Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/armorjalfamiliesOOfoxdrich ARMORIAL FAMILIES ARMORIAL FAMILIES A DIRECTORY OF GENTLEMEN OF COAT-ARMOUR COMPILED AND EDITED BY ARTHUR CHARLES FOX-DA VIES " Nobiles sunt qui Arma gentilitia antecessorum suorum proferre possunt " FIFTH EDITION EDINBURGH: T. C. ^ E. C. JACK EDITORIAL ADDRESS— 34 HENRIETTA STREET LONDON, W.C. 1905 Printed by Ballantvne, Hanson &* Co. At the Ballantyne Press GIFT MM PREFACE TO THE FIFTH EDITION EFORE referring to the most important of the changes in the present edition, it may be as well to refer to several minor points as to which I often receive inquiries. First, as to the "catch-line" names which appear in the book. In the first edition the j^rst entry for each surname was so distinguished for mere purposes of ready reference, or perhaps even — for it was not my own idea — by the desire of the printers I make an " artistic " page. Their efforts and labour to that end have been uceasing, beyond even my own desires. But even before the completion of 1e first edition the fatal objection had become apparent that the addition of a entry for the same surname but with a christian name earlier in the ^phabet involved the displacement of the catch-line from the one paragraph t the other, and the resetting of both. The catch-lines were therefore Dandoned ; but I did not consider their importance, in or out, was worth ' e cost of resetting in order to provide for their deletion. Consequently iiose which were then standing in the type were allowed to remain until ach time as other alterations necessitated a disturbance in the type of the jirticular entries containing them. As such opportunities arise they are dieted, and each new edition has seen their number largely reduced. They ,-e thus automatically disappearing, and doubtless ere long will have linished. * In the present edition a new form of entry has been adopted. One ildom at the very beginning of a project hits off the precise plan which le experience of years in carrying out that enterprise eventually indicates I the most advantageous. There were two considerations always before le. The chief was the eternal literary difficulty of " space." My book as growing, growing, and some drastic change was necessary. My original lea (based upon the inclusion of impalements) had been a separate entry )r each separate person. That involved a repetition of parentage (a matter f four or five lines) in the cases of brothers, and a repetition of the etails of the arms — sometimes running to a column or more. But this ^petition became practically purposeless, because I found in practice that nly a very small proportion of the entries carried impalements. Many a lan is keenly anxious to establish his own right to arms, who feels that it 5 not his business, but the business of the male members of his wife's imily to prove the right to arms on that side. Consequently a new system as been adopted in the present edition by which all bearing the same oat of arms are grouped together under that coat, and all brothers are Touped together under the names of their parents. The a Becket entry is be earliest one in the book on the new model. I have not thought it worth i 823 ii preface to tjje JTiftft OBDition while to reset the book at a cost of many hundreds of pounds, merely to obtain a fixed uniformity of arrangement, where no change is made in the information afforded between one type of entry comprising several people and a number of separate entries. On this point in the matter of catch- lines I have taken, as I propose to take in the future, every opportunity, as alterations or changes occur necessitating the disturbance of type in an Other parts are constantly altering, and by putting the permanent portion first it becomes less costly to make alterations. Whilst the new form has been adopted in all new entries which now appear in the work for the first time, the reverse is not the case. In all entries in which alterations of any moment occurred the opportunity was taken to adopt the new form, and the deduction to be drawn from the appearance of an entry in either form is no greater than from the insertion or absence of the black-letter catch-lines. The coloured illustrations speak for themselves, and I can only hope the insertion of these illustrations will prove the attraction I anticipate. The dating of the arms has turned out a matter of great difficulty — much greater than I had anticipated. In the first place, few seem to know or care about the date of their arms. It is easy enough to check the truth of a given statement of claim : except in the grant of a modern coat it is almost impossible to ascertain the date save by research and the expenditure of time wholly prohibitive to the attempt. Where a reasonable claim has been made I have attempted to verify it, and with few exceptions all such coats of arms are dated. But the claims made have been much fewer than I anticipated. The dates which are inserted are (a) those of the dates which I have been asked to insert, which I believe to be correct, (d) dates which have been within my knowledge before they were supplied to me by the owners of the arms. The date of a grant of arms is public property to anybody who cares to pay the fees for a search, but where, to assist me in my editorial work, my correspondents have been good enough to tell me what the date of the grant is and have expressed a wish that the date should not be published, 1 have respected that wish and treated the information as supplied to me in confidence. But some people object to the publication of a date a century or more ago, which most would be proud to acknowledge. The dates — where the arms are dated— are those of official authorisation. In a few cases where the arms are found on the early rolls it is possible to take an old coat back approximately to its date of origin, but in the bulk of ancient English cases one can do no more than refer to the Visitations, which, though the earliest date of authorisation, may or may not be the date of origin. In Scottish cases, with rare exceptions, the earliest quotable date of authorisation is 1672. the date of the commencement of the present Lyon Register. So that, except where a definite date of £^ran^ is quoted, the date of authorisation is not necessarily the date of origin. In the case of arms authorised but not specifically granted anterior to 1700 the dates are of but preface to tfje JFiftf) €Dition m \ little value for comparative purposes. But these coats form but a small pro- I portion of the arms in use. The omission of the italic entries which have appeared in former editions may or may not be an improvement. Many correspondents have written to me on the point, some advocating insertion, some omission, but the imperative necessity of reducing the space was the factor which finally decided the point. At first I could not claim for " Armorial Families " any approach to completeness, but as each successive edition has brought more and more families under review the approximation to completeness has lessened the necessity for the retention of the italicised part, and lessened it to an increasing extent. But even yet I do not claim to have reached the end, though I think I am now justified in thinking my book is approxi- mately a complete directory of those who are proved to be officially en- titled to bear arms. I have sent out right and left for the last twelve years, hundreds of thousands of information forms asking that they should be filled up and returned to me. Whenever a form has been returned to me from which on the face of it it seemed possible that the arms claimed were born by right, I have taken steps to ascertain if the claim were good, and whenever this has been the case such arms have been inserted without charge or stipulation. I have gradually worked through such books as Burke's "Landed Gentry," and each edition has left a diminishing remnant. Shortly before I closed up the present edition for the press I wrote to the head of every remaining family in the "Landed Gentry" pointing out what I was doing, saying I was aware of no modern proof of the right to the arms which were attributed to him in that work, and asking that I might be advised if I were wrong. The result of my letters astonished me. A very large number at once informed me of their right under a compara- tively modern grant or record, not to the ancient arms attributed to them, but to some entirely distinct coat ! But to conclude my remarks on this point, I do say that there are few families entitled to arms, whose right has been proved in sufficiently modern times to place it beyond reasonable doubt, that are now omitted. That there must be some I am of course aware, some even whose right is duly registered up to themselves in the College of Arms. The College of Arms will not permit any one access to their records nor give the slightest clue as to the pedigrees which are recorded from time to time or the grants which are made. One can, however, inquire whether a pedigree has been recorded to a given coat of arms, or whether a specified person has recorded a right to arms by grant or proof of pedigree, and by paying the ordinary search fees can receive the desired information. This I do in all cases coming under my notice. Obviously I cannot work through the London or any other Directory at the price of the Heralds' College search fees for each inquiry : but, given a coat of arms which looks genuine, I can find and do find out to B& y^^o"} it belongs. I have many friends and correspondents for whose help fg m this way I am under deep obligations, and sooner or later most genuine coats of arms eventually come into my hands — my difficulty being that I am held up to criticism for the omission of arms recently proved or lately granted before they have filtered through into my knowledge. h preface to the JFiftft aBUftion Subject to this qualification, and with the exception of the arr Peers and Baronets, I believe the present edition of "Armorial Families may be fairly ilescribed as approximately complete. ^Kl Peers and Baronets were included in the first and second editions 6^' "Armorial F;unilies." They were then omitted solely for the reasons of space. But I published a list of those whose right to arms was faulty. This list has since been published in every edition. Corrected and reduced to date, it will be found herein on pp. 1523-4. A few Peers and Baronets, however, appear in the body of the book. Some remain under the under- 1 taking I gave in my first prospectus to retain in perpetuity the arms of ' every subscriber. The rest have been inserted from time to time for various reasons, chiefly technical, which it is not necessary to explain. Suffice it to say that every Peer and every Baronet has genuine arms (but not always those which figure under his name in the printed Peerage Books), except those to be found in the list I refer to. m In both Lyon Court and Ulster's Office I have been greatly helped m the compilation of my book, and my sincerest thanks are due to Sir James Balfour Paul, Lyon King of Arms, and Mr. F. J. Grant, Lyon Clerk, and to Sir Arthur Vicars, K.C.V.O., Ulster King of Arms, and Mr. G. D. Burtchaell, his secretary, for all the encouragement and assistance I have constantly received at their hands. A. C FOX-DAVIES. 34 Henrietta Street, ix)ndon, w.c., October 1905. THE ABUSE OF ARMS URELY even those who affect the greatest contempt for Heraldry will admit that if Arms are to be borne at all, it should be according to the laws of Arms; and that, if the display of them be an empty vanity, it is a less creditable vanity to parade as our own those which belong of right to others. Heraldry has been contemptuously termed " the science of fools with long memories." There is more wit than wisdom in the remark, and with the many a smart saying has unfortunately a great advantage over a just one. It is impossible to say that there is any direct testimony to the existence of Armorial bearings in the now accepted sense of the word earlier than the twelfth century, when they seem to have been adopted with one accord throughout Europe. Previous to that period ' we read of " white shields" and "red shields" and "gilded shields." In Salmund's Edda mention ' is made of a red shield with a golden border. The Encomiast of Emma speaks merely of the . ghttering effulgence of the shields suspended on the sides of the vessels of Canute. In the Anglo- ; Saxon illuminations we perceive the shields of warriors generally painted white, with red and blue borders and circles : on those of our Norman invaders as represented in the Bayeux Tapestry, a work at the earliest of the close of the eleventh century, we find crosses, rings, grotesque monsters, and fanciful devices of various descriptions, but nothing approaching a regular heraldic figure or i disposition of figures. Some of the standards are striped and spotted in a fashion which may have i originated the pales, bars, and roundels of the succeeding century, but as these devices are not ' repeated on any of the bearers' shields they cannot be considered as personal insignia. Thus we see that Heraldry as we know it, Heraldry even as it was understood in its earliest stages, had no existence at the time of the Norman Conquest, nor can any authenticated example be discovered of a proper Armorial shield prior to the first Crusade. Ere the second had reached its termination its usage was extensive and assured. That is all that is known of its origin, but undoubtedly — for it is a matter no one has as yet dreamed of disputing — the Crusades have exer- cised an influence difficult to truly estimate. Not only are a vast proportion of heraldic "charges" easily traceable to the Holy Land, but the assemblage of the flower of European chivalry in all its nationalities, all claiming nobility of birth, must have given a great impetus to the progress of a science devoted and confined to themselves, apart from the encouragement afforded to it by the requirement of some method of distinction amongst themselves. A writer of a bygone age has said that " Coates of Armes were inuented by our wise ancestors to these 3 ends : The first was to honour and adorn the family of him that had well deserued towardes his countrye. The seconde to him more worthy and famous above the rest which had not done merit, and thereby they might be prouoked to doe the like. The third was to differ out the severall lignes and issues from the noble ancestor descending ; so that the eldest borne might be known from the second, and he from the thirde." " Heraldry was not originated in England, but England was not long in following the lead placed before her, and though at no period perhaps within the British Isles has the love and reverence of Armory reached such a high degree of enthusiasm as has been sometimes accorded to Armorial Insignia elsewhere : still since the old Crusading days have our ancestors of each succeeding genera- tion handed down a respect and admiration for these marks of lineage, rank, and high degree that Socialism and Anarchy, with all their changeability of visage, have failed to suppress in spite of the manifold and multifarious methods and manners in which these ideas have passed through the land, in the Wars of the Roses, in the Reformation, the Commonwealth, the Revolution, and " the Hyde Ij— Park tub-thumper." ■ ■. "There is no subject more difficult to be dwelt on than that of honourable descent; none on ■'^hich the world are greater sceptics, none more offensive to them; and yet there is no quality to which every one in his heart pays so great a respect." — (Sir Egerton Brydges' Autobiography^ p. 153). And by reason of this very reverence and respect, Armorial Bearings are one of the earliest > outward and visible signs which make their appearance when a family commences its rise in the le of social eminence. At first, ere their full lustre and significance had been realised, those who bore Arms selected lem as pleased their fancy, but as a name became glorious so did the pictorial sign upon the shield b vi Cbe abuse of atm0 aModated with that name become renowned, and a son inherited his father's Arms with his father*! iword : and Armorial Bearings almost from the very birth of the science have been hereditary. ] Let a privilege or a usage be created, and its abuse rapidly follows. Merchants placed theij ••merchanimarka" upon escutcheons, and called them coats-of-arms when as yet their rank did no warrant the assumption. New men called themselves by old names and claimed the ancient Arma The monks of Battle Abbey are known to have tampered with their roll, and centuries ago tb lienUds deplored and tried to keep in check the vagaries and usurpations of these "painter-fellows,'*' as they then described them, referring thus contemptuously to those handicraftsmen who undertook the actual labour of cutting seals and emblazoning Arms. Had these handicraftsmen stopped their K.fiH« at ihcse legitimate Umits, little abuse, comparatively speaking, could have crept in, but they did not; they hankered after the fees— in their eyes veritable flesh pots of Egypt— of the official heralds. Then, as now, the true position and authority of the Officers of Arms was not properly known or understood. Then, as now, these " painter-fellows " encroached, and then, as now, they profited by the lack of heraldic knowledge current among the general public, and they purposed to find, grant, confirm, and assign Arms. The Arms these outsiders dealt in were likewise of but two kinds— firstly, Arms which emanated solely from their own imagination, and which were bogus from b^inning to end, and secondly. Arms which were perfectly legitimate, and which belonged to ancient families, which legitimate coats-of-arms these "painter-fellows" assigned to other families bearing the same or similar names, without the ghost of a pretence, and without the shadow of a possibility of establishing a descent from the bona-fide holders. That was how the abuse b^n centuries ago. At the present time this same abuse runs riot, and now, as then, it is in the forefront, and the most prominent of all heraldic follies. Though beside this particular illegality all others seem but as mere peccadilloes, there are many other matters which can but come under the same heading and description. To a long-standing abuse, when the legal penalties therefor seem almost to have lapsed into desuetude, there is but one remedy, namely, publicity. It enlightens those who are sinning through ignorance, it may prevent others falling into the same errors ; and as to those who are of knowledge and aforethought wilfully disre- garding the laws of Arms and the laws of the Realm — well, it advertises their little weaknesses. This remedy I propose to try. One of my critics has asked what business it is of mine to criticise Arms when the College of Arms remains silent. It is every man's duty, when he sees a wrong, to try to put that wrong right Moreover I stand in a widely different position from the Officers of Arms. I much question if they are brought into contact with one tithe of the heraldic abuses that I am, for people hardly of their own free-will exhibit to an accredited Officer of Arms preten- sions which they know can be at once detected as bogus or illegal. On the other hand, the indivi duals comprising the world at large seem to fancy that the said world at large, outside themselves, il unable to discover the real character of the Arms they lay claim to. Consequently, as I am simpli but another unit in this aforesaid world, the Arms and garbled pedigrees have been sent up to ml apparently with guileless simplicity, either for insertion in this book, " Armorial Families," or f ** The Book of Public Arms," or for the crests to be included in my edition of " Fairbairn." I ha no reason when I commenced heraldic writing to have looked with suspicion upon the informs tion which was afforded me, but as each successive case I investigated turned out to be a perver_ sion of the truth, my standpoint had to change. I found, first of all, that the fact ot living in the same county, or in the adjoining one for the matter of that, or even in the county adjoining that, was^to the ordinary mind quite sufficient evidence for descent to be claimed ("in an unbroken line," my correspondents usually state) from any armigerous person or any celebrity* who at any time since the Norman Conquest (and many don't even stick at the Conquest) have had a resi- dence m tlm county. At first I was always inclined to tliink that a person to make such a statement must at least have some evidence to support him, even though it might not be sufficiently stable and consecutive to pass muster as a pedigree before the Chapter of the College of Arms. I couldn't have made a greater mistake. I then found that people really entitled to a pedigree of perhaps five or su generations, and to a modern grant of Arms, were seldom content with it, and It usua ly came to me as a genealogical tree of fifteen or sixteen generations, and the Arms had generally been granted by Edward III., or at the latest by Queen Elizabeth. And here is a pretty Ul^^ lo judge a pedigree if the time cannot be spared to investigate it thoroughly. Whenever apedigree m the male hne runs back far up into antiquity— or I will say even this, whenever a pedigree commences prior to the beginning of the eighteenth century, just look at it closely. If in tbe early part of it there figure celebrities, with full dates of marriages and deaths, and details of all the children, and there follow later the words, "from whom descends," or the words, "whose r^l^!' ''"^' ^^^ ^^^^ °^ '^^ *^^"^' relationships, the odds that that particular pedigree IS "taked are 999 to i. r- r o Jiw-n"**^*" w ''"^'' ^*'^"? that was quickly made apparent to me is this. When a family have been Illegally making use of Arms for some lime, and are then, for some reason or other, induced or • One family to my knowledge claim descent from Cardinal Wolsey, and have assumed his Arms. C6e ^tmt of atm0 vn required to place their Armorial matters upon a legal footing, and a Patent of Arms is obtained under the hands and seals of the Kings of Arms, the coat-of-arms which has previously been in use is never granted to the person intact. If a desire for a coat similar to the one in use be preferred, some alterations and additions to it are introduced, varying according to the discretion of the OfiEicers of Arms and the circumstances of the case, in order to render it a different and tte7v coat-of-arms, and to satisfy the requirements of one of the rules of the College, that no two coats-of-arms which may be granted by its officers shall be alike. * The usual tale I am told — if the fact of the grant being modern by any chance transpires — is, if you please, that the alterations and additions are "augmentations" granted for some special service. Some of the older grants simply made additions to the coats which had been previously used, and this, to an ordinary individual, might lend some semblance to the idea. To the propagators of such fables I would add this fact to their knowledge. An " augmen- tation " proper requires a special warrant from the Sovereign. The " augmentations " legitimately existing are comparatively very few in number, and are all very well known. And another foible is this. Very few people care to admit that they have had a "grant" of Arms. The usual tale is, " My people had been using these Arms for a very long time, but documentary evidence, so very hard to get, &c., &c., couldn't strictly prove a legal title to them, &c., so the College of Arms 'confirmed' them to me with a very slight difference." The facts generally turn out to be that the Arms were " found " for 3s. 6d. at an heraldic stationer's, perhaps ten or perhaps twenty years ago, or perhaps supplied gratis with a "guinea box of stationery." It was then afterwards ascertained that they were quoted in Burke's " General Armory " as belonging to a family of the same name, which family were promptly claimed as ancestors. " The Arms are the same, you know, we must be descended from them." There are few people who could summon up sufficient audacity to offer to the critics such another pedigree as the notorious Coultart genealogy ; but there is still a good deal of unblushing audacity in existence. Times out of number have I been informed that Arms submitted to me have been granted, or confirmed, or certified, by the Officers of Arms. Even the dates of grants have been quoted to me when no such grants exist, and the certificates when asked for are never to be found. I call those sort of statements untruths pure and simple. Small wonder that with such a plenitude of these falsehoods my credulity waned below zero, and now is non-existent. Of the hundreds with whom I have been brought in contact I could count on the fingers of my one hand those people whom I know at the very beginning have told me the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Consequently, though it is a brutal admission to have to make, I cannot believe, and do not beheve for one moment, any man's account of his own family, or take his word concerning them. No matter how truthful a man may be, his probity never seems to have stability on that one point. I think the Archangel Gabriel would have " made the usual mistakes." If any ordinary individual tell you he is descended m the male line from some one who figures upon the glorious roll of Battle Abbey, or that his ancestor "came over with the Conqueror," write him down a perverter of the truth at once. Mr. Evelyn Philip Shirley published some number of years ago a book which deserves a greater name and a far wider reputation than it has received. I refer to "The Noble and Gentle Men of England." He took a far less ambitious standpoint than the Norman conquest, simply including within his covers all those then Arms-bearing families who had held their land in legitimate uninterrupted male descent since the reign of King Henry VII. to the present day. Of all the landholders of to-day, of all the county families within or without the pages of Walford ; of all the names in " Burke's Peerage " or in Kelly's " Upper Ten Thousand," how many families, titled and untitled together, think you does his book contain ? Three hundred and thirty. Some number of the very older families are Saxon, but the great majority only take their start from the Wars of the Roses, that great social upheaval which shook to its very foun- dation the aristocracy of England. Read " De Nova Villa," and read the " Last of the Barons," if you wish to know what became of the ancient families of England. Of the twenty-five barons who signed or affixed their seals to " Magna Charta," of which we so proudly boast, not a solitary proved male descendant is known to exist. Fuller, writing in his book, "Worthies of Bedfordshire," says : — " Hungry Time hath made a glutton's meal on this Catalogue of Gentry (the list of gentry of the reign of Henry VI.), and hath left but a very little morsel for manners remaining." The pedigrees in "Burke's Peerage" are lax enough, but even there but one hundred and eleven are taken back to the time of the Norman Conquest, and of these forty-nine are Saxon, Welsh, Scottish, or Irish. There are nearly seven hundred peers and over eleven hundred baronets, and all their relations within the covers of " Burke's Peerage " ; there are nearly five thousand famiHes in the "Landed Gentry," and all tkeir relations; there are sixteen thousand names in Walford's " County Families " ; there are twenty-four thousand individuals in " Kelly." As I have I do not wish any opportunity for misconstruction. At the times of the Visitations, when two families — though not the least relationship might exist between them — proved a right to identical Arms, these were allowed to them both, and the above rule has only applied to grants. IL VIII Clje 9bu0e of 3rm0 ttid. but 8.xty.two pedigrees in the Peerage are taken back to the Normans, and Shirley admits but ■ three hundred and thirty families. The deduction IS obvious. ■ The first point I wish to draw attention to is the wholesale display of bogus Arms-perhaps I ■ should be roorTcorrcct in saying the wholesale bogus display of Arms. Ihese, as I have previously ttAted are of two kinds : i. Arms which, apart from the question of ownersiup, are of no legal origin; tLegal Arms used by people to whom they don't belong. The latter predominate. But first of alH 11 it necessary to make it clear what constitutes the right to bear Arms. ^ The right difTers widely in the three kingdoms, and they all differ widely from the laws current in the rest of Europe. But now, and throughout this Introduction, I shall confine myself to the United Kingdom. It is of no use for the blind to lead the blind, and I have no sufficiently intimate knowledge of either the heraldic or the common law in vogue in the various countries of Europe to wanmnt my ofTcring to teach others what I am by no means sure I know myself. In the infancy of Heraldry no control existed or was exercised by anybody over Armorial matters. It was " The good old rule, the simple plan, That they should take who have the power, And they should keep who can." But this era was of short duration. Almost the first step in the United Kingdom towards establishing control was taken in England, and the Corporation of the College of Arms was established by Royal Charter in the reign of Richard III. Now, there are very many people who grandiloquently assert that "they don't recognise the authority of the College of Arms." Such a statement sounds very big, but it is pure nonsense. They might just as well proclaim that they do "not recognise" the Sovereign or the Houses of Parliament. And I have also found that any mention of the authority of the College of .Arms is usually the signal for an outburst of abuse (and abuse pure and simple, not criticism) against the College itself and its officials. I will be no party to any such controversy. Nothing I can say will add to or detract from their authority, or give more weight to its expression. I can simply make the knowledge of it more public ; for one cannot but admit that nothing can alter the fact that the Officers of Lyon Office (for Scotland), of Ulster's Office (for Ireland), and of the College of Arms (for the whole of the rest of His Majesty's dominions) have the sole official authority and control of Armorial matters. I am not writing on behalf of any of the Colleges or Offices of Arms ; I am not connected in any way with them. I am not writing at the instigation of any Officer of Arms. I am simply a member of the general public, brought closely into touch with the laws and the practice of Arms ; and if the expression of the knowledge I have obtained prevent any person ignorantly following the tempting and well-worn ruts of heraldic abuse, I shall be satisfied. Now arms are a matter of honour. The Sovereign is the fountain of honour. In the reign of Henry V. (141 7) a Royal Proclamation was made that no man in future be allow© to bear arms without authority. This has been printed in full on several occasions. The next ste: wastheconsolidationof the various Officers of Arms in England into the Corporation of the College of Arms. The two Charters by which they hold and exercise their authority are given in Noble's " History of the College of Arms." I don't ask any one unquestioningly to take my word that the authority exists. They can convince themselves by referring to the Charters in question, to the Royat Warrants appointing the Visitations, to the Reports submitted by the Law Officers of the Crown to His Majesty King George III. in connection with the dispute between the Officers of the Order of the, Bath and the Officers of the College of Arms, and to the Patent appointing any King of Arms to his, office, which, to a certain extent, recites his powers and privileges. Perhaps the most important o' all are the warrants commanding the Visitations. So much for England. Let us now see how matters stand in Scotland. The whole subje is very tersely and pertinently put forward in the " Ordinary of Scottish Arms," from which I am] permitted to quote. "The earliest Scottish Armorial in existence is said to have been prepared by or under tht, superintendence of Sir David Lindsay of the Mount about 1542. It is impossible to say whether it* took from the first an official character, but that there must have been some such recognised record* before the close of the sixteenth century is clear from several references which are made to the LibeA insigniorum, or " Book of Arms," in the Acts of the Scottish Parliament at that period. In 1592 an^ A« was passed authorising the Lyon and his heralds to hold visitations throughout the realm in order to distinguish the Arms of the various noblemen and gentlemen, and 'thaireftir to matriculatj thame in thair buikis and registeris.' It is unfortunate that this permission to make heraldic visita- tions was never largely taken advantage of; had it been, and had the registers indicated in the Act been properly kept, it is unlikely that the Privy Council would have, within the next forty years, a ''im m Cbe af)U0e of 3:tm0 ix practically authenticated as an official record Sir David Lindsay's MS. above referred to, which they did in the following terms : — " ' This Booke and register of Armes, done by Sir David Lindesay of the Month, Lyone King of Arms, reg. Ja. 5, conteines 106 leaves, which register was approvine be the Lordies of his Majesties Most Honourable Privie Counsale at Halierude hous 9 December 1630. " ' Sir James Balfour, Lyone. ** * Thomas Drvsdaill, Hay Herauld. " ' Register: " "Whatever may have become of the official registers previous to the date of the commencement of the present one, it is certain that many collections of Arms were from to time made, both by the Officers of Arms and others. Sir Robert Forman, Lyon (155 5- 1567), presented to Queen Mary a roll containing 267 Scottish coats-of-arms. In addition to the 'Workman MS.' now in the Lyon Office, at least four other Armorials belonging to the sixteenth century, and relating to Scot- land, are in existence and were shown at the Heraldic Exhibition held at Edinburgh in 1891, while the seventeenth century collections are comparatively numerous. As time went on, however, the absence of an authentic and official Register of Arms was more and more felt: in 1639 the Com- mittee on Articles appointed the Lyon to do diligence for cognoscing and matriculating all Arms, and to represent the same to the Privy Council, that they might take some course to prevent Arms being assumed irregularly. In 1662 it was apparently found that the registration of Arms was more neglected than ever, though Cromwell had appointed one if not two Lyons during his administration of the Government. By an Act passed in that year it was provided t'nter alia that " . . . Consider- ing what disorders and confusions have arisen and are dayly occasioned by the usurpation of Cadents, who against all rules assume to themselffs the armes of the cheeff house of the familie out of which they are descendit, and that other mean persones who can nowayes deryve thair succession from the families whose names they bear, as they have just assumed the name, doe therafter weare the coat of that name to which they pretend without any warrand or grund whatsumever, ... no younger brother or caudent of any familie presume to carie the amies of that familie bot with such distinc- tions as shall be given by the Lyon King of Armes;" and it was likewise provided that all persons were to have their Arms examined and renewed by the Lyon, and inserted in his register. This Act, however, did not remain long in the Statute-Book : considerable dissatisfaction appears to have been created by it, possibly from the amount of the fees which it entitled the Lyon to exact at the funeral solemnities of the nobility and their wives, and it wa-i repealed in the following year, 1663. It is not very clear whether the above-quoted allusion to the Lyon Register can be taken as implying that at that time there was such a record in existence, or whether it merely means that a Register was tiien to be commenced. But as the present Register was certainly commenced within the next ten years as new, it may fairly be inferred that no official Register of Arms, with the exception of Sir David Lindsay's MS. mentioned above as having been approved by the Privy Council, was in existence at the period of the Restoration. What had become of the old Registers, if such there had been, has been a matter of some speculation : both water and fire have been held to be answerable for their destruction. It is by some thought that they may have formed part of that cargo of records originally carried off to London by Cromwell, and ultimately jettisoned from the frigate 'Eagle' or lost with the ship ' Elizabeth ' of Burntisland, when, owing to the representations of the Scottish Parliament, they were being restored to their proper home. On the other hand, Arnot in his ' History of Edinburgh' mentions that the Lyon Office Records were burned in a fire wliich took place about 1670, and that the Act under which the present Register was instituted was in consequence passed shortly afterwards. As, however, there is no mention made of any such fire in that Act, which merely alludes in general terms to the ' many irregularities of these late times,' it can hardly be regarded as authentic history, and it is unnecessary to do more than allude to the causes which have been thought hkely to have induced the Scottish Legislature to take the steps they did for the formation of an entirely new Register. It has been shown that an attempt had already been made in 1662 to improve the Registration of Arms, but it had come to nothing. In 1672 the Parliament again addressed themselves to the subject, and this time with success : they had the advantage of a member who was himself well acquainted with Heraldry — Sir George Mackenzie of Rosehaugh — and he not in^probably took a special interest in drawing the Act, which took its place on the Statute-Book as the Act of 1672, cap. 47^. It ratified generally the Act of 1592 so far as it related to visitations and the penalties to be inflicted on persons using Arms without authority, and it ordered all persons of whatsoever degree, who were in the habit of using Arms, to give in a description of such Arms and of their lineage, to the Lyon Clerk in order that they might be distinguished with 'congruent differences,' and that the Lyon might enter them in his books and registers, and might grant Arms to 'vertuous and well deserving persones.' The Register now instituted was to be considered as the true and unrepealable rule of all Arms and Bearings in Scotland, and was ordered to remain in X Cftc 3bU0e of ^rmfif the Lyon Office as a public register of the kingdom for all time coming. All persons who used Arms after the expiration of a year and a day from the passing of the Act rendered themselves liable to a 6ne of one hundred pounds, and the goods on which the Arms were engraved we're to be escheat The Act reads as follows, and I think it better to quote it in full, as it definitely lays down the impt»rtant {xjint that cadets in Scotland are not entitled to bear the Arms of the head of their family until they have been mauiculated to them with a difference : — Copy or thb Act conckrnino the Priviledges of the Office of Lyon King at Armes. 47. Our Soveraigne Lord Considering, that albeit by the 125 Act of the 12 Parlia* holden by his Maiesties grandfather in the yeir 1592 the usurpation of Armes by any of his Maiesties leiciges without the authority of Lyon King of Armes is expresly discharged ; And that in order thereto, Power and Comission is granted to the Lyon King of Armes or his Deputes, to visite the whole Armes of Noble- men, Bartons and Gentlemen, & to matriculate the same in their Registers, and to fine in One Hun- drcth pounds, all others who shall unjustlie usurp armes ; As also to Escheit all such goods and geir u shall have unwarrantable Armes ingraven on them. Yet amongst the many irregularities of these Ute times, very many have assumed to themselvis Armes, who should bear none, and many of these who may in law bear have assumed to themselvis ye Armes of their chieff, without distinctions, or Armes which were not carried by them or their predicessors. Therefor His Maiestie, with advice and consent of his Estates of Parlia' Ratifies and Approves the foresaid Act of Parliament ; And for the more vigorous prosecution thereof Doth hereby Statute and Ordain that lettirs of publication of this present Act be direct to be execute at the mercat cross of the heid Burghs of the Shires, Stewariries, Bailliaries of Royalty & Regallitie and Royal Burrowghs chargeing all and sundry Prelates, Noble- men, Barons & Gentlemen who make use of any Armes or Signes armoriall within the space of one yeir aftir the said publication, to bring or send ane account of what armes or Signes armoriall they are accustomed to use ; and whither they be descendants of any familie the Armes of which familie they bear, and of what Brother of the ffamilie they are descended ; With Testificats from persones of Honour, Noblemen or Gentlemen of qualitie anent the Verity of their having and useing those Armes, and of their descent as afoirsd, to be delivered either to the Clerk of the Jurisdiction where the per- sones duells, or to the Lyon Clerk at his office in Edinburgh, at the option of the party, upon their receipts gratis without paying any thing therefore : Which Receipt shall be a sufficient exoneration to them, from being obleidged to produce again, to the effect that the Lyon King of Armes may distin- guish the sds Armes with congruent differences, and may matriculat the same in his Bookes & Regis- ters, and may give Armes to vertuous and well deserving Persones, and Extracts of all Armes, expressing the blasoning of the Arms undir his hand and seall of office : For Which shall be payed to the Lyon the soume of Tuentie merkes by Every Prelate & Nobleman, and Ten merks by Every Knight & Baron, and five merkes by every other persone bearing Armes, and noe more : And his Mat'* hereby Dispenses with any penalties that may arise be this or any proceiding act for bearing Armes, befor the Proclamation to be issued hereupon. And it is Statute & Ordained with consent forsd that the sd Register shall be respected as the true and unrepeallable rule of all Armes & Bear- ings in Scotland to remain with the Lyons office as a publict Register of the Kingdome, and to be transmitted to his Successors in all tyme comeing : And that whosoevir shall use any other Armes any manner 01 way, aftir the expireing of year & day from the date of the Proclamation to be issued hereupon in maner forsd shall pay One Hundred pounds money Mies quoties to the Lyon, and shall likewise escheat to his Maiestie all the moveable Goods & Geir upon which the fds Armes are engraven, or otherwise represented. And his Maiestie with consent forsd Declaires that it is onlie allowed for Noblemen & Bishopes to subscrive by their titles ; And that all others shall subscrive their Christned names, or the initiall letter thereof with there Sirnames, and may if they please adject the designations of their Lands, prefixing the word Of to the fds designations. And the Lyon King at Armes and his Brethren are required to be carefull of informeing themselvis of the contraveiners heirof, and that they acquaint his Maiesties Councill therewith, who are hereby impowered to punish them as persones disobedient to and contraveiners of the Law. It is likewise hereby Declaired that the Lyon and his Brethren Heraulds are Judges in all such causes concerning the malversation of Messmgers in their office, and are to enjoy all other priviledges belonging to their Office which are secured to them by the Lawes of this Kingdome, and according to former practice. Under a strict interpretation of the above Act, this opportunity of " matriculation " of ancient Scottish Arms could be held to have long since lapsed. I am in no way speaking for Lyon, nor do I wish to m any way hamper his discretion, but I believe it to be correct, and consequently it cannot be too widely known that the present Lyon King is by no means averse, if satisfactory evidence can be produced, to still exercise his prerogative and discretion, and matriculate at the present date Arms which can be shown to have been authoritatively borne prior to the passing of the above Act. Cfie ai)U0e of Hrm0 xi In Ireland the powers of Ulster King of Arms are best defined by the Patent creating the first Ulster. This can be seen in " Rymer's Fcedara," but most of the powers of Ulster King are recited in the Patent of each successive occupant of the office. Owing to the fact that the records in Ulster's Office are not so complete as is the case in England, Ulster King of Arms has the power in his discretion to confirm Arms which it can be shown have been continuously borne for a certain number of generations (I believe four), even though they may have been previously of no legal authority, and this power is continually exercised ; but as a general, nay, an almost invariable rule, some mark is placed upon the Arms, though usually a very trifling one, to distinguish in the eyes of the learned those Arms borne by virtue of a confirmation from those for which the right has been fully proved. Briefly, then, to sum up, to establish the right to bear Arms in England it is necessary to prove legitimate male descent from some person to whom a grant of Arms has been made, or from some person to whom Arms were confirmed at the Visitations ; in Ireland the same, or else from some person to whose descendants Arms have been confirmed. Failing this, there is no alternative but to obtain a grant of Arms yourself, or, if you be of Irish descent, and can produce the necessary evidence, a confirmation. In Scotland, if you are the heir male of a grantee, or of any one to whom Arms have been matriculated, you are entitled to bear these Arms; if you can only establish a junior descent, you must have the Arms matriculated to yourself, even if it be your father who is the giantee ; if you cannot show any such descent, you must petition for a grant. Now with regard to the bogus display of Arms, there are sins of omission and sins of commission. Very few people indeed claim less than they are entitled to, and the only sin of omission of any consequence is the cool disregard which is paid to the marks of illegitimacy. A person of illegiti- mate birth has assuredly no Arms. Many people will tell you that it is simply a question of placing what they colloquially term the "bar sinister" upon the escutcheon, in exactly the same manner as a second son in England or Ireland may charge his Arms with a crescent, the third with a mullet, the fourth with a martlet, and so on.* But this is not the case at all. He must either do one of two things. He must petition for a grant of Arms, in which case he is under no necessity to disclose his iflegitimacy. But he will have an entirely new coat-of-arms granted to him. Or else he must first prove of whom he is the natural son, and then petition for a Royal License to bear the name and Arms of his putative father. If he adopt the latter course, and the Royal License be granted to him, he will find he is permitted to bear the Arms with "due and proper marks of distinction." Now the grant of a perfectly new coat with no mark of illegitimacy, costs exactly the same as the grant of the old one with these "due and proper marks," so that if a man deliberately elects to proclaim his relationship to any family, it is only fair to other and legitimate members of that family that the manner of his relationship should also be indicated, for his birth cannot be an equivalent of their legitimate descent. I grant it is through no fault of the man himself, and consequently 1 refrain from giving any list of those whom I know to be offending in this respect. There are several in the " Peerage," and matters are certainly made easier for them by the fact that these "due and proper marks of distinction " do not always figure upon their Arms therein. This is very unjust to their legitimate relatives, and it is breaking the law of Arms, and is not in keeping with the terms therein recited, upon which the Royal License to bear the name and Arms was conceded to them. And concerning this colloquial term " bar sinister." There cannot possibly be such a thing, for the " bar" in Armory is neither dexter nor sinister. The term is merely a misnomer for " bend sinister." The bend sinister is given in all heraldic books as an ancient mark of illegitimacy ; but it has long since been discarded, and is now never granted on a shield, though a bendlet wavy sinister is some- times, in fact nearly always, placed across the crest. A baton sinister, which is a bendlet sinister couped, is the mark reserved for Royal illegitimates, but it is not universal. I can call to mind at the moment no coat-of-arms correctly in use at the present day upon which the bend sinister occurs save the "Shiffner" coat (which I believe is of foreign origin) and the Burne Jones coat, and in these it does not occur as a mark of illegitimacy ; nor do I know of any coat in use which bears the mark which the laws of Arms are said to provide for the base-born son of a noble woman. I find the mark now in use is not generally known even amongst those who profess to have made some study of Heraldry, and I am only aware of one book in which it is mentioned ; and curiously enough it is not a mark of illegitimacy at all in Scotland : though, knowing its English character, I beheve it is a little fought shy of even there. Consequently, as I have not the least desire to make it in any way more difficult for those who have the misfortune to bear it, I have no intention of advertising what it is. The only other sin of omission that I know is the objection some few people have to the double coat consequent upon a double name. For instance, if your name be Jones, and you get Her Majesty's The laws of Arms only provide differences for nine sons of the same father. A correspondent wrote to me in good faith, to ask what his difference would be as the twenty-first surviving son of the same father and mother. I was forced to admit I did not know. I wonder what would be done. ■ xH Cfte 9lJU0e of arms Royal License for youmclf and your descendants to bear the additional name of Smith, and to bear the Arm's of Smith quarterly with those of Jones, that quarterly Smith-Jones coat becomes one indi- visible coat, and you have no more riglit to separate it again than you would have to discard half the charges upon a simple coat because you didn't like them. But when we come to the sins of commission, their name is legion. In the first place, by the law of ArmSi the right of bearing either crest or motto is denied to a lady. In the olden days a Joan of Are wa« a wild exception, and it was universally conceded that no woman was capable of wearing a helmet. The "new woman" may have changed this into a fiction in her crusade against her com- plementary sex. but in the far-off ages Amazons, either Christian or Barbarian, were an unheard-of quantity, and the laws of Arms were irrevocably constructed centuries ago. Anyhow the fiction (I daren't call it anything else) did exist, and consequently, as the crest was then an ornament inseparable from the helmet, the right to a feminine display thereof was denied. It is so still. The motto, anciently the "cri-de-guerre" likewise, the shield also. Now the domain of the " ladye-faire" in olden time was at the spinning-wheel — would that it were so still — and the "distaff" was a peculiarly feminine ornament and prerogative. The distaff was supposed to resemble the heraldic lozenge in form and figure — it does so in some slight degree. Consequently the law of Arms allows a maiden lady to bear the Arms, upon a lozenge, which appear on her father's shield. When left a widow, she impales her late husband's Arms with her father's, and bears that combination upon a lozenge. Now here is another little anomaly. Heraldic law knows no Married Woman's Properly Act, and concedes them no "separate estate," and consequently in his lifetime the husband bears the Arms " for his wife," and the impalement takes its place in his shield and under the pro- tection of his helmet. If the wife bean heraldic "heiress" (the exact meaning is explained later on), though he is at liberty still simply to impale the coat if he ])refer, the husband is allowed instead to place the Arms of his wife's family upon a small escutcheon in the centre of his own shield, called an "escutcheon of pretence," because through his wife he "pretends" to the repre- sentation of her family. And if the said heiress survives her husband, she usually places her father's Arms on the same escutcheon in the centre of a lozenge of her husband's Arms. And the "fic- tion " of the feminine non-ownership of Arms is kept up further. By the English law of Arms, a "difference" mark is ipso facto provided for the second and all yoimger sons to place upon their fother's coat-of-arms. There are none for daughters, each bearing exactly the same Arms and differ- ences as the father bore. But the Scottish law, which provides that all younger sons shall have no Arms until a matriculation of their father's with a difference shall have been made to them, allows all the daughters to bear their father's Arms upon a lozenge, and allows the husbands to impale these Arms without further " difference." But the point is that widows and unmarried girls must show that they have no helmet to pro- tect tiiem ; in other words, they must bear their Armorial Insignia upon a lozenge (the same figure as a diamond upon a pack of cards), and they must not use a crest. And now. on the subject of the conjunction of the Arms of man and wife, I will not inflict upon you the old heraldic jargon of "baron et femme," but the rule is simply this. First of all find out whether your father-in-law is or was legally entitled to bear Aims. Don't think that because you are entitled lo bear Arms anything will do for an impalement, because it won't. Both of them must be irreproachable. Then divide your shield by a straight line down the middle; place the whole of your own Arms on the dexter side,* and place the pronominal coat of your wife's father m the remaming half This is called " impaling " the two coats. If you are not entitled to Arms yourself, you are 7iot at liberty to take the Arms of your wife's taniily. Her rights to bear or transmit any Arms or quarterings, whatever they are, become and must remain iiormant until such time as you or the descendants of your marriage with her choose to csubhsh a right to Arms in the male line. If you are a knight of any Order having the right to surround your own escutcheon with the ribbon or collar of an Order, you must use two escutcheons. On the one are simply your own Arms so surrounded, and on the other your own Arms impaled with those of your wife s family ; the idea being that your knighthood is personal to yourself, and that you cannot share it with your wife. Just the same, a bishop cannot share his episcopal rank with his wife, and he has to use two escutcheons if his wife be entitled to Arms. The Scottish Anglican DishoiM and the Irish Anglican bishops created since the disestablishment of the Church in Ireland, and all Roman Catholic bishops, have no Arms for their sees. If a woman be of higher rank than her husband, or possess rank in her own right, she cannot share it with him. For instance, toke a peeress m ner own right. By right of her heirship, the husband would place the Arms of the family upon an escmcheon of pretence upon his own, and he is allowed to place her coronet lu nli !«?^"i of pretence, but he has no right to her supporters, or to place her coronet above h^ nZ r^ ?K°"*r ^^'^ T'"" '*° escutcheons must be used, for on the sinister side of his own he must repeat her fathers Arms upon a lozenge, surmounted by her coronet and between her sup- Is r:u?