)KD S OK th1?1 YE R FaM I U S'AvXvrtwJ'? mimimmMM m^^ GIFT OF SEELEY W. MUDD and GEORGE 1. COCHRAN MEYER ELSASSER DR. JOHN R. HAYNES WILLIAM L. HONNOLD JAMES R. MARTIN MRS. JOSEPH F. SARTOR! to the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN BRANCH ^Mm ^■- This book is DUE on the last date stamped below JUN 1 8 1934 Southern Branch of the University of California Los Angeles L I fr^ #' •^ r /• ' ' . ^^/ /\... ^ >. /■ P/7/4^ ' >h 4)^^ / ^i /rr«". SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY Compiled bt COENELIA C. JOY-DYER "Rememherthedaysofold, consider the years of many generations : ask thy father, and he will shew thee ; thy elders, and they loill tell thee. — Deuteronomy xxxii. 7. " / have considered the days of old, the years of ancient times.'" — Psalm Ixxvii. 5. PRINTED FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION NEW YORK THOMAS WHITTAKER 2 AND 3 Bible House 1884 855S3 t r c t <■? Qt <:i i J To THE REV. Heman Dyer, D.D. This History of his Ancestors IS affectionately inscribed BY his Wife PREFACE. The following pages have not been hastily written, but are the result of much patient, and thoughtful re- search. Great care has been taken that no statement ^, should be made, without ample proof of its correctness. 0^ Numerous books, and musty records, have been consult- ed, and the most persevering, and untiring efforts made, ^ to reach the truth. If mistakes can be found, it is be- ^^ lieved that they are but slight ones. It may be thought ^' that some matters have been introduced, which are foreign to the subject; but in each instance, there has been a motive for doing so. There has been no at- tempt to trace the lineage of the various branches of the Dyer family. The object of the writer was to find the link between the noble-hearted martyr, Mary Dyre — her brave husband — and that branch of their descendants for which she has a particular regard. It is believed that much of interest will be found, in the book, to any bearing the name, and certainly all are 6 PREFACE. justified in feeling both pride and pleasure, who can trace their lineage back to that remarkable band of Exiles, who left their native land for conscience' sake, came to this wilderness, and, after years of trial, toil, and embarrassment, most cheerfully and nobly borne, laid the foundation for the rich inheritance we now en- joy. Such an ancestry is indeed a " precious heritage." " Yet, remember! 'tis a crown That can hardly be thine own, Till thou win it by some deed That with glory fresh shall feed Their renown!" Cornelia C. Joy-Dyer. New Yokk, March, 1884. -> SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. Fifteen years after the Pilgrims of the Mayflower had landed on Plymouth Rock, we find the first record of William and Mary Dyre, in Boston. A family tradition says that two brothers and a sister — Edward, George, and Tabitha Dyre — came from England to Boston in the Mayflower, about 1627 or 1629. With them, were the son of one brother and the daughter of the other — William and Mary. The cousins married; when^ it is not known. As it has been impossible to ascertain any other maiden name for Mary Dyre, the inference is that the tradition may be a correct one. Gerard Croese in his "History of the Quakers," quaintly describes her as " a person of no mean extract or parentage, of an estate pretty plentiful, of a comely stature and countenance, of a piercing knowledge in many things, of a wonderful sweet and pleasant dis- course." Governor John Winthrop, in his Journal dated 1638, speaks of her as " a very promp, and fair woman, of a very proud spirit." " Thus," says Drake in his " New England Legends," " we have, in her. 8 SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. the portrait of a comely woman of fine presence, high spirit, a fair share of education, and possessing, more- over, a soul endowed with the purpose of an evangelist, or, at need, a martyr." The Dyre family, like many others in that day, had left the refinements of an English home, and braved the discomforts of the western wilderness, in order to enjoy the blessings of religious liberty. William and Mary Dyre united with the church of which the Rev. Mr. Wilson, (afterwards so malignant in his persecution of the Quakers) was the pastor, and on the 20th of December, 1635, their son Samuel was baptized. The following March, William Dyre was made freeman. As this act gave him the elective franchise, and was not bestowed without a cer- tain amount of property, it is probable that he was a man of some means, when this privilege was conferred upon him. The name Dyre has, like many names in this country, been spelled in various ways by different branches of the family. We find it thus written — Dier, Dhier, Dyor, Dyar, Dyre and Dyer, — the last being the spelling by which the name is now known, both in England and America. William, of Boston, wrote his name Dyre, as his ancestors had done for many years, and thus it continued for several genera- tions in this country. In Anglo-Saxon the adjective dyre means " strong — bold." In the days of Chaucer, dyre meant " dear," and he says : " Farewelle, dyre herte, chef yn remembraunce, And ever schalle unto the oure y dy." It is not known how much the ancestors of William SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 9 Dyre were governed by these considerations in spelling their names, but the Anglo-Saxon meaning probably had its influence. About the time that the Dvre family came among the Puritans of New England, Roger Williams, originally from Wales, and a graduate of Pembroke College, Cambridge, then a young man of thirty-two years of age, had made his appearance, and taken a decided stand against many of the views of the founders of Massachusetts, who came to secure freedom for the exercise of their own religious opinions, but were zealous in putting down all those who differed from them. He believed in religious freedom, not only for his own opinions, but for those of all others. He thought that the law ought to be used to keep people from crime, but that it had nothing to do with their religious belief. He did not approve of obliging people to attend church, unless they wished to do it. He did not think it right to choose the magistrates from the church members only, or to make people pay to support the cliurch unless they wished. There were many who shared these views, but had not the courage to avow them, knowing it might bring them into serious difficulties. Petitions, however, were gotten up, protesting against these requirements, and agents were sent about to get signers. They soon got into trouble, and one incident will show how bitter was the feeling against them. My ancestor, Thomas Joy, in an unwary moment, was persuaded to carry a petition for signa- tures. John Winthrop, Esq., first Governor of the colony of Massachusetts Bay, makes this record in his 10 SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. Journal : " There was, also, one Thomas Joy, a young fellow, whom they had employed to get hands for the petition. He began to be very busy, but was laid hold on and kept in irons about four or five days, and then he humbled himself, confessed what he knew, and blamed himself for meddling in matters belonging not to him, and blessed God for these irons upon his legs, hoping they would do him good., while he lived ! So he was let out upon reasonable bail." A novel way of taking iron as a tonic ! Roger Williams talked so boldly against the es- tablished laws, that the Massachusetts magistrates de- cided to send him back to England. He heard of this intention and fled, in mid winter, from his home in Salem, and wandered in the wilderness for fourteen weeks, "sorely tost in a bitter season," he says, "not knowing what bread or bed did mean." This was in January, 1636. It has been shrewdly said that, " when the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock they fell upon their knees, and shortly after, fell upon the aborigines." Roger Williams, however, pursued a different course. He sought the friendship of the Indians, and by kindness and attention, making them presents, and visiting them, as his letters de- scribe, " in their filthy, smoky holes, to gain their tongue," he overcame the shyness of old Canonicus, and won the esteem of the high-spirited Miantinomo. It proved well for himself, and for New England, that this intercourse was maintained. He crossed the Narragansett Bay, with five companions, in an Indian SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 11 canoe, and the first place where he landed, he called Providence, thus acknowledghig his gratitude to God. There were no white settlers in that region ; and Canonicus and Miantinomo were sachems over the Narrasan setts, and resided on the island of Canonicut in the Narragansett Bay. It was from them that Mr. Williams obtained his first deed of the lands about Providence. This deed bears date March 24, 1637, and it mentions a sale of lands to him, and a large tract of country, which, " in consideration of the many kindnesses and services he hath continually done for us, we doe freely give unto him." " It was not price and money," says Roger Williams, " that could have purchased Rhode Island, but it was obtained by love." But he kept nothing himself ; he gave away his lands to those he thought most in want, and only desired that a shelter might be found for " persons distressed for conscience." Many such came in proc- ess of time ; for the " Antinomian controversy," as it was called, had caused great disturbance in Boston. The leaders of it, the Rev. John Wheelwright, and his sister-in-law, Mrs. Ann Hutchinson, promulgated their views so freely that they were banished from the colony — the former going to the head-waters of the Piscataqua, and the latter following Roger Williams. Williarti Dyre had not remained a silent spectator in all this controversy. He warmly espoused the cause of Wheelwright; and to use his own words, " because his hand was to the seditious writing and defended the sanu,^'' he was disfranchised and dis- 12 SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. armed, and finally was driven out of Massachusetts Colony, to the new settlement formed by Roger Williams. Mary Dyre had taken a prominent part in the Antinomian controversy, whilst her force of character, and vigorous understanding, no doubt, caused her to be regarded as a formidable opponent by the orthodox Puritans. When Mrs. Hutchinson was cast out of the church, young Mrs. Dyre walked out with her, in presence of the whole congregation. A fact recorded by Governor Winthrop. The brave woman, even then, was not afraid to " show her colors." Soon after reaching their new home, William Dyre joined seventeen others, and they bought the island of Rhode Island, then called Aquid- neck, or the " Isle of Peace," — a name which should have been retained, but Governor Coddington thought otherwise, and, from a fancied resemblance to the Isle of Rhodes in the Mediterranean Sea, he changed the name, and it soon became known as Rhode Island. Pocasset was the Indian name of the place where the first English settlement upon Aquid- neck was established. Ten coats, and twenty hoes, were given to the resident Indians to vacate the lands, and five fathoms of wampum were paid to the local sachem. Before leaving Providence, this civil com- pact was drawn up and signed : " 7th day of the 1st month (IVIarch), 1638. "We, whose names are underwritten, do hereby solemnly, in the presence of Jehovah, incorporate our- SOME RECOKDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 13 selves into a body politic ; and as he shall help, will submit our persons, lives, and estates unto our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and to all those perfect and most absolute laws of His, given us in His holy word of truth, to be guided and judged thereby. " Exodus, xxiv. 3, 4. II. Ohron. xi. 3. II. Kings, xi. 17." Its signers were William Coddington, John Clarke, William Hutchinson, John Coggeshall, Wm. Aspin- wall, Samuel Wilbore, John Porter, John San ford, Edward Hutchinson, Jr., Thomas Savage, William Dyre, William Freeborne, Philip Shearman, John Walker, Richard Carder, Wm. Baulstone, Edward Hutchinson, Sr., Henry Bull. The names of Roger Williams and Randall Holden appear as witnesses. On that day, William Dyre was chosen the first clerk of the colony. He was also chosen clerk when New- port was settled in 1639. Upon consolidation of the towns into "Providence Plantation in Narragansett Bay in New England " in 1647, he was General Re- corder ; in 1648, he was Clerk of Assembly ; and in 1650, Attorney-General. These ofiicial positions show the high estimation in which he was evidently held. A year after the settlement at Pocasset, the colony had increased so greatly, that a division was deemed expe- dient. A meeting was held, at which the following agreement was entered into by the signers, by whom the settlement of Newport was commenced on the southwest side^of the island : 14 SOME KECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. " Pocasset on the 28th of the 2d, 1639. " It is agreed by us, whose hands are underwritten, to propagate a plantation in the midst of the island or elsewhere ; and doe engage ourselves to bear equall charges, answerable to our strength and estates in common ; and that our determination shall be by major voice of judge and elders, the judge to have a double voice." Present : William Coddington, Judge. Nicholas Gaston, John Coggeshall, Wm. Breton, John Clarke, Jeremy Gierke, Thomas Hazard, Henry Bull, Elders. William Dyre, Clerk. In " Extracts from Rhode Island Colonial Records, papers never before