity was first, although partially, planted in England. But this establishment was overturned by the Saxons driving out the Britons. When the former were converted, pope Gregory determined that York should be restored to its former dignity, and Paulinus was made archbishop of this see, about a.d. 622. York and Durham were the only two sees in the north of England for many years, until Henry I. erected a bishopric at Carlisle, and Henry VIII. another at Chester. York was the metropolitan see of the Scottish bisho}»s; but during the time of archbishop Novill they withdrew their obedience, and had archbishops of their own. Many disputes arose between the two English metro2)olitans about precedency, as, by pope Gregory's institutions, it was thought he meant that which- ever of them was first confirmed should be the superior. Appeal was made to the Court of Kome by both parties, and it was determined in THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 486 favour of Canterbury ; but York was allowed to style himself primate of England, while Canterbury styles himself primate of all England. The archbishop of York ranks next to the ai-chbishop of Canterbury amongst the English bishops ; he also has precedence before all dukes not of the blood-royal, as also before all the great ofl&cers of state, the lord high chancellor excepted. In 1538 a bishop suffragan of Hull was appointed (probably to this see) under 26 Hen. VIII., cap. 14, but this appointment was not continued. ARCHBISHOPS OF YORK. 622. 669. 678. 705. 718. 735. 767. 780. 797. 812. 830. 854. 895. 921. 941. 955. 971. 993. 1002. 1023. 1050. 1061. 1070. 1100. 1109. 1114. 1144. 1147. 1153. 1154. 1191. St. Paulinus ; d. 644, being then bp. Rochester. Sec vacant above 30 years. St. Chad, previously bp. Lichfield ; d. 672. Wilfi-ide I. St. Bosa. St. John of Beverley ; res. St. Wilfride II. St. Egbert, brother to king Eadbert of Northumbria. Adelbert, Albert, Oaena, or Coena. Eanbald I. Eanbald II. Wolsiiis, or Wulfius. Wilmund, or Wymond. Wulfhere, or Wilferus. Ethelbald. Redeward, or Redward. Wolstan, or Wolfstan I. Oskitell. Athelwald. St. Oswald, Adulphus, Adulse, Wolfstan, Wolstan II., J Alfric, or Putta. Kinsius. Aldred ; tr. from Worcester. Thomas I., canon of Baion. Gerard ; tr. from Hereford. Thomas II., bp. elect of London ; but removed, before consecration, to this see. Thurstan, preb. of St. Paul's ; res. Jan. 1139. William, a kinsman of king Stephen's ; depr. by the pope, 1147. Hilary, bp. of Chichester, chosen by part of the chapter ; but the other part chose Hy. Murdac, abbot of Fountains. William, who was depr. in 1147 ; rest. Roger, archdn. of Canterbury. See vacant 10 years. Godfrey Plantagenet, natl. son of Henry II., archdn. of Lincoln, Id. chanc. 1 or I held the see \ Worcester or I cominendam. See vacant 4 years. Simon de Langton, brother to Stephen, abp. of Canterbury ; elected, but set aside by the pope 1217. Walter de Grey, tr. from Worcester ; Id. chanc. 1256. St. Sewall de Bovill, dean of York. 1258. Godfrey de Kinton, or Ludeham, dean of York. 1264. Wm. de Langton, or Ruderfield ; elected, but put aside by the pope, who conferred the see on St. Bonaventure, cardl., who soon afterwards resigned it. 1265. Walter Giffard, tr. from Bath and Wells ; Id. chanc. 1279. Wm. Wickwane, chanc. of York. 1285. JohnRomayne, precentor of Lincoln. 1296. Hy. de Newark, or Newerke, dean of York. 1299. Thos. Corbridge,or Corbrigge, preb. of York. 1303. Wm. Greenfield, or Grenfeld, dean of Chichester, Id. chanc. 1316. Wm. de Melton, provost of Beverley, Id. chanc. and Id. treasr. 1340. Wm. le Zouch, or de la Zouch, dean of York, Id. treasr. 1352. .John Thoresby, tr. from Worcester ; cardl. ; Id. chanc. 1373. Alexr. Nevill, archdn. of Durham ; banished in 1387. 1388. Thos. Fitz-Alan, or Arundel, Id. chanc. ; tr. from Ely ; tr. to Can- terburv. 1393. Robt. Waldby, tr. from Chichester. 1398. Richd. Scrope, tr. from Lichfield and Coventi-y ; beheaded June 8 1405. 1405. Thos. Langley, or Longley, dean ol Y'ork ; elected, but put aside by the pope. Robt. Hallum, nom. by the pope ; but, the king not consenting, he was removed to Salisbui-y. 1407. Hy. Bowett, tr. from Bath and Wells. 1424. Richd. Flemyng, bp. of Lincoln ; pro- moted to this see, but the appt. not confirmed. 486 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1426. John Kempe, tr. from London; i 1628 cardl., and Id. chanc. ; tr. to Canterbury. 1632, 1452. Wm. Booth, tr. from Lichfield and ' Coventry. ; 1641, 1465. Geo. Nevill, tr. from Exeter ; Id. chanc. 1476. Laurence Booth, tr. from Durham. 1480. Thos. Scott, alias Rotheram ; tr. from Lincohi : Id. chanc. 1501. Thos. Savage, tr. from London. 1508. Christr. Bainbridge, tr. from Dur- ham ; cardl. 1514. Thos. Wolsey, tr. from Lincoln ; Id. chanc. and cardl. 1531. Edwd. Lee, chanc. of Salisburj' and preb. of York. 1545. Robt. Holgate, tr. from Llandaff ; Id. pres. of the north ; depr. 1555. Nichs. Heath, late bp. of Worcester; Id. chanc. ; depr. 1558. Wm. May, dean of St. Paul's ; chosen, but d. before consecration, Aug. 1560. 1560. Thos. Young, tr. from St. David's : Id. pres. of the north. 1570. Edmd. Grindal, tr. from London ; tr. to Canterbury, 1575. 1576. Edwyn Sandys, tr. from London. 1588. John Piers, tr. from Salisbury. 1595. Matth. Hutton I. ; tr. from Dur- ham. 1606. Tobias Matthew, tr. from Durham 1628. Geo. Monteigne, tr. from Durham ; d. the same year. 1660. 1664. 1683. 1688. 1691. 1714. 1724. 1743. 1747. 1757. 1761. 1776. 1807. 1847 1860, 1862 BISHOP SUFFRAGAN Saml. Harsnet, tr. from Norwich; d. May 1631. Richd. Neile or Neyle, tr. from Winchester. John Williams, tr. from Lincoln : Id. kpr. ; d. 1650. See vacant 10 years. Accepted Frewen, tr. from Lich- field and Coventry. Richd. Sterne, tr. from Carlisle. John Dolben, tr. from Rochester. Thos. Lamplugh, tr. from Exeter. John Sharp, dean of Canterbury. Sir Wm. Dawes, bt., tr. from Ches- ter. Lancelot Blackburn, tr. from Exeter. Thos. Herring, tr. from Bangor ; tr. to Canterbury. Matth. Hutton' II., tr. from Ban- gor ; tr. to Canterbui-y. John Gilbert, tr. from Salisbury. Hon. Robt. Drummond; tr. from Salisbury; almoner. Wm. Markham, tr. from Chester; almoner ; d. Nov. 3, 1807. Hon. Edwd. Venables Vernon, aft. Harcourt, Dec. 1 ; tr. from Car- lisle ; d. Nov. 1847. Thos. Musgrave, Nov. 17 : tr. from Hereford; d. Nov. 5, 1847. Chas. Thos. Longley, June 1, G, ; tr. from Durham ; tr. to Canter- bury. , Wm. Thomson, Dec. 4, G. ; tr. from Gloucester and Bristo\A'>i-^"' ^•^•' OF HULL. 1538. Robt. Sylvester, alias Pursglove. DEANS OF YORK. Will. II. Hugo. Steph. Wm. de St. Barbara ; bp. Dur- ham, 1142. 1144. Robt. de Gant. * * Robt. Botevillin; rf. 1186. 1186. Hubert Walter; bp. Salisbury, 1188. 1189. Hy. Marshall ; bp. Exeter, 1193. 1191. Simon de Apulia ; bp. Exeter, 1214. 1214. Hamo. 12 — . Roger de Insula. 1235. Geoff'ry de Norwych. 1240. Fulk Bassett; bp. London, 1241. 1244. William. 124-. Walter dc Kyrkham. 125-. Sewal do Bovil; abp. York, 1256. 1256. Godfrey de Ludham, alias Kinton ; abp. York, 1258. 1258. Roger de Holderness. 126-. Wm. de Langueton ; d. 1279. 1279. Robt. do Scardeburgh ; d. 1290. 1290. 1298. 1309. 1310. 1312. 1332. 1333. 1347. 135-. 1366. 1381. 1385. 139-. 1398. 1401. 1407. 1416. Hy. de Newark, or Newerke : abp. York, 1296. Wm. de Hameltone. Reginald dc Gote, cardl. ; d. 1310. Wm. de Pykering ; d. 1312. Robt. de Pykering. Wm. de Colby. Wm. le Zouch, or de la Zouch : abp. York, 1340. Philip do Weston. Tailerand, B. of Albanen. Jno. Anglicus, cardl. ; depr. Adam Easton, cardl. ; depr. Edmd. dc Strafford. Roger Walden ; consec. abp. Canter- bury (y. v.), 1398; bp. London, 1404. Richd. ClifTord; bp. Worcester, 1401. ThoH. Langley ; bp. Durham, 1406. Jno. Prophote. Thos. Polton ; bj). Hereford, 1420. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 487 1421. 1426. 1437. 1454. 1477. 1488. 1494. 1496. 1503. 1507. 1512. 1514. 1516. 1539. 1544. 1567. Wm. Grey; bp. London. 1426. 1589, Robt. Gilbert ; bp. London, 1436. Wm. Felter. Richd. Andrews ; res. 1477. - 1617. Robt. Botha. , 1624. Christr. Urswyk ; res. 1494. | 1660. Wm. Sheffield. ' 1663. Geoffry Blythe ; bp. Lichtiela. 1503. j 1664. Christr. Baynbrigge ; bp. Durham, 1676. 1507. I 1679. Jas. Harrington ; d. 1512. 1702. Thos. Wolsey, dean of Lincoln ; \ 1728. bp. Lincoln, Feb. 1514 ; abp. York, Sept. 1514. : 1747. Jno. Young ; d. 1516. 1802. Brian Higden ; d. 1539. 1822. Richd. Layton ; d. 1544. ' 1858. Nichs. Wotton; d. 1567. | 1880. Matth. Hutton; bp. Durham, 1589. I Jno. Thornburgh; held bpks. of Limerick and Bristol in com- mftidain ; tr. to Worcester, 1617. Geo. Meriton ; d. 1624. Jno. Scott ; d. 1644. Richd. Marsh ; d. 1663. Wm. Sancroft ; dean of St. Paul's, 1664. Robt. Hitch; d. 1676. Tobias Wickham ; d. 1679. Thos. Gale ; d. 1702. Hy. Finch ; (/. 1728. Richd. Osbaldeston ; bp. Carlisle, 1747. .Tno. Fountayne ; d. 1802. Geo. Markham. Apr. 6, G. ; d. 1822. Wm. Cockburn, Oct. 17, G. Hon. Aug. Duncombe, May 28. Arthur Perceval Purey-Oust, Feb. 488 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PART YIIl. LONDON, PORTREEVES, MAYORS, AND LORD MAYORS OF LONDON. The Lord Mayor is the cliief magistrate of Load on and the head of the Corporation. At first he was chosen for life, and afterwards for periods of irregular duration ; now he is chosen annually, but is capable of re-election. He must be an alderman, and must have previously filled, the office of sheriff. Those freemen who have been admitted into the livery of their respective companies are the electors of the Lord Mayor; they choose two persons from amongst the aldermen, and the court of aldermen confer the dignity on whichever of the two they please. The practice is for the livery to return the aldermen in rota- tion, and of these the court chooses the senior ; but instances are not wanting in which this course has been varied, for the purpose of ex- cluding some individual on whom the rotation of seniority would other- wise have conferred the office. The 29th of September is the day of election, and between that date and the 9th of November, when he enters on his duties, he is styled the Lord Mayor Elect. Portreeves, Mayors, and Lord Mayors op London. The year mentioned in the following list is that in which each Mayor served. year of office commenced on the 9th of November in the year preceding. Those marked thus * died in their year of oflSce. His PORTREEVKS. Richd. de Par. Leofstanus Golds- mith. Robt. Barquerol. Andrew Buchevet. Mayors. Year ending Nov Hy. Fitz-Alwyn, or Ailwyn, mayor of London 24 years. 12i;$. Roger Fitz-Alwyn, or Ailwyn. 1214. Robt. Serle, mercer. 1215. Wyllyam Harden. Nov. 9. 1189 ) to Y 1212.) Year ending Nov. 9. 121G. Jacob Alderman. Saml. Basing. "1 (_ Robt. Serle, again, 1222. i ^ y®^^^- *!"' ' Richd. Renger, 4 1226. 1 ^''"'''^- "" r Roger le Due, or l'^'$l r ^"^^'j ^ years. 1 '■'J}'' "» ". ~ r Andw. Bokerell, 6 1237.) y*''"'*'- 1238. Richd. Renger, again. Year ending Nov. 1). 1239. Wm. Joynour. 1240. Gerard Bat, or Bate. 1241. 1 Revmond or Regd. 1242. j Bongay. 1243. Rauf Aswy, or Ash- way. 1244. Michl. Tony. 1245. ) T V, An ,.w,. Johan do Gysors. 1247. Pvers Alcvne. 1248. M'ichl. Toiiy, attain. 1249. Roger Fitz-Roger. 1250. .John Norman. 1251. Adam Basing. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 489 Year ending Nov. 9. 1252. Johan Tolason, Tholozane. 1253. Nycholas Batte. ^-^* ^ Richd. Harden, years. ;] to 1258.^ 1259. Johan de Gysors, again. JJJiH Wm Fitz-Richard. 1201.) 1262 ■) rj,jj^g_ Fitz-Thomas, 4 years. to 1265 1266 Wm. Fitz - Richard, again. IAlan de la Zouch, one of the justices of the kingdom ; slain by the earl Warenne. 1269. Wm. Fitz-Thomas Fitz-Richard. J 970 ) 1 271 * I "^"^^^ Adrj^an. 1273 I ^^^ Walter Harvey. 1274. Hy.Waleis,orWaleys. 1975 \ Gregory Rokeslie, 7 years. to 1281. 1282. to 1284. 1285. 1286. 1287. 1288 to 1293. 1294 to 1297. Hy. Waleis, again, 3 \ years. Gregory Rokeslie, again. Rauf de Sandwitch. Johan Breton,aft.sirJ. Rauf de Sandwitch, again, 6 years. Sir Johan Breton, again, 4 years. 1298. Hy. Waleis, again. 1^00' [ -^^y^^ Russell. . I Johan Blount, 7 1307.} y^^^'^- 1308. Nycholas Faryngdone. 1309. Thos. Romavne. 1310. Richd. Rolit'ham, or Refham. 1311. Johan Gysors. 1312. Johan Pounteney, or Pultney. 1313. Nycholas Faryng- done, again. 1314. Johan Gysors, a^at/t. 1815. Stephen de Abyng- done. . [Johan Wentgrave, 3 1318. 1 y^^*'^- Year ending Nov. 9. 1319. Hamond Chyckwell. 1320. Nycholas Faryng- done, again. 1321. 1 Hamond Chyckwell, 1322. ) again. 1323. Nycholas Faryng- done, again. 1324. ] Hamond Chyckwell, 1325. )" again. 1326. Richd. Bretayne. 1327. Hamond Chyckwell, again. 1328. Johan Grauntham, or Grantham. 1329. Symon Swanland. 1330. ] Johan Pounteney, or 1331. / Pultney, again (?). 1332. Johan Preston. 1333. Johau Pounteney, again. 1335" [R6yQol Johan Hamond. 1345. Richd. Lacere. 1346. Geoffrey Wychyng- ham. 1347. Thos. Legge. 1348. Johan Lewkyn, or Loufkin. 134^. Wm. Turke. 1350. Richd. Killingbury. 1351. Andrew Awbrey, again. , .J -^' >• Adam Fraunceys. 1354, 1355, 1356. 1357 1358, 1359, 1360, 1361. 1362. 1363. 1364 1365. 1366. 1367. Lord Mavoks. Thos. Legge, again. Symond Fraunceys, again. Hy. Pycard. or Pickard. Johan Stody. Johan Lewkyn, again, Symond Doffelde. Johan Wroth, or Worth. Johan Peche. Stephen Caundish. Johan Notte. Adam de Bury. "^ Johan Lewkyn, j again. Jas. Andrew. Year ending Nov. 9. 1368. Symond Mordon. 1369. Johan Chychester. 1370.) Johan Bernes, or 1371.) Barnes. 1372. Johan Pyell, or Piel. 1373. Adam de Bury, again. 1374. Wyllyam de Wal- worthe. 1375. Johan Warde. 1376. Adam Staple. 1377. Nichs. Brembyr. 1378. Johan Phylpot. 1379. Johan Hadley. 1380. Wyllyam de Wal- worthe, again, aft. sir W. 1381. > Johan de Northamp- 1382.]" ton. 1383 Nichs. Brembyr, ■toar \ again , 3 jea.vs. 1387' [ Nycholas Eston. 1388. Nichs. Swynford. 1389. Wyllyam Venour. 1390. Adam Bamme. 1391. Johan Heende, or Hyende, or Hind. 1392. Vfyllyam Stondon. 1393. Johan Hadley. 1394. Johan Frenche. 1395. Wyllyam More. 1396. Adam Bamme, again. 1397. Richd. Whittington. 1398. Drew Barentyne. 1399. Thos. Knolles. 1400. Johan Fraunceys. 1401. Johan Shadworth. 1402. Johan Walcot. 1403. Wm. Askam. 1404. Johan Heende, again. 1405. Johan Woodcock. 1406. Richd. Whittington, again. 1407. Wyllyam Stondon, again. 1408. DrewBarentyne,«^rt«'«. 1409. Richd. Marlowe. 1410. Thos. Knolles, it^::t:J,^ »#. f„ r, if ' THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Year ending Nov. 9. 1801. Sir Wm. Staines. 1802. Sir John Earner. 1803. Chas. Price (bt. 1804). 1804. JohnPerring. 1805. Peter Perchard. 1806. Sir Jas. Shaw, bt. 1807. Sir Wm. Leighton. 1808. John Ainsley. 1809. Chas. FloweV, aft. sir C. bt. 1810. Thos. Smith. 1811. Joshua Jonathan Smith. 1812. Claudius Stephen Hunter,af t. sirC. ,bt. 1813. Geo. Scholey. 1814. Wm. Domville, aft. sir W. , bt. 1815. Saml. Birch. [l^fl Matth. Wood. 1818. Christr. Smith. 1819. John Atkins. 1820. Geo. Brydges. 1821. John Thos. Thorpe. 1822. Christr. Magnay. 1823. Wm. Heygate, aft. sir W., bt. 1824. Robt. Waithman. 1825. John Garratt. 1826. Wm. Venables. 1827. Anthy. Browne. 1828. Matthias Prime Lucas. 1829. Wm. Thompson. 1830. John Crowder. ^^^^•^ Sir John Key, bt. 1832. i 1833. Sir Peter Laurie. 1834. Chas. Farebrother. 1835. Hy. Winchester. 1836. Wm. Taylor Cope- land. 1837. Thos. Kelly. 1838. Sir John Cowan, bt. 1839. Saml. Wilson. 1840. Sir Chapman Mar- shall. 1841. Thos. Johnson. 1842. JohnPirie,aft.sirJ.,bt. 1843. John Humphrej'. 1844. Wm. Magnay, aft. sir W., bt. 1845. Michael Gibbs. 1846. John Johnson. 1847. Sir Geo. Carroll. 1848. John Kinnersley Hooj)er, aft. sir J. 1849. Sir Jas. Duke, knt., aft. bt. 1850. Thos. Farneomb. 1851. John Musgrovo, aft. sir J., bt. Year ending Nov. 9. 1852. Wm. Hunter. 1853. Thos. Challis. 1854. Thos. Sidney. 1855. Fras. Graham Moon, aft. sir F.. bt. 1856. David Salomons (bt. 1869). 1857. Thos. Quested Finnis. 1858. Sir Robt. Walter Car- den, (bt. 1887). 1859. David Williams Wire. 1860. John Carter. llll'l Wm. Cubitt. 1863. Wm. Anderson Rose (knt. 1867). 1864. Wm. Lawrence (knt. 1887). 1865. Warren StormesHale. 1866. Benjn. Saml. Phillips, aft. sir B. 1867. Thos. Gabriel, aft. sir T., bt. 1868. Wm. Ferneley Allen. 1869. Jas. Clarke Lawrence aft. sir J., bt. 1870. Robt. Beslev. 1871. Thos. Daliin (knt. 1872). 1872. Sills John Gibbons aft. sir S., bt. 1873. Sir Sydney Hedley Waterlo w, knt. . aft. bt. 1874. Andrew Lusk. aft. sir A., bt. 1875. David Hy. Stone. 1876. Wm. Jas. Richmond Cotton. 1877. Sir Thos. White. 1878. Thos. Scambler Owden, aft. sir T. 1879. Sir Chas Whetham. 1880. Sir Fras. Wyatt T;-us- cott. 1881. Wm. McArthur, (k.c.m.g. 1882). 1882. John Whitaker Ellis. aft. sir J., bt. 1883. Hy. Edmd. Knight. aft. sir H, 1884. Robt, Xichs. Fowler. ( * Goo. Swan Xottago. 1885. ] Robt. Xichs. Fowler, ( again ; aft. sir 11., bt. 1886. John Staples, aft. sir J., K.C.M.G. 1887. Sir Reginald Hanson. knt., aft. bt. 1888. Polydore do Kevsor. aft. sir P. 1889. Jas. Whitohead.4i+<':. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES 493 CHAMBERLAINS OF LONDON. This officer is chosen, annually, on Michaelmas-day ; but, as a rule, he continues in office during life. As treasurer of the corporation, he has the receipt of all rents and other revenues, and the payment of all salaries, charges, and other outgoings. He has also the custody of all the Corporation accounts, and keeps all the records concerning freemen. Chamberlains from the Revolutio N. 1688. Sir Peter Rich. 1689. Sir Leonard Robinson. 1696. Sir Thos. Cuddon. 1702. Sir Wm. Fazakerley. 1718. Sir Geo. Ludlam. 1727. Saml. Robinson. 1734. Sir Wm. Bosworth. 1751. Sir Thos. Harrison. 1765. Sir Steph. Theoph. Janssen, bt. 1776. Benjn. Hopkins. 1779. John Wilkes. 1798. Richd. Clarke. 1831. Sir Jas. Shaw, bt. 1843. Sir Wm. Heygate. bt. 1844. Anthy. Brown. 1853. Sir Jno. Key, bt. 1858. Benjn. Scott. i ^ U,. tf-^t^^chd. LtrCtaix RECORDERS OF LONDON. The Recorder of London is the principal legal officer of the corporation, and is appointed for life by the Court of Aldermen. He sits as judge in the Mayor's Court, and also at the Central Criminal Court. Recorders of London. 1298. Jefl'ery de Norton, aldn. 1304. John de Wangrave, aldn. 1320. GeotYrey de Hertpoll, aldn. 1321. Robt. do Swalchjme, aldn. 1329. Gregory de Norton, aldn. 1339. Roger de Depham. aldn. 1363. Thos. Lodelow 1365. Wm. de Halden, aldn. 1377. Wm. Cheyne." 1389. John Tremayne, comm. serjt. 1392. Wm. Makenade. 1394. John Cokam, or Cokeyn. 1398. Matth. de Suthworth. 1403. Thos. Thornburgh. 1405. John Pieston. 1415. John Barton, sen. ; serjt. at law, 1416. 1422. John Fray ; bar. ex., 1428, and ch. bar., 1436. 1426. John Simonds, or Symond. 1435. Alesr. Anne. 1440. Thos. Cockayne. Wm. (? John) Bowes. 1442. Robt. Danvers, comm. serjt. 1451. Thos. Billyng, just. K. B.,1465; and ch. just., 1469. 1455. Thos. Urswyke, comm. serjt. ; ch. bar. ex., 1472. 1471. Humphry Starkey, ch. bar. ex., 1483. 1483. Thos. Fitzwilliam, sp. ho. comm., 1489. The records, up to this time, are im- perfect. The subsequent records have been better preserved ; and the names and dates that follow are, therefore, regular and con- secutive. 1508. 1511. 1520. 1527. 1536. 1546. 1563. 1566. Sir Robt Sheffield, or Shelielde. John Chalyner. Richd. Brooke, or Broke, just. c. p. 1521 ; and ch. bar. ex., 1526 Wm. Shelley, one of the judges of the sheriffs' court ; jixst. c. p., 1527. John Baker, one of the judges of the sheriffs' court. Sir Roger Cholmeley, serjt. at law; ch. bar. ex., 1546 ; ch. just. k. b., 1552. Robt. Brooke, or Broke, comm. serjt. ; serjt. at law, 1552 ; ch. just. c. p., 1554. Ranulph Cholmeley, one of the judges of the sheriff's' court. Richd. Onslow, solr.-gen., 1566. Thos. Bromley, solr.-gen., 1569. 494 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1569. Thos. Wilbraham ; went to the court of wards and liveries, 1571. 1571. Wm. Fleetwood, serjt. at law, 1580. 1591. Edwd. Coke, solr. gen. 1592 ; atty. gen., 1594; ch. just. c. v., 160G ; and ch. just. K. B., 1613. 1592. Edwd. Drew, serjt. at law. 1594. Thos. Flemynge, serjt. at law same year; solr-gen., 1595; ch. bar. ex. , 1G04 ; and ch. just. K. B., 1607. 1595. John Croke, sp. ho. commons, 1601 ; just. K. B., 1607. 1603. Hy. Montagu, ch. just. K. B., 1616 ; Id. treasr., 1620; cr. Id. Kim- bolton and vise. Mandeville, 1620, and E. of Manchester, 1625. 1615. Thos. Coventry, one of the judges of the sheriffs' court; solr.-gen., 1616; atty. -gen., 1620; Id. kpr. 1625 ; cr. Id. Coventry, 1628. 1616. Anthv. Benn, aft. sir A. 1618. Richd. Martin. Robt. Heath, aft. sir R., solr.-gen., 1620; atty.-gen. 1625; ch. just. c. p., 1631; dischd., 1G34 ; just. K. B., 1040; ch. just, of that court, 1643. 1620. Robt. Shute. Heneage Finch, serjt. at law, 1623 ; sp. ho. commons, 1625. 1631. Edwd. Lyttelton, aft. sir E. and Id. L. ; solr.-gen., 1634; ch. just. C. p., 1639; Id. kpr., 1641. 1634. Robt. Mason. 1635. Hy. Calthrop. 1635. Thos. Gardiner. 1643. Peter Pheasant, one of the common pleaders of the city ; just. c. p. same year. 1643, John Glynn, recorder of West- minster; serjt. at law, 1649. 1649. Wm. Steele, of Gray's Inn, atty.-gen. to the Commonwealth ; made ch. bar. ex., 1656. 1656. Lisleborne Long. 1658. John Green, a judge of the sheriffs' court. 1659. Wm.Wylde, serjt. at law, 1660; just. c. p., 1668 ; aft. just. k. b. 1660. John Glynn, at/ain. 1668. John Howell, aft. sir J., deputy re- corder, rice Wylde. 1676. Wm. Dolben, I'ice Howell, who surr. ; serjt. at law, 1677 ; just. K. b. in 1678. 1678. Geo. Jeffreys, aft. sir G., and Id. J., comm. serjt ; serjt. at law same year; ch. just. k. b., 1683; Id. chanc, 1685. 1680. Geo. Treby, aft. sir G. ; depr., 1685 ; rest, at the revolution ; solr.-gen., 1(!89 ; atty.-gen. , same year ; ch. just. c. p., 1692. 1685. Sir Thos. Jenner, bar. ex., 1686; just. c. p., 1688. 1686. Sir John Holt, ch. just. K. B., 1689 ; commr. gr. seal, 1700. 1687. John Tate, serjt. at law. 1688. Sir Barthw. Shower. .John Somers, elected, but declined, Oct. 23. This personage, aft. sir John and Id. Somers, became Id. kpr. 1693, and Id. chanc. 1697. Jas. Selby, elected, but also dechned, Oct. 25. 1692. Sir Salathiel Level, serjt. at law ; bar. ex., 1708. 1708. Sir Peter King, aft. Id. King ; ch. just. c. p., 1714 ; Id. chanc, 1725. 1714. SirWm. Thompson, solr.-gen., 1717 ; bar. ex., 1729 ; d. 1739. 1739. Sir John Strange, solr.-gen., aft. m. rolls. 1742. Sir Simon Urlin, serjt. at law; (f, 1746. 1746. John Stracey, judge of the sheriffs' court; d. 1749. 1749. Sir Richd. Adams, senior common pleader, Jan. 17 ; bar. ex. 1753. 1753. Sir Wm. Moreton, senior judge of the sheriffs' court, Feb. 15 ; d. 1763. 1763. Sir Jas. Eyre ; Apr. 7, successively bar. ex., ch. bar. ex., and ch. just. c. p. 1772. John Glynn, serjt. at law, Nov. 17 ; d. 1779. 1779. Jas. Adair, serjt. at law ; Oct. 12. 1789. Sir John Wm. Rose, senior common pleader, June. 30 ; serjt. at law, Nov. 13, following ; d. 1803. 1803. John Silvester, common serjt., Oct. 20; cr. a bt., 1815; d. 1822. 1822. Newman Knowlvs, comm. serjt., Apr. 10; res. '1833. 1833. Hon. Chas. Ewan Law, Q.c, comm. serjt; d. 1850. 1850. Hon. Jas. Archd. Stuart Wortlev, Sept. 25 ; res. 1856. 1856. Russell Gurney, q.c. ; res. 1878. 1878. Sir Thos. Chambers, Q.c. ^i^ict.;'*/ IP.f: 5j».'iij.ui>/'*/^\v.c./'.f COMMON SERJEANTS OF LONDON. The Common Serjeant is the second legal officer of the corporation, and sits as a judge in the Mayor's Court, and also at the Central Criminal Court. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 495 CoMMOx Serjeants. CojiMON Serjeants, previous to tue Revolution, who became Recorders. 1383. John Tremayne ; rec. 1389. 1422. Robt. Danvers ; rec. 1442. 1453. Thos. Urswyke ; rec. 1455. 1536. Robt. Brooke, or Broke ; rec. 1540. 1675. Sir Geo. Jeffreys ; rec. 1678. 1720. 1729. 1758. 1790. 1803. 1822. 1830. 1833. 1850. 1857. 1878. Common Serjeants from the reign of Charles II. 1678. Hy. Crispe. 1700. Duncan Dee. lA'CfZ. John Lingard. Thos. Garrard. Thos. Nugent. John Silvester ; rec. 1803. Newnan Knowlys ; rec. 1822. Thos Denman, aft. ch. just, K. B. and Id. Denman. Hon. Chas. Ewan Law ; rec. 1833. John Mirehouse. Edwd. Bullock. Thos. Chambers ; Q. c. 1861 ; knt. Mar. 14, 1872 ; rec. 1878. Wm. Thos. Charley ; knt. Mar. 18, , 1880. 496 THE BOOK OF DIGXITIES. PART IX. SCOTLAND. SOVEREIGNS OF SCOTLAND. See Part I. — " Royal " ante. OFFICERS OF STATE, &c., OF SCOTLAND. LORD HIGH TREASURERS OF SCOTLAND AND COMMISSIONERS FOR EXERCISING THAT OFFICE. COMPTROLLERS. The office op Treasurer was established on the return of James I. to Scotland fi-om his long captivity in England. In 1617 the Treasurer was ranked by an ordinance of James VI. as the first officer of state ; and, in 1623, when that king determined the precedency of his counsellors, he was ranked next to the chancellor ; in 1663, he was declared president of the exchequer. The office of comp- troller, which was sometimes joined with that of Treasurer, and desig- nated computorum rotulator, and that of collector of the new augmen- tations, both distinct offices from that of the Treasurer, were conjoined into one by James VI., and exercised by the Treasurer until the treasury was put in commission. At tiie Union the Treasuries of England and Scotland were united, see ante, p. 156. Lord High Treasurers, &c., of Scotland. 1420. 1430. 1439. 1440. 1449. 1455. 14GG. Sir Walter Ogilvie, of Lintrethan. Thos. de Myrton, dean of Glasgow. Patrick de Ogilvie. Sir Walter de Halliburton; Id. of Dirleton. Robt. Livingston, son to the govr. of the kingdom. Sir Walter do Halliburton, aijain. Andrew, abbot of Melrose. Jas. Stuart, dean of Moray. Sir David Guthrie, of Guthrie. 1470. 1473. 1480. 1490. 1494. 1499. 1507. Sir Wm. Knowlys, preceptor of Tor- phiehen. John Laing, parson of Keuland. Archd. Crawford, abb. of Holyrood House. Sir John Ramsay, of Balmaine. Hy. Amot, abb. of Cambus-Ken- neth. Geo. Schaw, abb. of Paisley. Sir Robt. Lundin, of Balgony. Sir David Beaton, of Creich. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 49r 1509. 1512. 1515. 1516. 1517. 1520. 1528. 1529. 1530. 1537. 1546. 1548. 1555. 1561. 1564. 1572. 1584. 1585. 1595. 1599. 1601. 1611. 1616. 1630. 1636. Geo. Hepburn, abb. of Aberbrothock; aft. bp. of the Isles. Andrew Stewart, bp. of Caithness. Cuthbert Baillie, commend, of Glen- luce. Jas. Hepburn, bp. of Moray. Sir Walter Oj^ilvie, of Stratheren. John Campbell, of Lundy. Archd.Douglas(? sirA.)of Kilspindie. Robt. Cairncross, abb. of Holyrood House ; aft. bp. of Ross. Sir Robt. Barton, of Over Barnton. Wm. Stewart, bp. of Aberdeen. Robt., abb. of Holyrood House. John Hamilton (brother to the re- gent), abb. of Paisley ; aft. bp. of St. Andrew's. Sir Jas. Kirkaldie, of Grange. Gilbert, E. of Cassilis. Rebt. Richardson, commend, of St. Marj- Isle. Wm. Stewart, prov. of Lincluden. Wm., E. of Gowrie. John, E. of Montrose. Sir Thos. Lyon, of Auld Bar, mast, of Glamis. Walter, Id. Blantyre. Alesr., Id. Elphinstone. Sir (tco. Hume, E. of Dunbar. Sir Eobt. Ker, k.b., E. of Somerset. John, E. of Marr. Wm. , E. of Morton. John, E. of Traquair. Commissioners appointed by the Parliament in 1641. 1641. John, E. of Loudoun, Id. chanc. Archd., M. of Argyll. Wm., E. of Glencairn. John, E. of Lindsey. Sir Jas. Carmichael. 1644. John, E. of Lindsey ; Id. treasr. app. by the States. Commissioners appointed by the States in 1649. 1649. John, E. of Loudoun, Id. chanc. Archd. , M. of Argyll. Alexr., E. of Eglintoun. John, E. of Cassilis. Robt., Id. Burleigh. Sir Danl. Carmichael. 1660. John, E. of Craufurd and Lindsey. John, 7th E. of Rothes. 1667. John, 7th E. of Rothes, Id chanc. John, E., aft. D. of Lauderdale. John, E. of Tweeddale. Alexr., E. of Kincardine. John, Id. Cochrane, eldest son of the E. of Dundonald. Sir Robt. Murray, Id. just. elk. 1674. 1682. 1686. 1687. aft. 1st D. of Rotheft. 1692. 1695. 1696. Jan. 30. 1696. May 24. 1698. John, 7th E., Id. chanc. John, D. of Lauderdale. John, E. of Dundonald. Colin, E. of Balcarras. Hon. Chas. Maitland, dep. treasr. and mast. mint. Wm., M., aft. D. of Queensberry. Wm., D. of Queensberry. Jas., E. of Perth, Id. chanc. Wm., D. of Hamilton. John, E. of Kintore, treasr. dep. Geo., vise. Tarbat, elk. regr. Hon. Wm. Drummond, aft. viae. Strathallan. Jas., E. of Perth, Id. chanc. John, M. of Athole, Id. pr. seal. Wm., D. of Hamilton. Geo. , D. of Gordon. John, E. of Tweeddale. Colin, E. of Balcarras. Geo., vise. Tarbat. Wm., vise. Strathallan. Richd., vise. Maitland, eldest son of E. of Lauderdale, treasr. dep. Wm. , E. of Crauf ord. John, E. of Cassilis. John, E. of Tweeddale. David, Id. Ruthven. *Hon. Alexr. Melville, eldest son of Id. Melville. John, E. of Tweeddale, Id. chanc. *Jas.,E. of Drumlanrig, eldest son of the D. of Queensberry. John, E. of Cassilis. Geo., E. of Linlithgow. John, E. of Breadalbane. Alexr., Id. Rai h, eldest son of the E. of Melville, treasr. dep. John, M. of Tweeddale, Id. chanc. Jas., E. of Drumlanrig. John, E. of Cassilis. Geo., E. of Linlithgow. John, E. of Breadalbane. *John, Id. Tester, eldest son of the M. of Tweeddale. John, M. of Tweeddale, Id. chaQC. Jas., D. of Queensberry. Archd., E., aft. D. of Argyll. Wm , E. , aft. M. of Annandale. Alexr., Id. Raith, treasr. dep. *Sir John Maxwell, of Pollock, bt. Patrick, Id. Polwarth, aft. E. of Marchmont ; Id. chanc. Jas., D. of Queensberry. Archd. , E. of Argyll. Wm., E. of Annandale. Hon. Alexr. Hume, eldest son of Id. 1 olwarth, treasr. dep. *Sir John Maxwell, of Pollock, bt. Patrick, E. of Marchmont, Id. chanc. Jas., D. of Queensberry. Archd., E. of Argyll. * See Note, next page. 498 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1698. Wm. , E. of Annandale. Adam Cockburn, of Ormiston, treasr. dep. •Sir John Maxwell, of Pollock, bt. 1702. Jas., E. of Seafiold, Id. chanc. Jas., D. of Qucensberry. Archd., E. of Argyll. Wm., E. of Annandale. Alexr., E. of Eglintoun. Hugh, E. of Loudoun. David, Id. Boyle, treasr. dep. *David, Id. Elcho, eldest son of the countess of Wemyss. 1703. Jas., E. of Seafield, Id. chanc. Jas. , D. of Qucensberry. Archd., D. of Argyll. Wm., M. of Annandale. Alexr., E. of Eglintoun. Hugh, E. of Loudoun. David, Id. Boyle, eldest son of the E. of Glasgow, treasr. dep. *Hon. Eras. Montgomery. 1704. John, M. of Tweoddale.ld. chanc. Wm., M. of Annandale. Hugh, E. of Loudoun. Chas., E. of Selkirk. John, Id. Belhaven. Geo. Baillie, treasr. dep. 1704. *Hon. Eras. Montgomery. Sir John Hume, bt. 1705. Jas., E. of Seafield, Id. chanc. 1705. Jas., D. of Qucensberry. Jas., D. of Montrose. Jas.. E. of Galloway. David, E. of Xorthesk. Archd. , E. of Forfar. David. E. of Glasgow, treasr. dep, *Ld. Archd. Campbell. Wm., Id. Ross. Hon. Fras. Montgomery. 1706. Jas., E. of Seafield, Id." chanc. Jas., D. of Montrose. Jas., D. of Qucensberry. David. E. of Xorthesk. Archd., E. of Forfar. David, E. of Glasgow, treasr. dep. Wm., Id. Ross. *Fras. Montgomery. 1707. Jas.,E. of Seafield, Id. chanc. Jas., D. of Montrose, pres. pr. council. Jas., D. of Qucensberry, kpr. pr. seal. David. E. of Glasgow, treasr. dep. Wm. , Id. Ross. *Hon. Fras. Montgomery. For Lord Treasurers, &c., of Scotland after the Union see " Treasurers, Commissioners, &c., of Great Britain," ante, p. 156. • Note.— The Lord Treasurer of Scotland bad, by the law of that country, a seat in its parliament, in virtue of his office, independently of election ; and when the treasury was in commission, the king had a right to name any one commissioner to sit and vote as Lord Treasurer in parliament. The member of each treasury board marked thus * was so nominated. Comptrollers of Scotland. 1426. David Brune. 1543. 1429. John Spence. 1546 1446. Alexr. Nairne. of Sanford. 1548. 1448. Robt. dc Livingston. 1557. 1458. Ninian Spot, canon of Dunkeld. 1464. John Colquhoun, of Colquhoun. 1.-.60. 1467. David Guthrie, of Guthrie. 1561. 1468. Adam Wallace, of Craigie. 1563. 1471. Jas. Schaw, of Salquhy. ir)67. 1472. Alexr. Le.-^lie, of Warderis. 1584. * * Thos. Simson. 1.585. 1488. Alexr. Inglis, archdn. of St. An- 1589. drew's. 1597. 1499. Patrick Hume, of Polwarth. 1599. 1506. James, abb. of Dunfermline. 1600. 1507. Jas. Riddoch, of Aberladonoche. 1513. Robt. Arnot, of Woodmill ; killed 1603. at Floddon. 1610. 1514. Duncan Furrester, of Garden. 161.5. 1515. Patrick Hamilton. 1616. Alexr. Garden. 1520 Robt. Barton, of Over Barnton. 1525 Sir Jas. Colvill, of Ochiltree. 1538. David Wood, of Craig. Thos. Menzies. William, commend, of Culross. William, abb. of Ross. Mons. de Ruby ; to Q. Mary the Re- gent. Barthw. Villomore. Sir John Wishart, of Pittarrow. Sir. Wm. Murray, of Tullibardine. Jas. Cockburn. of Skirling. Sir Jas. Campbell, of Ardkinglass. Andrew Wood, of Largo. David Seton, of Parbroath. Walter, prior of Blantyre. Sir Goo. Hume, of Wodderburn Sir David Murray, of Gospetrie, aft. Id. Scoon. Peter Rollock, bp. of Dunkeld. Sir Jas. Hay, of Fingask. , Sir Gideon Murray, of Elibank. He was thelastComptroUor to James VI., in whose reign the office was Bupprossod, and incorporated with that of lord high treasurer. See "Lord High Treasurers," ante, p. 496. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 499 LORD HIGH ADMIRALS OF SCOTLAND. This oflBcer in Scotland had very extensive powers. He commanded the king's ships and sailors, and had the inspection of all the sea-ports, harbours, and sea-coasts in the kingdom. He had, also, a particular tribunal, where the judges, appointed by him, decided all causes re- lating to sea affairs, according to a particular code of naval law. His powers likewise extended to the cognizance of all crimes committed at sea, and to all controversies, actions, and quarrels, concerning crimes, faults, and trespasses committed upon the sea, or in the ports and creeks thereof, or in fresh waters and navigable rivers, so far as the sea flows and ebbs. This duty he executed by a deputy, commissioned by him, called the Deputy Judge- Admiral, who likewise judged in matters purely commercial, arising on the sea. After the Treaty of Union, a vice-admiral only was appointed by the sovereign. Lord High Admirals of Scotland. * * Hy. , E. of Orkney ; to Robert III. * * Geo., E. of Caithness; to James II. * * Wm. , E. of Caithness and Orkney ; to James II. 1476. David, 5th E. of Crauford, aft. D. of Montrose. 1482. Alexr., D. of Albany. * * Andrew Wood, of Largo ; he was never admiral ; but, in 1477, was master of the Yellow Carval. In the reign of James IV., his son defended the castle of Dum- barton against the English. 1502. Patrick, E. of Bothwell. * * Jas. , E. of Arran. * * Archd. , E. of Angus. * * Robt., Id. Maxwell. 1511. Adam, E. of Bothwell ; heritably. 1544. Patrick, E. of Bothwell. 1567. 1578. 1583. 1626. 1673. 1705. 1706. Jas., E. of Bothwell, and D. of Ork- ney ; attainted. Jas., E. of Morton; beheaded. Eras., E. of Bothwell; attainted. Jas., D. of Lenox and Richmond; heritably. John, E. of Linlithgow ; made adm. during the D. of Lenox's minority. Jas., D. of Lenox and Gordon; d. 1672.* Alexr., E. of Kincardine ; vice. -adm. Jas. D. of York and Albany ; aft. James VII. of Scotland and II. of England. Wm., D. of Hamilton. Chas., D. of Richmond and Lenox. Jas. , D. of Montrose. David, E. of Wemyss. Office abolished at the Union. Vice-Admirals of Scotland. From the Union to the discontinuance of the ofl&ce. 1708. David, E. of Wemyss. 1714. John, 8th E. of Rothes. 1722. Chas. , D. of Queensberry and Dover. 1729. John, E. of Stair. 1733. Geo. , E. of Morton. 1738. Jas., E. of Findlater and Sea- field. 1764. John, E. of Hyndford, Dec. 22. 176G. Wm., E. of March, aft. D. of Queens- berry, Aug. 30. 1776. John, E. of Breadalbane, Sept. 1782. Lord Wm. Gordon, bro. to D. of Gor- don, Mar. 20. 1795. Chas. Shaw, Id., aft. vise, and E. Carthcart, k.t. ; d. June 16, 1843. Office not filled up. * On his death, in 1672, the office of Admiral of Scotland reverted to the crown. The king then bestowed it upon his infant natural son, Charles Lenox, afterwards duke of Richmond and Lenox, with a reservation of a term for life to his brother James, duke of York. In 1673, William, duke of Hamilton, was appointed Admiral of Scotland, and after his death the office was managed by commissioners till the duke of Richmond became of age. He resigned the office to the crown in 1703. 500 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. LORD PRESIDENTS OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL OP SCOTLAND. 1(525. John, E. of Montrose. 1649. John, E. of Loudoun. 1660. John, 7th E., aft. Ist D. of Rothes. 1663. John, E., aft. M. of Twoeddale. 1672. John, D. of Lauderdale. 1681. Sir Geo. Gordon, of Haddo, aft. E. of Aberdeen. 1682, Jas. , M. of Montrose. 1686. Wm , D. of Queensberry. 16«9. Wm., E. of Craufurd and Lindsey. 1693. Wm., E., aft. M. of Annandale. 1695. Geo., E. of Melville. 1702. Wm., M. of Annandale. 1704. Jas., M., aft. D. of Montrose. 1705. Wm., M. of Annandale. 1706. Jas., D. of Montrose. The Scotch Privy Council was abolished by 6 Anne, cap. 40 (cap. 6, G. B. Ruffhead's Statutes) [1707]. VICE-PRESIDENTS OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL FOR EDUCATION IN SCOTLAND. By 48 & 49 Vict., cap. 61 (Aug. 14, 1885), the Act creating the office of Secretary for Scotland (see ante, p. 221), power was given to the Crown to appoint such seci-etary vice-president of the Scotch Educa- tion Department, and under this power the following appointments have been made : — Vice-Pbesidents of the Committee of the Privt Council foe Education in Scotland. 1885. Chas. Hy., D. of Richmond and Gordon, Aug. 19, G. 1886. Geo. Otto Trevelyan, aft. Sir G., bt., Feb. 13, G. 1886. Jno. Wm., E. of Dalhousie, k.t., Apr. 3, G. Arthur Jas. Balfour, Aug. 16, 0. 1887. Schomberg Hy., M. of Lothian, Mar. 25. , G. LORDS PRIVY SEAL OF SCOTLAND. This office was established by James I. on his return to Scotland from his captivity in England. The duties are analogous to those of the corresponding office in England. Lords Privy Seal of Scotland. 1424. Walter Foote, prov. of Bothvirell. 1426. John Cameron, prov. of Lincluden, and bp. of Glasgow. 1432. Wm. Fowlis, prov. of Bothwell. 1442. Wm. Turnbull, canon of Glasgow. 1458. Thos. Spence, bp. of Galloway. 1459. John Arouse. 1463. Jas. Lindsay, prov. of Lincluden. 1467. Thos. Spence, bp. of Aberdeen. 1470. 1472. 1489. 1500. 1507. Wm. Tulloch, bp. of Moray. of Orkney, aft. Andrew Stuart (half brother to James III.), bp. elect of Moray. David Livingston, prov. of Linclu den. John, prior of St. Andrew's. Wm. Klphinstono, bp. of Aberdeen Aloxr. Gordon, bp. of Aberdoou. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 501 1514. David, abb. of Aberbrothock. 1519. Geo., abb. of Holyrood House. 1526. Geo. , Crichton, bp. of Dunkeld. 1527. Archd.Douglas(?sirA.),ofKilspindie. * * Robt. Colvill, of Graufurd ; a Id. of sess. 1542. David Beaton, abb. of Aberbrothock; cardl. and abp. of St. Andrew's. John Hamilton, abb. of Paisley, aft. abp. of St. Andrew's. 1547. Wm., Id. Ruthven. 1533. Geo. , Id. Fyvie, aft. E. of Dunferm- line. 1563. Sir Richd. Maitland, of Lethington. 1567. John Maitland, prior of Colding- ham. 1571. Geo. Buchanan ; a Id. of sess., pr. councr., and preceptor to the king. 1583. Walter Stewart, commend, of Blan- tyre. 1595. Sir Richard Cockbum, of Clerk- ington. 1626. Thos., E. of Haddington. 1641. Robt., E. of Roxburgh. 1649. John, E. of Sutherland; by the parlt. 1660. Wm., E. marischal. 1661. Chas., E. of Dunfermline. 1672. John, E., aft. M. of Athole. 1689. Archd.,E. of Forfar. 1689. John, E. of Kintore. John, Id. Oarmichael, aft. E. of Hyndford. 1690. Geo., E. of Melville. 1695. Jas., D. of Queensberry. 1702. John, M., aft. D. of Athole. 1705. Jas., D. of Queensberry. 1709 Jas., D. Montrose. 1713 John, D. of Athole. 1714. John, D. of Roxburgh. 1715. Wm., M. of Annandale. 1721. Archd., E. of Islay, aft. D. of Argyll. 1733. Jas., D. of Athole. 1763. Hon. Jas. Stuart-Mackenzie, brother to the E. of Bute. 1765. Lord Fredk. Campbell, son of the D. of Argyll. 1765. .John, E. of Breadalbane. 1766. Hon. Jas. Stuart-Mackenzie, again (for life) ; d. 1800. 1800. Hy. Dundas, aft. vise. Melville; d. May, 1811. 1811. Robt., second vise. Melville; d. June, 1851. The office of Lord Privy Seal was not filled up until 1853. Fox, Id. Panmure, aft. E. and M. of Dalhousie, May 25, G. 1874. Schomberg Hy., M. of Lothian, Aug. 5. SECRETARIES OF STATE IN AND FOR SCOTLAND. SECRETARIES FOR SCOTLAND. The Scotcli Secretaries may be divided into three classes: — I. The Scotch Secretaries of State who existed from early times and continued down to the Union. II. The Principal Secretaries of State for Scotland, in England, who were first appointed at the Union, and continued down to 1746. III. The Secretaries for Scotland who were appointed under 48 & 49 Vict., cap. 61 (Aug. 14, 1885), and whose powers were enlarged by 50 & 51 Vict., cap. 52 (Sept. 16, 1887). See introduction to English Secretaries of State, ante, p. 221. Secretaries op State in Scotland, From the reign of King Malcolm IV. to the Union. * * Nicolaus ; to Malcom IV. 1380. Duncan Pecoce ; to Robert H. 1410. Andrew de Hawick, rector of Listen. 1418. John, E. of Buchan. 1424. John Cameron, aft. bp. of 1429. Wm. Fowlis. 1432. John Methven. 1448. John Raulston, bp. of Dunkeld. 1452. Wm. Otterburne. 1453. Geo. de Shoreswood. 1454. John Arouse, archdn. of Glasgow. * * Thos. de Vaus, dean of Glasgow. 502 1463. Jas. Law, archdn. of Glasgow. * * Archd. Whitlaw, archdn. of Lothian. 1488. Alexr. Inglis, aft. bp. of Dunkeld. 1490. Patrick Paniter, {vulgo Panter), archdn. of Moray ; aft. abb. of Cambuskenneth. 1495. Richd. jMuirhead, dean of Glasgow. 1496. Michl. Balfour, abb. of Melrose. 1516. Thos. Hay. 1624. Patrick Hepburn, rector of White- ston. * * Thos. Erskine, of Halton ; aft. sir T. E., of Brechin. 1528. Patrick, abb. of Cambuskenneth, again. 1535. Richd. Muirhead, dean of Glasgow, again. 1543. David Paniter, bp. of Ross. * * Jas. Strachan, canon of Aberdeen. 1561. Sir Wm. Maitland, jun., of Lething- ton. 1464. Sir Jas. Balfour, of Pittendriech ; to Q. Mary. * * Jas. Maxwell, of Cramond, son of sir "SVm. Maxwell ; to Q. Mary. * * David Rizzio, frgn. sec. to Q. Mary ; murd. by Darnley, 1566. * * John Lesley, bp. of Ross ; sec. until ilay, 1571. 1572. Robt. Pitcairn, archdn. of St. An- drew's. 1584. Sir John Maitland, of Thirlestane. 1591. Sir Richd. Cockburn, of Clerkington. 1596. Sir John Lindsay, of Balcarras. 1597. Jas. Elphinstone, aft. Id. Balmerino. 1608. Sir Alexr. Hay, of Newton. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1608. Sir John Preston, Id. pres. ct. sess. 1612. Thos., E. of Haddington. 1626. Sir Wm. Alexander, aft. E. of Stir- ling. Sir Archd. Acheson, bt., of Glen- cairn. 1641. Wm., E. of Lanark, aft. D. of Hamilton. 1644. Sir Robt. Spottiswood, of New Abbey, Id. pres. ct. sess. * * Wm., E. of Lothian; app. by the parlt.,when theE. of Lanark fled. 1650. Geo., E. of Seaforth ; to Charles II. during his exile. 1659. Alexr., E. of Balcarras. 1661. John, E., aft. D. of Lauderdale. 1682. Alexr., E. of Moray. Chas.,E. of Middleton. 1685. John, vise, aft. E. of Melfort. 1689. Geo., Id., aft. E. of Melville. 1690. Hon. John Dalrymple, eldest son of vise. Stair. * * Jas. Johnston. 1696. John, Id. Murray, eldest son of M. of Tullibardine. 1696. Jas., Id. Deskford, eldest son of E. of Finlater ; visc.,aft.E.of Seafield. Jas., E. of Seafield. * * John, E. of Hyndford. 1702. Jas., D. of Queensberrj^, aft. D. of Dover, also. Geo., vise. Tarbat, aft. E. of Cro- martj'. 1704. Wm., M. of Annandale. 1705. John, E. of Marr. * * Hugh, E. of Loudoun. Pbincipal Secretaries op State for Scotland in England. From the Union to the year 1746. 1708. Jas. , D. of Queensberry and Dover. 1710. John, E. of Marr. 1714. Jas., D. of Montrose; res. 1715. 1716. John, D. of Roxburgh ; res. 1725. 1731. Chas., E. of Selkirk. 1742. John, M. of Tweeddale, Feb. 16; res. Jan. 1746. Office not filled up. Secretaries for Scotland. Appointed under 48 & 49 Vict., cap. 61. 1885. Chas. Hy., D. of Richmond and Gordon, Aug. 17, G. 1886. Geo. Otto Trevelyan, aft. Sir G., bt., Feb. 8, .sw. 1886. Jno. Wm., E. of Dalhousie, K.T., Apr. 3, sw. Arthur Jas. Balfour, Aug. 4. sw. 1887. Schomberg Hy., M. of Lothian, Mar. 11, sw. POSTMASTERS-GENERAL OF SCOTLAND. From a return made to the House of Commons, dated July 2, 1844. 1737. Archd. Douglas, in office this year. 1767 Robt. Oliphant, of Rossie, in office this year. 1799. Thos. Elder, of Forneth Wm. Rol)ert.son. 1802. Robt. Trotter, of Castlolaw. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 503 1807. Hon. Fras. Gray, aft. Id. Gray. 1811. Jas.. E. of Cithness. 1823. Sir David Wedderburn, bt. The LAST deputy post.-m. Scotland. LORD CHANCELLORS OF SCOTLAND. See " Judges, &c., of Scotland," post. LORD KEEPERS OF THE GREAT SEAL OF SCOTLAND. At the Union the original Great Seal of Scotland was discontinued, or, rather, merged in the Great Seal of Great Britain. Another seal was substituted for various exclusively Scotch purposes, which was declared to have the same effect as, and is still commonly considered and called, the Great Seal of Scotland. The Secretaries for Scotland appointed by 48 & 49 Vict., cap. 61 (Aug. 14, 1885), were by that statute made ex-officio keepers of this seal. Lord Keepers of the Great Seal of Scotland. From the Union to the present time. 1708. 1713. 1714. 1716. 1733. 1761. 1763. 1764. 1794. 1806. 1807. 1827. 1828. 1830. 1840. 1841. Hugh, E. of Loudoun. Jas., E. of Finlater and Seafield. Wm., M. of Annandale. Jas., D. of Montrose; d. 1731. Archd., E. of Isla, aft. D. of Argyll. Chas., D. of Queensbury and Dover. Jas. , D. of Athole ; d. Jan. 1764. Hugh, E. of Marchmont. Alexr. , D. of Gordon. Jas., E. of Lauderdale. Alexr. , D. of Gordon, again ; d. Jan. 1827. Geo. Wm. , D. of Argyll. Geo., D. of Gordon, g.c.b., Feb. 4, G. Geo. Wm., D. of Argyll, again- d. Oct. 22, 1839. Jno. Hamilton, E. of Stair, Dec. 14, G. Jno. Douglas Edwd. Hy., D. of Argyll, Sept. 27, G. 1846. Jno. Hamilton, E. of Stair, again, Aug. 22. 1852. Dunbar Jas., E. of Selkirk, Aug. 7, G. ; res. Dec. 1852. 1853. Cospatrick Alexr., E. of Home, May 23, G. ; res. 1855. 1858. Dunbar, Jas., E. of Selkirk, a(7«in, Apr. 10, G.; d. Apr. 11,1885. Ex officio Keepers as Secretaries for Scot land, under 48 and 49 Vict., cap. 61. 1885. Chas. Hy., D. of Richmond and Gordon, Aug. 17, G. 1886. Geo. Otto Trevelyan, aft. sir G., bt., Feb. 8, sw. Jno. Wm., E. of Dalhousie, k.t., Apr. 3, sw. Arthur Jas. Balfour, Aug. 4, aw. 1887. Schomberg Hy., M. of Lothian, Mar. 11, sw. COMMISSIONERS OF CUSTOMS FOR SCOTLAND. From the Union until 1823. Commissioners for Scotland. 1707. Sir Alexr. Rigby, Jas. Isaacson, Lionel Norman, Sir Robt. Dick- son, and Wm. Boyle, June 5. 1710. Thos. FuUerton and Jno. Kent, July 18. 1713. Sir Jas. Campbell and Wm. Cleland, Oct. 5. 1714. Wm. Culliford, Jno. Cayley, Humphrey Brent, Dec. 20. 1715. Jno. Haldane, July 18. 1720. Launcelot Whitehall and Campbell, July 20. Jno. 504 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. OOMMISSIONEBS FOR GeEAT BrITAIN. For Commissioners for Great Britain from 1723 to 1742, see ante, p. 275. In September, 1742, the Commission for Great Britain was divided, and five separate Commissioners were ap|tointed for Scotland. Commissioners for Scotland. 1742. Geo., Id. Ross, Ilichd. Somers, Colin Campbell, Jas. Cardonnell, and Alexr. Arbuthnot, Sept. 9. 1744. Geo., Id. Ross, Ricbd. Homers, C. Campbell, A. Arbuthnot, and Mansfeldt Cardonnell, Feb. 18. 1747. Geo., Id. Ross, R. Somers, C. Camp- bell, M. Cardonnell, and Alexr. Legrand, Oct. 28. 1751. Geo., Id. Ross, C. Campbell, M. Car- donnell, A. Legrand, and Jos. Tudor, July 29. 1754. C. Campbell, M. Cardonnell, A. Legrand, J. Tudor, and Jas., Id. Deskford, July 29. 1758. M. Cardonnell, A. Legrand, J. Tudor, Jas., Id. Deskford, and Robt. Montgomery, Dec. 2. 1763. M. Cardonnell, A. Legrand, J. Tudor. R. Montgomery, and Geo. Clerk Maxwell. 1764. M. Cardonnell, A. Legrand, J. Tudor, G. C. Maxwell, and Basil Cochrane. 1766. M. Cardonnell, J. Tudor, G. C. Maxwell, B. Cochrane, and Jno. West. 1773. M. Cardonnell, J. Tudor, G. C. Maxwell, B. Cochrane, and Archd. Menzies. 1774. M. Cardonnell, G. C. Maxwell, B. Cochrane, A. Menzies, and Wm. Nelthorpe. 1777. M. Cardonnell, G. C. Maxwell, B. Cochrane, W. Nelthorpe, and Adam Smith. 1780. G. C. Maxwell, B. Cochrane, W. Nelthorpe, A. Smith, and Jas. Buchanan. 1782. G. C. Maxwell, B. Cochrane, A. Smith, J. Buchanan, and Jas. Edgar. 1784. B. Cochrane, A. Smith, J. Buchanan, J. Edgar, and David Reid, Feb. 28. 1786. B. Cochrane, A. Smith, J. Edgar, D. Reid, and Rt. Hepburn, Aug. 3. A. Smith, J. Edgar, D. Reid, R. Hepburn, and Jno. Hy. Cochrane, Nov. 6. 1791. J. Edgar, D. Reid, R. Hepburn, J. H. Cochrane, and Alexr. Maco- nochie. 1796. J. Edgar, D. Reid, R. Hepburn, J. H. Cochrane, and Richd. EUistou Phillips. 1798. J. Edgar, D. Reid, J. H. Cochrane, R. E. Phillips, and sir Chas. Preston, 1799. D. Reid, J. H. Cochrane, R. E. Phillips, sir C. Preston, and Shadrach Moyse. 1800. D. Reid, J. K Cochrane, R. K Phillips, S. Moyse, and Hy. Veitch. 1807. Edwd. Earl, J. H. Cochrane, R. E. Phillips, and S. Moyse. 1810. E. Earl. J. H. Cochrane, R. E. Phillips, H. Veitch. Alexr. Osborn, and L. H. Ferrier. 1812. E. Earl, R. E. Phillips, H. Veitch, A. Osborn, and L. H. Ferrier. 1813. E. Earl, H. Veitch, A. Osborn, L. H. Ferrier, and Thos. Bruce. On September 13, 1823, the consolidation of the Boards of Customs for England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland took place, and the commissioners from that time have been commissioners for the United Kingdom. See ante, p. 277. COMMISSIONERS OF EXCISE FOR SCOTLAND. From the Union until 1823. 1708. Sir Wm. Douglas, Alexr. Wedder- burn, John Montgomery, John Whetham, and David Rosa. 1710. Alexr. Forbes, Jas. Boyle, and Jas. Moodic. 1714. Gilbert Burnet and sirWm. Bennet. 1715. Geo. Drummond. 1717. Chas. Cockburn, Hy. Robinson, Thos. Broughton, Geo. Ross. (aft. Id. Ross), and Richd. Somers. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 505 1728. Richd. Dodswell. , 1785. A. Udny, G. Brown, T. Wharton, J. 1730. Thos. Cochrane (aft. E. of Dun- [ Stoddart, and Jas. Balmain. donald), Christr. Wyvill, and i 1787. T. Wharton, G. Brown, J. Stoddart, Christr. Rhodes. ! J. Balmain, and Robt. Graham. 1749. Alexr. Udny. j 1790. T. Wharton, G. Brown, .1. Stoddart, 1758. Richd. Dauber. I R. Grieve, and K. Graham. 1761. Geo. Drummond, Alexr. Udny, I 1803. T. Wharton, G. Brown, J. Stoddart, Richd. Dauber, Basil Cochrane, ' R. Graham, and Sir John Stuart. and Geo. Burgess. ■ 1804. T. Wharton, J. Stoddart, R. Gra- 1764. G. Drummond, A. Udny, R. Dau- , ham, sir J. Stuart, and Fredk. ber, G. Burgess, and Thos. Lock- Fotheringham. hart. '• 1807. T. Wharton, J. Stoddart, R. Gra- 1766. A. Udny, R. Dauber, G. Burgess, ham, F. Fotheringham, and sir T. Lockhart, and Geo. Brown. Geo. Abercrombie. 1768. A. Udny, R. Dauber, T. Lockhart, ' 1809. T. Wharton, F. Fotheringham, J. Geo. Brown, and David Cuth- j Sedgwick, .J. Jackson, and S. bert. Rose. A. Udny, R. Dauber, T. Lockhart, 1811. J. Sedgwick, F. Fotheringham, J. G. Brown, and Gilbert Laurie. \ Jackson, S. Rose, and David Cle- 1771. A. Udny, T. Lockhart, Geo. Brown, ' phane. G. Laurie, and Thos. Wharton. 1815. Woodbine Parish, P. Fotheringham, 1781. A. Udny, G. Brown, T. Wharton, J. JacRson, S. Rose, and J. and Jas. Stoddart. ; Douglas. On September 13, 1823, the consolidation of the Boards of Excise for England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland took place, and the com- missioners from that time have been commissioners for the United Kingdom. See ante, p. 282. LORD HIGH STEWARDS OF SCOTLAND. The Lord High Steward was judge of the king's household, and the whole family of the royal palace was under his care. This office was held heritably for many years by one family, who, when sur- names came into use, assumed for theirs the name of their office, Steward, or Stuart. This was done by Walter, the son of Alan, who was at the same time justiciar to king Alexander II., 1230. This family was frequently nearly allied to the crown, and at last succeeded to it in the person of Robert, eldest son to Walter Steward, or Stuart, in the year 1371. The Robert, just named, was the ninth heritable Lord High Steward of Scotland, and his son, John, afterwards Robert III., was created by his father prince and Steward of Scotland, since which time the eldest son of the king is 7iatus Senescallus Scotice. GREAT CHAMBERLAINS OF SCOTLAND. The Great Chamberlain of Scotland was ranked by king Malcolm as the third great officer of the crown, and was called Camerarius Domini Regis. Before the appointment of a treasurer, it was his duty to collect the revenue of the crown, and to disburse the money necessary for the king's expenses and the maintenance of the royal household. From the time a treasurer was appointed, his province was limited to the boroughs throughout the kingdom, where he was a sort of justice- 506 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. general, as he had power to judge all crimes committed within the borough. He was to hold Chamberlain-ayres every year, of which court he was the supreme judge. This oflBce was granted heritably to the family of Stuart, dukes of Lenox, afterwards Lenox and Richmond ; and when their male line failed, Charles II. conferred it in like manner, heritably, upon his natural son James, whom he created duke of Monmouth. On his forfeiture it went to the new line of dukes of Richmond and Lenox ; but that family surrendered the office to the Crown in 1703. LoED Great Chamberlains op Scotland. 1128. * * 1147. 1153. 1165. 1224. 1231. 1237. 1249. 1256. 1258. 1260. 1266. 1267. 1269. 1279. 1290. 1317. 1321. 1325. 1329. 1330. 1335. 1350. 1358. 1364. 1368 1378, Herbert. Philip. Herbert, bp. of Glasgow. Edward. Walter de Berclay, Id. of Reid- castle. Gilbert Moray, bp. of Caithness. Philip de Valoniis, Id. of Panmure. Wm. de Valoniis, Id. of Panmure. Hy. de Baliol, Id. of Reidcastle. Sir John Maxwell, Id. Carlaverock. David Benham, bp. of St. Andrew's. Robt. de Meyners. David Lindsay, Id. Craufurd. Sir Eumer Maxwell, Id. Carlave- rock. Gilbert de Lempedlar. Wm., E. of Marr. Sir Rej'nold Chyne, of Innerugie. Sir Thos. Randolph. John Lindsay, bp. of Glasgow. Sir Alexr. Baliol, of Cavers. Sir Wm. Lindsay, rector of Ayr. Robt. Peebles, canon of Glasgow, Sir Alexr. Eraser, Id. of Cowie. Sir Regd. More. Jas. Bennet, bp. of St. Andrew's. Sir Wm. Bullock. Robt. Erskine, Id. of Erskine. Thos., E. of Marr. Michl. Monymusk, bp. of Dunkeld. Walter Biggar, parson of Errol. John, Id. Glamis. 1383. 1406. 1425. 1440. 1453. 1467. 1471. 1474. 1478. 1484. 1488. 1517. 1524. 1553. 1565. 1580. 1624. 1655. 1660. 1680. 1685. Robt., D. of Albany. John, E. of Buchan. Sir John Forrester, of Corstor- phine. Sir Jas. Crichton, of Frendraught. Jas., Id. Livingston. Robt., Id. Boyd; beheaded. Jas., E. of Buchan ; res. Sir John Colquhoun. of Colquhoun; killed at siege of Dunbar. Jas., E. of Buchan. David, D. of Montrose. Alexr., Id. Hume; beheaded. John, id. Fleming ; mord. by Dru- melzer. Malcolm, Id. Fleming ; killed at battle of Pinkey, 1547. Jas., Id. Fleming. John, Id. Fleming ; killed at siege of Edinburgh castle, 1572. Esmy, D. of Lenox ; heritably. Ludovick, D. of Lenox and Rich- mond; d. 1624. Jas., D. of Lenox and R. Esmy, D. of Lenox and R. Chas., D. of Lenox and R. ; d. 1672, when the male line of the family failed. Jas., D. of Monmouth and Buc- cleugh ; beheaded. Chas., D. of Richmond and Lenox, who surrendered the office to the crown in 1703 ; ut supra. LORD HIGH CONSTABLES OF SCOTLAND, The Lord High Constable is an officer of great antiquity. He had two grand prerogatives : — (1.) The keeping of the king's sword, which the king, at his promotion, when he swears fealty, delivers to him naked. Hence the badge of the Constable is a naked sword. (2.) The absolute and unlimited command of the king's armies while in the field, in the absence of the king ; but this command did not extend to castles and garrisons. He was likewise judge of all crimes committed within two leagues of the king's house, a precinct which was called the Chalmer of Peace. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 507 The jurisdiction of this officer came at last to be exercised only as to crimes during the time of parliament, which some extended likewise to all general conventions. The office was conferred heritably upon the noble family of Erroll by king Robert Bruce, and with them it still remains, having been expressly reserved by the Treaty of Union. LoKD High Constables op Scotland. * * Hugo de Morville ; to David I. * * Edward ; to David I. 1163. Richd. de Morville. * * Wm. de Morville, his son. * * Allan de Galloway, son to Rowland de Galloway, and Helena de Mor- ville (sister of the last const.) ; to Alexander II, * * Sir Leonard Leslie ; to Alexander III. Roger de Quincy, E. of Winton ; in right of his wife, dau. of the lord of Galloway. Scierus de Quincy, E. of Winton, son to Roger ; forfeited to Ro- bert I. Sir Gilbert Hay, made heritable const., and cr. E. of Erroll. EARLS MARISCHAL OF SCOTLAND. The office of Earl Marischal has never been out of the noble family of Keith. It was reserved at the Union ; and when the heritable jurisdic- tions were bought, it was in the crown, having been forfeited by the rebellion of George Keith, Earl Marischal, in 1715. KNIGHTS MARISCHAL OF SCOTLAND. * * Hon. Jas. Erskine. 1785. Sir Robt. Laurie, bt. 1805. Wm. Hay, E. of Erroll, Feb. 5, G. 1819. Alexr. Keith, aft. sir A., July 19, G. 1832. Wm. Geo., E. of Erroll, Nov. 12, G. 1846. Wm. Alexr. Anthy. Archd. Hamil- ton Douglas, c.c. M. of Douglas and Clydesdale, June 27, G. ; aft. 11th b. of Hamilton; d. July 15, 1863. Office not filled up. LORD HIGH COMMISSIONERS TO THE PARLIAMENTS OF SCOTLAND. From the accession of king James VI. to the throne of England, to the Union of the two Kingdoms, when the office ceased, there being but one parliament for Great Britain. 1605. John, E. of Montrose. 1607. Ludovick, D. of Lenox and Rich- mond. 1609. Geo. Keith, E. marischal. 162L Jas.,M. of Hamilton. 1639. John, E. of Traquair. 1641. Jas., Id. Balmerino. 1646. Jas. D. of Hamilton. 1660. John E. of Middleton. 1663. John, 7th E, aft. 1st D. of Rothes. 1669. John, E. , aft. D. of Lauderdale. 1670. The same. 1672. The same. 1680. .Iames, D. of York and Albany, aft. king James VII. of Scotland and II. of England. 1685. Wm., D. of Queesberry. 1686. Alexr., E. of Moray. 1689. Wm., D. of Hamilton, elect, pres. of the convention ; and when it was 608 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. turned into a parliament the same year, he was app. Id. high commr. 1690. Geo., Id., aft. E. of Melville. Robt., E., aft. M. of Lothian. 1694. John, :^I. of Twecddale. 1696. John, E. of TuUibardine, aft. D. of Athole. 1700. Jas., D. of Qaeensberry. 1702. The same. 1703. The same. 1704. John, M. of Tweeddale, or/ain. nor,. John, D. of Argyll. 1707. Jas., D. of Queensberry, arjain. The LAST Lord High Commissioner. LOED LIEUTENANTS OF COUNTIES— SCOTLAND. Lord Lieutenants of counties were first appointed in Scotland, May 6, 1794. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF ABERDEENSHIRE. 1794. Alexr., D. of Gordon, May 6, sw. 1830. Geo., D. of Gordon, July 28. 1836. Wm. Geo. ErroU, k.t., June 6. 1840. Geo., E. of Aberdeen, k.t., Apr. 1861. Chas., M. of Huntly. Feb. 14. 1863. Fras. Alexr., E. of'Kintore, Dee. 28, G. 1880. John Campbell, E. of Aberdeen, Sept. 18. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF ARGYLESHIRE. 1794. John, D. of Argyle, May 6, sw. 1806. Geo. Wm., D. of Argyle. 1839. John, M. of Breadalbane, Dec. 7. 1862. Geo. Douglas, D. of Argyll, Nov. 19. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF AYRSHIRE 1794. Archibald, E. of Eglintoun, May 1796. Hugh, E. of Eglintoun. 1820. Geo.jE. of Glasgow, Jan. 17. 1842. Archd. Wm. , E. of Eglinton, Aug. 17. 1861. Archd.. M. of Ailsa, Dec. 7. 1870. John Hamilton, 10th E. of Stair, June 18. LORD LIEUTENANTS OP BANFFSHIRE. 1794. Jas., E. of Fife. May 6, sw. 1813. Jas., E. of Fife, aft. k.t. 12. 1856. Jas. Duff, aft. E. of Fife and k.t., June Mar. 25. 1879. Chas. Hy., D. of Richmond and ) Gordon, k.g., Aug. 25. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF BERWICKSHIRE. 1806. Alexr., 10th E. of Home. 1841. Jas., E. of Lauderdale, Nov. G. 1860. David Robertson, Dec. 10. 1873. Jas. Hy. Robt., D. of Roxburghe, K.T.. July 9. 1879. Chas. Alexr. Home, c.c. Id. Dun- glass ; aft. E, of Home, June 23. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF BUTESHIRE. 1806. Jno.,4th E.. aft. 1st M. of Bute ; >,-^/; vN.i,,^j. ''f".-,,f'-( i//i*- LORD LIEUTENANTS OF SELKIRKSHIRE. Polwarth 1794. Chas. Wm. Ily., E. of Dalkeith; aft. D. of Buccleuch and Queens- berry, May G.sw.; rf. Apr. 20, 1819. 1819. Fras., Id. Napier ; sw. 1823 Hy. Jas., Id. Montagu, Sept. 2, G. Id. Dec. 8. 1845. Hv. Fras. G. M 1867. Alan Eliot Lockhart. Nov. 19, G." 1878. Walter Hugh, Id. Polwarth, May 6, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF SHETLAND. See "Orkney and Zetland," ante,^. 511. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF STIRLINGSHIRE aft, 1794. Jas., 3rd D. of Montrose G. , May 6, sw. 1837. Geo., Id. Abercromby, Jan. 23, G. 1843. Jas., 4th D. of Montrose, Feb. 28, G. 1875. Chas. Adolphs., E. of Dunmore, Feb. 16, G. 1885. Douglas Beresford Malise Ronald, 5th D. of Montrose, July 23, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF SUTHERLANDSHIRE. 1794. Granville. 2nd E. Gower ; aft. Ist M. of Stafford; res. 179- ; d. 1803. 179-. Geo. Granville Leveson-Gower, c.c. E. Gower ; aft. 2nd M. of Staf- ford and 1st D. of Sutherland ; res. 1831 ; d. 1833. 1831. Ceo. Granville Leveson-Gower, c.c. E. Gower; aft. c.c. M. of Staf- ford ; aft. second D. of Suther- land ; d. Feb. 28, 1861. 1861. Geo. Granville Wm., 3rd D. of Sutherland, May 6, G. /f'^i. >:!..K..-..',c /,.','.>:.pV/(-.,'.,.,./ LORD LIEUTENANTS OF WIGTONSHIRE. 1794. John, 7th E. of Galloway, May 29. 1807. Geo., E. of Galloway, Mar. 28, G. 1828. Randolph Stewart, c.c. vise. Gar- lies ; aft. E. of Galloway, July 28. G. 1851. John Hamilton Dalrymple, aft. c.c. vise. Dalrymple, and uft. 10th E. of Stair. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF ZETLAND. See "Orkney and Zetland," ante, p. 511. THE BOOK OF DIGXITIE^ 513 HERALDIC OFFICERS OF SCOTLAND. In Scotlaud all heraldic matters are transacted in wh;it is called the Lyon Court, at the head of which is Lyon King of Arbis. Under him was a deputy called Lyon Depute ; but in 1866 the then holder of that office was appointed Lyon King of Arms, and the two offices may now be considered as unitecl. There are also a Lyon Clerk and a Lyon Clerk Depute besides several Heralds and Pursuivants. For further information the reader is referred to Seton's Scotch Heraldry, from which the following lists have been compiled. LYON KINGS OF ARMS. 1437. 1450- 1504. 1512. 1530. 1555. 1567. 1591. 1621. 1630. 1658. 1660. Alexr. Xaime. 90. Duncan Dundas. Hy. Thomson. Sir "Wm. Cumyng. Sir David Lindsay (Xo. 1), of the Mount, CO. Fife. Sir Robt. Forman. Sir Wm. Stewart, form. Ross Herald, Feb. 20. Sir David Lindsay (No. 2), of Rathillet, co. Fife ; Aug. 22. Sir David Lindsay (X^o. 3), of the Jlount. CO. Fife. Sir Jerome Lindsay, .Tune 27. Sir Jas. Balfour, June 15. Sir Jas. Campbell, May 13. Gilbert Stewart, Aug. 21. 16C0. Sir Alexr. Durham, Aug. 28. 1663. Sir Chas. Erskine, bt. 1677. Sir Alexr. Erskine. 1726. t — Cocherne, or Cochrane. fAlexr. Drummond. 1727. Alexr. Brodie, July 6. 1754. John Hooke-Campbell, Apr. 3. 1796. Robt. Auriol, 9ta E. of KinnouU, May 26. 1804. Thos. Robt., 10th E. of Kinnoull, Apr. 12 : c/. Feb. 18, 1866. 1886. Geo. Burnett, lyon dep., app. L. K. A. Aug. 3, G. ; and the office of lyon dep. not filled up. Burnett acted as interim l. k. a. from the death of the E. of Kinnoull. t These names occur in Noble's " College of Arms," but are considered doubtful by Seton. LYONS DEPUTE. * * Robt. Innes ; in 1681. 1728. John Dundas, Feb. 1. 1744. Thos. Dundas, jr., June 18. 1754. Thos. Brodie, Sept. 7. 1770. Robt. Boswell, Xov. 2. 1796. Jas. Home, Aug. 8. 1819. David Clyne, Feb. 21. 1819. Geo. Tait, Apr. 24. 1823. Geo. Clerk Craigie, Apr. 1. 1827. Jas. Tytler (jointly with Craigie), June 2 ; sole lyon dep. from 1845. 1863. Geo. Burnett, Feb. 9 ; made l. k. a. Aug. 3, 1866 ; and the office of lyon dep. was not filled up. SCOTCH HERALDS AND PURSUIVANTS. The following are the names of the various Scotch Heralds and Pur- suivants. Those marked * are still existing. The other titles are either extinct or in abeyance. Heralds. ISLAT. *ROTHESAT. I *Maechmont. I * Albany. I Ross. I Snowdon. Pursuivants. KiNTTKE. Dingwall. *Cakkick. *BUTE. Oemond. *^Unicokn. 514 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. JUDGES AND OTHER LEGAL DIGNITARIES OF SCOTLAND. LORD CHANCELLORS OF SCOTLAND. The Lord Chancellor was the chief in matters of justice. In the laws of Malcolm II. he is placed before all other officers, and from these laws it appears that he had the principal direction of the Chancery or Chancellary. He had the custody of the great seal of Scotland, and it was his duty to examine the king's grants and other deeds which were to pass under it, and to cancel them if they appeared against law, or were obtained surreptitiously, or by false suggestions. James VI. ordained that the Lord Chancellor should have the first place and rank in the nation, ratione officii, by virtue whereof he pre- sided in the parliament, and in all courts of judicature. After the "Restoration of Charles II. the Lord Chancellor was declared by act of parliament, virtute officii, president in all the meetings of parliament, or other public judicatures of the kingdom. The office of Lord Chancellor was abolished at the Union, there being no further use for the judicial part of the office, and a lord keeper of the seal then substituted for the great seal of Scotland was appointed. Lord Chancellors of Scotland. From the year 1057 to the abolition of the office. 1057. Evan, surn. Canmore ; to Malcolm 1183. III. 1187. 1093. Oswald ; to Donald VII. 1189. 1094. Earl Constantine ; to Duncan II. the 1192. Usurper. 1199. Sphothad, abb. of the religious Cul- 1202. dees ; to Duncan. * * 1097. Earl Rorey; to Donald VII., after the expulsion of Duncan. 1211. 1098. Humphrey, bp. of Dunkeld ; to Edgar.' 1214. 1107. Constantine, E. of Fife ; to Alexr. I. 1124. Herbert, aft. bp. of Glasgow. 121G. 112.'5. Walter. 1226. 112eal, and an outer house or court of first instance. The inner house sits in two divisions of four judges each, the Lord Justice General (Lord Presi- dent) presiding in the first division, and the Lord Justice Clerk in the second ; the outer house is composed of five judges, who sit in separate courts as judges of first instance. Lord Peesidents op the Court op Session. 1532. 1543. 1558. 1565. 1566. 1567. 1593. 1605. 1609. 1616. 1626. 1633. 1661. 1671. 1681. 1682. 1685. 1689. 1478. 1491. 1507. 1513. 1524. 1537. 1539. 1540. 1547. 1578. 1591. 1625. 1634. 1637. 1661. 1663. 1688. 1689. 1693. Alexr. Milne, abb. of Cambusken- neth. Robt. Reid, bp. of Orkney. Hy. Sinclair, bp. of Ross. John Sinclair, bp. of Brechin. Wm. Baillie, of Provand. Sir Jas. Balfour, of Pittendrich. Sir Alexr. Seton, Id. Urquhart, aft. E. of Dunfermline. Jas. Elphinstone, Id. Balmerino. John Preston, of Fenton Bai-ns. Thos. Hamilton, Id. Binning. Sir Jas. Skene, of Curriehill. Sir Robt. Spottiswood, of New Abbey. Sir John Gilmour, of Craigmiller. Sir Jas. Dalrymple, aft. vise. Stair. Sir Geo. Gordon, aft. E. of Aber- deen. Sir David Falconer, of Newton. Sir Geo. Lockhart, of Carnwath. Sir Jas. Dalrymple, again ; aft. 1st vise. Stair. 1698. 1707. 1737. 1748. 1754. 1760. 1787. 1789. 1808. 1811. 1841. 1852. 1867. Sir Robt. Berwick. Sir Hew Dalrymple, of North Ber- wick. Duncan Forbes, of Culloden. Robt. Dundns, of Arniston. Robt. Craigie, of Glendoick. Robt. Dnndas, of .\rniston, son of the Id. pres. app. in 1748. Thos. Miller, of Glenlee, aft. bt. Bay Campbell, of Suecoth ; aft. bt. ; res. 1808; d. 1823. Robt. Blair, of Avonton ; >i. 1811. Chas. Hope, of Granton, res. 1841. On the death of the D. of Montrose, Id. just. gen. of Scotland in 1836, that office was, under II Geo. TV. and 1 Wm. IV., cap. 65, united with that of the Id. pres. of the ct. of sess. David Boyle. Duncan McNeill, of Colonsay, May 15. G. ; aft. Id. Colonsay. Jno. Inglis, of Glencorse, Feb. 25, G. Lord Justice Clerks. Wm. de Camera ; to David II. Adam Forrester ; to David II. Wm. Halket, of Belfico. Richd. Lawson, of Heii-igs. Jas. Henderson, of Fordil. Jas. Wishart, of Pittarrow. Nicolas Crawford, of Oxengang. Adam Otterburn, of Kedhall. Thos. Scott, of Pitgorn. Thos. Ballcnden, of Auchinoul. Hy. Balneavos. Sir John Bnllcnden, of Auchinoul. Sir Lewis Ballendcn, of Auchinoul. Sir John Cockburn, of Ormistoun. Sir Geo. Elj)hinston, of Blythswood. Sir Jas. Carniich:iel. of Carniichael. Sir John Hamilton, of Orbiston. Sir R. bt. Muiray. Sir Jas. Fouli.s, of CoUingtoun. Sir .lolin Dalrymple, aft. 2nd vise. and 1st E. of Stair. Sir Robt. Sinclair, of Stevenson. Sir Wm. Hamilton, of Whitelaw. 1702. 1705. 1710. 1714. 1735. 1748. 1763. 1766. 1788. 1799. 1804. 1811. 1841. 1858. 1867. 1869. 1888. Roderick ^Mackenzie, of Prestonhall. Adam Cokburne, of Ormiston. Jas. Erskiiie, of Grange. Adam Cokburne, of Ormiston, ayain. Andrew Fletcher, of Milton. Chas. Erskine, of Tinwald. Sir Gilbert Elliot, of Minto, bt. Thos. Miller, of Glenlee, aft. sir T., bt. Robt. Mac Queen, of Braxfield. David Rao, of Eskgrove, aft. sir D., bt. Chas. Hope, of Granton. David Boyle. John Hope. Jno. Inglis, of Olcncorso, July 9, 0. Geo. Patton, Feb. 27, G. Jas. JIoncricfT. of Tulliebole, Aug. 14, G. ; aft. Id. Moiicrieff ; res. Oct. 1888. Jno. Hay Athol^* Macdonald, of Kingsburgh, Oct. 20, G. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Extraordinary Lords op Session. The designation "Extraordinary Lords of Session," expresses a distinction those functionaries and the Ordinary Lords of Session. The Extraordinary Lords of Session were lords of jjarliameHt appointed by the crown to sit and vote in court along ■with the permanent judges. This " manifest impropriety," as a writer justly termed it, was abolished by 10 Geo. I. , cap. 19 (1723). 1539. Wm., Id. Ruth van. John, Id. Erskine. 1541. Wm., E. marischal. Wm., E. of Rothes. Robt. , Id. Maxwell. John, Id. Lindsay. 1542. Geo., Id, Seton. Alexr. , Id. Livingston. Jas., Id. Ogilvie. Jas. , Id. Innermeath. 1554. Sir Richd. Maitland, of Lethington. Adam Livingstone, of Dunipace. 1561. Wm., E. marischal. Wm. Maitland, of Lethington. Jas. Balfour, parson of Flisk. 1562. John Wood, of Tulliedairie. 1563. Adam, bp. of Orkney. 1565. Alexr. bp. of Galloway. 1566. Edwd. Henryson. John Wood, of Tulliedairie, again. Gavin Hamilton, commend, of Kil- winning. 1667- Sir John Wisehart, of PittaiTow. 1569. Mark Ker, commend, of Xewbattle. 1570. John, Id. Glamis. 1573. Robt., Id. Boyd. 1574. Sir John Wisehart, of Pittarrow. 1575. Hy. , commend, of Balmerino. 1578. Patrick, mast, of Gray. Robt., Id. Boyd. Wm., Id. Ruthven. 1583. Jas. Stuart, E. of Arran. 1584. Jas., Id. Doune. John, E. of Montrose. Patrick, Id. GraJ^ Mark Ker, aft. E. of Lothian. 1585. Alexr. Seton, prior of Pluscardin. Thos. Lyon, of Balduckie. 1586. Robt., Id. Boyd, ar/aiii. 1587. Sir John Seton, of Barnes. 1588. John Cokburne, of Ormiston. 1591. John, 1"^. of Montrose. 1592. Sir Thos. Lyon, of Auldbar. 1593. Walter Stewart, commend, of Blan- tyre; aft. Id. Blantyre. 1594. Sir Robt. Melville, of ' Burntisland. 1596. Peter, bp. of Dunkeld. 1599. Alexr., mast, of Elphinstone. 1601. Sir Robt. Melville, of Burntisland, ac/ain. 1608. Sir Alexr. Drummond, of Medhope. 1610. Walter, Id. Blantyre. Alexr., mast, of Livingston, again. SirRbt.Melville,ofBurntisland,a(7fH"n. John, abp. of Glasgow. Peter Pollock, of Piltoun. 1620. John, Id. Erskine. 1622. Sir Robt.Spottiswood.of New Abbey. 1626. Sir Archd. Napier, of Merchiston. David, Id. Carnegie. John, E. of Lauderdale. Patrick, bp. of Ross. 1628. John, Id. Erskine, again. Sir Archd. Acheson, of Glencaimie. Wm., E. of Menteith. Sir Andrew Ker, mast, of Jedburgh. 1629. Sir John Scot, of Scotstarvet. 1630. Sir John Hamilton, of Magdalens. John, E. of Traquair. 1631. Wm., vise, aft. E. of Stirling. 1633. Sir John Hay, of Barro. John, bp. of Ross. 1634. Archd., Id. Lome. 1635. Wm. , Id. Alexander. 1639. Archd., Id. Angus. 1641. Archd., E. of Argyll. Archd., Id. Angus, again. John, Id. Lindsay. John, Id. Balmerino. 1649. John, Id. Coupar. John, E. of Cassilis. 1661. John, E. of Crauford. John, E. of Rothes. John, E. of Lauderdale. John, E. of Cassilis, again. 1662. John, E. of Middleton. 1664. John, E. of Tweeddale. Alexr., abp. of Glasgow. 1667. Alexr., E. of Kincardine. 1668. Jas., M. of Montrose. 1669. John, E. of Dumfermline. 1673. John, E. of Athole. 1674. Archd., E. of Argyll. 1G80. Alexr., E. of Moray. 1681. Wm., E. of Queensberry. 1682. Jas., E. of Perth. 1684. Chas., E. of Middleton. 1686. Wm., D. of Hamilton. Patrick, E. of Strathmore. 1693. Wm. , D. of Queensberry. Wm , M. of Annandale. Patrick, Id. Polwarth, aft. E. of Marchmont. Wm., D. of Hamilton, a(/ain, 1694. Archd., E., aft. D. of Argyll. 1696. Jas., D. of Queensberry. 1699. Hugh, E. of Loudoun. 1704. John, D. of Argyll. 1708. Archd., E. of Is'la, aft. D. of Argyll. 1712. John, D. of Athole. 1721. John, M. of Tweeddale. The last Extraordinary Lord of Session. S18 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Ordinary Lords of Session. The title assumed by each lord is affixed to his name; thus •'William Scott- werie" (1532), means that this judge was styled Lord Balwerie. -Bal- 1532. Richd. Bothwell, rect. of Eskirk. 1560, John Dingwall, prov. of Trinity, Edinburgh. 1561. Hy. Whyte, rect. of Finevin. Wm. Gibson, dean of Restalrig. 1562. Thos. Hav, dean of Dunbar. 1563. *Robt. Reid. abb. of Kinloss. 1564. *Geo. Ker, prov. of Dunglass. Wm. Scott — Balwerie. 1565. Sir John Campbell — Lundie. Sir J as. Colville — Easter Wemyss. 1566. Adam Otterburn — Auldhame. Nicol Crawford — Oxengang. Fras. Bothwell. 1568. Jas. Lawsoii. Jas. ( ? John) Foulis — Collington. 1537. Walter Lindesay, Id. St. John. Sir Thos. Erskine — Brechin. Thos. Bannatyne. 1570. Robt. Galbraith, parson of Spot. 1573. Hy. Sinclair, dean of Glasgow. 1575. 1538. Hy. Balnavis.— Hall Hill (No. 1). Thos. Scot— Abbotshall. John Letham, rect. of Kilchrist. 1239. D. Brithman. 15; Hy. Lauder — St. Germain's. 1577. 1540. John Sinclair, dean of Restalrig. 1578. Wm. Lamb, rect. of Conveth. 1541. Geo. Durie, abb. of Dunfermline. 1579. Donald Campbell, abb. of Cupar. 1580. Andrew Durie, abb. of Melrose. Gavin Hamilton, abb. of Kilwinning. John Foulis — Collington. 1542. John Waddell, parson of Flisk. 1582. John Gladstaines. 1584. 1543. David Strachan. John Hamilton, abb. of Paisley. Abb. of Lindores. 1586. Abb. of Culross. 1587 Abb. of Pittenweem. 1544. Thos. Wemyss. 1547, Sir Robt. Carnegie — Kinnaird. 1548. Geo. Hay, parson of Renfrew. 1553. John Hamilton, abp. of St. Andrew's. I 1588. Geo. Durie, commend, of Dumferm- 1590. line. 159L 1554. Jas. Macgill — Rankeilor Nether. Abi-m. Creighton, prov. of Dunglass. John Stevenson,precentor of Glasgow. | 1592. Wm. Baillie— Provand. i 1593. Jas. Scott, prov. of Corstorphine. I Sir John Ballenden — Auchinoul. Thos. Marjoribanks— Ratlio. ! Wm. Chisolme, bp. of Dunblane. | 1594. Sir Wm. Hamilton — Sanquhar. 1595. Archd. Dunbar, sub-chanter of Mo- ray. Sir Richd. Maitland— Lethington. John Spence — Condie. Hy. Balnavis— Hall Hill (No. 2). Jas. Balfour, parson of Flisk. John Leslie, parson of Oyne. Robt. Maitland, dean of Aberdeen. David Chalmers — Ormond. Adam Bothwell, bp. of Orkney. Sir Wm. Maitland — Lethington. Archd. Craufurd, parson of Eglig- bame. Robt. Pitcaime, commend, of Dun- fermline. John Maitland, commend, of Cold- ingham. Archd. Douglass, parson of Douglass. Thos. Macallyean— Clifton Hall. David Borthwick — Lochill. Jas. Meldrum — Segie. Robt. Pont, prov. of Trinity College. Wm. Douglass — Whittinghame. Alexr. Colvill, abbot of Culross. Patrick Vanse — Barnbarrow. Thos. Bellenden — Newtyle. Archd. Douglass, parson of Glas- gow. Alexr. Hay — Easter Kennet. Robt. Creighton, or Crichton — Elliock. John ilaitland — Thirlestane. John Lindsay, parson of .Meiunure. David Macgill — Nisbet. John Graham — Hallyards. Sir Lewis Ballenden — Auchinoul. John Bartane, dean of Dunkeld. David Chalmers — Ormond. Jas. Elphinstone — Innernochtie. John Colvill, chanter of Glasgow. Alexr. Colvill, commend, of Culross. Wm. Melville, commend, of Tong- land. Alexr. Seton, Id. Urquhart. Archd. Douglas — Whittinghame. Thos. Bellenden — Newtyle. Richd. Cockburne — Clerkintoun. Andr. Wemyss — Myreoairnie. Thos. Hamilton — Drumcairne. Sir John Cockburn — Ormistoun. Sir Thos. Ijvou — Auldbar. John Bothwell, commend, of Holy- ruod House. John Skene — Currio Hill John Preston — Fenton Bars. * In the original nomination. Robert Chanwell and Arthur Boj'es were inserted ; but in their absence the abbot of Kinloss and the provost of Dunglass were chosen, and admitted by the king. It does not appear that Robert Chanwell or Arthur Boyes over officiated. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. il9 1697. David Macg^ill— Cranston Riddel. Edwd. Bruce — Kinloss. 1598. Sir David Lindsay— Edzell. 1604. Alexr. Hay — Fosterseat. Sir Jas. Wemyss — Bogie. Sir Lewis Craig — Wright's Land. Sir John Wemj^ss — Craigtoun. 1607. Thos. Hamilto'n— Prestonfield. 1608. Sir Andr. Hamilton — Redhouse 1609. Sir Wm. Livingston — Kilsyth. 1610. Sir Alexr. Hay— Newton. 1611. Wm. Oliphant— Newton. 1612. Sir Jas. Skene— Currie Hill. 1613. Sir Gideon Murray — Elibank. 161C. David Carnegie — Carnegie. 1617. Sir Geo. Erskine — Innerteil. 1618. John i\Iaitland, vise. Lauderdale. 1621. Sir Ales. Gibson — Durie. 1622. Thos. Henderson — Chestcrs. Sir John Hamilton — Magdalens. 1623. Sir Archd. Napier — Merchistoun. Sir Andr. Fletcher— Innerpeffer. 1627. SirRobt. Spottiswood — -New Abbey. Alexr. Seton — Kilcreuch. Sir Geo. Auchinleck — Balmanno. Sir Alexr. Napier — Laurieston. Sir Archd. Acheson — Glencairnie. Jas. Bannatyne — Newhall. Alexr. Morison — Preston Grange. Sir Jas. Learmonth — Balcomie. Geo. Haliburton — Fudderance. 1629. Sir Jas. (?Wm.) Oliphant— Newton. Sir Jas. Macgill— Cranston Riddel. 1632. Sir John Hope— Craighall. Sir John Scot — Scotstarvet. 1634. Sir John Hay— Barro. 1636. Patrick Nisbet— Eastbank. 1637. Sir John Hamilton — Orbieston. Sir Wm. Elphinstone. Adam Cunnmghamo — Woodhall. 1639. Sir Jas. Carmichael — Carmichael. Sir Alexr. Falc ner — Halkertoun. New Commission by Act of Parlia- ment, 13th November, 1G41. 1641. Sir Geo. Erskine — Innerteil. Sir Alexr. (jibson — Durie. Sir Andr. Fletcher — Innerpeffer. Sir John Hamilton — Orbiestoun. Sir Jas. Carmichael — Carmichael. Sir Jas. Learmonth — Balcumie. Sir Jas. Macgill — Cranston Riddel. Sir Geo. Haliburton — Fodderance. Sir John Hope — Craighall. Sir John Scot — Scotstarvet. Sir Alexr. Falconer — Halkertoun. Sir John Leslie — Newton. Sir Thos. Hope — Kerse. Sir Archil. Johnston — Warriston. Sir Adam Hepburn — Humbie. 1646. Sir Alexr. Gibson— Durie. Sir Jas. Lockhart — Lee. Sir Alexr. Belsches— Tofts. 1649. Sir Jas. Hope — Hopetoun. 1649. Robt. Bruce— Broumhall. Alexr. Pearson — South Hall. Robt. Macgill— Ford. Sir Wm. Scott — Clerkintoun. Geo. Winram — Libbertoun. Alexr. Brodie — Brodie. John Dickson — Hartree. Sir Hew Campbell — Cesncck. Commissioners for Administkationj^of Justice to the People of Scotland ; APPOINTED BY OLIVER CrOMWELL. 1654. Geo. Smyth. Wm. Laurence. Edwd. Mosely. 1655. John Swinton — Swinton. Alexr. Pearson — South Hall. Sir Jas. Learmonth — Balcomie. Andr. Ker. 1656. Sir Wm. Lockhart. 1657. Jas. Dalrymple — Stair. Sir Archd. Johnston — Warriston. Alexr. Brodie — Brodie. Lords of Session appointed at the Restoration. 1661. Alexr. Falconer — Halkertoun. Sir Archd. Primrose — Carrington. Sir Robt. Murray, Id. just. -elk. Sir Jas. Macgill — Cranston Riddel. Sir Jas. Lockhart — Lee. Sir Geo. Mackenzie — Tarbet. Sir Archd. Stirling — Carden. Sir Jas. Foulis — Collington. Sir Jas. Dalrymple — Stair. Sir Robt. Nairne — Strathurd. Robt. Burnet — Crimond. Jas. Roberton — Bedley. John Scougal — Whitekirk. Andr. Ayton — Kinglassie. 1662. 1663. 1664. 1665. 1G68. 1669. 1671. 1672. 1674. 1676. 1677. 1679. 1680. 1681. Sir David Nevoy— Nevoy. Sir Jas. Dundas — Arniston. John Hume — Renton. Sir .John Nisbet — Dirleton. Sir John Baird — Newbyth. Sir John Lockhart — Castlehill. Sir Peter Wedderburn — Gosf^ord. Chas. Maitland — Halton. Sir Tho-:. Wallace — Craigie. Sir Andr. Ramsay — Abbotshall. Sir Richd. Maitland— Pittrichie. Sir Robt. Preston — Preston. Sir David Balfour — Forret. Sir Thos. Murray — Glcndoick. Sir Jas. Foulis— Reidfurd. Sir David Falconer — Newton. Sir Alexr. Seton — Pitmedden. Sir Roger Hogg — Harcarse. Sir Andr. Birnie — Saline. Sir Geo. Gordon — Haddo. Sir Geo. INlackenzie — Tarbet. Sir Patrick Dgilvie — Boyne. Jno. Murray — Drumcairne. Sir Geo. Nicolson — Keainay. Jno. Wauchope — Edmonstone. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1683. Sir Thos. Stewart— Blair. Sir Patrick Lyon — Carse. 1685. Sir G. Lockhart — Carnwath. 1687. Alexr. Malcolm — Lochore. 1688. Sir Jno. Dalrymplo — Stair. 1688. Alexr. Swinton — Jlersington. Lewis Gordon — Auchintoul. The Revolution. 1689. Sir Jno. Baird— Newbyth. Alexr. Swinton — Mersington. Sir Colin Gampliell — Aberuchill. Jas. ilurray — Pbilipliaugh. Jas. Dundas — Arniston. Jno. Hamilton — Halcraig. David Home — Crocerig. Sir Jno. Maitland — Ravelrig ; aft. 5th E. of Lauderdale. Sir Robt. Sinclair — Stevenson. Sir Jno. Lauder — Fountain Hall. Wm. An.struthcr — An.strutber. Arcbd. Hojje— Rankeilor. Ja.s. Falconer — Pbcsdo. Robt. Hamilton — Prcsmennan. 1696. 1699. 1701. 1704. 1705. 1707. 1709. 1710. 1711. 1712. 1714. 1718. 1724. 1726. 1727. 172'J. 1730. 1732. 1733. 1734. 1735. 1737. 1744. 1746. 1749. 1751. 1752. 1754. Sir Wm. Hamilton — Wbitelaw. Jas. Scougal — Wbitebill. Sir Jno. Maxwell — Pollock. Robt. Stewart — TuUiecutrie. R. Mackenzie — Preston Hall. Sir A. Campbell — Cesnock. Adam Cockburn — Ormistoun. Sir Gilbert Elliot— Minto. Sir Alexr. Ogilvie— Forglen. Hon. Jas. Erskine — Grange. Jno. Murray — Bowbill. Dougal Stewart — Blairball. Sir Fras. Grant— Cullen. Sir Jas. Mackenzie — Royston. David Erskine — Dun. Sir W. Calderwooil — Polton. Jas. Hamilton — Poncaitland. Hon. Jas. Elpbinstone — Coupar ; aft. Id. Balmerino. Sir Andr. Hume — Kimerghame. Sir Walter Pringle — Xewball. Andr. Fletcber — Milton. Sir Gilbert Elliot— Minto. Hew Dairy mj)le—Drummore. Patrick Canijibell — ^lonzie. Jno. Pringle — llaining. Alexr Fraser — Strichen. Patrick Grant — Elcbies. Hon. Jno. Sinclair — Murkle. Alexr., E. of Leven. Sir Jas. Fcrgusson — Kilkerran. Robt. Dundas — Arniston. Chas. A reskine or Erskine — Tinwald. Hon. Patrick Boyle — Shewalton. Jas. (irabani — Easdalc. Geo. Sinclair — Xewball. Hy. Home — Kanies. AJexr. Bos well — Aucliinleck. Wm. Grant — Preston (jrangc. Robt. Pringle— Edgelield. 1754. 1755. 1756. 1759. 1761. 1762. 1764. 1766. 1767. 1775. 1776. 1777. 1782. 1783. 1786. 1787. 1792. 1793. 1795. 1796. 1797. 1799, 1802. 1805. 180G. 1809. 1811. 1813. 1816. 1819. 1822. 1823. 182,5. 1826. 1834, 1837. 1839. 1840. 1842. Thos. Hay — Huntington. Andr. ^Macdowal — Bankton. Patrick Wedderbum — Chesterhall Geo. Carre — Nisbet. Geo. Brown — Coalston. Andr. Pringle — Alemoore. Jas. Veitcb— Elliock. Jas. Erskine. Jno. Campbell — Stonefield. Jas. Ferguson — Pitfour. Fras. Garden — Gardenston. Robt. Bruce — Kennet. Sir David Dalrymple — Hailes. Thos. Miller — Barskimming, aft. Glenlee. Jas. Burnett — Monboddo. Alexr. Lockhart — Covington. David Ross — Ankerville. Robt. MacQueen — Braxfield. David Dalrymj)le — Westhall. David Rae— Eskgrovo. Jno. Swinton — Swinton. Alexr. Murray — Henderland. Hon. Alexr. Gordon — Rockville. Wm. Xairne — Dunsinnan ; aft. bt. Jno. Maclaurin — Drcghorn. Alexr. Abercrombj' — Abercromby. Wm. Craig — Craig. Wm. Baillie — Polktmmet. David Smj-the — .Methven. Sir Wm. Miller — Glenlee. Allan Maconochie — :Meadowbank. Robt. Cullcn— CuUcn. Sir Wm. Honyman, bt. — Armadale, Wm. MacLeod Bannatyne — Banna- tyne. Claud Irvine Boswell — Balmuto. Geo. Ferguson — Ilorniand. Alexr.FraserTytler— Woodhouselee. Wm. Robertson — Robertson. Chas. Hay — Xowton. Arcbd. Campbell — Succoth. David Boyle- Boyle. Robt. Craigie — Craigie. David Williamson — Balgray. Adam Gillies — Gillies. David Monypenny — Pitmilly. David Catbart — Alio way. David Douglas — Reston. Jas. Wolfe Murray — Cringletie. Alexr. Maconochie — Meadowbank. W'm. Erskine — Kinneder. Joshua Hy. Mackenzie — Mackenzie. Jno. Clerk — Eldiu. Jno. Hay Forbes — !Mcdwyn. Geo. Cranstoun — Corehouse. Alexr. Irving — Xowton. Jno. FulKrton — Fullerton. Sir Jas. W. MoncreilT, bt.— MoncreifT. Fras. Joflrey — Jeffrey. Hy. Cockburn — Cockburn. Jno. Cunningbame — Cunninghame. sir .Jno. Arclid. Murray — Murray. Jas. Ivory — Ivoi'y. Alexr. Wood — Wood. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 521 1843. Patrick Robertson — Robertson. 1850. Thos. Maitland— Dundrennan, Feb. 6, G. 1851. Andr. Rutherfurd — Rutherfurd, Apr. 7, G. Duncan M-Xeill — Colonsay, May 15, G. ; aft. Id. Colonsay. Jno. Cowan — Cowan, June 23, G. 1852. Adam Anderson — Anderson, May 18, G. John Marshall — Curriehill, vice Forbes, Nov. 3, G. 1853. Geo. Deas — Deas, vice Cunning- hame. May 25, G. Robt. Haudyside — Handj'side, vice Anderson, Nov. 15, G. Hercules Jas. Robertson — Benholme, vice Fullerton, Dec. 7, G. 1854. Chas. Neaves — Neaves, vice Cock- burn, May 13, G. 1855. Jas. Craufurd — Ardmillan, vice Rutherfurd, Jan. 10, G. Thos. Mackenzie — ^Jackenzie, vice Robertson, .Jan. 29, G. 1858. Wm. Penney — Kinloch, vice Handy- side, May 7, G. 1859. Chas. Baillie — Jervis Woode, vice Murray, Apr. 15, G. 1862. Robt. Macfarlane — Ormidale, vice Wood, Jan. 13, G. Edwd Fras. Maitland — Barcaple, vice Ivory, Nov. 10, G. 1865. 1868. 1870. 1872. 1874. 1876. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1885. 1888. \e8ci /^, u LORDS JUSTICES GENERAL AND JUDGES OF THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY. 'The Lord Chief Justice, or, as lie was called in Scotland, the Lord Justice General, was placed next in rank to the lord chancellor. He was anciently, before the court of session was ei-ected, the grand justiciar •of Scotland, and his court was originally the only sovereign court of the kingdom, and had a great part of that jurisdiction which now belongs to the court of session. Even after the erection of that court several civil causes came before it ; but at length its powers were confined to criminal matters alone, and the Lord Justice General was empowered to name his own deputies. In 1671 the court of justiciary was consti- tuted, nearly as it now stands, by a commission under the great seal, Afterwards ratified by regulations made in 1672. The kingdom was divided into three circuits, to which the judges went once a year ; but after the suppression of the heritable jurisdictions, the assizes were held twice a year. Anciently the kingdom was divided into two justi- ciaries, viz. the north and the south of the Frith of Forth. The office of Lord Justice General was hereditary in several families; but the family of Argyll surrendered it to the crown, for a valuable considera- tion, in 1628, and this arrangement was ratified by parliament in 1633. From that time it was disposed of either for life, or during pleasure, by a commission under the great seal, until the year 1836, when, under 522 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 11 Geo. IV. and 1 Wm. IV., cap. 69, the office was united with that of Lord President of the Court of Session. The High Court of Justiciary was originally composed of the Lord Justice General, or first Judge of Justiciary, the Lord Justice Clerk, or second Judge of Justiciary, and five other judges or commissioners selected from the Lords of Session ; but by 50 & 51 Vict., cap. 35 (Sept. 16, 1887), the constitution and procedure of the court were re- modelled, and all the Lords of Session are now commissioners of the High Court of Justiciary. The Lokds Justices General or First Judges of Justiciary. 121G. 12:.'4. 1227. 1239. 1243. 1253. 13«6. 142G. 1446. 1457. 1488, 148'J. 1492. 1494. Argadus, capt. of Argyll ; in the reign of Ethodius. Comes Dunetus ; in the reign of William. The E. of Fife. Wm. Gummiu. David, E. of Huntingdon. Walter GUffer. Allan ; to Alexander II. Wm. Cummin, E. of Buchan. Walter Oliphant. Walter, son to Allan ; seneschal or steward of Scotland. Walter, E. of Ross ; X. of Forth. David de Lindsay ; S. of Forth. Alexr., seneschal to Alexander II. Hugh de Berkeley ; S. of Forth. Alexr. Cummin, E. of Buchan. Robt. de Erskine ; N. of Forth. Robt. de Lauder ; X. of Forth. Patrick de Ogilvy ; X. of Forth. John. Id. Lindsav de Byres; N. of Forth. Wm. E. of Orkney ; S. of Forth. John Haldane, of Gleneagles ; X^ cf Forth. Patrick, Id. Hales, and Robt., Id. Lyle. Andrew, E. of Craufurd, and Geo., E. of Huntly. Robt., Id. Lyle. John, Id. Glamis, and John, Id. Drummond. Robt., Id. Lyle, again, and John, Id, Glamis, aijain. John, Id. Drummond, atjaiu. 1504. 1514. 1526. 1537. 1567. 1578, 1589. 1628. 1642. 1646. 1649. 1663. 1678. 1680. 1G82. 1692. 1703. 1710. 1761. 176.5. 1778. Andrew, Id. Gray, and John, ld» Kennedy. Colin, 3rd'E. of Argyll. Archd. Douglas, of Kilspindie. Archd., 4th E. of Argyll. Gilespick, E. of Argyll ; heritably. Colin, 6th E. of Argyll. Archd., 7th E. of Argyll ; he exch. the ofHce for the heritable lieu- tenancy of Argyllshire, and most of the Isles. Wm., E. of Menteith. Sir Wm. Elphinstone. Sir Thos. Hope, jun., of Carse. Wm., E. of Glencairn. John, E. of Cassilis. John, E., aft. M. of Athole. Sir Geo. Mackenzie, bt., aft. visc^ Tarbat and E. of Cromartie. Sir Archd. Primrose, of Carring- ton. Wm., E., aft. M. and D. of Queens- berry. Jas. , E. of Perth. Robt., E. of Lothian. Geo., E. of Cromariie. Archd. , E. of Isla, aft. D. of Argyll ;. for life. John, M. of Tweeddale. Chas. , D. of Queensberry and Dover. David, vise. Stormont, aft. E. of Mansfield. Jas., D. of Montrose; after whose death, in 1836, this office was united with that of the Id. pros. ct. sess. For subsequent Lord Justices General, see "Lord Presidents of the Court of Session," ante, p. 516. Lord Justice Clerks or Second Judges op Justiciary. See List, ante, p. 516. Other Judges or Commissioners ok Justiciary, Sir Gilbert Elliott— Minto. Hy. Dalrymple — Drummore. Alexr. Fraser — Strichen. Patrick Grant — Elchios. Sir Jas. Ferguson — Kilkorran. Chas.Arskine,orEr8kine — Tinewald. Hy. Home— Kamos. Alexr. BoswcU — Auchinlock. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. * * Wm. Grant — Preston Grange. * * Geo. Brown — Ooalston. * * Andrew Pringle — Alemoore. * * John Campbell — Stonefleld. * * Eras. Garden — Gardenston. * * Robt. Bruce — Kennet. * * Sir David Dalrymple — Hailes. * * Robt. McQueen — Braxfield. * * David Rae — Eskgrove. * * Sir Wm. Nairn, bt. — Dunsinnan. * * "Wm. Craig — Craig. * * Allan Maconnochie — Meadowbank. * * Robt. Cullen— Cullen. * * Sir Wm. Honyinan, bt. — Armadale. 18 11. David Boyle— Boyle, Feb. 23, G. 1819. Alexr. Maconochie — Meadowbank. 1824. Joshua Hy. Mackenzie — Mackenzie. 1829. Sir Jas. W. Moncreiff— Moncreiff. 1830. John Hay Forbes — Medwyn. 1837. Hy. Cockburn — Cockburn. All the Lords of Session are now, under High Court of Justiciary, i 1843. Alexr. Wood— Wood, Nov. 15, G. 1849. Jas. Ivory — Ivory. 1851. Duncan McNeill — Colonsay, aft. Id, Colonsay, May 30, G. John Cowan — Cowan, June 23, G. 1852 — Adam Anderson — Anderson, May 18, G. 1853. Robt. Handyside— Handyside, Nov. 15, G. 1854. John Deas— Deas, May 13, G. 1855. Jas. Craufurd — Ardmillan, June 16, G. 1858. Chas. Neaves— Neaves, May 7, G. 1862. Chas. Baillie— Jervis Woode, June 14, G. 1874. Geo. Young— Young, Feb. 19, G. David Mure — Mure, Apr. 1, G. 1876. John Millar— Craighill, Mar. 4, G. j Jas. Adam — Adam, Dec. 2, G. 1885. John McLaren — McLaren, Feb. 26, G. 50 & 51 Vict., cap. 35, Commissioners of the see Introduction, ante, pp. 521-2. JUDGES OF THE COURT OF EXCHEQUER OF SCOTLAND. The old Scotch Court of Exchequei' was reserved by the Act of Union, but was superseded on May 1, 1708, by a new court established by 6 Anne, cap. 53 (cap. 26, Euff head's statutes). This Court was at first composed of a chief and four puisne barons ; but by 1 Wm. IV., cap. 69 (1830), it was provided that no vacancies should be filled up until the court was reduced to a chief and one puisne baron ; and by 2 Wm. IV., cap. 54 (1832), it was provided that no new judges should be appointed, and that on the death of the last Exchequer Judge the duties should be performed by one of the lords of session to be ap- pointed by the crown. This arrangement was modified by 2 & 3 Viet,, cap. 36 (1839), which provided that the duties of Exchequer Judges should be performed by two of the lords of session to be fixed by themselves in rotation ; and by 19 & 20 Vict., cap. 56 (1856), a further alteration took place, and it was provided that the duties should be performed by one of the lords of session, to be appointed by the crown, and styled the Lord Ordinary in Exchequer. The administrative duties of the Court of Exchequer were transferred to the Treasury by 3 & 4 Wm. IV., cap. 13 (1833). The old Exchequer Court came to an end on the death of Baron Murray in 1838. Adam Gillies (Lord Gillies), a lord of session, was then appointed under 2 Wm. IV., cap. 54, and on his death in 1839 the other lords of session were appointe 1 in rotation under 2 & 3 Vict., cap. 36. Chief Barons of the Exchequer of Scotland. From the accession of George III. to the extinction of the office. * * —Idle. * * Robt. Ord. 1775. Jas. Montgomery. No further appointments. 1801. Robt. Sanders Dandas, May 12. 1811). Sir Saml. Shepherd. June 15, G. 1830. Jas. Abercrombie,Feb. 20,G. ;c?. 1832. See Introduction, supra. 624 TlIK BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Barons of the Exchequer op Scotland. From the accession of George III. to the extinction of the office. In 1760. Eflwd. Edline. i 1777. Cosmo Gordon, rice Grant. Jno. Maule. | 1781. David Stewart-Moncreiflfe, vice Jno. Grant. Maule. Jas. Erskine. I 1790. Arclid. Cockburii, vice Moncreiffe. 1761. Wm. Mure, rice Edline. 1801. Geo. Buchan Hepburn, vice Gordon. Sir Geo. Wynne AUanson, bt., vice 1809. Jas. Clerk, May 27, G. ; vice Cock- Erskine. I burn; res. 1776. Hon. Fletcher Norton, rice Allanson. 1814. Wm. Adam, Not. 8, G. Sir Jiio. Dalrymple, ht., vice Maule. 1820. Sir Patrick Murray, bt. ; d. 1838. No further appointments. See Introduction, ante, p. 523. JUDGES OF THE ADMIRALTY COURT OF SCOTLAND. By the Act of Union the Scottish Admiralty Court was to be continued until regulated by parliament. It was afterwards gradually shorn of its jurisdiction, and ultimately abolished by 6 Geo. IV., cap. 120 (1825). Its prize jurisdiction was transferred to the English Admiralty Court, and by 11 Geo. IV. and 1 Wm. IV., cap 69 (1830) its civil jurisdiction was transferred to the Court of Session and the Sheriff Court ; and its criminal jurisdiction to the Court of Justiciary and the Sheriff Court. Judges of the Admiralty Court of Scotland. * * Alexr. Cockburn. 1810. Jno. Burnett. 1790. Geo. Buchan Hepburn. 1801. K. H. Cay. 1811. Jas. Wolfe Murray, Feb. 23, G. 1816. Jno. Connell, aft. sir J., July 20, G. ice abolished Oct. 5, 1830, ut .supra. LOUD CLERK REGISTERS OF SCOTLAND. The Clerk Register was anciently the principal clerk in the kingdom ; from him all other clerks, who were his deputies, derived their imme- diate authority, and he himself acted as clerk to the parliament and council. He was called Cleric us Botulorum, because the j^roceedings of parliament, and the minutes and judgments of other courts, were written ui)On rolls of parchment (hence the term EoUdl Parliamentl), which were preserved by him in the public archives. By the Treaty of Union, the preservation of the registers was particularly provided for ; and the return of the election of the sixteen Scottish peers to tJie British parliament was ordered to be made by the Clerk Register, or by two of the clerks of session deputed by him for that purpose. Lord Clerk Registers of Scotland, * * Wm., abj). of St. Andrew's. 1253. Willielmus Capillanus, and Alexr. * * Simon de Quincy. do Carrcrg. * * Nicolaus. rlericus to Malcolm IV. \ All the preceding were called cltr. * * Wm. do Bosch, and llugu. ilmn. reijis. * * Ualfrid and (iregory ; to Alexander 1323. Robt. do buiibar, cler. rotul. II. * * Jno, Gray ; to Robert II. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1426. Jno. Schives. 1440. Richd. Craig, vicar of Dundee. 1442. Geo. Shoreswood, rect. of Culter. 1449. Sir Jno. Methven. 1450. Jno. Arouse, archdn. of Glasgow. 1455. Nicol Otterburn. 1466. Fergus Macdowall. 1471. David Guthrie, of Guthrie. 1473. Jno. Laing, rect. of Newlands. 1477. Alexr. Inglis, cbanc. of see of Aber- deen. 1482. Patrick Leith, canon of Glasgow. * * Alexr. Scot, rect. of Wigtoun. 1488. Wm. Hepburn, vicar of Linlithgow. 1489. Richd. Muirhead, dean of Glas- gow. 1492. Jno. Eraser, rect. of Restalrig. 1497. Walter Drummond, dean of Dum- blane. 1500. David Dunbar, archdn. of St. An- drew's ; aft. bp. of Aberdeen. * * Sir Stephen Lockhart ; to James IV. 1531. Sir Jas. FouHs, of Collington. 1548. Sir Thos. Marjoribanks, of Ratho. 1654. Jas. Macgill, parson of Flisk ; depr. for his share in David Rizzio's murder in 1566. 1566. Sir Jas. Balfour. 1567. Jas. Macgill, again. 1577. Sir Alexr. Hay, of Easter Kennet. 1594. Sir Jno. Skene, of Curriehill. 1598. Sir Jno. Skene, and his son, Jas. Skene. 1612. Sir Thos. Hamilton, aft. E. of Had- dington 1616. J 622. 1632. 1641. 1649. 1660. 1681. 1689. 1692. 1696. 1702. 1704. 1706. 1708. 1714. 1716. 1733. 1739. 1756. 1761. 1767. 1777. 1821. 1845. 1862. 1879. Sir Alexr. Hay, of Whit burgh. Sir Geo. Hay, '5. ft. E. of KinnoulL Sir Jno. Hamilton, of Magdalens. Sir Alexr. Hay, of Lands. Sir Alesr. Gibson, jun., of Durie. Sir Archd. Johnston, of Warriston. Sir Archd. Primrose, of Chester. Sir Geo. Mackenzie, bt. , aft. vise. Tarbat, and E. of Crumartie. John, Id. Belhaven, and four others. Sir Geo. Mackenzie, again. Chas., E. of Selkirk. John, M. of Tweeddale. Jas. Johnston. Sir Jas. Murray, of Philipbaugh. David, E. of Glasgow. Archd., E. of Isla, aft. D. of Argyll. Jas., D. of Montrose, July. Alexr., Id. Polwarth, aft. E. of Marchmont. Dec. Chas., E. of Selkirk. Wm. , M. of Lothian. Hon. Alexr. Hume Campbell. Jas., E. of Morton. Lord Fredk. Campbell, son of the D. of Argyll. Lord Fredk. Camijbell, app. for life ; d. June 1816. Wm. Dundas. Jas. Andrew, E., aft. M. of Dal- housie, Dec. 12, G. Sir Wm. Gibson Craig, bt., July 3, G. Geo. Fredk.. E. of Glasgow, Feb. - 21' G. ^ . , LORD ADVOCATES OF SCOTLAND. The Lord Advocate holds mucli the same position in Scotland as the Attorney General in England. His business is to pursue and defend in all causes wherein the sovereign has an interest. His office is very honourable, and be is, by virtue of it, styled Lord. And, as it was de- cided, in 1685, in the parliament of Paris (on which the Court of Session is modelled), that the king's advocate might at the same time be a judge, so in like manner was it allowed in Scotland ; and both Sir William Oliphant and Sir John ISTesbit were Lords Advocate and Lords of Session at the same time. This practice has, however, now been Ions: discontinued. Lords Advocate op Scotland. Those marked * afterwards became Judges. See lists of Judges, ante, 1483. Jno. Ross, of Mongrenan. 1494. Jas. Henderson, of Fordel. 1503. Richd. Lawson, of Heirigs. 1521. Jas. Wisliai-t, of Pittarrow. 1525. *Adam Otterburn, of Redhall. 1527. *Jno. (? Jas.) Foulis, and Adam Otterburn, again. 1533. *Adam Otterburn, again, and Hy. Lauder, of St. Germains. * * *Hy. Balnavis, to Q. Mary. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1801. Chas. Hope of Granton. 1804. Sir Ja.s. Montgomery, bt. (No. 2). 1806. Hon. Hy. Erskine, again. 1807. Archd. Colquhoun. 1816. *Alexr. (? Allan) Maconochie. 1819. Sir \Vm. Rae. bt. 1830. *Fras. Jeftrey. 1834. *Jno. Archd. ilurray, aft. sir J. Sir Wm. Rae, bt. , ar/ain, Dec. 19, G. *Jno. Archd. Murray, again, Apr. 20, G. *Andr. Rutherfurd. Sir Wm. Rae, bt., ar/ain, Sept. 4, G. 1842. *Duncan M'Neill. 1640. *Andr. Rutherfurd, again. *j!is. Moncriefif, Apr. 8, G. *Adam Anderson, Feb. 28, G. *Jno. Inglis, May 19, G. *Jas. ]\Ioncrieff, again, Dec. 30, G. *Jno. IngliR, ar/ain, Mar. 1, G. *Chas. Baillie," July 10, G. *David ^lure, Apr. 15, G. *.Ja.s. Moncrieff, again, June 24. G. *Geo. Patton, July 12, G. *Ed\vd. Strathearn Gordon, Feb. 28, G. *Jas. MoncrieiT, ar/ain, Dec 10, G, 1869. *Geo. Young, Oct. 14, G. 1874. *Edwd. Strathearn Gordon, again, aft. Id. Gordon, and Id. app., Feb. 26, G. Wm. Watson, aft. Id. Watson and Id. app, Oct. 13, G. 1880. *Jno. McLaren, May 5, G. Jno. Blair Balfour, Aug. 19, G. *Jno. Hav Athole Macdonald, July 2, G. 1886. J. B. Balfour, again. Feb. 18, G. *J. H. A. Macdonald, again, Aug. 0, G. 1888.*" Jas. Patrick Bannerman Robertson, Oct. 24, G. SOLICITORS GENERAL OF SCOTLAND. The Solicitor General of Scotland is the crown counsel next in dignity to the Lord Advocate. His office cannot be traced further back than the Union, and the list for the present work has only been procured from 1775. Solicitors General of Scotland. From the year 1775 to the ])resent time. Those marked t were afterwards Lords Advocates, see list, ante, p. 525, where their subseiiucnt promotion is noted. Those marked * afterwards became Judges. See lists of Judges, ante. 1561. 1573. 1582. 1589. 1594. 1626. 1641. * * 1659. 1661. 16—. * * 1687. 1689. 1709. 1720. 1725. 1737. 1742. 1746. 1754. 1760. 1766. 1775. 1783. 1784. 1789. Thos. Cummin. *Jno. Spence, of Condie. *Kobt. Crichton (or Creighton), of Elliock. David Brothwick, of Loch-hill. *David MacGill, of Cranston Riddel, son to sir Jas. , Id. elk. regr. Jno. Skene. Wm. Hart, of Levelands. , Andr. Logic. *Sir Thos. Hamilton, aft. E. of 183. Hiiddington. *David Macgill, again. *Sir Thos. Hamilton, again. *Sir Wm. (? Jas.) Oliphant, of Newton. *Thos. (? Jno.) Hope, of Craighall, aft. sir T. *.Sir Archd. Johnston, of Warriston. Sir Thos. Nicholson. *Sir Archd. Primrose. Sir Jno. Fletcher. *Sir Jno. Nisbet. *Sir Geo. Mackenzie. *Jno. Dalrymple, aft. E. of Stair. *Sir Geo. Mackenzie, again. Sir Wm. Jas. Stewart. Sir David Dalrvmple *Robt. Dundas, of Arniston (No. 1). *Duncan Forbes, of Culloden. *Chas. Areskine, or Erskine, of Tin- wald. *Robt. Craigie, of Glendoick. *Wm. Grant, of Preston Grange. *Robt. Dundas, of Arniston (No. 2). Thos. Miller, of Glenlee. Jas. Montgomery, aft. sir J. (No. 1). Hy. Dundas, aft. vise. Melville. Hon. Hy. Erskine. *Ilay Campbell of Succoth, aft. sir I., bt. Robt. Dundas of Arniston (No. 3) ; son of the 2nd, grandson of the Ist Robt. 1839 1841 1851 1852 1858. 1859. 1866 1867 1868. 1876. 1881. 1885. 1776. *Alexr. Murray, of Henderland. 1783. t*Ilay CampboH; of Succoth, aft. sir I., bt. 1789. Robt. Blair of Avonton. 1806. *John Clerk, of Eldon. 1807. *David Boyle, of Showalton. THE BOOK OF DIG^JITIES. 1810. 1825. 1830. 1834. 1811. *Davicl Monypenny, of Pitmilly. 1813. t*-^le^r. Maconochie, of Meadow- bank. Jas. Wedderburn, July 20, G. *John Hope. *Hy. Cockburn. Andr. Skene. t*Duncan M'Neill. 1835. *John CunninKhame. 1837. t*Andr. Rutherfurd. 1839. *Jas. Ivory. 1840. *Thos. Maitland of Dundrennan. 1841. t*Duncan M'Neill. 1842. t*Adam Anderson 1846. *Ths.Maitland,ofDundrennan,ai7«ZH. 1850. t*Jas. Moncreiff, Feb. 7, G. 1851. *John Cowan, Apr. 18, G. *Geo. Deas, June 28. G. 1852. t*Jolan Inglis, Feb. 28, G. *Chas. Neaves, May 24, G. *Robt. Handyside, Jan. 17, G. *Jas. Craufurd, Nov. 16, G. *Tbos. Mackenzie, Jan. 11, G. *Edwd. Eras. Maitland, Feb. 14, G. 1853. 1855. 1858. t*Chas. Baillie, Mch. 17, G. t*David Mure, July 12. G. 1859. t*Geo. Patton, May 3, G. *Edwd. Eras. Maitland, again June 27, G. 1862. t*Geo. Young, Nov. 11, G. 1866. t*Edwd. Strathearn Gordon, aft. Id. Gordon, and Id. app. , July 12, Gt 1867 *John Millar, Mar. 6. G. 1868. t*Geo. Young, again, Dec. 14, G. 1869. *Andr. Rutherfurd-Clark,Oct. 14,G. 1874. *Jobn Millar, aia^ DEANS OF THE FACULTY OF ADVOCATES. I^j >•. ii^^-W ^7'^^^ '^Ku/l^t^^ ^'^^Z^ S)^tf , The Faculty or Society of Advocates in Scotland dates from the year 1532, but the profession of advocate had existed for many years pre- viously. The Faculty is presided over by a Dean, who is elected annually, but who is frequently chosen for several years in succession. Deans of Faculty op Scotland. From the year 1801. Jas. Moncreiff. Edwd. Stratbearn Gordon. Andr. Rutberfurd-Glark. Wm. Watson. Robt. Horn. Patrick Fraser. Alexr. Smith Kinnear. John Hay Athole Macdonald. John Blair Balfour. Wm. Mackintosh. 1801. Robt. Blair, of Avonton. 1858. 1808. Matth. Ross. 1869. 1823. Geo. Cranstoun. 1874. 1826, Sir Jas. W. Moncreiff, bt. 1875. 1829. Fras. Jeffrey. 1876. 1830. John Hope. 1878. 1841. Alexr. Wood. 1881. 1842. Patrick Robertson. 1882. 1843. Duncan M'Neill. 1885. 1851. Adam Anderson. 1886. 1852. John Inglis. ARCHBISHOPS AND BISHOPS OF SCOTLAND. The Episcopal Church of Scotland was the established Church of that country down to (the period of the Reformation. From that time it had a chequered existence, being alternately abolished and restored until it was finally di^stablished at the Revolution. The history of its vicissitudes is too long to be even epitomised here, but a full account will be found in Burton's History oj Scotland and in the somewhat numerous histories of the Scottish Church. 628 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PART I.— ARCHBISHOPS AND BISHOPS OF SCOT- LAND BEFORE THE REVOLUTION. Scotland had two Archbishoprics — I. — St. Andrew's. to which were suffrasfan the sees of — Abekdeek. Bkechis. Caithness. II. — Glasgow. to which were suffragan the sees of — Akgyll. ! Galloway. Dunblane. Moray. DUNKELD. Orkney Edinburgh. Ross. The Isles. DIOCESE OF ST. ANDREW'S. Abernethy, in Perthshire, was the metropolis of the kingdom of the Picts. The collegiate church there was dedicated to St. Bridget, or St. Bryde, who died about 523. Kenneth III., having conquered the Picts, translated the see from Abernethy, and called it St. Andrew's, and the bishojj was styled Maxbnus Scotoriiin Episcojms. It was erected into an Archbishopric in 1470, by Pope Paul II. Bishops of St. Andrew's. According to Sir R. Sibhald. * * Adrian ; killed by the Danes, and buried in the island of May, in 872. 872. Kellaeh I. ; sat four years, Constan- tine II. being King. 877. Malisius I. ; sat eight years, Gregory the Great being king. 904. Kellaeh II. * * Malmore. * * Malisius II. * * Alwinus. * * Malduinus. * * Tuthuldus. * * Fothadus ; consec. in 954. * * Gregorius ; sat two years. * * Turgot, prior of Durham ; sat 25 or 2(J years. * * Godericus, who anointed king Edgar; d. 1107. 1120. 1122. 1159. 11C3. 1178. 1188. Eadmerus, a monk of Canterbury. Robert, prior of Scone ; founded the priory of St. Andrew's, and ob- tained land and many privileges for it from David I. Walter, abb. of Melrose, elected ; but did not accept. Ernald, abb. of Kelso ; legate in Scotland for the pope ; founded the cathedr. ch. of St. Andrew's, but (/. soon after it was begun. Richard, chapl. to Malclm IV. ^John Scot, archdn. of] 1 St. Andrew's. I A double ] Hugh, chapl. to king f election.* i William. j Roger (son of the E. of Leicester) ; Id. chanc. * John was elected bishop, but the king opposed him, and caused his chaplain, Hugh, to be consecrated. John went to Rome to plead his cause, and the Pope (Alexander III.) was so convinced of the justness of it, that he sent him home with a nuncio, who made Matthew, bishop of Aberdeen, consecrate him in the abbey of liolyrood House. Still the king continued infle.\ible, and John went a second time to Rome, and continued seven years in voluntary o.\ilo. The pope was about to interdict the kingdom ; but John prevailed with him to desist, and the bishuprie of Dunkeld falling vacant, the king agreed that John should have it, and he accepted it. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1202. Wm. Malvoisine ; tr. from Glasgow : Id. chanc. 1233. David Benham, grt. chambn. to the king. 1253. Abel, archdn. of St. Andrew's. 1255. Gameline, archdn. of St. Andrew's ; Id. chanc. 1272. Wm. Wiseheart, archdn. of St. An- drew's ; Id. chanc. 1279. ^Ym. Fraser, dean of Glasgow ; Id. chanc. 1298. Wm. Lamberton, chanc. of diocese of Glasgow. 1328. Jas. Bennet, archdn. of St. An- drew's. 1332. Wm. Bell, D. of Dunkeld, elect. ; but the pope refused to confirm the choice. See vacant 9 years. 1341. Wm. Landell, rect. of Kinkell. 1883. Stephen de Paye, prior of St. An- drew's ; taken prisoner at sea by the English, on his way to Rome ; d. at Alnwick, soon after his elec- tion. * * Walter Trail, canon of St. Andrew's ; app. by the pope without an elec- tion ; built the castle of St. An- drew's. 1401. Thos. Stuart (son to Robert II.) ; archdn. of St. Andrew's. 1404. Gilbert Greenlaw, bp. of Aberdeen, Id. chanc. ; elect. , but * * Hy. Wardlaw, prec. of the see of Glasgow ; being at Avignon, he was preferred to this see. instead of Gilbert, bp. of Aberdeen, and was consec. there the same year. 1440. Jas. Kennedy ; tr. from Dunkeld ; Id. chanc. ; a younger son of Jas. Kennedy of Dunure, by the lady Mary, countess of Angus, dan. of Robert III. Archbishops of St. Andrew's. i4r,G. 1478. 1497. 1514. 1522. 1539. 1543. Patrick Graham, tr. from Bre- chin ; he took a journey to Rome, and jDrocured this see to be made an archbishopric, in 1470, by pope Paul II., who made him his legate for Scotland. Wm. Schives, archdn. of St. An- drew's. 1576, Jas. Stuart, D. of Ross (second son of James III.), Id. chanc ; d. 1503. See vacant 6 years. 1G06. Alexr. Stuart (natural son of James i IV.) ; killed at the battle of Flod- ! 1615. den in 1513. Andr. Foreman, tr. from Moray. I Jas. Bethiine, or Beaton, tr. from 1G61. Glasgow ; Id. chanc. David Betbune, or Beaton, abb. of Aberbrothock, nephew to the 1679. last abp. ; at different times Id. pr. seal. Id. chanc. and a cardl. ; 1684. murd. Feb. 1, 1545. Jno. Hamilton, transl. from Dun- : keld ; at different times Id. pr. seal. Id. treasr. , and one of Q. Mary's pr. council ; hanged Apr. 1, 1570. Jno. Douglas, rector of the univ. of St. Andrew's ; the first protestant abp. here. Patrick Adamson, parson of Pais- ley ; d. 1591. The see vacant, and its revenues bestowed on the D. of Lenox. Geo. Gladstanes, or Gladstone ; tr. from Caithness. Jno. Spottiswood, tr. from Glas- gow ; Id. chanc. ; d. 1039. See vacant 22 years. Jas. Sharp, prof, of Divinity at St. Andrew's ; murd. May 3, 1679, on Magus-muir, near St. Andrew's. Alexr. Burnet, tr. from Glasgow ; d. 1684. Arthur Ross, tr. from Glasgow; the last abp. of this see ; ejected soon after the Revolution in 1688. There wore no post-Revolution bishops of this see. DIOCESE OF ABERDEEN. King Malcolm II., having gained a great victory over the Danes in 1010, resolved to found a new bishopric in token of his gratitude for his success, and pitched ujDon Mortlach, in Banffshire. The see was only inferior, in point of precedence, to St. Andrews, but its revenue was inconsiderable, Nectanus, the fourth and last prelate who sat at THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Mortlach, was removed by David I., in 1139, to Old Aberdeen, whither the see was entirely transferred in 1154, and where it continued until the Revolution. Bishops op Mortlach. 1015. St. Beanus. * * Donortius ; il. 1098. * • Cormacus. 1 106. Xectanus ; he transf. the see to Aberdeen, ul supra. Bishops of Aberdeen. ♦ * Edward. • * Galfrid. 1164. Matth. de Kinninmund, archdn. of Lothian. 1200. John, prior of Kel-so. ♦ * Adam Crail. • • Matth. Scot, archdn. of St. An- drew's ; Id. chanc. 1228. Gilbert de Stryvelin. 1238. Randolf de Lambley, abb. of Aber- brothock. 1247. Petre de Ramsav. 1256. Richd. de Potton. 1267. Hugh de Benham. 1281. Hy. le Glen. 1329. Alexr. Kinninmund (Xo. 1). 1345. Wm. de Ueyn. 1351. Jno. Rait. 1357. Alexr. de Kinninmund (Xo. 2). 1382. Adam de Tinningham, dean of Aberdeen. 1390. Gilbert Greenlaw, Id. chanc. ; elect. abp. of St. Andrew's ; but the pope preferred Hy. Wardlaw to that see. 1424. Hy. de Leighton, tr. from Moray. 1442. Ingeram Lindsay. 1459. Thos. Spence, tr. from Galloway ; Id. pr. seal. 1480. Robt. Blackadder. preb. of Glasgow ; tr. to Glasgow. 1484. \Vm. Elphinstone, tr. from Ross; at different times Id. chanc. and Id. pr. seal : he founded the university of Old Aberdeen, for which purpose he got a bull from Alexander VI. in 1494 : d. 1514. 1515. Alexr. Gordon, prec. of Moray. 1518. Gavin Dunbar, archdn. of St. An- drew's. 1532. Wm. Stewart, dean of Glasgow ; M. treasr. ; il. 1545. ♦ * Wm. Gordon, rect. of Clatt. 1577. David Cunningham, sub-dean of Glasgow ; the first protestant bj). of this see : (/. 1603. 1603. Peter Blackburn, rect. of St. Xicholas's church. Aberdeen. 1615. Alexr. Forbes, tr. from Caithness. 1635. Adam Ballenden, tr. from Dun- blane ; depr. by the assembly of Glasgow in 1638. when he re- tired into England, and d. soon after. 1661. David Mitchell, preb. of West- minster. 1662. Alexr. Burnet, chapl. to the garri- son of Dunkirk ; tr. to Glasgow. * * Patrick Scougal, parson of Saltoun. 1682. Geo. Haliburton, tr. from Brechin ; eject, soon after the Revolution. and d. 1715. For post -Revolution bishops see //o.s/. p. 540. DIOCESE OF BRECHIN. This see was founded by David I. in 1150. There anciently existed here an abbev or convent of Culdees. Bishops op Brechin. 1155. T. ♦ • * • • Sampson. 1178. Turpin. 1202. Radulfus; d. 1218. 1219. Robt. Mar. Gregory, archdn. of Brechin. Gilbert ; d. 1249. Albin, or Alwyn. Wm. de Kileoiicath, dean of Bre- chin ; d. 1275. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 531 * * Edwd., a monk of Cupar, Angus. 1284. Robt., archdn. of Brechin. 1290. William. 1304. Jno. de Kynninmonde, or Kinnin- mund. 1328. Adam. 1351. Philip. 1354. Patrick de Leuchars, a rect. in East Lothian ; Id. chanc. 1384. Stephen. 1401. Walter Forrester, canon of Aber- deen. 1424. Dominus G * * *. 1435. John de Garnoth. 1456. Robert. * * Geo. Shoreswood, chanc. of the see of Dunkeld, and confessor to the king ; Id. chanc. 1463. Patrick Graham, tr. to St. An- drew's. 1470. John Balfour. * * Walter Meldrum. 1517. John Hepburn. 1558. Donald Campbell, abb. of Cupar, Angus. * * John Sinclair, dean of Restalrig. 1566. Ale.Kr. Campbell ; the first Protes- 1610 1619 1624 1634. 1662 1672. 1678, 1682, 1684, tant bp. of this see ; he was made bp. when but a boy, by the in- terest of the E. of Argyll, to whom he alienated most of the revenues ; d. 1006. See vacant 4 years. Andr. Lamb, parson of Burnt- island ; tr. to Galloway. David Lindsay, parson of Dundee ; tr. to Edinburgh. C?). Thos. Sydeserf, tr. to Galloway. Walter Whitford, or Whitworth, sub-dean of Glasgow, and rect. of Moffat ; depr. by the assembly of Glasgow in 1(538, and ra. AND 1776. Chas. Rose, bp. of Dunblane, be- came also bp. of Dunkeld ; r/. Apr. 1791. 1792. Jonathan . Watson, presbyter at Laurence Kirk ; consec. Sept. 20 ; d. 1808. 1808. Patrick Toit}% presbyter at Peter- head; consec. Oct. 12; made bp. of Fife 1837, and thenceforward styled bp. of Fife, Dunkeld. and Dunblane. See " Fife, Dunkeld, and Dunblane," /*o.s7, j). ,"j43. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF EDINBURGH. Passing over bishop Alexander Rose, whose name is found in the preceding lists of ante-Revolution bishops, and who connects the established Episcopal Church of Scot- land with that form of it which is now only voluntary, the first of the post-Revolution bishops, properly so described, chosen to superintend the clergy of Edinburgh, was 1731; app. to Edinburgh 173.1: d. 1739. From 1739 to 1776 there was no appointment of a bishop of P'din- burgh. 1776. Wm. Falconar; tr. from ^loray : primus 1761-2 ; d. 1784. Arth. Petrie was his coadj. in 1777. 1787. Wm.Abornetliy Druuimond ; tr.from Brechin ; res. 1805. 1806. Daniel, or David, Sandford, elect. in Jan. and consec. Feb. 9 this year ; d. 1830. 1720. John Fullarton, form. min. of Pais- ley ; consec. Jan. 25, 1705 ; app. to" Edinburgh in 1720, on the death bp. of Alexr. Rose. 1727. Arthur Millar, min. of Inverosk ; consec. Oct. 22, 1718 ; app. to Edinburgh ; primus in 1727 ; d. same year. Andrew Lumsden, min. of Dudding- ton ; consec. Nov. 22, and at once made pi'imus. 1733. David Freebairn, min. of Dunning ; consec. Oct. 17, 1722 ; primus in THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 543 1830. Ja.s. Walker, consec. Mar. in 1837 ; d. Mar. 1841. 1841. Chas. Hughes Terrot. 1863. Thos. Baker Morrell, coadj. 1872. Hy. Cotterill. 1886. John Dowden. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF FIFE. 1733. Robt. Keith ; tr. from Caithness ; primux in 1743 ; (/. Jan. 1757. 1743. Robt. White ; tr. from Dunblane ; primus in 1757 ; d. 1761. 1761. Hy. Edgar, consec. in 1759 ; coadj. to bp. White, whom he succeeded : there is no record of his death. Fife was united to Edinburgh from bp. Edgar's death, until 1837. when it was transferred to Dun- keld and Dunblane. This bishop- ric has been styled St. Andrew's, since Sept. 1844. See " Edinburgh," ante, p. 542, " Fife, Dunkeld, and Dunblane," infra, and " St. Andrew's, Dunkeld, and Dunblane." /)os^, p. 545. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF FIFE, DUNKELD, AND DUNBLANE. See " Fife," «u/)?-a, and " Dunkeld and Dunblane," ante, p. 542. 1837. Patrick Torry, bp. of Dunkeld and Dunblane, was this year made bp. of Fife also. In Sept. 1844 the title of Fife was changed to St. Andrew's, and bp. Torry was thenceforward styled bp. of St. Andrew's, Dunkeld, and Dun- blane. See '• St. Andrew's, Diinkeld, and Dunblane," post, p. 545. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF GALLOWAY. It is doubtful whether there was a bishop of this see until it was united with Glasgow in 1848 ; but David Freebairn, who was consec. Oct. 17, 1722, is, by some, given as bp. of Galloway in 1731. See " Glasgow and Galloway," post, p. 544. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF GLASGOW. It is doubtful whether any named 1732 (? 1722). Andrew, or David, Cant, consec. Oct. 17. 1837. In this year a mandate was issued to the dean and clergy to elect a bishop, and accordingly, on Oct. 8, Michl. Russell was consec. and app. He d. 1848, and his succes- sor was consec. as bp. of Glas- gow and Galloway. before 1837 were more than titu- lar bishops, but the following are given by some authorities : — 172-. Alexr. Duncan, consec. 1724 ; (? bp. in 1721, and d. 1733), 1724. Robt. Norrie, consec. this year. 1726. Jas. Rose, consec. this year. 1727. David Rankine. consec. this year. See " Glasgow and Galloway," post, p. 544. 644 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF GALLOWAY. GLASGOW AND See " Glasgow " and " Galloway," ante, p. 543. 1848. Walter Jno. Trower ; consec. Sept. | 1859. \Vm. Scot Wilson. as bp. of Glasgow and Galloway. | 1888. Wm. Thos. Harrison. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF THE ISLES. See " Argyll and the Isles," ante, p. 541. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF MORAY. 1727. Wm. Dunbar, min. at Cruden ; consec. June 18 ; tr. to Aberdeen 1733. 1742. Wm. Falconar ; tr. from Caithness ; tr. to Edinburgh. 1776. Arthur Petrie, presbyter at Mickle- foUa. in Fyvie ; consec. June 27 ; d. 1787. 1787. Andr. Macfarlane, presbyter in In- verness ; consec. Mar. 7. Hitherto the diocese of Ross had since the Revolution been under the charge of the bps. of Moray, but in 179G. Alexr. Jolly, presbyter at Frazer- burgh, was consec. June 24, and app. coadj. to bp. Macfarlane, who immediately afterwards res. the charge of Moray to him, re- taining that of Ross, with the title of bp. of that dicceso. See " Ross."//'5s/, p. 545. 1838. On the death of bp. Jolly in this year, Moray was again united to Ross under bp. Low, conformably with a decree of an episcopal synod held in Edinburgh in 1837. See " Ross," post, p. 'Ao, and " Moray and Ross," itifn POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF MORAY AND ROSS. See "Moray," supra, and "Ross," post, p. 545. 1838. Conformably to a decree of an epis- thenceforward styled bp. of Moray copal synod held in Edinburgh in and Ross, and who res. 1851. 1837. the bishoprics of Moray 1851. Robt. Eden, who, in 18G4, was styled and Ross were united under David ' bp. of Moray, Ross, and Caith- Low, then bp. of Moray, who was ness. See " Moray, Ross, and Caithness," infra. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF MORAY, ROSS, AND CAITHNESS. See " ^loray and Ross," su/mi, and " Ross and Caithness," /josf, p. 545. 1864. Robt. Eden, above named. | 1886. Jas. Butler Kelly, consec. 1867. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF ORKNEY. It is doubtful wheth.er there were any post-Revolution bishops of this see until it was united to Aberdeen in 1804. The following names are given by some, but, as will be seen, they had other preferment from which they took their titles. 1762. Robt. Forbes, consec. June 21; also bp. of Ross and Caithness. 1787-8. Andr. Macfarlane, consec. Mar. 7, 1787 ; also bp. of Moray. 1703. Robt. Keith, consec. June 18, 1727 ; also bp. of Caithness. 1741. Wm. Falconar. consec. Sept. 10 ; also bp. of Caithness. See " Aberdeen and Orkney," ante, p. 541. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF ROSS. It is not clear by whom the duties of some of the remoter districts of Scotland were performed about the middle of the last century. Ross appears to have been usually united with Moray, until bp. Mac- farlane, in 179G, res. Moray to bp. Jolly, and retained, together with Ross, the superintendence of Argyll. 1796. Andr. Macfarlane, previously consec. bp. of Moray; d. 1819. See "Moray," ante p. 544. 1819. David Low, presbyter of Pitten- ween ; consec. Nov. 14. Moi'ay and Ross," ante, p. 544. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF ROSS AND CAITHNESS. 1762. Robt. Forbes, consec. June 24. See " Moray, Ross, and Caithness," ante, p. 544. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF ST. ANDREW'S, DUNKELD, AND DUNBLANE. See " Fife Dunkeld, and Dunblane," ante, p. 543. 1844. St. Andrews was anciently the prin- cipal archiepiscopal see of Scot- land, but the title was dropped at the Revohition, and was not revived until Sept. 5 of this year, when it was substituted for that of Fife by Patrick Torry, until then styled bp. of Fife, Dunkeld, and Dunblane, but thenceforward styled bp. of St. Andrews, Dun- keld and Dunblane ; d. 1853. 1853. Chas. Wordsworth. SCOTCH POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS WITHOUT SEES. 1705. John Sage, consec. Jan 25. 1722. Andr. Cant, consec. Oct. 17; John Fullarton, consec. Jan. 25. (? David Cant, Ijp. Glasgow, 1732. 1709. John Falconer, consec. Jan. 25. 1726. Jas. Rose, consec. Nov. 29 (? bp. of Hy. Christie, consec. Apr. 28. Glasgow). 1711. Hon.Archd.Campbell,consec.Aug.24. 1727. John Gillan, consec. June 11. 1718. Wm. Irvine, consec. Oct. 22. David Rankin, consec. June 11. (? bp. of Glasgow) THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE KIRK OF SCOTLAND. The government of the established Presbyterian Kirk of Scotland is superintended by a supreme court, called the General Assembly, con- sisting of commissioners from each presbytery, royal burgh, and university in the kingdom, with a proportion of Kirk elders, nearly as three to four. Meetings of this court take place annually, under the presidency of a Lord High Commissioner, as the representative of the crown, and of a moderator chosen by the members present. LORD HIGH COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED TO REPRE- SENT THE SOVEREIGN IN THE GENERAL ASSEM- BLIES OF THE KIRK OF SCOTLAND. 1638. Jas., M., aft. D., of Hamilton. 1639. John, E. of Traquair. 1640. No commr. 1641. John, E. of ^Yemyss. 1642. Chas., E. of Dunfermline. 1643. Sir Thos. Hope, of Craighall, king's advocate. 1644-49. No commissioners ; but the king wrote a letter to the Assembly in 1646 showing that he could not conveniently send a commr. 1690. John, Id. Carmichael. 1692. Robt., E., aft. M., of Lothian. 1694-99. John, Id. Carmichael, aft. E. of Hyndford. 1700. Jas., 1st vise. Seafield. aft. 1st E. of Seafield, and 4th E. of Findlater. 1701. Wm., E., aft. M. of Annandale. 1702. Patrick, E. of Marchmont. 1703. Jas., E. of Seafield, aqain. 1704. Wm., Id. Ross. 1705. "\Vm., JI. of Annandale, again. 1706-10. David, E. of Glasgow. 1711. Wm., M. of Annandale, again. 1712-14. John, D. of Athole. 1715-21. John, E. of Rothes. 1722. Hugh, E. of Loudoun. 1723. Chas., E. of Hopetoun. 1724. Jas., E.of Findlater andSeafield,a5rain. 1725-26. Hugh, E. of Loudoun. 1727. Jas.,E.ofFindlaterandSeafield,a^ai«. 1728. Hugh, E. of Loudoun, again. 1729. David, E. of Buchan. 1730-31. Hugh, E. of Loudoun, at/ain. 1732-38. Wm., M. of Lothian. 1739-40. John, E. of Hyndford. 1741-53. Alesr., E. of Leven and Mel- ville. 1754. John, E. of Hopetoun. 1755-63. Chas. Schaw. Id. Cathcart. 1764-72. David, E. of Glasgow. 1773-76. Chas. Schaw, Id. Cathcart, again. 1777-82. Geo., E. of Dalhousie. 1783-1801. David, E. of Leven and Mel- ville. 1802-16. Fras. , Id. Napier. 1817-19. Wm.. E. of Erroll. 1820-24. Geo., E. of Morton. 1825-30. Jas. , Id. Forbes. 1831-41. Robt. Montgomerv,ld. Belhaveru 1842-46. John, M. of Bute." 1847-51. Robt. Montgomery, Id. Belhaven, again. 1852. Wm. David, E. of Mansfield, K, T. 1853-57. Robt. Montgomery, Id. Belhaven, 1858-59. Wm. David, E. of Mansfield.K. x., aqain. 1860-66. Robt. Montgomerv, Id. Belhaven, K. T. 1861. 1867-68. Geo., E. of Haddington. 1869-71. John, E. of Stair, k .t. 1872-73. David Graham Drummond, E. of Airlie, k. t. 1874-75. Fras. Robt., E. of Rosslyn. 1876-77. Ahui Plantagenet, E. of Gallo- wav. 1878-80. Fras. Rol-t., E. of Rosslyn, again. 1881-85 John Campbell, E. of Aberdeen. 18W;. Thos. John, Id. Thurlow. 1887-89. John Adrian Louis, E of Hope- toun. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 547 MODERATORS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE KIRK OF SCOTLAND. From the beginning of the Century. This list has been compiled from those given in Oliver & Boyd's " Edinburgh Almanac," a work which contains a large amount o£ useful information on all Scotch subjects. 1801. Wm. Ritchie. 1845. Alexr. Hill. 1802. Jiis. Finlayson. 1846. Jas. PauU. 1803. Gilbert Gerard. 1847. John Paul. 1804. John Inglis. 1848. Geo. Buist. 1805. Geo. Hamilton. 1849. Alexr. L. Simpson. 1806. Wm. Taylor. 1850. John Graham. 1807. Jas. SheriiTs. 1851. John McLeod, 1808. Andr. Grant. 1852. Lewis W. Forbes. 1809. Eras. Nicol. 1853. Jas. Barr. 1810. Hugh Meiklejohn. 1854. Jas. Grant. 1811. Alexr. Rankine. 1855. Andr. Bell. 1812. W. McMorine. 1856. John Crombie. 1818. Andr. Brown. 1857. Jas. Robertson. 1814. David Ritchie. 1858. Matt. Leishman. 1815. Lewis Gordon. 1859. John Cook. 1816. John Cook. 1860. Jas. Maitland. 1817. Gavin Gibb. 1861. Colin Smith. 1818. John Campbell. 1862. Jas. Besset. 1819. Duncan Macfarlane (No. 1.) 1863. Jas. Craik. 1820. Thos. Macknight. 1864. Wm. Robinson Pirie. 1821. D. Mearns. 1865. Jas. Macfarlane. 1822. David Tiamont. 1866. John Cook. 1823. Alexr. Brunton. 1867. Thos. T. Crawford. 1824. Andr. Duncan. 1868. Jas. S. Barty. 1825. Geo. Cook. 1869. Norman Macleod (No. 2). 1826. Thos. Taylor. 1870. Geo. Ritchie. 1827. Robt. Haldane. 1871. Robt. Home Stevenson. 1828. Stevenson Macgill. 1872. Robt. Jamieson. 1829. Patrick Forbes. 1873. Robt. Gillan. 1830. Wm. Singer. 1874. Saml. Trail. 1831. Jas. Wallace. 1875. Jas. Sellar. 1832. Thos. Chalmers. 1876. Geo. Cook. 1833. John Stirhng. 1877; Kenneth M. Phin. 1834. Patrick Macfarlan. 1878. John TuUoch. 1835. W. A. Thomson. 1879. Jas. Chrystal. 1836. Norman McLeod (No. 1). 1880. Archd. Watson. 1837. Matt. Gardiner. 1S8L Jas. Smith. 1838. Wm. Muir. 1882. Wm. MiUigan. 1839. Hy. Duncan. 1883. John Rankin. 1840. Angus Makellar. 1884. Peter McKenzie. 1841. Robt. Gordon. 1885. Alexr. F. Mitchell. 1842. David Walsh. 1886. John Cunningham. 1843. Duncan Macfarlan (No. 2). 1887. Geo. Hutchison. 1844. John Lee. 1888. Wm. H. Gray. THE LORD PROVOSTS OF EDINBURGH. The municipal affairs of the city of Edinburgh are administered by a corporation called the Town Council, the constitution of which has been altered from time to time, and as now settled consists of forty- 35 * 648 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. one persons. These are the Lord Provost, six bailies, a dean of guild, a treasurer, a convener of trades, and thirty-one counsellors. Lord Provosts op Edinburgh from 1760. 1760-1. Geo. Lind. 1762-3. Geo. Drummond. 1764-5. Jas. Stewart. 1766-7. Gilbert Laurie. 1768-9. Jas. Stewart. 1770-1. John Dalrymple. 1772-3. Gilbert Laurie, again. 1774-5, Jas. Stoddart. 1776. Alexr. Kincaid; d. in oflSce, Jan. 1777, 1777. John Dalrymple. 1778-9. Walter Hamilton. 1780-1. David Steuart. 1782-3. John Grieve. 1784-5. Jas. Hunter Blair. 1786-7. John Grieve, again. 1788-9. Thos. Elder. 1790-1. Jas. Stirling, aft. bt. 1792-3. Thos. Elder, again. 1794-5. Sir Jas. Stirling, bt., again, 1796-7. Thos. Elder, again. 1798-9. Sir Jas. Stirling, bt. , again. lbOO-1. Wm. Fettes, aft. bt. 1802-3. Neil Macvicar. 1804-5. Wm. Fettes, aft. bt., again. 1806-7. Donald Smith. 1808-9. Wm. Coulter ; d. Apr. 1809. 1809-10. Wm. Calder 1811-12. Wm. Creech. 1813-14. Jno. Marjoribanks, aft. bt. 1815-16. Wm. Arbuthnot, aft. bt. 1817-18. Kincaid Mackenzie. 1819-20. John Manderston. 1821-22. Wm. Arbuthnot, aft. bt., again. 1823-24. Alexr. Henderson. 1825-26. Wm. Trotter. 1827-28. Walter Brown. 1829-30. Wm, Allan. 1831-32. John Le arm outh. 1833-36. Jas. Spittal, aft. Sir J. 1837-42. James Forrest, aft. bt. 1843-47. Adam Black. 1848-50. Wm. Johnston, aft. Sir W. 1851-53. Duncan ^IcLaren. 1854-58. John Melville, aft. Sir J. 1859-61. Eras. Brcwn Douglas. 18(;2-64. Chas. Lawson. 1865-68. Wm. Chambers. 1869-71. Wm. Law. 1872-73. Jas. Cowan. 1874-76. James Falshaw, aft. bt. 1877-81. Thos. Jamieson Bovd, aft. SirT. 1882-84. Geo. Harrison, aft. Sir G. 1885-88. Thos. Clark, aft. bt. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 549 PART X. IRELAND. SOVEREIGNS OF IRELAND. For the sovereigns of Ireland prior to 1172 see Part I. "Royal," ante, p. 20. The subsequent sovereigns will be found under " those of England, ante, p. 4. OFFICERS OF STATE, &o., OF IRELAND. LORD-LIEUTENANTS AND CHIEF GOVI-mNOES OF IRELAND. When the English established themselves in Ireland, in the reign of Henry II., the Government of the country was constituted much upon the model of that of England. The executive government was vested in officers who in the early ages of the English power in Ireland were variously denominated ; as Custos or Keeper, Warden, Justiciary, Procu- rator, Seneschal, Constable, Lord-Lieutenant, and Loi'd Deputy, the last deriving his power sometimes from the superior Govei-nor and sometimes from the crown ; for many years the title has been Lord-Lieutenant. During his absence his powers are delegated to two, three, or some- times four Officers of State, styled "Lords Justices." Formerly these officers frequently administered the government for considerable periods, and their names are therefore included in these lists. Since the union of Great Britain and Ireland, in 1801, the absence of the Lord-Lieutenant has been but temporary, generally for a few days only, and it has therefore not been necessary to notice the appointment of Lords Justices since that time. They were generally three — (1) the Lord Chancellor, (2) the commander of the Forces, and (3) until the disestablishment of the Irish Church on Jan. 1, 1871, the Archbishop of •Armagh. 550 THE BOOK OF DIGXITIES. LOED-LlEUTENANTS AND ChIEF GOVERNORS OF IRELAND. L. L. Lord Lieutenant ; L. J. Lord Justice ; L. D. Lord Deput. Warden ; Cust. Custos, Proc. Procurator ; Sen. Sent Constable ; all governors under those names. [ ueputy ; L. W. Lord chnl ; L. Const. Lord 1881. Henbt II. 1173. Hugh de Lacy, Id. of Meath,L.j. Rd. de Clare, E. of Pembroke, l.j. 1177. Raymond Le Gros, by the council elected Proc. John, E. of Morton, son to the king. Lord of Ireland. Wm. Fitzaldelm, the king's purser. Sen. 1179. Hugh de Lacy, Id. 'of Meath. Proc. (John de Lacy, const, of Chester ; (and Rd. de Peche, bp. of Co- ventry, i.L. J. ; sent by the king to deprive Hugh de Lacy, who by his mai-riage with a daughter of Roderick, king of Connaught, had displeased Henry. Wm. Fitzaldelm, at/ain, L. D. 11 84. Philip de Braos, alias Philip of Wor- cester, Proc. 1185. John, E. of Morton, again. Lord of Ireland. John deCourcy, E. of Ulster, l. d. Richard I. 1189. Hugh de Lacy the younger. Id. of Meath, aft. E. of Ulster, l.j. 1191. Wm. le Petit, L. j. Wm., E. of Pembroke and E. marshl. of England, Sen, of Leinster. Peter Pipard, l.'j. 1194. Hamo de Valois, 'a gentleman of Suffolk, L. J. John. 1199. Meiler Fitzhenry, nat. son of Henry IL, L.J. 1203. Hugh de Lacy the younger, again, L. D. 1205. Meiler Fitzhenry, returns. 1208. Hugh de Lacy, now E. of Ulster, L.^D. 1209. King John, in person. Lord of Ireland. Wm., E. of Pembroke, left by the king as l. d. 1210. John de Grey, bp. elect of Norwich, L. J. 1213. Hy. de Londres, abp. of Dublin, l. j. 1216. Geoff, de Marisco. Cust. Hknky VIIL 1216. The same, contd. 1219. Hy. do Londros, again, l. j. 1224. Wm., E. of Pembroke, l.j. 1226. Geoff, de Marisco, again, L.J. 1227. Hubert de Burgh, E. of Kent, and justiciar of England, L. J. Rd. de Burgh, l. d. ll'29. Maurice Fitzgerald, L. J. 1230. Geoff, de Marisco, again, l. d. 1232. Maurice Fitzgerald, returned, L. J. 1245 Sir John Fitz-Geoffrey de Marisco, L.J. , ., .„ f Theobd. Butler, Id. of Carrick ; and I John Cogan, ll, j. 1248. Sir John Fitz-Geoffrey de Marisco, again, l. j. 1252. Prince Edward, eldest son to the king, L J. 1255. Alan de la Zouche, l. j. 1259. Steph. de Longespee, l. j. 1260. Wm. Den, or Dene, l. j. 1261. Sir Rd. de RupcUa, or Capella, L. J. 1266. Sir John Fitz-Geoflfrey de Marisco, again, l. j. 1267. Sir David de Barry, l. j. 1268. Sir Robt. de Ufford, l. j. 1269. Rd. de Exonia, or d'Exeter. l.j. 1270. Sir Jas. Audley, or d'Aldithley, l. j. 1272. Maurice Fitzmaurice Fitzgerald, elected l. j. Edward I. 1272. The Bume, contd. Uy commission. 1273. Sir Geoff, de Geneville, l. j. 1276. Sir Rt. de Ufford, again, l. j. 1277. Steph. de Fulburn, bp. of Water- ford, L. D. Sir Robt. de Ufford, returned, l. j. 1279. Steph. de Fulburn, again, l. j. 1280. Sir Robt. de Ufford, returned, L. J. 1282. Steph. de Fulburn, again, aft. abp. of Waterford, l. j. 1287. John de Saunford, abp. of Dublin, i elected l. j. 1290. Wm. de Yesci, l. j. 1293. Wm. de la Haye, l. d. 1294. Wm. do Odinsele, or Dodinsele, l.j. 1295. Thos. Maurice Fitzgerald, Nappagh, elected l. j. Sir John Wogan. l. j. 1302. Sir Maurice Rochfort, l. d. Sir John Wogan, returned, L. J. I Edward II. ' 1307. The same, contd. 1308. Sir Wm. Burke, or Burgh, D. Cust. ' Piers Gavestou, E. of Cornwall, l. l. 1309. Sir John Wogan, l. j. 1312. Sir Edmd. Boteler, or Butler, D, I Cust. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 551 1314. Sir Theobald de Verdun, or Verdan, i>. Const. 1315. Sir Edmd. Butler, again, D. Cust. 1317. Sir Roger Mortimer, aft. E. of March, l. j. 1318. Wm. Fitz-John, abp. of Cashel, D. Cust. Alexr. de Bicknor, abp. of Dublin, L. D. 1319. Sir Roger Mortimer, returned, l. j. 1320. Thos., second E. of Kildare, l. d. 1321. Sir John Bermingham, E. of Louth, L. J. 1322. Ralph de Gorges, l. d. Sir John Darcy, l. d. 1323. Sir Thos. Bourke, l.d. 1324. Sir John Darcy, returned as L. j. 1326. Thos., second E. of Kildare, again, L. J. Edward III. 1328. Roger Oatlawe, or Outlawe, Id. chanc, elected l. j. Sir John Darcy, again, L. j. 1329. Jas. Boteler, or Butler, E. of Or- monde, L. L. 1330. Roger OwilnvrQ, again, l. d. 1331. Sir Anthy. Lucy, L. L. 1332. Sir John Darcy, l. j. 1333. Sir Thos. de Burgh, Id. treasr., l. d. 1334. Sir John Darcy, returned, l. j. 1337. Sir John Charlton, l. j. 1338. Thos. Charlton, bp. of Hereford, bro. to sir John, and Id. chanc, L.D. 1340. Roger Outlawe, again, L. j. Sir John Darcy, again, for life, L. j. 1341. Sir John Morice, l. d. 1344. Sir Ralph Ufford (consort to the countess of Ulster), l. j. 1346. Sir Roger Darcy (second son of sir John Darcy), elected L. J. Sir Walter Bermingham, l. j. 1347. John Archer, prior of Kilmainham, L. D. 1348. Sir Walter Bermingham, returned. 1349. Sir John de Carew. baron de Carew, L. J. Sir Thos. Rokeby, l. j. 1351. Mam-ice de Rochfort, bp. of Lime- rick, L. D. 1353. Sir Thos. Rokeby, returned, l. j. Maurice, 4th E. of Kildare, for life, L. J. ; (/. Jan. 25, following. 1356. Sir Thos. Rokeby, l. j. ; d. same year. 1357. Sir Almeric de St. Amand, l. j. 1359. Jas., 2nd E. of Ormond, l. j. 1360. Maurice, 4th E. of Kildare, again, L. D. Jas., 2nd E. of Ormond, returned, l. j. 1361. Lionel, D.of Clarence, E. of Ulster, Id. of Connaught ; son to the king, L. L. 1364. Jas., 2nd E. of Ormond, again, L. D. Lionel, D.of Clarence, &c.,?-e<«7-rtecf, L. L. 1365. Sir Thos. Date, l. d. 1367. Lionel, D. of Clarence, &c., re- turned, L. L. Maurice, 4th E. of Kildare, again, L. J. 1369. Sir Wm. de Windsor, l. l 1371. Maurice, 4th E. of Kildare, again, L. D. 1372. Sir Robt. de Assheton, L. j. Ralph Chene, or Cheney, l. d. Wm. Tany, prior of Kilmainham, elect, upon Cheney resigning, L. D. 1374. Sir Wm. de Windsor, again. 1375. Maurice, 4th E. of Kildare, again, L. D. 1376. Jas., E. of Ormond, l. j. Richard II. 1378. Alexr. Balscot, bp. of Ossory, l. j. ] 379. John de Bromwich, l. j. 1380. Edmd. Mortimer, E. of March and Ulster, L. L. ; for three years ; d. 1831. 1381. John Colton, dean of St. Patrick's, Id. chanc, elect, l. j., Jan. 10. The same, by patent, Jan. 20. Roger Mortimer, E. ot March and Ulster, son of Edmund, L. L. 1383. Philip de Courtenay, the king's cousin, L. L. 1384. Jas., 3rd E. of Ormond, L. d. Philip de Courtenay, returned. The King in person. Robt. de Vere, E. of Oxford, aft. M. of Dublin, and D. of Ireland,* L. L. He never came over ; banished and attainted in 1388. 1385. Sir John Stanley, l. l. 1386. Philip de Courtenay. l. l. 1387. Alexr. de Balscot, now bp. of Meath, again, l. j. 1389. Sir John Stanley, l. l. Richd. White, prior of Kilmainham, Id. treasr., and sir Robt. Preston, Id keeper, ll. d. 1391. Alexr. de Balscot, bp. of Meath, again, l. j. 1392. Jas.", 3rd E. of Ormond, again, l. j. 1393. Thos. of Woodstock, D. of Glouces- ter, L. L. , July. The King in person ; landed at Waterford, Oct. 2. 1394. Sir Thos. le Scrope, l. d. * This nobleman was summoned to Parliament, 11 Richard II. 1387, as " Charissimo consanguieneo Regis Roherti duci Hibernim " ; but no notice of his creation to the duke- dom of Ireland occurs in the rolls of Parliament ; he was Marquess of Dublin, with the lordship and dominion of Ireland. — Sir Harris Nicolas. 652 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1395. Roger Mortimer, E. of March and Ulster, L. L. ; d. 1398. 1398. Roger Gray, elect, on the death of Mortimer, l. j. Thos. de Holland, E. of Kent and D. of Surrej-, half-brother to the kin^f, 1.. I,.; aft. attainted and his hoiioius forfeited. 1399. The King in person; landed at Waterford, June 1. Henry IV. 1399. Alexr. de Balscot, bp. of Meath, (K/aiii, L. J., Oct. 1399. Sir John Stanley, l. l., Dec. 1. 1400. SirWm. Stanley, bro. to sir John, L. D. 1401. Thos. de Lancaster,* the king's son, seneschal of England, L. l. Patent at Westminster, June 27. 1401. Sir Steph. le Scrope, l. v., Dec. 19. 1402. Thos, de Lancaster, again, l. l. 1403. Sir Steph. le Scrope, again, l. d. ; rf. 1408. 1404. Thos. de Lancaster, again, l. l. 1405. Jas., 3rd E. of Ormond, in the ab- sence of sir Steph. le Scrope. Gerald, 5th E. of Kildare, elected on Ormond's death. 1407. Jas., 4th E. of Ormond, l. i). 1408. Thos. de Lancaster, again, l. l., June 4. Wm. Fitz-Thos. le Botiller, prior of St. John's of Jerusalem, l. d. 1427. Sir John de Grey, l. l. on Ormond's patent being revoked. 1428 Sir John Sutton, Id. Dudley, L. L. 1429. Sir Thos. Stiaunge, L. D. 1430. Rd. Talbot, abp. of Dublin, L. D. 1431. Sir Thos. Stanley, r.. l. 1432. Sir Christr. Plunket, L. d. 1435. Sir Thos. Stanley, returned, L. L. 143G. Rd. Talbot, abp. of Dublin, again, L. D. 1438. Lionel de Welles, Id. Welles, L. L. It is said he did not come over; but he certainly did, and per- formed public acts at Dublin castle, held a council at Trim, an- other at Drogheda, &c. 1440. Jas., 4th E. of Ormond, a'/otn,L. d. 1442. Wm. Welles, l. d. to his brother, Id. Welles, aft. Dec. 5, in this year. 1443. Jas., 4th E. of Ormond, again, l. l. 1445. Rd. Talbot, abp. of DubUn, again, L. D. 1446. John Talbot, E. of Shrewsbury, L. L. 1447. Rd. Talbot, abp. of Dublin, again, L. D. 1449. Rd. Plantagenet, D. of York, E. of Ulster, March, Coi'k, &c.,L. L. , July. Rd. Nugent, baron of Delvin, l. d. 1450. Jas., E. of Wilts, aft. 5th E. of Ormond, l. l. 1452. Sir Edwd. Fitz Eustace, l. d. 1453. Jas., 5th E. of Ormond, again, L. L., May. John Mey, abp. of Armagh, L. D., June. 1454. Sir Edwd. Fitz Eustace, again, l. d. ; d. this year. 1459. Rd. Plantagenet, D. of York, &c., again, l. l. for ten years ; d. 14G0. 1460. Thos., 7th E. of Kildare, l. d. 1461. Henry V. 1413. Sir John Stanley, L. L., Sept. ; rf.Jan. following. 1414. Thos., abp. of Dublin, elected on Stanley's death, l. j. Sir John Talbot, of Hallamshire, Id. of Furnyvall ; aft. E. of Shrews- bury. L. L. 1419. Rd. Talbot, abp. of Dubhn, bro. to sir John. L. D. Jas., 4th E. of Oi-mond, again, l. l. Henry VI. 1423. Edmd. Mortimer, E. of March and Ulster, L. L., May 9. Edwd. Dantsey, bp. of Meath, l. d. , Aug. 4. His patent was deemed insufficient by the council, having been signed by Mortimer only ; but his authority was afterwards recognised. 1424. Jas., 4th E. of Ormond, again, l. l. 1426. The same ; now l. j. only. * Thomas de Lancaster is by some authors styled JJuke of Lancaster, but erro- neously, for Henry IV. had no son who boio that title. Thomas of Lancaster, here mentioned, was Henry's second son by Queen Mary de Bohun, and was afterwards (July 9, 1411) created earl of Albemarle and duke of Clarence; slain 1421. The late Mr. Lascelk's, in his Liber Ilihernio', correctly states that his patent as " lord of Ireland " is of record at Westminster. Edward IV. The same, confd. Geo., D. of Clarence, bro. to the king, L. L. for seven years. 1462. Roland Fitz Eustace, Id. of Port- lester, l. d. Wm. Sherwood, bp. of Meath, l. d. 1463. Thos., 7th E. of Kildare, again, l. d. 1467. John, Id. Tiptoft, E. of Worcester; d. 1470. 1468. Thos., 7th E. of Kildare, again, l. d. 1475. Wm. Sherwood, bp. of ^leath, again, L. D. 1478. Ru. , of Shrewsbury, D. of York, se- THE BOOK OF DIGNIIIES. 653 cond son to the king, L. L. ; he never went over. Murdered (with his brother Edwd. V.) in the Tower of London, 1483, by ord. of his uncle, Rd., D. of Gloucester. Robt., vise. Gormanstown, l. d. Gerald, 8th E. of Kildare, L. d. 1483. Edwd., pr. of Wales, son to the king, 1j. l. ; he never wont over. He, too, was murdered this year, when king, by order of his uncle, Rd. , D. of Gloucester. Richard III. 1483. Gerald, 8th E. of Kildare, again, L. D. 1484. John de la Pole, £. of Lincoln, L. L. Gerald, 8th E. of Kildare, arjciin. L. D. Hexrt VII. 1485. Jasper, E. of Pembroke and D. of Bedford, uncle to the king, L. L. Gerald, 8th E. of Kildare, again, L. D. 1490. Jasper, D. of Bedford, again, by a " new constitution," l. l. 1492. Walter Fitzsimons, abp. of Dublin, L. D. 1493. Robt, vise. Gormanstown, again, L. D. Wm. Preston, his son, l. d. 1494. Ht., D. of York, second son to the King, aft. Hy. VIII., l. l. ; he never went over. Sir Edwd. Poynings, l. d. to Henry, the king's son. 1495. Hy. Deane, bp. of Bangor, and Id. chanc, l. j. 1496. Gerald, 8th E. of Ealdare, again, L. D. 1498. Hy., aft. Hy. VIIL, again, l. l. Gerald, 8th E. of Kildare, again, L. D. 1503. Walter Fitzsimons, abp. of Dubhn, L. D. to Kildare. Gerald, 8th E. of Kildare, returned, L. D. Henkv VIII. 1509. The same, contd. 1510. The same, by a new patent. 1513. Gerald, 9th E. of Kildare, elect, on the death of his father, l. j. The same, by patent, l. d. 1515. Wm., vise. Gormanstown, l. j. Gerald, 9th E. of Kildare, again, L. D. to the king. 1519. Sir Maurice Fitzgerald, of Lackagh, L. D. to Kildare. 1521. Thos. Howard, E. of Surrey, L. l. Pierce, 8th E. of Ormond and E. of Ossory, l. d. 1524. Gerald, 9th E. of Kildare, again, L. D. 1526. Sir Jas. Fitzgerald, of Leixlip, bro. to E. of Kildare, his dep. Richd. Nugent, Id. Delvin, l. d. 1528. Pierce, E. of Ossory, again, l. j. The title of Oi-mond was taken from him, and conferred on sir Thos. Boleyn, father of Anna Boloyn, ;ift. queen; elect, by council on Nugent's being made prisoner by O'Connor ; i.. j. 1529. Hy. Fitzroy, D. of Richmond and Somerset, nat. son to the king, L. L. 1580. Sir Wm. Skeffington, l. d. 1532. Gerald, 9th E. of Kildare, again, L. D. 1534. Thos., Id. Offaley, son and dep. to E. of Kildare. 1535. Leonard, Id. Grey, vise. Graney, in Ireland, son to the M. of Dorset ; elect, on Skeifington's death in 1541 ; L. D. 1540. Sir Wm. Brereton, Id. chanc, L. j. Sir Anthy. St. Leger, l. d. 1543. Sir Wm. Brabazon, L. j. 1544. Sir Anthy. St. Leger, again, l. d. 1546. Sir Wm. Brabazon, again, L. j. Sir Anthy. St. Leger, again, l.d. Edward VI. 1547. Sir Wm. Brabazon, again, L. J. 1548. Sir Edwd. Bellingham, i.. J. 1549. Sir Fras. Bryan ; elect, on Belling- ham's going to England, l. j. Sir Wm. Brabazon, again, elect, on Bryan's death ; l. j. 1550. Sir Authy St. Leger, again, L. D. 1551. Sir Jas. Croft, a gentleman of the privy chamber, i>. D. 1552. Sir Thos. Cusack, Id. chanc. ; elect. on Croft's going to England ; and Sir Gerald Aylmer, Id. eh. just. Mary. 1553. The same, contd. Sir Anthy. St. Leger, again, l. d. 1556. Thos., vise. Fitz- Walter, aft. E. of Sussex, L. D. 1557. Hugh Curwen, Id. chanc, and Sir Hy. Sidney, ll. j. 1558. Sir Hy. Sidney, again, L. j. Thos., E. of Sussex, again, L. d. Sir Hy. Sidney, again, during Sus- sex's expedition to Scotland, l.d. Thos., E. of Sussex, a^azw, byanew commission, L. d. Elizabeth. 1558. The same contd. for a time, without a new commission, l. d. Sir Hy. Sidney, again, elect, by the council, L. J. 554 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1650. 1560. 1562. 1564. 1565. 1567. 1568. 1571. 1572. 1575. 1578. 1579. 1580. 1584. 1588. 1594. 1597. 1603. 1604. 1606. 1613, 1614. Thos. , E. of Sussex, again, l. d. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, in Sussex's absence, l. d. Thos., E. of Sussex, again, L. l. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, again, in the absence of Sussex, by a commis- sion from the queen, l. d. Thos., E. of Sussex, again, by anew patent, l. l. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, again, l. j. Thos. , E. of Sussex, again, by a new patent, i,. i,. Sir Nichs. Arnold, l. j. Sir Hy. Sidney, again, l. d. Robt. Weston, kl. chane., and Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, ll. j. Sir Hy. Sidney, again, l. v>. Sir Wm. Fitzwiniam,a9f/n(, elect, in the absence of Sidney, l. j. The same, elect, by the council, l. d. Sir Hy. Sidney, again, l. d. Sir Wm. Drury, elect, l. j. Sir Wm. Pelham, elect, on Drury's death, l. j. The same, b_v patent, l. j. Arthur, Id. (irey, of Wilton, l.d. Adam Loftus (No. 1), abp. of Dublin and Id. chanc. : and Sir Hy. Wallop, i,l. j. Sir John Pcrrot, i,. d. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, again, l. d. Sir Wm. llusscll, youngest son of the E. of Bedford, L. d. Thos., Id. Burgh, of Gainsborough, K. G. and L. D. Sir Thos. Norris, elect, on Id. Burgh's death, l. j. Sir Thos. Norris, by patent, l. j. Adam Loftus (No. 1), again ; and Sir Robt. Gardiner, ch. just., ll. j. for civil alTairs : and Thos., 10th E. ofOrmond, l. j. for military affairs ; elect, by the queen's commission on Norris's death. Robt. Devereux, E. of Essex, l. l.; d. 1601. Adam Loftus (No. 1), again ; and Sir Geo. Gary ; elect, on Essex's going to England, ll. .i. Sir Chas. Blount. Id. Mountjoy, K.G., L. I). Jamks I. The same lontd. The same, l)y a new jjatcnt, l. u. The same, as l. l. Sir Geo. Gary, l. d. Sir Arthur Chichester, aft. Id. Chichester, l. d. The sanir-, by a new conimission. Sir Riclid. Wingdold, aft. vise. Powerscourt ; and Thos. Jones, abp. of Dublin; LL. J. Arth.. Id. Chichester, l. d. 1615. Abp. Jones, again ; and Sir John Denbam, ch. just. K. b., LL. J. 1616. Sir Oliver St. John, aft. vise. Grandi- son, L. D. 1622. Hy., vise. Falkland, l.d. 1623. Adam Loftus (No. 2), now vise. Loftus of Ely, Id. chanc. ; and Richd. , vise. Powerscourt, again, LL. J. Charles I., Commonwkaltu, and Charlks II, 1625. Hy., vise. Falkland, again, L. d. 1629. Adam, vise. Loftus of Ely, Id. chanc, again ; and Richd., E. of Cork, LL. J. 1633. Thos., vise. Wentworth, aft. E. of Strafford, l. d. 1636. Adam, vise. Loftus of Ely, Id. chanc, again ; and Christr. Wandesford, m. rolls, LL. j. Thos., vise Wentworth, returned, l.d. 1639. Robt., Id. Dillon ; and Christr. Wandesford, again, ll. j. 1640. Thos., now E. of Strafford, again, L. l. ; d. 1041. Sir Christ. Wandesford , again, l. d. Robt., Id. Dillon, again; and Sir Wm. Parsons, ll. j. 1641. Robt., E. of Leicester, l. L. ; he never came over. 1643. Sir John Borlase : and Sir Hy. Tichborne, gov. of Drog- heda, ll. j. 1644. Jas., 1st M. and aft- 1st D. of Ormond, l. l. 1647. Philip, Id. Lisle, son to the E. of Leicester, under the parliament, L. L. Arthur Annesley, sir Robt. King, sir Robt. Meredith, col. John Moore, col. Michael Jones, parly, commrs. 1648. Jas., Ist M. of Omiond., returned^ L. L. 1649. Oliver Cromwell, under the parlt. L. L. 1650. Hy. Ireton, son-in-law to Cromwell, L. D. l^liek, M. of Clanricade, deputy to M. of Oi-mond, l. d. 1651. Maj.-gen. Lambert, under the parlt., L. D. 1653. Chas. Fleetwood. It. -gen. ; Edmund Ludlow, It. -gen. of the horse; Miles Corbet, John Jones, John Weover. conmirs. 1654. Chas. Fleetwood, It.-geii. under the parlt., L. n. 1655. Hy. Cromwell, comm. in chief of the army , Matt. Thonilinson, Miles Corbet, Hobt. Goodwin, to whom THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 555 afterwards was added Wm. Steel, commrs. 1657. Hy. Cromwell, son to the protector Oliver, l. l. 1658. The same, brother to the protector Richd., for three years, l. l. 1659. Edmd. Ludlow, John Jones, Matth. Tomlinson, Miles Corbet, maj. Wm. Bury, commrs. 1660. Roger, Id. Broghill ; sir Chas. Coote, maj. Wm. Bury, commrs. 1660. Geo., D. of Ablbemarle ; declared L. L. ; but did not go over. John, Id. Robartes, ditto, ditto, L. D. Sir Maurice Eustace, Id. chanc. ; sir Chas. Coote, E. of Mountrath ; and Roger, E. of Orrery, ll. j. 1661. Sir Maurice Eustace, Id. chanc. ; and Roger, E. of Orrery, again, upon the death of Mountrath, ll. j. 1662. Jas., 1st D. of Ormond, again, l. l. 1664. Thos., E. of Ossory, son to the D. of Ormond, L. D. 1665. Jas., 1st D. of Ormond, returned, L. L. 1668. Thos., E. of Ossory, again, l. d. 1669. John, Id. Robartes, again, l. l. 1670. John, Id. Berkeley of Stratton, l. l. 1671. Michl. Boyle, abp. of Dublin & Id. chanc. ; and Sir Arth. Forbes, marshl. -genl., LL. J. John, Id. Berkeley, returned, l. l. 1672. Arth. E. of Essex, l. l. 1675. Michl. Boyle, abp. of Dublin and Id. chanc ; and Arth., vise, aft. E. Granard,LL. j. 1676. Arth., E. of Essex, returned, L. L. 1677. Jas., 1st D. of Omiond, l. l. 1682. Richd. , E. of Arran, son to the D. of Ormond, l d. 1684. Jas., 1st D. of Ormond, returned, l.l. James II. 1684. The same, contd., l. l. Michl. Boyle, now abjj. of Armagh and Id. chanc. ; and Arth., now E. of Granard, again, LL. J. 1685. Hy., E. of Clarendon, l. l. 1686. Richd., E. of Tyrconnel, l. l. 1687. Sir Alexr. Fitton, Id. chanc. ; and Wm., E. of Clanricade, in absence of Tyrconnel, ll. j. 1687. Richd., E. of Tyrconnel, returned, L. L. 1689. The King in person, arrived at Dublin, Mar. 20. William IIL 1690. King Wm. in person, landed at Car- rickfergus. Hy., vise. Sydney ; sir Chas. Porter, and Thos. Coniugsby, ll. j. 1692. Hy., vise. Sydney, l. l. 1693. 1695. 1696. 1697. 1699. 1701. 1702. Hy. , Id. Capel ; sir Cyril Wyche ; and Wm. Duncombe, esq.; in absence of Id. Sydney, ll. j. Sir Chas. Porter, Id. chanc. ; and sir Cyril Wyche, again, ll. j. Hy., Id. Capel, l. d. Murrough, vise. Blesinton ; and brigadier Wm. Wolesley, ll. j. Elected upon Id. Capel's illness, but their commissions were not sealed, nor were they sworn. Sir Chas. Porter, Id. chanc, again; elected on Id. Capel's death. Sir Chas. Porter, Id. chanc, again;. Chas. , E, of Mountrath ; and Hy. ,. E. of Drogheda, ll. j. Hy., E. of Galway, on sir Chas. Porter's death, l. j. Chas., M. of Wmchester ; Hy., E. of Galway ; and Edw. , vise Villiers^ aft. E. of Jersey, ll. j. Chas., D. of Bolton; Hy., E. of Gal- way, again; Edw., E. of Jersey, again ; and Narcissus Marsh, abp. of Dublin ; or any two of them, LL. J. Chas., D. of Bolton, ar/am ; Chas., E. of Berkeley; and Hy., E. of Galway, again, ll. j. Laurence, E. of Rochester, L. l. Narcissus Marsh, abp. of Dublin, again ; Hy.,E. of Drogheda, a^cejn ; and Hugh, E. of Mount Alexander, LL. J. The same, by a new commission, ll. j. Anne. Hugh, E. of Mount Alexander, again; Thos. Earl, It. -gen. ; and Thos. Keightley, ll. j. 1703. Jas., 2nd D. of Ormond, l. l. Sir Richd. Cox, bt.. Id. chanc. ; Hugh, E. of Mount Alexander, again; and Thos. Earl, It. -gen., again, ll. j. 1704. Jas., 2nd D. of Oi-mond, returned, L. L. 1705. Sir Richd. Cox, bt.. Id. chanc, again ; and John, Id. Cutts, of Gowran, It. -gen., ll. j. 1707. Narcissus Marsh, now o.bp. of Ar- magh ; and sir Richd. Cox, Id. chanc, again, on the death of Id. Cutts, LL. J. Thos., E. of Pembroke, L. L. Narcissus Marsh, abp. of Armagh, again ; and Richd. Freeman, Id. chanc, ll. j. 1709. Thos., E. of Wharton, L.L. Richd. Freeman, Id. chanc, again; and Richd. Ingoldsby, It. -gen. ^ LL. J. 1710. Thos., E. of Wharton, returned, L. L. Richd. Freeman, Id. chanc. ; and Richd. Ingoldsby, again, ll. j. ioij THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1710. Jas., 2nd D. of Oimond, again, L. l. Narcissus Marsh, abp. of Armagh, ufjain ; and Richd. Ingoldsby, ut/aiii, i,L. J. 1711. Sir Const. Phijjps, Id. chanc. ; and Rd. Ingoldsby, «(/a?'«, ll. j. Jas., 2nd D. of Ormond, returned, L. L. Sir Const. Pbipps, Id. chanc, again ; and Kicbd. Ingoldsby, «7rttw,LL.J. 1712. Sir Const. Phipps, Id. c)iAxxc.,again ; and John Vesey, abp. of Tuam; on lugoldsby's death, ll. j. 1713. Chas., D. of Shrewsbury, l. l. 1714. Thos. Lnidsay, abp. of Armagh; John Vesey, abp. of Tuam, again ; and sir Const. Phipps, o^nm, ll.j. George I. ^Ym. King, abp. of Dubhn ; John Vesey, abp. of Tuam, again ; 1714. 1715. 1716. 1717. 1719. 1721. 1722. 1723. 1724. 172G and Robt., lUth E. of Kildare, LL. J. Chas., E. of Sunderland, L. L. ; he never came over. Chas., D. of Grafton ; and Hy., E. of Galway, ll. j. Chas., vise. Tovrnshend, l. l. ; he never came over. Alan, Id. Brodrick, aft. vise. Midle- ton, Id. chanc. ; Wm. King, abp. of Dublin, again ; and ^Ym. Conolly, sp. ho. comm., LL. J. Chus., D. of Bolton, L. L. Alan, vise. Midleton, Id. chanc. ; Wm. King, abp. of Dublin ; and ■\Vm. Conolly, sp. ho. comm., again, ll.j., May 22. Chas., D. of Bolton, returned, L. L., Mar. 31. Alan, vise. Midleton, Id. chanc. ; and Wm. Conolly, sp. ho. comm., again, LL.J., Nov. 20. Chas., D. of Grafton, l. l., Aug. 28. Wm. King, abp. of Dublin, again ; Ricbd., vise. Shannon; and Wm. Conolly, sp. ho. comm., again, LL.J., Feb. 24. Alan, vise. Midleton, Id. chanc. ; Wm. King, abp. of Dublin ; Richd., vise. Shannon ; and Wm. Conolly, sp. ho. comm., again, LL. J., June 13. Chas., D. of Grafton, returned, L. L., Aug. 13. Alan, vise. Midleton, Id. chanc. ; Riehd., vise. Shannon ; and Wm. Conolly, sp. ho. comm., again, LL. J., May 9. John, Id. Carteret, aft. E. Granville, L. L. , Oct. 22. Hugh Boulter, abp. of Armagh; Richd. West, Id. chanc. ; and Wm. Conolly, sp. ho. comm., again, LL. J., Apr. 2. 1726. Hugh Boulter, abp. of Armagh, again ; Thos. Wyndham, aft. Id. Wyndham, Id. chanc. ; and Wm. Conolly, sp. ho. comm., again, LL. J.," Dec. 23. George II. John, Id. Carteret, by a new com- 1727. mission, L. L. , Nov. 19. 172(5. The same lords justices, May 15. 1729. John, Id. Carteret, returned, l. l., Sept. 13. 1730. The same lords justices, Apr. 22. 1731. Lionel Cranfiold, D. of Dorset, L. l., Sept. 11. 1732. Hugh Boulter, abp. of Armagh, again ; Thos., Id. Wyndham, Id. chanc. again ; and sir Ralph Gore, sp. ho. comm., ll. j., Apr. 24. 1733. Sir Ralph Gore, d. in the govt. ; and Hy. Boj'le, the new speaker, be- came L. J. in his room. Lionel Cranfield, D. of Dorset, re- turned, L. L., Sept. 24. 1734. The same lords justices. May 3. 1735. Lionel Cranlield, D. of Dorset, re- turned, L. L., Sept. 26. 1736. The same lords justices. May 19. 1737. Wm., 3rd D. of Devonshire, L. L., Sept. 7. 1738. The same lords justices, Mar. 28. 1739. Wm., 3rd D. of Devonshire, re- turned, L. L., Sept. 27. 1740. Hugh Boulter, abp. of Armagh, again ; Robt. Jocelyn, aft. Id. Newport and vise. Jocelyn, Id. chanc. ; and Hj% Boyle, sp. ho. comm., again, ll.j., Apr. 18. 1741. Wm. , 3rd D. of Devonshire, re- turned, L.L. , Sept. 23. 1742. John Hoadly, abp. of Armagh ; Robt. Jocelyn, aft. Id. Newport, &e.. Id. chanc. again ; and Henry Boyle, sp. ho. comm., a(/ain, ll. j., Dec. 3. 1743. Wm., 3rd D. of Devonshire, re- turned, L. l., Sept. 29. 1744. The same lords justices, Apr. 12. 1745. Philip Dormer, E. of Chesterfield, L. L., Aug. 31. 1746. The same lords justices, Apr. 25. The abp. of Armagh d. in the govt. 1747. Geo. Stone, abp. of Armagh ; Robt., Id. Newport, Id. chanc., again ; and Hy Boyle, sp. ho. comm., again, LL.J., Apr. 10. Wm., E. of Harrington, L. L., Sept. 13. 174S. The same lords justices, Apr. 20. 1749. Wm., E. of Harrington, returned, L. L., Sept. 20. 1750. The same lords justices, Apr. 19. 1751. Lionel Cranlield, D. of Dorset, ayatn, L. L. , Sept. 19. 1752. The same lords justices, May 27. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 557 1753. Lionel Cranfield, D. of Dorset, re- turned, i>. L., Sept. 21. 1754. Geo. Stone, abp. of Armagh, again ; 1789. Robt., Id. Newport, Id. chanc. again ; and Brabazon. E. of Bes borongh, ix. J., Mav 11. 1790. 1755. Wm., :M. of Hartington; aft. 4tli D. of Devonshire, l. l.. May 5. 1794, 1756. Robt., now vise. Jocelyn, Id. chanc again; Jas., 20th E. of Kildare, 1795. aft. 1st M. of Kildare and D, of Leinster ; and Brabazon, E. 17 of Besborough, again, ll. j. ; the three, or any two or one of them, to act separately, Sept. 20. 1757. John, 7th D. of Bedford, l. l., Sept. 25. 1758. Geo. Stone, abp. of Armagh, again ; Hy., E. of Shannon; and John Ponsonby, sp. ho. comm., ll. J., May 10. 1759. John, '7th D. of Bedford, returned, l. l. 1760. The same lords justices, May 20. George III. 1760. The same lords justices, contd. 1761. Geo., E. of Halifax, l. l., Oct. 6. 1762. The same lords justices. May 3. 1763. Hugh. E. of Northumberland, L. L., Sept. 22. 1764. The same lords justices. May 15. The abp. of Armagh d. Dec. 19, and the E. of Shannon Dec. 28, 1764. 1765. Thos., vise. Weymouth, l. l. : did not come over. John, Id. Bowes, Id. chanc. ; and John Ponsonby, sp. ho. coTmn., again, LL. J. Eras. , 17th E. , aft. 1st M. of Hert- ford, l. l., Oct. 18. 1766. John, Id. Bowes, Id. chanc, again; Chas., E. of Drogheda ; and John Ponsonby, sp. ho. comm., again, LL. J., June 11. Wm. Geo., E. of Bristol, l. l. ; he did not come over. The same lords justices. 1767. Geo. , vise. Townshend, l. l. , Oct. 14. 1772. Simon, E. Harcourt, l. l., Nov. 30. 1777. John, E. of Buckinghamshire, l. l., Jan. 25. 1780. Fred., E. of Carlisle, l.l., Dec. 23. 1782. Wm. Hy., D. of Portland, l. l., Apr. 14. Geo., E. Temple, aft. M. of Bucking- ham, L. L., Sept. 15. 1783. Robt., E. of Northington, l. l., June 3. 1784. Chas., 4th D. of Rutland, l.l., Feb. 24 ; d. in the govt., Oct. 22, 1787. 1787. Richd.,ld. Rokeby, abp. of Armagh ; Jas., vise. Lifl'ord,ld. chanc. ; and John Foster, sp. ho. comm., ll.j. , Oct. 27. Geo. , now M. of Buckingham, again L. L., Nov. 2. John, Id. Fitzgibbon, Id. chanc. ; and John Foster, sp. ho. comm.^ again, ll. .j., June 30. John, E. of Westmoreland, l. l. Jan. 5. Wm., E. Fitzwilliam, l. L.,Dec. 10; recalled Mar. 1795. John Jeffreys, E. Camden, l. l., Mar. 11. Chas. M. Cornwallis, l. l., June 13. Lord Lieutenants since the Union. The lords justices are no longer given, for the reasons stated ante, p. 549. 1801. Philip, E. of Hardwicke, Mar. 17. 1805. Edw.,E. Powis; app. Nov. 16; did not come over. 1806. John, 9th D. of Bedford, Mar. 18. 1807. Chas., D. of Richmond, Apr. 19. 1813. Chas., vise, aft. E. Whitworth, Aug^ 26. 1817. Chas., E. Talbot, Oct. 9. George IV. 1820. The same, contd. 1821. The King, in person ; landed in Dublin Aug. 12 ; left Ireland Sept. 5. Chas.. E. Talbot, resumed. 1821. Richd., M. Welleslev, Dec. 29. 1828. Hy. Wm., M. of Anglesey, Mar. 1. 1829. Hugh, D. of Northumberland, Mar. 6. William IV. 1830. Hv. Wm. . I\I. of Anglesey, again ; 'Dec. 23. 1833. Richd., M. Wellesley, again; Sept. 26. 1834. Thos.,E. of Haddington, Dec. 29; sw. Jan. 6, 1835. 1835. Hy. Constantine, E. of Mulgrave; aft. M. of Normanby Apr. 23; sw. May 11. Victoria. 1837. The same contd. 1839. Hugh, vise. Ebrington, aft. E. For- tescue, Apr. 3. 1841. Thos. Philip, E. De Grey, Sept. 15. 1844. Wm., Id. Heytesbury, July 26. 1846. JohnWm.jE. of Bessborough. July 11; d. in the govt.. May 16. 1847. 1847. Geo. Wm. Fredk., E. of Clarendon, K. G., May 26. 1852. Archd. Wm., E. of Eglinton, Feb. 27. 1853. Edwd. Granville, E. of St. Germans, Jan. 4. 1855. Geo. Wm. Fredk., E. of Carlisle, K. G., Feb. 28. 558 THK BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1858. Archd. Wm., E. of Eglinton, again, Feb. 26. 1859. Geo. Wm. Fredk., E. of Carlisle, K. G., at/ain, June 18. 1864. John, Id.' Wodehouse, aft. E. of Kimberley, Nov. 1. 1866. Jas.,M.,aft. D. of Abercorn, K. g., July 6. 1868. John "Poyntz, E. Spencer, K. G., Dec. 11. 1874. Jas. D. of Abercorn, k. g., again, Mar. 2. 1876. John Winston, D. of Marlborough, K. «., Nov. 28. 1880. Fras. Thos. De Grey, E. Cowper, K. G., May 3. 1882. John Poyntz, E. Spencer, K. o., again, May 3. 1885. Hy. Howard Molyneux, E. of Car- narvon, July. 1886. John Campbell, E. of Aberdeen, K. G., Feb. 6. Chas. Stewart, M. of Londonderry, /JV;l, RJl-c( Of,U,. u,l,U^^ l^.j '^Uin,. > Oil-. LORD TREASURERS, VICE TREASURERS, AND TREASURY COMMISSIONERS FOR IRELAND. Lord Treasurers and Vice Treasurers of Ireland. V. T. Vice Treasurer ; ichen no initials Lord Treasurer is understood. 1357. Nichs. Allen, bp. of Meath. Henry III. 1217. John de St. John. 1232. Peter de Rivallis. 1233. Eustace, canon of Chichester. 1234. Geoffrey de Turville, archdn of Dublin. 1251. Hugh de Mapilton, bp. of Ossory. 1258. Hugh de Tachmon, bp. of Meath. EnwAitD I. 1274. Steph. de Fulburn, bp. of Water- ford. 1277. Robt. le Poor. 1278. Steph. de Fulburn, again. 1281. Hugh de Tachmon, again. 1289. Nichs. lo Clcrc, or Clerk. 1294. John ap Rees. or Rice. Sir Wm. do Essendon. 1300. Richd. de Boreford. 1304. Sir Wm. de Essendon, again. 1305. Richd. de Bercford, again. Richd. de Sahan. Edward II. 1307. Alexr. de Bicknor, or Bython. 1309. John de Hotham. 1312. John Lcck. or Lich, abp. of Dublin. 1315. Walter de Istlep, or Isteloy. John do Hotham, again. 1317. Walter do Istlep, again. 1325. Adam de Hermington. Edward III. 1327. Walter de Istlep, again. Robt. Fitz-Kustace. 1330. Sir Thos. de Burgh. 1335. Sir John de Ellerkor. 1344. John do Burnham, canon of St. Patrick's. 1349. John de Bouktoii. 1354. Wm. de Bromley. 1367. Alexr. Balscot, bp. of Ossory. 1371. Peter Curragh. bp. of Limerick. Steph. de Valle, bp. of Meath. 1374. John de Colton. dean of St. Pat- rick's. Richard II. 1377. Alexr. Balscot, again. 1381. John de Colton, again. 1385. Wm. Chambers, archdn. of Dublin. 1392. Richd. Mitford, bp. of Chichester. 1395. Stephn. li abbot of St. Mary's, Dub- Hknry IV. 1399. Robt. de Faryngton. 1400. Thos. Bathe, or Batche. 1401. Sir Laurence Merbury. 1409. Wm. AUington. Henry V. 1413. Hugh Burgh. 1414. John Coryngham. 1421. Wm. Tynebcgh, or Thynbegh. Henky VI. 1424. Hugh Banent. 1426. Edwd. Dantscy. bp. of Meath. 1427. Sir Nichs. Plunkct. 1429. Sir Thos. Strange. 1432. Christr. Barnewall. 1437. iEgidius Thorndon, or Thornton. 1441. Thos. Barry, bp. of Ossory. 1443. Wm. Cheevers, just. K. ». 1446. jEgidius Thorndon, again. 1450. John Blackston. 1453. Sir llv. Bruyn. 1454. Sir Rowland Fitz-Edwd. Fitz-Eus- taco, aft. Id Portlcstor. THE BOOK OP DIGNITIES. 559 Edward IY. 1461. John, Id. Wenlock, and Rowland, Id. > •, Portlester, for their lives, and — survivor. 1471. Portlester, who survived Wenlock, had his pat. confirmed by act of parlt. Henry VII. 1492. Sir Jas. Ormond, natl. son of the E. of Ormond. 1494. Sir Hugh Conway. 1504. Gerald Fitzgerald, eldest son of the E. of Kildare. Henry VIII. 1514. Christr., Id. Slane. 1516. Earth. Dillon, ch. bar. ex., V. T. 1517. John Rawson, prior of Kilmainham. 1520. Sir John Stile, v. T. 1524. John, Id. Trimleston. 1530. John Rawson, prior of Kilmainham, again. 1532. Jas. Butler, aft. vise. Thurles, and yth E. of Ormond. 1533. Wm. Bath of DoUardstown, v. T. 1534. Wm. Brabazon. He continued v. t. until his death in 1552. 1540. Jas., 9th E. of Ormond. 1542. Jas., 15th E. of Desmond. Edward VI. * * The same, contd. 1552. Andr. Wise, on Brabazon's death, V. T. Mary. 1553. Sir Edmd Rouse, l. t. and v. t. -* * Jas. , 15th E. of Desmond. Elizabeth. 1559. Sir Hy. Sydney, v. t. * * Sir Thos. Fitz-William, v. T. 1559. Thos., 10th E. of Ormond. 1573. Sir Edwd. Fitton, v. T. 1582. Sir Hy. Wallop, r. t. 1586. Thos., 10th E. of Ormond. James I. 1603. The same, contd. 1616. Arth., Id. Chichester of Belfast. 1625. Sir Archd. Blundell, v. T. Charles I. 1625. Sir Fras. Annesley, bt., v. t. * * Oliver, vise. Grandison. 1629. Sir Fras. Annesley, again, v. T. 1631. Richd.,E. of Cork . 1636. Sir Adam Loftus, v. t. The Commonwealth. 1654. Jas. Standish, under the parlt. Charles II. 1660. Arth.. vise. Valentia, aft. E. of Anglesey, v. T. , Aug. 21. Richd. , Id. ClilYord, E. of Cork and aft. of Burlington, Nov. 15. 1662. The same, by a new patent. Mar. 20. 1667. Sir Geo. Carteret, bt. , v. T. , July 18. 1673. Sir John Temple, v. t., Nov. 26. James II 1685. John Price, v. T., June 17. . 1686. Thos. Knightley, v. T., Apr. 3. 1689. Richd., D. of Tyrconnel (so cr. after the abdn. ) ; Hy. , Id. Dover ; Thos. , Id. Riverston ; Jenico vise. Gormanstown ; vise. Fitz- william, Bruno Talbot, and sir Steph. Rice, commrs. William III. 1690. Wm. Harbord, v. T., Dec. 11. 1693. Thos. , Id. Coningsby, v. t. , Jan. 9. 1695. Chas., Id. Clifford of Lanesborough, vise. Dungarvan, May 4. 1698. Thos., Id. Conyngsby, a(/ain,v.T., Oct. 7. Anne. 1702. Chas., E. of Cork and Burlington, son of Chas.. Id. Clifford, Sept. 12. 1704. Hy. Boyle, cr. Id. Carleton (bro. of the E. of Cork) during the mi- I nority of Richd., E. of Cork and Burlington, May 5. 1710. John, E. of Anglesey, v. T., Aug. 3 ; d. Sept. following. Arth., E. of Anglesey; and Hy., Id. Hyde, aft. E. of Clarendon and Rochester, v. T., Oct. 19. George I. 1715. Richd., E. of Cork and Burlington, Aug. 25. 1716. Chas., E. of Sunderland, and Hy., E. of Rochester, v. XT., Mar. 1. Chas., E. of Sanderland, now sole V. T. 1717. Matt. Ducie Morton, aft. Id. Ducie, V. T., May 2. Richd. , E. of Scarborough, and Matt. Ducie Morton, v. t. , May 31. Hugh Boscawen, aft. vise. Fal- mouth ; and Matt. Ducie Morton, V. T.,Oct. 10. 1720. Hugh Boscawen, and sir Wm. St. Quintin, bt., v. TT., June 16. 1724. Hugh Boscawen. now vise. Fal- mouth, and Richd. Edgcumbe, aft. Id. Edgcumbe, v. tt., Apr. 7. 560 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1727. 1734. 1742. 1744, 1746. 1754. 1756. 1757. 1760. 1761. 1763. 1765. 1766. 1766. 1768. lion. .T.i.s. Gronville, Isaac Barr^ and Richd. Ri^by, v. tt., Feb. 22 Hon. Jas. Grenville, Isaac Barrd, and Robt., vise. Clare, v. tt. , July 4. 1769. Hon. .las. Grenville; Robt., vise. Clare, and Chas., E. Comwallis, V. TT., Feb. 27. 1770. Robt., now vise. Clare; Chas. E. Cornwallis, and Welbore Ellis, V. TT. , Apr. 21. 1771. Robt., vise. Clare; Welbore Ellis, and Goo. , Id. Edgcumbc, aft. vise. Mount Edt;cumbe and Valletort, V. TT., May '). 1773. Robt.. vise. "Clare; Welbore Ellis, and Chas. Jenkinson, aft. bt.. Id. Hawkesbury, and E. of Liverpool, V. TT. .Jan. 18. 1775. Robt., vise. Clare; Welbore Ellis, and Henry Flood, v. tt. , Oct. 27. 1777. Robt., now E. Xuojont; Welbore Ellis, and Hy. Flood, v. TT.,Mar. 7. Robt., E. Nugent; Hy. Flood, and Chas. Townshend, v.TT., Sept. 17. 1781. Robt., E. Nugent ; Chas. Town- shend, and Richd., E. of Shannon, V. TT., Nov. 21. 1782. Richd., E. of Shannon: Richd., E. of Scarborough, and sir Geo. Yonge, bt, v. tt., Apr. 20. Richd., E. of Shannon; sir Geo. Yonge, bt. , and Id. Robt. Spencer, V. TT. , May 24. Richd., E. of Shannon; Id. Robt. Spencer, and Id. Chas. Spencer, v.TT., Sept. 9. 1783. Richd., E. of Shannon; Id. Chas. Spencer, and Wm. Eden, v.TT., Apr. 18. 1784. Richd., E. of Shannon; Geo., vise. Mount Edgcumbc, and Thos., Id Walsingham, v. TT., Mar. 8. 1787. Richd., E. of Shannon; Geo., vise. Mount Edgeumbo, and Id. Frodk. Campbell, v. tt., July 20. 1789. Geo., vise. Mount Edgcumbe ; and Id. Fredk, CampbeTl.v. tt., June 18. In 1793, tho pnlonls t.< ilii> l.u.l Ir. .i.^urr: vrro revoked, and commissioners were from time to time appointed for executing those oflBces. George II. Richd., E, of Cork, contd. by a new pat., Oct. 24. Richd. Edgcumbe, and Pattee, vise. Torrington, v. tt., Apr. 24. Patteo, vise. Torrington, and Hy. Vane, v. tt., Aug. 2. Pattee, vise. Torrington, and Geo., E. of Cholmondeley, v. tt., Jan. 11. Geo., E. of Cholmondeley, and Wm. Pitt, V. TT., Mar. G. Geo., E. of Cholmondeley, and sir Wm. Yonge, bt., v. tt.^ May 22. Wm., Id. Cavendish of Hardwyek, M. of Hartingon, aft. 4th D. of Devonshire, ]\Iar. 2. John, E. of Sandwich, Geo., E. of Cholmondeley, and Welbore Ellis, V. TT. , Jan. 20. John, E. of Sandwich, Welbore Ellis, and Thos. Potter, v. tt., Aug. 2. John, E. of Sandwich, ^^elbore Ellis, and Robt. Nugent, aft. vise. Clare and E. Nugent, v. tt. , Jan. 7. George III. Wm., fourth D. of Devonshire, contd., Mar. 3. John, E. of Sandwich, Robt. Nugent. and Richd. Rigby, v. tt., Jan. 5. Robt. Nugent, Richd. Rigby, and Jas. Oswald, v. TT., May 4. Richd. Rigby, Jas. Oswald, and Welbore Ellis, v. tt., July 12. Jas. Oswald, Id. Geo. Sackville, aft. vise. Sackville, and Welbore Ellis, v.TT., Jan. 21. Wm.,5thD. of Devonshire, vice his father, deed., Mar. 13. Continued Id. treasr. until the abolition of the office in 1793, %it infra. Jas. Oswald, Welbore Ellis, and hon. Jas. Grenville, v. tt., Aug. 3. Jas. Oswald, lion. Jas. Grenville, and Isaac Barrd, v. tt., Sept. 17. Commissioners op the Treasury for Ireland. 1793. Richd., E. of Shannon. Sir John Parnell, ht. John Beresford. Sir Hy. Cavendish, bt. Wm. Burton Conyngham. Robt., Id. Hobart. 1795. Richd., E. of Shannon. Sir John Parnell, bt. Wm. Burton Conyngham. Hon. Thos. Polham. John Monk ]\Iason. 1790. Richd., E. of Shannon. Sir John Parnell, bt. Thos., Id. Pclham. John Monk Mason. Lodge Jlorris. Richd. , E. of Shannon. Isaac Corry. Hon. Thos. Pelham. John Monk Mason. I^odgo ^lorris. Robt., vise. Castlereagh. 1800. Richd., E. of Shannon. Isaac Corrv. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 561 Robt., vise. Castlereagh. Lodge, Id. Frankfort. John, Id. Loftus. Wm. Wickham. Maurice Fitzgerald. 1801. Richd.. E. of Shannon. Isaac Corry. Chas. Abbot. Lodge, Id. Frankfort. John, vise. Loftus. Maurice Fitzgerald. 1802. Same Board. 1803. Richd., E. of Shannon, Isaac Coi-ry. Lodge, Id. Frankfort. John, vise. Loftus. Maurice Fitzgerald. Wm. Wickham. 1804. John Foster. Sir Evan Xepean, bt. Lodge, Id. Frankfort. John, vise. Loftus. Maurice Fitzgerald. 1804. John Foster. Lodge, Id. Frankfort. John, vise. Loftus. Maurice Fitzgerald. Hon. George Knox. Nichs. Vansittart. 1805. John Foster. Lodge, Id. Frankfort. John, vise. Loftus. Maurice Fitzgerald. Hon. Geo. Knox. Sir Lawrence Parsons, bt. Chas. Long. 180G. I Wm. Wvndham, Id. Gren- 1 ville. ' ! Sir John Newport. I Maurice Fitzgerald. Sir Lawrence Parsons, bt. Chas. O'riara. Hy. Parnell. Wm. Burton. Wm. Elliot. 1807. Geo., E. of Ross. John Foster. Arth. Wellesley, aft. Sir A. , &c. Hon. Thos. Hy. Foster Sir Geo. FitzGerald Hill, bt. John Maxwell Barry. Chas. Vereker. 1810. Hon. Spencer Perceval. John Foster. Wm. Wellesley Pole. Geo., E. of Ross. Sir G. Fitz-G. Hill, bt. John M. Barrv. Thos. H. Foster. Chas. Vereker. W. W. H. Guarden. : 1811. j Hon. Spencer Perceval. ] John Foster. Wm. W. Pole. j Geo.. E. of Ros.s. Sir a. Fitz-G. Hill, bt. John M. Barrv. Thos. H. Foster. Chas. Vereker. Wm. Odell. 1812. John Fo.ster. Wm. W. Pole. Sir G. Fitz-G. Hill, bt. John M Bariv. Thos. H. Foster. Chas. Vereker. Wm. Odell. 181.3. The same Board, with the addition of — Hy. John Clements. Edmd. AL-xr. Macnaghten. 1814. Robt. Banks, E. of Liver- pool. Wm, Vesev Fitzgerald. Robt. Peel, aft. bt Sir 6. Fitz-G. Hill, bt. John ;M. Barrv. Wm. Odell. Hy. John Clements. Edmd. Alexr. Macnaghten. In 1817, the revenues of Great Britain and Ireland were united, under 5G Geo. HI. cap. 98. See "Lord High Treasurers, &c. , of the United Kingdom," ante, p. 159. . SECRETARIES TO THE TREASURY— IRKLAND. 1793. Thos. Burgh, L. P., Dec. 25. I 1801. Hon. Geo. Cavendish. L.P., Aug. 29. 1799. Sir Geo. Shee, bt., L. P., July 18. I CHANCELLORS OF THE EXCHEQUER OF IRELAND. 1346. 1385. 1399. 1423. .1431. 14G1. Wm. de Bromleye, temp. Edwd. III. Robt. de Emeldon. Wm. Fitzwilliam, kpr. of the seal. Robt. de Herford, tevip. Richd II. Hugh Banent. Sampson Dartas ; he app. Jas. Blakeney his deputy. Jas. Blakeney, now chanc. Robt. Norreys. Robt. de St. Lawrence. 1495. Edwd. Barnewall. 1532. Richd. Delahyde. 1535. John Alen, clerk or kpr. of the rolls 153G. Thos. Cusake, just. c. p. 15t')l. Hy. Dracote, serjt.-at-arms. 1572. Robt. Dillon. 1577. John Bathe. 1586. Sir Edwd. Waterhouse ; surrend. 1589. Sir Geo. Clive. 1590. Thos. Molynex, or Molyneux. 36 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 159G. 1612. 1616. 1617. 1634. 1668. 1674. 1087. 1695. 1702. 1717. 1733. 1735. 1739. 1754. In Geo. Sir Richd. Cooke. Sir Dudley Norton ; in reversion aft. Cooke. Hy. Holcrofte ; surrend. Thos. Hibbotts, Oct. 27. Hy. Holcrofte, again ; in reversion after Hibbotts ; L. P. same date. Sir Hy. Meredith. Richd. .Tones ; aft. vise, and E. of Ranelajjh. Sir Chas. .Meredith. Bruno Talbot. Philip Savage. Philip Savage, again, by new pat. Sir Ralph Gore, bt. Hy. Boyle ; res. Marmaduke Coghill. Hy. Boyle, again ; pat. revoked, revoked. 1755. Hy. Boyle, again ; aft. Id. Castle- martyr, and vise, and E. of Shannon. 1757. Anthy. Malono. 17GI. Sir Wm. Yorke, bt., eh. jast. c. p.. Mar. 28; res. 1763. Wm. Gerard Hamilton, May 31. 1784. John Foster, Apr. 23. 1785. Sir John Pamell, bt , Sept. 22. 1799. Isaac Corrv, Jan. 28. 1804. John Foster, July 19. 1806, Sir John Newport, bt., Feb. 25. 1807. John Foster, again, Mav 2. 1811. Wm Wellesley Pole, aft. Id. Mary- borough, July 1. Wm. Vesey Fitzgerald, aft. Id. Fitz- gerald and Vesey, Aug 17. Nichs. Vansittart, aft. Id. Bexley ; ch. ex. England, July 12. 1812. 18i: . Arth. Hill ; pat. 1817, the exchequers of Great Britain and Ireland were consolidated under 56 III. cap. 98. See " Chancellors of the Exchequer," ante, p. 165. PRINCIPAL SECRETARIES OF STATE, OR PRINCIPAL SECRETARIES OF THE COUNCIL. 1576. John Chalenor ; l. p. before this date. 1581. Sir Geoff. Fenton. Another secre- tary was joined with him. 1603. Sir Richd. Cooke. 1612. Sir Dudley Norton. 1616. Sir Fras. Annesley, aft. Id. Mount- norris. 1634. Philip Mainwaring. 1661. Sir Paul Davys ; in reversion after Mainwaring. 1665. Sir Geo. Lane, knt.,aft. vise. Lanes- borough ; in reversion after Davys. 1678. Sir John Davys ; in reversion after Lane. 1090. Sir Robt. Southwell. 1702. Edwd. Southwell, son of sir Robt. 1720. Edwd. Southwell, and Edwd. Southwell, his son. 1755. Thos. Carter, on the demise of the Southwells. 1763. Thos. Carter, and Philip Tisdall, solr.-gen. 1760. John Hely-Hutchinson ; in rever- sion after Tisdall ; succ. 1777. 1795. Edmd. Hy., Id. Glentworth. 1790. Hon. Thos. Pelham. 1797. Robt. Stewart, vise. Castlereagh, aft. M. of Londonderrj'. 1801. Chas. Abbot, aft. sp. ho. comm. of England, and Id. Colchester. Office abolished at the union of Great Britain and Ireland in 1801. CHIEF SECRETARIES TO THE LORD LIEUTENANT, OR CHIEF SECRETARIES FOR IllEL.\ND. 1760. Richd. Rigby ; before this date. 1707. 1761. Wm. Gerard Hamilton. 1768. 1764 Chas., E. of Drogheda. I 1772. 1765. Edwd. Thurlow. app. ch. sec. to vise. Weymouth ; Imt /tin lordship ! 1777. did not come over. 1780. 1765. Eras., vise. Bcauchamp. 1782. 1766. Hon. John Aug.. Hervey, app. ch. sec. to the fe. of Bristol ; but the earl did not come over. •' 1783. Lord Fredk. Campbell. Sir Geo, Macartney, k. h. Sir John Blaquiere, aft. Id. de Bla- quiere. Sir Richd. Heron, bt. Wm. Eden, aft. Id. Auckland. Hon. R. Fitzpatrick. Wm. Wyndham Grenville, nft. Id. Grenville. Wm. Windham. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1783. Hon. Thos. Pelham. 1784. Thos. Orde. 1787. Alleyne Fitzherbert, aft. Id. St. Helens. 1789. Robt. Hobart, Apr. ; aft. E. of Buckinghamshire. 1794. Sylvester Douglas, Jan. ; aft. Id Glenbervie. 1795. Hon. Geo. Darner, c.c. vise. Milton, Jan. ; aft. E. of Dorchester. Hon. Thos. Pelham, Mar. 31 ; aft. E. of Chichester. 1798. Robt. vise. Castlereagh, Mar. 29 ; aft. M. of Londonderry. 1801. Ghas. Abbot, aft. sp. ho. comm. of England, and Id. Colchester; May 25. 1802. Wm. Wickham, Feb. 13. 1804. Sir Evan Nepean, bt., Feb. 6. 1805. Nichs. Vansittart, aft. Id. Bexley, Mar. 23. Chas. Long, aft. Id. Farnborough, Sept. 21. 1806. Wm. Elliot, Mar. 28. 1807. Sir Artb. Wellesley, K. b., aft. D. of Wellington. Apr. 19. 1809. Hon. Robt. Dundas, aft. vise. Mel- ville, Apr. 13. Wm. Wellesley Pole, aft. Id. Mary- borough, and E. of Mornington, Oct. 18. 1812. Robt. Peel, aft. bt., Aug. 4. 1818. Chas. Grant, aft. Id. Glenelg,Aug. 3. 1821. Hy. Goulburn, Dec. 29. 1827. Hon. Wm. Lamb, aft. vise. Mel- bourne, Apr. 29. 1828. Ld. Fras. Leveson Gower, aft. Id. Eras. Egerton, and E. of Elles- mere, June 21. 1830. Sir Hy. Hardinge, aft. vise. Hard- inge, July 30. Hon. Edwd. Geoff. Smith-Stanley, aft. Id. Stanley of Bickerstaffe and 14th E. of Derby, Nov. 26. 1833. Sir John Cam Hobhouse, aft. Id. Broughton, Mar. 29. 1838. 1834. 1835. 1841. 1845. 1846. 1847. 1852. 1852. 1855. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1861. 1865. 1866. 1868. 1871. 1874. 1878. 1880. 1882. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. Edwd. John Littleton, aft. Id. Hatherton, May 17. Sir Hy. Hardinge again, Dec. 17. Geo.Wm. Fredk. Howard, vise. Mor- peth, aft. E. of Carlisle, Apr. 22. Edwd., Id. Eliot, aft. E. of St. Ger- mans, Sept. 6. Sir Thos. Fras. Fremantle, bt., aft. Id. Cottesloe, Feb. 1. Hy., E. of Lincoln, Feb. 14. Hy. Labouchere. aft. Id. Taunton, July 6. Sir Wm. Meredyth Somerville, bt. , aft. Id. Athlumney and Id. Meredyth. Rd. Southwell Bourke, c.c. Id. Naas, aft. E. of Mayo, Feb. Sir Jno. Young, bt. , Dec. Edwd. Horsman, B^eb. Hy. Arth. Herbert. Ld. Naas again, Feb. Edwd. Cardwell, aft. vise. Cardwell, June. Sir Robt. Peel, bt., July. Chichester Samuel Fortescue, aft. Id. Carlingford, Nov. Ld. Naas again, July. Col. Jno. Wilson Patten, Sept. Chichester S. Fortescue, again, Dec. Spencer Compton Cavendish, c.c. M. of Hartington, Jan. Sir Michl. Edwd. Hicks-Beach, bt. , Mar. 3. Jas. Lowther, Mar. 11, G. Wm. Edwd. Forster, May 10, G. Lord Fredk. Chas. Cavendish, May. Geo. Otto Trevelyan, May 9. Hy. Campbell Baimerman, Oct. Sir Wm. Hart Dyke, July 2, sw. Wm. Hy. Smith, Jan. Jno. Morley, Feb. Sir Michl. Edwd. Hicks-Beach, bt., again, Aug. Arth. Jas. Balfour, Mar. 8. UNDER SECRETARIES TO THE LORD LIEUTENANT OF IRELAND. 1780. Sackville Hamiton, Feb. 17. 1795. Lodge Morris, Feb. 7. Sackville Hamilton, again ; May 15. 1796. Edwd. Cooke, Jan. 6. 1801. Alexr. Marsden, Oct. 21. 1806. Jas. Trail, Sept. 8. 1808. Sir Chas. Saxton, bt., Sept. 6. 1812. Wm. Gregory, Oct. 5. 1831. Lt.-col. sir Wm. Gossett, Jan. 1. 1835. Thos. Drummond, July 25. 1840. Norman H. Macdonald, May 28. 1841. Edwd. Lucas, Sept. 15. 1845. Rd. Peanefather, Aug. 21. 1852. 1853. 1848. 1869. 1882. 1887. Thos. N. Redington, aft. sir T., July 11. Jno. Wynne, Feb. Maj.-gen. sir Thos. Aiskew Larcom, K.C.B. Col. sirG. R.Wetherall, k.c.s.i.,c.b. Thos. Hy. Burke, May 20 ; G. Robt. Geo. Crookshank Hamilton, C.B., May. Maj.-gen. sir Redvers Hy. BuUer, K.C.M.G., V.G. Col. sir Jos. West Ridgeway, k.cb., K.C.S.I., V.C. 564 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Parliamentary Under Secretaries to the Lord-Lieutenant OF Ireland. In April 1887 Col. Edward Robert Kint^-Harmaa was appointed to this office, without salary. In the following year a bill was introduced into Parliament to place the office on a permanent footing and to provide a salary for it. Col. Kiug-Harman died on June 10, 1888, and on his death the office was not filled up, and the bill was not proceeded with. POSTMASTERS-GENERAL OF IRELAND. From a Return made to the House of Commons in 1844. * * Sir T. Prendergast. * * "Win Hy., E. of Clermont. 1784. Jas., vise. Clifden, and Wm. Brabazon Ponsonbj-. July 16. 1789. Wm. Brabazon Ponsonbv, and 1797. Chas., now E. of Ely, and Chas. , il. of Drogheda. .July 14. 180G. Riehd. Hely,E. of Donoughmore, and Hy. Fitzgerald, c.c. Id. H. Fitz- gerald. Apr. 11 Chas., Id. Loftus, aft. E. and M. of 1807. Chas. Hy. St. John, Earl O'Neill, and Ely. Jan. 14. Chas., Id. Loftus, and Chas., E. of Bellamont. July 18. Riehd., E. of Clancarty. May 2. 1809. Chas. Hy. St. John, Earl O'Noiil, and Laurence, E. of Rosse. Dee. 1. By 1 Wm. IV. cap. 8 (1831), the two separate offices of Postmaster-Cieneral of Great Britain and Postmaster-General of Ireland were consolidated and united into one. See " Postmasters- General," ante, p. 237. COMMANDERS OF THE FORCES IN IRELAND. * * Gen. John Leslie, E. of Rothes. 1774. Gen. sir Geo. Aug. Elliot. 1775. Lt.-gen. sir John Irvine, k.b. 1782. Lt.-gen. John Burgoyne. 1784. Gen. Wm. Aug. Pitt. 1791. Gen. Geo. Warde. 1793. Gen. Robt. Cunninghame, aft. Id. Rossmore. 1796. Gen. Hy., E. of Carhampton. 1797. Lt.-gen. sir Ralph Abercrombie, K.B. 1798. Gen. Chas. , M. Cornwallis. 1801. Gen. sir Wm. Medows, K.ii. 1803. Lt.-gen. hon. Hj'. Edwd. Fox. Gen. Wm., Id. Cathcart. 1806. Gen. Chas., E. of Harrington. 1812. Gen. sir J. Hope, k.ii. 1813. Gen. sir Geo. Ilewett, bt. 1816. Gen. sir Geo. Beckwith, g.c.b. 1820. Gen. sir David Baird, bt., g.ch. 1822. Lt.-gen. sir Saml. Auchmuty, g.c.b. Lt.-gen. Stapleton, Id. aft. vise. Conibermere, gc.b., &c. ; Nov. 1825. Lt.-gen. sir Geo. Murray, g.c.b. 1828. Lt.-gen. sir John Byog, k.cb. 1831. Lt.-gen. sir Rd. Hussey Vivian, bt., K.c.JJ., ic. ; aft. Id. Vivian, &c. 1836. Lt.-gen. sir Edwd. Blakenoy, k.cb., Aug. 26. 1855. Gen. .Tohn, Id. Seaton, g.c.b. 1860. Gen. sir Geo. Brown, g.c.b. 1865. Gen. sir Hugh Hy. Rose, aft. Id. Strathnairn, g.c.b., g.c.s.i. 1870. Gen. sir Wm. Rose MansBeld, aft. Id. Sandhurst, g.c.b., g.c.s.i. 1875. Gen. sir John Michel, g.c.b. 1880. Gen. sir Thos. Montagu Steele, K.CB. 1885, Gen. Pr. W. A. Edwd. of Saxe- Weimar, G.C.B. (^C<>. w. .fii .iX'' i\Ly^ , 1 nr I- J » 1 TT 1 l/o9. Jas. JMcOuUoch, Mar. 22. 1629. Danl. Molineux and Adam Ussher, ,_-. ,,. ^^ ,. '. „^ , . ,^ j^ J. 25. 1765. ^^m. Hawkins (No. 2), aft. sir W., 1633. Thos. Preston. Sept. 21. ,_„, ^ "^^M I''- 1643. Wm. Roberts, Apr. 15. l'^^- ^^^^I'l Fortescue, Apr. 26. 1655. Sir Richd. Kerney, or Carney, Feb. 1788. Chichester Fortescue. aft. sir C, 19. I Apr. 26. 1660. Sir Richd. St. George, Aug. 20. 1820. Wm. Betham, aft. sir W. 1683. Sir Rd. Carney, atjain, and Geo. 1854. Jno. Bernard Burke, aft. sir J. WaUis, Mav 25. JUDGES AND OTHER LEGAL DIGNITARIES OF IRELAND. The earlier portions of these lists have been compiled from the Liher Munerum Puhlicorum Hibernice, a work in two immense volumes, imperial folio, which was completed by the late Mr. Rowley Lascelles, from the compilations of Mr. Lodge, formerly Deputy Keeper of the Rolls and Keeper of the State Papers in Ireland, and printed by order of the House of Commons. It has never been published. A. few copies only were issued to high personages in the state, and to certain public offices, as records. A copy is in the British Museum, and may be seen there. There is no index to the book, but a separit^ index has been prepared and embodied in the 9th Report of the Record Offi:;e, Ireland (1877). Smyth's Chronicle of Irish Law Officers, a very useful little work, published in 18:^9, has also been consulted. The Irish Law Courts were modelled on those of England, the origin of which is shortly given at pp. 345-352, ante. The embarrassed condition of many of the Irish landowners led to the establishment first of an Incumbered Estates Court and afterwards of a Landed Estates Court. The Irish Supreme Court of Judicature is formed by a con- solidation of the old Irish Courts of Chancery, Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, Probate, and Matrimonial Causes, and the Lauded Estates Court, with a provision for the inclusion of the Court of Admiralty on the next vacancy in the judgeship thereof. It was established by the Supreme Court of Judicature (Ireland) Act, 1877, (40 & 41 Vict. c. 57), whereby a " Supreme Court of Judicature in Ireland" was established, to consist of two permanent divisions. 1. Her Majesty's High Court of Justice in Ireland. 2. Her Majesty's Court of Appeal in Ireland. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 573 1. HER MAJESTYS HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE IN IRELAND. President, the Lord Chancellor of Ireland for the time being ; in hia absence the L.C.J, of Ireland for the time being. This Court originally consisted of five divisions : — 1. The Chancery Division, consisting of the Lord Chancellor (President), the Master of the Rolls, the Vice Chancellor, and the Judges of the Landed Estates Court, who were to be called the Land Judges of the Chancery Division. 2. The Queen's Bench Division, consisting of the L.C.J, of Ireland (President), and the other Judges of the old Court of Queen's Bench, in all four Judges. 3. The Common Pleas Division, consisting of the L.C.J, of the Common Pleas (President) and the other Judges of the old Court of Common Pleas, in all three judges. 4. The Exchequer Division, consisting of the L.C. B. of the Exchequer (President) and the other Judges of the old Court of Exchequer, in all (after the next vacancy) three Judges. 5. The Probate and Matrimonial Division, consisting of the Judge of the Courts of Probate and for Matrimonial Causes. Upon the Admiralty jurisdiction falling into the Supreme Court it was to be exercised by the Judge of this division, which was thenceforward to be called the Probate, Matri- monial, and Admiralty Division. The titles of Lord Chancellor, Lord Chief Justice of Ireland, Master of the Rolls, L.C J. of the Common Pleas, and L.C.B. of the Exchequer wei-e to be retained, but all other future judges were to be styled '' Judges of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice in Ireland." By the Supreme Court of Judicature (Ireland) Act, 1887, (50 & 51 Vict. cap. 6), power was given on the next vacancies to abolish the offices of L.C.J, of the Common Pleas and L.C.B. of the Exchequer, to fill up the vacancies with ordinary puisne judges, and to " direct the amalga- mation and fusion " of the Common Pleas and Exchequer Divisions with the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court. This power has been acted on as regards the Common Pleas Division, which by Order in Council (Ireland) dated July 6, 1887, was abolished as from Oct. 20, 1887. II. HER MAJESTY'S COURT OP APPEAL IN IRELAND. This Court originally consisted of: — 1. Eive ex officio Judges, viz., the Lord Chancellor of Ireland, the L.C.J, of Ireland, the Master of the Rolls, the L.C.J, of the Common Pleas, and the L.C.B. of the Exchequer, but under the Supreme Court of Judicature (Ireland) Act, 1887 (50 & 51 Vict., cap. 6), power was given to abolish the last two offices ; vide supra. 2. Two ordinary Judges to be from time to time appointed. The first ordinary Judges were to be the existing Lord Justice of Appeal, and one other to be appointed either before or after the commencement of the Act. 574 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 3. Power was given to appoint as additional Judges any retired Lord Chancellor, Lord Chief Justice, Master of the Rolls, or Lord Chief Baron willing to serve. The ordinary and additional Judges are styled "Lords Justices of Appeal," The new system came into operation on Jan. 1, 1878. LORD CHANCELLORS, &c., OF IRELAND. The abhrevi(tt{ons signify, V. C. Vice ChunceUor ; D. C. De])uty C/iancel/or ; L. K. Lord Keeper ; D. L. K. Deputy Lord Keeper ; where no abhreviations appear, the person named is Lord Chancellor. 1337. Thos. Charlton, bp. of Hereford. 1338. Robt. de Henningberg. John de Battail, l. k. 1389. Roger Outlawe, again. Thos. Charlton, again. 1341. Robt. de Askeby. John le Archer, prior of St. John of Jerusalem. 1342. Roger Darcy, l. k. 1343. John de Battail, again ; app. by parlt., L. K. John le Archer, again. 1346. John Morice, or Morys, May 20. Roger Darcy, again, L. K. 1349. John le Archer, again. 1350. Wm. Bromley, l. k. John de St. Paul, abp. of Dublin. 1354. Richd. de Assheton. 1355. John de St. Paul, again. 1356. John de Frowyk (? 1357). 1357. Thos. Burley, prior of Kilmainham. Friar John de Mora, and Wm. Draiton, clerk, d. c. 1359. Thos. Burle}', prior of Kilmainham, again. 13G3. Richd. de Assheton, at/ain. 1366. Thos. Scurlock, abb. of St. Thomas's, Dublin, d. c. 1367. Thos. le Reve, first bp. of the united see of Waterford and Lismore. 1368. Thos. Burley, prior of Kilmainham, again. 1370. John de Botheby (? 1371). 1372. Wm. Tany, prior of Kilmainham. 1374. John de Botheby, again. Wm. Tany, prior of Kilmainham, again, Mar. 2, 1375. John Keppock, just. K. b. , d. c, Apr. 13. Richard II. 1377. Robt. do Wikeford, or Wickford, abp. of Dublin. Alcxr. Balscot. bp. of Ossory. 1379. John Colton, dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin. 1881. Wm. Tany, prior of Kilmainham, again, Feb. Richard I. 1189. Steph. Ridel. Hexry III. 1219. John de Worcheley. 1230. Fromond le Brun. 1232. Ralph Xevill, bp. of Chichester, Sept. 28. Geoffrey Turville, archdn. of Dublin, V. c. 1235. Alan de Sancta Fide. 1236. Robt. Luttrell, friar of St. Patrick's, Dublin, V. c. The same, as Id. chanc. 1237. Geoffrey Turville, again, as Id. chanc. Ralph, bp. of Norwich. 1245. 'Wm. Welward, Xov. 4. 1249. Ralph, bp. of Norwich again, July 9. 1259. Fromond le Brun. Edward I. 1272. Fromond le Brun, contd. 1283. Walter de Fulburn. 1288. Wm. de Buerlaco. 1292. Thos. Cantoc, aft. bp. of Emly. 1293. Walter de Thornburg. 1294. Adam Wodington. 1295. Thos. Cantoc, again. Edward II. 1307. Thos. Cantoc, contd. 1314. Richd. de Bereford. 1317. Wm. Fitzjohn, abp. of Cashel, Aug. 10. 1321. Roger Outlawe, or Utlagh, prior of St. John of Jerusalem. 1325. Alexr. de Bicknor, abp. of Dublin. 1326. Roger Outlawe, or Utlagh, again. Edward III. 1330. Adam de Limberg. 1331. Wm., prior of St. John's, near Dublin. 1332. Adam de Limberg, again. Roger Outlawe, or Utlagh, again. 1334. Adam de Limburg, again. 1335. Roger Outlawe, again. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 575 1381. Ralph Chene, or Cheney, l. k. 1385. Robt. de Wickford, abp. of Dublin, again. Robt. Sutton, V. c. 138G. Alesr. Balscot, bp. of Ossotj , again. Thos. de Everdon, v. c. The same, l. k. , with power to hear causes. 1387. Richd. White, prior of Kilmainham. 1388. Sir Robt. Preston, l. k. 1389. Alesr. Balscot, bp. of Ossory, again, Aug. 27. 1391. Sir Robt. Preston, again, as Id. chanc. 1392. Robt. Waldby. abp. (? archdn. ) of Dublin. 1393. Richd. Northalis, bp. of Ossory, May 29. 1394. Alexr. Balscot, now bp. of Meath, a(/ain. 1395. Robt. de Wickford, abp. of Dublin, again. 1397. Alexr. Balscot, bp. of Meath, again. Robt. de Braybrooke, bp. of London. Robt. Sutton, D. L. K, Thos. Cranley, abp. of Dublin. Henry IV. 1399. Thos. Cranley, contd. 1400. Alexr. Balscot, bp. of Meath, again, Jan. 4. 1401. Thos. Cranley, abp. of Dublin, aqain, Aug. 23. 1402. Thos. de Everdon, again, D. C. 1405. Richd. Rede, ch. just. k. b., and John Bermingham, 2nd just. C. P., jointly, D. c. c, Feb. 13. Robt. Sutton, a^(n'H, D.c. 1407. Laurence Merbury, or Marbury, aft. sir L., D. c, July 14. 1410. Patrick Barret, bp. of Ferns, June 13. 1412. Robt. Sutton, again, D.c, May 4. Thos. Cranley, abp. of Dublin,a^ain. Henry V. 1414. Sir Laurence Merbury, again. Id. chanc. Mar. 2. 1415. Thos Cranley,abp. of Dublin,a^atn. Patrick Barret, bp. of Ferns, again. 1416. Wm. Fitzthomas, prior of Kilmain- ham. 1419. Sir Laurence Merbury, again. 1421. Wm. Fitzthomas, aqain. May 24. Henry VI. 1422. Sir Laurence Merbury, again, Oct. 4- 1423. Richd. Sedgrave, or Segrave. Richd. Talbot, abp. of Dublin, May 19. 1426. Wm. Fitzthomas, again, Apr. 25. Sir Richd. Fitz-Eustace (No. 1), Sept. 10. Richd. Talbot., abp. of Dublin, again, Oct. 23. Robt. Sutton, again, l. k. 1434. Thos. Chase, clerk, l. k. 1435. Thos. Strange, aft. sir T., d. c. 1436. Sir Richd. Fitz-Eustaco (No. 1), again, v>. c. Robt. Dyke, Dyce, orDyche, archdn. of Dublin, l. k. 1441. Sir Thos. Strange, again,a,s Id. chanc. 1444. Richd. Wogan. 1445. Wm. Cheevers, d. c. 1446. Sir John Talbot, son and heir to the E. of Shrewsbury. Robt. Dyke, again, D. c. 1448. Thos. Fitzgerald, prior of St. Thomas's, D. c. Thos. Talbut, prior of Kilmainham, D. c. 1451. Sir John Talbot, aqain. 1453. Sir Edwd. Fitz-Eustace. 1454. Sir Wm. Wells, d.c. 1460. Edmd. (? E. of Rutland), younger son of the D. of York. John Dynham, Nov. 5, for life. Edward IV. 1461. Sir Robt. Preston, d. c. Sir Wm. Wells, July 8, for life ; conf. by parlt. 2 Edw. IV. 1462. John, E. of Worcester, for life. 1464. Thos., 7th E. of Kildare, for life ; conf. by parlt. 1468. Robt. Allaunston. 1469. Sir Wm. Dudley. 1472. Robt., Id. Portlester. The same, and John Taxton, jointly, and to the survivor of them, Apr. 10 ; conf. by parlt. 1474. Gilbert de Venham. Sir Richd. Fitz-Eustace (No. 2). 1480. AVm. Sherwood, bp. of Meath. 1481. Lawrence de St. Lawrence. Wm. Sherwood, bp. of Meath, again, Aug. 5. 1482. Walter Cbampflower, abb. of St. Mary's, l. k. 1483. Sir Robt. de St. Lawrence, bar. of Howth, July 10. Thos. Fitzgerald, of Lackagh ; const, by parlt. Henry VII. 1486. Roland, Id. Portlester. 1492. Alexr. Plunket, June 11 1494. Hy. Deane, prior of Lanthony, bp. of Bangor, Sept. 13. 1496. Walter Fitzsimons, abp. of Dublin. Aug. 6. 1498. Wm. Rokeby, aft. bp. of Meath, and abp. of Dublin. 1501. Walter Fitzsimons, abp of Dublin, again. Henry VIIL 1509. Nichs., Id. Howth, June 11. Walter Fitzsimons, abp. of Dublin, again. 1513. Sir Wm. Compton, Nov. 6, for life. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1515. Wm. Rokeby, now abp. of Dubliu, aiiain : Mar. 24. 1527. Hugh Inge, abp. of Dublin. 1528. John Allen, abp. of Dublin, Sept. 19. 1532. Geo. Cromer, abp. of Armagh, July 5. 1534. John, "id. of Trimleston, Aug. 16. 1538. John Allen, aft. sir J., l. k., July 25. The same, Id. chanc. , Oct. 18. 1546. Sir Thos. Cusake, or Cusack, L. ic. May 1. Sir Riehd. Read, r.. c, Nov. 6. Edward VI. 1547. Sir Richd. Read, l. k., Feb. 26. 1548. Sir John Allen, Apr. 22. 1550. Sir Thos. Cusack, in Sir John Allen's absence, d. c, app. Id. chanc, Aug. 5, 1551. Mary. 1553. Sir Thos. Cusack, contd. 1555. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, l. k., July 3. Hugh Curwen, abp. of Dublin, Sept. 13 ; by a separate pat. he had power to hear causes. Elizaueth. 1559. Hugh Cui-wen, abp. of Dublin, contd., during pleasure, June 8. 1567. Robt. Weston, deun of Arches, London, June 10. 1573. Adam Loftus, abp. of Dublin, L. K., May 21). 1576. Wm. Gerrard, dean of St. Patrick's, Apr. 23. 1577. Adam Loftus (No. 1), in Wm. Gerard's absence, l. k., Sept. 15. 1578. Adam Loftus (No. 1), as Id. chanc. James I. 1605. Thos. Jones, bp. of Meath, aft. abp. of Dublin ; Sir Jas. Ley, ch. just. K.b. ; Sir Edmd. Pelham, ch. bar. ex. ; Sir Anthy.St.Leger, m. rolls. ;l.k.k., Apr. 5. 1605. Thos. Jones, now abp. of Dublin, Oct. 14. 1619. Sir Win. Jones, ch. just. ic. b. : Sir Wm. Mcthwold, ch. bar. ex. ; Sir Fras. Aungior ; l.k.k., Apr. 10. 1619. Adam Loftus (No. 2), aft. vise. Loftus of Ely, Apr. 26. CHAUr.ES I. 1625. Adam, vise. Loftus of Ely, contd., Mar. 30. 1638. Robt.. Id. Dillon; Sir Adam Loftus (No. 3) ; Christr. Wandesford ; Sir Ph. Mainwaring, L. K. K., May 25 1639. Sir Richd Bullon, Doe. 0. CUARLES II. I 1665. Rd. Pepys, ch. just. k. b. ; I Sir Gerard Lowther, ch. just. c. p. ; I Miles Corbet, ch. bar. ex. Commra. 1656. Wm. Steele, under the parlt., Aug. 20. The Restoration. 1660. Sir Maurice Eustace, Oct 9. 1665. Michl. Boyle, abp. of Dublin, aft. abp. of Armagh, June 22. James II. 1685. Michl. Boyle, now abp. of Armagh, ayain, Feb. 19. 1686. Sir Chas. Porter, Mar. 22. 1687. Sir Alex. Fitton, Jan. 13. William IIL 1690. Richd. Pyne ; Sir Richard Rj'ves ; Robt. Rochfort; l. k. k., Aug. 1. Sir Chas. Porter, Dec. 3. 1696. Sir John Jeffreyson ; Thos. Coote ; Nehemiah Donellan ; Commrs., Dec. 31. 1697. John Methuen, Jan. 24. Anne. 1702. John Methuen, contd., July 26. 1703. Sir Richd. Cox, July 29 ; res. 1707. 1707. Richd. Freeman, June 12. 1710. Robt., E. of Kildare; Wm., abp. of Dublin ; Thos. Keightley ; Commrs. , Nov. 22. 1710. Sir Constantino Phipjjs, Dec. 22; res. Sept., 1714. George I. 1714. Alan Brodrick, aft. Id. and vise. Midleton, Sept. 30; res. 1725. 17-'5. Richd. West, May 29. 1726. Thos. Wyndham, aft. Id. Wyndha-n, Dec. 3. George II. 1727. Thos. Wyndham, amtd. 1739. Robt. Jocelyn, aft. Id. Newport and vise. Jocelyn, Aug. 30 ; «. Dec. 3, 1756. 1757. John Bowes, aft. Id. Bowes, of Clon- Ij'on, Mar. 11. George III. 1761. John. Id. Bowes, contd., Jan. 19; d. 1767. 1767. Jas. Hewitt, just. k. h. in England, Nov. 24 ; cr. Id. and aft. vi.sc. Lifford; d. 1789. 1789. Robt. Fowler, abp. of Dublin; Sir Hugh Carloton, ch. just.c.p. ; and Sir Samuel Bradstreot, just. K. U.; Commrs., May 5. THE BOOK OF DIGNIIIES. 577 1846. Maziere Brady, ch. bar. ex., July IG; res. 1852. 1852. Fras. Blackburne, ch. just. Q. b., Mar. 10; res. Dec. 1852. 1853. Maziere Brady, crt/ain, Jan. 13 ; res. Feb. 1858. 1858. Sir Joseph Napier, bt., 1867, Mar. 10 ; res. June 1859. 1859. Maziere Brady, again, June 27 ; res. Julv 1866. 1866. Fras. Blackburne, again, July 24 ; res. Mar. 1867. 1867. Abraham Brewster, Mar. 29 ; res. Dec. 1868. 1868. Thos. O'Hagan, just. c. p., Dec. 18; cr. Id. O'Hagan 1870; res. Feb. 1874. 1874. Commissioners. Sir Jos. Napier, bt. Mr. Justice Lawson. Wm. Brooke. Mar. 11. 1875. *John Thos. Ball, Jan. 1 ; res. Apr. 1880. 1880. Ld. O'Hagan, again, May ; res. Nov. 1881. 1881. Hugh Law, Nov. 11 ; rf. Sept. 10, 1883. 1883. Sir Edwd. Sullivan, bt., Dec. 11; d. Sept. 13, 1885. 1885. John Naish, May 21. Edwd. Gibson, July 1; cr. Id. Ash- bourne. 1886. John Naish, again, Feb. 11. Ld. Ashbourne, again, Aug. 5. * Under the S.C. J.L Act, 1877 (see ante, p. 573), the Ld. Chanc. on Jan. 1, 1878, became President of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice and one of the ex-officio judges of the Court of Appeal, 'i!"^}'. i*(-^WTfVwi,<^2i^ yf-^t 1789. John Fitzgibbon, cr. Id. and aft. vise. Fitzgibbon and E. of Clare, June 13; r/. Jan. 28, 1802. 1802. Sir John Mitford, cr. Id. Redesdale, Feb. 15. 1806. Geo. Ponsonby, Feb. 14; res. next year. 1807. Thos. Manners Sutton, bar. ex. in England, Apr. 23; cr. Id. [Manners. George IV. 1820. Thos.. Id. Manners, confd. 1827. Sir Anthv. Hart, v. chanc. England, Nov. 5 ; res. Nov. 1830 ; d. 1831. William IV. 1830. Wm. Conyngham, Id. Plunket, ch. just. c. 1'., Dec. 23 ; surr. Nov. 1834. 1835. Sir Edwd. Burtenshaw Sugden, Jan. 13 ; aft. Id. St. Leonards ; surr. Apr. 1835. Wm. Convngham, Id. Plunket, a^az'n, Apr. 30. Victoria. Wm. Conyngham, Id. Plunket, contd. Sir John Campbell, atty.-gen. in England ; cr. Id. Campbell, June 22 ; res. Sept. Sir Edwd. Burtenshaw Sugden, aft. Id. St. Leonards, aqain, Oct. 3, Oct. 8 ( ?} ; res. 1846.' 1837 1841 CHIEF AND PUISNE JUSTICES OF THE KING'S OR QUEEN'S BENCH, IRELAND. PRESIDENTS AND JUS- TICES OF THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE (IRELAND), QUEEN'S BENCH DIVISION. Chief Justices of the King's Bench. 1300. Walter L'Enfant. 1426. 1342. Elias de Asshebournham. 1429. 1346. John Hunt. 1434. 1354. John de Redenesse, Nov. 4. 1371. Wm. de Skipwith, Apr. 25. 146L 1373. John Keppok, or Keppock, Apr. 22. * * 1382. Sir Thos. de Mortimer, Mar. 3. 1496. 1384. John Penros, or Penrose, Feb. 27. 1521. 1385. John Shriggely ; from the ex., June 26. Richd. Plunket, July 10. 1532. 1388. 1534. Peter Rowe, Sept. 23. 1535. 1403. Steph. Bray ; from the c. p. Hy. Fortescue, June 25. Steph. Bray, again, Feb. 18. Christr. Bernevall, or Barnewall, 2nd just., Feb. 14. Thos. Plunket, May 11. Wm. Bermingham ; d. 1489. John Topclifle ; from the ex., Oct. 3. Patr. Bermingham, Feb. 28. Sir Earth. Dillon, 2nd just. ; from the ex. ; Jan. 15. Patr. Fynglass ; from the ex., May 8. Sir Gerald Aylmer; from the ex., Aug. 12. 37 578 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 1559. JohnPlunket, Oct. 12. 1562. The same, by new pat., Oct. 5. 1583. Jas. Dowdall, 2nd just., May 13. 1585. Robt. (iardener, or Gardiner, serjt. in England, Feb. 19. 1604. Sir Jas. Ley, aft. E. of Marlborough ; res. 1608. Sir Humfrey Winche, ch. bar. ex. ; aft. just. c. r. in England, Dec. 26. 1612. Sir .John Denham, ch. bar. ex., Feb. 28. 1617. Sir Wm. Jones, serjt. in England, Jan. 6. 1620. Sir Geo. (?Jno.) Shirley, serjt. in England, Mar. 4. 1665. Richd. Pepys ; under the Comnaon- wealth. 1658. John Santhey, Jan. 19 ; j)ro tern, on Pepys' death. Wm. Basil, atty.-gen., Jan. 24. 1660. Sir Jas. BaiTy.aft.ld. Santry,NoT. 17. 1673. SirJohnPovey; from the ex.. Mar. 21. 1679. Sir Robt. Booth, Mar. 28 ; d. next year. 1680. Sir Wm. Davys, or Davies, pr. serj., Feb. 21. 1687. Thos. Nugent, Oct. 7 ; rem. 1690. Sir Richd. Reynell, knt. and bt., Nov. 3; res. 1695. Sir Richd. Pyne, ch. just. c. p.. May 16. 1709. Alan Brodrick, Dec. 24 ; rem. 1711. Sir Richd. Cox, kt. and bt., June 4 ; rem. 1714. Wm. Whitshed, Sept. 30; rem. to the c. p. 1727. John Rogerson, atty.