^hr.rL';Sn'^ri:rf^^^^^ t rc^i^tiir ^'^"'' ^° '^^^ ''- '-''- '-' I Cf)e atJU0e of arm0 xiii porters. In the same way the husband could not claim a share in a double-headed eagle, if the wife's family were entitled to display Arms upon it. There is one other point. Care must always be taken that the whole pronominal coat of your wife's father be impaled. If he have a double name and a sub-quarterly coat, you must impale the whole of the coat which stands for his surnames. Further, by the Scottish law of Arms you do not become ipso facto entitled to quarter Arms; you are only entitled to bear the coat which has been matriculated to you in Lyon Office. If you want quarterings introduced, you must get a fresh matriculation, and after they are matriculated you cannot drop them without rematriculation ; so that, if you go north of the Tweed for your wife, you must be careful to impale everything that has been matriculated to her father. Now in England the practice is different. I distinctly say it is not illegal or incorrect in the slightest degree, but at the same time it is considered rather " bad form " to impale more than the simple coat which stands for your wife's surname. Your wife's father may be entitled to fifty quarterings, but if the name be Smith, you simply impale the Arms of Smith. The next point is, what constitutes an heiress? The heraldic meaning of the word is very different from its colloquial usage. Neither land nor money have anything to do with it. An heiress in Heraldry need not possess or transmit the value of one brass farthing. What she must transmit is the representation of her father or her family. If her father have no sons she is an "heiress," or if she have sisters a "co-heiress." If she have brothers she is not an heiress unless or until the issue of these brothers has become extinct. If the brothers die leaving no sons, but leaving daughters, these daughters become the heiresses and not the sister. If the issue of the brothers even- tually becomes absolutely extinct both in the male and female lines, then the sisters (themselves, if alive, or if not in their descendants) become the heiresses, even though the extinction may not occur for hundreds of years. On marrying an " heiress " or " co-heiress," as I have said, a man is allowed, but not required, to place the Arms of her family upon an escutcheon of pretence in the centre of his own, and his children are entitled by the English law to take as quarterings the whole of these Arms and quarterings which their mother was entitled to transmit, and add them to anything their father may have possessed. Occasionally — but very very seldom — a woman may be an heiress to her mother but not her father, or vice versa, and in these cases special rules apply. By Scottish law, if you inherit quarterings you must get them matriculated to yourself before using them. The English law does not make the registering of them compulsory, but apart from the desirability of perpetuating evidence, it is always advisable to submit your claim to the officers of the College, and get your right adjudicated upon and recorded and allowed before assuming quarterings ; so very often some or all require careful investigation, and, speaking advisedly, so few people, even amongst those who have made a study of Armory, know how to marshal them correctly. But two points I would draw special attention to are these : No woman is an heiress until the death of her father. There is always the possibility of his marrying again and having sons, so that until your father-in-law is dead you are only at liberty to " impale." You do not necessarily quarter your mother's Arms. Find out if she be an heiress. And even if your mother be an heiress, and her mother an heiress as well, you cannot quarter the Arms of your grandmother's family until you have proved that your mother's father was also entitled to Arms. One faulty coat invalidates everything that comes after it. So that, before you draw up wonderful schemes of quarterings, find out if all the coats will hold water. Quarterings seem to be an especial weakness of some people. I had a claim to nearly loo sent up to me not long ago along with a claim to a dormant Baronetcy. Even the very first coat could not be substantiated. But some families are undoubtedly entitled to a very great number. The Lane-Fox family have proved 136, and Sir Lambton Loraine's children will have very nearly as many, and I fancy so would Sir Humphrey de Trafford if he went to the trouble of proving them. I am told that the Duke of Northumberland is entitled to over 500, but I doubt it. Anyhow, at the Heralds' College, I believe, the record is held by the family of Lloyd of Stockton, who have proved and recorded 323. Now a word or two about crests. At the publication of my edition of " Fairbairn's Book of Crests," one of my reviewers gave himself away at the very commencement of a long and very appreciative review, by the remark that the book " would commend itself to those who, whilst not aspiring to the dignity of a coat-of-arms, rightly thought themselves entitled to something more than a mere monogram, and so laid claim to possessing a crest." With all due deference to the aforesaid gentleman, such an idea is utterly wrong. At the present moment, though there is many a coat without a crest, I believe I am correct in saying, there is not a single crest legally in existence that is not part of acomplete achievement. I am afraid the abominable advertisement so familiar to our eyes, " What is your crest and what is your motto ? " &c., is much to blame for this very erroneous idea. At the beginning of Armory the crest was an extra distinction — much the same as supporters are at the present day — and the old Heraldry books allude to a time when none below the rank of a knight were entided to display a crest. Consequently many of the really old coats have no crest belonging thereto, and it can generally be shown that amongst ancient families xiv Cbe ^bu$e of atm0 the cwft is of more recent date than the Arms. One exception, and only one, have I come across, and, though I have mcruioncd the matter to several Officers of Arms, I can learn of no other. Thk it the Btukwortk crest — one of the two belonging to Sir Charles Buckworth-Herne-Soame, Bkronei. The Arms were exhibited at the time of the Visitations, and though the crest was passed the Arms were ni)t, but the Arms were rectified at a later date. That is the only case I know. So may I impress tiie fiict that you cannot have a crest unless you are legally entitled to a coat ol^rais. Another abuse with regard to crests is the promiscuous bearing of two, three, four, or five crests. I have never seen more than five in England. The law in the United Kingdom is that you can, in the ordinary matter of course, only possess one. Probably the abuse has crept in with the craze for double surnames. If you obtain a Royal License to bear a double or treble surname, you probably acquire the right — but such right only in accordance with the terms of the Royal License — to bear one crest for each surname ; or even if you change your name, and yet obtain permission to quarter the .\nns for the new and the old surname, you would be entitled to two ; but if your Royal License distinctly state that you shall bear the new name and Arms "/« lieu of" the old one, then you have only the right to the one. If you want the two, you should take care the terms of the petition make provision for that. The late Uuke of Buckingham and Chandos had five, but he had five surnames (Tcmple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville) ; and I know of no greater number legitimately used in the United Kingdom. Of course, there are exceptions. When a family obtain a grant of Arms, and then subsequently prove their right to an older grant, they become entitled to both coats and both crests ; but this does not apply to two or three matriculations in Scotland. The last matriculation supersedes everything of a previous date. Duplicate crests often occur through one being a crest of augmentation, as in the cases of Lord Combermere, Lord Gough, Lord Nelson, and many others. There are some few instances where additional crests have been granted without being crests of augmentation ; but this is very exceptional. Lord Garvagh, Ix)rd Bute, and Lord Camden are cases I can call to mind. I confess I personally have no great objection to seeing a crest placed upon a wreath, and without a helmet; but of late an idea seems to have gained currency, and certainly with a good deal of reason, that as the crest is purely an ornament to surmount the helmet, it is un- warranted or even wrong to separate them or to depict a crest alone. That is one of these " nice " points capable of a good deal of argument ; but a book-plate in my possession shows a Knight's helmet (of degree) in the fesse point of the escutcheon. I confess to having been much amused by a brougham I have frequently seen of late. The said brougham, which from its striped appearance is easily recognised, has for its Armorial decoration a helmet and a crest; but for some utterly inscrutable reason these are detached, and are placed side by side. But, as a curiosity, I can beat even this. I saw a carriage in the Park recently, which, from the monogram of the letters T. G., and the shield bearing " three escallops on a chief" (I forget the tinctures employed), I presume belongs to somebody of the name of Graham. The peculiarity in this case consisted of the fact that the said monogram was placed, in the manner and after the fashion of a crest, upon a wreath above the escutcheon. Another point with regard to crests that is plainly an abuse is the encircling of them (and coats- of-arms as well for the matter of that) with Garters, or with ribbons, whether bearing mottoes or not. This is a privilege confined, and very strictly, to Knights of the various Orders, it not even being conceded to Companions. Consequently an ordinary individual is very wrong in adorning his achievement in this manner. Even if the motto upon the Garter be changed, it can only be said to slightly lessen the offence. Yet there are several families legitimately possessing mottoes employed by one or other of the Orders. And, as to another little weakness, if your crest should legally be borne upon a wreath, don't place it upon a chapeau, or issuing from a coronet. In England the College of Arms disclaim all jurisdiction over mottoes. If it is wished, any motto, to which rio objection offers, is painted below the emblazonment in the margin of a Patent, but, save in rare instances, it is not mentioned in the wording, and forms no part of the grant, and it is a comparatively modern innovation for it to be inserted even in the painting ; so that the rule for those people who come within the jurisdiction of the Heralds' College is this, that unless the motto is specially mentioned in the wording of the Patent, or unless it be charged upon the shield itself, or in some way attached to and forming a constituent part of the crest, any motto may be assumed, altered, or discarded at the pleasure of the wearer. As far as the laws of the College are concerned, you can quote a psalm or a scene out of Shakespeare in your escroll if it so please you. And you are at liberty to place your motto where you like,— above your crest, below the arras, or in any other position in which you can find room for it, though custom appears to rule that it shall find its place under the shield. In Scotland the law is diametrically the opposite. The mottoes are always mentioned in the Patents of grant or matriculation, and are unchangeable ; and more- Cfie ^tmz of atmiBi xv over their position is stated, and must be adhered to. It is usually over the crest. Book-plate designers might take a note of this fact. In Ireland the position is about half way between these two extremes, inasmuch as if a motto l>e recorded with your coat you are expected to make use of that particular one. As to supporters, though there is a good deal of abuse concerning their usage, there is no definite rule that can be laid down. Ulster and Lyon Kings have absolute power to grant supporters to whomsoever they will. But little advantage has been taken of this power in Ireland, and practi- cally the same rules hold good as obtain in England. Moreover, the present l.yon King of Arms, I believe, considers it well to keep within these same bounds in the case of new grants. But former Lyons thought nothing of the kind, and granted them to all and sundry who would pay the fees, and some number of English Baronets went to the trouble and expense of obtaining grants of supporters in Lyon Office. These grants, of course, were uUra vires, AH chiefs of clans and heads of families claimed the right, and it was usually conceded to them if they cared to pay ; so that north of the Tweed the only rule that can be quoted is that no one is entitled to them unless they are matriculated in Lyon Office, and the larger half of them are not. I hope before long to publish a list of those who are. In England the law is very straightforward. Only those people to whom they have been granted — and their successors or not, according to the limitations of the Patent — are entitled to make use of them. And such grants are only issued to Peers, Knights of the Garter, Thistle, and St. Patrick,* and Knights Grand Cross of the other Orders, unless the grant be made as an augmentation or otherwise, pursuant to a warrant from the Sovereign. Supporters granted to a Peer usually are limited to those upon whom the title shall descend, likewise those granted by Royal Warrant to Baronets, e.g.. Guise, Otway, Guinness. Supporters granted to a Knight Grand Cross are personal to himself. And I would point out that supporters granted to a Knight Grand Cross who is subsequently created a Peer, do not descend with the Peerage, unless a new grant with extended Hmitation be issued ; and to my knowledge more than twenty Peers and Baronets have not the ghost of a right to the supporters they display. And there are a good many Knights Grand Cross who use supporters without having obtained the right — in other words, have simply invented them for themselves. Another point is that it is utterly illegal for heirs-apparent to Peerages, even though bearing courtesy titles, to assume either a coronet or supporters. I would commend to the notice of all offenders on this point the clauses in the Patents confining the right to use the supporters to " those upon whom the Peerage shall descend." No Peeress, after a second marriage, is entitled to continue to use the coronet and supporters of her first husband, and in fact any woman, after a second marriage, has entirely forfeited her privilege of using anything Armorial pertaining to her first marriage. And there is another class of offenders, those who undoubtedly have the right to bear Arms but yet prefer to use some other coat, usually one much more illustrious. The Yankee on the subject of Coat-Armour is proverbial. Cussans tells a tale in his " Hand- book of Heraldry " which is decidedly amusing. During the residence of our Ambassador, Mr. Crampton, in Washington, a carriage which he brought from England was sent to a carriage-builder's to be repaired. Some time afterwards, on Mr. Crampton going to the factory, he was surprised to see several buggies, sulkies, and wagons each bearing his Arms. In astonishment he turned to the attendant and, directing his notice to the carriages in question, inquired if they were built for him. "I reckon not sir," was the reply; "you see when your carriage was here some of our citizens admired the pattern of your Arms, and concluded to have them painted on their carriages too ! " But if a tale which was once told to me be correct, I think I can go even one better than that. A Yankee — or perhaps I should say an American, for that is all that can be guaranteed — called one day at a noted coachbuilder's. At the time of his visit a state carriage of the Duke of St. Alban's happened to be there for some triffing repairs, and the "stranger" admired it greatly, and particularly its heraldic adornments. He asked whose it was, and was told. " And is that his coat-of-arms ? " "Yes." He "reckoned it was mighty fine," and left. And the end of the story is that, until quite recently, a carriage was to be seen occasionally in New York with the coat, crest, coronet, supporters, and Garter of the Duke, and with the " baton sinister " and all. But what can you expect of a country where nobody can say definitely what the National Arms are really intended to be, and where they are popularly supposed to be governed by a clause with a "shifting hmitation " of blazon ? A coat-of-arms reached me not long ago which, from certain peculiarities, I at once recognised as a modern grant. Over all appeared the undoubted mark of illegitimacy. The coat was only granted in 1843 to some one to whom a Royal License had been issued to take the same name as^ * For a long time these Orders have been confined to Peers, and the Garter to those of the rank of Earl and upwards ; but formerly, when they were open to commoners, they carried the privilege of the right to obtain supporters, as did the Order of the Bath before it was divided into classes. xvi Cl)e a!)U0e of arm0 that of my correspondent, who had l)ecn thus guilelessly labelling himself a bastard. Not the least i«btion»hip existed I have yet to learn where he picked up the Arms. This is a good example towards my argument all along, which is to make sure you are reallj entitled to the Arms you carry. . , , , r .1 i, Perhaps some !>cople sin through ignorance ; but I know many people are perfectly well aware of what they are doing, and one can but suppose they simply trust to the general ignorance of the subject to escupe detection. But having regard to those who are sinning through lack of knowledge, It » a Krtinent inquiry as to how they have drifted into the ranks of the offenders. The first people to cct blamed by the outer world are, of course, the official heralds. People like " (iuy le Vieux" {ride letters in the G/ode), probably simply because their own Arms have failed to pass muster, go. about seeking whose credulity they may devour, and loudly proclaiming that the King, who is abovflf the Heralds* College, granted Arms which are not recorded there; or that the heralds at theiij visitations omitted to record this coat or the other coat. And you may, as I have done, hear talei about families who have continuously since the twelfth century borne Arms which have never beeu recortlcd in the College of Arms. It is, of course, impossible to say that any hypothetical cas (anna/ exist, but I have never known one proved ; nor can I come across any one having the leas real knowledge of Heraldry who believed in these tales; for they all, when examined, prove to be tissue of impossibilities, improbabilities, and untruths. It is just possible one or two isolated case of the kind might exist in the Channel Islands, and undoubtedly unregistered Arms have for a lonj time been borne in some cases in Scotland and Ireland, but the law of the land— not any law of th| Offices of Arms — has distinctly declared these to be illegal, and that puts an end to any argument But as to England proper, one can be very safe in saying that no such cases exist. One often hean the remark, "Oh, but anybody can have a coat-of-arms by paying for it." A more mistaken idea^ could not exist, as a good many people might find on petitioning the Earl Marshal for a grant. But, though I have heard this remark often, I have never once heard it come from the lips of any one who was undoubtedly Armigerous, either of new or old gentility. Consequently, if other people may judge from my experience, whenever that remark is made you can be pretty certain of — well, the deduction is fairly obvious. A gentleman with whom I have come in contact has shown me a seal which was engraved for him for some very small sum. When he was quite a boy he was persuaded by some itinerant vendo^B who carried a small book of illustrations in his pocket, and went the round of commercial office^ip that that was the crest he was entitled to use. That is certainly one way of supplying Armorial hankerings. And jewellers and seal-engravers carefully foster the very erroneous idea that all peopl of the same name are entitled to the same Arms. Because your name be Smith you are not necei sarily a relative of Lord Carrington, nor is every Mr. Jones a relative of the late Lord Ranelag Because your mother's name was Howard, you need not as a matter of course be a relative of th Duke of Norfolk, and entitled to quarter his coat with his augmentation ; neither is every perso: rejoicing in the name of Robinson at liberty to take and use Lord Rokeby's coat-of-arms. An belong to the grantee and his descendants, and such others as may be mentioned in the Pateni and not to everybody else of his name in the world. It is the fashion just at present to abuse the late Sir Bernard Burke's publications. They mighi have been a little more accurate certainly, but I don't think they have done quite the harm that sorai people would debit them with, and they have certainly done a great deal of good by keeping alive th( mterest in long descent, and it is still accounted " something " to have one's family included in th " Landed Gentry." But the real harm lies with these advertising heraldic shopkeepers. The general public thinl that a search with them is precisely the same as a search through the official records. All these shoj keepers do is to take down Burke's " General Armory," and, if your name be a common one, pic! out the one amongst the different coats which is located nearest to the address you gave of you earliest known ancestor. One of this shopkeeping fraternity, on being applied to for a " correct coat,' with a good deal of ingenuousness replied to his correspondent that there were several different coat for his name, and he could take his choice. One that was indicated seemed to be the oldest, and h advised that A certain well-known character had a presentation made to him, and an almost equall well-known purveyor was asked to supply a coat-of-arms to occupy a prominent position upon the gifi I may as well say at once that the coat and crest he supplied did not belong to each other, anc neither belonged to the genUeman in question, or ever had belonged to anybody of his name. But thai appears to have been merely a detail. Some rather strong remarks I had made upon the use of the coal came to the ears of its purveyor, and one day a tall, middle-aged military-looking personage walke into my room and placed a card upon the table. It was very dirty, which may have been the reasoi .the mdividual took it away with him again when he left. It bore the name of the noted heraldi parreyor m question ; and ounng our interview my visitor spoke vigorously with regard to what ha( oeen said. 1 he Arms over which the dispute had arisen, according to the first account I heard, wert, erected upon a brass in a certain church in a small vUlage in Derbyshire, which bore a date in the C&e afjusfe of armjsf XVll I seventeenth century. A solicitor's letter, threatening a libel action, was the next act in the farce; but I had meanwhile taken the trouble of writing to the clergyman of the church mentioned. He assured me there was no such brass in existence, the church mentioned having been only built about twenty years ago. I pointed this out to the purveyor, and he prompdy gave another origin for the coat, which was quite as ridiculous, namely, that it had been recorded in his books for some con- siderable length of time. In my preface to the revised edition of " Fairbairn," I said : " There is no such thing as the •prescriptive right to Arms,' as to which one heraldic shopkeeper with whom I have come in contact talks glibly ; it exists solely in his conversation. Others of his persuasion have other little plausibilities equally corrupt which they bring into prominence. And it is a fairly safe plan to pursue to reject as bogus all Arms and crests which boast no other origin than the heraldic stationer, Avho, for a trifling fee, professes, on receipt of ' name and county,' to find Armorial Bearings for any applicant. During the revision of this volume, I have had a very great number of ' certificates ' from such places sent up to me for insertion. To my own mind that alone was sufficient evidence against their authen- ticity ; but for fear they might be right, I have had each one formally examined as it reached me by the proper authorities, and in no solitary instance have the Arms of right pertained to those one was led to believe from the certificate were the possessors, and in most cases the Arms themselves, apart from the question of ownership, were wrong in detail or some technicality." In the two years which have elapsed since the book was published, I have had no reason what- soever to in any way alter this opinion. And I would remind those with the sneer ready to their lips that Arms are a mere matter of payment of fees, that it is not so; and, moreover, that there are degrees of gentility. A grant of Arms, which is a concession of grace by the Sovereign, is a Patent of Gentility from the Crown, from which is all honour, and the fees which have to be paid are not the price of it to you, but are the cost to the Crown of the concession which is made to you, and which cost you are required to defray. The right to coat-armour is the proof of gentility. The grantee of Arms is simply a gentleman by Patent, as the first holder of the lesser nobility of that creation in precisely the same manner as the first Peer is a Peer by Patent, and the first holder of the greater nobiHty of his creation. But the anomaly in England is that a Peer need not necessarily be a gentleman, and some are not. The Crown only can take away a man's gentility, and in the ordinary way a man can forfeit it by nothing he does, though the remark was true that " it is a pity some gentlemen are such blackguards." The Continental test of the perfection of blood — the proof of " Seize quartiers " — has never been required in England, and though many glibly boast of it, but few indeed can prove it. It has nothing to do with the quarterings you bear, and the fact of the proof thereof by the father does not consti- tute the right of the son. In England men mate with whom they will, and a woman even socially is accepted as of her husband's rank, unless the discrepancy be too egregious and apparent; and this is the English stumbling-block to proofs of " Seize quartiers." To establish a proof of this you must show that all your sixteen great-great-grandparents were legally entitled to bear Arms. In other words, you must show this right to have existed for P ir TV 3- 4- 5- 6. 7- 8. 9- lO. II. 12. 13- 14. 15- 16. Self. Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Parents. Father's Father's Father's Father's Father's Father's Father's Father's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Grand- parents. Father's Father's Father's Father's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Father's Father's Father's Father's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Gt. -grand- parents. Father's Father's Mother's Mother's Father's Father's Mother's Mother's Father's Father's Mother's Mother's Father's Father's Mother's Mother's Gt.-gt. -grand- parents. Father. Mother. Father. Mother. Father. Mother. Father. Mother. Father. Mother. Father. Mother. Father. Mother. Father. Mother. The word " Esquire" has been described by one writer as a description of a state {e.g., widow and widowhood), and not a title. But whichever it is matters little, for the right to the affix of Esquire is cleariy defined. Neither usage and custom nor use and abuse can now alter the legal right to this description. There have, in times past, been other qualifications (for instance, anciently k xviii Clje abu0c of arms Esquires were created by Patent) which have become obsolete, but by the qualifications still existinj Eaquires are these — The sons of Peers. The sons of Baronets. The sons of Knights. , . , , 'ihe eldest sons of the younger sons of Peers, and their eldest sons m perpetuity. The eldest son of the eldest son of a Knight, and his eldest son in perpetuity. The Kings of Arms. . The Heralds oi Arms. Officers of the Army and Navy of the rank of Captain and upwards. Sheriffs of Counties, for Life. J.P.'s of Counties whilst in Commission. Serjeants ai-Law. Queen's Counsel Serjeants-at-Arms. Companions of the Orders of Knighthood. Certain principal Officers in the Queen's Household. Deputy-Lieutenants. Commissioners of the Court of Bankruptcy. Masters of the Supreme Court. Those whom the Queen, in any Commission or Warrant, styles Esquire [and amongst these are Royal Academicians], and any person who, in virtue of his Office, takes precedence of Esquires Graduates of universities, as such, are not Esquires, and barristers-at-law, as such, are nat\ Esquires. Touching the subject of liveries, I say frankly at once that there is no law, heraldic or otherwise to govern their choice or design. But, in the absence of any law, a very definite usage has sprung u[ so universal and long-established in its character, and so generally recognised, that I may doubtle be pardoned if I draw attention to it. This custom is that the colours of the livery shall be determined by the tinctures of the wreath — in other words, by the principal colour and the principal metal occurring in the coat-of-arms, which .ire known as the livery colours. In all Scottish Patents the phrase will be found, "and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for a crest," &c. The exceptions are so few that the rule may be briefly understood by saying that these must be the first metal and the first colour which occur in the official blazon. Whatever is the field of the coat-of-arms, whether it be colour or metal, determines the pre dominant colour of the livery, thus — Sable would give black. Gules would give red. Vert „ green. Or „ yellow. Azure „ blue. Argent „ white. Purpure „ purple or mulberry colour. A yellow or a white livery few people in this uncertain climate, and in these days of aestheti colours and hali-tones, have the courage to make use of save for State or full-dress occasions, and fa ordinary usage dark drab for the former or light drab for the latter are generally used in their stead.1 Scarlet is the Royal livery, and is barred to all others (with the exception of the few who ar" privileged to make use of the royal stables, and, I believe, of the Duke of Norfolk as hereditary Earl Marshal), consequently, if the field of your Arms be gules {i.e., scarlet), your red for livery purposes must be claret colour or chocolate colour. If your livery be black, you have but little opportunity for personal taste in the selection of tint, but with blue and green you may choose a shade as brilliant or as retiring as seems good to your own particular taste. The second colour governs that of the facings, and in the matter of facings yellow and white for gold and silver and scarlet keep their original colours. And it is in the matter of facings that the opportunity occurs for " taste " and ingenuity. The great majority of people for undress purposes make the collars and cuffs of the second tincture, or " pipe " the garments with that colour. The waistcoat for undress purposes is usually of a material of narrow stripes of the two colours. A craze lately seems to be gaining ground to make use of scarlet waistcoats. This is decidedly an infringe- ™*^i^ ^w■ ^°PJJ'^^'7. and doubtless arises from the fact that this forms a part of the undress livery at .Marltwrough House. Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales have to submit to a good deal of imitation, but things have passed fu: beyond the bounds of that " sincerest form of Cfte Ztmz of arms xix flattery " when their liveries are duplicated throughout the land. Their would-be disciples might just as well assume the plume of feathers encircled by the coronet of the Prince. If the hatband be other than of black it should be of the metal in the wreath. The buttons, if they are of metal, should also be governed by the same rule. Dress and State liveries, from their less frequent assumption, are not so subject to the vagaries of mind of the country or second-class tailor, consequently custom and usage with regard to them are fairly regular. The coat is usually in accordance with the field, the facings and ornamentation governed by the secondary colour or metal, as are the breeches and occasionally the stockings. The garters and shoe-buckles follow the rules I mention above for metal buttons. The waistcoat is some- times one and sometimes the other, most frequently being the same as the coat If a third colour appear in the Arms, this is sometimes introduced in the facings, and the undress waistcoat is then striped of the three; but I think it undesirable, though it is not incorrect. The following examples of the liveries which should pertain to the Arms I mention will show how the colours are applied : — Suppose the Arms to be vert (the field), a saltire argent, the livery would be — Undress — Green coat and overcoat, with white collar and cuffs, facings, piping, or white or silver braid or lace, silver buttons and hatband, green and white striped waistcoat. j)ress — Green coat, with silver lace or braid, or white facings — waistcoat the same — white breeches and stockings, silver buttons, garters and buckles. Suppose the Arms to be or, an eagle displayed sable — Undress — Dark drab coat and overcoat, with black collar and cuffs, facings, piping, braid or lace, gold buttons and hatband, black and yellow striped waistcoat. Dress — Yellow coat and waistcoat, with black lace braid or facings, black breeches and stockings, gold buttons, garters and buckles. Suppose the Arms to be gules, a lion rampant or — Undress. — Claret-colour coat and overcoat, with yellow collar and cuffs, or gold or yellow facings, piping, braid or lace, gold buttons and hatband, black and yellow striped waistcoat. Dress. — Claret-colour coat and waistcoat, with gold or yellow lace, braid or facings, yellow breeches and stockings, gold buttons, garters and buckles. If any one, from a lack of heraldic knowledge or any other reason, cares to write to me upon the subject, I shall have very great pleasure in pointing out what colours should be made use of in the designing of liveries. If you have no coat-of-arms, it cannot be said to be wrong to assume any colour you may choose : but it might be pointed out that the colour brown, which seems to be rather a favourite, is not approximated to any heraldic tincture. With a double name or a quarterly coat you take the colours from the first quarter of your Arms, disregarding all others. If a fur occurs in one or other of the principal colour and metal of your Arms, you take the colour of its ground, thus — Ermine is treated as white. Erminites is treated as while. Erminois is treated as gold. Pean and ermines is treated as black. If the field of your Arms is vair, your livery colours are blue and white, and you are at liberty to treat whichever you prefer as the dominant colour. If your field be vaire, you take in the same manner the colours of which the fur is composed. If the field be of a metal or colour, and the principal charge be vair or vair^e, the dominant colour of your livery is in accordance with the field, and you take either colour or metal, whichever you may want, from the fur. If through a change of name you become an accredited representative of a different family, and the first quarter in your coat-of-arms is altered, your livery ought certainly to change as well. If you have been using a livery and have no desire to alter it, and subsequently obtain a grant of Arms, I think it would be found, if the wish were expressed, that in designing the new coat the Ofificers of Arms would, if possible, so arrange it that the old livery continued to be correct. The colours of carriages and of the upholstering is simply a matter of taste, and it is nothing more than artistic preference and a desire for uniformity — but a very general preference, by the way — which makes them in accordance with the liveries. In actual practice the metal of the harness and harness ornaments will usually follow the rules which decide the metal of the buttons. There is a very pretty custom in vogue at the moment of placing knots of ribbon or coloured leathers at the heads of horses. These should, of course, follow the two livery colours. From liveries to cockades is no great step, and the abuse of this ornament — for such it assuredly is — is greater than the abuse of Arms. As to this, again, there are no laws in existence, but the custom which has regulated their usage is much more emphatic and pronounced than in the case of liveries, and the observance of which at the same time is more widely recognised and exacted. II b MM, Cte abuse of 2ixn\0 The cockade originated in the " brooch," if I may so term it, or fastening of the old three- ooraered hats. The black cockade of the present time is generally known as the "black cockade of Hanover," and its usage ujwn the hats of liveried servants dates from about the time of the Hano- verian succession. One hears about the white cockade of the Stuarts, but I am inclined to think it 0hgima/fd in contradistinction to the black cockade of Hanover, and I fancy has a greater existence in poetry and romantic chivalry than it ever had in actual life. It is doubtful if it had anything bejrood an actual military existence. The cockade is purely & fighting badge, so that it is essentially ridiculous for civilians or ladies to pretend to it. There are two shapes at present in general usage; the most usual is the one surmounted with a fan-shaped ornament This is the military cockade. The oval shape, without the fan, is the naval one. The right to the military cockade is universally conceded to all officers holding commissions in the Army, Militia, or Volunteers ; and, by virtue of their military capacity, to Ix)rd-Lieutenant8 and Deputy-Lieutenants ; and for the same reason, to High Sheriffs during their year of office. The right to the naval one is conceded to officers holding commissions in the Navy or Royal Naval Reserve. It is a moot point whether ex-officers, when no longer holding their com- missions, are still entitled to make use of it. In my opinion, it should be conceded, at any rate, to those who receive permission to continue to wear their uniform ; but I cannot substantiate my opinion by any authority, or settle the matter one way or the other. The royal cockade is circular, and larger and rather different in the form of its construction. This shape, in a smaller size, is adopted by many of the royal household for their private purposes, and I cannot help thinking that the usage of this shape by such persons, and the usage of cockades by ambassadors, are simply a matter of privileged concession to the liolder of the office for the time being. The foreign cockades are of different colours. Cussans enumerates — The German Black and white. The Austrian Black and yellow. Tlie Portuguese . . . . , . White and blue. i The Belgian Black, yellow, and red. The Spanish Red. The Netherlands .... Orange. And I have seen others. From the fact that the use of the cockade is conceded to Deputy-Lieutenants — and the list of Deputy- Lieutenants includes the great majority of those in a prominent social position — it seems to be considered by a large number of people that the placing of the cockade upon the hats of servants is nothing more than an indication of such social position on the part of their employers, and conse- quently the pretenders to this rank, with common consent, infringe the privilege. It is difficult to see what steps can be taken to check the abuse. Certainly a step in the right direction has been taken in this book, in which every person is marked whose right to the privilege I believe to be undoubted. But now that the dynasty has changed, and many matters are being brought anew under consideration, it would be most beneficial if an official notice by the Lord Chamberlain were •inserted in the Gazette, definitely conveying the wishes of the Sovereign, if an expression of them could be obtained, as to what classes were entitled to the privilege. The accepted raison d 'itre of the black cockade of Hanover no longer exists. If the colour of the cockade were to be altered, and at the time of the official signification thereof the opportunity were taken of definitely stating to whom the new cockade would appertain, attention would be forcibly drawn to the matter, and public opinion, having definite knowledge to go upon, would effectually prevent any extensive abuse of the privilege. There is another very objectionable practice which I wish to refer to, and that is the display of bogus private Arms in municipal matters, such as invitation cards, State carriages, and presenta- tion portraits. It seems a very usual practice to introduce into such matters the personal insignia of the Mayor or Aldermen, and it seems to me peculiar, judging by the publicity thereby given to them, that it should be the exception rather than the rule that such personal insignia should be of any authority. The High Sheriffs' banners and seals bring us another crop of unauthorised Arms; but, of all the occasions of the desecration of these marks of dignity and honour, the Lord Mayor's Show in this City of I>ondon stands unrivalled. It is the common boast of a certain City firm of " heraldic purveyors," that they have supplied the successive I^rd Mayors and Sheriffs with Arms for nearly a century. The statement certainly rnay be only a sample of trade " tall-talk," but it might well be true, for it is a fact that but few of these officers start their civic display with legitimate Arms. It u not a matter of a recognised rule that each City Alderman must of necessity be a scion of Cfte atJUiefe of arm0 xxi the nobility, or even of " gentle " descent ; indeed, tradition points to the exact reverse, and that a Lord Mayor more frequently "founds" than "terminates" an illustrious house. Further, where is the disgrace of coming from a race of forebears who were not Armigerous ? If a claim to gentility of birth, either on behalf of oneself or one's descendants, be made by the display of Armorial Bearings, they most assuredly ought to be genuine. And if Mayors, Lord Mayors, and Aldermen and High Sheriffs desire their Arms to be en h}idence, might I suggest that they should ascertain whether or not they have a legitimate right to those to which they lay claim ? And now we come to the question as to what can be done to prevent these abuses of the right and privilege of bearing Arms, with which I have dealt in the foregoing pages. It is almost hopeless to advocate or expect any further convictions and fines under the old laws, which provided such heavy penalties for the wrongful usage of Arms ; but still, overlooking these penalties, and without any alteration of the law, there is a great deal that might be done. First and foremost, if the Inland Revenue authorities were more eager and efficient in the discharge of their duties, and in the enforcement and collection of the annual licenses imposed by the law, it would make a marvellous difference. And if the payment of the required license were more rigorously enforced, the average tradesman's wife might think again before answering a news- paper advertisement and placing herself in a tradesman's hands for a guinea box of stationery, and perhaps a prudent husband might enforce a little reflection. And the wording upon the licenses issued by the Inland Revenue authorities requires consider- able alteration. At present it reads — No LICENCE : TO USE ARMORIAL BEARINGS ;^i i o 32 and 33 Vict. Cap. 14. of in the Parish of within the Administrative County of. is hereby Authorised to wear and use Armorial Bearings (but not to have the same painted, marked, or affixed on or to' any Carriage) from the day of the date hereof until the 31st day of December next following : the sum of One Pound One Shilling having been paid for this hcence. Granted at this day of by INLAND REVENUE. LICENCE: TO USE ARMORIAL BEARINGS ;^2 2 o 32 and 33 Vict. Cap. 14, P ^B of in the Parish of within the Administrative County of * is hereby Authorised to wear and use Armorial Bearings, and to have the same painted, marked, or affixed on or to any Carriage from the day of the date hereof until the 31st day of December next following : he having paid the sum of Two Pounds Two Shillings for the licence. Granted at this day of by The italics are mine, and this wording, to put it mildly, is ultra vires. I am not the first to point out that as it stands now it is a direct infringement of the personal prerogative of the Sovereign. It needs no Act of Parliament to alter it. With all possible deference to the authorities at Somerset House, I would suggest the following wording as more legal and less open to abuse : — " having paid the sum of one guinea, is hereby admitted to have fulfilled the requirements of the Inland Revenue Department, but such payment not to be held to have confirmed or conferred any right to the usage of Arms not sanctioned by the duly accredited Officers of Arms." The Act of Parliament creating the requirement of these licenses reads as follows : — " 32 & 33 Vict. : Customs and Inland Revenue Duties: Ch. 14, sec. 18. On and after the first day of January one thousand eight hundred and seventy, there shall be granted, charged, levied and paid, for the use of Her Majesty, her heirs and successors in and throughout Great Britain, under and subject to the provisions and regulations in this Act contained, the following duties, that is to I say : . . . For Armorial Bearings : — If such Armorial Bearings shall be painted, marked, or aflSxed on or to any carriage ^[^2 2 o If such Armorial Bearings shall not be so painted, marked, or affixed, but shall be otherwise worn or used . , . . . . .110 Ch. 14, sec. 19 (i). It shall not be necessary for any member of the Royal Family to make any declaration or to take out any licence under this Act, nor shall it be necessary for the sheriff of „ii Cfie 9bu0e of armjef •nv county or mayor or other onkcr in any corporation or royal burgh serving an annual office tboein. to Ukc out a licence for any servants, carriages, or horses employed or kept by liun for the punoM of hit office during his year of service, nor for any person who shall by right of office wear or one any of the Arms or Insignia of any member of the Royal Family, or of any corporation or n.yal burgh to lake out a licence in respect of the use of such Arms or Insignia. Ch. i4isec 19 (13). 'Armorial Bearings' means and includes any Armorial Bearing, Crest, or Ensign, by whatever name the same shall be called, and whether such Armorial Bearing, Crest, or Ensign shall be registered in the College of Arms or not. Ch. 14, tec 19 (14). Any person who shall keep any carriage, whether owned or hired by him, shall be deemed to wear and use any Armorial Bearings painted or marked thereon or affixed thereta , ,• . , . Ch. 14, sec 19 (15). It shall not be necessary for a licence to be taken out by any person duly licensed by proper authority to keep or use any public stage or hackney-carriage for any Armorial Bearings painted or marked on such stage or hackney-carriage." There is some difference between the foregoing and the notice appearing upon the back of the return, by which you are invited by the means above mentioned to contribute to the Inland Revenue. It is as follows : — "ARMORIAL BEARINGS. Definitions. The term 'Armorial Bearings' means and includes any Armorial Bearing, Crest, or Ensign, by whatever name the same shall be called, and whether such Armorial Bearing, Crest, or Ensign shall be registered in the College of Arms or not. Any person who keeps a carriage, whether owned or hired by him, is deemed to wear and use any Armorial Bearings painted or marked thereon or affixed thereto. A licence to use Armorial Bearings on carriages includes the use of such insignia in any other manner. Note. — If any person holding a licence at the lower rate of duty shall become liable to the higher rate by reason of using a carriage with Armorial Bearings thereon, a proper licence must be taken out within 21 days. The duty on the former licence will then be repaid by the Collector of Inland Revenue. Exemptions. The proprietors of public stage carriages or of hacKney carriages licensed by local authority, in respect of any Armorial Bearings marked thereon, or on the harness used therewith. lite Commissioners of Inland Revenue do not require licenses to be taken out in the following cases : — 1. By any shopkeeper in respect of the use of Armorial Bearings or devices, solely as trade"' marks, and in the course of trade. 2. By any municipal or other corporation, or any public company, in respect of the use of their corporate Armorial Bearings, or by any person using the Armorial Bearings of such a corporation or company by right of office. 3. By any officer or member of a club, or society, using at the club, or on the business of the society, any AJrmorial Bearings for the use of which such club or society have taken out a licence. ^1 Persons Exempt from Return and Duty. 1. Members of the Royal Family. 2. The Sheriff of any county, or the Mayor or other officer in any corporation or royal borough, serving an annual office therein, in respect of any servants or carriages kept by him for the purposes of his office during his year of service. 3. Persons wearing by right of office any of the Arms or Insignia of members of the Royal Famihr, or of any corporation or royal borough, in respect of the use of such Arms or Insignia." The difference is no doubt somewhat explained by the enclosed reply I received to certain mquiries upon the matter : — '^' ^ " Inland Revenue, *«94 " Somerset House, London, W.C, „ c - , " giA March iSg^. ,. 7*'~*° .'«P'y to your leUcr dated the 22nd ultimo, 1 am instructed by the Board of Inland Revenue to acquaint you tnat {i) sectwrn 19 of the Act 32 and 33 Vict, c 14 provides that it shall not be necessary for a Corporation wearing or jaing Arms or Insignia to take out a licence. (2) The above exemption for a Corporation is construed by the Board M ineaning that a licence need not be taken out by any public company for any corporate Armorial Bearings. (3) A ™!!.^ • !1^~^ ^ to a concession allowed by the Board) required by a shopkeeper for Armorial Bearings used in coonection with matters rclaung merely to his trade, as on bill-heads, trade labels, &c., or on his shop front ; and this Cf)e 2ibu0z of arm0 XXlll regulation applies to the use of the Royal Arms, so far as the Revenue is concerned. But (4) the Board cannot state whether or not in any particular case objection arises under the Patent, Designs, and Trade-Marks Act of 1883 to the use of the Royal Arms. This point would be determined by the Board of Trade. " The Act relating to licences for Armorial Bearings is the 32 and 33 Vict. c. 14.— I am, Sir, your obedient Servant, (Signed) " Wm. Rossetti, *' Assi. Secretary." Corporations, public companies, and tradesmen are every bit as capable of bearing taxation as those of more patrician birth ; and, moreover, it appears to me that the Inland Revenue authorities might just as well make up their minds not to collect the tax on wine or cigirs when imported by a tradesman or public company. If the tax were rigidly enforced in all the cases that the Act sanctions, the revenue from this source would be more tnan doubled, and tradesmen would be far less prone to prostitute the dignity of ^rms to the catchpenny artifices of business. As matters stand, they have a direct suggestion and inducement for domg so. And it would need no Act of Parliament to construct a regulation in the Trade-Mark Registration Department that no coronet whatsoever, and no design which can be classed as heraldic, should in future be accepted for registra- tion. It is easy to say what is "heraldic" in design: or the regulation might run that no design should be placed upon an escutcheon, lozenge, wreath, or chapeau, or in conjunction with any coronet, and that no design should consist of any object — commonly classed as heraldic — or any such disposition of objects, upon a circle, parallelogram, or oval, that one could be led to suppose the design might be considered to be a coat-of-arms. It would not need an Act of Parliament to introduce a police regulation that no vehicle should be licensed as a public hackney carriage until anything "heraldic" painted upon it or affixed thereto were defaced or obliterated. It would only need a resolution of the Common Council for it to become a sifie qua non that no Armorial Bearings, personal or impersonal, should be placed upon any casket or other presentation article ordered by the Corporation, or upon any official invitation card or other official publication, until such Arms had been sanctioned by the College of Arms. And a great deal might be done by Town Clerks and Mayors. It is a positive disgrace that many towns are using Arms which are of no authority. It would be very little trouble for each Town Clerk or Mayor of the towns which are illegally using Arms to call the attention of the Corporation to the fact. I feel certain that in many towns, particularly in Scotland and Ireland, where the fees for matriculating or confirming Arms are so trivial, matters have only to be placed before the Corpora- tions in the proper light, for immediate steps to be taken to rectify the present illegal state of affairs. If after having all the facts before them the Corporations are too parsimonious to move in the matter, it should certainly be made known, in order that the effort might subsequently be made by private individuals (as it has already been done in a good many cases) to rectify the apathy of the official body. For surely in these large towns who are still defaulters— ^.