published, relating to the original grant of lands to the early settlers of Newport, R. I.," it is stated that " William Dyre having exhibited his bill under the Treasurer's hand unto the sessions held on the 10th of March, 1640, wherein appears full sat- isfaction to be given for seventy-five acres of land, lying within the precincts of such bounds, as by the committee, by order appointed, did bound it withal, viz.: To begin at the river's mouth, over against Coaster's Harbour, and so by the sea, to run up to a marked stake, at Mr. Coddington's corner, and so down, upon an easterly line to a marked tree over against the Great Swamp, and so two rods within the swamp, at the two deepest corners of the clear land, the one at the southeast corner, and the other upon a SOME BECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 15 straight line in the northeast, marked by stakes, and so down to a marked tree by the river side ; the river being his bounds to the mouth thereof. v,^ith a home lot and a parcel of meadow and upland lying between Mr. Jeremy Clarke's meadow, and Mr. Jeoffrey's at the north end of the harbour, and north upon the highway, with ten acres allowed by the town order for his travelling about the island, lying within the for- mer bounds, which is his proportion. "This, therefore, doth evidence and testify, that all those parcels of land before specified, amounting to the number of eighty-seven acres, more or less, is fully impropriated to said William Dyre and his heirs for ever." This land is beautifully situated on Narragansett Bay, opposite Coaster's Island, and is at the extreme end of what is called " Old Newport." When I visited the place in September, 1883, I found an old family burial ground of the Dyres, which is protected by a high, strong fence, and is literally " impropriated to the heirs of William Dyre, foreve7\''^ It was very touching to look upon this " God's acre," the only relic left to show who were the proprietors of that lovely spot, more than two centuries ago. With Longfellow, " I like that ancient Saxon phrase which calls The burial ground God's acre! It is just. It consecrates each grave within its walls, And breathes a benison o'er the sleeping dust." 16 SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. Many of the inscriptions on the tombstones are leg- ible, but undoubtedly, many stones liave been broken, and destroyed, by the ravages of time. It is probable, also, that there were some interments, with no stones to mark the last resting place of those who were buried there. The oldest stone legible is that of Desire Dyre, 1707, and the last interment was that of Wm. Dyre of South Kingstown, September, 1797, aged 91 years. Be- sides this estate and some other lands, William Dyre of Newport, owned an island in Narragansett Bay con- taining 600 acres which was called " Dyre's Island," and still bears his name. On the 5th August, 1670, he gave it to his son William. After the settlement of Rhode Island, many people of various opinions went there, and it used to be said that any man who had lost his religion would be sure to find it again, at some village in Khode Island ! " The laws of the colony were based on the plan of perfect religious toleration, and good Roger Williams would not permit any thing else. In the mean time, there were various organizations for the protection of the laws. A formal act of the whole peo- ple passed at this time, will set their regard for justice and their care in providing for its administration, in still clearer light. " By the Body Politicke in the Isle of Aquitteneck, inhabiting this present 25th of 9th month, 1639. " In the fourteenth yeare of y' Raign of our Soveraign Lord, King Charles. It is agreed, that as natural sub- jects to our Prince, and subject to his Lawes, all matters that concerne the Peace shall be by those that are officers SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 17 of the Peace transacted ; And all actions of the case, on Debt, shall be in such Courts as by order are here ap- pointed and, by such Judges as are deputed, heard and legally determined. "Given at Niew-Port on the Quarter Courte day which was adjourned till y' day. " William T>yre^ Secretary." At the first General Court of Election ever held in Newport, in 1640, various officers were elected; among them, William Coddington Governor, William Dyre Secretary. The first General Assembly met at Portsmouth, 1647, when William Dyre was chosen Eecorder. They agreed upon a body of laws, chiefly taken from the laws of England, with the addition of a few suited to their par- ticular circumstances. The code, which contains noth- ing except civil regulations, concludes thus : " Other- wise than thus, what is hei-ein forbidden, all men may walk as their consciences persuade them, every one in the name of his God. And let the lambs of the Most High walk, in this colony, without molestation, in the name of Jehovah, their God, for ever and ever." Governor Coddington, it is said, was "among the most turbulent spirits." He was strongly attached to the King's party, against that of the Protector, and main- tained that his authority was paramount in the govern- ment of the colony. In 1649, Coddington went to Eng- land, and found King Charles already beheaded, and the Commonwealth declared. He obtained a hearing of the 2 18 SOME RECOKDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. Council, and received a commission to govern the island of Rliode Island, and Canoniciit, during his life, with a council of six men, to be named by the people and approved by himself. The alarm felt throughout the colony was great, and preparations were immediately made to send delegates to England, to obtain a revoca- tion of Coddington's power. John Clarke, Roger Will- iams, and William Dyre were sent, and accomplished their important errand. An order of council was is- sued, vacating the commission of Coddington, and ordering the towns again to unite under the charter. The mission was successful, at every point. Two of the agents remained in England, on their private bus- iness, and also to sustain the rights of the colony, while Williaon Dyre returned home with the joyful news, leaving his wife, who had accompanied him, in England. This was in 1652. Some time afterward, when Cod- dington was elected Commissioner, and there was great dissatisfaction, ha was compelled to submit to the au- thority of the colony in these words : " I, William Cod- dington, do hereby submit to y® authoritie of His High- ness in this Colonic, as it is now" united, and that, with all my heart." In 1653, active measures were taken against the Dutch, who were sending exploring parties, and making claims along Long Island Sound. William Dyre received a commission to act against the enemy, and for a time commanded a privateer. The commis- sion " constituted Captain John Underhill Commander- in-Chief upon the land, and Captain William Dyre Commander-in-Chief at sea; 3'et '"to join in counsel, SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 19 to be assistant each to the other, for the propagating of the service promised." How much maritime skill William Djre possessed has not come down to us, but he seems to have been ready for any emergency. His dislike of Coddington continued all these years, and there seemed little probability of any harmony between them. In an article on " Highways," from the Colonial Land Evidence, he speaks of a " highway from the town, laid out, of two poles wide, to William Dyre's farm, and so to lead to the lauds on the north side of the town, viz.: the meadows, Mr. Coddington's cow pasture, the Artillery garden, etc." He significantly adds, " Thus much I have said and do affirm to the best of my un- derstanding and knowledge, in the common good, wherein all men have right, and if any one is impeached the whole is wronged (as to concerning highways through which all have propriety of free egress). And because this particular doth emearge to that which is committed to our care, I do declare, in my observation, two or three impediments : First, Mr. Coddington, in that highway that goes to the Artillery garden and burying place, he hath set near sixty poles of fencing upon the highway, six feet at least, at the north end. Let them, therefore, that know any injury in this kind, put it down, under their hands, as I now have done, and be ready to make it good, as I am, so shall we avoid hypocrisy, dissimulation, back-bitting, and secret wolveish devourings, one of another, and declare ourselves men, which, how unmanlike the practice of some sycovents are, is and may safely 20 SOME KECORDS OF THE PTER FAMILY. be demonstrated : Therefore, let all that love the light come forth to the light and show their deeds. So saith William Dyre. This as a record, I give forth to be a record, from the simple and honest intent of ray heart and soul, this 15th February, 1654." Certainly no one can accuse William Dyre of a want of frankness, and he seems always to have been most honorable in his intention, and just in his dealings. His dislike of Governor Coddington was always ready to manifest itself. This dislike was shared by many others, and a letter was addressed to Oliver Cromwell, setting forth the complaints of the colonists, to which he replied by letter March 29th, 1655, telling them that they were to " proceed in their government according to the tenor of their charter, taking care of the peace and safety of those plantations, that neither through any intestine commotions, or foreign invasions, there do arise any detriment or dishonor to this commonwealth." He adds, "And so we bid you farewell, and rest your loving friend, Oliver, P." As their " loving friend " did not long remain Protec- tor, a very liberal charter was granted by King Charles II., July 8, 1663, and remained in force for many years. In 1664, the royal commissioners having nearly completed the subjugation of the Dutch provin- ces, had their headquarters on board the English fleet lying in the harbor of New York. A delegation, con- sisting of John Clarke, who had lately returned home, Captain John Cranston, and Wm. Byre, was sent on with a letter from the authorities of Ehode Island, ex- SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 21 pressing the gratitude of the colony to his Majesty for the charter, and congratulating the commissioners. It is pleasant to know that, after various litigations with Coddington for many years, William Dyre and he were formally reconciled to each other May 14, 1656. But a great sorrow was in store for William Dyre. "When he left England in 1652, his wife remained there with her relatives. One can imagine her delight in seeing once more the beautiful land of her birth, after all the hardships of this western wilderness. Dur- ing her visit of five years in Great Britain, Mary Dyre became a Friend, and was a minister of that society, at the time of her return to the forbidden port of Boston. The year 1656 will be darkly mem- orable in the annals of New England, for the arrival of the Quakers, and the commencement of their per- secution in Boston. The appearance of this "cursed sect of heretics," as they were called, so alarmed the Puritans, that a day of public humiliation was ap- pointed to be held in all the churches, mainly on tlieir account. A stringent law was enacted for their sup- pression, and two years later, their tenets were made a capital offence. Fines, imprisonment, whipi)ing, banishment, mutilation, and death, were inflicted upon them. The wildest fanaticism on the part of the Quakers was met by frenzied bigotry on the part of the Puritans. Such was the most miserable state of affairs, when Mary Dyre, in 1657, returned to the land of her adoption. She had no knowledge of what liad 22 SOME EECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. been done in Massachusetts, but was at once seized, and cast into prison. When her husband (who had not adopted the faith of tlie Friends) heard of her imprisonment, he came from Rhode Island, and succeeded in obtaining her re- lease, and leave to take her home, after becoming " bound in a great penalty not to lodge her in any town of the colony, nor to permit any to have speech with her on the journey." What a meeting for the long-parted husband and wife, and how humiliating such a concession ! Mary Dyre spent some time in her Newport home, and then ventured again into Massachusetts, to carry comfort and cheer, to her captiv^e fellow-believers there, feeling that she went in obedience to the divine call. She was again imprisoned, and at her arraignment before Governor Endicott she "gave no other answer but that she denied our law, and came to bear witness against it, and could not choose but come." One cannot but think, in this connection, of the often quoted saying of grand old Martin Luther, when he made his defence at the Diet of Worms. "Here standi. lean do no otherwise. God help me !" As Marj^ Dj^re's brave determination could not be conquered, Governor Endicott pronounced the sen- tence of death upon her. " After Mary Dyer had heard her sentence, she only replied by the significant words, ' The will of the Lord be done.' And when Endicott impatiently exclaimed, ' Take her away, marshal,' she added, ' Yea, joyfully I SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 23 go ; ' for her heart was filled witli heavenly consolation from the love of Christ, and from the thought that she was counted worthy to suffer for His sake. She told the marshal that it was unnecessarv for him to ofuard her to the prison. 