-gen., Apr. 3. 1741. Thos. Marlay ; from the ex., Dec. 29; res. 1751. St. Geo. Caulfield, atty.-gen., Aug. 27 ; res. 1760. Warden Flood, atty.-gen., July 31. 1764. John Gore, aft. Id. Annaly, solr.- gen. , Aug. 24. 1784. John Scott, cr. Id. Earlsfort ; aft. vise, and E. of Clonmel. Apr. 29. 1798. Arth. Wolfe, aft. vise. Kilwarden, June 13 ; murd. in the streets of Dublin by rebels in Emmett's in- surrection, July 23, 1803. 1803. Wm. Downes, aft! Id. Downes, Sept. 12. 1822. Chas. Kendal Bushe, solr. - gen., 1805, Feb. 14. 1841. Edwd. Pennefather, solr.-gen., Nov. 10. 1846. Eras. Blackburne, m. rolls, Jan. 23. 1852. Thos. Lefroy, Feb. ; res. 18G6. 186G. Jas. Whiteside, July 24; d. Nov. 1876. 1877. *Geo. Augs. Chichester May, Feb. 2, G. * Transferred Jan. 1, 1878, to the H.C.J. , Q.B. Division, and also made an ex-officio Judge of the Court of Appeal, under the S.C.J. I. Act, 1877. See ante, p. 572. Presidents of the High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division. (Lord Chief Justices of Ireland.) 1878. Geo. Augs. Chichester May, transf. from court of Q. B., Jan. 1. 1887. Michl. Morris, aft. bt. ; ch. just., c. p. dir. ; transf. to Q. B. div. on abolition of c. P. div., ut ante, p. 573. ht.!'- <-"''•. -/'A-' k'yy Puisne Justices op the King's Bench. 1322. 1344. 1352. 1357. « * 1371. 1381. 1382 1385. 1388. 1402. 1404. 1415. 1434. Robt. Bagod, Bigod, or Bigot. Nichs. Fastolf. Roger de Preston. John Hunter del Nash. Jeffrey Foljambe. John de Redenesse. Peter Jlalorre. Nichs. Meones. John Keppok, or Keppock. The same, by pat. dated Trym. Mar. 3. Jas. Penkeston. John Sothern. Robt. Coterell, July 10. Walter Penkeston ; pat. same date. John do Bermingham. John Lunibard. Roger Ilakenshawc. Christr. Borncvall, or Barnewall ; «ft. ch. just. 1434. Wm. Cheevers, or Chevyrs. 14G1. John Beg, or Begg, of Drogheda. 1513. 1527. 1535. 1553. 1559. 1560. 1566. 1575. 1577. 1583, Sir John Barnewall, Id. Trimleston. Sir Barth. Dillon. Christr. Dehihyde. Patr. White, vice Delahyde, Jan. 26. Thos. St. Lawrence, or Howth, Aug. 12. Sir Robt. Dillon, aft. ch. just. C. P. Luke Netterville, vice Dillon. Richd. Dillon, vice Netterville. Barth. Russell, clerk ; 3rd just. Jas. Dowdall, 2nd just. The same ; new appt. Barth. Russell ; now appt., May 26; 3rd just. Edmond Butler, atty. - gen. ; 2nd just. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 679 1584. Sir Nichs. Walshe, 2nd just. ; aft. ch. just c. p. 1590. Hy. Burnell. 3rd just., Oct. 15. Gerald Dillon, 3rd just., Nov. 26. 1599. Wm. Saxey, 2nd just. 11102. John Everard, 2nd just. 1604. Lewis Prowde, 3rd just. 1605. Geoffrey Osbaldeston, 2nd just. 1606. Sir Dominick Sarsfield, 3rd just. 1607. Sir Christr. Sibthorpe, 2nd just. ; rem. 1609. Sir Dominick Sarsfield, made 2nd just. 1610. Sir Wm. Sparke; "made a 4th or additional judge by the king's letters patent, in order to ride the circuits, and avoid the protraction of suits ; and to be 2nd justice when sir Dominick Sarsfield should be made chief judge of the common pleas." — Lib. Mun. Publ. Hib. Sir Dominck Sarsfield was directly aft. app. to the c. p. 1623. Sir Edwd. Harris, 3rd just. 1625. Sir Christr. Sibthorpe, 2nd just. 1632. Hugh Cressy, 2nd just. 1636. Sir Wm. Ryves, atty.-gen. ; 3rd just. 1644. Thos. Dongan, 2nd just. ; aft. bar. ex. 1659. John Cooke ; under the Common- wealth, 3rd just. 1660. Sir Wm. Aston, 2nd just. , Nov. 3. Thos. Stockton, 3rd just., Nov. 23. 1671. Oliver Jones, from the C. p., 2nd just. 1682. John Lyndon, 3rd serj., 2nd just. 1684. Sir Richd. Reynolds (called in some records Reynell), kt. and bt. , 3rd just. ; aft. ch. just. 1685. Thos. Nugent, 3rd just,; aft. ch. just. 1687. Sir Bryan O'Neile, bt., 3rd just. ; rem. 1690. Sir Richd. Stephens, 3rd just., vice O'Neile. 1691. Sir Hy. Echlin, 3rd just. ; from the ex. 1693. Thos. Coote, 3rd just. , vice Echlin, who returned to the ex. 1699. Robt. Tracy, 2nd just. ; aft. bar. ex. England. 1701. Jas. Macartney, 2nd just. ; rem. 1711. Richd. Nutley, 2nd just. ; rem. 1714. Jas. Macartney, ac/ain; transf. to the c. p. 1715. Jeffrey Gilbert, 2nd just. ; aft. ch, bar. ex. Wm. Caulfield, 3rd just. 1716. Godfrey Boate, pr. serjt., 2nd just. 1722. John Pamell, 2nd just. 1729. Michl. Ward, vice Pamell, 2nd just, 1734, Hy. Rose, vice Caulfield, 3rd just. 1743. Arth. Blannerhassett, pr. serjt. , vice Rose. 1758. Chas. Robinson. 1759. Wm. Scott, pr. serj. ; aft. bar. ex. 1768. Wm. Henn, vice Scott, July 12. 1784. Sir Saml. Bradstreet, recorder of Dublin; addl. or 4th just., Jan, 13. 1787. John Bennett, vice Robinson, May 10. 1791. Robt. Boyd, vice Bradstreet, Jane 27. Jos, Hewett, 2nd serjt., July 27. 1792. Wm. Downes, vice Bennett, Mar. 12 ; aft. ch. just. 1794. Tankerville Chamberlain, vice Hewett, June 20. 1798. Robt. Day, vice Boyd, Feb. 28. 1802. Chas. Osborne, vice Chamberlain, July 20. 1803. St. George Daly, vice Downes, Nov. 3. 1817. Edwd. Mayne, vice Osborne, Oct. 24. 1818. Richd. Jebb, vice Day, Dec. 1. 1820. Chas. Burton, vice Mayne, Dec, 2, 1822. Thos. B. Vandeleur, vice St. George Daly res. ; Mar. 4. 1834. PhiUp Cecil Crampton, solr.-gen., vice Jebb, Oct. 21. 1835. Louis Perrin, atty.-gen., vice Vande- leur, Aug. 31. 1847. Richd. Moore, Dec. 13. 1856. *Jas. O'Brien. 1859. Edmd. Hayes ; res. 1866. 1860. *Jno. David Fitzgerald, Feb. 1866. John George ; Oct. 18, G. ; d. 1871. 1872. *Chas. Robt. Barry, aft. Id. just. app., Jan. 13, G. * On Jan. 1. 1878, these judges were transferred to the H.C.J. Q.B. Div., under the S.C, J,L Act, 1877, See ante, p. 573. Puisne Judges op the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice. Trans/erred from the old Court of Queen'' s Bench, Jan. 1, 187 8t Jas. O'Brien, d. 1882. John David Fitzgerald, made Id., app. 1882. See ante pp. 351-2 and 358, Chas. Robt, Barry, made Id, just., app. 1883. 580 THE BOOK OF DIG.VITIES. Subsequent Appointments. 1883. Wm. O'Brien (transf. div.)- from 1882. Jas. Anthj'. Lawson (transf. from c.p. div.) ; d. 1887. 1883. Wm. Moore Johnson. Upon the abolition of the C.P.D. tinder the S.C.J.I. Act, 1887 (see ante, y. 573), the following judges became, on Oct. 20, 1887, judges of this Division, but with rela- tive rank according to their original appointments. Michl. Harrison, app. 1878. Jas. Murphy, app. 1883. Hugh Holmes, app. 1.S67. Subsequent Appointments. 1888. John Geo. Gibson, Jan. CHIEF AND PUISNE JUSTICES OF THE COMMON PLEAS. IRELAND. PRESIDENTS AND JUSTICES OF THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, IRELAND, COMMON PLEAS DIVISION. Chief Jusiices of the Common Pleas. * * Richd. de Exon. 1326. Hy. de Hambury. 1334. Robt. le Poer, May 10. Simon Fitz-Ricbard (2nd just.), rice le Poer, Oct. 13. 1343. John Gernoun, Apr. 13. 1353. Thos. de Dent. 1358. Sir Robt. de Preston, Oct. 14. 1378. Hv. Michell, Apr. 3. 1381. Steph. Brav, Mar. 8. 1384. E.lmd. dd'Clav, Feb. 27. 1414. John Fitz-Adam. 1419. Wm. de Tynbegh, July 20. 1425. John Blakcnej-, June 1(J. 1428. Sir Jas. Alleyne, Nov. 23. 1430. John Blakenev, nyain. May 13. 1446. Robt. Dowdall. 1461. Nichs. Barnewall, Aug. 1. 1464 Philip Bcrmingham, June 25. 1496. Thos. Bowryng, Oct. 3. 1532. Richd. Dtlahydo, Aug. 22. 1534. Thos. Luttrcll, of Luttrellstown, Oct. 17 ; aft. sir T. 1554. Sir John Bathe, k. serj., Julj' 7. 1559. Robt. Dillon, of Newtoun, near «' Trym," Sept. 3. 1562. The same ; new appt. * * Nichs. Nugent, vice Dillon, Oct. 5; res. 1581. Sir Robt. Dillon, of Rivorstown, Westmeatli (one of the justices), Juno 2H ; res. 1593. Sir Wm. Weston, Oct. 10. 1595. Sir Robt. Dillon ; rest, on death of Weston. 1597. Sir Nichs. Walsh; from the k. b., Oct. 22. 1610. SirrDominick Sarsfield, aft. Id. Kil- mallock ; from the K. b. ; June 21 ; in reversion after Walsh. 1615. Sir Duminick Sarsfield, succ. on Walsh's death, Nov. 28 : depr. by sentence of the court of Star- chamber in England. 1634. Sir Gerard Lowthcr, bar. ex. on Sarsfield being dcpr., Mar. il3. 1658. The same, by new pat. from Richd. Cromwell, protector, Oct. 7. 1660. Sir Jas. Donellan, Nov. .'.O. 1665. Sir Edwd. Smith ; res. June 13. 1669. Sir Robt. Booth, one of the justices, Jan. 28; made ch. just. k. b. 1679. John Keating, Apr. 25. 1691. Sir Richd. Pyne, Jan. 5 : made ch. just. K. B. 169j. Sir John Helv ; from the exch. , Mav 10. 1701. Sir Richd. Cox. 2nd just., May 4; made Id. chanc. 1703. Robt. Doyne, ch. bar., Dec. 27; pat. revoked. 1714. John Forster, recorder of Dublin, Sept. 20. 1720. Sir Richd. Levinge, knt. and bt., Julv 2. 1724. Thos. Wyndhaui, Oct 22 ; aft. Id. chanc. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 681 1726. Wm. Whitshed ; from the k. B.,Jan. 23. 1727. Jas. Reynolds, Nov. 3 ; res. and made a judge in England. 1740. Hy. Singleton, pr. serj., May 11 ; res., and made m. rolls. 1763. Sir Wm. Yorke, 2nd just., Sept. 4; aft. chanc. ex. 1761. Sir Richd. Aston, May 5, made just. K. B. in England. 1765. Richd. Clayton, k. c. in England, Feb. 21: res. 1770. Marcus Paterson. attv. gen., June 18. 1787. Hugh Carleton, Apr. 30; aft. Id. and vise. Carleton. 1800. John Toler, atty. gen.; aft. Id, and E. Norbury, Oct. 22. 1827. Wm. Conyngham," Id. Plunket, June 18; aft. Id, chanc. 1830. John Doherty, solr. gen., Dec. 23. 1850. Jas. Hy. Monahan, attv. gen., Sept. 23 ; res. 1876 ; d. 1879. 1876. *Michl. Morris, aft. bt., Feb. 9, G. * Tranferred Jan. 1, 1878, to the H.O.J. , C.P. Division, and also made an ex-officio Judge of the Court of Appeal under the S.C. J.I. Act, 1877 (see ante, p. 573). Ppesidents of the High Ooukt of Justice, Common Pleas Division. (Chief Justices of the Common Pleas.) 1878. Michl. Morris, aft. bt., transf. from court of C. P. Jan. 1 : made Id. ch. just, of Ireland and pres. of the Q. B. div. The C.P. Div., and the office of ch. just, thereof, were abolished Oct. 20, 1887, under S.C.J.I. Act, 1887. See ante, p. 573. Puisne Justices of the Common Pleas. * * Robt. Bagot. * * Simon Fitz-Richard. 1334. Richd. Broun, or Brown. 1342. Roger de Preston. 1346. Nichs. de Synterby. 1358. Barth. Dardys. # * * * 1439. Wm. Baldewyue. 1461. Bamaby Barnewall. 1528. Gerald Aylmer, aft. ch. bar. ex. and ch. just. K. B. 1535. Thos. Cusake, or Cusack, May 24 ; pat- rev. * * Walter Kerdyffe, Aug. 12. * * Richd. Talbot. * * Jas. Dowdall, 3rd just. ; rem. to K. B. * * Robt. Dillon, of Riverstown; rem. to K. B. 1581. Wm. Bathe, 2nd just. 1592. Thos. Dillon, 3rd just. 1600. Patr. Fitzgerald, 2nd just. Peter Palmer, 3rd just. 1602. Geo. Robinson; " appointed to supply the office of a justice in the absence of the other judges." ^Lodge. 1604. John Ady, 3rd just. 1606. Chas. Calthorpe, atty. gen., 2nd just. 1610. Gerald Lowther, addl. judge. 1621. John Phillpott, 3rd just. 1624. Saml. May art, vice Lowther. 1637. Jas. Donellan, 3rd just. t This name 1644, 1655. 1660. 1669. 1670. 1672. 1674. 1682. 1684. 1685. 1687. 1690. 1702. 1714. 1720, 1726, 1731, 1732, Wm. Hilton, at same time bar. ex. Jas. Donellan, again ; his commission signed by Oliver Cromwell, "^uam diu se bene gesserit " ; aft. ch. just. Sir Jerome Alexander, 2nd just., vice ]Mayart. Sir Robt. Booth, vice Donellan, 3rd just. ; aft. ch. just. K. B. Robt. Johnson, 3rd just. ; pat. rev. Oliver Jones, 3rd just. ; rem. to the K. B. Adam Cusake, or Cusack. 3rd just. Sir Richd. Reynell, 2nd serjt. 2nd just. ; rem. to the K. b. Arthur Turner, 3rd just. Saml. Gorges, 3rd just. Robt. Johnson, vice Reynell, 2nd just. Denis Daly, vice Johnson, 2nd just. Peter Martin, vice Gorges. Sir Richd. Cox, vice Daly; aft. Id. chanc, Sept. 2. t John Jefferson, serjt. , Dec. 6. John Smyth, vice Jefferson, Feb. 20. Sir Gilbert Dolben, bt.,.Tune 24. Anthy. Upton, vice Smith. Jas. Macartney, from the k. B.,vice Upton. Geo. Gore, atty. gen., vice Dolben. Fras. Bernard, pr. serjt., vice Ma^ cartney. Robt. Dixon, 2nd serjt., vice Ber- nard. Robt. Lindsay, vice Dixon. doubtful. 582 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1742. Wm. Yorke, rice Lindsay, aft. ch. > 1806. Edwd. Mayne, vice Finucane, Feb. ]U8t. 1745. Robt. French, vice Gore. 1753. Robt, Marshall, vice Yorke ; app. ch. just. 1761. Thos. Tennison, pr. serjt., rice French. 1767. Edmd. Malono, vice Marshall, Dec. 11. 1774. Godfrey Lill, vice Malone, Dec. 15. 1779. Robt. ilellen, vice Tennison. May 4. 1784. Thos. Kelly, vice Lill, Jan. 9. Alexr. Crookshank, addl. or 4th just., Jan. 14. 1793, Tankerville Chamberlain, vice Hel- len, Dec. 6. 1794. Matthias Finucane, vice Chamber- lain, res., June 20. 1800. Luke Fox, vice Crookshank, Feb. 27. 1801. Robt. Johnson, vice Kelly, June 23. 21 ; aft. just. K. B. Wm. Fletcher, I'lcc Johnson. 1816. Arthur Moore, 1st serjt., vice Fox res. July 23. 1817. Wm. Johnson, 1st serjt. , vice Mayne, Oct. 25. 1823. Robt. Torrons, chairman of Kil- mainham, rice Fletcher, July 10 j (I. 1856. 1839. Xichs. Ball, attv. ^on., vice Moore, Feb. 23 ; BISHOPS OF ARMAGH. 444. St. Patrick founded this see about 808. Xuad (MacSegine). this year. 812. MacLoingle (Flangus). 455. St. Beiien; res. 822. Artrigius. 465. St. Jarlath, the son of Trien. 833. Eugene I. (.Monaster). 482. Cormac. 834. Faranan ; res. 497. Dabtach I. 848. St. Dermod (O'Tigernach). 51.3. Aililll. 852. Factna. 526. Ailill II. 872. Ainmire. 536. Dnbtach II. 875. Catasach I. (MacRabarlach). 548. David (MacGuaire Hua Farannan), 883. Mcelcob (MacCrumvail). 551. Fiedliniid. 885. Mool-Brigid (Mac Dornan). 578. Cairlan. 927. Joseph. 588. Eschaid (MacDermod). 93(5. Mfol-Patrick (MacMaoltule). 598. Senach. 937. Catasach II. (MacDulgen). 610. MacLaisir (supposed to be St. 957. Muirdach (MacFergus). Ternan). 966. Dubdalethy II. (MacKellach). 623. Thomian (ilacRonan). * * Murechan; res. 998. 661. Segene. 1001. Mailmury, or Marian. 688. FlanFebla. 1021. Amalgaid. 715. Suibhney. 1050. Dubdalethy III. 730. Congusa. 1065. Cumasach (O'Herudan). 750. Oele-Peter. 1065. Mrelisa I. (MacAmalgaid). 758. Ferdachry. 1092. Donald (MacAmalgaid). 768. Foendelach; res. 1106. Celsus (MacAid MacMffllisa). 778. Dubdalethv I. 1129. Maurice (MacDonald). 793. Assiat. 1134. Malachy O'Morgair, tr.from Connor : 794. Cudiniscus. tr. to Down. 798. Conmach. 1137. Gelasius (MacRoderick) ; made 807. Torbach (Mac Gorman). abp. 1152. See '• Archbishops of Armagh,'" infra. ARCHBISHOPS OF ARMAGH 1152. Gelasius (MacRoderick), above 1404. named ; the 1st abp. 1417. 1174. Cornelius (MacConcalede) abb. of St. Peter and >t. Paul, Armagh. 1439. 1175 Gilbert (O'Caran), tr. from Raphoe. 1444. 1184. Maelisa II. (O'Carrol), tr. from Clogher. 1457. 1184. Amlave (O'Murid). 1475. 1185. Thos. O'Connor. 1477. 1206. Eugene II. (MacGillivider). 1480. 1220. Luke Xettervill. 1513. 1227. Donate Fidatra, tr. from Clogher. 1522. See vacant 3 years. 1543. 1240. Albert of Cologne ; res. 1247. Reiner. 1257. Abraham O'Conellan. 1261. Patr. O'Scanlan. 1272. Nichs. Mac Melissa. 1552. 1305.' John Taaf. 1306. Walter de Jorse ; res. 1311. Roland de Jorse ; res. 1322. Steph. Segrave, rector of Stepney, London. 1562. 1334. David O'Hiraghty. 1568. 1347. Richd. Fitz Ralph. 1584. 1361. Milo Sweetman. 1589. 1382. John Colton, dean of St.Patrick ; res. 1595. Nichs. Fleming. John Swayn. rector of Gall Irim, Meath ; res. John Prene. John Mey John Bole, abb. of St. Mary. Xavan. See vacant nearly 5 years. John B^oxall. Edmd. Connesburgh; res. Octavian de Palatio. John Kite ; res Geo. Cromer. Geo. Dowdall ; app. by the king, but the pope would not confirm him in the see, and app. Robt. Wauchope, a Scotsman, who was never allowed possession. Hugh Goodacre. The see was vacant for some years. exct-pt at the time that abp. Dowdall filled it during the reign of Mary. Adam Loftus(No. 1) tr to Dublin. Thos. Lancaster. John Long. John Garvey, tr. from Kilmore. Hy. Ussher, archdn. of Dublin. 38 * 596 THE BOOK OP DIGNITIES. 1613. 1624. 1661. 1663. 1678. 1713. 1714. 1724. 1742. Christr. Hampton, bp. elect of | Derry. Jas. Usher, tr. from Meath; d. 1655. ' John Bramhall, tr. from Derry. Jas. Marjjetson, tr. from Dublin. Michl. Boyle, tr. from Dublin. Narcissus Marsh, tr. from Dublin. Thos. Lindsay, tr. from Raphoe. Hugh Boulter, tr. from Bristol. John Hoadley, tr. from Dublin. See " .\rchbi8hop8 of Armagh and 1747. Geo. Stone, tr. from Derry. 1765. Richd. Robinson, tr. from Kildare ; or. Id. Rokebv. of Armagh, in 1777. 1795. Wm. Newcombe, tr. from Waterford. 1800. Hon. Wm. Stuart; tr. from St. David's. 1822. Lord John Geo. de la Poer Beresford, tr. from Dublin. See united to Clogher, 1850. Bishops of Clogher," /jos^, p. 597. BISHOPS OF CLOGHER. The lists of the earlier bishops are very imperfect, and dififer considerably from each other. Those given below include all whose title is generally admitted, but Sir James Ware names forty-five bishops between 506 and 1126; of whom eleven are named between the death of St. Macartin, in 506, and the death of Laserian, in 571. 1505. Eugene Mac Camoeil, dean. See vacant 4 vears. * * St. Macartin ; d. 50(5. * * St. Tigernach : d. 550. * * St. Sinell. * * Feidlimid. * * St. Laserian; d. 571. * * St. Aidan, made bp. of Lindisfarn ; d. 651. * * Airmeadach. * * Foeldobar ; d. 731. * * Ailill ; d. 898. * * St. Cenfail ; d. 929. 1126. Christian O'Morgair. 1139. EdanO'Kelly. 1182. Mcelisa (O'Carol), tr. to Armagh. 1184. Christian O'Macturan, abb. of Clon- macnois. 1519. Patr. Cullin. See vacant 8 years. 1542. Hugh O'Cervallan. 1570. Miler Magragh, tr. to Cashel, 1571 first Protestant bp. See vacant many years. 1605. Geo. Montgomery, dean of Norwich. He held the sees of Derry and Rap- hoe with this : resigning these, he got Meath, which he held with this see until his death. 1621. Jas. Spottiswood. 1645. Hy. Jones, dean of Ardagh ; tr. to Meath. 1191. Mcelisa (Mac-Mail-Ciaran), abb. of 1661. John Lesley, tr. from Raphoe. Millefont, 1195. Tigernach, MacGilla Ronan. 1218. Donate Fidatra, tr. to Armagh. 1227. Nehemiah O'Brogan. 1240. David O'Brogan. 1268. Michl. (MacAntsair), archdn. 1287. Matt. MacCatasaid I., chanc. of Armagh. 1316. Gelasius O'Banan. 1320. Nicholas MacCatasaid, archdn. 1356. Bernard MacCamaill, archdn. 1361. Matt. MacCatasaid II., archdn. * * Odo O'Neal, chanc. of Armagh; d. 1370. O'Corcroin. Arth. MacCamaill, archdn. Peter Macguire, archdn. : res. Roger Macguire. Eduid. Courcy, tr. to Ross. See vacant 8 years. Nehemiah Clonin, res. 1502. Patr. O'ConoUy, abb. of St. Peter and St. Paul, Clonmacnois. 1370. 1389. 1432. 1449. 1485. 1504. 1671. Robt. Lesley, tr. from Raphoe. 1672. Roger Boyle, tr. from Down and Connor. 1691. Richd. Tennison, tr. from Killala and Achonry ; tr. to Meath. 1697. St. George Ash, tr. from Cloyne ; tr. to Derry. 1717. John Sterne, tr. from Dromore. 1745. Robt. Clayton, tr. from Cork and Ross. 1758. John Garnet, tr. from Leighlin and Ferns. 1782. John Hotham, tr. from Ossory. 1796. Wm. Foster, tr. from Kilmore. 1798. John Porter, tr. from Killala. 1819. Lord John Geo. de la Poer Beres- ford, tr. from Raphoe ; tr. to Dublin. 1820. Hon. Percy Jocelyn, tr. from Leigh- lin and Ferns ; depr. 1822. Lord Robt. Ponsonby Tottenham, tr. from Ferns and Leighlin. See united to Armagh, 1850. See "Archbishops of Armagh and bishops of Clogher," /)0.s7, p. 597. • The family name of this bishop is lost ; for those ho is here called by aro assumed names, according to a custom often practised among ecclesiastics, to express their devotion to Christ, or some saint. Ma>lisa means '• tiie servant of Christ": and Mac-ilail-Ciaran, " the son of the servant of St. Kiaran." THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 597 ARCHBISHOPS OP ARMAGH AND BISHOPS OF CLOGHER. 1850. Lord Geo. John de la, Peer Beres- I 1862. Marcus Gervaise Beresford. ford,abp.of Armagh, above-named. | On his death, in 1886, Armagh and Clogher were again separated. Vide infra. ARCHBISHOP OF ARMAGH. !. Robert Bent Knox, tr. from Down, &c., May 11. BISHOP OF CLOGHER. 1886. Chas. Maurice Slack, consec. June 29. DEANS OF ARMAGH. 1238. Mauritius, or Maurus. 1681. 1256-7. Abraham O'Conellan, made abp. i same year. | 1691. 1256-7. Joseph. 1272. Brice. 1722. 1301 to 1330. Dionysius, or Denis. 1362. Patr. O'Kerry. 1731. 1372. Maurice Dovey, or O'Dove. 1397. Maurice O'Corry. 1736. 1406. Thos. O'Luchan, or O'Lucheran. 1425 to 1441. Denis 6'Culean. 1753. 1443 to 1474. Chas. O'Niellan. 1764. 1483. Edmd. McCamaill. 1518. Edmd. McKamyll, or McCamaill. 1768. 1551. Terence Daniel, or Thirlagh O'Don- nel. 1796. 1590. Eugene Woods ; d. 1610. 1610. Robt. Maxwell. 1830. 1622. Geo. Mackeston, or Makeson. 1635. Jas. Frey, L. P. Nov. 15. 1841. 1636-7. Peter Wentworth. 1643. Wm. Sley. 1851. 1661. Eras. Marsh; bp. of Limerick, 1667. 1667. Jas. Downbam, L. P. June 19 ; (/. 1875. 1681. 1886. Barth. Vigors, L. P. June 29 ; bp. of Ferns, 1690. Peter Drelincourt, L. P. Feb. 28; d. 1722. Richd. Daniel, L. P. June 28; res. 1731. John Brandreth, L. P. Mar. 21 ; res. 1736. Jas Auchmuty, L. P. July 1 ; d. 1753. Anthy. Cope, L. P. Feb. 1 ; d. 1764. Benj. Barrington, L. P. July 7 ; res. 1768. Hugh Hamilton, L. P. Apr. 23 ; bp. of Clonfert, 1796. Hon. Jas. Hewitt, L. P. Feb. 20 ; d. 1830. Jas. Edwd. Jackson, L. P. Sept. 4 ; (/. 1841. Edwd. Gust. Hudson, L. P. Sept. 1; d. 1851. Brabazon Wm. Disney, L. P. Dec. 23 ; d. 1874. John Reeves. Geo. Alexr. Chadwick. DEANS OF CLOGHER. 1390. Peter O'Heoghain. 1414. Donal O'Heoghain. 1427 to 1435. Philip. 1458. John M'Kathmoyll, or MacCamaill. 1498. Chas. Maguire ; d. 1498. 1505. Eugene MacCamaill. 1508. Wm. MacCaghwell, or MacCamaill. 1530. Odo. 1606. Robt. Openshaw, July 7. 1617. Robt. Barclav, Barkley, or Berke- ley, L. P. Apr. 20. 1621. Donald Clogh (? Robert). 1634. Robt. Barkley ( ? again), Dec. 13. 1661. John Hudson, Fe" '" ' phin, 1667. 13 ; bp. of El- 1662. One Thos. Gowen appears as claim- ing the deanery, but never was in possession. 1667. John Roane, L. P. Aug. 19; bp. of Killaloe, 1675. 1675. Richd. Tennison, L. P. Apr. 29; bp. of Killala, 1681. 1682. Jos. Williams, L. P. Apr. 20; d. 1716. 1716. Wm. Gore, L. P. June 7 ; res. 1724. 1724. Jonn.Smedley,L.P.Apr.l3; res. 1727. 1728. Paschal Ducasse, L. P. Feb. 29; d. 1730. 1730. Edwd. Cressett, L. P. July 4. 1738. John Copping, inst. May 25. 598 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1743. Wm. Langton, L. P. Sept. 24: d. 1799. Lord John Geo. de la Poer Beresford, 1761. Dec.23 : bp.of Cork andRo88,180G. 1701, Edvrd. Young. L. P. Sept. 29 : bp. , 1806. Richd. Bagwell, Feb. 21 ; d. 1825. of Dromore, 1763. 1826. Hon. Robt. Win. Hv. Maude, inst. 1763. Richd. Woodward, Aug. 27 ; bp.of! May 27 ; (I. 1861. Clovne, 1781. 1862. Ogle \Vm. Moore. L. P. Jan. 21. 1781. Cadogan Keatinge, Mar. 2 ; r/. 1799. 1874. Thos. Lo Ban Kennedy. DEANS OF LOUTH. * * Donell, dean of Louth ; il. 10(!5. I * * O'Robhartaigh, dean of Louth ; d. I 1081. At a period now unknown, but supposed to be in the eleventh century, the bishopnc of Louth was united to that of Clogher. DIOCESE OF MEATH, INCLUDING CLONARD AND CLONMACNOIS. There were formerly many episcopal sees in Meath,as Clonard, Duleek, Kells, Trim, Ardbraccan, Dunshaughlin, and Slane, besides otliers of less note. All of these, with the exception of Duleek and Kells, were consolidated, and their common see fixed at Clonard, before the year 1152 ; at which time the divisions of the bishoprics in Ireland was made by Cardinal Paparo. Subsequently Duleek and Kells were merged into the general see. The see of Clonard was founded by St. Finian about 520. Bishop Eugene, who succeeded in 1174, changed the name of the see to Meath, but the see remained at Clonard until about 1206, when bishop Eoch- fort, of Meath, changed it to Newtown, near Trim, and made the abbey church of St. Peter and St. Paul, which he had just founded for Augustine canons, the cathedral. At the Reformation, King Henry VIII. converted the church of St. Mary's abbey at Ballymore, near Loch Seudy, in Westmeath, into a cathedral for this see ; but how long it continued so is uncertain. CiiONMACNOis was founded by St. Keiran or Kiaran about 549. In 1568, on the death of bishop Wall, the see was united to Meath, and that title was alone preserved by the succeeding bishops. The deans of the united sees still take their title from Clouinacnois. BISHOPS OF CLONARD. 520. St. Finian 733. Beglatneu. 563. Senach. 755. Fulortach. * * Fiachre. 774. Algnicd. « * Colnian. 778. Cormac I. (Maay). (ia2. Ossenius. 828. Cormac 11. Ultan O'Cunga. 882. Ruuiold MacCathasach. r.65. Becan. 919. Colnian MacAilill. (J87. Coluian O'lleir. 924. Ferdomniich MacFlaniigan. 700. Dubdan O'Foelan. 930. Moctean. 716. Ailchu. 940. Malfc.hin. 726. Ficnmale MacGirthid. 942. Bechan JiacLuctnaii. ; 731. Tola MacDunchad. 971. Faithuian. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 599 1010. Tuethal O'Dunluing. 1028. Cellach O'Clerchen. 1043. Tuathal O'FoUanmuin. 1055. Tigernach Boircech. 1061. Murchertach Mac Longsee. 1092. Idunan. 1110. Concovar. 1117. Fiachry. 1135. Christian O'Hagan. 113G. Eochaid O'Kelly. 1140. O'Follomar. 1150. Eleutherius. 1174. Eugene, who changed the name of the see to Meath. See '• Bishops of Meath," infra. BISHOPS OF MEATH. 1174. 1194. 1224. 1227. 1230. 1250. 1287. 1321. 1327, 1350. 1353. 1369. 1380. 1386. 1402. 1413. 1430. 1434. 1450. 1400. 1483. ir>07. 1512. 1523. 1530. 1554. 1563. 1584. 1605. ir.io. Eugene, ahove-named. Simon Rochfort. Deodatus. Ralph le Petit, archdn. of Meath. Richd. de la Corner, canon of St. Patrick's, Dublin. Hugh de Tachmon, Thos. St. Leger. John O'Carrol, tr. to Cork. Wm. de St. Paul. Wm. St. Leger, archdn. of Meath. Nichs. Allen, abb. of St. Thomas, near Dublin. Steph. de Valle, dean of Limerick. Wm. Andrew, tr. from Achonry. Alexr. de Balscot, tr. from Ossory. Robt. Montmain. Edwd. Dantsey, archdn. of Cornwall. Wm. Hudsor. Wm. Silk. Edmd. Ouldhal of Norwich. Wm. Sherwood. John Pain, or Payne. Wm. Rokeby, tr. to Dublin. Hugh Inge, tr. to Dublin. Richd. Wilson. Edwd. Staples, depr. 1554. Wm. Walsh, depr. 1560. Hugh Brady. In 1568 the see of Clonmacnois was united to or merged in that of Meath, the latter title being alone Thos. Jones, tr. to Dublin. Roger Dod, dean of Salop. Geo. Montgomery, dean of Norwich ; bp. of Derry, Raphoe, and Clogher. 1621. 1625. 16G0. 1661. 1682. 1697. 1705. 1716. 1724. 1727. 1732. 1734. 1744. 1758. 1765. 1766. 1798. 1823. 1840. 1842. 1850. 1852. 1866. 1876. 1885. Jas. Ussher, tr. to Armagh. Anth. Martin, dean of Waterford. Hy. Leslie, tr. from Down and Connor. Hy. Jones, tr. from Clogher. Anthy. Dopping, tr. from Kildare. Richd. Tennison, tr. from Clogher. Wm. Moreton, tr. from Kildare. John Evans, tr. from Bangor. Hy. Downs, tr. from Elphin ; tr. to Dcrry. Ralph Lambert, tr. from Dromore. Welbore EUis, tr. from Kildare. Arth. Price, tr. from Leighlin, &c. ; tr. to Cashel. Hy. Maule, tr. from Dromore. Hon. Hy. Carmichael, tr. from Ferns, &c. ; tr. to Dublin. Richd. Pocock, tr. from Ossory. Arth. Smythe, tr. from Down, &c. ; tr. to Dublin. Hon. Hy. Maxwell, tr. from Dro- more. Thos. Lewis O'Beirne, tr. from Ossory. Nathl. Alexander, tr. from Down and Connor. Chas. Dickenson, Dec. Edwd. Stopford, consec. Nov. 6. Thos. Stewart Townshend, dean of Lismore, Oct. 3. Joseph Henderson Singer. Saml. Butcher. Wm. Conyngham, Id. Plunket ; tr. to Dublin. Chas. Parsons Reichel, dean of Clon- macnois, consec. Sept. 30. BISHOPS OF CLONMACNOIS. 961 St. Kiaran, the founder. St. Tigernach. Baitan (O'Cormac), d. 663. * * * Joseph, of Rosmore, d. 839. Moeldarius, d. 886. Cropery, or Corprey Crom, d. 899. Colman, d. 924. Cormac O'Killeen. d. 964. Tuathal, d. 969. Durichad O'Braoin, res. 1220, Ectigern O'Ergain, d. 1052. Colocair, d. 1067. Ailill O'Harretaigh, d. 1070. Christian O'Hectigern, d. 1103. Donald O'Dubhai, d. 1136. Moriertach O'Melider. seated h-re in 1152. Tigernach O'Moeleoin, d. 1172. Mureach O'Marrechan, d. 1213. Edan O'Maily, d. 1220. Mrelronv O'Modein. '600 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1230 1236. 1252. 1290. 1298. 1303. 13tt0. 1236. 1280. 1426. 1459. 1561. 1579. 1601. 1628. 1629. 1633. 1634. 1640. 1661. 1668. 1681. 16—. Hugh O'Malone. Elias. Thomas. Thos. O'Quin. See vacant nearly 2 vears. Gilbert, res. 1281. See vacant 2 years. Wm. O'Duffy, Wm. O'Findan, abb. of Kilbeggan. See vacant some years. Donald O'Brian. Lewis O'Daly, rf. 1337. • Henry, d. 1367. Richard. Philip, d. 1388. Milo Corv. * * O'Galachor, d. 1397. l;5!t8. Peter, abb. of Granard 1411. Philip O'Moeil. 1423. David Brendoc. See vacant some years 1427. Cormac MacCoughlan. 1444. JohnOldais. * • John, d. 1486. 1487. Walter Blake, canon of Enaghdune. 1508. Thomas. 1516. Quintin. 1538. Richard Hogar. 1539. Florence Gerawan. 1556. Peter Wall. See merged in Meath, 1568. See ante, pp. 598-9. DEAXS OF CLOXMACNOIS. Thomas. Gilbert. Cormac MacCoghlan. Odo O'Molan, or Malonp. Wm. Flvnn, Jan. 27. Miler M'Clery. Wm. Leicester, Lester, or Lyster. Marcus Lynch, or Lynche, May 18. Richd. Price, Mar. 31. Saml. Clarke, inst. Aug. 29. Wm. Burlcy, June 25. Wm. Meyler, or Meale.s. John Kerdiffe. Hy. Cottingham, Oct. 15. Theoph. Harrison, inst. Oct. 21. Steph. Handcock. I 1697. ! 1720. 1742. 1761. 1800. 1806. 1811. 1847. 1862. 1882. 1885. Theoph. Harrison (? again'). Anthy. Dopping, inst. July 2 ; bp. of Ossory, 1741. John Owen,' Feb. 18 ; d. 1760. Arth. Champagne, Mar. 13; d. 1800. Chas. Mongan Warburton, Nov. or Dec. 20; bp. of Limerick 1806. Thos. Vesey Dawson, Aug. 11 ; d. 1811. Hy. Roper, Dec. 6 ; d. 1847. Richd. Butler, Dec. ; d. 1862. John Brownlow. Chas Parsons Rcichel ; bp. Meath, 1885. Fras. Hy. Swift. DIOCESE OF DERRY AND RAPHOE. The see of Derry, when first founded, was placed at Ardsrath, whence it was translated, about 597, to Maghera, and in 1158 to Derry, when Flathbert O'Brolcan, abbot of Derry, was made bishop of it. Flath- bert built the cathedral in 1164 ; and the edifice becoming ruinous, it was rebuilt by the colony of Londoners who settled here in the reign of James I. It is difficult to determine the time when the see of Raphoe was founded. St. Columb-Cile founded a monastery here, which was after- wards enlarged and repaired by other holy men ; but it is the general opinion, that St. Eunan erected the church into a cathedral, and was the first bishop of the see. History is very defective in the account of his successors, until the arrival of the English. On the death of bishop Bissett, in 1834, Derry and Raphoe were united under 3 & 4 Wm. IV. cap. 37. BISHOPS OF DERRY. 1158, Flathbert O'Brolcan. * * Maurice O'Coffy, or O'Dubthaic ; . Augustus. 1729. Saml. Hutchinson, Nov. 6; bp. of 1604. Isaac Plume. Feb. 1. Killala, 1759. 1609. Win. Todd. 1759. "Walter Cope, Aug. 17; bp. of Clon- 1621. Thos. Wilson, Nov. 27. fert, 1772. 1622. .Tno. Wall, .lune 15. 1772. Hon. Jos. Deane Bourkc, L. P., 1628. Robt. Dawson, July 9. Mar. 4; abp. of Tuam, 1772. 1629. Wm. Moore, Feb. 10. 1772. Ralph or Raphael Walsh, Oct. 6; d. 1635. Geo. Svnge, Feb. 21 ; bp. of 1808. Cloyne, 1638. . 1809. Jas. Mahon, Jan. 6. 1638. Robt. Forward, L. P., Nov. 26. 1841. Wm. Hy. Wynne; elected by the 1642. Nichs. Graves, Mar. 21. chapter. 1673. Wm. Smvth, Aug. 23; bp. of Kil- 1842. Holt Waring. L. P., Nov. 10: •> * * ^ O'MooI Fogamair, d. 1151. Imar O'Ruadan. Donat O'Beoda. Cormac O'Tarpaid, or O'Torpj'. John O'Malfagamair. O'Laidig, or O'Loj'n. John O'Laidig, or O'Loyn. Donat O'Flaherty. John Tankard, archdn. John O'Laitin, d. 1343. See vacant 3 years. Wm. O'Dowda. Robert. Thos. Lodowis. Thos. Orwell. Thomas, archdn. Muredach Clerach, d. 1403. O'Haneki, dean. Connor O'Connell I., d. 1426. Martin, d. 1431. 1505 1591. Manus Fitz Fultagh O'Dowda, archdn. ; d. 1436. Connor O'Connell II., slain m 1461 by Manus O'Dowda's son. Donat O'Concubhair, or O'Connor. John O'Cashin, res. about 1490. Thomas, d. 1497. Thos. Clerk, or Cleragh. res. Malachy O'Clowan, or Cluan. Rd. Barrett, seated here in 1523. Redmund Gallakan. seated here in 1549. Owen O'Connor, dean. He sat about 16 years ; and on his death, Miler Magrath, abp. of Cashel, held this see, together with Achonry, in commendam, for almost 15 years. On his death, archdn. Hamilton was advanced to the see of Killala, and held that of Achonry in commendam ; and this union has continued ever since. See " Bishops of Killala and Achonry,'' post, p. 613. BISHOPS OF ACHONRY. St. Nathy, or Cruimthir Nathy ; 1445. promoted about 530. * * * * * * 1449. * * Melruan O'Ruadan ; d. 1170. 1214. Gillasius O'Ruadan. * * 1219. Clemens O'Sinadaig. 1473. 1226. Carus O'Tarpa, abb, of Mollifont. * * 1230. Gclisa O'Clery. 1489. 1237. Thos. O'Ruadan. 1238. Oengus O'Clumain. * * 1251. Thos. O'Miachan. 1492. 1266. Dennis O'Miachan, archdn. 1286. Benedict. ♦ * Hy. MacO'Reghty, «/. 1297. 1585. * * Benedict O'Brogan, t/. 1311. 1607. 1312. David. * * Murchard O'Hara. d. 1344. * * David, d. 1348. 1373. Nichs. O'Hedram. 1374 Wm. Andrew, tr. to Meath. Laurence Peter Jacopin. Thady,f/. 1448. Gasper, abb. of Boyle. Jas. Blakedon, tr. to Bangor, 1452. Cornelius, (/. 1472. Robt. Wellvs. Bernard, d. 1488. John de Bustamento, a Spaniard ; never visited the see. Richard, (/. 1492. Thos. Fort, Augustine canon. Cormac, seated here in 1523. Eugene. 1607. Miler Magragh, abp. of Cashel, ob- tained this see in 1607. and al.so that of Killala, and hold thoin both till his death, from which time the two sees have always gone together. See "Bishops of Killala and Achonry," /lo.s/. p. 613. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. BISHOPS OF KILLALA AND ACHONRY. 1607. 1623. 1630. 1640. 1660. 1663. 1670. 1679. 1681. 1681- 1690. 1717. 1720. Jliler ilagrath, abp. of Cashel. See Killala, ante, p. 612. Archd. Hamilton, of Glasgow ; tr. to Cashel. Archd. Adair, dean of Raphoe ; depr. John Maxwell, tr. from Ross, in Scotland ; tr. to Tuam. The see continued vacant from his translation in 1645 to the Restora- [ tion. Hy. Hall, chapl. to the Id.-lieut. Thos. Bayly, dean of Down. Thos. Otway, tr. to Ossory. [ John Smith, dean of Limerick. t Wm. Smith, dean of Dromore ; tr. to Raphoe. , 2. Richd. Tennison, dean of Clogher ; [ tr. to Clogher. Wm. Lloyd, dean of Achonry. I Hy. Downs, minister of Darlington, Northamptonshire ; tr. to Derry. | Chas. Cobbe, dean of Ardagh ; tr. to ' Dromore. i 1726. Robt. Howard, dean of Ardagh ; tr, to Elphin. 1730. Robt. Clayton, tr. to Cork and Ross. 1735. Mordecai Cary, tr. from Clonfert. 1752. Richd. Robinson, tr. to Ferns and Leighlin. 1759. Saml. Hutchinson. 1781. Wm. Cecil Pery, dean of Derry ; tr. to Limerick. 1784. Wm. Preston, tr. to Ferns and Leighlin. 1787. John Law, tr. from Clonfert ; tr. to Elphin. 1795. John Porter, chapl. to the abp. of Canterbury ; tr. to Clogher. 1798. Jos. Stock, chapl. to the Id.-lieut. 1810. Jas.A^erschoyle,dean of St. Patrick's; d. 1834. See united to Tuam, 1834. See " Archbishops of Tuam, and Bishops of Killala and Achonry," infra. ARCHBISHOP OF TUAM, AND BISHOP OF KILLALA AND ACHONRY. On his death Tuam was reduced to a bishopric. See " Bishops of Tuam, Killala, and Achonry," injra. 1834, Hon. Power Trench, abp. of Tuam See Tuam, ante, p. 611; d. 1839. BISHOPS OF TUAM, KILLALA, AND ACHONRY. 1839. Hon. Thos. Plunket. | 1867. Hon. Chas. Brodrick Bernard. DEANS OF TUAM. 1230. Marian, or Mael-Murry O'Laghnan. 1282. Constantine O'Dowd. 133-. Philip Hanlain ; d. 1339. 1339. Denis. 1394. James. 1399. Jas. Caer, Carr, or Cahir. 1523. Thomas. 1558. Wm. Mullaly, or Laly, Nov. 7 ; made abp. 1573. 1573. Edwd. Browne, Apr. 21 . 1610. Abel Walsh, Feb. 6. 1625. Thos. Peyton. 1638 (?). John King. 1661. Wm. Buchanan, L. P. June 21. 1669. Jas. Wilson, L. P., May 18. 1686. Robt. Echlin, June 30 : d. 1712. 1712. John Hinton, Aug. 31. Thos. Butler (?). 1716. Wm. White; res. 1724. 1724. Jonn. Bruce. 1543. Isaac Gervais, May 29 ; (/. 1756. 1756. Robt. Johnson, June 1 ; bp. of Cloyne, 1759. 1759. Danl. le Tablere, Aug. 12 ; d. 1775. 1775. Robt. Clarke ; d. 1782. 1782. Joshua Berkeley, Apr. 13; d. 1807. 1807. Jas. Mahon, Aug. 11. 1809, John Wm. Keatinge, Jan. 7 ; res. 1810. 1810. Richd. Bourne, June 1. 1813. Thos. Carter, July 27 ; d. 1849, 1850. Hon. Robt. Plunket, L. P., May 11; d. 1867. 1867. Chas. Hy. Sejnnour, L. P., June 14. 1879, Wm. Chambers Townsend. DEANS OF ENACHDUNE. 1523. Donald O'Flaherty. | 1558. Patr. Blach, or Black, 1638. The deanery of Enachdune is returned as vacant, and the oflBce ceased to exist. 614 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. DEANS OF KILLALA. ♦ * O'Haneki, made bp. 1416. 1442. Mac Win. Barrett, d. same year. 1613. Wm. Flanagan, June 11. 1629. Wm. Buchanan, Feb. 21. 16o6. Robt. Forgie, Feb. 26. 1664. Hy. Dodwell, L.P. July 7. 1674. Alexr. Murray, May 20. 1701. Fras. Knapp, Dec. 24; d. 171f>. 1718. Jonn. Smedley, Sept. 6. 1724. Peter Maturin, Mav 4. 1741. Theoph. Brocas, Dec. 24. 1770. John Brocas, June 30; d. 17'J5. 17D5. Thos. Vcsev Dawson, June 11. 179(;. Thos. Thompson, Mar. 16; d. 1799. IMOO. Walter Blake Kirwan, Jan. 25. 1806. Edmund Burton, Feb. 5 ; d. 1817. 1817. Hon. Geo. Gore. Aug. 21 ; d. 1844. 1844. Jas. Collins, Oct. 21. 1872. Wm. Jackson. 1885. Wm. Skipton. DEANS OF ACHONRY. 1246. 1442. 1582. 1615. 1629. 1661. 1662. 1691. 1695. Thos. or Tomultaeh O'Connor. MacMulroona M'Donagh. Owen O'Connor, Aug. 24. Wm. Flanagan. Wm. Buchanan. Feb. 21. Randal (or Rodolph) Hollingworth, Mar. 22. Jas. Vaughan. Apr. 9. Wm. Lloyd, Aug. 11 ; bp. of Killala 1690. Saml. Foley, Apl. 4 ; bp. of Down and Connor 1694. John Yeard. Feb. 12; d. 1733. 1733. Sutton Symes. Nov. 30. , 1752. Richd. Handcock, Sept. 15 ; d. 1791. ; 1792. Jas. Langrishe, Jan. 14 ; res. 1806. 1806. Jas. Hastings, Aug. 13. 1812. Arth. Hv. Keunev, June 10; res. I 1821. ' 1821. Wm. Greene, June 11 ; res. 1824. 1824. Theoph. Blakeley, Dec. 6 ; res. 1839. 1839. Edwd. Newenham Hoare, .June 14. ; 1850. Hon. Harvey de Montmorency, L. P. I Dec. 17;'d. 1872. 1875. Arthur Moore. i 1883. Hamilton Townsend. PROVINCE OF DUBLIN. See p. 594. DIOCESES OF DUBLIN, GLENDALOUGH, AND KILDARE. The See op Dublin is supposed to have been founded by St. Patrick, about the year 448. It became archiepiscopal in 1152. See Armagh, ante, p. 594. There are two cathedrals, both situated in the city of Dublin ; one is dedicated to the Holy Trinity, and is called Christ Church ; the other is dedicated to St. Patrick. The Archbishop is primate of Ireland. Gi/ENDALOUGH or Glandalagh lias been united to Dublin since the year 1214. The catalogue of its bishops is extremely incorrect; and it has been so long united to the archiei)iscopal see of Dublin that their names are seldom to be met with in history. St. Kevin seems to have been the founder of the see. There existed both a cathedral and an abbey ; the first was dedicated to the apostles St. Peter and St. Paul, and both were situated in a small valley surrounded by lofty mountains. The place is now commonly known by the name of the " Seven Churches," from the remains of so many buildings which are contiguous to the cathedral. KiLDAUE is one of the earliest episcopal foundations in Ireland. It was founded, probably, at the close of the fifth century, as TBE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 615 tlie first bishop on record died in the year 519. St, Brid^^'et, the illegitimate daughter of an Irish chieftain, born in the year 453, receive i the veil while in her fourteenth year, from the hands of St. Patrick, and prior to 484 she founded a nunnery here. To this saint, who died in 523, the cathedral was dedicated. Gias. Corbet, preb. of Malahide, Nov. 13 ; d. 1775. Wm. Cradock. Sept. 11; d. Sept. 1793. Robt. Fowler, Oct. 15; res., and d. soon after. Jas. Verschovle. Apr. 23 ; bp. of Killala, &c., 1810. John Wm. Keatinge, L. P. May 31 ; d. 1.S17. Hon. Richd. Ponsonby, inst. July 181^i; bj.. of Killaloe, 1828; tr. to Derry, 1831. Hy. Richd. Dawson, Mar. 3. Dean Dawson died in Oct. 1840. Two candidates were thereupon proposed, viz. Dr. Daly and Dr. Wilson ; the latter disputed cer- tain votes given to the other, and on Dec 9, 1842. the Court of Delegates decided in favour of Dr. Daly. Robt. Daly ; inst. dean Dec. 13 ; bp. of Cashel, same year. Hon. Hy. Pakenham, Feb. 7; d. Doc. 25. 1863. Ho was made dean of Christ Church also in 1846. and the two deaneries were united until 1885. John West, Feb. 5. DEANS OF CHRIST CHURCH, DUBLIN. ir)39-41. Robt. Pavnswick, L. P. May 11, , 16(U;. 1541 ; d. 1543. 1543. Thos. Lockwood.Dec.l;^/. Apr. 1565. 1677. l.")65. John Garvoy, May ; r/. Mar. 2. 1594. 1705. I.-.9.5. Jas. Wheeler, L. P. Mar. 9; bp. 1731. of Ossory, 1613. 1618. Randolph (or Ranulph) Barlow, 1743, L. P. Feb. 25. 1634. Hy. Tilson, L. P. Dec. 23 ; bp. of 174.".. Elphin, 1639. 1639. Jas. Margetsoii, L. P. Dec. 2; al)p. 1761 of Dublin, KiCO. 1661. Robt. Mossom, Fob. 1 ; bp. of Dorrv. ICCC. 1765 John Parry, L. P. Apr. 2 ; bp. of Ossory, 1672. Wm. Moreton, L. P. Dec. 22. Welbore Ellis, L. P. Sept. 23. Chas. Cobbo, Mar. 16 ; abp. of Dub- lin, 1742-3. Geo. Stone, bp. of Ferns and Leigh- lin. June 15. Thos. Fletcher, L. P. .Mav 14 ; d. 1761. Uichd. Uobinson, bp. of Kildare; !j. p. Apr. 1;> ; made abji. of Tuam. 1765. Clias. .liK'kson. L. P. Feb. 25. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. G19 17i)0. Geo. Lewis Jones, L. P. June H. 1804. Hon. Chas. LinJsay, L. P. May U; d. 1S4G. 1846. Hon. Hj-. Pakenham, dean of St. Patrick's. Held the two deane- ries ; d. Dec. 25, 1863. 1864. John West, Feb. 5 ; also dean of St. Patrick; res. Christ Church, but retained St. Patrick's. 1885. Wm. Conyngham, Id. Plunket, abp. Dublin, &c. 1887. Wm. Conyngham Greene. DEANS OF GLENDALOUGH. 1218. Robt. de Bedford, bp. of Lismore same year. *• It is likely that on the annexation of the bishopric to DubUn, the chapter, of whatever members it may have consisted, became gradually extinguished." —Cotton. DEANS OF KILDARE. 1212. Daniel. 1215 (about). Alan. 1260. Wm. Punchard. 1279. Stephen. 1291. Petrns Capellanus. 1307. John. 1319 (about). John de Conall. 1333. Roger. 1352. Gregorius de Salter (? Leixlip). 1357. Gregory Holgin (? same man). 1366. Wm. Whvte. 1432. Nichs. Sherlock. 1472-78. Malachy ^Malvane, or O'Maloue. 1500. Nichs. ConVll- 1521. Edwd. Dillon. 1540. Wm. Miagh, or Meagh. 15 — . David Stubin. 1553. Denis Elian. 15—. Thos. Ellis. 1610-15. Walter Walsh, d. 1621. ; 1626. Wm. Clebornc, inst. Mar. 8. j 1661. Christr. Golborne, Mar. 21. 1675. John Worth. L. P. Sept. 7: dean of I St. Patrick, 1677. 1678. Simon Digby, Feb. 12 ; bp. of Lime- rick, 1678-9. 1679. Saml. Synge, L. P. Apr. 17. 1708. John Clayton, Dec. 7 ; (/. 1725. 1725. Sankey Winter. Oct. 5 : (/. 1736. 1737. Gabriel Jas. Maturin, Feb. 15 ; aft. dean of St. Patrick's : d. 1746. 1746. Philip Fletcher, Dec. 9 ; (/. 1765. 1765. Wm. Fletcher. June 5 ; d. 1771. 1772. Edwd. Ledwich, May 6 ; (/. 1782. 1787. Dixie Blundell. Oct. 27; d. 1808. 1808. Arth. John Preston, Dec. 15 ; dean of Limerick, 1809. 1809. Thos. Trench. Ai;g. 7; d. 1834. 1834. Jas. Gregory, Mar. 16 ; d. 1859. 1859. John Wolseiey. Apr. 2. DIOCESES OF OSSORY, FERNS, AND LEIGLHIN. The see of Ossory was first planted at Saiger, in the territory oc Ely O'Carrol, about the year 402, thirty years, it is said, before the arrival of St. Patrick. It' was removed to Aghavoe, it is supposed, in 1052. Felix O'Dullany, bishop of Ossory, translated the see to Kilkenny about the close of Henry II.'s reign. Ferns took its name from the " hero Ferna, son of Caril, king of the Defies, who was slain in battle at this place by Gallus, the son of Morna." These- was anciently archiepiscopal for a time ; for in the early ages of Christianity, the title of Archbishop in Ireland, except in the case of Armagh, was not fixed to any particular see, but sometimes belonged to one, and sometimes to another city, according to the sanctity and merits of the presiding bishop ; and he Avas not denominated from his see, but from the province in which his bishopric was situated. Leighlin, commonly called Old Leighlin, is situated about a mile and a half to the westward of the river Barrow. Here St, Laserian cou- stituted an episcopal see about the year 628. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Ferns and Leiohlin were united in 1600, and on the death of bishop Elrington, in 1835, Ossoey, Ferns, and Leighlin were united under 3 «fe 4 Wm. IV., cap. 37. BISHOPS OF OSSORY. In the ancient writings the name ahhot is frequently used instead of bishop ; so that the abbots of Saigor may have been bishops likewise. 1178. 1202. 1218. 1229. 1232. 1244. 1251. 1267. 1260. 1287. 1289. 1302. 1318. 1360. 1371. 1386. Bishops ok Aitrinxs <>k Saigku. » St. Kiaran, d. 549. * St. Carthagh, the Elder. * St. Sedna, flourished in 570. * St. Killene MacLiubney, archdn. ; 5.5. Thos. Field. 1507. Dan. Caveiia<e, who is named as the first bishop, and who died September 12, 527. The cathedral of Waterpord, dedicated to the Blessed Trinity, was first built by the Ostmen, and by Malchus.the first bishop, after his return from England from his consecration, about 109(3. LiSMORE was founded by St. Carthage about 636, and Cormac, the son of Muretus, king of Munster, repaired it bef(n-e lloO. There was a see at Ardmore, founded by St. Declan, in the infancy of the Irish Church, but it was united to Lismore, soon after the arrival of the English. Emly was united to Cashel in 1568, and Lismore was united to Waterpord in 1358 or 1363. On the death of Bishop Bourke in 1832, Cashel, Emly, Waterpord, and Lismore were united under 3 & 4 Wm. IV., cap. 37. BISHOPS OF CASHEL. 1)01. Cormac ^MacCulinan, 36 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1447. Cornelius O'Mulledy, tr. to Emly, 1448. Cornelius O'Cunlis, tr. from Emlv. * * Matt. MacRaik, d. 1507. 1508. David de Burgo. 1509. Denis. 153G. liichd. Nangle. 1541. Roland de liurgo, dean of Clonfert. 1582. Steph. Kerovan, tr. from Kilmac- duagh. 1G02. Roland Linch, archdn. of Clonfert and bp. of Kilmacduagh; held both sees, See united to Kilmacduagh 1(502. See '• Bishops of Clonfert and Kilmacduagh," infra. 1178. 1283. 12U0. liJUG. 132.5. BISHOPS OF KILMACDUAGH. The following is an imperfect catalogue of the Bishops of Kilmacduagh. St. Colman, about G20. * * * * Indrect, d. 814. Rugnad O'Ruadan. Odo, chanter ; seated here in 1227. Gelasius MacScelagai, d. 1249. Maurice Ileyan. David O'Sedaghan. Laurence O'Laghnan. Luke. John, dean; seated here in 1347. Nicholas, seated here in 1371. Gregory Ileyan, d. 1395. See "Bishops of Clonfer 1399. Nichs. Ileyan. i 1401. John Icomaid. * * John, abbot of Corcumroe ; seated here in 1418. I * * * * 1 * * Cornelius, res. 1502. I 1503 Matthew, archdn. of Killaloe. 1533. Christr. Bodekine, tr. to Tuam, and held this see in commendam. 1573. Steph. Kerovan, tr. to Clonfert. 1583. Roland Linch. See united to or held with Clonfert, 1602. t and Kilmacduagh," tnfra. BISHOPS OF CLONFERT AND KILMACDUAGH. 1602. Roland Linch above named. See vacant nearly 2 years. 1627. Robt. Dawson, dean of Down. 1644. \Vm. Baily ; he did not get posses- sion till the Restoration. 1664. Edwd. Wolley, chapln. to the king. See vacant from 1684 to 1691. The episcopal revenues were seized into the hands of James II., and paid over to the Roman I Catholic bishops. | 1691. Wm. Fitzgerald, dean of Cloyne. j 1722. Theoph. Bolton, chanc. of St. Pa- ; trick's, and vicar-general of the | diocese of Dublin; tr. to Elphin. 1724. Arthr. Price, dean of Ferns ; tr. to Ferns and Leiglilin. 1730. Edwd. Synge, chanc. of St. Patrick's ; tr. to Cloyne. 1732. Mordccai Gary, tr. to Killala and Achonry. 1735. John Whitcomb, rector of Louth ; tr. to Down, i&c. 1752. Arth. Smyth, dean of Derry; tr. to Down. 1753. Hon. Wm. Carmichael, tr. to Ferns and Leighlin. 1758. Wm.Gorc,dean ofCashel; tr.toElphin. 1762. .John Oswald, tr. to Dromore. 1763. Denis Cumberland, tr. to Kilmore. 1772. WaltcrCope,tr.toFerns and Leighhn. 1782. John Law, archdn. of Carlisle. 1787. Richd. Marlay, dean of Ferns ; tr. to Waterford. 1795. Hon. Chas. Brodrick, tr. to Kilmore. 1796. Hugh Hamilton, dean of Armagh ; tr. to Ossory. 1798. Matt. Young, senior fellow of Trin. Coll., Dublin. 1801. Geo. de la Poer Beresford, dean of Kilmore ; tr. to Kilmore. 1802. Nathl. Alexander, tr. to Down and Connor. 1804. Christr. Butson, dean of Waterford. See united to Killaloe and Kil- fenora 1834. Bishops of Killaloe, Kilfcnora, Clonfert, and Kilmacduagh," iitj'ra. BISHOPS OF KILLALOE, KILFENORA, CLONFERT, AND KILMACDUAGH. 1834. Christr. Butson, above-named. 1836. Steph. C, Sandes, senior fellow of Trin. Coll., Dublin, May 2; tr. to Cashel. 1839 1862. 1884. Hon. Ludlow Tonson, rector of Ahern, county Cork .Jan. 25. Wm. Fitz-Gerald. Wm Bennett Chester, archdn. of Killaloe, Jan. 16. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES 63Z DEANS OF KILLALOE. 1253. Isaac O'Cormacain, Apr. 5 ; aft. bp. 1267. Matt. O'Hogaiu ; bp. same veai-. 1280. Luke. 1297. Nehemiah. 1299. David MacMahon ; bp. same year. 1317. Luke. 1322. Benedict O'Coscry ; bp. same year. 1329-31. Charles. 1381. Matt. McCragh ; bp. 1391. 1389. David O'Cormagan, July 15. 15 — . Boetius Clancy ; d. 1559. 1559. Cornelius Ryan. 1585. Donogh O'Horan. 1602. Hugh O'Hogan; res. Nov, 25, 1624. 1624. Richd. Hacket. L. P. Dec. 16. 1628. Alexr. Spicer, L. P. Mar. 26. 1662. Jasper Pheasant, L. P. Feb. 12. 1692. Jerome Ryves, L. P. May 18 ; res. 1699. 1699. Jas. Abbadie, inst. May 13; d. 1727. 1728. 17—, 1761, 1768 1780, 1781. 1787. 1790, 1808, 1828, 1830, 1871, 1880, 1886 Julius, or Giles Eyre, Mar. 15; d. 1749. ? Chas. Talbot Blayney. Wm. Henry, Nov. 9. Hon. Jos. Deane Bourke, Aug. 8 ; res. 1772. Wm. Cecil Pery, aft. Id. Glentworth ; L.P. Apr. 4 ; dean of Derry, 1780 ; bp. of Killala, &c., 1781. Saml. Rastall, Feb. 18 ; d. 1781. Hon. Thos. Stopford, Aug. 1 ; bp. of Cork, 1794. John Murray, Dec. 1 ; d. June 25, 1790. Peter Carleton, Oct. 30 ; res. 1808. John Bayly, Feb. 11 ; res. 1828. Allen Morgan, July 5 ; d. 1830. John Head, L. P. Oct. 9 ; d. June 2,. 1871. John Hastings Allen. Jos. F. Robbins. , Robt. Humphreys. DEANS OF KILFENORA. 1281. Charles ; bp. this year. 1303. Maui-ice O'Brien ; bp. this year. 1585. Danl. Shennagh. 1591 ? Donald O'Heawo (O'Heney ? or Shennagh ?). 1615. Donat O'Shanny. 1617. Hygatus Love,' L. P. June 2. 1639. Philip Flower, L. P. Sept. 16. 1664. Neptune Blood, L. P. Jan. 27. 1692. Neptune Blood, jun.. L. P. Dec. 8. 1716. Wm. White, L. P. June 8. 1724 to 1750. Jonathan Bruce, L. P. Oct. 15. 1761. 1796. 1802. 1825. 1847. 1856. 1884. 1886. Chas. Coote; d. 1796 Latham Coddingt^i. L. P. May 16 res. 1802. Geo. Stephenson, L. P. June 14; d. 1825. Wm Hy. Stacpoole, May 24; d. 1847. John Armstrong ; (/. June 16, 1856. Michl. John Keating, L. P. June 30. Robt. Humphreys ; dean of Killaloe, 1886. John Robt. Copley. DEANS OF CLONFERT. 1308. Gregory O'Brogy, bp. same year. 1319. James. 1392. Michl. (or Nichs.) O'Kelly. 1407. Thos. O'Longain, or Lonergan. 1460. Simon M'Keogh. 1534. Roland de Burgo, bp. 1541. 1591. Donat O'Lorcban. 1598. Arilan Loughlin, Jan. 26. 1622. Revatius (or Ryvas) Tully; 1627. 1638. Saml. Pullein, L. P. Nov. 14. 1662. Richd. Heaton, Feb. 12. 1666. Nichs. Proude. Oct. 31. 1670. Joshua Brooksbank, Feb. 5. 1692. John Burdett ; d. 1726. 1726. Robt. Taylour, Sept. 8 ; d. 1745. 1745. Wm. Crow, Aug. 9 ; res. 1766. 1766. Wm. Digby, Oct. 28 ; d. 1812. 1812. Thos. Hawkins, L. P. May 7; d. 1850. 1850. Edwd. Mitchell Kennedy, Feb. ; d. 1864. 1865. Chas. Graves, L. P. Oct. 25 ; bp. of Limerick, 1866. 1866. Jas. Byrne, L. P. June 25. DEANS OF KILMACDUAGH. 1326. John, aft. bp. 13—. David. 1558. John Tierney, or O'Tiernay. 1591. Matt. Warde. 1621. John Wingfield, July 5. 1624. John Yorke, Dec. 18. 1662. Dudley Pierse. Feb. 5. «38 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1699-1700. Steph. Handcock, June 7; d. 1719. 1719. Chas. Northcott, Aug. 28 ; d. 1730. 1731. John Richardson, Feb. 20. 1748. Jas. Stopford, Feb. 10; bp. of Cloyne, 1753. 1753. Wm. Nethercoat, July 25. 1771. Robt. Gorges, Sept. 26 ; d. 1802. 1803. Ussher Lee, Jan. 22 ; dean of Water- ford, 1804. 1804. Richd. Bagwell, Oct. 30. 1806. Wm. Forster, Feb. 22 ; d. 1823. 1823. Richd. Hood, Oct. 24 ; d 1836. 1837. John Thos. O'Neil, Oct. 10; res. 1838. 1839. Anthy. La Touche Kirwan, inst. May 20 ; dean of Limerick, 1849. 1849. Jos. Aldrich Bermingham, June 26 ; d. 1874. 1874. Christr. Hy. Gould Butson. DIOCESES OF LIMERICK, ARDFERT, AND AGHADOE. Donald O'Brien, kinf^ of Limerick, foundeil and endowed the cathedral of Limerick about the period of the arrival of the English in Ireland. The more ancient see of Inis-Scattery was united to Limerick about the beginning of the thirteenth century ; but, according to Usher, its pos- sessions were divided among the sees of Limerick, Killaloe, and Ardfert. Inis-Scattery is said to have been founded by St. Patrick, and to hive been governed by him for some time. The see of Ardfert was formerly called the bishopric of Kerry ; its cathedral was dedicated to St. Brandon. The cathedral of Aghadoe, dedicated to St. Finian, is situated within two miles of the town of Killarney. Ardfert and Aghadoe have been united from the earliest times, and they were both united to Limerick in 1667. BISHOPS OF LIMERICK. * * St. Munchin. * * Gille, or Gillebert, d. about 1140. 1140. Patrick. * * Harold, an Ostman; called by the Irish Erolb ; d. 1151. * * Torgesiua, an Ostman ; seated here about 1152. * * Brictius, an Ostman; seated here about 1179. * * Donat O'Brien, d. 1207. * * Geotl'rv, seated here in 1217. * * Edmund, d 1222. 1222. Herbert de Burgh, prior of Athas- sel. 251. Robt. of Emly. 1272. Geiald lt» Marescall, archdn. 1302. Robt. of Dundovenald, canon. 1311. Eustace de I'Eau, or Waters, dean. 1337. Maurice Rocbfort. 1354. Steph. Lawless, chanc. of Limerick. 1360. Steph. de Valle, dean ; tr. to Moath. 1369. Peter Currah, res. 1400. Cornelius ODea, archdn. of Killa- loe ; res. 1426. John Mothel, Augustine canon of Kells, abbot of Kilkenny ; res. 1459. 1472. 1486. 1480. 1522. 1551. 1557. 1571. 1593. 1626. 1634. 1642. 1660. Wm Creagh. Thos. Arthur Richard. John Dunow, canon of Exeter. John Folan, canon of Ferns. John Coyn, or Quin ; res. 1551. Wm. Casey, depr. 1556 ; rest. 1571, Hugh Lacj'. or Lees, canon ; app. by pope Paul IV. at Q. Mary's instance ; res. 1571. Bp. Casey rest, to his see. John Thornborough. chapl. to Q. Elizabeth ; tr. to Bristol. Bernard Adams ; with this see he held also Kilfenora from 1606 to 1617, when he resigned it. Fras. Gough, chanc. of Limerick. Geo. Webb, chapl. to Chas. I. Robt. Sibthorpe, tr. from Kilfenora ; hold both sees ; (/. 1649. The see was vacant until the Resto- ration. Edwd. Synge, dean of Elphin ; tr. to Cork, Ac. See united to Ardfert and Aghadoe, 1667. Sec " Bishops of Limerick, Ardfert, .-ind Aghadoe," />o.s7, p. 639. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. BISHOPS OF ARDFERT AND AGHADOE. * * Ert. 1348. * * Cerpain, (/. 500. 1372. A blank here, which it is impossible 1379. to fill up. * * * * Dei-mod Mac-Mel-Brenan, (/. 1075. * * 1099. Magrath O'Erodain, or O'Ronan. * * MacRonan, seated here before 1152. * * MelBrandan O'Ronan, d. 1161. 1488. 1166. Gilla MacAiblen O'Hanmada. 149.5. 1193. Donald O'Conarchy. 1207. David O'Duibditrib. * * 1215. John, depr. 1221. 1225. Gilbert, dean ; res. 1588. 1237. Brendan.provostof Ardfert; res. 124:2. 1600. His successor uncertain. 1622. 1252. Christian. 1628. 1256. Philip. 1641. 1264. John, archdn. of Ardfert. 1660. 1285. Nichs. I. 1288. Nichs. XL, abbot of Odorney. 1663. 1336. Alan O'Hathern. John de Valle. Cornelius O'Tigernach. Wm. Bull, dean of Cork. Nichs. III., seated here in 1420. Maurice, (/. 1462. John Stack, after mucli opposition, was settled here in 1480. Philip. John Fitzgerald, canon. * * * * J as. Fitzmaurice, seated here about 1551. Nichs. Kcenan. John Crosbj^, preb. of Disert. John Steere, archdn. of Emly. Wm. Steere, dean. Thos. Fulwar, tr. to Cashel. Edwd. Synge, dean of Elphin ; tr. to Cork. Wm. Fuller. See united to Limerick, 1667. See "Bishops of Limerick, Ardfert, and Aghadoe," infra. BISHOPS OF LIMERICK, ARDFERT, AND AGHADOE. 1667. Wm. Fuller, dean of St. Patrick's ; tr. to Lincoln. 1672. John Vesey, dean of Cork ; tr. to Tuam. 1678. Simon Digby, dean of Kildare ; tr. to Elphin. 1692. Nathl. Wilson, dean of Raphoe. 1695. Thos. Smythe, dean of Emly. 1725. Wm. Burscough. 1755. Jas. Leslie. 1771. John Averell, dean of Emly. 1772. Wm. Gore, tr. from Elphin. 1784. Wm. Cecil Pery, aft. Id. Glentworth; tr. from Killala and Achomy. 1794. Thos. Bernard, tr. from Killaloe. 1806. Chas. Mongan Warburton, dean of Ardagh ; tr. to Cloyne. 1820. Thos. Elrington, provost of Trinity College, Dublin ; tr. to Ferns and Leighlin. 1822. John .Jebb, archdn. of Emly. 1834. Hon. Edmd. Knox, tr. from Killaloe, &c. 1849. Wm. Higgin, dean of Limerick, June; tr. to Derry, &c. 1853. Hy. Griffin. 1866. Chas. Graves. DEANS OF LIMERICK. 1204 to 1207. p * * * 1493. 1212. J* * * 1516. * * W* * * 1543. * * Reymundus. 1552. 1249 to 1278. Thos. of Woodford. 1295-8. John de Cotes. 15—. 1302. Luke. 1588. 1311. Eustace de I'Eau, or Waters, bp. 1603. same year. 1360. Steph. de Valle, bp. same year. 1635. 1366. Adam Owen. 1640 1398 to 1409. Rd. Warren, Waryn, or 1641. Waryng. 1662. 1405. Eustathius de Agna. 1446. Robt. Poer, bp. of Waterford, &c., 1666. same year. 1451. Thos. O'Semican. 1680. 1488. Milo de Burgo. 1704. Philip Water. Andr. Creagh, res. 1543. Andr. Stritche, Sep. 30; d. 1551. Roger Skiddy, L.P. May 10 ; bp. Cork, &c., 1557. David Arthur, res. 1588. Denis Campbell. Geo. Andrews, L.P. Aug. 31; bp. of Ferns and Leighlin, 1635. Michl. Wandesford. L.P. May 11. Hy. Sutton, L.P. Nov. 9. Robt. Navlor, L.P. Apr. 16. Richd. Boyle, L.P. Feb. ; bp. of Ferns and Leighlin 16.J6. John Smith, Sep. 13 ; bp. of Killala and Achonry, 1669. Ezekiel Webbe, L.P. Jan. 9 ; d. 1704. Geo. Walter Story, L.P. Dec. 21. 640 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES 1722. Thos. Bindon, L.P. Feb. 16 ; d. 1740. 1740, Chas. Massy, L.P. July 28; d. nw. 17G6. John Averill, L. P. July 14 ; bp. 1771. 1771. Hon. Maurice Crosbie, L.P. Oct. 3 ; (/. 1809. 1S09. Arth. John Preston, July 20. 1844. Wm. Hi^gins, Dec. 1849. Anthy. La Touche Kirwan, dean of Kilmacduacrh ; d. July 18G8. 18G8. Maurice Fitzgerald Day. L.P. Not. 13 ; bp. of Cashol 1872. 1872. Thos. Bunbury. DEANS OF ARDFERT. 1225. Gilbert, bp. this year. 1728 1237. Brendan. 1728 1313. Thomas. 1732 1323. Michl. O'Colweny. 1365. John FitzThomas. 1747 1603. Richd. Southwell, res. same year. Robt. Chaffe, L.P. Aug. 15. 1766 1620. Wm. Steere, L.P.Feb. 13; bp. 1628. 1785 1630. Giles Baden. 1802. 1635. Thos. Gray, L.P. Apr. 29. 1661. Danl. Witter, L.P. Mar. 27 ; dean 1808. of Down, 1664. 1847. 1665. Thos. Bladen, L.P. Apr. 6. 1861. 1686. John Richards, L.P. Aug. 4. 1879 Jas. Bland, L.P. Feb. 3. Wm. Smythe, L.P. Apr. 15. Chas. Meredyth, L.P. June 1; d. 1747. Sir Philip Hoby, L.P. Sept. 8 ; rf. 1766 Edwd. Bavlv. L.P. Nov. 28 or Aug. 16 ; d. 17 June, 1785. Thos. Greaves, Oct. 19. Gilbert Holmes, L.P. Aug. 21; d, Dec. 23, 1846. Edwd. Archd. Douglas, July 20. Alaxr. Irwin, d. Feb. 7, 1861. John Godfrey Day, L.P. Apr. 10. Thos. Moriarty. LORD MAYORS AND RECORDERS OF DUBLIN. The Corporation of Dubliu originally consist eel of the Lord Mayor, 2 sheriffs, 24 aldermen, 124 common councilmen, 28 sheriff-men or sheriffs- peers, and 96 representatives of the 25 civic guilds. It was re-constituted under 3 & 4 Vict., cap. 108 (1840), and now consists of the Lord Mayor, who is chos n from among the aldermen or town councillors, 15 aldermen and 45 town councillors. The chief magistrate of Dublin had conferred upon him the distinction of "Lord" Mayor by Charles I. in 1641; but the first mayor that enjoyed the title was Sir Daniel Bellingbam, in 1665. LoEu Mayors of Dublin. The lord mayors thus marked * died during their mayoraltj'. 1665-6. 1666-7. 1667-8. 1668-9. 1669-70. 1670-1. 1671-2. 1672-3. 1673-4. 1674-5. 1675-6. 1676-7. 1677-8. 1678-9. 1679-80. 1680-1. 1681-3. Sir Danl. Bellingbam. 1683-4. Sir Elias Best. John Desmyniers. 1684-5. Sir Abel Ram. jMark Quin. 1685-6. Sir John Knox. John Forrest. 1686-7. Sir John Castleton. Lewis Dosmyniers. 1687-8. Sir Thos Hacket. Enoch Reader. 1688-9. Sir Michl. Creagh. Sir John Totty. 1689-90 Terence M-Dermott. Robt. Deey. 1690-1. John Otriiigton. Sir Joshua Allen. 1691-3. Sir. Michl. Mitchell. Sir Fras. Brewster. 1693-4. Sir John Rogerson. Wm. Smith. 1694-5. Geo. Blackball. Christr. Lovet. 1695-6. Wm. Watts. John Smith. 1696-7. Sir Wm, Billington. John Ward. 1697-8. Barth. Van Homrigb John Eastwood. 1698-9. Thoa. Quin. IjuIso Lowther. 1699-1700. * ♦ * Sir Humphrey Jorvis. 1700-1. Sir Mark Rainsford. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 641 1701-2. Saml. Walton. 1762-3. Chas. Ro.saell. 1702-3. Thos. Bell. 1763-4. Wm. Forbes. 1703-4. .John Page. 1764-5. Benj. Geale. 1704-5. Sir Eras. Stoyte. 1765-6. Sir Jas. Taylor. l705-fi. Wm. Gibbons. 1766-7. Edwd. Sankey. 1706-7. Benj. Burton. 1767-8. Eras. Fetherston. 1707-8. John Pearson. 1768-9. Benj Barton. 1708-9. Sir Wm. Fownes. 1769-70. Sir Thos. Blackball. 1709-10. Chas. Forrest. 1770-1. Geo. Reynolds. 1710-11. Sir John Eccles 1771-2. *Fras. Booker, and Wm. Forbes, 1711-12 Ralph Gore. again. 1712-13 Sir Saml. Cooke. 1772-3. Richd. French. 1713-14. * * * 1773-4. Wm. Lightburne. 1714-15. Sir Jas. Barlow. 1774-5. Hy. Hart. 1715-16. John Stoyte. 1775-6. Thos. Emerson. 1716-17 Thos. Bolton. 1776-7. Hy. Bevan. 1717-18. Anthv. Barkev. 1777-8. Wm. Dunn. 1718-19. Wm. "Quail. 1778-9. Sir Anthy. King. 1719-20. Thos. Wilkinson. 1779-80. James Hamilton. 1720-1. Geo. Forbes. 1780-1. Killner Swettenham. 1721-2. Thos. Curtis. 1781-2. John Darragh. 1722-.3. Wm. Dickson. 1782-3. Nathl. Warren. 1723-4. John Porter. 1183-4. Thos. Green. 1724-5. John Rej-son. 1884-5. Jas. Horan. 1725-6. Jos. Kane. 1785-6. Jas. Shiel. 1726-7. Wm. Empson. 1786-7. Geo. Alcock. 1727-8. Sir Nathl. Whitwell. 1787-8. Wm. Alexander. 1728 9. *Hy. Burrowes, and John Page, 1788-9. .John Rose. again. 1789-90. John Exshaw. 1729-30. Sir Peter Verdoen. 1790-1. Hy. Howison. 1730-1. Nathl. Pearson. 1791-2. Hy. Gore Sankey. 1731-2. Jos. Xuttall. 1792-3. John Carleton. 1732-3. Humphrey French. 1793-4. Wm. .James. 1733-4. Thos. How. 1794-S. Richd. MoncriefFe. 1734-5. Nathl. Kane. 1795-6. Sir Wm. Worthington. 1735-6. *Sir Richd. Grattan, and Geo. 1796-7. Saml. Read. Forbes, again. 1797-8. Thos. Fleming. 1736-7. Jas. Somerville. 1798-9. Thos. Andrews. 1737-8. Wm. Walker. 1799-1800. *John Sutton and John Ex 1738-9. John Macarroll. shaw, aqain. 1739-40. Danl. Falkiner. 1800-1. Chas. Thorp, 1740-1. Sir Saml. Cooke. 1801-2. Richd. Manders. 1741-2. Wm. Aldrich. 1802-3. Jacob Poole. 1742-3. Gilbert King. 1803-4. Hy. Hutton. 1743-4. *David Tew, and Wm. Aldrich, 1804-5. Meredith Jenkin. aqain. 1805-6. Jas. Vance. 1744-5. John Walker. 1806-7. .Jos. Pemberton. 1745-6. Danl. Cooke. 1807-8. Hugh Trevor. 1746-7. *Richd.White, and Wm. Walker, 1808-9. Fred. Darley. again. 1809-10. Sir Wm. Stamer, bt. 1747-8. Sir Geo. Ribton. 1810-11. Nathl. Hone. 1748-9. Robt. Ross. 1811-12. Wm. Hy. Archer. 1749-50. John Adamson. 1812-13. Abraham Bradley King. 1750-1. Thos. Taylor. 1813-14. John Cash. 1751-2. John Cooke. 1814-15. John Claudius Beresford. 1752-3. Sir Chas. Burton. 1815-16. Robt. Shaw, aft. bt. 1753-4. Andr. Murray. 1816-17. Mark Bloxham. 1754-5. Hans Bailie. 1817-18. John Alley. 1755-6. Percival Hunt. 1818-19. Thos. M'Kenny. 1756-7. John Forbes. 1819-20. Sir Wm. Stamer, bt., again. 1757-8. Thos. Mead. 1820-1. Sir Abraham Bradley King, bt. 1758-9. Philip Crampton. 1821-2. Sir John Kingston James, bt. 1759-60. John Tew. 1822-3. John Smyth Fleming. 1760-1. Sir Patr. Hamilton. 1823-4. Richd. Smyth. 1761-2. Sir Timothy Allen. 1824-5. Drury Jones. 41 642 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1825-6. Thos. Abbot. 1857-8. 182(5-7. Saml. Wm. Tyndall. 1858-9. 1827-8. >ir Edmd. Nugent. 1859-60. 1828-9. Alexr. Montgomery. 1860-1. 1829-30. Jacob West. 1861-2. 1830-1. Robt. Way Harty, cr. bt. 1831. 1862-3. 1831-2. Sir Tbos. 'Whclan. 1863-4. 1832-3. Chas. Palmer Arcber. 1864-5. 1833-4. Sir Geo. Whiteford. 1865-6. 1834-5. Arth. Perrin. 1866-7. 1835-6. Artb. Morrison. 1867-8. 1836-7. Wm. Hodges. 1868-9. 1837-8. Saml. Warren. 1869-70. 1838-9. Geo. Hovte. 1870-1. 1839-40 Sir Nichs. Wm. Brady. 1871-2. 1840-1. Sir Jobn Kingston James, bt. 1872-3. 1841-2. Danl. O'Connell. 187:3-4. 1842-3. Geo. Roe. 1874-5. 184.3-4. Timothy O'Brien. 1875-6. 1844-5. John L. Arabin. 1876-7. 1845-6. John Keshan. 1877-8. 1846-7. Michl. Staunton. 1878-9. 1847-8. Jeremiah Dunne. 1879-80. 1848-9. Timothy O'Brien. iK/ain ; cr. bt. 1880-1. 1849. 1881-2. 1849-50. John Reynolds. 1882-3. 1850-1. Benj. Lee Guinness, cr. bt. 1867. 1883-4. 185] -2. John D'Arcv. 1884-5. 1852-3. Robt. H. Kinahan. 1885-6. 1853-4. Sir Edwd. McDonnell. 1886-7. 1854-5. Jos. Boyce. 1887-8. 1855-6. Fergus Farrell. 1888-9. 1856-7. Richd. Atkinson. .Tohn Campbell. Jas. Lambert. Redmond Carroll. Richd. Atkinson. Denis Moylan. Hon. John Prcndergast Vereker. Peter Paul McSwiney. John Barrington ; knt. 1868. Jas. W. Mackey. Wm. Lane Jo5'nt. Wm. Carroll; knt. 1868. The same. Edwd. Purdon. P. Bulfin and J. Campbell. Robt. G. Durdin. Sir Jas. W. Mackey. Maurice Brooks. Peter Paul McSwiney. wjain. Geo. Bolster Owens ; knt. 1876. Hugh Tarpey. The same Sir John Barrington, again. Edmd. Dwyer Gray. Geo. Moyers. Chas. Dawson. The same. Wm Meagher. John O'Connor. Timothy Danl. Sullivan. The same. Thos. Sexton. The same. RECORDERS OF DUBLIN, 1564. Jas. Stanihursi. 1693. Nehemiah Doniiellan, aft. bar. and 1573. Hy. Burnell. ch. bar. ex. 1575. Geo. Taylor. 1695. Sir Wm. Handcock. 1595. Edwd. Loftus. 1701. John Forster, aft. ch. just. c. v. 1597. John Caddell. 1714. John Rogerson, aft. ch. just. k. b. 1598. Patr. Fitzgerald. 1727. Eras. Stoyte. 1602. Wm. Talbot. 1733. Eton Stannard. 1605. Sir Richd. Bolton, aft. ch. bar. ex. 1750. Eras. Morgan. and Id. chanc. 1757. Jas. Grattan. 1608. John Veldon (deputy). 1767. Sir Saml. Bradstreet, bt., aft. just. 1614. Wm. Dongan. K. B. 1627. Xathl. Catelyn. 1785. Dudley Hussey. 1634. .John Bysse, aft. ch. bar. ex. 1786. Denis George, aft. bar. ex. 1660. Sir Wm. Davys, aft. ch. just. K. B. 1795. Wm. Walker. 1682. Sir Richd. Ryves, aft. bar. ex. 1822. Sir Jonas Greene. 1687. Sir John Barnewell, aft. bar. ex. 1828. Sir Fredk. Shaw, bt. 1688. Gerald Dillon. 187G. Fredk. Richd. Falkiner, July 10, 1690. Thos. Coote, aft. just. k. b. G. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. ti43 PART XI. IINDIA. It is impossible within tlie limits of the present work to give any account of the origin and history of the present British Indian Empire, or even to refer to the numerous acts of parliament, charters, and orders in council relating thereto. The first English East India Company was incorporated by Elizabeth in 1600. Charles I. granted another charter to a new company ; but after numerous disputes between the two com- panies they were united by Oliver Cromwell. In 1698 a rival company was again established, again the two were united in 1702, and finally in 1708 a new East India Company was established under a charter granted by Anne. This charter was modified from time to time, but the company continued until, under 21 & 22 Vict., cap. 106, the Govern- ment of India was transferred to the Crown. This act came into operation September 1, 1858, but was not proclaimed m India until November 1, following. In the year 1784, under 24 Geo. III., cap. 25, the East India Company was placed under a Board of Control (see part III., ante, p. 251). This was abolished by 21 & 22 Vict., cap. 106, above mentioned, and a Secretary of State for India appointed (see part III., ante, p. 236). A council, composed principally of retired Indian officials, was at the same time appointed to advise and assist the Secretary of State ; but he has power to act independently if he thinks fit. Under 39 & 40 Vict., cap. 10, and a proclamation dated and gazetted April 28, 1876, the Queen assumed the title of Empress of India. This title was pro- claimed in India January 1, 1877. British India was originally divided into three provinces or presi- dencies — Bekgal, or Fort William ; Madras, or Fort St. George ; Bombay ; but after various sub-divisions and acquisition of territory it now con- sists of eight provinces — Bengal, Punjab, Assam, North-West Provinces Central Provinces, Madras, AND OrDH, Bdrma, Bombay, which are placed under a governor, a lieutenant governor, or a chief commissioner, according to their relative importance. Prince of Wales Island or Penang, Malacca, and Singapore, which 41 * 644 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. were formerly under the government of India, now form a separate colony under the title of the Straits Settlements. See " Straits Settlements," j^o^f' V- 674. The supreme government of India is vested in a Governor General or Viceroy, whose seat of government is at Calcutta, the chief city of Bengal. The whole of India is in the ecclesiastical province of Calcutta. SECTION I.— HOME OFFICIALS. PRESIDENTS, COMMISSIONERS, AND SECRETARIES OF THE BOARD OF CONTROL. See Part III., " Official," atite, pp. 251-254. CHAIRMEN AND DEPUTY CHAIRMEN OF THE EAST INDIA COMPANY. Since the Regulation Act, 1773 (13 Geo. III., cap. 63). 1773. Chair. Hy. Crabbe Boulton. | Dep. Edwd. AYheeler. : On the death of Mr. Boulton, the court, on Oct. 12, 1773, app. < Edwd. Wheeler, chair., and John Harrison, dep. 1774. Chair. Edwd. Wheeler. Jjej). John Harrison. 1775. Chair John Harrison. Dep. John Roberts. 1776. Chair. John Roberts. Dep. Wm. James. 1777. Chair. Geo. Wombwell, aft. bt. Dep. Wm. Devaynes. 1778. Chair. Sir Geo. Wombwell, bt., ayain. I Dep. Wm. James, aft. bt. I 1779. Chair. Sir Wm. James, bt. Dep. Wm. Devaynes. 1780. Chair. Wm. Devaynes. I Dep. Laurence Sullivan. 1781. Chair. Laurence Sullivan. Deji. Sir Wm. James, bt. , ayain. 1782. Chair. Robt. Gregory. Dep. Hy. Fletcher, aft. bt. Mr. Gregory being disqualified, the court, on July 31, 1782, app. sir H}'. Fletcher, chair. ; and, the next day, Nathl. Smith, ilep. | 1783. Chair. Sir Hy. Fletcher, bt., again. Dep. Nathl. Smith. Sir Hy. Fletcher being disqualified, ' the court, on Nov. 20, 17.H3, app. | Nathl. Suiitli, chair. ; and, on the day, Wm. Devaynes, de]). 1784. 1785. 178G. 17S7. 1788. 17. Si). 1790. 1791. 1792. 1793. 1794. 1795. 1796. 1797. .1798. Chair. Nathl. Smith. Dep. Wm. Devaynes, ayain. Chair. Wm. Devaynes. Dep. Nathl. Smith, ayain. Chair. John Michie. Dej). John Motteus. Chair. John Motteux. Dep. Nathl. Smith, ayain. Chair. Nathl Smith, ayain. Dep. John Michie. Wm. Devaynes, app. Dec. 2, 1788, vice ^lichie, dec. Chair. Wm. Devaynes, ayain. Dep. Stephen Lushington, aft. bt. Chair. Stephen Lushington. Dep. Wm. Devaynes. ayain. Chair. John Smith Burges. JJcj). Fras. Baring. Chair. Fras. Baring. Dep. John Smith Bnrges. Chair. Wui. Devaynes, m/ain. Dep. Thos. Cheap. Chair. Wm. Devaj'nes, ayain. Dep. John Hunter. Chair. Sir Stephen Lushington, bt., ayain. De}). David Scott. Chair. David ScQtt. Dep. Hugh Inglis. aft. bt. Chair. Hugh Inglis. Dep. Jacob Bosanquot. Chair. Jacob Bosanquot. Dej). Sir Stojjhen Lushington, bt., ayain. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Chair. Sir Stephen Lushington, bt., Deji. Hugh Inglis, aqain. Chair. Hugh Inglis, again. Dep. David Scott, again. Chair. David Scott, again. Dep. Chas. Mills. Mr. Scott res. the chair ; and, on Sept. 2, 1801, the court app. Chas. Mills, chair., and John Roberts, de}). Chair. John Roberts. Dep. Jacob Bosanquet, again. 1803. Chair. Jacob Bosanquet, again. Dep. John Roberts, aqain. 1804. Chair. Hon. Wm. Fulle'rton-Elphin- stone. 180O 1801 1802. Dep. Chas. Grant. 1805. Chair Chas. Grant. Dep. Geo. Smith. 1806. Chair Hon. W. Fullerton-Elphin- fitone, again. Dep. Edwd. PaVry. 1807. Chair Edwd. Parry. Dep. Chas. Grant, again. 1808. Chair. Edwd. Parry, again. Dep. Chas. Grant, again. 1809. Chair. Chas. Grant, again. Dep. Wm. Astell. 1810. Chair. Wm. Astell. Dep. Jacob Bosanquet, again. 1811. Chair Jacob Bosanquet, again. Dep. Sir Hugh Inglis, bt., again. 1812. Chair Sir Hugh Inglis, bt., again. Dep. Robt. Thornton. 1813. Chair. Robt. Thornton. Dep. Hon. W. Fullerton-Elphin- stone. 1814 Chair Hon. W. Fullerton-Elphin- stone, ac/ain. Dep. John Inglis. 1815. Chair Chas. Grant, again. Dep. Thos. Reid. 1816. Chair Thos. Reid. Dep. John Bebb. 1817. Chair John Bebb. Dep. Jas. Pattison. 1818. Chair Jas. Pattison. Dep. Campbell Marjoribanks. 1819. Chair Campbell Marjoribanks. Dep. Geo. Abercrombie Robinson, aft. bt. 1820. Chair G. A. Robinson. Dep. Thos. Reid. 1821. Chair Thos. Reid. Dep. Jas. Pattison, again. 1822. Chair Jas. Pattison, again. Dep. Wm. Wigram. 1823. Chair Wm. Wigram. Dep. Wm. Astell, again. 1824. Chair Wm. Astell, agai7i. Dep. Campbell Marjoribanks, again. 1825. Chair Campbell Marjoribanks, again. 1825. Dep. Sir G. A. Robinson, bt., again. 1826. Chair. Sir G. A. Robinson, bt., again. Dep. Hon. Hugh Lindsay. 1827. Chair Hon. Hugh Lindsay. Dep. Jas. Pattison, again. 1828. Chair Wm. Astell, again. Dep. John Loch. 1829. Chair John Loch. Dep. Wm. Astell, again. 1830. Chair Wm. Astell, aqain. Dep. Robt. Campbell, aft. bt. 1831. Chair. Sir Robt. Campbell, bt. Dep. John Goldsborough Raven- shaw. 1832. Chair J. G. Ravenshaw. Dep. Campbell Marjoribanks, again. 1833. Chair Campbell Marjoribanks, again. Dep. Wm. Wigram, again. Chair John Loch, again. Dep. Hy. St. Geo. Tucker. 1834. Chair. Hy. St. Geo. Tucker. Dep. Wm. Stanley Clarke. 1835. Chair W. S. Clarke. Dep. Jas. Rivett-Carnac, aft. bt. 1836. Chair. Sir Jas. Rivett-Carn ic, bt. Dep. John Loch, aqain. 1837. Chair Sir Jas. Rivett - Carnac, again. Dep Sir Jas. Law Lushington. 1838. Chair Sir Jas. L. Lushington. Dep. Richd. Jenknis, aft. sir R. 1839. Chair Sir Richd. Jenkins. Dep. Wm. Butter worth Bay ley. 1840. Chair AVm. B. Bayley. Dep. Geo. Lyall. 1841. Chair Geo. Lyall. Dep. Sir Jas. L. Lushington, again. 1842. Chair Sir Jas. L. Lushington, again. Dep. John Cotton. 1843. Chair. John Cotton. Dep. John Shepherd. 1844. Chair. John Shepherd. Dep. Sir Hy. Willock. 1845. Chair Sir Hy. Willock. Dep. Jas. Weir Hogg, aft. sir Jas. , bt. ■ as. Weir Hogg. 1846. Chair. Dep. Hy. St. Geo. Tucker, aqain. 1847. Chair Hy. St. Geo. Tucker, again. Dep. Sir Jas. L. Lushington, again. 1848. Chair Sir Jas. L. Lushington. Dep. Archd. Galloway, aft. sir A. 1849. Chair Sir A. Galloway. Dep. John Shepherd. 1850. Chair John Shepherd. Dep. Sir Jas. Weir Hogg, bt., again. 646 1851. 1853. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Chair. John Shepherd, Of/a in. 1854. Chair. Jas. Oliphant. De,,. Sir Jas. Weir HogK, bt., Dep. Elliot Macnaghten. again. 1855. Choir Elliot Macnnghten. Chair Sir Jas. Weir Hogg, bt., Dep. Wni. Hy. Sykes. (Kjain. 1850 Chair m. Hy. Sykes. Dep. Russell Ellice. Dep. Ross Donnelly Mangles Chair Russell Ellice. 1857. Chair Ross Donnelly Mangles. Dep. Jas. Oliphant. Dep. Sir Fredk. Currie, bt. SECRETARIES AND UNDER-SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR INDIA. See Part III., " Official," anie, p. 236. THE COUNCIL OF INDIA. Appointed under 21 & 22 Vict., cap. 106. Secs. 7-13. By this act a Council of fifteen members was established and styled the Council of India. Of the original members seven were chosen by the East India Company and eight by the Crown. Vacancies occurring amongst the latter were to be filled up by the Crown and all other vacancies by election by the Council. With certain exceptions (see section 10) all members of the Council were to have served or resided in India for ten years at the least. Council of India. Okigixal Memheks, Sei't. 21, 1858 (G.)- Chosex by the East India Co. 1. Chas. Mills. 2. John Shepherd. 3. Sir Jas. ^^'eir Hogg, bt. 4. Elliot Macnaghten. 5. Ross Donnelly Mangles. (). NNm. Jos. Eastwiek. 7. Hy. Thoby Prinsep. Chosen hy the Ckowx. 8. Sir Hy. Conyngham Montj^omerv, bt. 9. Sir Fredk. Currie, bt. 10. Sir John Laird Mair Lawrence, bt., G.c.u. ; aft. Id. Lawrence. 11. Maj-geu. Sir Robt. John Hussey Vivian, k.c.b. 12. Col. Sir Proby Thos. Cautley, k.c.b. 13. Lt.-col. Sir Hy. Creswicke Rawlinson. K.f.ll. 14. John Pollard Willoughhy. 15. Wui. Urquhart Arbutlmot. Subsequent Api'ointments. 1859. Col. Hy. Marion Durand, c.h. ; aft. | 18G8. Sir sir H., June 18, G. Sir Thos. Erskine Perry, Aug. 8, G. j Col. Wm. Erskine Baker, July 18. Sir Geo. Russell Clerk, k.c.b.. K. C.S.I. , Dec. 14, G. 1 Sir Hy. Bartle Edwd. Frere, g.c.s.i., I 18i K.c.ii., N'ov. 12, G. 18G1. 1863, 1866. Robt. Montgomery, k.c.b., G.C.8.I., Se].t. 21. Sir Fredk. Jas. llallidav. k c.k., Sept. 29. Sir Hv. Creswicke Rawlinson, k.c.b., Oct, 9, G. 1. Sir llv. .Jas. Sunnier Maine, K.i;.s.i., Nov. 2. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1872. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. Sir Louis JJallet, c.b., Feb. 8. Sir Geo. Campbell, k.c.s.i., Feb. 16. Andrew Cassels, Apr. 30. Maj.-Gen. Edwin Beaumont Johnson, Sept. 1. Lt.-Gen. Richd. Stracbey, Jan. 1. Hon. Edmd. Drummond, Feb. 9. Sir Barrow Helbert Ellis, k.c.s.i., July 14. Col. Hy. Yule, c.b., Oct. 23. Maj.-gen. sir Alfred Thos. Wilde, K.C.B., C.S.I., .Jan. 1. Maj.-gen. sir Garnet Wolseley, K.C.B., G.c.M.G. ; aft. vise. Wolseley, Nov. 13. Sir Wm. Muir, k.c.s.i., Nov. 28. Col. sir Wm. Lockyer Merewetlier, C.B., K.C.S.I., Nov. 1. Robt. Anstruther Dalyell, Nov. 1. Sir Hy. Wylie Norman, k.c.b., Feb. 25. Maj.-gen. Chas. John Foster, c.b., July 22. Lt.-gen. Richd. Strachey, again, Mar. Jl. 1880. Bertram Wodehouse Carrie, Dec. 11. 1882. Hon.sirAshleyEden,K.c.S.i.,Apr.24. 1883. Sir Peter Stark Lumsden, k.c b., C.S.I., Dec. 1. 1884. Jas. Richd. Buljen-Sniith, c.S.i., June 6. 1885. Sir Robt. Hy.Davies, K C.S.I., C.I.E., Mar. 3. j Sir John Strachey, G.C.s.l., c.i.E., I July 14. Gen. sir Donald Martin Stewart, bt., G.C.B., G.C.S.I., C.I.E., Dec. 16. : 1887. Col. sirOwen Tudor Burne, K.C.S.I., j Jan. 1. I Robt. Hardie, Mar. 17. I Jas. Braithwaite Peile, c.s i. ; aft. i Sir J., Nov. 12. [ Sir Alexr. John Arbuthnot, k.c.s.i., Nov. 1. 1888. Sir Alfred Comyns Lyall, k.c.b., K.C.I. E., Jan. 17. Sir Chas. Arthr. Turner, k.c.i.e., Feb. 21. I 1889. Lt.-gen. sir Archbd. Alison, bt., G.C.B., Jan. 1. SECTION II.— INDIAN OFFICIALS. THE SUPREME GOVERNMENT, CALCUTTA. ADMINISTRATORS AND GOVERNORS-GENERAL OF INDIA. Administrators. Appointed prior to the Regulation Act, 1773, 13 Geo. III., ca,]>. 63. Alexr. Dawson Wm. Fytche Roger Drake, admr., chosen on the spot. Messrs. Watts, Manningham, Becker, and Holwell. Col. Robt. Clive, aft. Id. Clive. John Zephaniah Hol- well. App. by the Court. Jan. 27, 1748 - Jan. 8, 1752 Aug. 8, 1752; succ. on death of Fytche. App. by the court, vice Drake, to govern, each alternately four months, Nov. 11, 1757. Called to the govt, by Messrs. Watts, &c. , and aft. app. by the court. Mar. 25, 1758. Succ. on resign, of Clive, Jan. 24, 1760. Assumption of govt. Time of quitting. July 18, 1749 Jan. 5, 1752 ; dism. by the court. July 6, 1752 - d. Aug. 8, 1752. Aug. 10, 1752 Res. June 21, 1758. June 21. 1758 Agreed to call col. Clive to the govt. June 27, 1758 Res. Jan. 14. 1760. Jan. 28. 1760 Res. on arrival of Vansittart, July 27, 1760. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Hj". Vansittart John Spencer Robt. Id. Clive, time. Henry Verelst John Cartier "Warren Hastings App. by the Court - Nov. 23. 1759 - - Succ. on resign, of Dec. 3, 17G4 Vansittart, Nov. 26. 17G4. second June 1. 1764 Assumption of sovt. Time of quitting. July 27, 1760 Res. Nov. 26, 1704. May 3, 1765 ; res. on arrival of Id. Clive. Succ. on resign, of Id. Clive, Jan. 20, 1767. Succ. on resign, of Verelst, Dec. 16. 1769. May 3, 1765 ■ Jan. 29. 1767 Res. Jan. 20, 1767. Res. Dec. 16, 1769. Apr. 1771 Dec. 20, 1769 Ordered to quit the govt, in the last ship of the season after Mr. Hastings' arrival. Apr. 13, 1772. App. gov.-gen., i-u/e First Coun- infru. cil held Oct. 20, 1774. GoVERNORS-GrENERAL. Under the Regulation Act 1773, 13 Geo. Ill, cap. Warren Hastings, vide Named in the act - Vide supra - supra. John Macpherson, aft. Succ. Hastings - - Feb. 1, 1785 - sir John. Geo. , Earl Macartney - App. by the court to Dechned the succ. Hastings, Feb. office. 17, 1785. Chas.,E., aft. M. Corn- Feb. 24, 1786 - - Sept. 12, 1786 ■wallis. M.-gen. Wm. Medows, Apr. 28, 1790 - - Appt. appr. aft. sir W. by Mr. Pitt. Sir John Shore, aft. Id. App, Apr. 11, 1786, to Teignmouth. succ. to the next va- cancy. The same - - - App. Sept. 19, 1792, to Oct. 28, 1793 succ. E. Cornwallis. Geo., M. Cornwallis, Feb. 1, 1797 a(ia.in. SirAlured Clarke - Sept. 20, 1797 - 63. Feb. 1, 1785 ; res. to Macpherson. Feb. 12, 1786 ; res. to Id. Cornwallis. Res. to Shore, Oct. 28, 1793. But relinq. by gen. Medows. Rd. Colley, E. of Morn- Oct. 4, 1797 ington, aft. Id, and M. Wellesley. Geo., M. Cornwallis, Jan. 9, 1805 Sir Geo. Hilaro Barlow. Oct 10, 1805; succ. bt. provisionally, on Id. Cornwallis' death. But did not proceed. Apr. 6, 1798 - May 17, 1798 July 30, 1805 Conf. in the govt, by the court, Feb. 19, 1806. July 31, 1807 Geo., Id., aft. E. of July 9, 1806 IMinto. Fras., E. of Moira, aft. Nov. 18, 1812 - - Oct. 4, 1813 - M. of Hastings. Hon John Adam, as Jan. 13, 1823, under Jan. 13, 1823 senior councillor. 33 Goo. III., cap. Geo. Canning Mar. 27, 1822 Did not go out Res. to Cl.arke, Mar. 12, 1798. Relinq. the appt., Aug. 2, 1797. May 17,1798;res.to Id. Mornington. July 30, 1805 ; res. to Id. Cornwallis. Oct, 5, 1805 ; d. on his way to the uj)per provinces. Succ. bv Id. Minto, July 31, 1807. Oct. 4. 1813; res. to hi. Moira. Jan. 9, 1823. Aug. 1, 1823; res. to Id. Amherst. Relinq. appt. Sept. 16, 1822. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. App. by the Court. Oct. 23, 1822 - Assumption of govt. Time of quitting. Aug 1,1823- Mar. 10, 1828. Wm., Id., aft E. Am herst. Wm. Butterworth Succ, provisionally, as Mar. 13, 1828 .July 4, 1828. Bayley. senr. councillor. Ld. " Wm. Cavendish- July 18, 1827 - - July 4, 1828- Vide vifra. Bentinck, g. c. b., G.C.H. By 3 and 4 Wm. IV., cap. 85 (Aug. 28, 1833), it was declared that the supreme direction and control of the whole of the civil and military government of all the territories and revenues in India should be vested in a governor-general and council, to be styled the governor-general of India in council. And it was further declared that the person who should be governor-general of the presidency of Fort William in Bengal on Apr. 22, 1834, should be the first governor-general of India, under the act. The governor-general of Bengal, as head of the chief presidency, had been usually denominated " Governor-General'"; Madras, Bombay, &c., being subject to his supreme control ; but it was not until the passing of this act that the "Governor- General of India," actually so constituted, existed as well in name as in authority. Ld. Wm. Cavendish Ben- tinck, vide supra. Sir Chas. Theoph. Met- calfe, bt.,aft. Id. Met- calfe. Wm., Id. Heytesbury, G.C.B. Geo., Id., aft. E. of Auckland. Edwd., Id , aft. E., of EUenborough. Wm. Wilberforce Bird, memb. of council. Contd. in Apr. 22, the govt. 1834. Succ. provisionally Jan. 28, 1835. Aug. 12, 1835 - Oct. 20, 1841 - Succ. provisionally as next in rank in the council. May 2, 1844 First Gov.- Gen. of In- dia under the above act. Mar. 20, 1835 Did not pro- ceed. Mar. 4. 1836- Mar. 20, 1835. Mar. 4, 183(). Appt. vacated by the crown, May 5,1835, Feb. 28, 1842. Feb. 28, 1842 Removed June 15, 1844. June 15, 1844 Res. to Hardinge, July 23, 1844. Sir Hy. Hardinge, aft vise. Hardinge, g.c.b. Jas. Andrew, E. , aft. M. , Aug. 4, 1847. of Dalhousie. Chas. John, vise. Can- - - - - ning. Since Nov. 1, 1858, on the passing of 21 and ante, p. G43), the Governors-General have been appointed by the Crown, and are dis tinguished by the additional title of Viceroy. Viceroys and Governors-General of India. From Nov. 1, 1858. July 23, 1844 Jan. 12, 1848. Jan. 12, 1848. Feb. 29; 1856 Made viceroy, vide infra. 2 Vict., cap. 106 (see Introduction, App. by the Crown. Appt. contd. Chas. John, vise. Can ning, vide supi-u. Jas.. E. of Elgin and Jan. 21, 1862 Kincardine,K.T., G.C.B. Sir John Laird Mair Dec. 5, 1863 Lawrence, bt., g.c.b., K.c. S.I. ;aft.ld.Lawrence. Richd Southwell, E. of Oct. 27, 1868 Mayo. Thos. Geo., Id., aft. E., Mar. 14, 1872 of Northbrook. Edwd. Robt. Lytton, Id., Feb. 12. 1876 aft. E. , of Lytton. Assumption of govt. - Appt. contd. - Mar. 12,1862. - Jan. 12, 1864. - Jan. 12, 1869. - May 3, 1872. - Apr. 12,1876. 050 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. App. by the Crown. Assumption of govt. Geo. Fredk. Saml.. M. May 6, 1880 - - June 8, 1880. of Ripon. K.G. Fredk. Temple, E. of Oct. 21, 1SS4 - - Dec. 13. 1884. Dufferin, k.p. , g.c.b., G.c.M.G. ; aft. M. of Dufferin and Ava. Hy. Chas. Keith, M. of 1888 - - - Dec. 10,1888. Lansdowne, g.m.s.i., G.c.M.G., G.M.I.E. COMMANDERS IN CHIEF IN INDIA. Appointed. Assumed commajid. Quitted command. Lt. -gen. John Claveriug. Feb. 7, 1774 - - Oct. 27. 1774 Aug, 30, 1777, when herf. On the death of gen. Clavering the duties were carried on by the military board ; but on Oct. 16 following brigr.-gen. Giles Stibbert, provincial comm.-ch., assumed command of the army, which he held until the arrival of Sir Eyre Coote. Lt. -gen. sir Eyre Coote. Apr. 17, 1777 - - Mar. 25. 1779 Apr. 27, 1783; d. Apr. 30, 1783. Brigr.-gen. Stibbert again assumed the chief command, and held it until It.-gen. Sloper arrived. Lt.-gen. Robt. Sloper - Oct. 27, 1784 - - July 21, 1785 Sept. 12, 1786. Geo., E., aft M., Corn- Apr. 11, 1786 - - Sept. 12, 1786 Oct. 28, 1793. wallis, gov. -gen. Col. Mackenzie and col. Auchmuty were apptd. to the command-in chief in the absence of Id. Cornwallis in 1790 and 1793. Maj. -gen. sir Robt. Aber- Sept. 19, 1792 - - Oct. 28, 1793 Apr. 30, 1797. cromby. Maj. -gen. Morgan held the chief command in the absence of gen. Abercromby. Lt.-gen. sir Alured Oct. 4, 1797 - - May 17, 1798 Julv3I,180L Clarke. He had held the provl. command from Apr. 30, 1797. Lt.-gen. Gerard Lake, Aug. 13, 1800 - - July 31, 1801 July 30, 1805. aft. Id. Lake. Geo., M. Cornwallis, Mar. 20, 1805 - - July 30, 1805 Oct. 5, 1805 ; ■ 5-- ^k^^xj xi'^uc, ftV.-j." K-ci : . i^. ;? COMMANDERS IN CHIEF IN BENGAL. Appointed. Assumed command. Lt.-gen. Giles Stibbort ----- Sept. 26, 1776 - Oct. 16, 1777. Lt.-gon. Stibbert held the provl. command during the absence of sir Eyre Coote. at Madras, and continued to hold it after sir Eyre Coote's death until the arrival of lt.-gen. Sloper. Col. McKenzie - Dec. 6, 1790 - Dec. 6, 1790. During the absence of Id. Cornwallis. Col. Saml. Auchmuty, aft. sir S. - - - Aug. 15, 1793 - Aug. l."). 1793- During the absence of Id. Cornwallis. Maj.-gen. sir Robt. Abercromby - - - Sep. 19, 1792 - Oct. 5. 1793. On Oct. 28, 1793, he assumed the chief command in India. Maj.-gen. Morgan ------ Jan. 17, 1797 - Jan. 17. 1797. During the absence of gen. Abercromby. Lt.-gen. sir Alured Clarke, k.b. - - - Apr. 6. 1796 - Apr. 30. 1797. On May 17, 1798, sir A. Clarke assumed the chief command in India. Lt.-gen. Gerard, Id., aft. vise. Lake - - - Apr. 11, 1805 - July 30, 1805. On Oct. 5, 1805, on the death of the M. Cornwallis, Id. Lake assumed the chief command in India. Lt.-gen. sir Geo. Nugent Nov. 18, 1812 - Oct. 9, 1813. Pursuant to a resolution of the court, of Nov. 18, 1812, sir Geo. Nugent, on the arrival of the earl of Moira, assumed the provl. command, and held it until Dec. 28, 1814; from which time the separate appointment of commr.- chief in Bengal merged into the general appointment of comm. -chief in India. (See '• Commanders in Chief in India," nnte, p. 650.) CHIEF JUSTICES OF BENGAL. Chief Justices of the Supreme Couet of Bengal. Appointed under 13 Geo. III., cap. 63 (June 16, 1773). 1774. Sir Elijah Impey, first judge. 1823. Sir Christr. Puller, d. May 26, Mar. 26. 1824. 1791. Sir Robt. Chambers. 1825. Sir Chas. Grey, Feb. 2. 1798. Sir John Anstruther, bt. ; res. 1806. 1832. Sir Wm. Oldnall Russell. 1807. Sir Hv. Russell, knt. ; bt. 1812. 1838. Sir Edwd. Ryan. 1813. Sir Edwd. Hyde East, knt.; bt. 1823. 1842. Sir Lawrence Peel. 1821. Sir Robt. H. Blossett, . Hemery, Oct. 24, G. 1849. Wm. Corbet Le Breton, Dec. 26, G. 1888. Geo. Orange Balleine, June 23, G. GOVERNORS OF GUERNSEY AND ITS DEPENDENCIES, ALDERNEY, SARK, AND HERN. From the separation of the Governments, ut 1470. Geffrey Wallifiy, Capt. of Castle Cornet and Govr. of the I. of Guernsey. 1482. Sir — Difthefield, Capt. of Guernsey. 1483. Edwd. Brampton, Capt. of Guern- sey. 1488. John April, Lt. and Capt. of Guern- * * Sir Wm. Weston. 1536. Sir Richd. Weston. 1541. Sir Richd. Lone, 1551. Sir Peter Meautis. 1553. SirLeonard Chamberlain' 1555. Francis Chamberlain Joint > Govrs. of ) (iuernsey. 1570. Sir Thos. Loighton, Govr. * * Lord Zouche, Govr. 1580. Thos. Wigmore, L.G. and Bailiff 1581. 1610. Lord Geo. Carew Baron do Clapton, Govr. 1621. Lord Hy. Danvers, Baron of Danby, Govr. * * Sir Peter Osborne, L.(i. 1632. Peter Boauvoir, Dop. L.G. 1643. Robt. Russell, L.G. 1644. Lord Warwick, Govr. 1649. Col. Cox, L.G. upra. 1651. Col. John Bingham, L.G. 1653. John Clarke. L.G. 1654. Chas. Watorhouse, L.G. 1660. Sir Hugh Pollard, (Jovr. 1661. Capt. Nathl. Darell, L.G. 1662. Christr. Id. Hatton, Govr. 1664-5. Sir Jonn. Atkins, L.G. 1670. Christr. Id. Hatton, ngdin, Govr. 1697. Col. Mordaunt, L.G. 1684. Capt. Hon. Chas. Hatton, L.G. 1689. Bernard Ellis, L.G. 1704. Sir Edmond Andros, L.G. 1706. Chas. Churchill, Govr. 1711. (iiles Spencer, L.G. 1715. Lt.-gen. Dan. Harvey, Govr. 1726. Lewis Dollon, L.G. 1732. Geo., E. of Cholmondeley, (Jovr. 1733. M.-gen. Richd. Sutton, Govr. 1735. Hon. John (iraham, L.G. 1737. Eras., M. de Montandre, (Jovr. 1742. Algernon Seymour, c.c. Id. Pen-y aft.E. of Hertford and E. uf North- umborhuul, Govr. 1745. Hon. Chas. Strahan.L.G. 1750. Sir John Ligonier, K.n., Govr. 1752. John, Id. . 1756. 1756. 1758. Col. Id. Geo. Beau clerk Lt.-gen. Wm. Hargrave, Govr. Lt.-gen. Humphrey Bland, Govr. "Occasional command- Cordon. Wm. Her-i ^"^^ ^°/^- [ llToot. Lt.-gen. Thos. Fowke, Govr. Lt.-gen. Jas., Id. Tyrawley, Govr. M.-gen. Wm., E. of Panmure, se- cond in command. M.-gen. Wm. , E. of Home, Govr. ; d. 176]. 670 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1758. Col. Wm. Tovey, commandant till 1820. Gen. John Pitt, E. of Chatham, k.g., Mar. 5. 1825. Gen. sir Geo. Don, g.c.b. , again, L.G., June 8. 1831. Lt.-gen. sir Wm. Houston, o.c.B., L.G., Apr. 8. 1835. M.-gon. sir Alex. Woodford, K.c.n., L.f4., Feb. 28: Govr., Sept. 1, 1836, G. 1843. Gen. sir Robt. Thos. Wilson, Govt., Oct. 4, G. 1848. M.-gen. sir Robt. Wm. Gardiner, K.C.B., Govr. G., Nov. 21, G. 1855. Lt.-gen. sir Jas. FergusBon, k.c.b. Govr. , July 26, G. 1859. Lt.-gen. sir Wm. Jno. Codrington K.C.B., Govr., May 6, G. 1865. Lt.-gen. sir Richd. Airey, k.c.b. Govr., Sept. 20, G. ' • 1870. Sir Wm. Fenwick Williams, of Kars bt.. K.f.B., Govr., Sept. 12, G. 1876. Gen. Robt. Cornelis. Id. Napier of Magdala, r.e. . g.c.b., g.c.8.i., Govr., Julv 30, G. I 1882. Lt.-gen. sir .Jno. Miller Adye, r.a., g.c.b., Govr., Dec. 26, G. I 1886. Gen. Hon. sir Arth. Edwd. Hard- inge, K.c.B.,c.i.E.,Govr.,Oct. 26. GIBRALTAR. /i, Hcb This bishopric was originally constituted by Letters Patent, Sept, 29, 1842, G., and included Gibraltar and Malta. These Letters Patent have since been revoked, and the present bishop is titular only. See Introduction, ante, p. 663. 1761. 1762. 1770. 1776. 1787. 1790. 1792. 1794. 1795. 1798. 1802. 1804. 1810. 1814. Col. Wm. Tovey, commandant till the arrival of M.-gen. Parslow, commandant. Lt.-gen. hon. Edwd. Cornwallis, Govr. M.-gen. John Irwin, commandant in the absence of the Govr. ^I.-gen. Robt. Boyd, aft. sir R., L.G Lt.-gen. Geo. Augs. Elliot, aft. Id. Heathfif'ld, Govr., .Tan. 16. M.-gen. Chas. O'Hara, L.G. Lt.-gen. sir Robt. Lloyd, k.b. Govr., Oct. 16. M.-gen. sir Hy. Calder, bt., L.G., Oct. 16. M.-gen. Chas. O'Hara, again, L.G. , Apr. 10. Gen. sir Hy. Clinton, k.b., Govr., July 19. Lt.-gen. Chas. O'Hara, now Govr. M.-gen. sir Thos. Trigge, L.G, ; aft. Govr. Edward, D. of Kent, Govr. , Mar. 24. Lt.-gen. hon. Hy. Edwd. Fox, L.G. M.-gen. Colin Campbell, L.G., Aug. 16. Lt.-gen. Geo. Don, aft. .sir G., L.G., Aug. 25. DIOCESE OF 1842. Geo. Tomlinson, Sept. 29. G. 1863. Walter Jno. Trower, form Glasgow, Sept. 26, G. Bishops of Gtibraltae bp 1868. Hon. Chas. Amvand Harris, May 1, G. 1874. Chas. Waldegrave Sandford. HELIGOLAND. This is a small island in the North Sea. It originally belonged to Denmark, from whom it was captured in 1807. GOVERNERS OF HELIGOLAND. 1807. Lt.-Col. J. D'Auvcrgne, L.G. 1814. Lt.-Col. Hamilton, L.G. 1817. Lt.-Col. Hy. King, aft. sirH,, L.G., Nov. 11, G. 1840. Capt. Jno. Hindniarsh, r.n., aft, adm. sir J,, Sept. 28, G. 1857. Maj. Uichd. Pattinson, L.G., Mar. 7,G. 1863. Maj. Hy. Fitzhardinge Berkeley Maxse, aft. sir H., L.G., May 14, G. ; app. Govr. Apr. 25, 1864, G. 1882. Lt.-Col. Jno. Terence Nicolls O'Brien, c.m.g., aft sirT,, Govr., Jan. 9, G. 1888. Arth. Cecil Stuart Barkly, Nov. 24, Cickj <■-<. ^elHiA-K, h^l^ THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 671 MALTA. The Island of Malta is situated in the Mediterranean Sea. In 1530 it was given bv Charles V. of Spain to the Knisrhts Hospitallers, who retained it till 1798, when it was taken by France. The British captured it in 1800, but by the Treaty of Amiens (1801-2) agreed to restore it to the knights. In consequence, however, of the threatening attitude of France, possession was retained, and it was ultimately guaranteed to Great Britain by the Treaty of Paris (1814). Malta forms part of the diocese of G-ibraltar. GOVERNORS OF MALTA. Civil Commissioners. 1799. Capt. Alexr. Jno. Ball, r.n., aft. I 1802. Adm. sir Alexr. Jno. Ball, bt. sir A. 1810. Lt.-gen. sir Hildebrand Oakes, 1801. C. Cameron. | g.c.b. Governors. 1813. Lt.-gen. Hon. Thos. Maitland, 1858. M.-gen. sir Jno. Gaspard Le Mar- July 15, sw. chant, Apr. 9, G. 1824. Gen. Fras., M. of Hastings, K.G., 1864. M.-gen. sir Hy. Knight Storks, G.C.B., G.C.H., Mar. 22, G. g.c.b., g.c.m.g., Nov. 15, G. 1826. M.-gen. sir Fredk. Cavendish Pon- 1867. Lt.-gen. sir Patr. Grant, g.c.b., sonby, L.G., L.P., Dec. 22. June 17, G. 1836. M.-gen. sir Hy. Fredk. Bouverie, 1872, Lt.-gen. sir Chas. Thos. Van Strau- K.C.B., Oct. 18, G. beuzee, k.o.b.. May 25, G. 1843. Lt.-gen. Hon. Patr. Stuart, aft. 1878. Gen. sir Arthur Borton, k.c.b., sir P., May 19, G. May 13, G. 1847. Richd. More O'Ferrall, Oct. 1, 1884. Gen. sir Jno. Lintorn Arabin Sim- G. mons, G.C.B.. Apr. 19, G. 1851. Lt.-Col. Wm. Reid, c.b., Sept. 12, 1888. Lt.-gen. sir Hy. D'Oyley Torrens, G. ,.,^.^ ^ K.C.B,, Aug/3, G. \_ \ , For bishops, see " Bishops of Gibraltar," anie^-p'^ld^^ '''''^''^' CYPRUS. Cyprus is a large island in the Mediterranean Sea. Ii has for some centuries belonged to Turkey, and still nominally forms part of the Ottoman Empire. By a treaty between England and Turkey, dated June 4, 1878, Cyprus was granted to England to be occupied and administered by that country so long as Batoum and Kars were retained by Russia. The government of Cyprus is. by high commissioners appointed under the Foreign Jui-isdiction Acts (see list in Index to Statutes), and Order in Council dated Sept. 14, and gazetted Oct. 1, 1878. HIGH COMMISSIONERS OF CYPRUS, 1878. Lt.-gen. sir Garnet Jos. Wolseley, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., aft. vise. Wolse- ley, July 12, G. 1879. Col. Robt. Biddulph. c.b., aft. sir R., May 31, G. 1885. M.-gen. sir Hy. Ernest Gascoyne Bulwer, g.c.m.g., Sept. 12. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. II. COLONIES, &c.— ASIA. CEYLON. Ceylon is an island in the Indian Ocean. The Portuguese visited this island in 1505, and formed settlements there in 1517, but they were ousted by the Dutch about 1658. In 1795-6 the island was conquered by the British, who annexed it to the presidency of Madras. It was formally ceded to Great Bi-itain at the Peace of Amiens (1801-2), and was then made a separate colony. Ceylon constitutes the diocese of Colombo. GOVERNORS OF CEYLON Dutch Governors. Taken from the Colonial List. 1640. William Jacobezen Coster. 1726. Jan Thuysz. 1729. Joan :Matsoyker. 1732. 1650. Jacob Van Kittenstein. 1653, 1656, and 1661, Adrian Van Der 1734. Meyden. 1736. 1660. Rj-ckloft- Van Goens. 1736. 1663. The same again, Apr. 6. Jacob Hustaart, Dec. 27. 1740. 1664. Ryckloff Van Goens, aijain, Nov. 19. 1742. 1674. Ryckloff Van Goens, "the younger, Feb. 24. 1743. 1679. Laurens Pye, Dec. 19. 1751. 16'J2. Thos. Van Rhec, Feb. 3. ; 1752. 1697. Gerrit De Heer, Feb. 22. 1702. Members of Council, Nov. 26. 1757. 1703. Cornelia Joan Simons, May 12. 1762. 1707. Henrick Becker, Dec. 1. 1765. 1716. Isaac Augustin Rumpf, Dec. 5. 1723. Members of Council, June 11. 1724. Joannes Ilertenberg, Jan. 12. 1785. 1725 Members of Council, Oct 19. 1794. Petrus Vuyst, Sept. 16. Stephanus Versluys, Aug. 29. Members of Council, Aug. 26. Jacob Christiaan Pielat, l»cc. 2. Dideric Van Domburgh, Feb. 19. Members of Council, June 7. Gustaaf Willem Van Imhofif, July 24. Willem Maurits Bruynink, Mar. 12. Daniel Overbeck, ud. int., Feb. 8. Julius Valentyer Stein Van Gol- lenesse, May 12. Gerrard Joan Vreelandt, Mar. 5. Jacob de Jong, Feb. 26. Joan Gideon Loten, Sept. 30. Jan Schrender, ^lar. 17. Lubbert Jan Baron Van Eck, Members of Council, Apr. 1. Iman Willem Falk, Aug. 10. Willem Jacob Van de Graafl", Feb. 7. Johan Gerard Van Angelbeck, July 5. British Governors. Completed from the Colonial List. 1790. The Govr. of Madras in Council. 1798. Hon. Fredk. North, aft. E. of Guild- ford, Mar. 26. 1805. M.-gen. Thos. Maitland, aft. sir T., Jan. 5, G. 1811. M.-gen. Jno. Wilson, L.G. Lt.-gen. Robt. Brownrigg, Aug. 1,G. 1820. M.-gen. sir Edwd. Barnes, L.G. Lt.-gen. hon. sir Edw. Paget, o.c.b., Sept. U, G.; sw. May 5, 1821. 1822. M.-gen. sir Jas. Campbell, K.c.n., L.G. 1824. M.-gen. sir Edw. Barnes, k.c.u., as Govr., Mar. 12, G. 1831. 1837. M.-gen. sir Jno. Wilson, k.c.u. , L.G. Robt. Jno. Wilmot Horton, Jan. 26, G. ; knt., June 22. Jas. Alexr. Stewart JIackenzie, I Mar. 29, G. 1840. Lt.-gen. Sir Colin Campbell, k.c.b. j (not Id. Clyde;, Nov. 17, G. I 1847. Sir Jno. Emerson Teiniont, L.G. I 1847. Geo., visct. Torrington, Mar. 12, G. 1850. Chas. Justin MacCarthy, aft. sir C, L.G., until arrival of Anderson. 1850. Sir (jeo. Wm. Anderson, k.c.b., Oct. 1. G. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 673 1855. Chas. Justin MacCarthy, aft. sir C, L.G., until arrival of Ward. 1855. Sir Hy. Geo. Ward, k.c.m.g., Feb. 26," G. 1860. Sir Chas. Justin MacCarthy, now Govr., Aug. 23, G. 1863. M.-gen. Jno. Terence Nicolls O'Brien, aft. sir T., Actg. Govr. during absence of MacCarthy. 1865. Sir Hercules Geo. Robt. Robinson, Mar. 6, G. 1872. Wm. Hv. Gregory, Jan. 8, G. DIOCESE OF 1876. Arthur Nonus Birch, c.m.g. . aft. sir A., L.G., May 6, G. 1877. Sir Jas. Robt. Longden, k.c.m.g., June 30, G. 1878. Jno. Douglas, c.m.g., L.G., Aug. 13, G.: Actg. Govr. in 1883 until arr. of Gordon. 1883. Hon. Sir Arthur Hamilton Gordon, G.C.M.G., July 23, G.6^-'^"«'-i^''ir*v^^u. 1885. Cecil Clementi Smith, c.m.g.. L.G.. Aug. 6. G. COLOMBO. This bishopric was constituted by Letters Patent April 24, 1845, G. is in the province of Calcutta. It Bishops of Colombo. 1845. Jas. Chapman. Apr. 24, G. 1862. Piers Calveley Claughton, May 8, G. ; tr. from St. Helena. 1871. Hugh Willoughby Jermyn, Oct. 26, G. 1876. Regd. Stephen Copleston, Jan. 12, G. HONG KONG. Hong Kong is an island on the south-east coast of China. It was ceded to Great Britain in 1842. Hong Kong constitutes the diocese of Victoeia (Hong Kong). GOVERNORS OF HONG KONG. 1843. M.-^en. sir Hy. Pottinger. bt., G.C.B., Apr. 5, G. 1844. Jno. Fras. Davis, aft. bt., Feb. 9,G. 1847. Saml. Geo. Bonham. aft. bt., Nov. 27, G. 1852. M.-gen. Wm. Jervoise, acting Govr. until return of Bonham in 1853. 1854. John Bowring, Jan. 10. G. ; knt. Feb. 16. Lt.-col. Caine, L. G. 1859. Hercules Geo. Robt. Robinson, June 17, G. ; knt. June 25 ; aft. bt. 1862. Wm. T. .Mercer. Actg. Govi-. until return of Robinson in 1864 ; again in 1865, until arrival of Mac- Donnell. 1865. Sir Richd. Graves MacDonnell, c.b., Oct. 19, G. 1869. 1872. 1875. 1877. 1882. 1885. 1887. M.-gen. Whitfield. L.G., actg. until return of Macdonnell in 1871. Sir Arthur Ed«d Kennedy, c.b., K.C.M.G.. Feb. 20, G. John Gardiner Austin, admr. until return of Kennedy in 1876. John Pope Hi^nnessy, c.m.g., aft. sir J. ; Apr. 13, G. Wm. Hy. Marsh, c.m.g., aft. sir H. ; Actg. Govr. until arrival of Bovren. Sir Geo. Ferguson Bowen, g. c.m.g., Dec. 26, G. Wm. Hy. Marsh, c.m.g., again Actg.-Govr. until return of Bowen. Sir Geo. Wm. Des Vceux. k.c.m.g., , July 11, G. DIOCESE OF VICTORIA (HONG KONG). This bishopric was constituted by Letters Patent, May 11, 1849, G. It is classed as one of the dioceses holding mission from the see of Canterbury. 43 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES Bishops of Victokia (Hong Kong). 1849. Geo. Smith, May 11. G. | 1873. John Shaw Burdon, consec. 1874. 1867. Chas. Richd. Alford, Eeb. 4. G. : res. 1872. I THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. PRINCE OF WALES' ISLAND OR PENANG. MALACCA. SINGAPORE. CHRISTMAS ISLAND. The Straits Settlements are ou the west coast of the Malay Penin- sula, and take their name from their situation in the Straits of Malacca. They comprise Peince op Wales' Island or Penang, Malacca, Singapore, Christmas Island, and some minor dependencies. Prince op Wales' Island is the ofl&cial name of the island popularly known as Penang, or Pulo-Penang. The East India Company established a settlement here in 1786, which was in 1806 made a pre- sidency of equal rank with Madras and Bombay. Malacca originally belonged to the Portuguese, who settled there in 1511. They were succeeded by the Dutch in 1641. The Dutch in their turn were dispossessed in 1795 by the British, who restored it in 1818. It was finally ceded by Holland to Great Britain by treaty in 1824. The settlement of Singapore consists of the island of that name and of a number of small adjacent islands. The English built a factory here in 1819, and acquired the islands by purchase in 1824. In 1826 Malacca and Singapore were incorporated with the pre- sidency of Penang. The government remained at Penang until 1832, when it was removed to Singapore. Under 21 & 22 Vict. c. 106 (1868), and 29 & 30 Vict. c. 115 (1866), and Letters Patent Feb. 2, 1867, G., Prince of Waives' Island, Malacca, and Singapore, with their dependencies, were separated from India and formed into an independent colony by the name of the Straits Settlements. The Cocos or Keeling Islands were transferred from Ceylon to the Straits Settlements by Letters Patent dated Feb. 1, 1886 (Feb. 3, G.), revoking Letters Patent of 10th Sept. 1878. Christmas Island was annexed to the Straits Settlements by Letters Patent, Jan. 9, 1889, G. The territories forming the Straits Settlements were formerly part of the diocese of Calcutta, but were in 1869 annexed to the diocese of Labuan, and are now part of the diocese of Singapore, Lab DAN, and Sarawak. THE BOOK Ob' DIGNITIKS. GOVERNORS OF STRxMTS SETTLEMEXTS. Seat of G-overnment, Singapore. 1867. Col. Harry St. Geo. Ord, R.K , 0.15. ; 1877. Sir Wm. Cleaver Fras. Robinson, aft. sir H., Feb. 5. G. k.c.m.g., Dec. 4. 1871. Lt.-col. Archd. Edwd. Harbord . iij. ■ A T I ----■— M.-gen. A. E. H. Anson, admr. Anson, r.a., aft sir A. admr. • p^^., until arrival of Weld 1 a^.. ^- f -n n. ''V ' in May 1880. 18i6. Sir Andr. Clarke, r.e., k.u.m.g., ,„„„ „ „ -; , . ..^ , , c.B. Auo- 25 G. ^' ^•■<'''^- Aloysius Weld, c.m.g., aft. 1875. Col.'sirWm.Fras.'Drummond Jervois, j ''"' ^■' ^^^^'- ^^' ^' R.E., K.C.M.G., C.B., Apr. 7. G. 1884. Cecil Clementi Smith, c.m.g., 1877. Col. A. E. H. Anson, r.a.. c.m.g.. aft. sir C, admr.. Mar., until cujain admnr. Apr., until arrival return of Weld in Nov. 1885 ; app. of Robinson in Oct. Govr. Aug. 2, 1887. /cPf 3, r^ :Uj S'^'ii^ ffcUr-U ^iMi^^' K-(-n.r,.(f^'!^^n.c,. DIOCESE OF SINGAPORE. See under " Labuan," infra. LABUAN. Labuan' is an island in the Malay Archipelago, on the coast of Borneo. In 1846 it was acquired from the sviltan of Borneo by the English, who settled there in the following year. Labuan forms part of the diocese of Singapore, Labuan and Sarawak. GOVERNORS OF LABUAN. 1847. Jas. Brooke, aft. sir J., Nov. 27, 1867. John Pope Hennessy, aft. sir J., G. j Sept. 16, G. 1848. Wm. Napier, L.G. 1871. Hy. Ernest Buhver, c.m.g. ; aft. sir 1850. John Scott, aft. sir J., L.G. j H., June 22. G. 1856. Hon. Geo. Warren Edwardes, Feb. | 1875. Herbert Taylor Ussher, c.m.g., Oct. 13, G. I 31, G. 1862. Jeremiah Thos. FitzGerald Cal- ' 1879. Chas. Cameron Lees, c.m,g. ; aft. laghan, Apr. 10. G. sir C. Sept. 29, G. 1866. Hugh Low, aft. sir H., Actg. Govr. 1881. Peter Leys, Sept. 3; Actg. Govr. until arrival of Hennessy. during vacancy. DIOCESE OF SINGAPORE, LABUAN, AND SARAWAK. The bishopric of Labuan was constituted under Letters Patent, Aug. 7, 1855, G. "Under 32 & 33 Vict. c. 88 (1869), and Letters Patent, dated Nov. 15, and gaz. Nov, 16, 1869, the Straits Settlements were separated from the diocese of Calcutta and added to that of Labuan, whose bishops were thenceforward styled bishops of Singapore, Labuan and Sarawak. It is now classed as a diocese holding mission from the see of Canterbury. BISHOPS OF LABUAN. 1855. Fras. Thos. McDougall, May 15, G.; I 1869. Walter Chambers, June 28, G. res. 1868. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Bishops op Singapore, Labuan and Sarawak. l«Gy. Walter Chambers, above-named, I 1«81. Geo. Frodk. Hose, consec. Mav Nov. 15. G. ; res. 1881. BRITISH NORTH BORNEO. This territory uow belongs to the British North Boruei) Company, who hold it under grants from the Sultans of Brunei and Lulu, dated Dec. 29, 1877, and Jan. 28, 1878, and a Royal Charter granted Nov. 1 and gazetted Nov. 8, 1881. The British protectorate was formally assumed May 12, 1888. There had previously Leen settlements under the East India Com- pany at Balambagan and Brunei, but these were abandoned early in the present century. Governors of British North Borneo. 1881. Wm. Hood Treacher, Jiuie 1. | 1888. Chas. Vandeleur CreaKh. ASIATIC DIOCESES whose jui-isdiction lies outside the British dominions. DIOCESE OF TRAVANCORE AND CHINA. This bishopric was constituted in 1879, and is in the province of Calcutta. Its jui-isdiction extends over the native States of Travancore and China. Bishop of Travancore and Cochin. 1879. .John JIartindale Speechlcy. DIOCESES OF NORTH CHINA AND ^1 ID-CHINA. The bishopric of North China was constituted in 1872, and that of Mid-China in 1880. The original bishopric of North China is now called Mid-China, the present bishopric of North China having a diffe- rent jurisdiction. Both dioceses are classed as missionary bishoprics holding missions from the metropolitan see of Canterbury. Bishops of Mid-China, formerly North China. 1872. W. A. Russell. | 1880. Geo. Evans Moulo, consec. Oct. 28. Bishop op North China as now Constitdted. 1880. Chus. Perry Scott, consec. Oct. 28. THE BOOK OP DIGNITIES. 677 DIOCESE OF JAPAN. This bishopric was constituted in 1883, and is classed as a mis- sionary bishopric holding missions from the metropolitan see of Canterbury. Bishops Of Japan. 1883. Arth. Wm. Poole. | 1885. Eclwd.Wm.Bickersteth,consec.l88(;. DIOCESE OF .JERUSxVLEM. This bishopric was constituted in 1841. Bishops of Jeritsalem. 1841. M. S. Alexander. I 1887. Geo. Fras. Popham Blyth, consec. 184G. Saml. Gobat. Mar. 25. 187i>. Joseph Barclay, ceased 1881. | III.— COLONIES, &o.— AFEICA. SOUTH AFRICAN COLONIES. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. NATAL. BRITISH BECHUANA- LAND. BRITISH KAFFRARIA. BASUTOLAND. GRiaUALAND, EAST AND WEST. The division and government of the British possessions in South Africa have been subject to many changes, a detailed and very accu- rate account of which will be found in the official Colonial List. The Cape of Good Hope or Cape Colony originally belonged to the Dutch, who settled there about 1652 and retained it till 1795, when the British took possession of it in order to prevent its capture by the French. It was restored to the Dutch at the Peace of Amiens (1801-2), but on the renewal of hostilities between Great Britain and France it was again captured by the former in 1806, and finally ceded to this country in 1814. The district of Rode Yalley was annexed to the Cape by Letters Patent, Aug. 2, 1887, G. Natal was originally colonized by a secession of Dutch Boers from Cape Colony. In Aug. 1843 it was proclaimed a British colony by the authorities at the Cape. In Aug. 1845 it was annexed as a disti'ict to Cape Colony, and in Nov. 1845 it was constituted a separate govern- ment under a lieutenant governor subordinate to the Cape. By Letters Patent, July 15, 1856, G., Natal was altogether separated from the Cape and constituted a separate colony. Bechuanaland was taken under British protection by convention of London dated Feb. 27, 1884, and on Sept. 30, 1885, part of that THE BOOK OF DIGXITIES, country was declared to be British territory under the name of British Bechuanaland, and the governor of the Cape was appointed its t:overnor with a local administrator under him. The acquisition of British Kafpraria was the result of the second and third Kaffir wars (1846-7 and 1850-3). It was at first treated as part of Cape Colony, but in 1861 it was declared a separate colony under a lieutenant governor, subordinate to the Cape. In 1865, under 28 & 29 Vict. cap. 5, British Kaffraria was reunited to the Cape, of which it now forms the two divisions of King Williamstown and East London. Basutoland became British territory in March 1868, and was annexed to the Cape in Aug. 1871 under an Act of the Colonial Legis- lature. As from March 13, 1884, it was separated from the Cape and formed into a separate colony under a commissioner subordinate to the High Commissioner for South Africa. Griqualand West was made British territory on Oct. 27, 1871, and a lieutenant governor appointed, April 2, 1873. It was annexed to the Cape under Colonial Act No. 39, of 1877, and proclamation dated Oct. 16, 1880. (See London Gazette of Jan. 25, 1881.) The South African colonies are in the ecclesiastical province of Cape Town which province comprises the dioceses of Bloemfontein, for Orange River Free Grahamstown. merly I Maritsbixrg, formerly Xatal. I St. John's. Kaffraria. State. Pretoria. Zululand. I St. Helena. | GOVERNORS OF THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. See Introduction, ante, p. 677. Dutch Governors. 1652. Joban Antony van Riebeck. 1GG2. Zacharias Wagenaar. 16G6. Cornelis van Qualberg. 16GH. Jacob Borgborst. 1670. Pietor llackins. 1671. Coenraad van Breitenbach. 1672. Albert van Breugel. Ysbrand Goske. 1676. Joban Bax. 1678. Hendrik Grudare. Simon van dor Still. ]C>'J[). Wm. Adriaan van dor Still. 1707. Joban Cornelis d'Abling. 170H. Louis van Assenburg. 1711. WiUem Helot. 1714. Mauritz Pasquess de Chavo. 1724. Jan de la Fontaine; also Actg. Govr. in 1728 ; Govr. in 1730. 1727. Piet Gysbert Nood. 1736. Adriaan von Kervel. 1737. Daniel van den HpngbelJ. 1739. Hendrik Swcllengrebcl. 1751. RykTulbagh. 1771. Joachim van Plettenberg. 1773. Pieter Baron van Kecd Van Oudt- schoorn ; 11. Lieutenant Governors prior to Separation from Cape Colony. 1845. Martin West, Dec. 30, G. 185G. John Scott. Mar. 15. G. 1849. Benjn. Chillev Campbell Pine, aft sir B., Nov. 27, G. Lieutenant Governors after Separation from Cape Colony. 1856. John Scott, above-named, July 15, G. 1875. M.-gen. sir Garnet Jos. Wolseley, 1864. John Maclean, C.B., Oct. 6, G. g.c.m.g., k.c.u., aft. vise. Wol- 1867. Robt. Wm. Keate, Feb. 20, G. seley : Feb. 24, G. ; to administer 1872. Anthy. Musgrave,c'.M.G., aft. sir A., the govt, temporaril}-. May 25, G. 1875. Sir Hv. Ernest Bulwer, k.c.m.g., 1873. Sir Benjn. Chilley Campbell Pine, July 6, G. K.C.M.G., May 31, G. Governors. 1880. Col. sir Geo. Pomeroy Colley, 1882. Sir Hy. Ernest Bulwer, k.cm.g., K.C.8.I., c.B.,c.M.G., Apr. 21, G.; Feb. 2. G. ; also sp. commr. for also high commr. for S.E. Africa, j Zulu affairs. 1881. M.-gen. sir Fredk. Sleigh Roberts, bt., G.C.B., C.I.E., Mar. 7, G. ; also Govr. Transvaal and high commr. for S.E. Africa. 1885. Sir Arth. Elibank Havelock, K.C.M.G., Sept. 12, G. DIOCESE OF NATAL, NOW STYLED MARITZBURG. The bishopric was separated from Cape Town by Letters Patent, Nov. 23, 1853, G., and was made suffragan to that province by Letters Patent, Dec. 6, 1853, G. Bishop of Natal. 1853. John Wm. Colenso, 1st bp.,Nov. 23, G. ; deposed (?) 1863 : >/. 1883. Bishop of Maritzburg. 1869. Wm. Kenneth JIacrorie, conseo. Jan. 5. GOVERNORS OF BRITISH BECHUANALAND. The Governor of the Cape of Good Hope for the time being. See Introduction, ante. p. 677. Under him is a local administrator. Administrators of British Bechuanaland. 1884. Sir Chas. Warren, r.e., app. sp. I 18S5. Sidney Godolphin Alexr. Shippanl, commr.for Bechuanaland, abt. Oct. | aft. sir S.. Oct. For bishops see " Bishops of Bloemfontein," jmsI p. 681. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF BRITISH KAFFRARIA. See Introduction, ayite p. 678. i860. Jno. Maclean, O.U., Dec. 6, G. Re-uiiitt'(l to the Cape in 1865. Sec aiitc, ]}. 678. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, DIOCESE OF ST. JOHN'S, KAFFRARIA. This bishopric was formerly part of that of Grahamstown, from which it was separated iu 1873. See ante, p. 679. Bishops op St. John's, Ka.ffra.e,ia. 1873. Hy. Callaway. J 1883. BransbyLancelotKey (coadj.); made I bp. i88(_i. RESIDENT COMMISSIONERS GOVERNING BASUTOLAND UNDER THE HIGH COMMISSIONERS FOR SOUTH AFRICA. See Introduction, ante, p. 678. 1884. Lt.-col. sir Marshall Jas. Clarke, Jan. For bishops see " Bishops of Bloemfontein," infra. LIEUTENANT GOVERNORS OF GRIQUALAND WEST. See Introduction, ante p. 678. 1873. Richd. Southey, c.m.g., Apr. 2, j On Oct. 15, 1880, Griqualand West G. I was incorporated with Cape 1875. Maj. Wm. Owen Lanyon, aft. sir j Colony. See ante, p. 678. W., C.M.G., Sept. 1,'G. ! For bishops see " Bishops of Bloerarontein," infra. SOUTH AFRICAN DIOCESES or BLOEMFONTEIN (FORMERLY ORANGE FREE STATE). ZULULAND. PRETORIA. The Bishopric of the Orange Free State was established in 1873. In 1886 its jurisdiction was extended and its name changed to Bloem- fontein. It now includes the Orange Free State, Griqualand West, Basutoland, and Bechuanaland, and is in the province of Cape Town. The Bishopric of Ztjluland was established in 1870. Its juris- diction extends over Zululand and the territories to the north and north-east thereof. It is in the province of Cape Town. The Bishopric of Peetoria was established in 1878. Its jurisdic- tion extends over the Transvaal. It is in the province of Cape Town. BISHOPS OF BLOEMFONTEIN, FORMERLY ORANGE FREE STATE. 1863. Edwd. Twells ; consec. Feb. 2. 1870. Allan Beeher Webb ; tr. to Gr hamstown, 1883. 1886. Geo. Wyndham Hamilton Knight- Bruce. BISHOPS OF ZULULAND. 1870. Thos. Edwd. Wilkinson ; ceased I 1880. Douglas McKenzie ; consec. Nov 1876. 30. THE BOOK OF DKiNITlES. BISHOP OF PRETORIA. 1878. Hy. Brougham Bouafield, coiisec. Feb. 2. ST. HELENA. St. Helena is an island in the South Atlantic Ocean, and whilst the route for India and Australia was round the Cape of Good Hope, more especially before the introduction of steain, most ships, both homeward and outward bound, called there for provisions and water. Since the opening of the Suez Canal its importance has some- what declined. The Island was discovered by the Portuguese, but was first colonized by the Dutch. It came into the possession of PJnglaud in 1673, and was soon afterwai-ds granted by Charles II. to the East India Company, by whom it was transferred to the Crown in 1833 under 3 & 4 Wm. IV. cap. 85, sec. 112. Prior to that date the governors of the island were appointed by the company, except during the detention of Napoleon Buonaparte from 1816 to 1821, when Sir Hudson Lowe was appointed governor by the Crown. GOVERNOR OF ST. HELEN' A during the detention of Napoleon Buonaparte. 18IC. Sir Hudson Lowe, arr. Apr. 1+. GOVERXORS SINCE THE TRANSFER OF THE ISLAND FROM THE EAST INDIA COMPANY TO THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT. 1835. M.-gen. Geo. Middlemore, Oct. 12, G. I 18G3. V.-adm. sir Chas. Elliot, k.c.b., 1841. Lt.-col. HamelinTrelawny, Aug. 24, Maj- 20, G. G. ' 1870. Hudson Ralph Janiseh, Actg. Govr. 184<). M.-gen. sir Patrk. Ross, g.c.m.g.. until arrival of Patey. June 27, G. IS&.K R.-adm. Chas. Geo. Edwd. Patey, 1850. Sir Jas. Kmerson Tennent, Dec. 31. Dec. G, G. G. ; did not proceed. 1873. Hudson Ralph Janiseh, now Govr., 1851. Lt.-col. Thos. Gore Browne, c.n., Oct. 1,G. aft. sir T., May 20, G. 1884. Lt.-col. Grant Blunt, r.e., Actg. 1854. Edwd. Hay Drummond Hay. c.B. aft. Govr., Mar. 19. sir E., Nov. 0, G. 1887. Wni. Grey-Wilson, Dec. 8, G. DIOCESE OK ST. HELENA. St. Helena was originally included in the diocese of Capetown, which was constituted under Letters Patent, June 28, 1847, G. (See aide, p. 679.) By Letters Patent, June 3, 1859, G., St. Helena was formed into a separate diocese comprising that island and the island of Ascension. Bishops of St. Helena. 1851). Piers Calvploy Chuighton, June 3, | ISC'J. Thos. Karlo W.-lbv, .Mav 8, G. G. ; tr. to Colombo, 1802. THE BOOK OF DIGXlTIEi- ()«3 MAURITIUS. SEYCHELLES ISLANDS. RODRIGUES. The Island of MAURiTms is in the Indian Ocean. It was discovered by the Portuguese in 1507, colonised by the Dutch in 1598, abandoned by them in 1710, taken jjossession of by the French in 1710, and cap- tured by Great Britain in 1810. Mauritius has a number of small dependencies, the principal of which are the Seychelles Islands and Rodrigues. These are governed by commissioners, who are subordinate to the governor of Mauritius. By Letters Patent, Jan. 2, 1889, G., fresh provision was made for the government of the Seychelles by an administrator. Mauritius and its dependencies constitute the diocese of Mauritius. (iOVERXORS OF MAURITIUS. French Governors. Taken from the Colonial List. 1T22. M. de Nyon, Jan. 1779 1726. 31. Dumas, Aug. 28. 1728. M. de Maupin, Oct. 2G. 1785 1784. M. Mahe de Labourdonnais, Nov. 10. 174(J. M. David, Apr. 1750. M. de Lozier-Bouvet. 1755. M. Magon. 1787. 175;i. jNI. Desforges Boucher. 17()7. Col. M. Dumas, July 17. 1789. 17(;.s. Brig. -gen. I\I. Steinaiier, Nov. 29. i7L'. Owen Emeric Vidal, Mav !'.>. G. 1870. Hv. Cheotham, \ov. 10. G. : res. 1855. John Wills Weeks, May"lO. G. 'l882. 1857. John Bowen, Aug. 10. G. 188^. Ernest Graham Ingham. Fel>. it, 18G0. Edwd. Hvndman Beckles. Jan. 5, G. G. ; res. 1870. GOVERNORS OF GAMBIA OR THE GAMBIA SETTLEMENTS. See Introduction ante, p. 685. Governors. 1843. Commander Hy. Frowd Seagram, 1847. Richd. Graves MacDonnell, Oct. 1,G. R.X., June 23, G. 1852 Arth. Edwd. Kennedy, May 25, G- Commander Edmund Noreott, R.N.. 1852. Mai. Luke Smyth O'Connor. Sep. 13, Nov. 20. G. ■ G. ' 1844. Commander Chas. FitzGerald, r.n. , 1859. Col. Geo. Abbas Kooli D'Arcy. .May 3, G. June 17, G. For subsequent Governors, see post, p. 088. Commissioners or Administrators. 1866. R.-adm. Chas. Geo. Edwd. Patey, 1877. Surg.-maj. Valesius Skipton Goulds- Oct. 22, G. burv, m.d., c.m.g., Mar. 15. G. 1871. T. F. Callaghan, c.m.g. 1884. Capt. " Cornelius Alfd. Moloney. 1873. Cornelius Hendericksen Korti-ight, c.m.g., Feb. 2, G. Aug. 25, G. 1886. Jas. Shaw Hay, Jan. 14. G. 1875. Surg.-maj. Saml. Rowe, C.M.G., aft. Gilbert T. Carter (actg. ) ; app. sir S., June 16, G. I admr. Nov. 2!), 1888. For bishops, see " Bishops of Sierra Leoue, ' supra. GOVERNORS. &c. OF THE GOLD COAST. See Introduction ante, p. 685. Governors and Administrators of the Gold Coast Fort or Settlements. 1843. Commr. Hy. Worsley Hill, k.n., 1851. Maj. Stephen John Hill, Apr. 1, G. L.G., Mar. 6, G. 185G. Benj. Chilley Campbell Pine. Nov. 1845. Commr. Wm Winniett, r.n., aft. sir 4, G. ; knt. Nov. 2S. W., L.G , Oct. 24, G. ; made 1860. Edwd. Bullock Andrews, Mar. 7. G. Govr., Jan. 24, 1850, G. 1863. Ricbd. Pine, Feb. i). G. For subsequent Governors to 1874, see post, p. 688. Administrators. 1867. Herbert Taylor Ussher, Admr., | 1872. Col. Robt. Wm. Harley. c.ii.. Admr., July 22, G. I Sept. 12, G. Gold Coa-st Colony constituted out of Gold Coast Settlements and Lagos, ./ulv 31, 1874, G. Governors ok Goi,d Coast Colony. 1874. Capt. Geo. Cumino Strahan, it. a., 1876. Sanford Frooling. c.m.g., aft. sir S.. aft. sir G., July 31, G. i Dec 4 G 1874. Chas. Cameron Lees, aft. sir C, ' ' L.G., Nov. 7, G. i 1878. Chas. Cameron Lees, >67, see " Governors- General of the Dominion of Canada." unte, p. 69'_'. and the following list of LlEUTENANT-GoVERNOES OF QUEBEC. Taken from the Colonial List. 18G7. Sir N. F. Belleau. k.c.h.g. ■ 1884. Louis Franrois Roderique Masson, 1873. R. E. Caron. -- - • 1876. Luc Letellier de St. . 1879. Theodore Robitaille. 1873. R. E. Caron. j Nov. 7. 1876. Luc Letellier de St. Just. 1887. Auguste R.^al Angers, Oct. 24. DIOCESE OF QUEBEC. This bishopric was constituted in 1793, and originallv extended over both Upper and Lower Canada. By Letters Patent, July 19, 185U, G., the district of Montreal was separated from it and erected into a sepa- rate diocese. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Canada. Bishops of Quebec. Undivided Diocese. 1793. I. Mountain. I 1836. Geo. Jehosophat ^fountain, Feb. 13, 1826. C. J. Stewart. | G. Bishops of Quebec. After the Separation of Montreal. 1850. Geo. Jehosophat Mountain, above I 1863. Jas. Wm. Williams, named, July 19, G. | DIOCESE OF MONTREAL. This bishopric was constituted by Letters Patent July 19, 1850, G., and consists of so much of the original diocese of Quebec as com- prised the district of Montreal. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Canada. Bishops op Montreal. 1850. Fras. Fulford, July 19, G. i 1879. Wm. Bennett Bond. 1869. A. Oxenden. GOVERNORS OF NOVA SCOTIA. See Introduction, ante, p. 689. For Governors, see "Governors of Canada" and "Governors-General of the Dominion of Canada," ante, pp. 691-2. Lieutenant-Governors op Nova Scotia. The earlier names are taken from the Colonial List. 1714. Saml. Vetch. 1 1752. Peregrine Thos. Hopson. 1717. Col. Rd. Phillips. I 1754. Chas. Lawrence. 1749. Hon. Edwd. Cornwallis. | 1756. A. Moulton. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 695 1760. J. Belcher. 1761. Hy. Ellis (?) 1764. Robt. Wiliiiot. 1766. M. Franklin. 1773. Fras. Legge. 1776. M. Arbuthnot. 1778. R. Hughes. 1781. Sir A. S. Hammond. 1782. Jno. Parr. 1783. P. Fanning. 1786. Sir Guy Carleton, aft. Id. Dorchester. 1791. R. Buikeley. 1792. Jno. Wentworth, aft. bt. 1808. Sir Geo. Prevost, bt., Jan. 16, G. 1811. Gen. Duncan Darroch (acting). 1811. Lt.-gen. sir John Cope Sherbrooke, K.B., Aug. 19, G. 1816. Gen. Smyth (acting). 1816. Lt.-gen. ' Geo., E. of Dalhousie, G.C.B., July 29. 1819. M.-gen. sir Jas. Kempt, u.c.is., Oct. 20, G. 1826. M. Wallace (acting). 1828. M.-gen. sir Peregrine Maitland, K.C.U., Aug. 14, G. 1834. M.-gen. sir Colin Campbell (not Id. Clyde), Jan. 24, G. 1840. Lucius Benlinck, vise. Falkland, G. 1846. M.-gen. sir Jno. Harvey, k.c.b., June 26, G. 1852. Col. sir Jno. Gaspard Le Marchant, June 18, G. 1858. Geo. Augs. Constantine, E. of Mul- grave, aft. M. of Normanbv. Jan. 28, G. 1S64. Sir Richd. Graves Mac Donnell, c.b., May 28, G. 1865. Sir Wm. Fenwick Williams, bt., K.U.B., Oct. 20, G. In 1867 the Dominion of Canada was formed, and Nova Scotia became one of its provinces. Lieutenant-Governors of Nova Scotia. Since the formation of the Dominion of Canada. Taken from the Colonial List. 1867. M.-gen. sir Chas. Hastings Doyle, K.C.M.G. 1870. Sir Edwd. Kenny (acting). 1873. Jos. Howe (acting). 1873. Adams G. Archibald, aft. sir A. 1883. Matth. Hy. T. Richey, July 4. 1888. A. W. MijLelan. July 9. DIOCESE OF NOVA SCOTIA. This is the oldest of all the colonial dioceses, liavinc? been constituted as far back as 1787. Its jurisdiction extends over Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, and Prince Edward Island. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Canada. Bishops of Nova Scotia. 1787. Chas. Inglis. 1816. R. Stanser, May 20, G. 1825. J. Inglis. 1851. Hibbert Binney, Mar. 12, G. 1888. F. Courtney. ' GOVERNORS OF NEW BRUNSWICK. See Introduction, ante, p. 689. From 1763 to 1785 New Brunswick formed part of Nova Scotia. See lieutenant-governors of that colony, ante, p. 694. Lieutenant-Governors of New Brunswick. From its formation into a separate colony in 1786. 1786. Sir Guy Carleton, aft. Id. Dorchester. 1787. E. Winslow. 1788. Lt.-col. Johnston. 1809. Gen. Martin Hunter, aft. sir M. 1811. M.-gen. Wm. Balfour. 1817. M.-gen. Geo. Stracey Smith, Feb. 28, G. 1824. J. M. Bliss, acting until arrival of Douglas. 1823. M.-gen. sir Howard Douglas, bt., Sept. 5, G. 1831. M.-gen. sirArchd. Campbell, G.C.B., Mar. 21, G. 1823. Ward Chipman, acting until arrival 1837. M.-gen. sir Jno. Harvey, k.c.b., of Douglas. Mar. 19, G. 696 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1841. Lt.-col. sir Wm. Macbean George 1861. Hon. Arth. Hamilton Gordon, c.if.G., Colebrook, Mar. 25, G. aft. sir A., Sept. 16, G. 1847. SirEdmd.WalkerHead,bt.,Oct.26,G. 1866. M.-gen. sir Chas. Hastings Doyle, 1854. Hon. Jno. Hy. Thos. Manners-Sut- : k.c.m.g. ton, July 1, G. ' In 1867 the Dominion of Canada was formed, and New Brunswick became one of its proTinces. Lieutenant-Governors of New Brunswick. Since the formation of the Dominion of Canada. Taken from the Colonial List. 1867. Col, F. P. Harding, c.b. 1878. E. B. Chandler. 1868. Lemuel Allen Wilmot. ! 1880. Robt. Duncan Wilmot. 1873. Saml. Leonard Tilley, c.b., aft. | 1885. Sir S. L. Tilley, k.c.m.g., c.h., sir S. uijain, Oct 31. DIOCESE OF FREDERICTON. This bishopric was constituted by Letters Patent, April 24, 1845, G. Its jurisdiction extends over the province of New Brunswick. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Canada. Bishops of Fbedericton. 1845. Jno. Medley, Apr. 24, G. ; made I 1881. Hollingworth Tully Kingdon, Coadj. Metrop. of Canada, 1879. | GOVERNORS OF CAPE BRETON. See Introduction, ante, p. 690, and Nova Scotia, anie, p. 694. The island is within the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the bishops of Nova Scotia. GOVERNORS OF MANITOBA, FORMERLY RED RIVER SETTLEMENT. See Introduction, ante, p. 690. For Governors, see " Governors-General of the Dominion of Canada," anie, p. 69:^ Lieutenant-Governors of Manitoba. Taken from the Colonial List. 1870. Adams, G. Archibald, aft. Sir A. I 1882. Jas. Cox Aikins, Oct. 8. 1873. Alex. Morris. 1H88. Jonn. Christian Schultz, Julv 1. 1877. J. E. Cauchon. ] For bishops, see " Bishops of Rui>ert's Land," post, p. 697. GOVERNORS OF RUPERT'S LAND AND THE NORTH-WESTERN TERRITORY. See Introduction, anie, p. 690, Manitoba, supra, and North-\\i"s Territories, post, p. 697. The Governors-General of the Dominion o Canada wen> appointed Governors by Letters Patent dated April I 1870 (June 24, 1870, G.)- THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 697 DIOCESE OF RUPERT'S LAND. This bishopric was constituted by Letters Patent, May 19, 1849, G. Its jurisdiction extends over Manitoba, and also over part of the N. W. Territory. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Rupert's Land. Bishops of Rupert's Land. 1849. David Anderson, May 19, G. | 1865. Robt. Machray, consec. June 24 GOVERNORS OF NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES. See Introduction, ante, p. 690. Lieutenant-Governors of the North- West Territories. Taken from the Colonial List. 1876. David Laird. I 1888. Jos. Royal, July 1. 1881. Edgar Dewdney, Dec. 3. | DIOCESE OF MOOSONEE. This bishopric vpas constituted in 1872. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Rupert's Land. Bishops of Moosonee. 1872. John Horden, consec. Dec. 15. DIOCESES OF ATHABASCA AND MACKENZIE RIVER. These dioceses are in the ecclesiastical province of Rupert's Land. The original diocese of Athabasca was constituted in. 1874, and was divided in 1884, the northern portion being thenceforth styled Mac- kenzie River and the southern portion retaining the old name of Athabasca. Bishop of Athabasca — Undivided Diocese. 1874. Wm. Carpenter Bombas, consec. I River on division of the diocese] May 4 ; became bp. of Mackenzie | ut supra. Bishop of Athabasca — Present Diocese. 1884. Richd. Young, consec. Oct 18. Bishop of Mackenzie River. 1884. Wm. Carpenter Bompas, form. bp. of Athabasca ; vide supra. DIOCESE OF SASKATCHEWAN. This bishopric was constituted in 1874, and is in the ecclesiastical province of Rupert's Land. Bishops of Saskatchewan. 1874. Jno. McClean. I 1887. Wm. Cyprian Pinkham, consec. ! Aug. 7. G98 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. DIOCESE OF QU'APPELLE, FORMERLY CALLED ASSIXIBOIA. This bishopric was constituted in 1884. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Kupert's Land. Bishop of Qu'Appellk. 1884. Hon. Adelbert Jno. Robt. Anson, Juno 24. Part of the N. W. Territories is under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the bishops of Kupert's Land. See " Bishops of Rupert's Land," ante, p. 697. GOVERNORS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA See Introduction, ante, p. 690. 1858. Jas. Douglas, Sept. 3, G. I 18G9. Anthv. Musgrave, aft. sir A., Nov. 1864. Fredk. Seymour, Feb. 8, G. | 8, G. British Columbia was made part of the Dominion of Canada as from July 20, 1871, under Order in Council dated May IG, and gazetted Maj' 19, 1871. Lieutenant-Governors of British Columbia. Since its annexation to the Dominion of Canada. Taken from the Colonial List. 1871. Joseph Wm.Trutch,c.M.G.,aft.8ir J. I 1881. Clement Eras. Cornwall, June 25. 1876. Albert Norton Richards. I 1887. Hugh Nelson, Feb. 8. (6/Z Ufa:, ^/^-/-w/ DIOCESE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, NOW COLUMBIA. British Columbia and Vancouver Island were constituted into the see of British Columbia bj Letters Patent, Jan. 12, 1859, G. The see has since been divided by the present jurisdiction of the bishop of Columbia, and extends over Vancouver and the adjacent islands. The see is now classed as a colonial diocese holding mission from the see of Canterbury. Bishop of British Columbia, now Columbia. 1859. Geo. Hills, Jan. 12, G. ; consec. Feb. 24. DIOCESE OF CALEDONIA. This bishopric was constituted in 1879 as a colonial diocese holding mission from the see of Canterbury. Bishop of Caledonia. 1879. \Vm. Ridley. DIOCESE OF NEW WESTMINSTER. This bishopric was constituted in 1879 as a colonial diocese holding mission from the see of Canterbury. Bishop of Caledonia. 1879. Acton Windover Sillitoe, consec. Nov. 1. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 699 GOVERNORS OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. See Introduction, ante, p. 690. For Governors, see '•Governors of Canada.," ante, p. 691, and ••Governors-General of the Dominion of Canada." a«/e, p. 692. From 1763 to 1770, Prince Edward Island formed part of Nova Scotia. Lieutenant-Governors ov Prince Edward Island. From its formation into a separate colony in 1770. 1770. Walter Paterson. ISil. Commander Hy. Vere Huntley, r.n., 1786. Lt.-gen. Edmd. Fannincr. aft. sir H., Aug. 20, G. 1804. Col. Jos. Fredk. Wallett Des Banes, 18-17. Sir Donald Campbell, bt., Oct. 26, May 19, G. G. 1813. Chas. Douglas Smith. 1850. Alexr. Bamierman, aft. sir A., Dec. 1824. (? 1822). Lt.-col. Jno. Readv. May 3. G. 22, G. ' ' 1854. DominickDaly, aft. sirD., MayS, G. 1831. Capt. sir Murray Maxwell, C.B., 1859. Geo. Dundas, Jan. 5, G. Mar. 14, G. 1867. Lt.-col. Archd. Edwd. Harbord Aretas Wm. Young, July 25, G. Anson, Feb. 27, G. 1836. Col. sir Jno. Harvey, Feb. 2, G. 1868. Sir Robt. Hodgson (acting). 1837. Chas. Augs. FitzRoy, Mar. 19, G; 1870. Wm. Cleaver Eras. Robinson, aft. knt.,June. ' sir W., Aug. 19, G. Prince Edward Island was made part of the Dominion of Canada as from July 1, 1873, by Order in Council dated June 26, and gazetted July 4, 1873. Lieutenant-Governors op Prince Edward Island. Since its annexation to the Dominion of Canada. Taken from the Colonial List. 1873. Sir W. C. F. Robinson, k.c.m.g., above named. Sir Robt. Hodgson, actingL.G.inl874. 1879. T. H. Haviland. 1884. A. A. Macdonald. Aug. 1. For bishops, see "Bishops of Nova Scotia," ante, p. 695. GOVERNORS OF VANCOUVER ISLAND. See Introduction, ante, p. 690 ; and British Columbia, ante, p. 698. Governors of Vancouver Island. 1849. Richd. Blanshard, July 13, G. 1 1863. Arth. Edwd. Kennedy, c.b., Dec. 1851. James Douglas, May 9. | 4, G. United to British Columbia, August, 1866. See *' British Columbia," ante, p. 698. For bishops, see " Bishops of Columbia," ante, p. 698. NEWFOUNDLAND. Newfoundland was discovered in 1497, and was formally taken possession of by the English in 1578. Their right was, however, not admitted by the fishing fleets of the other nations frequenting the coast, and it was not until the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 that New- foundland was formally ceded to the British. 700 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Newfoundland is the only ]jartof British North America not included in the Dominion of Canada. Bvng Mar. ft. GOVEHNOKS OF XEWKOUNDLAXD. The names of the Governors down tc 1757 are taken from the Colonial List. From 1718 to 1729 the captain of the first ship on the coast was admiral for the fishing season. l.SKJ. Adm. Fras. Pickmore, Mav 20, G. 1818. V.-Adui. sir Chas. Hamilton, bt., May 13, G. 1825. Capt. sir Thos. John Cochrane, Apr. 16. G. 1834. Capt. Hv. Prescott, Sept. 24, G. 1841. Maj.-gen. sir John Harvev, k.c.b., Apr. 29, G. 1.S4G. lion. Frcdk. Adolphus Bruce, L.G., June 27, G. Lt.-Col. sir John Gaspard Le Mar- chant, Dec. 28, G. 1852. Ker Baillie Hamilton, Oct. 8. G. 1855. Chas. Hy. Darling, aft. sir C.(admr.), May 26, G. ; Govr. May 3, G. 1864. Anthv. Musgrave, aft. sir A., July 29; G. 1S()7. Sir Alexr. Banuerman, Feb. 9, G. 1869. Col. Stephen .John Hill, (•.ii.,aft. sir S , Sept. 29, G. 1876. Commander Sir. John Ha wley Glover, u.c.M ti., Mar. 81, G. 1K81. Sir Fredk. Bowker Terrington Carter, k.c.m.u., admr. until ar- rival of Maxse. Lt.-Col. Sir Hy. Fitzhardinge Ber- keley Maxse, k.c.m.c. July 6, G. 1882. Carter, uf/am. admr. until arrival of Glover. 1883. Sir John Ha wley Glover, g.c.m.g.. Ill/dill, Dec. 17, G. 1S.S5. Carter, oijain. admr. until arrival of Dos Voeux. 188(J. Sir(Jeo. NVm. Des Vd-ux. k.c.m.g. 1887. Hy, Arthur Blake, c.M.u., aft. air "H.. July 11. G. 188S. Sir John Terence O'Xicolls O'Brien, K.C.M.G.. Xov. 24. 1729. Capt. Osborn. 1737. Capt. Vanbrugh. 1740. Capt. Id. Geo. Graham. 1741. Capt. aft. adm. Hon. Jno. (executed at I'ortsuiouth 14, 1757). 1744. Capt. Sir C. Hardy. 1749. Capt. Geo. Brydges Rodney, adm. Id. Rodney. 1750. Capt. Drake. 1753. Capt. Bonfoy. 1755, Capt. Dorrill. 1757. Captain Edwards. 1760. Capt. alt. adm. Jas. Webb. 1761. Capt. Groves. 1764. Capt. aft. adm. sir Hugh Palliser bt.. Mar. 31. 1769. Capt. hon. John Byron, June 3. 1772. Commodore Molyneux, Id. Shuld ham. Mar. 10. 1775. Commodore aft. adm. Robt. DutV, Apr. 24. 1776. Adm. .John Montagu, Mar. ."il. 1779. Adm. Richd. Edwards, Feb. 19. 1782. Adm. John Campbell, Mar. 24. 1786. Adm. John Elliot. Mar. 25. 1789. Adm. :Mark Millianke, Sei)t. 21. 1792. Adm. sir Richd. King, bt.. July 7. 1794. Adm. sir .James Wallace. 1797. Adm. hon. Wm. Waldegrave, Id. Radstock. 1800. Adm. Chas. Morice Pole. 1802. Adm. Jas. Gambler, aft. Id. Gambler. 1804. Adm. sir Erasmus Gower, May 31. 1807. Adm. John Holloway, Apr. 10, G. 1810. Adm. .sir John Thos. Duckworth. K.B., May 4, G. 1813. Adm. sir Richd. Godwin Keats. K.it.. Mar. 9, G. ft. DIOCESE OF NEWFOIXDLAXI). This bishopric was founded in 1839. It is now classed as a colonial diocese holding mission from the sec of Cauterhury. BisHDi's OF Newfoundland. 1839. Aubrey Geo. Spencer, Aug. 5, G. j 1878. Llewellyn Jones, consec. May 1 ; 1844. Edwd. Feild, Mar. 22, G. | now styled Bishop of Xewfound- 1876. Jas. Butler Kelly, (coadj. 18(;7), I land aiid the Bermudas, aft. Bishop of Moray. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 701 THE BERMUDAS OR SOMERS ISLANDS. These Islands are situated in the North Atlantic Ocean, about 600 miles from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. They were discovered by Bermudez, a Spaniard, in 1527, but remained uninhabited until 1611, when, attention having been drawn to them by the shipwreck of sir Geo. Soniers there in 1609, they were included in the grant to the Virginia Company, and have from that time remained a British Coh>ay. The Bermudas from 1844 to 1877, and from 1879 to the present time, have been attached to the diocese of Newfoundland, the present bishop (Llewellyn Jones) being styled Bishop of Newfoundland and the Bermudas. GOVERNORS OF BERMUDA. The earlier names are taken from the Colonial List. 1612. Richd. Moore. 1781- 2. Wm. Browne. 1616. Danl. Tucker. 1788. Hj'. Hamilton. 1619. Capt. N. Butler. 1794. Jas. Crawford. 1622. Capt. J. Bernard. 1796. Wm. Campbell, June 1. 1623. Capt. Woodhouse. 1797. Geo. Beckwith, aft. sir G., L.P., 1626. Capt. P. Bell. Apr. 7. 1629. Capt. Roger Wood. 1805. Fras. Gore. Jan. 23, G. 1637. Capt. T. Craddock. 1806. Brig. -gen. John Hodgson, Mar. 1, G. 1641. Capt. W. Sayle. 1811. Sir Jas. Cockburn, Mar. 14, G. 1642. Capt. J. Forster. 1819. Lt.-gen. Sir Wm. Lumley, k. b. , June 1643. Capt. W. Sayle, aijuin. 1,G. 1644. W. Sayle, — Paynter, and — Wilkin- 1825. Lt.-Gen. sir Hilgrove Turner, k.b. son (jointly). and K.O.H., May 28, G. 1645. Capt. J.' Forster. 1831. Col. Stephen Remnant Chapman, Sayle, Paynter and Wilkinson, «(/«?«. c. 1$. , April 23, G. 1647. Capt. J. Turnor. 1838. Sir Andrew Leith Hay, Feb. 6, G. 1650. John Trimingham. 1839. Lt.-Col. Wm. Reid, c.B.. Nov. 1, G. Capt. J. Forster, aqain. 1846. Capt. phas. Elliott, r.n., Sept. 25,G. 1659. Capt. W. Sayle, arjuin. 1854. Lt.-Col. Freeman Murray, July 24, 1663. Capt. F. Seymour. G. 1668. Capt. S. Whalley. 18lil. Lt.-Col. Harry St. George Ord,E.E., 1669. Sir John Haydon. Feb. 14, G.' 1681. Capt. F. Seymour, again. 1867. C!ol. sir Fredli. Edwd. Chapman, 1684. Richd. Cone3'. R.E., K.C.B., Apr. 8, G. 1686. Sir R. Robinson. 1870. Col. sir Thos. Gore Browne, k.c.m.g.. 1689. Isaac Richier. C.B., admr., July 11. G. 1692. Capt. Goddard. 1871. M.-Gen. John Hy. Lefroy. r.a., c.B., 1698. Saml. Day. Apr. 8, G. 1700. Capt. Bennett. 1877. Col. Robt. 3Iichl. Laffan,R.K.. aft. sir 1713. Hy. PuUein. R., Apr. 23, G. 1721. John Bruce Hope, aft. sir J. 1882. Lt.-Gen. Thos. Lionel John Gallwey, 1727. Capt. John Pitt. R.E., June 2, G. 1737. Alured Popple. 1888. Lt.-Gen. Edwd. Newdigate Newdi- 1745. Wm. Popple. gate, C.B., Aug. 7, G. 1764. Geo. .las. Bruere. /Sfz /r. i^t^^ T^vMAv i^i^f,Jc w AUSTRALIA. The bishopric of Australia was first constituted in 1836, and com- prised all such parts of the Australian continent as were then colonised. By Letters Patent, June 28, 1847, G., the bishopric was divided into the four dioceses of Sydney, Newcastle, Adelaide, and Melbourne, all in the ecclesiastical province of Sydney. Bishop of Australia. 1836. Wm. Grant Bronghton, June 15, G. Became bp. of Sydney, N.S.W., June infra. 28, 1847 ; vide supra et DIOCESE OF SYDNEY, N.S.W. This diocese was formed out of that of Australia by Letters Patent, June 28, 1847, G. See " Diocese of Australia," supra. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Sydney. Bishops of Sydney, N.S.W. 1847. Wm. Grant Broughton, form. bp. of I 1854. Fredk. Barker, Oct. 17, G. Australia, Jime 28, G. I 1884. Alfred Barry, consec. Jan. 1. DIOCESE OF NEWCASTLE, N.S.W. This diocese was formed out of that of Australia by Letters Patent, June 28, 1847, G, See " Diocese of Australia," supra. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Sydney. 704 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Bishops of Newcastle, N.S.W. 1847. Wm. Tyrrell, June 28, G. | 1880. Josiah Brown Pearson. DIOCESE OF GOULBURN, N.S.W. This bishopric was formed out of that of Sydney by Letters Patent, March 25, 1863, G. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Sydney. Bishops of Goulbukn, N.S.W. 1863. Mesac Thomas, Mar. 25, G. DIOCESE OF BATHURST, N.S.W This bishopric was constituted in 1869. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Sydney. Bishops op Bathubst, N.S.W. 18C9. Saml. Edwd. Marsden, res. 1885. I 1887. Chas. Edwd. Camidge, consec. I Oct. 18. DIOCESE OF GRAFTON AND ARMIDALE. This bishopric was constituted in 1867. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Sydney. Bishops of Grafton and Armidale, 1867. W. C. Sawyer. | 1869. Jas. Fras. Turner, consec. Feb. 24. DIOCESE OF RIVERINA. This bishopric was constituted in 1884. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Sydney. Bishop of Riverina. 1884. Sydney Linton, consec. May 1. VICTORIA. Victoria was, under the name of Port Philip, originally a part of New South Wales. It was separated and constituted a separate colonv in 1851, under 13 & 14 Vict. cap. 59. GOVERNORS OF VICTORIA. See also "Governors of New South Wales," a«/e, pp. 702-3. 1839. Chas. Jos. La Trobe, supt. of Port Philii), Sept. 80; L.G. Victoria, Jan. 27, 1851, G. 1854. John Vesey Fitzgerald Foster, Actfj. Govr., May, till arrival of Ilotham on June 22. 185.'}. ('apt. Sir Chas. Hotham, k.c.h., L. G., Dec. 6, G. ; Govr. Fob. 1, 1855, G. 1856. Jl.-gon. Edwd. Maearthur, Actj<. Govr., Jan. 1, until arrival of Barklv, Doc. 26. Sir Hy. Barkly. ic.f.n., Nov. 24. G. 1863. Sir Clias. lly. 'Darling, k.c.h.. June 26. G. 1866. Brig.-j^on. Goo. Jackson t'arcy. i .n., Actp. Govr., May 7, until arrival of JIannors-Sutton. .\u;>;. 15. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 705 186G. Hon. John Hy. Thos. Manners-Sut- 1875. Sir W. F. Stawell, a(/ain,Actg. Gotf. ton, aft. vise. Canterbury, May during absence of Barry, Jan. II 19, G. to Jan. 14. 1876. 1873. Sir Wm. Foster Stawell. Actg.Govr., ; 1879. Geo. Augs. Constantine, M. of Nor- Mar. 3. until arrival of Bowen. manby, g.c.m.g., Feb. 24, G. 1873. Sir Geo. Ferguson Bowen, g.c.m.g., 1884. Sir F. Stawell, af/aiu, Aetg. Govr., May 31, G. Apr. 18, until arrival of Loch, 1875. Sir Redmond Barry, Actg. Govr. July 15. during absence of Bowen, Jan. 3 Sir Hy. Brougham Loch, K.C.B., to Jan. 10. I ,^ . ,Apr. 18, G. ,. , „ , DIOCESE OF MELBOURNE. This bishopric was formed out of that of Australia, and was consti- tuted by Letters Patent, June 28, 1847, G. See " Diocese of Aus- tralia," ante, p. 703. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Sydney. Bishops of Melbourne. 1847. Chas. Perry, June 28, G. ; res. I 187G. Jas. Moorhouse, tr. to Manchester. 1876. I 1887. Field Flowers Goe, consec. Feb. 24. DIOCESE OF BALLARAT. This bishopric was constituted in 1875. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Sydney. Bishop of Ballakat. 1875. Saml. Thornton, consec. May 1. NORTH AUSTRALIA. In 1846 a governor and lieutenant-governor of "North Australia" were appointed, but these titles were not continued ; the territory over which their jurisdiction extended would seem to be the northern portion of what are now South Australia and Queensland. Governors of North Australia, 1846. Sir Chas. Augs. Fitzroy, Govr. Feb. | 1846. Lt.-col. Geo. Barnev, L.G Feb. 24, 24, G. I G. " QUEENSLAND. Queensland was, under the name of Moreton Bay, originally a part of New South "Wales. It was separated and constituted a separate colony under Letters Patent, June 3, 1859, G. Governors op Queensland. See also " Governors of New South Wales," ante, pp. 702-3. 1859. Sir Geo. Ferguson Bowen, K. CM. G., 1868. Saml. Wensley Blackall, May 4, June 3, G. G. 1868. Col. Maurice Chas. O'Connell, aft. 1871. Col. sir M. C. O'Connell, again, sir M. , admr., Jan. 4, until ar- admr. , Jan 2, until arrival of rival of Blackall. i Normanby. 706 THE BOOK OB- DIGNITIES. 1880. Joshua Peter Bell, admr., Mar 19, durinj^ absence of Kennedy. 1883. Sir Arthur Hunter Palmer, K.c.M.o., admr.. May 2, until arrival of Musgrave. Sir Anthv. Musgrave, K.C.M.G., July 21', G. ; d. 1888. I88(). Sir A. H. Palmer, m/din, admr. during absence of Musgrave 1888. Sir Hj'. Arth. Bhike, k.c.m.g., nom. but declined the appt. 1889. Sir Hy. Wylio Norman, «.c.B. , O.C.M.G., C.I.E., Jan. 2, G. DIOCESE OF BRISBANE. This bishopric was constituted by Letters Patent, June 3, 1859, G. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Sydney. Bishops of Brisba.ne. 1871. Geo. AugB. Const antine, M. of Nor- manby, Apr. 8, G. 1874. Col. sir M. C. O'Connell, aqain, admr., Nov. 12, until arrival of Cairns. Wm. Wellington Cairns, C.M.G.. aft. .sir W. , Nov. 14, G. 1877. Col. sir M. C. O'Connell, iKjnin, admr., Mar. 14, until arrival of Kennedy. Sir Arthur Edwd. Kennedy, k.c.m.g., C.B., Jan. G, G. 1859. Edwd. Wyndham Tufnell, June 3, G.; res. 1875. 1875. Matthew Blagden Hale, tr. from Perth, W. A. ; res. 1885. 1885. Wm. Thos. Thornhill Webber,consec June 5. DIOCESE OF NORTH QUEENSLAND. This bishopric was constituted in 1878. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Sydney. Bishop op North Queensland. 1878. Geo. Hy. Stanton, consec. June 24 SOUTH AUSTRALIA. This colony was constituted under 4 & 5 Wm. IV. cap. 95 (1834-5), and Letters Patent, May 4, 1835, G., and Feb. 2, 1836, G. Additions to or alterations in the constitution of this colony have been made by 13 & 14 Vict. cap. 59 (1850), 24 & 25 Vict. cap. 44 (1861), 25 & 26 Vict. cap. 11 (1862), and 28 & 29 Vict. cap. 63 (1865). 1836. 1838. 1840. 1845. 1847. 1851 1854, Governors op South Australia See also " Governors of New South 1861 Capt. John Hindmarsh, K.N., Feb. 2, G. Geo. Milner Stephen, Actg. Govr. «-^ihh,ktAugh ; did not 1777. Lt.-gen. John Dalliiig, Sept. 1. come over, and in his absence, 17S2. M.-gon. Archd. Cam])bell. M.-gen. Thos. Handasydo acted as 1790. Thos., E. of Effingham. govr. 1794. Alesr., E. of Balcarres, Oct. 20. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 713 1801. -M.-gen. Geo. Nugent, L.G., May 16, G. 1806. Lt.-gen. sir Eyre Coote. 1807. Wm., D. of Manchester, sw. Jan. 6, 1866. 1808. 1808. Wm. Anne Villettes, L.G., Jan. 8, G. 1870. -1809. Lt.-gen. Edwd. Morrison, L.G., June 10, G. 1828. Somerset, E. of Belmore, Aug. 9, G. 1832. Hy., E. of Mulgrave, Mar. 16, G. 1873. 1833. Howe Peter, M. of Sligo, Dec. 8, G. 1836. M.-gen. sir Lionel Smitli, Oct. 15. G. 1874. 1839. Sir Chas. Theoph. Metcalf, bt., G.c.n., .Julv 11, G. 1842. Jas., E. of Elgin and Kincardine, 1877. Mar. 16, G. 1846. Sir Chas. Edw. Grey, Sept. 25, G. 1878. 1853. Sir Hy. Barkly, k.c.b., Aug. 9, G. 1855. M.-gen. Edwd. Wells Bell, L.G., Mar. 30, G. 1857. Chas. Hy. Darling, aft. sir C. . Feb. I 1883. 9, G. I 1860. M.-gen. Pringle Taylor, k.h., L.G., Mar. 29. G. 1864. Edwd. John Eyre, July 15, G. { 1889. .1865. M.-gen. sir Hy. Knaght Storks, ' G.O.B., G.c.M.G., temp. govr. dur- ing inquiries, Dec. 12, G. ; govr. Dec. 21, G. Sir John Peter Grant, k.c.b., July 16, G. Edwd. Everard Rushworth, admr. until return of Grant in 1870, and L.G. in 1872. until return of Grant in 1873. Wm. Alexr. Geo. Young, admr. until arrival of Grey. Sir Wm. Grey, k.c.s.i.. Mar. 14, G. Edwd. Everard Rushworth, L.G., Apr. 17, G. Sir Anthy. Musgrave, k.c.m.g., June 8, G. Edwd. Xewton, c.m.g., L.G., Feb. 23, G. ; Actg. Govr. from Aug. 7, 1879, until return of Musgrave, June 3, 1880. M.-gen. Gamble, c.b. ; admr. from May 4, until arrival of Norman. Gen. sir Hy. Wvlie Norman, k.c.b., C.I.E., Oct. 27, G. Sir Hy. Arth. Blake, k.c.m.g., Jan. 3,G. DIOCESE OF JAMAICA. This bishopric was formed in 1824, and is in the ecclesiastical province of the West Indies. The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands were added to it by Letters Patent, Nov. 21, 1843, G., but were separated Ironi it bv Letters Patent, Nov. 6, 1861, G., and formed into the diocese of Nassau, q.v. post, p. 716. Bishops or Jamaica. 1824. Christr. Lipscomb, July 9, G. 1843. Aubrey Geo. Spencer, Nov. 20, G. 1856. Regd. Courtenay, coadj. bp. of Kingston, Feb.' 18, G. 1872. Regd. Courtenay, bp. of Jamaica ; res. 1879. 1879. Wm. Geo. Tozer, bp. of Jamaica ; form. bp. of Centr. Afr. ; res. 1880. 1880. Enos Nuttall, consec. Oct. 28. 1888. — Douet, assist, bp. ; consec. Nov. 30. TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS. These islands are situated to the north of Jamaica. They were origi- nally a i^art of the Bermudas, but were transferred to the Bahamas in 1799. They were separated from the Bahamas and placed under the supervision of the governor of Jamaica by Letters Patent Nov. 21, 1848, G. Finally they were annexed to Jamaica by 36 & 37 Vict. cap. 6 (1873), and Order in Council, Aug. 4, 1873. They are locally under the government of a commissioner. COMMISSIONERS FOR THE TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS. 11874. D. T. Smith. I 1885. Capt. Hy. Moore Jackson. Oct. 24. 1879. Robt. Baxter Llewelyn, Jan. 10, G. | ^^^1 fU-^u, fitffi-'^ For bishops prior to 1861, see "'Bishops of Jamaica," supra. For bishops after 1861, see " Bishops of Nassau," post, p. 716. THE BOOK OK DI(;Xnil> BRITISH HONDURAS OR REL1Z1<. This Colony is situate on the east coast of Central America, in the Caribljeau Sea. It was discovered by Columbus in 1502, and the Spaniards claimed, sovereignty over it, but did not colonise it. The early government was of a very primitive kind, the settlers practically managing their own affairs. In 1786, superintendents were appointed by the British government, and, with an interval from 1790 to 1797, were continued until 1862, when a lieutenant-governor was appointed subordinate to Jamaica. By Letters Patent proclaimed Oct. 31, 1884, a governor was appointed, and the colony was thenceforward indepen- dent of Jamaica. British Honduras is at present temporarily attached to the bishopric of Jamaica, but is to be shortly formed into a separate diocese, with its own bishop. GOVERNORS, &c. OF BRITISH HOXDURAS. StJPEBINTENDENTS. Taken from the Colonial List. 1786. Col. Edwd. Marcus Despard I 1822. M.-gen. Allan Hampden Pve. 1790. Col. Peter Hunter. 1823. M.-gen. Edwd. Codd. 1790-97. Magistrates elected annually. 1829. Maj. Alexr. McDonald (actg.). 1797. Col. Thos. Barrow. ' 1 1830. Lt.-col. Eras. Cockburn. 1800. Gen. sir Richd. Basset. ' 1837. Lt.-col. Akxr. McDonald. 1805. Lt.-col. Gabriel Gordon. 1806. Lt.-col. Alexr. Mark Kerr Hamilton. 1809. Lt.-coL John Nugent Smyth. 1814. Maj. Geo. Arthur. 1843. Col. Chas. St. John Fancourt. 1851. Philip Edmd. Wodehouse. 1854. Wm. Stevenson. 1857. Fredk. Seymour. Lieutenant Goveenors. 1862. Fredk. Seymour, above named, July I 1876. Capt. Mitchell, n.x.. admr. until 19, G. arrival of Barlee. 1864. John Gardiner Austin, Feb. 1 . G. 1877. Fredk. Palgrave Barlee, Mav 10. G. 1867. Jas. Robt. Longden, Dec. 5, G. 1883. Col. Kobt. Wm. Harley.c.B.; c.m.g., 1870. Wm. Wellington Cairns, aft. sir W., aft. sir R., Apr. 18, G. July 6, G. Hy. Fow^ler. admr. until aiTival of 1871. Lt.-col. Ilarley. C.B., admr. until Goldsworthy. return of Cairns in 1872. 1S84. Roger Tuckfield Goldsworthy, c.M.G.,. 1874. Capt. Mitchell, r.n., admr. until aft. sir R.. May 31, G. : app. arrival of 3Iundy. govr. . iit Intra. Maj. Robt. Miller Mundy, :Mar. 4, G. Governors, 1884. Roger Tuckfield Goldsworthy, c.m.g., aft. sir G., above-named, Oct. 7. G. For bishops, see Introduction, supra, and " Diocese of Jamaica," ante, p. 713. HIUTISH GUIANA. BERBICE, DEMERARA, ESSEQUIIK). These settlements were first estaldisliod by the l)utch West India Company in 1580. Afterwards, as the result of various wars, they were from time to time taken l)v Great Britain, France, and Holland. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 715 Ultimately thej were taken by Great Britain in 1803, and i&nally ceded to that country in 1814. Pkior to 1831, Demeraea and Essbquibo formed one colony, and Berbice another. In that year they were all united under the title of British Guiana. This colony constitutes the diocese of Guiana. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF DEMERARA AND ESSEQUIBO. 1824. M.-Gen. sir Ben jn. D'Urban, k.c.b.,. Jan. 5, G. 1806. Hy. Bentinck, Feb. 1, G. ; app. Govr. Dec. 13, 1808, G. ; sw. Jan. 4, 1801). For subsequent Governors, see "Governors of British Guiana," infra. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF BERBICE. 1808. Wm. Woodley, Oct. 8, G. 1 1821. HJ^ Beard, Jan. 22, G. ; sw. Jan. 30, 1810. Robt. Gordon, May 2, G. | 1826. For subsequent Governors, see " Governoi-s of British Guiana," infra, GOVERNORS OF BRITISH GUIANA. 183L M.-gen. sir Benjn. D'Urban, k.c.b., , 1866. Hv. Watson, Oct. 11; admr. until Feb. 15, G. i "return of Hincks, Aug. 12, 1867. 1833. M.-gen. sir Jas. Carmichael Smyth, 1868. John Scott, aft. sir J., Dec. 31, G» bt., L.G., June 8, G. ; (igainapp. ■ to Dec. 26, 1873. L.G. Feb. 26, 1835, G. ' 1873. Edwd. Everard Rushworth, d.c.l., 1835. M.-gen. sir Lionel Smith, Govr. B. c.m.g. , June 27; admr. until Guiana, Trinidad, and St. Lucia, arrival of Longden. Feb. 26, G. 1874. Jas. Robt. Longden, c.m.g., aft. sir M.-gen sir Jas. Carmichael Smyth, J., Mar. 14, G. L.G.,June; app. Govr., Oct." 18, 1877. Wm. Alexr. Geo. Young, c.m.g., 1836, G. Mar. 8 ; admr. until arrival of 1838. Hy. Light, May 1, G. Kortright. 1848. W. Walker, May 20 ; Actg. Govr. j Cornelius Hendericksen Kortright,. until arrival of Barkly. j c.m.g., aft. sir C, July 14, G. Col. sir Wm. Macbean Geo. Cole- 1 1879. Wm. Alexr. Geo. I'oung, c.m.g.,. brooke; app. Apr. 28, G., but did L.G. ; actg. from Apr. 6, 1879, not proceed. until return of Kortright, Dec. 4, Hy. Barkly, aft. sir H., Dec. 12, 1879; ayuin, from Dec. 13, 1881, G. until arrival of Irving. 1854. Philip Edmd. Wodehouse, aft. sir P., 1882. Sir Hy. Turner Irving, k.c.m.g., Feb. 10, G. Mar. 7, G. 1857. W. Walker, July 25, Actg. Govr. 1884. Wm. Fredk. Haynes Smith, ll.d., until return of Wodehouse, May actg. from Apr. 26, until return 10, 1858; affain, May 9, 1861, of Irving, Sept. 2, 1884. until arrival of Hincks. 1885. Chas. Bruce, c.m.g., L.G, Nov 2, 1861. Fras. Hincks, aft. sir F. , Dec. 5, G. ; actg. during absence of G. Irving. 1866. Maj. Robt. Miller Mundy,L.G., May 1887. Jenico Wm. Jos., vise. Gormanston,. 29 ; until app. of Watson. k.c.m.g., Dec. 14, G. BISHOPRIC OF GUIANA. This diocese was constituted by Letters Patent, Sept. 29, 1842, G. It is in the ecclesiastical province of the West Indies. Bishop of Guiana. 1842. Wm. Piercy Austin, Sept. 29, G. THE BOOK OF DKJXITIES. BAHAMA ISLANDS. These islands lie between Cuba and the coast of Florida on the North American continent. St. Salvador, one of the group, was dis- covered by Columbus in 1492. Being abandoned by the Spaniards the islamls were occupied bv the English in 1629, and in 1670 New Provi- dence was granted by Chas. II. to a trading oonipauy. From 1703 to 1718 the islands were in the hands of the French and the Spaniards. In 1718 the British resumed possession of them, but surrendered them to the Spaniards in 1781. They were finally restored to Great Britain in 1783 by the Treaty of Versailles. The Tukks and Caicos Islands, which belong to the group, were separated from it by Letters Patent, Nov. 21, 1848, G., and placed under Jamaica. See " Jamaica," ante, p. 712. The Bahama Islands were formerly a part of the diocese of Jamaica, but with the Turks and Caicos Islands were separated from it in 1861, and formed into the diocese of Nassau. GOVERNORS OF THE BAHAMA ISLANDS. The earlier names are taken from the Colonial List. 167L Went worth Johnson. 1834. Lt.-col. Wm. Macbean Geo. Cole- 1673. — Chillin^worth. brook, L.G., Sept. 9, G. 1677. - Clark. 1837. Col. Eras. Cockburn, L.G., Mar. 28, 1684. — Lilburne. G. 1687. — Bridges. 1838. Sir Lionel Smith. 1690. Cadwallader Jones. 1840. Col. Eras. Cockburn, as Govr. , Apr. 1694. — Trott. 18, G. Nichs. Webb. 1844. Geo. Benvenuto Mathew, Mar. 26, 1700. Elias Haskett. G. Ellis Lightfoot. 1848. John Gregory, Doc. 1(5, G. 1704. — Birch. 1854. Sir Alex. Ba'nnerman, May 8. G. 1717. Woodes Rogers. 1857. Chas. John Bay ley, Feb. 23, G. 1721. Geo. Phinny, or Finny. 1864. Rawson Wm. Rawson, c.b., aft. sir 1728. Woodes Rogers, agani. R., .Nov. 15, G. 1783. Richd. Fitz William. 1869. Sir Jas. Walker, k.c.m.g., c.b., Apr. 1738. John. Tinker. 15. G. 11759. Wm. Shirley. 1873 John Pope Hennessv, c.m.g., aft. sir 11767. Thos. Shirley, aft. sir T. J., Mar. 13, G. 1774. Mountford Browne. 1871. Wm. Robinson, C.M.G., aft. sir W., 1779. John Maxwell. L.G., Oct. ; Govr. 1875. 1787. John. 4th E. of Dunmore. 1880. Geo. Wm. Des Vojux, c.m.g., aft. 1796. John Forbes, L.G. sir G., Aug. 3, G. 1797. Wm. Dowdoswell. 1880. Thos. Fitzgerald Callaghan, c.si.g., 1801. John Halkett, Dec. 2, G. Sept. 11, G. 1803. Chas. Cameron, Dec. 22, G. ; sw. 1881. Chas. Cameron Lees, c.m.g., aft. sir May 3, 1804. C, Oct. 6, G. 1820. M.-gen Lewis Grant, Jan. 1, G. 1884. Hy. Arthur Blake, aft. sir H., Jan. 1829. Sir .Jas. Carmichael Smyth, bt. , 15, G. May 8, G. 1887. Sir Ambrose Shea, k.c.m.g., .Inly 1833. Blayney Townley Balfour, L.G., Mar. 6, G. 11, G. BISHOPRIC OF NASSAU. The Bahama Islands were by Letters Patent, Nov. 21, 1843, G., made part of the diocese of Jamaica. By Letters Patent, Nov. 6, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 717 1861, G., tbe Biihama Islands and its dependencies and the Turks and Caicos Islands were separated from Jamaica, and constituted into the see of Nassau. The diocese is in the ecclesiastical province of the West Indies. Bishops of Nassau. 1861. Chas. Caulfeild, Nov. 6, G. 1863. Addington Robt Peel Venables, Nov. 28 G. 1878. Fras. Alexr. Cramer Roberts. 1886. Edwd. Townson Ohurton. THE WINDWARD ISLANDS. MARTINIQUE (now restored to France); BARBADOS, TRINIDAD, AND TOBAGO, (now separate Colonies); AND GRENADA, ST. VINCENT, and ST. LUCIA. The Windward Islands are the most southern of the West Indian group, and are situated in the Caribbean Sea. Geographically they comprise all the islands above-named, besides some smaller dependen- cies; but the colonies now grouped together for the purpose of govern- ment under the name of the Windward Islands comprise Grenada, St. Vincent, and St. Lucia only. Martinique was discovered by Columbus in 1493, and colonised by the French in 1635. It was taken by Great Britain in 1762, but restored to France by the Treaty of Paris in 1763. It was again taken by Great Britain in 1794, again restored to France at the Peace of Amiens in 180.-3 ; again taken by Great Britain in February 1809, and finally restored to France in 1815. Barbados is believed to have been discovered by the Portuguese. It was colonised by the English in 1625, and has ever since continued one of the British possessions. Trinidad is the most southerly of the West Indian Islands. It was discovered by Columbus in 1498, colonised by Spain in 1532, captured by Great Britain in 1797, and ceded to that country by the Treaty of Amiens in 1802-3. Tobago was discovered by Columbus in 1498, but, as with many- other of the Spanish discoveries, no attempt was made to colonise the island. It was claimed by the English in 1580, and some attempts made to colonise it, but these failed; and after various disputes con- cerning it between the English, French, and Dutch, the island was declared neutral by the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748). In 1763 it was ceded to England by the treaty of Paris, but on the renewal of hostilities it was captured by France in 1781, surrendered to France in 1783, captured by Great Britain in 1793, restored to France in 1802^ recaptured by Great Britain in 1803, and ultimately ceded to that countrv in 1814. 718 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Grenada was discovered by Columbus in 1498, colonised by French settlers about 1660, annexed to France in 1674, captured by the British in 1762, and ceded to them by the treaty of Paris in 1763. It was re-taken by the French in 17/9, but fiually restored to Great Britain at the treaty of Versailles in 1783. The Grenadines are a number of small islands lying between Grenada and St. Vincent. They are included in the government of one or other of those colonies. St. Vincent was discovered by Columbus in 1498. It was granted by the kings of England, (bv what authority it is rather hard to say), to James, Earl of Carlisle, in 1627; to Williain, Lord Willoughby of Parham, in 1672; and to John, Duke of Montagu, in 1722; the in- tervals being filled up by declarations of " neutrality " between England and France. In 1762 the island was taken possession of by the British, and was ceded to them by the treaty of Paris in 1763. It was surrendered to France in 1779 (Sept. 28, G.), and ultimately restored to Great Britain in 1783 by the treaty of Versailles. St. Lucia was discovered by Columbus in 1502. Its possession was disputed between England and France with varying success from 1635 to 1763, when it was secured to France by the treaty of Paris. It was conquered by Great Britain in 1782, restored to France by the treaty of Versailles in 1783, surrendered to Great Britain in 1794, restored to France by the treaty of Amiens in 1802-3, again captured, and ever since retained, by Great Britain in 1803 (July 30, G.)- The AVindward Islands have from time to time been grouped together in various combinations for the purposes of government, and, for some years, Dominica, which is classed as one of the Leeward Islands, was joined with them. Some care is, therefore, necessary in searching the following lists of governors. In 1763 a governor was appointed for the " Southern Caribbee Islands " of Grenada, Dominica, St. Vincent, and Tobago. In 18 o3 (Feb. 13, G.), Bar- bados, St. Vincent, Grenada, and Tobago were united under one governor resident at Barbados, with lieutenant-governors for the other islands, and St. Lucia was added to this federation in 1838. By Letters Patent (May 4, 1885, G.) the office of "Governor and Com- mander in Chief of the Windward Islands," eo nomine, was created, with jurisdiction over Grenada, St. Vincent, Tobago, and St. Lucia. The governor was made resident at Grenada, and the other islands were placed under lieutenant-governors or administrators. Barbados thenceforth became a separate and independent colony. The government of Trinidad was generally distinct from that of the other islands, but, as will be seen below, was occasionally joined with them under one governor. By 60 & 61 Vict. c. 44 (1877), and Order in Council dated Nov. 17, and gazetted Nov. 30, 1888, Tobago was separated from the Windward Islands, and as from Jan. 1, 1889, joined with Trinidad as one colony, to be called Trinidad and Tobago. The Windward Islands constitute the dioceses of Barbados and Trinidaf]. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 719 GOVERNORS OF THE WINDWARD ISLANDS, ' or of two or more of them, arranged chronologically, with their appointments specified. See Introduction, ante, pp. 717-8. GovEENOES OF Baebados, Geenada, St. Vincent, and Tobago. M.-gen. sir Lionel Smith, k.C.b. 1833. App. Govr. Barbados, St. Vincent, Grenada and Tobago, Feb. 13, 1835. App. Govr. B. Guiana, Trinidad and St. Lucia, Feb. 26, G. 1836. Sir Evan John Murray Macgregor, Oct. 17, G. 1876. John Pope Hennessj^ aft. sir J,, Jan. 15, G. 1876. Capt. Geo. Cumine Strahan, k.a., C.M.G., aft. sir G., Dec. 2. 1882. Sir Wm. Robinson, k.c.m.g. GovEENOE OF Baebados, St. Vincent, Tobago, Teinidad, and St. Lucia. 1841. Sir Ohas. Edwd. Grey, Aug. 24, G. GovEENOEs OF Baebados, Geenada, St. Vincent, Tobago, and St. Lucia. 1846. Lt.-col. Wm. Reid,K.E., Sept 25, G. 1848. Col. sir Wm. Maebean Geo. Gole- brooke, Aug. 11, G. 1856. Fras. Hincks, aft. sir F. 1861. Jas. Walker, aft. sir J., Dec, 5, G. 1869. Rawson Wm. Rawson, c.b., aft. sir R., Apr. 15, G. By Letters Patent dated March 17, 1885, (May 4, 1885, G.), Barbados became a separate government, and the colony of the Windward Islands was constituted, con- sisting only of Grenada, St. Vincent, Tobago, and St. Lucia. GoVEENOES OF THE WlNDWAED ISLANDS. 1885. Walter Jos. Sendall, May 4, G. *^ -./<••<• /^f , . , ,, r For bishops, see "^Bishops of Barbados, post, p. 721. ' it^c^.fhdviu^AK-i BRITISH GOVERNORS OF MARTINIQUE. See Introduction, ante, p. 717. 1809. M.-gen. Hon. John Brodrick, June I 1812. M.-gen. Chas. Wale, Feb. 21, G. 10, G. I GOVERNORS OF BARBADOS. See Introduction ante, p. 717. The earlier names are taken from the Colonial List. 1625. 1628. 1629. 1630. 1633. 1638. 1640. 1641. 1650. 1651. 1652. 1660. 1663. Wm. Dean. Chas. Wolferston. Jno. Powell, Robt. Wheatley, y Joint Govrs, Sir Wm. Tufto'n, Hy. Hawley. Richd. Peers, Dep. Govr. until return of Hawley in 1634. Richd. Peers, again, Dep. Govr. until return of Hawley in 1636. Wm. Hawley, Dep. Govr. until return of H. Hawley in 1639. Sir Hy. Hunks. Philip Bell. Fras. , Id. Willoughby of Parham. Sir Geo. Ayscue. Daniel Searle, Dep. Govr, Thos. Modifod. Fras., Id. Willoughby, again. 1666. Hy. Willoughby, | Hy. Hawley, I Joint Govrs. Saml. Berwick, j 1667. Wm. , Id. Willoughby of Parham. 1668. Christr. Codrington, Dep. Govr. in absence of Id. Willoughby, 1669. Wm., Id. Willoughby, returned. 1670. Christr. Codrington, ff^azH, Dep. Govr. in absence of Id. Willoughby. 1672. Wm., Id. Willoughby, returned. 1673. Sir Peter Colleton, bt.,Dep. Govr. 1674. Sir .Jonathan Atkins. 1680. Sir. Richd. Dutton. 1683. Sir John. Witham, Dep. Govr. 1684. Sir Richd. Dutton. 1685. Edwin Stede, Dep. Govr. 1690. Jas. Kendal, 1694. Hon. Fras. Russell. 1696. Fras. Bond, pres. 7L>0 THE BOOK OV DIGNITIES. 1G98. 1701, 1703. 1706. 1707. 1710. 1711. 1714. 1715. 1720. 1720- 1721. 1722. 1728. 1731. 1733. 173.1. 1739. 1740. 1742. 1747. 1753. 1766. 1767-i 1771. 1772. 1773. 1780. 1783. 1784. 1790. Hon. Hiilph Grey, aft Id. Grey. John Farmer (? Turner), prea. Sir Bi?vil Granville. Wm. Sharpe, pres. Metford Crowe. Geo. Liilini, sw. John Ince, pres. during absence of Seaforth. Ld. Seaforth, returned. John Spooner. pres. Hugh Elliot, Apr. 10, G. Lt.-Gen. Goo. Beckwith, aft. Sir G Oct. s, G. John Spooner, pres. Lt.-Gen. Sir Jas. Leith, g.c.b.. May 10, G. John Spooner. ai/ain, pres. during absence of Leith. Sir Jas. Leith, returned. John^jFoster Alleyne, pres. until arr. of Cojiibermere. Gen. Stapleton, Id., aft. vise. Com- bermere, G.c.n., Dec. 24, G. John Braithwaite Skeete, pres. Saml. Hinds, pres. Lt.Gen.SirHv.Warde,K.c.B.,Feb.8.G. .1. B. Skeete, af/tiin, pres. during absence of Warde. Sir Hy. Warde, k.c.b., returned. J. B. Skeete, again pres. Lt.-Gen. Sir Jas. Lyon, k.c.b.. Mar. 17, G. J. B. Skeete, again, pres. during absence of Lyon. Sir Jas. Lyon, returnei/. J. B. Skeote. aiuin, pres. during absence of Lyon. Sir Jas. Lyon, returned. J. B. Skeete, again, pres. until arr. of Smith. From 1833 to 1885, the Governors of Barbados were appointed Governors of other islands also. See Introduction, ante, p. 718. In the following list the Governors marked thus — * were Governors of Barbados, St. Vincent, Grenada, and Tobago, t ., Barbados, St. Vincent, Tobago, Trinidad, and St. Lucia. X ., Barbados, Grenada, St. Vincent, Tobago, and St. Lucia. The lieutenant-governors, administrators, and presidents were for Barbados only. 1833. *M. Gen. Sir Lionel Smith, k.c.b. Feb. 13, G. 1834. John Alleyne Beccles, pres. during absonce of Smith. *Sir L. Smith, returned. 1835. J. A. Beccles, again, pres. during absence of Smith. *Sir L. Smith, returned. 1836. J. A. Beccles, again, pres. during absence of Smith. *Sir L. Smith, returned. *Sir Evan John Murray SrGregor bt., K.c.H., Oct. 17, G. 1841. John Brathwaito Skeete, pres. until a))p. of Darling. II. 0. Darling, L.G. 1841. tSir Chas Edwd. Grev. Aug, 24, G. 1846. JLt.-Col. Wm. Reid, r.e., Sept. 25, G. J. R. Best, pres. during absence of Reid. 1847. JWm. Reid, c.^., returned. 1848. J. S. Gaskin, pres. during absence of Reid. JWm. Reid, c.n., returned. Col. Sir Wm. Macbean Geo. Colebrooko, C.H.. Aug. 11, G. 1849. J. S. Gaskin, agnin, pres. during absence of Colebrooko. JSir W. M. G. Colobrooke, returned. 1850. J. R. Best, pres. during absence of Colobrooke. JSir W. M. G. Colebrooko, returned. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 721 1851. K. B. Hamilton, admr. until appt. i 1875. of Gaskin. ! 1852. J. S. Gaskin, again, prea. during 1876. absence of Colebrooke. JSir W. M. G. Colebrooke, re- turned. 1856. JFras. Hincks, aft. sir F. Grant E. Thomas, pros, during ab- sence of Hincks. 1858. Fras. Hincks, returned. 1878. 1859. Jas. Walker, aft. sir J., admr. during absence of Hincks. 1879. 1860. Sir Fras. Hincks, k.c.m.g., c.b., re- turned. 1880. 1861. J Jas. Walker, c.b., aft. sir J., now Govr., Dec. 5, G- 1865. Maj. Robt. Miller Mundy, aft. sir R., 1881. admr. during absence of Walker, i J Sir Jas. Walker, k.c.m.g., c.b., re- | turned. ' 1882. 1869. JRa-wson Wm. Rawson, c.b., aft. sir 1884. R., Apr. 15, G. Sanford Freeling, c.m.g. , aft. sir S., admr. until arr. of Hemiessy. J John Pope Hennessy, C.M.G., aft. sir J., Jan. 15, G. JCapt. Geo. Gumine Strahan, r.a. , C.M.G. , aft. sir G., Dec. 2, G. Geo. Dundas, c.m.g., L.G. during absence of Strahan. JMaj. G. 0. Strahan, returned. Geo. Dundas, c.m.g., again, L.G. during absence of Strahan. JMaj. sir G. C. Strahan, k.c.m.g., returned. M.-gen. D. J. Gamble, c.b., admr. until appt. of Robinson. Wm. Robinson, aft. sir W., L.G. Col. sir Robt. Wm. Harley, c.b., K.C.M.G., admr. until appt. of Robinson. JWm. Robinson, aft. sirW.,now Govt. M.-gen. Browne, admr. during ab- sence of Robinson. Separate Government of Barbados. See Introduction, ante, p. 718. 1884. SirWm. Robinson, k.c.m.g., May 4, I 1885. Sir Chas. Cameron Lees, k.c.m.g., G. Sept. 4. DIOCESE OF BARBADOS. This bishopric was oi-iginallj created by Letters Patent dated July 24, 1824, and enlarged or altered by subsequent patents dated April 2, 1825, May 11, 1826, and Sept. 24, 1838. By Letters Patent (Sept. 29, 1842, G.), all previous patents were revoked, and a diocese constituted, comprising Barbados, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Trinidad, G-eneva, and Tobago. A separate diocese of Trinidad was constituted in 1872. Barbados is in the ecclesiastical province of the West Indies. Bishops of Barbados. 1824. W. H. Coleridge. 1842. Thos. Parry, Sept. 29, G. 1873. J. Mitchinson. 1882. Herbert Bree, consec. May 1. GOVERNORS OF TRINIDAD. See Introduction, ante^ pp. 717-8. The earlier names are taken from, and the whole list corrected by, the Colonial List. Spanish Governors. 1735. Lt.-col. E. S. de Linany Vera, Oct. 11. 1745. F. de la Monteras, Dec. 4. 1746. Juan Jos(^ Salcedo, June 19. 1752. F. Manclares. 1757. Pedro de la Moneda. 1760. Juan San Juan. 1762. J. A. Gil-Knight. 1765. J. de Bruno, June 19. 1766. Juan de Flores. 1773. J. de Dios Valdez. 1776. Manuel Falquez, Nov. 30. 1779. Maria de Salavaria, Aug. 1783. Jose Maria de Cha9on, Sept. 1- 46 722 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. British Governors. commrs. Jan. 1797. Sir Ralph Abercrombie, Feb. 18. Brig. -gen. Thos. Picton, Apr. (May 26. 1801, G.) 1803. Col. Wm. Fullerton ] Brig. -gen. Thos. Picton ;- Commodore Saml. Hood) Brig. -gen. Thos. Hislop, July 20. (Jan. 21, 1806, G.) 1810. Lt.-col. Tollv (acting), Jan. 9. 1811. Col. Munro,'Apr. 25. 1813. Sir Ralph J. Woodford, bt., June 14. (Sept. 21, 1812, G.) 1821. Lt.-col. A. W. Young, Apr. 12; acting until return of Woodford, Feb. 18, 1823. 1828. Maj. Capadose, Apr. 1 ; acting until arrival of Grant. Sir Chas. F. Smith, r.e., Apr. 18; acting until arrival of Grant. Col. Farquharson, July 26 ; acting until arrival of Grant. 1829. M.-gen. Lewis Grant, Mar. 10. (Aug. 9, 1828, G.) Lt.-col. Doherty, acting during ab- sence of Grant ; Nov. 20 to Feb. 15, 1830, and May 15 to June 3, 1830. 1830. Lt.-col. Sir Chas. F. Smith, acting during absence of Grant ; June 3 to Dec. 5, 1831. SirGeo. FitzgeraldHill, L.G. , June 9. M.-gen. Sir Lionel Smith, app. Govr. B. Guiana, Trinidad and St. Lucia, and sir G. F. Hill, L. G. Trinidad, Feb. 26, G. Lt.-col. Mcin, Mar. 8 ; acting until arrival of McGregor. Col. sir E. M. McGregor, Govr., Mar. 24. Lt.-col. Mein (Feb. 2, 1839, G.). ac- ting until arrival of Macleod, Mar. 28. Col. sir Hy. Geo. Macleod, L.G., Apr. 13; app. Govr. May31, 1842, G. Note. — Sir Chas. Edwd. Grey was Governor from Aug. 24, 1841, G., to Mar. 31, 1842, G. See "Bar- bados," ante. p. 720. Maj. Barlow, acting during absence of Macleod, Nov. 11. Maj. Tyler, acting during absence of Macleod, Dec. 14. 1841. Lt.-col. sir Chas. Chichester, acting during absence of Macleod, Sept. 25 to May 9, 1842. 1842. Maj. F. Fuller, acting during ab- sence of Macleod, June 29 to Aug. 8. Lt.-col. sir Chas. Chichester, acting during absence of Macleod, Aug. 8 to May 3, 1843. 1835. 1839. 1840. 1845. Lt.-col. E. C. Archer, acting during absence of Macleod, Feb. 8 to July 2. 1846. Lt.-col. Brown, Apr. 21; acting until arrival of Harris. Geo. Fras. Robt., Id. Harris, L.G., Apr. 22. (May 5, 1846, G.) App. Govr. Nov. 3, 1846. G. 1851. Lt.-col. Ward, b.e., acting during absence of Harris, June 12 to Feb. 11, 1853. 1853. Maj. Halliday, acting during absence of Harris^ Feb. 11 to Feb. 25. 1854. Maj. L. Bouchier. acting until arrival of Elliott, Jan. 26. Capt. Chas. Elliott, aft. k.c.b.. Mar. 10. (Jan. 11, G.) 1856. Lt.-col. B. Brooks, acting until arrival of Keate, Oct. 27. 1857. Robt. Wm. Keate, Jan. 26. (Nov. 6, 1856, G.) 1860. Jas. Walker, c.b., L.G., Apr. 7. (Mar. 13, G.) 1861. !Maj. Holworthy, acting during ab- sence of Keate, Mar. 25 to May. 1864. Maj. Thompson, admr. until arrival of Manners-Sutton, July 5. Hon. John Hy. Thos. Manners-Sut- ton, aft. vise. Canterbury, Sept. 6. (June 24, G.) 1866. E. E. Rushworth, admr. until arrival of Gordon, Apr. 24. Hon. Arthur Hamilton Gordon, C.M.G., Nov. 7. (June 30, G.) 1868. Maj. Bostock, admr. during ab- sence of Gordon, Apr. 8 to Apr. 20. Cornelius Hendericksen Kortright, aft. sir C, admr. during absence of Gordon, June 25 to Dec. 21. 1870. Jas. Robt. Longden, c.m.g., aft. sir J., June 25. (July 18, G.) 1872. W. H. Rennie, admr. during absence of Longden, July 11 to May 21, 1873. 1874. J. Scott Bushe, admr. until arrival of Cairns, Apr. 27. Wm. Wellington Cairns, c.m.g., aft. sir W., May 2. (Mar. 14, G.) J. Scott Busiae, admr. until arrival of Irving, Jlay 27. Hy. Turner Irving, c.m.g., aft. sir H. , Nov. 20. (Sept. 7, G.) 1876. J. Scott Bushe, c.m.g., admr. during absence of Irving, Doc. 9 to Feb. 3, 1877. 1877. Geo. Wm. Des Voeux, c.h.o., aft. sir G., L.G., acting during absence of Irving, Feb. 3 to Jan. 2, 1878. 1880. W. R. Pyne, admr., acting until arrival of Freeliug, July 27 to Aug. 27. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 723 1880. Wm. Alexr. Geo. Young, c.M.a., admr. until arrival of Freeling, Aug. 27. Sir Sanford Freeling, k.c.m.g., Nov. 2. (Oct. 4, G.) 1882. J. Scott Bushe, c.m.g., admr. during absence of Freeling, June 28 to Sept 1. 1884. J. Scott Bushe, c.m.g., admr.. Mar. 28 ; until arrival of Havelock. 1884. Sir Fredk. Palgrave Barlee, K.C.M.G., L.G. , June 19; until arrival of Havelock. J. Scott Bushe, c.m.g., admr., Aug. 8; until ai-rival of Havelock. 1885. Sir Arthur Elibank Havelock. k.c.m.g., Jan. 24. Sir Wm. Robinson, k.c.m.g., Oct. 9. 1886. J. Scott Bushe, admr. during ab- sence of Robinson. May 29 to July IG. ''>",! Su TicJji^lcJj, "n^^^ &i^,^ K.e.^^c,^ Trinidad and Tobago were united into oiie colony as from Jan. 1, 1889. See Introduction, ante, p. 718. For bishops prior to 1872, see "Bishops of Barbados," ante, p. 721. DIOCESE OF TRINIDAD. This bishopric was constituted in 1872. It is in the ecclesiastical province of the West Indies. Bishops of Trinidad. 1872. Richd. Rawle, consec. June 29. I 1888. Jas. Thos. Hayes. GOVERNORS OF TOBAGO. See Introduction aiite, p. 717. The earlier names are taken from the Colonial List. 1764. 1768. 1770. 1771. 1784. 1794. 1795. 1796. 1800. 1802. 1803. — Bro\vne, L.G. Brig. -gen. Robt. Melville, Govr. of Grenada, Dominica, St. Vincent, and Tobago. — Stewart. Brig. -gen. Wm. Leybourne Ley- bourne, Govr. of Grenada, Domi- nica, St. Vincent and Tobago. Maj. Young, L.G. — Ferguson, L.G. From 1781 to 1783 the Island was in the possession of the French. — Dillon. — Ricketts. — Lindsay. — Delaney. — Masters. Sahuhie Buthtir French Governors. 1803. — Picton, L.G. — McDonald, L.G. — ■ Johnstone, L.G. John Halkett, Oct. 27. 1806. — Balfourn. 1807. Sir Wm. Young. 1810. — Campbell, pres. 1816. Gen. sir Fredk. Phillip Robinson, K.C.B., Feb. 13, G. 1819. — Cumine, pres. 1820. — Robley, pres. 1823. — Nichol, pres. 1826. -r- Brasnell, pres. 1827. — Piggott, pres. 1828. Gen. sir Colin Campbell, k.c.b., Feb. 27, G. M.-gen. Nathl. Blackwell, Apr. 17, G. For Governors from 1833 to 1885, see " Governors of Barbados," ante, pp. 720-1. For Governors since 1885, see " Governors of Windward Islands," ante, p. 719. LlEUTENANT-GoVEENORS AND ADMINISTRATORS OP TOBAGO. 1833. M.-gen. Hy. Chas.Darling,L.G.,Mar. 13, G. 1845. Maj. Laurence Graeme, Aug. 18, G. 1851. David Robt. Ross, L.G., Feb. 14, G. 1851. Fredk. Daly, L.G. , Sept. 16, G. 1854. Willoughby Shortiand, L.G., Jan. 10, G. 1857. Jas. Vickery Drysdale, L.G., Apr. 1, G. 46 * 724 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1864. Cornelius Hendericksen Kortright, aft. sir C.,L.G., Oct. 14, G. 1872. Herbert Tavlor Ussber, c.m.g., L.G., Sept." 12, G. 1875. Col. Robt. \N'm. Harley, c.B, c.m.g., aft. sir R., L.G., Aug. 9, G. 1877. Augs. Fredk. Gore, L.G.,Sept. 29, G. 1»81. Edwd. Laborde, admr., Oct. 6, G. 1883. John Worrell Carrington, admr. 1885. Loraine Geddes Hay, admr. Kobt. Baxter Llewelyn, admr. 1886. Loraine Geddes Hay, again, admr. Trinidad and Tobago were united into one colony as from Jan. daction, ante, p. 718. 1889. See Intro- For bishops, see " Bishops of Barbados," ante, p. 721. 176s. 1771. 1775. 1776. 1784. 1789. 1793. 1796. 1797. 1802. 1804. For For GOVERNORS OF GRENADA. See Introduction, ante, p. 717. The earlier names are taken from the Colonial List. 1805. Brig. -Gen. Fredk. Maitland, Mar. 29, G. 1808. A. C. Adye, pros, during absence of Maitland. 1810. M.-gen. F. Maitland, returned. A. C. Adye, again pres. until app. of Ainslie. 1812. Col. R. Ainslie. Vice-Govr. 1813. M.-gen. sir Chas. Shiplev, Feb. 27, G. 1816. M.-gen. sir Geo. Townshend Walker, K.c.B. , vice Stuart deed., Apr. 7, G. 1816. M.-gen. Phineas Riall, Feb. 17, G. 1817. Andr. Houstoun, pres. during ab- sence of Riall. 1821. M.-gen. P. Riall, returned. Geo. Paterson. Pres. 1825. M.-gen. sir Jas. Campbell, k.c.b.. May 23. G. 1831. Felix Palmer, pres. Governors from 1833 to 1885, see " Governors of Barbados," anfe, pp. 720-1. Governors since 1885, see " Governors of Windward Islands," ante, p. 719. Brig.-gen. Robt. Melville, Govr. of Grenada, Dominica, St. Vincent, and Tobago. Ulysses Fitzmaurice, L.G. Brig. gen. Wm. Leybourne Ley- bourne, Govr. of Grenada, Dominica, St. Vincent, and Tobago. Wm. Young. L.G. Sir Geo. Macartney, k.b., aft. Id. M. Lt.-gen. Edwd. Matthew. Saml. Williams, Pres. Ninian Home, L.G. Alexr. Houstoun, L.G. Col. Chas. Green, aft. sir C. Hon. Geo. Vere Hobart, L.G. Thos. Hislop, L.G., Feb. 5, G. M.-gen. Wm. Douglas McLean Clephane, L.G. M.-gen. John Stuart, L.G., Jan. 25, G, ; knt. , Aug. 18. LIEUTENANT-GOVEENOES AND AdMINISTEATORS OF GeEXADA. 1833. M.-gen. Geo. Middlemore, L.G.,Feb. 13, G. 1835. Lt.-col. John Hastings Mair, L.G., Mar. 26, G. 1836. Lt.-col. Chas. Jos. Doyle, L.G., June 26, G. 1846. KerBaillie Hamilton, L.G.,Jan.l3,G. 1853. Robt. Wm. Keate, L.G., Oct. 11, G. 1856. Comehus Hendericksen Kortright, aft. sir C, L.G., Nov. 15, G. 1863. Maj. Robt. Miller Mundv, aft. sir R., L.G., Sept. 18. G. 1871. Edwd. Laborde, admr. until arr. of ^'reeling, 1871. Sanford Freeling, aft. sir S., L.G.. Apr. 11, G. Edwd. Laborde, again admr. until arr. of Graham. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1881. 1882. 1883. Cyril Gierke Graham, L.G., Jan. 13, G. Col. Robt. Wm. Harlev, c.b., c.m.g., aft. sir R., L.G., Sept. 28, G. Thos. Kerr, admr. during absence of Harley. Col. R. W." Harley, returned. Capt. Irwin Chas. Maling, admr. during absence of Harley. Col. R. W. Harley, returned ; transf. to Br. Honduras, 1883. Capt. I. C. -Maling,^ ^^^ again, admr., ^ ° , Roger Tucktield Golds- ' ^"^^^^ ^'^^ worthy, C.M.G., aft. i^ i'iroment sir G., admr., » u i Edwd. Laborde, admr. J ''^ i^^^^'^i'- Since the constitution of the colony of the Windward Islands the seat of government has been at Grenada, the other islands being under local administrators. For bishops, see "Bishops of Barbados," atitc, p. 721. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 725 GOVERNORS OF ST. VINCENT. See Introduction, atite, p. 718. The earlier names are taken from the Colonial List. 1765. Brig. -gen. Robt. Melville, Govr. of 1783. Jas. Seton. Grenada, Dominica, St. Vincent, ; 1798. Wm. Bentinck. and Tobago. 1802. Hy. Wm. Bentinck, Feb. 24, G. 1775. Brig. -gen. Wm. Leybourne Ley- 1 1805. M.-gen. Geo. Beckwith, aft. sir G., bourne, Govr. of Grenada, Jan. 2, sw. Dominica, St. Vincent, and 1808. Capt. sir Chas. Brisbane, Oct. 8, G. ; Tobago. ' Nov. 16, sw. 1776. Valentine Morris. I 1830. Sir Geo. Fitzgerald Hill, bt. For Governors from 1833 to 1885, see " Governors of Barbados," ante, pp. 720-1. For Governors since 1885, see " Governors of Windward Islands," ante, p. 719. LIETTTENANT-GOVERNOKS AND ADMINISTRATORS OF St. ViNCENT. 1833. Capt. Geo. Tyler, k.n., aft. sir G., L.G., Feb 13, G. 1840. Lt.-col. Richd. Doheity, aft. sir R., L.G., Nov. 20, G. 1845. Sir John Campbell, bt., L.G., June 9, G. 1852. Richd. Graves MacDonnell, c.b., L.G., Feb. 23, G. 1854. Edwd. John Eyre, Nov. 6, G. 1859. Wm. Chas. Sargeaunt, aft. sir W., admr.. Mar. 31, G. 1861. Anthy. Musgrave. aft. sir A., admr.. May 20; L.G., May 13, 1862, G. 1864. Geo. Berkeley, L.G., July 29, G. For bishops, see " Bishops 1871. Wm. Hepburn Rennie, L.G., Apr. 11, G. 1872. Edwd. Laborde, admr., July 2. 1874. Augs. Fredk. Gore, admr.. May 2. Geo. Dundas, c.m.g., L.G., Oct. 31, G. 1878. Edwd. Laborde, again, admr. during absence of Dundas, May 28. 1879. Augs. Fredk. Gore, ditto. Geo. Dundas, returned Mar. 27. 1880. Augs. Fredk. Gore, again, admr.. May 4, G. ; L.G., Aug. 5, G. 1888. Robt. Baxter Llewelyn, admr. of Barbados," ante, p. 721. GOVERNORS OF ST. LUCIA. See Introduction, anfe, p. 718. * * * ' 1830. M.-gen. Geo. Mackie, July ID, G. 1801. Brig. -gen. Geo. Prevost, L.G., May 1831. M.-gen. Jas Alexr. Farquharson, 16, G. : Nov. 23, G. * * * * I 1834. Col. sir Dudley St. Leger Hill, L.G., 1810. M.-gen. Richd. Augs. Seymour, Apr. 15, G. ; and Feb. 26,1835, June 28, G. G. 1818. M.-gen. sirJohnKeane,K.c.B.,Jan.l9,G. ! 1835. M.-gen. sir Lionel Smith, Govr. Br. 1825. M.-gen. John Montagu Mainwaring, I Guiana, Trinidad, and St. Lucia, Oct. 7, G. i Fob. 26, G. For Governors from 1838 to 1885, see " Governors of Barbados," ante, pp. 720-1. For Governors since 188 >, see " Governors of Windward Islands," an/e, p. 719. Lieutenant-Governors and Administrators of St. Lucia. 1838. Col. sir Dudley St. Ledger Hill, above named, contd. as L.G. 1847. Chas. Hy. Darling, L.G., Dec. 21, G. 1852. Maurice Power, L.G. , Feb. 23, G. 1858. H. HegartBreen,L.G. 1865. J. M. Grant, admr. 1869. Geo. Wm. DesVcBUX,aft.sir G..admr. 1877. Capt. Macnamara Dix. 1881. Roger Tuckfield Goldsworthy,c.M.G., aft. sir R. , admr., Jan. 10, G. 1884. Clement Courtenay Knollys, admr., May. 1885. Edwd. Laborde, c.m.g., admr.. For bishops, see " Bishops of Barbados," ante, p. 721. 726 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES THE LEEWARD ISLANDS. ANTIGUA, MONTSERRAT, ST. CHRISTOPHER OR ST. KITTS, NEVIS, DOMINICA. VIRGIN ISLANDS, AND THEIR DEPENDENCIES. The Leeward Islands lie to the north of the Windward Islands. They were discovered by Columbus during the last ten years of the fifteenth century. Besides those mentioned above, which belong to Great Britain, there are others belonging to France, Holland, and Denmark. The British Leeward Islands were formed into one colony in 1871. as stated below. Antigua was discovered by Columbus in 1493 ; colonised oy the English in 1632 ; granted by Chas. II. to Fras., Lord Willoui,'hby of Parham, in 1663 ; conquered by France in 1666, but reconquered by the English, and confirmed to them by the Treaty of Breda in 1667. Barbuda and Eedonda are dependencies of Antigua. MoNTSERRAT was discovcrcd by Columbus in 1493 ; colonised by the English in 1632 ; taken by the French in 1664 ; restored to England in 1668, again captured by the French in 1782, and finally restored to Great Britain in 1784. St. Christopher or St. Kitts and Nevis were discovered by Columbus in 1498, and colonised by the English in 1628. Anguilla is a dependency of these islands. Dominica was discovered by Columbus in 1493. It was included in the grant made by Jas. II. to Jas., Earl of Carlisle in 1627 ; but as the island lay between the French possessions of Guadaloupe and Mar- tinique, the earl's right to it was disputed by France. By the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748) the island was declared "neutral," but on the renewal of hostilities it was captured by the British in 1756, and ceded to them by the Treaty of Paris in 1763. It was retaken by the French in 1778, restored to Great Britain in 1783. once more captured by France in 1802, and finally restored to Great Britain in 1814. It was at one time joined, for administrative purposes, with some of the Windward Islands. See " Windward Islands," ante, pp. 717-8. The Virgin Islands are a numerous group. St. Thomas, St. Ji)hn, and St. Croix belong to Denmark, the rest being British. The prin- cipal British islands are Virgin Gorda, Anegada, Jost Van Dyke, Tortola, Bieques, and Peters Island. These islands were discovered by Columbus in 1494, and the English settled in Tortola in 1666. St. Thomas and St. John were taken from Denmark in 1801, and again in 1807, but restored in 1802 and 1815. The Leeward Islands were from time to time grouped together in various combinations under one governor, with lieutenant-governors for each separate island. THE BOOK OF DIGXITlJiS. 727 In 1871, under 34 & 35 Vict, cap. 107, and proclamation thereunder, Antigtja, Montsereat, St. Christopher, Nevis, Dominica, and the, Virgin Islands were formed into six presidencies of one colony called the Leeward Islands, with power to include other West Indian Islands in the colony. St. Christopher and Nevis were afterwards united into one presidency by Colonial Act No. 2 of 1882. The Leeward Islands constitute the greater part of the diocese of Antigua. GOVERNORS OF THE LEEWARD ISLANDS, or of two or more of them, ari'anged chronologically, and with their appointments specified. See Introduction, ajite, p. 726. Governors op the Leeward Islands. Taken from the Colonial List. 1668. Wm., Id. WiUougliby of Parham. ( 1730. Wm. Matthew. 1672. Philip Warner. 1752. Sir Geo. Thomas. 1675. Rowland Williams. : 1766. James Verchild. 1682. Sir Wm. Stapleton. | 1771. Sir Ralph Payne, aft. Id. Lavington. Nathl. Johnson. ! 1776. Wm. H. Burl. 1689. Christr. Codrington. ! 1781. Sir Thos. Shirley. 170-1. Sir Wm. Matthew. | 1790. The same, again. 1706. Col. Parke. \ 1795. M.-gen. Leigh. 1710. Gen. Hamilton. j 1801. Ralph, Id. Lavington, aqain. 1711. Walter Douglas. 1808. Hugh EUiot, Oct. 8, G-, and Apr. 1715. Gen. Hamilton, again. I 12, 1809, G. 1721. John Hart. ■ 1H14. Lt.-gen. sir Jas. Lcith, K.C.B., Feb. 1728. Ld. Londonderry (Thos. Pitt). 15, G- Governors of Antigua and Montserrat. 1816. M.-gen. Geo. Wm. Ramsay, Feb. 13, I 1820. M.-gen. sir Benjn. D'Urban, k.c.b., G. I Jan. 22, G. ; Apr. 8, sw. Governors op St. Christopher, Nevis, and Virgin Islands. 1816. Thos. Probyn, Feb. 13, G. I 1831. M.-gen. Wm. Nicolay, Jan. 13, G. 1819. Chas. Maxwell, May 21, G. | Governors op Antigua, Montserrat, Barbuda, St. Christopher, Nevis, Anguilla, Virgin Islands and Dominica. 1850. Robt. Jas. Mackintosh, Oct. 1, G. 1855. Ker Baillie Hamilton, Mar. 26, G. i860. The same, aijain. 1832. Sir Evan John Murray-Macgregor, Dec. 19, G. 1837. Lt.-col. Wm. Macbean Geo. Cole- brook, Jan. 11, G. ; knt., Mar. 31. 1841. Sir Chas. Augs. FitzRoy, Aug. 3, G. 1846. Jas. Macaulay Higginson, June 26, G. 1863. Col. Stephen John Hill, aft. sir S. , Feb. 9, G. 1867. The same, again. 1869. Sir Benjn. Chilley Campbell Pine Apr. 15, G. Governors op the Leeward Islands on the " Leeward Islands Act, 1871," 34 & 35 Vict. cap. 107, coming into operation ; vide supra. 187L Sir Benj, Chilley Campbell Pine, I 1873. Hy. Turner Irving, cm G.. aft. «ir now K.C.M.G., Dec. 8. | H-, June 11, G. 728 T^E BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1874. Geo. Berkeley, c.M.G. , aft. sir G. Nov. 14, G. 1881. Sir John Hawley Glover, K.K., G.C.M.G., Dec 7, G. 1882. Neale Porter, admr. 1884. Sir Chas. Cameron Lees, k.o.m.g. , Jan. 2, G. 1886. Chas. Monroe Eldridge, admr. For bishops, see " Bishops of Antigua," infra 1885. Jenico Wm. Jos., vise. Gormanston Sept. 4. 1887. Sir Chas. Bullen Hugh Mitchell, K.C.M.G., Dec. 14. 1887. Wm. Fredk. Haynes Smitli, c.m.q., temporary admr. until arrival of Mitchell, Dec. 14; app. Govr., Nov. 8, I888..i;rr-;J" GOVERNORS OF ANTIGUA. See Introduction, ante, p. 726. For Governors from 1668 to 1824, and from 1832 to present time see " Governors of Leeward Islands," ante, p. 727. Governors of Antigua only, from 1824 to 1832. 1824. Lt.-gen sir Hudson Lowe, k.c.b. Jan. 6, G. ; did not proceed. 1825. M.-gen. sir Patr. Ross, May 23, G. Lieutenant-Governors, &c., of Antigua. The earlier names are taken from the Colonial List. 1668. Saml. Wintbrope, Dep. G. 1698. Col. John Yeamans, L.G. 1710. The same, «yat«, L.G. 1768. Wm. Woodley, L.G. 1788. John Nugent, L.G. 1791. The same, again, L.G. 1792. Wm. Woodley, again, L.G. 1793. John Stanley, L.G. 1799. Wm. Woodley, again, L.G. 1836. Lt.-col. Hy. Senior, L.G., Jan. 14, G. Hy. Light, L.G., Apr. 13, G. 1840. Maj. John Macphail, L.G. 1845. C. J. Cunningham, L.G. 1859. SirHerculesGeo.Robt.Robinson,L.G. B. E. Jarvis, pres. Edwd. John Eyre, L.G., Mar. 31. 1860. Sir Wm. Byam, pres. 1863. The same, again, pres. After the passing of the "Leeward Islands Act, 1871," see Introduction, ante, p. 727, Antigua was under the direct control of the Governor of the Leeward Islands, the other islands being placed under commissioners or presidents subordinate to him. Commissioners or Presidents of Antigua during absence OF Governor. 1883. Neale Porter, June, to Jan. 1884, I 1887. Chas. Monroe Eldridge. and July to Sept. 1884. | ■'?*«. /kic-.'/< W««,c'tf DIOCESE OF ANTIGUA. This bishopric was constituted by Letters Patent (Sept. 29, 1842, G.)- It comprises the British Islands of Antigua, Barbuda, Montserrat, Dominica, St. Christopher, Nevis, Anguilla, and the Virgin Islands, and also the foreign islands of St. Croix, St. Thomas, Porto Rico, and St. Bartholomew. It is in the ecclesiastical province of the West Indies. Bishops op Antigua. 1842. Daniel Gateward Davis, Sept. 29, G. I 18C.0. Wm. Walrond Jackson, May 14, G. 1858. Stephen Jordan Rigaud, Jan. 14, G. | 1882. Chas. Jas. Branch, coadj. GOVERNORS OF MONTSERRAT. See Introduction, ante, p. 728. For Governors, vide " Governors of Leeward Islands," &c., ante, p. 727. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES 729 Commissioners or Presidents of Montsereat. 1854. Hercules Geo. Robt. Robinson, aft. i 1872. Neale Porter, June. sir H., Feb. 14, G. 1882. Jas. Meade, actg. 1868. W. Rowland Pvm, actg. 1887. John Spencer Churchill. 1872. S. S. Odium. ' ! /^f^ 'i^-U^aU Hay ke^ For bishops, see " Bishops of Antigua," ante, p. 728. GOVERNORS OF ST. CHRISTOPHER. See Introduction, ante, p. 726. For Governors, see " Governors of Leeward Islands," atite, p. 727. Lieutenant-Governors, &c. op St. Christopher. 1833. Lt.-col. J. Lyons Nixon, L.G., St. Christopher, Nevis, Anguilla and Virgin Islands, Feb. 7, G. 1835. W. G. Cooke, pres. 1836. Lt.-col. Hy. Geo. Macleod, L.G., Oct. 8, G. 1839. Chas. Cunningham, L.G., Apr. 6, G. 1847. Robt. Jas. Mackintosh, L.6., Mar. 12, G. ' 1866. Capt. Jas. Geo. Mackenzie, k.n., 1850. Edwd. Hay Drummond Hay, L.G., i Sept. 22, G. Oct. 1, G. I 1869. Wm. Wellington Cairns, aft. Sir W., 1854. Hercules Geo. Robt. Robinson, aft. Jan. 14, G. Sir H. ; L.G., Nov. 6, G. 1870. Fras. Spencer Wigley, c.m.g., admr. 1856. Thos. Price, admr. After the passing of the " Leeward Islands Act, 1871," see ante, p. 727, commis- sioners or presidents of St. Christopher were substituted for lieutenant-governors, and, in 1882, the Islands of St. Christopher, Nevis, and Anguilla were united into one presidency. See ante, p. 727. Commissioners or Presidents of St. Christopher. 1872. J. S. Berridge. | 1873. Alesr. Wilson Moir. Commissioners or Presidents of St. Christopher and Nevis. 1883. Chas. Monroe Eldridge, actg. 1885. Fras. Spencer Wigley, c.m.g., actg May. 1859. Sir Benjn. Chilley Campbell Pine, May- 1862. J, E. Tudor, pres. ) During J. H. King, pres. > absence of 1864. J. H. Holligan, pres. ) Pine. 1866. J. R. HoUigan, pres. until app. of Rumbold. 1867. Sir Arth. Carlos Hy. Rumbold, bt., admr. until arr. of Mackenzie. 1885. Chas. Monroe Eldridge, again. 1886. ^Fras. Spencer Wigley, c.m.g., again, 'Peo j/iif prefix <^^uvit^^l^ For bishops, see " Bishops of Antigua," ante, \\ 728. GOVERNORS OF NEVIS. See Introduction, ante, p. 726. For Governors, see " Governors of Leeward IsUmds," &c., ante, p. 727. Lieutenant-Governors, &o., of Nevis. 1833. Lt.-Col. J. Lyons Nixon, L.G. St. Christopher, Nevis, Anguilla, and Virgin Islands, Feb, 7, G. 1841. R. B. Cleghorn, pres. 1842. Maj. Graeme, pres. 1845. Willoughby Shortland, pres 1854. Fredk. Seymour, Jan. 10, G., pres. 1857. Sir Arth. Rumbold, bt., pres. 730 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1860. Anthy. Musgrave, aft. air A., actg. pres. during absence of Rumbold. 1863. J. P. L. Dyett, pres. 1864. Jas. W. Sherifif, prea. 1865. W. Maynard, pres. 1866. Capt. Jaa. Geo. Mackenzie, B.H., L.G., Sept. 22, G. 1869. Wm. Wellington Cairns, aft. Sir W., L.G., Jan. 14, G. 1870. Fraa. Spencer Wigley, admr. After the passing of the "Leeward Islands Act, 1871," see ante, p. 727, commia- aioners or presidents of Xevis were again substituted for lieutenant-governors. In 1882 the islands of St. Christopher, Nevis, and Anguilla were united into one pre- sidency. See ante, p. 727. Commissioners oh Presidents of Nevis. 1871. Fraa. Spencer Wigley, above named. 1873. Capt. Melfort Campbell. 1876, Roger Tuckfield Goldsworthy, aft. 1877. Capt. Arth.. Elibank Havelock, aft. Sir A. 1879. John Spencer Churchill, actg. ; Apr. C. S. Salmon, air R., May. I 1882. Wm.Hy.Whyham.actg.; JulytoDec. Commissioners or Presidents op United Presidencies of St. Christopher and Nevis. See ante, p. 729. For bishops, see "Bishops of Antigua," ante, p. 728. ANGUILLA. Anguilla was formerly a dependency of St. Christopher, q.v. ante, p. 729. It is now included in the united presidency of St. Christopher and Nevis, q.v. ante, pp. 729-30. GOVERNORS OF DOMINICA. See Introduction, ante, p. 726. * * Sir Wm. Young, bt. 1816. Lt. -col. Chas. W. Maxwell, Jan. 1770. Thos. Shirley. 29, G. 1783. CaiJt. John Orde, aft. bt. 1794. Hy. Hamilton. 1797. Lt.-col. hon. Andr. Cochrane Johnston. 1802. Col. Geo. Prevost, aft. bt., Sept. 23, G. 1807. Wm. Lukin, Apr. 10, G. 1808. Brig. -gen. Jas. Montgomerie, Mav 27. G. 1819. Sir Saml. Ford Whittingham, Mav 21, G. 1821. Hans Fras., E. of Huntingdon, Dec. 12. G.; Mar. 28, 1822, sw. 1824. M.-gen. Wm. Nicolay, Apr. 27. G. 1831. Col. sir Evan John Murray-Mac- Gregor, July 25, G. For subsequent Governors, see " Governors of Leeward Islands," &nte, p. 727. Lieutenant-Governors of Dominica. 1813. Lt.-gen. Fredk. Maitland, Jan. 30, 1851. S»ml. Wensley BUckall, Apr. 1. G. G. I 1857. Maj. Harry St. Geo. Ord, r.e., • * * * Sept. 2,G. 1833. Capt. sir Chas. M. Schomborg, r.n., ; 18G1. Thoa. Price, Dec. 30, G. Feb. 7, G. 1 1866. Jaa. Robt. Longdeu, aft. air J., Sept. 1835. Lt.-col. John Haatinga Mair, Feb. ! 5, G. 19, G. ' 1867. Hon. Ily. Ernest Gascoyno Bulwer, 1838. Maj. John Longley, May 10, G. . aft. sir II., cm. o., actg. L.lJ., Mar. Maj. John Macphail, Nov. 3, G. | 1868. Sanford Frc«ling, aft. sir S., Dec. 1845. Lt.-col. Goo. Macdonald, Jan. 14, G. \ 31, G. After the paaaing of the " Leeward Islands Act, 1871," see ante, p. 727, commis- aionora or presidents of Dominica wore substituted for lioutonant-govornors. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 7i Commissioners or Presidents of Dominica. 1872. Chas. Monroe Eldridge. I 1887. Geo. Ruthven Le Hunte. 1882. John Spencer Churchill, Dec. | For bishops, see "Bishops of Antigua," arite, p. 728. GOVERNORS OP THE VIRGIN ISLANDS. See Introduction, ante, p. 726. For Governors, vide " Governors of Leeward Islands," ante, p. 727. LlEtrXENANT-GoVERNORS OP THli; ViRGIN IsLANDS. 1812. Lt.-col. Chas. Napier, Feb. 21. G. 1816. Col. Jas. Bathurst. Jan. 18, G. 1833. J. Lyons Nixon, L.G. St. Christo- pher, Nevis, Anguilla, and Virgin Islands, Feb. 7, G. Commissioners or Presidents op the Virgin Islands. 1854. Cornelius Hendericksen Kortright, aft. sir C, Mar. 16, G. and Apr. 25, 1855, G. 1865. Sir Arth. Carlos Hy. Rumbold, bt., Nov. 17 ; d. June 12, 1869. 1869. Alexr. Wilson Moir. 1873. Capt. R. M. Hickson 1879. R. H. Dyett, actg. John Spencer Churchill, Apr., to Jan. 1881. 1881. R. H. Dyett, again, actg. 1885. J. A. Pickering, actg. 1886. R. H. Dyett, again, actg. 1887. Edwd. Jas Cameron. For bishops, see "Bishops of Antigua," ante, p. 728. FALKLAND ISLANDS. These islands lie in the South Atlantic Ocean, and occupy a position quite isolated from all other British colonies. They were discovered by John Davis in 1592, and after having nominally belonged to France and Spain they were finally taken possession of hy Great Britain and colonised. The islands form the mission;iry diocese of the Falkland Islands. GOVERNORS OF THE FALKLAND ISLANDS. From 1833 to 1842 the Settlement was in charge of a naval officer. 1841. Lieut. Richd. Clement Moody, r.e., L.G., Aug. 20, G. ; Govr., June 23, 1843, G. 1847. Geo. Rennie, Nov 27, G. 1855. Capt. Thos. Edwd. Laws Moore, R.N., July 2. G. 1862. Capt. Jas. Geo. Mackenzie, r.n., Sept. 10, G. 1866. Wm. Cleaver Fras. Robinson, aft. sir W., May 19, G. 1870. Col. Geo. A. K. D'Arcy, Feb. 24, G. 1876. Thos. Fitzgerald Cal aghan, May 18, G. 1880. Thos. Kerr, Sept. 13, G. 1886. Arthr. Cecil Stuart Barkly, L.G., Jan. 16, G. ; acted during ab- sence of Kerr. DIOCESE OF THE FALKLAND ISLANDS. This bishopric was constituted in 1869. It is classed as a colonial diocese, holding mission from the see of Canterbury. Bishop op the Falkland Islands. 1 869. Waite Hockin Stirling. 732 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PART XIIT. ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. ORDERS OF KNIOHTHOOD, &c., CONNECTED WITH THE BRITISH EMPIRE. The Orders here dealt with comprise : The Gaktke. j St. Michael and St. Star of India. The Thistle. George. Grown of Indla. St. Patrick. Guelpiiic Order. Indian Empire. The Bath. I Many works have been written upon Orders of Knighthood in general, and individual Orders in particular, but the best work on the British Orders is beyond doubt that of Sir Harris Nicolas, published in 1842-7 in four large volumes. The following lists have been care- fully collated with, and corrected by, those given by Nicolas, and the Guelphic knights which were not given in the fonner editions of this work have been compiled entirely from his list. The Indian Orders are of comparatively recent date, and can hardly yet be said to have a history. Eeference is, therefore, simply given to the Letters Patent or Statutes creating or enlarging them. THE ORDER OF THE GARTER. The Garter is considered both the oldest and the most illustrious Order of Knighthood now existing, not only in this country but in the world. It was undoubtedly instituted by JEdward III., but the time is uncertain, various dates from 1344 to 1351 being given by different writers. Sir Harris Nicolas, who is the latest and probably the most trustworthy authority, says, "Edward III. founded the Order in 1344, but did not completelv establish it until between Oct. 12, 1347, and Aug. 1348." The Order originally consisted of the Sovereign and twenty-five knights, and so continued until 1786, when the sons of Geo. III. were made eligible, notwithstanding the chapter being complete. In 1805 this privilege was extended to the lineal descendants of Geo. II. except THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 733 the Prince of Wales for the time being, who was declared to be " a constituent part of the original institution ; " and in 1831 it was further extended to the lineal descendants of Geo. I. The principal foreign sovereigns are frequently admitted by special statutes, which are also occasionally passed for the admission of extra knights. The latter are generally absorbed into the ordinary twenty-five as vacancies arise. The officers of the Order are : Prelate. Chancellok. Registrar. King at Arms. Usher. The Order is styled — The Most Noble Order of the Garter. KNIGHTS OF THE GARTER. (K.G.) The reigning sovereign becomes, on his accession to the throne, the head of the Order. As a rule, he has previously been admitted a member of it. Edward HI. The Original Knights. K. Edw. III., d. 1377. Edwd., pr. of Wales (the Blk. prince) ; d. 1876. Hy., D. of Lancaster; d. 1362. Thos., E. of Warwick ; d. 1361). Piers or John de Greilly, capt. de Buche ; d. 1376. Ralph, E. of Stafford ; d. 1372. Wm., E. of Salisbury ; d. 1397. Roger, E. of March ; d. 1360. Sir .lohn Lisle, or baron Lisle ; d. 1356. Sir Barth. Burghersh, or Id. B. ; d. 1369. Sir Jno. Beauchamp. d. 1360. Sir John Mohun, or Id. M. ; d. 1373. Sir Hugh Courtenay, d. 1374. Sir Thos. Holland, aft. E. of Kent ; u. 1360. Sir John Grey, baron of Godnor ; d. 1392. Sir Richd. FitzSimon. Sir Miles Stapleton, d. 1373. Sir Thos. Wale, d. 1352. Sir Hugh Wrottesley, d. 1380. Sir Nele Lorin, or Loring ; d. 1385. Sir John Chandos, d. — . Sir Jas. Audley, d. 1386. Sir Otho Holland, d. 1359. Sir Hy. Earn, d. — . Sir Sanchet Daubrichcourt, d. — . Sir Walter Pavely, d. 1375. Subsequent Creations. 1349 (about). Wm., 1st E. of Northamp- ton ; d. 1360. Wm. Fitzwarine. d. 1361. of of 1353 (about). Regd., 1st Id. Cobham, d. 1361. Robt., 1st E. of Suffolk ; d. 1369. 1356 (about). Richd. de la Vache, d. 1366. Thos. , 1st Id. Ughtrede ; d. 1365. 1360 (about). Walter, Ist Id. Manny ; d. 1372. Frank Van Hale, d. 1375-6. Sir Thos. Ufford, d 1368. 1361. Lionel, E. of Ulster, and D. of Clarence ; d. 1368. John, E. of Richmond, aft. D. Lancaster and K. of Castile i Leon; d. 131)9. Edmd., E. of Cambridge, aft. D York ; d. 1402. I 1361 (about). Edwd., 5th Id. le Despencor ; d. 1375. 1362 (about). Wm. , 4th Id. Latimer ; d. 1381. John Sully, or Sulby ; d. 1388. 1365 (about). Humphrey, 7th E. of Here- ford ; d. 1373. 1366 (about). Ingelram, 1st E. of Bed- ford ; d. 1397. Hy. Percy, aft. 4th Id. Percy, and E. of Northumberland ; d. 1407. 1369 (about). Ralph, 4th Id. Basset of Drayton ; d. 1390. Richd. Pembrugge, d. 1375. John, 3rd Id. Neville of Raby ; d. 1388. 1370 (about). Robt. de Namur, d. 1392. John, 2nd E. of Pembroke ; d. 1375. Thos. Granston, or Gramston; d. 1375-'-.. Guy, 1st Id. Bryan ; d. 1390. 