^., Leeds, Swansea, Wolverhamp- ton, Cardiff, Newport (Mon.), Crewe, Blackpool, Eastbourne, and Southend — there are enough public-spirited people interested in Heraldry to subscribe in small sums the necessary fees, even if there be no local magnate willing to make the town a present of its Arms. It would be no bad speculation for the local paper in each place to head the subscription list, for it would be amply repaid for its trouble by the advertisement and by the cash which would accrue from the sale of photographs of the Patent or accurate copies of the official Arms. County Councils in the same manner. One of the most important checks is in the hands of clergymen, and is this. No brass plate or mural tablet or tombstone may be erected in a church or churchyard without the consent of the clergyman thereof for the time being, nor can any hatchment be hung up upon the walls of the church. I am afraid the day of hatchments has come to a sorry end, but still with these where they may be used, and with all intra or extra mural monuments, the clergyman can discourage the use of any but legal Arms. He would be wise to require the mourners to spend an extra half-guinea to provide a certificate from the College or Office of Arms concerned, that the Arms proposed to be erected were legally displayed and properly marshalled. Architects can do a great deal — particularly with regard to impersonal Arms — by discouraging their display unless the coat-of-arms be beyond reproach ; and, where they have reason to doubt the accuracy or validity of personal Insignia, by taking care to avoid affording opportunities for the display of such. I doubt the feasibility or the advantage of a return to compulsory "Visitations," but with all possible agreement I join my advocacy to that of others who recommend the renewal of the Visita- tions in a voluntary form. Many people, on the score of indifference, will not take the trouble to record their pedigrees, but might respond to an invitation to do so if special facilities were offered. The world is growing strangely casual and indifferent of late on matters of honour. The House of Peers has been stated by an able writer to be as representative a body as the House of Commons, the difference being that the composition of the one is permanent as representative of a permanent class, and the other varying as representative of a body varying in its constitution and wishes. Consequently there is everything in favour of the continuance of the hitherto practised methods of the selection and creation of Peers. k XXIV Cf)e ^t)U0e of atm0 But there is much to be put forward in favour of the consideration whether services to the Sovereign or the community, which may happen to be only of a comparatively minor character, cannot adequately and acceptably be rewarded in more frequent cases by grants of Patents of Gentility, or where gentility exists, by grants of Augmentations. Such a revival of ancient practices would greatly add to the dignity of Arms, and in each case can readily be made into a direct memento of whatever action it is desired to commemorate. And further, it would provide also for cases wiiere services worthy of recognition have been rendered, where the means do not exist to satisfactorily maintain the dignity of knighthood, or of a hereditary title. It is much to be regretted that it is not considered a necessity for each person, as he attains his majority, to ascertain and record what Arms, quaiterings, and difference mark he should display. And upon his marriage, it ought to be considered as much a matter of course as consulting a lawyer as to his marriage settlement, that he should consult an Officer of Arms as to what diflference his marriage makes in his achievement. But even if the head of every family would take the trouble to investigate the right of his original ancestors to the Arms they claimed, and would then prove and register his own right to these Arms, and place upon record what he knows, a great step would be taken towards the correct end. A certain responsibility attaches to the headship of a house, or even of a branch of one. It is a rotten argument that because posterity have done nothing for you, you are called upon to do nothing for them. As it has been truly said, " Many things are lost to us which were known to our grandfathers, and our grandchildren will search in vain for things which to us are most familiar." And the Ex-Libris Society, by instituting a pillory of all those book-plates which bear illegal Arms, could at any rate reduce to a minimum the further initiation of unauthorised Arms, simply as excuses for book-plates. But more than two-thirds of the Ex-Libris in existence are in some way Armorial, and as but a very small proportion of the world at large is genuinely Armigerous, the deduction is obvious. And there is much to be done in the literary field. Learned treatises are still multiplying in number, which will even yet continue to discuss the ancient controversy as to whether a lion passant guardant must not of necessity be a leopard, which even yet take poor Sir Isaac Heard to task for the coat he designed for Lord Nelson. It is certainly very interesting, but no book has so far taken proper cognisance of the legal as apart from the scientific and antiquarian view of the study of Armory. The scientific might well have been left until the legal was " understanded of the multitude." These pages may perhaps have filled the void during the past two or three years. But a series of articles have recently been published, " The Right to Bear Arms," by " X." These articles have dealt more exhaustively with the legal side of the question than I have done herein, and they have now been republished in an extended form under the above title. Mr. Walter Rye did a great service to genealogists and antiquarians of all degrees — a service which I hardly fancy is yet thoroughly realised — when he wrote and published his book, " Records and Record Searching." In it he says : — " No catalogue or index has ever been published of the contents of the College, nor have the Officers of Arms ever considered themselves called upon to issue, as they most certainly ought to do, a list of those persons who are and those persons who are fiof entitled to Armorial Bearings. Many of the earlier Visitations have been copied more or less accurately — rather less than more — and are to be found in the British Museum and other libraries." I mention it last because I consider this book is the most crying want that Heraldry knows. The College has not published such a book, and apparently has left the effort to be made by private enterprise. Had no heraldic book ever been published, had no list of Arms ever found its way into print, had no unauthorised " Peerage " ever been compiled, then it would have been well for the Science of Armory, If the attempt to supersede their jurisdiction had been suppressed ages ago, when the College had and exercised sufficient power and authority to have done so, they would have remained what they are not— (not only the sole authority upon matters of Arms), but— and here they would have had the power — the sole source of heraldic information. But it is idle to talk of lost opportunities, the situation of the moment remains. And it is this — every reference library has a copy of Burke's "General Armory," from which the whole wide world helps itself to a crest or a coat-of-arms. Every day the newspapers and the penny post convey advertisements of those who pretend to find, for ihree-and-sixpence or less, Arms for those who don't know how to help themselves. Everybody who proclaims himself to be anybody must apparently sport a coat-of-arms. So that the need has undoubtedly arisen for some book which shall advertise, that all who run may read, which coats-of-arms are lawfully and legally borne ; that shall discriminate between the sheep and the goats ; that shall separate legitimate Armigeri from bogus pretenders. This is the book I am endeavouring to create. Where I could discover that Arms without doubt were lawfully borne, I have inserted them in ordmary tyi>e ; and, to the extent of the knowledge I have, I honestly believe that every person so mcluded is, by the law of the Realm and by the laws of Arms, unquestionably a Gentleman of coat- armour. Cl)e atJUjefe of arms xxv In the cases in which I could not satisfy myself that the right to Arms legally existed the entries are in italics. / give the information for what it is wort/i, atid each entry upon its oivn merits, subject to any qualifying remarks by which it is accotnpanied. No one besides myself knows the trouble I have gone to in order that my book should be accurate, but I can hardly expect a book of this magnitude to have gone through the press devoid of any error whatsoever. If I have treated any one unjustly I am truly sorry ; but as of the thousands of individuals mentioned in the book com- paratively but few are personally known to me, I have no reason for anything but an absolutely impartial standpoint. If any one considers I have wronged them, I can only ask them to com- municate with me ; but I wish that as few as possible shall have cause of complaint. It is possible some people may eventually establish a right to Arms which I have herein criticised adversely. The details of the Armorial Bearings have had my personal attention, and, as I have said, I believe them to be correct. For the other details I have been at the mercy of those who have supplied them and the sources from which they have been taken. And, unlike the details of the Arms, the other facts and matters have been largely dealt with by my assistants, and I am not inclined to personally vouch for them to the same extent that I hold myself responsible as to the Arms, but I have no reason to consider that my book is less accurate than other publications of a similar character. It may not be in some details so extensive, but I believe that the information I do give is correct. But as by now most people must have received from six to eight proofs of their entries at different times, the mistakes remaining must be few in number. But I do not claim that my book is at present anything like complete. But it is the first and only attempt to draw a plain, unvarnished, and legible distinction between those Arms for which the authority has been legally and duly established and those for which it has not. It is the first book of its character which has recognised fully that the laws of Arms differ widely in England, Scotland, and Ireland. It is the only book that has gone to the root of the matter, and treated of the abuse as well as of the use of Arms. The end I have in view mayhap is not yet near ; I may be a long time in reaching the goal I have set before myself, but the ideal towards which I am striving can soon be told. It is simply to take every living person who claims or pretends to the display of Arms, to quote the Arms he uses, and to let it be widely known whether his Armorial Insignia are borne with or without authority. The difficulties under which my book has been compiled may perhaps in some measure be appreciated when I say that I personally have had no access to the records of the College of Arms. My book is in no way official, being issued under neither the sanction, the authority, nor the control of the College of Arms, of Lyon Office, or of Ulster's Office. But it is for this reason in no worse plight than any other book. As far as I know, the "Ordinary of Scottish Arms" by the present Lyon King is the only book relating to Arms which has ever been issued, and which can be con- sidered in any way official. And then one passes naturally to the question of what changes in the law are desirable. In the first place, it should be made imperative that, before any Charter of Incorporation be granted to any town or company, the fees payable upon a grant of Arms should be lodged with an Officer of Arms. This would at once check a great abuse, for I find that, unlike the cases of indi- viduals, when Arms legally exist for a Corporation there is seldom much inclination to go beyond or set aside what is duly authorised. The erection of no monument bearing anything of an Armorial character should be permitted without the production of a certificate from an Officer of Arms of its accuracy. No Arms whatsoever ought to be permitted to be erected upon any building other than a private dwelling-house without their validity being certified. It is desirable that an official Government " Inspector of Seals " be appointed under the direct authority and control of the Earl Marshal, Lyon King of Arms, and Ulster King of Arms. And it should be required that all official seals be obtained from him. And by " official" seals, I mean any seal whatsoever that is used for any purpose other than purely private and personal matters ; and I would include all Ecclesiastical and Municipal seals, and all Company seals, and those of the High Sheriffs, This would put an end to the present farce by which so many bogus coats are per- petuated. Such a regulation would inflict no hardship upon anybody, and would not reqiiire a single person to obtain a grant of Arms, For the official Bishoprics there are the official coats, and a Company or Municipal seal need be engraved with nothing beyond its legend. If the High Sheriffs did not choose to establish a right to Arms, a monogram would answer all their purposes The exemptions at present made from the taking out of licences in the case of " trade pur- poses," hackney carriages, companies, and corporations, it is desirable to abolish. They simply place a premium upon unauthorised coats. There is a regulation which requires that before the Patent of creation for a Baronet can pass the Great Seal, his Arms and pedigree shall have been first recorded in the Heralds' College. This should most certainly be made to apply to all other hereditary tides ; and if it were made to apply I I xxvi Cfte ai)U0e of 9rm0 to the dienity of Knighthood as well, it would inflict no hardship, and might bring a handsome increase to the revenue. And Knights Grand Cross and Peers should be recjuired to obtain grants of Supporters. They nearly all assume them, and they might just as well all be required to do It ii desirable that upon proving and recording your right to a coat-of-arms, it should be pomble to obtain damages from any unauthorised person who is making use of the same Arms. Imo advised that as matters exist at present this could not be done, even after the coat had been '•entered at Stationers' Hall." , j u • u The penalty for improperly making use of the Royal Arms, besides bemg much more rigorously enforced, might, with advantage, be increased. It is doubtful to my mind if the Prince of Wales' badge at present is protected. If it is not, it should be definitely included. . A penalty should be legalised and enforced upon those who make use of Municipal Arms for AM other than Municipal purposes. , . , t i • i u , The last suggestion I will make is one for the origin of which I cannot claim the whole credit. The law at present requires that a licence shall be taken out annually for the use of Armorial Bear- ings, namely, of one guinea, or if used upon a carriage, of two guineas. The proposition in question is, that it should be open to any one, corporations included, to obuin a certificate from the Officers of Arms that they were legally entitled to bear Arms. Such certificate might, as a help to the Revenue, be required to bear a half-crown stamp. Upon the pro- duction of this certificate, a remission of 25 or perhaps 50 per cent, upon the amount payable to be made to the applicant. And failing the production of the certificate, the licences to be increased to two guineas and five guineas respectively. Such a change would at once commend itself not only to those Armigers who would be em- |>owered to uke advantage of it, but to every one who has at heart in the least degree the welfare and resjicct of true Armory. A few people — e.g., of illegitimate descent— would pig-headedly pay the higher fee in perpetuity rather than have their claims adjudicated upon, but the great majority would immediately prove and establish their right or drop the use of Arms. Then there would be at once a practical end to the bogus display of Arms. Such a change is only likely to take place if it can be shown that it will increase or at least not diminish the revenue. It is my opinion, and also the opinion of all others whom I have consulted, that the revenue from this source would, as a result, substantially increase. In the first place, a large revenue would arise from the stamps upon the certificates. In the next place, a large number of people in undoubtedly good position are sinning through ignorance of the law, and making use of unauthorised Arms. They would have their attention forcibly called to this, and a large number of new grants would require to be issued, and the revenue from the stamps thereupon would be of great magnitude. It would call attention pointedly to the Scottish law of Arms, which requires all younger sons and cadets to matriculate their Arms, and of course in Lyon Office the whole of the fees accrue to the Government. There would constantly and continuously be required new matriculations as each younger son attained his majority, and the fees, ^12 in each case, would materially lighten the woes of the Chancellor of the Exchequer for the time being. And this would be by creating no new law of Arms, but simply by enforcing laws which not only exist but are recognised and in a measure conformed to at the present day. And it would be a " Democratic " budget enough, in all conscience, for it would not touch this latter-day ffitish, the British working man. But to my mind, as a lover of Armory, by far the greatest argument in its favour is, that it would in some measure restore the ancient respect for Arms —it would in some degree renew their ancient lustre. I have little more to say; the advantages, on more general grounds, of these remedies for which I have pleaded I would much rather leave in some better hands to put forward. If honour be at an end, let its signs and tokens go with it. But Arms have even yet a lustrous meaning and a significance known and cherished by many, and " surely even those who affect the greatest contempt for Heraldry will admit that if Arms are to be borne at all, it should be according to the laws of Arms ; and that, if the display of them be a matter of vanity, it is a less creditable vanity to parade as our own those which belong of right to others.^' A. C. F-D. LoNiX)N, Sfptember 1905. •I i CONTENTS PACK PREFACE TO FIFTH EDITION i INTRODUCTION v CLUBS xxviii A DIRECTORY OF GENTLEMEN OF COAT ARMOUR . I APPENDIX . 1520 LONDON CLUBS CMs. Postal address. Albemarle 13 Albemarle Street. Army and Navy. 36 Pall Mall. Arthur's... 69 St. James's Street. Alts 17 Hanover Square. Alheiuruut 107 Pall Mall. Bachelon' 8 Hamilton Place, W. Badminton... Piccadilly, W. Boodle's 28 St. James's Street. Brooks'i. St. James's Street. BurUnston Fine Arts 17 Saville Row. CaledoDian Charles Street, W. Camera Charing Cross Road. Carlton 94 Pall Mall. Cavalry 127 Piccadilly, W. Ogu Qub 6 Waterloo Place, S.W. Gty Carlton St. Swithin's Lane. City Liberal Walbrook. CilyofLondon 19 Old Broad Street, E.G. Conservative 74 St. James's Street. Constitutional Northumberland Avenue. Crichton 10 Adelphi Terrace. Devonshire 50 St. James's Street. East Indian United Service 16 St. James's Square. Q,j^j.jj I IS Garrick Street, Covent I Gardens. Grafton 10 Grafton Street, W. Greaham i Gresham Place, E.G. Grosvenor 135 New Bond Street, W. Guards 70 Pall Mall. Hurlingham Fulham, S.W. Isthmian 150 Piccadilly. Junior Army and Navy 10 St. James's Street. Junior Athenatum 116 Piccadilly. Junior Carlton Pall Mall. Junior Conservative 43and44AlbemarleStreet. Junior Constitutional.. Piccadilly. Junior United Service Charles Street, St. James's. Clubt, Postal address. Marlborough 52 Pall Mall, S.W. National i Whitehall Gardens.^ National Liberal Whitehall Place, S.W National Sporting Covent Garden. Naval and Military 94 Piccadilly. New Club 4 Grafton Street, W. New Oxford and Cambridge 68 Pall Mall. New University 57 St. James's Sireet.j Oriental 18 Hanover Square, W. Orleans 29 King Street, St. James's. Oxford and Cambridge 71 Pail Mall. Portland 9 St. James's Square, S.W. Primrose j 4 and 5 Park Place,J^j I James's. ^^Hl Queen's West Kensington. Hjl Raleigh . 16 Regent Street, S.W. Reform 104 Pall Mall, S.W. ^^ Royal Societies' 63 St. James's Street.|B|| St. James's 106 Piccadilly. ^6 I St. Stephen's P Bridge Street, W( ( minster. Savage Adelphi Terrace, W.( Savile 107 Piccadilly, W. Sports Club St. James's Square. Thatched House 86 St. James's Street. Travellers' 106 Pall Mall. Turf. 85 Piccadilly. Union Trafalgar Square. United Service 116 and 117 Pall Mall. United University i Suffolk Street. Wellington i Grosvenor Place. Whitehall 47 Parliament Street. White's 37 St. James's Street. Wyndham 13 St. James's Square. Yorick* 5 Beaufort Buildings, W.C. I INDEX TO COLOURED PLATES Aberdare, Pl. XXXIII. ACLAND, PL. XXV. Allen-Hoblyn, Pl. L. Ames, Pl. XXIII. Amphlett, Pl. XXV. Anderton, Pl. XXI. Backhouse, Pl. XXI. Bainbridge, Pl. XXV. Bamford, Pl. XVI. Banks, Pl. XVIII. Bannerman, Pl. XXI. Barlow, Pl. XI. . Bartelot, Pl. XXVI. Bath, Pl. III. Benison, Pl. X. . BiLLIAT, Pl. II. . BoNAR, Pl. XX. . BONYTHON, Pl. XLI. BouLTON, Pl. XLVIII. BowLBY, Pl. LI. Bowles, Pl. VII. BoxALL, Pl. XL. Boyd, Pl. XIII. . Braikenridge, Pl. XXI. Bredon, Pl. XXV. Bridge, Pl. XLIX. Brimacombe, Pl. X. Broun-Morison, Pl. XXVII. BUCHANNAN, Pl. IX. Burke, Pl. XIV. Burns, Pl. XLV. BuszARD, Pl. XIX. Butcher, Pl. I. . Carysfort, Pl. XLVI. Casey, Pl. XI. . Caulfeild, Pl. XXVI. Cave, Pl. XLVII. ft^ Chalmers, Pl. XXVI. ■ Clifton-Robinson, Pl. XXXI. B Cornwall, Pl. XLVII. 928 784 1472 720 784 656 656 784 496 560 656 336 800 80 304 48 624 1184 1408 1504 208 II 52 400 656 784 1440 304 816 272 432 1312 592 16 1344 336 800 1376 800 880 1376 Cory, Pl. VII. . PAGE 208 Cory, Pl. XXII. 688 Courthope, Pl. XX. . 624 Cowan, Pl. IV. . 112 Cox, Pl. XXII. . 688 Craig, Pl. XXII. 688 Craigie, Pl. XXXII. . 896 Croker, Pl. XVIL . . 528 Crosweller, Pl. XXII. 688 Dalgleish, Pl. XL 11 52 Dalton, Pl. XXVIII. . 832 Daubeney, Pl. XVIII. 560 Davenport, Pl. XXIII. . 720 De Courcy-Wheeler, Pl. XXIX. 848 Delany, Pl. X 304 De Trafford, Pl. XXVIII. . 832 Dick, Pl. XXIV. 752 Drury-Lowe, Pl. XXVII. 816 Durham, Pl. XVIL . 528 Ebblewhite, Pl. X 304 Ebsworth, Pl. XXX. . . .864 Parish, Pl. Ill 80 Fell, Pl. XIV, . 432 Ferrand, Pl. XXIX. 848 FiNDLATER, Pl, XXIX, 848 Fletcher, Pl, XVIL . 528 Forbes-Leith, Pl. IX. 272 Fowler-Burton, Pl. XLV . 1312 Fuller, Pl. XXVI. . 800 Gell, Pl. XLIX 1440 Gibson, Pl. XLIX. . 1440 Gordon, Pl. XV. 464 Gosling, Pl. XIII. . 400 Graham, Pl. Ill, 80 Grant Duff, Pl. XXIV. 752 Green, Pl. IX. . 272 Griffith, Pl. XXVIII. , 832 XXX 31nDcr to Coloured Platen PACK HAro. PL. XXXII. . 896 Hancock. Pl. XXVIII. 832 Harrison. I^. I. 16 Hbur-Pbrcv. Pl. XLII. 1216 HXLMB. PL. XX. . 624 HxRfWRT. Pl. XXX. . 864 HOBSON. PL. II. . . 48 HoBsoN. Pl. VI. . 176 HORDKRN. l\. XXX. . 864 Huntbr-Weston, Pl. LI. 1504 Hutchinson. Pl. XXXI. . 880 Irvinb. Pl. XXIX. . 848 Irwin. Pl. V. . 144 Jaco-Trblawny, Pl. XXV II. . 816 Johnstone. Pl. III. . 80 Jones, Pl. XXXVIII. . 1088 Kelly, Pl. XXXV. . • 992 Kbarlby. Pl. XXXI. 880 Lane. Pl. IV. . . . Lane-Fox, Pl. XLVII. Langdale, Pl. XXXVI. . Latter, Pl. XLVII. . LA^XAND-BAKRATT, Pl. XXXIV Lee, Pl. VII. Leslie. Pl. XLVIII. Leslie-Ellis, Pl. XXVII. Len-eson. Pi.. XV. Lewis. Pl. XXIII. . Und. Pl. XXXri. . Uston-Foulis, Pl. IV. Lloyd, Pl. XLI. LONGSTAFF, Pl. XVI. . Lovatt, Pl. XI. . Lysaght, Pl. XIV. . Macdonald. Pl. XXXVII Macfie, Pl. V. , MacGregor, Pl. XXIII. Maitland. Pl. VI. Malcolm, Pl. XLVIII. Manbey. Pl. XL. Manby. Pl. L. . Marindin. Pl. XV. Marples, Pl. XI.IV. Martin. Pl. XIX. 112 •376 1024 i376 960 208 1408 816 4f>4 720 896 112 1 184 496 336 432 1056 144 720 176 1408 1 1 52 1472 464 1280 592 I Menzies, Pl. XXIV. . Meredith, Pl. XII. . Merriman, Pl. XXXI. Mountgarret, Pl. XXXIII. Murray, XXXVI. Napier, Pl. VI. . Nelson, Pl. XV. Newton-Deakin, Pl. XX Nicholson, Pl. XXIV. Nicolson, Pl. XLVI. . Noakes, Pl. II. . North, Major H., Pl L. North, Pl. XLIX. . O'Neill, Pl. XLIII. , Palitana, Pl. XL. Palmer, Pl. XVI. Patteson, Pl. XIII. . Penton, Pl. XXXIX. Pepper, Pl. XXXVI . Ferryman, Pl. XXXIV. Filter, Pl. XLI. Pinnell, Pl. XLI. Pitchford, Pl. LI. Pollard, Pl. V. . Pooler, Pl. VII. Porch, Pl. XLII. Purcell-Fitzgerald, Pl. XLIV Radnor, Pl. XXXIII. Rankin, Pl. VTII. Raw, Pl. XII. . Redwood, Pl. XII. . Reynolds, Pl. XXXII. . Rhiner-Waring, Pl. XXXVII Richardson, Pl. XXXIX. Roberts, Pl. XXXIV. RoYDS, Pl. XL . Ryland, Pl. XVI. . Samuelson, Pl. VI. . Shaw, Pl. XLII. Sherborne, Pl. XXXIII. Simcox, Pl. XLV. Skeels, Pl. XIII. Slaughter, Pl. XLV. Smith, Pl. VIII. . Smith, Pl. XXXVIII. Sprot, Pl. XXXV. . PAOK 752 368 880 928 1024 3lntier to Coloureti Platen XXXI Stable,. Pl. VIII. Stables, Pl. XIX, Stokes, Pl. XXXIX. Strangman, Pl. XXXVIII. Stubbs, Pl. IV. . Sutthery, Pl. XVIII. Sykes. Pl. I. . . . Taylor, Pl. XXXV. . Ternan, Pl. XVII. . Terry, Pl. V Thom-Postlethwaite, Pl. XXXVI. Thornhill, Pl. XII. . Tidswell, Pl. XXXVIII. . TOMKINSON, Pl. I. Tweedy, Pl. XXXIX. Usher, Pl. XVIII. PAGE 240 Verdin, Pl. IX. . 592 I I 20 1088 Waddingham, Pl. XXXIV. 112 Wall, Pl. XLIII. 560 Walthall, Pl. XLIV. 16 Weil, Pl. XIV. . Welchman, Pl. VIII. 992 Wethered, Pl. XXXVII. 528 White, Pl. XLIII. . 144 White, Pl. XLIII. . 1024 Whittaker, Pl. XXXVII. 368 ' WiLLIAMS-Me YRICK, Pl. XLII 1088 Wilson, Pl. XXXV. . 16 Windham, Pl. XLIV. 1 120 WiNGATE, Pl. XLVIII. Wiseman, Pl. XIX. . 560 Wright, Pl. II. . PAGR 960 1248 I28Q 240 1056 1248 1248 1056 I216 992 1280 1408 48 ARMORIAL FAMILIES For the addresses of London Clubs refer to list. All Clubs are supposed to be London Clubs unless immediately followed by the name of a town in brackets. A complete entry should contain full Christian and surnames, style, titles, and designations, and offices held, date of birth, name of father and of mother, and of mother's father, dates of succession to, and creations of titles, clubs, livery, armorial bearings, including impalements, date of marriage, name of wife and of her father, names of children and dates of birth of sons, names of estates and postal addresses. The Editor will be happy in all cases to insert any number of quarterings that are duly recorded (upon proof of this being produced), and will add such of the details above indicated as may be omitted. lie hopes also to have his attention called to any mistakes, and will be glad to receive notice of all alterations that occur. The surnames and dates of birth of daughters are intentionally omitted, and the names of daughters are always placed after the names of sons, notwithstanding any priority of birth. The description (ientleman is used throughout the book in its ancient and strictly legal and correct interpretation, namely, a person entitled to bear arms ; and it occurs in every such instance where there is no other title employed. The following are Esquires, and should be so described. The term is not used in ''Armorial Families" except in such cases : — The sons of Peers ; the sons of Baronets ; the sons of Knights ; the eldest sons of the younger sons of Peers, and their eldest sons in perpetuity ; the eldest son of the eldest son of a Knight, and his eldest son in perpetuity ; Com- panions of the Orders of Knighthood ; the Kings of Arms ; the Heralds of Arms ; Officers of the Army and Navy of the rank of Captain and upwards ; Sheriffs of Counties, for life ; J.P.'s of Counties whilst in Commission ; Serjeants-at- Lavv ; King's Counsel ; Serjeants-at-Arms ; certain principal Officers in the King's Household ; Deputy-Lieutenants and Commissioners of Lieutenancy ; Commissioners of the Court of Bankruptcy ; Masters of the Supreme Court ; those whom the King, in any Commission or Warrant, styles Esquire [and amongst these are Royal Academicians], and any person who, in virtue of his Office, takes precedence of Esquires. Please address all communications to Arthur Charles Fox-Davies, 34 Henrietta Street, London, W.C. HENRY ABBEY, Gentleman, J. P., sometime Mayor of Brighton. Bom 1816, Armorial bearings— Gules, on a fesse between three lozenges in chief and a lymphad oars in action and sails furled in base all argent, a swallow volant of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed argent, between two cross cross- lets or, each wing charged with a cross crosslet gules. Married, ; and has Issue — (i) William Henry Abbey, Gentleman, b. 1864 ; (2) Henry Robert Burrows Abbey, Gentleman, b. -18^2 ; Fanny ; Florence ; and Katherine. Residence — Fairlee, Brighton. Club — Constitutional. ABBOTT. (H, Coll.) Sable, a pale or, thereon a crosier of the first, on a chief of the second, three water- bougets of the field. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of two crosiers saltire- wise sable, a unicorn's head erased or. Post. add. — 70 Gracechurch Street, E.G. A BECKETT (H. Coll.). Or, on a chevron gules, be- tween three lion's heads erased of the last, a fleur-de-lis between two annulets of the first, all within a bordure wavy of the second. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a fleur-de-lis azure, surmounted with a lion's head erased ermine, the whole debruised by a bendlet sinister wavy or. Sons of late Hon. William Arthur Callander k Beckett, J. P., an Exec. Councillor of Colony of Victoria, a Member of the Legislative Council of that Colony 1868-1876 (eld. s. of Sir WiUiam k Beckett, first Chiel- Justice of the Colony of Victoria), b. 1833 ; rf. 19 ; m. 1855, Emma, d. and h. of John Mills of Melbourne. [Arms as above, but quartering Mills : Party per pale indented argent and azure, a mill-rind between three escallops all counterchanged ; and using motto, " Foys sapience et chevalerie."] : — William Gilbert k Beckett, Esq., M.A., LL.M. (Camb.), ^. A. , LL. M. ( Melbourne ), Barrister-at- Law ( I nner Temple ) , ^ is the Military Cockade. Barrister and Solicitor of Melbourne, sometime Lieut. Camb. Vol. Rifles, b. 10 Ap. 1864. Club — Melbourne Club, Melbourne, Victoria. Arthur HeywoodSt. Thomas i Beckett, Esq.,Capt. (ret.) Antrim Art. Mil., b. i8 June 1867 ; m. Aug. 1898, Beatrice Isabel, and d. of late Arthur S. Windsor of Melbourne. Estate —^aWmtrse., Mornington, co. Victoria. Clubs — New Travellers', Savage (Melbourne). Son of late Gilbert Abbott k Beckett, Esq. Barrister-at- Law, of Hyde Park Gate, co. Middlesex, Metropolitan Police Magistrate, b. 1811 ; d. 1856 ; m. 1835, Mary Anne, d. of Joseph Glossop, Esq., of Silver Hall, Isle- worth, Middx. , Clerk of the Cheque and Adjutant of H. M. , Gentleman-at-Arms : — Arthur William k Beckett, Esq., Capt. late 4th Batt. Cheshire Regt. , Barrister-at-Law (Gray's Inn), b. 1844; m. 1876, Susanna Francis, eld. d. of Forbes Winslow, M.D., D.C.L., of Cavendish Square, Middx.; and has had issue — (i) Arthur Thomas k Beckett, Gentleman, b. 1877; d. 1892; (2) Patrick Albert Forbes Winslow k Beckett, Gentleman, Lieut. R.G.A., b. 1880; (3) Walter Horace Francis k Beckett, Gentleman, Lieut. R.G.A., b. 1881. Res. — 33 Eccleston Square, S.W. Clubs — Junior United Service, Garrick, Beefsteak, Authors', Royal Societies'. ABERCROMBIE (H. Coll.). Argent, a chevron gules, between in chief two boar's heads couped azure and in base a serpent nowed proper. Mantling gules and argent, Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a serpent as in the arms, thereon a bee proper. Motto — "Vive ut vixas." Sons of John Abercrombie, M.D., b. 1817 ; d. 1892; nt. 1847, Louisa, d. of Charles Worthington : — John Abercrombie, Gentleman, M.D., F.R.C.P., *. 1857 ; ni. 1903, Evelyn Graham, d. of James Aspinall Tobin, Esq., J. P. ; and has issue — John Abercrombie, Gentle- man, b. 1904. Post. add. — 23 Upj5er Wimpole Street, London, W. 3 is tbe Naval Cockade. abe JAMBS ALRXANHKR ABKR(*ROMBY. C^ntleman. bam Ortnbar 4. 1975. Mn^ lh« son of ih« lute Alexander Afaereroaibv. cWllrriuut, Doctor of Medicine of (he Uni- fWlily of BdinlNiTRh. .ind Fellow of the Koyal College of SHMMM of EdinUirKh. I>y hJN wife Kstlxf Susanna, only eMia bjr hit wcond ni.tmaicr of Hermanus ChristofTel Ksier- iMqfam of VruchilKur, Wellington, Cape of Uood Hope. Ziwrr—t larei colour. Armorial boarlnir*— l*arted per 9bt pale argent and gules, a chevron between two boars' heads erased in chief, and a bee volant en arriere in base all coun- terchanged. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a bee volant or; and upon an escroll above, this Motto "Vive ut »ivas." ABERCROMBYof Birkenboe (L.O., matric, 1674 and 179a). Argent, a chevron gules, between three boar's heads erased a«ire. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— Un a wreath of his liveries, a falcon proper. Supporters— .i^T'i?*'^",*^ '''.'^,^"'' coHared gules. MottoeB-(over "**V. ,'".*'l? : <""' *i ^I^* '**'?''• ^l^ ?*™" Abercromby. b. H^SFib^'^rj^^M'^^^yn':!"'" '''^""^'' ^- °^ J°»>" AlI!™L*!?";^^* '^'''P'^ Abercromby. 4th Baron I § is tbe Military Cockade Georgiana Duncan. V.A., a Lady of the Bedchamlier Queen Victoria, d. of Adam, and Earl of Campordowii iVa/ — Tullibody Castle, Clackmann.-uishiie. Tmim res.~ 14 Grosvenor Street, Grosvenor Square, London W Club-Twf. Hon. John Abercromby, late Lieut. Rifle Brigade b 1841 ; m. 1876, Ad^le Wilhelmine Marika, d. of Chev. Ch.is. von Heedenstam, Swedish Minister at Athens (mar. disl solved 1879) ; and h.as issue— I^uisa Edia Montagu. Res.'^m 6a Palmerston Place, Edinburgh. '^H SThk Right Honoi;rabi,k Sir JOHN CAMPHKI I GORDON, 7th EARL OF ABERDEEN, Viscount" Formartine, Lord Haddo, Methlic, Tarves, and Kellie, in Scotland, Viscount Gordon of Aberdeen, co. Al>erdeen in the United Kingdom, and a Baronet of Nova Scotia Lord- Lieut. CO. Aberdeen, P.C, G.C.M.G., Hon. Col, ist Aber- deenshire Volunteer Corps R.A., LL.D. Aberdeen. Queens Toronto, McGill, Ottawa. Laviil. Princeton, and Harvartl Universities, Hon. D.C.L. Bishops Coll., LennoxviUe* was H.M.'s High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland 1881 to 1885; Lord-Lieut of Ireland Feb. lo to Aug. 3, 1886; and Gov. -Gen. of Canada 1893-98. Born Aug. 3, 1847, being the third but only sur- vivmgsonofthelateRt. Hon. George John lames Hamilton- Gordon, sth Earl of Aberdeen, by his wife Mary, second dau. of the late George Baillie of Melierstain and Jervis- woode, and sister of Rt. Hon. George, loth Earl of Had- dington. Armorial bearings Azure, three boars' heads couped or, armed proper, langued gules, within a double tressure flowered and counter-flowered interchangeably with thistles, roses, and fleurs-de-lis of the second. Mnntling gules, doubled ermine. Crest - On a wreath of his liveries, two arms holding a bow and arrow straight upwards in a shooting position and at full draft all proper. Motto -^-"Fortuna sequatur." Supporters — Dexter, an eari; sinister, a Doctor of Laws, both habited in their robes proper. Married, Nov. 7, 1877, the Hon. Isabel Maria Mai^onbanks, youngest dau. of Rt. Hon. Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks, ist Baron Tweedmouth ; and has Issue— (i) George Gordon, Esq.. commonly called Lord Haddo. b, Jan. 20. 1879; (2) Hon. Dudley Gladstone Hamilton- Gordon, b. May 6. 1883 ; (3) Hon. Ian Archibald Gordon, b. Oct. 4. 1884; Lady Marjorie Adeline; and Lady Dorothea Mary, d. an infant. 1882. Seats — Haddo House. Aberdeen ; Tarland Lodge, Aberdeenshire. Club — Brooks's. ABERNETHY, quartered by BOYLE. LINDSAl HOME. HAMILTON, DOUGLAS, and LESLIE. ABINGER, see SCARLETT. ALFRED CLAY ABRAHAM, Gentleman, F.I.CF.C.l^ Born January 26, 1853, being the youngfl Sbtdfldtn ^*^" ^'^ ^^^ '^'^ J*^^" Abraham, by his wif *■"*'**"* Maria Hayes, daughter of John Tyermana Armorial bearlngB— He bears for Arms] trmine, on a chevron between three mullets of eight pointT gules as many towers argent. Upon the escutcheon i placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling guW and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of \.r colours, upon a mount vert, in front of two fronds on f^' ^ ^°°'^ proper; with the Motto. "Veritas libertas.'^ Married May 13, 1880. Lucy Ellison, daughter of Henry Hunter Golding ; and has Issue- (1) Robert Askew Abra- ham. Gentleman, bom March 19, 1890; (2) Cuthbert tenwick Abraham, Gentleman, born May 26, 1891 ; Margaret Ellison; Agnes Mitford ; and Dorothy Foster. postal addresses—z Kingsmead Road, South Birkenhead ; 87 Bold Street, Liverpool. THOMAS FELL ABRAHAM, Gentleman. Born Octo- ber 10, 1847, being the elder son of the late John Abraham, iLUlL^ t '^^"^ "*y«s, daughter of John Tyerman, Armorial bearings-He bears for Arms : Ermine, on a Chevron between three mullets of eight points gules, as many towers argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a neimet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, in front of two fronds of fern, a rook mt M proper ; with the Motto, ' ' Veritas libertas. " Married, firstly, June 23, 1880, Margaret Sarah, eldest daughter of Joseph ^l^i^ J. Brown of Woodbridge, in the county of Suffolk (she died July 12, 1889) ; secondly, August 9, 1893, Catherine Frances, third daughter of Bell Williams of Liverpool ; and has /ssi/e—(i) John Fell Abraham, Gentleman, born October 14, 1882 ; (2) Edward Mitford Abraham, Gentleman, born October 17, 1883 ; Mildred ; Isabel ; and Frances Mary. Postal aiiiiresses—Sj Bold Street, jLiverpool ; 53 Bidston Road, Oxton, Birkenhead. ABRAHAMS (H. Coll.). I Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on two ostrich feathers in saltire, an antelope's head erased. Motto — " Verite sans peur." Son of : — L Abrahams. Road, London, N.W. A'«. — Northgate House, Avenue n BENJAMIN ST. JOHN ACKERS, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for CO. Gloucester, Barrister-at-Law, and some- time M.P. W. Div. of the aforesaid county. Born 1839, and is the only surviving son of the late James Ackers of Prinknash Park, co. Gloucester, M. P. for Ludlow, by Mary his wife, dau. of the late Benjamin Williams of Bowden Lodge, co. Chester. Livery — Green, with brass buttons. Armorial Bearings — Argent, on a bend en- grailed sable, between two doves rising three sprigs of oak slipped and fructed proper ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount, in front thereof three sprigs of oak slipped and fructed, a dove rising, holding in the beak a like sprig of oak all proper ; with the Motto, "La liberty." A/arried, October 24, 1861, Louisa Maria Jane, elder daughter of the late Charles Brooke Hunt, of Bowden Hall, in the county of Gloucester, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for that county, and has had /ssue—{i) James Arthur Ackers, Gentleman, born 1873 and died 1888 ; (2) Charles Penrhyn Ackers, Gentleman, born June 28, 1882 ; Edith Jane ; Mary ; Louisa ; Susan Elizabeth; Florence; and Catherine Victoria Isabel. Estate and postal address — Huntley Manor, Gloucester. Club — Carlton. ACKROYD, see RAWSON-ACKROYD. ACLAND, quartered by TROYTE. S ALFRED DYKE ACLAND, Esquire, Major Royal ist Devon Yeomanry Cavalry. Born August ^tlf)t1?1 ^9' ^^S^' being the seventh and youngest son MVIUIIU ofSir Henry WentworthDykeAcland, Baronet, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (Civil Division), Master of Arts, Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Laws and Doctor of Civil Law, F. R.S. , late Regius Professor of Medicine in the University of Oxford, Radcliffe Librarian, and Honorary Physician to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, by his wife Sarah, eldest daughter of William Cotton, Doctor of Civil Law. Fellow of the Royal Society, of Walwood, near Leyton, stone, in the county of Essex. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Chequy argent and sable, a fesse gules, impaling the arms of Smith, namely argent, on a chevron azure, between three oak- leaves vert, each charged with an acorn or, as many leopards' faces jessant-de-lis of the field ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a couped arm lying fesseways to the sinister azure, gloved argent, thereon a falcon perched proper, beaked, membered, and belled or ; with the Motto, " In^branlable." Married, July 30, 1885, Beatrice Danvers, commonly known as the Honourable Beatrice Danvers, fourth daughter of the Right Honourable William Henry Smith, a member of Her Ma- jesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Doctor of Civil Law, Member of Parliament, First Lord of the Treasury, Constable of Dover Castle, and Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, by the Right Honourable Emily his wife. Viscountess Hambleden, of Hambleden, in the county of Bucking- ham; and has Issue— (1) Arthur William Acland, Gentle- man ; (2) Peter Bevil Edward Acland, Gentleman ; Angela Cicely Mary ; Katherine ; and Sarah Beatrice. Postal ad- dress — 3 Cadogan Square, London S.W. 5 CHARLES THOM.AS DYKE ACLAND, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the counties of Somerset and Devon ; and Justice of the Peace for the county of Cornwall ; Master of Arts of the University of Oxford ; Member of Parliament for East Cornwall, 1882- 1885; North-Eastern Division, 1885-1892 ; Deputy- Warden of the Stannaries ; Major and Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel ist Devon Yeomanry, from 1883 ; Captain Devon Mounted Rifles, 1866-1877 ; Barrister-at-Law. Born July 16, 1842, being the eldest son of the Right Honourable Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, eleventh Baronet of Columb-John [to whom refer], by his first wife Mary, eldest daughter of Sir Charles Mordaunt, eighth Baronet of Massingham. Clubs — Athen- aeum, Travellers'. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Chequy argent and sable, a fesse gules, impaled with the arms of Walrond, namely, argent three bulls' heads caboshed sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a couped arm lying fesseways, to the sinister azure, gloved argent, thereon a falcon f)erched proper, beaked, membered, and belled or; with the Motto, " In^branlable." Married, November i, 1879, Gertrude, third daughter of Sir John Walrond, first Baronet. Postal addresses — Killerton, Exeter; Holnicote, Taunton. THEODORE DYKE ACLAND, Esquire, M.A., M.D. (Oxon. ), Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Mem- ber of the Royal College of Surgeons, Physician at Saint Thomas's and at Brompton Hospitals. Born No. ember 14, 1851, being the third son of Sir Henry Wentwortb is the Naval Cockade. 4 m tifkt ftflkiHt. Itenmel. Kni|;hi Commandrr of ihe Most ItaMinIi* Onirf of i*m> lUih (Civil DiviMon). Mnsler of AffMi. fHHy of Medtdnr, t>ocit>r t>f I^iwh iind Doctor of CMI Lam, fwlkm of Ibe Roy«l Society. Kevins Frofeaaor of MMHoIm ta Uw Uahranity ut Oxford, Kaildiffc I jfanuian, Md Hamontn nmidan to Hit Royal Hlchneu the Prince of Wdn. bv hit «ife Svah. eklal daughtrr of William CMMM. Doctor of ChO Law. Fellow of the Royal Society, «f Waiwood. near I.MtoMlone. in the couiiiy of Kssrx. AnMlAl b*arlac« — He boan for Amu: ('heciuy nrgent aad Mbta. a fow culea, impaling the arms of Ciiili, namely aaoR. a HrpenI nowed or, between three sea-gulls proper. antb liM foUowiac hooonrable augmentation, namely, a auuoA analaa. thereoa an ostrich feather argem, quilled or. anlikd bjr the oorooet which encircles the badge or plane of Hi* Royal Highness the IVince of U'ales gold : and for his Orwt, upon a wreath of the colours, a cuuped ana lying feaieways, to the sinister oxure, glovc« "otto. "In^branlable." Married, July 7, 1887' Emily Anna, commonly known as the Honourable " Emily Vr'*' ^°^ daughtiT of the Right Honourable William w?T. .. • ■ ^*«"'^*r of Her Majesty's Most Honour- able Priry Counal. Doctor of Civil I^w. Member of Parlia- mtuA First I^rd of the Treasury. Constable of Dover CMk. and Lord V\arden of the Cinque Ports, by the K.ghl Hoooorable Emily his wife. Viscountess Hambleden of Hambteden m the coumy of Buckingham; and has (i^":''L^''***"' """""y ^y''« Acland? Esquire bora V^ ri'^x^ .'^'-'"'('^'^"-Rocklands. Chudleigh Devon. C/«**— United Service. Athenaum. HUGH LEONARD ACLAND-TROYTE Esquire J.P.,Capt. jrd Vol Batt. Devon Regt.. late Lieut aoth t«Itoir« Deiron Yeomanry Cavalry, and Hon. Col and LfaB^ commanding 3rd V.B. Devon Regt.. by his w"fe Ho5^^-5*2*'.^ '"'c*^^' "°"- f™"<« Caroline Hood. dao. of Rl Hon. Samuel, and Lord Bridpon act Annorlal beaxiagi — Quarterly i and 4. or, an eagL _^ played with two heads proper, within a lx)rdure invected ermine, in chief a cross crosslet sable, for distinction (for Troyie) ; a and 3. chequy argent and sable, a fcsse gules (for Acland), quartering Wrothe and Dyke. MantUag ermine and or. Crests— i. on a wreath of ihe colours an eagle's wing sable, charged with five estoiles or, environed with a snake proper, the wing charged for distinction with a cross crosslet or (for Troyte) ; a. on a wreath of the colours, on a man's hand couped at the wrist, in a glove fesseways, a falcon perched all proper (for Acl.ind). Motto— "A Deo in Deo." Married, June 1899, Helen Jessie, dau of the late Henry Chapman. 5*a/— Hunshani, Court Bampton, Devon. Club — National. JOHN EDWARD ACLAND (formerly Acland-Tioyte but use of latter name now discontinued), Esquire MA. Oxford, late Captain Essex Regt. Horn Feb. 20 1848, being the second son of the late Arthur Henr' Dyke Acland (who assumed by Royal Licence, 1852, tl. suraamc and arms of Troyte), by his wife Fanny, dau. . Robert Williams of Bridehead. Armorial bearings Quarterly i and 4, or, an eagle displayed with two luad proper, within a bordure invected ermine, in chief a cro^ crosslet sable, for distinction (for Troyte) ; 2 and 3, checin argent and sable, a fesse gules (for Acland), qiiarteriin Wrothe and Dyke. Mantling ermine and or. Crests— 1. on a wreath of the colours, an eagle's wing sable, charged with five estoiles or, environed with a snake proper, the wing charged for distinction with a cross crosslet or (for Troyte) ; a. on a wreath of the colours, on a man's hand couped at the wrist, in a glove fesseways, a falcon perched all proper (for Acland). Motto— "A Deo in Deo." Married, Oct. a6, 1882, Norah Letitia Nugent, dau. of Henry Hyde Nugent Bankes ; and has lssue~[\) Henry Vivian Acland, Gentleman, b. Nov. 27, 1883; (a) Arthur Nugent Acland, Gentleman, b. Sept. 7, 1885; (3) John Bevill Acland, Gentleman, b. March 14, 1890; Lalage Mary Kathleen ; Sibell Norah Garteret ; Fanny Veronica: and Victoria Letitia. ^ate Capt. ist Cheshire Mil. , and late Captain 76th Regiment )f Foot, Lord of the Manor of Tasley. Born 1834, being the •on of the late Edward Farrer Acton, of Gatacre Park, only lisquire. Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for (he county of Salop, Lieutenant-Colonel Shropshire Militia, i)y Mary Anne his wife, youngest daughter of the late ieverend Horace Suckling, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector !(f Barshani, in the county of Suffolk. Club — Constitu- 'ional. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, iwo lions passant argent, between nine cross crosslets itch^e or. Burke's "Landed Gentry" quotes a Crest i^hich is made use of by the family, but it is of no authority, ! nd there is no crest belonging to the arms of this family. It is "within a torse, a human leg and thigh in armour ouped and dropping blood all proper." Married, 1855, 'lelen Maria (who died, 1887), second daughter of the late Villiam Parker Ranney, of Saint John, New Brunswick ; \ nd has Issue — an only daughter, Helen Beatrice, married lipril 18, 1882, John Kendall Brooke, Esquire, of Sibton I'ark, and has issue. Estate and postal address — The Lea- rDwes, Bridgnorth. t WILLIAM ROBERT ACTON, Esquire, Justice of the 'eace for the county of Worcester. Born November 16, '835, being ihe son of the late William Joseph Acton, i^squire. Justice of the Peace, of Wolverton Hall, by Mary, ; 'idow of William Trafford, Esquire. Armorial bearings — 'le bears for Arms : Gules, a fesse ermine within a bordure ingrailed of the second ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath if the colours, an arm in armour embowed proper, holding ii the hand a sword argent, hilt or, enfiled with a boar's ead couped at the neck sable, distilling blood; with the lotto, " Vaillance avance I'homme." Married, 1861, arah, eldest daughter of Robert Dand of Gloster Hill, Jorthumberland ; and has had Issue — (i) William Walter iicton, Gentleman, born November 10, 1862 ; (2) Robert ilatthew Acton, Gentleman, born November 16, 1864; (3) ilenry Edward Acton, Gentleman, born May 29, 1867, and ied September 2, 1867; (4) Vincent Henry Acton, Gentle- Jian, boin December 18, 1868, and died February 9, 1870; |_i) Edward Vincent Joseph Aeon, Gentleman, born Feb- iiary 28, 1871 ; (6) Charles Joseph Acton, Gentleman, born 'lay II, 1872; (7) Roger David Acton, Gentleman, born llarch I, 1874 ; (8) Richard Joseph Acton, Gentleman, born ;ebruary Si 1880; Mary Margaret; and Winifred Mary. Estate and postal address — Wolverton Hall, Pershore. I ADAM (L.O. , 26 May 1903). Argent, two cross crosslets tch^ in chief and a horse-shoe in base azure, on a chief vected gules, a lion passant of the field. Mantling azure, JUbled argent. Crest—On a wreath of his liveries, a cross crosslet fitch^e gules, surmounted by two swords in saltire proper, hiked and pommelled or. Motto — " Dominus ipse faciet." Son of late Stephen Adam, Esq., J. P., of Hillside House, Edinburgh,^. 1819 ; d. 1889; m. 1845: — Alfred Adam, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law (Middle Temple), b. 1857. 6V«<— Wester Livilands, Stirlingshire. Clubs — Royal Societies, Grosvenor. ADAMI (H. Coll., 1902, based upon grant in 1834 to Valentine Adami, Munich). Or, issuant from a mount in base vert, an apple-tree fructed between two serpents erect wavy and respectant proper, a fesse gules, thereon three apples pendent , stalked and leaved or. Mantling vert and or. Crest — Out of the battlements of a tower or, a demi- lion double-queued gules, holding between the paws an estoile of eight points also or, between two branches of an apple-tree fructed proper. Motto — " Ne cede malo." Sons of John George Adami of Ashton-upon-Mersey, Cheshire, b. 1826 ; d. 1883 ; /«. Sarah Ann Ellis, d. of the late Thomas Leech of Urmston, Lanes. : — John George Adami, Gentleman, M.A., M.D. (Camb.), late Fellow of Jesus Coll. , Professor of Pathology in M'Gill Univ., Montreal, b. 1862; m. 1894, Mary Stuart, d. of James Alexander Cantlie ; and , has surv. issue — George Donald Stephen Adami, Gentleman, b. 1900 ; and Isabelle Marguerite Adeline. /?«.— Peel Street, Montreal. Clubs — Savile, St. James's (Montreal). Leonard Christian Adami, Gentleman, I.C.S. , Sec. to Legislative Council, Bengal, b. 1874; m. 1899, Elizabeth Shaw, d. of late Grahame Hardie Thomson of Glasgow ; and has issue— (i) George Grahame Adami, Gentleman, b. 1901 ; (2) Frederic MacLellan Adami, Gentleman, b. 1902. ADAMS, see PEERS-ADAMS and WOOLLCOMBE- ADAMS. ADAMS, quartered by ATTWOOD and RAWSON. ADAMS of Northlands (Ulster's Office). Gules, a heart between three cross crosslets fitchfe or. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a cross crosslet fitch^e or, charged with a bleeding heart gules. MottO — " In cruce salus." Z-tV^ry— White, faced with scarlet. Son of John Hervey Adams, Esq., of Northlands, J. P. cos. Cavan and Monaghan, High Sheriff 1854, b. 1818 ; d. 1871 ; m. ist, 1846, Elizabeth Frances, d. of Ambrose Going, Esq., J. P., of Ballyphilip, co. Tip> perary : — Samuel Allen Adams, Esq., J. P. co. Cavan, formerly ist Lieut. Tipperary Mil. Art., b. 1847; m. 1871, Francis Dorothea, d. of Rev. Decimus W. Preston, M.A. , Rector of Killinkere (and gdau. of William Preston, Judge of Appeal, by Hon. Frances Dorothea, d. of John, 5th Lord Carbery) ; and has surv. issue — (i) John Hervey Stuart Adams, Gentleman, b. 1875; (2) Samuel Allen Adams, Gentleman, b. 1882 ; (3) Ambrose Douglas Adams, Gentle- man, b. 1889 ; Olive Mildred; Mary Henrietta Mabel ; and Hazel Gertrude. Seat — Northlands, Carrickmacross. Sons of Charles Stuart Adams, Esq., of Glynch House, Newbliss, J. P. cos. Meath and Cavan, b. 1820; d. 1876 ; m. ist, 1850, Eliza (d. i860), d. of Charles McMahon of Rockfield, co. Monaghan ; 2nd, 1862, Jane Henrietta {d. 1888), d. of Rev. Chas. Sheridan Young : — Samuel Stuart Adams, Gentleman, b. 1851. Res. — Richard Hervey Adams, Gentleman, b. 1852. Res. — Douglas Gerald Adams, Gentleman, b. 1868; m. ist, 1897, Eleanor Anna, d. of Lt.-Gen. Clifford, C.B. ; 2nd, 1902, Edna Olivia Mant, d. of Edward Dobbs, LL.D. ; and has issue — Lionel Douglas Adams, Gentle- man, b. 1904 ; Violet Eleanor Sheila, b. 1897. Res. — Aubawn, Killeshandra, co. Cavan. Sons of Rev. Benjamin William Adams, D.D., of Kinnea, co. Cavan, Incumbent of Santry, b. 1827; d. 1886; m. 2nd, 1864, Louisa Jane, d. of William O'Brien Adams, M.D. : — William Augustus Adams, Esq., Major sth Lancers, b. 1865. Estate— K.\nnea., co. Cavan. Herbert Algernon Adams, Gentleman, Commander R.N., b. 1872; m. 1898, Emily Banner Clough, d. of Somerset J. is the Naval Cockade. ana ana «l B(y|)lten Coui (itiArri SrrvK-r ; »nil luu issue lirah.im AiUin*. CJenilrman, i, 1904. As;- ADAMS (H. CoO.). Or, sem«e of eross croulels (ilchte ■Ma. • liun iam|K>nl gain, a bordurv engrailed uf ihe neead. Man tit ng N.>t>le and or. CtmV— On a wreath of ibt eolaan, >t (letter arm emtiowrd in iirmour proper, |p— uif.1 or. the elbow chargeii with a torteuu, the gauntlet Sm nrapv, gnupiiur a cross crov>let titch^ sable. vtm «rf Col. Henry Cransioun Adams (/[•«.— Lion Hoow. Ennouth), t. i8a6; m. 1849, Matilda Winsloe, d. of Commander 'IlKMnas Palton. R.N. :— Herbert Cranstoun Adams, Ksq., Lt.-Col. ist Devonsh. Rojr. OarriMin Art. — Deron and Exeter. Arthur Elfbrd Adams, Gentleman, b. 1853. Res,— Malpas. Tnira JAMES CRAIG BATE DE LISLE ADAMS. Gentle- man. Bern Aug. ao, 1851. being the second son of the late Henry .\uguslus Adams. Flsq.. General in the Army, by his wife .1. Charlotte. d;ui. of John Andrew Kalw of Rabe Cattle, near Amsterdam. Holland. Armorial bear- laci— Gules, a heart between three cross crosslets fitch^ ^ "*»ttin«r gules and or. Cre«t-On a wreath of the ookKirs, on a mount vert, a cross crosslet fitch^ or, mtaP ]lP«/4W^'"^ * ^'''^' "0**0-" I" cruce Rev. JAMES WILLIAMS ADAMS. V.C.. B A Senior Chaplain Bengal Ecclesiastical Establishment. Rector of Postwiclc. Norwich. Armorial bearings— Vert a cat-a mountain between three crescents or. and pendent below Ae«cutcbeon his Victoria Cross. Mantllaf vert and on OTWt-An ea^le regardant, wings elevated sable, pendent I^^inl*^*^ escutcheon or, charged with a c^s face mt. resting the dexter claw on a crescent also or. Postal adJreu— The Rectory. Postwiclc. Norwich. 1^^**1*^ JCATHARINE ADAMS, commonly known as Lady Adams, dau. of the late Rev. Thomas Coker Adam? ^hm "t/'^^'Tv'*''- ^'«" °^ Anst^y": Sh"ton.'^ti SKL«^i"S'"'' ^^^u''^' '^3. her cousin, the late Ma>or-GenerjI Henry William Adams. Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, of Ans^y Hall who died 1854 at Scutari, of wounds received at the battle of Inkerman ; she was raised to the rank and precedence she would have enjoyed had her husband lived to bo elevated to the rank of Knight Commander of the said Order. Armorial bearings — On a lozenge vert, on a cross or. aii estoilc sable, in the first quarter a bezant, impaling the same arms of Adams. Postai address—The Lodge. Anstey. near Coventry, LESLIE PEERS ADAMS. Gentleman. Porn Feb. 27. 1863, being the sixth bnt fourth surviving son of the late Henry Augustus Adams. Esq. . General in the Army, by his wife J. Charlotte, dau. of John Andrew RaU- of Rabe Castle, near Amsterdam, Holland. Armorial bearings- Gules, a heart between three cross crosslets fitchte or. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a cross crosslet fitch^e or. charged with a bleeding heart gules. Motto " In cruce salus." /fesi- deitce - NEWSHAM PEERS ADAMS, Gentleman, norr, June 6, 1861, being the fifth but third surviving son of the late Henry Augustus Adams, Esq.. General in the Army, by his wife J. Charlotte, dau. of John Andrew Ralie of Rabe Castle, near Amsterdam, Holland. Armorial bearings— Gules, a heart between three cross crosslets titch«5e or. Blantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a cross crosslet fitch6* or, charged with a bleeding heart gules. Motto "In cruce salus." /Residence — SAMUEL THOMAS ADAMS. Gentleman. Born 1870. being the only son of the late Samuel Adams. Gentleman, by his wife Louisa Lowe. dau. of the late Thomas Coulson, Esq., of Barrow-on-Soar. co. Leicester. Armorial bear- ing:8— Vert, a cross parted and fretty between two miillet-^ in the first and fourth quarters, and as many cinquefoils in the second and third quarters or. Mantling vert an«' or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a talbo sable, sem^ of cinquefoils or, and resting the dexter pai upon a mullet also or. WILLIAM ADAMS, Esq., J.P. for co. Cavan. Higli Sheriff 1887. Bom March 18, 1837, Ijeing the only son the late William Adams of Erne View, co. Cavan, by Eliz eldest dau. of George Cooney. A«^^>j'— Green, with yellow facings. Armorial bearings— Vert, a pale between two griffins segreant or, the pale charged in chief with a trefoil slipped of the first. Mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffins head coufjed gules between two wings sable, each charged with three bezants. Married, 1870, Sarah, third dau. of George is the Military Cockade. ma aDa Chatterton, Esq., J. P., of Ballynaniote, co. Cork ; and has, with other Issue — (i) WilUam Chatterton Adams, Gentle- man, B.A. [T.C.D.], d. X873; (2) George Chatterton Adams, Gentleman, B.A. [T.C.D.], Lieut. 2nd Batt. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, />. 1877 ; (3) Welby Alieyne Chatterton Adams, Gentleman, i. 1889. Seat — Drumelton House, Cootehill, co. Cavan. /Residence — 8 Elgin Road, Dublin. The Reverend WILLIAM FULFORD ADAMS, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Rector of Weston-Sub-Edge, co. Gloucester. Bom July 19, 1833, being the eldest son of the late Reve- rend Dacres Adams of Bowdon, in the county of Devon, Vicar of Bampton, in the county of Oxford, and a Justice of the Peace for that county, by Anna Maria, eldest daughter of Baldwin Fulford of Fulford, in the county of Devon. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, senile of cross crosslets fitch^e sable, a lion rampant gules, a bordure engrailed of the second ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, gar- nished or, the elbow charged with a torteau, the gauntlet also proper, grasping a cross crosslet fitchte sable ; with the Motto, " Libertas et natale solum." Married, October 13, 1859, Catherine Mary, only daughter of Thomas Horton of Bronisgrove ; and has had Issue — William Dacres Adams, Gentleman, born August 19, 1864; Margaret (deceased); Katharine; and Winifred Mary (deceased). Postal ad- dress — The Rectory, Weston-Sub-Edge, Broadway, R.S.O. , Worcestershire. §JOHN GEORGE ADAMSON, Esquire, Lieut.-Col. Reserve of Officers, late Major King's Own York- shire Light Infantry, J. P. and D. L. co. Leitrim. Born January 8, 1855, being the elder son of Lawrence William Adamson, Esq. [to whom refer], by Anne Jane, his first wife, daughter of John T. E. Flint of Filleigh, Devon- shire. Armorial bearings — Vert, gutt^e-d'eau, a cross invected, in the first quarter a key in pale, and in the second a talbot passant all or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot passant azure, collared, charged on the shoulder with a cross invected, and holding in the dexter paw a key in pale all or. Motto — "Watch and ward." Married, August 9, 1883, Caroline Sara, only daughter of the late Reverend James Timothy Bainbridge Landon, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Vicar of the Parish of Ledsham, and Canon of York ; and has /««e— Muriel Annie Pearl ; and Catharine Evelyn. 5ea/— Glenfarne Hall, Glenfarne, R.S.O. , co. Leitrim. Clubs— Hw^\ and Military, Kildare Street (Dublin), and Royal St. George's Yacht (Kingstown). JOHN S. ADAMSON, Gentleman, only surviving son of the late Henry Adamson, Shipowner in Aberdeen. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Argent, a fesse wavy tetween three cross crosslets fitch^e azure ; upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a cross crosslet as in the Arms ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, ' ' Crux mihi grata quies." Postal address— 'Qxaxwi^X.oxv Place, Bexley Heath, Kent. LAWRENCE WILLIAM ADAMSON, Esquire, LL.D., J. P. cos. Northumberland and Durham, D.L. for former CO. (High Sheriff 1900-1901), a Member of the Manx Bar. Born July 14, 1829, being the only son of the late Lawrence Adamson, Her Majesty's Seneschal of the Isle of Man, by Elizabeth his wife, eldest daughter of Captain Roger Walmsley. Clubs — Union, Northern Counties (New- castle-on-Tyne). Livery — Plain dark green. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Vert, gutt^e-d'eau, a cross invected, in the first quarter a key in pale, and in the second a talbot passant all or ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot passant azure, collared, charged on the shoulder with a cross invected, and holding in the dexter pavy a key in pale all or ; with the Motto, "Watch and ward." Married, firstly, December 22, 1853, Anne Jane (who died), third daughter of John T. E. Flint, of Filleigh, Devonshire ; and secondly, 1889, Sarah Frances, youngest daugliter of the late William Swan, of Walker, Newcastle- on-Tyne; and by his first marriage has Issue— {\) John George Adamson, Esq., Lieut.-Col. late King's Own Light Infantry [to whom refer] ; (2) Lawrence Arthur Adamson, Gentleman, Master of Arts and Barrister-at-Law, born April 20, i860. Estate — Eslington Lodge, Northumber- land. Tyne. Postal address — 2 Linden Road, Newcastle-on- WILLIAM SHAW ADAMSON of Careston, Esquire, J. P. CO. of Forfar. Born Nov. 20, 1851, being the only child of the late John Adamson of Careston, Esq., J. P. CO. Forfar, by his wife Susan Miller, third dau. of Capt. Shaw of Newhall, Forfarshire. Armorial bearings — Ar- is tbe Naval Cockade. ana m> MM.* taM ijiuani nf dttil or aod sable, tictween a heart gSm i)CW|Wi>hi1 by two croM oowlet» litcb^: asure in flUaf and ia bam a g«Uey. taib tarled, oart in action, of Mm ll*d. •aoad ot the fourth. MMitlliiy ublc doublcct matiiL OmT-Ob a wraath of hi» hvches, a sMonl proi>er, MMad and ponuBclfed or. and a crou croulet litcht^ gules ia Mkir*. all brtwwn two tiranches of laurel also prouer. — ;- •• "--nV*/, June ao, 1883, Alexander Canip- ■iwi «■ i-,T i-i-ii — . v~^ .W.H., . .V, P. for the Univrr- rillMor daaiow and Aberdeen. D.L. co. ForCir ; and has /tmt WilUMB Campbell Adnmaon, Gentleman. A Nov. c. 1M6; and Annie Peto. A>«'(t'uilder, b. 1831 ; d. 1877 ; m i8i;8 Anne, d. of John bmith:— ^' Tboaus Adamson. Esq.. Mem. Incorp. See of Account- ants and Auditors (Transvaal Branch), Capt. and Paymaster and and 3rd Batts. Raily. Pioneer Regt (Irregular Corps) ^^^»l^ )^*L '900-1902 Capt. and Paymaster Sw^tishHorse VoK TransvaaJ, b. 18 Jan. 1859.' Post. •"•—The New Club, Johannesburg, S. Africa. EDWARD HOMFRAY ADDENBROOKE Gentle- S2f P^JTh^/^^. being the eldest son of the late •*^- ,^?^<* Addenbrooke of The Ua. co. Hereford ^ °^}>'S^''^°'i- ~- SufTord, B.A. Trin. Coll., Oxford* L'^^iV***' u- ^°P' ^ ^'^ ^^ *'fe Elizabeth, eldes daa of Henry Homfray, Esq.. J. P., D.L., of Broadwaters House. CO. Worcester. Armorial bearlnn m Coll aj Apnl 179s)— Quarterly azure and argent, a fess wavy ori between three crescents counterchanged. Uantling azu. and ar^nt. Great — On a wreath of the colours, on th bank side of a river proper, an otter passant |)er argent and sable, charged with twocrescenls counterchanged Motto — ■ ' Nee tcniere nee timide." Manted, Aiij;. 