'I believe you, Mrs. Dyre,' he answered, * but I must do as I am commanded.' From her prison she addressed an ' Appeal to the Kulers of Boston,' in which she asks nothing for herself, but manifests the courage of an apostle contending for the truth, and the tenderness of a woman, feeling for the sufferings of her people. Her appeal is pervaded throughout, by a simple and touching dignity. She writes : ' "Whereas, I am by many charged with the guiltiness of my own blood ; if you mean in my coming to Boston, I am therein clear and justified by the Lord, in whose will I came, who will require my blood of you, be sure, who have made a law to take away the lives of the innocent servants of God, if thev come amonor you, who are called by you cursed Quakers ; although I say I am a living witness for them and the Lord, that he hath blessed them, and sent them unto you : therefore, be not found fisjliters ao-ainst God, but let my counsel and request be accepted with you to repeal all such laws, that the truth and servants of the Lord may have free passage among you, and you be kept from shedding innocent blood, which I know there are many among you would not do, if they knew it so to be. I have no self ends, the Lord knoweth : for if my life were freely granted by you it would not avail me. 24 SOME KECOEDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. nor could I expect it of you, so long as I should daily hear or see the sufferings of these people, my dear brethren, with whom my life is bound up, as I have done these two years ; and now it is like to increase, even unto death, for no evil doing but coming among you. Was ever the like laws heard of among a peo- ple that profess Christ come in the flesh ? And have such no other weapons but such laws to fight against spiritual wickedness, withal, as you call it ? Woe is me for you ! I leave these lines with you, appealing to the faithful and true witness of God, which is one in all consciences, before whom we must all appear — with whom I shall eternally rest in ever- lasting joy and peace, whether you will hear or forbear. With Him is my reward, with whom to live is my joy, and to die is my gain, though I had not had your forty-eight hours' warning for the preparation of the death of Maiy Dyre. Oh, let none of you put this good day far from you, which verily, in the light of the Lord, I see approaching, even to many in and about Boston, which is the bitterest and darkest pro- fessing place, and so to continue so long as you have done, that ever I heard of. Let the time past, there- fore, suffice for such a profession as brings forth such fruits as these laws are. In love and in the spirit of meekness, I again beseech you, for I have no enmity to the persons of any ; but you shall know that God will not be mocked ; but what ye sow, that shall ye reap for Him, that will render to every one according to the deeds done in the body, whether good or evil. Even so be it, saith Mary Dyre.' " SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 25 It is said that on the day preceding that appointed for the execution, Mary Dyre's eldest son (Samuel) ar- rived in Boston, and was allowed to remain all night with his mother ; he came in the vain hope of inducing her to make such concessions as might be the means of saving her life. Boston Common was separated by the distance of a mile from the jail, and the pris- oners were escorted bv two hundred men, armed with halberds, guns, swords, and pikes, in addition to many horsemen. The drummers were ordered to walk im- mediately before the captives, and to beat more loudly, if they should attempt to speak. William Robinson and Marmaduke Stevenson, who had experienced the blessedness of living under a higher and holier law than any mere human authority, felt that the Lord still had need of them to testify for him in this colony, and had remained there, at the peril of their lives. They also were condemned to death, and went with Mary Dyre to the scaffold, "with great cheerfulness," saying '"We suffer not as evil-doers, but as those who have testilied and manifested the truth.'' From " A History of the Christian People called Quakers," by William Sewel, I quote the conclusion of this terrible tragedy. " Mary Dyre, seeing her companions hanging dead before her, also stepped up the ladder ; but, after her dress was tied about her feet, the noose put about her neck, and her face covered with a handkerchief, which the priest Wilson lent the hangman, just as she was about to be executed, a cry was heard : ' Stop ! she is reprieved I ' Her feet then being loosed, they bade her come down. 26 SOME EECOEDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. But she, whose mind was already, as it were, in Heaven, stood still, and said she was then willing to suffer as her brethren did, unless they would annul their wicked law. Little heed was given to what she said ; but they took her down, and the mai'shal and others, taking her by the arms, carried her to prison again. That she was freed from the gallows, this time, was at the interces- sion of her son, to whojn, it seems, they could not then resolve to deny that favor. She, now having heard why she was reprieved, wrote the next day, being the 28th of October, 1659, the following letter to the Court : " ' Once more to the General Court assembled in Bos- ton, speaks Mary Dyre, even as before. My life is not accepted, neither availeth me, in comparison of the lives, and liberty of the truth, and servants of the living God, for which, in the bowels of love and meekness, I sought you; yet nevertheless, with wicked hands, have you put two of them to death, which makes me to feel that the mercy of the wicked is cruelty. I rather choose to die than to live, as from you, as guilty of their innocent blood ; therefore, seeing my request is hin- dered, I leave you to the righteous Judge and Searcher of all hearts, who, with the pure measure of light He hath given to every man to profit withal, will, in his due time, let you see whose servants you are, and of whom you have taken counsel, which I desire you to search into, but all his counsel hath been slighted, and you would none of his reproofs. Read your portion : Proverbs, i. 24 to 32. '' ' "When I heard your last order read, it was a disturb- SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 27 ance unto me that was so freely offering up my life to Him tliat gave it to me, and sent me hither so to do, which obedience he gloriously accompanied with his presence, and peace and love in me, in which I rested from my labors till, by your order and the people. I was so far disturl^ed that I could not retain any more of the words thereof, than that I should return to prison and there remain forty and eight hours ; to which I submitted, finding nothing from the Lord to the con- trary, that I may know what His pleasure and counsel is concerning me, on whom I wait therefore, for he is my life and the length of my days ; and, as I said be- fore, I came at His command, and go at His command. " 'Mary Dyre.' "The magistrates, now perceiving that the putting "William R,ol)inson and Marmaduke Stevenson to death caused great discontent among the people, resolved to send away Mary Dyre, thereby to calm their minds a little. And so she was put on horseback, and by four horsemen conveyed fifteen miles towards Rhode Island, where she was left with a horse, and a man, to be con- veyed the rest of the way ; which she soon sent back, and so repaired home. By the style of her letters and her undaunted carriage, it appears that she had indeed many extraordinary qualities. She was also of a comely and grave countenance, of a good family and estate, and a mother of several children ; but her husl)and, it seems, was of another persuasion. "After her return to Rhode Island, she went from 28 SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. thence to Long Island, where she spent the most part of the winter, and then, coming home again, she was moved to return to that bloody town of Boston, whither she came on the 21st of the third month, 1660, and on the 31st she was sent for by the General Court. Being come, the Governor, John Endicott, said : ' Are you the same Mary Dyre that was here before ? ' And it seems he was preparing an evasion for her, as she might easily have replied 'No.' But she was so far from disguising, that she answered, undauntedly : ' I am the same Mary Dyre that was here at the last General Court.' Then Endicott said : ' You will own yourself a Quaker, will you not ? ' To which Mary Dyre said, 'I own myself to be reproachfully called so.' And Endicott said the sentence was passed upon her at the last General Court, and now, likewise. ' You must re- turn to the prison, and there remain till to-morrow, at nine o'clock ; then from thence you must go to the gallows, and there be hanged till you are dead.' To which Mary Dyre said : ' This is no more than what thou saidst before.' And Endicott returned : ' But now it is to be executed ; therefore, prepare yourself ; to-morrow, at nine o'clock.' She then spoke thus : ' I came in obedience to the will of God, the last General Court, desiring you to repeal your unrighteous laws of banishment on pain of death ; and that same is my work now, and earnest request ; although I told you that, if you refused to repeal them, the Lord would send others of his servants to witness against them.' Where- upon Endicott asked her if she was a prophetess? And SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 29 she answered that she spoke the words that the Lord spoke in her, and now the thing was come to pass. And beginning to speak of her call, Endicott cried, ' Away with her ! away with her ! ' So she was brought to the prison-house where she was before, and kept close shut up until the next day. About the appointed time the marshal, Michaelson, came, and called her to come hastily ; and coming into the room where she was, she desired him to 'stay a little;' and, speaking mildly, said she ' should be ready presentl3\' But he, being of a rough temper, said he ' could not wait upon her, but she should now wait upon him.' One Margaret Smith, her companion, being grieved to see such hard- heartedness, spoke something against their unjust laws and proceedings. To which he said, ' You shall have your share of the same.' Then Mary Dyre was brought forth, and, with a band of soldiers, led through the town, the drums being beaten before and behind her, and so continued, that none might hear her speak all the way to the place of execution, which was about a mile. With this guard she came to the gallows, and, being gone up the ladder, some said to her that, if she would return, she might come down and save her life. To which she replied, ' Nay, I cannot ; for, in ol^edieuce to the will of the Lord I came, and in His will I abide, faithful to the death.' Then Captain John "Webb said, that she had been there before, and had the sentence of banishment upon pain of death, and broken the law in coming again now, and therefore she was guilty of her own blood. To which she returned : ' Nay, I came to 30 SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. keep blood-guiltiness from you, desiring you to repeal the unrighteous and unjust law of banishment upon pain of death made against the innocent servants of the Lord ; therefore, my blood will be required at your hands, who wilfully do it. But for those that do it in the simplicity of their hearts, I desire the Lord to for- give them. I came to do the will of my Father, and in obedience to His will I stand, even to death.' The priest, Wilson, said : ' Mary Dyre, O repent ! O repent ! and be not so deluded and carried away by the deceit of the devil.' To this Mary Dyre answered : ' Nay, man, I am not now to repent.' And being asked by some, whether she would have the elders pray for her, she said : 'I know never an elder here.' Being farther asked whether she would have any of the people to pray for her, she answered that she desired the prayers of all the people of God. When accused of having said she had been in Paradise, she replied without hesitation : ' Yea, I have been in Paradise these several days. This is to me an hour of the greatest joy I ever had in this world. No ear can hear, no tongue can utter, no heart can understand the sweet incomes and the refreshings of the Spirit of the Lord which I now feel ! ' In this frame of mind, this honest, valiant woman died, — a martyr to her faith." A Friend who had united in her ministerial services on Shelter Island, sums up his description of her, by saying: "She even shined in the image of God." There will always be a difference of opinion as to the course she pursued ; but no one can question her won- SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 31 derful bravery, and certainly, not many can now be found, who would have the courage to imitate it. The raotto of one branch of the Dyer family, " Terrere nolo, timere nescio" (To affright, I would not — to fear, I know not), seems to have been applicable in her case. A strong sense of duty, and an intense hatred of wrong, influenced her actions ; and while we may, perhaps, feel that it was a mistaken duty, we cannot but admire and reverence the real nobleness, and grandeur, of her char- acter. The " Divine immanence," of which our Quaker poet, John G. Whittier, speaks, seems to have lifted her above all the sufferings of earth, and given her a faith which nothing could weaken — a courage which never faltered. Edward Wanton, a member of one of the most dis- tinguished families of Ehode Island, and the first of the name in America, was an officer of the guard, when Mary Dyre suffered death. The unshaken firmness with which she submitted to her fate moved Wanton, greatly. " Alas, mother ! " said he, as he went