1372 (about). Guichard D' Angle, aft. E. of Huntingdon ; d. 1380. 734 THE BOOK OF DIGXITIES, 1373. Alan Buxhull, or Boxhall; d. 1381. 1373 (about). Thos., 4th E. of Warwick ; d. 1401. 1376 (about). .John de Montfort, D. of Brit- tany and E. of Richmond ; d. 1 399, (? 1401). Hugh, 2nd E. of Stafiford ; d. 1386. ^Ym., 2nd E. of Suffolk; d. 1382. Thos. Banestre. d. 1379. 1376. Thos. , E. of Kent ; d. 1397. Thos. Percy, aft. E. of Worcester ; d. 1403. 1378. Wm. Beauchamp, sometimes called Id. Bergavenny or Abergavenny; d. 1410. 1377. Richd., pr. of Wales, aft. K. Richd. Apr. 23. n. ; dep. 1399 ; d. 1400. Hy. . E. of Derby, aft. D. of Lan- caster and K. Hen. IV. ; d. 1413. 1394 (about). John, Id. Beaumont ; d. ' 1396. 1395 (about). Wm., Id. Scrope, aft. E. of Wiltshire ; d. 1399. 1396 (about). Sir Wm Fitzalan, alias Arundel, d. 1400. 1397 (about). Sir John Beaufort, aft. E of Somerset and M. of Dorset; d. . 1410. ! Thos.. E. of Kent, aft. D. of Surrey I d. 1400. 1398 (about). John, 3rd E. of Salisbury I d. 1400. , Albert, count Palatine, D. of I Bavaria and D. of Holland ; d, ' 1404. Sir Simon Felbrigge, d. — . 1399 (about). Sir Philip de la Vache,c'ACiu^\J4., 'Ll^tX 1884, Geo. Douglas, D. of Argyle. July 15. Edwd. Hy., 15th E. of Derby. «!/ Mar. 1814. 1773. Robt., E. of Northington, Aug. 18; d. July 17S6. 1775. Alexr.. D. of Gordon. Jan. 11; (/. June 1.S27. John, E. of Galloway, Nov. 1 ; d. Nov. 1806. 1776, Wm. John, M. of Lothian ; d. Oct. 11. Jan. 1815. Douglas. D. of Hamilton and Brandon; d. Aug. 1799. ThoB. , E. of Aylesbury ; d. Apr. 1814. Jas., D. of Montrose ; quitted for the Garter, 1812. John, Earl Poulett; d. Jan. 1.S19. Geo., E. of Morton; (/. Julv 1827. John. D. of Athole ; (/. Sept. 1830. 1805. Wm. Schaw, Earl Cathcart, Nov. 23 ; d. June 1843. 1808. Geo., E. of Aberdeen, Mar.; d. Dec. 1860. 1812, Chas. Wm. Hy., D. of Buccleuch May 22. and Queensberi-y ; d. Apr. 1819. Hugh, E. of Eglinton ; d. Dec. 1819. 1814, Hy. , E. of Abergavenny ; d. May 23. Mar. 1843. Geo., E. of Galloway; d. Mar. 1834. 1815. Thos., Id. Erskjne, Feb. 23; d. Nov. 1823. 1819. Chas. Bruce, 2nd E.. aft. Ist M. of Ailesbury, May 20 ; d. Jan. 1856. Gkorge IV. 1820. Wm., M. of Lothian, Apr. 26; d. Apr. 1K24. Geo., 8th M. of Tweeddale, May 22 ; ^.June28. Jas. Edw. Wm. Theobald. :?rd M. of Ormonde, Apr. 2G. Jno. Hy., 4th E. of Erne. Apr. OFFICERS OF ST. PATRICK. Prelates. 1783, Mar. 11. Richd., Id. Rokeby, abp. of Armagh, and his successors. See " Archbishops of Armagh," ante, p. 595. Chancellors. 1783, Mar. 11. Robt. Fowler, abp. of Dubhn, and his successors down to abp. Trench. After his resignation in 1884 the office was transferred to the Chief Secretary for Ireland. See "Archbishops of Dublin," ante, pp. 616-7, and "Chief Secretaries for Ireland," ante, p. 5G3. Registrars. 1783, Mar. 11. Wm. Cradock, dean of St. Patrick's, and his successors. See " Deans of St. Patrick," ante, p. 618. Secretaries. Geo. Fredk. Nugent, c.c. vise. Delvin, aft. 7th E. of West- meath. Mar. 11 ; res.Sept.1791. Sir Richd. St. George, bt., inst. Fob. 15 : res. 1783. 1793. 1837. * * Sir Fredk. Jno. Falkiner. bt. (I. 1815. 1828. M.-gen. Geo. Jno. Forbes, c.c. ' Genealogists, 1841. vise. Forbes; inr. Mar. 17; d. Nov. 13, 1S36. Hon. Robt. Edwd. Bovle ; inv. Sept. 15 ; d. 185(i. 1853. Lowry Vesey Townk-y Balfour. 1878. Gustavus Wm. Lambart. 1887. Gustavus Eras. Wm. Lambart, Jan 24. Sir Wm. Edwd. Leeson ; inv. May 6 ; John de Dagworth. Hugh de Crofte. Richd. de Stratton. Barth. Dynevil. Jno. de Cormailles 130G. Edw. Pr. of Wales, aft. Edw. II Wm. de Botetourt. May 22 John de Warren. John de Berkeley. John de Arundell. John GiEfard. ' Thos. do Greyley. Philip de Neville. 130G, Thos. de Vere, aft. E. of Ox- Pain de Tibelot. May 22 ford. Geo. de Thorpe. Thos. Bardolf. Jno. Douvedale. and numerous others. Jno. de Neville. Edwa RD II. Richd. de Rodney, July 3. Hy. Percy, Sept. 10. John de la Ilaye, June 1. Wm. de Dounton. Wm. Waykam. Hy. Tilly. Hy. Longchamp. Raymond Durant. Hugh de Poyiitz, Aug. 10. Peter de Boxstede. Richd. Pyke. Thos. de Marlebcrgh. Peter de la Horse, Oct. 24. Hugh do Plessis, Oct. 31. Hugh de Neville, Apr. 2. Jas. Botiller, Mar. 31. Wm. de Montacute. Eubulo le Strange. Roger de Bourne. 1326, Roger Only. Apr. 19. Matth. Fitzherbert Jno. de Gras. Thos. West. Ryco ap Griffith. Thos. do Weston. Nichs. do Cantelon. Thos. de Gonshull. Hy. de llarnhall. Adam do Moleston. Walter de Fauoonberge. Wm. do Albemarle. John do Kirketon. Hy. le Vavasour. Roger Doyncourt. Wm. Povorell. 1327, John de Bohun. Jan. 20. Edmund do Mortimer. Roger do Mortimer. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 755 1327. Geoffry de Mortimer. 1327. John de Ralee. Jan. 20. Gerard de la Bret. Jan. 2C . Ralph de Bloyon. Hugh de Oourtenay. Odo Botetourt. Ralph de Wylinton. Wm. Daubeney. Ralph Daubeney. Robt. Brente. John de Willoughby. John de Chernstone. Edwd. Stradling. John de Sutton. Ralph de Stafford, aft. Id. and Alexr. de Cobledyl. E. of Stafford. Sayer de Rocheford. John de Moeles. Wm. Cheyney. Wm. de Percy. Regd. de la Mare. Gerard de Lisle. Robt. de Brens. Peter Breton. Simon FitzRalph. Roger le Strange. Hugh Abetot. Ernomville de Poitiers. John de Rous. John de Neville. Wm. de Evereux. Wm. de Willoughby. John de Hotham. Edward III 1327. The King, Jan. 31. 1332. Thos. Bacon (just. C.P.). 1329, Jno. de Cambridge (just. itin.). 1333. Jno de Shordich (bar. ex.). Oct. 22 Edwd. le Blount. Wm. de Shareshull (just. C.P.). Nathl. de Bath. Peter de Thorntone. Richd. de Bajocis. Simon FitzRiehard. Banco de Lere. Robt. de Scardeburgh (just, c.p 1330. Thos. de Bradeston. and K.B.) Edmd. de Cornwall. Jno. Petit. Wm. de Pomeroy. Nichs. Giffard. 1331. Walter de Manny. 1347, Maurice FitzThomas. 1332. Robt. de Scoresburgh (just.itin.). Dec. 25. Philip de Staunton. Wm. de Denum (bar, ex.). Thos. de Fencotes (just. c.p.). Rd. de Aldeburgh (just. C.P.). Jno. Mowbray (just. C.P.). Jno. de Shardelowe (juist. c.p.). Wm. de Skipwith (just. c.p.). Richard II. 1385, Jno. Holt (just. c.p.). Dec. 25. Wm. Burgh (just. c.p.). 1389. Geoff, de la Vale, Feb. 28. 1389. Walter de Clopton (ch.just.K.B.). Apr. 23. Robt. deCharleton(ch.just.c.p.). 1390, Roger, 4th E. of March. Apr. 23. Thos. E. of Stafford. Alphonso, son of the Count of Denia in Arragon. 1394, O'Neale, K. of Meath. Mar. 25. Brian de Thomond, K. of Thomond. Arth. MacMorough,K.of Leinster. Connor, K. of Chenow and d« Erpe. Thos. Ourgham. Jno. or Jonn. de Pado. Henry IV. On the eve of his coronation. Mar. 17, 1400. Thomas, aft. D. of Clarence. ) Sons of John, aft. D. of Bedford. I . the Humphrey, aft. D. of Gloucester.) *King. Thos. Fitzalan, E. of Arundel. Rd. Beauchamp, aft. E. of Warwick. Edmd., 5th E. of Stafford. Hugh Oourtenay, son of and aft. E. of Devon. Hy. , 5th Id. Beaumont. Willonghbv, bro. to Wm., 5th Id. Willoughby. Hugh Stafford, bro. to the E. of Stafford. Richd. Camois, son of Thos., Id. Camois. The Lord of Paule. Peter, 7th Id. Mawley. Jno., 5th Id. Latimer. Ralph, 3rd Id. Deyncourt. Almaric, 3rd Id. Scyntismond or St. Amand. Thomas Beauchampe. Thomas Pelham. John Luttrell. John Lisle. Wm. Hankford (just. C.P.). Wm. Brenchesley (just. c.p.). Barth. Rochford. Giles Daubeney. Wm. Butler. John Ashton. Rd. Snape or Sanope. Jno. Tiptoft. 48 * 756 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Rd. Francis. Hy. Percy (Hotspur). Jno. Arundel. Wm. Strall or Stralley. Jno. Turpington. Ailmer Saint. Edw, Hastings. John Greislev. Gerald Sotill. John Arden. Robt. Chalons. Thos. Dyniock. Walter Ilunjjerford. Wm. Gebcthorpe. Wm. Newport. On the eve of liis coronation. Edw. E. of March. Roger Mortimer, his brother. Jno., E. of Huntingdon. Richd. Holland, his brother. Richd., Id. le Despencer. Jno. Phelip. Jno. Rothenhale. Thos. West. Henry V. Apr. 1413. 1418, Lewis Robsart. Apr. 23. Roger Salveine. Jno. Stewart. Jno. Shotesbrooke. Jno. Montgomery, and 10 more. 1421, Jas. I., K. of Scotland. Apr. 23. Humphrey, E. of Stafford. Hbnbt VI. 1426, The King. May 19. Rd., D. of York. Thos. Jno. Mowbray, son of Jno., 2nd D. of Norfolk. Jno., E. of Oxford. Rd. , E. of Westmorland. Hy. Percy, son of Hy., E. of Northumberland. Thos., 14th Id. Roos. Jno. Cornvale. Lord Malt ravers. Jno., Id. Tankerville. Wm. Neville, aft. Id. Fauconberg. Jno., 5th Id. Latimer. Leo., (Jth Id. Welles. Jas., Id. Berkeley. Jno. , son of Jno. , 12th Id. Talbot. Ralph Gray. Rd. Gray. Bros, to Robt. de Vere. de Vere. -Jno., 12th I I Oxford. of 1426, Roht. Hungerford, son of Walter, May 19. 1st Id. Hungerford. Robt. Wyngfelde. Jno. Boteler. Regd. Cobham. Jno. Paslen. Thos. Constable. Thos. Chediok. Ralph Longford. Thos. Drusy. Wm. Ap Thomas. Richd. Carbonel. Richd. Wodewyk. Ralph Shirley. Nichs. Bloncat. Ralph Radclyf. Edmund Trayford. Wm. Cheyne (just. k.b.). Wm. Babington (ch. just. c.p.). Jno. Ivyn or Juyn (just. c.p. and ch. bar. ex.). Gilbert Bowcham. Coronation of Henry VI. Nov. 6, 1429. 30 knights made ; names not recorded. 1449, Edmund Tndor, aft. \ Half- Xmas. E. of Richmond. | brothers Jasper Tudor, aft. j to E. of Pembroke. I the King. 144i», Thos. Neville. [ Sons of Richd., Xmas. Jno. Neville, j E. of Salisbury. Wm. Herbert. Roger Lewknor. Wm. Catosbv. Geo., D. of Clarence. | Rd., D. of GloucoKter. j- aft. Rd. HI. ) Jno. Mowliray, s. and Norfolk. Edward IV. At his coronation. Jan. 27, 14(J1. I Jno. Stafford, aft. E. of Wiltshire. Bros, to the King. ' Thos. Fitzalan, c c. Id. F. , son and aft. E. of Arundel, h. to the D. of Jno., Id. Strange of Knokyn. Jno. Markham. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 767 Robt. Danby. Wm. Yelverton. Jno. Wingefield. Walter Blount. Robt. Markham. Robt. Clifden or Clifton. Wm. Stanley. Nichs. Byron. Wm. Cantelewe. Hy., 2nd D. of Buckingham. Stafford, his brother. Jno. , 13th E. of Oxford. Thos., 2nd Vise. Lisle. Jno., Id. Maltravers, son of Jno., of Arundel. Geo. Grey, son of Edwd., 1st E. of Richd. Wydvile. Jno. Wydvile. Ralph Josselyne. Richd. Bingham (just. c.p.). Robt. Danvers (just. K.B.). Jno. Needham (just. c.p.). Richd. Choke (just. c.p.). Walter Moyle (just. k.b.). Richd. Illingworth (ch. bar. ex.). Hyngham. Jno. Arundelle. Wm. Calthorp. Thos. Brewce or Bruce. Geo. Darelle, On the coronation of Elizabeth, Q. of Edward IV May 26, 1464. Richd. Harecourt. Walter Mauntelle. Edmd. Rede. Wm. Hawte. 2nd E. Jno. Clifford. Jno. Say. Kent. Jno. Cheney of Canterbury. Robt. Darcy. Thos. Ovedale. Jno. Durward. Jno. Henyngham. Jno. Savage. Roger Corbet of Murtone. Nichs. (?) Culpeper. Hugh Whyche. Thos. Cooke. Jno. Plomer. Hy Wafyr. Matth. Philip. Id. Duras. Bartelot de Robaire. Edw., Pr. of Wales, aft. | [-The King's sons- At the creation of prince Edward, the Kitifs eldest soti, as prince of Wales. April 18, 1475. Edwd. Hastings, son of Wm., Ist Id. Hastings. Jno. Devereux, son of Walter, 6th Id. Ferrers. Herbert (? Richd.), bro. to Wm., E. of Pembroke. Thos. Vaughan. Thos. Bryan (ch. just. C.p.). Thos. Lyttelton (just. c.p.). Hy. Bodryngam. Bryan Stapilton. Wm. Knyvett. Jno. Pilkynton. Rd. Ludlow. Rd. Charleton. Edw. V. Rd. D. of York. ) Thos., E. of Huntingdon, cr. M. of Dorset. Rd. Grey, his brother. Jno., E. of Lincoln, son of Jno., D. of Suffolk. Geo., E. of Shrewsbury. Edw. , E. of Wiltshire. Edw. Wydeville. Ralph (? Id. Neville). Wm. Berkeley, son of Jas., Id. Berkeley. Jas. Touchet, son of Jno., Id. Audley. Rd., Id. St. Amand. Geo. Stanley, son of Thos., 2nd Id. Stanley. Jno. Stourton, son of Wm., 2nd Id. Stonrton. On the marriage of Richd., D. of York, the King's 2nd son, to Ann, daughter of John, D. of Norfolk. Jan. 17, 1478. Hy., son of Wm. , Id. Bourchier, and grand- son of and aft. E. of Essex. Richd., Id. Latimer. Jno., Id. Berners or Barnes. Jno. (?), Id. Powis. Hy., Id. Morley. Thos., Id. De la Warr. Jno., 3rd Id. Mountjoy. John Beauchamp. son of Id. Beauchamp. Thos. Howard, son of Jno., 1st Id. Howard. Thos. (? Jno.) Bourchier. Thos. St. Leger. Jno. Elrington (treasr. hhold ">, Giles Daubeney. Wm. Stoner. Guy Fairfax. 758 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Wm. Gascoigne. Robt. Brouf(hton. Thoa. Froweck. Hy. Talboys or Tailboys. I Wm. Redman. I Hy. Wentworth. ! Rd. Delabere. I Rd. Lakvn. RiCHAKD IIL On his coronation. D. of Edmd. de la Pole, son of and aft Suffolk. Jno. Grey, son of Edmd., E. of Kent. Wm. Zouche, bro. of Jno., Id. Zouche. Wm. (? Geo.) Nevill, son of Geo,, Abergavenny. Christr. Willoughby. Wm. Berkeley. Hy. Banington. Thos. Arundel. July 6, 1483. Thos. Bolaj'ne, or Boleyn Edmd. Bedingfield. Gervase Clifton. Wm. Say. Wm. Enderby. Thos. Lewkenor. Thos. Ormond. Jno. Browne. Wm. Barkeley. Edm. Cornwall, bar. of Burford Henky VII. On his coronation. Oct. 28, 1485. Edwd. Stafiford, aft. D. of Buckingham. Hy. Heydon. Jno., 12th Id. Fitzwater. Regd. Bray. Thos. Cokesay. John Verney. Roger Lewkenor. On the coronation of Elizabeth, Q. of Henry VII. Nov. 1487. Wm. , Id. Courtenay, son of Edwd., E. of Devon. Edwd., 6th Id. Dudley. Jno. or Wm. Gascoyne. Thos. Butler. Edwd. Berkeley. Wm. Lucy, Thos. Hnngerford. Guy de Wolston. Thos. or Richd. Pemery. Jno. or Ralph Sheldon. Hugh Luttrell. Thos. Pulteney. Hugh Conway. Nichs. Lisley. On the creation of prince Arthur as prince of Wales. Nov. 29, 1489. Arthur, Pr. of Wales (the King's son). Hy., E. of Northumberland. Thos., Id. Maltravers, aft. E. of Arundel. Richd. Grey, c.c. Id. Grey of Ruthyn, son of Geo.,E. of Kent. Wm., 4th Id. Stourton. Thos. West, son of Id. De la Warr. Jno. St. John. Hy. Vernon. Jno. Hastings. Wm. Griffith. Wm. Tyndall. Nichs. Montgomery. Wm. Uvedall. Matth. Browne. Thos. Darcy. Thos. Cheney. Edmd. Gorges. Walter Denis. Wm. Scott. Jno. Guyse. On the creation of prince Henry as I), of York. Nov. 1, 1491. Pr. Henry, D. of York, aft. Hen. VIII. | Thoa., 7th Id. Dacre of the South. Thos. Grey, Id. Harynton, son of M. of j Thos. Stanley, son of Id. Strange, and of Dorset. grandson of and aft. E. of Derby. Hy., 14thld. Clyfford. I Jno. Arundell. Jno., 11th Id. FitzWarin. j Walter Gryllith. Thoa. Fienea. I Gervase Clifton. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 769 Edwd. Traford. Robt. Harcourt, or Hardecourt. Hy. Marney. Roger Newburgh. Ralph Rider. Thos. Bawde. Jno. Speke. Humphry Fulford. Robt. Lytton, or Litten. Piers Edgecombe. Robt. Clere. Thos. Fairfax. Richd. Knightby. Jno. Chooke, or Cheoke. On the marriage of Arthur, prince of Wales. Nov. 17, 1501. Richd., Id. Willoughbyde Eresby. Jno., 10th Id. Clinton. Geo., son of Edwd., 2nd Id. Hastings. Wm. Fenys, or Finnis. Gryffithe ap Rys Thomas. Robt. Corbet. Jno. Wogan. Thos. Laurence. Hy. Rogers. Wm. Walgrave. Wm. Seymour. Robt. Throgmorton. Jno. Bassett. Thos. Grenefield, or Grenville. Jno. Arundel of Trerico. Roger Strange. Jno. Scrope of Castlecomb. Jno. Paulet. Walter Baskervyle. Robt. Waterton. Jno. GyiJord. Jno. Aston. Wm. Fyllioll. Thos. ingilfield. Wm. Martyn. Wm. Callwey. Geo. Putnam. Nich. Biron. Thos. Hawte. Richd. Warr. Alnathe Malyverer. Wm. Rede. Jno. Trevelyan. Jno. Foster. Walter Strykeland. Thos. Long Jno. Philpot. Jno. Lee of Wiltshire. Wm. Hartwell. Nichs. Griffin. Lancelot Thyrkyll. Jno. Norton. Roger Ormiston. Geo., or Gerard, Fyldynge Thos. Curwyn. Hugh Loder. Thos. Sampson. Richd. Fowler. Thos. Woodhouse. Philip Bothe. Geo. Inwardby. Hy. Frowick. Jno. Leghe of Stokewell. Wm. Ascue. Thos. Kemp. Morgan Kydwell. Jno, Gyllot. On the creation of Henry, D. of York (oft. Henri/ VIII.'), as prince of Wales. Jno., 4:th vise. Lisle. Thos., Id. Dacre of the North. Myles Bussy. Edwd. Pomery. Feb. 18, 1503. I Jno. Mordaunt. I Brian Stapilton. I Ranff Gray. Jas. Hubert. Henry VIII. On his coronation. Robt., Id. FitzWalter. Hy., 7th Id. Scroope of Bolton. Geo., 7th Id. FitzHugh. Wm., 4th Id. Mount joy. Hy., Id. Daubeney. Robt., 2nd Id. Willoughby de Broke. Morris Barkeley. Hy. Glyfford. Thos. Knevet. Andr. Windsor. Thos. Parr. June 23, 1509. Thos. Boleyn. Richd. Wentworth. Hy. Owtred. Fras. Chenev. Hy. Wyotte," or Wyatt. Geo. Hastings. Thos. Metham. Thos. Bedingfield. Jno. Skelton. Giles Allington. Jno. Trevanyon. 760 Wm. Crowmer. Jno. Hej'don. Edwd., or Godard Oxenbridge. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Hy. Sackveyle, or Sacheverell. Stoph. Jenyns, Id. may. London. 1508. On the coronation of Anne Doleyn, Q,. of Henri/ VIII. Ulay 30, 1533. Hy., 5th M. of Dorset. Edwd, 3rd E. of Derby. Hy. Clifford, c.c. Id. Clifford, son of Hy., 1st E. of Cumberland. Hy. Ratcliffe, c.c. Id. FitzWalter, son of Robt., E. of Sussex. Fras. Hastings, c.c. Id. Hastings, son of Geo., E. of Huntingdon. Wm. Stanley, son of and aft. Id. Mont- eagle. Thos., 2nd Id. Vaux of Harroden. Hy. Parker, son of Hy., 8th Id. Morley. Wm. Windsor, son of Andr., Ist Id. Wind- sor. Jno. Mordaunt, son of Jno., 1st Id. Mor- daunt. Fras. Weston. Thcs. Arundell. Jno. Hudleston. Thos. Poynings. Hy. Savell. Geo. FitzWilliams of Lincolnshire. Hy. Jermey. Edwaru VL On Ins coronation. Feb. 20, 1547. Hv., D. of Suffolk. Edwd., E. of Hertford, aft. D. of Somerset. Jno., IGth E. of Oxford. Thos., 10th E. of Ormond. Hy., Id. JIaltravers. Geo. Talbot, c.c. Id. Talbot, son of Fras., E. of Shrewsbury. Edwd. Stanley, c.c. Id. Strange, son of E. of Derby. Wm. Somerset, c.c. Id. Herbert, son of and aft. E. of Worcester. Jno., 4th Id. Lisle. Gregory, Id. Cromwell. Hy. Hastings, c.c. Id. Hastings, son of Fras., E. of Huntingdon. Chas. Brandon, bro. of Hy., D. of Suffolk. Hy. Scrope, son of Jno., Id. Scrope of Bolton. Thos. Windsor, son of Wm., 2nd Id. Windsor. Fras. Russell. Anthj\ Browne (son of m. horse). Richd. Devereux. Hy. Seymour. Jno. rates. Anthy. Cook of Essex. Alexr. Umpton of Oxford. (ieo. Norton. Val. Knightby. Robt. Lytton. Geo. Vernon of the Peak. , Jno. Porto. Thos. Josselyn. ! Edmd. Molyneux, serjt. law, aft. just. C.P. j Christr. Barker, Garter K. A. ; Jas. Hailes, or Halles. j Wm. Bapthorpe. I Thos. Brykcnell. ' Thos. Neville. ' Angel ilareyn, or Marnia. I Jno. Holcrofte. i Jno. Cuff, or Cuyt. I Hy. Tyrrell. j Wm. Sherington. 1 Wimond Carewo. I Wm. Sneatb. Maky. At her roionatii.n. Sept. 28, 1553. Edwd.jE. of Devon. j Wm. Paulct, son of Jno., Id. St. John, Thos. Howard, son of liy., E. of Surrey. ; grandson of and aft. M. of Winchester. Hy. Herbert, c.c. Id. Cardiff, son of and j Hugh Rich, son of Uichd., 1st Id. Rich. aft. E. of Pembroke, Hy., Id. Abergavenny, or Borgavenny. Hy., 12th Id. Berkeley. Jno. ,Cth Id. Luinley. Jas., Gth Id. Mountjoy. Hy. Clinton, son of Edwd., Hth Id. Clinton. Hy. Paget, son. of Wm., 1st Id. Paget. I Hy. Parker. I Robt. Roihestor (eomptr. hhold.). I Hy. Jerningham. i Wm. Dormer. THE BOOK OF DKiMTIES. 761 Elizabeth. At her coronation. Jan. 15, 1559. Jno., 3rd Id. Darcy of the North. Jnc, 2nd Id. Sheffield. Jno., 2nd Id. Darcy of Chiche. Robt. Riche. Roger North. Jno. Souwche, or Zouche. Nichs. Poynes. Jno. Berkeley. Edwd. Umpton. Hy. Weston. Geo. Speke. Philip Herbert, aft. E. of Montgomery. Thos., Id. Berkeley. Wm , 2nd Id. Evres. Geo. Wharton. Robt. Rich, aft. E. of Warwick. Robt. Carr, aft. E. of Somerset (? Robt. Kerr, aft. E. of Ancram). Jno. Egerton, aft. E. of Bridge-water. Hy. Compton, bro. of Wm., Id. Compton, who was aft. E. of Northampton. Thos. Erskine (son of E. of Mar), aft. E. of Buchan. Wm. Anstruther. Patr. Murray, aft. E. of Tullibardine. Jas. Hay, Id. Yester. Jno. Lindesay (? Id. Wolmerstown). Richd. Preston, aft. E. of Desmond. Oliver Cromwell of Huntingdonshire. Edwd. Stanley. Wm. Herbert, aft. Id. Powys. Fulke Greville, aft. Id. Brooke. Eras. Fane, aft. E. of Westmorland. Robt. Chichester. Robt. Knowles. Wm., or Gervase, Clifton of Notts. Fras. Foi'teseue. Edwd. Corbet. Edwd. Herbert, aft. Id. Herbert in Eng- land and Ireland. Thos. Langton. Wm. Pope. Arth. Hopton. Chas. Morison, or Moryson. Fras. Leigh. James I. At Ms coronation. July 25, 1603. Edwd. Montague, aft Id. Montajfue of Boughton. Edwd. Stanhope. Peter Manwood. Robt. Harley. Thos. Strickland. Christr. Hatton. Edwd. Griffin. Robt. Bevill. Wm. Welby. Edwd. Harwell. Jno. Mallet. Walter Aston. Hy. Gawdy. Richd. Musgrave. Jno. Stowell. Richd. Amertes. Thos. Leeds. Thos. Jermyn. Ralph Hare. Wm. Forster. Geo. Speke, or Spoeke. Goo. Hyde. Anthy.Felton. Anthy. Browne. Thos. Wise. Robt. Chamberlaine. Anthy. Palmer. Edwd. Heron. Hy. Burton. Robt. Barker. Wm. Norris. Roger Bodenham. On the creation of prince Charles Jan. 5- Chas., D. of York and Albany, second son of the K., aft. Chas. I. Robt. Bertie, Id. Willoughby de Eresby, aft. E. of Lindesey. Wm. Compton, c.c. Id. Comijton, aft. E. of Northampton. Grey, Id. Chandos. Fras., Id. Norris, aft. E. of Berkshire. Wm. Cecil, son of Robt. , vise. Cranbome, aft. E. of Salisbury [jiift. Charles I.) as D. of York. 6, 1605. Allan Percy, bro. of Hy. , E. of Northum- berland. Fras. Manners, aft. E. of Rutland. Fras. Clifford, bro. of and aft. E. of Cum- berland. Thos. Somerset, son of Edwd., E. of Wor- cester ; aft. vise. Cashel in Ireland. Thos. Howard, son of E. of Suffolk ; aft. E. of Berkshire. John Harrington, son of John, Id. Harring- ton of Eston. 762 THE BOOK OP DIGNITIES. On (he creation of prince Henry as prince of Wales. June 2, 1610. Henry, 18th E. of Oxford. Geo. Gordon, c.c. Id. Gordon, son of E. of Huntlev, aft. M. of Huntley. Hy., Id. Clifford, aft. E. of Cumberland. Hv. Ratcliffe, c.c. Id. Fitzwalter, cousin of and aft. E. of Sussex. Edwd., Id. Fitzwarine, aft. E. of Bath. Fras. Hay, c.c. Id. Hay. Jas. Erskine, c.c. Id. Erskine, son of E. of Mar, and aft. E. of Buchan. Thomas, Id. Windsor. Thos.,ld. Wentworth,aft. E. of Cleveland. Chas. Somerset, 3rd son of Edwd., E. of Worcester. Edwd. Somerset, 4th son of Edwd., E. of Worcester. Thos. Ratcliffe, 2nd son of E. of Sussex. Fras. Stuart, son of E. of Moray. Ferd. Sutton, son of Edwd. , Id. Dudley. Hy. Carey, son of John, Id. Hunsdon, aft. vise. Rochford and E. of Dover. Oliver St. John, c.c. Id. St. John, son of Oliver, Id. St. John ; aft. Ist E. of Boling- broke. Gilbert Gerard, son of Thos., Id. Gerard. Chas. Stanhope, son of and aft. Id. Stan- hope of Harrington. Edwd. Bruce, s. and h. of Id. Kinlosse. Wm. Stewart, son of Walter, Id. Blantyre. Robt. Sydney, c.c. Id. Sydney, son of vise. Lisle, aft. 2nd E. of Leicester. Ferd. or Mervyn, Touchet, son of Geo., Id. Audley, and E. of Castlehaven. Peregrine Bertie, bro. of Robt., 11th Id. Willoughby de Eresby, who was aft. Ist E. of Lindsov. Hy. Rich, bro. 'to E. of Warwick; aft. E. of Holland. Edwd. Sheffield (son of Id. Sheffield), aft. E. of Mulgrave. Wm. Cavendish, bro. of Id. Ogle ; aft. vise. Mansfield and E. of Newcastle. On the creation of Charles, D. of York (jift. Chas. I.J, as prince of Wales. Nov. 3, 1616. Jas. Howard, c.c. Id. Mai tra vers, son of Thos., E. of Arundel. Algernon Percy, c.c. Id. Percy, son of E. of Northumberland. Jas. Wriothesley, c.c. Id. Wriothesley, son of E. of Southampton. Theoph. Clinton, c.c. Id. Clinton, son of Thos., E. of Lincoln. Edwd. Seymour, Id. Beauchamp, gr. son of Edwd., E. of Hertford. John Erskine ; Mast, of Fenton. c.c. Id. Erskine, son of E. of Mar. Hy. Howard, 2nd son of E. of Arundel; aft. Id. Maltravers. Robt. Howard, 3rd or 5th son of Thos., E. of Suffolk. Edwd. Sackville, aft. E. of Dorset. Wm. Howard, 4th or 6th son of Thos., E. of Suffolk. Edwd. Howard, 5th or 7th son of Thos., E. of Suffolk. Wm. Seymour, 2nd son of Id. Beauchamp, aft. E. of Hertford. Montague Bertie, son of Robt., Id. Wil- loughby, aft. E. of Lindesey. Wm. Stourton, son of and aft. Id. Stour- ton. Hy. Parker, son of and aft. Id. Mont- eagle. Dudley North, son of and aft. Id. North. Wm. Spencer, son of and aft. Id. Spencer. Spencer Compton, son of Wm. , Id. Comp- ton. Rowland St. .Tohn, bro. to Oliver, Id. St. John. John Cavendish, 2nd son of Wm., E. of Devonshire. Thos. Neville, son of Edwd., Id. Aberga- John, 1st Id. Teynham. John North, bro. of Dudley, Id. North. Hy. Carey, aft. vise. Falkland. Charles I. At his coronation. Feb. 1, 1625. Geo. Fielding, c.c. vise. Callan, son of Wm., E. of Denbigh. Jas. Stanley, c.c. Id. Strange, aft. 7th E. of Derby. Chas. Cecil, c.c. vise. Cranborne, son of Wm., E. of Salisbury. Chas. Herbert, c.c. Id. Herbert, son of Philip, E. of Montgomery. Robt. Rich, c.c. Id. Rich, son of and aft. E. of Warwick. Jas. Hay, c.c. Id. Hay, son of Jas.. E. of Carlisle. Basil Fielding, c.c. Id. Fielding, son of Wm., E. of Denbigh. Oliver St. John, c.c. Id. St. John, son of Oliver, E. of Bolingbroke. Mildmay Fane, c.c. Id. Burghersh, son of E. of Westmorland. Hy. Paulet, c.c. Id. Hy. Paulot, son of Wm., M. of Winchester. Edwd. Montagu, son of Hy., vise. Mande villa. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. John Gary, son of and aft. vise. Rochford and E. of Dover. Chas. Howard, son of and aft. visct. An- dover of Berkshire. Wm. Howard, son of Thos., E. of Arun- del. Robt. Stanley, 2nd son of Wm., 6th E. of Derby. Pawlet St. .John, 2nd son of Oliver, E. of Bolingbroke. Fras. Fane, 2nd son of Eras. , E. of West- moreland. Jas. Howard, son of Theoph., Id. Howard de Walden. Wm. Cavendish, eldest son of Id. Caven- dish (? E. of Devonshire). Thos. Wentworth, son of Thos., Id. Went- worth, who was aft. E. of Cleveland. Wm. Paget, son of Wm., Id. Paget. Wm. Russell, son of Fras., Id. Russell; aft. E. of Bedford. Hy. Stanhope, son of Philip, Id. Stanhope of Shelford. Richd. Vaughan, son of John, Id. Vaughan of Mullingar. Christr. Neville, 2nd son of Edwd., Id. Abergavenny. Roger Bertie, 2nd son of Robt., Id. Wil- loughby de Eresbj-. Thos. Wharton, 2nd son of Thos., Id. Wharton. St. John Blunt, or Blount, bro. of Mount- joy, Id. Mount joy. Ralph Clare. John Maynard, bro. to Id. Maynard. Eras. Carew. John Byron. Roger Palmer (mast, hhold.). Hy. Edmonds (treasr. hhold.). Ralph Hopton. Wm. Brooke. Alexr. Ratcliffe. Edwd. Scot. Christr. Hatton. Thos. Sackville. John Manson, or Monson. Peter Wentworth. John Butler. Edwd. Hungerford. Richd. Lewson. Nathl. Bacon. Robt. Poyntz. Robt. Bevill. Geo. Sandes. Thos. Smith, or Smythe. aft. visct. Strang- ford. Thos. Fanshawe. Miles Hobart. Hy. Hart. Fras. Carew. John Baccus, or Backhouse. Matth. Monins. John Stowell, or Stawell. John Jennings. Stephen Harvey, Charles II. At his coronation. Apr. 23, 1661. Edwd. Clinton, c.c. Id. Clinton, grandson of and aft. E. of Lincoln. John Egerton, c.c. Id. Brackley, son of and aft. E. of Bridgewater. Philip Herbert, 2nd son of Philip, E. of Pembroke and Montgomery. Wm. Egerton, 2nd son of John, E. of Bridgewater. Vere Vane, 2nd son of Mildmay, E. of Westmorland. Chas. Berkeley, aft. 2nd E. of Berkeley. Hy. Belasyse, aft. 2nd Id. Belasyse. Hy. Hyde, son of Edwd., Id. Hyde, Id. chanc. Rowland Bellasyse, bro. to Thos., visct., aft. E. Fauconberg. Hy. Capell, 2nd son of Arth., Id. Capell, and E. of Essex. John Vaughan, 2nd son of E. of Carberry. Chas. Stanley, gr. son of Chas., 8th E. of Derby. Fras. Vane and Hy. Vane, " gr. sons of the late E. of Westmorland *' (? sons of Mild- may, E. of Westmorland). Sir Wm. Portman, bt. Sir Richd. Temple, bt. Sir Wm. Ducie, bt., aft. visct. Downe. Sir Thos. Trevor, bt. Sir John Scudamore, bt. Sir Wm. Gardiner, bt. Chas. Cornwallis, son of sir Fredk., aft. Id. Cornwallis. John Nicholas, son of E. Nicholas, sec. st. John Monson. Bourchier Wray. John Coventry. Edwd. Hungerford. John Knyvet. Philip Butler. Adrian Scroope. Richd. Knightley. Hy. Heron. John Lewkinor. Geo. Browne. Wm. Terringham, or Tiringham. Fras. Godolphin. Edwd. Baynton. Grevill Verney. Edwd. Harley. Edwd. Walpole. Fras. Popham. Edwd. Wise. Christr. Calthorpe. Richd. Edgcumbe. 764 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Wm. Bromley. Thos. Bridges. Thos. Fanshawe. John Denham. Nichs. Bacon. Jas. Altham. Thos. Windy, or Wendy. John Brampston. Geo. Freeman. Nichs. Slaning. Richd. Ingoldsby. John Holies. Edwd. Heath. Wm. Morley. John Bennet. Hugh Smith. Simon Leech. Hy. Chester. Robt. Atkins. Robt. Gayer, or Gayre. Richd. Powle. Hugh Darcy, or Ducie. Stephen Hales. Ralph Bash. Thos. Whitmore. Order revived by Geo. I. May 18, 1725. See Introduction, ante, p. 7."»S. KNIGHTS COMPANIONS. (K.B.) Invested May 27, and Installed June 17," 1725 Pr. Wm. Aug., 2nd son of Geo., Pr. of Wales, and grandson of Geo. I. ; aft. D. of Cumberland. John, 2nd D. of Montagu (Great Master). Chas., Gth D. of Richmond (not inv.). Wm., 2nd D. of ^lancbester. Chas. Beauclerk, c.c. E. of Burford, son of and aft. D. of St. Albans. John, t)th E. of Leicester. Wm. Anne, 2nd E. of Albemarle. Hy., IstE. of Delorain. Geo., 2ndE. of Halifax. Talbot, E. of Sussex. Thos., 1st E. of Pomfret. Nassau Paulet, c.c. Id. X. Paulet, son of Chas., 3rd D. of Bolton. Adm. Geo., 1st visct. Torrington. Geo. Cholmondelcy, c.c. visct. Malpas, son of and aft. E. of Cbolmondeley. John Campbell, c.c. visct. Glcnorchy, son of and aft. E. of Breadalbane. John, Id. De la Warr, aft. 1st E. De la Warr. Hugh, 13th Id. Clinton, aft. E. of Clinton. Robt., Id. Walpole, aft. 2nd E. of Orford. Hon. Spencer Compton (son of Jas., 3rd E. of Northampton), aft. E. of Wil- mington ; quitted for the Garter, Aug. 1733. Wm. Stanhope, son of Philip, E. of Ches- terfield. Conycrs D'Arcy. Hon. Thos. Lumley Saunderson, aft. 3rd E. of Scarborough. Paul Methuen. Sir Robt. Walpole, aft. IstE. of Orford; quitted for the Garter, 1726. Robt. Sutton. Lt.-Gen. Chas. WiUis. Sir John Hobart, bt., aft. Id. Hobart and E. of Buckinghamshire. Sir Wm. Gage, bt. Robt. Clifton, son of sir Gervase Clifton, bt. (? aft. .sir R.). Michl. Newton (? aft. bt.) Wm. Yonge, aft. bt. Thos. Watson Wentworth, aft. E. of I Malton and M. of Rockingham. John Monson, aft. Id. Monson. Wm. Morgan. Thos. Coke, aft. Id. Lovcll, visct. Coke, and E. of Leicester. Wm., 4th E. of Inchiqiiin, inv. May 28.1725 John, visct. Tyrconnell, inv. May 28, 1725. George II. 1732, Hy. Brydgcs, c.c. M. of Carnar- Jan. 12. von, aft. 2nd D. of Cliandos. Wm., 1st vise. Batoman. Sir Goo. Downing, bt. 1732. Chas. Gunter Nicol, Jan. 17. 1742. Sir Thos. Robinson, bt., aft. Id. Grantham, June 20. 1743. Lt.-gen. Philip Honywood. July 12. 1743, Lt.-gen. Hon. Jas. Campbell. July 12. Lt.-gen. John Cope. F. M. sir John Ligonier, aft. Id vise, and E. Ligonier. 1744, Rd., (>th vise. Fitzwillinm. May 28. Sir Chas. Hanbury Williams. Hy. Calthorpo. Thos. Whitmore. Sir Wm. Mordeu Harbord, bt. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES 76S 1747. R.-adm. Peter Warren, May 29. V.-adm. Edwd. Hawke, aft. Id. Hawks, Nov. 14. 1749, Lt.-gen. Hon. Chas. Howard. May 2. Gen. sir John Mordaunt. M.-gen. Chas. Armand Powlett. John Savile, aft. Id. Pollington and E. of Mexborough. 1752. Rd., ard Id. Onslow, Mar. 12. 1753, Edwd. Walpole, 2nd son of Robt., Aug. 27. 1st E. of Orford. 1753, Lt.-gen. Chas. Paulet, aft. 5th D. Aug. 27. of Bolton. Edwd. Hussey Montagu, aft. Id. and E. BeauHeu. Lt.-gen. Hon. Rd. Lyttelton, bro. of Geo. Id. Lyttelton. 1753. Sir Wm. Rowley, adm. of the fl., Dec. 12. 1754. Benj. Keene, Sept 23. 1756. Lt.-gen. Wm. Blakoney, aft. Id, Blakeney, Nov. 27. George III. 1761. 1764. 1765. 1767. 1768. 1770, 1772, Jan. 15. 1772. 1773. 1774, 1775. 1761. John, 1st Id. Carysfort. Mar. 23. Lt.-gen. Hon. Jos. Yorke, aft. Id. Dover. Sir Jas. Graj% bt. Sir Wm. Beauchamp, bt. Sir John Gibbons, bt. Adm. Geo. Pocock. M.-gen. sir Jeffrey Amherst, aft. Id. Amherst. M.-gen. John Griffin Griffin, aft. 4th Id. Howard de Walden. Fras. Blake Delaval. Chas. Frederick. Geo. Warren, Mar. 26. V.-adm. Chas. Saunders, May 16. Chas. Cook, aft. E. of Belmont or Bellamont, Jan. 16. M.-gen. Robt., 1st Id. Clive, Apr. 24. Andr. Mitchell, Dec. 13. Lt.-gen. Wm. Draper, Dec. 27. Pr. Fredk., Bp. of Osnaburgh, aft. D. of York ; nom. 1st and ppal. compn., Dec. 30. Sir Horace Mann, bt. , Oct. 25. Robt., IstE. of Catherlough. May 18. V.-adm. sir John Moore, bt. 1770, R.-adm. sir John Lindsay, bt. June 28. M.-gen. Eyre Coote. 1771, Lt.-gen. sir Chas. Montagu. Feb. 18. Ralph Payne, aft. Id. Lavington ; d. 1807. Wm. Lynch. M.-gen. sir Chas. Hotham (aft. Hotham-Thompson), bt. Wm. Hamilton. Lt.-col. Robt. Murray Keith, Feb. 29. Geo. Macartney, aft. Id., vise. and E. Macartney, May 29. Lt.-gen. Jas. Adolphus Oughton, Feb. 22. Robt. Gunning, aft. bt. , June 2. Lt.-gen. sir Geo. Howard, bt. Aug. 3. Lt.-fol. John Blaquiere, aft. Id. Blaquiere. Wm. Gordon, Feb. 3. Lt.-gen. John Irwin, Dec. 15. Gen. Guy Carleton, aft. Id. Dor- chester, July 6. 1776. 1777. 1778. 1779. 1780, Nov. 13 1780. 1781. 1782. 1783, Jan. 8, 1785. 1776. M.-gen. Hon. Wm. Howe, aft. vise. Howe, Oct. 13. Lt.-gen. John Clavering, Nov. 9. M.-gen. sir Hy. Clinton, Apr. 11. R.-adm. Edwd. Hughes, Dec. 9. Jas. Harris, aft. Id. and E. of Malmesbury, Feb. 24. M.-gen. Hector Monro, Mar. 23. Randal Wm., 6th E., aft. 1st M. of Antrim, May 5. Lt.-gen. Rd. Peirson. Thos. Wroughton. Adm. sir Geo. Bridges Rodney, bt., aft. Id. Rodney, Nov. 14. Lt.-gen. Edwd.. 2nd vise. Ligonier, Dec. 17. Capt. John Jervis, aft. E. of St. Vincent, May 29. Gen. Geo. Augs. Elliot, aft. Id. Heathfield. Gen. Chas. Grey, aft. Id. and E. Grey. Lt.-gen. Robt. Boyd, Jan. 28. Lt.-gen. Fred. Haldimand, Sept. M.-gen. Archd. Campbell, Sept. 30. 1786, Lt.-gen. Wm. Fawcett. Dec 20. Robt. Monckton, 4th vise. Gal- wav. 1788, Sir Geo. Yonge, bt. May 7. V.-adm. Alexr. Hood, aft. Id. and vise. Bridport. 1788. Lt.-gen. Robt. Sloper, June 6. 1791. Morton Eden, aft. Id. Henley» Dec. 16. 1792, Lt.-gen. Wm. Augs. Pitt. Aug. 15. Lt.-gen. Hon. John Vaughan. M.-gen. Wm. Medows. M.-gen. Robt. Abercromby. 1793. Chas. Whitworth, aft. Id. Whit- worth, Sept. 27. 1794, R.-adm. Hon. Geo. Keith Elphin- May 30. stone, aft. Id. and vise. Keith. Capt. sir John Borlase Warren, bt. 1794. M.-gen. Adam Williamson, Nov. 18. 1795. Sir Jos. Banks, bt., July 1. M.-gen. Ralph Abercromby, July 22. 766 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1796. 1797, Jan. 14. 1797. 1798. 1799. 1800, Jan. 8. 1801. 1801, June 6. 1801. 1804. 1804, Sept. 26 1806, Jan. 29. 1806. 1808. 1809, Apr. 21. R.-adm. Hugh Cloberry Chris- tian, Feb. 17. M.-gen. Alured Clarke. M.-gen. Jas. Hy- Craig. R.-adm. Horatio Nelson, aft. Id. and vise. Nelson, May 27. V.-adm. John Colpoys, Feb. 14. Lt.-gen. Hon. Chas. Stuart. V.-adm. Hy. Harvey. V.-adm. sir Andr. Mitchell. R.-adm. Thos. Graves, May 14. M.-gen. Hon. John Hely-Hut- chinson, aft. Id. Hutchinson, and 2nd E. of Donoughmore, May 28. Lt.-gen. Thos. Trigge. R.-adm. John Thos. Duckworth. R.-adm sir Jas. Saumarez, bt., Sept. 5. M.-gen. Eyre Coote. May 19. M.-gen. John Fras. Craddock, Feb. 16. Lt.-gen. sir David Dundas, Apr. 28. Hon. Arth. Paget, May 21. M.-gen. hon. Arth. Wellesley, aft. D. of Wellington, Aug. 28. M.-Gen. hon. Geo. Jas. Lud- low. M.-gen. John ^loore. Commod. Saml. Hood. R.-adm. Wm., 7th E. of North- esk. R.-adm. sirRichd. John Strachan, bt. R.-adm. hon. Alexr. Forrester Inglis Cochrane, Mar. 29. M.-gen. sir John Stuart, Sept. 13. Philip Francis, Oct. 29. Sir Geo. Hilario Barlow, bt., Oct. 29. Percy Clinton Sydney, 6th vise. Strangford, Mar. R.-adm. Richd. Goodwin Keats, Oct 15. Lt.-gen. sir David Baird, bt. Lt.-gen. Geo. Beckwith, Lt.-gen. hon. John Hope, aft. Id. Niddry. M.-gen. Brent Spencer. 1809, Apr. 21. 1809. 1810. 1812, Feb, 22. 1812. 1813, Feb. 1. 1813, Juno 29. 1813, Sept. 11 1814. Capt. Thos. Cochrane, c.c. Id. Cochrane, aft. 10th E. of Dun- donald; exp. July 15, 1814, but re-adm. as g.c.b., Sept. 22, 1847. M.-gen. John Cope Sherbrooke, Sept. 16. Lt.-gen. Wm. Carr Beresford, aft. Id. Beresford, Oct. 16. Lt. gen. Thos. Graham, aft. Id. Lynedoch. Lt.-gen. Rowland Hill, aft. Id. and vise. Hill. M.-gen. sir Saml. Auchmuty. Hy. Wellesley, aft. Id. Cowley, Mar. 10. Lt.-gen. Hon. Edwd. Pajjet, .June 12. Lt.-gen sir Stapleton Cotton, bt., aft. Id. and vise. Combermere, Aug. 21. Chas. Stuart, aft. Id. Stuart de Rothsay, Sept. 26. M.-gen. Isaac Brock, Oct. 10. Adm. hon. Geo. Cranfield Berke- ley. Lt.-gen. sir Geo. Nugent, bt. Lt.-gen. Wm. Keppel. Lt.-gen. sir John Doyle, bt. Lt.-gen. Wm. Cavendish Ben- tinck, c.c. Id. W'. C. B. M..gen. Jas. Leith. M.-gen. Thos. Picton. M.-gen. hon. Galbraith Lowrv Cole. M.-gen. hon. Chas. Wm. Stewart, aft. Id. Stewart and 3rd M. of Londonderry. Lt.-gen. hon. Alexr. Hope. M.-gen. Hy. Clinton. Lt.-gen Geo., 9th E. of Dal- housie. Lt.-gen. hon. Wm. Stuart. M.-gen. Geo. Murray. M.-gen. hon. Edwd. Michl. Paken- ham. Adm. Wm. Young, July 12. Col. Wm. Fredk. Hy. of Nassau, hered. pr. of Orange, aft. Wm. I., K. of the Netherlands, Aug. 16. Obder Remodelled, Jan. 2, 1815. See Introduction, ante, p. 763. KNIGHTS GRAND CROSS— MILITARY DIVISION. (G.C.B.) George III. Former Knights of the Bath declared to be Kniyhts Grand Cross under the new division of the Order. 1815, Fredk., D. of York. Jan. 2. Adm. John, E. of St. Vincent. Gen. sir Robt. Abercromby. 181.">, Adm. Geo., vise. Keith. Jan. 2. Adm. sir John Borlase Warren, bt. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 767 1815, Gen. sir Alured Clarke. 1815, Jan. 2. Adm. sir John Colpoys. Jan. 2. Gen. Id. Hutchinson. -/*''f^""V^~^ Adm. sir John Thos. Duckworth.. Adm. sir Jas. Saumarez.A^.'5<'^^*~ Gen. sir Eyre Coote. Gen. sir John Eras. Gvaioc\i.tfMU^ Gen. sir David Dundas. F.M. Arth., D. of Wellington. Gen. Geo. Jas., E. of Ludlow. V.-adm. sir Saml. Hood..--/"-- Adm. Wm., 7th E. of Northesk V.-adm. sir Richd. John Strachaniri V.-adm. hon. sir Ales. Cochrane. Lt.-gen. sir John Stuart. V.-adm. sir Richd. Goodwin Keats. Gen. sir David Baird.^-^'. Gen. sir Geo. Beckwith. Lt.-gen. John, Id. 'Niddrj.f-i't ■^''"'■^ Lt.-gen. sir Brent Spencer. Lt.-gen. sir John Cope Sher- brooke. Lt.-gen. Wm. Carr., Id. Beres- ford.*K'-i''»'^*M Lt.-gen. Thos., Id. Lynedoch. Lt.-gen. Rowland, Id. , aft. yisc. Hill. Lt.-gen. sir Saml. Auchmuty. 1^ Lt.-gen/sir Edwd. Paget. Lt.-gen. Stapleton, Id., aft. vise. Combermere. Adm. hon. sir Geo. Cranfield Berkeley. Gen. sir Geo. Nugent, bt. Gen. sir Wm. Keppel. Lt.-gen. sir John Doyle, bt. Lt.-gen. Wm. Cavendish Bentinck, c.c. Id. W. C. B. Lt.-gen. sir Jas. Leith. Lt.-gen. sir Thos. Picton.'*'H'-fWi!Hy» Lt. -gen. hon. sir Galbraith Lowrv Cole. Lt.-gen. Chas. Wm., Id. Stewart aft. 3rd M. of Londonderry. Lt.-gen. hon. sir Alesr. Hope. Lt.-gen. sir Hy. Clinton. Lt.-gen. Geo., 9th E. of Dal- housie. Lt.-gen. hon. Wm. Stewart. M.-gen. sir Geo. Murray. M.-gen. hon. sir Edwd. Michl. Pakenham. i'i- I'v-'i^.-. Gen. Wm. Fredk. Hy. of Nassau, hered. Pr. of Orange, aft. Wm, I., K. of the Netherlands. Subsequent appointments. 1815, Adm. Wm. Hy., D. of Clarence, Jan. 2. aft. Wm. IV. ; actg. Great Master, 1827. F.M. Edwd., D. of Kent. F.M. Ernest Augs., D. of Cum- berland. F.M. Adolphus Fredk., D. of Cambridge. F.M. Wm. Fredk., D. of Glou- cester. Adm. sir Wm. Young. Adm. Saml., vise. Hood. Adm. sir Richd. Onslow, bt. Adm. hon. Wm. Cornwallis. Adm. Wm., Id. Radstock. Adm. sir Roger Curtis, bt. Adm. Geo. Montagu. Lt.-gen. Hy. Wm., E.of Uxbridge, aft. M. of Anglesey. Lt.-gen. Robt. Brownrigg.»^'.W' Lt.-gen. sir Harry Calvert, bt. Lt.-gen. hon. Thos. Maitland. Lt.-gen. Wm. Hy. Clinton. 1815. Richd.,2ndE.of Clancarty,Apr.l. Lt.-gen. hon. sir John Aber- cromby, Apr. 7. M.-gen. hon. sir Chas. Colville, Apr. 7. Adm. Jas., 1st Id. Gambler, June 7. 1815, F.M. Pr. Schwartzenburg. Aug. 18. F.M. Alb. Louis Leopold, Pr. Blucher. 1815, Aug. 18. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818, Feb. 20. 1818, Oct 14. 1819, Apr. 17 1819. F.M. count Barclay de Tolly. F.M. sir Chas. Philip, Pr. Wrede. Gen. Wm. Fredk. Chas., Pr. and aft. E. Wm. I. of Wurtem- burg. M.-gen. sir Jas. Kempt, June 22. Adm. Edwd., 1st Id. Exmouth, Mar. 16.*Kt''.-'-^x-..^*-, Gen. Leop. Geo. Fredk., D. of Saxe, &c. ; aft. Leop. I., K. of the Belgians, May 23. M. -gen. sir David Oehterlony, bt. Dec. 10. Lt.-gen. sir Gordon Drummond, Jan. 7. M.-gen. sir Geo. Townshend Walker, bt., Mar. 11. Adm. sir Chas. Morice Pole, bt. R.-adm. sir Thos. Eras. Fre- mantle.-i^X' R.-Adm. sir Geo. Coekburn, aft. bt. Gen. Eras. Rawdon, 1st M. of Hastings. Lt.-gen. sir Thos. Hislop. ^^•^. Gen. Pr. Volkonsky. Gen. count Woronzow. Gen. count Zieten. Gen. baron Frimont. M.-gen. sir Jno. Malcolm. Nov. 20. 768 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. George IV. 1820. Lt.-gon. Kenneth Alexr., 11th Id. Howard of Effingham, Mar. 17. 1820, Adm. sir \Vm. Domett. May 16. V.-Adm. sir Thos. Foley. 1820, Gen. Wm., 2nd E. Harcourt. May 20. Adm. sir Benjn. Caldwell. Adm. sir Richd. Rodney Bligh. Gen. sir Hy. Johnson, bt. Gen. Hy., 1st E. of Mulgravc. Adm. sir Chas. Hy. Knowles, bt. Adm. hon. sir Thos. Pakenham. Gen. Geo., Ist Id. Harris. Gen. sir Banastre Tarleton, bt. Gen. sir Geo. Hewett, bt. Gen. sir Geo. Don. Gen. Jas. St. Glair, 2nd E. of Rosslyn. Gen. Geo., kl. Gordon, c.c. M. of Huntly ; aft. 5th D. of Gordon. Lt.-gen. sir Chas. Cregan Crau- furd. Lt.-gon. sir Hildebrand Oakes, bt. 1820. Adm. sir Geo. Campbell, Jane 8. Gen. Chas., count Alten, Aug. 12. 1821. V.-adm. sir Geo. Martin, Feb. 23. 1822. V.-adm. sir Thos. Boulden Sept. 14. Thompson, bt. V.-adm. sir Harry Neale, bt. 1824. Lt.-gen. sir John Oswald. Feb. 25. 1825, Adm. sir Edwd. Thornbrough. Jan. 11. Adm. sir Eliab Harvey. 1825. V.-adm. sir Wm. Johnstone Hope, Oct. 4. 1826. Lt.-gen. sir Hy. fane, Jan. 24. M.-gen. sir Archd. Campbell, bt., Dec. 26. 1827. V.-adm. sir Edwd. Codrington, Nov. 13. 1830. V.-adm. sir Thos. Byam Martin, Mar. 3. William IV. 1830. Bernard, D. of Saxe -Weimar, Aug. . 1830, Adm. sir Jas. Hawkins Whitshed, Not. 17. bt. Adm. sir Philip Chas. Henderson- Durham, aft. Calderwood-Hen- derson-Durham. 1831. Ernest Fredk. Herbert, Ct. Miinster, Feb. 16. 1831, Lt.-gen. sir Wm. HoustoJ[n, bt. Feb. 24. Lt.-gen. sir Edwd. Barnes. Lt.-gen. sir John Byng.j^'.f.Af.^M. 1831. Adm. sir Hy. TroUope. May l9. 1831, Adm. hon. sir Robt. Stopford. June 6. Adm. sir Benjn. Hallowell Carew. 1831, Gen. hon. sir Hj'. Geo. Grey. Sept. 13. Gen. sir Ronald Craufurd Fer- guson. Gen. sir Hy. Warde. Adm. sir Thos. Williams. Adm. sir Wm. Hargood. Lt.-gen. hon. sir Wm. Lumley. Lt.-gen. sir Jas. Willougliby Gordon, bt. R.-adm. sir Thos. Masterman Hardy, bt. 1833. Adm. sir Davidge Gould, Jan. 24. Adm. sir Chas. Tyler, Jan. 29. V.-adm. sir Pultonoy Malcolm, Apr. 24. 1833, Lt.-gen. sir Goo. Anson.t^' # July 29. Lt.-gen. sir John Ormsby Vande- lour. 1833. Lt.-gon. sir Thos. Dallas. Aug. 1. 1834. Lt.-gen. sir Herbert Taylor. Apr. 16. F.M. Chas., Archd. of Austria, May 23. Lt.-gen. ct. Walmoden, Aug. 19. Adm. sir John Wells, Oct. 6. Lt.-gen. sir Robt. Edwd. Hy. Somerset, c.c. Id. R. E. H. Somerset, Oct. 17. Lt.-gen. sir Wm. Hy. Pringle, Dec. 19. 1835. Lt.-gen. hon. sir Edwd. Stopford, Mar. 2S. Adm. sir Amelius Beauclerk, c.c. Id. A. Beauclerk, Aug. 3. 1835. Lt.-gon. Ernest, &c., Pr. of Aug. 29. Hesse. Lt.-gen. Ernest, Pr. of Hcsse- Philippsthal-Barchfield. 1836. V.-adm. sir Graham Moore, Mar. 11. Gen. Louis Wm. Fredk., Landgr. of Hesse-Homburg, June 11. Lt.-gen. JIatth. Whitworth, 4th Id. Aylmer, Sept. 10. 1837. Lt.-gon. sir Thos. Makdougall Brisbane, bt., Feb. 6. Adm. sir Lawrence Wm. llalsted, Feb. 24. 1837, Lt.-gon. sir John Dovoton. Mar. 10. M.-gen. sir John Whittington Adams, nom. ; but (/. Mar. 9, 1837, in India. 1837. Lt.-gen. sir iUchd. llussey- Vivian, bt.. May 'M. THE BOOK OP DIGNITIES. 769 1837. Pr. Paul Antliv. Estorhazy, July 12. 1838. Lt.-gen. . sii- John Colborne, aft. Id. Seaton, .Jan. 29. Lt.-gen. sir Thos. Bradford, Feb. 15. M.-gen. sirHy. Worsley, Feb. 10. Lt.-gen. sir Fredk. Philipse Robinson, Apr. 20. 1838, Adm. sir Wm. Sidney Smith. July ID. Lt.-gen. sir John Lambert. Lt.-gen. hon. sir Robt. Wm. O'Callaghan. 1838. M -gen. sir Alexr. Caldwell. July 20. iM.-gen. sir Jas. Law Lushing- ton. 1838. M. -gen. sir Alexr. I. Dickson. July 23. 1839. Lt.-gen. Fredk. Geo. Augs., D. of Saxe Coburg and G., June 12. Lt.-gen. sir John Keane, aft. Id. Keane, Aug. 12. Adm. sir Hy. Wm. Bayntun, Oct. 25. 1840. M.-gen. sir Willoughby Cotton, Jan. 21. F.M. Fras. Albert Augs. Cbas. Emanuel, Consort of Q. Vict., Mar. 6. 1840, Lt.-gen. sir Fredk. Adam. June 20. Lt.-gen. Benjn. D'Urban. Lt.-gen. Andr. Fras. Barnard. 1840, Adm. Sir Wm. Hotham. July 4. Adm. sir Josias Rowley, bt. V.-adm. sir Chas. Rowley, bt. V. -Adm. sir David Milne. 1840. Gen. Baldomero Espartero, Ct. of Lucbana, &c. , July 20. 1841. M.-gen. sir Jos. O'Halloran, Feb. 12. M.-gen. Hugh, Id. Gough. aft. vise. Gough ; Oct. 14. 1842. Adm. hon. sir John Talbot. Feb. 23. Adm. sir Robt. Barlow..^-^ Adm. sir Hy. Digby. 1842. Lt.-gen. Ct. Mensdorf, May 30. Col. sir Robt. Hy. Sale, June IC). i '-^f/tlwl Archduke Fredk. Chas. of Austria, Nov. 5. 1842, Y.adm. sir Wm. Parker. Dec. 2. M.-gen. Geo. PoUock.i^+frf. M.-gen. Wm. Nott. 1843. M-.gen. Chas. Jas. Napier, July 4. Pr. Fredk. Wm. Chas. of Prussia, Aug. IS. 1845, Adm. sir Robt. Waller Otway, bt. May. 8. V.-adm. sir Edwd. Wm. Campbell Richd. Owen. 1846. Col. sir Hy. Geo. Wakelyn Smith, Ajn-. 7.-fH: 1847, Mav 22. 1847, Sept. 17 1847. 1848. 1849. 1849, June 5. 1852, Apr. (J. 1855, July 5. 1855. 1856. Jan. 3 1858, July 6. V.-adm. Thos., 10th E. of Dun- donald ; {sec. " Cochrane " under K.H., Apr. 21, 1809, ante, p. 766.) Lt.-gen. Fitzroy Jas. Hy. Somer- set, c.c. Id. Fitzroy Somerset, aft. Id. Raglan. Lt.-gen. sir .John Macdonald. Gen. sir Colin Halket, Dec. 30. M.-gen. eir John Hunter Littler, Jan. 31. Sir Jas.LillymanCaldwell, Aug.25. Lt.-gen.sir Edwd.Blakeney,May 7. M.-gen. sir Jos. Thackwell. M.-gen.sir Walter Raleigh Gilbert. ^i/-^'. Adm. sir Chas. Ekins. Gen. sir Peregrine Maitland. Adm. sir Thos. Bladen Capel. Lt.-gen. sir Alexr. Woodford. Lt.-gen. sir Hy. Fredk. Rouverie V.-adm. sir Chas. Bullen. Lt.-gen. sir Jno. Fox Burgoyne.j^i"^' Lt.-gen. sir Geo. Brown. V.-adm. Jas. Whitley Deans Dundas. Geo. Wm. Fredk. Chas., D. of Cambridge. Lt.-gen. sir De Lacy Evans. Lt.-gen. sir Richd. England. Lt.-gen. sir Colin Campbell, aft. Id. Clyde. R.-adm. sir Edmd. Lyons, bt.j/r^'^A'iu;. Adm. sir Graham Eden Hamond. Adm. sir Jas. Alexr. Gordon. Gen. sir Jas. McDonell. Gen. sir Hew Dalrymple Ross. Le Comte Vaillant, Marshal of France, Oct. 16. Gen. Jas. Simpson, Oct. 16. Gen. Marmora, Oct. 25. I\Iarshal Pelissier, Nov. 12. Gen. Bosquet. Gen. de Salles. Gen. MacMahon. Gen. Regnault de St. John d'Angely. Gen. Morris. Pr. Fredk. Wm. Louis of Prussia, aft. K. Wm. I. of Prussia and Emp. Wm. I. of Germany. Jan. 1. Adm. Ferd. Alphonse Hamelin, May 7. Lt.-gen. sir Jas. Outram, July 30-«/"i't M.-gen. sir Hugh Hy. Rose, aft. Id. Strathnairn. H.H. Maharajah Bahadoor Koon- war Ranajee. R.-adm. sir Michl. Sej^mour, May 20.4.1)^^/^ Jas. Howard. 3rd E. of Malmes- bmy, Jan. 15. 49 TlIK BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1859. Sir John Pakington, bt.. June 15. 1«59, Gen. sir Thos. McMahon, bt. June 21. Gen. Chas. Murray, 3rd E. Cath- cart. Gen. sir Wm. Maynard Gomm. Gen. sir Robt. Wm. Gardiner. 1860, Adm. sir John West. May 18. Adm. sir Wm. Hall Gage. Adm. sir Fnis. Wm. Austen. Gen. sir Jas. Douglas. Gen. sir Geo. Scovell. Gen. Ulysses, Id. Downes. Adm. sir Thos. John Cochrane. Adm. sir Geo. Fras. Seymour. Gen sir Fredk. Stovin. Gen. sir Jas. Fergusson. Lt.-gen. sir John Bell. 1860, Lt -gen. sir Chas. Yorke, June 29. Lt.-gen. Jas. Hope Grant, Nov. 9. 18G1. M.-gen. sir Patrick Grant, Mar. 1. 1861, Gen. sir Arthur Benjn. Clifton. June 28. Adm. sir Phipps Hornby. Gen. sir Jas. Arehd. Hope. Gen. sir Thos. Wm. Brotherton. Gen. sir Saml. Benjn. Auchmuty. Adm. sir Barrington Reynolds. Gen. sir Thos. Will»^^. ' V.-adm. sir MauriceTredk. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley. Lt.-gen. sir Harry David Jones. 1862, Gen. sir John Wright Guise, bt. Nov. 10. Gen. sir John Forster FitzGerald. Adm. Anthv. , 10th E. of Lauder- dale. Adm. sir Edwd. Tucker. 1865. Albert Edwd., Pr. of Wales, Feb. 10. 1865, Adm. sir Edwd. Harvey. Mar. 28. Adm. sir Fairfax iloresby. Gen. sir Wm. Rowan. Adm. sir Houston Stewart. Gen. sir Wm. John Codrington. Gen. sir Geo. Augs. Wetherall. Adm. sir Hy. Ducie Chads. Gen. sir Jas. Fredk. Love. Gen. sir Jas. Jackson. Lt.-gen. sir John Cheape. Lt.-gen. Hy., 3rd vise. Melville. V.-adm. lion, sir Fredk. Wm. Grey. V.-adm. sir Jas. Hope. 1865. Adm. sir Geo. Robt. Lambert, June 7. 1867, Adm. sir Stephen Lushington. May 13. Lt.-gen. sir John Lysaght Penne- f at her. Lt.-gen. sirRichd. XireyM-.U i^t^. Adm. sir Chas. Howe Fre- mantle. >'.-gen. sir Archdale Wilson, bt. Lt.-gen. Bir Edwd. Lugard. 1867, May 13. 1871, May 20. 1873. Mav 24. 1875. May 29. 1877. 1877, June 2. Gen. sir John Aitcbison. Gen. hon. sir Chas. Gore. Gen. Geo.. 8th M. of Tweeddale. Lt -gen. sir Robt. Cornelis Napier, aft. Id. Napier of Magdala. Apr. 27. Adm. sir Hy. Prescott. Gen. Geo. Chas.. 3rd E. of LiUrun dmht, Gen. sir Richd. Jas. Dacres.^^ilK-AV^ Lt.-gen. hon. sir Jas. Yorke Scarlett. Lt.-gen. sir Geo. Buller. V.-adm. sir Augs. Leopold Kuper. Lt.-gen. sir Wm. Rose Mansfield. aft. Id. Sandhurst, May 14. Adm. hon. sir Hy. Keppel. Gen. sir Wm. Fenwick Williams, bt. Adm. sir Alexr. Milne.* "W- Adm. sir Sydney Colpoys Dacres. Gen. sir Robt. John Hussey Vivian. 't.3^MK,''?/'^^ V.-adm. sir Fredk. Beauchamp Paget Seymour. at'-''^'t((^.t*:.. Gen. sir Chas. Hy. Ellice, Apr. 15.^uW./. Eras. Paul Chas. Louis Aloxr., Pr. of Teck. June 12. Sir .Viulr. Buchanan.^*** Hon. Augs. Wm. Fredk. Spencer Loftus. e e. Id. Augs. Loftus. Sir Arth. Chas. Magonis. 1855. 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1862. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1866, July 6, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 773 1866. Ismail Pcacha, Vieerov of Egypt, Dec. 18. 1867. Pr. Hohenlohe-Langenbui'g, May 8. /*^^A>f^ 1868. Sir John Young, bt., Nov. 13.- 1869Ax Hy. Geo. Elliott, Nov. 22. 1872. Robt. Vernon, 1st Id. Lyveden, July 13. Hy. Eras. Howard, July 13. 1873. Sir Alexr. Jas. Edmd. Cockburn, bt., Id. ch. just., K.B. Hon. Odo Wm. Leopold Russell, c.c. Id. Odo Russell ; aft. Id. Ampthill. 1876. Sir Hy. Bartle Edwd. Frere, aft. bt., May 17. The Hered. Gr. D. of Mecklen- burg-Strelitz, Apr. 17. Edwd. Robt. Lytton, 2nd Id. and aft. 1st E. of Lytton, Jan. 1. Austen Hy. Layard, June 11. 1879. Gen. Fras. Hugh Geo., M. of Hertford, Jan. 24. Pr. Alexr. Jos. of Battenberg, Pr. Elect of Bulgaria, June 6. 1880. Stephen Cave. Apr. 20. Richd. Assheton Cross, aft. vise. Cross. Sir Stafford Hy. Northcote, bt., aft. E. of Iddesleigh.if/jJ*'''i>" V.-adm. sir Edm. Nagle. V.-adm. Richd. Grindall. V.-adm. sir Geo. Martin.iMSn^<'i»li V.-adm. sir Wm. Sydney Smith. (t,ii.i'i]'*jiAS 1815, Jan. 2. U-O^M^/Sjo ,\cmH. Lt.-gen. Gordon Drummond.f ^.J-;)"*^ '^') V.-adm. Herbert Sawyer. Lt.-gen. hon. .Tohn Abercromby.v^"-?'**''''' V.-adm. hon. Robt. Stopford.f ^(i.&V,, i""*' V.-adm. Thos. Foley.f H- I'-'^-V''''' Lt.-gen. Ronald Craufurd Fer- guson. "7 ''"■'"'f'^^' Lt.-gen. Hy. Warde.i ' « 'ff-M'-^" V.-adm. Chas. Tyler.'; '■« ^t'^-^'^' V.-adm. Alan Hyde, Id. Gardner. V.-adm. Wm. Mitchell. V.-adm. sir Thos. Williams.^ -^ •; nui\-in\ V.-adm. sir Thos. Boulden Thompson, bt.f -^^ 'i- uMi'^'''^ Lt.-gen. Wm. Houston.4'-'^'''f»^''f'<''"' Lt.-gen. Wm. Lumley.'/''''"''/''"'^'" Lt.-gen. Wroth Palmer Acland. Lt.-gen. Miles Nightingale. Lt.-gen. Hy. Fredk. Campbell. V.-adm. Wm. Hargood.('«''"^*5^ 774 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIK 1815, fti-m) Jan. 2. hUfix ■ - Air /;ij, -- ^i~ik mi, Jd-iP}<, V.-adm. Robt. Moorsom. 1815, V.-adm. Lawrence Wm. Halsted. Jan. 2. V.-adm. sir Harry Neale, bt. V.-adm. sir Jos. Sidney Yorke. V.-adm. hon. Arth. Kayo Legge. 51. -gen. Alan Cameron. «frM' 31. -gen. hon. Chas. Colville. -M.-gen. Hy. Fane. M.-gen. Geo. Anson. *irt-H' ■M.-gen. Kenneth Alexr. Howard, aft. 11th Id. Howard of Effingham. R.-adm. Thos. Fras. Fremantle. •>'* ■ R.-adm. sir Fras. Laforey, bt. R.-adm. Philip Chas. Durham. R.-adm. Israel Pellew. M.-gen. Hy. Bell. M.-gen. John Oswald. 51. -gen. sir Wm. Ansan, bt. M.-gen. Edwd. Howorth. M.-gen. Chas. Wale. M.-gen. John Ormsl)y Vandeleur. -M.-gen. hon. Edwd. Stopford. •M.-gen. Geo. Townshend WalkeviV R.-adm. Benjn. Hallowell. R.-adm. Geo. Hope. R.-adm. Amelias Beauclerk, c.e. Id. A. Beauclerk. R.-adm. Jas. Xicoll 5Iorris. R.-adm. Thos. Byam Martin. M.-gen. Jas. Kempt. M.-gen. Rcbt. Rollo Gillespie, nom., but rant. M.-gen. sir Thos. Sidney Beck- with. 5I.-gen. hon. Robt. Wm. OCalla- ghan. • f <^^0 /'•/>^>> 5I.-gen. Colin Halkott.;r(iJ<'5«//'^/7 5L-gen.sirny. Edwd.Bunbury.bt. 5I.-gen. Richd. Hussey Vivian. ^fUL^") 51. -gen. Hy. Torrens. Capt. sir Geo. Eyre. Capt. sir Chas. Brisbane. Capt. John Talbot. .. f././? n^^t+V/,* Capt. sir Edwd. Berry, bt. Capt. sir Edwd. Hamilton. Capt Edwd. Wm. Campbell Richd. Owen. ' ' '' i>^i>-,!fi,r Capt. sir Thos. 5Iasternian Hardy, bt. ^o Col. Wm. Robe. Col. Hy. Walton Ellis. Col. John Cameron. Col. hon. Robt. Le Poer Trench.' Col. Chas. Pratt. Col. Edwd. Blakeney..' t.9^^^^|n,^ Col. John 5rLean. Col. Richd. Downes Jackson. Col. Wm. Douglas. Col. Colin Campbell. Col. John {"olborne.'"7.'.o\\^^A?^.\t%^^Xa^tf/.o THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 775 1815. Lt.-col. Hy. Hardinge, aft. vise. H. ISlt Jan. 2. Lt.-col. Geo. Hy.Fredk. Berkeley. Apr. 7. Lt.-col. Jeremiah Dickson. Lt.-col. sir John Milley Doyle. Lt -col. sir Thos. Noel Hill. Lt.-col. Robt. .Macara.- U-U.MU Lt.-col. lion. Alexr. Gordon.X^rtUi.^ Lt.-col. Hy. Wm. Carr. Lt.-col. Chas. Broke Vei-e. f •O-QffjU-. «ro Lt.-col. Fitzroy Jas. Hy. Somer- set, c.c. Id. Fitzroy Somerset ; aft. Id. Raglan. Lt.-col. Jas. Wilson. 1815. ^•'■•'>n;../^,j>,J..Lt.-col. Alexr. I. Dickson. Lt.-col. .John ^laj-. 4.^•./J./;'^trt^/J'^Xlt.-col. Geo. Scovell. '(•<'-').li/»fc«(Jr(. -.Lt.-col. Wm. Maynard Gomm. V^.#. "^-.^/rta Lt.-col. Ulysses Burgh. A^.t^-^"^ Lt.-col. Fras. D'Oyley. Lt.-col. Richd. Williams. Lt.-col. Jas. Malcolm. ^•<-(ll/Kw4l Lt.-col. Jas. Archd. Hope. Lt.-col. Augs. Frazer. fte.f^lM'-.Lt.-col. Hew Dalrymple Ross. Lt.-col. Edm. Keynton Williams. Lt.-col. Maxwell Grant. ft*fc'K«,,^4o Lt.-col. Fredk. Stovin. Lt.-col. Jos. Hugh Carncross. ^■'■*- '•/'*• 'Ji'f-- Lt.-col. Robt. Gardiner. Lt.-col. John Dyer. Lt.-gen. Chas., baron Linsingen. Lt.-gen. count Walmoden.c'«"f'*"i«M Lt.-gen. count Nugent. M.-gen. Sigismund, baron Low. M.-gen. Chas., baron Alten.f'-S.nH't^i. 1819, M.-gen. Hy. de Hinuber. M.-gen. Wilhelm de Dornberg. Col. Fredk., baron de Arentschildt, Lt.-col. Fredk. Augs. de Hertz- berg. Lt.-col. Julius Hartmann. 1815, Lt.-gen. Moore Disney. Apr. 7. M.-gen. Wm. Inglis. M.-gen. Jas. Lyon. Lt.-gen. John Macdonald.4.Mi4:)i;fW{u M.-gen. Robt. Blair. ' M.-gen. Geo. Wood. 181J Apr. 1] 1819, Aug. 12. 1819, Nov. 26. M -gen. Hector McLean. M.-gen. Thos. Dallas. — ■?•<■'.? 'A^ /*Ji. M.-gen. John M. Chalmers. M.-gen. John Horsford. M.-gen. Hy. White. M.-gen. Gabriel Martindell. M.-gen. Geo. Sackville Browne. M.-gen. Geo. Holmes. M.-gen. David Ochterlony. i-c.u u&difii.li Col. John Malcolm.-J(/-.'<-fw.'j; J..*-"'./.''/?.- Col. Augs. Flover. Col. Robt. Barclay. V.-adm. sir Davidge Gould, June 1 ...t'-i.ti,] M.-gen. Geo. Cooke, June 20. M.-gen. Peregrine Maitland, June 22. -- •- ^■'■ii.l,Ah-<^i-i. M.-gen. Fredk. Adam, June 22. - ^.r./M»V Lt.-gen. Miguel Alava, Oct. 10. Lt.-gen. Bar. do Muffling, Oct. 20. R.-Adm. Chas. Vinicombe Pen- rose, Jan. 3. M.-gen. sir Hudson Lowe, Jan. 2?t. R.-adm. sir David Milne, Sept. 19. <■''■''• '•^•^ V.adm. Bar. Van de Capellen, Oct. 4. Lt.-gen. sir Alexr. Campbell, bt., j:n.7. - - -^ '. ^oi.^^i Lt.-gen. Richd. Jones, Feb. 3. Lt.-gen. Robt. Macfarlane, Mar. 11. Lt.-gen. Thos. Hislop, Sept. S.V^^f ■'^"•'' M.-gen. Dyson Marshall, Oct. 14. M.-gen. Rufane Shaw Donkin, Oct. 14. Gen. Nichs. Chas., baron Vincent. Gen. count Pozzo de Borgo. Gen. De Reede. Lt.-gen. — Lamotte. V.-adm. Manley Dixon. R.-adm. hon. sir Hy. Blackwood, bt. R.-adm. sir John Poo Beresford, bt. M.-gen. sir Thos. Munro, bt. M.-gen. Wm. Toone. M.-gen. John Doveton. . - - ■'/■(■ii.icK^U/fi-^ George IV. 1820. Lt.-gen. sir Hy. Tucker 3Iontresor, Mar. 17. hir^^uui. 1820, Adm. sir Hy. Trollope. May 20. Adm. Hy. D'Esterre Darby. V.-adm. John Wells. - i'-i (''>'' 'f"i ■ V.-adm. Hy. Nicholls. Capt. sir Robt. Barlow. --c,.;.j.nWii*'i,i Capt. hon. sir Geo. Grey, bt. il.-gen. sir Wm. Ketr Grant. ]M.-gen. Jas. Campbell. M.-gen. Lionel Smith, aft. bt. M.-gen. Theoph Pritzler. M.-gen. Thos. Brown, July 23. 1822, Dec. 3. 18:i 1825. R.-adm. Wm. Chas. Fahie, Jan 13. 1826. R--adm. Robt. Waller Otway, June 8.~> -.(i-'c-H.f^'^ifiii- 1826, M.-gen. Thos. Reynell. Dec. 26. M.-gen. Jasper Nicholls. M.-gen. sir Saml. Ford Whitting- ham. 1827, M.-gen. sir Thos. McMahon, ht. ^.a.iiji^ Jan. 18. Lt.-gen. Thos. Bowser M.-gen. John Arnold. 1827. Lt.-gen. Baron de Hugel, Oct. 2. 1828, Adm. Louis. Count de Heiden. Mar. 14. R.-adm. H. Re Rigny. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1830, Nov. 17. ru-ifAi.l831. 1831, May It). ^./M-.183l. June H. 1831. , ;il Sept. 13. 1831, xml Sept. 2(j WlI-I.IAM IV. V.-adm. sir WillouKhby Thos. , 1832, Lake. Feb. 20. R.-adm. sir Fredk. Lewis Mait- land. I 1832. V.-adm. Hy. Digby. Mar. 14. | V.-adm. Edwd. Griffith Col- | 1833. povs. v.-adm. Edwd. Jas. Foote. 1833, V.-adm. Chas. Ekins. Apr. 24. R.-adm. Tho.s. Baker. 1833, Lt.-gen. Saml. Veiiables Hiude. June 1. M.-gen. John. Wright Guise. 1833, 31. -gen. Jas. Bathurst. Sejjt. Hj. M.-gen. Jas. Stevenson Banks. R.-adm. Sir Robt. Laurie, bt. 1834. M.-gen. John Macdonald. 1 M.-gen. Alexr. Woodford. M.-gen. hon. Fredk. Cavendish 1835. Ponsonby. R.-adm. (^eo. Scott. R.-adm. Thos. Dundas. R.-adm. fir Graham Eden Hamoiid, bt. M.-gen. John Buchan. M.-gen. Hugh Gough, aft. Id. and vise. Gough. M.-gen. Chas. Ashworth. ' 1837. M.-gen. Chas. Bruce. 1837, M.-gen. John Foster Fitzgerald. Feb. 28. M.-gen. John Ro.ss. M.-gen. Dugald Little Gilmour. 1837, ]M.-gen. Wm. ISlacbean. Jlar. 10. M.-gen. Geo. Elder. M.-gen. Alexr. Knox. M.-gen. sir John Whittington Adams. M.-gen. Hj-. Worsley. M.-gen. Hopton Stratford Scott. M.-gen. Robt. Scot. M.-gen. Andr. Macdonald. John Tremayne Rodd. R.-adm. hon. Thos. Bladen Capel. T^-H.iA^^.i^iX M.-gen. John Waters, ilar. 1. M.-gen. Hugh Eraser, Apr. 7. Adm. sir Chas. Hamilton, bt., Jan. 21). R.-adm. Thos. Harvey. R,-adm. Richd. Hussey Hussey. V.-adm. John Harvey. V.-adm. Geo. Parker. M.-gen. Arth. Brooke. M. -gen. sir John Alex. Wallace, bt. Sir Wm. Parker, July 14. f /.i3. 5 *. w^x R.-adm. Edwd. Bruce, Oct. G. M.-gen. John Taylor, Oct. 17. M.-gen. Richd. Bourke, Jan. 26. M.-gen. hon. Hy. King, Mar. 28. R.-adm. Chas. Adam, Aug. 10. R.-adm. Patrick Campbell. Apr. 11. M.-gen. Wm. Thornton. .Sept. IG. M.-gen. Hv. Sheehy Keating, Dec. 21. M.-gen. sir John Wilson, Feb. G. V.-adm. Ross Doinielh'. R.-adm. Eras. Wm. Austen.<-i#fc« R.-adm. Geo. Mundy. 31. -gen. Jas. Lillvman Caldwell.', 'o'^'*- k^ M.-gen. Alexr. Caldwell, "r '•«i»>r^/^, ' M.-gcn. David Leighton. M.-gen. Chas. Deacon. 31. -gen. Jos. Russell. 31. -gen. Sir Jos. O'Halloran.^y.sn.Af;**/ 31. -gen. Robt. Houstoun. 31. -gen. Itobt. Stevenson. 31. -gen. Wm. Casement. 31. -gen. Jas. Law Lushington.<",''iJj./ j/i^,^ July I'J. 31. -gen. Sir Evan John 3Iurray 31acgregor, bt. 31. -gen. Edwd. Gibbs. 31. -gen. Cjco. Thos. Napier. 31. -gen. Hon. Hercules Robinson Pakenham. 31. -gen. Sir John Thos. Jones, bt. 31. -gen. John Horvoy. 31. -gen. Leonard Greenwell. M.-gcn. Robt. Hy. Dick. M.-gen. Neil Douglas. R.-adm. John Acworth Ommaney. 31. -gen. Alexr. Cameron. 3I.-Kon. John Fox Burgo}nie.^.«:i i'lj^lSfJ 1838, M.-gen. John Rose. July 20. 3r.-gon. Thos. Corsellis. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. ill 1838, July 20 1839. Apr. 18, 1839. 1839, Oct. 25, 1839, Dec. 20. 1840. July 4. 1840, July 18. 1840. 1841, Jan. 12, 1841, Juno 29, 1841. 1842, Dee. 24. 1843, July 12, 1843, Sept. 23. 1844, if/l^,ifuiyia.y 2. 1844, <.»ct. oO. 1845. I 184!). (i-yj-— U'f.i 184f>K.^. M.-gen. Hy. Somerset. M.-gen. Hy. Codwin. Brig. -gen. ScudamoreWinde Steel. Commander Goo. Robt. Lam- bert. fc-a.;);*^!/^*: Lt.-gen. hon. Geo. Cathcart.**<-W»v,s<>^ M.-gen. Hy. Somerset. Lt.-gen. Geo. Chas.. 3rd E. of Lucan. -. - • - - ^ .j.f.di^M Lt.-gen. Hy. J. W. Bentinck. Lt.-gen. John Lysaght Penne- father. •<- - " - - ^ -?■^i)')^,* R.-adm. Houston Stuart. f •«,«,'*'•' R.-adm. Jos. Hanway Plumi'idge. M.-gen. Geo. Wm. Fredk. Bruce, c.c. E. of Cardigan ; aft. 2nd M. of Ailesbury. M.-gen. Wm. .John Codrington.4-'"''.''^*i'^ M.-gen. Richd. AiveyM'-''!--'^")- '■■'■"■'''^''^''^^J M.-gen. hon. Jas. Yorke Scar- lett. ----- ..t,.^.li.l)uu./^ M.-gen. Harry David Jones. ^.6fl. i."\'i~./4/. M.-gen. Arthur Wellesloy Tor- rens. M.-gen. Geo. Buller. - - . • — f ^d^K- l.C. M.-gen. Wm. Eyre. M.-gen. Richd. J. Dacres. -^f.H ijiv*^ R.-adm. Hon. Montagu Stopford. R.-adm. Hy. Ducie Chads. f^.S.i;Vr-^ R.-adm. Michael Seymour. ..... f/,/),;(,A,4./(i R.-adm. Hy. Byam Martin. Capt. Stephen Lushington. ...•^.r.fl.'J*'»iWy Adm. Fredk. Wm. Avlmer. 77S TJIK BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 18o(J. Feb. :> 1855, Gen. Edwd. Xicolls, I^a-ltfioJaly 5. Lt.-gen. Jas. Fergusson. 'Jiv-vli'i/. . . , - -Lt.-gen. Thos. \Vm. Brotherton. V.-!ulni. Hy. Hope. V.-adin. John Hy. Coode. /W/J'j;--- R.-adm. Maurice Fredk. Fitz- hai'dinge Berkeley. i>W»i^|i^r R.-adm. Fairfax Moresby. .i., |M 18.-..-.. M.-gen. Hugh Hy. Rose. aft. Id. Strathnairn ; Oct. l(j. 1856, Gen. de Martimprey. Jan. 8. Gen. F, A. Thiry. " Gen. Xiel. Gen. Canion. Gen. Pate. Gen. d'Antemarre d'Erville. Gen. d'Allonville. Gen. Levaillant. Gen. Dulac. Gen. Dalesme. Gen. Hcrbillon. Gen Bouat. Adm. Rigault de Genouilly. Gen. d'Aurelles de Paladines. Gen. Mellinet. Adm. Penaud. Gen. .las. W. Sleigh. . Lt.-gen. Richd. Goddard Hare Clarges. V.-adm. Hy. Prescott. Lt.-gen. John McDonald. •Lt.-gen. Wm. Rowan. -V.-adm. Barrington Reynolds. Lt.-gen. Wm. Geo. Moore. - M.-gen. Jas. Fred. Love. - M.-gen. Jas. Jackson. _M.-gen. Chas. Yorke. R.-adm. hon. Richd. Saunders Diindas. M.-gen. Lovell Benj. Lovell. M.-gcn. AVui. Fenwick Williams, aft. bt. Ai- - -M.-gen. Goo. Augs. Wetherall. &c|,u^^c^ Sir Geo. JIaclean. h*f>i».yP^l M.-gen. Hy. Havelock, Nov. 11. Col. Archdale Wilson. Nov. W.^An"^-, ' M.-gen. John Eardley Wilmot Inglis. Capt. Wm. Peel. k.n. / Col. Edwd. Lugard.,'','K '^^'^"*y Col. Jas. Hope Grant, -'..t.lii^'irrffd^ Col. Sidney John Cotton..^; '-.Jj^v-i'*' V^ Col. Wm. Rose MansHeld, aft. Id. Sandhurst. .-..-< ^ ".»• "i'^?^ Col. Thos. Seaton. M.-gen. Chas. Tho.'s. Van Strau- ben/.ee, Juno 18.f-'-«7')'^<»i""7^ M.-gen. Thos. Harte Franks, July 27. Col. Robt. CorncliiXs Napier, aft. Id. Napier of ]\Iagdala, July 27.- Y^'iA]fih'^fiff& Capt. Adolphus Slade. r.x. , Aug. 18. R.-adm. sir Hy. John Leeke, Oct. 1. Col. John Jones, Nov. 16. Srir John Yeun^rMrT'Feb;^. Sir Thos. Hastings, Mar. 9. M.-gen. John Michel, Mar. 22.r,i/>yr Gen. hon. Hy. Murray. Lt.-gen. Philip Bainbrigge. Lt.-gen. Thos. Erskine Napier. Lt.-gen. hon. Chas. Gore.iX^tg6j...^Geu. Geo., 8th M. of Tweeddale. Adm. sir Lucius Curtis, bt. ^ - » Gen. Wm. Greenshields Power. »•*•»• ia«^/cC/j... Gen. Hy. Geo. Andrew Taylor. Adm. Wm. Bowles. Gen. Alexr. Lindsay. Gen, sir Jas. Hy. Reynett. Gen. Richd. Llewellyn. Gen. Chas. Grere Ellicombe. Lt.-gen. Geo. Turner. V.-adm. Wm. Jas. Hope John- stone. Lt.-gen. Jas. Freeth. ..„ . Lt.-gen. John Low. '"•■'"' '^-'"'7J-- Lt.-gen. sir .Jas. Chas. Chatter- ton, bt. Lt.-gen. Alexr. Kennedy Clark Kennedy. Lt.-gen. Michl. White. Lt.-gen. David C'apon. V.-adm. Jas. Scott. M.-gen. sir Abr. Josias Cloete. R.-adm. Chas. Talbot. .t.a.i(«V«*-/,7J. • .. M.-gen. Wm. Hy. Elliott. R.-adm. John McDoagall. '•/ll/o^U'/^ • - ■ •• R.-adm. Geo. Rodney Mundy. , .^ Lt.-gen. Saml. Robt. We,sley. B-tfk^(f}ri8(}S. Col. Neville Bowles Chamberlain. Apr. 11. Commis.sj'.-gen. John Wm. Smith, Dec. 31. 1864. Sir John Liddell, Feb. 9. •t-ih,lt-(i^ /fji . >. M.-gen. Duncan Alexr. Cameron. Feb. 20. i-<.Viofc«^/i'7/- • -R.-adm. sir Alexr. :\lilne, Feb. f'''-4.t/(»«i/Ai' •-• • R -adm. Augs. Leopold Kuper, Feb. 25, ^'•'^»f'"'^"'7>''-.. M.-gen. JohnGarvock, Aug. 25. 1865, V.-adm. Jean Louis Chas. Jaures, Feb. 23. 1865, Gen. Wm. Wood. Mar. 28. Gen. Thos. Kenah. 1865, Adm. sir Geo, Rose Sartorius.,.^<--j) h^m Mar. 28. Gen. Abr. Roberts. - <;-iii.ii,%c^ isji Lt.-gen. Thos. Monteath Douglas. Lt.-gen. Wm. Cator. Lt.-gen. Patr. INIontgonierie. Lt.-gen. Thos. Reftl.-.. f f-/i M'>Vi,";s* Lt.-gen. John Scott. Lt.-gen. Wm. Wyllie. — i.e.ii.iji,^ ifjf Lt.-gen. Chas. Ash Windham. V.-adm. Thos.. 11th E. of Lau- derdale. - ■ ^ <■ 'J. 2/,Ih^ ifp- V.-adm. Robt. Smart. V.-adm. John Kingfoine. V.-adm. Horatio Thos. Austin. Lt.-gen. .John Edwd. Dupuis. Lt.-gen. Fortesciie Graham. R.-adm. Sidney Colpoys Dacres.».-f-r./).2, M.-gen. Id. Wm. Paulet.— -f.«-rf.i^ M.-gen. hon. Augs. Almeric Spencer. - - — — f *-/« i.; >^a^if)i,'. M.-gen. Robt. Wm. Honner. Col. John Wm. Gordon. Col. Edwd. Harris Greathed. Col. Chas. Wm, Dunbar Staveley.ff-«-3'i' /'/.Lj_/..- M.-gen. Thos. Montagu Steele. k-A^ lAI^- - • -■ M.-gen. Collingwood Dickson. 'K;-,i/*i, - -- M.-gen. Chas. Reid. M.-gen. Jas. Wm. Fitzmayer. ^.-.^(//it ' - - M.-gen. H3-. Chas. Barnston Dau- beney. Iw //vj . . - - R.-adm. Wm. Robt. blends. R.-adm. Wm. King Hall. Su,^-^.. David Dunibreck.ilJ/. ^»« '/<•» Wm. Hy. Drake. 1871fc)^Vlexr. Armstrong, June 17. 1872, M.-gen. Geo. Bourchier. if/n Sept. 10. Col. Chas. Hy. Brownlow. 1873, Adm. Hy. Smith. y/cP/j> Col. sir .\rohd. Alison.^j < 11 •»/;>»-»-''^ Col. John Chetham McLeod. Dep. -surg.-gen. Anthy. Dickson Home. 187."), Lt..gen. Burke Cuppage. May2!>. V.-adm. I{ichd. Collinson. V.-adm. Claude Hy. Mason Buckle. V.-adm. (ieo. Gitiard. Lt.-gen. hon. Geo. Cadogan. A''. -adm. Wm. Loring. Lt.-gen. sir Fras. Seymour, bt. Lt.-gen. Wm. O'Grady Haly. \'.-adm. Edward Southwell Sotheby. Lt.-gen. Edwd. Alan Holdich. M.-gen. Fxlwin Beaumont John- son f.'M.i;\^iJ'fi^ ^I.-gen. Hy. Dorainick Daly. Surg.-gen. .John Campbell Brown. 187G. M.-gen. hon. Fras. Colborne. :\lar. 23. 1877, Adm. Geo. Elliot. June 2. Lt.-gen. Arth. Borton. i,-iii7<,i,^)l'/% Jjt.-gen. Richd. Waddy. V.-adm. l"'rodk. Beauchamp Paget Seymour. . ■f'' J.>m'>^i«j;/v^. Lt.-gen. Hy. Dahyniple \Vhit<'. M.-gen. Wm. Sherbrooke Ram- say Norcott. il.-gen. Daniel hysons. ,/#7fl878. 187! tut^J-if/, 1879, July 25 ly7it. 1880. 1881, Feb. 22 1882, Nov. 17 188 Nov. M. -gen. Fredk. Augs. Id Chelms- ford, Nov. 11. Col. Hy. Evelyn Wood, June 23. Commiss.-gen. Edwd. Strickland, June 23. Gen. Hy. Bates, June 28. Lt.-gen. Donald ^lartin Stewai't. Lt.-gen.^Sir Saml. .Jas. Bro-\vne. Lt.-gen. Fredk. Fras. Maude. M.-gen. Michl. Anthy. Shrapnel Biddulph. M.-gen. Fredk. Sleigh Roberts. Col. Peter Stark Lumsden. R.-adm. Fras. Wni. Sullivan, Nov. 27.'^--iH-. Col. Chas. Patton Keyes, Mar. 6. Col. Campbell Clav Grant Ross. Mar. 6. ■*i]'^h'^^ Adm. Geo. Grevillo Wellesley, Apr. 23. M.-gen. B^redk. Alexr. Campbell. A:pr. 23.-^M-^^,/*fJ. Lt, - gen, Robt. Onesiphorus Bright. M -gen. Jno. Ross. M.-gen. Jas. Hills. «f<--^<'4-;'^'^ M.-gen. Robt. Phayrc. Col. Herbert Taylor Macpherson. Col Chas. Hy. Palliser. Col. Chas. Jno. Stanley Gough. Col. Thos. Durand Baker. Col. Chas. Metcalfe Macgregor./^r^/dW, Col. Hugh Hy. Gough. ' Adm. Hon. Chas. Gilbert Jno. Brydone Elliot. Adm. Edwd Gennys Fanshawe. Gen. Geo. Colt Langley. Gen. Wni. Montagu Scott M'Murdo. Gen. Mark Kerr, c.c. Id. Mark Kerr. Gen. Pr. Wni. Augs. Edwd. of Saxe Weimiir. Gen. Jno. Thornton Grant. Lt.-gen. Geo. Vaughan Maxwell. Lt.-gen. Alexr. Macdonell. Lt.-gen. Chas. Pvndar Beauchamp Walker. Lt.-gen. Jno. Forbes. (■/i.1ol^U4 V.-adm. Jno. Hay. c.c. Id. Jno. Hay. M.-gen. Hon. Jno. Coke. Capt. Fredk. Wm. Richards, k.n. Col. Chas. Geo. Arbuthnot. Col. Chas. Cooper Johnson. 1882. Capt. Walter Jas. Hunt-Griibbe, Aug. 1-i. 1882, V.-adm. Wm. Montagu Dowell. Nov. 17. Lt.-gen. Geo. Harry Smith Willis. Lt.-gen. Sir Edwd. Bruce Ham- ley. R.-adm. Anthy. Hiley Hoskins. Commiss -gen. Edwd. Morris. M.-gen. Gerald Graham. M.-gen. Drury Curzon Drury- Lowe. Col. Chas. Butler Peter Nugent Hodges Nugent. Col. Oriel Vivash Tanner. Col. Sir Baker Creed Russell. Dep. Surg. -gen. Jas. Arthur Han bury. Col. Cromer Ashburnham. Lt.-gen. Rd. Chambre Hayes Taylor. Lt.-gen. Arthur Jas. Herbert. Lt.-gen. Edmd. Augs. Whitmore. M.-gen. Chas. Wm. Adair. ^M.«>f/.Jno. Watt Reid.'-V. M -gen. Sir Jno. Carstairs Mc- Neill. 1884, Lt.-gen. Fredk. Chas. Arthur May 21. 1885. 1885 1881, May 24. i-i-ii-j<]^,j^^]. 1885. 1886. Stephenson. --..■;•'* J''^'-^'^^- Col. Herbert Stewart. -. li. «/-/l^ '^'^ Adm. Alfd. Phillips Ryder.4, 3.>4m/7W V.-adm. Geo. Ommanney Willes. Adm. Sir Jno. Chas. Dalrymple HayKAug. 11. M.-gen. Sir Geo. Richards Greaves. Aug. 25. M.-gen. Sir Red vers Hy. Buller. Col. Jno. Hudson. Col. Hy. Peter Ewart. Col. Sir Chas. Wm. Wilson. Capt. Robt. Hy. More Moly- ne^ux, Nov. 7, M. -gen. Harry North Dalrymple Prendergast, Dec. 8. V.-adm. Arthur William Acland Hood, Dec. 19. j-'^.e. Gen. hon. Arth. Edwd. Hardinge, Jan. 9. Lt.-gen. hon. sir Leicester Smyth, Jan. IG. Alfd. Ern. Alb. . D. of Edinburgh, Feb. 18.... -. - j':-ii. M.-gen. Edwd. Gascoigne Bulwer. Apr. 1. 1886, Gen. Frank Turner. May 29. Adm. Arth. Farquhar. Gen. Hy. Jas. Warre. Lt.-gen. hon. Sir Geo. Gei'ald Foley. Lt.-gen. Hy. Errington Longden. Gen. Wm. Olpherts. Adm. Jno. Corbett. V.-adm. Sir Geo. Hy. Richards. Lt.-gen. Julius Richd. Glyn. Lt.-gen. Wm. Pollexfen Radclitfe. Lt.-gen. Wm. Payn. M.-gen. Jno. Watson. 1886, Col. Fras. Booth Norman. Nov. 25. Col. Fras. Wallace Grenfell. Col. Wm. Fras. Butler. Col. Geo. Stewart White. Adm. Hy. Chads. Gen. Jas. Macleod Bannatvne Fraser-Tftler. Adm. Chas. Farrell Hillyar. Gen. Penrose Chas. Penrose. Adm. Sir Edwd. Augustus Ingle- 1887, June 21. 182 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1887. Adiii. Arth. Cummiiiff. Jnne 21. (ion. NVui. Parke. Adm. Sir Uc^d. John Macdoniild. (ieii. John Alexr. Ewart. Adm. Edwd. Bvidfjes llicf. Adni. AuffH. Phillimoro. Adm.llichd.Jas ,E.of Clanwilliani. Gen. Chaa. London Barnard. Lt.-gen. John Luther Vaughan. Lt.-gen. Lothian Nicholson. M.-gen. Sir Hv. Marshman Have- lock- Alhin,bt. Lt.-gen. Robt. Hump. Lt.-gen. Hy. D'Oyloy Torrens. V.-adm Richd. Vesey Hamilton. V.-adni. Thos. Brandreth. 1887, Surg. -gen. John Harrie Ker June 21. Innea. V.-adm. NVm. (iraham. V.-adm. Nowell Salmon. M.-gen. Geo. Hutt. Insp.-gen. of Hospitals \Vm. .Mackenzie. Insp.-gi-n. of Hospitals and Fleets J as. Jenkins. M.-gen. Martin Dillon. ^I.-gen. Geo. Bvng Harman. R.-adm. Geo. fryon.u>f.;*AlJ'.>''«'*-- 1887, Col. Robt. Cunliffe Lowe. July 1. AVm. Stephen Alexr. Loekhart. 1888. M.-gen. Regd. Gipps, < .h., Jan. Ki. KNIGHTS C0M:MANDERS— CIVIL DIVISION. (K.C.B.) Under Statute of Apr. 1, 1847. See Introduction, ante, p. 7'>H. Victoria.. * * Count Alexr. Mensdorf. '^/PSIlSiS. Hy. Lytton Earle Bulwer, aft. Id. Apr. 27. Dalling and Bulwor. Hy. Ellis. Richd. Pakenham. Jas. Brooke. Geo. Russell Clerk^f. < Hy. Light. Geo. Grey.'SH'W-. Chas. Edw. Trevelyan. 4|f-^f. Sir Randolph Isham Routh, V.-adm. Beaufort. Jas. Stephen. 31. -gen. Wm. Morison. Lt.-col. Hy. Montgonifry Law- rence. k,4Z<.*tvw Lt.-gen. Duncan Mcdircgor. Lt.-col. Chas. Rowan. Hy. Miers Elliot, June ij. Thos. Nichs. Redington, Aug.!28. Saml. Geo. Bonham, Nov. '22Ml>t. Sir . 1848. Dec. 2(1 1849. i-.i/iif 1851, i-lHi Mar. 1, 1851, ( )et. 25 *i''M'»''^jJas. Hudson, Mar. 2. 1850, :Maj. Hy. Creswick Rawlinsoii/t^^^^ 'Vz/vfeb. 5. .Jno. Laird Mair Lawrence, aft. Id. Lawrence. M.-gen. Wm. Hy. Sleeman. M.-gen. Jas. Outram*^^ Benj. Hawes. i 1856. Lt.-gen. Mark Cubbon. May L'C. I Lt.-col. sir Wm. Thos. Denison, July I'J. K.-adin. Chas. Elliot. July lit. Hon. Jno. Duncan Bligh, Sept. Ml f MJ.<.J-^//'iAArthur Chas. Magenis, Sept. 80. 1857^JnS?rieo7^W?xv-'ttJTeVre, Jan. 22. Hon. Thos. Wyse. :Mar. 27. Col. Alexr. Miirrav Tulloch, Ajtr. 17. 1858. Col. Hon. Chas. Beaumont Phipps. .Tan. 21. Andr. Smith, July It. Richd. Madox Bromley, Si'))t. (>. Thos. Tassell Crant.^it. ^'>. <^-ci.x,Ui^,fJlli.-in\m. Alexr. MilneTDe.-. 20. ^1851). Col. Joshua Jebb. Mar. 2:> A^UijIn^/J-KHv. Bartle Edwd. FrereT^fay 20. / ' Robt. :Montgomerv, May -JOAzlMuifff ' 18()0. Rowland Hill, Feb. 10. " 18C0. Fredk. Jiis. Halliday. May 18. SirRobt.Nt.rthCoUieHamilton.bt.^-i.V^/if* M.-gen. Richd. Jns. Hollwell Birch. Col. Peter Melvill .Melvill. Lt.-Col. Herbert Benjn. Edwardos. DK^i/^TWiftf ?.'. )A.I#WjM^,-.iH.yW,//<*'^ June 18. Arth. Helps, July 18. M.-Gen. Geo. Hall McGregor, 1873, Hy. Thring, aft. Id. Thring. June 25. Mar. 27. Alfd. Power, .i ?Ahc/J'/'^ Jno. Peter Grant, Feb. 14. 1874. Lt.-col. Jas. Macnaghten Hogg, Jno. Hay Drummond Hay, May 20. aft. McGarel-Hogg and Id. Harry Smith Parkes, June 20. Magheramorne, May 16. Rutherford Alcock, June 20. 1875. Hy. Cole, Mar. 25. 1862, Wm. Stevenson. Col. Hy. Atwell Lake, Mar. 25. July 23. Philip Edmd. Wodehouse. Thos. Fras. Wade, Nov. 25. Chas. Hy. Darling. 1876. Chas., 5th Id. Suffield, May 17. M.-gen. Edwd Macai'thur. Capt. Geo. Strong Nares, Nov. 'i-i^J^M 18G2. Augs.Wm. Fredk. Spencer Loftus, 29. c.c. Id. Augs. Loftus, Dec. 12. 1877. Col. Jno. Stokes. July 23. ii./'4.qhU,^''if.-.B.on. Fredk. Wm. Adolphus 1877, Lt.-col. Edmd. Fredk. Du Cane. Brace, Dec. 12. Aug. 6. Col. sir Lewis Pelly. 1868. Sir Roderick Impey Murchison, Commiss.-gen. Hy. Wm. Gordon. Feb. S.-^i^' j 1878. Edmd. Yeamans Walcot Hender- Henry Fras. Howard, Mar. 3. ' son. Mar. 15. Col. Thos. Myddelton Biddulph, Chas. Stuart Aubrey, 3rd Id. Mar. 10. I Tenterden, July 29. Augs. Berkeley Paget, Mar. 17. \f.(-8.ii'J^iffrJno. Savile Lumley, Oct. 10. Capt. Pr. Ern. Leop., &c., of' Sir Rd. Wallace, bt., Nov. 14. Lelningen, Aug. 7. <<»ii)wWU879. Lt.-gen. Hy. Fredk. Ponsonby, Jas. Douglas, Aug. 11. ' Mar. 12. " Geo. Fredk. Edmonstone, Dec. | 1879, Sir Fras. Rd. Sandford.^i*Of -i '■ii.n)U^(rjX- Aifl^cM. 1863. 11. M.-gen. Wm. Marcus Coghlan, 1 June 7. Lt.-gen. Sir Jno. Gaspard Le i Marchant, Aug. 9. Maj. Jno. Clayton Cowell, Aug. i 23. Wm. Hutt, Nov. 27. \ Pr. Victor Ferd., &c., of Hohen- lohe-Langenburg. Jan. 29. Sir Alexr. Malet, bt. June 23. Hon. Chas. Augs. Murray. Hon. Jno. Hy. Thos. Manners- Sutton. Sir Jas. Clark, bt. Thos. Erskine May, aft. Id. Farn- borough. Chas. Pressly. Gen. Wm. Thos. KnoUys, Apr. 3. Jno. Alexr. Macdonald, June 29. Wm. Rose, Oct. 14. R.-adm. Jas. Craufurd Caffin. V.-adm. Robt. Spencer Robinson. Antony Panizzi. July 27. Lt.-gen. Edwd. Sabine. 1870. M.-gen. Wm. Erskine Baker, Feb. 1. M.-gen. Geo. Balfour, June 24. ^-^-Hi 1864. 1865. 1866. 1866, 1866, July 6 1867. 1868, Dec. 7. 1869, May 31. Ralph Robt. Wheler Lingen, aft. Id. Lingen. Jno. Lambert. 1879. Maj. Pierre Louis Napoleon Cavagnari, July 19. Sir Hv. Drummond Wolff, Sept. 24. ' 1880. Theodore Martin. May 20. Hon. Adolph. Fredc. Octavius . Liddell, Apr. 20. Jno. Tilley, Apr. 20. Luitbert Alexr. Geo. Lionel Alphonse Freiher Von Pawel- Rammingen. May 24. Edwd. Jas. Reed, Au^^. 14. Hy. Brougham Loih, Sept. 18. Cnas. Jno. Herries, Oct. 27. 1881. Lt.-col. Wm. Fitzwilliam Lenox May 24. Conynghaui. Lt.-col. Hambleton Fras. Cus- tance. Lt.-col. Thos. Heron, vise. Rane- lagh. Lt.-col. Robt. Loyd Lindsay. ■._i^lJ/A/Wv^. Thos. Brassey, aft. Id. Brasse'y. ' Capt. Fredk. Jno. Owen Evans. Alld. Comyns Lyall. E/j^881. Edwin Baldwin Malet, Oct. 8. TiiK BOOK OF DIGNITIES iM^iff) 1«82. Jas. Caird, June 2. Rali)h Wood Thompson, June 2. Geo. Kettilbv Rickards, June 24. Robt.BurnettDavidMorior,Oct.l(;. Robt. Geo. Wyndham Herbert. Dec. 26. 1882. Regd. Earle Welby, Dec. 2(\. 1883. Lyon Playfair, Apr. 'J.arKAP(ti}*t^ Col. Jno. Graham ^IcKerlio. Sept. 15. 1884. Prof. Richd. Owen, Jan. 5. Robt. Geo. Crookshank Hatiiilton, Jan. 12. Robt. Hawthorn Collins, Apr. 15. Prince Louis Alexr. of Batten- burg. Apr. 2S). Hon. Spencer Cecil Brabazon Ponsonby-Fanc, ilay 24. Hy. Wentworth Acland, m.d.. May 24.«i-<-M-. 1885. Nathl. Barnaby, June 15. Augs. Keppel Stephenson. June 30. Gen. Alexr. Nelson, vise. Brid- port, July 22. Ralph Allen Gossot. Aug. 11. Arthur Lawrence HalUburton, Aug. 25. Tho8. Crawford, Aug. 25. Philip Hy. Wodehouse Curric, Dec. 1. 1885. 188(). Feb. 2. DsKr,. 1887. June 21. 1888, Jan. 7. 1888, June 2. 1888. Geo. Edwd. Pavet. Dec. 26. Col. Jas. Fraser. Wm. Stuart Walker. Fras. Brockinan Morley, Feb. 2. Col. Fredk. Winn Kni:ht. Feb. 5. Hy. Robinson. May 21). Sir Fras. Philip Cunliffe Owen. June 28. Algernon Edwd. West, July M>. Col. Donald Matheson. Lt.-gcn. sir Dighton Macnaght<»n Probyn. JIaj. sir Evelyn Baring.^ . Sir Jno. Jenour. bt. See " Registrars and Secretaries," infra. Registrars and Secretaries. 1755. Wm. \'' hitehead (Poet Lnur.). 1785. Wm. Fauquier, Se})t. 24. 1805. Maj. hon. Chas. Banks Stan- hope. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 785 1809. Jno Chas. Herries, Jan. 1822. Lt. -col. Wm. Lewis Herries Sir W., Aug. 31. 1859. Capt. Michl. Seymour, aft adm. sir M. ; Apr. 4. Alb. Wm. Woods, aft. sir A. Kings of Arms. See " Bath and Gloucester Kings of Arms," ante, p. 330. Grey Longueville, May 172.5. Hon. Edwd. Young, form. regr. 1745. Wm. Woodley, 175G-7. Saml. Horsey, Jan. 12, 1757. Dec. Thos. GeryCullum, aft. bt., Dec. 14, 1771. Fras. Townsend. deputy, 1788-1812. John Palmer Cullum, Apr. ?>, 1801. Maj. Algn. Greville, Aug. 20, 1829. V.-adm, hon. Geo. Grey, 1865. THE ORDER OF THE GUELPHS— HANOVER. This Ordei- was instituted on Aug. 12, 1815, to commemorate the raising of Hanover into a Icingdom. The kings of England being also kings of Hanover, the Order was often conferred upon British subjects ; but when, on the accession of Queen Victoria in 1837, the two kingdoms became separated, the Order thenceforth became entirely a foreign one. The Order consisted of the King of Hanover as Sovereign and Grand Master, and of three classes of knights not limited in number — Knights Grand Cross, Knights Commanders, and Knights, each class being also sub-divided into civil and military divisions. The oflficers of the Order were — Chancellor. Vice-Chancellor. Secretary. King of Arms. The Order was styled — " The Order of the Guelphs." The following lists are confined to British subjects, and stop on the separation of Hanover from England in 1837. Those entered as ap- pointed by King Ernest of Hanover were nominated by William IV., who died before their appointments were completed. MEMBERS OF THE ORDER OF THE GUELPHS. Those marked "C" lielong to t/te Civil Divisions. KNIGHTS GRAND CROSS OF THE ORDER OF THE GUELPHS. (G.C.H.) 1815, Fredk., D. of York and Albany. I 1815, Ernest Augs., D. of Cumberland. Aug. 12. Wm. Hy., D. of Clarence, aft, Aug. 12. Aug. Fredk.. D. of Sussex, nom., Wm. IV. but did not accede until 1830. Edwd., D. of Kent. I Adolph. Fredk., D. of Cambridge. 50 786 1815, Aug. U 1815. 1816. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES i8i; 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. Wm. Fredk., D. of Gloucester. Geo. Fredk. P., D. of Cumberland, aft. K. of Hanover. Geo. Fredk Wm. Ghas., aft. D. of Cambridge. Pr. Leopold of Saxe-Coburg, aft. K. of tlie Bel<,'ians, ISIar. 22. F.M. Arth., D. of Wellington. Gen. Hy., M. of Anglesea. Gen. Chas. Wm., Id. Stewart, aft. M. of Londonderry. Thos. Trevor, vise. Hampden, C. Robt., Id. Castlereagh, aft. M. of Londonderry, C. Lt.-gen. Sir Hy. Clinton. Gen. hon. Sir Chas. Colville. Lt.-gen. sir .Jas. Kempt. Gen. Rowland, Id. Hill. Gen. sir Geo. Don. Lt.-gen sir Geo. Murray. Gen. Cbas., 3rd E. of Harrington. Geo. Jas. M. of Cbolmondeley, C. Gen. sir Thos, Maitland. V.-adm. sir Edmd. Nagle. Gen. sir Harry Calvert, bt. Gen. Id. Wm. Cavendish-Ben- tinck. Gen. sir Jas. Campbell, bt. Lt.-gen. sir Jas. Lyon. Lt.-gen. Jno., Id. Burghersh. Gen. sir Alexr. Mackenzie, bt. Gen. sir Edwd. Howorth. Gen. Stapleton, vise. Comber- mere. Lt.-gen. sir Hy. Tucker Montresor. Gen sir Jno. Murray, bt. Gen. sir Hy. Fredk. Campbell. Gen. Vvm. Carr, vise. Beresford. V.-adm. sir Thos. Eras. Fre- mantle. Gen. Fras., 1st M. of Hastings. Fras. Chas.,E. of Yarmouth, aft. M. of Hertford, C. Jno. , E. of Mayo, C. Adm. sir Jno. Borlase Warren, bt. Gen. sir Chas. Hastings, bt. Sir Geo. Rose, C. Alleync, Id. St. Helens, C. F.M. sir Saml. Ilulse. Lt.-gen. Benj., Id. Bloomfield. Lt.-gen. sir Colin Halkett. Gen. sir Jno. IMacleod. Lt.-gen. sir Jno. Hope. Lt.-gen. sir Clias. A.sgill, bt. Richd., K. of Clancarty, C. Gen. Hy., M. Conyngham. Sir Brook Taylor^ C. Jas., E. of Fife. C. Fras. Nat hi., E. of ilount Charles, aft. M. Conyngliani. C. Sir Wm. Knighton, lit., C. Sir Fras. Nalhl. Burton, C. Gen. sir liufiino Shaw Donkin. Percy Sidney Clinton, vise. Strangford, C. 1824. 1826. 1827. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. Lt.-gen. sir Jas. Willoughby Gordon, bt. Lt.-gen. sir Herbert Taylor. Richd., 3rd E. of Clanwilliam, C. Lt.-gen. sir Jno. Byng, aft. Id. Strafford. Gen. sir Fras. Thos. Hammond. Gen. sir Tomkyns Hilgrove Tur- ner. Lt.-gen. sir Jos. Fuller. Gen. sir Wm. Houston, bt. Sir Wm. Fremantle. Lt.-gen.. Id. Geo. Thos. Beresford. Gen., 3rd E. of Ashburnham. Sir Robt. Gordon, C. Wm. Geo., 10th E. of Erroll, C. Rd. Wm.. E. Howe, C. Sir Hy. Halford, bt.. C. Sir Jonn. Wathen Waller, bt., C. Jno. Delaval, E. of Tyrconnell, C. Wm., Id. Maryborough. Gen. sir Jas. Stewart, bt. Geo., 4th E. of Glasgow, C. Gen. Hon. sir Hy. Geo. Grey. Lt.-gen. sir Richd. Hussey Vivian, bt. Adm. sir Wm. Hargood. Adm. Id. Amelius Beauclerk. Lt.-gen. sir Edwd. Kerrison, bt. Lt.-gen. sir Thos. Maedongall. Lt.-gen. sir Jno. Keane, aft. Id. Keane. Lt.-gen. sir Thos. Bradford. Lt.-gen. sir Colquhonn Grant. Geo. Hamilton, E. of Belfast, aft. 3rd JI. of Donegal, C. Lucius Bentinck, 10th vise. Falk- land, C. V.-adm. Id. .Tas. O'Bryen. Sir Robt. Wilmot Horton, bt., C. Lt.-gen. sir Jno. Smith. Gen. Geo. Coekburn. aft. bt. Sir Gore Ouseley, bt., C. Sir Philip Chas. Sidney, aft. Id. De LTsle and Dudley. C. Ld. Fred. FitzClarence, C. Sir Hv. Watkin Williams Wvnn, bt..'C. Sir Edwd. Cromwell Disbrowe. C. Gen. sir .Josiah Champange. Gen. sir ^lartin Hunter. Gen. sir .Tno. Frascr. Capt.ld.Adolphus FitzClarence, C. V.-adm. hon. sir Chas. Paget. Constantino Hy., E. of Mulgrave, aft. M. of Xonnanby, C. Adm. sir Isaac Coffin, bt. V.-adm. sir Peter Halkett. bt. V.-adm. sir Edwd. W. C. R. Owen. V.-adni. hon. sir Hv. Blackwood; ,1. is:!i>. Gen. sir Fredk. Augs. Wotherall. Wm. Basil Percy, E. of Denbigh, C. Gen. hon. sir Alexr. Duff. THE BOOK OP DIGNITIES. 787 1833. Sir Chas. Riclid. Vaughan, C. Geo. Wm., D. of Argyll, C. Wm. Chas., E. of Albemarle, C. Lt.-gen. sir Andr. F. Barnard. 1834. Sir Thos. Cartwright, C. Lt.-gen sir Hy. Bayly. Adm. sir Chas. Edmd. Nugent. M.-gen. sir Hy. Wheatley. Lt.-gen. sir Robt. Bolton. V.-adm. sir Wm. Hall Gage. Jno., 1st E. Brownlow, C. Sir Robt. Grant, C. Capt. sir Geo. Fras. Seymour. M.-gen. sir Benjn. Chas. Stephen- son. Wm. Pitt, 1st E. Amherst, C. Geo., 5th E. of Jersey, C. 1835. Thos., 2nd E. of Wilton, C. Richd. , M. of Chandos, aft. D. of Buckingham and Chandos, C. Gen. sir Jno. Slade, bt. V.-adm. sir Jno. Gore. Lt.-gen. sir Wm. Keir Grant. 1835. Jno., E. of Clare. M.-gen. sir Jas. Cockburn, bt. Lt.-gen. sir Ralph Darling. V.-adm. sir Chas. Rowley, bt. 1836. V.-adm. Richd. Dacres. Sir Geo. Hamilton Seymour, 0, Gen. sir Saml. Hawker. Adm. sir Jno. Poo Beresford, bt. Jno. 13th Id. Elphinstone, C. Sir Astley Paston Cooper, C. Lt.-gen. sir Edwd. Blakeney. Capt. Id. Jno. Fredk. Gordon, K.N., C. Lt.-gen. sir Lionel Smith, bt. Lt.-gen. sir Jno. Colborne, aft. Id. Seaton. 1837. Lt.-col. sir Richd. Church. M.-gen. Alexr. Geo., 16th Id. Saltonn. Gen. sir Jno. Gustavus Crosbie. Sir Chas. Edwd. Grey. Lt.-gen. sir Chas. Wm. Doyle. 1837. Appointed by King Ernest op Hanover. See Introduction, ante, p. 785. Jos. Planta, C. | 1837. M.-gen. sir Chas. Wade Thornton. KNIGHTS COMMANDERS OF THE ORDER OF THE GUELPHS. (K.C 1816. M.-gen. sir Jas. Lyon. M.-gen. sir Benjn. Bloomfield. Lt.-gen. sir Rolat. Bolton. M.-gen. sir Colquhoun Grant. M.-gen. .sir Colin Halkett. Col. Philip Roche. I M.-gen. sirRd. Hussey Vivian, bt. M.-gen. sir Geo. Adam Wood. 1817. M.-gen. sir Alexr. Dickson. Sir Wm. Congrove, bt. 1818. Lt.-gen. sir Benjn. D'Urban. ,R.-adm. sir Home Riggs Popham. 1819. Lt.-gen. sir Jno. Elley. M.-gen. sir Andrew F. Barnard. Lt.-gen. sir Fras. Thos. Hammond. Before M.-gen. Herbert Taylor. 1820. Lt.-gen. sir Tomkyns Hilgrove Turner. R.-adm. hon. Chas. Paget. M.-gen. sirHaylett Framingham. Col. sir Wm. Rose. 1820. Col. sir Robt. Wm. Gardiner. M.-gen. Jas., Id. Glenlyon. Lt.-gen. Sir Geo. Airey. 1821. Lt.-gen. sir Chas. Wm. Doyle. Lt.-gen. sir Saml. Ford Whit- tingham. Lt.-gen. sir Geo. Augs. Quentin. Col. Thos. Hy. Browne. M.-gen. sir Wm. Keir Grant. Col. sir Hy. Fredk. Cooke. Gen. Geo. Cockburn, aft. bt. M.-gen. sir Edwd. Kerrison, bt. H. 1822. 1824. 1826. 1827. Before 1828. 1828. 1829. Lt.-Col. sir Richd. Church. M.-gen. Louis Wm., vise. Chabot. M.-gen. sir Jno. May. Col. sir Jas. Hy. Reynett. M.-gen. sir Jno. Harvey. Col. sir Wm. Lewis Herries. Sir Fredk. Beilby Watson, C. Sir Jno. Conroy, bt. Col. sir Jno. Macra, C. Sir Hy. Halford, m.d., C. Sir Jonn. Wathen Waller, bt. Capt. hon. Robt. Cavendish Spencer. M.-gen. sir Jas. Carmichael Smyth, bt. Ld. Albert Convngham, C. Col. Augs. Fredk. D'Este, C. Hon. John Kennedy Erskine. M.-gen. sir Willoughbj' Cotton. Sir Philip Chas. Sidney, C. M.-gen. sir Alexr. Bryce. M. -gen. hon. sir Fredk. Cavendish Ponsonby. Lt.-gen. sir Jas. Chas. Dalbiac. M.-gen. sir Chas. Wade Thornton. M.-gen. sir John Brown. M.-gen. sir Jas. Cami^bell. Sir John Hall, C. Sir Geo. Harrison, C. Col. sir Wm. Gosset. Capt. sir Geo. Fras. Seymour. Capt. sir Thos. Ussher. Sir Matth. Tierney, bt., C. 50 * 788 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1831. Col. sir Hy. Wheatley. M.-gen. sir Benjn. Chas. Stephen- son. Col. sir Jos. Whatley. M.-gen. sir Steph. Remnant Chapman. Sir Wm. Burnett, m.d., C. Lt.-col. hen. Edwd. Gust. Sir Geo. Baillie Hamilton, C. Lt.-gen. sir Phineas Riall. Lt.-gen. sir Wm. Hutcliinson Lt.-gen. sir Lewis Grant. Lt.-gen. sir Geo. Pownall Adams. M.-gen. sir Amos Godsill Robt. Xorcott. Al.-gen. sir Jas. Cockbum, bt. Col. sir Michael McCreagh, M.-gen. sir Evan .John Murray MacGregor, bt. M.-gen. sir Thos. Downman. M.-gen. sir Xeil Douglas. Col. sir Archd. Christie. Capt. sir Wm. Howe Mulcaster. M.-gen. Wm. Tuyll. Sir John Bedingtield, C. Lt.-gen. sir Saml. Hawker. M.-gen. sir Geo. Bulteel Fisher. Sir Wm. Pym, m.d., C. 1832. M.-gen. sir Jas. Hay. Gen. sir Warren Marmaduke Peacocke. Lt.-gen. sir Chas. Bulkeley Egerton. Lt.-gen. Wm. Sheridan. M.-gen. sir John Fredk. Sigismond Smith. Lt.-gen. sir Wm. Paterson. Lt.-gen. sir Wm. Nicolay. M.-gen. sir Arth. Benjn. Clifton. M.-gen. sir Geo. Whitmore. M.-gen. sir Leonard Greenwell. M.-gen. sir Robt. Hy. Dick. M.-gen. sir Fredk. Wm. Trench. Capt. sir Wm. Augs. Montague. Sir Wm. Franklin, C. Sir Hy. Seaton, C. Lt.-gen. sir John Macleod. Lt.-gen. sir Fredk. Wm. Mul- caster. M.-gen. Fras., count Rivarola. M.-gen. sir Wm. Parker Carrol. M.-gen. sir John Hanbury. M.-gen. sir David Ximenes. Capt. sir John Marshall. Sir John Webb, m.d., C. Lt.-gen. sir .)os. Straton. M.-gen. sir John Geo. Woodford. Sir Geo. Hamilton Seymour, C. M.-gen. sir Wm. Douglas. Lt.-gen. sir Thos. Browne. M.-gen. sir Wm. Comwallis Eustace. Capt. sir Xisbet Josiah Wil- loughby. Capt. sir Andr. Pellet Green. 1832. R.-adm. sir Arth. Farquhai Commi>8.-gen. sir John Bisset, C* Sir John Deas Thompson, C. Capt. sir Chas. Marsh Schom- berg. Sir Geo. .Jackson, C. Capt. sir Humphrey Fleming Senhouse. V.-adm. hon. Courtenay Boyle. 1833. Lt.-gen. sir David Latimer Tinlinj Widdrington. Lt.-gen. Wm. Geo., Id. Harris. R.-adm. sir Edwd. Dumford King. Capt. sir Fras. Augs. Collier. Capt. sir Richd. Spencer. M.-gen. sir John Boscawen Savage. Capt. sir .John Saml. Brooke Pechell, bt. Lt.-gen. sir Hy. John Cumming. 1834. Lt.-gen. sir Evan Lloyd. Lt.-gen. sir Thos. Gage Mon- tresor. Lt.-gen. sir Saml. Trevor Dickens. M.-gen. sir Jas. Kearney. M.-gen. sir Lorenzo Moore. M.-gen. sir Jas. Viney. M.-gen. sir Hy. Willoughby Rooke. M.-gen. sir Patr. Ross. M.-gen. sir Hy. King. R.-adm. sir John Ferris Deron- shire. R.-adm. sir Jas. Hillyar. R.-adm. sir Salusbury Davenport. Commiss.-gen. sir Wm. Hy. Robinson, C. Commiss.-gen. sir Robt. Hugh Kennedy, C. Sir John Woolmore, C. Lt.-gen. sir Jos. Alaclean. R.-adm. sir Hugh Pigot. R.-adm. sir Robt. Barrie. Col. sir Saml Gordon Higgins. Lt.-col. sir Elmd. Currey. M.-gen. sir Pitr. Lindesay. In 1834. Capt. hon. sir Hj'. Duncan. 1836. R.-adm. sir Chas. Bullen. Capt. sir Wm. Hy. Dillon. Capt. sir Wm. Elliott. Capt. sir Edmd. Lyons, bt. M.-gen. sir Thos. Bligh St. George. Col, Patr. Doherty. M.-gen. sir Thos. Pearson. M.-gen. sir Maurice Chas. O'Connell. M.-gen. sir Octavius Cary. Ca])t. Id. Jas. Townshend. Col. hon. Horatio Coo. Powys Townshend. R.-adm. sir Snml. Warren. V.-adm. sir Robt. Lewis Fitz- gerald. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 78» 1835. 1836. 1837. Maj. sir. Fras. Bond Head, bt., C. Lt.-gen. sir Wiltshire Wilson. M.-gen. sir Chas. Wm. Maxwell. M.-gen. sir Wm. Gabriel Davy. Capt. hon. Fleetwood Broughton Reynolds Pellew. Capt. hon. Jas. Ashley Maude. Capt. sir John Strutt Peyton. Capt. Richd. O'Conor. Capt. sir Hy. Hart. Capt. sir Jas. John Gordon Bremer. Sir Robt. Ker Porter, C. Capt. sir John Franklin, C. Sir John Nicol Robt. Campbell, C. Lt.-gen. sir Alexr. Halkett. 1837. Lt.-gen. sir Robt. Barton. Lt.-gen. sir Angs. De Butts. Lt.-gen. sir Thos. Hawker. V.-adni. sir Adam Drummond. Capt. sir David Dunn. Capt. sir Edwd. Chetham. Capt. sir Thos. Mansell. Sir Woodbine Parish, C. M.-gen. sir Edwd. Bo water. M.-gen. sir Jas. Macdonell. M.-gen. sir Robt. McCleverty. R.-adm. sir John Wentworth Loring. Col. sir Geo. Arthur. Sir David Davies, m.d., C. Wm. Fredk. Chambers, M.D., C. Capt. Thos. Barker Devon. Appointed by King Ernest of Hanover. See Introduction, ante, p. 785. 1837. M.-gen. sir Fredk. Walker. Capt. sir John Duff Markland. Col. sir Wm. Verner. Sir Chas. Ferd. Forbes, m.d., C. 1837. Capt. sir Watkin Owen Pell. Col. sir Wm. Chalmers. Sir Robt. Alexr. Chermside, m.d., C. KNIGHTS OF THE ORDER OF THE GUELPHS. (K.H.) 1816. Sir Geo. Nayler, York Her., aft. Garter ; K.A. of the Order. Col. Peter Augs. Lautour. 1823. Maj. Wm. Havelock. 1824. Sir Jas. Robt. Grant, m.d., C. Capt. Thos. Carey. 1825. Capt. Arthur Farquhar. Lt.-col. Sir Wm. Osborne. Lt.-col. John Mervin Cutliffe. 1817. Col. Stephen Remnant Chapman. Col. Archd. Christie. 1827. Col, Richd. D. Hanagan. 1828. 1818. Capt. Andr. Pellet Green. Col. Chas. Ashe A'Court. 1830. Col. Chas. Philip de Bossett. Col. Gideon Gorrequer. Col. Sir Felton Elwill Bathurst Hervey. Lt.-col Jas. Reynett. Lt.-col. Nathl. Eckersley. Lt.-col. Thos. Hy. Brown. 1831. 1819. Col. Sir Alexr. Bryce. Lt.-col. Wm. Thornhill. Lt.-col. Archd. McDonald. Lt.-col. Chas. Wade Thornton. Capt. Jas. MacGlashan. 1820. Capt. Thos. B.irker Devon. Sir Andr. Halliday, C. Benjn. Chas. Stevenson, C. 1821. Capt. Vicomte Thos. De Grenier Fonblanque. Col. Sir Evan John Murray McGregor. 1822. Maj. Robt. Hutchinson Orde. Capt. D'Arcy Todd. 1823. Sir Danl. Bayley. Lt.-col. Edwd. Chas. Whinyates. Sir David Scott, bt., G. John Hall, C. M.-gen. Geo. Jas. Reeves. Lt.-col. Sir Wm. Davison. Maj. Roche Meade. Sir John Meade, m.d., C. Maj. Richd. Hardinge. Sir Jonn. Wathen Waller, bt., C. Lt.-col. Edwd. Anthy. Angelo. Capt. hon. Chas. Southwell. Timothy Brent, C. Lt.-col. Sir John Mark Fredk. Smith. Col. Sir Jas. Maxwell Wallace. Lt.-col. JohnHobart, Id. Howden. Capt. Wm. Augs. Montague. Col. Thos. Noel Harris. Col. Saml. Gordon Higgins. Col. Jas. Robertson Arnold. Lt.-col. Jas. Jones. Capt. Edwd. Sparshott. Capt. Andr. Atkins Vincent. Col. Geo. Cowper. Lt.-col. Mathias Everard. Lt.-col. Chas. Wright. Col. John Mordlyon Wilson. Lt.-col. John Hastings Mair. Col. Jas. Fredk. Love. Lt.-col. Robt. Simson. Col. Geo. Brown. Sir Robt. Alexr. Chermside, m.d., C. Wm. Taylor Money, C. Maj. Thos. Hy. Shadwell Clerke. 790 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1831. Lt.-col. Alexr. Kennedy Clark Kennedy. Lt.-col. Chas. Menzies. Chas. Kiinijf. Sir John. Fredk. Wm. Herschel, bt., C. Sir. Chas. Bell, C. Jas. Ivory, C. Sir David Brewster, C. Sir John Leslie, C. Lt.-col. Chas. DigKle. Lt.-col. Alexr. Campbell. Sir Xich.s, Harris Nicolas, C. In 1831. Lt.-eoi. Gustavus du Plat. 1832. Col. Wm. Kiddall. Col. Hy. Rainey. Lt.-col. St. John Augs. Clarke. Lt.-col. Jas. Considine. Lt.-col. Wm. Thorn. Lt.-col. John Cox. Lt.-col. Digby Mackworth. Maj Wm. Beckwith. Sir Saml. Rush Meyrick, C. Sir John Whiteford. C. Richd. Mellish, C. Capt. Robt. Smart. Col. Robt. Ross. Col. Hy. Daubeney. Col. Walter Tremenheere. Col. Geo. Wm. Paty. Col. Robt, Nickle. Lt.-col. Hy. Madox. Lt.-col. Geo. Graydon. Lt.-col. John Reed. Lt.-col. Thos. Eccles. Lt.-col. Chas. Barker Turney. Lt.-col. Sir Michl. Creagh. Maj. Archd. Stewart. Maj. Jas. Waller Samo Waller. Col. Nathl. Thorn. Col. Wm. Chalmers. Col. Edwd. Walker, Col. Hy. Jas. Riddell, Lt.-col. Wm. Beresford. Lt.-col. Jas. Chas. Chatterton. Lt.-col. Robt. Christr. Mansell. Lt.-col. John Peddie. Lt.-col. Leslie Walker. Stepney Cowell, C. Lt.-col. Steph. Holmes. Maj. Wm. Onslow. Lt.-col. Geo. E. Jones. Lt.-col. John Marshall. Sir Fredk. Madden, C. Nichs. Carlisle, C. Sir Fras. Palgravo, C. Sir Hy. Ellis, C. Edmd. Lodge (Clarencieux K.A.) C. 1833. M.-gen. Sir Geo. Teosdale. Lt.-col. Siiinl. Dales. Lt.-col. Robt. Bull. Col. Thos. Staunton St. Clair. Lt.-col. Chas. Archd. ilacalister. Col. Goo. Augs. Wctherall. 1833. Lt.-col. Edwd. Thos. Fitzgerald. Col. Alexr. Fisher Macintosh. Lt.-col. Hy. Hanmer. Lt.-col. Jas. Freeth. Lt.-col. Chas. King. Lt.-col. Chas. Holland Hasting* Lt.-col. Sir Robt. Moubray. Comnulr. Cha.'<. Haultain. Lt.-col. John Wright. Col. .John Owen. Lt.-col. .John Garland. Maj. Wm. F'redk. Forster. Maj. John Arnaud. Lt.-eol. .John Chas. Hope. Maj. John Fitzmaurice. Maj. Jeremiah Ratcliffe. Lt.-col. Ronald Regd. Macdonald, Col. Fras. Maule. John Clarke, m.d., C. Maj. Geo. Doherty. Capt. Sir Geo. Tyler. Sir Chas, Wilkins, C. Sir Graves Chaumev Haughton, C» Robt. Wm. St. John, C. 1834. Col. Wm. Greenshield Power. Lt.-col. NVm. Gardner Freer. Col. John Hare. Col. Sir Andr. Leith Hay. Lt.-col. Warner Westenra Higgina. Lt.-col. Alexr. Hope Pattison. Lt.-col. Jas. Mc.Mair. Col. Robt. Burd Gabriel. Lt.-col. Chas McGrigor. Col. Hy. Somerset. Lt.-col. John Cross. Maj. Barth. Vigors Derinzy. Col. Sir .Joseph Thackwell. Lt.-col. Wm. Gordon Cameron, Lt.-col. Rico Jones. Lt.-col. Nathan Wilson. Maj. Wm. Mackie. Lt.-col. Robt. Winchester. Maj. Geo. Antoino Ramsay. Maj. Sir Fras. Bond Head. Commdr. Joseph Chappell Wool- nough. Col. Thos. Abernethie. Capt, Edwd. Lloyd. Sir Geo. IMagrath, m.d,, C. Col. Fras. Sherlock. Lt.-fol. Wm. McAdam. Lt.-col. Wm. Granville Eliot. Lt.-col. John Elliot Cairnos. Lt.-col. Sir Thos. Stephen SorelL Col. Harry Bulteel Harris. Capt. Robt. Fair. Capt. .John Toup Nicolas. Lt.-col. Jos. Vaihick. Capt. Sir Eaton Travors. Lt. Col. Chas. Hamilton Smith. Sir Wm. Woods ((iarter K. A.), C, Sir Alexr. Fcrrier. Lt. Col. Sir Wm. Macbean Goo. Colobrooko. 1835. Col. Saml. Rice. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 791 1835. Col. Wm. Wood. Capt. Wm. Willmott Henderson. Lt.-col. John Jordan. Col. Richd. Roberts. Lt.-col. Chichester W. Crook- shanks. Lt.-col. Edwd. Jackson. Col. Thos. Bunbury. Lt.-col. John Spink. Lt.-col. Wm. Pearce. Lt.-col. Wm. Bush. Lt.-col. Id. Robt. Kerr. Lt.-col. Lovell Benjn. Lovell. Lt.-col. Chas. Stisted Col. Wm. Jervois. Col. Robt. Barclay Macphersont Lt.-col. Jas. Harvey. Lt.-col. Sir John RowlandEustace. Lt.-col. John Tyler. Lt.-col. Geo. Disbrowe. Lt.-col. Thos. Hy. Morice. Lt.-col. Thos. Wm. Nicholson. Lt.-col- Sir Hy. Bayly. Lt.-col. Fredk. MacBean. Lt.-col. Wm. Cox. Maj. Jos. Anderson. Maj. Arthur Hill Trevor. Maj. Donald John McQueen. Maj. Thos. Ryan. Maj. Saml. Thorpe. Lt-col. Pringle Taylor. Lt.-col. Wm. Freke Williams. Maj. Jas. Forlong. Maj. Robt. Mullen. Maj. Robt. Bidwell Edwards. Commdr. Sir Wm. Brown. Commdr. Walter Kirbj-. Lt.-col. Hy. Booth. Lt.-col. John Campbell. 1836. M.-gen. Love Parry Jones Parry. Col. Nathl. Burslem. Col. Sir Chas. Webb Dance. Col. John Potter Hamilton. Col. Miller Clifford. Col. Steph. Arth. Goodman. Lt.-col. Harris Corke Hailes. Col. Thos. Thornbury Wooldi'ige. Col. Geo. Dean Pitt. ' Lt.-col. Saumarez Brock. Col. Thos. Valiant. Col. Nichs. Hamilton. Lt.-col. Gervase Turbcrvill. Lt -col. Geo. Gore. Col. Geo. Augs. Henderson. Lt.-col. Chas. Leslie. Lt.-col. Robt. Ander.son. Col. John McCaskill. Lt.-col. Alesr. Findlay. Lt.-col. Paul Phipps. " Col. Jas. Campbell. Col. Richd. England. Lt.-col. John Geddes. Col. hon. Chas Gore. Lt.-col. John Christr. Harrison. Col. Alexr. Munro. 1836. Lt.-col. John Oldfield. Lt.-col. Edwd. Wildman. Lt.-col. Thos. Weare. Lt.-col. Cudl)ert French. Col. Sir Hy. Geo. Macleod. Lt.-col. Aichd. Montgomery Maxwell. Lt.-col. Alexr. Gierke. Col. Hy. Balneavis. Lt.-col. Edwd. Thos. Fitzgerald. Lt.-col. Norcliffe Norcliflfe. Maj. John. Wilson. Maj. Jas. Henderson. Maj. John R^byns. Lt.-col. Wm. Hy. Newton. Lt.-col. Edwd. Charleton. Lt.-col. Hy. Herbert Manners. Maj. John Paul Hopkins. Maj. Nichs. Wilson. Maj. Robt. Edwd. Burrowes. Maj. Wm. Edwd. Page, ^laj. Geo. Pipon. Maj. Thos. Molyneux Williams. Maj. Plomer Young. Lt.-col. Alexr. Barton. Lt.-col. Arth. Du Bourdieu. Maj. Chas. Cornwallis Michell. Maj. Robt. Garrett. Maj. John Salisbury Jones. Capt. Wilson Braddyll Bigland. Capt. Stanhope Lovell. Capt. Buckhiiid Stirling Bluett. Capt. John Carpenter. Capt. Sir Hy. John Leeke. Capt. Saml. Radford. Capt. Wm. Hotham. Capt. Alexr. Barkclay Branch. Commdr. Jos. Sherer. Maj. Jas. Butler. Lt.-col. Abrm. Josias Cloete. Geo. Fredk. Beltz (Lancaster Her.), C. Sir Wm. Jackson Hooker, C. Capt. John Hindmarsh. Commdr. Sir Jas. Pearl. Commdr. Alexr. Maconochie. Sir Jos. de Courcy Laffan., bt., Gt John M. Brackenbury. C. Maj. Fredk. Chidley Irwin. Sir John Robison, C. 1837. Capt. Jas. Rvder Burton. Capt. Jas. Wm. Gabriel. Capt. Chas. Warde. Commdr. Benjn. Morton Festing. Capt. Wm. John Cole. Commdr. John Powney. Commdr. Chnstr. Knight. Capt. Wm. Slaughter. Lt.-col. Geo. Paris Bradshaw. Lt.-col. Turtcliff Boger. Lt.-col. Chas. Cadell. Col. John Carter. Lt.-col. Alexr. Cairncro.s.s Lt.-col. John Crowder. Lt.-col. Wm. Elliott- 792 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1837. Col. Chesborough Grant Fal- conar. Lt.-col. Jas. Forrest Fulton. Lt.-col. Goo. Gawler. Lt.-col. John Hodge. Col. Thos. Phipps Howard. Lt.-col. Jas. Jackson. Lt.-col. .John Leslie. Lt.-col. Thos. Marten. Lt.-col. Donald Macpher.son. Lt.-col. John Moore. Lt.-col. Jas. Poole Oates. Lt.-col. Thos. Powell. Lt.-col. W'm. Sail. Lt.-col. Robt. ^Valton. Lt.-col. Geo. Wilkins. Maj. J. Jocelyn Anderson. Lt.-c 1. John Austen. Maj. Hy. Andrews. Lt.-col. Hy. Baynes. Maj. Wm. Bruce. Maj. Jas. Briggs. Maj. John Bogue. Maj. Wm. Burney. Lt.-col. Wm. Brereton. Maj. Peter Bishop. Lt.-col. Andr. Clarke. Maj. Robt. Noble Crosse. Maj. Eyre John Crabbe. Maj. John Clark. Lt.-col. John Crowe. Maj. Chas. Deane. Maj. Wm. Hy. Elliott. Maj. Robt. Fraser. Lt.-col. Wm. Green. Maj. Grove. Maj. Alexr. Grant. 1837. Maj. John. Wm. Henderson. Maj. Jos. Mark Harty. Maj. Jas. Price Hely. Lt.-col. Bissell Harvey. Maj. Norman Lamont. Maj. Hy. Fredk. Lockyer. Maj. Robt. Law. Maj. Piearce Lowen. Lt.-col. Chas. Levinge. Maj. Monson Molesworth Madden. Lt.-col. Geo. Marshall. Lt.-col. Wm. Miller. Lt.-col. John Pennycuick. Maj. Edwd. Jonn. Priestley. Lt.-col. Jas. Hy. Philps. Maj. Jas. Kerr Ross. Maj. John Singleton. Maj. Geo. Fitzgerald Stack. Maj. Jos. Clavell Sladdon Sly- field. Maj. Peregrine Fras. Thome. Maj. Jas. Travcrs. Maj. Jas. Badham Thornhill. Maj. Abrm. Beresford Taylor. Maj. Robt. Hy. Willcocks. Lt.-col. Wm. Leighton Wood. Jas. Arthur, m.u., C. Wm. Durie. C. Robt. Purkis Hillyar, C. Chas. F. Forbes, m.d., C. Capt. Sir Spencer Lambert Hunter Vassall. Lt.-col. John Falconar Briggs. Shefideld Grace, C. Jas. Burns, m.d.. C. Sir Chas. Augs. Fitzroy, C. AproiKTED BY King Ernest of Haxovkk. See Introduction, ante, p. 785. 1837. Commdr. Thos Gordon. Capt. H. S. Stephens. Capt. Geo. Gosling. Lt.-col. Benjn. Orlando Jones. Lt.-col Tho.s. Cox Kirby. Capt. Jas. Morgan. Maj. R. Wilkinson. Maj. Geo. John Belson. Col. John Rolt. Lt.-col. Anthy. Singleton King. Miij. Arth. Gore. Maj. North Ludlow Beamish. OFFICERS OF THE ORDER OF THE GUELPHS. Chancellors. 1815. Kaniost Fredk. Hy., Count I 1831. Louis Conrad Geo., Baron Munster, Aug. 12; Ves. 1831. | Ompteda ; res. 1837. Vice-Chancellors. 1815. G. H. Nieper; res. 1824. | 1824. Geo. Ernest Fredk. Hoppenstedt. Secretaries. 1815. John Geo. Lewis Moeller, Aug.;! 1833. Geo. Cliristr. L'chcnburg ; res. res. 1833. | 1837. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 793 Kings op Arms. 1815, Geo. Nayler, aft. Sir G. ; York j * * Augs. Neubourg. Aug. and Blanc Coursier Her., j and aft. Glarencieux and Garter i K.A.; d. Oct. 28, 18.31. THE ORDER OF ST. MICHAEL AND ST. GEORGE. This Order has probably undergone more changes than any other. It was originally instituted by Statutes of Apr. 27, 1818, and was then confined to " natives of the United States, of the Ionian islands, and of the island of Malta and its dependencies, and to such other subjects of his Majesty as may hold high and confidential situation in the Mediterranean." The Order at first consisted of the King of the United Kingdom as Sovereign, the Grand Master, 8 Knights Grand Cross (including the Grand Master), 12 Knights Commanders, and 24 Knights. It was enlarged by Statutes of Aug. 16, 1832, and then consisted of the Sove- reign, who was also Grand Master, 15 Knights Grand Cross, 20 Knights Commanders, and 25 Companions. Under Letters Patent of Dec. 31, 1850, and Statutes of Jan. 31, 1851, the constitution of the Order was modified, but it still remained confined to the Ionian Islands and Malta. The Ionian islands were ceded to Greece in 1863, and shortly after- wards the Order was completely reconstituted. By Statutes of Dec. 4, 1868 (gazetted July 1, 1869), as modified by Statutes of Apr. 3, 1869 (gazetted July 1, 1869), the persons admissible into the Order were to be natural-born or naturalized British subjects who had held office in or rendered services in relation to the Colonies. By the same Statutes the Order was declared to consist of the Sovereign, the Grand Master, 25 Knights Grand Cross, 60 Knights Commanders, and 100 Companions, with power to the Sovei'eign to appoint extra members of the first and second classes, and to increase the numbers of each class. By Statutes of May 80, 1877, (gazetted same day), the numbers were increased to 35 Knights Grand Cross, 120 Knights Commanders, and 200 Companions, with power to appoint extra and honorary members. By Statutes of May 24, 1879, the Order was extended to reward services rendered to the Crown in relation to foreigu affairs, and the numbers were again increased to 50 Knights Grand Cross, 150 Knights Commanders, and 260 Companions, power to appoint extra members and to increase the numbers being still reserved to the Sovereign. By Statute of June 28, 1886, 8 Knights Commanders and 9 Companions were added as additional members, and by a later Statute of Mar. 21, 1887, these were made ordinary members, the numbers of the Order being increased to this extent. The officers ot the Order now are — Prelate. Secretary. Registrar. Chancellor. King of Arms. Officer of Arms. The Order is styled — The Most Distinguished Order op St. Michael and St. George. 794 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, MExMBERS OF THE ORDER OF ST. MICHAEL AND ST. GEORGE. GRAND MASTERS AND PRINCIPAL KNIGHTS GRAND CROSS OF THE ORDER OF ST. MICHAEL AND ST. GEORGE. 1818. Lt.-gen. Sir Thos. Maitland, gr. mast., Apr. 27 ; d. 1824. 1825. F.M. Adolphus Fredk., D. of Cambridge, gr. mast, June 20; decl. 1st. orppal. G.c.M.G.,Aug. 16, 1832 ; d. July 8, 1850. 1851. Geo. Wm. Fredk. Chas., D. of Cambridge, app. 1st or ppal. G.c.M.G. ; re-app. as gr. mast, and Lst or ppal. g.cm.g., May 23, 18GU, G.,and May 30, 1877, G. KNIGHTS GRAND CROSS OF THE ORDER OF ST. MICHAEL AND ST. GEORGE. (G.C.M.G.) 1818. Lt.-gen. sir Thos. Maitland. Apr. 2nd E. Temple and 1st M. of 27 (Gr. M.). Buckingham;, Aug. 12. 1818, Emanuel Baron Theotoky, 1833. Col. Fredk. Hankoy, May 4. Nov. 18 Stamo Calicliispulo. R.-adm. Thos. Briggs, June 26. Antonio, Ct. Comuto. Spiridion Vittor, Ct. Bulgari, 1818. V.-adm. sir Chas. Vinicombe July 7. Dec. 16 Penrose. 1834. Adm. sir Josias Rowlev, bt.. Giuseppe Borg Olivier. Feb. 22. Raffaele Crispino Xerri. 1835. Lt.-gen. sir Howard Douglas, bt.. 1819. V.-adm. sir Thos. Fras. Fre- Mar. 18. mantle, Oct. 26. 1836. Paolo, Ct. Parisio, Apr. 2. Fredk, Gth E. of Guildford, Oct. Lt. gen. sir Hy. Fredk. Bouve- 26. rie, Sept. 28. 1820. Adm. sir Graham Moore, Sept. 1837, Gen. Hy. Pigot. 28; res. 1823; re-inv. Aug. 24, May IC . Gen. Thos., Id. Lynedoch. 1832. Adm. hon. Robt. Stopford. 182L Lt.-gen. sir Fredk. Adam, Dec. Adm. sir Geo. Martin. 27. Gen. sir Martin Hunter. 1823. Ct. Nicolo Anino, Mar. 1. Gen. Wm. Wilkinson. 1824. Adm. sir Harry Burrard Neale, Lt.-gen. sir Chas. Bulkeley bt., Jan. 16; res. 1826; re- Egerton. inv. Aug. 24, 1832. Gen. sir John Oswald. 1825. F.M. Pr. Adolphus Fredk. D. of Lt.-gen. sir Hudson Lowe. Cambridge(Gr.M.,&c.),June 20. V.-adm. sir Richd. Hussey Hus- Marino Veja, July 30. sey. 1827. Adm. sir Edwd. Codrington. Apr. M.-gen. sir Patr. Ross. 23; res. 1828; re-inv. Aug. 1838. Pietro Petrezzopulo, Apr. 26. 24, 1832. V.-adm. sir Geo. Eyre, May 2. 1828. M.-gen. hon. sir Fredk. Caven- 1839. Sir Vittor Caridi, Aug. 31. dish Ponsonby, Nov. 5. 1840. Sir Francisco Muzzan, July 7. 1829. Adm. sir I'ultoney Malcolm, Jan. Sir Pietro Coidan, July 7. 21 ; res. 1831 ; re app. Aug. 16, Sir Nichs. Harris Nicolas, Oct. 6. 183.'. 1842. Pr. Fras. Albt. Augs. Chas. 1831. V.-adm. hon. sir Hy. Ilotham, Emanuel, Pr. of Saxe-Coburg July 4. and Gotha, Consort of Q. Vic- 1832. Giuseppe Calcedonio Dobono, toria, Jan. 15. May 28. Demetrio, Ct. Delia Decima. Jan. Giovanni Cappadoca, June 6. 21. Angiolo Condari. .luno 6. Sir Agostino Randon, Mar. 18. Sir Jas. Macdonald, bt., June 22. 1843. Lt.-gen. John, Id. Seaton, July 3. Lt.-gen. sir Alexr. Woodford. Lt.-gen. hon. Patr. Stuart, July Juno 30. 3. Geo., Ac, Id. Nugent (eon of Geo., 1844. Antonio, Ct. Theotoky, Dec. 16. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 795 1845. Pr. Geo. Fredk. Wm. Chas., aft. D. of Cambridge, June 26 ; aft. Gr. M. 1850. Spiridione Facco Stefano. 1879, Hy. Geo. Ward. May 24. Demetrio, Gt. Salomon, Sept. 7. 1853. Gandiano, Gt. Roma. Demetrio, Ct. Carrusa. 1854. Vincenzo Casolani. 1879, 1855. Alessandro Damaschini. Aug. 29 Sir .John Young, bt. 1879. 185G. Sir Ignatius Gavin Bona vita. Giuseppe Maria, Baron de Piro. 1857. Sir Demetrio Valsamachi. Dionisio, Ct. Flamburiari. 1880, 1860. Col. Hy. Knight Storks. M.-gen. John Gaspard Le Mar- May 28. chant. 1881, Geo. Fergusson Bowen, Apr. 16. May 24. Sir Paolo Dingli. 1881. 1864. Sir Pietro Armeni Braila, May 21. 1867. Sir Georgio Marcoran. 1868. Sir Adriano Dingli, Apr. 24. Sir Edwd.Victor Houlton, Apr. 24. Lt.-gen. sir Patr. Grant, Sept. 1882. 1869. Chas. Stanley, 4th vise. Monck, June 23. 1883, 1869, Edwd. Geoffr., 14th E. of Derby. May 24. Tune 3C . Hy. Geo., 3rd E. Grey. John, 1st E. Russell. 1883. Alf. Em. Alb., D. of Edinburgh, July 2. 1884. 1870. Edwd. Geo. Earle Lytton, Ist Id. Lytton, Jan. 15. Pr. Arth. Wm. Patr. Alb., aft. D. of Connaught, &c., Apr. 16. John Hy. Thos., 3rd vise. Canter- 1873. bury, June 25. 1885, 1874. Sir Hy. Barclay, Mar. 9. Sir John Peter Grant, Mar. 9. M.-gen. sir Garnet Jos. Wolse- June 6. ley, aft. vise. Wolseley, Mar. 31. John Hawley Glover, May 8. 1885. 1875. Sir Hercules Geo. Robt. Robin- son, Jan. 28. 1876. Sir Datu Tummongong Abubakr Sri, Mahar. of Johore, May 1. Fredk. Temple, E. of Dufferin, &c., aft. M. of Dutferin and Ava, May. 26. 1886. 1877, Alb. Edwd. , Pr. of ^Yales. May 30. Geo. Aug. Constantine, 2nd M. of Normanby. 1886, 1878. Lt.-gen.-'.ir Arthur Purves Phayre, May 29. Jan. 24. 1887. Hon. sir Arth. Hamilton Gordon, Feb. 6. 1887, M.-gen. sir Wm. Fras. Drummond May 24. Jervois, May 25. Sir Alexr. Tillcch Gait, May 25. Sir Hy. Drummond Wolff, Aug. 15. The King of Siam, Sept. 7. 1887, Sir John Douglas Sutherland j June 21 Campbell, c.c. M. of Lome, Sept. 23. Sir John Rose, bt., Oct. 29. Richd. Bickerton, Id. Lyons. Odo Wm. Leopold Russell, c.c. Id. Odo Russell ; aft. Id. Ampt- hill. Sir Antonio Micallef. Sir Chas. Lennox Wyke. . Sir Richd. Wood. Nuba Pasha, Oct. 9. Somditch Pra Paramindr Maha. Chulalonkorn, K. of Siam, Nov. 22. Pr. Leopold Geo. Duncan Albt., aft. D. of Albany. Gen. sir Arth. Borton. Sir Arth. Edwd. Kennedy. Gen. sir Harry St. George Ord. Kalakana, K. of the Hawaiian Islands, July 23. Sir Harry Smith Parkes, Nov. 26. M.-gen. sir Hy. Evelyn Wood, Feb. 17. John Hy. Brand , Pres. Orange Fr. St., Mar. 23. Fred., Id. Blachford. Sir Hy. Ernest Bulwer. Sir Jas. Roht. Longden. Seyyid Barghash-bin-Said, Sultan of Zanzibar, Oct. 29. Hy. Chas. Keith, 5th M. of Lansdowne. Jan. 28. Sir Robt. Richd. Torrens, May 24. Sir Alfred Stephen, May 24. Sir John Hay Drummond Hay, Dec. 4. Chas. Robt., 3rd Id. Carrington. M.-gen. sir Andr. Clarke. Sir Anthy. Musgrave. Sir Fredk. Aloysius Weld. Sir Edwd. Baldwin Malet, June 26. Lt.-gen. sir Gerald Graham, Aug. 25. M.-Gen. sir Chas. Warren, Oct. 4. Sir Julian Pauncefote, Dec. 1. Sir Wm. Arthur White, Jan. 28. Sir Hy. Thurstan Holland, bt., aft. "id. Knutsford, Jan. 28. Sir Chas. Tupper. Feb. 1. Sir John Kirk, Feb. 2. Sir Robt. Burnett David Morier, Feb. 13. Lt -gen. sir Robt. Biddulph. Sir Fras. Clare Ford. May 29. M.-gen. sir Geo. Cumine Strahan, Jan. 29. Gen. sir John Lintorn Arabin Simmons. Gen. sir Hy. Wylie Norman. Sir Hy. Brougham Loch. Sir Wm. Cleaver Fras. Robinson. Sir Edwd. Wm. Stafiord. Sir Thos. Elder. 796 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Sir Ronald Ferguson Thomson, Jan. 10. Sir Hy. Parkes, Jan. 28. Sir Hy. Turner Irving, May 24. Sir Danl. Cooper, bt., May 24. 1888. Sir Evelyn Baring, June 2. Sir Chas. Johnson Brooke, June 2. The Sultan of Zanzibar. Mortimer, Id. Sackville, Sept. 10. 1889. Sir Hugh Lowe, Jan. KNIGHTS COMMANDERS OF THE ORDER OF ST. MICHAEL AND ST. GEORGE. 1818, Nov. 18. 1819. 1820, Feb. 2t; 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1825. 1832. 1833, Feb. 9. 1833. 1835. 1836. 1839. 1840. 1844. May 2; 1844. 1849. 1850. 1854. (K.C.M.G.) Vittor Caridi. 1854. Antonio, Ct. Theotoky. 1855. Dionizio Bulzo. 1856. Col. Fredk. Hankey. Giuseppe Nicolo Zammit, Dec, 16. Rd. Flasket, Dec. 16. M.-gen. sir Patr. Ross, Nov. 9. 1857 Capt. hon. Anthy Maitland. Nicolo, Ct. Anino. 1859. Giovanni Cappadoca. Marino Veja. Col. sir Fredk. Stovin. 1860. Alexr. Wood. Basilio Zavo, July 19. Demetrio, Ct. Foscardi, Mar. 14. Giacomo Calichiopulo Manzaro, 1862. Mar. 14. Paolo, Ct. Parisio, Jan. 31. 1864. M.-gen. Robt. Travers, Feb. 20. Francesco Muzzan, Mar. 1. 1868. Pietro Coidan. June 30. 1869, Angiolo Condari, June 30. June 23, Jos. Russell, June 22. Sir Nichs. Harris Nicolas (with rank of senior k.c.m.g.), Aug. 1869 16. June 30 Vincenzo Casolani. Giuseppe Marq. Testaferrata. Spiridion Vittor, Ct. Bulgari. Pietro Petrizzopulo Edwd. Stuart Baynes. June 26. "Vincenzo, Ct. Mauduca, .July 17. Claudio VMncenzo Bonnici. June 11. Ignatius Gavin Bonavita, Apr. 2. Hector Greig, Jan. 26. j 1870. Stamo Gangadi, Aug. 30, Agostino Randon, Aug. 30. | M.-gen. Fi-as , Ct. Rivarola, Nov. 30. Demetrio, Ct. Delia Decima, July 7. AltaYilla Calichiopulo, Sept. 14. Angiolo Calichiopulo, Jan. 21. Giu.soppe Maria, Baron de Piro, 1871. Mar. 18. Demetrius Valsamachi. i . Plato Pet rides. j Dionisio, Ct. B^lamburiari. Georgio Cazzaiti, Doc. 16. Antonio, Ct. Dusmani, Dec. Anastasio Tipaldo Xidian. 1872. Alessandro Daniaschini. Agostino Portelli. Georgio ^larcoran. ,Tno, Eraser. Spiridione Valsamachi. Pietro Armeni Braila. AVm. H. Thornton. (jeo. Fergusson Bowen. Paolo Dingji. Demetrio, Ct. Curcumelli, July 9. Andrea ^lustoxidi. Jas. Philip Lacaita, Mar. 30. Sir Chas. Eurwicke Douglas, bt. Apr. 4. Antonio Micallef. Adriano Dingli. Victor Houlton. Peter Smith. Spiridione Valaoriti, July 14. Hy. Dnimmond Wolff. Chas. Sebright, Mav 27. Major Wilfred Brett, Oct. 13. Ct. Nichs. Scebarras Bologna. Col. Thos. Gore Browne. Fras. Hincks. Jas. Walker. M.-gen. Chas. Hastings Doyle. Paul Edmd. de Strzlecki. Geo. Wm.. Baron Lyttelton. Fredk. Peel. Chas Bowyer Adderley, aft. Id. Norton. Sir Fredc, Rogers, bt. Sir Hercules Geo. Robt. Robinson. Alexr. Tilloch Gait. Hy. Taylor. Thos. Fredk. Elliot. Jno. Rose, Jan. 15. Thos. Wm. Clinton Murdoch, Jan. 15. Hon. Wm. Coutts Keppel. c.c. vise. Bury ; aft. Id. Ashf ord, Aug. 24. Lt.-gen. hon. Jas. Lindsay, Dec. 22, Col. Garnet Jos. Wolseley, aft. vise. Wolseley, Dec. 22. Hon. Arth. Hamilton Gordon, Feb. 23. Sir Rd. Graves MacDonnell, Feb. 23. Sir Arth. Edwd. Kennedy, Sept. 29. Sir Benjn. Chilley Campbell Pine, Sept. 29. Chas. Cowper. Feb. 23. Geo. Fredc. Vordon, Feb. 23. Somerset. Rd., E. of Belmore, Mar. 27. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES 797 1872, Robt. Rd. Torrens, Aug. 31. Hy. Ayers, Nov. 30. 1873, Col. Andr. Clarke, Mar. 27. 1874, Geo. Augs. Constantine, M. of Mar. 9. Normanby. Sir Alfr. Stephen. Sir Jas. McCulloch. Jno. O'Shanassy. Jno. Scott. 1874. Col. Fras. "Worgan Festing, May 8. 1874, Col. Stephen Jno. Hill. May 28. Col. Wm. Fras. Drummond Jervois. Penrose Goodchild Julyan. Hy. Ernest Bulwer, July 23. Donald jMaclean, July 23. 1874, Sir Jas. Fergusson, bt. Sept. 28. Edwd. Deas Thomson. Jno. Sealy. 1875, Chas. Du Cane. Mar. 5. Geo. Macleay. 1875, Fras. Fortescue Turville. May 28. Hon. Geo. Wm. Hamilton, c.c. vise. Kirkwall ; aft. E. of Orkney. Chas. Sladen. Julius Vogel. 1875, Antliy. Musgrave. Aug. 30. Rawson Wm. Rawson. 1876, Wm. Hy. Gregory, Feb. 19. Jas. Robt. Longden, Mar. 13. Chas. Peter Layard, Mar. 13. Theophilus Shepstone, Aug. 14. 1877, Sir Hy. Thurstan Holland, bt., May 1. aft. Id. Knutsford. Wm. Wellington Cairns. Lt.-col. Hy. Fitzharding Berkeley Maxse. Wm. Fitzherbert. 1877, M.-gen. sir Harry St. Geo. Ord. May 30. Sir Redmond Barry. Sir Hy. Watson Parker. Jno. Bayley Darvall. Steph. Walcott. Wm. Cleaver Fras. Robinson. Maj. Robt. Miller Mundy. M.-gen. Patr. Leonard M'Dougall. M.-gen. Jno. Hy. Lefroy. M.-gen. Edwd. Selby Smyth. Brig.-gen. Robt. Michael Laffan. Jno. Robertson. Hy. Parkes. Arthur Blvth. 1877, Sir Chas. Gavan Dufly. Dec. 10. Gen. Jno. Jarvis Bisset. Rd. Wood. 1878, Albert Smith. May 25. Hy. Turner Irving. Sanford Freeling. Sir Jas. Milne Wilson. Jno. Hay. Archd. Michie. Fredk. B. T. Carter. 1878. Fras. Philip Cunlifie Owen, Oct. 29. 1879. Somditch Chas. Phya Sura- wongse, formerly regent of Siam, Jan. 29. The Raja Ahmed Taj Udin bin Sultan Zain Alrashid Kedah, Apr. 30. 1879, Rachad Pacha. May 24. Sir Narcisse Fortunat Belleau. Wm. Taylour Thomson. Wm. Pearce Howland. Chas. Tupper. Saml. Leonard Tilley. Geo. Buckley Mathew. Geo. Welsh Kellner. M.-gen. Edwd. Wolstenholma Ward. Di\ Ferdinand Von Mueller. Geo. Brown. Alexr. Campbell. Rd. Jno. Cartwriglit. Edwd. Wm. Stafford. Wm. Fox. 1879. Riaz Pasha, July 31. SirDanl. Brooke Robertson, Aug. 29. Jno. Luke Geo., E. of Donough- more, Oct. 9. M.-gen. hon. Hy. Hugh Clifford,. Dec. 19. Col. Chas. Knight Pearson, Dec. 19. 1880. Sir Jiilian Pauncefote. M.-gen. Edwd. Bruce Hamley,. Jan. 12. Chas. Rivers Wilson, Jan. 12. Col. Wm. Owen Lanyon, Apr. 6. Col. Baker Creed Russell, Apr. 6. Thos. Geo. Knox, Apr. 12. M.-gen. Robt. Biddulph, Apr 12. Jno. Pope Hennessy, Apr. 21. Surg. -Maj. Saml. Rowe, Apr. 21. Maj.Geo.Cumine Strahan.May 28. Frdk. Aloysius Weld, May 28. Wm. Vallance Whiteway, May 28. Chao Phya Bhanuwongse Maha Kosa Tibodi Phraklang, July 10., Col. Jno. Carstairs McNeill, Aug.. Sir Danl. Cooper, bt., Oct. 25. Patrick Jennings, Oct. 25. Virgile Naz, Nov. 3. 1881. Spenser St. John, Mar. 28. 1881, Sir Fras. Dillon Bell. May 24. Geo. Berkeley. Hector Louis Langevin. M.-gen. Geo. Richd. Greaves. Arthur Hunter Palmer. Lt.-gen. Jno. Summerfield Haw-. kins. Lt.-col. Chas Wm. Wilson. 1881. Donald Currie, July 25. Pati-. .Tos. Keenan, .July 25. Jno. Kirk, Sept. 5. Joshua Peter Bell, Nov. 24. Auckland Colvin, Nov. 2G. 798 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES 1882. Gen. Edwd. Stanton. Feb. 1. 1885. Kir Jno. Hv. De Villiers, Feb. 17. June 26. V.-adm. Kichd. Jas., E. of Clan- 1885. william, ]\Iar. 3. 1885, Fras. Savage Reillv, Apr. 17. Aug. 25 Robt. Hart, Apr. 17. 1882, Cornelius Ilendericksen Kort- May 24. right. Wm. Brampton Gordon. Col. Win. Bellairs. 1885. Geo. Stoddart Whitmore. 1886. Saul Samuels. Count Giorgio Serafino Ciantar (Palislogo) Barone di San Giovanni. 1886, Jno. Hall. May 29. 1882. Edwd. Mortimer Archibald, Aug. 12. Jno. Chas. Molteno. 1882, Aug. 18 . Wm. Chas. Sargeaunt. M.-gen. Archd. Edwd. Harbord Anson. Mohamed Sultan Pasha, Oct. 28. Wm. Mc Arthur, Nov. 17. Thos. ISlcIlwraith. Nov. 17. Col. Redvers Hy. Buller, Nov. 24. 1886. 1883, Wm. Robinson. June 28. May 24 Geo. Wm. Des A'rcux. Col. Robt. Wm. Harley Chas. Cameron Lees. Fredk. Palgrave Barlee. Jno. Douglas. Chas. Hutton Gregory. Lt.-col. Chas. BuUen Hugh Mit- 1886. chell. Hugh Low. Wm. Morgan. Ambrose Shea. Col. Chas. Warren. ' 1883. Constantino Geo. Zerondacchi, July {). 1884. Lt.-gen. hon. Leicester Smyth. Feb. 1 Sir Geo. Wigram Allen. 1887, Fredk. Whitaker. Apr. 18. Lt.-col. Fras. Walter de Wintoa 1884. Sir Chas. Augs. Hartley, Feb. 19. Surg. -gen. Wm. Guycr Hunter. 1884, Thos. Chas. Scanlen. 1887. May 24. Col. Wm, Grossman. Fredk. Napier Broome. Arthur Elibank Havelock. May 24. 1884. David Lewis Macpherson, July 28. Ronald Ferguson Thomson, Aug. 14. Moustaplia Boy Jawer, Mudir of Dongola, Doc. 3. 1885. Wm. Arthur White, Mar. 16. 1887, Hv. Percy Anderson, Mar. 16. Juno 21. Gerald FitzGerald, May 15. 1885, Adams Geo. Archibald. June (■> . Chas. Mills. M.-gen. Peter Hy. Scratchley. Alexr. Stuart. 1887, 1885, Hon. Lionel Sackville Sackville June 21. June 2ti . West. r'ras. Clare Ford. Thos. Villiers Lister. Halliday Macartney, Aug. 10. Josh. Phillippe Rene' Adolphe Caron. M.-gen. Fredk. Dobson Middleton, Edwd, Zobrab Pasha. Jno. Fowler, Sept. 1. Col. Jno. Underwood Bateman- Champain, Dec. 31. Frank Cavendish Lascelles, Jan, 28. Hon. Fras. Rd. Plunkett, Feb. 13. Capt. Rd. Fras. Burton, Feb. 13. Abdul Samat Samat, Sultan of Selangore. Sir Jno. Coode. Lt.-col. Marshall Jas. Clarke. Cecil Clementi Smith. Donald Alexr. Smith. Robt, Stout. Hon. Wm. Stuart. Chas. Crespigny, Id. Vivian. Hon. Edmd. Jno. ^lonson. Lt.-col. Robt. Lambert Playfair. Sir Saml. Devonport. Fras. Knolh's. Arth. Nonus Birch. Arth. Hodgson. Jno. Fras. Julius Von Haast. Augs. Jno. Adderley. Jas. Fras. Garrick. Graham Berrv. Saml. Walker Griffith. July 23. Sir Horace Rumbold, Aug. 6. Francis Ottiwell Adams, Aug. 6. Francis Beilby Alston, Aug. 6. Sir Wm. Foster Stawell, Oct. 25. Jno. Gordon Sprigg, Oct, 25. Jno. Staples (Id. may. London), Nov. 9. W'alter Lawry Buller, Nov. 9. Robt. Thorburn. Jno. W. Downer. Thos. Upington. Jas. Lorimer. Robt. Wisdom. Wm. Hillier, E. of Onslow. , Jenico Wm. Jos., vise. Gormans- town. Jas. Hector. Wm. Brandford Griffith. Lt,-col, Jno. Terence Nicolls O'Britn, Col, Fredk. Carrington, Jno. Bates Thurston. Edwd, Newton. ]Malcohii l-'raser. Wm. Hy. Marsh. Sidney Godolphin Aloxr. Shijipard. Jno. SVm. Akci-man. Jas. Alexr. Grant. M.-gon. Christ r. Chas, Teosdalo. Col. Colin Campbell Scott Mon- crieff. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 799 1887, Wm. Kirby Green. June 21. Col. Cha.s. Elwd. Mansfield. Clement Lloyd Hill. Jno. Hy. Fawcett. Geo. Dashwood Taubman Goldie. Mustapba Fehmy Pasha. .Jno. Antoinadis. 1887. EdiTiir Vincent, Aug. 1. SirThos. Hv. Sanderson. Aug. 18. 1888. Col. Robt. Murdoch Smith, r.e., Jan. '2. John Pender, Jan. 2. 1888, Geo. Smyth Baden-Powell. Jan. 28. Harry Albert Atkinson. Edwin Thos. Smith. Fredk. Young. 1888, Michael Hy. Gallwey. May 24. Hon. Walter Francis Hely- Hutchin.=on. 1888. John Fredk. Dickson. May 24. Edwd. Noel Walker. Capt. John Chns. Ready Colomb. 1888, Chas. Alfred Cookson. June 2. Jas. Wm. Redhouse. Alfred Dent. Fredk. Wm. Smythe. Zulfikar Pasha. Osman Pasha Orphi. John Sparrow David Thompson. Jas. Spearman Winter John. Hy. Gibbs Bergne. 1888. Hy. Arth. Blake, Nov. 7. 1889, Sir Herbert Bruce Sandford. Jan. Roger Tuckfield Goldsworthy. Jos. Wm. Trutch. Lt.-gen. Thos. Lionel John Gall- wey. OFFICERS OF THE ORDER OF ST. MICHAEL AND ST. GEORGE. Prelates. 1818. Viscoro Macario, Prelate in Ionian Islands, Nov. 17 ; d. Sept. 14. 1627. 1818. Giuseppe Bartolomeo Xerri, prelate in Malta, Dec. 15 ; d. Nor. 28, 1841. 1840. Crissanthos Masullo, abp. of Corfu, May 21, and the abps. of Corfu for the time being until 1877. Geo. Augs. Selwyn, bp. of Lich- field, Mav 30, G. 1878. Chas. Perry, bp. of New Zealand, May 25, G. Chancellors. 1832. Sir Nichs. Harris Nicolas, Aug. 16 ; (/. 1848. Duties performed by ch. elk. in Colonial Office until 1877. Chas. Cox, aft. Sir C, May 30, G. Secretaries. 1818. Col. Fredk. Hankey, Nov. 17, res. .Tune 20, 1833. Duties performed by ch. elk. in Colonial Office until 1877. Robt. Geo. Wyndham Herbert, aft. Sir R., May 30., G. Kings op Arms. 1818. Sir Geo. Nayler (Garter K. A.), Nov. 17; d. Oct. 28, 1831. 1832. Sir Nichs. Harris Nicolas, May 20; made Chanc. Aug. 16, 1832. Chas. Eurwicke Douglas, aft. SirC, Oct. 12. 1859. Hy. Drummond Wolfif,aft. Sir H., Apr. 5. 1869. Albert Wm. Woods, aft. sir A. ; on reconstitution of order, at. supra. Kegistrars. 1818. Caot. Wm. Richd. Pepper Arden, Nov. 17 ; res. 1822. 1822. Lieut. Hy. Dundas Maclean, Feb. 20; res. 1824. 1826. Lt. -col. Jos. Rudsdell, aft. Sir J., Apr. 10 ; res. 1832. 1832. Geo. Hildeyard Tennyson Deyn- court, Nov. 12; res. Apr. 1839. Duties performed by ch. elk. in Colonial Office until 1877. Hon. Robt. Hy. Meade, May 30 G. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. THE ORDER OF THE STAR OF INDIA. This Oeder was instituted by Letters Patent dated Feb. 23, 1861 (gazetted June 25, 1861), and is. as its name implies, essentially an Order connected with the British Empire in India. As originally constituted the Order consisted of the Sovereign, a Grand Master, and 25 Knights, together with such extra and honorary knights as the Sovereign should appoint, with power to confer the Order on native princes and chiefs of India. The Viceroy of India for the time being was made ex-officio Grandmaster of the Order. By Letters Patent dated March 28, 1866 (gazetted May 25, 1866), the Order was reconstituted so as to consist of the Sovereign, the Grand Master, 25 Knights Grand Commanders, 50 Knights Commanders, and 100 Companions, with power to appoint extra and honorary members. The constitution of the Order was again extended in 1875 and 1876, and now consists of the Sovereign, the Grand Master, 30 Knights Gi-and Commanders, 72 Knights Commanders, and 144 Companions, with power to appoint extra and honorary members as before. The Statutes enable the Sovereign to confer the dignity of Knight Grand Commander upon princes and chiefs of India who have entitled themselves to the Royal favour, and upon such British subjects as have by important and loyal services rendered by them to the Indian Empire, merited the Eoyal favour ; and to confer the dignity of Knight Com- mander and Companion upon persons who by their conduct or services in the Indian Empire have merited the Royal favour. The oflBcers of the Order are — Registrar. Secretary. The Order is styled — The Most Exalted Order of the Star of India. MEMBERS OF THE ORDER OF THE STAR OF INDIA. GRAND MASTERS OF THE ORDER OF THE STAR OF INDIA. 1861. June 25. Chas. Jno., vise. Canning, Viceroy of India, and his successors in that oflBce. See " Viceroys of India," ante, p. G49. KNIGHTS GIIAND COMMANDERS OF THE ORDER OF THE STAR OF INDIA. (G.C.S.I.) Promotion of Knights Commanders on the Enlargement of the Order in ISGC, ut Kujna. 186G, Geo. Fras. Robt., 3rd Id. Harris. May 24. Mahar. Dhuleep Sing. Runboer Singh, Mabar. of Cash- mero. Sir Geo. Russoll Clerk. Toukoojeo Rao Holkar, Mahar. of Indore. 1800, Albert Edwd., Pr. of Wales. May 24. Nizam-ool-Moolk Nuwab Tuzinat Ali Khan, Nizam of Hydera- bad. Gen. Hugh Vise. Gough. Jyajoo Rao Sindhia, Mahar. of Gwalior. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 801 18GG, Mahar. Khunde Rao, Guicowar May 24. of Baroda. Sir John Laird Mair Lawrence, bt., aft. Id. La-wrence. Nuwab Sekunder, Begum of Bhopal. Gen. Sir Hugh Hy. Rose, aft. Id. Strathnairn. Yoosuf Ali Khan, Nuwab of Ram- pore. Gen. Sir Geo. Pollock, bt. Seramudi Rajahye Hindostan Raj. Rajender Sree Mahar. Dheeraj 1866, Sewall Rain Sing, Bahadoor May 24. of Jyepore. Furgund Dilbund Rasekhul Itgad Dowlut-i-Englishia, &c., Bahadoor of KuppoorthuUa. Mahar. Rughoo Raj Sing, Baha- door of Rcevar. Sir hy. liartlo Edwd. Frere. The Mahar. of Joudporo. Sir Robt. Montgomery. The Mahar. of i'ravancore. Gen. Sir Wm. Rose Mansfield, aft. Id. Sandhurst. The Mahar. of Korowlee. Subsequent Appointments. 18G7. Krishnar Raj. Wadyah, Mahar. of Mysore, May 24. Lt. -gen. Sir Robt. Napier, aft Id. Napier of Magdala, Sept. 16. 1868. Ismail Pasha of Egypt, Aug 27. Sir Wm. Robt. Seymour Vesey FitzGerald, Dec. 8. 1869. The Rana of Dholepore, June 2. 1870. Alfred Ernest Albert, D. of Edin- burgh, Feb. 7. Mohender Sing Mahar. of Puttiala, May 28. The Nawab Salar Jung Bahadoor, May 28. Ferd. de Lesseps, Aug. 19. 1871. Dheraj Sumbho Sing, Mahar. of Oodeypore, May 20. The Rao Pragmuljee of Cutch, May 20. 1872. Thos. Geo., E. of Northbrook, May 3. The Newab Shah Jehan, Begum of Bhopal, May 31. 1873, Mahar. Jung Bahadoor Kunwar May 24. Ranajee. Gen. sir Jno. Low. Lt. gen. sir Neville Bowles Cham- berlain. 1873. Hajee Murza Hussein Khan, July 4. 1875. Pr. Tewfik Pasha, aft. Khedive of Egypt, May 3. 1875, Raj. Rajessur Mahar. Dhiraj. Dec. 31. Jeswunt Sing, Bahadoor of Jodh- pur. Furzund Dilpizir Nawab Mahum- mad Kulb Ali Khan, Bahadoor of Rampore. Furzund Dilbund Rasekhul Itgad Dowlut-i-Englishia Raj. Rugbir Sing, Bahadoor of Jheend. 1876. Edwd. Robt. Lytton, E. of Lytton, Apr. 12. 1876, Rd. Plant., &c., D. of Bucking- June 28. ham and Chandos. Sir Philip Edmd. Wodehouse. 1877, Arth. Wm. Patr. Albert, D. of Jan. 1. Coimaught. 1877, Ram Sing, Mahar. of Bundi. Jan. 1, Jaswant Sing, Mahar. of Bhurt- pore. Shri Prasad Sing Narain, Mahar. of Benares. Azim Jah Bahadoor Zapir-ud- dowla, Pr. of Arcott. 1877. Pr. Leopold Goo. Duncan Albert, aft. D. of Albany. Jan. 25. Geo. Wm. Fredk. Chas., D. of Cambridge, June 2, 1878, Cherif Pasha. Jan. 1. Sir Rd. Temple, bt. 1878. Sir Jno. Strachy, Apr. 30. Saf vet Pasha. Aug. 27. 1879. Mir Khodadacl, Khan of Khelat. July 29. Gen. sir Fredk. Paul Haines. The Raj. of Nabha. 1880. Gathorne, vise. Cranbrook, Apr. 20. The Nawab of Bahawulpur,Xov.9. 1881. Sujjun Sing. Mahar. of Udaipur, May 24. 1882. The Mahar. of Travancore. May 23. Nawab Ikbal-ud-dowlah of Oudh (Bagdad). 1884. Chama Rajendra Wadeir, Mahar. of IMysore, May 23. Asaf Jah. Nizam of Hyderabad, Nov. 17. 1885. Sir Jas. Fergusson, bt., Feb. 25. Abdul Rahman Khan, Amir of Afghanistan, Apr. 11. Gen. sir Donald Martin Stewart, bt., Dec. 7. 1886, Syud Toorkee, Sultan of Muscat. Jan. i. Mahar. Mangal Sing of Ulwar Takht Sinhji Thaken, Sahib of Bhaunagar 1887, Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone July 28. Grant-Duff. 1887, Mahar. Sayaji Rao, Bahadoor, Feb. 15. Gaekwar of Baroda. The Maharana Futteh Sing Bahadoor of Meywar, Oodey- pore. Raja Shamsher Prakash. Baha- door of Sirmur (Nahun^\ 61 802 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1887. The Mahar. Holkar of Indore, June ;50. Mas8ond ^liiza Yetnin-ed-dowleh, Zil-es, Sultan of Persia, Nov. 1. The Mahar. Sawai Madhu Sing of Je3'pore, Jan. 1. The Mahar. Rama Varma of Travancore, May 24. KNIGHTS COMMANDERS OF THE ORDER OF THE STAR OF INDIA. Original 18 ".1, Fras. Albert, &c., Pr. Consort of I June 25. Q. Victoria. ; Albert Edwd., Pr. of Wales. ' Nizam Ool Moolk Nuwab Tuyinat Ali Khan, Nizam of Hydra bad. Gen. Hugh, vise. Gough. Jyajee Rao Sindhia, Mahar. of Gwalior. Geo. Fras. Robt., 3rd Id. Harris. Mahar. Duleep Sinjf. Gen. Colin, Id. Clyde. Runbeer Sing, Mahar. of Cash- mere. Sir Geo. Russell Clerk. Knights. 1801 , Tookoojee Rao, Holkar, Mahar. of June 25. Indore. Mahar. Khunde Rao, Guicowar of Baroda. Sir Jno. Laird Mair Lawrence, bt., aft. Id. Lawrence. Nurendur Sinc(, Mahar. of Pntiala. Lt.-gen sir Jas. Outram. Nerwab Segumder, Begum of Bhopal. Gen. sir Hugh Hy. Rose, aft. Id. Strathnairn. Yoosuf Ali Khan, Nuwab of Ram- pore. SUBSEQUKNT APPOINTMENTS. 1861, Aug. 19, 1863, Nov. 11. 1864, Dec. 10. 1866, Feb. 12 lH(i6. May 24 F. M. Stapleton, vise. Comber- mere. Gen. sir Geo. Pollock, aft. bt. Seramudi Rajahye Hindostan Raj. Rajender Sree Mahar. Dheeraj Sewall Ram Sing, Bahadoor of Jyepore. Furzund Dilbund Rasekool Ilah- gad Dowlut-i-Englishia Raj. Suroop Sing Bahadoor of Jheend. Fuzzund Dilbund Rasekhul Itgad Dowlut-i-Englishia, Bahadoor of Kuppoorthulla. Mahar. Rughoo Raj. Sing, Baha- door of Reevar. Sir Hy. Bartle Edwd. Frere. The Mahar. of Joudpore. Sir Robt. Montgomery. The Mahar. of Travancore. Gen. sir Wm. Rose Mansfield, aft. Id. Sandhurst. The Mahar. of Kerowlee. The Rajah Shreemun Mahar. Chuttroputtee Shahabe Dam Altaphoo. Cecil Beadon. The Nawab Jung Salar, Bahadoor of Hyderabad. Donald Friell McLeod. The Mahar. Jeypercash Sing, Bahadoor of Deo in Behar. Hy. Ricketts. The Mahar. Mirza Gajapoti Raz Maune, Sultan Zemindar of Vizianagram Bahadoor. Hy. Byng Harrington. The Mahar. Dig IBijye Sing. 1866, Walter Elliot. May 24. Sharf-nl-Omrah Bahadoor. Thos. Pycroft. Rajah Jymungal Sing. John Macpherson McLeod. The Raj. Dinkur Rao. M.-gen. Isaac Campbell Coffin. The Raj. Redhakauth Deb. M.-gen. Geo. St. Patrick Law- rence. The Raj. of Drangadra. M.-gen. Geo.Moyle Sherer Sherer. Rajah Deo Narain Sing. M.-gen. sir Arth. Thos. Cotton. Meer Shere Mahomed. M.-gen. sir Neville Bowles Cham- berlain. The Raj. Sahib Dyal Missar. Geo. Udny Yule. Tanjore Madava Rao Dewan. Chas. John Wingfield. The Thakoor Rawul Jeswunt Singjee. Col. sir Herbert Benj. Edwardes. Hakeem Saadut Ali Khan. Col. Arnold Burrowes Kemball. Sirdar Nihal Sing Chachi. Lt.-col. Thos. Wilkinson. Lt.-col. Robt. Wallace. Lt.-col. Wui. Hy. Rhodes Green. Maj. Geo. Wingate. 1866. Datu Tummongong Abubakr Sri, Mahar. of Johorc, Sept. 17. 1807, Col. Hy. Marion Durand. Feb. 8. Wm. Muir. 18(57, The Mahar. Sree Jowan Singjee. May 24. Danl. Eliott. Goo. Fredk. Harvey. THE BOOK OP DIGNITIES 1867, May 2i. 1867, Sept. 16 1868, Aug. 24. 1869, June 2. 1870, May 28. 1871, May 20. 1871. 1872, May 31. 1873. 1873, May 24. 1873, May 30. 1874. 1875. 1875, Dec. 31. 1876, May 7. 1877, Jan. 1. M.-gen. Wm. Hill. M.-gen. Vincent Eyre. The Raj. Jodhbir Chund, of Nadown. Hy. Lacon Anderson. Richd. Temple, aft. bt. Col. Arthur Purves Phayre. The Mahar. Maun of Oude Sing. Col. Edwd. Robt. Wetherall. Col. Wm. West Turner. Wm. Robt. Seymour Vesey Fitz- Gerald, Oct. 22. M.-gen. Edwd. Lechmere Rus- sell Col. Wm. Lockyer Merewether. The Raj. of Cochin. Lt.-gen. .John Campbell. M.-gen. Geo. Le Grand Jacob. Wm. Grey. Pr. Gholam Mahomed. The Newab Mohsin-ood Dowlah, Bahadoor of Oude. Mohubut Khan Newab of Joonag- hur. M.-gen. Geo. Inglis Jameson. John Wm. Kaye. Hy. Sumner Maine. Col. Fredk. John Goldsmid, Nov. 1. John Strachey. John Cracroft Wilson. Lt.-col. Fredk. Richd. Pollock, Feb. 6. Xawab Khan Bahadoor Khwajah Muhammed Khan Kuttuk. Geo. Campbell. Alexr. John Arbuthnot. M.-gen. Harry Burnett Lumsden. Robt. Hy. Davies. Col. Richd. John Meade. Col. Lewis Pelly. Thos. Douglas Forsyth, July 27. Barrow Helbert Ellis, Oct. 5. Wm. Rose Robinson. Rudur Pertab Sing Mahundur Bahadoor, Mahar. of Punnah. Shamshir Prakash Bahadoor, Rajah of Nahun. Rao Kasee Rao Holkar Dad, Saheb of Indore. Gen. Rumodeep Sing Rana Bahadoor. Rao Raj. Ganput Rao Kirkee Shamshir Bahadoor Dewan of Gwalior. Messutaz-ud-Dowlah Nawab Ma- hummad Faiz Ali Khan Baha- door, Prime Min. of Kotah. Col. hon. Hy. Ramsay. M.-gen. Saml. Jas. Browne. M.-gen. Dighton Macnaghten Probyn. Surg. -gen. Jos. Fayrer. Shivaji Chatrapati, Raj. of Kol- hapore. 1877, Jas. Fitzjanies Stephen. Jan. 1. Raja Anand Puar, Rao of Dhar. Arthur Hobhouse. Man Singjee Sahib, Raj. of Drangdra. Edwd. Olive Bayley. The Vibhajee Jam Shri of Nauna- Sir Geo. Ebenezer Wilson Couper, bt. R.-adm. Regd. Jno. Macdonald. 1877, Josh. Dalton Hooker, m.d. June 2. Thos. Lawrence Seccombe. 1878. M.-gen. Mich. Kavanagh Kennedy, Jan. 1. 1878, Hon. Ashley Eden. May 25. Stuart Colvin Bayley. 1879, Robt. Eyles Egerton. July 29. Lt.-col. Owen Tudor Burne. Col. Geo. Pomeroy CoUey. Maj. Robt. Groves Sandeman. The Nawab Gholam Hussun Khan Alazai Khan Bahadoor. 1880, Mahar. Kirtee Sing of Munee- pore, Feb. 18. Sirdar Dewa Sing, Dec. 9. 1881, Gen. Orfeur Cavenagh. May 24. Chas. Umpherston Aitchison. Tukht Singh Thakur, Saheb of Bhaunagar. Jas. Davidson Gordon. Jno. Forsyth. Lepel Hy. Griffin. 1881. Moneshur Bux Sing, Mahar of Domraon, Oct. 29. 1882, The Mahar. Jotendro Mohun May 23. Tagore. Lt.-col. Oliver Beauchamp Coven- try St. John. 1882, R.-adm. sir Wm. Nathan Wrighte Nov. 17. Hewett. ' M.-gen. sir Herbert Taylor Mac- pherson. 1883. Jno. Hy. Morris, May 24. Maj. Evelyn Baring, Aug. 4. 1885, Augs. Rivers Thompson. Jan. 1. Chas. Grant. 1885. Col. Edwd. Ridley Colbourne Bradford, June 6. Col. Josh. West Ridgeway, July 20. 1886. Mahar. Pertab Sing. Jan 1. Juland Dan vers, Feb 8. 1886, Theodore Cracroft Hope May 29. Chas. Edwd. Bernard. Nawab Khwaja Abdul Ghani Meeah of Dacca. Wm. Chicheley Plowden. 1887, Chas. Alfd. Elliott. Feb. 15. Wm. Wilson Hunter. Mahar. Sri Keshri Sing of Idar. Wm. Geo. Davies. Jas. Johnstone. 1888, Jas. Braithwaite Peile, Jan. 1. 61* 804 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1888, Moulvi Saij-id Ahmad Bahadoor. i 1889, David Miller Barbour. Jan. 1. Jas. Browne. Jan. 1. Nawab Muhammad Akram Khan 1888, Jas. Broad-wood Lyall. of Amb. May 24. Chas. Hankes Tod Crosthwaite. . OFFICERS OF THE ORDER OF THE STAR OF INDIA. Eegistear. 1861. Alb. Wm. "Woods, aft. sir A. Secretaeies. 1861. Col. Hy. Marion Durand, aft. sir H. 1876. Thos. Hy. Thornton (?). 1865. Wm. Muir, aft. sir W. I 1877. C. U. Aitchison, uquin (?). 1868. Sir Rd. Temple, bt. 1878. Alf. Comyns Lyall, aft. air A. 1869. Chas. Umpherston Aitchison, aft. j 1881. Chas. Grant. sir C. 1885. Hy. Mortimer Durand, aft. sir H. THE ORDER OF THE INDIAN EMPIRE. This Order was instituted on Jan. 1, 1878, by Royal warrant dated Dec. 31, 1877. It is intended to reward services rendered to the Queen's Indian Empire, and to commemorate Her Majesty's adoption of the title of Empress. As originally constituted the Order consisted of the Sovereign, the Grand Master, and Companions only. The Viceroy of India for the time being was ex-officio Grand Master, and Members of the Council of India were ex-o^cio and for life Companions of the Order. By Letters Patent dated August 2, 1886, (gazetted Feb. 15, 1887), the constitution of the Order was altered so as to consist of the Sove- reign, the Grand Master, 50 Knights Commanders, and Companions not limited in number. Power was given to appoint descendants of Geo. I. as extra Knights Commanders. By Letters Patent dated June 1, 1887, (gazetted June 21, 1887), the constitution of the Order was fui'ther altered, and it now consists of the Sovereign, the Grand Master,25 Knights Grand Commanders, 50 Knights Commanders, and Companions not limited in number, with power to the Sovereign to appoint any prince of the blood royal being descen- dants of Geo. I. as extra Knights Grand Commanders. The officers of the Order are — Registkau. Sei'ketary. The Order is styled — The Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire. MEMBERS OF THE ORDER OF THE INDIAN EMPIRE. GRAND MASTERS OF THE ORDER OF THE INDIAN EMPIRE. ■ 1878. ) Edwd. Robt. Lytton, Id., aft. E. of Lytton, Viceroy of India, and his .sue- Jan. I \ oossors. See " Viceroys of India," ante, p. 649. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 80&. KNIGHTS GRAND COMMANDERS OF THE ORDER OF THE INDIAN EMPIRE. (G.C.I.E.) Original Knights on the Enlargement of the Order, June 21, 1887, ut supra. 1887, Albert Edwd., Pr. of Wales. Jime 21. Alfred Ernest Albert, D, of Edinburgh. Arth. Wm. Patr. Albert, D. of Connaught. | 1887, Geo. Wm. Fredk. Chas., D. of June 21. Cambridge. Donald Jas., Id. Reay. Robt. , Id. Gonnemara. Gen. sir Fredk. Sleigh Roberts, bt. Subsequent Appointments. 1887. The Rao of Kutch, June 30. 1888. Mahar. Nripendra Narayan Bhup, Bahadoor of Kuch Behar, Feb. 23. KNIGHTS COMMANDERS OF THE ORDER OF THE INDIAN EMPIRE. .I.E.) Original Knights on the Enlargement of the Order, Feb. 1 (K.C. Gen. sir Fredk. Sleigh Roberts, bt. Hon. Edmd. Drummond. Sir Alfred Comyns Lyall. Robt. Anstruther Dalyell. Maxwell Melvill. M.-gen. Alexr. Cunningham. Thakur Saheb Bhakwut Sing of Gondal. Rana Shankar Baksh Sing Ba- hadoor. Dietrich Brandis. Sir Monier Williams. Mahar. Pasupati Ananda Gaja- pati, Raj of Vizianagram. Alexr. Meadows Rendel. 1887, ut supra. 1887, Donald Campbell Macnabb. Feb. 15. Nawab Munir-ud-Daula Salar Jung Bahadoor. Sir Geo. Christr. Molesworth Birdwood. Raja Ranjit Sing of Rutlam. Surj.-gen. Benjn. Simpson. Albert Jas. Leppoc Cappel. Nawab Ali Kadir Sayid Husan Ali Bahadoor, of Moorshedabad. Mahar. Lachmessur Sing Ba- hadoor, of Darbhanga. Bapu Sahib Avar. Donald Mackenzie Wallace. Alfred Woodley Croft. Bradford Leslie. Subsequent Appointments. 1887, The Thakore Sahib of Morvi. June 30. The Thakore Sahib of Limri. 1887. Gerald Seymour Vesey Fitzgerald, Aug. 17. 1888, Chas. Arthur Turner. Jan. 1. Nawab Bushir-ud-Dowla Amir-i- Akbar Asman Jah Bahadoor. Nawab Shams-ul-Amara Amir-i- Kabir Khushed Jah Bahadoor. Sir Edwin Arnold. Mahar. Radha Prosad Sing of Dumraon. Viankerala Varma Elarga, Raja of Cochin. 1888. Arthur Nicolson, Mar. 20. 1888, Raymond West. May 24. Nawab Nawazish Ali Khan. Guilford Lindsay Molesworth. 1888, May 24, 1888, Fredk. Russell Hogg. Sirdar Naoroz Khan, of Kharan. Surg. -gen. Wm. Jas. Moore. Nawab Imam Baksh Khan. Sirdar Atar Sing, of Bhadour. Raja Vehigoti Sri Krishna Yach- endra, of Ventagiri. Mahar. Harendra Kisher Sing June 28. Bahadoor, of Bettia. Sir Gregory Chas. Paul. Mahar. Narendra Krishna Deb Bahadoor. 1889, Hy. Mortimer Durand. Jan. 1. Mahar. Krishna Partab Sahi, Bahadoor of Hatwa. Arth. Geo. Macpherson. Wm. Markby. Hy. Stuart Cunningham. COMPANIONS OF THE ORDER OF THE INDIAN EMPIRE. (CLE.) Ex-oPFicio Companions. See "Members of the Council of India," ante, pp. (J46-7, 806 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Ordinary Companions. Original Companions, Jan. 1, 1878. 1878, Mir Mahmud, Khan of Khelat. Jan. 1. Louis Steuart Jackson. Col. Sir Rd. John Meade. Rao Bahadoor Bukht Sing, Rao of Bedea. John Muir. Dietrich Brandis. Sri RajamaniRaja Deo, Zemindar of Mandasa, Madras. Sir Chas. Arth. Turner. Mir Ali Khan of Lus Beyla, Khelat. Gregory Chas. Paul. Sirdar Asad Khan, Chief of the Sarawan Brahuis, Khelat. Col. Sir Owen Tudor Bume. Sirdar Gohur Khan, chief of the Jalawan Brahuis, Khelat. Richd. Kaye Puckle. Dep.-surg. Wm. Jameson. Syud Wilayut Ali Khan of Panta. Col. Wm. Geo. Mainwaring. Rai Bahadoor Eajendra Lala Mitra. Surg. -gen. John Fullarton Beat- son. Surg.-gen. Jas. Tyrell Carter Ross. Norman Robt. Pogson. Wm. Wilson Hunter. Col. Chas. S. Hearn. 1878, Col. Edvrd. Chas. Sparshott Jan. 1. Williams. Rai Bahadoor Kristodas Pal. M.-gen. Alexr. Cunningham. R.-Adm. John Bythesea. Morarji Gokuldas. Col. Bendyshe Walton. Col. Hy. Moore. Tinivarur Muthiswami Aiyar. Col. Wm. Gordon. Khan Bahadoor Saleh Hindi of Joonaghur. Donald Graham. Surg.-Maj. Thos. Gillham Hew- lett. Cettepaliem Ranga Charloo. Col. Chas. Metcalfe Macgregor. Robt. Berkeley Shaw. Johann Geo. Buhler. Bapu Diva Shastri. Patr. Carnegy. Thos. Maltby. Thos. Mitchell Gibbon. Ebenezer Roper Lethbridge. Babu Bhuder Mukerji. Geo. Smith. John Hy. Rivett-Carnac. Capt. Hon. Geo. Campbell Napier. Roscoe Bocquet. Jas. Blackburn Knight. Pundit Nain Sing. Subsequent Appointments. 1879. Geo. Wm. Allen. Jan. 1. Bahmanji Tamasji Dastur. Wm. Digby, Fredk. Salmon Growse. Lt.-col, Shaikh Hidayat Ali. Lt.-col. Eugene Clutterbuck Impey. Baba Khem Sing. Maj. Edwd. Saml. Ludlow. Raja JIangal Sing Bahadoor, Guilford Lindsay Moles worth. Moung Oon. Surg. Danl. Robt. Thompson. Col. Jas. Fras. Tennant. Andr. Wingate. 1870, Pierre Francois Henri Nanquette. June 150. Sir Fras. Philip Cunliffe Owen. 1880, Sirdar Atar Sing. Jan. 1. Arth. Coke Bumell. Surg.-Maj. Wm. Robt. Cornish. Lt..gen. Sir Hy. Dominick D.aly. Pandit Ishwara Chandra, Vidya Sagani. Rev. Eugene Lafont. Stepli. Paget Walter Vyvyan Luke. 1880, Chas. Jas. Lyall. Jan. 1. Chas. Gordon Welland Macpher- son. Mir Humayun Jah Bahadoor. Thos. Ormeston. Chas. Edwd. Pitman. M.-gen. Sir Fredk. Sleigh Roberts. Pandit Surup Narain. Kazi Shahab-ud-din. Geo. Sibley. Babu Sourindio Mohun Tagore. 1880, Ronald Ferguson Thomson. Apr. 19. Monier Williams. Capt. Wm. John Williamson. 1880. Johann Eliza de Vry, July 14. 1880, Sirdar Jugjat Sing, of Jhind. Nov. 9. The Dewan Bishen Sing, of Nabha. Sirdar Nabhi Bakhsh, of Kuppur- talla. 1881, David Ross. Feb. 6. Maurice Le Breton. Richd. Isaac Bruce. Aloxr. Fredk. Douglas Cuiming- ham. Jas. Thos. Christie. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES 807 ] 881. Husein Ali Khan, Feb. 5. 1881, Jas. Ferguson. May 24:. Sir Steuart Colvin Bayley. Dep.-insp.-gen. Chas. Morehead. Pandit Mohesh Chandra Nyar- atna. Dep.-surg.-gen. Norman Chevers. Capt. Wm. Hutt Curzon Wyllie. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. Surg.-M. Edwd. John Waring. Maj. Trevor John Chichele Plowden. Brig.-surg. Oliver Barnett. Shahzadah Sultan Jan Suddozaie. Surg. -Maj. John Anderson. Shorabji Shapurji Bengali. Surg. Chas. Wm. Owen. 1882, Hy. Lucius Dampier. Jan. 1. M.-gen. Jno. Aug. Fuller. Jno. Lambert. Rao Bahadoor Mahadeo Vasudeo Barve. Geo. Felton Mathew. Harry Marten. Wm. Patr. Andrew. Mirza Abbas Khan. Rao Bahadoor Tantia Goi-ey. Rao Bahadoor Hittu Ram. Abdul Hak. Khan Bahadoor Saivad Aulad Husain. Khan Bahadoor Pestonji Jahangir. Capt. hon. Jno. Robertson. Wm. Mackinnon. Syud Lutf Ali Khan. Moung Shway Kyee. Rana Shankar Bakhsh Sing Bahadoor. Dep.-surg.-gen. Wm. Jas. Moore. Edwd. Ronald Douglas. Ressaldar Major Tahour Khan Sirdar Bahadoor. Subadar Major Mowladad Sirdar Bahadoor. Ali Kuli Khan, the Mukhbar-ud- Dowla of Persia. Anund Rao Puar, Mahar. of Dhar. Hy. Christr. Mance. Hy. Geo. Keene. Surg. -maj. Jas. Edwd. Tierney Aitchison. Mohendro Lall Sircar. Nawab Abdul Lateef. Raghunath Narayen Khote. Syed Bakir Ali Khan. Maj. Oliver Probyn. Capt. Claude Clerk. Caspar Purdon Clarke. Surg. -maj. Geo. Bidie. 188".. Lt.-col. Dav. Wilkinson Campbell. May '2i. Lt.-col. Fredk. Peterson. Lt.-col. Thos. Ross Church. Lt.-col. Saml. Jackson, Fredk. Chas. Berry. Alexr. Grant. 1882 Mays 1882, Nov. 18 1883, Jan. 1. 1883, Eras. Langford O'Callaghan. May 24. Thakur Bichn Sing of Dholpur. Fredk. Augs. Hugh Elliot. 1884, Baden Hy. Baden Powell. Jan. 1. Nawab Imam Baksh Khan. Sirdar Ajit Sing. Geo. Alfd. Barnett. Navroji Fardunji. The Zemindar of Punganur. Babu Chota Lall Sijwar. Diwan Het Ram. Jno. Faithful Fleet. Col. Robt. Home. 1884, Alfd. Woodley Croft. May 23. Rev. Wm. Miller. Kashinath Trimbak Talang. Benjn. Lewis Rice. Geo. O'Brien Theodore Carew. Sheikh Shuruf-ud-din Races of Sheikhuppur. Rai Bahadoor Kanai Lai De. Col. Chas. Edwd. Stewart. Durga Charan Laha. Edwd. Thomas. 1885, Fran9ois Alfd. Puton. Jan. 1. Lucien Boppu. Maj. Lewis Conway-Gordon. Rev. Kistna Mohun Banarji. Jas. Macnabb Campbell. Rao Saheb Mahipatram Rupram Lilkanth. Ralph Thos. Hotchkin Griffith. Kanwar Harnam Sing. Peter Mitchell. Nawab Nawazish Ali Khan. Resseldar IMajor Isri Pershad Sardar Bahadoor. Demetrius Panioty. 1885, Maj. Robt. Parry Nisbet. June G. Eras. Day. Jas. B;iboneau Nickterlien Hen- nessey. Dulputram Dayabhoy. Capt. Adelbert Cecil Talbot. Jas. Burgess. Geo. Hamnett. Ramaswami Mudalier. 1886, Mortimer Sloper Howell. Jan. 1. Mohammed Hassan Khan. Baboo Sarat Chandra Das. Colin Arrott Robertson Browning. Dharain Narain Pandit. Raja Jung Bahadoor Khan. Lt.-col. Andrew Higgins. M.-gen. Wm. Leslie de la Poer Beresford. Sirdar Bahadoor Man Sing Res- saldar. Sir Frank Hy. Souter. Artb. Naylor Wollaston, 1886. Sir Arthur Edwd. Hardinge, Jan. 22. Maj.HughRd.,visc.Downe,Mar.lO. 1886, Surg. -gen. IMichael Cudmore Fur- May 29 nell. 808 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1886, Mav 29. June 28. 1887, Jan. 1. 1887, Feb. 15. 1887. 1887, July 25 1887, Aug. 8 1887. Leichmnn Das Seth, of Muttra. Edwd. Spence Symes. | Rao Bahadoor lianchoulal Choto- | lal of Ahmedabad. Dep. -surg. -<,'en. Alexr. Morrison DallaK. Fredk. Chas. Kennedy. Jas. Watt. Jno. Wm. Tyler. Col. Augs. Le ^lessurier. Maj. Kd. Nevill. Mancherjee Ncrwanjee Bhownag- grce. Jos. Raljib Kdwd. Jno. Royle. Colman Patr. Louis Macaulay. Sirdar Jewan Sing Buria. Jno. Lockwood Kipling. Franz Kielborn. Rai Mabta Punno Lall. Brig.-surg. Hy. Eluisley Basteed. Pestonji lloruiusji Cama. Carl Ludoljib (Jriosbach. Capt. Fredk. Duncan Raikes. Rao Babadoor Mabadeo Govind Ranade. Wuj. Wordsworth. Capt. Albt. Fredk. de Laessoe. Sirdar Sbeie Ahmed Khan. Sirdar Muhanunad Aslana Khan. H}'. Jlontagu ilattbews. Palle Cbentsal Rao Puntulu. Col. John Stewart, R.A. Syud Ameer AH. Hj\ Seymour King. Geo. Jamieson Swann. Thos. Beatson Christie, m.d. Wm. Jas. Maitland. Moung U Pe Zi Linkedaw Myo Wun. Kumar Sri Kalooba, June 30. Capt. Chas. Weuiyss Muir. Ressaldar ^I.ijor Nizamuddin Khan, Sirdar Bahadoor. Ressaldar Shir Sing. Ressaldar J afar Ali Khan. Col. Geo. Hitso Goodfellow. Col. Chas. Wodebouse. M.-trcn. Tbo3. Dennebv, Sept. 17. 1888, Frank Forbes Adam. Jan. 1. Munshi Newab Kishoro. Rao Babadoor Krisbnaji Lak- shaman Nulkar. Col. Hy. Constantino Evelyn Ward. Fredk. Thos. Granville Walton. Key Elias. Shahzada Nadir. Kazi Syud Ahmed Khan Baia- door. Syed Ameer Hosseni. Reinhold Rest. 1888. Col. Chas. Smith Maclean. Mar. 20. 1888, Edmd. Forster Webster. May 24. Alexr. John Lawrence. Col. Jas. Cavan Berkeley. Edwd. Chas. Kayll Ollivant. Heera Sahib Lall Ramanuj Per- shad Sing. Maj. Wm. Sinclair Smith Bisset. Meirjibai Kuvarji, Dewan of Kholapur. Chas. Hv. Tawney. Col. Thos. Weldon. Hy. Irwin. Capt. Buchanan Scott. Arth. Hedding Hildobrand. Jas. Walker. Ressaldar Major Muzaffar Khan. • Sirdar Babadoor. 1888. Jas. McFerran, Nov. 11). 1889, Lt.-col. Edwin Hy. Haytcr Col- Jan. 1. len. S. Subramaniya Aiyer. Rai Ba- hadur. Edwin Felix Thos. Atkinson. Capt. John Hext. Ramkrishna Gopal Bhandarkar. Wm. Brercton Hudson. Surg. -maj. John Findlay. Saiyid ^lihrban Ali. Hy. Josiah Whymper. Raja Sudbal Deo of Bamva. Fredk. Wm. .Stevens. Babu Protab Chunder Rai. Alfred Wallis Paul. OFFICERS OF THE ORDER OF THE INDIAN EMPIRE. Beqistbab. 1878, Jan. 1. Sir Alb. Wm. Woods, Garter King of Arms. 1878. Alfd. Comyns Lyall, aft. sir A 1881. Chas. Grant. Secretaries. 1885. Hv. Mortimer Durand. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. THE ORDER OF THE CROWN OF INDIA. This Order was instituted on Jan. 1, 1878 by Royal Warrant dated Dec. 31, 1877, and gazetted Jan. 4, 1878. It is exclusively for ladies, and is intended to commemorate the assumption by the Queen of the title of Empress of India. It consists of the Sovereign and of the fol- lowing ladies as the Sovereign may think fit: — (1) Princesses of the Eoyal House, (2) the wives and other female relatives of Princes of the Indian Empire, (3) other Indian ladies, and (4) the wives and other female relatives of any j^ersons who have held or may hold the office of Viceroy and Grovernor-General of India, Governor of Madras or Bombay, or Principal Secretary of State for India. The 1st of January in every year is to be deemed the anniversary of the institution of the Order. The only officer of the Order is the Registrar. The Order is styled — The Imperial Order of the Crown of India. MEMBEllS OF THE ORDER OF THE CROWN OF INDIA. (Cr.I.) Originat. Appointments. Jan. 1 , 1878. 1878, The Prss. of Wales. Jan. 1. The Or. Prss. of Germanj', aft. Empress Fredk. ; Prss. Roy. of Gt. Britain and Ireland. The Grd. Dss. of Hesse, Prss. Alice of Gt. Britain and Ire- land ; d. Dec. 1878. Prss. Christian of Schleswig- Holstein, Prss. Helena of Gt. Britain and Ireland. Prss. Louise, Mss. of Lome. Prss. Beatrice, aft. Prss. Hy. of Battenberg. Marie Alexandrovna, Dss. of Edinburgh, Gr. Dss. of Russia. Augusta Wilhelmnia Louisa, Dss. of Cambridge; (/. 1889. Augusta, &c., Gr. Dss. of Meck- lenburg Strelitz ; Prss. Augusta of Cambridge. Mary, &c., Dss. of Teck ; Prss. Mary of Cambridge. The Maharanee Dhuleep Sing. Nawab Shahjihan, Begum of Bhopal. Maharanee Seta Velass Dewajee Ammanee Anaro of Mysore. Maharanee Jumna Bai Saheb Gaekwar of Baroda. 1878, Dilawar un-Nissar, Begum Saheb Jan. 1. of Hyderabad. Nawab Kudsia, Begum of Bhopal. Vijaya Mohenu ]Mukta Boyi Am- manee, Rajah Saheb of Tan- jore. Maharanee Hai Nornoyee of Cos- simbazar. Eliz. Georgiana, Dss. of Argyll ; d. May 1878. GeorginaCaroline,Mss. of Salisbury. Henrietta Anne Theodosia, Mss. of Ripon. Lady Mary Temple-Xugent- Brydges-Chandos-Grenville. Mary Louisa, Countess Dowager of Elgin and Kincardine. Blanche Julia, Countess of Mayo. Lady Susan Georgina Bourke, aft. Lady Connemara. Mary, viscss. Halifax. Mary Catherinie, Lady Hobart. Lady Jane Emma Baring. Anne Jane Charlotte, Baroness Napier, aft. Napier and Ettrick. Edith, Baroness, aft. Countess of Lytton. Harriette Katherine, Baroness Lawrence. 810 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1878, Cecilia Frances, Lady Northcoto, Jan. 1. aft. Countess of Iddesleigh. Catherine, Lady Frere. 1878, Mary Augusta, Lady Temple. Jan. 1. Caroline Lucy, Lady Denison. Katherine Jane, Lady Strachey. SCBSEQCBNT APPOINTMENTS. 1878. Jane, viscss. Cranbrook, Apr. 20. Prss. Frederica of Hanover, June 27. Prss. Marv of Hanover, June 27. 1879. Thyra, Dss. of Cumberland, Feb. 25. Louise Margt., &c., Dss. of Con- naught, Mar. 13. Mary Cecilia, Baroness Napier of Magdala. Fras. Eliz., Lady Cunynghame, c.c. the hon. Lady Cunyng- hame. Susanna Maria, Dowager Lady Pottinger; (/. Lakshmi Bhayie, Senior Rani of Travancore, Mar. 2. Olive, Lady Fergusson ; d. Oct. 8. Emily Eliza Adam, aft. Lady Adam. 1882. Helene Frederica Augusta, Dss. of Albany, Apr. 26. 1879, Mav 31 1881. 1881, 1883, May 2. 1884. 1885, Aug. 18, 1886. 1887. 1887, Aug. 6. Florence, Countess of Kimberley. Anna Julia Grant DulT, aft. Lady Grant Duff. Sidh-Sri-Maharaj Kumari Patela Wali Maharani Sateba Kunwar Devi of Dholpur. Edith Helen Fergusson, Sept. 4. Harriet Georgina, Countess of Dufferin, aft. Mss. of Dufferin and Ava, Dec. 15. Jennie Churchill, c.c. Lady Ran- dolph Churchill. Fanny Georgina Jane, Baroness Reay. Georgina, viscss. Cross, Aug. 24. Maharanee Sunity Devee of Kuch Behar, Mar. 18. Prss. Louisa Victoria Alexandra Dagmar of Wales. Prss. Alexandra Olga Mary of Wales. Maud Evelyn, Mss. of Lansdowne. OFFICER OF THE ORDER OF THE CROWN OF INDIA. Registrar. 1878, Jan. 1. Sir Alb. Wm. Woods. Garter King of Arms. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 811 PART XIY. NAYAL. LORD HIGH ADMIRALS AND LORDS COMMISSIONERS OP THE ADMIRALTY. See Part III., ante, p. 169. SECRETARIES TO THE ADMIRALTY. See Part IIL, arite, p. 186. TREASURERS OF THE NAVY. See Part HI., ante, p. 256. CONTROLLERS AND SURVEYORS OF THE NAVY. See Part HI., a7ite, p. 257. JUDGES OF THE HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY, ENGLAND. See Part HI., ante, p. 422. ADMIRALTY ADVOCATES. See Part HI., ante, p. 423. 812 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. judges; OF THE HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY, SCOTLAND. See Part IX., ante, p. 524. JUDGES OF THE HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY, IRELAND. See Part X., ante, p. 587. ADMIRALS. The Admirals are arranged according to the following Lists : — LIST A. Admirals from the Restoration to 1836, with the dates of their first promotion as Rear Admirals. LIST B. Admirals of the Fleet from 1837. LIST C. Admirals of the United Kingdom from 1837. LIST D. Admirals of the Red, White, and Blue from 1837 to the discontinuance of the division into three Squadrons in 1864. LIST E. Admirals on the Active List from 1864. LIST F. Promotion of Admirals transferred from the Active to the Retired List. LIST G. Admirals on the Reserve Half-Pay List from 1851 to the closing of the List. LIST H. Captains promoted to the List of Retired Admirals. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 813 LIST A. ADMIRALS. From the Restoration to the end of the year 1886. The dates refei" to the time when the officers were appointed Rear- Admirals. * * Geo. Monk. aft. D. of Albemarle ; i 1694. d. 1670. * * Pr. Rupert, D. of Cumberland, j &c.; d. 1682. * * Sir Jno. Lawson, d. 16G5. 1698. * * Edwd., E. of Sandwich, d. 1672. 1701. * * Sir Richd. Stayner. 1661. Sir Robt. Holmes. Sir Thos. Allen. 1702. Sir Wm. Penn. 1665. Robt. Sampson. 1703. Sir Thos. Tyddiman. Sir Geo. Ayseue. Sir Wm. Berkeley, d. 1666. Sir Jos. Jordan. Sir Christr. Mings, d. 1666. Sir Jno. Herman. Sir Jeremiah Smith. 1666. Sir Edwd. Spraggs, d. 1673. 1705. SirWm. Jennings. Robt. Utber (Uthurt ?), d. 1699. Sir Jno. Kempthorne. 1670. Thos., E. of Ossory, son of the D. of Ormond. 1706. Sir Fretcheville Holies, d. 1672. Sir Jno. Chicheley, Id. admy., 1707. 1682. 1675. Sir Jno. Narborough. 1683. Geo., Id. Dartmouth. 1708. Wm. Davies. Sir Jno. Berry. Sir Roger Strickland. 1688. Arthur Herbert, aft. E. of Tor- rington. Sir Richd. Haddock, comptr. navy ; d. 1714. 1718. Jno., Id. Berkeley of Stratton d. 1697. Hy. Killigrew, Id. admy., 1693. 1690. Edwd. Russell, aft. E. of Orford, 1722. &c., first Id. admy. 1723. Sir Cloudesley Shovel, d. 1707. Sir Ralph Dela val, Id. admy., 1693. Sir John Ashby. Sir Geo. Rooke, Id. admy., 1702 ; d. 1709. 1691. Richd. Carter, (/. 1692. Matth. Aylmer, aft. Id. Aylmer ; Id. admy., and r.-adm. Gr. Br. ; d. 1720. Sir David Mitchell, d. 1710. 1692. Sir Eras. Wheeler, d. 1694. Hon. Edwd. Nevill, bro. to Id. Abergavenny. 1693. Sir Thos. Hopson, d. 1717. John Benbow, d. 1702. Peregrine, M. of Carmarthen, aft. D. of Leeds ; d. 1729. Geo. Meeze. Sir John Munden. Geo. Churchill, bro. to John, D. of Marlborough ; Id. admy. Sir Stafford Fairborne. John Graydon, dism. Sir Wm, Whetstone, dism. 1706. Sir John Leake, r.-adm. Gr. Br., and commr. admy. ; d. 1720. Sir Geo. Byng, aft. vise. Tor- rington, r.-adm. Gr. Br., and first Id. admy. Sir Thos. Dilkes, d. 1707. Basil Beaumont, d. 1704. Sir Jas. Wishart, dism. 1715. Sir John Jennings, r.-adm. Gr. Br., 1732; d. 1745. Chas., E. of Peterborough and Monmouth. Sir Edwd. Whitaker, dism. 1715. Sir John Norris, Id. admy., and adm. fl. ; d. 1749. Jas., vise. Dursley, aft. E. of Berkeley, v. -adm. Gr. Br., and first Id. admy. ; d. 1736. John Baker, (/. 1716. Jas. Littleton, d. 1722. Sir Chas. Wager, treasr. navy, and first Id. admy. ; d. 1743. Sir Hovendeu Walker, dism. 1715; d. 1725. Sir Thos. Hardy, (/. 1732. Chas. Cornewall. d. same year. Geo. Delaval, (/. 1723. Jas. Mighells, res. to be a commr navy. Fras. Hosier, d. 1727. Sir Geo. Walton, res. Chas. Strickland, d. 1724. Salmon ilaurice, res. 1734; d. 1741. Robt. Hughes, d. 1728. Edwd. Hopson, d. 1728. Philip Cavendish, Id. admy. ; d. 1743. Sir John Balchan, d. 1744. Edwd. St. Looe, (/. 1729. Hon. Chas. Stewart, son of vise. Mountjoy ; d. 1740. Thos. Matthews, dism. Feb. 1744; d. 1748. Sir Geo. Saunders, commr. navy ; d. 1734 «14 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1734. Nichs. Haddock, d. 1746. Sir Tancred Robinson, bt, res. 1741 ; (1. 1754. Geo., Id. Forbes, aft. E. of Granard, govr. Leeward isl. ; (l. 1765. John Hagar, res. 1748. 1739. Edwd. Vernon, dism. 1746 ; d. 1757. 1740. Sir Chaloner Ogle, adm. fleet ; d. 1751. 1743. Jas. Stewart, adm. fleet, 1751 ; d. 1757. Richd. Lestock. Sir Chas. Hardy, Id. admy. ; d. 1744. Thos. Davers, d. 1747. Hon. Geo. Clinton, son of the E. of Lincoln ; govr. New York, 1742; d. 1761. Sir Wm. Rowley, k.b., Id. admv. , 1751; adm.' fleet, 1762; \/. 1768. 1744. Wm. Martin, d. 1756. Isaac Townshend, govr. Green- wich hosp. ; d. 1765. Hy. Medley, d. 1846. Lord Vere Beauclerk, aft. Id. Vere, Id. admy. ; quitted the service ; d. 1781. Geo. Anson, aft. Id. Anson, first Id. admy., 1751; adm. fleet, 1761; d. 1762. Perry Mayne, d. 1761. 1745. Sir Peter \Varren, k.b., d. 1752. Hon. John Byng, shot by sentence of ct.-martl. on board the Monarch, at Portsmouth, Mar. 14, 1757. Hy. Osborne, v.-adm. Gr. Br., 1763; d. 1771. Hon. Fitzroy Hy. Lee, son of the E. of Lichfield ; d 1752. Thos. Smith, d. 1762. Thos. Griffin, d. 1771. 1747. Sir Edwd. Hawke, k.b., aft. Id. Hawke, first Id. admy. 1766 ; res. 1771 ; d. 1781. Wm. Chambers, d. 1753. Sir Chas. Knowles, bt. , r.-adm. Eng., 1765; d. 1777. Hon. John Forbes, Id. admy. ; gen. of marines, 1762 ; adm. fleet, 1781. Hon. Edwd. Boscawen, son of visc.Falmouth ;gen. of marines, 1760; Id. admy. from 1751 to his death, 1761. Robt. Mitchell, d. before 1758. Chas. Watson, d. 1767. 1755. Temple West, Id. admy.; d. 1757. Sir Geo. Pocock, k.b., res. 1766; d. 1792. Hon. Geo. Townshend, d. 176;>. 1765. Savage Mostyn. comptr. navy, 1749 ; d. 1757. Fras. Holbume, Id. admy. ; govr. Greenwich hosp. ; d. 1771. 1756. Hv. Harrison, d. 1759. Thos. Cotes,*/. 1767. Sir Thos. Frankland, bt., rf. 1784. Lord Harry Poulett, aft. D. of Bolton. Hy. Norris. Thos. Broderick, d. 1769. Sir Chas. Hardy, govr. New York, 1756 ; d. 1780. Geo., E. of Northesk, d 1792. Sir Chas. Saunders, k.b., It. -gen. of marines, 1760: Id. admv., 1765; first Id. admv., 1766 ;'rf. Dec. 1776. 1758. Sir Thos. Pye, It. -gen. of marines, 1781 ; d. 1785. Chas. Stevens, d. 1761. Phihp Durell, d. 1766. Chas. Holmes, d. 17G1. Sir Saml. Cornish, bt. . d. 1770. Sir Fras. Gearv. bt. . d. 1796. 1759. Smith Callis, d. 1761. Sir Geo. Brydges Rodney, aft. Id. Rodney ; v. -adm. Gr. Br. ; d. 1792. 1761. Pr. Edwd. Augs., D. of York; bro. of Geo. III. ; r.-adm. blue, 17G1; v.-adm. blue, 1762; d. 1767. 1762. Sir Wm. Bumabv. kt. and bt., d. 1776. Jas. Young, d. 1789. Sir Piercv Brett, Id. admy. ; d. 1781. Sir John Moore, k.b. and bt., d. 1779. Richd. Tyrrell, d. 1765. Alexr.,ld. Colville, d. 1770. Sir Jas. Douglas, kt., aft. bt., d. 1787. Sir John Bentley, d. 1770. Wm. Gordon, (/.'l768. Geo., Id. Edgcumbe, aft. vise. :Mount Edgcumbe and Valle- tort, d. 1795. Robt. Swanton, d. Aug. 1765. Saml. Graves, d. 1787. Wm. Parry, d. 1779. Hon. Augs. Keppel, aft. vise. Keppel, made first Id. admy., 1782; d. 1786. 1764. John Amherst, d. 1778. Hy., D. of Cumberland and Stratheam, d. 1790. 1770. Sir Peter Dennis, bt.. d. 1778. Robt. Hughes, d. 1774. Matth. Buckle, d. 1784. Robt. Mann, Id. admy. ; >•■ ? S S^« * a :; :; si ^ ^ I I I P5«« ^11 io i i i :: i : :6d i i i i id i : i ic5 i P5 < MM N i M M M ^ M ^ ^ ^ : ^ : : ^ >-> : : : : : 5^ P5 < i M i 3|M§ M M M M N M M : : : : : h, ^. • > • • ;::::::::::::::::::: 1:1 : : :::::::::::::::::::: ... - .^ ....... ."M Mm 1 'Ml ^'^m m ;| m mi i f4 CO li; CO eo CO id-- ---idiiiic-iiidic-:: i^ " ^ ' :^ i : : i^^ ' i i i^ i^ i : o 2 2 2 2 CO CO CO CO CO CO d::: :::d:d---::d--:d::d- 1-3 "-s • •-: • ■>-> -i-i ■ . i-s 2 2 22s 3 i : i :^i ig i = = i 1 ;b i i :S« : : : : : •a g ^ u THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. fir S.1 K O ® " 1-5 f::^ta^ C5 -^ CI CO Ci 00 — CM < 00 v> a s T' ■« 2 i s a ^•Is .at 43 O ^« : s i! : 'i to" : • o : • sc; • . «■ I . 5C is ^ 3 '^ O ^ 'W 43 O t" . « * * * « H* 4 ■g^^ FM-^' ^*t; !•€ u 5^ ^ 2 5 S • no® »i-]>J> THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. V rrt*3 " — — m 6 io : o i id i ••ocso •w -d ^ (O a : . : : : : > : : < :^ : : •^ Ja >a o < S;5 : -t^ eo ilMI :■ be • CO t6 UOO >Ci o o o « : -i : £i • • n :&::-: '.'.'■ ^ :-: a, ■ ■ei •<-> :a3 • -1-5 :cc • -t^ . . .1-5 ■^•J2 ■ -* t^ iri ^ CO ^ ^£:i ^• ol oi CO CO >a lO o o > : 3 •'-5 00 • : c : : «s 00 : 3 cs : =! ?32 ^ dddo r4 ^' ^ ^ O O IC •=^g^oS : ^ &<'3, '■ c '■ c > : ►^ X ^ ;2; 1— 1 OO OS •i-j -'-5 i>^ t>^ t- t-^ ^ 00 OJ 05 05 ai OS CS OS OS -* '^ ■*-*'* -*-*-* < ill 1 :| i lllll mi ilM :ccoO : *: :6 < o i - o §5 i : >i • • 2 1 . 6 '• t^ . 6 • w 1st III a c 1 c2 (3 : : c c III : : : W c O * «; w «3 < § J -a o •-5 I;!;:;:;: 1=1 ^ii liiis THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. ^11! : :o : j id i id jd jd id j : d i i i i j i i j id • < -3 w o4 !■! M illiMliMMM Mil MiMMiMM 2:2 g 2 S3 A.B. A.W. ill Mil i MM M MN MiMMilMI 00 00 eo »o iM i^§ i Mi'i M M M Mi i 1 N-h M M|M 1 :Oh, :: :S :::::: : : : : k, : : h, h, ::::««!... < < SS SIS ;s T^ i s^i§ g iS'-s j j ig<§ i i;g i i j : i j. §< i-s-B-s N M §* 1 M CO -* i^ ^ — c rt ■* C5 b- i-3 ^ i ! ! g § i i-a i i i : i § 1= i &,^^ i i i i-^ i i i ■.i^< : : :>^^ : : ►^ : : : : lO ■p, ■<<7?. : : : :^ : : : < < 24 Dec.' 49. 14 Jan. 50. 27 Mar! 50. 21 Jun. 50. 2 Sep.' 50. 6 Nov. 50. 11 Nov. 50. 21Mar.'51. 8 Apr. 51. 29 Apr. 51. 11 Jun. 51. IGJun. 51. 8Jui;"51. 21Aug.51. 19 Jan." 52. pi : i i i : i i i i i i i i i i : i i : : i j : i j i j i i i i Nathl. Day Cochrane John Ayscough Sir Thos. John Cochrane Wm. Furlong Wise Edmd. Bogcr Wm. Jones Lve Sir Geo. Fras'. Seymour, ecu. Hon. Geo. Poulett, aft. Sir G. ... Jas. Haldane Tait Sir Wm. Beauchamp Proctor, bt. Chas. Jas. Johnstone Edwd Ratsey Richd. Turner Hancock Chas. Philip Butler-Bateman ... Mauritius Adolphus Newton de Starck Arth. Lysught Hon. Josceline Percy Hon. sirAnthy.Maitland,K.CM.G., aft. E. of Lauderdale Hon. Granville Leveson Proby, aft. E. of Carysfort Granville Geo., Id. Radstock Geo., E. Cadogan Sir Edwd. Tucker, k.c.h. Wm. Maude Saml. Hood Inglefield Sir Wm. Augs. Montague, k.ch. Valentine Collard Sir Edwd. Chetbam Strode Reuben Callaud Mangin Wm. Croft Fras. Beauman THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 827 ^ ^ t^ t^ CO ca 00 OO d 1 "* »o ta « : : > i i ci ■ • ■ ■ -r^ ■ : £r' '. < 1 i il i : a ■: i : : : • d ■ • :t-3 : : ^ : :g : : : 3 : : is i i SP CO o eo lo d d t;^ (^ 'i^'^ ^ < > o iilil -M : : O : : . rt : : S : : i ! *-5 : ^ 3 .1-5H-, : fi, : \-^ i '=^ ::;! .-H •^ 050 C-1 — ' co^-^- < o to : : p, c .^ ;-■ : : : : =s Oh : : „- :^«- : d : > : : cc H, pn < ■ ■ : :3 cc : : »-3 Il-jH, • mo ■■ :^ : t- -w ^ o :o CO '* « t~- eo (M "-* CO weo eo^"-i5 < > o o w >a o o lo io >n "O : :^ ?< s Q - : o ■"• ^ d i-H I-! 1-H ,.; J ^ ^• (4 < ooioia »o i-T) :x %% "i^^ 1 ill :<- : -* t-- r-- ?| o rH DO _, ^• n • • . .• — t-> t^ O U O I- r: o t- c -^ ->^ -ti ^ ri fl U « CO-* O >-* 00 i>I i T^ ^ ^ ^^ o CO > ^ ^ :^ i :S : i i Hi z:z;fa : ^ : ■ >-i ■ ililii CO oo^ CO CO O -*< CO ^S t, t- t- t^ t^ t-I t-^ •o lO o i^ >o • > : o III • • do 'B'a ^ : a, - cs o <^^ o (?1^CO CO C-1 -it -* -* -* »0 lO 'O uo o >o »c lO -o CO lO lO >o o « ;^ : fe" &-►-■ : : ,a -J ^ ^ i . ^ > •yd - : d- a - : -5 H^ y: :o?; :^^ " 14 >o CO ■-H l— t^ CO -* C5 1^ CO o 00 .-1 —1 -H IM c4 (>J aq (>j (M CO ei i coco CO CO' CO CO-* / -*■ -*■ -*■ -^ >*■ lO o o lO laiaia to .o O "O o ^ < « il 1 ' i i i i ^1 i III o ■*< 00 CO 1^ >n s 1 (M CO ^ t- t- lO IM _i t- ^ lO CO CO CO 05 oi ci c ■^ dc5 o <: ^o o c i o d rj ^ -; . ^ -H -^ i-I r -< '-< ci iri cm' m cm' im' (M -* TtH ^ -! -5 >0 O O lO O li OOioioOOOlOlO 1 II. ^ 5 o S J ».&. 5 ;z; Q S c/2 1-5 f ;^d : ^• : :ffl :^. .. B r r^ « a 2 i^ "^ "S ^ «•«. Is ^» §,od- h ^- S a US' fa 1 II ^1 C CO P g II m 3 • en c s ^ « ^ ^ IP 'si ^£3 ^ . "S eS O o '^ -^ cc f-H ;> 1-5 jzj c« 830 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. ^11 -^ - 6 dd - — -- — ^ -- M Md la N - w rj' -y^ dwo S - -— i : = i .: i i - — ^ c ::::::: < eo «c6 cocoeo ■^ ■^ -^ -^ » c > > \\\iii\ .0 'O (m' M •^i rj eo CO CO CO eo CO CO rn ^ s <» o w «) IS « •^ S-c : . ^ > > !- : : : t- !:: B d, > • ; • • ^° ^ Jl ■ : : c-^ 3 flT.c : o : > <; 1-3 : :0^:^Xiy. ■ X ^i^ :Q : C-1 oo ■* O -M CO t^ CC lO CI -* •^ r-, — lO •"• T-* o c5o o ^ -: ^ -• [ ci Oi (m" oi e4 rn coeo CO ^ o o o tc o to o O o§ s s^ B > > :^ c_: M ., • > ^ t^ C I •■ : < > o . o B a 5 -- : : « i^J2 5 " : S. : 1^ 1-5 >^ ^ :&H^H5< : :^-5 k- r'.< ••< •• (M C3 ^ t- — Tf Cl IS >s c^ o « -^ o C^l « CO — ' t. 5"! QO »■ « 00 cv" ci ^ ^ ^ «• > '» o -o O -J <^ o o O o W w B »-5 II s : ^ s S ^g : ^ i? B > > ^ . O cS j3 O O o : B : s •►-5 : "B B >."5 -f » t^ t^ c^ cs -1 1^ .-H "* C5 UO la c^ d o o-o t-: »-■ f;:^ «:: '-' ^-^ rr 00 00 00 00 o 1.0 L- laio 13 8 "5 o <^ . ^ ,^ ►_, 1-5 1-5 : : : Sf d '-^ c •-5 Hi ^^ t— ^(M 05 o >« »o '2 >o 'o lo' ■-•;■ lo >n o O « rn d d cr t-I t^ < lo >o >o lo 'n >o CO la to lO la MO!?; MMIII r .■ Is iilM ^ S5S; ?l^ c<»oeO'** •»* -*■-*■ ,-; 1.0 l~ >-^.n "oS o Ko "o >n K5 la to "--s "o o 'O »o o >« i« lo lo »s o 1-0 m o »a < pi 1 cS < -: d> o c d c :^6 55 S a-: ' t^ l« -M ?1?5 '*' J:; i:; '« 3:^ j; i^ -^ r-l IC lO 1^ CO t>. -H ,-1 ,H CM — I ^ S Sis: i:i 1- C4 ■J CO ii : > « is i ^ W : : : i :o ipri : : : d : *: : : TJ d .^3 *" •" cS cT ■" 6 "^"^ «= s &• 1 a t r :/5 I 5^ 1:1 a :£ • 1^ • Q \ 1 (5 : «- : i > • : 115 II 1 a -sag -9 .a >.^ •- ^^. K £ S m •5 T'll^^. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 831 HWH wesfe : o o o CO •* o CO w -^ ■* CO o o 5* O O fj .jD O O 5 qj CO lO >-< OJ o to -^ rt<0'MOCOCO^COI I CO !M cq t- (- t- t^ o >a ic lo '3'^;iig^--oooo-l rH (M (M ^ O' >1 »H o eS ca CO 1-1 CO iCSClooOOw^i-; 'lOiOCOCOOOcOCOCO i ^ ^ S ►^ ;2; ^ fe h^ h^ Ot^(MC5-Ht^r-lTj<05 O lO lO »o >o »o in lo COOICO rH(Ml-l(NrH ■-( ^SS iP^-CjOOOo lONO w-*aioooo I 1-1 1-1 CO !«;§ g^ril CD . ^ "^ § rt o a +r"^ ^ (^ ~ ■- ' o .■ ^ ciT^'o £ j: $ 6 ra 'Ti ^^^g ;;. i>, ci ^^ -li • H d "-^ = 5-3-3 ® "J « i k^ Ph p3 oT^ o e ^ ^ 2 ^ fi= ^ -r. ^ ^o p . ^ § o § g 1 2 Pi O S ^ ►^ fc ►^ nf? THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. CLlHPclEcIPq f^K p4 Hizi^HM ^m «»' SHPc'^ CC CO CO CO CO CO o to -o ■» Is. G tX> > ^-d o o o I- lo oi -* so IM C^) .-I (M « CO ci d QQ CO >o tc ^ a 1^ ^ 03 oj g o o 05 o o •* o CO CO o -o 05 lO J2 d 00 UO CO CO CO coco CO CO W =0 CO O CO CO —I CO - 3 o ° o o uo e-5 c5 fa «= S o o >2 2 ts ►c " ^ ^".«, <" I— I c5 tc ^ > - ^ ^ ^ S ^ ; 53 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. LIST E. ADMIRALS ON THE ACTIVE LIST. From the discontinuance of the division of the Fleet into Red, White, and Blue Squadi'ous in 1864 to the present time. See note at foot of List D, ante, p. S33. Con- Name. tinued from V.-Adm. . ,, Continued '^'""- in List List Hy. Eden D. UfiSep. r,4. Sir Jas. Scott ... D. [lOFeb. ri.5. Hou. sir Fredc. Wm. Grey, c.n. D. 24 Apr. Co. [[ Sir Robt. Lambert Baynes D. 5 May 65. | .. Hy. Smith, c.n. .! D. 12 Sep. 65. John Alexr. Duntze D. 2 Dec. 65. Chas. Ramsay Drinkwater Bethune D. 2 Apr. 66. Sir Chas. Talbot, K.c.B D. ,^ Sir Thos. h^abine Pasley, bt D. 20 Nov. 66. Lord Edwd. Russell D. 20 Mar. 67. Sir Hy. John Codrington, K.c.n D. 18 Oct. i>r. b! Thos., E. of Lauderdale D. 8 Apr. 68. B. Sir Robt. Smart, K.u. D. 15 Jan. 69. Geo. Rodney Mundy D. 2(> May 69. B.' Hon. sir Hy. Kcppel, K.c.B D. 2 Jul*. 69. B. John Eljdiinstone Erskine D. 10 Sep. 69. Sir Jas. Hope, K.c.K. D. 16 Sep.' G4. 21 Jan. 70. B.* Horatio Thos. Austin, c.b. ... D. 20 Oct. 64. Wm. Ramsev, c.b. D. 12 Nov. 64. F.' Sir Baldwin Wake Walker, bt., k.c.b. D. 10 Feb. 65. 27 Feb.' 70. Sir Alexr. Milne D. 13 Apr. 65. 1 Apr. 70. ] B.' Lord Clarence Edwd. Paget D. 24 Apr. 65. ,, .. Richd. Laird Warren... D. 5 May 65. ., Geo. Elliot D. 12 Sep. 65. ,, Sir Sidney Colpoys Dacres D. 17 Nov. 65. ,. .. Sir Lewis Tobias Jones D. 2 Dec. 65. F. Robt. Fanshawe Stopford D. 2 Apr. 66. F. Robt. Spencer Robinson, aft. sir R... D. ,, F. Thos. Matth. Chas. Symonds,C.B.,aft. sir T. D. ,, 14 Jul. 71. B. Jas. John Stopford ... D. ,, Woodford John Williams D. ,. F.' Sir Augs. Leop. Kuper D. (•■Apr. 66. 20Oc't'.'72. Chas. Eden, c.b. D. ,, f. Hon.Chas. Gilbert John Brydone Elliott, c.b. D. ., 8 Feb.' 73. B. Hon. Jos. Dunman D. 20Nov.0(;. ,_ Sir Geo. St. Vincent King I). 20 I^lar. 67. 20 Apr. 75. Edwd. Pellew Halsted D. 24 May 67. Chas. I'rederick D. 18 Oct. <;7. F. Hy. Kellett, c.n D. 8 Apr. 68. Wm. Hy. Anderson iJorshead, c.b D. 15 Jan. 6'J. F. Richd. Collinson, c.b. D 17 Mar. 61). F. Geo. Ramsay, C.B.. aft. 12th E, ofDalhousie D. ,, F. Hastings Regd. Yelverton ... D. 26 May 69. 30 Jul. 75. Geo. Hy. Seymour D. 2 Jul. 61). .. Geo. (iic'ville Wollosley. c.b D. 26 Jul. 69. 11 Dec. 75. ,, Hon. Geo. Fowler Hastings, c.b D 10 Sep. 69. lion. Swynfen Thos. Carnegie D 21 Jan. 70. K"* Edwd. Gennys Fanshawe D. 1 Apr. 70. 18 Jan. 76. Arth. Lowe D. 27 Feb. 70. ?' Hon. Thos. Baillie D. 1 Apr. 70. .-'" Sir Fredk. Wm. Erskine Nicolson, bt. , C.b. I). ,, i" Hon. sir Jas. Robt. Drummond, k.c.b. D. 2 Jun. 70. 22 Jan.' 77. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 835 Con- Name. R.-Adm. V.-Adm. Adm. in List Fred. Hy. Hastings Glasse, c.b 16 Sep. 64. F. Chas. Gepp Robinson 20 Oct. 64. F. Geo. Thos. Gordon 28 Oct. 04. F. Erasmus Ommaney ... 12 Nov. 64. 14 Jul. 71. F. Douglas Gurry 10 Feb. 65. Geo. Wm. Douglas O'Callaghan 11 Apr. 65. F. Chas. Wise 13 Apr. 65. F. Thos. Pickering Thompson 24 Apr. 65. F. Wallace Houstoun 5 May 65. F. Wm. John Cavendish Clifford, C.B., aft. bt 12 Sep. 65. 1 Oct. 71. F. Thos. Fisher ... 17 Nov. 65. P. Thos. Harvey 2 Dec. 65. Wm. Loring, c.b., aft. sir W. 7 Mar. 66. 2 Nov. 71. 1 Aug.77. Sir Wm. Hoste, bt 2 Apr. 66. John Fulford ,. F. Alf. Phillipps Ryder ., 7 May 72. 5 Aug. 77. B. Hy. Chads, aft. sir H. 20 Oct. 72. 16 Sep. 77. Fras. Scott ., 8 Feb. 73. Sir Adolphus Slade, K.c.B ., F. Arth. Farijubar 6 Apr. 73. 9 ^lar. 78. Edwin Clayton Tennyson D'Eyncourt F. Thos. Hy. Mason F. Sidney Grenfell 6 Apr. 66. F. Richd. Strode Hewlett, c.b ^j F. Sir Joi n Chas. Dalrymple Hay, bt ,, F. Jas. Horsford Cockburn Jas. Willcox, C.B F. Hugh Dunlop, c.b ,, F. Astley Cooper Key, aft. sir A 20 Nov. 66. 30 Apr. 73. 21 Mar. 78. Fredk. Byng Montresor 20 Mar. 67. F. Chas. Farrel Hillyar 24 May 67. 29 May 73. 26 Sep. 78. Edwd. Codd F. Thos. Hope 31 May 67. Edwd. Southwell Sotheby, c.b 1 Sep. 67. F. Michl. De Courcy IS Oct. 67. F John Walter Tarleton, c.b., aft. sir J. 8 Apr. 68. 25 Aug. 73. F. Lord Fredc. Herbert Kerr 9 Apr. 68. F. Edmd. Heathcote 1 Jan. 69. 1 Jan. 74. F. Geoffr. Thos. Phipps Hornby, aft. sir G ... ,, 1 Jan. 75. 15 Jun. 79. B. Chas. Fred. Alexr. Shadwell, c.b., aft. sir C. 15 Jan. 69. 20 Apr. 75. 2 Aug. 79. W^m. King Hall, c.b., aft. sir W 17 Mar. 69. 30 Jul. 75. 2 Aug. 79. Thos. Wilson, c.b ^, F. Edwd. Augs. Inglefield, aft. sir E 26 May 69. 11 Dec. 75. 27 Nov. 79. Wm. Edmoustone, C.B. . aft. bt. 2 Jul. 69. F. Jas. Fras. Ballard Wainwright 26 Jul. 69. Jas. Newburgh Strange 10 Sep. 69. F. Jas. Chas. Prevost 16 Sep. 69. F. Sir Wm. Saltonstall Wiseman, bt., k.C.b. ... 12 Nov. 69. Jas. Aylmer Paynter ... 21 Jan. 70. F. Arth. Gumming, c.b 27 Feb. 70. 22 Mar. 76. 9 Jan. 80. Arth. Parry Eardley Wilmot, c.b 1 Apr. 70. F. Robt. Coote J, 18 Jun. 76. 3 Jan. 81. John Bourmaster Dickson ... Wm. Houston Stewart, C.b., aft. sir W. ... 12 Nov. 76. 23 Nov. 81. Hon. Arth. Auckland Leop. Pedro Coch- rane, c.b 12 Nov. 76. 1 Dec. 81. Predk. Archd. Campbell 53 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Con- Name. R.-Adni. V.-Adm. .\dm. tinued in List Fred. Beauchamp Paget Seymour, C.B., aft sir F. and Id. Alcester 1 Apr. 70. 31 Dec. 76. 6 May 82 ... Hon. John Welbore Sunderland Spencer ... ,, F. Regd. John Jas. Geo. Macdonald, aft. Mac- donald-Blomfield and sir R 1 Apr. 70.! 22 Jan. 77. | gjun. 82. Geo. Hy. Richards, aft. sir G 2Jun. 70.; F.' Sir Fras. Leopold McClintock lOct. 71.; 5 Aug. 77. 7 Jul. 84. ... Sir Leopold Geo. Heath, k.c.h. 20Dec. 71.i 1 F. Hy. Schank Hillyar, c.h 11 Feb. 72. 16 Sep. 77.1 F. Geo. Granville Randolph, c.b 24 Apr. 72. ,, F. Lord John Hay, c.B 7 May 72. 31 Dec. 77. 8 Jul! '84. B. Geo. Hancock ... 20 Oct. 72. Hon. Fras. Egerton ... 8 Feb. 73. f" Edw. Bridges Rice 12 Feb. 73. 9 Mai" 78. 27 Oct.' 84. Thos. .Miller G Apr. 73. 21 Mar. 78. F* Hon. Geo. Disney Keane, c.B 30 Apr. 73. F, Sherard Osborn, c.B 29 Mav 73. __ Rowley Lambert, c.B. 25 Aug. 73. 21 Mar! 78. !.. Augs.'Phillimore. aft. sir A. 1 Jan. 74. 30 Jan. 79. 30 Oct." 84. Wm. Chas. Chamberlain lt»Jan. 74. Geo. Omnianney Willes, c.B., aft. sir G. ... 11 Jun. 74. 1 Feb. 79. 27 Mar. 85. Wm. Garnham Luard, c.B. ... 1 Jan. 75. 15 Jun. 79. 31 Mar. 85. John Corbett, c.B. 20 Apr. 75. 2 Aug. 7 9. 7 Apr. 85. Edwd. Winterton Tumour, c.B 25 Apr. 75. 9 Sep. 79. F." Algn. Fred. Rous De Horsey 7 May 75. 27 Nov. 79. 29 Apr." 85. Hy. Boys 30 Jul. 75. 9 Jan. 80. 1 Jun. 85. Robt. Jenkins, c.B 4 Nov. 75. f! "\Vm. ^Montague Dowell, C.B,, aft. sir W. ... 11 Dec. 75. 20 Jan." 80. l."T"ui.'"85. Arth. Wm. Acland Hood, c.B., aft. sir A.... 22 Mar. 70. 23 Jul. 80. 18 Jan. 86. Chas. Fellowes. c.B 18 Jun. 7G. 31 Dec. 80. Chas. Wake 21 Sep. 7(5. 3 Jan. 81. F." Sir John Edmd. Commcrell, K.C.B., v.c. ... 12 Nov. 76. 19 Jan. 81. 12 Apr." 86. ... Richd. Jas., Id. Gilford, aft. E. of Clan- william 31 Dec. 76. 26 Jul. 8L 22 Jun. 86. Hon. Fitzgerald Algn. Chas. Foley „ 23 Nov. 81. f! Ernest, &c.. pr. of Leiningen, g.c.b. „ 1 Dec. 81. 7Jur87. Fred. Hy. Stirling 22 Jan. 77. 31 Dec. 81. Chas. Weblcy Hope 1 Aug. 77. Wm. Gore Jones, c.B. 5 Aug. 77. 6 May 82. 15 Jul. 87. Hon. Hy. Carr Glyn, c.B., c.s.i 1(J Sep. 77. 9 Jun. 82. Richd. Vesey Hamilton, aft. sir R 27 Sep. 77. 17 Feb. 84 18 Oc't'.' 87. Chas. Ludovic Darley Waddilove 31 Dec. 77. 1 Apr. 84. 1 May 88. ... John Dobreo McCrea... ^j ... Leveson Eliot Hy. Somerset 28 Feb. 78. 7 Jul' 84. 19 Jmi"." 88. John Eglinton Montgomorie J) Mar. 78. f! Sir Wm. Nathan Wrighte Hewett, k.c.u.. v.c. 21 Mar. 78. 8 Jul. 84. Algn. McLellan Lyons 26 Sep. 78. 27 Oct. 84. 15 Dec. 88 Alf. Ern. Alb., D. of Edinburgh 30 Dec. 78. 30 Nov. 82. 18 Oct. 87. Thos. Brand reth 31 Dec. 78. 30 Oct. 84. Thos. Bridgeman Lethbridge ,, 27 Mar. 85. Fras. Wm. Sullivan, c.B., c.m.g., aft. sir F ,, 31 Mar. 85. Edwd. Hardinge, c.B. 30 Jan. 79. 7 Apr. 85. Wm. Graham, c.B. 1 Feb. 79. 29 Apr. 85. Anthy. lliley Hoskins, c.B., aft. sir A. 15 Jun. 79. 1 Jun. 85. Nowell Salmon, v.c, c.B 2 Aug. 79. 1 Jul. 85. John Clark S.mdy 9 Sep. 79. 24 Nov. 85. Edw. Henry Howard 27 Nov. 79. 26 Nov. 85. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Con- Name. K.-Adm. V.-Adm. Adm. in Li^,t John Kennedy Erskine Baird 31 Dec. 79. 18 Jan. 86 Chas. Thos. Curme 1 Jan. 80. 9 Mar. 86. Geo. Willes Watoon 9 Jan. 80. 12 Apr. 86. Hy. Dennis Hickley 20 Jan. 80. 22 Jun. 86. Fred. Anstruther Herbert 14 Feb. 80. Hy. Bourchier Phillimore 8 Apr. 80. 24 May 87. Hon. Wm. John Ward 23 Jul. 80. 7 Jul. 87. Hy Rushworth Wratislaw 31 Dec. 80. 15 Jul. 87. Wm. Hy. Whyte 3 Jan. 81. 18 Oct. 87. Hy. Duncan Grant, c.B 19 Jan. 81. 6 Jan. 88. John Moresby ... 26 Jul. 81. 1 May 88. John Crawford Wilson 23 Nov. 81. Sholto Douglas, c.B 1 Dec. 81. Wm. Hy. Edye 31 Dec. 81. 14 May 88. Arth. Thos. Thrupp „ Sir Miehl. Gulme Seymour, bt 6 May 82. 19 Jun. 88. Sir Fredk. Wm. Richards, k.c.b „ 25 Oct. 88. Ralph Peter Gator 31 Dec. 82. Hon. Walter Cecil Carpenter „ 8 Nov. 88. Theod. Morton Jones... „ t ... Robt. Gordon Douglas 8 Jan. 83. 15 Dec. 88. 1 ... Chas. Trelawney Jago ... • 20 Mar. 83. Wm. Saml. Brown, aft. W. S. Grieve 17 Feb. 8-t. Geo. Tryou, c.b., aft. sir G. 1 Apr. 8-1. Algern. Chas. Fieschi Heneage 7 Jul. 8-t. Sir Walter Jas. Hunt-Grubbe, K.C.B. 8 Jul. Si. Chas. John Rowley 27 Oct. 84. Richd. Wells 30 Oct. 84. Thos. Le Hunte Ward, C.B 27 Mar. 85. Wm. Arthur, c.B 31 Mar. 85. Hon. Edm. Robt. Fremantle, C.B., c.m.g. ... 7 Apr. 85. ... John Ommaney Hopkins 29 Apr. 85. Geo. Caiilfield D'Arcy Irvme, C.B 1 Jun. 85. Hy. Fairfax, c.b IJul. 85. I Wm. Elrington Gordon 5 Jul. 85. ... Alf. John Chatfield 1 Jan. 86. Thos. Barnardiston ,, ... Lindesay Brine .. Jas. Elphinstone Erskine 18 Jan. 86. Geo. Lydiard Sulivan 9 Mar. 86. Wm. Codrington, c.B. 12 Apr. 86. Hy. Fredk. Nicholson, CB 22 Jun. 86. ' ... Alexr. Buller. c.b 1 Jan. 87. Loftus Fras. Jones ... ,, Geo. Stanley Bosanquet „ Wm. Hy. Cuming .. 6 Apr. 87. Fras. Mowbray Prattent 24 May 87. Edwd. Kelly 10 Jun. 87. 1 ... Fredk. Chas. Bryan Robinson 7 Jul. 87. Edwd. Stanley Adeane, c.m.g 1 Jan. 88. Richd. Edwd. Traeey ,, ... Chas. Fredk. Hotham, c.B 6 Jan. 88. Lord Chas. Thos. Montague Douglas Scott, ... c.B 3 Apr. 88. Sir Robt. Hy. More Molyneux, k.c.b. 1 May 88. Robt. O'Brien Fitzroy, c.b 14 May 88. Nathl. Bowden-Smith 19 Jun. 88. ... THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. LIST F. PROMOTIONS OF ADMIRALS TRANSFERRED FROM THE ACTIVE TO THE RETIRED LIST. Under Order of 24th March 1866. R.V.A., Retired Vice-Admiral. Retd. A., Retired Admiral. Name. Promoted from List B.V.A. Ketd. A. Thos. Wren Carter, c.K. D. 20 Nov. 66. Lord Geo. Paulet, c.B D. 20 Mar. 67. Hy. Wolsey Bayfield D. 18 0ci. 67. Hon. Geo. Grev ... D. ,, Sir Jos. Nias. k.c.b. D. ,, Sir John Kingcombe, K.iMi D. 10 Sep. 69. Sir Wm. Ramsay E. 27 Feb. 70. Sir Lewis Tobias Jones ... E. UJul. 71. Robt. Fanshawe Stopford E. Sir Robt. Spencer Robinson, k.c.b. .. E. Thos. Leeke Massev D. 20 Oct.* 72. Sir Edwd. Belcher D. ,, "Woodford Jas. Williams D. J, Chas. Eden, c.B. E. 8 Feb. 73. Geo. (ioldsmith, u.u. D. 18 Oct. 67. 30 Jul. 75. Chas. Frederick E. ,, Wm. Hy. Anderson Morshead, c.B E. ,, Sir Richd. Collinson, k.c.b. E. Geo., 12th E. of Dalhousie E. Sir Wm. Hutcheon Hall, K.C.B. D. 26 Jul." 69. 11 Dec'. 75. Hon. Swynfen Thos. Carnegie, c.B E. 18Jun. 76. Arth. Lowe E. ,, Hon. Thos. Baillie E. 22 Jan. 77. Claude Hy. Mason Buckle, c.B., aft. sir C. .. D. 1 Apr. 70. ,, Geo. Giffard, c.B., aft. sir G D. J, j^ Sir Fredk. Wm. Erskine Nicolson, bt., c.B. .. E. John Lort Stokes D. UJul. 71. 1 Aug. 77 Sir Hy. Mangles Denham D. ,, Arth. Forbes D. J, j^ Harry Edmd. Edgcll D. ,, Fredk. Hy. Hastings Glasse, c.B E. ,, 1 Aug'.' 77. Chas. Gepp Robinson E. ,, Geo. Thos. Gordon E. ,, 1 Aug'.' 77 Erasmus Ommanej' E. Geo. Wm. Douglas O'Callaghan, c.B E. 1 Oct." 71. ., Chas. Wise E. ,, Thos. Pickering Thompson E. ,. Wallace lloustoun E. Sir Wm. John Cavendish Clifford, bt. c.h. .. E. Thos. Fisher E. 2 Nov." 71. [] John Fulford E. 7 May 72. 5 Aug. 77. Sir Adolph. Slade, bt., K.C.B E. 6 Apr. 73. Edwin Clayton Tonnj-aon D'Eyncourt E. 30 Apr. 73. 21 M'ar'.'7s. Thos. Hy. Mason E. ^, Sidney (irenfell, c.B E. \l Richd. Strode Hewlett, c.n E. ,, Sir John Chas. Dalrymple Hay, bt., c.B. E. ,, 21 Mar.' 78. Jas. Willcox, c.B. ~ E. ,. Hugh Dunlop, c.B E. 30 Apr. 78. 21 Mar." 78. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. Promoted from List K.V.A. Ketd. A. Fredk. Byng Montresor K 29 May 73. 26 Sep 78. Edwd. Codd E. 25 Aug. 73. Edwd. Southwell Sotheby, c.b., aft. sir E. ... E. 15Jun. 79. Michl. De Courcy, c B E. Sir John Walter Tarleton, k. C. B E. ...... II Lord Fredk. Herbt. Kerr E. 1 Jan." 74. II Sir Wm. Robt. Mends (ret. r.-adm. 1 Jan. '69.*) II Edmd. Heathcote E." ,1 Tbos. Wilson, c.b E. 11 Dec." '75. 27 Nov. 79. Sir Wm. Edmonstone, bt., C.B. E. 22 Mar. 76. 9 Jan. 80. Jas. Newburgh Strange E. ,, Jas. Chas. Prevost E. Jas. Aylmer Paynter E. ,, Arth. Parry Eardley-Wilmot, c.b E. 18Jun. 76. Hon. John Welbore Sunderland Spencer E. 22 Jan. 77. Sir Geo. Hy. Richards, c.b. E. 5 Aug 77. Sir Leopold Geo. Heath. K. c.b. E. 16 Sep. 77. 8 Jul*." 64. Hy. Schank Hilly ar, c.b E. ,, Geo. Granville Randolph, c.b E. ,, Hon. Fras. Egerton E. 9 Mar. 78. Thos. Miller E. 21 Mar. 78. 30 Oct".' "64. Hon. Geo. Disney Keane E. ,, ,, Edwd. Winterton Tumour, c.b. E. 29 Apr. Bo. Robt. Jenkins, C.B E. 20 Jan.'" 80. IJuL 65. Chas. Wake E. 12 Oct. 86. Hon. Fitzgerald Algernon Foley E. 24 May 67. John Eglinton Montgomerie, c.b. E. 8 Jul. 84. 15 Dec. 68 * Special appointment. See Gazette. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. LIST G. ADMIRALS ON THE RESERVE HALF- PAY LIST. Under Order of June 25, 1851 ; gaz. June 27, and July 1, 1851. This List is now Closed. R A., R.H.P.L., Rear-Admiral Reserve Half-Pay List. V.A., R.H.P.L., Vice- Admiral Reserye Half- Pay List. A., R.H.P.L., Admiral Reserve Half- Pay List. Name. Promoted V.A., A.. from List B.H.P.L. K.H.P.L. Fredk. Watkins A. 1 i IJul. oL Jno. Giffard A. i Hy. Rd. Glymi A. „ Sir Hy. Heathcote A. 1 j^ Hugh Downmun A. ,, Jno. Mackellar A. ,, Matth. Buckle (No. 2) D. 30 Jul. 52. Jno. Allen D. Christopher Jno. Wms. Neshan D. 1' Rd. Curry D. IJu'l'. 51. Jno. Wight D 17 Dec. 52. Wm. Hy. Browne Tremlett ... D. Fras. Temple ... D. 21 Jan. 54. Hv. Gordon D. Fredk. Wm., Id. Aylmer D. 1Jul"5L 11 Sep. 54. Jno. Surman Garden D. 3.Tul. 55. Jno. Impcv D. 4 Jul. 55. Hv. Manaton Ommaney D. " Archd. Duff D. Brian Hodgson D. 22 Apr. 53.' ...... Sir Wm. Beauchamp Proctor, bt D. 18Jun. 57. Edwd. llatsey D. ., Chas. Philip Butler Bateman D. Arth. Lysaght D. ,, Granville Leveson, E. of Carysfort D. 9 Jul. 57. Wm. Croft ' D. 8 iiar. 52. ! 28 Nov. 57. Chas. Gordon, CD. D. 5 Mar. 53. 20 Jan. 58. Wm. Ward D. 22 Apr. 53 Robt. Elliott D. 22 Apr. 53 Philip Browne D. 15 Apr. 54 Edwd. WaUis Hoard D. 26 May 54. 9 Jun. 60. Edwd. Hy. A'Court Repington D. 11 Sep. 54. Manley Hall Dixon D. 1 Nov! 60. Hon. Alexr. Jones D. 3 Jul!" 55. Villiers Fras. Hatton D. 27 Sep. 55. Sir Watkin Owen Pell D. llFe"b!61. Sir Andr. Pellat Green, K.c.n D. 27 Sep. 66. Wm. Bowen Mends D. llFe"b.'61. Geo. Fergu.son D. 31 Jan. 50. Geo. Edwd. Watts, c.u D. 21 Oct. 5G. Hayes O'Grady D. 15 Jan." 62. Sir David Dunn, k.c.ii. D. 12 Not. 50. Geo. Anson, Id. Byron D. ID Mar. 57. 20 .May" 62. Fdwd. Collier, o.it D. 4 Oct. 62. Algn., D. of Northumberland, k.g D. 9 Jul!" 57. Jno. Carter U. Hv. Meynoll D. \\ Wm. Walpolo D. 27 Ai)'r. 63. Wm. Jas. Mingayo D. Geo. Fredk. Rich D. 24 No'y. 63. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 841 Name. Promoted V.A., A., from List K.H.P.L. R.H.P.L. Thos. Bennett D. 12 Sep. 65. Peter Richards, aft. sir P D. 12 Apr'. 62. ,, Sir tSteph. Lushington, K.C.B. D. 1 Oct. 65. 2 Dec. r,5. Mchl. Quin D. 8 Apr. (58. Jno. Jervis Tucker D. 10 Sep. G\). B.A., V.A., A.. R.H.P.L. R.H.P.L. R.H.P.L. Sir Jno. Ross, c.B 8 Jul. 51. -Constantine Richd. Moorsom 27 Aug. 51. 10 Sep.' 57. ■Geo. Jas.. Gth E. of Egmont... ,, ,, 23 Mar. 63. Sir Geo. Augs. Westphal ,, ,, ,, Donat Henchy O'Brien 8 Mar. 52. 2 Oct. 57. Edwd. Lloyd, K.n ,, Benedictus Marwood Kelly ... ,, 2 Oct.' 57. 27 Apr.' 63. Norwich Duff 8 Oct. 52. 28 Nov. 57. Sir Chas. Christr. Parker, bt „ ,, 27 Apr. 63. Jno. Edwd. Walcot „ ,, ,, Fredk., Earl Spencer, k.g., c.b ,, ,, Sir Geo. Tyler, K.H 26 Oct. 52. 8 Dec. 57. Sir Geo. Richd. Brooke Pechell, bt. 17 Dec. 52. 5 Jan. 58. Herbert Brace Powell jj Jas. Ryder Burton, K.H 28 May 53. 13 Feb.' 58. 14 Nov. 63. Percy Grace 17 Nov. 53. 6 Mar. 58. Chas. Philip, E. of Hardwicke 12 Jan. 54. 24 Nov. 58. 3 De'c'.' 63. Chas., Id. Colchester 1 Apr. 54. 2 May 60. 11 Jan. 64. Sir Hv. Jno. Leeke, K.H 15 Apr. 54. Thos. Martin ., 9 Ju'n.' 60. 9 Feb. 64. Ily. Edwards ... 'j ^. J. "VVm. Keats ]\ 2 May 60. 11 Jan. 64. Richd. Augs. Yates 13 Jul'. 54. 7 Nov. 60. 15 Jun. 64. Edw-d. Le Cras Thornbrough Chas. Grenville Randolph ,, 7 Nov. 60. 1 5 Jun. 64. Edwd. Kichd. Williams , ^^ .^ Saml. Thornton 11 Sep. 54. Cctavius Vernon Harcourt 26 Oct. 54. 4 Jun. 61. Hy. Jno. Chetwynd, E. Talbot, c.b., aft. E. of Shrewsbury and Talbot ., 10 Feb. (-.5. Sir Wm. Symonds, c.b. Sir Richd. Grant 7 Feb. 55. Hon. Geo. Fredk. Hotham .J Sir Jno. Burnet Dundas ll 5 Aug. 61. 5 Mav 65. Eollett Walrond Pennell 2 May 55. 15 Jan. 62. 12 Sep". 65. Wm. Alexr. Baillie Hamilton Edwd. Purcell 2 Ma'y 55. ., [, Chas. EUiot, aft. sir C ^^ j^ ■ ' Hy. Gossett 3 Jul'. 55. 12 Apr. 62. Jno. Furneaux ,, Jodrell Leigh ... ,, Josh. O'Brien ... „ 12 Sep'.* 65. Hy. Algn. Eliot 27 Sep. 55. Jas. Wigston 4 Oct'.' 62. 2 Apr. 66. Geo. Fredk. Ryves, C.B ,, Hon. Thos. Best 3 Oct. 55. 10 Nov! 62. Hon. Geo. Jno. Cavendish 28 Dec. 55. 22 Nov. 62. Sir Jno. Hindmarsh, K.H „ Chas. Hamlyn Williams 19 May 55. Jno. Milligan Laws 21 Jul. 55. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. R.A.. B.H.P.L. V.A., R.H.1'.L. R.H.P.L. Sir Burton Macnamara 21 Jul. 55. 3 Apr. 63. 20 Mar. 67. Jno., JIarq. Townshend 1 Dec. 55. Hon. Arth. Buncombe „ 12 Sep.' 63. 18 Oct'." 67. Robt. FitzRoy 14 Feb. 57. Hon. Jno. Fredk. FitzGerald de Ros ,, Chas. Hv. Swinburne ... 12 Sep. 63. 18 Oct. 67. Hv. Dundas Trotter 19 Mar. 57. i Sir Geo. Back 124 Nov. 63. 18 Oct." 67. Wm. Hillyar . Lord Jno. Fredk. Gordon Hallyburton, g.c.h. ; 12 May 57. 4 Nov. 63. 8 Apr. 68. Wm. Fredk. Lapidgo ... 14 May 57.' Jas. Brazier or Brasier 14 Nov. 63. Rchd. Contart McCrea ,, ., 8 Apr.' 68. Jno. Balfour Maxwell 18Jun. 57.;30Xov.63. " Jno. Rivett-Carnac ,. ,, Wm. Harf^ood ... 9 Jul. 57. 3 Dec. 63. 15 Jan. 69. Sir Thos Raikes Trigg Thompson, bt. ,, ., Sir Wm. Dickson, bt 22 Aug. 57. 11 Jan. 64. Wm. Sydney Smith ,, ,, 2Jur69. Edwd. Hinton Scott 10 Sep. 57. Geo. Augs. Elliott „ 9 Feb.' 64. 10 Sep. 69. Wm. Holt J, Brunswick Popham 2 Oct. 57. 28 Mar. 64. 10 Sep'.' 69. Thos. Ogle ,, ,, ,, Geo. Evans ,, ' ,, Jno. Hackett ,. Julius Jas. Farmer Xewell J, Russell Elliott 4 Nov. 57. 15 Jun'.' 64. 10 Sep'.' 69. Edwd. Stanley 5 Jan. oS. 10 Feb. 65. 27 Feb. 70. Hon. Edwd. Howard 20 Jan. 58. i;'. Apr. 65. 1 Apr. 70. Richd. Crozier 11 Feb. 58. 24 Apr. 65. ,, Richd. Hy. King 13 Feb. 58. Hon. Plantagenet Pierrepoint Carj' ... IMar 58. 12 Sep'.' 65. 1 AJJr! 70. Robt. Cragie ,, ,, ., Jno. Bunch Bonne Maison McHardy ,, ,, ,, Nichs. Cory 24 Nov. 58. Eras. Decimus Hastings 27 Jun. 59. 2 Dec. 65. Geo. Hathorn .^ ujur7i. Sackett Hope ... 2 May 60. 2 Apr. 66. Patr. Jno. Blake 4 Jun. 61. 20 Oct'.' 72 Wm. Warren, c.it »i i ,. Jno. Venour Fletcher 29 Jul. 61. 6 Apr 66. 20 Oct'.' 72 Talavera Vernon Anson • 1 ,, Josh. Gape 12 Apr. 62. 24 May 67. 30 Jul. 75- Mark Jno. Curric )• Wm. Burdett Dobson n , ,, Wm. Turner „ i Fredk. Moore Boultbee ,24 May 67. 30 Jul. 75. Josh. Sherer, k.ii „ 1 Edmd. Yonge ... )) ' >> Hon. Edwd. Thornton Wodehouse M Wm. Langford Castle ... >> )> Jas. Beckford Lewis Hav ^ 30 Jul" 75. Hon. Edwd. Alfr. Jno. liarris, aft. sir E !.' !'» ,, Wm. Ward Percival Johnson .'! ' '! ,. Digby Marsh ,, Jno. Washington ^, Hon. Keith Stewart 19 May 62.! 18 Get. 67. 30 Jul".* 75. Geo. Wm. Chas. Lvdiard Wm. Griffin 20 May 62. 1 8 Oct. 67. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 84» Hon. Hy. Anthy. Murray ... Jno. Hallowes ... Sir Robt. Hagan Andr. Drew Jas. Vashon Baker Edwd. Josh. Bird Wm. Smyth Geo. Dobson Richd. Hy. Stopford ... Jas. Paterson Bower ... Jno. Russell ... ... . . Barth. Jas. Sulivan, c.b.. aft sir B. Hy. Bagot Hon. Walter Bourchier Devereux Sir Geo. Nathl. Brooke Middleton, bt.,c.B. ... Sir Geo. Graham Otway, bt. ... Sir Andrew Snape Hamond, bt Edwd. Barnett Chas. Geo. Edwd. Patey Hy. Broadhead Alexr. Leslie Montgomery Thos. Sparke Thompson Horation Beauman Young Edwd., Id. Dunsany Cospatrick Baillie Hamilton, c.b. Jas. Crawford Caffin, c.b., aft. Sir J. Robt. Tryon Thos. Fras. Birch B.A., R.H.P.L. V.A., R.H.P.L. 20 May 62. 22No'v.62. 30 Jan. 63. 18 Oct.* 67. 26 May 69. 6 Feb. 63. 23 Mar. 63. 2 Jul, 69. 27 Apr. 63. 12 Sep. 63. 30 Nov. 63. 3 Dec. 63. 21 Jan. 70. 27 Feb. 70. 1 Apr.' 70. 11 Jan. 64. 1 Apr. 70. 2 Jun. 70. 9 Feb. 64. 14 Jul. 71. 15 Jun. 64. 16 Sep. 64. 12 Nov. 64. 17 Nov. 65. 2 Dec. 65. 2 Nov. 71. 20 Mar. 67. 30 Jul. 75. 30 jui!'75. 11 Dec. 75. 18 Jun. 76 22 Jan'.' 77 22 Jan.' 77 1 Aug. 77. 1 Aug. 77. «44 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. LIST H. CAPTAINS PROMOTED TO LIST OF RETIRED ADMIRALS. Under Orders of Sept. 1, 1846, Oct. 31, 1846, Apr. 24, 1847, June 25, 1851, May 7, 1858, Aug. 1, 1860, July 9, 1864, March 24, 1866, and Feb. 22, 1870. R.R.A., Retired Rear- Admiral. R.V.A., Retired Vice- Admiral. Ret.A., Retired Admiral. Those marked * were appointed R.V.A. May 17, 1858, with seniority from the dates given in the List. Name. R.R.A. R.V.A. Bet.A. Jas. Wilkes Maurice ... 1 Oct. 46. ' Jas. Prevost Sir Eras. Beaufort, K.c.i!. ... Spelman Swayne Thos. "White .. Jas. Lillicrap ... Walter Grosset *Jno. Thompson 27 May 54. 9Jun. 60. Thos. Folliott Baugh Saml. Martin Colquitt Oust, ytupart ... .. *Thos. Eras. Chas. Mainwaring 11 Sep. 64. Wm., Earl Waldegrave ^, ' *Jno. llollinworth 9 Jun. 60. Clement Snevd Jno. Duff Markland ■»Abel Ferris 11 Sep. 54. *Robt. Merrick Fowler 27 Oct. 54. Donald Campbell .Sir Hv. Hart, K.c.n "*Geo. Henderson 3Jui. 55. 1 Nov. 60. Thos. Tudor Tucker, c.b. ... Hy. Bourchier ... .. ■*Robt. Worgan Geo. Festing, c.b 4Juh 55. 1 Nov. 60. Geo. IMorris Jno. Tancock *Jas. Pattison Stewart, c.b 27 Sep. 55. 7 Nov. 60. Christr. Bell, c.« JTas. Stevenson... *Hon. Edm. Sexton Pery Knox 27 Sep. 55. 7 Nov. GO. *David, E. of Leven & Melville ,, Colin Campbell Jos. Symes Hon. Wm. Ily. Percy ... *Ja8. Pringle 27 Sep. 56. Saml. Leslie ' Edw. Ellicott Peter Rye Jas. GilTord 1 *Geo. Le Govt, c.n 3 Oct. 66.' 11 Feb. 61. Hv. Gage .Morris 1 Edw. Aug. Down Thos. Whinyates 1 ; Jno. Wm. Andrew, c.ii. 1 *Robt. Mitford 1 28 Dec. 55. 11 Feb. Gl. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. R.E.A. R.V.A. Ret.A. *Henderson Bain 1 Oct. 46. 28 Dec 55. 11 Feb 61, Clement Milward ,, *Jos. Needham Tayler, c.b ,, 28 Dec 55. 11 Feb. 61. Jno. Ford3'ce Maples, C.b. ,, Robt. Bloye, c.b ,, *Thos. Edwd. Symonds ,, 28 Dec 55. 11 Feb. 61. *LewisHole ,, 31 Jan. 56. ,^ Jas. M'Kerlie ,, Fred. Jennings Thomas ,, *Hy. Thos. Davies 3 Mar. 49. 31 Jan. 56. 11 Feb. 61. *Hon. Hy. Dilkes Byng ,, ,, *Greo. Gustavus Lennock 4 May 49. ., 11 Feb. 6L *Robt. Gambier 1 Sep. 49. 210ct. 56. 15 Jan. 62. Chas. Fred. Payne ,, Colin Macdonald ,, Abrm. Lowe 15 Sep. 49. Chas. Bertram... 9 Oct. 49. Geo. Hills ,, Hy. Fanshawe... ,, *Isaac Hawkins Morrison ,, 21 Oct. 56. Geo. Barne Trollope, C.B ,, Sir Thos. Mansell, K.c.H , Thos. Groube , ♦Hercules Robinson ,, 21 Oct. 56. 15 Jan. 62. Wm. Black ,j Jno. Harper 18 Oct. 49. *Thos. Dick 30 Oct. 49. 21 Oct. 5G. 15 Jan. 62. *Wm. Isaac Scott ,, ,, *Bertie Cornelius Cator 5 Nov. 49. 12 Nov 56. 12 Apr. 62. *Fred. Edw. Vernon Harcourt 24 Dec. 49. 19 Mar. 57. 20 May 62. *Kenelm, Id. Somerville 14 Jan. 50. *Hv. Jenkinson 27 Mar. 50. 14 May 57. 16 Jun. 62.. *Edwd. Saurin... 21 Jun. 50. ,, John Hardy Godby ... ,, Christr. Strachey ,, *Arden Adderley 2 Sep. 50. 14 May 57. 16 Jun. 62.. Sir Richd. O'Connor ,, Thos. Ball Suh van, C.B 1 Oct. 50, David Scott ,, Nichs. Lechmere Pateshull 6 Nov. 50. *Rowland Money ,, 9 Jul. 57. *John Sheridan ,, jj *Sir Hy. Loraine Baker, bt ,, ,, *Geo. Wm. Hughes D'Aeth ,, ,, 4 Oct. 62. Robt. Ramsay *John Chas. Gawen Roberts, aft. Roberts-Gawen... J. 9Jui. 57. 4 Oct. 62.. Archd. Tisdall 11 Nov. 50. Jos. Gulston Garland ,, *Wm. Stanhope Lovell, k.h. 30 Dec. 50. 9 Jui. 57. *.Jos. Digby 21 Mar. 51. ., *Chas. Warde, K.H ,, ,, 4 Oct. 62.. *Wm. Ffarington ,, ,, ,, *Jas. Rattray ,, jj John Allen ,, *Arth. Philip Hamilton 11 Jun. 51. 9 Jul. 57. 4 Oct. 62.. Danl. Lawrence ,, Robt. Henley Rogers ,, *Geo. Bentham ,, 9Jui. 57. *Jas. Arth. Murray ... 16 Jun. 51. 30 Jul. 57. *Hy. Higman ... ,, ,, *Geo. Hewson ... ,, ,, «46 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. R.V.A. Retd. A. John Macpherson Ferguson John Gonrly ••• *Augs. Baldwin *Hy. Colins Deacon *£dwd. Barnard *Wm. Bateman Dashwood ♦Martin White John Cookesley *Chas. Geo. Rodney Phillott *Wm. Woh-ige ♦Geo. Brine *Hon. John Gordon *Wm. Popham Jas. Hay Sir Chas. Thos. Jones *Robt. Riddell Carre *HughPatton *Hon. Chas. Orlando Bridgman Sir Hy Shiffner, bt Hy. Forbes *Alexr. Montgonierie ♦John Wm. Montagu... Hon. Geo. Pryse Campbell ♦Wilson Braddyll Bigland, k.h *Geo. Cornish Gambler John Gore John Gedge ♦Sir Chas. Burrard .. *Thos. Ladd Peake \Vm. Hendry ... ♦Ily. Thcodosius Browne Colher ♦John Brenton Wm. Kamsden ♦Hy Stanhope ... ♦John Townshend Coffin ♦Edwd. Curzon, v.n Septimus Arabin ♦Thos. Ball Clowes ♦Wm. Hy. Smyth ♦Richd. Saumarez ♦Jas. Montague Thos. Prickett ♦Alexr. Dundas Young Arbuthnot, aft. sir A. Wm. Hotham, K.ii John Shekel Geo. Ourry Lempriere John Gore Chas. Bowen ... John (jeo. Graham ... John Geo. Aplin John Pakcnham Fredk. Augs. Wetherall Hy. Litchfield Will. Webb Chas. Simeon Robt. Patton Robt. Aitchison John FitzGerald Studdert Chas. B. Gordon Theobald Jones Goo. Lloyd 16 Jun, 61, 8 Jul. oL 21 Aug. 51. 27 Aug. 51. 19 Jan. 52. 30 Jul. 57. 22 Aug. 67. 10 Nov. 62. 22NoV.62. 22 Aug. 67. 10 Sep. 67. 22 Not. 62. 23 Mar. 63. 10 Sep. 57 27 Apr. 63. 2 Oct. 57. 2 Oct.' 57. 7 Apr. 63. 1 Oct. 52. 4 Nov. 57 8 Oct. 52. 28 Nov. 57. 17 Dec. 52 5 Mar. 53, 28 May 58, 4Jii'. 63, 17 Sep. 53. 5 Dec. 53, 12 Jan. 54, 21 Jan. 54. 27 Jan. 54. 15 Apr. 54. 13 Jul. 54. 7 Aug. 54 27 Oct. 64. 22 Jan. 55. 2 May 55. 5 Jan. 58 5 Jan. 58, 5 Jan. 58 13 Feb. 58, 24 Feb. 58, G Mar. 58, 25 Jun. 58, 24 Nov. 58, IG May 59. 14 May 60. 7 Nov. 60. 11 Feb. 61. 27 Apr. i-.S. 27 Apr. G3. 25 Jun. 63. 25 Jun. 63. 24N0V.G3. 14 Nov. G3. 30 Nov. 63. 30 Nov. 63. 3 Dec. 63. 15 Dec. 63. 15 Jun. 64. 16 Sep. 64. 26 Apr. 66. 29 Jul. 61. 5 Aug. 61. 15 Jan. 62.' 12 Soj). 66. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 847 E.B.A. K.V.A. Robt. White Parsons Abrni. Crawford Russell Hy. Manners Jas. Thorne ... Sir Eaton Travers, k.h. Wm. Morier ... Geo. Scott Wm. Bohun Bowyer ... Philip Parker King ... Courtena}' Wm. Edmd. Boyle Rowland Mamwaring... John Wyatt Watliug Richd. Pridham Jno. Lyons PhiHp Westphal Edwd. Sparshott, k.h. Wm. Bliglit , Geo. Woollcombe John Wilson ... Andrew Atkins Vincent, k.h. Saml. Radford, k.h Jos. Harrison ... Hy. Shovell Jones Marsham.. Chas. Crowdy ... Thos. .Manseil Wm. Townsend Dance Wm. Hamley ... Abrm. Mills Hawkins John Drake Edwd. Augs. Frankland Jas. Burney Jas. Morgan Wm. Slaughter, k.h. ... Thos. Gill Wm. Allan Herringham Robt. Gordon ... Richd. Owen Wm. Robertson Hy. Ommaney Love ... John Fredk. Appleby... Richd. Devonshire Chas. Rich Robt. Deans Wm. Richardson Geo. Chas. Blake Wm. Pearce Stanley ... Wm. Hy. Pierson John Parker Alfr. Luckraft Edwd. Chappell John ^Monday ... Thos. Bushby Wm. Shepheard Wm. Luckraft ... Saml. Perkins Pritchard Hy. Stroud Wm. Hext Wm. Haydon ... Wm. Benj. Suckling ... Wm. Gordon ... Thos. Sanders Jul. 55 9 Jul. 55. 27 Sep. 55. 30 Nov. 55. 19 May 56. 12 Apr. 62. 12 Sep. 65. 16 Jan. 62. 4 Oct. 62, 4 Oct. 62 22 Nov. 62 21 .Jul. 56. 21 Oct. 56. 27 Apr. 63. 18 Oct. 67. 12 Nov. 56. 1 Dec. 56 14 Feb. 57. 19 Mar. 57 14 May 67 18 Jun. 57. 9 Jul. 57, 22 Aug. 57 10 Sep. 57 12 Sep. 63. 12 Sep. 63. 24 Nov.' 63 14 Nov. 63 11 Jan. 64. 9 Feb. 64. 9 Feb. 64. 2 Oct. 57. 28 Mar! 64. 4 Nov. 57. 15 Jun. 64. 20 Jan. 58. 13 Apr. 65. 6 Mar. 58. 16 May 59. 2 Dec. 65 29 Jul. 61. 6 Apr. 66 12 Apr. 62. 24 May 67 ;; 24 May 67 848 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. R.R..\. R.V..\. Ret. A. Douf^las Cox 12 Apr. G2. Edwin Ludlow Rich 24 iiay 67. Evan Xepean ,, Geo. Vernon Jackson ,, 24 iiay 67. 30 Jul. 75. Chas. Colville Frankland ,, ,, ,, Wm. Geo. Hvndman Whish ... ,, ,, ,, Edwd. Reeves Philip Mainwarinfr ,j Thos. Fraser ,, 24 May 67. Fras. Deanc Hutcheson ,, SOJiii. 75. Chas. Basden ,, Hv. Edwd. Coffin ,, 24 May 67. 30Jui. 75. Fras. Vere Cotton „ ,, ,, Chas. Smith ,, Fras. Harding ... ,, ,, John Williams Aldridge ,, ,, Wm. Allen ,, John Baker Porter Hay ,, 24 May 67. 30 Jul. 75. Edwd. Iggulden Parry 30 Jan. G3. Chas. Keele ,, Edwd. Burnaby Tinling 23 Mar. G3. \Vm. Kellv ,, 2Jui. 69. Jas. Pulling 27 Apr. 63. Wm. Xevill 15 Dec. 63. 1 Apr. 70. Joseph Pearse ,. ,, Regd. Yorke ... 9 Feb. 64. Geo. Guy Burton 15 Jun. 64. Hy. Layton ,, 14Jui. 71. 1 Aug. 77. Wm. Hewgill Kitchen ,, Robt. Fitzgerald Gambler ,, 14 Jui. 71. 1 Aug. 77. Sir Cornwallis Ricketts, bt ,, ,, Wm. Hy. Jervis ,, ,, Jas. Hamilton Ward 16 Sep. 64. jj Edwd. St. Leger Cannon ,, ,, 1 Aug. 77. Ralph Barton ... ,, ,, ,, Richd. Burridgo ,, Wm. Louis 28 Oct. 64. 14JiJ. 71. 1 Aug. 77. Chas. John Bosanquet ,, ,, Courtney Osborne Hayes ., ,, 1 Aug. 77.. Wni. Knighton Stephens 10 Apr. 65. 1 Oct. 71. ,, Geo. Hv. Parlbv White ,, J, ,j W^m. Windham Hornby ,, ,, ,, David Peat 13 Apr. 65. ,, ,, Thos. Vernon Watkins 24 Apr. 65. Wm. Clark 2 Dec. 65. Thos. Lewis Gooch ,, 2 Nov. 71. Geo. Anthy. Halsted ,, Robt. Sharpe ,, Wm. Louis Sherringham 17 Dec. 65. 2 Nov. 71. Geo. Knyvott Wilson ... 2 Apr. 66. John Thos. Talbot 6 Apr. 73. Alexr. Murray ,, John Hay ,. 6 Apr. 73. 9 Mar. 78. Wm. Radcliffe ,, Chas. Edmunds Robt. Kerr 6 Apr. (;6. 30 Apr. 73. 21 Mar. 78. .Tas. Anderson ... .. John ]SIcDougall Sir Robt. J. Lo M. McClure, ..i. 20 Mar. 67. 29 May 73. Herbert Schomborg ... . ., Thos. Sauniarez Brock ,, Geo. Daviea ,, 29 May 73. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 849 Name. E.K.A. R.V.A. Ret. A. Edwd. Codd 24 May 67. 29 May 73. 26 Sep. 78. Chas. Fredk. Schomberg Fredk. Patten ,, ,, Arth. Wm. Jerningham ,, 26 Sep. 78. Archd. McxMurdo Hy. Jno. Douglas ,, Wm. Brown Oliver 29 May 73. Thos. Edwd. Law Moore Richd. Robt. Quin 31 May 67. Jas. Gabriel Gordon IJul. 67. Jno. Reeve ,, Geo. Flower Herbert ,, Thos. Geo. Forbes 1 Sep. 67. Wm. Newton Fowell ,, Geo. Sumner Hand, c.B 18 Oct. 67. 2.5 Aug. 73. 15 Jun, 79 Hy. Harvey 9 Apr. 68. 1 Jan. 74. ,, Louis Symonds Tindal Colson Festing 17 Mar. 69. Edmd. Gardiner Fishbourne, c.B ,, 30 Jul. 75. 2 Aug.79. Thos. Chaloner ,, ,, ,, Wm. Cornwallis Aldham, c.B. Colin Yorke Campbell ,, 11 Dec. 75. 27 Nov. 79. Nichs. Lefebore 2 Jul. 69. 22 Mar. 76. 9 Jan. 80. Lord Wm. Compton, aft. M. of Northampton 26 Jul. 69. ,, ,, Hy Richd. Foote ,, ,, ,, Thos. Baldoek 10 Sep. 69. Geo. Augs. Bedford ... 22 Mar. 76. Jas. Stoddart 16 Sep. 69. ,, 9 Jan. 80. Edwd. Tatham 1 Apr. 70. 12 Nov. 76. Uy. Chas. Otter, c.B ,, Geo. Wodehouso 31 Dec. 76. Edwd. Hollinworth Delafosse Thos. Furber J, 29 May 73. Jno. Cornwall ,, Spencer Smyth ,, 29 May 73. 26 Sep. 78. Chas. Calmady Dent ,, Robt. Loney ... ,, 25 Aug. 73. 15 Jun. 79. Chas. Wilson Riley ,j 30 Jul. 75. Godfrey Lamplugh Wolley ... ,, Cheesman Hy. Binstead ,, 30 Jul. 75. Wm. Cheselden Browne ,, 22 Mar. 76. 9 J an. 80. Hy. Duncan Twysden... ,, Geo. Parker 20 Oct. 72. 9 Mar 78. 27 Oct. 84. Richd. Akhvorth Oliver ,, ,, ,, Edwd. Philips Charlewood ,, ., ,, Geo. Williams ,, ,, Thos. Abel Bremage Spratt, C.B ,, ■ ,, Arth. Mellersh ^, j^ 27 Oct. 84. Chas. Jos. Fredk. Ewart, c.B 8 Feb. 7?,. Fredk. Chevallier Syer 12 Feb. 73. Richd. Ashmore Powell, c.B 6 Apr. 73. 21 Mar. 78. Jno. Borlase, c.B. ., ,, Vincent Amcotts Massingberd ,, ,, 30 Oct. 84. Jas. Rawstone ... Robt. Hall, c.B 30 Apr. 73. 21 Mar. 78. Jno. Montagu Haves, c.b ., ,, Chas. Luxmoore Hockin 25 Aug. 73. ,, 30 Oct. 84. Hy. Alexr. Storv ^^ J, Edwd. Pelham Brent on Von Donop ,, ,, Oliver Jno. Jones ,, Octavius Cumberland. c.B ,, 850 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. B.R.A. B.V.A. Bet.A. Geo. Wm. Prcedy, c.n 1 Jan. 74. 30 Jan. 79. Thos. Etheridge ,, „ 30 Oct. 84. Fredk. Lamport Barnard ,, „ Jas. Edwd. Katon 19 Jan. 74. 1 Feb. 71). 27 Mar. 85. Edwd. Westbv VanBittart, c.B „ ,, Wm. Abdy Fellowes ,, Jno. Ja.s. Kennedy, c.B. ,, 1 Feb. 79. Jno. Barling Marsh ,, „ Matthew Stainton Xolloth ,, ,, Hv. Gage Morris ,, ,• 27 Mar. 85. Richd. Dunning White ,, ,, Alexr. Bridport Beecher ,, Jno. Ormsby Johnson... llJun.74. 1 Feb. 79. Alan Hv. Gardner, c.n. ,, Wm. Jas. Saml. Pullen ,, 1 Feb. 79. Hon. Geo. Hy. Douglas „ „ 27 Mar. 85. Geo. Le Geyt Bowyear, c.B. ... ,, ,, Jas Dirom ,, Hy. Croft „ 1 Feb. 79. 27 Mar. 85. Fredk. Augs. Buchanan Craufvird ,, Augs. Hy. Ingram 1 Jan. 75. 15 Jun. 79. 31 Mar. 85. Hv. Dumaresq... ,, Wm. Ellis ,, 15 Jon. 79. 31Mar.86. Jas Geo. Mackenzie ,, Cha^. Starmer ,, 15 Jun. 79. Gee. Stewart Reynolds ,, „ Jno Bettinson Gragg ... ,, Auj;b. Sinclair Booth ,, 15 Jun. 79. 31 Mar. 85. Wm. Hoseason ,, Wm. Heriot Maitland Dougall „ 15 Jun. 79. 31 Mar. 85. Edwd. Peirse ,, ,, Steph. Smith Lowther Crofton ,, ,, Gilbert Brydone Rutherford ,, „ 31 Mar. 85. Albert Heseltine ,, ,, ,, Ghas. Richardson Johnson ,, „ Gerard Jno. Napier ,, ,, Lewis Maitland jj Richd. Brydges Beechey ,, 15 Jun. 79. 31 Mar. 85. Wm. Hugh Dobbie ,, ,, „ Hv. Need ,, Richd. Purvis ,, Thos. Cochran 20 Apr. 75. 2 Aug. 79. Edwd. King Barnard ... ,, ,, Jas. Hosken ... ,, ,, Jas. Saml. Akid Dennis ,. ,, Jo.s. Martin Mottley ,, „ Edwd. Frankhn ., Philip Somervillc ., 2 Aug. 79. Arthur Trevor Macgregor ... ,, „ 7 Apr. 85. Alexr. Boyle ... ., ., Byron Drury ,, ., 7 Apr. 85. Wm. Morns „ Wm. Rao Holland 25 Apr. 75. 9 Sep. 79. Richd. Moorman 7 May 75. 27 Nov. 79. 29 Apr. 85. Fredk. Augs. Maxso 4 Nov. 75. 20 Jan. 80. 1 Jul. 86. David Robertson, aft. Robcrtson-Macdonald 11 Dec. 75. ,, ., Saml. Mercer ., Wm. Norton Taylor ,j 20 Jan. 80 1 Jui. 85. Geo. Clarke Mends ,, ,, Jonas Archer Abbott ,, ., IJui. 85. John Luke Richd. Stoll ,, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 851 Name. B.R.A. R.V.A. Ret.A. Philip Augs. Helpman 11 Dec. 75. John Ross Ward J, 20 Jan.' 80. 1 Jul!' 85. Edwd. Banbury Nott ,, Wm. Boys „ Geo. Johnson J 20 Jan." 80. 1 Jul!* 85. Matth. Connolly ,, Jas. Archd. Macdonald Geo. Mason \\ Alexr. Crombie Gordon \\ 20 Jan. 80. Robt. Robertson ', ,, 1 Jul!' 85. Jasper Hy. Selwyn ... ,, „ ., Fras. Hy. Shortt . Robt. Jocelyn Otway ,, ., Victor Grant Hickley 21 Sept.76. 3 Jan. 81. 12 Apr. 86. Julian Foulston Slight, c.B ,, „ ,, Wm. Hy. Haswell ^ '' Thos. Saumarez, c.B \\ 12 Apr! 86. Saml. Hoskins Derriman, C.B. ,, \\ j^ Peter Fredk. Shortland Fredk. Leopold Augs. Selwyn ,, ,, Chas. Hy. May ., ,, Richd. Wm. Courtenay 12 Nov. 76. 19 Jan. 81. Donald McLeod Mackenzie ... 31 Dec. 76. 23 Nov. 81. John Seccomb ... " Pr. Victor Ferd., &c., of Hohenlohe, c.c. Count Gleichen ,, ,, 24 May 87. Jos. Grant Bickford j^ Wm. Everard Alphonso Gordon, c.B. ,' 23 Nov 81 24 May 87. Robt. Dawes Aldrich Hy. Trollope ,, Jack Hy. Murray 1 Aug. 77. Jno. Oriebar 6 May 82. 15 Jul. 87. Fras. Marten ," Wm. Andrew Jas Heath, C.B. Jno. Wm. Dorville „ 6 May 82 15 Jul!' 87. Elphinston D'Oyly D'Auvergne Aplin „ „ Wm. Cornish Bowden ^j jj 15 Jul!' 87. Geo. Hy. Gardner 'J Jno. Clarke Byng „ Jno. Bythesea, v.c, C.B 5 Aug. 77. Hy. Saml. Hawker „ 6 May 82. isjui. 87. Fras. Arden Close jj jj j^ Arth. Wilmshurst, c.B. ,', ,', Wm. Wood ,, ,, 15 Jui. 87. Hy. Jno. Blomfield 27 Sep. 77. 17 Feb. 84. 18 Oct. 87. Jno. Fras. Campbell Mackenzie „ „ „ Jas Beautine Willoughby „ „ David Spain ,, Jno. Rashleigh Rodd ... 31 Dec. 77. 1 Apr. 84. 1 May 8 8. Geo. Otway Popple well „ ,j 5) Fredk. Thos. Chetham Strode J Jno. Wallace Douglas M'Donald "^ ", "j Jas. Minchin Bruce >' (?) Wm. Horton, c.B. „ Richd. Bulkeley Pearse „ 7 Jul!' 84. 19Jui^.'88. Herbert Philip de Kantzow ^ Geo. Augs. Cooke Brooker, c.B Norman Bernard Bedingfeld 9M'ar.78. 8 Jul'.' 84. Hy. Wm. Hire, C.B '' Wm. Alfd. Rumbledon Pearse Jos. Hy. Marryat, C.B. „ 852 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Trevenen Penrose Coode Chas. Murray A3-nsley, c.R ... Montague Fredk. O'Reilly Edwd. Lac}' Montagu Buccleuch Dunn Sir Malcolm McGregor, bt Jas. Richd. Vcitch Hy. Fredk. McKillop Hy. Jas. Raby, V.C., c.B Jno. Fras. Ross Fredk. Wm. Pleydell-Bouverie Edwd. Jas. Bedford Hy. Christian ... Chas. Wright Bonham Jno. Halliday Cave, C.B. Saml. Hood Henderson Jno. Edwd. Parish Richd. Dawkins Wm. Chas. Fabie Wilson. C.B. Hon. Thos. Alexr. Pakenham Herbert Fredk. Winnington Ingram. Francisco Sangro Tremlett ... David Miller Hubert Campion, c.B.... Lewis Jas. Moore Benj. Spencer Pickard Fredk. Wm. Gough, c.B Richd. Chas. Mayne, c.B John Wm. Whyte Mark Robt. Pechell Hy. Hamilton Beamish, c.B. ... Fredk. Harrison Smith Arthur Lukis Mansell Hugh Maxn. Elliott John Laisne' Perry Thos. Hutchinson Mangles Martin ., Wm. Fitzherbert Ruxton Chas. Bayley Calmady Dent Geo. Teal Sebor Winthrop ... Wm. Hy. Fenwick Hon. Maurice Horatio Nelson Geo. John Malcolm Wm. Cox Chapman ... Hon. Armar Lowry Corry ... Chas. Fenton Fletcher Boughey Geo. Hy. Parkin Jas Andrew Robt. Dunlop ... D'Arcy Spence Preston Hy. Bedford WooUcombo Philip Saumarcz Stapleton Jas. Greville Chas. IShitth. Buckle Cortland Herbert Simpson ... Fras. Rcgd. Purvis Chas. Riclid. Fox Boxer Alexr. Phillips Robt. Aiithy. Edwd. Scott ... Fredk. Wui. Sidney JoK. Saiiil. Hudson Wm. Burlev Grant Thos. Baker JIartin Sulivan... 9 Mar. 78. 21 Mar. 78 31 Dec. 78 R.V.A. 8 Jul. 84. 8 Jul' 84. 8JUL84. Oct. 84. 30 Jan. 79. 2 Aug. 79. 27 Nov. 79. 9 Jan. 80. 23 Jul. 80. 23 Nov. 81. 31 Dec. 81. 9 Jun. 82. 31 Dec. 82, 8 Jan. 83. 20 Mar. 83. 17 Feb. 84. 7 Jul. 84. 27 Mar. 85. 29 Apr. 85. 30 Oct. 84. 