4, 187 Marianne, dau. of Rev. Henry Downing, Vicar of King winford, co. Worcester; and has /«;/*— (1) Henry Edwai Addenbrooke, Gentleman, b. July 28, 1871 ; (2) Franc_ Andrew Addenbrooke, Gentleman, b. Nov. 30, 1872; (3^ Bertram Addenbrooke, Gentleman, b. Oct. 28, 1874 ; (4) Arthur Addenbrooke, Gentleman, b. May 30, 1882 ; (5) Robert Geoffrey Addenbrooke, Gentleman, b. July 32, 1889; Eleanor Charlotte; and Dorothy Marian, d. 190^.' Residence — The Flatts, Kidderminster. HERBERT HENRY HODGETTS ADDENBROOKE. Gentleman. Bom May 1862, being the third son of the late Rev. Edward Addenbrooke of The l^ea, co. Hereford and of Kingswinford, co. Stafford, B.A. Trin. Coll., Oxford)^^ Vicar of Frees, co. Salop, by his second wife CarolinS^B Frances Braraston, eldest dau. of the Rev. J.imcs Davies^^ of Braishfield House, co. Hants. Armorial beaiingg— Quarterly azure and argent, a fess wavy or, Ijetween three crescents counterchanged. Mantling^ azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on the bank side of a river proper, an otter passant per pale argeni and sabli charged with two crescents counterchanged. Mat Catherine Alice, dau. of Cutler. Residence — ; 01 a sable^^_ Reverend JAMES JENNINGS ADDENBROOKE, Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Whixall, Salop, B.A. Bo\ August 1859, being the second son of the late Rev. Edwar( Addenbrooke of The Lea, co. Hereford, and of Kings- winford, CO. Stafford, B.A. Trin. Coll., Oxford, Vicar of Frees, co. Salop, by his second wife Caroline Frances Bramslon, eldest dau, of the Rev. James Davies of Hraish- field House, co. Hants. Armorial bearings— Quarterly azure and argent, a fess wavy or, between three crescents counterchanged. Mantling azure and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, on the bank side of a river proper, an otter passant per pale argent and sable, charged with two crescents counterchanged. Postal address—V^hxx- hall, Salop. m ADDERLEY, ADDERLEY. see CRADOCK, and BROUGHTON- II The Hon. HENRY ARDEN ADDERLP:Y, B.A. (Ox- ford), Barrister-at-Law (Inner Temple), of the Warwick- shire Yeomanry Cavalry 1877 to 1895, when he retired with rank of Hon. Captain, J. P., co. of Warwick, D.L., County Councillor Coleshill Division Warwickshire. Born Sept. 26, 1854, being the second son of the Rt. Hon. Baron Norton, P.C, K.C.M.G., of Norton on the Moors, Staffs. ; by his wife the Hon. Julia Anne Eliza, eldest dau. of Rt. Hon. Chandos, Baron Leigh of Stoneleigh Abbey. Livery —Dark blue. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a bend ^-' azure, three mascles of the field, and impaling the arms ofj^BI Stopford-Sackville, namely, quarterly i and 4, quarterly or^BI and gules, a bend vair (for Sackville) ; 2 and 3, azure, throe ' lozenges between nine cross crosslets all or (for Stopford). M an t lin g azure and argent. Crest— On a chapeau gules, turiied up ermine, a stork argent. Motto — "Addere legi justitiamdecus." Married, A.\ig\is>ty), 1881, Grace, youngest dau. of William Bruce Stopford-Sackville of Drayton House, CO. Northampton; and has /wk«— Hubert Bowyer Arden Adderley, Esq., b. February 21, 1886; Muriel, Ruth, Isabel, Joan, and Lettice. 6Va^— Pillongley Hall, Coventry. Club— Windham. WILLIAM HENRY ADDISON, Gentleman. Armorial bearingB— Sable, a bend ermine, between two snakes nowed or, a chief argent, thereon three leopards' faces gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a snake nowed or, in front of a demi-eagle with wings displayed sable, holding in the beak a snake entwined round the neck proper. Motto — " Addecet honestevivere." Postal addresses— NeyfSiTk House, Maidstone, Kent; Robert- son, Cape Colony, S. .Africa. is the Military Cockade. atii m SRODOLPH LADEVEZE ADLERCRON, Esquire, Capt. Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, F.R.G.S. i/yrw Julys,i873, beingthe second son of George RotheLade- ' veze Adiercron of Moyglare, co. Meath, by his wife Aloyse Lilias, dau. of Baron de Blonay of the Chateau de Blonay, i Switzerland. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, I argent, an eagle displayed, wings inverted sable, langued ; ^les, membered and ducally crowned or (for Adiercron) ; 12 and 3, argent, a chevron in point embowed between in ! chief two mullets and in base a lion rampant all gules (for iTrapaud). Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed sable, langued ! gules, ducally crowned or, the dexter wing per fesse argent and azure, the sinister per fesse of the last and or. Motto — " Quo fata vocant." Residence — Broom Hall, I Horsham, Sussex. Ciuds — Naval and Military, Cale- I donian. Sir WILLIAM AGNEW, first Baronet, J.P. for Lan- cashire, Manchester, and Salford, M.P. for S.E. Lancashire ; (1880-85), for Lancashire, S.E. Stretford (1885-86). Born I October 20, 1825, being the son of the late Thomas Agnew ■ of Manchester. Cluis — Devonshire, National Liberal, Re- I form. Armorial bearings— Per saltire argent and gules, in ' pale two cinquefoils, and in fesse as many saltires couped, : all counterchanged, the escutcheon charged with his badge ' of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle regardant wings expanded proper, each wing charged with a pale or, holding in its mouth a sword pointed upwards, also proper, and resting the dexter claw on a saltire couped gules. Motto — " Consilio et impetu." Married, 1851, Mary (who died 1892), eldest daughter of George Pixton Kenworthy of Man- chester, and Peel Hall, Lancashire ; and has /«zc«— George William, Esquire, born Jan. ig, 1852. Residence - 11 Great Stanhope Street, W. JAMES AIKEN, Esquire, M.A. of the University of Glasgow, J.P. for co. Dumbarton, elder son of John Aiken of Dalmoak and Janet his wife, younger dau. of John Belch of Drumoyne, Lanarkshire. Armorial bearings— Or, three oak slips fructed proper, a chief vair ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand couped at the wrist, holding a garland of oak leaves proper. Motto — " In robore decus." Estate and postal address — Dalmoak, by Dumbarton. FRANK AIKENHEAD, Esquire, Capt. Royal Artil- lery. Born March 22, 1867, being the only son of AIKEN, see CHETWOOD-AIKEN. the late Robert Aikenhead, Esquire, J.P. for the North Riding of the co. of York, by his wife Frances Annie, eldest is the Naval Cockade. to m 9tt •Hpfiadar. ol jcatpti D««fitooa of Orwncmft Vnrk. Lanchester, ' m. /iMrr— Qiwn, vkithulvrr Uiitons. AnnoiiAl — Annit. tkrw *c(>r»« slipped and leaved vert, ~ I gull ••cb charcrtl wtth a thistle leaved and and urgent ; and for liis OTMt, MnTa wnMtbof Uw ookmn, a dcini-nuin afTrontiV, holding is yi dratar hand a branch I of Uurrl tliptted antl fructeil nil praMr, aad rMdnc hit ttnteler on a cnaplet of oak also MMr. fhwMd. MaHO— " Rupio robore nati." Married. itoi M«bd Lodw. only daii. of tlie late Major-Gen. eamrd ABdi4* Wylde, Ule R.M.L.I. : and has /xsut—{i\ Robtfl AUtmhwd. Gentteman. b. April 33, 1893; (3) Uavtd Fhuict* Atkenhead. Centlcman. K lune 39, 1895. r/MAf-Navai and Mililary. and Yorkshire (York). • THOMAS STOKES GKORGE HUGH ROBERT- SON AIRMAN. Es(|uire, of Ross and Oroomhilton, J. P.. I>. L.. lieuL-Col. commanding and Hon. Col. 4th Ban. H.L.I., and Hon. Lt-Col. in Army. Bom Feb. 25, i860, being the eldest son of Hugh Henry Robertson Aikmanof Rossand Broomhilion, by Mary Joyce, only child of Thootas Stokes of New Parks, co. Leicester. Livery —Drab coat, scarlet waistcoat and breeches. Armorial baulafl (L.O.. 1673 and 1893)— Argent, a sinister hand holding a branch of oak Mlcways proper, surmounted of a °^ *«*prai»cd guks. Mantling ruIcs, doubled argent. Craat — On a wreath of his liveries, an oak-tree proper- and in .-in escroU over the same this Motto, "Sub Robore Virtus." Sfarried, 1899, Constance Henrietta, only dau. of the late John Archibald Middlcton, Esq. Capt Ropl IJragoons ; and has lsiue—{i\ William Hamilton Robertson Aikman, Gentleman, *. November 23 1902- (a) Hugh Forbes RoberUon Aikman. Gentleman, b. Dec 9' IfS' ^ Margrett Georgina. Seats-Ko^, Hamilton,' ■^ZLL ^*5^. "*•*• ^'*»'«>ck ; Grandborough, near Dun- cliarch. C/«r>i— Carlton, New (Edinburgh). A TllE M(»T HONOt-RABLE SiK ARCHIBALD KeNNKDY W third MARQUESS OF AlI^A, and Baron Ailsa, in the fecrage of the United Kingdom ; Earl of Cassillis and Baron Kennedy, in the Peerage of Scotland, and a Baroi of Nova Scotia. Bom Sept i, 1847. being the eldest si^ of the Most Hon. Sir Archibald Kennedy, second Marque; of Ailsa, K.T.. by his wife Julia, second dau. of the lai Sir Richard Mounteney Jephson, Baronet ; became ICnsi] Coldstream Guards i8(>6, Lieutenant i8;o, retired sai.. year; succeeded his father in 1870; late Lieut, cummandini R.N. Artillery Vols. (Clyde Brigade). J. P. and 1) L. f< Ayrshire, is Honorary Lieutenant Royal Naval Reservi Liitry — Claret. Armorial bearing^- Argent, a chevr gules, between three cross crosslels htclide sable, all withiii a double tressure flory and couiiterflory of the second. .Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, wiih a Mantling' gules, doubled ermine ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dolphin naiant proper. Bup- portars — Two swans proper, beaked and mcml)ered gules. Motto — " Avise la tin." Married, firstly, March 7, 1871 the Hon. Evelyn Stuart (rf. 1888), dau. of the Rt. Men. Charles, twelfth Baron Blantyre. He married secondly, November 3, 1891, Isabella, dau. of Hugh M' Master of Kausani, North-West Provinces, India ; and has Issue by his first marriage, (1) Archibald Kennedy, l-'.sq., com- monly called the Earl of Cassillis, b. May 22, 1872 [/«. 1903, Frances Emily, dau. of Sir .Mark John M'T.aggart Stewart! M.P.], Capt. 3rd Battalion Royal Scots I'lisilit-rs (Militia); (2) Lord Charles Kennedy, Lieut. Prince of Wales Light Horse, S. Africa, b. April 10, 1875 ; (3) Ix)rd .Angus Kennedy, b. October 28, 1882; Lady Evelyn, d. January 9, 1886 ; and Lady Aline ; and by his .second marriage, (4) Lord Hugh Kennedy, b. Jan. 19, 1895; and Lady Marjory. Seats — Culzean Castle. Maybole. Cassillis House, and Newark Castle, all in Ayrshire, N.B. Imon residence — 65 Lancaster Gate, W. Clubs — Guards', Tra- vellers'. SLiEUTENANT-CoLONEi, HENRY PARKE AIREYj D.S.O., New South Wales Artillery ; was Ensign 101 Royal Bengal Fusiliers ; served in Egypt in 1885 as A.D.C, to Gen. Freemantle, Coldstream Guards (medal and clasp,' Khedive's star). Born Aug. 3, 1843, being the second son of Henry Cookson Airey, Capt. 59th I^ngal Native Infantry, by his wife Emily, dau. of William Parke. Club — Union, Sydney. Armorial bearings— Azure, on a I chevron argent, between in chief three mullets of the last and in base the battlements of a tower or, three cinqucfoils of the field. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, out of the battlements of .i tower or, a dexter and a sinister arm embowed in armour proper. is the Military Cockade. MARQUKSS OF AILSA It 9it Zit ikm kimd* mko proper. bolUing a doouefoil aiure. «o«Ch- ^e terinmlni-^-/r,W. KeU 4. 1808. Florence AcU. Jl ^ Tr MCuUoeh of Sydney. New South Wales : and hM /«•*-<•) Cha^Wa Francis Airey. lj«ntlen»an. #. Ai«. I. itTO. Ueul. and Kc^t. New South Wale* l-orca ; larGcone Henry Airey. Oenileman. *. Jan. 14. i874. MMtahiiMMB. Naval Brigade. Sydney; Annie Mary; Gartni^ Fkmoot: Dorochea Betsie; and Uulce. Pot/a i sddnu — Vktori^ Barracks, Oxford Street. Paddington. Sydney. AITCHISON (L.O.. ao Sept. 1904). ^ Or. a douWe- ImmM aaclB w M» . bMked and membered gules, collared toM.oB a chief argent, five barruleu waved axare(reprcsent- mg the five rivers of the Punjab). Mft&ttllir sable, doubled Macfarlan, M.D., of Ledard, co. Perth) ; and has had /ssue — George Staveley Aitchison. Gentlem.in. i. M.iy 19, i8q4; or. Great — On a wreath of his liveries, a cock or, holding in his dexter claw a lotus flower azure. Motto — " Vigilan- tibus." Only son of Sir Charles Umpberston Aitchison, K.C.S.I., C.I.E.. Lt.-Gov. of the Punjab. 6. 1832; d. 1896; m. 1863, Beatrice Lyell, d. of James Cox of Cardean House. Perthshire : — Charles Umpberston Aitchison. Esq., M.A., M.B., B.Ch. (Oxon.), M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., i. 1875. ^« — 104 Banbury Road, Oxford. ROBERT SWAN AITCHISON, M.D, (Edin.), F.R.C P.E., Member of the Royal Company of Archers, Kind's Body Guard for Scotland. Bom June 7. 1854, being the vfiunger son of the late James Aitchison of Lilliesleaf. CO. Roxburgh, by his wife Jane, dau. of Robert Swan of Harl.ston, co. Berwick. Armorial bearings — Or, a double- headed eagle displayed sable, beiiked and membered gules, on a chief engrailed vert, a pheon between two spur-revels of the first ; in the centre of the shield an escutcheon of pretence gules, on a chevron between three demi-lions rampant, and in chief a cross crosslet fitch^ or, a trefoil between two anchors sable (for Pepper-Staveley). Mant- Uog sable doubled or ; and for his CnMt, upon a wreath of bis liveries, an eagle's head erased sable ; and on an escroll over the same thu Motto, " Vigilantibus." Married, June 16. 1891, Jessie Georgina Annie Staveley, dau. and co-heir of the late George Augustus Pepper-Staveley. Esq. , Judge in the Bengal Civil Service, and of Woldhurstlea. co. Sussex (by his second wife Jessie Louisa, eldest dau. of late Donald and Nerina Jane, d. 1892. d. 1897. Residence — 74 Great King Street. Edinburgh. JAMES AITKEN of Saltcoats and Darroch, Gentleman. Born 1834, being the eldest son of Henry Aitken of Darroch and Margaret, eld. dau. ot James Russel of Blackbraes, Stirlingshire. Armorial bearings— Argent, a chevron gules, ^ Is the Military Cockade. m aiD 13 between three cocks sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of his liveries, an oak tree proper. Motto — " Robore et vigilantia." Residences — Darroch, Falkirk, N.B. ; Glenbervie, Larbert, N.B. AITKINS, quartered by CONYERS and FOX. SThe Right Honourable ARETAS AKERS-DOUG- LAS, a Member of Her Ma- Clbt>rrf-'5nn!irrlflrt jesty's Most Honourable Privy a^ - Lisnegar, Rath- cormac, co. Cork. ALDAM, see WARDE-ALDAM. HUGH ALDERSEY of Aldersey and Spurstow, Es- quire, J. P. for CO. of Chester, Lord of the Manor of Alder- sey, sometime of Eton and Trin. Coll., Camb. , B.A of that University. Bom February 2, 1858, being the elder son of Thomas Aldersey of Aldersey and Spurstow, Esq., Sheriff of co. of Chester 1862 (who d. 1899), by Rose Sidney his wife, dau. of the Reverend George Becher Blomfield, Canon of Chester and Rector of Stevenage, Herts. Livery — French grey and dark green. Armo- rial bearings — Gules, on a bend argent, between two cinquefoils or, three leopards' faces vert, with many quar- terings. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin segreant gules, beaked and armed, and issuing from a plume of five ostrich feathers or. Motto — " Alnus semper floreat." Married, April 3, 1888, Evelyn, dau. of the Reverend Francis Coulman Royds, Hon. Canon of Chester, Rector of Coddington ; and "has Issue — (i) Hugh Aldersey, Gentleman, b. December 28, 1888 ; (2) Ralph Aldersey, Gentleman, b. March 20, 1890 ; (3) Mark Aldersey, Gentle- man, b. October 28, 1897. 5tfa/— Aldersey Hall, Chester. Clubs — New, Travellers', Grosvenor (Chester), la tbe Naval Cockade. ■4 9ID ALORBO. Ewl -^ NORTHUMBERLAND. quMiered byHUSSBY. »CIIARIJB POWI.KIT ALPRItXlE. Gentleman. Lkut RoMi SuMex ReRt. fiom Sep( 77, 1866. Mm th* Mcond but ddetl »ur\-ivinR son of the late John Aliflilh«. Em.. I«ie Major Royal Scots Fusiliers, and Col. CtaMUdMit yd and 4lh \\\\\s. Roynl Sassex Regt., I P. aad D.L ft* Sussex, by his wife Marv Alethea. iiaax. 61 & Matthews, and relict of Thonius Broadwood of Holmbush. Sussei. Annorlal bMrlngv Vert, on a hne between three farbs or. banded gules, two bnuiches of oHves in aaltire encircled by a ducal coro- aM of Kold between two robins pro|xT, a bordure en- milcd crminois. charged with eiRht torti-.uix. Mantling v«ft and or. OrMIt On a wreath of the colours, an arm couprd below the elbow, vested azure, chargeil with a berant. the band holding a quill argent. Motto "Dirige." Seat —St. Leonard's Forest. Horsham. Sussex. HERBKRT HENRY ALORIDGE. Gentleman. Bom Feb. as. 1869. being the third son of the late Col. John Aldrkige of St. lx»nard's Forest, by hiswiff Mary Alethea, drtu of .*v»mufl Matthews of Romford, co. Essex, and wulow of lliomas Hrcirlwood of Mickleham. co. Surrey. AnnorUl b«axinc»— Vert, on a fesse between three garbs or, bandaged gules, two branches of olives in saltire, en- circled by a ducal coronet of gold between two robins proper, a bordure engrailed erminois. charged with eight lorteaux. i««»tMinf vert and or. Oreit— On a wreath of the colours, an arm couped below the elbow, vested azure, charged with a bezant, the hand holding a quill argent. Motto (above the crest) —" Dirige. '" Residence— M JOHN BARTTELOT ALDRIDGE. Esquire, Capt. O Royal Horse Artillery. Bom Feb. 8. 1871. being the fourth son of the Ute Col. John Aldridge of St. Leonard's Forest, by his wife Mary Alethea, dau. of Samuel Matthews of Romford, co. Essex, and widow of Tliomas Broadwood of Mickleham, co. Surrey. Armorial bearlnps— Vert, on a fesse between three garbs or, Ixindaged gules, two branches of olives in saltire, encircled by a ducal coronet of gold be- tween two robins proper, a bordure engrailed erminois, charged with eight torteaux. Mantlin^T vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an arm couped below the elbow, vested azure, charged with a bezant, the hand hold- ing a quill argent. Motto (above the crest) — "Dirige." Retidtnce — RF.vi!:tKNi> BASIL S. ALDWELL, Clerk in Holy Orders. Armorial bearings -Per fesse nebuly argent and sable, in chief two lions rampant of the second, and in base an osprey with wings disphyed proper. Muitling sable and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, an osfirey x, in the arms, resting the dexter claw on an escut- cheon of the Butler arms, namely or, a chief indented azure. ResieUnu—Si. Luke, Portsea, Hants. ALDWORTH (U.O.. iSaq). Argent, a fesse engrailed between six billets gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed grasping a straight sword all proper. Motto — " Nee limere nee timide." Son of Richard Oliver Aldworth, b. 1794 ; d. 1887 : — Robert Aldworth of Newmarket Court (g.v.). Son of Rev. John Aldworth, Rector of Glanworth, co. Cork. b. 1800; d. 1878; m. ist. 1826. Annie, d. of Charles Deane Oliver of Rockmill I^odge, co. Cork :— Charles Oliver. Gentleman, b. 1829. m. 1868 ; Sarah, d. of Wm. Crooke Ronayne, co. Cork, and widow of Robert James Martin of Dublin ; and has issue— (i) John Charles Oliver Aldworth. Gentleman, b. 1869 ; (2) William Ronayne Oliver Aldworth. Gentleman, b. 1874. 5^/^— Poulacurra and Ballybrack. co. Cork. Sons of Col. Robert Aldworth of Glouncaume and Meenkeragh. co. Cork. *. 1809; d. 1899; m. 1852. Olivia Catherine, d. of Rev. James Morton. Rector of Clonfert:— St. Leger Boyle Aldworth. Gentleman, Dist. Supt. Burma Police. *. 1863. .Sm/— Meenkeragh, co. Cork. C/«*—E.L United Service. 3Ic John James Richard Oliver Aldworth, Gentleman, of Malay Fed. States Civ. Scrv.. b. 1866. Res.— n ROBERT ALDWORTH, Esquire, late Captain am Honorary Major 9th Battalion King's Royal RiHcs, Justice of the Peace for the cos. of Somerset and Cork. Bom 1827. being the second but only surviving son of Richard Oliver Aldworth, Esc|iiire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, of Newmarket, in the county of Cork, by his wife Letitia. commonly known as Lacly I^etitia, dati. of Richard Hare, Esquire, commonly known as Viscount Ennismore, and granddaughter of the Right Honourable the first liarl of Listowel. Clubs — Primrose, Royal Dorset Yacht (Weymouth). Livery — White and red. Armorial bearings- He l>enrs for Arms: Argent, a fesse engrailed between six billets gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand grasping a sword all proper; with the Motto. "Nee temere, nee timide." Married, May 23, 1867, Louisa Mary, daughter of Major- General Henry Dunbar ToUey, Comptuiion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Postal addresses — West* lake, West Coker, Yeovil, Somerset ; and Newmarket Court, Newmarket, co. Cork. ALEIGH. quartered by MALET. ALEXANDER of Forkhill (Confd. U.O.). Per pale argent and sable, a chevron between in chief an U annulet and in base a crescent all counterchanged. P Mnn tling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an arm in armour embowed, the hand grasping a sword all proper, and charged on the ellww with an annulet sable. Motto — " Per mare per terras." ^Ll Sons of Henry Alexander, Esq., of Forkhill, D.LJHI (Sheriff 1856), Barrister, b. 1803; d. 1877; m. 1839, ^ f Lady Louisa Juliana Knox, d. of Thos., 2nd Earl of Ranfurly : — Granville Henry Jackson Alexander of Forkhill (g.v.). Henry Nathaniel Alexander, Es(|., Insp.-Gen. of Prisons, Bombay, late I.C.S., b. 1854; m. 1883, Mary Stuart, d, of Claude Erskine. B.C.S. ; and has issue — Constan( Mary. Res. — Claud Henry Alexander, Esq., Major late Wilts RegtJ b. 1856; m. 1896, Irene Christine, d. of Col. William " Tamplin of Lennox Place, Brighton ; and has issui Dorothy Alice ; Rosemary Irene ; and Nancy Sti Res. — Bolton Lodge, Winchester. Ronald Henry Alexander, Gentleman, b. 1858. Res. — Frederick Henry Thomas Alexander. Esq., late Cap! Leics. Regt. and Army Pay Dept., *. i860; m. 1" Blanche, d. of Lt.-Gen. W. C. Bancroft of KnelKv Farn borough ; and has issue — Elisabeth Maud. Res. Basil Mansions, Basil Street. S.W. '" Dudley Henry Alexander, Esq., C.M.G. , Major (ret.) late West Yorks Regt., b. 1863. 67«3— United Service. M GRANVILLE HENRY JACKSON ALEXANDER, O Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for co. Armagh (High Sheriff 1883), late Captain Armagh Militia, formerly Lieut. 83rd Regt. Born 1852, being the eldest son of the late Henry Alexander, Esq.. D.L., of Forkhill, by Lady Louisa Juliana, second dau. of the Rt. Hon. Thomas Knox, and Earl of Ran- furly. Clubs— C&Mon, Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearingrs — Per pale argent and sable, a chevron between in chief an annulet and in base a crescent all counterchanged. Mantling sable and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an arm in armour embowed, the hand grasp- ing a sword all projier, and charged on the elbow with an annulet sable. Motto — " Per mare, per terras. " Married, 1880, Daisy, dau. of M. Matthews of San Francisco. Seat — Forkhill House, Forkhill, co. Armagh. LESLEY WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Esquire, J. P. CO. Donegal. Bom Aug. 15, 1841, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Alexander, Esq., High Sheriff of Donegal, by his wife Jane, eldest dau. of Willam Haigh of Westfield House, Doncaster. Armorial bearings - Per pale argent and sable, a chevron between a trefoil in chief and a crescent in base all counterchanged. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an arm embowed in Is the Military Cockade. m aif 15 armour proper, in the hand a sword also proper, pommel and hilt or. Motto—" Per mare, per terras." 5^a/— Ahilly, Buncrana, co. Donegal. Residence— zg Campden Grove, 1. Kensington. r ^ EDWYN SINCLAIR ALEXANDER-SIN- _ 3 CLAIR, Esq., of Freswick, Caithness-shire, and of South Barr, Renfrewshire, J. P. and D.L. co. Caith- Sinclair in 1894. Bont 1867, being the second but only surviving son of Capt. John Hobhouse Inglis Alexander, R.N. , C.B., of South Barr, A.D.C. to Her Majesty (who d. 1875), by Isabella Barbara (who d. 1884), only dau. of the late T. C. Hume. Livery — Blue, with buff facings and gilt buttons. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, quarterly i. azure, a ship at anchor, her oars in saltire, within a double tressure counterflowered or ; ii. and iii. or, a lion rampant gules ; iv. azure, a ship under sail ; over all, dividing the coats, a cross engrailed sable, and all within a bordure chequy or and gules (for Sinclair of Freswick) ; 2 and 3 parted per pale argent and sable, a chevron, in base a crescent, and in chief a fleur-de-lis, all counterchanged, and within a bordure engrailed and parted per pale gules and or (for Alexander). Above the escutcheon on the dexter side is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling' azure and or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a cross pat^e within a circle of stars argent, and in an escroU above, this Motto, " Via crucis via lucis ; " and on the sinister side is placed a like helmet ,with a Mantling sable, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an elephant passant proper, and in an escroll above, this Motto, " Perseverantia vincit." Married, 1892, Julia Margaret, third dau. of the late Col. Charles Vereker Hamilton-Campbell of Netherplace, Ayrshire ; and has /««?— Mervyn Boyd Alexander-Sinclair, Gentleman, b. ' Aug. IS, 1894. ALFORD (H. Coll.). Or, on a chevron indented azure, between three roses gules, barbed and seeded proper, four crosses pat^e, and three fleurs-de-lis alternately argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours. ness. Lieutenant R.N. Succeeded his relative William Sinclair Thomson-Sinclair, and assumed the surname of an escallop inverted argent, surmounting a crosier in bend sinister or. Motto— " Vive ut vivas. " [Ped. H. Coll.] Sons of the Rt. Rev. Charles Richard Alford, D.D., sometime Bishop of Victoria, by his first wife Sarah Jacosha, d. of John Fleet of London : — Charles John Alford, Gentleman, F.R.G.S., d. 1844. ^^y.— 30 Wilbury Road, Brighton. The Rev. Josiah George Alford, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Camb.), V.D., Vicar of Stoke Bishop, Hon. Canon of Bristol, 6. 1847; m. 1871, Catherine Mary, d. of Col. John Thomas Leslie, C.B.; and has issue -Charles Symes Leslie Alford, Gentleman, ». 1885. Res.—Sloke Bishop Vicarage, Bristol. Robert Gervase Alford, Gentleman, M.Inst.C.E., F.R.S.E., Asst. Surveyor of Prisons, -J. 1848; m. Marion, is the Naval Cockade. i6 a!0f an d. at laioM AUilMimer le, on a pile or, between Tour banilts in Uur two and two palewnys, un eagle displayed of Iht field. MawtHiiy sable nnd or. OrMt— On n wreath ct the cokMirt, a greyhound's bead cou|>r nuuiv betanu paleways. Motto—" Honore ct amore." Oaoohn George Algar. Esq., Commn. Lieutenancv City of Loadon. Solicitor, I! . /fes. —41 Mount View Koad, Croudi Hill, Loadon, N. Post. add. — 17 Abchurch Lane, 1. E.C. LEWIS AI.GKO. (ientleman. Armorial bearln^rs— Argrni, in chief three hearts in triangle gules, and in base ,a martlet sable. i»»iit»«g gules and argent. Crest — ' Upon a wreath of the colours, the stump of a tree proper. ■OMO — "Non deficit alter." A'rxi<&n<-« — Glenboz Manor, Hamilton, co. Leitrim. e ARTHUR HILDEBRAND ALINGTON, Esquire. Admiral, J. P. for the parts of Lindsey. Bom Oct. 10. 1839, being the third son of George Marmaduke Aling- loo, Esq.. of Swinhope, Lincolnshire, J. P. and D. L., and hit wife Mary, dau. of Matthew iUncrofi Lister of Burwell Park, CO, Lincoln, /.iivry— Black and yellow. Armorial boarlllgB -Sable, a bend engrailed lx:tween six billets ar- gent, with various quarterings. Mantling sable and argent. OlMt — On a wreath of the colours, a talboi passant ermine. Arthur Cyril Marmaduke Alington, Esq., Capt. I Lancashire Regt. , h. June 15, 187a; (a) Argentine II Alington, Gentleman, R.N., h. July 10, 1876; C Imi I Hildegardc Mary; and Sophie Ellen Elfrida. Sea: Swinhope, North Thoresby, S.O., Lines. Clubs — Unit.. Srevice, Primrose. JULIUS ALINGTON, Esquire. J. P. for Bedford Hertford, High Sheriff for Betlford 1883. Born Dei 1836, being the fifth but only surviving son of the late !\r\ John Alington, M.A., of Little Harford Manor Hou.se, im Bedford, and Lelchworth Hall, co. Hertford, by his \\U- Eliia Frances, second dau. of Rt. Hon. .Sir Thomas I'lumer of Canon's Park, Middlesex, Master of the Rolls. Armorial bearlnga — Sable, a bend engrailed Ixitwccn six bil' argent. Mantling sable and arfjent. Crest On a wi < of the colours, a talbot passant ermine. Motto --" .\,,.. pour hainc," used since 1634, but the original one was " En Dieu est tout." Married, Jan. 5, 1871, Catherine Mary, dau. of Edmund Wright of Halston Hall, co. .Siil. and has Issue — (i) Charles Edmund Argentine Alinf^i Gentleman, b. May a6, 187a; (a) Walter Hildebrand Ali ton. Gentleman, b. Jan. 24, 1874; (3) Julius Hugh Alinj;! Gentleman, b. May 3, 1875; (4) George Henry Alinj;! Gentleman, ^. April a3, 1887 ; Hilda Catherine ; and Eiuilj. 5m/— Little Barford, St. Neots, co. Huntingdon. Clubs— St. James's, Wellington. S ALEXANDER ALLAN, Esquire, J. P.. D.L., and Hon. Sheriff of Argyllshire. Borti Nov. 4, 1844, being the only son of the late Bryce Allan of Aros, Argyll, and Liverpool, by his wife Janet, dau. of George L Blair of Greenock. Armorial bearings — Per tx>nd.^H Mottoee— •• Non pour haine," "En Dieu est tout." Married, jane 9, 1870, Charlotte Mary, daa of Rev Charles Moore of Garlenick, Cornwall ; and has Issue— (i) dented ermine and gules, in chief a stag's head erased of the second, attired or, and in base a crescent argent, all within a bordure sable. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of the liveries, a talbot's head sable. Motto — "Spero." Married, Sept. 18, 1866, Julia Elizabeth, dau. of Alexander M'Ewan of Sunderland, Islay ; and \\?^ Issue — Bryce Allan, Gentleman, born 1874 ; and Sheila Elizabeth. Seat — Aros House, near Tobermory, Isle of Mull, N.B. Clubs — Junior Carlton, New (Edinburgh). ROBERTGILKISON ALLAN, Gentleman. Bom , being the eldest son of the late James Allan, Gentleman, Shipowner, Glasgow. Armorial bearings — Party per bend indented ermine and gules, in the sinister chief a stag's head erased of the second, attired or, and in the dexter base a crescent argent. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, a talbot's head erased sable. Motto— "Spero." Residence— Rose- mont, Aigburth, Liverpool. R. S. ALLAN, Esquire, J. P. co. of City of Glasgow, eldest son of the late Alexander Allan of Glasgow. Armorial hearings— He bears for Arms: Parted per bend indented ermine and gules, in the sinister chief a stag's head erased of the second, attired or, and in dexter base a crescent argent, within a bordure or. Upon the escutcheon is placed l8 the Military Cockade. Plate I. dynesf ^OCnKI12gfOJ2 an ail »7 a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, spelling of the family name. Born 1853, being the eldest son of Henry Hynman AUenby, Esq., J. P., of Ken- wick Hall, who d. 1869, by Eliza, dau. of Titus Bourne of Alford, CO. Lincoln. Clubs — Boodle's, Royal High- land Yacht. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron engrailed azure, between four horses' heads erased, three in chief and one in base gules, three crescents of the first, a bordure of the second, impaling the arms of Garfit, namely sable, a bend nebuly argent, gutt6e-de-poix, between four goats, two and two salient, and bendways of the second, armed or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a crescent gules, issuant therefrom a demi-lion proper, holding between the paws a horse-shoe also gules. Motto — "Fide et labore." Married, 1879, Mary Florence, dau. of Thomas Garfit, Esq., M. P. ; and has, with other Issue — Allan Charles Hynman AUanby, Gentleman, b. 1881. Residence — Monk's Tower, Lincoln. ALLARDICE, see BARCLAY-ALLARDICE. HERBERT JOHN ALLCROFT, Esquire, appointed High Sheriff of the county of Salop upon the ^If rt*nff decease of his father, 1893. Born 1865, being ing gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm erect, holding a spade in bend sinister, between two laurel branches all proper. Livery — Blue with gold lace. Son of William George Allen of Cardiff, by Anne, d. of William Thomas of Llantrissant, Glamorgan : — William Henry Allen, Esq., J. P. co. Bedford (High Sheriff 1904-5) M.R.I., M.I.C.E., F.R.G.S., b. 1844; m. ist, 1864, Annie Mary Pemberton, d. of Richard Thomas Howell of Bryn-y-Caeran Castle, Llanelly, Carmarthenshire ; 2nd, 1887, Madeline Agnew, d. of W. J. Fedden of Rock- leaze Point, Stoke Bishop, Glos. ; and has issue— (i) Richard William Allen, Gentleman, b. 1867; (2) George Pemberton Allen, Gentleman, b. 1872; (3) Harold Gwyne Allen, Gentleman, b. 1874; (4) Glendowr Allen, Gentle- man, b. 1877; (5) Rupert Stanley Allen, Gentleman,^. 1879; (6) John Francis Allen, Gentleman, b. 1881 ; Annie; Louisa Alice Madeline ; and Mary Beatrice. Seat— ^xom.- ham House, Bromham, nr. Bedford. Town res.—\ Dean's Yard, Westminster. C/a3j— Royal Societies', Automobile, Town and County (Bedford). ALLEN-HOBLYN (R.L., 19 Aug. 1904. H. Coll. ; orig. recorded Vn. Cornwall, 1620). Azure, a fesse or between is the Naval Cockade. so ail ennlne. »nd in Ihe centre chtef point » "«« for awUnction. lUnUlB* M>«re and or. Qtm* — On a wreath of the colours, a tower proper, and for dis- tinction a cross crosslet or. Ifotto — " Delectant domi non itnpediunt fortis." Livery — Dark blue. Son of Rev. Charles Allen, M.A. (Oxon.), Perpet. Cnrate of Bushley, Worcs., d. 1880; m. , Frances Lydia, d. of Joseph Longmore, Gentleman, of Mythe House, Tewkesbury : — Charles William Poynder AUen-Hoblyn (R.L., 1904; formerly Allen), Capt. (ret.) R.N., 6 1851 ; m. 1894, Zoe Elizabeth, d. of late William Paget Hoblyn, Esq., j.P., M.A.. of Fir Hill, Colan, Cornwall. Sea/— The Rhydd, Hanley Castle, Worcs. ALLENBY. quartered by MONTGOMERIE. ALLEYS, quartered by HINCKES. HERBERT CYRIL ALLFREY, Gentleman, late of Wokefield Park, Berks. Born Sept. 28, 1874, being the elder son of the late Goodrich Holm sdale AUfrey, Esq. J. P., High Sheriff 1881, formerly Major and Dragoon Guards, by his wife Helen Clare, dau. of William Little. Armorial bearioj^ - Per fesse sable and ermine, a pale counterchanged bctwet-n three ostriches' heads erased argent, ducally gorged and lined or. Mantling sable and argent. Crvct — On a wreath of the colours, an ostrich's head and neck, between two ostriches' feathers argent. Afarried, Oct. 30, 1897, Norah Church, dau. of John Gilbert Meiggs of 1*3 Cromwell Road; and has /««*- Basil Holmsdale Allfrey, Gentleman, b. Nov. 24, 1898. Residence— NUGENT ST. CLAIR ALLFREY. Gentieman. Bom May a, 1880, being the second son of the late Goodrich Holm'sdale Allfrey. Esq., J. P., High Sheriff 1881, formerly Major and Dragoon Guards, by his wife Helen Clara, dau. of William Little. Armorial bearings— Party per fesse sable and ermine, a pale counlerchanged, three ostriches' ail heads emed anent, ducally gorged and lined or. Upon Ihe escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree. Mft ft^wg sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an ostrich's head and neck ducally gorged as in the arms, between two ostrich feathers argent. Poslal address — I Rkv. JAMES ALLGOOD. M.A. (Oxon.), late Rector of Ingram, Alnwick. Born 30 June 1826, being the third but eldest surviving son of the late Robert Lancelot AUgood of Nunwick, Esq., D.L. Northumberland, High Sheriff 1818, by his second wife Elizabeth, and dau. and co-heiress of John Hunter, of The Hermitage, in the same county. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms: Argent, a cross en>,'r;iiled gules, between four mullets azure, on a chief or, three damask roses of the second, seeded gold, barloed vert. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent : and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed in armour proper, holding in the hands a human heart, gules, inflamed or, charged with a tower triple-towered argent ; with the Motto, " Age omne bonum." Married, April 4, 1854, ^tB Isabella, 3rd dau. of Charles A. Williamson of H.ilgray ; ^Pl and by her (who d. 21 Jan. 1876), has had Issue— {i) Robert « P Lancelot Allgood, Gentleman, i. 18 Oct. 1855 ; (2) George Guy Hunter Allgood, Gentleman, i. 6 Nov. 1857 ; d. 1890 ; (3) James Charles Allgood, Gentleman, 6. 21 July 1862 ; d. 31 Jan. 1876; (4) David Williamson Allgood, Gentleman, d. 19 April 1864; d. 21 Jan. 1876; (5) Alfred Major All- good, Gentleman, i. 15 Aug. 1866 ; (6) William Henry Loraine Allgood, Esq., Captain King's Royal Rifles, d. Feb. 16, 1868; (7) Rev. Roland Frederick Allgood, d. 3 Aug. 1873, Clerk in Holy Orders ; Alice Whittinghara [tn., 1884, John CoppinStraker]; Elaine Elizabeth,*/. 2 Sept. 1861; Edith Gertrude [tn., 1895, Frederic Straker]; and Mary Evelyn. Estate and postal address — Nunwick, near Humshaugh, co. Northumberland. 5 AUGUSTUS HENRY EDEN ALLHUSEN, Esq., J.P. and D.L. co. Buckingham, M.P. for Salisbury 1897-1900, M. P. for Central Hackney since 1900. Bom Aug. 20, 1867, being the eldest son of the late Henry Christian Allhusen, by Alice his wife, younger dau. of the late Thomas fl Eden, Gentleman, of Norton Hall, co. Gloucester, and grandson of Christian Allhusen, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Stoke Court, Bucks. Livery — Dark blue coat, yellow waistcoat, brass buttons. Armorial bearings — Barry of six or and is the Military Cockade. ail ail 21 azure, four fleurs-de-lis, two and two counterchanged, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Stanley of Alderley, namely argent, on a bend azure, three bucks' heads caboshed or, a crescent for difference. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi- lion guardant azure, holding in the dexter paw a passion cross or, between two open buffalo-horns of the last ; with the Motto, " Devant si je puis." Married, July 21, 1896, Osma Mary Dorothy, younger dau. and coheir of the late Col. the Hon. John Stanley (second son of the late Lord Stanley of Alderley), by his wife Susan Mary Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Keith William Stewart-Mackenzie of Sea- forth ; and has Issue — Henry Christian Stanley Allhusen, Gentleman ; Madeleine Mary ; and Dorothea Elizabeth. Estate— 'aX.oV.c. Court, in the co. of Buckingham. Postal address— Stoke Court, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire. Cluds— Carlton, White's. WILLIAM HUTT ALLHUSEN, Gentleman. Born 1845, being the fourth son of Christian Allhusen, Esq., J.P., D.L. , of Stoke Court, Bucks, who d. 1890, by Anne, dau. of John Shield, Esq., of Broomhaugh, Northumber- land. C/uis— Union, Welllington. Armorial bearings- Barry of six or and azure, four fieurs-de-lis, two and two counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion guardant azure, holding in the dexter paw a passion cross or, between two open buffalo-horns of the last; with the Motto — "Devant si je puis." Married, 1876, Beatrice- May, dau. of late Col. Thomas Bromhead Butt, 79th Cameron Highlanders. Residences — Twyford Abbey, near Ealing, W. ; Isola Bella, Cannes. WILTON ALLHUSEN, Gentleman. 5<7r« 1840, being the son of Christian Allhusen, Esq., J. P., D.L. , of Elswick Hall, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and Stoke Court, Bucks, who d. 1890, by Annie, dau. of John Shield, Esq., of Broomhaugh, Northumberland. Club — Union. Armorial bearings- Barry of six or and azure, four fleurs-de-lis, two and two counterchanged, and impaling the arms of Vandeleur, viz. or, a trefoil vert, between three mullets purpure. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion guardant azure, holding in the dexter paw a passion cross or, between two open buffalo-horns of the last; with the Motto, "Honour first." Married, 1874, Adelaide, dau. of Major Thomas Pakenham Vandeleur of Limerick; and has, with other Issue — A son, Ormsby Allhusen, Gentleman, b. 1888. Seat — Pinhay, East Devon, near Lyme Regis, Dorsetshire. Town residence — 61 Eaton Place, S.W. ALLINGTON, quartered by CONYERS and FOX. M FREDERICK PRAT ALLISTON, Esquire, one of w the Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London, Alderman of Bread Street Ward since 1895, and Sheriff of the City 1898-99. Armorial bearings Or, an eagle displayed gules, holding in each claw a cotton-hank argent on a chief vert a shuttle fesseways, thread pendent of the third. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of an eagle's head erased, holding in the beak a sprig of the cotton-tree slipped and fructed all proper, a shuttle fesseways or, thread pendent gules. Motto — " Renovate animos." Residence— K.?ivaesh\agh, Becken- ham, Kent. Rkverend HENRY HEPWORTH ALLOTT, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Stifford. Born June 25, 1842, being the second son of the late Rev. John AUott of Hague Hall, co. York, J. P., Rector of Maltby-le-Marsh, CO. Lincoln, by his wife Catherine, dau. of William Wilson of Louth, CO. Lincoln. Armorial bearings— Or, a plain fesse, double cotised wavy azure, on a canton of the second, two bars argent, charged with three swallows volant sable. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm couped at the elbow, habited or, charged with a fesse double cotised wavy azure, cuff' argent, the hand proper, holding a mullet gold. MottO— " Fortiter etrecte." Married, June 3, 1879, Alicia Georgiana, third dau. of Rev. Henry Hanmer, Rector of Grendon, co. War- wick; and has Issue— (i) Percy Brian AUott, Gentleman, b. April 24, 1880 ; (2) Edmund Henry Allott, Gentleman, b. Oct. 15, 1881 ; (3) Cyril Robert Allott, Gentleman, b. Sept. 25, 1887 ; Evelyn Violet ; and Irene Georgiana. Postal address — The Rectory, Stiff'ord, Grays, Essex. JOHN GEORGE ALLOTT, J. P. for Lincoln, Born July 15, 1839, being the eldest son of the late Rev. John Allott, J. P., Rector of Maltby-le-Marsh, co. Lincoln, by his wife Catherine, dau. of William Wilson of Louth, co. Lin- coln. Armorial bearings — Or, a plain fesse, double cotised wavy azure ; on a canton of the second, two bars argent, charged with three swallows volant sable. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm couped at the elbow, habited or, charged with a fesse double cotised wavy azure, cuff argent, the hand proper, holding a mullet gold. Motto — " Fortiter et recte." Married, April 27, 1871, Louisa, eldest dau. of Maeburn Staniland of Harrington Hall, co. Lincoln ; and has Issue — Hugh Hamersley Allott, Gentleman, b. May 29, 1873 ; Louisa Maud ; and Hilda Frances. Seat — Hague Hall, near Wake- field, CO. York. Residence — Eastfield, Louth, Lincolnshire. Reverend ROBERT JAMES ALLOTT, Clerk in Holy Orders, late Rector of Utterby-ho, Mabelthorpe, Lincoln. Born Nov. 22, 1847, being the third son of the late Rev. John Allott, J. P., Rector of Maltby-le-Marsh, co. Lincoln, by his wife Catherine, dau. of William Wilson of Louth, CO. Lincoln. Armorial bearings— Or, a plain fesse double cotised wavy azure, on a canton of the second two bars argent, charged with three swallows volant sable. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm couped at the elbow, habited or, charged with a fesse double cotised wavy azure, cuff argent, the hand proper, holding a mullet gold. Motto — " Fortiter etrecte." Residence — Westgate, Louth, Lincolnshire. WILLIAM AGUILAR ALLPRESS, Gentleman, Lieut. Antrim Artillery (Militia). Bom —, being the son of is the Naval Cockade. •i 9Ip Bdwwt) Whrtham Allpr«». late of "Cllefden. Eltham. K*ni. AmwrUa btftrtaf*— IVr p*le nebuly axure and rules. »i» cAglr with two heads displaced ermine between torn pometranaiei leaved and slipi)ed in saltire or. Mant- llW am* and aigenl. Great On a wreath of the colours, ma noont »ert. an eagle with two heads displayed per P^u Mbuly aiure and eules, restine each claw upon a ponegranate leaved and slipped or. Motto—" Mors levior cnmin dedecus." /ftsi(UMct—Lht\e St. Jamess Street. Westminster. London, S.W. ALPERAM. quartered by HULLEY. SCHAR1.es henry ALSTON, Esquire, formerly Capt. and Hon. M.»jor in "Queen's Own" Lanark- shire Yeomanry Ca%alry. Horn Feb. a8. 1843, being the fifth son of the late lames William Alston. -Esq., of Stock- briggs, ca l^n.-irkshire. by his wife Margaret Hamilton, dau. of Wilhani Stirling of Cordale. DumlKtrtonshire, Armorial bMUingi — Acure, ten stars of six points or, ait a demi-eagle rising oroper. Motto — "In ahum." Married Jan. 5, 1899, Mary, only dau. of the late Alexander Thorn* son. Residence — Hill House, Newbury, Berks. Oxford and Cambridge, New (Edinburgh). Clubs— WILLIAM ALSTON of Stockbriggs, Lanarkshire. Armorial beajrlngs — Azure, ten stars of six points or, 4, 3, 2 and I, within a bordure of the last, charged withj three fleurs-de-lis gules. Mantling gules, doubled argentJJ Crest — Upon a wreath of the liveries, a demi-eagle risinj proper, on each wing a crescent reversed gules. Mott — "In altum." Postal address — Stockhuggs, Lanarli shire. S WILLIAM CHARLES ALSTON, Esquire, J. P. fo CO. Warwick, High Sheriff 1884, Major and Hon Lieut. -Col. Warwickshire Yeomanry. Bom Nov. 2, 184 being the elder and only surviving son of the late Willia Charles Alston, Esq., of Elmdon Hall, co. Warwick, J.PJ and D.L., by his wife Elizabeth Ann, youngest dau and coheir of Col. Charles Fetherston of Packwoc ' Armorial bearings — Azure, ten estoiles or, four, thre two, and one, on a chief argent, a crescent reversed gule between two boars' heads sable. Mantling azure and Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle rising 1 on each wing a crescent reversed gules. Motto — ' ' '. altum." Seat — Elmdon Hall, near Birmingham. Club- Arthur's. 4, 3. a and 1, withinja bordure wavy of the last, charged with three fleurs-de-lis gul siibie, a quntiefoil between Me raaaa of the field (Antra) ; a. per pale or and gules, a ••Itir* between two maaclet in pale and in fesse as many iMKMfd't iues)eMMU>de-lis all counterchanged (Poole) ; 3. gain, a cross Ikiry argent, on a chief azure, a lion passant of the second (Ctmunoey) ; 4. axure, an eagle displayed with two heads erininois (l.yde); 5. per fesse or and sable, in chief two cal^Vi and in base a dove volant counterchanged (Metcalfe). Mantling sable and argent. Orett— On a wreath of the colours, a rose argent, slipped and leaved proper, and in fiont thereof an annulet or. MottO — " Kiuna cindida rosa dulcior." Livtry — Black, black and while waistcoat, drab overcoat. Son of Lieut. -Col. Gerard Vivian Ames of The Hyde, CO. Bedford, and Ayot St. Lawrence, Herts, J. P., b. 185a: d. 1899; M. 1889, Alice Katherine, eld. d. of btcSir P. Miles, Bart:- Lionel Gerard Ames, Gentleman, b. 1889. Stats — The Hyde, St. Albans, Herts; Ayot St. Lawrence, Welwyn, Herts. Yr. sons of Lt-Col. Lionel Ames of The Hyde, J. P. and U.L. co Bedford (High SheriflT 1866), b. 1809 ; d. 1873 ; M. 1848, Augusta Percy, d. of Col. Sir John Morillyon Wilson. C.B.. K.H. :— Ernest Kitnx)y Ames, Gentleman, b. 1855. Res. — 46 Green Street, London, W. Victor Charles Ames, Gentleman, b. 1859. Res. — i Manor House Mansions, W. Oswald Henry Ames. Esq.. Major and Life Guards, *. i86a; m. 1901. Violet Dorothea, d. of Lord Francis Cecil. Stat — The Manor House, Thornham, Norfolk. Town res. —15 Cambridge Square, W. C/«^j— Turf, Bachelors'. Hugh Lawrenson Ames, Gentleman, b. 1866; m. 1890 Kate. d. of A. Villiers Palmer, Esq., C.S.L; and has issue— (i) Neville Lawrenson Ames, Gentleman, b. 1891 ; (2) Cyril Ayot Ames, Gentleman, b. 1897. Res.—^ Gledstane Road, West Kensington. Sons of Henry Metcalf Ames. Esq.. of Linden Northumberland. D.L. (High Sheriff 1864), b. 1820; d. 1874 ; m. 1852, Elizabeth Sarah, only d. of Major Hodgson Cadogan of Brinkbum Priory, Northumber- land : — Louis Eric Ames. Elsq., J. P. (q.v.). Lawrence Metcalfe Levi Ames, Gentleman, b. 1865; m. 1891. Geraldine Mary, d. of Richard Smith. Res.— Sons of George Acland Ames, Gentleman (Amu as above, without quartering for Metcalfe), b. 1827; d. •*93; »»• 1854, Clara HenrietU Marie, eld. d! of Count Maximilian von Paelrig : — John Carlowitc Ames, Gentleman, b. i860. Res, — Herbert Mortimer Ames, Gentleman, b. 1862. Rts. — Son of Ch.orles Herl)ert Ames, Gentleman (Arms as above, without quartering for Metcalfe), of Kemenliam Place. Hcnle^-on-Thames, Berks, b. 1830; d. 1878; m. 1863. Eiiia Scott, d. of Rev. William Scott Robinson : — William Herbert Ames, Gentleman, b. 1868. Yr. sons of George Henry Ames, Gentleman (Arms as above, without quartering for Metcalfe), of Cote House, Westbury-on-Tryni, b. 1786 ; d. 1873 ; m. 1836. Anna, d. of Gideon Acland of Camberwell : — Henry St. Vincent Ames. Gentleman. Frederick Ames, Esq. [q.v.). Alfred Ames, Gentleman, b. 1839. Res. — Paris. Hon. JOSCELINE GEORGE HERBERT AMHERST. J. P. , and late Member of the Legislative Council of Western Australia, Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple. Private Secretary to the Governor of Fiji 1881 to 1883, and to Sir F. Napier Groome, Governor of Western Australia, from 1885 to 1889. Bom June 7, 1846, being the fifth son of the late William Pitt, second Earl Amherst, of Montreal, near Sevenoaks. co. Kent ; by his wife Gertrude, sixth dau. of the Hon. and Right Rev. Hugh Percy, D.D., Bishop of Carlisle. Armorial bearings— Gules, three tilting-spear»J I two and one or, headed argent. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, three like spears, one erect and two in saltire, fjirt with a wreath of laurel proper. Motto — "Constantia et virtute." Resi- dence — Holmesdale, Darlington, Western Australia. AMPHLETT (H. Coll.). Ermine, two borrulets azure. * in chief acinquefoii sable between two lozenges of the second, and in base a cinquefoil of the third. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a dromedary statant proper, charged with three cinquefoils sable. Son of : — Charles Grove Aniphlett, Esq.. D.S.O.. J. P. Staffs.. Major N. Staffs. Regt. (ret.), served in S. African War 1899-1900; b. 1862. 5^a/— Four Ashes Hall, nr. Bridgnorth. Clubs — Naval and Military. Junior Carlton. Sports. AMPHLETT. At the Visitation of Staffs. , 1663, Richard Amphlett. Esq., of Clent (High Sheriff for that county 1678). exhibited : Argent, on a fesse between three lozenges azure, a cinquefoil or, which arms were respited but never proved. However, in 1903, on proof of his lineal descent from the above claimant, the following armorial bearings were granted to the undernamed : Argent, on a fesse is the Military Coclcade. anD nebuly azure, gutt^e-d'eau, between three lozenges of the second, a cinquefoil or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dromedary statant proper, with halter and line reflexed over the back or, charged on the body with two anD »s lozenges argent. Motto — "Chi legge regge." Livery — Light drab, blue collars and cuffs, dark blue and yellow striped vest, silver buttons and hatband. Sons of Edward Amphlett of Horseley, Staffs., and 2 Queen's Gate Terrace, London, S.W. , Lieut. Scots Greys, b. 1824; d. 1887; m. ist, 1851, Lavinia Flora Henrietta (d. 1871), eld. d. of Benjamin Cuff Green- hill of Knowle Hall, Somerset ; 2nd, 1873, Margaret Louisa Maria [d. 1895), d. of James Brewster, Esq. (son of Sir David Brewster, K.H., F.R.S.) :— Edward Greenhill Amphlett, Esq., J. P. Sussex, M.A. (O.von.), F.C.S., M.R.L, Barrister-at-Law (Lincoln's Inn), b. 13 July 1853 ; m. 7 Feb. 1882, Amye, d. of Thomas Broughton Charlton, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Chilwell Hall, Notts ; and has issue — Edward Paul Charlton Amphlett, Gentleman, Roy. Mil. Coll., Sandhurst, b. 23 March 1885 ; Ruth Amye; and Flora Macdonald Maud. Res. — 3 Union Place, Worthing. C/?^^— Oxford and Cambridge. Charles Edward Amphlett, Esq., Capt. [resigned on account of ill-health 1904] 6th Inniskilling Dragoons, b. 30 Nov. 1879. Club — Cavalry. ANDERSON, quartered by YARBOROUGH, Earl of, and ROSE. ANDERSON, VI PONT. see MACAULAY-ANDERSON, and ARCHIBALD ANDERSON, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Advocate, and Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, only son of the late Thomas Scott Anderson, Writer to the Signet, and of Hannah, daughter of the late James Lowthorp of Welton Hall, East Riding of the county of Yorkshire. Clubs — United University, New (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a saltire engrailed vert between a thistle slipped and leaved in chief proper, and three mullets in the flanks and base of the second ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a crescent argent. Motto— " Gradatim." Married, 1870, Georgina Maria, daughter of the late Reverend Edmund Russell, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Incumbent of All Saints, Pontefract. Postal addresses — 30 Oxford Square, London, W. ; St. Helens, Dean Park, Bourne- mouth. S GEORGE ANDERSON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Northumber- land, for which he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1886, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Barrister- at-Law. Born August 16, 1843, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Anderson, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Northumberland, for which he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1843, by his wife Emily, daughter of the late Reverend John Fisher of Wavendon, in the county of Buckingham. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, three mart- lets fesseways or, between as many oak trees eradicated argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a falcon's head erased sable, gutt^e-d'or, holding in the beak an arrow paleways head downwards proper, three hearts or; with the Motto, " Vigilans et certus." Married, 1885, Alice Mildred, third daughter of Cadogan Hodgson-Cadogan of Brenkburne Priory ; and has with other Issue — A son, George Denis Anderson, Gentleman, born 1885. Estate and postal address — Little Harle Tower, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. JAMES HENRY ANDERSON, Gentleman. Borii 1840, being the third son of Thomas Anderson of London, by his wife Sophia. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron in- vected gules, between three cross crosslets fitch^e in chief sable, and in base a leaf of an india-rubber plant slipped proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a mount vert, an oak-tree proper, in front thereof three cross crosslets fitch^e, one in pale and two in saltire sable. Motto — " Stand sure." Married, firstly, March 1859, Lydia Warren {d. Oct. 28, 1894), dau. of JohnTownley ; secondly, June 1902, Emily Mary, dau. of Rev. Sumner Wilson; and has Issue^^i) Harry Claude Anderson, Gentleman, b. 1863 ; (2) Percy James Anderson, Gentleman, b. 1864 ; (3) Thomas Valentine Ander- son, Gentleman, b. 1866; (4) Charles Augustus Anderson, b. 1867 ; (5) Reginald Samuel Anderson, Gentleman, b. 1896 ; (6) Gerald Townley Anderson, Gentleman, b. 1872 ; (7) Frederick Arthur Bertram Anderson, Gentleman, b. 1874; (8) Samuel Alder Anderson, Gentleman, b. 1876 ; (9) George Malcolm Anderson, Gentleman, b. 1878 ; Lydia Blanche \m. Alfred Ernest Protheroe] ; Gertrude ; Sophia ; and Constance Gwendolen. Res. — Russettings, Bournemouth. Clubs — Devonshire, City Liberal, National Liberal. KENNETH LOCKWOOD MORRISON ANDER- SON, Esquire, J. P. co. of Dorset. Born 1853, being the eldest son of the late Sir James Anderson of 62 Queen's Gate, S.W. Armorial bearings — Azure, a three-masted is tlie Naval Cockade. anD anD ■Mb. Mik ItefWrt. fl«n "J^nu «".«»» '^hJef of the iMtthree mSStaat Mble Wf"*"! ^ gulc*, doubled nrgrnt- or«« — OaVwnwh erf hi» liwics. i*»uini{ *rom waves of the sea a tinfcnrtn'i liead erotwr. holding in the mouth a trident or, SS^i.lSXSS;;* the Shield this MottO. -stand ■m" MmrHml I*?*, Alice K.. dau. of W lUinm Flux. M^dtmtts^tm CWJOiwcU Road. S.W. ; Cluny. Swanage. Donrtshtr*. AKVELVN CORNWALLIS ANDERSON-PELHAM. Eaquire. commonly called the Hon. Evelyn ComwaUis Anderton-PelhAm. J. P. and D.L. co. Hants. J. P. co. Lin- oolit B*m Sept. i6. 1851, l>eing the younger son of the Right Hon. Charles Anilerson Worsley Anderson- Pelham. •nS Earl of Yarborough, by his wife the Hon. Maria Ade- laide Maude, dau. of the Right Hon. Cornwallis, 3rd Vis- count Hawartien. Armorial bMirixigi— Quarterly i and 4. quarterly i. and iiii. axure. ihret- |>clic.-uis argent ; 11. and iiL gules, two pieces of l>elt with buckles erect in pale, the buckles upwards argent (l»th for Pelham) ; a and 3, argent, a chevron lielwren three crosses flory sable (for Anderson), and imiwling tho arms of Mutton, namely or. on a fesse snlile. surmounted by a pale invected of the last, pierced ol the field, three stags' heads caboshed counterchanged. Mawtuny azuTe and argent. Oreits— i. on a wreath of the ANDERTON (H. Coll.). Ermine, on a pile snble, between two roses in base gules, barbed and seeded proi>er, three double shackbolts argent. Mantling sable and argent. OrMt — On a wreath of the colours, a curlew close proper. colours, a peacock in his pride argent (for Pelham) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a water-spaniel or (for Anderson). Motto— "Vincit amor patria." Married, Oct. 24, 1872, Harriett Frances, youngest dau. of Rev. George Hutton, Rector of Gate Burton, co. Lincoln ; and has Issue — (i) Cecil Henry Anderson- Pelham, Esq., Capt. 4th Batt. Lin- colnshire Regt, A.D.C. to the Governor of Queensland, b. Jan. 2$, 1874 ; (a) Charles Cornwallis Anderson-Pelham, Gentleman, Lieut. Leicester Yeomanry Cavalry, b. Sept. 30. 1876; (3) Reginald Evelyn Anderson-Pelham, Gentle- man,^. Nov. 29, 1883; (4I Alfred Ronald Anderson-Pelham, Gentleman, b. June 7, 1888 ; Adelaide Muriel lone ; Gwen- doline Florence Eleanor Blanche ; and Muriel (d. 1889). 5M/i— Caythorpe Hall, Grantham ; St. Lawrence, Ventnor. Town residence — 29 Belgrave Square, S.W. Clubs — White's, St James's. WILFRID FRANCIS ANDERTON, Esquire, J. P. CO. of Lancaster. Bom Oct. 25, 1844, being the fifth son of James Francis Anderton of Haighton, by his wife Mary, dau. of James Sidgreaves of Inglewhite Lodge, Goosnargh, near Preston, Lancashire. Livery — Green and white. Armorial iMarings— Vert, three hour-glasses in bend pro- per, between two bendlets argent. Mantling vert and argent. Crert— On a wreath of the colours, issuant out of a crescent vert, a buck's head, holding in the mouth an ear of wheat proper. Married, firstly, May 28, 1870, Mildred Walburgha Tempest, dau. of Henry Tempest, Esq.. of Newland Park, York ; secondly, April 28. 1880, Mary Louisa Frances Tempest, only dau. of Joseph F. Tempest, youngest son of Stephen Tempest of Brimpton, Yorkshire ; and has Issue— (i) Angilbert Wilfrid Anderton, Gentleman, b. April 19, 1871 ; (2) Evan Gerard Anderton, Gentleman, b. May 20. 1874; (3) Dunstan Francis Anderton, Gentle- man, b. Nov. 2. 1885 ; (4) Cuthbert Francis Anderton, Gentleman, b. Aug. 15, \iya; Mildred Mary; Winifred Frances; and Elfritb Mary Frances. Seat — Haighton, Preston, Lancashire. holding in the beak an escallop or, between two roses gules, leaved and stalked also proper. Motto — ' ' Flectimus nunquam." Sons of Frederick William Anderton of Bolton Royd, Bradford, b. 1831 ; d. 1886; m. 1859. Ruth, d. of Jol Foster, Esq., J. P., of Hornby Castle, Lanes : — Herbert Foster Anderton, Esq., J. P. for Orkney an( Shetland, b. 1862. Seats — The Island of Vaila, and Melby, both in CO. of Orkney and Shetland ; Bolton Royd, Bradford, Yorks. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Bath. Post. add. — Vaila, Shetland. Francis Swithin Anderton, Esq., R.B.A., b. 1868, 1901, Marjorie Katherine, d. of Frederic de la Fontaii Williams of Rydeshill House, nr. Guildford ; and has issi —Nancy Francesca Braithwaite. Res. — The Cottage, Hol- land Park Road, Kensington, London, W. Clubs — Wel- lington, Bath. ANDERTON (H. Coll.). Sable, on a chevron invected argent, between four shackbolts, three in chief and one in base of the last, a cinquefoil of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stork argent, holding in the beak three cinquefoils slipped or, and resting the dexter leg on a shackbolt sable. Son of late James Anderton of Burgh Hall, Lanes. : — James Parkinson Anderton, Gentleman, M.R C.S., b, ; formerly of Brondyffryn, Denbighshire. ANDERVILL, quartered by CONYERS. ANDREWS (U.O.). Argent, on a chevron invected between three quatrefoils slipped vert, as many heraldic roses or, seeded gules. Mantling vert and argent. Creation a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested argent, cuffed vert, charged with a chevron invected of the last, the hand proper holding three quatrefoils slipped or. Motto - ' ' Virtu te et fortuna. ' ' Z,iz/er)'— Green , gilt buttons, red waistcoat. Son of late Samuel Andrews, Esq., of Fortview, co. Antrim, J. P. for Belfast, m. Marian, d. of Rev. Robert Gamble Orr : — George Murray Andrews, Gentleman, B.A. Camb., b. 1868; tn. 1893, Ellen Louise, only d. of late E. W. Hale, rd, 1 m Is tbe Military Cockade. I ang zm «7 M.D., of Bellefonte, Pa., U.S.A. i?