into his house after the execution, " we have been murdering the Lord's people ;" and taking off his sword, he made a solemn vow never to wear it again. Kot long after- ward, he became a member of the society of Friends. Amelia Opie, in her excellent work entitled " Illustra- tions of Lying," mentions Mary Dyre as one of the in- stances of those M'hom even the fear of death has not been able to terrify into falsehood, because they were supported in their integrity by the fear of God. As William Dyre had not adopted the tenets of the 32 SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. Friends, it could hardly have been possible for him to sympathize in the views of his wife ; and no doubt, her course did not always meet with his approval. He wrote many pathetic letters to Governor Endicott, sometimes " blaming her," but speaking of her as his " dear wife." She spent much time away from home, in ministering to the comfort of those who needed her aid. It has been said that " no Puritanical power, no human hand, was strong enough to suppress the heav- en-implanted and divinely directed zeal of the Friends to share their spiritual treasure with others." A few days before Mary Dyre's death, her husband in great anguish of mind, he being wholly ignorant that she -meditated this fatal step, wrote to the General Court of Massachusetts, once more imploring its clemency. His entreaties would have moved a stone to pity. But it was now, too late. In a letter to Governor Endicott dated May 27, 1660, he says, " I have not seen my wife lately and, therefore, cannot tell how, in the frame of her spirit, she was moved thus again, to run so great a hazard to herself, and come to your jurisdiction. Unhappy journey ! " Those were, indeed, bitter days for "William Dyre, and for his family. There were many other instances of most revolting cruelty practiced upon persons not resident in Ehode Island, and which continued till Charles II. peremptorily forbade any further murders to be perpetrated in the name of God, by those infuri- ated zealots. An Eno-lish writer has said that " the most important fact concerning Mary Dyre is that of her SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 33 murder having been the motive of the wonderfully liberal charter granted by Charles IL, to the province of Rhode Island, making it the lirst spot of earth on the globe, whereon religious toleration and absolute freedom of worship were established by law. What influence the Dyres may have possessed at court is not known, but it is possible to account for the interest taken in her fate by Charles II., (who is not to be credited with any purely humane considera- tions,) from the fact that Mai-y had probably descended from Sir Ludovick Dyer, Baronet, of Stoughton, Hampshire county, whose patent bears date of 8th June, 1627, (temp. Charles I.)." Arnold, in his history of Rhode Island, says of the Puritans : " In estimating their characters, we are too apt to judge them by the light of the present day. They founded a colony for their own faith, without any idea of tolerating others. For doing this, they have been chai-ged with bigotry, fanaticism, and folly. Every epithet has been applied to them, that can be employed to express detestation of the conduct of men acting un- der a sober conviction of truth. Regarding their con- duct from the standpoint of the nineteenth century, all this may be just. The like proceedings in this age, would deserve the severest sentence of condemnation. But not so, two hundred years ago. The bigotry of the Puritans was the bigotry of their times. In every act, they illustrated the spirit of the age." From this point of view, we must forgive them for the bitterness of a persecution which brought the life of Mary Dyrc 3 34 SOME RECOKDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. to an untimely end on the 1st of June, 1660. It has been said of her that she was "one of those rare spirits who 2i.YQ predestined to become martyrs and saints to the faith they profess." The sons of William and Mary Dyre were Samuel, William, Henry, Mahershal- alhashbaz, and Charles. The following record shows that there were, at least, two daughters : " July 25, 1670, Samuel and Henry Dyre bind themselves to their father, William Dyre, to pay to their sister (eld- est daughter of William) £100 within three years after the death of their father, and to Elizabeth Dyre (second daughter of William) the sum of £40 when eighteen years of age." The remarkable Scripture name given to the fourth son, can be found in the eighth chapter of Isaiah, first verse. It is a striking illustration of the great fondness for Old Testament names, which prevailed at that time, — a fondness which, it is said, brought Beelzebub into use. The tragic death of the wife and mother must have greatly saddened the lives of William Dyre and his family; but unfortunately, our accounts of them are very meagre. The commercial prosperity of Newport began early in the history of the country, when, owing to its magnificent harbor, it be- came one of the principal ports of the New World, and for a time rivalled New York in its general com- merce, and surpassed it in the special branches of whal- ing and trade with Africa and the Indies. It is pain- ful to add that many of the fortunes which were ac- cumulated were the result of a vigorous prosecution of the African slave trade. On the breaking out of the SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 35 Revolutionary War, Newport was, to a great extent, de- serted by its inhabitants and, being left in a defenceless state, was occupied by the British for the three years succeeding 1776. It was used for the most part as a naval station, though some SOOO English and Plessians were, during most of the time, either quartered in the town or encamped in its suburbs. When the town was evacuated in 1779, many buildings were wantonly destroyed. At this time, the inhabitants numbered only about 4000 souls ; and although efforts were at once made to restore its prosperity as a commercial port, it never recovered from the depressing effects of British occupation. It is unfortunate that the town records were either carried off, or destroyed hy the British, for, with them, was lost the only source of in- formation regarding the glory of ante- Revolutionary Newport. The loss of these valuable documents pre- vents us from having much knowledge of the marriages, births, and deaths of members of the Dyre family, or their wills. Neither do we know what were their church relations. William Dyre, after the death of his wife, continued his public services, and was chosen So- licitor for the colony. In 1665, in a petition to the Com- missioners, he offended the authorities by the freedom of his complaints ; and " being reasoned with, admit- ted his fault, in writing, to the Assembly, and received pardon." On May 27th, 1669, it is recorded that " William Dyre, Secretary of the Councell, this day rendered up unto the Councell, the books and ])apers which belonged unto them, and also the scale.'' It is 36 SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. hardly possible that a life of such constant activity and care should pass without leaving its traces upon him, in various v^-ays, and he must at times have been very weary of it. Many years had passed since he first land- ed in America, and how little peace, and quietness, he had known ! His children, too, were beginning to leave him for other homes. William Dyre, Jr., about the time of his mother's death, went to the State of Delaware. There are many of his descendants, among the first families of Delaware and Maryland. The "Wynkoops, Georges, Bradfords. the families of Judge Milligan, of Wilmington, and of the Hon. Lewis Mc- Lane, all belong to the Dyre genesis. Samuel Dyre, the oldest son of William and Mary, married Ann Hutchinson, daughter of Captain Edward Hutchinson, and granddaughter of the famous Ann Hutchinson. She was also a grandniece of the poet, John Dryden. Mrs. Dyre's grandmother is described as " a woman of great intellectual endowments and of masculine enei'gy, to whom even her enemies ascribed unusual mental powers, styling her " the masterpiece of woman's wit," and describing her as " a gentlewoman of an haughty carriage, busy spirit, competent wit, and a voluble tongue ; who, by a remarkable union of char- ity, devotion and ability, soon became the leader not only of her own sex, but of a powerful party in the state and church, so that her opponents have termed her " The Nonsuch." She went first to Providence, and thence to Aquidneck, which had just been pur- chased by the fugitives of her party, and where her SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 37 husband died in 1642. Soon after this bereavement, she removed with her family to a spot near Hurl Gate, within the Dutch jurisdiction, where, in a short time, she and, with the exception of one child, all her house- hold, sixteen in number, were murdered by the Indians in 164:3. Whether her granddaughter, Mrs. Samuel Dyre, inherited Mrs. Hutchinson's talents and graces, we do not know. Mrs. Dyre was early left a widow with two sons, Samuel and Edward, and September 22d, 1679, at Tower Hill, Xarragansett, she married Daniel Yernon, a man of very superior education, who spoke several languages, and was long a tutor in the family of Lodowick Updike, in Xortli Kingstown. She had three children after her marriage to Mr. Yernon — Daniel, Samuel, and Catharine; from them are sprung one of the most distinguished families of Newport. A descendant, William Yernon, was in familiar corre- spondence with La Fayette, Adams, Yiscount Xoailles, Franklin, and other men of note in his day. He was a great friend of learning, and was appointed president of the Redwood Library on the death of its founder and first president ; and the Second Congregational Church owed much to his liberality. He entered heart and soul into the cause of freedom during the Revolu- tion; and it is said that, " to his unflinching devotion to liberty, personal sacrifices, and extraordinary exertions, America, under Providence, owes much of her success upon the sea." Ann Dyre Yernon died January 10th, 1716, and her gravestone is still standing in the Yernon lot at Newport, beside that of her husband. Her 855^3 38 SOME EECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. father, Captain Edward Hutchinson, was actively en- gaged in King Philip's war, and commanded a body of troops. In his will, proved in Boston in 1675, he gives all his Narragansett lands to Elizabeth Winslow, Ann Dyre, and Susanna Hutchinson — the latter afterwards married Nathaniel Coddington, The name of Samuel Dyre appears in various records. In 1661, land in Narragansett, called Misquamokuck (now Westerly), was taken by William Dyre, Sr., Samuel Dyre, and Mahershalalhashbaz Dyre, and^arti- cles of agreement between an Indian captain and others were signed by them. William Dyre was appointed to transcribe the deeds, testimonies, ratifications, etc. At a general meeting, February 17th, 1661-2, William Dyre was chosen surveyor of Misquamokuck. At the court held at Acquedneset, near Wickford, May 20th, 1671, the persons inhabiting here being called to give their eno-asement and desirino; to know whether or no the court, on behalf of the colony, do lay any claim to their possessions which they now inhabit, which persons were Mr. Samuel Dyre and others. To which demand this present court do return unanimously this answer : That on behalf of the colony this court do not lay any claims to their possessions which they now inhabit. May 21st, 1669, Samuel Dyer, of Narragansett, was ap- pointed one of two conservators of his Majesty's peace for the Narragansett country — the other being Richard Smith. The latter had, in 1639, established a trading post, and erected the first English dwelling at Wick- SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 39 ford. In 1656, Mr. Smith leased of the Indians, for 66 years, all the land which now forms the present site of Wickford. A few years afterwards, he leased it again for a thousand years. In 166(», he received a quitclaim deed of nearly, if not quite all, of these lands. Some estimate may be formed of his extensive domain, when we lind that the tract was nine miles long, and three miles in width. Roger Williams named the place Wickford, in honor of a lady guest of Richard Smith's. Smith bought also Mr. Williams' in- terest, including " his trading house, his two big guns, and a small island (Rabbit Island) for goats." The following letter from Roger Williams, with reference to this estate of Richard Smith's, is so quaint that I cannot resist insertinor it, Nahiggonsik, 24th July, 1679, (ut vulgo). " 1st. I, Roger Williams, of Providence, in theNahig- gonsik bay in N. Engl., being (b}' God's mersie) ye first beginner of ye Towne of Providence and of ye Col- ony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, being now neere to Foure Score years of age, yet (by God's mersie) of sound understanding and memorie, doe humbly and faithfully declare yt Mr. Richard Smith, Senior, who, for his conscience to God, left faire possessions in Gloster Shire, and adventured with his Relations and Estate to N. Engl., and was a most ac- ceptable Inhabitant and prime leading man in Taunton in Plymouth Colony. For his conscience' sake (many differences arising) he left Taunton, and came to ye 40 SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. Nahiggonsik country, where, by God's mersie and ye fave of ye Nahiggonsik sachems he broke ye Ice (at his great Charge and Hazard) and put up in ye thickest of ye Barbarians ye first English House amongst them. " 