30 Oct. 84. IJul. 85, 26 Nov. 85 26 Nov. 85 7 Jul. 87 14 May 88 25 Oct. 88 15 Dec. 15 Dec. 88. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. K.E.A. E.V.A. Ket. A. Mountford Steph. Lovick Peile 29 Apr. 85. Macleod Baynes Cockcraft 1 Jun. 85. Chas. David Lucas, v.c „ Horatio Lawrence Arth. Lennox Maitland „ John Wm. Pike IJul. 85. Edwin John Pollard ,, Saml. Philip Townsend ,, Richd. Bradshaw, c.B. ,, Thos. Edwd. Smith ,, Bedford Clappert on Try vellion Pim 5 Jul. 85. Thos. Hounsom Butler Fellows, c.B 1 Jan. 86. Marcus Lowther ,, Louis Hutton Vesturme ,, Ralph Abercromhie Otho Brown 9 Mar. 86. Robt. Owen Leach ,, Arth. Woodall Gillett ,, Hy. Wandesford Comber ,, Edwd. Field ,, Richd. Carter ,, Morgan Singer 12 Apr. 86. Hy. McClintock Alexander ,, Sir Geo. Strong Nares, K.c.B. 1 Jan. 87. Valentine Otway Inglefield ,, Geo. Doherty Broad ,, Alb. Hy. Wm. Battiscombe ,, Chas. Jas. Bullock ,, Hy. Anthy. Trollope ,, Hv Matth. Miller 6 Apr. 87. Philip Howard Colomb ,, Hamilton Edwd. Geo. Earlie 24 Mav 87. Philip Ruffle Sharpe 10 Jun. 87 Elibank Harley Murray ,, Jas. Augs. Poland 1 Jan. 88. Jno. Parry Jones Parry ,, Jas. Wylie East 5) Hy. Lowe Holder ,, Chas. Eras. Walker ,, Fredk. Wm. Hallowes 3 Apr. 88. Jno. Child Purvis ,, Geo. Northland 19 Jun. 88. 854 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. GOVERNORS OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. 1708. Sir Wm. Gifford. 1714. Adm. Matth. Aylmer. 1720. Adm. sir John Jennings. 1744. Adm. sir John Balchan. 1746. Ld. Archd. Hamilton. 1754. Adm. Isaac Townsend. 1765. Adm. sir Geo. Bridges Rodney, bt. 1771. Adm. Fras. Holburne. Adm. sir Chas. Hardy. 1780. Adm. sir Hugh Palliaer. 1796. Adm. Saml. vise. Hood, Mar. 20. 1816. Adm. sir John Colpoj-s, Feb. 9. 1821. Adm. sir Richd. Godwin Keats, G.C.B., Apr. 5. 1834. R.-adm. sir Thos. Masterman Hardy, bt., G.C.B., Apr. 9. 1837. Adm. hon. Cha.s. Elphinstone Fleming, Oct. 12. 1841. Adm. hon. sir Robt. Stopford, g.c.b., Apr. 7. 1847. V.-adm. sir Chas. Adam, k.c.b., July 3. 1853. V.-adm. sir Jas. Alexr. Gordon, K.C.B. , Oct. 28. 1869. Adm. sir Houston Stewart, g.c.b., Feb. 15. 1872. Adm. sir Sydney Colpoys Dacres, g.c.b., Dec. 2. 1884. Adm. sir Lewis Tobias Jones, g.c.b.. Mar. 25. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. 1704. Capt. John Clements. 1800. Capt. sir Richd. Pearson. 1705. Capt. Robt. Robinson. 1805. Capt. Jno. Bourchier. 1718. Capt. Thos. Cleasby. 1809. Capt. Wm. Browell. Capt. Jos. Soanes. 1831. R.-adm. sir Jahleel Brenton, k.c.b., 1737. Capt. Teudor Trevor. aft. bt., Aug. 8. 1740. Capt. Chas. Smith. 1840. R.-adm. sir Jas. Alexr. Gordon, 1750. Capt. Fras. Dansays. k.c.b. , July 6. 1754. Capt. Jas. Lloyd. 1853. R.-adm. sir Wm. Edwd. Parrj-, Dec. 1761. Capt. Wm. Boys. 6. 1774. Capt. Thos. Baillie. 1855. R.-adm. sir Wm. Fairbrother Carroll, 1778. Capt. Jarvis Maplesden. k.c.b., Aug. 13. 1781. Capt. Broderick Hartwell. 1862. R.-adm. sir Stephen Lushington, 1784. Capt. Jas. Ferguson. K.C.B., May 17. 1793. Capt. Wm. Locker. Office abolished Sept. 1865, by 28 & 29 Vict. cap. 89. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PART XV. MILITARY. COMMANDERS-IN-CHIEF. 1674. Jas., D. of Monmouth (nat. son of Chas. II.), Mar. 30; be- headed 1G85. 1690. John, E., aft. D. of Marlborough, June 3 ; d. 1722. 1691. Meinhardt, D. of Leinster, Apr. 30. 1695. Meinhardt, D. of Leinster, now D. of Schomberg, k.g., May 9; d. 1719. 1711. Jas., D. of Ormond, Jan. 1; attainted 1715 ; d. 1746. 1744. John, E. of Stair, k.t., Jan. 1; d. May 1747. 1745. Geo. Wade, Mar. ; d 1748. 1757. John, vise., aft. E. Ligonier, Oct. 24 to 1759; d. 1770. The office vacant. 1766. John, M. of Granby, son of John, 3rd D. of Rutland, Aug. 13 ; res. 1709; d. 1770. The office vacant. 1778. Jeffrey, Id. Amherst, gen. on the staff, Mar. 19. 1782. Hon. Hy. Seymour Conway, Mar. 29; d. 1795. 1793. Jeffrey, Id. Amherst, again, gen. on the staff, Jan. 21 ; d. 1797. 1795. Fredk., D. of York, F.M. on the staff, Feb. 11 ; comm. ch., Apr. 3, 1798. 1809. Sir David Dundas, bt.. Mar. 25, d. 1820. 1811. Fredk., D. of York, again. May 29, to Jan. 5, 1827, when he d. Vacant to Jan. 21, 1827. 1827. Arthur, D. of Wellington, kg., G.C.B., Jan. 22, to May 5, same year. Vacant from May 6 to Aug. 26, 1827. 1827. Arthur, D. of Wellington, again, Aug. 27, to Feb. 14, 1828." Vacant to Feb. 24, 1828. 1828. Rowland, vise. Hill,G.u.B.,G.c.H., gen. on the staff, Feb. 25, to Aug. 14, 1842 ; d. Dec. 1842. 1842. Arth., D. of Wellington, again, Aug. 15, by L.P. 1852. Hy., 1st vise. Hardinge, g.c.b. , gen. on the staff", Dec. 28 ; res. and d. 1856. 1856. Geo. Wm. Fred. Chas., D. of Cambridge, k.g., &c., gen. on the staff, July 15; comm. ch., Nov. 26, 1887. 1660. 1678. 1702, CAPTAINS-GENERAL. Geo., D. of Albemarle, Aug. 3. Jas., D. of Monmouth, Apr. 27, to Sept. 11, 1679; d. 1685. Jno., E. , aft. D. of Marlborough, Apr. 24, to Feb. 19, 1711. Jas., D. of Ormond, Feb. 20, to Sept. 22, 1714. 1714. 1799. Jno., D. of Marlborough, again, Sept. 23, to 1717; d. 1722 Wm. Aug., D. of Cumberland, Mar. 8, to 1757 ; d. 1765. Fredk., D. of York, Sept. 4 to Mar. 24, 1809. This title is now become obsolete. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. FIELD-MARSHALS. 1736, Jan. 14. 1739, •uly2. 1742, Mar. 28. 1743. 1757. Nov. 28. 1763. 1793, Oct. 12. 1796, Jaly30, 1805, Sept. 5. 1813. 1813, Not. 26, 1816, Way 24 1821, July 19 1830, July 21 1840. Geo., E. of Orkney, govr. of Edin- burgh Castle ; d. 1737. Jno., D. of Argyll and Green- wich ; d. 1743. Richd. . vise. Shannon. Fras., M. de Montandrc. Jno., E. of Stair. Richd. , vise. Cobham ; d. 1749. Geo. Wade, Dec. 14 ; d. 1748. Sir Robt. Rich, bt. ; d. 1768. Richd., vise. Molesworth ; d. 1758. Jno., Id., aft. vise, and E. Ligonier; d. 1770. Jas. . Id. Tyrawley, June 10; d. 1773. Hon. Hy. Seymour Conway; d. 1795. Wm. Hy., D. of Gloucester, k.g. ; d. 1805. Sir Geo. Howard, k.b. ; d. 1796. Fredk. , D. of York and Albanv, K.G., Feb. 10. Jno., D. of Argyll; d. 1806. Jeffrey, Id. Amherst, k.b.; f/.1797. Jno. GriflSn, Id. Howard de Wal- den; d. 1797. Studholme Hodgson, d. 1798. Geo., Marq. Townshend ; d. 1807. Ld. Fredk. Cavendish, d. 1803. Chas., D. of Richmond, k.g. ; d. 1806. Edwd., D. of Kent and Strathem. K.G. ; d. 1820. Arth., D. of Wellington, k.g., June 21. Ernest Aug., D. of Cumberland, K.G. (K. of Hanover in 1837). Adolphus Fredk., D. of Cam- bridge, K.G. ; d. 1850. Wm. F'redk., D. of Glouce.ster, K.G. ; d. 1834. Leopold Geo. Fredk., D. of Saxe and Pr. of Coburg Saalfeld, K.G. ; aft. K. of the Belgians. Chas., M. of Drogheda, k.p. ; d. 1822. Wm., E. Harcourt, k.c.b. ; d. 1830. Sir Alured Clarke, G.c.n; d. 1832. Sir Saml. Ilulse, g.c.ii, g.c.m.g. ; d. 1837. Fras. Albert Aug. Charles Eman- uel (Consort of Her Majesty Queen Victoria), D. of Saxony, Pr. of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, K.G., K.T. , K.i'., Ac. ; d. 1861. 1845, July 28. 1846, Nov. 9. 1854, Nov. 5. 1855, Oct. 2. 1860, Apr. 1. 1862, Nov. 9. 1868, Jan. 7. 1870, May 24, 1875, May 29, 1877, June 2, 1883, Jan. 1. 1883. 1886, Mar. 27 1886. 1887. Wm. II., K. of the Netherlands, K.G. ; d. 1849. Sir Geo. Nugent, bt., k.c.b. ; d. 1849. Thos. Grosvenor; d. 1850. Hy. Wm., .M. of Anglesey, k.g., G.C.B. ; G.C.H. Fitzroy, Jas. Hy., Id. Raglan, G.c.iJ. ; d. 1855. Stapleton, vise. Combermere, G.C.B. ; d. 1865. Jno., E. of Strafford, G.c.b.; d. 1860. Hy., vise. Hardinge, G.C.B.; d. 1856. Jno., Id. Seaton, g.c.b., o.c.h.o.; d. 1863. Sir Ed w. Blakeney, G.C.B., G.C.H. ; d. 1868. Hugh. vise. Gough, k.p., g.c.b. , K.S.I. ; d. 1869. Geo. Wm. Fred. Chas., D. of Cambridge, k.g., k.p., g.c.b., &e. Colin, Id. Clyde, g.c.b., k.s.i.; d. 1863. Sir Alexr. Woodford, g.c.b., g.c.m.g. ; d. 1870. Sir Wm. Mavnard Gomm, g.c.b.; d. 1875. Sir Hew Dalrymple Ross, g.c.b.; d. 1868. Sir Jno. Fox Burgoyne, bt., g.c.b.; d. 1871. Sir Geo. Pollock, bt., g.c.b., g.c.s.i. ; d. 1872. SirJno.ForsterFTtzGerald, G.C.B.; d. 1877. Geo., M. of Tweeddale, k.t., G.C.B.; d. 1876. Alb. Edw.,Pr. of Wales. Sir Wm. Rowan, g.c.b. ; d. 1879. Sir Chas. Yorke, g.c.b.; d. 1880. Hugh Ily., Id. Strathnairn, g.c.b., G.c S.I. ; d. 1885. Robt. Cornelia, Id. Napier of Mag- dala, G.C.B., G.C.S.I. Sir Patr. Grant, g.c.b., g.c.m.g., June 24. Sir Rd. Jas. Daercs, o.c.B.; <0'.K Edwin Howgili, (/. 1810. Thos. Pakenham Vandelour, d. 1804. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 873 1804. Otto, bar. Schutte, Aug. 18. ; ret. 1810. 1805, Hy., vise. Gage, d. 1808. Jan. 1. Chas. Wm. Este, d. 1812. Roger Aytoun, d. 1811. Jas. Webber, d. 1808. Geo., E. of Craufurd, d. 1808. Stair Park Dalrymple, d. 1808. Sir Wm. Clarke, bt. ; d. 1808. Jas. Hall. Coote Manningham, d. 1809. 1805, Richd. Mark Dickens, d. 1808. Oct. 30. Sir Geo. Chas. B. Boughton, bt., d. 1810. 1808, Chas. Baillie, d. 1810. Apr. 25. Edwd. Fage, d. 1809. Jas. Thewles, d. 1811. Hugh Lyle Carmichael. Jno. Randoll M'Kenzie, d. 1809. Sir Wm. Erskine, bt. ; d. 1813. Nathl. Wm., Id. Clarina ; d. 1810. 1809, Fredk. de Watteville. Oct. 25. Jno. Barnes, d. 1810. Archd., Id. Montgomerie ; d. 1814. David Hunter. V '1810, Wm. Balfour, d. 1812. V^ July 27. Lawrence Bradshaw, ret. Geo. Wm. Rich Harcourt. Andr. Burn. Augs. , bar. Veltheim ; d. 1829. Geo. , bar. Bock. Thos. Trotter, d. 1825. Peter du Plat, d. 1824. Augs., bar. Honstedt. Victor, bar. Alten ; d. 1820. Sigismund, bar. Low, k.c.b., K.c.H. ; d. 1846. Adolphus, bar. Barsse ; d. 1834. Chas., bar. Alten; d. 1840. Wm. Grant, d. 1812. Sir Montague Burgovne, bt. ; d. 1817. Danl. Hoghton, d. 1811. Barnard Foord Bowes, d. 1812. 1811. Benj. Fisher, d. 1814. June 4. Thos. Nepean, d. Nov. 1816. Sir Chas. Shipley, d. 1815. J. Gaspard Le Marchant, d. 1812. Jas. M. Hadden, d. 1817. John Bouchier. Sir Isaac Brock, k.b., d. 1812. Geo. Wm. Ramsay, d. 1819. Robt. Craufurd, d. 1812. Thos. Barrow, d. 1820. Jno. Wood, dism. 1817. Horace Churchill, d. 1817. Thos. Dunbar, d. 1815. Alexr. Keith, d. 1812. iEneas Shaw, d. 1815. Geo. Dver, d. 1817. Andr. Hay, d. 1814. Sir Jno. Douglas, d. 1814. Trevor Hull, d. 1816. Jas. Kemmis, d. 1820. 1811, Jno. Wilson. June 4. Jno. Agmond Vesey, d. 1812. 1812, Flower M. Sproule. Apr. 1. Wm. Borthwick, d. 1820. Harry Chester, d. 1821. Jno. Lindesay, d. 1820. Richd. Hulee, d. 1813. Geo. Stracey Smith. Hon. Sir Edwd. M. Pakenham, G.c.n. ; d. 1815. Hy. M-Kinnom, d. 1812. Sir Robt. Rollo Gillespie, k.c.b ; d. 1814. Jos. Baird, d. 1816. Wm. Wheatley, d. 1812. Jas. Hare, d. 1820. Oliver Thos. Jones, d. 1815. Andr. Ross, d. 1813. 1813, Wm. Kersteman, (/. 1820. June 4. Wm. Alexander, d. 1825. Chas. Campbell, d. 1822. Fras. Stewart. Hy. Davis. Hon. sir Wm. Ponsonby, k.c.b. ; d. 1815. Benj. Gordon Forbes. Haviland Smith, d. 1817. Wm. Fredk. Sprv. Hy. Procter, d. 1822. Jno. Browne, d. 1816. Jno. Hall, d. 1823. Jno. Bvrne Skcrrett, d. 1814. Sir Denis Pack, k.c.b. ; d. 1823. Sir Granville Thos. Calcraft, d. 1820. Jno. Picton, d. 1815. Edwd. Scott, d. 1844. Wm. M'Caskill, d. 1815. Jno. Crowgy, d. 1815. Thos. Gerard Elrington. Wm. Lockhart, d. 1817. Robt. Ross, d. 1814. Hy. Green Barry, d. 1838. Lewis de Watteville, d. 1836. Adam Gordon. Matth. Chit. Darby Griffith, d. 1823. Jno. Fras. Kelly, d. 1814. Randolph Marriott, d. 1821. Lachlan Maquarie, d. 1824. Sir Saml. Gibbs, k.c.b. : d. 1815. Sir Robt. Thos. Wilson, rem. 1821 ; subseq. rest. See " Generals," 1841. Digby Hamilton, d. 1820. 1814, Sir Chas. Hollo way, ret. 1824; d. Jun. 4. 1827. Archd. Stewart, d. 1823. Thos. Norton Poulett, d. 1824. Sir Edwd. Ger. Butler, d. 1825. Michl. Edwd. Jacob, d. 1815. Sir Thos. Brooke Pechell, bt., d. 1826. Wm. Latham, d. 1823. David Dewar. 874 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 18U, Edwd. Baynes, ret. 1828 ; d. 1829. June 4. Jas. Stirling, d. 1834. Robt. Young, d. 1815. Edwd. Vicars, d. 1820. J. Millar, ret. Wm. Geo. Dacres, d. 1824. Robt. Douglas, (/. 1828. Eras. Streicher. d. 1828. Chas. Auriol, 1821. Wm. Gifford, d. 1829. I., baron de Sonnenberg, ret. Chas. Irvine, d. 1820. Sir Wm. Xicholson, bt., d. 1820. Thos. Carev, d. 1824. Wm. Grant", d. 1826. Geo. Johnstone, d. 182G. Wm John, vise. Molosworth, d. 1815. Wm. Hv. Beckwith, d. 1844. Dugald Campbell, d. 1824. Richd. Augs. Seymour. SirHv. Torrens, k.c.b. ; d. 1828. 1819, Ld. Fredk. Bentinck, (/. 1828. Aug. 12. Isaac Pattison Tinling, d. 1822. Sir Wm. Douglas, k.c.h. ; d. 1834. Thos. Wm. Kerr, d. 1825. Fredk. Hardyman, (/. 1821. John Fredk. Sigism. Smith, k.c.h., d. 1834. Wm. Mutge. Saml. Warreij, d. 1833. Patr. Mackenzie, d. 1820. Wm. Xeedham, d. 1844. Robt. Walter, Id. Blantyre, k.c.b. ; d. 1830. Sir Jas. Campbell, K.c.n. , k.c.h. ; d. 1835. Edwd. Codd, (/. 1829. Robt. Sewell, d. 1835. Chas. Amadee Harcourt, d. 1831. Geo. Hill, (/. 1830. Saml. Swinton, (/. 1832. Sir C. Philip Belson, k.c.b., d. 1830. Wm. Augs. Prevost. Sir J. Pringle Dalrymple, bt. ; d. 1829. Robt. Kelso, d. 1823. Jno. Nugent Smyth, d. 1838. Jno. Lamont, ret. 1824; d. 1829. Wm. Armstrong, d. 1837. Robt. D'Arcy, ret. 1824 ; d. 1827. Geo. Brydges. Geo. Wm. Dixon, d. 1836. Sir G. Ridout Bingham, k.c.b. ; d. 1833. Sir Thos. Bligh St. George, c.B., K.C.H. ; d. 1836. Jno. Murray, d. 1832. Hon. sir Chas. Jas. Greville, K.C.B. ; d. 1836 Alexr. Mark Ker Hamilton, d. 1842. Sir Geo. Loith, bt., d. 1842. 1819, Sir Geo. Allan Madden, d. 1828. Aug. 12. Jno. Miller, d. 1825. Jno. Dalrymple, d. 1835. Brooke Young, d. 1835. Sir Havlett Framingham, k.c.b. ; d. 1820. 1821, Allen Hampden Pye, d. 1833. Jul. 19. John Shaw, d. 1835. Geo. Ramsay, d. 1834. Jno. Lemoine. Jno. Rowlev, d. 1824. iMartin Campbell Cole, d. 1835. Robt. Evans, d. 1833. Richd. Harry Foley, ke or Brooks Edwd. Chas. Wliinyates, c.b., k.h., aft. sirE. Thos. Hutchesseii Jno. OldfieUl, k.h Thos. Dynely, c.b. Sir Colin Cam])bcll, K.c.n. aft. Id. Goo. Petro Wymer, aft. sir G. Wm, Pattlo 11 Nov. 51. 28 Nov. 54. 24 Jan. G3. 20 Jun, Clyde 22 Sep. 58. i 2C, Oct. 58. ' 12 Jan. Co. 26 Oct. 58. 12 Jan. 65. G Feb. 65. 20 Oct. 58. 10 Feb. 65. ,, 9 Mar. 05. „ 2 Apr. 65. 31 May 65. 17 Aug. 65. 16 Nov. 58. 14 Dec. 58. ' 28 Aug. 63. 13 Feb. 5'.). 5 Sep. 05. 2 Apr. 51). I 12 Jan. 66. 9 Apr. 59. I I 12 Jan. 60. 12 Jun. 59. I 17 Jul. 59. i 14 J 00. 17 Jul. 59 14 Aug. 59 17 Oct. 59. 7 Dec. 59. 7 Dec. 59. 4 Mar. 66. 13 Dec. 59. 31 Mar. 66. 26 Dec. 59 28 Nov. 54. 25 Sep. 59. 26 Dec. 59, P 20 Apr. 66. 11 Jan. -60. I 17 Jun. 66. 28 Jan. 00. 13 Feb. 00. 1 Apr. 00. 11 Apr. 60. 23 Apr. 00. 24 Apr. 00. 3 Jlay (;0, 4 May 00. 5 MaV 00. 15 May 00. 1 Jun. 56. 10 May 59. 4 Jun. 56. 8 Jun. 50, 18 Jul. 50. 25 Jun. 66. 20 Jan. 67. 8 Mar. 67. 8 Deo. 67. 1 Jan. 68. 10 Di e. 64. 3 Apr. &2 14 May 58. 9 Sep. 68. 9 Oct. 63. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Edm. Finucane ^Morris, c.b 20Jun. 54. 17Jun. 56. 1.^; Mar. 68. Peter Edmcnstone Craigie, c.b., aft. sir P. 19 Jun. 56. 21 Jan. 68. Hv. Colvile 20 Jun. o6. 27 Mar. 68. Oeo. Cobbe 4 Feb. 57. 15 Dec. 64. Alesr. Cavalie Jlercer 29 Aug. 57. 9 Feb. 65. Abrm. Roberts 13 Oct. 57. 3 Oct. 64. Everard Wm. Bouverie 30 .Jul. 60. 9 Apr. 68. Hon. Thos. Ashburnham, c.b. 3 Aug. 60. 19 Apr. 68 Michl. White, c.b 31 Aug. 60. Jno. Scott, C.B., aft. sir J 13 Oct. 60. 1 May 68. Jno. Lvsaght Pennefather, c.b., aft. sir J.... 12 Nov. 60. 9 May 68. Thos. Perronet Thompson ... 27 Dec. 60. 12 Jul. 68. "\Vm. Bash, k.h Fred. Thus. Buller Hv. Despard. c.b Sir Jno. Mark Fredk. Smith 25 Oct. 59. 3 Aug. 63. Edw. Wells Bell 27 Dec. 60. 12 Jul. 68. Jno. Reid Jas. Jones, k.h. Edw. Carlvon ... ., Sir Wm. Macbean Geo. Colebrook, c.b., k.h. 16 Jan. 59. 26 Dec. 65. Thos. Burke 18 Jan. 61. Thos. Saml. Trafiford Hy. Bristow Wm. Gator, aft. sir W 25 Sep. 59. 5 Apr. 66. Geo. Saunders Thveaites 13 Feb. 61. Jos. Jerrard ... Arth. Morris Jas. Thos., E. of Cardigan 13 Feb. 61. Wm. Cowper Coles 9 Mar. 61. Sir xMichl. Creagh, k.h John Eden, C.B. 9 Mar. 61. 25 Aug. 68. Humphrey Robt. Hartley Hy. Wm. Barnard Jas. Campbell, k.h. ... Hon. Chas. Grey 10 iiar. 61. 29 Aug. 68. Wm. Lennox Lascelles, aft. Id. De Ros ... 12 Mar. 61. 10 Nov. 68. Jno. Geddes, K.H 23 Mar. 61. Wm. Hv. Cornwall Philip Spencer Stanhope 20 Apr. 61. 22 Nov. 68. Alesr. Maclachlan ... ... ... ... i ,, 22 Jun. 60. Chas. Murrav Hay I „ 1 24 Aug. 60. Hv., Id. Rokebv 1 „ ! 20 Sep. Gl. 8 Mar. 69. Chas. Gilmour Hy. Edw. Porter 10 Nov. 61. 5 Sep. 69. Jno. Dawson Rawdon... 15 Nov. 61. Wm. Beckwith, k.h 26 Nov. 61. 28 Oct. 69 Hy. Edw. Robinson Hy. Wm. Breton 15 Dec. 61. 18 Dec. 69. Allan T. McLean 20 Dec. 61. Staph. Kirby Arth. Rd., D. of Wellington ! 2 Feb. 62. Jno. Julius Wm. Angerstein 1 !J Jno. W^ilson Kettlewell ... ... ... ,, j Thos. Martin, k.h i ,, i 16 Feb. 62. Matth. Chas. Dixon 1 Patr. Doull Calder Thos. Gerrard Ball 7 Mar. 62. 10 Jan. 70. Eaton Monins ... 1 Guy Carlton Coffin 1 1 Wm. Cox, K.H. 1 1 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Jas. Stokes Bastard ... Geo. Morton Eden Geo. Dixon Fred. Maunsell ^Ym. Jno. Codrington.. Duncan Grant ... Hv. Alexr. Scott Wm. Wvlde Wm. Tumor ... Wm. Fludyer ... Jno. Wharton Frith ... Thos. Falls Ily. Chas. Russell Wm. Ferguson Jno. Hall Peter Jlargetson Wallace Richd. Jones, (? sir) ... Jno. Mitchol, or Mitchell, c.B. aft. Jno. Henry Chas. Ramsay Skardon Saml. Swinhoe... Jno. Anderson (No. 1) Fredk. Young Thos. Monteath Douglas Wm. R. C. Costley ... Chas. Herbert Geo. Petre Wymer Alexr. Dick Wm. Pattle Thos. Fiddes Jas. Perry Hugh Ross Jno. Anderson (Xo. 2) Jas. Kitchen ... Abrm. Roberts, c.u. ... Jno. Morgan, c.n. Chas. Arth. Grenado Wallingt Thos. Oliver ... Michl. Edwd. Bagnold Duncan Gordon Scott... Hy. Hall, c.u Julius Geo. Griffith ... Saml. Shaw Fredk. Larkins Doveton Jas. Henderson Dunsterville Chas. Butler James ... Matthew Coombs Paul Chas. Payne ... Jno. Polgaso James ... Sir Jno. Cheape, k.c.h. Jno. Low, c.u. , aft. sir J. Job. Harris Jno. Tulloch, c.u, Richd. Powney Sir Hugh Massoj' Wheeler, i Geo. Edwd. Gowan, c.u. Patr. Montgomerio, c.n. Jas. Stuart, c.h. Chas. Orans Wm. Hy. Hewitt Jno. Homo sir J. i 20 Jun. 54. 24 J.an. 57 14 Mar. Dl' I ,, 30 Mav <)2. 1 Apr. 70. . 1 Juii. G2. y Aug. 70. 6 Jun. 56. 27 Jul. G3. 24 Jan. 63. 12 Mav G6. 22 Feb. 63. j 24 Aug. 66. 3 Jun. 62. 13 Aug. 62. 19 Aug. r.2. 10 Oct. 70. 28 Nov. 54. 22 Feb. 63. >7 Jun. 04. 3 Aug. 55. 22 Aug. 55. 15 Sep. 55. 5 Dec. .55. 18 Feb. 56. 18 Mar. 56. 2 Apr. 56. 9 Apr. 56. 8 Jun. 56. 4 Jul. 56. 18 Jul. 56. 16 Sep. 56. 6 Dec. 56. 29 May 57. 23 Sep. 57. 13 Oct. 57. 29 Jun. 63. 13 Jan. 64. 2.S Mar. 65. 9 A) r. do. 13 Jun. 65. '2G Apr. 66. May 66. 27 Jan. 58. 27 May 66- 4 Mar. 58. 1 2 Jun. (H). 4 Mav Hi). 19 Jun. 66. 23 Jul. 58 24 Oct. 58. 23 Jul. 66. 4 Feb. 59. 1 7 Sop. 66. 5 Feb. 59. i 15 May 59. | 6 Dec. GG. 17 Mav r,'J. I 26 Mav 59. 30 MaV 59. 29 Aug. 59. 11 Sep. 59. 21 Sep. 59. 18 Jan. 67 G Mar. 68. 27 Sep. 59. 21 Dec. 59. 30 Dec. 59. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 887 Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Goo. Wm. Aylmer Lloyd, C.B. 20Jun. 54. 2Jun. GO. Alexr. Tulloch. c.b 16 Jun. (!0. Archd. Brown Dyce 2(5 Jun. ()(). Jno. Wheeler Cleveland 30 Aug. 00. G Mar. G8. Robt. Blackall 18 Dec. (JO. David Capon, C.B 25 Jan. Gl. Wm. Donald Robertson 30 Jan. Gl. Duncan Sim )> G Feb. Gl. Geo. Sandys .. 21 .Ian. Gl. Sir Patr. Grant, G.c.B. 28 Nov. 54. 24 Oct. G2. 1 n Nov. 70. Sir Robt. Vivian, K.C.B ,, 22 Nov. 70- Wm. Wylie, c.b ,, 24 Feb. 70. Geo. Conran ... 24 Jan. 05. Edwd. Garstin 21 Dec. 05. 1 Mar. 67. Sir Geo. Brooke, K.C.B 19 Jun. 60. 24 May 70. Fred. Frankland Whinyates ... 14 Jul. 67. 21 Jan. 72. Adam Fife Crawford ... Chas. Montauban Carmichael, c.b.. 14 Apr. 62. IS Jan. 70. Wm. Bolden Dundas, C.B Hy. Wm. Gordon, c.b. 19 May 63. Fredk. Markham, c.b. Geo. Hy. Lockwood, aft. Sir G. 3 Sep. 62. 22 Oct. 70. Jos. Darby 27 Jun. 64. IJan. 68. .las. Eckford, C.b .. 24 Apr. G4. Mathew Soppitt 29 Apr. 64. G iiar. G8. Andr. Hervey, c.b. ... 23 Jul. 04. Sir Scudamore Windo Steel, k.c.b. . 2 Sep. 64. Jos. Leggett Fredk. Schuler 17 Sep. 64. Geo. Moore 2 Nov. 61. Foster Stalker, c.b ... Maurice Tweedie G Apr. 02. Hy. Lechmere Worrall .. 10 Jun. G2. 30 Mar. 69. Jno. Bennet Hearsey, C.B. '... Geo. Richd. Pemberton 6 Sep. G2. Donald Macleod 2 Oct. 02. Steph. Davis Riley 5 Oct. 02. Christr. Godby, c.b .. 22 Nov. G2. Nichs. Penny, c.b „ David Cunninghamo ... Chas. Dennis Dun 6 .ian. 03. Jas. Parsons, c.b. 18 Mar. 03. Geo. Warren 6 Apr. 03. 23 Aug. 69. Hy. Fisher Salter, c.b 14 Apr. 03. Richd. Benson, c.b. ... Thos. Mathew Taylor 17 Apr. 03. 8 Feb. 70. Howard Dowker .. 21 Apr. 03. Hy. Sargent 29 Jun. 03. Geo. Jas. Wilson 13 Jan. 04. Lewis Wentworth Watson Jos. Garnault ... 25 Jun. 04. 22 Feb. 70. Robt. Hawkes 17 Aug. 04. 25 Jun. 70. Archd. Fullerton Richmond, C.B. . 21 Oct. 04. Jos. Bell 8 Jan. 05. 25 Jun. 70. Geo. Conran ... Patr. Grant, c.b Christr. Dixon Wilkinson, c.b. 12 iiar. G5. 25 jun. 70. Wm. Taylor 28 Mar. 05. Westrop Watkins Jno. Laurie Fredk. Parkinson Lester .. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Kame. M.-Gen. j K-Gen. Gen. Jas. E'lwin Williams 28 Nov. 54. a Jun. Co. 25 Jun. 70. Fras. Turnlev Farrell ,, l;^ Jun. (;."). W'm. Hv. Marshall 2:JJu). «.-.. Robt. Alexander ! 22 Aug. 05. 25 Jun. 70. Jno. Dav Stukes „ 1 Roger Williamson 'Wilson, c. 11. ,, 1 Fras. Spencer Hawkins, c.h. ,, "Wm. Jno. Butterworth, c.». 1 Jno. Kvnaston Luard, c.it '20 Nov. C5. 25 Jun. 70. Jno. Graham Edwd. Garstin Adolphus Dervillo 22 Dec. Go. 25 Jun. 70. Riehd. Home Robt. Jno. HuRsev Vivian „ Thos. Littleton Green ., 2G Apr. GO. 25 Jun. 70. Alexr. Carnegy, C.I5 Geo. Tomkyns 29 Apr. CG. 25 Jun. 70. Hy. Geo. Roberts Wm. Cavave 3 May GG. 25 Jun. 70. David Forhes Jno. Jas. Farrinyton Fras. Straton ... 27 Mav GG. 25 Jun. 70. Chas. Richd. Wm. Lane, c.n. 12 Jun. GG. Wm. Jno. Gairdner, c.u Geo. Brooke, c.u Jno. Yaldwyn 23 Jul. GG. 25 Jun. 70. Benj. Robertson Hitcbins ... 2G Aug. GG. Steph. Jloodv ••• Watkin Lewis Griffies Williams, aft. bt, ... 17 Sep. GG. 25 Jul. 70. Evre Evans Bruce G Nov. G(;. 3 Sep. 71. Hy. Coninj^ham „ G Dec. GG. W^m. Justice ,, ,, Jno. Clouyli ... Thos. Dickinson Hy. Chambers Murray Cox 18 Jan. G7. 1) Dec. 71. Jno. HoKgan, c.u Geo. Huvslie, c.u. 12 Feb. G7. 11) Feb. 72. Fredk. Blundell,c.B Jno. Campbell, c.n., aft. sir J. 1 Mar. G7. 21 M,.r. 72. Thos. Bowes Foster 3 Jul. (.7. Fras. Frankland Whinj'ates 14 Jul. G7. Jas. Adam Ilowden ... 1) Dec. G7. Augs. Clarke ... 15 Dec. G7. 13 Apr. 72. Chas. Hamilton, c.n. ... „ ) 30 Jan. U.S. IG N,av 72. Edwd. Armstrong ; G Mar. (iS. •J Dec. 72. Chas. Waddington, c.n Wm. Hv. Sleeman Alexr. Thomson Reid, c.n. ... Maurice Stack, c.n., aft. sir M „ G Mar. G.S. 8 .Mar. 73. Jaa. Outram, c.n Wm. Wyllie, c.n. Walter John Browne, c.n. G Mar. GS. 2'J Aug. 73. Sir Chas. Ilopkinson, c.n. Hanbury Ravnsford „ Brice Wakeford Lee Hy. Smith ,, Geo. Augs. Litchford... ,, Wm. Miles Andr. Campbell Thos. Dickinson Stanley Bullock THE BOOK OF DIGxVITIES. Richcl. Airey, aft. sir R Jas. liucknall Bucknall Estcourt Hugh Hy. Rose, c.b., aft. sir H. and Id. Strathnairn ... Hy. Win, Adams, C.B... . Hon. Jas. Yorke Scarlett, aft. sir J. Sir Jno. Campbell, bt. Harry David Jones, aft. sir H. Arth. Wellesley Torrens Geo. BuUcr, c.b., aft. sir G Wm. E3're. c.b. Wm. Jas. Jones Wm. Hy. Slade Richd. Thos. King Chas. Dixon Thos. (jirantham Thos. Blanshard, c.b. AVm. Brereton. C.B., k.h., aft. sir W. Sherburne Williams ... Jas. C. Victor JHy. Robt. Milner Pras. Kawdon Ghcsney Irwin Whitty ... Chas. Dalton Richd. Burno Rawnsley Jnc. Heneage Grubbe Philip Barry Fred W. Wiiinyates Edwd. Yicars Jno. Hawkshaw Jno. Bloomlield Gough, c.b. ... Wm. Furncaux... R. G. B. Wilson Hon. Arth. Upton Philip Fras. Story, c.b. Alexr. Woodburn, c.b. Jno. D. Syers ... Jas. Archd. Chalmer ... Ambrose Lane... Anthy. Emmett JVlarcus Antonius Waters Walt. Powell Abrm. Hy. Gordon ... Jno. Montresor Pilcher Thos. Stevens... David Anderson Gibsone Jno. Rawlings Coryton Robt. Mercer Saml. Burdon Ellis, c.b. Jno. Robyns, k.h. Jos. Walker Jas. Whylock ... Thos. Waring Geo. Butt Bury Jas. Irwin Willes David McAdam Chas. Compton Pratt Donald Campbell Hy. Jas. Gillespie Saml. Garmston Jno. Harvey Stevens ... 12 Dec. 54. 24 Oct. G2. y Apr. 71. 28 Feb. CO. 4 Fob. G7. 9 Nov. G2. Jul." 60. 25 Oct. 71. !) Nov. G2. 25 Oct. 71. i:5 Dec. 54. IG Dec. 54. 27 Jun. G4. 20 Sep. GO. 27 Jun. G4 20 Sep. GU. 1 Jan. G8. 29 Dec. 54. G Jan. 55. 28 Jul. G4. 1 Jan. G8. 9 Jan. 55. 13 Jan. 55. 30 Jan. 55 7 Feb. 55 20 Feb. 55 13 Apr. 55 1 May 55 7 May 55. 15 May 55, 18 Maj' 55. 21 May 55 20 Jun. 55. G Mar. G8. , 17 Nov. 73. G Feb. 57 ; 8 Sep. 58. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-6en. L.-Gen. Gen. Thos. Scott Reij^nolcls 22 Jan. 55. Sir Richd. Jas. Dacres. k.C.h. 20 Jan. 55. 10 Dec. 65. 2 Feb. 68. Jno. Jos. Hollis (5 Jul. 55. Hugh Evans .. 10 Jul. 55. Hv. Ivatt Delacombe UJul. 55. 22 Dec. 60. 28Mav 66. Geo. Grantham 3 Aug. 55. 6 Mar. G8. Hy. Cracklow 22 Aug. 55. ,, 28 Mar. 74. Jas -McHaffie 31 Aug. 55. 12 Nov. 62. Robt. Blako Lvnch Fras. Campbell .. ., Cassius Matth. Johnson Chas. Dingle, k.h Jno. ilurrav Belshes ... 12 Nov. 02. Benjn. Orlando Jones ^, Thos. Peacocko ^, Danl. Babv ,, .. .. Geo. Xicholls ... ,, AVm. Crokat 21 Dec. G2. 25 Oft. 71. Robt. Batcman Peter Dudgeon ,, Jno. :Mitchell ., Norclifte Norcliffe, k.h. J, Robt. -Alartin Leake ., 21 Dec. G2. 25 Oct. 71. Sir Abrm. Josias Clouttc, c.b.,k.ii ,, ,, ,, Geo. Macdonald 7 Sep. 55. 29 Jan. 63. ,, Barth. Vigors Derinzy. k.h.... ,, Chas. Ash Windham, c.b. 8 Sep. 55. 5 Feb. 63. Wm. Prescott 15 Sep. 55. 25 Jun. 70. 10 Apr. 74. Patr. Yule 9 Oct. 55. Fras. Haultain 18 Oct. 55. Jas. Gordon 27 Oct. 55. Jno. Ashmore 20 Oct. 55. Chas. Otway 2 Nov. 55. 15 Dec. C4. Sir Wm. Fenwick Williams. K.r.B., aft. b ,, 2 Aug. 68. Jno. Edwd. Dupuis, c.ii., aft. sir J J, 9 Fob. 65. Hy. Lawi'ence ... 5 Dec. 55. 25 Jun. 70. 23 Mav 74. Jno. Cox 18 Dec. 55. Richd. Budd 10 Feb. 5G. 25 Jun. 70. 8 Jul. 74. Geo. Hicks, en. 18 Feb. 5G. Hv. Eras. Calev 18 Mar. 56. Hope Dick 2 Apr. 5G. 25 Jun. 70. 28 Apr. 75, Jos. Nash, C.B. Apr. 5G. 23 ilar. CO. Wm. Hy. Law IG May 56. Jas. Alexander, c.n.. aft. sir J. 18 May 5G. 6 Mar. G8. 1 Aug. 72. Sir Wm. Reid, K.c.n 30 May 56. Anthy. Marshall 20 Apr. 61. Rolit. Sloper Piper .' Robt. Andrews 7Jun. 5G. Jno. Thcoph. Lano 8Jun. 56. G Mar. C8. G Oct. 72. Fredk. Hv. Baddeley lOJun. 56. Peter Faddv 14 Jun. 5G. 20 Sep. 65. 7 Feb. 70. Hassel Richd. !Moore ... ,, Edw. Sabine ... J, 20 Sep. 63. Fras. Ringler Thomson 14 Jun. 56. Jas. Robertson Crawfurd ... 10 Jun. 56. 12 Feb. 63. 25 Oct. 71. Geo. Hutton 4 Jul. 5(5. Robt. Clarke 7 Jul. 56. C. Brownlow Cumberland ... 8 Jul. 5G. Robt. Geo. Hughes ... UJul. 56. Andr. Spons 18 Jul. 5G. Tbos. Budgeon 1 Aug. 56. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Pennel Colo 11 Aug. oG. Wm. Stewart Balfour 22 Aug. rM. 13 Feb. 63. Win. Yorke Moore 5 Sep. 5G. Edw. Matson 10 Sep. 5G. Robt. Stewart 15 Sep. 5(5. Wm. Booth 23 Sep. 56. Edw. Pettingal 4 Nov. 5G Richd. Greaves 9 Nov. 5G. Hy. Hancock 28 Nov. 5G. 25 Jun. 70. Jno. Alve8 5 Dec. 56. Hy. Jno. Wood, c.b G Dec. 5G. Alexr. Eraser 8 Dec. 5G. 27 Jui. 63. Ld. Chas. Wellesley „ Thos. Gordon Higgins 24 Jan. 57. 26 Dec. 65. Wm. Hy. Elliott, k.h., aft. sir W 29 Jan. 57. 27 Jul. 63. 25 Oct. 71. Saml. Hawkins 2 Feb. 57. Jno. Aloxr. Philips 6 Feb. 57. 29 May 63. Fortescue Graham 20 Feb. 57. 11 Mar. 65. 10 Nov. GG. Jas. Clarke ,, Jno. Tothill ,, Jno. Eyre 23 Feb. 57. Edw. Huthwaite, c.b. 14 Mar. 57. 6 iiar. 68. Jos. Childs 31 Mar. 57. Peter Edwards 14 Apr. 57. 9 Oct. 63. 19 Nov. 71. Wm. Freke Williams, K.H ,, Wm. Cartwright 16 May 57. 9 Oct. 63. 19 Nov. 71. Arth. Gore J, David Goodsman ,, Loftus Owen Pringle Tavlor 9 Oct. 63. 19 Nov. 71. Thos. Orlando Cator 26 May 57. Isaac Campbell Coffin, aft. sir I. 29 May 57. 25 Jun. 70. Thos. Robt. Swinburne 4 Jun. 57. 31 Jan. 64. Geo. Whichcote ,, ,, 5 Dec. 71. Jas. Arth. Butter ,, Thos. Hy. Johnston „ 31 Jan. 64. 5 Dec. 71, Geo. Cornish VVhitlock, aft. sir G 27 Jun. 57. 9 Apr. 64. Jno. Mc Arthur IJul. 57. Saml. Robt. Wesley 11 Apr. 62. Hy. Aitchison Hankey 6 Jul. 57. 29 Apr. 64. Jno. Campbell 9 Jul. 57. 4 Jul. 64. Plomer Young, k.h 17 Jul. 57. B.J. Havelock, c.b., aft. bt 30 Jul. 57. Fredk. Geo. Lister 22 Aug. 57. Wm. Dunn 29 Aug. 57. Wm. Bell 27 Fei (i(j. 31 Jan. 72'.. Jas. Fogo ,, ,, Hon. Wm. Arbuthnot J, ,, 29 Mar. 73. Hy. Blachley ,, ,, Geo. Jno. Belson ,, ,, Robt. Franck Romer ,, 29 Mar. 73. Richd. C. Molesworth .J Chas. Ogle Streatfeild 2 Sep. 57. Hy. Dive Townshend 5 Sep. 57. 8 Aug 64. 31 Dec. 71. Thos. Wright, c b 8 Sep. 57. 10 Aug 64. Sir Archdale Wilson, bt., K. C.B 14 Sep. 57 6 Mar. IJS. David Downing 15 Sep. 57. 25 Jun. 70. 23 Aug. 75. Thos. Macknight Cameron 3 Oct. 57. Wm. Nugent Thos. Smee 13 Oct. 57. 2 Jan. 70. 26 Nov. 75. Thos. Chase Parr 25 Jun. 70. 15 Feb. 76. Fredk. Hervey Sandys 15 Oct. 57. 25 Jun. 70. •892 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. 1 Gen. .Jos. Ellison Portlock ' 25 Nov. 57. Sir Jno. Eardley Wilmot Inglis, K.c.it. 2G Nov. 57. ! Hy. Prior 2 Dec. 57. ■ Michl. John.son ' 3 Dec. 57. Fredk. Chas. Griffiths 1 12 Dec. 57. | Jno. Hungerford Griffin ... ... ... 22 Dec. 57. | Thos. Wood 1 11 Jan. 58. 1 9 Sep. 04. 1 Jan. 72. IVm. Hassall Eden 15 Jan. 58. 10 Sep. 64. 4 Mar. 72. Jno. Moule 27 Jan. 58. 1 Edwd. A. Parker 24 Feb. 58. | 11 Sep. 04. Sir Jas. Hope Grant, k.c.d 2G Feb. 58. 3 Oct. 64. 23 Apr. 72. iouis Saunders Bird ... 4 Mar. 58. 25 Jun. 7U. Jos. Clarke 16 Mar. 58. 28 Oct. 64. .Sir Jno. Ga.spard Lo Marchant 22 Mar. 58. 29 Oct. 04. Mav 72. Hale Young NVortham 1 Apr. 58. •Chas. Gascovne 3 Apr. 58. 25 Nov. 04. 10 Mav 72. David Birrell 25 Apr. 58. 25 Jun. 70. 2:5 Jul. 76. •Thos. Pohvhele 1 May 58. ,, 13 Dec. 76. Richd. Jas. Holwell Birch, r.ij 4 May 58. •Sir \Vm. Rose ^Mansfield, aft. Id. Sandhiirst 18 May 58. 27 Dec. 04. 23 May 72. Wm. Eraser 5 Jun. 58. . Geo. Twemlow 17 May 5'J. Thos. A.sshcton Duke 2G May 59. 25 Jun. 70. 1 Oct. 77 Nathl. Jones 30 Jlay 59. Saml. Bravbrooko 12 Jun. 59. j 21 Feb. CS. IG Apr. 75. Danl. Bolton 20 Jun. 59. 1 Angs. Flemyng .. « Jul. 59. Robt. Law 17 Jul. 59. 13 Mar. G8. Edwd. L'Estrange 19 Jul. 59. Jas. Clarke Charnock Gray 20 Jul. 59. 25 Jun. 70. 1 Oct. 77. Usher Williamson 5 Aug. 5'.l. Sir Clias. Thos. Van Straubenzee, ic.c.n. ... 14 Aug. 59. 27 Mar. GS. 29 Apr. 75. Hv. Wm. Parke 23 Aug. 59. Thos. David Carpenter 29 Aug. 59. Sir Alexr. Murray Tulloch, k.c.h 9 Sep. 59. Thos. Alexr. Augs. ilunsej'... 11 Sep. 59. Edwd. Hclv Hutchinson 1(5 Sep. 59. Jno. Bloomfield, aft. sir J 25 Sep. 5;). 12 May GG. 2G Nov. 75. Robt. Thorpe 27 Sep. 59. Alexr. Jardine 7 Oct. 59. Wm. Geo. Gold 17 Oct. 59. 29 Mar. GS. •Thos. Foster 25 Oct. 59. 8 Feb. GG. 8 Jun. 71. Jas. Scott ,, Charlton Holl 28 Noy. 59. 25 Jun. 70. Thos. Hurdle, c.B 2 Dec. 59. Thos. Peard Dwyer ,, Jno. Hamilton Stewart Hon. Robt. Bruce 7 Dec. 59. Arth. CunliiTe Van Notton Pole 13 Dec. 59. 9 Apr. G8. Chas. Ilewetson 21 Dec. 59. 25 Jun. 70. Edwd. Walter Forrestier Walker, c.B. 2(1 Dec. 59. 19 Apr. G8. 13 May 75. Morden Carthew 30 Dec. 59. >) 1 Oct. 77. Augs. Abbott, c.B ,, Jno. Forbes ... 1 Jan. GO. Thos. Armstrong Drought 11 Jan. (10. 21 Apr. 08., 29 May 75. Robt. Hy. Lowth, c.B 24 Jan. GO. ...:.. Chas. Stuart 28 Jan. 60. 1 May G8. 29 May 75. Hy. Powell Wulff 31 Jan. GO. Hon. Augs. Almeric Spencer, aft. sir A. ... 13 Feb. GO. 9 May G8. 14 Sep. 75. Phihp Austin Smyly 14 Feb. GO. Jno. Singleton 21 Feb. GO. Chas. Ashmore 1 Mar. GO. 12Jui. G8. 19 Oct. 75. Anthj'. Robinson Harrison ... 8 ilar. GO. Hy. Richd. Wright ,, Fras. Warde, aft. sir F 24 Aug. M. 15 Apr. 77. Augs. Geo. Blachford 9 Mar. GO. Hy. Keano Bloomtield 1 Apr. GO. 13 Aug. G8. Jno. Lawrenson G Apr. GO. 25 Aug. G8. 2 Nov. 75. Studholnie Jno. Hodgson 1 1 Ai)r. GO. 29 Aug. G8. 2 Feb. 70. Augs. Abbott ... 13 A]ir. GO. Jno. Douglas Johnstone, c.B. 17 Apr. GO. Chas. Franklyn, c.B. 23 Ai)r. GO. Godfrey Chas. Mundy 24 Apr. GO. Jno. Glasfurd 27 Ai)r. GO. Robt. Farquhar, c.B. ,, Jas. Edwd. Gordon Morris 30 Apr. GO. Fras. Hugh Geo. Seymour, aft.M. of Hertford 4 May GO. 10 Nov. G8. 10 Feb. 76. Wm. Anson M'Cloverty ,, 22 Nov. ti8. 17 Mar. 7G. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 895 Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Lewis Duncan Williams 5 May GO. 23 Nov. 68. Chas. "Wright 17 May GO. Jas. Edw. Gordon Morris ... 2 Juu. GO. Robt. Blucncr Wood. C.15 3 Jun. GO. 10 Dec. G8. Claud DouKlns... 4Jun. GO. 25 Jun. 70. 1 Oct. 77. Chas. Emilius Gold ... 15 Jun. GO. 27 Dec. G8. Josh. Halo 16 Jun. GO. 23 Feb. G9. Chas. Al^n. Lewis 19 Jun. CO. 5 Apr. 76. Wm. Bates Ingilbv, aft. sirW 22 Jun. GO. 1 Jan. 68. 1 Oct. 77. Hv. Goodwvn ... 2GJun. 60. 1 Mar. 67. 14 Jul. 71. Wm. Fanshaw Bedford 3 Jul. 60. Geo. Conollv I*onsonbv ,, Michl. Francklvn Willoughby. c.n. Eras. Chas. Wells ,, Chas. Jas. Green ., Jno. Grant ., Geo. Fk.,&e.,D.of Cumberland, K. of Hanover 27 May 76. Chas. Campbell 3 Jul. GO. Edwin Hv. Atkinson Sir Joshua Jebb. K.c.i! 6 Jul. GO. Hv. ISandham ... ., 3 Aug. 66. Wm. Geo. White 25 Jun. 70. 1 Oct. 77. Richd. French... 11 Jul. GO. Chas. Gostling 13 Jul. GO. Wm. Parlbv 17 Jul. CO. 21 Mar. 69. 22 May 76. Geo. Congreve... 20 Jul. GO. Wm. Hv. Pickering 21 Jul. 60. Jno. Thos. Hill 30 Jul. 60. 14 Jun. 69. 24 Jun. 76. Geo. Evans Hunt 31 Jul. 60. Thos. Coryndon Luxmore 2 Aug. 60. 7 Sep. 67. 8 Jul. 71. ^\m. laris Montgomery Williams ., 12 Apr. 72. Jno. Longfield, c.B 3 Aug. GO. 5 Sep. 69. 19 Jul. 76. Jas. Fitzgerald 30 Aug. GO. 25 Jun. 70. Chas. Wm. Morlev Balders, c.B 31 Aug. 60. 28 Oct. 69. Fred. Wm. Hamilton, c.B., aft. sir F. ,, 18 Dec. 69. 21 Nov. 76. Coghill Glendower Ottley 11 Sep. 60. Chas. Hastings Doyle, aft. sir C 15 Sep. 60. 10 Jan. 70. 15 Mar. 77. Thos. Here 20 Sep. 60. 1 Jan. 68. Richd. Jno. Stotherd jj 1 Jan. 68. 19 Jun. 72. Chas. Edw. Michel 21 Sep. 60. Clement Clemons 29 Sep. 60. Chas. Haldanc 7 Oct. 60. Fred. Horn. aft. sir F 13 Oct. GO. 18 Jan. 70. 2 Jun. 77. Alesr. Hy. Edmonstone Boileau 18 Oct. GO. Jno. Skardon Ramsav G Nov. GO. Jno. Eras. Glencairn Campbell, C.B. 12 Nov. GO. 3 Feb. 70. Fred. Brooke Corfield 18 Nov. GO. 25 Juu. 70. 1 Oct. 77. Ld. Frcdk. Paulet 13 Dec. GO. 12 Feb. 70. Edw. Green, c.B., aft. sir E. ... 18 Dec. GO. 25 Jun. 70. 2 Jun. 77, Wm. Clendon ... 22 Dec. 60. Anthy. Blaxland Stransham, aft. sir A. 23 Aug. 66. 1 Apr. 70. Jno. Rowland ISmyth, c.B ,, 1 Apr. 70. Wm. Jas. D'Urban 27 Dec. 60. 20 Jun. 70. Benj. Crispin ... 15 Jan. 61. Hy. Jno. French 18 Jan. 61. 9 Aug. 70. Geo. Farqiiharson 25 .Jan. 61. 25 Jun. 70. Wm. Rcbt. Corfield 30 Jan. 61. 25 Jun. 70. 1 Oct. 77. Robt. St. John 4 Feb. 61. Richd. Horsford 6 Feb. 61. Terence O'Brien 13 Feb. 61. 896 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. Ii.-Gen. Gen. Sir Robt. Cornelis Xapicr. k.c.ij , alt. Id. Napier of Magdala... l.=>Feb. 01. 1 Mar. 67. 1 Apr. 74. Chas. V>'m. Wingfield '21 Feb. (51. Jno. Ffolliott Crofton i» Mar. r.l. 21 Aug. 70. 23 Aug. 77. Jiio. Grattan ... 10 Mar. (il. 15 Sep. 70. Hon. Jaa. Lindsay 12 Mar. 01. 10 Oct. 70. Wm. Sullivan, c.n 23 Mar. CI. Josh. Webb Goldsworthy 29 Mar. Gl. Herbert Jacob ,, Richd. Kodnev Ricketts ,, Edw. Hume Hart Edw. Trevor 1 Apr. Gl. Alex. Gordon 20 Apr. GL Jno.Hankey Bainbrigge ,, 22 Oct. 70. lOct. 77. Arth. Aug. Thurlow Cunynghame, c.iJ.,aft. . sir A. ,, ,, ,, Arth. Mitford Becher. c.b., aft. sir A. 27 Apr. GL 25JXU1. 70. 2 Jun. 77. Jno. Fordvce ... 20 Apr. Gl. 21 Jan. 72. W'm. Jas. King 1 May Gl. W'm. Abraham Le Mesurier ... ,. 19 Nov. 70. Jno. Swinburn... Thos. Kellv ,, Jas. Kerr Ross ., 19 Nov. 70. Eardlev Wilmot ., ,, Edw. Basil Brooke ,, Jno. FitzMaurice 7 May 61. Fredk. Hope ,, Stanhope Wm. Jephson 24 May Gl. Hy. Poole 5 Jan. 61. Lewis Alexr. During 17 Jun. 61. 19 Nov. 70. 1 Oct. 77. Joshua Simmons Smith ,, ,, Thos. Ferguson Flemvng llJul. Gl. 25 Jun. 70. Fras. Whcler. aft. Sir F 21 Jul. Gl. ., 1 Oct. 77. Jno. Studholnio Hodgson 23 Jul. Gl. Thos. Townsend Pears, c.n 6 Aug. 61. Sir Andr. Scott Waugh ,, Hv. Arth. O'Neill ,, 22 Nov. 70. Horatio Shirlev. c.b. ... 8 Aug. 61. Arth. Johnstone Lawrence, c.u 14 Aug. Gl. Richd. Parker 24 Aug. 61. 2 Jan. 71. 1 Oct. 77. Jno. Kennedy ISlcCausland 29 Aug. 61. Jno. Hobson ... 2 Sep. 61. 25 Jun. 70. 11 Jul. 77. Walter Scott 5 Sep. Gl. 1 Mar. 67. 31 Mar. 75. Robt. Wm. Honnor, c.H 17 Sep. Gl. Chas. Trollope, C.B 20 Sep. Gl. 24 Feb. 71. 1 Oct. 77. Geo. St. Patrick Lawrence, c.b 25 Sep. Gl. Wm. Halpin 8 Oct. 61. Jas. Somers Down 2 Nov. 61. 25 Jun. 70. Andrew T. Hemphill 10 Nov. 61. Ld. Geo. Aug. Fredk. Paget, c.b 11 Nov. 6L 28 Feb. 71. 1 Oct. 77. Peter Hamond... 15 Nov. 61. Wm. Hv. >Iiller,c.B ,, Brook Jno. Tavlor ,, 9 Apr. 71. 1 Oct. 77. Burton Daveney 13 Dec. 61. Jas. Stuart J, Geo. Thos. ConoUy Napier, c.b 15 Dec. 61. 30 Apr. 71. Edwd. Sterling Farmar 31 Dec. 61. Willoughbv Trevelyan 1 Jan. 62. 25Jun. 70. Fras. Howcroft, c.it ,, ,, Jno. Mncoustio Sliortt ,, Jas. Matthio „ THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 897 Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Edwd. Rowley Hill 2 Feb. 62. 27 May 71. 1 Oct. 77. Geo. Wm. Key 6 Feb. 62. 30 Jul. 71. Edw. Pole 16 Feb. 62. 25 Oct. 71. Arth. Shirley 7 Mar. 62. Fred. HoU Robe 14 Mar. 62. Edwd. Rea 25 Mar. 62. Sandy StaweinValsh, c.B ,, Wm. Biddlecombe Marlow ... 26 Mar. 62. Alexr. Anderson J, 10 Nov. 66. 1 Apr. 70. Benj. Spicer Stehelin 3 Apr. 62. 17 Mar. 68. Chas. Alfr. Browne 6 Apr. 62. Robt. Jno. McKillop ... 11 Apr. 62. Sir Arth. Thos. Cotton 14 Apr. 62. 1 Mar. 67. 20 Mar. 76. Geo. Macan 20 Apr. 62. Sir Robt. Walpole, K.c.B 30 May 62. 25 Oct. 71. Noel Thos. Lake, c.B Arth. Johnstone Lawrence, c.B. , aft. sir A. 1 Jun. 62. 25 Oct. 71. lOct. 77. Hon. Geo. Cadogan, c.B 3 Jun. 62. ,, Thos. Chas. Cotton Moore 10 Jun. 62. Hugh Troup ... ,, 25 Jul. 70. 1 Oct. 77. Geo. Inglis Jameson ... 15 Jun. 62. 18 Apr. 71. Fred Darby Cleaveland 20 Jun. 62. Simon Fraser 24 Jun. 62. Jno. Chas. Hope Gibsone 28 Jun. 62. 25 Oct. 71. 1 Oct. 77. Alexr. Cunningham ... 30 Jun. 62. Wm. Maule Ramsay IJul. 62. 11 May 71. Chas. P. Ainslie 7 Jul. 62. 25 Oct. 71. 1 Oct. 77. PiercyBenn 16 Jul. 62. Humphrey Lyons ,, 20 May 71. Jno. Fraser 18 Jul. 62. Sir Archd. Bogle 2 Aug. 62. 20 May 71. Freeman Murray 13 Aug. 62. 25 Oct. 71. 1 Oct 77. Hon. Alexr. Nelson Hood, aft. vise. Bridport 19 Aug. 62. ,j David Russell, C.B., aft. sir D 3 Sep. 62. Richd. Albt. Bayley 6 Sep. 62. 4. Jul. 71. lOct. 77. Arnold Edwd. Burmester, c.B 23 Sep. 62. David Simpson 2 Oct. 62. 3 Sep. 71. Horatio Shirley, c.b., aft. sir H. 24 Oct. 62. 25 Oct. 71. lOct. 77. Wm, Saml. Newton, aft. sir W 6 Nov, 62. Geo. Dixon, c.b. 7 Nov. 62. Hamilton Vetch ,, Arth. Sanders „ Egerton Chas. Wm. Miles Milman ... 9 Nov. G2. Spencer Perceval ,, 25 Oct. 71. Hy. Cooper ,, ,, 1 Oct. 77. Randal Rumley ,, ,, ,, Sir Hy. Knis Chas. Elirhirst » 1 Oct!" 77. 25 Oct!" 82. Richd. Strachey .. 23 Feb. 75. Richd. Chambre Hays Taylor, c.u., aft. sir R. lOct. 77. 1 Apr. 83. Hon. Artb. Edwd. Hardinge, c.b. ,, Robt. Newport Tinley Edwd. Arth. Somerset 1 Oct!" 77. 1 Aug! 83. Arth. Cyril Goodenough .. ,, Patr. Leonard McDougall, aft. sir P. ,, 1 Oct. 83. Chas. Erskino Ford ,, lOct. 77. Thos. Elwvn Chas. Alexr. Orr 1 20 Mar. 7G. Chas. Jas. Wright , 1 Oct. 77. 13 Feb." 81. Alexr. Macdonell, aft. sir A M 1 Apr. 82. Regd. Edwd. KnatchbuU .. 1 , 1 Aug. 72. Anthy. Benn ... ' Julius Aug. Robt. Raines , 1 Oct!" 77. 1 j'ui." 81. Jno. Alfr. Street, C.B. ,, 23 Oct. 83. Chas. Herbert, C.B ,, Jno. Wm. Sidney Smith, c.b. ,, I Jul." 81. Eras. Pym Harding, C.B. Edwd. Stopford Claremont; c.n. I Oct. 77. 1 j'ui." 81. Geo. Ramsey ,, lOct. 77. Hy. Prichard ,, 20 Aug 78. Crawford Trotter Chamberlain ,, I Jan. 80. Harry Burnett Lumsden, aft. sir H. IDec. 73. ,, Chas. Cameron Shute, c.H lOct. 77. 1 Jul. 81. Jas. Wells Armstrong, c.b. •,, Thos. Sydenham Conway, C.B. ,, 1 Jul"." 8L Lord Alfred Paget ,, ,, Chas. Hind .. ,, Aug. Eras. Ansell ,, 1 Jul." 81. Wm. Jas. Smythe ,, ,, Edwd. Kaye, c.b. 1 Aug 72. Geo. Sandham 1 Oct. 77. 13 Nov 80. Thos. Hooke Pearson, C.B ,, 1 Jul. 81. Lawrence Fyler, c.b. ... Sir Jas. Edwd. Alexander 1 Oct! 77. 1 j'ui! 81. Percival Brown Richd. Hy. Jno. Beaumont Alexr. Hy. Louis Wyatt .. Ofaas. Lawrence D'Aguilar, c.b., aft. sir C 1 Oci! 77. 1 Apr. 84. Robt. Gorges Hamilton .. 1 « ,, 1 Jul. 81. Jaspar Byng Creagh ■• 1 ' ,, Edwd. Angier Godfrey Muller Archd. Inglis Lockhart, c.b.... • • '' . I 1 Oct". 77. Thos. Edgar Lacy , , ,, Geo. Wynell Mayow, C.B Edwd. Blagden Hale, C.B l 1 Oct! 77. Jno. Alexr. Ewart, c.b. ' 13 Jan. 84. Wm. Chas. Iladden '■'■ i 11 1 Jul. 81. Wm. Parke, C.B •• \ > ' 1 '' 1 Apr. 82. Chas. L. Barnard, c.b., aft. sir C. ... I 1 5 Oct. 8(!. Chas. Fredk. Parkinson J 1 Edwin Beaumont Johnson, aft. sir K. 1 Oct. 77. 1 Oct. 77. Geo. Bent, C.B. 23 May 73. Eustace Fano Bourchior 1 Jun. 73. Hy. Errington Longdon, c.b., C.8.I.... 1 Oct. 77. 1 Jul! 81. Hy. Aloxr. Carlotoii, C.B. .. ,, 10 Jul. 7l». Mountford S. H. Lloyd THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 905 John Roche Hy. Rosby Benson, c.B. Wm. M'Pherson \Vm. Robt. Haliday Jas. Talbot Airey, c.b., aft. sir J. Wilmot Hy. Bradford Chas. Lennox Brownlow Maitland ... Wm. Twisleton Layard Jos. Hy. Laye ... Wm. Chas. Forrest Arth. Thos. Phillpotts Hy. Jas. Stannus, c.b. Geo. Prince Sealy Hon. Jas. Wm. Bosville Macdonald, c.b. .. Robt. Julian Baumgartner, c.b. Geo. Calvert Clarke, c.b. Chas. F. Fordyce,c.B. Fredk. Amelias Whimper, c.b. Robt. Wm. Disney Leith, c.b. Wm. Richd. Preston Edwd. Stanton, C.B Thos. Conyngham Kelly, C.B- Hy. Fredk. Ponsonby Edmd. Ogle Oliver Paget Bourke Geo. Erskine ... Edwd. Geo. Wynyard Thos. Pattle, c.b Wm. Lenox Ingall, c.b. Chas. Pyndar Beauchamp Walker, c.b. .. Wm. Clarke Arth. Jas. Herbert, c.b., aft. sir A. Jas., Id. Seaton Nathan Smith Gardiner Saml. Wells, c.b. Hy. Geo. Hart ... Robt. Pratt, c.b Hon. Leicester Smyth, c.B., aft. sir L. Jno. Williams Reynolds Fredk. Chas. Arth. Stephenson, aft. sir. F Edmd. Aug. Whitmore, c.B., aft. sir E. .. Ld. Alesr. Geo. Russell Jno. Cameron, c.b. Jno. Summerfield Hawkins ... Jno. Reid Becher, c.b. Harry Wainwright Bax Bell... Alexr. Taylor, c.b., aft. sir A. Sir Garnet Jos. Wolseley, k.c.m.g., c.b. ; aft. vise. Wolseley ... ... ... ... Robt. Maclagan ... ... ... ... i Chas. Jas. Conway Mills I Jno. Josiah Hort, c.B., aft. bt. Sir Arnold Burrowes Kemball, k.c.s.i., C.I'. j Jno. Simpson, c.b. Hy. Garner Rainey ... Jno. Amber Colo Richd. Waltr. Lacy Fredk. Fras. Maude, c.B., v.C, aft. sir F. j Edwd. Herbert Maxwell, c.b i Jno. McNeill Walter ... ... ... ... ' Jos. Edwin Thackwell, c.B I 6 Mar. 68. L.-Gen. 1 Oct. 77. 1 Oct. 77. 1 Jul. 81. 1 Jul, 81. 1 Deo. 84. IJul. 81. 23Mav 8L 25 Jun. 79. 8 Dec. 79. 1 Jul. 81. 1 Jul. 81. 1 Jul. 81. 1 Jul. 81. 7 Oct. 84. 1 Jul. 81. 19 Mar. 85. 1 Jul. 81. 4 Dec. 1 Jul. 81. 12 Dec. 77. 13 Feb. 78. ^ 18 Jul.. 85. 2.SFeb. 78. 18 Mar. 78. 20 Mar. 78. 1 Oct. 77. 7 Oct. 7(). 30 Mar. 76. 1 Oct. 77. 25 Mar. 78. 1 Oct. 77. 25 Jun. 78. 10 Aug. 78. 1 Oct. 77. 29 Aug. 78. 9 Sep. 78. 16 Sep. 78. 29 Sep. 78. 1 Oct. 78. 11 Nov. 78. 21 Dec. 78. 22 Dec. 78. 12 Jan. 8.;. 19 Mar. 86. 7 Apr. 86. IJul. 29 Nov. 31 Dec. 78. 18 Nov. 82. 31 Dec. 1 Jul. IJul. 81. 5 Nov. 85. 1 Jul. 81 THE BOOK OP DIGNITIES. David Reid 6 Mar. Jno. Douglas Campbell, c.n. Jos. Edwd. Addison ,, Edmd. Roche ,, ■Wm. Inglis I ,, Lawrence Shadwell ... ... ... .. I ,, Chas. Jno. Foster ! ,, Geo. Fredk. Stephenson Call, c.n.... ... j ,, Jas. Croft Brooke, c.B. ,. Robt. Bruce ,, Regd. Yonnge Shipley, c.n | ,, Horace Wm. Montagu, c.B. ... ... ... ! ,. Jno. Ellas. Ceilings, c.B ,. Ralph Budd , „ Hy. Bingham ... ... ... ... ... ,, Hy. Hamilton, c.n I ,, Thos. Addison, c.B ! ,, Wm. Stratton Aslctt | ,, Michl. Kavanagh Kennedy, aft. sir M. Colin Campbell Mclntyre, c.n. Jas. Maurice Primrose, c.s.i. Fredk. Robt. Elrington, c.B. Geo. Warren Walker ... Chas. Lavallin Nugent Jno. Hy. Lefroy, c.h., aft. sir J Percy Archer Butler, c.B. Robt. Onesiphorus Bright, c.B., aft. sir R. Edwd. Wm. Derrington Bell, c.B., v.c. Wm. Sankey ... Edmd. Wodehouse Fowler Burton, c.n. ... Christr. Birdwood I ,, Hy. Wm. Matthews : Jno. Drummond Stewart ... ... ... [ ,, Chas. Prior \ ,, Geo. De Saumarez 6 Apr. 68. Fred. Wm. Burroughs 20 Apr. 68. Wm. Knox Babington 22 Apr. 66. Alfred de Lisle 12 May 68. Wm. Gordon, c.n 28 Jun. 66. Stephen Chas. Briggs Geo. Harry Smith Willis, c.B., aft. sir G. .. Jno. Hope Winglield ... Ld. Augs. Chas. Lennox Fitzroy, c.B. Jas. Daubeuey, c.n. ... Robt. Warden, c.n Chas. Hy. Morris, c.B. Chas. Wm. Thomp.son Michl. Bruce ... Julius Richd. Glyn, c.n,, aft. sir J. Wm. Olpherts, c.n., v.c Arth. Scudamore, c.n. Sir Jno. Miller Adj'e, K. c.B Steph. Chas. Briggs ... Edwd. Price, c.n Robt. Walter Macleod Eraser Jas. Conolly, c.n. Geo. Wm. Powlett Bingham, c.n Wm. Hope, c.n. Chas. Fanshawo Jno. Arehd. Ballard, c.n Gen. IJal. 77 1 Jan. 79 5 Feb. 79 16 Mar. 79. 27 Apr. 79. 27 May 79. 14 Jul. 75). 31 Jul. 79. 11 Aug. 79. 1 Oct. 77. 18 Sep. 79. 14 Nov. 79. 30 Nov. 79. 30 Jan. 80. 1 Jul. 81. 13 Mar. 85. IJul. 81. 1 Jul. 30 Sep. 1 Jul. 1 Oct. 81. IJul. 81. 21 Dec. 77. 4 Mar. 80. 14 Mar. 80. 15 Aug. 78. 16 Mar. 80. 1 Oct. 77. 12 Apr. 80. 13 Apr. 80. 19 Apr. 80. 25 Apr. 80. 18 Feb. 76. 19 Dec. 76. 10 May 81. 1 Oct. 81. 1 Apr. 82. IJul. 81. 28 Nov. 85. ] Jul. 81. 10 May 82. 1 Jul. 81. 1 Oct. 87. 23 Mar. 77. 24 May 77. 1 Jan. 77. IJul. 81. 1 Oct. 77. 22 Dec. 77. 20 Aug. 78. 20 Aug. 78. 18 Jul. 79. 29 Apr. 60. 1 Jul. 81. 8 May 80. 11 May 87. 19 May 80. IJul. 81. 21 May 80. ,, 22 May 60. ,, 7 Jun. 80. IJul. 60. ,, 5 Oct. 60. ., 31 Oct. 80. ,. 5 Nov. 80. lOct. 8G. lOct. 77. 31 Mar. 83. 27 .Jun. 79. 20 Nov 84. 1 Oct. 77. 15 Dec. 80 27 May 60. 1 Jul. 81. 3 Doc. 60. ,, 26 Dec. 80. 19 Feb. 85 19 Dec. 80. 1 Jul. 81 10 Jan. 81. ,, 1 Jul. 78. " THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 907 Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Geu. Hy. Hamilton Maxwell, c.B 16 Aug. 68. lOct. 77. 31 Mar. 83. Wm. Fredk. Curtis ,, 8 May 81. Jno. Archd. Ballard ,, 29 Nov. 78. 31 Dec. 78. Wm. Arden Crommelin.c.B ,, 31 Dec. 78. Lionel Stephen Hough ,, Peter Maclean 22 Aug. 68. Allan Hamilton Graham ,, Richd. Hy. Crofton ,, Thos. Knox ,, Hon. Geo. Talbot Devereux 30 Sep. 68. Hugh Archd. Beauchamp Campbell, c.B. ... ,, Robt. Talbot ,, Hy. Wm. Blake 19 Oct. 68. lOct. 77. 18Jui. 79. Thos. Edmd. Knox 28 Oct. 68. 8 May 81. IJal. 81. Wm. Jas. Loftus, c.B. ,, 18 May 81. ,, Jas. Wm. Domyille ,. Edwd. Westby Donovan ,, 18 Jun. 81. 1 Apr. 87. Hy. Poole Hepburn, c.B „ 1 Jul. 81. IJul. 81. Richd. Mordesley Best ,, ,, Richd. Knox ... Richd. KingClavell Wm. David Aitken ,, I Oct. 77. 31 Mar. 83. Wm. Jno. Chamberlayne ,, 13 Jul. 81. 15 Jan. 82. Jas. Edmd. Tannatt Nicolls ,, 31 Dec. 78. David Anderson ,j 15 Jan. 82. 17Jui. 88. Fredk. Green Wilkinson ,, 9 Dec. 81. Wm. Pollexfen Radcliflfe, c.B. „ 9 Mar. 82. 1 Apr. 87. Revnell Geo. Taylor ,, 1 Oct. 77. 15 Dec. 80. Thos. Hy. Pakenham ,, 1 Apr. 82. Fred. Alexr. Campbell, aft. sir F ,, 8 Nov. 80. 5 Jul. 86. Wm. Payn, c.B., aft. sir W ,, 1 Apr. 82. 12 Aug. 88. Thos. Ross ,, 14 Nov. 81. Sir Wm. Thos. Dennison, k.c.b 7 Nov. 68. 23 Nov. 70. Fitzwilliam Walker ,, Hy. Edwin Weare, c.B 9 Nov. 68. 12 Aug. 81 Hy. Meade Hamilton, c.B ,, 1 Jul. 81. Chas. Bondler Fuller ,, ., 31 Mar. 83. Hy. Philip Goodenough ,, John Turner, c.B ,, 13 Nov. 80. Geo. Sandham ... 10 Nov. 68. 1 Oct. 77. Chas. Duesbury Robertson ,, Hon. Fredk. Aug. Thesiger, c.B., aft. Id. Chelmsford ... ,, 1 Apr. 82. 16 Feb. 88. Michl. Galway, c.B., aft. sir M jj 1 Oct. 77. Hon. Chas. Dawson Plunkett 18 Nov. 68. Broadley Harrison 23 Mar. 82. Edw. Wm. De Lancey Lowe, c.B Albert Fytche, c.s.i 1 Oct. 77. Walter Birch 28 Nov. 68. Geo. Malcolm ... 15 Dec. 68. Hon. Aug. Geo. Chas. Chichester 24 Dec. 68. 2Jun. 82. Wm. Albert Stratton ,, 14 Apr. 82. Wm. Hy. Seymour, c.B 30 Sep. 82. ijan. 84. Sir Wm. Russell, bt., c.B Spencer Westmacott ... ijui. 81. 13 Aug. 81. Penrose Chas. Penrose, c.B 2 Sep. 78. 4 Jun. 79. Danl. Geo. Robinson Donald Martin Stewart, c.B 1 Oct. 77. John Harley Maxwell 31 Dec. 68. Wm. Eras. Foote 27 Feb. 69. Sir Edwd. Robt. Wetherall, c.B., k.c.s.i. ... 8M ir. 69. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. ' M.-Gen. j L.-Gcn. ' Geu. Jvrmvn Chas. Svmonds 17 Mar. 69. Matth. Chas. Dixon ly Mar. 69. Sir Fredk. Wellington Jno. FitzWygram, bt. 23 Mar. 69. 1 1 Apr. 8:5. Jno. Christr. Guise, c.u., v.c. >» IJul. 81. Jno. Wni. Cox, c.b. ... ... ... ... i ,, 21 Sep. 82. Fras. Hornblow Rundall ,, 31 Dec. 78. 28 Nov. 85. Hy. Wvlie Norman, aft. Sir H | ,, 1 Oct. 77. Hv. Lynedoch Gardiner 30 Mar. 69. 26 Nov. 60. lOct. 82. IMichl. Anthy. Shrapnel Biddulph, c.u., aft. sir M ,j 13 Feb. 81. 1 Nov. 86. Alfr. Augs. Chapman ,, IJul. 81. Geo. Wade Guv Green, aft. sir G ,, 1 Oct. 77. 11 Jun. 79. Chas. H}-. Gordon, c.b 1 Apr. 69. Sir Harry St. George Ord, c.b 16 Apr. 69. Robt. Fredk. Mountain May 69. Richd. Hamilton, c.b. 8 May 69. 1 Oct. 77. Hv. White Hitchins 12 May 69. i Geo. Wm. Alexr. Higginson, C.B 17 May 69. 1 Apr. 83. Thos. Geo. Alexr. Oakes, c.b ., Robt. Hume. C.B „ 1 Aug. 83. Chas. Wm. Green ... ... ... ... ,j IJul. 81. Andr. Browne, c.b. ,, Jno. Gwilt, c.b. ,, Fras. Pevton | ,, 1 Oct. 83. 30 Sep. 85. Barth. 0"'Brieu. c.b 1 ^j 1 Jul. 81. Robt. Parker Radcliife ! ,, 1 Sep. 83. Chas. Wright Younghusband ,. Edwd. Bruce Ilamley, c.b., aft. sir E. ... j ,, 10 May 82. Saml. Enderby Gordon, c.b ... ! ,, 25 May 82. 1 Nov. 82. Hod. Edwd. Thos. Gage. C.B i ,, 1 Nov. 82. Chas. Stuart Henry, c B. jj 1 Oct. 82. Cadwallader Adams, c.b. 23 Oct. 83. Geo. Whitworth Talbot Rich, c.b 1 Jul. 81. Alexr. Robt. Manson ,, 1 Oct. 79. 23 Aug 84. Jas. Mitchell MacDonald 6 Jun. 69. Jno. Eraser 23Jun. 69. Jno. Wellesley Thomas, C.B. 18 Jul. 69. 1 Jui. 81. Wm. Thos. Dickson ,j ,, Wm. Wilbv, C.B. t« 1 Apr. 82. Alfr. Thos. Wilde, aft. sir A I Oct. 77. Hj'. Harpur Greer, C.B. 22 Jul. 69. IJul. 81. Hv. Bird ^^ ., Robt. Carey, c.b ,, Robt. Wm. Lowry, c.b J, 1 Oct. 82. Hy. Jas. Barr ,, 1 Oct. 77.- , Thos. Lightfoot, C.B 1 Aug. 69. 27 Dec. »2. Hon. Hy. Hugh Clifford, C.B. ,, Hv. D'Ovlov Torrens, C.B „ 13 Jan. 84. Wm. Forbes Macbcan 1 Oct. 82. Wm. Temj)ler Hughes 3 Aug. 69. ! 1 Oct. 77. Chas. Wilson Moore ... 15 Aug. 69. Doveton Hodson, C.B 19 Aug. 69. Wm. Augs. Tyers, c.b. 23 Aug. 69. ijui. 81. 1 Jno. Forbes, c.b., aft. sir J ,, ' 1 Oct. 77. 1 3 Feb 8(1. Roger Stewart Beatson 20 Oct. 69. Agmondisham Jno. A. Vesev Kirkland 24 Nov. 69. } Edwd. Mourrice Boxer 20 Doc. 69. 1 Chas. Scudamore Longden Edwd. Jno. Lake, C.S.I. IJan. 70. ] Wm. Drysdale, C.B 2 Jan. 70. 1 1 Jul. SI. Jas, Chiis. Innes ,, i 1 Oct. 77. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 909 Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Hy. Hope Crealock, c.B 2. Tan. 70 4 Sep. 84. Hy. Dominick Daly aft. sir H 4 Jan. 70. 1 Oct. 77. 1 Dec. 88. Chas. Sawyer 11 Jan. 70. IJul. 81. Jno. Neptune Sargent, c.B. ... ,, 7 Oct. 84. Richd. Geo. Amherst Luard J, 1 Dec. 84. Hy. Milne ,, 1 Oct. 77. Edwd. Seager, c.B 15 Jan. 70. IJul. 81. Dudley Chas., Id. de Rob ,, ., Hy. Ralph Browne ,, 1 Jan. 85. 8 Jul. 85. Jno. Luther Vaughan, aft. sir J ,j 1 Oct. 77. 1 Dec. 88. Chas. Hy. Hutchinson 5 Feb. 70. Thos. Robt. Crawley G Feb. 70. Arnold Thompson ,, Wm. Humphreys Kirby '! ijui. 81. Geo. Jno. Peacocke 1 Oct. 82. Jas. Robt. Steadman Sayer, c.B ,, 13 Mar. 85. Wm. Collier Menzies ... ... ... ,, IJul. 81. 19 Oct. 81. Saml. Jas. Browne, aft. sir S. ,, 1 Oct. 77. 1 Dec. 88. Sir Robt. Michael l^affan, k.c.m.g 8 Feb. 70. 1 Jul. 81. Alexr. Cunningham Robertson, c.B ,, ,, Geo. Saml. Montgomery, C.S.I ., 1 Oct. 77. 3 Feb. 86. Jas. Frankfort Manners Browne. c.B. 22 Feb. 70. 13 Aug. 81. 12 Feb. 88 Alaster Mclan McDonald ,, 19 Mar. 85. Chas. Cureton ... ,, 1 Oct. 77. 1 Dec. 88. Robt. White, c.B 1 Mar. 70. 8 Jul. 85. Jno. Blick Spurgin, c.B. , C.S.I ,, Augs. Wm. Murray, c.b. ., 18 Jan. 82. Dominick Jacotin Gamble, c.B. ,j 18 Jul. 85. Geo. Bryan Milman, c.B. ., 30 Dec. 84. Edwd. Hy. Fisher „ Eyi-e Challoner Hy., Id. Clarina „ 5 Nov. 85. Jno. Ross, c.B. , aft. sir J. l'2Jan. S6. Wm. Freeland Brett ,, IJul. 81. Robt. Beaiifoy Hawley „ 18 Apr. 83. Fredk. Arth. Willis, c.B „ 19 Mar. 86. Wm. Philip Hampton >. 1 Oct. 77. Eras. Carey .. 1 Jul. 81. Chas. Edwd. Parke Gordon, c.B Jas. Robt. Gibbon, c.b. 18 Mar. 70. Wm. Fredk. Marriott J, 1 Oct. 77. Robt. Stuart Baynes 26 Mar. 70. 1 Jul. ,si. Chas. Douglas 1 Oct. 77. IJul. 81. Hy. Edwd. Landor Thuillier, c.S.l., aft. sir H. ,. 10 Jul. 79. Hy. Radford Norman, c.B. ... ,, 1 Jul. 81. Granville Geo. Chetwynd Stapylton Geo. Courtenay Vialls, c.B. ..« ,, Lousada Barrow J, 1 Oct. 77. Jno. Hy. Lefroy 1 Apr. 70. Wm. Kinnaird Worcester ... 30 Apr. 70. Jas. Hy. Craig Robertson 16 May 70. IJul. 81. Chas. Arth. Bar well ^. 1 Oct. 77. Hon. Percy Robt. Basil Feilding, c.B. 26 May 70. 7 Apr. 86. Wm. Thos. Laird Patterson ,, 1 Jul. 81. Herbert Edw. Stacy Abbott 13Jun. 70. 1 Oct. 77. Sir Chas. Wm. Dunbar Staveley, k.c.b. ... 20Jun. 70. Hy. Blankley Harrington Rogers IJul. 70. Jno. Haryey Elwyn 4 Jul. 70. Dighton Macnaghten Probyn, C.B., v.c, aft. sir D 25 Jul. 70. 1 Oct. 77. ] Dec. 88. Robt. Jno. Eagar, C.B. ,, IJul. 81. Jno. Guize Rogers Aplin ,, ,, 910 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. j Gen. Chas. Hood 25 Jul. 70. 1 IJul. 81. { Chas. Crauford Frasor, v.c, c.B ^j 1 1 Oct. 80. Hon. Somerset Jno. [Gough] Calthorpe ... ,, 1 IJul. 81. Jas. Pickard 1 Aug. 70. Robt. Hughes 12 Aug. 70. Chas. Edwd. Dawton Hill 15 Oct. 70. 1 Chas. Scott 17 Oct. 70. Jno. Artliur Gildea ... 24 Dec. 70. Jas. Geo. Balmain 31 Dec. 70. Robt. Patton iJan. 71. Jno. Richd. Anderson, c.u. ... [ 15 Mar. 71. Brooke Bovd 18 Apr. 71. ! 1 Oct. 77. 1 Doc. H8. Eras. Elliot Voyle 11 May 71. Jno. Liptrott ... 20 May 71. 1 Oct. 77. 1 Dec. 88. Andr. Hunter lOJun. 71. Edwd. Jno. Rickards ' ., Thos. Elwvn 21Jun. 71. 20Jui. 81. Colin Mackenzie, c.H 4 Jul. 71. 1 Oct. 77. Paul Bernard Whittingham 12 Jul. 71. \Vm. Hamilton Cox 20 Jul. 71. Sir Arthur Purves Phayre, k.c.s.i., c.b. ... 9 Aug. 71 1 Oct. 77. Fredk. Octavius Salusbury ... 19 Aug. 71. Hy. Young Darracott Scott, c.B ,, Wm. Rice Dickinson 1 Sep. 71. Fredk. Maitland 3 Sep. 71. Hy. Arth. White 13 Sep. 71. Hy. Xott 17 Sep. 71. lOct. 77. Eras. Hutchinson Synge 20 Sep. 71. Edwd. Arth. Green .. Jno. Talbot Shakespear 26 Sep. 71. 20 Oct. 77. Mortimer R. S. Whitmore 1 Oct. 71. Edw. Adams 16 Oct. 71. Wm. Hy. De'amain ... 31 Sep. 71. Lewis Grant 18 Nov. 71. Jas. Holt Freeth 14 Dec. 71. Jno. Barrett ., 2 May 78. Wm. Manlev Hall Dixon, c.b. 23 Dec. 71. Evan Maberlv, c.H 17 Jan. 72. Wm. Geo. Hamley 27 Jan. 72. Hv. Craigie Brewster 3 Feb. 72. Wm. Hindley Crighton, c.ii 17 Feb. 72. Edwd. Patr. Lynch 19 Feb. 72. 20 Aug. 78. Hy. Clerk 24 Apr. 72. Richd. Lloyd Thompson Jno. Jas. Jenkins Jas. Campbell 1 May 73'. Robt. Jno. Hawthorne ,j ISJui. 79 1 Dec. 88. Edwd. Moubray 15 May 72. Wm. Stewart Furneaux SJun. 72. Hy. Philip Tyacko litJun. 72. Sampson Freeth 26Jun. 72. Chas. Vyvyan Cox, c.B 1 Aug. 72. John Hall Smyth, c.B ,j Sir Geo. Bourchier, K.c.B Jos. Lyon Barrow, c.Ji ., Hy. Hammond ,j Ernie Kyrlo Money ,, Gerard Potter Eton j ,, Wm. Maxwell | 1 Thos. Brougham ... ... ... ... j " ! 1 THE BOOK OP DIGNITIES. 911 Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Thos. Hay Campbell 1 Aug. 72. John Eliot „ Hy. Lewis ,, Geo Eliot Voyle „ Alfr. Wintle ,, Fredk. Geo. Nuthall ,, Anthy. Maxtone Murray ,, Chas. Saml. Woodcock ,, Wm. Bainbrigge Marshall ,, Hickman Thos. Molesworth ,, Walker King Fooks ,, Robt. (ieo. Hunter Grant ,, Chas. Vincent Bowie ,, Hy. Regd. Courtenay M Fredk. Conybeare ,, Donald McNeill ,, Hy. Erskine Hicks ,, Edwd. Atlay, C.B ,, Robt. Alexr. Morse ... ,, David Greenhill Anderson ,, Jos. Skekleton ,, Chas. Jas. Barton ,, Colin Cookworthy ,, Geo. Maister ,, Geo. Brown Melhuish ,, John Ramsay Sladen ,, Hy. Friend Kennedy 21 Aug. 72. Fras. Percy Nott 1 Oct. 72. David Watson 5 Oct. 72. John Cowell Bartley ,, Steph. Fras. Macmullen 31 Doc. 72. ISJui. 79. 1 Dec. 88. Sir Thos. Peyton, bt 15 Jan. 73. Gibbes Rigaud 1 Feb. 73. Burdett Richd. Powell 5 Feb. 73. 13 Aug. 79. Thos. Hy. Clifton 12 Feb. 73. Millington Hy. Synge 8 Mar. 73. Hy. Reynolds Werge 26 Mar. 73. Geo. Sturrock 13 Apr. 73. Evelyn Bradford 23 Apr. 73. John Wedderburn ,, Wm. Murray ... ,, Miller Clifford 21 Jun. 73. John Hamilton Cox, C.B 5 Jul. 73. Thos. Bernard CoUinson 2 Aug. 73. Chas. Triganee Franklin, c.B. 9 Aug. 73. Fras. Gilbert Hamley ,, Chas. Louis 18 Sep. 73. Wm. Driscoll Gosset 24 Sep. 73. Andr. Pellett Scrimshire Green 8 Oct. 73. Jas. Robt. Mann 18 Oct. 73. Fredk. Macgowan 12 Nov. 73. Thos. de Courcy Hamilton, v.c 21 Jan. 74. Robt. Barlow M'Crea 4 Feb. 74. Augs. Fredk. Fras. Lennox 11 Mar. 74. Fredk. Llewellyn Alexander 8 Apr. 74. Jas. Edwd. Westropp ,, Albt. Hy. Andr. Her vey 10 Apr. 74. Paget Bayly 13 May 74. Arth. Comyn Pigou 17 Jun. 74. Gother Fredk. Mann, C.B 13 Aug. 74. Stapylton Robinson 31 Oct. 74. 912 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Hy. Chas. Adlam Wm, Russell Eliott Jno. Wm. Bristow Robt. Unwin Chas. Fredc. Smith Jno. Elphinstonc Fraser Henley Thos. Bartlett Wm. Skene Row Hy. Boileau Ad(jlph. Poulton Chas. Stephen Fowlc... Alexr. Mackay Mackenzie Geo. Delane Hy. Jno. Templar Chas. Wm. Miles Hy. Duncan Twysden Arth. Loftus Steele Chas. Jno. Bradley Fras. Mitchell llaultain Wm. Dacres Stanley Lumley Hodgson Huskisson Holland Jas. Orr Chas. Thos. Harkness Wm. Sidney Smith Mulcaster Arth. Sage Jno. Hy. Lyte Kerr Horatio Edwd. Walpole Chas. Osbaldiston Lukin Geo. Paxton Chas. Pulley Alexr. Cannan Saml. Thacker Ross Balfour Moore Hy. Burden Hoflgson Jno. Hy. Reynolds Jas. Black Wm. Abercrombie Dick Walter Montrion Jas. Fras. Eaton Travers Edwin Alexr. Rowlatt Hy. Mein Wilson Chas. Basil Gibbons Bacon Davd. Briggs Jno. Anstruther Angus Sir Chas. Walters D'Oyly, bt. Wm. Hy. Stublis Wm. Elwyn Chas. Andrews Chas. Fredk. Browne Hy. Provost Babbage Chas. Holroyd Geo. Edwd. Holmes Jas. Dawson Mac Donald Roderick Donald Macjjherson HoUed Wallace Hy. Coxo Jno. Seymour Dunbar ... Jno. Innes Gibbs Jas. Young Gowan Chas. Irvine Chas. Murray Neil Edmonstoiie Boileau Hugh Lownian Pester 25 Nov. 74. 13 Jan. 75. 23 Jan. 75. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 913 Name. M.-Gen. li.-Gen. Gen. Fredk. Nepean Smith 23 Jan. 75. Jno. Geo. Palmer Wm. Powell Stuart Smyth \Vm. Herbert Uuming Wm. Graves Thos. Clerk Dillon Gustavus Pollard Alexr. Robt. Fraser Jno. Daniel Hv. Hoseason Sir Fredk. Jno. Goldsmid, C.B.. K-C.S.I, ... Chas. Wm. Tavlor Edwd. Augs. Saunders Hv. Rhodes Morgan Wm. Napper Pace Chas. Richd. Baugh Wm. Saml. Jones Jno. Daniel Williams Wm. Ashburner Wm. Edmonstone Macleod ... ^ Jas. Jno. Combe "" Wm. Pirie Sir Wm. Hy. Rodes Green, c.b., k.c.s.i. ... Geo. McBain Barnes Farquharson Jno. Guillam Scott Edwd. Hope Smith Bowdich Fras. Edwd. Francis Jno. Wm. Plavfair 3 Feb. 75. Edwd. Andree Wyld 8 Feb. 75. Webber D. Harris 25 Feb. 75. Geo. Bucknall Shakspear 10 Mar. 75. Guy Rotton ,, Valentine Thos. Mairis 1 Apr. 75. Chas. Jas. Hodgson 3 May 75. Geo. Remington Cookson 5 Jun. 75. Chas. Need Wm. Robt. Cunningham Regd. Ouseley ... Richd. Welleslev Chambers Geo. Fwllerton Carnegie Wm. Briggs Jermy Chas. West Hy. Imlach Bett Robt. Maxwell Johnstone Hugh Geo. Robison ... Wm. Gray Wm. Croughton Stileman Albert Balcombe Beatson ... 23Jun. 75. Geo. Faithfull Alexr. Steuart Allen Barnett Ford Geo. Davison Jno. Robt. ^Mackenzie... 7 Jul. 75. Geo. Hy. Vesey 24 Jul. 75. Jno. Geo. Boothby Jno. Singltiton ... Geo. Ward 1 Sep. 75. Wm. Forbes Jno. Nisbett , Wm. Fullerton Hy. Larkins Robertson 58 914 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Hy. Le Poer Trench Linna'us Tripe Chas. Wm. Cox "Wm. Sclvrood Hewett Gustavus Hamilton Lockwood Milman Fras. Montagu Maxwell Ommaney... Jno. Baillie Edwd. Hy. Blomfield Geo. Harper Saxton Octavius Hamilton Edmd. Hy. Cullen Wintle Wm. Jno. Tweedie ... Edwin Luddington Scott Willoughby Lake Briggs, c.B. Evan Murray McGregor "Wm. Hy. Shadwell Earle Edwd. Smalley Jno. Fras. Stafford Richd. King Freeth Wm. Vine Bannastre Pryce Lloyd Richd. Godfrey Jones St. Jno. O'Xeiil Muter Thos. Milles Alexr. Kennedy Clark-Kennedy Jas. Price Clarkson Jno. Wcllwood Rutherford Edmd. David Russell Ross ... Hu^h Lindsay Christie Edwd. Bannerman Ramsay Mathew Bligh Ford Wm. Jno. Doveton Hy. Manning Eliott Arth. Chauncy Phillips Fras. Rawdon Chesney Chas. Parker Catty Alexr. Wm. Gordon Augs. Kay Moffat Herbert Raban Geo. Mc Andrew Fredk. Hy. Smith Fras. (jeo. Stainforth Wm. Ruxton Eneas Alexander Jno. Peter Wm. Campbell Jno. Richardson Auldjo Geo. Hutchinson, c.iJ., C.S.I. Fras. Applegath Fredk. PhilHps Hamilton Robt. Hathway Patr. Maxwell Alexr. Thos. Armstrong Chas. Jas. Stewart Wallace Wm. Geo. Owen Hy. Mills Thos. Wollams Holland Thos. Pierce Hugh Norria Hodgson Augs. Priohard Roberts Michael Wostropp Geo. Elliot Ashburnor Wm. Boyd Irwin 1 Sep. 75. 8 Sep. 75. 6 Oct. 75. 23 Oct. 75. 13 Nov. 75. 17 Nov. 75. 26 Nov. 75. 1 Dec. 75. 18 Dec. 75. 5 Jan. 76. 15 Jan. 76. 26 Feb. 76. 1 Apr. 76. 31 May 76. 14Juil. 76. 15 Jul. 76. 4 Aug. 76. 12 Aug. 76. 26 Aug. 76. 13 Jan. 81. IDec. IJul. 81. 1 Dec. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 915 Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Wm. Jno, Ward 26 Aug. 76. Chas. Maxton Shakespear ... „ Thos. Hy. Stoddard ,, Edmond Tudor Boddam ,, Arthur Jacob Macan Rainey Jno. Shaw Kemball Evelyn Waddington ,, Angelo Edwd. Osborne 28 Oct. 76. Jno. Robertson Pughe ,, Edwd. Norman Perkins ,j Fredk. Jno. Ellis ,, Wm. Agnew ,, Geo. Gill Moson Gordon Cavenagh . 5» Wm. Paske Jas. Roper Boswall „ Jno. Duncan Campbell Wallace >5 Jas. Geo. Roche Forlong , Chas. Wm. Dun ,j Edmund Antoine Hy. Bacon J, Wm. Thos. Bowen ,, Hy. Ebenezer Jacob ... ,, Jno. Ruggles 11 Nov. 76. Josh. Fletcher Richardson, C.B. J, Chas. Chester Dandridge ,, Edwd Chas. Marston ., Chamberlen Wm. Walker ... ,, Wm. Vine 26 Nov. 76. Chas. Scrope Hutchinson 30 Dec. 76. Jioji Rao Sindia 1 Jan. 77 Rambir Singh ,, Hy. Clyde Fletcher 17 Jan. 77. Geo. Markham Carter ,, Robt. Jno. Baker jj Jas. Edmund Mayne ... 31 Jan. 77. Chas. Crauford Mason ,, Walter Weldon ,, Hy. Jno. Thos. Neild ,, Saml. Brougham Faddy 8 Feb. 77. IJul. 81. 1 Dec. 88. Richd. Andr. Doria ... ,j Arthur Butcher 10 Mar. 77. Jas. Creighton Wood 4 Apr. 77. Sir Arthur Hy. Freeling, bt. 7 Apr. 77. Chas. Hodgkinson Smith, C.B. 18 Apr. 77. Thos. Augs. Carey 24 Apr. 77. 8 Feb. 78. 3 Nov. 78. Stephen Jas. Keate Whitehill 2 May 77. 2 May 78. Geo. Drury 3 May 77. Hamilton Chas. Smith 5 May 77. Jas. Anthy. Steel ,, Wm. Nembhard .Jno. Beresford Smyly ,, Jno. Jerome 23 May 77. Jno. Fendall ,. Alexr. Geo. Davidson ,, Jas. Davidson ... Jno. Desborough, c.B. 30 May 77. Jno. Everett Thring ., Robt. Corcyra Romer 11 Jun. 77. Jas. Cockburn 28 Jun. 77. Hy. Wm. Holland, c.B 30 Jun. 77. Sydney Jos. Hire . „ 916 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Kame. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Wm. Walker 30Jun. 77. Alexr. Ii-vine ... ,, Josh. Miles ,, Geo. Shaw, c.b. IJul. 77. Ralph Young 4 Jul. 77. Chas. Vanbrujfh Jenkins 11 Jul. 77. Eras. Robt. Glanville 14 Jul. 77. Robt. Bovle, c.u 20 Jul. 77. Edwd. Wolstenholme "Ward, cm.g 11 Aug. 77. Wm. Bolton Girdlestone 16 Aug. 77. Richd. Armstrong Roberts ... 22 Aug. 77. Antonio Mattel, cm.g. 5 Sep. 77. Saverio Gatt ... IIv. Ferrers Waddington Jno. Alfred Brereton Jas. Puckle Jno. Elphinstone Alexr. Jas. Bruce Arthur Francis Jno. Fredk. Berthon Jas. Hvdo Champion Jno. Pitcairn Sandwith Wm. Browne Salmon... lOct. 77. 2 May 78 Jas. Knox Spence 20 Aug, 78. Geo. MvttonHill 3 Nov. 78. Thos. Stock 11 Jun. 79. Geo. Jackson 17 Nov. 79. Wm. Geo. Woods, c. 8.1 ,, Robt. Xapier Raikes 18 Dec. 79. Edwd. Every Miller Geo. Sclby 8 Dec. 79. 1 JuL 81. Geo. Verner IJan. 80. Edwd. Wray, c.b 31 Dec. 78. Hon. sir Hv. Ramsay, K.C.8.I., C.B. 1 Jan. 80. Alexr. Bovd 16 Jan. 80. Richd. Chas. Lawrence, c.b. 25 Jan. 80. Hy. Nicoll 25 May 80. Jno. Worgan ... 31 Dec. 78. W^m. Sparkes Hatch 26 Feb. 80. 12 May 82. Andrew Wm. Macintire, c.b. ISep. 81. 31 Mar. 83. Jno. Gordon Petrie, C.B 31 Dec. 78. Goodricke Armstrong Fisher 14 Jul. 80. Crawford Cooke 21 Jul. 80. Jno. Wilson 15 Dec. 80. Septimus Harding Becher 18 Dec. 80. Fredk. Davot Atkinson 21 Dec. 80. Anneslcy Knox Gore ... Chas. Harris ... 18 May 81. Eras. Hv. Scott Jno. Saml. Drurv Tullock Goo. Wm. RuB.sell Molyneux Capol Spottiswood Hy. Man Chas. Lionel Showers Augs. Turner Hv- Grice do Tossior ... 1 Sep. 81. 31 iiar. 83. Craven Hildeslev Dickens, c. 8. 1 31 Dec. 78. Donald Cauijibell Vanrcnen ,, Fredk. Wm. Swinlioe ,, Wm. Chas. Robertson Macdonald, cm. Chas. Fitzroy Miller Muiidy THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 917 Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Anthy. Robt. Thornhill 1 Oct. 77. Jno. Patk. Redmond, C.B IJul. 81. Edwd. Gascoigne Bulwer, C.B., aft. sir E. ... 21 Jan. 87. Jno. Chiop Brooke Robt. Woolley Edwd. Tuite Dalton, c.s.i Hy. Le Geyt Bruce, C.B 31 Dec. 78. Lothian Nicholson, c.b 19 Oct. 81. Hon. Hussey Fane Keane, c.b Geo. Hy., M. of Conynghame ijui. 81. Wm. Hardy, c.b 1 Oct. 82. Jno. Walpole D'Oyly 1 Jul. 81. Alexr. Tod Cadell 31 Dec. 78. Edwd. Fellowes Robt. Richards Coote Synge Hutchinson IJul. 81. Pearson Scott Thompson, c.b. Jno. Hy. Ford Elkington 1 Apr. 87. Augs. Fredk. Steele IJul. 81. Augs. Hy. Lane Fox-Pitt-Rivers 1 Oct. 82. Hy. Grierson ... IJul. 81. Stephen Fras. Chas. Annesley ,. Hon. Jno. Jocelyn Bourke ... lOct. 82. Sir Archd. AUson, k.c.b 18 Nov. 82. Lindsay Farrington 1 Oct. 82. Jno. Bayly, C.B. 28 Mar. 82. 26 Apr. 82. Sir Wm. E'raser Drummond Jervois, c.b., K.C.M G Thos. Brydges Rodney, C.B Peregrine Hy. Fellowes 4Jun. 79. IFei). 86. Jno. Wm. Collman Wilhams, aft. sir J. 5 Oct. 86. 21 May 88. Augs. Barnard Hank ey 1 Oct. 82. Thos. Raikes Edwd. Newdigate Newdegate, c.b 11 May 87. Wm. Fredk., Id. Abinger, C.B 1 Oct. 82. Chas. Wm. Adair, c.b., aft. sir C 7 Nov. 85. ISJui. 86. Chas. Vaughan Wilkinson Wm. Wilberforce Harris Greathed, c.b. ... Gordon Caulfield IJul. 81. IDec. 88. Fras. Faithful Warden ,, David Scott Dodgson, c.b. ... ,, 1 Dec. 88. Chas. Edwd. Beale Wm. Hy. Freese IJul. 81. Alexr. Crombie Silver J, IDec. 88. Jno. Penrose Coode ,, ,, Edwd. Dayot Watson ,, ,, Jno. Wm. Schneider, c.b. ,, ,, Douglas Hamilton 20 Mar. 82. 1 Dec. 88. Jno. Sherbrooke Gell David Brown 20 Mar. 82. 1 Dec. 88. Wm. Jno. Dorehill Jas. Cockburn Geo. Staple Dobbie 2 Oct. 77. 1 Apr. 82. Chas. Robt. West Hervey Edwd. Hari"ison 4 Oct. 77. Arth. Newbolt Rich 11 Oct. 77. 1 Apr. 82. 1 Dec. 88. Jas. Eardley Gastrell Olaus .Jno. Macleod Farrington 13 Oct. 77. Robt. Thos. Leigh Geo. Swiney Chas. Geo. Hy. Coote 918 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Jno. Fredk. Lester 13 Oct. 77. Tho8. Smith Warden ,, Jno. Crawford Millar... ,, Geo. Edwd. Thomas ,, Gustavus Nigle Kingscote Anker Yonge ... 19 Oct. 77. 1 Jui. 81. Angs. Wm. Hy. Meyrick ,, ,, Fredk. Marshall, c.m.g 20 Oct. 77. 5 Sep. 84. Jno. Roe 31 Oct. 77. Sussex Chas. Milford ,, Wm. Lacy 1 Nov. 77. Jas. Baillio ,, Hy. Colo Faulkner ,, Danl. Hy. Loudoun Mackinnon ,, Jas. Cockburn ,, Edwd. Harrison 24 Nov. 77. Wm. Lewis Devenish Moares ,, Edwd. Abbott Anderson 26 Nov. 77. Jno. Hy. Stewart 2 Dec. 77. Fredk. Mould 5 Dec. 77, Rodk. Bannatyne MacLeod 8 Dec. 77. Archd. Hugh Hope ... ,, Jno. Fredk. Stoddard ,, Josh. Hume Spry Pierce ,, Robt. Ronton Alfred Bassano, c.n 12 Dec. 77. Jno. Alexr. Dalzell 19 Dee. 77. Chas. Spalding S. Evans Gordon ,, Hy. St. Clair Wilkins 21 Dec. 77. 31 Dec. 78. 18 .Tan. 82. Geo. Wm. Forbes 25 Dec. 77. Hy. Augs. Adams 1 Jan. 78. 1 Apr. 82. 1 Dec. 88. Robt. Hamilton Currie 23 Jan. 78. Benj. Geo. Vander Gucht >> Edwd. Jno. Wild Blair Thos. Reid 2 Feb. 78. Hy. Dimsdale Manning ,, Fredk. Duflin ,, Geo. Money Battye „ Wm. Hy. Paget »> Jno. Dwyer ,, Thos. Thompson 8 Feb. 78. Wm. Hy. Beaumont Do Horsey 13 Feb. 78. 13 Feb. 83. Wm. McBean, v.c 16 Feb. 78. Hy. Hydo 17 Feb. 78. ....... Lennox Jas. Farquharson 2 Mar. 78. Robt. Patr. Anderson ;> Wm. Cornwallis Phillips Percy Leo Holmes ,, Fras. Geo. Hodgson ... ,, Wm. Hy. Hessey ,, Archd. Wm. Graham ,, Wm. Carmichaol Russell 13 Jlar. 78. Jno. Bean 18 Mar. 78. Sir Hy. Mar.shman Havolock, bt., v.c.c.b. ; aft. Havelock-Allan ,, 9 Dec. 81. Edwd. Jno. Dickson 20 Mar. 78. Richd. Buckley Prettojohn, c.B ,, 1 Jui. 81. Conyers Tower, c.B ,, Alexr. Mackenzie, c.n. 27 Mar. 78. Valentino Fredk. Story 1 Apr. 78. Geo. Butler Stoney ,, Goo. Moin 3 Apr. 78. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 919 Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Jno. Goddard ... 17 Apr. 78. Jno. Lavrrence Bolton ,, Jno. Wm. Alexr. Kennedy ... 20 Apr. 78. Chas. Hopkins Byers jj Geo. Alexr. St. Peter Fooka ,, Jno. Wm. YoTinghusband, C.S.i. ,, Wm. Josh. Fitzmaurice Stafford, c.b. 1 May 78. Robt. Alexr. Napper ... ,, Thos. Hardy Chamberlain J, Goodson Adye ,, Hy. She-svell ,, Geo. Fredk. iloore Chas. Powlett Lane ,, Martin Dillon, c.s.i. ; aft. sir M ,, 22 Nov. 87. Chas. Edwd. Astell 4 May 78. Hy. Drummond 1 Jun. 78. Arth. Stevens ... 12Jun. 78. Wm. Gordon Cameron, c.b. ... 25 Jun. 78. 17Jui. 88. Thos. Lionel Jno. Gallwey IJul. 78. 26 Apr. 82. Fredk. Wm. Graham 7 Aug. 78. Jas. Geo. Fife 15 Aug. 78. 31 Dec. 78. Geo. Alexr. Leckie ... 20 Aug. 78. Chas. Baring ... 23 Aug. 78. ijui. 81. Jenkin Jones ... 24 Aug. 78. 31 Dec. 78. Wm. Hill 29 Aug. 78. IJul. 81. Hy. Campbell Johnstone 31 Aug. 78. Hy. Arth. Dwver ,, Robt. Farquhar Webster ,, Leonard Raisbeck Christopher ,, Fras. Lane Magniac ,, Fleetwood Jno. Richards 2 Sep. 78. 1 Feb. 85. Wm. Cosmo Trevor, c.b 16 Sep. 78. 25 Jul. 84. Fras. Jno. Richards ... Chas. Herbert 25 Sep. 78. Saml. Crozier Law jj Edmd. Lewin Taverner ,j ...... Saml. Josh. Thorp ,, Edwd. Burgovne Cureton 29 Sep. 78. iJui. 81. Sir Jno. Chetham McLoed, k.c.b 2 Oct. 78. 12 Aug. 88. Wm. Tod Brown, C.B 16 Oct. 78. Hy. Buckley Jenner Wynyard 1 Nov. 78. Hy. Dyett Abbott, c.b 3 Nov. 78. Wm. Warden Anderson ,, 1 Apr. 82. 1 Dec. 88. Mark Walker, y.c, c.b 11 Nov. 78. 16 Dec. 88. Hy. Wellmgton Palmer 13 Nov. 78. Benj. Parrott ,, Wm. Chas. Rich j^ Hy. Ambrose Hare ., Thos. Gordon Moore Lane ,, Alfr. Becher ,, Augs. Phillip Chesshyre ., Thos. Darling Ker ,, Hy. Lowther Chermside, C.B. 16 Nov. 78. Harry Vine e Timbre 11 ,, Fras. Wm. Stubbs ,, Chas. Waterloo Hutchinson ... 29 Nov. 78. 31 Dec. 78. 28 Nov. 85. Wm. Conrad Hamilton 30 Nov. 78. Adrian Hugh Paterson Vincent Jno. Shortland ^, Wm. Calcott Clarke ,, Edmund L"Estrange jj 920 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Jno. Fraser Raper Alfr. Hales Heath Alfr. Digby Denniss Hy. Andrew Sorel, c.b. Sir Wm. Russell Edwd. Archd. Foord Saml. Stallard... Hy. Francis Alfr. Light Chas. Stirling Dundas Chas. Metcalf Young ... David Jno. Falconer Newall ... Jno. Stewart TuUoch Geo. Rodney Brown ... Geo. Alexr. Renny, v.c. Cha«. Hy. Cookes Hy. Parlett Bishop Chas. Mo whirter Mercer Wallis Dowell Andrew Vance Falls ... Fredk. Wm. Bond Chas. Macleod Jno. Thornton Edwd. Wm. Dance Lancelot Fras. Chas. Thomas Douglas Gaye ... Hill Wallace, C.B Geo. Gleig Brown Jno. Clements Hailes ... Jas. Hy. Reid Thos. Jas. Maclachlan Thos. Carlisle Crowe... Robt. Cadell Jas. Thos. Walker Alexr. Fraser, c.n. Wm. Fras. Clarke Gosling ... Jno. Augs. Fuller Jas. Crofton ... Jno. Anthy. Angelo ... Alexr. Cadell Arth. Bunny, c.u. Wm. Jno. Gray Hy. Wm. Gulliver Napier Geo. Campbell Fredk. Ricbd. Maunsell, c.b. Chas. Pollard Fredk. Sleigh Roberts, aft. bt. Jno. Mackenzie Macintyre ... Peter Pierce Lyons-O'Connell Fras. Jno. Mobcrly Jno. Salusbury Trevor Wm. Stirling Oliphant Felix Thackeray Ilaig Arthur Scott Moberly Alexr. Davidson Alexr. Unjuhart Hamilton Finch David Thomson Randal Josh. Foildon, c.M.G. Regd. Onslow Farmer Chas. Bronton Basdon Wm. Ramsay ... Chas. Jno. FuUorton 9 Dec. 78. 14 Dec. 78. 22 Dec. 78. 24 Dec. 78. 30 Dec. 78. 31 Dec. 78. 1 Nov. 1 Jul. 31 Dec. 27 Feb. 82. 10 May 81. 18 Jan. 82. 12Mav 82. 1 Feb. 82. 17 May 82. 28 Jan. 82. 1 Jan. IG Sep. 82. 31 Mar. 83. 12 Jan. 84. ; 21 Feb. 31 Mar. 83. 12 Jan. 84. 16 Sep. 8G. 31 Dec. 83 26 Jul. 83. 11 Sep. 82. 5 Jan. 83. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 921 Name. M.-Gen. , L.-Gen. Gen. Fredk. Jas. Stephenson 29 Jan. 79. Wm. Byrie Alexander ,, Donglas Scott ,, Jno. Bedingfield Knocker 18 Feb. 79. Jno. Lindridge Elgee 19 Feb. 79. Hy. Stuart Bivar ,, Wm. Hy. Binny ,, Jas. Sebastian Rawlins Geo. Bligh Bowen ,j Edwd. Macalister Gilbert Cooper J, Benj. Jno. Ghouvel Prior ,, Geo. Owen Bowdler 15 Mar. 79. Hy. Gadogan Craigie Sir Roger Wm. Hy. Palmer, bt ,, IJul. 81. Chas. M'Arthur 13 Apr. 79. 9 May 86. 15 Apr. 87. Sir Seymour Jno. Blane, bt., c.B. ... 27 Apr. 79. IJul. 81. Paul Winsloe Phillips-Treby 17 May 79. David Blair Lockhart ,j Edwd. Laws Pym 4Jun. 79. 18Jui. 86. 22 Jun. 87. Jno. Field, c.b. 11 Jun. 79. 1 Apr. 82. 1 Dec. 88. Edwd. Wm. Boudier ... Fred. Geo. Pym, c.B 7 Jul. 79. Jas. Hills, C.B., v.c.,aft.sir Jas. Hills-Johnes, K.C.B 10 Jul. 79. 31 Dec. 83. Archd. Richd. Harenc 11 Jul. 79. 25 Oct. 82. Jas. Gubbins ... 14 Jul. 79. 1 Jul. 81. Jno. Gusts. Halliday ... 18 Jul. 79. 1 Apr. 82. IDec. 88. Gerald Littlehales Goodlake, v.c 11 Aug. 79. IJul. 81. Jno. Gordon 13 Aug. 79. 7 May 82. 1 Dec. 88. Sir Jno. Clayton Cowell, K.C.B 1 Sep. 79. Richd. Burnaby 13 Sep. 79. Hon. Richd. Monck 18 Sep. 79. Jno. Crosbie Graves ... 17 Oct. 79. Wm. Thos. Williams 18 Oct. 79. IJul. 82. 1 Dec. 88. Jas. Clerk Rattray, c.B 14 Nov. 79. IJul. 81. Solomon Richards 17 Nov. 79. Sisley Jno. Batten 20 Nov. 79. 16 Dec. 79. Chas. Wilson Randolph 30 Nov. 79. 1 Jul. 81. Jno. Richd. Hume 6 Dec. 79. Edwd. Walker Ellis Walker 8 Dec. 79. Montagu Jas. Turnbull 18 Dec. 79. IJul. 81. Lancelot Fras. Chas. Thomas Robt. Phayre, C.B 31 Dec. 79. 1 Jan. 80. Jno. Hy. Melville Babington... 16 Jan. 80. Chas. Campbell McCuUum ... 25 Jan. 80. Hy. Geo. Woods 30 Jan. 80. 30 Jan. 85. Hy. Woodbine Parish, C.B 25 Feb. 80. Oeo. Godfrey Pearse 26 Feb. 80. 7 Sep. 85. Fras. Locker Whitmore 4 Mar. 80. IJul. 81. Hon. Wm. Hy. Adalbert Feilding ,, Richd. D'Oyly Compton Bracken 11 Mar. 80. Fred. Wm. Burroughs, c.B 16 Mar. 80. ijui. 81. Jas. Emerson 24 Mar. 80. Jno. Fulton 25 Mar. 80. 5 Nov. 83. Chas. Fredk. Torrens Daniell 12 Apr. 80. Wm. Kelty McLeod 19 Apr. 80. 3 Apr. 85. Edwd. Howard Vyse 25 Apr. 80. 25 Apr. 85. Jno. Jeffreys Fulton ,, Alesr. Abercromby Nelson, c.B 29 Apr. 80. 10 Oct. 83. Edwyn Sherard Burnaby ,, Wm. Wigram Barry, c.B 1 May 80. 1 Apr. 84. 922 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Hon. David Macdo-wall Fraser, c.b IMay 80. 1 Apr. 84. IJul. 85. Hy. Peel Yates, c.b 24 Nov. 84. 1 May 85. Jno. Edwd. Michell, c.b. Nathl. Octavius S. Turner, c.b Edwd. Arth. Williams, c.b 1 May 85. Perc J- Scudamore Cunningham ,, Fras. ^\alker Drummond 3 May 80. ijui. 82. 1 Dec. 88. Wm. Roberts ... 4 May 80. 21 Aug. 83. Jonathan Keer 8 May 80. Wm. Rickman 19 May 80. 1 Apr. 85. Fredk. Geo. Thos. Deshon 21 May 80. IJul. 8L Tho8. Greenawav 25 May 80. Geo. Vanderheyden Johnson 27 May 80. 10 Dec. 83. Arth. ^\ m. Patr. Alb., D. of Connaught and Strathern 29 May 80. Hy. Peter Sykes ,, Geo. Dean-Pitt 7 Jun. 80. 30 Aug. 82. Hy. Hilhouse Firth 11 Jun. 80. 'Walter Uathbone Lambert ... Geo. Neeld Boldero 1 Jul. 80. IJul. 85. Hamond Weston Gwyn 4 Jul. 80. 15 Apr. 87. Chas. McClintock Cotton 8 Jul. 80. John Peel 11 Jul. 80. 11 Jul. 85. Chas. ^lalcolm Barrow, c.b. 14 Jul. 80. 1 Apr. 82. Danl. Bovd 21 Jul. 80. St. Geo. Mervyn Xugent Chas. Fredk. Parkinson jj Jno. Ingle Preston 4 Aug. 80. Fras. Chas. Trevor ... ISep. 80. Hercules Atkin Welman lOct. 80. Jno. Theoph. Ussher Lewis Edwd. Knight 5 Oct. 80. Wm. Earle, c.s.i 31 Oct. 80. Patr. Robertson-Ross, c.b. ... 5 Nov. 80. Jas. Farrell Pennycuick, c.b. 8 Nov 80. IJul. 85. 4 Jan. 86. Philip Gosset Pipon, c.b 13 Nov 80. 4 Jan. 8G. 1 Apr. 86. Geo. Thos. Field 2G Nov 80. 16 Dec. 85. Fras. Young 15 Dec. 80. Jno. Colpovs Haughton, c.s.i. 18 Dec. 80. Richd. Herbert Gall, c.b 19 Dec. 80. Geo Saml. Young 18 Nov. 86. Thos. Fourness Wilson, c.b.. c.i.e. 21 Dec. 80. Shurlock Henning, c.B 26 Dec. 80. 26 Dec. 86. Alfr. Wm. Lucas, c.b. 31 Dec. 80. Hy. Hastings Affleck Wood, c.b 13 Jan. 81. Horace Parker Newton 13 Feb. 81. Jno. Dennis Swinburne, ch. Pavmr. ; to rank as M.-Gcn 1 Apr. 8L Cecil Robt. St. Jno. Ives 6 Apr. 81. Arthur Wombwell 8 May 81. 1 Jul. 81. Chas. Thornton Stewart 10 May 81. 26 May 83. Fras. Adams Ellis Loch, c.it. 18 May 81. Chas. Tvrwhitt, C.B 1 Jul. 81. Horatio Harbord Morant ,^ 1 Apr. 85. Wm. Lambert, c.b 8 Jun. 81. Geo. Wolfe 29 Jun. 81. Alexr. Robinson 1 Jul. 81. Fras. G. Kompstor ., C. P. Moloney ,, H. liopkiiiKoii. C.S.I ,, R. R. ilaiuwaring ,, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 925 M. T. Ffrench Alfr. Fox Place H. K. Burne, c.b W. S. Simpson 0. T. Aitchison, c.b Sir R. J. Meade, K.c.s.i., c.i.E. J. M. McGregor Geo. Holroyd ... J. R. McMullen F. J. B. Priestley F. P. Layard Alfr. Cooper ... Arth. Hewlett, c.b Geo. S. Alexr. Anderson Sir Chas. Hy. Brownlow Sir Chas. Patton Keyes, k.c.b. Wm. Domett Morgan Thos, Wright, c.b Geo. Clifife Hatch, c.s.i. Sweedland Mainwaring Augs. Hy. Ternan Sir Campbell Claye Grant Ross, Sir Peter Stark Lumsden, k.c.b. Jno. Watson, c.b., aft. sir J. Edwd. Jas. Lawder ... Andr. MacQueen Geo. Robt. Phillips Robt. Nixon Tronson Wm. Coussmaker Anderson, c.s. Edmd. Fras. Burton Geo. Uvedale Price ... Robson Benson John Matth. Cripps Julius BentallDennys... John Cockburn Hood ... Fras Mardall Geo. Baldock Wm Legh Cahusac Chas. Curtis Drury Edwd. Thos. Fasken John Allen Wright Richd. Drapes Ardagh Fredk. Saml. Blythe, c.b. ... Jno. Hart Dunne Thos. Casey Lyons, c.b. Regd. Gipps. c.b. Alexr. J. H. Elliot, c.b. Hugh Rowlands, v.c, c.b. ... Robt. Abrm. Logan, c.b. Wm. Wilkinson Taylor Geo. Strangways Fredk. Chas. Maisey... Hy. Borlase Stevens Jas. Buchanan... Wm. Hy. Watts Geo. Travis Radcliffe Chas. RajDer Stainforth Chas. Jackson... Wredenhall Queiros Pogson ... FfoUiott Walker Baugh Thos. Rochfort Snow IJul. 81. K.C.B. , C.S.I. 20 Dec. 86. 8 Jan. 87. 8 Jan.' 87. 14 Jan. 87. 14 Jan. 87. 14 Jan.' 87. 14 Jan. 87. 14 Jan. 87. 1 Jul. 86. 6 May 82. 19 Mar. 83. 19 Mar. 83. 16 Jul'. 83. 1 Aug. 83. 23 Aug. 84. 3 Feb. 86. 1 Dec. 88. 924 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Cbas. Dutnhleton Cbas. Gibson Anderson Geo. Reynolds Scott Burrows Edwd. Wm. Blackett Saml. Peters Jar vis, c.m.g. ... Hy. Butler Jobn Nason Sir Cbas. Geo. Arbutbnot, k.c.b. ... Raymond Herb. Wbite Sir H. Evelyn Wood, v.c, k.c.b Wilbrabam Gates Lennox, v.c.,c.b. Geo. Skene Hallowes ... Robt. Thos. P. Cuthbert Hy. Prim. Hutton Jas. Nowell Young ... Edwd. Douglas Harvest Abingdon Augs. Baj'loy Tbos. Maunsell, c.b Fras. Edwd. Drew ... Josh. Roay Wm. Winson Hy. Fras. Williams ... Gerald Graham, C.B., aft. sir G W'm. Cbas. Gott John Loudon ... Gra;me Auchmuty Fulton Geo Byng Ilarman, c.B. Frank Chai)liu Benjn. Bousfield Herrick Philip Harris Drury Curzon Drury-Lowe, c.B., aft. sir D. Herbert Dawson Slade Hy. Fras. Williams Hy. Alexander ... Hugh Heefke O'Connell Cbas. Jas. Merriman, c.s.i. ... Wm. Taylor Corrie Wm. Hy. llore West Edw. Wm. Bray, c.B Richd. Temple Godman Edmd. Jno. ScovcU ... Thos. Scovell Biggo ... Wm. Alexr. Hiach Augs. Ritherdon Jonn. Augs. Spry Fanlknor Jno. Irvine Murray, c.B. Percy Forte.scuo Gardiner Wm. Hy. Crompton-Stansfield Duncan Jas. Baillie Wm. Barwt'll Browne Barwcll Valentino Ryan Cbas. Geo. Gordon, c.B. Jno. Hackett ... Cbas. A. Bos well Gordon Jas. Sinclair Thomson Cbas. Osborno Creagh-Osborno, c.B. Arth. Jas. Lyon- Frcomantle Thos. Gillian Lewis Pelly, aft. sir L. Cbas. Joe. Cecil Sillory . . Anthy. Chaa. Cooke, c.B Jul. 81. 10 Jul. 81. IGJul. 81. 27 Jul. 81. 12 Aug. 81. 13 Aug. 81. 14 Aug. 81. 15 Aug. 81. 24 Aug. 81. 1 Sep. 81. 10 Sep. 81. 14 Sep. 81. 1 Oct. 81. 11 Oct. 81. 19 Oct. 81. 1 Nov. 81. 8 Nov. 81. 14 Nov. 81. 3 Feb. 80. 1 Apr. 85. 1 Apr. 86. ] 12 Feb. 88. 14 Jan. I 7 Sep. 85. 1 25 Sep. 85. 21 May 84. 18 May 86. 14 Jan. 87. 19 Nov. 3 Dec. 81. 81. 10 Dec. 17 Dec. 10 Jan. 18 Jan. 81. 81. 82. 82. 24 Jan. 28 Jan. 31 Jan. 8 Feb. 22 Feb. 1 Mar. 82. 82. 82. 82. 82. 82. 2 Mar. 82. 7 Mar. 9 Mar. 11 Mar 18 Mar 23 Mar. 1 Apr. 82. 82. 82. 82. 82. 82. 7 Apr. 82. 14 Jan. 87. 21Jun. 84. 14 Jan. 87. IJul. 86. 14 Jan. 87. 9 Mar. 87. 2 Dec. 82. 20 Dec. 85. 22 Jan. 87. 22 Feb. 87. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Geo. Bayles Heastey 13 Apr. 82. Hy. Adair ,, Hy. Wray, C.M.G 26 Apr. 82. Fredk. Thos. Whinyates ,j Alexr. Hugh Cobbe, c.b 6 May 82. Hy. Pye Phillips ,, Chas. Richd. Ogden Evans 10 May 82. 28 Mar. 83. Jas. Edw. Cordner 12 May 82. 31 Dec. 88. Edw. Josh. Ridgway ConoUv... 4Jun. 82. Hv. Rawlings Drew ... 29Jun. 82. 22 Jan. 87. Chas. Hayes Abdy ,, ,, Jno. Thos. Francis IJul. 82. Augs. Fraser Baird .J ,, Jas. Marquis ,, ,, Alfr. Butler Little ,, ,, Jno. Louis Nation, c.b. jj 4 Mar. 87. Allen Bayard Johnson, C.B J, ^, Sir Herb. Taylor Macpherson,K. c.b., k.c s.i. ,, Jno. Ponsonby Watts, CLE ,, ijij. 87. Wm. Gordon, c.S.i ,, ,, Jas. Gathorne Cookson J, 20 Dec. 86. Patr. Geo. Scot ,, ,, Owen Lewis Cope "Williams 21 Jul. 82. 21 Dec. 86. Geo. Harrington Hawes ,, Chas. Clarke ,, 1 Oct. 82. Robt. Russell Woodhouse 1 Sep. 82. Jno. Wimburn Laurie... 13 Sep. 82. 31 Dec. 87. Harry North Dalrymple Prendergast, v.c, C.B 16 Sep. 82. 28 Nov. 85. 21 Feb. 87. Richd. Thos. Glyn, c.b., c.m.g 30 Sep. 82. 30 Sep. 87. Fras. Wm. Hastings 1 Oct. 82. 5 Jul. 86. 1 Oct. 87. Geo. Hyde Page .. ,, 1 Apr. 85. Geo. Edw. Baynes ,, 10 Dec. 85. Wm. Cooper ,, Sir Jno. Carstairs McNeill, k c.m.g., v.c, Chas. Lyons-Montgomery " 1 jui."* 87. Alesr. Dawson... ,, 19 Jan. 83. Elliot Minto Playfair J, 31 Dec. 88. Hy. Thornhill ,, Arth. Thornton Gratwicke Pearse ,, Thos. Priaulx Carey ,, Alexr. Hadden Hutchinson ... ,, Jno. Edw. Ruck-Keene ,, Hy. Alexr. Cockburn ,, 20 Dec. 86. Sir Geo. Richards Greaves, K.c.M.G., C.b. ... 25 Oct. 82. Geo. Murray Miller, C.B 31 Oct. 82. Hy. Augs. Smyth 1 Nov. 82. Hon. Jas. Charlemagne Dormer, c.b. 18 Nov. 82. Wm. Martin Cafe 28 Nov. 82. 25 Dec. 86. Fiennes Middleton Colville, C.B 2 Dec. 82. 12 Oct. 87. Vere Hunt Bowles 5 Jan. 83. 14 May 87. Walter Doyly Kerrick 19 Jan. 83. 31 Dec. 88. Robt. Straker Turton 2 Feb. 83. Edwd. Chippindall, CB. 13 Feb. 83. 22 Dec. 86. David Jas. Welsh 24 Feb. 83. Geo. Bagot 23 Mar. 83. Sir Robt. Biddulph, k. c.m.g., c.b 28 Mar. 83. 1 Oct. 87. Archd. Robertson Gloag 31 Mar. 83. 21 May 84. Sir Chas. Knight Pearson, k. c.m.g., c.b. ... 1 Apr. 83. Wm. Chas. Bancroft , 3 Apr. 83. 31 Dec. 87. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Alexr. Ghas. Hector Stewart 10 Apr. 83. Somerville Geo. Cam. Ilogge 14 Apr. 83. Jno. Icrnatius Macdonell 18 Apr. 83. 27 Mar. 86. Philip Edw. Victor Gilbert 1 May 83. Robt. Jno. Hughes, c.b 5 May 83. Wm. Andr. Armstrong 13 Mav 83. Jas Fras. Tennant, CLE 26 May 83. 10 Jan. 84. Richd. Hieram Sankcy, c.b 4 Jun. 83. 11 Jan. 84. Geo. Fredk. de Berry 13Jun. 83. Jno. Thos. Dalyell 27 Jun. 83. 2 Oct. 86. Chas. Van Notton Pole IJul. 8.3. Hy. Way Mawbey 3 Jul. 83. "Wm. Hv. Worthy Bennett 4 Jul. 83. Jno. Julius Johnstone... 21 Jul. 83. Thos. Ignatius Maria Hog 26 Jul. 83. 11 Feb. 85. Jno. Davis 1 Aug. 83. Wm. Hv. Knight 7 Aug. 83. Fras. Edwd. Edwards Wilson 8 Aug. 83. Claud Alexander 21 Aug. 83. Geo. Leslie 1 Sep. 83. 22 Apr. 87. Edmd. Hv. Cox 3 Sep. 83. 5 Oct. 86. 21 May 88. Chas. Bulkelov Nurse 8 Sep. 83. Edwd. Langford Dillon 14 Sep. 83. Geo. Frodk. Campbell Bray 26 Sep. 83. Hy. Fras. Bythesea 1 Oct. 83. 27 Mar. 86. Hv. Kent 23 Oct. 83. 28 Aug. 86. Sidnev Chalmers 24 Oct. 83. 4 Mar. 87. Chas. Fitzgerald 30 Oct. 83. David MacFarlan 5 Nov. 83. 31 Dec. 88. Hy. Cardew 16 Nov. 83. Needham Thompson Parsons 17 Nov. 83. Edwd. Horatio Hv. Foster 28 Nov. 83. Edmond Fredk. Waterman 10 Dec. 83. 1 Jul. 87. Chas. Phayre Hildebrand ,, 6 Jlar. 87. Jno. March Earle 16 Dec. 83. IJul. 87. Edwd. Saml. Jackson... ,, ., Chas. Shaw de Neufville Lucas 31 Dec. 83. Geo. Smart 1 Jan. 84. 2 Aug. 87. Jas. Cadogan Parkinson Baillie ,, 2 Sep. 87. Robt. Blair „ ,, Fredk. Schneider jj IJul. 87. Fredk. Alexander ,, ,, Geo. Bvres Mainwaring ,, ,, Chas. Hight ). ■ ,. Geo. Pringlc ... ,, ,, Richd. Harte Koatmge Jno. Dovan ,, J, Harry Smith Obbard ,, ,, Chas. Thos. Palin jj Hugh Rose ,, ,, Robt. Mackenzie Macdonald ,, ,j Jno. Gray Touch ,, ,, Chas. 'rhom])son ,, ,, Chas. Fredk. Hicks ,, ,, Alexr. Carnegie ,, ,, Cuthbort Ward Burton 9 Jan. 84. Jno. Fredk. Fischer ... 11 Jan. 84. 16 Sop. 86. 27 .Tan. 87. Wm. West Goodfellow 12 Jan. 84. 22 Jan. 87. Jos. Alexr. Smith 29 Jan. 84. Ilv. Jno. Maclean 1 Fob. 84. Richd. BatoHon 7 Feb. 84. 8 Jun. 87. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Knox Rowan Xiren 5 Mar. 84. Wm. Alexr. Patr. Wyllie 19. Mar. 84. Wm. Roberts Farmar 14 Mar. 84. Robt. Crosse Stewart, C.b 15 Mar. 84. Gaspard Le Marchant Tupper 1 Apr. 84. 25 Oct. 87. Hv. Jas. Bell 23 Apr. 84. Sydney Darling 24 Apr. 84. Jno. Edwd. Swindley 29 Apr. 84. Sir Andr. Clarke 21 May 84. 97 Jul. 86. Duncan Jno. McGregor ,, ,, Sir Red vers Hy. Buller ,. ,, Jno. Jas. Silverston O'Neill 9Jun. 84. Horace Alb. Browne lOJun. 84. 20 Sep. 87. Fredk. Ernest Appleyard, c.b 11 Jun. 84. Hy. Fras. Hancock 21 Jun. 84. Alfr. ^Ym. Adcock 2 Jul. 84. Geo. FarquharKaye ... 16 Jul. 84. Jno. MuUins ... 20 Jul. 84. 8 Sep. 86. Julius Geo. Medley ., Hy. Miller 29 Jul. 84. Thos. Netherton Harward ... 1 Aug. 84. 20 iiar. 85. Wm. Robt. Houghton 23 Aug. 84. 31 Mar. 88. "Wm. Butler Butler Shawe ,, 20 Sep. 87. Geo. Chas. Girardot 27 Aug. 84. Sir Wm. Bellairs, K.C.M.G 4 Sep. 84. 7 Dec. 87. Chas. Renny Blair 7 Sep. 84. 19 Oct. 87. Lewis Wm. Buck, c.b. ,, 31 Mar. 88. Chas. Jas. Hope Johnstone 10 Sep. 84. Jas. Murray Straton ,, Hon. Chas. Wemyss Thesiger 7 Oct. 84. Edwd. Wm. Lloyd Wynne 11 Oct. 84. Arth. Becher Mar sack 25 Nov. 84. 31 Mar. 88. Chas. Scott Elliot ,, ,, Harry Cortlandt Anderson ,, ,, Wm. Watts Corban 26 Nov. 84. Alexr. Geo. Montgomery Moore 30 Dec. 84. Sir Herbert Stewart, K.C.B 19 Jan. 85. Chas. Brisbane Ewart, c.b. 27 Jan. 85. 20Jui. 88. Fitzwilliam Fredk. Hunter 30 Jan. 85. Thos. Elliott Hughes 11 Feb. 85. Andr. Nugent 19 Feb. 85. 13 Nov. 86. Stephen Hy. Edwd. Chamier 26 Feb. 85. 27 Oct. 86. Thos. Andr. Lumsden Murray 1 Mar. 85. Chas. Jas. Home 4 Mar. 85. Herbert Henderson James 14 Mar. 85. 31 Mar. 88. Wm. Fraser Stephens ,, ,, Fras. Fisher Hamilton, c.b. 19 Mar. 85. Edwd. Marcus Beresford 20 Mar. 85. Sir Wm. Hamilton, bt. ,, Geo. Tito Brice 1 Apr. 85. Fredk. Hardy ,, Hon. Wm. Hy. Herbert 3 Apr. 85. Horatio C. N. Blanckley ,. Hon. Bernard Mathew Ward 25 Apr. 85. 2 Oct. 86. Wm. Edmd. Moyses Reilly 1 May 85. Sir Jno. Stokes 6 May 85. 25 Jan. 87. Jno. Jago Trelawney 13 May 85. Wm. Hy. Edgcom 24 May 85. Thos. Nuttall 31 May 85. IDec. 88. Robt. W. Bland Hunt 4 Jun. 85. Hy. Brackenbury, c.b. 15 Jun. 85. 1 Apr. 88 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Namp. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. \ Gen. Jas. Archd. Ruddell 21 Jon. 85. 1 Jno. Fredk. Sanders ,, Chas. Patr. Stokes 23 Jun. 85. . 1 Jos. Jordan, c.n. 24: Jun. 85. Chas. Elgee 27 Jun. 85. Walter Tuckfield Goldswortby IJul. 85. Geo. Hy. Jno. Alexr. Fraser ,, 1 Apr. 88. 1 Fredk. Dobson iliddleton, c.b. ; aft. sir F... ,, 4 Nov. 87. ! Jno. Prevost Batlersby 2 Jul. 85. Andrew C. K. Lock ,, Ricbd. Preston, c.b ,, Geo. Fuller Walker ,, Jas. Blair „ I Mowbray Thomson ,, Sir Chas. Jno. Stanley Gough, K.c.n. ,, Chas. Hereford 8 Jul. 85. Geo. Vincent Watson ,, 31 Dec. 87. Brymer Fras. Schreiber, c.b. 11 Jul. 85. Hon. Savage Mostj-n, c.b. ... ,, Jno. Sprot 18 Jul. 85. 19 Oct. 87. Chas. Edmund Webber, c.b. 22 Jul. 85. Wm. Starke 15 Aug. 85. O'Bryen Bellingham Woolsev 26 Aug. 85. Richd. Lewis Dash wood 6 Sep. 85. Thos. NichoU 7 Sep. 85. Hy. Edwd. Jerome, v.c 9 Sep. 85. Cecil Mangles, c.b ,, Chas. Elphinstone Rennie 16 Sep. 85. Cornwallis Oswald Maude ... 19 Sep. 85. Jno. Alexr. Matth. Macdonald ,, Arth. Drury ,, Geo. Scougall Macbean ,, Jno. Irwin Willes ,, Wm. Geo. Mainwaring ,, Wm. Anthy. Gib, c.b ,, Somerset Molvneux Wiseman Clarke 25 Sep. 85. Jas. Sturgeon Hamilton Algar 9 Oct. 85. Denzill Hammill 10 Oct. 85. Robt. Nevill Gream 28 Oct. 85. Michael Tweedie 1 Nov. 85. Hon. Jas. Charlemagne Dormer „ Sylvester W. F. Moor Wilson 5 Nov. 85. Edwd. M. JIanningham-Buller ,, Stanley Do Burgh, c.b 6 Nov. 85. Jno. Michl. De Courcv -Meade 7 Nov. 85. 22 Jun. 87. Dawson Stocklev Warren, c.b 16 Nov. 85. Fra.s. Eteson 17 Nov. 85. Robt. Comvn Lavie ... 20 Nov. 85. Jas. Jno. McLeod Innes, v.c. 28 Nov. 85. 16 Mar. 86. Wm. Nassau Lees ,, Wm. Patorson 6 Dec. 85. Noel Hamlyn Harris ... 9 Dec. 85 ThoB. John ,, Fredk. Kichd. Solly Flood, C.B 10 Dec. 85. Chas. Vernon Jenkins 11 Dec. 85. Walter Coningham ... ,, Robt. Jno. Hay 16 Doc. 85. Arth. Tulloch 18 Doc. 85 Robt. Hale 20 Doc. 85. Rowley Sal.' Hill ,, Edwd. Hy. Clive 26 Dec. 85. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Wm. Jno. Williams, c.b 4 Jan. 86. Geo. F. Blake 5 Jan. 86. Hy. Blakeney Hay ward 13 Jan. 86. Nathl. Stevenson 14 Jan. 86. Geo. Wm. Fraser ,, Hungerford Meyer Boddam ,, Alexr. Bond ,, Wm. Chase Parr ,, Geo. Herbert Murray Aynsley ,, Sir Chas. Cooper Johnson ,, Geo. Crommelin Hawkin ,, Edwd. Winterton Dun ,, Abrm. Chas. Bunbury ,, Fras. Dawson ... ,, Geo. Forbes Hogg ,, Clifford Parsons 17 Jan. 86. Edwd. Thos. S. Lawrence McGwire 21 Jan. 86. Jno. Granvill Harkness 29 Jan. 86. Geo. Briggs 31 Jan. 86. Fras. Wm. Thomas I Feb. 86. Chas. Wm. Campbell ,, Harry Chippindale Plnnkett Rice ,. Chas. Pulteney Forbes 3 Feb. 86. Fredk. Roome 4 Feb 86. Brooking Soady 6 Feb. 86. Thos. Gilbert Kennedy ,, Geo. Hearn 10 Feb. 86. Howard Codrington Dowker ,, Hy. Evelyn Coningham 12 Feb. 86. Fras. Towry Adeane Law 13 Feb. 86. Mangles Jas. Brander 16 Feb. 86. Jas. Michael, C.S.I. .. ,, Saml. Black ,, Lewis Blyth Hole 24 Feb. 86. Robt. Andrew Cole 28 Feb. 86. Cyril Hugh Pcnnycuick Ducat 3 Mar. 86. Robt. Holt Truell ., Sir Geo. Tomkyns Chesney, c.s.i 16 Mar. 86. 10 Mar. 87. Andr. Robt. Clephane 17 Mar. 86. Robt. Stephenson Mosely ,, Em. Augs. Wm. , &c. D. of Cumberland, k.g. 19 Mar. 86. Hy. Jas. Buchanan ,, Robt. Cotton Money 20 Mar. 86. Fitzmaurice Beauchamp 27 Mar. 86. Hon. Chas. Jno. Addington ,, Hales Wilkie ,, Wm. Howley Goodenough 1 Apr. 86. Jno. Chas. Hay ,, WoulfeHay 4 Apr. 86. Geo. Hy. Waller 7 Apr. 86. Geo. Lodwick Warder 8 Apr. 86. Brownlow Hugh Mathew 9 Apr. 86. Jno. Gordon Graham ... 10 Apr. 86. Geo. Fergus Graham ,, Philip Bedingfield 20 Apr. 86. Edwd. Harnett 23 Apr. 86. Alexr. Hv. Edwd. Campbell 1 May 86. Geoffrey Mairis 9 May 86. David Wilson Laughton 10 May 86. Chas. Hy. Hall 18 May 86. ! Edwd. Owen Leggatt „ ! 59 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Richd. Alexr. Moore Chas. Edwd. Bates Jno. Miles Wm. Chas. Robt. Mylne Chas. Xedham Jno. Wood Rideout Walter Theodore Chittj' Thos. Mowbray Baumgartner Robt. M array, c.s.i Jas. Kempt Couper ... Wm. Jas. Pratt Barlow Regd. Quinton Mainwaring ... Chas. Batchelor Hy. Geo. White Thos. Parkyns Smith Jas. Richd. Knox Tredennick Chas. Edwd. Oldershaw Wm. Ily. Graham Wm. Hall Noble Harry de Brett Jno. Jas. Heywood .Tas. Black Reid Edwd. Lindsay Hawkins Hardross Edmond Waller . . Augs. Kirkwood Comber Wm. Robt. Gordon ... Jas. Burn Alfr. Fitzhugh Fredk. Peere Williams Freeman Ernest Archd. Berger Augs. Fredk. De Butts Dixon Jas. Lawson ... Chas. Annesley Benson Fredk. Cortland Anderson ... Montgomery' Hunter ... Philip Smith Edwd. Dandridge Chas. Jas. Jennings Jas. Nichs. Brutton Hewett ... Patr. .Jno. Campbell Hy. :McDonell De Went Douglas Regd. Colvil Wm. Mitford ... Howard Sutton Jones Fredk. Robt. Cameron Crofton Gordon Douglas Pritchard ... Edwd. Jno. Oldfield Alured Clarke Johnson Clennell Collingwood Wm. Godfrey Dunham Massy Dawson Kelly Evans ... Sir Thos. Durand Baker, K.c.n. Geo. Brydgos Jno. Wm. Cleland-Hendorson Edwd. Morris Cherrj- Hy. Alexr. Brownlow Hy. Wortham Sir Cromer Aslibumham Edwd. Tanner Edwd. Chas. Sparshott Williams Wm. Stafford Bailey 18 May 86. 19 May 86. 25 May 86. 26 May 86. 29 May 86. 31 Mky 86. 3 Jun. 86. 12 Jun. 86. 14 Jun. 86. 15 Jun. 86. 18 Jun. 86. 23 Jun. 86. 29 Jun. 86. IJul. 86. 10 Jul. 86. 18 Jul. 86. 21 Jul. 86. 27 Jul. 86. 28 Jul. 86. 29 Jul. 86. 11 Aug. 86. 28 Aug. 86. 1 Sep. 86. :::::: , 3 Sep. 86. 4 Sep. 86. 6 Sep 86. 8 Sop. 86. 25 Nov. 86. 13 Sep. 86. 15 Sop. 86. 16 Sep. 8(i. 19 Sep. 86. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 931 Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. i Gen. Chas. Jas. Hughes 26 Sep. 86. Geo. Buchanan Be van 27 Sep. 86. Jno. Newbold Wilson 28 Sep. 86 Thos. Obbard 30 Sep. 86. Geo. Robt. Fitzroy 1 Oct. 86. Edwd. McLaughlin ,, Wm. Hanbury Hawlcv 2 Oct. 86. Arth. Lyttelton Lyttelton Annesley ,, Chas. Lorrain Woodruff e 11) Oct. 86. Jno. Thos. Twigge ,, Regd. Gother Thorold ,, Geo. Stanley Hooper 20 Oct. 86. Thos. Edwd. Gordon, C.E., C.S.I 21 Oct. 86. Benjn. Lumsden Gordon, c.B. 27 Oct. 86. Fredk. Close 1 Nov. 86. Jas. Miller 4 Nov. 86. Robt. Stanwix Robertson 5 Nov. 86. Hy. Barlow Maule 6 Nov. 86. Townsend Aremberg de Moleyns ,, Wm. Hy. Warden ,, Thos. TrojAinus Hodges ,, Geo. Fredk. Gildea 10 Nov. 86. Emeric Streatfleld Berkeley 11 Nov. 86. Jno. Keith Eraser 13 Nov. 86. Eras. Gellie ,, Hy. Fanshawe Davies 18 Nov. 86. Fras. Edwd. Halliday 22 Nov. 86. 21 May 88. Jos. Bonus 25 Nov. 86. Robt. Hoskins Phelips IDec. 86. Sir Jno. Wm. Campbell 8 Dec. 86. Arth. Stewart Hunter ,, Richmond Houghton 9 Dec. 86. Alexr. McGoun .. 12 Dec. 86. Wm. Bannerman 20 Dec. 86, Thos. Spence Hawkes ,, Isaac Forsyth Mac Andrew ,, Jno. Jas. Hood Gordon ,, Hv. Melvill Edwd. Staveley 21 Dec. 86. Hy. Edmeades ,, Hy. Richd. Legge Newdigate 22 Dec. 86. Wm. Munnings Lees ... 25 Dec. 86. Edwd. Melville Lawford ,, Lord Jno. Hy. Taylour 29 Dec. 86. Richd. Barter 8 Jan. 87. Geo. Julius Melliss ... ,, Wm. Smith 11 Jan. 87. Douglas Gordon Seafield St. Jno. Grant ... 14 Jan. 87. Mostyn de la Poer Beresford 16 Jan. 87. 14 Dec. 87. Richd. Crundel Brook 17 Jan. 87. Godfrey Clerk 21 Jan. 87. Sir Chas. Metcalfe MacGregor 22 Jan. 87. Fras. Wm. Hamilton ... 23 Jan. 87. Chas. Grant 28 Jan. 87. Sir Howard Craufurd Elphinstone, k.c.b.. C.M.G. 29 Jan. 87. Thos. Mansell Warren ,, Wm. Edwd. Marsden 31 Jan. 87. Hon. Raymond H. de Montmorency 1 Feb. 87. Jas. Kiero Watson 2 Feb. 87. 59 932 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. Ii.-Gen. Gen. Geo. Andr. Walker 6 Feb. 87. ' Geo. Arnold Laughton ., Robt. Mallaby ., Brudvshe Walton ,, Sir Hu^b liy. Gough ., Jno. Edwd. Allen 12 Feb. 87. Richd. Longford Leir ,, Fredk. Karslake ,, Walter Newman ... ... . . . . . | 15 Feb. 87. Cbas. Jos. McMahon 17 Feb. 87. Geo. Avton Grastor 21 Feb. 87. Jno.Le Mesurier 22 Feb. 87. 24 Mar. 87 Archd. Geo. Douglas Logan ,, 1 Wm. Hv. Abbott 2 Mar. 87. Alan Murray .. 4 Mar. 87. 1 Jno. Pringle Sben-iff ,, Jas Gunter 7 Mar. 87. Luke O'Connor 9 -Mar. 87. Hy. Clement Wilkinson ,, .apneas Perkins ., Lewis Percival 11 Mar. 87. Chas. Picot 1(5 Mar. 87. Jas. Briggs 18 Mar. 87. Jno. Hubbard White 24 Mar. 87. Thos. Edmd. Byrae 31 Mar. 87. ' Julian Hamilton Hall 1 Apr. 87. Wm. Wiltshire Lynch ,, Lionel Smith Warren (ieo. Nesbitt Stephens ,, Wm. Harris Burland ., Arth. Donald Butter ., Jno. Ormsby Vandeleur 5 Apr. 87. Wm. Dobree Carey ... 8 Apr. 87. 1 Hon. Edwd. Archd. Brab. Acheson 13 Apr. 87. 1 Jas. Morris Toppin ,, Fredk. Gasper Le Grand 15 Apr. 87. 1 Sir Christr. Chas. Teesdale 22 Apr. 87. Chas. Augs. Fitzgerald Creagh 23 Apr. 87. Robt. Jno. Jocelyn Stewart 30 Apr. 87. Archd. Lewis Playfair 1 May 87. Wm. Knox Leet ,, Robt. Bennett 5 May 87. Jno. Blaksley ... 7 May 87. Herbert Le Cocq 12 May 87. Geo. Digby Barker 14 MaV 87. Wm. Booth ,, Fredk. Wm. Best Parry ,, Hugh Shaw 22 May 87. Edmd. Davidson Smith 30 May 87. ' Wm. Jno. Chads 8Jun. 87. 1 Chas. Lewis Raikes ... Saml. Jas. Graham 22Jun. 87. Algn. Augs. Stewart 24 Jun. 87. Nathl. Cricklow Ramsay 27Jun. 87. Horatio Gordon Robley ,, Thos. Talbot 29 Jun. 87. Wm. Stewart Richardson 30 Jun. 87. Harry Hammon Lystor 1 Jul. 87. Sir (jeo. Stewart White Jno. Pennock Campbell Jno. Wm. (ircen ,, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Basil Clifton Westby Jno. Charley , Arth. Hales Astley Fellowes Terry Arth. Hy. Taylor ' Wm. Moore Dickinson Wm. Richd. White , Hugh Mackenzie Geo. Shepherd Stevens Wm. Cooke O'Shaughneasy Wm. Octavius Foord , Thos. Lynden Bell Thos. Wm. Sneyd Jas. Landon Watt Thos. Lo-wndes... Geo. Farquhar Irving Graham Stephen Wm. Barrow Sherman Sir Jno. Hudson, K.c.B. Fredk. Edwd. Sotheby Hy. Geo. Delafosse ... Josias Dunn ... Edwd. Birch Robt. Fras. Firth Wm. Edwd. Montague Thos. Prittie Cosby St. John Bally Chas. Edwd. Blowers... Hy. Moore, c.b., c.i.e. Norman Macdonald ... Fredk. Fras. Daniell Chas. Edmd. Layard ... Jno. Crossland Hay ... Hy. Thos. Arbuthnot Hugh Parker Montgomery Fredk. Wheeler ..." Arth. Fredk. Warren Wm. Stirling Chas. Jas. Tyler Jas. Peattie Morgan Richd. Sadlier Chas. David Chalmers Thos. Clarke Edmd. Ghuznee Morrogh Hy. Spencer Palmer ... Robt. Barton ... Robt. Owen Jones Talbot Bradford Middleton Glascock Wm. de Wilton Roche Thackwell ... Jas Harwood Rocke Fi-edk. Horace Arth. Seymour Thos. Alphonso Gary Colin Mackenzie Hy. Holden Steward Wm. Drummond Scrase Dickins Hy. Ellenborough Dyneley ... Geo. Hy. Wm. Fagan Grant JBlunt Chas. Edwd. Luard Chas. O'Loughlin Prendergast Richd. Oldfield Arth. Hill 4 Jul. 87. 6 Jul. 87. 7 Jul. 87. 12 Jul. 87. 16 Jul. 87. 21 Jul. 87. 30 Jul' 87. 1 Aug 87. 2 Aug 87. 9 Aug 87. 10 Aug 87. 12 Aug 87. 19 Aug 8Y. 20 Aug 87. 24 Aug 87. 27 Aug 87 31 Aug 87. ISep. 87. 2 Sep. 87. 5 Sep. 87. 6 Sep. 87. 17 Sep. 87. 21 Sep. 87. 22 Sep. 87. 24 Sep. 87. 30 Sep. 87. 1 Oct. 87. 5 Oct. 87. 12 Oct. 87. 16 Oct. 87. 17 Oct. 87. J9 Oct. 87. 21 Oct. 87. 24 Oct. 87. 25 Oct. 87. 26 Oct. 87. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Jas. Gibbons Smyth Wm. Lambert Yonge Geo. Stewart Geo. Garden Clement Jas. GrifBths Oliver Richardson Newmarch Markham Le Fer Taylor Edwd. Keate ... Donald Roderick Cameron Hy. Bond Jno. Thompson Jas. Bevan Edwards Alex. Lyon Emerson Jas. Murray Thos. Simpson Jno. Charlton Kinchant Edw. Dorrien Xewbolt Fredk. \Vm. Lambton Edwd. Wm. Saunders Wm. INIorritt Barn. Bond Alfred Templeman Sir Hy. Peter Ewart Wm. Jno. Gillespie Wm. Hy. Deedes ... Robt. Children Whitehead, c.b. Jno. Haughton Eust. Beaiim. Burnaby Hy. Chamberlayne Farrell Geo. Alf. Wilson Jno. Mac vicar Burn Fitzroy Somerset Talbot Richd. Carruthers Budd Wm. Keith Hy. Darley Crozier ... Wm. Hy. IBrookc Peters Jno. Byron Fredk. Chenevix Trench Jno. Tilly Jno. Ryder Oliver Fredk. Milkington Kcnyon Stow Wm. Fredk. Sand with Edwd. Jno. McXair Nadolig Ximenes Gwynne Geo. Hay Moiicriefl' ... Fredk. Wm. Edwd. Forestier Walker Robt. RoUo (iillespio Geo. Balfour Traill Maunsell Mfirk Prendergast Robt. Wliooler Wm. Bally Ponsonby Shoppard Robt. Sandham Percy Guillcuiard Llewellyn Smith ... Edwd. Hy. Courtney Edwd. Mickloui Jno. Frotcheville Dykes Donnelly ... Wm. Chas. F. Molyneux Richd. Wm. Erskino Dawson Arth. Phelps Jno. Woulfo Koogh Clement Metcalfe Browne 26 Oct. 87. 29 Oct. 87. 31 Oct. 87. 1 Nov. 87. 4 Nov. 87. 5 Nov. 87. 9 Nov. 87. 19 Nov. 87. 22 Nov. 87. 23 Nov. 87. 24 Nov. 87. 30 Nov. 87. 7 Dec. 87 14 Dec. 87. 15 Dec. 87. 17 Dec. 87. 21 Dec. 87. 23 Dec. 87. 24 Dec. 87. 25 Dec. 87. 31 Dec. 87. 13 Jan. 88. 18 Jan. 88. 31 Jan. 88. THE BOOK OP DIGNITIES. 936 Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Wm. Jas. Stuart 12 Feb. 88. Arth. Edwd. Augs. Ellis 23 Feb. 88. Alexr. Gordon Duff 17 Mar. 88. Philip Story 23 Mar. 88. Lionel D'Arcy Dunsterville 31 Mar. 88. Chas. Doxat Glementson ,, Thos. Wm. West Pierce, c.B. Thos. Lamb Hastings Fraser ,, Wm. Munro ^j Chas. Alexr. McMahon Jervis Harpur ... 31 Mar. 88. Thos. Edwd. Webster Griffith Turner Jones ,j Wm. Hy. Apostoly Buttler ,, Alb. Hy. tVilmot Williams 1 Apr. 88. Harry McLeod 7 Apr. 88. Hy. Brasnell Tuson. c.B 21 May 88. Wm. Cooper 11 Jul. 88. Simpson Hackett 17 Jul. 88. Geo. Alexr. Arbuthnot 19 Jul. 88. Rd. Harrison ... 20 Jul. 88. Hy. Cook 5 Aug. 88. Chas. Mansfield Clarke 12 Aug. 88. Ardley Hy. Fahvasser Barny 29 Aug. 88. Herbert Mark Garrett Purvis 12 Sep. 88. Geo. Battye Fisher 8 Oct. 88. Richd. Jas. Combe Marter 24 Nov. 88. Chas. Thos. Haig 30 Nov. 88. Jno. Brenton Cox 1 Dec. 88. Rowland Robt. Wallace Ernest Aug. Green Octavius Ludlow Smith J, Jno. Durham Hall Wm. Turton Fagan J, Thos. Wolrich Stansfeld Adam Hugh Montgomery Dickey ... ,, Clements Robt. Shaw Clement Jno. Smith Edwd. Lewis Hankin 3 Dec. 88. Thos. Eras. Lloyd 16 Dec. 88. Brabazon Hy. Pottinger 31 Dec. 88. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES GOVERNORS OF CHELSEA HOSPITAL. 1691. Sir Thos. Ogle, Mar. 3. - 1849. 1702. Col. Jno. Hales, Nov. 10. 1849. 1714. Brig. -gen. Thos. Stanwix, Jan. 13. 1720. Col. Chas. Churchill, June 6. 1856. 1727. Lt.-gen. Wm. Evans, June 20. 1740. Sir Robt. Rich, bt., May 6. 1868. 1768. Lt.-gen. sir Geo. Howard, Feb. 13. 1795. Gen. Geo. , Marq. Townshend, July 6. 1870. 1796. Gen. sir Wm. Fawcett, k.b. , July 12, 1804. Gen. sir David Dundas, k.b., Apr. 3. 1872. 1820. Gen. sir Saml. Hulse, Feb. 19. 1837. Gen. hon. sir Edwd. Paget, g.cb., 1874. Jan. 10. Gen. sir Geo. Anson, g.cb., May 18. Gen. sir Colin Halkett. k.c.b , Nov. 26. Gen. sir Edwd. Blakenev, g.cb., Sept. 25. F. M. sir Alexr. Woodford, g.cb., G.C.M.G., A-ig. 3. Gen. sir Jno. Lysaght Pennefather, G.C.B., Aug. 27. Lt.-gen. sir Sydney Jno. Cotton, K.C.B., May 10. Gen. sir Patr. Grant, g.c.b..g.c.m.g., Feb. 24. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF CHELSEA HOSPITAL. 1695. David Craufurd, Jan. 1. 1807. Gen. Saml. Hulse, Mar. 1715. Col. Thos. Chndleigh, Jan. 14. 1820. Lt.-gen. Sir Hanrv Calvert, bt. 172G. Col. Wm. Wyiidham, Apr. 15. G.CB., Feb. 19. 1730. Col. Thos. Norton, Apr. 22. 1826. Lt.-gen. Hon.Sir Alexr. Hope, g.cb., 1748. John Cosslev, July 3. Sept. 6. 1705. Nathl. Smith, Nov. 6. 1837. Lt.-gen. Sir Geo. Townshend 1773. John Campbell, Feb. 11. Walker, bt., G.CB. , May 24. 1777. Bernard Hale, May 1. 1842. Gen. Sir Wm. Hy Clinton, g.cb., 1798. Gen. Wm. Dalrymple, Mar. 28. Nov. 17. 1846. Gen Sir Geo. Anson, g.cb., Feb. 23. 1868. Col. Chas. Lennox Brownlow 1849. Lt.-gen. Sir Andrew Fras. Barnard, Maitland, May 9. G.C.B., G.C.H., Nov. 26. 1874. Col. Richd. Herbert Gall. c.B., 1855. Gen. Sir Edwd. Blakenev, g.cb.. Mar. 1. G.CH. Feb. 6. 1881. Col. Richd. Wadeson, Mar. 2G. 1856. Gen. Sir Alexr. Woodford, g.cb., 1855. Col. Edwd. Andr. Stuart, Mar. G.CM.G., Sept. 25. 13. JUDGE-ADVOCATES GENERAL. The Judge-Advocate General and Jt^dge Martial of all the Forces is an officer of considerable responsibility. He is the legal adviser of the sovereigii aiid of the commander-in-chief in military cases, and by his authority all general courts-martial are held. In his office are deposited the origmals of all such proceedings, and on his receipt of them they are examined, and either deposited as correct, or communicated upon, or submitted by the Judge Advocate General to Her Majesty for royal approval, or for pardon, or revision, as, in the opinion of this officer, the case may require. The office has for many years been a political one, the holder resign- ing on a change of ministry. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 937 Judge-Advocates General. Down to 1847 the dates are those of the actual entrance upon office, not of the appointment, which is usually a few days earlier ; or of the patent, commonly some days later than those adopted in this list. From 1847 the dates are those of the Gazette notices of the appointment. 1666. 1684. 1705. 1715. 1734. 1741. 1768. Dr. Saml. Barrowe, Jan. Geo. Clarke. Thos. Byde. Edwd. Hughes. Sir Hy. Hoghton, bt. Thos. Morgan. Chas. Gould, aft. sir Chas. Gould- Morgan, bt. ; knt. 1779 ; or. a bar. 1792, when he assumed the name of Morgan. 1806. Natbl. Bond, Mar 8. 1807. Richd. Ryder, Dec. 4. 1809. Chas. Manners-Sutton, Nov. 8. 1817. John Beckett, aft. bt., June 25. 1827. Jas. Abercromby, May 12; aft. Id. Dunfermline. 1828. Sir John Beckett, bt., again, Feb. 2. 1830. Robt. Grant, aft. sir R., Dec. 2. 1834. Robt. Cutlar Fergusson, July 7. 1834. Sir Jno. Beckett, bt., again, Dec. 22. 1835. Robt. Cutlar Fergusson, again, Apr. 25. 1838. Wm. St. Julien Arabin, Nov. 6. 1839. Sir Geo. Grey, bt., Feb. 21. 1841. Richd. Lalor Shiel, June 26. Jno. Nicholl, Sep. 14. 1846. Jas. Stuart Wortley, .Jan. 31. Chas. Buller, July 14. 1847. Wm. Goodenough Hayter, aft. sir W., Dec. 30. 1849. 1852. 1858. 1859. 1866. 1868. 1870. 1871. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1886. 1886. Sir David Dundas, May 26, G. Geo. Bankes, Feb. 28, G. Hon. Chas. Pelham Villiers, Dec. 30, G. Jno. Robt. Mowbray, Mar. 13, G. Thos. EmersonHeadlam, June 24, G. Jno. Robt. Mowbray, again, July 12, G. Sir Colman Michael O'Loghlen, Dec. 16, G. Jno. Robt. Davison, Dec. 28, G. Sir Robt. Jos. Phillimore, d.c.l., Judge of the Admy.Court,May 17, G. Held the office pending a re- arrangement of its duties. Acton Smee Ayrton, Aug. 21, G. Stephen Cave, Mar. 7, G. Geo. Augs. Fredk. Cavendish-Ben- tinck, Nov. 24, G. Geo. Osborne Morgan, May 7, G. Wm. Thackeray Marriott, aft. sir W., July 13, G. Jno. Wm. Mellor, Feb. 22, G. Wm. Thackeray Marriott, aft. sir W., again,, Aug. 9, G. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PART XV L MISCELLANEOUS. Under this heading are mckided a few h'sts which canuot be classiiied under any of the preceding titles, and which, indeed, can hardly be considered as strictly of an official character. PRESIDENTS OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF ENGLAND. Physicians were first incorporated in 1518 under letters patent, followed by acts of parliament, 32 Hen. VIII., cap. 40 (1540), and 1 Mary, sess. 2, cap. 9 (1553). The title of "Royal" was first adopted in 1858. Presidents op the Royal College op Physicians OF England from 1800. 1796. Thos. Gisbornc. 1804. Sir Lucas Pepys. 1811. Sir Eras. Milman, bt. 1813. John Latham. 1820. Sir Hy. llalford, bt. 1844. John Avrton Paris. 1857. Thos. Mayo. 1862. Thos. Watson, aft. bt. 1867. Jas. Alderson, aft. sir J. 1871. Geo. Burrows, aft. bt. 1876. Jas. Risdon Bennett, aft. sir J, 1881. Sir Wm. Jenner, bt. 1888. Sir Andr. Clark, bt. MASTERS AND PRESIDENTS OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. Barbers and Suhoeons were first incorporated in 1540 under .S2 Hen. VIII., cap 42. In 1745 the Sukgeons were formed into a sepaiiitc THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. corporation under 18 Geo. II., cap. 15. The title of first adopted under a charter obtained in 1843. Koyal" was Masters of the Eoyal College of Surgeons from 1800. 1800. Chas. Hawkins. 1811. Wm. Long. 1812. 1801. Geo. Chandler. 1813. 1802. Thos. Keate. 1814. 1803. Sir Chas. Blicke. 1815. 1804. David Dundas, aft. bt. 1816. 1805. Thompson Forster. 1817. 1806. Chas. Hawkins, again. 1807. Sir Jas. Earle. 1818. 1808. Geo. Chandler, again. 1819. 1809. Thos. Kcate, again. 1820. 1810. Sir Chas. Blicke, again. David Dundas, again Thompson Forster, again. Sir Everard Home, bt. Sir Wm. Blizard. Hy. Cline. Wm. Norris. Sir Jas. Earle, again. Geo. Chandler, again. Thos. Keate, again. Sir David Dundas, bt., agaii Thompson Forster, again. Presidents op the Royal College of Surgeox-s. 1821 Sir Everard Home, bt., again. 1854. 1822. Sir Wm. Bhzard, again. 1855. 1823. Hj-. Cline, again. 1856. 1824. Wm. Xorris, again. 1857. 1825. Wm. Lynn. 1858. 1826. John Abernethy. 1859. 1827. Sir Astley Fasten Cooper, bt. 1860. 1828. Sir Anthony Carhsle. 1861. 1829. Honoratus Leigh Thomas. 1862. 1830. Richd. Clement Headington. 1863. Robt. Keate. 1864. 1831. Ditto. 1865. 1832. John Painter Vincent. 1866. 1833. Geo. Jas. Guthrie. 1867. 1834. Anthony White. 1868. 1835. John Goldwyer Andrews. 1869. 1836. Sir Astley Paston Cooper, bt., 1870. again. 1871. 1837. Sir Anthonj^ Carlisle, again. 1872. 1838. Honoratus Leigh Thomas, again. 1873. 1839. Robt. Keate. again. 1874. 1840. John Painter Vincent, again. 1875. 1841. Geo. .Tas. Guthrie, again. 1876. 1842. Anthony White, again. 1877. 1843. John Goldwver Andrews, again. 1878. 1844. Sir Benj. Collins Brodie, bt. 1879. 1845. Saml. Cooper. 1880. 1846. Wm. Lawrence. 1881. 1847. Benj. Travers. 1882. 1848. Edwd. Stanley. 1883. 1849. Jos. Hy. Green. 1884. 1850. Jas. Moncrieff Arnott. 1885. 1851. John Flint South. 1886. 1852. Caisar Hy. Hawkins. 1887. 1853. Jas. Luke. 1888. Geo. Jas. Guthrie, again. Wm. Lawrence, again. Benjn. Travers, again. Edwd. Stanley, again. Jos. Hy. Green, again. Jas. Moncrieff Arnott, again. John Flint South, again. Csesar Hy. Hawkins, again. Jas. Luke, again. Fredc. Carpenter Skey. Jos. Hodgson. Thos. Wormald. Richd. Partridge. John Hilton. Richd. Quain. Edwd. Cock. Sir Wm. Fergusson, bt Geo. Busk. Hy. Hancock. Thos. Blizard Curling. Fredk. Le Gros Clark. Sir Jas. Paget, bt. Prescott Gardner Hewett, aft. bt John Birkett. John Simon, c.b. Luther Holden. John Eric Ericsen. Sir Wm. Jas. Erasmus Wilson Thos. Spencer Wells, aft. bt. John Marshall. John Cooper Forster. Wm. Scovell Savory. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PRESIDENTS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY. The Royal Society was established about 1660, and incorpoi*ated by Chas. II. by Charters dated July 15, 1062, April 22, 1663, and April 8, 1669, under the title of "The President, Council, and " Fellowship of the Royal Society of London for improving Natural " Knowledge.'' Presidents op the Royal Society. (From HaycMs Dictionary of Dates. ) 1660. 1677. 1680. 1682. 1683. 1684. 1686. 1689. 1690. 1695. 1698. 1703. 1727. 1741, 1752. 1764. 1768. Sir Robt. Moray, up to incorpora- tion. Wm., vise. Brouncker, 1st Pres. aft. incorporation. Sir Jos. Williamson. Sir Christr. Wren. Sir Jno. Hoskins. Sir Cyril Wyche. Saml. Pepys. John, E. of Carberry. Thomas, E. of Pembroke Sir Robt. Southwell. Chas. Montague, aft. E. of Halifax. John, Id. Somers. Sir Isaac Newton. Sir Hans Sloane. Martin Folkes. Geo., E. of Macclesfield. Jas. , E. of Morton. Jas. Burrow. 1768. Jas. West. 1772. Jas. Burrow, again. 1772. Sir Jno. Pringle. 1778. Sir Jos. Banks. 1820. Wm. Hyde Wollaston. Sir Humphry 'Da.yy. 1827. Davis Gilbert. 1830. Aug. Fredk., D. of Sussex. 1838. Spencer Josh. Alwyne, M Northampton. 1848. Wm., E. of Rosse. 1854. Jno., Id. Wrottesley. 1858. SirBenj. Collins Brodie, bt. 1861. M.-Gen. sir Edw. Sabine. 1871. Geo. Bidden Airy. aft. sir G. 1873. Jos. Dalton Hooker, aft. sir J. 1878. Wm. Spottiswoode. 1883. Thos. Hv. Huxlcv. 1886. Geo. Gabriel Stokes, aft. bt. PRESIDENTS OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTION The Royal Institution was established in March 1799 and incorporated by Geo. HI., Jan. 13, 1800, under the title of " The Royal Institution " of Great Britain for the diffusing knowledge and facilitating the " general introduction of useful mechanical inventions and improvements, " and for teaching by courses of philosophical lectures and experiments " the application of science to the common purposes of life." Its con- stitution was enlarged in 1810 under 50 Geo. III., cap. 51 {Loc. and Fers.) Presidents of the Royal Institution. 1799. Sir Jos. Banks. i 1817. Edwd. Adolphus, D. of Somerset. 1800. Geo., E. of Winchilsou and Not- I 1842. Algn., Id. Prudhoe, aft. D. of Nor- tingham. j thumberland. 1818. Geo. Jno.. E. Spencer. 1865. Sir Hv. Holland, bt. 1816. Thos., E. of Chichester. ' 1873. Algn.' Goo., D. of Northumberland. THE BOOK OP DIGNITIES. 941 PRESIDENTS OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS. The Eoyal Academy was incorporated Dec. 10, 1768. Previous to this there had been a Society of Artists which met in St. Peter's Court, St. Martin's Lane about 1739, and was afterwards estabhshed as the Society of Licorporated Artists, which held its first exhibition in 1760. Presidents of the Royal Academy. (From HaydrCs Dictionary of Dates.') 1768. .Joshua Reynolds, aft. sir J. | 1850. Chas. Lock Eastlake, aft. sir 0. 1792. Benjn. West, res. 1805. j 1866. Sir Edwin Landseer, elect, but 1805. Jas.'Wyatt. decl. 1806. Benjn. West, again. \ Fras. Grant, aft. sir F. 1820. Sir Thos. Lawrence. 1 830. Martin Archer Shee, aft. sir M. 1878. Fredk. Leighton, aft. sir F. ASTRONOMERS ROYAL. (From Haydn's Dictionary of Dates.) 1675. John Flamsteed. l 1765. Nevil Maskelyne. 1719. Edmd. Halley. | 1811. John Pond. 1742. Jas. Bradley. i 1835. Geo. Biddell Airy, aft. sir G, 1762. Nathl. Bliss. i 1881. Wm. Hy. Mahoney Christie. 942 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. ADDENDUM. AMBASSADORS TO ECUADOR. (Accidentally omitted from p. 135.) 1867. Fredc. Hamilton, ch. d'a. and C.G. Feb. 9; min. res. and C.G., Dec. 12, 1872. 188iJ. Christian Wm. Lavrrence, min. res. and G.6., Apr. 28. 1854. Walter Cope, ch d'a. and C.G., Oct. 11. 1861. Geo. Fagan, cL d'a. and C.G., Apr. 7. 1865. Lt.-col. Edwd. St John Neale, ch. d'a. and C.G., Aug. 14. INDEX OF NAMES. The names appear in this Index, as in the body of the work, according to the actual style or title of the official at the date of his appointment to each particular office. Cross references are given to each of his prior or subsequent titles, provided his name ajxpears in the body as holding office ivhilst enjoying that title : — ex. gr. Pole, Hon. Wm. WeU., aft. Id. Maryborough and 3rd E. of Mornington, q.v., P.C. 208; C. Treas. Ir. 561 ; Ch. Ex. Ir. 561 ; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563. nCaryboroug'h, Wm., Id., form. Hon. W. W. Pole, q.v., aft. Brd E. of Mornington, q.v.\ L.T. 160; M.B.H. 303; Postm. G. 238. 9Iorniug1;on, Wm., 3rd E. of, form. Hon. W. W. Pole and Id. Maryborough, q.v., G.C.H. 786. Therefore, to obtain a complete list of all the offices held by each person, reference must be made to each title. It is believed that, except in the case of cross references, each entry refers to a separate and distinct person. Cases of doubtful identity are noted thus : — * Michael, bp. Clr. 596. I * Methven, Jno., Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576. * bp. GaU. 538. | * Jno., M. Chy. 396. * Prob. same pers. | * ? same pers. Some observations will be found in the Preface as to the variations in spelling, particularly amongst the earlier names. As far as possible the risk of a fruitless search for a name actually in the Index has been avoided, either by grouping the names under the most usual mode of spelling with cross references to the others, e.v. gr. MacGreg-or and MacGrig'or MacGrigror, see MacGregor or by cross references only, ex. gr. Miurston, see also Merston The former mode is adopted where it was found that the name of the same person had been variously spelt in different parts of the book ; the latter where it was found that although the 7iame itself was spelt diffe- rently, the name of each person bearing it was spelt alike throughout. The variations in spelling are, however, so numerous that the reader must, to some extent, rely on himself, and, if he cannot find a name under the expected heading, try under some other letter frequently substituted for it ; ex. gr. — I. and J., I. and Y., U. and V., iE. and E., are frequently used indifferently both at the beginning and in the middle of a name. The names of the earlier ecclesiastical and legal dignitaries 944 INDEX OF NAVIES. are sometimes used in their English and sometimes in their Latin form. Emperors, Kings, &e., and also Royal Princes are entered under their Christian names ; but where English Princes have been created Dukes or Earls, they are entered under their later titles also. Where a name applies both to surnames and to titles of nobility, the latter are grouped together at the end of the former ; — <•.<•. (jr. follows Oordon, Adam, 1st Id., Gordon, Wm. Considerations of space have necessitated the use of the shortest possible abbreviation of each dignity. Wherever practicable, a form has iDeen adopted the meaning of which is obvious, but, to provide for any case of difficulty or uncertainty, a complete hst of the abbreviations is here given. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED IN INDEX OF NAMES. Abbreviation. Dignity. Abbreviation. Dignity. A.D. Aus. Archdnlie of Austria. ' Amb. Ambassador, &c. to— A.G. Attorney General. , Mco. Morocco. A.G. Ir. ■ Ireland. Mda. Modena. Abp. archbishop, see bp. (bishop). Mex. Mexico. Acct. G. Accountant General. Mgo. Montenegro. Adm. (A.) Admiral, List A. Msct. Muscat. (B.) „ B. N.G. Xew Grenada. (C.) ;! ,. C. Nds. Netherlands. (D.) „ D. Pers. Persia. (E.) „ E. Pgl. Portugal. (F.) .. F. -\U: Paraguay. (G.) „ G. Poland. (H.) „ H. Pnia. Parma. Adm. Adv. .\duiiralty .A.dvocate. Pr. Prussia. .^dm. Ind. Administrator of India. Pu. Peru. Amb. Ambassador, &c. to— K. PL Rio de la Plata. Abyss. .\bys8inia. Rep. Col. Republic of Colombia. Arg. Argentine Confederation Rma. Roumania. or Republic. Russ. Russia. Aus. Austria. Scy. Two Sicilies. B. St. • Barbary States. Sd. Is. Hawaiian or Sandwich Bdn. Baden. Islands. Bga. Bulgaria. Sda. Sardinia Bgm. Belgium. Si. Siam. Bno. Borneo. Sp. Spain. Bol. Bolivia. Sva. Servia. Bva. Bavaria. Sw. Sweden. Bzl. Brazil. Sw.andN. Sweden and Norway. C. Am. Central America. Swz. Switzerland. C.K. Costa Kica. Sxy. Saxony. Ch. China. Tky. Turkey. Ch. and China and Corea. Tun. Tmiis. Cor. Tusc. Tuscany. Chi. Chili. Txs. Texas. D. pr. Danubian principalities. U.S.A. United States of America. Dk. Denmark. U.S.C. Dom Rep. Dominican Republic. Ugy. = »cr- Ecr. Ecuador. Vce. Eg. Egypt. Vza. Venezuela. Fr France. Wbg. NVurtemburg. G. St. German States. Zr. Zanzibar. Gr. Greece. Ant. P.A. Antelope Pursuivant. Gmy. Germany. Arund. H. Arundel Herald. Gnat. Guatemala. Ass. C. and A. Assistant ComptroUer and H. Dt. Hesse Darmstadt. Auditor. H. Tne. Hiinse Towns. Aetr. Roy. .\stronomer Royal. Hiir. Hanover. Ath. P.A. Athlone Pursuivant. Hti. Hayti. Italy. Aud. Ex. Auditor of the Exchequer. It. B.C. Member of tlie Board of Con- Jap. Japan. trol. Lea. Lucca. B. Ex. Baron of Exchequer. INDEX OP NAMES. 945 Abbreviation. Dignity. Abbreviation. Dignity. B. Ex. Ir. Baron of Exchequer, Ireland. 1 abp. bp. or dn. archbishop, bishop, or dean So. Scotland. Cloy. Cloyne. B. and G. K.A. Bath and Gloucester King of Clr. Clogher. Arms. Cmbo. Colombo. B.T. Member of the Board of Cness. Caithness. Trade. Cnr. Connor. B. Tun. Bey of Tunis. Cnwall. Cornwall. Barnes P.A. Barnes Pursuivant. Colch. Colchester. Bath K.A. Bath King of Arms. Crk. Cork. Berw. P.A. Berwick Pursuivant. Crk. and Cork and Cloyne. Bl. C. H. Blanc-Coursier Herald. CI. Bl. L. P.A. Blanch-Lion Pursuivant. ^Crk., CI. Cork, Cloyne and Ross. Bl. M. P.A. Bluemantle Pursuivant. andE. Bl. Sang. P.A. Blanch Sanglier Pursuivant. Crk. and Cork and Ross. Blf. Gsey. Bailiff of Guernsey. i K. Jsey. Jersey. Dbln. Dublin. bp. bp. suff. abp. bp. 1 vide infra. Dbln. and Gl. Dublin and Glendalough. archbi^hopN The names of dean'"" ) as below. Dbln.. G. and K. Dublin, Glendalough and Kildare. bp. suffr. Dev. Dham. Devonshire. Durham. dn. Dkld. Dunkeld. Abdn. Aberdeen. Dkld. and Dunkeld and Dunblane. Abdn. and Aberdeen and Orkney. Dnbl. Ork. Dnbl. Dunblane. Ach. Achonry. Dorch. Dorchester. Adel. Adelaide. Dorch. and • Dorchester and Sidna- AlR. Algona. Sir. cester. Antig. Antigua. Dov. Dover. Ard Ardagh. Down. Down. Ardf. and Ardfert and Aghadoe. Down and Down and Connor. Agh. Cnr. Arg. Argyll. Down. C. Down, Connor and Dro- Arg. and Argyll and the Isles. and D. more. Isl Drom Dromore. Arm. Armagh. Dry. Derry. Arm. and Armagh and Clogher. Dry. and Derry and Raphoe. Clr. Rph. Athab. Athabasca. Dun. Dunedin. Auekl.N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Dunw. Dunwich. Austr. Australia. E. Ang. East Angles. B. and W. Bath and WeUs. E.Eq.Afr. Eastern Equatorial Br,11 Ballarat. Africa. Bbay. Bombay. Edinb. Edinburgh. Bdoes. Barbadoes. Elm. Elmham. Bedf . Bedford. Elm. and Elmham and Dunwich. Berw. Berwick. Dunw. Bgr. Bhurst. Bangor. Elph. Elphin. Bathurst. Ely Ely. Blfn. Bloemfontein. Emly Emly. B. Kaffr. Kaffraria. Enachd. Enachdune. Brisb. Brisbane. Ex. Exeter. Brl. Bristol. Palk. Isl. Falkland Islands. Brn. Brechin. Ecton. Fredericton. C. Afr. Central Africa. Ferns Ferns. C. Tn. Cape Town. Ferns and Ferns and Leighlin. Calc. Calcutta. L. Caled. Caledonia. Fife. Fife. Cant. Canterbury. Fife, D. Fife, Dunkeld and Dun Carl. Carlisle. and D. blane. Cash. Cashel. Gall. Galloway. Cash, and Cashel and Emly. Gibr. Gibraltar. Eml. Glasg. Glasgow Cash.,IE., Cashel, Emly, Waterford Glasg. and Glasgow and Galloway W.and L. and Lismore. GaU. Cbia. Columbia. Glend. Glendalough. Chest. Chester. Gli-. Gloucester. Chich. Chichester. Gh-. and Gloucester and Bristo Chr. Ch. Christ Chm-ch, Dublin. Br. Dbln. GoiUb. Goulbiu-n. Chr. Ch. Christ Church, N.Z. Grtn. Grahamstown. N.Z. Graft, and Grafton and Armidale. Chr. Ch. Christ Church, Oxford. Arm. Oxf. Guiana Guiana. Cld. Clonard. Guildf. Guildford. Clonf. Clonfert. Her. Hereford. Clonf. and Clonfert and Kilmac- Hex. Hexham. K. duagh. • Honol. Honolulu. Clonm. Clonmacnois. HuU HuU. 60 946 INDEX OF NAMES. Abbreviation. 1 Dignity. j Abbieviation. | Dignity. abp. bp. or dn. archbishop, bishop, or dean abp. bp. or dn. archbishop, bishop, or dean Huron Huron. Oxf. Oxford. Ipsw. Ipswich. I'boro. Peterborough. Isl. Of the Isles. I'enr. Penrith. Jam. Jamaica. Perth, Perth, Western Australia. Jpn. Japan. W.A. Jslra. Jerusalem. Pret. Pretoria. Kild. Kildare. Qu'app. Qu'appeUc. Quebec. KUf. Kilfenora. Queb. Killala. Rang. Killa. Rangoon. KiUa. and Killala and .\chonry. Rip. Ripon. Ach. Riv. Riverina. Killoe. Killaloe. Roch. Rochester. KiUoe. and Killaloe and Kilfenora. Ross Ross. Kill. Ross and Ross and Caithness. Killoe., K., KiUaloe, KUfenora, Clon- C. CI. and K. fert and Kilmacduagh. : Rph. Raphoe. Kilm. Kihnore. Rup. Ld. Rupert's Land. Sodor and Man. Kilm. and Kihnore and Ardagh. S. and M. Ard. 1 1 Saig. Saiger. KUm.. E. 1 Kilmore, Elphin and i Ardagh 1 Sal. Salisbury. and A. [ Sask. Saskatchewan. Kilmacd. Kilmacduagh. Sels. Selsey. Labn. Labuan. Shaft. Shaftesbury. Leic. Leicester. Shbn. Sherborne. Lhore. Lahore. j Shrewsb. Shrewsbury. Lich. Lichfield. ! Si. Le. Sierra Leone. Lich. and Lichfield and Coventry. Sidr. Sidnacester. Cov. Sing., L. Singapore, Labuan and Lim. Limerick. i andS. Sarawak. Lim., A. Limerick, .\rdfert and , SouthweU SouthweU. and A. Aghadoe. i St. Alb. St. Albans. Line. Lincoln. , St. Andr. St. Andrew's. Lindisf. Linrtisfarne. St. Andr., St. Andrew, Dunkeld and Lism. Lismore. Dkld. and Dunblane. Llflf. Llandaflf. Dnbl. Llin. Leighlin. St. As. St. Asaph. Lond. Loudon. St. Dav. r St. David's. ^^ \L-Ch. Liverpool. Mid-China. St. Hel. St. Helena. St. P. St. Paul's. M. Riv. Mackenzie River. St. Patr. St. Patrick's. Mad. Madagascar. Syd. Sydney. Manch. Manchester. Tasm. Tasmania. Marlb. Marlborough. Taun. Taunton. Mayo Mayo. Thetf. Thetford. Mburg. Maritzburg. Tm. Tuam. Mdras. Madras. Tm.,K. and Tuam, Killaloe and Melan. Melanesia. A. Achonry. Melb. Melbourne. Tor. Toronto. Mont. Montreal. Tr. Travaucore. Moos. Moosonee. Tr. and Trarancore and Cochin. Mor. Moray. Coch. Mor. and Moray and Ross. Trin. Trinidad. Ross Tru. Truro. Mor., R. Moray, Ross and Caith- Vict. (H. Victoria (Hong Kong). and C. ness. Kong) Mortl. Mortlach. Welln. Wellington. Mth. Meath. WeUs WeUs. Mtius. Mauritius. Westr. Westminster. N.Ch. North China. Wfteld. Wakefield. N. Q. Land New Queensland. Wfcrd. Waterford. Nova Scotia. Wford. Waterford and Lismore. n! Westr. New Westminster. and L. N.Z. New Zealand. Winch. Winchester. Nass. Nassau. 1 Winds. Windsor. Nat. Natal. ; Wltn. Wilton. Nels. Nelson. 1 Wore. Worcester. Newc. Newcastle, New South 1 Wpu. Waiapu. N.S.W. Wales. Yk. York. Newc. T. Ncwcustle-on-Tyno. Zld. Zululand. Newfd. Newfoundland. C. and A.Cr. Comptroller and Auditor- Niag. Niagara. General. Nig. Dist. Niger District. C. Ace. Ir. Commissioner of Accounts, Norw. Norwich. Ireland. Nottm. Nottingham. C. Al<.n. 1 Count of .■\lencon. Ont. Ontario. C. Anht. Anhalt. Ork. Orkney. C. Anj. Anjou. Oss. Ossory. C.lt. Kx. Cliief Karon, Exchequer. OsB.. F.and Ossory, Ferns and Leigh- Ir. Ireland. L. lUi. Sc. 1 Scotland. INDEX OF NAMES. 947 Abbreviation. Dignity. Abbreviation. Dignity. C.C. Bbay. Commander-in-Chief, Bom- Ch. Sec. Ir. Chief Secretary for Ireland. bay. ; Chambn. Ex. Chamberlain of the Exche- Bgal. Bengal. quer. Ind. India. Lond. London. Mdras. Madras. Chanc. Gart. Chancellor, Order of the Gar- C.C.J. County Court Judge. ter. C.C.P. Chief Commissioner of Guelph. Order of the Guelphs. PoUce. M.G. Order of St. Blichael and C.Ch. Commander-in-Chief. St. George. Chester Herald. C. Cus. Commissioner of Customs. Chest. H. Ir. Ireland. Chn. E.I. Co. Chairman of the East India Sc. Scotland. Company. C.D.L. ChanceUor of the Duchy of Clar. K.A. Clarencieux King-of-Arms. Lancaster. Clk. 0. Clerk of the Ordnance. C. Exc. Commissioner of Excise. Pells. Clerk of the Pells. Ir. Ireland. Coff. H. Cofferer of the Household. Sc. Scotland. Com. lo. Isl. Commissioner to the Ionian C. Fid. Count of Freisland. Islands. C. Flra. Flanders. Comf. P.A. Comfort Piu-suivant. C.G.A. Captain of Gentlemcn-at- Comm. F. Ir. Commander of the Forces in Arms. Ireland. C.G. Ex. Comptroller-General of Ex- Commr. Ir. Commissioner, Lord Lieu- chequer. tenancy of Ireland. C.G.P. Captain, Gentlemen Pen- Comm. Serjt. Common Serjeant of London. sioners. Lond. C.G.S. Commissioner of Great Seal. Comm. Tr. Ir. Commissioner of the Treasury, Ir. Ireland. Ireland. Sc. Scotland. Sc. Scotland. C. Hid. Count of Holland. Compt. H. Comptroller of the House- C. Hit. Halnault. hold. CLE. Companion, order Indian N. Na-vy. Empire. Sc. Scotland. CLE. Commissioner of Inland Ke- Const. T.L. Constable of the Tower of venue. London. C.J. Bank. Chief Judge, Bankruptcy. W. Cast. Windsor Castle. =TJ: Chief Justice of Bombay. Cph. Aba. Caliph of Arabia. Bengal. Cr. I. Member Ord. Crown of India. C.P. Common Pleas. Csl. Fr. Consul of France. Ir. Cms. B. Ex. Cm-sitor Baron of Exchequer. Chest. County Palatinate Ches- D. Al(;n. Duke of Alencjon. ter. D. Ant. Anhalt. K.B. King's Bench. D. Arch. Dean of Arches. Ir Ireland. D. Aus. Duke of Austria. Mdras.' Madras. D. Bbt. Brabant. N.W. Pr. North-West Provinces. D. Bdy. Burgundy. Q.B. Queen's Bench. D. Bma. Bohemia. —- Ir. Ireland. D. Bck. Brunswick. C. Lux. Count of Luxemburg. D. Bry. Brotapne or Brittany. C.P.R. Count Palatine of the Rhine. D. Bva. Bavaria. C.Ro. Consul of Rome. D. Chanc. Ir. Deputy Chancellor, Ireland. C. Sec. Colonial Secretary. D. Fac. Sc. Dean of Faculty of Advocates, C.St. Commissioner of Stamps. Scotland. Ir. Ireland. D. Fca. Duke of Franconia. C St. and Tx. Commissioner of Stamps and D. Hnr. Hanover. Taxes. D.L.K. Ir. Deputy Lord Keeper, Ire- C. Svy. Count of Savoy. land. C Treas. Ir. Commissioner of Treasury, D. Lea. Duke of Lucca. Ireland. D. Lne. Lorraine. Sc. Scotland. D. Mda. Modena. CTx. Commissioner of Taxes. D. Nass. Nassau. C.W.F. &c. Commissioner of Woods, D. Ndy. Normandy. Forests and Land Revenue. D. Dbg. Oldenburg. C.W.P.B. Commissioner of Works and D. Pld. Poland. Public Buildings. D. Pma. Parma. c.y.G. Captain of the Yeomen of the D. Pr. Prussia. Guard. D. S. Alt. Saxe-Altenberg. Cal. P.A. Calais Pursuivant. D. S.C.G. Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Capt. Gen. Captain-General. D. S.G.A. Saxe-Gotha-Altenberg. Carl. H. . Carhsle Herald. D. S. Mgn. Saxe-Meiningen. Ch. Com. Ass. Chief Commissioner of D. S. Wr. • Saxe- Weimar. Assam. D. Su. Suabia. Bma. Burma. D. Svv. Savoy. Cent. Pr. Central Provinces. D. Sxy. Saxony. Oudh. Oudh. D. Tny. Tuscany. Pjab. Punjab. D. Wbg. Wm-temberg. Ch. Ex. Chancellor of the Exchequer. Dec. Ro. Decemvir of Rome. Ir. Ireland Dep. E.M. Deputy Earl Marshal. Ch. Jr. Chief Justiciary. Dep. L.G.C. Great Chamberlain. Ch. Lond. ChanceUor, Diocese of Lon- Dep. Tr. Sc. Treasurer, Scotland. don. Dn. Dean ; see bp. (bishop'. 948 INDEX OF NAMES. Abbreviation. Dignity. 1 Abbreviation. Dignity. Dn. Thist. Dean, Order of Thistle. 1 G. Gibr. Governor of Gibraltar. Dt. Mex. Dictator of Mexico. G. Old. Cst. Gold Coast. — I'gy- I'araguay. fr.Gld.Cst.Col. Colony. Pu. Peru. G. (ir. Hosp. G. Gr.ld. W. Greenwich Hospital. Ro. Home. Crriqualand West. E.M. Earl Marshal. (i. Gren. Grenada. E.S.P. E.xaniiner of Stage Plavs. G. (Jsey. Guernsey. El. Bva. Elector of Bavaria. G. H. Kong. Hong Kong. Heligoland. Hnr. Hanover. G. Hgld. H. Csl. Hesse-Cassel. I G. I. Man. Isle of xMan. Sxy. Saxony. i G. Jam. Jamaica. Emp. Aus. Emperor of Austria. G.Jsey. G. Labn. Jersey. Bzl. lirazil. Labuan. Ch. China. 1 G. Lag. Lagos. E.E. Eastern Empire. G. Leew. Isl. Leeward Islands. Fr. France. G. Mart. Martinique. Gmy. Germany. G. Mtois. Madras. Hti. Hayti. C. Mlta. Malta. Mex. Mexico. 1 G. Monts. Montserrat. Ko. Kome. 1 Cr. Mtius. Mauritius. Buss. Russia. G. Mtoba. Manitoba. Tzrte. Trebizondc. G. N. Brk. New Brimswick. W.E. \\estcrn Empire. O. N.S.W. New South Wales. P.M. Field-Marshal. G. N.Sc. Nova Scotia. F. Sec. Foreign Secretary. G. N.W. Terr. North- West Territory. Fitzal. P.A. Fitzalan Pursuivant. G. N.Z. New Zealand. G. Antig. Governor Antigua. G. Nat. Natal. G. Antig. &c. .\ntigua, &c. G. Nev. Nevis. G. Auck. Isl. .\uckland Islands. G. Newfd. Newfoundland. G. Bah. Isl. Bahama Islands. ' G. Out. Ontario. G. Basut. Basutoland. G. Pr. Ed. Isl. Prince Edward Island. G. Bbay. Bombay. G. Q. Land. Queensland. G. Bdoes. Barbadoes. G. Queb. Quebec. G. Bdoes, &c. Barbadoes, &c. G. Seych. Isl. Seychelles Islands. G. Berb. Berbice. G. S. Austr. South AustraUa. G. Bmda. Bermuda. G. Si. Le. Sierra Leone. G. Br. Bland. British Bechuanaland. G. St. Hel. St. Helena. G. Br. Cbia. Columbia. G. St. Luc. St. Lucia. G. Br. Gu. Guiana. G. St. Vin. St. Vincent. G. Br. Hond. G. St. Xtr. St. Christopher. G. Br. Kafir. G. St. Xtr.. &c. St. Cluistoplur, itc. G. Br.N.Bno. North Borneo. G. St. Xtr. and St. Christopher and G. Br.N.Guin. New (iuinea. Nev. Nevis. G.C.B. Knight Grand Cross of the G. Str. Sett. Straits Settlements. Bath. G.T.andC. Isl. Turks and Caicos Is- G.C.G.H. Governor of the Cape of Good lands. Hope. G. Tasm. Tasmania. &c. Cape of Good Hope and G. Tob. Tobago. High Commissioner for G. Trin. Trinidad. South Africa. G. Upp. Can. G. V. D. Id. Upper Canada. G.C.H. Knight Grand Cross Order of Van Diemen-s Land. the Guelphs. G. Vane. Isl. - — - Vancouver Island. G.C.I.E. Knight Grand Conmiander, G. Vict. Victoria. Order Indian Empire. G. Virg. Isl. Virgin Islands. G.C.M.G. Knik'lit (ii-aiid Cross St. C. W.Afr.Sett. W est Africa Settlement: :\Ii( had iUid St. (iuorge. G. W. Austr. western Australia. G.C.S.l. Knight (irmul Connuandcr G. M\ Pacif. — Western I'acilic. Star of India. G. Wwd. Isl. Windward Islands. G. Can. Govei-nor of Canada. Gart. K.A. Garter King of .\nns. G.Ceyl. Ceylon. Gen. (A.) General, List A. G. Ch. Hosp. Chelsea Hospital. (B.) „ B. G. Ch. Isl. Channel Islands. (C.) ., c. G. Cypr. G. D. Bdn. Cyprus. tirand Duke of Baden. (D.) .. D. Geneal. Bath. Genealogist, order of the H. Dt. — H.ss.. Darmstadt. Bath. M. Sch. •-- Mrrklrnl.urg-Schwerin. St. Patr. order of St. Patrick. M. Htr. - .Mi()uthsbirc. ' Hse. Hesse. Montg. . MciiitKoiiicrysliire. 1 Lt. Edinb. Lieutenant of Edinburgh. Nbland. N(irtlniiiil)Liliind. T.L. Tower of London. Norf. Norfolk. Ly. Dep. Lyon Depute. Notts. Nottinghamshire. — K.A. King of .\rms. Nrnsh. Nairnshire. M. A us. MarKrave of Austria. Nton. N()rthumi)tonshire. M.H.H. Master of the Huckhounds. N. Wales North Wales. M. Hdn. Margrave of Raden. Ork.and Z. Orkney and Zetland. : Hrg. lirandenberg. Oxon. Oxfordshire. ; M.C.I. .Member of the Council of Pbls. — I'ceblesliire. India. Pemb. I'ciiiliidKtsliire. M. Chy. Master in Chancery. Prth. I'.rtlisliir.-. M. Fa. Marquis of Ferrara. Q. Co. (,)u(tiis{(.niity. M.Ci. K.A. King of Arms, Order St. Itadn. - — Kiidni.rhliire. Michael and St. George. Rnfw. ICenfrewshire. M.G.O. Master General of the Ord- KOBC. Uosconunon. nance. KOBS Koss-shire. M.G.W. Master of the Groat Ward- Koxb. Uoxburt'lishirc. robe. INDEX OF NAMES. 951 Abbreviation. Dignity. Abbreviation. Pres. Ex. D. Dignity. M.H. Master of the Horse. President.Exchequer Division, M. Jap. Mikado of Japan. High Court of Justice. M.M. Master of the Mint. — Ex. D. Ir. Ireland. M.R. RoUs. Fr. French Repubhc. Ir. Ireland. Gua. Guatemala. M. Robes Mistress of the Robes. Hdas. Honduras Malt. H. Malta Herald. Hti. Hayti. Mast. Coll. Master, Royal College of Sur- L.G.B. Local Government Board. Surg. geons. Lib. Liberia. Mch. K.A. Marche King of Arms. Mex. Mexico. Mod. K. Sc. Moderator of General As- N.G. New Grenada. sembly of Kii-k of Scotland. Nic. Nicaragua. Mowb. H. Mowbray Herald. O.F.S. Orange Free State. Mt. Org. P.A. Mont-Orgueil Pursuivant. P.C. Sc. Privy Council, Scotland. Norf. H. Norfolk Herald. P.L.B. Poor Law Board. Norr. K.A. Norroy King of Arms. Pan. Panama. Nottm. P.A. Nottingham Pursuivant. Pgy. Paraguay. Off. Nap. Officer of Napoleon Buona- Piab. Punjab. parte. Pu. Peru. P.O. Privy Councillor. Q.B.D. Queen's Bench Division, P.L.C. Poor Law Commissioner. i High Court of Justice. P. Laur. Poet Laureate. Q.B.D. Ir. Ireland. P.P. Holder of Patent of Prece- dence. Royal Academy of Arts. P.Ko. Pope of Rome. R. Inst. Royal Institution. Paym. G. Paymaster-General. R. Soc. Royal Society. Portr. Loud. Portreeve of London. S. Dom. St. Domingo. Portsm. P.A. Portsmouth Pursuivant. S. Salv. San Salvador. Postm. G. Postmaster-General. Sp. Spanish Republic. Ir. Ireland. Sw. C. Swiss Confederation. Sc. Scotland. Trl. Transvaal. Pr. Bga. Prince of Bulgaria. U.S.A. United States of America. Bp. Sc. " Primus " Bishop of ^U.S.C. Scotland. Ugy. Uruguay. E. Prince or Princess of England. V. Cr. Vera Cruz. Fr. France. Vzla. Venezuela. L. Dtd. Lippe-Detmold. Prot. E. Protector of England. L. Sch. Lippe-Schaumberg. Ptc. P.A. Portcullis Pursuivant. Ltn. Liechtenstein. Q. Adv. Queen's Advocate. M. Sch. Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Q. Arr. Q.C. Queen of Arragon. Queen's Counsel. M. Str. Mecklenburg-Strelitz. Mgo. Montenegro. Q.C.E. Queen Consort of England. — »rkg- Mecklenbiu-g. Q. Cle. Q. Dk. Queen of Castile. Mno. Monaco. Denmark. Nass. Nassau. Q.E. England. Or. Orange. Q. Jsm. Q. Mad. Jerusalem. R. Gr. Reuss-Greiz. Madagascar. R. Sch. Reuss-Schleiz. Q. Nav. Navarre. Rma. Roumania. §:lff Portugal. S. Rdt. Schwarzburg - Rudol- Poland. stadt. Q.Sc. Scotland. S. Son. Schwarzburg-Sonder- Q. Sd. Is. Sandwich Islands. hausen. Q.Sp. Spain. Sva. Servia. Q. Sw. Sweden. Tva. Transylvania. R. Bl. P.A. Rose Blanche Pursuivant. W.E. Wales (son of Sovereign R. Cr. P.A. Rouge-croix Pursuivant. .3^ ,'^^^^^^^^- R. Dr. P.A. Rouge-Dragon Pursuivant. W. Pyi-. Waldeck Pyrmont. R. Nds. Ruler of the Netherlands, i.e. Wis. Wales (native). either Governor or Stadt- Prel. M.G. Prelate, ord. St. Michael and holder. St. George. R. Rge. P.A. Rose Rouge Pursuivant. Ruler of Russia prior to the title of Emperor assumed Prem. Premier or Prime Minister. R. Buss. Pres. Arg. President of Argentine Re- public. in 1721 by Peter I. Risebank Pursuivant. B. Ay. Buenos Ayres. Rbk. P.A. B.C. Board of Control. Rec. Dbln. Recorder of Dublin. B.H. Health. Lond. London. B.T. Trade. Regr. Bath Registrar, order Bath. Bol. Bolivia. Cr. I. Crown of India. C.P.D. Common Pleas Division, Gart. High Court of Justice. LE. Indian Empire. St. Michael and C.P.D. Ir. • Ireland. M.G. C.R. Costa Rica. St. George. Star of India. Chi. Chili. S.L Coll. Ph. Royal College of Physi- —-and Sec. and Secretary, order of cians Bath. Bath. CoU. Surg. Royal CoUege of Sur- Rel. Nap. Relative of Napoleon Bona- geons. parte. Richmond Herald. Dn. Rep. Dominican RepubUc. Richm. H. Ecr. Ecuador. Rose P.A. Rose Pursuivant. 962 INDEX OF NAMES. Abbreviation. Dignity. SoUcitor-General. I Abbreviation. Dignity. S.G. St. O. Storekeeper of the Ordnance. Suffolk Herald. Ir. Ireland. Suff. H. Sc. Scotland. Surr. H. Surrey Herald. S.G.O. Surveyor-General of the TeU. Ex. Teller of the Exchequer. Ordnance. Tr. Ch. Treasurer of the Chamber. S.L. Serjeant-at-Law. Tr. II. Household. Ir. Ireland. Tr. N. the Navy. Triumvir of Home. S.L.K. Surveyor of Land RcvenucH. Tr. Bome S. Mco. Sultan of Morocco. Trib. Rome Tribune of Rome. S.St. Secretary of State. U.S. C. Under Secretary, Colonies. S. Tky. Sultan of Turkey. U.S. F. Foreign. S.W.F. Surveyor of Woods and U.S. Home Home. Forests. U.S. Ind. India. S. Zr. Sultan of Zanzibar. U.S. Ir. for Ireland. Sc. bp. Scotch Bishop without see. Secretary to the Admiralty. at War. U.S. S. of State. Sec. Adm. U.S. War War. at W. U.S. W. and C. War and Colonies. B.C. Board of Control. Ulst. K.A. Ulster King of .\rnis. B.T. V.A. Sc. Vice-Admiral of Scotland. Bath order of the Bath. V.C.H. Vice-Chamberlain of the Guelph the Guelphs. Household. I.E. Indian Kmpire. V. Chanc. Vice-chancellor. Ind. of State for India. Guelph order of the Guelphs. L.G.B. Local Government Board. Ir Ireland. M.G. order St. Michael and St. V. Eg. Viceroy of Egypt. George. V.P.B.T. Vice-President, Board of P.L.B. Poor Law Board. Trade. P.O. Post Office. V. P. Ed. Education Committee of S.I. order Star of India. the Privy Council. Sc. for Scotland. V.P. Ed. Sc. Scotland. St. It. of State, Ireland. V. Treas. Ir. Vice-Treasurer Ireland. St. Patr. order St. Patrick. Vic. Gen. Vicar-General to archbishop St. Sc. of State, Scotland. of Canterbury. Thist. order Thistle. W.C.P. Warden of the Cinque Ports. Tr. Treasury. W. and C. Sec. War and Colonial Secretary. Tr. Ir. ■ — Ireland. W. Sec. Secretary of State for War. Sh. Pers. Shah of Persia. Wdn. Chr. Ch. Warden of Christ Church, Som. H. Somerset Herald. Manch. Manchester. Sp. H.C. Speaker of the House of Wdn. IM. Warden of the Mint. Commons. Winds. H. Windsor Herald. Sr. N. Surveyor of the Navy. Yk. H. York Herald. INDEX OF NAMES. 953 Il^^DEX, A. A bp. Cness. 531 Aba, K. Hgy. 59 Abbadie, Jas., dn. Killoe. 637 Atotoas, V. Eg. 98 I. to III., Sh. Pers. 99 Abtoasides, Cph. Aba. 98 Abbingworth, Gilb. de, J It. 3136 Abbot, see also Abbott. Chas., aft. 1st Id. Colchstr., q.v., C. Treas. Ir. 561; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; P.O. 207; Sec. St. Ir. 562 ; Sp. H.C. 250 Geo., abp. Cant. 431; bp. Lich. & Gov. 441 ; bp. Loud. 452 ; dn. Winch. 471. Bobt., bp. Sal. 467 Thos., L.M. DbLn. 642 Abbott, see also Abbot. Aug., gen. (D)894 Ch. and Sir C., aft. 1st Id. Tenterden, q.v. C.J.K.B. 370 ; J.C.P. 380; J.K.B. 373; P.C. 210 ; S.L. 413 sir Fk., gen. (D) 892 Geo., L.T. 154 Hy. Dy., gen. (D)919 Herb. Ed. S., gen. (D) 909 Jas., gen. (D) 901 Jonas A., adm. (H) 850 sir Maur., L.M. Lond. 491 Sauud. Alex., gen. (D) 899 Wm. Hy., gen. (D) 932 Abd-er Rhaman, S. Moo. 101 Abdul-Ahmed, I. and II., S. Tky. 98 Aziz, S. Tky. 98 ; K.G. 745 Medjid, S. Tky. 98; K.G. 744 Abdy, Anthy. T., K.G. 415 Ch. Hayes, gen. (D) 925 Jno. Th., C.C.J. 405 A'Becket, Th., abp. Cant. 430 ; Ld. Chauc. 353 Abel, bp. St. Andr. 529 K. Dk. 93 Jno., B. Ex. 383 Abendou (or Abyndon), Rd. de, B. Ex. 383 Abercorn, E. M. and D. of Jas., 7th E. of, P.C. 198 Jno. Jas., 9th E. aft. 1st M. of, K.G. 743 For Abercorn,E. ,M., and D. of— C07!<. Jas., 2nd M. aft. 1st D. of, L.L. Dgal. 569; L.L. Ir. 558; K.G. 744; P.C. 214 Jas., 2nd D. of, L.L. Dgal. Abercrombie and Aber- cromby Alex., Ld. Sess. 520 sir Geo., C. Ex. Sc. 505 Geo., see Id. A., infra. hon. Geo. Ralph, see Id. A. infra. Jas., gen. (A) 858 Jas., C.B., Ex. Sc. 523 Jas., af b. 1st Id. Dunferm- line, q.v., J.A.G. 937; M.M. 247 ; P.C. 211 ; Sp. H.C. 250 hon. Jno. and sir J., C.C. Bbay. 660; C.C. Mdras. 657; G. Mdras. 658; gen. (B) 867; G.C.B. 767 ; K.C.B. 773 Ralph and sir B., Comm. F. Ir. 564 ; G. Trin. 722 ; Gen. (B)866; K.B. 765 hon. Ralph and sir R., aft. 2nd Id. Dunfermline, q.v., Amb. G. St. 122; Amb. Nds. &c. 123 ; Amb. Sda. 114 ; Arab. Tusc, &c., 115 ; K.C.B. 782 Rt. and sir R., C.C. Bbay. 659 ; C.C. Bgal. 652 ; C.C. Ind. 650; G. Bbay. 659; gen. (A) 859; K.B. 765; G.C.B. 766 Abercromby, Ids. Geo., 2nd Id., L.L. Stirl. 512 hon. Geo. Ralph, aft. 3rd Id. A., L.L. Clkmu. 509 Aberdare, Hy. Aust., Id., form. H. A. Bruce, g.v., G.C.B. 773 Aberdeen, E. of Geo., 1st E. of, form, sir G. Gordon, q.v., Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Geo., 4th E. of, Amb. Aus. 117; C.D.L. 243; F. Sec. 228; K.G. 744; K.T. 748; L.L. Abdn. 508 ; L.T. 161 ; P.C. 209 ; Prem. 148 ; W. & C. Sec. 231 Jno. Campbell, 7th E. of, L.H.C.K. Sc. 546; L.L. Abdn. .508; L.L. Ir. 558; P.C. 220 Aberg'avenny, Ids., E. and M. of Beaucliamp Family. Wm., 1st Id., form. W. Beauchamp, q.v., K.G. 734 Neville Family. Geo., 3rd Id., K.G. 737; W.C.P. 319 Hy., 4th Id., K.B. 760 Geo., 15th id. aft. 1st E. of, L.L. Suss. 312 1 Hy., 2nd E. of, K.T. 748 List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944 Abergavenny— co?( t. Wm., 5th E. aft. 1st M. of, K.G. 745 Abernethie, Th., K.H. 790 Abernethy, Jno., bp. Cness. 532 Jno., Pres. Coll. Siirg. 939 Id., see Saltoun and A. Abetot, Hugh, K.B. 755 Abin, G. D'., Pres. Dom. Rep. 105 AhingAoUfSeealso Abyngdone Abingrdou, E. of Montg., 2nd E. of, Const. T.L. 321 ; P.C. 195 Montg., 5th E. of, L.LJ Berks, 306 Montg., 6th E. of, L.L. Berks, 306 Abinger, Jas., 1st. Id., form. sir J. Scarlett, q.v. Wni. Fk., 3rd Id., gen. (D) 917 Abling', Johan Cornells d', G.C.G.H. 678 Abney, Th. and sir T., B. Ex. i 385; J.C.P. 379; K.C. 415; I S.L. 412. su- Th., L.M. Loud. 491 Abool-Fatteh-Khan, Sh. Pers. 99 Aboyue, Geo., 5th E. of, also M. of Huntley, q.v. ; aft. D. of Gordon, q.v., K.T. 748 ^Abraham, bp. St. As. 462 * bp. Dnbl. 532 * bp. St. Dav. 464 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. Ch. Jno., bp. WeUn. 710 Abree ( or Leycester), Fras., dn. Pboro. 45S Abrincis, Wm. de, J. It. 365 Abubeker, Cph. Aba. 98 Abyndon, see Abendon Abyngdone, see also Abing^ don Steph. de, L.M. Lond. 489 Acca, see also Ecca bp. Dunw. 454 (Saint) bp. Hex. 480 Accursii, P., S. bt. 222 Achaicus, L. M., C.Ro. 44 Acliaius, K.Sc. 18 Acha, J. M. d', Pres. Bol. 109 Achard, Wm., J. It. 3G6 Aclieson, see also Atcheson and Aicheson sir Arclid., Ld. Sess. 517, 519; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Hon. Ed. Archd. Brab., Gen. (D) 932 Achmet, see Ahmed Acilius, M., C. Ro. 47 Ackland, see Acland )rA INDEX OF NAMES. Ackwortli, Jacob and Bir.I., Sr. X. '257 Acland, Ch. T. Dyke, Sec. B.T. 269 Hv. Wentw., K.C.B. 784 sir Th. Dyke, P.C. 220 (or Ackland,) Wroth. Palm. and sir W., gen. (B) 867; K.C.B. 773 Acle, KcKd. de. .7. It. 368 Acosta, S.. Pros. U.S.C. 107 A'Court, Ch. .\she, K.H. 789 Wm. and sir \V., aft. 1st Id. Heytesbury ^^.r., .\mb. B. St. 131 ; Amb. Pgl. liiS: .\inb.Scy. 115; Amb. Sp. 124; G.C.B. 771; P.C. 209 Acton, sirWm., L.M. Lond. 491 Adair, Archd., dn. Kph. 602; bp. Killa. and Aeh. 613; bp. Wford. and L. 627 Ch. W'm. and sir C, Ren. (DiAdam, bp. Brn. 531; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 bp. Cness. H'31 bp. Cnr. 603 bp. Gall. 5:iS bp. St. As. 462 Jip. Winch. 470 J.C.I'. :W6 ' Prob. some same pers. Com p. dates. Ch. and sir C, adm. (A) 820; G. Gr. Hosp. 854 ; K.C.B. 776: L. Admy. 18-2-3; L.L. Kinr. 510 Kmily Eliz., aft. lady A., Cr. Ind. 810 Frank F., CLE. 808 Fk. and sir F., Com. lo. Isl. 129 ; G.C.B. 769 ; G.C.M.G. 794 ; G. Mdras. 657 ; gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 775; P.C. 212 Jas., Jv. Sc. 523 ; Ld. Sess. .521 hon. .Jno., G.G. Ind. 648 Wm., Bar. Ex. Sc. 524 ; P.C. ■M) Wm., K.C. 415 Wm., L.L. Kinr. 510 Wm. Geo., Acct. G. and M. Chv.397; K.C. 416 -^Vm. Patr., C.W.P.B. 272 ; G. Mdras. 6,57; L.T. 161-2; P.C. 218; Paym.G.245 Adams, Alex., gen. (B) 868 — Arth. K., g.C, 418 — Bern., bp. Kilf. 635; bp. Liin. 6:i8 — Cadw., gen. ;D) 908 — Kd., gen. (D)910 — - Fras. Ott. and sir F., Amb. Kr. 113; Amb. Swz. 114; K.C.M.G. 798 — Frank, gen. CD) 901 Geo. K., Lane. H. :j.}3; K. Dr. P. A. 338 — sir Geo. Powis, gen. (A) 863: K.C.H. 788 — Hv. Angs., gen. (D) 918 — Hv. Wm., gen. (D)689 /esse, Q.C. 418 .Ins., L. Admy. 180 For Adams— coif/. Jno., Adm. (D) a331 Jno., Pres. U.S.A. 102 Jno., P.P. 416 ; S.L. 413 Jno. Q., Pres. U.S.A. 102 sir Jno. Whitt., G.C.B. 768 ; K.C.B. 776 sir Kd., B. Ex. ,385; Kec. Lond. 494 ; S.L. 412 Saml., dn. Cash. 627 Kir Th., L.M. Lond. 491 Wm. D.. C.W.F. &c. 271-2 Wm. Pitt, .\mb. Bol. 135 ; Amb. Pu. 135 Adamson, Jno., L.M. Dbln. 6-11 Patr.. abp. St. .\nilr. 529 AdawaldTis, K. Lmd. 49 Adcock, Mt. Wm., gen. (D) 927 Adda, K.E. 2 Addenbrook, Jno., dn. Lich. 445 Adderley, Arden, Adm. (Hi 845 Aug. Jno., K.C.M.G. 798 Chas., M.H. :^02 — - Chas. B., aft. sir C. and 1st Id. Norton, q.v., P.C. 216 ; K.C.M.G. 796 ; P.C. 216 ; Pres. B.H. 255 ; Pres. B.T. 269 ; U.S.C. 2:« ; V.P. Ed. 255 Addineton, hon. Ch. Jno., gen. (D) 929 Hav. Jno., C. St. 284 Hy., aft. hon. H.. CI. PeUs 168 Hv., aft. 1st vise. Sidmouth (/.i'.,Ch. Ex.165; L.T. 158; P.C. 205; Prem. 144; Sp. H.C. 250 Hv. Unw., Amb. G. St. 122; Amb. Spn. 124; P.C. 216; U.S.F. -iHO Jno. Hilev, B.C. 252; L.T. 158; P.C. 207; Paym. G. 245 ; Sec. Tr. 163 ; U.S. Home, 227 Addison, Jno., C.C.J. 403 Jno. Edm. Wentw., Q.C. 419 Jos., B.T. 264 ; P.C. 197 Jos., S. St. 224; U.S.S. 225 Jos. Ed., gen. (D) 906 Lane, dn. Lich. 445 Til., gen. (D) 906 Th. F., gen. iD)881 Adeane. Ed. Stanley, adm. ( £ I Ki7 Ias..gon. (A)8;>9 Adela i.inu. Wm. I.), Pr. E. 9 Adelaide, Q.C.E. 8 Adelbert, abp. Yk. 4H5 Adelicia, Q.C.E. 7 Adelmare, Hy., dn. Ely, 435 Adelmus and Ardhelm, see tilno .\thelm (or .\scelimus), dn. Line. 447 Adelwalch, K.E. l Adeodatus, P. Ko. .W I St.) ubj). Cant. 429 Aderton, Kd.. G. I. Man, 666 Adhelni lor .\ldhelm) (St.) bp. Shbn. 466 Adil.Sh. I'ers. 99 Adlam, Hy. Ch., gen. CD) 912 Adlercron, Jno., gen. (B) 865 Adolphns, C.P.K. 68 D. Nass. 76 E. Gniv. 62 (of Cleves) K. Nds. 82 1. to IV.. Pr. Nass. 75 Frcdk., K.Sw. 92 Adolphus— coiit. Fredk., Pr. E. (son Geo. III.), aft. D. Cambridge, q.v., 15 Fredk., Pr. Mkg.74 Fredk., II. to IV., Pr. M. Str. 75 Fredk. III. iPr. M. Str.), K.G. 742 Geo., Pr. L. Sch.73 Jno. Levc, C.C.J. 404 Adored, bp". Wore. 472 Adrian, abp. Cant. -130 l>p. St. .\ndr. 5::S Kmp. Bo. 47 - — I. to VI., 1'. Bo. -^$-4-5 Adryan, Jno., L.M. Loud. 489 'Adulfe, abp. Vk. 485; bp. A\ ore. 472 'Adnlfas (or .\ldulfusi, bp. Koch. 4.59 'Adnlphns, abp. Lich. 443 ■ abp. Vk. 485 : bp. Wore. 472 *Adulse, abp. Yk. 465 • Prob. some same pers. Conip. dates. Ady, Jno.. J.C.P. Ir. 581 Adye, A. C. G. Gren. 724 (ioods., gen. iDi 919 Jno. MiU., and sir J.. G.C.B. 771; G. Gibr. 670: gen. (D) 906: K.C.B. 760; S.G.O. 260 Steph. Galw., gen. (C) 875 S, see aho under E .JEdan, Pr. Wis. 16 ^Idg-ene, bp. Kild. 616 2:dulpbiis -2 1, bp. Dev. 436 JElfg-ar, lip. Lich. 143 a:ifstan, .-K Unfstan 2:iphuniis, bp. Dnnvv. 454 2:niilianus, Enip. Bo. 48 Q. F. M.. C. Ko. 44 JEneanus, K. Sc. 18 a:sc, K.K.I 2:tlielnotus, see Ethehioth Affleck, sir Edm., adm. (Ai 815 sir Jas., gen. i Al 861 Ph., adm. (A) 815; L. .\dmv. 180 Afg'hanistan,.Vmirof,G.C.S.I. HUl Africanus, L.. C. Ho., 46 P. C. S. (2i. C. Ko. 43-4 Agra - Mahomnied - Khan, Sh. Pers. 99 Ag-apetus 1. and II.. 1'. lio. ;^;5-4 Agar, Chas.. aft. vise. Sonur- ton and E. of Normanton, y.!'.,bp. Cash, and Eml. 626; bp. Cloy. 631 ; dn. KUm. 609 Jas., aft. 1st Id. and vise. CUfden, q.r., C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Exc. Ir. 566 Jno., S.L. 412. Laur., S. L. 411 Th., S.W.H. 271 Welb. Ell., C. Cus. 276 Wm., K.C. 415 Agar-Ellis, «. < EUis Agatha (dan. Wm. I.), Pr. E. 9 Agatho, P. Ho. 3;! Agelrea, me Ethclricufl Aghton, Wni.. .M. Chy. 394 Agila, KSp. .s.-, Agilbertus, bp Dorch. 446 bp. Wincli. 4711 Ag-iliUphus, K. Lmd. 49 Agllouby, (ie.... dn. Cant. 431 - — Wm., K.C. 41.5 — Wm., U.S.S. 225 List of .AObreciations, see pp. 944-952. Agrua, Eust. de, dn. Lira. 639 Ag-nes, D. Bva. 67 Agnew, sir Andr., gen. (B) t»65 Montg., gen. (A) 859 Wm., gen. (D) 915 Agrippa, M. (3), C. Ro. 46-7 Aguero, J. de la K., Pres. Pu. 109 Agniila (or Aquila), Nichs. de, bp. Chich. 432; dn. Chich. 433 Agniilar, see Daguilar Ag-uillon, Kd. de, L.H.A. 170 Ag-uirre, A. C, Pres. Ugy. Ill Ahala, C. S. S., C. Eo. 38-9 Q. S. (2), C. Eo. 40; Dt. Ro. 40 Abeuorbarbus, C. D., C. Eo. 43-4-5-7 L. D., C. Eo. 45-6 Ahmed I. to III., S. Tky. 97 Ahmedabad, Eao of, CLE. 808 Abmuty, see also Anchmuty Jas., gen. (D)877 Ai — , see also Ay — Aiclieson and AicMson, see Aitcheson and Acheson AicMley, Ed., L.M. Loud. 490 *Aid (St.), bp. Kild. 616 *Aidan, bp. Glend. 615 * {St.),bp. Clr.596; bp. Liu- disf . 473 * bp. Mayo, 611 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. Aidanus, K. Sc. 18 Aikins, Jas. Cox, G. Mtoba. 696 Ailbe, St.. bp.EmIy,6'25 Ailchu, bp. Cld. 598. Aildergoidh, K. Ir. 20 Ailesbury, E. and M. of Eobt., 1st E. of, L.C.H. 295; P.O. 191-2 Th., 2nd E. of, L.C.H. 295 Th., 4th E. of, form. Id. Bruce, q.v., K.T. 748; L.L. WUts. 313 Chas., 5th E. aft. 1st M. of, K.T. 748 Geo. Wm. Fk., 2nd M. of, form. E. of Cardigan, q.v., K.G. 744; L.L. Wilts. 318; M.H.302; P.C. 216 Em. A.C., 3rd M. of, form. Id. E. Bruce, g.v., L.L. Bucks. 306 Ailil, bp. Ch-. 596 Ailild {■!), bp. Arm. 595 Ailnothus, bp. Dorch. and Sidr. 446 Ailred, K.E. 2 Ailsa, M. of Archd., 1st M. of, form. E. of CassUis, q.v. Archd., 2nd M. of, K.T. 748 ; L.L. Ayrsh. 508 Ailstone, Et. le, L.H.T. 153 Ainion, C. Svy. 54 Ainmereach, K. Ir. 21 Ainnxire, bp. .\rm. 595 Ains-, sec also Ayns— Ainsley, Jno., L.M. Lond. 402 Ainslie. Chas. P., gen. (D)897 Geo. gen. (A) 8.59 Geo. Et., gen. (B) 868 E., G. Gren. 725 sir Et., Amb. Tky. 129 For INDEX OP NAMES. Airey, see also Airy sir Geo., gen. (B) 868 K.C.H. 787 Jas. Talb., and sir J., gen. (D)905; K.C.B. 780 Ed.andsirR., G., Gibr.670; gen. (D) 839; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 777 Airlie, E. of Dav., 8th E. of, L.L. Forff. 510 -Dav. Gr. Dr., 9th E. of, K.T. 749; L.H.C.K. Sc. 546 Airmeadach, bp. Ch:., 596 Airy, see also Airey Geo. Bidd., Astr. Eoy. 941; K.C.B. 783 ; Pres. E. Soc. 940 Aiscougrli, see Ayscough Aislabie, Jno., L.T. 156 ; Ch. Ex. 165 ; L. Admy. 177 ; L.T. 1.56; P.C. 196; Tr. N. 2.56 Aitcheson, see Aitchison and Acheson Aitchison, Andr., gen. (D)877 C. T., gen. (D) 923 Ch. Umph. and sir C, Ch. Com. Bma. 655 ; K.C.S.I. 803 ; L.G. Pjab. 654; Sec. S. I. Jas. Ed. T., CLE. 807. Jno. and sir J., gen. (D)880 ; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 778. Et., Adm. (H) 846 Aitken, Wm. Dav., gen. (D) 907 Aitkin, Jas., bp. GaU. 539; bp. Mor. 534 Akerman, Jno.Wm., K.C.M.G. Akers-Dougflas, see Douglas Aket, sii- Cuthb., L.M. Lond. 491 Alain, III. to V., D. Bry. 27-8 Fergent, D. Bry. 28 Alan, bp. Ai-g. 537 dn. KUd. 619 (abb. of Tewkesbm-y), J. It. 366 Aland, Jno. Fort, and sir., J., aft. Id. Fortescue, q.v., B. Ex.364; J.C.P.379; J.K.B. 373 ; S.G. 401 ; S.L. 411 Alard, Gerv., L.H.A. 170 Steph., L.H.A. 171 Alaric, I. and II., K. Sp. 84-5 Alava, Mig., K.C.B. 775 Albanus, bp. Bgr. 425 Albany, D. of, see also York Et., D. of, L.G.C Sc. (1383) 509 Alexr., D. of, L.H.A. Sc. (1482), 499 Leop., &c., D. of, see Leopold, Pr. Hel. Fred.Aug., Dss. of, Cr. Ind. 810 Albeniar, Ph. de, G. Ch. Isl. 667 Albemarle, Wm. de. K.B. 754 Albemarle, E. and D. of Wm., E. of (1189), form. Wm. Mandeville, q.v., aft. E. of Essex, q.v. Plantagenet Family. Edwd., D. of, form. E. of Eutland, q.v., aft. D. of York, q.v. ; Const. T. L. 320 Th., 9th E. of, also D. of Clarence, q.v., K.G. 734 Moiick Fainilij. Geo., 1st D. of, form, sir G. Monk, q.v.; L.T. 155; B.T. 263; M.H. 302 ; L.L. Esx. 308 ; List of Abbreviations, see irp. 944-952. 955 Albemarle, E. and D. of — cont. L.L. Ir. 555 ; K.G. 748 ; capt. gen. 855 Chris., 2nd D. of, P.C. 191 ; L.L. Esx. 308; G. Jam. 712; K.G. 740 Keppel Family. Arn. J., 1st E. of, gen. (D) 871 ; K.G. 741 Wm. A., 2nd E. of, gen. (B) 865; Gr. St. 304; K.B. 764 ; K.G. 742 ; P.C. 199 Geo., 3rd E. of, gen. (A) 858: K.G. 742; P.C 200 Wm. Ch., 4th E. of, G.C.H. 787; M.B.H. 303; M.H. 302; P.C. 211 Geo. Th., 6th E. of, gen. (D) 893 Albert, Pr. (consort of Q. Victoria); Const. W. Cast. 822; F.M. 856; G.C.B. 769; G.C.M.G. 794 ; K.C.E. 7 ; K.C.S.I. 802; K.G. 744; K.P. 751; K.T. 748; L.W.S. 323; P.C. 214 * (of Cologne!, abp..\rm.595 * abp. Yk. 485 * (.'Uberthns), bp. Dunw. 454 * (.\lbertus), bp. Her. 441 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. C. Hid. 82 (C P. E.) K.G. 734 (d' Alsace) D. Lne. 29 K. Bma. 59 K. Hgy. 60 (of Mkg.) K. Sw. 92 K. Sxy. 78 ; K.G. 745 Pr. Nass. 75 Pr. S. Rdt. 79 (of Austria) E. Nds. 82 (of Saxony) (2) E. Nds. 82-3 I. and II., Emp. Gmy. 62 I. and II., D. Brk. 69 I. and II., M. Aus. 58 I. to III., D. Bva. 68 ■ I. to III., El. Sxv. 77 I. to III., M. Brg. 65 I. to IV., Pr. Jlkg. 74 I. to v., D. Aus. 58 II. (D. Aus., aft.E. Gmy.); K.G. 735 VI., A.D. Aus. 58 Edward (son of Q. Vict.) ; Pr. E. 15; Pr. W. E. 9. See also Pr. of Wales Jno. Ch. F. .AJfr. Geo. (g. son Q.Victoria). Pr. E. 16 Victor Chr. Ed. (g. son Q. Victoria), Pr. E. 15. See Pr. of Wales Wm. Hy. (g. son Q.Vic- toria), Pr. E. 15 Alberthus, see Albert Alberto, M. Fa. 53 Albertus and Alberus, seu Albert Albin (or Alwynl, bp. Bm. 530 Albini, see also Earls of Armidel Sir Ph. de, L.H.A. 170 Wm. de, 2nd E. of Arundel, Const. W. Cast. 322; J. It. 366 Albinus, A. P., C Eo. 42-4-5 L. P. (3), C Eo. io-i S. P., C. Ro. 40-1-4-5 Alboinus, K. It. 49 Albrig-ht, Jno.. dn. Eph. 602 Albrincis, Wm. de, W.C.P. 317 956 Albus, sef White Alcantara, F. L., Pres. Vzla. 108 Alcester, Fk.B., 1st Id., form. Sir F. B. Sejmour, q.v., L. Adniv. 186 Alcfri'd, K.E. 2 Alcock, Alex., dn. Lism. 629 Geo., L.M. Dbln. 641 Hugh. dn. Bgr. 426 Jno., dn. Ferns. 623 Jno., bp. Ely, 435; bp. Roch. 460; bp. Wore. 473; Ld. Chanc. 355 ; M.K. 387 Ruth, and Sir K., Amb. Ch. 131 ; Amb. Jap. 131 ; K.C.B. 783 Aldan, K. So. 18 Alday, Wdn. Chr. Ch. Manch. 481 Aldberry, Jno., bp. Line. 446 Aldbertus, see Albert Aldeburgrh, lid. de, A.G. 398 ; J.C.I'. 377; K.B. 755; S.L. 406 Alderbury, Walt, de, dn. St. r. 453 Alderman, Jac., L.M. Lond. 48.^ Alderson, Edw. H. and Sir E. B. Ex. 3»5; J.C.P. 380; S.L. 413 Jas. and Sii- J., Pres. CoU. Ph. 988 Aldham, Wni. Coruw., adm. iHi84;) Aldithley, see Audley Aldovrandino, I. and II., M. Fa. ■).! Aldreby, Jno. d', bp. Line. 446 Aldred and Aldredus ♦ abp. Yk. 485; bp. Wore. 472 * (2) bp. CnwaU. 436 * bp. Dorch. 446 * bp. Lindisf. 478 * Poss. some same pers. Comp. dates. Jno. Wm., gen. (D) 882 Aldrich, Hy., dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 — - Kt.. bp. Carl. 475 Kt. Dawes, adm. (H) 851 Wm., L.M. Dbhi. 641 Aldridgre, Jno., Clk. O. 260; St. O. •-'00 Jno. Wms., adm. (H) 848 Kt. 01.. Kegi-. Gart. 746 Aldulf and Aldnlfas, see aluo Adulfus K.E. 2 Aldune, m-e Aldwin Aldwin, Aldwinus, or Al- dune, bp. Dluiiii. 478 ; bp. Liiulisf. 178; l)p. Lond. 451 Aldworth, Rd. N., U.S.S. 226 Aldwulf, K.i;. 2 Aldwyn, bp. Lich. 443 Alen, liio., Ch. Ex. Ir. 561 Alencon, Jno. de, Ld. Chanc. — H.rb. d', J. It. 367 Alexander, l>p. GaU. 538 446 , 535 INDEX OF NAilES. Alexander— c<»i<. (Carageorgevics), Pr. Sva. 95 (of Parma), R. Nds. 82 (Nevski), R. Russ. 89 (g. son Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 15 I., H. Rma. 9.5 L, Pr. Bga. 95; G.C.B. 771 I. to III. (Emp. Russ.), 90 I. (Emp. Russ.), K.G. 743 II. (Emp. Russ.), K.G. 745 III. (Emp. Russ.), K.G. 745 I. to III., K. Sc. 19 III., K. Sc, K.B. 754; K. Man, 665 I. to VIII., P. Ro. 3-2-4-5-6 Albert (g. son Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 16 Chas., D. Anht. 66 Claud, gen. (D) 926 Fk., gen. (D) 926 Fk. Llew., gen. (D) 911 Geo. Gard., gen. iD) 902 Hy., gen. (D)924 Hy. McCL, adm. (H) 853 Jas., gen. (D.) 878 Jas. and sir J., gen. (D) 890; K.C.B. 780 Sir Jas. Ed., gen. (D) 904 Sir Jerome, J.C.P. Ir. 581 Jno., bp. Dkld. 542 M. S., bp. Jslm. 677 Nathl., bp. Clonf. and K. 636 ; bp. Down and Cnr. 604 ; bp. Killoe. and Kilf. 6:i5 Rt.,gen. (D»888 Rt., K.C. 416 Th., adm. (A) 819 Wm., bp. Drv. and Rph. 602; dn. Eialv, 628 Wm., gen. fC) 873 Wm., L.M. Dbhi. 641 Wm., see Id. A. i)tfra Wm.and sirW.,C.B. Ex.:382 ; Jud. Com. P.C. 360 ; K.C. 415 ; M. Chy. 397; P.C. 210; S.L. 413 Su: Wm., Sec. St. Sc. (1626) 502 Wm. Byr., gen. (D) 921 Wm. Jno., Q.C. 417 ^\■nl. Kux. E., gen. (D) 914 Alexander, Id. \\ 1.1., Id., aft E. of Stirling, p. Dorcli. and Sidr. 44i; Alfine, lip. Lindisf. 478 Alfonso iind Alphonso, C. Anj. 27 (son of Count of Denia), K.B. 755 (son of Edw. I.), Pr. E. 10 K. Nav. 85 K. Svy.Hd-.dho K. Nls. I.iuid I1..K. Nls. 56 II. (K.N'ls.), K.G. 737 I. to IV., D. Mda. 53 I. to v., K. Arr. 86 v. (K. Arr.), K.G. 735 I. to VI., K. Pgl.88 V. (K. Pgl.). K.G. 735 I. to XIII., K. Sp. 85-6-7 XII. (K. Sp.), K.G. 745 • dn. Wulls, 428 ' I'rub. some same pers. Comp. dates. (Faniesei, D. I'nia. 53 (de Medici) D. Tny. 57 Emp. E.E. 50 K. Pl.I. 91 L,J. gen. 522 For List of Abbreriations, see pi). 944-952 Alford, Ch. Rd., bp. Vict. (H.K.)674 Hy., dn. Cant. 432 Laur., Bl. M. P.A. 336; R. Bl. P.A. 344 'Alfred, bp. Dev. 436 * bp. Sels. 432 ■ bp. Shbn. 466 ' Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. K.E. 3; L.H.A. 170 (son Geo. III.) Pr. E. 15 Em.-AIb. (son Q. Vict.) Pr. E. 16 ; K.G. 744 ; K.T. 749 ; see also D. of Edinburgh Alex.-Wm.-Eru.-Alb., Pr. E.16 Alfiredns, see Alfred 'Alfric (or Elfric, or Aluri- ciu3), abp. Cant. 4:«; bp. WItn. 466 ; abp. Yk. 485 * bp. Elm. and Duiiw. 454 * bp. Her. 441 * bp. Shbn. 466 'Alfrid, bp. Elm. and Dunw. 454 ' Prob. some same pers. Cump. dates. Alfstan, .v< <- lOalstan ' bp. \\ Itn. 466 'Alfstanus, lip. Roch. 459 Pciss. same pers. Alfsius, bp. Winch. 470 Alfwine, bp. ^\inch. 470 Alfwold (2i bp. Dev. 436 (or Elf wold), bp. Shbn. 466 K.E. 2 Alfwoldus, see Alfwold Alfwolfus, lip. Dev. 436 Alfwy, bp. Lond. 451 Al^ar, bp. Dev. 436 bp. Elm. and Dimw. 4.54 Jas. Sturg. Ham., geu. (D) 92.8 Al^ams, see .\lgar Algrericus, bp. Sels. 432 Algnied, Ijp. Cld. 598 Alherdus, bp. Elm. 454 Alhmund, bp. Winch. 470 bp. Her. 480 Allinael, abp. St. Dav. 463 AU, Cph. Aba. 98 Alice (dau. Wm. I.), Pr. E. 9 (dau. Edw. I.), Pr. E. 10 Mary-Vict.-Aug.-Paul. (g. dau. Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 16 Maud-Marv (dau. Q. Vict., Gr. Dss. of Hesse), Pr. E. 15; Cr. Ind. 809 Alifregnis, bp. Elm. and Duinv . 454 Ali-Bfloorad-Khan, Sh. Pers. 99 Alison, sir .\rchd., M.C.I. 647 ; gen. (D) 917; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 780 Ch., A.nb. Pers. 130 Allan, see a Iso Ala.n, Allen and AUin • bp. C'ness. 531 ; Ld.Chanc. Sc. 515 ♦ bp. Isl. 539 ; bp. S. and M. 483 * '.' Same pers. L.J. gen. 5J2 sir Hv. Miirshn. Havclock-, K.C.B. 782. .Stf(i/.soHaveloik Th.. C. Cus. 276 ; C. Cus. Ir. 565 Wm., L. Prov. Edlnb. 548 AUanson, sir Geo. Wy., B. i;.\. Sc. 524 Allunton, Rt., Ld. Chanc. Ir Allen, see also Allan and Allin bp. Isl. 539 ; bp. S. and M. 483 K. Man. 664 Alex. St., gen. (D) 913 Anthy, M. Chy. 396 sir Geo.Wigr., K.C.M.G. 798 Geo. Wm., CLE. 806 Hy. Geo.,Q.C. 419 Hugh, bp. Down and Cnr. 604 ; bp. Ferns, 621 • Jas., dn. St. Dav. 465 — -Jas., gen. (D) 881 Jno., adm. (D) 823 ; (G) 840 — - Jno., adm. (K) 845 Jno., M.R. Ir. 585 Jno., aft. sir J., abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616; L.K. and Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576 sir Jno., L.M. Ijond. 490 Jno. Cart., adm. (A) 815 Jno. Edw., gen. (D) 932 — — Jno. Hast., dn. KiUoe. 637 Jos., bp. Brl. 439 ; bp. Ely, 435 sir Josh., L.M. Dbln. 640 Nichs., bp. Meath, 599 ; L. Treas. Ir. 558 Rt., P.P. 417; S.L. 413 Th., dn. Chest. 477 sir Th., adm. (A) 813 sir Tim., L.M. Dbln. 641 Wm., adm. (A) 816 Wm., adm. (H) 848 sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 490 Wm. Fern, L.M. Lond. 492 AUerthorpe, Lawr., B. Ex. 383 Alley, Jno., L.M. Dbln. 641 Wm., bp. Exr. 437 Alleyne and Aleyne, see also AUen sir Jas., C.J.C.P. Ir. 580 Jno., B. Ex. 383 Jno., dn. St. Pat. 618 Jno. Fost., G. Bdoes. 720 Py., L.M. Lond. 488 sir Th., L.M. Lond. 491 Allibone, Kd. and sir B., J.K.B. 372 ; K.C. 415 ; S.L. 411 Allin, see also Allan and Allen Jos and sir J., Sr. N. 2.57 Ailing-ton, Giles, K.B. 759 Wm., L. Treas. Ir. 558 Wm., Sp. H.C. 248-9 Wm. Id., Const. T.L.321 Allix, Pet., dn. Ely, 435; dn. Glr. 440 Allot, Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 Kd., dn. Kph. 603 AUonville, gen. d', K.C.B. 778 Almaly or Almary, Walt., dn. Winds. 474 Almaric, K. Sp. 85 Almary, see Abaialy Alms, Jas., adm. (A) 817 Alneto, Jno. de, bp. Rph. 601 Alnewick and Alnwick, Wm., bp. Line. 446; bp. Norw. 455 ; S. St. 222 Alois, Jos., Pr. Ltn., 73 Alph— , see also Alf— Alphagre, see Elphege Alpheg-e, see Elphege Alpheg-us, see Elphegus Alphonso, see Alfonso Alphwuld, K.E. 2 Alpin, bp. Dnbl., 532 Alpine, K. Sc. 19 Aired, K.E. 2 Alric, K.E. 1. Alsina, V., pres. Arg. 110 ; pres. B. Ay. 110 INDEX OF NAMES. Alsins, bp. Lindisf. 478 Alsop, Rd., L.M. Lond. 492 Alston, Fras. Beilb., K.C.M.G. 798 Altamont, Jno. Denis, 3rd E. of, aft. 1st M. of Sligo, q.v., K.P. 750 Altaphoo, Raj. Shreemun, &c., K.C.S.I. 802 Alten, Chas., bar. or comit, gen. CD) 873 ; G.C.B. 768 ; K.C.B. 775 Vict., bar., gen. (C) 873 Altbam, Jas. and sir J., B.Ex. 384; K.B. 764 ;S.L. 409 Rd., Id., form. hon. B. Annesley, q.v. Althorpe, vise. Geo. Jno., vise, aft. 2nd E. Spencer, q.v., L.T. 158 Jno. Ch., vise, aft. 3rd E. Spencer, q.v., Ch. Ex. 165 ; L.T., 1.58, 160; P.C. 211 Alubertus or Alubrithus, bp. Sels. 432 Aimed, bp. Wore. 472 K.E. 2. Alxiricius, see Alfric Alvanley, Rd. P., Id., form. sir K. P. Arden, q.v. Alverez, J., Pres. Mex. 103 Alves, John, gen. (D) 890 Alwi, see also Alwy Alwigh, bp. Sidr. 446 *Alwinus (or Ealfwyu), bp. WeUs 427 * bp. St. Andr. 528 * bp. Wore. 472 Alword, see Elfward Alwyn, see also Albin * bp. Elm and Dmiw. 454 "Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates Nich., L.M. Lond. 490 Amadeus, K. Sp. 87 I. to VII., C. Svy. 54 VIII. and IX., D. Svy. 54 Amalgaid, bp. Arm. 595 Amaurus, I. and II., K. Jsm. 97 Amto, Nawab of, K.C.S.I., 804 Amberkeletus, K. Sc. 18. Ambler, Ch., K.C. 415 Amtoly, Wm. de, J. It. 367 Ambrose, Wm., Q.C. 419 Ambustus, C. P., C. Ro. 40 M. F., C. Ro. (3), 40 ; Dt. Ro. 40 Q. F. v., C. Ro. 39; Dt. Ro. 41 Amcotes, sir Hy., L.M. Lond. 490 Amelia (dau. Geo. III.) Pr. E. 15 — - -Eliz., Lg. H. Csl. 72 Soph., (dau. Geo. II.) Pr. E. 14 Amertes, Rd., K.B. 761 Amherst, Jeffr., gen. (B) 866 Jeffr., see Id. A. infra .Jno., adm. (A) 814 Rd., S. L. 409 Wm., gen. (B) 866 Amberst, Ids. and E. Jeffr. and sir J., aft. 1st Id. A., C. Ch. 855 ; F.M. 856 ; G. Gsey. 669 ; gen. (A) 858 ; K.B. 765 ; L.G.O. 259 ; P.C. 202. Wm. Pitt, 2nd Id. and 1st E. ; Amb. Ch. 131 ; Amb. Scy. 114; G.C.H. 787; G.G. Ind. 649 ; P.C. 209 Amlave, abp. Arm. 595 9.57 Amos, Andr., C.C.J. 403 Ampadan, bp. Glend. 615 Amphibalus,, bp. Isl. 539 Amphlett, Rd. P. and sir R., P.C. 219 ; B. Ex. 385; J. Ex. D. .385; Jud. Com. P.C. 361 ; L.J. App. 389 ; Q.C. 418 ; S.L. 414 Ampthill, Odo. Wm. L., Id., form. Id. Odo. RusseU, q.v. Amucaid, bp. Kild. 616 Amund (Colbrenner), K. Sw. 92 • (Slemme), K. Sw. 92 Amurath. I. to V., S. Tky. 97-8 Amyand, CI., C. Cus. 276; U.S.S. 226 Amye, sir Jno., M. Chy. 395 Anacletiis, P. Ro. 32 Anarawd, Pr. Wis. 16 Anastatius, I. and II., Emp. E.E.50 I. to IV., P. Ro. 33- J Anburey, Th. and sir T., gen. (D) 877; K.C.B. 777 Ancaster [and Kesteven] , D. of Peregr., 2nd D. of, L.G.C. 285; P.C. 197 Peregr., 3rd D. of, gen. (A) 858; L.G.C. 288; L.L. Line. 310 ; M.H. 302 ; P.C. 198 Robt., 4th D. of, form. E. and M. of Lindsey, . q.v., L.G.C. 288; L.L. Line. 310; P.C. 203 Brownl., 5th D. of, L.L. Line. 310 Ancelin or Ancelinus, dn. Her. 442 Ancram or Ancrum,E. of Rt., 1st E. of, form. Rt. Kerr, q.v. Wm., E. of, aft. 6th M. of Lothian, q.v. Ancus-Martius, K. Ro. 36 Anderdon, Th. 01., Q.C. 417 Anderson, Ad., D. Fac. Sc. 527; Jy. Sc. 523; Ld. Adv. 526 ; Ld. Sess. 521 ; S. G. Sc. 527 Alexr., gen. (D) 897 Ch. Gibs., gen. (D) 924 Ch. Hy., Q.C. 420 Dav., bp. Rup. Ld. 697 -Dav., gen. (D) 907 Dav. Gr., gen. (D) 911 — - Edm. and sir E., C.J.C.P. 375; S.L. 408 Edw. Abb. gen. (D) 918 Fk. Cortl., gen (D) 930 Geo. S. Alex., gen. (D) 923 Geo. Wm. and sir G., G. Bbay 659; G. Ceyl. 672; G. Mtius. 684 ; K.C.B. 783 ■ Harry Cortl. gen. (D) 027 Hy. Lac, K.C.S.I. 803 Hy. Perc, K.C.M.G. 7E8 Jas., adm. (H) 848 Jas., Q.C. 417 Jno., gen. (D) 886 Jno., Surg., CLE. 807 Jno. Rd., gen. (D) 910 sir Jno. Wm., L.M. Lond. 492 J. Jose, K.H. 792 Jos., K.H. 791 Paul, gen. (A) 863 Rt., K.H. 791 Rt. Patr., gen. (D) 918 Th. gen. (D) 898 W. Cochr. gen. (D) 893 Wm. Couss., gen. (D) 923 Wm. Geo. and sir W., Ass. C. and A. 169 ; K.C.B. 783 Wm. Ward, gen. (D) 919 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 958 Andover, vise. Th., vise, aft. 1st E. of Berkshire, q.v.. K.G. 739 CI. .vise, f onii. Ch. Howard, q.v., aft. 3rd E. of Berkshire, (y.r. Andreas, )>p. DiiM. 532 Andr6e, Rd. Coll., gen. (D) H80 Andreossi, Off. Nap. 26 Andrew, 1 .p. Arg. 537 ("2) bp. Ciiess, 531 bp. Drom. 604 bp. GaU. 538 bp. Ork. 535 bp. St. Dav. 464 dn. Kiliii. 609 (abb. of Meh-ose), L.H.T Sc. 496 ' Prob. some same pers. Conip. dates. I. aud II.. R. Russ. 89 I. to III., K. Hgy. 59-60 (or Andrews), Geo., bp. Ferns and L. 62-2; dn. Lim. Jas., L.M. Lond. 489 Jno., Ch. Lond. 422 Jno. Wm., adni. (H) 844 Wm., bp. Ach. 612 ; bp. Mth. 599 Wm. I'atr., CLE. 807 Andrews, .\ug. gen. (D) 877 Bitigi. K.C. 416 Ch., gen. (D) 912 Ed. Bull., G. Gld. Cst. 686 (or Andrew) Geo. See Andrew Ger., dn. Cant. 431 Hy., K.H. 79-2 Jno. Goldw., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 Lane, bp. Chich. 433; bp. Ely, 435 ; bp. Winch. 471 ; dn. Westr. 469 Rd., dn. Yk. 487 Rt., gen. 890 Th., L.M. Dbln. 641 Th., L.M. Lond. 491 Th., P.l'. 410 : S.L. 413 Wm. Dr., J. Ex. D. Ir. 584 Andronicus, I. to III. Emp. E.E. 51 I. to III. Emp. Tzde. 98 Andros, Sir Edm., G. Gsey. 668 Angrarville for P.urv), Rd. de, bp. Dham. 478; dn. WeUs 428; L.H.T. ly;i ; Ld. Chanc. 354 Ang'elbeck, Joh. Ger. Van, G. Cevl. tn-2 Angelo, Ed. Anthy. K.H. 789 Jno. Aiithv. gen. (D) 920 Angrers, .\ng. lt«:al, G. Queb. 694 Angerstein, Jno. Julius Wm., gen. iDi .'<.-^'> Ang'harad i-2), Pr. Wis. 16-7 Ang-le, (iiiich. D'., aft. E. of Huiitiiik'ilon, q.v., K.G. (1372) 733 Ang'lesey, E. and M. of Aiiiitstcy Family. Arth., 1st. E. of, form. Id. Annesley, and Ist vise. Valen- tia, q.v..Ij. Adniy. 175; L.P.S. 240;P.C. 191; Tr.N.256 Jno., 4th E. of, P.C. 195; V. Treas. Ir. 559 Arth., 5th E. of, P.C. 196 ; V. Treas. Ir. 559 INDEX OF XA51ES. Anglesey, E. and M. of— ro»i^ Paget Famih/. Hv. Wm., 1st M. of, form. E. of U.^bridge.fy.r., F.M.85C; G.C.H. 766; gen. lA) 861; K.G. 743; L.H.S. 287; L.L. Ang, 314; L.L. Ir. 557; L.L. Staffs. 312; M.G.O. 259; P.C. 210 Hy., 2nd M. of, form. E. of Uxbridge, q.v. Ansrlicns, Jno., dn. Yk. 486 Ansrnlsli, Th., M. Chy. 396; Acct. G. 397 Angus, Jno. Anst., gen. (D) 912 Angus, Ids. and E. of Archd., 5th R. of, L.H.A. Sc. 499 ; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Archd., 6th E.of,Ld.Chanc. Sc. 514 Archd., Id. (son of Wm., 11th E., aft. E. of Ormond), Ld. Sess. 517 Angusianus, K. Sc. 18 Angxisius 1-21, I>p. Isl. 539 Anian and Anianns, see also Enion. ' abp. St. Dav. 463 ♦ bp. Bgr. 425 ' (2) dn. St. As. 462 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. Auicetns, P. Ro. 32 Anino, Ct. Kic, G.C.M.G. 794 ; K.C.M.G. 796 Anlnain, bp. Saig. 620 Anna, Emp. Tzde, 98 K.E. 2 Annaly, Ids. Gore Family. Jno., Id., form. Jno. Gore, q.v. White Family. Hy., 1st Id., form. H. White, q.v. Luke, 2nd Id., form. L. White, q.v., K.P. 752 Annas, K.E. 2 Annandale, Wm., E., aft. 1st M. of, Commr. Tr. Sc. 497-8 ; K.T. 747; L.H.C.K. Sc. 546; L.K. Sc. 503 ; L.P.S. Sc. 501 ; Ld. Sess. 517 ; P.C. 196 ; Pres. P.C. Sc. 500; Sec. St. Sc. 602 Anne, D. Bry. 28 E. Russ. 90 (iss. Edw. III.) (2) Pr. E. 10-11 (dau. Edw. IV.), Pr. E. 12 (dau. Chas. I.), Pr. E. 13 (dau. Jas. IL), Pr. E. 13; Q.E.G (dau. Geo. II.), Pr. E. 14 (of Bohemia), Q.C.E. 7 (Bok-yii), Q.C.E.8 (of C'leves), Q.C.E. 8 (of Denmark), Q.C.F:. 8 (Hyde), Q.C.E. 8 (of Warwick), Q.C.E. 8 Sophia (dau. of Q. Anne), Pr. E. 14 Alc.xr, Rcc. Lond. 493 Annesley, Arth., see Id. A., infra hon. Arth., gen. (A) 862 Arth. Lytt. L., gen. (D) 931 Sir Eras., aft. Id, Moimt- norris, q.v.. Sec. St. Ii-. 562 ; V. Treas. Ir. 559 Hon. Rd.. aft. Id. Althain, q.v., dn. Exr. 437 Hon. Rd., see E. of A., I ivfra < 750 For List of Ahbrtviutions, set pp. 944-952. Armesley — cont. Steph. Eras. Ch., gen. (U) 917 Hon. Wni.. dn. Down, 605 Annesley, Ids. aud E. of Arth., aft. Id. A. and Ist M. of Anglesey, q.v., Comm. Ir. 554 ; P.C. IW Rd., aft. 2nd E. of, C. Cos. Ir. 565: C. Esc. Ir.566 Ansell, Aug. Eras., gen. (D) 904 Anselm (Saint), abp. Cant. 430 Anson, hon. Adelb. Jno. Bt, bp. QuApp. 698 Archd. Edw . Harb., G. Pr. Edw. Isl. 699; G. Str. Sett. 675; K.C.M.G. 798 Fk., dn. Chest. 477 Geo., see Id. A. infra Geo. and sir G., gen. (A) 862 ; G. Ch. Hosp. 9:^6; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 774; L.G. Ch. Hosp. 936 Hon. Geo., C.C. Madras, 657; C.C. Lnd. 651; Clk. O. 260; gen. (Dt 883; St. O. 261 Talav. Vern., adm. (Q) 642 Sir Wm., gen. (A) 862; K.C.B. 774 Anson, Ids. and rise. Hon. Geo., aft. Ist Id. A., adm. (Ai 814 ; Clk. O. 260 ; L. .\dmy. 178; P.C. 199 Thos. Wni., 2nd vise, ait. 1st. E. of Lichfield, q.v, M.B.H.303; P.C. 212 Anstie, Jas., Q.C. 419 Anstis, Jno. (No. 1), Gart. K.A. 327 ; Xorf. H. 341 Jno. (No. 2i, Bl. CH. 339; Gart. K.A. 327; Geneal.Bath. 784 Anstruther, sir A., P.C. 208 Jno. aud sir J., C.J. Bgal. 652 : K.C. 415 Ph., gen. (BI864 Rt.,Ken.(B)865 Sir Rt., L.L. Fifesh. 510 Wm., K.B. 761 ; Ld. Sess. 520 Anterns, P. Ro. 32 Anthelm i Saint i,bp. Winch. Anthemius, Emp. W.E. 49 Anthony, nee also .\ntonv bp. Rph. 601 K. Pgl. 68 Pr. Mno. 31 Clement T., K. Sxy. 78 Ulric, D. Brk. 70 Ulric. D. S. Mgn. 79 Anthun, K.E. 1 Antoinadis, Jno., K.C.M.G. Anton I. or .\ntonGmither), 1). 0).^-.7ii. Antoninus-Fins, Emp. Ro. ^7 Antonius, dn. Cash. 627 Tr. Ro, 46 C, C Ro. 46 M. (2) C. Ro. 45-6 Antony, see also Anthony C Lu.x. 84 D. Bbt. 29 D. Lne. :jo D. Pnui. .53 Antrim, Rand. Wm.. 6th E. and 1st M. of, K.B. 765; K.P. Aodh (3) K. Ir. 2i Ruadh, K. Ir. 20 Uaireodhuacli, K. Ir. 21 AongTis-Olmuchac K. Ir. 20 Tiuriniheach, K. Ir. 21 Aplin, Elph. D'Oyl. D'Auv., adm. (H)S.51 Juo. Geo., adm. (H) 846 Jno. G. Bog., gen. (D) 909 — - Pet., adm. (A) 817 Appleby, Jno. de, dn. St. P. 453 Jno. Fk., adm. (H) 847 Th. de, bp. Carl. 475 Appleg-ath, Fras., gen. (D) 914 Appleyard, Fk. Em., gen. (D) 927 A-Dpnleius, S., C. Ro. 47 April, Jno., G. Gsey. G68 Apsley, sir AU., Lt. T. L. 321 sir Pet., Coff. H. 293 Apsley, Ids. Hy., Id. aft. 2nd E. Bath- ui-st, q.v., L.T. 158 ; Ld. Chanc. 357 ; P.O. 202 Hy., Id. aft. 3rd E. Bath- urst, q.v., B.C. 2.52 ; L. Admy. 180 ; P.O. 205 ; Tell. Ex. 168 Hy. Geo., Id., iaft. 4th E. Batlrarst, q.v., B.C. 253 Apulia, Sim. de, bp. Exr. 436 ; du. Yk. 486 Aquatolanca, Jno. de, dn. Her. 442 Aciuila (or Aguila), Nichs. de, bp. Chich. 432 ; dn. Chich. 433 Aquilinus, L. H., C. Eo. 38 T. H., C. Ro. 37 Aquilius, M., C. Ro. 45 Aratoin, Jno. Danl., gen. (A) 862 Juo. L., L.M. Dbln. 642 Septimus, adm. (H) 846 Wm. Jno., gen. (A) 860 Wm. St. Jill., J.A.G. 937; P.P. 416 ; S.L. 413 Aram, Tli., C. Exc. 279 Araric, K. It. 49 Artauckle, Benj. Hutch. V., gen. (D) 893 Arbutlinot, Alex., C. Cus. Sc. 504 Alexr., bp. Killoe. and Kilf . 635; dn. Cloy. 6:^3 Alexr. Dundas Young and sir A., adm. (H) 846 Alexr. Jno. and sir A., K.C.S.I. 803 ; M.C.I. 647 Ch., Amb. Sw. 126; Amb. Tky. 129; B.T. 268; C.D.L. 243; Sec. Tr. 163; P.C. 207; U.S.F. 229 Ch. Geo. and sir C, C.C. Bbay. 660 ; C.C. Mdras., 658 ; gen. (D) 924 ; K.C.B. 781 Ch. Geo. Jas., gen. (D) 883 Geo. Alexr., gen. (D) 935 Hy. Th., gen. (D) 933 hon. Hugh, gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 779 Jno., see vise. A., infra ■ ^Marr., adm. (A) 815; G.N. Rt. and sir Rt., gen. (B) 870; K.C.B. 774 -Th. and sir T., gen. (B) 869; K.C.B. 774 — — Wm. and sir W., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 hon. Wm., gen. (D) 891 Wm. Urq., M.C.I. 646 Artouthnot, vise. — Jno., 8th vise. L.L. Kinc. 510 INDEX OF NAMES. Arcadius, Emp. E.E. 50 Archbold, -see Archebold Archdall, Merv., gen. (A) 861 Archebold, Wm., B. Ex. Ir. 583 Archer, Ch. Palm., L.BI. Dbln. 642 E. C, G. Trin. 722 Jno. and sir J., J.C.P. 379; S.L. 410 Jno. le, L.D. Ir. 551 ; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 Th., dn. Oss. 622 Wm. Caulf., gen. (C) 872 Wm. Hy., L.M. Dbln. 641 Archibald, bp. Cness. 531 bp. Mor. 534 Adams Geo. and sir A., G. Mtoba. 696; G. N. Sc. 695; K.C.M.G. 798 Ed. Mort., K.C.M.G., 798 Th. D., aft. sir T., J.C.P. 380; J.C.P.D. 380; J.Q.B. 374; S.L. 414 Arcott, Azim, &c., Pr. of, G.C.S.I. 801 Arcy, see Darcy Ardagh, Huny of.bp. Dry. 601 Rd. Dr., gen. CD) 923 Arden, Jno., K.B. 756 Ralph de, J. It. 366 Rd. de, J. It. 366 - — Rd. Pepp. and sir R., aft. Id. Alvanley, q.v., A.G. 400; B.T. 268; C.J.C.P. 376; C.J.. Chest. 386 ; K.C. 415 ; M.R. 388 ; P.C. 204 ; S.G. 402 ; S.L. 412 Wm. Rd. Pepp., Regr. M.G. 799 Arden, Ids. Ch. Geo., 1st Id., form. Hon. C. G. Perceval, q.v., B.C. 2.52; L. Admy. 180; L.L. Surr. 312 ; M.M. 247 Arderne, Jas., B. Ex. 383; dn. Chest. 477 Pet., C.B. Ex. 381 ; J.C.P. 378 ; S.L. 407 Ardulf, K.E. 2 Areskiue, see Erskine Arentschildt, Fk., bar. de, K.C.B. 775 Aressey, Norm, de, J. It. 367 Arfastus (or Herefast), bp. Elm. and Dunw. 454; Ld, Clianc. 352 Argadus, L.J. Gen. 522 Argentine, Giles de, J. It. 368 Begd. de, J. It. 366; Jy. 'UBi Arguimbau, Lawrence, gen. (B) 88-2 *Arg'usteil, bp. St. Dav. 464. *Arg-wistil, bp. Llff. 448 * ? Same pers. Arg°yll, sir Jno. of, L.H.A. (1311) 170 Argyll, E., M., and D. of. See also M. of Lome Col., IstE. of, Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Col., 3rd E. of, L.J. Gen. 522 Archd., 4th E. of, L.J. Gen. 522 Archd.,5th E. of,Ld.Chanc. Sc. 515 Gilespick, E. of, L.J. Gen. (1.567)522 Col., 6th E. of, L.J. Gen. 522 ; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Archd., 7th E. of, L.J. Gen. 522 959 Argyll, E., M., and D. of— cont. Archd., 8tli E. and 1st M. of, Comm. Tr. Sc. 497; Ld. Sess. 517 Archd., 9th E. of, Ld. Sess. 517 Archd., 10th E. aft. 1st D. of, C.G.S. Sc. 515 ; Comm. Tr. Sc. 497 ; Ld. Sess. 517 [and Greenwich] Jno., 2nd . D. of, F.M. 856; H.C.P. Sc. 508 ; K.G. 741; K.T. 747 ; L.S.H. 290; Ld. Sess. 517; M.G.O. 259; P.C. 195 Archd. ;^rd D. of, form. E. of Islay, q.v. ' Jno., 4th D. of, gen. (A) 858 ; K.T. 747 ; P.C. 201 Jno., 5th D. of, F.M. 856 ; gen. (A) 858 ; L.L. Arg. .508 Geo. Wm., 6th D. of, G.C.H. 787 ; L.S.H. 290 ; L.K. Sc. 503 ; L.L. Arg. 508 ; P.C. 212 Jno. D. E. N., 7th D. of, L.K. Sc. 503 Geo. Dougl., 8th D. of, K.G. 745; K.T. 748 ; L.L. Arg. 508 ; L.P.S. 241 ; P.C. 216 ; Postm. G. 239 ; Sec. Ind. 236 EUz. Georg., Dss. of, Cr. Ind. 809 ; M. Robes, 304 Arias, C, Pres. Hdas. 106 Aribert, I. and II., K. Lmd. 49 Arista, M., Pres. Max. 103 Ariwaldvis, K. Lmd. 49 Arlington, Hy., 1st Id. and E. of, form, sir Hy. Bennet, q.v., K.G. 740; L. Admy. 175; L.C.H. 295 ; P.C. 191 Armiger, Robt., gen. (B) 865 Armstrong, Alex, and sir A., gen. (B) 869; K.C.B. 780 Alex. Th., gen. (D) 914 Bygoe, gen. (A) 858 Edw., gen. (D) 888 Geo. Andr., gen. (B) 868 Jas., gen. (D) 883 Jas. WeUs, gen. (D) 904 Jno., bp. Gr. Tn. 680 Jno., dn. KUf. 637 Jno., gen. (D) 902 Jno., gen. (C) 871; S.G.O. Rd., gen. (B) 866 Ed., S.L. Ir. .593 sir Rd., C.C. Mdras. 657; gen. CD) 879 ; K.C.B. 777 Rd. Say., gen. (D) 893 Rt. B., Q.C. 417 Wm., gen. (C) 874 Wm. Andr., gen. (D) 926 Arnauld, J., gen. (D) 893 Arnaud, Jno., K.H. 790 Arnold, sir Edwin, K.C.I.E. 805 Jas. Hy., Adm. Adv. 423; Vic. gen. 422 Jas. Eobn., gen. (D) 880; K.H. 789 Jno., K.C.B., 775 Sir Nichs., L.J. Ir. 554 Arnot, Dav., bp. GaU. 538 Hy., L.H.T. Sc. 496 Sir Jno., gen. (B) 864 Rt., Compt. Sc. 498 Arnott, Jas. Monc, Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 Arnulf and Arnulph. See also Ernostus and Eanulph C. Fid. 82 C. Hit. 81 D. Bva. 67 For List of Abbreviations, see x>p. 944-952. 960 Arnulf and /Vmulph — cont. E. Chnv. fil ■ I. to III.,C. Fers. 81 Arosexuena, J., Pres. Pan. 107 ▲rouse, Jno., L.P.S. Sc. 500 ; Ld. Clk. Keg. 525; Sec. St. Sc.501 Axran, Earls of Stewart Family. Jas., iBt E. of, L.H^. Sc. 499; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 510; Ld. Sess. 517 Butler Family. 1st Creation. Rd., 1st E. of, L.D. Ir. 555 2nd Creation. Chas., 1st E. of, gen. (B) Jas., E. of, aft. 4th D. of Hamilton, (7.1'., gen. (B) 864; K.T. 747 ; M.G.W. 296 Gore Family. Arth. Saund., 2nd E. of, K.P. 750 Ph. Y., 4th E. of, K.P. 751 Arth. S. W. C, 5th E. of, form. vise. Sudley, y.u., L.L. Mayo, 570 Arrighi, Off. Nap. 26 Arses, K. Pers. 99 Artabanus, K. Pers. 99 Art-Aoiifliir K. Ir. -21 Artaxerxes, I. and II., K. Pers. 99 Artliiir (son Hy. ID, Pr. E. 9 (son Hy. VII.I, Pr. E. 12; Pr. W.E. 8. See also Pr. of Wales I. to III., D. Bry. 28 Fk.-Patr.-Alb. (g. son Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 16 Wm.-Pati .-Alb. (son Q. Vict.), aft. D. of Conuaught and Strathearu, q.v., Pr. E. 16 ; K.G.745; K.P. 751; K.T. 749; P.O. 218 C. A., Pres. U.S.A. 103 Dav., dn. Liui. 639 Geo. and sir G., G. Bbay. 659; G. Br. Houd. 714; G. N.S.W. 703 ; G. Upp. Can. 692 ; G. V.D. Ld. 708 ; K.C.H. 789 ; P.O. 215 Hon. sir Geo. Kt., gen. (D)881 Jas., K.H. 792 Kd., adiii. (DlH27 Th., bp. Liin. 038 %Viii.,aaiii. iE).s:37 Arthvael, al)p. St. Dav. 403 Artrigius, lip. .\rm. 595 Arundel, Ainiudell, and Arundelle Jno., bp. Chich. 433 Jno., bp. Exr. 436; bp. Licb. and Cov. 444 ; dn. Exr. 437 Jno., dn. Winds. 474 Jno. (3(, K.H. 756-7-8 Jno. de, K.B. 756 Sir Jno., K.G. 7:« Jno. (of Trerico), K.B. 759 Hon. Ud., L.T. 157 ; M.M. 247 ; Tr. Ch. 294 Kog.. J. It. :J66 Th., K.B. 758 Th., K.B. 760 Th. de, abp. Cant. i'SO; abp. Yk. 485; bp. Ely, 435; Ld. Chanc. :i54-5 (or Fit/.alan), sir Wm., K.G. (1396) 734 For INDEX OF NAMES. Arundel, Earls of. Search also under Fitzalan, Maltra- vers, Norfolk, and Surrey Win., 2nd E. of. Const. W. Cast. 322 Wm., 3rd E. of, Jy. 364 Fitzalan Family. Rd., 8th E. of (also E. of Surrey, q.v.), L.H.A. 172 Rd., 9th E. of, K.G. 734 ; L.H.A. 173; L.H.T. 153; Ld. K. 354 Th., 10th E. of, K.B. 755; K.G. 734; L.H.T. 153; W.C.P. 318 Jno., 12th E. of (also Id. Maltravers, q.v.), K.G. 735 Wm., 14th E. of, K.G. 736; W.C.P. 318 Th., 15th E. of. form. Id. Maltravers and Id. Fitzalan, q.v., K.B. 756 Wm., 16th E. of, K.G. 737 ; L.C.H. 294 (?) Hy.,17th E. of, K.G. 738; L.C.H. 294 (?); L.H. Const. 289; L.L. Suss. 312; L.S.H. Th., 19th E. of, C.G.S. 356 ; E.M. 326 ; K.G. 739 ; L.L. Surr. 312; L.L. Suss. 312; L.S.H. 290 Hy. Fk., 20th E. of, E.M. 326 Hy., E. of, aft. 7th D. of Norfolk, q.v.. Const. W. Cast. 322; L.L. Surr. (1682) 312 Arundel of Wardour, Ids. .Hy., 3rd Id. L.P.S. 240; Arvina, A. C. C. (2), C. Ro.40; Dt. Ro. 41 P. C. (2), C. Ro. 41 Asaph (St.), bp. St. As. 462 Ascelimus (or Adelmus), dn. Line. 447 Ascelyn, bp. Roch. 459 Ascham, see Askam Ascue, see also Aiscue, Ays- cue, and Askew W m., K.B. 7.59 Ascwardby, AA. de., J. It. 307 Ascwinus, bp. Dorch. and SiiU-. 440 Asffill, sir Ch., G.C.H. 786; Ken. (D I 860 - Sir Ch., L.M. Lond. 492 Ash, see also Ashe St. Geo., bp. C\i. 596; bp. Cloy. 631 ; bp. Dry. 601 Ashbourne, Ed., Id., form. Ed. Gibson, q.v., P.C. 220 Ashhurner, Geo. Ell., gen. (D) 914 A\ m., gen. (D) 913 Ashburnham, Bertr. de, W.C.P. 317 Cromer and sir C, gen. (D)930; K.C.B. 781 - sir Denny, C. Exc. 278 Elias de, C.J. K.B. Ir. 577 Hon. Tb.. nvn. (D) ^85 Will, and sir \V.,bp. Chich. 433; dn. Chich. 134 Sir \\ ni.,Chambn.Ex. 166; Coff. H. 293 Ashburnham, Ids. and E. of (no.,:ird Id., aft. Ist E. of C.Y.G. 2S)8 Jno. 2nd E. of, Gr. St. 304 ; M.G.W. 296 ; L.L. Suss. 312 ; P.C. 201; Gr. St. (1775) 304 Ashburnham, Ids. & E. of— cont. Geo. 3rd E. of, G.C.H. 786; K.G. 743 Ashburton, Ids. Dunning Family. Jno., Id., form. Jno. Dun- ning, q.v.. C.D.L. 243 Baring Fumily. .\lex., 1st Id., form. A. Baring, q.v.. Amb. U.S.A. V.ti ^^ m. B.,2nd Id., form. hon. W. B. Baring, q.v. Asliby, sir Jno., adm. (A> 813 Nichs., bp. Llfif. 449 Wm., Ch. Ex. 153 Ashe, see also Ash Alanus, B. Ex. 383 * Ed., B.T. 264 • Ed., Clk. O. 260 ♦ Ed., G. Bdoes. 720 ■' Prob. same pers. Wm. A'Court, gen. i A) 858 Asher, Alex., S.G. Sc. 527 Ashford, Wm. C, Id., form vise. Bury, q.v. Ashley, hon. Anth. E.'M.,Sec. B.T. 269; U.S.C. 235 hon. Anthy. Jno., Q.C. 418 Eras., S.L. 409 Ashley, Ids. Anthy. .\., 1st Id., form, sir A. A. Cooper, q.v., aft. 1st E. of Shaftesbury, q.v. ; Ch. Ex. 164; L.L. Dors. 307; L.T. 155 .\nthy.. Id., aft. 7th E. of Shaftesbiury.ti.i'., B.C. 253; L. .\dniv. 182 Ashley- Cooper, see Cooper Ashman, Kt.. L.H.A. 171 Ashmole, I. lias. Winds. H. 131 Ashniore, Ch.. Kcn. .Di 894 Inc., gin. iDissKi Ashraff, Sli. IVrs. ;nt Ashton and Assheton, s, .■ also Aston Jno., K.B. 755 Rd., G. I. Man, 666 Kd., wdn. Chr. Ch. Mancli. 481 Rd. or Rt. and sir R., L.H.A. 172; L.H.T. 153;; L.J. Ir. 5.J1; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 674; W.C.P. 318. These references apparently all relate to the same person, although the names diflfer. Conip. dates. Ashurst, Sir Hv.. C. E.xc. 278, 279 Sir Wm., C. Exc. -279 Sir Wm. Hv. C.G.S. 357 ; .1. K.B. 373: S.L. 412 Ashway (or .\s\vvi, Rant, L.M. Lond. 4SS AshweU. Jno., Clar. K.A. 328 Jno. de, A.G. :»8 Ashworth, Ch. and sir C, gen. (C)^75; K.C.B. 776 Fk. and sir F. gen. (D) Aslatious, L. C. S., C. Ko. 43, 45 AslCUS (St.) bp. Elph. 608 ■ , C. C. S. (21, C. Ro. 42 P. C. S.. C. Ko. 43 J (or Askoi, Kd.. .I.K.B. 372; I S.L. 409 Askam and Askham Walt., S.L. 1(7 - — Wm., L.M. Lond. lt>9 Aske, see Ask Askeby, Robt. dc, Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 ; M. Chy. 39:J List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. Askew, see also Ascue, Ayscue, &c. Sir Chr., L.M. Loncl. 490 Sir Hy., gen. (B) 869 Askham, see Askam Askwith, Wm. Harr., gen. (D)90'2 Aslett, Wm. Str., gen. CD) 906 Aspinall, Jno., S.L. 412 Jno. Br., Q.C. 418 Aspland, Linds. M., Q.C. 420 Assenburgr, Louis Van, G.C.G.H. 678 *Asser, abp. St. Dav. 463 * bp. Shbn. 466 ■ Poss. same pers. Asserixis, Reg. de, bp. Winch. Assheton, see Ashton Asshetoournham, see Ash- bnrnham Assiat, bp. Arm. .595 Astell, Ch. Ed., gen. (D) 919 Wm., Chn. E.I. Co. 645 Astle, Geo. Adm. (A) 820 Astley, Herb., dn. Norw. 456 sir Jacob, B.T. 264 sir Jno., K.G. 736 Astolphus, K. Lmd. 49 Aston, see also Ashton Arth. and sir A., Amb. Fr. 113; Amb. Spn. 124; G.C.B. 772 Jas. Jones, Q.C. 419 Jno., K.B. 759 Rd. and sir R., C.G.S. .357; C.J.C.P. Ir. .581 ; J.K.B. 373 ; K.C. 415 ; S.L. 412 Rog., Const. T.L. 320 ; Lt. T.L. 321 Theod., Q.C. 419 Walt., K.B. 761 sir Wm., J.K.B. Ir. 579 Astry, Jas., M. Chy. 396 (or Ostrich), Rauf., L.M. Lond. 490 Astwolfus, bp. Dnnw. 454 Asty, Hy., C.B. Ex. 381 ; J.C.P. 378 Aswy, see Ashway Atanagildo, K. Sp. 85 Atar Sing-, &c., CLE. 806; K.C.I.E. 805 Ataulfo, K. Sp. 84 Atcherley- Jones, sec Jones Atcheson, see also Acheson and Aicheson Athalaric, K. It. 49 Athelard (or Ethelard), abp. Cant. 430 : bp. Winch. 470 Athelm (or Adehiius), abp. Cant. 430 ; bp. Wells 427 Athelred (or Ethelred), abp. Cant. 430: \m. Winch. 470 Athelric, bpT Shbn. 466 '"Athelstan (2), bp. Cnwll. 436 * bp. Ehn. and Dnnw. 454 * bp. Her. 441 * Poss. some same pers. Comp. dates. K.E.3; L.H.A. 170 Athelwald, abp. Yk. 485 Athelward (or Athelwolf), bp. Carl. 475 Athelwolfus, bp. Elm, 454 Atheq.ua (or Attien), Geo., bp. Llff. 449 Atherley, see also Hatherley (or Hatherley), Juo., L.M. Lond. 490 Mark. Kerr, gen. (D) 899 Atherton, Jno., bp. Wford. and L. 627 INDEX OF NAMES. Atherton — cont. Wm. and sir W., A.G. 400 ; Q.C. 417 ; S.G. 402 Athey, John de and sir J., L.H.A. 170, 171 AthlU, Ch. H., Bl. M. P.A. 337 Athixco, K. Sc. 18 Athlumney, Wm. Mered., 1st Id., form, sir Wm. Somer- viUe, q.v., aft. Id. Meredyth, q.v. Athol, Atliole, or AthoU, E., M., andD. of Jno. Stewart, E. of, Ld. Chanc. Sc. (1578) 515 Jno., 5th E., aft. 1st M. of, Comm. Tr. Sc. 497; K.T. 747 ; L.P.S. Sc. 501 ; L.J. gen. 522 ; Ld. Sess. 517 Jno., 2nd M., aft. 1st D. of, form. 6th E. of TulUbardine, q.v. ; K.T. 747 ; L.H.C.K. Sc. 546; L.P.S. Sc. 501 ; Ld. Sess. 517 Jas., 2nd D. of, K.T. 747 ; L.K. Sc. 503 ; L.P.S. Sc. 501 ; Ld. Man. 665 ; P.O. 198 Jno., 3rd D. of, K.T. 747 ; Ld. Man. 665 Jno., 4th D. of, G. I. Man. 666 ; K.T. 748 ; L.L. Prth. 511 ; P.C. 206 Geo. Aug. Fred. Jno., 6th D. of, K.T. 748 Jno. Jas. Hugh Hy., 7th D. of, K.T. 749 ; L.L. Prth. 511 Anne, Dss. of, M. Robes, 304 Athowe, Th., S.L. 409 Athulf, bp. Elm. and Dunw. 454 ; bp. Her. 441 Atkins and Atkyns Ed. and sir E. (No. 1), B. Ex. 384 ; C. Exc. 277 ; J.C.P. 379 ; S.L. 409 Ed. and sir E. (No. 2); B. Ex. 384 ; C.B. Ex. 381 ; S.L. 410 Jno., L.M. Lond. 492 Jno. Tr., Curs. B. Ex. 386 G. Gsey. 668 Sir Jonn., G. Bdoes. 719; G. Gsey. 668 Rt. and sir R., C.B. Ex. 881 ; J.C.P. 379 ; K.B. 764 ; S.L. 410 Sir Th., L.M. Lond. 491 Wm., dn. Ferns, 623 Atkinson and Atkynson Ed., Bl. M. P.A. 336 ; Hps. P.A. .343 ; Som. H. 332 Ed. Hy., gen. (D) 895 Ed. Tindal, Q.C. 420 Ed-win Fel. Th., CLE. 808 Fk. Day, gen. (D) 916 Geo., S.L. 413 Harry Alb., K.C.M.G. 799 Hy. Tindal, C.C.J. 405 ; S.L. 414 Jno., R. Cr. P.A. 335 ; Som. H. .332 Rd., L.M. Dbln. 642 Atkyns, see Atkins Atkynson, see Atkinson Atlay, Ed., gen. (D) 911 Jas., bp. Her. 442 Atratinus, A. S. (2), C Ro. ,37 C S., C Ro. 39 L. S. (2), C Ro. 38, 46 Attertoury, Fras., bp. Roch. 460; dn. Carl. 476; dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 ; dn. Westr. 469 Atticus, A. M. T. (2), C Ro.42 Attien, see Athequa 961 Atwater, Wm., bp. Line. 447; dn. Sal. 468 ; Regr. Gart. 746 Aubant, Abrm. d', gen. (B) 866 Auberville, Wm. de, Jy. 363 Aubigny, see Richmond, Lenox, and A. Aubrey, see also Awbrey Geo., L.L. Glam. ;315 Jno. and sir J., L. Admy. 180 ; L.T. 158 Wm., M. Chy. 395 ; Vic.Gen. 421 Aucher, Hy. Fitz., Const. T.L. 320 Auchinleck, sir Geo.,Ld.Sess. 519 Auchmuty, see also .\hmuty Jas., dn. Arm. 597; dn. Emly, 628 Saml. and sir S., CC Bgal. 6.52 ; CC Ind. 6.50 ; CC. Mdras. 657 ; Comm. F. Ir. 564 ; G.C.B 767 ; gen. (B) 867 ; K.B. 766 Saml. Benj. and sir S., gen. (D) 880; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 778 Auckland, Ids. and E. of Wm., 1st. Id., form. Wm. Eden, q.v., Amb. Nds. &c. 122 ; Postm. G. 238; Pres. B.T. 268 Geo., 2nd Id., aft. 1st E. of, And. Ex. 167; G.C.B. 772; G.G. Ind. 649; Ld. Admy. 182-3; M.BL 247; P.C. 211; Pres. B.T. 268 Rt. .Jno., 3rd ld.,form.hon. R. J. Eden,g.v.,bp. B.andW. 428 Audeley and Audley Edmd., bp. Her. 441 ; bp. Roch. 460 ; bp. Sal. 467 (or Aldithley), Jas. de,and sir J., J. It. 368; L.J. Ir. 550 sir Jas., K.G. 733 • Maur. de, Jy. 364 Th. and sir T., aft. Id. A. of Walden, K.G. 738; Ld. K. and Ld. Chanc. 355; S.L. 408; Sp. H.C 249 Aiidomare, Hy. de P., Jy. 364 Augrereau, Off. Nap. 26 Aug-urinus, L. M. E., CRo. 38; Dec. Ko. 38 M. G., C. Ro. 38 M. M., C Ro. 37 P. M., C Ro. 37 Q. M. E., C Ro. 38 T. G., C. Ro. 38; Dec. Ro. For List of Abbreviations, T. M., C. Ro. 41 Augusta (g. dau. Geo.ID.Pr. E.14 Car.-Charl.-Eliz. (g. dau. Geo. III.), Pr. E. 15; Cr.Ind. 809 Soph. (dau. Geo. III.), Pr. E. 15 Aug-ustin and Augustine abp. Cant. 429 bp. Wford. 626 Emp. Mex. 103 Aug-ustulus, R., Emp. W. E. 49 AugTistus, see also Octa- vianus (2) D. Brk. 70 dn. Drom. 606 El. Sxy. 78 Emp. Ro. 36 (2) G. D. Obg. 76 Fredk., D. S. Mgn. 79 (son Geo. III.), aft. D. Sus- sex, q.v. Pr. E. 15; K.G. 742 pp. 944-952. y62 Augustus— coji/. ^^■In., D. Bik. 70 Wni.-Geo.. M. Bdn. 67 Anldjo, Jno. K., cen. iD) 914 Aiunari, lU. de. Jv. Mt)4 Aung'erville or Anng'er- vyle. .SM Aiinai-villi- Aung'ier, sii- !■ ms.. aft. Id. A., L.K. Ir. .-.Tii; M.K. Ir. r>65 Aiintreseye, Kog. de. J. It. 367 Aure, J no. 'W, J. It. 3t» Aurelian, i:iiip. Ko. 48 Aurelio, K. Sji. is.3 Aureliiis, K. Sp. 85 Caracidla A., Einp. Ko. 47 M.. Kiui). Ko. 47 Auriol, Ch., Ren. (C) 874 Aumncus, 1*. C. iC). C. Ro. 37 Aust, Gi-o., L-.S.F. iiti Austen, Alb. Geo., gen. (D) 902 Ch. Jno., adm. (D) 827 Fras. Wni. and sir F., adm. (A) 8-20; (B) 8-21 ; (C) 6^; G.C.B. 776: K.C.B.776 Jno., K.H. 792 Ed., L. Admy. 176 Anstin, Ch., P.P. 417 Hor. Th., adm. iD) 831; (B)834; K.C.B. 779 sir Jno., C. Cus. 274 Jno. Gard., G. Br. Hond. 714 ; G. H. Kong, 673 Wm. P., bp. Guiana, 715 Austria, Cli.. .\rchd. of, G.C.B. 768 Fk. Ch., Archd. of, G.C.B. 769 Auverquerque, Hy. de N. d', M.H. 3'>2 Autharis, K. Lnid. 49 ATalon, Jno., vise, L.L. Surr. 312 Avarne, Th., gen. (B) 866 Aveland, Ids. Gilb. J., 1st Id., L.L. Line. 310 Gilb. Hy., 2nd Id., Dap. L.G.C.288; P.C. 219 Clema. Eliz., ladv* aft. lady WiU. de Eresby, q'.v., L.G.C. 288 Avellaneda, X., Pres. Arg. 110 Aveubury, Giles de, dn. Her. 442 Avenou, Alexr., L.M. Lond. 490 Aventiuensis, C.G. C. Ro. 40 L. G.,C. 14(1.40-1 Averell lor .\virilli, Jno., bp. Lini. A. and A. 639; du. Endv. Ois; dn. Lim. G40 Averenches, Wni. de, W.C.P. 317 Averill, ■-<( Averell Aviles, I. M.. Pres. Ecr. 108 Avisa, t^C.i:. 7 AvitUS, M. M.. Enip. W. E. 49 Avonmore, Barry, Id. and vise. form. B. Velverton, ij.v. Awbrey, •■-«•<■ nlx" Aubrey Andr., L.M. Loiid. 489 Wm., iM. Chy. 395; Vic. Gen. 421 Awdry, sir J. V,\, C.J. Bbay, 660 Awkeburue, Lawr. de, bp. Kal. liiV Ay-, «" "'■-■oAi- Aydauns, bp. Llff. 44h Ayers, Hy.. K.C'.M.O. 797 Ayles, Jno. Geo. Aug., gen. (D) 899 For IXDEX OF NAMES. Aylesbury, see .\ilesbury I Aylesford, E. of Heneage, 1st B. of, form. Hen. Finch and Ist Id. Guernsev, q.v., C.D.L. 242 — Heneage. 4th E. of. B.T. 267; L.S.H. 290; C.G.P. 300; C.Y.G. 298; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 2r)4 Ayleston, Rt. de. B. Ex. 38:i Aylett, Kt., M. Chy. 395 - sir Wm., gen. (B) 868 Aylmer, Arth., gen. (B) 808 — hon. Fk. Wm., see Id. A. iiifrii. Gerald and sir G., C. B. Ex. 583; C.J.K.B. Ir. 577; J.C.P. Ir. 581 ; L.J. li-. 55;^ Hy., gen. (DI899 Jno., adm. (A) 817 Jno., bp. Lond. 451 Matth., see Id. A., infra Aylmer, Ids. Matth., aft. 1st Id. A., 177; adm. (A) 813; G. Gr. Hosp. a54; L. Admy. 177 Matth.. 5th Id.. G. Can. 691 ; gen.(A)862; G.C.B.768; K.C.B. 774 hon. Fk. Wm., aft. 6th Id. A., adm. (D) 82.'j; (Q) 840; K.C.B. 777 Thos. Br., gen. (D) 879 Ayloff, or Aylofife, Wm., J.Q.B. 372 ; S.L. 408 Wm.. S.L. 409 Ayns — , see also Ains — Ayusley, Ch. Murray, adm. (HiaT2 Geo. Herb. Murr., gen. (D) Ayremin, Ayremyn, and Ayremynne Kd. de, M.K. 387 Wm., bp. Carl. (V) 475; bp. Norw. 4.")4; L.H.T. 153; Ld. K. 354 ; INI.R. 387 Ayrton, Acton Sm., C.W.P.B. 272 ; J.A.G. 937 ; P.C. 218; Sec. Tr. 164 Ayscoghe, Wm.. J.C.P. 378 Ayscoug'li, Fras.. dn. Brl. 440 Iiio., adm. (D) 826 Jno.. G. Jam. 712 Wm., bp. Sal. 467 Ayscue, sir Geo., adm. (A) 813 ; G. Bdoes. 719 Aysbton, Rd. or Kichs., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 107 Ayton, Andr., Ld. Sess. 519 Aytoun, Kog., gen. (C) 873 Azzo, M. to VIII.. M. Fa. 52-3 B. Baalun, .Ino. de, J. It. 367 Kog. de. J. It. 367 Babbagfc, Hy. Prev., gen. (D) Baber, Ed.. S.L. 408 List of Alihreviatioua, see pp. 944 Babinytoa, Brut., bp. Dry. 601 Dav., gen. iDi899 Gerv., bp. Exr. 437; bp. LIflf. 449: bp. Wore. 473 Jno. Hy. Melv., gen. (D) 921 Wm., A. G. 398; C.B. Ex. 381; C. J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 378; K.B. 756; S.L. 4Cr7 Wm. Kn., gen. (D) 906 Babthorpe, Wm., A.G. 398 Baby, Daul., gen. (B) 895 Babyngbe, Juo., abp. Tm. 61] Baccus, si-e Backhouse Bache, ,\le.\r.. bp. St. As. 462 Anthv.. M.M. 216 Back, sir Geo., adm. (O) 842 Backbouse, Jno., C. Exc.282 (or Baccus) Jno., K.B. 763 Juo., U.S.F. 230 Th. Jos., gen. (Bl .S68 Bacon, Ch., B.G., gen. (D) 912 Edni. Ant. Hen., gen. (D) 915 Edw., B.T.265 Fras. and sir F., aft. Id. Verulam, and vise. St. Albans. q.v., A.G. 399 ; J.K.B. 372; K.C. 414 ; Ld. Chanc. and L.K. 356 ; Q.C. 414; S.G. 401 ; S.L. 409 Fras. Hy., C.C.J. 405 Jas.and sir J.,C.J.Bank.392; Jud. Com. P.C. 362 : P.C. 221 ; Q.C. 417 ; V. Chanc. 390 Jno. , J.C.P. 377 Xath., J. Adm. Ct. 423 Xath.. K.B. 763 Xichs., K.B. 764 sir Nichs., L.P.S. 240; L.K. :i56 Th., J.C.P. 377 ; J.K.B. 371 ; K.B. 755 Baddeley, Fk. Hy., gen. (D) 890 Wm. CI., gen. (D) 879 Baden, Giles, du. -Vrdf. 640 Baden-Powell, .--S.'(i*r.S-°^.^-Jam Hosp.851 ^ ^' ^•®- Gr. ~^,Y'?,v'^/°'^and}, L.P ct -^ fp^R'^''-Sess:518 * g^^ (Polkemmit), Ld. Sess, ^ffi"-«^»^i"o".^^^Ham- laii?'.^.''/';;;'^^''il'Sal.466 ley aLcfllavly" ^"^^^^' B^^" J'lo., Q.c. 117 I -^ ^lu --U b.G. Sc. 527 |Ta^xr^?V-Townl., Sec. St. Michl., Sec. St. Sc 50? ,Zl^f'^-;gen.(A)8l9 '°^ I Comm. Tr^se ^1^7 ^^"-leigh). 2:3 Kt., gen. (B) 869 ,C;^^»-.G.N.Brk.695;gen. -— sirAlexr L.G.C.Sc.006 -Ed..K.Sc.'lf'"'^P^^-«- =.?n^o.^!:.^sfS-«e.506 Bal^^zon. Greg., g. Ch. Isl. de. Sc. ■'""•, gen. I JJi 914 . ^lexi-., eth R nf r- t Z. — •^'^o., K. Sc IQ BaWers,Ch.w,S.MorI.,gen ialfe^aK-u HT.'^eo. gen. (D)923 I'd Chanc. 353-4 ' Ch?nc:'l5]'P-^'°^-^-^54;Ld. -T-^Rt.^andsirE.,.LK.B.372; Th., adm. (H) 849 P-A. 335; -"- ^*^j 0x1 U-. _.Hy., B. Cr. ^^mds. H. ,331 --■?/o;,^ii^Vf-(A.8i.9 — Jno., U.S.C.235" T,?-' '^AChich. 431 885 '■ ^e^-ard, gen. (D) orig-g-e — ".^..i- — -_(0P Baldry) sir Th t -.r NT" " "i-. P.P 4ifi- cj t -"■ iK. iS7; JI.R.387 ^2fK.c'lf/78^-^^^- '^^ ^S¥^'«---and -^ Ralph., bp.Lich. and Gov T V, ,\?'^epnen), Pr £ i- to \ K. .Jsm. 97 3:: I- to VI., C. Hit. 81 {■ to IX., c. Ph-s. 81 Augs., adm. iH; 846 Bai^^'^-c-^-^0^ i— |S::i:i:!?^i«--. Baird, Augs. Eraser, gen. (D) ZZl™V M- Chy. 396 — firJna,Ld.Sesf5l9-20 Jj^ .%^ '• I'f ■ Sc^ 503?- fl?' ad,^j:?E,|,f-^^ E-l^-eJ Sf 5ofrv:P^E^d^Sc'lo ^- ■ '^^' ■ ■ "'" I 7v ^- ^'^s^i-' adm. (A) 820 of Stephen), Pr p 9 iTjA^ "-i- Mch. K.A. ;^' ^^° '^,"l,-Emp.E.E.-51 9|^t"^ricus, Q. c. m'! C. Ro. ^£^®i^e, Geo. Or., du. adm. 1^1 o^y r— Jos., gen. (CJ 873 Jaitan, bp. cionm. 599 - Sir Dav., Ld. Sess. 519 ■- ■ •' -". oess. ai9 I Q DOS ' ""• "»t;y. Ballenden and Bellenden ~^ntfe ^P- ^b'^^- "3^r bp. ^ess!'5t8°-'^-^-C"^--516;Ld. .S'^ir-''^-^-^"^--^16;Ld. BallSg!ll^'^l,S--518 868 ' ^^^ fe'eu- (B) |^:i?^^oS-^«^-o« Bally, St. Jno., gem ,D) 933 B^i J.^" ^^.'^- 'B) 934 "^ SS^ir""^' J-0. de. dn. 964 INDEX OF NAJfES. Balmaceda, J. M., Prcs. Chi. Ill Balmain, Jas., C. Exc. Sc. 505 Jas. Geo., pen. (T» 910 Balmerino, Ids. .Jas., 1st 1(1., form. Jas. Elphinstone and sir J., q.v., L.P. Ct. Sess. 516 Jno. Jas., 2nd Id. H.C.P. Sc. 507 ; Ld. Sess. 517 Jno., 5th Id., form. hen. Jas. Elphinstone, q.v. Balmyle, Nichs. de. l.p.Dnbl. 5:iJ; Lil. Chanc. Sc. 515 Balnavis, Balueaves, and Balnea vis — Hv., gen. (D) 882; K.H. 791 Hy. (No. 1) L.J. Clk. 516; Ld. \dv. 526 : Ld. Sess. 518 Hy. (No. 21 Ld. Sess. 518 Balreput, Wni. de, dn. Oss. 62J Balsch, T. R., H. Mva. 94 Balscot, .\le.xr.. bp. Mth. 599 ; bp. Oss. 620 ; L.J. Ir. 551 ; L. Treas. Ir. 558; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 Balsham, Hugh de, bp. Ely, 4:w Balta, J., Pres. Pu. 109 Balthazar, Pr. Mkg. 74 Baltimore, Ids. Geo., 1st Id., form, sir G. Calvert, q.v. Chas.. 4th Id., gen. (C) 871 Ch., 6th Id., L. .\dniy. 178 Baltroddi, Walt, de, bp. Ciiess. 5:^1 Bamme, Ad.. L.M. Lond. 489 Bampfield, Th., Sp. H.C. 219 Banarji, Kistna Moh. CLE. 807 Banastre and Banaustre, see (dso Banister Alard., J. It. 365 Th., K.G. 734 Th., B. Ex. 383 Banaastre, see Banastre and Banister Banbnry, E. ol A\ m., 1st E. of, form. Id. Knolly s and 1st vise. Walling- ford, q.v. Wm. Knollys, called E. of, gen. (Ci 872 Bancroft, Jno., bp. Oxf. 456 Kil.. ahp. Cant. 431 ; bp. Loud. 452 \Vm. Ch., gen. (D) 925 Bandinthel, Dow., dn. Jsey. 6(;8 Bandiora, Eras., bar. de, K.C.B. 777 Bandon, E. of Jas., 2nd E. of, L.L. Cork, 569 Eras., 3rd E. of, L.L. Cork, Jas. Fr., 4th E. of, L.L. Cork, 569 Banent, Hugh, Ch. Sec. Ir. 561 ; L. Treas. Ir. 558 ■e also Baines and Ed. Banlngton, Hy., K.B.758 Banister and Bannister, see (dso Banastre and Banaustre Win. and sir \V., B. Ex. 384; S. L. 411 For LUt of .iblireviations, Banke, Rd.. R. Ex. 383 Th., B. I'x. 383 Bankes and Banks Geo.. B.C. 2.J3; Curs. B. Ex. 386; J..\.G. 937; L.T. 159-60 ; P.C. 215 ; Sec. B.C. 254 • Hy.. C. Cus. 276 * Hy., K.C. 415 ♦ ? same pers. Jas. Stev., K.C.B. 776 Jno. and sir .1., A.G. 399; C.J.C.P. 375 ; L.L. Dors. :107 ; L.J. 154 ; S.L. 409 sir Jos.. B. Tr. 268 ; G.C.B. 771 ; K.B. 765 ; I'.C. 206 ; Pres. R. Inst. 940; Pres. R. Soc. 940 Th., dn. St. As. Am Bankhead, Ch., Amb. Mex. i:W : Amb. Tky. 129 Banks, sie Bankes Bank well (or Baukwelll, Jno. de. .1. It. 368 Hog. de, J.K.B. 371 Bannatyne, Jas., Ld. Sess 519 - — - Th., Ld. Sess. 518 ■ Wtn. McL., Ld. Sess. 520 Bannerhassett, sir Jno., B. K.\. Ir. 5M Bannerman, .\lexr. and sir A., G. Bah. Isl. 716 ; G. Newfd. 700: G. Pr. Ed. Isl. 669 Hy. CampbeU-, Ch. Sec. Ir. .563 ; P.C. 220; Sec. Adm. 187; U.S. War, 233; W. Sec. 232 Wm., gen. (Di931 Bannister, sec Banister Banquel, Jno. de, B. Ex. 3a3 Baodan, K. Ir. Jl Bapthorpe, Wm., K.B. 760 Baptist, ./no.. 111). Drom. 604 Bapu Diva Sliastri, CLE. 806 Siihib Avar, K.CI.E. 805 Bar, .Vloxr., bp. Mor. 534 Barantin, Hugh de, Const. W. Cast. 322 Barbar, Jno., J. Pr. Ct. 421 Barbatus, M. H., C Ro. 38 P. C S., C Ro. 41 ; Dt. Ko. 41 T. Q. C. (6), C. Ro. 38-9 Barber, C. Chapman, C.C.J. 405 Ch. Hy., K.C. 416 Jno., L.IV^. Lond. 491 Luc, gen. (B»866 Wm., Q.C 419 Barbour, Dav. Mill, K.C.S.I. 804 Barbula, L. M., C. Ro. 42 M. .E., C Ro. 43 Q. .¥.., C Ro. 41 Barbutt, Jno. D., Sec. I'.O. 239 Barclay and Berclay, sec also Barklv and licrkeley sir Hv..(;.C.M.(i.71i5 Ino., gcii. (AiHlW Tos., bp. Jslm. 677 Rt., dn. Clr. 597 Rt., K.C.B. 775 Walt, de, L.G.C. Sc. 506 Bard, I'ot., L.H.A. 170-1 Barde, (iauteur de, M.M. 246 Bardelby, Rt. de, L.K. 354 ; :\I. Cliv. 393 WiM.de, M.R. Ir. 585 Bardolf, Hugh, J. It. 366; Jy. ■.iiy.i Th., K.B. 754 sir Wm., L.H.A. 174 Bardolph, Wm., Id., form, sir Wm. Philips, q.v. Bardsey, Arth. de, dn. Bgr. 426 Bardsley, Jno. W., bp. S. and M. 484 Barelro, C, Pres. Pgy. 110 Barentyne, Dr., L.M. Lond. IS'.I Barford, see Hereford Bargrash, B. S., S. Zr. 102 Barg'rave, l^^., dn. Cant. 431 Barbam, Nichs., S.L. 408 Ch., 1st Id. form, sir C Middleton, q.v., Compt. N. 257 : L. Admy. 180; P.C. 207 Barillas, M. L., Pres. Gua. 106 Baringr, .\kxr., aft. 1st Id. Ashburton, q.v.. M.M. 247; P.C. 213; Pres. B.T. 268 Ch., bp. Dham. 479; bp. Gl. and Br. 439 Ch., gen. (I>»919 Evel. and sir E., .\mb. Eg. 130; G.C.M.G. 796; K.C.B. 784 : K.C.S.I. 803 Eras.. Chn. E.I. Co. 644 Fr. Th. and sir F., aft. 1st Id. Northbrook, q.v.. Ch. Ex. 165; L. .Vdmy. \m: L.T. 160; P.C. 214 ; Sec. Tr. 163 Hy. B., L.T. 160-1 Jane Emma, lady, Cr. Ind. Walt., Amb. Mgo. 128 Wm. B., aft. 2nd Id. Ash- burton, q.v., P.C. 214 ; Paym. G. 244 ; Sec. B.C. 2.54 lion. Thos. Cieo., aft. 2nd Id. and 1st E. Northbrook, q.v., L. Admy. 183-4; Sec. Adm. 187; U.S. Home, 228; U.S. Ind. 2:36 Bark—, see also Berk— Barkeley, see Barkley and Berkelev Barker, Chr., Cal. P.A. 342; Gart. K.A. 327; K.B. 760; Norr. K.A. 329; R. Dr. P-A. 337 ; Richm. H. 333 Ed., Curs. B. Ex. :«6 Fk., bp. Syd. 703 Geo., adm. lAi 820 Geo. Digb., gen. (D) 932 Geo. Rt., K.C.B. 778 Jno., adm. (A) 814 Just., R. Cr. P.A. 335 ; Rbk. P.A. 344 Rt., K.B. 761 ; S.L. 409 Wm., dn. Rph. mi Barkey, Anthv.. L.M. Dbln. 641 Barkham, sir Ed., L.M. Lond. 491 Geo., Lane. H., :i;« Barkingf , Kd. de, B. Ex. 383 ; L.H.T. 152 Barkley, see tilso Barclay and Berkeley Mor., K.B. 759 sir Rd., Lt.T.L. 321 Wm., K.B. 758 Arth. Cec. St., G. Folk. Isl. 731; O. Hlgld. 670; G. Seych. Isl. 684 Hy. and sir H.. G. Br. Gn. 715; G. C.G.H. 674; G. Jam. 713; (t. Mtius. 684; G. Vict. 704; K.C.B. 782 Barlee, Fk. Palgr. and sir F., G. Br.Hond. 714; G. Trin. 72:1; K.C.M.G.7W Barlow, sir Geo. Hil., O.G. Ind. 648; (4. Mdras. 656 G.C.B. 771; K.B. 766 i)l>. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 965 Barlow— C07if. sir Jas., L.M. Dbln. 641 Juo., dn. Wore. 473 Jno., gen. (C) 872 Jno. Jas., gen. (B) 868 Maiir., G. Trin. 722; gen. (D) 893 Ralph, dn. Llin. 623; dn. WeUs 429 • Eand., abp. Tm. 611; dn. Chr. Ch. Dbln. 618 sir Kt., adm. (A) 818; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 775 Th., bp. Line. 447 Wm. (No. 1), bp. B. &W. 428 ; bp. Chich. 433 ; bp. St. As. 462 ; bp. St. Dav. 464 Wm. (No. 2), bp. liine. 447 ; bp. Koch. 460 ; du. Chest. 477 Wm. Jas. Pr., gen. (D) 930 Barnaby, Nath., K.C.B. 784 Barnard, see also Bernard Andr. [Jno.l Fras. and sir A., gen. (A) 863; G.C.B. 769; G.C.H. 787 : K.C.B. 774 ; K.C.H. 787; L.G. Ch. Hosp. 936 Ch. L. and sir C, gen. (D) 904 ; K.C.B. 782 Ed. King, adm. (H) 850 Fk. Lamp., adm. (H) 850 Hy. Wm., gen. (D) 885; K.C.B. 778 - sir Juo., L.M. Lond. 491 Thos., see Bernard (or Bernard), Wm., bp. Dry. 601 ; bp. Rph. 602 ; dn. Eoch. 461 Baruardistou, Arth., M. Chy. 395 Th., adm. (E) 837 ; S.L. 412 Barne, Barne, C. Tx. 285 sir Geo., L.M. Lond. 490 Snowd., C. Cus. 276; L.T. 159 Barnes and Barns Ed. and sir E., C.C. Ind. 651; G. Ceyl. 672; gen. (B) 868 ; G.C.B. 768 ; K.C.B. 774 sir Geo., L.M. Lond. 490 sir Jas. St., gen. (B) 869 Jno., gen. (C) 873 {or Berues) .Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 Juo. Gor., Q.C. 420 Ed., bp. Carl. 475; bp. Dham. 479 ; bp. Suff. Nottm. 447 -(or Barons), Wm., bp. Lond. 451; L.K. 355; M.E.387 Barnes, Ids. — - Juo., Id., see Beruers Barnet, Jno., bp. B. & W. 428 ; bp. Ely 435; bp. Roeh. 460; bp. Wore. 472 ; L.H.T. 153 Barnett, Ch., gen. (C) 872 Ed., adm. (G) 843 ■ Geo. Alfr., CLE. 807 Ol., CLE. 807 Barnewall, see also Bernevall Barnaby, J.C.P. Ir. 581 Ch., S.L. Ir. 591 Chr., L. Treas. Ir. 558 Ed., Ch. Ex. Ir. 561 .Jas., A.G. Ir. 588 sir Jno., B. Ex. Ir. 584; Rec. Dbln. 642; S.L. Ir. 591 sir Juo., aft. Id. Trimle- ston, q.v. Patr., M.R. Ir. 585 ; S.G. Ir. 589 ; S.L. Ir. 591 Nichs., C.J.C.P. Ir. 580 • Th., B. Ex. 383 For Barney, Geo., G. N. Aust. 705 Barns, see Barnes Barny, Ai-dl. Hy. Falw., gen. (D) 935 Baroda, Gaekwar of (Xo. 1), G.C.S.I. 801 Gaekwar of (No. 2), G.C.S.I. 801 Gaekwar of (No. 3), K.C.S.I. 802 Maharanee of, Cr. Ind. 809 Baron, Juo., du. Norw. 456 Juo. le, du. Oss. 622 Milo, bp. Oss. 620 Rt., bp. Ork. 535 RoL, abp. Cash. 625 Barons, see Barnes Bar owe, see also Barrow Th., L.K. 355; M. Chy. 394 ; M.R. 387 Barquerel, Rt., Portr. Lond. 488 Barr, Dav., geu. (D) 881 Hy. Jas., geu. (D) 908 Jas., Modr. K. Sc. 547 (or Finbarr), St., bp. Cork 630 Wua., geu. (D) 898 Bar re, Isaac, CI. PeUs, 168; P.C 202; Paym. G. 245; Tr.N. 256 ; V. Treas. Ir. 560 Ed., Jy. 363 Barrel, Wm., gen. (B) 864 Barrel! (or Barwell). Fras., S.L. 410 Barret, Audr., bp. Lift. 449 Patr., bp. Ferns, 621 ; Ld. Chauc. Ii-. 575 sir Paul, S.L. 410 Th., bp. Elph. 608 Wm., bp. Kild. 617 Barret, of Newburgh, Id., see Newburgh Barrett, Juo., gen. (D) 910 MacWm., du. Killa. 614 Ed., bp. KiUa. 612 Barrie, sir Et., adm. (D) 824 ; K.C.B. 777 ; K.C.H. 788 Barrington, Benj., dn. Arm. 597 hon. Daines, J. Chest. 387 ; K.C. 415 hon. Geo., L. Admy. 182 Juo. and sir J., L.M. Dbln. 642 hon. Jno., geu. (C) 871 sir Jouah, J. Admy. Ct. Ir. 587 hon. Saml., adm. (A) 815 hon. Shute, bp. Dham. 479 ; bp. Lift". 449 ; bp. Sal. 467 Barring'ton, vise. (or Shute) Jno. aft. 1st vise. B., M.R. Ir. 585 Wm. W. 2nd vise., Ch. Ex. 165; L.H.A. 178; L.T. 157; M.G.W.296 ; P.C. 200 ; Postm. G. 238 ; See. at W. 233 ; Tr. N. 256 Geo. Wm. 7th vise., C.G.A. 300; C.Y.G. 298; P.C. 219; V.C.H. 292 Barrios, G., Pres. S. Salv. 106 J. F., Pres. Gua. 106 Barrow aud Barrowe, see also Barowe Ch. Male. geu. (D) 922 Fras., C.C.J. 405 Is., bp. S. and M. 484 : bp. St. As. 462; G. L Man, 666 Jno. and sir J., Sec. Admy. 187 • Jos. Ly., gen. (D) 910 List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. Barrow and Barrowe— eon*. Lous., Ch. Com. Oudh,654 ; gen. (D) 909 Rt. Kn., G. Lag. 687 Saml., J.A.G. 937 Th., G. Br. Houd. 714 ; geu. (C) 873 Wm., bp. Bgr. 426 ; bp. Carl. 475 Barry, Alfr., bp. Syd. 703 Ch. Rt., A.G.Ir.589; J.Q.B. Ir. .579 ; J.Q.B.D. Ir. 579 ; L.J. App. Ir. 586 ; S.G. Ir. 590; S.L. Ir. 593 sir Dav. de, L.J. Ir. .550 Ger. de, bp. Cork, 630 ; dn. Cork, 632 Hy. Gr., gen. (C) 873 Jas. aft. sir J. and Id. San- try, q.v., B. Ex. Ir. .5.S4 ; CJ.K.B. Ir. 578 ; S.L. Ir. 591 Jno., A.G. Ir. 588 Jno., dn. Elph. 609 Juo. Mae, L.T. 159; C. Treas. Ir. 561 ; L.T. 159 Ph., geu. (D) 889 Redm., C. Ace. Ir. 567 sir Redm., G. Viet. 705 ; K.C.M.G. 797 Rd., dn. Cash. 627 Th., bp. Oss. 620; L. Treas. Ir. 558 Wm. Wigr., gen. (D) 921 Barrymore, Jas. 4th E. of, gen. (B) 864 Barsse, Adolp., bar., gen. (C) 873 Bartane. Jno., Ld. Sess. 518 Barter, Rd., geu. (D) 931 Barthon, see Barton Bartlay (or Bartley), Rt., K.C.B. 777 Bartlett, EU. Ashm., L.Admy. 186 Heul. Th., gen. (D) 912 Bartley, see also Bartlay Juo. Cow., geu. (D) 911 Barton, Alexr., K.H. 791 Benj., L.M. Dbln. 641 Ch.,geu. (B)866 Ch. Jas., gen. (D) 911 Cutts, dn. Brl. 440 Ezek., gen. (D) 881 Hy., L.M. Lond. 489-90 Jno., du. Ard. 609 Juo. de, J. It. 368 Jno. (No. 1), Rec. Loud. 493; S.L. 407 Juo. (No. 2), S.L. 410 Matth., adm. (A) 815 Pet. de, M. Chy. 393 Ralph, adm. (H) 848 Rt., adm. (A18I8 Rt., gen. (D) 933 Rt. de, du. St. P. 452 Rt. aud sir R., Compt. Sc. 498: L.H.T. Sc. 497 — — • Sir Rt., geu. (A) 863 ; K.C.H. Barty, Jas. S., Modr. K. Se.547 Barve, Rao B. M., CLE. 807 Barwell, Ch. Arth., gen. (D) 909 (or Barrell), Fras., S.L. 410 Wm. B. Br., gen. (Dl 924 Barwick, Juo., dn. Dham. 479 ; dn. St. P. 453 Saml., G. Bdoes. 