«.— Bellefonte, Penn- syivaiiia, U.S.A. Cluis — Brooks's, White's, Rittenhouse (Philadelphia, U.S.A.). Son of : — Hugh Andrews, Esq., J. P. and D. L. Northumberland (High Sheriff 1901), J. P. Glos., 6. ; m. , Isabel, d. of John Sowerby of Benwell Tower. Seais — Toddington Manor, Winchcombe, Glos. ; Swarland Hall, Felton, Nor- thumberland. The Reverend GEORGE ANGUS, Priest in Holy Orders of the Roman Catholic Church, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, formerly Lieutenant in the Indian Army. Born November 9, 1842, being the eldest son of John Angus, Gentleman, Master of Arts and Advocate, by his wife Katherine Ann, daughter of Alexander Forbes. Cluds— Royal and Ancient Golf (St. Andrews), The Union (Oxon.), University (Dundee). Armorial bearings— (L.O., 1877) : Argent, a lion passant guardant gules, on a chief of the last, two mullets of the field. Postal addresses — The Presbytery, St. Andrews, N.B., and St. Edmund Hall, Oxford. @ ERNEST LAMBERT SWINBURNE ANNE, Es- quire, Justice of the Peace for the West Riding 3ntlP °'^ '^^ county of York, Captain and Honorary VI I II IV Major 3rd Battalion Sherwood Foresters (Derby- shire Militia). Born September 17, 1852, being the second son of William Henry Charlton of Hesleyside, Northumberland, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the said county, by his wife Barbara Tas- burgh, daughter of Michael "Tasburgh, formerly Michael Anne. The above-mentioned Ernest Lambert Swinburne Anne, Esquire, assumed by Royal License, dated May 31, 1883, the surname of Anne only, in lieu of his patronymic Charlton, and the arms of Anne quarterly with those of Charlton. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, jjWrgent on a bend sable, three martlets of the first (for ^Mine), 2 and 3 or, a lion rampant guardant gules, a chief fcmine, fretty vert, a canton sable, charged with a hon mimpant or (for Charlton) ; and for his Crests, i. on a Tireath of the colours, a woman's head couped at the shoulders proper, crined or (for Anne) ; 2. also on a wreath of the colours, a leopard's face gules, between two dragons' wings proper, each charged with a fret sable. Married, Janu- "^ 20, 1885, Edith, fourth daughter of Sir Thomas George Vugustus Parkyns, Baronet, of Ruddlngton Manor, in the county of Nottingham, by his wife Anne, daughter of W. Jennings ; and has Issue — (i) George Charlton Anne, Gen- tleman, born February 11, 1886; (2) Hesleytyne Oswald Charlton Anne, Gentleman, born August 21, 1888; (3) Cra- thorne Edward Isham Charlton Anne, Gentleman, born December 2, 1892 ; and Ernestine Mary Charlton. Estate — Burghwallis Hall, Doncaster, Yorkshire. Residence — Chateau du Hert, Picardy, France. Club — United Service. ANNESLEY, see LYTTELTON-ANNESLEY. e WILLIAM GORE ANNESLEY, Esquire, Capt. R.N. Born Oct. 30, 1833, being the second son of Francis Charles Annesley, late Commander R.N. Armo- rial bearings— Paly of six argent and azure, over all a bend gules, and (for distinction) a bordure wavy erminois. Mant- ling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a Moor's head couped at the shoulders in profile proper, wreathed about the temples argent and azure, and (for dis- tinction) debruised by a baton sinister or. Motto — ' ' Virtutis amore." Married, May 22, 1862, Maria Anne, youngest dau. of John William Crispo, Lieut. R.N. ; and has Issue — (i) William Crispo Annesley, Clerk in Holy Orders, b. March 15, 1863 ; (2) Francis Charles Annesley, Gentle- man, b. Jan. 8, 1871 \in., June 28, 1898, Evelyn, younger dau. of Col. James D. Crawford of Thorney Holme, West- mount, Montreal, Canada] ; (3) John Smyth Annesley, Gentleman, R. N. , b. Sept. 14, 1872; Edith Maria; Katha- rine Bell \in., Feb. 15, 1896, Frederick Clayson, Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs]. Residence — " Delgany," Pol- stead Road, N., Oxford. Sir ARCHIBALD EDWARD HARBORD ANSON, Major-General (r.f.p.) R.A. , Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Justice of the Peace for the county of Sussex, and County Councillor for East Sussex. Born April 16, 1826, being the son of the late General Sir William Anson, first Baronet, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, by L-ouisa Frances, nie Dickenson ; entered the Royal Artillery 1844 ; became Major-General, 1879, and retired is the Naval Cockade. tS 9n0 9p]Bf m Uw miM year : emted Commnion of the Most EHstin- fotahod Order of Saint Mkhael aiul Saint G«orge. 1876 ; ami WM •dwmctxJ 10 the rank of KniRht Commtindcr of llMMiM Order, in iMx AnnorUl bwuiniri-He bears 1^ AnM: Argent, three Ijcnillcls engrailed, and in the aiq^lar chief acrvsoeni gules. CrMt— Out ofa ducal coronet or •■pearbetderactproivT. Motto— " Nil d(-s|xTanduni." MtrntT.itKi, Elinbeib Mary (who died in 1891). daughter of Rkhvd BottTchkr. Postal a' a wreath of his liveries, two arms in armour, holding 1 the gauntlets a battle-axe proper. Motto—" I'eriisseni pcriissem." Married, April 37, 1897, Catharine Henrici; Adamina, dau. of Adam Alexander Duncan-Morison \A Naughton, Fife. 5^/— Naughton, Fife, N.B. ^m WILLIAM HENRY ANTHONY, Gentleman. bJIt Nov. 9, 1838, Ijeing the eldest son of the late William HoUis Anthony of Wynches, Much Hadliam, Herts, by his wife Maria, dau. of Robert Jones of Liverpool. Livery — Black and gold. Armorial bearings as used are— Erminois, in the centre of a ram's head affrontde gules, two flaunches sable, each charged with a bezant (for Anthony); quartering 2. sable, a bend engrailed brhveen six billets argent; 3. gules, on a bend argent, three leopards' fates saole ; 4. gules, three covered cups argent ; 5. azure, six martlets, two, two, and two or, a cant}n ermine; 6. ature, six martlets, three, two, and one or ; 7. per f esse argent and sable, a pale counterchanged and three griffins' heads eraud of the second ; 8. argent, frettv and a canton sable ; 9. per sable indented argent and gules, a bull statant counter- changed ; 10. argent, on a chevron azure, between three holly branches vert, fructed proper, as many wood-pigeons of the last, (The nght to the quarierings is not yet officially established.) Crest — A demi-ram per fesse ermine and sable, horns and hoofs or, charged on the body with a bezant, thereon a leopard's face gules. Motto— " None jxjur haine." Married, Sept. 28, 1865, Rosa Sophia, youngest dau. of Major John Sidney Farrell, R.A. ; and has Issue— {i) William Sidney Anthony, b. Sept. 26, 1866; (a) Hugh Arbuthnot Anthony, d. an infant. Estates — Pro- perty at Harrow, Middlesex; and Boreham, Essex; and Chalfont St. Giles, Bucks. Clubs — Junior Conservatf Athenaeum (Liverpool). SJOHN COUTTS ANTROBUS, Esquire, J. P. and C.C, High Sheriff" 1868 for Chester, M.A. Cam- bridge, Barrister-at-Law, Hon. Lieut. -Col. (retired) Earl of Chester's Yeomanry Cavalry. Bom Nov. 23, 1829, being the eldest son of the late Gibbs Crawford Anirobus, D.L., of Eaton Hall, by his wife Jane, second dau. of Sir Coutts Trotter, Bart. Armorial bearings — Lozengy or and azure, on a pale gules, three estoiles of the first. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head, couped argent, horned and maned or, gorged with a wreath of laurel vert, issuing out of rays proper. Motto— "Dei memor, gratus amicis." Married, firstly, Sept. 29, 1855, Fanny, dau. of Clement Swetenham of Somerford Booths, CO. Chester; and by her (who d. Sept. 29, 1863) had Issue — (i) Crawfurd John Antrobus, Gentleman, b. 1862 ; Eleanor Margaret, d. 1873 ; Blanche Helen ; and Jane Mary Evelyn. He married secondly, Jan. 10, 1865, Mary Caroline (d. 1872), fourth dau. of Geoffrey Joseph Shaker- ley ; and by her had Issue— (2) Geoffrey Edward Antrobus, Gentleman, b. 1867; (3) Philip Antrobus, Gentleman, d. 1874; (4) Ralph Edmund Antrobus, Gentleman, b. 1871 ; and Dora Katharine. He married thirdly, 1875, Maiy Egidia, youngest dau. of the late General the Hon. Sir James Lindsay, K.C.M.G. ; and by her has Issue— (^) Jocelyn James Antrobus, Gentleman, b. May 9, 1876 ; (6J Cecil Hugh Antrobus, Gentleman, b. Sept. 25, 1877 ; (7) Walter Guy Antrobus, Gentleman, b. March 27, 1879; (8) Charles Alexander Antrobus, Gentleman, b. Dec. 16, 1880; (9) Ronald Henry Antrobus, Gentletnan, b. Nov. 8, 1891 ; and Mabel Dorothy. Seat — Eaton Hall, Congleton, co. Chester. ANTRON, quartered.by PAYNTER. s APSLEY, Baron, see BATHURST. APSLEY, quartered by BATHURST. is tbe Military Cockade. arl) arc 39 I 't HUGH GOUGH ARBUTHNOT. Esquire, one of !? Her Majesty's Commission of Lieutenancy for the tv of London. Bor?i Jan. 29, 1840, being the second son ' the late Archibald Francis Arbuthnot (fourth son of the e Sir William Arbuthnot, Bart.) and Hon. Gertrude iinhia dau. of Field - Marshal the Rt. Hon. the first ! scouAt Gough , K. P. , G. C. B. a//*-Oriental. Livery- !irk blue Armorial bearings— Azure, a crescent between iiree mullets two and one argent, a bordure or, charged lith three boars' heads couped gules; impaling the arms ^ Molyneux, namely azure, a cross moline pierced or, in iie dexter chief a fleur-de-lis of the last. Crest — A peacock's lead proper. Motto — "Innocent and true." Married, une 10, 1864, to Caroline, youngest dau. of the late Rev. iapel Molyneux, B.A. (heir to the Molyneux Baronetcy) ; 'nd has Issue — Lionel Gough Arbuthnot, Gentleman, born 'ieptember 24, 1867 [fit., April 18, 1894, Violet, youngest ■lau. of Sir John H. Morris, K.C.S.L]; and Constance liertrude [m., Jan. 25, -1900, Ernest Luxmoore Marshall]. tiesidence — 40 Princes Gate, London, S.W. 1 I ARBUTHNOTT, see CAPEL-CARNEGY-ARBUTH- KOTT. § JAMES FITZWALTER ARCEDECKNE - BUT- LER, Esquire, Capt. ist Batt. East Surrey Regt. Born Dct. 23, 1869, being the second son of the late James Henry ;2dward Arcedeckne-Butler, who assumed by Royal Licence : n 1867 the surname and arms of Arcedeckne in addition to 'hose of Butler, by his wife Minna, dau. of John Locke, isq., M.P. for Honiton. Armorial bearings— Quarterly [ and 4, or, a chief indented azure, three escallops in aend counterchanged, a label on a crescent for difference i^for Butler) ; 2 and 3, argent, three chevronels sable ![for Arcedeckne). Mantling azure and or. Crests^ [i. on a wreath of the colours, out of a ducal coronet or, a plume of five ostrich feathers, therefrom a demi-falcon rising irgtnt, a label on a crescent for difference (for Butler); 2. on a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect, vested argent, charged with three chevronels sable, the hand proper, grasp- ing a sword argent, pommel and hilt or (for Arcedeckne). Blotto — "Timor Domini fons vitse." Residence — ST. JOHN HENRY ARCEDECKNE-BUTLER, Gentleman. Born Oct. 15, 1868, being the son of the late James Henry Edward Arcedeckne-Butler, who assumed by Royal Licence in 1867 the surname and arms of Arcedeckne in addition to and before those of Butler, by his wife Minna, dau. of John Locke, Esq., M.P. for Honiton. Armorial »gB— Quarterly i and 4, or, a chief indented azure, I three escallops in bend counterchanged, a label on a crescent for difference (for Butler) ; 2 and 3, argent, three chevronels sable (for Arcedeckne). Mantling azure and or. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, out of a ducal coronet or, a plume of five ostrich feathers, therefrom a demi-falcon rising argent, a label on a crescent for difference (for Butler) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect, vested argent, charged with three chevronels sable, the hand proper, grasping a sword argent, pommel and hilt or (for Arcedeckne). Motto — "Timor Domini fons vitae." Married, Aug. 7, 1895, Maud Geraldine, second dau. of Capt. Albert E. Money of Little Stodham, Liss; and has Issue — (i) St. John Desmond Arcedeckne-Butler, Gentle- man, b. 1896. Residence — Stamford Hill, Dickoya, Ceylon. ARCHBOLD, see PEARS-ARCH BOLD. ARCHDALL, see MERVYN-ARCHDALL. The Right Reverend MERVYN ARCHDALL, D.D. (Dublin), Bishop of Killaloe, Kilfenora, Clonfert, and Killmacduagh. Born Feb. 16, 1831, being the eldest son of the late William Frederick Archdall, Gentleman, of Farmhill, co. Wexford, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Henry R. Henry. Armorial bearings (of the See of Killaloe) — Argent, a cross gules between twelve trefoils slipfjed vert, on a chief azure, a key in pale or, impaling (his personal arms of Archdall) azure, a chevron ermine between three talbots passant or ; the escutcheon being surmounted by his mitre. Married, Jan. 21, 1863, Hen- rietta, dau. of Eyre William Preston of Clontarf, co. Dublin (and granddau. of William Preston, by Hon, Frances Dorothea Evans, dau. and coh. of John, gth Lord Carberry); and has Issue — (i) Rev. Mervyn Archdall, Clerk in Holy Orders, b. Jan. 27, 1868 ; (2) Rev. Eyre William Archdall, Clerk in Holy Orders, b. Feb. 26, 1871 ; (3) William Frederick Archdall, Gentleman, b. Feb. 26, 1873; Anne Angel; and Elizabeth. Seat — Clarisford Killaloe, Limerick. Club — University (Dublin). Reverend WILLIAM FREDERICK ARCHDALL, M.A. (Dubl.), Rector of Rathcooney with St. Lappans, Pre- bendary of KillaspigmuUane, and Canon of Cork. Bom 1835, being the younger son of the late William Frederick Archdall, Gentleman, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Henry R. Henry. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron ermine between three talbots passant or. Mantling azure and ermine. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet, an heraldic tiger's head argent, maned, tufted, and armed sable. Motto — "Data fata secuta." Married Constance, dau. of James Ramsey Akers Smith, Esq., J. P., of Carrigbarrabane, co. Waterford ; and has /wa^— Ethel Katherine ; Constance Henrietta ; and Grace Ramsey. Residence — The Rectory, Glanmire, R.S.O., co. Cork. ARCHDEACON, quartered by CORBET and LEM- PRIERE. ARCHER, see O'SHEE. M Col. GEORGE BRAMSTON ARCHER- HOUB- @ LON, J. P. for Berks, Essex, and Herts ; formerly Lieut.-Col. 3rd Batt. Princess Charlotte's (R. Berkshire) Regt., retired 1894. Born 1843, being the third son of the late Charles Eyre (formerly Archer-Houblon), Esq., of Wel- ford Park, J. P. and D.L. , by his first wife, Mary Anne, elder dau. of the late General E. W. Leyborne-Popham of Little- cote, Wilts ; assumed the surname of Archer-Houblon, by Royal License, on the death in 1891 of John Archer-Houblon of Hallingbury. Livery — Brown, with dark green facings. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, the base vert, issuing therefrom three hop-poles sustaining their fruit all proper (for Houblon) ; 2 and 3, quarterly i. and iiii. ermine, a cross sable (for Archer) ; ii. and iii. argent, on a chevron sable, three quatrefoils or (for Eyre) ; and im- paling the arms of Lindsay, namely, quarterly i and 4, gules a fesse chequy argent and azure ; 2 and 3 or, a lion rampant gules, debruised by a ribbon sable. Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased or (for Houblon) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a wyvern argent (for Archer) ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, a leg in armour, coupied at the thigh proper, garnished and spurred or (for Eyre). Married, 1872, Lady Alice Frances, eldest dau. of Alexander, 25th is the Naval Cockade. JO 9n arD KMii of Crawford: sad hM /mwHO Htnry Lindny AniMfHoablgn. OwUamut, ». 1877: (a) John Newton ArefawHoabloa. Q«Mleman. >. lune i. 1878: (3) Frands ArctMT.Houhioo. OMMkunn. *. March 3, 1880 ; (4) Richard Archer- HouUon, OenUaiMUi, >. Oct. 13, 1884 ; {$) Robert Evr« ArcherHoablon. Gentleman, /. lune it, 1889; Ifamret Mary Anne: Sybil Harriet; and Alice. Seats — V/mmd Park. Newbury; Hallingburv Flaoe, Bishop's Stortfocd : CtUvenhorpe Hall, Umnthani ; Coopersale House. Epptng. Tatm nsitUmtt—jx Upper Berkeley ikr«M. W. CiW>>-Tra«eUers', Junior Carlton. CHARLES FALCON ARCHIBALD. Horn February a<, 1866, and is the only son of the late ^^^{•thalTl Ch.irles William Archibald, Esquire, of a((UlOCllU Kusland Hall. Justice of the Peace for the countv of Lancaster, by his wife Isa- belU, Moond daughter of Robtn't Falcon, Doctor of Medicine, of Whitehaven. Armorial b«ulBgt — Argent, on a bend acure between two estuiles of the Uist, three crescents of the first, all within a bordure invectcd sable, charged with three mullets or ; and for a Croat, on a wre.tth of the colours, a palm branch slipped in bend proper, in front thereof a mount vert, thereon an estoile or: with the Motto, " Palma non line pulvere." MarrUd, June iS, 1895, Harriet Mary, woond dau. of John Downes of the Court House, Richard's Castle, Ludlow; and has hsvt — ^i) Myles Falcon Downes Archibald, Gentleman, h. Apnl 8, 1898 ; (a) Roger Campbell Archibald, Gentleman, b. Jan. 8, 1903; and Madeline Violet Postal addrtss—VM&\axA Hall, Ulver- ston. CLARENCE HOLFORD ARCHIBALD. Bom Nov- ember 13, 1847, being the third son of the late Charles Dickson Archibald, Esquire, ot Rusland Hall, Justice of the Peace and Deputv-Lieutenant for the county of Lan- caster, by his wife Bridget, only child and heiress of Myles Walker of Rusland Hall, in the said county. Armorial bearingi— .\rgent, on a bend azure between two estoiles of the last, three crescents of the first, all within a bordure invected sable, charged with three mullets or; and for a CrMt, a palm branch slipped in bend proper, in front thereof a mount vert, thereon an estoile or ; with the MottO, "Palma Don sine pulvere." Married, x88o, E^ith Lousia, daughter of Francis Field of Oxford : and has Issue. EDMUND DOUGLAS ARCHIBALD, Esquire, M.A. (Oxon. ). is the younger son of the late Sir Thomas Dickson Archibald, Knight Bachelor, Judge of the Common Pleas, by his wife Sarah, daughter of Richard Smith of Dudley Priory, in the county of Worcester. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend azure between two estoiles of the last, three crcicenu of the first, all within a bordure invected sable, charged with three mullets or. Crest — A palm branch slipped in bend proper, in front thereof a mount vert, thereon an estoile or. Motto — " Palma non sine pulvere." Married, 1876, Janet Helen, daughter of Robert Finlay; and has /««*— Robert Douglas Archibald, Gentleman, b. July a, 1881 ; Constance Helen Margaret ; Phyllis Muriel Cowan ; and Elizabeth Mary. Club — Constitutional. WILLIAM FREDERICK ALPHONSE ARCHI- BALD, Esquire, Master of Arts in the University of Oxford, late Fellow of St. John's College, a Master of the Supreme Court of Judicature, and Barrister-at-Law. Born 1846, and is the elder surviving son of the late Sir Thomas Dickson Archibald, Knight Bachelor, Judge of the Com- mon Pleas, bjr his wife Sarah, daughter of Richard Smith of Dudley Priory, in the county of Worcester. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a bend azure between two estoiles of the last, three crescents of the first, all within a bordure invected sable, charged with three mullets or; and for a Crest, a palm branch slipped in bend proper, in front thereof a mount vert, thereon an estoile or ; with the Motto, " Palma non sine pulvere." Married, 1873, Florence, daughter of Charles W. H. Wallroth of Lee, Kent. Postal (i. CO. Pembroke, High Sheriff 1903, educated at Harrow and Brasenose Coll., Oxford. Born June 9, 1840, lieing the eldest son of the late Richard Edward Arden, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , by his second wife Mary, dau. of John Douglas Finney. Airmorlal bearings — Ermine, two barrulets com p>ony or and azure ; in chief three boars' heads erased of the last, armed of the second, langued gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, mount vert thereon a boar passant argent, sem6e-de-lis azure, langued gules, armed and unguled or. Motto — "Doluere dente lacessiti." Seat — Sunbury Park, Middle- sex ; Pontfaen, near Fishguard, co. Pembroke. Residence — A7 Albany, Piccadilly. C/«/'i-— Oxford and Cambridge, Garrick. S RICHARD EDWARD ARDEN, Esquire, Justice ol the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Middlesex, and Justice of the Peace for the county of Pem- broke, High Sheriff 1872, Fellow of the Geological Society, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, Barrister-at-I.aw. Bom October 4, 1804, being the second son of Joseph Arden of Islington and of Red Lion Square, in the county of Middlesex. C/k*j— National, Thatched House, AILe- ^ is tbe MiUtary Cockade. am atfe 31 .narle. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Emiine, kwo barrulets compony or and azure ; in chief three boars' faeads erased of the last, armed of the second, langued gules. •Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, iivith a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a iivreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a boar passant irgent, sem6e-de-lis azure, langued gules, armed and unguled Dr. Motto — " Doluere dente lacessiti." Married, firstly, September 8, 1832, Fanny, daughter of John Whitsed, i'Doctor of Medicine ; and by her (who died May 21, 1836) bad, with two other children who died young — Emily Laura (Arden [married William Henry Peacock, Esquire, Justice of :he Peace, of Greatford Hall, in the county of Lincoln, and iiied January 26, 1877]. He married secondly, August 29, lt839, Mary, daughter of John Douglas Finney ; and by her [[who died April 18, 1880) had surviving issue — (i) Percy lArden, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, born June 9, 1840; f(2) Douglas Arden, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, born [August 8, 1844 [married Emily Margaret, daughter of the late Reverend H. D. Rawnsley of Halton Holgate, Spilsby, land has issue] ; (3) Frank Arden, Gentleman, born December j8, 1851 ; Caroline Arden [married, 1864, the Reverend J. (B. M. Camm, Vicar of Monkton Wyld, Dorset]; Blanche Arden [married, 1874, Charles Lucena of Englefield Green] ; jConstance Arden; and Evelyn Helen Arden [married, 1880, [Major Lawrence Thompson, 8th King's Regiment]. He Imarried thirdly, 1882, Frances, widow of John Raven. \.Seats — East Burnham House, near Slough, in the county of ■Buckingham; Sunbury Park, in the county of Middlesex; [Pontfaen, near Fishguard, in the county of Pembroke. ARDERNE, quartered by HULLEY. ALFRED CHARLES ARDING, Esquire, J. P. Berks., (B.A. (Oxon.). Born 1858, being the third son of Edward Wells, Esq., J. P., of Wallingford ; and assumed by Royal ' Licence, 1890, the name and arms of Arding in lieu of I Wells. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, i [Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin vert, i the wing charged with three escallops two and one or, and ! holding in the mouth a tilting-spear in bend proper (for 1 Arding) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, issuant from a i-rock, a flame of fire proper, environed by a chain or (for 1 Wells). Motto— "Semper fidelis." Married, 1880, Flor- ; ence M. , dau. of Edwin D. Maddy of 10 Queen's Gate ; Terrace, S. W. Postal address — Braziers Park, Checkenden, Wallingford. ARGENTINE, quartered by CONYERS and FOX. ARGENTON, quartered by WILLIAMS. ARTHURCHANDOSARKWRIGHT, Esquire, J.P. for cos. Salop and Essex, late Lieut. -Col. Shropshire Yeomanry, ; and late Lieut. 2nd Life Guards. Born March 8, 1843, ' being the sixth son of the late John Arkwright, Esq., of : Hampton Court, co. Hereford, J. P., by his wife Sarah, ; eldest surviving dau. of Sir Hungerford Hoskyns, Bart., of ! Harewood. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a mount vert, a cotton-tree fructed proper ; on a chief azure, between two bezants, an escutcheon of the field charged with a bee volant proper ; and impaling the arms of Tufnell, namely azure, on a fesse between three ostrich feathers argent, as I many martlets sable. Mantling vert and argent. Crest I — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising or, in its beak ■ an escutcheon pendent by a ribbon gules, thereon a hank of cotton argent. Motto -' ' Multa tuli fecique. " Married, April 28, 1870, Agnes Mary, only dau. of William Michael Tufnell of Hatfield Place, Witham, Essex ; and has Issue— (i) Wilfrid Lionel Tyrell Arkwright, Gentleman, b. 1871 ; (2) Harold Arthur Arkwright, Gentleman, b. 1872 ; (3) Cyril Arkwright, Gentleman, b. 1874 (deceased) ; (4) Gerald Byng Arkwright, Gentleman, b. 1875 (deceased); and Lilian Agnes. Postal address— Ttiohy Priory, Brentwood, Essex. C/ttiJ— Arthur's. Rev. EDWIN ARKWRIGHT, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Oxon). Born May 2, 1839, being the fifth son of the late John Arkwright, Esq., of Hampton Court, co. Hereford, J. P., by his wife Sarah, eldest surviving dau. of sir Hungerford Hoskyns, Bart., of Harewood. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a mount vert, a cotton-tree fructed proper ; on a chief azure, between two bezants, an escutcheon of the field charged with a bee volant proper. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising or, in its beak an escutcheon pendent by a ribbon gules, thereon a hank of cotton argent. MottO — " Multa tuli fecique." Postal address — 36 Seymour Street, London, W. ESME FRANCIS WIGSELL ARKWRIGHT, Gentle- man, Lieut, sth Lancers. Born 1882, being the only son of the late Capt. Frank Wigsell Arkwright, formerly Capt, Coldstream Guards, by his wife Rosa Frederica, youngest dau. of William Baring of Norman Court, Hants. Armo- rial bearings — Argent, on a mount vert, a cotton-tree fructed proper ; on a chief azure, between two bezants, an escutcheon of the field charged with a bee volant proper. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising or, in its beak an escutcheon azure, pendent by a ribbon gules, thereon a hank of cotton argent. Estate — Sanderstead Court, Croydon, Surrey. FRANCIS ARKWRIGHT, Esquire, J.P. for co. Derby and for the N. R. of co. York ; Lord of the Manor of Churchover, co. Warwick, formerly of the looth Regt. , and sometime M.P. for East Derbyshire. Born March 17, 1846, being the elder son of the late Rev. Godfrey Harry Arkwright of Sutton Scarsdale, by Frances Rafela his first wife, third dau. of Sir Henry Fitzherbert, 3rd Bart., of Tissington Hall, co. Derby. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a mount vert, a cotton-tree fructed proper ; on a chief azure, between two bezants, an escutcheon of the field charged with a bee volant proper, impaling the arms of Addington, namely, per pale ermine and ermines, on a chevron counterchanged of the field, between three fleurs-de- lis or, five lozenges also counterchanged. Mantling vert and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising or, in its beak an escutcheon pendent by a ribbon gules, thereon a hank of cotton argent. Motto — "Multa tuli fecique." Married, firstly, Jan. 2, 1868, Louisa, dau. of Henry John Milbank; and secondly, Sept. 15, 1875, the Hon. Evelyn, third dau. of the Ri. Hon. William Wells Addington, 3rd Viscount Sidmouth. Of the first marri- age there is Issue — An only dau , Margaret Louisa. Estate and postal address — Overton, near Marton, Wellington, New Zealand. Club — Carlton. FRANK WIGSELL ARKWKIGHT, Esquire, late a Captain in the Coldstream Guards. Born Sept. 29, 1848, being the eldest son of the late Major Robert Wigram Arkwright of Knuston Hall, co. Northampton, and Sander- stead, CO. Surrey, J. P., by his wife Sophia Julia, eldest dau. of Alexander Greig. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a mount vert, a cotton-tree fructed proper ; on a chief azure, between two bezants, an escutcheon of the field charged is the Naval Cockade. St arb vllh • bM voliM proper. ManUlBC vert and ar^nt. ONM— Oa a WTWih o( the c«>lour>. on e«Kle rising or, in iti bemk M oKUtcheon pemknt l>r * ribbon i^les, tbereun a lift ii, of ootion vfcni. Motto- " Mul la ttili fecique." MwrUd. i«7«, Ri»>a Frnlmica. tltu. of W. Baring of Nonaan Court. Salisbury ; and has /ssut—A ton and a «|MiflN«. Eitutt amd fMlal addnts— Knuston Hall, Well- iacborauch. 8 FREDERIC CHARLES ARKWRIGHT, Esquire, i.I>. and n.L. co. Derby, High Sheriff 1887. lale Cape Derbyshire Rifle Volunteers. Bom Nov. 7. 1853. being the only son of the late Frederic Arkwright of Willcrslcy. by his wlfc Susan Salirina, dau. of the Ven. Archde.icon Ihtmry. ^«ick, Bonsall, and Wirksworth, all in the county of Derby ; and the Mellor and Marple estate in the counties of Derby and Chester. Postal address — Willersley, Matlock. C/«i— United University. HERBERT ROBERT ARKWRIGHT, Esquire, J.P. for CO. Norih.-impton, High Sheriff 1891. Bom Nov. 15, i860, being the second son of the late Major Robert Wigram Arkwright of Knuston Hall, co. Northampton, and Sander- stead, CO. Surrey, j.P. , by his wife Sophia Julia, eldest dau. of Alexander Greig. Armorl&l bearlngrs - Argent, on a mount vert, a cotton-tree fructed proper ; on a chief azure, between two bezants, an escutcheon of the field charged with a bee volant proper. Mantling vert and argent. Oreot — On a wreith of the colours, an eagle rising or, in its beak an escutcheon pendent by a ribbon gules, thereon a hank of cotton argent. Motto — " Multa tuli fecique." Postal address— \s.nvi&lon Hall, Irchester. SJOHN HUNGERFORD ARKWRIGHT. Esquire, D.L. and J.P. for the county of Hereford, High Sheriff 186a. M.A. (Oxon.). Bom July 1833, being the ddest son of the late John Arkwright, Esq. , of Hampton Court, CO. Hereford, J.P. , by his wife Sarah, eldest sur- viving dau. of Sir Hungerford Hoskyns, Bart., of Hare- wood. Anaoiial beaiingv — Argent, on a mount vert, a cotton- tree fructed proper; on a chief azure, between three bezants, an escutcheon of the field charged with a bee volant proper. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising or, in its beak an escutcheon pendent by a ribbon gules, thereon a hank of cotton argent Motto — "Multa tuli facique." Married, June la, 1866. Charlotte Lucy, dau. of John Davenport o< Foxley, co. Hereford, and Westwood Hall, co. Stafford ; and has Issue — John Stanhope Arkwright, Gentleman, b. 187a ; Geraldine Mary Rose ; Evelyn Lucy Alice ; and Olive Katharine Mary. Estate and postal address — Hamp- ton Court, Leominster. Club — Carlton. M JOHN THOMAS ARKWRIGHT, Esquire, J.P, and tJ D. L. for CO. Warwick. 5or>i Nov. 2, 1823, being the youngest son of the late Peter Arkwright, Esq., of Wil- lersfeir, J.P. and D.L., by his wife Mary Ann. dau. of Charles Hurt of Wirksworth. Armorial bearings —Argent, 00 a mount vert, a cotton-tree fructed proper; on a chief asure, between two bezants, an escutcheon of the field charged with a bee volant proper. Mantling vert and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising or, in its beak an escutcheon pendent by a ribbon gules, thoeon a hank of cotton argent. Motto— " Multa tuli fecique." Married, 1856, Laura (who died 1886), dau. of the late Rev. Edward Willes of Hamstall Ridware, Stafford- shire; and has Issue— (i) John Peter Arkwright, Gentle- man : (a) Ferdinand George Arkwright. Gentleman ; Laura Jane [m. J. Broughton Drydale of Wroxall Abbey, co. Warwick]; and Emmeline Louisa. Postal address— HAtton House, near Warwick. atfe LOFTUS JOSEPH ARKWRIGHT. Gentleman. Ban, Oct. 14. 1866, being the eldest son of the late Loftus Wigran Arkwright of I'arndon Hall. co. E.sscx. by lus wife Eli»«. beth. dau. of S. Reynolds. Armoilal bearings -AtKr' on a mount vert, a cotton-tree fructed proper ; on a 1 1 azure, between two bezants, an escutcheon of the 1. charged with a bee volant propwr. Mantling vert .i. . argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, .in eagle riMn or, in its beak an escutcheon pendent by a riblwn gul thereon a hank of cotton argent. Motto— " Multa fecique." Postal address — Parndon Hall, Little I'anu! Harlow, Essex. S RICHARD ARKWRIGHT, Esquire, D.L. for co. Hereford, M.A. (Cambs.). Barrister -at -Law, and sometime M.P. for I^ominster. Bom Jan. 23. 1835, being the second son of the late John Arkwright. E«q.[ of Hampton Court, co. Hereford, J. P.. by his wife Sarah', eldest surviving dau. of Sir Hungerford Hoskyns. Bart! of Hare wood. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a mount vert, a cotton-tree fructed proper ; on a chief azure, between two liezants, an escutcheon of the field charged with a bee volant proper ; impaling the arms of Byng, namely, quarterly sable and argent, in the first (quarter a lion rampant of th<> second, over all in bend sinister a representation of 1' colours of the 31st Regiment Mantling vert and arjr Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising or, 11; beak an escutcheon pendent by a ribbon gules, thereun hank of cotton argent. Motto — "Multa tuli fcciqiK Married, July 22, 1862. Lady Mary Caroline Charldi' second dau. of the Rt. Hon. George Stevens Hyng, . Earl of Strafford. Residence — Hertingfordbury, liii C/«*— Carlton. WILLIAM ARKWRIGHT, Esquire, Lord of the Manor of Sutton Scarsdale, High Sheriff for co. Derby 1890. Bom April 21, 1857, being the only son of the late Major William Arkwright, 6th Dragoons, by his wife Fanny Susan, secnr ' dau. of Edward Thornewill of Dove Cliff, co. Stafi' Armorial bearings — Argent, on a mount vert, a cottcjn tree fructed proper ; on a chief azure, between two bezants, an escutcheon of the field charged with a bee volant proper. Mantling vert and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising or, in its beak an escutcheon jjendent by a ribbon gules, thereon a hank of cotton argent Motto—" Multa tuli fecique." Married, July 8. 1884, Agnes Mary, dau. of John Somers Cocks. Estate and postal address — Sutton Scarsdale, Chesterfield. Club— White's, Rev. WILLIAM HARRY ARKWRIGHT, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Oxford). J.P. for co. Leicester, Vicar of Wirksworth, co. Derby ; Hon. Canon of Southwell. Born Jan. 23. 1848, being the second son of the late Rev. Godfrey Harry Arkwright of Sutton Scarsdale, by ^ is the Military Cockade. arm arm 33 Is first wife Frances Rafela, fourth dau. of Sir Henry Fitz- :rbert, 3rd Bart., of Tissington Hall, co. Derby. Livery -Dark green. Armorial beaxings — Argent, on a mount I :rt a cotton-tree fructed proper ; on a chief azure, between vo 'bezants, an escutcheon of the field charged with a bee l,lant proper. Mantling vert and argent. Crest— On a Ireath of the colours, an eagle rising or, in its beak an icutcheon pendent by a ribbon gules, thereon a hank of 'itton argent. Motto — " Multa tuli fecique." Married, lay 22, 1878, Margery Bertha, fith. dau. of Rev. Henry •rkwright. Vicar of Bodenham, co. Hereford ; and has \sue-{\) Bertram Arkwright, Gentleman, b. May 12, 1879 ; 1) Edward Arkwright, Gentleman, b. June 26, 1880; (3) 'enry Arkwright, Gentleman, b. Jan. 4, 1882; (4) Robert irkwright. Gentleman, b. March 6, 1889 ; (5) Charles irkwright, Gentleman, b. July 11, 1890 ; Ellen ; and Alice. \)stal address— The Vicarage, Wirksworth, Derbyshire. \ltibs— United University, New University. 1 Major PETER ARMFIELD MARROW, late King's 'ragoon Guards. Born Aug. 20, 1851, being the eldest |n of the late William John Marrow, by his wife Kinbaia vane, dau. of Edward Armfield of Birmingham. Armo- !al bearings — Per fesse azure and sable, a fesse indented jgent, between in pale two roses of the last, barbed or, eded vert, and in cross four maidens' heads couped at the 'oulders argent, crined or. Mantling azure and argent, ^■est — On a wreath of the colours, between two roses argent, ■eded or, barbed vert, a maiden's head couped at the oulders proper, crined, also gold, the neck encircled with , garland of roses as in the arms. Motto — " Fidite virtute." •'arried, Feb. 28, 1878, Mary, dau. of R<;v. Alex. Stewart, 'ector of Liverpool ; and has Issue — (i) Edward Armfield irmfield-Marrow, Gentleman, b. Sept. 26, 1883; (2) William jihn Marrow, b. Jan. 27, 1887, d. in infancy; (3) Peter arrow. Gentleman, b. and d. 1888; Petrina Mary; Mar- ine Noel ; Mary Stewart ; Eileen Norah ; and Alison liolet. Residence — JARMITAGE, quartered by WORMALD. (BENJAMIN ARMITAGE, Gentleman. Bom January 1150, being the third son of the late Benjamin Armitage, [sq., J.P. CO. Lanes., M.P. for Salford 1880-85, and for '"•est Salford 1885-86 (second son of the late Sir Elkanah rmitage). Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearings — ules, a lion's head erased within an orle argent, between ree crosses potent or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest i-On a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter arm Inbowed, vested gules, cuffed argent, the hand grasping e blade of a sword in bend sinister, the pomt downwards oper, pommel and hilt or, an escutcheon gold charged [ith a cross potent gules. Married, 1887, Katharine du .ernet, second dau. of Col. B. H. Martindale, C.B., R.E., :id widow of Francis Gisborne, Esq., J. P., co. Derby; |id has Issue— Vexnon Hay Armitage, Gentleman, b. April ii88; and Marjorie. Residence — Holme Hall, Bakewell, erbyshire. FREDERICK RHODES ARMITAGE, Gentleman, .A. (Trin. Coll., Camb.), A.M.I.C.E. Born Aug. 11. (67, being the younger son of the late Thomas Rhodes jrmitage, M.D., of Cambridge Square (son of the late '■.mes Armitage of Farnley Hall, Farnley, co. York), by s wife Harriet, dau. of Stanley Black of Noan, near jhurles, co. Tipperary. Armorial bearings— Quarterly y fesse indented azure and gules, a wolfs head erased •itween four cross crosslets argent. Mantling azure and ;gent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front ^ an arm embowed vested azure, cuff argent, the hand ■asping by the blade a sword proper, pommel and hilt or, ; dexter gauntlet fesseways or. Motto— "Deo duce ferro Jmitante." Postal address— N oar, Thurles, co. Tipperary. VERNON KIRK ARMITAGE, Esq., J.P. for Lan- ishire. M.A., LL.B., Trinity Coll., Cambridge, Barrister- t-Law. Born 1842, being the sixth son of the late Sir Ikanah Armitage of Hope Hall, co. Lancaster, by his :cotid wife Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Kirk. Armorial earmgs— Gules, a lion's head erased within an orle argent etween three crosses potent or. Mantling gules and ar- ent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in °"l J* dexter arm embowed vested gules, cuffed argent, le hand grasping the blade of a sword in bend sinister. the point downwards proper, pommel and hilt or, an es- cutcheon gold, charged with a cross potent gules. Motto — " Virtus mille scuta." Married, 1870, Emily, dau. of the late John Fenton of Crimble Hall, co. Lancaster. Seat — Swinton Park, Manchester. Residence — Hornby Hall, nr. Lancaster. Clubs — New University, Princes. WALTER STANLEY ARMITAGE, Gentleman. Bom , being the elder son of the late Thomas Rhodes Armitage, M.D., of Cambridge Square (son of the late James Armitage of Farnley Hall, Farnley, co. York), by his wife Harriet, dau. of Stanley Black of Noan, near Thurles, co. Tipperary. Armorial bearings— Quarterly per fesse indented azure and gules, a wolfs head erased between four cross crosslets argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an arm embowed vested azure, cuff argent, the hand grasp- ing by the blade a sword proper, pommel and hilt or, a dexter gauntlet fesseways or. Motto— " Deo duce ferro comitante." Postal address— 2,4, Cambridge Square, Hyde Park, London, W. WILLIAM HENRY ARMITAGE, Gentleman. Bom , being the eldest son of the late Benjamin Armitage, Esq., T.P. CO. Lanes., M.P. for Salford 1880-85, and for West Salford 1885-86 (second son of the late Sir Elkanah Armitage). Z,w«;jk— Dark blue. Armorial bearings- Gules, a lion's head erased within an orle argent, between three crosses potent or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter arm em- bowed, vested gules, cuffed argent, the hand grasping the blade of a sword in bend sinister, the point downwards proper, pommel and hilt or, an escutcheon gold charged with a cross potent gules. ARMITSTEAD, quartered, with FENTON, by PRICKETT. GEORGE ARMITSTEAD, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for co. Forfar and J.P. for co. Perth, was M.P. for Dundee 1868- 1873, and 1880- 1885. Born 1824, being the second son of the late George Armitstead of Riga (a Russian merchant), and grandson of Rev. John Armitstead, Vicar of Easmgwold, CO. York. C/«* — Reform. Armorial bearings — Or, a chevron embattled sable, between three pheons gules, a is tbe Naval Cockade. 34 arm arm r of Um kul, and iropAlinR the Miiu of Baxter, namely I a dwnon citKrAi'*^ bftwtcn three mullets Rules, gg OMay iwba or. Mv'"*" g »>>!« and or ; and for his PlMl upon a WT««U> of tbe colours, a. sinister and a dexter vm embowwl in amMMir. each band K'Tiii'pinK « sp*" "ect proper. MdrrM, iM. /■«»« Kl>«»be«'». eldest dau. of Bdwanl Butor. Eaq., of Kincaldrum. co. Forfar. S*at- Klaledi Lann. Kinguaaie, N. B. Town nndtmre—^ Cleve- laad SqtatraT&W. Tilt RKTltwiD lOHN RICHARD ARMITSTEAD. MaticY of Aru. Chmt Church, Oxford, Patron and Vicar of Sandbach. in the county of Cheshire, formerly Rector of WendtelMirv. in the county of Oxford. Horn May ii, 1829, teiag the eideU ion of the late Reverend John Armitsiead, View of Sandbach. Master of Arts, Justice of the Peace, by hit wil> SuMB Hester, second daughter of the Reverend R. Maaiieof Coddington, in the county of Chester ; succeecutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Orvst. upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter and siniiter arm enibowed in armour, each hand grasping a near erect proper; with the Motto, " Pro Kege et Patria." MarrM, May 9, 1866, Frances Mary, eldest daughter of William Henry liomby, Member of Parliament, of Poole Hall, in the county of Chester ; and by her (who died December 9, 1887) has laue — (i) The Rev. John Hornby Annitstaad, M.A. (Oxon.), J. P., Cheshire, born August 31, 1868; (a) Lawrence Armitstead, Gentleman, B.A. (Oxon.), bom February 96, 1870; (3) Edward Armitstead, Gentleman, B. A. (Oxon. ). born September lo, 187a ; (4) Cecil Armitstead, Gentlenuui, born January 13, 1874; (5) Geoffrey Armitstead, Gentleman, born February 15, 1878 ; Mary Heru'iana ; and Margaret. Stat — Cran.-ige Hall, Holmes Chapel, in the county of Chester. ARMSTRONG, quartered by MACDONNELL. ARMSTRONG, see HEATON - ARMSTRONG, WATSON . ARMSTRONG, and WRIGHT - ARM- STRONG. Sir GEORGE CARLYON HUGHES ARMSTRONG, first Baronet. Bom at Lucknow, July ao, 1836, being the »n of the late Colonel George Craven Armstrong, of the Bengal Army, by bis wife Georgina, daughter of Captain Philip Hughes ; entered the Bengal Army 1855, and Ktired as Captain; was created a Baronet in 1893. Armortal bearing*— He bears for Arms : Gules, three dexter arms vambraced argent, hands closed proper ; on a canton of the second three pallets azure ; and for his Crest, in front of a dexter arm vambraced argent, hand closed proper, a trefoil slipped vert; with the motto. "Vi et armis.' Married, 1865, Alice Fitiroy, daughter of the Reverend Charles Fur- long; and has Issue— \\) George Elliot Armstrong, Esq., b. January 19, 1866 [to whom refer]; (a) Francis PhiHp Armstrong, Esq., b. 1871 ; (3) Arthur Reginald Armstrong, Esq., b. 1873, d. 1898; and Agnes Beatrice. Postal addrtss — 39 Cadogan Square, S.W, Clubs — Carlton, United Service. GEORGE ELLIOT ARMSTRONG. Esquire. Bom January 19, 1866, being the eldest son of Sir George Carlyon Hughes Armstrong, Baronet [to whom refer] ; was formerly Lieutenant Royal Navy. Club — Naval and Military. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Gules, three dexter arms vambraced argent, hands closed proper ; on a ainton of the second three pallets azure ; and for his Crest in front of a dexter arm vambraced argent, iiand clov proper, a trefoil slipped vert; with the Motto, " Vi armis." Married, 1890, Edith Annie, daughter of A lozenge: Quarterly i and 4 grand quarters, quarterly, i. or, I a lion rampant gules ; ii. or, a dexter arm issuant from the i sinister fesse point out of a cloud proper, in the hand a cross 'crosslet fitch^e erect azure; iii. argent a lymphad, sails ; furled sable; iiii. per fesse azure and vert, a fish naiant in fesse proper, on the centre point a crescent gules (for Mac- ' Donnell) ; 2 and 3 grand quarters, gules, three dexter arms ! vambraced and embowed proper, hands clenched also ; proper, in the centre chief point a mullet or (for Armstrong), ,and impaling the arms of O'Brien, namely gules, three lions passant guardant in pale per pale or and argent. Married, ;July 20, 1858, Colonel William Edward Armstrong-Mac- I Donnell of New Hall, in the county of Clare, and Liscrona House, Kilkee, who died 1883. Of the above marriage ! there is Issue — (i) Charles Randal Armstrong-MacDonnell, i Esquire, of New Hall and Kilkee [to whom refer]; (2) I Lucius Gerald Armstrong-MacDonnell, Gentleman, born 'September 14, 1864; (3) Edward Ronald Armstrong-Mac- ' Donnell, Gentleman, born July 8, 1867 ; (4) William Henry ■Armstrong-MacDonnell, Gentleman, born April 10, 1870 ; 1(5) Aubrey George Armstrong-MacDonnell, Gentleman, I born February 21, 1873; Mary Gertrude; Nora Grace; ! and Violet Maud. Postal address — New Hall, co. Clare. i ; ARMYTAGE, see GREEN-ARM YTAGE, § ARTHUR HENRY ARMYTAGE, Esquire, Lt.-Col. R.A., J. P. for E. Riding of Yorks. Born Aug. 27, ■ 184S, being the second son of Sir George Armytage, fifth ;Bart., of Kirklees, co. York, J. P. and D.L. for W. Riding ,of that county [to whom refer], by Eliza Matilda Mary his I wife, second daughter of Sir Joseph Radcliffe of Rudding :Park, in the county of York, Baronet. Armorial bearings '■ — He bears for Arms : Gules, a lion's head erased, between I three cross crosslets argent ; and for his Crest, a dexter arm embowed couped at the shoulder habited or, the cuff argent, ; holding in the hand proper a staff gules, headed and j pointed or; with the Motto, "Semper par^itus." Married, June 24, 1879, Katherine Harriet, second daughter of Ralph Creyke of Rawcliffe Hall and Marton, in the county of York ; by whom he has had Issue — Arthur Ralph Ar- mytage, born May 2, 1884, died August 5, 1885 ; Dorothy ' Harriette ; Lilac Gwendoline ; and Frances Guinevere. \J'ostal address— i:\).e. White House, Clifton, York. Clubs— Army and Navy, Yorkshire. ■ FRANCIS REGINALD ARMYTAGE, Esquire, Bai- rister-at-Law of the Inner Temple, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, and Professional Associate of the Surveyors' Institution. Born July 9, 1849, being the fourth and youngest <:on of the late Sir George Armytage, fifth Baronet, of Kirklees, in the county of York, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the West Riding of that county [to whom refer], by Eliza Matilda Mary his wife, second dau. of Sir Joseph Radcliffe of Rudding Park, in the county of York, Baronet Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, a lion's head erased, between three cross crosslets argent ; and for his Crest, a dexter arm embowed couped at the shoulder habited or, the cuff argent, holding in the hand proper a staff gules, headed and pointed or; with the Motto, " Semper paratus." Postal address^ Ravensbourne, Harrow. Clubs — Carlton, Garrick, York- shire (York). Sir GEORGE JOHN ARMYTAGE. sixth Baronet (July 4, 1738), of Kirklees, co. York, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries since 1869, Associate of the In- stitute of Civil Engineers, Fellow of the Surveyors' Insti- tution, and Chairman of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company. Born April 26, 1842, being the eldest son of Sir George Armytage, fifth Baronet, of Kirklees, in the county of York, J. P. and D.L. for the West Riding of that county, by Eliza Matilda Mary his wife, second dau. of the late Sir Joseph Radcliffe, second Baronet, of Rudding Park, in the county of York. Livery— Yi2sii blue coat, brass buttons, scarlet waistcoat with brass buttons, black trousers. Armorial bearings— Gules, a lion's head erased. ^■gi>mBKt!'jjai'afti0ii between three cross crosslets argent, and in chief his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, and impaling the arms of Littledale, namely argent, a lion passant gules, on a chief azure three cross crosslets of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — A dexter arm embowed, couped at the shoulders, habited or, the cuff argent, holding in the hand proper a staff gules, headed and pointed or ; with the Motto, "Semper paratus." Married, firstly. May 11, 1871, Ellen, who died July 4, 1890, eldest dau. of the late Rev. Ayscough Fawkes of Farnley Hall, co. York ; and secondly, April 6, 1893, Mary Georgiana, dau. of the late Henry Anthony Littledale of Bolton Hall, in Craven ; of his first marriage he has had Issue — (i) George Ayscough Armytage, Esquire, Lieutenant King's Royal Rifles, born March 2, 1872 \ni., July 12, 1899, Aimfe, dau. of Sir Lionel Milborne-Swinner- ton-Pilkington, Bart., of Chevet Park, co. York]; (2) John Hawksworth Armytage, Esq. , served as a trooper with the Sist Imperial Yeomanry in South Africa 1900, born May 19, 1873 ; Winifred Harriette, born June 9, and died June 10, 1875 ; and Edith Beatrice. Seat — Kirklees Park, Brig- house, Yorkshire. Town residence — 27 Cambridge Square, Hyde Park, London, W. C/w*— Windham. GODFREY ARMYTAGE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the West Riding of Yorkshire, late Governor of West Riding Prison at Wakefield. Bom March 16, 1825, being the third and youngest son of the I is the Naval Cockade. arm art John Amtvuce. KM|uinr, by Mary his wife, onW ' of Wilfutni A-uheion, Esquire, of Downham Half, ia Ih* CoMtty PaUimc of I^m-asler. ArmorUl beurlnf ■ — Hm btU% kit Armi ; (" Arnott, St Bar?net and M P^ L l^^"°^' H- ^"^.^L- f*"- CO. and city of Cork M.P for Kmsale 1859-1863. Mayor of Cork 18 co \f^ iJli^'^feS"- tl^^ M-Kinley^ofstiS^nt N^! 'uuwiai oeanngi — per chevron areent and amrp in onacSC}l5t*U"'7K^ ^ crescerUnJerSged" Si^ r, ?r. A ***'"'* '*"■'* '"""'^'s o^ the first. Mlnt^ Sfh. ^u ** ^«'="' = *"*^ f°' his Crest, upon a wemh of the colours a tower on a rock proper «^h a i^Ton of one point flotant azure Motto— <^^.rlf.;.,„ pennon TTlJ""^' '^^ c"S^Syd^T"e7des. X* of Sir Fredenck Martin Williams, and fiii^ ; and h^ Issue— (i) John Arnott, Esq., b. July 25, 1885; (a) i^nn- ston John Arnott, Esq., b. 1891 ; (3) Robert John Arnott Esq., b. 1896; (4) Thomas John Arnott, Esq., h. 1890' Margaret Christian Salome ; Mary Christian ; and Liiu Victoria. Kfsidence~t» Merrion S<)uare, Dublin. Cluli —Junior United Service. White's, Wellington, Kildare Street (Dublin). Postal address — Woodlands, Cork. WILLIAM AUCHINCLOSS ARROL, Gentleman Born October 34, 1844, being the eldest son of 3rml ^^^ '*'^ Archibald Arrol, Esq. . J. P. , .ind his wife ^ t V u» Margaret Reid, daughter of William Auchincloss 6V«^j— Conserv.-itive (Glasgow), Junior c:onserva- tive (Glasgow). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms • Or, a lion rampant gules, between three escallops sable Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-lion gules, armed ami langucd azure, holding in the dexter paw a scimitar pro|)er ■ with the Motto. "Courage." Marrie.i, October 27, 1880 Elizabeth Agnes, daughter of Benjamin Bateman of Claphani Park, London ; and has /w;/?i September 13, 1831, being the fourth and youngest son of the late Reverend Sir John Ashburnham, seventh Baronet, by Fanny, dau. of William Foster of Hollington, i Sussex; was Aide-de-Camp to the Queen 1882-1886; Governor of Suakim 1884; Assistant- Adjutant and Quarter- Master-General South-East District 1884-1886. Livery — Dress : white, with scarlet facings ; undress : black and grey mixture. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, a fesse between six mullets argent. Upon the es- cutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon, and pendent therefrom the badge of a Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for the Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, an ash-tree proper ; with the Motto, "Will God and I shall." Married, 1864, Urith Amelia, daughter of the late Captain George Bohun Martin, R.N., C.B. ; and has Issue— -[i) Cromer Ash- burnham, Esquire, Captain King's Royal Rifle Corps, born 1866 ; (2) John Ashburnham, Gentleman, born and died 1873 ; Urith Amelia ; and Editha. Postal address— Brooklands, Wellington, Salop. § Colonel GEORGE ASHBY ASHBY, C.B., late commanding 2nd Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. Born March 26, 1856, being the eldest son of the late George Ashby Ashby, Esq., late Capt. nth Hussars, J. P. for cos. Northampton and Leicester, D. L. and High Sherifl for co. Northampton 1863-64 (assumed by Royal Licence August 21, 1857, the surname and arms of Ashby, as a representative of the senior branch of the Ashby family), by his wife Helen, dau. of Lieut. -General Hope-Gibstone of Pentland. Armorial bearings— Quar- terly I and 4, azure, a chevron ermine between three leo- pards' faces or (for Ashby) ; 2 and 3, per pale azure and gules, three pheons in fesse, a lion passant in chief and an- other in b-,ise or (for Maddock). Mantbng azure and argent. Crests— 1. on a mural crown argent, a leopard's face affront^e or (for Ashby) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion couped or, fretty gules, holding in the dexter paw a dagger erect argent, pommel and hilt gold. Motto—' ' Be just and fear not." Married, 1888, Mabel Cecilia, dau. of the late Lieut.-Col. P. C. Anderson, R. (Bengal) Artillery ; and has Issue- (i) George Waring Ashby, Gentleman,^. June 6, 1897. GEORGE ASHBY HERMANN ASHBY, Gentleman. Born December 18, 1866, being the eldest son of Nicholas Hermann Ashby, Gentleman, of Quenby, by his wife Anne (who, on succeeding to the Quenby estate on the death of her uncle, with her husband assumed the surname of Ashby), daughter of William George Ashby, Esquire, Lieutenant Royal Navy ; succeeded his father 1890. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, a chevron ermine, between three leopards' faces or. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a mural crown argent, a leopard's face or. Motto — "Be just and fear not." SJOHN SHUCKBURGH ASHBY, Esquire, Major Bombay Staff Corps, Assistant Political Agent Bom- bay Presidency. Borti Jan. 29, 1858, being the second son of the late George Ashby Ashby, Esq., late Captain nth Hussars, J. P. for cos. Northampton and Leicester, D.L. and High Sheriff co. Northampton 1863-64 (assumed by Royal Licence August 21, 1857, the surname and arms of Ashby, as a representative of the senior branch of the Ashby family), by his wife Helen, dau. of Lieut. -General Hope Gibstone of Pentland. Armorial bearings Quarterly i and 4, azure, a chevron ermine, between three leopards' faces or (for Ashby) ; 2 and 3, per pale azure and gules, three pheons in fesse, a lion passant in chief and another in base or (for Maddock). Mantling azure and argent. Crests — I. on a mural crown argent, a leopard's face affront^e or (for Ashby) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion couped or, fretty gules, holding in the dexter paw a dagger erect argent, pommel and hilt gold. Motto—" Be just and fear not." Married, Sept. 1879, Sarah Fanny Eliza, dau. of P. W. Hewitt. Residence— ASHELDAM, quartered by HORDERN. ASHER (H. Coll.). Argent, an ancient ship of three masts under full sail to the sinister proper, flags flying gules, between two anchors erect in chief sable and a fountain in base also proper. Mantling . Crest — On a wreath of the colours, between two rudders erect on waves of the sea proper, an ancient ship in full sail as in the arms. Son of late Asher Asber, M.D, : — Sanmel Garcia Asher, Esq. , Commn. of Lieutenancy for City of London, b. 1868. Res. — 30 Berkeley Square, London. W. AS HFORDBY-TREN CHARD (R.L., 1802, H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, per pale argent and azure, in the first three pallets sable (Trenchard, recorded Vn. Devon 1620, but of much earlier origin); 2 and 3, per fesse or and argent, a saltire engrailed sable, charged with five mullets of the first (Ashfordby). Mantling azure and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed, vested azure, cuffed or, the hand grasping a trenching-knife in bend sinister, the point depressed proper (Trenchard) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, an ass's head erased or, gorged with a collar sable, thereon three mullets gold (Ashfordby). Motto — " Nosce te ipsum." Livery — Drab, blue facings. Only son of Rev. John Trenchard Craven Ashfordby- Trenchard, M.A. , of Stanton-Fitzwarren, ^. 1800; d. 1851 ; m. 1839, Mary Elizabeth Jane, only d. of Rev, Samuel Davies, Incumbent of Northaw, Middx. :— John Ashfordby- Trenchard, Gentleman, b. 1843; tn. 1867 Augusta, only d. and h. of Rev. Henry Robert Fowler of Felton, Gloucs. ; and has surv. issue — (i) John Henry Mohun Ashfordby-Trenchard, Gentleman, b. 1868; (2) Stephen Granville Ashfordby- Trenchard, Gentleman, ^. 1872. Seat — Stanton House, nr. Highworth, Wilts. Estates — Stanton-Fitzwarren, and South Marston, Wilts; Northaw, Middx. Res. — Vista Linda, Torquay, Devon. Club — Junior Carlton. S WILLIAM HENRY ASHHURST, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. for co. of Oxford, High Sheriff 1891. Bom Dec. 29, 1851, being the eldest son of the late John Henry Ashhurst, Esq., J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1852, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Duffield, Esq., M.P., of Marcham Park, co. Berks. Armorial bearings— Gules, a cross between four fleurs-de-lis argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a fox is the Naval Cockade. 38 m •tatwit proper. MoMO— " Vincit qui p*titur. Mamtd luir 8. Vm5. C.ihffine Sophia (d. 1890). second dau. of Arthur H. t>rke Br-wn. Esq.. I>.l... of Kingston IMounl. e& Oifecd : and has htu* - (II .dys Mary ; and Awdry PhMtBHi ShiI Waler»tock. Wheailey. ca Oxford. CImb — CultOfL ASHMKAD-BARTI.ETT. Party per fesse dancett^ nfalt and antrv. in chief three jinister gauntlets pendent •ffvnt. tanelled or. fcsseways. and in liase four crescents in cranof thelast. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling sable .and argent ; and for a0i) m The Right Honourable JAMES WILLIAMSON. 9 BARON ASHTON, of Ashton. in co. P.