2d. I liumbly testifieyt about forty years (from this date) he kept Possession, comming and going himselfe, children and servants, and he had quiet Possession of his Howsing, Lands and meadow, and there, in his own house, with much serenity of soule and comfort, he yielded up his spirit to God, ye Father of Spirits, in Peace." Never a claim to land in New England was involved in greater uncertainty than this. The fight for its pos- session lasted long after Roger Williams had been placed in his grave. All the surrounding colonies became gradually involved in it. Rhode Island came near be- ing entirely absorbed by Massachusetts and Connecticut. Many were the traditions of long-continued wars and bloody conflicts ; and his Indian neighbors had to tell when Richard Smith settled in Wickford, in the year of our Lord 1639. In October 1674, just before King Philip's war, and a generation after Richard Smith had taken up his abode within it borders. Kings Towne was incorporated. It thus became the seventh town in the colony of Rhode Island, although, in point of fact, it was proba- bly the third settlement. In 1679, the incorporation was reaffirmed. In 1722 the town was divided into North and South Kingstown, the act of legislature providing that North Kingstown be considered the SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 41 elder town. These towns were generally known as the "Narragansett country," and their history is full of in- terest and romance. In South Kingstown occurred the great Narragansett Swamp Fight between the English and the Indians, which resulted in the destruction of the Narragansetts as a tribe. Commodore Oliver Haz- ard Perry, the hero of Lake Erie, was born in South Kingstown. The town of East Greenwich was founded in May, 1677. Five thousand acres were granted to fifty per- sons in consideration of services rendered in King Philip's war, who thus became proprietors of the town, and founders of the new settlement of East Greenwich. The early settlers expected great things of the town. The liberality with which they laid out the streets, shows that they meant that it should be worthy of its future greatness. The names which they bestowed upon them. King, Queen, Marlboro', Duke, London, etc., are proofs of their loyalty to the mother country. In the year 1709, the town purchased a tract of land adjoining its western border, containing thirty-five thousand acres. The first Collector was Thomas Arnold. East Green- wich has the honor to have printed the first calico in America ; some time previous to 1794, a man named Dawson erected print works. Jemima Wilk- inson had a meeting-house there about 1774. On the 31st of October, 1677, one hundred acres of the five thousand were allotted to Henry Dyre. He had also, in 1670 and in 1680, received land by deed from 43 SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. his father, William Dyre, and his brother Samuel. Whether Henry Dyre resided on his land in East Greenwich I have no means of knowing. He died in February, 1690, aged 43 years. When I was in that pretty town in September, 1883, I found but few old records in the office of the town clerk, and most unfort- unately, the town records of North Kingstown were destroyed by fire, some years ago. Undoubtedly in the probate proceedings, much valuable information might have been obtained, which is now forever lost. It is well known, however, that members of the Dyre fam- ily settled on lands bordering on Narragansett Bay. Beautiful estates they were, and tradition tells us of the style which was long kept up among them. In the days of slavery, the colored coachman and footman in livery, were by no means uncommon, and the land was tilled and cultivated by slave labor. When slav- ery was done away with, they probably took the plough in their own hands, and could heartily sing with Burns, " A man's a man for a' that." At what time the name was changed from Dyre to Dyer is not known. In a family cemetery of North Kingston I found one stone only with the old spelling : that of Captain Samuel Dyre, who died April 4th, 1791, in the 34th year of his age. Probably the new spelling was adopted by degrees. The name certainly was not improved by the change, and it is a pity that the spelling of years, was not retained. In a book recently published in England, I find SOME KECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 43 further notices of William, Dyi'e. It is entitled, " Dorothea Scott, of Egerton House, Kent, 1611 to 1680, by G. D. Scull, editor of 'The Evelyns in America.' Printed for private circulation by Perker & Co., Oxford, 1883." It is stated in the book that one John Scott, who came to America, had defrauded Mrs. Dorothea Scott, who " did intrust him with the whole concernes of her estate, which in the end proved fatall to her." The Duke of York commanded Sam- uel Pepys, Secretary to the Admiralty, to collect evi- dence against Scott. This Samuel Pepys is the au- thor of the " Diary " much read and quoted. He had an interview with Captain William Dyre in London, on the 19th September, 1679, and engaged him to collect information in New York and elsewhere, con- cerning Scott's antecedents in America. Captain Dyre wrote to Pepys '* from on board y* ship Bevei\ in y® Downes, y^ 2*^ of 8ber., 1679," and incidentally men- tioned that Mr. Randolph " sends his service." This was Edward Randolph, Charles II. 's commissioner to New England, who made eight voyages aci'oss the At- hintic in nine years. Thomas Lovelace, an important witness for Pepys, was making a visit to England in 1680, and on his return that year to New York, Pepys gave him letters of introduction to Captain Dyre and Sir Edmund Andross. (This Captain Dyre, it is stated, was the husband of Mary Dyre, who was executed in 1660, in Boston, for her professions of Quakerism. It is also stated that the descendants of William Dyre spelled their name Dyer.) Samuel Pepys writes to William Dyre : 44 SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. " September 20th, 1679. " Sib : "Were it not yt y^ Honour of his Majesties and his service is more concerned in it than any inter- est of my owne, I should not hold it so excusable in me to offer y* trouble I am now designing you ; but knowing how acceptable anything is to you wherein His Honour and y** Justice due to His Ministers is con- cerned, I take y^ liberty of putting into your hands an Extract of a letter relating to severall parties by him therein charged upon one Captain John Scott. I am to desire y* so soon as you shall be received where you are now going (and towards w'^^ I wish you a happy voyage), you will use y** speediest and most effectnall means you can of informing yourself e, and enabling me to report to his Majesty, what evidences you can col- lect of y® truth of y* particulars menc'oned in y^ said Extract, and of whatever undue behaviours you shall (upon inquiry into y*" legend of Scott's life in New England, Long Island, and parts adjacent) obtaine y® certaine knowledge of. W''' takeing y*" liberty of re- commending to you, 1 beg you to favour me w"' any commands of yours wherein I may, in some measure, answer yo'' respect to me in this particular, assuring you of my being, with all faithfulness, y"" most humble servant, Samuel Pepts.'' The following letter was written to Samuel Pepys by William Dyre, dated : New York% 4th January, 1680. " Worthy Sir : Yours of the 24th Aug*, by Mr. SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 4:5 Lovelace, I have received, for which great favour of correspondence I own myselfe much obliged, and am unexpressibly rejoiced that Sir Anthony and yourselfe are out of y* pernitious power of that villain Scott, whome, doubtlesse, the hands of Justice one day will reach for all his horrid contrivances and practices w"" condign punishment.- You may please to know hee has a son now gone from here to England, to seek out his flfather, hearing that hee was famous in y^ king- dome. But I doubt y* young man will be disappointed in his expedition ; hee can certainly informe you that his mother is alive in y^ province, and yett, as wee heare, old Scott had the Impudence to make his ad- dresses to y* Lady Yane, and that in a very splendid manner, and had not Death (which some say hee oc- casioned) put a period to her days, he had most miser- ably deluded, deceived, and abused her ladyship. Sir, you will (by the occasion of some like Coll. Scott), have the advantage of seeing my Governor, Sir Ed- mund Andross, in England, who, doubtless, is a person of that great worth and honour as not to have his name or reputation blemished by anything but what is false, envious, and malicious, which has caused the Dukes desires of seeing him at home with all speed, and soe hath given his Excellency the trouble and danger of a severe winter's voyage ; but I hope y* sunshine of his happy returne to us in the Spring, will dispell all those malevolent clouds, and render the people of theis country (under his Maj"*' and Royal Highness dominion) as fortunate as formerly by his prudence 46 SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. and noble government, the continuance of which, to- gether with your health and prosperity, is the hearty desire of yours, etc. etc., William Dyke." England was at this time having serious difficulty with the Dutch, and it may have been that loyalty to his native land, took William Dyre to England. It has been hinted that he " did a little privateering on his own account, and that privateering theii, was com- mon with respectable persons." This charge has never been sustained, and the esteem in which he was held seems to contradict any accusation of unfair or dishonest dealing. In a letter from Koger Wil- liams to his " dear and loving friends and neighbors, of Providence and Warwick," dated from the resi- dence of Sir Henry Yane, at Belleau, in Lincolnshire, April 1st, 1653, he says : " I hope it may have pleased the Most High Lord of sea and land, to bring dear Mr. Dyre unto you." After 1680 we lose all trace of William Dyre. In that year he was collector of cus- toms at New York for the Duke of York. Un- doubtedly the town records taken so unceremoni- ously, by the British, from Newport would have told the tale, now lost to us forever. It is probable that advanced age kept him in America for the rest of his days, and that he died on his Newport farm in 1681. His friend, Roger Williams, died in 1683, aged 84, and it is known that the death of William Dyre oc- curred before that time. As they had been so closely and intimately connected in life, it is pleasant to know SOME RECORDS OF TUE DYER FAMILY. 47 that their descendants have kept up the friendly tie, there havinir been several intermarria£;es amonoj them. Some of our best and most valued citizens are proud to claim descent from these alliances. It has been impossible to trace the liistory of all the children of William, and Mary Dyre ; but I liave been able to lind tl^ most important laics' with reference to the descent of the branch of the family in which I am most interested, and it is this : First. William and Mary Dyre. Second. Samuel, their eldest son, baptized in Bos- ton, December 20th, 1635. Married Anne Hutchin- son, daughter of Captain Edward Hutchinson, grand- daughter of the celebrated Anne Hutchinson, great granddaughter of the Re v. Edward^Marbury, of Lincoln- 'y-f/, u if shire, England, and grandniece of the poet John Dryden. May 21st, 1669, Samuel Dyre was appointed one of two conservators of his Majesty's peace for the Narra- gansett country, and was long engaged in promoting the settlement of that country. Third. Edward Dyre, son of Samuel and Anne Hutchinson Dyre, was born in 1670. He married Mary . Owned a farm in North Kingstown, May 7th, 1712, he petitions to the General Assembly of Rhode Island concerning a highway near his land. Fourth. Edward Dyre, Jr., son of Edward and Mary was born in North Kingstown, January 6th, 1701 — lived in North Kingstown, and was made freeman. May 1st, 1722. In 17-18 was deputy to the General As- sembly from North Kingstown. V t { r c .'