720 Basden, Ch., adm. (H) 848 Ch. Br., geu. (D) 920 Basil, sir E.. Chambn. Ex. 166 Ralph, K.B. 764 »6t) IXDEX OF NAMES. Emp. Tzde. 98 I. to v., K. Kus9. 89 Win., A.G. Ir.5«8; C.J.K.B. It. 578 Basilins, I. and II., Emp. E.E. .50 Basing-, de, see Kingsmill A.l., L.af. Lond. 488 Saiiil., L.M. Lond. 488 Baskevyle, Walt., K.B. 759 Bassano, .\lfr., sen. iD) 918 Bassenet, Ed., dn. St. I'at. 618 Basset and Bassett Alan, Jy. 364 Fnike, bp. Lond. 451 ; dn. Yk. 486 Jno., K.B. 759 Jno. Jarv., K.C.M.G. 7i7 Ph., Ch. Jr. 363; Const. T.L. 320 Kalph, Ch. Jr. 362; Jy.363 Ralph, W.C.P. 318 Kalph, see Id. B. infra Rd., Ch. Jr. 362 ; Jy. 363 sir Rd., G. Br. Hond. 714 Rt., L.M. Lond. 490 Sim., J. It. 366 Th.(No.l), J. It. 366 ; Jy. 363 Th. (No. 2j, J.K.B. 371; Jy. 365 Th. (No. 3), W.C.P. 317 Wm. (No. 1), J. It. 365 ; Jy. Wm. (No. 2), J. It. ;i67 Wm. (No. 3) J.CP. 377; J.K.B. 371 Bassett of Drayton, Ralph, Uli Id.. K.G. 733; W.C.P. 318 Bassingborne, Humphr. de, J. It. ma Bastard, Jas. S., gen. (D) 686 \\ m., J. It. 365 Bastide, Jno. Hy., gen. (B) 865 Bat I or Bate), Ger.,L.M. Loud. Bataile, Pet. de, M.M. 246 Batche. see Bathe Batchelor, Ch., gen. (D) 930 Bate — , see alto Bat — hio.. M. Chy. 394 Bateley, Wm., Sr. N. 257 Bateman, Ch. Ph., adm. (D) .SJi;, iGlH40 sir Anthy., L.M. Lond. 491 sir Jas., L.M. Lond. 491 Rt., gen. (D) 890 Wm. (Wm. de Norwich), bp. Norw. 455 ; dn. Line. 448 Bateman, Ids. and vise. \\ m., 1st vise., K.B. 764 Jno., 2nd vise, L. Admy. 178; L.L. Heref. 308 ; M.B.W. 303: P.C. 200; Tr. H. 291 Win. B., Istld., L.L. Heref. Wm. B., 2nd Id., L.L. Heref. 3as Bateman-Champani, see ('liaiMi)ain Baterley, Jno., abp. Tm. 611 Bates, Ch. Edw., gen. (D) 930 — llv. and sir H., gen. (D) 898; k.C.Ii. 781 loah, C. Cus. 276 Batesford, .Jno. de, J. It. :J68 Bateson, Rd., gen. (D) 926 Th., L.T. 161 Bath, Nath. de, K.B. 755 Wm., V. Treas. Ir. 559 Bath, E. and M. of Bath, E. and M. of—cont. Jno., 7th E. of, form, sir J. Greuville, q.v., also vise. Landsdowne, q.v., Gr. St. isai; L.L. CnwaU. 307; P.C. 190, 192 Wm., 10th E. of, form. Wm. Pulteney, q.v., Coflf. H. 293; L.L. Salop, 311; L.T. 142 ; Prein. 142 Th., 1st M. of, form. 3rd vise. Weymouth, q.v., 742 Th., 2nd M. of, K.G. 743 : L.L. Soms. 311 Jno. A., 4th M. of, Amb Pgl. 125 Bathe, Hy. Pore, de, gen. (D) 903 Jas., C.B. Ex. Ir. 583 Jno. and sir J., A.G. Ir. 588 ; C.J.C.P. Ir. 58C ; Ch. Ex. Ir. 561 ; S.G. Ir. .589 ; S.L. Ir. 591 Laur., see Booth Th. (No. 1), C.B. Ex. Ir. 562 (or Batche), Th. (No. 2), C.B. Ex. Ir. 582; L. Treas. Ir. 558 Wm., J.CP. Ir. .581 Bathonia, Hy. de, Ch. Jr. 363 ; J.CP. 376; J.K.B. 371; Jy. 364 Bathurst, see also Bragge Beuj., Amb. Aus. 117 sh- Benj., Coff. H. 293 Ch., C.D.L. 243; M.M. 247 ; Pres. B.C. 253 Hy., bp. Norw. 455 Hy., see Earl B., infra. Tas. and sir J., G. Virg. Isl. 731; een. (B)869; K.C.B. 776 Peter, gen. (Ai 859 Ralph, dn. ^Mls. 429 Bathurst, Ids. and E. Allen, 1st Id., aft. 1st E. C.G.P. 299 : P.C. 198 hon. Hy., aft. 1st Id. Aps- ley, q.v., and 2nd earl B., CG.S. 357; J.CP. 379; K.C 415; L.H.S. 287; L.P.C 188; Ld. Chanc. :«7 ; S.L. 412 Hy., 3rd. E., form. Id. Aps- ley, q.v., F. Sec. 228; Jud. Com. P.C. .360; K.G. 743; L.P.C. 188; M.M. 247; Pres. B.T. 26,S: W. and C Sec. 231 Batline, ^\ ni., Adm. Adv. 423 Battail, Jno. de, Ld. Chanc. and L.K. Ir. 574 Battayle, lU.. L.H.A. 171 Batte, Nich., L.M. Lond. 489 Batten, Sisley Jno., gen. (D) Battenbersr, Pr. Alexr. Jos. of, G.C.B. 773 Pr. Hy. Maur. of, K.G. 745 Pr. Louis Alex, of, G.C.B. 773; K.C.B. 784 Battersby, Jno. Prev., gen. (Di '.fJH Battine, W ni., gen. iDl 880 Battiscombe, .\lb. Hy. Wm., a,lm.(HiS.->3 Battle, L., I'rcs. Ugy. Ill Battye, Cico. Mou., gen. (D) Baudake, .see Baldoc Baug-h, CJi. Rd., gen. (D) 913 l-'foll. W alk., gen. (D) 923 Liiuiic, gill. iB)86C - Thos. lM.ll..adm.(H)844 Baukwell, see Bankwell de, L.K. Ed., 5th E. of, form. E. Baumburffh, Th itzwarine, f/.v. ' :i.'.l ; M. Chy. .393 I'or List of AbhrciialivTis, see pp. 944-952. Baumgardt, -Jno. Gregory, gen. iD/ ^-3 Baumg-artner, Rt. Jul., gen. (Di 9(,.j -^ Th. Mowbr., gen. iDi 930 Bavant, lialph. Lt. T.L. 321 Bavier, S., Pres. Sw. C 31 Bawde, Th., K.B. 759 Bawtry, L., S.L. 409 Baz, Joh., G. C.G.H. 678 Baxter, Mart., dn. Cnr. 605 Wm. E., Sec. Adm. 187; Sec. Tr. 164 ; P.C. 218 Bayenx. Jno. de, J. It. :j66 B^^eld, Hy. Wolsey, adm. (D)8:31; (P)63S Bayford, Rt. Aug., Q.C 420 Bayham, Jno. .Jeff., vise. .form, hon. J. J. Pratt, q.c. aft. 2nd E. and 1st M. Camden, q.v., B.T. 268; L. Admy. 180; L.T. 1.58; P.C. 205 Baylie, .see Baillie and Bayly Baylis, Rt. and sir R., C. Cus. 274-5; L.M. Loud. ilH Th. Hy.. Q.C. ll'.i Bayley, Baylie and Bayly, see also liailey and Baily Abingd. Augs., gen. (D) 924 sir DaiU., K. H. 789 Ed., dn. Ardf. 640 Ed. CI., K.C.S.I. 803 Eras., C.C.J. 404 sirHy.,gen.(Ai862;G.C.H. 787 ; K.H. 791 Jno., dn. Killoe. 637 ; iln. Lism. 629 Jno., gen. (Di 917 Jno. and sir J., B. Ex. 385 ; J.K.B. :i73: Jud. Com. P.C. 360; P.C. 212; S.L. 412 Jas. Walt., gen. iD) 902 Lewis, bp. Bgr. 426 sir Nichs., L.L. .\ng. 314 Paget, gen. iDi 911 Rd., dn. 6al. 468 Rd. Alb., gen. iD) 897 Stu. Colv. and sir S., CLE. 807; Ch. Com. Ass. 656; L.G. Bgal. 652; K.C.S.I. 803 Th., bp. Killa. and Ach. 613; dn. Down, 6U5 Wm. ]?utt. Chn. E.I. Co. 64.5 ; G.G. Ind. 649 Bajmard, Fulco.. J. It. 367 Rd., Sp. H.C 248 Rt., .J.K.B. .371 Baynbrig-ge, see Bainbrigge Bayne, Jno.. trcn. iCi H71 — Ralph, bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 Baynes, see also Baines and Banes — Ed., gen. (C) 874 — Ed. Stu. and sir E., Amb. Tun. 132 ; K.C.M.G. 796 — Geo. Ed., gen. iD) 925 — Hy., K.H. 792 Jno., S.L. 411 Rt. Lamb, and sirR., aduj. iD)H;M; (E)N«; K.C.B. 778 Robt. St., gen iD) 909 — — Simc., gen. (Di .s",»2 Baynlng, Ch., Id., form. Ch. Townsliond, q.r. Baynton, Ed., K.B. 763 Bayntnu, Hv. Wm. and sir H., adm. lAi MS ; CJ.C.B. 769 ; K.C.B. 774 Basalffette, Evel., Q.C. 418 Baieley, Jno., adm. i At M(> — - .Jno., adm. ^Ai 819 Beach, sir Miclil. Ed. Hicks-, Ch. Ex. 166: Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; L. T. 162 ; P.C. 219 : Pres. B.T. 269; U.S. Home, 228 Beachcroft, sir Et., L.M. Lond. 491 Beacousfield, Beujn., E. of, form. B. Disraeli, q.v., Amb. Gmy. and Pr. 116.; K.G. 745 ; L.T. 162 Beadon, Cecil, aft. sir C, K.C.S.I. 802; L.G. Bgal. 652 Rd., bp. B. and W. 428; bp. Glr. 438 Beale, Ch. Ed., gen. (D) 917 Wm., dn. Ely, 435 AVm. Ph., Q.C. 420 Beales, Edmd., C.C.J. 405 Bealknap (or Belknap), Rt., C.J.C.P. 375 ; .J. It. .369 ; S.L. 407 Beanies, Jno., K.C. 416 Beamish, Ch., gen. iD) 901 Hy. Ham., adm. (H) 852 North Lindl., K.H. 792 Bean, .Jno., gen. (Dl 918 Beanus(St.), bp. Jlortl. 530 Bearcroft, Edw., C.J. Chest. 3S6 ; K.C. 415 Beard, Hy., G. Berb. 715 Beare, Geo., S.li. 410 Bearngall, K. Ir. 20 Beasley, Wm. Cole, Q.C. 419 Beaton, see also Bethune Dav. and sir D., L.H.T. Sc. 496; L.P.S. Sc. 501 Beatrice, D. Tny. 57 (dau.Hy. III.), Pr. E. 10 (dan. Edw. I.), Pr. E. 10 Leop. Vict. (G. dau. Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 16 Mary Vict. Feed. (dau. Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 16 ; Cr. Ind. 809 Beatson, Albert B., gen. (D) 913 Jno. Full., CLE. 806 — — Rog. Stew., gen. (D) 908 Wm. Ferg., gen. (B) 899 Beatty, Andr., gen. (D) SC2 Geo., gen. (D) 883 Beauchanip, Fitzm., gen. (Dl 929 Jno., K.B. 757 Jno., Ptc. P.A. 337 * Jno. de. Const. T.L. (1360) * sir Jno., K.G. (1360) 733 * sir Jno., L.H.A. (1349) 172 * sir Jno., W.C.P. (1361) 318 ' Prob. some same pars. Rd., bp. Her. 441; bp. Sal. 467; Chanc. Gart. 745; dn. Winds. 474 Rd. de, aft. E. of Warwick, q.v., K.B. 755; K.G. (1400) 734 (or Bello Campo), Rt. de, J.C.P. 376; Jy. 364 Th., K.B. 755 Walt, de, J. It. 367 sir Walt., Sp. H.C. 248 (or Bello Carhpo), Wm. de, B. Ex. 382 sir Wm., K.B. 765 Wm., aft. 1st Id. Aberga- venny, q.v., K.G. (1378) 734 Beauchanip of Hache, Ids. and vise. Ed., 1st vise, form, sir Ed. Seymour, q.v., G. Jsey. 667 Ed. Sevm., Id. aft. E. of Hertford, 3.«., K.B. (1616) 762 INDEX OF NAMES. Beauchamp, Fras., vise, aft. E. of Yarmouth, q.v., and 2nd M. of Hertford, q.v.. Ch. Sec. Ir. 562; Coff. H. 294; L.T. 157-8 ; P.C. 203 Beauchamp of Powyck, Ids. and E. Jno., 1st Id., K.G. 735; L.H.T. 153 Hy., 4th E., gen. (A) 863 Fk.. 6th E., L.L. Wore. 313; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 218; Paym. G. 245 Beauclerk, Id. Amel., adm. (A) 818; G.C.B. 768; G.C.H. 786 ; K.C.B. 774 Id. Geo., G. Gibr. 669; gen. (B) 865 Id. Jas., bp. Her. 442 Id. Sidn., P.C. 198 ; V.C.H. 297 Id. v., aft. Id. Vere, q.v., adm. (A) 814 ; L. Admy. 178 Beaudake, see Baldoc Beaudyn, sir Rt., L.H.A. 171 Beaufort, Fras. and sir F., adm. (H) 844; K.C.B. 782 Hy. de, bp. Line. 446 ; bp. Winch. 470; dn. Wells, 429; Ld. Chanc. 355 sir Jno., aft. E. of Somer- set and M. of Dorset, q.v., K.G. (1397) 734 sir Th., aft. E. of Dorset and D. of Exeter, K.G. (1402) 734 ; L.H.A. 173 ; Ld. Chanc. 3.55 Beaufort, D. of Hy., 1st D. of, form. 7th E. and :3rd M. of Worcester, '- ily., 2nd D. of, C.G.P. 299 ; K.G. 741 Hy.. 5th D. of, K.G. 742 ; L.L. Brec. 315; L.L. Leic. 305 ; L.L. Monm. 310 Hv. Ch., 6th D. of, K.G. 743; L.L. Brec. 315; L.L. Glouc. 308 ; L.L. Blonm. 310 Hy., 7th D. of, K.G. 744 Hy. Ch. F.,8th D. of,M.H. 302; K.G. 745; L.L. Monm. .310; P.C. 216 Beaufoy, Hy., Sec. B.C. 254 Beaulieu, Ed., Id. andE.,form. E. H. Montagu, q.v. Beauharnais, Eug. de, Rel. Nap. 26 Beauman, Fras., adm. (D) 826 Beaumond, see Beaumont Beaumont, Bas., adm. (A) 813 ( or Beaumond) Fras., J.C.P. 378 ; S.L. 408 Geo., dn. Dry. 602 sir Geo., L. Admy. 177; L.P.S. 240 Hy., dn. Pboro. 458; dn. Winds. 474 sir Hy., Sp. H.C. 248 J. de, M.R. 388 Lew. de, bp. Dham. 478 Rd. Hy. Jno., gen. (D) 904 Beaumont, Ids. and vise. .Jno., 4th Id., K.G. 734; L.H.A. 173 ; W.C.P. 318 Hy., 5th Id., K.B. 755 , Jno., 6th Id. and 1st vise, K.G. 7.35 Beaupel, sir Rt., L.H.A. 172 Beauvale, Fk. Jas. Id., form. hon. F. J. Lamb, 3.1)., aft. vise. I Melbourne, q.v. 967 Beauvoir, Pet., G. Gsey. 668 Beaw, Wm., bp. Llff. 449 Bebb, Jno., Chn. E.I.Co. 645 Bee, see Beck and Bek Becan, bp. Cld. 598 Beccles, Jno. .\11., G. Bdoes. 720 Beche, Nichs. de la. Const. T.L. :^20 Becher, see also Beecher Alfr., gen. (D) 919 Ath. M. and sir A., gen. (D) 896 ; K.C.B. 780 Jno. Reid, geni (D) 905 Sept. Hard., gen. (D) 916 Beck, see also Bek Anthy. de (No. 1), bp.Dham. 478 ; K. Man. 665 Anthy. (Xo. 2), bp. Norw. 455 ; dn. Line. 448 Th., bp. St. Dav. 464; L.H.T. 1.52 Becke, Hy., dn. Brl. 440 Becker, Henrich, Adm. Ind. 647 ; G. Ceyl. 672 Becket and Beckett, see also A'Becket Jno. and sir J., J.A.G. 937; L.T. 160 ; P.C. 209 ; U.S. Home 228 Th., J. It. 365 Wm., S.L. Ir. 591 Beckford, Pet., G. .Jam. 712 Wm., L.M. Lond. 492 Becking-ham, Ehas de, J.C.P. 377 ; J. It. :^68 ; S.L. 406 Beckington, Th., bp. B. & W. 428 ; S. St. 222 Beckles, Ed. H., bp. Si. Leo. 686 Beckwith, Ch., gen. (D) 882 Geo. and sir G., Comm. F. Ir. .564 ; G. Bdoes. 720 ; G. Bmda. 701; G. St. Vin. 725; gen. (A) 860; G.C.B. 767; K.C.B. 774 sir Th. Sidn., C.C. Bmbay. 660; gen. (Bl 868; K.C.B. 774 Wm., gen. (D) 885; K.H. 790 Wm. Hv., gen. (C) 874 Beckyng-ton, see Beckington Bective, Th., 2nd E. of, aft. 1st M. of Headfort, q.v., K.P. 7.50 Bedea, Rao of, CLE. 806 Bsdell, Wm., bp. Ard. 608; bp. Kilm. & Ard. 607 Bedenfield, see Bedingfteld Bedenoth, bp. Roch. 459 Bedford, Geo. Auc'., adm. (H) 849 Ed. Jas., adm. (Hi 8.52 Rt. de, dn. Glend. 619 Wm., acbn. (A) 819 Fansh., gen. (D) 895 Bedford, E. and D. of Ingelr. de Courcy, E. of, K.G. (1366)7:33 Jno. Plantagenet, D. of (son of Hen. IV., .set; Pr. Jno.), also E. of Kendal, q.v., G. Ch. Isl. 667 ; K.B. 755 ; K.G. 7:34 ; L.H.A. 174 Jasp. Tudor, D. of, form. E. of Pembroke, q.v., L.L. Ir. 553 Russell Family. Jno., 1st E. of, form, sir Jno. and Id. Russell, q.v., L.W.S. 3-23 Fras.,2udE. of, K.G. 738; L.L. Dors. 307 ; L.W.S. 323 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. Bedford, E. and D. of— c(nit. \Vm., 5th E. of, form. \V. Russell, q.r., aft. M. of Tavis- tock, q.v., and 1st D. of B., K.G. 740; P.C. 193 ^Vrioth., 3iul D. of, K.G. 741; L.H. Const. '289 Jno., 4th D. of, Anib. Fr. 112; gen. (Bi 805: K.G. 742: L. Admy. 17N; L.H. Const. 289 ; L.L. Beds. 306 ; L.L.. Dev. 307; L.L. Ir. 557; L.P.C. 188; L.P.S. ail ; P.C. 199 ; S. St. 224 Jno., 6th D. of, K.G. 743; L.L. Ir. 5.57; P.C. 208 Fras., 7th D. of, K.G. 744 ; L.L. Beds. 306 ; P.C. 215 Fras. Ch. H., 9th D. of, K.G. 745: L.L. Hunts. 309 Eliz., Dss. of, M. Robes, 304 Bedingfield, Edni., K.B. 758 Hv. uiid sir H., C.J.C.P. 375: "J. C. P. .379; S.L. 410 sirHv. Lt. T.L. :m sir Jno., K.C.H. 788 Norm. Bern., adm. (H) 851 Ph., Ren. (D) 929 sir Rt., L.M. Lond. 491 Th., J.C.P. 379; S.L. 409-10 Th., K.B. 759 Bedmar, M., R. Nds. m Bedoya, I. D. dc, Dt. Pgy. 110 Bedwell, 1 ras. A., C.C.J. 405 Bedwinus, bp. Elm. 454| Beecher, n, <• also Becher Alcxr. Br., adm. (H) 850 sir Kil.. li.M. Lond. 491 Beechey, I'k. \Vm., adm. (D) 830 Rd. Brvdg., adm. (Hi 850 Beere, sir Jno., S.L. Ir. .591 Beeston, sir \Vm., G. Jam. 712 Beete, captn., G. W.JAustr. 707 Beevox, lU.. ^'en. iB) 869 Be? or Begg, Jno. J.K.B. Ir. .578 Beg^latneu, bp. Cld. 598 Behar, :\Iaharanee of, Cr. Ind. 810 Beide, ^Valt. de, Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Bek, see also Beck Anthy., Const. T.L. 320 (or Beke) Th., bp. Line. 446 Th., M. Chy. 393 Bela, I to IV., K. K(ry. 59, 60 Belagruier, -, U.S.S. 226 Belasyse, svp also Bellasyse J\()\\l., aft. E. Fauconberg, (j.r. Belasyse, Ids. Ino.. 1st Id., C.G.P. 299 ; L.T, 1.55; P.C. 193 Hy., aft. 2nd Id. B., K.B.. 763 Belcher, sir Ed., adm. (D)832 ; (PiKl8: K.C.B. 779 1., C.N. Sc. 695 Beleanquall, \\a.lt., sec Bal- can D ) 9-26 Benolte, Th., Clar. K.A. 3-2S : Xorr. K.A. 329; R. Cr. P.A. Sio : Winds. H. 331 Bense, L. Admy. 175 Benson, Cli. Ann., gen. (D) 930 Et. A., Pres. Lib. 100 Ed. W.. abp. Cant. 431 ; bp. Tin. 469 : Jud. Com. P.O. 36-2: F.C.->20 Geo., dn. Her. 443 Geo., gen. (Bi Stki Hv. Koxb., gen. iDi905 Mart., bp. GIr. 4:i8 Kd.. gen. (D) 8S7 Kobs.. gen. iDi 9-23 Rt.. aft. 1st Id. Bingley, (i.e., Ch. Es. 165; L..T. 156; P.O. 196 Wm., dn. Westr. 469 Benstede, Jno. de. J.CP. 377; L.K. 553 ; S. St. 232 Bent, Geo., een. (D) 904 Bentliam, Geo., adni. (H) S45 Th.. bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 ■\Vni., gen. iB> 863 Bentinck, .Aith. Cav., gen. (D'90:i Ch. Anty. Ferd., gen. (D) 8S3 Id. Fk., gen. (C) S74 Geo. Aug. Fk. Cav.. J.A.G. 937 ; P.C. -219 : Sec. B.T. 269 Hy., G. Dem. and Ess. 715 Hv. Jno. Wm., gen. (D) S.S4 ; K.C.B. 777 Hy. Wm., G. St. Yin. 725 * Wm., adm. (A) 817 • Wm., G. St. Yin. 725 * Prob. same. pers. Wm., aft. 1st vise. Wood- stock and 1st E. of Port- land, (j.c., P.C. 193 Id. Wm. Hv. Cavendish- [d. 18391. Amb. Scy. 114: C.C. lud. 6.51 ; G.C.B. 767 : G.C.H. 786 : G.G. Ind. 649 ; G. Mdras. 656: gen. (Ai 861; (Bi867; K.B. 7G6; P.C. 211 Id. Wm. Ch. Cav., P.C. 209 ; Tr, H. -291 Bentley, sir Jno., adm. (At 814 Benyon, Saml. Y., K.C. 415 Beonna, bp. Her. 441 Beorhtric, K.E. 2 Beorn, K.E. 2 Beorne^us, bp. Sels. 43-2 Beornmod lor Boernrednst, bp. RoL-h. 4.59 Beornred, K.E. 3 Beornrediis, ^cf Beornmod Beornulf, K.E. 3 Berang-era, st c Berengara Berclay, see Barclay Bere, Mont., C.C.J. 405; Q.C. 418 Bereford, see also Beresford (or Berford), Edmd. de, S.L. Ir. 590 Ralph. J. It. 369 Rd. de, J. It. 369; L. Treas. Ir. 558; Ld. Chanc. Ir.574 Wm. de, C.J.C.P. 375; J.CP. 377 ; J. It. 368 Bereng'ara (or Berangera), «dau. Edw. I.l, Pr. E. 10 Fcr INDEX OP NAilES. Bereng'aria, Q.C.E. 7 Bereng'er ide Rennes), D. Brv. 2s 1. and II.. K. Lmd. 49 Beresford, see also Bereford Id. Ch. W. de la P., L. Admy. 186 Ed. Marc, gen. (D) 927 Geo. de la P., bp. Clonf . and K. 636; bp. Kilm. and Ard. 607 ; dn. Kilm. 609 Id. Geo. Th., Compt. H. 293; G.C.H. 786; gen. (B) 869 ; P.C. 209 hon. Jno., B.T. 268; C. Cas. Ir. 565 ; C. Exc. Ir. 566 ; C. Treas. Ii-. 560 : P.C. 204 Jno. CI., L.M. Dbhi. 641 Id. Jno. Geo. de la P.. abp. .Arm. 596: abp. .Arm. and Chr. 597 : abp. Dbhi. and Gl. 616 ; bp. Chr. 596 : bp. Cork and R. 632 : bp. Rph. 602; dn. Ch-. 598 Jno. M. Massey-, dn. Kilm 609 sir Jno. Pov., adm. (A) 819; G.C.H. 787; K.C.B. 775; L. Admv. 182 Marc. gen. (D) 884 Marc. Gerv., abp. Arm. and bp. Clr. 597; bp. Kilm E. and A. 60S Most, de la P., gen. iD) 931 Wm., C.C.J. 405 Wm.,K.H.790 Wm., P.C. 215 ; Sec at W. 234 hon. Wm.. abp. Tm. 611; bp. Drom. 605; bp. Oss. 620 Wm.Gesl.de la P..C.I.E.S07 Beresford, Id. and vise Wm. Carr, Id. aft. vise. geu. lAi 861: G.C.B. 767: G.C.H. 7S6 : K.B. 766 ; L.G.O. 259 : M.G.O. 259 ; P.C. 210 Beresford-Hope, see Hope Berew, Jno., dn. Her. 442 Berewyk, Jno. de. J. It. 368 BerestediorBerstedei. Walt. de. J.CP. 377; J. It. 368: Jv. 365 : W.C.P. 317 Berford, see Burford and Bereford Ber^avenny, see Aberga- venny I Berg'er, Em. Archd., gen. (D) 930 Berg^hsted, Th. de, dn. Chich. iU Bergne, Jno. Hy. G.. K.C.M.G. 799 Berk—, see also Bark- Berkeley, see also Barkley and Barclay .\rn. de, B. Es. 383 Ch., see E. of B., iyifra sir Ch., aft. vise. Fitzhar- dinge and E. of Fahnouth. q.v., Compt. H. 292; P.C. 190 Ch. L. G., Sec. P.L.B. 262 Ed.. K.B. 758 Emer. Str., gen. (D) 931 Geo., bp. Cloy. 631 ; dn. Drom. 606 ; dn. Dry. 602 Geo. and sir G., G. Leew. Isl. 738 ; G. St. Yin. 735 : G. W. Afr. Sett. 688; K.C.M.G. 797 hon. Geo. Cr. and sir G., adm. (A) 817; G.C.B. 767; K.B. 766 : S.G.O. 260 Geo. Hv. Fk. and sir G., C.C. Mdras. 657; gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 775; S.G.O. 260 List of AbbreviatioJis, see pp. 9 969 Berkeley— oo>if. Gilb., bp. B. and W. 428 Granv. C L.. C Cus. 377 hon. Hv.. M.H. .-302 Hugh de. L.J. Gen. 522 Jas. de, bp. Exr. 436 Jas. Cav., CLE. 80S Jno., KB. 761 Jno. de. K.B. 754 Josh., dn. Tm. 613 Maur. de. Const. T.L. 320 Maur. de, J. It. 366 hon. Maur. Fk. Fitzh., aft. sir M. and Id. Fitzhardinge, q.v., a.dm. (D)828; G.C.B. 770 K.C.B. 778; L. Admy. 183-3 P.C. -216 Norb., aft. Id. Bottetotirt, q.v., L.L. Glonc. 308 Rt. de, J. It. Am sir Rt., J.K.B. 372; S.L. 409 Sackv. Ham., geu. (A) 863 Wm., see Id. B. of Strattou, itifra Wm., K.B. 757 Wm., K.B. 758 sir Wm., adin. i At 813 Berkeley, Ids. and E. Th., 5th Id., L.H.A. 173 .Jas., 6th Id., K.B. 756 Hv., 12th Id., K.B. 760 Th.. Id. (son of Hy., 12th Id.i. K.B. 761 Geo.. 13th Id., aft. 1st E., B.C. 263; P.C 191-2 Ch., 2nd E. of, form. Ch. Berkeley and vise Dursley, q.v.. K.B. 763; L.J. Ir. ooo; L.L. Surr. 312 Jas., 3rd E. of, form. vise. Dursley, 5.1-.. K.G. 741; L. Admy. 177 : P.C. 197 Aug., 4th E. of. K.T. 747 Fk. A., 5th E. of, L.L. Glouc. .308 Berkeley of Stratton, Ids. Jno., 1st Id., L.L. Ir. 555 ; M.G.O. 258 : P.C. 190 Jno.. 3rd Id., adm. 1 A) 813 Wm.. 4th Id., form. W"m. B.. C.D.L. -243: M.R. Ir. 585; Pres. B.T. 264 Jno., 5th Id., C.G.P. 299: C.Y.G. 398: Const. T.L. 331: P.C. 199; Tr. H. 391 Berkshire, E. of Norreys Family. Fras. Korreys, E. of, form. Id. Norris or Xorreys (16031, q.v. Howard Family. Th.. 1st E. of, form. Th. Howard and Id. H. and vise. Andover. q.v.. P.C. 190 Hv. B., 4th E. of, Dep. E.M. 327 Berkstead, Jno., Lt. T.L. 332 Berkstede, Sun. de, bp. Chich. Berming-ham and Ber- myng-ham, see also Bmn— Jno. de, D. Chauc. Ir. 575 : J.K.B. Ir. 578 ; S.L. Ir. 591 -Jos. Aid., dn. Kilmacd. 638 Patr., C.J.K.B. Ir. 577 Ph., C.J.C.P. Ir. 580 Rd. de. J. It. 369 su- Walt., L.J. Ii-. 5.51 Wm. de, abp. Tm. 611 Wm. de, CJ.K.B. 577 I ^^■m. de, dn. Her. 443 44-f52. 970 Bernadotte, K. S. and X. 92 ; Ofif. Nap. ie Bernard and Bemhard, see also Barnard » bp. Ach. 612 • bp. Carl. 475 * bp. S. and M. 483 * 3 Bloet (or Bluet), Kt., bp. Line. 446; Ch. .Ir. 362; Ld. Chanc. 3.W Sim., dn. Line. 447 Blois, Hy. de, bp. Winch. 470 Wm. de, bp. Line. 446; bp. Wore. 472 Blomefield, s< c af^oBlomfleld aii.l Pl.M.rnticld .sir 'I'h.. (,'en. lA) 861 Blomfield, .fe, aho Blomefield and Bloonilield Ch. Jas., bp. Chest. 477; bp. Lond. 4.52; Jud. Com.P.C. 360; P.C.2n Ed. Hy.. gen. iDi 914 Hy. .In()..adm. iHi s.51 Macdonald, form. Mac- donald. q.v. Blommart, Danl. Fras., gen. (B)869 Bloncat, Xichs., K.B. 756 Blonde, Jno. le, bp. Cork, 630 ; dn. Clov. 632 Blondy,"Kd., bp. Ex. 436 Blood, Nept. i2), dn. Kilf. 637 Bloomfield, see also Blomfield and Blomefield - Alf., bp. Suff. Coleh. 461 sir Beujn.,sef Id. Bl., hijra Hy. Kean., G. X.S.W. 703; gen. (D) 894 Jno. and sir J., gen. (D> 894; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 779 Tno. A. D.. svv Id. B., infra Bloomfield, Ids. sir Benj., aft. 1st Id. B., Amb. Sw. & N. 127 ; gen. (B) 869; P.C. 209; G.C.B. 772: G.C.H. 786; K.C.H. 787; P.C. 209 Hon. Jno. Arth. D., aft. 2nd Id., Amb. Ans. 117 ; Amb. Pr. 118; .\.nib. Kuss. 126; G.C.B. 772; K.C.B. 782; P.C. 217 Blosse, Hy. Lynch, dn. Llff. 450 Blossett, sir Rt. H., C.J. Bgal. 6.52 Blount, Ed., K.C.B. 784 Ed. le, K.B. 755 Geo.. C. Tx. 284-5 Jno.. L.M. Lond. 489 sir Jno., K.G. 73;5 sir Miclil., St. T.L. 321 sir Rd., Lt. T.L. 321 (or Blunt), St. Jno., K.B.763 sir Walt., aft. Id. Mount- joy, q.v., K.B. 757; L.H.T. 153 Walt. A., Bl. C. H. 339 ; Chest. H. 331 ; Clar. K.A. 328 ; geneal. Bath, 784 ; Norr. K.A. 330 Blowers, Ch. Ed., gen. (D) 933 Bloxham, Mark, L.M. Dblu. 641 Bloye, Rt., adm. (Ki 845 Bloyon, Ralph de, KB. 755 Blncher, All). Louis P. Pr., G.C.B. 7ti7 Bludworth, sir Th., L.M. Lond. 4>U Bluet, sev Bloet Bluett, Buekl. St.. K.H. 791 Blund, Peter de. Const. T.L. 320 Blundell, sir Archd., V. Treas. Ir. 559 Br., gen. (C)872 Dix, dn. Kild. 619 Fred., gen. iD) KS,S Blunden. Over., gen. (B) 869 Blundeville (or Blunvill), Th. d.\ l>p. Norw. 454; Const. Th. :tjii Blundy, Kd..abp.Cant.(desig.) 430 For List of Abbteriations, see pp. 94 '.-952 INDEX OF NAMES. 073 Blunt, Ch. Harris, gen. (D) 902 Fras. Theoph., G. Seych. Isl. 684 Grant, G. St. Hel. 683 ; gen. (D) 933 Jno. Elij., M. Chy. 397 Kd., gen. (A) 862 (or Blount), St. Jno., K.B. 763 Blunvill, see Blnndeville Blyth and Blythe Arth., K.C.M.G. 797 Fk. Sanil., gen. (D) 923 Geoff., bp. Liich. & Gov. 444 ; dn. Yt. 487 Geo. Fras. P., bp. Jslm. 677 Jno., bp. Sal. 467 ; Chanc. Gart. 74.5 ; M.R. 367 Rt. bp. Down. &. Cnr. 604 Boardman, Ed., gen. (D) 876 Boate, Godf., J.K.B. Ir. 579; S.L. Ir. 592 Botoi, Hugh de, J. It. 366 ; Jy. 364 Bock, Geo., Bar., gen. (C) 873 Bocland, Geoflr. de, Jy. 363-4 - Hugh de, Ch. Jr. 362; Jy. 363 Hugh de, J. It. 365 Maur., gen. (B) 865 Bocctuet, Bosc, CLE. 806 Boddam, Edmoud Tud., gen. (D) 915 Hung. Mey., gen. (D) 929 Eawson H., G. Bbay. 659 Bodeco, see Dudoco Bodekin, Chr., abp. Tm. 611 ; bp. Kilmacd. 636 Boden, Geo., Q.C. 418 Bodeuham, Kog., K.B. 761 Bodmin, Jno., vise, form. Id. Bobartes, q.v., aft. E. of Rad- nor, q.v. Bodryn^ham, Hy., K.B. 757 BoefF, Wm., S.L. 407 Boerley, Wm., Sp. H.C. 248 Bo^er, Edmd., adm. (D) 826 Rd., adm. (A) 817 Turtcl., K.H. 791 Bog'le, su- Archd., gen. (D) 897 Bogran, L., Pres. Hdas. 106 Bogrne, Jno., K.H. 792 Bohun, Jno. de, K.B. 754 sir Wm. de, aft. E. of Northampton, q.v., L.H.A. 172 Boileau, Alex. Hy. Edm., gen. (D) 895 Fras. Bart., gen. (D) 898 NeU Edm., gen. (D) 912 Saml. Brand., gen. (D) 892 Boircecli (Tigernach), bp. Old. Boiroimhe, K. Ir. 22 Boisel, bp. Wore. 472 Bokerell, Andr., L.M. Lend. 488 Bokingfham, .Jno. de, dn. Lich. 445; bp. Line. 446 Bolayne, see Boleyn Bolcomp, Jno., bp. Wford. and L. 627 Boldero, Geo. Neeld, gen. (D) Hy. Geo., Clk. O. 260 Bole, Jno., abp. Arm. 595 Boletoec, Hugh de, J. It. 367 Boleslas, I. to III., D. Bma. I. to IV., K. Pld. Boleyn (or Boleine), Geoffr., L.M. Lond. 490 (or Bo len), Geo., dn. Lich. 445 Th., K.B. 759 (or BuUen), sir Thos., aft. vise. Rochford and E. of Wiltshire and Orniond, q.v., K.B. 758; K.G. 737; Tr. H. 291 Boling^broke, Nichs. de, J. It. 369 Boling'broke, vise, and E. of 01., 1st E. of, form. O. St. John, q.v., C.G.S. 356 Hy., 1st vise, form. H. St. John, q.v. Bolivar, Dt. Pu. 109 Bolland, Wm., aft. sir W., B. Ex. 385; S.L. 413 BoUen, see Boleyn BoUes, Geo., L.M. Lond. 491 BoUingf, Wm., B. Ex. 383 Bologna, Ct. Nichs. Sceb., K.C.M.G. 796 Bolter, Rog., dn. Exr. 437 Bolton, Danl., gen. (D) 894 sir Ed., C.B. Ex. Ir. 583 ; S.G. Ir. 589 Hugh, dn. Wford. 628 Jas. CI., S.L. 412 Jno., dn. Dry. 602 Jno. Lawr., gen. (D) 919 Rd. and sir R., C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576; Rec. Dbhi. 642 ; S.G. Ir. 589 Rt., dn. Carl. 476 sir Rt., gen. (B) 867; G.C.H. 787 ; K.C.H. 787 Theoph., abp. Cash, and Eml. 626; bp. Clonf. and K. 636; bp. Elph. 608 Th., L.M. Dbhi. 641 Wm., dn. Ross. 633 Wm., M. Chy. 394 sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 491 Bolton, Ids. and D. of Chas., 2nd D. of, form. M. of Winchester, q.v. ; K.G. 741; L.C.H. 275; L.J. Ir. 555; L.L. Dors. 307 ; L.L. Ir. 556 ; P.C. 194 Ch., 3rd D. of, C.G.P. 299 ; Const. T.L. 321; K.G. 746; gen. (B) 865; L.L. Dors. 307; L.L. Glam. 315 ; P.C. 197 Harry, 4th D. of, form. Id. H. Poulett, q.v., P.C. 199 Ch., 5th D. of, form. C. Poulett and M. of Winches- ter, q.v., L.L. Hants. 311 - — Harry, 6th D. of, form. Id. H. Poulett, q.v., L.L. Hants. 311 ; P.C. 202 Th., 1st Id., form. Th. Orde, q.v., L.L. Hants. 311 Bompas, Ch. Carp., P.P. 416 ; S.L. 413 Hy. Mason, Q.C. 419 Wm. Carp., bp. Athab. 697 ; bp. M. Riv. 697 Bonaparte, see Buonaparte Bonar, Alf. G. G., Amb. Swz. 114 Bonaventure, bp. Ross. 631 Bonavita, Ign. Gav. and sir I., G.C.M.G.795; K.C.1M.G.796 Boncour, see Bonquer Bond, Alexr., gen. (D) 929 Fras., G. Bdoes. 719 Fras. God., adm. (D) 824 Fk. Wm., gen. (D) 920 Bond— coiit. Geo., S.L. 412 sir Geo., L.M. Lond. 490 Hy., gen. (D) 934 ■ Jas. Forw., dn. Ross. 638 Jno., M. Chy. 395 Nathl., B.T. 268; J.A.G. 937; K.C. 415; L.T. 158 ; P.C. 207 ; V.P.B.T. 269 Nathl., S.L. 411 Wens., dn. Ross. 633 Wm. de, Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Wm. Benn.,bp. Montr. 694 Wm. Morr. Barn., gen. (D) 934 Bondelez, Nig., dn. Bgr. 426 Bondington, Wm. de, bp. Glass., 536 ; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Boneville, Wm. de, A.G. 398 Bonfoy, Capt., G. Newfd. 700 Bongay, Raym. or Reg., L.M. Lond. 488 Bonham, Ch. Wr., adm. (H) 852 Fras. Rt., St. O. 261 ■ Pius., gen. (A) 862 Saml. Geo. and sir H., Amb. Ch. 131: G. H.Kong 673 ; K.C.B. 782 Bonham-Carter, see Carter Bonhault, Greg., M. Chy. 395 Boniface (of Savoy), abp. Cant. 430 bp. E. Ang. 454 C. Svy. 54 I. and II., D. Tny. 57 I. to IX., P. Ro. 33-4-5 Bonner, Edmd., bp. Her. 441 ; bp. Lond. 451 Pet., M. Chy. 396 Rd. B.M., dn. St. As. 463 Bonnici, CI. Vine, K.C.M.G. 796 Bonnor, see Bonner Bonquer (or Boncour), Wm., J.C.P. 377 ; Jy. 365 Bonus, Jos., gen. (D) 931 Bonvill, Wm., 1st. Id., K.G. 736 Bonython, Ch., S.L. 411 Booker, Fras., L.M. Dbln. 641 Boone, Gilb., S.L. 409 Th., C. Cus. 276 Booth, Aug. Sincl., adm. (H) 850 Ch., bp. Her. 441 Geo., C. Cus. 274 Geo. Scl., P.C. 219; Pres. L.G.B. 256; Sec. P.L.B., 262; Sec. Tr. 164 Hy., K.H. 791 Jas. Sec. B.T. 270 * Jno., bp. Exr. 436 * Jno., Wdn. Chr. Ch. Manch. 481 * Prob. same pers. ■ Lawr., abp. Yk. 486; bp. Dham. 478 ; dn. St. P. 453 ; Ld. Chanc. 355 Pen., dn. Winds. 474 hon. Rt., dn. Brl. 440 sir Robt., C.J.C.P. Ir. 580; C.J.K.B. Ir. 578 ; J.C.P. Lr. 581 W^m., abp. York 486 ; bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 Wm., gen., (D)891 Wm., gen. (D) 932 Boothby, Jno. Geo., gen (D) 913 Wm. and sir W., C. Cus. 276-7 ; C. Cus. Ir. 566 sir Wm., gen. (A) 858 For List of Abbreviations, see ijp. 944-952. 974 Bootle, Ed.. S.L. 412 sir Kt., L.L. Sligo, 571 Th., K.C. 415 Boppe, Lucien. CLE. 807 Bordeaux, Oliver de. Const. W. Cast. 322 Eoreham (or Borhaiu), Herv. de, B. Ex. 382; J.C.P.377; Jy. ■i65 Borg'ard, .Ub., gen. (B) 864 Borgborst, Jac, G. C.G.H. ti78 Borgfo, Ct. Pozzo de, K.C.B. Borham, see Horeham Boris-Cioiilouof, R. Buss. 90 Borlase, ./no., adin. (H) 849 sir Jno., L.J. Ir. 554 Wni. C, See. L.G.B. 256 Boro-asrh I ur Boroughs i, Jas., Mowb.H.340 Thos.. ld.,stc Burgh Borrero, A.. I'res. Ecr. 108 Borrett, Jiio.. M. Chj . 396 Borso, D. Mda. 53 Borthwick, Dav., Ld. Sess. 518 ■ — -Will., gen. (Bi 866 Wni., gen. (C) 873 Borton, Arth., and sir A., G. Mlta. 671 : gen. (D) 902 ; G.C.B. 771; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.B. 780 EoTzivoi, I. and II., D. Bma. -.9 Bosa, see also Osa (Saint), Abp. Yk. 485 Bosanquet, Ch. Jno., adin. (H)848 Fk. Alb., Q.C. 420 Geo. Stanley., adin. (E) 837 Jac., Chn. E.I.Co. 644 Jno. B. and sir J., C.G.S. 358; J.C.P. 380; Jud. Com. P.C. 3(W; P.C. 212; S.L. 413 Bosbnry, Th. de, dn. Her. 442 Boscawen, hon. Edw., adm. (A) 814; Ld. Adniy. 178; P.C. 200 hon. Geo., gen- (B) 865 — Hugh, .see Id. B., infra - — hon. Jno., gen. (Ci 871 Boscawen, hi. Hugh, aft. Id B. and 1st vise. Falmouth. ee aha Bourchier Jno., gen. (C) 873 maj. L., G. Trin. 722 Boudier, Ed. Wm., gen. (Di 921 Boudon, Wni. de, B. Ex. 383 Boughey, Ch. Feut. Fl., adm. (HiKJ2 Bouebton, sir Geo. C. B., ^'eu.iCib73 Bouillon, Phil. D'Auvergne, Pr. of, adm. (A) 817 Boukton, Jno. de, L. Treas. Ir. 558 BoYiland, Jno. de, M. Chy. Bourchier — cont. (or Burgchier , sir Ld. Chanc. STA Th.. K.C.B. 777 Th., abp. Cant. 431 ; Ely 435; bp. Wore. Bonlgrer, Barn., dn. Oss. 623 Boulogrne, Eust., E. of., L.H.A. ITU; W.C.P.317 Boultbee, Fk. Moore, adm. (OlM2 Boulter, Hugh or Hugo, abp. Arm. 596; bp. Brl. 439; dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 ; L.J. Ii-. 556 Boulton, Hy. Cr., Clm. E.I. Co. (141 Bound, Jno., K. Cr. P. A. 335 Bourchier, see also Bouchier Eust. Fane, gen. (D) 904 Geo. and sir G., gen. (D) 910 ; K.C.B. 780 Hy., adm. (H) 844 Hy., aft. 2nd E. of Essex, K.B. 757 Jas. C, gen. (Dl 882 I Jno., L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 (or Bousser) Jno. de, I J.C.P. 377 List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. L.H.T. i53; *L.K. and Ld. Chanc. 355 Th. (or Jno.), K.B. 757 sir Th., Const. W. Cast. (1474) 322 sir Wm., Const. T.L. 320 Bourchier, Ids. and vise. Jno., 2nd Id., K.G. 734 Hugh, 4th Id.. K.G. 735 Lewis, 5th Id., form, sir L. Kobsart, q.v. Hy., 1st vise, aft. E. of Essex, K.G. 735 ; L.H.T. 153 Bourde, see Bourne Bourdieu, Arth. Du, K.H. 791 Bourdon, Jno., G. Jam. 712 Bourmaster, Jno., adm. lAi .S16 Bourke, ste also Burke Jno., aft. 1st Id. Naas and 1st E. Mayo, q.v., C. Cos. Ir. 565; C. Exc. Ir. 566 hon. Jno. Joe, gen. (D) 917 hon. Jos., dn. Oss. 623 hon. Jos. Deane, aft. 3rd E. of Mayo, q.v., abp. Tm. 611; bp. Ferns, and L. 622; Dn. Drom. 606 ; dn. Killoe 637 Oliver Pag., gen. (D) 905 hon. Kt., aft. Id. Conne- mara, q.v., G. Mdras. 657; P.C. 219; U.S.F.230 Kd. and sir K., G. C.G.H. 679; G. X.S.W. 703; gen. (A) 863; K.C.H. 776 hon. Kd.. dn. Ard. 609 ; bp. Wford. and L. 627 lady Susan Georg., aft. lady Connemara, Cr. Ind. 809 Sir Th., L.D. Ir. 551 Bourn (or Bourde), Gilb., bp. B. and W. 42s Bourne, sir Jno., S. St. 223 Kd., dn. Tm. 613 Koger de, K.B. 754 Wm. Sturges. B.C. 253 ; C.W.F. &c. 271 ; H. Sec. 227 ; L.T. 158; P.C. 209; Sec. Tr. 163 Bousser, see Bourchier Bousfield, Hy. Br., bp. Fret. 6s2 Bouverie, hon. Dune. PL, adm. (Dl 823 hon. Ed. PI.. P.C. 216; Paym. G. 245; l»res. P.L..B. 262 ; U.S. Home 228 ; V.P.B.T. 269 Everard Wm., gen. (Di 885 Fk. Wm., adm. (H) 852 Hy., C. St. -284 Hy. Fk. and sir H., G. Mlta. 671 : gen. (B) 869; G.C.B. 769 G.f.M.G. 794 ; K.C.B. 774 Hy. Jas., C. Cus. 277 Bouvet, see Lozier-Bouvet Bovill, St. Sew. de, abp. Yk. 485 ; dn. Yk. 48t> \A m. and sir W., P.C. 217 : C.J.C.P. 376; Jud. Com. P.C. 361 ; P.C. 217 ; Q.C. 417 ; S.O. 402; S.L. 414 Wm. Jno.. Q.C. 419 Boville, .Ino. de. Const. T.L. 320 Bovington, Walt. dc. J. It. Bowater, Ed., adm. (A) 817 sir Ed.,gen.(A)863; K.C.H. Jno., geu. (B) 866 Bowden, Jno. Wm., C. St. 284; C. St. and Tx. 285; C. Tx.285 Wm. x:ornish-, adm. (H) 851 Bowden-Sniith, see Smith Bowditch, Edw. Hope Sm., gen. (D) yi3 Bowdler, Geo. Ow., gen. (D) 921 Hy., gen. (D) 879 Bowen, Ch., adm. (H) 846 Ch. S. C. and sir CJ.Q.B.D. 374; Jud. Com. P.O. 362; L.J. App. 389 ; P.C. 220 Ed., dn. Rph. 603 Geo., adm. (A) 817 Geo. Bl., gen. (D) 921 Geo. Ferg. and sir G., G. H. Kong. 673 ; G. Mtius. 684 ; G. Qland. 705 ; G. Vict. 705 ; G. N.Z. 709; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 796 ; P.C. 221 Herb., gen. (D) 878 Jas. Wm., Q.C. 419 Jno., bp. Si. Le. 686 Wm. Th., gen. (D) 915 Bower, Post., K.C. 415 Jas. Paterson, adm. (G)843 Bowerman, Jno., dn. Ard. 609 Bowers, Ch. K., gen. (D) 893 Geo. Hall, dn. Manch. 481 Th., bp. Chich. 433 Bowes, Barn. Foord, gen. (C) 873 Fk., geu. (D)878 sir. Geo., L.L. Dham. 308 Jno., Sp. H. C. 248 Jno., see Wm., infra Jno., see Id. B., infra Mart, and sir S. , L.M. Lond. 490; M.M.246 sir Et., M.E. 388 Wm. or Jno.,Rec. Lond. 493 Bowes, Id. Jno., aft. Id. B., A.G. Ir. 588; C. Acc.Ir. 567; C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; L.J. Ir. 557; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576; S.G. Ir. 589; S.L. Ir. 592 Bowet and Bowett * Hy., abp. Yk. 485; bp. B. and W. 428 ; L.H.T. 1.53 * Hy.. dn. St. Pair. 617 * •? same person. Bowie, Ch. Vine, gen. (D) 911 Bowlby, Th., O. Ex. 280 Bowie, see Bowles Bowles, Geo. and sir G., gen. (D) 8S2; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 777 ; Lt. T.L. 322 (or.Bowle), Jno., bp. Koch. 460 ; dn. Sal. 468 Phin., gen. iBl 864 Phin., Sec. Adm. 186 Vere Hmit, gen. (D) 925 Wm. and sir W., adm. (B) 821; (C) 822; (D) 827; K.C.B. 779 Bowley, Rt., BI.M. 246 Bowring' and Bowryng" — — Jno. and sir J., Amb. Ch. 131; Amb. Si. 131; G. H. Kong. 673 Th., C.J.C.P. Ir. .580 Bowser, Th., C.C. Mdi-as. 657 ; K.C.B. 775 Bowstead, Jas., bp.Lich. 444 ; bp. S. and M. 484 INDEX OF NAMES. Bowyear, Geo. Lely, adm. (H) 8.50 Bowyer, sir Geo., adm. (A) 815 Hy., gen. (B) 866 Jno. Wyndh., C. Exc. 280-1 sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 490 Wm. Bohun, adm. (H) 847 Boxall and Boxhall Jno., dn. Norw. 455; dn. Pboro. 458 ; dn. Winds. 474 ; S. St. 223 Boxer, Ch. Rd. Fox, adm. (H) 852 Ed., adm. (D) 830 Ed. Mourr., gen. (D) 908 Boxliall, see Boxall and Bvxx- hull Boyce, Jos., L.M. Dbhi. 642 Boyd, Alexr., gen. (D) 916 Andr., bp. Arg. 538 Arch., dn. Exr. 438 Brooke, gen. (D) 910 Ch., C. Cus. Ir. 566 Danl., gen. (D) 922 Jas., abp. Glasg. 537 Moss, gen. (D) 878 Rt., J.K.B. Ii-. 579 Et. and sir R., G. Gibr. 670 ; gen. (A) 858; K.B. 765 Th. J. and sir T., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 Walt., J. Bank. Ir. 587 Boyd, Ids. Robt., 1st Id., L.G.C. Sc. 506 ; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Rt., 4th Id., Ld. Sess. 517 Boydell, Jno., L.M. Lond. 492 Boyer, Jno. Pet., Pres. Hti. 105 ; Pres. S. Dom. 105 Boyland, Ed. de, J. It. 368 Boyle, Alexr. E., adm. (H) 850 - — BeUingham, C. Cus. Ir. 565 ; C. Ex. Jx. 566 hon. Court, and sir C, adm. (A) 820; K.C.H. 788 Court. Wm. Edmund, adm. (HI 847 Dav., Jy. Sc. 523 ; L.J. Clk. 516 ; L.P. Ct. Sess. 516 ; Ld. Sess. 520; P.C. 210; S.G. Sc. 526 Dav., see Id. B., infra Geo. Dav., dn. Sal. 468 Hy., see vise. B., infra hon. Hy., aft. Id. Carleton, q.v., Ch. Ex. 165 ; L.T. 155; L. Treas. Ir. 559 Hy., P.C. 194; S. St. 224 Jas., C. Exc. Sc. 504 Jas., bp. Cork, CI. and E. 631 Michl., abp. Arm. 596 ; abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616; bp. Cork, CI. and R. 631; bp. Wford. and L. 627 ; dn. Cloy. 633 ; dn. Lism. 629; L..J. Ii". 555; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576 hon. Patr., Ld. Sess. 520 Ed., abp. Tni. 611 ; bp.Cork, CI. and R. 631 ; bp. Ferns and L. 622; dn. Lini. 639; dn. Wford. 628 Rt., gen. (D) 916 - — hon. Rt. Ed., Sec. St. Patr. 752 Roger, bp. Ck. 596; bp. Down and Cnr. 604 ; dn. Cork, Wm., C. Cus. Sc. 503 Boyle, Ids. and vise. Dav., Id., Dep. Tr. Sc. 498 Jpor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 975 Boyle, Ids. and vise. — cont. Dav., Id., aft. E. of Glas- gow, q.v. Hy., aft. 1st vise. B. and E. of Shannon, q.v., Ch. Ex. Ir. 562; L.J. Ir. 556 Boyles, Ch., adm. (A) 818 Boyne, Gusts., vise, gen. (C) 871 Boynton, sir Jno., S.L. 410 Boys, Hy., adm. (K) 836 Jno., C. Exc. 279 Jno., dn. Cant. 431 Th., adm. (A) 819 Wm., adm. (H) 851 ; L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 Brabazon, Rog. de or le, C.J.K.B. 369 ; J. It. 368 ; J.K.B. 371 Wm. and sir W., L.J. Ir. 553; V. Treas. Ir. 559 Braboeuf, Wm. de, J. It. 368 Brabourue, E. H., Id., form. E. H. Knatchbull-Hugessen, q.v. Brace, sir Ed., adm. (A) 820 Bracken (or Bracknell), Walt., bp. Oss. 620 Bracken, Rd. D'Oyl., Compt. gen. (D) 921 Brackeubury, Hy., gen. (D) 927 Jno. M., K.H. 791 Rt., M.M. 246 sir Th., Const. T.L. 320 Bracklesbam, Wm. de, dn. Chich. 434 Brackley, Id. and vise. Jno., Id., aft. 3rd E. of Bridgewater, q.v., K.B. 763 Th., vise, form, sir T. Egerton, q.v., and Id. Elles- mere Bracknell, see BrackeU Bracton, see «Zso Breton and Britton Hy. de, Ch. .Jr. 363 ; J. It. 368; Jy.364 Bradbridge, Wm., bp. Exr. 437 ; dn. Sal. 468 Braddock, Ed., gen. (C) 871 Bradstreet, sir Sanil., Rec. Dbln. 642 Bradbury, Geo., Cms. B. Ex. 386 Th., L.M. Lond. 490 Bradeston, Th. de, K.B. 755 Bradfield, Jno. de, bp. Koch. Bradford, Ed. Ridl. Colb., K.C.S.I. 803 Evel., gen. (D)911 Hy. HoU., K.C.B. 774 Jno. Fowl, and sir J., gen. CD) 892 ; K.C.B. 780 Saml., bp. Carl. 476 ; bp. Roch. 460; dn. Westr. 469 Th. and sir T., C.C. Bbay. 660 ; geu. (A) 862 ; G.C.B. 769 ; G.C.H. 786; K.C.B. 774 Wilm. Hy., geu. (D) 905 Bradford, E. of Newport Family. Fras., 1st E. of, form. Id. and vise. Newport, q.v., Compt. H. 292 ; Tr. H. 291 Rd., 2ud E. of, P.C. 195 Bridgeman Faniihj. Orl. G. C, 3rd E. of, form. vise. Newport, q.v.. L.C.H. 295; L.L. Salop, 311; M.H. 302 U7(i Bradley, Ch. Jno., gen. (D) '.112 Geo. Gr., dn. Westr. 469 Hy., G. I. Man. 666 Jas., Astr. Roy. 941 Jno., bp. sufif. Shaft. 467 Bradshaw, Oca. Paris, gen. DiNsl; K.H. 791 Hv., .\.(i. 398; C.B. Ex. 381 ; S.G. 401 ■ )no., C.D.L. 242; C.G.S. 0:.G; C..J. Chest. 386; S.L. 409 Jno., K. Cr. P.A. 335; R. Kge. P.A. 344 ; Winds. H. 331 Lawr., gen. (C) 873 Rd., adni. (H) 853 Th., C. Tx. 284 ; L. Adniy. 179 ; Sec. Tr. 163 Th. Jos. C, O.C.J. 405 Wni., bp. Brl. 439 ; dn. Chr. Ch. O.xf. 4.57 Win. Rifibv, C. Tx. 285 Bradstreet, Jno., gen. (C) 872 sir Saml., C.G.S. Ir. 576 ; • I.K.H. Ir. 579 Bradwardine, Th., abp.Cant. 430 Brady, Hugli. bp. Meath, 599 Jno. or Kd., bp. Kilni. 607 Maz., A.G. Ir. .%8; C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; Ld. Chanc. Ir. .')77 ; S.G. Ir. .590 Nichs., bp. Kilni. 607 sir Nichs. Wni., L.M. Dbhi. 642 Rd. or Jno., bp. Kihn. 607 Rod., bp. Kihn. 607 Th., bp. Kilni. 607 Wni., dn. Ard. 609 Will., gen. (CI 872 Brag-g-, Ph.. gen. (B)S65 Braggre, Cli., aft. Bragge- Bathurst, B.T. 268; P.C. 207 ; Pres. B.C., 253; Sec. at W. 234 ; Tr. N. 256 Braila, Pietr. Arm.and sii P., G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 796 Braiosa, Wm. de. J. It. 365-6 Brailsford, JMatth., dn.WeUs, 129 Braithwaite, Rd., adm. (A) Braiuliall, .Jno., abp. Arm. .■>;«■>; bp. Dry. 601 Bramham, .las., gen. (C) 872 Brampston, .v* <■ Braniston Brampton, Kd.. (4. Gsey. 668 Braniston, Bramstone, and Brampstone Fras. and sir F., B. Ex. 384 ; S.L. 410 Jno., dn. Winch. 471 Jno., K.B. 764 Jno., U.S.C, 236 Jno. and sir J., C.J. K.B. 370 Bramwell, Geo. W. W. and sir G., aft. Id. B., B. Ex. 385; J. Ex. D. 3K5; Jnd.Coni. P.C. 361; L.J. App. 3S{); Q.C. 417; S.L. 413 Branch, Akxr. Barcl., K.H.791 Ch. Jas., bp. Antig. 728 Branche, sir ./no., L.M. Lond. 190 Brand, hon. Hy., gen. (C) 874 hon. Hy. B. W. and sir H.. aft. vise. Hampden, g.w. ; G.C.B. 773; L.T. 161; P.C. 217 ; Sec. Tr. 163 ; Sp. H.C. 251 hon. Hy. Rt.. S.G.Q. 260 Jno. Hy. and sir .!.. Pres. O.F.8. 101 ; G.C.M.G. 795 INDEX OF NAMES. Brandan (St.), bp. Isl. 539 Brander, Mangles Jas., gen. I D I 929 Brandesford, Wolst. de, bp. Wore-. 472 Brandeston ( or Blaundeston ), Hy. de. bp. Sal. 467; dn. Sal. 4tW Brandis, Dietr., CLE. 806; K.C.I.E.805 Brandon, Ch., K.B. 760 sir Ch.. aft. D. of Suffolk, q.v., K.G. 737 sir Th., K.G. 737 Brandon, D. of, see Hamilton and ]ir. Brandreth, Jn., dn. Arm. 597 ; dn. Einly, 628 Til. and sir T., adni. (E) a'«; ; Conipt. N. 258 ; L.Adniv. 18.5-6: K.C.B. 782 Brandt, Rt., C.C.J. 403 Branketre, Jno. de, M. Chv. .■i9:i Brann, tieo., bp. Droni. 604; l>)i. Klph. 608 Brantliwaite, Rd., S.L. 408 Branthwayt, Wm., S.L. 411 Braos, Ph. de, S.L. Ir. 550 Braose, ^< < Bruse Brasier icr Brazier), Jas., adni. I G' 842 Brasnell, c;. Tob. 723 Brassey, Th., aft. sir T. and Id. P., K.C.B. 783; L. Adniv. 185-6 ; Sec. Adm. 187 Brann, Col., Amb. Swz. 113 Braundon, Reg. de, M. Chy. 393 Bravo, Dt. Mex. 103 Bray, sir Edmd., Const. T.L. 321 Ed. Wm., gen. (Dl 924 Geo. Fk. Canipb., gen. (D) Jno., M. Chy. 393 Jno., see Id. B. infra sir Reg., K.B. 758; K.G. 737 ; C.D.L. 242 ; L.H.T. 154 ; Sp. H.C. 249 Steph., C.B. Ex. Ir. 582 ; C.J.C.P. Ir. 580; C.J.K.B. Ir. 577 Th., dn. Rph. 603 Bray, Id. (no., Id., C'.CP. 299 Bray - broc, - broke, & • brooke ' Hy. de, J. It. 367 ; Jy. 364 ; W.C.P. 317 ' (?) all same pers. Rt.. bp. Lond. 451 ; dn. Sal. 468; J. It. 366; Ld. Chanc. 354; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575; S.St. 222 SaniL, txcn. (D) 894 Braybrooke, Id. Rd., ;ird Id.. L.L. Ess. 308 Braylegh, Rd. dc, dn. Exr. 437 Brayton, Th. de, L.K. 354 (or Drayton), Th. de, M. Chy. :<9;! Brazier, src Brasier Breadalbane, E. and M. of • 1 no., 2nd E. of, L.H.T. Sc. 497 Jno. 3rd E. of, form. vise. Glenorchv, q.v., L.P.S. Sc. 501 ; P.C. 202 ; V.A. Sc. 499 Jno., 4th E. aft. Ist M. of, gen. (B) 8«i7 Breadalbane, E. and M. of— emit. Jno., 2nd M. of, Amb. Pr. 118; K.T. 748; L.C.H. 295 ; L.L. Arg. 508; P.C. 215 Gavin, 7th E. of, P.C. 219; Tr. H. 292 Breante, Faukes de, J. It. 367 BrecMn, Thos., E. of, form. T. Erskine, q.c. Brecknock, Geo. Ch., E. of, aft. 2nd. M. Camden, q.v., T. Admv. 182 Bredih, Andr., gen. (D) 880 Bree, Herb., bp. Bdoes. 721 Breen, H. Heg., G. St. Luc. 725 Breg^eTln, abp. Cant. 430 Breitenbach, Cdtnr. Van. G. C.G.H. 678 Brekdeue, Jno.. B. Ex. Ir. 583 Brembyr, Nichs.. L.M. Lond. 4.'>9 Bremer, sir Jas. Jno. Gord., adm. (D) 828; K.C.B. 777; K.C.H. 78it Brenchesley, Wm., J.C.P. 378: K.B. 755: S.L. 407 Brendinus, bp. S. and M. 483 Brendoc, Dav., bp. Clonm. 6!J0 Brendan, [hp. Ardf. and .\gh. 639: dn. .\rdf. 640 Brens, Rt. de, K.B. 7:55 Brent, Humphr., C. Cus. 275 ; C. Cus. Sc. 503 sir Nathl., Vic. Gen. 421 Tim., K.H. 789 Brente, Rt.. K.B. 755 Brentford, I'atr., E. of, P.C. 189 Brentingham, Th., bp. Exr. 436; L.H.T. 15:i Brenton, Jalil. (No. 1), adm. (A) 817 Jahl. (No 2) and sir J., adm. (A) 820: K.C.B. 774; L.G. Gr. Hds)). .'^54 Jno., adni. iHi846 Brereton, sir Jno.. S.L. Ir. 891 .Jno. Alf., gen. (D) 916 Rt., gen. iBl867 W ni. and sir W., gen. (D) . 889: K.C.B. 779; K.H. 792 sir Will.. L..f. Ir. 553 • -- Brerewood, Rt. and sir K., J. K.B. :i72 ; S.L. 409 Bret, see Brett Bretayne, Rd., L.M. Lond. 489 Breteville, Rd. de. AG. 398 Brethemain,.M r MacBreohaii Bretislas, I. to III.. D. Bma. Breton, sc Ihttton Brett and Bret Cli.. L. .\diiiv. 179-80 (i.raid d.lii, K.B. 755 Harry do, gen. (D) 930 sir Piercv, adm. (A) 814 L. Admv. 179 Bd., C. Exc. 278 Rd. Rich Wilf., gen. (D) 893 Wilf., K.C.M.G. 796 Wm. B. and sir W., aft. Ist Id. Esher, q.v., J.C.P. 380; J.C.P.D. 380; Jud. Com. P.C. 361: L. J..\pp. iWit: M.R. 38H; P.C. 219; y.C. 418; S.G. 402; S.L. 414 Wm. Fr., gen. (D) 5K)9 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. Brettan, Jno., B. Ex. Ir. 583 Bretton and Breton, see also Bracton M. Chy. 395 Fras. le, dn. Jsey. 668 (or Bracton), Hy. de, Jy. 364 Hy. Wm., gen. iD) 885 Jno. and sir J., L.M. Lond. 489 (or Bretim, or Bracton), Jno. de or le, bp. Her. 441; J.CP. 377; J.K.B. 371; Jy. 365 Jno. le, J. It. 369 - — Manr. le, CLE. 806 Peter, K.B. 755 Rd., C. Cus. 274 Thos. le, dn. Jsy. 668 sir Th. le (-2), Blf. Jsy. 668 (or Britoi, \Vm. le, J. It. 368 ; Jy. 364 Wni. Corb. le, dn. Jsy. 668 Breng'el, Alb. Van, G.C.G.H. 678 Breuse, Hugh de, dn. Her. 442 Brevint, Danl., dn. Line. 448 Brewce, see Bruce Brewer, Wm., bp. Exr. 436 Brewster, Abraham, A.G. Ir. 5S8; L.J. App. Ir. 585; Ld. Ohanc. Ir. .577 : S.G. Ir. 590 sir Dav., K.H. 790 sir Fras., L.M. Dbln. 640 Hy. Cr.. gen. (D) 910 Brian, sec Bryan Brice, dn. Arm. 597 (or Bricius), bp. Mor. 534 Geo. Tito, gen. (D) 927 Hugh. M.M. 246 Jno., Bl. M. P.A. 336 Sew. Wm., Q.C. 420 Bricius, see Brice Brictius, bp. Lim. 638 Brid, see Bird Bridecake, Ralph, bp. Chich. 433 ; dn. Sal. 468 Bridg'eiuan, hon. Ch. Orl., adm. (Ht 846 Hv., bp. S. and M. 484 ; dn. Chest. 477 Jno., bp. Chest. 477 sir Jno., C.J. Chest. 386 ; S.L. 409 sir Orl., B.T. 264 ; C.B. Ex. 381 ; C.J.C.P. 375 ; L.K. 357 ; P.C. 190 ; S.L. 410 Wm., Sec. Adm. 186; U.S.S. 225 Bridg'en, Wm., L.M. Lond. 492 Bridg-es, see also Brydges For members of the Chandos Peerage, see Brvdges G. Bah. Isl. 716 Jno., bp. Oxf. 456 ; dn. Sal. 468 Jno., C. Cus. 274 Th., K.B. 764 sir Th., Lt. T.L. 321 Wm., C. Exc. 278 Bridget (dau. Ed. IV.), Pr. E. 12 Bridgewater, Earls of Hy. Daubeney, E. of, form. Id. Daubeny, q.v. Egerton Family. Jno., 1st E. of, form. J. Egerton, q.v. Jno., 2nd E. of, B.T. 263; L.L. Chesh. 306 ; L.L. Herts, 309 ; P.C. 190-1 INDEX OF NAMES. Bridgewater, Earls of — cont. Jno., 3id E. of, form Id. BracWey, q.v.; B.T. 263; L. Admy. 176 ; P.C. 194 Jno. Wm., 7th E. of, gen. (A) 860 Bridgman, see Bridgeman Bridport, Giles de, bp. Sal. 466; dn. Wells, 428 Bridport, Ids. and vise. Alex., 2nd Id. and 1st vise. (1st Cr.); form. Alex. Hood, q.v. Alex. N., 3rd Id. and 1st vise. (2nd Cr.); form. A.VN. Hood, q.v., K.C.B. 784 Briesley, Sim. de, dn. Lich. 445 ; dn. Line. 448 Brings, Dav., gen. (D) 912 Geo., gen. (D) 902 Geo., gen. (Di 929 Jas., gen. (D) 932; K.H. 792 ^ Jno., gen. (D) 879 Jno. Falc, K.H. 792 Steph. Ch., gen. (D) 906 Th., S.L. 407 Th. and sir T., adm. (A) 820; G.C.M.G. 794 wm. Lake, gen. (D) 914 ■ Wm., gen. (D) 913 Bright, Geo., dn. St. As. 463 Jno., C.D.L. 243 ; P.C. 218; Pres. B.T. 269 Rd., gen. (B) 867 Rt. On. and sir R., gen. (D)906; K.C.B. 781 Th., bp. Down, 603 Brigid or Brigidian, Moel (No. 1), bp. Kild. 616 Moel (No. 2), bp. Kild. 616 See also Moelbrigidian Brigilsus, bp. E. Ang. 454 Brihtwald, abp. Cant. 430 Brillanne, Chev. de Guir de la, G. Mtius. 683 Brind, Jas. and sir J., gen. ID) 902; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 78.S Brine, Aug., adm. (D) 824 Geo., adm. (H) 846 Jas., adm. (A) 816 Lindesay, adm. (E) 8.S7 Brinkley, Jno., bp. Cloy. 631 Brinstau (St.), bp. W'inch. 470 Brinton, Th. de, bp. Roch. 460 Brisbane, sir Ch., adm. (A) 819; G. St. Vin. 725; K.C.B. 774 Jno., adm. (A) 815 Th. and sir T., aft. Mak- dougall-Brisbane, G. N.S.W. 703; gen. (A) 862; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 774 Bristol, E. and M. of Bigby Family. - — Jno., 1st E. of, form, sir J. Digby, q.v. Geo., 2nd E. of, K.G. 740 ; P.C. 189 Jno., 3rd E. of, L.L. Dors. 307 Hervey Family. Geo. Wm., 2nd E. of, Amb. Spn. 123 ; Gr. St. 304 ; L.L. Ir. 557 ; L.P.S. 241 ; P.C. 20-3 Aug. Jno., 3rd E. of, form. hon. A. J. Hervey, q.v. adm. (A) 815 Fk. Augs., 4th E. of, form. hon. F. A. Hervey, q.v. 977 Bristol, E. and M. of — cont. Fk. Wm., 5th E. of, aft. 1st E. Jerniyn [q.v.) and 1st M. of Br. ; form. Id. Hervey, q.v. Fk. Wm. Jno., 3rd M. of, L.L. Suff. 312 Bristow and Bristowe Hy., gen. (D) 885 - — Hy. Fox, Q.C. 418 Jno. Wm., gen. (Di 912 Saml. B., C.C.J. 405 ; Q.C. 419 Brithelm and Brithelmns bp. Winch. 470 bp. Lond. 451 * bp. Wells, 427 ■ bp. Winch. 470 * Poss. same pers. Brithman, D., Ld. Sess. 518 Britlimar, bp. Lich. 443 Brithwaldus, see Biuwoldns Britliwold (St.), bp. Winch. 470; bp. Wlton. 466 Brithwyn (2), bp. Shbn. 466: bp. Wells, 427 Britland, Beg., S.L. 411 Brito, Rd., J. It. 366 (or Breton), Wm. le, J. It. 368 ; Jy. 364 Briton and Britten Jas., dn. Oss. 623 Ralph, J. It. 366 Brittany, Jno., D. of, see E. of Richmond Britteagus, bp. Worcs. 472 Britton, see Briton Britwyniis, bp. Cnwall. 436 Briwer, Wm., B. Ex. 382; J. It. 360 ; Jy. 363 Briwes, Jno. de, Jy. 364 Rt. de, J.CP. 377 Broad, Geo. Doh., adm. (H) 853 Broadhead, Hy., adm. (G) 843 Broadhurst, Hy., U.S. Home 228 Brocas, Jno., dn. Killa. 614 sir Rd., L.M. Lond. 491 Theoph.. dn. Killa. 614 Brock, see also lirok Danl. de L., Blf. Gsey. 669 Isaac, gen. (DI 873; K.B. 766 Saimi., K.H. 791 Th. Saum., adm. (H) 848 Broclesby, Wm. de, B. Ex. 383 Broder, Ph., dn. Cash. 627 Broderick, see Brodrick Brodie, Mexr.. Ld. Sess. 519 Alexr., Ly. K.A. 513 sir Benj. Coll., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 ; Pres. R. Soc. 940 Hugh Fife Ashley, L.L. Nrnsh. 511 Jas., L.L. Nrnsh. 511 Jas. Campb. Jno., L.L. Nrnsh. 511 Th., Ly. Dep. 513 Wm., L.L. Nrnsh. 511 Brodrick, Alan, aft. 1st Id. and vise. Midleton, of.w., A.G. Ir. 568; C.J.Q.B. Ir. 578; L..J. Ir. 556; Ld. Chanc. Ir. -576; S.G. Ir. 589: S.L. Ir. 591 Allan, C Cus. 275 ■ — -hon. Ch., abp. Cash, and Eml. 626; bp. Clouf. and K. 636; bp. Kilm. 607 Jno. or St. Jno.. S.L. 411 hon. .Jno., G. Mart. 719; gen. (A) 861 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 978 INDEX OF NAMES. Frodrick— fon<. Th., adin.iA)814 hon. Th.. U.S. Home Win., S.L. Ir. 592 hon. Win.. Sec. B.C. 254; L.T. 158-9 hon. Wni. .Jno., aft.Tth vise. Midleton, q.v., dn. Exr. 438 Wm. St. .J. F., U.S. War, 233 Brog'an, Steph. de, dn. St. Pat. 617 Brogden, -las.. L.T. 159 Brogrhill, Koger Ld., Comm. Ir. OM Brok, S(< also Brock Lawr. del, -ly. 365 Broke, see al.so Brooke hon. Geo., pen. iDi 884 sir Ph. Bowes Vera, adm. (Ai8'2n: K.C.B. 774 WiIlouBhl)y lie, see W. Bromby, Ch. Hy., bp. Tasm. 706 Bxome, see also Broome Ad. de, .1. It. 369 ; M. Chy. 393 Bromfeld and Bromfield Eanul.. l>p. Llff. 449 sir K(l.. L.M. Loiul. 491 Leol. de, lip. St. As. 462 Wni., M.M. 247 Bromhead, sirGonv.,gen.(B) 867 Bromley, Ed. and sir E., B. Ex. 3&4 : S.L. 409 Nichs., dn. St. Patr. 617 Ed. Madd., K.C.B. 782 sir Kt. Howe, adm. (D) 823 RoR., Bl. M. P..A.. 336; Chest. H. 3:30 Th. and sir T. (No. 1), C.J.Q.B. 370: .T.K.B. 372; S.L. 408 Th. (No. 2i. Ld. Chanc. 356; Rec. Lond. 493; S.G. 401 Wm., K.B. 764 Wm., P.C. 196 ; S. St. 224 ; Sp. H.C. 250 Wm. de, Ch. Ex. Ir. 561; dn. St. Patr. 617 ; L.K. Ir. 574 ; L. Treas. Ir. .558 BTomwich, Jno. de, L.J. Ir. 551 Bron, see Brown Bronscombe, \\ alt., bp. Exr, 439 .. Bronte, see Nelson and B. Brokiey, -Tno.. L.M. Lond. 490 Brook and Brooke, see also Broke , (2i. S.L. 40S Arth. and sir A., gen. (B) 869 ; K.C.B. 776 sir Ch. Johnson, G.C.M.G. 796 Dav. and sir D., C.B. Ex. 381 ; S.L. 408 Ed. Bas., gen. (D) 896 Geo. and sir G., gen. (D) 887 : K.C.B. 779 Hy. Rd.,sc'' Earl Jir., ivfra Jas. and sir J.. Amb. Bno. 131: G. Labn. 675: K.C.B. 782 Jas. Cr., gen. (D) 90«i Jno. Ch., R. Cr. P. A. 335; Som. H. .3:e Jno. Chiop., gen. (D) 917 Ralph, U. Cr. P.A.335 ; Vk. H. :i34 (or Broke), Rd. C.B. Ex. .381; J.C.P. :378; Rec. Lond. 493; S.L. 408 Brook and Brooke— con (. Rd. Cr., gen. iDi 'Ml (or Broke), Rt. and sir R., C.J.C.P. 375; Conun. Serjt. Lond. 495; J. K.B. (?) 372; Bee. Lond. 493 ; S.L. 408 ; Sp. H.C. 249 Th., dn. Chest. 477 Th. A., gen. (D) 903 Wm., C.G.S. Ir. .577 Wm., gen. lAi 862 Wm., KB. 763 Brooke, Ids. and E., see also \\'arwick Fulke, 1st Id., form. F. Greville, q.v. (and Warwick), Fras., 1st E. of, K.T. 747 Hy. Rd. aft. :3rd E. of, K.T. 748 see a ho Willoughby de Broke Brooker, Geo. Aug. Cooke, adm. I H) 8.51 Brookes and Brooks B., G. Trin. 722 Geo., gen. iD).S88 Geo. Benj., gen. (D) 879 (or Broke), Hor. Geo., gen. (D)8&1 Jas., bp. Ghr. 4:38 Maur., L.M. Dbhi. 642 Wm., gen. (D)876 Brooksbank, Stamp, C. Exc. 281 Josh., dn. Clonf. 637 Broome, Arth., gen. (D) 903 Fk. Nap.. G. Mtius. 684 ; G. W. Austr. 707 ; K.C.M.G. 798 Jos., gen. iBi 866 (or Bromei Th., S.L. 410 Brotberton, Th. Wm. and sir T., gen. (Di 8S0; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 77« Brothwick, Dav., Ld. Adv. 526 Brongh, Redm. W., gen. (D) — '- Rd. Seek., gen. (D) 880 Wm., dn. Glr. 440 Broufbam, Hy., dn. Lism. 629 Hv., see Id. B. infra. Jiio., C. Exc. 279 Th., gen. (D)910 Wm.; M. Chy. 397 Brongbam, Id. Hv., aft. Id. B. and Vaux, Jud.Com. P.C. 360; K.C.416; Ld. Chanc. 3.58 : P.C. 211; P.P. 416 Brongbton, Jno., adm. (A) 820 sir Jno. Delves, gen. (A) 861 Rt., K.B. 758 Th., C. Exc. Sc. 504 \\'m. Ed. D., gen. (D) 902 Wm. Gr., bp. Austrl. 703; bp. Svd. 703 Brougbton, Id. Jno. Cam., Id., form. J. C. Hobhouse, q.v., G.C.B. 772 Broun, ■>< <■ Brown Brouncker, Kd., dn. Lism. 629 Bronncker, vise. Wm., vise, L. Admy. 175; Pres. R. Soc. 940 Browell, Wm., L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 Brown and Browne Maj.-Gen. — , G. Bdoes. (1884)721 Brown and Browne — cant. .G.Tob. (1764)72:3 Lt.-Col. — , G. Trin. (1&46< 722 Andr., gen. (D)90e Andt., Modr. K. Sc. 547 .^thy., Chambn. Lond. 493 Anthy., K.B. (1547) 760 .\nthy., K.B. (16031761 Anthv.. L.M. Lond. 492 Anthv. and sir A., C.J.C.P. 375 ; J.C.P. 378 ; S.L. 408 sir Anthy., C.G.P. 299; K.G. 738: M.H. 301 Arth., C. Ace. Ir. 567 ; S.L. Ir. 592 Clem., gen. (D) 877 Clem. Mete, gen. (D) 934 Ch. Alf., gen. (D) 897 Ch. Fk.,gen. (D)912 Dav., gen. (D)917 Denis, dn. Enily. 628 Dom., aft. Id. Oranmore and Br., q.v., L.L. Mayo, 570 Dougl., Q.C. 418 Ed., dn. Tm. 613 Ed. Har., bp. Ely, 435; bp. Winch. 471 Ed. Mavor, gen. ( Ai 858 Ed. Walp., adm. (D) 824 Fras., (hi. Elph. 609 Geo., abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616 Geo., Bl. M. P.A. 336 Geo., bp. Dkld. 5:33 Geo., C. Exc. Sc. 505 Geo., G. Bbay. 659 Geo., K.B. 763 Geo., K.C.M.G. 797 Geo., Ld. Sess.520; -Ty. Sc. 5-23 Geo., Q.C. 419 Geo., S.L. 406 Geo. and sir G., Comm. F. Ir. 564; gen. (D) 880; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 777; K.H. 789 Geo. Gl., gen. (D) 920 Geo. Rodii., gen. (D) 920 Geo. Sackv., K.C.B. 775 Gore. gen. (A) 662 Hy., .\mb. Ch. 130 Hy., C. Cus. 274 Hy. Mont., dn. Lism. 629 Hy. Ralph, gen. (Di 909 Horace .Vlb., gen. (Di 927 Hugh, S.L. Ir. .590 Humphr. and sir H., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 Jas., S.L. Ir. 592 sir Jas., K.C.S.I. 804 Jas. Fr. Manners, gen. (D) 909 Jemni., abp. Tm. 611; bp. Cork and ft. 632; bp. Drom. 605: bp. Elph. 608; bp. Killoe. 631 : dn. Ross 63:3 Jno., adm. ( Ai .'S16 Jno., gen. iB) H>5 Jno., gen. (C) 873 Jno.. K.B. 7.58 Jno., L.M. Lond. 4'.tO Jno., M. Chy. 394 Jno., S.L. 4UN sir Jno.,gcn.iA)8C3; K.C.H. 787 Jno. Campb.. K.C.B. 780 Jno. Hutt. Balf., g.C. 420 Jno. Suff., Bl. CH. 339; Geneal. Bath, 7K4 Jno. Tatt., gen. (I>i .S92 Jonn., dn. Her. 442 Jos., Q.C. 418 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES 'J7y Brown and Browne — cont. Male. J., G. Lag. 687 Matth., K.B. 758 Mountf., G. Bah. Isl. 716 Perc, gen. (D) 904 Pet., bp. Cork and E. 632 Pet., du. Ferns, 623 Pet., geu. (D)883 Ph., adm. (D) 827 ; .(G) 840 Ralph Abercr., adm. (H) 853 (or Broun), Ed., J.C.P. Ir. 581 sir Ed., C. Exc. 277 ; L.M. Lond. 491 Et.,B. Ex.384 (or Bron),Et.,dn.Wford.6281 Kt., Bl. BI. P. A. 336 ; Guis. P.A. 343; E. Or. P.A. 335; Richm. H. 333 Saml., gen. (A) 863 Saml. and sir S., C.G.S. 356; J.C.P. 379; J.K.B. 372; P.P. 414; S.L. 409-10 Saml. Jas. and sir S., gen. (D)909; K.C.B. 781; K.C.S.I. 803 Steph., bp. Koss, 631 Steph., L.M. Loud. 490 Th., adm. (D)8'24 Th., adm. (D) 825 Th., Bl. M. P.A. 336 — Th., bp. Norw. 455; bp. Roch. 460 ; dn. Sal. 468 Th., Clar. K.A. 328; Gart. K.A. 328 ; Lane. H. 333 Th., Norr. K.A. 339 Th. and sir T., gen. (A) 862; K.C.B. 775; K.CH. 788 Th. Gore and sir T., G. Bmda. 701: G. N.Z. 709; G. St. Hel. 682; G. Tasm. 708 ; K.C.M.G. 796 Th. Hy., gen. (D) 882; K.CH. 787 ; K.H. 789 Walt., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 Walt. .Jno., gen. (D) 888 Wm., adm. (A) 818 Wm., G. Bmda. 701 Wm., G. Gsey. 669 Wm., gen. (B) 865 Wm., and sir W., L.M. Lond. 490 sir Wm., K.H. 791 Wm. Cheselden, adm. (H) 849 Wm. Gust., gen. (D) 899 Wm. Lam-., dn. Thist. 749 Wm. Saml., aft. W. S. Grieve, adm. (E) 837 Wm. Todd, gen. (D) 919 Browning', Col. Air. E., CLE. 807 Jno., M. Chy. 396 Saml., M. Chy. 396 Brownlow, Ch. Hy. and sir C, gen. (D) 923; G.CB. 771; K.C.B. 780 Hy. Alex., gen. (D) 930 Jno., dn. Clonm. 600 Brownlow, Ids. and E. Jno., 2nd Id., aft. 1st E., G.C.H. 787 ; L.L. Line. 310 Adelb. W. B., 3rd E., L.L. Lino. 310; P.C 221 ; Paym. G. 245 ; See. L.G.B. 2.56 Brownrig-g-, Jno. Stud., gen. (D) 902 Ralph, bp. Exr. 437 Rt. and sir E., G. Ceyl. 672 ; G.CB. 767 ; gen. (A) 861 Bruce, see also Bruse Alexr. Jas., gen. (D) 916 For Bruges, see Bridges Brugge, Walt, de, B. Ex. Ir. 583 (or Brugges), sir Wm., Gart. K.A 327 Brun, From, le, Ld. Chane. Ir. 574 Brune, Dav., Compt. Sc. 498 Brundish, Rt., J.K.B. 371 Brunker, Jas. Et., gen. (D) 901 Bruno, D. Lne. 29 J. de, G. Trin. 721 Brunton, Alexr., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Nathl., adm. (A) 817 Brus, Pet. de (2), J.It. 367-8 Et. de, C.J.K.B. 369; Jy. 364 Bruse, see also Bruce (or Braose), Giles de, bp. Her. 441 Wm. de, bp. Llff., 449 Brusele, Hy. de, M.BI. 245-6 Brutus, C J. B. (3), C Ro. 41 ; Dt. Eo. 41 D. J., C Ro. 44-5 • L. J., C Ro. .37 M. J., C. Ro. 44 Bruyn, sir Hy., L. Treas. Ir. 558 Bruynink, Wilh. M., G. Ceyl. 672 Bryan and Brian Boromy, K. Ir. 22 sir Fras., L.J. Ir. 553 Guv, see Id. G., infra Eegd., bp. St. Dav. 464 ; bp. Wore. 472 Th., C.J.C.P. .375; K.B. 757 ; S.L. 407 Bryan, Ids. Guy and sir G., aft. Id. B., K.G. (1370) 733 ; L.H.A. 172 Bryant, sir Jerem., gen. (D) 880 Bryce, sir Alex., gen. (C) 874 ; K.CH. 787 ; K.H. 789 Hugh, L.M. Lond. 490 Jas., U.S.F. 230 Brydges, see also Bridges Geo., gen. (C) 874 Geo., gen. (D) 930 Geo., L.M. Lond. 492 sir H. Jones-, form. Jones, amb. Pers. 130; P.C. 213 hon. Jas., aft. E. of Car- narvon and D. of Chandos, q.v., L. Admy. 177 ; Paym. G. 244 sir Jno., aft. Id. Chandos, q.v., Lt. T.L. 321 Wm., S.G.0. 259 Wm., S.L. 411 Brykenell, Th., K.B. Bryson, Alexr., K.C.I Bubbewith, Bubbewyth, Bubwith, Nichs., bp. B. and W. 428; bp. Lond. 4.51; bp. Sal. 467 ; L.H.T. 153 ; M. Chy. 394 ; M.R. 387 Bubulcus, C J. B. (2), C Ro. 41-2 Buccleuch, D. of, see also Monmouth and Queensberry Fras., 2nd D. of, form. E. of Dalkeith, q.v. Hy., -ivd D. of. K.G. 742 ; K.T. 747; L.L. Mid.-L. 509; L.L. Roxb. .512 Chas. Wm. Hy., 4th D. of, form. E. of Dalkeith, q.v.; K.T. 748; L.L. Mid-L. 509 List of Abbreviations, see x>p. 944-952. Bruce— cojif. Andr., bp. Dkld. 533; bp. Ork. 535 Ch., G. Br. Gu. 715; G. Mtius. 684 Ch. and sir C, gen. (C) 875 ; K.C.B. 776 Ch. L. C, Sec. B.C. 254 Id. Ch. W. B., P.C 219 ; V.C.H. 297 Dav., K. Sc. 19 Ed., K.B. 762 Ed., K.C.B. 776 Ed., aft. Id. Kinloss, q.v., Ld. Sess. 519 ; M.R. 388 Id. Ern. Augs. Ch., aft. 3rd M. of Ailesbury, q.v., P.C. 214 ; V.C.H. 297 Eyre E., gen. (D) 888 hon. Fk. W. A. and sir F., Amb. Bol. 135 ; Amb. Oh. 131 ; Amb. U.S.A. 132; Amb. Ugy. 137; G. Newfd. 700; G.CB. 772 ; K.C.B. 783 Gainsf., Q.C 420 Geo. Wyndh. H. Knight-, bp. Blfn. 681 Hy., gen. (B) 868 Hy. Aust., aft. 1st Id. Aber- dare, q.v., H. Sec. 227; Jud Com. P.C. 361; L.P.C 188; P.C. 217; U.S. Home, 228 V.P.Ed. 255 sir Hy. Herv., L.L. Londy. 570 Hy. Le G., gen. (D) 917 Hy. Wm. and sir H., adm. (D) 829 ; K.C.B. 779 Jas., bp. Dkld. 533; bp. Glasg. 536; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Jas. Lewis Knight- and sir J., Jud. Com. P.C. 360; K.C 416; L.J. App. 388; P.C. 214 ; V. Chanc. 390 Jas. Minchin, adm. (H) 851 - Jno., G. W. Austr. 707 - Jno., Sec. B.C. 254 Jonn, dn. Kilf. 6:37 Tm. 613 Michl., gen. (D) 906 Rd. Is., CLE. 806 Rt., gen. (D) 906 Rt., K. Sc. 19 Rt., Ld. Sess. 519 Rt., J. Sc. 523; Ld. Sess. 520 hon. Rt., gen. (D) 894 sir Stew., Geneal. St. Patr. 752 Th., C Cus. Sc. 504 Th., K.B. 757 hon. Th., gen. (B) 866 hon. Th., gen. (C) 872 — - Wm., K.H. 792 Bruce, Ids. Th.,ld., aft. E.lof Ailesbury, q.v. (cr. 1776), P.C. 203 Bruchilla, see Bu'rghill Brudenell and Brudnell Edmd., A.G. 398 hon. Jas., B.T. 264 Rt., C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 878 : J.K.B. 372 ; S.L. 408 Th., gen. (C) 871 hon. Th., gen. (B) 865 Bruera, Gilb. de, dn. St. P. 453 Bruere, Geo. Jas., G. Bmda. 701 Bruge, sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 dn. ,779 980 Buccleuch, D. of — cont. Walt. Fr., 5th D. of, Jnd. Com. P.O. 360; K.G. 743; K.T. 748; L.L. Mid-L. 509; L.L. Koxb. 512; L.P.C. 188; L.P.S. 241; P.C.214 \Vm. Hy. W.. 6tli D. of, form. E. of Dalkeith, q.v. Lonisa J., Dss. of, M. Robes (1885) -Mi Charlotte, Dss. of, M.Robes (1641) ;i04 Bnchan, -Tno. and sir J., gen. (BiH(i9; K.C.B. 776 Bnchan, Earls of Comi/n or Cummin Family. \Vm., Ist E. of, L. J.Gen. 522 Alexr., 2nd E. of, L.J. Gen. 522 Jno., 3rd E. of ,Sec.St.Sc.501 Stewart Family. Jno., 2nd E. of, L.G.C. Sc. {d. 1424)506 Stewart and Erskine Families. Jas., 1st E. of, L.G.C. 506 Jas., 7th E. of, form. J. Erskine, q.v. Dav., 4th Id. Cardross and 9th E. of, L.H.C.K. Sc. 546 Bnchanan, Audr. and sir, A., Anib. Aus. 117 ; Amb. Dk. 127 ; Amb. Nds. &c. 123 ; Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. Russ. 126; Amb. Son. 124; Amb. Swz. 113; G.CJ.B. 772; K.C.B. 783 ; P.C. 217 Geo., L.P.S. Sc. 501 Gilb. Jno. L., gen. (D) 903 Hy. Jas., gen. (D) 929 Jas., C. Cus. Sc. 504 Jas., gen. (D) 923 Jas., Pres. U.S.A. 102 \Vm., dn. Ach. 614; dn. Killa. 614 : dn. Tm. 613 AVni.. gen. iBi867 Buclianan-Kiddell, see Kid- dell Buche, capt. Piers or Jno. de, K.G. T3a Buclievet, Andr., Portr. Lond. 488 Bnck, Lew. Wm., gen. (D) 927 Buckby, Kd., gen. (C) 874 • tBu^ljy or Buckleby), W., S.L. 410 Buckeridg'e, Jno., bp. Ely, 43.0 ; 1-p- Hoch. 460 Bnckhiirst, Ids. Tli.. 1st Id., aft. Ist E. of Dorset, 7 ; K.G. 736; W.C.P. 319 Ed., 3rd D. of, form. E. Stafford, q.v., K.G. 737 INDEX OF NAMES. Buckingham, E., M., and D. of —C67lt. Villiers Family. Geo., 1st E., M., and D. of, fonn. Geo. Villiers, sir G. and vise, v., q.v.. Const. W. Cast. 322; E.M. 326; L.H.A. 174; L.H. Const. 289; M.H. 302; W.C.P. :«9 Geo., 2nd D. of, K.G. 740 ; L. Admy. 175; M.H. 302; P.C. 189-90 Rd. C, D. of, form. (1806) E. Temple, q.v. Nu{iint-Templc-Grenville Family. Geo., 1st M. of, form. Geo. Grenviile, Geo. Nugent, and 2nd E. Temple, q.v., K.G. 742; L.L. Ir. 557 Kd., 2nd M. of, aft. 1st D. of, form. E. Temple, q.v., K.G. 743; L.L. Bucks. 306; L.S.H. 290 Kd., 2nd D. of, form. M. of Chandos, q.v., K.G. 740; L.P.S. 241 ; P.C. 214 Kd., 3rd D. of, form. M. of Chandos, q.v., C. Sec. 235; G.C.S.I. 801; G. Mdras. 657; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; L.L. Bucks. 306; L.P.C. 188; P.C. 217 Buokingrhamsliire, E. and D. of. See also Normanby Sheffield Family. Jno., 1st D., form. E. Mul- grave and M. of Nor- manby. q.v., L.P.C. 188; L.S.H. 290 Hobart Family Jno., 1st E. of, form, sir Juo. and Id. Hobart, q.v. Jno., 2nd E. of, form. Id. Hobart, q.v., Amb. Russ. 125 ; L.L. Ir. .557 Kt., 3rd E. of, form. hon. K. and Id. Hobart, q.v., C.D.L. 243; Postm. G. 238; Pres. B.C. 253 Buckland, Wm., dn. Westr. Buckle, Ch. Hy. Mason and sir C, adm. CD) 833; (P) 838; K.C.B. 780 Ch. Matth., adm. (H) sir Cuthb., L.M. Lond. 491 Matth. (No. 1), adm. (A) 814 Matth. (No. 2), adm. (D) 823; (Q)840 Bnckleby, see Buckby Buckler, Ch. Alh., Surr. H. 334 Buckley, Ed. Pery, gen. (D) 884 Feli.x, gen. (A) 859 Hy. Burt, Q.C. 420 Buckner, .Ino., bp. Chich. 433 Bucknill, Th. Towns., Q.C. 420 Bucknor, Ch., adm. (A) 816 Buckworth, sir Jno., C. Cus. 273-4 Theoph., bp. Drom. 604 Budd, Knlpli, gen. lOl 906 ltd., gen. (DiSlKi - Kd. Ciirr.. gi II. (D) 934 Budgeon, Tli.. gen. iD) 8i)0 Buerlaco, \\ ni. de, Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 Bng'by, see Buckby Bngrwell, Keg. de. ibi. Exr.4:i7 BuEler, Joh. Geo., CLE. 806 Buiric, bp. Koch. 4.59 Bulst, Geo., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Bulbns, C. A. (2i, C. Ko. 42 Bulliu P., L.M. Dbhi. 642 Bulgari, count Sp. Vitt.. G.C.M.G. 794 : K.C.M.G. 796 Bulkeley, Arth., bp. Bgr. 426 Lane, abp. Dbln and GL 616 R., G. N. Sc. 695 sir Rd. B.W.. L.L. Cam. 314 Bulkeley, vise. Th. Jas., 7th vise, L.L. Cam. 314 BuU, Danl.. C. Ta. 284 Fk., L.M. Lond. 492 Geo., bp. St. Dav. 465 Geo., dn. Cnr. 6a5 Rt., K.H. 790 Wm. bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 ; dn. Cork, 632 Bullen, see also Boleyn Ch. and sir C, adm. (S) 823; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 777 ; K.C.H. 788 Jos., adm. (A) 819 Smith, see Smith Buller, .\lex., adm. (Ei 837 Chas.. J.A.G. 937; Pres. P.L.B. 262 ; Q.C. 417 : Sec. B.C. 254 sir Ed., adm. (A) 818 Ed. M. Mann., gen. (D) 928 Fras. and sir F., J.C.P. 379 ; J. Chest. 387 ; J.K.B. 373 ; K.C. 415 ; S.L. 412 Fk. Th., gen. (Dl 885 Fk. Win., gen. (B) 868 Geo. and sir G., gen. (D) 889; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 777 Jas., L. Admy. 181 Jn >., C. Cus. 276 : C. Exc. 281 : L. Admy. 179 ; L.T. 158 Kcdv. Hv. and sir R., gen. (D)927; K.C.B. 781; K.C.M.G. 798; U.S. Ir. 5ta Walt. Lawr., K.C.M.G. 798 Wni.. bp. Exr. 437; dn. Cant. 431 ; dn. Exr. 138 BuUing'ham,-)no..bp. Brl.439; bp. Ghr. iSH Nichs., bp. Line. 447; bp. ^\"orc. 473 Bullock, Ch. Jas., adm. (H) 853 Ed., Conun. Serjt. Lond. 495 Fk., adm. (Bi.'-31 Stanley, gen. iD) 888 Th.. dri. Norw. 456 sir Win. L.Ci.C. Sc. 506 Bulnds, M.. Pres. Chi. HI B\Ustrode, Th., M. Chy. :«6 Biilteel, Howl., iidiii. (A) 818 Bulver, IM. Uasc. and sir E., gen. (DilUT; K.C.B. 7«1 Hy Ernest tiasc. and sir H., G. Cvpr. 671: G. Duca. 730; G. Labn. (175; G. Nat. 680; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 797 Hy. Lytt. and sir H., ivft Id. Dalling and B., m ; L. L. Glam. 315 .Inc., 2nd M. of. K.T. 748; L.H.C.K. Sc. 546 ; L.L. Butesh. .008 ; L.L. Glam. 315 Jno. Patr.. 3rd M. of, K.T. 749 Buteo, M. F., C. Ko. 12; Dt lto.43 N. F.. C. Ro. 42 Buthtir, G. Tob. 723 Butiler, see Butler Butler, see also Boteler Barth., Hps. P.A. 343; R. Cr. P.A. 335 ; List. K.A. 572 ; Yk. H. 334 Ch.. K.C. 416 Edmd., abp. Cash. 625 Edmd., A.G. Ir. 588; J.KB. Ir.578 (or Boteler*, sir Edmd., L.L. Ir. .550 sir Ed. Ger., gen. (C) 873 Geo., dn. Pboro. 459 Hy., gen. (Di 924 hon. Hy. Ed., gen. (D) 882 Hy. Mont., dn. Glr. 440 Jas., gen. (B I 868 Jas., K.C. 414 Jas., K.H., 791 Jas., aft. vise. Thnrles, and 9th E. of Ormond, q.v. ; L. Treas. Ir. 559 Jas. Arth., gen. (Df 891 Ino., bp. Her. 442; bp. Oxf. 456 Jno., gen. (D)898 Jno., K.B. 763 Jos., bp. Brl. 439; bp. Dham. 479; dn. St. P. 453 Lill., dn. Ard. 600 Capt. N., G. Bmda. 701 Sir Nichs.. C. Cns. 273-4; P.C. 193 Percy Archd., gen. (D) 906 Ph., Ath. P.A. 341 Ph., K.B. 763 - Regd., bp. Her. 441; bp Lich. and Cov. 444 Kd., dn. Clonm. 600 Saml., bp. Lich. and Cov. and Lich. 444 Theob. and sir T., L.J. Ir. 550; S.G. Ir. .589 ; S.L. Ir. 591 Th., dn. Till. 613 Th., dn. Winds. 474 Th., K.B. 758 Wm., K.B. 755 Sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 490 (or Boteler), Wm. Fitz- Thos. le, L.D. Ir. 552 Wm. Fras., K.C.B. 781 Wm. Hy. Ap., gen. (D) 935 Wm. .Ino., dn. Line. 448 Butler-Bateman, «ee Batc- iiiaii Butson, Chr.. bp. Clonf. and K. 636; bp. Killoe. K. Cl. and K. 636; dn. Wford. 628 Chr. Hy. G., dn. Kilmacd. 638 Butt, Chas. P., and sir C. J.P.D.A. 391 : Q.C. 418 Geo. Medd. Q.C. 417 Butter, Arth. Don., gen. (D) 932 Butterfield, Wm.. adm. (D) Butterworth, Wm. .J., gen. (D)«8H Buttler, see Butler Buttolph, Th.. dn. Rph. 602 Button, nee also Bitton Th. de. bp. Exr. 436; dn. Wells 428 Butts, sir .■Vugs, de, gen. (Al 863; K.C.H. 789 Eyt., dn. Cloy. (vJ3 Rt., bp. Ely, 435 ; bp. Norw. " .Nor 455; dn. Norw. 456 For List of .ibbreiiiiti'ms, see pji. P44-962. INDEX OP NAMES. Bnxhill, Buxhiill, or Bur- chull, Alan, Const. T.L. 320 ; K.G. 734 Byam, Ed., gen. (D) 884 Sir Wm., G. Antig. 728 Byde, Th., J.A.G. 937 Byerly, Kt., L.P.S. 240 Byers, Cli. Hopk., gen. CD) 919 Patr., gen. (D)878 Byknore, see Bickuor Byles, Jno. Barn, and ssir J., .J.C.P. 380; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; P.C. 218; P.P. 417; S.L. 413 Byng, Sir Geo., see Id. B., infra Capt. Geo. Stev., aft. vise. Enfield, q.v., and Id. and 2nd E. Strafford, q.v. ; Compt. H. 293; L.T. 160; P.C. 213; Sec. B.C. 254 ; Tr. H. 291 Sii- Jno., aft. 1st Id. and E. Strafford, q.v. ; G.C.H. 786 hon. Hy. Dilke, adm. (H) 845 Jno. and sir J., Comm. F. Ir. .564 ; G.C.B. 768 ; K.C.B. 774 hon. Jno., aft. 5th vise. Torrington. q.v. ; C. St. 284 hon. Jno., adm. (A) 814; G. Newf. 700 Jno. Clarke, adm. (H) 851 hon. Pattee, aft. 2nd vise. Torrington, q.v.; P.C. 198; Tr. N. 256 Hon. Bt., G. Bdoes. 720 Th., D. Arch. 420 Byug, Ids. sir Geo., aft. Id. B. and 1st vise. Torrington, q.v., adm. (A) 813; L. Admy. 177; P.C. 197 ; Tr. N. Byng'ham, see Bingham Bynteworth, see Wentworth Byrd, see Bird Byrne, Edm. Widd., Q.C. 420 Jas., dn. Clonf. 637 Th. Edm., gen. (D) 932 Byron, see also Biron Hy., G. I. Man. 665 Jno., gen. (D) 934 hon. Jno., adm. (A) 815; G. Newfd. 700 Jno. and sir J., K.B. 763; Lt. T.L. 321 Nichs., K.B. 757 Rd., adm. (D) 823 Byron, Ids. Geo. Ans., 7th Id., adm. (D) 829 ; (G) 840 Byshe, — Winds. H. 331 Ed. and sir E., Clar. K.A. 328 ; Gart. K.A. 327 ; Lane. H. Bysley, Th., Bl. M. P.A. 336 ; Rbk. P.A. 344; Yk. H. 334 Bysse, Jno., C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; Kec. Dbln. 642 Bythesea, Hy. Fras., gen. (D) 926 Jno., adm. (H) 851; CLE. 806 Bython, see Bicknor Cabanas, T., Pres. Hdas. 106 Cabellero, B., Pres. Pgy. 110 Cabhthaick, K. Ir. 21 Cabral, J. M., Pres. Dn. Rep. 105 Caceres, A. A., Dt. Pu. 109 Cadamo, Jno. de, M. Chy. 393 Cadar, abp. Lond. 450 Caddel, Jno., Eee. Dbln. 642 Cadell (2), Pr. Wis. 17 Alexr., gen. (D) 920 Alexr. Tod., gen. (D) 917 Ch., K.H. 791 Rt., gen. (D) 920 Cadeth (2), Pr. Wis. 17 Cadmano, J. M. P., Pres. Ecr. 108 Cadog'an, hon. CI. SI., see Id. C, inf)-a hon. Geo., gen. (D) 897; K.C.B. 781 Cadogan, Ids. and E. 1st Creation. Wm., aft. 1st Id. and E. Cad., Clk. O. 260; gen. (A) 857; K.T. 747; Lt. T.L. 322; M.G.O. 258; P.C. 197 Ch., 2nd Id., gen. (A) 858 2jifZ Creation hon. Ch. SI., aft. 3rd Id. and 1st E. Cad., M.M.C. 247 Geo., 3rd E., adm. (D) 826 Hy. Ch., 4th E., C.Y.G. 298 ; P.C. 217 Geo. Hy., 5th E., L.P.S. 241; P.C. 220; U.S.C. 235; U.S. War, 232 Caducan (2), bp. Bgr. 425 Cad-wallon ab Jevaf, Pr. Wis. 16 Cadwgan ab Bleddyn (2), Pr. Wis. 17 Cse— , see also Cea Csecus, A. C. (2), C. Ro. 41 Caedicius, Q., C. Bo. 42 Csena, abp. Yk. 485 Csenfelad, bp. Emly, 625 Csepio, see also Seipio C. S., C. Ro. 42-3 - Q. S., C. Ro. 44-5 Caer (Cahir or Carr), Jas. dn. Tm. 613 Caermerin, bp. St. Dav. 464 Caesar, see also Oetavianus and Augustus Ch., Tr. N. 256 sir Ch., M. Chy. 395 ; M.R. C.J. (5), C. Ro. 46; (4) Dt. Ro. 46 ; Tr. Ro. 46 (d'Este), D. Mda. 53 Hy., dn. Ely, 435 Jul., gen. (C) 871 Jul. and sir J., J. Adm. Ct. 422 Jul. and sir Jul., C.G.S. 356 ; M. Chy. 395 ; M.R. 388 L. J., C. Ro. 45-6 S. J., C. Ro. 44-5 Th., Curs. B. Ex. 386 Csesominus, L.C.P., C. Ro. 44-5-6 For List of Abbreviation^ see pp. < 983 Cafe, Wm. JIart., gen. (D) 925 Caffin, Jas. Crawf. and sir J., adm. (Gl 843; K.C.B. 783 Cahir, see Caer Cahusac, Wm. Legh., gen. (D) 923 Cailan (St.), bp. Down, 603 CaiUard, CamiUe F. D., C.C.J. 404 Caine, It.-col., G. H. Kong, 673 — Wm. S., L. Admy. 186 Cairbre-Cinneait, K. Ir. 21 ■ -Liffeachair, K. Ir. 21 Caird, Jas., K.C.B. 784 CairioU, K. Ir. 21 Cairlan, bp. Am. 595 Cairncross, see also Cam- cross - Alexr., abp. Glasg. 537; bp. Brn. 531 ; bp. Rph. 601 Alexr., K.H. 791 Rt.. bp. Ross. 5:35; L.H.T. Sc. 497 Cairnes, Jno. Ell., K.H. 790 Cairns, Hugh, see Id. C. infra. Wm. Welln. and sir W., G. Br. Hond. 714; G. Nev. 730; G. Qland. 706; G. S. Austr. 706; G. St. Xtr. 729; G. Trin. 722 ; K.C.M.G. 797 Cairns, Ids. and E. Hugh McC, aft. sir H. and 1st Id. and E. Cairns, A.G. 400 ; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; Ld. Chanc. 358 ; L.J. App. m9 ; P.C. 217 • Q.C. 417 ; S.G. 402 Cairny, Rt. de, bp. Dkld. 533 Caithness, E. of, see also E. of Orkney Geo., E. of, L.H.A. Sc. 499 Wm., E. of, L.H.A. Sc. 499 Jas.,12thE.of,L.L. Cness. 509; Postm. G. Sc. 503 Alexr., 13th E. of, L.L. Cness. 509 Jas., 14th E. of, L.L. Cness. 509 Geo. Ph. Alexr., 15th E. of, L.L. Cness. 509 Caius, Pr. Ro. 33 Calatinus, A. A. (2), C. Ro. 42 ; Dt. Ro. 42 Calcraft, sir Granv. Th., gen. (C) 873 Hy. Geo., Sec. B.T. 270 Jno., Clk. O. 260; P.C. 211 ; Paym. G. 244 Jno., gen. (A) 860 Th., gen. (Bj 866 Calder, sir Hy., G. Gibr. 670 : gen. (C) 872 sir Jas., C. St. 283 Patr. D., gen. (D) 885 sir Rt., adm. (A) 817 ; K.C.B. 773 Wm., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 Calderou, F. G. Pres. Pu. 109 Calderwood, sir W., Ld. Sess. 520 Calderwood - Henderson - Durham, see Durham Caldus, C. C, C. Ro. 45 Caldwall, Wm., Ld. Chane. Sc. 515 Caldwell, Alexr. and sir A., gen. (D) 876; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 776 Benj., adm. (A) 815 ; G.C.B. 768 984 Caldwell— con f. Jas. Lill. and sir J., gen. (D) W6; G.C.B. 769: K.C.B. 776 Matth., G. I. Man. 606 Caledon, Duprt-, 2nd E. of, G.C.G.H. 679; K.P. 751; L.L. Tvr. 571 CalenuB, Q. F., C. Ro. 46] Caleto, .Ino. de, Jv. 365 Caley, Hy. Fras., een. (D) 890 Calfe, K(l. ('2), bp. Down, GCKi CalfhiU, .Ino., bp. Wore. 473 CalicMopulo, Alt., K.C.M.G. 796 Anc, K.C.M.G. 796 Stanio. C;.C.M.G.794 Cali^taa, Hinp. Ko. 47 Calixtus, I. to III., P. Ro. 32, 34 -.5 CaU, Geo. Fk. H., gen. (D) 906 Callagrhan, Jereni. Th. Fitz-G., G. Labn. 675 — Th. Fitz-G., G. Bah. Isl. 716: G. Falk. Isl. 731; G. Gamb. 686 Callan, Geo. Field, vise., K.B. (16iji762 Callaway, Hy., bp. Br. Kaffr. B.S1 Callendar, Campb., gen. (A) 86-2 Callice, Et., S.L. 409 Callls, Smith, adm. I A) 814 Callow, \Vni., J.C.P. 378 Callwey, N\ in., K.B. 759 Calmady, t'h. Holmes Ev., adm. A ^16 Calowe uji Collow), AVm., S.L. 407 Calpurniauus, M. P. P.. C. Ro. 4e; Calthorp and Calthorpe Ch. and sir C, A.G. Ir. 588: .T.C.P. Ir. 5H1 Chr.. K.B. 763 Hy., K.B. 764 Le S., S.L. 410 (or Colthrop) Mart., L.M. Lond. 491 hon. Som. Jno. (Gough), gen. (D» 910 Walt., bp. Konv. 454 Wni., K.B. 757 Calthrop, Hy., Rec. Lond. 4'J4 Calverley, sir Hugh, L.H.A. ITi Calvert, Felix, C. Exc. 278; gen. iD)882 Fk., Q.C. 417 sir G., aft. Id. Baltimore, q.v.. S. St. 223 sir Ha*ry, G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 786; gen. (A) 861; L.G. Ch. Hosp. 9X Pet., D. Arch. 421 ; J. Pr. Ct. 421 ; Vic. Gen. 422 Th. J., Wdn. Chr. Ch. Manch. 481 sir Win,, L.M. Lond. 492 Calvilegfh, Hugh, G. Ch. Isl. 667 CalvinuB, C. D. (4i, C. Ro. 40, 46 C. S., C. Ro. 45 T. V. (21, C. Ro. 40-1 Calvo, B., Pres. Pan. 107 CalvuB, C. C. S., C. Ro. 43 I^ C. M., C. Ro. 44 Calwylegb, Dav. de, dn. St. Camac, sir Burg., gen. (D) 879 I'ur INDEX OF NAMES. Camargo, S., Pres. C.R. 106 Cambacerds, Csl. Fr. '24; Off. Nap. 2<; Caiubell, si-e n Iso Campbell sir Jas., L.M. Lond. 491 sir Th.. L.M. Lond. 491 Cambhou, Walt, de, .T. It. 368 Cambrege, Wm., L.M. Lond. 489 Cambrensis, Gir., bp. St. Dav. 4t;4 Cambridg'e, .Tno. de, K.B. 755 Cambridge, E. and D. of PUmtagcntt FainiUj. Edmd., 1st E. of, aft. D. York, 87'* Th. Mackn., gen. (D) 891 Wm. Gord., gen (D) 919; K.H. 790 Camidffe, Ch. Ed., bp. Bhurst. 704 Camillus, L. F. (2), C. Bo. 40-1 : Dt. Ro. (2) 40 M. F. iiu. Dt. Ro. 39-40 Cammell, scaJso Camell In.).. M. (hv.isyi Camois and Camoys Ralph de, W.C.P. 318 Rd., K.B. 755 Th. de, or Id. C. K.G. (14151 735 Camon, gen., K.C.B. 778 Campbell, .sr*- aho Cambell, Cammell. and Camell G. Tob. (1810) 72:i Alan., gen. (C»872 Alexr., bp. Bm. 531 .\lexr., C. Exc. 281-2 Alexr., gen. I At 860 .\lexr., gen. (B) 666 Ale.xr., K.H. 790 .\lexr. and sir A., C.C. Mdras. a57 ; gen. (B) 867; K.C.B. 775 ; G. Ont. 692 ; K.C.M.G. 797 sir Alexr. (Cesnockl, aft. 2nd E. of Marchmont, q.v., Ld. Sess. 520 .\lexr. Hy. Ed., gen. (D) hon. Alexr. Hume, K.C. 415 ; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 Andr., gen. (D.i S88 .\rchd. and sir A., C.C. Mdras. 657 ; G. Jam. 712 ; G. Mdras. 656: gen. (C) 872; K.B. 765 sir Archd., G.C.B. 768 : G. X. Brk. 695; gen. iB) 869: K.C.B. 774 Archd., gen. (B) 867 .\rchd., gen. (C) «75 Archd., L.L. Renfw. 511 .\rchd., Ld. Sess. 520 hon. .\rchd., bp. .\bdn. 540 ; Sc. bp. 545 Id. Archd., Comni. Tr. Sc. 498 Ch., gen. (C) 873 Ch., gen. (D)895 Ch. Stuart., gen. (D)8»4 Ch. Wm., gen. (Di 929 Colin, adm. (Hi 844 Colin. C. Cus. 375; C. Cus. Sc. .504 Colin and sir C, aft. Id. Clyde, q.v., C.C. Ind. 651 ; G.C.B. 769; gen. (Dl 8s4 ; K.C.B. 777 Colin and sir C, G. Ceyl. 672; G. N. Sc. 695; G. Tob. 723; gen. (Bl 869; K.C.B. 774 sir Colin, G. Gibr. 670; gen. (B 1 867 sir Colin, Ld. Sess. 520 Colin Yorkc, a. Ko. 33-4-5 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. Cellach, bp. Emly, 625 bp. Lich. 443 Celman, M. J., Pres. Arg. 110 Celmuud, bp. Her. 441 Celred, K.E. 3 Celsus, bp. Arm. 59.5 Celwold, K.E.2 Cely, Jno., bp. Down 603 Cemeliauc, see. Cimeliau Cenauc, abp. St. Dav. 463 Ceudred, aee Ceiiretl Cenelm, K.E. 3 Ceneu, abp. St. Dav. 463 Cenfada, bp. Emly. 625 Cenfail (St.), bp. Clr. 596 Cenred (or Cendred), K.E. 2-3 Censorinus, L. M., C. Eo. 44,46 Centho, C. C, C. Ro. 42; dt. Kg. 43 Centvimalus, C. F. M., C. Ro. 41, 43 ; dt. Ro. 42 Centwine, K.E. 2 Cenulf, K.E.3 Cenwal, K.E.2 Ceuwald, K.E. 2 Cenwalh, K.E. 2 Ceolulfus (or Kenulphus), bp. Dorch. 446 ; bp. Dorch. and Sidr. 446 Ceoltoertus, bp. Lond. 451 Ceolnoth, abp. Cant. 430 Ceolred, K.E. 3 Ceolredus, bp. Dorch. 446 Ceolric, K.E. 2 Ceolwulf (3), K.E. 2-3 Ceorl, K.E. 3 Cerco, Q. L., C. Ro. 42 Cerdicus, K.E. 2-3 Cerenhire, bp. Llff. 448 Ceresole, P., Pres. Sw. C. 31 Cerna, V., Pres. Gua. 106 Cerretanus, Q. A. (2), C. Ro. 41 Cerpain, bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 Cestria, see also Chester Jno. de, A.G. 398 Cethegus, C. C, C. Ro. 43 ■ M. C, C. Ro. 43-4 P. C, C. Ro. 44 Ceynemundus, see Cune- mund Cettepaliem, Charloo, CLE. 806 Ch.abot, Louis Wm., vise, de, gen. (C) 874 ; K.C.H. 787 ChacM, Sird. N. S., K.C.S.I. 802 Chac^on, Jose Mar. de, G. Trin. 721 Chad (St.), abp. Yk. 485; bp. Lich. 443 Geo. Wm., Amb. G. St. 122; Amb. Nds. &c. 123; Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. Rep. Col. 134 ; Amb. Sxy. 120 ChaddeswortlL, see Chads- worth Chaderton, Ed., M. Chy. 394 Wm., bp. Chest. 476 ; bp. Line. 447; Wdn. Chr. Ch. Manch. 481 Chads, Hy. and sir H'., adm. (E)8.35- K.C.B. 781 - — Hy. Ducie and sir H.,adm. (D) 830; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 777 Wm. Jno., gen. (D) 932 Chadsworth (or Chaddes- worth) Th. de, abp. Dbln. and Gl. 615; dn. St. Patr. 617 INDEX OF NAMES. Chadwick, Geo. Alexr., dn. Arm. 597 Jas., C. Cus. 274 Chadworth, Jno., bp. Line. 447 Chaffe, Rt., dn. Ardf. 640 Chaine, Jno., dn. Cnr. 605 Chalenor, see Chaloner Challis, Th., L.M. Lond. 492 Challoner, see Chaloner Chalmer, Jas. A., gen. (D) 889 Chalmers, Ch. Dav., gen. (D) 933 Dav. (2), Ld. Sess. 518 Jno. M., K.C.B. 775 M. D., C.C.J. 405 Sidn.,gen. (D)926 Th., Mod. K. Sc. 547 Wm. and sir W., gen. (D) 881; K.C.H. 769; K.H. 790 Chaloner, Challoner and Chaleuor Jas., G. I. Man, 666 Jno., Sec. St. Ir. 562 Rt., Bl. M.P.A. 336; Lane. H. 333 Th., adm. (H) 849 Chalons, Rt., K.B. 756 Chalton, Th., L.M. Lond. 490 Chalyner, Jno., Rec. Lond. 493 Chamberlain-e and Cham- taerlayn-e Ch., adm. (A) 816 Crawf. Trott, gen. (D)904 Ed., Sec. Tr. 163 Eras., G. Gsey. 668 Jno., M. Chv. 394 Jos., P.C. 219 ; Pres. B.T. 269 ; Pres. L.G.B. 256 Sir Leon., G. Gsey. 668 Nev. B. and sir N., C.C Mdras. 658; G.C.B. 770 G.C.S.L 801; gen. (D) 899 K.C.B. 779; K.C.S.I. 802 Rt., K.B. 761 Tank., J.C.P. Ir. 582; J.K.B. Ir. 579 Th., dn. Brl. 440 Th. and sir T., C.J. Chest. 386 ; J.C.P. 379 ; J.K.B. 372 ; S.L. 409 Th. Hardy, gen. CD) 919 Wm., gen. (D) 884 sir Wm., K.G. 736 Wm. Ch., adm. (E) 836 Wm. Jno., gen. (D) 907 Chambers, Jno., bp. Pboro. 458 Mont., Q.C. 417 Rd. Well., gen. CD) 913 sir Rt., C.J. Bgal. 652 Th. and sir T., Comm. Serjt. Lond. 495; Q.C. 418; Bee. Lond. 494 Walt., bp. Labn. 675 ; bp. Sing. L. and S. 676 Wm., adm. (A) 814 Wm., L. Prov. Edin. 548 Wm., L. Treas. Ir. 558 Wm. Fk., K.C.H. 789 Chambre, Alan and sir A., B. Ex. 385; J.C.P. 380; S.L. 412 Jno. de la, dn. Winds. 474 Wm., dn. St. Patr. 617 Wm., gen. (D) 900 Chamier, sir Anthy., U.S.S. 226 Steph. Hy. Ed., gen. (D) 927 Chamorro, F., Pres. Nic. 106 P. J., Pres. Nic. 106 Champag'ne, , Off. Nap. 26 Arth., dn. Clonm. 000 Forbes, gen. (B) 866 sir Josiah, G.C.H. 786; gen. (A) 861 Champain, Jno. Und. Bate- man, K.C.M.G. 798 Champion, see also Campion Jas. Hyde, gen. (D) 916 sir Rd., L.M. Lond. 490 Champflower, Walt., L.K. Ir. 575 Champneis, sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 Champneys, Wm. Weld., dn. Lich. 445 Chandeler and Chandler E. B., G.N. Brk. 696 Ed., bp. Dham. 479 ; bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 Geo., dn. Chich. 434 Geo., Mast. CoU. Surg. 939 Jno., bp. Sal. 467 ; dn. Sal. 408 Rd., C. Cus. 275 Th., dn. Her. 442 Chandless, Th., Q.C. 417 Chandos, sir Jno., K.G. 733 Chandos of Sudeley, Ids Jno., 1st Id., form, sir J. Biidges, q.v. ; Lt. T.L. 321 Edm. (2nd), Id.. K.G. 738 Grey, 5th Id., K.B. 761 Chandos, M. and D. of ; see also Buckingham Rd.. M. of, aft. 1st D. of Buckm. and C, q.v., G.C.H, 787 R. P. C. T. N., M. of. aft. 2nd D. of Buckm. and C, q.v.; L.T. 161 Jas., 1st D. of, form. hon. Jas. Bridges, q.v.; L.L. Heref. 308 Hy., 2nd D. of, form. M. of Carnarvon, q.v. Jas., 3rd D. of, form. M. of Carnarvon, q.v. ; L.S.H. 290 ; P.C. 203 Chandra Das, CLE. 807 Channell, Arth. M., Q.C. 420 Wm. F. and sir W., B. Ex. 385 ; P.P. 417 ; S.L. 413 Chantrell, Wm., S.L. 407 Chanvill, Wm., Jy. 364 Chaplin, sir Fras., L.M. Lond. 491 Frank, gen. (D) 921 Hy., C.D.L. 243 ; P.C 220 Chapman, Alfr. Angs., gen. (D) 908 sir Benj. Jas., L.L. W. Meath Fredk. Edw. and sir F., G. Bmda. 701; G.C.B. 770: K.C.B. 779; gen. (D) 902 Jas., bp. Cmbo. 673 sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 - Rd., gen.(B)866 Steph. Renin, and sir S., G. Bmda. 701; gen. (B) 870; K.C.H. 788; K.H. 789 Th., S.L. 409 Wm. Cox, adm. (H) 852 Chappel, Chappell, and Chappie Ed., adm. (H) 847 Jno., dn. Ross, 633 Wm., bp. Cork and R. 631 ; dn. Cash. 027 Wm. and sir Wm., J.K.B. 373; S.L. 411 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-! 990 Chardelaw, see Shardelow Cbarden, .Tuo., bp. Down and Ciir. Wil Charebert, K. Fr. 22 Charlemag'ne, K. Giiiy. 61; K. Fr. -3 Charlemont, vise, and E. of \Vm., 2nd vise, gen. (C) 871 Jas., 1st E. of, K.P. 7.50 Eras. \Vm., 2nd E. of, K.P. 751 ; L.L. Tyr. 571 Jas. Mol., 3id E. of, K.P. 751 ; L.L. Tvr. .571 •Charles, bp. Kilf. 635; du. Kill. 637 » dn. Ard. 009 • dn. Killoe. 637 * Poss. some same pers. Comp. dates. C. Ann. 27 C. Firs. 81 C. Lu.x. 84 (the Hold), D. Hdy. 29; E.G. 736 D. ]?rk. 70 (de Hlois), D. Bry. 28 (of France), D. Lne. 29 (archd. of Austria), G.C.B. 768 K. lUiia. 59 (Martel), K. Fr. 23 K. Htjry. 60 (of Austria), K. Nls. 56 (of Spain), K. Nls. 56 (of Anjou), K. Scy. 55 K. Wbg. 81 Lc. H. Csl. 72 (son Jas. 1.), aft. D. of York and Chas. I., q.v., Pr. E. 13 (son Chas. I.), aft. Chas. II.,fi.y.,l'r. E. 13 (son .Jas. ID, Pr. E. 13 Pr. :MkK. 74 Pr. and K. lima. 95 (Gunther), Pr. S. Son. 79 K. Nds. m (Pr. of Lorraine), K. Nds. 83 I. and II., K.E. 6 II. (K.E.), L.H.A. 176 I. andH., M. Bdn.67 I. to III., D. Svy. 54 I. toIIL, K. Nav. 85,87 I. to III., K. Nls. 56 I. to III., Pr. Mno. 31 I. to IV., C. Al(;n. 26 I. to IV., D. Lne. 29, 30 I. to IV., K. Sp. 86 I. to VII., Emp. Gmy. 61-2 V. (Emp. Gmy.), K.G. 737 I. to X., K. Fr. 23-4-5 IX. (K. Fr.), K.G. 738 X. (K. Fr.), K.G. 743 II., C.P.K. 68; K.G. 740 II. and III., D. Pma. 54 VII. to XIV., K. Sw. 92 XIII. to XV., K. S. and N. 92 XI. (K.Sw.), K.G. 740 Albert, El. Bva. 68 Albert, K. Sda. .55 Alexr., D. Wbi;. 81 Arth. and sir A., J.Q.B.D. 374 ; Q.C. 419 Alex-Aug., (i.D. S. \Vr. 79 Aut,'., D. 8. Wr. 79 Aug., G.D. S. Wr. 79 AUR., Pr. NaiH. 76 Christian, Pr. Nass. 76 Edward (g. son .Jas. II.), Pr. E. 14 INDEX OF N.AMES Charles— co7l^ Emmanuel, I. and II., D. Svy. 55 Emmanuel, I. and II., K. Sda. 5.5 EuKene, D. Wbc 81 Felix, K. Sda. .55 Frederick, D. H. Men. 79 Frederick, G.D. Bdn. 67 Frederick, (i.D. S. Wr. 79 Frederick, M. lUln. 67 Frederick i M. of Branden- burg Anspach), K.G. 742 Fk. W. A., D. Brk. 71 Leopold, Pr. M. Sch. 74 Leopold Fred., G. D.Bdu. 67 Lewis (g. son. Jas. I ), Pr. E. 13 Louis, C.P.B. 68; K.G. 739 Louis, D. Lea. 52 Louis, G.D. Tny. 57 Louis-Fred., G.D. Bdn. 67 Louis-Fred., G.D.M. Str. 75 Louis-Fred., I. and II., Pr. M. Str. 75 (or Carles), Nichs. BI. L. P.A. 341; Lane. H. 333 Philip, C.P.K. 68 Philip (iss. Jas. I.), Pr. E. 13 Theodore, C.P.K. 68 ; EI. Bva. 68 Wm., M. Bdn. 67 Wm.-Ferd., D. Brk. 70; K.G. 742 Wm.-Fk. (Pr. of Leinin- gen), K.G. 744 Charleton, sec Charlton Charle'wood, Ed. Ph., adm. iHlHI'.l Charley, .Ino., aeu. iD) 933 \\ni. T. andsir W., Conim. Serjt. Lon(1.495; Q.C. 419 Charlotte, Q.C.E. 8 (K. diui. Jas. I.), Pr. E. 13 Augusta Matilda (dau. Geo. III.), Pr. E. 14 Augusta-Louisa (dau. Wm. IV.), Pr. E. 15 Caroline - Augusta (dau. Geo. IV.), Pr. E. 15 Maria (dau. Jas. II.), Pr. E. 13 Charlton and Chaxleton, see also C.'irleton Andr., L.l'.S. 240 Ed., K.H. 791 Job and sir J., C.J. Chest. :W6; .J.C.P. 379; S.L. 410; Sp. H.C. 249. sir Jno., L.J. Ir. 5.51 Lewis de, bp. Her. 441 Kd.,K.B. 757 Rt. de, C.J.C.P. 375; K.B. 755 Th., bp. Her. 441 ; L.D., Ir. 551 ; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 ; L.H.T. 1.53 sir Th., Sp. H.C. 248 Th. H., gen. (Al 8(52 Charnels, Wm., bp. Ferns, 621 Charner, Leon. Vict. Jos., K.C.ll. 77H Charobert, K. Hgy. 60 Charretie, Th.. gen. (D) 881 Chase, I li.. L.K. Ir. 575 Charteris, hon. I'ras. W., L.T. liil Charterpool, II v.. Id., also 6tb K. of Siillulk, ./.I'. Chastillon, Hy. de, Jy. .364 Chatfield, Alf. Jno., adm. (E) 837 Fk., Amb. Gnat, and C.R. 133 Chatham, E. of Wm., 1st E. of. form. W. Pitt (No. 1), q.v.; L.P.S. 241; Prem. 143 Jno., 2nd E. of, G. Gibr. 670; G. Jsey. 667; gen. (A) 860; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; K.(i. 742; L. Admy. 180; L.l'.C. 188; L.P.S. 241; M.G.O. 2.59; P.C. 204 Chatterton, Hedges Eyre, A.G. Ir. 588; J. Ch. D.Ir.586; S.G. Ir. .590; V. Chanc. Ir. 586 Jas., S.L. Ir. 592 Jas. Ch. and sir J., gen. (D) 884; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 779; K.H. 790 Chatworth, Th., L.M. Lond. 49(1 Chaucer, Geoffr., P. Laor. 300 Th., Sp. H.C. 248 Chaucomb, Hugh de, J. It. 3(i6 Chauncey, Hv., S.L. 411 Chause, i:t., bp. Carl. 475 Chavo, Maur. Pasq. de, G.C.G.H. 678 Chaworth, sir Kd., Ch. Lond. 422 Chawry, Kd., L.M. Lond. 490 , Cheale, Jno., .•Vrund. H. 339 ; I Norr. K..A.. 329 ' Cheap, Th., Chn. E.I. Co. 644 Cheape, Jno. and sir J., gen. iDi 886; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 777 Chediok, Th., K.B. 756 Cheek, Th., Lt. T.L. 322 Cheethaiu, see also Chetham Hy., bp. Si. Le. 686 Cheevers (or Chewrs), Wm., D. Chanc. Ir. .575; J.K.B. Ir. .578 ; L. Treas. Ir. .558 i C;ieke, sir J..S. St. 223 Chelmsford, Ids. I Fk., 1st id., form, sir I F. Thesiger, q.v., Jud. Com. P.C. 361 ; Ld. Chanc. 358 Fk. Aug., 2nd Id., form. F. A. Thesiger, q.v., G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 7.^1; Lt. T.L. 322 Chelred, K.H. 3 Chelreye, lOdni., J. It. 369 Chene, Cheyne, Cheney, and Cheyney, m - also Chesney Cli.. C. (US, 273 sir I'idiu. do, G. Ch. Isl. 667 Edw., dn. Sal. 468 Eras., K.B. 759 Jno. (of Canterbury), K.B. 757 sir Jno., K.G. 736; Sp. H.C. 248 Kalph, L.D. Ir. 551 ; L.K. Ir. 575 Kd.,bp. Brl. 439; bp. Glr. 438 Ht., gen. (B) 867 Kt. de, bp. Line. 446 Th., Const. W. Cast. 332 Th., dn. Line. 448; du. Winch. 471 Th.. K.B. 758 sir Th., K.G. (1539, d. 1558) 738; Tr. H. 291; W.C.P. 319 Wm., K.B. 755 Wm., L.P.S. 210; Kcc. Lond. 493 For List of !>!>. 941 Chene, Cheyne, Cheney, and Cheyney— co«i. Wm. and sir W., C.J.K.B. 370; J.C.P. 378; J.K.B. 371; K.B. 756; S.L. 407 Cheueviz, Kd., bp. Killoe. 634 ; bp. Wford. & L. 627 Cheney, see Chene Cheoke, see Chooke Cheolmund, bp. Koch. 459 Cheorl, K.E. 3 Cherif Pasha, G.C.S.I. 801 Cherleton ol: Powis, Ed. Id., K.G. (1407) 735 Chermside, Hy. Lowth, gen. (D)919 sir Rt. Alex., K.C.H. 789; K.H. 789 Chernstone, Jno. de, K.B. 755 Cherry, Ed. Morris, gen. (D) 930; Pet. Th., gen. (Dj 901 Chertsey, abb. of, J. It. 365 Cheryton, Th., bp. Bgr. 426 Cheshire, Jno.. S.L. 411 Chesney, .see dlso Chene Fras. Kawd., gen. (D) 889 Fras. Kawd., gen. (D) 914 sir Geo. Tomk., gen. (D) 929 Chesshyre, Augs. Ph., gen. (D1919 ■ .Jno., adm. (A) 820 Chester, see also Cestria Harry, gen. (C) 873 Hy., K.B. 764 Jno. de, A.G. 398 • Pet. de, B. Ex. 382; J. It. 368 Th., bp. Elph. 608 sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 490 Wm. Benn., bp. Killoe. K. Ch. & K. 636 Chester, E. of Ran. Bluudevil, E. of, Jy. (1193-4)363 Chesterfield, E. of Phil., 2nd E. of, P.C. 192 Phil., 3rd E. of, P.C. 197 Phil. D., 4th E. of, form. Id. Stanhope, q.v., C.Y.G. 298; K.G. 741; L.L. Ir. 556; L.S.H. 290; S. St. 224 Phil., 5th E. of, Amb. Spn. 123; Postm. G. 238; L.L. Bucks, 306; K.G. 743; M.H. 302 ; M.M. 247 ; P.C. 204 Geo., 6th E. of, M.B.H. 303 ; P.C. 213 Chestrefeld, Jno. de, M. Chy. 393 Chetham, see also Cheetham sir Edw. aft. Chetham- Strode, q.v., K.C.B. 777; K.C.H. 789 Hy., S.L. 411 Strode, see Strode Chetwode, Rd., gen. (D) 900 Chetwood, Kn., dn. Glr. 440 Chetwynd, U.S.S. 226 Ed., dn. Brl. 440 Jno., B.T. 264 — -Wm., E.S.P. 301 Chetwynd, ds. and vise. hon. Wm. Rd., aft. 3rd vise. C, L. Admy. 177 ; M.M. 247 , Id., Sec. B.T. 270 Cheverel, Rt. de, bp. Carl. 475 Chevars, Jno., dn. Llin. 623 Chevers, Nichs., bp. Llin. 621 Norm., CLE. 807 Chevreiise, Claude deLoraine, D. de, K.G. 739 INDEX OF NAMES. Chevyrs, see Cheevers Chewtou, Geo., vise, aft. 5th E. of Waldegrave, q.v., P.C. 203; V.C.H. 297 Cheyam, Jno. de, bp. Glasg. 536 Cheyn, Cheyne, and Chey- ney, see Chene Chi—, see also Chy— Chihou, Jno., S.L. 409 Chichelee, Rd., L.M. Lond. 489 Chicheley, see also Chycheley Hy., abp. Cant. 431 ; bp. St. Dav. 464 sir Jno., adm. (A) 813 ; L. Admy. 175-6 ; M.G.O. 258 Rt., L.M. Lond. 489 sir Th., C.D.L. 242; L. Admy. 175; M.G.O. 258; P.C. 191-2 Chichester and Chychester sir Arth. (see Id. C, infra) hon. Aug. Geo. Ch., gen. (D) 907 sir Ch., G. Trin. 722 Id. Ed., dn. Rph. 603 Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 ; M.M. 246 Rt., bp. Exr. 436; dn. Sal. 468 Rt., K.B. 761 Chichester, Ids. and E. of — - sir Arth., aft. Id. C, L.D. Ir. 554 ; L. Treas. Ir. 559 Leigh Family. Fras., 1st E. of, form. Id. Dunsmore, q.v. Hy. Th., 3rd E. of, L.L. Suss. 312 I Pelham Family. Th., 1st E. of, form. hon. T. Pelham, q.v. Th., 2nd E. of, form. hon. I Pelham, q.v., i ; Pres. R. Inst. T. and Id. Postm. G. 940 Chidley, Rt., S.L. 408 Child, sir Fras., L.M. Lond. 491 sir Lacon. Wm., M. Chy. Chisholm, see also Chisolme Jas., bp. Dnbl. .532 Wm. (2), bp. Dnbl. .532 ChishuU, Gilb. de, M. Chy. 393 j Jno. de, bp. Lond. 451 ; dn. St. P. 452; L.H.T. 1.52; L.K. I 353 Chisolme, see also Chisholm Wm., Ld. Sess. 518 Chitterne, Jno. de, M. Chy. 394 Chitting-, Hy., Chest. H. 331 Chitty, Jos. W. and sir J., J. Ch. D. 391 ; Q.C. 419 sir Th., L.M. Lond. 492 Walt. Theod., gen. (D) 930 Chiverton, Rd., L.M. Lond. 491 Chlorus, C, Emp. Ro. 48 Choke, Rd. and sir R., C. J.C.P. (?) .375 ; J.C.P. 378 ; K.B. 757 : S.L. 407 Cholmeley, Ban., Rec. Lond. 493 ; S.L. 408 sir Rog., C.B. Ex. 381; C.J.K.B. 370 ; Rec. Lond. 493 ; S.L. 408 Cholmondeley, Geo. Jas., C. St. 283 ; C. Exc. 281 Hugh, dn. Chest. 477 hon. Jas., gen. (A) 858 sir Rd., Lt. T.L. 321 Cholmondeley, Ids., vise, E. and M. of Hugh, Id. and 2nd vise, aft. 1st E. of, Compt. H. 292; L.L. Chesh. 306; L.L. N. and S. Wales, &c. 314 ; P.C. 195; Tr. H. 291 Geo., 2nd E. of, G. Gsey. 668; gen. (A) 8.57; L.L. Chesh. 306; L.L. N. and S. Wales, &c. 314 Geo., 3rd B. of, form. vise. Malpas, q.v., C.D.L. 242; gen. (B) 865 ; L.L. N. and S. Wales, &c. 314; L.P.B. 241; P.C. 198 ; V. Treas. Ir. 560 Geo. Jas., 4th E., alt. 1st M. of, Amb. Pr. 118; C.Y.G. 298; G.C.H. 786; K.G. 743; L.L. Chesh. 306; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 204 Geo. Jas. Horatio, 2nd M. of, L.G.C. 288; P.C. 211 Wm. Hy. Hugh, 3rd M. of, L.G.C. 288 Georgina, Ctss., aft. Mss. of, L.G.C. 288 Chomeley, H., S.L.R. 271 Chooke (or Cheoke), Jno., K.B. 759 Chorleton, sir Job, see Charl- ton Chouiski, V., R. Russ. 90 Chowne, Chr., gen. (A) 861 Chri— , see also Chry— ^Christian, bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 * bp. Emly, 625 * bp. Gall. 538 * bp. Isl. 539 * bp. Kilf . 635 * Poss. some same pers. Comp. dates. D. Brk. 70 ; K.G. 739 (of Schleswig-H.), Pr., K.G 745 K. Sw. 92 (iss. Jas. I.), Pr. E. 13 I. and II., El. Sxy. 78 I. to IX., K. Dk. 93-4 For List of Abhreviations, see pp. 944-952. Lawr., bp. St. As. 462 Sm., adm. (A) 816 Wm., M. Chy. 395-6 Childebert, I. to III., K. Fr. 22-3 Childeric, I. to III., K. Fr. 22-3 Childers, Hugh C. E., C.D.L. 243 ; Ch. Ex. 166 ; H. Sec. 227 ; L. Admy. 184-5 ; L.T. 162 ; P.C. 218 ; Paym. G. 245 ; Sec. Tr. 163 ; W. Sec. 232 Childs, Jos., gen. (D) 891 Chillenden, Wm., abp. Cant. 4:^0 Chillery, Edmd., S.L. 407 ChillingTvorth — , G. Bah. Isl. 716 Chilperic, K Bdy. 28 I. and II., K. Fr. 22-3 Chilton, Geo., C.C.J. 404; K.C. 416 Chineferth, bp. Roch. 459 Chinnery, Geo., bp. Cloy. 631 ; bp. Killoe. and Kilf. 635 ; dn. Cork, 632 Haldane, see Haldane Chipman, Ward, G. N. Brk. 695 Chippindall, Edw., gen. (D) 925 a92 Christian— cojit. IV. (K. Dk.), K.G. 739 V (K. Dk.), K G. 740 IX. (K. Dk.l, K.G. 744 VIIL. D. Obg. 76 Ed., G. I. Man, 666 Ernest, D. S.C. and G. 78 Evan, G. I. Man, 666 F. W. C, I'r.. see Denmark Hy., adm. (H) 852 Hood Hanw., adm. (D) 825 Hugh Clobb. and sir H., adm. (A) 816; K.B. 766 Jonn., J.C.P. Ir. ^; L.J. App. Ir. 585 : S.G. Ir. 590 ; S.L. Ir. .593 Louis, D. Brk. 70 Louis, Pr. Mkp. 74 Louis, II.. Pr. M. Sch. 75 Vict. Alb. Ludw. Em. Anton, (g. son Q.Vict.), Pr. E. 16 Wm., G. I. Man, 666 Christianus, see Christian Christie, Archd. and sir A., K.C.H.788; K.H.789 — - Gabr.. gen. (Ai 859 Hv., Sc. bp. .545 Pag., gen. (D)902 Hugh Lmds., gen. (Di 914 las. Th., CLE. 806 Saml. Tolfr., gen. (D) 902 Th. Beats., CLE. 808 Wni. D., Amb. Arg. 136; Amb. Bzl. 135 ; Amb. Pgy.136 Wni. Hy. Mahoney, Astr. Kov. <.t4l Christina, Q. Sw. 9-2 Cbristophe, H., Pres. and Kiiip. Hti. 104 Christopher, bp. Droni. 604 D. Wbg. hO Emp. E. E. 50 P. Ko. 34 I., M. Bdn. 67 I. to III., K. Dk. 93 III.. K. Sw. 92 Bathori, pr. Tva. 60 Gritf., bp. Lism. 6263 Leon. Kaisb., gen. (D) 919 Kt. A., C.D.L. 243 ; P.C 215 Christopherson, Jno., bp. Chilli. 133; dn. Norw. 4.55 Christy, see Christie Chry -, see also Chxi- Chrystal, .Jas., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Chudlei^h, Th., CCus. 273-4 Th., L.(;. Ch. Hosp. 936 Chndworth, Jno., Id., L.L. Glouc. 308 Church, sir Kd., G.CH. 787; K.C.H.787 Kd. Wni., dn. St. P. 453 Th. Koss, CLE. 807 Churchill, ( li., G. Ch. Hosp. VM: gen. (Bl 864 Ch., G. Gsey. 668; gen. (A) 857 ; Lt. T.L. :S22 Geo., adm. (A) 813; L. Admy. 176-7 Geo. (2), gen. (B) 8a5-6 Horace, gen. (C) 873 Jno. and sir J., K.C 414; M.K. :J88 Jno. Sp., G. Dnca. 731 ; G. Monts. 729; G. Nev. 7:W; G. Virg. Isl. 7:)1 Id. Band. H. S., Ch. Ex. 166; L.T. 162; P.C. 220; Sec. Ind. 2:^6 lady Hand., Cr. Ind. 810 For INDEX OF NAMES. I Churchill, Ids. I Jno.. Id., aft. Ist E. and Ist I D. of Marlborough, q.v., P.C. 193 I Churton, Ed. Towns., bp. I Nass. 717 Cniute, Chaloner, Sp. H.C 249 Trev. and sir T.. G. N.S.W. 703: gen. (D) 899; K.C.B. 779 Wni.. L.L. Hants 311 Chwangr-lei, Emp. Ch. 100 Chy-, .s.-. a(«oChi- . Chycheley, see Chicheley Chychester, see Chichester Chyckwell, Ham., L.M. Lend, is-.i Chyne, sir Reyn., L.G.C. Sc. .506 Chyrinton, Wm. de. M. Chy. Cibber, CoUey, P. Laur. 301 Cicely (dau. Wm. I.i, Pr. E. 9 (dau. Ed. IV.), Pr. E. 12 Cicero, M. T., C Ro. 46-7 Ciceter, Pet. de, dn. WeUs 428 Cicurinus, C V. G.. C Ko. 38 P. V. i;., C Ro. 37 S. V. C.Dec. Ro. 38 T. V. ('.., C Ko. 37-8 Cillenius, bp. Ferns. 621 Cimeliau lor Cemeliauc), bp. Llflf. 448 Cincinnatus, C. M., C. Bo. 38 L. Q., C Ro. 38 Dt. Ro. 38-9 T. Q., Dt. Ro. 39 T. Q. P. (2l, C Ro. 39 Ciudasuinto, K. Sp. a5 Cineferth, bp. Lich. 443 Cinna, L. C (4), C Ro. 45 Cionaoth, K. Ir. 21 Cionfaola, K . Ir. 21 Cissa, K.E. 1 Clag'g'ett, Nichs., bp. Exr. 4:i7; bp. St. Dav. 465; dn. Koch. 461 Clanbrassil, E. of Jas., E. of, K.P. (1783) 750 Clancy, Boot., dn. Killoe. 637 Jno. dc, L.H.T. 152 Jos. de, L.H.T. 152 Clancarty, E. of Kd.. 2nd E. of, form. vise. Dunlo, q.v., Amb. Aus. 117 ; Amb. Nds. &c. 122-3; B.T. 268; G.C.B. 767; G.CH. 786; M.M. 247 ; P.C. 208 ; iPostm. Gen. 2:38; Postm. G. Ir. 564; Pres. B.T. 268 Claneboye, see Dufferin and C Clanricarde, E. and M. of Ulick, 5th E. aft. M. of, L.D. Ir. 554 Wm., 7th E. of, L.J. Ir. 555 Hy., 12th E. aft. M. of, K.P. 750 Jno. Th., 13th E. of, gen. 1 Clarina, Ids. Clapton, Id. Geo. Carew, bar. de, G. Gsev. 668 Clare, Ralph, K.B. 76:} ltd. (or Matth.) de. W.CP. 317 Clare, vise, and E. of; see al*o D. of Newcastle Nugent Family. Rt., 1st vise, form. B. Nugent, q.v., aft. E. Nogent, q.v., V. Treas. Ir. 560 Clare Family. Rog.. 5th E. of, J. It. 365 Holies Family. Jno., 4th E. of. aft. D. of Newcastle, q.v. Fitzgibbon Family. Jno., 1st E. of, form. .Tno., Id. and vise. Fitzgibbon, q.v. Jno., 2nd E. of, G. Bbay. 659; G.CH. 787; K.P. 751; P.C. 211 Rd. Hob., 3rd E. of, form. R. H. Fitzgibbon, q.v. Clare, de. see Earls of Pem- broke Claremont, Ed. H., gen. (D) 904 Clarence, E. and D. of Th.,E.of.seeTh.Lanca8ter Lion., D. of (son of Ed. III.). K.G. 733; L.L. Ir. 551 Th., D. of (son of Hen. IV. I, form. Pr. Th.. ^y.i-. ; also E. of Albemarle, q.v., K.G. 734 Geo., D. of (bro. of Ed. IV.), form. Pr. Geo., q.v., K.B. 755; K.G. 736; L.L. Ir. 552 Wm. Hy.. D. of, aft. Wm. IV., q.v., adm. (A) 815 ; G.C.B. 767 ; G.CH. 785 ; Gr. M. Bath, 754; L.H.A. 182; P.C. 205 Clarendon, Earls of ; see also Rochester Hyde Family. Ed., 1st E. of, form, sir E. Hvde, q.v., also vise. Corn- biirv ; L.H.S. 286 Hy., 2ud E. of. form. Id. Hyde, q.v., L.L. Ir. 555; L.P.S. 240; P.C 191 ; P.C. 193 Ed., 3rd E. of, P.C 196 Hy., 4th E. of, form. Id. Hyde, q.v. Villiers Family. Th., 1st E. of., form. Id. Hyde, q.v., B.T. 267 ; C.D.L. 243 ; Postm. G. 238 Geo. Wm. F.. 4th E. of, form. G. W. F. Villiers, q.v., Amb. Fr. 113; Amb. Pr. 118; C.D.L. 243; F. Sec. 229; K.G. 744 ; L.L. Ir. 557 ; L.P.S. 241 ; P.C. 214 ; Pres. B.T. 269 Clargfes, Rd. Godd. Hare, gen. (D) 879 ; K.C.B. 778 (A)( Ulick J., 14th E. aft. M. of, Amb. Russ. 126; CY.G. 298; K.P. 751; L.L. Galw. 569; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 212; Postm. (;.2:i8; U.S.F. 230 Clanwilliam, E. of Rd.. :ird E. of. Amb. Pr. 118; G.CH.78<>; U.S.F. 229 Rd. Jas., 4th E. of, form. Id. Gilford, q.v., K.C.B. 782; K.CM.t;. 798 Clapham, Wm., gen. iD 878 Clappa, K.i:. 2 List of Aliireviatious, see pp. 944-952, Evre. 1st Id., gen. (A) 858 Nath. Wm., 2ud Id., geu. (C) 873 Eyre CI. Hy.. 4th Id., geu. (Dl a35; (P) 838 Clifford, Ids. Jno., 11th Id., K.G. 735 Hy., Mth Id., K.B. 758 Hy., 15th Id., K.B. 760 Eras. ld.,aft.4th E. of Cum- berland, q.v.. K.B. 761 Hy. Id., aft. 5th E. of Cuni- beilaiKl, (/.!',, K.B. 7(i2 Clifford of Chiidlei^li, sir Th. C.,aft.kl.,C(Hii])t.H.2;«; L.H.T. 14U; L.T. lijo ; Tr. H. 291; B.C. 190; Prem. 140 Clifton, see also Clifden sir Arth. Benj., gen. (A.) 863; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 770; K.C.H. 788 Gam., dn. Her. 442 Gerv. (2), K.B. 758 Rt., K.B. 757 Rt. and sir R., K.B. 764 Th., L.L. Cambs. 306 Th. Hy., gen. iD) 911 (of Notts.) Wm. or Gerv., K.B. 761 Cline, see also Clyne Hv., Mast, and I'res. Coll. Surg. iKW Clinton and Clynton ■ ■ Geoffr. dc, Cli. Jr. 362 ; Jy. 363; L.H.T. 152 hon. Geo., adm. (A) 814 Hv.,K.B. 760 Hy. and sir H., gen. (B) 867 ; G.C.B. 767 ; G.C.H. 786 ; K.B. 766 • sir Hy., G. Gibr. 670; gen. (A) 858; K.B. 765 (or Clynton), Pet., B. Ex. Ir.583 Rog. de, bp. Lich. and Cov. 443 Wm. de and sir W., aft. E. of Huntingdon, ti.v.. L.H.A. 171-2; W.C.P. (1331)318 Far INDEX OF NAMES. Clinton and Clynton— coHf. Wm. Hy. and sir W., G.C.B. 767; gen. (A) 861 ; L.G. Ch. Hosp. 'XM ; L.G.O. 259 Clinton, Ids. and E. Jno., Id., K.B. (1501) 7.59 Clutterbuck, hon. Th.. L. Adniv. 17H: L.T. 156; P.C. 198 ; Tr. N. 256 Clnvins, C, c. Ro. 47 Clux, sir Hy. Van, K.G. T.Vi Cly— , see also Cli— F:d., Id., aft. Ist E. of i Clyde, Colin, Id., form. Sir C Lincoln, Const. T.L. 320; Campbell, q.v.; P.M. 8.56; K.G. 738; L.H.A. 174 1 K.C.S.l. k()2 — Theoph., c.c. Id. C, aft. Clyderhou, sec Cliderhou 4th E. of Lincoln, K.B. 762 Clyff. s- '- < liff KA., c.c. Id. C, aft. 5th E. of Lincoln, K.B. 763 Hugh, Id., aft. 1st E. of, K.B. (1725)764 Ch. Rod., Id., form. hon. C. R. Trefusis, q.v. ('. H. R., Id., L.L.Dev.307; r.S. Ind. 236 Clipping, Jno., bp. Chich. y.i-2; an. Chioh.4.S3 Clitheroe and Cletheroe sir Oir., L.M. Lond. 491 Clitherow, Jno., gen. iBi 870 Clive and Clyve Kd. and sir E., B. Ex. 385; J.C.P. :i7it; S.L. 412 Ed. Hy., gen. (D)928 Geoffr. de, bp. Her. 441 Geo., C.C.J. 403 Geo., Curs. B. Ex. 386 Geo., U.S. Home, 228 sir Geo., Ch. Ex. Ir. 561 Hy., U.S. Home, 227 Kt., see Id. C, itifra Wm., dn. Chest. 477 Clive, Ids. Rt., aft. 1st Id. C, Adm. Ind. 647-8 ; gen. (C) 872 ; K.B. 765; L.L. Montg. 315; L.L. Salop, 311 Ed., 2nd Id., aft. E. of Powis, q.v., G. Mdras. 656; L.L. Salop, 311 Cloal, Nichs., dn. Llin. 623 Clodianus, C. C. L., C. Bo. 46 Clodion, K. Fr. 22 Clodius, K. Fr. 22 Kuip. Ro. 47 Clodomir, K. Fr. 22 Cloete, Abrm. Jos. and sir A., gen. (D)890; K.C.B. .79; K.H. 791 Clofifh, Don. or Rt., dn. Clr. 597 Clonbrock, Kt.,ld.,L.L.Gal\v. 569 Clone (or Clove), Jno. de, A.G. Clonin, Nehemh., bp. Clr. 596 Clonmel, Jno., V. and E. of, form. Jno. Scott, and Id. Earlsfort, q.v. Cloos, .liu... Clyfford, see Clifford Clyne, see al.so Cline Dav., Ly. Dep. 513 Clynton, see Clinton Clyve, .lee Clive Coates, see also Cootes Jas., cen. (A)859 Cobbe, Alex. Hugh, pen. iD) 925 Ch., abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616; bp. Droni. 605 : bp. Kild. 617; bp. Killa. and Ach. 613; dn. Ard. 609; dn. Chr. Ch. Dbln. 618 Ch., adm. (A) 818 Geo., gen. (Dl 885 Cobbebam, t-rc Col.ham Cobethorn, .Ino.. dn. Exr. 437 Cobham and Cobbebam Hv. de, .1. It. 11218-9) :«7 Hy. de, G. Ch. Isl. 667; W.C.P. 318 Hy. de, W.C.P. (2) 318 Jno. de. B. Ex. 352; J.C.P. 376 ; J.K.B. 371 ; Jy. 365 ; S.L. 406 Jno. de, Jy. 364 sir Jno., L.H.A. 171 Regd., K.B. 756 Regd., see Id. C, infra Regd. de, J. It. 368 ; W.C.P. I 317 ! Th., abp. Cant. 430; bp. 1 Wore. 472 Wm. de. J. It. 368 Cobham, Ids. and vise. CoblKtm i'atitily. ■ Regd. and sir R., aft. Ist Id. C, K.G. 733; L.H.A. 172; ; W.C.P. 318 ! Brooke Family. , Geo., 4th Id.. K.G. 73S j Wm., 5th Id., C.G.S. 356; ' K.G. 738; L.L. Kent, 309; ! L.K. 356; W.C.P. 319 Hv., 6th Id., K.G. 739; L.L. Kent, 309; W.C.P. 319 Temple and Orenville I Families. Rd., 1st Id. and vise, form. ' sir R. Teniplc, q.v.; Const. W. Cast. 322: F.M. K56 ; P.C. 196 Cobledyk or Cobledyl, Alexr. { (if. K.H. 7.V) Cobthacb, bp. Saig. 620 I Cocherne, -^x Cochrane Cocbet, .1 no., adm. i A.) 819 Cocbm, Itaj, of, K.C.I. E. 805; I K.C.S.l.M):! Cocblan, Kog., gen. (B) 867 Cochrane (or Cocherne), Ly. K.A. 513 hon. .\Iex. Ingl. Forr. and sir A., adm. (A) 817; G.C.B. 767 ; K.B. 766 hon. Arth. .\uckl. D.Lcop., adm. (E)H35 Bas., C. Cus. Sc. 504; O. Exc. Sc. 505; G. I. Mnn. 666 Jas., gen. (B) 865 Jno. Hy., C. Cus. Sc. 504 944-952. IXDEX OF NAMES. Cochrane (or Cocherney-co»i«. | Cockcraft, Macleod R — ^athl.Day^adm.(D)826 Baynes, adm. (H) 853 I Cocke, AW Cock : Cockeil, Wm., Ken. (B) 867 I Wm., S.L. 4li2 Cockerell, sir Ch., B.C. 253 Cocks, sir Ch., aft. Id. Somers q.v., Clk. O. 260 sir Hy., Cofif. H. 293 Rd., C. Exc. 379 Cockys, Jno., D. Arch. 420- Vic. Gen. 421 Cocq, Herb. Le, gen. (D) 932 Codd, Ed., adm. (E) 835; (P) Ed., adm. (H) 849 — - Ed., G. Br. Hond. 714 ; gen. (C) 874 Codring-ton, Chr., G. Bdoes. 719 ; G. Leew. Isl. 727 — — Ed. and sir- E., adm. (A) 819; G.C.B. 768; G.C.M.G. 794 ; K.C.B. 774 Hy. de, M. Chy. 393 — - Hy. Jno. and sir H., adm. (B) 821; (D) 831; (E) 834; I K.C.B. 779 , Jno. de, M. Chy. 393 I Lath., dn. Kill 637 — - Wm., adm. (E) 837 ; L. I Admy. 186 ~7r„^'"- -^no- ail J sii- w^, I G.C.B. 770; G. Gibr. 670; j K.C.B. 777: gen. (D) 886 i Coe— , see also Cae— Coeliomontanus, C & Dt. Eo see Tricostus Coell, Jno., M. Chy. 396 Coemg-ene, see Kevin Coena, abp. Yk. 485 Ccenredus, bp. Sels. 432 Coffin, sir Isaac, adm. (A) 817 • I G.C.H. 786 ' I Isaac Camp., and sir I., , gen. (D) 891 ; K.C.S.I. 802 I Eras. Holmes, adm. (D) 823 Guy C, gen. (D) 885 j Hy. Ed., adm. (H) 848 Jno., gen. (A) 861 Th., adm. (H) 850 ■ Th., vide Id C, infrn — -sir Th. Jho.. adm. (B) 821 ; (C) 822; (D) 826; G.C.B. 770; G. Newfd. 700 ; K.C.B. 777 - — Wm. Geo., gen. (D) 8«3 Cochrane, Ids. Jno., Id., aft. 2nd E. of Dimdonald, q.v., Comm. Tr So. 497 Th., Id., aft. 6th E. of Dun- douald, q.v., C. Ex. So. 505 — — Th., Id., aft. 10th E. of Dundouald, q.v., K.B. 766 Cock—, see also Cok— Cock and Cocke Alf., Q.C. 420 Ch. Geo., J. Adm. Ct. 423 • ■T. Pr. Ct. 421 Ed., Pres. CoU. Surg. 939 Jas., gen. (D) 877 -—Jno., Lane. H. 333; Ptc. P.A. 337 Cockain, Cockayne, and Cokayne Eras., L.M. Lond. 492 — — Geo. E., Lane. H. 333 ; Norr. K.A. 330 Jno., C.B. Ex. 381 ; J.C.P. Th., Rec. Lond. 493 - — su- Wm., L.M. Lond. 491 Cockburn— e & Coktourn— e — - Ad., L.J. Clk. 516 ; IJep Tr. Sc.498; Ld. Sess. 520, Alex., Amb. G. St. 121- Amb. H. Tns. 120 ; Amb. Uep. Col. 134 ^ — — Alex, and sir A., J. Adm Sc. 524 ; Ld. Chanc. So. 515 — - Alex. Jas. E. and sir A., A.G. 400; C.J.C.P. .^76- C.J.Q.B. 370; G.C.B. 773 ;Jud. Com. P.C. 361 ; P.C. 216 ; Pres igli^Si *«• «': ^a Archd., Bar. Ex. Sc. 524 Ch., C. Ex. Sc. 504 Ch. Vansitt., gen. (D) 902 ~r, Fi'as. and sir F., G. Bah Isl. 716; G. Br. Hond. 714 sen. (D) 881 Geo., Compt. N. 257 Geo. and sir G. (No. 1), adm (A) 818; (B) 821; (C) 822- G.C.B. 767; K.C.B. 774; l' Admy. 181-2-3 ; P.C. 210 Geo. and sir G., bt. (No '>) K:g.f 78^7^^ ^^"- '^' ''''' Hy. Alex., gen. (D) 925 Jas., Compt. Sc. 498 Jas., gen. (D)917 ——Jas. and sir J., G. Bmda 701: G.C.H. 787;K.C.H. 788; U.S.W. & C. 231 Jas. Horsf., adm. (E) 835 Jas. P., gen. (D) 883 Jno., B.T. (1715) 264 Jno., L. Admy. (1730) 177-8 Jno., Ld. Sess. 517-8 — — Jno. and sir .Jno., L.J. Clk 516 -—Rd and sir Rd., L.P.S. Sc. 501 ; Ld. Sess. 518 ; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Rt., bp. Ross. 535 Wm.. dn. Yk. 487 sir Wm., gen. (B) 868 Coke — cont. (or Cooke) Wm., J.C.P. 378 • M. Chy. .395; S.L. 40S Cokefield (or Cokefeudi, Jno. de, J.C.P. 377 ; J.K.B. ;371; Jy — - Rt. de, J. It. 367 Cokesay, Th., K.B. 758 Cokeyn, see Cokam Colborne, hon. Eras, and sir F., gen. (D) 903; K.C.B. 780 Jno. and sir J., aft. Id Seaton, q.v., G.C.B. 769; G C.H. 787 ; G.G. N. Am.Prov. f.l'B^74^^'P- ^^"- ''■'■' — — Wm., R. Dr. P A. 338 ; Yk. I Colby, Th., gen. (D) 883 -— Wm. de, dn. Yk. 486 Colchester, Ids. and vise. Savage Famili/. Th., 1st vise, aft. 1st E I Rivers, q.v., L.L. Esx. 308 I — - Rd., vise., aft. 4th E. I Rivers, q.v., L.L. Chesh. 306 I Abbot Family. I Ch., 1st Id., form. C.Abbot, j q-v. \ — - Ch., 2nd Id., adm. (G) 841 ; I P.C. 215; Paym. G. 245; ! Postm. G. 239; V.P.B.T. 269 j Coldwell, Jno., bp. Sal 467- dn. Roch. 461 i Cole, Ch., Chambn. Ex. 166 sir Chr., K.C.B. 774 hon. Galbr. Lowry and sir G., G.C.B. 767; G.C.G.H.679; G. Mtius. 683 ; gen. (A) 861 ; K.B. 766 Hy., D. Arch. 420; Gen. 421 ; J. Pr. Ct. 421 St. P. 453 Hy., K.C.B. 783 Hy. Th., Q.C. 418 Hy. Warn., C.C.J. Q.C. 418 Jno. Amb., gen. (D) 905 Mart. Campb., gen. (C) Vic. ; dn. 405; — Jno. Pyne, gen. (C) 874 i an — ^Jno. Townshend, adm. (H) | Fennel, gen. (D) 891 W._,genjD) 898; K.C.B. 783 Colebrooke, Rt., Amb. Cog-ley, Patr. M.R. Ir. 585 Cohen, Arth., Q.C. 419 Coidan, Pietr. and sir P G.C.M.G. 794 ; K.C.M.G. 796 " Coig-ley, Qu., bp. Drom. 604 Coimbaoth, K. Ir. 20 Coimbra, Pet., D. of, K.G. 735 Cok — , see also Cock — Cokam (or Cokeyn), Jno., Rec. Lond. 493 Cokburn— e, see Cockburn-e , „,.„ Rec. Lond. 494; S.G. 401 ;' ! — Jno. (No. 2),seeld. C.,n,/m Tns. 120; Arab. fkv. 129 — ^sur Th. Ed., l:l. Lnrk. — rWm. Macbean Geo. and sir W., G. Antig. &c. 727 ; G. Bah. Isl. 710; G. Bdoes. &c. 719-20-21; G.Br. Gu. 715; G. k:h''7'p 944-950 996 Coleridge— ;o;it. Jno. T. and sir J., J.K.B. 373; Jud. Com. P.C. 361 ; P.C. 216 ; P.P. 416 ; S.L. 413 W. H., bp. Bdoes. 721 Coleridg'e, Ids. Jno. D. and sir J., aft. Id. C, A.G. 400; C.J.C.P. 376; Jud. Com. P.C. mi ; P.C. 218; Pres. C.P.D. 376; Pres. Q.B.D. 371; Q.C. 418; S.G. 402; S.L. 414 Coles, Kt. Bartlett, pen. (Di 884 Wm. Cowp.. pen. (Dl 8S5 Colet, Hy., L.iM. Lond. 490 Jno., dn. St. P. 453 Coleton, Hop. de, dn. Exr. 437 ColeviUe, nee Colville CoUa-Uais, K. Ir. 21 Collard, Val., adm. iD) 826 Collatinus, L. T., C. Ro. 37 Collen, IMwin Hy. Havt., CM.K, Nis Cie... \V., Ptc. P.A. 337 Coller, J',1. M. P.A.;«6 Colleton, sir Pet., G. Bdoes. 719 Collett, Jno. Hick., gen. (D) H78 Colley, see also Cowley Geo. I'om. and sir G., G Nat. 680; K.C.S.I. 803 Collier, sec also Collver Ed., adm. (D) 829; (G) 840; K.C.B. 779 sir Fras. Aug., adm. (Di 827: K.C.H. 788 Geo., Wdn. Chr. Ch. Manch. 481 sir Geo., adm. (A) 815 sir Geo. Ralph, K.C.B. 774 Hy. Theod. Br., adm. (H) 846 Jno. Fr., C.C.J. 405 Bt. Porr. and sir R., aft. Id. Monkhouse, q.v., A.G. 400; J.C.P. 380; Jnd. Com. P.C. 361; P.C. 218; P.P. 417; S.G. 402 ; S.L. 414 Colliug's, Jesse, Sec. L.G.B. 256 — Jno. Kl., gen. (D) 906 Collin^ham, Hugh, dn. St. As. 4ti3 Jno., bp. Emly. 625 Colling^wood, Clennell, gen. (D)930 Cuthb., see Id. C, infra Ralph, dn. Lich. 445 Collingrwood, Ids. Cuthb., aft. Id. C, adm. (A) 816 Collins, Arth. Jno. Hamni. and sir A., C.J. Mdras. 058; Q.C. 419 Arth. Tuck., gen. (C) 872 Dav., G. V.D.Ld. 708 ;as..dn. Killa. 614 Rd. Henn., Q.C. 420 Rt. Hawth., K.C.B. 784 Wm. Anthv.. Q.C. 418 Collitison, Rd. and Kir R., adm. (D) KM; (El 834; (P) 838; K.C.B. 780 Th. Bern., gen. (Dl 911 Collow (or Colowei, Wm., S.L. 407 Collyer, si-e also Collier — Jno., C.C.J. 403 — ■ Til,, Clar. K.A. 328; Ir. K.A..W8 Collyne, Jno., dn. Wford. 028 For INDEX OF NAMES. *Colman bp. Cld. 598 * bp. Clonm. 599 • bp. Lindisf. 478 • (or Mocholmoci, bp. Lism. 626 » (St.), bp. Clonf. 635 * (St.), bp. Cloy. 6;iO • (St.), bp. Drom. 604 • (St. I, bp. Kilmacd. 6:J6 • Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. Geo., E.S.P. 301 Colneye, Wm. de, J. It. 369 Colocair, bp. Clonm. 599 Coloman, K. Hgy. 59 Colomb, Geo. Th., gen. (Dl 893 Jno. Ch. Ready, K.C.M.G. 799 Phil. How., adm. (Hi 853 Colonsay, Duncan, Id., form. U. McNeill, q.v. Colowe, ••> 865 hon. Ch. and sir Ch., C.C. Bbay. 660 ; G.C.B. 767 ; G.C.H. 780; G. Mtius. 683; gen. (Al 862 Fiennes M., gen. (D) 925 Gilb. de, Jy. 363 Hy., gen. (D 1 885 Hy. de, J. Ic. 368 sir Jas., Compt. Sc. 498 sir Jas., Ld. Sess. 518 sir Jas. Wm., C.J. Bgal. 652 ; Jud. Com. P.C. :{61 ; P.C. 216 Jno., Ld. Sess. 518 Rt., L.P.S. Sc. 501 Colville of Culross, Ids Ale.\i-.. 5tli Id., adm. (A) 814 (no., Till Id., ailiri. (Ai K19 Ch. Jno., .sth Id., K.T. 749; .M.B.H.303; P.C. 217 Colvin, .\uikl. and sir A., K.C.M.G. 797; L.G. N.W.Pr. and Oudh, 654 Jno. Ru88., L.G. N.W.Pr. 053 Coman, bp. Poms, 621 List of Abbreviatio Combe, Jas. Jno.. gen. iD) 913 Comber, .\ugs. Kirkw., gen. (Di9:jo Hy. Wandesford, adm. ^Hi 85:3 Th., dn. Dham. 479 Combermere, Stapleton, Ist Id. and vise, form, sir S. Cotton, q.v.. C.C. Ind. 650; Comm. F. Ir. 6;>4 ; Const. T.L. 321 ; F.M. 856 ; G. Bdoes. 720; G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 786; gen. (Al 861; K.C.S.I. 802; P.C. 213 Comegrem, see Comorgius Comerford, Edm., bp. Ferus, 621 ; dn. Oss. 622 Ger., B. Ex. Ir. 584 Wm., dn. Oss. 622 Comerg^us (or Comegerul, bp. Llff. 448 Comln— s, see Comyn— s Commerell, Jno. Edm. and sir J., adm. lE) 836; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 780; L. Admy. 185 Commodus, Emp. Ro. 47 Comoufort, Ig., Pres. Mex. 103 Comuto, Ant. Ct., G.C.M.G. 794 Compton, Id. .\hvyne, bp. Ely, 435 ; dn. Wore. 474 hon. sir Fras., gen. p. Oxf. 456: P.C. 191-2-3 Hv., K.B. 761 sir R. H. A.D., C.J. Bbav. 060 Sp.. K.B. 762 hon. Sp., aft. Id. and E. of Wilmington, q.i\, K.B. 764; P.C. 196: Paym. G. 214; Sp. H.C. 250 Id. Win., aft. 1st. E. of Northampton, q.v., K.B. 761 Id. Wm., aft. 4th M. of Northampton, q.v., adm. (H) 849 sir Wm., Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 sir Wm., M.G.O. -2.58 ; P.C. 190 Comyn and Comyns Jno.. abp. Dbln. 615 sir Jno.. B. Ex. :3H4; C.B. Ex. :i«2; J.C.P. :J79; S.L. 411 Nichs., bp. Ferns, 621 : bp. Wford. and L. 627 Rd.. S.L. 411 sir Rt. Buckl., C.J. Mdvas. 658 Wm., gen. iDl 876 Conaire, K. Ir. 21 Mor. K. Ir. 21 Conall-Clnon. K. Ir. 21 Jno. de, dn. Kild. 619 Conan and Conanns abp. Loud. 4.">»l • lip. Ciiwall. i:it'i • bp. S. and M. 4N.3 • Prob. same jicrs. (St.lbp. Isl. 5;J9 K. Wis. 16 - I. toIV., D. Bry.2s Conant, sn- Pigoli-Conant Conarus, K. Sc. IH Concliabhar, K. Ir. 21 J)p. 944-952. *Conchovar, bp. Saig. 620 Concovar, Fiachry, bp. Old. 599 * Poss. same pers. Condari, Aug., G.C.M.G. 794 ; K.C.M.G. 796 Conduit, Jno., M.M. 247 Conduyte, Reyn., L.M. Lond. 489 Coney, Kd., G. Bmda. 701 Cong-al - Cionmasrliair, K. Ir. 21 Cong-all, K. Ir. 22 Congrallus, I. to III., K. Sc. IS Congleton, sir Hy. B. and Id. C, torm. sir H. B. Paruell, q.v. Congrreve, Geo., gen. (D) 895 Balph, G. Gibr. 669 sir Wm., gen. iB) 866; K.C.H. 787 Congusa, bp. Arm. 595 Coniers, see Conyers Conindicus or Conindrius, bp. Isl. 539 ; bp. S. and M., 48:5 Coning-hani, see also Conyng- ham Hy., gen. (D)888 Hy. Ev., gen. (D) 929 Walt., gen. (D) 928 Coningsby and Conyngrstoy Humph., J.K.B. 372 ; S.L. 407 Th., see Id. C. infra Wm., J.K.B. 372 ; S.L. 408 Coningsby, Ids. and E. Th., att. Id. and Earl C, L,..J. Ir. 555; L.L. Heref. 308; P.O. 194 ; V. Treas. Ir. 559 Conlaeth (St.), bp. Kild. 61C Conmach, bp. Arm. 595 ' bp. Saig. 620 * Poss. same pers. Conmaol, K. Ir. 20 Connaught [and Strath- earn], Arth. W. P. A., D. of (son Q. Vict.), see also Pr. Arthur, C.C. Bbay. G60 ; G.C.I.E. 805; G.C.M.G. 795; G.C.S.I. 801; gen. (D) 922; K.T. 749; P.O. 218 Louise Margt., Dss. of, Cr. Ind. 810 Conn-Ceadchadhach, K. Ir. 21 Connell, Jno. and sir J., J. Adm. Sc. 524 Connemara, Rt. Id., form. K. Bourke, q.v. ; G.C.I.E. 805 Susan, lady, form, lady Susan Bourke, q.v. Connesburgh, Edmd., abp. Arm. 595 Connolly, sec ConoUy, Connop, Kd., gen. (D) 893 Connor, K. Ir. 21 Geo. Hy., dn. Winds. 474 K. of Chenow and de Erpe., K.B. (1394)755 Conober, D, Hry. 27 ConoUy and Connolly Edw. Josh. K., gen. (D) Jas., gen.(D)906 Matth., adm. (H) 851 Rd. Geo., gen. (D) 902 - Wm., L. J. Ir. 5.56 — - Wm. H., gen. (D) 883 Conon, P. Ro. 33 Conrad, C.P.R. 68 (2), D. Lne. 29 D. Tny. 57 INDEX OF NAMES. Com-iid—cont. K. Bdy. 28 K. Jsm. 97 I. and II., C. Lux. 841 I. and II., D. Bma. .59 I. and II., D. Bva. 67 I. and II., K. Scy. .55 I. to IV., D. Su. 80 I. to IV., E. Gmy. 61 I. to VII., D. Fca. 71 Conradin, D. Su. 80 Conran, Geo., gen. (D) 887 Hy., gen. (B) 868 Conroy, sir Jno., K.C.H. 787 Considine, Jas., K.H. 790 Constable, Jno., dn. Line. 448 Rt., S.L. 407 Th., K.B. 756 Constance, D. Bry. 28 (dau. Wm. I.), Pr. B. 9 (g. dau. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 11 Jno. de, bp. Wore. 472 Constans, Emp. Ro. 48 II., Etap. E.E. .50 Constantino, P. Ro. 33 R. Russ. 89 I. and II., Emp. Ro. 48 I to IV., K. Sc. 18-9 IIL to XIII., Emp. E.E. 50-1 Earl. Ld. Chanc. Sc. (1094) 514 Constantiis, Walt, de, bp. Line. 446; Ch. .Jr. 362; Jy. 363 ; Ld. Chanc. 353 Constantius, I. and II., Emp. Ro. 48 Contenttis (St.), bp. Isl. 539; bp. S. and M. 483 Continisanns, L. H. A., C. Ro. 38 Conuil, see O'Cnail Conveal, K. Ir. 20 Conway, Comte de, G. Mtius. 683 Ed., see Id. C, infra hon. Hy. Seym., C. Ch. 855 ; F.M. 856 ; gen. (A) 858 ; P.C. 201 ; S.G.O. 259 ; S. St. 224 Ed., M. Chy. 396 Hugh and sir H., K.B. 758 ; L. Treas. Ir. 559 Th. Syd., gen. (D) 904 Conway, Ids., vise, and E. of sir Ed., aft. 1st Id. and vise, S. St. 223 Ed., 3rd vise, and 1st E. of, P.C. 192; S.St. 223 Conway-Gordon, see Gordon Seymour-, see Hertford Conybeare, Fredk., gen. (D) 911 Jno., bp. Brl. 439 ; dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 4.57 W. D., dn. Llff. 450 Conyers and Coniers Ch. Edw., gen. (D) 881 sir Ger., L.M. Lond. 491 Jno., K.C. 415 sir Jno., K.G. 736 sir Jno., Lt. T.L. 321 Trist., S.L. 410 Wm., S.L. 409 Conyngsby, see Coningsbv Conyll, Nichs., dn. Kild. 619 Conyng-hani, see also Coning- ham and Cunyngham Id. Alb., K.C.H. 787 Id. Fras., ses Marq. C. infra !l')7 Conynghani — coit f. — — Wm. Burt, C. Treas. Ir. 560 Wm. Fitz Len., K.C.B. 783 Conyng-ham, M. Hy., 1st M., Const. W. Cast. 322; G.C.H. 786; gen. (A) 861; K.P.750; L.S.H.290; P.C. 210 Fras. N., 2nd M., form. Id. Fras. C. and E. of Mount- charles, q.v.; gen. (D) 893; K.P. 751 ; L.C.H. 295; L.L. Meath, 570; P.C. 213; Postm. G. 238 ; U.S.P. 229 Geo. Hy., 3rd M. of, gen. (D) (1877) 917 Coode, Jno. or Jno. Hy., adm. (D) 828; K.C.B. 778 sir Jno., K.C.M.G. 798 Jno. Penr., gen. (D) 917 Trev. Penr., adm. (H) 852 Cook and Cooke, see also Coke Anthy., K.B. 760 Anthy. Ch., gen. (D) 924 Ch. and sir C, B.T. 264 Ch., aft. E. of Belmont, q.v., K.B. 765 Ch. Jno., gen. (D) 897 Crawf., gen. (D) 916 Danl., L.M. Dbln. 641 Ed., C.C.J. 404 Ed.. U.S.P. 229; U.S. Ir. 563 ; U.S.W. and C. 231 (or Coke), Geo., bp. Brl. 439 ; bp. Her. 442 Geo., dn. Thist. 749 Geo., Modr. K. Sc. .547 Geo., Paym. G. 245 Geo. and sir G., gen. (B) 868; K.C.B. 775 Hy., gen. (D) 935 Hy. Fk. and sir H., gen. (C) 875 ; K.C.H. 787 * Jno., J.K.B. Ir. 579 * Jno., S.G. 401 * Prob. same pers. Jno., L.M. Dbln. 641 Jno., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Jno. and sir J., D. Arch. 420; K. Adv. 422; Vic. Gen. 421 MUes, M. Chy. 396 sir Rd., Ch. Ex. Ir. 562; Sec. St. Ir. 562 Rt., Chest. H. 331 ; Clar. K.A. 328; R. Bl. P.A. 344 sir Saml., L.M. Dbbi. 641 Th., K.B. 7.57 Th., L.M. Lond. 490 Wm., D. Arch. 420; J. Adm. Ct. 422 ; J. Pr. Ct. 421 Wm., dn. Ely 435 Wm., K.C. 415 Wm. (see Coke) • W. G., G. St. Xtr. 729 Wm. Hy., C.C.J. 405 ; Q.C. 418 Cookes, Ch. Hy., gen. (D) 920 Cookesley, Jno., adm. (H)846 Cookson, Ch. Alf., K.C.M.G. 799 Ch. N.,gen. (B)868 Geo., gen. (B) 869 Geo. Rem., gen. (D) 913 - Jas. Gast., gen. (D) 925 Mont. H., aft. Cooksou- Crackanthorpe, Q.C. 419 Cookworthy, Cohn, gen. (D) 911 Coombe, Harv. Chr., L.M. Lond. 492 For List of Abbreviations, see yi). 944-952. Coomhe— oont. Tuo., C.J. Chest. 386; J. Chfst. 3S7 Coomber, Th., dn. Call. 476 Cooper, AUt., gen. (Di 923 sir A. A., aft. Id Ashley and E. of Shaftesbur}-, q.v., '- sir Ast. Past., G.C.H. 787 ; Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 Ch. Purl., K.C. 416 hon. Cropl. Ashl., Clk. O. 260 sir Danl., G.C.M.G. 796; K.C.M.G. 797 E. H., Tu.L,. Sligo 571 Edw. Mac. GUb., gen. (D) 921 Geo., gen. (D) 879 Grev and sir G., L.T. 158 ; P.C. 206 ; Sec. Tr. 163 Hy., gen. (D)897 Jno., S.L. 408 Jno. S., C. St. Ir. 568 Saml., Pres. CoU. Surg. 939 Th., K.C. 115 Win., gen. (D) 925 ■ Wm., gen. |D)935 Coorteyse, Rd., dn. Chich. Coote, Ch., dn. Kilf. 637 sir Ch., aft. E. of Mount- rath,;(;.i)., Comm. Ir. 555 Chas. Geo. Hy., gen. (Di 917 Ch. Hy., aft. Id. Castlecoote, q.v., C. Ace. Ir. 567; C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. E.xc. Ir. 566; Geneal. St. Patr. 752 Eyre and sir E. (No. 1), C.C. Ind. 650; G. Jam. 713; gen. (B) 865; K.B. 765 Eyre and sir E. (Xo. 2i, G.C.B. 767; gen. (A) 860; K.B. 766 Kt., adm. (E)835 Th., C.G.S. Ir. 576; J.K.B. Ir. 579 ; Kec. Dbln. 642 Th., R. llge. P.A. 344 Wni., dn. Down. 605 Coote, Ids. Ch., 5th Id. nee E. of Bellaniont Cootes (or Coates), L.M. Lend. 490 Cope, Anthy., dn. Arm. 597 — — Anthy., dn. Elph. 609 Edm. Kil., gen. (B) 868 Jno. and sir J., K.B. 764; gen. (B) 864 Walt.. Amb. Kct. 942 Walt., bp. Clonf. and K. 636 ; bp. Ferns and L. 622 ; dn. Droni. 606 Copeland, Wm. P., L.M. Loud. 492 Copingrer, ki-c Coppinger Copland, Crawford-, form. ('r;i\vfoi(l, (j.v. Copleston, Ed., bp. Llff449; .in. Chest. 477; dn. St. P. 453 Keg. Steph., bp. Cmbo. 673 Copley, Jno. Kt., dn. Kilf. 637 Jno. S. and sir J., aft. hi. Lyndhurst, q.v. A.G. 400; C.J. Chest. 386; Ld. Chanc. 357; M.lt.388; P.C. 210; S.G. 402; S.L. 413 Copping', Jno., dn. Clr. .597 Coppinger lujil Copinger, Miuir.,S.L. Ir. .V.l-J sir Wni., L.M. Lond.490 INDEX OF NAMES. Corach, Fintan, bp. Clonf. 635 Corban, Wm. Watts, gen. (D) 927 Corbet and Corbett Ed., K.B. 761 - — Ed., S.L. 411 Edwin, Amb. Bzl. 135 ; Amb. C. Am. 134 ; Amb. Gr. 129; Amb. Sw. and N. 127; Amb. Swz. 114 Eras., dn. St. Patr. 618 Jno., adm. (E) 836 ; K.C.B. 781 Jno., S.L. 410 MUes, C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; C.G.S. Ir. 570; Comm. Ir. 554-5 Itegd., J.Q.B. 372; S.L. 408 Kd.. bp. Norw. 455; bp. Oxf. 456; dn. Chr. Ch. 0x1. 457 Rt., K.B. 759 sir Rt., C. Cus. 275 (of Murtone), Roger, K.B. 7.57 Stuart, gen. (D) 893 ; 1 C.B. 779 - '■h.,Sec. Adm. 186-7 LTvedale, C.C.J. 403 Corbiere, -, U.S.S. 225 Corbois (or Corbyl),Wm.,abp., Cant. 430 Corbred, I. and II., K. So. 18 Corbridge or Corbrig'g'e, Til., abp. 485 Corbyl, sc' Corbois Cordell, Wm. and sir W., M.K. :i8,s; S.G. 401; Sp. H.C. 249 Cordner, Jas. Ed., gen. (D) 925 Cordova, G., Pres. Bol. 109 Corfield, Fk. Br., gen. (D) Wm. Rt., gen. (D) 895 Cork, E. .Sec rtiso Burlington and Orrery Rd,l8tE.of,L.J. Ir.554; L. Treas. Ir. 559 Rd, 2nd E. of, L. Treas. Ir. 559 Ch., 3rd E. of, L. Treas. Ir. 559 Rd., 4th E. of, L. Treas. Ir., 559-60 Edm., 8th E. of, gen. (A) 861 : K.P. 751 Rd. Edm. St. L., 9th E. of, K.P. 751; L.L. Soms. 311; M.B.H. 303; M.H. 302; P.C. 217 *Corniac and Cormacus '— — bp. Ach. 612 • bp. .\rd. 607 ♦ bp. Arm. 595 ' (2), bp. Old. 598 * bp. Ubln. 615 ♦ bp. Dkld. 533 * bp. Mortl. 530 * bp. Saig. 020 "• Prob. some same pi IS. Comp. dates. Corniac-Ulfhada, K. Ir. 2) Cormailles, .)no. de. K.B c'. Cornbury, vise, see V of Clarendon Cornelius, abp. Arm. 59 abp. Tm. 611 bp. Ach. ()12 bp. Cnr. 604 bp. Drom. (504 bp. Elph. 608 Cornelius— co»it. * bp. Kilmacd. 636 * dn. Cash. 627 * dn. Llin. 623 » Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates P. Bo. 32 L., C. Ro. 47 Corner, Rd. de la, bp. Mtb. 559 Wm. de, bp. Sal. 467 Cornet, sir Pet., G. Ch. Isl. ti67 Cornewall, .see Cornwall Cornewallis, see Cornwallis Cornhill, Gerv. de, J.It 365 : Jy. 363 Hyde, dn. St. P. 452 Regd. de, Jy. 364 (or CornhuU). Wm. de. bp. Lich. and Cov. 443 ; J. It. 366 Cornliall, .see Cornhill Cornicen, 1'. .K. E.,C. Ro. 39 S. O.. Dec. Ro. 38 Cornificius, L., C. Ro 6 Cornish, Hy., C. St. 283 Rt. K. Kestell- (see <(/m> Kestelli, bp. Madr. 689 sir Saml.. adm. (At 814 Saml. Pitch!., adm. lA. 815 Wm. Rt.. CLE. 806 Cornutus, Q.S.C., C. Ro. 37 S. S. C, C. Ro. 37-8; Dec. lio. 38 Cornvale, Jno.. K.B. 756 Cornwall and Cornewall Ch., adm. (A) 813 Ch. W., L.T. 157-8; P.C. 203 ; Sp. H.C. 250 — Clem. Fras., G. Br. Cbia. 698 Edmd. de, K.B. 755 Edmd. (bar. of Burfordi. K.B. 758 F. H. W., bp. Brl. 439; bp. Her. 442 ; bp. Wore. 473 ; dn. Cant. 431 Hy., gen. (B) 864 Jas., C. Exc. 282 Jno., adm. (H) 849 sir Jno., aft. Id. Fanhope, q.v.. K.G. 735 Wm. Hy., gen. CD) 885 Cornwall, D. of, see Pr. i>f Wales Cornwall, E. of Piers Gaveston, E. of (.s< e also Gaveston), L.L. Ir. 550 Cornwallis and Corne- wallis hon. Ed., C. Gibr. 670 ; (i. X. Sc. 694 ; gen. (B)865 Fk., see Id. C. hifra hon. Fk., abp. Cant. 431 ; bp. Lich. and Cov. 444: dn. St. P. 453 ; P.C. 202 (or Cornewalsche), -las., L.H.A. 173 (or Cornewalsh), Jas., C.B. Ex. Ir. 582 hon. Jas., see E. of C., infra hon. Steph., gen. (C) 8 sir Th., Compt. H. 292 hon. Wm. and sir W., adm. (A) 815; (i.e. B. 767 Cornwallis, Ids., E. and M. sir Fk., aft. Ist Id. C, P.C. 190; Tr. H.291 Ch., aft. 2nd Id. C. K.B. 763 For List of Abbreviations, sec pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 99;i Cornwallis, Ids., E. and M.— cont. Ch., 3rd Id., L. Adiny. 176 ; P.C. 194 Ch., 4th Id., Paym. G. 244 ; Postm. fi. 238 Ch., 5th Id., aft. 1st E., Const. T.L. 321 ; P.C. 198 Ch., 2nd E., aft. 1st M., Amb. Fr. 112; C.C. Ind. 650; Comm. F. Ir. 564 ; Const. T.L. 321; G.G. Ind. 648; gen. (A) 858 ; K.G. 742 ; L.L. Ir. 557 . M.G.O. 259; P.C. 202; V. Treas. Ir. 560 Ch., 3rd E. and 2nd M., M.B.H. 303 hon. Jas., aft. 4th Earl C, bp. Lich. and Gov. 444; dn. Cant. 431 ; du. Dham. 479 ; dn. Winds. 474 Cornwalsche, see Carn-wallis Cornwalshe, see Cornwallis Corr, Kd., bi>. Lism. 626 Corre, Dav., bp. Clonf. 635 Corrie, Danl., bp. Mdras. 658 Wm. Tayl., gen. (D) 924 Oorrin, Dav., dn. Llin. 623 Corry, see also Cory hon. Arm. Lowr., adm. (D) 829 ; adm. (H) 852 hon. Hy.Th. Lowr., Compt. H. 293; L. Admy. 183-4 ; P.C. 213; Sec. Adm. 186-7; V.P. Ed. 255 Isaac, B.T.268; C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Treas. Ir. 560-1; Ch. Ex. Ir.562; P.C. 206 CorseUis, Th.. gen. (D) 876 ; K.C.B. 776 Coruncanius, T., C. Eo. 42; Dt. llo. 42 Corvinus, M., K. Hgy. 60 M.V.M., C. Eo.41, 47 Corvus, L. F., C. Ro. 41 M. V. (6), C. Ro. 40-1 ; Dt. Ro. 40-1 Cory, see also Corry Blilo, bp. Clonm. 600 Nichs., adm. (G) 842 Corye, Arthr., S.L. Ir. 591 Coryng-liani, .Jno., L. Treas. Ir. 558 Coryton, Jno. R., gen. (D) 889 Costoy, D. A. S., aft. Id. Sydney, q.v., Amb. Dk. 127 Phillips, adm. (A) 815 Th. Pri., gen. (D) 933 Coshalett, Wm. de, 383 Cosin and Cosyn Jno., bp. Dham. 479 Pboro. 458 Rd., D. Arch. 420 ; M. Chy. 395 ; Vic. Gen. 421 Wm., dn. Wells, 429 Cosmo, I. to III., G.D. Tny. 57 Cossig'ny, Dav. Ch. de, G. Mtius. 683 Cossimbazar, Maharanee of, Cr. Ind. 809 Cossley, Jno., L.G. Ch. Hosp. i. Ex dn. A. C, C. Ro. Dt. C. C, C. Ro. 39 P. C. M., C. Ro. 39 P. C. R., Dt. Ro. 39 Coster, Wm. Jac, G. Ceyl. 672 Costley, Wm. R. C, gen. (D) 886 Cosyn, see Cosin Cot—, see also Cott— Coterell, see Cotterell Cotes, Ch. C, L.T. 162 Geo., bp. Chest. 476 Jno. de, dn. Lim. 639 Th., adm. (A) 814 Wash., dn. Lism. 629 Cotesmore, see Cottesmore Cotgrave, Hugh, R,Cr. P. A. 335 ; Richni. H. 333 Cotismore, see Cottesmore Cott — , see also Cot — Cotta, C. A., C. Ro. 42, 43, 46 L. A., C. Ro. 44-5-6 M. A., C. Ro. 46 Cottenham, Ch. Chr., 1st Id. and E. of, form, sir C. C. Pepys, q.v., Ld. Chanc. 358 Cotterel, Cotteril and Coterell sir Ch., L.P.S. 240 Patr., L.H.A. 173 Rt., J.K.B. Ir. 578 Staph, and sir St., L.P.S. 241 ; Sec. B. T. 270 Walt., S.L. Ir. 591 Wm., bp. Ferns and L. 622 ; dn. Rph. 602 Cotterill, Hy., bp. Edinb.543; bp. Gr. Tn. 680 Cottesloe, T. F., Id., form, sir T. F. Fremantle, q.v. Cottesmore (or Cotismore), .Jno., C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 378; S L. 407 Cottiug'liani and Cotyng- hain Hy., du. Clonm. GOO Th. de, L.K. 3-54 ; M. Chy. .393 Cottington, Fras., Id., Ch. Ex.154; Const. T.L. 321; L. Admv. 175 ; L.H.T. and L.T. 140 ; L.L. Dors. 307 ; P.C. 189 ; S. St. 223 Cotton, sir AU., L.M. Loud. 491 sir Arth. Th., gen. (D) 807 ; K.C.S.I. 802 sir Ch., adm. (A) 816 Ch. McCl., gen. (D) 922 Corb., gen. (D) 898 Edw. Rowl. Jos., gen. (D) 879 Fras. Vere, adm. (H) 848 Geo., dn. Chest. 477 Geo. Ed. L., bp. Calc. 653 Hy., bp. Sal. 467 Hy., du. Lism. 629 Hy. and sir H., Jud. Com. P.C. 361 ; L.J. App. 389 ; P.C. 219 ; Q.C. 418 Jno., Chu. E.I. Co. 645 Jno. Hy., dn. Bgr. 427 sir Jno. Hiude, B.T. 264; Tr. Ch. 294 sir Rt., Postm. G. 237 Rowl., adm. (A) 815 Stanh., G. Gibr. 669 sir Stapleton, aft. Id. and vise. ComDermere, q.v., K.B. 766 Syd. Jno. and sir S., G.C.B. 770; G. Ch. Hosp. 936; gen. (D)893; K.C.B. 778 Wm., bp. Exr. 437 Wm. Jas. R., L.M. Lond. 492 Willoughby and sir W. C.C. Bbay. 660; G.C.B. 769 gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 776 K.C.H. 787 Cottrell, see Cotterell Cotyngliam, see Cottingham List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. bp. bp. 437; Couch, Rd. aud sir R., C.J. Bbay. 660 ; C.J. Bgl. 6.53 ; Jud. Com. P.C. 362 ; P.C. 219 Coulson, Foster, geu. (D) 877 Walt., Q.C. 417 Coulter, Wm., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 Countess, Geo., adm. (A) 818 Coupar, Wm., bp. Gall. 538 Coupar, Id. Jno., Id., Ld. Sess. 517 Couper, see also Cooper and Cowper Geo. Eb. W. and sir G., C.C. Oudh. 654; Ch. Com. Oudh, 654; K.C.S.I. 803; L.G. N.W. Pr. 653 ; L.G. N.W. Pr. and Oudh, 654 Jas. Kempt., gen. (D) 930 Couplitli, Jas., bp. Cur. 604 Couraud, Jno., U.S.S. 225 Courcey aud Courcy Edmd., bp. Clr. 596 bp. Ross, 631 hon. Michl. de, adm. (A) 817; (E)835; (P) 839 Courtenay and Courteney, see also Courtney Ceo. Wm. Conway, adm. (D) 830 Hy. Reg., bp. Brl. 439 ; Exr. 4:J7 Hy. Reg., geu. (D) 911 Hugh, see Id. C, infra Jno., L.T. 158 Jno., S.G.O. 260 Pet , bp. Exr. 436 ; Winch. 470; dn. Exr. dn. Winds. 474 Pet. de. Const. \V. Cast. 322 ; K.G. 734 Ph., K.C. 416 Ph. de and sir P., L.H.A. 172-3 ; L.L. Ir. 551 Regd.. bp. Jam. 713 Rd., dn. St. As. 463; dn. Wells, 429 ; bp. Norw. 455 Rd. Wm., adm. (H) 851 Th. P., B.C. 253; P.C. 211; Sec. B.C. 254; V.P.B.T. 269 Wm., abp. Cant. 430 ; bp. Her. 441 ; bp. Lond. 451 ; Ld. Chanc. 354 ; M. Chy. 397 Courtenay, Ids. Hugh de, aft. 5th Id. C. aud 1st E. of Devon (Ist Cr.), q.v., K.B. 755 sir Hugh (son of 2ud E. of Devon), K.G. 733 Hugh, aft. 4th E. of Devon, q.v., K.B. 755 Wm., Id., aft. 2nd E. of Devon (2nd Cr.), q.v., K.B. 758 Wm. Reg., vise, aft. 3rd E. of Devon (3rd Cr.), q.v.. Sec. P.L.B. 262 Courteney, see Courtenay Courthorpe, Wm., R. Cr. P.A. 336 ; Som. H. 332 Courtney, see also Courtenay Ed. Hy., gen. (D) 934 F., bp. N. Sc. 695 Leon. H., Sec. Tr. 164; U.S.C. 235; U.S. Home, 228 Courtown, E. of Jas., 2nd E. of, K.P. 750 ; P.C. 204 ; Tr. H. 291 Jas. Geo., 3rd E. of, form. vise. Stopford, q.v., C.G.P. 300; C.Y.G. 298; K.P. 751 Cousin-Montauban, see Montaubau 1000 Couteur, Jno. Le, gen. (B) urn Couza, I'r. A. J., H. Rma. 95 Coveley, Th., A.G. 398 Coventre, see Coventry Coventry, Hy. and sir H., B.T. '2ti3; L. Adiny. 175; P.C. l'Jl-'2 ; S. St. 223 Jno., K.B. 763 Jno., L.M., 4ee also Cromwell Jno. de. Const. T.L. 320 Crunmoel, bp. Kild. 616 Cms, L. C. L., C. Ro. 46 Crutcbley, Ch., gen. (D) 899 Cry spy n, see Crispin Cuadra, V., Pres. Nic. 106 Cuan, lip. Emly, 625 Cubbon, Mark, gen. (D) 880 ; K.C.H. 7S2 Cubitt, Geo., P.C. 219 W-m., L.M. Lond. 492 Cucatlia:h, bp. Saig. 620 Cuddon, Th., M. Chy. 397 sir Th., Chambn. Lond. 4(13 Cndiniscus, bp. Arm. 595 Cuff ( or Cuyt), Jno., K.B. 760 Cnlenus, K. Sc. 19 Culeworth, see also Culwurth Will, de, J.C.P. 376; Jy. 364 Culfwolf, bp. Her. 441 CuUen, K. Sc. 19 .\rch., K.C. 416 Ch., dn. Oss. 623 Rt., Jy. Sc. 523; Ld. Sess. 520 Win., gen. (D) 881 Cnlllford, Wm., C. Cus. 274; C. Cus. Sc. 503 Cullin, Patr., bp. Clr. 596 Cullum, Jno. Palm., B. and (il. K.A. 33U ; Bath K.A. 785 Th. G., B.and Gl. K.A. 330; Bath K.A. IHT, Cully, Geo., C.W.P. &c. 273 Cnlme, Bcnjn., dn. St. Patr. 618 Culpeper and Culpepper, «(<■ iiTso Colepeper Xichs., KB. 7.57 Culross, Abbot of, Ld. Sess. JlfS Culross, Ms. i.tColviUeof C. Culto, Atirm., C. Exc. Ir. .J67 Culwurth, SCI also Culeworth lid. do, Const. T.L. 32(1 Cumasach, bp. .\nn. .595 Cumba, I no. de, bp. Cloy. 630 Cumberlege, Ed. Alth.. gen. iDi MIT Cumberland, C. Br., gen. (B) 890 Den., bp. Clonf. and K. 636 : bp. Kilm. 607 Octavius, adm. (H) 849 Rd., bp. Pboro. 458 Wm.. adm. lAl 820 Cumberland, E. and D. of Search also under their Christian names Hy., 1st E. of, K.G. 737 — Geo., 3rd E. of, K.G. 739 Fras., 4th E. of, form. Fr. Clifford, -X> Wm., L.I. Gen.. -.22 Cummingr, Cumingr and Cutnyng^ Arth.,adm.(B)835: K.C.B. sir Hv. Jno., gen. (A) 863: K.C.H. 78H las., adm. (A)S16 las., gen. (BlH69 hou. Jno. Lesl., gen. (A> Wm., adm. (A) 820 Wm., Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 sir Wm., Lv. K.A. 513 W*m. Hy., adm. (B» 837 Wm. Herb., gen. (D) 913 For l.Ut of Ahh. viiiti /'/' Cunemuud (orCeynemunclus), bp. Her. Ul Cunibert, K. Lmd. 49 Ciinliffe, sir Rt. Hy., gen. (D) HIS Cunningham— e, see also Cunvngham a!, dn. Rph. 602 Ad., Ld. Sess. 519 Alex., CLE- 806 ; gen. (D) 897 ; K.C.I.E. 805 Alex. Fk. D., CLE. 806 C. J., G. Antig. 728 Ch., G. St. Xtr. 729 Dav., bp. Abdn. 530 Dav., gen. (D) 887 sir Dav., gen. (B) 865 Geo., gen. (C) 872 Hv., G. Jam. 712 Hv., gen. (C) 871 Hy. Sta., K.C.I.E. 805 Jas., G. Bdoes. 720 Jas., gen. (B) 866 Jno., gen. (D) 876 -Tno., Ld. Sess. 520; S.G. So. 527 Jno., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Percy Sc, gen. (D) 922 Rt., aft. Id. Rossmore, q.v., Comm. F. Ir. 564; gen. (A) 858 Th;,gen. (D)883 Wm., bp. Arg. 538 Wni. Rt., gen. (D) 913 Cuuyngham— e, see also Cunningham — e Arth. Aug. Thurl. and sir A., G.C.B. 771; G. C.G.H. 679 ; gen. (D) 896 ; K.C.B. 780 hon. Eras. Eliz., Cr. Ind. 810 Cuppage, Burke, G. Jsey. 668; gen. (D) 899; K.C.B. 780 Geo., dn. Cnr. 605 \Ym.,geA. (B) 867 Curcumelli, Dem., Ct., K.C.M.G. 796 Cureton, Ch., gen. (D) 909 Edw., Burg., gen. (D) 919 Curio, L. S., C. Ro. 45 Curk, see Ciisack Curle(or CurU), Walt., bp. B. and W. 42S ; bp. Roch. 460 ; bp. Winch. 471 ; dn. Lich. 445 Curlinff, Th. Bl., Pres. CoU. Surg. 939 CurU, see Curie Curme, Ch. Th., adm. (E) 837 Currag'h, Pet., bp. Lim. 638 ; L. Treas. Ir. 558 Curran, Dav., dn. Llin. 623 Jno. Philp., M.R. Ir. 585 Currey, sir Edm., K.C.H. 788 Currie, Bert. Wodeh., M.C.I. 647 Don., K.C.M.G. 797 sir Fk., Chn. E. I. Co. 646 ; M.C.I. 646 Mark Jno., adm. (G) S42 Phil. H. W. and sir P,. K.C.B. 784; U.S.F. 230 Rt. Ham., pen. iDi 918 Curry, Doug., adm. lEi ^35 Rd., adm. tUi 823; (G) 840 Wm., S.L. Ir. 593 Cursor, L. P. (5), C. Ro. 40-1-2 ; Dt. Ro. 41 Curteis, sir Th., L.M. Lond. 490 INDEX OF NAMES. Curteys, Rd., bp. Chich.433; dn.Chich.434 Curthopp, Jas., dn. Pboro. 458 Curtis, sir Luc, adm. (B) 821 ; (D)825; K.C.B. 779 Rog. and sir R., adm. (A) 816 ; G.C.B. 767 Th., L.M. Dbhi. 641 Wm., and sir W., L.M. Lond. 492 Wm. Fk., gen. (D) 907 Curton, Oct. P. A. de Ch., K.C.B. 778 Curvus, see Corvus Curwen, Curwin, and Cur- wyn Dav., dn. Llin. 623 Hugh, abp. Dblin. & Gl. 616; bp. Oxf. 456; dn. Her. 442; L.J. Ir. 553; Ld. Chanc Ir. 576 Th., K.B. 759 Curzon, Ed., adm. (H) 846 hon. Hy., adm. (A) 818 hon. Rd. Wm. P., aft. Earl Howe, q.v., gen. (D) 903 Rt., B. Ex. 384 Cusack and Cusake Ad., J.C.P. Ir. 581 (or Curk), Jno., dn. Oss. 622 sh- Jno., M.R. Ir. 585 Nichs., bp. Kild. 616 Rt., B. Ex. Ir. 583 Th. and sir T., Ch. Ex. Ir. 561 ; J.C.P. Ir. 581 ; L.J. Ir. 553 ; L.K. Ir. 576 Cusake, see Cusack Cusans, Wm. de, L.H.T. 153 Cuserug'g'e, Baldw. de, J. It. 366 Cust, .\i-th. P. Purey-, dn. Yk. 487 hon. Ed. and sir E., gen. (D)8S4; K.C.H. 788 Eras. C, K.C. 415 sir Jno., P.C. 201 ; Sp. H.C. 250 Rd., dn. Line. 448; dn. Roch. 461 hon. Wm., C. Cus. 277 Custance, Hamb. Fras.,K.C.B. 783 Wm. Nev., gen. (D) 903 Cutch, Rao of, G.C.S.I. 801 Cuthard (or Cutheard), bp. Llndisf. 478 Cuthbert, abp. Cant. 430 ; bp. Her. 441 ( St. I, bp. Lmdisf . 478 Dav., C. Ex. Sc. 505 Jno., S.L. 411 Rt. Th. P., gen. CD) 924 Cutheard, see Cuthard Cutherwolf, bp. Roch. 459 Cuthfrid, bp. Lich. 443 Cuthred, K.E. 1, 2 Cuthwynus, bp. Dunw. 454 Cutler, Ed., Q.C. 420 Jno., S.L. 408 Wm., S.L. 408 CutUfiFe, Jno. Merv., K.H. 789 Cutto, Abrm., C. Exc. 282 Cutts, Jno., Id., gen. (B) 864 ; L.J. Ir. 555 Ciiyler, Corn, and sir C, gen. (A) 859 Jacob Gl.. gen. (D) 879 Cuyt, see Cuff Cwichelm, K.E. 2 Cyg"ony, Eug. de, Const. W Cast. 322 1003 Cynan, K. Wis. 16 Cynegils, K.E. 2 Cynewolf, bp. Lindisf. 478 Cynewulf, K.E. 2 Cynric, K.E. 2, 3 Cyrus, K. Pers. 99 D'., see De D***, dn. Enily, 628 Daborne, Rt., dn. Lism. 629 Dabrichcourt, see Daubrich- coiurt Dacca, Meeah of, K.C. S.I. 803 Daccombe, Jno. and sir J., C.D.L. 242 Dachuan (or Mochuan Lua- chra), bp. Ferns, 621 Dacre, Ran. de, Const. T.L. 320 Dacre, Lords Fienes Familu. Rd., 1st Id., Const. T.L. 320 Th., 2nd Id., K.B. 758 Hy. Otw., 15th Id., gen. (A) 863 Th. Cr. Wm., 16th Id., L.L. Esx. 308 Dacre Family. (of the North) Th., 2nd Id., K.B. (1503) 759 (of Gilleslaudi Th., 2nd Id., KG. (1.518) 737 Dacres, Jas. Rd., adm. (A) 817; (D)825 Rd., adm. (A) 819: G.C.H. 787 Rd. Jas. and sir R., Const. T.L. 321; F.M. 856: G.C.B. 770; gen. (D) 890: K.C.B. 777 Sydn. Colp., and sir S., adm. (D)832; (El 834; G.C.B. 770 ; G. Gr. Hosp. 854 ; K.C.B. 779 ; L. Admy. 184-5 W^m., Geo., gen. (C) 874 Daeth, Geo. Wm. Hughes, adm. (H) 845 Dag'nall, AUeu, Guis. P.A. 343 ; Ptc. P.A. 337; Yk. H. 334 Dag'obert, I. to III., K. Fr. 23 DagTiilar, Ch. Law. and Sir C, G.C.B. 771; gen. (D) 904; K.C.B. 780 Geo. Ch., gen. (D) 879; K.C.B. 777. Daivill, Jno. de, J. It. 367 Dakin, Th. and sir T.. L.M. Lond. 492 Dalam, Rd de, dn. Lich. 445 Dalbiac, sir Jas. Ch., gen. (B) 809 ; K.C.H. 787 Dale, Rt., Bl. L. P.A. 341; Rich. H. 334 Th., dn. Roch. 461 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. (!4 1004 INDEX OF NAMES. Dale— <-o?i<. Val.. iln. WeUs, 429; J. Adm. Ct. i-22 Dales, Sainl., K.H. 790 Dalesme, Genl., K.C.B. 778 Daley, ^" Daly Dalliotisie, E. & M. of (rco., ,sth E. Of, L.H.C. K. be. 540 Geo.. 9th E. of, C.C. Ind. 651 ; G.C.B. 767 ; G. Can. 691 ; G. N. Sc. 695; gen. (A) 861; K.B. 766 Jas. Andr., 10th E. and 1st M. of, G.G. Ind. 6©; K.T. 748 ; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 ; P.O. 214; Pies. B.T. 269; V.P.B.T. 269 ; W.C.P. 319 Fox, 11th K., form. Fox Mauleand Id. Panmure, (j.v. Geo.. 12th E. of, form. Geo. Ramsav. q.v., adm. (P) 838 Jno. Wni., 13th E. of, K.T. 749; L.K. Sc. .503; P.C. 221; Sec. Sc. .502; V.P. Ed Sc. 500 DaUson, Ch., S.L. 410 \Vni., .J.Q.B. 372; S.L. 408 Dalkeith, Earls of Jas., E. of, son of 1st D. of Buccleugh, K.T.747 Fras.. E. of, aft. 2nd D. Buccleugh, q.v., K.T. 747 Ch.- W. Hy., E. of, aft. 4th D. Buccleugh. q.v., L.L. Dumfr. 509 ; L.L. Selk. 512 \Vm. Hv. W., E. of, aft. 6th D. of Buccleugh, q.v., K.T. 249 ; L.L. Dumfr., 509 DaUas, Alexr. Morr., CLE. 808 Geo., K.C. 415 Rt. and sir R., C. J.C.P. 376 ; C.J. Chest. 386; J.C.P. 380; P.C. 210; S.G. 402; S.L. 413 Th. and sii- T., G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 775 Dalling', Jno. and sir J., C.C Mdras. 657 G. Jam. 712 ; gen (A) 859 Dallingr and Bulwer, Hy &c., Id., form, sir H. L Bulwer, q.v. Dalmaticus, L. C. M.,C. Bo. 45 Dalmeny, A., Id., L. Adm. 182-3 Dalmer, Th., gen. (D) 877 Dalrymple, sir Adolph. Jno., gen. 1D188O Ch..L.T. 162 col. — . G. Mtius. (1818) 683 Dav. (Westhall), Ld. Sess. .520 sir Dav. (Hailes), Jy. Sc. 523 ; Ld. Sess. .520 sir Dav., Ld. Adv. 526 Hv.. Jv. Sc. 522 Hew. Ld. Sess. 520 sir Hew.G. G8ey.669; gen. lAi 8t;o sir Hew, L.P. Ct. Sess. 516 Ino., adm. 'A) 815 Jno., gen. (C) 874 Jno., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 sir Jno., Bar. Ex. Sc. .524 Jno. Ham. Elph., gen. (D) 901 8ir J. Pr., gen. (C) 874 Jas. and sir J., aft. Ist vise. Stair, q.v., L.P. Ch. Sess. 516; Ld. Sess. 519 hon. Jno., and sir .7., aft. 2nd vise, and Ist E. of Stair, ^i.. gon. (Di SS7 Darcey, Darcie and Darcy sir Arth., (i. Jsov, 667; Lt. T.L. :V21 hon. Conyers and sir C, Compt. H. 292; K.B. 764; M.H. 302; P.C. 198 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1UU5 Darcie, Darcy, and Darcey — emit. Geo. Abb. K., G. Falk. Isl. 731 ; G. Gamb. 686 Hy., li.M. Lond. 469 (or Ducie), Hugh, K.B. 764 Jno. (2), Const. T.L. 320 Jno., L.M. Dbln. 642 sir Jno., L.D. Ir. 551 ; L.J. Ir. 551 sir Ph., L.H.A. 173 Kt., gen. (C) 874 • Rt., K.B. 757 ■ — — Eog. and sir B., L.J. Ir. 551 ; L.K. Ir. 574 Th., dn. St. Patr.618: M.E. Ir. 585 Th., see Id. D., infra Darcy of Chiche, Ids. Th. and sir T., aft. 1st Id., C.Y.G.298; K.G. 738; L.C.H. 294 ; V.C.H. 296 Jno., 2nd Id., K.B. 761 Darcy of Darcy, Ids. Th., aft. 1st Id., K.B. 758 (?) ; K.G. 737 Jno., 3rd Id., K.B. 761 Dardanus, K. So. 18 Dardys, Earth., J.C.P. Ir. 581 DareU, NathL, G. Gsey. 668 Darelle, Geo., K.B. 757 Darius, I. to III., K. Pers. 99 Darley, Ed., gen. (D) 877 Fk., L.M. Dbln. 641 Jno. R., bp. Kilm., E. and A. 609 Wm. WaU, gen. (D) 899 Darling, Chas. Hy. and sir C, G. C.G.H. 679 ; G. Jam. 713 ; G. Newfd. 700; G. St. Luc. 725; G. Vict. 704 ; K.C.B. 783 Ch. Jno., Q.C. 420 Hy., gen. (C) 874 Hy. Ch., G. Bdoes. 720 ; G. Tob. 723; gen. (C) 874 - — Jno., dn. Emly, 628 Moir Tod. St., S.G. Sc. 527 Ralph and sir R., G.C.H. 787 ; G. Mtius. 683 ; G. N.S.W. 703; G. V.D.Ld. 708; gen. (A) 862 Syd., gen. (D) 927 — Wm. L., gen. (D) 882 Darliiig1;on, E. of Hy., 1st E. of, form. hon. Hy. Vane, q.v. ; L.L. Dham. 308; L.T. 157, Paym. G. 244 — Hy., 2nd E. of, L.L. Dham. 308 Wm. Hy., 3rd E. of, aft. D. of Cleveland, q.v., L.L. Dham., 308 Darnall (or Darnell), Jno., B. Ex. 384 ; S.L. 411 Darnell, Wm. Hy., adm. (D) 824 Darnley, Ed., 5th E. of, L.L. Meath, 570 Daron, Jno. D., dn.'Bgr. 426 Darrag'h, Jno., L.M. Dbln. 641 Darrell, sir Marm., Coff. H. 293 Darroch, Dune, G. N.Sc. 695; gen. (A) 862 Dartas, Samps., Ch. Ex. Ir. 561 Dartasso, Jas., L.H.A. 173 Dartnioutli, Ids. and E. of Geo., 1st Id., form. Geo. Legge, q.v., adm. (A) 813; Const. T.L. 321 ; L.G.O. 259 Dartmouth, Ids. and E. of — cont. Wm., 2nd Id., aft. vise. Lewisham and 1st E. of D., B.T. 263; L.P.S. 240; P.O. 195; Pres. B.T. 265; S. St. 224 Wm., 2nd E. of, C. Sec. 234; L.P.S. 241; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 201 Geo., 3rd E. of, form. vise. Lewisham, q.v., K.G. 743; L.C.H. 295; L.S.H. 290; Pres. B.C. 252 Wm. Wals., 5th E. of, L.L. Staffs. 312 Dartrey, Rd., Srdld. aft.lst E., K.P. 751 ; L.L. Monaghan, 570 Darvall, Ed., gen. (D) 900 Jno. Bayl., K.C.M.G. 797 Dasent, Jno. B., C.C.J. 404 Dashwood, sir Ch., adm. (A) 820; K.C.B. 777 sir Fras., aft. Id. le De- speucer, q.v., Ch. Ex. 165; L.T. and C.E. 157; P.C. 200; Tr. Ch. 294 su- Hy. Wm., L.L. Oxon. 311 Rd. Lew., gen. (D) 928 sir SI., C. Exc. 279 sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 491 Wm. Bateman, adm. (H) 846 Date, sir Thos., L.D. Ir. 551 Datliy, K. Ir. 21 Daubeny, Giles, K.B. 755 Giles, see Id. D., infra Hy., gen. (D) 879 ; K.H. 790 Hy. Ch. B. and su: H., G.C.B. 771; gen. (D) 903; K.C.B. 780 Jas., gen (D) 906 Ralph, K.B. 755 Wm., K.B. 755 Daubeny, Ids. GUes, aft. 1st Id. D., K.B. 757 ; K.G. 736 ; M.M. 246 Hy., 2nd Id., aft. E. of Bridgwater, q.v., Const. W. Cast. 322 ; K.B. 759 Dauber, Rd., C. Exc. Sc. 505 Daubriclicourt and Da- brichcourt sir Jno., Const. T.L. 320; K.G. 735 sir Sanchet, K.G. 733 Dauncey, Ph., P.P. 415 Daunt, Achill., dn. Cork, 632 Dauvergne, J., G. Hlgld. 670 Jas., gen. (C) 872 Davall, Pet., M. Chy. and Acct. G. 396 Davenant, Ch., C. Exc. 278 Jno., bp. Sal. 467 sir Wm., P. Laiir. 301 Davencester, Ph. de, Jy. 363 Daveney, Burt., gen. (D) 896 Davenport, Humph, and sir H., C.B. Ex. 381; J.C.P. 379; S.L. 409 sir Salusb. Price Humph., adm. (D) 825 ; K.C.H. 788 Sherr., gen. (C) 871 Th., K.C. or P.P. 415 ; S.L. 412 Davers, Th., adm. (A) 814 Davey, see also Davy and Davie Horace and sir H., Q.C. 419; S.G. 403 Th., G. V.D. Ld. 708 *David (St.), abp. St. Dav. 463 * (2), bp. Ach. 612 David— cojii. * bp. Arg. 537 * bp. Arm. 595 * bp. Bgr. 425 * bp. Cness. 531 * bp. Dkld. 533 ♦ (of Chirbury), bp. Drom. 604 * bp. Kild. 617 * (of Emly), bp. KiUoe. <\3i * bp. Mor. 534 * (4), bp. St. As. 462 " bp. Wford. 626 * dn. Cash. 627 * dn. Kihnacd. 637 * dn. St. As. 462 *— dn. Wford. 628 * Prob. some saine pers. Comp. dates. Emp. Tzde. 98 (abb. of Aberbrothoc;k), L.P.S. Sc. 501 ab Llewelyn, Pr. Wis. 17 ab Owain Gwynedd, Pr. Wis. 16 I. and II., K. Sc. 19 Mont., G. Mtius. 683 Davidson, see also Davison Alexr., G. Mdras. 656 Alexr., gen. (D) 920 Alexr. Geo., gen. (D) 915 Dune, L.L. Ross. 512 Jas., gen. (D) 915 Rand. T., dn. Winds. 474 Davie, see also Davy and Davey sir Hy. Robt. Ferguson, gen. (D) 884 Davies, Davis and Davys Danl. Gaten., bp. Antig. 728 sir Dav., K.C.H. 789 Fras., bp. Llff., 449 Fras. Jno., gen. (D) 884 Geo., bp. Pboro. 458; tin. Chest. 477 Geo., adm. (H) 848 Hart, C. Exc. 282 Hy., gen. (C) 873 Hy. Fansh., gen. (D) 931 Hy. Th., adm. (H) 845 Jno., gen. (D) 926 Jno., S.L. 409 sir Jno., A.G. Ir. 588; S.G. Ir. 589 ; Sec. St. Ir. 562 sir Jno., C. Exc. 278 Jno. Fras. and sir J., Amb. Ch. 131 ; G. H. Kong 673 ; K.C.B. 782 Lewis, gen. (C) 874 sir Paul, Sec. St. Ir. 562 Rd., bp. St. As. 462; bp. St. Dav. 464 Rd., L.L. Ang. 314 Rt. Hy. and sir R., Ch. Com. Oudh, 654; K.C.S.L 803; L.G. Pjab. 654; M.C.L 647 Rowl., dn. Cork, 632; dn. Ross. 633 Th., bp. St. As. 462 Th., gen. (B) 866 Th., gen. (C) 872 sir Th., L.M. Lond. 491 Wm., adm. (A) 813 sir Wm., C.J.K.B. Ir. 578 Rec. Dbha. 642; S.L. Ir. 591 sir Wm. Geo., K.C.S.I. 803 Davis, see Davies Davison and Davyson, see also Davidson Archd., dn. Thist. 749 Geo., gen. (Di 913 For List of Abbreviations, see piJ. 944-952. 1006 Davison and Davyson— coiit. sir Hv.. C.J. Bbay. 660; C.J. Mflras. 658 HuRh P., gen. (D) 862 Jiio.. du. Sal. 468; dn. Winds. 474 Jno., M. Cliy. 394 Jno. Kt.. J.A.G. 937; P.C. 218; Q.C. 418 Wni.. S. St. 223 sir Will.. K.H. 789 Davonst. Oi^.Nap. 26 Davranches, .\lv. de Aim., Count. K.G. 73.5 Davy, set also Davie and Davey sir Humph., Pres. R. Sec. 940 Wra., S.L. 412 sir Wni. Gabr., gen. (A) 863 ; K.C.H. 7,S9 Davys, .•■< r Davies Davysou, sec Davison Dawes, Th., K. Cr. P.A. 335 sir Wni., abp. Yk. 486; bp. Chest. 477 : P.C. 196 Dawkins, Ed. Jas., Amb. Gr. 128 Hy., C.W.F. &c. 271-2 Kd., C. Exc. 281-2 Rd., adm. (H) 852 Dawnay, hon. Guy C, S.G.O. 260 Daws, Rd., dn. Her. 442 Dawson, Alexr., Adm. Ind. 647 Alexr., sen. (D) 925 Arth., B. Ex. Ir. 584 Ace. Ir. .567 Ch., L.M. Dbln. 642 Fras., sen. p. Shbu. 466 Denewulf, bp. Winch. 470 I Denbam, Hv. Mangles and sir H.,adm. iDl .s33, (P) 838 I Jno., K.B. 764 Jno. and sir J., B. Ex. 384 ; CB. Ex. Ir. r>83; C.J.K.B. Ir. 578; L.J. Ir. 554: S.L. 409 Denier, Ph. J., M.M. 246 Denis, see also Dennis l>p. Clonf. 1^6 ' tor Dionysius), dn. Arm. 597 ♦ dn. Tin. 613 * Peas, same pers. K.Pgl. 88 (O'Brian). K. Ir. 22 Walt., K.B. 7.VS Denison and Dennison Car. Lucy, lady, Cr. Ind. 810 Edni. Beck., aft. Id. Grlm- thorpe. (7.1-., Q.C. 417 Ed., bp. Sal. 467 Jno. Evel.. aft. vi.sc. Os- slngtoii, (7.1'., L. P.C. 216; Sp. H.C 250 For List of Abbreviations, see 2^p. ni4-9.')2. Deuison and Denuisou— co«f -— - Th. and sir ,T., J.K.B. 373 ; S.L. 412 ' — -Wm. Th. and sir W., G. Mdras. 657; G. N.S.W. 703; k:c:bWs2'°'' '''''■'''''''' Deniuan, hon. Geo., J.C.P 380 ■ J.C.P.D. 380; J.Q.B.D. 374- Q.C. 418 ; S.L. 414 hou. Josh., adiii. (D & E) 832, 834 ' Th., see Id. D., infra Denman, Ids. Th., aft. sir T.and 1st Id. D., A.G. 400; C. J.K.B. 370; Ch. Ex. 165 ; Comm. Serjt. Lond. 495; Jud. Com. B.C. 360 L.H.S. 287; B.C. 212; BB 416; S.L. 413 Denmark, Christian Pk. Wm Ch., Cr. Br. of, G.C.B. 773 — - Geo., Br. of, also styled D of Cumberland, q.v.. Const, M . Cast., 322 ; L.H.A. 176-7 : B.C. 192; W.C.B. 319 Benu, Vine, S.L., 4li Dennehy, Th., CLE. 808 Dennis, see also Denis and Dennys bp. Boss, 631 AU. Digb., gen. (D) 920 Jas. and sir J., gen. (D) 883; K.C.B. 777 Jas., aft. Id. Tracton, n.v. C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; S.L. Ir! INDEX OF NAMES. Derby, Earls of Hy., E. of, aft. K. Hy. IV., q.v., K.G. 734 Stanley Family. Search also under Ids. Strange Thos., 1st E. of, form. Id Stanley, q.v., K. Man. 665 Thos., 2nd E. of, form. Th. Stanley, q.v., K. Man. 665 Ed., 3rd E. of, K.B. 760; K.G. 738; L.L. Chesh. 30B; L.B.S. 240; Ld.Man. 665 — -Hy., 4th E. of, K.G. 738; L.L. Chesh. 306; Ld. Man. 665 Ferd., 5th E. of, Ld. 3Ian. 665 — Wm., 6th E. of, K.G. 739; L.L. Chesh. 306; Ld. Blan. Jas. Benj., gen. (D) 902 Jas. Saml. Akid, adm. (H) Juo. LesL, gen. (D) 899 — — sir Bet., adm. (A) 814 Dennison, see Deuison Denny, Ed., B. Ex. 383 Dennys, see also Dennis — — Jul. Bent., can. (D) 923 Densell, Jno., S.L. 408 Dent, Alfr., K.C.M.G. 799 _Ch. Bayl. Calm., adm. (H) Ch. Calm., adm. (H) 849 Digby, Conipt. N. 257 Th. de, C.J.C.B. n-. 580 Denta, L. C. M., C. Ro. 42 Dentatus, M. c. (3), C. Ro. 41-2 Denter, M. L., C. Ro. 41 Denton, Alexr., J. C.B. 379 • S.L. 411 Jas., dn. Lieh. 445 Denum, Jno. de, S.L. 406 Wm. de, B. Ex. 383; K.B. 755 ; S.L. 406 Deodatus, see also Adeodatus and Deus-dedit bp. Mth. 599 Deo - in - Behar, Bah. of K.C.S.I. 802 Deo Narain, liaj., K.C.S.I, 802 Deora, see Diora Deorlaf, bp. Her. 441 Depeden, Jno., Regr. Gart. 746 Depham, Rog. de, Rec. Lond. 493 Deping', Jno., bp. Wford. and L. 626 Derby, Jno., BI. Chy. 394 * Jno. de, dn. Lich. 445 *- Jno. de, M. Chy. 393 * Brob. same pers. Wm., B. Ex. 383 Foi ——Jas., 7th E. of, form.- Id, Strange, q.v., K.G. 740; L.L. Chesh. 306 ; Ld. Blan. 665 Ch., 8th E. of, L.L. Chesh. 306 ; Ld. Blan. 665 Wm. R. G., 9th E. of, L.L. Chesh. 306; L.L. N. ^nd S Wales, &c. 314; Ld. Blan 665 Jas., 10th E. of, C.D.L 242; C.Y.G. 298;gen.(C)871; Ld. Man. 665 ; B.C. 195-6 Ed., 12th E. of, C.D.L 243; B.C. 204, 212 Ed. Sm., 13th E. of, K.G 744 ; L.L. Lane. 309 —- Ed. G., 14th E. of, form, in- Stanley, q.v. ; G.C.BI.G. 79o; K.G. 744; L.T. 161- Breni. 148 — - Ed. Hy., 15th E. of, form. Id. Stanley, Gr.v.; C. Sec. 235; F Sec. 229; K.G. 745; U.S.F. Dereham, Th., A.G. 398 Derham, Id., see Dynliam Dering- and Deering- Ch., C. Tx. 284-5 sir Ed., C. Cus. 273 ; L.B S 240; L.T. 155 Heneage, dn. Rip. 482 Derinzy, Barth. Vigors, gen (D)890; K.H. 790 " ' ^ ' Derling-ton, Jno. de, abp. Dbhi. and Gl. 615 Dermod, bp. Kilm. 607 (St.), bp. Arm. 595 Dernot, dn. Dry. 602 Derqni, S., Bres. Arg. IJO Derrick, sir Gilb., Gart. K.A. Derriman, Saml. Hoskins, adm. (H) 851 Derville, Adolph., gen. (D) Desag-uliers, Th., gen. (B) 865 Desart, Jno. Olway, 2nd E. of L.T. 159 Desbordes, Jno. Bet., gen (B)864 ^ Desboroug-h, Jno., gen. (D) 915 Jno., W.C.B. 319 Lawr., gen. (B) 868 Desbrisay, Th., gen. (B) 868 Deshon, Fk. Geo. Th., gen. Desideritis, K. Lmd. 49 Deskford, Ids. i Jas., Id., aft. 1st vise, and I 4th E. of Seafleld, n.v.. Sec i St. Sc. 502 I 1007 Deskford, Ids.— conf. Jas., Id., aft. 6th K. of Find- later, and 3rd E. of Seafield, a-i'., C. Cus. Sc. 504 Desmond, E. of— Jas., 15th E. of, L. Treas. Ir. 559 — -Bd., E. of, form. B. Breston. q.v. (K.B. 1603) Desmyniers, Jno., L.M. Dbln. 640 Lewis, L.BI. Dblii. 640 Despard, Ed. Marc, G Br Hond. 714 Hy., gen. (D) 885 — — Jno., gen. (A) 860 Despencer, search also under Spencer —-Hugh le, Ch. Jr. 363 ; Const. T.L. 320 ; J. It. 368 ——sir Hugh le, aft. E. of Gloucester, q.v., L.H..\. 171 Despencer, lords le Despencer Family. Ed., 5th Id. le, K.G.'733 Th., 6th Id. le, aft. E. of Gloucester, q.v., K.G. 734 Rd., 7th Id., K.B. 7.56 Dashtvood Family. Fras., Id., form, sir Fras. Dashwood, q.v. ; L.L. Bucks 306; M.G.W. 296; Bostm. G. Dessalinis, J. J., Emp. Hti. Deste, Aug. Fk., K.C.H. 787 Dethick, Gilb., Hps. B.A. 343 ; Norr. K.A. 329; R. Cr. B.A. 335 ; Richm. H. .333 Hy., R. Cr. B.A. 335: Richm. H. 3:33 Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 Nich., Bl. BI. B.A. 336; Winds. H. 331 Wm., Gart. K. A. 327: R Cr. B.A. 3:55 ; Som. H. 332 ; Yk. H. 334 Deucher, A., Bres. Sw. C. .31 Deus-dedit, B. Ro. 33. See "^so Adeodatus and Deodatus Devaynes, Wm.,Chn. E.I. Co. Devenesche, Jno., bp. Winch. 470 Devenish, Rt., Norr. K.A. 329; ni.H.:334 Deverell, Th. Jos., gen. (D) Devereux, Alex., bp. Ferns.621 hon. Geo. Talb., gen. (D) 907 Jno. , bp. Ferns, 621 ; dn. Ferns 623 Jno., K.B. 757 ' sir Jno. or Id., W.C.B. 318; K.G. 734 Rd., K.B. 760 hon. Walt. Bourch., adm. (G) 813 Devon, Thos. Bark., K.C.H. 789 ; K.H. 789 Devon and Devonshire E. of— Courtenay Family. Ed., E. of, L.H.A. (succ. 1387; 173 Hugh, E. of, form. H. Com-- tenay, q.v. (succ. 1419), K.B. 755 Ed., E.of (succ. 1485), K.G. Hy., E. of, aft. M. of Exeter, List of Abbreviations, see pi). 944-952 .t;. (Slice. 1511), K.G. 737 1008 Devon and Devonshire, E. of — cotit. Ed., E. of, aft. M. of Exeter, q.v. (succ. 1553), K.B. 760 Ch.. E. of, form. Id. Mount- joy, (j.c. ( succ. 1603); M.G.O. ■258; E.M. 326 \Vm. Keg., E. of, form, vise. Courtenay (succ. 1859), q.v., C.D.L. 243; P.C. 917; Pres. P.L.B. 262; Sec. P.L.B. 262 Cavendish Family. Set Devonshire. Devonport,. sir Saml., K.C.M.G. T'.i.s Devonshire, sir .Jno. Ferr., K.C.H. 778 Kd., adm. (H)847 Devonshire. E. and D. of— Courtenay Family. Sie Devon. Cavt-ndish Family \Vm., 3rd E. of, B.T. 263 Win., 4th E. of, aft. M. of Hartington, q.v., and 1st D. of D., E.G. 741 ; L.H.S. 286 ; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 193 Wm., 2nd D. of, form. M. of Hartington, (/.I'.; K.G. 741; L.P.C. 188; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 195 Wm., 3rd D. of, form. 'M. of Hartington, q.v. ; C.G.P. 299 ; K.G. 741 ; L,.L. Ir. 556 ; L.P.S. 240; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 198 Wm., 4th D. of, form. M. of Hartington, q.v.; K.G. 742; L.C.H. 295; L.L. Dby. 307; L.T. 157 : L. Treas. Ir. 560 ; Prem. 142 Wm., 5th D. of, K.G. 742 ; L.L. Dby. 307; L. Treas. Ir. 560 Wm. S., 6th D. of, Anib. Russ. 126: K.G. 743; L.C.H. 295 ; L.L. Dbv. 307 : P.C. 210 Wm., 7th "D. of, K.G. 744; L.L. Dby. 307 ; P.C. 219 Dewan, Tanj. Mad. Bao., K.C.S.I. 802 Dewar, Dav., gen. (C) 873 sir J., C..J. Bbav. 660 Dewdney, Edg., G. N.W. Terr. Deyn, Wm. de. bp. Abdn. 530 D'Eyncourt, Eunid., J. It. 369 Edwin Clayton Tenu., adm. (E)835; (P)838 Geo. HUd. Tenn., Regr. M.G. 799 Roger, K.B. 754 Ralph, 3rd Id., K.B. 755 form. Tennyson D'Eyn- court, see Tennyson. Dhar, Mahar. of, C.I.E. 807 Kao of. K.C.S.I. 803 Dheeraj, Mahar., G.C.S.I. 801 Dhiraj, Mahar., G.C.S.I. 801 Dholepore, Kana of, G.C.S.I. 801 Dholpur, Maharanee, Cr. Ind. 810 Thakur, Ac. of, C.I.E. 807 Dhiaeep Sing', Mahar., Maharanee of, Cr. Ind. INDEX OF NAMES. Diceto, Ralph de, dn. St. P. 452 Dick, Alexr., gen. (D) 886 Eras., gen. (D) 899 Geo., G. Bbav. 659 Hope, gen. (D) 890 Jno., adm. (D) 823 sir Rt. H., gen. (C) 875 ; K.C.B. 776; K.C.H. 788 Th., adm. (Hi 845 Wm. Abeic.nen. (D) 912 Dickens and Dickins Crav. Hild., gen. (D) 916 Gust. Guy, gen. (C) 872 Rd. Mark, gen. (C) 873 sir Saml. Trev., gen. (B) 869 : K.C.H. 788 Wm. Drumm. S., gen. (D) 933 Dickenson and Dickinson Ch., bp. Mth. 599 ■ Ch., bp. Mth. t ■ Jas., Q.C. 418 ■ Marshl., L.]M. : >hiaeep G.C.S.I. 1 809 Diadematus, P. C. M., C. Ro 45 Diarmuid (2), K. Ir. 21 Diaz, M. M., I'res. Pan. 107 P., Prea. Mex. 104 For List of Abbrei Lond. 492 Rd., gen. (B) 869 Th., gen. (D) 888 Th., gen. (D)889 Th. P., C. Cus. 277 A\-m., C. Cus. 273-4 Wm., L. Admv. 180-1 Wm. Moore, gen. (D) 933 Wm. Rice, gen. (D) 910 Dickey, Ad. Hugh M., gen. (D)935 Dickins, sec Dickens Dickinson, see Dickenson Dickson, see also Dixon Alex. I. and sir A., G.C.B. 769 ; gen. (C) 875 ; K.C.B. 775 ; K.C.H. 787 Archd , adm. (A) 816 sir Archd. Coll., adm. (A) 819 CoU. and sh- C, gen. (D) 901 ; G.C.B. 771 ; K.C.B. 780 Ed. Jno., gen. (D) 918 Ed. St., adm. (A) 820 Jas., (bi. Elph. 609; dn. Dovra, 605 Jerem. and sir J., gen. (B) 870; K.C.B. 775 Jno., gen. (A) 860 Jno., Ld. Sess. 519 Jno. Bourne, adm. (E) 835 Jno. Fk., K.C.M.G. 799 sir Rt., C. Cus. Se. 503 Wm., adm. (A) 816 Wm., bp. Down and Cnr. 604 Wm., gen. (D) 878 Wm.. L.M. Dbbi. 641 sir Wm., adm. (Q) 842 Wm. J., Amb. U.S.C. 134 Wm. Th., gen. (D) 908 Didier, K. Lmd. 49 Didius, T.. C. Ro. 45 Difthefield, sir — , G. Gsey. 668 Digr-Bijye, Mahar., K.C.S.I. 802 Dijfby, Essex, bp. Drom. 605; dn. Cash. 627 Hy. and sir H., adm. (A) 819; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 776 sir Jno., see Id. D., infra Jos., adm. (H) 845 hon. Rt., adm. (A) 815 Simon, bp. Elph. 608; bp. Lini., A. and A. 639; dn. Kild. 619 Wm., C.I.E. 806 hon. Wm., dn. Clonf. 637; dn. Dham. 479 ; dn. Wore. 474 Di^by of Sherborne, Ids. sir Jno., aft. 1st Id. D. of S. and 1st E. of Bristol, q.v., Lt. T.L. 321 ; V.C.H. 296 Geo., Id., aft. 2nd E. of Bristol. <;.(•.; S. St.. 223 Digby of Gea.shill, Ids. and E. Hy., 7th Id., aft. 1st E., L. Admy. 179; L.L. Dors. 307 Ed., 8th Id. and 2nd E., L.L. Dors. 307 Digges and Diggs, sir Dudl., M. Chv.:i95: M.K. 3K> Rd.; h.L. 4()<) Diggle, Ch., gen. (Di >W: K.H. 790 Diggs, see Digges Dighton, Wm. de, L.K. 354 Dilke, sir Chas. Wentw., P.C. 220 ; Pres. L.G.B. 256 ; U.S.F. 2:30 Dilkes, Jno., adm. (A) 818 Michl. O'Br.. gen. (Ai 858 sir Th., adm. (A) «13 Will. Th., gen. (Ai 862 DiUon, — , G. Tob. 723 sir .\rth. Rd., gen. (A) 862 Barthw. and sir B.. C.B. Ex. Ir. .582; C.J.K.B. Ir. 577; J.K.B. Ir. 578; V. Treas. Ir. 559 Ed., dn. Kild. 619 Ed. Longf., gen. (D) 926 Ger., J.K.B. Ir. .579: Rec. Dbln. 642; S.L. Ir. 591 Lucas, A.G. Ir. 5.S8: C.B. Ex. Ir. 5m Martin and sir M.. gen. (Di919; K.C.B. 782 Rd., J.K.B. Ir. .57- * Rt., B. Ex. Ir. .->.M • Rt., Ch. Ex. Ir. 561 • Prob. same pers. Rt. and sir R.. A.G. Ir. 588: C.J.C.P. Ir. 580: J.C.P. Ir. .581 ; J.K.B. 578 Th., bp. Kild. 617 Th., J.C.P. Ir. 5M sir Wm. Hv.. K.C.H. 788; adm. (D) 827 Dillon, Ids. and vise. Rt.. Id., L.J. Ir. 5.54; L.K. Ir. 576 Chas., 12th visct.. K.P. 750 Diman, bp. Kild. 616 Dimmock, .see Dvmock Dimsdale, 1". T., C.C.J. 403 Dinan, s- r Dvuhani Diuely, Rt., G. I. Man. 666 Dingli, .\ndr. and sir A., G.C.M.G. 795: K.C.M.G. 796 Paolo and sir P.. G.C.M.G. 795: K.C.M.G. 796 Dingrwall, .Jno.. Ld. Sess. 518 Dinkin, Rao Raj.. K.C.S.I. 8(J2 Diocletian, Km]). Ho. 48 Dionysiusip. Ferns. 621 Dirle (or DuK), Wm., cm. Ferns, 623 Dirom, Alex., gen. (B) 867 Jas., adm. (K) 850 itions, see pp. 944-952 Disbrowe, Edw. Cr. and sir E., Amb. Nds., &c. 123; Amb. Kiiss. 1'26 ; Amb. Sw. and N.. 127; Amb. Swz. 113; G.C.H 7.S6 Geo.. K.H. 791 .Jno., L.T. 154 Disibode, bp. Dbhi. 615 Disney, Brab. \Vm., dn. Arm, 597 ; dn. Emly, 638 Moore and sir M., gen. (A) 862; K.C.B. 775 see Cathrow-Disney Disraeli, Beuj., aft. E. of Beaconsfield, q.v., Ch Ex 166; L.P.S. 21i; L.T. 161-2; P.O. 215 ; Prem. 150 Jas., C.I.R. 286 Diuma, bp. Lich. 413 Dives, L.C., C. Ro. 46 P. L. C, C. Ko. 43 Dix, Macn., G. St. Luc. 725 Dixie, sir Wolst., L.M. Lond. 490 Dixon, see also Dickson AiTgs. Fredk. De B., een. (D) 930 Ch., gen. (D) 889 Geo., gen. (D) 885 Geo., gen. (D) 897 Geo. Wm., gen. (C) 874 Manley and sir M., adm. (A) 818 ; K.C.B. 775 Manl. Hall, adm. (D) 828; (G) 840 Matt. Ch., gen. (D) 886 Matt. Ch., gen. (D) 908 Nichs., B. Kx. 383 Kd., bp. Cork and CI. 631 Kt., J.C.P. Ir. 581 ; S.L. Ir. 592 Wm. Manl. H., gen. (D) Dobbes, see Dobbs Dobbie, Geo. St., gen. (D) — - Wm. Hugh R., adm. (H) Dobbs and Dobbes Rd., dn. Cnr. 605 .sir Rd., L.M. Lond. 490 — — Wm. Carey, Land J. Ir. 587 Dobson, Geo., adm. (G) 843 Man., adm. (A) 819 Wm. Burdett,adm. (G) 842 Dod, see also Dodd Edmd., adm. (A) 816 Rog., bp. Mth. 599 Th., dn. Rip. 482 Dodd, see o /so Dod ——sir Sand., C.B. Ex. 382 Dodds, Greg., dn. Exr. 437 Doderidge, Jno. and sir J., J.K.B. 372 : S.G. 401 ; S.L. 409 Dodg-son, see aho Dodson — ^ Ch.. bp. Elph.608; bp. Oss. Dav. Sc, gen. (D) 917 Doding-ton, Geo., L. Admv 177 ^ Geo. Bubb, aft. Id. Mel- combe, q.v,, L.T. 156; P.C 199 : Tr. N. 256 Dodinsele, see Odinsele Dodmer, Ralph, L.M. Loud INDEX OF NAMES. Dodson — co)it. ——Jno. Geo., aft. Id. Monk- Bretton, fi.t>.,C.D.L. 243 ; P.C 218; Pros. L.G.B. 256; Sec. Tr. 164 Dodswell, Rd., C.Exc. Sc. 505 Dodwell, Hy., dn. KiDa. 614 DofTelde, Sim., L.M. Lond. Dogrworth, Jno. de, K.B. 754 Doherty, Geo., K.H. 790 Hy. Ed., gen. (D) 898 — — Jno., C.J.C.P. Ir. 581 ; S.G. Ir. 589 Patr., K.C.H. 788 Rd. and sir R., G. Si. Le 685 ; G. St. Vin. 725 ; G. Trin 722; gen. (D) 884 Dolabella, C. C, C. Ro. 44-5 P. C, C. Ro. 46 Dolben, Dav., bp. Bgr. 426 sir GUb., J.C.P. Ir. 581 — Jno., abp. Yk. 486; bp. Roch. 460; dn. Westr. 469 — Wm. and sir W., J.K.B. 372 • Rec. Lond. 494 ; S.L. 410 Dolg-finnus, bp. Ork. 535 DoUon, Lew., G. Gsey. 668 Domangrard, K. Sc. 18 Domett, Wm. and sir W adm. (A) 817; G.C.B. 768 K.C.B. 773; L. Admy. 181 Domingiie, M., Pres. Hti. 105 Dominique, Paul, B.T. 264 Dominus, Marc. Ant. de, dn Winds. 474 Domitian, Emp. Ro. 47 Domraon, Mahar. of, K.C.S.I. Domville, Jas. Wm., gen. (D) — Wm. and sir W., L.M. Lond. 492 sir Wm., A.G. Ir. 588 Don, see also Donne Geo. and sir G., G.C.B. 768 • G.C.H. 786 ; G. Gibr. 670 ; gen' (A) 860 The O. Conn., L.T. 161 Donag"!! and Donnasrh. K. Ir. 21 K. Ir. 22 Donald, bp. Arm. 595 bp. Dry. 601 dn. Rph. 602 I. to VII., K. Sc. 18-9 Donat, bp. Dbln. 615 bp. Kilm. 607 bp. Lhn. 621 Donative, Jno., M.M. 246 Doncaster, Jno. de, J.C.P 377 Doncaster, vise, and E, Search under D. of Buc- cleuch, E. of Dalkeith, Id. Hay, and D. of Monmouth Donchad, K. Ir. 21 Doneg-al, E. and M. of 1009 Dong'al, K. Sc. 18 Dong'an, Jno., bp. Dry. 601 ; bp. Down, 603 Th., B. Ex. Ir. ,584; J.K.B. Ir. 579 Wm., Rec. Dbln. 642 Dong'ardiis, K. Sc. 18 Dong'ola, Mudir of, K.C.M.G. 798 Donteau, Jno., bp. S. and W. 483 Donkin, Rt., gen. (A) 860 Ruf. Sh. and sir R., G. C.G.H. 679; gen. (A) 862; K.C.B. 775; G.C.H. 786; S.G.O. 260 Donnagrh, see Douagh Donne, .s^e also Don Jno., dn. St. P. 4.53 Wm. B., E.S.P. 301 Donnelly, .Jno. Fr. D., gen. (D) Arth.,'_3rd E. of, gen. (C) 871 I „, ,^.„ ^ , ■^•P- Dore," Peter,' Bl. M. P.A. Dodson, see also Dodgson Jno. and sir J., adm. Adr 423; D. Arch. 421; J. Pr. Ct 421; Jud. Com. P.C. 360" K Adv. 422 ; P.C. 215 ; Vic. Gen. 422 Geo. Aug., 2nd M. of, K 751 ; L.L. Dgal. 569 — Geo. H., 3rd M. of, form. E of Belfast and Id. Ennis- howen,q.v., C.Y.G, 298' KP 751 ; L.L. Ant. 568 Donell, dn. Louth, 598 Donellan, Jas. and sir J., C.J.C.P. Ir. 580; J.C.P. Ir. 581 Nehem., abp. Tm. 611 — — Nehem., B. Ex. Ir. 584; C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; C.G.S Ir 576; Rec. Dbbi. 642; S.L. Ir' Ross and sir R., adm. (A) 819 ; K.C.B. 776 Donop, Ed. Pelh. br. Von, adm. (H)849 Donortius, bp. Mortl. 530 Donougrh (2), K. Ir. 22 Donoug'limore, Ids., vise, and E. of Rd. Hely, 2nd Id. and 1st vise, and E. of, form. Rd. Hely Hutchinson, q.v., B.T. 268 ; C. Cus. Ir. 565 ; C. Exc. Ir. 566; gen. (B) 867; P.C. 208 Postm. G. Ir. 564 Jno., 2nd E. of, form. Jno. and Id. Hutchinson, q.v., K.B. 766 Jno., 3rd E. of, K.P. 751 ; L.L. Tipp. 571 Rd. Jno., 4th E. of, P.C. 216; Paym. G. 245 ; Pres. B.T. 269 ; V.P.B.T. 269 Jno. Luke Geo., .5th E. of, K.C.M.G. 797 Donovan, Ed. Westb., gen. (D)907 Donus, I. and II., P. Ro. 33-4 Dopping', Anthy., bp. Kild, 617 ; bp. Meath 599 ; bp. Oss. 620; dn. Clonm. 600 Doran, Maur., bp. Llin. 622 Dorchester, Ids. and vise. Carlton Familij. Dudley, vise, form, sir D. and Id. Carleton, q.v. Guy, 1st Id., form. G. Carleton, q.v., gen. (A) 858 Pierrepoint Family. 1st Creation. Hy, l9t M. of, E.M. 326 ; P.C. 190 2nd Creation. Evelyn, IstM. of, aft. D. of Kingston, q.v., P.C. 195 Bamer Family. — Geo. 2nd E. of, form. vise. Milton, q.v., L.L. Dors Nor 334 K.A., 329; Richm. H. ' Jas For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. Dorehill, Wm. Jno., gen. (D) Doresme, Arn. de, S.L. 406 Doreword, Jno., Sp. H.C. 248 Doria, Rd. Audr., gen. (D) 915 ^ ' Dorislaus, Is., J. Adm. Ct 423 Dormer, Fleetw., M. Chy. gen. (B) 864 1010 Vormei—cout. hon. Jas. Ch., Ren. (D) 925 sir Michl., L.M. Lond. 490 Rt. ami sir K., J.C.P. 379 ; S.L. 411 -^^Vl,,.. K.H. 760 Domadilla, K. Sc. 17 Bornbergr, \vilh. de, K.C.B. Sornbnrg-h, Did. Van., G. Ceyl. t;7-J Dorrien, -Ino., (jcn. (B) 868 Dorrill, (. :ipt., G. Newfd. 700 Dorsell, i;t., dn. Chest. 477 Dorset, i;.. M. and D. of St. Omu., E. of, bp. Sal. (1078, (/. 1099) 466, see also Osnmud Beaufort Family. 1st Creation. Ino., 1st E. and M. of, form, sir J. Beaufort, q.v. ; L.H.A. 173 ; W.C.P. 318 Th. 2nd E. of, form, sir T. Beaufort, q.v., aft. D. of Exeter, (/.)•.; L.H.A. 173 2)i)>.. Jnm. 713 Douerall, Win. Hcriot Muitl., a(hn. (Hi '^V) Doagrhes, Tli. de, B. Ex. Ir. .5«3 INDEX OF NAMES Doncrhtie, Ed., dn. Her. 442 Douglas, Alex., bp. Mor. 534 Amir., Amb. Nds., &c. 123 Archd., Ld. Sess. 518 Archd., Postm. G. Sc. 502 Archd. and sir A., L.H.T. Sc.497; L.J. Gen. 522; L.P.S. Sc. 501 Aretas Akers-, Sec. Tr. 164 hon. Arth. Gasc, bp. Abd. and Ork. 541 BiUy, adm. (A) 817 Ch., gen. (D) 909 sir Ch., adm. (A) 815 Ch. Eurw. and sir C, K.C.M.G. 796; M.G.K.A. 799 Chas., aft. 5th M.of Queens- berrj', Qv. Ch. Pye., Ken. (A) 862 Claud, gen. (D) 895 Dav. Ld. Sess. 520 Ed. Archd., dn. Ardf. 640 I Ed. Ron., CLE. 807 Fras. Br., L. Prov. Edinb. i 548 i Gavin, bp. Dkld. 533 i Geo., bp. Mor. 534 | hon. Ceo. Hy., adm. (H) i 850 Hy. Alex., bp. Bbay. 661 Hy. Jno., adm. (H) 849 I Hy. McDonell de W., gen. ; (D) 930 sir Howard, Com. lo. Isl. ■ 129; G.C.B. 772; G.C.M.G. i 794 ; G. N. Brk. 695 ; gen. (A) I I 863 ; K.C.B. 777 I ; Jas., adm. (A) 817 I I Jas., C. Ex. Sc. 505 ' Jas., gen. (B) 864 ! Jas., gen. (C) 871 Jas., G. Br. Cbia. 698; G. ! Vane. Isl. 699 ; K.C.B. 783 Jas. and sir J., G.C.B. 770; G. Gsey. 669 ; gen. (A) 863 ; K.C.B. 774 sir Jas., adm. (A) 814 Jno., abp. St. Andr. 529 Jno., bp. Carl. 476; bp. Sal. 467 ; dn. ^^•inds. 474 Jno., gen. (B) 866 Jno. and sir J., gen. (D) 903; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 778 Jno. and sir J., G. Ceyl. 673 ; K.C.M.G. 798 sir Jno., gen. (C)873 Jno. Ersk., adm. (A) 819 Jno. Leigh, adm. (A) 816 sir Kenn. Mack., gen. (B) 868 Neil and sir X., gen. (B) 870 ; K.C.B. 776 ; K.C.H. 788 Pet. Jno., adm. (D) 828 Rt., bp. Brn., 531; bp. Dnbl. 532 Rt., gen. (B) 866 Rt., gen. (B) 867 Rt., gen. (C) 872 Rt., gen. (C) 874 lit., gen. (D)884 Rt. Gord., adm. (E) 837 Rt. Percy and sir R., G. C.G.H. 679 ; G. Jsey. 668; gen. (D)893 Sholto, adm. (E) 837 Stair, adm. (A) 820 Sylv., aft. Id. Glenbervie, q.v., B.C. 252; B.T. 268; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; K.C. 415; L.T. 158; P.C. 205 Th. Mont., gen. (D) 886 ; K.C.B. 779 ^^'alt., G. Leew. Isl. 727 Douglas— fOKf. Wm., gen. (D) 883 Wm., K.C.B. 774 Wm.. Ld. Sess. 518 sir Wm., C. Ex. Sc. 504 sir Wm., gen. (B) H6i sir Wm., gen. (C» 874 ; K.C.H. 788 sir Wm. Hy., adm. (A) 817 Mm. Rt. K., L. Admv. 181-2 Douglas, Ids., E. and M. of Jas.. E. of, K.G. 736 Archd., Id., aft. 9th D. of Hamilton, ij.c, LL. Forf. 510 Alexr., M. of. aft. 10th D. of Hamilton, g.f.. Amb. Russ. 125: L.L. Lnrk. 511: P.C. 208 Wm. .\lexr., &c., M. of. aft. 11th D. of HamUton,.j.i-., Kt. Mar. Sc. ,507 Donne, Jas., Id., Ld. Sess. 517 Donuton, Wm. de, K.B. 754 Donvedale, Jno., K.B. 7.54 Dovan, Jno., gen. (D) 926 Dove, Th., bp. Pboro. 458; dn. Norw. 4.W Dovedall, Th., sec Dowdall Dover, Jno. le, J. It. 365 Dover, Earls of, see also Queensberry Carey Family. Hy., 1st. E. of, form Hy. Carey, and vise. Rochford, q.v. Jno., 2nd E. of, form. vise. Rochford, q.v. Jermyn Family. Hy., 1st Id., aft. Id. Jer- myn, q.v., C. Treas. Ir. 559; L.T. 155 ; P.C. 193 Torke Family. Jos., 1st Id., form. hon. su- J. Yorke, q.v. Doveton, Fred. L., gen. (D) 886 Jno., gen. iD) 877; K.C.B. 777 Jno. and sir- J., G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 775 Wm. Jno., gen. (D) 914 Dovey (or 0'Dove),Mam-., dn. .■\.rm. 597 Dowdall, Geo., abp. Arm. 595 Jas.,C.J.K.B. Ir. 578 ; J.C.P. Ir. 581 ; J.K.B. Ir. 578 ; S.Q. Ir. 589 — Rt., C.J.C.P. Ir. 580; S.L. Ir. 591 (or DovedaU), Th., M.R. Ir. : 585 j Dowden, Jno., bp. Edinb. 543 I Dowdeswell, Geo. M.. Q.C. ■ 418 Jno. E.. M. Chy. 397 Wm., Ch. Ex. 165; L.T. 157 ; P.C. 201 Wm., G. Bah. Isl. 716 Wm., gen. (A) 861 Dowell, Wallis. gen. (D) 920 Will. Mout. and sir W., adiii. tEiKSii: K.C.B. 781 Dowker, Howard, gen. (D) SS7 Howanl Codr., gen.(D) 929 Dowlingf, Alf. S., C.C.J. 404 ; S.L. 113 Down, Ed. Aug., adm. (H) 844 Jaa. Somers, gen. (O) 8<.i6 Downe, vise. Viicie Family. Wm., Ist vise, form, sir W. Ducie, q.v. For List of Abbrrviatinn.i, nee }}]>. 944-9.'i2. Dovvne, vise. — cant. Dawnaij Family. HiTgh lia., 8th visc'^, CLE. 807 Downer, Tno. W , K.C.M.G. 798 Dowues, Lewis, du. Kilm. 609 — — Et., bp. Down and Cur. 604; bp. Ferns and L. 622; bp. Epli. 6U2 : dn. Dry. 602 Downes, Ids. \Vm., aft. Id. D., C.J.K.B. Ir. 578; J.K.B. Ir. 579 Ulysses, Id., form. U. de Burgh or Bornigh, q.v., G.C.B. 770; gen. (A) 863; S.G.O., 260 Downham, Geo., bp. Dry. GOl Jas., dn. Ann. 597 Downing-, Dav., gen. (D) 891 Geo. and sir G. (No. 1), C. Cus. 273; TeU. Ex. 167 Geo. and sir G. (No. 2) Tell. Ex. 157 sir Geo. (No. 3) K.B. 761 Downmau, Hugh, adui. (A) 820; (G)840 sir Th., gen. (B) 870 ; K.C.B. 777 ; K.C.H. 788 Wm., bp. Chest. 476 Downs, Dive, bp. Crk. and E. 632 Dudl., E. Dr. P.A. 338 Hy., bp. Dry. 601 ; bp. Elph. 608; bp. Killa. and Ach. 613; bp. Mth. 599 Dowusliire, M. of Wills., 1st M. of, form. E. of Hillsborough, q.v. Arthr., Bl. S. T., 3rd M. of, K.P. 751 : L.D. Downsh. 569 Dowse, Jno. Et., dn. Ferns, 623 Ed., A.G. Ir. 589 ; B. Ex. Ir. 584 ; J. Ex. D. Ir. 584; S.G. Ir. 590 ; S.L. Ir. 593 Dowtford, Et. de, dn. St. P. 452 Doyle, Ch. Hast, and sir C, G. N. Brk. 696; G. N.Sc. 695 geu. (D) 895 ; K.C.M.G. 796 Ch. Jos., G. Gren. 724 ; gen. (D)881 sir Ch. Wm., G.C.H. 787 ; gen. (B) 869 ; K.C.H. 787 sir Fras. Hast., gen. (D) 877 sir Fras. H. Ch., C. Cus. 277 ; C. Exc. 281-2 sir Jno., G.C.B. 767 ; G. Gsey. 669 ; gen. (A) 861 ; K.B. 766 su- Jno. Mill., K.C.B. 775 P. W., Amb. Mex. 133 Welb. Ell., gen. (C) 872 Wm., gen. iB) 867 Doyley and Doyly sir Ch. AValt., gen. (D) 912 Chr., U.S.C. 255 Fras., gen. (B) 860 ; K.C.B. 775 Geo., G. Jam. 712 Hy., gen. (D)877 — — .Jno. Walt., gen. (D) 917 Th., P.P. 416 ; S.L. 413 sir Wm., C. Exc. 277 ; TeU. Ex. 167 Doyne, Ch., du. Llin. 623 — ^Eobert, C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; C.J.C.P. Ir. 580 Doythwal, abp. St. Dav. 463 INDEX OF NAMES. Drang-dra, Eaj. of, K.C.S.I. 802 Eaj. of, K.C.S.I. 803 Draiton, see Drayton Drake, capt. — , G. Newfd. 700 Fras., Amb. G. St. 121 ; Amb. Vce. 116 sir Fras. S., L. Admy. 180 Fras. Wm., adm. (A) 815 Jno., adm. (H) 847 Eog., Adm. Ind. 647 sir Wm., L. Admy. 177 Wm. Hy., K.C.B. 78U Draper, sir Chr., L.M. Lond. 490 Ed., S.L. 412 Et., bp. Ai-d. 608 ; bp. Kilm. and Ard. 607 Wm. and sir W., gen. (B) 865 ; K.B. 765 Draycote (or Draycott), Hy., B. Ex. Ir. 583 ; Ch. Ex. Ir. 561 ; M.E. Ir. 585 Drayton and Draiton Nichs. de, B. Ex. 383 (or Brayton), Th. de, M. Chy. 393 sir Th., L.H.A. 171 Wm., D. Chanc. Ir. 574 Drelincourt, Pet., dn. Arm. 597 Dreschel, Prede. Bar., gen. (B) 866 Drew, Andr., adm. (G) 843 Ed., Eec. Lond. 494; S.L. 408 Fras. Ed., gen. (D) 924 Hy. Eawl., gen. (D) 925 Droes, Hugh de, J. It. 367 Drog-heda, E. and M. of Hv., 3rd E. of, L.J. Ii". 555 Ch., 6th E., aft. 1st M. of, Ch. Sec. Ir. 562; P.M. 856; gen. (A) 858; K.P. 750; L.J. Ir. 557 ; Postm. G. Ir. 564 Hy. Fr., 3rd M. of, K.P. 751 ; L.L. Kild. 569 DrogfO, D. Bry. 28 K. Scy. 55 L.K. 353 Drokenesford, Jno. de, A.G. 398 ; bp. B. and W. 427 ; L.H.T. 152 Drope, Et., L.M. Lond. 490 Droiig-ht, Th. Armstr., gen. I D) 89-1 Drouss, Et., L.H.A. 172 Droz, N., Pres. Sw. C. 31 Dru, Laur., A.G. 398 Druce, Geo., Q.C. 418 Druck, H., Pres. Sw. C. 31 Drumlanri^, E. and vise. Jas., E. of, aft. 2nd D. of Queensberry, q.v., L.H.T. Sc. I 497 ' Archd. Wm., vise, aft. 7th ' M. Queensberry, q.v., Compt. H. 293 ; L.L. Dumf. 509 ; P.C. i 216 1 Dnunmond, sir Ad., adm. (A) I 820 ; K.C.H. 789 Alexr., Ly. K.A. 513 I sir Alexr., Ld. Sess. 517 Andr. Jno., gen. (A) 860 j Berkeley, gen. (D) 884 I Dune, gen. (B) 866 — hon. Edm. K.C.I.E. 805; L.G. N.W. Pr. 653; M.C.I. 647 — Fras. Walk., gen. (D) 922 — Geo., C. Cus. 275; C. Exc. Sc. 504 1011 Drummond — cont. Geo., C. Exc. Sc. r,05 Geo., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 Geo., Sec. Thist. 749 Gord. and sir G., G.C.B. 767; G. Can. 691; gen. (A) 861 ; K.C.B. 773 Hy., gen. (D) 919 Jas., bp. Brn. .531 Jas., gen. (A) 861 hon. Jas. Et., and sir J., adm. (D) 833 ; (E) 834 ; G.C.B. 771 ; K.C.B. 780 ; L. Admy. 181 Jno., gen. (D) 884 Jno., aft. vise. Melfort, &c. q.v., P.C. 192 Percy, gen. (C) 875 hon. Et., abp. Yk. 486 ; bp. Sal. 467 ; bp. St. As. 462 ; P.C. -^ Th., U.S. Ir. 563 Vict. A. W., Amb. Bva. 119 Walt., Ld. Clk. Eeg. 525 Wm., Amb. Scy. 114 ; Amb. Tky. 129 ; P.C. 207 hon. Wm., aft. vise. Strath- allan, q.v., Comm. Tr. Sc. 497 Wm. Abern., bp. Brn. 541 ; bp. Edinb. 542 Drummond, Ids. Jno. Ld., L.J. Gen. ,522 Driimmond-Hay, see Hay Drury, Alexr., gen. (C) 871 Arth., gen. (D) 928 Byron, adm. (H) 850 Ch. Cort., gen. (D) 923 .sir Dr., Lt. T.L. 321 Geo., gen. (D) 915 Et., Sp. H.C. 249 Th., adm. (A) 817 Wm., J. Pr. Ct. 421 sir Wm., L.J. Ir. 5.54 Wm. O'Br., adm. (A) 817 Drury-Iiowe, see Lowe DrnsilS, C. L., C. Eo. 44 M. L., C. Ko. 45 Driisy, Th., K.B. 7.56 Drytoy, Simon de, L.H.A. 171 Dryden, Jno., P. Laur. 301 Drysdale, Jas. Vic, G. Tob. 723 Wm.,geu. (D) 908 Duach-Plonn, K. Ir. 20 Dutodalethy, I. to III., bp. Arm. 595 Dubritius (St.), bp. Lift". 448 Dubs, J., Pres. Sw. C. 31 Diibtach, I. and II., bp. Arm. .595 Due, Eog. le, L.M. Lond. 488 Ducane, Ch. and sir C, C. Cus. 277; G. Tasm. 708; K.C.M.G. 797; L. Admy. 184 Edm. Fk., K.C.B. 783 Ducasse, Pasch (or Paul), dn. Clr. 597 ; dn. Ferns, 623 Ducat, Cyril Hugh Penn, geu. (D)929 Ducie and Dticy (or Darcy). Hugh, K.B. 764 sir Et., L.M. Lond. 491 sir Wm., aft. vise. Downe, q.v., K.B. (1661) 763 Ducie, Id. and E. of Matth., 2nd Id., form. M. Morton, q.v., L.L. Glouc. 308 Hv. Jno., 3rd E. of, C.Y.G. 298; "L.L. Gloue. 308; P.C. 216 For List of Ahbrevicitions, see pp. 944- 1012 •Duck, .\rth., M. Chv. 395 i "Dncke, Arth.. Ch. llond. 422 I ' '! Same pers. Dncket, sir Lionel, L.M. Lond. Duckett, Geo.. C. Exc. '279-80 Duckworth, Jiio. Th. and sir .(.. adiii. (A) 816; G.C.B. 767; G. Newfd. 700; K.B. 766 Saiiil., M. Chy. 397 Ducy, xee Ducie Dudda, bp. Winch. 470 Dudgreon, I'eter, gen. (D) 890 Dudley, sir .Vndr., K.G. 738 Edin., Sp. H.C. 249 - sir Matth., C. Cus. 274 sir or Id. Rt., aft. E. of Leicester, q.o.. Const. W. Cast. H22; K.G. 738; M.H. 302 Wni., bp. Dham. 478; dn. AVmds. 474 sir Win., Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 Dudley, Ids. Sutton family. Jno.. 4th Id., Const. T.L. 320: K.G. 736; L.L. Ir. 552 Ed., 5th Id.. K.Il 75«; K.G. 737 Dudley and Ward, Jno. W in., 4th vise, aft. Earl D., P.C. 210 : F. Sec. 228 Dudoco or Bodeca, bp. AVlIs. 427 Duenas, F., Pres. S. Salv. 106 Duff, K. Sc. 19 hon. sir Alex., gen. (A) 862; G.C.H. 786; L.L. Elgn. 509 Alex. Gord., gen. (D) 935 Anna Jul. Grant, aft. Lady Grant D., Cr. Ind. «10 Archd., acbn. (D) 825; (O) 840 Geo. Skene, L.L. Elgn. 509 sir Jas., gen. (A) 860 Duff, Jas., aft. 5th E. of Fife, q.v., L.L. Bffsh. 508 Mountst. Elph. Grant- and sir M., G. Mcbras. 657 ; G.C.S.I. 801; P.C. 219; U.S.C. 235; U.S. Ind. 236 Norwich, adni. (O) 841 Rt., adm. (A) 815; G. Newfd. 700 Rt. \Vm., L. Adniy. 166; L.T. 162 DnfTerin, Fk. T., 5th Id., aft. 1st E. and 1st M. of D. and Ava, form. Fk. and Id. Temple, q.v., Amb. Eg. 130; Amb. Kuss. 126; Amb. Tky. 130; C.D.L. 243; G.C.H. 773; G.C.M.G. 795; G.G. Can. 692; G.G. Ind. 650; K.C.B. 783; K.P. 751 ; L.L. Downsh. 569 ; P.C. 218; Paym. G. 245; U.S. Ind. 236 Harr. Georg., Ctss. of, aft. Mss. of D. and Ava, 810 Duffield, «(<- Doffelte Duffin, 1-k., gtii. (D) 918 Duffus, K. Sc. 19 Duffe, Comp. with ODubhai and O'Duflfv. sir Ch. Gord., K.C.M.G. 797 Jno!, gen. (D) 879 Du^dale, Jno. and sir J., Mowb. H. 340; Norr. K.A. 32i* ; Winds. H. 331 For INDEX OF NAMES. Dugdale — cont. Jno. Str., Q.C. 420 Wm., Chest. H. 331 ; Gart. K.A. 327 ; Norr. K.A. 329 ; K. Cr. PA. 335 Dugmore, Wm., Q.C. 418 Duilius, C, C. Ro. 42; Dt.Ro. 43 K., C. Ro. 40 Duina (or Diumus), bp. Roch. 459 Duke, sir Jas., L.M. Lond. 492 Til. .Vssh.. gen. (D) 894 Duket, Kd. J. It. 367 Dulac, Genl., K.C.B. 778 Dule, me Dirle Duma, bp. Lich. 443 Duxuaresq. Hy., adm. (H) 850 Jno. D. A., G. Lag. 687 Dumaresque, Th., adm. (A) 816 Dumas, Mons., G. Mtius. 683 Dumbarton, Geo., 1st. E. of, gen. (B) 864 ; K.T. 747 Dumbert, see Duiibert Dumblane, Th., vise, form. sir T. Osborne, q.v., aft. E. of DiUibv. &c., q.v. Dumbleton, Ch., gen. (D) 9^4 Dumbreck, Dav., K.C.B. 780 Dumfries, E. of, see E. of Stair Dummer, Edmd., Sr. N. 257 Dumraou, Mabar of, K.C.I.E. 805 Dun, Chas. D., gen. (D) 887 Ch. Wm., gen. (D) 915 sir Dan., D. Arch. 420; J. Adm. Ct. 423 Ed. Wint., gen. (Di 929 Jno., gen. (D) 881 Dunbar, .A.rchd., Ld. Sess. 518 Columba, bp. Mor. 534 Gavin, abp. Glasg. 537 ; bp. Abdn. 530; Ld. Chanc. 515; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 (not Dav. as in body) Jno. P., gen. (D) 877 Jno. Seym., gen. (D) 912 Rt. de, Ld. Clk. Reg. 524 Th., gen. (B) 865 Th., gen. (C) 873 Wm., bp. Abdn, 540; bp. Mor. 544 sir Wm., C. and A.G. 169; C.G. Ex. 169 ; L.T. 161 Dunbar, E. of Geo., 1st E. of, form. Id. Hume of B., q.v., K.G. 739; L.H.T. Sc. 497 Dunbarton. see Dumbarton Dunbert (or Dumbert i, bp. W inch. 470 Duncan, bp. Dkld. 533 I. and II., K. Sc. 19 Adam, see vise. D., infra Alexr., bp. Glasg. 543 ; gen. (D) 876 Andr., Mod. K. Sc. 547 Hy., Mod. K. Sc. 647 hon. Hv. and sir H., Lt. O. 261; K.C.H. 788 Jno., bp. Isl. 539 Joun., G. Bbay. 659 Duncan, vise. Adam, aft. Ist. vise. D., Adm.iAiM15 Adam, e.c. vise. D., L.T. 161 Dnncannon, vise. W in., vise. aft. 2nd E. of Bessborough, q.v., L. Admy. 168-9-80; L.T. 157 Duncannon, vise— ^•oJl^ Jno. Wm., vise, aft. 4th E. of Bessborough, q.v., C.W.F., &c. 272; H. Sec. 227; L.L. Car- low, 568; L.L. Kilk. 570; L.P.S. 241 ; P.C. 212 Dnncombe, hon. .\rth., adm. (0)842; L. Admy. It53 hon. Aug., dn. Yk. 487 sir Ch., L.M. Lond. 491 sir Jno., Ch. Ex. 164 ; L.T. 155 ; M.G.O. 2.56 ; I'.C. 190 Win., L.J. Ir. ."(.55 Dundas, Chas. St., gen. (Di 920 Dav. and sir D., C. Ch. 855; G. Ch. Hosp. 9;W; (i. Gscy. 669; G.C.B. 767; gen. (A) 859 ; K.B. 766 sir Dav., J.A.G. .'37; P.C. 215 ; Q.C. 417 ; S.G. 402 sir Dav., Mast. Coll. Surg. Dune, Ly. K..\. 013 Fras. and sir F., G. C.G.H. 678 ; gen. (A) 860 Fk., L.L. Ork. and Z. 511 Geo., adm. (Ai 819 Geo., G. Bdoes. 721 ; G. St. Vin. 725 Geo., G. Pr. Ed. Isl. 699 Geo., Ld. Sess. 521 hon. Geo. Heueage Lawr. adm. (A) 820; Compt. N. 257 L. Admy. 182 Hy., adm. (DI830 Hy., aft. 1st vise Melville, q.v., B.C. 252: B.T. 267; H. Sec. 226 ; L.P.S. Sc. 501 : Ld. Adv. 526; Pres. B.C. 252; P.C. 203; Tr. N. 2.56; P.C. 203; W. and C. Sec. 230 Hv., aft. 3rd vise MelviUe, (/.I-., K.C.B. 777 Jas., bp. Down and Cnr. 604 Jas., Ld. Sess. 520 sir Jas., Ld. Sess. 519 Jas. FiiU., gen. iDi 879 Jas. Wh. Deans, and sir J., adm. iD) 827: Clk. O. 260; G.C.B. 769; L. .\dmy. 163 Jno., Ly. Dep. 513 sir Jno. Burnet, adm. (Q) 841 Jno. Chas., L.L. Ork. and Z. 511 hon. Jno. Ch., L.L. Ork. and Z. 511 sir Laur., see Id. D., infra Ralph, gen. (Al 859 Ralph Pet., C. Rxe Ir. 566 hon. Rd. Saunders and sir R., adm. (Dl 830; K.C.B. 778; L. Admy. 183-4 Rt. (No. 1), L.P. Ct. SesB. 516; Ld. Adv. 526; Ld. Sess. 520 Rt. (No. 2i, L.P. Ct. Sess. 516 ; Ld. Adv. 526 Kt. (No. 3), Ld. Adv. 526 hon. Rt. Laur. and sir R., gen. (BIK70; K.C.B. 774 Rt. Sand, aft. 2nd vise Melville, q.v., C.B. Ex. Sc. 523; Ch. See Lr. .'^*3; P.C. 208: Pres. B.C. 2,52-3 • Th., Ly. Dep. 513 sir Th., adm. (Ai 830; K.C.B. 776 I- Th., see Id. D.. infra List of Abbrevialionti, see pp. 944-952. Dnnda.H—cont. * Wm., B.C. 252 ; Ld. Clk. Eeg. 525; P.C. 206; Sec. at W. 234 * Wm., L. Admy. 181 * V same pers. "Win. Bolden, gen. CD) 887 Dundas, ids. sir Th., aft. 1st Id. D., L.L. Ork. and Z. 511 Lawr., 2nd Id., aft 1st B. of Zetland, q.v., L.L. Ork. and Z. 511: P.C. 202 Th. .Tno., Id., aft. 2nd E. of Zetland, L.L. Yorks. N.R. 313 Dundemore, Steph. de, bp. Glass. .536 (or Dundnniore), Th. de, bp. Koss. .'-,35 Dundonald, E. of — Jno., -iud E. of, Comm. Tr. Sc. 497 Thos., 8th E. of, form. Th. Coclu-ane, q.v. Th., 10th E. of, form. Id. Cochrane, q.v. ; adm. (A) 820; (C)822; G.C.B. 769 Dunduniore, see Dundemore Dtine, Rog. de la. Const. T.L. 320 Dunetiis, L.J. Gen. 522 Dunfermline, Ids. and E. of Geo., E. of, form. (1533) Id. Fyvie, q.v. Alexr., 1st E. of, form, sir Alexr. Seton and Id. Urqu- hart, q.v. ; Ld. Chanc. Sc. .515 Ch., 2nd E. of, L.H.C. K. Sc. 546 ; L.P.S. Sc. 501 Jno. 3rd E. of, Ld. Sess. 517 Ahercromby Family. Jas., 1st Id., form. Jas. Ahercromby, q.v. Eali)h,2nd Id., form, sir R. Ahercromby, q.v. Dunflower, Walt, de, M.M. 245 Sunarannon, Arth., 1st vise, form. hon. A. Trevor, q.v., C. Cus. Ir. 565 Dung-lass, Ids. Cusp. A., Id., aft. 11th E. of Home, q.v., U.S.F. 230 Ch. Alexi-., Id., aft. 12th E. of Home, q.v., L.L. Berw. 508 Dungarvan, Ch.,visc. (son of 5th E. of Cork), L. Treas. Ir. 559 Dunker, sir Walt., G. Ch. Isl. 667 Dunkit, Kobt. de, dn. Oss. 622 Dvinlo, Kd., vise, aft. 2nd E. of Clancarty, q.v., B.C. 252 Dunlop, Frankl., gen. (D) 902 Hugh, adm. (E) 835; (P) Jas., gen. (B) 867 Jas. Andr. Rt., adm. (H) 852 Wm., gen. (D) 881 Duumore, E. of Jno.. 4th E. of, G. Bah. Isl. 716; gen. (A) 857 Ch. Adolph., 7th E. of, L.L. Stirl. 512 Dunn, sir Dav., adm. (D) 829; (G)840; K.C.H. 789 Josias, gen. (D) 933 Mont. BuccL, adm. (H) 852 Wm., gen. (D) 891 Wm., L.M. Dbln. 641 For INDEX OF NAMES. Dunne, Ed., gen. (A) 861 Eras. P., Clk. O. 260 ; gen. (D) 900 Jeremh., L.M. Dbln. 642 Jno. Hart., gen. (D) 923 Dunning, Jno., aft.lst Id.Ash- burton, q.v., P.C. 203 ; S.G. 402 Dunnus, see Duina Dunow, Jno., bp. Limk. 638 Dunraven, E. of Edw. Rd., 3rd E. of, K.P. 751 ; L.L. Lim. 570 Windh. Th., 4th E. of, K.P. 751; U.S.C. 235 Dunsany, Ids. Ed. W., 14th Id., L.L. Meath, 570 Ed., 16th Id., adm. (G) 843 Dunsford, Hy. Fk., gen. (D) 902 Dunsmore, Eras., 1st Id., aft. 1st E. of Chichester, q.v., C.G.P. 299 Dunstan, see also Kitchiu (St.), abp. Cant. 4:^0 ; bp. Lond. 451 ; bp. Wore. 472 Dunstavil, see Dunsterville Dunsterville, Jas. H., gen. (D) 886 Lion. D'Arcy, gen. (D) 935 (or Dunstavil) sir Rt., K.G. (?) 734 Duntze, Jno Alexr. adm. (D) 831 ; (E) 834 Duport, Jas. dn. Pboro. 4.58 Diippa, Br., bp. Cliich. 433; bp. Sal. 467 ; bp. Winch. 471 ; dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 Dupre, Ed., dn. Jsey. 668 Dupplin, vise. Geo., 1st vise, form, sir Geo., and 1st Id. Hay., q.v., aft. 1st E. of Kinnoiill, q.v. Geo., Hy., vise, aft. 7th E. of Kinnoull, q.v., TeU. Ex. (1711) 167 Th.. vise, aft. 8th E. of Kinnoull, q.v., B.T. 264-5; C.D.L. 243; L.T. 157; P.C. 200 ; Paym. O. 244 Dupuis, Jno. Ed. and sir J., gen. (D)890; K.C.B. 779 Duquerry, Hy., S.L. Ir. 592 Durand, Hy. Mar. and sir H., gen. (D) 901; K.C.S.I. 802; L.G. Pjab. 654; M.C.I. 640; Sec. S.L 804 Hy. Mort. and sir H., K.C.I.E. 805; See. LE. 808; Sec. S.L 804 Jas., gen. (B) 865 Durando, Giov., K.C.B. 778 Durant, Jas., gen. (D) 878 Eaym., K.B. 7.54 Th., M. Chy. 393 I *Duras, Id., K.B. (1464) 757 I * Gaillard de Durefort, Id. I of, K.G. 736 * Poss. same pers. D'Urban, Benj.,andsir B., G. Antig., &c. 727; G. Br. Gu. 715 ; G. C.G.H. 679 ; G. Dem. and Ess. 715; G.C.B. 769; gen. (B) 869; K.C.B. 774; K.C.H. 787 Wm., adm. (D) 824 Wm. Jas., gen. (D) 895 Durdent, Walt., bp. Lich. and Cov. 443 Durdin, Rt. G., L.M. Dbln. 642 I 585 List of Abbreviations, sec JJP- 944-952. 1013 Duredent, \^'alt., J. It. 367 Durell, Jno., dn. Winds. 474 Ph., adm. (A) 814 Dureni, Jno., B. Ex. 3a3 Durham, sir Alexr., Ly. K.A. 513 Jas., gen. (A) 861 sir Ph. Ch. Calderwood- Henderson-, adm. (A) 818; G.C.B. 768 ; K.C.B. 774 Durham, Ids. and E. of Jno. Geo., Ist Id., aft. 1st E. of, form. .J. G. and vise Lambton, q.v., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. Russ. 126; G.C.B. 772; G.G. N. Am. Prov. 692; L.P.S. 241 ; P.C. 211 Geo. F. D'A., 2nd E. of, L.L. Dham. 308 Jno. Geo., 3rd E. of, L.L. Dham. 308 Durie, Andi-., bp. GaU. .538 ; Ld. Sess. 518 Geo., Ld. Sess. 518 Wm., K.H. 792 ' During-, Lewis Alexr., gen. i (D) 896 ' Durnford, Ed. Wm., gen. (D) I 903 Elias Walk., gen. (B) 870 Geo., gen. (D) 893 ! Rd., bp. Chich. 433 , Durning-e, Jno., B. Ex. Ir. ■ 583 Duroc, Off. Nap. 26 Duroure, Alex., gen. (B) 865 Dursley, vise Ch., vise, aft. 2nd E. Berkeley, q.v., P.C. 194 Jas., vise, aft. 3rd E. of Berkeley, q.v., adm. (A) (1707) 813 Durstus, K. Sc. 17 Dury, Theod., gen. (B) 865 Durward, Jno., K.B. 757 Dusmani, Ant., Count, K.C.M.G. 796 Dusseaux, Jos., gen. (A) 860 Duthac (St.), bp. Ross, 535 Dutton, Pet., G. I. Man, 665 sir Rd., G. Bdoes. 719 W. Holmes, gen. (D) 893 Alex., ;c.c. Id. D., also c.e M. of Douglas and CL, q.v., aft. 10th D. of Hamilton, q.v. Dvival, Th., gen. (C) 872 Dwyer, Hy., gen. (D) 884 Hy. Arth., gen. (D) 919 Jno., gen. (D) 918 Th. Peard., gen. (D) 894 Dwyna, bp. Lich. 443 Dyacon, Michl., bp. St. As. 462 Dyal-Missar, Rajah, K.C.S.I. 802 Dyce and Dyche, see Dyke Dyer, Archd. B., gen. (D) 887 sir Ed., Chanc. Gart. 746 Geo., gen. (C) 873 Jas. and sir J., C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 378; J.Q.B. 372; S.L. 408 ; Sp. H.C. 249 Jno., K.C.B. 775 sir Th. Rd., gen. (B) 868 Dyes, Eras., Bl. M. P.A. 336; Winds. H. 331 Dyett, J. P. L., G. Nev. 730 R. H., G. Virg. Isl. 731 Dyke, Dyce and Dyche Rt., L.K. Ir. .575: M.R. Ir. 1014 Dyke, Dvce, and Dyche— co»if. sir Will. Hart-, Ch. Sec. Ir. .5«3; P.O. 219; Sec. Tr. 164; V.P. Ell. 2.5.5 Dymock (or Diiuinock), Andr., B. Kx. :JS3 ; S.G. 401 Th., K.B. 756 Dyneley, Hy. EIL.gen. (D)933 Dynely, Th., gen. (D) 8S4 Dynevil, Barth., K.B. 754 DynevoT, Geo., 4th Id., L.L. Carm. 315 Dynham (or Derham), Jno., aft. Id. D.,Ul. 1.509), K.G. 736; L.H.T. 154 ; Chanc. Ir. 575 Dyott, Rd., C. St. 283 Win., gen. (A) 861 Dysart, E. of Lion., 3rd E. of, K.T. 747 Wm. J. M., 8th E. of, L.Ii. Rutl. 311 Dyson, Jer., B.T. 365-6; Cofl. H. 294; L.T. 157; P.C. 203; Sec. Tr. 163 Jerry Fras., gen. (D) 877 Dyvnwal, K. Wis. 16 B— , see also iE — Ead— , see also Ed— Eadbald and Eadbaldus, K.E. 1 hip. Lond. 451 Eadbert and Eadbertus (St.), bp. Lindisf. 478 »)p. Sels. 432 1)1). Wore. 472 Eadbrig'htus, bp. Lond. 451 Eadfarthiis, bp. Dunw. 454 Eadfrid Si.i, bp. Lindisf. 478 Eadhedus, bj). Siilr. 416 Eadbelmus, bp. Sels. 432 £adhericus, bp. Dorch. & sidr. at; Eadilfridus, bp. Elm. 454 Eadmerus, bp. St. Andr. 528 Eadmiind, fp. Lond. 451 Eadulphus, 1. and IL, bp. Sidr. 441; Eag-ar, Itt. Jno., gen. (D) 909 Eagle, I'niii. K., C.C.J. 403 Ealdferth, K.K. 2 Ealfvryn, sn- Alwinus Ealstanuji- Alfstan), bp. Shbn. ■m; Earner, sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 492 INDEX OF NAMES. Eames, Jno., C. Tx. 3*1-5 - .fno., M. Chv. 397 Eanbald i2). abp. Yk. 485 Eanbert, bp. Hex. 480 I bp. l^indisf. 478 Eanfrid, K.K. 2 I Eardley-Wilmot, see Wilmot Earduff, bj). Koch. 4.59 Eardulph, bp. Lindisf. 478 | Earl, Ed., C. Cus. 377 ; C. Cus. i Ir. 504 Th., L.J. Ir. 555 Earle, see also Erie .Ufr., bp. suff. Marlb. 452 Aug., C. Exc. 280 (or Erie), Erasm., S.L. 409-10 Giles, L.T. 156 sir Jas., Mast. Coll. Surg. 939 Jno.. bp. Sal. 467; bp. Wore. 473 ; dn. Westr. 469 Jno. March, gen. (D) 926 Ralph A.. Sec. P.L.B. 263 Win.. L. Adiny. 175 Win., gen. (D) 923 Wm., S.L. 411 Win. Hy. Sh., gen. (D) 914 Wni. R., Clk. O. 360 Earlie, Hamilton Ed. Geo., adm. (H) a53 Earlsfort, Jno., 1st Id., form. Jno. Scott, q.v., aft. 1st V. (1- E. of Clonmel, q.v. Earn, sir Hy., K.G. 733 Earnulph (St.), bp. Roch. 459 East, sir Ed. Hyde, C.J. Bgal. 6.52 ; Jud. Com. P.C. 360 ; P.C. -^"jas. Wyl., adm. (H) 853 Eastlake, Ch. L. and sir C, Pres. R.A. 941 Easton, .Ad., dn. Yk. 486 Eastwick, Wm. Jos., M.C.I. 646 Eastwood, Jno., L.M. Dblin. 640 Eataior Estata), St., bp. Hex. 48(1; bp. Lindisf. 478 Eatheadus, bp. Lich. 443 Eatbored, bp. Wore. 473 Eberbard, D. Bva. 67 I. t.) III., D. Fca. 71; D. ^Vbg. HO-l Louis, D. Wbg. 81 Ebrington, Hugh, vise, aft. 3nd K. Fortescue, q.v., L.L. Dev. 307; L.L. Ir. 5.57; L.T. 161 ; P.C. 31S; Sec. P.L.B. 363 Ebroicis, Steph. de, J. It. 367 Eburnus, Q. F. M., C. Ro. 45 Ebury, Rt., 1st Id., form. hon. R. Grosvenor, q.v. Ecbert, see also Egbert K.E. 1 Ecca (or .Vcca), bp. Her. 441 Eoclcs, sir Jno., L.M. Dbln. 641 Th., K.H. 790 Ecclesia, Wm. de St. Maria, l)p. Lond. 451 ; Jy. 363 Ectrid, K.i:. 3 Ech^nlque, J. R., Pres. Pu. lo'.t Echlin, sir Hy., B. Ex. Ir. 584 ; .I.K.B. Ir. .579; S.L. Ir. 591. Rt., bp. Down. & Cnr. 604 ; dii. Tin. 613 EcUlyn, Kt., gen. (B) 864 Eck, Lubl). Jan. baron Van, (I. Cey 1.672 Eckersley, Nathl., K.H. 789 Eokford, Jas., gen. (D) 887 Ed—, see also Ead — Edan, St., bp. Ferns. (,21 Edbert and Edbertns bp. Dorch. 446 K.E. 1 Eddeville, St. de. Const. T.L. 3211 Eddis, Arth. Sh., C.C.J. 405; Q.C. 41S Eddisbury, E. J., Id., form. E. J. Stanley, (/.c, aft. Id. St. of Alderley,'r^i). Eden, hon. Ash. and sir A., Ch. Com. Bnia. 6.55: K.C.S.I. 803; L.G. Bgal. 652; M.C.L 647 Ch., adm. (D) 832 : (E) 834 ; (T) 83-i ; K.C.B. 7hO ; L. Admy. 184 Geo. Mort., gen. (D) 886 Hv., adm. (DiKiO: (E)834; L. Admy. 183-4 Ino., gen. (Dl •s.s-5 Morton and sir M.. aft. 1st Id. Henley, q.n.. Aiiib. Dk. 127 ; Arab. G. St. 121 ; Amb. Gmy. 117; Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. Spn. 134; .Amb. S.\y. 120; K.B. 765; P.C. 206 Rt., bp. Mor. Ross and Cness. 544 ; Pr. bp. Sc. 540 Rt. Henlev, aft. 3nd Id. Henley, q.v., M. Chv. 397 hon. Rt. Jno., aft. 3rd Id. Auckl., q.v., bp. S. and M. 484 Th., L. Admy. 175 Th., M. Chy. 395 — - Win., gen. (A) 863 Wm., M. Chy. 396 Wm., aft. 1st Id. .\uckland, q.i:, -Amb. Fr. 112: Amb. Spn. 123 ; B.T. 266-7 : Ch. Sec. Ir. 562; P.C. 204; U.S.S. 235; V. Treas. Ir. 560 hon. Wm. Fk., Tell. Ex. Ifi.s Win. Hiiss., gen. (D) 892 Edendon, see ?:dington Edenham, Geoff.. J. K.B. 371 Edenstowe, Hv. de. M. Chy. 393 Ederus, K. Sc. is Edgar and Edgarus ' bp. Her. 441 ' bp. Lond. 4.51 * bp. Siilr. 44ii Prob. some samepcrs. Comp. dates. K.E. 3; L.H.A. 170 K. Sc. 19 (son Jas. II.), Pr. E. 13 Hy., bp. Fife, ->43 liis., C. Cus. Sc. .504 Edgcoin, Wm. Hy.. gen. (D) Edgcombe and Edgecumbe, sfc r Alword i, l.p.Lond. 451 Elfwinus, 879; K.C.B. 779 EUicott, .«<■( aho Elliott Ch. Jas., bp. Gl. and Br. 439: dn. Exr. 438 Ed., adm. (HiH44 Elliot, Elliott, Eliot, and Eliott Alexr. J. H.. t:eu. D ' 923 Ch. and sir ('., adm. lO' 841 ; Amb. Txs. 1.32 : G. Bmda. 701; G. St. Hel. 682: G. Trin. 722; K.C.B. 782 Ch. .\lfr. and sir C, Ch. Com, Ass. 6.56: K.C.S.L 803 Ch. Sc, gen. iD'927 hon. Ch. CMlb. Jno. Bryd. and sir C adm. iBi 821: iD' 832; (E)834: K.C.B. 781 Danl., K.C.S.I. s02 Ed., B.T. 265-ti hon. Ed. Jas.. B.C. 252: L.T. 158 Ed. King, Ch. Com. Cent. Pr, 655 Fk. Augs. H., CLE. 807 Geo., adm. (D> 632; (B) 834; K.C.B. 781) Geo., gen. (Bi 86«i Geo., gen. (D) 892 hon. Geo., adm. (D^ 824: K.C.B. 779 ; Stc. Adm. 1.S6 Geo., aft. sir G., and 1st Id. Heathtield, (7.1-.. Comm. F. Ir. 564; G. Gibr. 670: gen. (Ai 858; K.B. 765 Geo. Augs., adm. (Q) 842 GUb., dn. Brl. 440 sir Gilb. (No. 1), Jv. Sc. 522 ; Ld. Sess. 520 sir Gilb. (No. 2). Ld, Sess. 520 ; L.J. Clk. ,516 GUb. and sir G. (No. 3). L. Admv, 178; L.T. 157: P,C 201 ; Tr. Ch. i«4 : Tr. N. 156 sir Gilb. (No. 4i. aft. 1st Id. and E. of Mint... y.c.P.C 20.5 Granv., gen. (C( 871 Hy., gen. (B) 869 Hy. Algn., adm. (O) 841 hon. Hv. Geo. and sirH.. Amb. Aus! 117 ; Amb. Dk. 127 ; Amb. Gr. 129 : Amb. It. 11 1 : Amb. Scy. 115: Amb. Tky. 130: G.C.B. 773: PC. 217 Hv. Maur..g.>ii. (D)914 Hy. Miers, K.C.B. 7.s2 Hugh (No. I), Amb. Dk. 127: Amb. G. St. 121: Amb. Pr. 118 ; Amb. Scv. 114 ; Amb. Sxy. 120 hugh (No. 2), G, Bdoe.. 720; G. Mdrus. 6,56; G. Leew. 181.727; P.C. 209 Hugh Maxii., adm. (H) 85-' Jn.)., adm. (A) 815; G. Newfd. 700 Jno., gen. (D)911 sir Jno., B, Ex. Ii, 584 For List of Abbrevuitioii.i. see pp. 9-14-9,52, Elliot, Elliott, Eliot, and Eliott —cont. hon. Jno. E., Sec. B.C. 254 Bd., C. Exc. 279-80 Rd., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 Rt., adm. (D) 827 ; (G) 840 (or Elyot), Rt., bp. Wford. 626 Bog., G. Gibr. 669; gen. (C) 871 Buss., adm. (G) 842 Th. Fk. and sir T., K.C.M.G. 796 ; U.S. C. 236 Walt., K.C.S.I. 802 Wm., C. Treas. Ir. 561; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563 ; P.O. 208 Wm., M.B. 387 Wm. and sir W., K.C.H. 788 ; K.H. 791 Wm., see Id. E., infra Wm. Granv., K.H. 790 Wm. Ham., gen. (D) 902 Wm. Hy. and sir W., G.C.B. 77U; gen. (D) 891; K.C.B. 779 ; K.H. 792 Wm. Buss., gen. (D) 912 Eliot, Ids. Wm., Id., form. hon. Wm. Eliot, q.v., aft. 2nd E. of St. Germans, q.v., Amb. G. St. 121; Amb. Nds., &c. 122; L. Admy. 180 ; L.T. 158-9 ; U.S. F. Ed. Gr., Id., aft. 3rd E. of St. Germans, q.v., Amb. Spn. 124 ; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563 ; L.T. 159-60 ; P.C. 214 Ellis and Ellys, see also Ellice Anthy., bp. St. Dav. 465 Arth. Ed. Augs., gen. (D) 935 Barr. Helb. and sir B., K.C.S.I. 803; M.C.I. 647 Bern., G. Gsey. 668 -^ Eras., aft. Ellis-McTag- gart, C.C.J. 404 Fk. Jnc, gen. (D) 915 Geo. J. W., C.W.P. &c. 272 ; P.C. 211 Hy., G. N.Sc. 695 Hy. and sir H., Amb. Bzl. 1.35; Amb. Ch. 131; Amb. Pers. 130 ; B.C. 253 ; Clk. PeUs, 168; K.C.B. 782; K.H. 790 ; P.C. 212 Hy. Walt., K.C.B. 774 Jno., dn. Her. 442; U.S.S. Jno. Join., gen. (C) 872 Jno. W. and sir J., L.M. Lond. 492 Saml. Burd., gen. (D) 889 ; K.C.B. 778 Th., dn. Kild. 619 Welbore, bp. Kild. 617 ; bp. Mth. 599 ; dn. Chr. Ch. Dbln. Welbore, aft. 1st Id. Men- dip, q.v., C. Sec. 234; L Admy. 178; P.C. 200; Sec. at W. 233 ; Tr. N. 256 ; V. Treas. Ir. 560 Wm., A.G. 398 Wm., adm. (H) 850 Wm. B., Ex. 383 (or Ellys) Wm. and sir W., J.C.P. 379; S.G. 401; S.G. Ir. 589 ; S.L. 410 Ellison, Ciithb., gen. (A) 858 Th., C.C.J. 404 Ellys, see EUis and EUice Elmarus, bp. Sels. 432 For INDEX OF NAMES. Elmer, bp. Shbn. 466 Elmham, sir Wm. de, L.H.A. 173 Elmhirst, Ch., gen. (D) 904 Elmsley, Wm., C.C.J. 404; Q.C. 417 Elnaeth, abp. St. Dav. 463 Elpheg'e and Elphegus, see also Alphege and Alphage + (St.), abp. Cant. 430; bp. Winch. 470 * bp. Lich. 443; bp. Wells, 427 * Poss. same pers. Comp. dates. Elphinstone, Ale.xr., see Id E., iiifra sir Geo., L.J. Clk. 516 hon- sir Geo. Keith, aft. 1st Id. and vise. Keith, q.v., adm. (A) 816 ; K.B. 765 sir How., gen. (C) 875 How. Crawf. and sir H., gen. (D) 931; K.C.B. 783 Jas.,aft. 1st Id. Balmerino, q.v., Ld. Sess. 518; Sec. St. Sc. 502 sir Jas. Dalrymple How., L.T. 162 Jno., gen. (D) 916 hon. Jno., aft. 5th Id. Bal- merino, q.v., Ld. Sess. 520 hon. Movintst., G. Bbay. 659 Robt. Dah. Horn., gen. (A) 858 Wm., bp. Abdn. 530; bp. Boss. 535; L.P.S. Sc. 500; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 sir Wm., L.J. Gen., 522 ; Ld. Sess. 519 hon. Wm. FuUerton, Chn. E.I. Co. 645 ; L.L. Dumb. 509 Wm. Keith, gen. (C) 875 Elphinstone, Ids. Alexr., Master of,and aft. 4th Id. E., L.H.T. Sc. 497; Ld. Sess. 517 Jno., 11th Id., L.L. Dmnb. 509 Jno., 12th Id., L.L. Dumb. Jno., 13th Id., G. Bbay. 659; G.C.B. 772; G.C.H. 787; G. Mdras. 657 ; P.C. 213 Elring-ton, Fredk. Bt., gen. (D) 906 Jno., K.B. 757 Rd. Good., gen. (D) 879 Th., bp. Ferns and L. 622 ; bp. Lim. A. and A. 639 Th. Ger., gen. (C) 873 Elsley, Ch. H., C.C.J. 403 Elstan, see Leovingus Elstauus, bp. Lond. 451 Elton, Ch. Is., Q.C. 420 Eltonhead or Eltonhed, Ed. M. Chy. 395 Jno., S.L. 409 Eludgeth, abp. St. Dav. 463 Eluid, abp. St. Dav. 463 Elva, L. M., C. Bo. 38 T. M., C. Bo. 37 Elvauus, abp. Lond. 450 Elvaoth, abp. St. Dav. 463 Elves, sir Jno.,C. Exc. 278 Elvoed, abp. St. Dav. 463 Elvogus, bp. Llff. 448 Elwaed, abp. St. Dav. 463 Elwald, K.E. 2 Elwes, Jno. Timms H., gen. (B) 867 1017 Elwyn, Jno. Harv., gen. (D) 9U9 Th., gen. (D) 904 Th., gen. (D)910 ■ Wm., gen. (D) 912 Ely, Nichs. de, bp. Winch. 470; bp. Wore. 472; L.H.T. 152; Ld. Chanc. 3.53; L.K. PhiUp de, L.H.T. 1,52 Ralph de, B. Ex. .'iS2 Rd. de, L.H.T. 1.52 Wm. de, Jy. 364; L.H.T. 152 Adam, vise. Loftus of, see Loftus Ely, E. and M. of 1st Creation. Hy. 1st E. of, form 4th vise. Loftus, q.v., K.P. 750 2ncl Creation. Ch., 1st E. aft. 1st M. of, form. Id. and vise. Loftus, q.v., Postm. G. Ir. 564 Jno., 2nd M. of, K.P. 7.50 Elyot (or Eliot), Rt., bp. Wford. 626 Emanuel and Emmanuel K. Pgl. 88; K.G. 737 Philibert, D. Svy. 54 ; K.G. 738 ; R. Nds. 82 Embercus, bp. Sidi-. 446 Emeldon, Rt. de, Ch. Ex. Ir. 561 Emelden, Wm. de, M. Chy. 393 Emeric, K. Hgy. 59 Emerson, Alexr. Lyon, gen. (D)93l Jas., gen. (D) 921 Th., L.M. Dbln. 641 Emilius-Augustus, D. S.G.A. 78 Emly, Ed., dn. Dry. 602 Emly, Ids. Wm., Id., formW. Monsell, q.v. Emma (g. dau. Hen. I.), Pr. E.9 Emmanuel, see Emanuel Emmett, Anth., gen. (D) 889 Empson, Rd. and sir B., Sp. K.C. 249 ; C.D.L. 242 Wm., L.M. Dbln. 641 Enderby, Ch., G. Auck. Isl. 710 Wm., K.B. 758 Eneuris, bp. St. Dav. 464 Enfant, Walter L', C.J.K.B. Ir. 577 Enfield, vise. Geo. Stev., vise, form. hon. G. S. Byng, q.v., Id. and aft. 2nd E. of Stratford, q.v. Geo. Hy. Ch., vise, aft. Id. and 3rd E. of Strafford, q.v., L.L. Mdx. 310; Sec. P.L.B. 262; U.S.F. 230; U.S. Ind. 236 Engaine, Warn., J. It. 368 Eng-iltoert, B. Nds. 82 England, Poole VaU., gen. (D) 892 Rd., gen. (B) 866 ; K.H. 791 Rd. and sir Bd., gen. (D) 883 ; G.C.B. 769 ; K.C.B. 777 Eng-lefeld and Eng-lefield Alan de, J. It. 3b7 Matth. de, bp. Bgr. 425 Th., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 Th. and sir T., Sp. H.C. Wm. de, J. It. 368 ; Jy. 365 List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. Go Ensrlish, Fk., geu. (D) 899 Enlon (m- Anian, q.vj (2), bp. St. As. ua Ennishowen, Geo. Ham., 1(1., fuiin. K. of Belfast, q.v., aft. 3ril M. of Donegal, q.v. EnnisklUen, Juo. WUl.. 2nd E. of, K.P. 751 ; L.L. Perm. 569 Entrecasteanx, Chev. de Br. (V, G. Mtius. 683 Eochaidh, K. Ir. 21 Eadgothac, K. Ir. 20 Gunait, K. Ir. 21 Moidhmeodhain, K. Ir. 21 Mumho, K. Ir. 20 Eolla, bp. Sels. 432 Eorpwald, K.E. 2 Er, K. Ir. -M Erard iSt.t. bp. Ard. 607 Ercenbert, K.E. 1 Erchenwin, K.E. 2 Erchwine, K.E. 2 Ercole, .^" also Hercules I. to III., D. Mda.53 Ercombert, K.E. 1 Erdington, Giles de, J.C.P. 377 ; Jy. 364 Erdnlf, K.E. 2 Eresby, nee Willoughby de Eresby Ergfhaiu or Erghuni, Ralph, bp. B. and W. 428; bp. Sal. 467; C.D.L. '242 Eric and Erich, D. Brk. 69 Pr. ISIkg. 74 I to IX., K. Dk. 93 X. to XIV., K. Sw. 92 X. (K. Dk.), K.G. 734 Ericseu, Jno. Eric, Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 Erispoe, D. Bry. 27 Erkenwald (St.), bp. Lend. 450 Erie, see also Earle Erasni., S.L. 409 Pet. P.C. 218; Q.C. 417 Th., gen. (A) 857 ; L.G.O. 259 ; P.C. 195 Th., gen. (C) 872 Wm. and sir W., C.J.C.P. 376; J.C.P. 380; J.Q.B. 373; Jud.Com. P.C. 361 ; K.C. 416 ; P.C. 216; S.L. 413 Ermenric, K.E. 1 Ermensind, C. Lux. 84 Ermyn, Win., B. Ex. 383 Ernald, bp. St. Andr. 528 Erne, E. of Jno., 3rd E. of, fomi. J. Crichton or Crighton, q.v., K.P. 751 Jno. Hy., 4th E. of, K.P. 752 Ernest, D. Bva. 68 D. S. Alt. 78 El. Sxy. 77 M. Aus. 58 M. Bdn. 07 B. Nds. 82 I., D. S.G.A. 78 II., D. S.C. and G. 78 ; K.G. 744 I. and II., D. Brk. 69-70 L and II., D. Su. 80 -Anthony, D. S.C. and G. 78; K.G. 744 Aug., D.S.W. 79 Aug., D. Hnr. 70 ; El. Hnr. 70 -Aug. (bro. of Geo. I., bp. of Oenaburg and D. of York), K.G. 741 ; Pr. E. 13 INDEX OF NAMES, Ernest— coHf. Aug., Pr., aft. D. of Cum- berland, q.v., and K. Hnr. ; K.G. 742; K. Hnr. 71; P.C. 206 ; Pr. E. 15 Aug. Const., D. S. Wr. 79 A. W., ic, D. Brk. 71 Casjmir, Pr. Nass. 76 Fredk., D.S.C. and G. 78 Fredk., M. Bdn. 67 Fredk., I. and II., D. S. Alt. 78 Fredk. Chas., D. S. Alt. 78 Fredk., P.G., D. S. Alt. 78 Louis, Lg. H. Dt. 72 Louis I. and II., D.S. Mgn. 79 Louis Ch. Alb. Wm. (g. son Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 15 Louis Fk., D.S.G.A. 78 ; K.G. 742 For non-reigning Dukes and Princes, see under their territorial names. Ernie and Ernley Jno., A.G. 398; C.J.C.P. 375; S.G.401 sir Jno., B.T. 263 ; Ch. Ex. 164 ; L. Admy. 175 ; L.T. 155 ; P.C. 191-2 Ernostns (or Arnulph), bp. Koch. 459 Erping^ham, sir Th., K.G. 734 ; W.C.P. 318 Erpwald, K.E. 2 Errazuriz, F., Pres. Chi. Ill Errin^on, Arnold Ch., gen. (D) HU2 Erroll, family of L.H. Const. Sc. 507 Erroll, E. of GUb., E. of (1321), form. sir G. Hay, q.v. Wm., 15th E. of, Kt. Mar. Sc. 507 ; L.H.C. K.Sc. 546 Wm. Geo., 16th E. of, G.C.H. 786; K.T. 748; Kt. Mar. Sc. 507 ; L.L. Abdn. 508; L.S.H. 290; M.B.H. 303; P.C. 212 Erskine or Areskine sir Alf.xr., Lv. K.A. 513 Ch., Jy. Sc.".522; L.J. Clk. 516; Ld. Adv. 526; Ld 520 sir Ch., Ly. K.A. 513 Dav., gen. (C) 872 Dav., Ld. Sess. 520 — hon. Ed. M., Amb. Gr. 129 ; Amb. Sw. and N. 127 Geo., gen. (D) 905 sir Geo., Ld. Sess. 519 hon. Hy., Ld. Adv. 526 hon. Jas., Kt. Mar. Sc. 507 sir Jas., gen. (B) 867 Jas. Elphinstone, adni.(E) 837; L. Admy. 186 Jno., dn. Cork, (a2 Jno. Elphinstone, adm.(D) 831 ; (E) 834 Jno. Kehn., K.C.H. 787 sirHy., gen. (B) 865; Sec. Thist. 749 hon. Hy. Day., dn. Kip. 482 Jas., Bar. Ex. Sc. 524 Jas., L.J. Clk. 516 Jas., Ld. Sess., 520 hon. Jas., Ld. Sess. 520 • Kt. (Id. of Erskine), L.Q.C. Sc. 506 • Kt. de, L.J. Gen. 522 ♦ Prob. same pers. For List of Abbreviations, sec pp. 944 Erskine or Areskine— ront. Th. and sir T.. aft. E. of Brechin, Ld. Sess. 518; Sec. St. Sc. 502 hon. Th., C.J. Bank. 392 J.C.P. 380; Jud. Com. P.C 360; K.C. 416; P.C. aSil), see errata for p. 212; S.L. 413 hon. Th., see Id. E., infra sir Th., aft. Ist vise. Fen- ton and E. of Kellie, q.v., C.V.G. 298 Wm., abp. Glasg. 537 Wm.. Ld. Sess. .520 sir Wm., gen. (B) 866 sir Wm., gen. (C) 873 Erskine, Ids., see also E. of Mar Seotcli Title. Jno., Id., Ld. Sess. 517 Jno., Id.. K.B. 762; Ld. Sess. 517 Th. Id., aft. E. of Buchan, K.B. 761 Jas., Id., aft. 7th E. of Buchan, KB., q.v., 762 English Title. hon. Th., aft. 1st Id. E., K.C. 415; K.T. 748; L.H.S. 287 ; Ld. Chanc. 357 ; P.C. 208 Dav. Montagu, 2nd Id., Amb. Bva. 119 ; Amb. U.S.A. 132 Ert, bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 Eryille, gen. de Ant. d', K.C.B. Erviglo, K. Sp. 85 Ervigrius, K. Sp. 85 Ervin, bp. St. Dav. 464 Esca (or Kscus), K.F:. 1 Eschaid, bp. Arm. 595 Escobar, Pres. Pgy. 110 Escuris, Matth. de, J. It. 365 £scus, si-c Esca Escwlne, K.E. 2 Esdaile, sir Jas., L.M. Lond. 492 Esher, Wm. B., Id., form, sir W. B. Brett, q.v. Esmond, .Ino., bp. Emly, 625; h\K F.ii.s. 621 Esnionde, Ino., L.T. 161 Her. 441 Espartero, Bald., Ct. of Lu- chaua. Ac. G.C.B. 769 Espernon, Bern, de N. de F. D. U , K.(i. 710 Espinasse, las., C.C.J. 403 Espinosa, X,, Pres. Ecr. 106 Esquilinus, see also Tricos- tas L. S., Dec. Ko.38 Esqnivel, A., Pres. C.R. 106 Esseby, Kt. de, Jy. 364 Esseburne, Kt. de, J.C.P. 376 Esseby, .lord, de, J. It. 367 Essendon, sir Wm. de, L. Treas. Ir. 558 Essex, Ids. and E. of Hy de, or E. of, J. It. (1155-6) 365 ; W.C.P. 317 Mtnideville Family. Wm., 1st E. of, L.H.A. 170 Fitz-Peter or Fitz-Piers Family. Geoff., 1st E. of, form. O. Fitz-Peter, q.v.. J. It. 365 Gooff., 2nd E. of, form. G. Fitz-Piers, q.v Be Jtohun Family. Humphr., 1st E. of, see Hereford and Essex 052. INDEX OF NAMES. Essex, Ids. and E. ot—cont. Bourchier Family. Hy., 1st E. ol, form. 1st visct. Bourchier, q.v. ; L.H.T. 153 ; L.K. 355 Hy., 2nd E. of, C.G.P. 299 ; K.G. 737 Cromwell Family. Th., E. of, form. Thos. and Id. Cromwell, q.v. Parr Family. Wm., 1st E. of, form. Id. Parr, of Kendal, q.v., aft. M. of Northampton, q.v. Devereux Family. Walt., 1st E. of, form. 2nd vise. Hereford, q.v. Rt., 2nd E. of, E.M. 326; K.G. 739 ; L.L. Ir. 554 ; M.G.O. 258; M.H. 302 Bt., .3rd E. of, L.C.H. 295 Oa2}el Family. Arth., 1st E. of, L. Admy. 175 ; L.L. Ir. 555 ; L.L. Herts, 309; L.T. 155; P.O. 191-2; Prem. 140 Alg., 2nd E. of. Const. T.L. :321; gen. (B) 864; L.L. Dors. 307; L.L. Herts, 309; P.C. 195 Wm., 3rd E. of, C.Y.G. 298 ; K.G. 741; K.T. 747; P.C. 198 Wm. Anne. H., 4th E. of, L.L. Herts, 309 Geo., 5th E. of, L.L. Heref. Xssing'ton, Wm. and sir W., adm. (A) 817 ; K.C.B. 773 Estata, see Eata Estcourtj.Jas. Bucknall Buck- naU, gen. (D) 889 Th., M. Chy. 395-6 Th. H. S. Sotheron-, H. Sec. 227; P.C. 216; Pres. P.L.B. 262 Este, Ch., bp. Oss. 620 ; bp. Wford. and L. 627 Ch. Wm., gen. (C) 873 Esterhazy, Pr. Paul Anthy., G.C.B. 769 Bstfeld or Estfield, Wm., L.M. Lond. 490 Esturmy, Th., K.B. 754 sir Wm., Sp. H.C. 248 Eteson, Fras., gen. (D) 928 Etfinus, K. Sc. 18 Eth, see Ath and Aeth K. Sc. 19 Ethelan, bp. Wore. 472 Ethelard (or Athelard), abp. Cant. 430 ; bp. Winch. 470 K.E. 2 Ethelbald, abp. Yk. 485 (2) bp. Shbn. 466 K.E. 3 Ethelbert and Ethelbertiis bp. GaU. 5:^8 bp. Hex. 480 K.E., 1, 2, 3 Pryn, K.E. 1 Etheltoyrlit, K.E. 2 Etheleage, bp. Shbn. 466 Ethelfrith, K.E. 2 Ethelgarus, abp. Cant. 430; bp. Sels. 432 bp. Dev. 436 Ethelheard, K.E. 2 Ethelhere, K.E. 2 Ethelliune, bp. Wore. 472 Etielmar, bp. Elm. and Dunw. 454 ISthelmen, abp. St. Dav. 463 For Ethelnoth and Ethelno- thus (or .Slthelnotus), abp. Cant. 430 bp. Lond. 451 Ethelred, abp. Cant. 430 (several) K.E. 2, 3 Ethelric (2), K.E. 2 Ethelricus (or Agelred), bp. Sels. 432 Ethelsius, bp. Shbn. 466 Ethelstan, bp. Wltn. 466 Ethelulphus, bp. Sels. 432 Ethel wald and Ethelwold * bp. Lich. 443 * (St.) bp. Lindisf. 478 ♦ (2) bp. Shbn. 466 * (St.) bp. Winch. 470 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. K.E. 2 Ethelwardus, bp. Lond. 451 Ethelwold, see Ethelwald Ethelwolf, K.E. 3 Ethel win and Ethelwinus * bp. Sidr. 446 * bp Wltn. 466 * bp. Wells, 427 * Prob some same pers. Comp dates. Etheridge, Th., adm. (H) 850 Ethodius I. and II., K. Sc. 18 Ethus, K. Sc. 19 Eton, Gerard Pott., gen. (D) 910 Ettrick, see Napier and E. Etwal, abp. St. Dav. 463 Euan-Smith, Ch. B., amb. Zr. 132 Eudes, K. Fr. 23 I. to IV., D. Bdy. 28 Eudocia, Emp. E.E. 51 Eugene, see also Eugenius * abp. Arm. 595 * bp. Ach. 612 * bp. Arm. 595 * bp. Cld. and Meath, 599 * bp. Cnr. 604 * dn. Cloyne, 6:32 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. (Pr. of Savoy), R. Nds. 83 Eug-enius, see also Eugene dn. Cloy. 632 Emp. W.E. 49 I. to IV., P. Ro. 33-4-5 I. to VIII., K. Sc. 18 Eunan, St., bp. Rph. 601 Eure, Th. de, du. St. P. 453 Euric, K. Sp. 85 Eusden, Laur., P. Laur. 301 Eusebius, P. Ro. 33 Eustace and Eustachius bp. Cnr. 603; L. Treas. Ir. 558 bp. Ely 434; dn. Sal. 468; Jy. 364 ; Ld. Chane. 