-ilatinc of Lan caster (1895), J. P. and IX L. for co. Palatine of L.incastn (High Sheriff 1885). J. P. for the co. of London, M.l'. for the Lancaster Division of Lancashire (North), i886 (j^ Bom Dec. 31, 184a. lieing the second son of the late Janu- Williamson. Esq., J. P., of Parkfield, Lancaster, by KJeaii. his wife. dau. of Leonard Miller. Creation 1895. l.ivfi —Blue, with white piping, silver buttons, lilue and wluu strip»"d waistcoat. Armorial bearings— Party (jcr chevron or and argent, a chevron n>lnily Ixjiwcen in chk-f two trefoils slipped and in base a demi-eagle couped and displayed rl=A1URUS->ENEUS-C0NSCIENTIA • SANA* bis Orest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a tower proper, a demi-swan with wings elevated argent, collared sable ; with the Motto — "Mature." Sons of Sir Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett. Kt. Bach., M.P., B. A. , b. 1849 ; d. 1902 ; m. 1874, Frances Christina (a Queen's Gate Terrace, S.W.). d. of H. E. Walsh :— (?) Ashmead-Bartlett, Esq. ASHTON. quartered by DE TRAFFORD. ASHTON. see MACKENZIE-ASHTON, and BUR- CHAR DT- ASHTON. ASHTON (H. Coll.). Ermine, a mullet between three tjrger's heads erased sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crwt — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, an heraldic tyger rampant or. gorged with a collar dancett^, and holding between the paws a mullet sable. Son of : — Thomas Walford Henshaw Ashton, Gentleman, b. Res.— sable, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Stewart, namely argent, a pelican in her piety gules, between two thistles, leaved and slipped in pale proper, and as many roses in fesse of the second. Mantling sable and or. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed or, gfutt6e-de-poix, each wing charged with afes'c, and holding in the beak two trefoils m saltire sable. Motto " Murus aeneus conscientia sana." Supporters On either side of the escutcheon an eagle regardant, with wings endorsed or, gutt6e-de-poix, holding in the beak, by a riband gules, an escutcheon argent charged with a trefoil vert. Married, firstly, Sept. 23, 1869, Margaret (who died 1877), dau. of Joseph Gatey of Keswick ; secondly. 1880, Jessy Hen- rietta, dau. and coheir of the late James Stewart of Clapham, Yorks; and by his first marriage has Issue - Hon. Eleanor (Ella) [m., 1899, the Hon. William Robert Wellesley Peel, M.P., eldest son of the Right Hon. the ist Viscount Peel]; and Hon. Maud. Estates— Ashton Hall. Ellel Hall, and Ryelands, all in co. of Lan- caster. 5^a/j— Ryelands, Lancaster ; Ashton Hall, near Lancaster. Town residence— AKord House, Prince's Gate, S.W. i8 the Military Cockade. a06 ^Hk i^ THOMAS GAIR ASHTON, Esq., M.P. for S. Bedford- shire, J. P. COS. Lancaster, Chester, and Sussex, County Coun- cillor' for Cheshire, M.A. Oxon. Born 1855, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Ash ton, Esq., J. P. cos. Lancaster and Cheshire, D.L. co. Lancaster, and High Sheriff 1883, Hon. D.C.L. Victoria University, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel Stillman Gair of Liverpool. Armorial ■■ bearings — Sable, on a pile between two crescents in base ' argent, a mullet pierced of the first. Mantling sable and ' argent. Crest— On a mount vert, a mower proper, vested 1 paly argent and sable, in the act of whetting his scythe also proper. Motto— " Fide et virtute." Married, 1886, Eva Margaret, dau. of J. H. James, Esq., J. P. co. Herts, of Kingswood, near Watford; and has Issue — {\) Thomas Henry .Ashton, Gentleman, b. 1887, d. 1897; (2) Thomas Henry Raymond Ashton, Gentleman, b. 1901 ; Marion Evelyn ; and Margaret Joan. 5(ra/j— Hyde, Cheshire, and ' Vinchall, Roljertsbridge, Sussex. Town residence — 39 Prince's Gardens, S.W. Cluhs — Brooks's, New University, Reform. The Reverend WALTER HENRY TRELAWNY i ASHTON-GWATKIN, M.A. of the University of Cam- j bridge. Rector of Wrotham, Kent. Born August 27, 1861, 1 being the fifth son of the late Frederick Gwatkin of Lin- coln's Inn, and of Grove House, Twickenham, by his wife Louisa Isabella, younger daughter of the Reverend Am- I brose Stapleton, Master of Arts, sometime Rector of [ Halwell and Vicar of East Budleigh, in the county of Devon ; and assumed by Deed Poll the additional surname of Ashton in the year 1888. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Ermine, two chevronels engrailed vert, between three bees volant proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a hehnet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a garb or, in front thereof a Cornish chough with wings expanded sable ; with the Motto, " Duw a bortha y brain." Married, January 18, i888, Frances Lilian, daughter and heir of Frank Ashton, Es- quire, Justice of the Peace of Twickenham ; and has Issue — Frank Trelawny Arthur Ashton-Gwatkin, Gentleman, born April 14, 1889. Postal address — The Rectory, Wrotham, Kent. .. ASHWORTH (H. Coll.) Quarterly, gules and argent, a cross couped and indented between two fleurs-de-lis in chief counterchanged. a wreath of the colours, in front of two crosses bottonn^e fitch^e in saljire or, a fox passant proper, charged on the body with two fleurs-de-lis in fesse, also gold. Motto — " Vincit amor patriae." Sons of Edward Ashworth, Esq. , J. P. Lanes. ,^. 1829; d. 1902; m. 1853, Helen, d. of Royston Oliver of Todmorden, Yorks : — Oliver Ashworth, Gentleman,^. 1854; m. 1878, Anne Mary, d. of John H. Krabbe ; and has issue. /?«.— Stag- hills, Waterfoot, Manchester. Edward Ashworth, Gentleman, b. i860. ./?«.— The Quinta, Alderley Edge, Cheshire. GEORGE BINNS ASHWORTH, Esquire, J. P. Lanes, Born Nov. 29, 1823, being the eldest son of the late Henry Ashworth, Esq., J. P., of The Oaks, Turton, Lanes., by Letitia his wife, dau. of George Binns of Liverpool. Club — Union (Manchester). Armorial bearings — Gules, a passion cross invected or, between four lozenges saltireways argent, each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock a fox proper, supporting with the dexter foreleg a passion cross as in the arms. Married, Aug. 13, 1863, Ruth, dau. of John Jones, Esq., J. P., of Ruckley Grange, Shropshire; and has Isstie — (r) George Harry Ashworth, Gentleman, M.A. (Oxon.), born 1865 ; (2) Arthur Henwayn Ashworth, Gentleman, born 1869. Residence — Birtenshaw House, Bolton. HENRY ASHWORTH, Gentleman. Born March 6, 1865, being the second son of John Ashworth of OUerton, Bolton, by his wife Mary Jane, only dau. of Thomas Knowles of Clively Bank, Pendlebury, Lancashire. Armo- rial bearings — Gules, a passion cross invected or, between four lozenges saltireways argent, each charged with a fleur- de-lis azure. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock a fox proper, supporting with the dexter fore-leg a passion cross as in the arms. Married, Sept. 9, 1889, Annie Lillian Margery, only dau. of Charles Augustus Purnell of Dowlais. Residence — Llangorse, Breconshire. HENRY HUGH ASKEW, Gentleman, late 6th Dragoon Guards. Born July 28, 1847, being the eldest son of Henry William Askew, Gentleman, of Conishead, by his wife Lucy, dau. of the Hon. and Rt. Rev. Hugh Percy, Lord Bishop of Carlisle. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, a fesse or, between three asses passant argent, quartering Storrs, Crakenthorp, Rawlinson, and Mottram. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, Upon a wreath of the colours, a naked arm proper, grasping a sword argent, pommel and hilt gold, enfiled with a Sara- cen's head couped, distilling drops of blood, all also proper, wreathed about the temples. Married, 1868, Mary Edith Montague, eldest dau. of the late Rev. Octavius Friere Owen, M.A. , Rector of Burston, and has issue. S WATSON ASKEW-ROBERTSON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Northumberland, High Sheriff 1862, and Justice of the Peace for the county of Berwick. Born August 6, 1834, being the only son of the late Captain Christopher C. Askew, Royal Navy, of Broadbush, in the county of Hamp- shire, by his wife Sarah, daughter of Patrick Dickson, Es- quire ; succeeded his uncle 1851 ; and on succeeding to the estates of Ladykirk, on the death of Lady Marjoribanks, 1889, assumed the additional surname and arms of Robert- son by Royal License, dated September 20, 1890. Clubs — Carlton, Boodle's, Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules, three wolves' heads erased argent, armed and langued azure, all within a bordure of the second, and (for distinction) a canton of the field (for Robertson of Ladykirk) ; 2 and 3, sable a fesse or, between three asses passant argent, maned and unguled of the second (for Askew); and for and in right of his wife, upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Robert- son of Ladykirk, namely gules, three wolves' heads erased argent, armed and langued azure, within a bordure of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the liveries, a dexter cubit arm proper, charged (for distinction) with a cross crosslet gules, the hand holding an im[>erial crown, also proper, and above, is the Naval Cockade. ditp 000 OBaHraB. Ibe Mono. " Vinuit gloria merces" (for Robert* wa of Ukdykirk); a. upon a wmiih of the colours, a itnuff hand hoMing on a poignard erect proper, hilt and pommel or. a Saracen's head couped and imbrued proper, wi«athrd atwut iIm trmpies with a torce argent and gules, tied with ntxinds of the same coloun, and above, on a scroll, ihc Motto. "Fac et »pera" (for Askew). And in a com- partment below the khicid, a wild man lying fetseways in chains proper; with the Motto, " Patentia casus exuperat omnes " (for Robertson of Ladykirk). Married, August so, 1856, the Honourable Sarah, eldest daughter and co-heir of the Right Honourable David Robertson, Baron Marjori- banks of Ladykirk; and has had Issue -(i) George Chris- topher Hugh Askew, Gentleman, born February 10, 1858, died Feliruary 15, 1862; (2) David Hugh Watson Askew- Roljertson, Esquire, Bachelor of Arts, Justice of the Peace for the county of Berwick, Barrister-ai-Law, born October ai, 1863; (3) William Haggerstone Askew- Robertson, Gentleman, bom October 4, 1868 ; (4) John Bertram Askew- Robertson, Gentleman, bom October 16, 1869; (5) Charles Marjonbanks Askew- Robertson, Gentleman, born Septem- ber 6, 1871 ; Bridget Watson (died 1894) ; Mary Marjori- banks ; and Isabel Sarah. 5th in the county of Lancaster, by Frances Annabella, daughter of William Cokayne, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable William Cokayne, and niece and coheiress of the Right Honourable Borlase Cokayne, sixth and last Viscount CuUen. Clubs — Carlton, United Univer- sity. Armorial bearings — Quarterly of six, i. argent, a mullet sable, pierced of the field (Assheton, Vns. of Lanes., Ped. H. Coll. ) ; 2. ermine, on a fesse gules, three annulets or (for Barton) ; 3. argent, two bendlets sable, the upper one engrailed (for Lever) ; 4. gules, two chevronels argent be- tween three lozenges or (for Hyde) ; 5. ermine, three lozenges conjoined in fesse sable (for Pigot) ; 6. argent, three cocks g^les, armed, crested, and jelloped sable (for Cokayne), im- paling for his wife the arms of Feilden, namely, argent, on a fesse cotised azure, between two martlets in chief sable, and a rose in base gules, three lozenges or ; and for a Crest, on a cap of maintenance, a mower vested and capped quarterly argent and sable, his sleeves and stockings countcrchanged, holding a scythe azure, handled or, the point of the blade towards the dexter; with the Motto, "Nee arrogo, nee dubito." Married, August 3, 1854, Emily Augusta, fourth daughter of the late Joseph Feilden, Esquire, of Witton, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Lancaster; and has Issue — (i) Ralph Cokayne Asshe- ton, Esquire, b. September 13, i860 [to whom refer] ; (2) Richard Assheton, Gentleman, M.A. Trin. Coll., Camb., b. December 23, 1863 \m., Jan. 5, 1892, Frances Annette Ellen, third dau. of Sir Thomas Sebastian Bazley, Hart., of Hatherop Castle, co. Gloucester, and has issue, Richard Thomas Assheton, Gentleman, b. July 4, 1894] ; (3) Rev. William Orme Assheton, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. Jesus Coll., Camb., Rector of Bilton, co. Warwick, b. Feb. 16, 1866 [;«., June 14, 1898, Winifred Maude, dau. of John Henry Master of Petersham] ; (4) Nicholas Radclyffe Assheton, Gentleman, b. July 5, 1870 ; Frances Anna- bella \m., Oct. 20, 1886, Mervyn Lloyd Peel, Esq., J.I'., Barrister-at-Law, of Danyrallt, co. Carmarthen, and has issue] ; Dorothy \m., July i, 1886, Edward Henry Burrows, H.M. Inspector of Schools] ; and Joan. Estate and postal address — Downham Hall, Clitheroe. RALPH COKAYNE ASSHETON, Esquire, J. P. for the CO. of Lancaster, and for W.R. co. of York. Born September 13, i860, and is the eldest son of Ralph is tbe Military Cockade. 300 ate 41 Assheton, Esquire, of Downham Hall, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Lan- caster [to whom refer], by his wife Emily Augusta, fourth daughter of the late Joseph Feilden, Esquire, of Witton, also a Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Lancaster. 677/(5— Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly of six, I. argent, a mullet sable, pierced of the field ; 2. ermine, on a fesse gules, three annulets or (for Barton) ; 3. argent, two bendlets sable, the upper one engrailed (for Lever) ; 4. gules, two chevronels argent between three lozenges or (for Hyde) ; 5. ermine, three lozenges conjoined in fesse sable (for Pigot); 6. argent, three cocks gules, armed, crested, and jelloped sable (for Cokayne) ; and for a Crest, on a cap of mainte- nance, a mower vested and capped quarterly argent and sable, his sleeves and stockings counterchanged, holding a scythe azure, handled or, the point of the blade towards the dexter ; with the Motto, " Nee arrogo, nee dubito." Mar- ried, Sept. 27, 1898, Mildred Estelle Sybilla, second dau. of John Henry Master, Esq., of Petersham, J. P. co. Surrey, formerly Madras Civil Service ; and has Issue — Dorothy Winifred. Postal address — Hall Foot, Clitheroe. RICHARD ASSHETON, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Born December 23, 1863, being the second son of Ralph Assheton, Esquire, of Down- ham Hall, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Lancaster [to whom refer], by his wife Emily Augusta, fourth daughter of the late Joseph Feilden, Esquire, of Witton, also a Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for tlie county of Lancaster. Armorial taeariDgs— He bears for Arms : Quarterly of six, i. argent, a mullet pierced sable (for Assheton) ; 2. ermine, on a fesse gules, three an- nulets or (for Barton) ; 3. argent, two bendlets sable, the upper one engrailed (for Lever) ; 4. gules, two chevronels argent between three lozenges or (for Hyde) ; 5. ermine, three lozenges conjoined in fesse sable (for Pigot) ; 6. argent, • three cocks gules, armed, crested, and jelloped sable (for j Cokayne), impaling the arms of Bazley, namely, per' pale i azure and sable, a bee volant or, between three fleurs-de-lis argent ; and for his Crest, on a cap of maintenance, a mower vested and capped quarterly argent and sable, sleeves and stockings counterchanged, his scythe azure, handled or, the point of the blade towards the dexter ; with the Motto, " Nee arrogo, nee dubito." Married, January 5, 1892, ' Frances Annette Ellen, third daughter of Sir Thomas Sebas- tian Bazley of Hatherop Castle, second Baronet. The Reverend RICHARD ORME ASSHETON, M. A. of the University of Oxford, formerly Rector of Bilton, in the county of Warwick. Born July 12, 1835, and is the younger son of the late William Assheton, Gentleman, of Downham and Cuerdale, both in the county of Lancaster, by Frances Annabella, daughter of William Cokayne, Es- quire, commonly known as the Honourable William Cokayne, and niece and coheiress of the Right Honourable Borlase Cokayne, sixth and last Viscount CuUen. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly of six, i. argent, a mullet sable, pierced of the field ; 2. ermine, on a fesse gules, three annulets or (for Barton) ; 3. argent, two bendlets sable, the upper one engrailed (for Lever) ; 4. gules, two chevronels argent between three lozenges or (for Hyde) ; 5. ermine, three lozenges conjoined in fesse sable (for Pigot) ; 6. argent, three cocks gules, armed, crested, and jelloped sable (for Cokayne), impaling for his wife the arms of Feilden, namely, argent, on a fesse cotised azure, between two martlets in chief sable and a rose in base gules, three lozenges or ; and for a Crest, on a cap of maintenance, a mower vested and capped quarterly argent and sable, his sleeves and stockings counterchanged, holding a scythe azure, handled or, the point of the blade towards the dexter; with the Motto, " Nee arrogo, nee dubito." Mar- ried, October 22, 1863, Charlotte Emma Willoughby (who die! February 20, 1892), sixth daughter of the late Joseph Feilden, Esquire, of Witton, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Lancaster. Postal address — The. Gable House, Bilton, Rugby, Warwick- shire. I> S SOMERSET CHARLES GODFREY FAIRFAX ASTELL, Esquire, D.S.O., Capt. North Staffs. Regt., Deputy Military Commissioner of Police, Johan- nesburg. Born July 15, 1866, being the only son of the late Major-General Charles Edward Astell, J. P. for the CO. of Dorset, by his wife Harriette, dau. of Francis Spaight of Derry Castle, co. Tipperary. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly i and 4, gules a lion passant per pale or and argent between four cross crosslets of the last (for Astell) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron gules between three thorn-trees eradicated vert, three crosses pat^e fitch^e argent (for Thornton). Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a cross crosslet or, entwined with a serpient vert ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased purpure, gorged with a ducal coronet or and guttle - de - larmes. MottO — " Sub cruce gloriar." Postal address — West Lodge, Puddlehinton, Dorchester. Club — Junior Army and Navy. JOHN HENRY ST. QUINTIN ASTELL, Esquire, J. P. Cambs. Born Jan. 3, 1863, being the second son of the late John Harvey Astell, Esquire, J. P. and D. L. , of Woodbury Hall, Beds. , by his wife Anne Emelia, dau. of the late Robert Parry Nisbet of Southbrome House, co. Wilts, Esq., J. P., M.P. for Chippenham. Club — Wellington. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules a lion passant per pale or and argent, between four cross crosslets of the last (for Astell) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron gules, between three hawthorn trees eradicated vert, three crosses pat6e fitch^e argent (for Thornton). Mantling gules and or. Crests — I, on a wreath of the colours, a cross crosslet or, entwined with a serpent vert (for Astell) ; 2. on a wreath of tlie colours, a lion's head erased purpure, gorged with a ducal coronet or and guttee-de-larmes (for Thornton). Motto — "Sub cruce gloriar." Residence — Dale Lodge, Sunningdale, Berks. RICHARD JOHN VEREKER ASTELL, Gentleman. Born Sept. 7, 1890, being the only son of the late William Harvey Astell, Esq., of Woodbury Hall, J. P. and D.L. for CO. Cambridge, and J. P. for the cos. of Bedford and Huntingdon, by his wife the Hon. Elizabeth Maria, fourth dau. of the Rt. Hon. Standish Prendergast Vereker, Vis- count Gort. Armorial bearlng^s — Quarterly i and 4, gules a lion passant per pale or and argent, between four cross crosslets of the last (for Astell) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron sable, between three thorn-trees eradicated vert, three crosses pat^e fitch^e argent (for Thornton). Mantling gules and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a cross crosslet or, entwined with a serpent vert ; 2. on a wri ath of the colours, a lion's head erased purpure, gorged with a ducal cornet or and guit6e-de-larmes. Motto — "Sub cruce gloriar." Estates — Woodbury, and property in the parishes of Gamlingay, in the county of Cambridge ; Tetworth, in the county of Huntingdon ; Great Houghton, in the county of Northampton ; and Wrestlingworth, in the county of Bedford. Postal address — Woodbury H all , Sandy Beds. ASTHORPE, quartered by BARNE. AS TLEY, quartered by LEE. ASTLEY, see LUDFORD-ASTLEY. LLEWELLYN WILLIAM ATCHERLEY, Gentleman. Born 1870, being the fourth son of the late Francis Topping Atcherley, Esq., Lieut. -Col. 30th Regt., by his first wife Emma Arabella, dau. of Francis Harris Heward of Toronto, Canada. Armorial bearings (H. Coll., 1511)— Gules, on a fesse engrailed argent, between three griffins' heads erased or, as many crosses pat^e fitchte sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi- bustard couped gules, wings elevated or, in the beak a lily argent, slipped vert. Motto — " Spe posteri temporis.' Married, Nov. 11, 1897, Eleanor Frances, dau. of Richard Micklethwaite, Esq., J. P. and D.L. Residence — MURIEL HOPE ATCHERLEY of Marton, co. Salop, of Cymmau, Flintshire, and Ffrith, Denbighshire Only daughter of the late Francis Robinson Hartland Atcherley, Esq., J. P., of Marton, co. Salop, Captain 3rd. Batt. Shrop- shire Light Infantry, by his wife Esther Hodgson, dau. of John Mills of Northwold, Bowdon, Cheshire. Armorial bearings— On a lozenge, gules, on a fesse engrailed argent, between three griffins' heads erased or, as many crosslets pat6e fitch^e sable. Seats — Cymmau, Flintshire, and The Fryth, Denbighshire. is tbe Naval Cockade. 4» ate atk RICHARD TOPPING BKVERLEY ATCHERLEY. tlwlhin BMm Oct 1866. Ixing the second son of liM taM Fkaada Topptnc Atchcriey. Ksq.. Lieut.-Col. «Dlli RMt.. by hit wife Emnia Arabella, dau. of Francis Hwris H«wwd o( Toronto. CaniuU. Armorial bearinct (H. CoU.. 1511)— Gul«. on » fe«e engrailed argent, bc- twwn thfte griffins' heads erased or, as many crosses pat^ tfjdhtr nbte. Wf"^""g K^iles and argent. Orett — On a wrmih of the colours, a drmi-bustard couped gules, wings «|i««led or. in the beak a lily argent, slipped vert. Motto— ••Spe posteri temporis." Married, Sept. 13, 189a, Carolina Mary Wynne, dau. of William Wpne Ffoulkes ; and has tumt—iiuy Elualieth Hope; and Hester Mary Eleanor. Rttidtmtt — Sioke-upon-Trent, Shropshire. ATHERTON (H. ColL). Ter fesso nebuly aiure and sable, in chief a sun issuant rising in splendour, and in base a thumlerbolt winged and inflamed or. M a n tl ln y azure and or. Orwt— On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount wt, aa antique lamp fired or. encircled by a chaplet of oak f mdMi proper. Son of :— James Basnett Atherton, Gentleman, b. Seal— Monhatten, Gateacre, Little Woolton, Lanes. M CHARLES HAROLD ATHILL. Esquire, Richmond O Herald of Arms. Fellow of the Society of Anti- (Vffltll q"-'^<'^- Armorial boarlnffs — He bears for 4>ll{jlll j^jxni : Argent, on a chevron double cotised saUe, three crescents or, the escutcheon being surrounded by his collar of SS (and impaling the arms of Smith, namely, quarterly or and gules, a fret between thi«e fleurs-de-lis all counterchanged). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his CntX, upon a wreath of the colours, three ostrich feathers argent, interlaced by as many annulets, also interlaced fesseways or ; with the Motto, " Crescam ut prosim." AfarrUd, 1885, Katharine Mildred, dau. of the late Ven. Benjamin Frederick Smith, Archdeacon of Maid- stone and Canon of Canterbury Cathedral, and has issue. Pos/a/ address — CoUege of Arms, E.C. Rkv. GEORGE MIDDLETON ATHORPE. M.A., Patron of Dinnington, Yorks. Bom 1835, being the eldest surviving son of the late J. Carver Atborpe, Esquire, J. P., D. L. , of Dinnington Hall, Yorks. Armorial bearings— Per pale nebuly argent and azure, two mullets in lessi- counterchanged. Mantllnjp azure and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a falcon proper, belled or, the dexter claw resting on an escutcheon of the arms! Seats — Morthen Hall, near Rotherham; Thorpe Hall, Howden. M ROBERT ATHORPE, Esquire, Col. late R.E. Bom 9 Oct. 16, 1841, being the fourth son of the lat. John Carver Athorpe, who assumed, upon attaining his majority, the surname and arms of Athorpe by Royal Licence i8ai. in pursuance of the will of his maternal uncle, Thomas Athorpe of Dinnington. Armorial bearlngi— Quarterly i and 4. per pale nebuly argent and azure, two mullets in fesse counterchanged (for Athorpe) ; a. ermine, on a saltire engrailed sable, an eagle's head erased or (for Middleton) ; 3. or, on a chevron between three crosses cluch^ sable, a fleur-de-lis between two stags' heads caboshed of the first (for Carver) Mantling azure and argent. OrestB — i. on a wreath of the colours, a falcon proper, belled or, the dexter claw resting on an escutcheon per pale nebuly, and two mullets in fessc as in the arms (for Athorpe) ; 2. Middleton ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a cross cluch^ or, charged in the centre with a fleur-de-lis sable. Married, 1880, Grace Mary Edith, dau. of Thomas Gibzean Rose-Innes of Wetherdale, Banff ; and has Issue — Grace Edith May ; and Leslie Clara. Residence — FREDERICK WALTER ATKEV, Gentleman, fiflh son of the late James Atkey of Chichester, and CTt'fePtl ^^^ ^''^^ Eliza, n^e King. /,«w;j— Dark blue XXKnK'lf with brass buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Party per pale or and gules, two chevronels between as many gryphons' heads erased in chief, and a garb in baSe all counterchanged, and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a gryphon segreant or, gorged with a collar geniel, holding between the claws a cross moline, and the dexter foot resting on a garb fessewa gules ; with the Motto, " Labor et fides." Married, August 14, 1873, to Ellen Louisa, fourth daughter of Freeman Oliver Haynes; and has Issue — (i) James Frederick Haynes Atkey, Gentleman, born November 27, 1876 ; (2) Oliver Francis Haynes Atkey, Gentleman, born April 11, 1878; (3) Freeman Archibald Haynes Atkey, Gentleman, bom April 17, 1883 ; Emelyn ; Margaret ; and Mildred Lucy. Postal address — l8 tbe Military Cockade. 2itk atit 43 n JOHN ROBERTS ATKIN- ROBERTS, Esquire, J. P. CO. Kent, Major, late of the Prince of Wales's Leinster Regiment. Bom 1843, and is the second son of John Drew Atkin of Castle Park, Dalkey, co. Dublin, by Georgina his wife, dau. of Sir Thomas Roberts, Baronet, of Britfields- town in co. Cork, and of Glassenbury in co. Kent, and sister of Thomas Walton Roberts, Esquire, of Glassenbury in the county of Kent. He received Her Majesty's Royal License, dated December 23, 1882, to assume and bear the surname of Roberts in addition to and after that of Atkin, and to bear the arms of Roberts quarterly with those of his own family. Clui — Junior United Service. Livery — Dark blue with silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, azure on a chevron argent cotised or, three mullets of six points pierced sable (for Roberts) ; 2 and 3 argent, gutt^e-de-sang a cross cotised flory, in the first and fourth quarters a trefoil slipped sable, ' and in the second and third quarters a mullet of six points of the last, pierced of the field (for Atkin) ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an eagle displayed ermine, the wings argent, gorged with a chaplet of ivy proper (for Roberts) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, two greyhounds' heads addorsed and erased argent, gutt6e-de-sang, gorged with a collar vair, and each holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped sable (for Atkin); with the Motto, "Post funera virtus. " Married, 1875, Marian Gertrude, daughter of Douglas Fox of Derby ; and has /jj««— Malcolm Roberts, Gentleman, born 1876 ; and jjane Walton. Estates — Glassenbury and Brenchley, both in the county of Kent. Postal address — Glassenbury Park, Cranbrook, Kent. ATKINSON of Cangort (U.O.). Or, an eagle dis- played with two heads azure, beaked and legged gules, in chief a rose of the last seeded gold, between two martlets sable. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed with two heads azure, beaked and legged gules. Motto — ' ' Deo et regi fidelis." tSons of Lieut. - Col. Guy Newcomen Atkinson of Cangort, J. P., b. 1847; d. 1890; m. 1877, Frances Elizabeth, only d. of Hon. Laurence H. King- Harman : — Guy Montague Atkinson, Gentleman, b. 1882. Seat — Cangort, Shinrone, King's Co. A'w.— Quarry House, Shrewsbury. Gerald Newcomen Atkinson, Gentleman, b. 1884. Res.— Yr. sons of Guy Atkinson, Esq., J. P., of Cangort, b. 1800; d. 1859 ; m. 1839, Anne Margaret, d. of William, French of Cangort Park (br. of ist Lord Ashtown) :— William Henry Atkinson, Gentleman, ^. 1848; m. 1877, Anna, d. of L. Moore of Cremorgan. Res. — Richard Frederick Atkinson, Gentleman, late 67th Regt., b. 1849. Res. — Sons of Henry Atkinson, b. 1806; m. 1839, Elizabeth Jane, eld. d. of Rev. Wm. Brownlow Savage, Rector of Shinrone : — Charles Atkinson, Gentleman, b. 1842. Res. — John Lavallin Savage Atkinson, Gentleman, b. 1846. Res.— William Henry Atkinson, Gentleman, b. 1850. Res — Son of late Richard Atkinson of Gortmore, b. 1818 ; d. 1871 ; m. 1840, Mary Jane Elizabeth, d. of Capt. George R. Golding of Lime Park, co. Tyrone : — Rev. Edward Dupr6 Atkinson, LL. B. , Rector of Donagh- cloney, co. Down, b. 1855 ; m. 1878, Katherine Elisabeth, d. of Major-Gen. Edmund L'Estrange of Kilcummin, King's Co. ; and has issue — (i) Richard Guy Atkinson, Gentleman, b. 21 Aug. 1879; (2) Edward Arthur Atkinson, Gentleman, b. 1885 ; Dora Georgiana ; Mary Kathleen ; and Emily Saida. Res. — The Rectory, Donaghcloney, co. Down. ATKINSON (H. Coll.). Per fesse or and argent, an eagle displayed sable, on a chief arched gules, two frets of the second. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, an eagle's leg erased and erect proper, grasping a fret argent. Sons of late John Atkinson of Shanghai, formerly of Low Wood, Newton in Cartmel, Lanes., by Ellen, d. of John Burgeland Johnson :— John Brenan Atkinson, Gentleman, b. 1865; m. 1895, Amelie Sophie, d. of John Youngs Gould ; and has issue — (i) Rupert Norman Gould Atkinson, Gentleman, b. 1896; (2) Gerald Brenan Gould Atkinson, Gentleman, b. 1900; and Joan Brenda le Fleming. Res. — Shanghai, China. BUDDLE ATKINSON, Gentleman. Born May 20, 1841, being the only son of the late Robert Thomas Atkin- son, by his wife Mary Burnet. Armorial bearings — Ar- gent, an eagle displayed with two heads pean, between two flaunches sable, each charged with a bugle-horn stringed of the first, on a chief or, a pallet between two martlets gules, the pallet charged with a rose of the first. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed with two heads sable, gorged with a bugle-horn stringed argent, in each claw a rose slipped proper, seeded or. Motto — " Deo rigi fidelis." Married, Oct. I, 1863, Clara, dau. of J. Francis Draper; and has Issue — (i) Frank Buddie Atkinson, Gentleman, b. Sept. 4, 1866, Lieut, sth Lancers ; (2) Robert Hugh Montgomery Buddie Atkinson, Gentleman, b. Dec. 17, 1870, Midshipman R.N. ; Lilian Mary, d. in infancy ; Violet Florence Gwendoline ; and Aline Clara Gertrude. CHARLES ATKINSON, Gentleman. Armorial bear- ings — Ermine, on a fesse per pale gules and vert, three fleurs-de-lis argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed with two heads argent, charged on the breast with a fleur-de-lis sable. Motto — "Est pii Deum et patriam deligere." Postal address — Rehins, Ballylahan, co. Mayo, Ireland. NICHOLAS ATKINSON, Esquire, of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law, formerly Senior Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Justice in British Guiana. Born 1836, being the second son of the late Nicholas Atkinson of Hull, Yorks. C/«*— Constitutional. Armorial bearingrs— Ermine, on a pile gules, an eagle displayed with two heads argent, a chief invected azure, thereon a rose of the third between two mullets or, pierced azure. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon, wings elevated and addorsed gules, bezant^, gorged with a collar gemel argent, supporting with the dexter leg an '^ is the Naval Cockade. 44 Ztk «w u« c h <> in Holy Orders, Bachelor of Arts of the Uni- versity of Durham, sometime Incumbent of Middleton-by-Wirksworth, in the county of Derby, by Marie his wife, daughter of John Harding of Lastinghani, in the county of York, sister and co-heir to her brother, Thomas Harding. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Party per chevron or and vert, in chief two oak- trees eradicated proper, and in base a cinquefoil of the first ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount an oak-tree, and in front thereof a serpent nowed all proper ; with the Mot*o, " Sf)erate futurum. aut) 8 FREDERICK WILLIAM TOWN AITREE. quire. Major in the Royal Engineers ; served in Afghan War 1879, ^'^^ ^^ Suakim in the year 1886. Bwn April 6, 1853, being the elder son of the late Reverend Frandi Town Attree, Clerk in Holy Orders, liachelor of Arts of the University of Durham, sometime Incumbent of Middleton* by-Wirksworth. in the county of Derby, by Mary his wife, daughter of John Harding of I>astingham, in the county of York, sister and co-heir to her brother, Thomas Harding, A»t*r)'— Dark green with yellow facings. Armorial bear InSTB — He bears for Arms : Party per chevron or ami vcri in chief two oak-trees eradicated proper, and in base ;i cinquefoil of the first ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount an oak-tree, and in front thereof a serpent nowed all proper; with the Motto, "Spcrate futurum." Married, November 23, 1887, his cousin Frances Elizabeth Mary Wakeford, only surviving daughter and heir of Richard Wakeford Attree of Clomendy Hoi Corwen, in the county of Merioneth ; and has lss\ Francis William Wakeford Town Attree, Gentleman, December 17, 1888 ; and I.,orna May Wakeford To. Estate (in conjunction with his sister) — Chilverbri 'ge, the county of Sussex. Postal address — Royal Engineei Chatham. inoes and ee| ROSAMUND CARLESS ATTWOOD, only child and heir of the late George Reginald Attwood, Gentleman (rf. 1901), by his wife Constance Marion, dau. of Rev. William Harper Brandreth, M.A., Rector of Standish, Lanes., Hon. Canon of Manchester, and Rural Dean of Leyland. Livery — Claret and silver. Armorial hearingrs— On a lozen] quarterly i and 4, gules, a cross indented, in the first fourth quarters a lion rampant argent, and in the secoi and third a swan close also argent, beaked or ; 2. pwr pi argent and gules, a chevron vair between three qualrefoil in the centre chief point a fleur-de-lis all counterchan^ (for Adams of Cakemore House, co. Worcester) ; 3. or, on a mount, in base an oak tree prop)er, over all a fesse gules, thereon three cinquefoils of the field, in the dexter canton two annulets interlaced in pale sable (for Carless of Bir- mingham). Postal address — Glaslyn Court, Crickhowell. THOMAS ARTHUR CARLESS ATTWOOD, G tleman, M.A. (Oxon.). Born May 27, 1863, being only child of the late Thomas Aurelius Attwood of Bi mingham, Barrister-at-Law, by his wife Mary, eldest dai of Joseph Smallwood of Castle Bromwich ; succeeded, on the death (1901) of his cousin George Reginald Attwood of Glaslyn Court, to the male representation of the family Attwood, late of Hawne House, Corngreaves Hall, and t Leasowes, near Halesowen, co. Worcs. Livery — CI; and silver. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, gul a cross indented, in the first and fourth quarters a li rampant argent, and in the second and third a swan cl .ilso argent, beaked or ; 2. per pale argent and gules, chevron vair between three quatrefoils, m the centre chi< pointafleur-de-Iisallcounterchanged(forAdamsof Cakemi House, CO. Worcester) ; 3. or, on a mount, in base an 01 tree prof)er, over all a fesse gules, thereon three cinquefoi: of the field, in the dexter canton two annulets interlaced il pale sable (for Carless of Birmingham). Mantling gu and argent. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, in froi of an oak tree proper, a demi-swan with wings expand argent. Motto—" Possuntquia posse videntur," or " Voi loir pouvoir." Postal address — Malvern, Worcs. AUBREY-FLETCHER (R.L., i Jan. 1903). Quarterl;^ I and 4, argent, a cross engrailed sable, between four pelle each charged with a pheon (Fletcher) ; 2 and 3, azure, chevron between three eagles' heads erased or (Aubrey)!) Mantling sable and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a horse's head argent, charged with a trefoil gules (Fletcher) ; 2. an eagle's head erased or (Aubrey). Motto — " Martis non Cupidinis." Son of Sir Henry Fletcher, 3rd Bart., b. 1807; d. 1851 ; m. 1834, Emily Maria, d. of George Browne, Member of Council, Bombay : — The Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Aubrey-Fletcher, 4th Bart. (20 May 1782), P.C. (1901), C.B. (1900), V.D., late Col. Commandg. Sussex and Kent Vol. Inf. Brig., sometime Lieut. Grenadier Gds., M. P. for Horsham 1880-1885, and for Lewes, Sussex, since 1885, Groom-in- Waiting to Queen Victoria 1885-6, b. 24 Sept. 1835 ; m. 1859, Agnes, d. of Col. Sir John Morillyon Wilson, C.B., K.H., of the Royal i is the Military Cockade. Hospital, Chelsea. Seats — Ham Manon, Angmering, Sussex; Dorlon House, Bucks; Llantrithyd, Glamorgan. Town res. — i Upper Belgrave Street, S. W. Cluds — Carlton, , Constitutional. AUCHER, see HUNT. AUDLEY. quartered by MALET and THICKNESSE- TOUCHET. AUFORDE, quartered by FLOYER. AUGHTON, quartered by DE TRAFFORD. AUNGIER, quartered by PAKENHAM, PAKEN- HAM-MAHON, PRATT, and CONOLLY. AUSTEN, see ROBERTS-AUSTEN. JAMES AUSTEN-CARTMELL, Gentleman. Barrister- at-Law. Armorial bearings— Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant per fesse nebuly vert and gules, guttle d'or, and resting the forepaws on a tent or (for Cartniell) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, in front of the battlements of a tower proper, thereon a stag sejant argent, attired and resting the dexter forefoot upon a quatrefoil or, a lion's gamb erased fesseways gules (for Austen). Motto — "Immerfrey." Postal addresses — 100 Lexham Gardens, Kensington, London, S.W. ; New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. AUSTEN-LEIGH (R.L., 6 Jan. 1837, H. Coll.). Gules, a cross engrailed argent, in the dexter chief point a lozenge of the second. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head couped or. Sons of Rev. James Edward Austen-Leigh of Scarletts, Berks, b. ; d. 1874 ; m. , Emma, d. of Charles Smith of Suttons : — f Cholmeley Austen-Leigh, Gentleman, M.A. , Barrister-at- I Law, m. 1864, Melesina Mary, d. of Most Rev. Dr. Trench, f Archbishop of Dublin ; and has issue. Res. — Rev. Augustus Austen-Leigh, M.A. (Cantab. ), Tutor of King's Coll., Camb., 1867-81, Provost from 1889. Post. I add. — King's College, Cambridge. '■ Edward Compton Austen-Leigh, Esq., J. P. Bucks. - Post. add. — Eton College, Eton, Bucks. CHARLES AWDRY, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. co. Wilts (High Sheriff 1901), M.A. (Oxon.). Bom Feb. 12, 1846, being the fourth son of the late Sir John Wither ' Awdry, Knight Bachelor, of Notion, co. Wilts, J. P. and D.L. for that CO., M.A. and Hon. Doctorof Civil Law, Fellow of Oriel Coll., Oxford, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature at Bombay, by Frances Ellen his second wife, dau. of the late Rt. Rev. Thomas Carr, D.D., Bishop of Bombay. Livery — Blue, yellow and black striped waist- coat, silver hatband. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a bend azure, cottised sable, between two crescents of the second, a crescent between two cinquefoils or. Mantling , azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a lion's head erased azure, gorged with a collar gemel argent, a cinquefoil between two crescents fesseways or. Motto — " Nil sine Deo." Married, April 20, 1876, Mnrgaret Helen, eighth dau. of the Rt. Rev. George Moberly, D.D. , Lord Bishop of Salisbury; and has Issue — (i) Charles Selwyn Awdry, Gentleman, b. March 1877: (2) Ambrose John Awdry, Gentleman, b. 1879; (3) Robert William Awdry, Gentleman, b. 1881 ; Margaret Frances ; Alethea Mary ; Helen ; and Elizabeth. j5j/afe— Shaw Hill. Postal addresses — Shaw Hill, Melksham ; 2 Hyde Park 1 Street, London, W. Club — United University. HERBERT AWDRY, Esquire. Bom Oct. 20, 1851, Ijeing the sixth son of the late Sir John Wither Awdry, Knight Bachelor, of Notton, co. Wilts, J. P. and D.L. for that CO., M.A. and Hon. Doctor of Civil Law, Fellow of Oriel Coll., Oxford, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature at Bombay, by Frances Ellen his second wife, dau. of the late Rt. Rev. Thomas Carr, D. D. , Bishop of Bombay. Livery — Blue, yellow and black striped waistcoat, silver hatband. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a bend azure, cottised sable, between two crescents of the second, i crescent between two cinquefoils or. Mantling azure i argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front I m « of a lion's head erased azure, gorged with a collar gemel argent, a cinquefoil between two crescents fesseways or. Motto — "Nil sine Deo." Postal address— Nolion House, Chippenham. THOMAS AWDRY, Esquire, J. P. for the Colony of New Zealand. Born July 6, 1840, being the eldest surviving son of the late Sir John Wither Awdry, Knight Bachelor, of Notton, CO. Wilts, J. P. and D.L. for that co., M.A. and Hon. Doctor of Civil Law, Fellow of Oriel Coll., Oxford, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature at Bombay (by Frances Ellen his second wife, dau. of the late Rt. Rev. Thomas Carr, D.D., Bishop of Bombay). Livery — Blue, yellow and black striped waistcoat, silver- cord hatband. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a bend azure, cottised sable, between two crescents of the second, a crescent between two cinquefoils or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a lion's head erased azure, gorged with a collar gemel argent, a cinquefoil between two crescents fesseways or. Motto — "Nil sine Deo." Married, July 9, 1872, Mary Olivier, dau. of West Awdry of Monkton, Chippenham ; and has Issue — John West Awdry, Esq., b. 1874 \tn. Emma Margaret Ruscombe, d. of A. R. Poole, Esq., late Recorder of Bristol; and has issue— (i) John Arthur Henry Eyre Awdry, Esq. , b. 1902 ; (2) Vere Ruscombe Awdry, Gentle- man, b, 1904; and Mary Diana]; Frances Olivier; Lucy Carr Delme ; and Margaret Alethea Verena. Estate — Tadcroft, in the colony of New Zealand. Postal address — Ardath, Salisbury. The Rkverknd VERE AWDRY, Clerk in Holy Orders. Born Oct. 14, 1854, being the seventh son of the late Sir John Wither Awdry, Knight Bachelor, of Notton, co. Wilts, J. P. and D.L. for that co. , M.A.. and Hon. Doctor of Civil Law, Fellow of Oriel Coll., Oxford, Chief-Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature at Bombay, by Frances Ellen his second wife, dau. of the late Rt. Rev. Thomas Carr, D. D. , Bishop of Bombay. Livery — Blue, yellow and black striped waistcoat, silver hatband. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend azure, cottised sable, be- tween two crescents of the second, a crescent between two cinquefoils or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a lion's head erased azure, gorged with a collar gemel argent, a cinquefoil be- tween two crescents fesseways or. Motto - ' ' Nil sine Deo. " Married, firstly, 1887, Margaret Emily [d. 1889), dau. of F. Man of Beckenham ; and had Issue — Hildred Margaret Vere, b. 1889, d. 1891 ; secondly, 1891, Mary Louisa, dau. of E. Man of St. Leonards ; and has had Isstie — Carol Edward Vere Awdry, Gentleman, b. 1894; and Bridget Hildred Vere, b. 1892, d. 1900. Residence — Ampfield Vicarage, Romsey. The Rt. Rev. WILLIAM AWDRY, Bishop of S. Tokio, Japan, M.A. of the University of Oxford, Canon of Chichester. Born Jan. 24, 1842, being the second son of the late Sir John Wither Awdry, Knight Bachelor, of Notton, CO. Wilts, J. P. and D.L. for that co. , M.A. and Hon. Doctor of Civil Law, Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, Chief-Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature at Bom- bay, by Frances Ellen his second wife, dau. of the late Rt. Rev. Thomas Carr, D.D. , Bishop of Bombay. Livery — Blue, yellow and black striped waiscoat, silver hatband. Armoilal bearings — Argent, on a bend azure, cottised sable, between two crescents of the second, a crescent between two cinquefoils or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a lion's head erased azure, gorged with a collar gemel argent, a cinquefoil between two crescents fesseways or. Motto— "Nil sine Deo." Married, Aug. 4, 1868, Frances Emily, sixth dau. of the Rt. Rev. George Moberly, D.D., Lord Bishop of Salisbury. Postal address — Tokio, Japan. HENRY AYLESBURY WALKER AYLESBURY, Gentleman. Born Nov. 4, 1856, being the only son of the late John Henry Walker (who assumed by Royal Licence the name and arms of Aylesbury on succeeding to the Packwood estates, oy the will of his cousin Wilson Aylesbury), by his wife Georgina Horsman. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, a cross azure ; 2 and 3, azure, a chevron argent, senile of goutes of the field be- tween three escutcheons of the second, each charged with a crescent of the first. Mantling azure and argent. Crests is the Naval Cockade. 46 m m —I. OB • wfcath of the eoJouw. upon ihe tnink of « troe inirttnilil proper. • drMon't beM ermwd or, gorged with • •oOar gnnrl uura ; a. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a crescent azure, within a chain in orle or. Motto — " Virtutis amore." 5«a/— Aylcibury House, Pack- wood, CO. Warwick. Residence — Taipeng, Perak, Straits Settlements. AYLMER, see HENDRICK-AYLMER. AYLMER of Lyons and Courtown {c. 1500 or earlier). Argent, a cross sable between four Cornish choughs proper. Mantltllg sable and argent. Crest— out of a ducal coronet a Cornish chough rising all proper. Motto—" Hallelujah." Sons of Aylmer of Lyons : — Gerald Joseph Aylmer, Gentleman. Hes. — 28 Antrim Mansions, Haverstock Hill, N.W. Reginald A. Aylmer, Esq., Major (ret.), Mil. dud— United Sports. Sons of Michael Aylmer, Elsq., of Courtown, J. P., t. 1831 ; d. 1885 ; m. 1853, Charlotte, d. of Hans Hen- drick of KerdiflTstown : — Major John Algernon Aylmer of Courtown {f.v.). Hans Hendrick Hendrick-Aylmer, Esq., of KerdifTs- town {f.v). Algernon Ambrose Michael Aylmer, Gentleman, B.A. (Trin. Coll.. Dub.), i. 1857; m. 1886. Frances Sophia, d. of Meade Caulfeild Dennis of Fortgranite, co. Wicklow ; and has issue— (i) Richard Michael Aylmer, Gentleman, d. 1887; and Theodora Margaret. 5^a/ — Rathmore, co. Kildare. 6/«*— Kildare Street (Dublin). Sons of Udolphus, 7th Baron Aylmer, *. 1814 ; d. 1901 ; m. 1841, Mary Elira, d. of Edward Joumeaux, Esq., J. P., of Dublin, and of Melbourne, Canada :— The Rl Hon. Sir Matthew Aylmer, 8ih Baron Aylmer, of Balrath, co. Meaih (Irel., i May 1718). nth Bart. (Irel.. 166a). latterly Col. and Adj. -Gen. Canadian Mil., Brig.- Gen. and Insp.-Gen. Canadian Forces, late Lieut. 7th Roy. Fus. [Arms as above, the shield charged with the Ineicutcheon of Ulster. Motto— " Steady." Supporters —Two sailors (/r*»^. George L) proper, habited azure, the dexter hoMing a cross-staff, the smister a lead-line all pro- per], i. 1842; m. 1875. Amy Gertrude, d. of Hon. John Young of Montreal; and has issue— (i) Hon. John Frederick Whitworth Aylmer. i. 1880; (a) Hon. Kenneth Aihalmar Aylmer. i. 1883 ; (3) Hon. Basil Udolphus Aylmer. i. 1886 ; anor, Hon. Amelia Winifred ; and Hon. Florence Gwendolen. /fes. Ottawa. Ontario, Can.ida. Hon. Henry Aylmer, Barrister-at-Law, late Lieut. Roy. Marine Art. and Member of Canadian I'arlt.. Lieut. -Col. Canadian Mil.. *. 1843; m. 1870, Louisa Blanche Fanny, eld. d. of Henry Aspinall Howe, LL.D. Hon. Frederick Whitworth Aylmer, Capt. Canadian Mil., >. 1850; m. 1899, Emma Meredyth Lang. /fes. Sons of Hon. Henry Aylmer, i. 1816; d. 1900; m. 1846 ; Eliza, d. of Henry .Mkins : — John Athalmar Aylmer. Esq.. d. 1847; m. 1883, Mary Christine, d. of Judge Pringle of Ontario ; and has issue- Edith Christine ; Mary Dorothy ; and Muriel Esmte. ^«.— Peterborough, Ontario. Henry Brooke Aylmer, Esq., late Capt. Canadian Mil.. i, 1853; m. 1901, Amelia Bertha Coates. Sons of late Henry Lovell Aylmer, Gentleman, *. 1848 ; d. 1883 ; m. 187a. his cousin Hon. Isabella Aylmer, d. of Udolphus, 7th Lord Aylmer : — Arthur Lovell Aylmer, Gentleman, i. 1873; m. 1900, Ghetta, d. of Col. Sweeney. Res.— Henry Udolphus Paget Aylmer, Gentleman, b. 1876. Res.— Yr. Son of Major-Gen. Henry Aylmer, R.A., b. 181^ ; d. 1904; m. 1847, Charlotte Louisa, d. of J Gwatkin : — Frederick Arthur Aylmer, Esq., Lieut. -Col. and Bt.-C late R.A., b. 1849; tn. 1890, Constance Isabella, d, C. W. Grenfell of Taplow Court, Bucks ; and has issue (i) Christopher Aylmer. Gentleman, b. 1890; (2) Edw Arthur Aylmer, Gentlem.in. b. 1892 ; (3) Henry Gerald Aylmer. Gentleman, b. 1896 ; (4) Claud Aylmer. Gentleman, b. 1900 ; and Rose Caroline Georgiana. Res. — Newton Cross, Barnstaple, N. Devon. Clubs — United Service, Army and Navy. Sons of Capt. Fenton John Aylmer (eld. s. of nth Bart.), b. 1835; d. 1862; m. 1857, Isabella Eleanor, eld. d. of George Darling (h. and successor to uncle, Matthew CuUey), of Fowberry Tower, N umberland : — Sir Arthur Percy FitzGerald Aylmer of Donadea, Bart. (Irel. 25 Jan. 1621). b. 1858; tn. ist, 1878, Annie ((Z. 1884), d, of John Sanger; and 1885, Anne, d. of J. Douglas Reid of New York. Re^. — Donadea Lodge, West End Village, Hants. Fenton John Aylmer, Esq., V.C, Col. R.E., served in Burmah 1886-7 (desp. , medal and clasp), with Hazara Field Force 1891 (desp. and clasp), Hunza-Nagar Exped. 1891-2 (desp., clasps, and V.C), Isazai Field Force 1892, and in Chitral 1895 (desp., medal, and clasp, &c.), b. 1862. Club — Naval and Military. Yr. son of Sir Arthur Percy Aylmer, nth Bart., d. 1885 ; m. 1832, Martha, d. of Richard Reynell of Killy- non, CO. Westmeath : — John Evans Freke Aylmer, Esq., late Capt. 54th Regt., M.P. for Maidstone 1880-85, b. 1838; m. 1 861, Frances Margarita, d. of James Thomson, Hanseatic Consul |9 Gibraltar; and has issue— (i) Gerald Arthur Evans Frelfl Aylmer, Gentleman (19 Springfield Avenue, WestmouniP Montreal, Canada), b. 1869 [»». 1898. Mabel Howard, d. of Hon. J. K. Ward, M.L.C. Prov. Quebec; and has issue— Fenton Gerald Aylmer, Gentleman, b. 1901, and Margaret Lydia] ; (2) Henry Evans Freke Aylmer, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., b. 1878; Amy Geraldme Frances; Nina Florence Mary [m. 1886, Arthur Thomas Marson]; Dora Gertrude; Grace Marion; and Elfrida Fenton. Res. — Ferney Surbiton. Son of Justin John Aylmer, Esq., R.N., New Zealand, b. 1831 ; m. 2nd, 1869, Susan Anne Cockerill, d. of Samuel Beswick : — Justin Arthur Aylmer, Gentleman, b. 1870; m. 1895, Annie Laura, d. of T. H. Harper. Res. — Son of William Henry Aylmer, b. 1833 ; d. 1882 ; m. ist, 1861, Henrietta, d. of Dr. Martin: — Percy Aylmer, Gentleman, b. 186-. Res. — Sons of John Harrison Aylmer, Esq., of Walworth Castle, J. P., D.L., b. 1812 ; d. 1868 ; m. 1849, Rosanna Louisa, d. of Vice-Adm. Sir Joshua Coghill, Bart:— Gerald Percy Vivian Aylmer, Esq., of Walworth (q.v.). Edmund Kendal Grimston Aylmer, Esq., C.B. (1902), Col. 19th Hussars, b. 1859. C/«^— Naval and Military. CAROLINE MARIA AYLMER, Spinster, eldest and only surviving child of the late Sir Gerald George Aylmer, is tbe Military Cockade. m TBac 47 oth Baronet, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Alicia Hester Caroline, fourth daughter of Richard Conway Dobbs of t;astle Dobbs, county Antrim. Livery— {Dress] white coats nd vest piped black, black breeches and stockings, silver uttons; (undress) black, silver buttons. Armorial bear- Qga are, upon a lozenge : Argent, a cross sable between bur Cornish choughs proper, ^.f/a/e — Settled estate of Donadea in county Kildare, inherited at the death of only (.rother, Sir Justin Gerald Aylmer, nth Baronet. Fosiai [ddress- Donadea. Castle, county Kildare, Ireland. C/uis U Alexandra, Sesame. S GERALD PERCY VIVIAN AYLMER, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the iounty of Durham, High Sheriff 1887. Born July 8, 1856, leing the third and eldest surviving son of John Harrison Ivylmer, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieu- ienant, by his wife Rosanna Louisa, daughter of .Admiral Kir Josiah Coghill, Baronet. C/«*— Bachelors'. Livery— i Vhite and silver. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Vrgent, a cross sable between four Cornish choughs proper. iJpon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, Vith a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, out of j. ducal coronet or, a Cornish chough rising proper ; with the [lotto, " Hallelujah." Estate and postal address — Wal- rorth Castle, Darlington. SJOHN ALGERNON AYLMER, Esquire, Major in the 4th (Royal Irish) Dragoon Guards, J. P. and D. L. for the county of Kildare, eldest son of Michael Aylmer (died 1885) of Courtown, in the county of Kil- dare, by his wife Charlotte Margaret, daughter of Hans Hendrick, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Kerdiffstown, in the county of Kildare. C/«3j-— Naval and Military, Cavalry, Kildare Street Club (Dublin). Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms : Argent, a cross sable, between four Cornish choughs proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, a Cornish chough rising out of a ducal coronet all proper. Motto — " Hallelujah." Married, 1886, Blanche (d. 1895), third dau. of late John Eveleigh Wyndham of Clearwell Court, in the county of Gloucester, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Colonel Fitz- gerald of Turlo Park, in the county of Mayo ; and has Issue — John Wyndham Aylmer, Gentleman, born March 9, 1889; and Stella Wyndham. Estates — Courtown, Ballycannon, Rathcoffey, in the county of Kildare, and lands in King's Co. Postal address — Courtown, Kilcock, co. Kildare. AYLWARD, see TOLER-AYLWARD. AYNSLEY, see MURRAY-AYNSLEY. AYSCOGHE. quartered by FLOYER. AYSCOUGH, quartered by FAWKES. AYTOUN. see SINCLAIR AYTOUN. B . FRANCIS EVANS BABINGTON, Esquire, J. P. for ho. Suffolk. Born July 31, 1830, being the eldest son of he late Matthew Babington, Esq. , J. P. , by his wife Frances, l;hird dau. of Nicholas Sykes of Swanland, near Hull. Ar- IXiorlal bearings — Argent, ten torteaux, four, three, two, |ind one; in chief a label of three points azure. Mantling 'jules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a j dragon's head between two dragons' wings gules. Motto — r*Foy est tout." Married, May 8, 1867, Margaret Susan \d. 1875), only dau. of the Rev. W. B. Dunbar of Glen- bairn, CO. Dumfries; and has Issue — Katherine Margaret (Frances Beckford. He married secondly, Aug. 9, 1893, ■Octavia Stephanie Harriette, youngest dau. of Pastor iLeonard Anet of Brussels. Residence — South Lodge, Halesworth, Suffolk. Reverend JOHN ALBERT BABINGTON, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. Born Nov. 13, 1843, being the third but eldest surviving son of the late Thomas Gisborne Babington, Esq., M.A., J. P., by his wife Augusta Theresa, dau. of Francis Gerard Vecqueray, one of the Secretaries of State to the King of Prussia for the Grand Duchy of the Rhine. Armorial bearings — Argent, ten torteaux, four, three, two, and one ; in chief a label of three points azure. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head between two dragons' wings gules. Motto — " Foy est tout." Married, June 29, 1876, Emily Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. William Gardner, Vicar of Orping- ton, Kent ; and has issue— (1) Percy Lancelot Babington, Gentleman, B.A., LL.B., b. July 24, 1877; (2) Humfrey ' Temple Babington, Gentleman, b. July 19, 1884 ; and Mar- garet Agnes. Residences ~'Wa\mev House, Tonbridge ; iCossington, Leicestershire. I THOMAS ZACHARY DODSON BABINGTON, Gen- tleman. Born Nov. 27, 1889, being the eldest son of the late Augustus Gisborne Babington, Esq., J. P. co. Gloucester, by his wife Merriall Lucy, dau. of the Ven. Henry Patton, Archdeacon of Ontario, Canada. Armorial bearings- Argent, ten torteaux, four, three, two, and one, in chief a label of three points azure. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head between two dragons' wings gules. Motto— " Foy est tout." Resi- rff«f«— Redlands, Parkstone, Dorset. Reverend FRANCIS JOSEPH BACCHUS, BA., Member of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri, Birmingham. Bom Jan. 4, i860, being the second son of the late Henry Bacchus of the Manor House, Lillington, co. Warwick, by his wife Isabella, dau. of Rev. James Gumming, Rector of North Runcton, Norfolk. Armorial bearings — Per pale argent and or, on a bend nebuly gules, between two ostrich feathers erect sable, three eagles displayed of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock proper, thereon an eagle displayed or, an eaglp's leg fesseways, erased at the thigh also or. Motto — " Aquila non capiat mu=cam." Postal address — Birmingham [Oratory, Edgbaston]. GEORGE REGINALD BACCHUS, Gentleman. Born June I, 1873, being the eldest son of the late George Henry Bacchus, Esq., late Capt. of Permanent Artillery, N. S. Wales, by his wife Mary Constance Annie, dau. of Rev. Dr. John Woolley, D. C. L. , President of the University of Sydney. Armorial bearing^ — Per pale argent and or, on a bend nebuly gules, between two ostrich feathers erect sable, three eagles displayed of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock proper, thereon an eagle displayed or, an eagle's leg fesseways, erased at the thigh also or. Motto — " .Aquila non captat muscam." Reverend JOHN NORTHCOTE BACCHUS, Priest in Holy Orders. Born Feb. 7, 1858, being the eldest son of the late Henry Bacchus, B.A. , of Cote House, Staf- ford, and the Manor House, Lillington, co. Warwick, by his wife Isabella, dau. of Rev. James Cumming, Rector of North Runction, Norfolk. Armorial bearings— Per pale argent and or, on a bend nebuly gules, between two ostrich feathers erect sable, three eagles displayed of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock proper, thereon an eagle dis- played or, an eagle's leg fesseways, erased at the thigh also or. Motto — ".Aquila non captat muscam." Residence — Presbytery, Henley-on-Thames. ROBERT SIDNEY BACCHUS, Esquire, Lt.-Col. 4th Batt. Suffolk Regt. Born July 21, 1855, being the third but second surviving son of the late William Bacchus, Gentleman, by his wife Emma, dau. of Robert Saunders of Rememham Lodge, Henley-on-Thames. Armorial bearings — Per pale argent and or, on a bend nebuly gules, between two ostrich feathers sable, three eagles displayed of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon is the Naval Cockade. 48 16ac a wnatb of Um eokian. ia front of a rock proper, thereon M Milt 4kpl»9«l or. an eagla't leg fesaaways. erased at Iha ll%b aSior. Moi«o •• AquiU noa captat muawm, Mjrmi, April u. iMo. JesM Norah. dau. of Giltlat IlilMkl of Monlrn H«ll. Surrey ; and has /tsiie—{i) Juhan ftwiftiw. nintlT >. FeU ai. 1881. Lieut, and Batt. LJanamriliirii Reft. : and (a) Koy Bacchus, Genllenmn, t. April IQ. 1M3. Sub-Lieut. R.N. iVa/- Burghfield Manor. T5ac n daeedfl theftrST WILLIAM ERNEST BACCHUS, Esquire. J. P. for eow Warwick. Htm August 6. 