^?',/S<_ 48 SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. Fifth. Edward Dyre (son of Edward, Jr.) was born in North Kingstown in 1725. "Was made freeman in May, 1T52. Married Elizabeth Fish, Nov. 29th, 1750. Their children were "William, Charles, Frances, Benja- min, Amherst, Henry., Susannah, Anna, Elizabeth. Sixth. Henry Dyre (son of Edward Dyre, 3d) was born in North Kingstown, July 12th, 1759. On tlie 19th of March, 1787, he married Sarah Coy. Soon after his marriage he went to Shaftesbury, Vermont, and there the following children were born : Moses, Anna, Olive, Lydia, Rufus, Dennis, David, Daniel, Lewis, Heman. His son Dr. Lewis Dyer speaks thus of him : " My father was a modest man. He was a great reader, especially of history. When he went to school he walked three miles, twice a day. He culti- vated intellectual arithmetic with much interest, and in his old age, when his sons were at home, would often reach results by mental process in half the time it required them by the use of slate and pencil. There was much of the ' old school gentleman ' about him." Henry Dyer died January 2d, 1855, aged 95 years. Sarah Coy Dyer died July 26th, 1846, aged 77. Their last years were spent on a farm delightfully situated in the valley between the Green and Equinox ranges of mountains, near the beautiful village of Manchester, Vermont. In this secluded home they reared their family of children, giving them every educational ad- vantage possible, and fitting them for useful citizens. No iron road then ran through that remote valley, no shrill whistle echoing through the mountains gave to SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 49 those dwellers in rural homes intimations of the stir, the gatherings, the quick life, the accelerated move- ments of the populations of cities. They were far away from great centres, which did not, as they now do, report themselves daily — transmit daguerreotypes of their busy, bustling scenes to the quiet village and the lonely farm-house. Children reared amid such surroundings must often have longed to pass those mountain barriers, and as the family of Henry Dyer on " Equinox Farm " grew up, they left their home on the hillside, to take their part in the battle of life. The farm, however, still remains in the family, and is now owned by Douglas Henry Dyer, a grandson of Henry Dyer, Senior. The two following sketches are of the youngest sons of Henry and Sarah Coy Dyer. Lewis Dyer, M.D., son of Henry and Sarah Coy Dyer, was born in Shaftesbury, Vermont, February 24th, 1807. He graduated December, 1828, at the Berkshire Medical Institute, Massachusetts, which was organized under the charter of Williams College. After practicing a few years, at Gloversville, Xew York, he emigrated westward in the summer of 1832. "While visiting his brother. Rev. Heman Dyer, D. D., then connected with Kenyon College, Gambler, Ohio, the trustees of the college and theological seminary, offered him the position of physician to these institu- tions, which he accepted, and filled for a few years. That field being too limited for professional labor, he moved to Mount Vernon, in the same county, where 4 50 SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. he shared, for a time, an office with the Hon. Cohimbus Delano, late Secretary of the Interior — the one dis- pensing plijsic — the other, law and metaphysics. While liere he edited the Whig newspaper of the city, and was a member of the Ohio Whig State Conven- tion, called to consider what action should be taken consequent upon the repeal of the Missouri Compro- mise. While some advocated its restoration, Dr. Dyer said, " Let it stand repealed, but never admit another slave State into the Union," In 1855 he moved to Iowa, but the winters were too severe for his wife and daughter, and, declining a professorship in a medical college at Keokuk, he sought a more genial climate at Du Quoin, Illinois. When the late war broke out he was instrumental in sending many soldiers into the field and, at the personal request of Governor Yates, accepted the position of surgeon to the Eighty-first Illinois regiment, to which office this regiment elected him. On the day he entered the field he was placed upon the operating staff, where he remained for two years, after which he was promoted to the office of surgeon-in-chief of division, the duties of which were both grave and arduous. In justice to the subject of this notice, an episode in his army life should here be noted. Two or three officers of the line, having become displeased with the Doctor, succeeded, by subornation of perjury, in having certain charges secretly preferred against him and forwarded to the Secretary of War. It was a month, or more, before this conspiracy came to the Doctor's SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 51 knowledge. It was then communicated by his colonel, who advised him to resign. This he indignantly refused to do; as, under the circumstances, it would be an admission of guilt and both dishonorable and cow- ardly. He now repaired to General Grant's headquarters and, on learning that a document containing certain charges had been received and forwarded to the Secretary of War, inquired what an innocent, honor- able and determined man should do, to vindicate him- self. Whereupon General Grant at once issued an order to General McPherson to convene a court of inquiry, forthwith, to investigate the matter. Such a court was convened, and the evidence elicited by it not only exculpated the Doctor, but brought to light one of the foulest conspiracies on record. The pro- ceedings of the court, with a letter from General McPherson, were forwarded to the War Department ; but, meantime, an order dismissing Dr. Dyer from the service, with the loss of all pay, was received and read at dress parade. The Doctor was present, and re- marked : "" Gentlemen, this matter will not end here !" Doffing his shoulder straps, and repairing to General McPherson's headquarters, he said to that officer : " General, I have come to tender my services to carry a musket in the ranks!" The corps medical director, who was present, interposed by saying, " If Dr. Dyer wishes to volunteer, I shall be verj' glad to assign him to duty, as we need his services very much.'" This arrangement was entered upon, but shortly terminated 52 SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. bj the prompt restoration of the Doctor to his former position. He was regarded by his associates as a skill- ful, brave and noble officer. A high compliment was paid him, when, at the close of the war, the history of the Illinois troops being called for, by an act of the Legislature, Dr. Dyer was assigned to the duty of writing the history of his command. It must be a pleasant reflection that, being himself the son of a Revolutionary soldier, who fought to establish our government and institutions, he and his two sons, during "the great rebellion," fought to save them. Keturning to Du Quoin after the war, he resumed his profession, and has pursued it ever since, conscious of the confidence and good will of the public and profes- sion, generally. He has ever been an active and effi- cient member and once the president of the Southern Illinois Medical Association — a body of two hundred physicians, all graduates. In 1875, the office of United States examining surgeon was offered him, which he accepted. During the last year, the board, of which he is president, examined over five hundred pensioners. He is the friend of popular education, and much of his life has been connected with educational interests. In politics he is a Republican, but believes the party has been needlessly demoralized by the unscrupulous conduct of demagogues. He has delivered numerous public addresses and lectures on a variety of subjects. On General Grant's return to the United States, after his voyage around the world, and his visit to Mexico, Dr. Dyer, by appointment of his fellow citizens, de- SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 53 livered to him the address of welcome, on his arrival at Du Quoin. He commenced as follows : " General Grant : I need not say, this assemblage of people has no political significance whatever. We are met to greet you, and to welcome you home to your native land. " We have met to show respect to the distinguished general and the magnanimous conqueror ; the ex- President of the United States, the renowned travel- ler, — and the illustrious citizen. We have met to show respect to the private citizen who has been honored above all other men, living or dead, by the crowned heads of Europe and Asia; and who, in the presence of royalty and amid the blandishments of court etiquette and the dazzling splendor of oriental nations, has never uttered a sentiment compromising his per- sonal dignity and his exalted personal character ; but who has always proved the faithful and true exponent of the principles and institutions of his own glorious country." Dr. Dyer has had a large experience in presiding over conventions and public assemblies. He was president of the large liepublican club of the city in which he lives, during the campaigns of Grant, Hayes and Garfield. The most notable occasion of this kind was at a Congressional convention held at Cairo, Illinois, a year or two ago, to nominate a candidate for Congress, which, during its two days' and two nights' continuance, threatened, several times, to break up in a row, and would have done so but for Dr. Dver's 54 SOME EECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. level Lead and firm hand. His life has always been a useful and active one. In December, 1883, he writes to a friend, " I shall be, according to tradition, seventy- seven years old next February, and this has been one of the busiest years of my life !" The Rev. Heman Dyer, D. D., was born in the town of Shaftesbury, Bennington county, Vermont, 9'i/o: on the W^ of September, 1810. He was the son of '^ Henry and Sarah Coy Dyer. His father and all his uncles on his father's side served in the war of the Revolution. One of his uncles became a captain in the service. While Dr. Dyer was yet a child, about six years of age, his father removed to Manchester in the same county and State. Here he spent the rest of his child- hood and early youth, attending the district school during the winter and working on the farm in the summer. When in his fifteenth year he created quite a sensation by commencing the study of Latin, a thing unheard of at that day in a district school. In his six- teenth or seventeenth year he was sent to the academy in Arlington in the same county. Here he pursued his studies preparatory to entering college. Among his instructors were the Rev. Anson B. Hard, the principal of the academy, and the Rev. Dr. Coit, the rector of the parish. To these instructors he became strongly attached, and for them he ever after cherished the sincerest respect. During this period Dr. Dyer taught the district SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 55 school in two of the neighborhoods in Arlington, spending in all about eight months in this occupation. As he was much younger than many of his scholars, he had to assume an air of dignity and importance, which seemed rather comical to himself and his friends. It being the custom for the school-master and the school- mistress to board round among all the families of the district, he thus acquired a kind of knowledge and ex- perience, which served a most valuable purpose during the rest of his life. While pursuing his studies in Arlington, there occurred an incident which shaped, very largely, his whole future career. It had been his wish and ambition to enter and go through either Middlebury College or the University at Burlington, both in his native State, but one day at the academy there was put in his hand, by some one, a leaflet en- titled " The Star in the West," after the fashion of Dr. Buchanan's " Star in the East." This leaflet was prepared and sent out by the Rt. Rev. Philander Chase, D. D., the first bishop of Ohio, and was a plea and appeal in behalf of education and Christian missions in the West. Bishop Chase was then engaged in founding Kenyon College, and the other institutions at Gambler. The appeal so stirred up the young student that he resolved at once to go to Ohio, at the earliest day practicable. When he made his resolution known to his classmates and others, they were amazed ; admir- ing, no doubt, his pluck more than his wisdom. They could not understand how a vouno; ji man should be willing to go so far from home, and buiy himself in 56 SOME EECOKDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. such a wilderness as Ohio then was. Fortunately his parents did not oppose the idea, but rather encouraged it. Accordingly, at the close of his second engagement as a teacher, about the 20th of April, 1829, he left his home, and the East, for the West. The West was then most emphatically in Ohio. He made the journey from Manchester to Gambier — about the centre of the State — entirely by stage, consuming fourteen days and nights in continuous traveling. He reached Gambier early in May, a perfect stranger, and without even a note of introduction from anybody to anybody. He commenced his studies without delay, hoping to enter the Freshman class in Kenyon College at the beginning of the next term, which he succeeded in doing. As student, teacher, tutor, and head of one of the depart- ments of the institution, he remained in Gambier ten years and a half. For two years and more, he occupied the anomalous position of a student and also of a mem- ber of the faculty. While in these double relations, he became acquainted with, and rendered some valuable services to, Edwin M. Stanton, afterward the great War Secretary in President Lincoln's cabinet ; Mr. Stanton never forgot these services. During these ten and a half years. Dr. Dyer took his degrees of A. B. and A. M. While yet a student he was elected as secretary of the Diocesan Convention, and treasurer of the Episcopal fund. It was during this period that the difficulties arose between Bishop Chase and the faculty, with regard to the administration of the insti- SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 57 tutions. Tliese difficulties were followed by the resig- nation of the Bishop both as president of the college, and Bishop of the diocese. Subsequently, upon the elec- tion of Dr. Mcllvaine to succeed Bishop Chase, Dr. Dyer was sent East to lay before the Bishop-elect the official documents connected with the election and such other information as might be desired. After Bishop Mcllvaine took charge of the diocese. Dr. Dyer was ordained by him, both as deacon and as presbyter. In his many and varied duties he was constantly occupied until the spring of 184:0, when he removed to Pitts- burgh, Penn., and established a classical school there. At the head of this school he continued for three years or more, when he was elected to a professorship in the "Western University of Pennsylvania. After serving for one year as professor he was elected principal or, as it was subsequently called, chancellor of the institu- tion. About this time he received the degree of D.D. from Trinity College, Hartford. lie was then in the 34:th year of his