353 (son Stephen), Pr. E. 9 Hy., gen. (B) 869 sir Jno. Rowl., gen. (D) 884 ; K.H. 791 sir Maur., L.J. Ir. 5.55 ; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576 ; M.R. Ir. 585 ; S.L. Ir. 591 Wm. Cornw. and sir W., gen. (A) 863; K.C.H. 788 Euston, Geo. Hy., E. of, aft. 4th D. of Grafton, q.v., L.L. Suff. 312 Eutychianus, P. Ro. 33 Evaldus, bp. Arg. 537 Evance, Steph., C. Exc. 279 List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, 1019 Evandale, And., ist Id., Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Evans, Andr. Fitzh., adm. (A) Ch. Rd. Ogd., gen. (D), 925 Dav., dn. St. As. 463 Daws. Kelly, gen. (D) 930 De Lacy and sirD., G.C.B. 769; gen. (D)882; K.C.B. 776 Fk., G. Lag. 687 Fk. Jno. Owen, K.C.B. 783 Geo., adm. (G) 842 Hy., adm. (A) 820 Herb. Davies, L.L. Card. 315 Hugh, dn. St. As. 463 Hugh, gen. (D) 890 Jno., adm. (A) 815 Jno., bp. Bgr. 426 ; bp. Mth. 599 Jno., K.C. 416 Rd. L., gen. (D) 881 Rt., gen. (C) 874 Rt., dn. Bgr. 426 Th., gen. (D) 677 Wm., G. Ch. Hosp. 936; gen. (A) 8.57 Evarico, K. Sp. 85 Evaristus, P. Ro. 32 Evatt, Hy., gen. (B) 869 Jno., dn. Elph. 609 Evelegh, seeaisoEverleigh Hy., gen. (A) 863 Jno., gen. (B) 867 Evelyn, Jno., L.P.S. 240 sir Jno., C. Cus. 274-5; Postm. G. 238 Wm., dn. Emly, 628 Wm., gen. (B)865 Evenus I. to III., K. Sc. 17-18 Everard, bp. Norw. 454 Jno., J.K.B. Ir. 579 Matth., gen. (Dj 884; K.H. 789 Th., C. Ex. 279 Everdon, Jno. de, B. Ex. 383 ; dn. St. P. 4.53 SUv. de, bp. Carl. 475 ; J. It. 368; L.K. 353 Th. de, dn. St. Patr. 617 ; M.R. Ir. 585; V. Chanc. Ir. 575 Wm. de, B> Ex. 383 Everleigh, see also Evelegh Jno., dn. Ross, 633 Everett, Ed., C.C.J. 403 Evereux, Wm. de, K.B. 755 Everitt, Fras. W. E., Q.C. 419 Eversden, see Everdon Eversley, Ch., 1st vise, form. C. Shaw-Lefevre, q.v., G.C.B. 773 Everus, bp. St. Dav. 464 Every, Th. de, dn. St. P. 453 Evesham, Jno. de, bp. Wore. 472 Simon de, bp. Ferns, 621 Siv. de, bp. Wore. 472 Th. de, BI.R. 387 Evesk, Hy. de, J. It. 367 Evre, see Eyre Evres, W., 2nd Id., K.B. 761 Etf^ynden, Rd., bp. Bgr. 426 Ewart, Ch. Brisb., G. Jsey. 668 ; gen. (D) 927 Ch. Jos. Fk., adm. (H) 849 Hy. Pet. and sir H., gen. (D) 934 ; K.C.B. 781 Jno. Alexr., gen. (D) 904 ; K.C.B. 782 C5 1020 Evr&rt—coiit. Jno. Fk., Ren. i D) 861 Jos., Anib. Pr. 118 Bwe, Kd., K. of, W.C.P. 317 Ewens, Matth., B. Ex. 38*; S.L. 408 Ew^er, Jno., bp. Bgr. 426 ; bp. LIS. 449 Swing, Alexr., bp. Arg. and Ihl. 541 Humphrey Ewing Cmm-, L.L. Dumb. 5(9 Kt.. (In. Enilv, 628 Exeter, Kd. d\ L,.J. Ir. 550 Exeter, Ids, E., M., and D. of Holland Family (1). Juo., 1st D. of, form. Jno. Holand, q.v., and E. of Hunt- ingdon, q.v. Hiaufort Family. Th., D. of, form. Th. Beau- fort, sir T., and E. of Dorset, q.v. HolUnul Family (2). Juo., 1st D. of, form. E. of Huntingdon, q.c. Const. T.L. 320: L.H.A. 174 Hy., 2ud D. of, L.H.A. 174 Courttnoy Family. Hy., 1st M. of, form. 8th E. of Devonshii-e, q.v. Cecil Family. Th., 1st E. of, form. Th. CecU, q.v., and Id. Burghley, '- Wm., 2nd E. of, E.G., 739 Browul., 9th E. of, form. Id. Burleigh, q.v. Brownl., 2nd M. of, E.G. 743; L.C.H. 2^5; L.L. Xton. 310; L.L. Rutl. 311 ; L.S.H. 290 ; P.O. 214 Wm. A., 3rd M. of, C.G.A. 300 Ezmewe, sir Th., L.M. Lond. 490 Exmouth, Edw., 1st Id. and vise, form, sir E.Pellew, g.i'., G.C.B. 767 ; K.C.B. 773 Ezon (or Oxon i Juo., bp. Winch. 470 Kd. de, C.J. C.P. Ir. 580 Exshaw, Juo., L.M. Dbln. 641 Exton, Ev., K. Cr. P.A. 335; Kichm. H. 333 Jno., J. Adm. Ct. 423 Nich., L.M. Loud. 489 sir Th., Ch. Loud. 422; D. Arch. 420; J. Adm. Ct. 423 Eyer, Sim., L.M. Loud. 490 Eyles, Irwiu, Auib. Ch. 130 sir Jno., L.M. Loud. 491 ; Postm. G. 238 Th., adm. (A) 819 Eynefeld, Hy. de, J. It. 368 Eyre, Ed. Juo.. G. Antig. 728; G. Jam. 713; G. N.Z.709; G. St. Vin. 725 sir Geo., adm. (A) 819; G.C.M.G.794; K.C.B. 774 Giles, dli. Chich. 434 Giles and sir G., J.K.B. 373 ; S.L. (1080)411 GUes or Eyles, S.L. (1724) 411 Hy., gen. (D) 893 sir Jas., bp. Ex. 385 ; C.B. Ex. 382; C.G.S. :i57: C.J.C.P. 376 ; P.C. 205 ; Kec. Lond. 494 ; S.L. 412 Jno., gen. (D) 891 Jul. or Giles, dn. Killoe, 637 For INDEX OF NAMES. I Eyre — cont. ' — Rt.. C.Exc.280 — Rt. and sir Rt., C.B. Ex. 382; C.J.C.P. 376: J.Q.B. 373; P.C. l45 : pr. bp. Sc. 540 ; Falconbridge, see Faucou- I bridge I Falconbnrgh, see Faucon- I berg I Falconer, see Falconar Faleise, Wm. de, Jy. 364 ; Falk, Imau Wilh., G. Ceyl. Falkiner, see also Falconer, i). Arm. 595 Ferdinand, C. Firs. 81 D. I'liui. 53 — Enip. Aus. .58 (-2), K. Arr. fe6 (2), K. Sev. .56 (Pr. Brk.), K.G. 742 Pr. liRa. 95 R. Nds. 82-3 I., K. Bma. 59 I., K. Pgl. 88 I. to III., E. Gmy. 62 I. (E Gmv.), K.G. 737 I. to IV., G. D. Tuy. 57 I. to IV., K. Nls. 56 — II. (K. Nls.), K.G. 736 I. to v., K. Cle. 56, 85-86 I. to v., K. Hgy. 60 I. to VII., K. Sp. 85-6 V. (K. Sp.), K.G. 736 — - VII. (K. Sp.), K.G. 743 ■ II., K. 2 Sev. 56 v., K. Nav. KS Albrecht, D. Brk. 70 Hy. Fk., Ls. H. Hbg. 73 — - -Mary, El. Bva. 68 Perdom'nac, bp. Kild. 616 bp. Till. 611 Feredach, l)p. Saig. 620 Fergie, v e i'orgie Ferg-us (St.), bp. Down, 603 I. to III., K. Sc. 178 Ferguson and Fergusson , G. Tob. 7-23 sir Ad., B.T. 266 Edith Hel., Cr. Ind. 810 Geo., adm. (D) 828; (O) 840 Geo., Ld. Sess. 520 Jas., CLE. 807 Jas., gen. (C)871 Jas., E.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 Jas., Ld. Sess. 520 Jas. and sir J., G.C.B. 770; G. Gibr. 670 ; gen. (D) 880 ; K.C.B. 778 sir Jas., G. Bbay. 6-59 ; G.C.S.L 801 : G. N.Z. 709 ; G. S. Austr. 706; K.C.M.G. 797; P.O. 218; U.S.F. 230; U.S. Home, 228; U.S. Ind. 236 sir Jas., Jy. Sc. 522 ; Ld. Sess. .020 Jno., adm. (A) 817 Jno. Macpherson, adm. (H)846 Olive, lady, Cr. Ind. 810 lit., L.L. Fifesh. .510 sir lit. A., L.L. Londy. 570 lit. Cutl., J.A.G. 937 ; P.O. 213 Ron. Crauf. and sir R., gen. (A) 861 ; G.C.B. 768 ; K.C.B. 773 Win., G. Si. Lc. 6k5 Will., gen. (D)88ti sir Win., Pres. ColL Surg. 939 Perla, D. of, R. Nds. 83 Peringes, Geoff. De, dn. St. P. 4.52 Perlngs, ltd. de, abp. Dbln. and Gl. 615 INDEX OF NAMES. Penuanagli, Ralph, vise. aft. Id. Veriicy, q.v. Permband, Nichs., J. It. 369 Permor, hon. Th. Wni., aft. E. of I'omfret, [q.v., gen. (B) 868 Penuoy, Edm. B., l8tld.,L.L. Crk. 569 P., Pres. C.B. Fernandez 106 Feme, Hy., bp. Chest. 477 ; dn. Ely, 435 Perquliard, bp. Isl. 539 Perral, Lisach, bp. Ard. 608 (or O'Ferrall), Rd., bp. Ard. 607 ; dn. Ard. 609 Perrall, see O'Fenall Ferrar (or Farrer), Rt., bp. S. and M. 483 ; bp. St. Dav. 464 Perrara, Here. d'Este, D. of, K.G. 736 Ferrard, vise, see Massareene and F. Perrariis, Th. de, G. Ch. Isl. 667 Ferrant, Jno., Mch. K.A. 339 Perrars sir Ralph, L.H.A. 172 Ferrers ol Chartley, Ids. and E. Walt., 7th id., K.G. 736 Walt., 8th Id., aft. vise. Hereford, q.v., K.G. 7:i7 Robt., 13th Id., aft. vise. Tamworth, q.v., and E. Ferrers, P.O. 194 Geo., 16th Id., aft. E. of Leicester and M. of Towus- hend, q.v., C.G.P. 229 ; P.C. 203 Wasl., 5th E., adm. (A) 815 Ferri, I. to IV., D. Lne. 29 Ferriby, Th., B. Ex. 383 Ferrier, sir Alex., K.H. 790 • Hay, gen. (C) 872 Jas., gen. (B) 866 Jno., adm. (A) 818 L. H., C. Cus. Sc. .504 Ferris. Abel, adm. (H) 844 Perte, Ralph de la, J. It. 367 Ferrure, Hy. de, G. Ch. Isl. 667 Ferryman, Aug. Hal., gen. (D) 898 Fescli (Cardinal), Rel. Nap., 26 Feschamp, St. Rem. de, bp. Dorch., Sidr. and Line. 446 Pesting, Benj. Mort., K.H. 791 Colson, adm. (H) 849 Eras. Worg., K.C.M.G. 797 Rt. Worg. Geo., adm. (H) 844 Peth-Ali, Sh. Pers. 99 Fethelmaclius, K. Sc. 18 Petherston, Fras., L.M. Dbln. 641 Jno., dn. Llin. 623 Fettes, Will., L. Prov. Edinb. 54H Peversham, Louis, 2nd E. of, K.G. Till Fevre, I'li. Lo, gen. (D) 880 Ff-, .s 920 Danl., sev Id. F., uifra hon. Ed., gen. (A) 860 Fras., C. Exe. -JT.s Honenge, and sir H., Bee. Lond. 494 ; S.L. 409 ; Sp. H. Co. 249 hon. Honeage, S.G. 401 Htneage, aft. Id. Guernsey and E. ot Aylesford, q.v. Heiieago, .mc Id. F., ui/ni Hv., .in. Vk. 487 Hv., S.L. 409 iKui. .Ino., gen. (D) 883 .Ino., see Id. F. hifra Nath.. S.L. 409 Wm., bp. sua. Taunton, 428 hon. Wui., P.C. 198; V.C.H. Fincb—cont. — hon. Wm. CI., adra. (A) Finch of Fordwich, Ids. —7 Jno-; aft. sir J. and Id. F., C.J.C.P. 37.5 ;J.C.P. 379; K.C g'*^ l:^^- =^56; S.L. 409; Sp. Pincii of Daventry, Ids. — - Heneage, aft. sir H. and 1st Id. F., and 1st E. of Not- tingham, q.v.; A.G. 399; L. Admy. 175; L.H.S. 28C; Ld. Chanc. 357; L.K. 357; PC 191 ; S.G. 401 -—hon. Danl., aft. 2nd E. of Nottingham, and E. of Win- Rawa ^'''"-^' ^'^"'^- ^^^' Danl., Id., aft. 3rd E. of \V andN., q.v., Coinpt. H. 292- L.T. 156; P.C. 197 Pinch-Hatton, see Hatton Pinchad (St.), bp. Boss, 631 Fincham, see Fyncham Pmcormachus, K. Sc. 18 Pmdlater and Pinlater E of, see also Deskford and Seafield Jas., 3rd E. of, K.T. 747 Jas., 4th E. of, form vise. and E. of Seafield, n.v. : L K Sc. 503; P.C. 197 '-"'•• Jas., 5th E. of, V.A. Sc. 499 Pindlay and Pinlay — ^bp. Arg. 537; bp. Dnbl, Alexr., K.H. 791 Jno., CLE. 808 Et. Bann., Q.C. 419 Pindochus, K. Sc. 18 Pineux (or Fineaux), Jno. and sir J., C.J.K.B. 370; J.C.P. 378 ; S.L. 407 Pingfal, K. Man, 664 Pingal, E. of Arth. Jas., 8th B. of, K P 751 Arth. Jas., 9th E. of K P , 751 ; L.L. Meath, 570 ' ri»&ask, Thos. de, bp. Cness Pinglas, see also Fj-nglass — ^Rd., S.G. Ir. 569; S.L. Ir Pinian (St.), bp. Cld. 598 Pinlater, see FincUater Pinlay, see Findlay Pinlayson, Jas., Mod. K. Sc 547 Pinnachta, bp. Ferns, 621 Pinnis, Th. Q., L.M. Lond. 492 (or Fenys), Wm., K.B. 759 Pinniss, Boyle Trav., G.S. Austr. 706 Pinny (or Ploinny), Geo.. G Bah. Isl. 716 Pinucane, Matts., J.C.P. Ir Pion-Pin, K. Ir. 20 Pionachta, K. Ir. 20 Fleadha, K. Ir. 21 Pirtli, Hy. Hilh., gen. (D) Rt. Fras., gen. (D) 933 ^^'m., S.L. 413 Pischer, see Fisher Pish, Jno. adm. (A) 817 Pishtaourne, Edmd. Gard. adm. (H) 849 Pishhurn, Th., J. It. 368 For INDEX OF NAMES. Pisher and Pischer Benj., gen. (C) 873 Chr., bp. Elph. 608 * Ed., C. Exc. 281 * Ed., U.S.P. 229 * Poss. same pers. Ed. Hy., gen. (D) 909 Garret, gen. (B) 866 Geo. Batt., gen. (D) 935 — ^Goodr. Armst., gen. (D) — — Jno., bp. Exr. 437; bp. Sal. Jno., bp. Roch. 460 Jno., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 Jno. Fk., gen. (D) 926 Rt. A., C.C.J. 405 Th., adm. (E) 835 ; (P) 838 Th. Halh., Q.C. 419 Wm., adm. (D) 828 Wm., C. St. 283 Pishide, Wm. de, S.L. 407 Pitch, see also Fytche Col., Lt. T.L. 322 Pitton, sir AIexi-.,Lord Chanc. Ir. 576; L.J. Ir. .555 -— sir Edw., V. Treas. Ir. 559 Pitz — Search also imder the name without this prefix. Pitz-Adam, Jno., C.J.C.P. Ir 580 Pitz-Ailwyn, see FitzAlwyn Pitz- Alan, see also under Arundel, E. of Brian, J. It. 367 sir Rd., L.H.A. 172 (or Arundel), Th., abn Cant. 430 Wm., J. It. 366 (or Arundel), sir Wm., K.G 734 Pitz-Alan, Ids. Thos., Id., aft. E. of Ai-un- del, K.B. (1461) 756 Pitz-Aldelm (or Andelm) Wm., Jy. 363; L.L. Ir. 550 Pitz- Alexander, Nig., Jy. 363 Pitz-Alwyn, Hy., Jy. 364; L.M. Lend. 488 Rog., L.M. Lond. 488 Pitz-Bernard, Rt., J. It. 366 Th., J. It. 366; Jy. 363 Pitz-Clarence, Id. Adolph., adm. (D)830;G.C.H. 786 ld.Fk.,C.C.Bbay.660 ; G.C.H. 786; gen. (D) 880; Lt. T.L. Geo., aft. E. of Munster •■ q.v. Pitz-Edmund, Jno.,bp. Cork and CI. 631 Jno., dn. Cloy. 632 Pitz-Ernise, Ph., J. It. 365 Pitz-Eustace, sir Ed., L D Ir. 552; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 Rt. L., L. Treas. Ir. 558 Roland and sir R., aft. Id Portlester, q.v., L.D. Ii-. 552 ; L. Treas. Ir. 5.58 sir Rd. (2), Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 Pitzg-erald and Pitzg-erold sir Aug., gen. (B) 868 Ch., G. Gamb. 686; G. W Austr. 707 Ch., gen. (D) 926 Id. Ch., C. Cus. Ir. 565 Dav., bp. St. Dav. 464 Dav. Fitzjas., dn. Cloy. 1023 Fitzgerald and Fitzgerold— C07lt. Ed., C. St. Ir. 568 Ed. Th., K.H. 790 Fras. Alex., B. Ex. Ir. 584 ; J. Ex. D. Ir. 584 Ger., K.C.M.G. 798 Ger., L. Treas. Ir. 559 Ger. Fitzjas., dn. Lism. 629 Ger. Seym. Ves., K.C.I.E. 805 Hy., J. It. 365; Jy. 363 Id. Hy., Postm. G. Ir. 564 Hy. Ves., see Id. F., infra Jas., gen. (D) 895 Jas., S.L. Ir. 692 sir Jas., L.D. Ir. 553 Jno., bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 Jno., dn. Cork, 632 Jno. Dav., see Id. F. infra sir Jno. Forster, F.M. 8.56 ; G.C.B. 770; gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 776 Maur., abp. Cash. 625 Maur., C. Cus. Ir. 565 ; C. Treas. Ir. 561 ; L. Adm. 182 ; L.T. 159 Maur., L.J. Ir. 550 Maur. and sir M., L.D. Ir. 553 Id. Maur. L.L. Wexf . 571 Maur. Fitzm. L.J. Ir. 550 Id Otho., Compt. H. 293 ; P.C. 217 ; Tr. H. 292 —-Pat., J.C.P. Ir. 581; Rec. Dbln. 642 Rt., S.L. Ir. 592 — - sir Rt. Lew., adm. (A) 820 ; Id. Rt. S., Amb. Dk. 127; Amb. Pgl. 124 ; Amb. Swz. 113 Th., D. Chanc. Ir. 575; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 Th. Burt., C. St. Ir. 568 Th. Maur., L.J. Ir. 550 Wm., bp Clonf. and K. 636 ; bp. Cork, CI. and R. 632 ; bp. Killoe, K,. CI. and K. 636 ; cto. Cloy. 633 Wm. Rt. Seym. Ves., G. Bbay. 659; G.C.S.I. 801: K.C.S.L803; P.C. 217; U.S.F. 230 -— Wm. Ves., see Id. F., infra Pxtzg-erald, Ids. Jno. D., aft. Id F., A.G. Ii-. 588; J.Q.B. Ir. 579 ; J.Q.B.D. Ir. 579 ; Jud. Com. P. C. 362 : L. App. 358; P.C. 220; S.G. Ir. 590 Pitzfferald and Vesci, Ids. Wm. Vesey, aft. 1st Id. F. and v.; amb. Sw. and N. 127; C. Treas. Ir. .561; Ch. Ex. Ir. 562; L.L. Clare, 569: L.T. 159 ; P.C. 209 ; Paym. G. 244; Pres. B.C. 254; Pres. B.T. 268 ; Tr. N. 257 Hy. Vesey, aft. 2ud Id. F. and v., dn. Emly. 628; dn. Kilm. 609 Pitzg-erold, see Fitzgerald List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, Pitzg-itobon, Ger., L.J. App. Ir. 586; S.G. Ir. 590; S.L. Ir. 593 Pitzg-ibhon, Ids. and vise. Jno., aft. Id. and vise. F., and 1st E. of Clare, q.v., A.G. Ir. 588; L.J. Ii-. 557; Ld. Chanc. Ii-. 577 ; P.C. 205 hon. Rd. Hob., aft. 3rd. E. of Clare, q.v., L.L. Lim. 570 1024 INDEX OF NAMES. Pitz-Gilbert, Kd., Ch. Jr. 362 Will., 1.(1. Chanc. 353 ritz-Giiido, (or FitzGuy) Win., 88; M.R. Ir. .■iK-,; S.L. Ir. .-.91 Osb., ,lv..3(;4 Rd., J.It. :«i7 sirRd., K.G.7:i3 Turst., J. It. 365; Jy. :H)3 Walt., abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616 ; L.D. Ir. 553 ; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 Fitz-Stephen, Ralph, J. It. :Ki.j; Jv. 36;< Will., J. It. 366; Jy. 36:} Fitzsymon, xee Fitzsimon Fitz-Thomas, Jno., dn. .\rdf. 640 Maur., K.B. 7.'.5 Th., L.M. Lond. 489 Will., Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 Pitz-Torold, Nichs.,J. It. ;i6ti f I ritz-Walter,sirWalt.,L.H.A. •:j Wni„ Const, W. Cast. 322 Fitz-Waltcr, Ids. and E. Benj-, 1st Karl, L.L. Esx. :i(W ; P.C. 198 ; Pres. B.T. 261 ; Tr. H. 291 Jno., r2th Id., K.B. (14fS5) 758 Rt., 13th Id., aft. Ist vise. F. and E. of Susses, q.v. K.B. 759 ; K.G. 737 Hy., 11., aft. 2nd E. of Sussex, q.v., K.B. 760 Th., vise., aft. 3rd E. of Sussex, q.v., L.D. Ir. 553 Hy. Ratcliff, Id., K.B. (1610) 702 Fitz-Warine, Falco., Jy. 36.-> • Will,, J, It. iUil sir Will., K.G. 733 Fitz-Warine, Ids. Jno., 11th ld„ K.B. 758 . Kd., Id., aft, 4th E. of Bath. 894 Jno., b.M. Dbln. 641 Jno., Q.C. 419 Jno. and sir J., gen. (D) 908 ; K.C.B. 781 hon. Jno., adm. (A) 814 ; L. Admy. 178-9 Jno. Hay, Jy. Sc. 523; Ld. Sess. 520 Lewis W., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Patr., bp. Cness. 532 and Wl Patr., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Rt., bp. Ork. 545; bp. Ross and Cness. 545 Th. Geo., adm. (H) 849 Th. Jno., gen. (D» 8S3 %Vm., bp. Edinb. 533 Wm., gen. (Di913 Wni., L.M. Dbln. 641 Forbes, Ids. and vise. Jas. Och.. 17th Id., gen. (A) 861 ; L.H.C. K. Sc. 546 Geo., Id., aft. 3rd E. of Granard, q.v., adm. (A) 814 Geo. Jno., vise., son of 6th E. of Granard, gen. (C) 874 ; L.L. Longf . 570 ; Sec. St. Patr. 752 Forbes-Mackenzie, see Mac- kenzie Ford, see also Foord Barn., gen. (D) 913 Ch. Ersk., gen. (D) 904 Edm. Tw., gen. (D) 982 Fras. CI. and sir F., Amb. Arg. 136 ; Amb. Bzl. 135 ; Amb. Gr. 129; Amb. Spn. 124 ; Amb. Ugy. 137; G.C.M.G. 795 ; K.C.M.G. 798 Jno., adm. (A) 816 Matth. Bl., gen. (D) 914 sir ltd., L.M. Lond. 491 ■\Vm., B. Ex. 383 Wni. Hv., gen. (C)875 Pordbam (or Frodsham),Jno., bp. Dhiuii. 478; bp. Ely, 435; dn. Wlls. 428 Fordbere, bp. Shbn. 466 Fordwich, Geo. Augs. F., vise, aft. 6th E. Cowper, q.r.. U.S.F. 230 Fordyce, Ch. F., gen. (D) 905 Jno., gen. (D) 896; K.C.B. 780 Jno., 8.L.R. 271 Foreman, seeaho Forman Andr., abp. St. Andr. 529 ; bp. Mor. 534 ; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Forest, see Forrest Forester, see Forrester Forfar, .\rchd., 2nd E. of, L.H.T. Sc. 49H; L.P.S. Sc. .501 Torgie C' Fergie), Rt., dn. KifTii. f)14 Forlong, Jas., K.H. 791 Jas. Geo. R., gen. (D) 915 Forman, xea also Foreman sir Rt., Ly. K.A. ,513 Wm.. L.M. Lond. 490 INDEX OF NAMES Formay, Walt., bp. Ross, 631 Fornerod, Pres. Sw. C. 31 Forrest and Forest Ch., L.M. Dbln. 641 Jas. and sir J., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 Jno., dn. WeUs, 429 Jno., L.M. Dbln. 640 Wm. Ch., gen. (D) 905 Forrester and Forester Ad., L.J. Clk. 516 sir Andr., Sec. Thist. 749 Dune, Compt. Sc. 498 G. C. W., see Id. F., infra sir .Jno., Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515; L.G.C. Sc. 506 Walt., bp. Brn. 531 Forrester, Ids. Jno. Geo., 2nd Id., C.G.A. 300; P.C. 214 hon. Geo. Cecil Weld., aft. 3rd Id. F., Compt. H. 293; gen. (D)897; P.C. 215 Forster, see also Foster Hy., gen. (D)903 captn. J., G. Bmda. 701 Jas., S.L. 412 ■ Jno., A.G. Ir. 588 ; C.J.C.P. Ir. 5,s0 ; Rec. Dbln. 642 ; S.G. Ir. 5.S9 Juo. Coop., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 Nichs., bp. Killoe. 634; bp. Rph. 602 Steph., L.M. Lond. 490 Thomps., Mast. Coll. Surg. 939 Wm., bp. S. and M. 483 Wm., dn. Kilmacd. 638 Wm., K.B. 761 Wm. Edw., Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; P.C. 218; U.S.C. 235; V.P. Ed. 255 — ^Wm. Fk., gen. (D) 892; Forsytb, Jno., K.C.S.I. 803 — - 1 h. Dougl., K.C.S.I. 803 Wm., Q.C. 417 Fort, Th., bp. Ach. 612 Fortescue, Chich., aft. sir C. Ulst. K.A. 572 Chich. Saml., aft. 1st Id. Carlingford and 2nd Id. Clermont, q.v., Ch. Sec. Ir. 563 ; L.L. Esx. 308 ; L.T. 161 ; P.C. 217; Pres. B.T. 269; U.S.C. 235 Fras., K.B. 761 Ger., Ulst. K.A. 572 Hy., C.J.K.B. Ir. 577 hon. Hugh, see Id. F., infra Jno. and sir J., C.J.K.B. 370; S.L. 407 sir Jno., C.D.L. 242; Ch. Ex. 154 Lew., B. Ex. 384 Matt., C.C.J. 404 Wm. and sir W., B. Ex. ■3m: J.C.I'. 379; K.C. 415; M.U. 3ss; I'.C. 19H; S.L. 412 Fortescue, Ids. and E. 1 no. F., 1st Id., form, sir J. F. .\land, q.v. Hugh, 3rd Id. and 1st E., form. vise. Ebrington, q.v.; L.L. Dev. :107 Hugh, 2nd E., form. vise. Ebrington, q.v.; K.G. 744; L.S.H.2i)0; Sec. P.L.B. 262 Hugh, 3rd E., form. vise. Ebrington, q.v. Fortb, M. Chy. 395 Ino. D., Ptc. P.A. 337 Forth— co)i(. Wm., C. Exc. 278 Fortze, Wm. de, L.H.A. 170 Forward, Rt., dn. Drom. 606 Forwood, Arth. B., Sec. Adm. 187 Foscardi, Demetr. Ct., K.C.M.G. 796 Foster, see also Forster Anthy., C. Ace. Ir. 567; C.B. Ex. Ir. 58:J Aug. Jno. and sir A., Amb. Dk. 127; Amb. Sda. 114; Amb. U.S.A. 132; P.C. 210 Ch. Jno., gen. (D) 906; M.C.L 647 Edw. Hor. Hy., gen. (D) 926 Jno., K.B. 7.59 Jno., L.J. It. 557 Jno., aft. Id. Oriel, q.v., B.T. 268; C. Treas. Ir. 561; Ch. Ex. Ir. 562 ; L.T. 158-9 ; P.C. 204 Jno. Fitzg., G. Vict., 704 Jno. Lesl., B. Ex. Ir. 5&4 Michl. and sir M., J.K.B. 373; S.L. 412 (or Fostin), bp. Elph. 606 Rt. and sir R., C.J.K.B. 370; J.C.P.379; S.L. 409 Th., gen. (B) 869 Th. B., gen. (D)888 Th., gen. (D) 894 Th. and sir T., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 409 Th. Campb., Q.C. 419 hon. Th. Hy., C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Treas. Ir. 561 Wm., bp. Clr. 596 ; bp.Cork and R. 632; bp. Kilm. 607 Fostin, see Foster Fotbadus, bp. St. Andr. 528 Fotberby, Ch., dn. Cant. 431 Martin, bp. Sal. 467 Fotberingrham, Fk., C. Exc. Sc. .505 Foucbi, Off. Nap. 26 Foulis and Fowlis Dav., gen. (D) 877 ; K.C.B. 777 Jas. or Jno. (Collington), Ld. Adv. 526 ; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 ; Ld. Sess. 518 sir Jas. (Collington), L.J. Clk. 516 ; Ld. Sess. 519 sir Jas. (Reidfurd), Ld. Sess. 519 Jno. or Jas., see Jas. sujtra Wm., L.P.S. Sc. 500; Sec. St. Sc. 501 Fotakes (or Ffoulke8),Wm.W., C.C.J. 405 Foung-Cblh, Emp. Ch. 100 Fountain, Jno., C.G.S. 356; S. L. 410 Fountayne, Jno., iln. Yk. 487 Foveaujc, Jos., G. N.S.W. 702: gen. (B) 868 Fowell. Wm. Newton, adm. (HI.S19 Fowke, Geo., adm. (A) t20 Th., G. Gibr. 609; gen. (B) Fowkes. Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 Fowle, Ch. St., gen. (D) 912 Jno.. C. Exc. 279-80 Fowler, i:d., bp. Glr. 438 Hy., G. Br. Hond. 714 ; Q. Lag. 687 Hy. H., P.C. 221 ; Sec. Tr. 164; U.S. Home, 228 For List of Abbr it tons, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OP NAMES. 1027 Fov/ler—cont. Jno., K.C.M.G. 798 Moses, dn. Rip. 482 Rd., K.B. 759 Rd. and sir R., C.D.L. 242 ; S.Q. 401 Rt., abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616 ; bp. Killoe and Kilf . 635 ; C.G.S. Ir. 576 Bt., bp. Oss. F. and L. Bt., dn. St. Pat. 618 Bt. Merr., adm. (H) 844 Bt. Nichs. and sir B., L.M. Lond. 492 Fowlis, see Foulis Fownes, sir Wm., L.M. Dbln. 641 Pox, Ch., Paym. G. 244 hon. Ch. Jas., F. Sec. 228 ; L. Admy. 179; L.T. 157; P.O. 203, 208 ; Prem. (?) 144 Ch. Rd., gen. (D) 883; S.G.O. 260 Ed., bp. Her. 441 Ed., M.M. 247 Hy.,aft.lstld.Holland,g.'y., L.T. 157 ; P.C. 199 ; Pay.n. G. 244 ; S. St. 224 ; Sec. at W. 233 hon. Hy. Ed. (son of 1st Id. Holland), Amb. Soy. 114 ; Comm. F. Ir. 564; G. Gibr. 670 ; gen. (A) 859 hon. Hy. Ed., aft. 4th Id. Holland, q.v., Amb. Aus. 117 ; Amb. G. St. 122; Amb. Tusc. Gabriel, I. and II., Pr. Tva. 60 Jas. Wm., K.H. 791 — -Rt. B., gen. (D)882; K.H. 790 Th. and sir T., L.M. Lond. 492 Gadderar, Jas., bp. Abdn. 540 Gaerst, Hugh de, J. It. 366 ; Jy. 363 Gafney, Chr., bp. Oss. 620 Gage hou. Ed. Th., gen. (D> 908 hon. Th., gen. (A) 858 sir Jno., C.D.L. 242 ; Compt. H. 292; Const. T.L. 320-21-, K.G. 738; V.C.H. 296 sir Wm., K.B. 764 sir Wm. Hall, adm. (A) 820; (B) 821; (C) 822; G.CB. 770 ; G.C.H. 787 ; L. Admy. 18» Gag'e, vise— Hy., 3rd vise, gen. (C) 873 Gage-Hall, see Hall Gainsborougfli, Wm. de, bp. Wore. 472 Gainsboroug-li, E. of Ch. Geo., 2nd E. of, L.L Rutl. 311 Gairduer, see also Gardiner and Gardner Wm. J., gen. (D) 888 Gaisford, Th., dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 Gaitskell, Fk., gen. (D) 897 Galba, S. S., C Ro. 44-5 ; Emp, Ro. 47 Galbraith, Rt., Ld. Sess. 518 Galdric, see Baldric Gale, Ch. Jas., CCJ. 403 Geo., M.M. 246 Hy. Richm., gen. (B) 867 Rog., C E.XC. 279-80 ; C St, 283 Th., dn. Yk. 487 Galeatius, bp. Drom. 604 Galerius, M., Emp. Ro. 48 Galfragus, Wm., bp. Elm. & Diuiw. 454 Galfrid and G-alfridns, see also Geoffrey * bp. Abdn. 530 * bp. Llff. 449 * bp. St. As. 462 * Ld. Clk. Reg. 524 *Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. Galinole, Th., M.M. 246 Gall, Rd. Herb., gen. (D) 922; L.G. Oh. Hosp. 936 Gallakan, Redm., bp. Killa. 612 Gallieuus, Emp. Ro. 48 Galloway, All. de, L.H. Const. Sc. 507 Archd. and Sir A., Chn. E.I. Co. 645; gen. (D) 880; K.C.B. 777 Th. Jas., gen. (D) 898 Galloway, E. of Jas., 5th E. of, L.H.T. Sc. 498 Jno., 7th E. of, form. Id. or vise. GarUes, q.v., K.T. 748; L.L. Wight, 512 — — • Geo., 8th E. of, form. Id. or vise. Garlies, q.v., adm. (A) 818 ; K.T. 748 ; L.L. Kii-kc. 510 ; L.L. Wigt. 512 Rand., 9th E. of, form. vise. GarUes, (/.(.'. Al. Plant., 10th E. of, K.T. 749 ; L.H.C K. Sc. 546 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1030 OaUus, C. S., C. Ko. 42, 44 Hostilius, Emp. Ko. 47 L. A., C. Ko. 44 L. C, C. Ko. 46 P. V. A., C. Ko. 38 Q. O., C. Ko. 42; Dt. Ko. 42 Oallwey, see also Galwey Th. Lion. Jno., G. Bmda. 701; Ren. (D) 919; K.C.M.G. 799 — Michl. Hv., K.C.M.G. 799 OalsasTUS, ^Vm., bp. Elm. & Duiiw. 4.'54 Gait, Alex. Till, and sir A., (l.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 796 Galton, Dougl.,K.C.B. 784 Oalway and G-alwey, see also Galhvey Ed., adm. (D) 824 Miclil. and sir M., gen. (D) 907; K.C.B. 780 Galway, vise, and E. of Hv. de Mass., 1st E. of, gen. (A) 857 ; L.J. Ir. 555-6 ; P.C. (1715) 196 Jno., 1st vise, S.L.B. 271 Rt. M. A., 4th vise, Amb. G. St. 121; Compt. H. 293; K.B. 765; P.C. 204 Gamaliel, bp. Isl. 539 ; bp. S. A- M. 483 Gamarra, A., Pres. Pu. 109 Gambler, sir Ed. J., C.J. Mdras. 058 Geo. Cornish, adm. (H) 846 Glouc., gen. (D) 903 Jas., adm. (A) 815 Jas., sec Id. G., infra. ■ Kt., adm. (H) 845 Kt. FitzG., adm. (H) 848 Gambler, Ids. — — Jas., aft. 1st Id. G., adm. (A) 816; G.Newfd.700; G.C.B. 767; K.C.B. 773; L. Admy. 180-1 Gamble, Dom. J., G. Bdoes. 721 ; G. Jam. 713 ; gen. (D) 909 Gameline, bp. St. Andr. 529 ; Ld. Chaiic. Sc. 514 Gammell, Andr., gen. (B) 867 Gane, Jno. Lawr., Q.C. 420 Gang-adi, Stamo, K.C.M.G. 796 Gansell, Wm., gen. (B) 865 Gant, Maur. de, J. It. 367 Kt. de, dn. Yrk. 486 ; Ld. Chiiuc. 3r,3 Gape, Josh., adm. (G) 842 Gapper, .\brm., S.L. 412 Garbh, St. Senach, bp. Clonf. (■].■).'") Garcia, M., Pres. Gua. 106 Garcias, I. to IV., K. Nav. 85 iind 87 Kamirez, K. Nav. 85 Ximenes, K. Nav. 87 Garden, Alex., Compt. Sc. 498 Fras., Jy. Sc. 523; Ld. Sess. .520 Gardener and Gardiner, sec also Gardner sir Brocas C. St. 283 Geo., dn. Norw. 4.55 Hy. Lyn., gen. (D)908 Jno. and sir J., gen. (B) 869 ; K.C.B. 776 Matth., Mod. K. Sc. 517 Nathan Sm., gen. (Dl 905 Percy Fort., gen. (D) 924 Kd., L.M. Lond. 490 Kd., dn. St. Patr. 617 Kt. and sir K., C.J.K.B. Ir. 578 ; L.J. Ir. 554 For I. INDEX OF NAMES. Gardener and Gardiner— co>if. Rt. Wm. and sir K., G.C.B. 770; G. Gibr. 670; gen. (D) 880; K.C.B. 775; K.C.H. 787 Steph., bp. Winch. 471 ; Ld. Chanc. 355; S. St. 223 Th. and sir T., A.G. 399; Rec. Lond. 494 ; S.G. 401 Wm., Amb. Pld. 126 Wm.,gen. (B)866 sir Wm., K.B. 763 Gardner, see also Gardener Alan, see Id. G., infra Alan Hy., adm. (H) 850 Anthy. W., Pres. Lib. 100 hon. Fras. Far., adm. (A) Geo. Hy., adm. (H) 851 Jno., bp. Line. 447 Rt., S.L. 408 Wm. Beth., gen. (D) 902 Hon. Wm. Hy., gen. (A) 863 Gardner, Ids. and vise. Alan, aft. sir A. and Ist Id. G., adm. (A) 816 ; L. Admy. 180 Al. Hyde, aft. 2nd Id. and (?) 1st vise. G., adm. (A) 818; K.C.B. 773 Garfield. J. A., Pres. U.S.A. 103 Gargrave, sir Th., Sp. H.C. 249 Garland, Hy. de, dn. Chich.434 Jno., K.H. 790 Jno. de, J. It. 366 Jos. Gulston, adm. (H) 845 Garlies, Ids. and vise. Jno., Id. or vise, aft. 7th E. of Galloway, q.v., B.T. 266 Geo., Id. or vise, aft. 8th E. of Galloway, q.v., L. Admy. 181 ; L.L. Kirke 510 Kand., vise, aft. 9th E. of Galloway, q.v., L.L. Kirke 510 ; L.L. Wigt. 512 Garlike, BenJ., Amb. Dk. 127; Amb. I'r. 118; Amb. Russ. 125 Garmston, Sanil.. gen.(D) 889 Garnault, Jos., gen. (D) 887 Garner, C. Hit. 81 Kd., M.M. 246 Th., gen. (D) 877 Garnet, Jno., bp. Ch-. 596; bp. Ferns and L. 622 Garnett, Jno., dn. Exr. 438 Gamier, Th., dn. Line 448; dn. Kip. 482 ; dn. Winch. 471 Garrard, sir Saml., L.M.Lond. 491 Th., Comm. Serjt. Lond. 495 Garratt, Jno., L.M. Lond. 492 Garrett, Hy., adm. (A) 820 Kt. and sir K., j.en (D) 893; K.C.B. 7781; K.H. 791 Garrick, Jas. Fras., K.C.M.G. 798 Garrow, Wm. and sir W., A.G. 400; B. Ex. .385 ; C.J. Chest. 386; Jud. Com. P.C. 3(>0 ; K.C. 415 ; P.C. 212 ; S.G. 402; S.L. 413 Garstin, Kd., gen. (D) 888 Kt. Loiigm., gen. (D) 899 Garth, Ch., C. Exc. 281 Geo., gen. (A) 859 Kd. and sir K., C.J. Bgal. 653 ; P.C. 221 ; Q.C. 418 Th., gen. (A) 860 list of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-352, Garthshore, W., L. Adn:- . 180 Garton. Th. de, B. Ex. :«:^ Garvag'h, Geo., Ist Id., form. G. Canning, L.L. Londy. 570 Oarrey or Oarvie Jno., abp. .\rm. .595 ; bp. Kilm. 607 : dn. Chr. Ch. Dbln. 618; dn. Ferns, 623 Garvock, Jno. and sir J., G.C.B. 770; gen. (D) 898; K.C.B. 779 Qarway, sir Hy., L.M. Lond. 491 Wm.. C. Cus. 273 Gascoicrne and Gascoyne Bamber, B.T. 265-6; L. Admy. 179 Ch., gen. (Dl 892 sir Crispe, L.M. Lond. 492 Edmd. de, W.C.P. 317 Em. Fk., gen. (D) 884 Is., gen. (Al 860 Jno. or Wm., K.B. 758 Jno. Hawk, gen. (D) 901 Rt. de, W.C.P. 317 Wm. or Jno., K.B. 758 Wm. and sir W., C.J.K.B. 370 ; S.L. 407 Gaselee, Steph., (No. 1), S.L. 413 Steph. (No. 2), and sir S., J.C.P. ; 380 K.C. 416 ; S.L. 413 Gasey, Jno., dn. Lich. 445 Gaskell, Jas. M., L.T. 160 Gaskin, J. S., G. Bdoes. 720-1 Gasper, bp. Ach. 612 Gastrell, Fras., bp. Chest. 477 Jas. Eardl., gen. (D) 917 J. P. Harris-, Amb. U.S.C. 134 Gate, see Gates Gatel. Ralph de. Const. T.L. 320 Gates (or Gate), sir Jno., C.D.L. 242 ; V.C.H. 296 Ph. C, C.C.J. 405; Q.C. 419 Th., B. Ex. 384 ; S.L. 409 Oatesden, .Jno. de, J.C.P. 376; Jy. 364 Gatt, Sav., gen. (D) 916 Gatta, Laur. de la, R. Cr. P.A. 335 Oatty, Alf. S., K. Dr. P.A. 338; Yk. H. 334 Oaudeby, Hugh de, M. Chy. 394 Ganden, Jno., bp. Exr. 437; bp. Wore 473 Gaunt, Jno. de, A.G. 398 Gauutstede, Sim.. L.K. 355; M. Chy.3'.il; M.K. 3«7 Gaudy and Gawdy Fras. and sir F., C.J.C.P. 375 ; J.Q.B. 372 ; S.L. 408 Hy., K.B. 761 Th., J.Q.B. 372; S.L. 408 Th. (senr.), S.L. 40H Gaveston, Piers, see E. of Cornwall Gawdy, see Gaudy Gawen, Roberts-, form. Ro- berts, q.v. Gawler, Geo., G. S. Aus. 706 ; K.H. 792 Gaye, Dougl.. gen. (S) 920 Gayer (or Gayre), Rt., K.B. 764 OaynesbnreTi Wm., bp. Wore. 472 Gayre, see also Gayer sir Jno,, L.M. Lond. 491 Gayton, Clerk, adm. (A) 814 Geo., adm. (A, 816 Geale, Benj., L.M. Dbln. 641 Geary, sir Fras., adm. (A) 814 Getjethorpe, \Vm., K.B. 756 Geddes, Jno., gen. (D) 885; K.H. 791 Gedding', Ralph de, Jy. 363 Gedg'e, Jno., adm. (H) 846 Gedney, Jno, L.M. Lond. 490 Gee, Ed., dn. Line. 448 Wm., dn. Pboro. 458 Geeres, Th., S.L. 411 Geffrey, see Geoffrey Geffrard, N. F., Pres. Hti. 105 Geide-Olgothach K. Ir. 20 Geils, Lt.-Col., G. V.D. Ld. 708 Geisa, I. and II., K. Hgy. 59 Gelasius, abp. and bp. Arm. 595 bp. Down, 603 I. and II., P. Ro. 33-4 Gell, Fk., bp. Mdras. 6.58 Jno., adm. (A) 816 Jno. Sh., gen. (D) 917 Gellian, Th., dn. Oss. 622 GelUe, Fras., gen. (D) 931 Gemeticensis, Rt., abp. Cant. 430 Geminus, C. S., C. Ro. 43 M. S. P., C. Ro. 43 P. S. (2), C. Ro. 42 Geneville, sir Geoffr. de, L.J. Ir. .550 Genouilly, Rigault de, K.C.B. 778 Gent, Th., B. Ex. 384; S.L. 408 Geoifrey, see also Galfrid and Jeffrey * bp. Lim. 638 * (of Monmouth), bp. St. As. 462 * (of Turvill), bp. Oss. 620 * bp. St. Dav. 464 * (bp. Coutance), Ch. Jr. 362 * dn. Chich. 433 * (archdia. Berks.), J. It. 366 * (archdn. Norw.), L.H.T. 152 * L.K. 353 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. (g. son Hy. I.), Pr. E. 9 (son Hy. II.), Pr. E. 9 ■ (2), dn. Her. 442 I. to III., D. Bry. 28 I. to VL, C. Anj. 27 George, bp. Kild. 616 Emp. Tzde. 98 (son of Id. Hastings), K.B. (1501) 759 cons, of Q. Anne, also Pr. of Denmark, D. of Cumber- land, q.v.,K.C.B. 7; K.G. 740; P.O. 192 (abb. of Holyrood House) L.P.S. Sc. 501 (iss. Ed. III.), Pr. E.ll (son Ed. IV.), Pr. E. 12 (son Q. Anne), Pr. E. 14 I., K. He. 96 ; K.G. 745 I. and II., Sg. H. Dt. 72 I. and II., Pr. Tva. 60 I. to III., R. Russ.89 I. to IV., K.E. 6, see also under George, Pr. W. E., P. E., El. Hnr. and K. Hnr. II. (K.E.), K.G. 741 II., D.S. Mgn. 79 For INDEX OF NAMES. George — cont. Albert, Pr. S. Rdt. 79 Aug. (aft. Geo. II., K.E.), El. Hnr. 71 ; K.G. 741 ; P.O. 196; Pr. E. 14; Pr. W. E. 9 Aug. Fred, (s., aft. Geo. IV., K.E.) Pr. E. 14 ; Pr. W. E. 9; K. Hnr. 71 Ch. Fk., D.S. Alt. 78 Den., B. Ex. Ir. 584; Rec. Dbln. 642 Fk., D.S. Mgn. 79 Fk., M. Bdn. 67 Fk. Ch.Jos., G.D. M. Str. 75 Fk. Darl., gen. (D) 901 Fk. Em. Alb. (g. son Q. Victoria), Pr. E. 15 Fk. &c., form. D. of Cumb. q.v., K. Hnr. 71 ; gen. (D)895 Fk. Hy., Pr. W. Pvr. 80 Fk. Wm. Ch. (g. son Geo. IIL), Pr. E. 15 Jno., J.Q.B. Ir. 579; S.G. Ir. 590 hevds (aft. Geo. I., K.E. ), El. Hnr. 70; K.G. 741; Pr. B. 13 Podiebrad, K. Bma. 59 Victor, Pr. W. Pyr. 80 Wm. (c.c. D. of ZeU), D. Brk. 70 ; K.G. 741 Wm., D. Pr. 65 Wm. (son Geo. II.), Pr. E. 14 Wm., Pr. L. Sch. 73 Wm., dn. Line. 448 Wm. Fk. Pr.,(aft Geo. III.), El. Hnr. 71; K.G. 742 ; K. Hnr. 71; Pr. E. 14; Pr.W. E.9 *Gerald, bp. Cork, 630 * bp. Cork and CI. 631 * (St.), bp. Mayo, 611 * dn. Ard. 609 * Prob. same pers. Comp. dates. Geran, bp. Saig. 620 Gerard and Gerrard ■ abp. Yk. 485 ; bp. Her. 441 bp. Drom. 604 • • (d. Alsace), D. Lne. 29 (abp. Aix), L.H.A. 170 And., bp. Abdn. 540 sir Ch., G.I. Man, 666 Cuthb., G. I. Man, 666 Gilb., K.B. 762 Gilb., Mod. K. Sc. 547 sir Gilb., A.G. :i98 ; Ld. Chanc.356; M.R. 388 sir Gilb., C.D.L. 242 sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 Kadd. G. I. Man, 666 Th., G. I. Man, 665-6 Wm., dn. St. Pat. 618; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576 sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 490 Gerawau, Flor., bp. Clonm. 600 Gerlach, Pr. Nass. 75 Germaine, see Id. Geo. Sack- ville ; see a?so Jermyn and St. Albans Germanus, bp. Isl. 539; bp. S. and M. 483 Gernemue, Ad. de, J. It. 365 Gernoun, Jno., C.J.C.P. Ir. 580 Gernum, Ralph, J. It. 367 Gerrard, see Gerard Gervais, Isaac, dn. Tm. 613 Gervase, bp. Drom. 604 bp. St. Dav. 464 Gery, Th., M. Chy. 396 < Gesalric, K. Sp. 85 i List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-i 1031 Gese, Jno., bp. Wford. and L. 627 Gestlingr, Jno. de, Jy., 364 Geta, C. L., C. Ro. 45 S., Emp. Ro. 47 Gethin, Abs., dn. Oss. 623 Gettour, Wm., L.H.A. 171 Gex, Jno. Pet. de, aft. sir J. Q.C. 418 Geyt, Geo. le, adm. (H) 844 Gheast, Edm., bp. Roch. 460; bp. Sal. 467 Ghika, A., H. Wca. 94 Pr. A. D., H. Wca.94 G. A., H. Mva. 94 Ghiuucci, Jer. de, bp. Wore. 473 Gholam Hussun, &c., Nawab, K.C.S.I. 803 Ghulam, Mirza, C.I.E., 807 Gib, Wm. Anthy., gen. (D) 928 Gavin, Modr. K. Sc. .547 Gibtoervin, Geoff., Jy. 364 Gibbon, Gybon, and Gybbon Ed., B.T. 266 ■ Ed. H., Mowb. H. 340; Norr. K.A. 330 ; Yk. H. 334 Jas. Rt., gen. (D) 909 Jno., Bl. M. P.A. 336 Jno., L.H.A. 172 Matth. C. H., Richmd. H. Ph., S.L.R. 271 Th., dn. Carl. 476 Th., S.L. 411 • Th. Mitch., CLE. 806 Gibbons, Ed., C. Cus. 274 sir Jno., K.B. 765 Phil., L.T. 157 Sills, J. and sir S., L.M. Lond. 492 Wm.. L.M. Dbln. 641 Gibbs, Ed. and sir E., G. Jsey. 668; gen. (B) 870; K.C.B. 776 Fk. Waym., Q.C. 419 Jno. Innes, gen. (D) 912 Michl., L.M. Lond. 492 Saml. and sir S., gen. (C) 873 ; K.C.B. 774 Vic. and sir V., A.G. 400 C.B. Ex. 382: C.J.C.P. 376 C.J. Chest. 386; J.C.P. 380 K.C. 415 ; P.C. 209 ; S.G. 402 S.L. 412 Gibson, sir Alex., Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 ; Ld. Sess. 519 Edg., gen. (D)900 Edm., bp. Line. 447 ; bp. Lond. 452; P.C. 197 Ed., aft. Id. Ashbourne, q.v.. A.G. Ir. 589 ; Ld. Chanc. Lr. 577 Jas. Brown, K.C.B. 779 Jno. dn. Down. 605 sir Jno., J. Pr. Ct. 421 Jno. Geo., A.G. Ir. 589; J.Q.B.D. Ir. 580; S.G. Ir. 590; S.L. Ir. 593 Jno. Th., gen. (D) 881 Th.Milner, P.C. 215; Pres. B.T. 269 ; V.P.B.T. 269 Wm., Ld. Sess. 518 Gibsone, Dav. A., gen. (D) 889 Jno. Ch. Hope, gen. (D) 897 Gidney, Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 Gidoin, Jno.Lew., adm. (A) 816 Giffard., see also Gifford Geo., adm. (D) 833; (P) 838 ; K.C.B. 780 Geo. M. and sir G., Jud. Com. P.C. 361; L.J. App.389; P.C. 218; Q.C. 418; V. Chanc. 1032 GiSa.rd—cout. Godfr., bp. Wore. 472 ; J. It. 368 ; Ld. Chanc. 353 Hard. St., aft. sir S. and Id. Halsbury, q.v., Jud. Com. P.C. 362; Ld. Chanc. 358; P.C. 220; Q.C. 418; S.G. 403 Hy. Alexr., Q.C. 419 Hugh, Const. T.L. 320 ; J.C.P. 376 ; Jy. 364 )no.,adni. (A) 819 Jno., adm. (Q)840 Jno., K.B. 754 Jno. \V. de L.. C.C.J. 405 Nichs., K.H. 755 lid., J. It. 366 Walt., abp. Yk. 4a5; bp. ]i. & W. 427 ; Const. T.L. 320; L.H.T. 152 ; Ld. Chanc. 3.'53 Wm., bp. Winch. 470; Ld. Chanc. 352-3 Olfford, see also Gififard Ad., Ld. Sess. 521 Godfr., see Giffard Jas., adm. (H) 844 (or Gyfford), Jno., K.B. 759 Kt., see Id. G., infra Th., bp. Kild. 616 Wm., Ken. (C) 874 sir Wm., C. Exc. 279; G. Gr. Hosp. 854 Giflord, Ids. lit., aft. sir K. and Id. G., A.G. 400; C.J.C.P. 376; M.K.:W8; P.C. 210; S.G. 402; S.L. 413 Oigles, Jno., bp. Wore. 473 Silv., bp. ^^ ore. 473 Gilbert, Gillebert, and Giselbert ' abp. Arm. 595; bp. llph. 601 * bp. Ardf. & Agh. 639 ; du. Ardf. 610 ' bp. Brn. 5'iiO ■ bp. Clonm.600 ' bp. Cork, 630 bp. Dkld. .5:33 * bp. Gall. 538 ' bp. Isl. 539 " (GiUe or Gillebert), bp. Lim. 638 * (Universalis), bp. Lond. 4.51 * bp. St. As. 462 * (of Galloway), bp. S. and M.483 * dn. Clonm, 600 * dn. Cloy. 632 ♦ Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. C. Lux. 84 D. Bdy. 28 D. Lne. 29 Ash. T., bp. Chich. 433 Davis, Pres. K. Soc. 940 Geoffr. or Jeff, and sir G., B. Ex. 384; C.B. Ex. 382; C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; J. K.B. Ir. 579; L.K. and C.G.S. 3.57; S.L. 411 Jno., abp. Yk. 486; bp. Llfif. 449; bp. Sal. 467 ; dn, P.C. Ino., bp. Bgr. 426 ; bp. Her. •■ •• L.H.T. Kxr. 438; P.C. 200 ■ - - bp.Her 441 ; bp. S't. Uav. 464 153 Ph. Ed. v., gen. (D) 926 lU., bp. Lond. 451 ; dn. Yk. 487 Walt. Kal. and sir W., Kon. (D)879 ; G.C.B. 769 ; K.C.B. 777 Wm., gen. (D) 877 For INDEX OF NAMKS. Oilbertus, see Gilbert Qildea, Geo. Fk., gen. (D) 931 Jno. Arth., gen. (D) 910 Giles (or Gyles), Edm., M. Chy. 395 Gilford. Rd. .Tas., Id., aft. 4th E. of Clanwilliam, q.v., adm. (E)836 ; L. Admy. 185 Gill, J. B., Pres. Pgy. 110 Th., adm. (H) 847 Wm., L.M. Lond. 4^2 Gillan, Jno., bp. Dnbl. 542; Sc. bp. .545 Rt., Modr. K. Sc. 547 GUle and Gillebert, see (iilbert Gillespie, Hy. Jas., gen. (D) HS9 OlanviOle, Barth. de, J. It. 367 Fras. Rt., gen. (Di 916 Gilb. de. bp. Roch. 459 J. It. 366 ; Jy. 363 Jno. J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 Jno. and sir J., Sp. H.C. 249; S.L. 409 Osb. de, Jy. 363 Ran. de, Ch. Jr. 362 ; J. It. 366 ; .Ty. 363 Wm. de, Jy. 361 Glappa, K.K. 2 Glascock and Glasscock E.I., C. St. Ir. 5(W Tall). Br. M., gen. (Di933 Wm.. M. Chy. 395-^l-,?- °* 'g- son of Geo. II.), F.M. 856; gen (A) 858;K.G.742;P.C.20r *^ — - Wm Fk., D. of, sou of last ^}?T,^^r';^^°- Hawl. and sir J., G.C.M.G. 795; G. Lag. 687 G.^Leew. Isl. 728; G. Newfd. — Rt.,Ptc. C.A.337; Som.H. — — Wm., S.L. 413 Glycerius, Emp. W.E. 49 Glyn, Glynn, and Glynne — -hon. Geo., aft. 2nd Id. « olverton, q.v.. Sec. Tr. 164 — ^hou. Hy. Carr, adm. (E) Hy. Ed., adm. (A) 819 Jno., dn. Bgr. 426 Jno., S.L. 412 -— Jna and sir J., C.J.K.B. 409-10 '^' ^^'^' ^-^^ — - JuUus Ed. and sir J., gen (D) 906 ; K.C.B. 781 ' ^®"- sir Ed., L.M. Lond. 492 — ^su: Ed. Carr, L.M. Lond. Rd. Th., gen. (D) 925 sir St. Ed., L.L. FHnts, 314 — -Wm., bp. Bgr. 426 ^oare, sir Jno., L.M. Lond. Gobat, Saml., bp. Jslm. 677 Godljolt, Jno., J.C.P. 379 • S L 409 ' ■ ■ Godby, Clir., gen. (D) 887 ——Jno. Hardy, adm. (H) **Og^dard, Captu., G. Bmda Guib., S.L. 410 Jno., gen. (D 919 Th., M.M. 247 Godefridus, see Godfrey ^Godeleig-h, Jno., bp. Exr (nom.) 436 '" Jno. de, du. Wells, 428 * Prob. same pers. Goderede, Wm., J.K.B. 371- S.L. 407 ' Goderick, see Goodricke Godericli, see also Goodrich -— - Fk. Jno., vise, form. F. J. Epbmson, q.v., aft. E. of Ripon,g.y.; L.T. 159 ; W.and C. Sec. 231 Godericus, bp. St. Andr. 528 For INDEX OF NAMES. Godfrey, Godfridns, and Godefndus bp. B. and W. 427 (or Wm.) bp. Chich. 432 bp. St. As. 462 C. Hit. 81 D. Tny. .57 (de Bouillon), K. Jsm. 97 I. to IX., D. Lne. 29 Ed., M. Chy. 396 Godley, Jno. Arth., CLE 286 U.S. Ind. 236 Godman, Jos., Sec. P.O 239 —-Ed. Temp., gen. (D) 924 Godmundus, bp. Eoch. 459 Godolphin, Ch., C. Cus. 274 Hy., dn. St. P. 453 Eras., K.B. 763 Eras., .see E. of G., infra ~Tr'ct:'iii ^'''"- ^'- '"'■■ '■ Godolphin, Ids. and E. of Sydney, aft. 1st Id. and E ot G., and vise. Eialton, q.v., Ch. Ex. 164 ; K.G. 741; L H T 140 ; L.T. 141, 155 ; L.L.CnwaU: 307; P.C. 192,4; Prem. 140-1 ; S. St. 224 hon. Eras., vise. Eialton, q.v., aft.2udE. of G.,Co£f.H 293 ; Gr. St. 303-4 ; L.P.S. 240 • ^P.C. 197; Tell. Ex. 167 Godred (Crovau) I., K. Man. 665 —— (Crovau) II., K. Man. 665 Godschal, sir Et.,L.M. Lond. Godson, Ed., Q.C. 417 Godwin, Godwinus, and Godwya ' bp. Lich. 443 dn. St. P. 452 (3) bp. Norw. 459 ' (3) bp. Eoch. 459 V/44T''^-''''^-"''^P- * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. — Hy., gen. (D) 882; K.C.B, Matt., adm. (D) 824 — - Th., abp. B. andW.428; dn. Cant. 431 ; dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 Tim., bp. Cash, and Eml. 626 ; bp. Kihu. and Ard. 607 Goe, Field PI., bp. Melb. 705 Goens, Eyck. Van (No. 1), G Ceyl. 672 ——Eyck. Van (No. 2), G. Ceyl Gog'an, see Gorgan Gogfh, .Jno., M. Chy. 393 Gog-wan (or Gucanor or Gu- canus), bp. Llff. 449 Goliur, &c., CLE. 806 Golafre, Jno., G. Ch. Isl. 667 Goltoorne, Chr., dn. Kild. 619 Golbourn, Wm., bp. Kild. 617 u-old, Ch. EmU., gen. (D) 895 -— - Wm. Geo., gen. (D) 894 Goldtoeter, Barth., M.M 246 Goldesburg-h, see Golds- borough Goldfinch, Hy., gen. (D) 879 • K.C.B. 777 Goldie, Alesi-. Jno., gen. (A) 1033 Golding-, Ed., B.C. 252; L.T. -— \yalt., B. Ex. Ir. 583 Goldmg-ton, Wm. de, J. It. Goldsboroug-h and Goldes- burg^h Ed., B. Ex. .38:3 Godtr., bp. GIr. 43S sir Jno.. Sp. H.C. 248 Th., B. Ex. 383 Goldsmid, Alb., gen. (D) 892 Fras. Hy., Q.C 418 Fk. Jno. and sir F.. gen (I>)913; K.C.S.I. 803 ' Goldsmith, Ed., dn. Elph. 609 Geo., adm. (D) 8:32; (P) 838 Is., dn. Cloy. 633 — - Leofst., Portr. Lond. 488 Golds-worthy, Burrington, C. St. 233 Josh. Webb., gen. (D) 896 Ph.. gen. IB) 866 Rog. Tuckf. and sir E.. G Br. Hond. 714; G. Gren. 'i*; G.^W.730; G.St. Luc. 72a ; K.C.M.G. 799 —-Walt Tuckf., gen. (D) 928 Goldwell, Jas., bp. Nor-n'.455; du Sal. 468; Eegr. Gart. 746 — Th;. bp. Oxf. 4.56 ; bp. St. Goilenesse, Jul. Val. St. Van, G. Ceyl. 672 Gomensoro, T.. Pres. Ugy. Geo. Dashw. T., K.C.M.G. Geo. K.C.B. 7.. Th., gen. (B) 866 L-. gen. (D) List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952 Gomm, Wm. Mayn. and sir \V ., CC Ind. 6.51; Const. T.L .;21; F.M. 856; G.C.B. 770; KCB 7-5 '^^^' ^^'^' '"^^ ^'^' Gondemar, K. Bdy. 28 Gondibert, K. Lmd. 49 Gondulph, K. Sc. 19 GonshuU, Th. de, K.B. 754 Gontran, K. Fr. 22 Gonzales, Ig., Pres. Dom. Eep. M., Pres. Mex. 104 - — St. J., Pres. S. Salv. 106 Gooch, Th., bp. Brl. 439; bp. Iiily, 435 ; bp. Norw. 4.55 Th Le-wis, adm. (H) 848 — - sir Wm., gen. (C) 871 Goodacre, Hugh, abp. Arm. 595 Goodall, Sam. Cranst., adm (A) 815 Goode, Wm., dn. Eip. 482 Goodenoug-h, Arth. Cvr., gen (D)904 ■ Edm., dn. Wlls. 429 Geo. Tr., C Tx. 2a5 Hy. Ph., gen. (D) 907 Saml., bp. Carl. 476 ; dn. Eoch. 461 — Wm. Howl., gen. (D) 929 Goodfello V, Clu-., S.L. 410 Geo. Eitso, CLE. 808 Saml., gen. (D) 878 Wm. Barke, gen. CD) 898 - — Wm. West. gen. (D) 926 Goodier, sir — . C.Y.G 298 Gooding-e, Th., S.L. 411 Goodlake, Ger. Litt.. gen. (D) Goodman, Gabr., dn. Westr. 46J — -Godfr.. bp. Glr. 438; bp. Her. 441 ; dn. Eoch. 461 Jno.. dn. Wlls. 429 — ■ Steph. Arth., gen. (D) 880; 1034 Goodrich and Oaodricke, see alsu Goderich Fras., K.C. 41J sir Hy., L.G.O. 259 ; P.C. 194 sir Jnc, Amb. Sw. 126 ; B.T. 267 ; P.C. 203 Rd., M. Chy. 395 Th., bn. ?:iy, 435; Ld. K. and lA. Chanc. 355 Ooodsman, Dav., cen. (D) 691 Ooodwiu and Ooodwyn - — ■ Alfr. Geo., gen. (D) 898 Harv., bp. Carl. 476; dn. Ely, 435 Hy., gen. (D) 895 Julius Edm., gen. (D) 903 Rt., Comni. Ir. 554 Wm., dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 Ooold, Th., S.L. Ir. 593 Ooranus, K. Sc. 18 G >rdianus, I. to III., Emp. Ko. 47 Gordon, Abrm. Hy., gen. (D) 890 Ad., gen. (C) 873 Id. Adam, gen. (A) 858 Alexr., bp. Abdn. 530; L.P.S. Sc. 500 Alexr., bp. Gall. 538; bp. Isl. 539 ; Ld. Sess. 517 Alexr., gen. (D) 896 hon. Alexr., K.C.B. 775 hon. Alexr., Ld. Sess. 520 Alexr. Crombic, adni. (H) 851 sir Alexr. Duff, C.I.R. 285 hon., Alexr. Ham. and sir A., gen. (D) 898; K.C.B. 780 Alexr. Wm., gen. (D) 914 Andr., gen. (B) 866 hon. Arth. Ham. and sir A., G.C.M.G. 795; G. Ceyl. 673; G. Fiji, 711; G. Mtius. 684; G. N. Brk. 696: G. N.Z. 709; G. Trin. 722; G. W. Pacif. 711 ; K.C.M.G. 796 Benj., gen. (A) a59 Benj. Forbes, gen. (B) 868 Benj. Lumsd., gen. (D) 931 Ch., adm. (D) 827 ; (G) 840 Ch. A. Bosw., gen. (D) 924 Ch. B., adni. (H) 846 Ch. Ed. P., gen. (Di 909 Ch. Geo., gen. (D) 924 Ch. Hy., gen. (DI908 Ch. Sp. S. E., gen. (D) 918 Cosm., B. Ex. Sc. 521 Cosm.. gen. (A) 863 Edw. Str., see Id. G. infra Gabr., G. Br. Hond. 714; gen. (A) 862 • Geo., dn. Exr. 438; dn. Line. 448 sir Geo., aft. 1st Id. Haddo and E. of Aberdeen, q.v., L.P. Ct. Sess. .516 ; Ld. Sess. 519; Pres. P.C. Sc. .500 Geo. .J no. Robt., Amb. Hnr. 120; Amb. Sw. and N. 127; Amb. Swz. 114; Amb. Ugy. 137 Geo. Th., adm. (E) 835; (P)838 Hy., adm. (D) 825 ; (G) 840 Hy. ^^■In., gen. (D) 887; K.C.B. 7Ki Hugh Mack., gen. (B) HiS .Ta8.,gcn. (D)H'.H) Jas. Alexr. and sir J., adm. (B)821; (D)825; G.C.B. 769; G. Gr. Hosp. HTyi ; K.C.B. 774 ; L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 For INDEX OF NAMES. Gordon— co>i<. Jas. Dav., K.C.8.I. 803 Jas. Gabr., adm. (H) 849 Jas. Murr., adm. iD) H27 Jas. Will, and sir J., G.C.B. 768; G.C.H. 786; gen. (A) 862; K.C.B. 774 Jno., bp. GaU. 538 Jno., bp. GaJl. 539 Jno., dn. Sal. 468 Jno., gen. CD) 892 Jno., gen. (D) 921 hon. Jno., adm. (K) 846 Id. Jno. Pk., G.C.H. 787 Jno. Jas. Hood, gen. ( D) 931 Jno. Wm. and sir J., gen. (D)901; K.C.B. 779 Lewis, Ld. Sess. 520 Lewis, Modr. K. Sc. 547 Lewis Conway, CLE. 807 Rt., adm. (H) 817 Rt., B.C. 253; Sec. B.C. 254 ; Sec. Tr. 163 Rt., G. Berb. 715 Rt., Mod. K. Sc. 547 hon. Rt. and sir R., Amb. Aust. 117; Amb. Bzl. 135; Amb. Tkv. 129; G.C.B. 772; G.C.H. 786 ; P.C. 210 Saml. Edw., gen. (D) 908 Th., K.H. 792 Th. Ed., gen. (D) 931 Wm., adm. (A) 814 Wm., adm. (H) 847 ♦ Wm., K.B. 765 * Wm. and sir W., Amb. G. St. 121 ; Amb. Dk. 127 * '> Same pers. Wm., bp. Abdn. 530 Wm., C.C.J. 403 Wm., CLE. 806 ; gen. (D) 925 Wm., gen. (D) 906 hon. Wm., adni. (D) 827 ; L. Admy. 183 hon. Wm., gen. (A) 859 Id. Wm., V.A. Sc. 499 Wm. Ale.xr., gen. (Dl 880 Wm. Br., K.C.M.G. 798 Wm. Elr., adm. (E) 837 Wm. Evr. Alph. adm. (H) 851 Wm. Rt., gen. (D) 930 Gordon, Ids. and D. of. See also Richmond and Gordon Ed. Str., aft. Id. G., D. Fac. Sc. ,527 ; Jud. Com. P.C. 361 ; L. App. 358 ; Ld. Adv. 526; P.C. 219; S.G. Sc. 527 Geo., Id., aft. 2nd M. of Huntley, (j.v., K.B. 762 Geo., 1st D. of, K.T. 747 , Cosmo Geo., 3rd. D. of, K.T. 747 Alexr., 4th D. of, K.T. 748; L.K. Sc. 503; L.L. Abdn. 508 Geo., 5th D. of, form. E. of Abovne and M. of Huntley, ., gen. (D) 800 (or Oraiuilham), Jno. L.M. Lond. 48il Th., gen. (D)889 Wm. and sir W., J.Q.B.D. 374 ; Q.C. 419 Orantham. Ids. and E. of Hy. of Nassau, E. of, P.C. 197 INDEX OF NAMES. Grantham, Ids. and E. ot—cont. Th., 1st Id., form, sir T. Robinson, q.v., M.G.W. 296; Postm. G. 238 Th., 2nd Id., form. hon. Th. Robinson, q.v., Amb. Spn. 123 ; B.T. 267 ; H. Sec. 226 ; Pres. B.T. 26C Th. Ph., 3rd Id., aft. E. de Grey, q.v., L.L. Beds. 306 Orantley, Fl., 1st Id., form, sir F. Norton, q.v., B.T. 267 Oranville, sir liev., G. Bdoes. 720; gen. (Cl 871 Den., dn. Dham. 479 Geo., aft. Id. Lansdowne, q.v.. Sec. at W., 233 Oranville, Ids. and E. Granville Family. sir Jno., Id. Gr., aft. 1st E. of Bath, q.v., L.W.S. 323 hon. Jno., aft. Id. Gr. of Potheridge, L.G.O. 259 ; L.L. Cnwall. 307; L.W.S. 323; P.C. 195 Carteret Family. Jno., 2nd E., form. Id. Car- teret, q.v., K.G. 742; L.P.C. 188 ; S. St. 224 Lcveson-Goiuer Family. Granv., 1st vise, and E. Gr., form. Id. Gr. Leveson- Gower, q.v., Amb. Fr. 113; Amb. Nds. &c. 123; G.C.B. 772 ; Sec. at W. 234 Gr. Geo., 2nd E., form. Id. Leveson, q.v., Amb. Russ. 126; C.D.L. 243; C. Sec. 235; F. Sec. 228-9 ; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; K.G. 744; L.P.C. 188; M.B.H. 303; P.C. 215 ; Paym. G. 244; U.S.F. 230; V.P.B.T. 269; W.C.P. 319 Oras, Jno. de, K.B. 754 Nichs. le, J. It. 368 Oratian, Kmp. W.E. 49 Orattan, Jas., Rec. Dbln. 642 Jno., gen. iD) 896 sir Rd., L.M. Dbhi. 641 Orauntham, tiec Grantham Grave, Kt., bp. Ferns and L., 622; bp. Llin. 622; dn. Cork, 0;i2 Graves, Ch., bp. Lim. A. and A. 639 ; dn. Clonf . 637 Harry Meggs, gen. (D) 892 Jas., gen. (C)874 Jno. Cr., gen. (D) 921 Nichs., dn. Drom. 606 Rd., dn. Ard. 609 Saml., adm. (A) 814 Th., dn. Cnr. 605 Th. and sir Th., adm. (A) 817; K.B. 706 Th., see Id. G., infra Wm., gen. (D) 913 Win., M. Chy. 397 Graves, Ids. Th., aft. 1st Id. G., adm. (A) 815 Thos. N., 2nd Id., C. Exc. 282 Gravesend, Ben. or Rd. de, bp. Line. 446; bp. Lond. 451; dn. Line 4 18 Stepii. de, bp. Lond. 451 Graviere, Jean P. E. J. de la, K.C.B. 778 GravlUo, Jno. G. F. de M. Count do, K.G. 740 Gray, sec al.so Grey Kdmd. Dwyer, L.M. Dbln. 642 Gray— cojit. Fras., see Id. Gr., infra sir Jas., Amb. Scy. 114 ; Amb. Spn. 123 ; K.B. 765 ; P.C. 202 Jas. Cl. Charm., gen. (D> 894 Jno., Ld. Clk. Reg. 524 Jno., Q.C. 418 Rt., bp. Brl. 439 — Ralph, K.B. 756 Ralph, K.B. 759 Rd., K.B. 756 Rt., bp. C. Tn. 679 Rog., L.J. It. 552 Th., dn. Ardf. 640; dn. Wford. 628 Wm., gen. (D) 877 "Wm., gen. (D) 913 Wm. Jno., gen. CD) 920 Gray, Ids. Andr. Ld., L.J. Gen. (1504) — ^"Patr. Ld., Ld. Sess. (1584) 517 hon. Fras., aft. Id. G.. Postm. G.Sc. (1807)503 Oraydon, Geo., gen. (D) 902; K.H. 790 Jno., adm. (A) 813 Gream, Rt. Nev., gen. (D) 928 Greathed, Ed. Harr. and sir E., gen. (D) 903; K.C.B. 779 Wm. Wilb. H., gen. (D) 917 Greaves, Ch. Spr., Q.C. 417 Geo. Richards and sir G., gen. iD) 925; K.C.B. 781; K.C.M.G. 797 Jno. Em., L.L. Cam. 314 Rd., gen. (D) 891 Th., dn. Ardf. 640 Grecielus, bp. Llff. 448 Greeke, Th., H. Kx. :tfU Green, Greene, and Grene Andr. Pell, and sir A., adm. (D) 828 ; (G) 840 ; gen. (D) 911 ; K.C.H. 788; K.H. 789 Ch., Lane. H.333 Ch. and sir C, G. Gren. 724 ; gen. (A) 861 Ch. Jas., gen. (D) 895 Ch. Wm., gen. (D) 908 Ed. and sir E., gen. (D) 895; K.C.B. 779 Ed. Arth., gen. (D) 910 Em. Aug., gen. (D) 935 Geo. Wade Guy and sir G., gen. (D) 9ftS; K.C.B. 780 G., L. Admy. 175 Hy., Leic. H. and K.A. 340 Hy. and sir H., C.J.K.B. 369; J.C.P. 377; S.L. 406 Hy. Dav., Q.C. 420 Jas., Bl. M. P.A. 336 Jno., bp. Line. 447 ; dn. Line. 448 Jno., bp. S. and M. 483 Jno., bp. Wore. 472 * Jno., Rec. Lond. 494 ♦ Jno., S.L. 409 • Prob. same pers. Jno., S.L. 411 Jno., Sp. H.C. 248 Jno. and sir J., Amb. D. I'r. 128 : Amb. Rnui. 128 Jno. S.T., C.C.J. 403 Jno. Wm., gen. (S) 932 sir Jonas, Rec. Dbln. 642 Jos. Hy., Pres. Coll. Surg. For Lint of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. C.C.J. Abdn. 9; Ld. Oreen, Greene, and Grene— cont. ■ Ed. Wilson, A.G. Ir. 588- B Ex. Ir. 584; S.G. Ir. 590; S.L. Ir. 593 — — Th., bp. Ely, 435 ; bp.Norw. 455 Th., dn. Sal. 468 • Th., L.M. Dbln. 641 Th. L., gen. (D) 888 Th. W., Q.C. 418 ■ Wm., dn. Ach. 614 Wm., K.H. 792 sir Wm., gen. (A) 859 -— • Wm. Con., dn. Chr. Ch. Dbln. 619 Wm. Hy. E. and sir W., gen. (D) 913 ; K.C.S.I. 802 — - Wm. Kirby, Amb. Mco. 132 ; Amb. Mgo. 128 ; K.C.M.G. Oreenaway, Th., gen. (D) 922 Greene, see Green Oreenfeld and Greenfield see also Grinfield Jno., S.L. 407 (or GreuviUe) Th., K B 759 -— Wm. de, abp. Yk. 485 ; dn. Chich. 434; Ld. Chanc. 353; M. Chy. 393 Greenford, Jno. de, bp.Chich. 432; dn. Chich. 433 Greenhalg-h, Jno., G. I. Man, Greenhill, Jas. Dav., gen. (D) 876 Greenhow, Wm. T. 405 Greenlaw, Gilb., bp 530; bp. St. Andr. 5 Chanc. Sc. 515 Greenock, Id. Ch. Miu:r Cathc, K.C.B. 776 Grsenstreet, ,Tno., gen. (D) 876 Greenwell, Leon., and sir L., gen. (C) 875; K.C.B. 776; K.C.H. 788 Greenwich, D. of, see ArevU andGr. ^^ Greenwood, Jno., Q.C. 417 Greer, Hy. Harp., gen. 'D) 90S Greg-, Wm. E., C. Cus. 277 Greg-g, .Jno.' bp. Cork, CI. and E. 632 Et. Sanil., bp. Cork, CI. and E. 632 ; bp. Oss. F. and L. 622 Gregorius and Greg^ory * abp. Tm. 611 ; bp. Elph 608 * bp. Brn. 530 * bp. Cork, 630 * bp. and abp. Dbln. 615 * (No. 1), bp. Dkld 533 ; Ld Chanc. Sc. 514 * (No. 2), bp. Dkld. 533 *■ bp.Mor. 534 * bp. Eoss. 535 * bp. St. Andr. 528 * Ld. Clk. Eeg. 524 * Prob. same pers. Comp. dates. K. Sc. 19 I. to XVI., P. Eg. 33-4-5-6 Ch. Hutt., K.C.M.G. 798 • Dav., dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 Geo., adm. (A) 818 Geo., St. O. 260 Jas., dn. Kild. 619 Jno., G. Bah. Isl. 716 For INDEX OF NAMES. Gregorius and Gregory— cow t. Jno., G. Jam. 712 Et., Chn. E.I. Co. 644 -— - Wm., C. Exc. Ir.. 566 ; U.S. Ir. 563 Wm., L.M. Lond. 490 Wm. and sir W., B. Ex 384; J.C.P. 379; J.K.B. 373;' S.L. 410 ; Sp. H.C. 249 Wm. Hy., G. Ceyl. 673 Wm. Hy., K.C.M.G. 797 Greg-aon, Wm., U.S. Home 227 Greig-, Hect., K.C.M.G. 796 GreinviUe, see Grenville Greisley, Jno., K.B. 755 Grene, see Green Grenefeld and Grenefield, see Greenfeld Greneford, see Greenford Greuehurst, Ealph, M. Chy. Grenfell, Eras. WaU., K.C.B. 781 Sidn., adm., (E) 835 ; (P) Grenville and GreinviUe, see also GranviUe and Temple Ad. de, J.C.P. 377; J. It. 368; Jy.365 Eust. de. Const. T.L. 32 hon. Geo., aft. Nugent- Temple, 2nd E. Temple and 1st M. of Buckingham, ci v TeU. Ex. 167; Ch. Ex. 165; L. Admy. 178 ; L.T. 157 ; P.C. 199 ; Prem. 143 ; S. St. 224 ; Tr. N. hon. Geo. Nev., dn. Winds. 474 hon. Hy., Amb. Tky. 129- C. Cus. 276 ; G. Bdoes. 720 Jas., aft. Id. Glastonbury, B.T. 267; L.T. 158; P.C. 204 hon. Jas., B.T. 264-5 ; Cofif. H. 294 ; L.T. 157 ; P.C. 200 ; V Treas. Ir. 560 lady Mary J. N. B. C, Cr Ind. 809 — Ed., gen. (A) 859 (or Grenefield), Th., K.B 759 Thos., Ld. Admv. 181 P.C. 206 ; Pres. B.C. 252 Wm. Wyndh., aft. Id. G., Aud. Ex. 167; B.C. and Pres! B.C. 2.52; B.T. 267; C. Treas. Ir. 561: Ch. Sec. Ir. 562; F Sec. 228; H. Sec. 226; L.T. 158; Pres. B.C. 2.52; P.C. 204- Paym. G. 245 ; Prem. 144 ; Sp H.C. 250; V.P.B.T.269 Gresham, sir Jno., L.M Lond. 490 -— sir Ed., L.M. Lond. 490 Gretton, Geo., dn. Her. 442 Greville and Grevyl Algu., Bath K.A. 785; B and Gl. K.A. 330 -^Algn. W. P., see Id. Gr., infra hon. Chas., P.C. (1783) 204 ; Tr. H. 291; B.T. 266; U.S Home 227 Ch. Fulke, V.C.H. 297 — ^hon. Ch. Fras., L. Admy. hon. Ch. Jas. and sir C, gen. (C) 874; K.C.B. 774 Fulke, Amb. G. St. 121 — - sir Fulke, aft. 1st Id. Brooke, Ch. Ex. 154 ; KB List of Abbreviations, see i)p. 944- 1037 GreviUe and Grevyl— ooh<. Id. Geo., aft. 2nd E. of Warwick, q.v., B.T. 266 Hy. Fras., adm. (D) 83 Stapl. Jas., adm. (H) 852 — -Wm. J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 Greville of Clonvn, Ids. —-Fulke, S., 1st "Id., L.L. W. Meath, 571 hon. Algn. W. Fulke, aft. 2nd Id. G., L.T. 162 Grevy, P. p. j., Pres. Fr. 25 Grevyl, see Greville Grey, see also Gray hon. Ch., gen. (D) 885 hon. Ch., see Id. G., infra sir Ch., G.J. Bgal. 652 sir Ch. Ed., G. Bdoes., &c. 719-20; G.C.H. 787; G. Jam. 713; G. Trin. 722; P.C. 213 —— hon. Edw., bp. Her. 442 ; dn. Her. 442 hon. Fc. Wm. and sir F.; adm. (D) 830 ; (E) 8:34 ; K.C.B. 778; G.C.B. 770; L. Admy, Geo., K.B. 757 hon. Geo., adm. (D) 831; (P) 838 ; B. and Gl. K.A. 3:30 Bath K.A. 785 hon. Geo. and sir G., G. C.G.H. 679; G. N.Z. 709; G. S. Austr. 706; K.C.B. 782 sir Geo., C.D.L. 243; C. Sec. 234; G.C.B. 772; H. Sec. 227; J.A.G. 9:37; P.C. 213: U.S.W. and C. 231 sir Geo., gen. (B) 865 hon. sir Geo., K.C.B. 775 Hy. Geo. and sir H., G.C.B. 768; G. C.G.H. 679; G.C.H. 786 ; gen. (Al 861 ——Jno. de, abp. Cant, (nom.) 430 ; bp. Norw. 454 ; J. It. 368: Jy. 364 ; L.J. Ir. 550 Jno., dn. Lism. 629 Jno., gen. (B) 868 Jno., gen. (C) 871 Jno., K.B. 758 Jno. and sir J., C.C. Bbay, 660; gen. (D) 877; K.C.B. 777 — sir Jno. de, K.G. 735; L.L. Ir. 552 Jno. Wm., gen. (D) 900 Ealph, see Id. Gr., infra -—Ealph W., Sec. P.L.B. 262 ; C. Cus. 277 Ed., G. Ch. Isl. 667 Ed., K.B. 754 Ed., K.B. 757 Rd. de, W.C.P. 317 Sim. de, W.C.P. 318 -— Th. de. B.T. 266; U.S.C. sir Th., E.M. 326 — - Walt, de, abp. Yk. 485; bp. Lich. and Cov. 443; bp. Wore. 472 ; Const. T.L. ;320 ; Jy- 364; L.H.T. 152; Ld. Chanc. 353 -— Wm., bp. Ely, 435; bp. Line. 446 ; bp. Lond. 451 ; dn. Yb. 487 Wm. and sir W., G. Jam. 713; K.C.S.I. 803; L.G. Bgal. 652 Wm. de, aft. sir Wm. and Id.Walsingham, q.v., A.G. 399 : C.J.C.P. 376; K.C. 415; P.C. 202; S.G. 402; S.L. 412 hon. Wm. G., Amb. Fr. 113 Grey, Ids., see North and Grey 1038 Grey of Codnor, Ids. Jiio.ard Id.. K.G. 733 Kd., 4th Id.. K.G. 734; L.H..\. 173 Grey i>f Howick, Ids. and E. C'h.. att. 1st Id. and 1st E. Or.. G. Gsev. fifiO ; gen. (A) a59 ; K.B. 765 ; P.C, 206 hon. Ch. ( vise. Howick, q.v.) aft. -ind Earl Grey; K.G. 743 ; L. Adiiiy. 181 ; L. T. 160; P.C. 208; I'lein. 146. Hy. Geo., 3rd E., form. vise. Howick, q.v., G.C.M.G. 795; K.G. 744: L.L. Nbland. 310; W.&C. Sec. 231 Grey cf Kuthvu, Ids. Kdin., 4th Id., aft. E, of Kent, q.c, L.H.T. 153 Kd., 6th Id., aft. E.of Kent, q.v.. K.H.75.S Grey of Wuke or Werke, Ids. - Wm., 1st Id., C.D.L. 242; C.G.S. 356 hon. Ralph, aft.4th Id. Grey of AV., G. of Hdoes. 720 Grey of Wilton, Ids. \Vm., 13th Id., K.G. 738 Arth., 14th Id., K.G. 738; L.D. Ir. .5.54 Grey and Bipon Th. rii., Jnd E. de, form. .ird Id. Cinmthani, q.v., K.G. 744; L. Admy. 162; L.L. Ir. 557 ; P.C. 213 Geo. Fk. Sanil., 3rd E. de, and 2nd E. of Kipon, aft. M. of Kipon, q.v., form. G. F. S. Kobinson, q.v. and Id. Grant- ham, Jud. Com. P.C. 361; K.G. 745 ; L.P.C. 168 ; P.C. 217 ; Sec. Ind. 2:^6 ; U.S. War. 232; W. Sec. 232 Grey-Wilson, see Wilson Greyley, Th. de, K.B. 754 Greystanes, Kt., bp. Dham. 47» Greystoke, Hy. de, A.G. 398; B. Kx. -.iHA Grierson, Crighton, gen. (D) S'.li Hv.,Keii. (D)917 Griesbach, Carl Lud., CLE. Griesley, Sim.de, seBBriesIey Grieve, Jno., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 K-, C. Exc. So. 505 W. S., form. W. S. Browne, q.v. Oriffri, bp. St. Dav. 464 Griffin, — , S.L. (1.504 1 408 Ed., A.G. 398; S.G. 401 Kd., K.B. 76) sir Ed., Tr. Ch. 294 Hy., bp. Lim. A. & A. 639 Jno., bp. LUn. 621 ; Oss. 620 Jno. Gr., aft. 4th Howard de Walden.r/. 765 Jno. Hung., gen. iD) 892 Lep. Hy., K.C.S.I. 603 Maur., bp. Koch. 460 Miclil. C.l$. Kx. Ir. 582 Nichs., K.B. 7.59 Halph, dii. Line. 4 18 Th., adm. lAi 614 Wm.,ndm. iOiK12 Griffith, Grifflths.Gryfflth, Gryfflths, and Grufydd bp. Id. , K.B. INDEX OF NAMES. Griffith, Griffiths, Grvffith, Gryfflths, and Grufydd— fo« t. ab Llewelyn (2), Pr. Wis. 16 ab Meredydd, IT. W Is. 17 ab Khys, Pr. Wis. 17 ap Kyce, K.B. 754 (or Griffin I, ap Yer^vard, bp. Bgr. 425 (Id. Rhys). Pr. Wis. 17 Anselm Jno., adm. (D) 823 Ch., gen. (Bi86« Ch. Marsh, Q.C. 419 Clem. Jas., gen. (Dl 934 Edm., bp. Bgr. 426; du. Bgr. 426 Fk. Ch.,gen. (Di892 Geo., bp. St. As. 462 G. H., G. Seych. Isl. 684 Hy. Darb., gen. (Dt 901 Jno., dn. St. As. 463 Jno., G. Bbay. 659 Jill. Geo., gen. (D) 886 Lewis, dn. GIr. 440 Matt. Ch. D., gen. (C) 873 Ph., Amb. N.G. 134 Ralph Th. Ho., CLE. 807 Rd., dn. Ross. 633 Rt., S.L. Ir. 591 Saml. Walk., K.C.M.G. 798 Sylv., dn. Her. 442 Th. Ris., G. Seych. Isl. 684 Walt., K.B. 758 Wm., K.B. 758 Wm., M. Chy. 395 Wm., G. GUI. Cst. Col. 687 ; G. Lag. 687 ; K.C.M.G. 798 Wm. Downes, C.C.J. 405 Grifflts, Jas. O., Q.C. 419 Grimaldo, I. to IV., Pr. Mno. 30 Grimbald, Pet. de, B. Ex. 382 • Rt., J. It. 368 Grimesby i or Grymesby) Edm. de, M. Chy. 393 Elias de, M. Chy. 393 Grimoald, K. Lmd. 49 Grimsby, ste Grimesby Grimstead, — , M. Chy. 395 Grimstone (or Grvmstone) Kd., M. Chy., 39'5 sii- Harb., M.R. 388; Sp. H.C 249 Grimthorpe, Edm. Beck., Id., form. E. B. Denison, q.v. Grimus, K. Sc. 19 Griudal or Grindall, Edmd., abp. Cant. 431 ; abp. Yk. 486 ; bp. Lond. 4.51 Rd. and sir E., adm. (A) 817; K.C.B. 773 Grinfield, see olio Greenfield Wm., ^;en. (Ai 6-59 Grinkettel or Grinketellus, bp. Kim. and Dimw. 4.54; bp. Sels. i:i-2 Grinwode, Rd., R. Cr. P.A. 335 Gronow, Hyw. Ab., du. Bgr. 426 Gros, Anc. le, bp. St. Dav. 464 Raym. le, L.L. Ir. 5.50 Grose, capt. F., G. N.S.W. 702 Fras., gen. (Bi 8^7 Eras., Richm. H. 334 Nash and sir N., J. K.B. 373; S.L. 412 Grosseld, Geoff., bp. Ferns, Wl Pr. Grosset, Walt., adm. (K) 844 Grosthead, Rt., bp. Line. GroBvenor, Id. Rd., PC. 218 ; Sec. Tr. 164 ; V.C.H. 297 Id. Rt., aft. Id. Ebury, q.v., Conipt. H. 293: P.C. 212; Tr. H 291 Id. Rt., see E. Gr., infra Th. F.M. 856; pen. (A> 860 GroBvenor, E. Rt., 2nd E., form. vise. Bel- grave, q.v., aft. Ist M. of Westminster, q.v. Groube, Th., adm. (B) 845 Grouchy, Off. Nap. 26 Grouthed, Rt,, bp. Line. 446 Grove, — , K.H. 7'.'2 Jas. or Jno., S.L. 411 Rt., bp. Chich. 433 Wm. Rt. and sir W., J.C.P. .SSO: J.C.P.D. 360; J.Q.B.D. ;174: Jud. Com. P.C. 362: P.C. 221 : Q.C 417 ; S.L. 414 Groves, capt. Th., G. Xewfd. 700 Growse, Fk. SaJm., CLE. 806 Grubbe, Jno. Hen., gen. (D) 889 Walt. Jas. Hunt- and sir W., adm. (E) 837; K.C.B. 781 Gmfydd, see Griffith Gry — , see Gri^ Gryffiith, see Griffith Grymesty, see Grimesty Grymstone, see Grimstone Gual, P., Pres. Vzla. 108 Gualafer, bp. Dbln. 615 Gnally, Paul de, gen. (C) 871 Gualteritts, »r. Walter Guard, Wm., gen. (B) 868 Giiarden, W. W. H., C Treas. Ir. 561 Guardia, Sant. de la, Pres. I'an. 107 Tom., Pres. CR. 106 Guardiola, S., Pres. Hdas. 106 Guarinus, see Warine Gubbins, Jas., gen. (D) 921 Jos., gen. iC)674 Gucanor or Gucauns, see Gogwan Gucht, Benj. Geo. van der,. cen. (Di916 Guelderland, W., D. of, K.G. Guelph, D. Tny. 57 I. and II., D. Bva. 67 Guerdain, Aar., M.M. 246 Guernsey, Hen., Id., form. Hen. Fuich, q v., aft. E. of Aylesford, q.v., P.C. 195 Gneroc, de Nantes, D. Bry. 26 Guerrero, Dt. Mex. 103; Pres. Mex. 103 Guest, Josh., gen. (B)864 GuideliTun(or Guiteline), abp. Lond. 4.50 Guido, see also Guv L and II.. Pr. Mno. 3it Guildford and Guilford sir Ed.. W.C.P. 319 sir Hy.. CY.G. 298; K.Q. 737 sir Rd., K.G. 737 Guilford, Ids. and E. of Eras., Ist Id., form. F. North, q.v. Eras.. 2nd Id.. P.C. 196; Pros. B.T. 264 Fk., 2nd E. of. form. Id. 446 1 North, q.v. ist of Ablrcviations, see pp. 914-i62. Guilford, Ids. and E. of — cont. Fk., 5th E. of, form. hon. Fk. North, q.v., Chambn. Ex. 166; G.C.M.G. 794 Guilermus, dn. St. P. 452 Guilford, see Guildford Guille, Jno., Blf. Gsey. 669 Guillertno, C, Pres. Dom. Kep. 105 Guinness, Benjli. Lee and sir B., L.M. Dbln. 642 Guise, .Jno., gen. (A) 858 Jno. Chr., gen. (D) 908 Jno. Wr. and sir J., G.C.B. 770 ; gen. (A) 863 ; K.C.B. 776 Guiteline, see Giiidelium Guldeford, Hy. de, J.C.P. 377 ; J. It. 368 Gulfridus, bp. Llff. 448 Gulielmus, see William Gulliver, Hy. \Vm., gen. (D) 92J Gully, Wm. Court., Q.C. 419 Gulston, Wm., bp. Brl. 439 Gundetoaud, K. Bdy. 28 Gundeniar,K. Sp. 85 Gunderic, K. Bdy. 28 Gundevil, Hugh de, J. It. 365 Guudicar, K. Bdy. 28 Gundred (dau. Wm. I.), Pr. E. 9 Gundry, Nathl. and sir N., J.C.P. 379; K.C. 415; S.L. 412 Gundulph, bp. Koch. 459 Gunter, Jas., gen. (D) 932 Gunther II., Pr. S. Sou. 79 Gunthorpe, Jno., dn. Wells, 429 ; M. Chy. 394 Wm., B. Ex. 383 Gunningr. Jno., gen. (C) 872 Pet., bp. Chich. 433; bp. Ely, 435 Rt. and sir R., Amb. Dk. 127; Amb. Pr. 117; Amb. Kuss. 125; G.C.B. 771; K.B. 765 Guodloiu, bp. Llff. 448 Gurdon, Adam, J. It. 368 Gurges, Q. F. M. (3), C. Ro. 41-2 Gurmallion, D. Bry. 28 Gurney, Jno. and sir J., B. Ex. 385 ; K.C. 416 ; S.L. 413 sir Rd., L.M. Lond. 491 Russ., P.C. 217; Q.C. 417; Rec. Loud. 494 Gurnven, abp. St. Dav. 463 Gurvan, bp. Llff. 448 (de Rennes), D. Bry. 27 Gustavus (g. son Jas. I.), Pr. 'LtoIV., K. Sw. 92 II. {K. Sw.), K.G. 739 Adolphus Fredk., Lg. H. Hbg. 73 (Vasa), K. Sw. 92 Guthard, bp. Sels. 432 Guthred, K.B. 1 Gutiirie, Dav. and sir D., Compt. So. 498; L.H.T. Sc. 496 ; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 Geo. Jas., Pres. Coll. Surg. -^- Hy., bp. Dkld. 533 Jno., bp. Mor. 5'6i Gutierraz, S., Pres. U.S.C. 107 Guttred, K. Man. 664 Guy (or Guido), bp. Bgr. 425 D. Tny., 57. (dn. of Waltham), Jy. 363 de Dampierre, C. Firs. 81 INDEX OF NAMES. Guy (or Guido)— coit. de Lusignan, K. Jsm. 97 de Tours, D. Bry. 28 * Hy., C. Cus. 274 * Hy., M.H. 302 * Prob. same pers. Ph. Melm. Nels., and sir P., G. Jsey 668; gen. (D) 899; K.C.B. 780 Guyse, Jno., K.B. 758 Guzman, F., Pres. Nic. 106 Gwalior, Mahar of, G.C.B. 770 ; G.C.S.I. 800 ; K.C.S.I. 802 Raj. of, K.C.S.I. 803 Gwent, Rd., D. Arch. 420 Gwenwinwin or G wenwyu- wyn, Pr. Wis. 17 Gwillim, Jno., Portsm. P.A. 344 ; K. Cr. P.A. 335 Gwilt, Jno., gen. (D) 908 Gwin, see Gwyu and Gwynne Gwrgant, Nichs. ap, bp. Llff. 449 Gwydyr, Ids. Pet.. 1st Id., form, sir P. Burrell, q.v., Dep. L.G.C. 288 Pet. Rt., 2nd Id., aft. Id. Willoughby De Eresby, P.C. 210 Gwyn and Gwin, see also Gwynne Jno., dn. Dry. 602; dn. Rph. 603 sir RowL, Tr. Ch. 294 Eras., B.T. 264; Sec. at War, 233 Fras. Ed., gen. (A) 859 Ham. West., gen. (D) 922 Rice, S.L. 409 Gwynne, see also Gwyn Marm., C. St. 283 Mad. Xim., gen. (D) 934 Gytobon and GyTjon, see Gibbon Gyiford, see Giffard and Giflord Gyles, see Giles Gyllot, see Gillot Gyndellor Gyndwelle, Jno., bp. Line. 446 Gysors, see Gisors Haast, Jno. Fras. Jul. Von, K.C.M.G. 798 Hac Huargusa, Maneus, bp. Emly. 625 Hachet, Geoff., J. It. 366 Hacket, Andr., M. Chy. 396 Dav., bp. Oss. 620 Jno., bp. Licli. and Cov. 444 Nichs., dn. Oss. 622 Pet., abp. Cash. 625 . Rd., dn. KiUoe. 637 Th., bp.Down and Cnr.604 sir Th., L.M. Dbln. 640 1039 Hackett, Jas., gen. (D) 879 /no., adm. (G) 842 Jno., gen. (D) 924 Simps., gen. (D) 935 Hackins, Pieter, G. C.G.H. 678 Hackrell, Th., dn. Cork, 6:f2 Hadden, Jas. M., gen. (C) 873 ; S.G.O. 260 Wm. Ch., gen. (D) 904 Haddingfton, E.of Til., 1st E. of, form, sir T. Hamilton, q.v., L.P.S. Sc. 501 ; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Th., 6th E. of, K.T. 747 Ch., 8th E. of, L.L. Hadd. 510 Th., 9th E. of, form. Id. Binning and Id. Melros, q.v., B.C. 253; C.D.L. 243; K.T. 748; L. Adm. 183; L.L. Ir. 557 ; L.P.S. 241 Gej., lOth--^^, L.H.C.K. Sc. 546 Geo., 11th E. of, L.L. Hadd. 510 Haddo, Geo., 1st Id., form, sir Geo. Gordon, q.v., aft. E. of Aberdeen, q.o. Haddock, Nichs., adm. (A) 814 Rd. (No. 1), Compt. N. 257 sir Rd. (No. 2), adni.( A) 813 ; Compt. N. 257 Haddou, Jas., dn. Exr. 437 sir Rd., L.M. Lond. 490 Walt., J. Pr. Ct. 421 Hadenliam, Alexr. de, A.G. Hadaeld, Oct., bp. WeUn. 710 Walt, de, J. It. 305 Hadley, Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 Hadlow, see Handlo, Nichs. Hadrian, ^'c AtU-ian Haernunen, abp. St. Dav. 463 Hag-an, sir Rt., adm. (G) 843 Hag-ar, Jno., adm. (A) 814 Hagart. Ch., gen. (D) 900 Haghnian, see Hawman Haig, Ch. Th., gen. (D) 935 Felix Thack., gen. (D) 920 Hailes, see also Hales Danl., Amb. Dk. 127 ; Amb. Fr. 112; Amb. Pld. 126; Amb. Sw. 126 Harris C, K.H. 791 (or Hailes), Jas., K.B. 760 Jno. CI., gen. (D) 920 Haines, see also Heynes Fk. Paul and sir F., CO. Ind. 651; C.C. Mdras. 658; G.C.B. 771; G.C.S.I. 801 ; gen. (D)899; K.C.B. 781 Hak, Abd., CLE. 807 Hakeem, Saadut, &c., K.C.S.I. 802 Hakenshawe, Hog., J. K.B, Ir. 578 Hakewell, Wm., M. Chy. 395 Halcombe, Jno., S.L. 413 Haldaue, Ch., gen. (D) 895 Jas. Rt. A. Chinnery-, bp. Arg. and Isl. 541 Jno., C. Cus. Sc. 503 Jno., L.J. Gen. 522 Patr., C. Exc 279 Rt., Mod. K. Sc. 547 Halden, Wm. de, Rec. Lond. Haldimand, Fk. and sir Fk., G. Can. 691; gen. (B) 865; K.B. 765 For List of Abbreviations, see py. 944-952 1040 Hale. Bern., gen. (A) 858; L.G. Ch. Hosp. 93K Hern, and sir B., B. Ex. 384; C.B. Kx. Ir. 583; S.L. 411 Ed. Bl., gen. (D) 904 Frank Van, K.G. 733 Hy., C. Cus. 275 Jno., gen. (Aiaw Josh., gen. (D) 895 Matth. and sir M., C.B. Ex. 381 ; C. Exc. 277; C.J.K.B. 370; J.C.P. :i7i); S.L. 409-10 Matth. m., bp. Brisb. 786; bp. Perth W A. 707 lit., gen. (D)92H Sim. de, J. It. 367 Warr. St., L.M. Lond. 492 Hales, see also Hailes Arth., gen. (D) 933 (orHalys), Chr., A.G. 398; M.R. 3«8; S.G. 401 Ed. and sir E., L. Admy. 175-6 ; Lt. T.L. :^22 Humphr., Bl. M. P.A. 336; Yk. H. 334 Jas. and sir J., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 (or Halys), Jno., B. Ex. 383 (or Hals), .Ino.. bp. Lich. and Gov. 444 ; dn. Exr. 437 Jno., G. Ch. Hosp. 936 sir lit., L.H.A. 172 Steph., KB. 764 Hales, Ids. Patr. Ld., L.J. Gen. 522 Halford, sir Hy., G.C.H. 786; K.C.H. Ts; ; I'res. Coll. Ph. 938 Halghton, sie Halton HaUburton, see Halliburton Haliday, ■'■( e Hallidav Halifax, Sanil., bp. Gbr. 438 ; bp. St. As. 462 sir Th., L.M. Lond. 492 Halifax, Ids., vise, E. and M. Saville Family. Geo., 1st vise, E., and M. of. B.T. 263; L.P.C. 187; L.P.S. 240; PI. 191; P.C. 192 ; P.C. 193 Montague ami Dunk Families. Ch., 1st Id. and 1st E. of (Ist Cr.), form. Ch. Montague, q.v., K.G. 741 ; L.L. Surr. 312 ; L.T. 156; Prem. 141 Geo., 2nd Id. and 1st E. of (2nd Or.), form. Geo. Monta- gue, (j.v., K.B. 764; P.C. 197 Geo., 2nd E. of, form. Geo. Montague, q.v., gen. (Bl 865; K.G. 742; L. Admy. 179; L.L. Ir. 557 ; L.L. Nton. 310 ; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 199; Pres. B.T. 265 ; S. St. 224-5 Wood Family. Ch., 1st vise, form, sir C. Wood, (/.!'., L.P.S. 241 • Mary, viscss. of, Cr. Ind. 809 Halket and Halkett sir Alex., gen. (A) 862; K.C.H. 789 •^^ Col. and sir C, C.C. Bbay. 660; G.C.B. 769; G.C.H. 786; G. Ch. Hosp. 936; gen. (A) 863 ; K.C.B. 774 ; K.C.H. 787 Fk., gen. (C)872 ■ Jno., G. Bah. Isl. 716; G. Tob. 723 sir Peter, adm. (Ai m9; G.C.H. 786 Wm., L.J. Clk. IC INDEX OF NAMES. Hall, sir Benjn., aft. Id. Llan- 1 Halpin, Wm., gen. (Di 896 over, q.v., C.W.P.B. 272 ; P.C. I Hals, sve HaUs and Hal.se 216; l^es. B.H.255 Ch.,Q.C. 419 Ch. and sir C, V. Chanc. Ch. Hv., dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457; dn. bham. 479 Ch. Hy., gen. (Dl 929 Geo., bp. Chest. 477 Geo., bp. Drom. 605 * Hy., bp. Killa and Ach. 613 • Hy., dn. Cork, 632 ♦ Prob. same pers. Hy., gen. (D) 886 Jas., gen. (C) 873 Jno., bp. Brl. 439 Jno., gen. (C) 873 Jno., gen. CD) 886 Jno., K.C.B. 778 Jno., K.C.M.G. 798 Jno. and sir J., K.C.H. 787 ; K.H. 789 Jno. Durh., gen. (D) 935 Jno. Gage, G. Mtius. 683; gen. (A) 862 Jno. Stev., adm. (A) 818 Jos., bp. Ex. 437 ; bp. Norw. 455 ; dn. Wore. 473 Jul. Hani., gen. (D) 932 Lewis A., gen. (D) 894 Rt., adm. (A) 820 Rt. adm. ( H ) 849 ; Compt. N. 258; L. Admy. 185; Sec. Admy. 187 Saml., Q.C. 420 Th., C. Cus. 274; C. Exc. 279 Th., gen. (A) 859 Tim., bp. Oxf. 456 Wm., S.L. 407 Wm., S.L. 411 Wm. Hutch., adm. (D) 833 ; (P)838; K.C.B. 779 Wm. King and sir W., adm. (E)835; K.C.B. 788 Hallam, Hy., C. St. 284 Jno., dn. Brl. 440 (or Hallum), Rt., abp. Yk. (nom.)485; bp. Sal. 467 Halles, see Hailes Halley, Edmd., Astr. Roy. 941 H&lliburton, Haliburton, and Hallyburton Arth. Liuvr., K.C.B. 784 Geo., bp. Abdn. 530 ; bp. Brn. 531 Geo., bp. Dkld. 533 Geo. and sir G., Ld. Sess. 519 Id. Jno. Fk. Gord., adm. (Q) sir Walt, de, L.H.T. Sc. 496 Halliday and Haliday - — maj., G. Trin. 722 sir And., K.H. 789 Eras. Ed., gen. (D) 931 Fk. Jas. and sir F., K.C.B. 782; L.G. Bgal. 652; M.C.L 646 Tno. Gust., gen. (D) 921 Wm. Rt., gen. (D) 905 Hallowell, Benj., K.C.B. 774 Hallowes, Fk. Wm., adm. (HI 853 Goo. Sk., gen. (Dl 924 Ino., adm. (Ol 843 Halloway, xee Holloway Halls (nr Halsl, Jno., J.C.P. :t7N; .l.K.B.:<71: S.L. 407 Hallum, .•« (' Hallam Halsay, Th., l>p. Llin. 622 Kalsbnry, Hard. St., Ist Id.. form, sir H. S. Giffard. q.v., Ld. Chanc. 358 : P.C. 220 Halse (or Hals), .Jno., bp. Lich. and Gov. 444 ; dn. Exr. 437 Halsey, Jno.. M. Chy. 396 HalBtan, K. Sw. 92 Halsted, Ed. Pell., adm. (D) 832; (£1834 Geo. Anth., adm. (H) 848 Lawr. W'm. and sir L., adm. (Al 818; G.C.B. 7(^8; K.C.B. 774 Haltoft, Gilb.. B. Ex. 383 Halton (or Halghton), Jno. de, bp. Carl. 475 Rt., S.L. 408 Haly, Wm. OGr. and sir W\. gen. (D) 899; K.C.B. 780 Halys, see Hales Hambury, Hy. de. C.J.C.P. Ir. Hamelin, Ferd. Alph., G.C.B. 769 Th.. Bl. L.P.A. 341 Hamelinus, dn. Line. 447 Hameltone, see Hamilton Hamerton, Jno. Mill., gen. (A)H(W Hamilton, .\lexr. Mark K., gen. (Ci 874; G. Br. Hoiid. 714 sir Andr., Ld. Sess. 519 Archd., abp. Cash, and Eml. 6-26 ; bp. Killa. and Ach. 613 Archd., gen. (B) (17471 80.^. Id. Archd., G. Gr. Hosp. &54 ; G. Jam. 712 ; L. Adiny. 177-8 Arth. Ph., adm. (H) 845 Ch., bp. Niag. 693 Ch., gen. (D)888 sir Ch., adm. (A) 818; G. Newfd. 700; K.C.B. 776 Ch. Jas. H., Amb. Fr. 113 Ch. Pow., adm. (A) 816 Ch. Wm., gen. (D) 880 Chr., gen. (D) 877 Id. Claude J., L.T. 161 ; P.C. 215; Tr. H. 291; V.C.H. 297 Cosp. jJaill., adm. (Ql 843 Dav.. bp. Arg. 5:v, Digby, gen. (C) X73 Dougl., gen. (D) 917 sir Ed., adm. (A) 819; K.C.B. 774 Eras. Fisher, gen. (D) 927 Eras. Wm., gen. (D) 931 Fc, Amb. Ecr. 942 Fc, G. Leew. Isl. 727 ; gen. (C) 871 Fk. Wm. and sir F.. gen. (D)695; K.C.B. 780 Gav., bp. Gall. 538 Gav., Ld. Sess. 517 Geo., B. Ex. Ir.584 ; S.L. Ir. 592 Geo.. Mod. K. Sc. 547 (ieo. A., P.C. 218; Sec. Tr. 163-4 sir Geo. Baill., Amb. Tusc. 115; K.C.H. 788 Id. Geo. F.. L. Admy. 186; P.C. 219; U.S. Ind. 236; V.P. Ed. 2r,5 Ham. Ch. J.. Amb. Bzl. 135; Amb. R. PI. 136 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952 Hamilton— co«i. Hy., C. Cus. Ir. 566 -— Hy., G. Bmda. 701; G Dnca. 730 Hy., gen. (D) 906 Hy. Meade, gen. (D) 907 Hy. P., dn. Sal. 468 "^^^H^^'J'P- <^lo°f- and K. 636 ; bp. Oss. 621 ; dn. Arm. Jas., bp. Arg. 538 Jas., bp. Gall. 538 Jas., gen. (A) 859 Jas., L.M. Dbln. 641 Jas., Ld. Sess. 520 Jas. Archd., dn. Cloy. 633 ~r'^"?-- abp. St. Andr. 529; bp Dkld. 533; L.H.T. Sc. 497 ' ^•PS-fc.501;Ld.Chanc.Sc: 515 ; Ld. Sess. 518 Jno., dn. Drom. 600 Jno., gen. (A) 860 sir Jno., gen. (B) 867 "rik" MR^TS (Oi^bieston), L.J. C-Jl£. 516; Ld. Sess. 519 —— sir Jno. (Magdalens), Ld. Clk. Keg. 525; Ld. Sess. 517 ; Ld. Sess. 519 ^d.tess'sis'"''''- °' ''^''''^^ ~¥ess"W ^""^'^^-'S), Ld. Jno. Pott., K.H. 791 — „^er Bam., G. Antig., &c. ?9r^-x^'*°l?-'^21; G. Gran. 724 ; G. Newfd. 700 —- It.-col. -, G. Hlgld. (1814) INDEX OF NAMES. Hamilton— co?i«. — — - Wm. Gerard, B.T. 265- ~^.s^F"^r-^"^''-«'=y-"^.- Hamilton, M. and D. of — - Jas., 2nd M. of, and 1st E "^Cambridge, q.v., H.C.P. Sc. 507 ; K.G. 739 ; L.S.H. 290 Jas.. 3rd M. and 1st D aLso 2nd E. of Cambridge, q.v. (d. 1649), H.C.P. Sc. 507; K.G 739; L.H.C.K. Sc. 546; MH adm — ^:\ialc., abp. Cash, and Eml. — Nichs., gen. (D) 883; K.H. Oct., gen. (D) 914 Patr., Compt. Sc. 498 sir Patr., L.M. Dbln. 641 Ed., gen. (D) 908 Rd. Ves. and sir E (E)836; K.C.B. 782 • Et., dn. Thist. 749 Et., Ld. Sess. 520 • sir Et. gen. (B) 865 ■ Et. Geo. Cr. and sir R Et. Gorg, gen. (D) 90* ■ sir Et. North CoU., K.C.B Sackv., U.S. Ir. 563 Th., adm. (A) 818 Th., Ld. Sess. 519 Th., S. St. 223 sir Thos., aft. Id. Binning and Byres, 1st E. of Melros and of Haddington, q v Ld Adv. 526; Ld. Clk. Eeg '525' Ld. Sess. 518 Th de C, gen. (D) 911 Walk. K., bp. Sal. 467 Walt., gen. (D) 899 Walt., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 Wm. de, dn. Yk. 486; J. It 368; L.K. and Ld. Chanc' 353; M. Chy.393 Wm. and sir W., Amb. Scy 114 ; K.B. 765 ; P.C. 205 sir Wra., gen. (D) 927 -— sir Wm. (Whitelaw), L.J. Clk. 516 ; Ld. Sess. 520 — — sir Wm. (Sanquhar) Ld. Sess. 518 — Wm. Alexr. Baillie, adm. Wm. Conr., gen. (D) 919 — - Wm 2nd D. of and 3rd E. of Cambridge, q.v., form. E. of Lanark, q.v., K.G. 740; P.C. -— Wm., 3rd D. of, form. E. of Selkirk, g.v., C.G.S. Sc. 515; Comm. Tr. Sc. 497; HCP Sc. 507; L.H.A. Sc. 499; Ld." Sess. 519; P.C. 193 — - Jas., 4th D. of, and 1st D. of Brandon, q.v., form. 3rd M.G°0.''25r' "■'■' ^-^^ ''^' — - Jas., 5th D. of and 2nd D of Brandon, K.T. 747 Jas., 6th D. of and 3rd D of Brandon, K.T 747 -=: H°i'^^- ^'^ °- o^ and 5th p. of Brandon, K.T. 748 ; L L Lnrk. 611 — - Archd., 9th D. of and 6th D. of Brandon, L.L. Lnrk 511 — - Alexr., 10th D. of and 7th iJ. of Brandon, form. M. of Douglas and CI., and Id. Dutton, q.v., K.G. 743 ; L.H.S. — W™- :^lexr. &c., nth D. of and 8th D. of Brandon, form. M. of Douglas and CI., q.v., L.L. Lnrk. 511 '' ' "^i.'^l?^^^ ^^ ^2*^ '^- of and !)th D. of Brandon, K T 749 Hamilton.BaiUie-, see Baillie- Hamilton Hamley, Ed. Br. and sir E ^-^■J^^if^^- '^°'^ ' gen. (D) 908 ; K.C.B. 781 ; K.C.M.G. 797 — Eras. Gilb., gen. (D) 911 — Wm., adm. (H)847 — — Wm. Geo., gen. (D) 910 Hammer, B., Pres. Sw. C. 31 — - Th., K.C. 414 Hammersley, sir Hugh, L.M Lond., 491 Hammill, Denz., gen. (D) 928 Hammond and Hamond — sir Andr. Sn., adm. (G) 843 • Compt. N. 2.57 ; G. N. Sc 695 ' Edmd., see Id. H., infra sir Eras. Th., G.C.H. 786; I gen. (A) 861 ; K.C.H. 787 ~^.S^P^°230^'^^'- ^•'■^- '^^■' ~^or(«i;^,j.rs2i^^s-j^) 769; K.C.B. 776 Hy., gen. (D) 910 Jno., Blf. Jsey. 668 Jno., Ch. Lond. 422 Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 Pet., gen. (D) 896 — - Th., S.L. 408 Hammond, Ids. — - Edm., aft. Id. H., P.C. 217 • U.S.F. 230 ' Hamnett, Geo., CLE. 807 1041 *Hamo, dn. Lino. 447 * dn. Yk. 486 * ■/ Same pers. Hamond, see Hammond Hampden, Eenn. D., bp. Her 442 *— Rd., Ch. Ex. 164; L.T. * ? same pers. — - hon. Et., Postm. G. 238 Hampden, vise. Trevor Family. Th., 2nd vise, G.C.H. 786 Brand Family. Hampson, Ed., S.L. 4io "ampton, Chr., abp. Arm. For List of Abbreviations, see jjp. 944 — ^Jno. Steph., G. W. Austr. Et., gen. (D) 878 Th.,G Ch.Isl. 667 Wm., L.M. Lond. 490 ^ Wm- Ph- gen. (D) 909 Hampton, Ids. — - Jno. S., 1st Id., form, su: J. o. Pakmgton, q.v. Hamund, se« Eadmund Hanag-an, Ed. D., K.H 780 Hanbury, Hy. de, J.K.B. 371 Jas. Arth., K.C.B. 781 ——sir Jno., gen. (A) 863; I^-C.B. 779; K.C.H. 788 — - Th., S.L. 411 Hanbury-Tracy, see Tracy Hancock and Handcock Geo., adm. (E) 836 Hy., gen. (D) 891 Hy., Pres. CoU. Surg. 939 Hy. Eras., gen. (D) 927 Jno., adm. (D) 825 Ed., dn. Ach. 614 Ed. S., adm. (D) 826 — — bteph., dn. Clonm.600; dn. Kilmacd. 638 — - sir AVm., Eec. Dbln. 642 849 Sumn., adm. (H) Handasyde and Handyside ~,Rt-' Jy- Sc. 523; Ld. Sess. 521 ; S.G. Sc. 527 Eog., gen. (A) 858 — ^Th., G. Jam. 712 ; gen. (C) Handcock, see Hancock Handlo (or Hadlow) Nichs. j;:3'65'^-^- =^^^'- ''■^^■^■^n; Handyside, see Handasyde Hanemere, Dav., J.K.B. 371 9^7 ^^' ^^^^' ^^™-gen- <») — ^^redk., G.C.M.G. 794; K.C.M.G. 796 ; Sec. M.G. 799 «a.nkford, Wm. and sir M-., C.J.K B. 370 ; J.C.P. 378 ; K.B 755; S.L. 407 Hankin, Ed. Lew., gen. (D) Hanlain, Ph., dn. Tm. 613 Hanmer, Hy., K.H. 790 Jno., bp. St. As. 462 Jno., G. I. Man, 666 -~ sir Th., Sp. H.C. 2.50 Hannemere, Dav., S.L. 407 Hannen, Jas. and sir J j p and D. 391; J.P.D.A. 391- J.Q.B. 373; Jud. Com. P.c' 361 ; P.C. 218 ; S.L. 414 1042 Hannibal, Hanybal, and Hennibal MiUth., K.]{. 754 Th., l>p. Wore. 472 Th., M.li. 3«7 Hannington, Jas., bp. E. Eq. Atr. BMM Hanson, kii- H. D., G. S. Austr. 706 sir Keg., L.M. Lond. 492 sir Rt., L.M. Lond. 491 Hanweli, .lus., adni. (A) 818 i.is., ^'fii.iDiHoa \\ni.,iubii.(A)8-20 Hanybal, .si c Hannibal Harald, sec also Harold bp. Arg. 537 1. tolll., K. Dk. 93 Harbert, sir Juo., J. Adm.Ct. 422 Harbord, .sir C, S.L.R. 271 * Wm., P.O. 193; V. Treas. Ir. 559 » Wm., S.L.R. 271 ' Prob. same pers. Wni. A., aft. 2nd Id. Suf- field, q.i\, L.L. Norfolk, 310 sir Win. Mord., K.B. 764 Harby, sir JiAi, C. Cus.273 Harcourt, Harecourt, and Hardecourt Ch. Am., (,'en. (C) 874 hon. Kd. Yen. Vernon-, abp. Yk. 4H6; bp. Carl. 476; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; P.C. 208 Fk. Ed. Vernon-, adm. (K) 845 Geo. Wm. R., gen. (C) 873 Oct. Vernon, adm. (G) 841 Ph. de, dn. Line. 447 Rd., K.B. 757 (or Hardecourt), Rt., K.B. sir Rt., K.G. 736 Sim., see Id. H., infra hon. Wm., gen. (A) 859 Wm. G. G. Ven. Vernon and sir W., Ch. Ex. 166; H. Sec. 227; L.T. 162; P.C. 219; g.C. 41«; S.G. 402 Harcourt, Ids. and E. sir Sim., aft. 1st Id. H., A.G. 399 ; Ld. Chanc. 357 ; Ld. K. 3.57 ; P.C. 195 ; S.G. 401 Sim., 2nd Id. and 1st E., Amb. Fr. 112; gen. (A) 85«; L.L. Ir. .5.37 ; P.C. 199 Wm.. 3rd E., F.M. 856; G.C.B. 768 Hardecourt, scv Harcourt HardeU, Kd., L.M. Loud. 489 Wm., L.M. Lond. 488 Harden, .Jn... W., C.C.J. 403 Hardicanute, K.K. 4 Hardie, .'c< uUo Hardy ■ Kt., .M.C.I. 647 Harding', Irus., adm. (H)848 iras. I'ym, G. N. Brk. 696; gen. (D) 904 Geo., K.C. 415 Geo. Judd, G. Gsey. 669; gen. (I))K83: K.C.B. 778 .Jno., bp. Bbay. 661 Jno. Dorn. and sir J., Q. Adv. 422; Q.C. 418 Hardinge, hon. Arth. Ed. and sir A., C.C. Bbay. 66U; CLE. W)7; G. Gibr. 670; gen. (D) 904; K.C.B. 7M1 Ed., adm. (E) 836 Hy., see vise. H., infra Rd., gc - - gen. (D) 893; K.H. INDEX OF NAMES. Hardinge, vise. Hy., aft. sir H. and Ist vise. H., C. Ch. 855; Ch. See. Ir. 563; Clk. O. 260; F.M. 856; G.C.B. 772; G.G. Ind. 649; gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 775; M.G.O. 259; P.C. 211; Sec. at W. 2:J4 Ch. St., 2nd vise. U.S. War, 232 Hardres, Rt. de, J. It. 366 I or Hardy I Th., S.L. 410 Hardulfus, bp. Dunw. 454 Hardwick, Ms. and E. I'hil., Isl Id. and E., form. Ph. Vorke and sir P., q.v., L.H.S. 287 ; Ld. Chanc. 357 Ph., 2nd E. of, form. hon. Ph. Yorke, and vise. Royston, — ^Ph., 3rd E. of, K.G. 743; L.L. Canibs. 306; L.L. Ir. 557 ; P.C. 206 Ch. Ph., 4th Earl of. adm. (Oi 841: L.L. Cambs. 306; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 215; Postm. G. 239 Ch. Ph., 5th E. of, M.B.H. 303 Hardy, see aUo Hardie Benj., Q.C. 418 sir Ch., adm. (A) 814; G. Gr. Hosp. 854 ; G. Newfd. 700 : L. Admy. 178 Fk., gen. (D)927 Gath., aft. vise. Cran- brook, q.v., H. Sec. 227; P.C. 217; Pres. P.L.B. 262; Sec. Ind. 236 ; U.S. Home, 228 ; W. Sec. 232 Herb. H. Cozens-, Q.C. 419 Nathl., dn. Roch. 461 (or Harilres), Th.. S.L. 410 sir Th., adm. (A) 813 sir Th. Mast., adm. (A) 820; G.C.B. 768; G. Gr. Hosp. 854 ; K.C.B. 774 ; L. Admy. 182 Wm., gen. (D) 917 Hardyman, Fk., gen. (C) 874 sii- Luc. Herd., adm. (A) 820 Hare, Eras., bp. Chich. 433; bp. St. As. 462; dn. St. P. 453 ; dn. Wore. 473 Hy. Ambr., gen. (D) 919 Jas., Amb. Pld. 126 Jas., gen. (Cj 873 Jno.. G. C.G.H. 679; gen. (D) 8S1 ; K.H. 790 Jno., R. Dr. P.A. 338; Richm. H. 334 sir Nichs., M.R. 388; Sp. H.C. L'49 Ralph, K.B. 761 Th., dn. Oss. 623 Harecourt, see Harcourt Harenc, Arehd. Rd., gen. (D) Hareng, Ralph. Jy. 364 Harewell, see also HarweU Jno., bp. B. and \V. 428 Karewood, E. of Hy., ind E. of, form. vise. Lascellc-s, q.v. Hy., 3rd E., L.L. of Yorks. W.U. 31:i Hargood, \N ni., adm. (Gi H12 \\in. and sir W., adm. (A) HIH; (i.C.B. 768; G.C.H. 786; K.C.B. 773 Hargrave, Fras., K.C. 415 Wm., G. Gibr. 6«>9 ; gen. (B)864 Hargraves, Jas., dn. Chich. 434 Hargreave, Ch. Jas., Land. J. Ir. 5«7: Q.C. 417 Harington, see Harrington Harkness, Ch. Th., gen. (D) 912 .Jno. Granv., gen. (D) 929 Harland, sir Rt., adm. (A> hl5 ; Ld. Admy. 179 Harlardus, bp. Dorch. 446 Harlech, Wm. ltd., 2nd Id., L.L. Leitr. 570 Harlewin lor Herlewin), bp. Llin. 621 Harley, Ed., K.B. 763 Jno.. bp. Her. 441 hon. Jno., bp. Her. 443; dn. Winds. 474 * Rt., K.B. (1603) 761 * sir Rt., M.M. 1 16-25) 246 • ? same pers. Bobt., aft. 1st E. of Oxford and Mortimer, q.v., Ch. Ex. 165; L.T. 156; P.C. 195; S. St. 224; Sp. H.C. 250 Rt. Wm. and sir R.. G. Bdoes. 721; G. Br. Hond. 714; G. Gld. Cst. 686; G. Gren. 724; G. Tob. 734; K.C.M.G. 798 hon. Th.. L.M. Lond. 493; P.C. 202; B.T. 267; LJj. Radn. 316 Harlowe, sir Rt.. Lt. T.L. 321 Harman, Cutts. dn., Wford. 628 Ed. Rt. King-, L.L. Rose. 571; U.S. Ir. 564 Geo. Byng. gen. (D) 924; K.C.B. 782 1., see Veysey Harness, Hy. Dr.. and sit H., gen. (Di 903; K.C.B. 760 Harnett, i;d., gen. (D) 929 Harnball, Hy. dc, K.B. 754 Harold, s, calso Harald bp. Lim. 638 K. Man. 665 (g. son Q. Viet.), Pr. E. 16 L and II., K.E. 41 n. (K.E.), L.H.A. 170; W.C.P. 317 Jas. Cas., gen. (D) 892 Jno., dn. Her. 442 Haroun - Al - HascUd, Cph. Aba. 98 Harper and Harpur Jerv., gen. > D i '.'35 Jno., adm. (H)845 H. Jno. Chitty Chr., bp. Ch. N.Z. 709 Rd., J.C.P. 318 : S.L. 408 sir Wm.. L.M. Lond. 490 Harpisfield, .-,<■ Ihupslicld Harpole lui.l Harpoll (or Hartpoolei, Walt., dn. Llin. 623 Harpsfield und Harpisfield .Jno., dn. Noiw. 4,")5 Nichs., D. Arch. 420 Harpur, ■•"f Hmper Harrac-Kohrau, C. of. R. Nds. ,s:t Harrington mid Harington Hv.HviiK. K.C.S.I.N.-J las., .'In. Vk. IhV Mu... K.B. 7C.1 Rd. and sir R., C.C.J. Wm., M. Chv. ;{95 sir Wni., K.G. 735 For List of Abbrevintiinis, sec pp. 944-952. Harrington, Ids. and E. of Win., 1st Id. and E. of, form. Wni. Stanhope, q.v., gen. (A) 857; L.L. Ir. 556; L.P.C. 188; S. St. 224 Wm., 2nd E. of, gen. (A) 858 Ch., 3rd E. of, Amb. Ans. 117; Amb. Pr. 118; Comm. F. Ir. 564; Const. W. Cast. 322; G.C.H. 786; gen. (A) 859; P.O. 206 Harriott, see also Haryot Jno. St., gen. (D) 878 Harris, -, M. Chy., 395 Ch., gen. iD) 916 hon. Ch. Am., bp. Gibr. . sir Ed., J.K.B. Ir. 579 hon. Ed. Alfr. Jno., and sir E., Amb. Chi. 137 ; adm. (G) 841 ; Amb. Nds., &c. 123 ; Amb. Pu. 135; Amb. Swz. 114; K.C.B. 783 - — Geo., Adm. Adv. 423 Geo. see Id. H., infra ■ Hy., C. St. 283 Harry Boot., K.H. 790 ■ Jas. L. Admy. 179; L.T. 1,57 Jas.and sir J.,af t.lst Id.and E.of Mahnesbury, q.v., Amb. Nds. &c. 122 ; Amb. Pr. 118 ; Amb. Russ. 125; Amb. Spn. 123 ; K.B. 765 ; P.C. 204 Jno., bp. Llff. 449; dn. AVeUs 429 Jno., gen. (C) 874 Jno., S.L. 408 Jno. Adolph., gen. (A) 860 - — Jos., gen. (D) 886 - — Noel Haml., gen. (D) 923 Ph., gen. (D) 900 Ph., gen. (D)924 Kd., Q.C. 420 Th., M. Chy. 396 Th., S.L. 408-9 Th. Noel, K.H. 789 Webber D.,gen. (D) 913 Harris, Ids. Geo., 1st Id. G.C.B. 768 ; G. Mdras. 656 ; gen. (A) 860 Wm. Geo., 2nd Id., gen. (B) 869 ; K.C.H. 788 Geo. Fras. R., 3rd Id., G.C.S.I. 800 ; G. Mdras. 657 ; G. Trin. 722 ; K.C.S.I. 802 G. R. C. 4th Id. U.S. Ind. 236 ; U.S. War. 232 Harris - Gastrell, .sec Gas- trell Harrison, Anth. Robn. gen. (D) 894 Broadl., gen. (D) 907 ■ Ed., gen. (D) 917 - — Ed., gen. (D) 918 Ed., Post. G. 238 Geo., Bl. M. P.A. 336 ; Clar. K.A. 328; Norr. K.A. 330; Winds. H. 331 Geo. and sir G. K.C.H. 787 ; Sec. Tr. 164 Geo. and sir G., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 Geo. H. Rogers-, Bl. M. P.A. 337 ; Winds. H. 332 Hy., adm. (A) 814 Hy., gen. (B) 864 Jno., Chn. E.I. Co. 644 sir Jno., C. Cus. 273 — Jno. Chr., K.H. 791 Josh., adm. (H) 847 INDEX 0¥ NAMES. Harrison— co?it. Michl., J. Bank. Ir. 587; J.C.P.D. Ir. 582; J.Q.B.D. Ir. 580; S.G. Ir. .590 Rd., gen. (D)935 Theoph., dn. Clonm. 600 Th., C. Exc. 282; C.I.R. 285 ; C. St. and Tx. -^85 sir Th., Chambn. Lond. Wm., K.C. 415 Wm. Geo., Q.C. 419 Wm. Hy., Pres. U.S.A. 102 Wm. T., bp. Glasg. and Gall. 544 Harrowby, Ids. and E. Dudley, 2nd Id.' and 1st E., also 1st vise. Sandon, q.v., form. hon. D. Ryder, q.v., C.D.L. 243; Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. Russ. 125; F. Sec. 228; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; L.P.C. 188; Pres. B.C. 252 Dudley, 2nd E. of, form. Dudley Ryder, and vise. Sandon, q.v., C.D.L. 243 ; K.G. 744 ; L.P.S. 241 ; P.C. 216 Dudl. Pr. St., 3rd E. of, form. vise. Sandon, q.v., L.P.S. 241 Harsnet, Saml., abp. Yk. 486 ; bp. Norw. 455; bp. Chich. 433 Hart, Anthy. and sir A., K C. 415 ; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 577 ; P.C. 210 ; V. Chanc. 390 Ed. Hume, gen. (D) 896 Geo., adm. (A) 818 Geo. Vaugh., gen. (A) 861 Hy., K.B. 763 Hy., L.M. Dbln. 641 sir Hy., adm. (H) 844; K.C.H. 789 Hy. Geo., gen. (D) 905 Jno., Chest. H. 331 Jno., G. Leew. Isl. 727 sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 sir Rt., Amb. Ch. and Cor. 131 ; K.C.M.G. 798 • Walt., bp. Norw. 455 Wm., Ld. Adv. 526 ' Hart-Dyke, see Dyke Hartcup, Th., gen. (A) 861 Hartington, M. of, see also Cavendish and Devonshire Wm., M. of, aft. 2nd D. of Dev., q.v., C.Y.G. 298 Wm., M. of, aft. 3rd D. of Dev., q.v., C.G.P. 299 Wm., M. of, aft. 4th D. of Dev., q.v., L.L. Ir. 557; L. Treas. Ir. 560; M.H. 302; P.C. Spenc. Compt. Cav., c.c. M. of, son of 7th D. of Dev., Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; L. Admy. 184 ; P.C. 217 ; Postni. G. 239 ; Sec. Ind. 236; U.S. War. 232 ; W. Sec. 232 Hartland, Th., Id., gen. (B) 867 Hartley, suCh.Aug.,K.C.M.G. 798 Humphr. Rt., gen. (D) 885 Jas., gen. (C) 872 Hartman, Jul., K.C.B. 775 Hartpoole, see Harpoll Hartstonge, Jno., bp. Dry. 601 ; bp. Oss. 620 sir Stand., B. Ex. Ir. 584 Hartwell, Brod., L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 Wm., K.B. 759 i'or List of Abbreviations, sec pj]- 944-952. 1043 Harty, Jos. Mark, K.H. 792 sir Rt. Way, L.M Dblu. 642 Harvest, Ed. Dougl., G. W. Austr. 707 ; gen. (D) 924 Harvey, Harvie, and Hervey (or Hervoeus), bp. Bgr. 425; bp. Ely, 434 (or Hausir) bp. Ork. 535 Albt. Hy. Andr., gen. (D) 911 Id.Alf., L.T. 161 Andr., gen. CD) 887 Id. Arth. Ch., bp. B. and W. 428 hon. Aug. Jno., aft. 3rd E. of Bristol, q.v., L. Admy. 179 ; Ch. Sec. Ir. 562 Biss., K.H. 792 Ch. Rt. W., gen. (D) 917 Danl., G. Gsey. 668 ; gen. (A) 857 Ed. and sir E., adm. (D) 828; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 779 Ed., gen. (B) 865 Ed., gen. (D) 893 Eliab, K.C. 415 EUab and sir E., adm. (Ay 817; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 773 sir Felt. Elw. B., K.H. 789 Fras. and sir F., J.C.P. 379; S.L. 409 hon. Fk. Augs., aft. 4th E of Bristol, q.v., bp. Cloy. 631; bp. Dry. 601 -^ Fk., see Id. H., infra sir Geo., Lt. T.L. 321 Geo. Fk., K.C.S.I. 802 Hy., adm. (H) 819 Hy., M. Chy. 395 Hy. and sir H., adm. (A)- 816 ; K.B. 766 sir Hy., D. Arch. 420 Jas., K.H. 791 sir Jas., L.M. Lond. 490 Jno., dn. Her. 442 Jno. and sir J., adm. (A) 819 ; K.C.B. 776 Jno. and sir J., G. N. Brk. 695 ; G. N. Sc. 695 ; G. Newfd. 700 ; G. Pr. Ed. Isl. 699 ; gen. (B) 870; K.C.B. 776; K.C.H, 787 Jno. A., see Id. H., infra Jno. Spr., M. Chy. and Acct. G. 397 Lionel, Amb. Spn. 124 sir Rt. Jno., gen. (D) 879 sir Seb., L.M. Loud. 491 Steph., K.B. 763 Th., adm. (E) 835 Th. and sir T., adm. (A)' 819 ; K.i'.B. 776 sir Walt., L.M. Lond, 489 Wm., B1.M.P.A.336; Clar, K.A. 328; Hps. P.A. 343; Norr. K.A. 32'J ; Soni. H. 332 hon. Wm., gen. (A) 859 Id. Wm., Amb. Fr. 113 Hervey, Ids., see also Jermyn Jno., Id., son of 1st E. of Bristol. L.P.S. 240; P.C. 198 V.C.H. 297 Jno. Augs., Id., son of 4th E. of Bristol, Amb. Tusc, 115 Fk. Wm., Id., aft. 5th E. and 1st M. of Bristol, q.v., U.S.F. 229 Harvie, see Harvey 1044 Harward, Ch., dn. Chich. 434 ; dii. Kxr. 438 - — Th. Neth., gen. iDi 927 Harwedon, Rt. de, .J. It. 369 Harwell, si <- also Harewell Kd., K.B. 761 Harwood, see also Harewood Ch., C.C.J. 403 Harynton, see also Harring- ton Th. Grey, Id., K.B. (1491) 7,58 Haryot, xee also Harriott Will., L.M. Lend. 490 Hascard,f;reg.,dn. Winds. 474 Haseley, .Inc., dn. Chich. 434 Haselshaw, Walt, de, bp. B. and W. 4-27 : dn. Wells, 428 Haskett, Klias, G. Bah. Isl. 710 Hassal, .Ino., dn. Norw. 456 Hassan, Cph. Aba. 98 (Mukv ,S. Mco. 101 (Mohiiinmed) CLE. 807 Hassard, .Jno., gen. (C) 875 Hastings, sir Ch., G.C.H. 786 ; geii. (A) 860 Ch. Roll., K.H. 790 Ed., K.B. (1400) 756 Ed. (son of Wm. 1st Id. H.), K.B. (1475)757 Ed., see also Id. H., infra Eras. Dec., adm. (O) 842 Eras. Wni., gen. (D) 925 Geo., K.B. 759 hon. Geo. Fowl., adm. CD) 833 ; (E) 834 Grab., Q.C. 419 Hy., Som. H. 332; R. Cr. P.A. 335 Jas., dn. Ach, 614 Jno., K.B. 758 sir Th., adm. (D) 831; K.C.B. 778; St. O. 261 Warren, Adm. and G.G. Ind. 648 ; B.C. 209 Wm., Nottm. P.A. 343; Ptc. P.A.337; Som. H. 332 Hasting's, Ids., see also Hoo and H. Wm., 1st Id., K.G. 736 ; M.M. 246 Eras., Id., aft. 2nd E. of Huntingdon, q.v., K.B. 760 Hy., Id., aft. 3rd E. of Huntingdon, q.v., K.B. 760 Eras., 1st M. of, form. E. of Moira, q.v., Const. T.L. 321; G. Mlta. 671; G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 786; M.G.O. 259 Hasting's of Loughborough, sir Edw., aft. Id., K.G. 738 ; L.W.S. 323 Haswell, Win. Hy., adm. (H) 851 Hatch, (ieo. CI., gen. (D) 923 Win. Sp., gen. (D) 916 Hatchard, Th. Goodw., bp. Mlius. 684 HatcheU, Jno., A.G. Ir. 588; S.fi. Ir. ,090 Hatcllffe, W,,S. St, 222 Hatfield, Th. de, bji. Dhain. 478 Walt., dn. Llin. 62:5 Hatherley, see also Atherley Wm. 1'., Id., form, sir W. P. Wood, q.v. Hatherton, Ed. Jno., Id., form. E, J. Littleton, r;.i»., L.Ii. Staffs, 312 Hathorn, see also Hawthorn Geo., adm. (O) 842 INDEX OF NAMES. Hathway, Ham. R., gen. (D) 914 Hatsell, Hy. and sir H., B. Ex.384; S.L. 411 Katton, hon. Ch., G. Gscy. Chr.. K.B. (1603)761 sir Chr., C.Y.G. 298; K.G. 739 ; Ld. Chanc. 356 ; V.C.H. 296 Chr., see also Id. H., i)i/ra Ed. Finch-, C. St. 284 ; U.S. Home, 227 Geo., C. St. Ir. 568 Ino., gen. (B) 867 Rd., M. Chy. 394 (or Mutton I, Rt., S.L. 409 Villiers Eras., adm. (D)828 ; (0)840 Hatton, Ids. Chr., aft. sir C. and Id., Conipt. H. 292 ; G. Gsey. 668 ; K.B. 763; P.C. 190 Hatwa, Mahar. of, K.C.I.E. 805 Haugh, Jno., J.C.P. 378 Haughtou, sir Graves C, K.H. 790 Ino., gen. (D) 934 Jno. Colp., gen. (D) 922 Hault, Nichs., G. Ch. Isl. 667 Haultain, Ch., K.H. 790 Eras., gen. (D), 890 Eras. Mitch., gen. (D) 912 Haunsar, Wm. de, J. It. 367 Hausir, ,■;(< Harvey Hauteyn, Ham., J. It. 368 Havelocfa, Arth. Elib. and sir A., G. Nat. 680; G. Nev. 730 ; G. Trill. 723 ; G. W. Afr. Sett. 688; K.C.M.G. 798 Hy. and sir H., gen. (D) 891 sir Hy. M., aft. Havelock- .\llan, gen. (D) 918; K.C.B. 778 Wm., K.H. 789 Havelock-AUan, see Allan HaverhuU, Wm., L.H.T. 1,52 Havers. Jno., Bl. M. P.A. 337 Haversnam, Jno., 1st Id,, L. Admy, 176 Haviland and Havilland Ino. V. S. de, R. Cr. P.A. 336 ; Yk. H. 334 Pet. de and sir P., Blf. Gsey. 669 T. H„ G. tr. Ed. Isl. 699 Wm„ gen. (A) 858 Hawarden, Corn., 4th vise, aft. 1st K. de Montalt, q.v., L.L. Tipi). ,-)71 Hawes, Bcnj. and sir B., Dep, Sec. at W. 234; K.C.B. 762; U.S. W. and C. 231 ; U.S. War, 233 Geo. Hiir., gen. (D) 925 las., L.M. Lond. 490 Hawford, I'll., dn. Wore. 473 Hawick, .\iidr. de. Sec. St. Sc. ,501 Hawise, Q,C,E. 7 Hawke, sir Ed., aft. Ist. Id. H., adm. (A) 814; K.B. 765; L. Admy. 179; P.C. 202 Hawker, Ed., adm. (D) 825 Hy. Sanil., adm. (H) 851 Jos., Clar. K.A. 328; Norr. K.A. 330; R. Cr. P.A. 335; Richm. H. .S;j4 sir Saml., pen. (B) 868; G.C.H. 787; K.C.H. 788 Hawker— conf. sir Th.. gen. (A) 863 ; (C) 874; K.C.H. 789 Hawkes, Rt., gen. (D) 887 Th. Sp., gen. iD)931 Hawkesbnry, Ids. — Ch., 1st ld.,.f()rm.C. Jenkin- son, q.v., aft. 1st E. of Liver- pool, q.v., C.D.L. 243 ; Pres. BT. 268 ; Sec. at W. 234 Rt. B., Id. (R. B. Jenkin- Bon), aft. 2nd E. of Liverpool, q.v., B.C. 252; B.T. 268: F. Sec. 228; H. Sec. 227; M.M. 247 ; P.C. 206 ; W.C.P. 319 Hawkeslow, Wm., Clar. K.A. 32.S Hawkey, Hy. Aitch., gen. (D) 81)1 Hawkin, Geo. Cr., gen. (D) 929 Hawkins, Abrm. Mills, adm. (H)847 Cses. Hy., I'res. CoU. Surg. 939 Ch., Mast. Coll. Surg. 939 Ed. Llnds., gen. (D) 930 Eras., dn. Chich. 434 Eras. S., gen. (D) 888 Hy. and sir H., J. Ex. D. 386; J.Q.B.D. 374; Q.C. 418 Jas., bp. Drom. 605 ; bp. Rph. 602; dn. Emly, 628 Jno., Ulst. K.A. 572 Jno. Summ., gen. (D) r05 ; K.C.M.G. 797 Saml., gen. (D) 891 Th., dn. Clonf. 637 Wm., S.L. 411 Wm. (No. 1), Ulst. K.A. 573 Wm. and sir W. (No. 2), Ulst. K.A. .572 Hawksaaw, Jno., gen. (D) 889 Kawles, Jno. and sir J., K.C. 415; S.G. 401 Hawley, Hy., G. Bdoes. 719 Hy., gen. (B) 864 Rt. Beauf., gen. (D) 909 Th., Carl. H. 339; Clar. K.A. 328; R. Bl. P.A. 344; R. Cr. P.A. 335 Win., G. Bdocs. 719 Will. Hamb., G. Mtius. 684 ; gen. (D) 'J31 Hawman (or Haghmaii), Nichs., B. Ex. 383 Haws, Jno., S.L. 407 Hawtayne, Ch, Jno. Sibth., adm. ( I) 1827 Hawte, Th., K.B. 759 Will.. K.B. 757 Hawthorne, Ch. St., C. Exc. Ir. 567 Rt. Jno., gen. (Di 910 Haxey, Th.. M. Chy. 394 Hay — , sec also Hey— Hay, see also Haye Alexr. and sir A. (Easter Kennet), Ld. Clk. Keg. 525; Ld. Sess. 518 Alexr. (Eosterseat), Ld. Sess. 519 Alexr. and sir \. (Newton), Ld. Sess. 519; Sec. St. Sc. 502 sir Alexr. ( Whitburgh), Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 sir Alexr. (Lander), Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 sir Alexr., S. St. (1609) 223 Alexr. Leith, gen. (A) 800 For List of Abbreviatiojia, see pp. 944-952. Hay— cont. Andr., Ren. (C) 873 — — Andr. L. and sir A., Clk. O 260 ; G. Bmda. 701 ; K.H 790 Ch.,Ld.Sess.520 Id- Ch., gen. (C) 871 ^^ ^'r- gen. (D) 893 Ch Murr., G. Mtius. 684 ■ gen.(D)8a5 ' — — hon. Ed., Arab. Pgl. 124 • G. Bdoes. 720 ^ ' ——Ed. Hay Drummond- and sir E. G. St. Xtr. 729; G. St Hel. (1854) 682 - Ed. Wm. Aur. Drummond- Amb. Mxco. 132 Eras., c.c. Id. H., KB (1610)762 ' ■ Geo., L. Admy. 178-9 Geo., Ld. Sess. 518 —-Geo. and sir G., Ch. Lond. ^22;D.Arch.421;.J.Adm.Ct. iff f;-^^ ^^- ^21; K. Adv. 422 ; Vic. Gen. 422 -sir Geo., aft. 1st vise. Dup- plm and 1st E. of Kin- 515 ; Ld. Clk. Eeg. 525 — - sir Gilb., aft. c.c. E. of a3l?,"507^-^'-' ^■«- ^-^*- ««■ Jas., adni.(H)846 Jas., bp. Ross, 535 Jas., gen. (D)879 sir Jas., Compt. Sc. 498 "Ilkisi" ^'°- '^' «^^= Id. Jas.. gen. (D) 882 I : Jas^ c.c. Id. H., aft. 1st. vise. Doncaster and E. of Carlisle, q.v., M.G.W. 296; K.B. (1625) 762 ~^Jas. Beckford Lew., adm. ——Jas Shaw, G. Gamb. 686; G. Si. Le. 685 Jno., adm. (H) 848 Jno., K.C.M.G. 797 — ^sn: Jno., Ld. Sess. 517 and Id. Jno., adm. (B) 821 • (Di 829; (E, 836; "c.B 771 • i K-C.B. 781 ; L. Admy .183-4-5-6 Jiio.Bak.Port.,adm.(H)848 Jno. Ch., s_'en. (D) 929 -Jno. Ch. Dahr. and sir C adm. (E) 835 ; (P) 838 ; K.C.B. 781 ; L. Admy. 184-5 ; P.O. 219 Jno. Cr., gen. (D) 933 — — Jno H.Drummond-andsir 76k^-^-.^^*=°- ^^2; G.C.MG. 795; K.C.B. 783; P.C. 221 Lor. Geddes, G. Tob. 724 Ph. Jas., gen. (D) 881 Rt. Jno., gen. (D) 928 Rt. Wm., U.SC 235- U.S.W. and C. 232 ! Th., dn. Ferns, 623 * Th..Ld. Sess. 518 ■ Th., Sec. St. Sc. 502 Th., Ld. Sess. .520 Wm., bp. Cnr. 604 Wm., bp. Mor. .534 Wm., C.C.P. 261 Wm., C. Cus. 276 Woiilfe, gen. (D) 929 Hay of Tester, Ids., see Yester Haya, Rt. de, .J.It. 368 Haydell, Jno. de, A.G. 398 Haydock, Gilb., M. Chy. 394 — — sir Hy. de, C.D.L. 242 Haydon, see also Hey don INDEX OF XAMES. I Haydon— co7i^ I sir Jno., G. Bmda. 701 I Wm., adm. (Hi 847 — - sir Wm., L.G.O. 259 «aye, see also Hay Jno. de la, K.B. 754 — — Wm. de la, L.D. Ir. 550 •**^yes, Coiirtn. Osb., adm. (H) — — Edmd., S.G. Ir. 590; J O B ' Ir. 579 ^" ■ I Horace, C. T.x. 285 I Jas. Th., bp. Trin. 723 I Jno., adm. (D) 824 ] sir Jno., L.M. Load. 4^ • .J no. Mont., adm. ( H) 849 ' Ruth. B Pres. U.S.A. 103 ) IT- Saml., C. St. Ir. 568 ' .^u.i.1^., v^. oo. ir. oby o^^ ' *^^- ^^- eeu Hay ley, Th., dn. Chich. 434 — -^Vm., dn. Chich. 434 Hayme, see Heym Haynes, see Haines and Heynes Hayter, sirArth. D., L.T 162- L.S. War, 2:« 1045 Heath— eon ^ Ed. K.B. 764 Geo.Th,P.P.416;S.L.413 ~S^L 4V ''''■ '^- ■^•^•^'- 3^^ •■ Jno. Coulson, gen (D) 901 "TJ.^^fJ^eop. Geo., adm. (E) ^5*': (F) 839; K.C.B. 779 — - Nichs., abp. Yk. 488 • bo ^^•^h.^W; bp. Wore '473 :- Ld. Chanc. 355 -— Rd and sirR., B. Ex. 384 ■ o.l-i. 410 ' Th., M. Chy. .395 — M m. Andr. .Jas., adm. ( It) Edm., adm. (E> D) I Heathcote Geo., C. Tx. 284 Geo., L.M. Lond 491 ^^^sir Hy.,adm. (A)S20;(G) Ralph, Amb. G. St. 121 sir Wm.. L.L. Hants, 311 i:A.I'^93?;°f c^^Lr-p^^P' I =«£^e?^^^ 417 .Sec. Tr. 163 ' '^■^- . To^ c;/!?^??'' .^*' ^'^- ^^^ Haythorne, Edm., gen (D) f,^! a^^^'°^-<^"- 903; K.C.B. 780 ^ ' I Tl^^fin^' ^"^Ss., 2nd Id., gen Hayton, W., S. St. 222 Heit^^-h * ^^.t^^'^'^f «i- Heyward Hlathorld*^r ' Heathuredi Abm., Q.C. 41, Hy. Blak., gen. (D) 929 Jno., M. Chy. 395 — -Wm., S.L. 412 Haywood, see Heywood Head, sir Edm. Walk., G. Can op. Lmdisf. 478 Heaton, see also Hetou 5^^^'^- dn Clonf. 637 Heber, K. Ir. 20 -- Eeg., bp. Calc. 653 Heca, bp. Sels. 4.32 692 ; G. x\. Brk ?96 • K C b' I Sf ^S' ^F' ^«'«- ^^^ 783;.P.C.216; P.l'c.'262'^''- I ^^^^l^f^^j?^ ^^^^hohertnsK sir Eras. Bond G Tlnn ' ir^^* 'J' ^^^ Can. 692; K.C.H 789- K h" I wf S^tV^^' ^-CM.G. 798 790; P.C. 217 S®^^^,, bp. Sels. 432 -Jpo. dn. Killoe. 637 ' tdm^^.^t^i'pp ^^t*^ ^^^^ C., J. Th.. 1st M. of, fo?L. 2nd I Il^^'^^^^^p^- ^" ^.l^S''*r*^' 1-^'-' K-P. 750 T T n'^i^^- °f' K.P. 751; L.L. Cav. 569 —- Th 3rd M. of, K.P. 752; L.L. Meath, 570 "eadinglion, Rd. CI., Pres CoU. Smg. 939 Headiam Th. Em., JAG 937; P.C. 216; Q.C 417 " Headley, Th., S.L. 409 ^Headda, bp. Lich. 443 (St.), bp. Winch. 470 ' Prob. same pers. gf^d'^c^S, bp. Elm. 454 Heald, Geo., K.C. 416 Heale, Jno., S.L. 408 1 ' A®r*??J ^^^^^ a^d sir I., Bl ^n-K-\- P= Clar.K.A.328 Gart.K.A.328; Lane. H. 333 ^orr. K.A. 329 Heardred, bp. Dunw. 454 bp. Hex. 480 Hearn, Ch. S., CLE. 806 Geo., gen. (D) 929 ^^7nrC.B'r78^-^^'^- '^■ ^i^astej, Geo. Bayles, gen. Heath, Alf. Hales, gen. (D) 9^0 Dougl. D., C.CJ. 403^ -For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 044.95, Heera, Sahib, &c. CLE 808 ' hIi^^*"^'!^^^*-- ^- I- ^^an, 666 KCR'775 ^"^"^^ ''e, Hexham, Xichs., dn. Line. ^ict.),Pr. E. 16; Cr. Ind m HeUog-abalus, Emp. Ro 47 ''l.G^?r..|^^•^■^ I-^^'2; ^li^^^t^. Isaac, bp. Huron, Sfw^^f^^? ''P- Winch. 470 Helot, Wilh., G. C.G.H. 678 ^H^^f"' ^^- ^^^^«- adm. Helps, Arth., K.C.B. 783 ^g^lwais, sir Gerv., Lt. T.L, ^5^'.7^9l'- ^'■••^^°- '°> 892; sir .Jno., C.B. Ex. Ir. 583 sir Jno., C.J.C.P. Ir. 580 1046 Hely-Hutchinson , see Hut- chinson Helynn or Helynn, Walt, de, J.C.P. 377; J. It. 368; J.K.B. 371 ; .Tv. 36.5 Kernel, bp. Lich. 443 Hemenhale, Th. de, bp. Niirw. 4.'j4 Hemery, Jas., tin. Jsey. 668 Hemming', Geo. Wirgni., Q.C. 41 '.I HemphiU, Andr. T., gen. (D) 896 C. H., S.L. Ir. 593 Hem.psliam, Walt, de, abp. Cant. 430 Hemyntoorgfli, Rt., A.G. Ir. Henchman, Humphr., bp. Ijoud. i'yz; bp. Sal. 467; P.C. 190 Humphr., Ch. Lend. 422; J. Adm. Ct. 423 Henden, Ed. and sir E., B. Ex. 3H1 ; S.L. 409 Henderson, Alexr., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 C. A., Amb. Pgy. 136 Edni. Y. W. and sir E., C.C.P. 261; K.C.B. 783 Geo., adm. (H) 844 Geo. Aug., gen. (D) 881; K.H. 791 Tas.,K.H.791 Jas., L.J. Clk. 516; Ld. Adv. 525 Jno. Wm., K.H. 792 Jno. Wm. Cleland, gen. (Dt 930 Rt., adm. (D) 825 Saml. Hood, adm. (H) 852 Th., adm. (D) 832 Th., Ld. Sess. 519 Wm., gen. (D) 900 Wm. Geo., dn. Carl. 476 - Wm. Willmott, adm. CD) 829: K.H. 791 Henderson - Durham, see Durham Hendry, Wm., adm. (H) 846 Hene, Hv., B. Ex. Ir. 584; CH. Ex.'ir. .583; S.L. Ir. 591 Heneage, Algn. Ch. F., adm. (El 837 Edw., C.D.L. 243; P.C. 220 Geo., dn. Line. 448 sir T., C.D.L. 242; V.C.H. 296 Hengrham, Ralph de, C.J.C.P. 375; C.J.K.B. 369; J.C.P. 377; J.K.B. :W1 ; Jy. 365 Wm. dc, J. It. mi Heng-hell, Danl. van den, G. C.G.H. 678 Henglst, K. E. 1, 3 Heniker, .sec Henniker Henley, los. Warn., P.C. 215; I'rcs. li.T. 269 lU., C. Cub. 274 lU., see Id. H. infra Henley, Ids. Henley Family. Rt. and sir R., aft. Ist Id. H. and E. of Northington, (I.U., A.G. 399; K.C. 415; L.H.S. 287 ; Ld. Chanc. 357 ; L.K. :^57 ; P.C. 200 hon. Rt., aft. 2nd E. of Northington, q.v.. Tell. Ex. INDEX OF NAMES. Henlev, idB.—eont. Fk. Mort., 2nd Id., B.T. 268 Kenlyn, Wm., L.M. Lond. 490 Henn, Wm., J.K.B. Ir. 579 Hennessey, Jas. Bab. Nicks., CLE. H07 Jno. Pope and sir J., G. Bah. Isl. 716; G. Bdoes. 719; G. Bdoes. &c. 721 ; G. H. Kong, 673; G.Labn. 675; G. Mtius. 684 ; G. W. Afr. 688 ; K.CM.G. 797 Hennibal, sec Hannibal Henniker and Heniker Albor., Q.C 419 hon. sir Br. Tr., gen. (B) 866 hon. major Jacob, adm. (I>)825 Henning, Shurl. gen. CD) 922 Henningberg-, Rt. de, Ld. Chanc. Ir. .574 Hennington, Rd. de, J. It. 368 ; Jy. 365 Hennis, Wm. How., gen. (D) 899 Henrietta ig. dau. Jas. I.), Pr. E. 13! (dau. Jas. II.), Pr. E. 13 Maria (dau. Chas. I.), Pr. E. 13 abp. -Maria, Q.C.E. 8 (of Eden Family — Morton, Ist Id., form, sir M. Eden, q.v., G.C.B. 771 F<^r Lhf of Abbieriations, see pp. Henry (of London) Dbln. 615 ; Jy. 364 ♦ bp. Clonm. 600 ♦ bp. Emly, 625 * (2), bp. Gall. 538 * (of Wessenberch), bp. Kild. 616 ♦ (or Maurice), bp. Kilf. 635 ♦ bp. Lift. 449 • (2), bp. Ork. 535 * bp. Ross. 535 » bp. Wford. 626 ♦ dn. Her. 442 * dn. Sal. 468 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. ♦ (of Saxe), C.P.R. 68 * (2), D. Brk. 69 (2), D. Tny. 57 (Pr. Pruss.), G.C.B. 773 K. Bma. 59 K. Jsm. 97 (2), K. Pgl. 88 K. Pld. 91 K. Scv. 55 Ld. Sess. 517 (son Wm. I.), Pr. E. 9 (g. son Hen. I., aft. Hen. II.), Pr. E.9 (son Hen. II.), Pr. E. 9 (son K. John, aft. Hen. III.), Pr. E. 9 (son Hen. III.), Pr. E. 9 (son of Edw. I.), ""r. E. 10 (g. son. Edw. III., Pr. E. 11 (iss. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 11 (son. Hen. IV., aft. Hen. v.), Pr. E. ll;Pr. W.E. 8 (son Hen. V.), Pr. E. 11 (iss. of Hen. V., aft. Hen. VII.), Pr. E. 12 (son Hen., VII., aft. Hon. VIII.), Pr. E. 12;Pr. W.E.8 (g. son Hen. VII.), Pr. E. 12 (son Hen. VIII.), Pr. E. 13 (son Chas. I.), l»r. E. 13 I., Emp. E.E. .51 I., Emp. Hti. 105 Henry— <-ont. I., M. Brg. 65 L, C. Anht. 66 I. and II., D. Bdy. 28 I. and II., D. Lne. 29, 30 I. and II.. D. Su. 80 I. to III., D. Sxy. 77 I. to III., K. Nav. 88 I to IV., D. Brk. 69 I. to IV., K. Cle. 85-6 III. (K. Cle.), K.G. 734 I. to v., C. Lux. 84 . to v.. K. Fr. 23-4-5 II. (K. Fr.i, K.G.7:« Ill, (K. Fr.), K.G. 738 IV. (K. Fr.), K.G. 739 - 1, to VI., I'r. Mkg. 74 I. to VII., E. Gmv. 61-2 I. to VIII.. K.E. 4. 5 {See also under Pr. Wales, D. York and Pr. E, supm) I. and II. (K.E.), L.H.A. 170 II. (K.E.), K. Ir. 22 VI. (K.E.), K.B. 756 I. to X., D. Bva. 67 II., D. Aus. 58 II., M. Aus. .58 II. to IV., D. Bbt. 29 XI. to XIV., Pr. R. Sch. 77 XX. to XXII.. Pr. R. Gr. 76 Benedict (g. son Jas. II. i, Pr. E. 14 Borwin, I. and II., Pr. Mkg. 74 Crassus, K. Nav. 85 Fredk. (son Jas. I.), Pr. E. 12; Pr. W.E.8 Fredk.i(g. son Geo. II., aft. D. of Cumb., q.v.), Pr. E. 14 Julius, D. Brk. 70 Chas. St., gen. (D) 908 Jno., adm. (A) 816 Jno., gen. (D1886 Wm., dn. Killoe. 637 Henryson, E;d.. Ld. Sess. 517 Henslow, Jno., Sr. N. 25 Henshawe, Jos., bp. Pboro. 4.58; dn. Chich. iM Henyngbam, Jno., K.B. 757 Heodwulf, K.E.2 Hepburn, sir Ad., Ld. Sess. 519 Eras., gen. (C) 874 Geo., bp. Isl. 539 ; L.H.T. Sc. 497 Geo. Buch., Bar. Ex. Sc. 524; J. Adm. Sc. 524 Hy. Poole, gen. (Di 907 Jas., bp. Mor. 534 ; L.H.T. Sc. 497 Jno., bp. Brn. 531 Tno., bp. Dnbl. 532 Patr., bp. Mor. 534 ; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Rd., C Cus. Sc. .504 Wm.. Ld. Clk. Rog. 525 Heppescotes, Th. de, J.C.P. 377 Hepton, see Hopton Heraclius, I. and II., Emp. K.E. 50 Herbert, bp. Glasg. 536 ; L.G.C Sc. 500; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Arth., see Id. H. of Torbay, infra Arth. Jas. and sir A., gen. (D) 905 ; K.C.B. 781 Ch., gen. (D) 886 I Ch., gen. (D) 901 Ch., gen. (D)919 I Denn., gen. (A) 8S3 •44-952. Herbert— cOTit. Ed. and sir E., A.G. 399 ; S.G. 401 sir Ed., C.J.C.P. 375 sir Ed., C.J. Chest. 386; C.J.K.B. 370; K.C. 415; P.C. 192 ; S.L. 411 Ed., see Id. H. of Chirbury, infra Pk. Anstr., adm. (E) 837 hon. Geo., dn. Her. 442 Geo. Flower, adm. (H) 849 Hy., see Id. H. of Chirbury, infra Hv. Arth., Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; L.L.Kerry, 569; P.C. 216 - Jno., A.G., 398 Jno., dn. Wells, 429 — - sir Jno., Chanc. Gart. 746 ; S. St. 223 Jno. M., C.C.J. 403 hon. Percy Eg. and sir P., gen. (D) 902; K.C.B. 780; P.C. 217 ; Tr. H. 292 Ph., K.B. 763 see also Id. H. of Cardiff, infra Bd. (?), K.B. 757 Rd. Townsh., C. Ace. Ir. 567 ; C. St. Ir. 568 * Kt., S.L.R. 271 * hon. Bt., B.T. 264-5 * Prob. same pers. Et. Geo. Wyndh. and sir R., K.C.B. 784; Sec.M.G.799; U.S.C. 235-6 hon. Sidn., see Id. H. of Lea, infra Th. and sir T., adm. (D) 829 ; K.C.B. 777 ; L. Admy. 183 Wm., K.B. 756 Wm., aft. Id. Powys, q.v., K.B. (1603) 761 hon. Wm., dn. Manch. 481 ; Wdn. Chr. Ch. Manch. 481 hon. Wm., G. Gibr. 669; gen. (C) 871 hon. Wm. Hy., gen. (D) 927 Herbert of Chepstow, Ids. Herbert Family. Wm.,lstld.,aft.E.of Pem- broke, q.v., K.G. 736 Somerset Family. Ch., Id., form, sir Ch. Somerset, q.v., aft. 1st E. of Worcester, q.v., L.C.H. 294 Wm. and sir W., aft. Id. W., and 3rd E. of Worcester, q.v., K.B. (1547) 760; M.H. 301 Herbert of Chirbury, Ids. 1st Creation. Ed., aft. 1st Id. H. of C, K.B. 761 2?!fi Creation. Hv., 1st Id., B.T. 263-4; Coff. H. 293 Herbert of Cardiff, Ids. sir Wm., aft. 1st Id. H. of C, and 1st B. of Pembroke, q.v., K.G. 738 Ph., aft. 4th E. of Pembr. and 1st E. of Moutg., q.v., K.B. 761 Ch., c.c. Id. H. of C. (son of Ph., 4th E. of Pembr. and 1st E. of Montg.), K.B. 762 Geo. Aug., Id., aft. 11th E. of Pembr., &c., q.v., P.C. 204; V.C.H. 297 Fo) INDEX OF NAMES. Herbert of Lea, Ids. Sidney, Id., form. hon. S. Herbert, C. Sec. 234 ; H. Sec. 227; L.T. 162; P.C. 214; Sec. Adm. 186; Sec. at W. 234; Sec. B.C. 254 ; W. Sec. 232 Herbert, of Torbay, Ids. Arth. and hon. A., aft. Id. H. of T. and E. of Torring- tou, q.v., adm. (A) 813; L. Admy. 176 ; P.C. 193 Herbillon, Genl., K.C.B. 778 Hercules, see also Ercole D. Mda. 5 I. and II., Pr. Mno. 31 Herefast, see Arfastus Hereford, Ch., gen. (D) 928 Geoff., bp. Kild. 617 Hereford, Earls of Wm. FitzOsborne, E. of, Ch. Jr. (Wm. I.) 362 De Boliun Family. Humphr. de B., 1st E. of, W.C.P. 317 Humphr. de B., 2nd E. of, J. It. 368 Humphi-. de B., 7th E. of, K.G. 733 Devereux Family. Walt., 1st vise, form. id. Ferrers of Chartly, q.v. Walt., 2nd vise, aft. E. of Essex, q.v., K.G. 738 Hy., 14th viscC.G.A. 300; C.G.P. 300; P.C. 211 Herefrid, bp. Winch. 470 Heremon, K. Ir. 20 Herennius, M., C. Ro. 45 Herewald, bp. Llff. 449 bp. Shbu. 466 Herewin, bp. Lich. 443 Herford, Rt. de, Ch. Ex. Ir. 561 Herierd (or Heriet), Rd. de, Jy. 363 Heriot, Fk. Geo., gen. (D) 879 Herlaston, Wm. de, J. It. 369; L.K. 354; M. Chy. Herle, sir Rt., L.H.A. 172; W.C.P. 318 Th., Wdn. Chr. Ch. Manch. 481 Wm. de, C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 377 ; S.L. 406 Herlewin, see Harlewin Herman, bp. Sal. 466; bp. Wltn. 466 C. Hit. 81 I. toIV.,D. Su. 80 — I. to IX., M. Bdn. 66-7 BilUng, D. Sxy. 77 sir Jno., adm. (A) 813 Hermenric, K.E. 1 Hermingrton, Ad. de, L. Treas. Ir. 558 Hernun, bp. St. Dav. 464 Heron, D. C, S.L. Ir. 593 Ed., and sir E., B. Ex. 384 ; K.B. 761 ; S.L. 408 Hy., K.B. 763 Pet., gen. (A) 861 sir Rd., Ch. Sec. Ir. 562 Herosee, F. F., Pres. Sw.C. 31 Herrera, J. J., Pres. Mex. 103 v., Pres. C.R. 106 Herrick, Benj. B. gen. (D) 921 Herries, Ch. Jno., C. Exc. 282; C.I.R. 285; C. St. and Tx. 285; K.C.B. 783 1047 Herries— con t. * Jno. Ch., Ch. Ex. 165; L.T. 159 ; M.M. 247 ; P.C. 211 ; Pres. B.C. 254; Pres. B.T. 268 ; Sec. Tr. 163 ; Sec. at W. 234 * Jno. Ch., Reg. and Sec. Bath 785 (?) same pers. Wm. Lew. and sir W., gen. CD) aS2; K.C.H. 787; Regr. and Sec. Bath 785 Herries, Ids. — — Marm., Id., L.L. Kirkc. 510; L.L. Yorks. E.R. 313 Herring, Thos., abp. Cant. 431; abp. Yk. 486; bp. Bgr. 426; dn. Roch.461; P.C. 199 Wm., dn. St. As. 463 Herrin^ham, Wm. Allan, adm. (H) 847 Herschel and Herschell Farr., see Id. H., infra - sir Jno. Fk. Wm., K.H. 790 ; M.M. 247 Herschell, Ids. Farr. and sir F., aft. 1st Id. H., .Jud. Com. P.C. 362; Ld. Chanc. 358; P.C. 220; Q.C. 419 ; S.G. 403 Hertelpole (or HertpoU), Geoffr. de, J. It. 369 ; Rec. Lond. 493 — - Jno., M. Chy. 394 Hertenburg-, Jno., G. Ceyl. 672 Hertesburg", Giles de, M.M. 245 Hertford, see also Herford Rt. de, dn. Sal. 468 Rt. de, J.C.P. 377 Hertford, E. and M. of Seymour Family. 1st Creation. Ed., 1st E. of, form. vise. Beauchamp, q.v., also D. of Somerset, q.v., K.B. 760; K.G. 738; L.H.T. 139, 154 8nd Creation. Wm., 2nd E. of, form.Wm. Seymour, q.v., aft. 1st M. and D. of Somerset, q.v., K.G. 740; P.C. 190 Algn., 7th E. of, form. Id. A. Percy, q.v., aft. E. of Northd., Egremont, &c., q.v. Seymour-Conivay Family. Fras., 1st E. of., form. 2nd Id. Conway, aft. 1st E. of Yarmouth, and M. of Hert- ford, q.v., K.G. 742; L.C.H. 295; L.L. Ir. 557; L.L. Montg. 315 ; L.L. Warw. 312 ; M.H. 302; P.C. 201 Fras. 2nd M. of, L.C.H. 295 ; L.L. Warw. 312 ; L.W.S. 323; K.G. 743; M.H. 302 Fras. Ch., 3rd M. of, form. E. of Yarmouth, q.v., K.G. 743 Rd., 4th M. of, form. E. of Yarmouth, q.v. K.G 744 Fras. H. G., 5th M. of, form. F. H. G. Seymour, <7.y., G.C.B. 773; L.C.H. 295; P.C. 218 Hertley, Jno. de, bp. Roch. 460 HertpoU, see Hertelpole HertzTiurgf, Fk. Aug. K.C.B. 775 Hervey, see Harvey Herwynton, Ad. de, M. Chy. 393 List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952 1048 Heseltine, AI))., ailm. iK)8oO Hesill, Win., B. Ex. 38^ Hcsketh, Jno., Lane. (H) 333 ; I'tc. I'.A. 337 Eesse, Alexr., Pr. of, G.C.B. 771 Ern., gr. D. of, G.C.B. 773 Ern., Pr. of, G.C.B. 768 Fk. Win. Loui.s, Pr., aft. cr. D. of, K.G.711 Hesse-Barchfield, Ph. Ern., Pr. of, G.f.H. 7(i.S Hesse-Darmstadt, Geo. Pr. of. Ci. (Hbr. t)ti9; gen. (C) 871 Hessein, Sli. Pers. 99 Hessey, Wm. Hy., gen. (D) 918 Hethersett, Jas., gen. (B) H66 Heton, see also Heaton Mart., dn. Winch. 471 ; bp. Ely 435 Hett, Jno., M. Chy. 397 Heureanz, U., Pres. Dom. licp. 105 Hewetson, Chas., gen. (D) mi Hewett and Hewitt Geo. and sir G., C.C. Ind. 050; C.C. Mdras. 657 ; Conini. F. Ir. 564; G.C.B. 768; gen. (A) 860 Jas., aft. Id. and vise. Lif- ford, q.v., J.K.B. 373; Ld. Chauc.Ir. 576; 8.L. 412 hon. Jas., C. Ace. Ir. 567 ; C. Exc. 282; C. Exc. Ir. 5iJ6-7 hon. Jas., dn. Arm. 597 Jas. Nicha. Br., gen. (D) <'30 hon. Jno., dn. Cloy. 633 hon. Jos., J.K.B. Ir. 579; S.L. Ir. 592 Presc. Gardn. and sir P., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 Th., S.W.F. '271 Wm., C. St. 283 sir Win., Amb. Abyss. 131 Wm. Hy., gen. (D) 886 Wm. Nath. Wri. and sir W., adm. (E) 836 ; K.C.B.780 ; K.C.S.I. 803; L. Admy. 186 Will. Sclw., gen. (D) 914 Hew^ill, Edwin, gen. (C) 872 Hewlett, ltd. Strode, adm. iE).s:!r, ; (Pi8:« Til. Gill., CLE. 806 Hewson, (ico., adm. (H) 845 Hewys, Tli. de.L.H.A. 170 Hext, Jno., CLE. 8(1H Will., adm. (H)H47 Hey—, see also Hay— Heydon, xec a /so Hay don ■ — - Bcnj.. dn. Wells, 429 Hy., K.B. 758 Jno., K.B. 760 Th.dc, Jy.364 Heyforde, Huinphr., L.M. Heygarth (or Heygate), Jno., dn. Lliii. C'i:! Heygate, Wm. and sir W., L.M. Loud. 492; Chainbn. Loud. 493 Heym and Hayme — I'ot., J. It. atJH Hleph., J.C.P. 377; Jy. 365 Heyn, Jno., bp. Clonf. 6;« Heynes, see also Haines Sim., dn. Exr. 437 Heyrick, Kd., Wdn. Chr. Ch. ^fllnch. 481 INDEX OF NAMES. Heyrun, Jord., J. It. 367 Heytesbnry, Wm., 1st Id., form, sir W. A'Court, q.v., Amb. Kuss. 126; G.G. Ind. 649 ; L.L. Ir. 5.57 Heyward, see also Hayward sir Howl., L.M. Lond. 490 Keywood and Haywood Jno. Jas., gen. (Di 930 J. M., L. Admy. 180 Pet.. G. Jam. 712 Saml., S.L. 412 Th., dn. Lich. 445 Heyworth, Wm., bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 Hlbbert, Jno. T., P.C. 220; Sec. Adm. 187; Sec. L.G.B. 2r,6: Sec. Tr. 164; U.S. Home, 22H Hibbotts, Th., Ch. Ex. Ir. .562 Hlccocks, Jno., M. Chy. 396 Wm., C. Exc. 278 Hicham, Kt., S.L. 409 Hickes. see Hicks Hickley, Hy. Denn., adm. (E) 837 Vict. Gr., adm. (H) 851 Hickman, Ch., bp. Dry. 601 — Hy., M. Chy. 395 ThoH. Windsor-, aft. vise. Windsor, q.u. sir Wm.. M.G.O. 258 Hicks and Hickes Ch. Fk., gen. (D) 926 Geo., dn. Wore. 473 Geo., gen. (D)890 Hy. Ersk., gen. (D) 911 Th., adm. (A) 817 Hickson, K. M., G. Virg. Isl. 731 Hicks-Beach, see Beach Hidayat, Shaik Ali, CLE. H06 Hiddesley, Mark, bp. S. and M. 464 Hien-fungf, Einp. Ch. 100 Hierologois, bp. Lism. 626 Hig-ate, Jas., bp.KUf. 635 Hig-bald, bp. Lindisf. 478 Hig-bert IJ), bp. Lich. 443 Higdeu and Hygden Br., dn. Yk. 4H7 Jno., dn. Clir. Ch. Oxf. 4.57 Higgin, Wm., bp. Dry. and Kph. 602 ; bp. Lim. A. and A. 639 Wm. Housm., Q.C 418 Higgins, Andr., CLE. 807 Anthy., dn. Rip. 482 Clem., Q.C. 420 Dcm. O", Pres. Chi. Ill JoH. Nap., Q.C. 419 Saml. Gord. and sir S., K.C.H. 788; K.H. 789 Th., gen. (D)891 Warn, ^\■cst., K.H. 790 - — - Wm., dn. Lim. 640 Higglnson, Geo. P., gen. (D) 8«2 Geo. Wm. Alexr., gen. (D) 908 Jas. Mac, G. Antig., &c. 727 ; G. Mtius. 684 ; K.C.B. 778 Higgs, GrifT., dn. Lich. 445 Hlgham, Ckin. and sir C, CH. i:x. :1H1 ; Sp. H.C 249 ltd., S.l>. 407 ■ sir Hog., L.H.A. 171 Hight, Ch., gen. (D) 926 Higman, Hy., adm. (HI 845 For List of Abbreviations, sec j)j). 94 Hilary and Hillary abp. Lond. 450 abp. Yk. 485; bp. Chich. 432 P. Ro. 33 Rog. CJ.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 377 Hildebrand, K. Lnid. 49 Arth. Hedd., CLE. 808 Ch. PhajTe, gen. (Dt 926 Hildersley, Jno. de, B. Ex. 38:1 Hildeyerd, Hy., Chambn. Ex. 166 P., Chainbn. Ex. 166 Hildyard, Jno.. C.C.J. 403 Rt. Ch., Q.C. 417 HiU, Abr.. B.T. 263 Alex., Mod. K. Sc. 547 Alex. St., Q.C. 418 Arth., Ch. Ex. Ir. 562 Arth., gen. (DI 933 Id. Arth. M. C, Compt. H. 293; P.C. 214; Tr. H. 291 Id. Arth. Wm., Compt. H. 293 ; P.C. 220 Ch. Ed. Dawt., gen. (D> 910 Chr.,adm. (Al 815 Clem., gen. (Cl 875 Clem. LI., K.C.M.G. 799 sir Dudl. St. Leg., G. St. Luc. 72.5 ; gen. (D| 879 ; K.C.B. 777 Ed. Row!., gen. (D) 897 Geo., dn. Thist. 749 Geo., gen. (Cl 874 Geo., S.L. 412 sir Geo. Fitz-Ger., C. Treas. Ir. 561; G. St. Vin. 7-25 ; G. Trin. 722 ; P.C. 209 Geo. Mytt., gen. (D) 916 Hy, adm. (Al 8-20 Hv,. R. Dr. P. A. 338 ; Wmds. H. :i31 Hy. Worsl., G. Gld. Cst. 686 Hugh, aft. sir H., J.Q.B. 373 ; Q.C. 417 ; S.L. 413 Jno., C Cus. 275 Jno., dn. Kilni. 609 Jno., gen. (C) 871 ; L.G.O. 259 ; P.C. 196 Jno., gen. (Dl 897 (or Hulli, Jno., J.C.P. 378; J.K.B. 371; S.L. 407 sir Jno., adm. (Dl 829 Jno. Th., gen. (D) 895 Matth. Dav., P.P. 416 Nichs., dn. St. Pat. 617 Percy, gen. (D) 903 Rd., bp. Lond. 451 Rd., L. Admy. 177; L.T. 155 (or Hull I, Rt., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 Rog., B. Ex. 384; J.K.B. 372 ; S.L. 410 Rowld. and sir R., K.C.B. 782 ; Sec. P.O. 239 ; L.M. Lond. 490 sir Rowld., see Id. H. iii/r(i Rowley, bp. S. and M. 484 Rowley Sale, gen. (D) 928 Steph. Jno. and sir S., G. Antig. &c. 727; G. Gld Cst. 686 ; G. Newfd. 700; G. Si. Le. 685 ; K.C.M.G. 797 Th., dn. Oss. 623 sir Th. Noel, K.C.B. 775 Wm.,gen.(D)919; K.C.S.I. 803 Wm., M. Chy. 394 1-952. SUl—cont. Wm., Sec. Tr. 164 ~~- ^\^^ °^-' aft. 3rd Id. Ber- wick, Amb. G. St 121 • A m h |cj^.n5;Amb.Sda'n4^RC: HiU, Ids. and vise. "■CH. 786; gen fAl.sfii • v r — ^Rowl, 2nd vise., L.L. Salop, HiUam, - s.L. 107 Hillary, see Hilary HiUs, Geo., adni. (H) 845 Geo., bp. Cbia. 698 Jolmes. gen. (D)921; K.C.B INDEX OF NAMES. Hitch, Rt.. dn. Yk. 487 Ki^cliins, Benj. B., gen. (D) of, aft. M of Do^vnshire, q.v. ^C^f^p.^^= Compt. H.'292 "^^"t^ i^s., adm (D) 824 ; i^tJ^^ ; K.C.H. 788 -Kt. Purk., K.H 792 i^^Y^"-'a'ini-(G)842 Hilt«?' iT- ""P- ^och. 460 ■ttuton, Adam de. J It 368 — Jno., Pres. CoU. Surg. 939 ~i;.1^8™->B-Ex.Ir.584;J.C.P. ^^^chcliffe, Jno., bp. Pboro. ' Jno., dn. Dham. 479 *?samepers. Hinchinbroke, Jno. vise ^"^SthE of Sandwich,^ ^:; MJi.H.303;P.C. 202;V.C.h: ^-f-^cks, Fras. and sir F H^ende '^ ^'''**^' ''' «^'« Ch., gen. (D) 904 -Jno., gen. (D) 901 Jno J.C.P.378; S.L.408 baml. \en. and sir S gen.(B)S6S; K.C.B. 776 -*^^aniarch, Wm. M., Q.c. :iindmarsh, Jno. and sir J adm. (G) 841; G. Hlgld. 670 ?T^«L'^c'*'';'^°^: K.H.791 d?.1:ll\"^^^P-^^-^-4- = — - Saml., G. Bdoes. 720 ainton, Jno., dn. Tm. 613 Linton, vise. —-Jno 1st vise., form. 4th IcL and aft 1st E. Pou2ett,«.y. 3inuber, Harry de and sir T,f-»tli-'B 867; K.C.B.775 %' ?y-,^^m., adm. (H) 851 — - bydu. Jos., gen. (D) 915 ^irtius,A.,G..Ro.46 1L^83^' ^"'''''■' ^^- ^- ^^"^ Hislop, Th. and sir T., C C r^r^n^^rr' 9;C- Mdras. 657;" G.C.B. 767 ; G. Gren. 724 ; G k'cb. ?75 ' ^^'^- '-*•' ^1 ; Hispalius, C. C. S.. C. Ro. 44 -iispa:iia, sec Ispania :ii7:.Hy- wh.. gen. (d, 908 807 "^ ^^^- ^•^•^• ^P- Her. 442; bp. Sal. 467- bp. Wmch. 471 -—Jno., abp Arm. 596 ; abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616 ; bp. Ferns andL.622;L.J.Ir.556 Hoard (or Hoare), Ed W adm. (D) 828 ; (G) 840 ^oa,re, see also Hore and Hoard — Ed. New., dn. Ach 614 • dn. Wford. 628 ' -— sirRd., L.M. Lend. 491 Hotoart, hon. Geo. Vera, G Gren. 724 — — Hy. and sir H., A.G 399 • C.J.C.P.375; S.L. 409 ' sir Hy., C. Cus. 274 — ^hon. Hy. Lew., dn. Winds. Jno., see Id. H., infra Miles, K.B. 763 Nathl., M. Chy. 395-6 — — Rt., see Id. H., infra Hobart, Ids. —-sir Jno., aft. 1st Id. H. and 1st bj. of Bucks, (T.v B T 264; G.C.P. 299; K.B 764- P.C 199; Tr.Ch.294 ' —-Jno., Id., aft. 2nd E. of P.C 200^"''" ^°°'P*- ^- ^^'^' - Rt., aft. Id. H. and 4th E. ?* B'^cks, q.v., C. Treas. Ir. 560; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; G S%fo'^^-^-'°^^^^--'i -—Mary Cath., lady, Cr. Ind. 1049 Hodges— co/it. Th- H' -V?^- "• Tns. 120 Ih., dn. Her. 442 Th. Troph., t,.en. (D)931 -— ^^ m., L.M. Oblu. 642 Becff^.?2^' ""■■ ^P- «"*•■ Hodg-son, see also Hodson Arth.,K.C.M.G. 798 -^^Brian, adm. (D) 825; (G) Ch. Jas., gen. (D) 913 Chr., gen. (D)877 ^'■^s. Geo., gen. (D) 918 Hy., C. Ts.2So gy-. gen. (Dj 878 S^- ?'^^- sen. (B) 912 :; "Ugh Norr., gen. (D) 914 ^ Jno., G. Bmda. 701 Jno., gen. f A) 862 * '.' same pers. Jno., Q.C. 417 Jno. An thy., gen. (D) 881 Jno. Studh., gen. (D) 896 ^h?st:47^- ''^''- '''■' '»- |i?Rt..G.Pr.Ed.IsI.699 -—Studh., F.M. 8.56; gen. (A) For Hobbes or Hobbys, Th., dn Est. 437 ; dn. Winds. 474 Hobhouse, Arth., see Id. H., — Benj. and sir B., Sec. B.C. Ed., bp. Nels. 710 I — Hy., P.C. 211 ; U.S. Home, —-sir Jno. Cam, aft. Id. 1^"^^'°^' ^•'^V C.W.F. &c. 'ii'i, Ch. Sec. Ir. 563- Pr |2;^Pres.B.C.253-4Tsec-ac Hobhouse, Ids. — - -li-th. aft^ sir A. and Id 11-, Jud. Com. P.C ;^6'> KX3.S.I. 803; P.C. 220; Q.h: Hobruffg-, Gerv. D., dn. St. P *Hobson, Jno., gen. (D) 896 — Jno., or Wm., G. N.Z. * ? same pers. 5°°^' 111; Ph- dn. Ardf. 640 Hochefried, Geo. Bar. de form. Geo. Porter, q.v 8*49 ' ^^- ■^''^™- ^'^'^- (H) ^°^8"e. Ed. Coop, and sir E K.c:i:7lo'= ^'°- '^' ^^^'' — - Jno., K.H. 792 Ho-lg-es, Geo. LI., K.C.B. 783 Hugh, S.L. 411 — Studh. J gen. (D) 894 Hodian lor HecUan), Jno., dn. c-asn. 627 Hodson, see also Hodgson -— - l>oveton, gen. (D) 908 Hody, sir Jno., C.J.K.B. 370 ~i^iT"L.i^- '''■• ^■«- ^- Hoel, V. and VI., D. Brv 28 Hog-, see Hogg Hog-an, Donat, dn. Emly, 628 Hugh, dn. Emly 628 ~7;,^°\ Hosar), Rd., bp. Clonm. 600 : bp. KiUoe. 634 Hog'ar, see Hogan Hog-gr, Hog-, and Hoe-fi-e ^^•'S'^n- 'D)8T7 " Fk. Buss., K.C.LE. 805 Geo. Forbes, gen. fD) 923 ——Jas. Macn., aft. McGarel- gofl^^^d Id. Magheramome, ~^/*^^. Weir and sir J., Chn. f.C.2^8- ''"-''• ^'■''■'- '''^ su: Rog., Ld. Sess. 519 — ^bom. Geo. Cam., gen. (D) — Th. Ig;i. Ji..^ gejj_ (^j ()i,g S°||an,.Jno.,gen.(D)888 Hog-g'e, see Hogg Hog-glns, Chr. a., Q.C. 417 2°^^*?"^*'^'' Houghton ^sJ^VllZ'' *^*- ^^-^^--- Holand, see Holland "^Hollfect' ''°'^^=^«' -" -— -Hy., bp. Line. 447; bp Roch. 460; bp. sutfr. Brl.43> dn. \\ ore. 473 —-Hugh, dn. St. As. 463 ^oi^iirne, Fras., adm. (Ai 814; G. Gr. Hosp. 854 ; L. Admy. 179 Holcrofte, Hy., Ch. Ex I- Jno, List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 67 1060 Holden, Luther, Pies. Coll. Sure. 9,39 Holder, Hy. Lowe, adm. (H) 853 Holdernesse, Alexr. de, J. It. 367 Hog. de, (In. Yk. 486 Holdernesse, E. of lit., 3rd E. of, P.C. 197; Pres. B.T. 264 Rt., 4th E. of, L.L. Yorks. N.K. 313: P.C. 199; S. St. 224 ; W.C.P. 319 Holdich, Ed. Alan and sir E., gen. iDi 902; K.C.B. 780 Holdsworth, K., dn. Wore. 473 Hole, Lewis, adm. (H) 845 Lewis Bl., gen. (D) 929 Siunl. Keyu., du. Roch. 461 Holford, Geo. P., Sec. B.C. 254 Pet., M. Chy. 396 Kd., M. Chy. 396 Th.(No. 1), Ptc. P.A. 337; Winds. H. 331 Th. (No. 2), Bl.L. P.A. 341; Ptc. P.A. 337 Holgate, Rt., abp. Yk., 486; bp. Llff. 449 Holgin, Greg., dn. Kild. 619 Holg-rave, Juo., B. Ex. 38:i Holiday, see Hollyday Holkar iMaliar. of Indore), K.C.S.I. 802; G.C.S.L 802 Holker, Jno. and sir J., A.G. 400; Jud. Com. P.C. 362; L.J. App. 389; P.C. 220; Q.C. 418; S.G. 403 HoU, Charlt., gen. (D) 894 \Vm. H., C.C.J. 405; Q.C. 419 Holland and Holand, see also Hollond C, L.T. 154 Geo., dn. Dry. 602 sir Hy., Pres. R. Inst. 940 Hy. Ed., Amb. Tusc. &c. 115 Hy. Thurston, aft. sir H. and Id. Knutsford, q.v., C. Sec. 235; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 797 ; P.C. 220 ; Sec. Tr. 164 ; U.S.C. 2;36; V.P.Ed. 255 Hy. Wm., gen. (D) 915 sir Juo., Compt. H. 292; P.C. 195 Jno., aft. E. of Hunting- ton, and 1st D. of Exeter, q.v., Jno. or Ph., Ptc. P.A. 337; R. Rge. P.A. 344 Jno. Wentw., adm.(D)825 Luml. H. H., gcu. (Dl 912 sir Otho., K.G. 73.5 Ph. or Jno., see Jno., supra Rd., K.B. 7.56 sir Rt., L.H.A. 171 Seth, du. Wore. 473 Th., C.Ch. Isl. 667 sir Th., aft. E. of Kent [d. 1360), K.G. 733 Th. WoU.. gen. (D)914 Holland, Ids. and E. of liich Family. Hy., Ist E. of, form. Hy. Rich, and Id. Kensington, (J.V., C.Y.Q. 298; K.G. 739; Const. W. Cast. 322 Fox Family. Hy., Ist Id., form. Hy.Fox, q.v. Hy. Rd., 3rd Id., C.D.L. 243; P.C. 208; L.P.S. 241 INDEX OF NAMES. Holland, Ids. and E. ot—cmit. \ Hy. E., 4th Id., form. hon. I H. E. Fox, q.v. I Holies, see also Hollis Deuz., see Id. H., ni/ra sir Fretch., adm. (A) 813 sir Wm.. L.M. Loud. 490 Holies, Ids. DenzU, aft. Ist Id. H.,P.C. 190, 192; L.L. Dors. 307 Holliday, see Hollyday HoUisfan, J. R., G. St. Xtr. 729 Hollinffworth, Jno., Bl. M. P.A. :«t; ; Rbk. P.A. 344 Rand, or Rod., dn. Ach. 614 Th., Yk. H. 334 Hollinwortli, Jno., adm. (H) 844 Hollis, see also Holies Aysc. Pafif., adm. (A) 820 D., L. Admy. 175 Jno. Jos., gen. (D) 890 Hollist, Rd., K.C. 415 Hollond, see also Holland E. J., G. Mdras. 656 Jno., G. INIdras. 6.56 HoUoway and Halloway Ch.. S.L. 410 sir Ch., gen. (Ci 873 Jno., adm. (A) 816; G. Newfd. 700 Rd. and sir R., J.K.B. 372 ; S.L. 410 - — Th., gen. iD) 898; K.C.B. 779 Hollyday, sirHv., L.M.Lond. 491 Holme, Jno., B. Ex. 383 Th. and sir T., Clar. K.A. .328 ; Winds. H. 331 Holmes and Holms Ch., adm. (A) 814 Geo., K.C.B. 775 Geo. Ed., gen.(D) 912 Gilb., dn. Ardf. 640 Hv., gen. (B)865 Hugh,A.G. Ir.589 ; J.C.P.D. Ir. 582; J.Q.B.D. Ir. 580; S.G. Ir. 590 Jno., L.T. 162; Sec. B.T. 269 Percy L., gen. (D) 918 Pet., C. Ace. Ir. 567 ; C. St. Ir. 568 Rd., gen. (C) 871 Rt., dn. Winch. 471 sir Rt., adm. ( A) 813 Steph.. K.H.7S0 Wm., dn. Exr. 438 Holmewood, Ed., G. I. Man, 660 Holroyd, Ch., gen. (D) 912 Geo., gen. (D) 923 Geo. S. and sir G., J.K.B. 373 ; S.L. 413 Hy., C.C.J. 405 Holsteln, Aug., D. of, K.G. 738 Holt, Fras. Ludl., K.C. 416 Hy., gen. (B)864 Jno., J.C.P. 378 ; K.B. 755 ; S.L. 407 Jno. and sir J., C.G.S. 357 ; C. J.K.B. 370; P.C. 194; Rec. Loud. 494; S.L. 411 Rd., G. I. Man, 6(« Th.,S.L. 410 Wm., adm. (O) 842 Holwell, Jno. Zcph., Adm. Ind. 647 Holworthy, Maj.— , G. Trin. 722 Holyman, /no., bp. Brl. 439 Holywode, Rt. de, B. Ex. Ir. .583: CH. Ex.Ir.582 Home, Anthy. Dicks, K.C.B. 780 Dav., gen. (A) 859 Dav., Ld. Sess. 520 sir Ev., Mast, and Pres. CoU. Surg. 939 sir Geo., adm. I A) 816 Hy., Jv. Sc. 5-22 ; Ld. Sess. 520 Jas., gen.iB)869 Jas., Ly. Dep. 513 Jno., gen. (D)886 Jno. Home, gen. (Dl 884 Xin., G. Gren. 724 Rd., gen. (D) 888 Rt., C.I.E. .807 Rodd., adm i Ai 816 Home, E. of Wm., 8th E. of, G. Gibr. 669; gen. (B) 865 Alexr., 10th E. of, L.L. Berw. 508 Cosp. Alexr., 11th E. of, form. Id. Dunglass, q.v., L.K. Sc. .503 Ch. Alexr., 12th E. of, form. Id. Dunglass, q.v. Homewood, see Holmewood Homspesch, Wm. Vine. gen. (D,i877 Bar. Ch., gen. (Bi 866 Count Ferd., gen. (A) 861 Hone, Ino., M. Chv. .395 Natlil., L.M. Dbln. 641 Honey—, see Houy— Honner or Honnor, Rt. Wm., gen. iD) )S96; K.C.B. 779 Honore, Hy., dn. Bgr. 426 Honorius (St.), abp. Cant. 429 Emp. W.E. 49 I. to IV., P. Ro. 33-4-5 I. to v., Pr. Mno. 31 Honstedt, Augs., bar., gen. (C)873 Honyman, Audr., bp. Ork. 5:« sir Geo. Ess., J.C.P. 380; Q.C. 418; S.L. 414 Rt.. adm. (A) 820 sir Wm., Jy. Sc. 523; Ld. Sess. 520 Honywood, Mich., dn. Line. 448 Ph., gen.(A)8rjS Ph. and sir P., gen. (A) 857; KB. 764 Hoo, Jno., S.L. 411 Th., aft. Id. Hoo and Hast ings, K.G. 735 Hood, Alexr., aft. 1st Id. and 1st vise. Bridport, q.v., adm. (A) 815; K.B. 765 hon. Alexr. Nelson, aft. 3rd Id. and 1st vise. Bridport (2nd Cr.), q.v., gen. (D) 897 Arth. Wm. Acl. and sir A., adm. (B)836; K.C.B. 781 ; L. Admy. 185-6 Ch., gen. (D)910 Jno. Cockb., gen. (D) 923 Rd., du. Kilmacd. 6;« Saml. and sir S., adm. (A) 818 ; G.C.B. 767 ; G. Trin. 722 ; K.B. 766 — — sir Saml., .see Id. H., infra Hood, Ids. and vise. sir Saml., aft. Id. and vise. H.. adm. (A) 815; O. Or. Hosp. 854; G.C.B. 767; L. Admy. 180 For List of Abbreviations, see pi). 944 Hook, Jas., dn. Wore. 471 Jv.o., S.L. 411 Walt, F., (In. Chich. 434 Kooke-Campbell, see Camp- beU Hooker, Josh. Dalt. and sh- J., K.C.S.I. 803: Pres. E. Soc. 946 Rog., dn. Llin. 623 sir Wni., L.M. Ljnd. 491 sir Wm. Jacks., K.H. 791 Hooper, Ed., C. Cus. 27.5-6 Geo., bp. B. and W. 428 ; bp. St. As. 462; dn. Cant. 431 Geo. Stanl., gen. (D) 931 Jas. J., C.C.J. 405 I Jno., bp. Glr. 438 : bp. Wore. 473 Jno. Kinn., L.M. Lond. 492 Xichs. (or Ed.i, S.L. 411 | Hope, hon. Alex, and sir A., i Amb. Dk. 127; G.C.B. 767; sen. (A) 861; K.B. 766; L.G. ' Ch. Hosp. 936 Alexr. Jas. B. Beresford- P.C. 219 Archd., Ld. Sess. .520 Archd. Hugh. gen. iD) 918 Archd. Wh.. gen. (D) 893 Ch., adni. iDi 830 Ch., L.J. Clk. .516; L.P. Ct. Sess. 616 ; Ld. Adv. 526 ; P.C. 210 hon. Ch., G. L Man. 666 ■ hon. Ch.. gen. (At 861 ■ Ch. Webl.. adm. (E) 836 Fk.,gen. (D)896 Geo., K.C.B. 774 • Geo. Johnst. and sir G., adm. (A) 818; L. Admv. 181 Geo. W., U.S.W. and C. i 231 I Hv. and sir H. adm. (D) S27 ; K.C.B. 778 Jas. and sir J., adm. (Bl I .'<21; (D)8:31; (EtS34; K.C.B. 779; G.C.B. 770 sir Jas., Ld. Sess. 519 Jas. Archd. and sir J., gen. (D) 879; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 775 Jas. Et., P.P. 417 : Jno., D. Fac. Sc. 527 ; L.J. I Clk. 516; P.C. 211; S.G. Sc. 527 sir Jno., G. I. Man. 666 hon. Jno. and sir J., aft. Id. Niddry, and 4th E. of Hopetoun, q.v., Comm. F. Ir. 564 ; G.C.H. 786 ; gen. (B) 867 ; K.B. 766 Jno. or Th., see Th. | Jno. Bruce and sir J., G. Bmda. 701; gen. (B) 865 Jno. Ch., K.H. 790 Sackett, adm. IG) 842 Theod. Cr., K.C.S.I. 803 Th.. adm. (E)835 Th., or Jno. * L.H.C., K. Sc. 546 * L.J. Gen. 522 * Ld. Adv. 526 * Ld. Sess. 510 * Ld. Sess. .519 * Jv^ofe.— There is some confusion in these names. Compare dates. Wm., gen. iD) 906 Wm. Johnst. and sir W., adm. (A) 818; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 774; L. Admy. 181, 182 ; P.C. 212 INDEX OF NAMES. Hope-Johnstoue, see John- stone Hopetoun, E. of Ch., 1st E. of, K.T. 747; L.H.C., K. Sc. 546 — — Jno., 2nd E. of, L.H.C., K. Sc. .546 Jas.,3rdE.of,L.L. Linlithg. 511 Jno., 4th E. of, form, sir Jno. Hope, and Id. Niddry, q.v., gen. (A) 861 ; L.L. Liu- hthg. 511 .Jno., 5th E. of, L.L. Linlithg. 511 I — Jno. Al., 6th E. of, L.L. Linlithg. 511 .Jno. Ad. L., 7th E. of, L.H.C. K. Sc. 546 ' Hopkins, Benjn.. Chambn. i Lond. 493 Ezek., bp. Drv. 601 ; bp. : Eph. 601 Jno., L.M. Lond. 492 Jno. Oram., adm. (E) 837; Compt. N. 258 Jno. Paul, K.H. 791 Ed., L. Admy., 179, 180 ; L.T. 158 sii- Ed.. S.L. 410 Ed. North., gen. (B) 866 • Th., U.S.S. 225 • Wm. Fr., gen. (D) 899 Hopkinson, sir Ch., gen. (D) H., gen. (D)922 Hoppenstedt, Geo. Em. Fk., V. Chanc. Guelph, 792 Hopper, Wm., gen. (D) 877 I Hopson, Ed., adm. (A) 813 I Peregr. Th., G.N. Sc. 694 ; gen. (C) 871 sir Th., adm. (Al 813 I Hopton, Arth., K.B. 761 Jno., bp., Norw. 455 sir Owen, Lt. T.L. 321 Ealph, see Id. H., infra Walt, de., B. Ex. 382 ; J. It. 368; J. K.B. 371 I or Hepton ), Wm. de, A.G. : 398; S.L. 406 1 Hopton, Ids. Ealph, aft. 1st Id. H., K.B. 763; P.C. 189 Hopwood, Ch. Hy., Q.C. 419 Horan, Jas., L.M. Dbln. 641 Horden, Jno., bp. Moos. 697 Hore, see also Hoare Et., A.G.Ir. .588 Th.,gen.(D)895 j Horley (or Horsey), Geo., dn. Eoss, 633 ! Hormisdas, P. Eo. 33 1 Horn, see Home Hornby and Horueby Geoffr. Th. Phipps, and sir G., adm. (B) 821; (E) 835; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 780; L. Admy. 185 Nathl., C. Exc. 278, 279 Phipps and sir P., G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 777; L. Admy. 183 * Wm. de, A.G. 398 * Wm.,S.L. 407 * Poss. same pers. Wm. Ph. and sir W., adm. (C) 822 ; (D) 827 | Wm. Windh., adm. (H) | Horncastle, Carl. 475 Jus. de, bp. 1051 Home and Horn .-Uexr., G. I. Man, 666 Ch. Jas., gen. (D) 927 Fk.. and sir. F., gen. (D) 895 ; K.C.B. 780 Geo., bp. Norw. 4.55; dn. Cant. 431 Jno. de, K.B. 754 Et., bp. Winch. 471; dn. Dham. 479 Et.^. Fac. Sc. 527 WeI; L.M. Lond. 490 Wm. and sir W., A.G. 400; K.C. 416; M. Chv. 397; S.G. 402 Hornebrock, E., Bl. M. P.A. 336 Horneby, see Hornbv Horneck, Ch., gen. (B) 866 Horse, Pet. de la, K.B. 754 Horsey, .Algn. Fk. E. de, adm. lE) 836 (or Horley), Geo., dn.Eoss. 6.33 Saml., B. and Gl. K.A. :3:30; Bath K.A. 785: Han. H. 340 Wm. Hy. B. de, gen. (D) 918 Horsfall, Jno., bp. Oss. 620 Horsford, AU. Hast.. G.C.B. 770; gen. (D) 902; K.C.B. 778 Geo., gen. (B)86S Jno., K.C.B. 775 Ed., gen. (D) 895 Horsley, Saml., bp. E«ch. 460; bp. St. As. 462; bp. St. Dav. 465 ; dn. Westr. 469 Wm., Clar. K.A. 328 Horsman, Ed., Ch. Sec. Ir. 563 ; L.T. 160 ; P.C. 216 Hort, Jno. Jos., gen. (D) 905 Josiah, abp. Tm. 611 ; bp. Ferns and L. 622 ; bp. Kihn. and Ard. 607 ; dn. Ard. 609 ; dn. Cloy. 633 Hortensius, L., C. Eo. 45 Q., C. Eo. 46; Dt. Eo. 41 Horton, Jas., G. I. Man, 666 -Josh. Sydn., adm. (A) 820 Et. Jno. WQm. and sii- E., G.C.H. 786; G. Ceyl. 672; U.S.W. and C. 2:31 Eog., J.C.P. 378; J.K.B. 371 Th.. G. I. Man, 666 Wm„ adm. (H) 851 Hose, Geoflf., J. It. :366 Geo. Fk., bp. Sing. L. and S. 676 Hoseason, Hy., gen. 'D) 913 Wm., adm. (H) 85j Hosier, Fras., adm. (A) 813 Hosken, Jas.. adm. (H) 850 Hoskins, Anthy. Hiley and sir A., adm. (Ei 836; K.C.B. 781 ; L. Admy. 185-6 Edm. or Edw., S.L. 410 Jno., M. Chy. 396 Jno., S.L. 409 sir .Jno., Pres. E. Soc. 940 Hospitali, Ealph de, J. It. 365 Hoste, sir Wm., adm. (E) 8.35 ; K.C.B. 774 Hotham, Beaum., aft. sir B. (7th Bart.), C. Cus. 275-6 Beaum., see Id. H. mfra Ch. and sir C, Amb. Arg. i:36; Amb. Bol. 135; Amb. Pgy. 136; Amb. Ugy. 137; G. Vict. 704 ; K.C.B. 777 sir Ch., K.B. 765 Ch. Fk., adm. (E) 8:37: L. Admy. 186 For List of Abbrn^iations, see pp. 944- 1052 Hotham— coH*. Geo., gen. (A) 859 hon. Geo. Fredc, adm. (0)841 hon. Hy. and sir H., L. Admy. 181-2; adm. (A) 819; G.C.M.G. 794 ; K.C.B. 774 Jno. (No. 1), bp. Clr. 596 ; bp. Oss. 620 Jno. (No. 2), bp. Ely, 434; L.H.T. 152; L. Treas. Ir. 558; lid. Chanc. 354 Jno. de, K.B. 755 Win. de, abp. Dbln. and Gl. 615 Wm., adm. (K) 846 ; K.H. 791 Wm. and sir W., adm. (A) 819; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 774 Wm., see Id. H. infra Hotham, Ids. Wm., aft. 1st Id. H., adm. (A) 815 sir Beaum., aft. 2nd Id. H., B. Ex. 3&5; C.G.S. 357; S.L. 412 Beaum., 3rd Id., gen. (D) as3 Hothfield, Hy. Jas., Ist Id., form, sir H. J. Tuftou, q.v. Houblon, sir Jno., L. Admy. iTG: L.M. Load. 491 Houbrug^, Wm. de, J. It. 367 Houg'h, Jno., bp. Lich. and Gov. 444; bp. Oxf. 4^36; bp. Wore. 473 Lionel St., gen. (D) 907 Hongbton and Hoghton Ad., bp. St. Dav. 464 ; Ld. Chanc. 354 Danl., gen. (C) 873 sirHy., J.A.G. 937 Kichm., gen. (D)931 Rt. and sir K., J.K.B. 372 ; S.L. 409 Wm. Kt., gen. (Dl 927 Houghton, Ids. K. M., 1st Id., form. R. Monekton-^Milnes, q.v. Houlditch, Rd., C. St. 283 Houlton, Ed. Vict, and sir E., G.C.M.0.795; K.C.M.G. 796 fiio., aani.(/-i815 IZouston and Houstoun .\lex., G. Gren. 724 .\ndr., G. Gren. 724 Rt. and sir R., gen. (D) .S76 ; K.C.B. 776 Wallace, adm. (E) 835; (F) 833 Wm. and sir W., G.C.B. 768; G.C.H. 7K6 ; G. Gibr. 670; gen. (A»6til; K.C.B. 773 Houton, Jno. de, B. Ex.383; .1. It. 3117 How, see aluo Howe Th., L.M. Dbln. 641 Wm. W., bp. Wtield. 484 ; bp. Suff. Bedf. 452 Howard, Ch., I'.C. 190 hon. Ch. and sir C, gen. (A) 858; K.B. 765 Ch., see Id. H., infra — hon. Ch. Kenn., C.W.F. &c. 373 — Ed.. K.B. (1616) 762 sir Ed., or Id. Kd., K.G. 737; L.H.A.174 hon. Ed., adm. (O) 842 Ed. Hy.. adm. (E) 836 Id. r.d. G. F., .set' Id. H. '• o • iin. infra Ed. Staff., U.S. Ind. 236 For INDEX OF NAMES. Howard— co)l^ Fk. Chris.. C. Exc. 276 sir Geo., F.M. 856; G. Ch. Hosp. 936 ; cen. (A) 858 ; K.B. 765 ; P.C. 206 Hy., aft. Id. Maltravers, q.v., K.B. (1616) 762 hon. Hy. Ed. Jno., dn. Lich. 445 Hy. Fras. and sir H., Amb. Bva. 119; Amb. Bzl. 135; Amb. Hnr. 120; Amb. Pgl. 125; Amb. Pr. 118; G.C.B. 773; K.C.B. 783 hon. Hy. Geo., .\mb. Tusc. 115 Hy. Thos. Mol., Dep. E.M. 327 hon. Hugh, C. St. Ir. 568 Jas., see Id. H., infra * sir Jno., L.H.A. 171 * sir Jno., L.H.A. 172 * Poss. same pars. Jno., see Id. H., infra Jno. Morgan, C.C.J. 406; Q.C. 419 Jos. Jacks., Malt. H. 335 sir P., bp. Jam. 712 Rt., bp. Klph. 608; bp. Killa. and Ach. 613 ; dn. Ard. 609 Rt., K.B. (1616) 762 sir Rt., And. Ex. 166 ; P.C. 193 Th.,gen. (Bi864 Th.. aft. D. of Norfolk, q.v., K.B. lolul. 1524) Th.,aft. U. of Norfolk, q.v., K.B. 760 (d. 1572) Th., Tell. Ex. 167 Th. Ph., gen. (D) 882; K.H. 792 Wm., J.C.P. 377 ; J. It. 368 Wm., K.B. (1616) 762 Wm., K.B. (1625) 763 Howard, Ids. and vise. Jno., Id., aft. D. of Norfolk, K.G. 736 (d. 1475) Jno. Id., aft. D. of Norfolk, q.v.. Const. T.L. 320 ; E.M. 326 (d. 14«5) Howard of Biiidon, vise. Th., 3rd vise, L.L. Dors. 307 ; K.G. 739 Howard of Castlerising, Ids. Hy., Id., aft. D. of Norfolk, q.v., E.M. 326 (1692) Howard of Charleton, Ids. Th.. Ist Id., aft. Ist E. of Berksliire, q.v., K.B. (1605) 761 Ch., aft. vise. Andover and 2n(l ]•;. of Berkshire, K.B. 763 Howard of Ettingham, Ids. Wm., 1st Id., L.H.A. 174; K.G. 738; L.C.H. 294; L.P.S. 240 Ch., 2nd Id., aft. E. of Not- tinghant, q.v., E.M. 326; K.G. 738 Ch., Id., aft. 2nd E. of Not- tingham, q.v., L.H.A. 174 ; L.L. Surr. 312 Kenn. Alex., 11th Id., K.C.B. 774; G.C.B. 768 Howard of Glossop, Ids. ■ Id. Ed. G. Fitz-A., aft. Id. H. of Gl., Dep. E.M. 327 ; P.C. Howlett, Arth., gen. (D) 92;i •21 J ; V.C.H. 297 i Ud.. dn. Cash. 627 Howard dc Waldcu. Ids. i Howley, .Ino., S.L Ir. 593 Th.. 1st 1(1., att. E. of Suf- i W m., abp. Cant. 431 ; B.T folk, 4 Huse, sef Hu.s^e and Hussey Husee, see aUo Hussey Authy., J. Adm. Ct. 422 Huseln, see Husain Huske, Jno., gen. (B) 865 Huskisson, sir Jno. Ralph, form. Milbankc, q.v. Saml., gen. (A) 863 Wm., B.T. 268 ; C.W.F. &c 271 ; P.C 209 ; Pres. B.T. 268; Sec. Tr. 163; Tr. N. 256; U.S.W. 2:11 ; W. and C Sec. 231 Husse and Hussey , M. Chy. 395 Hv., dn. Wlls. 428 Dudl., Kec. Dbhi. 642 Jas., B. Ex. 383 Lawr., M. Chy. 395 Rd.,K.C415 sir Rd. Huss., aft. Hussey- Vivian, see Vivian Rd. Huss. Moubr., adm. (A) 819 ; G.C.M.G. 794 ; K.C.B. 776 Th., S.L. 412 Walt., B. Ex. Ir. 583 (or Huse, or Husse), Wm. and sir W., A.G. 398 ; C.J.K.B. 370 ; S.L. 407 Husseburn, Th. de, J. It. 366 ; Husain Hussein Hussey, Ml Husse Hussey-Vivian, see Vivian Hustaart, Juc G. Ceyl. 672 Hutchens, see Hutchins Kiitchenson, .^ce Hutchinson Hutchessen, Th., gen. (D) 884 Hutchins, Geo. and sir G., CG.S. 3.57 ; S.L. 411 Hutchinson and Hutchen- son hon. Abr. Hely-, C. Cus. 277 ; C Cus. Ir. .565-6 Alexr. Hadd., gen. (D) 925 Arch., B.T. 264 Ch. Hy., gen. (D) 909 Ch. Scr., gen. (D) 915 Ch. Wat., uen. (D) 919 Coote Sy., gen. ("D) 917 Ed. Hely-, gen. iD) 894 Fras., Arund. H. 339 ; Chest. H. 331 Fras., bp. Down and Cnr. 604 Geo., gen. (Di 914 Jno. Hely-, P.C 204; S.L. Ir.592; Sec. St. Ir. 502 Jno. Hely-, sec Id. H., infra Rd. Hely-, aft. 2nd Id., Ist vise, and 1st E. of Donough- more q.v., C Ace. Ir. 567; C. Cus. Ir. 5C5 Saml., bp. Killa. and Ach. 613; dn. Droni. 606 hon. Walt. Fras. Hely-, K.C.M.G. 799 sir Wm., gen. (A) 8C2 ; K.CH. 788 Wni. Nels., gen. (D) 892 Hutchinson, Ids. Jno. Hely-, aft. Id. H. and 2nd E. of Donoughmore, q.v., Amb. Pr. 118; G.C.B. 767 ; gen. (A) 860 ; K.B. 766 Hutchison, Fras. Deane, adm. (H)848 Geo., :\Iodr. K. Sc. 547 Huthwaite, Kd., gen. (D;8ii Huyclce, sec Huick Huyshe, -Vlfr., gen. (D)902 Geo., gen. (D) 888 Hy-, see Hi- Hyde, -, S.L. 41i» .\lexr., bp. Sal. 467 ; dn. Winch. 471 Ed., dn. Winds. 474 Ed., see Id. H., infra Fk., S.L. 410 Geo., K.B. 761 Geo. Hoolt., gen. (D) 899 Hy.,gen.iDt 918 Hy., aft. 2nd E. of Claren- don, q.v.. K.B. 763 Laur., see vise. H., infra Nichs. and sir N., C.J.K.B. 370 ; S.L. 409 Rt. and sir R., C.J.K.B. 370; J.C.P. 379; S.L. 409 Th., J. Adm. Ct. 423 Th. de la, J. It. 369 West, gen. iC) 872 Hyde, Ids. and vise. Hyde Family. Ed., aft. Jst Id. H., vise. Cornbmy, and E. of Claren- don, q.v., B.T. 26:1 ; Ch. Ex. 154 ; L.T. 155 ; L.K. 356 ; P.C 189 Hy., aft. 2nd E. of Claren- don, q.v., K.B. 763 Hy., Id., aft. 4th E. of Clarendon, and 2nd E. of Rochester, q.v., P.C. 195; Prem. 140 ; V. Treas. Ir. 559 hon. Laur., aft. 1st vise. H. and E. of Rochester (New Cr.), q.v., Ch. Ex. 164; L.T. 155 : P.C J92 Hyde of Hindon.lds. Villiers Family. Th.. Id., aft. 1st E. of Clarendon, q.i\. CD.L. 243 I'.C.-JU; r.-stm. G. 238 Hyderabad, Salar Jung, Bah. of, K.C.l.K. 805 Begum of, Cr. Ind. 809 — Niz. of. (J.C.S.I. 800 Niz. of, G.CS.I. 801 Niz. of, K.C.S.I. 803 Salar Jung, Bah. of K.C.S.I. 80, Hyende, see Heendc List of Abbreriatiuiis, sec pp. 9-14-952. Sysrden, see Higden Hyg'iuus, P. Ko. 52 Sygons, Ed., M. Chy. 394 Hylle, Th., L.M. Loud. 490 Hylton, Wm. Geo., Id., form. Wm. Geo. Hylton-Jolliffe, q.v. Hyndestone, Wm., S.L. 407 Kyndford, E. of Jno., 1st E. of, form. 2nd Id. Carmichael, q.v., Sec. St. Sc. 502 Jno., 3rd E. of, K.T. 747 ; L.H.C.K. Sc. 546; P.O. 199; V.A. Sc. 499 Hyng'ham, — , K.B. 757 Hjrpsoeus, C. P. V. (2), C. Ro. 40 M. P., C. Eo. 45 Hywel, see also Howel Pr. Wis. 17 ab Jevav, Pr. Wis. 16 Dha (3), Pr. Wis. 16, 17 Xa^o, see Jago Ibbestock or Ibbestoke, Laur. de, dn. Lich. 445 Ibbetsou, sir H. J. Selw., P.O. 220; Sec. Tr. 164; U.S. Home, 228 Ibbotson, Jno., Sec. Adm. 187 Ibrahim, S. Tky. 97 V. Eg. 98 Icomaid, Jno., bp. Kibnacd. 636 Ida, K.E. 2 Idar, Mahar of, K.C.S.I. 803 Iddesleig'h, E. of Staff. Hy., 1st E. of, form. sir S. H. Northcote, q.v., F. Sec. 229 ; L.L. Dev. 307 ; L.T. 162 Walt. Staff., 2nd E. of, form. W. S. Northcote, and vise. St. Gyres, q.v. Countess of, form. Lady Northcote, q.v. Iddesworth, Hy. de, M. Chy. 393 Idle, — . C.B. Ex. Sc. 523 Idunan, bp. Cld. 599 Id-wallo, K. Wis. 16 Ifeld, Jno. de, J. It. 369 Igflesias, M., Dt. Pu. 109 Igor, R. Russ. 89 Hay, E. of, see Isla Ileyan, Greg., bp. Kilmacd. 636 Maur., bp. Kilmacd. 636 Nichs., bp. Kilmacd. 636 Ilcliester, Ad. de, dn. Sal. 468 Ilchester, E. of Steph., 1st E. of, form. St. Fox-Strangways, q.v., P.C. 201 INDEX OF MAMES. Ilchester, E. of — cont. Hy. Steph., 3rd E. of, C.Y.G. 298; L.L. Soms. 311; ^Wm. Th. H., 4th E. of, form. W. T. H. Fox-Straug- ways, q.v. - — Hy. E., 5th B. of, C.G.A. 300; L.L. Dors. 307 ; P.C. 218 lUingworth, sir Kd., C.B. Ex. 381 ; K.B. 757 Temp., dn. Emly, 628 Iltute, abp. Lond. 450 Imam Baksh, &c., CLE. 807; K.C.I.E. 805 Imhoif, sir Ch., gen. (A) 862 Gust. W. Van, G. Ceyl. 672 Imperiosus, C. M. C. (2), C. Ro. 40 L. M. C, Dt. Ro. 40 Impey, sir Elij., C.J. Bgal. 652 Eugene, CI., CLE. 806 Jno., adm. (D) 825, (G) 840 Imurily (or Smurily), Jno., bp. Boss. 631 Ina, K.E. 2 Inas, K.E. 2 Ince, Hy. Br., Q.C 419 Jno., G. Bdoes. 720 Incent, Jno., dn. St. P. 453 Inchiquin, Ids. and E. of Murr., 5th Id. and 1st E. of, form. M. O'Brien, q.v., P.C. 189 Wm., 2nd E. of, G. Jam. 712 Wm., 4th E. of, K.B. 764 Murr., 5th E. of, aft. 1st M. of Thomond, q.v., K.P. 750 Luc, 13th Id., form. L. O'Brien, q.v. Ed. D., 14th Id., L.L. Clare, 569 Inderwick, Fk. Andr., Q.C 419 Indore, Mahar of, G.C.S.I. 800 Mahar of, see Holkar Saheb of, K.C.S.I. 803 Indrect, bp. Kilmacd. 636 Indulfus, K. Sc. 19 Ing-aldesthorpe, see Ingle- thorpe Ingfall, Wm. Len., gen. (D) 905 Ing-e, Hugh, abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616; bp. Mth. 599; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576 Jno., J.C.P. 377 Wm., A.G. 398; C.J.K.B. 369; J.C.P. 377; J. It. 368; S.L. 406 Ing-elby, see Ingleby Ing-eld, K. Sw. 92 Ing'elram or Ing^elramus, bp. Glasg. 536; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Ingham, Em. Gr., bp. Si. Le. 686 Rt., Q.C. 417 Theoph. H., C.C.J. 403 Ingimeld, see Inglefield IngrLlby, see Ingleby Ing-leby, Ingelby, and Ingilby Ch. and sir C, B. Ex. 384 ; B. Ex. Ir. 584 ; S.L. 411 Jno., bp. Llff. 449 Th. de, J.C.P. 378 ; J.K.B. 371 Wm. Bates and sir W., gen. (D) 895; K.C.B.779 1055 Inglefield and Ingilfield Ed. Augs. and sir E., adm. (E)835; K.C.B. 781 Saml. Hood, adm. (D) 826 Th., K.B. 759 Val. Otw., adm. (H) 8.5:i Inglesham, Rt. de, Jy. 3t3 Inglethorpe (or Ingaldes- thorpe), Th. de, bp. Roch. 459 ; du. St. P. 4.52 Inglis, Alexr., bp. Dkld. 533 ; Compt. Sc. 498; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 ; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Ch., adm. (A) 815 Ch., bp. N. Sc. 695 — Hugh and sir H., Chn. E.I. Co. 644-5 J., bp. N. Sc. 695 Jno., adm. (A) 817 Jno., Chn. E.I. Co. 645 Jno., D. Fac. Sc. ,527; L.J. Clk. 516; L.P. Ct. Sess. 516; Ld. Adv. 526; P.C. 216; S.G. Sc. 527 Jno., Mod. K. Sc. 547 Jno. Eardl. Wilin. and sir J., gen. (D) 892; K.C.B. 778 Jno. Forbes Dav., Ch. Com. Oudh. 654 sirRt.H., P.C. 216 Wm.,gen. (Dl 906 Wm. and sir W., gen. (B) 868; K.C.B. 775 Xngo, I. and II., K. Sw. 92 Ingoldesby, Jno., B. Ex. 383 Rd., gen. (B) 864 ; L.J. Ir, 555-6 Rd., K.B. 764 Ingram, sir Arth., Coff. H. 293 Aug. Hy., adm. (H) 850 Herb. Fk. Winn., adm. (H) 852 sir Th., CD.L. 242; P.C. 190 Ingnialdus, bp. Lond. 450 Innerkeithing and Inver- keithing Rd. de, bp. Dkld. 533; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Innermeath, Jas., Id., Ld. Sess. 517 Innes, Geo., bp. Brn. 541 Harry, gen; (B) 866 Jas. Ch., gen. (D) 908 Jas. Jno. McL., gen. (D) Jno., bp. Cness. 531 Jno., bp. Mor. 534 Jno. Harr. K., K.C.B. 782 Pet., gen. (D) 892 Rt., Ly. Dep. 513 Wm., gen. (D) 877 Innocent I. to XIII., P. Ro. 33-4-5-6 Insula, Brian de, J. It. 367 Godfr. de, Jy. 364 Jno. de, B. Ex. 383 ; J. It. 368 Pet. de, M. Chy. 393 Rog. de, dn. Yk. 486 Rt. de, bp. Dham. 478 Sim. de, Jy. 364 Wm. de, J. It. 367; Jy. 364 Inverkeithing, see Inner- keithing Inwardby, Geo., K.B. 759 Ippegrave, Th. de. Const. T.L. 320 Irby, hon. Fk. Paul, adm. (D) For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-' 1056 Ireland, Jiio., dn. Westr. 469 Jno., G. I. MiUi. 666 sir Jno., G. I. Man, 665 Irene, Kmp. I-I.K. 50 Enip. Tzde. 98 Marie-Loiiisa-Annatg.dau. Q. Vict.), Pr. K. 15 Ireton, Hy., L.D. Ir. 554 sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 Rod. do, bp. Carl. 475 Irgalach, bp. baig. 6'20 Ironside, Ed., L.M. Loud. 492 GUb., bp. Brl. 439 ; bp. Her. 442 Irvine, see also Irving Ch.. geu. (C) 874 Alex., geu. (D) 916 Ch.,gen. (D)'.U2 Geo. CauU. DA., Adm. (E) 837 sir J., Comm. F. Ir. 564 — Wm., Sc. Bp. 545 Irving^, see also Irvine Alex., geu. (D) 902 Alex., Ld. Sess. 520 capt. — , G. ^^■. Austr. 707 Geo., geu. CD) 877 Hy. Turn, aud sir H., G. Br. Gu. 715: G.C.M.G. 796; G. Leew. Isl. 727 ; G. Trin. 722; K.C.M.G. 797 It.-col. — , G. Gsey. 669 Paul M., G. Can. 491 ; gen. (A) 860 Irwin, Alex., dn. Ardf. 640 Fk. Chidl., K.H. 791 Hy., C.I.B. 808 Jno. and sir J., G. Gibr. 670 ; geu. I A) 858 ; K.B. 765 It.-col. — , G. W. Austr. 707 Wm., gen. (D) 901 Wm. Boyd, gen. (D) 914 Irwin, vise. Rd., vise, G. Bdoes. (1720-1) 720 Irwine, Alex., geu. (B) 865 Isaac (of Newcastle-upon- Tyne), bp. Cur. 603 L and II., Emp. E.E. 51 *Isaacson, Jas., C. Cus. Sc. 503 * Jas.. C. St. 283 * Prob. same pers. Isabel (dau. K. John), Pr. E. 9 (dau. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 10 (iss. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 11 Isabella(dau. Jas. II.), Pr.E.13 (of Augoul^me), Q.C.E. 7 (of France), Q.C.E. 7 (of Valois), Q.C.E. 7 Q. Jsm. 97 R. Nds. 83 I. aud II., Q. Sp. 86 Isanricus, P. S. V. (2), C. Ro. 46 Iscanns. Barth.. bp. Exr. 436 Isenei, Gam. de. Const. T.L. 320 Isham, Jno.. U.S.S. 225 EdTu., Adm. A.lv. 423 Ishwara Chandra, &c., CLE. 806 Isjialaw, I. and II., K. Russ. 89 Isla orIslay,Archd.,E. of, aft 3rd D. of Argyll,r/.r., L.J. Gen. 522; L.K. Sc. 503; L.P.S. Sc. 501; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525; Ld. Scss. 517 ; P.C. 196 IsUp, Bim., abp. Caut. 4;iO Ismail, Sh. Pers. 99 Mcerza, Hh. Pers. 99 — Pacha, V. Kg. 98; G.C.B. 773; G. C.S.I. 801 For INDEX OF NAMES. Ispanla, Jas. de, dn. St. Pat. 617 Istlep or Isteley, Walt, de, L. Tr. Ir. 558 Ithamar, Saint, bp. Roch. 459 Iturvide, A., Emp. Mex. 103 Ivan I. to v., R. Russ. 89, 90 VI., E. Russ. 90 Ives, Cec. Rt. St. Jno., gen. (D)922 Jno., Suflf. H. Ml Ivo, dn. Wells. 428 Ivory, Jas., Jy. Sc. 523 ; K.H. 790; Ld. Sess.520; S.G. Sc.527 Ivyn, see Juyu J. J * * *, dn. Lim. 639 Jackman, Ch., gen. (C) 872 Jackson, .\lexr. Cosb., gen. (B)868 Andr., Pres. U.S.A. 102 Ch., dn. Chr. Ch. Dbln.. 618 Ch., gen. (D)923 Ch., bp. Ferns and L. 622 ; bp. Kild. 617 Cyr., dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 Ed., K.H. 791 Ed. Sanil., gen. (D) 926 Fras. J., Amb. Dk. 127; Amb. Fr. 112; Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. Tky. 129 ; Amb. U.S.A. 132 Geo., gen. (D) 916 Geo. and sir G., gen. (D) 878 ; K.C.H. 788 sir Geo., Sec. Adm. 187 Geo. Vern., adm. (H) 848 Hy. M., and sir H., J.Q.B.D. 374 ; Q.C. 419 Hy. Moore, G. T. aud C. Isl. 713 J., C. E.KC. Sc. 505 Jas. and sir J., gen. (D)884 ; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 778; K.H. 792 Jas. Ed., dn. Arm. 597 Jno., bp. Line. 447 ; bp. Lond. 452; Jud. Com. P.C. 361 ; P.C. 218 Jno., G. C.G.H. 679 Jno. Napp, gen. (D)893 Jos. Dcv., J.C.P. Ir. 582; S.G. Ir. 590 ; S.L. Ir. 593 Louis Steu., CLE. 806 Rand., Chest. H. 330 ; Mt. Org. P.A. 343 Rd., K.C 415 Rd., L.T. 158 Rd. Downes and sir R., gen. (B) 869; K.C.B. 774 Rt., adm. (D)824 Saml., adm. (D) 827 Saml., CLE. 8U7 Th., Amb. Sda. 114 Jackson— cojif. Th., dn. Pboro. 458 Wm., Amb. Ch. ViO Wm., bp. Oxf. 457 Wm., C. Exc. 281 Wm., dn. KUla. 614 Wm. L., Sec. Tr. 164 Wm. Walr., bp. Antig. 7-28 Jacob, sei' also Jacobe Ed., K.C. 416 Geo. Legr., K.C.S.I. 803 Hy. Eb., gen. CD) 915 Herb., gen. (D) 896 sir Jno., C. Cus. 27:i Matth. Peun., C St. Ir. 568 Michl. Ed., gen. (Ci 873 Jacobe, see also Jacob sir Rt., S.G. Ir. 5H'J Jacobson, Wm., bp. Chest. 477 Jacobus, see James Jacopin, Laur. Pet., bp. Ach. 612 Jacqnelina, C Hid. 82 Jaenbert, see Lambert Jaffir Khan, Sh. Pers. 99 Jag^o and logo Pr. Wis. 16 ab Edwal, Pr. Wis. 16 Ch. Trel., adm. (E) 837 Jahangfir, Kh. Bah. Pest., CLE. 807 James aud Jacobns » (abb. of Dunfermline) Compt. Sc. 498 ♦ dn. Clonf. 637 ♦ dn. Tm. 613 * dn. Oss. 622 ♦ Prob. some same ptrs. Comp. dates (g. son Hy. VII.). Pr. E. 12 (son Chas. I.), Pr. E. 13 D. of Monmouth, q.v., (son Chas. II.) Pr. E. 13 (son Jas. II.), Pr. E. 13 [Fras. Ed.] (son Jas. IL), Pr. E. 13 I., Emp. Hti. 104 I., K. Scy. 55 I., M. Bdn. 07 I. and II., K. Arr. 86 LandIL, K.E.5, 6 IL (K. E.), form. D. of Yk., q.v., L.H.A. 176 I. to VI., K. Sc. 19-20 L(K.Sc.), K.B.756 V. (K. SO, K.G. 737 VI. (K. SO, K.G. 739 (see Jas. I., K.E.) Bart., L.M. Lond. 490 Ch. B., geu. (Bl 886 Edwd., Q.C. 417 Edwin Jno., Q.C. 417 Fras., M. Chy. 395 Geo., gen. (D) 898 Haught., gen. (D) 89h Hy. and sir H., A.G. 400; P.C 230; Q.C 418; S.G. 402 sir Hy., gen. (D) IHUi Herb. Arm., dn. St. .\s. 463 Herb. Hend., geu. {D) h>-ll Jno., Amb. Nds. Ar. 122 sir Jno., C Exc. 27!s sir Jno. K., L.M. Dbln. 641-2 Jno. Th., bp. Calc. ti53 Jno. Polg., gen. (D) 886 sir Walt. J., Wdu. M. 245 Wm., bp. Dham. 479 ; dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 ; dn. Dham. 479 List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. James and Jacobus— coHi. \Vm., L.M. Dbln. 641 Win. and sir W., Chn. E.I. Co. 644 Wni. M. and sir \V., Jud. Com. P.C. 301 ; L.J. App. 389 • P.C.218; Q.C.417; V.C'hanc. Jameson, Geo. Inel., gen. fD) 897; K.C.S.I. 80;j '^*'''-^"> Wm., CLE. 806 Jamieson, Rt., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Jamys, Jnc. M. Chy. 394 Jane, C. Firs. 81 C. Hit. 82 D. Bbt. 2'.l (Seymour), Q.C.E. 8 Th., bp. Norw. 455 Wm., dn. Glr. 440 Janisch, Huds. Ealph, G. St. Hel. 682 Jansens, Jan. W., G. C.G.H. Janssen, sir Steph. Theoph., Chambn. Lond. 493; L.M. Lond. 492 Jaraslaw I. to III., r. Russ. gen. (D) 595; Jardine, Ale 894 Juo., dn. Tliist. 749 Jarlath (St.), bp. Arm bp. Tm. 611 Jaromir, D. Bma. 59 Jaropalk I. and II., R. Russ. 89 Jaruman, bp. Lich. 443 Jarvis, B. E., G. Antig. Saml. Pet., gen. (D) 924 Jasper Tudor (son of Owen Tudor), Pr. E. 12 Jaures, Jean Louis Ch . K.C.B. 779 Jay, Ed., S.L. 407 Jayne, Eras. Jno., bp. Chest. 477 JeaflF— , see Jeff— Jebb, Jno , bp. Lim., A. and A. 639 Jno., dn. Cash. 627 Jos. and sir J., gen. i D)895 : K.C.B. 782 Ed., J.K.B. Ir. .579 ; S.L. Ir. 593 Jefferay, see Jeffrey Jefieries, see Jeffre'ys Jefferson, JeflFreson, and Jeffreysou Chr.,gen. (B)868 Juo. and su- J., C.G.S. Ir 576; J.C.P. Ir. 581; S.L. 4]0 T., Pres. U.S.A. 102 JeflFery, see Jeffrey JeflFrey, Jeffery, and Jeflfe- ray Eras., D. Fac. Sc. 527; Ld. Adv. 526 ; Ld. Sess. 520 Jno. and sir J., C.B. Ex 381 ; J.Q.B. 372 ; S.L. 408 sir Rt., L.M, Lond. 491 Jeffreson, see Jefferson Jeffreys, Jeffries, and Jefferies Ch., gen. (B) 865 Ed., J. Chest. 387; Q.C. 415 ^ Edmd. Rd., gen. (D) 903 Geo., see d. J., infra Jas., C. Cus. 276 Juo.. Wdn. M. 245 St. Juo., C. Ace. Ir. 567 INDEX OF NAMES. Jeffreys, Ids. Geo., aft. sir G. and Id. J., C.J. Chest. 386; C. J.K.B. 370; Comm. Sergt. Loud. 495- K.C. 414; L.H.S. 286; Ld. Chanc. 357 ; P.C. 192 ; Rec Lond. 494; S.L. 410 Jeffreyson, see Jefferson Jeffries, see Jeffreys Jeggou or Jeg'on, Jno., bp. Norw. 455 ; dn. Norw. 455 Jekyll, Jos., M. Chy. 397 Jos. and sir J., C.G.S. 357; C.J. Chest. 386; K.C. 415- M.R.388; P.C. 197; S.L. 411 Jelf, Arth. Rd., Q.C. 419 JeUett, H. P., S.L. Ir. 593 Jenkin, Mered., L.BI. Dbln. 641 Jenkins and Jenkyns, Ch. Vanbr., gen. (D) 916 Ch. Vern., gen. (D) 928 Jas., K.C.B. 782 Juo. Jas., gen. (D) 910 sir Leol., J. Adm. Ct. 423 ; J. Pr. Ct. 421 ; P.C. 192 ; S. St. Lewis, C. St. 284 Rd., Chn. E.I. Co. 645; G.C.B. 772 Rd., dn. WeUs, 429 Rt., adm. (E) 836 ; (P) 839 Jenkinson, Ch., aft. 1st Id. Hawkesbury, and 1st E. of Liverpool, q.v., B.T. 267; L.Admy. 179; L.T. 157; P.C. 202; Sec. at W. 234; Sec. Tr. 163; U.S.S. 226; V. Treas. Ir. 560 hon. Ch. C. C, aft. 3rd E. of Liverpool, q.v., U.S. Home, 227; U.S. W. and C. 231 Ed. Geo., K.C.B. 784 Hy., adm. (H) 845 Jno., gen. (B) 868 Juo. B., bp. St. Dav. '465; dn. Dham. 479; dn. Wore. 474 hon. Et.iB., aft.ld.Hawkes- bury, and 2nd E. of Liver- pool, g.t;.,B.C. 252 Jenkyns, see Jenkins Jenner, Hy. Lasc, bp. Dun. 710 Herb., aft. su- H„ aft. Jen- ner-Fust, D. Arch. 421 ; J. Pr I Ct. 421; Jud. Com. P.C. 360 ; K. Adv. 422; P.C. 213; Vic. Gen. 422 i sir Th., B. Ex. 384 ; J.C.P. ' 379 ; Rec. Lond. 494 ; S.L. j 410 sir Wm., K.C.B. 783; Pres. Coll. Ph. 93S Jenney and Jenny Chr. and sir C, J.C.P. 378 ; S.L. 408 Wm., J.K.B. 372 ; S.L 407 Jenning-s, Ch. Jas., gen. (D) Jno., K.B. 763 sir Juo., adm. (A) 813 ; G. Gr. Hosp. 854 ; L. Admy. 177 Patr., K.C.M.G. 797 Wm., dn. Glr. 440 W"m. (No. 1), Berw. P.A. 341 ; R. Cr. P.A. 335 Wm. (No. 2), Lane. H. 332 ; Guis. P.A. 343 Wm., Q.C. 415 sir Wm., adm. (A) 813 1057 I Jenny, see Jenney Jenour, sir Jno., Sec. Bath 784 Jenyns, Soame, B.T. 265-6 Steph.. K.B. 760; L.M. Lond. 490 Jephson, Michl., dn. St. Pat. 618 Stanh. Wm., gen. (D)896 Wm., dn. Lism.629 Wm., S.L. 412 Jeremle, Jas. A., dn. Line. 448 Jno., G. Si. Le. 685; see also Jermey Jermey, see also Jeremie Hy., K.B. 760 Jermin and Jermyn Hugh Will., bp. Brn. 541; bp. Cmbo. 673 ; Pr. Bp. Sc. 540 Ph., J.K.B. 372 ; S.L. 4U9 Thos. and sir T., Compt. H. 292; G. Jsey. 667; K.B. 761 ; V.C.H. 296 Jermyn, Ids. and E. Jermyn Family. Hy., aft. 1st Id. J. and 1st I E. of St. Albans, q.v., G. j Jsey. 667 ; P.C. 189 , Th., 2nd Id., G. Jsey. 667 ! Hy., 3rd Id., form. Id. j Dover, q.v. Hervey Family. I Fredk. Wm., E., form. Id. Hervey, q.v., aft. 1st M. of Bristol, q.v., P.C. 214 ; Tr. H. 291 Jerning-liam, Arth. Wm.,. adm. (H)849 hon. Geo. S. S., Amb. Nds. &c. 123 ; Amb. Spn. 124 ; Amb. Sw. and N. 127 Hy. and su- H., C.Y.G. 298; K.B. 760 ; M.H. 301 hou. W. G. S., Amb. Pu. 135 Jerome, Hy. Ed., geu. iD) 928 Jno., gen. (D) 915 , Jerra-w, Jos., geu. (D) 885 Jersey, E. of • Ed., 1st E. of, form. Id. and vise. Villiers, q.v., L.C.H. 295; L.J. Ir. 555; P.C. 194; S. St. 224 Wm., 3rd E. of, P.C. 199 Geo. B., 4th E. of, form. vise. ViUiers, q.v., C.G.P. 299 ; M.B.H. 303 Geo., 5th E. of, G.C.H. 787: L.C.H. 295; M.H. 302; P.C. 211 j Vict. Alb. Geo., 7th E. of, I L.L. Oxon, 311 ( Jervis, Hy., geu. (D) 899 sir Humphr., L.M. Dblu. 640 sir Juo., aft. Id. and K. St. Vincent, q.v., adm. (A) 815; K.B. 765 Jno., and sir J., A.G. 400 ; C.J.C.P. 376; Jud. Com. P.C. 215; P.P. 416; S.G. 402; S.L. 413 Th., J. Chest. 387 ; P.P. 415 ; K.C. 416 Wm. Hy., adm. (H) 848 Jervoise, Wm., G. H. Kong,. 673 ; gen. (D) 881; K.H. 791 Wm. Eras. Dr. and sir W.,. G.C.M.G. 795 ; G. N.Z. 709 ; G. S. Austr. 707 ; G. Str. Sett. 675; gen. (D) 917; K.C.M.G. For List of Abbreviations, nee pp. 944-952 id sir G., Jud.i John — cout. 1058 Jessel, Geo. Com. P.C. 361; M.K. 388; I P.C. 218: Q.C. 418; S.G. 402 Jessop, W in., J. Chest. 3.S7 Jeswunt.ThakoorK., K.C.S.I. I 80-2 Jeune, Fras., bp. Pboro. 458; dn. .Jsev. 668; dn. Line. 448 Fias. Hy., Q.C. 430 Jevaf (or.Jevavi, Pr. Wis. 16 Jevan, bp. St. Dav. 464 Jevav, see Jevaf Jewan, Sing Buria, CLE. mi Jewell, Jno., bp. Sal. 467 Jeypore, Mahar of, G.C.S.I. Jheend, Bah. of, G.C.S.I. 801 ; * K.C.S.I. 802 Jioji, Sindia Eao, gen. CD) 91.5 Joachim I. and II., M. Brg. 65 Ernest, C. Anht. 66 Fredk., M. Brg. 65 Joan, Q. Cle. 86 (dau. Hy. II.),Pr. E. 9 (dau. K. John), Pr. E. 9 (dau. Edw. I.), Pr. E. 10 (dau. Edw. II.), Pr. E. 10 — (dau. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 10 (g. dau. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 11 Joanna (of Navarre), Q.C.E. 7 I. and 11., Q. Nls. 56 I. to III., Q. Nav. 87-;-; Jobson. sir Fras., Lt. T.L. 321 Joceline and Joseline, see also Jocelyn, Josselynt, and Josselynn bp. Glasg. .536; bp. B. and W. 427 ; Jy. 363 Jocelyn, see also Jocelin^, Josceliue, Josselyn, and Josselyne hon. Geo., C. Ace. Ir. 567 — - hon. Jno., C. Cus. Ir. 56.5-6 hon. Percy, bp. Clr. 596 ; bp. Perns and L. 622 Bt., see vise. J., infra Jocelyn, vise. lit., aft. Id. Newport, q.v., and 1st vise. J., A.G. Ir. 588; L.J. Ir. 556 ; L.J. Ir. 557 ; Ld. Chanc.Ir. 576; S.G. Ir. 589; S.L. Ir. 592 Rt., vise., aft. 3rd E. of Roden, q.v., P.C. 209; Tr. H. 291 ; V.C.H. 297 Rt., vise, (son of ;ird E. of i Koden), Sue. B.C. 254 Joddrell, Paul, K.C. 415 Jodhpur, Bah. of, G.C.S.I. | .-SOl I Jofreir, bp. Ork. .535 John, abp. Cant, (desig.) 4:i0 1 (St.) of Beverley, abp. Yk. 485 bp. Abdn. 530 | (2), bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 bp. Arg. ,537 ! bp. Clonf . 635 bp. Clonm. 600 bp. Cness. 531 (2), bp. Cnr. 604 bp. Dry. 601 bp. Down and Cnr. bp. Drom. 604 bp. Dkld, 533 bp. Elph. 608 bp. Exr. 43B bp. Gall. 5:«8- INDEX OF NAMES. * bp. Glas. 536 ; Ld. Chanc. So. 514 ♦ (5), bp. Isl. 5;W * (of Taunton), bp. Kild. 616 * bp. Kilmacd. 636 ; dn. Kilmacd. 637 * bp. Kilmacd. 636 ♦ bp. Kilni. mi * bp. Llin. 621 * (of Tateuale), bp. Oss. 620 * bp. Rph. 601 * (2), bp. Roeh. 4.59 * (2), bp. Ross. .535 ♦ (2), bp. St. As. 462 • (2), bp. S. and M. 483 ♦ bp. Wford. and L. 627 * dn. Ard. 609 * dn. Cloy. 632 * dn. Kild. 619 '^ dn. Oss. 622 * Prob. some samepers. Comp. dates. C. Anj. 27 (DAvennesi, C. Hit. 82 C. Lux. b4 — - D. S. Wr. 79 D. Hnr. 70 D. Bdy. 29 (the Constant), El. Sxy. 77 K. Bnia. 59 K. Dk. 93; K.G. 737 (form. E. of Mortain, q.v.), K.E. 4; Ld. Ti'. 550; L.H.A. 170 (De Brienne), K. Jsm. 97 K. Sey. .56 K. Sxy. 78 (abb. of Peterborough), L.H.T. 152 (prior of St. Andrews), L.P.S. Sc. 500 (son of Hy. II.), aft. K. John, q.v., Pr. E. 9 (son of Hv. III.), Pr. E.9 (son of Edw. I.), Pr. E. 10 (son of Edw. II.), Pr. E. 10 (g. son of Edw. III.), Pr. E. 11 (of Gaunt) (son of Edw. IIL), Pr. E. 10 (Mortimer) (iss. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 10 (iss. Edw. IIT.l, Pr. E. 11 (sou of Hy. IV.), aft. E. of Kendal and D. of Bedford, q.v., Pr. E. 11 ; K.B. 755; K.G. 734 Pr. Nass. 75 of Austria (2), B. Nds. 82-3 I. and II., C. Hid. 82 I. and II., D. Al(;n. 26 Land II., D. Bva. 68 I. and II., D. Lne. 29 I. and II., K. Arr. 86 I. and II., K. Cle. 86 I. (K. Cle.), K.G. 733 Land II., K. Fr. 24 I. and II., K. Nav. 85, 87 I. and II., Pr. Mkg. 74 I. and II., Pr. Mno. 31 I. to III., K. Pld. 91 I. to III., K. Sw. 92 I. to III., M. BrR. 65 I. to IV., D. Bbt. 29 I. to IV., Emp. Tzde. 9 I. to v., R. Russ. 89, 90 I. to VI., D. Bry. 28 I. to VI., Emp. E.E. 50-1 . to VI., K. Pgl. 88-9 I. (K. PkI.). K.G. 735 John— <•on^ II.(K. Pgl.),K.G. 7:i6 VI. (K. Pgl.). K.G. 743 I. to XXIII., P. Ro. 33-4-5 II., Pr. Ltn. 73 Adolph (D. of Saxe Weis- senfelB), K.G. 742 Albert I., Pr. Mkg. 74 d'Albret, K. Nav. 85 (Baliol), K. Sc. 19 Ernest, D. S.C. and G. 78 Ernest, Pr. Nass. 76 Ernest. I. and II., D. S. Wr. 79 Fredk., D. \Vbg. 11 Fredk., El. Sxy. 78 Gastone, G. D. Tnv. 57 George, M. Brg. 65' George, I. to IV.. El. Sxy. 78 George II. (El. Sxv.i, K.G. 740 George IV. ( El. Sxy. (. K.G. 741 Kemin, Pr. Tva. 60 Louis, Pr. Nass. 75 Sigism.. M. Brg. 65 Sigism., Pr. Tva. 60 Sigism., D. Pr. 65 Th., gen. (D1928 Wni., D. S. Wr. 79 Wm., C.P.R. 68 Zapoly, Pr. Tva. tiO Johnes, see also Jones Arth. J., C.C.J. 403 Hills-, form. Hills, q.v. Jno., C.C.J. 403 Th , L.L. Card. 315 Th., L.L. Carni. 315 Johnson, see also .Jonson Allen Bay., Rc-n. (D) 925 Alured Clarke, gen. (D)930 Andr., Pres. U.S.A. 103 Cass. Matt., gen. (D) 890 Ch. Coop, and sir C, gen. (D)929; K.C.B. 781 Ch. Rich., adm. (Ht .S50 Ed. Ralph., bp. Calc. 653 Edwin Beaum. and sir E., gen. (D) 901: G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 780: M.C.I. 647 Geo., adiii. iHi 851 Geo.. J. Chest. 387; M.R. 388; S.L. 410 Hy. S., dn. WeUs, 429 Geo. VaiKl., sen. (D) 922 Hy. and sir H., G.C.B. 768 : gen. (A) 859 H. R. W.. Pres. Lib. 100 Jas.,bp. Glr.438; bp.Worc. 473 Jno., gen. (B) 865 Jno., L.M. Lond. 492 Jno. Jas., Q.C. 418 . ■ Jno. Ornisbv, adm. (H)860 Miehl., gen.(D) 892 Nathl., G. Lcew. Isl. 727 Nichs., Paym. G. 244 Rt., B. Ex. Ir. 584 Rt., bp. Cloy. 631 ; dn. Tni. 613 Rt., J.C.P. Ir. 581 Rt., J.C.P. Ir. 582 Th., L.M. Lond. 492 Wentw., G. Bah. Isl. 716 Wm., dn. Oss. 623 Wm., J.C.P. Ir. 5ti2: S.L Ir. ,593 Wm. Aug., gen. (B) 869 Wm. Moore. A.G. Ir. 589 : J.g.B.D. Ir. .580; S.G. Ir. 590 Wm. Ward I'ercival, adm. (0)812 For List of Abbreoiatioiwi, see pp 944-95 INDEX OF NAMES. Johnston and Johnstone * , G. Tob. 7-23 * hon. Andr. C'oclir.. G, Dnca. 730 * ? same pers. sir Alexr., Jud. Com. P.C. 360; P.C. 212 sir Archd., Ld. Adv. 526 ; Ld. Clk. Keg. 525; Ld. Sess. 519 Oh. Cornw., gen. (D) S98 Ch. Jas., adm. (D) 826 Ch. Jas. Hope, gen. (D) 927 Ed. Jnc, C. St. 284 Fras. Jas. Th., geu. (D) 878 Fk., gen. (D) 892 Geo., B.C. 252 Geo., G. N.S.W. 702; gen. (C) 874 Hy. Canipb.. gen. (D) 919 Jas., G. Can. 691; G. N. Brk. 495; gen. (A I 8.58 Jas., gen. (A) 858 * Jas., Ld. Clk. Ileg. 525 * Jas., Sec. St. Se. 502 * Poss. same pers. Jas., K.C.S.I. 803 Jno. Dougl., gen. (D) 894 .Tno. Jvd., gen. (D) 926 Mont. Cholm., G. Mtius. 684; gen. (D)892 - — - Et. Maxw.,gen. (D) 913 Th. Hy., gen. (D) 891 Wm., gen. (B) 867 Wm., gen. (B)868 Wm., gen. (C) 872 Wm. and sir W., gen. (B) 869; K.C.B. 776 Wm. and sir W., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 Wm. Jas. Hope- and sir W., adm. (C) 822; adm. (D) ^0 ; K.C.B. 779 Wm. Sout., gen. (B) 866 Johore, Mahar. of, G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.S.I. 802 Jolantha, D. Lne. 30 Jolles, sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 JoUiffe, Hy., dii. Brl. 440 Wm., B.T. 266; L. Admy. 160 sir Wm. Geo. Hylton, aft. ]d. Hylton, q.v., P.C. 216; Sec. Tr. 163 ; U.S. Home, 228 Jolly, Alexr., bp. Mor. 544 Jonathan, bp. Dnbl. 532 Jones, see also Johnes hon. Alexr., adm. (D) 828 ; (Gl!540 .^iibr., bp. KUd. 617 Barzillai, dn. Lism. 629 Benj. Orl., gen. (D) 890; K.H. 792 Cadw., G. Bah. Isl. 716 Ch. Chad., S.L. 413 sir Ch. Th., adm. (H) 846 Danl., gen. (B) 866 Dav. Br., C.C.J. 405 Dav. Fras. Atcherly-, P.P. 416; S.L. 413 Drury, L.M. Dbln. 641 Ed., bp. Cloy. 630 ; bp. St. .•Vs. 462 ; dn. Lism. 629 sir Fras., L.M. Lond. 491 Geo., gen. (D) 883 Geo. E., K.H. 790 — - Geo. Lewis, bp. Kild. 617 ; bp. Kihn. 607; dn. Chr. Ch. Dbln. 619 Griff. Tm-n.. gen. (D) 935 Jones — cont. Harry Dav. and sir H., gen. (D) 889; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 777 Hy., bp. Ch:., 596; bp. Mth. 599 ; dn. Axd. 609 ; dn. Kihn. 609 sir Hy., aft. Jones- Brydges, Amb. Pers. 130; P.C. 213 Hy. Richm., gen. (D) 900 Herb. Geo., C.C.J. 404; S.L. 413 How. Sutt., geu. (D) 930 Hugh, bp. Llff. 449 Hugh Val., C. Cus. Ir. 565 ; U.S.S. 226 J—, dn. Bgr. 426 Jas., gen. (D) 885; K.H. • Jenk., gen. (D) 919 Jno., Comm. Ir. 554-5 -Jno., gen. (B) 864 .Jno. and sir J., gen. (D) 903 ; K.C.B. 778 Jno. SaUsb., K.H. 791 su: Jno. Th., gen. (C) 875; K.C.B. 776 * Lewis, bp. Killoe. 634 * Lewis, dn. Ard. 609 * Lewis, dn. Cash. 627 * Prob. same pers. Lewis Tobias, aft. sir L., adm. (D) 832; (E) 834; (P) 838; G.C.B. 770; G. Gr.Hosp. 854; K.C.B. 779 Llew., bp. Newf . and Bmda. 700 Loftus Fras., adm. (E) 837 Miehl., Comm. Ir. 554 Nathl., gen. (D) 894 Oliver, J.C.P. Ir. 581 ; J.K.B. Ir. 579 Oliver Jno., adm. (H) 849 Oliver Th., gen. (C) 873 Ph., Yk. H. 334 Kice, K.H. 790 Rd., aft. vise, and E. of Ranelagh, q.v., Ch. Ex. Ir. 562 Ed., dn. Elph. G09; dn. Wford. 628 Rd., gen. (D) 886 Rd., K.C.B. 775 Ed. Godfr., gen. (D) 914 Rd. Ow., gen. (D) 933 Theob., adm. (H) 846 Theod. Mort., adm. (E) 837 Theoph., adm. (A) 817 Th., abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616 ; bp. Mth. 599 ; dn. St. Pat. 618 ; L.J. Ir. 554 ; Ld. Chauc. Ir. 576 Th., gen. (C) 872 Th., Q.C. 418 Th. and sir T., C.J.C.P. 375; J.K.B. 372; K.C. 414-5; S.L. 410 Val., gen. (C) 872 Wm. and sir W., A.G. 399; K.C. 414; S.G. 401; C.J.K.B. Ir. 578; J.C.P. 378; J.K.B. 372 ; L.K. Ir. 576 ; S.L. 409 Wm. and sir W., gen. (D) 898; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 780 Wm. Basil, bp. St. Dav. 465 Wm. Br., Ch. Com. Cent. Pr. 655 Wm. Gore, adm. (E) 836 Jones— coH^ Wm. Jas., gen. (D) 889 Wm. Saml., gen. (D) 913 W^m. West, bp. C. Tn. 679 Jong, Jac. de, G. Ceyl. 672 Jonson, see also Johnson Ben, P. Laiu-. 301 Joona^hur, Newab of, K.C.S.I. 803 Saleh Hindi of, CLE. 806 Jordan, bp. Cloy. 630; bp. Cork and CI. tm dn. Sal. 468 Jno., K.H. 791 Tos., gen. (D) 928 sir Jos., adm. (A) 813 Th. H., C.C.J. 405 Jorse, Roland, abp. Arm. 595 Walt, de, abp. Arm. 595 Josceline and Joscelyn, see Jocelyn and Josselyn 'Joseph, bp. Ann. 595 * bp. St. Dav. 464 bp. Clonm. 599 * bp. Llff. 449 * dn. Arm. 597 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. K. Pgl. 8a (Buonaparte) K. Sp. 86 I. and II., E. Gmy. 62-3 I. and II., K. Hgv. 60 Geo. Fk., D.S. Ait. 78 Josephine, Emp. Fr. 25 Josiua, K. Sc. 17 Josselyn and Josselyne, see also JoceUne and Jocelyn Ralph or Eauf, K.B. 757 ; L.M. Lond. 490 Th., K.B. 760 Jossus, C. Lux. 84 E. Gmy. 62 (the Beardless), M. Brg. 65 Joutoert, P. J., Pres. Trl. 101 Joxidpore, Mahar. of, G.C.S.I. 801; K.C.S.I. 8i>2 Jourdan, Off. Xap. 26 Jovellanos, S., Pres. Pgy. 110 Jovian, Emp. Eo. 48 Jowan, Mahar.. K.C.S.I. 802 Joy, see also Shioy Hy., A.G. Ir. 5SS ; C.B. Ex. Ii-. 583 ; S.G. Ir. 589 ; S.L. Ir. Hy. Hall, K.C. 416 Joyce, Saml., Q.C. 419 Joyner, Jno., Comf. P.A. 342; R. Cr. P.A. 335; Norr. K.A. 329; Eichm. H.333 Joynour, Wm., L.M. Lond. 488 Joynt, Wm. Lane, L.M. Dbln. 642 Juan, Juan San, G. Trin. 721 Jiianna (2), Q. Nav. 85 Juarez, Ben., Dt. Mex. 104; Pres. Mex. 104 ; Pres. V. Cr. 104 Jude, sir Andr., L.M. Lond. 490 Judicael, de Rennes, D. Bry. 27 Jug'jat Sing, CLE. 806 Jukel, Jno., J. It. 365 Julian, see also Julyan Emp.Eo. 48 Julianus, D., Emp. Ro. J7 Julius, D. Brk. 70 I. to m., p. Ro. 33, 35 Julus, C J. (4), C Ro. 37-8-9; Dec. Ro. 33 ; Dt. Ro. 40 L. J., CRo. 39 V. J.,C.Eo. 38 For List of Abbreviatiotis, see pp. 944-1 lOUO Jalyau, see also Julian I'eiir. Goodch., K.C.M.O. 797 Jans', Nawab Salar, O.C.S.I. .sOl — &c.,C.I.i;.807 Junot, Off. Nap. 20 Justice, Will., pen. (D) 888 Justin I. and II., Einp. E.E. 50 Justinian I. and II., Emp. E.K. 50 Justus (St.), abp. Cant. 429; bp. Koch. 459 Jux3n, Wni., abp. Cant. 431 : bp. Her. 441; bp. Lond. 452; liu. Wore. 473 ; L.H.T. 154 ; P.C. 190 Juyn or Ivyn Jno. and sir J., C.B. Ex. .Wl; CJ.C.P. 375; C.J.K.B. 370; K.B. 756; J.C.P.378; S.L. 407 Jyepore, Hah. of, G.C.S.I. tsoi: K. I'. S.I. 602 Jymungal, Uaj.. K.C.S.I. 802 K . see also C— Kalakaua, K. Sd. Is. Ill; (;.c.!\i.(i.7a'i Kamehameha I. to V., K. Sd. Is. Ill Kanai, Lai D.*, C.I.K. 807 Kane, Jos., L.M. Dliln. 641 Nathl., I>.M. Dbln. 641 1{(1., <;. Gibr. 669 Kaug-he, Kmp. Ch. 100 Kantzow, Hcrb.l'h.,adm.(H) s.-,l Kanwar-Harnam, C.I.F:. 807 Kardestou, W ni. dc, J. It. :}>■.'.< Karleol, w lu. de, C.B. Ex. ;}M Karletou, nee Carleton Karlett, AVni. de, B. Ex. Ir. Karnicke, Tli., dn. WellR, 429 Karslake, Ed. K., Q.C. 418 — Klj.,f!(ii.(D)932 Jno. B. and sir .1., A.G. 400; P.C. 219; Q.C. 418; S.G. 402 Wm. Wall., Q.C. 419 Katharine ami Katherine, see oho Catliariiic lof ArraRoii). Q.C'.i;. H (or Brat-aii/a), Q.C.K. 8 (Howard), Q.C. E. 8 (Parr), Q.C.K. 8 (of ValolBi, Q.C.E.7 — (dan. Kd. n.i.Pr. E.12 Katon, JaH..udiii.(A)M2() — .las. lOd., adni. (Hi K'iO Kaune, lUml. D., J. It. 367 INDEX OF XAMES. Kavanag h, see a Iso Ca vanach Arth. McM.. L.L. Carl. 568 Kay, B'd. EIxmi. and sir K., Just. Ch. D., -.m ; Q.C. 418 (or Key), Jno., P. l.aur. :J00 — Jos., Q.C. 118 Kay - Shnttleworth, see Shuttleworlli Kaye, Ed., rcu. (D) 9&I Geo. Farq., gen. (D) 927 Jno., bp. Brl.439 ; bp.Linc. 447 Tno. Wni., K.C.S.I. 803 sir Kd., dn. Line. 448 Kazi Syud, &e. CLE. 808 Kean and Keane, see also Keen Dav. D., Q.C. 418 Geo. Disn.. adm. (E) 836; (P)839 hon. Hussey Fane, rbu. (D)917 Jno., see Id. K., ivfra Keane, Ids. sir Jno., aft. Id. K., CO. Bbay . 660 ; G.C.B. 769 ; G.C.H. 786; G. St. Luc. 725 ; gen. (B) 869 ; K.C.B. 774 Kearney, see aUo Kemey sir Jas., gen. (B) 869; K.C.H. 788 - — Jno., bp. Oss. 621 Keate, Ed., gen. (D) 9,'i4 Kt., Prcs. Coll. Surg. 939 lit. Wni., G. Gren. 724 ; G. Nat. 680 ; G. Trin. 722; G. W. Afr. Sett. 688 Th., Mast. Coll. Surg. 939 Keatlncr and Keating'e (ad.,.!!!. Clr. .WM Hv. Sli. and sir H., gen. (B) 869 ; K.C.B. 776 Hy. Sing, and sir H.. J.C.P. 380; Jud. Com. P.C.;}61; P.C. 219; Q.C. 417; S.G. 402; S.L. 414 Jno., CJ.C.P. Ir. 580 Jno. Wm., dn. Tni. 613 ; dn. St. Pat. 618 Miehl. Jno., dn. Kilf. 637 Kd., J. P. and iM. Ir. J87 Kd.. S.L. Ir. r,iri Kd. Hart., Ch. Com. Ass. 656; gen. (D) 926 Keats, K<1. Godw. and sir R., adm. 1A18I8: G.C.H. 767; G. Gr. Hosp. 854 ; G. Newfd. 700; K.li. 7(;c> Will., adm. (O) 841 Keble and Keeble Hv., L.M. Loud. 490 Kd., C.0.8. 356 ; S.L. 409 Th., S.L. 407 Walt., S.L. 407 Keck, Antby. and sir .\., C.G.S. :J,J7; S.li. 412 Sanil., U. Chy. 39(1 Kedah, Kaja Abnicd, &c., K.C.^I.G. 797 Keeble, ace Keble Keele, Ch., adm. (H) 848 Keeling, see Kelyng Keen and Keeue, see also Kvan — lienj.,H.T.2f.4; K.B. 765 Cli., Ami). Sw. 12() Edmd., bp. Chest. 477; bp. Ely, 435 Hy. Goo.. C.I.K. 807 Inc.. S.L. 411 Jno. Kd. Kuck-.gon. (D)925 I Wh., B.T. 2«)6 ; L. Admy, 180 i.t.st of AbLr.'Vi Keenan, Nichs.,bp. Ardf. and Agh. 6;J9 Patr. Jos., K.C.M.G. 797 Keene, see Keen Keen-lung, Knip. Ch. 100 Keer, .Inn., ijen. (D)922 Kegworth, Sim. .le, A.G. 398 Keightley, lb., C.G.S.Ir. 576; L..T. Ir. r,->:, Kei-King, Emp. Ch. 100 KeUwey, » 864 Kelly, .-.''I '■•*" Kellie Bcned. Miirw., adm. (O) 841 Ed., adm. (B) 837 Fitzr. and sir F.. A.G. 400 ; C.B. Ex. 382 ; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; K.C. 416; P.C. 217; Pres. Ex. D. 382; S.G. 402; S.L. 414 JaB. Butl., bp. Mor., Ross. and Cness. 544; bp. Newfd. 700 . Jno. Eras., gen. (O) 873 lialph, abp. Cash. 625 Kd. Den jvnd sir R., gcu. (D)903; K.C.B. 778 Th., gen. (D) 896 Th., J.C.P. Ir. r*^'2\ Ir. 592 see pp. 944-95 Kelly— co?i^ Th., L.M. Lond. 492 Th. Cuim., gen. (D) 905 — Th. F., J. Admy. Ct. o»7 Ir. Wm.. adni. (Hi 848 Will. Hauc, adm. (A) 817 Kelsall, Hy., C. Ts. 284 Kelso, Kt., gen. iC)874 Kelyngr and Kelynge Jno. and sii- J. (No. 1), t'.J.K.B. 370; J.K.B. 372; S.L. 410 Jno. and sir J. (No. 2), K.C. 414 : S.L. 410 Kemball, Arn. Burr, and sir A., geu. (D) 905; K.C.B. 780; K.C.S.I. 802 Jno. Sh., gen. CD) 915 Kemble, Ch.. E.S.P. 301 Jno. Mitch., E.S.P. 301 Kemm, Wm. Hy., gen. (D) 880 Kemmls, Jas., gen. (C) 873 Kemp, Geo. Bees, gen. (D) 876 Jno., abp. Cant. 431 Th., K.B. 759 Th. E., Q.C. 419 Kempe, Arth., atlui. (A) 816 Jno., abp. Yk. 486; bp. Chich. 433 ; bp. Lond. 451 : bp. Eoch. 460; Ld. Chanc. 355 Th.. bp. Lond. 451 Wm., S.L. 412 Kempenfelt, Ed., adm. (A) 815 Kemplay, Jas., Q.C. 419 Kempster, Fras. G., gen. (D) Kempt, Jas. and sir J., G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 786; G. Can. 691; G. N. Sc. 695: gen. lA) 862; K.C.B. 774; M.G.O, 259 : P.C. 212 Jno., G. N.S.W. 703 Kempthorne, Jas., adm. A 817 sir Jno., adm. (A) 813 Ken, Th., bp. B. and W. 42S Kenah, Th., gen. (D) 880 ; K.C.B. 779 Kendal, H. de, M. Chy. 393 Jas., L. Admy. 176 Jas., S. St. 223 Kendal, E. of Jno., E. of, also D. of Bedford, q.v. (son of Hen. IV.), K.G. 734 Jno., E. of, form. Jno. de Fois, q.v. Jno. (Beaufort), E. of, E. and aft. D. of Somerset, q.v. ; ^(^ 1444) Kendall, Jas,, G. Bdoes. 719 Kt. de, W.C.P. 318 Kendred, K.E.3 Kendrek, Jno.. L.M. Lond. 491 Kenealey, Ed. Taugh.. Q.C. 418 Kenelm, K.E. 3 Kenewold, sft' Kenwold Kenferth, bp. Lich. 443 Kenmare, £. of Val., 2nd E. of, L.L. Kerry, 569 Val. Aug., 4th E. of, form. vise. Castlerosse, q.v. ; K.P. 751 ; L.C.H. 295 Kennedy, Aleir. Kenn. Clarke- (No. 1), gen. (D) 884; K.C.B. 779; K.H. 790 INDEX OF NAMES. Kennedy— co;if. AJexr. Kenn. Clarke- (No. 2i, gen. (D) 914 Arth. Ed. and sir E G.C.M.G. 795; G. Gamb. 686; G. H. Kong, 673 ; G. Qland. 706; G. Si. Le. 685; G. Vane. Isl. 699; G. W. Air. Sett. 688; G. W. Austr. 707; K.C.M.G. 796 Ed. Mitch., du. Clonf. 637 Fk. Ch., CLE. 808 Hy. Fras., gen. (D) 911 Jas., bp. Dkld. 533 ; bp. St. Andr. 529; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 — Jas., geu. (B)865 Jas., gen. (D) 880 Jas. Sh. and sir J., gen. ;Di 882; K.C.B. 779 Jno. Jas., adm. (H) 850 Jno. Wm. Alex., gen. (D) 919 Miclil. Kav. and sir M., gen. (Di 906; K.C.S.I. 803 sir Ed., B. Ex. Ir. 584 sir Et. Hugh, K.C.H.788 Th. Fras., C.W.F. &c. 272-3 ; Clk. O. 260 ; L.T. 160 Th. Gilb., gen. (D) 929 Th. Le B., dn. Clghr. 598 Vans. gen. (D) 878 Wm. Eann, Q.C. 420 Kennedy, Ids. Jno., 2nd Id., L.J. Geu. 522 Kennet and Kennett Eracklev, gen. (Di 877 Brackley, L.M. Lond. 492 White, bp. Pboro. 458 ; dn. Pboro. 458 Kenneth I. to III. K. Sc. 18, 19 Kennett, see Kennet Kenney, see Kemiy Kennion, see (i?ao Kenyon Geo. Wyndh., bp". Adel. 707 Kenny and Kenney Arth. Hy., dn. Ach. 614 Dav. Courtu., gen. (D) 876 sir Ed., G. N. Sc. 695 Kenric, K.E. 2. 3 Kenrick, Ad. E., du. Bgr. 426 Jno., C. St. 283 Matth., C. St. 283 Kensing-ton, Ids. JRirh Family. Hy., 1st Id., aft. 1st E. of HoUaud, q.v. Edtvardes Family. Wm., 2nd ld.,L. Admy. 181 Wm., 3rd Id., L.L. Pemb. Wm., 4th Id., Compt. H. 293; L.L. Pemb. 316; P.C. 219 Kent, Hy., geu. (D) 926 Jno., C. Cus. Sc. 503 Th., M. Chy. 394 Kent, E., M., and D. of Odo, E. of, Ch. Jr. 362; L.H.T. 152: W.C.P. 317 Godw., E. of, W.C.P. 317 Hub., E. of, form. H. de Burgh, q.v. {d. 1243), Ch. Jr. 362; L.J. Ir. 550; Const. T.L. 320 Edmd. (of Woodstock). E. of (d. 1332), W.C.P. 318 Th., E. of, form, sir T. Hol- land, q.v. {d. 1360) Th., E. of {d. 1397), K.G. 734 1061 Kent, E., M., and D. of— cont. Th., E. of, and D.of Surrey. q.v. Id. liOO), E.M. 326; K.G. 734 ; L.L. Ii-. 552 Edm., E. of (d. 1407). K.G. 734 ; L.H.A. 173 Wm., E. of, form. Id. Fauconberg (d. 1463), L.H.A. Edm., E.of, form. Id. Grey of Euthyn, q.v. id. 1488) Ed., E. of (d. 1523), K.G. 737 Hy., E. of (<7. 1651), C.G.S. 356 Hy., E., aft. M. and D. of (d. 1740), Const. W. Cast. 322- K.G. 741; L.C.H. 295; L.L. Heref. 308; L.P.S. 240 ; L.S.H 290: P.C. 195 Ed., D.of(sonof Geo. III.) form. Pr. Ed., q.v. (d. 1820)' F.M.856; G.C.B. 767 ; G.C.H 785; G. Gibr. 670; gen. (A) 859; P.C. 206 Kentig-ern, bp. St. As. 462 Kentwode, Beg., dn. St. P. 453 *Kenulf and Kenulfas * bp. Liudisf. 478 * bp. Winch. 470 * (or CeoliLlfusi, bp. Dorch. 446 * Poss. same pers. Conip. dates. K.E. 3 Kenwalchus, bp. Loud. 451 Kenwold, )ip. Wore. 472 Kenwnlf, K.E. 2 Kenyon, see also Kennion Jno. Et., Q.C. 418 LI., see Id. K., infra Bog., G. I. Man, 666 Kenyon, Ids. Ll.,aft.sirL. audlstld. K.. A.G.399: B.T.267; C.J. Chest. 386 ; C.J.K.B. 370 ; K.C. 415 ■ L.L. Fhuts. .314: M.E. 388- P.C. 204 ; S.L. 412 Keogh, Jno. Woulfe. gen. (D) 934 Wm., A.G. Ir. 588; J.C.P. Ir. 582; J.C.P.D. Ir. 582; S.G Ir. 590 Keppel, Aug., see vise. K.. i)!tra 'hon. Fk., bp. Exr. 437: dn. Winds. 474 Geo., adm. (A) 816 hon. Hy. and su- H.. aibn (B) 821; (D) 831; (E) .s;^4 : G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 778 hon. Wm., gen. (B) 865 Wm. and sir W.. G.C.B. 767: G. Gsey. 669; gen. (Ai 860: K.B. 766; P.C. 211 Keppel, vise. hon. Aug., aft. vise. K . adm. (A) 814 ; L. Admv. 179-80 P.C. 203 Keppock or Keppok, Jno.. C.J.K.B. Ir. 577: J.K.B. Ir 578 ; D. Chanc. Ir. 574 Ker audKerr, see also Carr Audr., Ld. Sess. 519 sir Andr., Ld. Sess. 517 Id. Fc. Herb., adm. (E)835 : (P)839 Geo., Ld. Sess. 518 (or Carr), Jno., du. .\rd. Id. Jno., gen. (C) 871 Jno. Hy. Lyte, gen. (D) 912 For List of Abbrefiations, see pp. 944-952. 1062 Ker and Kerr— con t. Jno. M., gen. (Ai 861 Mark, Ld. Sess. 517 Mark, aft.lst E.of Lothian, q.v., Ld. Sess. 517 Id. Mark, gen. (A) 857 Id. Mark, gen. (D) 903; K.C.B. 781 — ^ Id. Mark lit., a dm. (A) 819 Rt., adm. (H) 848 Et., aft. E. of .\ncram,(/.D., K.B. (1603) 7til Id. Kt, K.H. 791; Sec. Thist. 749 Th.. G. Falk. Isl. 731; G. Gren. 724 Th. Darl., gen. (D) 919 Th. Wm., gen. (C) 874 Walt., gen. (B) 867 - — Win., gen. (B)86i Keran (or Kyran), dn. Cash. 627 Kerdiffe, Ed., S.L. Ir. .591 Ino., dn. Clonni. 600 Walt., J.C.P. Ir. 581 Kerney, see a Iso Kearney Jas..bp. Cnr.604 (or Carney I, sir Rd., Ulst. K.A. 572 Kerovan, Steph., bp. Clonf. 6:16 ; bp. Kilmacd. 636 Kerowler, Mahar. of,G.C.S.I. »01; K.C.S.I. 802 Kerr, ser Ker and Carr •Kerrich, Walt. Cheese ' DO vl.. gen. (D I 92.5 * Walt. Cheese DOvl., gen. (D)935 ? same pars. Xerrison, sir Ed., gen. (A) 863; G.C.H. 786; K.C.B. 777; K.C.H. 787 Kersteman, Wm., gen. (C) .^73 Kervel. Adr. von, G. C.G.H. 678 Keshan, Jno., L.TSI. Dbln. 642 Kestell-Cornish, .see Cornish Kesteven, D. of, see Ancaster and K. Ket, — , sec alto Kett— Keteue, Jno. dc, bp. Ely, 434 Keterich, sec Ketterich Kettel, Th., bp. Down, 603 Ketterich lor Catryk), Jno., bp. K.\r. 436 ; bp. Lich. and Cov. 444; bp. St. Dav. 464 Kettle, Jno., Winds. H. 331 Kup. A. nnd sir R., C.C.J. 104 Kettletoy, Rt. J., S.L. 412 Kettleseye, R. de, M. Chy. :J93 Kettlewell, Jno. W., gen. (D) h.S5 Keveuag^h, see Kavanagh and Cavanagh Kevin lor Coemgcue), St., bp. Glend. 615 Key, Astl. Coop, and sir A., adni. (E) 835; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 780; L. Admy. 185-6; P.C.220 Bransb. Lane, bp. Br. Kafifr. 681 Geo. Wm., gen. (D) 897 (or Kay), Jno., P. Laur. 300 sir Jno., Chanibn. Loud. 493; L.M. Loud. 4!)2 Keyes, Ch. Patt. and sir C, gen. (D) 923; K.C.H. 781 Keylway, see aho Keilwey Rt., M. Chy. 395 INDEX OF NAMES. Keys, Hy.. M. Chy. 394 Keyser, Pol. de and sir P., L.M. Lond. 492 Khalif, S. Zr. 102 Kharan, Sirdar of, K.C.I.E. 805 Khelat, Khan of, G.C.S.I. 801 Khan of (Mir Ali), CLE. 806 Khan of (Mir Mahmud), CLE. 806 Kliem Singh, CLE. 806 Kholapnr, Dewan of, CLE. Khote, Ragh. Nar., CLE. 807 Kiaran(St.), bp. Clonm. 599; bp. Saig. 620 Kidder, Rd., bp. B. and W. 428; dn. Pboro. 458 Kidwelly (or KvdweU), Morg., A.G. 398 ; K.B. 7.59 Kielhorn, Franz, CLE. 808 Kilconcath, ^^ Kilconrsie, F. E. G., vise., Kinehard, bp. Winch. 470 aft. 9th E.of Cavan,g.v.,P.C. Kinewaldus(or Kinewardas). 220; V.C.H. 297 " " Kildare, E. and M. of Kimberley. E. of— roii'. Florence, Css. of. Cr. Ind. 810 Kinahan, Rt. Ht.. L.M. Dbln. 642 Kincaird, Alexr., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 Kincardine, E. of, see also Elgin and K. Alexr., 2nd E. of, Comm. Tr. So. 497: Ld. Sess. 517; P.C 191 ; V.A. Sc. 499 Kindale, Rt. de, W.C.P. 318 Kindersley, Rd. Tor. and sir R., Jiid. Com. P.C 361 ; K.C. 416; M. Chv. :^97: P.C. 217; V. Chanc. 390 Kinchant, Jno. Charl.. gen. (D)9:j4 Kinebert, or Kineberth, or Kinehertns, bp. Lich. 443 de, bp.Brn. ' bp. Winch. i7ii bp. Sidr. 446 Th., 2nd E. of, L.D. Ir. 551; Maur., 4th E. of, L.D. Ir. I 551 I Ger., 5th E. of, L.L. Ir. I 552 I Th., 7th E. of, L.D. Ir.552; I Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 t Ger., 8th E. of, K.G. 737; : L.D. Ir. 5.53 Ger., 9th E. of, L.J. and ; L.D. Ir. 553 I Rt., 19th E. of, C.G.S. Ir. ; I 576; L.J. Ir. 5.56 I Jas., 20th E. of, aft. 1st M. I of K. and 1st D. of Leinster, | j Kildelicbt, Rt., Ld. Chanc. 1 1 Sc. 514 j Kildesby(orKylde8barv),Wm. ( de, L.K. 354 ; M. Chy. 393 Kilgfour, Rt., bp. Abdn. 541 ; Pr. Bp. Sc. 540 I I Kilkenny, Andr. de, dn. Exr. 437 1 Wm. de, bp. Ely, 434 ; L.K. I 353 ; M. Chy. ;«3 | Killach, Mel., bp. Emly. 625 KUlene (St.), bp. Ferns, 621 ; I bp. Oss. 620 i KiUigfrew, Hy., adm. (A) 813 ; L. Admy. 176 i Rt., gen. (C) 871 Killin^bury, Rd., L.M. Lond. 489 KillingT(7-orth, Wm., S.L. 411 Kilniam, Jas., Id., also 2nd 1(1. Tyrawlf y. q.v. I Kilmallock, Dom., Id., form. sir D. Sarslield, q.v. I Kilmorey, Fras., 12th vise, and 1st K. of, form. hon. F. Ncedhaiii, q.v. Kilmyngrton, Rd. de, dn. St. P. 453 Kilwardby, Rt., abp. Cant. 430 Kilwarden, Arth., vise, form. Arth. Wolfe, q.v. Kimberley, Jonn., dn. Lich. 445 Kimberley, E. of Jno., E. of, form. Jno. and Id. Wodehouse, q.v.\ C.D.L. 243; C Sec. 235; K.G. 745; L.P.S. 241; Sec. Ind. 236; U.8.F. 230 l>p. Wells, 427 Kineward, bp. Winch. 470 Kinewardas, see Kinewal- dus Kinfanns, Chart. .1e, Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 King- and Kynif Abmi. Bradley and sir .\., L.M. Dbhl. 641 sir Ajithy. L.M. Dbln. 641 Anthv. Sina.. K.H. 7i^2 Ch., K.H. 790 Col. — , Lt. T L. 322 Ed., bp. Elph. 6(.i8 Elph. 609 Ed., bp. Line. 447 sir Ed. Duruf., adii 820; K.C.H 7Rf Geo., gen. (Di899 Geo. St. Vincent and sir G., adm. (Di 8'«: (B) &34; K.C.B. 780 Gilb., L.M. Dbln. 641 Greg., Lane. H. 3:« ; R. Dr. P.A. 338 Hy., bp. Chich. 4;i3; dn. Roch. 461 and sir H., G. gen. (B) 869 ; dn. (A) (A) 863; — hon. Hy. Hlgld. 670; K.C.B. 776 — sir Hy.. gen. K.C.H. 788 — Hy. Seym., CLE. 808 — Halt. Smith, C. .\cc. Ir. 567 ; C Cus. 277 ; C Cns. Ir. 566 — J. H., G. St. Xtr. 7-29 — Jas., dn. Rph. 603 — hon. Jas. Wm., adm. (D> 827 — Jno., bp. Lond. 452 ; dn. Chr. Ch. 457 — Jno.,dn. Tin. 613 — Jno., K.C. 414 Jno., Sec. Tr. 163 — Jno.. U.S. Home, 228 — Ohver, bp. B. and W. 428; bp. Exr. 4:36; dn. Her. 442; Regr. Gart. 746 ; S. St. 223 — Captn. P. G., G. N.S.W. 702 — Peter, see Id. K., infra — Ph. Park., adm. (K) 847 — sir lUl. (Xo. 1). adm. (A> 815: G. Newfd. 7a» — Mr Rd. ( No. 2). adm. (A) 819; K.C.B. 774 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. King and Kyng— con t. Rd. Hy., adm. (G) 842 gd.Th. geu.(D)889 Rt., bp. Oxf. 456 sir Kt., Comm. Ir. 554 Th., gen. (D) 880 Th., MM. 246 Walt., bp. Roch. 460 -— Wm., abp. Dbln. and GI. 616; bp.Dry. 601; C.G.S. Ir. 57fa; du. St. Pat. 618; L.J. Ir. Wm. Jas., aen. (D) 896 ~- ^\ m. Sm., dn. Lliu. 624 King-, Ids. ~^}'r,^^''?J^- ^"' P- and Id. K., C.J.C.P.376; L.H.S.286; Ld. Cliauc 357; P.O. 196; Rec. Lond. 494; S.L. 411 King-Harman, see Harman King-come, Jao., adm (D 831; (r)838; K.C.B. 779 King-dom, Rd., C. Exc. 278 Kmg-don, Holl. Toll., bp Fcton. 695 -^ — - Th. K., Q C. 418 King-estone, see Kingston King-lake, Juo. Alexr., P.P 117; S.L. 413 Kingrscote, Col. R. N F C.M'.F. &c. 273 King-scotes, Jno., bp. Carl. King-sdown, Th. Pemb., Id. form. T. P. Leigh, q.v. King-sley, Wm., gen. (B) 865 King-smill, Geo. and sir G •T.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 Juo., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 sir Rt., adm. (A) 815 — — (or De Basing), Wm., dn. Winch. 471 King-ston and King-stone Ad. de, dn. St. Patr. 617 Hy. de, J. It. 366 Juo., C. St. 284 Th., dn. Winds. 474 sur Wm., Const. T.L. .320 • K.G. 738 ; C.Y.G 298 King-ston, B. and b. of Ki iig-Tenison Family. — - Hy. Eru. N., 8th E. of, I L.L. Rose. 571 I Pierrepoint Family. ■ — - Ev., 1st D. of, form. M. of Dorchester, q.v., KG 741 ■ L.P.C.188; L.P.S.240 ' Ev., 2nd D. of, gen. (A) 8.58; K.G.742; L.L. Notts, 311 Kinleside, Rt. Raikes, gen Kinloss, Ed., Id., jrm. sir E. Brace, q.v. Kinnaird, Geo. Wm. P., 9th Id., M.B.H. 303; P.C. 214- K.T. 748 ; L.L. Prth. 511 Kinnatellus, K. So. 18 Kinnear, Alexr. Sm., D. Fac Sc. .527 ; Ld. Sess. 521 Kinnersley, Is., gen. (D) 878 Kmninmund, or Kynnin- mund Alexr. (2), bp. Abdn. 530 — - Jno. de, bp. Bin. 531 — - Matth. de, bp. Abdn. 530 Kinnoull, E. of — — Geo., 1st E. of, form, sir G. Hay, and 1st vise. Dupplin, q.v. — ^Geo., 2nd E. of, C.Y.G. INDEX OF XAMES. Kinnoull, E. oi—cont — - Th 8th E. of. form, vise, Dupplm, q.v. Rt. Am-., 9th E. of, Lv. K A 513; P.C. 206 .^}--»^.A. — - Th. Rt., 10th E. of, L.L Prth. 511 ;Ly.K.A. 513 Kmsey, or Kinsins bp. Lich. 443 abp. Yk. 485 Kinton, Godfr. de, nee Lud- ham Kintore, E. of Jno., 1st E. of, Dep. Tr. Sc 497; L.P.S. Sc. 501 Anthy., 5th E. of, LL Kinc. 510 Fras. Alexi-., 8th E. of, L L Abdn. 508 ; L.L. Kinc. .510 — - Algn. H. T., 9th E. of, I C.\.a^298; G. S. Austr.707; , Kipling-, Jno. Lockw., CLE 1 808 — - Th., dn. Pboro. 458 Kirby, see also Kirkebv Cranl. Th., S.L. 412 I Jno., Ir. K.A. 338 I Staph., gen. (D) 885 : Th. Cox, K.H. 792 I Walt., K.H. 791 j — gWm. Humphr., gen. (D) Kirk, see also Kirke Jno. and sir J.. Amb. Zr. 132; G.C.M.G.795; K.C.M.G 797 Kirkaldie, sir Jas., L H T Sc. 497 ' ■ Kirke, see also Kirk -— Piercy, gen. (B) 864 Kirkeby, see also Ku:by Gilb. de, J. It -- ' ^no. de,bp:c^ (,. 1353), J ^i^^^!^^^^. 1063 Kite, Jno., abp. Arm. 595 ; bp. Carl. 475 ^ —-sir Rt., L.M. Lond. 492 Ki-tsiang-, Emp. Ch. 100 Kittenstein, Jac. Van G Ccyl. 672 Knapp, Fras., dn. KUa. 614 KnatchtouU, sir Ed., P.C 213- Paym. G. 244 -—sir Ed. Hug., aft. Knatch- buU-Hugessen and Id. Bra- iioiu-ne, see Hngessen sir Jno., L.P.S. 240 — - Reg. Ed., gen. CD) 904 Knatchbull-Hug-essen, see Hugessen ^^J^esworth, Th., L.M. Lond, Knevet, ste Knyvet Knig-ht, Clir., K.H. 791 — -Edmd., Chest. H. 331- 338"'' ^^'^' ■^^^' '^- ^'^ ^■^' Fk. Wm., Sec. P.L.B. 262 col. Fk. Winn, K.C.B. 784 -— Hy. Edm., aft. sir H.,L.M. Lond. 492 ' .-"-".i.. Hy. Ral., gen. (B) 868 J. A. GU., G. Trill. 7-21 Jas. Blackb., CLE. 806 —-Jas. Lew., aft. Knight- Bruce, see Bruce sir Jos., adm. (A) 815 Lewis Ed., gen. (D) 922 ~^A.^335^''^^*-«-3^^^'-«-Cr. Th., M.M. 246 Wm., bp. B. and W. 428 Wm., S. St. 223 Wm. Br., du. Llfl'. 45Q Wm. Hy., gen. (D)926 475 '—-Jno. de, bp. Ely, 434; bp Roch. 459 ; J.C.P. 376 : J. It 367; Jy.364; L.H.T.1.52; Ld. Chanc. 353 ; M. Chy. 393 * It is doubtful whether ~— -js"" *»i uuc, see rsri Knig-htby, Rd., K.B. it Val., K.B. 760 Knig-htley, Edm., S.L. 408 Rd., K.B. 76::i — -Th., V. Treas. Ir. 5.59 these anr^iei-to^tt^ | iSife^?s^^f.'^^lV«-C-H-786 SIS se^°'s;f I ^^r^^^' ^^'^^ '^^^- ^-- <°)- Knoll, Ed. de la, dn. Wells Judq^., Jno., M.K. Ir. 58.5 Th. de, M.R. mi Kirketon, Jno. de, K.B. 754 — Rog. de. J.C.P. 378; S.L. Kirkham, Rt., L.K. .3,55- M Chy. 394 ; M.R. 337 ' ' ——Walt, de, bp. Dhani. 478; dn. Yk. 486 Kirkland, Agmond .Ino A v., gen. (D) 908 Kirkwall, Geo. Wm. H., vise Knolles, Th., L.M. Lond. 489 Knollys, see also Kuowles and Knowlys Clem. C, G. St. Luc. 725 Fras. and sir F., K.CM G 798; C.Y.G. 298; Compt. h' 292; K.G.739; Tr. H 291 sir Rt., K.G. (?) 734 M'm., gen. (A) 861 Wm., called E. of Banburv gen. (C) 872 ^• ,"•''"'•'•'' vjcu. n 111. n., vise, een (i\\ R79. K.C.M.G. 79/ Kirming-ton, Jose, de, dn Line. 448 Kirtling-, Geoff., dn. Line. 447 Kirwan, Anth. La T., dn Kilniacd. 638 ; du. Lim. 640 Walt. Bl., dn. Killa. 614 Kitchen and Kitchin (or Dunstan), A;ith., bu LLff. 449 ^' Geo. Wm., dn. Winch. 471 Jas., gen. (D) 886 — — Wm. Hewg., adm. (H) For List of Al'breviiili Wm. Th. and sir W., G I ?-^^l^ ^69'' sen. (D) 884; K.C.B. 783; P.C 218 I KnoUys, Ids. I sir Wm., aft. 1st Id. Kn.. ' 1st. vise. WaUingford av and 1st E. of Banburv, q'-v'.' Compt. H. 292 ; K.G. 739 ; Tr. Knovill, Gilb. de, J. It. 369 Knowles, see also KnoUys and Knowlys '■" pp. 914-952 1064 Knowles— con t. Ino., adm. (A) 817 Rt., K.B. 761 Knowley, Ch. Jas., Q.C. 417 Knowlys, set- also Knowles and Knollys NewB., Comm. Sergt. Lond. 495 ; Eec. Lond. 494 sir Wm., L.H.T. Sc. 496 Knox, Alex., K.C.B. 776 Audr., bp. Isl. 540; bp. liph. 601 hon. Edm., bp. Killoe. and Kilf. 635; bp. Liin. A. and A. 639 ; dn. Down, 605 hon. Edm. Sext. Pery, adm. (H) 844 hon. Geo., C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Treas. Ir. 561 hon. Jno., gen. (C) 873 sir Jno., L.M. Dbln. 640 — -Rd., gen. (Dl907 lit. Bent., abp. .\rm. 597: bp. Down, C. and D. 605 Th., bp. Isl. .540 — Th., gen.(D)907 Th. Edm., gen. (D) 907 Th. Geo., Amb. Si. 131 ; K.C.M.G. 797 Wm., U.S.C. '235 Hon. Wm., bp. Killoe. and Kilf. 635: bj). Drv. 601 Knyvet, Knyvett, Knevit, and Knivet sir Anthv.. Lt. T.L. 321 .Jno., K.B. 763 Jno. and sir J., C.J.K.B. 370; .T.C.P. 377; Ld. Chanc. 354 ; S.L. 407 — Th. and sir T., K.B. 759; M.H. 301 Wm., K.B. 757 Knyvet, Ids. Th., Id., M.M. ;M6 Knlisel, yi., Pres. Sw. C. 31 Knutsford, Hy. T., Id., form. sir H. T. Holland, q.v. Koe, .Jno. H., C.C.J. 403; Q.C. 417 Koenigrseck, C. of, R. Nds. 83 Kokayne, see also Cokayne Th., Regr. Bath. 785 Kolliapore, Raj. of, K.C.S.I. 803 Komei Tonno, M. Jap. 100 Konigr, Ch., K.H. 790 Iloouwar, Kanajee, G.C.B. 769; G.C.S.I. 801 Sortright, Corn. Hend. and sir C, G. Br. Gu. 715; G. Gamb. 686 ; G. Gren. 724 ; G. Tob. 724; G. Trin. 722; G. Virg. Isl. 731; G. W. Afr. Sett. 688; K.C.M.G. 798 Krishnaji, etc., CLE. 808 Ilristodas Pal, CLE. 806 Kroma, l'h.,&c., K. Si. 100 ;iriigrer, S. J. 1'., Pres. Trl. 101 Euangsu, Emp. Ch. 100 Kuch, Bohar Bah. of, G.C.LE. H(J.-> Kuclinus (or Ruclinus), bp. St. Dav. 164 Kumar, Sri Kalooba, CLE. 808 Kunill, Wm. de, Jy. 364 Kunwar, see Koonwar JSuper, Aug. Leop. and sir A., adm. (D) 832; (E) 834; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 779 Huppoortliulla, liah. of, G.C.S.I. WOl ; K.C.S.I. 802 — Sird. of, CLE. 806 IXDEX OF VAMES. Knreem, Khan, Sh. Pers. 99 Kntch, Rao of, G.C.LE. 805 Kuttnck, Nawab, K.C.S.I. 803 Ky— , see also Ki— Kyee, Moung Sher.. CLE. 807 Kydwell, see Kidwelly Kyffen, How. ab M., dn. St. As. 463 Kyffln, Rd.. dn. Bgr. 426 Kyldesbury, see Kildesby Kyle, Saml., bp. Cork, CI. and R., 632 Kyme, Sim. de, J. It. 366 Kymer, Gilb.. dn. Sal. 468 Kynastou, Wm., Curs. B. Ex. ■Ssr, : M. Chv. 396 Kyndelw, dn. iigr. 426 Kynsf, .see King Kyniton, Jno., M. Chy. 394 Kyran, see Keran Kyriel, sir Nich., L.H.A. 171 KyrieU, sir T.,K.G. (1460). See Krrnta fur p. 736 Kyrketon, .s< e Kirketon Kyrkham, see Ivirkham Kyrkin, Geo., M.M. 245 L. ImB.. For names with this pre- fix search under the name next following; ex. gr., La Brise under Brise iabeo, Q. F.. C Ro. 44 laborde, Kd.. G. Gren. 724 ; G. Tob. 721: G. St. Luc. 725; G. St. Yin. 7'25 Iiabouchere, Hv., aft. Id. Taunton, q.v.. C Sec. 235; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; L. Admy. 182; M.M. 247: P.C. 213; Pres. B.T. 268-9: V.P.B.T. 269 : U.S.W. and C 231 Iiabourdonnais, Mahe dc, G. Mtius. 68:3 Iiacaita, Jas. Ph., K.C.M.G. 796 I.acere, Rd., L.M. Lond. 489 Iiacey, .see Lacy lack, Th., Sec. B.T. 270 lacu, Pet. dc Mais. J. It. 369 Lacy and Iiacey K.lni., bp. Exr. 436; bp. Her. 441 ■ Ed., adm. I H) 852 Hugh de, aft. E.of Ulster, q.v., L.J. Ir. 550 (or Lees) Hugh, bp. Lim. 638 Jno. de, aft. let E. of Lin- coln, q.v., J. It. 367 Jno. de, L.J. Ir. 550 Jno.de, M. Chy. 393 Rd. Jno. Jas., gen. (D) 883 — - Rd. Walt., gen. (D) 905 Kog. de, J. It. 366 Th. Edg., gen. (D) 904 Wm.,gen. (D)918 Iiadbroke, sir Rt., L.M. Lond. 491 Ladislas and Iiadislans A.D. Aua. 58 D. Aus. 58 K. Nls. 56 I. to VI., K. Hgy. 59, 60 I. toVIl.,K. Pld. 90-1 II. to IV.. D. Bma. 59 V. and VI., K. Bma. 59 LseUus, C, C Ro. 43 Z.senas. C P. (2i. C Ro. 44 M. P. (4),C.Ro. 40, 41,44 P. P., C Ro. 45 Laessoe, Alb. Fk. de, CLE. 808 Iirevinns, C V., C. Ro. 44 - M. v., C Ro. 43 P. V.CRo. 42 Laffan, sir Jos. de C, K.H. 791 Rt. Mich, and sir R., G. Bmda. 701; gen. (Dl 909: K.C.M.G. 797 Lafont, Rug., CLE. 806 laaforey, sir Eras., adm. (At 818; K.C.B. 774 sir .Jno., adm. (A) 815 Lafasille, Jno.. gen. (Ci 871 Iia^man, K. Man. 66.5 I.ag-0, Kalph, Bl. M. P.A. 336 Iiag'ysse, Ralph, Cal. P.A. :i42: Ptc. P.A. 337; Yk. H. :i34 laha, Durg. Ch.. CLE. 807 Ziaidg^nen, bp. Ferns, ti-21 LaigrEne, K. Ir. 20 Iiain^, sec also Lang and Leng 7uo.. bp. Glasg. 536: L.H.T. Sc. 496: Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 ; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 Saml., Sec. Tr. 163 laird, Dav.. G. N.W. Terr. 697 Laire, sir Th., K.C.B. 774 Lake, Arth., bp. B. and W. 42S: dn. Wore. 473 Ed. Jno., gen. (D) 908 Ger., see Id. L. infra Hy.Atw., K.C.B. 783 Tno., bp. Brl. 439 ; bp. Chich. 433: bp. S. and M. Noel Th., gen. (Dl 897 sir Th., S. St. 223 Walt., S.L. 408 Warw., C St. 284 Wm. Ch., dn. Dham. 479 sir Will. Th., adm. A 819 : K.C.B. 776 Lake, Ids. and vise. Ger., aft. 1st Id. and 1st vise. L., CC. Bgal. 652 ; CC Ind. 650; gen. iA)859 Fk. Ger., 2nd vise. gen. (B)868 Laken or Lakene, Wm.. J. K.B. 371 ; S.L. 407 Lakyn, Rd., K.B. 758 Lalo, Sams, de, gen. (Cl b71 Laly, see Mullaly and OMullaly Laman, Pres. Pu. 109 Lamb, And., bp. Brn. .">31 ; bp. Gall. .'538 hon. Fk. Jas., aft. 1st Id. Beauvale and 3rd vise. Mel- bourne, q.v., Amb. Aus. 117: Amb. Bva. 119; Amb. G. St. 121; Amb. Pgl. 125; Amb Scy. 114; Amb. Spn. 124: G.C.B. 772 : P.C 210 hon. Geo., U.S. Home. 227 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. Lamb — cont. Jno., dn. Brl. 440 Jno., dn. Ely, 4.^5 sir Jno., D. Arch. 420 Matt., K.C. 415 — — Rt., bp. Pboro. 458; du Pboro. 4.58 Th., gen. CD) 935 Th.D., C. Tx. 285 Wm., Ld. Sess. 518 — — hon. Wm., aft. 2nd vise s^l-'pTiio"-"-^'^-^^''-!^ ""a^f^o' '" ^^^^- ^-^ - — Wm., M. Chy. 395 Lambarde, Wm., Rbk. P.A lambart Gust. Wm., Sec St. Pat. 752 — Gust. Fras. Wm., Sec. St. Lambert (or Jaeubert), abp. Oant. 430 D. Tny. 57 L.D. Ir. 554 Danl., L.JM. Lond. 491 —-Geo. Et., and sir G., adm (,I))830; G.C.B. 770; K S Ham., gen. (B) 865 Jas., Ii.M. Dbln. 642 — ^Jnc, CLE. 807; W^C.P. Jno. and sir J., G.C.B. 769 ■ gen. (A) 862; K.C.B. 774- t^li^^ ^•^•^^■- «- "(nf Sq' ^^^' ^^^ ^^^ '^■' ^^" "TT^^alph, bp. Drom.605; bp Mth. 599 ; dn. Down. 605 Rt-, adm. (A) 819 Rowley, adm. (E) 836 Saml., gen. (D) 880 — -^Valt. Rathb., gen. INDEX OP NAMES. bp Lancaster— fo)i<. ——Til., abp. Arm. 595 Kild. 617; dn.Oss. 623 — - Th. de, and sir Th., aft. D. 173 ; L.L. Ir. 552 - — Wm. de, J. It., 367 Lancaster, D. of "¥.1^733''"'- ""■ °' ^"^ '''''^ — - Jno. of Gaunt, D. of, also 1^. of Richmond, q.v., K.G. ^*^cey. Oliver de, gen. (A) Lancy, Benjn., see Lant Landaff, see Llandaff I ^^"•ders, Jno. Edm., gen. (D) Lando (or Landouius), P. Ro. (D) St. gen. (D: - — Wm., gen. (D) 922 Lamtoerton, Wm., bp Andr. 529 ^ ^s,mToley, Rand, de, Abdn. 530 Lambrick, Geo. 903 lambton, Fk. Wm., gen. (D Hedw., gen. (C) 871 - — Jug., yen. (A) 858 Xiambton, vise. J. G., aft. vise. L. and Id and E. of Durham, q.v Lamont, Dav., Modr. K. Sc. — Jno., gen. (C) 874 - — Norm., K.H. 792 Lamotte, Lt. Gen. K.C.B. Lamplug-h, Th., abp. Yk. 486 bp. Exr. 437 ; dn. Roch. 461 Lamport, Hugh, bp. Ferns, 621 Lamvallei 366 Lanark, Wm., E. of, aft. D. of a6Ti)1o2"' "■"■' ""''■ ^*- S'^- Lanatus, A.M., c. Ro. 37, 39 L. M., C. Ro. 39 — - T. M., C. Ro. 38 Lancaster, Jno., bp. Wford. and L. 627 Jno. de, W.C.P. 318 Rt. de, bp. St. As. 462 Landon, Wh.,du. Exr. 438 ^andseer, sir Ed., Pres. R.A ^3.ne, Ambr., gen. (D) 890 n^^°S•' sen- 'D) 919 en. K. W., gen. (D) 8SS Edmd., bp. Kild. 617 : sir Geo. (?Jas.), att. 1st St'^Ir lif ■°''^^' '^•^- ^^<=- — — Hy. M., Bl. M.P.A 337- Chest. H. 331 • — Jno. Theoph., gen. (D) 890 — — Rd. and sir R., C.B Ex 381;L.K.356;P.c:i89; SL: Th., M. Chy. 396 — ^Th. and sir T., L.M. Lond. - — Th. Gord. M., gen. (D) 919 Lanesboroug-h, vise, and E. Lane Family. -—Geo. (? Jas.), 1st vise., form. sir Geo. Lane, q.v. Butler-Danvers Famihi --Br., 2nd E. of, form. Newtown, q.v. Laney, Benj., see Lant Lanferthus, bp. Elm. 454 Langr, see also Laing Rd., bp. Kild. 617 Wm., gen. (D) 1065 ■''f3^fYrH.f3f^^' ^'"^•^- Langrport, Rd., M. Chy. 394 Lang-rishe, Here, and sir H t-. Cus. Ir. .565; C. Exe. Ir' .j66 Jas., dn. Ach. 614 -^ m. and sir R., C. Exe. Ir. Lang-ston, Fras., gen. (B) 864 Lang-ton, Jno. de, bp. Chieh. 432, Ld. Chanc. 353-4; M.E. Jno., bp. St. Dav., 464 Sim. de, abp. Yk. 485 — —bteph., abp. Cant. 430; Const. T.L. 320 — —Th., abp. Cant. 431; bp. ^^?-^W;bp. St.Dav.464;bp. -^tSkb^76^""^^^'-^^^ ~Fo^'^tl4;iVT^.5¥^^-^-^ Wm., dn. CIr. 598 — -(or Langueton), Wm. de, abp. Yk. (?) 485 ; dn. Yk. 486 LangTieton, see Langton Lanier, sir ,Jno., G. Jsey. 667 • gen. (B) 864 J- ™' , Lannes, Off. Nap. 26 Lansdowne, Id., vise., and E of, see also Granville ~V9\ GtranviUe, vise, aft. 2nd B. of Bath, q.v., L L Cnwall. 307 — — (of Bideford), Geo., Id form. Geo. Granville, a v' Compt. H. 292; P.C.196; Tr.' ~^'S'§^^,f ^^- of. form.and . E. of Shelburne, q.v. — - Hy., 3rd M. of, form. Id. H Petty, ^.y., H. Sec. 227; Jud. Cpm.P.C.360;K.G.743 LL Wilts, 313 ; L.P.C. 188 —- Hy., 4th M. of, form. B. of ^f^"^^^' ''•^•' ''■''■ '''■• "TT^^y- Ch. K., 5th M. of, G.C.MG 795; G.G. Can. 692 V^:W^-o^^ ^•'^- 161-2; -Maud. Ev., Mss. of. Cr. Lant, Lancy, or Laney ?/,''^K'^?^,^ly'^35;bp.Linc 447; bp. Pboro. 458 ;dn. Roch. 4bl -^ Th- Ptc- P-A. 337; Winds. mf^t^ehl'lr'''r.^^l^..¥- ^^.^yon, Wim Owen and sir Wm. de, J. It. Bickersteth, q'.'v., C.G.b. 358 Lang-ford, Ch., dn. Her. 442 Ralph de, dn. St. P 452 - — Walt, de, dn. St. P. 452 .q'?;^^^"^;,^™^^' abp. Cant. T ? ' ^P- ^^J' 434 ; L.H.T. 153 ; Ld. Chane. 354 J-angrland, see Longland W., Gr. Ld. W. 681 ,' K.CIM.G. Laog-haire, K. Ir. 21 - — Lorck, K. Ir. 21 ^api^Se, Wm. Fk., adm. (G) Lapuerta, L., Pres. Pu. 109 La^vcom. Th. Aisk and sir T K.C.B.783; U.S.Ir. 563 Larg-e,_Rt., L.M. Lond. 490 Largisius, bp. Kild. 616 Larke, Th., dn. Chieh. 434 —•"^s^a,^^, oee jjuugiana Lang-ley, see also Longley I Eart^^ ""iVl^" 'S ^. Geo. Colt., gen (D) qni • ' qIt^-' nf''^'^ ^•' ^'c. 1 K.C.B. 781 ' ' - ^^^ ' Richm. H. 334 sir .Tno., L.M. Lond. 490 —-Ralph, Wdn. Chr. Ch Manch. 481 Wm. de, A.G. 398 Th., see Longley L'Ang-lois, Benj., B T St. O. 260; U.S.S <">«" Laronius, L., C. Ro. 47 ^I^^^Pent, Fras. S., C. Cus. Jno., E.S.P. 301 LasceUes, Fras., gen. (A) 859 — - F. C. and sir F., Arab.Bga. 128 ; Amb. Ema.123 ; K.C M G • ■ Y3C J hon. Wm. Sebr., Compt. H. 29:i ; P.C. 215 Iiascelles, vise. H\ ., vise, aft. 2nd E. of Harewo(jd, q.v., L.L. Yorks \V.R.313 I.aserian (St.), bp. Cix. 596 ; bp. Llin. 621 Lasing-by, Wm., C.B. Es. 381 Iiast, i:} Geo. Hy.. bp. B. & W. 428; bp. Chest. 477 Hy., dn. Glr. 440 Hugh. Ld. Chanc. Ir. 577 ; S.G. Ir. .590 Jas., abp. Glasg. 537;' bp. Ork. 535 Jas., Sec. St. Sc. 502 Jno.,bp. Clonf. & K. 636; bp. Elph. 608; bp. Killa. & Ach. 613 Rt., gen. (D) 894 : K.H. 792 Sand. Cr., gen. (D) 919 Wm., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 Wm. Hy., gen. (D)890 Xiawder, .sec also Lauder Alexr., bp. Dkld. 533 Ed. Jas., gen. (D) 923 Th.. bp. Dkld. .033 Iiawes, Ed. Hobs. Vitr., S.L. 413 sir Nichs. G. Jam. 712 Vitruv., P.P. 416 ; S.L. 413 Iiawford, Ed., gen. iD) 901 Ed. Melv., gen. (D) 931 Jno. and sir J., adm. (A) 818; K.C.B. 776 Irfiwless, Steph.. bp. Lim. 638 Wm., dn. St. Pat. 617 Iiawley, sir Fas., C. Cus. 273 Lawrance, Jno. Compt., Q.C. 419 Lawrence, see also Laurence Alexr. Jno., CLE. 808 Alexr. Wm., gen. (D) 892 Arth. .Tohnst. and sir A., gen. (D) 896; K.C.B. 780 Chas., G. N. Sc. 694 Chr. Wm., Amb. Ecr. 942 Danl., adm. (H) 845 Elias, gen. (D)883 Geo. St. Patr., gen. CD) 896 ; K.C.S.I. 802 Hv., gen. (D) 890 Hy. Montg., K.C.B. 782; Pres. Pjab. 654 .Jas. CI. and sir J., L.M. Ljnd. 492 Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 Jno. L.M., see Id. L., infra Rd., abp. Cash, and Eml. 626 ; abp. Cash., E. W. and L. 627 Rd. Ch., gen. (D) 916 Sould. and sir S., J.C.P. 379; J.K.B. 373; S.L. 412 Str., gen. (C) 871 Th., K.B. 759 sir Th., Pres. R.A. 941 Wm., Ld. Sess. 519 Wm., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 Wm. and sir W., L.M. Lond. 492 Lawrence, Ids. .Jno. L. M., aft. sir J. and Id. L., Ch. Com. Pjab. 654; G.C.B. 772; G.C.S.L 801 ; G.G. Ind. 649; K.B. 782; K.C.S.I. 802; M.C.I. 646; P.C. 216 Harriet Kath., Baroness, Cr. Ind. 809 Lawrenson, Jno., gen. (D) 894 Laws, Jno. Milligan, adm. (O) 841 Lawson, Ch., L. Prov. Edinb. Jas.. gen. (D) 930 Jas., Ld. Sess. 518 Jas. Anthy., A.G. Ir. 588; J.C.P. Ir. 582; J.C.P.D. Ir. 582; J.Q.B.D. Ir. 580; P.C. 218; S.G. Ir. 590 ; S.L. Ir. 593 sir Jno., adm. (A) 813 Just., C.G.S. Ir. 577 Rd., L.J. Clk. 516 ; Ld Adv. 525 Rt., gen. (B) 867 Lazton, sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 490 Layard, Anthy. Lew., gen. (B)867 Austen Hy. and sir A., Amb. Spn. 124 ; Amb. Tky. 130; C.W.P.B. 272; G.C.B. 773; P.C. 218; U.S.F. 230 Ch. Edm., gen. (Di 933 Ch. Pet, dn. Brl. 440 K.C.M.G. 797 F. 1'., gen. (D) 923 Jno. Th., gen. (B) 868 Wra. Tw., gen. (D) 905 944-952. Iiaye, Rog. de la, see Leye Fras., gen. (B) 867 Jos. Hy., gen. (D) 905 Layton, Hy., adm. (H) 848 Rd., dn. Yk. 487; M. Chy. 394 Lazo, R. Z. Y., Pres. S. Salv. 106 lie— For names with this prefix search under the name next following; ex. gr., Le Neve under Neve Iieach, see also Leech Jno. and sir J., C.J. Chest. 386 ; Jud. Com. P.C. 360 ; K.C. 415; M.R. 388; P.C. 209; V. Chanc. 390 Rt. Owen, adm. (H) 853 Leahy, Dav., C.C.J. 403 Leake, •S'-e also Leeke Geo. M., Chest. H. :331 sir Jno., L. Admy. 177 ; adm. (A) 813 Jno. M., Chest. H. 3:^1 Rt. Mart., gen. (D) 890 Steph. M. (No. 1), Clar. K.A. 328; Gart. K.A. 328; Lane. H. 333 ; Norr. K.A. 329 Steph. M. (No. 2), Norf. H. 341 (or Leeke),Wm., B. Ex. 384 ; S.L. 410 Lear, Fras., dn. Sal. 468 Learmonth, sir Jas., Ld. Sess. 519 Jno., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 L'Eau, de, see Waters Leblanc, Sim. and sir S., J.K.B. 373 ; S.L. 412 Le Breton, see Breton Lebrun, Csl. Fr. 24 ; Off. Nap. 26 Lecale, Chas. Id., adm. (A) 816 Lech, sir Ph., L.H.T. 153 Lechlade, Ralph de, dn. Wells, 428 Th. de, dn. Exi-. 437 Lechmere (or Letchmere), Nichs. (No 1), B. Ex. 384; S.L. 411 Nichs. (No. 2), see Id. L., ■infra Wm., adm. (A) 818 Lechmere, Ids. Nichs. and sir N. (No. 2), aft. Id. L., A.G. 399 ; C.D.L. 242; P.C. 197; S.G. 401 Leek, Jno., abp. Dbln. and Gl. 615 ; L. Treas. Ir. 558 Leckie, Geo. Alexr., gen. (D) 919 Leconteur, Clem., dn. Jsey. 668 Ph., dn. Jsey. 668 Ledbury, Steph. de, dn. Her. 442 Ledenham, Eust. de, J. It. 366 Le Despencer, see Despencer Ledgfard, Fredk. T. D., Q.C. 420 Ledisham, Th., dn. Oss. 623 ; dn. Wford, 628 Ledred, Rd., bp. Oss. 620 Ledrede, Rt., L.H.A. 172 Ledwick, Edw., dn. Kild. 619 Lee, sec also Leye and Leigh , E.S.P. 301 Brice W., gen. (D) 888 Edw., abp. Yk. 486 hon. Fitzr. Hy., adm. (A) 814 INDEX OF NAMES. Lee — cont. G., L. Admy. 178 (or Ley), Geo., dn. Cork, 632 sir Geo., D. Arch. 420 ; J. Pr. Ct. 421 ; P.C. 199 sirHy.,K.G. 739 Jas. Pr., bp. Manch. 480 Jno., A.G. 399; K.C. 415; S.G. 402 Jno., gen. (B) 867 Jno., Q.C. 418 Jno. (of Wiltshire), K.B. 759 Jno., Modr. K. So. 547 Rd., Clar. K.A. 328; Ptc. P.A. 337 ; Richni. H. 333 Rd., L.M. Lond. 490 Rd. and sir R., adm. (A) 819; K.C.B. 774 Rt., L.M. Lond. 491 Rt., Ld. Sess. .521 Rowl., bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 ; M. Chy. 394 Th., Chest. H. 331 sir Th., L. Admy. 175-6 Ussh., dn. I\:ilmacd. 638 ; dn. Wford. 628 Wra., Sr. N. 257 Wm. and sir W., J.K.B. 373; C. J.K.B. 370; Ch. Ex. 165; P.C. 198; S.L. 411 Wm., Q.C. 417 Leech, see also Leach Arth. Hy., dn. Cash. 627 Ed., M. Chy. 395 Sim., K.B. 764 *Leeds, Ed., M. Chy. 397 * Ed., S.L. 412 * Poss. same pers. Th., K.B. 761 Leeds, D. of Th., 1st D. of, form. Th. Osborn, sir T. and Id. O., vise. Latimer, E. of Danby, and M. of Carmarthen, q.v. Per., 2nd D. of, form. M. of Carmarthen, q.v. Th., 4th D. of, Coff. H. 293-4 ; K.G. 742 ; P.C. 200 Fras. God., 5th D. of, form. M. of Carmarthen, q.v., K.G. 742 Geo. Wm. Fk., 6th D. of, K.G. 743; L.L. Yorks, N.R. 313 ; M.H. 302 Leeke, see also Leake Hy. Jno. and sir H., adm. (D)830; (G) 841; K.C.B. 778; K.H. 791 ; L. Admy. 184 Th., Curs. B. Ex. 386 Wm., see Leake Lees, Ch. Cam. and sir C, G. Bah. Isl. 716 ; G. Bdoes. 721 ; G. Gld. Cst. Col. 686; G. Labn. 675; G. Lag. 687; G. Leew. Isl. 728 ; K.C.M.G. 798 Hugh (see Lacy) Jas. Cam., dn. Thist. 749 Wm. Munn., gen. (D) 931 Wm. Nass.,gen. (D) 928 Leesou, Wm., M. Chy. 395 sir Wm. Ed., Geneal. St. Patr. 752 Leet, Wm. Kn., gen. (D) 932 Lefanii, Th. Ph., dn. Emly, 628 Lefebore, Nichs., adm. (H) 849 Lefebre, Off. Nap. 26 Lefevre, Ch. Shaw-, aft. vise. Eversley, q.v., P.C. 213; Sp. H.C. 250 1067 Lefevre— C07^^ Geo. J. Shaw-, C.W.P.B. 272; L. Admy. 184; P.C. 219; Postm. G. 239; Sec. Adm. 187 ; Sec. B.T. 269 Jno. Geo. Shaw-, K.C.B. 782; P.L.C. 262; Sec. B.T. 270 ; U.S.W. &c. 2,31 Lefroy, G., dn. Droni. 606 Jeffr., dn. Drom. 606 Jno. Hy. and sir J., G. Bmda. 701 ; G. Tasni. 708 ; gen. (D) 906; K.C.M.G. 797 Th., B. Ex. Ir. 584 ; C. J.Q.B. Ir. 578; S.L. Ir. 593 Th. E. P., C.C.J. 405 Legrard, Rt., M. Chy. 396 Leggatt, see also Leggett Ed. Owen, gen. (D)929 Legge, hon. Arth. Ch., gen. (D) 900 hon. Arth. K. and sir A., adm. (A) 818; K.C.B. 774 Colin, L.G.O. 259 hon. Ed., bp. Oxf. 457 ; dn. Winds. 474 Fras., G. N.Sc. 695 Geo., aft. 1st Id. Dart- mouth, q.v., L.G.O. 25:) ; M.G.O. 258; P.C. 192 Heneage, C. Exc. 281 hon. Heneage, B. Ex. 385; K.C. 415 ; S.L. 412 hon. Heneage, C. Cus. 277 Hy., S.W.F.271 hon. Hy. Bils., Ch. Ex. 165; L. Admy. 178; L.T. 157 ; P.C. 199; Tr. N. 256 Rd., gen. (C) 875 Th., L.M. Lond. 489 Th., M. Chy. 395 Wm., M.G.VV. 296 Leg'gett, see also Leggatt Jos., gen. (D) 887 Leg'h, see also Leigh Th. and sir T., M. Chy. 394 Lesfhe (of Stokewell), Jno., K.B. 7.59 Leg^rand, Alexr., C. Cus. Sc. 504 Fk. Gasp., gen. (D) 9.32 Leheup, Isaac, C. Cus. 275 Leia, Pet. de, bp. St. Dav. 464 Leicester, see also Lester and Leycester Jno. of, bp. Dkld. 5:33 Petr. de, B. Ex. 382 ; L.H.T. 152 Rog. de, J.C.P. 377 ; B. Ex. 382 (or Lester, or Lyster),Wm., dn. Clonm. 600 Leicester, E. of Beaumont or Bellamoiit Family. Rt. de Beaumont, 2nd E. of, Ch. Jr. (1154) 362; J. It. 365 Dudley Family. Rt., E. of, form, sir R. or Id. R. Dudley, q.v., L.S.H. 290; L.K. 356 Sydney Familij. Rt., 1st E. of, form. Id. Sydney, and vise. Lisle, q.v. Rt., 2nd E. of, L.L. Ir. 554 ; P.C. 190 Jno., 6th E. of, C.Y.G. 298; Const. I T.L. 321 ; K.B. 764 ; P.C. 198; L.L. Kent, :309 ; W.C.P. 319 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-9 1068 Leicester, E. of — covt. Coke Family. 1st Creatimx. Th., E. of, form. Th. Coke, and Id. Level, q.v., Postni. G. 238 Townshend Family. Geo., 1st E. of, form. Id. de Ferrers, q.v., aft. M.Towns- hend, q.v., B.T. 267 ; L.S.H. 290 ; M.M. 247 : Postni. G. 238 Coke Family. 2nd Creation. Th. \Vni., 2nd E. of, K.G. 745 ; L.L. Norf. 310 Iieig'e, sir Ferd.,G. I. Man, 666 Iieigh, st'C also Legh Capel Hanb., L.L. Monm. 310 Ch., G. Leew. Isl. 727; gen. (A) a59 hon. Ed. Chand., Q.C. 419 Fras., K.B. 761 Joddrell, adm. (G) 841 - Ed., S.L. 412 Et. Th., gen. (D)917 (or Lee) sir Th., L.M. Lend. 490 Th. Pemb., aft. Id. Kings- dowTi, q.v., Jud. Com. P.C. 360 ; P.C. 214. See also Pem- berton Win., dn. Her. 442 Leigh, Ids. Wm. H., 2nd Id. (2nd Cr.), L.L. Warw. 312 lieig°lito]i, sir Baldw., gen. (A) 861 Dav. and sir D., gen. (D) 376; K.C.B. 776 Fras., gen. (A) 858 Fk. and sir F., Pres. R.A. 941 Hy. de, bp. Abdn. 530 ; bp. Mor. 534 Rt., abp. Glasg. 537 ; bp. Dnbl. .532 sir Th., G. Gsev. 668 sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 492 Iieiniug-en, Ern. Leop. &c., Pr. of, adm. (E) 836; G.C.B. 771-2; K.C.B. 783 Iieinster, D. of Schomberg Family. Meiuh., 1st D. of, aft. 3rd D. of Schomberg, q.v., C. Ch. 85.5 Fitzqerald Family. Jas., 1st D. of, form. 20th E. of Kildare, q.v., gen. (B) 865 Wm. Et., 2nd D. of, K.P. 750; M.E. Ir.585 Augs. Fk., 3rd D. of, L.L. Kild. .569: P.C. 212 I.eir, Ed. Longf., gen. (D) 932 Iieishmau, ISIatth., Mod. K. Sc. .547 Iieitli, Alexr. and sir A., gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 774 sir Goo., gen. (C) 874 Jas. and sir J., G. Bdoes. 720; G.C.B. 767; G. Leew. Isl. 727 ; gen. (B) 8C7 ; K.B. 766 Tno., adm.(D)8:iO Jno. Farl., Q.C. 419 Patr., Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 Rt. Wm. Disn., gen. (D) 905 INDEX OF NAMES. Leitrim, Ids. and E. ot—cont. Nathl., 2nd E. of, K.P. 751 ; L.L. Leitr. 570 Iieiva, P., Pros. Hdas. 106 Iieland, Jno., gen. (A) 859 Iiemau, sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 lie Marchant, see Marchant IiC Mesurier, see Mesurier Iiemoine, -(no., gen. (C) 874 Iiemon, .1.. L. Adniv. 180 Th.. ■;fii. iDl 900 Lempedlar, Gilb. de, L.G.C. Sc. .506 Iiempriere, Geo. Onrry, adm. lH)H16 tendivord, abp. St. Dav. 463 Le Neve, sec Neve L'Enfant, sec Enfant Iieng-, -huK (? Laing), bp. Xorw. 4.55 Iiennard, see also Leonard Samps., Bl. M. P.A. 336; R. Kge. P.A. 344 Lenne, mi l^ynn Lennock, Cleo. Gust., adm. (HiM5 Iiennoz: and Iteuox Id. M-th., Clk. O. 260; L.T. 160 Augs. Fk. Fras., gen. (D»911 Id. Geo. Hy., Const. T.L. 321 ; gen. (A) &58; P.C. 202 Id. Hy. Ch. Geo. Gord., C.W.P.B. 272 ; L.T. 161 ; P.C. 219 ; Sec. Adm. 187 Wilbr. O., gen. (D) 924 Iiennox, D. of, see also Rich- mond Stuart Fainily. Esmy., 1st D. of, L.G.C. Sc.506 Ludovick, 2nd D. of, aft. E. of Newcastle-on-Tyne, and D. of Richmond, q.v. Esme, 3rd D. of, form. E. of March, q.v., K.G. 739; see D. of Richmond Jas., 4th D. of, and 2nd E. of March ; see D. of Rich- mond Esmey, 5th D. of ; see D. of Richmond Ch., 6th D. of; see D. of Richmond Leinicr Family. Ch., 1st D. of, and 1st D. of Eichmond, q.v. Lens, Jno., S.L. 412 LenthaU, Wm., C.D.L. 242; C.G.S. 356; M.E. 388; Sp. H.C. 249 Lentulus, see also Clotlianus Sura C. C, C. Eo. 43-4-5 C. C. P., C. Eo. 45 L. C, C. Eo. 41-2-3; Dt. Ro.41 P. C, C. Ro. 44 S. C, C. Eo. 41 Leo I. to M., Emp. E. E. 50 I. to XIII., P. Eo. 33-4-5-6 Leofardo, .Inn. de S., dn. Chich. 4:« LeoffiuB, l>p. Wore. 472 Leofgrar, .ire also Leovegard bp. Lich. 443 Leofrlc, bp.Dev.,CnwaIl. and E.\r. 4:J6 Leofwln, bp. Lich. 443 Leofwynus, bp. Dorch. and Si(h-. 146 Leolinus :\ragnus, Pr. Wis. 16 Leltrlm, Ids. and E. of Et., 1st Id. and E. of, form E. Clements, q.v. For List of Abircviations, see pp. 944-952. bp. Leonard, see also Leunard 1. It. 365 Patr. M., C.C.J. 405 Leonins, dn. Wells, 428 Leontins, Emp. E. E. 50 Leopardo, St. Gilb. de S.. Chich. 432 Leopold, D. Lne. .30 Pr. L. Dtd. 73 E. Nds. 83 I. and II., D. Bva. 67 I. and II., E. Gmv. 6-2-3 — I. and II., G. D. Tnv. 57 I. and II., K. Bgm. 83 1. (K. Bgm.), form. Pr. Leop. of S. Coburg, F.M. 856; G.C.B. 767 ; G.C.H. 785 ; geu. (A) 860; K.G. 743; P.C. 209 II. (K. Bgm.), K.G. 745 I. and II., K. Hgy. 60 I. to \Ill., M. Aus. and D. Alls. 58 Ch.-Ed.-Geo. Alb. (g. sou Q. Victoria), Pr. E. 16 Geo.-Dimc.-.\lb., Pr., aft. D. of Albany, q.v., G.C.M.G. 795; G.C.S.L 801; K.G. 745; K.T. 749 ; P.C. 219 ; Pr. E. 16 Fk., D. Anth. 66 Fk. Fras., D. Anht. 66 Leosg^ar, bp. l.,ich. 443 *Leovegrard(or Leofgar) (St.), bp. Her. 441 ^Leovegams, to. St. P. 452 * Poss. same pers. Leoving^S, see also Livingus abp. Cant. 430; bp. Wells, 427 Lepidus, Tr. Eo. 46 M. M., C. Eo. 41-3-4-5-6 P. S:., C. Eo. 46 Lere, Banco de, K.B. 7.55 Lesko, IV.. D. Pld. 90 V. and VI.. K. Pld. 91 Lesley and Leslie Alexr., Coinpt. Sc. 498 hon. /Uexr., gen. (B) 866 Bradf., K.C.I.E. 805 Ch., K.H. 791 Ch. Pow., L.L. Monaghan, 570 hon. Dav., geu. (A) 861 Geo., gen. (D) 926 Hy., bp. Down and Cnr. 604 ; bp. Mth. 599 ; dn. Down, 605 - — Hy., dn. Cnr. 605 Hy., dn. Droni. 606 Jas., bp. Lim. A. and A. 639 Jno., bp. Clr. 596 ; bp. Isl. 540 ; bp. Eph. 601 ; dn. Eph. 602 Jno., bp. Drom. 605 ; bp. Elph. and Kilm. E. and A. 608; dn. Cork, 632 Jno., bp. Ross, 535 ; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Jno., dn. Drom. 606 Jno., dn. Dry. 602 Jno., gen. (D) 884; K.H. 792 Juo., Ld. Sess. 518 sir Jno., K.H. 790 sir Jno., Ld. Sess. 519 sir Leon, L.H. Const. Sc. 507 Et., bp. Clr. 596 ; bp. Drom. 604 ; bp. Epli. 601 Saml., adm. (H) 844 Lestock, Ed., adm. (A) 814 Lesseps, Comit Ferd. de, G.C.S.I. 801 Iiester, see also Leicester Fk. P., gen. (D) 887 Jno. Fk., gen. (D) 918 Rd., see Lyster Iiestrangre, see aluo Strange Ednid., gen. (D) 919 Ed., gen. (D) 894 — - Geo. Guy Carl, gen. (B) - — Th., gen. (B) 868 Iietham, Jno., Ld. Sess. .518 lethbridg-e, Eben. Ron., CLE. 806 lit., gen. (B) 868 Th. Br., adm. (E) 836 Letherland, Jno., G. I. Man, INDEX OF NAMES. 1069 Lettsom, W. G., Amb. Bol. 135; Amb. Me.x. 133; Amb. Ugy. 137 leuchars, Pat. de, bp. Brn. 531 ; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Iieuknore, see also Lewkenor Geoffr. de, J.C.P. 377 ; J. It. 368 ; Jy. 365 Leiittoert, K. Lmd. 49 Leuvig-ildo, K. Sp. 85 levaillant, genl., K.C.B. 778 Levelyn, J., L. Admy. 175 Iieven, E. of, see also Mel- ville — - Lav., 2nd E. of, gen. (B) Alexr., 5th E. of, L.H.C.K. Sc. 546 ; Ld. Sess. 520 Dav., 6th E. of, L.H.C.K. Sc. 546 Dav., 8th E. of, adm. (H) leverous, see Liverous Iievesham, Wm., B. Ex. 383 Leveson, Rd., gen. (C) 871 Leveson, vise. Gr. Geo., vise, aft. 2nd E. Granville, q.v., U.S.F. 230 Levesou-Gower, sfe.Gower and Granville Iieviu, see Levinz Leving-, Tim., S.L. 409 Levingre, Cr., see Levinz Bapt., bp. S. and M. 484 Ch., K.H. 792 sir Rd., A.G. Ir. 588; C.J.C.P. Ir. 580; S.G. Ir. 589 Levins, see Levinz Leving-ton, (or Levinton), Rd. de, J. It. 367 Leving'ston, Th., K.C. 414 Levinz, Levins, or Levin Cress, and sir C, A.G. 399 ; J.C.P. 379; K.C. 414; S.L. 410 Wm., C. Cus. 275-6 Levett, sir Rd., L.M. Lond. 491 Wm., dn. Brl. 440 Levua, K. Sp. 85 Lewen, Just, and sir J., M Chy. 395-6 Wm., J. Pr. Ct. 421 ; M.Chy. 395 ^ sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 491 Lewes, see Lewis Lewin, sir Geo. A., Q.C. 417 Lewis and Lewes, see also Louis (2), bp. Bgr. 425-G (g. son Jas. I.), Pr. E. 13 — - Ch. Algn., gen. (D) 895 (or Lewes), Dav., J. Adm Ct. 422; M.Chy. 395 Erasm., U.S.S. 225 Evan, dn. Bgr. 427 — G J'"'^genTB78lS"*- I ^^ycester and Leycestre-con«. ueo., gen. (j* Sbb Jno dp A n Tr fasa Geo., gen. (D) 883 Wm de M Chv ^3 Geo. Corn, and sir G., Ch. Leye, "e/Lev Ex. 166: H. Sec 227; UT. Leyn'affh, Jno.. bp. Lism. 626 161 ; P.C. 216 ; P.L.C Sec. B.C. 254; Sec. Tr. 163; U.S. Home, 228; W. Sec. Geo. Pitt-, Q.C. 420 Griffith Geo., gen. (D) 883 Hy., gen. (D)911 Hy. Perc., gen. (D) 880 Jno., dn. Oss. 623 Jno. Trav., bp. Ont. 693 Matth., Dep. Sec. at War 234 — Pet., dn. Lism. 629 Rd., bp. Ll£f. 447 Rt., gen. (D) 900 Rt. Mas., gen. (C) 872 Theoph., gen. (B) 868 Th. Fr., and sir T., P.C. 211; P.L.C. 262; Sec. Tr. 163 ; Tr. N. 257 ; V.P.B.T. 269 sir Watk., L.M. Lond. 492 Wm., gen. (C) 872 Wm. Dav., Q.C. 418 Lewisham, vise. Wm., 1st vise, form. 2ud. Id., and aft. 1st E. of Dart- mouth, q.v. Geo., vise, id., and aft. 4th E. of Dartmouth, q.v., L.W.S. 323; P.B.C.252; P.C. 207 Wm. Heneage, vise, (son of 5th E. of Dartmouth), P.C. 220 ; V.C.H. 297 Lewkenor and Lewtnor, see also Leuknore Jno., K.B. 763 Rd. and sir R., C.J. Chest. 386; S.L. 408 Roger, K.B. 756 Roger, K.B. 758 Th., K.B. 758 Lewkyn (or Loufkin), Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 ' Lewson, Rd., K.B. 763 I Lexington and Lexinton Hy. de, bp. Line. 446 ; dn. Line. 448 Jno. de, Jy. 364 ; L.K. 353 I Rt. de, C.J.C.P. 375; Ch. ' Jr. :363; Jy. 364 A^'ni. de, dn. Line. 448 Lexinton, Ids. Rt., 2ndld., B.T. 263; P.C. 194 Ley and Leye, see also Lee Jas. and sir J., aft. Id. and E. of Marlborough,(7.w.; C.G.S 356; C.J.K.B. 370; C.J.K.B. Ir. 578 ; L.H.T. 154 ; L.K. Ir 576; S.L. 409 Rog. dela, B. Ex. .382; dn. St. P. 452 Leyat, Rd., dn. Sal. 468 Leyborne, Leybourn, Ley- bourne, and Leybtirn sir Rt., L.H.A. 171 Rog., bp. Carl. 475 Rog. de. Const. T.L. 320; W.C.P. 317 sir Wm. de, L.H.A. 170 Wm. Leyb., G. Gren. 724 ; G.St. Vin. 725; G. Tob. 723 Leycester and Leycestre, see also Leicester Fras., see Abree Hugh, K.C. 415 Leys, Pet., G. Labn. 675 Leyson, Ciriff., D. Arch. 420: J. Adm. Ct. 422 Li—, .sec „;.s„Ly— Libba, see Molibba Liberius, P. Ro. 33 Libiau, bp. LIff. 448 Libo, L. J., C.Ro.42 L. S., C. Ro.46 M. P.,C. Ro. 41 Lichenburg, Geo. Chr., Sec. Guelph, 792 Lichfield, see also Litchfield —^ Th. de, dn. Chich. 433 Lichfield, B. of Stuart Family. Chas., E. of, aft. 3rd D. of Richmond, q.v. Lee Family. Geo. H., 3rd E. of, C.G.P. 299; P.C. 201 Anson Family. Th. Wm., 1st E. of, form. 2ud vise. Anson, q.v., Postm. G. 238 Geo. Th., 2nd E. of, L.L Staffs. 312 Licinus, C. F. D., C.Ro. 42 L. P., C.Ro. 44 M. F., C. Ro. 42 Licinius, C, Trib. Ro. 39 F. v., Emp. Ro. 48 Liddelland Lidell hon. Adolph. Fk. Oct., and Sl^' A- ^^•*^-^- ^^3; Q.C. 418; U.S. Home, 228 Hy. Geo., dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 Jno., gen. (D) 900 sir Jno., K.C.B. 779 Th., bp. Down, 603 Lidiard, see Lydiard Lilford, Jas., 1st Id. and vise. For List of Abbreviations see pp. 944-952, form. Jas. Hewitt, q.v,, C. I .ice. Ir. 567 ; L.J. Ir. 557 Light, Alfr., gen. (D)920 I Hy., G. Br. Gu. 715 Hy., G. An tig. 728 I Hy., K.C.B. 782 Lightbourn, Jas., M. Chv. 396 ' Lightburne, Staff., gen. (B) i Wm., dn. Dry. 602 Wm.,L.M. Dbln. 641 Lig-htfoot, EUis, G. Bah. Isl. I 716 I Jos. Barb., bp. Dham. 479 Th., gen. (D)880 Th., gen. (D) 908 Ligonier, Ids. vise, and E. Jno. and sir J., aft. 1st Id. vise, and E. of L., C. Ch. 855 ; F.M. 856 ; G. Gsey. 668 ; gen. (A) 857 ; K.B. 764 ; L.G.O. 259 ; M.G.O. 259 ; P.C. 199 Ed., 2nd vise, and 1st E. of (2nd Cr.), gen. (B)865; K.B. Ligus, P. M., C. Ro. 44 Lilbume, G. Bah. Isl. 716 Lilkanth, R. S. M. R., CLE. 807 Lill, Godfr., J.C.P. Ir. 582; S.G. Ir. .589 ; S.L. Ir. 592 LilUcrap, Jas., adm. (H) 844 Lillington, Geo., G. Bdoes. 720 1070 LiUy, Hv., E. Cr. P. A. 335; K. Kge. I'.A. 3J4 lambersf, Ad. de, Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 Iiimerick, Edmd. Hy., 1st vise, and E. of, fonn. Id. CHeutworth, q.v. Iiimesey, Kt. de, bp. Lich. Iiixuond, Alexr., gen. (D) 876 sir Jas., Ren. (D) 877 Limri, Thakore Sahib of, K.C.I.E.805 Linares, J. M., Pres. Bol. 109 Ziinch, see L\Tich Iiincoln, Abr., Pres. U.S.A. 102-3 Aimed de (2), J. It. 365, 367 Tno. de, A.G. 398 Th. de, S.L. 406 Iiincoln, Earls of Lacij Family. Jno., 1st E. of, form. Jno. de Lacy, q.v. De hi Pole Family. Jno., E. of, K.B. (1475) 757 ; L.L. Ir. 553 Clinton Family. Ed., 1st E. of, form. Id. Clinton, q.v., L.H.A. 174 Ed., 5th E. of, form Id. Clinton, q.v. Hy., 7th E. of, Coflf. H. 293; Const. T.L. 321; K.G. 741 ; P.C. 196 ; Paym. G. 244 Hy., 9th E. of, aft. 2nd D. of Newcastle, q.v., Aud. Ex. 167 ; Coff. H. 293 ; K.G. 742 Th., E. of, aft. 4th D. of Newcastle, q.v., geu. iC) 872 I Hy., E. of, alt. 5th D. of Newcastle, q.v., C.W.F. &c. | 272; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; L.T. I 160; P.C. 214 land or lornde Geo., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 - — sir Jas., K.C.B. 774 Jno. de la. Const. T.L. 320 Iiindenthal, Lew., gen. (B) 807 landesay and landesey, see Lindsay and Lindsey landley, Nathl. and su- N., J.C.P. 380; J.C.P.D. 380; | J.Q.B.D. :374 ; Jnd. Com. P.C. ■ 362; L.J. App. 389; P.C. 220 ; I Q.C. 419 ; S.L. 414 Iiindores, Abb. of, Ld. Sess. Iiindores, Ids. Alexr., Id., pen. (C) 871 Iiindsay, Iiindsey, Iiinde- say, and Iiindesey G. Tob. 723 Ale.u-., bp. Dkld. 533 Alexr., gen. (D) 878; K.C.B. 779 Col. — , G. N.S.W. 703 hon. Ch. Dah-., bp. Kild. 617 ; bp. Killoe. and Kilf . 635 ; dn. Chr. Ch. Dbln. 619 * Dav., bp. Brn. 531 ; bp. Edin. 53;^ ♦ Dav., bp. Ross. .'535 * Prob. same pers. Dav. de, L.J. (ien. 522 sir Dav., gen. (Al K58 sir Dav., Ld. Sess. 519 sir Dav. (3), Ly. K.A. 513 Eff., Ren. (B) 870 hon. HuKh, Chn. E.I. Co. 645 INDEX OF NAMES. Lindsay, Lindsey, Lindesay, and Lindesey— rojtt. Ingeram, bp. Abdn. 530 Jas., bp. Dkld. 533 Jas., gen. (D)883 Jas.. L.P.S. Sc. 500 hon. Jas., gen. (D) 896; K.C.M.G. 796 sir Jerome, Ly. K.A. 513 Jno., bp. Glasg. 536 ; L.G.C. Sc. 506 Jno., gen. (C) 873 Jno., aft. Id. Wolmersto\\'n, q.v., K.B. 761 Jno., Ld. Sess. 518 sir Jno., adm. (A) 815 ; K.B. 765 ; L. Adniy. 180 sir Jno., Sec. St. Sc. 502 Patr., abp. Glasg. 537; bp. Boss. 535 ; Ld. Sess. 517 Patr., G. I. Man, 666 Patr. and sir P., gen. (C) 875; K.C.B. 776 ; K.C.H. 788 Rt., J.C.P. Ir. 581 Bt. Jas. Loyd-. aft. Id. Wantage, q.v., K.C.B. 783; U.S. War, 233 Th., abp. Arm. 590; bp. Killoe. 634 ; bp. Rph. 602 ; dn. St. Pat. 618 ; L.J. Ir. 55C Walt. (Ld. St. John), Ld. Sess. 518 Wm., Amb. Vce. 116 Wm. de, Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 sir Wm., L.G.C. Sc. 506 ■ Wm. Alexr., Ptc. P.A. 337 landsay of the Byres, Ids. and E. of - Jno., 1st Id., L.J. Gen. 522 Jno., 5th Id., Ld. Sess. 517 Jno., 10th Id. aft. E. of, L.H.T. and Comm. Tr. Sc. 497 ; Ld. Sess. 517 Idndsey, E. and M. of Bertie Family. Rt. B., E. of, form. Id. WiU. de Eresby, q.v., K.G. 739 ; L. Admy. 175 ; P.C. 190 Mont., 2nd E. of, form. M. Bertie, q.v., E.M. 326; K.G. 740; L.G.C. 287; P.C. 190 Rt., 3rd. E. of, L.G.C. 288; P.C. 192-3 Rt., 4th E. of, aft. 1st. M. of Lindsev and D. of Ancas- I ter and K., q.v., P.C. 194; L.G.C. 288 Albem., 5th E. of, form. A. I Bertie, q.v. i lindseU, Aug., bp. Her. 441 ; I bp. Pboro. 458; dn. Lich. 445 Iiindsey, see Lindsay , Itingard, Rd., dn. Lism. 629 , (no., Conmi. Serjt. Lond. ' 495 ' Idngfen, Ralph Rt. Wh., aft. , sir R. and Id. L., K.C.B. 783 ; Sec. Tr. 164 Iiinlithgow, E. of Cieo.,:JrdE.of,gen.(B)864; L.H.A. Sc. 499 ; Geo.. 4th E. of, L.H.T. Sc. 497 Unsengen, or Iiinsinffden, , Ch. Bar., gen. (B) 866 ; K.C.B. 775 Iiinton, Bern, de, bp. Isl. 539 I sir Rt., G.C.B. 771 Syd., bp. Riv. 704 Wni., K.C.B. 779 Unus, P. Ri.. 32 Unzee, Rt., adm. (A) 816 Sam. Hood, adm. (A) 818 Idon, see Lyon Uonel (son of Edw. III.), Pr. E.IO Uonello, M. Fa. 53 lapscoxnb, Chr., bp. Jam. 713 laptrap, Jno., gen. (D)900 Idptrott, Jno., gen. CD) 910 Usburne, Wilm., 4th vise. and 1st E. of, form. hon. W. Vaughan, q.v., B.T. 266; L. Admy. 179 Usgrar, Jno., 1st Id., form. Jno. Yoiuig, q.v., L.L. Cav, 569 Iiisieux, Th., dn. St. P. 453 Usle, see also Lyle Alfr. de, gen. (D) 906 Gerard de, K.B. 755 Jno.. called Id. L., C.G.S. Jno., K.B. 755 Jno. de. Const. W. Cast. 322 Jno.. L. Admy. 175 ; L.T. 154 Jno.. see Id. L.. infra Saml., bp. Norw. 455 ; bp. St. As. 462 Th.. bp. Ely. 434 Wm., M. Chy. ;396 Iiisle of Rugemont, Ids. fiir Jno., aft. 2nd Id., K.G. (1:327 1 733 Iiisle, Ids. and vise. Talbot Faviily. Th., vise, K.B. (1464)757 Greij Family. Jno., vise, K.B. (1503) 759 Plantaqenet Famih/. — Arth., vise, K.G. (1524)737; W.C.P. 319 Dudley Family. Jno., Id. and vise, aft. E. of Warwick, and D. of Northumberland, q.v., K.B. (1547) 760; K.G. 738; L.H.A. 174 Sydney Family. Rt., vise, aft. 1st E. of Leicester, q.v., K.G. 7:J9 Phil., Id., aft. 3rd E. of Leicester, q.v., L.L. Ir. 554 Iiisley, Nichs., K.B. 758 lasmore, Geo.Pons., 2nd vise, L.L. Tipp. 571 Uster, see also Lyster Cav.. gen. (A) 859 Fk. Geo., gen. (D) 891 Hy., gen. (B)866 Th. Vill. and sii- T., K.C.M.G. 798; U.S.F. 230 Uston, Rt. and sir K., Amb. Dk. 127 ; Amb. Nds. &e 122 ; Amb. Spn. 123 ; Amb.Sw. 126 ; Amb. Tky. 129 ; Amb. U.S.A. 132; P.C. 209 Idstowel, E. of Wm., 2nd E. of, K.P. 751 Wm., 3rd E. of, K.P. 751 Iiitcbford, Geo. A., gen. (D) H88 Litchfield, s,, a/so Lichfield Hy..a(liii.(H)846 Lithiiigton, Wm., dn. Chich. 4;>4 Litten, see Lytton Little, Alfr. BuUer, gen. (D) 925 Archd. and sir A., gen. (S) 903; K.C.B. 780 Geo.. Q.C. 418 For List of Abhreviatioiis, see pp. 944-952. littletoiri. Mart, de, J.C.P. 377; J. It. 368; J.K.B. 371; Jy. 365 liittletoury, sir Humph., L.H.A. 171 littledale, Jos., aft. sir J., J.K.B. 373; Jud. Com. P.O. 860; P.O. 214; S.L. 413 Iiittlehales, sir Bend. Rt., adm. (A) 820 Littler, Jno. Hunt, and sir J. gen. CD) 881; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 777 Ralph D. M., Q.C. 419 Iiittleton, see Lyttleton Litton, see also Lytton • Ed. Falc, Land Comm. Ir. 588 Iiiuva I. and II., K. Sp. 85 Iiiverance, Galfr., bp. Dkld. 533 Iiiverous (or Leverous), Th., bp. Kild. 617; dn. St. Pat. 618 Liverpool, E. of Ch., 1st E. of, form. C. Jenkinson, and Id. Hawkes- bury, q.v. R. B., 2nd E. of, form. Id. Hawkesbury, q.v. ; C. Treas. Ir. 561 ; K.G. 743 ; L.T. 159; Prem. 145-6; W.C.P.319; W. and C. Sec. 231 Ch. Cec. Cope, 3rd E. of, form. hon. C. C. C. Jenkinson, q.v.; G.C.B. 772; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 214; U.S. Home, 227 Livesay, Jno., pen. (C) 871 Livianus, M. iE. L., C. Ro. 45 Liviug-ston and Livingf- stoun Adam, Ld. Sess. 517 Dav., L.P.S. Sc. 500 Jas., bp. Dkld. 533; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 * Rt. de, Compt. Sc. 498 * Rt., L.H.T. Sc. 496 * ? same pers. sir Th., adm. (A) 820 sir Wm., Ld. Sess. 519 Livingfstou, Ids. and mast, of Jas., 1st Id., L.G.C. Sc. .506 Alexr., 5th ld.,Ld. Sess. 517 Alexr., mast, of, Ld. Sess. 517 Livingnis, see also Leovingus (or Livyngus), bp. Dev. and CnwaU. 436 ; bp. Wore. 472 Livinius, bp. Dbln. 615 Llandaff, Eras. Jas., 2nd E. of, K.P. 751 Llauover, Benj., Id., form, sir B. Hall, q.v., L.L. Monm. 310 Llewelyn ap Griffith, Pr. Wis. 17 ^^ab Sitsyllt (2), Pr. Wis. 16-17 LI., dn. St. Dav. 465 — Rd., gen. (D) 881; K.C.B. 779 Rt. Baxt., G. St. Vin. 725 ; G. T. and C. Isl. 713 ; G. Tob. 724 Lloyd and Loyd Arth., gen. (B) 870 Bann. Pr., gen. (D) 914 Ch., bp. Oxf. 457 Chr., dn. Elph. 609 - — Cliff., G. Mtius. 684 Dav., dn. St. As. 463 Ed., adm. (G) 841; K.H. INDEX OF NAMES. Lloyd and Loyd — cont. Ed., C. St. 283 Ed. Jno., C.C.J. 404; Q.C. 417 hon. Ed. Most., aft. Id. Mostyn, (z.v.,L.L. Bier. 314 Ed. Th., gen. (D) 899 Eug. or Owen, dn. Cnr. 605 sir Ev., gen. (A) 862; K.C.H. 788 Geo., adm. (H) 846 Geo., bp. Chest. 477 ; bp. S. and M. 483 Geo. Aug., Amb. Bol. 135 Geo. Wm. A., gen. (D) 887 Hy., S.L. 411 Hor., C.C.J. 405; Q.C. 418 Hugh, bp. Llff. 449 Hmnph., bp. Bgr. 426 ; dn. St. As. 463 Jas., L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 Jno., adm. (A) 815 Jno., bp. St. Dav. 464 Jno., dn. St. As. 463 Jno.,K.C. 415 Jno., S.L. 409 Jno., S.L. Ir. 593 Marni., J. Chest. 386 Morg., Q.C. 419 Mountf. S. H., gen. (D) 904 Nathl. and sir N., Adm. Adv. 423 ; K. Adv. 422 Owen, see Eug., supra Ph., dn. Norw. 456 Rd. and sir R. (No. 1), Adm. Adv. 423; D. Arch. 420; J. Adm. Ct. 423 Rd. and sir R. (No. 2), B. Ex. 385; K.C. 415; S.G. 402; S.L. 412 Rt., adm. (A) 820 sir Rt., G. Gibr. 670 Th., dn. Bgr. 427 Th., L.L. Card. 315 Th. Eras., gen. (D) 935 Vaughan, gen. (A) 860 Wm., adm. (A) 815 Wm. (No. 1), bp. Killa. and Ach. 613; dn. Ach. 614 Wm. (No. 2), bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 ; bp. St. As. 462 ; bp. Wore. 473 ; dn. Bgr. 426 Wm. (No. 3), bp. Llff. 449 ; bp. Norw. 455; bp. Pboro. 458 Loch, Eras. Ad. Ell., gen. (D) — ^^Fras. Ersk., adm. (D) 829 Geo., Q.C. 418 Hy. B. and sir H., C.W.F. &c. 273 ; G.C.M.G. 795 ; G. I. Man, 666 ; G. Vict. 705 ; K.C.B. Jno., Chn. E.I. Co. 645 Lochin, bp. Kild. 616 Lock, Andr. C. K., gen. (D) 928 Locke, Jno.,B.T. 263 Jno., gen. (B) 869 Jno., Q.C. 417 Matth., Sec. at W. 233 Th., Clar. K.A. 328; Lane. H. 333 ; Norr. K.A. 330 ; R. Dr. P.A. 338 Walt., adm. (A) 819 Locker, Wm., L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 Lockhart, Alan Eliot, L.L. Selk. 512 Alexr., Ld. Sess. 520 Archd. Ingl., gen. (D) 904 For List of Ahhreviations, see pp. 944- 1071 Lockhart — cont. Dav. BL, gen. (D) 921 sir Geo., L.P. Ct. Sess. 516 ; Ld. Sess. 520 Graeme Alexr., gen. (D) 902 sir Jas., Ld. Sess. 519 sir Jno., Ld. Sess. 519 sir Steph., Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 Th., C. Exc. Sc. 505 Wm., gen. (C) 873 sir Wm., Ld. Sess. 519 Wm. Steph. Alexr., K.C.B. 782 Lockwood, Frank, Q.C. 420 Geo. Hy., gen. (D) 887; K.C.B. 779 Th., dn. Chr. Ch. Dbln. 618 Lockyer, Fras., dn. Pboro. Hy. Fk., gen. (D) 892; K.H. 792 Loco, Hugh de B., bp. Carl. 475 Locock, Sidn., Amb. Bzl. 135 ; Amb. C. Am. 134 ; Amb. Sva. 128 Locton, see Lokton Lodder, Wm. Wynne, gen. (D) 900 Lodelow, Th. de, C. B. Ex. 381 ; Bee. Lond. 493 Loder, Hugh, K.B. 759 Lodevick, Pet., gen. (D) 879 Lodge, Edm., Bl. M. P.A. 337 ; Clar. K.A. 328; K.H. 790; Lane. H. 333; Norr. K.A. 330 sir Th., L.M. Lond. 490 Loding'ton, Wm. de, A.G. 398; J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 Lodowic, see also Ludowick Jno., M.M. 246 Lodowis, Th., bp. Killa. 612 Loft, Jno. Hy., gen. (B) 867 LoftUS, Adam (No. 1), abp. Arm. 595 ; abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616 ; dn. St. Patr. 618 ; L.J. Ir. 554; L.K. and Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576 Adam (No. 2), aft. vise. L. of Ely, L.J. Ir., 554; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576 ; V. Treas. Ir. sir Adam (No. 3), L.K. Ir. 576 Id. Augs. Wm. Fk. Sp., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Bva. 119 ; Amb. G. St. 122 ; Amb. Pr. 118 : Amb. Russ. 126 ; G.C.B. 772; G. N.S.W. 703; K.C.B. 783 Ed., Rec. Dbbi. 642 ; S.L. Ir. 591 Hy., C. Ace. Ir. 567 Wm., gen. (A) 860; Lt. T.L. 322 Wm. Fras. B., gen. (D 879 Wm. Jas., gen. (D) 907 Id. W. F. S., P.C. 217 Loftus, of Ely, vise. Adam, vise, see Adam Loftus (No. 2), supra. Loftus, Ids. and vise. Ch., 1st Id., form. C. Tot- tenham, q.v., aft. 1st E. and M. of Ely, q.v., K.P. 750; Postm. G. Ir. 564 Jno., Id., aft. vise. L. and 2nd M. of Ely, q.v., C. Treas. Ir. 561 1072 IiOgran, Archd. Sp., gen. (D) Archd. Geo. Dougl., gen. (D) 932 Jno., bp. Down, 60.3 Rt. Abr., gen. (Dl 923 ■ Th. Galbr., K.C.B. 780 IiO^e, Andr., Ld. Adv. 526 Logfore, Th. de, M. Chy. 393 IiOing'seach, K. Ir. 21 Iioizag-a, C, Dt. Pgy. 110 IiOkton (or Locton), Jno. de, J.K.B. 371 ; S.L. 407 Iiomaz, Jas., gen. (B) 869 Lombard, see also Lumbard ■ Rt., du. Wford. 628 Iiombardiui, Pies. Me.\. 103 Lomtuil, bp. Kild. 616 Ziondon and Iiondres Ednid. do, M. Chy. 393 Hy. de, abp. Dblu. & abp. Dbln. & Gl. 615; L.J. Ir. 550 Jno., M. Chy. 394 Lucas de, dn. Wford. 628 Walt, de, dn. St. P. 452; dn. WeUs, 428 Wm. de, J. It. 367; Jy. 364 Iiondonderry, Ids. and M. of rut Family. Th., Id., form. Th. Pitt, q.v., G.JLeew. Isl. 727 Stewart and Vane Tempest Family. Bt., 2ud M. of, form. vise. Castlereagh, q.v. Ch. Wm., 3rd M. of, form. hon. C. W. and Id. Stewart, Q.i»., gen. (A) 862; K.G. 744; L.L. Dham. 308 Fk. Wm. Rt., 4th M. of, form. vise. Castlereagh, q.v., K.P. 751 Geo. Hy. Rt. Ch. Wm., 5th M. of, K.P., 751 ; L.L. Dham. Ch. Stu., 6th M. of, K.G. 745; L.L. Ir. 558 ; P.C. 221 Iiondres, see London Iioue, sir Rd., G. Gsey. 668 Iiouerg'an, see Longain Iioney, Kt., adm. (H) 849 Iiong", Ch., aft. 1st Id. Farn- borough, q.v., C.Treas. Ir. 561 ; B.T. 268; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; G.C.B. 772; L.T. 158; P.C. 207 ; Paym. G. 245 ; Sec. Tr. 163 Jno., abp. j^rni. 595 Lisleb. and sir L., Bee. Lond. 494 ; Sp. H.C. 249 * Rt., P.C. 189 * sir Rt., And. E.x. 166; L.T. 155; Ch. Ex.164; P.C. 191 * ? same pers. ■ Rt. BaU, gen. (B) 868 Th., dn. Cork, 632 Th., K.B. 7.59 Walt. H., Sec. L.G.B. 256 Wm., Mast. Coll. Surg. 939 Iiongchaiup, Hy., K.B. 754 Will, de, bp. Ely, 4:^4; Ch. Jr. 362; Const. T.L. :i20; Const. W. Cast. :(22; J v. :!63; Ld. Chanc. :m; W .('.!•; .{17 Iiongden, Ch. Sc, gen. iD) 908 Hy. Err., gen. (D) 904; K.C.B. 781 Jas. Rt. and sir J., G. Br. Gu. 715; G. Br. Hond. 714; G. Ceyl. 673; G. Dnca. 730; G. Trin. 722; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G, 797 F, INDEX OF NAMES. Iiontrespee, Nichs., bp. Sal. Iiopes, Hy. C. and sir H., 467 I J.C.P.D. 380; J.Q.B.D. 374; Rog. de (or de Molend), bp. Jud. Com. P.C. 362; L.J. Lich. and Cov. 444; L.H.T. App. 389; P.C. 220; Q.C. 152 I 418 Steph. de, L.J. Ir. 550 sir Mass., L. Admy. 185; Wm. (E. of Salisbury), P.C. L.H.A. 170 Iiong-field, Jno., gen. (D) 895 Mountefort, C. Cus. Ir. 505 Mountefort, Land. J. Ir. 587 Rd., C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Ex. Ir. 566-7 Iion^ford, Ralph, K.B. 756 Wm. Book., gen. (D) 892 Iiongrford, vise, and E. of Chr., 1st vise, form. 22nd Id. Slane, q.v. Th., 2nd E. of, K.P. 751 Wm. Lygon, 4th E. of, gen. (D) "903; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 779; L.L. Longf. 570; U.S. War. 232 Iion^inus, K. It. 49 C. C, C. Ro. 44-5 — L. C, C. Ro. 45 Q. C, C. Ro. 44 Long'land (orLangland), Jno., bp. Line. 447 ; dn. Sal. 468 Iiong'ley, see also Langley Ch. T., abp. Cant. 431 ; abp. Ylv. 486; bp. Dham. 479 ; bp. Rip. 482; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; P.C. 217 Jno., G. Dnca. 730 (or Langlev), Th., abp. Yk. 485 ; bp. Dham. 478 ; du. Yk. 486 ; L.K. & Ld. Chanc. 355 Iiongstrotlier, Jno., L.H.T. 153 Iiongtoft, Jno. de, M. Chy. 393 LongTieville, Grey, B. & Gl. K.A.330; Bath K.A. 785; Han. H. 340 Iiongnieville, E. of Gast. de Foix, E. of, K.G. 735 Iiongus, C. S., C. Ro. 40-1; Dt. Ro. 41 K. D., Dec. Ro. 38 L. M. v., C. Ro. 42 M. T., C. Ro. 37 T. S., C. Ro. 43 Iiongworth, Fras Tr. D., L.L. K. Co. .570 Jno. A., Amb. Sva. 128 Rd., dn. Chest. 477 laouison, Jno., M.M. 246 Iionsdale, Jas. Jno., C.C.J. 404 Tno., bp. Lich. 444 I.onsdale, Ids., vise, and E. of Jno., 1st Id. and vise, form, sir J. Lowther, q.v., L.P.S. 240 Hy., 3rd vise. Const. T.L. :^21; L.P.S. 240; P.C. 197 Jas., E. of, form, sir J. Lowther, q.v. {d. 1802) Wm., E. of. form. vise. Lowther, q.v. (rt. 1844), K.G. 743 Wm., 2nd E. of, form. vise. liowtlicr, q.v. (d. 1872), Jud. Coin. I'.C. 360; L.P.C. 188; L.L. Cunib. 307; L.L. Wnilaiid. :)i;t My., 3r,l i;. of, form. Hy. Lowtlic'r, pez, C. A., Dt. Pgy. 110 F. S., Dt. Pgy. 110 v., Pres. Arg. 110 Lopham, Th., S.L. 407 Iioraine, \\ alch. de, E Northumberland, bp Lord, Ed., G. V.D. Ld. 708 Jas.,B. Ex.384 I.orimeT, Jas., K.C.M.G. 798 Iiorin or Iioriug, sir Xele, K.G. 733 - — sir Jno. Wentw., adm. (D) 82;^ ; K.C.B. 777 ; K.C.H. 789 Wm. and sir W., adm. (E) &35 ; K.C.B. 780 Iiorne, Ids. and M. of, see also Argyll Archd., Id., aft. 8th E. of Argyll, q.v., Ld. Sess. 517 Jno., M. of, aft. 5th D. of Argyll, q.v., gen. (B)865 Jno., G. E. H. D. S., M. of, son of 8th D. of Argyll, G.C.M.G. 795 ; G.G. Can. 692 ; K.T. 749; P.C. 219 Prss. Louise, Mss. of, Cr. Ind. 809 ; see Princess Louise Iiorton, Rt. Ed., 1st vise, pen. I A) H61 ; L.L. Rose 571 Losack, Geo., adm. (A) 818 Iiose, Terric de, M.M. 245 Losh, Jas., C.C.J. 404 Losing', lit., bp. Her. 441 Iiosinga, Herb., bp. Elm. Dmiw. and Norw. 454 IiOten, Joan Gid., G. Ceyl. 672 Iiothair and Iiothaire D. Sxy. 77 K.E.I K. Fr. 23 K. Lmd. 49 Land II., E. Gmy. 61 Lother, K.E. 1 Lothebury, Rd. de, M.M. 245 £othian, E. and M. of Mark, 1st E. of, form. Mark Ker, q.v. Wm., 3rd E. of. See St. Sc. 502 Robt., 4th E., aft. 1st M. of, H.C.P. Sc. 508; L.H.C. K. Sc.546; L.J. Gen. 522 Wm., 2nd M. of, gen. (B) 864 ; K.T. 747 Wm., :^rd M. of, K.T. 747 ; L.H.C. K. Sc. 546; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 Wm. Hy., 4th M. of, gen. (A) 858; K.T. 748 Wm. Jno., 5th M. of, gen. (A) 859 ; K.T. 748 Wm., 6th M. of, form. E. of Aucrum, q.v., K.T. 748; L.L. Mid-L. 509 ; L.L. Roxb. 512 Jno. Wm. Rt., 7th M. of, C.Y.G. 298; L.L. Roxb. 512; P.C. 214 Sch. Hy., 9th M. of, K.T. 749; L.K. Se503; L.P.S. Sc. 501 ; P.C;. 220 ; Sec. Sc. 502 ; V.l'. F.d. Sc. .500 I.oudham, Wm., J. It. 367 List of Abbreriati see pp. 944-952. Iioudon aud Zioudoiiu Jno. de, Const. W. Cast. 32:2 Jno., gen. (D) 921 Iioudouu, E. of Jno., 1st E. of, Comm. Tr. Sc. 497 ; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 ; Pres. P.C. Sc. 500 Hugh, 3rd E. of, K.T. 747; li.H.C. K. Sc. 546; L.H.T. Sc. 498; L.K. Sc. 503; Ld. Sess. 5]7 ; P.C. 195; Sec. St. Sc. 502 ■ Jno., 4th. E. of, gen. (A) 858 Jas., 5th E. of, gen. (C) 872 Iioufkin, see Lewkyn Iioug'liborongh, Alexr., Id., form. A. Wedderburn, q.v., aft. 1st E. of Kosslyu, q.v., C.G.S. 357; L.H.S.'287 Louglier, Rt., M. Chy. 395 IiOug°liliu, Arilan., dn. Clonf. 637 Louis, D. Svy. 54 D. Wbg. 81 G.D. Tny. 57 (the Great), K.- Hgy. 60 K. Lmd. 49 (Hutin), K. Nav. 85 K. Nav. 87 K. Pld. 91 K. Sp. 86 (de Requisens), R. Nds. 82 I., K. Bma. 59 I., K. Hgy. 60 I., K. Pgl. 89 ; K.G. 744 I., K. Scy. 56 I., Pr. Muo. 31 I. and II., C. Firs. 81 I. and II., K. Bva. 68 • I. and II., M. Brg. 65 I. and II., Pr. Nass. 75 1, to III., D. Bva. 67 I. to IV., E. Gmy. 61-2 I. to IV., G.D. H. Dt. 72 III. (G.D. H. Dt.), K.G. 744 I. to XVIII., K. Fr. 23-4 XVIII. (K. Fr.), K.G. 743 II.,G.D. Bdn. 67 II. to VI., C.P.R. 68 V. to X., Lg. H. Dt. 72 Buonaparte, Pr. Or. 83 Ch., gen. (D) 911 Eugene, D. Wbg. 81 Fredk., Pr. S. Rdt. 79 • George, M. Bdn. 67 Hippolyta, Pr. Mno. 31 sir Jno., adni. (D) 825 Napoleon, aft. Nap. III., q.v., Pres. Fr. 25 ■ PhilUppe, K. Fr. 24-5 ; K.G. 744 sir Th., adm. (A) 817 Wm., adm. (H) 848 Wm., M. Bdn. 67 Wm.-Augs., G.D. Bdn. 67 Wm.-Fk., Lg. H. Hbg. 73 ; G.C.B. 768 Iiouisa (dau. Geo. II.), Pr. E. 14 Anne, (g. dau. Geo. II.), Pr. E. 14 Caroline-Alb., (dau. Q. Victoria), Pr. E. 16 ; Cr. Ind. 809 ; aft. Mss. of Lome, q.v. HoUandia (g. dau.. Jas. I.), Pr. E. 13 Maria-Th. (dau. Jas. II.). Pr. E. 14 ■ Vict. -Alex. -Dagni. (g. dau. Q.Vict.), Pr.E. 15 For INDEX OF NAMES. Iioutli, see Lowth Iioutlier, see Lowther Ii'Ouverture, Touss., Pres. Hti. 104 Iiovaine, Ids. Geo. Id., aft. 2nd E. of Beverley, and 5th-6th D. of Northumberland, q.v., B.C. 252-3 ; L.T. 158 A. G., Id., aft. 6th-7th D. of Northumberland, q.v., L. Admy. 184 ; Paym. G. 245 ; P.C. 216; V.P.B.T. 269 IiOVat, Ids. Th. Alexr., Id., K.T. (1864) 749; L.L. Inv. 510 Simon, Id., form. hon. S. Fraser, q.v. (succ. 1875) IiOve, Hyg., dn. liilf. 637 Hy. Oram., adm. (H) 847 Jas. Fk. and sir J., G.C.B. 778; G. Jsey. 668; gen. (D) 883 ; K.C.B. 778 ; K.H. 789 Rd., dn. Ely, 435 Loveday, Rog., J.C.P. 377 ; J. It. 368 Iiovel, see Lovell Lovelace, Wm., S.L. 408 Lovelace, Ids. and E. Lovelace Family. Jno., 3rd Id., G.C.P. 299 JS-ing Family. Wm., 1st E. of, L.L. Surr. 312 Lovel and Lovell Fulke, bp. Lond. 451 Hy. de, dn. Ch. 434 Jno., J. It. 363 ; J.K.B. 371 Benj., and sir L., gen. (D) 884 ; K.C.B. 778 : K.H. 791 Ph., L.H.T. 152 Sal. and sir S., B. Ex. 384 ; J. Chest. 387 ; Bee. Lond. 494 ; S.L. 411 * sir Th., Const. T.L. 320 ; K.G. 737 ; Tr. H. 291 * Th., Sp. H.C. 249 * ? same pers. Wm. Stanh., adm. (H) 845 ; K.H. 791 Lovel, Ids. Lovel Family. Jno., 8th Id., K.G. 734 Eras., yth Id. and 1st vise, K.G. 736 Coke Family. Th., Id., form. T. Coke, q.v., aft. E. of Leicester, q.v., Postm. G. 238 Lovet, Clir., L.M. Dbln. 640 Lovetot, Jno. de, J.C.P. 377 Lovibond, Hy., M. Chy. 396 Loving, J., Tell. Ex. 167 Lo'W, see Lowe Lowder, Saml. Nett.,gen. (D) 903 Lowe and Low Abrm., adm. (H) 845 Alexr., gen. (D)903 Arth., adm. (D) 833; (E) 838: (r)834 Dav., bp. Mor. and Ross. .544 ; bp. Ross. 545 Drury, Curz. Drury-, aft. sir Dr., gen. (D) 924 ; K.C.B. 781 Ed., aft. sir E., M. Chy. Edw. Wm. De L., gen. (D) 907 sir Huds., G. Antig. 728; G. St. Hel. 682 ; G.C.M.G. 794 ; I gen. (B I 869; K.C.B. 775 List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952 1073 Lowe and Low — coiit. Hugh and sir H., G.C.M.G. 796; G. Labn. 675; K.C.M.G. 798 Jno., bp. Roch. 460 ; bp. St. As. 462 Jno. and sir J., G.C.S.I. 801; gen. (D) 886; K.C.B. 779 (or Lupus), Jno. de, dn. Oss. 622 Kt., aft. vise. Sherbrooke, q.v., Ch. Ex. 166; H. Sec. 227 ; L.T. 161 ; P.C. 216 ; Pavm. G. 245; Sec. B.C. 254; V.P. B.T. 269 ; V.P. Ed. 255 Kt. Cunl., K.C.B. 782 Sigism. Bar., gen. (C) 873 ; K.C.B. 775 sir Th., L.M. Lond. 491 Th. HiU., dn. Exr. 438 Loweu, Piearce, K.H. 792 Lowndes, Ch., Sec. Tr. 163 Th., gen. (D)933 Wm., C. Exc. 280-1 ; C. Tx. 284-5 Wm., C.C.J. 403 Wm. L., Q.C. 417 Lowry, Rt. Wm., gen. (D) 908 Lowth and Louth. Rt., B.T. 267; bp. Lond. 4.52; bp. Oxf. 456; bp. St. Dav. 465; P.C. 203 Rt. Hy., gen. (D) 894 Louth, E. of sir Jno. Bermingham, E. of, L.J. Ir. 1 1321) .551 Lowther and Louther Anthy., gen. (C) 871 I Ger. and sir G., B. Ex. Ir. 584; C.G.S. Ir. 576; C.J.C.P. Ir. 580 ; J.C.P. Ir. 581 Hy., see Id. L., infra Hugh de, A.G. 398; J. It. 369 Jas.,Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; P.C. 219; U.S.C. 235 Jas., St. O. 260 Jno., see Id. L., infra sir Lane, B. Ex. Ir. 584 Luke, L.M. Dbln. 640 Marc, adm. (H) 8.53 Rt., G. Bdoes. 720 Th. de, J.K.B. 371 Wm., Anib. Arg. 136 sir Wm., C. Cus, 273 Lowther, Ids. and vise. sir Jno., aft. 1st Id. L. and vise. Lonsdale, q.v. {d. 1700), L. Admy. 176 ; L.T. 155 ; P.C. 193; V.C.H. 296 sir Jas., aft. Id. and vise. L. and E. of Lonsdale, q.v. (d. 1802), L.L. Cumb. 307; L.L. Wmland. 313 Wm., vise, aft. E. of Lons- dale, q.v. (d. 1844), L.L. Cumb. 307 ; L.L. Wmland. 313 Wm., vise, aft. 2nd E. of Lonsdale, q.v. (d. 1872), B.C. 253 ; C.W.F. &c. 271 ; L Admy. 181; L.T. 159; P.C 211 ; Postm. G. 238 ; Tr. N. 257 ; V.P.B.T. 269 Hy., aft. 3rd E. Lons- dale (d. 1876) L.L. Cumb. 307; L.L. Wmland. 313 Lowys, Jno., M.M. 246 Loyd, see Lloyd Loyd-Lindsay, see Lindsay Lozier-Bouvet, Mons. de, G. Mtius. 683 1074 Iinard, Ch. Ed., gen. (D) 933 Jno., Kyn., gen. (D) 888 Ed. Geo. Amb., gen. (D) 909 Wm. Gamh., adm. (B) 836 Iiucan, Geo. Ch., 3rd E. of, F.M. 856 ; gen. (D) 884 ; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 777; L.L. Mayo, 570 Xncas, AJfr. Wm., gen. (D) — Anthy., C. Exc. 280-1 Ch., gen. (1» 901 Ch. Dav., adm. (H) a53 Ch. Sh. de K. gen. (D) 926 Ed., U.S. Ir. 563 Matth. P., L.M. liond. 492 Th., S.G. 401 sir Th., caUed Id. L., Const. T.L. (1688) 321 IiUCi, see Lucy Iiucian, Pr. Mno. 31 Iiucius I. to III., P. Ro., 32, 34 IiUckraft, Alf., adm. (H) 847 Mm., adm. (H) 847 Iitictacus, K. Sc. 18 IiUCuUus, L. L., C. Kg. 44 ; C. Ko. 4n U. T. v., C. Ko. 46 Iiucy and Iiuci sir Anth., L.L. Ir. 551 Geoffr. de, dn. St. P. 452 sir Geofifr. de, L.H.A. 170 Godfr. de, bp. Winch. 470 ; J. It. 36b; Jy. 363 Eegd. de, J. It. 365 Pd. de, Ch. Jr. 362 ; Const. T.L. 320; Const. W. Cast. 322; .7. It. 365; Jy. 363 • Et. de, J. It. 365 Steph. de, J. It. 367 — \ViH., bp. St. Dav. 464 Wm., K.B. 758 IiUda, Wm. de, bp. Ely, 434 IiUdecan, K.E. 3 Itudehani (or Ludham, or Kinton), Godfr. de, abp. Yk. 485 ; du. Yk. 486 ^udlam, sir Geo., Chambn. Lond. 49:^ liudlow, Eben., P.P. 416; S.L. 413 Edni., Comm. Ir. 554-5 ■ Ed. Saml., CLE. 806 ■ Geo. Jas. 7 See E. of L., Peter, J hifra Ed., K.B. 757 Saml. Edg. Ow., gen. (D) 898 ^^•alt. de, dn. Wford. 628 IiTidlow, Ids. and E. of Peter, 1st Id. and E. of, Compt. H. 2P3; P.C. 203 Geo. Jas.,:^rd E. of, G.C.B. 767; gen.(A)K60; K.B. 766 Iiudolph, D. Su. 80 lavdowick, see a ho Xiodo- wick — Eodolph. D. Brk. 70 IiUedwith, alip. St. Dav. 463 liUgard, Kir Ed., G.C.B. 770; Kill. (Di«2; K.C.B. 778; P.C. 21.S: C.S. -War. 2;i3 lugeol, .lean, K.C.B. 778 IiUghaidh i2i, K. Ir. 21 — IticbcU arg, K. Ir. 21 liUgthacus, K. Sc. 18 Lxiic, Al.x. N. de, M.M. 245 Xiiiighne, K. Ir. 20 IiUiredus, dn. St. P. 452 I.uitpert, K. Lmd.49 Iiuitprandus, K. Lnid. 49 INDEX OF NAMES. ♦Luke, abp. Dbhi. & Glr. 615 * bp. Kilmacd. 636 * dn. KiUoe. 637 * dn. Liin. 639 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. Jas., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 Nichs., B. Ex.384 Steph. Pag. Walt. Viv. CLE. 806 Wm. (or Walt.), J.K.B. 372 Wm.. adm. (A) 818 IiUkin, Ch. Osb., gen. (D) 912 Geo. ■\\m., dn. Wells, 429 Wm., G. Dnca. T.iO IiUlliiuore, see Lynn IiUmbard, see also Lombard Jno., J.K.B. Ir. 578 Lumley, hon. Jas., M.H. 302 Jas. Kuth., gen. (D) 876; K.C.B. 777 Jno., see Id. L., infra Jno. Savile-, and sir J., Amb. Bgni. 123; Anib. It. 114 ; Amb. Swz. 114; Amb. Sxy. 121; G.C.B. 773; K.C.B. 783 ; P.C. 220 Marm., bp. Carl. 475 ; bp. Line. 447; L.H.T. 153 - — sir Mart., L.M. Lond. 491 * Hy., G. Jsey. 667 * hon. Hy., gen. (A) 857 • » Poss. same pers. Ed., see Id. L., infra Wm., and sir W., G. Bmda. 701 ; gen. (A) 862 ; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 773 Wm. Gold., Q.C 418 Iiumley, Ids. and vise Jno., Id., K.B. (1553) 760 Ed., 2nd vise, aft. E. of Scarborough, q.v., L.L. Dham.308; P.C. 193 Iiunisdaine, Geo., adm. (A) 817 Jas., gen. (B) 866 Iiumsden, Andr., bp. Edinb. 542 ; Pr. Bp. Sc. 540 Harrv Burn, and sir H., gen. (D) 904 ; K.C.S.I. 803 Pet. St. and sir P., gen. (D) K23; G.C.B. 771 ; K.C.B. 781; M.CI. 647 lunalilo I., Q. Sd. Isl. Ill Iiunapeius, bp. Llfl. 448 Lundin, sir Rt., L.H.T. Sc. 496 Iiundyne, Wm. de, Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Lnnsford, Col. — , Lt. T.L. 321 launverd, bp. St. Dav. 464 Lupton, Eog., M. Chy. 394 Iiupns, L. C L., C Eo.44 (or de Low), Jno., dn. Oss. — ^1>. E., C Eo. 45 Iiiirgan, Ch.. 2nd. Id., K.P. 751; L.L. Arm. 568 Iiuscinus, C F. (3), C. Eo. 42 Luscus, T. A., C Ro. 44 Lush, Et. and sir E., J.Q.B. 373; J.Q.B. D. ;S74 ; Jud. Com. P.C. 361 ; L.J. App. :W9; P.C. 219; Q.C. 417; S.L. 414 IiUshboTongli (or Luxem- burgh), Louis de, bp. Ely, 4:« IiUBhlnirton, Godfr., U.S. Home, 228 Jas. Lawr. and sir J., Chn. E.I. Co. 645; G.C.B. 769; gen. (D)877; K.C.B. 776 Lushington— ^-onf. Steph. and sir S. (No. 1), Chn. E.I. Co. 644-5 Steph. (No. 2), Ch. Lond. 422; D. Arch. 421; J. Adm. Ct. 423; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; P.C. 213 Steph. and sir S. (No. 3), adm. (Di830; (G) 841; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 777; L.G. Gr. Hosp. &54 Steph. Geo., C Cus. 277 Steph. Rumb., G. Mdras. 657; P.C. 211; Sec. Tr. 163 Vern., C.C.J. 405 ; Q.C. 418 ; Sec. Adm. 187 IiTisk, Andr. and sir A., L.M. Lond. 492 LuttreU, Eras. F., C Cus. 276 C Tx. 284 Hugh, K.B. 758 hon. Jas., S.G.O. 260 Jno., K.B. 755 Rt., V. Chanc. Ir. 574 Th. and sir T., C.J.C.P. Ir. 580; S.G. Ir. 589; S.L. Ir. 591 Iiuttrell-Olmias, see Olmius and Carhaiiipton Iiutwidge, Skeff., adm. (A) 816 Iiutwyche, Ed. and sir E., C.J. Chest. 386; J.C.P. 379; S.L. 410 Th., Q.C. 415 Iiuzemburgh, see Lush- biiroujih Iiuzmoore and Iiiizmore C Sc, dn. St. As. 463 Jno., bp. Brl. 439 ; bp. Her. 442 ; bp. St. As. 462 ; dn. Glr. 440 Th. Corynd., gen. (D) 895 Iiyall, see also LyeU Alfr. Com. and sir A. K.C.B. 783; K.C.LE. 805 L.G. N.W.Pr. and Oudh. 654 M.C.I. 647; Sec. I.E. 808 Sec. S.I. 804 Ch. Jas., CLE. 806 Geo., Chn. E.I. Co. 645 Jas. Broadw. and sir J., K.C.S.L 804 ; L.G. Pjab. 654 Wm. R., du. Cant. 432 Lydiard, Geo. Wm. Ch., adm. (E) S42 Ralph de, J. It. 367 Iiydlnrton, Jno. de, B. Ex. Ir.583 Iiye, Wm. Jones, adm. (D) 826 Iiyell, see also Lyall Rd., J. Adm. Ct. 422; M. Chy. 395 Iiygh, Rog., Clar. K.A. 328 Iiygron, hon. Ed. Piud.,gen.(A) 863 hon. Fk., L. Admy. 184 Iiyhert, Walt., bp. Norw. 455 Iiyle, .see (//so Lisle Acheson, L.L. Londy. 570 Rt. Id., L.J. Gen. (1488) 522 Iiymbergfli, Ad. de, B. Ex. Iiymington, Jno., vise, form. Jno. Wallop, q.v., aft. E. of Purtsmouth, q.v. Iiynch and Uiich Andr.H., M. Chy.397 Day., J. Bank. Ir. 587; Land. .1. Ir. 587 Ed. Patr., gen. (D) 910 For List of Abbreviations, see p]>. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1075 Lynch and Linch— co«(. Germ., M.M. 246 sir Hv., B. Ex. Ir. 584 Jno., bp. Elph. 608 ■ Jno., dn. Cant. 431 Marc, du. Clonni. 600 Et. Bl., gen. (D) 890 Eol., bp. Clonf. 636; bp Clonf. and K. 636; bp. Kil- macd. 636 Stan. J., liand Conim. Ir. 588 sir Th., G. Jam. 712 Wm. and sir W., Amb. Sda. 114 ; K.B. 765 ; P.C. 203 Wm. Wiltsh., gen. (D) 932 Iiynde, see Lind Iiyndhurst, J. S., Id., form. J. S. Copley, q.v. ; C.B. Ex. 382; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; Ld. Chauc. 358 Iiyndon, Jno., J.K.B. Ir. 579 ; S.L. Ir. 591 Iiynedoch, Th., Id., form. Th. Graham and sir T., q.v., G.C.B. 767 ; G.C.M.G. 794 ; gen. (A) 861 Iiynn, Wm., Pres. Coll. Surg. — ^ Wm., S.L. 410 (or Lenne or Lullimore), Wm. de, bp. Chich., 432; bp. Wore. 472; dn. Chich. 434 Lynom, Th., S.G. 401 Iiyus (? Lyus), Adam, bp. Ard. Lyster— colli. H. Y., adm.(D)833 Jas., dn. Llin. 624 (or Lester), Ed., A.G. 398; C.B. Ex. 381; C.J.K.B. 370; S.G. 401 Lythegrenes, Jno. do, J. It. 368 Lyttelton, Littleton, and Lyttleton Ch., bp. Carl. 476 ; dn. Exr. 438 sir Ch., G. Jam. 712 Ed., see Id. L. infra. Ed. Jno., aft. Id. Hather- ton, q.v., Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; P.C. 212 Fish., Adm. Adv. 423 =§Io:wi«.}«''^id-i^-"'^'-« Jas., adm. (A) 813 Jas., M. Chy. 395 hon. Ed. and sir B., G. Gsey. 668; gen. (B) 865; K.B. 765 Th., J.C.P. 378; K.B. 757 ; S.L. 407 sir Th. (No. 1), L. Admy. 175; L.T. 155; Sp. H.C. 250; Tr. N. 256 sir Th. (No. 2), L. Admy. 177-8 Tim. and sir T., B. Ex. 384 ; S.L. 410 Wm., S.L. 409 Wm., see Id. L. infra Wyb. de, dn. WeUs, 428 Lyttelton, Ids. 1st Creation. Ed. and sir B., aft. Id. L., C.J.C.P. 375 ; L.T. 154 ; L.K. 356; Eec. Lond. 494; S.G. 401 ; S.L. 409 2nd Creation. sir Geo., aft. 1st Id. L., Ch. Ex. 165; Coff. H. 293; L.T. 157 ; P.C. 199 — Th., 2nd Id., P.C. 203 3rd Creation. — Wm.- Hy., aft. Id. Westcote and 1st Id. L., Amb. Pgl. 124 ; G. Jam. 712 — Wm. Hy., 3rd Id., L.L. Wore. 313 — Geo. Wm., 4th Id., K.C.M.G. 796; L.L. Wore. 313; P.C. 218; U.S. W. and C. Iiynwood, Wm., bp. St. Dav. 464 Iiyou and laion Ch. Wils., gen. (B) 866 sir Jas., G. Bdoes. 720; G.C.H. 786; gen. (B) 868; K.C.B. 775 ; K.C.H. 787 sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 sir Patr., Ld. Sess. 520 Th. and sir T., Ld. Sess. 517 sir Th., L.H.T. Sc. 497; Ld. Sess. 518 Wm., bp. Cork, CI. and E., 631 : bp. Boss. 631 Iiyon-Premantle, sec Fre- niantle Lyons, Algn. McLell., adm. (E)836 Edm., see Id. L. infra Humph., gen. (D) 897 Jno., adm. (H) 847 Ed. B. P., see Id. L. infra Th. Cas., gen. (D) 923 Lyons, Ids. and vise. sir Edm., aft. 1st Id. L., adm. (D)829; Amb. Gr. 128; Amb. Sw. and N. 127; Amb. Swz. 113 ; G.C.B. 769 ; G.C.B. 772; K.C.H. 788 Ed. Bick. P., 2nd Id., aft. 1st vise, Amb. Fr. 113; Amb. Tky. 130; Amb. Tusc. 115; Amb. U.S.A. 132; G.C.B. 772; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.B. 783; P.C. 217 Lyons - Montgomery, see Montgomery Lysag'ht, Arth., adm. 826 ; (D and G) 840 Lysons, Danl. and sir D., G.C.B. 771; gen. (D) 903; K.C.B. 780 Lyster,s(^e also Leicester and Lister j Harry Hamni., gen. (D) 932 I For List of Ahhreviations, Lytton, see also Litton Et., K.B. 7.59 Et., K.B. 760 sir Ed., L.L. Herts. 308 Bulwer-, see Buhver Lytton, Ids. and E. Ed. Geo. E. L., 1st Id., form, sh- E. Bulwer, q.v., C. Sec. 235; G.C.M.G. 795; P.C. 216 Ed. Et. L., 2nd Id., aft. 1st E., Amb. Fr. 113; Amb. Pgl. 125; G.C.B. 773; G.C.S.I. 801 ; G.G. Ind. 649 ; P.C. 221 Edith Bss., aft. Ctss. of, Cr. Ind. 809 Lyns, see Lyns Lyveden, Kt., Id., form. E. Vernon-Smith, q.v., G.C.B. 773 Lywarch, bp. St. Dav. 464 M. M*** bp. Dnbl. •5:^2 dn. Llin. 623 Maberly, Ev., gen. (D) 910 Wm. L., C. Cus. 277 ; Clk. O. 260; S.G.O. 260; Sec. P.O. 239 M'— Mc— and Mac— McAdam, Dav., gen. CD) 889 Wm.,K.H. 790 MacSda, Malachy, abp. Tm. 611 ; bp. Elph. 608 MacJEdain, Cormac, bp, Clonf. 635 MacAiblen, GiUa, bp. Clonf. MacAilild, Colman, bp. Cld. 598 MacAirthir, bp. Lism 626 MacAlister, Ch.Archd., K. H. 790 Macallycan, Thos., Ld. Sess. 518 Macan, Geo., gen. CD) 897 Hy., gen. (D)893 Jno., J. Bank. Ir. 587 Mac-an-Crossain, Hy., bp. Eph. 601 „^ McAndrew, Geo., gen. (D) 914 Is. Ftirs., gen. (D) 931 Jno., K.C.B. 778 Macara, Et., K.C.B. 775 Macario, Vic, Prel. M.G. 799 Macarmick, Wm., gen. (A) MacarroU, Jno., L.M. Dbln. M' Arthur, Ch., gen. (D)921 MacArthur, Ed. and sir E., G. Vict. 704 ; gen. (D) 892 ; K.C.B. 783 .Jno., gen. (D) 891 Wm.. K.C.M.G. 798; L.M. Lond. 492 Macartin (St.), bp. Ch-. 596 Macartney, Geo., see Id. M. Macartney, Ids., E., and M. Geo. and sir G. and Id., vise, and Earl M., gen. (B) 864; Amb. Ch. 130; Amb. Euss. 125; Ch. Sec. Ir. 562; G. C.G.H. 678; G.G. Ind. 648; G Gren. 724 ; G. Mdras. 656 ; K.B. 765 ; P.C. 205 HaU, K.C.M.G. 798 Jas., J.C.P. Ir.581; J.K.B. 579 Macaulay, Colm. Patr. L., CLE. 808 Kenn., Q.C. 417 Th. B., see Id. B. infra Macaulay, Ids. Th. B., aft. Id. M., B.C. 253- P.C. 214; Paym. G. 244; Sec. at W. 234 ; Sec. B.C. 2.54 MacAward, Mrelisa, bp. Clonf. 635 MacBaithen, Dungal, bp. Glend. 615 Ijp. 944-952. 1076 j\r — Mc — and Mac — Macbean, Archd., gen. iD) 899 Fk., K.H. 791 Geo., gen. (Dl 928 \Vm., gen. (D) 018 Wni. and sir W., gen. (A) 863 ; K.C.B. 776 Wm. Forbes, gen. (D) 908 Macbeth, bp. Koss, 535 K. Sc. lit MacBrady, .\ndr., bp. Kilni. (iilb.,bp. .\rd. 607 SXacBreohau (or Brethe- niaiii I, Eug., bp. Mayo, 612 M'Bride, Jno., adm. (A) 816 MacBrien, nee also Mac- ]-!ruvu Ch., bp. Emly, 625 Mala()iy. bp. Klph. G08 McBruyn mu McBrien),Arth., cbi. Dry. a>-I MacCag-hwell, see also Mac- Camaill Jas., abp. Cash. 625; abp. Cash, and bp. Emly, 626 MacCaxnaill and Mac- Camseil Arth., bp. Clr. 596 Bern., bp. Clr. 596 (or McKamyll), Edmd., dn. Aim. 597 Eug., bp. Ch-. .596; dn. Clr. 597 (or McKathnioyll),.Jno.,dn. Chr. 597 . (or MacCaghwell), Wni., dn. Clr. 597 AVni., dn. Dry. 602 MacCarmacan, Menel., bp. Kph. 601; dn. Bph. 602 MacCarmic, Corn., bp. Kph. 6U1 Jno., bp. Rph. 601 McCarthy, Ch., G. Si. Le. 685 Ch. Just, and sir C, G. Ceyl. 672-3 Jno. Geo., Land. Comni. Ir. 588 Thady , bp. Cork and CI. 631 Conaniail, bp. Emly, 625 MacCarvill and MacCar- will, sec iilso O'Carrol Dav., abp. Cash. 624 ; dn. Cash. 627 (or OCan-ol), Jno., abp. Cash. 625 ; bp. Cork, 630; bp. Meath, 599; dn. Cork, 632 :\Iaur., abp. Cash. 624 MacCasac, \\ in., bp. Ard. 607 McCaskiU, Jno., K.C.B. 777 ; K.H. 791 — — Wni., gen. (C) 873 MacCatasaid, Matth. (2), bp. Clr. .596 Nichs., bp. Clr. .596 MacCathan,Conan,bp. Ferns, ti-21 MacCathasach, Kumold, bp. cid, r,\,H McCausland, Con., gen. (Dl 9(j2 Jno. Kenii., gen. (D) 896 MacCellaid, Feolan, bp. Emly, 625 MacCeufeolad, Owen, bp. Emly, (i25 MacCiarucain, Colam, bp. Cnik. (;:)() Macclerigr, lOugene, bp. Tni. nil Macclesfield, Nichs., L.H.A. 173 INDEX OF NAMES. M' — Mc — and Mac — Macclesfield, Ids. and E. of Gerard Fumili/. Ch., form. Id. Gerard, and vise. Brandon, q.v.. L.L. N. and S. Wales, &c. 314 ; B.C. 193 Parker Family. Th., 1st E. of, form, sir T., Id. and vise. Parker, q.v. — — Geo., 2nd E. of, Pres. R. Soc. 940 Geo., 4th E. of, form. Geo. and vise. Parker, q.v., C.G.P. 300 ; C.y.G. 298 ; L.L. 0-\on. 311 McClintocte, sir Fras. Leop., adm. iBi 836 Jno., aft. Id. liathdonnell, q.r., L.L. Louth, 570 McClure, sir Kt. J. Le M., adm. (H)848 MacCoghlan, Conn., dn. Clonm. (KXJ MacCol^an, bp. Ferns, 621 MacConail, Flan., bp. Emly, 625 MacConoma, Corn.,bp. Kilm. 607 MacCormac, Catbald, bp. Clonf. 635 MacCoug'hlan, Corm., bp. Clonm. 600 McCoy, Jno., gen. (D) 900 MacCrag-h, Donat, bp. Killoe. 634 Matth., bp. Killoe. 634 ; dn. Killoe. 637 Thady. bp. Killoe. 634 McCrea, Jno. Dobree, adm. |E)H36 Kd. Contart, adm. (G) 842 Kt. Barl., gen. (D) 911 McCreagh, sir Michl., K.C.H. 788 MacCrossain, Rd., bp. Kph 601 MacCuauach, .Vrect., bp. Ferns. 621 MacCulenan, Cormac, bp. Lisin. (126 C.irniac, bp. Cash. 624 MacCiUloch, Edg., Blf.Gsey. 669 Jas., Ulst. K.A. 572 sir Jas., K.C.M.G. 797 McGullum, Ch. Campb., gen. (D»92l MacDermot, The, S.G. Ir. 590 Tcr., L.M. Dbln. 640 Th. MacFerall, bp. Elph. 608 MacDomnuil, Dermod, bp. Koss. 631 M'Donagh, McMulr., dn. .\ch. 614 McDonald and Macdonald, see also MacdoncU , G.Tob.723 Otf. Nap. 26 A. A., G. Pr. Ed. Isl. 699 Alaster Mclan, gen. (D) Alexr., G. Br. Hond. 714 — Alexr., gen. (C) 875 * ? same pers. — Alexr., gen. (D)882 — Amir., K.C.B. 776 — Archd., K.H. 789 — Archd. and sir A., A.G. 400 C.B. Ex. 382; K.C. 415; P.C 205; S.G. 402; S.L. 412 List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, M— Mc— and Mac— JIcDonald and Macdonald — COJlt. Ch., C. Ace. Ir. 567 Colin, adm. (H) 845 CoU. Amb. Pers. 130 D. A., G. Ont. 692 Don., gen. (B) 866 ♦ Geo., G. Dnca. 730 ♦ Geo., gen. (D) 890 * ? same pers. sir Jas., B.C. 253 ; Com. lo. Isl. 129 ; G.C.M.G. 794 gen. sir Jas., see Mac- donell Jas. Archd., adm. (H) 851 Jas. Daws., gen. (D) 912 Jas. Mitch., gen. (D) 908 hon. Jas. Win. Bosv., gen. (D)905 Jnj., gen. (D) 197 Jno., K.C.B. 775 Jno. and sir J. (No. 1), G.C.B. 769 ; gen. (B) 869 ; K.C.B. 776 Jno. and sir J. (No. 2), gen. (D)882; K.C.B. 778 Jno. Alexr. and sir J., G.C.B. 773 ; K.C.B. 783 ; P.C. 219 Jno Alexr. Matth., gen. (D) 928 Jno. Hay A. and sir J., D. Fac. Sc. 527; L.J. Clk. .516; Ld. Adv. 526; P.C. 220; S.G. Sc. 527 Jno. Wall. Dougl., adm. (H)851 Norm., een. (D) 933 Norm. H., U.S. Ir. 563 Norm. Wm., Si. Le. 685 Kegd. Jno. and sir K., K.C.B. 782; K.C.S.L 803 Kegd. Jno. Jas. Geo., aft. Macdonald-Blomfleld, adm. (E)836 Kt. Mack., gen. (D) 926 Kon. Keg., K.H. 790 Win. Ch. R., gen. (D) 916 Macdonald, Ids. tiodfr.. 3rd Id., gen. (B) 868 Macdonald-Bobertson, see Kobertson MacDonegan, Florence, bp. Droiii. 604 . Nelan, bp. Ferns, 621 Macdonell and Macdon- nell, see also McDonald — — Ale.xr. and sir A., gen. (D) 904 ; K.C.B. 781 sir Ed., L.M. Dbbi. 642 Hugh Guion, Amb. Bva. 119 ; Amb. Bzl. 135 ; Amb. Dk. 127 (or McDonald), sir Jas., G.C.B. 769; gen. (A) 8<)3; K.C.B. 776; K.C.H. 789 Jno. Cott., dn. Cash. 627 Jno. Ign., gen. (Dl 926 Rd. Graves and sir K., G. Gamb. 686; G. H. Kong, 673; G. N. Sc. 695; G. S. Austr. 706; G.St. Yin. 725; K.C.M.G. 796 MacDonennach, Laigdene, hp. Saig. 62(1 MacDongail, bp. Kild. 616 Macdonnell, see Miu-donell Macdonog-h, lit..bp.Cork,630 M'Douall, lU.,gen. (DI879 McDougall, Fras. Th., bp. Lubii. (i75 ; bp. Sing. L. and S. 676 M'— Mc— and Mac— McVougaM—cont. Jno., adm. (A) 817 Jno., adm. (H) 848 Jno. and sir J., adm. (D) 831 ; K.C.B. 779 Patr. Leon and sir P., gen. • (D)904; K.C.M.G. 797 sir Th., G.C.H. 786 Macdowal, Andi-., Ld.Sess.520 Macdowall, Day Hort., gen. (D)892 Ferg., Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 H., CO. Mdras. 657 Hav, gen. (B) 866 Wm., L.L. Rnfw. 511 M'DoweU, Rt., adm. (A) 817 MacdiiflF, Jno., geu. (D) 898 Macduff, vise. Alexr. Wm. Geo., vise, aft. 6th E. and 1st D. of Fife, f^!'.,L.L.Elgn. 509 imacDui'bne, Fursey, bp. Kilni. 607 Jlatth., bp. Kilm. 607 MacDvincliad, Tola, bp. Cld. MacDunecan, Condla, bp. Llin. lyi Macedonicus, Q. C. M., C.Eo. 44 MacElchade, Corn., bp. Ross. 631 MacEneol, Cong., bp. Kilm. 607 Macerinus, M. G. (3), C. Eo. 38-9 P. G., C. Ro. 39 T. G., C. Eo. 37 Mcfarlan and Macfarlane Andr., bp. Mor. 544; bp. Ork. and Eoss. 545 Dav., gen. (D) 926 Dmic. (2), Mod. K. Sc. 547 Jas., Mod. K. Sc. 547 Patr., Mod. K. Sc. 547 Et., Ld. Sess. 521 Et. and sir R., gen. (A) 861 ; G.C.H. 786 ; K.C.B. 775 SXacFerg'iis, Dubenr., bp. Ferns. 621 McPerran,Jas., CLE. 808 Macringail, Rudgall, bp. Emly, 62.5 Macrintan, Tuenoch, bp. Ferns. 621 MacPlanichellaic, Flan., bp. Emly, 625 MacPlanagan, Ferdomnach, bp. Cld. 598 MacFlan, Murechad, bp. Kild. 616 MacPlin, Florence, abp. Tm. 611 MacPitztoran, Cormac, bp. Glend. 615 MacFcelan, Mured, bp. Kild. 616 McGanysa, Conn., dn. Down, 605 M'Garel-Hog-g', see Hogg MacGee, nee Magee MacGelany, Cornelius, bp. Kild. 616 McOenis, see eilso Magennis (or McGinnis), Conn., dn. Down, 605 MacGilbride, Jno., bp. Rph. 601 Macg'ill, Dav. (Cranston Rid- del i, Ld. Adv. 526; Ld. Sess. 519 Dav. (Nisbet) Ld. Sess. 518 For INDEX OF NAMES. M' — Mc — and Mac — Macgill— C07ii. Jas. (Eankeilor Nether), Ld. Clk. Reg. 525; Ld. Sess. 518 sir Jas. (Cranston Riddel), Ld. Sess. .519 Rt., Ld. Sess. 519 Stev., Mod. K. So. 547 McGillewride, Corn., dn. Rph. 602 MacGinnis, see MacGennis MacGirthid, Fienmale, bp. Cld. 598 MacGlashan, Jas., K.H. 789 IffacGorinan, Matth., bp. Emlv, 625 McGoitn, Alexr., gen. (D) 931 Macgowan, Fk., gen. (D) 911 MacGragh, see Magragh M'Graidin, Pierce, dn. Ard. 609 MacGraith and MacGrath, .sec Jlrtgrath MacGreg-or and MacGrlg'or Alexr. Murr., gen. (C) 874 Arth. Trev., adm. (H) 850 Ch., K.H. 790 Ch. Mete, and sir C, CLE. 806; gen. (D) 931 ; K.C.B. 781 Dune, and sir D., gen. (D) 883 ; K.C.B. 782 Dime. Jno., gen. (D) 927 Evan, Sec. Adm. 187 sir Ev. Jno. Mui-ray, G. Antig., &c. 727; G. Bdoes., &c. 719-20 ; G. Dnca. 730 ; G. Trin. 722 ; gen. (C) 875 ; K.C.B. 776; K.C.H. 788; K.H. 789 Ev. Murr., gen. (D) 914 Geo. HaU, K.C.B. 783 J. M., gen. (D) 923 sir Jas., K.C.B. 777 Jno., Sec. B.T. 270 Jno. Alexr. Paul, gen. (D) sir Male, adm. (H) 8.52 Wm., G. Br. N. Guin. 711 MacGuffan, Fin., bp. KUd. 616 MacGiiire, see Maguire McGwire, Ed. Th. St.Lawr., gen. (D) 929 MachatosBUS, see Matthnpus Machadh-Mongruadh, Q. Ir. 20 Machado, Rog., Clar. K.A. 328; Norr. K.A. 329; Eichm. H. 333 McHaffie, Jas., gen. (D) 890 M'Hardy, Jno. Bunch Bonne Maison, adm. (G) 842 Machatus (St.), bp. Isl. 539 Machilla, bp. S. and M. 483 Machonocliie, see Macono- chie Mackray, Et., bp. Eup. Ld. 697 Machutus, bp. S. and M. 483 Mcllwraitb, Th., K.C.M.G. ' 798 Maclnclodnai, Moehnorda, bp. Emly, 625 Maclnlianaig-, Ch., bp. Elph. 608 Gelasius, bp. Elph. (>08 M'Innes, Jno., gen. (D) 878 Maclutire, see Maclntjre Macintosh, see Mackintosh Maclntire and Maclntyre I ^n. Jno., Q.C 419 Andr. Wm., gen. (D) 916 I Colin Camp., gen. (D) 906 Tno. Mack., gen. (D) 920 List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1077 M' — IMc — and Mac — Mackarness, Geo. Rd., bp. Arg. and Isl. 541 Jno. F., l)p. Oxf. 457 McKatliinoyll,.s('f^ McCaniaill McKamyll, see McCamaill Mackay, .Vlexr., gen. (C) 872 hon. Alexr., gen. (B) 865 D. J., aft. 1st Id. Reay, fl.v. hon. Don. Hugh, adm. (D) 825 Jas. Pr., gen. (B) 865 Et., gen. (B) 864 Mackelcan, Jno., gen. (B) 868 MacKellach, Culean, bp. Kild. 616 Mackellau, Ang., Mod. K. Sc. 547 Jno., adm. (A) 820; (O) 840 MacKelly, Dav., abp. Cash. 624; bp. Cloy. 680; dn. Cash. 627 McKenny, Th., L.M. Dbln. 641 Mackenzie, Alexr., Ch. Com. Cent. Pr. 6.55 Alexr., gen. (D) 918 sir Alexr., G.C.H. 786; gen. (A) 861 Alexr. Mack., gen. (D) 912 C F., bp. C. Afr. 688 Col.,—, C.C. Bgal. 652; CC. Ind. 650 CoUn, gen. (A) 860 CoUn, gen. (D)933 Colin Jas., L.L. Pbls. 511 Don., Ld. Sess. 521 Don. McLeod, adm. (H) 851 Dougl., bp. Z. Ld. 681 Fras. Humb., aft. Id. Sea- forth, q.v., L.L. Eoss. 512 Geo., adm. (A) 815 sir Geo., aft. vise. Tarbat and E. of Cromarty, q.v., L.J. Gen. 522; Ld. Adv. .526; Ld. Clk. Eeg. 525; Ld. Sess. sir- Hed., L.L. Eoss, 512 Hy., bp. suflr. Nottm. 447 Holt., B.C. 253 ; P.C. 212 Hugh, gen. (D) 933 sir Jas., Ld. Sess. 520 Jas. Alexi-. St., B.C. 253; Com. lo. Isl. 129; G. Ceyl. 672 ; P.C. 213 ; Sec. B.C. 254 Jas. Geo., adm. (H) 850 ; G. Falk. Isl. 731 ; G. Nev. 730 ; G. St. Xtr. 729 hon. Jas. St., Amb. Sda. 114: L.P.S. Sc. 501; P.C. 200 sir Jas. Wemyss, L.L. Eoss. 512 Jno., gen. (A) 862 Jno., gen. (B)866 Jno., gen. (B) 868 Jno. Fras. Campb., adm. (H) 851 Jno. Rand., gen. (C) 873 Jno. Et., gen. (D) 913 Jno. Stuart, L.P.S. Sc. 501 Josh. Hy., Jy. Sc. 523 ; Ld. Sess. 520 Kenn. Aug. M., Q.C. 420 sir Kenn. Sm., L.L. Eoss. 512 Kinc, L. Prov. Edinb. 548 1078 INDEX OF NAMES. M— jMc— and Mac- Mackenzie — con t. Murd., bp. Mor. 534; bp. Oik. 535 Patr.,gen. (C)874 Pet., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Kod., L.J. Clk. .516; Ld. Sess. 520 Th., adm. (A) 816 Th., Ld. Sess. 521 ; S.G. Sc. ^ Wm., K.C.B. 782 Wni. Forbes-, L.T. 160 ; Sec. Tr. 163 McKeogrh, Sim., dn. Clonf. 637 M'Kerlie, .Jas., adm. (H) 845 Jno. Gr., K.C.B. 784 Mackeson, Wm. W., Q.C. 418 Mackeston (or Makeson;, Glo., dn. Ai-m. .597 Mackey, Jas. W. and sir J., L.M. Dbln. 642 Mackie, Geo., G. St. Luc. 725; gen. (C) 874 Wm., K.H. 790 McKillop, Hy. Fk., adm. iH) Kt. Jno., gen. {D)897 SSacKinede, Olchobar, bp. Emlv, 6i5 MacKinfalaid, Maldiiin, bp. llph. 601 M'Kinley, Geo., adm. (A) 820 M'Kinnom. Hy., gen. (C) 873 Mackinnou, Danl. Hy. L., gen. (D) 918 Geo. Hy., gen. (D) 892 Wm., CLE. 807 Mackintosli and Macintosh Alexr. Fisher, gen. (D) .S83 : K.H. 790 sir Jas., B.C. 235 ; P.C. 211 Et. Jas., G. Antig., &c. 727 ; G. St. Xtr. 729 Wm., D. Fac. Sc. 527 Mackirdy, Dav. EU., gen. (D) 902 Macknigfht, Th., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Mackwortli and Macwortli Digb., K.H. 790 Humphr., J. Chest. 386 Jno., dn. Line. 448 Maclachlau, Alexr., gen. (D) 88.5 Archd., gen. (D) 882 — Th. Jas., gen. (D) 920 Macliactnan, Bechan, bp. Cld. .598 Finnacht, bp. Ferns, 621 Mac Cladacli, Corm., bp. Saig. 620 Maclagan, Kt., gen. (D) 905 Wm. D., bp. Lich. 444 Macliageuau, Columb, bp. Emly, 625 MaclaghUn, Jlichl., bp. Dry. 6111 Maclain-(e), .\rchd. and sir A., t:c". iD)''^79; K.C.B. 777 MacLaisir, l)p. Arm. 595 Mcliaren, Dune, L. Prov. Edinb. 548 — Jno., Jy. Sc. 523 ; Ld. Adv. 526 ; Ld. Sess. .521 MclaugrhUn, Ed., gen. CD) 931 Maclaurin, Jno., Ld. Sess. 520 Mcliean, Allan T., gen. (D) Ch. Sni., CLE. M'— Mc— and Mac- McLean — cont. Don., K.CM.G. 797 Eras. Wm., Q.C 420 sir Fitzroy Jeflf. Gr., gen. (A) 862 su- Geo., K.C.B. 778 Hect., bp. Arg. .538 Hect., KTcB. 775 Hv. Dund., Kegr. M.G. 799 Hy. .Tno., gen. (Dt 926 (no., bp. Sask. 697 Jn^.., G. Br. Kaffr. 630; G. Nat. 680 Jno. and sir J., gen. (B) 869; K.C.B. 774 sir Jos., gen. (B) 869 ; K.C.H. 7as Lachl., gen. (B) 868 Pet., gen. (DI907 Rod., bp. Isl. 539 Macleay, Geo., K.CM.G. 797 McLelan, A. W., G. N. Sc. 695 McCleUand, Jas., B. Ex. Ir. .584; S.G. Ir. 589 M'Leod, Ch., gen. (D) 877 ; K.C.B. 777 — - Don., gen. (D) 876; K.C.B. 776 Don., gen. (D) 887 Don. Friell., K.C.S.I 802 ; L.G. Pjab. 6.54 Dune, gen. (D) 881 Harry, gen. (D) 935 Hy. Geo. and sir H., G. St. Xtr. 729; G. Trin. 722; K.H. 791 Jno., Dn. Thist. 749 .Jno., gen. (B) 867 .Tno., Modr. K. Sc. 547 sir .Ino., G.C.H. 786; gen. (B)869; K.C.H. 788 Jno. Cheth. and sir J., gen. (D) 919 ; K.C.B. 780 Jno. Macph. and sir J., K.C.S.I. 802; P.C. 218 J. M., see Id. M., infra Jos. Add., Q.C. 419 Nor., Dn. Thist. 749 Nor. (2), Modr. K. Sc. 547 Nor., gen. (C) 875 Kt. Br. ^n., L.L. Crom. Kod., L.L. Crom. 509 Rod. Bann., gen. (D) 918 Wm. Coup., gen. (D) 899 Wm. Edm., gen. (D) 913 Wm. Kelly, gen. (D) 921 Macleod, Ids. Jno. Mark, aft. Id. M., gen. (0(1782)872 Maclerk, see Mauclerk M'Clery, Miler, dn. Clonm. 600 M'Cleverty, sir Kt., gen. (C) 875; K.C.H. 789 Wm. .Vns., C.C Mdras. 6.58; gen. (D)894 Maclioingrle, l)p. .\rm. 595 Macliongrsee, Murchertach, bp. Clcl. .599 Macliubney, Killene St., bp. Saig. 620 MacMaelfin, Tibraid, bp. Kmly. tii-. McMahou, Ch. Alexr., gen. (D) 935 Ch. Jos., gen. (D) 932 Dav., bp. Killoe. 6:)4 ; dn. Killoe. 637 * Jno. and sir J., P.C. 209 * Jno., St. O. 261 ' '! same pers. M'— Mc— and Mac— McMahon — cont. Mar. Patr. Maur., G.C.B. 769 ; Pres. Fr. 2.5 Patr., bp. Ard. 608 sir Th., C.C Bbay. 660; G.C.B. 770; gen. (A) 863: K.C.B. 775 su- Th. We.str., gen. iDi 903 Wm. and sir W.. M.R. Ir. • 5H5 ; S.L. Ir. 593 McMair, Jas., K.H. 790 MacManns, G. I. Man, 66.5 MacMasson, Th., bp. Dry. tiUl Mac Mel Brenan, Derm.. bp. Ardf. and .A.gh. 6.39 Mac Mic Oeducan, ace Oeducan MacMoelmorra, Fergall, bp. Saig. 620 MacMog'tigern, Lanfran, bp. Kil.l, 616 MacMolissa, Nichs., abp. Ann. McMorine, Wm., Modr. K. Sc. .547 McMtaien, J. K., gen. (B) 923 Steph. Fras., gen. iDi 911 McMurdo, Arch., adm. (Hi 849 Wm. Mont. Sc, gen. (Di 902; K.C.B. 781 MacMurrouErh, Arth., K. .if Leinster, K.B. (1394) 755 McNab, Archd., gen. (C) 872 Macuabb, Don. Campb., K.C.I.E. 805 MacZI'ag'liten, Don., bp. Dkld. 5:« Edm. .\lexr., C Treas. Ir. 561 ; L.T. 159 Ed., see Id. M., infra EU., Chn. E.I. Co. 646; M.C.I. 646 sir Wm. Hay, G. Bbay. 659 Macnagrhten, Ids. Ed., aft. Id. M., Jud. Com. P.C. :^62; L. App. 358; P.C. 221; Q.C. 419 McNair, Ed. .Jno., gen. (D) 934 Tno., gen. (B)869 Macnamara, sir Burt., adm. (G) 842 Hv. T. J., C.C.J. 405 Ja"s.. adm. (A) 819 MacNaserda, Kobertse, bp. I Kiia. 616 Macnang-hton, see Mac- naghten Macneale, Macneil, Mac- neile, and McNeill Don., gen. (D)911 Dune, aft. Id. Colonsay, q.v., D. Fac. Sc. 527 ; Jy. Sc. 523; L.P. Ct. Sess. .516; Ld. Adv. .526; Ld. Sess. 521; P.C. 216 ; S.G. Sc. 527 Hugh. dn. Rip. 482 Jno., Amb. Pers. 130 Jno., dn. Down, 605 Jno. and sir J., G.C.B. 772; P.C 216 Jno. Carst. and sir J., gen. (D) 925; K.C.B. 781 ; K.CM.CJ. 797 Rod., gen. (D) 882 Macnisius, .lOngus (St.), bp. Cnr. 60:t Macogre, bp. Lism. 626 For List of Ahbreuiations, see jrp. 944-952 M' — Mc— and Mac— Macon, K. Man, 664 Maconochie aiul Machono- chie Alexr.. C. Cus. Sc. 504 — Alex., Jy. Sc. 523 ; Ld. Adv. 526; Ld. Sess. 520; S.G. Sc. Alexi-., K.H. 791 AU., Jy. Sc. 523 ; Ld. Sess. 520 Jas., C.C.J. 406 Mac O'Eeffhty, Hy., bp. Ach. 612 Macphail, Jno., G. Antig. 72S ; G. Dnca. 730 Macpherson, Arth. Geo., K.C.I.E. 805 Oh. Gord. W., CLE. 806 Dav. Lew., K.C.M.G. 798 Don., K.H. 792 Dune, gen. (D) 877 Herb. Tayl. and sir H. C.C. Mdras. 658; gen. (D) , 925; K.C.B. 781 ; K.C.S.I. 803 Jas. Dune, gen. (D) 901; K.C.B. 780 Jno. and sir J., G.G. Ind. 648 Ph., gen. (D) 893 Kod. Don., gen. (D) 912 • Rt. Barcl., gen. (D) 881; K.H. 791 Win., gen. (D) 905 Macquarrie,Lac]il.,G. N.S.W 703; gen. (C) 873 Macqnay, Geo., C. Exc.Ir.566 MacQueen, Aaidr., gen. (D) 923 Don. Jno., K.H. 791 Jas., gen. (D)900 Jno. Eras., Q.C. 418 Rt., Jy. Sc. 523 ; L.J. Clk. 516 ; Ld. Sess. 520 Macra, sir Jno., K.C.H. 787 MacRaik, Matth., bp. Clonf. 636 Macrinus, M. O.. Emp. Ro. 47 Macrobius, see Malchus MacRonan, bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 Macrorie, Wm. Kenn., bp. Mbiirg. 680 MacScanlain, Edchada, bp. Emly, 625 MacScelagfai, Gelasius, bp. Kilmacd. 636 MacSniarhadhan, bp. Ard. 607 McSwiney, Pet. Paul, L.M. Dbhi. 642 MacSwiny, Kenfoelad de, bp. Saig. 620 McTaffg-art, Wm., du. Dry. 602 Ellis-, see Ellis Macvicar, Neil, L. Prov. Edinb. 548 Macworth, see Mackworth Madan, Spenc, bp. Brl. 439; bp. Pboro. 458 Madden, Dodgs. Ham., S.G. Ir. 590 ; S.L. Ir. 593 sir Fk., K.H. 790 sir Geo. AU., gen. (C) 874 Jno., S.W.F. 271 Jno., dn. Kilm. 609 Mens. Mol., K.H. 792 Saml. Owen, dn. Cork, 632 Maddingley, Rt. de, J. It. 369 Maddison, see also Madison — - Geo., U.S.F. 229 INDEX OF NAMES. Maddocks, Jnn., K.C. 415 Maddoz and Madox Hy.,K.H. 790 Is., bp. St. As. 462; bp. Wore. 473; dn. Wells, 429 Madenew, abp. St. Dav. 463 Madison, see also Maddison J., Pres. U.S.A. 102 Madoc ab Meredydd, Pr. Wis. 17 Leol. ap, bp. St. As. 462; dn. St. As. 462 Madock, Jno., bp. Kild. 616 Madox, see Maddox Mae—, see also Moe — Maelfinan, bp. Emly, 625 bp. Kild. 616 Mselschwythe, abp. St. Dav. 463 Msenius, C, C. Ro. 40; Dt. Ro. (21 41 Magan, Hy., gen. (C) 872 Mag'ee (or Mageoir), Jno., bp. Ard. 607 Wm., abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616; bp. Rph. 602; dn. Crk. 633 Wm. Conn., bp. Pboro. 458; dn. Crk. 632 Magellus, L.P. (3), C. Ro. 41 Magenis and Magfennis Arth., bp. Droni. 604 Arth. Ch. and sir A., Amb. Aus. 117 ; Amb. Pgl. 125 ; Amb. Scy. 115 ; Amb. Sw. and N. 127; Amb. Swz. 113; G.C.B. 772; K.C.B. 782 Conn., dn. Down, 605 Eug., bp. Down and Cnr. 604 ; bp. Dry. 601 Rd. (2), C. Ace. Ir. 567 Wm., dn. Kilm. 609 Mageoir, see Magee Magheramorne, Jas., Id., form.Jas. McGarel-Hogg, 5.1). Magflatliin, Jeffr., bp. Dry. 601 Magminot, Wak. de, W.C.P. 317 Magfnay, Chr., L.M. Lond. 492 W^m. and sir W., L.M. Lond. 492 Magniac, Eras. Lane, gen. (D)919 Mag-nus, D. Sxy. 77 K. Dk. 93 ; K. Man. 665 K. Man. 665 I. and II., D. Brk. 69 I. and II., K. Sw. 92 1, and II., Pr. Mkg. 74 C. P. (2), C. Ro. 46 S. P. A.,C. Ro. 44 Magodaig, Brendan, bp. Ai-d. 607 Jos., bp. Ard. 607 Magon, Mens., G. Mtius. 683 Magonail, Donat, bp. Rph. 601 Patr., bp. Rph. 601 Magragh and Macgragh abp. Cash, and Enil. 626 ; bp. Ach. and KiU. and Ach. 612 ; bp. CIr. 596 ; bp. Wford. and L. 627 Magrath, sir Geo., K.H. 790 * Sim., bp. Ard. 607 * Sim., dn. Elph. 609 * ? same pers. Maguire, see also MacGwire Ch., dn. Clr. 597 Ed., dn. Down, 605 Nichs. bp. LUn. 622 1079 Maguire — cont. Pet., bp. Clr. .596 Rog.,bp.Clr. .596 Mahadeo, c^'c, CLE. 808 Mahmoud, Sh. Pers. 99 Mahmud (2), S. Tky. 97-8 Mahomed (2), Sh. Pers. 99 L to v., S. Tky. 97 Aslam, &c., CLE. 808 Es Sadok, B. Tun. 101 Ghol., K.C.S.I. 803 Meer Sh., K.C.S.L 802 Sidy, B. Tun. 101 Suit. Pash., K.C.M.G. 798 Mahon, DArcy, C St. Ir. 568 Jas., dn. brom. 606; dn. Tm. 613 Jno., C Ace. Ir. 567 Matth., gen. (D) 877 Pet., dn. Elph. 609 hon. Steph., gen. (B) 867 Mahou, vise. Ph. Hy., vise, aft. .5th E. Stanhope, q.v., U.S.F. 230 Arth. Ph. Hy., vise, aft. 6th E. Stanhope, q.v., L.T. 162 Mahta, Punno LaU, CLE. 808 Maida, Jno., Ct. of, see Jno. and sir .J. Stuart Maidstone, Jno. de, dn. Line. 448 (or Maydenstune), Ralph de, bp. Her. 441; dn. Her. 442 (or Maydenstune), Walt., bp. Wore. 472 Maihewe, see also Blayhew Rd., M. Chy. 394 Mail, K. Ir. 21 Maillart, Wm., see MuUart Maine, see also Mayne Hy. Jas. Sumn. and sir H., K.C.S.I. 803 ; M.CI. 646 U.S. Home (?) 228 Mainns, K. Sc. 17 Mainwaring, Mainwer- inge, Manwaring, and Maynwaring Arth., C. Cus. 274 Ed. Reeves Ph., adm. (H) 848 Ed. Row!., gen. (D) 900 Geo., Richm. H. 333 Geo. Byres, gen. (D) 926 — Jno. Mont., G. St. Luc. 725; gen. (B) 869 Ph. and sir P., L.K. Ir. 576 ; Sec. St. Ir. 562 Regd. Quinton, gen. (D) 930 R. R., gen. (D) 922 Rog., B. Ex. Ir. 583 Rog., bp. St. Dav. 464 ; dn. Wore. 473 Rowl., adm. (H) 847 Sweedl., gen. (D) 923 sir Th., M. Chy. 395 Th. Fras. Ch., adm. (H) 844 ■ Wm. Geo., gen. (D) 928: CLE. 806 Mair, Jno. Hast., G. Dnca. 730; G. Gren. 724; K.H. 789 Mairis, Geoffr., gen. (D) 929 Val. Th., gen. (D) 913 Maisey, Fk. Ch., gen. (D) 923 Maister, Geo., gen. (D) 911 Jno., gen. (A) 863 Maitland, Hon. sir Alexr., gen. (A) 8.58 For List of Abbreviatio)is, see pp. 944-i 1080 Haitian d— cow t. hon. sir Anthy., aft. 10th E. of Lauderdale, q.v., adm. (D)826;K.C.B.777; K.C.M.G. 79fi Chas.,Ld. Sess. 519 hon. Ch., Dep. Tr. Sc. 497 Chas. Lenn. Br., gen. (D) 905; L.G. Ch. Hosp. 936; Lt. T.L. 322 Ed. F., Ld. Sess. 521 ; S.G. Sc. 527 Fk., G. Gren. 724 ; gen. (A) 861 ; L.G. Dnca. 730 Fk., gen. (D) 910 sir Fk. Lew., adm. (A) 820; K.C.B. 776 Horatio Lawr. Arth. Lenn., adm. (H) 853 Jas., Modr. K. Sc. 547 .Jas., gen. (B) 864 Jno., adm. (A) 820 Jno., gen. (D) 903 Jno., L.P.S. Sc. 501 ; Ld. Sess. 518 Jno. and sir J., Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 ; Ld. Sess. 518 ; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Sir Jno. aft. 5th E. of Lau- derdale, q.v., Ld. Sess. 520. Lew., adm. (H) 850 Peregi-. and sh- P., C.C. Mdras. 657; G.C.B. 769; G. C.G.H. 679; G. N. Sc. 695; G. Upp. Can. 692; gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 775 Ed., aft. 4th E. of Lauder- dale, Dep. Tr. Sc. 497 sirRd. (Lethington), L.P.S. Sc. 501 ; Ld. Sess. 517-8 sir Rd. (Pittrichie) Ld. Sess. 519 Rt., Ld. Sess. 518 Th.. Ld. Sess. 521 ; S.G. Sc. 527 — hon. Th. and sir T., B.C. 252; Com. lo. Isl.129; G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 786; G.C.M.G. 794; G. Ceyl. 672; G. Mlta. 671; gen. (B) 867; Gr. M. M.G. 794 ; P.C. 207 - — sir Th., aft. 11th E. of Lauderdale, q.v., adm. (D) 831; (E)834 Wm. and sir W., Ld. Sess. 517-8 ; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Wm. Jas., CLE. 808 hon. Wm. Mord., gen. (A) 861 Majendie, Hy. Wm., bp. Bgr. 426; l)p. Chest. 477 Majorianiis, J. v., Emp.W.E. 49 Majoribanks, sen Marjori- baiiks Makdougall, see Macdougall Makdou^all-Brisbane, see BrisliiUii; Slakellan, see Mackellaii Slakenade, Wm., Rec. Lond. 493 Makesou, src Mackcston Mai, K. Ir. 21 Malacby (O'Morgair), bp. Arm. .595; bp. Cur. 603; bp. Down, 603 (3), hp. Down, 603 I. and II., K. Ir. 22 Malakine, Nichs. M.M.,246 Malalo, Th., A.G. Ir. 588 Malartic, Comte de, G. Mtius. INDEX OF NAMES. Malberthorp, Rt.de,C.J.K.B. 369; J.C.P. ;i77; J.K.B. 371 MalcaUan, bp. Clonf. 635 *Malclins (or Macrobius), bp. Glend. 615 ♦ (St.), bp. Isl.539 * bp. Lism. 626 ' (St.), bp. S. & M. 483 * bp. Wford. 626 " Prob. some samepers. Comp. dates. Malclerk, see Mauclcrk Malcolm, bp. Cness. .531 I. to IV., K. Sc. 19 Alexr., Ld. Sess. 520 sir Ch., adm. (D) 824 Geo. and sir G. (No. 1)» G.C.B. 771 ; gen. (D) 902; K.C.B. 779 Geo. and su- G. (No. 2), gen. (D) 907 . Geo. Alexr., gen. (D) 893 Geo. Jno., adm. (H) 852 Jas., K.C.B. 775 Jno. and sir J., G. Bbay. 659; G.C.B. 767; K.C.B. 775 Pult. and sir P., adm. (A) 819; G.C.B. 768; G.C.M.G. 794 ; K.C.B. 774 W. R., U.S.C. 236 Malduinus, bp. St. Andr. 528 K. Sc. 18 MaldTiit, see Mauduit Malebysse, Rd., J. It. 366 Malepilys, B. de, M.M. 246 Malet and Mallet sir Alfxr., Amb. G. St. 122 ; K.C.B. 783 Baldw., S.G. 401 ; S.L. 408 Ed. B. and sir E., Amb. Bgm. 123; Amb. Eg. 130; Amb. Gmy. and Pr. 116; Amb. Tky. 130 ; G.C.B. 773 ; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.B. 783; P.C. 220 Fras., bp. Sal. 467; dn. Line. 448 Jno., Clar. K.A. 328 Jno., K.B. 761 sir Louis, M.C.I. 647; P.C. 220; U.S. Ind.236 Rt., J.K.B. 371 Th. and sir T., J.K.B. 372 ; S.L. 409 Malfechin, bp. Cld. 598 Maling, Chr. T., C. Exc. 281 Irw. Ch., G. Gren. 724 Th. Jas., adm. (A) 820 Malins, Rd. and sir R., Jud. Com. P.C. 362; P.C. 220; Q.C. 417 ; V. Chanc. 390 Malisius (2), bp. St. Andr. 528 Mallaby, Rt., gen. (D)932 Mallarino, M M., Pres. N.G. 107 Malleolus, M. P., C. Ro. 43 Mallet, see Malet Mallory, Th., dn. Chest. 477 Malmesbury, Ids., vise, and E. Wluirton Familij. Th., vise, form. Th. Wharton and Id. E. and M. of W., q.v. id. 1715) Harris Familij. Jas., Ist Id. and E. of, form, sir J. Harris, q.v. ; Amb. Fr. 112; Amb. Pr. 118; G.C.Ii. 771; L.L. Hants, 311 — Jas. lOd., 2ud E. of, form. vise. Fitz-Harris, q.v. Malmesbury, Ids., vise, and E. — cont. Jas. How., 3rd E. of, F. Sec. 228-9; G.C.B. 769; L.P.S. 241 ; P.C. 215 Malmore, bp. St. Andr. 528 Malo, sie Mauley 'Maloue, Anthy., Ch. Es. Ir. 562 ♦ Anthy., S.L. Ir. 592 * Prob. same pers. Edmd., J.C.P. Ir. 582 ; S.L. Ir. 592 Rd., S.L. Ir. 592 (or O'Molan), Odo, dn. Clonm. 600 Malore (or Malorre), Pet., J.C.P. 377 ; J.K.B. Ir. 578 Malorie, sir Rd., L.M. Lond. 490 Malorre, sec Malore Malpas, Hy.. M. Chy. 394 Malpas, Ids. and vise. Geo., vise. (aft. 3rd E. of Cholmondeley, q.v., K.B. 764 ; L.H.A. 177 ; L.L. Chesh. 306 Geo., vise, (son of 3rd E. of Choliiii.iKleley), L.T. 156 MalsQoed, abp. St. Dav. 463 Maltby, Ed., bp. Chich. 433 bp. Dham. 479 Th., CLE. 806 Malton, Rt., B. Ex. 383 Malton, E. of Th. Wats., 1st E. of, form. T. W. Wentworth, q.v., aft. M. of Rockingham, g.y. 2Xaltravers, Ids. Refer aho toE. of Arundel and D. of Norfolk Jno. FitzAlan, Id.. L.M. (1377 and 1383) 325 , Id., K.B. (1426) 756 Jno., Id., K.B. (1464) 757 Th.,Id. (aft. E. of Arundel), K.B. (1489) 758; K.G. (1474) Hy., Id., aft. E. of Arundel, K.B. (1547) 760 Jas., Id., K.B. (1616) 762 Hy., Id., form. H. Howard, q.v. (1616) Hy. C, Id., form. E. of Surrey, q.v., aft. D. of Nor- folk, q.v. (succ. 1842) Maluginensis, L. C, C. Ro. 38 M. C, Dec. Ro. 38 Malvane (or O'Malone) Ma- lach, dn. KUd. 619 Malvoisine, Wm., bp. Glasg. 536; hp. St. Andr. 529; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Malyverer, see Mauleverer Mamercinus, L. M. (2), C. Ro. 40 L.P., C Ro. 38; M. M., C. Ro. 39 ; Dt. Ro. (3), 39 ,P. P., C Ro. 37 T. zE., C Ro. 40 Maniercus, L. M. (3), C. Ro. 37-8 T. .E., C Ro. ;i8 Man, see also Mann Alexr., bp. Cness. 531 Hy., gen. (D)ill6 luo., dn. Cilr. 440 Manby, Pet., dn. Dry. 602 Th., adm. (A)H20 Mance, Hy. Chr.. CLE. 807 Manchester, Wm. de, du. 44."] For List of Abbreviatio7is, sec jip. Oii-'JO-Z. Manchester, E. and D. of Hy., 1st E. of, form. H. Montagu, and 1st vise. Man- deviUe, q.v., L.P.S. 240 ; L.T. Ed., 2nd E. of, C.G.S. 356; E.M. 326; K.G. 740; L.C.H. 295; P.O. 190 Chas., 3rd E., aft. 1st D. of, C.Y.G. 298; P.O. 194; S. St. 224 Wm., 2nd D. of, C.Y.G. 298 ; K.B. 764 Kt., 3rd D. of, L.L. Hunts. Geo., 4th D. of, Amb. Fr. 112; L.C.H. 295; L.L. Hunts. 309; P.C. 203 "Wm., 5th D. of, G. Jam. 713; L.L. Hunts. 309; Postm. G. 238 Wm. Dr., 7th D. of, K.P. 751 Louise F. A., Dss. of, M. Eobes, 304 Manchiu, bp. Llin. 621 Mancinus, A. H., C. Ro. 44 C. H.. C. Ro. 44 ■ L. H., C. Bo. 44 Manclares, F., G. Trin. 721 Mandasa, Zem. of, CLE. 806 Manders, Bd., L.M. Dbln. 641 Manderstone, Juo. L. Prov. Edinb. 548 Maudevil and Blandeville Geoffr. de (1, 2, 3), Const. T.L. 3-20 Geoffr. de (Xo. 2), E. of Essex, J. It. 365 Jno., dn. Pboro. 458 J. H., Amb. K. PI. 136; Amb. Tky. 129 Wm. de. Const. T.L. (Hen. I.) 320 ■ Wm. de, E. of Albemarle and E. of Essex, q.v., Ch. Jr. 362 Mandeville, rise. Hy., 1st vise, form. Id. Montagu, q.v., aft. 1st E. of Manchester, q.v., C.G.S. 356 Manduca, Vine. Ct.,K.C.M.G. 796 Manett, Th., gen. (D) 881 Manfeld, Rt., M.M. 246 Manfield, Rt., M. Chy. 394 Manfred, K. Scy. 55 Mang-al, Sing, CLE. 806 Mang'in, Reuben Call., adm. (D)S26 Mangles, Cec, gen. (D) 928 Ross Don., Chn. E.I. Co. 646 ; M.C.I. 646 Manilius, M., C. Ro. 44 P.,C.Ro.45 Manisty, Hy. and sir H., J. Q.B.D. 374; Q.C 417 Manley, sir Fras., S.L. 410 Isaac Geo., adm. (A) 818 J., S.L.R. 271 Jno., adm. (A) 817 Pet. de, J. It. 369 Wm., S.L. 412 Wm., C. Exc. 281-2 Mann, see also Man Corn., gen. (C) 875 Goth., gen. (A) 861 Gother Fk., gen. (D) 911 Hy., bp. S. and M. 483 ; dn. Chest. 477 sir Horace, Amb. Tusc. 115 ; K.B. 765 For INDEX OF NAMES. Mann— C07t<. Isaac, bp. Cork and R. 632 Jas. Bt., gen. (D) 911 Rt. (Xo. 1), adm. (A) 814 ; L. Admy. 179 Bt. (No. 2), adm. (A) 816 ; L. Admy. 180 Manners, Id. Ch., gen. (C) 871 Id. Ch. Hy. Som., gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 776 Fras., aft. 6th E. of Rut- land, q.v.. K.B. 761 Hy. Herb., K.H. 791 Id. Jno. J. R., aft. 7th D. of Rutland, C.D.L. 243; C.W.P.B. 272; G.C.B. 773; P.C. 215; Postm. G. 239 Rt., gen. (A) 860 Id. Rt. Wm., gen. (A1 853 Id. Rt. Wm., gen. (C) 875 Buss., gen. (A) 859 Russ. Hy., adm. (H) 847 Manners, Ids. Th., 1st Id., form. Th. Man- ners-Siitton, q.v., P.C. 208, 210 Manners-Sutton, see Sutton Mannesin, Pet., bp. Oss. 620 Manning, Hy. Dimsd., gen. (D) 918 Jas., C.C.J. 403; P.P. 417; S.L. 413 Th., bp. Suff. Ipsw. 455 Th., dn. Winds. 474 * Th., M. Chy. 394 * Th., S. St. 222 * Prob. same pers. Manningham, — , adm. Ind. 647 Ch. Wm., TeU. Ex. 168 Coote, gen. (C)873 Th., bp. Chich. 433; dn. Winds. 474 Manningham-Buller, see BuUer Manny, Walt, de, aft. Id. M., K.B. 755; K.G. 733; L.H.A. Mansel and Mansell Arth. Lukis, adm. (H) 853 Hv. Longv., dn. St. P. 453 * jno.. Const. T.L. 320; L.K. 353 * Jno., W.C.P. 317 * Poss. same pers. .Jno., gen. (B) 866 • Jno., gen. (C) 872 Rt. Chr., gen. (D) 884; K.H. 790 Th. (No. 1), adm. (H) 847 Th. (No. 2) and Sir T., adm. (H) 845 ; K.CH. 789 Th., see Id. M., infra Wm. L., bp. Brl. 439 Mansell, Ids. Th. and sir T., aft. Id. M., Compt. H. 292; L.T. 156; P.C. 195 ; TeU. Ex. 167 Mansfield, Ch. Ed. and sir C, Amb. Pu. 135 ; Amb. Ema. 128; Amb. U.S.C 134; Amb. Vza. 135 ; K.CM.G. 799 Hy. de, dn. Line. 448 Jas. and sir J., C.J.C.P. 376 ; C.J. Chest. 386 ; K.C 415; P.C. 307; S.G. 402; S.L. 412 Wm. Rose and sir R., aft. Id. Sandhurst, q.v.,\C.C. Bbay. 660 ; CC Ind. 651 ; Comm. F. Ir. 564 ; G.C.B. 770 ; G.C.S.I. 801; gen. CD) 892; K.C.B. 778 ; K.C.S.I. 802 List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1081 Mansfield, Ids., vise, and E. Cavendish Family. Wm., vise., aft. E. of New- castle, form. W. Cavendish (1610), q.v. Murray Family. Wm., 1st Id., form. Wm. Murray, q.v., aft. 1st E. of Mansfield ; Ch. Ex. 165 ; P.C. 200 Dav., 2nd E. of, form. vise. Stormont, q.v., L.P.C 188 Dav. Wm., 3rd E. of, K.T. 748 ; L.L. Clkmn. 509 Wm. Dav., 4th E. of, K.T. 748; L.H.C.K. Sc. 546; L.L. Clkmn. 509 Man Sing Eessaldar, CLE. 807 Mauson, Alexr. Rt., gen. (D) 908 Jas., gen. (D) 894 (or Monson), Jno., K.B. 763 Mant, Rd., bp. Down and Cur. 604; bp. Down, C. and D. 605 ; bp. KiUoe and Kilf. 635 Mantaners, Jno., G. Ch. Isl. 667 Mantel, Rt., J. It. 365 ; Jy.363 Manuel, I. and II., Emp. E.E.51 I. to III., Emp. Tzde. 98 Manwaring, see Mainwaring Manwood, Pet., K.B. 761 Rog., CB. Ex. 381; J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 Manzaro, Giac. Cal.,K.C.M.G. 796 Maol-Ceachlin, I. and II., K. Ir. 21 Maolcobha, K. Ir. 21 Map, Walt., J. It. 365 Mapenore, Hugh de, bp. Her. 441 ; dn. Her. 442 Mapilton, Hugh de, bp. Oss. 620; dn. St. Pat. 617; Ld. Treas. Ir. 558 Jno., M. Chy. 394 Maples, Jno. Ford., adm. (H) 845 Maplesden, Jarv., L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 Mapletoft, Bt., dn. Ely, 435 Maq — , see Macq — Mar, Bt., bp. Brn. 530 Mar, E. of of, L.G.C. Wm., E. of, L.G.C. Sc. (1266) 506 Th., E. of, L.G.C. Sc. (1358) 506 Jno. E. of {d. 1632), L.H.T. 497 ; K.G. 739 Jno., E. of (d. 1732), K.T. 747 ; P.C. 195 ; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Mara, see Mare Marbury, see Merbury Marcellinus, P. Ro. 33 C C L., C. Ro. 46 Marcellus I. and II., P. Eo. 33,35 C C (2), C. Eo. 46 M. C, C Bo. 40, 41, 43, 44, 46; Dt. Eo. 41 Q. C, C Eo. 43 Marceur, Jno., M.M. 246 March, Wm. Hy., gen. (D) 90O March, E. of, see also E. of Wemyss and E. of Ulster Mortimer Family (see also under Mortimer). Bog., 1st E. of, form. R. Mortimer, q.v. 69 1082 March, E. ot—cont. Bog., and E. of, K.G.733; li.Ii. Ir. 551-2; W.C.P. 318 Edmd., 3rd E. of, L.L. Ir. 551 Kog., 4th E. of, K.B. 755 Edni., 5th E. of, K.B. 756 ; L.H.A. 174 ; L.L. Ir. 552 Stuart Family. Esm6, 1st E. of, aft. D. of Lenox (1624), q.v. Jas., 2ud E. of, aft. D. of Lenox (1633), q.v.; also D. of Kichnioud, q.v. Douglas Family. Wm., 3rd E. of, aft. 4th D. of Queeusberrv, q.v., K.T. 747; V.A. Sc. 499 Gorclon-Li'imox Family. Ch. Hy., E. of. aft. 6th D. of Richmond and G., q.v. Marchant, E. of, see Camp- beU Marchant, Le, Den. and sir D., Sec. B.T. 270; Sec. Tr. 163; U.S. Home, Jno. Gasp, and sir G. (No. 1), G. Mlta. 671 ; G.N. Sc. 695 ; G. Newfd. 700 ; gen. (C) 873 sir Jno. Gasp. (No. 2), C.C. Mdras. 658; G.C.M.G. 795; gen. (D)892; K.C.B. 783 Et. Porr., Blf. Gsey. 669 Marchia, Wm. de, bp. B. and W. 427 ; L.H.T. 152 Marcianus, Enip. E.E. 50 Marchmont, E. of Patr., 1st E. of, form. P. Pohvarth and 8th Id. P., q.v. ; Conim. Tr. Sc. 497 ; L.H.C.K. Sc. 546 Alexr., 2nd E. of, K.T. 747 ; P.O. 197 Hugh, 3rd E. of, L.K. Sc. 503; P.O. 201 Marcluith, bp. Llff. 448 Marcoran, Georgio and sir G., G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 796 Marcus and Mark (or Maurice), bp. Isl. 539 ; bp. S. and M. 483 ; Ld. Ch. Sc. 515 P. Ko. 33 Mardall, Eras., gen. (D) 923 Mare and Mara Hy. de la, C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 376 ; Jy. 364 sir Peter de la, Sp. H.C. 248 Regd. de la, K.B. 755 Marescall and Mareschall, see also Marischal and Mar- shaU Ger. le, bp. Lim. 638 (or Marescallus), Jno., J. It. 367 Th. de, S.L. 406 Wm. de, B. Ex. 382 Wm., Jy. 363 Wm., E. of Pembroke, W.C.P. (1138-9)317 Maret, Off. Nap. 26 Marett, Kt. Pip., Blf. Jsey. Mareyn (or Marnia), Angel, K.B. 760 Mardall, Pres. Sp. 87 Margaret, C. Hid. 82 C. Hit. 82 (of Anjou), Q.C.E. 7 INDEX OF NAMES. Margaret — cont. (of France), Q.C.E. 7 Q. Dk. 93 Q. Sc. 19 Q. Sw. 92 (of Austria) (2), K. Nds 82 (dau. Hy. IIL), Pr. E. 9 (dau. Edw. I.), Pr. E. 10 (dau. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 10 (iss. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 11 (iss. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 11 (dau. Edw. IV.), Pr. E. 12 (dau. Hy. VII.), Pr. E. 12 (g. dau. Hy. VIL), Pr. E. 12 (dau. Jas. I.), Pr. E. 13 I. and II., C. Firs. 81 Beatr.-Feod. Kg. dau. Q. Victoria), Pr. E. 15 Vict. - Aug. - Charl. - Nora - Maud (g. dau. Q. Victoria), Pr. E. 16 Marg'ary, Hy. Josh., gen. (D) 898 Marg'etson, Jas., abp. Arm. 596 ; abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616 ; dn. Chr. Ch. Dbln. 618; dn. Dry. 602 ; dn. Wford. 628 Maria, see also Mary I. and II., Q. Pgl. 88-9 Beatrix, D. Mda. 53 Louisa, D. Luc. 52 Louisa, D. Pma. 54 Louisa, Emp. Fr. 25 Theresa, E. Gmy. 62 Theresa, Q. Hgy. 60 Marie-Alexandra-Victoria (g. dau. Q. Victoria), Pr. E. 16 Marines, Hugh de, dn. St. P. 452 Marinus, see also Martin P. Ro. 33 Maris, Wm. de, dn. St. P. 452 Mareschall, see Marescall Marischal, Earls, see also Marescall Wm., E., L.P.S. Sc. (1660) 501 Geo., E., gen. (B) (1711) 864 Marisco, Geoffy. de, L.L. Ir. 550 sir Jno. Fitz-Geoflr. de, L.J. Ir. 550 Rd. de, B. Ex. 382; bp. Dham. 478; Jy. 364; Ld. Chanc. 353 Wm. de S., bp. Llff. 449 Mariscis, Rt. de, dn. Line 448 Marius, C. (7i, C. Ro. 45 Marjoribanks and Majori- hanks Canipb., Chn. E.I. Co. 645 hon. Ed., Compt. H. 293; P.C. 220 Jno., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 Th. and sir T., Ld. Clk. Reg. 525; Ld. Sess. 518 Mark, see Marcus Markhy. ^Vm., K.C.I.E. 805 Markham, Fk., gen. (D) 887 Geo., dn. Yk. 487 Jno., adm. (A) 817 ; L. Adniy. 180-1 Jno., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 Jno. and sir J., C.J.K.B. 370; J.K.B. 371; K.B. 756; S.L. 407 sir Jno., Lt. T.L. 321 Rt., K.B. 757 Markham — co»i t. Wm., abp. Yk. 486 ; bp. Chest. 477 ; dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 ; dn. Roch. 461 ; P.C. 203 Markland, Jno. D. and sir J., adm. (H)S44: K.C.H. 789 Marlay and Marley Geo., bp. Drum. 605 Rd., bp. Wtord. and L. 627 ; bp. Clonf. and K. 636 ; dn. Ferns, 623 Th., A.G. Ir. .588 ; C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; C.J.K.B. Ir. 578; S.G. Ir. .589 Th., gen. id 875 Marlehergrh, Th. de, K.B. (1324)754 Marlhorougrh, E. and D. of Ley Family. Jas., 3rd E. of, form, sir Jas. and Id. Ley, q.v., B.T. 263 Churchill Family. Jno., 1st E. and D. of, form. Id. Churchill, q.v., C. Ch. 855 ; Capt. Gen. 855 ; K.G. 741 ; M.G.O. 258 ; P.C. 193-4 Ch., 3rd D. of and .5th E. of Sunderland, gen. (A) 857; K.G. 741; L.S.H. 290; L.P.S. 241; M.G.O. 259; P.C. 199 Geo., 4th D. of, K.G. 742 ; L.C.H. 295; L.L. Oxon. 311 ; L.P.S. 241 ; P.C. 201 Geo., 6th D. of, L.L. Oxon. 311 Jno. Winst., 7th D. of, Jud. Com. P.C. 361; K.G. 745; L.L. Ir. 558 ; L.L. Oxon. 311; L.P.C. 188; L.S.H. 290 ; P.C. 217 Sarah, Dss. of, Gr. St. and M. Robes. 303 Marley, see Marlay Marlow, lienj., adm. (A) 815 Wm. Bidd., gen. (D) 897 Marlowe, Rd., L.M. Lond. 489 Marmion, Rt., J. It. 366; Jy. 363 Marmont, Off. Nap. 26 Marmora, Genl., G.C.B. 769 Marney, sir Hv., aft. 1st Id. M., C.D.L. 242; C.Y.G. 298; K.B. 759; K.G. 737; L.P.S. 240 Marnia, see Mareyn Marny, Hugh de, dn. St. P. 4.52 Maroffe, Mart., Cal. P.A. 342 ; R. Dr. P.A. 3.J8; Yk. H. .334 Marowe, Wm., L.M. Lond. 490 Marquis, Jas., gen. (D) 925 Marr. E. of, see Mar Marriott, Hayes, gen. (D) 901 Jas. and sir J., J. Adm. Ct. 42;^; K. Adv. 422 Rand., gen. (C) 873 Th., gen. (C) 872 Th. Beck. F., gen. (Di 903 Wm. Fk., gen. (D) 909 Wm. Thad. and sir W., J.A.G. 937; P.C. 220; Q.C. 419 Marryat, Jos. Hy., adm. (Hi 851 Saml., K.C. 416 Marrow, Th., S.L. 408 Marsack, Arth. Bech., gen (D)927 For List of Abbreviatiotia, tee pp. 944-952, INDEX OP NAMES. losa SKarsden, Alexr., C. Exc. Ir 566 ; U.S. Ir. 563 Saml. Ed., bp. Bhurst., N.S.W. 704 Wm,. Sec. Adm. 186-7 Wm. Ed., geii. (D) 931 Marsh, Digby, adm. (G) 842 Pras., abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616; bp. Ard. 608; bp. Kilm. and Ard. 607 ; dn. Arm. 597 ; dn. Cnr. 605 Herb., bp. Llff. 449; bp. Pboro. 458 Jas., gen. (A) 859 Jerem., dn. Kilm. 609 Jno. Barling, adm. (H) 850 Narc, abp. Arm. 596; abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616; abp. Cash, and Eml. 626 ; bp. Ferns and L. 622 ; L.J. Ir. 5-55 Ralph de, J. It. 368 Rd., dn. Yk. 487 Wm. Hy. and sir W., G. H.Kong, 673; K.O.M.G. 798 Marshal and Marshall, see also Marescall Anthy., gen. (D) 890 sir Chapm., L.M. Lond. 492 Dyson, K.C.B. 775 Fk., gen. (D) 918 Geo., K.H. 792 Geo. W., R. Cr. P.A. 336 sir Hy., L.M. Lond. 491 Hy., bp. Exr. 4:36 ; dn. Yk. 486 Hub., gen. CD) 900 Jno., bp. Llff. 449 Jno., K.H. 790 Jno.. L.M. 325 Jno., Ld. Sess. 521 Jno., Pres. CoU. Surg. 9.39 sir Jno., adm. (D) 829; K.C.H. 788 Josiah, gen. (D) 876 Rd., dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 Rt., J.C.P. Ir. 582 ; S.L. Ir. 592 Saml., J. Chest. 387 ; S.L. 412 • Th., dn. Glr. 440 Th. H., C.C.J. 403 Wm., aft. 2nd E. of Pem- broke, q.v., L.M. (1199) 325 Wm. Bainbr., gen. (D) 911 Wm. Hy., gen. (D) 888 Marsham, Hy. Shov. Jones, adm. (H) 847 Marstou, see also Merston Ed. CL, gen. (D) 915 Martel, Ph., M. Chy. 393 Marten, see also Martin Alfr. Geo., Q.C. 419 Fras., adm. (H) 851 Harry, CLE. 807 Hy., see Martin Marter, Rd. Jas. Combe, gen. (D) 935 Martimprey,Genl. de, K.C.B. 778 Martin, see also Marten and Martyn bp. Arg. 537 bp. KiUa. 612 K. Arr. 86 I. and II., K. Scy. 56 I. to v., P. Ro. 33-4-5 Anthy., bp. Mth. 599 ; dn. Wford. 628 ■ Anthy. Geo., gen. (B) 866 Arth. Geo., gen. (C) 872 Edm., dn. Wore. 473 Ed., dn. Ely, 435 Martin — coin. — Fras., Bl. M. P.A. 337; Clar. K.A. 328; Norr. K.A 330; Winds. H. 332 sir Geo., adm. (A) 817 ; (B) 821; (C) 822; G.C.B. 768; G.C.M.G. 794 ; K.C.B. 773 Hy., K.C. 415 Hy., M. Chy. 397 (or Marten), Hy. and sir H., Ch. Lond. 422; D. Arch. 420; J. Adm. Ct. 423; J. Pr. Ct. 421 sir Hy., Compt. N. 257 Hy. Byam and sir H., adm. (D) 830; K.C.B. 777 Jno., gen. (C) 872 Jno., gen. (D) 883 Jno., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 Lom., S.L. 412 Moel, bp. Kild. 616 Nathl., C. Exc. 278 Pet., J.C.P. Ir. 581 Ph., gen. (A) 860 Rd., bp. St. Dav. 464 Rd., bp. Wford and L. 627 Bd., C. Ace. Ir. 567 Bd., Bee. Lond. 494 sir Rd., L.M. Lond. 491; M.M. 246 Rd. Junr., M.M. 246 sir Bog., L.M. Lond. 490 Saml., Sec. Tr. 163 Saml. and sir S., B. Ex. 385 ; Jud. Com. P.C. 361 ; P.C. 218 ; Q.C. 417 ; S.L. 413 Theod., K.C.B. 783 Th., gen. (D) 885 ; K.H. 792 Th., adm. (G) 841 Th. Byam and sir T., adm. (A) 818; (B) 821; (C) 822; Compt. N. 257 ; G.C.B. 768 ; K.C.B. 774 Hutch. Mang., adm. (H) 852 Wm., adm. (A) 814 Wm. Fansh. and sir W., adm. (C) 822; (D) 830; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 779; L. Admy. 184 Martindell, Gabr., K.C.B. 775 Martineau, Alf., C.C.J. 405 Martinez, T., Pres. Nic. 106 Martinier, Th., G. I. Man, 666 Martival, Bog. de, dn. Line. 448 ; bp. Sal. 467 Maitley, Hy., Land. J. Ir. 587 Marton, Jno. de, M. Chy. 393 Wm. de, count, gen. (C) 871 Martyn, see also Martin ■ Dav., bp. St. Dav. 464 Edm., M. Chy. 394 J., dn. Bgr. 426 Rd., C. St. 283 Rd., M. Chy. 394 Wm., J. It. 369 *^— Wm., K.B. 759 * Wm., L.M. Lond. 490 * Poss. same pers. Martyns, see Mertins Mary (of Hanover), Prss., Cr. Ind. 810 (dau. Stephen), Pr. E. 9 (dau. Edw. I.), Pr. E. 10 (dau. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 10 (dau. Edw. IV.), Pr. E. 12 (dau. Hy. VII.), Pr. E. 12 (dau. Hen. VIII.), Pr. E. 12; aft. Q.E. vide infra List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944- Mary— cont (dau. Jas. I.), Pr. E. 13 (dau. of Ch. I.), Pr. E. 13 (dau. Q. Anne) (2| Pr. E. 14 (dau. Jas. II.), Pr. E. 13 (dau. Geo. II.), Pr. E. 14 (dau. Geo. III.), Pr. E. 15 (de Bohun), Q.C.E. 7 (of Modena), Q.C.E. 8 (2) Q.E. 5-6 Q. Hgy. 60 Q. Sc. 19 Q. Scy. 56 (of Aus.), R. Nds. 82 Adel.-Wilh.-Eliz. (g. dau. Geo. III.), aft. Dss. Teck, Pr. E.15; Cr. Ind. 809 Anne (of Aus.), R. Nds. 63 Christina, B. Nds. 83 EUz., B. Nds. 83 Vict. (g. dau. Q. Victoria), Pr. E. 16 Maryborough, Wm., Id., form. Hon. W. Wellesley- Pole, q.v., aft. E. of Morn- ington q.v., G.C.H. 786; L.T. 160; M.B.H. 303; Postm. G. 238 Masca, Pand., bp. Norw. 454 ; Const. T.L. 320 Mascareen, Paul., gen. (C) 871 Maschal, Bt., bp. Her. 441 Mascoed, abp. St. Dav. 463 Maseres, Fras., Curs. B. Ex. Masham, Fras. C, M. Chy. and Acct. G. 396 Saml., see Id. M., infra, Masham, Ids. Saml., aft. Id. M. Coff. H., 293 Maskelyne, Nev., Astr. Boy. 941 Maso, C. P., C.Ro.43 Mason, Ch. Cr., gen. (D) 915 Chr., adm. (A) 816 Edm., dn. Sal. 468 Fras. and sir F., adm. (D) 825 ; K.C.B. 777 ■ Geo., adm. (H) 851 Geo., bp. S. and M., 484 sir Jno., dn. Winch. 471 Jno. Monk, C. Cus. Ir. 565 ; C. Exc. Ir. 566 ; C. Treas. Ir. 560 Rt., Ree. Lond. 494 Th. Hy., adm. (E) 835; (D 8:38 Massena, Off. Nap. 26 Massereene and Perrard, vise. Jno. Skeff., vise. (suce. 1831), K.P. 751 Clotw. Jno. E., vise. (suce. 1863), L.L. Louth, 570 Massey and Massy Ch., dn. Lim. 640 Jno., dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 Wm. Godf. Dunh., gen. (D) 930 Wm. N., P.C. 217; U.S. Home, 228 Massey - Beresford, see Beresford Massie, Th. Leeke, adm. (D) 832 ; (P) 838 Massiugherd, Vine. Amc, adm. (H) 849 Masson, Louis Fras. Bod., G. Queb. 694 Massy, see Massey Master, Jas., adm. (D) 825 69 Masters, — , G. Tob. 723 MasuUo, diss., Prel. M.G. 799 Mathair, Concen, bp. Emly, 0-25 Matham, Wm., L.T. 154 Mathew, see Matthew Matheson, Don., K.C.B. 784 sir Jas., L.L. Ross. 512 Th.,gen. (D)893 Matho, M. 1'. (2), C. Ro. 43 Matilda, see also Maud D. Tny. 37 (of Boulogne), Q.C.E. 7 (of Flanders), Q.C.E. 7 (of Scotland), Q.C.E. 7 Matson, Ed., gen. (D) 891 Kd.,adin. (A)82C Matsoyker, .Ino., G. Ceyl. 672 Mattel, Ant., gen. (D) 916 Matthaeus (or Machabfeus), bp. Ross. 53.') Matthew and Matliew * bp. Cloy. 630 * bp. Kilmacd. 636 * bp. Ross, 631 * bp. Wford. 626 * (2) dn. Cliich. 433 • Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. I. and II., D. Lne. 29 Brownl. Hugh, gen. (D) 929 Ed., G. Gren. 724; gen. (A) 859 Geo. B. and sir G., Amb. Arg. 136; Amb. Bzl. 135; Amb. C. Am. 134; Amb. Pgy. 136; Amb.U.S.C. 134; K.C.M.G. 797 Geo. Benv., G. Bah. Isl. 716 Geo. Felt, CLE. 807 Hy. Jas., bp. Lhore, 655 Jas. Ch. and sir J., J. Q.B.D. 374 Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 hon. Mont., gen. (B) 867 Tob., abp. Yk. 486; bp. Dham. 479; dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf . 457; dn. Dham. 479 sir Wm. (No. 1), G. Leew. Isl. 727 Wm. (No. 2), G. Leew. Isl. 727 Matthews, Hy., H. Sec. 227; P.C. 221 ; Q.C. 418 Hy. Mont., CLE. 808 Hy. Wm., gen. (D) 906 Kt., S.L. 413 Th., adm. (A) 813 Wilk., Q.C. 417 Matthias, E. Gmy. 62 I. a«d IL, K. Hgv. 60 Emm., Amb. H. Tns. 120 Matthie, Jas., gen. (D) 896 Maturin, Gabr. Jas., dn. Kild. 619; dn. St. Patr. 618 Pet., dn. Killa. 614 Malclerk or Mauclerk, Walt.,l)p. Carl. 475; J. It. 367 ; L.H.T. \-,i Malduit, see Mauduit Maud, see aho Matilda (dau. Hy. I.), Pr. E. 9 (dau. Stephen), Pr. E. 9 (dau. Hy. IL), Pr. E. 9 Charl.-Mary-Vict. (g. dau. Q. Victoria), Pr. E. 15 Cornw. Osw., gen. (D) 928 Fk. Eras, and sir F., G.C.B. 771; gen. (D) 905; K.C.B. 81 INDEX OF NAMES. Maud— con t. Geo. Ashl., K.C.B. 784 Jas. Ashl., K.C.H. 789 hon. Rt. Wm. Hy. dn. Ch:. 598 Wm., adm. (D) 826 Maudesley, Rt., G.I. :SIan. Mauduit and Malduit, Jno., J. It. 366 ; Jy. 363 Peers, R. Dr. P. A. 338; Winds. H. .331 Rt., Jy. 364 Wm., Jy. 363 Mangrere, bp. Wore. 472 Maugrhold, bp. S. and M. 483 Mauhan, Gcr., M.M. 245 Maule, Fras. K.H. 790 hon. Fox, aft. 2nd Id. Pan- mure, and 11th E. of Dal- housie, q.v., L.Li. Forf. 510 ; P.C. 214 ; Pres. B.C. 254; Sec. at W. 234 ; U.S. Home, 227: V.P.B.T.269 Hy., bp. Cloy. 631; bp. Drom. 605; bp. Meath, 599; dn. Cloy. 6:33 Hy. Barl., gen. (D) 931 Jno., Bar. Ex. Sc. 534 Jno. Bl., Q.C. 418 hon. L., S.G.O. 260 Wm. Hy . and sir W., B. Ex. 385; J.C.P. 380; Jud. Com. P.C 361 ; K.C. 416 ; P.C. 216; S.L. 413 Maule7erer or Malyverer, A., K.B. 759 Mauley or Malo Lacu, Pet. de, J. It. ;369 Mauley, Ids. Pet., 7th Id., K.B. (1400) 755 Maunsell, Fk., gen. (D) 886 Fk. Rd., gen. (D) 920 Geo., dn. Llin. 624 J., S. St. 223 ■ Th., gen. (D) 924 Mauntelle, Walt., K.B. 7.57 Maupin, Mous. de, G. Mtius. 683 Mauregato, K. Sp. 85 '^Maurice, abp. Cash. 624 * bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 * bp. Arm. 595 * (or Hy.), bp. KHf. 635 * bp. Kilm. 607 * (of Blanchville), bp. Lhn. 621 * bp. Lond. 451 ; Ld. Chanc. 352 ♦ (2) bp. Ross. 631 * (or Marcus), Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. El. Sxy. 78 Emp. E.E. 50 Lg. H. Csl. 72 (g. sou. Jas. L), Pr. E. 13 Pr. Or. 83 (Pr. of Nassau), R. Nds. 83 K.G. 739 Pr. (Ct. Pal. Rhine), K.G. 740 Andr., dn. St. As. 463 Ed., bp. Oss. 620 fa«. Wilkes, adm. (H) 8-14 Pet., dii. Hgr. 137 Salm., a.lni. (A) H13 Mauritius (or Mouricus), bp. Bgr. 425 bp. Dnbl. 532 (or Maurus), dn. Arm. 597 Maurus, see Mauritius Mawbey, Hy. Way., gen. (D 936 Sebr., gen. (B) 809 Mawe, Leon., bp. B. and W 438 Mawley, see Mauley Mawson, Ch., Chest. H. 331 ; R. Cr. P.A. 335 Matth., bp. Chich. 433; bp. Ely, 435 ; bp. Llff. 449 Rd., Ptc. P.A. 337 ; Winds. H. 331 Mazentius, Emp. Ro. 48 Maxey, -Vnthy., dn. Winds. 474 Maximiauus, H., Emp. Ko. 48 Maximilian, A.D. Aus. 58 El. Bva. 6t! Emp. Mex. 104 K. Hgy. 60 Wm. (iss. Jas. I.), Pr. E. 13 I. and IL, E. Gmy. 62 L (E. Gmy.), K.G. 737 II. (E. Gmy.), K.G. 738 Emanuel, El. Bva. 68 Joseph I. and II. , El. Bva. 6S : K. Bva. 68 Maximinus, C. J. V., Emp. Ro. 47 Maximus, C D. C, C Ro. 42 ; Dt. Ro. 42 C. M., C Ro. 45 M. v.; C Ro. 41-2 M. V.L.,CRo.38 M. V. v., Dt. Ro. 37 P., Emp. W. E. 49 P. C. D., C Ro. 42 P. S. G., C Ro. 43; Dt. Ro. 43 — Q. F., C Ro. 43, 45 ; C. Ro. 46 S. C, C Ro. 41, 42, 43 Maxse, Fk. Aug., adm. (H) 850 Hy. Fitz-Berk., and sir H., G. Hlgld. 670 ; G. Newfd. 700; K.C.M.G. 797 Maxwell, Alexr.. gen. (D) 90 1 Arch. Montg., K.H. 791 * Ch., G. Si. Le. (1811) 685 * Ch., G. St. Xtr.. &c. (1819) 737 * ? same pers. * Ch. Wm., G. Dnca. 730 * Ch. Wm., gen. (B) 869; K.C.H. 789 * Prob. same pers. Ed., gen. (B) 866 Ed. Herb., gen. (D) 905 Geo., gen. (D) 898 Geo. CI., C. Cus. Sc. 504 Geo. Vaughan, gen. (D) 903 ; K.C.B. 781 hon. Hy., bp. Drom. 605; bp. Mth.599 ; dn. Kilm. 609 sir Herb. Eust., L.T. 162 Hy. Ham., gen. (D) 907 Jas., Sec. St. Sc. 502 Jno., abp. Tm. 611 ; bp. Killa. and Ach. 613 ; bp. Ross. 536 ; Ld. Scss. 517 Jno., G. Bah. Isl. 710 sir Jno., Comm. Tr. Sc. 497-8 ; Ld. Sess. 520 sir Jno., L.G.C Sc. 506 Jno. Balfour, adm. 842 Jno. Harl, gen. (D) 901 sir Jno. Shaw, gen. (O) (B) For List of Ahlnviatioim, sea pp. 944-952. Maxwell— cont. Kt., bp. Ard. 608 ; bp. Kilm. and Ard. 607 ; dn. Arm. 597 Rt., bp. Ork. 535 ■ Rt., see Id. M., infra ■ sir Murr., G. Pr. Ed. Isl. 699 Patr., gen. (D) 914 Wm., gen. CD) 910 sir Wm., gen. (A) 860 Wm. Rt., gen. (D) 901 sir Wm. Stirling-, K.T. 749 Uaxwell, Ids. Rt., Id., L.H.A. Sc. (bet. 1502 and 1511) 499 Rt., Id., Ld. Sess. (1541) 517 May, Ch. Hy., adm. (H) 851 Geo. Aug. Ch., A.G. Ir. 589 ; C.J.Q.B. Ir. 578 ; Pres. Q.B.D. Ir. 578 sir Hy., V.C.H. 296 sir Humphry, C.D.L. 242; M.R. 388 ■ Jno. and sir J., K.C.B. 775 ; K.C.H. 787 Rd. and sir R., Curs. B. Ex. 386 ; B. Ex. 384 Th., Chest. H. 331 ; R. Dr. P.A. 338 ■ Th. Ersk., aft. Id. Farn- borough, q.v., K.C.B. 783; P.C. 220 Wm., abp. Yk. 486; dn. St. P. 453 Mayart, Saml., J.C.P. Ir. 581 MaydenMtlie, Jno. de, dn. Chich. 434 Maydenstune, see Maidstone Mayes, Jenk., dn. Oss. 623 Mayhew, see also Maihewe (or Mayo), Rd.. bp. Her. 441 Maynard, Hy., TeU. Ex. 167 Jno., K.B. 763 Jno. and sir J., C.G.S. 357 ; S.L. 409-10 Th., C. Cus. 274-5 W., G. Nev. 730 Maynard, Ids. and vise. Wm., 2nd Id., Compt. H. 292 ; P.C. 191 Ch., 6th Id., aft. 1st vise., L.L. Sufl. 312 Hy., 3rd vise., L.L. Esx. 308 Mayne, see a Iso Maine Edmd., gen. (B) 864 Ed., J.C.P. Ir. 582; J.K.B. Ir. .579 Jas. Edmd., gen. (D) 915 Jno., gen. (D) 878 Perry, adra. (A) 814 Rd. and sir R., C.C.P. 261 ; K.C.B. 782 Rd. Ch., adm. (H) 852 Maynewaring', see Main- waring Mayo, see also Mayhew Th., Pres. Coll. Ph. 938 Mayo, vise, and E. of Jno., 1st vise, and E. of, form. Jno. Bourke and Id. Naas, q.v. ■ Jos. Deane, 3rd E. of, form. hon. J. D. Bourke, q.v. Jno., 4th E. of, form. Id. Naas, q.v., L.C.H. 786 Rd. Southw., 6th E. of, form. Id. Naas, q.v., G.G. Ind. 649; K.P. 751 Bl. Jul., Css. of, Cr. Ind. INDEX OF NAMES. Mayow, Geo. Wyn., gen. (D) 904 Mead and Meade Fk.,gen. (D)892 Jas., G. Monts. 729 hon. Jno., gen. (B) 869 sir Jno., K.H. 789 Jno. Michl. de C, gen. (D) -^ Nathl., S.L. 411 Rd. Jno. and sir R., CLE. 806; gen. (D) 923; K.C.S.I. 803 hon. Rt., G. C.G.H. 679 ; gen. (A) 861 Rt. Hy., Regr. M.G. 799; U.S.C. 236 Rochr., K.H. 789 Saml., C. Cus. 275-6 • Th., J.C.P. 378 ; S.L. 408 Th., L.M. Dbhi. 641 Wm., dn. Cork, 632 Meadows, see also Medows Ed., C. Tx. 285 sir Ph., B.T. 263 ; C. Exc. 279 Meag^b and Miag-h Wm., bp. Kild. 617; dn. KUd. 619 Meagher, Wm., L.M. Dbln. 642 Meales, see Meyler Meares, Wm. Lew. Dev., gen. (D)918 Mearns, D., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Meath, E. of Jno. Chambre, 10th E. of, K.P. 751 ; L.L. Dbln. 569 Wm., nth E. of, L.L. Wickl. 571 Meautis, sir Pet., G. Gsey. 668 Meaux, Nichs. de, bp. S. and M. 483 Mecklenbur g-Strelitz, Hered. Gr. D. of, G.C.B. 773 For reigning Dukes see under their Christian names. Medici, see page 57 Medicis, Jul. de, bp. Wore. 473 Medina, J. M., Pres. Hdas. 106 Medjid, S. Zr. 102 Medley, Hy., adm. (A) 814 Jno., bp. Fcton. 696 .Jul. Geo., gen. (D) 927 Medlicott and Medlycott Jas.,M. Chy.396 Medo'ws, see also Meadows Wm. and sir W., C.C. Bbay. 659 ; C.C. Mdras. 657 ; Comm. F. Ir. 564; G. Bbay. 659 ; G.G. Ind. 648 ; G. Mdras. 6.56; gen. (A) 859; K.B. 765 Medullinus, L. F. (2), C. Ro. 39 Mee, Ch. Hy., gen. (D) 899 Meeres, sir J., L. Adm v. 175-6 Meeze, Geo., adm. (A) 813 Meggott, Rd., dn. Winch. 471 Meliemet Mi. V. Eg. 98 Meiklejohn, Hugh, Modr. K. Sc. 547 Mein, Geo.,G. Trin. 722; gen. (D)918 Melbourne, vise. Wm., 2nd vise., form. hon. Wm. Lamb, q.v., H. Sec. 227; L.T. 160; Prem. 146-7 1085 Melbourne, vise. — cont. F. J., 3rd vise, form. hon. F. J. Lamb, q.v., and Id. Beauvale q.v. Melchiades, P. Ro. 33 Melchuo, St., bp. Ard. 607 Melcombe, Geo., Id., form. G. Dodington, q.v. Meldrum, Jas., Ld. Sess. 518 Walt., bp. Brn. 531 Meleborne, Jord. de, dn. Chich. 433 Melfoxt, Jno., 1st vise, and E. of, form. Jno. Drxmimond, q.v., K.T. 747 ; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Melgarejo, M., Pres. Bol. 109 Melhuish, see also Mellish Geo. Br., gen. (D) 911 Mell (St.), bp. Ard. 607 Meller, see Mellor Mellersli, Arth., adm. (H) 849 MeUinet, Genl., K.C.B. 778 Mellish, see also MeUiuish Ch., C. St. 284 Ed., dn. Her. 442 Geo. and sir G., Jud. Com. P.C. 361 ; L.J. App. 389 ; P.C. 218 ; Q.C. 418 Rd., K.H. 790 * Wm., C. Exc. 280 * -Wm., Sec. Tr. 163 * Prob. same pers. Melliss, Geo. Jul., gen. (D) 931 MeUitus (or Miletus), (St.), abp. Cant. 429; bp. Lond. 45 Mellor and Meller Jno., M. Chy. 396 Jno. and sir J., J.Q.B. 373; J.Q.B.D. 374 ; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; P.C. 919; Q.C. 417; S.L. 414 Jno. Wm., J.A.G. 937 ; P.C. 221; Q.C. 419 Melross, see Hamilton Melton, "^^■m. de, abp. Yk. 485; L.H.T. 153; L.K. 354; S. St. 222 Meluginensis, M. C, C. Bo. 39 S. C. C, C. Ro. 37 Melun, Rt. de. bp. Her. 441 Melvill and Melville hon. Alexr., Conmi. Tr. Sc. 497 Hy., gen. (D) 931 Jas. Cosm., K.C.B. 782 Jno. and sir J., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 Maxw., K.C.I.E. 805 Pet. Melr., K.C.B. 782 Rt.. G. Gren. 724 ; G. St. Vin. 725; G. Tob. 723; gen. (A) 858; (B)865 sir Rt., Ld. Sess. 517 Wm.. Ld. Sess. 518 Melville, Ids., vise, and E. of, see a!so Leven and Melville Melville Family. — Geo., 4th Id., aft. Ist E. of, H.C.P. Sc. 508; L.P.S. 501 ; Pres. P.C. Sc. 500 ; Sec. St. Sc 502 Dundas Family. Hy., Ist vise. form. H. Dundas, q.v., L. Admy. 180 P.C. 203, 208 ; Pres. B.C. 252 Rt. S., 2nd vise, K.T. 748 ; L. Admy. 181-2; L.P.S. Sc. 501; Pres. B.C. 253 Hy., 3rd vise, G.C.B. 770; gen. (D) 884 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944- Melwer, Conrad, M.M. 216 Memmius, C, C. Ro. 46 Mendip, Welbore, 1st Id., form. AVclbore Ellis, q.v. Mends, Cioo. Clarke, adm. (K) 850 Wru. Bower, adm. (D) 838; (QI840 WiH. Kt. and sir W., adm. (P) 839; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 780 aSenendez, F., Pres. S. Salr. 106 M.,Pres. Pu. 109 Mensdorf, Ch., G.C.B. 769 Ct. Alexr., K.C.B. 782 Menteith, £. of, see also Mon- teith Wni., E. of, L.J. Gen. (1628) 522 ; Ld. Sess. 517 Mento, C. -J., C. Ro. 39 Menzies, Archd., C. Cus. Sc. 404 Ch., gen. (D 883; K.C B. 779; K.H. 790 Th., Compt. Sc. 498 Wm. Coll., gen. (Di 909 Meones, Nichs., J.K.B. Ir. 578 Mepeham, Sun., abp. Cant. 430 Mepham, Rd., dn. Line. 448 Merbury lor Marbury), Lanr., D. Chanc. Ix. 575 ; L. Treas. Ir. 558 Mercer, Alexr., gen. (A) 860 Alexr. C, gen. (D) 885 Ch. McW., gen. (D) 920 Dougl., gen. (D) 880 Bt., gen. (D)869 Saml., adm. (H) 850 Wm. T., G. H. Kong, 673 Mercier, "\Vm., bp. Cnr. 604 Merdyth, see Meredith Mere, see Delaniere Meredith, Meredyth, and Meridyth; see also Mere- dydd (ab Owain), Pr. Wis. 17 (ap Oweni, Pr. Wis. 16 (ap 0\veu),Pr. Wis. 17 Ch., dn. Ardf. 640 sir Ch., Ch. Ex. Ir. 562 sir Hy., Ch. Ex. Ir. 562 sir Hy., J. Adniy. Ct. Ir. 587 Jas., gen. (A) 862 Rd., bp. LUn. 622 ; dn. St. Patr. 618 Rd., dn. Wlls. 429 sir Rt., Comm. Ir. 554 Rog., M. Chy. 396 Th., gen. (B) 864 sir Wnr, L. Admy. 179 sir Wm., P.C". 203; Corapt. H. 292 Meredith, Ids. - — \\ 111., Id., form. Id. Somer- ville, ly.r. Meredydd, see also Meredith Pr. Wis. 17 (ab Bleddyn), Pr. Wis. 17 (ab Owain) (2), Pr. Wis. 16, 17 (ap. Owain), Pr. Wis. 16 Merefield, Jno., S.L. 410 Merelay, Kog. de, J. It. 367 Merenda, T. A., Dec. Bo. 38 S. C, C. Ro. 42 Meres, Rot.', de. J.C.P. 378; J. It. ;!();i ; S.L. 407 Mereschall, see Marescall Merewell, Hy. de, bp. Winch. INDEX OF NAMES. Merewether, Ch. Geo., Q.C. 419 Hy. Alw., Q.C. 417 ; S.L. 413 Jno., dn. Her. 442 Wm. Lock, and sir W., K.C.S.I. 803; M.C.I. 647 Merewith, bp. Wells, 427 Mer^n, see Mervyn Merick, see Merrick Merington, Wm. de, A.G. Meriuo, F. A. de, Pres. Dom. Rep. 105 Meriton, Geo., dn. Pboro. 4.58: dn. York, 487 Merivale, Ch., dn. Ely, 435 Herm., U.S.C. 235; U.S. Ind. 236; U.S. W. and C. 232 Merkes, Th., bp. Carl. 475 Merlin, Ed., Ptc. P.A. 337 Merovseus, K. Fr. 22 Merrick and Merick, see aUu Meyrick Jno., bp. S. and M. 483 Rowl., bp. Bgr. 426 Wm., gen. (C) 871 sir Wm., J. Pr. Ct. 421 Merriman, Ch. Jas., gen. (D) 924 Jno., bp. Down and Cnr. 604 N. J., bp. Gr. Tn. 680 Merry, Anth., .\mb. Dk. 127 ; Aiiib. Fr. 112 : Amb. Sw. 126 ; Amb. U.S.A. 132 Wm., Dep. Sec. at W. 234 Mershton, see Merston Merston, see also Marston Hy., B. Ex. 383 lor Mershton), Wm. de, A.G. 398 Mertins (or Martyns), sir Geo., L.M. Loud. 491 Merton, Jno. de, M. Chy. 393 ( or Myrton), Th. de, L.H.T. Sc. 496 Walt, de, bp. Roch. 459; Jy. 365 ; Ld. Chanc. 3.53 ; L.K. 353 Wm. de, dn. Wells, 428 Merula, L. C, C.Ro. 43, 45 Mervin, Mervyn, and Merfjm K. Wis. 16 Pr. Wis. 17 sir Audi., S.L. Ir. 591 Edm. or Edw., J.K.B. 372 ; S.L. 408 Merwe, Walt., M.M. 246 Messala, M. V., C. Ro. 43-4 P. v., C. Ro. 47 Messenden, Rog. de, J.C.P. 377 ; Jy. 365 MessinV, Rd., bp. Drom. 604 Messiter, Kd.. tren. iDi^O Messutaz-ud-Dowlah, &c., Pr. Miu. of Kotah, K.C.S.I. 803 Mesurier, Augs. Le, CLE. 808 Jno. Le, gen. (B) 870 Jno. Le, gen. (D) 932 Paul Le, l^.M. Lond. 492 Wm. Abrm. Lc, gen. (D) 896 MetaUanus, K. Sc. 18 Metcalfe, C. T., see Id. M., in/ra Th., C.D.L. 242 Wm. Jaa., C.C.J. 405 ; Q.C. 419 Metcalfe, Ids. sir Ch. Theoph ,aft. Id. M., G.C.B. 772 ; G. Can. 692 ; G.G. Ind. 649; G. Jam. 713; P.C. 213 Metellus, C.C, C. Bo. 45 L. C, C. Ro. 42, 44, 45, 46 ; Dt. Ro. 43 M. C, C. Bo. 45 P.C, C.Ro. 45 Q. C, C Ro. 44-5-6 ; Dt. Ro. 43 Metford, see Mitford Metge, I'tt., B. Ex. Ir. 584; S.L. Ir. .V..2 Metham, Th., K.B. 759 Methuen, Methven, and Methwen •- Jno., B.T. 263 * Jno., Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576 • Jno., M. Chy. 396 • Boss, same pers. » Jno., Sec. St. Sc. 501 * sir Jno. Ld. Clk. Keg. 525 * Prob. same pers. Paul and sir P., Compt. H. 292 ; K.B. 764 ; Ld. Admy. 177 ; L.T. 156 ; P.C. 196 ; S. St. 224; Tr. H.291 Methwold, Wm. and sir W., C.B. Ex. Ir. 583 ; L.K. Ir. 576 ; S.L. 409 Metingham, Jno. de, C.J.C.P. 375; J.K.B. 371; S.L. 406 Meuricus, see Mauritius Meuron, Count C. D. de, gen. iB)866 Count Pierre F. de, gen. (B)866 Mew or Mews, Pet., bp. B. and W. 428 ; bp. Which. 471 ; dn. Roch. 461 Mexborougrh, Jno., E. of, form. Jno. Savile and Id. PoUington, q.v. Mey, Jno., abp. Arm. 595; L.D. Ir. 552 Jno., bp. Carl. 475 Meyden, Adr. Van der, G. Ceyl. 672 Meyler (or Meales), Wm., dn. Cloum. 600 Meynell, Edg. J., C.C.J. 405 Hy., atoi. (D) 829 ; (Q) 840 Rt., S.L. 408 Meyners, Rt. de, L.G.C Sc. 506 Meyrick, see also Merrick Augs. Wm. Hy., gen. (D) 918 Geo., gen. (B) 867 sir Saml. R., K.H. 790 Th., gen. (A) 861 Meywar, Bah. of, G.C.S.I. 801 Miagh, .lee Meagh Micallef, .\nt. and sir A., G.C.M.G.795; K.C.M.G. 796 ♦Michael, bp. Clr. 596 • bp. Gall, 538 * bp. Isl. 539 • (of Exeter), bp. Oss. 630 • bp. S. and M. 483 ♦ Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. Emp. Tzde. 98 I. and II., Pr. Tva. 60 I. to III., Pr. Sva. 95 I. to III.. R. Russ. 89 I. to VIII.. Emp. E.E. 50-1 Fedorowitz, U. Russ. 90 Koributh-Wiesuowiski, K. Pld. 91 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. Michael — cont. Jas., gen. (D)929 Wm. Hy., Q.C. 419 Michel and Michell, see also MitcheU Ch. Ed„ gen. (D) 895 Geo., gen. (A) 861 Jno.. gen. (A) 862 Jno. and sir J., Conim. F. Ir. 564; F. M. 856; G.C.B. 770; gen. (D) 893; K.C.B. 778 Ch. Cornw., K.H. 791 Fc. Th., adm. (D) 831; K.C.B. 779 Hy., A.G. Ir. 588; C.B. Ex. Ir. 582 ; C. J.C.P. Ir. 580 Jno., K.C.B. 779 Jno „L.M. Lond. 490 Jno., M. Chy. 395 — - Jno. Ed., gen. (D) 922 Michelsou, Borgard, gen. (C) 871 Michie, Archd., K.C.M.G. 797 Jno., Chn. E.I. Co. 644 Micklejohn, see Meiklejohn Micklem, Ed., gen. (D) 934 Mickleth-waite, Th., L.G.O. 259; L.T. 1.56 Middlemore, Geo., G. Gren. 724; G. St. Hel. 682; gen. (B) 869 Middlesex. E. of, see also Dorset and M. Lion., E. of, form. Id. Cranfleld, q.v. Ch., E. of, aft. 2nd D. of Dorset, q.v., L.T. 157 Middleton, Midletou, and Myddleton Ad.de, J. It. 369 Ch., gen. (D)883 Ch. and sir|C., aft. 1st Id. Barham, q.v., adm. (A) 815; Compt. 257 ; L. Admy. 180 Chr., J. Adm. Ct. 422 Fk. Dobs, and sir F., gen. (D)928; K.C.M.G. 798 sir Geo. Nat. Br., adm. (G) 843 Jno. de, dn. Her. 442 Jno. de, S.L. 407 Marm., bp. St. Dav. 464 ; bp. Wlord. and L. 627 Pet. de, J. It.3G9 Rd., L.L. Denb. 314 Rd. de, J.C.P. 377; Jy. 365; L.K. and Ld. Chanc. 353 R. T. C, Amb. Vza. 135 Th. de, M. Chy. 394 sir Th., L.M. Lond. 491 Th. Fansh., bp. Calc. 653 Wm. de, B. Ex. 382 Wm. de, bp. Norw. 454 Middleton, E. of Middleton Family. Jno., 1st E. of, H.C.P. Sc. 507 ; Ld. Sess. 517 ; P.C. 190 Ch., 2nd E. of, Ld. Sess. 517; P.C. 192; S.St. 224; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Midletou, vise. Brodrick Family. Alan, 1st vise, form. Id. Brodrick, q.v., L.J. Ir. 556 Geo., 4th vise, L.L. Surr. 312 Wm. Jno., 7th vise, form. hon. W. J. Brodrick, q.v. Middylton, see Middleton Midleton, see Middleton Miecislas, I., D. Pld. 90; K. Pld. 90-1 INDEX OF NAMES. Miffhells, Jas., adm. (A) 813 ; Compt. N. 257 Miguel, K. Pgl. 89 Milan IV., K. Sva. 95 Eras. Sf., D. of, K.G. 736 MillJanke and Millbanke Jno., C. Cus. Ir. 565 Jno. Ralph, aft. sir J. E. Milbanke-Huskisson, q.v., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Bva. 119 ; Amb. G. St. 122 ; Amb. NdB., &c., 123; Amb. Russ. 126 Mark, adm. (A) 815; G. Newfd. 700 Milborue, sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 Milbourne, Rd., bp. Carl. 475; bp. St. Dav. 464; dn. Roch. 461 Mildmay, Benj., C. Exc. 279 sir Wm., Ch. Ex. 154 Miles, Ch. Wm., gen. (D) 912 Jno., gen. (D) 930 Josh., gen. (D) 916 Wm., gen. (D) 888 Miletus, see MeUitus Milford, Sussex Ch., gen. (D) 918 Milford, Ids. 1st Creation. Bd., 1st Id., form, sir E. PhiUipps, q.v., L.L. Pemb. 316 2)1(2 Creation. Rd. B., 1st Id., form. E. B. PhiUipps, q.v. Millar, see also MUler Arth., bp. Edinb. 542 ; Pr. Bp. Sc. 540 Fk. Ch. Jas., Q.C. 419 J., gen. (C) 874 Jno., Jy. Sc. 523 ; Ld. Sess. 521 ; S.G. Sc. 527 Jno. Cr., gen. (D) 918 Wm., gen. (B) 869 Millars, Wm. de. Const. W. Cast. 322 Millbanke, see Milbanke Miller, see also Millar , K.G. 414 Alexr. Ed. and sir A., Q.C. 419 Coombe, dn. Chich. 434 Dav., adm. (H.) 852 Ed., S.L. 411 Ed. Ev., gen. (D) 916 Geo. Murr., gen. (D) 925 ■ Hy., gen. (D) 927 Hy. Matth., adm. (H) 853 Jas., gen. (D) 931 Jno., gen. (C) 874 Jno., K.C. 416 sir Jno., Chambn. Ex. 166 Rt., C.C.J. 404; S.L. 413 Stearne B., J. Bank. Ir.587 Th., adm. (E) 836, (F) 839 Th., E. Dr. P.A. 3;37 Th. and sir T., L.J. Clk. 516 ; L.P. Ct. Sess. 516 ; Ld. Adv. 526 ; Ld. Sess. 529 Wm., CLE. 807 Wm., K.H. 792 Wm., see MiUar sir Wm., Ld. Sess. 520 Wm. Hy., gen. (D) 896 Milles, see also Mills Jer., dn. Exr. 438 Th., bp. Wford. and L. 627 Th., gen. (D) 914 Th., K.C. 415 Millig'an, Wm., Modr. K. Sc. 547 1087 Milling, Th., bp. Her. 441 Millingrton, Eras., C. Cus. 273 Jno., S.L. 410 Mills, see also Milles Ch., Chn. E.I. Co. 645 Ch., M.C.I. 646 Ch., K.C.M.G. 798 Ch. Jas. Conw., gen. (D) 905 Hy., gen. (D) 914 Hy., Q.C. 418 Rt. Wm., gen. (D) 882 Milman, Egerton Ch. Wm. Miles, gen. (D) 897 sir Fras., Pres. Coll. Ph. Fras. Miles, gen. (D) 880 Geo. Br., gen. (D) 909 Gustavns Ham. L., gen. (D) 914 Hy. Hart, dn. St. P. 453 Et., bp. Calc. 653 Milne, see also Mylne * Alexr., C.W.F. ) 925 Naunag^ar, Vibhajee of, K.C.S.I. 803 Naunton, sir R., S. St. 223 Nawazish Ali Kahn, CLE. 807; K.C.I.E. 805 Nayler, Geo. and sir G., Bl. CH. 339; Bl. M. P.A. 337; Clar. K.A. 328; Gart. K.A. 3-28; Geneal. Bath. 784; Guelph K.A. 793; K.H. 789; M.G.K.A. 799 ; Yk. H. :«4 Naylor, Ch., dn. Winch. 471 Rt., dn. Lim. 639 ; dn. Lism. 629 Naz, Virg., K.C.M.G. 797 Nead, Saml., gen. )B) 868 Neal and Neale, see also Neele and Neile. Ed. St. Jno., Amb. Ecr. 942 Rd., see Neile Th., M.M. 247 Nearne, Jno., dn.Llin. 623 Neave, Wm., S.L. Lr. 591 Neaves, Ch., Jy. Sc. 523; Ld. Sess. .521 ; S.G. Sc. 527 Nectanus, bp. Mortl. 530 Nedham, Ch., gen. iD) 930 Wm. Rt., gen. (D) 900 Need, Ch., gen. (D)913 Hy., adm. (H) 850 Needham, hon. Eras., aft. vise, and E. Ivilmorey, gen. (A) 860 Jno., J.C.P. 378 ; J.K.B. 371; K.B. 757; S.L. 407 Wm., gen. (C) 874 Neele, Rd. and sir R., J.C.P., 378; J.K.B. 371; S.L. 407 Negreti, Dt. Mex. 103 Negrus, Eras., M.H., :302 Nehemiah, bp. Cnr. 603; bp. KUd. 616 dn. KiUoe. 637 Neild, Hy. Jno. Th., gen. (D) 915 Neile, see also Neal and Neyle Jno., dn. Rip. 482 (or Neale, or Neyle) Rd., abp. Yk. 486 ; bp. Dham. 479; bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 ; bp. Line. 447 ; bp. Roch. 460; bp. Winch. 471 ; dn. Westr. 469 sir Harry Burr., adm. (A) 818; G.CB. 768; G.CM.G. 794 ; K.C.B. 774 ; L. Admy. 180-1 Nelson, Alex. .A.berc.,G. Gsey. 669 ; gen. (D) 921 Geo., L.M. Lond. 492 Hor., see Id. N. infra Hugh, G. Br. Cbia. 698 Hon. Maur. Hor., adm. (H) 852 Rd. Jno., gen. (D) 899 Rd. Th., gen. (A) 862 Nelson, Ids. and vise. — — sir Hor., aft. Id. and vise. Nelson and D.of Bronte, adm. (A) 816; K.B. 766 Nelthorpe, Wm., C Cus. Sc. 504 Nembhard, Wm., gen. (D) 915 Nemours, .Jul. dc Medicis, D. of, K.G. 737 I Nepean, Evan adm. (K) 818 List of Abbreviatio7is, see pp. 944-952, Nepean — cont. Evan and sir E., C. Treas, It. 561 ; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563 ; G Bbay. 659 ; L. Adniy. 180-81 li.P.S. 241; P.O. 207; Sec Adm. 186; U.S. Home, 228; U.S.W. 231 Nichs., gen. (B) 867 Th., gen. (C) 873 W., gen. (D) 893 Nepos, J., Emp. W.E. 49 Q. C. M., C. Eo. 45 ITeresford, sir Rt. de, W.C.P. 317 NergTi, bp. St. Dav. 464 Nero, C. C, C. Bo. 43 T. C, C. Ko. 43; Emp. Ro. 47 Nerva, Emp. Eo. 47 M. C, C. Eo. 46 Nesbit and Nesbitt, see Nisbet ITesham, Chr. Jno. W., adm. (DI823; (G)840 STessan (St.), bp. Cork 630 Nessefield, Wm. de, A.G. 398 Nethercoat, Wm., dn. Kil- macd. 638 Nettervill, Luke, abp. Arm. 595 ; J.K.B. Ir. 578 Neubourg', Aug. Guelph, K.A. 793 ITeve, Pet. Le, Xorr. K.A. 329 ; E. Cr. P.A. 335; Eichm. H. 333 Ph., S.L. 411 Wm. Le and Sir W., Clar. K.A. 328; Mowb.H.340; Norr. K.A. 329 ; Yk. H. 334 Nevell, see Nevill ITevil, Nevill, Neville, and Nevyll Alan de (No. 1), Jy. 363 Alan de {No. 2), J. It. 365 Alexr., abp. 485 — -Ch., gen. (B)868 Chr., K.B. 763 Clem., gen. (B) 864 Sir Ed., B. Ex. 384 ; J.C.P. 379; S.L. 410 hon Ed., adm. (A) 813 Geoffr. de, J. It. 368 Geo., abp. Yk. 486 ; bp. Exr. 436 ; Ld. Chanc. 355 Geo., see Wm., infra Hugh de, K.B. 754 Jno. de, K.B. 754 Jno., K.B. 755 Jno., K.B. 756 JoU.de. J.C.P. 376; J. It. 368 ; Jy. 364 Laur., bp. Ferns, C21 Phil, de, K.B. 754 Ralph de, abp. Cant. 430 ; bp. Chich. 432 ; dn. Lich. 445 ; J. It. 367 ; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 ; L.K. and Ld. Chanc. 353 Ralph de. Const. T.L. 320 Ealph, L.T. 161 Ralph, Q.C. 420 Ralph, see Id. N. infra Rd., C. Ace. Ir. 567 Rd., CLE. 808 Rd.,aft. E. of Warwick and Salisbm-y, a-v., K.G. 736 Ld. 1471) Rt., bp. Dham. 478; bp. Sal. 467 Rt. de (No. 1), Jy. 364 Rt. (No. 2), J. It. 368 Saml. Tarr., bp. Duned. 710 INDEX OF NAMES. Nevil, Nevill, Neville, and NevyU — co7it. (orNeveU), Th., dn. Cant. 431 ; dn. Pboro. 458 (or Nevylle), Th., dn. Ferns, 623 Th., K.B. 756 Th., K.B. 760 Th., K.B. 762 Sir Th., Sp. H.C. 249 Wm., adm. (H) 848 Wm. or Geo., K.B. 758 Wm., aft. Id. Fauconberg, q.v., K.B. 7.56 Sir Wm. de, L.H.A. 172 Neville of Kaby, Ids. .Jno., 3rd Id. K.G. 733; L.H.A. 172 Ralph, Id., aft. 3rd E. of Westmorland, q.v. Nevoy, Sir Dav., Id. Sess. 519 Newall, Dav. Jno. F., gen. (D)920 Newark (or Newerke), Hy. de, abp. Yk. 485 ; dn. Yk. 486 Nevvbald, see also Nymbol- they. (or Newbold), Geoff, de, J.C.P. 377 ; J. It. 368 Newtoery, Fras., gen. (B) 869 Newblanch, Ph. Chab., E of, K.G. 737 Newbold, see Newbald Newbolt, Ed. Dorr., gen. (D) 934 Sir Jno. H., C.J. Mdras. 6.58 Newborougli and New- burgh Rog., K.B. 759 Newborough, Ids. Wyiiii Family. Th., 1st Id. ; form. Th. Wynne, q.v. Newburgh, Ids. Barret Family. Ed., Id. Barret of, C.D.L. 242; Ch. Ex. 154 Newcastle, E., M., and D. of Cavendish Family. (See also Cavendish.) Wm., 1st E., M., and D. of, form. \v. Mansfield, vise. Mansfield, q.v., K.G. 740; '■ Hy., 2nd D. of, form. E. of Ogle, q.v.; K.G. 740; P.C. 192 Holies Family. Jno., D. of, form. E. of Clare, q.v., P.C. 195 ; K.G. 741 ; L.P.S. 240 Holies, Pelham, and Clinton Families. Thos., 1st D. of, form T. PeUiam, Id. P. and E.of Clare, q.v. (d. 1768), K.G. 741 ; L.C.H. 295; L.L. Mdx. 310; L.L. Notts. 311 ; L.P.S. 241 ; L.T. 157 ; P.C. 197 ; Prem. 142 ; S. St. 224 Hy., 2nd D. of, from E. of Lincoln, q.v. ; L.L. Notts, 311 ; P.C. 202 Th., 3rd D. of, form. E. of Lincoln, q.v.; L.L. Notts, 311 Hy., 4th D. of, K.G. 743 ; L.L. Notts, 311 Hy., 5th D. of, form. 2nd E. of Lincoln, q.v., C. Sec. 235; K.G. 744; L.L. Notts, 311 ; L. W.S. 323 ; W. Sec. 232 ; W. and C. Sec. 231 1095 Newcombe, Benj., dn. Roch. 461 Danl., dn. GIr. 440 Jno., dn. Roch. 461 Ed., bp. Llfif. 449; bp. St. As. 462 Wm., abp. Arm. 596 ; bp. Drom. 605; bp. Oss. 620; bp. Wford. and L. 627 Newdigate, C. N., P.C. 220 Ed. Newd., G. Brada. 701 ; gen. (D) 917 Hy. Rd. Legge, gen. (D) 931 Jno., S.L., 408 Rd. and sir R., C.J.K.B. 370 ; J.K.B. 372 ; S.L. 409, 410 Newell, Jul. Jas. Fami., adm. (G) 842 Newerk, see Newark Newhaven, Ch. Vise, C.Cus. 273 Newland, Hy., dn. Ferns, 623 Newman, Hor. Towns., dn. Cork, 6.i2 Th., M. Chy. .394 Walter, gen. (D) 9.32 Newmarch, OUv., gen. (D) 934 Newmarket, Ad. de, J. It. 367 Newnham, Geo. Lew., K.C. 415 Nath., L.M. Lond. 492 Th. de, M. Chy. 393 Wm. de, M. Chy. 393 Newport, And., C. Cus. 273 Jno., S. L. 408 sir Jno., C.G.Ex. 169 ; C. Treas. Ir. 561 ; Ch. Ex.Ir.562: P.C. 208 Pat. de, dn. St. P. 452 Rd. de, bp. Loud. 451 ; dn. St. P. 453 Hon. Th., aft. Id. Torring- ton, q.v. , C. Cus. 274; L.T. 156 Wm., K.B. 756 Newport, E. of Blount Family. Montj., 1st E. of, form. Id. Montjoy, q.v., M.G.O. 258 Newport Family. Fras., 2nd Id., aft. Ist vise. N. and E. of Bradford, q.v., Compt. 292; P.C. 190; P.C. 193 ; Tr. H. 291 O. G. C, vise, aft. 3rd E. of Bradford, q.v., P.C. 215: V.C.H. 297 Jocelyn Family. Rt., 1st Id., form. Rt. Jocelyn, q.v., aft. 1st vise. J., q.v., L.J. Ir. 557 Newry, Jno., dn. Chich. 434 Newton, Ad., cbi. Dham. 479 Ch., Regr. Bath, 784 • Ch. Th., K.C.B. 784 Ed., G. Jam, 713 ; G. Mtius. 684 ; K.C.M.G. 798 Fras., dn. Winch. 471 Hy. and sir H., Adm. Adv. 423 ; Ch. Lond. 422 ; J.Adm.Ct. 423 ; M. Chy. 396 Horace Park, gen. (D) 922 Isaac and sir I., M.M. 247 ; Pres. E. Soc. 940 Jno., gen. (C) 871 Michl. and sir M., K.B. 764 Ed., C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 Th., bp. Brl. 439; dn. St.P. 453 Th., gen. (D) 879 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-9 1096 Newton — cont. Will. Hy., K.H. 791 \\m. Sainl. and sir W., gen. (D) 897 Hewtown, Brinsley, Id., aft. 2nd E. of Lanesboro", C. Cus. Ir. 565 ; C. Exc. Ir. 566 Ney, Off. Nap. 26 ZTeylan or Neyland, Danl., bp. Kild. 617 ; dn. Elph. 609 ; dn. Oss. 623 XTeyle, see also Neile Gilb. Nev., C. St. 284 WlaU, K. Ir. 21 Caillie, K. Ir. 21 Freasach, K. Ir. 21 Glundubh, K. Ir. 22 ITias, Jos. and sir J., adm. (D) 831; (P.) 8:38; K.C.B. 779 Niccolo, see Nicholas Nicephorus, I. to III., Enip. E.E. 50 Ificliol, sec Nicholl Niclioias, Nicolas, and Ki- colaus * (3), bp. Ardf . and Agh. 639 * hp. Cness. 531 * bp. Down, 603 * bp. Elph. 608 * bp. Emly. 625 * bp. Isl. 539 * bp. Kilmacd. 636 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 ; Ld. Clk. Eeg. 524; Sec. St. Sc. 501 D. Lne. 29 I.. E. Buss. 90 ; K.G. 743 I., K. Dk. 93 I., Pr. Mgo. 95 (or Niccolo), I. to III., M. Fa. 53 I. to v., P. Ro. 33-4-5 Ambr., L.M. Lond. 490 Ed., L.P.S. 240 ; Paym. G. 244 sir Ed., Ij.T. 155; P.O. 189; S. St. 223 Eras., D. Lne. 30 Jno., K.B. 763 Jno. Toup, adm. (D) 829 ; K.H. 790 Matth., dn. Brl. 440 ; dn. St. P. 453 sir Nich. Harr., Chanc. M.G. 799 ; G.C.M.G. 794 ; K.C.M.G. 796; K.H. 790; M.G. K.A. 799 Kt., B. Ex. 384; J.K.B. 372; S.L. 409 Rt., C. Exc. 281 Nicholl, Nichol, NicoU, and Nicol G. Tob. 723 Ch., gen. (B)870 Ch. Gunt, K.B. 764 Eras., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Hy., gen. (D) 916 Jno. and sir J. (No. 1), B.T. 268; D. Arch. 421; J. Adm. Ct. J23; J. Pr. Ct. 421 ; Jud. Com. P.O. 360 ; K. Adv. 422; P.O. 208; Vic. Gen. 422 Jno. and sir J. (No. 2), B.T. 268; J.A.G. 937; L.T. 160; P.C. 214 Th.,gen. (D) 928 Nichols, NichoUs, Nicols and NicoUs Aug. and sir A., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 409 INDEX OF NAMES. Nichols, Nicholls, Nicols, and , Niven, Knox Rowan gen. (D) Nicolls — co)tt. Bened., bp. Bgr. 426 ; bp. St. Dav. 464 Ed., gen. (D) 882; K.C.B. 778 Geo., gen. (D) 890 Geo., K.C.B., 782; P.L.C. 202; Sec. P.L.B. 262 Gust., gen. (A) 863 Hy. and sir H., Adm (A) 818; Compt. N. 257; K.C.B. 775 Jas. Edm. Tarr., gen. (D) 907 Jasp. and sir J., C.C. Ind. 651 ; C.C. Mdras. 657; gen. (B) 869 ; K.C.B. 775 Oliv. C.C. Bbay. 660; gen. (A) 800 Win., C.C.J. 404 AVm., dn. Chest. 477 Nicholson and Nicolson Arth., K.C.I.E. 805 sir Fk. Wm. Ersk., adm. (D)833; (E)834; (P) 838 sir Geo., Ld. Sess. 519 Hy. Fk., adm. (E) 837 Jas., bp. Dkld. 533 Loth., G. Jsey. 668; gen. (D)917; K.C.B. 782 sir Th. Ld. Adv. 526 Th. Wm., K.H. 791 Wm., abp. Cash, and Eml. 626; abp. Carl. 476 ; bp. Dry. 601 Wm., bp. Glr. 438 sir Wm., gen (C) 874 Nicholyn, Lotto, M.M. 240 Nickle, Bt. and sir R., gen. (D)883; K.H. 790 Nicol, see Nicholl Nicolas, see Nicholas Nicolaus, see Nicholas Nicolay, Wm. and sir W., G. Dnca. 730; G. Mtius. 683; G.St. Xtr. &c. 727; gen. (B) 869; K.C.H. 788 Nicoll, set Nicholl Nicolls, see Nichols Nicols, see Nichols Nicolson, see Nicholson Niddry, Jno., 1st Id., form. hou. J. Hope, q.v., G.C.B. 767 Nieper, G. H., V. Chanc. Guelph, 792 Niel, Genl., K.C.B. 778 Ni^el or Nig'ellus, bp. Ely, 434 ; dn. Line. 447 ; Jy. 363 ; L.H.T. 152 Niger, M. V. M., C. Eo. 46 P., Emp. Ro. 47 Rog., bp. Lond. 451 Nightingale or Nightin- gall Miles and sir M., C.C. Bbay. 660; gen. (B) 867; K.C.H. 773 Nikke or Nikks, Kd., sec Nix Nilson, Laur., C.C. Bbay. 659 Ninian (St.) (3), bp. Gall. 538 Nisbet, Nesbit, and Nes- toitt Alexr., gen. (B) 869 Colebr., gen. (C) 872 Jno., gen. (D)913 sir Jno., Ld. Adv. 526; Ld. Sess. 519 Jos., gen. (D)880 Patr., Ld. Sess. 519 Rt. Parry, CLE. 807 NlBon, Eras, and sir F., Dep. Sec. at W. 234 927 Nix (or Nikks) Rd., bp. Norw. 455; L.K. 355 ; Regr. Gart. 746 Nixon, Fras. Russ., bp. Tasm. 708 J. Lyons, G. Nev. 729 ; G. St. Xtr. 729; G. Virg. Isl. 731 Nizamuddiu, &c., CLE. 808 Nobilior, M. F., C Ro. 43-4 Q. F.. C Ro. 44 S. F. P., C Ro. 42 Nobis, bp. Llff. 448 Ncble, Jas., adm. (D) 823 — — Jno., dn. Exr. 437 - — Wm. Hall, gen. (D) 930 Noboa, D., Pres. Ecr. 108 Noctna, Q. C, C. Ro. 41 Noel, hon. Bennet, gen. (B) 865 hon. Gerard J., C.W.P.B. 272; L.T. 161; P.C. 219 Rown., dn. Sal. 468 hon. Wm., C.J. Chest., 386 ; J.C.P. 379; K.C. 415; S.L. 412 Noell, see also Nowell Ed., C Exc. 279 Nolan, Michl., K.C. 416; J. Chest. 387 Nolloth, Matth. S., adm. (H) 850 Nomenoe, D. Bry. 27 Nonis, abp. St. Dav. 463 Nood, Piet. Gysb., G. C.G.H. 678 Norcliffe, Norc, gen. (D) 890; K.H. 791 Norcott, sir Amos Gods. Rt., gen. (C) 875; K.C.H. 788 Edm., G. Gamb. 686 Wm. Sh. R., G. Jsey. 668; gen. (D) 903; K.C.B. 780 Norfolk, E. and D. of. Refer also to Arundel, Howard, Maltravers and Mowbray Bigod Family. (See also Bigod) Rog. Big., 2nd E. of, Jy. Rog., 4th E. of, J. It. 367; L.M. 325 Rog., 5th E. of, L.M. 395 Plantagenet Family. Th. iDe Brotherton), 1st E. of, L.M. 325 Margt., Ctss., aft. Dss. of, L.M. 3-25 Moiubray Family Th., D. of, form. E. of Nottm., q.v. (d. 1399) • Jno., D. of, form. Jno. Mowbray, and E. of Nottm., q.v. (d. 1432) Jno., D. of, form. E. of Nottm., q.v. (d. 1461), E.M. 326; K.G. 735 Jno., D. of (d. 1472), K.G. 736 Plantagenet Family. Rd., D. of, also D. of York, q.v. (d. 1483) Howard Family. Jno., 1st D. of, form. Id. Howard, ^.r., L.H.A. 174 Th., 2nd D. of, form. Id. Howard and E. of Surrey, q.v., L.H.A. 174 Th., 3rd D. of, E.M. 326; L.K. 355 Th., 4th D. of, E.M. 326; K.G. 738 For List of Abbreviations, see px>. 944-952. Norfolk, E. and D. of—co7it. Th., 1st E. of, form. E. of Arundel, c/.v. (d. 1646) Hy., 7th D. of, form. E. of Arundel, q.v., E.M. 326 ; K.G. 740 ; P.O. 193 Th., 8th D. of, E.M. 326 - — Ed., 9th D. of, E.M. 326 Ch., 10th D. of, E.M. 326 Ch., 11th D. of, form. E. of Surrey, q.v., E.M. 326; L.L. Suss. 312 Bern. Ed., 12th D. of, E.M. 326 ; K.G. 743 ; P.O. 211 Hy. Ch., 13th D. of, form. E. of Surrey and Id. Mal- travers, c^.d., E.M. 326; K.G. 744; L.S.H. 290; M.H. 302 Hy. Gr., 14th D. of, E.M. Hy., 15th D. of, E.M. 326; K.G. 745 Korg-ate, Ed., Bl. M.P.A. 336; Winds. H. 331 Norman, Eras. Booth, K.C.B. 781 Hy. Radf., gen. (D) 909 Hy. Wyl. and sir H., G.C.B. 771; G.C.M.G. 795; G. Jam. 713; G. Qland. 706; gen. (D) 908 ; K.C.B. 780 ; M.C.I. 647 Jno., L.M. Lond. 488 Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 Lion., C. Cus. Sc. 503 ITormanby, vise. M. and D. of Sheffield Family. Jno., 1st M. of, fonn. 3rd E. of Mulgrave, q.v., aft. 1st D. of N., and D. of Bucks, q.v., L.P.S. 240; P.C. 194-5 Pliipps Faviily. Hy., 1st vise, form. Id. and aft. E. of Mtdgrave, q.v. Const. Hy., 2nd vise., aft. 1st M. of, form. E. of Mul- grave, &c., q.v., Amb. Fr. 113 ; Amb. Tusc. 115; G.C.B. 772; H. Sec. 227; K.G. 744; W.and C. Sec. 231 Geo. Augs. Const., 2nd M. of, form. E. of Mulgrave, q.v., C.G.A. 300; G.C.B. 775 ; G.C.M.G. 795; G.N.Z. 709;G. Qland. 706; G. Vict. 705; K.C.M.G. 797 Normandy, Hy., D. of, Ch. Jr. (1153) 362 Normannus, see Normanus Normanton, Wm., M. Chy. 394 Normanton, E. of Ch., 1st E. of, form. Chas. Agar, and Id. and vise. Somerton, q.v. Normanuus and Nor- manus, see also Cantilupe (or De CantUupe), Simon, L.K. 353 Ulf., bp. Dorch. and Sidr. 44G Normanville, Th. de, J. It. 368 Norreis, see Norreys Norreys, see also Norris (or Norreis), Pet., dn. St. Pat. 618 Kt., Ch. Ex. Ir. 561 Norrie, Kt., bp. Glasg. 543 Norris, sec also Norreys Hy., adm. (A) 814 sir Jno., adm. (A 813; L. Admy. 177 ; P.C. 198 For INDEX OF NAMES, Norris— co?(i. Jno. Pr., Q.C. 419 sir Th., L.J. Ir. 554 Wm., K.B. 761 Wm., Mast, and Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 Norris, Ids. Eras., 2nd Id., aft. 1st E. of Berkshire, q.v., K.B. (1605) 761 North, Br., bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 ; bp. Winch. 471 ; bp. Wore. 473 ; dn. Cant. 431 Ch. Fk., gen. (D) 899 Dudley, see Id. N., infra sir Dudl., L.T. 155 Ford and sir F., J.Q.B.D. 374; Just. Ch. D. 391; Q.C. 419 Fras. and sir F., aft. 1st Id. Guildford, q.v., A.G. 399 ; C.J.C.P. 375; K.C.414; L.K. 357 ; P.C. 192 ; S.G. 401 ; S.L. 410 hon. Fk., aft. 7th E. of Guildford, q.v., G. Ceyl. 672 • ■ hon. Fk., see Id. N., infra hon. G., U.S.Home, 227 Jno., K.B. 762 Jno. Hy., J. Admy. Ct. Ir. 587 Jno. Sidney, P.C. 221 Rog., K.C. 414-5 Bog., see Id. N., infra North, Ids. Hog., 2nd Id., K.B. 761 ; Tr. 'Dudl., aft. 3rd Id. N., K.B. 762 ; L. Admy. 175 Wm., 6th Id., gen. (B) 864 ; P.C. 196 hon. Fk., c.c. Id. North, aft. 4th E. of GuUdford, q.v., Ch.Ex. 165 ; Chambn. Ex. 166 ; H. Sec. 226; K.G. 742; L.L. Soms. 311 ; L.T. 157-8 ; Paym. G. 245 ; P.C. 202 ; Prem. 143 ; W.C.P. 319 Northalis, Rd., abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616; bp. Oss. 620; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 Northall, Rt. de, bp. Wore. 472 Northampton, Adam de, bp. Ferns, 621 Hyde, J. It. 366. Jno. de, L.M. Lond. 489 Rd. de, bp. Ferns, 621 Northampton, E. and M. of. De Bohun Family. Wm., 1st E of, form. Sir W. de Bohun, q.v., K.G. 733 ; L.H.A. 172 Parr Family. Wm., M. of, form. Id. Parr of Kendal, and E. of Essex, q.v. ; C.G.P. 299 Howard Family. Hy., E. of, E.M. 326 ; K.G. 739 ; L.P.S. 240 ; L.T. 154 ; W.C.P. 319 Compton Family. Wm., 1st B of, form. Id. Compton, q.v., K.G. 739 Spencer, 2nd E. of, M.G.W. 296 Jas., :^rd E. of, Const. T.L. 321 ; P.C. 191 Geo., 4th E.of, Const. T.L. 321 ; P.C. 195 Geo., 4th or 6th E. of, form. hon. G. Compton, q.v. Ch., 7th E. of, amb. Vce. 116 List of Abbreviationi, see pp. 944-952. 1097 Northampton, E. and M. of— cont. Sp., 8th E. of, L.L. Nton. 310 — Ch., 9th E. aft. 1st M. of, L.L. Nton. 310 Spenc. Jos. Alw., 2nd M. of, Pres. R. Soc, 940 Wm., 4th M. of, form. Id. Wm. Compton, q.v., K.G. 745 Northatus, K. Sc. 17 Northbertus, bp. Elm. 454 Northhrook, Ids. and E. of Fras. T., 1st Id., form, sir F. T. Baring, q.v. Th. Geo., 2nd Id. aft. 1st E. of, form. hon. T. G. Baring, q.v.; amb. Eg. 130; G.C.S.I. 801 ; G. G. Ind. 649 ; L. Admy. 185-6; P.C. 218; Sec. Adm. 187 ; U.S. War. 232 Northtorugfh or North- burgh, Rog. de, bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 ; L.H.T. 153 bp. Northljurg', Michl. de, Lond. 451 Northbury, sir Jno., L.H.T. 153 Wm. de, J. It. 368 Northcote, hon. Hy. Staff., aft. Sir H., S.G.O. 260 ; U.S. War. 233 sir Staff. Hy., aft. 1st E. of Iddesleigh, (z.u., Ch. Ex. 166; G.C.B. 773; L.T. 162; P.C. 217 ; Pres. B.T. 269 ; Sec. Ind. 236 Walt. Staff., aft. vise. St. Cyres, and 2nd E. of Iddes- leigh, q.v., C.I.R. 286 Cec. Eras., lady, aft. Csa. of Iddesleigh, Cr. Ind. 810 Northcott,Chas.,dn.Kilmacd. 638 Northcote; B. of Dav., 4th E. of, L.H.T. Sc. 498 Geo., 6th E. of, adm. (A 814 Wm., 7th E. of, adm. (A) 817 ; G.C.B. 761 ; K.B. 766 Northey, sir Ed., A.G. 399 — Wm. B.T. 266 Northing~ton, E. of Rt., 1st E. of, form, sir Rt. and Id. Henley, q.v., L.L. Hants, 311 ; L.H.S. 287; L.P.C. 188 Rd., 2nd E. of, form. hon. R. Henley, q.v., K.T. 748; L.L. Tr. 557 ; P.C. 204 Northland, Geo., adm. 853 Northumberland, E. and D. of Walch. de Lovaine, E. of, bp. Dham. (1072) 478 Hy., E. of (d. 1152), Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Hugh Pudsey or Pusar, E. of (d. 1195), (see Pudsey) Percy Family. Hy., 1st E. of, form. Hy. Percy, q.v. (d. 1408) ; K. Man, 665 ; L.H.A. 173 Nevill Family. Jno., E. of, form. Id. aft. M. of Montague, q.v. Percy Family restored. Hy., 4th E. of (d. 1489), K.G. 736 Hy., 5th E. of, K.B. (1489), 758 ; K.G. 737 1098 Northumberland, E. and D. of —cont. Hy., 6th E. of, K.G. (1537), 737 Dudley Family. Jno., D. of, form. vise. Lisle and E. of Warwick, q.v. (d. 1553); E.M. 326; L.S.H. 290 Percy Family restored. Th., 7th E. of (d. 1572), K.G. 738 Hy., 9th E. of (d. 1632), K.G. 739; C.G.P. 299 Algn., 10th E. of Ul. 1668), E.M. 326 ; K.G. 739 ; L.H.A. 175; L.H. Const, 289; L.L. Dham. 308; P.O. 190 Fitzroy Family. Geo., D. of (d. 17161, Const. W. Cast. 322; gen. (B) 864; K.G. 740; L.L. Surr. 312; P.O. 196 Seymour Family. Algn., E. of, form. Id. Algn. Percy and E. of Hert- ford, q.v. (d. 1750) Smithson and Percy Families. Note.— These Dukes commence with 1st . according to Burke, and 2nd accorduig to Nicolas. Hugh, E., aft. lst-2nd D. of (d. 1786), K.G. 742 ; L.L. Ir. 557; L.L. Mdx. 310; L.L. Nbland. 310; M.H. 302; P.C. 201 Hugh, 2nd-3rd D. of {d. 1817) ; gen. (A) 858; K.G. 742 ; L.L. Nbland, 310 Hugh, 3rd-4th D. of {d. 1847), amb. Fr. 113 ; K.G. 743 ; L.L. Ir. 557; L.L. Nbland. 310 ; P.C. 210 Algn., 4th-5th D. of, form. Id. Prudhoe, q.v. [d. 1865); adm. (D) 829; (Q) 840; K.G. 744; Ld. Admy. 183; P.C. 215 Geo., 5th-6th D. of, foi-m. Id. Lovaine, and 2nd E. of Beverley, q.v. Algn. Geo., 6th-7th D. of, form. Id. Lovaine, q.v., K.G. 745 ; L.L. Nbland, 310 ; L.P.S. 241 ; Pres. R. Inst. 940 Northwell, Wm. de, B. Ex. :383 Nortliwold, Hugh, bp. Ely, 434 (or Northwood) Eog. de, B. Ex. 382; W.C.P. 317; Jy. 364 Northwood, see Northwold Norton, hon. Chappie, gen. (A) 859 sir Dudley, Ch. Ex. Ir. 562 ; Sec. St. Ir. 562 Fletcher and sir P., aft. 1st Id. Grantley, q.v., A.G. 899 ; K.C.415; P.C. 202; S.G.402; Sp. H.C. 250 hon. Fl., Bar. Ex. Sc. 024 Geo., K.B. 760 Greg, de, Rec Lond. 493 Jefif. de, Rec. Lond. 493 Jno. de, A.G. 398 Jno., K.B. 759 -Rd., C.J.C.P. 375; S.L. 40T Th., L.G. Ch. Hosp. 936 Wm., Amb. Swz. 113 INDEX OF NAMES. Norton, Ids. Ch. B., 1st Id, form.sir C. B. Adderley, q.v. Norwich, Geoff, de, dn. Yk. 486. sir Jno. de, L.H.A. 171 Ralph de, Jy. 364 Rt.de, C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 (or Norwico) W. de, B. Ex. 383 ; C.B. Ex. 381 ; L.H.T. 152, 153 Wm. de, ( W. Bateman), bp. Norw. 455 ; dn. Line. 448 Norwich, E. of Goring Family. Geo., 1st E of, form. Id. Goring, q.v., C.G.P. 299 ; P.C. Chas., 2nd E. of, B.T. 263 ; CY.G. 298 Norwico, SIX' Norwich Nothelmus, abp. Cant. 430 Nott and Notte Ed. Banb., adm (H) 851 Fett., S.L. 411 Eras. Percy, gen. (D) 911 Hy., gen. (D) 910 Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 Wm., G.C.B. 769 ; gen. (D) 879 Nottag-e, Geo. Sw., L.M. Lond. 492 Notte, see Nott. Nottingham, Jno. de, dn. Line. 448 Rt. de, B. Ex. ;383 Rt. de, J.C.P. 376 ; Jy. 364 W' m. de, A.G. 398 ; C.B. Ex. 383 Wm., J. It. 368 Nottingham, E. of Mowbray Family. Th., E. of, aft. D. of Nor- folk, q.v., E.M. 326; K.G. 734 ; L.M. 325 Plantagenet Family. Rd., E. of (1476), also D. of York, q.v. Berkeley Family. Wm., E. of (d. 1492), E.M. 326 Fitzroy Family. Hy., E. of, form. Hy. Fitz- roy, q.v., aft. D. of Richmond and Somerset, q.v. Howard Famili). Chas., 1st E. of, form. Id. How. of Eff., q.v.. Const. W. Cast. 322 ; E.M. 326 ; L.H.A. 174 ; L.L. Suss. 312 ; L.S.H. 290 Finch Family. Heneage, 1st E. of, form. sir H. and Id.lFinch, q.v. Danl., 2nd E. of, form. hon. D. and Id. Finch, q.v., aft. 7th E. of Winchilsea, q.v.; Ld. Admy, 176; L.L. Kent, 309 ; L.P.C. 188 ; P.C. 195 ; S. St. 224 Notton, Wm. de, J.K.B. 371 ; S.L. 406 Novant, Hugh, bp. Lich. and Coy. 443 Novis. abp. St. Dav. 463 Novltianus, P. Ro. 32 See also under the name with- out this prefix, wliich is sometimes omitted in the original lists from which this book is compiled. Oak-, see Oke— For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-962. Nowell, see also Noell Alex., du. St. P. 453 Hy., G. I. Man. 666 Lawr., dn. Ijich. 445 Rd., O. I. Man, 666 Wm.. adm. (A) 819 Noy, Wm., A.G. 399 Nnad, bp. Arm. 595 Nuadha-Fioun-Fail, K. Ir. 20 Nuba Pasha, G.C.M.G. 795 Nucells, Id., see Scales and N. Nudd, l)p. Llff. 448 Nugent, .\ndr., gen. CD) 927 sir Ch. Edmd., adm. (A) 816; (B)821; G.C.H. 787 Ch. B. P. N. Hodges-, K.C.B. 781 Ch. Lav., gen. (D) 906 Count, K.C.B. 775 Edm., bp. Kilm. 607 sir Edm., L.M. Dbln. 642 Geo., see Id. N., infra Geo. and sir G., C.C. Bgal. 652; C.C. Ind. 650; F.M. 856; G.C.B. 767 ; G. Jam. 713 ; gen. (A) 860; K.B. 766 * Jno., G. Antig. 728 ♦ Jno., gen. (C)874 * Poss. same pers. Nichs., B.Ex. Ir. .583; C.J. C.P. Ir. 580; S. G. Ir. .589 Rd., L.D. Ir. 552 Rt., sec Id. N., iyifra St. Geo. M., gen. |D) 922 Th., C.J.K.B. Ir. 578 ; J.K.B. Ir. 579 Th., Comm. Serit. Lond. 495 Nugent, Ids. and E. Rt., aft. 1st Id. and E. Nu- gent and vise. Clare, q.v., L.T. 157; P.C. 200; Pres. B.T. 266 ; V. Treas. Ir. 560 Geo., Id., aft. 2nd E. Temple and 1st M. of Buckm., q.v., L.L. Bucks. 306 Geo., Id., son of 1st M. of Buckm., Com. lo. Isl. 129; G.C.M.G. 794; L.T. 160 Numa Pompilius, K. Ro. 36 Numerianus, Emp. Ro. 48 Numidicus, Q. C. M., C. Ro. 45 Nunant, Hugh, bp. Lich. and Gov. 443 Niiuez, R., Pres. U.S.C. 107 Nurse, Ch. Bulk, gen. (D) 926 Nuthall, Fred. Geo., gen. (D) 911 Nutley, Rd., J.Q.B. Ir. 579 Nuttall, Enos, bp. Jam. 713 Jno., dn. Chest. 477 Jos., L.M. Dbln, 641 Th., gen. (D) 927 Nymbolthe (or Newbald), Sim., R. Cr. P. A. 335 Nyon, Mous. de, G. Mtius. O- Oakeley, see Oakley Oakes, sir Hilcl., G.C.B. 768; G. mta. 671; gen. (B) 867; L.G.O. 259 Rd., Amb. G. St. 121 ; Amb. Pld. 126 Th. Geo. Alexr., gen. (D) 908 Oalcham, see Okeham Oakley and Oakeley sir Ch., G. Mdras. 656 Jno., dn. Carl. 476 ; dn. Manch.481 Oates, Jas. Poole, K.H. 792 Oatlawe, see Outlaw Oatley, Ad., M. Chy. 376 OBainan, Patr., bp. Cnr. 603 Gelasius, bp. Clr. 596 Obaldia, J. de, Pres. Pan. 107 Obando, J. M. y, Pres.N.G.107 O'Bardaiu, dn. Kihn. 609 Obbard, Harry Sm., gen. (D) 926 Th., gen. (D)931 O'Beirn, Malachy, bp. Kild. 616 O'Beirne, Tli. Lewis, bp. Meath,599; bp. Oss. 621 O'Beoda, Donat, bp. Killa. 612 Obinus, abp. Lond. 450 Obizzo, II. and III., M. Fa. 33 Obligado, Pres. B. Ay. 110 O'Braion, bp. Clonm. 599 O'Braoin, Steph. W., bp. Mayo, 611 O' Brian, O'Brien, and O'Bryen -Barth., gen. (D)908 Const., bp. Killoe. 634 Don., bp. Clonm. 600 ' Don., bp. Killoe. 634 ' Don., bp. Lini. 638 * Poss. same pers. Don. Hinchy, adm. (G) 841 Ed., adm. (A) 817 Ed. Jas., gen. (C) 875 Jas., J.Q.B. Ir. 579 ; J.Q.B.D. Ir. 579 ; S.L. Ir. 593 — - Id. Jas., aft. 3rd M. of Thomond, q.v., adm. (A) 820 ; G.C.H. 786 Jas. Th., bp. Oss., F. and L. 622 ; dn. Cork, 632 Jno. Ter. Nic. and sir J., G. Ceyl. 673; G. Hlgld. 670; G. Newfd. 700; K.C.M.G. 798 Jos., adm. (G) 841 Kenn., dn. Emly, 628 Luc, adm. (A) 815 sir Luc, aft. 13th Id. In- chiquin, q.v., L.L. Clare, 569 Marian, abp. Cash. 624; bp. Cork, 630 Maur., bp. Kilf. 635 ; dn. Kilf . 637 ; bp. KiUoe. 634 Michl. Wni., S.L. 414 Percy W., L.T. 157 Pet., A.G. Ir. 589; S.G. Ir. 590 ; S.L. Ir. 593 - Kt., adm. (D)824 Terence (3), bp. KiUoe, 634 Terence, gen. (D) 895 Thad., dn. Cash. 627 Tim. and sir T., L.M. Dbhi. 642 Wm., J.C.P.D. Ir. 582; J.Q.B.D. Ir. 580 O'Bro^an, Bened., bp. Ach. 612 Dav., bp. Clr. 596 Nehem., bp. Cb:. 596 Steph., abp. Cash. 624 INDEX OF NAMES. OBrogy, Greg., bp. Clonf. 6;«; dn. Clonf. 637 O'Brolcan, Flathbert, bp. Dry. 600 O'Bryen, see O'Brien O'Buacalla, Chas., bp. Emly, 625 O'Cahan (or O'Cane), Corn., bp. Rph. 601 (or O'Cane), Dermis, bp. KUf. 635 O'Cairil, Corn., bp. Tm. 611 O'Callaghan, Fras. Laugf., C.I.B. 807 Geo. Wm. Dougl., adm. (E) 835; (r)838 Hon. Rt. "W'ra. and sir R., C.C. Mdras. 657; G.C.B. 769 ; gen. (B) 858; K.C.B. 774 O'Cane, see O'Cahan O'Caran, Gilb., abp. Arm. 595 ; bp. Rph. 601 O'Carellan, see O'Cherballen O'Carnxacain, Gilc, dn. Elph. 609 O'Carolan, see O'Cherballen O'Carrol, sir Danl., gen. (B) 864 .Jno., see MacCarrill Th., abp. Cash. 625; abp. Tm. 611 O'CasMn, Jno., bp. Killa. 612 O'Cassy, see O'Cuffy O'Catan, Sluagad, bp. Llin. 621 O'Cathald, Muredach, bp. Kild. 616 O'CatMan, Brigd., bp. Ferns, 6-21 Moelisa, bp. Perns, 621 O Catlistiig'li, Cormac, bp. Kild. 616 O'Cellaic, DungaU, bp. Llin. 621 O'Cervallan, Hugh, bp. Clr. 596 O'Cherballen (or O'Carellan) Florence (2|, bp. Dry. 600 (or O'Carolan), Don., dn. Dry. 602 (or Carellan), German or Gervase, bp. Dry. 601 Ocherlony, Alex., Bl. L. P.A. 341 Ochiltree, Michl., bp. Dnbl. 532 Ochterlonie, Ochterlony, and Ouchterlonie sir Dav., G.C.B. 767 ; K.C.B. 775 Jno., bp. Brn. 541 Ochus, K. Pers. 99 O'Clerchen, CeUach, bp. Cld. 599 O'Clery, Gelisa, bp. Ach. 612 OCloghena, Florence or Finin, bp. Ross. 631 O'Clowan or O'Cluan, Mala- chy, bp. KiUa. 612 O'Clumain, Oengus, bp. Ach. 612 O'Cnuil (or ConuU), Cat., bp. Tm. 611 O'Coffy, Amlave, bp. Dry. 600 (or O'Dubthaic), Maur., bp Dry. 600 O'Coinderi, see O'Connery O'Colman (orKellach), Gelas., bp. Ferns, 621 O'Colweny, Michl., dn. Ardf. 640 O'Con— , see also O'Conn— 1099 O'Conactain, Mfjelisa, bp Elph. 608 O'Conacty, Florence, bp. Kilm. 607 O'Conaing', Donat, bp. Cash. bp. 524 O'Conarchy, Christ., Lism. 626 Don., bp. Ardf. and Agh. 6:S9 O'Concubhair, see O'Connor O'Conellan, Abrm.,abp Arm. 595 ; dn. Arm. .597 OCong-alan, Th., bp. .Ard., 607 O'Coning', Derm., bp. Killoe. 634 O' Conn—, see also O'Con— O'Connell, Connor (2), bp. KUloe. 612 Danl., L.M. Dbln. 642 Hugh Heefke, gen. CD) 924 Maur. Ch. and Sir M., 'G. N.S.W. 703; G. Qland. 705-6 ; gen. (B) 869 ; K.C.H. 788 Pet. Pierce Ly., gen. (D) 920 O'Conner, see O'Connor O'Connery, (or O'Coinderi), Th., dn. Kilm. 609 O'Connor, O'Conor, and O'Conner Ardg., bp. Elph. 608 Bern., bp. Ross, 631 Donat, bp. Elph. 608 — - (or O'Concubhair), Donat, bp. Killa. 612 Jno., L.M. Dbln. 642 Luke, gen. (D) 932 Luke S. M., G. Gamb. 686 ; gen. (D) 901 Maur., bp. Elph. 608 Milo, bp. Elph. 608 • N. R., Amb. Bga. 123 Owen, bp. Killa. 612; dn. Ach. 614 O'Conolly, Patr., bp. Ch-. 596 Rd. and sur R., adm. (H) 845 ; K.C.H. 789 Th., abp. Arm. 595 Tn., abp. Tm. 611; bp. Elph. 608 ; dn. Ach. 614 O'Conor, see O'Connor O'Conuil, see O'Cnuil O'Corboy, Flan., bp. Ferns, 621 O'Corcroin, bp. Clr., 596 O'Cormacain, Is., bp. Killoe, 634 ; dn. KiUoe. 637 Th., bp. Killoe. 634 Wm., abp. Tm. 611; B. Cfert, 635 O'Cormag'an, Dav., dn. Kil- loe, 637 O'Corrin, Jas., bp. Killoe. 634 O'Corry, Maur., dn. Arm. 597 O'Coscry, Bened., bp., Kil- loe. 634 ; dn. Killoe. 637 Octa, bp. GaU. 538 K.E. 1 Octavianus, see also Augus- tus Emp. Ro. 47 C. J. C. (7), C. Ro. 46-7 ; Tr. Ro. 46 Octavius (son Geo. III.), Pr. E. 15 C, C. Ro., 44-5 (Farnese), D. Pma. 53 L., C. Ro. 46 Octtan, G. I. Man, 665 O'CufiFy (or O'Cassy), Dav., bp. Emly, 625 JPor List of Abbreviations, see jjp- 944-9 1100 O'Cnlean, Den., dn. Arm. 597 O'Cnngra, Ultan, bp. Cld. 598 O'Cuulis, Corn., bp. Clonf. 636 ; bp. Enily, 625 O'Curran, Corn., dn. Llin. 633 O'Currin, Sim., bp. Kilf. 635 O'Daithil, Conaing,bp. Emly, 625 O'Daly, Lewis, bp.Clonm. 600 O'Dea, Corn., bp. Killoe. 631 ; bp. Lim. 638 Denn., bp. Oss. 620 OdeU, Th., C. Exc. Ir. 566-7 Th., E.S.P. 301 \Vm., C. Treas. Ir. 561; L.T. 159 Odet-Pellion, see PeUion Odiham, see Odyham Odiusele (or Dodinsele), \Vm. de, L..T. Ir. 5.50 O'Diocholla, Eudocius, bp. Kild. 616 Odlamh-Podhla, K. Ir. 20 Odium, S. S., G. Monts. 729 *Odo, bp. Kilmacd. 636 * bp. Mayo, 612 * bp. Ross, 631 * dn. Clr. 597 * (or Hugh) dn. Oss. 622 * Prob. some same persons. Comp. dates. (bp. Bayeux and E. of Kent), Ch. Jr. 362 H. Severus, bp. Wltn. 466 Odoacer, Emp. W.E. 49 K. It 49 O'Dogrhertle, Phel., dn. Kph. 602 O'Doherty, Gilb., bp. Emly, 625 ; dn. Emly, 628 O'Donchada/Ch., dn. Cloy. 632 O'Donellan, Audr., dn. Emly, 628 O'Donnel and O'Donnell Sir Ch. Routl., gen. (D) 884 Bodk., bp. Dry. 601; dn. Rph. 602 Thirl., dn. Arm. 597 — Th. Mac Cormac, bp. Rph. 601 O'Douovan, Rd., gen. (B) 868 O Dorig-h, Moelisa, bp. Rph. 601 O'Dove, M., see Dovey O'Dowd, Const., dn. Tm. 613 O'Dowda, Manus Fitz Fult., bp. Killa. 612 - — Wm., bp. Killa. 612 O'Dreain, GiU.. dn. Elph., 609 O'Dubery, ))p. Cloy. 630 O'Dubhai and O'DufFy Ctxtholicus, abp. Tm. 611 Cele, bp. Mayo, 611 Don., bp. Clonm. .599 ; bp. Elph. 608 ; bp. Tm. 611 Planachan, bp. Elph. 608 Maur. or Mur., bp. Tm. 611 Wm., bp. Clonm., 600 O'Dubhin, bp. Kild. 616 O'Dubtliaig'h, Muredach, bp. Rph. (ioi O'Duffy, sre O'Dubhai O'Duibditrib, Dav., bp. Ardf. and Agh. (i39 O'Dullany, St. Felix, bp. Oss. 6:20 O'Dunan, Miler or Melm., bp. Cash. 624 ODunluingr, Tuethal, bp.Cld. For INDEX OF NAMES O'bwyer, Dav., dn. Cash, 627 Odyham, Walt, de, M. Chy. 393 efl?.soOrde Fras., M. Chy. 397 Harry St. Geo. and sir H., G. Bmda. 701 ; G.C.M.G. 795 ; G. Dnca. 730; G. Str. Sett. 675 ; G. W. Austr. 707 ; K.C.M.G. 797; gen. (D) 908 Rt., C.B. Ex. Sc. 523 Wm. Hy., L.T. 160 Wm. Redm., gen. (D) 893 Ordbrightus, bp. Sels. 432 Orde, see also Ord Jas., gen. (A) 863 sir Jno., adm. (A) 816 ; G. Dnca. 730 Leon. Sbr., gen. (B) 867 Rt. Hutch., K.H. 789 Th., aft. 1st Id. Bolton, q.v., B.T. 267; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; P.C. 204; Sec. Tr. 163; U.S.H. 227 Ordogno or Ordono, I. to IV., K. Sp. 85 O'Rebacaiu, Gilla-Mocuda bp. Lism. 626 Mal-Duin, bp. Lism. 626 O'Seilly, Mont. Fk., adm. (H)a52 O'Beley, Jno., bp. Kilm. 607 Rd., bp. Kilm. 607 Orestes, C. A., C. Ro. 46 L. A., C. Ro., 44-5 Orevalle, see Orwell Orfeur, .Jno., gen. (C) 871 Orford, Rt. de, bp. Ely, 434 Orford, E. of linssell Family. . Ed., l8t E. of, form. E. Russell, q.v., L. Admy. 176-7 ; P.C. 195 WaXvoU Family. Ist Creation. Rt., Ist E. of, form, sir R. Walpole, q.v. Rt., 2nd E. of. form. Id. Walpole, q.v. For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952 Orford, E. of— ca?if. Geo., 3rd E. of, L.L. Norf. 310 Horatio, 4th E. of, form. Id. Walpole, q.v. 2/1(2 Creation. Horatio, Ist E. of, form. Id. Walpole, q.v. O'lCiagan, Flanagan, bp. Kild. 616 Orial, Pet. de, L.H.T. 152 Oribe, M., Pres. Ugy. Ill Oriel, Jno., 1st Id., form. Jno. Foster, q.v. Orivallis, see Rivallis Orkney, E. of, see also Caith- ness Sinclair Family. Hy., 1st E. of (d. about 1418), L.H.A. Sc. 499 Wm., 3rd E. of, L.J. Gen. 522; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Bothwell Family. Jas., D. of, and E. of Both- weU, q.v., L.H.A. Sc. (1567) 499 Hamilton and Fitzmaurice Families. Geo., 1st E. of, F.M. 856; K.T. 747; P.C. 196 Geo. Wm. H., 6th E. of. form. vise. Kirkwall, q.v. Orlebar, Jno., adm. (H) 851 * Jno., C. Exc. 280 ♦ Jno., M. Chy. 396 * Poss. same pers. Orleton, Ad. de, bp. Her. 441 ; bp. Winch. 470; bp. Wore. 472; L.H.T. 153 Ormathwaite, Ids. Jno., 1st Id., form, sir J. Walsh, q.v. Arth., 2nd Id., form. hon. A. Walsh, q.v. Orme, Alexr., dn. Ard. 609 Ed., dn. Kilm. 609 Fk. D., Amb. Bol. 135; Amb. Vza. 134 Ormesby, see Ormsby Ormeston, Th., CLE. 806 Ormiston, Kog., K.B. 759 Ormond, sir — , L.H.A. 170 Jas., see D. of O., infra Th., K.B. 758 Ormond, E., M., and D. of. see (I Iso under Wiltshire Tas. Butler, 1st E. of, L.L. Ir. 551 Jas., 2nd E. of, L.J. Ir. 551 Jas^ 3rd E. of, L.D. Ir. 551-2 Jas., 4th E. of, L.D. Ir. 552 ; L.L. Ir. .552 Jas., 5th E. of, also 1st E. of Wiltshire, q.v., K.G. 736; L.L. Ir. 552 Pierce, 8th E. of, also E. of Ossory, q.v., L.D. Ir. 553 Jas., 9th E. of, form. Jas. Butler and vise. Thurles, q.v., " L. Treas. Ir. 559 Th., 10th E. of, K.B. 760; K.G. 739; L. Treas. Ir. 559; L.J. Ir. 554 Tas., 12th E., aft. Ist M. and D. of, K.G. 740 ; L. Admy. 175 ; L.H.S. 286 ; L.L. Ir. 554 ; L.L. Ir. 556; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 189,92 Jas., 2nd D. of, C. Ch. 855 ; Capt. Gen. 855; K.G. 740; li.H. Const. 289; L.L. Ir. 555-6 ; P.C. 194 ; W.C.P. 319 Ormond, E , M., and D. of—: cont. Walt., 16th B. of, K.P. 750 Jas., 19th B. and 1st M. of, (new Cr.), K.P. 751 ; L.L. KUk. 570 Jno., 2nd M. of, K.P. 751 Jas. Edm. Wm. Theob., 3rd M. of, K.P. 752 ; L.L. KUk. 570 Ormesby and Ormsby Arth., gen. (B) 866 Coote, dn. Dry. 602 Hy., A.G. Ir. 589 ; L.J. App. Ir. '586; Land J. Ir. 587; S.G^ Lr. 590 Jno. Wm., gen. (D) 901 Wm. de, J.C.P. 377 ; J. It. 368; J.K.B.371 O'Bobliartaig-h, dn. Louth, 598 O'Ronan, Kinad, bp. Gland 615 (or O'Erodain), Magr., bp. Ardl. and Agh. 639 Mel. Brandan, bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 Orr, Ch. Alex., gen. (D) 904 Jas., gen. (D) 912 Orrery, E. of, see also under Cork Rog., 1st E. of, L.J. Ii-. 555 ; P.O. 190 Ch., 4th E. of, gen. (C) 871 ; K.T. 747; P.C. 196 Orry, K. I. Man, 664 Orsetli, sir Wm., G. Ch. Isl. 667 Orsini, Reyn., dn. Sal. 468 Ortbanacli, bp. Kild. 616 O'Buadan, Felix, abp. Tm. 611 GiUasius, bp. Ach. 612 Imar, bp. Killa. 612 Melruan, bp. Ach. 612 Rugnad, bp. Kilmacd. 636 Th., bp. Ach. 612 O'Budican, Dermod, bp. Ferns. 621 O'Euirk, Simon, bp. Kilm. 607 Orwell (or OrevaUe), Hughde, bp. Lond. 451 Th., bp. Killa. 612 Orwell, Ids. and vise. Fras., 1st Id. and vise, form. Fras. Vernon, q.v., aft. E. of Shipbrooke, B.T. 265 Osa (or Bosa), bp. Sels. 432 Osbaldeston, Geoffr., J.K.B. It. 579 Rd., A.G. Ir. 588 Rd., bp. Carl. 476 ; bp. Lond. 452 ; dn. Yk. 487 ; P.C. 201 *Ostoert, bp. Exr. 436; Ld. Chanc. 352 * dn. Sal. 468 * Poss. same pers. bp. Dnbl.t532 Osborn and Osborne , K.C. 415 Alexr., C. Cus. Sc. 504 Ang. Ed., gen. (D) 915 Capt. — , G. Newfd. 700 Ch., C. Cus. 273 Ch., J.K.B. Ir. 579 Ch. Osb. Creagh-, gen. (D) 924 Ed., L.M. Lond. 490 sir Ed. 01., adm. (A) sir Geo., gen. (A) 859 • Hy., adm. (A) 814 Hugh St., gen. (D) 876 For INDEX OF NAMES. Osborn and Osborne— ccwit. Jno., Amb. Sxy. 120 Jno., adm. (A) 818 Jno., C.C.J. 405 ; Q.C. 418 Jno. and sir Jno., S.L. Ir. 591 Jno. and sir J., L. Admy. 181 sir Pet., G. Gsey. 668 B. Bernal, Sec. Adm. 187 Rt., dn. Ferns, 623 Bt., Sec. Adm. 187 Saml., adm. (A) 817 Sherard, adm. (E) 836 Sidney F. G., C.I.R. 286 Th., see Id. O., infra sir Wm., C. Cus. Ir. 565 ; C. Ex. Ir. 566 sir Wm., K.H. 789 Osborne, Ids. sir Th., aft. Id. O., vise. Dunblane, vise. Latimer, E. of Danby, M. of Carmarthen, and D. of Leeds, q.v., L.T. 155; P.C. 191; Tr. N. 2.56 O'Scanlan, Patr., abp. Arm. 595 ; bp. Rph. 601 Oscar, K. Sw. 92 I. and IL, K. S. and N. 92 II. (K. S. and N.), K.G. 745 O'Scoba, Carbrac, bp. Rph. 601 O'Sedaghan, Dav., bp. Kil- macd. 636 O'Selbaic (2), bp. Cork, 630 Cellach, bp. Cork, 630 Clerech, bp. Cork, 630 Moriertach, bp. Lism. 626 Patr., bp. Cork, 630 O'Semican, Th., dn. Lim. Osgodby or Osgodeby, Adam de, L.K. 353-4 ; M.R. 387 O'Shanassy, Jno., K.C.M.G. 797 O'Shaugbnessy, Wm.Cooke, gen. (D) 933 O'Siag^al, Conat, bp. Elph. 608 O'Sinadaig', Clemens, bp. Ach. 612 Oskitell, abp. Yk. 485 Osman I. and II., S. Tky. 97-8 Pasha, K.C.M.G. 799 Osmund (St.) (E. of Dorset), bp. Sal. 466 ; Ld. Chanc. 3.52 Osmundus (or Oswynus), bp. Lond. 451 O'Soleban, Maur., bp. Cloy. 630 Ospina, M., Pres. N. G. 107 Osred (2), K.E. 2 Osric (2) K.E. (2) Ossenius, bp. Cld. 598 Ossing'ton, Jno. Ev., 1st vise, form. J. E. Denison, q.v. Ossory, E. of ; see also Ormond and Upper Ossory Pierce, E. of, also 8th E. of Ormond, rir.v.,L.D. Ir. 553 Th., E. of (son of Jas. 1st, D. of Ormond), adm. (A) 813 ; K.G. 740; L. Admy. 175 ; L.D. Ir. 5.55 ; P.C. 190, 192 Ossnlston, Ch. Augs.,ld., aft. 6th E. of Tankerville, q.v., P.C. 208; Tr. H. 291 Ostforus, bp. Wore. 472 Ostricb, see Astry Osulf, K.E. 2 O' Sullivan, Alan, bp. Cloy. 630 ; bp. Lism. 626 Laur., bp. Cloy. 630 List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1103 Osulpb, bp. Wltn. 466 Oswald, K.E. 2, 3 Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 (St.), abp. Yk. 485; bp. Wore. 472 Jas., B.T. 265; L.T. 157; P.C. 201 ; V. Treas. Ir. .560 Jno., bp. Clonf . and K. 636 ; bp. Drom. 605; bp. Rph. 603 Jno. and sir J., gen. (A) 862 ; G.C.B. 768 ; G.C.M.G. 794 ; K.C.B. 774 Osweo, K.E. 2 Oswulf, K.E. 2 Oswy, K.E. 2, 3 Oswynus, see Osmundus Otalora, T. E., Pres. U.S.C. 107 O'Tarpa, Cams, bp. Ach. 612 O'Tarpaid (or O'Torpy), Cor- mac, bp. KUla. 612 O'Teig, Teig, bp. Killoe. 634 Other, Walt. Fitz., Const. W. - Cast 322 Otbman, Cph. Aba. 98 S. Tky. 97 Otbo, (the mustrious), C.P.R. 68 D. Aus. 58 D. Bdy. 28 (2), D. Brk. 69 D. Fca. 71 Emp. Bo. 47 K. Gr. 96 I., D. Lne. 29 I. and II., D. Bva. 67 I. to III., D. Su. 80 I. to III., D. Sxv. 77 I. to IV., E. Gmv. 61 I. to v., M. Brg."65 Hugh Fitzi Const. T.L. 320 Wm. Leopold, K. Bva. 68 O'Tiernay, see Tierney O'Tigernach, Corn., bp.Ardf. and Agh. 639 Florence, bp. KUf. 635 O'Tirlenan, bp. Ard. 607 Otley, see Ottley O'Toole (St. Laurence), abp. Dbhi. 615 O'Tormaig, Jocelin, bp. Ard. 607 O'Torpy, see O'Tarpaide O'Traffy (or Rory), Rod., bp. Ferns, 621 Otrington, Jno., L.M. Dbln. 640 Otter, Hy. Ch., adm. (H) 849 Wm., bp. Chich. 433 Otterburn, Ad., L.J. Clk. 516 ; Ld. Adv. 526 ; Ld. Sess. 518 Nicol., Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 W^m., Sec. St. Sc. 501 Ottley and Otley Ad., bp. St. Dav. 465 Coghill Gl., gen. (D) 895 Rt. or Rog., L.M. Lond. 490 Ottoman, S. Tky. 97 Ottway and Otway Arth. J. and sir A., P.C. 220; U.S.F. 230 Ch., gen. (A) 858 Ch., gen. CD) 890 sir G. Gr., adm. (G) 843 J., K.C. 414 L. C, Amb. Mex. 133 sir Loft. Wm., gen. (A) 868 Rt. Jocel., adm. (H) a51 Rt. Wall., and sir R., adm. (A) 819 ; G.C.B. 769 ; K.C.B. 775 1104 Ottway and Otway— ronf. Th., bp. Killa. and Ach. 613; bp. Oss. 620 Wm. Alb., adni. (A) 817 Onchterloiiie,seeOchterlonie Onde, Bah. of, K.C.S.I. 803 Sing, Mahar. of, K.C.S.I. 803 Nawab of, G.C.S.I. 801 Oudenarde, Giles de.Lt. T.L. 321 Oudinot, Off. Nap. 26 Ondoceus, bp. Llff. 418 Oudtschoom, Pieter, &c., G. C.G.H. 676 Ougrhton, .Tas. Adolph., and sir J., gen. (B) 865 ; K.B. 765 Ouldbal, Edni., bp. Meath, 599 OurRham, Th., K.B. 755 Onseley, sir Gore, Amb. Pers. 130; G.C.H. 766: P.O. 210 Eegd., gen. (D) 913 — Wm. Gore and sir W., Amb. ,Ajrg. 136; Amb. Bzl. 135; Amb. C. Am. 133; Amb. Ugy. 136 ; K.C.B. 782 Outlawe (or Oatlawe), Eog., L.J. Ir. 551 ; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 Outram, Jas., and sir J. Ch. Comm. Oudh, 653; G.C.B. 7t)9; gen. (D)888; K.C.B. 782; K.C.S.I. 802 Ovedale, Th., K.B. 757 Ovens, Ed., C.C.J. 404 Overal, Jno., bp. Lich. and Cov. 441 ; bp. Norw. 455; dn. St. P. 453 Overay, Th., G. Jsey. 667 Overbeck, Danl., G. Cevl. 672 Overend, Wm., Q.C. 417 Overton, Beuj., C. Cus. 274 Th., B. Ex. :3»3 ■ Wm., bp. Lich. and Gov. 444 Owain, see Owen Owden, Th. Sc. and sir T., L.M. Lond. 492 Owen and Owain bp. Ard. 607 K. Hgy. 59 Yk. H. 334 ab Grufydd (2), Pr. Wis. 17 Ad., dn. Lim. 639 ap Howel (or Hywel), Dha, Pr. Wis. 17 Ch. Wm., CLE. 807 Ed. Wm. Camp. Eich. and sir E., adm. (A) 820 ; Clk. O. 260; G.C.B. 709; G.C.H. 786; K.C.B. 774; L. Admy. 182; S.G.O. 260 Eras. Ph. Cunl. and sir F., 'CLE. 806; K.C.B. 784; K.C:M.G. 797 Geo., Norr. K.A. 329; R. Cr.P.A.335; Yk. H. 334 Gwynedd, Pr. Wis. 16 Hugh, K.C.B. 784 Hugh, L.L. Pemb. 316 Jno., bp. St. As. 462 Jno. Chr., dn. Oxf. 457 Jno., dn. Cloum. 600 Jno., gen. (B)865 Jno. and sir J., gen. (D) 884; K.C.B. 777; K.H. 790 sir Jno., L.L. Penib. 316 Loft., gen. (D) 891 • Morg., bp. Llff. 449 Ed., adm. (H) 847 Ed., K.C.B. 784 Et., gen. (B) 870 • Th., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 INDEX OP NAMES Owen and Owain — emit. Wm., K.C 416 sir Wni., L.L. Hav. 316; L.L. Pemb. 316 Wm. Fitzwm., adm. (D) 828 Wm. Geo., gen. (D) 914 Wm. S., CCJ. 405 Owens, Geo. Bolster and sir G., L.M. Dbln. 642 Owl^ave, Th., L.M. Lond. 490 Owtred, Hy., K.B. 759 Oxenbridge and Ozon- bridge Ed. or God., K.B. 760 sir Et., Lt. T.L. 321 Th., S.L. 407 Ozenden, A., bp. Montr. 694 Geo., D. Arch. 420; Vic. Gen. 421 sir Geo., L.T. 156; L. Admy. 177 Ozenford, see also Oxynforde Const, de, J. It. 366 Oxford, Jno. of, bp. Norw. 454 ; Ch. Jr. 362; dn. Sal. 468; J. It. 366 Oxford, E. of De Vera Family. Et., 3rd E. of, form. Bt. de Vere, q.v. ; J. It. 367 Thos., 8th E. of, form. Th. de Vere, q.v. Et., 9th E. of, K.G. 734; L.L. Ir. 551 Ed., 11th E. of, K.G. 735 Jno., 12th E. of, K.B. 756 Jno., 13th E. of, C.Y.G. 298; Const. T.L. 320; K.B. 757 ; K.G. 736 ; L.H.A. 174 Jno., 15th E. of, K.G. 737 Jno., 16th E. of, K.B. 760 Hy., 18th E. of, K.B. 762 Aubrey, 20th E. of, gen. (B)864; K.G. 740; P. C 191-2-3 Harleij Family, .see also Mortimer. Et., 1st E. of, also E. Mor- timer, q.v., form. Et. Harley, q.v., K.G. 741; L.H.T. 156; Prem. 141 Ed., 4th E. of, L.L. Eadn. 316 Oxmanton, Wm., Id., aft. 3rd E. of Eosse, q.v., L.L. K. Co. 570 Oxon — , fee also Exon — Oxonbridge, see Oxenbridge Oxynforde, see also Oxen- ford Jno. de. L.M. Lond. 489 P. P * • ♦, dn. Emly, 628 P ♦ ♦ ♦, dn. Lim. 639 ' Poss. same pers. Pace. Ed., dn. Exr. 437; dn. St. P. 453 ; S. St. 223 Wm. Napp, gen. (D) 913 Pacbeco, G., Pres. Bol. 109 Pacilns, C F. (2), C Eo. 39, 42 Pack, Chr., L.M. Lond. 491 Den. and sir D., gen. (C) 873 ; K.C.B. 774 PacUinrst, sir Et., L.M. Lond. 491 Packing-ton, see also Paking- ton Wm. de, tin. Lich. 445 *Paddesley, Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 ' Jno., M.M. 246 » Prob. same pers. Paddy, Nichs., Lane. H. 333; R. Dr. P.A. 338 Pade, Eaym., dn.Sal. 468 Pado, Jn J. or Jonn. de, K.B. 755 Paetinus, M. F., C Eo. 41 M. F. C. C Eo. 41 PsBttis, C. X,., C Eo. 41 P. A., C Eo., 40, 46, 47 P. M., C. Eo. 43 Q. ^., CEo. 44 Paez, J. A., Pres. Vzla. 107-8 Page, Benj. Wm., adm. (A) 819 Fras. and sir F., B. Ex. 384; J.C.P. 379; J.K.B. 373; S.L. 411 Geo. Hyde, gen. (D) 925 Jno., L.M. Dbhi. 641 * Jno., M. Chy. 395 * Jno. or Wm., Curs. B. Ex. 386 ♦ Prob. same pers. Ed., S.G. 401 Wm., see Jno., supra Wm. Ed., K.H. 791 Fagerie, Steph. de la. Eel. Nap. 26 _^ Paget, Lord Alfr., gen. (D) 904 hon. Arth. and sir A., Amb. G. St. 121; Amb. Gmy. 117; Amb. Scy. 114; Amb. Tky. 129; G.C.B. 771; K.B. 766; P.C 207 . ^ Aug. B. and sir A., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Dk. 127; Amb. It. 114 ; Amb. Pgl. 125 ; Amb. Sw. and N. 127 ; Amb. Sxy. 121 ; G.C.B. 773 ; K.C.B. 783; P.C. 219 _, hon. Berk.. C Exc. 282; L.T. 159 , . > Ch. and sir C, adm. (A) 820; G.C.H. 786; K.C.H. 787 Id. Clar. Ed., adm. (D) 832 ; (E) 834; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 780 ; P.C. 217 ; Sec. Adm. 187 hon. Ed. and sir E., CC Ind. 650; G.C.B. 767; G. Ceyl. 672: G. Ch. Hosp. 936; gen. (A) 861 ; K.B. 766 Id. Geo. Aug. Fred. gen. (D)896; K.C.B. 780 Geo. Ed., K.C.B. 784 Hy., K.B. 760 hon. Hy.. see Id. P., tnfra Jas., Curs. B. Ex. 386 sir Jas., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 'Wm., K.B. 763 Wm.,.s sir Hyde (No. 2), adm. (A) 815 Hyde (No. 3), adm. (D)827 ; L. Admy. 183 Jas. and sir J., Q.C. 417 ; V. Chanc. 390 Jno., abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616; abp. Tm. 611; bp. Elph. 608 Jno., adm. (H) 847 Jno., B. Ex. 384; S.L. 409, 410 Jno., dn. Llin. 623 Jno., gen. (B) 685 Jno., L.T. 160 ; P.C. 216 ; Sec. Adm. 186 ; See. Tr. 163 Jno., M.R. Ir. 585 Jno. B., gen. (D) 881 Kenyon Stev., Q.C. 417 Matth., abp. Cant. 431 ; dn. Line. 448 sir Peter, adm. (A) 815 Bd., gen. (D) 896 Rog., dn. Line. 448 Saml., bp. Oxf. 456 Th. and sir T., B. Ex. 385 ; C.B. Ex. 382; J.C.P. 379; P.C. 202 ; S.L. 412 Th., see Id. P., infra - — Wm., adm. (A) 816 sir Wm., adm. (A) 820; (B)821; (C) 822; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 776; L. Admy. 182-3 Wm. and sir W., J. Pr. Ct. 421 Parker, Ids. and vise. Th., and sir T., aft. 1st Id. P., and 1st E. of Macclesfield, q.v., C.J.Q.B. 370 ; Ld. Chanc. 357; P.C. 195; S.L. 411 Geo., aft. vise. P. and 2nd E. of Macclesfield, g.v. Geo., vise, aft. 4th E. of Macclesfield, q.v., TeU. Ex. 167; Compt. H. 293; P.C. 205 Parkes, Harry Sm. and sir H., Amb. Ch. and Cor. 131 ; Amb. Jap. 131 ; G.C.M.G. 795 ; K.C.B. 783 Hy. and sir H., G.C.M.G. 796; K.C.M.G. 797 Parkhurst, Jno., bp. Norw. 455 sir Wm., M.M. 246 Parkin, Geo. Hy., adm. (H) 852 „, Parkinson, Ch. Fk., gen. (D) 904 Ch. Fk., gen. (D) 922 Ed., gen. (D) 881 IIOG Farlby, Brook Br., gen. (D) 878 \Vm., gen. (D) 895 Parma, Pr. of, K. Nds. 83 Fameli, Hy. Br., and sir H. aft. Ist kl. Congleton, q.v., C. Treas. Ir. 561 ; Paym. G. 244 ; Sec. at W. 234; Tr. N. 257 Jno., J.K.B. Ir. 579 Jno. and sir J., C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Exc.Ir.56C; C. Treas. Ir. 560; Ch. Ex. Ir. 562; P.C. 204 Parneys, Jno. L.M. Lond. 490 Parningr or Parnyngf Et. and sir K., C.J.K.B. 369; J.C.P. 377; Ld. Chanc. 354; S.L. 40f Parr, see also Par Jno., G. I. Man, 666 Jno., G. N. Sc. 695 Rd., bp. S. and M. 48:3 Th., K.B. 759 Th. Chase, gen. (D) 891 Wm. Chase, gen. (D) 929 Parr of Kendal, sir Wm., K.G., 736 AVm., Id., aft. E. of Essex, and M. of Northampton, q.v., K.G. (1543) 738 Parra, A., Pres. U.S.C. 107 Parrott, Benj., gen. (D) 919 Parry, Benj., bp. Oss. 620; dn. Oss. 623 ; dn. St. Pat. 618 Dav., G. Bdoes. 720 Ed., bp. KDloe. 634; dn. Lism. 629 ; dn. Wford. 628 Ed., bp. Suff. Dov. 431 Ed., Chn. E.I. Co. 645 Ed. Igg., adm. (H) 848 Fras., adm. (A) 816 Eras., C. Exc. 278-9 Fk. Wm. Best, gen. (D) 932 Hy., bp. Gk. 438 ; bp. Wore. 473 ; dn. Chest. 477 Hy. Hutt, bp. Perth, W.A. 707 (or Pavy), Hugh, bp. St. Dav. 464 Jno., bp. Oss. 620 ; dn. Chr. Ch. Dbhi. 618 Jno. Bill, C.C.J. 403; O.C. 417 Jno. H., P.P. 418; S.L. 413 Jno. Parry Jones, adm. (H) 853 Love Parry Jones, gen. (B) 870 ; K.H. 791 Rd., bp. St. As. 462; dn. Bgr. 426 Rt., dn. Lism. 629 Spencer CI., gen. (B) 869 Th., bp. Bdoes. 721 sir Th., C.D.L. 242 sir Th., Compt. H. 292; Tr. H. 291 Wm., adm. (A) 814 sir Wm. Ed., adm. (D)829 ; L.G. Gr. Hosp. 8.54 Wm. Hy. Webley-, adm. (D)823 Parslow, Jno., G. Gibr. 670; gen. (A) 8.5H Parsons, Cliff., gen. (D) 929 sir Humphr., L.M. Lend. 491 las., gen. (D) 887 Jno., bp. Pboro. 458 ; dn. Brl.440 Jno., gen. (C) 871 For INDEX OF NAMES. Parsons— cojif. sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 sir Lawr., B. Ex. Ii-. 584; C. Treas. Ir. .561 Needh. Th., gen. (D) 926 Rt. White, adm. (H) 847 sir Wm., L.J. Jr. 554 Partridsre, Hv., K.C. 415 Rd., Pres. CoU. Surg. 030 Pascal I. and II., P. Ro. 33-4 Paschal, Jno., bp. Llff. 449 Pasco, Jno, adm. (D) 828 Pasbley, Rt., Q.C. 417 Paste, Wm., gen. iD) 915 Paslen, Jno., K.B. 756 Pasley, Ch. Wm. and sir C, gen. (D)879; K.C.B. 777 Th., and sir T., adm. (A) 816 sir Th. Sab., adm. (D) 831 ; (E) 834 ; K.C.B. 780 Pasquito (de Vannes), D. Bry. 27 Passele, Edm. de, B. Ex. 383 ; S.L. 406 Passelewe, Rt., Ch. Ex. 152 Sim., B. Ex. 382 Paston or Pastone, Wm., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 Patchett, Wm., Q.C. 419 Patfe, GeiJ. — , K.C.B. 778 Pate, Rd., bp. Wore. 473 Pater, bp. Llff. 448 Ch. Dudl., adm. (A) 819 Paterculus, C. S., C. Ro. 42 Paterson and Patterson Adr. Hugh, gen. (D) 919 Ch. Wm., adm. (A) 818 Geo., G. Gren. 724 Jas., gen. (B) 865 Jas., gen. (C) 872 Jno., abp. Glasg. 537 ; bp. Edinb. 53:3 ; bp. Gall. 539 ; bp. Ross. 536 Jos., gen. (D) 883 Marc., C. J.C.P. Ir. 581 ; S.G. Ir. 589 ; S.L. Ir. 592 Th., gen. (D) 883 Walt., G. Pr. Ed. Isl. 699 Wm., C.C.J. 406 W'm., dn. Carl. 476; dn. Exr. 437 * Wm., G. N.S.W. 702 * sir Wm., K.C.H. 788 * V same pers. Wm., gen. (D) 928 sir Wm., gen. (B) 869 Wm. Th. L., gen. (D) 909 Pateshull and PatteshuU Hugh de, bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 ; L.H.T. 1.52 Mart, de, Ch. Jr. 363 ; dn. St. P. 452 ; Jy. 364 Kichs. Lechm., adm. (H) 845 Sim. de, J. It. 366 ; Jy. 363 Walt, de, J. It. 367 Patey, see ((?.s() Paty Ch. Geo. Ed., adm. (Q)843 ; G. Gamb. 686; G. Lag. 687; G. St. Hel. 682 Paton, Jas., bp. Dkld. 5:33 Jno. Staff., gen. (D) 901 Patricio, Pres. Nic. lOG Patrick (St.), bp. Arm. 595 * bp. Cloy. 630 ♦— — bp. Dhhi. 615 • bp. Kilf. 6:i5 ♦ bp. Kilm. 007 * bp. Ijim. 638 * dn. Drom. ()06 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. List of Ablircvidtioiis, sec pp. 944- Patrick— coHf. (Master of Gray), Ld. Sess. 517 Sim., bp. Chich. 433 ; bp. Ely, 435 ; dn. Pboro. 458 Patringfton, Steph., bp. Chich. 4:33 ; bp. St. Dav. 464 Patroe iSt.;, bp. Cnwall. 4:36 Patten, Fk., adm. (H) 849 (or Waynflete), Jno., dn. Chich. 434 Jno. Wils., C.D.L. 243; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; P.C. 217 Merc, Bl.M.P.A. 336 Patterson, see Paterson PatteshuU, see Pateshull Patteson, Jno. and sir J., J.K.B. 373: Jud. Com. P.C. 360; P.C. 215: S.L. 413 J. C, bp. Melan, 711 Pattinson, Kd., G. Hlgld. 670 Pattison, Alexr. Hope, K.H. 790 Jas., Chn. E.I. Co. 645 Tas.,gen. (A)859 Pattle, Th., gen. (D) 905 Wm., gen. (D) 886 Patton, Geo., L.J. Clk. 516; Ld. Adv. 526 ; P.C. 217 ; S.G. Sc. 527 Hugh, adm. (H) 846 Jno., gen. (D) 893 Phil., adm. (A) 816; L. Admy. 180-1 Rt., adm. (H) 846 Rt., gen. (D) 910 Walt. D. PliiUips, aft. Patton-Bethune, gen. (D) 902 Pattyn, .--ee Patten and Wayn- flete Paty, see aha Patey Geo. Wm., gen. (D) 882 ; K.C.B. 779: K.H. 790 Paul and Paull bp. Cnr. 604. Emp. Russ. 90 I. to v., P. Ro., 33, :35-6 Alexr. Leop., Pr. L. Dtd. 73 Alf. Wall., CLE. 808 Fredk., G.D. M. Sch. 75 Geo., K. Adv. 422; Vic. Gen. 422 Gregory Ch. and sir G., CLE. 806; K.C.I.E. 805 Jas., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Jno., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Matt. C, gen. (D) 886 — Th., dn. Cash. 627 Th. Hv., gen. (D) 881 Wm., "bp. Oxf., 456; dn. Lich. 445 Wm. de, bp. Mth. .599 Paule, the Lord of, K.B. (14U0) 755 Paulet and Pawlet, see «?so Poulett * sir Amyas, Chanc. Gart.745 • sir Amias, G. Jsey. 667 ♦ ? same pers. sir Anthy., G. Jsey. 667 Ch., aft. .5th D. of Bolton q.v., K.B. 765 Id. Fk., gen. (D) 895 Id. Geo., adm. (D) 831; (P) 838 Id. Harry, aft. 4th D. of Bolton, q.r., adm. (A) 814; L. Admy. 17H Id. Hy., K.B. (1625)762 Id. Hy., adm. (A) 818 K.C.B. 774 ; L. Admy. 181 sir Hugh, G. Jsey. 667 INDEX OF NAMES. 1107 Paulet— co»t<. Jno., K.B. 759 Id. Nass., K.B. (172.5)704 Id. Wm., Tell. Ex. (171.5) 1(58 Id. Wni., F.M. (1886) 8.56 ; G.C.B. 770; gen. (D) 893; K.C.B. 779 sir Wm., aft. Id. St. Jolm of Basing, 1st E. of Wilt- shire, and 1st M. of Winches- ter, q.v., Tr. H. 291 Wm., aft. 3rd M. of Win- chester, q.v., K.B. 760 Paulinus (St.), abp. Yk. 4S5; bp. Koch. 459 Paull, see Paul Paullulus, S. P. A., C. Ro. 44 PauUus, L. M. (2), C. Ko. 43, 44, 46 M. X., C.Ro. 41-2 Fauncefote, strJul., G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.B. 784; K.C.M.G. 797; U.S.F. 230; U.S.C.236 Paunton, Jas. de, Jy. 365 Pauper, see Poor Pavely, sir Walt., K.G. 733 Pavy I or Parry), Hugh, bp. St. Dav. 464 Pawel-Baimninffen, L. A. G. L.;A. F. von, K.C.B. 783 Pawlet, see Paiilet and Poulett Paxton, Geo., gen. (D) 912 Pay (or Pye), Adam, bp. Cloy. 630 Paye, Steph. de, bp. St. Andi-. 529 Payham, J., bp. Wore. 472 Payman (or Paman), Clem., dn. Elph. 609 Payn, Payne, Pain, and Paine Ch., gen. (D)886 Ch. Fk., acini. (H) 845 Fras., dn. Jsy. 668 GaUw. B., gen. (D) 900 Jno., bp. Mth. 599; M.R. Ir.585 Jas. S., Pres. Lib. 100 Jno. Home, Q.C. 420 Jno. WUl., adm. (A) 817; L.W.S. 323 sir Ralph, aft. Id. Laving- ton, q.v., G. Leew. Isl. 727 ; K.B. 765 Steph., dn. Exr. 437 Wm., S.L. 413 Wm. and sir W., gen. (D) 907 ; K.C.B. 781 sir Wm., gen. (A) 861 PaynenX; Clem., dn. Elph. 609 Paynswick, Rt., dn. Chr. Ch. Dbln. 618 Paynter, G. Bmda. 701 Dav. Wm., gen. (D) 902 Jas. Aylm., adm. (E) 835; (F)839 Payridon, Pres. Arg. 110 Peacock, Barnes and sir B., C.J. Bgal. 652-3; Jud. Com. P.C.361; P.C. 218; Q.C. 417 Geo., dn. Ely, 435 Geo. Jno., gen. (D) 909 Reg., bp. Chich. 4:33 ; bp. St. As. 462 Peache, sir Th., W.C.P. 318 Peachy, Wm., gen. (B) 868 Peacock, Peacocke, and Pecocke Rd., adm. (A) 820 sir Steph., L.M. Lond. 490 Th., gen. (D)890 sir Warr. Marm., gen. (A) 862 ; K.C.H. 788 Peada, K.E. 3 Peake, Sir Hy., Tr. N. 257 sir Jno., L.M. Loud. 491 Th., P.P. 416; S.L. 413 Th. Ladd, adm. (H) 846 sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 491 Pearce, see also Pearse and Peirse sir Edm., M. Chy. 396 Ed., gen. (C) 871 ■ Th., gen. (B) 864 Wm., dn. Ely, 435 Wm., K.H. 791 Zach., bp. Bgr. 426 ; bp. Roch. 460; dn. Westr. 469; dn. Winch. 471 Peard, Shuldh., adm. (A) 819 Pearl, sir Jas., K.H. 791 Pears, Th. Towns., gen. (D) 896; K.C.B. 783 Pearse, see also Pearce and Peirse Arth. Th. Gr., gen. (D) 925 Geo. Godfr., gen. ID) 921 • Josh., adm. (H) 848 Rd. BiUk., adm. (H) 851 Wm. Alf. Rumb., adm. (H) 851 Wm. G., gen. (D) 878 Pearson, see also Peirson Alexr., Ld. Sess. 519 sir Ch. Kn., gen. (D)925; K.C.M.G. 797 Jno., bp. Chest. 477 Jno., L.M. Dbhi. 641 Jno. and sir J., Just. Ch. D. 391 ; Q.C. 418 Jos. Br., bp. Newc. N.S.W\ 704 Nathl., L.M. Dbln. 641 Nichs., dn. Sal. 468 sir Rd., L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 ■ Rd. Harr., adm. (A) 820 sirTh., gen. (B) 870; K.C.H. 788 Th. Hooke, gen. (D) 904 Wm., Q.C. 419 Peat, Dav., adm. (H) 848 Pec, Rd. de, J. It. 366 Pecham (or Peche), Rt., bp. Lich. 443 Peche, Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 sir Jno., W.C.P. 318 Rd., bp. Lich. and Cov. 443 ; L.J. Ir. 550 Rt., see Pecham Pechell, sir Geo. Rd. Brooke, adm. (Q) 841 Mark Rt., adm. (H) 852 Saml., M. Chy. 397 sir Saml. .Jno. Br., adm. (D) 827 ; K.C.H. 788; L. Admy. 182-3 sir Th. Br., gen. (C) 873 Peck, see Pecke Peckard, Pet., dn. Pboro. 458 Pecke, Ed., S.L. 410 Peckham, sir Edm., M.M. 246 sir Hy., S.L. 410 Jno., abp. Cant. 430 Rt., L.M. Lond. 492 Peckwell, Rt. Hy., S.L. 412 Pecoce, Dune, Sec. St. Sc. 501 Pecocke, see Peacock Pecthelmus, bp. GaU. 538 Peddie, Jno., K.H. 790 Pede, Rd., dn. Her. 442 Pedius, Q., C. Ro. 46 Pedley, sir Nichs., S.L. 410 Pedor, Jno., dn. Wore. 473 Pedraza, Pres. Mex. 103 Pedro, all indexed under Peter Peebles, Jno., bp. Dkld. 533 ; Ld. Chanc. Sc. .515 Rt., L.G.C. Sc.506 Peel, see alio Peile Arth. WeU., P.C. 220; Sec. B.T. 269; Sec. P.L.B. 262; Sec. Tr. 164 ; Sp. H.G. 251 Fk. and sir F., K.C.M.G. 796; P.C. 216; Sec. Tr. 163; U.S.C. 231,235; U.S.W. and C. 231 ; U.S. War, 232 Jno., dn. Wore. 474 Jno., gen. (D) 922 Jonn., gen. (D) 884;. P.C. 216; S.G.O. 260; W. Sec. 232 Laur. and sir L., B.C. 253 ; C.J. Bgal. 652; Jud. Com. P.C.361; P.C. 216 Rt. and sir R. (No. 1), C. Treas. Ir. 561; Ch. Ex. 165; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563 ; H. Sec. 227 ; L.T. 160-1 ; 'P.C. 209 ; Prem. 147; U.S.W.' and C. 231 sir Rt. (No. 2), Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; G.C.B. 772; L. Admy. 183 ; P.C. 217 Wm., K.C.B. 778 Wm. Yates, B.C. 253; L.T. 160; P.C. 213; U.S. Home, 227 Peers, sir Ch., C. Cus. 274-5 ; L.M. Lond. 491 Rd., G. Bdoes. 719 Peile, see also Peel Jas. Br., K.C.S.I. 803; M.C.I. G47 ■ Mountf . Steph. Lov., adm. (H)853 Peirs, see Piers Peirse, see also Pearce and Ed., adm. (H) 8.50 Peirson, see also Pearson Rd., K.B. 765 Pelagius, K. Sp. 85 I. and II., P. Ro. 33 Pelayo, K. Sp. 85 Pelham, Bdmd. and sir E., C.B. Ex. Ir. .583; L.K. Ir. 576; S.L. 409 hon. Fk. Th., adm.(D)832; L. Admy. 184 hon. Geo., bp. Brl. 439; bp. Exr. 4:37 ; bp. Line. 447 Hy., C. Cus. 276 Hy., CI. PeUs. 168 Hy., L. Admy. 175 hon. Hy., Ch. Ex. 165; L.T. 156-7 ; P.C. 197 ; Prem. 142 ; Paym. G. 244; Sec. at W. 233 ; Tr. Ch. 294 hon. .Jno. Th., bp. Norw. 455 Th., B.T. 264 Th., K.B. 755 ■ Th., see Id. P., infra sir Wm., L.J. Ir. 554 Pelham, Ids. Th., aft. 1st Id. P., C. Cus. 274 ; L.T. 155 Th., aft. 2nd Id. P. and 1st E. of Clare and 1st D. of Newcastle, q.v., B.T. 265; Compt. H. 292 ; L. Admy. 179 ; M.G.W. 296; P.C. 201 " hon. Th., aft. Id. P., and 2nd E. of Chichester, q.v., C.D.L. 243; C.Y.G. 298; C. Treas. Ir. 560; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; H. Sec. 226; P.C. 206; S.G.O. 260; Sec. St. Ir. 562 * Th., B.C. 2.52 * ■? same pers. For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-! IIOH PeUssier, Marsh., G.C.B. 769 Pell, Alb. and sir A., J. Bank. 392; S.L. 412 sir Watk. Owen, adm. (D) 828;(Q)840; K.C.H. 789 Fellew, sir Ed., aft. 1st Id. and vise. Exmouth.g.v., adm. (A) 817 hon. Fleet. Br. R. and sir F., adm. (D) 827 ; K.C.H. 789 Geo., dn. Norw. 456 Isr. and sir I., adm. (A) 818; K.C.B. 774 Pellion, Marie Jos. Alph. Odet— , K.C.B. 778 Pelly, Hy. Jos., gen. (D) 901 Lewis and sir L., gen. (D) 924; K.C.B. 783; K.C.S.I. 803 Pemtoer, Ed. Hy., Q.C. 419 Pemberton, sir Fras.,C.J.C.P. 375; C.J.K.B. 370; J.K.B.372; P.C. 192 ; S.L. 410 Geo. R., gen. (B) 887 sir Jas., L.M. Lond. 491 Jnc, M. Chy. 394 ■ — - Jos., L.M. Dbln. 641 Th., aft. Id. Kingsdown, q.v., K.C. 416 Pembridg-e, V^mhiigg, or Pembnigfgf, sir Rd. de, W.C.r. 31H ; K.G. 733 Pembroke, Hy., dn. Oss. 622 Jno., B. Ex. Ir. 583 Pembroke, E. of, see also under Montgomery De Clare Family. ' Gilb. De Clare, 1st E. of, L.M. 325 ' Bd, (Strongbow), 2nd E. of, L.J. Ir. 550 ; L.M. 325 Marshal Family. \Vm., 1st E. of, L.D. Ir. 550 ; L.L. Ir. 550 ; W.C.P. 317 Wm., 2nd E. of, form. W. Marshall, q.v., L.J. Ir. 550; L.M. 325 Bd., 3rd E. of, L.M. 325 Gilb., 4th E. of, L.M. 325 Walt., 5th E. of, L.M. 325 AnseLm, 6th E. of, L.M. 325 Hasti7igs Family. Jno., 2nd E. of, K.G. 733 Plantagenet Family. Humph., 1st E. of (son of Hy. IV.), aft. D. of Gloucester, q.v., K.G. 734 Tudor Family. Jasper, 1st E. of, form. J. Tudor, q.v., aft. D. of Bed- ford, q.v., K.B. 756 ; K.G. 736 ; L.L. Lr. .553 Herbert Family. 1st Creation. Wm., 1st E. of, form. Id. Herbert of Chepstow, q.v. 2nd Creation. ' Wm., 1st E. of, form, sir Wm. Herbert, and aft. Id. H. of Cardiff, q.v., L.S.H. 290 ■ Hy., 2nd E. of, form. Id. Cardiff, q.v., K.G. 738 ■ Wm.,3rd E. of, E.M. 326; | K.G. 739 ; L.C.H. 294-95 ; L.S.H. 290; L.W.S. 323 Ph., 4th E. of, also 1st E. ! of Montgomery and 1st Id. Herbert of Shurland, q.v., Const. W. Cast. 322 ; L.W.S. i 323 The following were alsoE. of Montgomery :— Wm. 6th E. of, B.T. 263 INDEX OF NAMES. Pembroke, E. oi—co7it. Pepin, K. Fr. Th., 8th E. of, K.G. 741; Peploe, Saml. (No. 1), Wdn. L. Admy. 176; L.H.A. 176-7 L.L. Ir. 555; L.L. S.Wales, 315; L.P.C. 188; L.P.S. 240; P.C. 194 ; Pres. R. Soc. 940 Chr. dh. Manch. 481 ; bp. Chest. 477 — Saml. (No. 2), Wdn. Chr. Ch. Manch. 481 Hy., 9th E. of, gen. (B) Pepper, Jno., gen. (C) 871 Pepperell, sir Wm., gen. (B) 865 Pepys, Ch. Chr. and sir C, aft. 1st Id. and E. Cottenham, q.v.; C.G.S. 358; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; K.C. 416; Ld. Chanc. 358; M.R. 388; P.C. 213 ; S.G. 402 Hy., bp. S. and M. 484 ; bp. Wore. 473 sir Lucas, Pres. Coll. Ph. 864 ; Gr. St. 304 ; P.C. 198 Hy., 10th E. of, gen. (A) 858; L.L. Wilts, 313 Geo. Augs., 11th E. of, form. Id. Herbert, q.v., Amb. Aus. 117 ; G. G.sey. 669 ; gen. (A) 860 ; K.G. 743 ; L.L. Wilts, 313 Geo. Rt. Chas., 13th E. of, U.S. War. 232 Pemery, Thor. Bd., K.B. 758 Penaud, Adm., K.C.B. 778 938 Pencestre or Penchester, 1 Rd., B. Ex. 384 ; C.G.S. Steph. de and sir S., J.C.P. Ir. 576 ; C.J.K.B. Ir. 578; S.L. 377 ; W.C.P. 318 409 Penda, K.E.3 Saml., Pres. R. Soc. 940; Pendarves, Alexr., S.L.R., 271 Sec. Adm. 186 Pender, Fras., adm. (A) 817 Wm. W., M. Chy. 397 Tno., K.C.M.G. 799 Pera, M. J., C. Ro. 43 ; Dt. Ro. Penderg'ast, see Prendergast i 43 Penfold, see Pinfold ! D. J., C. Ro. 42 Pengelly, Th. and sir T., Perbroun or Perburn, .Jno. C.B. Ex. 382; S.L. 411 1 de, L.H.A. 171 Penkeston, Jas., J.K.B.Ir.578 | Percehay (orPerchehay), Hy. Walt., J.K.B. Ir. 578 ; de, B. Ex. 383; J.C.P. 378; Penn, sir Wm., adm. (A) 813 \ S.L. 407 Pennant, sir Saml., L.M. Perceval and Percival Lond. 492 Pennefather, Ed., C.J.Q.B. Ir. 578 ; S.G. Ir. 590 ; S.L. Ir. 593 Jno. Lys. and sir J., G.C.B. 770; G. Ch. Hosp. 936; gen. (Dl885; K.C.B. 777 Bd., B. Ex. Ir. 584 ; C. St. Ir. 568 ; U.S. Ir. 563 Alexr., L.T. IGO — hon. Ch. Geo., aft. 1st Id. Arden, q.v., L. Admy. 180 — (or Persevall), Hugh, dn. Ross. 633 — Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 — Jno. Maxw.,G. N.S.W.703; cen. (D) 899 Lew., gen. (D) 932 Pennell, Foll.Walr., adm. (G) Sp., gen. (D) 841 Penney, see Penny ' Pennington, Alderman, Lt. T.L. 321 sir Isaac, L.M. Lond. 491 sir Jos., C. Cus. 276 Lowth., aft. 2nd Id. Mun- caster, q.v., gen. (A) 859 Pennns, M. J., C. Ro. 44 Penny and Penney Gabr. Bd., gen. (D) 877 Jno., bp. Bgr. 426; bp. Carl. 475 Nichs., dn. Lich. 445 Nichs., gen. (D) 887 Wm., Ld. Sess. .521 Pennycuick, Jas. Farr., gen. iD) 922 Jno., K.H. 792 Penrliyn, Ed. Gord., 1st Id., L.L. earn. 314 Penrice, Hy., Adm. .Aidv. 433; J. Adm. Ct. I'23 Penros and Penrose Ch., gen. (D) 907; K.C.B. 781 Ch. Vin. and sir C, adm. , (A) 819 ; G.C.M.G.794; K.C.B. Th.. bp. Drom. 605; dn. Sp. and sir S., Clk. O. 260 ; TeU. Ex. 167; U.S. Home, 227 hon. Sp., A.G. 400; C.D.L. 243; C. Treas. Ir. 561; Ch. E.x. 165; K.C. 415; L.T.1.58-9; P.C. 208; Prem. 145; S.G. 402 Wm., dn. Emlv, 628 Percbard, Pet., L.M. Lond. 492 Percbebay, see Percehay Percival, see Perceval Percy, hon. Algn., Amb. Fr. 113 ; Amb. Swz. 113 Algn., .■see Id. P., infra AUan, K.B. 761 Hy., K.B. 754 Hy. (Hotspur), K.B. 756; K.G. 734 Hy., K.B. (1426), 756 Hy., see Id. P., ijifra hon. Hugh, dn. Cant. 432 ; bp. Carl. 476; bp. Roch. 460 hon. Jose, adm. (D) 826 Pet. de, J. It. 368; Jy. 365 Rt. de, J. It. 366 775 .Jno., C.J.K.B. Ir. 577; J.C.P. 378 Penshurst, Percy CI. S., 1st Id., form. V. Strangford, q.v. Penson, Wni., Chest. H. 331 ; Lane. H. 333 Penton, Hy., L. Admy. 179 Penzance, Jas. PI., 1st Id., form. .1. P. Wilde, q.v.; D. Arch. 421 Carl. 476 Th., bp. Norw. 455 Th., aft. E. of Worcester, q.v.id. 1402), K.G. 734; L.H.A. 173 (or Persey), Walt., S.L. 407 Wm., bp. Carl. 475 Wm. de. J. It. :m Wm. de, K.B. 755 hon. Wm. Hy., adm. (H) 844 ; C. Exc. 282 For List of Abbreviations, see jip. 944-952, Percy, Ids., vise, and E. Hy., aft. Id. P. and E. Northbd., q.v. {d. 1408), K.G. 733 ; L.M. 325 Algn., aft. Id. P. and D. of Northbd., q.v. (d. 1668), K.B. 762 Id. Algn., aft. E. of Hert- ford, and E. of Northumber- and 7th D. of Somerset, q.v. {d. 1750), G. Gsey. 668 Hy. Hugh Maur.,visc. (son of Geo., 5th D. of Northbd.), gen. (D) 900; K.C.B. 780 Hy. Geo., Earl, son of 6th D. of Northbd., P.C. 218 ; Tr. H. 292 Pereira, Pres. Ugy. Ill Manass. Lop., gen. (D) 876 Perez, J. J., Pres. Chi. Ill S., Pres. U.S.C. 107 Periam (or Peryam), Wm. and sir W., C.B. Ex. 381 ; .T.C.P.378; S.L. 408 Perkins, ^n., gen. (D) 932 Chr., dn. Carl. 476 Ed. Norm., gen. (D) 915 .Tas. Fras., gen. (B) 866 Wm. Hill., gen. (D) 877 Perne, AncU-., dn. Ely, 435 Perowne, Jno. Jas. S., dn. Pboro. 4.59 Perperna, M., C. Eo. 45 Perriam, see Periam Perrin, see also Perryn Arth., L.M. Dbln. 642 Louis, A.G. Ir. 588 ; J.K.B. Ir. 579 ; S.L. Ir. 593 Perring, Jno., L.M. Loud. 493 Perrot or Perrott, sir Geo., B. Ex. 385; K.C. 415; S.L 412 sir Jno., L.D. Ir. 554 Perry, Ch., bp. Melb. 705 ; Prel. M.G. 799 Jas., gen. (D) 886 • Jno. Laisue, adm. (H) 852 Blich., L.M. Loud. 491 sir Th. Ersk., C.J. Bbay 660 ; M.C.I. 646 Perryam, see Periam Perryn, see nJso Perrin Rd. and sir R., B. Ex. 385 ; K.C. 415; S.L. 412 Persevall, see Perceval Persey, A\"aU., see Percy Persia, Miikhbar ud Dowlah of, CLE. 807 Suit, of, G.C.S.I. 802 Pertab, Mahar. of, K.C.S.I, 803 Pertharitus, K. Lmd. 49 Perth, Jas., 4th E. of, Comm Tr. Sc. 497; K.T. 747; L.J. Gen. 52-2 ; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 ; Ld. Sess. 517 ; P.C. 192 Pertinax, Emp. Ro. 47 Pery, Wm. Cecil, aft 1st Id. Glentworth, q.v., bp. KiUa. and Ach. 613; bp. Lim. A. and A. 639 ; dn. KiUoe. 637 ; dn. Dry. 602 Peryam, see Periam Pester, Hy., gen. (D) 897 Hugh Loam., gen. (D) 912 Pessnlano, Rt. de M., bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 Pestonji, &c., CLE. 808 Peter and Pedro * . bp. Clonm. 600 * (of Dunath), bp. Cur. 604 ♦ bp. Lich. 443 INDEX OF NAMES. Peter and Pedro— co?i<. bp. Ork. 535 dn. Dry. 602 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. (2), C. Al(;u. 26 C. Svy. 54 (de Courtenay), Emp. E.E. 51 (abb. of Tewkesbury), J. It. 367 K. Cle. 86 K. Hgy. 59 K. Nav. 85 P. Ro. 32 (de Fueutes), R. Nds. 82 I., G.D. Obg. 76 I.,R. Russ. 90 I. and II., D. Bry. 28 I. and II., Emp. Bzl. 108 II. (Emp. Bzl.), K.G. 745 I. and II. K. Scy. 55 I. to III., E. Russ. 90 I. to IV., K. Arr. 86 I. to v., K. Pgl. 88-9 V.(K. Pgl.), K.G. 744 Ernest, K. Nds. 82 Fred., D. Obg. 76 Fred.-Louis, D. Obg. 76; G.D. Obg. 76 -Leopold, G.D. Tny. 57 Louis-Farnese, D. Pma. 53 Th., gen. (B) 867 Wm. and sir W., M. Chy 394 Peterboroug-li, E. of, see also Monmouth Hy., 2nd E. of, Gr. St. 303; K.G. 740 ; P.C. 191-2 Ch., 3rd E. of, also E. of Monmouth,^.!;., adm. (A) 813 ; G. Jam. 712 ; gen. (A) 857 ; K.G. 741; P.C. 195 Peters, Wm. Hy. Br., gen.(D) 934 Petersdorff, Ch. E., C.C.J. 404; S.L. 413 Peterson, Fk., CLE. 807 Wm., dn. Exr. 437 Petheram, Wm. Com. and sir W., C.J. Bgal. 653; C.J. N.W. Pr. 654; Q.C 419 Peticus, C S. (2), C. Ro. 39, 40 C S. (5), Dt. Ro. 40 Petion, A., Pres. S. Dom. 105 Petit and Petyt Dune, Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Jno., B. Ex. 383 ■ Jno., K.B. 755 Th., dn. Ferns, 623 Wm. le, S.L. Ir. 590 ; L.J. Ir. 550 Petitot, Wm., gen. (C) 871 Petow, Pet., bp. Sal. 467 Petre, Ed., P.C. 193 Geo. GL, Amb. Asg. 136; Amb. Pgl. 125; Amb. Pgy. 136 ; Amb. Scy. 115 sir Wm., S."St. 223 Petre, Ids. .Jno., 1st Id., L.L. Ess. 308 Petrezzopulo, Pietr., G.C.M.G. 794 ; K.C.M.G. 796 Petrides, Plato, K.C.M.G. 796 Petrie, Arth., bp. Ediub. 542 ; bp. Mor. 544 Jno. Gord., gen. (D) 916 Wm., G. Mdras. 656 Petronilla, Q. Arr. 86 Petnis, see Peter Pettingal, Ed., gen. (D) 891 1109 Petty, Id. Hy., aft. 3rd. M. Lansdowne, q.v., Ch. Ex. 165 L.T. 1,58 ; P.C. 207 Petyt, see Petit Peverel, Peverell, and Peveril Hugh, Jy. 363 Th., bp. Llff. 449 ; bp. Oss. 620 ; bp. Wore. 472 Wm., K.B. 7.54 Wm., W.C.P. 317 Pejrton, Fras., gen. (D) 908 Jno., adm. (A) 817 sir Jno., G. Jsey. 667 ; Lt. T.L. 321 sir Jno. Str., K.C.H. 789 Jos., adm. (A) 815 Th., dn. Tm. 613 sir Th., gen. (D) 911 Pezet, J. A., Pres. Pu. 109 Pharamond, K. Fr. 22 Phayre, Arth. Purv. and sir A., Ch. Com. Bma. 6.55 ; G.C.M.G. 795 ; G. Mtius. 684 ; gen. (D)91i); K.C.S.L 803 Et., gen. (D) 921; K.C.B. 781 Plieasant or Fhesant Jasp., dn. Killoe. 637 Pet., J.C.P. 379 ; Rec. Lond, 494 ; S.L. 409 Phelip, see Phihp Phelips, see PhiUps Phelps, Arth., gen. (D) 934 Rd., U.S.S. 226 Phesant, -see Pheasant PMlbrick, Fk. Adolph., <3.C. 419 PMlibert (de Chalons), Pr Or. 83 I. and II., D. Svy. 54 1, and II. M. Bdn. 67 PMlip and Phelip * bp. Ardf . and Agh. 639 * bp. Brn. 531 * bp. Clonm. 600 * (of Slane), bp. Cork, 630 * (of Poictiers), bp. Dham. 478 ; Jy. 364 * bp. Emly, 625 * bp. Wford. 626; dn. Wford. 628 * dn. Ck. 597 * dn. Cork, 632 * du. Emly, 628 * dn. Lism. 628 * Ld. Chanc. 353 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. (D' Alsace), C. Fks. 81 (the Hardy), C Fh-s. 81 (the Ingenuous), C.P.R. 68 (le Bon), D. Bbt. 29 D. Pma. 53 D. Su. 80 D. Tny. 57 Emp. Ro. 47 E. Gmy. 61 (Ph. II. Spn.). K.C.E. 7 K. Cle. 86 ; K.G. 737 (2), K. Nav. 86 K. Sw. 92 L.G.CSc. 506 (the Generous) Lg. Hse. 72 M. Bdn. 67 (son Hv. Il.\ Pr. E. 9 (gsou. Jas. I.), Pr. E. 13 Pr. L. Sch. 73 (le Beau), R. Nds. 82 I., C. Svy. 54 I. to III., D.Bdy. 29 III. (D. Bdy.), K.G. 735 For List of Abbreviations, see ijp. &44-952, / Philip and Fhelip—cont. I. to III., Pr. Nass. 75 I. to v., K. Sp.86 II. (K. Sp.), K.C.E. 7 ; K.G. — '- I. to VI., K. Fr. 23-4 v., K. Nav. 87 Arth., adni. (A) 817 Augs. -Fredk. -Lg., H. Hbg. 73 (or Phelip), Jno. K.B. 756 Matth., K.B. 757; L.M. Lond. 490 Wm., C.P.K. 68 Wm., Pr. Or. 83 Philipot, see aho Philpot Jno.,Bl. L.P.A.341; K.Dr. P.A, 338; Som. H. 33'2 Philippa (g. dau. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 10 (g. dau. Edw. III.), Pr. E. • 11 (Iss. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 10 (dau. Hy. IV. I, Pr. E. 11 Q.C.E.7 Philipps, .-ite Phillips Fhilippas, L. M., C.Ro. 45-6 Q.M., C. Ro. 42, 44 Pllilips, see PhiUips Philipson, see Phillipson Phillimore, Augs. and sir A., adm. (E)836; K.C.B. 782 - — Hy. Bourch., adm. (E) 837 Jno. Geo., Q.C. 417 Jos. and sir J., Adm. Adv. 423 ; B.C. 253 Rt. Jos. and sir R., Adm. Adv. 423 : D. Arch. 421 ; J.A.G. 937 ; J. Adm. Ct. 423 ; J.P.D.A. :391 ; Jud. Com. P.C. :^1 ; P.C. 217 ; Q. Adv. 422 ; Q.C. 418 — Walt. ' " ■ ■ ' P.P. 420 , Geo. F. and sir W., PhiUip, Capt. A., G. N.S.W. 702 Phillipicu s -Bardaues, Emp. E.E. 50 PhilUps, PhiUipps, Phi- Ups, Philipps, and Phi- lips, see also Philps Phillips, Alex. R., adm. (H) 852 - — Amb., S.L. 411 Arth. Chaunc, gen. (D) 914 Benj. S. and sir B., L.M. Lond. 492 sir Ch., gen. (B) 868 Ch., Ed. Grigg, L.L. Hav. 316 Dav., G. Jsey. 667 Ed. and sir E., M.R. 388 ; S.L. 409 ; Sp. H.C. 249 Fk., gen. (D) 914 Geo. Rt., gen. (D) 923 Hy. Pye, gen. (D) 925 Jas. M., R. Dr. P.A. 338 Jas. Rt., adm. (D) 827 Jno., bp. S. and M., 483 * sir Jnc, B.T. 264 * sir Jno., P.C. 201 ♦ ? same pers. Jno. Alex., gen. (D) 891 ■ Jno. Hy., aft. sir J. Phil- lips-Scourfteld, L.L. Hav. 316 * Rd., G. N.Sc. 694 * Rd., gen. (B) 864 * Prob. same pers. Rd., U.S.C. 235 sir Rd., aft. Id. Milford (l8t Cr.), q.v., L.L. Hav. 316 sir Rd. Bulk., aft. Id. Mil- ford (2nd Cr.), q.v., L.L. Hav. 316 INDEX OF NAMES. PhiUips— roHf. Rd. Ell., C. Cus. Sc, 504 Rt., L.P.S. 240 Rt. Ho8k.,gen. (D) 931 Rt. Newt. gen. (D) 902 Sanil. March., P.C. 215 ; U.S. Home, 228 >ir Th., Q.C. 418 Walt., dn. Roch. 461 Wm., gen. {C)872 sir Wm., aft. Id. Bardolph, K.G. 735 Wm. Cornw., gen (D) 918 Phillips-Treby, sec Treby Phillipson ami Philipson Jno.. S.W.F. 271 Rd. Burt., gen (B) 866 T., L. .A.dmy. 178 Phillott, Ch. Geo. Rodn., adm. (H) 846 Hy., gen. (C) 875 Philipot, see Philpot Phillpott-s, see Philpott-s Philo, C. C, C. Ro. 38 L. V. (2), C. Ro. 43; Dt. Ro. 43 Q. P. (4), C. Ro. 40-1; Dt. Ro. 40 Philpot.Philpott.Phillpot, and Phylpot, see also Phili- pot Hy., bp. Wore. 473 Jno., J.C.P. It. 581 Jno., K.B. 759 Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 Ph., gen. (B) 870 Philpotts and Phillpotts Arth. Th., gen. (D) 905 Hy., bp. Exr. 437 ; dn. Chest. 477 Philps, Jas. Hy., K.H. 792 Philus, L. F., C. Bo. 44 P. F., C. Ro. 43 Phin, Kenn. M., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Th., P.P. 417 Th., Sec. Adm. 187 Phinny, see Finny Phipps, hou. Aug., C. Ex. 281-2 Benj., dn. Down, 605; dn. Ferns, 623 hon. Ch. Beaum., K.C.B.782 sir Const., L.J. Ir. 556; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576 — - hon. Edm., gen. (A) 861 hon. Edw., Q.C. 417 Geo. Wm., gen. (B) 869 Jno., gen. (C) 872 • Paul, K.H. 791 Phipson, Th. W., Q.C. 418 Phocas, Emp. E.E. 50 Phra-Bat, &c., K. Si. 100 Phraklau^ - Chao, &c., K.C.M.G. 797 Phyl— , sec Phil— Piastus, D. Pld. 90 Picard, see Pickard Picens, M. H., C. Ro. 46 Picheford, Geoffr. de, Const. W. Cast. 322; J. It. ;168 Pickard, Picard, and Pycard Benj. Sp., adm. (H)852 Hy., L.M. Lond. 489 Jas., gen. (D) 910 Pickeriugr and Pykeringf, see also Puckering - — sir Jas., Sp. H.C. 248 J. A., G. Virg. Isl. 731 Pare. Andr., Q.C. 417 Rt. de, dn. Yk. 480; M. Chy. 393 Pickering and Pykering— co)i<. Wm. de, dn. Yk. 4S6 ; M. Chy. 393 Wm. Hy., gen. (D) 895 Pickett, Wm., L. M. Lond. 492 Pickmore, Fras.. adm. (A) 818; G. Xewfd. 700 Picot, see Pvcot Picton, Jno", gen. (C) 873 Th. and sir T.. G.C.B. 767 ; G. Tob. 72;i; G. Trin. 722; gen. (B) 867; K.B. 766 Wm.. gen. (A) 859 Pictor. C. F., C. Ro. 42 X. P., C. Ro. 42 Pictuinus, bp. Gall. 538 Piel, see Pvell Pielat, Jac. Chr., G. Ceyl. 672 Pierce, see also Pearce F., Pres. U.S.A. 102 Josh. Hume Spr., gen. (D) 918 Th., dn. Sal. 468 Th., gen. (D) 914 Th. Wm. West, gen. (D) 935 Wm., see Piers Pierola, N. de, Dt. Pu. 109 Pierrepont, hon. Hy. M., Amb. Sw. 126; P.C. 20** Wm., adm. (A) 819 Pierrot, Pres. Hti. 105 Piers, Jno., abp. Yk. 486; bp. Roch. 460; bp. Sal. 407; dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 ; dn. Chest. 477 ; dn. Sal. 468 (or Pierce), Wm., bp. B. and W. 428 ; bp. Pboro. 458 ; dn. Pboro. 458 Pierse, see also Piers, Pearce, Pearse, and Pierce Dudl. , dn. Kilmacd. 637 Pierson, see also Pearson and Peirson sir Rd., gen. (B) stiS Wm. Hy., adm. (Hi 847 Pietas, L. A., C. Ro. 46 Pigfg-ot, Piggfott, Pigfot, and Pig'ott , G. Tob. 723 sir .Arth., A.G. 400 Dav. Rd., A.G. Ir. 588; C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; S.G. Ir. 590 Ed. F. S., E.S.P. 301 Eras., aft. Pigott-Conant, G. I. Man, 660 sir Geo., gen. (A) 861 GiU. and sir G., B. Ex. 385 ; P.P. 417 ; S.L. 413 Hy. and sir H., G.C.M.G. 794; gen. (A) 860 Hugh and sir H., adm. (A) 815; (D)825; K.C.B. 777; K.C.H. 788; L. Adrnj'. 179, 180 Jas., adm. (A) H16 Rd., gen. (A) 863 Rd., S.L. 407 * Rt., Wdn. M. 245 * sir Rt.. gen. (B) 866 ♦ '? same pers. Th., bp. Bgr. 426 Th., S.L. 408 Pigou, Arth. Com., gen. (D) 911 • Fras., dn. Chich. 434 Pike and Pyke Jno. Wm., adm. (H) 853 Rd., K.B. 754 Pikenot, Rt., J. It. 306 For List of Abbreuiations, sec pp. 944-952. Pilboroug-h, Jno., B. Ex. 384 Pilcher, J no. M., gen. (D) 889 Pilkington anil Pilkynton Aiidr. and sir A., gen. (B) 869; K.C.B. 776 i Jas., bp. Dham. 479 .Jno., K.B. 757 Bt., gen. {C)S75 sir Th., L.M. Lend. 491 Pillar, Jas., S.L.B. 271 1 Pilmore, Jno., bp. Mor. 534; bp. Ross. 535 Pilsworth, Wm., bp. Kild. 617 I Pirn, see also Pym Bedf . Clapp. Tryv. adm. (H)853 Pincerna, Nichs. de, J. It. 367 Pinckney, L., Tell. Ex. 167 W., TeU. Ex. 167 Pine, see also Pyne Benjn. Chill. Campb, and sir B., G. Antig., &c. 727 ; G. Gld. Cst. 686; G. Leew. Isl. 727 ; G. Nat. 680 ; G. St. Xtr. 729; G. W. Austr. 707; K.C.M.G. 796 Jno., Bl. M. P.A. 336 Rd., G. Gld. Cst. 686 Pineda, L., Pres. Nic. 106 Pinfold, Ch., Adm. Adv. 423 - — Ch.,"G. Bdoes. 720 Th., Adm. Adv. 423 Pingo, Benj., B. Dr. P.A. 338; Yk. H. 334 Pinkeni, Gilb. de, J. It. 365 Pinkliam, Wm. Cypr., bp. Sask. 697 Pinson. Ph., abp. Tm. 611 Pinto, Pres. Arg. 110 A., Pres. Chi. Ill Pipard, Gilb., J. It. 366 Pet., L.J. Ir. 550 Pipe, Bd., L.M. Lond. 490 Bt. SI., gen. (D) 890 Pipon, Geo., K.H. 791 Ph. Goss., gen. (D) 922 Pirie, Jno. and sir J., L.M. Lond. 492 Wm., gen. CD) 913 Wm. R., Mod. K. Sc. 547 Piro, Giuss. Mar. Bar. de, G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 796 Wm., bp. Glend. 615 Pirri, Martyn, M.M. 246 Piso, C. C, C. Bo. 44, 46 Q. C, C. Bo. 44 Pitcairne, Bt., Ld. Sess. 518 ; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Pitman, Ch. Ed., CLE. 806 Bt., gen. (D) 877 Pitt, Geo., aft. 1st Id. Bivers, q.v., Amb. Sda. 114; Amb. Spn. 123 Geo. Dean-, gen. (D) 882; K.H. 791 Geo. Dean-, gen. (D) 922 * Jno., B.T. 264-5 * Jno., G. Bmda. 701 * Jno., L. Admy. 178 ' Jno., S.W.F. 271 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. Th., G. Jam. 712 Th., aft. 1st Id. Camelford, g.y.,L. Admy. 179; L.W.S.323 Th., M. Chy. 396 Th., aft. Id. Londonderry, q.v. Wm. (No. 1), aft. 1st E. of Chatham, q.v., P.O. 199; Paym. G. 244; Prem. 142; V. Treas. Ir. 560; S. St. 224 INDEX OF NAMES. Fitt—cont. Wm. (No. 2), B.C. 2.52; Ch. Ex. 165; L.T. 158; P.C. 203; Prem. 144 ; W.C.P. 319 Wm. Augs. and sir W., Conim. F. Ir. 564; gen. (A) 858 ; K.B. 765 Pitt-Lewis, see Lewis Pitt-Itivers, see Bivers Pittenweem, Abbot of, Ld. Sess. 518 Pitts, Saml., B.T. 264 Piuntellus, Wm., Const. T.L. 320 Pius I. to IX., P. Ro. 32, 35, 36 Q. C. M., C. Bo. 45 Place, Alfr. Pox, gen. (D) 923 Planch^, Jas. R., B. Cr. P.A. 1336; Som. H. 332 Plancus, L. M. (2), C. Bo. 46 Planta, Jos.,B.C. 253; G.C.H. 787; L.T. 160; P.C. 213; Sec. Tr. 143; U.S.F. 230 Plantaganet, Geofifr., abp. Yk. 485; bp. Line. 446; Ld. Chanc. 353 Plasket, Bd., K.C.M.G. 796 Plat, Gust, du, K.H. 790 Pet. du, gen. (C) 873 Piatt, Th. Josh, and sir T., B. Ex. 385; K.C. 416; S.L. 413 Playfair, Archd. Lew., gen. (D) 932 EU. Minto, gen. (D) 925 Jno. Wm., gen. (D) 913 Lyon and sir L., K.C.B. 784 ; P.C. 218; Postm. G. 239; V.P. Ed. 255 Bt. Lamb, K.C.M.G. 798 Playnford, Bowl., Bl. M. P.A. 836 ; Yk. H. 334 Plegmund, abp. Cant. 4;W Plessetis, Jno. de, Const. T.L. 32'J Plessis, Hugh de, K.B. 754 Pleste, Bt. de, B. Ex. 383 Wm. de, A.G. 398 Plesyngton, Bt. de, C.B. Ex. 381 Plettenberg', Joach. Van, G. C.G.H. 678 Pleydell - Bouverie, see Bouverie Plomer, see also Plumer Jno., K.B. 757 sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 492 Plot, Bt., Mowb. H. 340 Plowden, Trevor Jno. Chich., CLE. 807 Wm. Chich., K.C.S.I. 803 Plumtoe, Saml., L.M. Lond. 492 Plume, Isaac, dn. Drom. 606 Plumer, see also Plomer Bd., B.T. 264-5 Th. and sir T., A.G. 400; K.C. 415; M.B. 388; P.C. 209; S.G. 402 ; V. Chanc. 390 Plumptre, Ed. H., dn. WeUs, 429 Jno.,C. St. 283 Jno., dn. Glr. 440 Plumridge, Jas. Hanw. and sir J., adm. (D) 829; K.C.B. 777 Plumstok, Rd. de, M. Chy. Plunket and Plunkett Alexr., Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 hon. Ch. Daws., gen. (D) 907 sir Chr., L.D. Ir. 552 nil Plunket and Plunkett— co7it. hon. Dav. Bt., C.W.P.B. 273; P.C 219; S.G. Ir. 590 hon. Fras. B. and sir F., Amb. Fr. 113; Amb. Jap. 131; Amb. Sw. and N. 127; K.C.M.G. 798 Jno., C.J.K.B. Ir. 578 Jno. Hubert, G. N.S.W. 703 hon. Patr., J. Bank. Ir. 587 sir Nichs., L. Treas. Ir. 558 Rd., C.J.K.B. Ir. 577; S.L. Ir. 591 hon. Bt., dn. Tm. 613 Th., C.J.K B. Ir. 577 hon. Th., dn. Down, 605; bp. Tm.K. and A., 613 sir Th. Fitz- Chr., S.L. Ir. Walt., M.M. 247 Wm., C Exc. 282 ; C. Eic. Ir. 567 Wm. Con., see Id. P., infra Plunket, Ids. W'm. Con., aft. 1st Id. P., A.G. Ir. 588; C.J.C.P. Ir. 581; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 577; P.C. 211-2; S.G. Ir. 589 Wm. Con., 3rd Id., abp. Dbln. G. and K. 617 ; bp. Mth. 599 ; dn. Chr. Ch. Dbln. 619 Plymouth, E. of Th.,lstE.of, P.C. 192 Other L., 4th E. of, L.L. Glam. 315 Pocock, Geo. and sir G.,adm. (A) 814 ; K.B. 765 Rd., bp. Mth. 599 ; bp. Oss. 620 Pocklington, Ev. Hy. Fk., gen. (D) 903 Jno., B. Ex. Ir. 584; J. Chest. 387 Podda, bp. Her. 441 Podmore, Rd., gen. (D) 876 Poer, see also Poor Bliler le, bp. Llin. 621 Rt. le, B. Ex. Ir. 583; C.J.C.P. Ir. 580 Bt. le, bp. Wford. and L. 627 ; dn. Lira. 6:^9 Rt. le, L. Treas. Ir. 558 Walt, le, J. It. 367 Pog'son, Norman Rt., CLE. 806 Wred. Quir., gen. CD) 923 Poitiers, Ern. de, K.B. 755 Ph. de, bp. Dham. 478 Rd., Archd. of, J. It. 365 Poland, Jas. Aug., adm. (H) 853 Pole, .see also Poole Arth. Cuul.Van Nott., gen. (D) 894 Ch. Mor. and sir C, adm. (A) 816 ; G.C.B. 767 ; G. Newfd, 700; K.C.B. 773 ; L. Admy. 181 Ch. Van Nott., gen. (D) 926 (or Poole), Dav., bp. Pboro. 458 ; D. Arch. 420 ; Vic. Gen. 421 Edmd. de la, aft. D. of Suffolk, q.v., K.B. (1483) 758 Edw., gen. (B) 865 Edw., gen. (D) 897 sir Michl. de la, L.H.A. 172 ; Ld. Chanc. 354 Ralph, J.K.B. 371; S.L. 407 Eegd., abp. Cant. 431 ; dn. Exr. 437 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1112 Pole— con*. sir Rd., K.G. 737 Wm., S.L. 407 Wm. de la, L.H.A. 174 Wm. de la, B. Ex. mn hon. W. W., aft. Id. Mary borough and E. of Morning ton, q.v.. C. Treas. Ir. 561 ; Ch. Ex. Ir. 562 ; Ch. Sec. Ir 563; cm. O. 260; L.T. M.M. 247 ; P.C. 208 ; Sec. Adm. 186 PolMU, Ch., C. Exc. 279-80 PoUrac, Bertr. de, M.M. 245 Polk, J. K., Pres. U.S.A. 102 Pollard, Ch., gen. iD) 920 Dill. Gust., gen. (D) 913 sir Hugh, Compt. H. 292 ; G. Gsey. 668 ; P.C. 190 Jnc, S.L. 408; Sp. H.C. 249 Lewis, J.C.P. 378 ; S.L. 408 Wm., dn. Bgr. 426 Pollezfen, Hy. and sir H., A.G. 399 ; C.J.C.P. 375 ; S.L. 411 Jno., B.T. 263 Kichs., C. Exc. 279 Pollington, .Jno., 1st Id., form. Jno. Savile, q.v., aft. E. of Mexboro', q.v. Pollio, C. A., C. Ro. 46 Pollock, Ch. Ed., and sir C, B. Ex. 385; J. Ex. D. 385; J.Q.B.D. 374 ; Q.C. 418 ; S.L. 414 Dav. and sir D.,C.J. Bbay. 660 ; K.C. 416 Fk. and sir F., A.G. 400 ; C.B. Ex. 382 ; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; K.C. 416; P.C. 214; S.L. 413 Fk. Rd., K.C.S.I. 803 Geo. and sir Geo., Const. T.L. 321; F.M. 856; G.C.B. 769; G.C.S.I. 801; gen. (D) 878 ; K.C.S.I. 802 Jos., C.C.J. 404 Pet., Ld. Sess. 517 Th., gen. (D) 876 Poltimore, Aug. F. G. W., 2ndld., P.C. 218; Tr. H. 292 Polton (or Pulton), Th., bp. Chich. 4133 ; bp. Her. 441 ; bp. Wore. 473 ; dn. Yk. 486 Polwarth, Ids. Patr., Id., form, sir P. Hmne, q.v., aft. 1st E. of Marchmont, q.v., Comm. Tr. Sc. 497 ; Ld. Chanc. So. 515 ; Ld. Sess. 517 Alexr., Id., aft. 2nd E. of Marchmont, q.v., Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 Hy. Fras., Id. {d. 1867), L.L. Selk. 512 Walt. Hugh, Id. (succ. 1867), L.L. Selk. 512 Polwhele, Th., gen. (0)692 Pomeroy, Arth., dn. Cork, 632 Jno., gen. (B) 865 Wm. de, K.B. 755 Pomery, Ed., K.B. 759 Pomfret, Jno., R. Cr. P.A. 335 Pomfret, E. of ■ — - Th., 1st E. of, K.B. 764 Geo., 2nd E. of, P.C. 202 Th. Wm., 4th E. of, form. hon. T. Fermor, q.v. Pompeins, Tr. Ro. 46 C, C. Ro. 47 Q., C. Ro. 44 B., C. Ro. 46 For INDEX OF NAMES Pompilins, X., K. Ro. SS Pond, Jno., Astr. Roy. 941 Ponde, .Jno. (or Th.), R. Cr. P.A. :i«; Som. H. 3:32 Ponsonby, hon. Fk. Car. and sir F., G.C.M.G. 794 ; G. Mlta. 671; gen. (C) 874; K.C.B. 776; K.C.H. 787 Geo., Ld. Chanc. Ir. 577 ; P.C. 208 hon. Geo., L.T. 160 Geo. Conw., gen. (D) 895 hon. Hy. gen. (C) 871 Hy. Fk. and sir H.. G.C.B. 773; gen. (D) 905; K.C.B. 783; P.C. 219 hon. Jno., C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Exc. Ir. 566; L.J. Ir. 557 Jno., see Id. P., infra hon. Rd., bp. Dry. 601; bp. Dry. and Rph. 602; bp. KUloe. and Kilf. 635; dn. St. Pat. G18 hon. Wm. and sir W., gen. (C)873; K.C.B. 774 Wm. Br., Postm. G. Ir. 564 Ponsonby, Ids. and vise. Jno., 2nd Id., aft. 1st vise, Amb. Aus. 117 ; Amb. Bgm. 123 ; Amb. Bzl. 135 ; Amb. R. PI. 136: Amb. Soy. 115; Amb. Tky. 129; G.C.B. 772 Ponsonby-Fane, see Fane Pont, Rt., Ld. Sess. 518 Ponte, Rd. de, J. It. 366 Pontianus, P. Eo. 32 Pontois, Jno. de, bp. Winch. 470 Poole, see also Pole Arth. Ruse, Q.C. 420 .\rth. Wm., bp. Jpn. 677 Dav., S.L. 412 Dav., see Pole Hy., gen. (D)896 Hy. and sir H., C. Exc. 280 Jacob, L.M. Dbbi. 641 Pooley, Jno., bp. Cloy. 631; bp. Rph. 601 ; dn. Oss. 623 Rt., C. St. 283 Poor, Poore. and Pauper See also Poer. Herb, or Rt., bp. Sal. 466; Jy. 363 Rd., bp. Chich. 432; bp. Dham. 478; bp. Sal. 466 ; dn. Sal. 468 ; J. It. 367 Rog., Ld. Chanc. 353 Pope, Saml., Q.C. 418 Wm., K.B. 761 Popham, Brunsw., adm. (Q) 842 Ed. Wm. Leyb., gen. (A) 862 Alexr., C. Tx. 284-5 Alexr., M. Chy. 397 ♦ Fras., K.B. 763 * Fras., L. Admy. 175 • ? the same pers. Home Riggs and sir H., adm. (A) 819; K.C.B. 774; K.C.H. 787 Jno. and sir J., A.G. 399; Jno.. C.J.Q.B. mO; S.G. 401; S.L. 408; Sp. H.C. 218-9 Wm., adm. (H) 84() Poplicola, see also Potitus L. G., C. Ro. 46 M. V. (2), C. Ro. 40 P. v., C. Ro. 37, 38, 40 ; Dt. Ro. 40 Popple, Alured, G. Bmda. 701 Wm., G. Bmda. 701 List of Abbreviation, see pp. 944-952. Popplewell, Geo. Otw., adm. (H)a57 Porche, Perciv. de, M.M. 245 Kt. de, M.M. 246 Porcher, Jno., M.M. 245 Porcina, M. M. L., C. Ro. 44 Port, Ad. de. J. It. 366 Jno., J.K.B.372; S.G. 401; S.L. 408 Portarling^on, Hy. Jno., 3rd E.of.K.P. 751 Porte, Jno.. K.B. 760 Portelli, Agost., K.C.M.G. 796 Porten, Stain, and sir S., C. Cns. 276; U.S.S. 226 Porter, .Vndr. M., A.G. Ir. 5«9; M.R. Ir. 585; S.G. Ir. sir Ch., L.J. Ir. 555; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576 Geo., aft. bar. de Hoche- fried, gen. (B)867 Geo. R., Sec. B.T. 270 Hy. Ed., gen. (D)885 Jas., V.C.H. 296 Jas. and sir J., Amb. G. St. 121 ; Amb. Tky. 129 Jno., bp. Or. 596 ; bp. Killa. and Ach. 613 Jno., L.M. Dbln. 641 Neale, G. Antig. 728; G. Leew. Isl. 728; G. Monts. 729 sir Rt. Ker, Amb. Vza. 134 ; K.C.H. 789 Porterfield, Jno., abp. Glasg. 537 Porteseye, Ad. de, J. It. 367 Porteus, BeOby, B.T. 268 ; bp. Chest. 477; bp. Lond. 452; P.C. 204 Portington, Jno., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 Portland, Rt., bp. Emly, 625 Portland, E. and D. of Weston Fatnilij. Rd., 1st E. of, form. Id. Weston, q.v. Jerome, 2nd E. of, P.C. Ch., 3rd E. of, B.T. 263 IBentinck and Cavemlish-B. Families. Wm., 1st D. of, form. Wm. Bentinck and vise. Wood- stock, q.v., Gr. St. 303 ; K.G. 741 Hy., 2nd E., aft. 1st D. of, G. Jam. 712 Wm., 2nd D. of, K.G. 742 Wm. Hy., 3rd D. of, form. M. of Titchlield, q.v.. H. Sec. 226; K.G. 742; L.C.H. 295; L.L. Ir. 557 ; L.L. Notts. 311 ; L.P.C. 188; L.T. 158; P.C. 201 ; Prem. 144-5 Wm. Hy., 4th D. of, Jud. Com. P.C. 360; L.P.C. 188; L.P.S. 241 ; P.C. 210 Wm. J. A. C. J., 7th D. of, M.H. 302; P.C. 221 Portlester, Rowl., let Id., form, sir K. Eustace, q.v., L. Treas. Ir. 559 ; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 Portlock, Jos. Ell., gen. (D) 81)2 Portman, Wm. and sir W., C.J.Q.B. 370; J.K.B. 372; K.B. 763 ; S.L, 408 Portman, Ids. and vise. Kd. B., 1st Id., aft. 1st vise, L.L. Soms. 311 ; L.W.S. 323 INDEX OF NAMES Portmore, E. of -— Dav., 1st E. of, G. Gibr. 669; gen. (A) 857; K.T. 747; -r.O. 196 Ch., 2nd E. of, K.T. 747 Portsmouth, Jno., 1st E. of form. Jno. Wallop and vise' L/ymmgton, q.v. Portn, Maurice de, abp. Tm. 611 Postiimius, L., C. Ro. 42 Poterna, Jas. de, Jy. 364 Potitus, see also Poplicola L. v., C. Ro. 37-8-9 M. y. M., C. Ro. 41 Pott, Dav., gen. (D) 901 —— Steph., gen. (D) 897 Potter, Barn., bp. Carl. 475 Clir., dn. Dham. 479 ; dn. Wore. 473 Jno., abp. Cant. 431; bp. Oxf.456; P.C. 198 ^ Jno., dn. Cant. 431 Jno., U.S.S. 226 Th., dn. Wford. 628 Th., V. Treas. Ir. 560 Wm., Q.C. 419 ^ottinffer, Brab. Hy., geu.(D) —-sir Hy., Amb. Ch. 131 &.CB. 772; G.C.G.H. 679 H. Kong, 673; G. Mdras. 657 gen. (D) 881 ; P.C. 214 Jno., gen. (D) 898 Rd., J. Chest. 387 Rd., U.S.S. 226 — - Sus. Maria, Dow. Ladv. Cr. Ind. 810 '' Potton, Rd. de, bp. Abdn. 530 Poulden, Rd., adm. (D) 823 Poulett and Powlett, see also Paulet — — Ch. Arm. and sir C, gen. (C) 871 ; K.B. 765 Geo., L.L. Hants, 311 — - hon. Geo. and sir G., adm. (D) 826 Th. (or Wm.), S.L. 411 Th. Nort., gen. (C) 873 hon. Vere, gen. (B) 866 Wm., S.L. 407 Win., S.L. 411 Poulett, Ids. and E. Jno., 3rd Id., L.L. Dors. 307 —-.Jno., 4th Id., aft. vise. Hmton, q.v., and 1st Earl P K.G. 741; L.L. Soms. 31l',' L.T.156; L.S.H.290; P.C. 195 — ^Jno., 2nd E., L.L. Soms. Vere, 3rd E., L.L. Dev. 307 Jno., 4th E., K.T. 748- L.L. Soms. 311 ^oi^lett - Thompson, see Thomp.son I*ogltoii, Hy., Boil. A., gen. Poulteney, J., S.L.R. 271 Pounteney (or Pultney) Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 Povey, sir Jno., B. Ex. Ir. 584 ■ C. J.K.B. Ir. 578 Powell, Baden Hy. Baden-, O.I.E. 807 Burd. Rd., gen. (D) 911 Geo. Sm. Baden-, K.C.M.G. Hy. Wats., gen. (A) 859 Herb. Br., adm. (G) 841 Jno., G. Bdoes. 719 Jno. and sir J. (No. 1) J.C.P. 379; J.K.B. 372; S.L. 411 For Powell— co?i^ Jno. and sir J. (No. 2) B .?.?• fi= '^-C-P- 379; J.K.B 373 ; S.L. 411 — Jno. Jos., C.C.J. 405 ; Q.C. Mos., dn. Llin. 623 Nathl., K.C. 415 Rh., dn. Bgr. 426 = f h:,1l ■H^ral'^"'- *"*' ®^^ Th.'and sir T., B. Ex. 384 • J.K.B. 372 ; S.L. 410 Walt., gen. (D) 889 Wm., dn. St. As. 463 Wm., S.L. 409 — — Wm. Ed., L.L. Card. 315 Power, Alfr., K.C.B. 783 Dav., Q.C. 418 Ed., dn. Lism. 629 Col. J—, G. Mtius. 683 Jas., gen. (D) 880 * ? same pers. — Manl. and sir M. K.C.B 774 ; gen. (B) 868 — Maur., G. St. Luc. 725 — Rd., B. Ex. Ir. 584 — Walt., M. Chy. 393 — Wm. Gr., K.C.B. 779; K.H. 790; gen. (D) 882 Wm. Jas. Ty., K.C.B. 779 Powerscourt, vise. Rd., vise, form. Rd. Wing- fleld, q.v. Merv., 7th vise, K.P. 751 Powis and Powys -— - hon. Hor., bp. S. and M. Lytt. H. and sir L., B. Ex. 384; J. Chest. 387; J.K.B. 373; S.L. 411 Th., dn. Cant. 431 Th. and sir T., A.G. 399 ; J.Q.B. 373; S.G. 401; S.L. Powis, Ids., E., and M. of Jno., Id. K.B. (1478) 757 Herbert Family. 1st Creation. Wm., 1st Id., form. W Herbert and sir W., q.v. Wm., 1st E., aft. 1st M. of, P.C. 193 Wm., vise. Montgomery, q.v., and 2nd M. of, gen. (B) 864 Herbert Family, ^ncl Creation. Hy. Arth., 1st Id. Herbert of Chirbury, aft. 1st E. of Compt. H. 292 ; gen. (A) 8.58; L.L. Salop, 311; P.C. 200; Tr. Geo. Ed. H. A., 2nd E. of L.L. Montg. 315 Clive and Herbert Families. 3rcl Creation. — - Ed., 1st E. of, form. 2nd Id. Clive, q.v., L.L. Ir. 557; L.L. Montg. 315 ; P.C. 207 Edw., 2nd E. of, K.G 744 ; L.L. Montg. 315 Ed. Jas., 3rd E. of, L.L Montg. 315 Powle, Hy. and sir H., MR 388; P.C. 192-3 ; Sp.H.C.25o' Rd., K.B. 764 Powlett, see Poulett, Paulet and Orde *Pownall, Jno., C. Cus 276 • C. Exc. 281 * Jno., U.S.C. 235 * Prob. same pers 1113 Powney, Jno., K.H. 791 -— Rd., gen.(D)886 Powtrell, Nichs., S.L. 408 Powys, see Powis Poynes, Nichs., K.B. 761 Poynet, Jno., bp. Roch. 460 : bp. AVinch. 471 Poyning-s, sir Ed., Compt. H. 292; K.G. 737; L.D. Ir. 553; W.C.P. 319 Th„ K.B. 760 Poynton, Alexi-. de, J. It. 366 Poyntz, Hugh de, K.B. 754 Rt., K.B. 763 Steph., adm. (A) 819 Steph., gen. (C) 872 Steph., P.C. 198 Poywick, Wm. d,e, J. It. 368; Jy. 365 Pracle, Pr. JuU. du, G. Ch. Isl. 667 Prado, Mar., Pres. Pu. 109 Mar. Ign., Pres. Pu. 109 Praed, Bulk. Mackw., adm. (D) 824 — Wm. Mackw., C.C.J. 403; S.L. 412 — Winthr. M., Sec. B.C. 254 Pratt, Benj., dn. Down, 605 Ch. and sir C, gen. (C) 874 ; K.C.B. 774 ^ ' Ch. and sir C, aft 1st Id and E. Camden, q.v., A G 339; C. J.C.P. 376; K.C. 4i5 • P.O. 201; S.L. 412 Ch.C, gen. (D)889 Jno., gen. (A) 861 Jno. and sir J., C.G.S. 357 ; C. J.K.B. 370: Ch. Ex. 165- List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944.955 J.K.B. 373; P.C. " 197;' S.L.' 411 — hon. Jno. Jeffr., aft. vise Bayham, and 2nd E. and 1st M. Camden, q.v., L. Admv 180; TeU. Ex.167 ^ — Rt., gen. (D)905 Rt., M. Chy. 397 Sanrl., dn. Roch. 461 — — Th. Sims., gen. (D) 892: K.C.B. 779 Wm., dn. Cloy. 633 Prattent, Eras. Mowbr., adm (E) 837 Pratty, Rd., bp. Chich. 433 Preedy, Geo. Wm., adm. (H) Premislas, K. Pld. 91 I. and II., K. Bma. 59 Prenderg-ast and Pender- gast Ch. O'L., gen. (D) 933 Ch. O'N., gen. (D) 884 Harris, Q.C. 418 Harry N. Dalr., gen. (D) 925; K.C.B. 781 Jeflfr. and sir J., gen. (D) Jno., du. Lism. 629 Mauns. Mark, gen. (D) 934 Michl., Q.C. 417 sir T., Postm. G. Ir. 564 Wm., bp. Mayo, 612 Prene, Jno., abp. Arm. 595; dn. St. Pat. 617 Prentice, Saml., C.C.J. 405 • Q.C. 418 Prescott, Hy. and sir H.. adm. (D) 827; G.C.B. 770: G Newfd. 700; K.C.B. 778- L Admy. 183 Isaac, adm. (A) 816 Rd., gen. (B) 866 71 IIU Prescott — cont. Kt., G. Can. 691; gen. (A) 859 AVm., gen. (D) 890 Pressly, Ch., C. Exc. 282; C.I.R. 2a5; C. St. and Tx. 285; K.C.B. 783 Preston, Arth., gen. (C) 872 Arth. Jno., dn. KUd. 619 ; dn. liim. 640 sir Ch., C. Cu.s. Sc. 504 D'Arcy, adm. (A) 819 D'Arcy Spence, adm. (H) Geo., gen. (B) 864 Geo., gen. (B) 865 Gilb. de, C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 376; J. It. 368; J.K.B. 371 ; Jy. 364 Jno., J.C.P. 378 ; Rec. Lend. 493; S.L. 407 Jno., L.M. liOnd. 489 Jno. and sir J., L.P. Ct. Sess. 516 ; Ld. Sess. 518; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Jno. Ing., gen. (D) 922 Bd., gen. (D) 928 Rd.,K.C. 416 Rt. de and sir R., C.J.C.P. 375; C.J.C.P. Ir. 580; D. Chanc. Ir. 575; L.D. Ir. 551 ; Ld. Chanc. and L.K. Ir. 575; S.L. Ir.590 sir Rt., Ld. Sess. 519 Bd., aft. 1st E. of Desmond, q.v., K.B. 761 Rd., see vise. Pr., infra Bog. de, J.C.P. Ir. 581 ; J.K.B. Ir. 578 Th., Ptc. P.A. 337; Ulst, K.A. 572 Win., bp. Ferns and L. 622 ; bp. Killa. and Ach. 613 Wm., L.D. Ir. 5.53 Wm. Rd., gen. (D) 905 Preston, vise. Ed., 1st vise, P.C. 192 ; S. St. 224 Prestwyk, Wm., M. Chy. 394 Pretorius, M. W., Pres. Trl. 101 Prettejohn, Eich. Buckl.,gen. (D|918 Pretyman, Geo., see Tomline Prevost, Aug., gen. (C) 872 Geo. and sir G., G. Can. 691 ; G. Dnca. 730 ; G. N. Sc. 695; G. St. Luc. 725; gen.(B) 867 Jas., adm. (H) 844 Jas. Ch., adm. (B) 835 ; (P) 8:39 Wni. Aug., gen. (C) 874 Price, Pryce, and Pryse Arth.,abp. Cash, and Eml. 626; bp. Clonf. and K. 630; bp. Ferns and L. 622; bp. Mth. 599; dn. Ferns, 623 ; dn. Lism. 629 Ch., L.M. Lond. 492 Cromw., C. Ace. Ir. 567 Dnl., dn. Her. 442 Dnl., dn. St. As. 463 Dav., adm. (D)829 Ed., gen. (D) 906 (or Pryse), Ed. Lewis, L.L Card. 315 Edwin PI., C.C.J. 405 ; Q.C 418 Geo. Uved., gen. (D) 923 Griff., K.C. 415 Hy., dn. Cash. 627 Jno., C. Exc. 279 INDEX OF NAMES. Price, Pryce, and Pryse— co«t. Jno., gen. (C) 871 Jno., L.L. Glam. 315 Jno., V. Treas. Ir. 559 Nichs., gen. (C) 871 Ed., dn. Clonni. 600 Bt., bp. Ferns and L. 622; dn. Cnr. 605 Bt. and sir Rt.. B. Ex. 384 ; J.C.P. 379 ; S.L. 411-2 Bt. Davis, L.L. Mer. 314 Th., abp. Cash, and Eml. 626; bp. Kild. 617 Th., G. Dnca. 730 ; G. St. Xtr. 729 \Vm. Ph., gen.(D) 878 Prichard, see also Pritchard Augs., gen. (D)914 Hy., gen. CD) 904 sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 491 Prickett, Geo., S.L. 411 Th., adm. lH)646 Prideaux, Ch. Gr., Q.C. 418 Edm., A.G. 399 ; C.G.S. 356 ; K.C. 414 ; S.G. 401 Humphr., dn. Norw. 456 Jno., bp. Wore. 473 Jno., S.L. 408 Pridham, Bd., adm. (H) 847 Priestley, Ed. Jonn., K.H. 792 F.J. B., gen. (D) 923 Priestman, H., L. Admy. 176 Prieto, Pres. Chi. Ill Prime, Saml., S.L. 412 Primrose, sir Archd., L.J. Gen. 522 ; Ld. .■Vdv. 526 ; Ld. Sess. 519 ; Ld. Clk. Beg. 525 Gilb., gen. (C) 871 Jas. Maur., gen. CD) 906 Prince, Jno., gen. (B) 867 Pring'le, Alexr., L.T. 160 And., Jy. Sc. 523; Ld.Sess. 520 Geo., gen. (D) 926 Hy., gen. (C) 872 Jas., adm. (H) 844 Jno., gen. (C) 875 Jno., Ld. Sess. 520 sir Jno., Pres. R. Soc. 940 Rt., Sec. at W. 233; U.S.S. 225 Rt. Edgf., Ld. Sess. 520 Th., adm. (A) 816 sir Walt., Ld. Sess. 520 Wm. Hy. and sir W., G.C.B. 768 ; gen. (B) 868 ; K.C.B. 774 Prinsep, Hy. Thoty, M.C.I. 646 Proby, Ids. hon. Granville L., Id., aft. 3rd E. of Carysfort, adm. (D) 826; (G)840 Granville L., Id., aft. 4th E. of Carysfort, q.v., Compt. H.293; P.C. 216 Probyn, Dight. Macn. and sir D., gen. (D) 909; K.C.B. 784; K.C.S.I.803 Edm. and sir E., C.B. Ex. 382; J.K.B. 373: S.L. 411 Jno., dn. Llff. 450 01., CLE. 807 Th., G. St. Xtr. &e. 727 Procter and Proctor Anth., dn. Ferns, 623 Hy., gen. (Ci873 Hy. .A.., gen. (D)881 Ed., M. Chy. 396 — sir Wm. Beaud., adm. (D) 826; (a)&10 Proculus, C. P., C. Eo. 40 Profit, J., S. St. 222 Prophet, Jno., dn. Her. 442; dn. Yk. 486 Prosper, bp.Cness. 531 Protab, Chunder Rai., CLE. 808 Proude, Nichs., dn. Clonf. 637 Prowde, Lewis, J.K.B. Ir. 579 Prowse, sir Wm., adm. (A) 819 Pmdhoe, Ids., tee also North- umberland Algn., Id., aft. D. of North- umb., q.v., Pres. E. Inst. (1842) 940 Pry—, see also Pri— Pryce, see Price Prynne, Wm., C Exc. 277-8 Pryse, see Price Prysot, Jno., C.J.C.P. 375 Pryther?, Bd., J. Chest. 386 Pucelle, Ger.la, bp. Lich. and Cov. 443 Puckering', see also Picker- ing sir Jno., Ld. K. 356 ; S.L. 408; Sp. H.C 249 Pnckle, Jas., gen. CD) 916 Pudsey, sir Geo., S.L. 410 Rd. K., CLE. ,'■06 (or Pusari, Hugh, E. of Northbd., bp. Dham. 478; Ch. Jr. 362 ; Const. W. Cast. 322; J. It. 366; Jy.363 Pnella, Ger., bp. Lich. and Cov. 443 Prior, Benj. Jno. C, gen. (D) Puerta, L., Pros. Pu. 109 921 Ch., gen. CD) 906 Hy., gen. (D)892 Matth., B.T. 263; C Cus. 274; U.S.S. 225 Prisons, T. N., C Eo. 38 Prisot, Jno., S.L. 407 Pritchard, see also Prichard Kd.,gen. (B)869 (iord. Dougl., gen. (D) 930 (or Pritchet), Jno.,bp. Glr. 438 Saml. Perk., adm. (H) 847 Pritchet, sec Pritchard Pritzler, sirTheoph., gen.(B) H(i'.l; K.C.B. 775 Privernas, L. 3&. M. (2), C Ro. 40-1 : Dt. Bo. 40-1 Probus, M. A., Emp. Ro. 48 Proby, sir Pet., L.M. Lond. 491 Paget, Pet., adm. i A) 819 Pngeys, Imb., Const. T.L. Pnghe, Jno. Bt., gen. (D) 915 Pugolas, Hy., Bl. M. P.A. 3:i6; Bichni. H. 334 Pulcher, A.C, C. Bo. 43-4-5-6 C. C, C Ro. 44-5 P. C. C Ro. 42, 44 PuUeine, Jno. Jas., bp. suflf. Penr. 482 Puleston, Jno., J.C.P. 379 ; S.L. 409 Pullein. Hy.,G. Bmda. 701 Saml., stc I'ullen Pullen (or I'ulleiii), Saml., abp. Tm. 611 ; dn. Clonf. 637 Tobias, bp. Cloy. 630 ; bp. Droni. 605 ; dn. Ferns, 623 Wm. Jas. Saml., adm. (H For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. Puller, Chr. and sir C, C.J. Bgal. (352 ; K.C. 416 Pulley, Ch., gen. (D) 912 Pullingr, Alexr., S.L. 414 Jas., adm. (H) 848 Pullison, sir Ed., L.M. Lond. 490 PuUus, L. J., C. Eo. 42 PuUy, Rd., bp. S. and M. 483 Pulman, Jas., Clar. K.A. 328; Norr. K.A. 330; Ptc. P.A. 337 ; Kichm. H. 334 Pulteney, Danl., B.T. 264 ; L. Admy. 177 Harry, gen. (A) 858 sir Jas., gen. (A) 860; P.O. 208 ; Sec. at W. 234 Juo., B.T. 263-4; C. Cus. 274 Th., gen. (C) 371 Th., K.B. 758 Wm., aft. E. of Bath, q.v., P.C.196, 198; Sec. at W. 233 sir Wni., L.P.S. 240 Pultney (or Pounteney), Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 Pulton, Th., see Polton Pulvillus, C. H. (2), C. Eo. 38 M. H. (2), C. Eo. 37 Panchard, Wm., dn. Kild. 619 Pung'anur, Zem. of, CLE. 807 Punnah, Mahar. of, K.C. S.I. 8U3 Puntoyse, Jno. de, M.M. 245 Pupienus, Emp. Eo. 47 Purcell, see also Pursell Ed., adm. (G) 841 Jno. (2), bp. Ferns, 621 Purchase, Wm., L.M. Lond. 490 Purdon, Ed., L.M. Dbln. 642 Hy., S.L. Ir. 592 Puretoy, Wm., J. Pr. Ct. 421 Purey-Cust, see Oust Purfoy, Parfew, or War- ton, bp. Her. 441 ; bp. St. As. 462 Purley, Eras., S.L. 411 Purpureo, L. F., C. Eo. 43 Pursell, see also Pm-cell Th., bp. Wford. and L. Th., dn. Ferns, 623 Pursg'love, Et., bp. Suff. HuU, 486 Purvis, Eras. Eeg., adm. (H) 852 Herb. Mark Garr.,gen. (D) 935 Jno. Brett, adm. (D) 827 Jno. Child, adm. (A) 817 Jno. Cliild, adm. (H) 853 Ed., adm. (H) 850 Th., Q.C. 417 Pusar, see Pudsey Puskin, Kd., dn. St. As. 463 Putiala, Mahar., G.C.S.I. 801 ; K.C.S.I. 802 Putnam, Geo., K.B. 759 Puton, Franc;., Alfr., CLE. 807 Putta, abp. Yk. 485 bp. Dev. 436 bp. Her. 441; bp. Eoch. 459 Puttiala, see Putiala Py— , see also Pi— Pybus, Ch. S., L. Admy. 180; L.T. 158 Pycard, see Picard and Pickard INDEX OF NAMES. Pychard, Jno., dn. Chich. 