age. In the great fire in Pittsbui-gh the University Buildings, with the library and ap- paratus, were entirely destroyed. Within a year new buildings were erected and the institution was pros- perous, but the health of Dr. Dyer was very much shattered by his many cares and labors, and in 1849 he resigned his connection with the University and re- moved to Philadelphia, where he had been invited to perform certain duties in connection with the Ameri- can Sunday School Union. He continued in this con- nection from February, 184:9, to January, 1854. In 58 SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 1852 he and his wife visited Europe, spending between six and seven months. About a year after his return from Europe, he was elected Corresponding Secretary and General Manager of the Protestant Episcopal Society for the Promotion of Evangelical Knowledge, commonly called the Evan- gelical Knowledge Society. This society was formed in 1847, and had for one of its objects the meeting and counteracting of certain tendencies in the Episco- pal Church, which had been largely awakened and promoted by the somewhat famous Oxford, or Trac- tarian, movement in England. He accepted the new position to which he had been appointed, and removed to New York early in 1854. The duties to which he was now called brought him more or less into antagonism with many of the leading influences of his church. He met the charge of dis- loyalty brought against the new society, by inducing the Executive Committee to bring out the Book of Common Prayer in three or four different sizes, and give it the widest possible circulation. For several years this society distributed more prayer books than all the other societies put together. This action was a practical and logical answer to the criticisms which had been made. From 1854 to 1861, he was constantly employed in his duties at the office of the society in New York, and in visiting various parts of the country, to attend diocesan conventions and public meetings, and to preach and make addresses in the interest of the society. SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 59 In 1861, M'hen tlie war broke out, the society was actively engaged in publishing books, tracts, and two periodicals, the Parish Visitor and the Standard Bearer. \]\) to this time the duties of editor-in-chief had been discharged, Urst, by the Rev. John S. Stone, D. D., and afterwards by the Rev. C. W. Andrews, D. D., of Virginia. As the war interrupted all regu- lar intercouse with the South, Dr. Dyer was requested to act as editor of the society's publications and periodicals; this added very largely to his cares and responsibilities. In 1861 the American Church Mis- sionary Society was organized, and Dr. Dyer was ap- pointed Corresponding Secretar3\ About the same time the New York branch of the Christian Commis- sion was established, and he became its local secretary, the Hon. Nathan Bishop being the chief secretary. He was also made a director of the American Bible Society. In 1862 he was elected the first Bishop of the new Diocese of Kansas, which office he declined to accept. During the war he was appointed on several occasions to visit AVashington, with others, in behalf of the work of the Christian Commission. On one occasion he was taken by Secretary Stanton into a cabinet meeting and, on introducing him to Mr. Lincoln, the Secretary said, "Mr. President, I wish to introduce to you my old friend, the Rev. Dr. Dyer, of New York ; he was my friend when I needed a friend." To which the President, stretching out his long arm and grasping the Doctor's hand, and shaking it vigor- ously, responded : " I am glad to see you, sir ; I am 60 SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. glad to know any one who helped to make my Secre- tary of "War, for I don't know what / should have done without him," With that, Mr. Seward, Mr. Fessenden, and others of the cabinet clapped their hands, and cried " Good, good." During one of his visits to Washington he went, in company with the Rev. Dr. Butler, to see the magnifi- cent army of General McClellan of some 200,000 men, encamped a few miles from Washington. Dr. Dyer's only son was at this time a soldier in this army. While dining with the captain of the company to which his son belonged, they were startled by the sudden order for the regiments to form and prepare for battle. At once the whole scene was changed, and infantry, cavalry and artillery were in motion ; the dinner and all ceremony were cut short, and the two Doctors of Divinity hastened to their horse and wagon, which an orderly had charge of, and commenced a rapid advance in a direction quite opposite to that towards which the troops were moving. The battle proved to be the short and sharp skir- mish of Drainesville. But it enabled the visitors to see the great army in motion, and marching in columns, six or eight deep, and at double quick time. On another occasion, when Dr. Dyer was called to Wash- ington to see his son who was confined in one of the hospitals there, Mr. Stanton showed him much atten- tion by having him spend the whole morning with him in his ofiice at the War Department, and the afternoon with him and his family at their private SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 61 residence. Before leaving, the Secretary surprised the Doctor by giving him, to take to his son, at the hospi- tal, a captain's commission, and the copy of an order appointing him to duty, as soon as he should be able to leave, in the commissary department in New York. He also offered the Doctor an appointment to an impor- tant position in connection with the chaplain service, which he felt bound to decline. These friendly rela- tions between the two parties continued till the death of Mr. Stanton. During the war Dr. Dyer took an active part with Bishop Alonzo Potter and others, in establishing and endowing the Philadelphia Divinity School. For many years he was a member of its Board of Manage- ment. At the close of the war, and at the request of several prominent laymen of New York, he visited the Theological Seminary of Virginia, and some of the government officials at "Washington, in reference to the restoration of the buildinors and g-rounds of the institu- tion, so that they might again be used for their origi- nal purposes. For a considerable time they had been occupied as hospitals, and needed many repairs. At a later period he visited Richmond in Virginia and Charleston, South Carolina, to ascertain the condition of things in the South and the best methods of ex- tending needed aid on the part of Northern friends. These visits resulted in much pecuniary assistance to individuals and institutions in that part of the country. Dr. Dyer took an active part in the formation of the " Latimer Society," and afterwards of the " Clerical 63 SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. Associatiou," — both located in New York, and estab- lished in the interests of evangelical religion. In these and many other associations, he was incessantly occupied, and to a degree that most seriously impaired his health. In 1868 it became evident that he must have rest, or completely break down. Accordingly, it was so ar- ranged that he could be relieved of his duties ; and early in the spring, accompanied by his wife and daughter, he sailed for Europe, where he spent several months in England and Scotland and on the Con- tinent. On his return in October, a breakfast was given him by his friends, in one of the public halls. In the autumn of 1869 Dr. Dyer met with a most serious railroad accident. He was on his way from Troy to Manchester, Yt. Heavy rains had produced very high water in all the streams, and much damage had been done to the railroads. Consequently, the trains were running very irregularly. Just before the' train on which he had taken passage reached Lansing- burg, at a sharp turn of the road, it came into col- lision with a train coming from the north. The crash was terrible, and the cars of both trains were piled on top of one another in a most indescribable manner. Only one person was killed, but many were injured. This occasioned a delay for several hours. It was raining very heavily. Night came on, and everything was shrouded in darkness and gloom. The conductor told the few passengers in the car that he would take them to Hoosick Falls, where they would find hotel SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 63 accommodations. On reaching the Hoosick River, it was found to be verj much swollen, and the' passen- gers were requested to leave the cars and cross the bridge on foot, as it was not safe to attempt to take the locomotive and cars across it. With much diffi- culty the bridge was crossed, and at about 9 o'clock in the evening some ten or fourteen passengers got on the locomotive and tender, which were found on the other side of the river. Dr. Dyer was on the loco- motive, near the engineer. After going about three- fourths of a mile thev came to a curve in the road, where the river, now swollen to a raging flood, had, during the preceding hour, completely swept out the foundation of the road, but the rails appeared to be undisturbed. As soon as the locomotive came upon this spot, both it and the tender went down, instantly, into the fearful chasm, a distance of some thirty or forty feet. Most of those on the tender jumped off, and thus saved themselves. All on the locomotive were carried down into the raging waters. Several were killed instantly. Dr. Dyer was carried down with the others ; but, extricating himself from the loco- motive, he was swept away by the current, and being a good swimmer, he succeeded at last in making a landing about three quarters of a mile down the river and was saved, though he was terribly bruised. He never recovered his usual health and strength after this accident. The shock to his nervous system was too great to pass permanently away. As early as 1865 Dr. Dyer was appointed a member 64 SOME RiQORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. of the Foreign Co^j^ittee of the Board of Missions, which added very ^^^h to his labors. When the Board established commissions for work among the freedmen of the South a^^d the Indians in our Western States and Territories, he ^as placed upon the execu- tive committees of each o± these bodies, and made chairman of that for the Indian Commission. This made it necessary for him to carry on an extensive correspondence, and to have frequent personal inter- course with the Secretary of the Interior, the Com- missioner of Indian Affairs, and other officials at Washington.. As the nomination of Indian agents for all the reservations assigned by the government to the Episcopal Church devolved upon his commit- tee. Dr. Dyer became painfully acquainted with the plans and schemes and wicked devices of politicians, great and small, in carrying out and accomplishing their personal and selfish ends in this branch of the public service. He often spoke of the conduct of men holding the highest political, and even moral, trusts with the severest disapprobation and disgust ; and very glad was he when, by a change in the policy of the government, as well as of the church, he was relieved of this most unpleasant service. In 1873 a meeting of the Evangelical Alliance took place in New York. As a member of one of the com- mittees, Dr. Dyer took a deep and active interest in the proceedings of this body. In the same year, what has been termed the " Cummins Movement," that is, the secession of one Bishop and several of the clergy from SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 65 the Episcopal Church, took place. While Dr. Dyer sympathized with some of the difficulties under which these brethren labored, he did not think that secession was the best way of curing the evils com- plained of. The whole country had had a notable illustration of the difficulties and dangers of secession, and he did not think such an experiment should be tried in the church. He took strong ground in favor of fighting the battle out within the church, feeling very sure that in the end all needed relief would be obtained, and that thus, even the appearance of schism would be avoided. About the same time the movement in England, and in this country, took place with regard to Bible revision. Dr. Dyer took a lively interest in this undertaking, and served on the American Finance Committee for many years. In 1875 he was appointed to accompany Bishop Lee, of Delaware, in his visit to Mexico to inquire into the present condition and future promise of the evangelistic work there going on under the administration of the Rev. Henry C. Riley, D.D. In this expedition he was accompanied by his wife and daughter, and other friends. About two months were thus occupied. At the General Convention of 1877, the old Board of Missions, consisting of several hundred members, was abolished, and in its place a Board of Managers, consisting, exclusive of the Bishops, of fifteen clergy- men and fifteen laymen, was created. To this Board the conduct of our general church missionary work, 5 66 SOME EECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. at home, and in foreign countries, was committed. Dr. Dyer was appointed by the Convention a member of this Board, and was assigned for duty in the Foreign department. In 1879 he was elected by the Convention of the Diocese of New York as a trustee of the General Theological Seminary. This was a great surprise to him, and many of his friends. So pronounced had been his views, particularly as to the former adminis- tration of the institution, that it seemed incredible the Convention of New York should elect hiin to such a post. Some of his friends criticised rather severely his acceptance of this position. But his reply was that, having had no knowledge of, or anything to do with the election, he felt it was his duty to avail himself of the opportunity of doing what he could to make the Seminary what it should be — general in the spirit of its administration, as well as in its name. Soon after his election he was made a member of the Standing Committee, and was appointed on two special committees having charge of a revision of the statutes, as well as the constitution of the institution. To the work of these committees he gave much attention, and had the satisfaction of seeing their recommendations adopted first by the Standing Committee, then by the Board of Trustees, and finally by the General Conven- tion in 1883. The character of some of the changes made will be understood from the fact that the old Board consisted of several hundred members, and from all the dioceses, and was a constantly increasing SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 67 body, as the cliurch grew. The new Board, exchisive of the bishops, consists of fifty members, of which twenty-five are to be appointed by certain dioceses to represent certain pecuniary endowments, and twenty- five are to be appointed triennially by the General Convention. Of this latter numl)er Dr. Dyer was appointed a member by the General Convention of 1883, his name standing first on the list. His only motive in accepting this trust, as well as some others which had been committed to him, was to recognize the great change which had taken place in the general spirit and tone of the different parties in the church, and to give expression to that catholicity for which he had labored so long and so earnestly. While his views of church polity remained substan- tially the same as they had been throughout his life, he thought it the part of wisdom and of a true liber- ality, to adapt the policy of the church to the altered state of sentiment and feeling which so generally pre- vailed. Some there were who considered his course somewhat inconsistent, but he regarded it as entirely consistent with the principles he had always advocated, and as the only honest and honorable course to pursue. During Dr. Dyer's life in New York he performed a large amount of clerical and other duty, outside of the societies with which he was more especially con- nected. Soon after his removal to the city he was asked to take charge of the Church of the Incarna- tion, which for a time had been a chapel of Grace Church. The rector of the new parish, Dr, Harwood, 68 SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. was obliged to leave his charge, and the city, on account of illness. Dr. Dyer supplied the pulpit for several months, including the Lenten and Easter sea- son. During this time, he prepared and presented to the Bishop quite a large class for confirmation. Im- mediately upon the close of his services at the Incar- nation, he was elected an assistant minister by the vestry of St. George's Church. In this relation he continued for five years. While the rector, the Rev. Dr. Tyng, was absent in Europe, he occupied the pul- pit for six months, and performed more or less paro- chial duty. On several different occasions he had charge of the pulpits at St. Mark's, the Ascension, the Nativity, Calvary, Mediator, the Anthon Memorial; and also of St. Ann's and Christ Church, Brooklyn ; Trinity Church, Newark ; and Trinity, of Bergen Point, IST. J. In this last-named parish he performed many services during the period of its organization, and on many occasions afterwards. At many differ- ent times he was put in charge of Christ Cliurch, Bay Ridge. During the absence of the rector, the Rev. Mr. Aspinwall, in Europe, he, with his family, occu- pied the rectory, and he had entire charge of the parish, for more than a year. In all of the afore- named churches he rendered services for from three to nine months each. For more than a year he held morning and afternoon services, and established a Sunday-school in the chapel of the Rutgers Institute on Fifth Avenue, near Forty-second street. It was during the period of these services, that he SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY, 69 organized the Church of the Holy Trinity. On the evenings of the Sundays, he officiated at the chapel of the Rutgers Institute, he preached regularly in a hall in West Forty-second street, at a mission started by the Church of the Ascension. Among the labor- ers at the time in the mission, were Bishop Whittaker, of Nevada, and his wife. This mission grew into what became known as the "Memorial Chapel," with its chapel building and its settled pastors. He also per- formed many services at another mission of the Church of the Ascension, afterwards called the Chapel of the Comforter. He had charge, at diifer- ent times, of the services at the Church of the Medi- ator, the building for which, on Lexington Avenue, was purchased by his friends, Mr. Wolfe and Mrs. Spencer. Dr. Dyer rendered occasional services in many other churches, chapels, and missions. As a rule, he offici- ated from two to three times on Sundays, and very frequently during the week. Dr. Dyer was an active friend and worker in behalf of St. Luke's Hospital from its commencement. He was for many years on its Board of Management, and was elected the president of the corporation, but declined to accept the office, thinking it ought to be held by a layman. He was also much interested in, and cooperated with his revered friend, Dr. Muhlen- berg, in establishing St. Johnland. He gave much time and labor, in organizing '' The Home for Incur- ables." For these three last-named institutions he 70 SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. was instrumental in raising a large amount of funds. In 1872 or '73 he became a member of the Clerical Club, of which the Rev. Dr. E. A. Washburn was the chief originator. One of the outgrowths of the club was the Church Congress. Dr. Dyer was active in promoting the interests of both of tliese associations. For a lonor time he acted as chairman of the club, and presided at the breakfast given to Dean Stanley, during his visit to this country. He was for a long period the chairman of the Executive Committee of the Congress, and its meetings were held at his office in the Bible House. The interest he had in these asso- ciations arose largely from the conviction he had that their influence would be in the line of a broader and deeper and, consequently, truer catholicity through- out our church. During Dr. Dyer's life in New York he was instru- mental in raising large amounts of money for specific oljjects — objects outside of missionary and other causes, for which collections are taken in churches, or by any other systematic methods. From the books of record which he was in the habit of keeping, it would appear that more than $500,000 were received, and dis- bursed by him, for charitable purposes. The kind of reputation which he thus acquired, gave him not a little labor and trouble, and sometimes annoyance. It will be seen, from the foregoing, that Dr. Dyer has led an exceedingly busy and laborious life, and that he has been associated with many leading eharac- SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 71 ters, and connected with many societies, both local and general. Several of the East Greenwich and North Kings- town branches of the Dyer family left Rhode Island and went to Vermont. The fame of that beautiful mountain region had spread all over New England, in the latter part of the last, and early part of the pres- ent century, causing a large emigration from tlie different States. The following sketches are of other descendants of William and Mary Dyre : CHARLES VOLNEY DYEK. A Sketch of His Long and Useful Career, Which is Closely Inter- woven with the Early History of Chicago. One more of the historic men who helped to make Chicago, passed away April 24, 1878, in the death of the venerable Dr. Charles Volney Dyer, one of the oldest and best known pioneers of the city, who died of paralysis at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Adolph Heile (Mr. Heile married a daughter hy adoption)^ in the town of Lake View. He was born at Clarendon, Vt., on the 12th of June, 1808, and was, therefore, rounding up the full measure of his three score and ten, at his demise. His father, Daniel Dyer, was one of those sturdy old Green Mountain men, who did right gallant service in the days of the Revolution. His mother was Susan, daughter of Gideon and sister 72 SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. of Judge Abraham Olin, a woman of some note in her time, and whose character may be judged from the fact that she rode on horseback, unattended, a distance of over a thousand miles to collect silverware and gold beads from her friends for the purpose of secur- ing the then enormous bail of $15,000 for the release of one Matthew Lyon, of Kutland, incarcerated for violation of the notorious sedition law. For the first fifteen years of his life, the subject of this sketch lived on his father's farm at home, passing the uneventful days of a farmer boy, at work in summer, and at the district school in winter. At this age, however, he went to the Castleton (Vt.) Academy, where he fitted for the higher course of study which he subsequently pursued. He entered college at Middlebury, from which he was graduated with honors, in the medical course, in 1830. He began the practice of medicine at Newark, N. J., where he achieved enough local success to make him ambitious for a broader field in which to try his talents and exercise his industry. Like other aspiring young men of his time, he cast longing eyes toward the new West, and finally resolved to take the trip and trust his fortunes with the destinies of Chicago, where he arrived in August, 1835, He married Miss Louisa M. Gifford, of Elgin, in 1837, a lady who proved to be a woman of most sterling character, and whose long life of usefulnesss has but recently closed in death. The couple were blessed with six children, three of whom survive — a daughter, wife of Mr., S, SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 73 E. Loring, and two sons, Charles, an artist, now in Italy, and Louis, a professor in the Chicago Univer- sity. Dr. Dyer, upon his arrival, was appointed surgeon of old Fort Dearborn, and from that tinne his practice grew to such an extent, that in the course of a short time he had means to invest. With the infinite faith in the future that has characterized Chicago's pioneers, he purcliased a large amount of real estate then out- side of the corporation. Among other spots, once his property, is the lot now occupied by the " First National Bank Building." which he sold to the government for the old post-office, for the sum of $46,000. In 1854 he had acquired a competence, and retired from the practice of his profession, determined to pass the remainder of his life quietly, in the care of his considerable property. Dr. Dyer was a Democrat when he first came to Chicago, and was elected by the Legislature to the office of Judoje of the Probate Court of Cook count v, in 1837. He soon after became a leading Abolitionist, and supported Birney for President in 1840. There were then very few Liberty party men, as they were called, in Illinois ; but they had an " underground railroad," and many of the passengers called upon Dr. Dver and the late James H. Collins, who were under- stood to be the proprietors, in passing through from the South to the land of freedom, in Canada. While these men stopped with the Doctor, he tried to make them useful by setting them to work ; but he said 74 SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. they were more fond of preaching, than cutting and splitting wood. Dr. Dyer used to carry a large ebony, gold-headed cane, now in the collection of the Chicago Historical Society, which was presented to him by his admirers, as it was said, for enlightening a slave- catcher after the manner in which Minerva was freed from the skull of Jupiter. The Doctor was very proud of this token, which he regarded as Jacob's staff for freedom. About the time he received this present, say in 1846, a runaway slave was arrested and taken before the late Justice Kercheval, a native of Ken- tucky, who had issued a warrant for his arrest, under the old fugitive slave law. Mr. Collins appeard for the defence and moved to quash the writ, which was done. While new papers were being prepared for the re- arrest of the slave, Dr. Dyer was left alone with the handcuffed slave for a moment. He struck off the irons and bade the man jump for dear life. In a moment the others returned and, on their inquiring for the slave. Dr. Dyer said : " He has sunk into the bosom of the community." At an anti-slavery con- vention, held in Chicago, it was resolved to start an abolition paper in Washington. Dr. Dyer was made chairman of the committee, and selected Bailey as editor, with Whittier and Phelps as assistants. This was the beginning of the National Era. In 1863 President Lincoln appointed him Judge of the Mixed Court for the Suppression of the African Slave Trade, an international tribunal, holding its ses- sions in Sierra Leone. In consequence of this very SOME RECORDS OF THE DYER FAMILY. 75 appropriate honor, he spent two years abroad, when not in Africa, traveling quietly with his family in Switzerland, Germany, and Italy. He chanced to be in Rome when the sad news of the death of Lincoln fell upon the world, and he was chosen to make an address in memory of his dead friend. In religions belief the Doctor was a follower of Swedenbor