434 Pycot, Jno., dn. Exr. 437 Pycroft, Th., K.C.S.I. 802 Pye, Adam, see Pay AH. Hampd., G. Br. Hond. 714 ; gen. (C) 874 Hy. Jas., P. Laur. 301 — Laur., G. Ceyl. 672 Ed., C St. 283 sir Et., And. Ex. 166 sir Th., adm. (A) 814 Wm., dn. Chich. 434 Pyell(or Piel),Jno., L.M. Lond. Pykering', see Pickering Pyke, see Pike Pym, see also Pim Ed. Lawr., gen. CD) 921 Fk. Geo., gen. (D) 921 Et., geu.(D)880 Saml. and sir S., adm. (D) 824 ; K.C.B. 777 sir Wm., K.C.H. 788 W. Eowl., G. Monts. 729 Pymme, see Pym and Pyne Pympell, Steph. de, dn. Wells, 428 Pynchebek, Th., CB. Ex. 381 Pyne, see also Pine Ed. and sir E., C.J.K.B. Ir. 578; C.J.C.P. Ir. 580 ; L.K. Ir. 576 (or Pymme), B. Ex. 384 W. E., G. Trin. 722 Quail, Wm., L.M. Dbhi. 641 Uuain, Jno. Ed. and sir J., J.Q.B. 374; J.Q.B.D. 374; Q.C. 418; S.L. 414 Ed., Pres. CoU. Surg. 939 Qualberg', Corn. Van, G. C.G.H. 678 Quaplode, Wm., bp. Dry. 601 Quarme, Geo., C. Exc. 280; C Tx. 284 Queensberry, M. and D. of, see also Buccleugh and Dover Wm., 3rd E., aft. 1st M. and D. of, Comm. Tr. Sc. 497; H.C.P. Sc. 507; L.J. Gen. 522; Ld. Sess. 517; P.C 192 ; Pres. P.C. Sc. 500 Jas., 2nd D. of, also D. of Dover, H.C.P. Sc. 508; K.G. 741; L.H.T. Sc. 497-8; L.P.S. Sc. 501; Ld. Sess. 517; P.C. 195; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Ch., 3rd D. of, also D. of Dover, L.J. Gen. 522; L.K. Sc. 503; P.C. 197; V.A. Sc. 499 Wm., 4th D. of, form. 3rd E. of March, g.«.,L.L. Dumfr. 509 For subsequent Dukes, see Buccleugh and Q. 1115 Queensberry, M. and D. of— cont. Ch., .5th M. of, form, sir C. Douglas, q:V.,K.T. 748; L.L. Dumfr. 509 Jno., 6th M. of, L.L. Dumfr. 509 Archd. Wm., 7th M. of, form. vise. Drumlanrig, q.v. Quentin and Quintin bp. Clonm. 600 sir Geo. Aug., gen. (B) 869 ; K.C.H. 787 Querceto, Et. de, bp. Line. 446 Quichelmus (or Gulielmus), bp. Eoch. 459 Quin (or Coyn), bp. Lim. 638 Mark, L.M. Dbln. 640 Michl., adm. (D) 831; (O) 841 Ed. Et., adm. (H) 849 Th., L.M. Dbln. 640 Quincey or Quincy, de, see E. of Wincliester Sim. de, Ld. Clk. Reg. 524 Quintillus, Emp. Eo. 48 Quintin, see Quentin Quinton, Corn. adm. (D) 824 Quirinus, C. S., C. Eo. 46 Quivil, Pet., bp. Exr. 436 R** ■', iln. St. As. 462 Kabaa, Herb., gen. (D) 914 Babuleius, M., Dec. Ro. 38 Raby, Hy. Jas., adm. (H) 852 Jno., S.L. 411 Saby, Ids. Th., 3rd Id., aft. vise. Went worth and E. of Straf- ford, q.v., P.C. 196 Bachad, Pacha, K.C.M.G. 797 Badama I. and II., K. Mad. 101 Badcliffe and Kadclyffe, see also Eatcliffe Geo. Tr., gen. (D) 923 Hy., G. I. Man, 665 Ed. (or Eatclitfe), Barnes P.A. 341 ; Bl. M. P.A. 336 ; Som. H. 332 (or Eadclyf), Ralph, K.B. 750 Rt. Park, gen. (D) 908 (or Eadclytf ), Eog., dn. St. P. 4.53 Th., bp. Drom. 604 Wm., adm. (H) 848 Wm., gen. (D) 899 Wm., E. Cr. P.A. 335 Wm. Poll., gen. (D) K.C.B. 781 Badeclyve, Th. de, J. 369 Badenhale, Jno. de, J. 369 Radeswell, Rt. de, M. Chy. 907; It. It. For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 71 1116 Radford, Saml., adm. (H) 847; K.H. 791 Bading-ton, sir Jno., L.H.A. 173 Badley, "W., sec lialeigh Badling'ton, sir Jno., L.H.A. 173 Badnor, lOlias de, bp. Llff. 4J!) Badnor, E. of liobartcs Family. Jno., 1st E. of, form. Jno. Robartes, q.v., L.P.C. 187 Ch. B., 2nd E. of, L.L. Cnwall. 307 ; L.W.S. 323 ; P.C. 194 ; Tr. Ch. 294 Hy., 3rd E. of, L.L. CnwaU. 307 Jno., 4th E. of, form. Id. Bobartes and vise. Bodmin, q.v. Bouverie and IHeydell-B. Families. Jacob, 2ud E. of, L.L. Berks, 306 Jacob, 4th E. of, L.L. Wilts, 313 Badstook, Ids. Wm., 1st Id., form, su- Wm. Waldegi-ave, q.v., G.C.B. 767 Granv. Geo., 2nd Id., adm. (D) 826 Badnlpb and Badulphus, see Ralph Bae, see also Ray Dav. and sir D., Jy. Sc. 523 ; L.J. Clk. 516 ; Ld. Sess. 520 Wni., bp. Glasg. 536 sir Wm., Ld. Adv. 526 ; P.C. 211 Balf, W., Pres. Sw. C. 31 Bag'g'ad or Bag'g-ed, Patr., bp. Cork, 630 ; bp. Oss. 620 Baggett, Rd., adm. (A) 820 Bagimbertus, K. Lmd. 49 Baglan, Fitzroy Jas. Hy., 1st Id., form. Id. F. Somerset, q.v., F.M. 856; gen. (A) 863; P.C. 216 Baigersfeld, Jeff., Id., adm. (D) 828 Baikes, Ch. Lew., gen. (D) Fk. Dune, CLE. 808 Hy. Cec, P.C. 219 ; Postm. G.239 Rt. Nap., gen. (D) 916 Th., gen. (D) 917 Bainald, C. Hit. 81 Bainbow, Ed., bp. Carl. 475 ; dn. Pboro. 4.58 Baiue, Jno., K.C. 415 Baiuelm, bp. Her. 441 Bainer I. to III., Pr. Mno. INDEX OF NAMES. Baith, Alexi-., Id., Dep. Tr. [ Ramsay and Ramsey— con f. Sc. (1692) 497 Ino. Sc, gen. (D| 895 Bajnndra, Lala Mitra, CLE. I NathJ., gen. (D) 932 806 Pet. de, bp. Abdn. 530 Balee, Jno. de, K.B. 755 i Rt., adm. (H) 845 Baleigh, Walt., dn. WeUs, R. Murray, G. Lag. 687 429 i sir Th., L.M. Lond. 490 Danl., gen. (D) 901 Balnes, Juhus Aug. Rt., gen. (D) 904 Rd. and sir R., J. Adm. Ct. 423 ; J. Pr. Ct. 421 Bainey, see also Reiny Arth. Jac. M., gen. (D) 915 Hy., gen. (D) 882; K.H. 790 Hy. Garn., gen. (D) 905 Bainier, Jno. Spr., adm. (A) 819 Pet., adm. (A) 816 Baiusford, .scr itaynsford Bait, Jas., )>v. Pni. .'ill Jno., bp. Abdn. 5:50 For List of Abbreviations, sir Walt., C.Y.G. 298; G. Jsey. 667 ; L.W.S. ;^23 Wm. de, bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 : bp. Norw. 454 ; bp. Winch. 470; Jy. :^f>4 Balph, Baldiilph and Ba- dulphus, see also Rodolf abp. Cant. 4;i0; bp. Roch. 459 * bp. Brn. 530 * bp. Chich. 432 * bp. Dnbl. 532 * bp. Down, 603 * (of Kilmessan),bp. Down, 603 *— bp. Gall. 538 * (of Bristol), bp. Kild. 616 ; dn. St. Patr. 617 * (le Petit), bp. Mth., .599 * bp. Norw.454 ; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 ♦ bp. Ork. 535 * dn. Chich. 433 * (2), dn. Her. 442 * dn. Line. 447 * (archd. of Hereford), Jy. 363 * — - (archd. of Colchester), Jy. 363 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates Balston, see Raiilston Bam, sir Abel, L.BI. Dbln. 640 Diwan Het., CLE. 807 Th. (No. 1), bp. Ferns and L. 622 ; dn. Cork, 632 ; dn. Ferns, 623 Th. (No. 2), dn. Ferns, 623 Bambir, Singh, gen. (D) 915 Bambridge, Jno., dn. Lich. 445 Banihar, Kcll., bp. Saig. 620 Bamiro, I. and II., K. Arr. 86 I. t(i III., K. Sp.85 Banikrishnar, &c., CLE. 8().S Bamos, M.-gen. — , G. Gibr. 669 Bampore, Bah. of, G. C.S.I. 801 Nawab of, G.C.S.I. 801 ; K.C.S.I. 802 Bampret, D. Tuy. 57 Bampston (or Rempstou), sir Th. de, Const. T.L. 320 ; K.G. 734 ; L.H.A. 173 Bamsay and Bamsey Andr., G. Bbay. 6.59 sir Andr., Ld. Sess. 519 Ed. Bann., gen. (D) 914 Geo., gen. (B) 864 Geo., gen. (C) 874 Geo., gen. (D) 904 Geo., see Id. R., i7ifra Geo. Ant., K.H. 790 Geo. Wm., G. Antig., &c., 727; gen. (C) 873 hon. sir Hy., gen. (D) 910 ; K.C.S.I. 803 Jas., bp. Dnbl. 532; bp. Ross, 536 hon. Jas., gen. (B) 868 Jno., gen. (Al siil hon. Jno., geii. (B) S70 sir Jno., L.H.T. Sc. 496 ' Wm., gen. (B) 867 I Wm., gen. (Dl 920 I Wm. and sir W., adm. (D) 831; (El 834; (P)838; K.C.H. 780 I Wm. Maule, gen. (D) 897 ; Bamsay, Ids. ' Geo., aft. Id. R. and 12th E. of Dalhousie, q.v., adm. I (D)833; (E)834; (PI 838 Bamsden, sir J. W., U.S. \\ar, 232 Th., U.S.S. 22.5-6 Wm., adm. (HI 846 Bamsey, .fee Ramsay Bamshay, Wm., C.C.J. 404 Banajee, Mahar. Kunwar, G.C.S.I. HU Banavolona, I. t» III., Q. ISIad. 101 Bandolf, (abb. of Eveshami, J. It. 367 Jno., J. It. 368 Ch. Grenv., adm. (Q) 841 Ch. Wils., gen. (D) 921 Geo. Granv., adm. (SI 836 ; (PI 839 Hy., L.H.A. 171 Jno., B.T. 268; bp. Bgr. 426 ; bp. Lond. 452 ; bp. Oxf. 456; P.C. 208 Jno., J. It. 369 sir Th., L.G.C. Sc. 506 Bandou, Agost. and sir A., G.CM.G. 794 ; K.C.M.G. 796 Banelagli, vise, and E. of Rd., 3rd vise, and 1st E. of, form. Rd. Jones, q.v., P.C. 194 ; Paym. G. 244 Th. Hor., 7th vise, K.C.B. 783 Banger, see Reinger Bankin and Bankine Alexr., Mod. K. Sc. 547 ♦ Dav., bp. Glasg. 543 * Dav., Sc. Bp.545 * Prob. same pers. Jno., Mod. K. Sc. 547 Banulph, see also Arnulph bp. Down, 603 J. It. 366 (or Arnulph), Ld. Chanc. 353 Banutio, I. and II., D. Pma. 53 Baoul, D. Lne. 29 Baper, Felix Vine, gen. (D) 878 Hy.,adm.(Al819 Jno. Fr., gen. (Dl 920 Bapp, OS. Nap. 26 Basoberina, Q. Mad. 101 Bastall, Sanil., dn. Killoe. 637 Wiu.,.l.(^H. ;172; S.L. 4tW Batbod or Badboton, D. Tny. 57 Batchls, K. Lmd. 49 Batcliffe, .s<< u/so Radcliffe Alexr., K,B. 763 Geo., K.C 414 Hy., K.B. 760 Ter., K.H. 790 . sir Jno., K.CJ. 735 Rd., see Radcliffe sir Rd., K.(}. 736 Th., K.B. 762 [■e pp 944-952 Bathdonnell, Jiio., 1st kl., form. J. McCiintock, 7 Geo., L.M. Dbln. 641 Geo. Stew., adm. (H) R50 Jas. and sir .7. (No. 1), C.B. Ex. 382 ; J.K.B. 373 ; S.L. 411 Jas. and sir J. (No. 2), B. Ex.385; C.J.C.P. Ir.581 ; S.L. 412 Jno., adm. (A) 815 Jno., dn. Line. HH Ino., L.M. Dbln. 642 Jno. Hy., gen. (D) 912 Jno. Wm., gen. (D) 905 Josh, and sir J.,Pres. R.A. 941 Rd., bp. Bgi-. 426 ; bp. Line. 447 ; dn. Pboro. 458 sir Rd., see Reynell Rt., A.G. 399 ; S.G. 401 Rt. Carth., adm. (A) 818 Th., bp. Her. 441 ; dn. Exr. 437 Walt., sec Reginald Beyson, Jno., L.M. Dbbi. 641 Bhee, Th. Van, G. Ceyl. 672 Bheinhold, Rost, CLE. 808 Bhenius, Jno. Is., G. C.G.H. 678 Bhodes, see also Rodes Chi-., C E.xc. Sc. .505 Godfr., dn. Dry. 602 Bhodri, K. Wis. 16 Bhydderch, Pr. Wis. 17 ab Caradoc, Pr. Wis. 17 ab Jestyn, Pr. Wis. 17 Bhys, see also Rice Pr. Wis. 17 ab Grufydd (2), Pr. Wis. 17 ab Tewd^T Mawr, Pr.Wls. 17 ab Owen, Pr. Wis. 17 Bi— , see Ry— Biacli, Wm. Alexr., gen. (D) 924 Biall, Phin., G. Gren. 724; gen. (A) 862 ; K.C.H. 788 Bialton, vise. Sidney, 1st vise, form. 1st Id. and aft. 1st E.Godolphiu, q.v. Fras., Id., aft. 2nd E. of Godolphin, <;.!>., L.W.S. 323 Blaz, Pasha, K.C.M.G. 797 Bibouleau, Pet., adm. (D) 823 Bibton, sir Geo., L.M. Dbhi. 641 Bice, see also Rees and Rhys Benj. Lew., CLE. 807 hon. Ed., dn. Ghr. 440 Ed. Br., adm. (E) 836; K.C.B. 782 Fras., M.M. 247 Geo., B.T. 265-6 ; P.O. 202; Tr. Ch. 294 Jno. ap, L. Treas. Ir. 558 Harry Chipp. PL, gen. (D) 929 Saml.,K.H. 790 sir Steph., B. Ex. Ir. 584 ; C.B. Ex. Ir. 58;i ; C Treas. Ir. 559 hon. Steph. E. Spring, C. I Cus. 277 Rice — co7tt. Th. Spring, aft. Id. Mont- eagle, q.v., Ch. Ex. 165 ; L.T. 160: P.C. 212; Sec. Tr. 163; U.S. Home, 227; W. and C. Sec. 231 hon. Th. C. W. Spring, U.S.F. 230 Bich and Biclie Arth. Newb., gen. (D) 917 Ch., adm. (H) 847 Edmd., abp. Cant. 430 Edwd., M. Chy. 395 Edwin Ludl., adm. (H) Geo. Fk., adm. (D) 830; (0)840 Geo. Wh. Talb., gen. (D) 908 Hy., L.T. 161 Hy., aft. 1st E. of Holland, q.v., K.B. 762 Hugh, K.B. 760 J. B., Pres. Hti. 105 sir Pet., Chambn. Lond. see Id. R., infra Rd., Rt., Rt., M. Chy. 395 sirRt., G. Ch. Hosp. 936; gen. (A) 857 ; F.M. 856 sir Rt., gen. (B) 865 sir Rt., L. Admy. 176 sir Th., adm. (A) 816 Wm. Ch., gen. (D) 919 Bich, Ids. - — ^Rd., aft. 1st Id. R., Ld. Chanc. 355; S.G. 401; Sp. H C 249 Rt., aft. 2nd Id. R. (?), K.B. (1559) 761 Rt., Id., aft. 2nd E. of War- wick, q.v., K.B. 761 Rt., Id., aft. 3rd E. of War- wick, q.v., K.B. 762 '*^Bicliard, abp. Cant. 430 ♦ bp. Ach. 612 * bp. Bgr. 425 ♦ (St.), bp. Chich. 432 * bp. Clonm. 600 * bp. Cnr. 604 ♦ (de Proebenda), bp. Dkld. 533; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 ♦ (2), bp. Isl. 539 * bp. Lim. &38 * bp. Mor. 534 * bp. S. and M. 483 ♦ bp. St. Andr. 528 • bp. St. As. 462 * bp. Wford. andL. 627 • (2), dn. Chich. 433 » dn. Her. 442 * dn. Lich. 445 * (Archd. Wilts), J. It. 36« * Prob. some same per8. Comp. dates. D. Bdy. 28 K.B. 754 (son Wm. I.), Pr. E. 9 (son Hy. II.), aft. Kd. I.. q.v., Pr. E. 9 (son K. John), Pr. E. 9 (son Hy. III.), Pr. E. 9 (son lilk. Pr.), aft. Rd. II.. Pr. E. 10; Pr. W. E. 8 (g. son Ed. III.). Pr. E. 11 (iss. Ed. III.), Pr. E. 11 (iss. Ed. III.), Pr. E. 11 (son Ed. IV.), Pr. E. 13 Rose P.A. 344 I. to III.. D. Ndy. 30 I. to III., K.E. 4, 5 I. (K.E.). L.H.A. 551 List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. Richard— cojif. II. (K.B.), Ld. Ir. 551 Jno. ap, dn. Her. 442 Richards, Alb. Nort., G. Br. Cbia. 698 All, gen. (D) 878 Ed. L., C.C..T. 403 Ed. Vaugh., Q.C. 418 — -Fleetw. Jno., gen. (D) Eras. Jno., gen. (D) 919 Fk. Wm. and sir F., adm. (E) 837 ; K.C.B. 781 ; L. Admy. 186 — -Geo. Hy. and sir G., adm. (E)836; (P)839; K.C.B. 781 Griff., Q.C. 417 —-Jno., A.G. Ir. 588; B. Ex. Ir. 584 ; S.G. Ir. 590 Jno., dn. Ardf. 640 Jno., L.L. Glam. 315 — Michl., gen. (C) 871 ; S.G.O. Pet. and sir P., adm. (D) 830; (G) 841; K.C.B. 779; L. Admy. 183 Rd. and sir R., M. Chv. and Acct. G. 397 — — Rd. and sir R., B. Ex. 385; C.B. Ex. 382; C.J. Chest. 386 ; K.C. 415; P.C. 209; S.l! Rt., gen. (D) 917 Rt. Vaughan, Q.C. 417 Sol., gen. (D) 921 Wm., gen. (D) 876 ; K.C.B. 777 Richardson, Ch. and sir C, adm. (D) 825; K.C.B. 777 — — Jas. Th. Stevr. and sir J., Sec. Thist. 749 * Jno., bp. Ard. 608 * Jno., dn. Her. 442 * Prob. same pers. Jno., dn. Kilmacd. 638 — - Jno. and sir J., J.C.P. 380 ; Jno. Hy., gen. (D) 884 Jno. Luther, gen. (D) 876 ——sir Jno. Stew., Sec. Thist. Josh. Fl., gen. (D) 915 - Rd., S.Ii. 411 Rt., dn. Ard. 609 Rt., L.H.T. Sc. 497 Th. and sir T., C.J.C P 375; C.J.K.B. 370; S.L. 409; Sp. H.C. 249 Wm., adm. (H) 847j Wm., S.L. 410 Wm. Madd., gen. (C) 872 ^^^^J'^- Stew., gen. (D) 932 Bichtaell, Ed., gen. (C) 871 Biche, sec Rich Richer I., C. Hit. 81 Richense, Q. Pld. 90 Richey, Blatth. H. J., G. N. Sc. Richier, Isaac, G. Bmda. 701 Richm— , S.L. 407 Richmond, Archd. F., gen. (D)887 Hy., C. Cus. 276-7 Rd., bp. S and M. 484 Richmond, E. and D. of, see also March, Lenox, Gordon and Nottingham De Breux Family. Peter de Savoy, 1st B. of, W.C.P. (1241) 317 Jno. de Montford, 7th E. of, also D. of Brittany, K.G. (1376) 734 For INDEX OP NAMES. Richmond, E. and D. of— conf. Plantagenet Family. Jno., E. of, aft. D. of Lancaster, q.v., and K. Castile [d. 1399), K.G. 7.33 .Jno., E. aft. D. of, L.H.A. (1421) 174 Tudor Family. Edm., 1st E. of, form. E Tudor, q.v. Fitzroy Family. Hy., D. of, form. Hy. Fitzroy, and then E. of Not- tingham, q.v. (d. 1.536), L.H.A. 174 ; W.C.P. 319 Stuart Family. 1st Creation. Lud., 1st E. and D. of, also D. of Lenox, q.v., C.G.S. 3.56; E.M. ;326; H.C.P. Sc. 507; K.G. 739; L.G.C. Sc. 506; L.S.H. 290 27ul Creation. Jas., 1st D. of, also E. of March and D. of Lenox K.G. 739; L.G.C. Sc. 506; L.H.A. Sc. 499; L.S.H. 290; W.C.P. 319 Esm6, 2nd D. of, also D. of Lenox, L.G.C. Sc. 506 Ch., 3rd D. of, form. E. of Lichfield, q.v., also D. of Lenox, L.G.C. Sc. 506 Leiiox Family. Ch., 1st D. of, K.G. 740; L.G.C. Sc. 506; L.H.A. Sc. 499 ; L.L. Kent, 309 ; M.H. Ch., 2nd D. of, gen. (B) 865; K.B. 764 ; K.G. 741 ; L.H. Const. 289; M.H. 302; P.C. 1119 Riddel, Riddell, and Ridel— emit. Geoffr. (No. 2), bp. Ely, 434; Ch. Jr. 362; Jy. 363 L.H.T. 152 J- ooo, — — Hy. Jas., gen. (D)879 ; K.H. Michl., gen. (D) 880 Rd., bp. Ely, 434; J. It. Steph., Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 sir Walt. Buchanan, C.C.J. 404 — — Wm., Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Ridding, Geo., bp. SouthweU, Riddoch, Jas. Compt. Sc. 498 Ridel, see Riddet Rideout, Jno. Wood, gen. (D) 930 Rider, see Ryder Rideware, Wm. de, J. It. 36C Ridg-eway, Josh. West and su: J., K.C. S.I. 803 ; U.S. Ir. 563 Ridley, Ch. Wm., gen. (D) Ch., 3rd D. of, Amb. Fr. 112; F.M. 856; gen. (A) 858; K.G. 742; L.L. Suss. 312; M.G.O. 259 ; P.C. 201 ; S. St! 224 Ch., 4th D. of, G. Can. 691 ; gen (A) 860; K.G. 743; L.L. Ir. 557; L.L. Suss. 312; P.C 208 Ch., 5th D. of, K.G. 743 • L.L. Suss. .312; P.C. 211- Postm. G. 238 Ch. Hy., 6th D. of and 1st D. of Gordon, Jud. Com. P.C. 361; K.G. 745; L.K. Sc. 503; L.P.C. 188; L.L. Bffsh. 508; Pres. B.T. 269 ; Sec. Sc. 502 ; V.P. Ed. Sc. 500 Rickards, Ed. Jno., gen. (D) Geo. Kett., K.C.B. 784 Rickets and Ricketts sir Cornw., adm. (H) 848 Geo. Poy., G. Bdoes. 720; G. Tob. 723 Hy., K.C.S.I. 802 Rd. Rodn., gen. (D) 896 sir Rt. Tr., adm. (A) 820 Rickhill, Wm., J.C.P. 378- S.L. 407 Ricking-hale, .Jno.,bp. Chich. Rickman, Wm., gen. (D) Riddall, Wm., gen. (D) 881- K.H. 790 Riddel, Riddell, and Ridel I Ch. Jas. Buch., gen. (D) Geoffr. (No. 1), Ch. Jr. 362- Jy. 363 List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944- sir Matth. W., Sec. Tr. 164 • U.S. Home, 228 Nichs., bp. Lond. 451 ; bp. Roch. 460 Nichs., M. Chy. 397 Th. and sir T., M. Chy. 395 : Vic. Gen. 421 Wm., bp. Caled. 698 Wm. Jno., gen. (D) 898 Riebeck, Joh. Anthy. Van, G. C.G.H. 678 Rier, Geo., L.L. Carm. 315 Rig-aud, Gibbes, gen. (D) 911 Steph. Jord., bp. Antig. 728 Rig-by, Alexr., B. Ex. 384 ; S.L. 409 Alexr., gen. (C) 872 sir Alexi-., C. Cus. Sc. 503 Chr., C. Tx. 284 Ed., S.L. 410 Jno., Q.C. 419 Rd., B.T. 265; Ch. Sec. Ir. 562; M.R. Ir. 585; Paym. G. 244 ; V. Treas. Ir. 560 Rig-g-s, Ed., C. Cus. 275 Rig-hy, Hy., gen. (D) 904 Rig^ny, H. de, K.C.B. 775 Riley, see also Ryley Ch. Wils., adm. (H) 849 * Ph., C. Exc. 279 * Ph , S.W.F. 271 * ? same pers. Steph. D., gen. (D) 887 Riming-ton, Saml., gen. (B) 868 *Rinaldo, D. Tny. 57 * M. Fa. 53 * ? same pers. Ring-stede, Th. de, bp. Bgr. 426 Rinzy, Geo. Aug. Fk. de, gen. (D) 900 Ripariis, Rt. de, J. It. 368 Walt, de, J. It. 367 Wm. de, Ld. Chanc. So. 514 Ripon, E. and M. of, see also Earl De Grey — Fk. Jno., 1st E. of, form. F. J. Robinson and vise. Goderich, q.v., L.P.S. 241; Paym. G. 244 ; Pres. B.C. 254; Pres. B.T. 268 1120 Ripon, E. and M. of— cont. Geo. Fk., 1st M. of, form. E. De Grey and K. (see Grey), G.G. Ind. G50 ; L. Adiny. 186 ; L.Li. Yorks N.K. 313 Henr. Aune Theod., Mss. of, Cr. lud. «09 Bishberry, Jno., bp. Emly, Olio Ritchie, Ch. T., P.O. 221; I'res. L.G.B. 256 ; Sec. Adra. 187 Dav., Mod. K. Sc. .547 Geo., Mod. K. Sc. 547 Kt., Anib. Vce. 116 Wm., Mod. K. tic. 547 Kitherdon, Augs., gen. (D) 924 Bivallis, Kyevalis, or Ori- vaUis, Pet. de, B. Ex. 382; L.H.A.170; li. Treas. Ir. 558; W.C.P. 317 Bivarola, C. A., Dt. and Pres. Pgy. 110 Fras., Ct., gen. (B) 870; K.C.H. 788; K.C.M.G. 796 Rivera, F., Pres. Ugy. Ill Rivers, Augs. Hy. Lane Fox- Pitt-,' gen. (D)917 Harry, gen. (D) 900 Hy., U.S.S. 226 Jas., U.S.S. 226 sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 Rivers, Ids. and E. Widvile Family. Rd., 1st Id., aft. 1st E., K.G. 735; L.H.T. 153 Anthy., 2ud E., form. Id. Scales and Nucells, q.v. Darcy and Savage Families. Th., 1st E., form. vise. Col Chester, q.v. Rd., 4th E., Const. T.L 321 ; gen. (A) 857 ; M.G.O 258; P.C. 195 Pitt Family. Geo., 1st Id., form. Geo Pitt, q.v., L.L. Dors. 307; L.L. Hants. 311 Riverstou, Th., Id., C. Treas. Ir. (1689) 559 Rivett-Caruac, see Carnac Rizzio, Dav., Sec. St. Sc. 502 Roan or Roane, Jno., bp. Killoe. 634 ; dn. CLr. 597 Robaire, Bart, de, K.B. 757 Robartes and Robarts Fras., Tell. Ex. 167 Russ., Tell. E.\. 167 Robartes, Ids. Jno., 2nd Id., aft. 1st vise. Bodmin and E. of Radnor, Gi.u.B.T. 263; E.M.326; L.D. and L.L. Ir. 555 ; L.P.S. 210; L.T. 155; P.C. 190, 192 Robbins, see also Robins and Robyns Th. Wm., gen. (D) 882 Robe, VV. H., G. S. Austr. 706 gen. (D)897 Wm., K.C.B. 774 *Robert (the Norman), abp. Cant. 430; bp. Lond. 451 bp. Ard. 607 bp. B. and W. 427 (2), bp. lirn 531 (2), bp. Clonf. 635 (of Flanders) bp. Cnr. 605 bp. Dkld. 533 (de Proebenda), bp. Dnbl. 532 (of England), bp. Emly, INDEX OF NAMES. Robert — cont. " bp. Isl. 539 ♦ (of Askeaton), bp. Kild. 616 ♦ bp. KiUa. 612 ♦ (2). bp. Lim. 638 » (of Bedford), bp. Lism. 626 ♦ (4), bp. Ross. 535 * bp. Ross. 631; M.M. 246 * bp. St. Ahdr. 528 ♦ (2), bp. Wford. 626 * dn. Ferns, 623 * dn. Lhu. 623 * (2), dn. Sal. 468 * (abbot of HoljTTOod House), L.H.T. Sc. 497 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. (deCourtenay), Enip. E.E. 51 (the wise), K. Nls. 56 (son Wm. I.), Pr. E. 9 (son James I.), Pr. E. 12 I., D. Pma. 54 I. and II., D.Bdy. 28 I. and II., D. Ndy. 30 I. and II., K. Fr. 23 I. to III., C. Firs. 81 I. to III., K. Sc. 19 - — (Guiscard), K. Scy. 55 Roberts, Abrm. and sir A., G.C.B. 770; gen (D) 885; gen. (D)886; K.C.B. 779 Ed., CI. PeUs. 168 Fras. Alexr. Cr., bp. Nass. 717 Fk. SI. and sir F., CO Ind. 651: C.C. Mdras. 658 CLE. 806; G.C.B. 771; G.C.I.E. 805; G. Nat. 680 gen. (D) 920; K.C.B. 781 K.C.LE. 805 Hy., C.I.R. 285 Hv. G., gen. (D) 888; K.C.B. 778 Hy. Tuff., gen. (D) 881 Jno., B.T. 265-6 * Jno., Chn. E.I. Co. 644 * Jno., Chn. E.I. Co. 645 * ? same pers. Jno., gen. (C) 872 J. C, U.S.S. 226 Jno. Ch. Gawen, aft. Roberts-Gawen, adm. (H) 845 J. J., Pres. Lib. 100 Rd., K.H. 791 Rd. Armstr., gen. (D) 916 Th., gen. (A) 860 Wm., bp. Bgr. 426 ' Wm., gen. (1>)922 Ulst., K.A. 572 Robertson, Alesr. Cunn., gen. (D) 909 Archd.,gen. (B) 666 Archd., gen. (C) 872 Archd., gen. (D| 879 Ch. Duisb., gen. (D) 907 sir Danl. Br., K.C.M.G. 797 Dav., aft. Robertson-Mac- donald, adm. (H)850 Dav., L.L. Berw. 508 Geo. Dune, gen. (C) 874 Hy. Lark., gen. (D) 913 Here. Jas., Ld. Sess. 521 Jas., gen. (A) 862 Jas., Ld. Sess. 519 Jas., Mod. K. Sc. 547 Jas. Hy. Cr., gen. (D) 909 Ino., K.C.M.G. 797 hon.Jno., CLE. 807 Robertson— cont. Patr. B., Ld. .Vdv. 526, S.G. Sc. 527 Patr., D. Fac. Sc. 527 ; Ld. Sess. 521 Rt., adm. (H)851 Rt. Rich., gen. iD' 894 Rt. Stanw., gen. (D) 931 Th., dn. Dham. 479 Wm., adm. (H) 847 Wni., gen. (B) 867 Wm., Ld. Sess. 520 Wm., Postm. G. Sc. 502 Wm. D., gen. (D) 887 Robertson-Ross, see Ross Robins, see aUo Robbins and Robvns Jos. F., dn. KiUoe. 637 Robinson, see also Robi- son .\lexr., gen.(D)922 Andr., gen. (Cl 871 Benj. C, P.P. 419; S.L. 414 Ch., J.K.B. Ir. 579 Ch. Gepp., adm. (E) 835; (P)838 sir Chr., Adm. Adv. 423 ; Ch. Lond. 422; J. Adm. Ct. 423; K. Adv. 422; P.C. 211 Danl. Geo., gen. (D) 907 Fk. Ch. Br., adm. (E) 837 hon. Fk. J., aft. 1st vise. Goderich, and E. of Ripon, q.v., B.T. 268; Ch. Ex. 165; L. Admy. 181; L.T. 159; Paym. G. 245; Pres. B.T. 268; Tr. N. 256 ; U.S.W. &C. 231 ; V.P.B.T. 269 Fk. Lacey, C.I.R. 286 Fk. Ph. and sir F. G.C.B. 769; G. Tob. 723; gen. (A) 862; K.C.B. 774 Geo., J.C.P. Ir. 581 Geo. Aberc. and sir G., Chn. E.I. Co. 645 Hy., bp. Carl., 475 Hy., C. Exc. Sc. 504 Hy., K.C.B. 784 Hy. Ed., gen. (D) 885 Here, adm. (H) 815 Here. Geo. Rt. and sir H., G.CM.G. 795; G. Antig. 728; G.C.G.H. 679; G. Ceyl. 673; G. H. Kong, 673; G. Monts. 729; G. Mtius. 684; G. N.S.W. 703; G. N.Z. 709; G. St. Xtr. 729 ; K.C.M.G. 796 ; P.C 220 Jas., gen. (A) 858 Jas., S.L. Ir. 593 Jno., bp. Brl. 439; bp. Lond. 452 ; dn. Winds. 474 ; L.P.S. 240; P.C. 196 Jno., S.W.F. 271 Jno., gen. (B) 867 Jno., Sec. Tr. 163 * sir Jno., Const. T.L. 321 ; Lt. T.L. 322 * sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 * Prob. same pers. Jno. Bev., G. Ont. 692 sir Leon., Chambn. Lond. 493 Mark, adm. (A) 818 Nichs., bp. Bgr. 426 sir R., G. Bmda. 701 Rd., aft.] st Id. Rokebv, q.v., abp. Arm. 596; bp. Ferns and L. 622 ; bp. Kild. 617 ; bp. KiUa. and Ach. 613; dn. Chr. Ch. Dbln. 618 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. Eobinson— co7it. Et., gen. (B) 866 5J- ^-G. Gr. Hosp. 854 -iil. bpencer and sir E., «4"'-J^^ 832 ; (E) 834 ; (P ™f: Compt. N. 258; K.C.B. 703 , L. Admy. 185 gaml., Chambn. Lond. 493 m ?/"•' S^°- ID) 911 ■ T., Sec. P.O. 239 sir Tancr., adm. (A) 814 " Th., dn. Kilm. C09 — - sir Th., aft. 1st Id. Grant- hani, q.v., B.T. 265; C. Exc. " G. Bdoes. 720 ; K.B. 764 INDEX OF NAMES. M.G.W. ; P.C. 199 ; S. St ~,^o?- Th., aft. 2nd Id Grantham, q.v., B.T. 266; P.C 2U2 ; V.C.H. 297 — - Wm. and sir W., G. Bah 79 • '^^^''■^^■^ ^:ii : Pr. Bp. Sc. 540 Cli., bp. Dkld. and Dnbl. 542: bp. Dnbl. 542 Goo., B.T. 268; P.C. 207; Paym. G. 245; Sec. Tr. 163; ' Tr. N. 256 ; V.P.B.T. 269 List of Abbreviations, sec jip. 944-952. Rose — cont. Geo. and sir G., J. Bank. 392 ; K.C. 416 ; M. Chy. 397 Geo. Hy. and sir G., Amb. Bva. 119 ; Amb. Pr. 118 ; Amb. U.S.A. 132; G.C.H. 786; P.C. 210 Inc., gen. (D)876; K.C.B. 776 Jno., L.M. Dbln. 641 Jno. and sir J.. G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 7%; P.C. 221 Hy., J.K.B. Ir. 579 Hugh, gen. (D) 926 Hugh Hy. and sir H., aft. Id. Strathnairu, q.v., C.C. Ind. 651 : Comm. F. Ir. 564 ; G.C.B. 769; G.C.S.I. 801 ; gen. (D)889; K.C.B. 778; K.C.S.I. 802 * Jas., bp. Glasg. 543 * Jas., Sc. bp. 545 * Prob. same pers. sir Jno. Wm., Rec. Lond. 494; S.L. 412 SI., C. Ex. 282; C. Ex. Sc. 505 Wm., K.C.B. 783 Sir Wm., K.C.H. 787 Wm. Anders, and sir W., L.M. Lond. 492 Bosebery, E. of Neil, 3rd E. of, K.T. 748 Archd. Jno., 4th E. of, K.T. 748; L.L. Linlithg. 511; P.C. 212 Archd. Ph., 5th E. of, C.W.P.B. 273; F. Sec. 229; L.L. Linlithg. 511 ; L.L. Mid. L. 509; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 220; U.S. Home, 228 Boslyn, see Rosslyn Boss and Bosse ' Alexr., gen. (A) 860 Alexr., gen. (C) 872 ; S.G.O. 260 Andr., gen. (C) 873 Arth., abp. Glasg. 5.37; abp. St. Andr. 529 ; bp. Arg. 538 ; bp. GaU. 539 sir Campb. CI. Gr., gen. (D)923; K.C.B. 781 * Ch., C. Exc. 282 * Ch., L. Admy. 182; L.T. 160 * ? same pers. Ch., gen. (A) 857 Ch., gen. (B) 866 Ch., gen. (C) 872 Ch. Payne Hodgs., adm. (D) 824 Dav., C. E.xc. Sc. 504 Dav., CLE. 806 Dav., Ld. Sess. 520 Dav. Rt., G. Tob. 723 Edm., G. Ch. Isl. 667 Edm. Dav. Russ., gen. (D) 914 Geo., see Id. R., infra Hew. Dalr. and sir H., F.M. 856; G.C.B. 769; gen. (D) 879; K.C.B. 775; L.G.O. 259 Hugh, gen. (D) 886 sir Jas. Clarke, adm. (D) 831 Jas. Kerr, gen. (D) 896; K.H. 792 sir Jas. Lockh., geu. (C) 871 Jas. Tyr. Cart.. CLE. 806 Ross and Rosse— coni. Jno. de, bp. Carl. 475 Jno., bp. Down, 603 Jno., bp. Exr. 437 Jno., gen. (B) 869 Jno., Ld. Adv. 525 Jno. and sir J., gen. (C) 875; G. Gsey. 669; K.C.B.776 Jno. and sir J., gen. (D) 909; K.C.B. 781 sir Jno., adm. (G) 841 Jno. Fras., adm. (H) 852 sir Jno. Lockh., adm. (A) 815 Matth., D. Fae. Sc. 527 sir Patr., G. Antig. 728; G.C.M.G. 794; G. St. Hel. 682; gen. (C) 874; K.C.H. 788; K.C.M.G. 796 Patr. Robertson, gen. (D) Rt., C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Exc. Ir. .566 Rt., gen. (C)873 Rt., K.H. 790 Rt., Li.M. Dbln. 641 Th., gen. (D) 907 Boss, Ids., E., and D. of INDEX OF XAMES. Botherfeld, Wm. de, bp. Carl. 475 Botherliam, sep Rotheram Bothes, E. and D. of Wm. (.> Geo.), 4th E. of, lid. Sess. 517 Jno., 7th E., aft. 1st D. of Comm. Tr. Sc. 497; H.C.P. Sc. 507; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515; Ld. Sess. 517 ; P.O. 190 ; Pres. P.O. Sc. 500 Jno., 8th E. of, L.H.C.K. Sc. 546; V.A. Sc. 499 Jno., 9th E. of, Comm. F. Ir. 564; gen. (A) 858; K.T. 747 Bothesay, Stuart de, see Stuart Bottentaurg-, Fras. Bar., gen. (B)867 ^ Botton, Guy, gen. (D) 913 Boubury, Gilb. de, J.C.P. 377 ; J.K.B. 371 BouclifFe, Br., B. Ex. 383 Bouden, Wm., M. Chy. 394 Bouen, abp. of, Const. T.L. ! 320 Bong-h, Wm., S.L. 412 Walt E. of, L.J. Gen. ' Bougrhhead, see Roghened (1239)522 Stuart Familij. Jas., 1st D. of, abp. St. Andr. 529; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Wm., 12th Id., L.H.C.K. Sc. 546 ; L.H.T. Sc. 498 Geo., aft. 13th Id. R., C. Cus. 275 ; C. Cus. Sc. 504 ; C. Exc. Sc. 504 Gore Famili/. Ralph, 1st E. of, gen. (A) 856 Geo., 2nd E. of, C. Treas. L:. 561 Bosse, E. of Laur., 2nd E. of, Postm. G. Ir. 564 Wm.. 3rd E. of, form. Id. Oxmanton, q.v. ; K.P. 751 • Pres. R. Soc. 940 BosseU, Ch., L.M. Dbln. 641 Bosslyu, E. of Alex., 1st E. of, form. A. M edderburn and Id. Lough- borough, q.v. St. CI. Jas., 2nd E. of, Amb. Pgl. 124 ; G.C.B. 768 ; gen. (A) 860; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; L.L. Fifesh. 510 ; L.P.C. 188; L.P.S. 241; L.T. 160; P.C. 211 Jas. A., 3rd E. of, gen. (D) 884; M.B.H. 303; P.C. 214 Rt. Fras., 4th E. of, G.C.A. 300; L.H.C.K. Sc. 546; P.C. 22 L Bossiuore, Ids. Rt., 1st Id., form. G. R. Cunningham, q.v. ■ ^Hy. Rt., 3rd Id., L.L. Mouaghan, .570 Bostislaw, R. Russ. 89 Boswell, Wm. (error m body, Rd.), S.G. 401 Botharis, K. Lmd. 49 Botheaclita (2), K. Ir. 20 Bothenhale, Jno., K.B. 756 Botheram and Botherham Jno. and su- J., B. Ex. 384 ; S.L. 411 (or Scott), Th., abp. 48C ; j bp. Line. 447; bp. Roch. 460; ' Ld. Chanc. 355 BouUale, see Ronhale I Roupell, Geo. B., M. Chy. 397 ^ Rt. Pr., Q.C. 417 I Bous, Anthy., dn. Lich. 445 Fras., Sp. H.C. 249 hon. Hy. Jno., adm. (D) 830 ; L. Admy. 183 Jno. de, K.B. 755 I Saml., G. Bdoes. 720 ' Bouse, C. W. B., Sec. B.C. 254 sir Edmd., L. and V. Treas. Ir. 559 F., L. Admy. 175 Bouth, sir Rand. Ish., K.C.B. 782 Bouthall, see Ruthal Bow, Wm. Sk., gen. (D) 912 Bowan, Ch., and sir C, C.C.P. 261 ; K.C.B. 782 Hy. Seb., gen. (D) 903 Wm. and sir W., F.M. 856 ; G.C.B. 770; gen. (D) 882; K.C.B. 778 Bowcliffe, Hy., Q.C. 419 Bowcroft, Fras., gen. (D) 896 Bowe, sir Hy., L.M. Lond. 491 Jno., G.I. Man. 666 ' Nichs., P. Laur. 301 Pet., C.J.K.B. Ir. 577 Saml. and sir S., G. Gamb. 686; G. Gld. Cst. Col. 687; G. W. Afr. Sett. 688 ; K.C.M.G. 797 sir Th., L.M. Lond. 490 sir- Wm., L.M. Lond. 491 Wm. Carp., Q.C. 417 Bowland, see also Roland Andr., gen. (D) 897 Bowlands, Hy., bp. Bgr. 426 ; dn. Bgr. 426 Hugh, gen. (D) 923 Wm. Bowen, Q.C. 419 Bowlatt, Edwin Alexr., gen. (D) 912 Bowlet, Ralph, M.M. 246 Bowley, Bart. Saml., adm. (A) 617 sir Chas., adm. (A) 819 ; G.C.B. 769; G.C.H. 787; K.C.B. 774 ; L. Admy. 182 Ch. Jno., adm. (E) 837 1123 Rowley— co)(<. Jno., gen. (C)874 Josh., adm. (A) 815 sir Josh. Rick., adm. (D) 828 sir Josias, adm. (A) 819 ; G.C.B. 769; G.C.M.G. 794; K.C.B. 774 Saml. Campb., adm. (D) 824* Wm., C. Ace. Ir. .567; C. Cus. Ir. 565-6 Wm., gen. (A) 8.59 Wm. and sir W., adm. (A) 814; K.B. 765; L. Admy. 178 BowthaU, see Ruthal Boxburg-h, Fras. and sir F., C.C.J. 405; Q.C. 418 Hugo de, bp. Glasg. 536 ; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Boxburg'h, E. and D. of Rt., 1st E. of, L.P.S. Sc. .501 Jno., 5th E., aft. 1st D. of, K.G. 741 ; L.P.S. Sc. 501 ; P.C. 195 ; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Jno., 3rd D. of, Gr. St. 304; K.G. 743; K.T. 748; L.L. Roxb. 512; P.C. 206 Jas. Hv. Rt., 6th D. of, K.T. 748 : L.L. Berw. 508 Jas. Hv. Rt., 7th D. of, L.L. Roxb. 512 Anne, Dss. of, M. Robes. 304 Boy, Wm., gen. (C) 872 Boyal, Jos., G. N.W^ Terr. I 697 ' Boye, Edw. J., Pres. Lib. 100 Boyle, Jos. Ralph Ed. Jno., CLE. 808 Boyse, Geo., dn. Brl. 440 Boyston, Pet. Sor., bp. Mtius. 684 Boyston, vise. Ph., vise, form. hon. P. Yorke, q.v., aft. 2nd E. of Hardwicke, q.v., L.L. Cambs. 306 ; P.C. 200 Ch. Ph., vise, aft. 4th E. ' of Hardwicke, Compt. N. 293 ; P.C. 217 Butoy, Mons. de, Compt. Sc. 498 ; Ld. Chanc. Sc. .515 Buchonnet, L., Pres. Sw. C. 31 Buck-Keene, see Keene Buclinus, see Kuclinus Budd, Anthv., bp. St. Dav. 464 : dn. Glr. 440 Buddell, Jas. Archd., gen. (D) 928 Buderfield, AVm. de, abp. Yk. 485 Budbale, Wm., S.L. 408 Budolf (Cr. Pr. Austr.), K.G. 745 Budsdell, Jos. and sir J., Regr. M.G. 799 Biidstone, sir Jno., L.M Lond. 490 Budyard, Wm., dn. St. Pat. 617 Budyerd, Hy., gen. (B) 867 Bufane, Wm., gen. (B) 865 Bufinus, P. C. (2), C. Ro. 41-2 ; Dt. Ro. 40, 42 Bufus (2), bp. Lond. 451 C. Ro. and Dt. Ro. ; see also Flavus and Mamercinus A. C. C, C. Ro. 42 Cornehus. bp. Elph. 608 ^Geoffr., bp. Dham. 478; Ld. Chanc. 353 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1124 Kufus— co>if. Guy, J. It. 365 M. M., C. lio. 43, 45 P. K., C. Ro. 45 Q. M., C. Ko. 43 Q. P., C. Ro. 45 Rd., J. It. 366 S. L. F., C. Ro. 37 S. S., C. Ro. 46 S. S. C, C. Ro. 40 • T. A. L., C. Ro. 45 Wm., J. It. 365; Jy. 363 S.nge, Hy., dn. Cloy. 633 \Vm., bp. Norw. 455 Rusrg-les, Jno., (.'en. (D) 915 Bugrnett, sir J as. Hy., G. Jsey. 668 Sule, Wm. de, bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 sii- Wm., Sr. X. 257 BtiUianus, Q. F. M., C. Ro. (5) 41 ; Dt. Ro. (21 41 Bumbold, sir Arth. C. H., G. Kev. 7-29 ; G. St. Xtr. 729 ; G. Virg. Isl. 731 sir Geo. Berr., Amb. H. Tns. 120 Hor. and sir H., Amb. Arg. 136; Amb. Chi. 137; Amb. Gr. 129; Amb. Sw. and N. 127 ; Amb. Swz.114 ; K.C.M.G. 798 Burnley, i;and., gen. (D) 897 Bumodeep, Sing, K.C.S.I. 803 Bumold, St., bp. Dbbi. 615 Bumpf, Isaac Aug., G. Ceyl. 672 Bundall, Fras. Hornbl., gen. (D)908 Bundle, Th., bp. Dry. 601 Bunninffton, Ch., S.L. 412 Bnpe, see Roche Bupella (or Capella), sir Rd. de, L.J. Ir. 550 Bupert, E. Gmy. 62 Pr. (g. son Jas. I), see also under D. of Cumberland; adm. (A) 813; C.P.R. 68; Const. W. Cast. 322; K.G.740; L. Admy. 175 ; L.L. Surr.312 ; P.O. 190-1 ; Pr. E. 13 I. to III., C.P.R. 68 III. (C.P.R., aft. Emp. Gmy.), K.G. 735 Bupibus, Pet. de, bp. Winch. 470 ; Ch. Jr. 362 ; Jy. 364 ; Ld. Chanc. 353 Bupilius, C. Ro. 45 Burick, R. Russ. 89 Buse or Busbe, Anthy., dn. Chich. 434 Bushedon, Th., S.L. 408 Bushooke, Th., bp. Chich. 433: bp. Lift. 449 Busliout, sir Jno., L.T. 157; P.C. 199 ; Tr. N. 256 Bushton, Kand., G. I. Man, 665 Bushworth, Ch. Powl., C. Exc. 282; C.I.R. 285; C. St. 284; C. St. and Tx. 285; C. Tx. 285 Ed. Ever., G. Br. Gu. 715; G. Jam. 7)3: (i. Trin. 722 Busse, Will., M,!\I. 246 Bussel and Bussell Id. Alexr. Geo., gen. (D)905 A. J., Pres. Lib. 100 Bak. Cr. and sir B., K.C.B. 781; K.C.M.G. 797 Barth., J.K.B. Ir. 578 Ch. Arth. and sir C, A.G. 400; Q.C. 419 INDEX OF XAilES. Rufisel and Russell— co?i<. Dav. and sir D., gen. (D) 897; K.C.B. 780 Ed. Lechm. and sir E., gen. (D) 902; K.C.S.I. 803 Ed., aft. E. of Orford, q.v., adm. (A) (1690) 813 ; L. Admy. 176; P.C. 193; Tr. Ch. 294; Tr. N. 256 Id. Ed., adm. (D) Kjl ; (E) 834 El., L.M. Lond. 489 Fras., K.B. 760 hon. Fras., G. Bdoes. 719 Geo. and sir G., C.C.J. 404 Geo. Lake, C.C.J. 404 Geo. Wm., gen. (D) 916 Ld. Geo. \\iii., Amb. Pr. 118 ; G.C.B. 772 ; gen. (D 1 880 Geo. W. E., Sec. L.G.B. 256 sir Hy., C.J. Bgal. 652; P.C. 209 Hy. Ch., gen. (D) 886 Jas., Q.C. 417 - — sir Jas., gen. (D) 876 Jno., adm. (Q) 843 Jno., bp. Line. 447 ; bp. Roch. 460 ; Ld. Chanc. 355 ■ Jno., Sp. H.C. 248 Juo., see Id. and Earl R., infra Jno. Arch., C.C.J. 405 ; Q.C. 418 Jos., K.C.B. 776 ; K.C.M.G. 796 Lechm. C, gen. (D) 881 Michl., bp. Glasg. 543 Id. Odo Wm. Leop., aft. Id. Ampthill, q.v., Amb. G. St. 122; Amb. Gmy. and Pr. 116; G.C.B. 773; G.C.M.G. 795; P.C. 218; U.S.F. 230 Rd., gen. (C)871 Rt., G. Gsey. 668 Rog., dn. Lism. 628 Th. Macn., adm. (A) 817 Wm., bp. Isl. 539 ; bp. S. and IM. 483 Wm., M. Chy. and Acct. G. 397 Wm., see Id. R., infra sir Wm., gen. (D) 907 sir Wm., gen. iD) 920 — sir Wm., L.D. Ir. 5.54 Id. Wm., Amb. Pgl. 125; L. Admy. 181 W. A., bp. N. Ch. 676 Wm. Carm., gen. (D) 918 Wm. Oldn. «nd sir W., C.J. Bgl. 652; S.L. 413 Id. Wr., dn. Exr. 438 Bussell, Ids. and E. sir Jno., aft. Id. R. and 1st E. of Bedford, q.v., Compt. H. 292 ; K.G. 738 ; L.H.A. 174 ; L.P.y. 240 Wm., Id., aft. 5th E. of Bedford, q.v., K.B. 763 Id. Wm., son of 5th E. of Bedford (beheaded 1683), P.C. 192 Id. Jno., aft. Ist Earl R., Amb. Aus. 117 ; C. Sec. 234 ; F. Sec. 228-9; G.C.M.G. 795; H. Sec. 227; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; K.G. 744; L.P.C. 188; L.T. 161 ; P.C. 211 ; Paym. G. 244 ; I'rcm. 148-9 ; W. and C. Sec. 231 Bussin, bp. Cork, 630 Bust, (ieo., dn. Cnr. 605; bp. Drom. 605 Bnthal, Juo., L.H.T. 152 or RouthaU, or RowthaU, Th., bp. Dham. 478; dn. Sal. 466; L.P.S. 240; Regr. Gart. 746 ; S. St. 223 Butlierfcrd and Buther- fard .\ndr., aft. Uutherford- Clark, y.f., Ld. Adv. .526; Ld. Sess. 521; P.C. 215; S.G. So. 527 __ GUb. Bryd. R., adm. (H) 850 Jno. Wellw., gen. (D) 914 Buthveu, Ids., see also E. of Gowrie ls( Creation. Wm., 2nd Id., L.P.S. Sc. 501 ; Ld. Sess. 517 Wm., 4th Id., Ld. Sess. 517 2nd Creation. Dav., 2nd Id., Comm. Tr. Sc. 497 Bnthyn, Id. Grey of, see Grey ButUus, C. M., C. Ro. (4) 40-1 ; Dt. Ro. (2) 40 C. N. (2), C. Ro. 38-9, 41 S. N., C. Ro. 37, 41 ■ see also Tricostns, P. V. Butlam, Rajah of, K.C.I.E. 805 Butland, E. and D. of lHanta^ : M.R. It. 585 Michl. \Vm., gen. (D) 899 MUes, bp. Glr. 438 Mont. Ed. and sir M., J.C.P. 380; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; P.C. 218; Q.C. 417; S.L. 414 Nathl., Chn. E.I. Co. 644 Xathl., L.G. Ch. Hosp. 936 Nathl. Bowden, adm. (E) 837 Nichs., M. Chy. and Acct. G. 397 Oct. Ludl., gen. (D) 935 Perc. Guill. LI., gen. (D) 934 Pet., K.C.M.G. 796 Ph., een.(Di9:W Ed. Hort., Q.C. 419 Et. Mard.. K.C.M.G. 799 Et. Payne, dn. Cant. 432 Et. Vern., aft. Id. Lyveden, <7.r., L.T. IWJ; P.C. 214; Pres. B.C. 254 ; Sec. at W. 234 ; Sec. B.C. 254 ; U.S.W. and C. 231 Smith— conf. Saml., G. I. Man, 666 SamL.gen. (D1S8I Saml., dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 Th., adm. (A) 814 Th., bp. Carl. 476; dn Carl. 476 Th., L.M. Lond. 492 Th., aft. 1st vise. Strand- ford, see Smvthe sir Th., C'hanc. Gart. 745; S. St. 223 sir Th., dn. Carl. 476 Th. Assh., L.L. Cam. 314 Th. Berry Cusack, A.G. Ir. 588 ; M.R. Lr. 585 ; S.G. Ir. 590 Th. Charlton, gen. (D) 891 Th. Ed., adm. (Hi 8C3 Th. Hatch., gen. iD) 676 Th. Park., gen. (D) 930 Th. Patr., gen. (H) 879 Wm., bp. Killa. and .\ch. 613 ; bp. Kilm. and Ard. 607 ; bp. Eph. 601 ; dn. Drom. 606 \Vm., bp. Lich. and Cot. 444 ; bp. Line. 447 Wm., dn. Chest. 477 Wm., gen. (D)931 VCm., L.M. Dbln. 640 Wm., E. Dr. P.A. 338 Wm. Cusack and sir W., B. Ex. Ir. 5*4 : S.G. Ir. 589 Wm. Fk. Haynes, G. Br. Gu. 715; G. Leew. Isl. 728 Wm. Hv., Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; L. Admy. 165 ; L.T. 162 ; P.C. 219; Sec. Tr. 164; W. Bee. Wm. Sydn., adm. (Q) &42 sir Wm. Sidn., adm. (A) 817: G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 773 Smith-King', s, e King Smith-Stanley, see Stanley and E. of Derby Smollett, Jno. Ron., adm. (D> Smurlly, see Imurily Smyly, .A.ndr. Ferg.,'dn. Dry. 602 Jno. Ber., geu. (Di 915 Ph. Aust., gen. ^D) 894 Smyth, see also Smythe and Smith Ed. Selb. and sir E., G. Mtius. 684; gen. (D) 903; j K.C.M.G. 797 (or Smith), Geo., B. Ex. I Ir. 584 ; C. .\cc. Ir. 56 ] Geo., Ld. Sess. 519 Hy., gen. iD) t03 Hy. .\ugs., gen. (Di 925 ! sir Jas. Carm., G. Bah. Isl. 716; G. Br. Gu. 715; gen. (C»875; K.C.H. 787 Jas. Gibb.. gen. (D» 934 Jas. Eowl., »ee Jno. Rowl. Jno.. B.T. 368 ; L. Admy. 180; L.T. 158; M.M. 247; P.C. -207 Jno.. J.C.P. Ir. 561 Jno. Hall, gen. (D) 910 Jno. Hv., U.S. Home, 227 Jno. Nug., G. Br. Hond. 714 ; G. N. Sc. 695 ; gen. (C) 874 Jno. (or Jas.) Rowl., gen. (D)895: K.C.B. 779 hon. Leic. and sir L.. G. C.G.H. Ac. 679 ; gen. (») 906; K.C.B. 761 : K.C.M.G. 798 Rd.. LOI. Dbbi. 641 For List of Abbreviations, nee pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. I Somers, Ids. and E.—cont. Cocks and Somers-Cocks Families. — Chas., 1st Id., form, sir C. Cocks — Jnc, 2nd Id., aft. 1st E. S., L.L. Heref. HOS — Jno., 2nd E., L.L. Heref. Smyth— 0071 (. Spenc, adm. (H) 849 Th., bp. Lim., A. and A. 639 : (In. Knily, 628 Will., adm. (G) 843 Wm. Hy., adm. (H( 846 Wm. Pow. St., gen. (D) 913 Smythe, see also Smyth and Smith • Dav.. Ld. Sess. 520 Fk. Wm., K.C.M.G. 799 hon. Geo. A. F. P. S., aft. vise. Strangford, q.v., U.S.F. •iiO hon. Ph. Syd., dn. Dry. 602 hon. Sidn. Staff, and sir i S., B. Ex. 38.5 ; C.B. Ex. 382 ; I C.G.S. 3.57 : K.C. 415 ; P.C. 203 : S.L. 412 Th., aft. 1st vise. Strang- ford, q.v., K.B. 763 I — Th. (Bp.), seeSmvth I Wm., dn. Ardf. 640 Win. .J as., gen. (D) 904 Smjrthes, .Jesse. S.G. Ir. 589 Smythies, Ch. Acan., bp. C. Afr. 6s-( Snagrg and Snag'g'e Th., A.G. Ir. 588; S.L. 408; Sp. H.C. 249 Th. W., C.C.J. 405 Snape (or Sanope), Rd.,K.B. 7.55 Sneath, Wm., K.B. 760 Snedbran, bp. Kild. 616 Snell, Th„ bp. Oss. 620; bp. Wf.ird. and L. 026 Sneterby, Reg., B. Ex. Ir. 5-S3 Sneyd, Clem., adm. (Hi 844 Th. Wm., gen. (D)933 SnijTge, sir Geo., B. Ex. 384 ; S.L. 4(;»9 Snodgrrass, K., G. N.S.W. 703: G. V.D. Ld. 708 Snow, Th. Rochf., gen. (D) 9-23 — Wm., dn. Brl. 440 Snowdon, Kt., bp. Carl. 475 Snyterton, Th. de, J. It. 369 Soady, Brooking, gen. (D) — ^ .Jno. Clark, adm. (E) 836 Soame lor Some), sir Steph., L.M. Lend. 491 Soanes, .Jos., L.G. Gr. Hosp. Sobhair, K.E. 20 Sobiestas I. and 11., D. Bma. 5y Socche, Godw., M.M. 245 Sodington, sir Rd., L.H.T. 1.53 Th., see Sadington Sogdian-as, K. Pers. 99 SoiUy, Hv. de, bp. Wore. 472 Solvathius, K. Sc. 18 Solyman, Sh. Pers. 99 I. t.) III., S. Tky. 97 Some, see Soame Somer, Hy., B. Ex. 383 Somers, Jno., see Id. S., infra Rd., C. Cus. 275; C. Cus. Sc. .504; C.Exc.Sc. 504 SomeTS, Ids. and E. Somers Family. Jno., aft. sir J. and Id. S., A.G. 399; L.H.S. 286; L.P.C. 188; Ld. Chanc. 357; L.K. 357 ; P.C. 194 ; Pres. R. Soe. 940; Bec.Lond. 494; S.G. 401 For List of Abbreviations, see pp Somerset, Ch. (3rd son of Edw., 4th E. of Woro.), K.B. 762 sir Ch., 1st Id. Herb, and E. of Woreester, q.v., C.Y.G. 298; K.G. 737; L.C.H. 294 Id. Ch. Hy., G. C.G.H. 679 ; Compt. H. 293; gen. (A) 860; P.C. 206 ; Paym. G. 244 Ed. (4th son of Edw., 4th E. of Wore), K.B. 762 Ed. Arth., gen. iDi 904 Id. Fitzr. Jas. Hy., aft. Id. Raglan, q.v., Amb. Fr. 113; G.C.B.769 ; K.C.B. 775 ; M.G.O. 2.59 Id. Gr. Ch. Hy., C.D.L. 243 ; C.W.F., &c. 272 ; L.T. 159-60; P.C. 213 Gr. Rt. Hy., Q.C. 418 Hv. de, dn. Exr. 437 Hy. and sir H., C.C. Bbay. 660; gen. (D)883;K.C.B. 777; K.H. 790 Id. Hv. Rd. Ch., Compt. H. 293; P.C. 219 Lev. El. Hy., adm. lE) 836 Id. Rt. Ed. Hy., G.C.B. 768; gen. (Al862; K.C.B. 774 ; L.G.O. 259; S.G.O. 260 Th., aft. vise. Cashel, q.v., K.B. 761 Somerset, E., M., and D. of; see also Nottingham and Richmond Beaufort Family. Jno., 1st E. and M. of, form, sir J. Beaufort, q.v., aft. M. of Dorset, q.v. Jno., 3rd E., aft. D. of, also E. of Kendal, q.v., K.G. 735 Ed., 4th E., aft. D. of, form. E. of Morton and E. of Dorset, 5.1-. ; W.C.P. 318 Fitzroy Family. Hy. (nat. son of Hen. VIII.) D. of Richmond and G., also E. of Nottingham, q.v. Carr Family. Rt., E. of, form. Rt. Carr and vise. Rochester, q.v.; L.C.H. 294; L.H.T. Sc. 497 Seymour Family. Ed., 1st D. of (cr. 1547), form. 1st E. of Hertford, q.v. ; E.M. 326 ; K.B. 760 ; L.W.S. 323 Wm. 2nd D. of, form. M. of Hertford, q.v. Ch., 6th D. of, K.G. 740 ; L.P.C. 188; M.H. 302; P.C. 194 Alg., 7th D. of. form. Id. Percv, q.v., also E. of Hert- ford and E. of Northbd., q.v., gen. (A) 857 ; L.L. Suss. 312 — — Ed., 9th D. of, P.C. 302 Ed. Adolph., nth D. of, K.G. 743 ; Pres. R. Inst. 940 Ed. Adolph., 12th D. of, form. Id. Sevmonr, q.v., K.G. 744 ; L. Adniy. 184 ; L.L. Dev. 307 Ehz., Dss. of, Gr. St. and M. Robes, 303 1135 Somerton, Kd., S.L. Ir. 591 Bomerton, vise. Ch., Ist vise., form. Ch. Agar, q.v., aft. 1st E. of Nor- mauton, q.v., abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616 Soxuerville, Jas., L.M. Dbln. Wl Ph., adm. (Hi 8.50 sir Wm. Mered.. aft. 1st Id. Athlmimy and Id. Mere- dj-th, q.v., Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; P.C. 215 ; U.S. Home, 228 Somerton, Ids. Kenehn., 17th Id., adm. (H) 845 Sommers, sfe Somers Sonnenberg, I., bar. de, gen. 1C1K74 Sontag, Jno., gen. (B) 867 Soofe, Sh. Pers. 99 Sophia (dan. Jas. I.), Pr. E. 13 I the Electress — g. dau. Jas. I.), Pr. E. 13 (dau. Geo. III.). Pr. E. 15 iD. of Zell.i, Q.C.E.8 Charlotte (iss. Jas. I.), Pr. E. 13 Dorothea (dau. Geo. I.), Pr. E. 14 Dor. Ulr. Alice (g. dau. Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 15 MatUda (iss. Geo. IL), Pr. E. 14 Sophns, P. S., C. Ro. 41-2 Soppitt, Matt., een. (D) 887 Sorel aud Sorell Hv. Andr., gen. (Di 920 sir Th. St., K.H. 790 I Wni., G.V.D. Ld. 708 Wm. .Ale.xr.. gen. (B) 865 Sorewell, Wm. de, J. It. I 367 Sorrell, see Sorell Sosius, C, C. Ro. 47 SoteUill, see Sotill Soterus, P. Ro. 32 Sotheby, Ch., adm. CD) 828 Ed. Southw., adm. (E) i 835: (PI&39; K.C.B. 780 1 Fk. Ed., gen. iDl 933 Th., adm.(Al817 Sothern, sre also Southern .Jno., J.K.B. Ir. 578 Sotlieron, Frank, adm. (A) .818 Sotheron-Estcourt, see Est- court Sotherton, see Sontherton I SotiU, Ger., K.B. 756 ' (or Sotehill), Hy., A.G. 398 Soto, B., Pres. CR. 106 M. A., Pres. Hdas. 106 Soublette, C, Pres. Vzla. 107 Sooillac, Vieomte de, G. Mtius. 68;i Soulouque, F., Pres. and Emp. Hti. 105 Sonlt, Off. Nap. 26 Sourindio, &e., C.I.E. 806 Sonter, seeal''o Suter sir Frank Hy., C.I.E. 807 South, Jno. Fl., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 ,^ Southampton, Ids., E. andD. FitzwilUam Family. Wm., 1st E of, form, sir Wm. FitzwiUiam, q.v.; L.H.A. 174 ; L.P.S. 240 ; K.H. 291 1136 Southampton, Ids., E. ami D. of —cont. Wriothesley Family. Thos., 1st E. of, form. Id. Wriotheslev, q.v. Hv., 3rd E. of, K.G. 739 Thos., 4th E. of, B.T. 263 ; E.M. 326; K.G. 740; L.H.T. and L.T. 155 ; I'.C. 189 Fitzroy Family. 1st Creation. Ch. Fitzr., 1st E. of, aft. 1st D. of S. and of Cleveland, q.v., K.G. 740 2nd Creation. Ch., 1st Id., gen. (A) 858 Geo. F., 2nd Id., gen. (B) 866 — Ch., 3rd Id., L.L. Nton. 310 Southcote, Jno., J.Q.B. 372; S.L. 408 Southern, see also Sothern Hv.. Amb. Arg. 136; Amb. Bzl.135 .Jas., Sec. Admy. 186 Southerton and Sothertou Juo., B.E. 384; Curs. B. Ex. 386 — - Now., Curs. B. Ex. 386 Southesk, Jas., E. of, form. sir Jas. Carnegie, q.v., K.T. 749 Southey, Kd., G. Gr. Ld. W. 681 Kt., P. Laur. 301 Southgate, Th.. Q.C. 418 Southwell, Ch., K.H. 789 ■ Ed. (No. 1), L.P.S. 240; Sec. St. Ir. 562 Ed. (No. 2), Sec. St. Ir. 562 Rd.,dn. Ardf. 640 • Bt. an.i sir R., B.T. 263 ; C. Cus. 274; C. Exc. 278; Pres. E. Soc. 940; Sec. St. Ir. sir Et., M.E. 388 Southwell, vise. — Th. Anthy., 3rd. vise, K.P. 751 Th. Arth. Jos., 4th vise, K.P. 751 ; L.L. Leitr. 570 Souwche, see Zouch Sowerby, Jas., gen. (B) 866 Sowler, Et. Scarr., Q.C. 41S Spaigne, Nichs. de, M. Chy. 393 Spain, Dav., adm. (H) 851 Spakeston, Ed. de, dn. Wells, 428 Spaldewick, Wm. de, J. It. Spaldingr, Jno. de, J. It. 368 Spankie, Et., P.P. 416 ; S.L. 413 Sparke, Bowy. Ed., bp. Chest. 477; bp. Ely, 4;«; dn. Brl. 440 Jas. Patt., gen. (D) 900 Th., bp. suff. Berw. 479 sir Wm., J.K.B. Ir. .579 •Sparkford, Th., bp. Wford. and L. 626 Sparrow, Anthy., bp. Exr. 437; l)p. Norw. 455 Sparshott, Ed., adm. (H) 847 ; K.H. 789 Spearman, Alex. Y. and sir A., P.C. 218; Sec. Tr. 164 Speed, Wm., Q.C. 420 Speeke, sec Spike Speechley, Jno. Mart.,bp. Tr. and Coch. 676 INDEX OF NAMES. Speke and Speeke Geo.,K.B. 761 Juo., K.B. 759 Spelman, Clem., Curs. B. Ex. 7no.. J.K.B. 372; S.L. 408 Spence, Fk., gen. (D) 898 • Geo., K.C. 416 Hy. D. M., dn. Glr. 440 Jas. Kn., gen. (D) 916 Jno. ,Compt. Sc. 498 Jno., Ld. Adv. 526; Ld. Sess. 518 Th., bp. Abdn. 530; bp. Gall. .038 ; L.P.S. Sc. 509 Spencer, see also Spenser Aubr. Geo.,bp. Jam. 713; bp. Newfd. 700 hon. Aug. /Unier. and sir A., C.C. Bbay. 660; G.C.B. 770 ; gen. (D) 894 ; K.C.B. 779 Brent, and sh- B., G.C.B. 767 ; gen. (A) 861 ; K.B. 766 Id. Ch., Compt. H. 292 ; L. Admy. 179; M.M. 247; P.C. 201; Postm. G. 238; Tr. Ch. 294 ; V. Treas. Ir. 500 Id. Fras. A., B.C. 252 Geo. Trev., bp. If Ix-as. 658 Giles, G. Gsey. 668 Hy. le, bp. Norw. 455 Id. Hy. Jno., Amb. Nds. &c. 122; Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. Sw. 126 sir Hugh de, aft. E. of Gloucester (?), q.v., W.C.P. 318 sir Jas., L.M. Lond. 490 7no., Adm. Ind. 648 Jno., dn. Ely, 435 sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 hon. Jno. Welbore Sun- derland, adm. (E) 836; (P) 839 sir Ed., K.C.H. 788 ^ Id. Et., B.T. 266; P.C. 203 ; S.W.F. 271 ; V. Treas. Ir. 560 ■ hon. Et. Cav., K.C.H. 787 Wm., gen. (B) 867 Wm., see Id. Sp., i7ifra Wm.Et.,C. St. 284 Spencer of Wormleighton,lds. Wm., aft. 1st Id. Sp., K.B. 762 Spencer of Althorpe, E. Geo. Jno., 2nd E., Amb. Gmy. 117 ; H. Sec. 227 ; K.G. 743; Ld. Admy. 180; LJ-.S. 241; P.C. 206; Pres. E. Inst. 940 Jno. Ch., 3rd E., form. vise. Althorpe, q.v. Fk., 4th E., adm. (G) 841; K.G. 744; L.C.H. 295 ; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 215 Jno. Povntz., 5th E., Jud. Com. P.C. 361 ; K.G. 744 ; L.L. Ir. .558 ; L.L. Nton. 310 ; L.P.C. IHS; P.C. 216 Spens, Audi-., gon. (D) 890 . Jnii., «oii. (BlW.7 Spenser, .'«c Spencer E(hii., P. Lam'. 301 Sphothad, Ld. Chauc. Sc. 514 Spicer, Alexr., dn. Killoe. 637 Wm., U. Chy. 396 Spiers, Alexr., L.L. Eenfw. 511 Spigurnell, Hy., J.K.B. 371 ; S.L. 406 sir Knlph, L.H.A. 172; W.C.P. 318 SpiUer, Ed., C. Exc. 281 Spink, Jno.. gen. (D) 8S4; K.H. 791 Spinks, Fk. L., S.L. 414 Th., Q.C. 418 Spinther, P. C. L., C. Eo. 46 Spitig'neus I. and II., D.Bma. 59 Spittal, Jas. and sir J., L. Prov. Edinb. 548; Lt. Edmb. 5U9 Spofibrd or Spofforth, Th., bp. Her. 441 ; bp. Eoch. 460 Spooner, Jno., G. Bdoes. 730 Wm., C.C.J. 404 Spot, Niu., Compt. Sc. 498 Spottiswood, Jas., bp. Clr. .596 Tno., abp. Glasg. 537 ; abp. St. Andr. 529 ; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 ; Ld. Sess. 517 - — Molvn. Cap., gen. (D) 916 sir Et., L.P. Ct. Sess. 516; Ld. Sess. 517, 519 ; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Wm., Pres. B. Soc. 940 Spraggrs, sir Ed., adm. (A) 813 Sprang-er, Jno., M. Chy. 397 Jno. ^^ m., adm. (A) 819 Sprat and Spratt Th., bp. Eoch. 460; dn. Westr. 469 Th. Ab. Br., adm. iH) 849 Spridelingrton (or Sprinling- ton), Wm. de, bp. St. As. 462; dn. St. As. 463 Sprig-g', Juo. Gord., K.C.M.G. 798 Spring-Bice, see Eice Springthorpe, Jno., M. Chy. 394 Sprinlington, see Spride- lington Sprint, Jno., dn. Brl. 440 Springthorpe, Jno., C.D.L. 242 Sprot, Jno., gen. CD) 928 Sprotton, Juo., bp. S. and M. 483 Sproule, Flower M., gen. (C) 873 Spry, Ch., set Wm. Hor., gen. (Bj 866 sir Ed., adm. (A) 814 Th. Dav., adm. (A) 816 Wm. (V> Ch.), G. Bdoes. 720 Wm.,gen. (B)866 Wm. Fk., gen. (C) 873 Spurgin, Juo. BL, gen. (D) 909 Spurinus, Q. P., C. Eo. 44 Spur ling, Jno., S.L. 408 Spynie, Wm., bp. Mor. 534 Squibb, Arth., Clar. K.A. 328 L., T.ll. lOx.lOS Squire, MaUh.,adm. (A) 816 Saml., bp. St. Dav. 465; dn. Brl. 440 Stack, Ed., gen. (A) 861 Geo. Fity.G., K.H. 792 Jno., bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 Maur., gen. (D) 888 ; K.C.B 779 Nath. iVIass., gen. (D) 893 Stackpoole, ^^m. Hy., dn. Kill. 637 Stafford, -, K.B. 757 Aug. O'Brien, Sec. Adm. 187 Edm., bp. Esr. 436 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. Stafford — cont. Edm., Ld. Chauc. 354-5 Edm., see E. of S., infra Ed., aft. D. of Bucking- ham, q.i:, K.B. (1485) 758 Ed. \Vm. and sir E., G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 797 Hugh (bro. to E. of St.), K.B. (1400)755 Jno., abp. Cant. 431 ; bp. B. and W. 428; du. ^YeUs, 429; L.H.T. 153; Ld. Chauc. 355 ■ Jno., dn. Oss. 622 ■ Jno., gen. (C) 875 Jno., aft. E. of Wiltshire, q.v., K.B. (1461) 756 Jno. Eras., gen. (2» 914 Nichs., bp. Ferns and L. 622 Ealph, see Id. S., infra sir Th., M.G.O. 2-58 • Wm. Josh. Fitzm., gen. (D) 919 Stafford, Ids., E., and M. of Stafford Familij. Ealph de, aft. 10th Id. and 1st E. of S., K.B. 755 ; K.G. 733 Hugh, 2nd E. of, K.G. 734 Th., 3rd E. of, K.B. 755 Edm., 5th E. of, K.B. 755; K.G. 734 Hunnph.. 6th E. of, K.B. 756 ; K.G. 735 Hy., Id. (son of 7th E.), aft. 1st E. of Wiltshire, q.v., K.G. 737 Gower Family. • Gr., 1st M. of, form. 2nd E. Gower, q.v. ■ G. Gr. L., 2nd M. of, form. 3rd E. Gower, q.v., aft. 1st D. of Sutherland, q.v., K.G. 743 • Geo. Gr., M. of, form. E. Gower, q.v., aft. 2ud D. of Sutherland, q.v. ■ Geo. Gr. Wm., &c., M. of, aft. 3rd D. of Sutherland, q.v., L.L. Crom. 509 Stag-, Jno., B. Ex. 383 Stainer, see Stayner and Stanier Staines, sir Th., K.C.B. 774 sir y\'m., L.M. Lond. 492 Stainforth, Ch. Rap., gen. (Dl923 Eras. Geo., gen. (D) 914 Staingrave, Ad. de, J.C.P. 377; J.K.B.371 Stair, vise. Jas., 1st vise, form, sir Jas. Dalrymple, q.v. ■ Jno., 2ud vise, and 1st E. of, form, sir Jno. Dalrymple, q.v. ■ Jno., 2nd E. of, form. vise. Dalrymple, q.v., C. Ch. 855 ; F.M. 856 ; K.T. 747 ; P.C. 196 ; V.A. Sc. 499 Wm., 4th E. of, also 4th E. of Dumfries, K.T. 747 • Jno. Ham., 8th E. of, form. sir J. H. Dalrymple, q.v., K.T. 748; L.K. Sc. 503 Jno. Ham., 10th E. of, form. vise. Dalrymple, q.v., K.T. 749; L.H.C.K. Sc. 546; L.L. Ayrsh. 508 Staley, Th. Nett., bp. Honol. 712 Stalker, Foster, gen. (D) 887 Stallard, Saml. gen. (D) 920 INDEX OF NAMES. Stanier, sir Lovel, bp. suff. Shrewsb. 444 sir Will., L.M. Dbln. 641 Stamford, Bog., Chest. H. 330 Taur. de, dn. St. P. 452 Stamford, E. of Th., 2nd E. of, B.T. 263; C.D.L. 242; P.C. 194; Pres. B.C. 263 [and AVarrington] , Geo. Harry, 5th E. of, L.L. Chesh. 306 [and Warrington!, Geo. Harry, 6th E. of, L.L. Chesh. 306-7 Stamp, sir Th., L.M. Lond. 491 j Stampfli, J., Pres. Sw. C. 31 I Stanbery, Stantoerry or Stanbury, Jno., bp. Bgr. 426; bp. Her. 441 ; bp. Norw. 455 Standish, M. Chy. 395 Hy., bp. St. As. 462 Jas., V. Treas. Ir. 559 Stanes, Ed. de, J.C.P. 377 ; J. It. 368 ; J.K.B. 371 ; Jy. 365 Stanhope, Arth., dn. Wford. 628 Ch., see Id. S., infra * Ch., U.S.S. 225 * hon. Ch., Tr. Ch. 294 * Prob. same pers. hon. Ch. Banks, Eeg. and Sec. Bath, 784 * sir Ed., Ch. Lond. 422; M. Chy. 395 ; Vic. Gen. 421 * Ed., K.B. 761 * ? same pers. hon. Ed., C. Sec. 235; P.C. 220; Pres. B.T. 269 ; Sec. B.T. 269; U.S. Ind. 236; V.P. Ed. 255; W. Sec. 232 Geo., dn. Cant. 431 Hy., adm. (H)846 Hy. (son of Ph., Id. S.), K.B. 763 Hy. Edwin, adm. (A) 817 Jas., see Earl S., infra Jno., adm. (A) 816 hon. Jno., L. Acbny. 178 Jno., see Id. S., infra hon. Line, gen. (i)) 877 Lovel, U.S.S. 226 ■ Ph., Amb. G. St. 121 ; Amb. H. Tns. 120 ; Amb. Sxy. 120 Ph. D., see Id. S., infra Ph. Spenc, gen. (D) 885 Wm., K.B. 764 Wm., aft. 1st Id. and E. of Harrington, q.v., P.C. 197; V.C.H. 297 Stanhope of Harrington, Ids. sir Jno., aft. 1st Id. S., V.C.H. 296 Ch., aft. 2nd ld.,K.B. 762 Stanhope of Elvaston and Mahon, Ids., vise, and E. Jas., aft. 1st Id., vise, and Earl S., Ch. Ex. 165 ; gen. (B) 864 ; L.T. 156 ; P.C. 196 ; Prem. 141 ; S. St. 224 Ph. Hy., 5th E. of, form. vise Mahon, q.v. Stanhope of Chesterfield, Ids. Ph. D., Id., aft. 4th E. of Chesterfield, q.v., C.Y.G. 298 Stanian, Temple, U.S.S. 225 Stanier (or Stainer), sir Saml., L.M. Lond. 491 Stanihurst, Jas., Eee Dbbi. G42 1137 Stanislaus, D. Liie. 30 1, and II., K. Pld. 91 Stanley, Arth. Penr., du. \\cst. 469 C, G. I. Man, 666 Ch. (g. son of 8th E. of Derby), K.B. 763 * Edm., C. Ace Ir. 567 * Edm., S.L. Ir. 592 * Prob. same pers. ■ sir Edm., C.J. Mdras. 658 Ed., adm. (G) 842 Ed., bp. Norw. 455 Ed., K.B. 761 Ed., Pres. CoU. Surg. 939 Ed. G., see Id. St. of Bick., infra Ed. Hy., see Id. St. of Bick., infra Ed. Jno., see Id. St. of Aid., i7ifra F. A., see d. St. of Brest. infra Geo., G. I. Man, 666 Geo., K.B. 757 Hans, Amb. Fr. 112 ; Amb. Euss. 125; Coff. H. 294; L. Admy. 179 ; P.C. 201 Hy. (2), G. I. Man, 666 Jas., bp. Ely, 4.35 ; Wdn. Chr. Ch. Manch. 481 ; bp. S. and M. 483 • Jas., M. Chy. 397 Jno., G. Antig. 728 Jno. and sir J., C. Cus. 274-5; C. St. 283 sir Jno. {d. 1414), Const. W. Cast. 322; K.G. 734; K.Man, 665; L.L. Ir. 552 sir Jno., K. Man (1414), 665 sir Jno., TeU. Ex. (1700) 167 Eand., G. I. Man, 666 Et., K.B. 763 Th., bp. S. and M. 483 * Th., dn. WeUs, 429 * Th., M.E. 387 * Prob. same pers. Th., G. I. Man (1663) 666 sir Th., C.D.L. 242 sir Th., G. I. Man (1537) 666 sir Th., G. I. Man (1562) 666 sir Th., L.L. Ir. (1431) 552 sir Th., M.M. (1539) 246 Th., see Id. St., iiifra Wm., dn. St. As. 463 Wm., G. I. Man, 666 Wm., K.B. 757 sir Wm., L.D. Ir. 552 Wm., aft. Id. Monteagle, q.v., K.B. (1533) 760 sir Wm., Ch. Ex. 154 ; K.G. 736; L.C.H. 294 • Wm., aft. 6th E. of Derby, q.v., G. I. Man, 666 Wm., see Id. St., infra Wm. Dae, gen. (D) 912 hon. Wm. Owen, L.L.Ang. 314 Wm. Pearce, adm. (H) 847 Stanley, Ids., see also Strange and Derby Th., Id., aft. 1st Id. St. {d. 1459), K.G. 736 ; K. Man, 665 - — Th., Id., aft. 1st E. of Derby, g.i'.,736 Th., aft. Id. Strange and 2nd E. of Derby, q.v., K.B. 758 Ed., Id., aft. 12th E. of Derby, q.v., L.L. Lane. 309 For List of Abhreviations, see jjjj. 944-! 1188 Stanley of Bickerstaflf, Ids. Ed., c.c. Id. St., aft. 1st Id. St. of B. and 13th E . of Derby, hon. Ed. G., aft. Id. St. of B. and 14th E. of Derby, q.v., Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; P.O. 212; U.S.W. and C. 231 ; W. and C. Sec. 231 ; C. Sec. 235 Ed. Hy., c.c. Id. St. and Id. St. of B., aft. 15th E. of Derby, q.v., F. Sec. 229; I'.C. 216; Pres. B.C. 254; Sec. Ind. 236; U.S.F. 230 Stanley of Alderley, Ids. Ed. Juo., 2Dd Id., form. E. J. Stanley and Id. Eddisbury, q.v., P.C. 214; Paym. G. 244-5; Postm. G. 239; Pres. B.T. 269; Sec. Tr. 163; U.S.F.230; U.S. Home, 227; V.P.B.T. 269 Stanley of Preston, Ids. Fk. Arth., 1st Id., form. F. A. Stanley, C. Sec. 235; G.C.B. 773 ; G.G. Can. 692 ; L. Admy. 184-5; P.C. 219; Pres. B.T. 269 ; Sec. Tr. 164 ; U.S. War, 233 ; W. Sec. 232 Stannard, Eton 819 Geo. Kesb., gen. (D) 932 Hy. Sykes, gen. (D) 900; K.H. 792 Pembr. Scott, Q.C. 419 Ph. and sir P., L. Admy. 180-1 ; Sec. Adm. 186-7 Phil. Wilk., adm. (A) sir Rd., J.K.B. Ir. 579 ; S.L. Ir. 591 Wm. Eraser, gen. (D) 927 Wm. Kn., adm. (H) 848 Stephenson, see also Steven- son Aug. Kepp, K.C.B. 784 Benj. Ch. and sir B., C.W. F. &c. 272 ; G.C.H. 787 ; K.C.H. 788; K.H. 789 sir Fk. Ch. Arth., G.C.B. 771; gen. CD) 905; K.C.B. 781 Fk. Jas., gen. (D) 921 Geo., dn. Kilf. 637 Hy. Fk., C. Exc. 282 ; Q.I.K. 285 ; C. St. and Tx. 285 sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 493 Wm. Hy. and sir W., C.I.K. 380; K.C.B. 783 Stepney, Geo., B.T. 263 sir Jno., Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. Sxy. 120 Sterlinsr, see also Stirling .A.uthy. Con., K.C.B. 778 sir Saml., L.M. Lond 491 List of Abbreviations, see ijp. 944-952. Bterue, Jno., bp. Clr. 596; bp. Drom. 605 ; dn. St. Pat. 618 Jno., bp. suff. Colch. 461 Kd., abp. Yk. 486; bp. Carl. 475 Steuart, see also Stewart and Stuart Ch., gen. (D) 899 Dav., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 Geo. Mack., gen. (D) 880 sir Jas., see Stewart Bt., L.T.160 Stevens, see also Stephens Arth., gen. (D)919 Ch., adm. (A) 814 Edm., gen. (A) 859 Fk. Wm., CLE. 808 Geo. Shep., gen. (D) 933 Hy., S.L. 411 Hy. Borl., gen. (D) 923 Humph., gen. (C) 872 Jno. Harv., gen. (D) 889 Et., dn. Roch. 461 Rt., S.L.410 Th., gen. (D) 889 Stevenson, see also Stephen- son Ch., gen. (B) 867 Jas., adm. (H) 844 Jno.,Ld. Sess. 518 Nathl., gen. (D) 929 Rd., G. I. Man, 666 Rt. and sir li., gen. (D) 876; K.C.B.776 Rt. H., Mod. K. Sc. 547 Wm., G. Br. Hond. 714; G. Mtius. 684; K.O.B. 783 Steward, Gabr. T., C. Tx. 285 Hy. Hold., gen. (D) 933 (or Stewart), Sir Nichs., Chambn. Ex. 166 Rt., dn. Ely 435 Stewart, see also Steuart and Stuart , G. Tob. 723 Col. — , G. N.S.W. 703 Alexr., gen. (C) 872 Alexr. Ch. Hect., gen. (D) 926 Algn. Augs., gen. (D) 932 Andr. (No. 1), bp. Cness. 531 ; L.H.T. Sc. 497 Andr. (No. 2), bp. Cness. 531 ; bp. Dkld. 533 ; bp. Mor. 534 ; L.P.S. Sc. 500 Archd., gen. (C) 873 Archd., K.H. 790 Ch. (Id. Stuart de Rothe- say), see Stuart hon. Ch., adm. (A) 813 Ch. Ed., CLE. 807 C J., bp. Queb.694 Ch. Thornt., gen. (D)922 Ch. Wm., see Id. St. and M. of Lond., i7ifra Dav., bp. Mor. 534 Dav., gen. (C) 874 Don. Mart, and sir D., C.C Ind. 651; G.C.B. 771; G.CS.I. 801; gen. (D) 907; K.CB. 781 ; M.C.I. 647 Dug., Ld. Sess. 520 Ed., bp. Ork. 535 Ed., dn. Winch. 471 hon. Ed., C Cus. 276 Eras., gen. (C) 873 Geo., gen.(D) 934 Gilb., Ly. K.A. 513 Hy., dn. Drom. 606 Herb, and sir H., gen. (D) 927 ; K.CB. 781 INDEX OF NAMES. Stewart— con*. Houst. and sir H., adm. (B)821; (D)829; G.C.B. 770; G. Gr. Hosp. 854 ; K.CB. 777 ; L.Admy. 183 Jas., adm. (A) 814 Jas., bp. Mor. 534; L.H.T. Sc. 496 Jas., gen. (A) 860 Jas., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 sir Jas., G.C.H. 786; gen. (A) 859 hon. Jas. Hy. Keith, C Cus. 276-7 ; C Cus. Ir. 666 ; C St. 284; Sec. Tr. 164 Jas. Patt., adm. (H) 844 Jno., A.G. Ir. 588 ; S.G. Ir. 589 Jno., CLE. 808 Jno., gen. (C) 872 Tno., K.B. 756 Jno. Dr., gen. (D) 906 — — Jno. Ham.,gen. (D)894 Jno. Hy., gen. (D) 918 hon. Keith, adm. (A) 815 hon. Keith, adm. (G) 842 sir Michl. Shaw, L.L. Benfw. 511 sir Michl. Rt. Shaw, L.L. Eenfw. 511 (or Steward), sir Nichs., Chambn. Ex. 166 Rd., dn. Llm. 623 Rt., Amb. N.G. 134 Rt., bp. Cness. 531 Rt., gen. (C) 874 Rt., gen. (D) 891 Rt., Ld. Sess. 520 Rt., M. Chy. 396 Rt. Cr., gen. (D) 927 Rt. Jno. Joe, gen. (D) 932 Th..gen. (D) 877 sir Th., Ld. Sess. 520 Walt., aft. 1st Id. Blan- tyre, q.v., L.P.S. Sc. 501; Ld. Sess. 517 W^m., bp. Abdn. 530 ; L.H.T. Sc. 497 Wm., gen. (A) 857 Wm., gen. (C) 874 Wm., gen. (C) 875 Wm., aft. 2nd Id. Blan- tyre, q.v., K.B. 762 sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 491 sir Wm., Ly. K.A. 513 hon. Wm., G.C.B. 767; gen. (B)867; K.B. 766 Wm. Houston and sir W., adm. (E) 835 ; Compt. N. 258 ; G.C.B. 771 ; K.CB. 780 sir Wm. Jas., Ld. Adv. 526 Stewart, Ids. hon. Ch.Wm., aft. Id St.and 3rd M. of Londonderry, q.v., Amb. Aus. 117 ; G.C.B. 767 ; G.C.H. 786; K.B. 766; P.C 209 ; U.S.W. and C 2:31 Stewart - Moncreiffe, see Moncreiffe Steyngfrave, Ad. de, B. Ex. 383 Stitobert, Giles, C.C. Bgal. 652 ; C.C. Ind. 650 Stibbs, Ed., Chest. H. 331 Stidio, bp. Cnwall. 436 Stigand, abp. Cant. 430; bp. Elm. and Dunw. 454; bp. Winch. 470 bp. Sels. and Chich. 432 Stikesward, Rog. de, J. It. 366 Stile, sir Jno., V. Treas. Ir. Wm., gen. (B) 866 Stlleman, Wm. Cr., gen. (D) 913 Stiles, see also Styles Wm., C Cus. 276 Still, Jno., bp. B. and W. 428 Sim. Van der, G. C.G.H. 678 Wm. Adr. Van der, G. C.G.H. 678 StiUingffleet, Ed., bp. Wore. 473; dn. St. P. 453 Jas., dn. Wore. 473 Stillington, Rt., bp. B. and W. 428 ; Ld. Chanc. 355 Stirbey, D. B., H. Wca. 94 Stircheleye, Walt. de. J. It. 368 Stirling, see also Sterling Alex. Gr., gen. (A) 862 sir Archd., Ld. Sess. 519 Ch., adm. (A) 817 Fk. Hy., adm. (E) 836 Jas., gen. (C) 874 Jas. and sir J., adm. (D) 829 ; G. W. Austr. 707 Jas. and sir J., Just. Ch. D. 391 Jas. and sir J., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 Jno., Mod. K. Sc. 547 • sir Th., gen. (A) 859 Waite Hock., bp. Falk. Isl. 731 Wm., gen. (D) 9:33 Stirling, Wm., 1st vise, aft. 1st E. of, form, sir Wm. Alexander, q.v., Ld. Sess. 517 Stirling -Maxwell, see Max- well Stisted, Ch., K.H. 791 Hy. Wm. and sir H., G. Ont. 692 ; gen. (D) 899 ; K.CB. 780 Stitchell, Rt., bp. Dham. 478 Stivicle, Jose, de, Jy. 364 Stock, Jno. Sh. Ed., Q.C 418 Jos., J. Admy. Ct. Ir. 587; S.L. Ir. 593 Jos., bp. Killa. and Ach. 613 ; bp. Wford. and L. 627 Th.,gen. (D)916 Stockenstrom, Andr. and sir A., G. C.G.H. 679 Stockesley, Jno., bp. Lond. 451 Stockton, Jno., L.M. Lond, Th., J.K.B. Ir. 579 Stoddard, Jno. Fk., gen. (D> 918 Th. Hy., gen. (D) 915 Stoddart, Jas., adm. (H) 849 * Jas., C Exc. Sc. 505 * Jas., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 * Prob. same pers. Pringle, adm. tD) 827 Stody, Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 Stoke, Ralph de, Jy. 364 Rd. de, J. It. 367 Stokes, Al. de, dn. St. As. 463 Ch. Patr., gen. (D) 928 Geo. Gabr. and sir G., Pres. R. Soc. 940 Jno., M. Chy. 394 Jno. de, B. Ex. 383 Jno. and sir J., gen. (D) 927; K.CB. 783 Jno. D., gen. (D) 888 Jno. Lort, adm. CD) 833 ; (P) 838 Rd., B. Ex. 383 StoU, Jno. Luke Rd., adm.. (H) 850 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1140 Stolo, C. L. C. (2), C. Ko. 40 Stondon, Wni., L.M. Lond. ■IMI Stone, Andr., B.T.265; U.S.S. •225-(3 Dav. Hy., L.M. Lond. 492 Geo., abp. Ami. 5%; bp. Dry. 601; bp. Ferns and L. 622; bp. Kild. 617; dn. Chr. Ch. Dbbi. 618 ; dn. Dry. 602 ; dn. Ferns, 623 : L.J. Ir. 556-7 Ino., S.L. 400 .Ino., S. St. 222 \Vm. Hv., dn. Kilm. 609 Stonehewer, Rd., C. Exc. 280 ; U.S.S. 226 Stonehonse, sir Jnc, Compt. H. 292 ; P.C. 196 *Stoner, Wni., K.B. 7.57 * Lt. T.L. 321 " Prob. same pars. Stoney, Geo. Butl., gen. (D) 918 Stonford, see Stouford Stonor, Hy. Jas., C.C.J. 404 Stonore, Jno. de, C.B. Ex. 3Nl ; C.J.C.P. 375 ; J.C.P. 377 ; S.L. 406 Stopford, Ed., bp. Mth. 599 hon. Ed. and sir E.. G.C.B. 76.S: Ken. (B) 868; K.C.B. 774 hon. Ed., gen. (C) 872 Jas., bp. Cloy. 631 ; dn. Kilmacd. 638 Jas. Geo., see vise. St., infra Jas. Jno., adm. (D) 832; (E)834 hon. Mont., K.C.B. 777; adm. (D) 830 Rd. Hy., adm. (G) 843 hon. Rt. and sir B., adm. (A) 818; (C) 822; G.C.B. 768; G.C.M.G. 794; G. Gr. Hosp. 854 ; K.C.B. 773 Rt. Fansh., adm. (D) 832 ; (E) 834; (P) 8:^8 hon. Th., bp. Cork and R. 632 ; dn. Ferns, 623 ; dn. KiUoe. 637 Stopford, vise. Jas. Geo., vise, aft. 3rd E. of Courtown, q.v., Tr. H. 291 Stopynden, Jno., M.R. 387 Storer, Anthy., B.T. 266-7 Storey, see Story Storke, Rd., Rbk. P.A. 344 Storks, Hy., C.C.J. 403; P.P. 416 ; S.L. 413 Hy. Kn. and sir H., Com. lo. Isl. 129; G.C.B. 772; G.C.M.G. 795; G. Jam. 713; G. Mlta. 671; gen. (D) 897; K.C.B. 778; P.C. 217; S.G.O. 200 Stormont, vise. Dav., 7th vise., form. D. Murray, tj.v., aft. 2nd E. of Mansfield, q.v. ; Amb. Fr. 112; Amb. Gmy. 116; Amb. Sxy. 120; K.T. 748; L. J. Gen. 522; L.P.C. 188; P.C. 201; S.St. 235 ■\Vm. D., vise, aft. 4th E.of ManKtield, <^.i'.,L.T. 160 Storr, .Iiio.,iidm. (A) 815 Story and Storey Kd., bp. Carl. 475; bp. Chich. 433 Geo. Walt., dn. Cnr. 605 ; dn. Lim. 639 Hy. Alexr., adm. (H) 849 — — Jos., bp. Killoe. 63t; bp. Kilm. 607 ; dn. Ferns, 623 For INDEX OF NAMES. Story and Storev— coji*. Ph., gen. (D) 935 Ph. Fras., gen. (D) 889 Val. Fk., geu. (D) 918 Stote, sir Rd., S.L. 410 Stotherd, Rd. Jnc, gen. (D) 895 Stouford, Stonford, or Stovard, Jno. de, C.B. Ex. 381 ; J.C.P. 377 ; S.L. 406 Stourdza, M., H. Mva. 94 Stourton, Wra., Sp. H.C. 248 Wm., see Id. S., infra Stourton, Ids. - — - Jnc, aft. 3rd Id. St., K.B. 757 Wm., 4th Id., K.B. 758 Wm., aft. 10th Id. St.. K.B. 762 Stout. Rt., K.C.M.G. 798 Stovard, see Stouford Stovin, Fk. and sir F., gen. (D)879; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 775; K.C.M.G. 796 Rd., gen. (B)868 Stow, Fk. Milk., gen. (D) 934 Harry, gen. (D) 899 Th., dn. St. P. 453 Wm. de, B. Ex. 383 Stowell, Jno., K.B. 761 (or StaweU), Jno., K.B. 763 Stoviell, Ids. Wm. Id., form, sir W. Scott, q.v. ; Jud. Com. P.C. 360 *Stoyte, sir Fras., L.M. Dbln. 641 * Fras., Rec. Dbln. 642 ' ? same pers. Jno., L.M. Dbln. 641 Strabo, C. F., C. Ro. 44-5 C. P., C. Ro. 45 Stracey, see Strachey Strachan, see also Strahan Dav., bp. Brn. 531 Dav.. Ld. Sess. 518 Jas., Sec. St. So. 502 Jno., bp. Brn. 541 Jno., bp. Tor. 693 Jno. Mill., bp. Rangn. 655 sir Rd. Jno.. adm. (A) 817 ; G.C.B. 761 ; K.B. 7C6 Strachey and Stracey Chr., adm. (H) 845 Geo., Amb. Sxv. 121 Hy. and sir H., Sec. Tr. 163 ; St. O. 260 ; U.S. Home Jno., Rec. Lond. 494 Jno. and sir J., Ch. Com. Oudh. 6.')4; G.C.S.I. 801; K.C.S.I. 803; L.G. N.W. Pr. 653 ; M.C.I. 647 Kath. Jane, Lady, Cr. Ind. 810 Rd., gen. (D) 904; M.C.I. 647 Stradbroke. Jno. Ed. C, 2nd E.of. L.L. Sntt'.;«2 Stradling-, Ed., K.B. 755 Geo.. i ; gen. (A) 860 Jno. Walt., adm. (E)-a35; (P)839; K.C.B. 780 ; L.Admy. 185 Tarpey, Hugh, L.M. Dbln. 642 Tarquinius (Priscus). K. Bo. 36 (Snperbus), K. Bo. 36 Tarrant or Tarrent, Ch., dn. Carl. 476; dn. Pboro. 458 Ch., gen. (B) 866 Tash., Th., C. Cus. 276 Tate, see also Tait Hy. Carr, gen. (D) 900 Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 Jno., Bee. Lond. 494 ; S.L. 411 Xahum, P. Laur. 301 Bt., L.M. Lond. 490 Tatbam, Ed., adm. (H) 849 Tatius, K. Bo. 36 Tatton, Nev., gen. (C) 873 Wm., gen. (B) 864 Tatwine, abp. Cant. 430 Taubman, Jno., G. I. Man, 666 Taunton, Jno. de, dn. St. Pat. 617 Bd., bp. suff. Dov. 431 Wm. E., aft. sir W., J.K.B. 373 ; K.C. 416 ; S.L. 413 Taunton, Ids. Hy., 1st Id., form. Hy. Labouchere, q.v., C. Sec. 2.35 ; U.S. W. and C 231 Taurello, M. Fa. 52 Taurus, T. S.,C. Bo. 46 Taverner, Edm., L., gen. (D) 919 Jno., S. W. F. 271 Tavistock, Wm., 1st M. of, form. .5th E., aft. 1st D. of Bedford, q.v. (See also D. of Bedford.) Tawney, Ch. Hy., CLE. 808 Taxton, Jno., Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 Taylor and Taylour Abrm. Ber., K.H. 792 Alex, and sir A., gen. (D) 905 ; K.C.B. 780 Arth. Hy., gen. (D)93;i Arth. Jos., gen. (D) 901 Brooke and sir B., Amb. Bva. 119; Amb. Dk. 127; Amb. G. St. 121 ; Amb. Pr. 118; G.C.H.786; P.C. 211 Brook Jno., gen. (D) 896 Ch. Wm., gen. (D) 913 Ed., C Kxc. Ir. 5(>6 Geo., Bee. Dbln. 642 Hy., K.C.M.G. 796 Herb, and sir H., G.C.B. 7l)H; G.C.H. 786; gen. (B) 868 ; K.CH. 787 ; S.G.O. 360 Taylor and T&yiow—cont. Hy. Geo. Andr. and sir H., G.C.B. 770; geu. (D) 878; K.C.B.779 Jas., gen. (B)867 sir Jas., L.M. Dbln. 641 Jeremiah., gen. (D) 884 Jeremy, bp. Down, and Cnr. 604 ; bp. Drom. Jno., bp. Line. 448 — Jno., M.K. 387 — Jno. and sir J., 869 ; K.CJB. 776 — Id. Jno. Hy ^^Jno., bp. Line. 447; dn. gen. (D) Jno. Pitt, C.C.J. 404 Jos. Newli. adm. (A) 845 Markh. Le F., gen. (D) 934 Michl. Ang., P.O. 212 Priugle, G., Jam. 713; gen. (D)891; K.H. 791 Reyn. Geo., gen. (D) 907 Ed., S.L. 409 Ed. Ch. H. and sir R., gen. (D)904; K.C.B. 781 Et., dn. Clonf. 637 lion. Et., gen. (A) 860 Saml., Q.C. 420 Th. adm. (A) 816 — (or Taillor), Th., B. Ex. Ir. 583 Th., L.M. Dbln. 641 Th., Mod. K. Sc. 547 Th. Ed., C.D.L. 243; L.T. 161 ; P.C. 217 ; Sec. Tr. 163 Th. Matth., gen. (D) 887 Th. \^ m., gen. (D) 882 Wm., adm. (A) 818 Wm., gen. (A) a58 Wm., gen. (B) 866 Wm., gen. (D) 887 Wm., L.M. Lond. 490 Wm., Mod. K. hie. 547 ^^'m. Nort., adm. (H) 850 Wm. Wilk., gen. (D) 923 Z..Pres. U.S.A. 102 Teate, Jos., dn. Oss. 623 Teck, Fras., &c., D. of, G.C.B. 772 Mary, Dss of, see Mary Adel. &c. Tedfrid, bp. Dunw. 454 Tedder, Th., dn. Llin. 623 Teed, Jno., Godfr., C.C.J. 404 ; Q.C. 417 Teesdale, Chr. Ch. and sir C, geu. (D) 932; K.C.M.G. 798 sir Geo., gen. (D) 877 ; K.H. 790 Hy. Geo., gen. (D) 899 Teia, K. It. 49 Teignmoiith, Jno., 1st Id., form, sir J. Shore, q.v., B.C. 2.52-3 ; P.C. 208 Tejada, S. L. de, Pres. Mex. 104 Telesphorus, P. Eo. 32 Telius, see Thelian Tempest, Th., A.G. Ir. .588 Templar, Uy. Jno., gen. (D) 912 Templarius, G:, L.H.T. 152 Temple, Chr., C.C.J. 404; K.C. 416 Fras., adm. (D) 825 ; (G) 840 Fk., bp. Exr. 437; bp. Lond. 452; Jud. Com. P.C. 362; P.C. 220 Fk., aft. Id. Dufferin, &c., q.v., U.S. Ind. 236 INDEX OF NAMES. Temple — cent. * sir Jno., A.G. Ir. .588 * sir Jno., M.E. Ir. 585 * sir Jno., S.G. Ir. 589 * sir Jno., V. Treas. Ir. 559 Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. Leofr., Q.C. 419 Oct., G. Si. Le. 685 Ed. and sir R., Ch. Com. Cent. Pr. 6.55; G. Bbay. 659; G.C.S.I. 801; K.C.S.I. 803; L.G. Bgal. 652 ; Sec. S.I. 804 sir Ed., C. Cus. 273-4; K.B. 763 sir Ed., aft. Id. and vise. Cobham, q.v., G. Jsey. 667 Et. Gr., C.C.J. 403 Steph.,Q.C.417 Wm. and sir W., M.E. Ir. 585 sir Wm., P.C. 192 hon. Wm. and sir W., Amb. Euss. 126; Amb. Scy. 115 ; K.C.B. 782 Temple, Earls Ed., 2nd E., K.G. 742 ; L. Admv. 178; L.L. Bucks. 306; L.P.S. 241 ; P.C. 200 G. N., 3rd E., form. G. Grenville, q v., aft. 1st M. of Buckm., q.v.. F. Sec. 228; L.L. Ir. 557 ; P.C. 203 Ed., 4th E., aft. 2ndM. and 1st D. of Buckm., q.v., B.C. 2.52: P.C. 207; Paym. G. 244; V.P.B.T. 269 Mary Aug., lady, Cr. Ind. 810 Templeman, Alfr., gen. CD) 934 Templetown, Geo. Fk., 3rd vise. form. hon. G. F. Upton, q.v.. K.C.B. 780; G.C.B. 771 Tench, Watk.. gen. (B) 868 Tenhani, Id., see Teirnham Teuison, see Tennison and Tennyson Tennant, Jas., K.C.B. 777 Jas. Fras., CLE. 806 ; gen. (D)926 Tenneut, Jas. Emers. and sir J., G. Ceyl. 672; G. St. Hel. 682; Sec. B.C. 254; Sec. B.T. 270 Tennison and Tenison, see also Tennyson Ed., bp. Oss. 620 Ed. K., L.L. Leitr. 570; L.L. Eosc. 571 Ed., bp. Clr. 596 ; bp. Mth. 599; chi. Clr. 597; bp. Killa. and Ach. 613 Th., abp. Cant. 431 ; bp. Line. 447; P.C. 194 Th., J.C.P. Ir. 582; S.L. Ir. 592 Tennyson, see also Tennison Alf., sec id. T., infra Ch., aft. Tennvson-D'Eyn- court, q.v., elk. O. 260; P.C. 212 Tennyson, Ids. Alf., aft. 1st Id. T., P. Laur. 301 Tennyson-D'Eynconrt, see DEyn court Tenterden, Ids. Ch., 1st Id., form, sir Ch. Abbot, q.v. Ch. S. A., 3rd Id., K.C.B. 783 ; U.S.P. 2.30 1145 Teoldus, bp. Wore. 472 TergTisius, W.C.P. 317 Terlyng, Jno., M. Chy. 393 Ternan, Augs. Hy., gen. (D) 923 Ternay, Chev. d'Arz. de, G. Jltius. 683 Terrell, Th. H., C.C.J. 404 Terret, see Terrot Terry, Astl. Fell., gen. (D) 933 Terrick, Ed., bp. Lond. 452; bp. Pboro. 458; P.C. 201 Terring-ham (or Tiringham), Wm., K.B. 763 Terrot, Ch., gen. (A) 862 Ch. Hugh., bp. Edinb. 543 ; Pr. Bp. Sc. 540 Terryll, Th., C.G.S. 356 Testa, Vit. de, dn. St. P. 4.53 Testaferrata, Gius. Marq., K.C.M.G. 796 Tessier, Hy. Gr. de, gen. (D) 916 Teviot (or Tiviot), vise. Spencer Family. Et., vise, form. hon. Et. Spencer, L.P.S. (1685) 240 Livingston Family. Th., vise, form, sir Th. Livingston, gen. (B) (1704) 864 Tew, Dav., L.M. Dbln. 641 Jno., L.M. Dbln. 641 Tewfik, V. Eg. 98; G.C.S.I. 801 Teyes, Wal. de, W.C.P. 317 Teynham, Ids. Jno., 1st Id., Iv.B. 762 Chr., 5th Id., L.L. Kent, 309 Thacker, Saml., gen. (D) 912 Thackeray, Fk. Eeun., gen. (A) 863 Thackwell, Jos. and sir J., G.C.B. 769 ; gen. (D) 882 ; K.C.B. 777; K.H. 790 Jos. Ed-win, gen. (D) 905 Wm. de W. Eoche, gen. (D) 933 *Thady,.bp. Ach. 612 * bp. Down and Cnr. 604 bp. Drom. 604 * bp. Killoe. 634 * bp. Kihn. 607 * bp. Eoss, 631 '■' Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. Thaknr, &c., K.C. I.E. 805 Thalna, M. J., C. Eo. 44 Thamas, see Tamasp Thanet, E. of Th., 6th E. of, P.C. 195 Hy., 11th E. of, L.L. Kent, 309 Thayer, Humphr., C. Exc. 280 Thean or Theanus, abp. Lond. 450 Thedred, abp. Lond. 450 Thefridus, bp. Dunw. 454 Thelian (or Telius, or Elad), bp. Llff. 448 Thelwall, Ewb., M. Chy. 395 Th.de, C.D.L. 242; M. Chy. 393 ; M.E. Ir. 585 'Theobald, abp. Cant. 430 Ld. Chanc. 353 * bp. Wore. 472 * ■? same pers. C. Lux. 84 LandlL.D. Lne. 29 I. and II., K. Nav. 65, 87 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 73 1146 Theodat, K. Sp. 85 Theodatus, K. It. 49 Theodetoald, K. Fr. 22 K. It. 49 Theodebert I. and II., K. Fr. 22-3 Theodiscle, K. Sp. 85 Theodolinda, K. Lnid. 49 Theodora, Emp. E.E. 51 Emp. Tzile. 98 Theodore, abp. Cant. 430 P. Ro. 33 I. and II., B. Euss. 90 Lascaris I. and II., Emp. E.E. 51 Theodoric, K. It. 49 I. and II., K. Sp. 84 Theodorus I. and II., P. Ro. 33-4 *Theodred, bp. Elm. and Diuiw. 454 ♦Theodredus, bp. Lond. 451 * '.' same pers. Theodric, K.E. 2 Theodosius I., Emp. W. E. 49 I. to III., Emp. E.E. 50 Theodwin, see Dedwin Theologild, abp. Cant. 430 Theontis, bp. Lond. 450 Theophilus, Emp. E.E. 50 Theotoky, Ct. Ant.,G.C.M.G. 794; K.C.M.G. 796 Bar. Em., G.C.M.G. 794 Thereus, K. Sc. 17 Thernius, Q. M., C. Ro. 43 Therry, Jno., C. Exc. Ir. 566-7 Thesigrer, hon. Alfr. Hy., Jud. Com. P.C. 361 ; L. J. App. 389 ; P.C. 219 ; Q.C. 419 - — hon. Ch. Wemyss.gen. (D) 927 Fk. and sir F., aft. 1st Id. Chelmsford, q.v., A.G. 400; K.C. 416; Ld. Chanc. 358; P.C. 216 ; S.G. 402 hon. Fk. Aug., aft. 2nd Id. Chelmsford, q.v., G. C.G.H. &c. 679; gen. (D) 907 Thendis, K. Sp. 85 Theudisela, K. Sp. 85 Theulph, bp. Wore. 472 Thewell, \Vm. de, L.H.A. 171 Thewles, Jas., gen (C) 873 Thicknesse, Fras. Hy., bp. suff. Leic. 45H Thierry, C. Fks. 81 I. and II., D. Lne. 29 I. to IV., K. Fr. 22-3 I. to IV.. C. Fid. 82 V. to VII., C. Hid. 82 Thiers, L. A., Pres. Fr. 25 Thirkilby, see Thurkilby Thirlby or Thirletoy, bp. Ely, 4:^5 ; bp. Norw. 455 ; bp. Westr. 469 Thirlwall, Conn., bp. St. Dav. 405 Thirij, F. A., K.C.B. 778 Thirniusre (or Thyrnyuge), Wm., C..J.C.P.375; J.C.P. 378 Thirwit, see Tirwit Tholozaine, see Tolasou Thirkell, see Thyrkyll 'Thomas (2), abp. Yk. 485 INDEX OF NAMES. Thomas— cont. * (3), bp. Gall. 538 "^ bp. Isl. 539 * bp. Kild. 616 * (2) bp. Killa. 612 * bp. Kilm. 607 * bp. Lism. 62fi * (2) bp. Llin. 621 * bp. Ork. 535 * bp. Ross. 535 * (2 1, bp. S. and M. 483 * (2), bp. St. As. 462 * dn. Ardf. 640 * dn. Cash. 627 * dn. Clonm. 600 ♦ dn. Dry. 602 * (of Woodford), dn. Lim. 639 ♦ dn. Tm. 613 * (abb. of Winchecumbe), J. It. 367 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. C. Svy. 54 (son Edw. I.), Pr. E. 10 (son Edw. III.), Pr. E.IO; K.G. 734 (g. son Edw. III.), Pr. E. 11 (iss. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 11 (son Hy. IV.), aft. D. of Clarence, Pr. E. 11 ; K.B. 755 sir Edm., B.T. 265 ; S.W.F. 271 Ed., CLE. 807 Fras. Wm., gen. (D) 929 Fk. Jenn., adm. (H) 845 sir Geo., G. Leew. Isl. 727 Geo. Ed., gen. (D) 918 Grant E., G. Bdoes. 721 Griff, ap, K.B. 759 Hy., gen. (D) 882 Hor. L., Pres. CoU. Surg. Hugh, dn. Ely, 435 Jas., Bl. M.P.A. 336 ; Chest. H. 331 Jno., adm. (A) 816 Jno. (No. 1), bp. Line. 447 ; bp. Sal. 467; bp. St. As. 462 ; ftn. Pboro. 458 Jno. (No. 2), bp. Pboro. 458 ; bp. Sal. 467 ; bp. Winch. 471 Jno. (No. 3), bp. Roch,460 dn. Westr. 409 Jno., gen. (B)865 Jno. WeU., gen. (D) 908 Lamb., dn. Chich. 434 Lane. Fras. Ch., gen. (D) 920 Lewis, bp. suff. Shrewsb. 444 Mes., bp. Goulb. 704 ■ Ralph, S.L. 413 Rd., adm. (D)825 Rowl., dn. Bgr. 426 sir Rys ap, K.G. 737 Wm., bp. St. Dav. 464 ; bp. Wore. 473 ; dn. Wore. 473 Wm., gen. (B)867 Wm. ap, K.B. 756 i Thoniiau, bp. .Arm., 595 Thonilinson, see Tomlinsou Thomoud, Brian de, K. of Thomond, K.B. (1394) 755 Thomond, E. and M. of Hy., 8th E. of, L.L. Esx. 30.S Percy, Ist E. of, form. Percy Wyndham O'Brien, , 294; L.L. Soma. 3U ; '.C:. 200; Tr. H. 291 bp. Clonf. 635 » (2) bp. Clonm. (iOO ♦ bp. Down, 603 * bp. Down and Cur. 604 * bp. Dnbl. 532 » bp. E. Ang. 454 * bp. Emly, 625 For List of Abbreviations, see pj>. 944 r. Thomond, E. and M. oi—cont. Miirr., 1st M. of, form. 5th E. of Inchiquin, (j.v. Wm., 2nd M. of, K.P. 750 Jas., 3rd M. of, form. Id. Jas. O'Bryen, q.v. Thompson, Thomson, and Tomson Maj. — , G. Trin. 722 Alexr., and sir A., B. Ex. 385; C.B. Ex. 382; M. Chy. and Acct. G. 397 ; P.C. 209 ; S.L. 412 Alexr., gen. (D) 879 Anthy., dn. Rph. 603 Arnold, gen. (D) 909 Aug. Riv. and sir A., Ch. Com. Bma. 655 ; K.C.S.I. 803 ; L.G. Bgal. 652 Benj., U.S.C. 235 Ch., adm. (A) 816 Ch., gen. (D) 926 Ch., K.C. 415 Ch., M. Chy., 397 sir Ch., gen. (A) 858 sir Ch., gen. (B) 866 Ch. Hotham-, form. Hot- ham, q.v. Ch.Poulett-,aft.ld. Syden- ham, q.v., G.G. N. Am. Prov. 692; P.C. 212; Pres. B.T. 268; Tr. N. 257 ; V.P.B.T. 269 Ch. Wm., gen. (D) 906 Danl. Rt., CLE. 806 Dav., gen. (D) 920 Ed., L. Admy. 178 Ed. Deas., K.C.M.G. 797 Fras. Ringl., gen. (D) 890 Giles, bp. Ghr. 438; dn. Winds. 474 Harry, gen. (D) 879 Hy., Ly. K.A. .513 Jas., K.C.B. 777 Jas. Sine, gen. (D) 9-.i4 Jno., adm. (H) 844 Jno., gen. (D) 934 sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 sir Jno. Deas, K.C.H. 7S8 Ino. Sp. Dav., K.C.M.G.799 Jno. v., S.L. 413 Mowbr., gen. (D) 928 Narb., adm. (A) 820 Pears. Sc, gen. (D) 917 Ralph Wood and sir W., K.C.B. 784; U.S. War. 233 Rd., dn. Brl. 440 Rd. LI., gen. (D)910 Rt., C St. 283 (or Tounson), Rt., bp. Sal. 467 ; dn. Westr. 469 Ron. Ferg. and sir R., Amb. Perg. 130; CLE. 806; G .C.M.G. 796; K.C.M.G. 798 Sanil., Ptc. P.A. 337 ; Winds. H. 331 Th., dn. KiUa. 614 Th., gen. (D) 918 Th., Lane. H. 333; R. Dr. P.A. 338 sir Th. Bould. adm. (A) 818 ; Compt. N. 257 ; Q.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 773 Th. Perr., gen. (D) 885 Th. Pick., adm. (E) 835; (P)833 Th. P. E., C.C.J. 405 Th. Sp., adm. (O) 843 sir Th. Raikes Tr., adm. (O) 842 Wm., abp. Yk. 486 : bp. Glr. and Br. 439; Jud. Com. P.C. 361 ; P.C. 217 Wm., L.M. Lond. 492 Thompson. Thomsoii, and Tomsou — cont. Wm., S.L. 411 |Wm. aud sir W., B. Ex. 384 ; Ciu-s. B. Ex. .386 ; Rec. Lond. 494 ; S.G. 40i : S.L. 411 sir W)!!., C. Cus. 273 W. A., Mod. K. Sc. 547 Wm. T. aud sir W., Amb. Chi. 137; Amb. Pers. 130; K.C.M.G. 797 Thorns, see also Toms Tno., dn. Ferns, &23 Thomson, ■■iee 'J'hoinpson Thonory, Juo., lip. Oss. 620 Thoraltoy, Jiio., :\I. Chy. 394 Thortoxirn, Kt., K.C.M.G. 798 Thoresby, Jno. de, abp. Yk. 485: bp. St. Dav. 464; bp. Wore. 47-2: Ld. Chanc. 354; L.K. 3.54 ; il.K. 387 Thoresbye, Hv., M. Chy. 395 Thorimberg'h lor Thurum- berdi, .lyni.. Const. T.L. 3'20 Thorisnivind, K. Sp. 84 Thoriz, K..-. de. dn. Exr. 437 Thorn and Thome Jas., adm. (I£)847 Nathl.,geu.(D)882; K.C.B. 778 ; K.H. 790 Perei;r. Fras., K.H. 792 Steph. de, dn. Her. 442 Wm., dn. Chich. 434 Wm., K.H. 790 Thorndon, ace Thornton Thornboroug-h, Thorn- brough, Thornbiirgr, and Thornbiirg-h Ed. and sir E., adm. (A) 817; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 773 Ed. Le Cras, adm. (G) 841 Jno., bp. Brl. 439 ; bp. Lini. 638; bp. Wore. 473; dn. Yk. 487 Th., Rec. Lond. 493 Th., Winds. H. 331 Walt, de, Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 Thorudike, Danl., gen. (D) 899 Thome, see Thorn Thomhill, Anthy. Rt., gen. (D) 917 Jas. Badh.. K.H. 792 Hy., gen. (D)925 Wm., K.H. 789 Thornton (or Thorndon), ^gedius. L. Treas. Ir. 558 Ch. Macl. Jno., gen. (D) 920 Ch. Wade and sir C, G.C.H. 787; gen. (B) 870; K.C.H. 787 ; K.H. 780 — Ed. and sir E. (No. 1), Amb. Dk. &c. 127 ; Amb. G. St. 121 ; Amb.H. Tns. 120; Amb. Pgl. 125 ; Amb. Pr. 118 ; Amb. Sw. 126; G.C.B. 772; P.C. 209 Ed. and sir E. (No. 2), Amb. Arg. 136; Amb. Bzl. 135; Amb. N.G. 134; Amb. Pgl. 125; Amb. Pgy. 136; Amb. Russ. 126 ; Amb. Tky. 130 ; Amb. U.S.A. 132; Amb. Ugy. 137; G.C.B. 773; K.C.B. 783; P.C. 218 Gilb. de, A.G.398; C.J.K.B. 369; S.L. 406 Jno., C.I.R. 285; C. St. 284; C. St. and Tx. 285; C. Tx. Peter de, K.B. 755 Rt., Chn. E.I. Co. 645 INDEX OF NAMES. Thornton— cojif. ! Saml., adm. (G) 841 i I Saml.. bp. Ballt. 705 ! Th. H., Sec. S.I. 804 | ! Wm.,gen. (B)866 I Wm., gen. (C) 872 1 Wm. and sir W., gen. (B) ! 869 : K.C.B. 776 I Wm. H., K.C.M.G. 796 Thorold, Anthy. Wils., bp. i Roch. 460 I sir Geo., L.M. Lond. 491 I Kegd. Goth., gen. (D) 931 I Thorp and Thorpe ; Ch., L.Jl. Dblu.611 ; Fras., B. Ex. 334 ; S.L. I 409 Geo. de, K.B. 7-54 Gerv.. dn. Wford. 626 Jno. de, J. It. 369 Jno. Th., L.M. Lond. 492 Rt., gen. (D) 894 Rt. de (No. 1), J.C.P. .377 Rt. de and sir E. (No. 2), C.J.CP. ;375; Ld. Chane. 354 ; S.L. 406 Rt. de (No. 31, J. It. 369 Saml., K.H. 791 Saml. Jos., gen. (Di 919 (or Trop), Sim. de, J. It. ;368 Th., B. Ex. 383; Ch. Ex. 153 ; Sp. H.C. 248 Wm. de and su- W., A.G. 398; B. Ex. 383; C.J.K.B. 369 ; J.C.P. .377 ; J.K.B. 371 ; S.L. 406 Thring', Jno. Ed., gen. (D) 915 Hy.. aft. 1st Id. T., K.C.B. 783 ■^Throckmorton and Throg- morton sir Nichs.. Chambn. Ex. 166 Rt., K.B. 759 Wm., III. Chy. 394 Thuillier, Hv. Ed. Land, and sir H., gen. (i)) 909 Thurbone, Jno., S.L. 411 Thurkilby (or Thirkilby, Rog. de, Ch. Jr. .363; J.C.P. 376; J. It. 368; J.K.B. 371 ; Jy. 364 Thurland, sir Ed., B. Ex. 384 ; S.L. 410 Thurles, Jas., vise, form. J. Butler, q.v., aft. 9th E. of Ormond, q.v. Thurlow, Ed., Ch. Sec. Ir. 562 Ed., see Id. T., infra hon. Th. Line, bp. Dhani. 479 ; bp. Line. 447 ; dn. Roch. 461 ; dn. St. P. 453 Thurlow, Ids. Ed., aft. 1st Id. E., A.G. 399; K.C. 415; L.H.S. 287; Ld. Chanc. 357; P.C. 203; S.G. 402 ; TeU. Ex. 168 Thos. Jno., 5th Id., L.H.C. K. Sc. 546 ; P.C. 221 ; Paym. G. 245 Thurstoy, see Thoresby Thurstan, abp. Yk. 485 Thurston, Jno. Bates aud sir J., G. Fiji, 711; G. W. Pae. 711; K.C.M.G. 798 Mark, M. Chy.andAcct.G. 1147 Thuysz, Jan., G. Ceyl. 672 Thwaites, Geo. Saund., gen. (Di835 Th., C.D.L. 212 Thyn, see Thynne Thynbeg-h, see Tvncliegh Thynne, Kgr., S.L. 409 Fras., Lane. H. 3:33 Id. Geo., aft. 2nd Id. Car- teret, q.v., B.T. 268; Compt. H. 293 ; L.T. 158 ; P.C. 207 Hy., Tr. H. 292 Hy. Fk. (No. 1), aft. 1st Id. Carteret, q.v., C. Exc. 278; L.T. 1.55; P.C. 202 Id. Hy. Fk. (No. 2), P.C. 219 — Id. Jno., aft. .3rd Id. Car- teret, q.v., B.T. 268; P.C. 207 ; V.C.H. 297 Thymynge, see Thirninge Thyrkyll, Lane, K.B. 759 Ti— , see also Ty— Tibelot, Pain de, K.B. 754 Tiberius, bp. Down and Cnr. 604 - (3), Emp. Ro. 47 II. and III., Emp. E.E. .50 Tichborne, see also Titch- bourn su: Hy., L.G.O. 2.59 ; L.J. Ir. 554 Rt., L.M. Lond. 491 Tickel, Rd., C. St. 283-4 Tickell, Rd., gen. (D) 881 Th., U.S.S. 225 Tickhill, Th., A.G. 398 Tidcomb, Jno., gen. (B) 86i Tidhelm, bp. Her. 441 Tidy, Th. Holmes, gen. (D) 903 Tierney, Geo.,M.M. 247 ; P.C. 207; Pres. B.C. 2.52; Tr. N. 256 (or O'Tieruev), Jno., dn. KUmacd. 637 sir Matth., K.C.H. 787 Tigermas, K. Ir. 20 *Tigernach (Boircech), bp. Cld. 599 * (O'Mceleoin), bp. Clonm. 599 * (St.), bp. Clonm. 599 * (St.), bp. CIr. 596 * (2), bp. Drom. 604 * Prob. some same pcrs. Comp. dates. Tighe, Ed., C. Ace. Ir. 567 Hugh U., dn. Ard. 609; dn. Dry. 602 ; dn. LUn. 624 W. Fk., L.L. Kilk. 570 Tilbury, Rd. de. Const. T.L. 320 Tildeslegh, see also Tyldsley Th., S.L. 407 Tilesworth, Wm., M.M. 246 Tilford, see Tydferth Tilhere, bp. Hex. 480; bp. Wore. 472 Tilley aud Tilly Hy., K.B. 754 Jno., gen. (D)P34 Jno., K.C.B. 783; Sec. P.O. I 239 Thrupp, Arth. Th., adm. (E 837 Thurumburd, see Thorim bergh List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952 Saml. Leon, and sir S., G. N. Brk. 696 ; K.C.M.G. 797 Tillotson, Jno., abp. Cant. 431; dn. Cant. 431; dn. St. P. 453 ; P.C. 194 Tilly, see TiUey Tilred, bp. Lindisf. 478 Tilson, Geo., U.S.S. 225 Hy., bp. Elph. 608; dn. Chr. Ch. Dblu. 618 73 1148 Timbrell, Harry V., gen. (D) 919 Tindal, see also Tyndall Louis Sym., adm. (H) 849 Nichs. C. and sir N„ C.J.C.P. 376 ; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; P.C. 211; S.G. 402; S.L. 413 Tinker, Jno., G. Bah. Isl. 716 Tinley, Kt.Xewt.,Rcn. (D)904 Tinling', Ch., nam. (A) 8-20 Ea, Burn., adm. (H) 848 Isaac I'att.. gen. (Cl 874 Tinning^ham, Ad. de, bp. .A.ban. 53U Tinney, Wm. Hy., K.C. 416; M. Chv. 397 Tippetts, sir Jno., Sr. N. 257 Tipping, Kt., gen. (B) 867 Tiptoft, Jno. de and sir J., K.B. 755; L.H.T. 153; Sp. H.C. 248 Jno., fee Id. T., infra sir Kt.. L.H.A. 170 Tiptoft, Ids. Jno., Id., see E. of Worces- ter Tirrtullus, bp. Her. 441 Tiringham, see Terringham Tirloch, K. Ir. 22 Tirrey, Dom., bp. Crk. and Cl. 6:-il Tiruvarur, &c., CLE. 806 TirwMt, see Tyn-whitt Tirwit (or thirwit), Bt., J.C.P. 378; J.K.B. 371; S.L. 407 Tisdall, Archd., adm. (H) 845 Ph.. A.G. Ir. 568; S.G. Ir. 58fl; S.L. Ir. .592; Sec. St. Ir. 562 Tissyngton, Kd. de, M. Chy. 393 Titchbourn, see also Tich- borne — Col. — , Lt. T.L. 322 Titchfield, Wm. Hv., M. of, aft. 4th D. of Portland, q.v., L.L. Mdx. 310; L.T. 158 Titcomb, Jonn. H., bp. Rangn. 655 Titilus, K.E. 2 Titius, M., C.Ko. 47 Titulus, K.E. 2 Titus i;i). Enip. Ro. 47 Tiviot, see Teviot Tobias, bp. Koch. 459 Tobin, Geo., adm. (D) 623 Jos. Webbe, gen. (A) 86;^ Tocliffe, Rd., bp. Winch. 470; Ch. Jr. 362; J. It. 366; Jy. 363 Tod and Todd Anth., Sec. P.O. 239 Darcy, K.H. 789 Jno., bp. Down, and Cnr. 604 ; bp. Drom. 604 ; dn. Cash. 627 ; du. Oss. 62:1 Suet. Hy., gen. (D) 879 Wm., dn. Drom. 606 Tola, bp. Kild. 616 TolasonmrTholazainei, Jno., L.M. Lond.489 Toler, Jno.. A.G. Ir. 588; C..(.C.P. Ir. .581; S G. Ir. 589; S.L. Ir. 592 ToUemache, Jno. Rd. Delap., adm. (A) 819 Toller, Saml. B., Q.C.418 Tolly, Count Bard, de, G.C.B. 767 * It.-col. — , G. Trin. 722 * Hy.,gen.(C)874 * Prob. same pers. INDEX OF NAMES. Tombs, Hy. and sir H., gen. Torrinpton, Ids., vise, and E. (Di902; K.C.B. 779 i ot—cont. Jno., uen. (D)878 Pattee, 2nd vise, form. Tomkyns, Geo., gen. (D) 888 i hon. P. Byng, q.v.. C.Y.G. 298 ; Tomline, Geo. Pretyman, \ V. Treas. Ir. 560 form. Pretvman, bp. Line, i Geo., 3rd vise, gen. (C) 447 ; bp. Winch. 471 ; dn. St.P. 871 453 Tomlins, Rd., Curs. B. Ex. 380 Tomlinson and Thomlin- son Geo., bp. Gibr. 670 Matth., Comm. Ir. 554-5 Nichs., adm. (A) 820 Toms see also Thoms Peter, Ptc. P. A. ;«7 Tomson, see Thompson Tonei, Simeon de, bp. IMor. 534 Toug or Tonge, Th., Clar. K.A. 328; Norr. K.A. 329; Yk. Tonsou, Jacob, gen. (D) 880 hon. Ludl., bp. Killoe., K., Cl. and K. 636 Tonstall, see Tunstall Tony, Michl., L.M. Lond. 488 Tonyn, Patr., gen. (A) 859 Tooker, see Tucker Toone, Wm., K.C.B. 775 Toovey, Jno.. gen. (C> 871 Topcliflfe, Jno., C.B. Ex. Ir. 582; C. J.K.B. Ir. 577 Topham, Anthy., dn. Line. Ex. Ir. IB) 448 Toppesfeld, Fras., B. Toppin, Jas. Morr., gen Topping, Jas., P.P. 415 Torbach, bp. Arm. 595 Torell, Wm., Jy. 3C3 Torgesius, bp. Lim. 638 Torkinns, bp. S. and M. 483 Tornoura, Ad. de, J. It. 366 Toro, M. M., Pres. U.S.C. 107 Torquatus, A. M., C. Ro. 44 L. M., C. Ro. 46 T. M., C. Ro. 41-2-3-4; Dt. Ro. 43 T. M. J. (3), C. Ro. 40; Dt. Ro. 40-1 Torr, Jno. B., Q.C. 419 Torre, M. G. de la, Pres. Ecr. 108 Torrens, Arth. Welles., gen. (D)889; K.C.B. 777 Hv. and sir H., gen. (C) 874 ; "K.C.B. 774 Hy. DO. and sir H., G. C.G.H. &c. 679; G. Mlta. 671 ; gen. (D) 908 ; K.C.B. 782 Rt., J.C.P. Ir.582; S.L. Ir. Rt. Rd.,and8ir R.,G.C.M.G. 795 ; K.C.M.G. 797 Torringfton, Ph. de, abp. Cash. 62.5 Torrington, Ids., vise, and K. of Herbert Familij. Arth., 1st E. of, form. Arth. Herbert, q.v. Ncicport Family. Th., Ist Id., form. hon. T. and Id. Newport, q.v., L.T. 156; P.C. 197; Tell. Ex. 167 Byng Family. Geo., 1st vise, form, sir G. and Id. Byng. q.v., K.B. 764 ; L.H.A. 177-8 List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. Geo., 4th vise, Amb. G. St. 121 Geo., Gth vise, adm. (A) 819 Geo., 7th vise, Amb. Bgm. 123 ; G. Cevl. 672 Torrismund, K. Sp. 84 Torry, I'atr., bp. Dkld. and Dnbl. 542; bp. Fife, Dkld., and Dnbl. .543 Tortherus, bp. Her. 441 Tostius, s' (■ Tuistius Tota, .M t Totta Tothill, Jno., gen. (D) 691 Jno.. M. Chy. 396 Totila, K. It. 49 Totiugton, .\Jexr., bp. Xorw. 455 Sams, de, J. It. 366 Totta and Tota bp. Dorch. 446 bp. Sels. 4:i2 Tottenham, Loft, .\nthy., gen. (Ai t.Jw Ch., aft. Id. Loftus, q.v., C. Cus. Ir. 5C5 id. Rt. Ponsonbv, bp. Clr. 596; bp. Ferns and L. 622; bp. Killoe. and Kilf. 635 Totnes, Geo., 1st E. of, form. sir G. and Id. Carew, M.G.O. 2.^8 Totty, sir Jno., L.M. Dbln, 640 Th., adn5. (A) 817 Touch, Jno. Gr., gen. (D) 926 Touchet, Ferd. or Merv., K.B. 762 Jas.. K.B. 757 Tounson, lit., see Thompson Tour, Siuich. de la, K.G. (V) 734 Tournay, Wm. de, dn. Line. 447 Tourner, Tim., S.L. 410 Toutheby, Gilb. de, J. It. 369; S.L. 4U6 Touzel, Helier, gen. (A) 863 Tovar, M. F.. Pres. Vzla. 108 Tovey, Wm.. G. Gibr. 670 Tower and Towre Con., gen. (Di918 Jno., adm. tDi 825 Rd. de la, R. Dr. P.A. 337 Towers, Fk., gen. (D) 893 Jno., bp. Pboro. 458; dn. Pboro. 458 Towgood, Rd., dn. Brl. 440 Townley, Ch. and sir C, Bl. M.P.A. ;«6; Clar. K.A. 338; Gart. K.A. 328; Lane H.333; Norr. K.A. 329; Yk. H. :«4 Ch. Watson, L.L. Cambs. Townsend, *<'<> Townshend Towre, .v<< Tower Towse, \N Ml.. S.L. 40',) Townshend and Townsend • Ch. (No. 1), L. Admy.179; L.T. 167 ♦ Ch. (No. 2), Tr. N. 256 • Prob. same pers. Ch. (No. 3), aft. 1st Id. Bayning, q.v., P.C. 203; V. Treas. Ir. 560 Towiishend and Townsend— cont. hoii. Ch. (No. 4), B.T. 265; Ch. Ex. 16.5; L. Admy. 178; L.T. 157 ; P.O. 200 ; Paym. G. 244 ; Pres. B.T. 265 ; Sec. at W.233; Tr. Ch.294 Ch., see vise. T., infra Ed., dn. Norw. 456 Fras., Bath K.A. 785 ; K. Or. P.A. 335 ; R. Dr. P.A. 338 ; Winds. H. 331 Geo., C. Exc. 279 ; C. St. 2.S3 hon. Geo., adm. (A) 814 Geo., see vise, and marq. T., infra H., J. Chest. 38B Ham., dn. Ach. 614 Hy. Dive, gen. iD) 891 hon. Hor., C. Exc. 280 hon. Hor. G. P., K.C.H. 788 Isaac, adm. (A) 814; G. Gr. Hosp. 854 Jas., L.M. Lond. 492 Id. Jas., K.C.H. 788 Jno., C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Exc. Ir. 566 hon. Jno., aft. Id. Jno. T., L. Admy. 179-80 ; P.C .208 ; Paym. G. 245 Jno., see marq. T., infra Jno. Fitzhenry, J. Admy. Ct. Lr. 587 hon. Jno. Th., aft. 2ud vise. Sydney, q.v., L. Admy. 180; L.T. 158; U.S. Home, 227 Rd., C. Cua. Ir. 565; C. Exc. Ir. 566 Rt., S.L. 408 Rog., J.C.P. 378 ; S.L. 407 Saml., gen. (C) 872 Saml. Ph., adm. (H) 853 Steph., dn. Exr. 437 Th.,gen. (C)872 Th. (No. 1), TeU. Ex. 167; U.S.S. 225 Th. (No. 2), aft. 1st Id. and 1st vise. Sydney, q.v., F. Sec. 228; L.T. 1.57; P.C. 202; Paym. G. 245; Sec. at W. — '- Th. Stew., bp. Mth. 599 ; dn. Wford. 628 Wm. Chamb.. dn. Tm. 613 Wm. Ch., Q.C. 417 Townshend, vise, and M. Ch., 2nd vise, L.L. Ir. 556; L.P.C. 188; K.G. 741; P.C. 195; S.St. 224 hon. Geo., aft. 4th vise. and 1st M., F.M. 856 ; G. Ch. Hosp. 936 ; gen. (A) 858 ; L.G.O. 259 ; L.L. Ir. .557; L.L. Norf. 310; M.G.O. 259; P.C. 200 Geo., 2nd M., form. Id. de Ferreisand E. of Leicester, '- Jno., 4th M., adm. (G) 842 Tozer, Jno., S.L. 413 Wm. Geo., bp. C. Afr. 688 ; bp. Jam. 713 Tracey, Ch. Hanbury, aft. 1st Id. Sudeley, q.v. Hy.de, B. Ex. 382; J. It. 367 Rd. Ed., adm. (E) 837 Rt. and sir R., B. Ex. 384 ; C.G.S. 357; J.C.P. 379; J.K.B. Ir. 579 ; S.L. 411 For INDEX OF NAMES. Tracton, Jas., 1st Id., form. J. Dennis, q.v. 1 Trafford and Traford Ed., K.B. 759 Rd. L., C.C.J. 403 Th. Sami.. gen. (D) 885 Trahaern ab Caradoc, Pr. Wis. 16 Trail, Jas., bp. Down, and Cnr. 604 Jas., E.S.P. 3C1 Jas., U.S. Ir. 563 Saml., Mod. K. Sc. 547 Walt., bp. St. And. 529 Traill, Geo. Balf., gen. (B) 934 Trabern, see Traheyrou Traheron, Barth., dn. Chich. 434 Traheyrou (or Trahern), Th., Nottm. P.A. 343 ; Ptc. P.A. 337 ; Som. H. 332 Trajan, Emp. Ro. 47 Tramerin, bp. St. Dav. 464 Trapaud, Cyrus, gen. (A) 858 Traqnair, Jno., 1st E. of, H.C.P. Sc. 507 ; L.H.C. K. Sc. 546; L.H.T.Sc.497; Ld. Sess. 517 Tran, Berm. Am., &c., K.G. 734 Traunt, Patr., C. Exc. 278 Travancore, Mahar. of (2), G.C.S.I. 801; K.C.S.L802 Rani of, Cr. Ind. 810 Travers, Benj., Pres. CoU. Surg. 9.39 ■ Boyle, gen. (A) 862 Eaton and sir E., adm. (H) 847 ; K.H. 790 * Jas., gen. (D) 900 * Jas., K.H. 792 * ? same pers. Jas. Fras. Eaton, gen. (D) 912 Jos. Gates, gen. (D) 901 Pet., M.R. Ir. 585 Rt. (No. 1), bp. Killoe. 634 Rt. (No. 2), bp. Llin. 622 sir Rt.. gen. (C) 874 Saml., S.L.R. 271 Traverst, R., K.C.M.G. 796 Trayford, Edmd., K.B. 756 Trayner, Jno., Ld. Sess. 521 Treaclier, Wm. Hood, G. Br. N. Bno. 676 Trebouius, C, C. Ro. 46 Tretoy, Geo., L.T. 156 Geo. and sir G., A.G. 399 ; C.G.S. 357 ; C.J.C.P. 375 ; Ree. Lond. 494 ; S.G. 401 ; S.L. 411 Geo. and sir G., Sec. at W.233; TeU. Ex. 167 Paul Winsl. Phillips, gen. (D) 921 Trecothick, Barl.,L.M. Lond. 492 Tredegar, Ch. M. R., L.L. Brec. 315 Tredennick, Jas. Rd. Kn., gen. (D) 930 TrefFnant (or Trevenant), Jno., bp. Her. 441 Trefusis, hon. Ch. Rod., aft. Id. Clinton, q.v., C. Exe. 281, 282; C. Ex. Ir. 567 Treeonwell, Jno. and sir J., J. Adm. Ct. 422; M. Chy. 394 Tregrision, Ralph, dn. Exr. 437 Tregury, Michl., abp. Dbln. and Gh-. 616; dn. St. Pat. 1149 Trelawney, Ch., gen. (C) 871 * Ed., C. Cus. 275 * Ed., G. Jam. 712 * Poss. same pers. Ed., dn. Exr. 438 Ham., G. St. Hel. 662 Harry, gen. (C) 872 — Jno. Jago, gen. (D) 927 — sir Jonn., bp. Brl. 439 ; bp. Exr. 437; bp. Winch. 471 — sir Wm., G. Jam. 712 — sir Wm., L.L. Cuwall. 307 Trellick, see Trilleek Tremayle, Th., J.K.B. 372; S.L. 407 Tremayne, Jno.,Comm. Serjt. Lond. 495; Ree. Loud. 493; S.L. 411 Tremenhere and Tremen- heere Ch. Wm., gen. (D) 901 Walt. R., gen. (D) 880; K.H. 790 Tremlett, Franciso Sangro, adm. (H)8.52 Wm. Hy . Br., adm. (D) 824 ; (G) 840 Tremulus, Q.M. (2), C. Ro. 41 Trench, hon. Eyre Power, gen. (B) 866 Fk. Chen., gen. (D) 934 sir Fk. Wm., gen. (A) 863; K.C.H. 788 Hy. Le Poer, gen. (D) 914 hon. Power, abp. Tra. 611 ; abp. Tm. and bp. Kill, and Ach. 613; bp. Elph. 608; bp. Wford. and L. 627 Rd. Chen., abp. Dbln. G. and K. 617 ; dn. Westr. 469 hon. Rt. Le Poer, K.C.B. 774 Th., dn. Kild. 619 hon. Wm. Le Poer, adm. (D) 824 Trenchard, Jno., C. Tx. 284, 285 * Jno., C.J. Chest. 386; S.L. 411 * sir Jno., P.C. 194 ; S. St. 224 * Prob. same pers. Trentham, Gr. L., vise., aft. 2nd E. Gower, (jf.i'.,L.H.A.178 Tresham, Wm. and sir W., C.D.L. 242 ; Sp. H.C. 248 Tresilian (or Tresyhan), Rt. and sir R., C.J.K.B. 370 J.K.B. 371; S.L. 407 Treslove, Th. C, K.C. 416 Treswell, Andrew, S.W.F. 271 (or CresweU), Rt., Bl. M. P.A. 336 ; Som. H. 332 Rt., S.W.F. 271 Tresylian, see Tresilian Trevaigriion, Jno. de, J.C.P. 377 ; S.L. 406 Trevanyon, Jno., K.B. 759 Trevaur, Jno. (2), bp. St. As. 462 , . Trevelyan, Ch. Ed. and sir C, G. McU-as. 657; K.C.B. 782; See. Tr. 164 Geo. Ott. and sir G., C.D.L. 243 ; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563 ; L. Admy. 185; L.K.Sc.503; P.C. 220- See. Adm. 187; Sec. Sc. 502 ; V.P. Ed. Sc. 500 Hy. WiU., gen. (D) 002 Jno., K.B. 759 wm., gen. (D) 896 Trevenant, see Treftnant Trevet, Th., J. It. 368 ; Jy. 365 List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-! 1150 Trevor, — , Sec. at ^^■. 233 ■ — - hon. Arth., aft. 2nd V. Dungannon, q.v.. C. Cus. Ir. .565 ; C. Exc. Ir. 566 Arth. HUl, gen. (D) 893; K.H. 791 Ed., gen. (D) 896 Eras. Ch., gen. (D) 922 Hugh, L.M. Dbln. 641 Juo., K.C. 415 Jno. and sir J. (No. 1), C.G.S. 357; K.C. 414; M.R. 388 : I'.C. 194 ; Sp. H.C. 250 sir Jno. (No. 2), P.C. 190; S. St. 223 hon. Jno. (No. 3),L. Admy. 178 hon. Jno. (No. 4), Amb. G. St. 121 ; Amb. Sda. 114 ; P.C. 206 Jno. Sal., gen. (D) 920 sir Rd., J. Adm. Ct. 423 hon. Ed., bp. Dham. 479 ; bp. St. Dav. 465 Teudor, L.G. Gr. Hosp. 852 Th. and sir T., B. Ex. 384 ; S.L. 409 Th., see Id. Tr., mfra \Vm. Cosni., G. Tasm. 708; gen. (D)919 Trevor, Ids. sir Th. and Id. T., A.G. 399 ; C.G.S. 357 ; C.J.C.P. 376 ; K.B. 763; L.P.C. 388; L.P.S. 240 ; P.C. 195, 197 ; S.G. 401 ; S.L. 411 Trewman, Jno. T., gen. (D) 881 Trewyth.osa, Sim. de, A.G. 398; S.L. 406 Trial-Faidh, K. Ir. 20 Tricipitinus, H. L., C. Ko. L. L., C. Ro. 38 L. L. P., C. Ro. 39 S. L., C. Ro. 37 T. L. (2), C. Ro. 37 Tricostus, A. V., C. Ro. 37-8 L. v., C. Ro. 39 O. v., C. Ro. 37-8 (Rutilus), P. v., C. Ro. 37 S. v., C. Ro. 38 T. v., C. Ro. 37-8 Tridianus, see Tyrcheanus Trig'emiuus, P. C. P., C. Ro. 38; Dec. Ro. 38 Trigge, Th. and sir T., G. Gibr., 670 : gen. (A) 859 ; K.B. 766; L.G.O. 259 Trikiu^ham, Lamb, de, B. Ex. 38:i; J.C.P. 377 ; J. It. 368- 9; J.K.B. 371 Trilleck or TrlUock, Ad. de (2), dn. Oss. 622 Jno., bp. Her. 441 Th., bp. Roch. 460; dn. Her. 442; dn. St. P. 453 Trimingham, Jno., G. Bmda. 701 Trimleston, Jno., 3rd Id., form, sir .fno. Barnewall, q.v., J.K.B. Ir. 578; L. Treas. Ir. 559 ; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576 Trimmell, \Vm., dn. Winch. 471 Trimnell, Ch.,bp. Norw. 455; bp. Winch. 471 Trinder, Hy., S.L. 411 Jno.. M.M. 247 Tripe, Linn., gen. (D) 914 Tristram, Th. Hutch., Ch. Lond. 422; Q.C. 419 Trobe, see Latrobe INDEX OF XAMES. TroUope, Ch., gen. (D) 896; K.C.B. 780 Ed., bp. suflf. Nottni. 447 Geo. Barne., adm. (K) 845 Hy., adm. (Hi 851 sir Hy. adm. (A) 817; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 775 Hy. Anthy., adm. (H) &53 sir .Jno., P.C. 215; Pres. P.L.B. 262 Tronsou, Rt. Nix., gen. (D) 923 Trop, see Thorp Trott, G. Bah. Isl. 716 Trotter, Alex., gen. (B) 867 — - Hv. Dund., adm. (O) 842 Rt., Postm. G. Sc. 502 Th., gen. (C) 873 Wm., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 Trotti, Ard., K.C.B. 778 Troubridg'e, sir Ed. Th., adm. (D) 827; L. Admy. 182, 183 sir Th., acbn. (A) 817 ; L. Admy. 180 Troup, Col., gen. (D) 899 — Hugh, gen. ID) 897 Trouttoecke, Wm., C.D.L. 242 Trower, Jas., K.C. 415 ; M. Chv. 397 Walt. Jno., bp. Gibr. 670; bp. Glasg. and Gall. 544 Truell, Rt. Holt., gen. (D) 929 Trujillo, J., Pres. U.S.C. 107 TrumbuU, sir Wm., L.T. 155; P.C. 194 ; S. St. 224 Trumhere, bp. Lich. 443 Trumpin^on, Wm. de, J. It. 367 Truro, Thos., 1st Id., form. sir T. Wilde, q.u. Truscott, sir Eras. W^, L.M. Lond. 492 Jno., gen. (D) 878 Wm., adm. (A) 816 Trussell, Wm., J.C.P. 377; Jy. 365 * Wm., Sp. H.C. 248 * sir Wm., L.H.A. 172 * Prob. same pers. Trutch, Jos. Wm., G. Br. Cbia. 698 ; K.C.M.G. 799 Trydell, Botet, gen. (D) 893 Tryon, Geo. and sir G., adm. (E) 837; K.C.B. 782; Sec. Adm. 187 Rt., adm. (G) 843 Saml., gen. (D) 901 Wm., gen. (B) 866 Tsai-t'ien, Emp. Ch. 100 Tuadcar, bp. Kild. 616 Tuathal, bp. Clonm. 599 Mat)lgarbh, K. Ir. 21 Teachtmar, K. Ir. 21 Tubertus, A. P., Dt. Ro. 39 P. P. (2), C. Ro. 37 Tubman, Nichs., Hps. P. A. 343; Lane. H. 333; R. Cr. P.A. 335 Tucca, C. S., C. Ro. 42 Tucker, Auchm., gen. (D) 900 Bcnj., Sec. Adm. 187 Danl., G. Bmda. 701 Ed., C. St. 283 ; C. Tx. 284 Ed. and sir E., adm. (D) 826; G.C.B. 770 ; K.C.B. 774 Hy. St. Geo., Chn. E.I.Co. 645 Ino., U.S.S. 225 Jno. Jerv., adm. (D) 831; (Ol 841 Jos., dn. Glr. 440 Tucker— co)if. Jos., Tr. N. 257 Steph. Is., R. Cr. P.A. 336; Som. H. 332 Th. Tud., adm. (H) 844 (or Tooker), Wm., dn. Lich. 445 Tuda, bp. Lindisf. 478 Tuditanus, C. S., C. Ro. 45 M. S., C. Ro. 42, 44 P. S..C. Ro. 43 Tudor, Edm., aft. E. of Rich- mond, ry.c, K.B. (1449)756 Jasp., aft. E. of Pembroke, q.v., K.B. (14491756 J. E., G. St. Xtr. 7-29 • — — Jos., C. Cus. Sc. 504 Tufnell and Tnfifnell Ed. Wyndh., bp. Brisb. 706 Hv., L.T. 160; P.C. 215; Sec. Tr. 163 Tufton, sir Hv. Jas., aft. 1st Id. Hothfield, q.v., L.L. \\mland. 31:; sir Wm., G. Bdoes. 719 Tuistius I or Tostius), bp. ^^'ford. 626 Tuite, Hugh Manl., gen. (D) 893 Tulbagrb, Ryk.. G. C.G.H. 678 Tulca, K. Sp. 85 Tulgra, K. Sp. 85 Tullibardine, E. of Patr., 2nd E. of, form. P. Murray, q.v. Jno., 6th E. of, aft. 1st D. of Athole, q.v.. H.C.P. Sc. 508 Tullie, see also TuUy Th., dn. Carl. 476 Th.,dn. Rip. 4.S2 TnUoch, Alex., gen. (D) 887 sir Alexr. Murr., gen. CD) 894; K.C.B. 782 Arth., gen. (D I 928 Jno., dn. Thist. 749 Jno., gen. (Di 886 Jno., Mod. K. Sc.547 Jno. St., gen. (D) 920 Th. de, bp. Ork. 535 Wm., bp. Mor. 534 ; Ork. 5:«; L.P.S. Sc. 500 Tullock, Jno. Saml. Dr., gen. (D) 916 TuUoh, Alexr., gen. (D) 899 Tullus (Hostilius). K. Ro. 36 L. v., C. Ro. 46-7 TuUy, see also Tullie Rev. or Riv., dn. Clonf. 637 Rt., bp. St. Dav. 464 Tulse, sir Hv., L.M. Lond. 491 Tumbert, bp. Hex. 480 Tumfriht, .see Tunfrith Tunbrigrht, bp. Lich. 443 Tunfrith K.r Tumfriht). bp Licli. 443 Tunis, The Bey of, G.C.B. 772 Tunstall, Cuthb., bp. Dham. 479 ; bp. Lond. 451 : dn. Sal. 4tJ8; L.L. Dham. 308; L.P.S. 240; M.R. 387 ♦ sir Rd., K.G. 736 * sir Rd.. M.M. 246 ' Prob. same pers. Tuntgall, bp. Saig. 620 Tupper, t li. and sir C, (i.C.M.C. 795; K.C.M.G. 797 (iiisp. ]v M., gen. (D) 927 TurbervlU, Ccrv., K.H. 791 Turberville, Jas., bp. Exr. 437 bp. For ist of Abbreviations, see })p. 944-S52 Turbus, Wra., bp. Norw. 454 Turg'esius, K. Ir. 21 Turg'ot, bp. St. Audi-. 528 Tiirke, L.M. Lond. 489 Turlougli I. and II., K. Ir. 22 (O'Connor), K. Ir. 22 Turnbull, Hugh, dn. Chich. 434 Mont. Jas., gen. (D) 921 Wm., bp. Glasg. 536; bp. Dkld. 533 ; L.P.S. Sc. 500 Turnemire, Wm. de, M.M. 245 Turner, Tumor and Tum- our Adolph, Amb. Ugy. 136 Algn., Sec. P.O. 239 Arth., J.C.P. Ir. 581 Arth., S.L. 409 Augs., gen. (D) 916 Ch., G. Si. Le. 685 ; gen. (C) 874 Ch., gen. (D) 879 sir Ch., B.T. 264 ; L. Admy. 177; L.T. 156; Tell. Ex. 168 Chas. Arth. and sir C, CLE. 806; C.J. Mdras. 658; K.C.I.E.805; M.C.I. 647 ( or Turnor), Chr. and sir C, B. Ex. 384 ; C. Exc. 277 ; S.L. 410 Edm. Rt., C.C.J. 405 - (or Tm-uonr), su- Ed., C.B. Ex. 381; S.G. 401; S.L,. 410; Sp. H.C. 249 I or Turnour), Ed. Wint., adm. (E) 836 ; (P) 839 Fras., bp. Ely, 435; bp. Roch. 460 ; dn. Winds. 474 Frank, gen. (D) 901; K.C.B. 781 Geo., gen. (D) 884; K.C.B. 779 Geo. Jas. and sir G., Jud. Com. P.C. 360 ; L.J. App. 389 ; P.C. 215 ; Q.C. 417 ; V. Chanc. 390 Hy., S.L. 411 Hy. Aust., gen. (D) 900 Hy. Bl., gen. (D) 900 sir Hilgr., G. Bmda. 701 ; gen. (A) 861 (or Turnor), J., G. Bmda. 701 Jas. Fras., bp. Graft, and Arm. 704 Jnc, C. St. 283 ('? Farmer), Jno., G. Bdoes. 720 Jno., gen. (D) 907 Jno., S.L. 410 sir Jno., L.T. 157 Jno. M., bp. Calc. 653 Jos., dn. Norw. 456 Nathl. Oct. S., gen. (D) 922 Saml., L.M. Lond. 492 Steph., dn. Rip. 482 Th., dn. Cant. 431 ; dn, Roch. 461 Tim., C.J. Chest. 386 sir Tomk. Hilgr., G.C.H. 786 ; K.C.H. 787 Walt., dn. Ferns, 623 Wm., adm. (G) 842 Wm., Amb. N.G. 134 ; Amb. Rep. Col. 134; Amb. Tky. 129 Wm., dn. Wells, 429 Wm., gen. (D) 877 (or Turnor), Wm., gen. CD) 686 INDEX OP NAMES. Tiirner, Turnor, and Turnour —cont. Wm. and sir W., Adm. Adv. 423 ; J. Adm. Ct. 423 ; J. Pr. Ct. 421 sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 491 Wm. West, K.C.S.I. 803 Turney, Ch. Bark., K.H. 790 Tumham, sir Rt. de, L.H.A. 170 Steph. de, Jy. 364 ; L.H.A. 170 Turnoi, see Turner Tumour, see Turner Tnrpin, bp. Bm. 530 Rd., Bl. M. P.A. 336 ; Hps. P.A. 343 ; Winds. H. 331 Turpingfton, Jno., K.B. 756 - ■ Jord. de, Jy. 364 Jr. 363 ; dn. Turri Nichs. de, Ch, J.C.P., 377 ; Jy. 364 Turrinus, C. M., C. Ko. 42 Turtou, Jno. and sir J., B, Ex. ;S84; J.K.B. 373; S.L, 411 Rt. Str., gen. CD) 925 Th., bp. Ely, 435; Pboro. 459 ; dn. Westr. 469 Turvil and Turville Fras. Fortesc, K.C.M.G. 797 Geoffr. de, L. Treas. Ir. 558 ; V. Chanc. Ir. 574 ■ Maur. de, J. It. 367 Tuscus, C. A., C. Ro. 37 Tuson, Hy. Brasn., gen. (D) 935 Tuthaldus, bp. St. Andr. 528 Tuttebury or Tuttlebury Th., B. Ex. 383 ; dn.WeUs, 429 Tuyll, Wm. and sir W., gen. (A) 863; K.C.H. 788 Twedy, Hy., M.M. 246 Tweeddale, E. and M. of Jno., 2nd E., aft. 1st M. of, Comm. Tr. Sc. 497; H.C.P. Sc. 508; L.H.T. Sc. 497-8; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 ; Ld. Sess. 517; Pres. P.C. Sc. 500 Jno., 2nd M. of, form. Id. Yester, q.v., Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 Jno., 4th M. of, L.J. Gen. ' 522; Ld. Sess. 517; P.C. 198; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Geo., 7th M. of, L.L. Hadd. 510 Geo., 8th M. of, C.C. Mdras. 657; F.M. 856; G.C.B. 770: G. Mdras. 657; gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 779; K.T. 748; L.L. Hadd. 510 Tweedie, Maur.. gen. (D) 887 Michl., gen. (D) 928 Wm. Jno., gen. (D) 914 TwellS, Ed., bp. Blfn. 681 Twemlow, Geo., gen. (D) 894 •r-wigge, Jno. Th., gen. (D) 931 Twisden, see also Twysden Ph., bp. Rph. 602 sir Th., J.K.B. 372; S.L. 409-10 Twistleton, Ed. T. B., P.L.C. 262 Twiss, Horace, K.C. 416 ; U.S.W. and C. 231 Jno., gen. (D) 898 — - Wm., gen. (A) 861 Trav. and sir T., Adm. Adv. 423; Ch. Lond. 422; Q. Adv. 422 ; Q.C. 418 ; Vic. Gen. 422 1151 Twylden, Jno., gen. (D) 899 Tvtrynham, Walt., Ld.Chanc. Sc. 515 Twysden, see also Twisden — — Hv. Dune, adm. (H) 849; gen. (D I 912 Ty— , see ulso Ti— Tyacke, Hy. Ph., gen. (D)910 Tyddiman, sir Th., adm. (A) 813 *Tydferth, bp. Dunw. 454 * (or TUford), bp. Hex. 480 * ? same pars. Tyers, Wm. Ausis., gen. (D) 908 Tyery, Nichs., M.M. 246 Tyes, Theod. le, K.B. 7-54 Tyldsley, see also Tildeslegh Th., G. I. Man, 666 Tyler, Maj. — , G. Trin. 722 Ch. and sir C, adm. (A) 818; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 773 Ch. Jas., gen. (D) 933 Geo. and sir G., adm. (G) 841 ; G. St. Vin. 725 ; K.H. 790 Jnc, bp. LIff. 449 ; dn. Her. 442 Jno., K.H. 791 .Jno., Pres. U.S.A. 102 Jno. Wm., CLE. 80S Tynbeg'h(orThynbegh), Wm. de, A.G. Ir. 588 ; C.B. Ex. Ir. 582 ; C J.C.P. Ir. 580 ; L. Treas. Ir. 558 Tyndall, see also Tindal — — Humphr., dn. Ely, 435 J. M., M. Chy. 395 Saml. Wm., L.M. Dbln. 642 * Wm., Guis. P.A. 343; Lane. H. 332 ; R. Dr. P.A. 337 * Wm., K.B. 7.58 ' ? same pers. Tynebegb, see Tynbegh Tyrawley, Ids. Ch., 1st Id., gen. (A) 857 Jas., 2nd Id., also Id. KU- main, F.M. 856 ; G. Gibr. 669 ; gen. (Al 8.58: P.C. 201 Tyrcheanus, or Tyrcban, or Tridianus, bp. Llflf. 448 Tyrconnel, E., vise, and D. of Talbot Family. Rd., 1st E., aft. 1st D. of, L.L. Ir.555; L. Treas. Ir.559; P.C. 193 Broivnloiv Family. Jno., 1st vise, K.B. 764 Carpenter Family. Jno. Delaval, 4th E. of G.C.H. 786 Tyrell, see TyrreU Tyrone, Geo. de la Poer, 2nd E., aft. 1st M. of Water- ford, q.v., K.P. 7.50 Tyrrell and Tyrell Hy., K.B. 760 Jas., gen. (B) 864 Jas., L.P.S. 240 Jno., C.C.J. 403 Jno., S.L. Ir. 590 Jno. and sir J., Sp. H.C. 248 Ralph, Const. W. Cast. Rd., adm. (A) 814 Th. and sir T., J.C.P. 379; S.L. 410 Wm., bp. Newc. N.S.W 704 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1152 Tyrrwhitt, see also Tiiwhit Ch., geu. (D) 922 Th. and sir T., L.W.S. 323 Tytler, Alexr. Fr., Ld. Sess. 520 Jas., Ly. Dep. 513 Jas. Mc. L. Bauu. Fraser, gen. (D) 901 ; K.C.B. 781 u. Ubylwinus (or Uuelbicus), bp. Llff. 448 Uclitred, see also Ughtred and Uhtred bp. Lindisf. 478 Udaipur, Mahar. of, G.C.S.I. 801 XTdalric, D. Bma. 59 Udny, Alexi-., C. E.xc. Sc. 505 Uffa, K.E. 2 Ufflete, Gill, de, S.L. 407 TTfford (or Offord), Jno. de, abp. Cant. 430 ; dn. Liinc. 448 ; Ld. Chanc. 354 sir Kalph, L.J. Ir. .551 * Bt. de, K.B. 7-54 * sir Rt., L.H.A. 171 * ? same pers. and ? aft. 1st E. of Suffolk sir Rt. de, L. J. Ir. 550 sir Th., K.G. 733 Ugaine-Mor, K. Ir. 21 Ug'Iitred, see also Uchtred and Uhtred sir Anthy., G. Jsey. 667 * sir Th., L.H.A. 171 * Th., 1st Id., K.G. 733 *Prob. same pers. Uhtred, see also Uchtred and Ughtred bp. Llff. 449 Ulderic, D. Tny. 57 Ulecot, Jno. de, J. It. 367 Ph. de, J. It. 367 UUock, Hy., du. Roch. 461 Ulmaunus, see Ulstanus Ulric, D. Wbg. 80 tJlrick, D. of Holstein, K.G. Pr. Mkg. 74 Ulrica-Eleanora, Q. Sw. 92 Ulstau, or Ulstanus (or Ulmaunus), dn. St. P. 453 Ulster, Earls of, see also March and Ulster Jno. de Courcy, E. of, L.D. Ir. (1185) 550 Hugh, E. of, form. (1189) H. de Lacy, q.v. Lion., E. of, K.G. (1361) 733 Ulwar, Mahar. of, G.C.S.I. 801 Umfreville, sir Rt. de, K.G. 735 Umpton, Alexr., K.B. 760 Ed., K.B. 761 INDEX OF XAMES. I Underdowu, Emm. Mag., I Q.C. 420 Underhill, Jno., bp. Oxf . 456 1 Jos., Q.C. 419 I Underwood, Rd.. dn. Lism. 629 \ Unelbicus, see Ubylwinus Uniacke, Rd., gen. iD) 877 Universalis, Gilb., bp.Lond. 451 Unwin, Rt., gen. (D) 912 Unwona, bp. Dorch. 446; bp. Sidr. 446 Upington, Th., K.C.M.G. 798 Upper-Ossory, Jno., 2nd E. (if. L.L. Beds. 306 Upsale, Geoffr. de, J. It. 368 Upton, Anthy., J.C.P. Ir. 581 hou. .-Vrth., geu. (D) 889 hou. Arth. Percy, geu. (A) 863 hou. Geo. Fk., aft. 3rd vise. Templetown, q.v., gen. (D)892 Jno., C. Cus. 273 Urban, bp. Bgr. 425 ; bp. Llflf. 449 I. to VHI., P. Ro. 32, 34-5-6 Urban, D', see Durban Urbina, J. M., Pres. Ecr. 108 Urbino, Fk., D. of, K.G. 736 Guide Ubaldo, D. of, K.G. 737 Urg'eneu. bp. St. Dav. 464 Uriarte, H., Pres. Pgv. 110 Uriell, Jas., C.B. Ex.Ir. 582 Urlin, sir Sim., Rec. Loud. 494; S.L. 411 Urmston, Ed., gen. (B) 865 Urquhart, Ed. .Jas., gen. (B) Uxbridge, E. of 1st Creation. Hy., Ist E. of, form. hon. Hy. Paget and 7th Id. P., and Ist Id. Burton, q.v., C.Y.G. 298 ; P.C. 196 Hy., 2nd E. of, L.L. Ang. 314 2ml Creation. Hy., 1st E. of, L.L. Staffs, 312 Hy. Wm., 2nd E. of, aft. Ist M. of Anglesey, q.v., G.C.B. 767; L.L. Ang. 314 Hy., E. of, aft. 2ud M. of Anglesey, q.v., L.C.H. 295; P.C. 213 Eras. Gr., gen. ID) 901 Th., bp. Ross, 535 Urquhart, Ids. Alexr., Id., from. Alexr. Seton, q.v., aft. 1st E. Dun- fermline, q.v.. L.P. Ct. Sess. 516 ; Ld. Sess. 518 Urc|.niza, J. J., Pres. Arg. 110 Urraca, K. Cle. 85 Ursula (iss. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 11 Urswick or Urswicke, Chr., du. Winds. 474 ; dn. Yk. 487 Regr. Gart. 746 Urs-wyke, Th., B. Ex. 383; C.B. Ex. 381; Comm. Serjt. Loud. 495; Rec. Lond. 493 Uscher, Usher and Ussher Ad., Ulst. K.A. 572 Chr., Ulst. K.A. 572 Hy., abp. Arm. 595 Herb. Tayl., G. Gld. Cst. 686; G. Gld. Cst. Col. 687; G. Labn. 675 ; G. Tob. 724 Jas., abp. Arm. 596 ; bp. Carl. 475 ; bp. Mth. 599 Jno. Theoph., gen. (D) 922 Rt., bp. Kild. 617 sir Th., adm. (D) 827; K.C.H. 787 Th. N., Amb. Hti. 133 Utber (or Uthert), Rt., adm. (A) 813 Utellus, bp. Her. 441 Utermark, Jno. de Hav., Blf. Gsey. 669 Uthert, see Utber Uthwajrte, Rd., C. St. 283 Utlag^h, see Outlawe Utlawe, see Outlawe Utterton, Jno. Sutt., bp. sufif. Guildf. 471 Uvedall, Wm., K.B. 758 Vache, sir Ph. de la, K.G. 734 Rd. de la. Const. T.L. 320; Const. W. Cast. 322; K.G. 733 Vaillant, Count, G.C.B. 769 Valaoriti, Spir., K.C.M.G. 796 Valdez, J. de Dios, G. Trin. 721 Vale, Geoff, de la, K.B. 755 Valencey, Ch., gen. (A) 859 Valens, Emp. E.E. 49 Valentia, Geth., Aym., or Lud. de, bp. Winch. 470 Valentia, vise. Arth., 2ud vise, aft. 1st E. of .\uglesey,g.i'., V. Treaa. Ir.559 Valentinian I. to III., Emp. W.E. 48-9 Valentlnus, P. Ro. 33 Valerianus, Emp. Ro. 48 Valerius, N., C. Ro. 47 Valia, K. Sp. 84 VaUant, Th., K.C.B. 777; K.H. 791 Th. Jas., gen. (D) 892 Vallack, Jos., K.H. 790 Valle, A., Pfes. S. Salv. 106 Jno. de,bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 Steph. de, bp. Lim. 638; bp. Mth. 599 ; dn. Lim. 639 ; L. Treas. Ir. 558 Valletort, see Mount-Edg- cumbe and V. Vallibus, Pet. de, Const. T.L 320 Valoigrnes, Waresius de, L.H.A. 171 Valoines, Theob. de, J. It. 307 Valois, Hamo de, L.J. Ir. 550 Valoniis, Ph. de. L.G.C. Sc. 506 Wm. dc, L.G.C. Sc. 506 Valsamachl, Demetr. and sirD.,G.C.M.G.795; K.CJSI.G 796 Spir., K.C.M.G. 796 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-! Valverde, J. D., Pies. Dom. Eep. 105 Vamba, K. Sp. 85 Vampag^e, .Ino., A.G. 398 Vanbrugh, Capt., G. Newfd. 700 sir Juo., Clar. K.A. 328 ; Gart. K.A. 327 Vanbiiren, M.. Pies. U.S.A. 102 Vance. Jas.. L.M. Dblu. 641 Patr., Ld. Sess. 518 Vandamme, Off. Nap. 26 Vandeleur, Jno. Ormsb. (No. 1), C. Cus. Ir. 565-6; C. Exc. Ir. 566 .Tuo. Ormsb. and sir J. (No. 2), gen. (A) 862; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 774 -Ino. Ormsb. (No. 3), gen. (D)932 Th. B., J.K.B. Ir. 579 ; S.L. Ir. 593 Th. Pak., gen. (C) 872 Vandepert, Geo., adni. (A) 816 Vanderesch, -Jacob, C. St. 283 Vane, Fras., K.B. 763 Hy. (s. son of E. of West- moreland), K.B. (1661) 763 sir Hy., G.C.B. 768 sir Hy., Coff. H. 293; Compt. H. 292; L. Admy. 175 ; L.T. 154 ; Tr. H. 291 ; S. St. 223 hon. Hy., aft. 2ud E. of Darlington, q.v., L.T. 157 ; V. Treas. Ir. 560 Vera, K.B. 763 Vangoens, Rvck, G. Ceyl. 672 Vanhomrigh, Barth., L.M. Dbln. (UO Vanmildert, Wm.,bp. Dham. 479 ; bp. Llff. 449 ; dn. St. P. 453 Vannes, Pet., dn. Sal. 468 Vanrenen, Don. Campb., gen. (D) 916 Vansittart, Ed. Westby, adm. (H) 850 Geo. Hy., gen. (A) 861 - — - Hy., adm. (A) 820 Hy., G.G. Ind.648 Nich., aft. 1st Id. Besley, C.D.L. 243; Ch. Ex. 165 ; Ch. Ex. Ir. 562: Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; C. Treas. Ir. 561 : L.T. 159 ; P.C. 207 : Sec. Tr. 163 Vantort, J., dn. Bgr. 426 Varela, P., Pres. Ugy. Ill Vargas, Pres. Vzla. 107 Varro, C. T., C. Ro. 43 Varus, C. C, C. Ro. 46 C. L., C. Ko. 42 C. Q., Dt. Ro. 40 S. Q., C. Ro. 38 Vasali I. to V., E. Russ. 89 Vasconcelos, Pres. S. Salv. 106 Vashon, Jas., adm. (A) 817 Vassall, Rawd. .Jno. P., gen. (D) 900 sir Sp. L. H., K.H. 792 Vatia, P. S., C. Ro. 45 Vaticanus, P. S. C, C. Ro. 38; Dec. Ro. 38 T. E. R., C. Ro. 38; Dec. Ro. 38 Vatinius, P., C. Ro. 46 Vaug-lian, — , M. Chy. 395 Ch. Jno., dn. Llff. 450 INDEX OF NAMES. Vaughan — cont. Ch. Rd. and sir C, Amb. Spn. 124; Amb. Swz. 113; Amb. Tky. 129: Amb. U.S.A. 132; G.C.H. 787; P.C. 210 Ed., bp. St. Dav. 464 Ed., L. Admy. 175 Gwynn, C. Cus. 275-6 Karl., S.L. 412 sir Hugh, G. Jsey. 667 Jas., dn. Ach. 614 Jno., adm. i A ) 815 Jno., K.B. 763 Jno., L.L. Carm. 315 Jno. and sir J. (No. 1), C.J.C.P. 375; S.L. 410 Jno. and sir J. (No. 2), B. Ex. 385; J.C.P. 380; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; P.C. 212; S.L. 412 hon. Jno., gen. (B) 866 ; K.B. 765 Jno. Luth. and sir J., gen. (D)909: K.C.B. 782 Pet., dn. Chest. 477 Rd., bp. Bgr. 426; bp. Chest. 477 ; bp. Lond. 4.52 Rd., K.B. 763 Staph., M.M. 246 Th., K.B. 757 hon. \Vm., aft. vise, and E. of Lisburne, q.v., L.L. Card. 315 ; L.L. Mar. 314 Vaughan, Ids. Rd., 1st Id. (also 2nd E. of Carbery, q.v.), P.C. 190 Jno., Id., aft. 3rd E. of Carbery, q.v., G. Jam. 712; L. Admv. 176 Vaus, Geo., bp. GaU. 538 Th. da. Sac. St. Sc. 501 Vaux, Jno. de, J. It. 368 Lawr., Wdn. Chr. Ch. Manch. 481 Oliver de, J. It. 368 Rt. de, J. It. 366 T., G. Jsay. 667 Vaux of Harroden, Ids. Th., 2nd Id., K.B. 760 Vavasour, Hy. le, K.B. 754 sir Hy. Magh. M., gen. (B) Jno., J.C.P. 378 ; S.L. 407 Wm., J. It. 366 \Vm. le,J. It. 369 Veele, Walt, de, bp. Kild. 616 Veintimilla, Ig. de, Pres. I Ear. 108 I Veitch, Hy., C. Cus. Sc. 504 • Jas., Ld. Sess. 520 Jas. Rd., adm. (H) 852 IVeja, M., G.C.M.G. 794; K.C.M.G. 796 Velasco, Pras. Bol. 109 Veldon, Jno., Rec. Dbln. 642 Velson, Wm., Ld. Chanc. 352; see Welsou Veltheim, Aug. Var., gen. (C) Venables, Add. Rt. P., bp. Nass. 717 Geo. St., Q.C. 418 Wm., L.M. Lond. 492 Venham, Gilb. de, Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 Venno, L. P., C. Ro. 41 Venour, Wm., L.M. Lond. 489 Ventagiri, Raja of, K.C.I.E. 805 Ventidius, P., C. Ro. 46 Ventris, Peyt. and sir P., J.C.P. 379; S.L. 411 1153 Vera, E. S. dc L., G. Trin. 721 Verchild, Jas., G. Leew. Isl. 727 Verdan, see Verdun Verdoen, sir Pet., L.M. Dbln. 641 Verdon, Geo. Fc, K.C.M.G. 796 Verdun, Bertr. de, J. It. .366 ; Jy. 363 Juo. de, J. It. 368 (or Verdan), sir Theob. de, L.L. Ir. 551 Walt, de. Const. T.L. 320; J. It. 367 Vere, Alberic de, Ch. Jr. 362 ; Ch. Br. and sir C, gen. (C) 875 ; K.C.B. 775 Rt. de ibro. to 12th E. of Oxford), K.B. 7-56 ■ • Th. de, aft. 8th E. of Ox- ford, q.v., K.B. 754 Wm. de, bp. Her. 441 ; J. It. 366 ; Jy. 364 Wm. de, Ld. Chanc. 353 Vere of Tilbiu-y, Ids. Horatio, 1st Id., M.G.O. 258 Vere of Han%yorth, Ids. Vere, 1st Id., form. Id. V. Beauclerk, q.v., L.L. Berks. 30G Vereker, Ch., C. Treas. Ir. 561 hon. -Jno. Praud., L.M. Dbln. 642 Verelst, Hy., Adm. Ind. 648 Veremundo I. to III., K. Sp. 85 Vergu, bp. St. Dav. 464 Verner, Geo., gen. (D) 916 sir Wm.,K.C.H.789 Verney, Geo., see Id. Wil- loughby de Broke Grev., K.B. 763 sir H., P.C. 220 Jno., dn. Lich. 445 -Jno., K.B. 758 hon. Jno., C.J. Chest. 386 ; K.C. 415; M.R. 388; P.C. 198 Ralph, see Earl V., hifra Verney, E. Rauf ., L.M. Lond. 490 Ralph, 1st E., form. vise. Fermanagh, q.v., P.C. 201 Vernon, Ch., gen. (A) 858; Lt. T. L. 322 Ed., adm. (A) 814 Fras., aft. 1st E. of Ship- brooke, q.v. sir Ed., adm. (A) 815 hon. Ed. Verrou-, aft. Varnon Harcourt, see Har- com-t Geo., K.B. 760 Geo. and sir G., B. Ex. 384 ; J.C.P. 379 ; S.L. 409 Hy., C. E.XC. 280 Hy., K.B. 7:5.8 sir Hy., C. Exc. 277 Hy. Ch. Ed., gen. (D) 879 Jas., L.P.S. 240 ; P.C. 194; S. St. 224; Tell. Ex. 167 U.S.S. 225 Jas. Jr., C. Exc. 279-80 Rd., Sp. H.C. 248 sir Rd., Coff. H. 293 Th., B.T. 264 Th., TeU. Ex. 168 Wm. da, J. It. :367 Vernon-Harcourt, see Har- court For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 1154 Verrucosus, Q. F. M. (5), C. Ko. 43 ; Dt. Ko. 43 Verschoyle, Ham., bp. Kilm. E. and A. G09 ; dn. Ferns, 623 Jas., bp. Killa. and Ach. 613 ; du. St. Pat. 618 Versluys, Steph., G. Cej-l. 672 Verulam, Ids. and E. of Fras., Id., form. Eras. Bacon, q.c, aft. vise. St. Al- bans, q.v. Jas. Walt., 1st E. of, L.L. Herts. 309 Jas. Walt., 2nd E. of, L.L. Herts. 309 Verus, L., Emp. Eo. 47 Vesci, Wm. de, L.J. Ir. 550 Vesci, vise, de Inc., and vise, de, L.L. Q. Co. 571 Jno. Rt. Wm., 4th vise, de, L.L. Q. Co. 571 Vesey, Geo. Hy., gen. (D) 913 Jno., abp. Tm. 611; bp. Limk., A. and A. 639; dn. Crk. 632 ; L.J. Ir. 556 Jno., see Voysey Jno. Agm., gen. (C) 873 sir Th., bp. Killoe. 634 ; bp. Oss. 620 Wm. de, J. It. 368 Vesey-Pitzgerald, see Fitz- gerald Vespasian, Emp. Ko. 47 Vesturme, Louis Hutton, adm. (Hi 853 Vetch, Ham., gen. (D) 897 Saml., G. N. Se. 694 Veteriponte, Rt. de, J. It. 366-7 Vetus, C. A., C. Ro. 47 VeuUe, Jno. de, Blf. Jsey. 668 Veym, Rd. de, J. It. 367 Veysey, see Voysey Vialls, Geo. Court., gen. (D) 909 Vibal, Dt. Pgy. 110 Vibulanus, K. F. (3), C. Ro. 37-8 M. F. (2), C. Ro. 37-8; C. Ro. 39 N. F., C. Ro. 39 Q. F. (7), C. Ro. 37-8-9; Dec. Ro. 38 Vicars, Ed., gen. (C) 874 Ed., gen. (D) 889 Vicedomiuus, P. Ro. 35 Victor, Off. Nap. 26 - — I. to III., P. Ro. 32-4 Amadeus, K. Scy. 56 Amadeus I. and II., D. Svy. 55 -Amadeus I. and II., K. Sda. 55 Emmanuel I. and II., K. Sda. 55 Emmanuel II. (K. It.) ; K.G. 744 Ferd., &c., Pr. of Hohen- lohe - Langenbourg (Ct. Gleichen), adm. (H) 851 ; Const. W. Cast. 322 ; G.C.B. 773; K.C.B. 783 Jas. C, gen. (D) 889 Victoria, Q.E. 6; Pr. E. 15 Adel.-Mary-Louisa (dau. Q.Vict.), Pr. E. 15; Cr. Ind. 809 Alb.-Eliz.-Mat.-Mary (g. dau. Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 15 Alex.-Olga-Mary (g. dau. Q.Vict.) Pr. E.15 For Amb. Swz. INDEX OF NAMES. Victoria— cOHf. .\lix-Helen-Louise-Beatr. (g. dau. Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 16 Eliz.-Aug.-Charl. (g. dau. Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 15 Eug.-Julia-Eva (g. dau. Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 16 Louise-Sophia-Aug.-Am.- Hel. (g. dau. Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 10 Mel. (g. dau. Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 16 Patr.-Hel.-EUz. (g. dau. Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 16 G., Pres. Mex. 103 Vidal, Alexr. Th. Em., adm. (D) 830 F. A., Pres. Ugy. Ill Owen Em., bp. Si. Le, 686 Vidone, Walt, de, Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Vie, sir Hy. de, Chanc. Gart. 746 VigiUus, P. Ro. 3:3 Vigrnoles, Ch., dn. Oss. 623 Vigors, Barth., bp. Ferns and L. 622; du. Arm. 597; dn. LUn. 623 Hor. Nels., gen. (D) 893 Villahermosa, D. of, R. Nds. 83 Villemore, Barth., Compt. Sc. 498 Villettes, Arth 113 Wm. Anne, G. Jam. 713; gen. (B)866 Villiers, hon. Ch. Pelh., J.A.G. 937; P.O. 216; Pres. P.L.B. 262 sir Ed., M.M. 246 Eras., TeU. Ex. 168 sir Geo., see Id. V., infra hon. Geo. W^ F. and sir G., aft. 4th E. of Clarendon, q.v., Amb. Spn. 124 ; C. Cus. 277; G.C.B. 772 hon. Hy. M., bp. Dham. 479 ; bp. Carl. 476 sir Hy., M.M. 246 hon. Jno. Chas., Amb. Pgl. 124; B.T. 268; Compt. H. 293 ; P.C. 204 sir Jno. Hy. de, K.C.M.G. 798 hon. Th., L. Admy. 178 Th. Hyde, Sec. B.C. 254 Villiers, Ids. and vise. sir Geo., aft. 1st vise. V. and E. M. and D. of Buck- ingham, q.v., K.G. 739 ; M.H. 302 Ed., 1st Id. and vise., aft. 1st E. of Jersey, q.v., L.J. Ir. 555 Geo. B., vise, aft. 4th E. of Jersey, q.v., L.H.A. 179; P.C. 201 ; V.C.H. 297 Villula, Jno. de, bp. B. & W. 427 Vincent, see also St. Vincent Andr. Atk., adm. (H) 847 ; K.H. 789 Aug., R. Cr. P.A. 335; R. Rge. P.A. Mi ; Winds. H. 331 Edg., K.C.M.G. 799 sir Fras., Amb. Vce. 116 sir Fras., U.S.F. 229 Jas. v., dn. Bgr. 427 Jno., gen. (A) 862 Jno. Paint., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 Nichs., adm. (A) 815 Vincent— cojit. Nichs. Ch. Car., K.C.B. 775 W'm., dn. Westr. 469 Wm., gen. (D188I Vine, Wm., gen. (D) 914 Viney, sir Jas., gen. (C) 875; K.C.H. 788 Vinicombe, Geo. Ell., gen. Vinucius, L., C. Ro. 47 Violens, L. V. F. (2), C. Ro. 41 Vipont, Th., bp. Carl. 475 Viscellinus, S. C. (3), C. Bo. 37 Visen, Hv.. D. of, K.G. 735 Visme, Li.uis de, Amb. G. St. 121 ; Ami.. S\v. 126 Visolus, C. P. L., C. Ro. 40-1 Q. 1'. L., Dec. Ro. 38 Vitalianus, P. Ro. 33 Vitellius, Kmp. Ro. 47 Vitericus, K. Sp. 85 Vitiges, K. It. 49 Vitiza, K. Sp. a5 Vitulus, L. M., C. Ro. 42 Q. M., C. Ro. 42 Vivian, Ch., C. St. 283 Ch. Cresp., see Id. V., infra sir Hussey, see Hussey Huss. Cresp., see Id. V., infra hon. Jno. C. W., L.T. 161, 162 ; U.S. War. 233 Rd. Huss. and sir R., see Id. v., iiijra sir Rt., gen. (D) 887 Rt. Jno. Huss. and sir K., gen. (Di 888; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 778; M.C.L 646 Vivian, Ids. Rd. Huss., aft. Ist Id. V., Comm. F. Ir. 564; gen. (B) 869; G.C.B. 768; G.C.H. 786; K.C.B. 774; K.C.H. 787; M.G.O. 259 ; P.C. 213 Ch. Cr.,2nd Id., L.L. CnwaU. 307 hon. Huss. Cresp., aft. 3rd Id. v., Amb. Bpm. 123; Amb. Dk. 127 ; Amb. Eg. 130 ; Amb. Rma. 128; Amb. Swz. 114; K.C.M.G. 798 Vizianag'ram, Mahar. of, K.C.I.E. 8U5 Zem. of, K.C.S.I. 802 Vladimir I. and II., R. Russ. 89 Vodimus, abp. Lond. 450 Voeux, Geo. Wm. Des. and sir G., G. Bah. Isl. 716 ; G. Fiji, 711 ; G. H. Kong, 673 ; G. Newfd. 700; G. St. Luc. 725; G. Trin. 722; G. W. Pacif. 711 : K.C.M.G. 798 Vogrel, Jul., K.C.M.G. 797 Vofiforides, N. S., H. Mva. 94 Volcan, .hio., bp. Drom. 604; bp. Oss. 620 Volkonsky, Pr., G.C.B. 767 Volusianus, Emp. Ko. 47 Volusus, C. V. P., C. Ro. 39 M. v., C. Ro. 37 Vosey, see Voysey Voyle, Geo. El., gen. (D) 911 Fras. Ed., gen. (Dl I'lO Voysey, Vosey, or Veysey, Jno. (d/KKs Harman), lip. Exr. 4;j6-7 ; dn. Exr.437 ; dn. \\inds. 474; Kegr. Gart. 746 Vreelandt, Ger. J., G. Ceyl. 672 List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-962. Vry, Johaiiu Eliza de, CLE. 8J6 Vulso, A. M., C. Ro. 38, 44; Dec. Eo. 38 C. M., C. Ro. 43 L. M. (2), C. Ro. 4-2 Vuyst, Petr., G. Ceyl. 672 Vyner, Th., tin. Glr. 440 Rt. and sir R., M.M. 247; L.M. Lond. 491 Th. and sir T., L.M. Lond. 491 ; M.M. 247 Vyse, Ed. How., gen. (D) 921 Rd., gen. (A) 860 Rd. W. H. Howard, gen. D)882 w. *W***, dn. Enily. 628 *W***, dn. Lim. 639 * Prob. same pers. Waad, sir Wm., Lt. T.L. 321 Wace, Wm.. bp. Wford. 626; dn. Wford. 628 Waddell, Jno., Ld. Sess. 518 Waddilove, Ch. Lod., adm. (ii) 836 Kt. D., dn. Rip. 482 Wadding-ton, Ch., gen. (D) 888 Ed., bp. Chich. 433 Evelyn, gen. (D) 915 — — Geo., dn. Dham. 479 - — Hy. Ferr., gen. (D) 916 flor.,P.C.,217 ; U.S. Home, iJ28 Waddy, Rd., gen. (D) 903; K.C.B. 780 Saml. D., Q.C. 419 Wade, Geo., C. Ch. 855; F.M. 856; L.G.O. 259; P.O. 198 Th. Eras, and sir T., Amb. Ch., 131; G. C.G.H. 679; K.C.B. 783 Wadenhall, Ad. de, dn. St. Pat. 617 Wadeson, Rd., E.G. Ch. Hosp. 936 Wadham, Jno., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 Waferton (or Waverton), Th. de, dn. Oss. 622 Wafyr, Hy., K.B. 757 Wagenaar, Zach., G. C.G.H. 678 Wag-er, sir Ch., adm. (A) 813 ; Compt. N. 257 ; L. Admy. 177-8; P.C. 1^8; Tr. N. 256 Wagomai, Nichs., bp. Mayo, 612 Wahalj, Ch., gen. (D) 893 Geo., gen. (D) 876 Geo. L., gen. (D) 878 Jas., gen. (D) 880 Wainfleet, see Waynflete Wainwright, Jno., B. Ex. Ir. 584 INDEX OF NAMES. Wain Wright— fOJi t. Jas. Eras. Ball., adm. (E) 835 Waithman, Rt., L.M. Lond. 492 Wakbmge, — , S.L. 407 Wake, Ch., adm. (E) 836; (P) 839 Th., Const. T.L. 320 Wm., abp. Cant. 431 ; bp. Line. 447; dn. Exr. 437; P.O. 196 Wakebrug-, Wm. de, J. It. 369 Wakefield, DL, K.C. 416 1 Hy., bp. Wore. 472 ; L.H.T. I 15.'3 Wakeman, Jno., bp. Glr. 438 Wakeringr, Jno. de, bp. Norw. 455; C.D.L. 242; L.K. 355; M. Chy. 394 ; M.R. 387 Walcot, Walcott,andWall- cott Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 Jno. Ed„ adm. (G) 841 Steph., K.C.M.G. 797 Th. and sir T., J.K.B. 372; S.L. 410 Waldby, Rt., abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616; abp. Yk. 485; bp. Chich. 433; bp. S. and M. 483 ; Ld. Chauc. Ir. 575 Waldegrave, aee also Wal- grave sir Rd., Sp. H.C. 248 hon. Saml., bp. Carl. 476 hon. Wm., aft. 1st Id. Rad stock, g.y., adm. (A) 816; G Newfd. 700 Waldegrave, Ids. and E. Hy., 1st Id., Compt. H — ^Jas., 2nd Id. and 1st E. P.C. 198; K.G. 741 -^.Jas., 2nd E., K.G. 742 L.W.S. 323; P.C. 199; TeU Ex. 168 Jno., 3rd E., gen. (A) 858 L.L. Esx. 308 Geo., 4th E., form. vise. Chewton, q.v. Wm., 8th E., adm. (H) 844 Waldemar, K. Sw. 92 - — M. Brg. 65 Gouth. Fk., P.L. Ltd. 73 (g. son. Q. Victoria), Pr. E. 15 I. to III., K. Dk. 93 Walden, Rog., abp. Cant. 430; bp. Lond. 451 ; dn. Yk. 486 ; L.H.T. 153 Walden, Ids., see Howard de Walden Waldern (or Waldren), Wm., L.M. Lond. 489-90 1 Waldherus, bp. Lond. 450 , WaldhuU, Sim. de, J. It. 366 I Waldimir, .-"ee Vladimir I Waldric, Ld. Chanc. 353 I Wale, Ch. and sir C, G. Mart. 719; gen. (A) 862; K.C.B. 774 I Jas., bp. Klld. 617 sir Th., K.G. 733 Waledene, Humph, de, B. I Ex. 383 Waleis, see Waleys Waleran, Walerand, and Walleran C. Lux. 84 1 • D. Lne. 29 I bp. Roch. 459 ■ Jno., Const. T.L. 320 I Rt., Jy. ::!64 ; W.C.P. 317 1155 Vales, Princes and Prin- cesses df. Scutch (itso Txndei their Christian names. — Edw. Pr. of, aft. Edw. L, q.v., W.C.P. 318 — Edw., Pr. of (Elk. Pr.), K.G. 733 — Rd., Pr. of, aft. Rd. II., q.v., K.G. 734 — Hy., Pr. of, aft. Hy. V., q.v., K.G. 734 ; W.C.P. 318 — Ed., Pr. of (son of Hy. VI.), see Pr. Ed. — p:d., Pr. of, aft. Ed. y.,q.v., K.B. 757; K.G. 736; S.L. Ir. 553 — Arth., Pr. of, 1st son of Hy. VII., K.B. 7.58; K.G. 737 — Hy. Pk., Pr. of, son of Jas. I., K.G. 739 — Ch., Pr. of, aft. Ch. II., q.v., K.G. 740 — Fk., Pr. of, son of Geo. II., see also Pr. Fredk., P.C. 197 — Geo. Augs., Pr. of, aft. Geo. IV., q.v., K.G. 742; P.C. 204 — Alb. Ed., Pr. of (son of Q. Vict.), adm. (B) 821; F.M. 856; G.C.B. 770; G.C.I.E. 805; G.C.M.G. 795; G.C.S.I. 800; gen. (D) 883; K.C.S.L 802 ; K.G. 744 ; K.P. 751 ; K.T. 749 ; P.C. 217 — Pr. Albert Vict, of, aft. D. of Clarence, K.G. 745 ; K.P. 752. S.'e a Iso Pr. Alb. Vict. — Pr. Geo. Fk. Em. Alb. of, K.G. 745 — Alexandra, Prss. of, Cr. Ind. 809 — Prss. Alex. Olga, &c. of, Cr. Ind. 810 Prss. Lotiise, &c. of, aft. Dss. of File, Cr. Ind. 810 Waleys, Walleys, and Waleis Dav. le, dn. Wford. 628 Hy., L.M. Lond. 489 Rd. de, bp. Emly, 625 — Wm. de, J. It. 367 Walgrave, see also Waldo- grave sir Ed., C.D.L. 242 Wm., K.B. 759 Walkeline (or Walkin), bp. Winch. 470 Walker, Baldw. Wake and sir W., adm. (D) 832; (E) 834; Compt. N. 258; K.C.B. 777; Sr. N. 257 Chamberl. Wm , gen. (D) 915 Ch. A., gen. (D) 878 Ch. Fras., adm. (H) 8.53 gen. K.H. Ch. Pvnd. Beauch.. (D)905; K.C.B. 781 Dav., gen. (Cl874 Ed., gen. (B) 877 790 Ed., Sec. at W., 233 Ed. and sir E.. Bl. L. P.A. :«1; Chest. H. 331; Gart. K.A. 327 ; Norr. K.A. 329 ; R. Cr. P.A. 335 Ed. Noel, K.C.M.G. 799 Ed. Walk. Ell., gen. CD) 921 Ed. Walt. Forr., gen. (D) 894; K.C.B. 780 EUis, gen. (A) 860 Fitzwm., gen. (D) 907 Foster, gen. (D) 881 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 115G Walker— cont. Fk., gen. (A) 863 sir Fk., K.C.H. 789 Fk. Wni. Ed. For., gen. (D)934 Geo. And!-., sen. (D) 932 Geo. Full., gen. (D) 928 Geo. Towns, and sir G., C.C. Mdras. 657; G.C.B. 767; G. Gren. 724; gen. lA) 862; K.C.B. 774; L.G. Ch. Hosp. 936 Geo. Warr., gen. (D) 906 sir Hov., adm. (A) 813 Jas., adm. (A) 820 Jas., bp. Ediub. 543; Pr. Bp. Sc. 540 Jas., CLE. 808 Jas. and sir J., G. Bah. Isl. 716; G. Bdoes. &c. 719, 721; G. Trin. 722; K.C.M.G. 796 Jas. Th., gen. (D) 920 Juo., L.M. Dbln. 641 Jno., Q.C. 417 Jno. Geddes, gen. (D) 900 Jos., gen. (A) 862 Jos., gen. (D)889 Lesl., K.H. 790 Mark, gen. (D) 919 Kog.. dn. Chest. 477 Saml., A.G. Ir. 589; S.G. Ir.590 * Th., C. Cus. 274-5 * Th., S.L.R. 271 ' Prob. same pers. Th., M. Chy. and Acct. G. 397 ; S.L. 412 Walt., J. Adm. Ct. 423; J Pr. Ct. 421 W., G. Br. Gu. 715 Wm., C.C.J. 403 Wm., gen. (D)916 Wm., L,.M. Dbln. 641 Wm., Kec. Dbln. 642 Wm. Stu., K.C.B. 784 Walkin, set' Walkeline Walking^bam, Al. de, A.G. ;398 ; J. It. 368 Walkington, Ed., bp. Down and Cnr. 604 Th., dn. Exr. 437 WaU, Geo., S.L. 408 Juo., dn. Drom. 606 Pet., bp. Cloum. 600 Th. and sir T., Bl.M. P.A. 336; Berw. P.A. :341 ; Cal. P.A. 342 ; Gart. K.A. 327 ; Lane. H. 332; Norr. K.A. 329; B. Cr. P.A. 335; Winds. H.33] Wallace, Ad., Compt. Sc. 498 Ch. Jas. St., gen. (D) 914 Don. Mart., K.C.I.E.805 Hill, gen. (D) 920 Jas., A.G. 399; K.C. 415; S.G. 402 Jas., Mod. K. Sc. 547 sir Jas., adm. (A) 816; G. Newfd. 700 sir Jas. ISIaxw., gen. (D) 883 ; K.H. 781) sir Jno. Alexr., gen. (A) 863 ; K.C.B. 776 Jno. Dune. Campb., gen. (D)915 Lewis Bail., gen. (A) 862 M., G. N. Sc. 695 Pet. M., gen. (D) 886 sir Bd., K.C.B. 783 Bt., bp. Isl. 540 — Bt., K.C.S.I. 802 Bowl. Rt., gen. (D) 935 For IXDEX OF NAMES. Wallace— con^ Th„ see Id. W., infra sir Th., Ld. Sess. 519 Wallace, Ids. Th., aft. 1st Id., B.C. 252-3 ; L. Admy. 180 ; M.M. 247; P.O. 207; V.P.B.T. 269 Wallcott, see Walcot Wallensis, Th., bp. St. Dav. 464 Waller, Edm., Coflf. H. 293 - Fk., Q.C. 419 - Geo., Hy., gen. (D) 929 • Hardress Edm., gen. (D) Jas. Wall. S., K.H. 790 I sir Jonn. Wathen, G.C.H. 786 ; K.C.H. 787 ; K.H. 789 Rt., C. Cus. Ir. 565; C.Exc. Ir. 566 sir Steph., G. Ch. Isl. 667 Th., S.L. 410 Th. W., Amb. Bgm. 123 Wm., C. St., 283-4 Wm., gen. (Bi 867 Walleran, see Waleran Walleys, see Waleys Wallia, K. Sp. 84 Wallifly, Geffr., G. Gsey. 668 Wallinger, Arn., S.L. 413 Walling-ford, Wm., 1st vise, form. Id. Knollys, q.v., aft. E. of Banbury, q.v. Wallington, Ch. Arth. G., gen. (D) 886 Wallis, Geo., Ulst. K.A. 572 Hugo, bp. Line. 446 Jas., U.S.S. 226 Prov. Wm. P. and sir P., adm. (B) 821; (C) 822; (D) 829; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 778 Th., dn. Wford. 628 Th.,dn. Dry. 602 Wallop, sir Hy., L.J. Ir. 554; V. Treas. Ir. 559 Jno., aft. 1st vise. Lyming- ton and E. of Portsmouth, q.v., L.T. 156 sir Jno., K.G. 738 Bd., Curs. B. Ex. 386 Wallore, see WoUore Walmesley, Th. and sir T., J.C.P. 378 ; S.L. 408 Walmisley, Wm., dn. Lich. 445 Walmoden, Count, gen. (B) 867 ; G.C.B. 768 : K.C.B. 775 Walmsley, si'e Walmesley Walpole, Edw. and sir E., CI. PeUs. 168 ; K.B. 765 Ed., K.B. 763 Galfr., Postm. G. 238 hon. Geo., U.S.F. 229 Hor., see Id. W., infra Hor. Ed., gen. (D) 912 Jno., gen. (D) 898 Jno., S.L. 40S hon. Jno., Amb. Chi. 137 Balph de, bp. Ely, 434 ; bp. Norw. 454 Bt., see Id. W., iufra Bt. and su- Bt., gen. (D) 897 ; K.C.B. 778 hon. Bt., Amb. Pgl. 124 Bt. and sir B., aft. 1st E. of Orford. q.v., Ch. Ex. 165; K.B. 764 ; K.G. 741 ; L. Admy. 177; L.T. 156 ; P.C. 196 ; Payni. G. 244 ; Prem. 141-2 ; Sec. at W. 233; Tr. N. 256 — Spenc, G. I. Man, 666 — Spenc. Hor., H. Sec. 227; P.C. 215; Q.C. 417 List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952 Walpole — cont. hon. Th., Amb. G. St. 121 Wm., adm. (D) 829; (0> 840 Walpole of Walpole, Ids. Bt., 1st Id., aft. -ind E. of Orford, q.v.. And. Ex. 167 ; 01. Pells. 168; K.B. 764 Walpole of Wolterton, Ids. Horatio, aft. 1st Id. W., Cofif. H. 293; P.C. 198; Tell. Ex.168; U.S.S. 225 Horatio, Id., aft. 1st E. of Orford (2nd Creation), q.v., Amb. Buss. 125; B.C. 253; L. Admy. 181 Walram, I'r. Nass. 75 Walrand, Bt., bp. Ferns, 621 Walrond, Wm. H., L.T. 162 Walsh and Walshe Abel, dn. Tm. 613 Anthv., gen. (B) 869 hon. Arth., aft. 2nd Id. Ormathwaite,3.u.,L.L. Badn. 316 Dav., Mod. K. Sc. 547 Fk. Wm., J. Bank. Ir. 587 Geo., gen. (C) 871 Hunt, gen. (A) 858 Jno., dn. Crk. 632 (or Welsh), Jno., J.C.P. :178; S.L. 408 Jno., dn. Cnr. 605 sir Jno., aft. 1st Id. Orma- thwaite, q.v., L.L. Badn. SIS Jno. Ed., A.G. Ir. 588; M.R. Ir. 585 Kichs., bp. Oss. 620 sir Nichs., C.J.C.P. Ir.580; J.K.B. Ir. 579 Patr., bp. Wford. and L. 627 ; dn. Wford. 628 Ralph, or Baphael, dn. Drom. 606 Sandy St., gen. (D) 897 Th., B. Ex. 383 Walt., dn. KUd. 619 Wm., bp. Mth. 599 Wm., dn. Lism. 628 Wm. Pak., bp. Oss., F. and L. 622; dn. Cash. 627 Walshaiu, sir Jno., .\mb. Fr. 113 ; Amb. Ch. and Cor. 131 Walshe, see Walsh Walshum, Bt. de, dn. St. As. 463 Walsing-ham, sir Ed., Lt. T.L. 321 sir Eras., C.D.L. 242; Chanc. Gart. 745; L.K. 356; S. St. 223 Bd. de, J. It. 369 Walsinghanx, Ids. Will., 1st Id., fomi. sir W. de Grey q.v. Th., 2nd Id., B.C. 252 ; B.T. 267 ; P.C. 204 ; Postm. G. 238; V. Treas. Ir. .560 Geo., 3rd Id., gen. (B) 868 Walstodus (or Wastoldus), bp. Her. 441 Walter, see also Gualterius * bp. Dkld. 533 * bp. Gall. 538 * bp. Glasg. 5:16 ♦ bp. Her. 441 * bp. Boch. 459 ♦ bp. St. Andr. 528 ♦ (3), bp. Wford. 626 * (Prior of Blantyre), Compt. Sc. 498 * (abp. Bouen), Const. W. Cast. 322 Walter— con*. * dii. Chich. 433 * L.J. Gen. 522 * Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 * Prob. some same pers. Conip. dates. Dav., L.G.O. 259 sirEd., K.C.B.784 Hub., abp. Cant. 430 ; bp. Sal. 4tJ6; Ch. Jr. 362; dn. Yk. 486; Jy. 363; Ld. Chanc. 353 Juo. and sir J., C.B. Ex. 381 ; S.L. 409 Jno. McN., gen. (D) 905 Theob., J. It. 366 Waltham, Jno., bp. Oss. 620 Jno. de, bp. Sal. 467 ; L.H.T. 153; L.K. 354; M.R. 387 Eog., B. Ex. 383 \Ym., M. Chy. 394 Walton, see also Wanton Bend., CLE. 806 - Br., bp. Chest. 477 - Brud., gen. (D) 932 Fk. Th. Granv., CLE. 808 sir Geo., adm. (A) 813 Jac, adm. (D) 824 Jno., G. I. Man, 665 Jno., abp. Dbbi. and Gl. 616 Jos., gen. (B) 866 Rt., K.H. 792 Saml., L.M. Dbln. 641 Sim. de, see Wauton Wm., K.C 416 Wm. L., gen. (D) 883 Walwaine, Wm., L.H.T. 153 Walworth, Wm. de and sii- W., L.M. Lend. 489 Wainba, K. Sp. 885 Wandesford, Chr., L.J. Ir. 554; L.K. Ir. 576; M.R. Ir. 585 — — Michl., dn. Dry. 602; dn. Lim. 639 Wang-ford, Wm., S.L. 407 Wangrrave, Jno. de, Rec. Lond. 493 Wanley, Fras., dn. Rip. 482 Wantagfe, Rt. Jas., 1st Id., form. R. J. Lloyd-Lindsay, q.v., L.L. Berks. 306 Waple, Jno., M. Chy. and Acct. G. 396 Warburton, Ch. Mong., bp. Cloy. 631 ; bp. Lim., A. and A. 639; dn. Ard. 609; dn. Clonm. 600 Geo., dn. Gbr. 440; dn. WeUs, 429 Hugh, gen. (A) 858 Jno., Som. H. 332 Pet. (No. 1), J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 Pet. (No. 2), J.C.P. 379; J. Chest. 386; J.K.B. 372; S.L. 409 Wm., bp. Gbr. 438; dn. Brl. 440 Wm., dn. Elph. 609 Warcup, Leon., Berw. P.A. 341 ; Bl. M. P.A. 336 ; Carl. H. 339 Ward, see also Warde It.-col. — , G. Trin. 722 hou. Bern. Matth., gen. (D) 927 sir Ed., A.G. 399 ; C.B. Ex. 382; CG.S. 357; S.L. 411 Ed. Michl., Amb. Sxy. 120; Amb. Pgl. 125; Amb. Russ. For IXDEX OF XAMES. Ward — cont. Ed. Wolst., gen. (D) 916; K.C.M.G. 797 Geo., gen. (D) 913 Hy. Const. Ev., CLE. 808 Hy. Geo. and sir H., Com. lo. Isl. 129; G.C.M.G. 795; G. Ceyl. 673; G. Mdi-as. 657; Sec. Adm. 186 Jas., dn. Cloy. 6;i3 Jas. Ham., adm. (H) 848 Jno., Amb. H. Tns. 120 Jno., Bl. M. P.A. 336 Jno., J. Chest. 387; Q.C 415 Jno., L M. Dbln. 640 sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 Jno. Giff., dn. Line. 448 Jno. Ross, adm. (H) 851 Knox, Clar. K.A. 328 Michl., bp. Dry. 601; bp. Oss. 620 ; cbi. Lism. 629 Michl., J.K.B. Ir. 579 sir Patience, C Cus. 274 ; L.M. Lond. 491 Rt., Clk. O. 260; L. Admy. 181 ; U.S.F. 229 Row]., S.L. 409 Seth., bp. Exr. 437 ; Chanc. Gart. 746; bp. Sal. 467; dn. Exr. 437 Th., dn. Cnr. 605 Th. Le Hunt, adm. (E) 837 Wm., adm. (D) 840; (G) 827 Wm., bp. S. & M. 484 Wm. Cuthb., gen. (D) 892 Wm. Jno., gen. (D) 915 hon. Wm. Jno., adm. (E) 837 Warde, see also Ward Ch., adm. (H) 845 ; K.H. 791 Ed. Ch. and sir E., gen. (D)901; K.C.B. 780 Fras. and sir F., gen. (D) 894 ; K.C B. 780 Geo., Comm. F. Ir. 564; gen. (A) 858 Geo., gen. (A) 861 Hy.and sir- H., G. Bdoes. 720; G. Mtius. 683; gen. (A) 861 ; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 773 Jno.. L.M. Lond. 489 Matth., dn. Kilmacd.637 Wm., B. Ex. 383 Wardell, Wm. Hy., gen. (D) 931 Warden, Fras. F., gen. (D) 917 Fli., adm. (D)633 Rt., gen. (DI906 Th. Sm., gen. (D) 918 Warder, Geo. Lodw., gen. (D) 929 Wardlaw, Hy., bp. St. Andr. 529 Jno., gen. (B) 869 Rt., gen. (D)903 Walt., bp. Glasg. 536 Wardour, Wm., CI. Pells. 168 Ware, Hy., bp. Chich. 433 Jno. de la, bp. Llff. 449 Jos., dn. Elph. 609 Rd. de, J. It. 368 Warelwast and Warlewast Rt., bp. Exr. 436 ; dn. Sal. Wm., bp. Exr. 436 Waren, see Warren Warenne, Jno., see Earl W., infra Regd. de, J. It. 365 Wm. de, J. It. 366 ; Jy. 364 Wm., see Earl W., infra List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944- 1157 Warenne, Earls Wni. de, aft. Earl \V. and Surrey, Ch. Jr. 362 Jno. de. Earl VV. and Surrey, J. It. 368 Warham, Ralph de, bp. Chich. 432 Wm., abp. Cant. 431 ; bp. Lond. 451 ; Ld. K. and Ld. Chanc. 3.55; M.R. 387 Warine (or Guarinus), Ld. Chanc. or \. Chanc. 353 Waring', see also Warren Ed. Jno., C. I.E. 807 Holt, du. Drom. 606 Th.. yen. (D)88;^ Warle, Warlee, or War- legh, Ing. de, B. Ex. :383; L.K. ;i54 Warlewast, see Warelwast Warmington, Com. M., Q.C 420 Warmistry, Th., dn. Wore. 473 Warner, D. B., Pres. Lib. 100 ; dn. Lich. 445 sir Ed., Lt. T.L. 321 Jno., bp. Roch. 460; dn. Lich. 445 ; dn. Winch. 471 sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 Ph., G. Leew. Isl. 727 Th., C. St. 283 Warneville, Ralph de, Ld. Chanc. 353 Waroc, D. Bry. 27 Warr, De la, see De la Warr Warr, Rd., K.B. 759 Rd., U.S.S. 225 Warre, Hy. Jas., C.C Bbay. 660 ; gen. ID) 903 ; K.C.B. 781 sir Wm., gen. (D) 879 Warren and Waren, see also Warenne Arth. Fk., gen. (D) 933 Ch., C.J. Chest. 386; K.C 415 Daws. St., gen. (D) 928 Ch. and sir- C (No. 1), gen. (D) 893 ; K.C.B. 779 Ch. and sir C (No. 2), CCP. 261 ; G. B. Bland. 680; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.B. 784; K.C.M.G. 798 -Ed., dn. Emly, 628; dn. Oss. 623 Fk., adm. (A) 820 Geo., gen. (D) 887 Geo., K.B. 765 Jno., bp. Bgr. 426; bp. St. Dav. 465; dn. Bgr. 427 Jno., J. Chest. 387 Jno. de, K.B. 754 sir Juo. Borl., adm. (A) 817; Amb. Russ. 125; G.CB. 766; G.C.H. 786; K.B. 765; P.C 207 Lion. Sm., gen. (D) 932 Natm., L.M. Dbln. 641 Pet. and sir P., adm. (A) 814 ; K.B. 765 sir Ralph, L.M. Lond. 490 Rd. de, L.H.T. 152 (Waryn or Waryng), Rd., dn. Lim. 639 Rd. B., S.L. Ir. 593 Rd. Lau-d., adm. (D) 832 ; (E)834 Rt. Rd., A.G. Ir. 588; J.P. and M. Ir. 587 ; S.G. Ir. 590 sir Saml., adm. (D) 823; K.C.B. 777 ; K.C.H. 788 Saml., gen. (C) 874 Saml., L.M. Dbln. 642 1158 Wai-ren and Wareu— co?i<. Saml., Q.C. 417 Th. Mans., gen. (D) 931 — — Wi7i., adiii. (G).S4-2 Warrender, sir Geo., B.C. 253: L. Adiiiy. 181; P.O. 210 Warring'ton, Hy., 1st E. of, fiiiin. -Ind 1(1. Delamere, (z.r. Warry, Geo. D., Q.C. 420 Warsup, Kt., M. Chy. 396 Warton, sef niw Wauton (or Parfew, or Piirfoy), Rt., bp. Her. 441 ; bp. St. As. 462 Th., P. Laiir. 301 Wartre, Nichs., bp. Drom. Warwick, Xichs. de, A.G. 398 ; S.L. 406 Warwick, Ids., E., and D. of Jno. de Plessitis, E. of, J. It. (1250) 368 Beaiichami) Family. Th.,E.of (d. 1369), K.G.733; L.H.A. 172 ; L.K. 354 ; L.M. 325 Th., E. of (d. 1401), K.G. 734 ; L.H.A. 173 ; L.M. 325 Ed., E.of, form. K. Beau- champ, q.V. (d. 1439), K.B. 755 Hy. de Beauchamp, E. of. aft. D. of W. (rf. 1445), G. Ch. Isl. 667 Nevill Family. [and Salisburyl, Kd., E. of, form. Bd. Nevill, q.v. (d.l471). K.G. 736 ; L.H.A. 174 ; W.C.P. 818 Dudley Family. Juo., E. of, form. vise. Lisle, q.v., aft. D. of North- muberland, q.v. (d. 15.53) Ambr., E. of (d. 1589), K.G. 738 ; M.H. 301 Bich, Family. Et., 1st E. of, form. K. Eich, q.v. Rt., 2nd E. of, G. Gsey. 668 ; L. Admy. 175; L.H.A. 175; L.L. Esx. :308; W.C.P. 319 Et., 3rd E.. of, form. Rt. Eich, q.v. Ch'evillg Family. See also Brooke and Warwick. [and Brooke] , Geo., 2nd E. of, form. Id. Geo. Greville, q.v., L.L. Warw. 312 Hy. R., 3rd E. of, L.L. Warw. 312 Waryu, s^e Warren Wasaua, see Watsand Washington, Geo., Pres. U.S.A. iO'2 Jas., Bar. de, K.C.B. 777 Jno., adni. (G) 842 Wastoldus, see Walstodus Water, Ph., dn. Lim. 639 Waterford, M. of Geo. de la P., 1st M. of, form. 2nd E. of Tyrone, q.v. Jno. Hy. de la P., 5th M. of, K.P. 751 ; L.L. Wford. 571 ; M.B.H. :i03 Hy. de la P., 2nd M. of, K.P. 750 Hy. de la P., 3rd M. of, K.P. 751 Jno. Hy. de la P., 5th M. of, K.P. 751 ; L.L. Wford. 571; M.B.H. 303; P.C. 220 Waterhouse, Ch., G. Gsey. 668 sir Ed., Ch. Ex. Ir. 561 For INDEX OF NAMES. Waterlow, sir Syd. H., L.M. Lond. 492 Waterman, Edm. Fk., gen. (D)926 — - sir Geo., L.M. Lond. 491 Waters, Ed. Fk., gen. (Di 880 (or de I'Ean), Eust., bp. Lim. 638 ; dn. Lim. 6;i9 Jno., E. Bl. P.A. 344 ; E. Cr. P.A. 335; Yk. H. 334 | Jno. and sir J., gen. iB) 870; K.C.B. 776 Marc. Ant., gen. (D) 890 Th., Carl. H. 339 ; E. Cr. P.A. Sir, Waterton, Et., K.B. 759 Waterville, Jno. de, K.B. 754 Watford, Rt. de, dn. St. P. | Wath, Michl. de. L.K. 354 ; M.R. ;iS7 Watkins, Fk., adm. (A) 819; ,G)840 Jno.. dn. Her. 442 LI. Vaugh., L.L. Brec. 315 Th. Vern., adm. (H) 848 Westr., geu. (D) 887 Watling-, Jno. Wyatt, adm. (H).s47 Wats, ypc Watts Watsand (or Wasand), Al. de, J.C.P. 376; Jy. 364 Watson, Alexr., gen. (B) 870 Anthy., bp. Chich. 433; dn. Brl. 440 Archd., geu. (D) 878 Archd., Modr. K. Sc. 547 sir Arth. Townl., Q.C. 420 sir Br., L.M. Lond. 492 Ch., adm. (A) 814 Dav., gen. (C)871 Dav., gen. (D) 911 Ed. Day., gen. (D) 917 sir Pras., G. Jam., 712 Eras. Mete, dn. Llin. 624 - — Fk. Beilb. and sir F., C. Cus. 277 ; K.C.H. 787 Geo., C. Exc. 281 Geo. Vine, gen. (D) 928 Geo. WiUes, adm. (E) 637 Hy., G. Br. Gu. 715 sir Hy., gen. (D) 877 Jas., S.L. 412 Jas. and sir J., gen. (A) 663 ; K.C.B. 777 Jas. K., gen. (D) 931 Jno., Bl. M.P.A. 336 Jno., bp. Winch. 471; dn. Winch. 471 Jno., dn. Ferns. 623 Jno. and sir- J., gen. (D) 923; K.C.B. 781 Jno. Wats. Tad., gen. (A) 859 Joun., bp. Dkld. and Dnbl. 542 Lewis W., gen. (D) 887 Ed., bp. Llff. 449 Rt., atim. (A) 818 Rt., gen. (B) 866 Th., bp. Line. 447; dn. Dham. 479 Th., bp. St. Dav. 464 Th. and sir T., Pres. Coll. Ph. 938 Wm., see Id. W., i7ifra Wm. Hy. and sir W., B. Ex. .385; Q.C. 417; S.L. 413 Watson, Ids. Wm., aft. Id. W., D. Fac. Sc. 527; Jud. Com. P.C. 362; L. App. 358; Ld. Adv. 526; P.C. 219 ; S.G. Sc. 527 Watt, Jas., CLE. 808 Jas. Land., gen. ID) 433 Watteville, Fk. de, gen. (C) 873 Lewis de, gen. (C) 873 Watts and Wats , Adm. Ind. 647 Geo. Ed., adm. (D) 8-28 ; (Q)840 sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 Jno. Pons., geu. (D) 925 Rt., dn. Ferns, 623; dn. Oss. &2:i Wm., L.M. Dbln. 640 — - Wm. Hy., gen. (D) 923 Wanchope, Jno., Ld. Sess. 519 Patr., gen. (C) 872 Rt., adm. (D) 8i8 Waude, Wni. de, dn. Sal. 468 Waugrh, sir Andr.Sc.,gen.(D) 896 Gilb., gen. (D) 878 Jno., bp. Carl. 476 ; dn. Glr. 440 Jno., dn. Wore. 473 Wauffhton, sir Th., Sp. H.C. 248 Wauton, see also Warton Juo. de, J. It. 367 lor Walton), Sim. de, b] >rw. .36.S; Jy Xorw. 454; J.C.P. 376; J, .?t: Waveney, Rt. Al. St., Ist Id., L.L. Ant. 568 Waverton, see Waferton Way, sir Greg. Holm. Br., gen. (B) 670 S. J., G. S. Austr. 706 Waykam, Wm., K.B. 754 Waynflete (or Patten), Jno., dn. Chich. 434 Wm. de, bp. Winch. 470 ; Ld. C:hanc. 355 Weare, Hy. Edwin, geu. (D) 907 Th., K.H. 791 Wearg, sir Clem... S.G. 401 Weathershed lor Grant), Kd., abp. Cant. 4:M Weaver, see Weever Web, Webb and Webtae All. Beech., bp. Blfu. 681 ; bp. Gr. Tn. 6s0 Ch. Locock, Q.C. 419 Daul., geu. (B) 865 Ezek., dn. Lim. 639 Geo., bp. Lim. 638 Jas., G. Newfd. 700 sir Juo., K.C.H. 788 Juo. Richm., gen. (A) 857 ; K.C. 415 Nichs., G. Bah. Isl. 716 Noah, dn. Llin. 623 Th., dn. Kilm. 609 Th., S.L. 411 Wm., adm. (H) 646 Wm., dn. Dry. 602 sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 491 Webber, Ch., adm. (A) 815 Ch. Edm., gen. (D) 928 Ed., geu. (B)868 Eras., du. Her. 442 Hy., du. Exr. 4:S7 Jas., du. Rip. 1«2 Jas., gen. (C) 873 — - W in. Thos. Th., bp. Brisb. Webley-Parry, see Parry Webster, Edm. Forst., CLE. — Ed. Ev. and sir R. 400; Q.C 419 List of Abbreviations, see j'V- 94-1-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1159 Webster— co)l^ Rt. Farq., Ken. (D) 919 Th., sen. (D) 878 Th., Q.C. 418 Th. Ed., gen. (D) 93.5 Wedderburn, Alex., aft. 1st Id. LouRhborough and E. of Eosslyn, q.v., A.G. 399; C.J.CP. 376; K.C. 415; P.O. 203 ; S.G. 402 ; S.L. 412 Alex., C. Esc. Sc. 504 sir Dav., Postra. G. Sc. Jas., bp. Dnbl. 532 Jas., S.G. Sc. 527 Jno., gen. (D)911 Patr., Ld. Sess. 520 sir Pet., Ld. Sess. 519 Weeks, Jno. Wills, bp. Si. Le. 686 - — Ralph, G. Bdoes. 720 Weoms, see \^'emyss Weaver, Jno., Comm. Tr. 554 Welby, Reg. Earle and sir E., K.C.B. 784 ; Sec. Tr. 164 Th. Earle, bp. St. Hel. 680 Wm., K.B. 761 Welch, see Welsh Welchman, Jno., gen. (D) 899 Weld, Fredk. Aloys, and sir F., G. Str. Sett. 675 ; G. Tasm. 708; .G. W. Austr. 707; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 797 sir Hmnphr., L.M. Lond. 491 Jos., S.L. 411 Weldon, Th., CLE. 808 Walt., gen. (D) 915 Wm. Hy., K. Dr. P.A. 338; Winds. H. 332 Welford and Welleford Geoff, de, M. Chy. 393 Ralph de, J. It. 366; Jy. 364 Rd. G., C.C.J. 404 Welifed, Nichs., bp. Wford. 626 ; dn. Wford. 628 Welleford, see Welford Welles, see also WeUs (or WeUis), .Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 Rt.,dn. Ely, 435 Sim. de, bp. Chich. 432 Wm., L.D. Ir. 552 Wm. de, J. It. 367 Welles, Ids. and vise. Leo (or Lionel), 6th Id., K.B. 756 ; K.G. 736 ; L.L. Ir. 552 Jno., 1st vise, K.G. 736 Wellesley, Arth. and sir A., aft. 1st vise. E., M., and D. of Wellington, q.v., C. Treas. Ir. 561 ; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563 ; K.B. 766 ; P.C. 208 Id. Ch., gen. (D) 891 Geo. Grev. and sir G., adm. (D)833; (E)834; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 781; L. Admy. 185 hon. Ger., dn. Winds. 474 hon. Hy. and sir Hy., aft. 1st Id. Cowley, q.v., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Spn. 124; G.C.B. 771; K.B. 766; L.T. 158 ; Sec. Tr. 163 ; P.C. 209 hon. H. R., aft. 2nd Id. and 1st E. Cowley, g.v., Amb. Tky. 129 Rd., see Marq. W., infra Walt., bp. Kild. 617 For Wellesley, Marq. 1 Weuceslas, D. Bbt. 29 Rd., Marq., form. 2nd E. of E. Gmy. 62 Mornington, q.v., Amb. Spn. I M. Brg. 65 124 ; B.C. 252 ; C. St. 284 ; I I. and II., C. Lux. 84 F. Sec. 228; K.G. 743 ; L.C.H. I. and 11., D. Bma. 59 295 ; L.L. Ir. 557 ; L.S.H. 290 ; \ III. to VI., K. Bina.59 L.T. 159 Wendy, sec Windy Welliug-ton, vise, E., M., and Wendover, Rd. de, bp. Roch. D. of — Arth., 1st vise, E., M., and D. of, form, sir A. Wellesley, q.v., Amb Aus. 117 ; Amb. Fr. 113 ; Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. Russ. 12.5-6 ; C. Ch. 855; Const. T.L. 321; F.M. 856; F. Sec. 228; G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 786 ; gen. (A) 860 ; I K.G. 743; L.H. Const. 289; L.L. Hants. 311 ; L.T. 159-60; M.G.O. 259; Prem. 146; W.C.P. 319 ' Arth. Rd., 2nd D. of, gen. i (D) 885; K.G. 744; L.L. Mds. :310 ; M.H. 302 ; P.C. 216 Elizabeth, Dss. of, M. I Robes, 304 Wellis, see Welles Wells, see also Welles ' Eras. Ch., gen. (D) 895 Hugh or Hugo de, bp. Line. 446 ; J. It. 367; Jy. 364 — Jno., bp. Llff. 449 Jno. and su- J., adm. (A) 817 ; G.C.B. 768 ; K.C.B. 775 : Jose, de, J. It. 367 ; Jy. ' 364 I Mord. L., S.L. 413 — -Rd., adm. (E)837 ! Saml., gen. (D) 905 1 Th., adm. (A) 817 Th. Spencer and sir T., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 Wm. de, bp. Roch. 460 sir Wm., D. Chanc. Ii-. 575 Wellwood, Jno., dn. Rph. 602 Wellys, Rt., bp. Ach. 612 Welman, Here. Atk., gen. (D) 922 Welsh, Dav. Jas., gen. (D) 925 Jas., gen. (D)876 (or Walsh), Jno., J.C.P. 378 Welsou, Wm , see Velson Welti, E., Pres. Sw. C. 31 Welward, Wm., Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 Wemyss, Andr., Ld. Sess. .518 Dav. Dougl., geu. (A) 860 (or Weems), Hy., bp. GaU. 538 sir Jas., Ld. Sess. 519 Jas. Ersk., adm. (D) 829; L.L. Fifesh. 510 Jas. HayErsk. , L.L. Fifesh. 510 su- Jno., Ld. Sess. 519 Maur., gen. (B) 866 Th., Ld. Sess. 518 Th. Jas., gen. (D) 882 Wm., gen. (A) 860 Wm., gen. (C) 872 Wm., gen.'(D)880 Wemyss, E. of, see also E. of March Jno., 1st E. of, L.H.C.K. Sc. 546 Dav., 3rd E. of, L. Admy., 177; L.H.A. Sc. 499; V.A. Sc. — Eras., 7th E. of, aft. E. of W. and March, L.L. Pbls. 511 — (and March), Eras., 8th E. of, L.L. Pbls. 511 List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, 459 Weneyve, Jno., C. St. 283 Weuffbam, see W iugham Wenlock, sir Jno., K.G. (1460) see errata; L. Treas. Ir. 559 ; Sp. H.C. 248 Walt., L.H.T. 152 Wenlock, Ids. — Paul B., 1st Id., L.L.Yorks. E.K. 313 Beilby Rd., 2nd Id., L.L. Yorks. E.R. 313 Wensleydale, .Jas., 1st Id., form, sir J. Parke, q.v. Went, Jno., see West Wentg-rave, Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 Wentworth, Hy., K.B. 758 I .Jno., G.N. Sc. 695 Pet., dn. Arm. 597 Pet., dn. Dry. 602 ' Pet., K.B. 763 sir Ph., K.G. 735 Rd., K.B. 759 (or Bynteworth), Rd. de, bp. Lond. 451 ; Ld. Chanc. 354 Th., gen. (B) 864 I Th., K.B. 763 ' Th., see Id. W., infra Th., aft. 1st E. of Malton, and 1st M. of Rockingham, q.v., K.B. 764 Wentworth of Xettlested,lds. Th., 1st Id., L.C.H. 294 Th., 4th Id., aft. 1st E. of Cleveland, q.v., K.B. 762 WentworthofWoodhouse,lds. Thos., vise, form. Id. Eaby, 12.1'., aft. E. of Strafford, q.v., L.D. Ir. 554 ; P.C. 189 Werden, sir Jno., C. Cus. 273-4 Werefrid, bp. Wore 472 Werenxund, bp. Roch. 459; bp. Wore. 472 Weremundus, bp. Dunw. 454 Werg-e, Hv. Reyn., gen. (D) 911 Werinbertus, bp. Dorch.464 Werstane or Werstantis, bp. Dev. 436 ; bp. Shbn. 466 Weseham, Rog. de, bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 ; dn. Line 447 Wesley, see also Westley Saml. Rt., gen. (D) 891; K.C.B. 779 West, Algn. E. and sir A., C.I.R. 286; K.C.B. 784 Aug. Wm., dn. Ard. 609 Benj., Pres. E.A. 941 Ch. R. S., see Id. S., infra Edm., S.L. 410 sir Ed., C.J. Bbay. 660 ^Geo., Wdn. Chr. Ch. Manch. 481 ■ Hy. Wynd., Q.C. 418 Jae, L.M. Dblu. 642 Jas., Pres. R. Soc. 940 Jas., Sec. Tr. 163 Jermy. Ch., geu. (D) 913 Jno., C. Cus. Sc. 504 Jno., dn. Chr. Ch. Dbln. 619; dn. St. Pat. 618 Jno. and su* J., adm. (A) 819; (B) 821; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 777 IISO IN'DEX OF NAMES. West— cojit. (or \Vent, .Ino., ilu. Cloy. (i3-2 hon. Lionel. Sackv. Sackv. and sir L., Amb. Arg. 136 ; Amb. Fr. 113; Amb. Spn. 1^4 ; Amb. U.S.A. 132; K.C.M.G. 79H Mart., G. Xat. 680 Nichs., bp. Ely. 435; dn. Winds. 474 ; Regr. Gart. 746 Raym., K.C.I.E. S0.5 Regd., dn. Her. 412 Kd., gen. (D) 878 Kd., L.J. Ir. 556; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576 Temple, adm. (A) 814 ; L. Admy. 178 Th., adm. f A) 817 Th.. K.B. 7.54 Th.^ K.B. 756 Th., K.B. 758 Wm. Cornw., L.L. Denb. 314 Wm. Hy. Here, gen. (D) 924 West, Ids. Ch. Ed. Sackv., Id., aft. 6th E. de la Warr, q.v.. gen. (D) 899 Westbnry, Wm., J.C.P. 378; J.K.B.371; S.L. 407 Rd., 1st Id., form, sir R. Bethell, q.v., Jud. Com. P.C. 361 ; P.C. 217 Westby, Barth., B.E. 383 Bas. CI., gen. (D) 933 Ward. Geo., C. Cus. 275-6 Westcote, Jno. de, J. It. 369 Westcote, Ids. Wm. Hy., 1st Id., (W. H. Lyttelton in 1761), L.T. 158 Westenra, Eras., gen. (D) 900 Western, Th., adm. (A) 819 Th. Biu-ch., L.L. Esx.308 Westfield, Th., bp. Brl. 439 Westhorp, Th., M. Chy. 394 Westlake, Jno., Q.C. 419 Westley, aee also Wesley - — • sir Kt., L.M. Lond. 491 Westmacott, Sp., gen. (D) 907 Westmeath, E. of Th., tith E. of, K.P. 750 G. F.,7th E. of, form. vise. Delviu, q.v. Anthy. Fr., M. of, L.L. W. Meath,571 Westminster, Ed. de, B. Ex. 3hl! Westminster, M. and D. of, lit., 1st M. of, form. vise. Belgrave, and 2nd E. Gros- venor, q.v., K.G. 744 Rd., 2nd M. of, L.S.H. 290 ; K.G. 744; L.L. Chesh. 307; P.C. 215 Hugh Lnpus, 3rd M. and Ifit D. of, K.G. 745 ; L.L. Chesh. 307; M.H. 302; P.C. 219 Westmoreland, E. of Nevill Family. (See also Nevill.) Ralph, 1st E. of, E.M. 326 ; K.G. 734 Ralph, 2nd E. of, K.B. 756 Ralph, 4th E. of, K.G. 737 Hy. 5th E. of, K.G. 738; L.L. Dharn. 308 Fane Family. Eras., Ist E. of, form. F. Fane, q.v. For Westmoreland, E. of— cent. Vere, 4th E. of, L.L. Kent, Th., 6th E. of, Pres. B.T. 264; P.C. 197 Jno., 7th E. of, gen. (A) 858 Jno., 10th E. of, form. Id. Bnrghersh, q.v., K.G. 742; L.L. Ir. 557; L.L. Nton. 310; L.P.S. 241; M.H. 302; P.C. 205; Postm. G. 2:i8 Jno., 11th E. of, form. Id. Burghersh, q.v., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Bgm. 123; Amb. G. St. 122; G.C.B. 772; gen. (Al 863 Weston, Ed., U.S.S. 225-6 Fras., K.B. 760 Hy., K.B. 761 — - Hugh, dn. Westr. 469 ; dn. Winds. 474 Jas. and sir J., B. Ex. 384 ; S.L. 409 Jno. de. Const. T.L. 320 Ino.. S.L. 407 Nichs., bp. Dry. 601 — Ph. de, dn. Yk. 486 Rd. (No. 1), J.C.P. 378; S.G. 401 ; S.L. 408 Rd. and sir R. (No. 2), B. Ex. 384 ; S.L. 409 Rd. and sir R. (No. 3), B. Ex.384; S.L. 410 sir Rd., G. Gsey. 668 sir Rd., see Id. W., infra Rt. and sir R., dn. Arch. 420; dn. St. Pat. 618; dn. Wells, 429 ; L.J. Ir. 554 ; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576; M. Chy. — '- Steph., bp. Exr. 437 Th. de. K.B. 754 Walt, de, G. Ch. Isl. 667 sir Wm., C.J.C.P. Ir. 580 sir Wm., G. Gsey. 668 Weston, Ids. sir lid., aft. 1st Id. W. and E. of Portland, q.v., Ch. Ex. 154; K.G. 739; L. Admy. 175 ; L.H.T. 139 ; Ch. Ex. 154 Westphal, sir Geo. Aug.,adm. (G) 841 Ph., adm. (Hi 847 Westphaling, Herb., bp. Her. 441 Westropp, Jas. Ed., gen. (D) 911 Jno. Pars., gen. (D) 900 sir Michl. R., C.J. Bbay. 660 Roberts Michl., gen. (D) 914 Westwode, Rog., B. E.\. 383 Wetenhall, Ed., bp. Cork and R. 632; bp. Kilm. and Ard. 607 Wetham, see also Whetham Th.. gen. (A) 8.57 Wetberall, see n Jso Wetherell Ed. Rt. and sir R.,gen. (D) 907 ; K.C.S.I. 803 Fk. Augs., adm. (H) 846 sir Fk. Aug., G.C.H. 786; gen. (A) 862 sir G. R., U.S. Ir. 563 Th., M. Chy. 394 Wetherby, Jno., dn. Cash. 627 ; dii. Emlv, 628 Wether ell, see also Wetherall Ch. and sir C, A.G. 400; P.P. 415; K.C. 416; S.G. 402 Fk. Aug. (2), see Wetherall List of Abbreviations, sec pp. 944-962. Wetherell— coJit. Geo. .\ugs. and sir G., geii. (D) HKi; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 778; K.H.7<>0 Nath., dn. Her. 442 Wetherbead, Th., bp.Wford. and L. tJ27 Wetton, R.I.. M. Chy. 394 Wexford, H«g. de, dn. Os8.622 Weyland, Th. de, C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 377; J. It. 368; S.L. 406 Wm. de, J.C.P. 377; J. 368; Jy. :165 Weymouth, vise. Th., 1st vise. B.T. ti:j ; P.C. 195 Th., vise., aft. 3rd M. of Bath, q.v., Gr. St. 304: K. 742; L.L. Ir. 557; P.C. 20l S. St. 224-5 Whalley, Captn.S., (i. Bmda 701 Wharncliffe, Ids. Jas. Arch., 1st Id., Jud. Com. P.C. 360 ; L.L. Yorks. W.R. :jl3; L.P.C. 188; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 213 Jno., 2nd Id., form. hon. Jno. Stuart- Wortley, q.v. Wharton, Geo., K.B. 761 Goodw., L. Admy. 176 Jas., gen. (A) 861 sir M., L. Admy. 17*^ Rd., Sec. Tr. 163 Rt., C.C.J. 403 Th., C. E.xc. So. 505 Th., K.B. 763 Th., see Id. Wh., infra Wharton, Ids., E., and M. of hon. Th., aft. 5th Id. and 1st E. and M. of Wharton (also E. of Malmesbm-y, fy.i'.), Coinpt. H. 292; L.L. Ir. 5,55; L.P.S. 240; P.C. 193 Whateley and Whately Rd.. abp. Dbln. G. and K. 617 : abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616 Th., B.T. 266 ; Sec. Tr.l63 U.S.S. 226 Wm., Q.C. 417 Whatley, sir Jos., K.C.H.788 Wheate, sir Th., St. O. 260 Wheatley, sir Hy., G.C.H. 787 ; K.C.H. 788 Rt., G. P.does. 719 Wm..Ren. (C)873 Wheeler, see a Iso Wheler An dr., gen. (C) 871 Ed.. Chn. E.I. Co. 644 sir Fras., adm. (A) 813 Fk.. gen. iD) 933 Hugh Mass. and sir H., gen. (D) 886 ; K.C.B. 777 Jonas (or Jas.), bp. Oss. 020; dn. Chr. Ch. Dbln. 618 Rt.,een. (D)934 Th.. C.C.J. 404 ; S.L. 414 Til. Whitt., Q.C. 420 Wheelhouse, Wm. St. Jas. Q.C. 419 Whelan, sir Th., L.M. Dbln. 642 Wheler, see also Wheeler Fras. and sir F., gen. CD) 89(5 Whelpdale, Rog., bp. CarJ. 47 Whetham, sec also Wctham Arth.gen. (B)867 sir Ch., L.M. Lond. 492 Jno., C. Exc. 279, 280; C. Exc. Sc. 504 Whetham — cont. Jno., dii. Lism. 629 Jno., gen. (D) 882 Whetstone, sir Wm., adm. lA) 813 Whi— , see also Why— Whichcote, Geo., gen. (D) 891 Whiddon (or Whyddon), Jno., J.Q.B.372; S.L. 408 Whigham, Jas., C.C.J. 404 Whimper, see also Whymper Fk. Am., gen. (D) 905 Whinyates, Ch., Richm. H. 334 Ed. C. and sir E., gen. (D) 884 ; K.C.B. 778 ; K.H. 789 Eras. F., gen. (D) 888 Fk. F., gen. (D) 887 Fk. Th., gen. (D) 925 Fk. W., gen. (D) 889 Th., adni. (H) 844 Whish, Geo. Pahn., gen. (D) 902 Mart., C. Exc. 281 ; C. St. 283 Bd., gen. (D) 877 Wm. Geo. Hyndm., adm. (H) 848 Wm. Sams., gen. (D) 880 ; K.C.B. 777 Whistler, Th. Kins., gen. (D) 902 Whitaker, sir Ed., adm. (A) 813 Fk., K.C.M.G. 798 Wm., S.Ii. 412 Whitby, see Whittey Whitbread, Gord., C.C.J. 405 Saml., L. Admy. 184 Whitchister (or Wircestre), Bog., J.C.P. 377; Jy. 365 Whitcock, see Whittock Whitcomtae, Jno., abp. Cash. and F.ml. 626 ; bp. Clonf. and K. 636; bp. Down and Cnr. 604 White, see also Whyte and Albus Anthy., Pres. Coll. Surg. -^hon. Ch. W., L.L. Clare, 569 Fras., bp. Carl. 475; bp. Ely, 435; dn. Carl. 476; bp. Norw. 455 Fk. Ch., gen. (A) 862 Fk. Meadows, Q.C. 419 Geoflfr., bp. Crk. 630 - — Geo. Hy. Parlby, adm. (H) 848 Geo. Stewart and sk G., gen. (Di 932; K.C.B. 781 Hy., K.C.B. 775 Hy., aft. 1st Id. Anualy, q.v., L.L. Longf. 570 Hy. Arth., gen. (D) 910 Hy. DaLr.. gen. (D) 903; K.C.B. 780 Hy. Geo., gen. (D) 930 Hy. Hopley, Q.C. 418 (or Whyte), Jno., A.G. Ir. 588 Jno., gen. (A) 860 Jno., G. Jam. 712 su- Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 Jno. Chanib. and sir J., adm. (A) 820; K.C.B. 777 Jno. Hubb., gen. (D) 932 Luke, L.L. Longf. 570 Luke, aft. 2nd Id. Annaly, q.v., L.T. 161 - — Mart., adm. (H) 840 INDEX OF NAMES. White— cojii. Mart., gen. (D) 876 Michl., gen. (D) 885 ; K.C.B. 779 Patr. and sir P., B. Ex. Ir. 583; J.K.B. Ir. 578 ■ Pet., dn. Wford. 628 ■ (or Albus), Ph., dn. Crk. 632 • Baym. Herb., gen. (D) 924 Bd., L.D. Ir. 551; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 Ed., L.M. Dbln. 641 Bd. Dunn., adm. (H) 850 Bt., bp. Dnbl. 542; bp. Fife, 543 ; pr. bp. Sc. 540 Bt., gen. CD) 909 Tayl., J. Chest. 387 Th., adm. (H) 844 Th., bp. Pboro. 458 Th., Clk. O. 260 Th., dn. Ard. 609 sir Th. (2), L.M. Loud. 490, 492 Wm., dn. Dry. 602 * • Wm., dn. Tm. 613 * Wm., dn. KiLf. 637 * ? same pers. Wm., L.M. Lond. 490 Wm. Arth. and sir W., Amb. Bma. 128; Amb. Sva. 128; Amb. Tky. 130; G.C.B. 773; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 798 ; P.C. 221 Wm. Geo., gen. (D) 895 Wm. Bd., gen. (D) 933 Whiteacre, Ch., S.L. 411 Ed„S.L.411 Whitefeld, see also Whit- field (or Witefeld), Bt. de, J. It. 366 ; Jy. 363 Whiteford, see also Whit- ford sir Geo., L.M. Dbhi. 642 su- .Jno., gen. (B) 865 sir Jno., K.H. 790 Whitehall, Launc, C. Cus. Sc. 503 Whitehead, Hugh, dn. Dham. 479 Jas. and sir J., L.M. Lond. 492 Bt. Ch., gen. (D)934 Th., gen. (B) 877; K.C.B. 777 Wm., P. Laur. ;J01 ; Begr. and Sec. Bath, 784 Whiteheare (or Whytere), Jno., dn. Brl. 440 WhitehiU, Steph. Jas. K., gen. ( D I 915 Whitehorne, Jas. Ch., Q.C. 419 Whitehurst, Ch. H., Q.C. 417 Whitelock and Whitelocke, see also Whitlock Bulstr., caUed Id. W., C. Exc. 279; C.G.g. 356; Const. W. Cast. 322; L. Admy. 175; L.T. 154; S.L. 409 Jas. and sir J., J.K.B. 372 ; S.L. 409 Jno., gen. (B) 866 Whiteside, Jas., A.G. Ir. 588; C.J.Q.B. Ir. 578; S.G. Ir. 590 Whiteway, Wm. VaU., K.C.M.G. 797 Whitfield, see also Whitefield * maj.-gen. — , G. H. Kong, 673 * Hy. Wasc, gen. (D) 903 * ? same pers. Balph, S.L. 409 1161 Whitford, see also Whiteford - (orWhitworth), Walt., bp. Brn. 531 Whitgfift, Jno., abp. Cant. 431 ; bp. Wore. 473 ; dn. Line. 448 Whithers, see also Withers Ch., S.W.F. 271 Whiting, Th., Chest. H. 3:i0 Whitlaw, Archd., Sec. St. Sc. 502 Whitley, Geoffr., dn. Ferns, 623 Hy., gen. (B) 865 Whitlock, see also Whitelock Geo. Corn, and sir C, gen. (D) 891 ; K.C.B. 778 Jas., C.J. Chest. 386 Wm., K.C. 415 Whitmarsh, Jas. P., K.C. 416 Whitmore, Ch. S., C.C.J. 404 ; Q.C. 417 Ed., gen. (C) 871 Edm. Augs. and sir E., gen. (D) 905; K.C.B. 781 Fras. Lock., gen. (D) 921 Geo., C. St. 283 sir Geo., gen. (A) 863; K.C.H. 788 sir Geo., L.M. Lond. 491 Geo. Stodd., K.C.M.G. 798 Hy., L.T. 161 Mort. E. S., gen. (D) 910 Th., K.B. 764 Wm., gen. (B) 865; Wdn. M. 245 Whitshed, Jas. Hawk, and sir J., adm. (A) 816 ; adm. (B) 821; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 773 Wm., C.J.C.P. Ir. 581; C.J.K.B. Ir. 578 ; S.G. Ir. 589 Whittaker, see Whitaker Whittey (or Wliitby), Bt., bp. Ferns, 621 Whittingham, Ferd., gen. (D)900 Paul Bern., gen. (D) 910 sir Saml. Ford., C.C. Mdi-as. 657; G. Dnea. 730; gen. (B) 869; K.C.B. 775; K.C.H. 787 Wm., dn. Dham. 479 Whittingiion, Ed., L.M. Lond. 489 Th., B. Ex. 383 Whittlesey (or Wittlesey), Wm. de, abp. Cant. 430 ; bp. Boch. 460 ; bp. Wore. 472 Whittock, Jno., bp. Cloy. 630 ; du. Cloy. 632 Whitty, Irw., gen. (D) 889 Whitwell, sir Xathl., L.M. Dbln. 641 Whitwich, Jno., S.L. 409 Th., Yk. H.384 Whitworth, Ch., see Id. W., infra Fras., S.W.F. 271 ^^'alt., see Whitford Whitworth, Ids., vise, and E. Ch., aft. 1st Id., vise, and E., Amb. Dk. 127; Amb. Fr. 112; Amb. Pld. 126; Amb. Buss. 125; B.T. 268; G.C.B. 771; K.B. 765; L.L. Ir. 557; Whorwode, Wm., A.G. 398; S.G. 401 Whorwood, Jas., Winds. H. 331 Why—, see also \Mii— Whyche, Hugh, K.B. 757 For List of Abhrwiations, see pp. 944-952. 74 Wlxyddon, xec Whiddon Whyham, Wm. Hy., G. Nev. 730 Whylock, Jas., fien. (D) RS9 Wliymper, xre also Whimper Hy. Jos., CLE. fi08 Wliyte, see also White and Albus Hy., Ld. Sess. 518 (or White), Jnc, A.G. Ir. 588 Jno., bp. Line. 447; bp. Winch. 471 Jno. Wni., adm. (H) 8.52 Nichs., M.K. Ir. .585 Rd., gen. (A) 8.59 Wm., dn. Kild. 619 Wm., dn. Wford. 628 Wm. Hy., adm. |E) 837 Wliytere, see Whiteheare Wi — , see a '.so Wy — Wiatschel iw, R. Kuss. 89 Wibba, K.E. 3 Wich, see also Wvche Bd. de la, bp. Chich. 432 ■Wicbinton, Hy. de, Jy. 361 Wm. de, J. It. 367 Wickart, Jno., dn. Winch. 471 Wickens, Jno. and sir J., V. Chanc. 390 Wickey, Jno., adm. (A) 817 Wickford, see N^ikeford Wickham and Wyckham, see also Wykeham Lewis, C. St. and Tx. 285 Tob., dn. Yk. 487 Wm., Amb. Swz. 113; B.T. 268; C. Treas. Ir. 561; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; L.T. 158; P.C. 207 ; U.S. Home, 227 Wm., bp. Line. 447; bp. W'inch. 471 ; dn. Line. 448 Wm. de, see Wykeham Wicklow, Wm. Forw., 4th E. of, K.P. 751 ; L.L. Wickl. 571 Wickwane, Wm., abp. Yk. 485 Widdring-ton, sir Dav. Lat. Tirl., gen. {B)K6H; K.C.H.7S8 Th. and sir T., C.B. Ex. 381; C.G.S. 3,56; L.T. 154; S.L. 409; S.L. 410; Sp. H.C. 249 Widmore, Jno. Frost, K.C. 415 Wlgard, abp. Cant. 429 Wiffenholt, Jno., J. It. 367 Wighedus, bp. Lond. 4.50 Wight, Jno., adm. (D) 823; lG)8J0 Wighthun, bp. Sels. 4:i2 Wighteinus, bp. Winch. 470 Wightman, .fos., gen. (C) 871 Wm., and sir \V., J.Q.B. 373; S.L. 413 Wiffhtred, K.E. 1 Wightwick, Th., I'tc. P.A. 337 •Wiglaf, K.E. 3 Wigley, Fras. Sp., G. Nev. 73(1 ; G. St. Xtr. 729 ; G. St. Xtr. and Nev. 729 . Wigmore, Th., G. Gsey. 068 Wigram, Jas. and sir J., .lud. Com. P.C. 360; K.C. 416; P.C. 214 ; V. Chanc. 390 Jos. Cott., bp. Koch. 460 Loft. Tott., Q.C. 417 Wm., Chn. E.I.Co. 645 Wigstou, -fas., adm. (O) 811 Wigtlien, bp. Winch. 470 Wihtred, K.E. 1 Wikeford, see Wykford For INDEX OF NAMES. Wllberforce, Em. Row!., bp. Newc. T. 481 Saml., bp. Oxf. 457; bp. Winch. 471 ; dn. Westr. 469 Wilbert, bp. Shbn. 466 Wilbraham, Ed., Q.C. 417 Rd., gen. (D) 901; K.C.B. 780 Rog., S.G. Ir. .589 Th., Rec. Lond. 494 WUby, Wm., gen. (Dl 908 Wilcocks, see also Willcocks Jos., bp. Glr. 438 ; bp. Boch. 460; dn. Westr. 469 Wilcox, see also Willcox Ed., S.W.F. 271 Jno.,C. Exc. 278, 279 Wild and Wilde, see aha W'ylde Alf. Th. and sir A., gen. (D)908; K.C.B. 780; M.C.I. 647 Ed. Jno., gen. (D) 918 Geo., bp. Dry. 601 Geo., S.L. 409 Jas. P. and sir J., aft. Id. Penzance, q.v., B. Ex. 385; J. Prob. and Div. 391; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; P.C. 217 ; Q.C. 417: S.L. 414 Jno., C.B. Ex. 381 ; C.G.S. 356; K.C. 414; S.L. 409 Th. and sir T., aft. Id. Truro, A.G. 400; C.J.C.P. 376 ; Jiid. Com. P.C. 300; Ld. Chanc. 358; P.C. 215; S.G. 402 ; S.L. 413 Wm. and sir W., J.C.P. 379; J.K.B. 372; Rec. Lond. 494; S.L. 410 Wildeman, see Wildman Wilder, sir Fras. Jno., gen. (B1868 Wiiaman. Ed., K.H. 791 .Jno., M.M. 246 Rd., C.C.J. 403 Wilferus, nbp. Yk. 485 Wilford, Edm. Neal, gen. (D) Fras., dn. Ely, 435 Gerv. de, B. Ex. 383 ; C.B. Bd. Rich., gen. (A) 860 ♦Wilfredus, bp. Dunw. 454 ♦Wilfreth (2), bp. Wore. 472 *Wilfride (2), abp. Yk. 485 * bp. Sels. 432 » bp. St. Dav. 464 * bp. Wore. 472 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. wil&yJ-'^^^^'^^^-^^^y Wilkes, Jno., Chambn. Lond. 493; L.M. Lond. 492 Wilkie, Hales, gen. (D) 929 Jno., gen. (D) 903 Wilkins, Ch., P.P. 417; S.L. 413 sir Ch., K.H. 790 Geo.. K.H. 792 Hy. St. CI., gen. (D) 918 Jno., bp. Chest. 477 ; dn. Rip. 482 Wilkinson, — , G. Bmda. 701 Andr., St. O. 260 Ch. Edm., gen. (D) 901 Ch. Vanghan, yen. (D) 917 Chr. D., gen. (D) .S87 Fk.(ir., gen. (D) 1)07 Geo. Ho\v..l)p. Tni. 469 Geo. Hutt.. C.C.I. 403 Hy. Cl.,gen. (D)9:!2 List of Abhreviatiom, sec j>p, 944-952. Wilkinson — cent t. R., K.H. 792 Th., K.C.S.I 802 Th., L.M. Dbln. 641 Th. Ed., bp. Zld. 681 Wm. and sir W., G.C.M.G. 794 ; cen. (A) 862 Will, Jno. Shiress, Q.C. 420 sir Th., G.C.B. 770 Willamuez, Louis Ed. Bouet, K.C.B. 778 Willcock, Jno. W., Q.C. 417 Willcocks, see also Wilcocks Rt. Hy., K.H. 792 Willcox, see also Wilcox .Jas., adm. (E) a35 ; (P) 838 Willeby, Pet., Ch. Ex. 152 Willes, ice also Wills Ed., bp. B. and W. 428 ; bp. St. Dav. 465; dn. Line. 448 Ed., C. Ace. Ir. 567; C.B. Ex. Ir. 583 Ed., J.K.B. 373; K.C. 415 S.G. 402; S.L. 412 Geo. 0mm. and sir G., adm. (E) 836; K.C.B. 781 Jas. Irw., gen.(D) 889 Jas. Sh. and J., J.C.P.380; Jud. Com. P.C. 361 ; P.C. 218; S.L. 413 Jno. .and sir J., A.G. 399 ; C.G.S. 357; C.J.C.P. 376; C.J. Chest. 386; K.C. 415; J. Chest. 387; P.C. 198; S.L. 412 Jno. Irw., gen. CD) 928 Wm. Hy., C.C.J. 404 William, see also Gulielmus ' abp. Yk. 4a5 * bp. Arg. 537 * bp. Brn. •'"31 * bp. Bgr. 425 (or Godfrey), bp. Chich. 432 bp. Cness. 531 (of Port Royal), bp. Cnr. 604 (of Jerepont), bp. Cork, 630 (3), bp. Dnbl. 5.32 bp. I )own, 603 bp. Drom. 604 bp. Emly, 625 bp. Isl. 539 bp. Kild. 616 (2) bp. Llff. 449 bp. Llin. 621 (the Norman), bp. Lond. 451 bp. Mor. 531 (6), bp. Ork. .535 (of Kilkenny), bp. Oss. 620 (Gxilielmus or Quichel- mu«), bp. Roch. 459 bp. S. and M. 4a3 (abb. of Ross.), Conipt. So. 498 (Commend, of Culross), Compt. Sc. 498 dn. Bgr. 426 ■ dn. Chich. 433 (2), dn. Lich. 445 ' dn. St. P. 452 ' dn. Yk. 486 ' (archd.of Hereford), J. It. — (archd. of Totncss), Jy. 363 (of York), Jv. 364 — (prior of St. John's), Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 Ld. Clk. Reg. 521 ♦ Prob. some same pors, Comp. dates. William — cont. C. Anj. 27 (de Clito), C. Firs. 81 C. Lux. 84 D. Aus. 58 (2) D. Brk. 69, 70 (Aug. L. &c.), D. Brk. 71 ; K.G. 743 (2), D. Ndy. 30 D.S. Wr. 79 E. Gniy. 62 (of Bavaria), K.G. 734 K. Sc. 19 - (Earl Marischal), L.P.S. Sc. 501 M. Bdn. 67 (Kufus— son of Wm. I.), Pr. E. 9, aft. Wm. XL, q.v. (sonofHy. I.), Pr. E.9 (g. sou of Hy. I.), Pr. E. 9 ■ (son of Stephen), Pr. E. 9 (son of Hy. II.), Pr. E. 9 (son of Hy. III.), Pr. E. 9 (sou of Edw. III.),Pr. E. 10 (iss. of Edw. III.), Pr. E. 11 (g. son of Chas. I.), Pr. E. 13 (son of Q. Anne), Pr. E. 14 (de Croi), B. Nds. 82 (of Nassau), B. Nds. 83 I., E. Gmy. 63, 65; K. Pr. 65; K.G. 744 I., K. Wbg. 81 ; G.C.B. 767 ; K.G. 743 I. and II., D. Brk. 69 I. (D. Brk.), K.G. 735 I. and II., D. Bva. 68 I. and II., El. H. Csl. 72 I. to III., K. Scy. 55 I. to IV., K.E. 45-6 Pr. Or., aft. Wm. III. (K.B.), K.G. 740; and see Wm. III. (Pr. O.), i7ifra IV. (K.E.), form. D. of Clarence and Pr. Wm. Hy., infra, q.v., K.G. 742; K. Hnr. 71; K.T.748 I. to III., K. Nds. 83 II. (K. Nds.), P.M. 8.56; K.G. 745 III. (K. Nds.), see Wm. I. (Pr. O.), infra I. to IV., R. Nds. 83 I. to VI., C. Hid. 82 I. to VI., Princes of Orange. I., Pr. Or. 83 ; B. Nds. 83 II., Pr. Or. 83 ; K.G. 740 ; B. Nds. 83 III., Pr. Or. 83; K.E. 5; K.G. 740 ; K. Nds. 83 IV., Pr. Or. 83; K.G. 741; B. Nds. 83 v., Pr. Or. 83 ; K.G. 742 VI., Pr. Or. 83 Fk. — , Pr. Or. 83 ; K. Nds. (Wm. I.), 83; gen. (A) 860; G.C.B. 767; K.B. 766; K.G. 743 IV. to IX., Lg. H. Csl. 72 IX. (Lg. H. Csl.), aft. Wm. L, El. H. Csl., q.v., K.G. 742 Aug. (son of Geo. II.), aft. D. of Cumb., q.v., Pr. E. 14 Em., D.S. Wr. 79 Fredk. (iss. of Geo. n.),Pr. E.14 Fredk., Pr. Or., vide supra Geo., D. Nass. 76 Hy. (g. son of Geo. II.), Pr. E.14 INDEX OF NAMES. William— COT! (. Hy. (Wm. IV., K.E., q.v.), K. Hnr. 71 ; P.O. 205 ; Pr. E. 14 Lewis, D. Wbg. 81 Williams, Albt. Hy. Wilm., gen. (D) 935 Benj. Fras., Q.C. 420 Benj. T., C.CJ. 405 ; Q.C. 419 Ch. Fk., K.C. 416 Ch. Haml., adm. (G) 811; K.B. 764 ; L.L. Heref . 308 Ch. J. Watk. and sir C, .T.Q.B.D. 374 ; Q.C. 419 Dav. and sir D. (No. 1), J.K.B. 372 ; S.L. 408 Dav. (No. 2), M.B. 387 Edm. Keyn. and sir E., gen. (D)879; K.C.B. 775 Ed. Arth., gen. (D) 922 Ed. Ch. Sp., CLE. 806; gen. (D) 930 Ed. Bd., adm. (G) 841 Ed. V. and sir B., J.C.P. 380; Jud. Com. P.C. 361 ; P.O. 217; S.L. 413 Geo., adm. (H) 849 * Griff., bp. Oss. 620 - Gr., dn. Bgr. 426 * Prob. same pers. Gw., C.CJ. 405 • Hy. or Bd., dn. Lich. 415 Hy., gen. (A) 861 Hy. Fras., gen. (D) 924 Jas. E., gen. (D) 888 ,Jas. Wm., bp. Queb. 694 I Jno. (No. 1), abp. Yk. 486 ; 1 bp. Line. 447 ; dn. Sal. 468 ; dn. Westr. 469 ; L.K. 356 Jno. (No. 2), bp. Chich. 433 Jno., C Cus. 276-7 Jno., dn. Bgr. 426 Jno., S.L. 412 Jno. and sir J., B. Ex. 385; J.K.B. 373; K.C. 416; S.L. 413 Jno. and sir J., Sr. N. -257 sir Jno., L.M. Loud. 491 Jno., aft. Id. W., L.C.H. 294 Jno. Danl., gen. (D) 913 Jno. Wm. Colm. and sir J., gen. (D) 917 Jos., dn. Ch:. 597 Josh., Q.C. 418 Lew. Dune, gen. (D) 895 Monier and sir M., CLE. 806; K.C.I.E.805 Mont. Steph., Q.C. 420 Montg., gen. (D) 895 Owen Lew. Cope, gen. (D) Penry, L.L. Brec. 315 Ph., K.C 416 Rd. or Hy. dn. Lich. 445 Rd., gen. (B) 868; K.C.B. 775 Rt., adm. (A) 820 Rt. Griff., Q.C. 419 Rt. Vaugh., C.CJ. 404 Row!., G. Leew. Isl. 727 Saml., G. Gren. 724 Sherb., gen. (D) 889 Th.. dn. Llff. 450 Th., Sp. H.C. 249 Th., gen. (D) 901 sir Th., adm. (A) 818; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 773 Th. Molyn., gen. (D) 893 ; K.H. 791 * Watk., L.L. Denb. 314 * Watk., L.L. Mer. 314 * ? same pers. 1163 WilliamH-coiif Watkin L. G. and sir W., gen. (D) 888 Wm., l)p. Wpu. 710 ♦ Wm., K.C. 415 * Wm., Sp. H.C. 249 + sir Wm., S G. 401 * ? samt pers. Comp. dates. Wm. and sir Wm., gen. (C) 875; K.C.B. 774 Wm. Fenw. (of Kars) and sir W., Const. T.L. 321; G.C.B. 770 ; G. Gibr. 670 ; G. N. Sc. 695; gen. yj}) 890, 898; K.C.B. 778 Wm. Fr., gen. (D) 891; K.H. 791 Wm. .Tno., gen. (D) 929 Wm. Th., gen. (Dl 921 Woodf. Jno., adm. (D) 8.32; (E)834; iDKW Williams-Wynn, see Wynn Williamson, Ad., gen. (B) 864; K.B. 765 Ca3s., dn. Cash. 627 Dav., Ld. Sess. 520 Geo., gen. (B) 865 sir Jos., L. Admy. 175; P.C. 191, 194; Pres. R. Soc. 940 ; S. St. 223 Bt., C Cus. 274 Ush., gen. (D) 894 Wm. Jno., CLE. 806 Williby, see Willoughby Willimot, see Wilmot WiUington, Bayly, gen. (B) 867 Willis, Alfr., bp. Honol. 712 Browne, gen. (D) 893 Ch.. K.B. 764 Ed. Coop., Q.C. 419 Fras., dn. Wore. 473 Fras., U.S.S. 226 Fk. Arth., gen. (D) 909 Geo. Harry Sm. and sir G., gen. (D) 906 ; K.C.B. 781 Jas., C Cus. 276 Bd., bp. Glr. 438; bp. Sal. 467; bp. Winch. 471 ; dn. Line. 418 Rd. A., gen. (D) 878 Wm., Q.C 419 Willmore, Grah., C.CJ. 404 ; Q.C. 417 Willmot, I'ee Wilmot Willock, sir Hy., Chn. E.I. Co. 645 Willoughljy, Wilug-hby, and Wyllughtoy , K.B. 7.55 • Chr., K.B. 758 Ed., dn. Exr. 437 Hy., G. Bdoes. 719 Jas. Beaut., adm. (H) 851 Jno. de, K.B. 7-55 Jno. Poll., M.C.I. 646 Michl. Fr., gen. (D) 895 sir Nesbit Josiah, adm. (D) 827 ; K.CH. 788 (or WiUiby), Ph. de, dn. Line. 448; B. Ex. 382 Rd. de, C.J.K.B. 369 ; J.C.P. 377; J.K.B. 371 Th., dn. Boch. 461 sir Th., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 Wm. de, K.B. 755 Willougliby de Broke, Ids. Rt., 1st Id., K.G. 737; L.S.H. 289 Rt., 2iid Id., K.B. 759 Geo., 4th Id., dn. Winds. 474 For List of Abhreviations, see pp. 944-952. 74 11G4 Willoughby de Eresby, Ids. Wm., 5th Id., K.G. 734 lit., 6th Id., K.G. 73.5 Kd. de Welles, Id. (husband of Joan, dau. of Kt., 6th Id. W. deE.), K.B. 759 Et. Bert., 10th (11th) Id., aft. E. of Liindesey, q.v., K.B. 761 ; L.G.C. 287 Mont., Id., aft. 2nd E. of Liudesey, q.v., B.T. 263 Rt., Id., aft. 3rd E. of Llndesey, q.v., C.D.L. 242 Prise. Barb. Eliz., 17th (18th) lady, L.G.C. 288 Pet. Kt., 18th (19th) Id., form. Id. Gwyder, (/.«., L.G.C. 288 ; L.L. Carn. 314 Alberic, 19th (20th) Id., L.G.C. 288 Clenia. EUz., 20th (21st) lady, form, lady Aveland, q.v., L.G.C. 288 Willoughby of Parham, Ids. Fras., 5th Id., G. Bdoes. 719 \Vm., 6th Id., G. Bdoes. 719 ; G. Leew. Isl. 727 Wills, see also Willes All and sir A., J.Q.B.D. 374 ; Q.C. 419 Ch. and sir C, gen. (A) 8.57 ; L.G.O. 259 ; P.C. 197 Willshire, see also Wiltshire Th. and sir T., gen. (D) 882; K.C.B. 777 Wilmington, Sp., 1st Id. and E. of, form. hon. Sp.Compton, q.v., K.B. 764 ; K.G. 741 ; L.P.C. 188: L.P.S. 240; L.T. 157 ; Preni. 142 Wilmore, see Willmore Wilmot and Willmot Arth. Parry Eardley, adm. (E)835; (P)839 Eardl., gen. (D) 896 Fk. Marr. Eardley, gen. (D) 903 Jno., M. Chy. 397 sir Jno. Eardley (No. 1), C.G.S. 357; C.J.C.P. 376; J.K.B. 373; P.C. 202; S.L. 412 sir Jno. Eardley Eardley (No. 2), C.C.J. 404 sir Jno. Eardley Eardley (No. 3), G. V. D. Id. 708 Lemuel AU., G. N. Brk. 696 (or Willmot), Nich., S.L. 410 Kt., G. N. Sc. 695 (or Willimot), Rt., L.BI. Lond. 491 Rt. Dune, G. N. Brk. 696 Wilmshurst, Arth.. adm. (H) 851 Wilmund, abp. Yk. 485 Wilson, Archd. and sir A., gen. (D) 891; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 778 Bedf. H. and sir B., Amb. Bol. 135; Amb. Vza. 134; K.C.B. 782 Benj. Fras. Dalt., gen. (D) 892 Ch. Riv., K.C.M.G. 797 Ch.Wm. and sir W., K.C.B. 781 ; K.C.M.G. 797 Chr. bp. Brl. 439 Danl., bp.Calc. 653 Fras. Ed. Edwards, gen, CD) 926 INDEX OF NAMES Wilson — cont. F'ras. Wm., gen. (D) 878 Geo., adm. (A) 816 Geo., gen. (A) 862 Geo., K.C. 415 Geo., S.L. 412 Geo. Alfr., gcn.(D) 9:J4 Geo. Jas., gen. (D) 887 Geo. Knyv., adm. (HI 848 Gifif. and sir G., J. Chest. 387; K.C. 416; M. Chy. 397 Gl., C. Cus. 276-7 Hy. Mein, gen. (D) 912 Jas., bp. Crk., CI. and E. 632 Jas., dn. Tm. 613 Jas., P.C. 216 ; Paym. G. 245; Sec. B.C. 254; Sec. Tr. 163 ; V.P.B.T. 269 Jas. and sir J., gen. (D) 877 ; K.C.B. 775 sir Jas. Miluc, K.C.M.G. 797 Jno., adm. (H) 847 Jno., C.C.J. 403 Jno., dn. Rip. 482 Jno., gen. (D) 916 Jno., G. Ceyl. 672 ; gen. (C) 873 Jno. and sii- J., C.G.S. 357 ; J.C.P. 379; S.L.412 — — Jno. and sir J., gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 776; K.H. 791 Jno. Cracr., K.C.S.I. 803 Jno. Crawf., adm. (E)837 Jno. Mordl. K.H. 789 Jno. Newb., gen. (D) 931 Nathan, K.H. 790 Nathl., bp. Limk., A. and A. 639 ; dn. Rph. 602 Nichs., K. H. 791 Bd.,bp. Mth. 599 Rt., dn. Ferns, 623 R. G. B., gen. (D) 889 sir Kt. Th., gen. (A) 862 (C)673; G. Gibr. 670 Bog. W., gen. (D) 888 Sanil.,L.M. Lond. 492 Sylv. W. F. M., gen. (D) 928 - — Th., adm. (E) 835 ; (P) * Th., bp. S. and M. 484 * Th.,dn. Carl. 476 *— Th., dn. Dham. 479 * Th., dn. Drom. 606 * Th., dn. Lism. 629 * Th., dn. Wore. 473 * Poss. some same pers. Comp. dates. Th., gen. (D) 878 Th.,S. St. 223 Th. Fourn., gen. (D) 922 Th. Maitl., gen. (D) 898 sir Th. Sp., gen. (A) 859 Wm. Ch. Fahie, adm. (H) Wm. Grey, G. St. Hel. 682 sir Wm. Jas. Erasni., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 Wm. Sc, bp. Glasg. and Gall. 544 sir Willshire, gen. (B) 869 ; K.C.H. 789 Wilton iuul Wylton (or Wyltiinci, Win. de, C..).(;.l'. 375; .I.e. P. ;i76 Gill), de, l.p. Carl. 475 Laur. de, J. It. 367 Rd. de, J. It. 365 Wm. dc, Ch. Jr. 363; Jy. 364 Wilton, E. of Th., 2ud. E. of, form. hon. Th. Grosvenor, q.v., Amb. Sxy. 120; G.C.H.787; L.S.H. 290 ; P.C. 213 Wiltshire, E. of ScruojM- or Lc Scrope Family. Wm., 1st E. of, form, sir W. Scroope, or Id. Scrope, q.v., L.H.T. 153 Butler Family, Jas., 1st E. of, also 5th E. of Ormond, q.v., K.G. 736; L.H.T. 153 Stafford Family. 1st Creation. . Jno., 1st E. of, form. Jno. Stafford, q.v., K.G. 736 Ed., 2ud E. of, K.B. 757 2ml Creation. - — • Hy., 1st E. of, form. Hy. or Id. Stafford, q.v. Boleyn Family. (and Ormondi, Th., 1st E. of, form, sir Th. Boleyn and vise. Rochford, q.v., L.P.S. 248; Tr. H.291 Paulet Family. See also Paulet. Wm., 1st E. of, form. 1st Id. St. John of Basing, q.v., aft. 1st M. of Winchester, q.v., L.H.T. 154 Chas. Ing., E. of, aft. 13th JI. of Winchester, q.v., L.L. Hants. 311 Wilughtoy, see \\'illoughby Wimer, — , J. It. 365 Wimbledon, Ed., 1st vise, form, sir Ed. and Id. Cecil, q.v., L.L. Surr. 312 Wimbush, see Wymbysh Wina, bp. Lond. 450; bp. Winch. 470 Wincelaus, EI. Sxy. 77 Winch and Winche Hy., Q.C. 420 Humfr. and sir H., C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; C.J. K.B. Ir. 578; J.C.P. 378 ; S.L. 409 sir Humph.. L. .\tbny. 175-6 Winchecombe, Tideman de, bp. Llfl. 449 ; bp. Wore. 472 Winchelsea and Winchel- sey, .vt'c W inchilsea Winchestede, Jno. de, J. It. 367 Hy., L.M. Lond. 492 Jno.,bp. Mor. 534 Rt., K.H. 790 Winchester, E. and M. of De Quincey Family. Saher. dc, E. of (1211-2) Jy. 364 ; L.H. Const. Sc. 507 Rog., 2nd E. of, L.H. Const. Sc. 507 Paulet Family. Wm., 1st M. of, form. Id. St. Jno. of Basing, and E. of Wiltshire.g.i'., L.H.T. 154 Wm., 3rd M. of, form. W. Paulet, q.v., L.L. Dors. 307 Ch., 6th M. of, aft. Ist D. of Bolton, q.v., P.C. 191, 193 Ch., M. of, aft. 2ud D. of Bolton, q.v., L.J. Ir. 555 ; P.C. 194 Ch. Paulet, M. of, aft. 5th D. of Bolton, (/.y., P.C. 200 Ch. Ing., 13th M. of, Gr. St. 304 ; P.C. 209 Jno., 14th M. of, L.L. Hants. 311 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. Winchilsea ami Winchil- sey lit., abp. Caut. 430 Winchilsea, E. of, see also Nottingham and PaiUet Heneage, 3rd E. of, L.L. Kent, 309 Ch., 4th E. of, L.L. Kent, 309; P.O. 196; Pres. B.T. 264 Daul., 7th E. of, form. Id Finch, q.v. Danl. 8th E. of, K.G. 742 L.H.A. 178; L.P.C. 188 Geo., 9th E. of, Gr. St. 304 K.G. 743; L.L. Eutl. 311 P.C. 207 ; Pros. K. lust. 940 Winchinghain, Wm. de, .T.C.P. :378 Windebank, sir Fras., L. Admy. 175 ; L.T. 154 ; S. St. 223 Jas., L.P.S. 240 Windell, Rt., bp. Emly, 625 Windham, see Wyiidham Windlesore, see Wyndlesore Windsor, Andr., K.B. 759 hon. Di.\ie, St. O. 260 Th., Const. W. Cast. 322 Th., K.B. 760 Wm., K.B. 760 sir Wm. de, L.L. Ir. 551 Windsor, Ids. and vise. Th., 6th Id., K.B. 762 Th., 7th Id., G. Jam. 712 Th., vise, (son of Th., 7th Id. W. and 1st E. of Ply- mouth), form. Th. Wiudsor- Hiclunan, q.v., gen. (B) 864 Windy (or Wendy), Th., K.B. 764 WinefFe, see Winniffe Winfride, bp. Lich. 443 Wing-, Juo. Wm., C.C.J. 403 Wingate, Andr., CLE. 806 Ed., C. f:xe. 278 Geo., K.C.S.I. 802 Wingfer, see Wyngar Wingfield, sir Anthy., C.Y.G. 298; Compt. H. 292; V.C.H. 296 ; K.G. 738 Ch. Juo., Ch. Com. Oudh. 654 ; K.C.S.I. 802 Ch. Wm., gen. (D) 896 Ed., U.S.C. 236 Fras., S.L. 410 Juo., dn. Kilmacd. 637 • Jno., K.B. 757 Jno., Yk. H. 334 ; Pte. P.A. 337 Jno. Hope, gen. (D) 906 sir Rd., C.D.L. 242; K.G. 737 sir Ed., aft. 1st visc.Powers- court, q.v., L.J. L:. 554 ; L.L. L:. 554 (or Wynglelde), Kt., K.B. 756 Wm., K.C. 416; M. Chy. 397 Wingham (or Wengham), Hy. de, bp. Loud. 451 ; L.K. 353 Wing-rove, Geo. Presc., gen. (D)S80 Winn, see also Wj^nn - — Rowl., L.T. 162 Winne, Jno., adm. (D) 823 Winniett, Wm. and sir W., G. Gld. Cst. 686 Winniffe (or Wineffe), Th., bp. Line. 447; du. Ghr. 440; du. St. P. 453 Winuingfton, sir Ed., St. O. 260 INDEX OF NAMES. Winuington— co7i(. Fras. and sir F., K.C. 414 ; S.G. 401 Th. and sir T., L. Admy. 177-8; L.T. 156; P.C. 198; Paym. G. 244 ; Sec. at War, 233 Winrani, Geo., Ld. Sess. 519 Winsey (or Wihsius), bp. Lich. 443 Winslo-w-, E., G. N. Brk. 695 Th. Ewing, Q.C. 419 Winson, Wm., gen. (D) 924 Winter, Jas. Sp., K.C.M.G. 799 Rt., gen. (B) 868 Sauk., du. Kild. 619 Th., du. Cloy. 633 Th., dn. Weils, 429 Winterbotham, Hy. S. P., U.S. Home, 228 Winterbottom, Th., L.M. Loud. 492 Winterburne, see Wyuter- burne Winthrop, Geo. Teale Teb., adm. (H) 852 Bt., adm. (A) 819 Winthrope, Saml., G. Antig. 7-28 Wintle, Alfr., gen. (D) 911 Edm. Hy. Cull., gcu. (D) 914 Winton, Fras. Walt, de, K.C.M.G. 798 Winton, E. of, see E. of Win- chester Wiu-wood, sir R., S. St. 223 Wircestre (or Whitehester), Rog. de, J.C.P. 377 Wire, Dav. Wms., L.M. Loud. 492 Wiro (or Wirus), St., bp. Dbln. 615 Wisdom, Rt., K.C.M.G. 798 Wise, see also Wyse Ch., adm. (E) 835 ; (D 838 Ed., K.B. 763 Th., K.B. 761 Wm. Furl., adm. CD) 8-26 Wisebex, Kegd. de, J. It. 366 Wiseheart, and Wisehart .see ^^"ishart Wiseman, Capel, bp. Drom. 605; du. Rph. 602 * sir Rt., C. Exc. 278 * sur Rt., D. Arch. 420 * sir Rt., J. Adm. Ct. 423 * sir Rt., Vic. Gen. 421 * '? same pers. Wm., sir Saltoust., adm. (E)835; K.C.B. 779 Wishart, Wisehart, aud Wiseheart Geo., bp. Edinb. .533 sir Jas., adm. (A) 813; L. Admy. 177 Jas., L.J. Clk. 516; Ld. Adv. 525 Jno., bp. Glasg. 536 sir Jno., Compt. Sc. 498; Ld. Sess. 517 Rt., bp. Glasg. 536 -Wm., bp. Glasg. 536; bp. St. Andr. 529; Ld. Chanc. Se. 514 Witchester (or Wircestre), see Whitehester Witefeld, see Whitefeld Witham, su- Jno., G. Bdoes. 719 Wm., du. Wells. 429 Withenius, bp. Winch. 470 1165 Withering-ton, Juo., S.L. Ir. 592 Withers, see also A\Tiithers Hy., gen. (B)861 Rd., Guis. P.A. 343; Pte. P.A. 337 sir Wm., L.M. Loud. 491 Withlafe, R.E. 3 Withred, bp. Lindisf. 478 Witiza, K. Sp. 85 Witta, bp. Lich. 443 Witter, Danl., bp. Killoe. 634 ; dn. Ardf. 640; dn. Down, 605 Wittlesey, see Whittlesey Witton, Joun., G.I. Man, 666 Wivill, see W'yyUl Wo—, see also Woo — Wode, Jn..., Sp. H.C. 249 Wodeford, sec also Woodford Th. de, dn. Lism. 028 Wodehouse, see also Wood- house Ch., CLE. 808 Eclni., gen. ( D) 900 hon. Ed. Thornt., adm. (G) 842 Geo., adm. (H) 849 Jno. de, M. Chy. :i93 Juo., see Id. W., inp-a Jas. Hay, Amb. Sd. Is. 137 Nichs., gen. (D 883 hon. Ph., adm. (A) 819 Ph. Edm. aud sir P. Amb. Vza. 134; G. Bbay. 659; G. Br. Gu. 715 ; G. Br. Hond. 714 ; G. CG.H. 679 ; G.CS.L 801 ; K.C.B. 783 (or Woodhouse), Rt. de, B. Ex. 383 ; L.H.T. 153 Woodstock, Ids. hon. Jno., aft. 2nd Id. W., L.L. Norf. 310 Juo., 3rd Id., aft. 1st E. Kiniberley, q.v., Amb. Dk. 127; Amb. Russ. 128 ; L.L. Ir. 558; P.C. 217; U.S.F. 230 Wodestoke, see also Wood- stock Jas de, J.C.P. 377 Wodewyk, Rd., K.B. 756 Wodhele, Rog., du. Bgr. 426 Wodington, Ad., Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 Wogan, Jno. and sir J., J. It. 368 ; L.J. Ir. 550 Jno., K.B. 759 Rd., Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 Wog'ham, see Woogen " Wolesley, see Wolseley Wolfe, see also Wolff and ^^■oulfe Arth., aft. vise. Kihvardeu, q.v., A.G. Ir. 588; C.J.K.B. Ir. 578; S.G. Ir. 589 Ed., gen. (B) 865 Geo., gen. (D) 9'22 Jas., gen. (C) 871 Juo., C Cus. Ir. 565 Wolfehelm, bp. Her. 441 Wolferstan, Ch., G. Bdoes. 719 Wolff, see also Wolfe and WouUe Hy. Dr. and sir H., Amb. Eg. 130 ; Amb. Tkv. 130 ; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.B. 783; K.C.M.G. 796 ; M.G.K.A. 799 ; P.C. •2-20 Wolfi, bp. Cnwall. 436 Wolfius, bp. Lich. 443 Wolfstan, see Wolstan Wollaston, Arth.NayL.CI.E. 807 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 116G Wollaston— co»i<. Ch., adm. (A) 820 sir Jno., L.M. Loud. 491 ^Vm. Hy. de, Pres. K. Soc. Wollavestou, Hy. de, J. It. 368; Jy. 3(i5 Wolley, sec also Wooley Ed., bp. Clonf. and K. 636 Godfr. Lanipl., adm. (H) 849 Th., adm. (A) 818 WoUore (orWalloro.Dav. de, L.K. 3.54: AI.K. 357 Wolmau, see Woolman Wolmerstown, Jno., Id., form. Jno. Lindsay, (;. I'., K.B. (1(303)7(31 Wolocus, bp. Cnwall. 436 Wolphelm or Wolphelmus (2), bp. WeUs, 4-27 Wolrig'e, Wm., adm. (H) 846 Wolseley and Wolesley Ch., adm. (A) 815 Garnet Jos., see Id. and vise. W., iiifra Jno., dn. Kild. 619 Ralph, B. Ex. 383 Wm., adm. (A) 817 Wm ,L.J. Ir. 555 Wolseley, Ids. and vise. Garn. Jos., aft. sir G., and Ist Id. and vise. W., Anib. Gmy. and Pr. 116 ; G. Cypr. 671; G.Nat. 680; G.C.B. 771; G.C.M.G. 795; gen. (D) 905; K.C.B. 780; K.C.M.G. 796; K.P. 752; M.C.I. 647 Wolsey, see also Woolsey Kd., bp. Down and Cnr. 604 Th., abp. Yk. 486; bp. B. and W. 428; bp. Dham. 478; bp. Line. 447; bp. Winch. 471; dn. Her. 442; dn. Line. 448; dn. Yk. 487 ; Ld. Chanc. 355 ; Kegr. Gart. 746 Wolsius, abp. Yk. 485 Wolstan and Wolstauus • (or Wolfstau) (2), abp. Yk. 485 ; bp. Wore. 472 bp. Lond. 451 Wolstenholme, sir Jno., C. Cus. 273 Wolston, Guy de, K.B. 758 Wolton, see Woolton and Walton Wolveden, lit., dn. Lich. 445 Wolveridgfe, J as. or Jno., M. Chy. 395 Wolverton, Geo. G., 2ud Id., form.hon. G. G.Glynn, q.v., P.C. 218; Paym. G. 245; Postm. G. 239 Womach, Lawr., bp. St. Dav. 464 Wombwell, Arth., gen. (D)922 Geo. and sir G., Chn. E.I. Co. 644 Woo—, see also Wo — Wood, Alex., D. Fac. Sc. 527; Jy. Sc. 523 ; Ld. Sess. 520 Alex., gen. (B) 867 Alex., K.C.M.G. 796 Andr., bp. Cness. 532; bp. Isl. 540 - — Andr., Compt. Sc. 498 Andr., L.H.A. Sc. 499 Ch. and sir C, aft. vise. Halifax, q.v., Ch. Ex. 165; G.C.B. 772; L. Adniy. 1H3-4 ; L.T. 161; P.C. 215; Pres. B.C. 254 ; Sec. Adm. 186 ; Sec. Ind.236; Sec. Tr. 163 For INDEX OF NAMES. Wood — cont. Ch. Wm., Q.C. 419 Corn., gen. (Bl 864 Dav., Compt. Sc. 498 Dav. Ed. and sir D., gen. (D) 902; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. ; AttiweU, S.L. Ir. 592 I Geo., K.C.B. 775 Geo., S.L. 408 Geo., and sir G., B. Ex. 385 ; S.L. 412 I Geo. and sir G., gen. (C) 874: K.C.H.787 Hy. Evel. and sir H., gen. ■ (D) 924 ; G.C.M.G. 795 ; K.C.B. 781 Hy. Hast. A., gen. (D) 922 Hy. Jno., gen. (D) 891 Jas., dn. Ely, 435 , sir Jas., gen. (C) 871 sir Jas. Ath., adm. (A) 819 1 Jas. Cr., gen. (D) 915 t— Jno., C. Exc. 282; C.I.R. I 285 ; C. St. 284 ; C. St. and Tx. [ 285; C. Tx. 285 ! Jno., G. I. Man, 666 \ Jno., gen. (C) 873 ) Jno., Ld. Sess. 517 , Jno. Sul., gen. (A) 862 ; Lt. T L. 322 I Jno. Stew., K.C.B. 783 Matth., L.M. Lond. 492 Rd. and sir K., Amb. Tun. 132 ; G.C.M.G. 795 ; K.C.M.G. 797 sir Rd., L.H.T. 153 Bt., U.S.S. 226 Rt. BL, gen. (D) 895 Rog., G. Bmda. 701 Th., C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 378 ; S.L. 407 Th., gen. (D)892 Th., bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 : dn. Lich. 445 Wm., adm. (H) 851 Wm.,gen.(D)879;K.H.791 Wm., K.C.B. 779 (or Bosco), Wm. de, Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Wm. Leight., K.H. 792 Wm. Mark, gen. (D) 902 Wm. Page and sir W., aft. 1st Id. Hatherley, q.v., Jud. Com. P.C. 361 ; L.J. App. 389 ; Ld. Chanc. 358 ; P.C. 217 ; Q.C. 417; S.G. 402; V. Chanc. Woodall, Wm., S.G.O. 260 Woodburn, Alex., gen. (D) 889 Woodcock, Ch. Saml., gen. (DiOll Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 Woodford, see also Wode- ford Alexr. and sir A., F.M.856 ; G.C.B. 769; G.C.M.G. 794; G. Ch. Hosp. 936 : G. Gibr. 670 ; gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 776 ; L.G. Ch. Hosp. 936 sir Geo., gen. (C) 875 Jas. R., bp. Ely, 435 sir Jno. Geo., K.C.B. 776 ; K.C.H. 788 Ralph, Amb. Dk. 127 ; Amb. H. Tns. 120 sir Ralph J., G. Trin. 722 Woodtorde, Woodf. F., C.C.J. 405 Woodhouse, see also Wode house capt— ., G. Bmda. 701 List of .4.bbrvvialions, see pp. 944- Woodhouse— con t. Jno., C.D.L. 242 Jno. C, dn. Lich. 445 Rt., see Wodehouse Rt. Russ., gen. (D) 925 Th., K.B. 759 Wm., gen. (D) 878 Woodley, Wm., B. and Gl. K.A. 330; Bath K.A. 785; Han. H. 340; G. Antig. 728; G. Berb. 715 Woodloke, Hy., bp. Winch. 470 Woodrofe, sir Nichs., L.M. Lon.l. 490 WoodrufTe, Ch. Lorr., gen.(D) 931 Woods, Alb. Wm. and sir A. (No. 1), Fitzal. P.A. :+13 ; Gart. K..\. 328: Lane. H. 333; M.G.K. A. 799 ; Ptc. P.A. 337 ; Regr. Cr. I. 810; Regr. I.E. 808; Regr. S.I. 804; Regr. and Sec. Bath, 785 Alb. Wm. (No. 2), R. Dr. P.A. 338 Eug., dn. Arm. 597 Hy. Geo., gen. CD) 921 Wm. and sir W., Bl. M. P.A. 337: Clar. K.A. 328; Gart. K.A. 328; K.H. 790; Norf. H. 341 Wm. Geo., gen. (D) 916 Woodstock, see also Wode- stoke Wm., 1st. vise, form. Wm. Bentinck, q.v., aft. 1st D. of Portland, q.v. Woodvile, Woodville,Wyd- vill, and Wydville Ed. and sir E., K.B. 757; K.G. 737 Jno., K.B. 757 Lion., bp. Sal. 467 ; Chanc. Gart. 745 ; dn. Exr. 437 Rd., K.B. 757 Woodward, Rd., dn. Clr. 598; bp. Cloy. 031 Rd., M. Chy. 394 Rt., dn. Sal. 468 Th., dn. Down. 605 Woogen (or Wogham), Wm., S.L. 411 Woolcombe and Wooll- combe Geo., adm. (H) 847 Hy. Bedf., adm. (H) 852 Wooley and Woolley, see also Wolley sir Jno., Chanc. Gart. 746 ; dn. Carl. 476 Rt.,gen. (D)917 Woollcombe, see Woolcombe Woolley, see Wooley Woolman, Rd., dn. WUs. 429; M. Cliy. 394 Woolmore, sir Jno., K.C.H. Woolnouerli, Jos. Ch., K.H. 790 Woolrich, Toby, M. Chy. 396 Woolridg-e, Th. Thornb. gen. (D I 882; K.H. 791 Woolrych, Humphry W., S.L. 413 Woolsey, see also Wolsey O'Bryen Bell., gen. (D) 928 ♦Woolton, Jno., bp. Exr. 437 ■> Jno., Wdn. Chr. Ch. Manch. 481 + ? same pors. Woosnam, Jas. Bow., gcn.(D) Worcester, Wm. Kenn., gen. (Dl 901) Worcester, E. and M. of Percy Family. Th., 1st E. of, form. Th. Percy and sir T., q.v., L.H.A. 173 Tiptoft Family. Jno., 1st E. of, form. Id. Tiptoft, q.v.. Const. T.L. 320; K.G. 736; L.H.T. 153; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575; L.L. Ir. 552 Herbert Family. Ch., 1st E. of, form, sir C. Somerset and Id. Herbert, q.v., Chanc. Gart.745; L.C.H. 294 Wm., 3rd E. of, form. Id. Herbert, 5.i'.,K.G. 738 Ed., 4th E. of, E.M. 326; K.G. 739; L.H. Const. 289; L.P.S. 240 ; M.H. 302 Hy., 3rd M. of, aft. 1st D. of Beaufort, q.v., K.G. 740; L.L. N. and S. Wales, &c. 314; P.C. 191-2 Hy., M. of, aft. 7th D. of Beaufort, q.v., L. Admy. 181 Worcheley, Jno. de, Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 Wordsworth, Ch., bp. St. Andr., Dkld., and Dnbl. 545 Ch. F. P., Q.C. 417 Chr., bp. Line. 447 Jno., bp. Sal. 467 Wm., CLE. 808 Wm., P. Laur. 301 Worgan, Jno., gen. (D) 916 Worg'e, Kd., gen. (C) 872 Wormald, Et. Cr., gen. (D) 898 Th., Pres. CoU. Surg. 939 Wormeley, Balph Rand., adm. (D) 828 Worms, bar. Hy. de, Sec.B.T. 2o9: U.S.C. 235 Woronns, bp. Cnwall. 436 Woronzow, Count, G.C.B. 767 WorraU, Hy. L., gen. (D) 887 Worseley and Worsley Ed, Vaughan, gen. (B) 870 Hy., G. Bdoes. 720 Hy. and sir H., G.C.B K.C.B. 776 Bd., adm. (A) 820 sir Bd., Amb. Vce. Compt. H. 292 ; P.C. 203 Wm., dn. St. P. 453 Worth, Ed., bp. Killoe. dn. Crk. 632 Jno., dn. Kild. 619; dn. St. Patr. 618 Jno., see Wrothe Wm., B. Ex. Ir. 584 Wortham, Hale Young, gen. iD) 892 Hv.,gen. (D)930 Wortiiington, sir Wm.,L.M. Dbln. 641 Wortledge, Jno., C.C.J. 404 Wortley, Ch. Bait. Stuart-, U.S. Home, 228 hon. Jas.. Archb. Stuart-, J.A.G.937;P.C.215; Q.C. 417; Bee. Lond. 494 ; S.G. 402 hon. Jno. Stuart-, aft. 2nd Id. WharncUffe, q.v., Sec. B.C. 254 Wotton, Ed., see Id. W., infra Nichs., dn. Cant. 431 ; dn. Yk. 487 ; S. St. 223 — Nichs., L.M. Lond. 489-90 Wm., B, Ex. 383 .769; 116; 634 INDEX OF NAMES. Wotton, Ids. su: Ed., aft. 1st Id. W., Compt. H.292; Tr. H. 291 Woulfe, see also Wolfe and Wolff Jno., gen. (D) 878 Steph., A.G. Ir. 588; C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; S.G. Ir. 590; S.L. Ir. 593 Wrang'ham, Digby C, P.P. 417; S.L. 413 Wratislas I. and II., D. Bma. 59 Wratislau, Hy. Rushw., adm. (E)837 Wray, Bourch., K.B. 763 Chr., L. Admy. 175 Chr. and sir C, C.J.Q.B. 370; J.C.P. 378; J.Q.B. 372; S.L. 408; Sp. H.C. 249 Ed., gen. (D) 916 Hy., G. Jsey. 668 ; gen. (D) 925 Wrede, Pr. Ch. PhU., G.C.B. 767 Wren, Chr., dn. Winds. 474 sir Chr., Pres. R. Soc. 940 Jord., gen. (B) 866 Matth., bp. Ely, 4:35 ; bp. Her. 441 ; bp. Norw. 455 ; dn. Winds. 474 Wrench, Fk. S., Land Com. Ir. 588 Wrenfordsley, Hy. Th., G. W. Austr. 707 Wrexworth, Jno., Gart. K.A. 327 *Wrigfht, Ch., gen. (D) 895 * Ch., K.H. 789 * ■? same pers. Ch. Jas., gen. (D) 904 Geo., gen. (A) 863 Hy. Rd., gen. (D) 894 Jas. and sir J., Amb. Vce. 116 Jno., gen. (D) 884 ; K.H. 790 Jno. AU., gen. (D) 923 Mart, and sir M., B. Ex. 385; J.K.B. :373; S.L. 411 Nath. and sir N., L.K. 357 ; P.C. 194 ; S.L. 411 Et., bp. Brl. 439 ; bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 Rt. and sir E., B. Ex. 384 ; C.J.C.P. 375; C.J.K.B. 370; J.K.B. 372; S.L. 410 Th., gen. (D) 891 Th., gen. (D) 923 Th., L.M. Lond. 492 Wm., gen. (B) 867 Wm., M.M. 246 Wriothesley, see also under Wrythe Jas., c.c. Id. Wr., K.B. (1616) 762 Jno., see Wrythe Th., see Id. Wr., infra Wriothesley, Ids. Jas., see supra Th., Id., aft. E. of South- ampton, q.v., K.G. 738 ; L.K. and Ld. Chanc. 355 ; S. St. 223 Writhe, see Wrythe Writheseley, see Wrythe Wroe, Rd., Wdn. Chr. Ch. Manch. 481 Wroth, -, S.L. 410 (or Worth), Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 Et., gen. (C) 871 Wrotham, Wm. de, Jy. 364; W.C.P. 317 1107 Wrottesley, sir Hugh, K.G. 7:« sir Jno., gen. (C) 872 sir Rd., dn. Wore. 474 Wrottesley, Ids. Jno., 2nd Id., Pres. R. Soc. 940 Arth., 3rd Id., L.L. Staffs. 312 Wroughton, Th. and sir T., Amb. Pld. 126 ; Amb. Sw. 126 ; K.B. 765 Wrythe and Writhe Ch., Berw. P.A. Ml ; R. Cr. P.A. 335 ; Winds. H. 3:n (or Writhesley), Jno., .\nt. P.A. 341 ; Gart. K.A. 327 ; R. Cr. P.A. 335 (or Wriothesley), sir Th., Gart. K.A. 327 (or Wriothesley), Wm.,Yk. H.;S34 Wryiihens, Eras., K.C. 414 Wsewolod I. to III., R. Russ. 89 Wuffstan, bp. Lond. 451 Wuldhani(or Suthflete), Th. de, bp. Roch. 4.59 Wnlfehard, bp. Her. 441 Wulfelm, abp. Cant. 4:iO WulfiF, Geo., gen. (B) 869 Hy. Pow., gen. (D) 894 Wulfgar (or Alfgar), bp. ^^'ltn. 466 Wulfhere, abp. Yk. 485 K.E. 3 Wnlfine and Wulfiniis bp. Shbn. 466 bp. Dorch. and Sidr. 446 Wulfius, abp. Yk. 485 bp. Lond. 451 Wulfred, abp. Cant. 430 Wy— , see also Wi— Wyatt, see also Wyott Alex. Hy. Lewis, gen. (D) 904 Edg., gen. (D) 880 Edwin, S.L. 410 (or Wyotte), Hy., K.B. 759 Jas., Pres. E.A. 941 Wyche, see also Wich sir Cyril, L.J. Ir. 555 ; Pres. B.C. 940 Hugh, L.M. Lond. 490 Jno., B. Ex. Ir. 583 sir Pet., Compt. H. 292 Wychingham, Wm. de, S.L. 407 Wychyngham, Geoffr., L.M. Lond. 489 Wyckham, see WickJiam Wydvile and Wydville, see Woodville Wye, Rd., bp. Cloy. 030 WyfiForde, Nichs., L.M. Lond. 490 Wyke, Ch. Lenn. and sir C, Amb. C. Am. 133 ; Amb. Dk. 127; Amb. Hnr. 120; Amb. Mex. 133; Amb. Pgl. 125; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.B. 783; P.C. 220 Wykeham, see also Wick- ham Wm. de, bp. Winch. 470 Ld. Chanc. 354 Wykehanxpton, Rt. de, bp. Sal. 466; dn. Sal. 468 Wykford and Wikeford Rt. de, abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616 ; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 ; M. Chy. 393 For List of Abbreviations, see j^P- 944-952. Wyld and Wylde, see also Wild — - Ed. Andr., Ren. (D) 913 Th., C. E.XC. 279-80 Wm., gen. (D1886 Wni., see Wilde Wyle, Walt, de la, bp. Sal. 466 Wylie, sec Wyllie Wylinton, lialph de, K.B. 755 Wyllie, Wni. and sir W., gen. (D) 8t>S; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 779 Wm. Alexr. Patr., gen. (D) 927 Win. Hutt. Curz., C.T.E. 807 Wyllughby, see Willoughby Wylton, s,e Wilton Wymbiirne, Walt, de, J.K.B. :s7l Wymbysli, Nichs., M. Chy. 394 Geo. Petre and sir G., gen. (D)S8{; K.C.B. 778 Wymond, abp. Yk. 485 ■Wymundham, Th. de, see Wynahiuii Wymundus (or Eevmundus), bp. Isl. .539; bp. S. and M. 4,S3 Wynard, Wm., S.L. 407 Wyndham, Wymundham, and Windham Ch. Ash, gen. (D) 890; K.C.B. 779 Eras., J.C.P. 378 ; S.L. 408 hon. F. W'., Amb. Tusc. 115 Geo. H., Amb. Bzl. 135; Amb. Sva. 128 Hy., gen. (A) 863 ; K.C.B. 778 Hugh, geri. (B) 864 Hugh and sir H., B. Ex. :i84 ; J.C.P. 379 ; S.L. 409-10 Jno., S.L. 410 Th., C. Tx. 284 Th., see Id. W., infra Th. de, B. Ex. :«2; L.H.T. 1.52 — '- Th. Nort., gen. (B) 868 Wadh. and sir W., J.K.B. :W2; S.L. 410 Wm., L.G. Ch. Hosp. 936 Wm. (Ko. 1), Ch. Sec. Jr. 562; P.C. 206; Sec. at W. 234 ; W. and C. Sec. 231 sir Wm. (No. 2), Ch. Ex. 1G5 ; P.C. 196 ; Sec. at W. 233 Wni. Luk., adm. (A) 819 Wyndham, Ids. Th., aft. 1st Id. W., C.J.C.P. Ir. .580: L.J. Ir. 556; Ld. t'banc. Ir. .57() Wyndlesore, Hugh de. Const. T.L.3'20; W.C.P. 317 Wynford, W. D., 1st Id., form. sir \\'. D. Best, q.v., Jud. Com. P.C. 360 Wyngar (or Winger), Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 Wyngfelde (or Wingfield), Kl,. K. 11.756 Wynkleg-h, Kog. de, dn. Exr. 437 Wynn and Wynne, see also Winn Ed. Wm. LI., gen. (D) 927 Ch. Watk. Wms., C.D.L. 243; P.C. 210; Pres. B.C. 2.53 ; Sec. at W, 234; U.S. Home, INDEX OF NAMES. W^ynn and Wynne— cojit. Hy. Watk. and sir H., .\mb. Dk. 127; .\mb. Swz 113; Amb. Sxv. 120; G.C.H 786; K.C.B. 782; P.C. 210 sir Watk. Wms. (4th bt.), L.L. Mer. 314 sir Watk. Wms. (5th bt.), L.L. Denb. 314; L.L. Mer. 314 sir Watk. Wms. (6th bt.) L.L. Mer. 314 Geo., gen. (D) 903 Jno., bp. B. and W. 42S ; bp. St. As. 462 Jno., U.S. Ir. 563 Owen, gen. (B) 864 Owen, S.L. 410 - Kd., S.L. 411 Et., C. Cus. Jr. .5&5-6 Th., aft. 1st Id. New- borongh, q.v., L.L. Cam. 314 Wm. and sir Wm., B.T. 268; Ch. Lond. 422; D. .\rch. 421 ; J. Pr. Ct. 421 ; K. Adv. 422; P.C. 2a5; S.L. 412; Vic. Gen. 422 Wm. Hy., dn. Drom. 606 Wynterbu'rne, Th., dn. St. P. 453 Wynyard, Ed. Buck., gen. (D)8S0 Ed. Geo., gen. iD) 905 Hy., gen. (A) 86f) Hy. B. J., gen. (D) 919 Jno., gen. (B) 865 Rt. Hy., G.CG.H. 679; G. X.Z. 709; gen. (D) 893 Wm., gen. (B) 866 Wm., gen. (Bj 867 Wyott, see also Wvatt Ph., dn. Lism. 629 Wyredus, bp. Elm. and Uunw. i.'A Wyrley, Wm.. R. Cr. P.A. 335 Wyse, see a Iso Wise Andr., V. Treas. Ir. 559 Th. and sir T., Amb. Gr. 128: K.C.B. 782; L.T. 160; P.C. 215 ; Sec. B.C. 251 Wysenian, Kt., .tee Wiseman Wythens, sir Eras., J.K.B. ■il-2 : S.L. 410 Wytber, Wm., J. It. 308 Wytter, Danl., see Witter Wyvil, Wyvile, and Wy- ville Maj. — , M.M. 247 * Chr., adm. (D) 8:51 * Chr., C. Exc. Sc. 505 * ? same pers. Chv., dn. Rip. 482 Jno. de. B. 1 x. :«2; J.C.P. 377; Jy. 365 sir Marm., C. Exc. 270 Rt., bp. Sal. 467 Xidian, .\nast. Tip., K.C.M.G. 796 Ximenes, sir Dav., gen. (B) 870; K.C.H. 78S J., Pres. CR. 106 Xerri, Gius. Bart., Prcl. M.G. Raph. Cr., G.C.M.O. 794 Xerxes I. and II., K. Pers. 99 Y. 'Tale, Th., D. Arch. 420; Vic. Gen. 421 • Dav. or Th., M. Chy. :«5 ' Prob. same pers. Yarborou^h, see also Yer- borough Ch.A. W., 3rd E. of, L.L. Line. 310 Yard, Rt.,M. Chy. 396 Rt., U.S.S. 225 Yardley, sir Wm., C.J. Bbay. 660 Yarford, sir Jas., L.M. Lond. 490 Yarmoutli, E. of Paston Famili/. Wm., 2nd E. of, Tr. H. 291 Seymour Conwai/ Family. Eras., 1st E. of. aft. 1st M. of Hertford, q.v., form. vise. Beauchamp, q.v. Eras. Ch.. E. of, aft. 3rd M. of Hertford, q.v.. Amb. Fr. 112; G.C.H. 786; L.W.S. 323 ; P.C. 209: V.C.H. 297 Hugh de Grey, E. of (son of .5th M. of Hertford), Compt. H. 293 : P.C. 219 Yaldwyn, Jno., gen. (D) 888 Yates, Hv. Peel, gen. (D) 922 Jno., K.B. 760 Jonn., gen. (Al 663 Jos. and sir J., J.C.P. 379 ; J.K.B. 373 ; S.L. 412 Jos. St. J., C.C.J. 403 Kd. Augs.. adm. iQl 841 Ud. H.,K(.'ii.(DiS7S Yatin^on or Yattenden, Nichs. iXc. Const. W. Cast. :tt2; Jv. .%5 Yaxley, Jno., S.L. 407 Yeamans, Jno., G. Antig. 728 Yeard, Jno., dn. Ach. 614 Yelverton, Barry, aft. 1st Id. and vise, .\vonmore, A.G Ir. 588: C.B. Ex. Ir. 583 Chr. and sir C, J.Q.B. 372 ; S.L. 408; Sp. H.C. 249 Hast. Reg. and sir G.,adm. (B)833: (E)8:«; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 780 ; L. Adiny. 185 Hv. and sir H.. A.G. 399 ; J.C.P. 379; J.K.B. 372; S.G. 401 ; S.L. 409 Wm., J.K.B. 371; K.B. 757 ; S.L. 407 Yeo, sir Jas. Lucas, K.C.B. 774 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. Yertooroug-h borough I sir Juo. De, C.U.L. 242 \ Yerward, Griff, ap, bp. Bgr. 425 Yester, Ids. las. ('? Jno.), Hay, Id.,! K.B. (1603) 761 Jno., Id., aft 2iid M. of Tweeddale, q.v., L.H.T. Sc. I 497 Youge, see also Yoimg Edmd., adm. (G) 842 sir Geo., G. C.G.H. G78; K.B. 765 ; L. Admy. 179 ; M.M. 247 ; P.C. 203 ; Sec. at W. 23-1 ; V. Treas. Ir. 560 Gust. N. K. A., ceil, i D) 918 * Juo., dii. Chich. 431 * Jno., dn. Yk. 487 * Jno., M.R. 387 * ? same pers. Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 Ph.,bp. Brl.439 ; bp. Norw. 455 Th., see Young Wm. and sir W., Coff. H. 293 ; K.B. 764 ; L. Admy. 177 ; L.T. 156; P.C. 198; Sec. at W. 233 ; V. Treas. Ir. 560 Wm. Lamb., gen. (D) 934 York and Yorke Ch. and sir C, Const. T.L. 321 ; F.BI. 856 ; gen. (D) S84 ; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 778 hon. Ch., aft. 1st Id. Mor- ton, q.v., A.G. 399 ; K.C. 415 ; Ld. Chauc. 357; P.C. 202; S.G. 402 hon. Ch. Ph., H. Sec. 226; L. Admy. 181: P.C. 206; Sec. at W. 234 ; TeU. Ex. 168 Fk. Augs., gen. iDi 901 hon. Gr. M., dn. Wore. 474 hon. Jas., bp. Ely, 435 ; bp. Glr. 4:^8; bp. St. Dav. 465; dc. Line. 418 Juo., dn. Down, 605; du. Kilmacd. 637 Jno., gen. (D) 901 Jno., M.M. 246 hon. Jno., B.T. 265; L. Admy. 179 hon. Jos. and sir J., aft. 1st Id. Dover, q.v.,Anib. Nds. &c. 122; B.T. 267; gen. (A) 858; K.B. 765; P.C. 202 sir Jos. Sid., adm. (A) 818; K.C.B. 774 ; L. Admy. 181 sir Ph., aft. 1st Id. and E. of Hardwicke, q.v., A.G. 399; C.J.K.B. 370; P.C. 198; S.G. 401; S.L. 412 hon. Ph., aft. vise. Eoyston and 2nd E. of Hardwicke, q.v., TeU. Ex. 168 Reg., adm. (H)848 Rog., S.L. 408 Wm. de, bp. Sal. 466 ; Ch. Jr. 363; J. It. 367 Wm. and sir W., C. Ace. Ir.567; C.J.C.P. Ir. 581; Ch. Ex. Ir. 562 ; J.C.P. Ir. 582 York, D. of, see also Albany Plantagenet Family. Edm., 1st D. of, form. E. of Cambridge, q.v. Ed., 2nd D. of (g. son of Edw. III.), form. Pr. Edwd., E. of Rutland and D. of Albemarle, q.v., Const. T.L. 320; G. Ch. Isl. 607; W.C.P. 318 For INDEX OF NAMES. also Yar- York, D. of— cont. ! Rd., 3rd D. of, K.B. 756; I K.G. 735 Rd., D. of (2nd son of Edw. IV.), also E. of Nottingham, and D. of Norfolk, q.v., E.M. 326; K.B. 757; K-G.736; L.L. Ir. 552 Hy., D. of, aft. Hen. VIII., q.v., E.M. 326 ; K.B. 758; K.G. 737 ; L.L. Ir. 553 ; W.C.P. 312 Ch., D. of, aft. Ch. I. q.v., K.B. 761 ; K.G. 739 Fk., D. of (sou of Geo. III.), see Pr. Fredk. Jas., D. of, aft. Jas. II., q.v., H.C.P. Sc.507 ; K.G.740; L.H.A. 175 ; L.H.A. Sc. 499 ; P.C. 189 ; W.C.P. 319 Ed. Aug., D. of (bro. of Geo. III.), adm. (A) 814 ; P.C. 200 Fk. D. of (son of Geo. III.), C. Ch. 855 ; Capt. Gen. 655; F.j\l. 956; G.C.B. 766; G.C.H. 785: geu. I A) 858; Gr. M. Bath, 754 ; K.B. 765 ; P.C. 204 Yotton, Jno., du. Licli. 445 Young and Younge, see also Yonge Ad., C.I.K. 286 Alexr., bp. Ediub. 533 ; bp. Ross. 536 Aretas Wm., G. Pr. Ed. Isl. 699 ; G. Trin. 722 Brooke, geu. (C) 874 Ch. Becher, gen. (D) Ch. G. and sir C, Gart. K.A. 328 ; R. Dr. P.A. 338 ; Yk. H. dM Ch. Mete, geu. (D) 920 Ed., bp. Drom. 605; bp. Ferns and L. 622; dn. Clr. 598 Ed., C. Tx. 284 Ed., dn. Exr. 437 Ed., dn. Sal. 468 Ed., S.W.F. 271 hon. Ed., B. and Gl. K.A. 330 Bath K.A. 785 ; Hau. H. 340 ; Regr. Bath, 784 Eras., gen. (D) 922 Fk.,gen. (D)886 Fk., K.C.M.G. 799 Geo. (? hon.), P.C. 218; Ld. Adv. 526 ; Ld. Sess. 521 ; S.G. Sc. 527 ; Jy. Sc. 523 sir Geo., adm. (A) 816 Geo. Saml., gen. (D) 922 Her. Beaum., adm. (G) 843 Hy. Ed. Fox and sir H., G. C.G.H. 679 ; G. S. Austr. 706; G. Tasm. 708 Jas., adm., (A) 814 Jas., adm. i A) 819 Jas. Now^, gen. (D) 924 Jas. Rt., gen. (D) 893 Juo., bp. Arg.53S Jno., bp. Llin. 621 Jno., bp. Roch. 460 (or Morgan), Jno., bp. St. Dav. 464 ; Chauc. Gart. 745 ; dn. Winds. 474 Jno., Bl. M. P.A. 336 ; Som. H. :«2 Jno., dn. Sal. 468 Juo., du. Winch. 471 Juo., see Yonge List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952 1169 Young and Younge— coni. Jno., and sir J., aft. 1st Id. Lisgar, q.v.,Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; Com. lo. Isl. 129 ; G.C.B. 773 ; G.C.M.G. 795 ; G.G. Can. 692 ; G. N.S.W. 703; G. Pr. Ed. Isl. 699; K.C.B. 778; L.T. 160; P.C. 216; Sec. Tr.l63 Matth., bp. Clouf . and K. 6:^6 Plomer, geu. (D) 891; K.H. 791 Ralph, gen. (D) 916 Rd., bp. Athab. 697 — -Rd., bp. Bgr. 426; bp. Roch. 460 Rt., geu. (C) 874 Th., abp., 486 ; bp. St. Dav. 464 (or Yonge), Th., J.C.P. 378; J.K.B.:^71; S.L. 407 sir Walt., C. Cus. 274-5 Wm., adm. (D) 824 Wm., G. Greu. 724; G. Tob. 723 Wm. and sir W., adm. (A) 816; G.C.B. 767; K.B. 766 ; L. Admy. 180 sir Wm. (bt.), G. Dnca. (cZ. 1788) 730 sir Wm. (bt.), G. Tob. (d. 1811) 723 ^Wm. Alesr. Geo., G. Br. Gu. 715; G. Gld. Cst. Col. 687; G. Jam. 713; G. Trin. 723 Young-husband, Ch., gen. (D) 880 Ch, Wr., gen. (D) 908 Jno. Wm., gen. (D) 919 Rt. Rom., gen. (D) 901 Yug-wortli, Rd., bp. suff. Dov. 431 Yule, Geo. Udn., K.C.S.I. 802 Hy., M.C.I. 647 Patr., gen. (D) 890 Yung-cliing', Emp. Ch. 100 Zacliarius, P. Ro Zaldua, F. J., Pres. U.S.C. 107 Zammit, Gius. Nic, K.C.M.G. 796 Zanzibar, Suit, of, G.C.M.G. 796 Zapolski, J., K. Hgy. 60 Zavala, J., Pres. Nic. 106 Zavo, Bas., K.C.M.G. 796 Zemb, J., Pres. Sw. C. 31 Zeno, Emp.E.E. 50 Zepbirinus, P. Ro. 32 Zerrondaccbi, Const. Geo K.C.M.G. 798 75 1170 INDEX OF NAMES. Zetland, Thos., 2nd E. of, form. Id. Dundas, q.v., K.G. 745 ; K.T. 749 Ziemomislas, D. Pld. 90 Zlemovitus, D.Pld. 90 Zieten, Count, G.C.B. 767 Zohrab, Ed. Pasha, K.C.M.G. 798 Zosimns, P. Ko. 33 Zouche, Alan la.seeld.Z. ,z«/ra Ed. la, see Id. Z. iiifra ■ Jno. de la, bp. Llfif. 449 (or Sonwche), Jno., K.B. (1559) 761 Zouche — cont. Rd., J. Adm.Ct., 423 Wm., bro. of Jno., 8th Id. Z. of Haryngworth, K.B. (1483) 758 Wm. la, or Wm. de la.abp. Yk. 485; dn. Yk. 486; L.H.T. 153 Wm. la, see Id. Z., iitfra Zouclie of Ashby, Ids. Alan la, aft. 4th Id. Z. of A., Const. T.L. 320; J.K.B. 371 : Jy. 264 ; L.J. Ir. 550 ; L.M. Lond. 489 Zouche of Haryngrworth, Ids. * Wm. la, Const. T.L. 320 * Wm. de, J. It. 369 * Most likely sameners., and also 2nd Id. Z. OT H. Wm., 4th Id., K.G. 735 Ed., 12th Id., G. Gsey. 668 ; W.C.P. 319 Zuinski, K. Kuss. 90 Zulestein, Wm. Hy. Nassau dc, aft. 1st E. of Rochford.q.v. Zulfika, Pasha, K.C.M.G. 799 Zuloagfo, F., Pres. Mex. 104 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. r' y^' London: Printed by W. H. Allen & Co., 13 Waterloo Place, Pull MaU. 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