1846. beine the second but tidest suiMvinR son of the late William Bacchus of Edg- faMlon. by his wife Emma. dau. of Robert Saunders of KcnK-fiihiim Ixxlgr. Henley-on-'l"hamrs. Armorial baannff* Per pale argent and or. on a benack of the first lietwecn two bezants. MaJltlIng gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a grifllin passant per pale wa\7 gules and argent, collared or, wings elevated erminois. the dexter claw supporting a woolpack as in the arms. Married, June 7, 1849, Hannah, dau. of Charles Whaites of Witton Hall, Norfolk; and has Issue — Philip Edward Back, Esq., Major ist Norf. Vol. Art. [to whom refer]; Fanny Harriot [m., 1879, Frederick Edwards of Norwich]; and Ethel Mary [m., 1887, Joseph Gibbons, B. A. of Dulwich College, and has issue]. Postal address — Eaton, Norwich. PHILIP EDWARD BACK, Esquire, Lieut.-Col., V.D., late of ist Norfolk Royal Garrison Artillery Volunteers. Borm January 14, i860, being the only son of Philip Back, Alderman and Sheriff of Norwich 1879, by his wife Hannah, dau. of Charles Whaites of Whitton Hall, CO. Norfolk. Armorial bearings— Per saltire gules and argent, a lion rampant guardant proper, on a chief wavy argent, a woolpack of the first, between two bezants. Mant- Uajg gules and argent Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a griffin p.-issant per pale wavy gules and argent, collared or, wings elevated erminois. the dexter claw supporting a woolp.-tck as in the arms. Motto — " Splendidum virtus insigne." Married, 1881, Ellen Race, younger dau. of William Shales, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, and Bradwell, Suffolk : and has Issue— {\) Philip Glandford Back, Gentle- man, *. 1882 ; (a) William Edward Back, Gentleman, b. »M9: (3) Nicholas Back, Gentleman, b. 1891 ; (4) Thomas Quarles Back. Gentleman, b. 1892; Dorothy, d. 1896; (5) Robert Jermy Biick, d. 1898 ; Phyllis Mary ; and Helen Ursula. A'«iV/r»«— Curat's House, Norwich ; and Man- croU Towers, Oulton Broad, Suffolk. CHARLES JAMES B.ACKHOUSE, Esquire, J.P. for CO. of Durham. Bom 1848, being the second son of William Backhouse and Katherine. daughter of William Aldam. Livery — Blue, with white facmgs. Armorial bearings— Per saltire or and azure, a saltire engrailed er- mine between two roses in pale gules, barbed and proper, and as many passion crosses in fcsse of the Mantling ature and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock piopcr, thereon .an eagle displayed vert, holding in each claw a cross as in the arnu, a serpent on its back, the tail nowcd also proper. Motto-I "Confido in Deo." Married, Oct. a8, 1874, l.ucy, elder daughter of Major J. R. Vincent of Hemsworth, Lane Ends, Wakefield. Estate and tostal address—'Ax. John's, Wolsing- ham, Darlington. EDMUND BACKHOUSE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Durham and for the Tl^firfeflflllrfP North Ridingofthe county of York.only Mj^\'^\)v\*J*\f surviving son of Jonathan Ikickhouseof Polam, Darlington, and his wife Hannah Chapman, daughter of Joseph Gurney of Norwich. Club— Reform. Livery — Blue turned up with white. Armorial bear> Ings — He bears for Arms : Party per saltire or and azure, a saltire engrailed ermine between two roses in paleg\ilcs,l)arbed and seeded profier, and as many passion crosses in fesse of the first ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence for and in right of His wife the arms of Fox, namely, ermine on a chevron azure, three foxes' heads erased or, within a bordure fleurett^ of the second ; and on a canton of the same a drinking-cup of the third, surmounted by three fleurv de-lis argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreatii of the colours, in front of a rock prop)er, thereon an eagle dis- played vert, holding in each claw a passion cross or, a serpent on its back, the tail nowed also proper. Mar- ried, September 22, 1848, Juliet Mary, only daughter of Charles Fox of Trebah, Falmouth ; and has /««er, thereon an eagle displayed ve holding in each claw a cross as in the arms, a serpent < its back, tlie tail nowed also proper. Motto— "Confi in Deo." Postal address —Wvav/OTlh Grange, Croft, lington. Sir JONATHAN EDMUND BACKHOUSE, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the Noti Riding of the county of York, and Deputy- Lieutenant fof the county of Durham. Born November 15, 1849, being the elder son of Edmund Backhouse, Esquire, of Trebah in Ill's county of Cornwall [to whom refer], and Juliet Mary his wife, only daughter of Charles Fox of Trebah, Fal- mouth. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Quar- terly I and 4, party per saltire or and azure, a saltire engrailed ermine between two roses in pale gules, barbed and seeded proper, and as many passion crosses in fesse of the first (for Backhouse) ; 2 and 3, ermine on a chevron azure, three foxes' heads erased or, within a bordure flory of the second, on a canton of the same, a drinking-cup of the third, surmounted by three fleurs-de-lis argent (for Fox), impaling the arms of Salusbury-Trelawny, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent, a chevron sable, between three oak-leaves slipf>ed proper ; 2 and 3, gules, a lion rampant per bend sinister argent and erminois, ducally crowned or, between three crescents, on a canton of the last, a bear's head erased, muzzled sable. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock prop)er, thereon an eagle dis- played vert, holding in each claw a passion cross or, a serpent on its back, the tailed nowed also proper. Married, November 29, 1871, Florence (d. 1902), youngest child of the late Sir John Salusbury-Trelawny, ninth Baronet ; and has Issue— (i) Edmund Trelawny Backhouse, Esq., b. 1873; (2) Oliver Backhouse, Esq., Lieut. R.N., b. 1876; (3) Roger Roland Charles Backhouse, Esq., Lieut. R.N., *. 1878; (4) Miles Roland Charles Backhouse, Esq.. D.S.O. is the Military Cockade. Plate ll. • ISoflKSSf TBac TBaD 49 (a twin with Roger), Capt. 5th Imp. Yeom., Major Nor- thumberland Hussars; and Harriet Jane [w., 1901, John Ritchie Findlay of Aberlour, Banffshire]. Postal address — —The Uplands, Darlington. BACON (H. Coll., 22 Feb. 1568). Gules, on a chief argent, two mullets pierced sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a boar statant ermine. Motto — " Mediocria firma." Sons of Sir Henry Hickman Bacon, loth and nth Bart., Capt. 3rd D.G. (Sheriff Lines. 1867), b. 1820; d. \Zt2\ m. 1853, Elizabeth, d. of Sir Thomas Beckett, Bart :— Sir Hickman Beckett Bacon, nth Bart., of Redgrave (22 May 161 1 ), and 12th Bart. , of Mildenhall {29 July 1627), Premier Baronet of England, late Lieut. Gren. Gds., J. P., C.A.,D.L. (High Sheriff co. Lincoln 1887), B'.S.A., b. 1855. Seat — Thonock Hall, Gainsborough, Lines. Town res.— Queen Anne's Mansions, S.W. Clubs — Royal Societies', Burlington Fine Arts. Nicholas Henry Bacon, Esq. (q.v.). Thomas Walter Bacon, Esq., J. P. Essex, b. 1863; tn. 1901, Edith Mary, d. of Alexander Samuel Leslie-Melville of Branston Hill, Lines.; and has issue — (i) Anthony Walter Bacon, Gentleman, b. 1902; (2) Francis Thomas Bacon, Gentleman, b. 1904. Seat — Ramsden Hall, Billericay, Essex. Richard Castell Bacon, Esq., M.A. Camb., J. P., Parts of Lindsey and Lines. Lieut. Lines., I.Y., formerly Lieut. Notts Yeo. Cav., b. 1866. 5. 3 Feb. . 1847. Res.—yi Prince's Gate. London, S.W. Chambers— 2 J^»per Buildings, Temple, E.C. Francis Smyth Baden-Powell, Gentlem.in. M.A. (Oxon.), 4. 39 July, 1850 ; m. Florence Watt ; and has issue — Robert Baden-F'owcll, Gentleman, b. 1903. Res.— Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, Esq., Major- Gen, late Col. 5th Dragoon Guards. Intelligence Officer Zulu operations 1887, Assistant Mil. Sec. South Africa 1888, becretary to Special Mission to Swaziland 1889, Mil. Sec. and A.D.C. Malta 1890, Special Service Ashanti 1895-6, and in South Africa 1896-7. Major-GenentI Baden- Powell was in command throughout the memorable siege of Mafeking, and was promoted Major-General for his distinguished services in connection with the heroic defence of that place, is Inspector-Gen. of Cavalry, b, 23 Feb.. 1857. R€s.—ya Prince's Gate. S. W. Baden Fletcher Smyth Baden-Powell, Esq., Major Scots Guards; Nile Expedition. 1884-85. Guards Camel Corps (medal, clasp, and Khedive's Star) ; A.D.C. to Sir Anthony Musgrave i888 ; A.D.C. and Private Secretary to Sir Henry Norman, in Queensland, 1889-90, b. aa May, i860. Res.—y* Prince's Gate. S.W. Son of the late Sir George Smyth Baden-Powell. K.C.M.G., F.R.G.S.. F.R.C.I., (1847-1898) [son of above-mentioned Rev. Baden-Powell (1796-1860]), m. 1893. Frances, d. of Charles Wilson of Glendowan, Cheltenham : — Donald Baden-Puwell, Esq., b. 1897. A'«.— 114 Eaton Square, S.W. BADENOCH, quartered by GORDON and GORDON- LENNOX. BADGER, quartered by WETHERED. LAURENCE JOHN BADHAM-THORNHILL, Es- auire. Lieut. -Col. (Retired) Connaught Rangers, J. P. Counties Galway and Cork. Bom July 28. 1843. being the second son of Edward Badham-Thornhill, Castle Kevin, CO. Cork, late 8th Royal Irish Hussars, who died 1884, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Lau John O'Neill-Donovan. Livery Green faced yellow, gold buttons crested. Armo- rUl bearing Quarterly i and 4. barry of 10 gules and argent, on a chief of the second a hand and dagger proper, sleeved azure, between two pellets (for Thornhill); 2 and 3, or, on a cross gules, five mullets of the field (for Badham). M a n t lin g gules and argent. Cre«t-On a mount vert, a thorn bxish. thereon a robin-redbreast proper. Motto — ■ Conquer or die. " Married, April 11, 1872. Emily Geral- dine (d. 1900). elder dau. of the late George Binks Braddell, Esq., J. P., of Cluhamon, co. Wexford ; and has Issue -(1) Edward Badham-Thornhill, Gentleman, b. June 23, 1874 ; (a) George Badham-Thornhill, Gentleman, Lieut. R.A. *. Dec. 23. 1876: (3) Lau John Badham-Thornhill, Gentle- man *. Jan. 30, 1877, d. 1900; (4) Henry Badham-Thornhill, Gentleman, b. July 3, 1880; (5) William Badham-Thornhill. Gentleman, b. Sept. 7. 1885; (6) Charles Badham Thorn- IL' "S? *"• *• ^P'- 30. 1888 ; Georgenia, d. March 30, 188a : Erojly Gerald ; and Elinor, d. Oct. 21, 1884. Seats— Carnpnahon, Mookstoo. ca Cork ; Abbey, Knockmore, BAGENAL (R.L.. 183a). Barry of four ermine and or, a lioo rampant azure, armed and langued gules. Mitntiing azure and argent. Orett — On a wreath of the colours, an heraldic antelope sejant vert, attired, unguled, ducally gorged and chained or. Sons of Philip B.igenal (formerly Newton), b. 1796] d. 1856 ; m. 1838, Georgiana Thomasina, d. of Maja James Boyd, K. D. Guards, of Rosslare, co. We ford :— Beauchamp Frederick Ikigenal, Esq., of Benekerry (^.v.f Philip Henry B-igenal, Gentleman, B.A. (Oxon.), Barrisb at-Law, Insp.-Gen. of Ixx»l Govt. Brd.,^. 1850; m. 18 Harriot Jocelyn, d. of Walter Hore of Linfield, Limeric_, (by Marion Jane, d. of Rt. Rev. H. Griffin, 1)1)., Bishop* of Limerick); and has surv. issue — (i) Philip Hope I'.dwaid Bagenal, Gentleman, b. 1888 ; (a) NichoLis Ueauthamu Bagenal, Gentleman, b. 1891 ; Faith Marion ; and Georgia Charis Mabel. Res. — 39 Kent Road, Harrogate. Club Constitutional. BEAUCHAMP FREDERICK BAGENAL, Esquire. ( Benekerry, co. Carlow, J. P., formerly Lieut. 45ih Reg High Sheriff CO. Carlow 1871. Born Sept. 10, 1846, lieing til second but eldest surviving son of the late Philip Newton ( Benekerry, who assumed by Royal License, dated March ( 1832, the surname and arms of Bagenal , by his wife Georgia Thomasina, dau. of Major James Boyd of Rosslare, Wexford. Armorial bearings — Barry of four ermine or, a lion rampant azure, armed and langued gules; an impaling the arms of Hall- Dare, namely, quarterly i and < azure a lion rampant argent, between three lozenges each charged with an increscent gules, in chief a cross* crosslet of the third (for Dare) ; 2 and 3 sable, on a chevron engrailed between three battle-axes erect or, as many eagles displayed of the field. Mantling azure and argent ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an heraldic antelope sejant vert, attired, unguled, ducally gorged and chained or. Married, July 5, 1870, Ethel Constance M.ary, dau. of Robert Westley Hall-Dare, Esq., of Newtonbarry, CO. Wexford ; and has Issue — (1) Beauchamp Walter Bage- nal, Gentleman, b. Jan. 5, 1873; (2) Charles James Bagenal, Gentleman, b. March 22. 1877 ; Mary Verena, Violet, and Kathleen Prudence Eirene. Estates and postal addresses — Benekerry, Carlow. CLAUDE BAGGALLAY, Esquire, K.C. (1897), LL.M. (Cantab).. Barrister-at-Law (Lincaln's Inn)., formerly ■^:;::$?^ scholar of Trinity Hall, Camb. Born 1853, being the fourth son of the late Rt. Hon. Sir Richard Baggallay, P.C, ^ is the Military Cockade. TBag iBag 51 11 Lord-Justice of Appeal 1875-85, by his wife Marianne, iiau. of the late Henry Charles Lacy, formerly M.P. for iBodmin. Armorial bearing's — Per chevron gules and iizure, on a chevron or, between three goats' heads erased iirgent, as many fleurs-de-lis of the second. Mantling Ijules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a goat's pead erased argent, charged on the neck with three fleurs-de- lis one and two azure. Motto — " Stemmata quid faciunt." \Marritid, 1881, Mabel, dau. of the late Sir Richard IHenry Wyatt of Garthyngharad, Merioneth ; and has Issue I— (i) Richard Romer Claude Baggallay, Gentleman, 6. 1884; 2) Mervyn Eric Claude Baggallay, Gentleman, 6. 1887; [Elinor Mercy Claude ; Phyllis May Claude ; and Gaynor iPhoebe Claude. /Residences — 20 Elvaston Place, South JKensington, London, S.W. Cluds — United University, IBath, Whitehall. 1 ERNEST BAGGALLAY, Esquire, M.A. (Cantab.), Sarrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, M.P. for Lambeth (Brixton Division), 1885-87, Police Magistrate (West Ham) 1887, Metropolitan Police Magistrate 1901. Born 1850, being l:he third son of the late Rt. Hon. Sir Richard Baggallay, iP.C, a Lord-Justice of Appeal 1875-85, by his wife Mari- linne, dau. of Henry Charles Lacy, Esq., of Withdean Hall, fPatcham, Sussex, M.P. for Bodmin. Armorial bearings [—Per chevron gules and azure, on a chevron or, between f;hree goats' heads erased argent, as many fleurs-de-lis of the jsecond, impaling the arms of Burrell, namely vert, three jscutcheons arg-int, each having a bordure engrailed or. 'Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, .1 goat's head erased argent, charged on the neck with three jieurs-de-lis, one and two azure. Motto — " Stemmata quid Ifaciunt." Married, 1876, Emily Charlotte Edrica, dau. of iSir Walter W. Burrell, sth Baronet ; and has Issue — Richard 'Burrell Baggallay, Gentleman, b. 1878, d. 1904; Ernest Burrell Baggallay, Gentleman, b. 1879 ; Dorothea Julia ; ind Frances Lois. Residences — 106 Elm Park Gardens, iLondon, S.W. ; The Moat, Cowden, Kent. C/ai>— United j'University. HENRY CHARLES BAGGALLAY, Esquire, C.E. 'Lieut. -Col. Ry. and Engineer Vol. Staff Corps. Born 1849, ioeing the second son of the late Rt. Hon. Sir Richard Baggallay, P.C. , a Lord-Justice of Appeal 1875. Armorial ibearings— Per chevron gules and azure, on a chevron or, l^tween three goats' heads erased argent, as many fleurs- lie-lis of the second. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On I virreath of the colours, a goat's head erased argent, charged on the neck with three fleurs-de-lis one and two azure. Motto —" Stemmata quid faciunt." Married Evelyn, ./oungest dan. of Alfred Richards, Barrister-at-Law ; and las Issue— KvtXyn Gladys. Residence— BXackdiOviin , Bishop's Waltham, Hants. S THOMAS EDWARD BAGGE, Esquire, Master of Arts of the Universityof Cambridge, Deputy-Lieutenant and ' (ustice of the Peace for the county of Norfolk, Lieutenant- Colonel (retired) of the Prince of Wales' Own Norfolk :Militia Artillery. Born April 30, 1838, being the eldest Isurvivmg son of the late Richard Bagge, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife Pleasance, 1 daughter of the late Reverend E. Hulton, Doctor of Laws, I Rector of the parish of Gaywood. Clubs— Oxford and Cambridge. Livery — Blu^-hUck or dark blue coat and trousers, red and white striped waistcoat and dark blue greatcoat, brass buttons. Armorial bearings— Hebears for .Arms: Lozengy paly bendy argent and gules, two flaunches or, on achief of the last, an annulet between two cinquefoils of the second ; and for the Crest, a pair of wings addorsed or, semte of annulets gules ; with the Motto, " Spes est in deo." Married, firstly, September 6, 1871, Louisa Maria Mary :lwho died 1882), daughter of the late Frederick Walpole Neppel, Esquire, of Lexham Hall, in the county of Norfolk; and secondly, 1884, Constance Mary, younger daughter of the late Lloyd Baxendale of Greenham Lodge. in the county of Berkshire. Estates— G&yvfood and Isling- ton Halls, and has property in the parishes of Mintlyn, Ljeziate, Tilney All Saints, and Islington, and in the town 3t King s Lynn. Postal address— G&yviood Hall, King's Rev. JOHN BAGHOT-DE LA BERE, M.A. (Oxon), ^lerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Buxted St. Mary, Sussex. ina Patron of the Vicarage of Prestbury. Born July 8. 1832, being the eldest son of Rev. John Baghot-De la Bere, sometime Vicar of Prestbury, co. Gloucs., M.A. (Oxon), J. P. CO. Gloucester, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of John Milford of Exeter. Armorial bearings— Quarterly I and 4, azure a bend or, cotised argent, between six martlets of the second (for De la Bere) ; 2 and 3 ermine, on a bend gules, three eagles displayed or (for Baghot) ; and impaling the arms of Bruce of Downhill, viz. or, on a saltire gules, a harp argent, a chief of the second, and on a canton of the third, a lion rampant azure. Mantling azure and or. Crests— i. out of a ducal coronet or, a plume of eight ostrich feathers, five and three per pale argent and azure (for De la Bere) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a buck's head caboshed sable, and between the attires a greyhound current argent, collared gules (for Baghot). Motto — " In cruce salus." Married, Oct. 30, i860, Louisa Eliza- beth Margaret, youngest dau. of Sir James Robertson Bruce of Downhill, co. Londonderry, Bart, (by Ellen, youngest dau. of Robert Bamford-Hasketh of Gwrych Castle, co. Denbigh, Esq.); and has had Issue — (i) Cyril De la Bere Baghot-De la Bere, b. April 10, 1864 [m., March 27, 1894, Maud Mary, elder dau. of James Ballard, Capt. R. N., of Brighton, and has issue, Cyril John Baghot-De la Bere, b. July 29, 1896 ; Wilfrid Ballard Baghot-De la Bere, b. Oct. 3, 1899 ; and Winifrid Maud] ; (2) Wilfrid Baghott De la Bere Baghot-De la Bere, b. Oct. 14, 1866, d. Aug. 15, 1867 ; (3) Basil Baghott De la Bere Baghot-De la Bere, b. Jan. 21, 1868; (4) John Baghott De la Bere Baghot-De la Bere, b. March 28, 1870, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Oxon.), Vicar of St. John's, Bedminster ; (5) Thomas Baghott De la Bere Baghot-De la Bere, b. April 12. and d. April 19, 1871 ; (6) Michael Patrick De la Bere Baghot-De la Bere, b. Oct. 17, 1874 ; Etheldreda Mary ; Ellen Bridget Mary ; Agatha Mary ; Winifrid Mary Bruce ; and Louisa Elizabeth Mary, d. Oct. 7, 1876. Estate —The Hayes, Prestbury, Gloucs. Postal address— Bnxi&d. St. Mary Vicarage, Uckfield, Sussex. RALPH BAGNALL BAGNALL- WILD, Esquire, M.A. Camb., J.P. co. Nottingham, and Barrister-at-Law. Born 1845, being the second son of William Kirkby ; assumed by Royal License in the year 1868 the surnames of Bagnall-Wild in lieu of his patronymic, and the arms of Wild is the Naval Cockade, s« Annorlal b«arliifft are for Armi ; Q,lJSC t tSMT**^'"'' " ''^'^ .-"KTiiilcil li.tw.tn in chief IWOMUC*' h«««l« tTKKd. iui.l ill Jiosc an i-si-illop nil sable Ifor Wild) • and 3 or. two Uirs rrniine. a lion mmpani ■rare brtww* t*o fl4»unc»K« of the last (for Hagnall) ; and for hii qrwU. I. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-stag sable. guttoint n trefoil slipped vert (for B;\got) ; 2 and 3, arg.-nt, on a bend dancett(^ sable, between two plain coiiscs azure, carh charged with three bezants, as many Heurs-de-lis or (for Cuff), in the centre of the quarters, a crescent for difference. Orott — Issuing from a ducal coronet or, a goat's head ermines, armed of the first. Motto — " Antiquum obtinons." Married, Oct. 20, 1891, Anna Catherine, only dau. of Licut.-Col. William Fleming, late 9Sth Regt.. of M.iy- field, Ashbourne, Derbyshire; and has /w«^— Mary Eileen Lilian ; and Kathleen Anna. Seat — Ballyturin, Gort, co. Galway. SJOSCELINE BAGOT, Esquire, Lt.-Col. Westmorland and Cumberland Yeomanry, J. P. and D.L. co. West- morland, M.P. for South Westmorland since 1892, formerU Capt. Grenadier Guards (1874-1886), Aide-de-Camp to tin Governor-General of C!anada, 1882, 1883. and again 1888, 1889, served in South African War 1899-1900 (mentioned in despatches). Bom October 22, 1854, being the eldest son of Colonel Charles Bagot of the Grenadier (iuards Assistant Master of Ceremonies to Her Majesty, 1852, 1871, by his wife Sophia, eldest daughter and co heir of Vice-Admiral Josceline Percy, Companion of the Most Honourable Ordci of the Bath, commonly known as the Honourable Josceliiu Percy, brother of the Most Noble Hugh Percy, Duke of Northumberland. Livery — Dark blue, with silver buttons and yellow waistcoat. Armorial beturings— Ermine, twji ♦' i '» \ A i y 1 1 L*' chevronels azure (for Bagot); and impaling the arms of Leslie, namely argent, on a bend azure, between two holly leaves proper, three buckles or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a goat's head argent, attired also or; with the Motto, "Antiquum obtinens." Married, June 11, 1885, Theodosia, Lady of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem, Royal Red Cross and South African medal, dau. of Sir John Leslie, ist Bart., of Glaslough, Ireland, by his wife Constance Wilhelmma, commonly known as Lady Constance Wilhelmina, dau. of the Rt. Hon. the Eari of Portarlington ; and has Issue— Alan Desmond Bagot, Gentleman ; Dorothy ; Marjory Con- stance; and Mary. Estates— \jey&m Hall, Milnthorpe, Lord of the Manors of Helsington, Fawcett Forest, Gay- thome, the fourth of the Barony of Kendal, called " Lumley Fee," &c., all in the co. of Westmorland, Patron of two livings. Postal address— he\ens Hall, Milnthorpe. Clubs— Carlton, Guards'. is the Military Cockade. TBag TBaff 53 RICHARD BAGOT, Gentleman, a Knight of Malta. Horn Nov. 8, i860, being the third son of the late Col. Charles Bagot, J. P., Col. Grenadier Gu rds, and Col. ,3rd K.O.S. B. Militia, and Assistant-Master of the Cere- jjmonies to the Queen, by his wife Sopliia Louisa, dau. of f Vice-Admiral Hon. Josceline Percy, C. B. Armorial beax- \iass — Ermine, two chevronels azure, in chief a crescent [gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— Out of a ! ducal coronet or, a goat's head argent, armed of the first land charged with a crescent gules. Motto — "Antiquum iobtinens." Residence — 42 Lowndes Street, S.W. BAGOT (Confd. U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4, ermine, two chevronels azure, in the dexter chief point a trefoil ^slipped vert (Bagot); 2 and 3, argent, on a bend idancett^e sable between two plain cotises azure, each charged with three bezants, as many fleurs-de-lis of the field (Cuffe, 1544). Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Issuing from a ducal coronet or, a goat's head ermines, armed of the first. Motto — " Antiquum obtinens." Son of Edward Thomas Lloyd Neville- Bagot : — Milo Victor Neville- Bagot of Bally moe and Aughrane, \(,q.v.). \ Sons of John Lloyd Neville- Bagot, Esq., of Ballymoe, I J. P. cos. Galway, Clare, and Roscommon, b. 1814 ; d. 1890 ; m. 1846, Anna Georgina, only d. of Edward Henry Kirwan of Ballyturin Castle, co. Galway : — John Christopher Bagot [q.v.]. Charles Henry Bagot, Gentleman, b. i860; m. 1891, Georgina Louisa, d. of John Osburne, M.D. , of Lindville, CO. Cork ; and has issue— (i) Charles Henry Kirwan Bagot, I Gentleman, b. 1895; Anna Georgina; and Gwendolin Frances. Seat — Curraghmore, Athleague, co. Roscommon. Sons of Charles Augustus Bagot, Gentleman, of Dublin, b. ; d. i&jT, w. 1858, Fanny Louisa, d. of A. S. Kerr :— George Hindes Bagot, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Bernard William Bagot, Gentleman, h. . Res. — William Sidney Bagot, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Son of Christopher Neville Bagot. Esq. , of Aughrane j Castle, CO. Galway, b. ; d. 1877; ?n. 1875, Alice, d. of Sir William Verner, 2nd Bart : — William Hugh Neville Bagot, Gentleman, b 1875. ! Res. — j- BAGOT-CHESTER (Act of Par. , ) Quarterly, i and I 4, per pale argent and sable, a chevron engr.iiled between . three rams' heads erased all counterchanged, horned or, a : bordure engrailed gules, bezant^e (Chester, 1560, Vn. of I London); 2 and 3, ermine, two chevronels azure (Bagot, I iemp. Richard II.). Mantling sable and argent Crests— I I. on a wreath of the colours, a ram's head couped argent, ' armed or (Chester) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, a goat's ■ head argent, armed gold (Bagot). Sons of Lt. - Col. Charles Montague Bagot-Chester, j J.P., D.L., of Chicheley Hall, Bucks, 6. 1815 ; d. 1879 ; m. 1843 ; Maria, d. of Major Sandham :— ! Charles Anthony Bagot-Chester, Esq., J. P. Bucks, b. ! 1846. Cli/b — Junior Carlton. i Rev. John Greville Bagot-Chester, M.A., Vicar of Gill- ing, Richmond, Yorks, b. 1852, m. 1883 ; Amy, d. of : Arthur Hughes ; and has surv. issue— (i) Greville Arthur i Bagot-Chester, Gentleman, b. 1891 ; (2) Anthony James Bagot-Chester, Gentleman, b. 1893 ; (3) George Bagot- ! Chester, Gentleman, *. 1894; (4) Henry Montague Bagot- I Chester, Gentleman, b. 1896; (5) Lewis Charles Bagot- j Chester, Gentleman, b. 1898 ; Dorothy Mary ; and Kathleen i Agnes. Res.— The Vicarage, Gilling, Richmond, Yorks. Rev. Algernon Stewart Mackenzie Bagot-Chester, Rector , of Elford, Rural Dean of Tamworth, b. i8i;3 ; m. 1884 ; i t-mily Mary, d. of Rev. Edward Manners Dillman Pyne ; : and has surv. issue — Walter Greville Bagot-Chester, Gentleman, b. 1887; and Muriel. Res.— The Rectory, Elford, Tamworth. Sons of Lt.-Gen. John Bagot-Chester, b. 1779 ; d. 1857; m. 1821 ; Sophia Elizabeth, d. of Chas. Stuart of Airdroch: — Col. John St. Leger {(/.v.). Heneage Charles Bagot-Chester, Esq., J. P. Suffolk, Col. Reserve Forces, served throughout Indian Mutiny (medal and clasps), and on N.W. Frontier, b. 1834; m. 1865, Madehne Elizabeth, only d. of Richard Mansel Oliver Massey of Tickford Abbey ; and has issue— (i) Greville Johrv Massey Bagot-Chester, Esq., Capt. late Scots Gds., served in S. Africa (medal and clasps) b. 1866 ; (2) Hugh Augustus Bagot-Chester, Esq., Capt. 3rd Royal Lancaster Regt. served in S. Africa (medal and clasps), b. 1871 [m. 1895, Margaret Kathleen JuUa, d. of Col. R. E. Oakes, B.S.C.] Seats—Zeiland House, Maidenhead ; Southwold, Suffolk. Ciubs — Carlton, United Service. BAGSHAW, quartered by MORE WOOD. BAGSHAWE, see GREAVES-BAGSHAWE. CLEMENT WALSH BAGSHAWE, Esquire, J.P, for CO. of Kent and borough of Dover. Born August 4, 1840, being the fourth son of the late Henry Ridgard Bagshawe, Esq., J.P., M.A., Q.C. (second son of Sir W. Bagshawe of The Oaks and Wormhill Hall, Derbyshire), and Catherine Elizabeth his wife, dau. of John Gunning, Esq., C.B., Surgeon-General. Armorial bearings — Party per pale erminois and gules, a bugle stringed between three roses, all counterchanged, barbed and seeded proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of tlie colours, issuing out of clouds, a dexter cubit arm proper, holding in the hand a bugle-horn or, the handle sable, within the strings a rose gules. Motto — " Forma flos fama fatus." Married, April 26, 1865, Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. H. Melvill, Canon of St. Paul's; axidhSiS Issue — (i) Bernard Melvill Bagshawe, Gentleman, b. 1872; (2) Arthur Bagshawe, Gentleman, b. 1874 [tn. Mary Angela, dau. of late Capt. Majendie] ; (3) Edward Leonard Bagshawe, Gentleman, b. 1876 ; (4) Wil- frid Francis Bagshawe, Gentleman, 2nd Lieut. R. G. Artillery, b. 1883; Edith Mary [wz. Capt. F. Bishop, R.A.]; and Hilda Melvill. Residence— 2j^ East CUff, Dover. Club — Dover. FRANCIS WESTBY BAGSHAWE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of the TRflftrt'hflVttP county of York, and Justice of the MJ\\t^^\)\X*AiK' Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Derby, for which he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1868 ; Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, and late Captain of the ist West York Yeomanry Cavalry. Born April 4, 1832, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late William John Bagshawe, Esquire, of Wormhill Hall, and of the Oaks, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Master of Arts and Barrister-at-Law, by Sarah his wife, third daughter of William Partridge of Bishop's Wood, in the county of Hereford. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party jjer pale erminois and gules, a bugle stringed between three roses all counterchanged, barbed and seeded proper; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, issuing out of clouds, a dexter cubit arm proper, holding in the hand a bugle-horn or, the handle sable, within the strings a rose gules ; with the Motto, " Forma flos fama fatus." Married, October 21, 1873, Caroline Amelia, younger daughter of R. H. C. Godwin-Austen of Shalford House, in the county of Surrey ; and has Issue — Beatrice Muriel Westby, and Gladys Godwin de I'Hall. Estates and postal addresses — The Oaks, Sheffield ; Wormhill Hall, Buxton. His Honour WILLIAM HENRY GUNNING BAG- SHAWE, a Judge of County Courts, and one of His Majesty's Counsel learned in the Law, J.P. for cos. of Northampton, Bedford, Huntingdon, Cambs. , and Middx. Born Aug. 18, 1825, being the eldest son of the late Henry Ridgard Bagshawe, Esq., J.P. , M.A., Q.C. (second son of Sir Wm. Bagshawe of The Oaks and Wormhill Hall, Derby- shire), and Catherine Elizabeth his wife, dau. of the late John Gunning, Esq., C.B., Surgeon-General. Armorial bear- ings — Party per pale erminois and gules, a bugle stringed between three roses all counterchanged, barbed and seeded proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, issuing out of clouds, a dexter cubit arm proper, holding in the hand a bugle-horn or, the handle sable, within the strings a rose gules. Motto — "Forma flos fama fatus." Married, Jan. 7, 1861, Harriet Teresa, dau. of the late Clarkson Stanfield, Esq., R.A. ; and has Issue— (\) Henry Ignatius Stanfield Bagshawe, Gentle- man, b. May 25, 1864; (2) Joseph Richard Bagshawe, Gentleman, b. July i, 1870; (3) Francis John Edward Bagshawe, Gentleman, Troop Sergt.-Major S. African Con- stabulary, b. Sept. 3, 1877; (4) Edward George Clarkson Bagshawe, Gentleman, 2nd Lieut, ist Batt. Yorks. Regt., b. Sept, 17, 1879; Mary; Josephine Teresa Catherine {m.. I is tbe Naval Cockade. I6ag S4 Kl. MmcImw Alfred MaUet. Bwrri«ter-»l-L«w. of Capua ■er MaluO : Terasa ; Gertrude CliiAlirlh Agnes ; Har- tiM KiiuKM («.. 1S97. Herman K. Hicknell of Knapp, NotlMua. N. Devon]: Rebecca Helen [m.,)u\y 15. 1896. jowpk Patrick Eyre ot Uma] ; and Helen Elizabeth. Jf*si- Am»— a49 Cromwell Road, London. S. W. BAOULBY. qtiartered by HULLEY. WILFRID BAGWELL-PUREFOY. Esq.. J.P. for co. Tipperarv. late Lieut. 3rd King's Own Hussars. Bom llM. being the eldest son of the late Colonel Edw.ird BafweH-Purefoy of I jreenlield, by his second wife Cluiriotte. fborthdao. of John Green Wilkinson. Armorial bearlngrs — Quanerly t and 4, sable three pairs of hands conjoined or. rufHed argent (for Purefoy) ; a and 3 paly of six argent and axure. on a chief gules, a lion passant of the first (for Bagwell). wV"*""C salile and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a hand in armour grasping a broken buioe all proper. Motto — " En bonncfoy." Seat — Green- field, Tipperary. BAlKlEof Tankerness (rematrjc. 7 Jan. 190a). Quar- terly, i. and iiii. grand quarters, argent, on a chevron gules between three flames of fire proper, a lion rampant accom- panied by two estoites of six points of the field (liaikie orig. niatric 1680-7) I ■■■ grand quarter, counterquartered I and 14, ermine, a man's heart proper, on a chief azure, three mullets argent (Douglas of Eglishay) ; 2. or. a bend chequy sable and argent (Monteitb ; c. 1672-7), 3. azure, three buckles or (Stirling, c. 1672-7) ; iii. grand quarter, argent, on a chevron sable, an otter's head erased of the (ield, a crescent of the second for difference (Balfour, c. 1672). M a n t lin g gules, doubled argent Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a flame of fire proper. Motto — "Commodum non damnum." Only surv. s. of William Layman Cowan (s. of Com- mander Malcolm Cowan, R.N., and Eliza de G., gd. d. of James Baikie of Tankerness), by his wife Deborah, d. of Capt. Joseph Dover of Keswick (by his wife Mary. eld. d. of Robert Baikie of Tankerness) :— Alfred Baikie of Tankerness, Gentleman, i. 9th March t86i ; succeeded his brother and assumed name of Baikie 1898, m. ist, 1888, Annie Traill (d. 1896), d. of late Ralph Fotheringhame of Lynnfield, Kirkwall ; 2nd, 1902, Mary Anne Stewart, d. of Thomas Traill, Esq., of Holland, J.P. and D.L. Orkney; and has issue— Robert Baikie, Gentle- man, 6. 1892. Seats — Tankerness House, Kirkwall Orkney ; Hall of Tankerness, Orkney. T5ai S EDMUND WYNDHAM GREVIS BAILEY. Esquire, J.P. for the CO. of Kent, and Lt.-Col. commanding 3rd Batt. Royal West Kent Regt. liorn Nov. 10, 1858, being the eldest son of the Rev. James Sandford B.-iilc)\ M.A. of the University of Cambridge, by Lavinia his wiu' dau. of Demetrius Grevis-James, I'-sij., }.]'. and D.L.,()i Ightham Court, Kent, High Sheriff of ili;u co. 1833. Lix-ery — Blue, red waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Ij- minois, a lion passant sable, bearing in his de.xtcr paw< cross pat6e fitch^e gfules, on a chief nebuly of the second a cross pat^e or. Crest — U pon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion erminois holding in his dexter paw a cross pat^e fitch^e gules, a trunk of a tree eradicated fesseways and sprouting proper ; with the Motto, ' ' Nee lemere nee timide." Married, January 1885, Alberta Sylva, only child of the late Capt. James Evelyn, Grenadier Guards ; and has /w//e— James von Hoestrecht Evelyn Grevis Bailey, Gentleman, b. Nov. 24, 1902. Postal address — Nepicar House, Wrotham, Kent. Clubs — Junior Constitutional and Junior United Service. BAILEY (H. Coll). Quarterly, argent and azure, a fes.s( nebuly between six estoiles, three in chief and as many in base all counterchanged. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a long bow bent and erect proper, a stag statant argent, semte of estoiles azure. Motto — ' ' Nil clarius astris." Son of John Bailey of Bath : — The late James Bailey, Gentleman, b. Elms Road, Clapham Park, Clapham, S.W. Res.-i3^k s, a swof^H BAILEY. Per fesse embattled or and gules, a swi in pale counterchanged between two roses in chief of the second, barbed and seeded prof)er, and as many billets in base of the first. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a horse-shoe or, the upper part of a tilting-spear erect gules. Motto — ' ' Semper Sons of late John Bailey, M.I.C.E., of Pittleworth. Hants, m. Jane Frances, d. of late William AUtot Summers of Leicester House, Beverley Road, Hull:— Stanley Claude Bailey, Gentleman, A.M.I.C.E., *. 2 Dec. 1866; m. 15 Aug. 1891 ; Margaret, d. of Samuel Davies of Swansea; and has issue — Constance Mary; and Norah Frances. A*«.— The Laurels, Banstead Road, Ewell, Surrey. Vivian Telford Bailey, Esq., Capt. 8th Kings Regt. b. II Dec. 1868. Club — Junior United Service. m JAMES BAILEY, Esquire, J.P. for Essex, D.L. for Norfolk, M.P. for Walworth Division of Newington. Born Nov. 10, 1840, being the son of William Baili^y of Kensington House, Mattishall, Norfolk, by his wife Sarah, is the Military Cockade. IBai IBm 55 vt% Dunthorne. Cluds — Carlton, Junior Carlton, Consti- tutional. Livery— B\ue. Armorial bearings— Per pale Undented argent and sable, a cross crosslet saltireways, two tinullets in pale within as many flaunches, each cliarged with a mullet all counteichanged. Mantling sable and 'argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a (cubit arm vested per pale azure and gules, cuff argent, the [hand proper holding a crosier, surmounted by a mullet, (both or, three mullets of the last. Motto — "Deo duce." [Married, firstly, Catherine (d. 1892), dau. of Jphn Smith of iBenson, O-xford ; and secondly, 1896, Lily, dau. of Adol- jphus Fass of 32 Queen's Gate Gardens; and has Issue — !(i) Percy James Bailey, Gentleman, Capt. 12th Lancers, ID.S.O. ; (2) Frederick George Glyn Bailey, Gentleman, JLieut. R.A. ; (3) Sidney Robert Bailey, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N. ; Alice [m. Walter Hopkins] ; Augusta Dunthorne \lm. Vivian Nickalls] ; and Marie Elizabeth. Residences — !i Prince's Gate, London, S.W. ; Lofts Hall, Saffron Walden. Rev. JAMES SANDFORD BAILEY, M.A. (Cantab.), Clerk in Holy Orders, formerly Vicar of St. Clements, Cam- • bridge. Born May 5, 1824, being the only son of James lAlderson Bailey, Esq., Capt. King's Own Tower Hamlets Militia, and Lieut. 69th Foot, by his wife Anne, only child of the Rev. Edmund Sandford, B.D. , formerly Fellow and Tutor of Jesus Coll. (Oxon.), and Rector of Nutfield, Surrey. Armorial bearings — Erminois, a lion passant sable, hold- Uec temcrc nee Hmidej s^ ing in the dexter paw a cross pat^e fitch^e gules, on a chief nebuly of the second, a cross pat^e or ; impaling the arms of Grevis-James, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent two bars embattled and counter-embattled gules (for James, temp. Henry VIIL); 2 and 3 argent, on a fesse azure between three ogresses, each charged with a lion's head erased of the first, a griffin passant between two escallops or (for Grevis, 1523). Mantling sable and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion rampant erminois, holding in the dexter paw a cross pat^e fitch^e gules, the trunk of a tree eradicated fesseways and sprouting proper. MottO — " Nectemerenec timide." Married, ]\me 16, 1857, Lavinia, dau. of Demetrius Grevis-James, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , of Ightham Court, Ightham, Kent, formerly High Sheriff of Kent ; and has Issue — (i) Edmund Wynd- ham Grevis Bailey, Esq., J. P., Lt.-Col. 3rd Batt. R. West Kent Regt. [to whom refer] ; (2) Demetrius James Sandford Bailey, Gentleman, B.A. (Cantab.), b. May 31, i860; Ethel- dreda Lavinia Margaret ; Edith Maud ; and Christabella Rolfe. Estate and postal addresses — Nepicar House, Wro- tham, Kent; and 21 CUfton Terrace, Brighton. JOHN LOCKHART BAILEY, Gentleman and Solicitor, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford. Born Octo- ber 7, 1853, being the second son of the late William Latham Bailey and his wife Frances Byng, youngest daughter of John M'Lean of Campbeltown, in the county of Argyll. Clubs — Conservative (Liverpool) and Athenaeum (Liverpool). Livery — Dark blue coat, silver buttons, scarlet waistcoat. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, three annulets in fesse between two barrulets, all between three martlets gules; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin sejant argent, senile of annulets gules; with the Motto, " Libertas." Estates — Freehold house and land in Toxteth Park, Liverpool, as tenant in common with brother Llewellyn Crawshay Bailey and sister Mary Anne Margaret Frances Byng Bailey. Postal address — Llangorse House, Prince's Park, Liverpool. 3 The Hon. JOSEPH HENRY RUSSELL BAILEY. D.S.O. , late Major Grenadier Guards, A.D.C. to Major-General H. Trotter, Commanding Home District, Lieut.-Col. South Wales Borderers, and a D.L. for Brecon. Born Oct. 6. 1864, being the eldest son of the Rt. Hon. Sr Joseph Russell Bailey, ist Baron Glanusk, Bart. , formerly M. P. for Herefordshire, Lord-Lieut, and County Councillor for Breconshire, Hon. Col. ist Col. Batt. 5. Wales and Borderers (V.D.), and his wife Mary Ann, dau. of Henry Lucas, M.D., of Glan-yr-Afon. Livery— Blue, with silver buttons. Armorial bearings-Argent, between two bars, three annulets in fesse gules, between as many martlets of the last. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a griffin argent, sem^r. of annulets gules. Motto— "Libertas.' Married, Aug. 6, 1890, Editha Elma, dau. of the late Major Warden Sergison; and has Issue— (\) William Russell Bailey, Esq., b. 1891 ; (2) Gerald Sergison Bailey, Gentleman, b. 1893 ; (3) Bernard Michael Bailey, Gentleman, b. 1896 ; and Dulcie Editha. Clubs — Guards', Carlton, National Sporting. LLEWELLYN CRAWSHAY BAILEY, Gentleman. Born April 25, 1856, being the third son of the late William Latham Bailey and Frances Byng his wife, youngest daughter of John M'Lean, Esquire, of Campbeltown, in the county of Argyll. C/k/Jj— Athenaeum (Liverpool), Palatine (Liver- pool). Livery— TiAT^i blue coat, silver buttons, scarlet waistcoat, drab breeches, top boots, black band on hat. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Argent, three annulets in fesse between two barrulets, all between three martlets gules ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin sejant argent, sem^e of annulets gules ; with the Motto, " Libertas." Estates— Freehold house (Llangorse House) and land in Toxteth Park, Liverpool, as tenant in common with brother John Lockhart Bailey and sister Mary Anne Margaret Frances Byng Bailey. Postal address— lAaxigorse House, Prince's Park, Liver- pool. RONALD BAILEY, Gentleman. Born October 24, 1883, being the second and only surviving son of the late John Eglington Bailey, Gentleman, F.S.A., by his wife Emma, daughter of John Mills. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Gules, on a fesse nebuly between four martlets, three in chief and one in base argent, two roses of the first, barbed and seeded proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of an anchor in bend sinister proper, a female figure is tbe Nayal Cockade. $6 T6al ««t, ■apporting wi«h «he "Ithi h*nd •»» B»cocheon gulM. chaifod with a ntartlei argiMtt, and resting the left on the stock of the anchor. Motto — " Vallum aeneum esto." Sir WILLIAM HENRY BAILEY, Knighl Bachelor. Mayor of Salford 1893-94, J. P. for Salford and Lancashire. gv Sir William. H.Bakjey r^^^^-2-— Sale. Hall. Cheshire. 1898. - 'IBai Bom 1838, being the son of John Bailey. C/«*— M.nnchesl* Reform (Mancliestfr). Arinoiial bearings — Ar^t'iu, on a fesst' U'lwitMi two m.-ullols in chief fjutes ;iiul ;i lymphail in bosf, oars in aciion, sablo, tiagK<'d of the sccoiul, two anniilcu or. Mantling ^ules and argent. CJrest— On a wn-ath the colours, a grifTin segreant argent, winged eheqiiy oft first and aiure, holding in the dexter claw a flagstafl, there- from flowing to the sinister a banner gules, semt'-e of annulets, and resting the sinister claw on a pheon sable. Motto— " Non terra sed acquis." Married, 1866, Jane DeardeDi dau. of James Doming. AVa/— Sale Hall, Cheshire ; Gli y-mor, Beaumaris. BAILEY (H. Coll.). Per fesse embattled or and gules. a sword in pale counterchanged Ixilween two roses in chief of the second, barl)cd and seeded itrojier, and as many billets in base of the first. Mantling gules and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, in front of a horse-shoe or, the upper half of a tilting-spear erect gules. Z-iVry— Claret. Sons of John Bailey, M.I.C.E., of Pittle worth, Hants, b. \ d. ; m. , Jane FVances, d. of George Altoff Summers, M.I.C E. : - Capt, Vivian Telford Bailey, 8th (King's Regt.), l>. 1868. Hes. — Charles Street, S.W. C/u6 — junior United Service. re- is, J — ; ^1 Sir ROBERT ALEXANDER BAILLIE, 4th Bart. Polkemmet, co. Linlithgow {1823), H.A. (Oxon.). ffo, Aug. 24, 1859. being the second son of the late Thomas Baillie, Estj., by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of James Hallin- gall, and succeeded his brother in 1896. Armorial beai /4^B| — Azure, nine estoiles, three, three, two, and one or, within ( bordure nebuly comp>ony argent and sable, the escutcheo being charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath his liveries, out of a cloud proper, an estoile of eight ray^ or. Motto — " In caligine lucet." Supporters — Two lionS guardant argent. Married, July 13, 1887, Isal«I, dau. David Elliot Wilkie of Melbourne, Australia, and of Rathe; Byres, Midlothian; and has Issue -(i) Gawain Georg Stuart Baillie, Esq., b. May 29, 1893; (2) Adrian Willian Maxwell Baillie, Esq., b. May 5, 1898. Residence — Toorafc near Melbourne, Victoria. THOMAS ROBERT BAILLIE-GAGE, Gentleman Armorial bearings- Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a ram passan argent, armed and hoofed or, holding in the mouth a trefo' slipped vert (for Gage) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, boar's head couped, holding in the mouth a sprig of oak all all proper (for Baillie). Motto — "Courage sans pcur." Postal address— 2'^ Northumberland Road, Dublin. JOHN DOVE BAIN, Esquire, J. P. cos. Cumberland and Lanark. Born 1848, being the eldest son of the late Sir James Bain, F. R. S. , of Crolthead, Cumberland, J. P. and D. L. , Lord Provost of Glasgow 1874-1877, and M.P. for Whitehaven 1891-1893, by his wife Mary, dau. of John Dove of Glasgow. Alinorial bearings — Azure, a wolfs head erased or, on a chief argent, a salmon on its back prof)er, with a signet ring in its mouth of the second, a label of three points for ^ is tlie Military Cockade. TBai TBaf 57 ■ difference. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest— On k wreath of the liveries, a dexter arm embowed gules, the ihand grasping a dirk proper. Motto—" Et arte et marte." ' Seat— i BAINBRIDGE (R.L., 21 Apl. ; Exemplification, 7 Sept. 1 1886). Argent, on a chevron sable, between two Cornish f choughs in chief proper and a stag's head caboshed in 'kise of the second, an escallop between two stags' heads ciiboslied of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest —On a wTeath of the colours, in front of a stag's head erased argent, attired or, holding in the mouth a stag's horn Son of General Philip John Bainbrigge, b. 1817 ; d. 1881 ; m. 1846, Margaret Jane, d. of Maj.-Gen. Pater- son : — Rev. Philip Thomas Bainbrigge, M.A. (Oxon.), Vicar of proper, two escallops sable. MottO — ' ' Vis super hostem." Livery — Blue and silver. Son of Rev. Richard Martin of Wolsingham, co. Durham, m. Mary Hannah, only child and heir of Cuthbert Bainbridge of Leazes House, Wolsingham : — Cuthbert Bainbridge Bainbridge, Esq., J. P. co. Durham, b. i860 ; 7n. 1889, Jane Margaret Kirsof, 2nd d. of Thomas Emerson Fenwick, Esq., J. P., of Mayfield, Wolsingham; and has issue — Adelaide Kirsop. Seats — Leazes House, Wolsingham, co. Durham; Lower Cheam House, Cheam. Surrey. BAINBRIGGE (Arms of Bainbrigge confd. and crest granted by Wm. Flower, Norroy, 1583). Quarterly, I and 4, argent, a fesse embattled between three battle- axes sable (Bainbrigge) ; 2 and 3, gules, a chevron between three leopard's faces or (Parker). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a goat sable, horned and unguled argent, around his neck a collar of the same, standing on a hill vert. Motto — " Virtute non armis fido." Livery — lAght drab coat, black plush breeches and waistcoat, white stockings. Son of William Henry Bainbrigge, Gentleman, J. P., F.R.C.S., of Woodseat, b. 1805; d. 1884; m. Emma Frances, d. of Joseph Brookes Yates, Esq., J. P. co. Lanes., of West Dingle, Liverpool, sometime M.P. for Liverpool : — William Parker Yates Bainbrigge, Esq., J. P. co. of Victoria West, S. Africa, Bachelor of Medicine and Master in Surgery (Glasgow), b. 1853 ; m. ist, 1886, Agnes Maud Mary, d. of Count Hubert Cadenne de Lannoy ; 2nd, 1900, Laura Gwenllian, d. of Francis Crawshay, Esq., J. P., of Treforest, formerly of Bradbourne Hall, Kent ; and has issue— (i) William Arthur de Lannoy Yates Bainbrigge, Gentleman, b. 1886 ; (2) Roger Hubert Parker Cadenne Bainbrigge, Gentleman, b. 1888; and (by 2nd mar.) Barbara Isabel. Res. — 3 Donnington Villas, Newbury. C/«/5— South Berks (Newbury). St. Thomas's, Regent Street, W., b. 1848; 711. 1884, Helen Jane (d. 1904), d. of Alexander Gillespie ; and has issue — Philip Gillespie Bainbrigge, Esq., b. 1890; and Mod- wyn. Res. — St. Thomas's Parsonage, King Street, Regent Street, London, W. Club — Athenaeum. Son of General Sir Philip Bainbrigge, K.C. B., b. 1786; d. 1862 ; ;«. i8i6, Sarah Mary, d. of Joseph Fletcher of Titchfield :— Col. Arthur Bainbrigge, b. 1832 ; m. 1866, Lucy, d. of Ellis Reeve. Res. — Torquay. BAINES (H. Coll., 7 May 1804). Quarterly, i. sable, a thigh-bone in pale surmounted by another in fesse argent, between two crosses pat^e in bend or (Baines) ; 2. argent, a bend sable, on a chief of the last, three cushions of the first (Johnson) ; 3. argent, a fesse sable, a demi-lion rampant issuant gules, in base three mullets of six points azure Oeils) ; 4. argent, on a fesse gules, a cross pat^e between (two cross crosslets fitch^e or (Cuthbert). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed, vested azure, cuff argent, the hand grasping a jawbone proper, on the arm a cross pat^e or. Motto — " Furor arma ministiat." Sons of late Rev. Charles Thomas Johnson Baines, M.A. Christ Coll., Camb., Vicar of North Carlton, Lines., by his wife Jane Emily, d. of late John Houston, M.D. :— Rev. Montague Charles Alexander Baines, M.A. Balliol Coll., Oxford, Rector of Carlby, Lines. Res. — Carlby Rectory, Stamford. Egerton Charles Augustus Baines, Gentleman, Surgeon, wz. Rosina, d. of late Capt. Lynch. .ff«.— Henley-on-Thames. Harold Athelstan Baines, Gentleman, (5. 1848; m. 1886, Ella Emma, yr. d. of late Joseph Ellis of "Monks," Balcombe, Sussex ; and has issue — Athelstan Basil Baines, Gentleman, b. 1888 ; and Muriel Ella. Res.— 24, Cannon Place, Brighton. Rev. Albert Charles Baines. Res. — Little Wymondeley, Stevenage, Herts. Louis Adolphus Baines, Gentleman ; is m. and has issue. Res. - is the Naval Cockade. s« TBal TBai Sfl flt of Lt-CoL Cuthbert Athelttan Baines, jand fUgi.. D.I<.. and hi* wife Sophia, d. of Samuel iteoden of Fernhill. l»le of Wight : — AlMMan Arthur Iliines, Gentleman {f.v.). IteV. Ftretlmick S.kmucl Kiincs (^.t>.|. Cape John Biunei (ret.). /?«.— Son of late Rev. Eklward Baines, Vicar of Yalding, Kent, and his wife Catharine E. Baines : — Jervoise Alhelstane Baines, Esq., C.S.I, (g.v.). ATHELSTAN ARTHUR BAINES, Gentleman. Born Aug. 8, 1854, being the eldest son of Cuthbert Athelstan Baines, Esq., Lieut. -Col. 32nd Regt., D.L., by his wife Sophia, dau. of Samuel Sanders of Fernhill, Isle of Wight. Atmorlal bearings- Quarterly, i. sable, a thigh-bone in pale surmounted by another in fesse argent, between two crosses pat^ in bend or (for Baines) ; 2. argent, a bend sable, on a chief of the last three cushions of the first (for Johnson) ; 3. argent, a fesse sable, a demi-lion issuant gules, in base three mullets of six points azure (for Oeils) ; 4. argent, on a fesse gules, a cross pat6e between two cross crossTeU fitchde or (for Cuthbert). Mantling sable and argent. Creit— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed, vested azure, cuff argent, the hand grasping a jaw-bone proper, on the arm a cross pat^ or. Married, .April 19, 1894, Kalherine Mary, dau. of Rev. F. Fanshawe ; and has Issue — Frederick Athektan Fanshawe Baines, Gentleman, b. Feb. 2, 1896; and Mabel Katharine. Residence — 29 First Avenue, Hove, Brighton. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. CUTHBERT JOHNSON BAINES. Esquire. Lieut.- Col. (late Gloucester Regiment), (retired). Born Sept. 7, 1856, being the second son of the late Cuthbert Athelstan Baines, Esq., Lieut. -Col. 32nd Regt., by his wife Sophia, dau. of Samuel Sanders, F"ern Hill, Isle of Wight, l.ivery — Blue. Armorial bearings— Quarterly, i. sable, a thigh- bone in pale surmounted by anotlier in fesse argent, be- tween two crosses pat^ in bend or (for Baines) ; 2. argent, a bend sable, on a chief of the last three cushions of the first (for Johnson) ; 3. argent, a fesse sable, a demi-lion issuant gules, in base three mullets of six points azure (for Oeils) ; 4. argent, on a fesse gules, a cross pat^e between two cross crosslets fitch^e or (for Cuthbert). Mantling sabk and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed, vested azure, cuff argent, the hand grasping a jaw-bone proper, on the arm a cross pat^ or. v. 27, 1884, Ada Cornelia, dau. of Col. Henry k;ile, C.B., V.D., J.l'. ; and has lssue~il\ Married, Nov. Bouchier Savile, Cuthbert Savile ikiines. Gentleman, b. May 25. 1890; |a) Thomas Borlase Baines, Cientleman, b. May 7, 180K Violet Mary Sophia ; and Frances Joyce. Ke%idence—'\\\, Lawn, Shirehampton, near Bristol. The Right Rkvkkk.nu FREDERICK SAMUEL BAINES, D.D. , Bishop of Natal, Ixuiig the youngest son of the late Cuthbert Athelstan IHaincs, l-'.sq., Lieut. -Col. 3and Regt. , by his wife Sophia. Armorial bearings— c^arterly, I. able, a thigh-bone in pale surmounted by another in fesse argent, between two crosses pat^c in Ijcnd or (f(.i Baines) ; 2. argent, a bend sable, on a chief of the last thn-r cushions of the first (for Johnson) ; 3. argent, a fesse sahl- a demi-lion issuant gules, in base three mullets of six poim azure (for Oeils) ; 4. argent, on a fesse gules, a cross pai lietween two cross crosslets fitchde or (for Cutlilx-it Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of tin colours, a dexter arm embowed, vfsted azure, cuff argent, the hand grasping a jaw-bone pro[X'r, on the arm a cross pat(^e or. Residence — Bishop's House, Pietermaritzbure Natal. JERVOISE ATHELSTANE BAINES. Esq., C S.I. Was in India Civil Service ; author of several Statistical Works ; formerly County Alderman for London. Bom 1847, being the son of the liite Rev. Edward Baines, Vicar of Yalding, Kent, by his wife Catherine E. Baines, his cousin. Armorial bearings— Quarterly, i. sable, a thigh-bone in pale surmounted by another in fesse argent, between two crosses pat^ in bend or (for Baines) ; a. argent, a bend sable, on a chief of the last thr»*e cushions of the first (for Johnson) ; 3. argent, a fes^e sable, a demi- lion issuant gules, and in base three mullets of six points azure (for Oeils) ; 4. argent, on a fesse gules, a cross paKe between two cross crosslets fitchte or (for Cuthbert). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed, vested azure, cuff argent, the hand grasping a jaw-bone proper, on the arm a cross pat6e or. Married, 1874, Constance, dau. of Henry Pyne, Barrister-at-Law. Residence — Kidlington, Oxoii. Club— Reform. BAIRD, see MATURIN-BAIRD, BAIRD OF AUCHMEDDEN, quartered by ERAS I SSiR ALEXANDER BAIRD, Baronet (1897), of Urie and Rickarton, Kincardineshire, Lord-Lieut, of co. Kincardine, and a D. L. for co. Inverness. Bom 1849, being the eldest son of the late John Baird, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , of Urie and Lochwood, by Margaret his wife, daughter of John Findlay of Springhill, co. Lanark. C/k*— Carlton. Armorial bearings— He bears for Armi: Parted per pale engrailed gules and or, a boar passant counterchanged, the escutcheon being charged with bis badge of Ulster as a Baronet ; and impaling the arms of Palk, namely sable, an eagle displayed argent, armed or, a bordure engrailed of the second. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a griffin's head erased or ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Dominus fecit." Marri*d, 1873, the Hon. Annette Maria, elder dau. of the Rt. Hon. Lawrence Palk, ist Baron Haldon ; and by her, who d. 1884, has Issue — John Lawrence Baird, Esq., D.L. for co. Kincardine, Second Secretary H.M. Diplomatic Service, b. 1874; (2) Alexander Walter Frederick Baird, Esq., D.S.O.. Major 2nd Batt. Gordon Highlanders, b. 1876; Evelyn Margaret ; Janet Norah ; Nina Isabel ; and Muriel Jane. Seat — Urie, Stonehaven, N. B. SJOHN BAIRD, Esq., of Lochwood, co. Lanark, J.P. and D.L. for co. Inverness, late M.P. for N.W. Lan- arkshire. Born Feb. 17, 1852, being second son of the late John Baird, Esq. , of Urie and Lochwood ; s. to Lochwood on the death of his father 1870. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Parted per pale engrailed gules and or, a boar passant, in chief a crescent, all counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a griffin's head erased or ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Dominus fecit." Is tbe Military Cockade. u TBai TBak 59 rlarried, April 23, 1878, Constance Emelia, dau. of John IJattersby Harford of Blaise Castle, Henbury, near Bristol ; j-jid has Issue — (i) James Alexander Baird, Gentleman, b. ;i'eb. 15, 1879; (2) Hugh William Baird, Gentleman, b. ^an. 24, 1882 ; Jean Edith ; and Margaret Ina. Seat — i^ochwood, Gartcosh, N.B. Admiral Sir JOHN KENNEDY BAIRD, Knight iJommander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. \3om 1833, being the son of Sir David Baird, second fJaronet, by his wife Anne, commonly known as Lady tVnne, daughter of the Most Honourable Archibald, Mar- huess of Ailsa ; became Captain in the Royal Navy, 1864, '/ice-Admiral, 1886, and Admiral, 1892 ; was formerly Naval l^ide-de-Camp to Her Majesty the Queen ; served in the Russian War, 1854, 1855 ; was Admiral-Superintendent of iVaval Reserves, 1885-1888 ; and in Command of the phannel Squadron, 1888-1890; created Knight Commander |)f the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1890. Club — krniy and Navy. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : [jules, a boar passant or, on a canton ermine, a sword erect (jroper. Upon the escutcheon, which is surrounded by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and herefrom pendent the badge of a Knight Commander of (hat order, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a fTiantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his ! iveries is set for Crest, a boar's head erased or ; with the iHottO, " Vi et virtute. " Postal address — 31 Cadogan Place, fLondon, S.W. S WILLIAM BAIRD, Esq., of Elie, Fifeshire, J. P. and D.L. for CO. Ayr, and J. P. for co. Fife. Born 1848, Sbeing the eldest son of William Baird, Esq., J. P., of Elie, iM.P. for Falkirk 1841-7, and nephew of the late James Baird, Esq., of Cambusdoon. Club — Carlton. Armorial ibearings — He bears for Arms : Parted per pale gules and !or, a boar passant counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon ;is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling jgules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is [set for Crest, a griffin's head erased or ; and in an escroll lover the same this Motto, " Dominus fecit." Married, 11883, Caroline Muriel, dau. of the late John Alexander i Burn Callander of Preston Hall ; and has Issue — James ! William Baird, Gentleman, b. Nov. 5, 1893; Ethel Mary; j and Janet Muriel. Seat — Elie House, Fife. j JAMES GEORGE BAIRD- HAY, Esquire, formerly (Captain 92nd Highlanders, J. P., D.L. co. Haddington. .Born 1826, being the eldest son of the late Rear-Admiral i James Hay of Belton, by Mary his wife, dau. of Robert I Hathorne Stewart of Physgill. Armorial bearings -^ i Quarterly i and 4, qrly. i. and iiii. azure, three fraises ; argent; ii. and iii. gules, three bars ermine, all within a i bordure gules, over all an escutcheon of the arms of Hay, I viz. argent, three escutcheons gules ; 2 and 3 parted per pale I gules and or, a wild boar passant counterchanged. Mantling ' gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of the liveries, a I goat's head erased argent, armed or. Motto — "Spare j nought." Married, 1862, Jane, dau. of the late William I Baird of Elie, co. Fife. Postal address - Belton, Dunbar, N. B. I BAKER (H. Coll.). Sable, a chief gules, thereon an 1 estoile of the first between two bezants. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a swan's head erased argent, an estoile or between two bezants. Motto— '' Sedulo et honeste." Son of John Law Baker of Eastcote Lodge, Middx. , late Indian Army, b. ; d, ; m. , Carohne \ Brown :— [ Lawrence James Baker, Esq., J. P. Surrey (High Sheriff I 1898), M.P. Frome Div. Somerset 1885-6, b. 1827 ; m. ist, ; 1857, Ellen Catherine Thompson ; 2nd, 1871, Susan Taylor ; and has issue— Lawrence Ingham Baker, Gentleman, b. 1862 [m. 1885, Helen Agnes, d. of Sir Samuel Morton Peto, 1st Bart. ; and has issue — Humphrey Lawrence Peto Baker, Gentleman, b. 1887]. 6Va/ — Ottershaw Park. Chertsey, Surrey. Town res.— 10 Ennismore Gardens, London, S.W. C/«i— Reform. BAKER (H. Coll.). Argent, within two barrulets azure, between three swan's heads erased of the second, and in the centre chief point a fountain proper, two cinquefoils fessewise also of the second. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a swan's head erased argent, gorged with a naval crown and between two cinquefoils azure. Son of the late Sir Samuel White Baker of Sandford Orleigh, Devonshire: — Baker, Esq. FERDINAND BAKER BAKER, Gentleman. Born December 18, 1858, being the third son of the late Henry John Baker Baker, Esquire, of Elemore Hall (who assumed by Royal License, in 1844, the name of Baker only (in lieu of Tower), in accordance with the will of his grandfather, George Baker, Esquire, and the arms of Baker and Tower quarterly), by his wife Isabella, younger daughter of Robert Lancelot Allgood of Nunwick, in the county of Northumber- land. Club — White's. Livery — Dark blue, silver buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, ermine on a saltire engrailed azure, a maunch between four escallops or, on a chief sable, a lion passant of the third (for Baker) ; 2 and 3 sable, a tower or, charged with a pheon of the field, within a bordure of the second, charged with ten cross crosslets also of the field (for Tower). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, 1. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, charged on the shoulder with a saltire azure, and supporting between the paws a shield of the last, thereon a maunch or (for Baker) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin passant per pale or and ermine, the dexter claw resting on a shield sable, charged with a tower as in the arms (for Tower). Motto — " Love and dread." Seat — Elemore Hall, in the county of Durham. Dame FLORENCE BAKER, Widow, commonly known as Lady Baker, daughter of M. Finnian von Sass. Married, i860 (as his second wife), Sir Samuel White Baker, Knight Bachelor, Master of Arts, Fellow of the Royal Society, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, Deputy - Lieutenant for the county of Gloucester, and Justice of the Peace for the county of Devon, who died December 31, 1893. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Argent, within two barrulets between three swans' heads erased of the second, and in the centre chief point a fountain proper, two cinquefoils fesseways also of the second. Postal address — Sandford Orleigh, Newton Abbott. JOHN RICHARD BAKER, Esquire. Born Oct. 5, 1866, being the eldest son of the Hon. Sir Richard Chaffey Baker, K.C.M.G., K.C.P.S., President of the Senate of the Commonwealth of Australia, by his wife Katherine Edith, dau. of Richard Bowen CoUey. Armorial bear- ings — Party per fesse or and asure, in chief a cinquefoil is tbe Naval Cockade. IBak IBak bMweMi two B«nuu' necks enued. and in ban a MMit nack eraaed between two cJn<|urf<>ils nil counierchanged. ■■■■twmy ame and or. Oraat— On a wreath uf the col- ows. a dexter arm enibowcd proper, charged with two daqotfoib luure. holdiDj; a lozenKe also azure, charged with a »wan'» neck era»c«l or. Motto—" Carpe diem." LAWRENCE INGHAM BAKER. Gentleman. Born it6a, being the eldest son of Lawrence James Baker of 0«er«hiiw I'.irk. formerly M.P. Frome Div. Somerset, by his %nfe ElUsn Caihcrinc rhonipson. Armorial baarinffs— impaline the arms of Peto, namely, borry of six per pale inaented or and gules, two annulets in fesse all counter- changed. Oraat — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a swan s head erased argent, un estoile or. between two bexants. MottO - " Sedulo et honesle." Afarried, 1885. Helen Agnes, younRcst dau. of Sir Samuel Morton Fcto, 1st Itart. ; and has /wi«r- Humphrey I^urencc Felo Baker, Gentleman, born 1887. Postal address— EasxcoKt Lodge, Pinner. LAWRENCE JAMES BAKER, Gentleman, M.P. for Somerset (Frome Div.) 1885. Horn 1827, being the eldest son of Capt. John I^iw Ikikt-r, by his wife Caroline Brown. t"/w*— Reform. Armorial bearlngrs— Crwt — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a swan's head erased argent, an estoile or between two bezants. Motto — "Sedulo el honeste." Married, firstly, 1857, Ellen Catherine Thompson; secondly. 1871, Susan Taylor; and has issue. Postal on a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed proper, charged with two cinquefoils azure, holding a lozenge also azure, thereon a swan's neck erased or; with the Motto, "Carpe diem." Married, December 24, 1865, Katherine Eldith, daughter of Richard Bowen Colley ; and has Issue — (i) John Richard Baker. Esq. ; (2) Robert Colley Baker, Esq. ; and Adelaide Edith. Postal aa Sophia Georgina (now Countess of Ravens- worth), dau. of the Hon. Richard Denman of Westergalc, Sussex. Armorial bearings — Quarterly, i. quarterly i, and iiii. erminois, three torteaux two and one, each charged with a squirrel sejant argent (for Cresswell) ; ii. and iii gules, a goat statant, armed and crined or, between thi saltires of the last (for Baker) ; 2. the same arms of Cn well ; 3. the same arms of Baker ; 4. azure, two chcvrom argent, between two garbs in chief or, and in b.ise swords in saltire proper, pommels and hilts gold (for R( Mantling gules and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of colours, a mount vert, thereon a tortcau, charged as in the arms (for Cresswell) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a goat's head erased argent, armed and crined or, gorged with a collar gemel and charged on the neck with a saltire gules (for Baker). Motto — "Cressa ne careat." Seats— Cra well, Morpeth, Northumberland ; Harehope, Alnwl Northumberland. d iii L thr^Hl on^^nl eeo^HI f til^l e^^_ GILFRID GEORGE BAKER-CRESSWELL, Esquii J. P. for Worcestershire. Born 1848, being the second s of the late Oswin Addison Baker-Cresswell, Gentleman, by his wife Anne Seymour Conway, eld. dau. of Sir Williatn Gordon-Cumming, Bart., of Altyre. Clu6 — Junior United Service. Armorial bearings— Quarterly, i. quarterly i. and iiii. erminois, three torteaux, two and one, each charged with a squirrel sejant argent (for Cresswell) ; ii. and iii. gules, a goat statant, armed and cnned or, between three saltires of the last (for Baker) ; 2. the same arms of Cresswell ; 3. the same arms of Baker ; 4. azure, two chevronels argent, between two garbs in chief or, and in base two swords in saltire proper, pommels and hilts gold (for Reed), and impaling the arms of Coof)er, namely vert, a fesse em- battled or, between two pheons in chief and as many thigh bones saltireways in base argent. Mantling gules and or. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a torteau, charged as in the arms (for Cresswell); 2. on a wreath of the colours, a goat's head erased argent, armed and crined or, gorged with a collar gemel, and charged on the neck with a saltire gules (for Baker). MottO — "Cressa ne careat." Married, 1876, Alice Louisa, youngest dau. of Sir Aslley Paston Cooper, Bart. , of Gade- bridge ; and has Issue — (i) Henry Gilfrid Baker-Cresswell, Gentleman, born 1878 ; (2) Oswin Easterby Baker-Cresswell, Gentleman, born 1882 ; and Alice Ida. Postal address — 32 Lower Sloane Street, London, S.W. GEORGE BARRINGTON BAKER-WILBRAHAM, Esquire, Barrister-at-Law, M.A. Born Jan. 26, 1845, being the second son of the late Sir George Baker, 3rd Baronet, by his first wife Mary Isabella, second dau. of Robert Nassau Sutton, and assumed the additional surname and arms of Wilbraham by Royal Licence, 1900. Livery — Dark blue coat, blue and orange striped waistcoat, black is the Military Cockade. TBal IBal 6i rousers piped with orange. Armorial bearings— Quar- erly i and 4, argent, three hendlets wavy azure, and for Jistinction a canton ermine (for Wilbraliam) ; 2 and 3, per pale argent and or, on a saltire nebuly sable, five escal- lops of the first, on a chief of the third a lion passant of the second, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Wilbraham without the mark of distinction. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased argent, charged on the neck with a cross crosslet azure for distinction (for Wilbraham) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embo«ed, vested azure, (charged with three annulets interlaced or, cuffed argent, holding in the hand proper an arrow of the last. Motto — "In porta quies." Married, April 4, 1872, Katharine Francis, only child and heir of the late Lieut.-Gen. Sir [Richard Wilbraham, K.C B., of Rode Hall, co. Chester; land has had /ssi4e—{i) Wilbraham George Baker, Gentle- •man, 6. 1873, ^- ^^75 '< (2) Philip Wilbraham Baker- [ Wilbraham, Gentleman, 6. Sept. 17, 1875 [m., Aug. 8, 1901, Joyce, dau. of Sir John Kennaway, Bart., M.P. , of Escot, ! Otterv St. Mary] ; Katiiarine Mary [tn. , 1899, Rev. Piers [John Benedict ffoulkes] ; Margaret Isabel; and Sybilla I Frances. Sea/s- Rode Hall, Cheshire; Woodhouse, Up- lyme, Devon. London, W. C/«* -Athenaeum. ! ROBERT ANSTRUTHER BALBIRNIE-VANCE, [Esquire, J. P., of Balmerino. Born , being the son of j Balbirnie, by Margaret his wife, dau. of John Vance [of Coagh, CO. Tyrone, and sister and co-h. of George Washington Vance. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 14, argent, on a bend gules, three mullets or, in the sinister [chief point a cinquefoil of the second ; 2 and 3 vert, a fesse Ichequy argent and azure, between three cuirasses of the 1 second, on a chief indented of the last, a rose gules, between i two buckles of the third. Mantling gules and argent. ; Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant or, I gorged with a collar gules, and holding in the dexter paw a j pair of balances proper, and charged on the shoulder with a j cinquefoil of the second. Motto — ' ' Be faithful. " { WILLIAM JOHN ATKINSON BALDWIN, Esquire, I Barrister-at-Law, County Alderman Lancashire County [Council, J. P. for co. Palatine of Lancaster, and for , CO. of Cumberland, Colonel (retired) 3rd Batt. Border tegt. Bom Feb. 14, 1845, being the eldest son of Rev. John Baldwin, Clerk in Holy Orders, J. P. co. Palatine of Lancaster, Fellow of Christ's Coll., Cambridge, and his wife Elizabeth, dau. and heiress of William Atkin- son of Dalton. Livery — Navy blue, silver buttons, drab overcoat, yellow and dark blue striped waist- coat. Armorial bearings — Or, a chevron ermines, be- tween two sprigs of oak in chief vert and an acorn in base azure. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a squirrel sejant or, charged with a fesse azure, holding in his paws a feather argent. Motto — "Vim vi repello." Estates — Property in and about Dalton, Haw- coat, and Newton. Residence — Dalton in Furness. Clubs - Carlton, Junior Carlton, Junior United Service. BALDWYN, quartered by CHILDE-FREEMAN and CHILDE-PEMBERTON. BALFOUR, see PATERSON-BALFOUR-HAY. BALFOUR, see TOWNELEY-BALFOUR. BALFOUR, quartered by BETHUNE and BRUCE. ARTHUR MACKINTOSH BALFOUR, Esq., Captain Royal Regt. of Artillery, presently Adjutant in ihe Sussex Artillery, East Division Royal Artillery. Bom , being the son of Lewis Balfour, Merchant, Calcutta. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron indented sable, between a rose g^les in chief and a saltire azure in base, an otter's head erased of the first within a bordure engrailed of the third. Mantling sable doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand holding an olive branch proper ; and, in an escroU over the same, this Motto, " Adsit Deus." Postal address — Sussex Artillery, Brighton. SThe Right Honourable ARTHUR JAMES BAL- FOUR, First Lord of the Treasury, a Member of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of East Lothian, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Fellow of the Royal Society, Honorary Doctor of Laws of the Universities of Edinburgh, St. Andrews, Cambridge, Dublin, and Glasgow, Honorary Doctor of Civil Law of the University of Oxford, Chan- cellor of the University of Edinburgh. Born July 25, 1848, being the eldest son of the late James Maitland Balfour of Whittingehame, in the county of East Lothian, and of Strathconan, in the county of Ross, by his wife Blanche Mary Harriet, commonly known as Lady Blanche Mary Harriet, second daughter of the Most Honourable Sir James Brownlow William Gascoyne-Cecil, second Mar- quess of Salisbury, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter; elected a Member of Parliament for Hertford, February 1874 to November 1885, since when he has sat for the East Division of Manchester. Armorial bearings — is tbe Naval Cockade. T6al TBal Aigtnt. (Ml It chewm engrailed between three mullrt* sable, • n«r* hea«! ertiied of the first, within a Ixwdure of the Moond. H*""<'* g !>aU>e, doubled argent. OrMt — On a wmuh or lii* li««nM.a|»lin-trae propar. Motto— " Virtus ad sethera tendit." Estate — Whittingehame. Postal ad- dresses — Whittingehame, Prestonkirk, E^st Lothian; lo DowningStreet, London, S.W. C/uds — Carlton, Travellers', Athenaeum, New (Edinburgh), CHARLES BARRINGTON BALFOUR, Esquire, J.P. tor the COS. of Roxburgh and Berwick, and D.-L. for the co. of Berwick, M.P. for the Homsey Div. of Middlesex since 1900. Bom Feb. ao, 1863, being the only son of Charles Balfour of Balgonie and Newton-Don, by his wife Ade- laide, commonly known as the Honourable Adelaide, dau. of the Right Honourable William Keppel Harrington, sixth Viscount Barrington. Cluds — Guards', Carlton, Bachelors', New Club (Edinburgh). Livery — White, with black facings, black breeches and stockmgs, silver buttons, and silver shoe-buckles. Armoiial bearings — He bears for Amu : Argent, on a chevron engrailed between three mullets sable, an otter's head erased of the first, within a bordure also engrailed of the second ; impaling the arms of McDonnell, namely, quarterly, i. or, a lion ramp>ant gules ; 2. or, a dexter arm issuant from the sinister fesse p>oint out of a cloud proper, the hand holding a cross crosslet fitch^e erect azure ; 3. argent, a ship with sails furled sable ; 4. jser fesse azure and vert, a dolphin nai.int in fesse proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a inantling sable, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a palm-tree proper ; and in an escroU above, this Motto, " Virtus ad sethera tendit." Mar- ried, April 12, 1888, Helena, commonly known as Lady Helena, fifth daughter of the late Right Honourable Mark McDonnell, tenth E^rl of Antrim; and has Issue — (i) Charles James Balfour, born February 8, 1889 ; (2) Duncan Balfour, born April 10, 1891 ; (3) John Balfour, bom May a6, 1894 ; Archibald Balfour, born August 26, 1896. £states—Sewton-Don (counties of Berwick and Roxburgh) ; Balgonie and Balfour (contiguous) in the county of Fife. Postai addresses — Newton-Don, Kelso; 14 Grosvenor Cres- cent, London, S.W. S EDWARD BALFOUR. Esquire, of Balbirnie, in the county of Fife, Deputy-Lieutenant. Born 1849, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late John Balfour, of Balbirnie, Esq., J.F., D.L., Hon. Col. Fife Artill. Mil., late Capt Grenadier Guards, by his wife. Lady Georgi.-ina Isabella, daughter of the Right Honourable John Frederick Campbell, first Earl of Cawdor. Armorial bearings -He bears lor Amu: Argent, on a chevron engniiliKl lx:iwecii three mullets sable, a seal's head erased of the first. U)Kin Ihc escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Orest, a palm-tree pro()er ; and in an cscroll above, this Motto, " Virtus ad .x-thera tendit.". Married, 1879, Isabella We^man Hooper of Boston, Unite States of America, and has issue. Estate — Balbirnie, Mark- inch, N. B. Postal add. — 48 Belgrave Square, London, S. W. 5 FRANCIS WALTER BALFOUR, Esquire, of Fernie, in the county of Fife, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- I lieutenant for that county; formerly Major Rifle Brigade ; one of the claimants to the Barony of Balfour of Burleigh. Bom 1830, being the eldest son of Francis Balfour of Fernie, by his wife Margaret, daughter of Graham Bower of Kincauldrum, in the county of Forfar. Club — Army and Navy. Armorial bearingfs— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron sable, an otter's head erased of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his deg^rec, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a mermaid proper, holding in her dexter hand an otter's head erased sable, and in the sinister a swan's head erased, also proper. Motto — "Omne solum forti patria." Supporters — Dexter, an otter; sinister, a swan, both proper. Married, 1866, Jane Amelia, second daughter of Patrick Small Keir of Kindrogan, in the county of Perth ; and has, with other Issue — Francis Balfour, Gentlem; born 1867. Estate and postal address— Fernie Cast! CoUessie, Fife. in; l an.JR itklH The Hon. JAMES BALFOUR, a Member of the Legislative Council and of the Executive Council of Vic- toria, Justice of the Peace. Born May 10, 1830, being the sixth son of John Balfour, a merchant in l^ith, and the third son, by his second wife Robina, dau. of Capt. Robert Gordon of Invercarron. Clui — Australian (Mel- bourne). Armorial bearingrs — Argent, on a chevron in- dented sable, between a rose in chief gules and a saltire in base azure, an otter's head erased of the field. Crest — A dexter hand holding an olive branch proper. Motto — ' ' Adsit Deus." Married, April 19, 1859, Frances Charlotte, eldest dau. of the late Hon. James Henty, M.L.C., of Victoria; and has Issue — (i) James Hugh Balfour, b. 1861 \m., 1885, Ethel Maud Lucy Scales, and has issue] ; (2) Rev. Graham Henty Balfour, M.A. Melbourne University, B.D. St. Andrews University, b. 1866 [m., 1896, Annie Henderson]; (3) Lewis John Balfour, B.A., M.B., Ch.B. Melbourne Uni- versity, b. i868; (4) William George Balfour, b. 1871 ; [tn., 1900, Margaret Mackie Henderson, and has issue] ; (5) Robert Melville Balfour, b. 1873, d. 1883 ; (6) Henry Rainy is tlie Military Cockade. TBal TBal 63 .Balfour, b. 1875 ; Charlotte Gordon ; Fanny Robina ; Mary iMatheson, deceased; Annie Munro; and Christina Emily Elphinstone. Jieside?!ces—Tya\\a., Toorak, Melbourne; and 'Round Hill, Culcairn, New South Wales. JAMES WILLIAM BALFOUR, Esquire, of Balfour land Trenabie, in the county of Orkney, Justice of the Ipeace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Convener of that county, j Honorary Colonel (retired pay), and Colonel Commanding [Orkney Artillery Volunteers, late Captain 7th Dragoon iGuards. Bom December 30, 1827, being the eldest sur- i viving son of the late William Balfour, Esquire, of Trenabie, 'Capt. R.N. and Vice- Lieut, of Orkney, by his second Iwife Mary Margaret, dau. of Andrew Baikie ; succeeded to ithe estate at the decease of his half-brother, 1887. Clubs j— Army and Navy, New (Edinburgh), Scottish Conservative (Edinburgh). Armorial beaxings — Argent, on a chevron holding in bend a branch of laurel slipped all proper; and upon an escroll above the crest this Motto, " Adsit Deus." i sable, an otter's head erased of the first. Upon the escut- • cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- I ling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries j is set for Crest, a dexter arm in armour erect proper, the ! band holding a baton in bend gules, tipped argent. Sup- porters — Two otters proper. MottO — " Fordward." (Supposed to refer to the tenure of the wardenship of the i Forth, held by the Balfours as proprietors of the Isle of I May, at the mouth of the Firth of Forth.) Married, \ December 28, 1852, Isabella, only daughter of Lieutenant- ; Colonel Craster, late 22nd Regiment ; and has Issue — j (i) William Edward Ligonier Balfour, Esq., Lieut. -Col. Royal Artillery, born February 17, 1855 [married, August I 27, 1887, Florence Augusta Catherine Elizabeth, daughter I of Frederic Bernal, Her Britannic Majesty's Consul-General ' at Havre] ; (2) James Edward Stanley Balfour, Gentleman, j born February 15, 1856, died July 29, 1862 ; (3) John David ; Balfour, Gentleman, of Pensalatenne, Ceylon, born June 17, ' 1857 [married, September 22, 1885, Sophia, daughter of the ' late John Orred of Ashwicke, in the county of Wiltshire] ; : Isabella Frances Emmeline, died January 28, 1871 ; Mary ■ Eleanor Edith; and Maud Alice. 5^a/.y— Balfour Castle ! and Noltland Castle, all in the county of Orkney. JOHN EDMOND HEUGH BALFOUR, Esquire. Justice of the Peace for the county of Devon, late Captain nth Hussars. Born 1863, being the eldest son of the late George Edmond Balfour of The Manor, Sidmouth, in the county of Devon, and his wife Marianna, daughter of the Reverend J. Jowitt, Vicar of Headingley, Leeds. Clubs— Boodle's, Wellington. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron sable, between three lions passant gules, an otter's head erased ot the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand and arm erect, Estate — The Manor, Sidmouth. Manor, Sidmouth, Devonshire. Postal addresses — The S WILLIAM EDWARD LIGONIER BALFOUR, Es- quire, Major Royal Artillery from 1891. Born Feb. 17, 1855, being the eldest son of Col. Jumes William Balfour [to whom refer] and Isabella, dau. of late Col. Craster, 22nd Regiment. Clubs — Boodle's, Pratt's. Livery — White, with black facings. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron sable, an otter's head erased of the field, a label for difference. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour erect, the hand holding a baton in bend gules, tipped argent. Motto — " Forward." Married, August 27, 1887, Florence Augusta Catherine Elizabeth, only dau. of Frederic Bernal, Esq., C.M.G., lately H.B.M.'s Consul-General at Havre; and has Issue — Mildred Ligonier; and Doris Ella Ligonier. Postal address — Boodle's Club, St. James's Street, S.W. BALFOUR (L.O.). Parted per pale argent and sable, on a chevron between three roundles an otter's head erased all counterchanged. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a mermaid holding in her dexter hand an otter's head erased all proper. Motto — " Non temere." Son of late James Balfour of Letham, Scoonie, co. Fife, b. 1803; d. 1876; m. 1834, Isabella, d. of Alex- ander Hutchinson of Fosterton, co. Fife : — Robert Balfour, Gentleman, b. 6 March 1844; m. 24 Aug. 1881, Josephine Maria, d. of late James Beazley, Esq., J. P. [Arms of Beazley impaled, viz. gules, a lymphad with sails furled and oars in action between three crosses pat^e all or]; and has surv. issue — (i) Alexander Balfour, Gentleman, B.A. (Oxon.), b. 1882; (2) Alan Scott Balfour, Gentleman, b. 1894. Res. — " Avonhurst," Chiselhurst, Kent. Clubs — Bath, City of London. BALFOUR (L.O. , 5 Sept. 1901). Ermine, on a chevron sable, between two torteaux in chief and in base an open book proper, an otter's head erased argent. Mantl i ng sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, on a rock, a mermaid holding in her dexter hand an otter's head erased, and in her sinister a swan's head erased all proper. Motto — " Nil temere." Son of Rev. Peter Balfour, Minister of Clackmannan, b. 1794; d. 1862; m. 1833, Jane Ramsay, d. of John Blair of Perth :— Rt. Hon. John Blair Balfour, ist Baron Kinross, of Glasclune, co. Haddington, in U.K. (15 July 1902), Lord Justice-General and Lord Pres. of the Court of Session in Scotland, P.C. , J. P. and D.L. Edinburgh and co. is tlie Naval Cockade. 64 TBal 1i5al Haddingioo. LL.D. (Edinburgh and St. Andrews), M.P. far Ctecknuuuuut and Kinro»s 1880-1899 [Supporters •pplg. 10 ti of Kinross: On cither side an otter pro|>er a t i fg ad qq ib« tlwulder with two swords in saltire argent, ptMMMlt and hilU or. I If lirnrs behiixl his shield as Lord J^ke^Qooeral of Scotland two swords in snltire points upwards proper, hilt«onaid M.ic- kaniie. the Hon. l^-ord Mackenxie, Judge of the Supreme Court of Scotland ; and, lion. Marianne Eliza MoncrcilT, d. of lames, isl Haron Moncreiff ; and has issue— (i) I^l(>n- I'atrtck Balfour. ».A. Oxon. , Advoeate, b. 1870 [*i. 1903, Caroline Ehie. d. of Arthur H. johnstone-Douglas, Esq., D.L.. of Coinlongon Castle. Ruthwcll, N.H.]; (a) Hon. James MoncreitT Balfour, a A. Oxon., *. 1878; (3) Hon. John Ramsay Ulair iialfour. b. 1881 ; (4) Hon. Harry Kobol Chichester lialfour, b. i88a; (5) Hon. Norman Rradarkk William lialfour, b. \Wa : and Isabel Nora OtMOdoUne. .SVtf/j— Glasclune, North Ucrwick, N.H. Rts.—6 Roih«^say Terrace, Edinburgh. C/«*j— Brooks's, Atbenarum, Reform, National Liberal. New (Edinburgh). BALFOUR of Dawyck, co. Peebles (L.O., 18 June 190a). Parted per pale argent and sable, on a chevron lietween three Heurvdc-lis all counterchanged, an otter's head erased proper. Mantling sable, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of the liveries, a mermaid holding in her dexter hand an otter's head erased, and in her sinister a comb all proper. Hotto — ••Nil temere." Son of Alexander Balfour, Esq., J. P. co. Denbigh, of Mount Alyn, Denbighshire, b. 1833: d. 1886; m. 1864, Janet. (AVa/— Dawyck, Peeblesshire), d. of Rev. John Roxburgh, D.D., of Glasgow: — Frederick Robert Stephen Balfour, Gentleman, M.A., Member of Royal Company of Scottish Archers (King's Bodyguard for Scotland), b. 1873 ; m. 1904, Gertrude, only d. of F. H. Norman, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Moor Place, Much Hadham, Herts. Post, add.— ■21 Cambridge Square, I^ondoo. W. ; Dawyck, Stobo, N.B. GEORGE THOMAS BALFOUR-KINNEAR (form. ,k George Thomas Kinneor), of Birstanc, in the co. of Orkn. Writer to the Signet. liont Feb. 8. 1833, Ixiing the cU! son of the late James Kinnear, Writer to the Signet, l>v Mar^ Henrietta his wife, dau. of William Balfour, Esti," of Llwick, afterwards of Trenaby, both in co. of Orkney, Vice- Lieut, of that county, ancl Capt. R.N. Armorlai bearings— Quarterly i and 4, sable, on a Ix-nd or, three martlets vert, within a bordure of the second (for Kinnear): a and 3 argent, on a chevron sable, an otter's head erased of the field (for Balfour). Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of the liveries, an anchor proper. Motto — "Spem fortuna alit." Married, Nov. 16, 1858, Agnes, youngest dau. of the late Harry (Jordon of Liv.r! pool, and has with other Issue — James Balfour Kinrv Writer to the Signet, b. Sept. 34, 1859. Postal dress — Cross, Sanday, Orkney ; 6 Doune Terrace, litliii- burgh. Ciub — junior Conservative. JAMES BALFOUR-MELVILLE, Gentleman, of Stnu kinness. Born Feb. 15, 1815, being fourth son of Jan Balfour of Pilrig, by his wife Anne, dau. of Capt. Ji,i, , Mackintosh of Courbrough More and Harwoud, of the 4211 1 Regt. Livery— Bla.ck and silver. Armorial bearings Quarterly i and 4, argent on a chevron indented s:il'. between a rose in chief gules and a saltire in Iwse ,a/ii; an otter's head erased of the field (for Balfour of I'llri^;) a and 3 gules, three crescents argent within a bordure of the last, ciiarged with eight roses of the first, a crescent of the second in chief for difference (for Melville). Marriel, August 15, 1844, Eliza Ogilvie Heriol Maitland, daughti 1 of James Heriot of Ramornie, in the county of P'lfc ; and has Issue — (i) James Heriot Balfour-Melville, Gentleman, born July 8, 1845 ; (2) Frederick Maitland Balfour-Melville, Gentleman, born July 2, 1847 ; (3) Francis Douglas Balfour- Melville, Gentleman (twin with Frederick), died August 1859; (4) John Elphinstone Balfour-Melville, Gentleman, born November 4, 1849 ; (5) Robert Andrew Agnew Balfour- Melville, Gentleman (twin with his brother John) ; (6) Leslie Melville Balfour-Melville, Gentleman, born March 9, 1854; (7) Elliot Southesk Balfour-Melville, Gentleman, born July 6, i860; and Emma Constance. Estate— ?>tnXb- kinness, in the county of Fife. Postal address — Mount Melville, St. Andrews. Clubs — The Club (St. Andrews), Scottish Liberal (Edinburgh). Sir CHARLES BENT BALL, Knight Bachelor. Ap- pointed Regius Prof, of Surgery in the Univ. of Dublin Nov. 1895, Member Advisory Board A. M.S., Hon. Sur- geon to the King 1904. Born Feb. 21, 1851, being the son of Robert Ball, LL.D. of Dublin, by his wife Amelia Gresley, dau. of Thomas Hellicar of Btistol. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron gules, bet»\een three fireballs proper, a galley with one mast, sail furled, pennant flotant in stern of the first. Mantling gules and argent Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an arm vambraced embowed argent, charged with two ogresses, the hand proper gr:ispi:ig a fire-ball as in the arms. Motto— "On." Married Annie Julia, eldest dau. of Daniel Kinahan of Roebuck Park, co. Dublin ; and has with otlier Issue — (i) Charles Arthur Kinahan Ball, Esq., M.D., B.Ch., b. March 29, 1877; (2) George Stawell Ball, Esq., b. July 19, 1884, d. March 10, 1888; (3) Nigel Gresley Ball, Esq., b, Aug. 27, 1892 ; (4) Ivan Helicar Ball, Gentleman, b, July 23, 1894. Residence— lif Merrion Square. Clubs — Constitutional, Kildare Street (Dublin). JOHN STEWART VALENTINE BALL, Gentleman. Bom 1884, being the eldest son of the Lite Valentine Ball, by his wife Mary, daughter of John Stewart Moore of Moyarget, co. Antrim. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a chevron gules, between three fireljalls proper, a galley with one mast, sail furled, jjennon flotant in stern of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an arm vambraced emlxjwed argent, charged with two ogresses, the hand proper, grasping a fireball as in the arms. Motto — "On." Postal address — Sir ROBERT STAWELL BALL, Knight Bachelor, LL.D., D.Sc, F.R.S., Lowndean Professor of Astronomy and Geometry in the University of Cambridge, and F'ellow of King's College ; Scientific Adviser to the Commissioners of Irish Lights, Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and formerly Royal Astronomer of Ireland. is the Military Cockade. TBal TBal 65 \Bom July 1, 1840, being the eldest son of Robert Ball, LL.D., of Dublin, by his wife Amelia Gresley, dau. of , Thomas Hellicar of Bristol. Armorial beaxings— Argent, Ion a chevron gules, between three fireballs proper, a galley I with one mast, sail furled, pennon flotant in stern of the [first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of [the colours, an arm vambraced embowed argent, charged ' with two ogresses, the hand proper, grasping a fireball as in [the arms. Motto — "On." Married, August 5, 1868, to JFrances Elizabeth, dau. of William E. Steele, M.D. ; and (has Issiie~(i) Robert Steele Ball, Esq., Civil Engineer, b. iDec. 17, 1869; (2) William Valentine Ball, Esq., Barrister- j-it-Law, b. Feb. 10, 1874 ; (3) Charles Rowan Hamilton :Ball, Esq., b. June 24, 1876; (4) Randal Gresley Ball, .Esq., b. July 23, 1881 ; Frances Amelia ; and Mary Agnetta •[«. 1903, Joseph Barcroft, Gentleman, M.A. , B.Sc. , Fellow bf King's Coll., Cambs.]. £.f/a/«— Ballinvoher, co. Water- ford ; and in Dublin. Postal address — The Observatory, jCambridge. Club — Athenagum. BALL (U.O., Confd. 12 March 1901). Argent, out of a 'crescent gules, a tree eradicated proper, between three a wreath of the colours, an escallop or, charged with a fire- ball proper. Son of and great-grandson of Henry Ball of Dublin : — Thomas Hand Ball, Gentleman, (5. . 7?«.— German- town, Philadelphia, U.S.A. FRECHEVILLE HUBERT BALLANTINE-DYKES, Gentleman. Born September 16, 1881, being the only son of the late Lamplugh Frescheville Ballantine-Dykes, Esq., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1885, and his wife Edith Georgina, youngest dau. of R. Howard-Brook of Castle Howard, Avoca, co. Wicklow. Armorial bearings — Quarterly, i and 4, or, three cinquefoils sable; 2 and 3, argent, on a cross between four mullets azure. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lobster vert. Motto— " Prius frangitur quam flectitur." .SVa^ — Dovenby Hall, Cockermouth. Club— Guards'. LAWSON LEIGH BALLANTINE-DYKES, Gentle- man. Born 1864, being the fourth but only surviving son of the late Frecheville Lawson Ballantine-Dykes, and his wife Anne Eliza, eldest dau. and co-heir of J. Gunson of Ingwell. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, or, three cinquefoils sable ; 2 and 3, argent, on a cross between four mullets azure, a sword proper, pommelled and hilted or. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lobster vert. Motto — "Prius frangitur quam flectitur. " Residence — S LIONEL ERLE BALLANTINE-DYKES, Esquire, Captain R.A. Born November 30, 1865, being the eldest son of the Reverend Joseph Ballantine-Dykes, Rector of Headley, Hants, and his wife Helen Theresa, eldest dau. of the late James Litt of Glasgow. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or, three cinquefoils sable ; 2 and 3, argent, on a cross between four mullets azure, a sword proper, pommelled and hilted or. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lobster vert. Motto — " Prius frangitur quam flectitur." Residence — BALLARD, quartered by WOODD. BALLIDON, quartered by COKE. M HUGH BALLINGALL, Esquire, Provost of the %Sf Royal Burgh of Dundee 1884-87, J. P. Forfarshire, iscallops sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On 3 is tbe Naval Cockade J. P. Perthshire, D.L. of Forfarshire, D.L. and J.P. |for CO. of the city of Hwid^e. ^i Bom May 26, 1840, being the £ M iBal m of WUUua B«llini;all of the Plcasonce Brewery, _ and hU wife MwRnret. dau. of John Richardson. iiMvf— Oraen and white or ulw. Armoiija bearlnci— Parted per pale arfent and vert, three bar* countcrchanged. tammtMmg ygft. doublrd argrnt. Great On a wreath of hb livcciea. a deini<«agle displayed vert, between two lilies ■Ming out of the wreath proper. Motto— " Decore." itirntd, Avgmt t, 1864. Alice Isabella Young, dau. of ThoiaM Young of Fife-, and has /sitte—{x) William BalUacaU. Uentlcman, M.A.. F.C.S., i. June la, 1868; (•) lamas Bell Ballingall. Gentleman, Advocate, Edin- burgh. M.A. (St. And.) LL.B. (Edin.), *. April 9, 1873: (1) Marry Miller Ballingall, Gentleman, Lieut. Royal Hone Artillery, *. Apil 14, 1878 ; (4) Frederic a-illin- gall. Gentleman, *. March 9, i8«o; (5) Ronald Murray Ballingall. Gentleman, i. Aug. 29, 1838; IsalM^Ua Miller [■I. Frederic Nauntoo Studdert, Templemaley. Ennis, in ca Clare]: Margaret Richardson [m. Samuel Collier Thomson, Dalmossie, Broughty Ferry, Forfarshire]; and Alice Jane [m. John D. Fleming, Hill Cottage, Broughty F«TT, Foriarsbire]. S«i/— Ardarroch, Dundee. N.B. C/mAi— Cootenrative (Edinbun;h), Eastern (Dundee). BALLINGHAM. quartered by DUCKETT. WILLIAM FORD BALLY, F.R.C.S. Armorial bear- ings — Per chevron argent and azure, in chief two acorns vert, and in base a demi-griflin of the first. Mantling axtire and argent. Cr«at— On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, in front of an oak-tree fructed proper, two swords in saliire also proper, pommels and hilts or. Postal mdJrtu—BAih. REGINALD MANSFIELD BALSTON, Gentleman. Bom July 5, 1871, being the eldest son of Richard James Balston, Gentleman, by his wife Emily Parker, dau. of John Robinson. /.itYr>'- Dark blue. Armorial b«arlDg8— Ar- gent, a pale gules, on a fesse sable between three fleurs-de- us, two in chief of the last and one in base or, a rose of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, in front of a dove holding in the beak a sprig of olive proper, three fleurs-de-lis fesseways sable. Motto — •'J 'esp^re. " Married, Jan. 25, 1900, Muriel Alice, dau. of C ShirreflT Hilton, and has Issue— Joan Alice. Club— Jimior Constitutional. RICHARD JAMES BALSTON. Gentleman. Bom , being the son of the late William Balston of Spring- field, Maidstone, Kent. Armorial beamigs — Argent, a pale ^les, on a fesse sable between three fleius-de-lis, two m chief of the last and one in base or, a rose of the first. M a n t lin g gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, in front of a dove holding in the beak a sprig of olive proper, three fleurs-de-lis fesseways sable. Motto — •' J esp^e." Married Emily Parker, dau. of John Robinson; and has with other Issue— Reginald Balston, Gentleman, b. July 5, iSyf. Residence — Springfield, Maidstone. ARTHUR JOHN JONES B.AMFORD. Gentleman. Lord of the Manor of Misterton. Born TBamfOrtl ^.P"' ^S. 1857. being the third son of .M^Mfttkvvv Charles Bamford and his wife, Hannah - . „ Clifford, daughter of John Yerl. Clubs— LeicestCT Conservative (I^icester). Conservative (Liverpool). County (Rhyl), /.itrry— Light coat, with red collar, piped with red silk, red waistcoat. Armorial bearings—He bears for Arms : Argent, a fesse engrailed between two annulets in chief, and as many mascles in base gules ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter arm embowed holding a flagstaff proper, therefrom flowing a banner argent, charged with a mascle gules three annulets interlaced of the last ; with the Motto' Perseverantia vincit." Married. October re. 1870' Anne, eldest daughter of Thomas Nash of Worcester- shir.- ; and lias /ssue-(i) Charles Arthur Bamford, Gentle- Si.^"" kL'' a*^'-. '^^ = ^^^ ^*^*'" Scott Bamford, M.,,^; ^"li P'!,' '^' '^ ' ^"'^ A""« Nash. Estates 7wl/ vv "^' ^"'J Brookhurst, Bromboro. Cheshire. Po^l address-Mistenon Hall, Lutterworth, Leicesterl IBan BAMFORD (H. Coll., 1904). Gules, a swor proper, pommel and hilt or, surmounted by a fesse wavy erminois, in chief two crosses crosslet fitchte of the thirtl Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the ^ is tbe Military Cockade. colours, in front of a lion's head couped sable, between two olive branches fructed proper, two crosses crosslet fitch^e in saltire or. Livery — Black, red facings. Sons of Henry Bamfoid of Uttoxeter, b. 1818 ; d. 1896; m. 1842, Julia, d. of Samuel Brassington :— Samuel Brassington Bamford, Esq., J. P. .Staffs., *. 1845; m. 1875. Dorothy Bond, d. of Henry Ornie Hawthorn, Surgeon, of Uttoxeter, Staff's. ; and has issue— (i) Henry Bernard Bamford, Gentleman, b. ; (2) Oswald Joseph Bamford, Gentleman, b. ; (3) Julian Hawthorn Bamford, Gentleman, b. ; (4) Alban Aloysius Bamford, Gentle- man, b. . Seat — Hawthornden Manor, Uttoxeti- Staff's. Henry Brassington Bamford, Gentleman, b. 1849; ;/.. 1878, Mary, d. of Francis Emery ; and has issue- Gwendoline Mary ; Florence Mary ; Constance M.iry ; and Celestine Mary. 5«a/— Park House, Staff'ord. John Bamford, Esq., J.P., b. 1854; nt. 1883, Mary Sutton, d. of Henry Orme Hawthorn, Surgeon, of Uttoxeter; and has issue — Henry John Bamford, Gentle- man, b. 1891 ; and Mary Henrietta. .S^a/ — Oldfields Hall, Uttoxeter. Joseph Bamford, Esq., b. 1862; m. 1883, Ellen France d. of Thomas Laurence Emery of .Stoke-on-Trent ; and li:i issue — (i) Cyril Joseph Laurence Bamford, Gentleman, b. 1885; (2) Gerald Wilfrid Bamford, Gentleman, b. 1888; Ethel Mary; and Julia Winefride. .S«a^— " Beaconside," Lichfield. Robert Bamford, Gentleman, b. . Seat— Weami Lodge, Uttoxeter. Sir SQUIRE BANCROFT, Knight Bachelor (1897). Born May 14, 1841, being the eldest and only surviving son of Secundus Bancroft-Butterfield of Netherthorpe, by Julia his wife, daughter of Thomas Anthony Wright, and was authorised by Royal Licence to use for himself and issue the surname of Bancroft only, which had been assumed in i860. Armorial bearings— Or, on a bend invected azure, between three gryphons' heads erased in chief and as many cross crosslets in base of the last, three garbs banded of the first. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a garb banded between two wings T5an pr, each wing charged with a cross crosslet, four annulets fesseways and interlaced azure. Married, December 28, IBan 67 tt867, to Marie Effie, daughter of Robert Pleydell Wilton. \Postal address — 18 Berkeley Square, London. § EDWIN HODGE BANKS, Esquire, Master of Arts (Cantab), Justice of the Peace and Deputy- ^f^flflfert Lieutenant for the county of Cumberland, for iL/RKtVp which county he served the office of High Sheriff in 1889 ; Barrister-at-Law. Born .1847, being the younger son of the late William Banks, lEsquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for jthe county of Cumberland. Clubs — Carlton and New [University. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, a cross engrailed or, between quarters a bear rampant of the last, in the first and fourth muzzled gules, and in the second and third quarters a fleur-de-lis also or ; and for a Crest, upon the trunk of a tree eradicated and sprouting to the dexter proper, an eagle regardant with wings elevated sable, charged upon the breast and upon each wing with a fleur-de-lis or; with the Motto, " Dum spiro spero." Postal address— nighmoor , Wigton, Cum- berland. HERBERT DELAMARK BANKS, Esquire, I. P. co. Kent, late Major 6oth (King's Royal) Rifles, educated at Eton and Magdalen College, Oxford. Bom Jan. 23, 1854, being the second but only surviving son of the late William John Banks, Esq., J. P., of Oxney Court, near Dover (d. 1901), by his wife Margaret Ellen, dau. of Richard Roff^ey. Armorial bearings— Sable, on a cross peRseveR^NDO between four fleurs-de-lis or, five arches of the field, within the centre arch a fleur-de-lis of the last. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a stone column of the Tuscan order fesseways thereon a stork proper, the dexter claw resting on a fleur-de-lis or. Motto — " Perseverando. " Seat — Oxney Court, near Dover, Kent. Club — Junior Carlton. Sir JOHN THOMAS BANKS, K.C.B., M.D. of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Hon. LL.D. Glasgow, and D.Sc. of the R. Univ., a Physician in Ordinary to the Queen in Ireland, and Reg. Prof, of Medicine in Univ. of Dublin, Member 6f the Senate of the R. University and Repr. on General Medical Council, ex-Pres. of R. Coll. of Physicians and R. Academy of Medicine in Ireland, and British Medical Association, and J. P. and D.L. for co. Monaghan (High Sheriff 1891). Born 1817, being the younger son of the late Perceval Banks of Dublin, and was created K.C.B. 1889. Club—K.\\A&ve. Street, Dublin. Armorial bearings — Per pale sable and gules, on a cross between four fleurs- de-lis argent, five pheons azure, and impaling on a second escutcheon the arms of Wood- Wright, namely, quarterly i and 4, azure on two bars engrailed argent, three oak leaves vert, in chief as many leopards' faces or (for Wright) ; 2 and 3 or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, between in chief a thistle proper and in base a trefoil slipped vert, a bordure gules (for Stewart). Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head is tbe Naval Cockade. 68 IBan TBat w-ilh the Motto, nd par palt Mbl* aiui fuln ; IbftttwItaMi/* iiarritd, 1848. Alice, dau. of " Fide Capt. Woed— oSiifb. Mooagban; 4s Merrion Square East. DobllB. BANNERMAN. tee CAMPBELl-BANNERMAN. BANNKRMAN, quartered by RAMSAY. WILLIAM BRUCE BANNERMAN, Gentleman, F.S.A. (Lond. and Scot.), Fellow of the Geological Society. lii>rn Feb. 11, 186a, being the second and only surviving child of George Baniiermaii and Eliia CoUis. dau. of John Colli*. lAxtry—CXT^nX colour with gold lace, yellow collar and cuffs. Armorial bearings — Gules, a feM between two boars' heads erased or in chief, and a banner displayed bendways in base argent, Iherron a canton azure, charged with a saltire of the third. Mawtuwy gules, doubled or. Great— On a wreath W**^ WBRVCK'BANNtKMAN of his liveries, a demi-man in armour affront^, his dexter hand grasping a sword all proper, and his sinister hand holding a banner displayed as in the arms. Motto— " Pro patria. ' Married, Oct. 3, 1885, Emma Alexandra, dau. of Thomas Davies; and has /w«<— (i) William Bruce Banncrman, Gentleman, b. July 9, 1886; (2) Ronald Robert Bruce Banncrman, Gentleman, b. Sept. 11, 1888; (3) George Gordon Bruce Banncrman, Gentleman, b. Sept. 28, 1889; (4) Edward Alexander Bruce Banncrman, Gen- tleman, b. July 26, 1896, d. June 2, 1897; (5) Robert Campbell Bruce Banncrman, Gentleman, *. Oct. 13. 1901 ; Elsie .Mexandrina Bruce; Ethel Mary Elizabeth Bruce; and Jessie Murray Bruce. Residence — The Lindens, Sydenham Road. Croydon, Surrey. C/«^j— Caledonian, Royal Societies", Primrose. BANNISTER, quartered by BEETHAM. THOMAS NICHOLAS BARBENSON, Gentlentn. Armorial bearings— Azure, on a chevron between two mullets in chief and a br.anch of olive in base or, three gouttes-de-larmes. Mantling azure and or. Orest— On a wreath of the colours, three mullets or, in front of a mount vert, thereon an olive-tree proper, and on the dexter side thereof rampant to the smister a lion gules. Motto— " Semper fidelis." Residence — Alderney. WILLIAM JOSEPH STARKEY BARBER-STAR KEY, Esquire, J. P. for N. R. of co. York, B.A. Trin College, Cambridge, and of the Inner Temple, Lonili Barrister-at-Law. Assumed by Royal Licence, 1873, '1' name of Starkey in addition to that of Barber, and the arm of Starkey. Bom August i, 1847, being the only child ci the late Rev. William Henry Barber. M.A. Magdalen ( ol lege, Cambridge, Perpetual Curate of Quorndon, co. I)erl>\ by his wife Mary, third dau. of John Starkey of Wh. House, Hudderslield, co. York. Armorial bearingH Argent, a bend engrailed vair between six storks sable, .1: impaling the arms of Kinloch of Kinloch, namely, qu.n terly, first grand quarter azure, a boar's head erased betwci:. three mascles or, a crescent of the second in chief for dii- ference (for Kinloch) ; second grand quarter, gules a chevron embattled between three crescents argent (for Oliphant); third grand quartei°, parted per fesse argent and sable, a chevron between three cinquefoils counterchanged (for Bal- neavis) ; fourth grand quarter counterquartered, i. gules, a broken sp>ear and a standard saltireways argent, the last charged with a cross of the field and fringed or ; 2. azure, a cat salient argent ; 3. argent, on a salttrc sable, nine mascles of the first, a bordure azure ; 4. or, three bars wavy gules, each charged with an escallop of the field (all for Smyth). Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wrcr of the colours, a stork argent, sem^e of estoiles az\i: Motto — ' ' Homo proponit, Deus disponit. " Married, Aprii 29, 1873, Margaret Aimee, third dau. of Sir George Kinloch, 1st Bart., of Kinloch, co. Perth ; and has had /««*— (i) Joseph Edmund Kinloch Barber-Starkey, Gentleman, b. Feb. 12, 1874, d. Aug. 2, 1875 ; (2) William Henry Joseph Barber-Starkey, Gentleman, b. March 4, 1880; (3) Roger John Kinloch Barber-Starkey, Gentleman, b. July 8, 1883; (4) Frances Waugh Gordon Barber-Starkey, Gentleman, b. May 9, 1885 ; (5) Charles Cecil Barber-Starkey, Gentle- man, b. Feb. 6, 1890; Margaret Sarah Mary Josephine; Georgina Blanche Elaine ; Aimee Josephine ; and Constance Kathleen. Residences — Aldenham Park, Bridgnorth, Shrop- shire, and Knockshandoch, Glenisla, Alyth, N.B. Club— Devonshire. S GEORGE BARBOUR, Esquire, Honorary Major Cheshire Yeomanry, Master of -Arts of Trinity College, Cambridge, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant is tbe Military Cockade. TBar TBar 69 for the county of Cheshire, High Sheriff 1890. Born 1841, being the only son of the late Robert Barbour, by Janet Andrew his wife, daughter of the late William Fleming. ' (7/«3j— Carlton, New University. Armorial beaxlDgs— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a saltire gules, gutt^e- d'eau, between two garbs m pale and as many escallops i in fesse vert, an escallop of the first, and impaling the ! arms of Macfie, namely, parted per fesse nebuly azure and \ or, in chief a sword argent point downwards, and in base a galley sable under sail of the third, flags and pennons gules ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, , in front of a mount vert, thereon a Cross Calvary argent, i a garb fesseways or. Motto — " Nihilo nisi cruce." 1 Married, October 20, 1869, Caroline Easton, third dau. i of the late Robert Andrew Macfie of Dreghorn Castle, I in the county of Midlothian ; and has Issue — Robert Barbour, Gentleman, born 1876 ; Caroline Elizabeth ; and Janet Mary. Estate — Bolesworth Castle, in the county of Cheshire. Postal address — Bolesworth Castle, Chester. CHARLES ALEXANDER BARCLAY, Esquire, J. P., Born Oct. 18, 1826, being the son of James Barclay, Esq., of Knockleith, co. Aberdeen. Armorial bearings — Azure, doubled or. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a hand holding a dagger proper. MottO — "Autagereaut mori." a chevron or, between three crosses pat^e argent. Mant- ling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a hand holding a dagger proper. Motto — " Aut agere aut mori." Supporters — Two hounds argent, collared gules. Postal address— Ah^xdonr House, Fraserburgh, co. Aber- deen. CHARLES HERBERT BARCLAY, Gentleman, a cadet of Barclay of Towie. Bom March 31, 1861, being the second son of the late Charles George Barclay, resid- ing at Dura, Cupar, Fife, by his wife Jessie Mackinlay, third dau. of the late George Berry, Portobello, N.B. Livery (dress)— Dark blue, yellow facings ; (undress) dark blue. Armorial bearings (of Barclay of Towie, refer to Charles Alexander Barclay, differenced as a cadet) —Azure, a chevron engrailed or, between three crosses pat6e argent, a bordure of the last. Mantling azure, Residence — Inchdura, North Berwick, N.B. Club — White's. ROBERT BARCLAY, Esquire, of Bury Hill, in the county of Surrey, Master of Arts, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (High Sheriff 1878), Chief of the house of Barclay of Mathers and Urie. Born October 7, 1837, being the eldest son of Arthur Kett Barclay, Esquire, Fellow of the Royal Society, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Bury Hill, who died 1869, by his wife Maria Octavia, daughter of the late Ichabod Wright, Esquire, of Mapperley, in the county of Nottingham ; succeeded his father 1869. Armorial bearing^s — He bears for Arms : Azure, a chevron, and in chief three crosses pat^e argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a mitre or, and in an escroU over the same this Motto, " In cruce spero." Supporters— Two savages wreathed round the loins with oak, each holding in the exterior hand a club all proper. Married, November 28, 1877, Laura Charlotte Rachel, eldest daughter of Marmaduke Wyvill of Constable Burton, Member of Parliament for Richmond, by his wife Laura, daughter and heiress of Sir Charles Ibbetson, Baronet, of Denton Park; and has Issue — (i) Robert Wyvill Barclay, Gentleman, born November 23, 1880 ; (2) Thomas Hubert Barclay, Gentleman, born April 13, 1884 ; (3) Arthur Victor Barclay, Gentleman, born August II, 1887; (4) George Eric Barclay, Gentleman, born July 25, 1889; and Ellen Rachel. Estate and postal address — Bury Hill, Dorking, Surrey. DAVID STUART BARCLAY-ALLARDICE, Gentle- man. Born November 21, j5StCia2=aUatUlC0 second surviving son of the late Samuel Ritchie by his wife Margaret [now Barclay-Allardice, and to whom refer], only child and sole heir of Robert Barclay-Allardice, Esquire, of Allardice and Urie ; and assumed by Royal License in the year 1883 the surnames and arms of Barclay-Allardice. Livmy — Light blue with white facings. Armorial bear- is tbe Naval Cockade. »o IBar TBat iBff*— He bom for Anna : Quarterly i and 4. nrgent a fessc wavy gulm b etween three bows' heads erased sable, armed •nd lanfued of the second (for AUardice of Allordice) ; a. • c h ev r on and in chief tlirec crosses pat6e argent (for of Ury) : 3. quarterly i. and iiii. argent on a chief iree eKallupk or, ii. and iii. or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, in chief a chcvroncl gulei (for Graham, Earls of Monleith and Airth). Upon (he escutcheon is placed a 1 [m., June i, 1899, Nettie Frances, d.iu. of Denzil O h2? rington of Clinton] ; (3) David Graham narciay-Allardice Gentleman, born 1877 [m., Oct. 15. 1900, Annie dau of lames E. Firth of Providence; and has issue, Gordon Barclay-Allardice, Gentleman, *. Oct. 11,1904]; (4) Clinton Barclay-Allardice, Gentleman, d. i88a ; M.irgaret Anna [m., 1893, William Howard Bigelow, and has issue! • Augusta Standish (d. unm.)\ and Amelia. Postal address— ROBERT BARCLAY, ESQ. ^I^ befiW'ng «"s degree, with a mantling gules doubled arg^t . and for his Crests, upon the dexter side, upon a wreath of the livenes a naked man from the middle, in dis dexter hand a scimitar all proper ; and in an escroll ?fnf in* ^""t ''''^ «»*to. " In defenc; of the dfs"rS " (for Allardice), and upon the sinister side, on a wreath n[,i.K ''^enes a Bishop's mi.re or; and in an escroll Z J^^/^^ 'v" "'***°' " '" «="«=« spero" (for Barclay) ^am^^October ,c. 1868, Fannie Foster, daughter of EJ^'^ ?^ E"'o' o^West Brattleboro. Vermont^ In the IJnited States of Amenca; and has Issue— (1) Robert Bar- clay-Alkrdiee, Gentleman, bom ,869 [m., Nov.^ itS /,Tpn^o"'«: '^^o"- °^ ^'"•«'" Dfown of ProWde^Sf: (a) Elliot Ruchie Barclay-Allardice. Gentleman, born 187^ § is the Military Cockade. Belmont Avenue, Providence. Rhode Island. United States of America. ROBERT BARCLAY-ALLARDICE, Esquire, J. P. co. Cornwall, M.A., F.S.A. (Scot.), Mayor of Lostwithiei 1899-1901 and 1904-S, Alderman of Lostwithiei 1903. Born May ig, 184 1, being the eldest son of the late Samuel Ritchie, by his wife Margaret, who died Aug. 7, 1903 [after- wards Barclay-Allardice], only child and sole heir of Rofjert Barclay-Allardice, Esquire, of Allardice and Urie, and as- sumed by Royal License in 1883 the surnames and arms of Barclay-Allardice. Clubs— Vnmrose, Fowey Yacht (Fowey)- Livery — Light blue with white facings. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly i and 4, argent a fesse wavy gules, be- IBat 15ar n tween three boars' heads erased sable, armed and langued [of the second (Allardice of AUardice, c. 1542) ; 2. azure, a [chevron and in chief three crosses pat^e argent (Barclay of [Ury, c. 1725) ; 3. quarterly i. and iiii. argent, on a chief [sable three escallops or, ii. and iii. or, a fesse chequy azrue [and argent, in chief a chevronel gules (Graham, c. 1542, [Earls of Monteith and Airth). Upon the escutcheon is [placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, 'doubled argent; and for his Crest, upon the dexter side, I upon a wreath of the liveries, a naked man from the middle, j in his dexter hand a scimitar all proper ; and in an escroll 1 over the same this Motto, " In defence of the distressed" i (for Allardice), and upon the sinister side, upon a wreath j of the liveries, a Bishop's mitre or ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "In cruce spero" (for Barclay). Postal \ address — Rose Hill, Lostwithiel, Cornwall. The above-mentioned Robert Barclay- Allardice claims ■jiAe Scottish Earldoms 0/ Strathearn, Monteith, and Airth. § HENRY BARCROFT, Esquire, D.L. co. Armagh, High Sheriff 1890. Born 1839, being the eldest son late Joseph Barcroft of Stangmore Lodge, co. 'ryrone. by Mary, dau. of John Wandesford Wright of New York. Armorial beaxings — Argent, a lion rampant sable, in the dexter chief point a trefoil slipped vert. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-bear rampant gules, muzzled and charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped or. Married, 1867, Anna, dau. of David Malcolmson of Melview, co. Tip- perary ; and has Issue — (i) Joseph Barcroft, Gentleman, M.A. (Camb.), B.Sc. (Lond.), Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, b. 1872 [w., Aug. 5, 1903, Mary Agneta, dau. of Sir Robert S. Ball, LL.D., F.R.S., and has issue, Henry Barcroft, Gentleman, b. Oct. 18, 1904J; (2) David Malcomson Barcroft, Gentleman, b. 1875 ; Sarah Richard- son ; Mary ; and Henrietta. Seat — The Glen, Newry, co. Armagh. Club — Automobile. BARDWELL, quartered by FLETCHER- VANE, HAROLD HERMAN JOHN BARING, Gentleman. Born March 4, i86g, being the third but eldest surviving son of the late Thomas Charles Baring, Esq., M.A., J.P. and D.L., M.P. for S. Essex 1874-85, and for London 1887-91, by his wife Susan Carter, dau. of Robert Bowne Minturn of New York. Armorial bearings — Azure, a fesse or, in chief a bear's head proper, muzzled and ringed gold. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mullet erminois between two wings argent. Motto — " Probitate et labore." Seat — High Beach, near Waltham Abbey. WILLIAM HENRY BARING, Esquire, J.P. for Hants, Captain late Coldstream Guards. Born Dec. 1, 1819, being the only son of the late William Baring, Esq., M.P. , by his wife Frances, fourth dau. of J. Poulett-Thomson of Waverley Abbey, and sister of the late Lord Sydenham. Armorial bearings — Azure, a fesse or, in chief a bear's head proper, muzzled and ringed gold. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mullet erminois between two wings argent. Motto — ' ' Probitate et labore." Married, April 21, 1849, Elizabeth, dau. of Charles Hammersley ; and has Issue — (i) Francis Charles Baring, Esq., Captain late 3rd Batt. Hampshire Regt., b. 1852 [m., July 5, 1880, Isabella Augusta, eldest dau. of Samuel Leo Schuster; and has issue, Thomas Esm^ Baring, Gentleman, b. 1882 ; Arthur Francis Charles Baring, Gentleman, Dudley William Baring, Gentleman, b. 1892 ; and Violet Nina] ; (2) William Bingham Baring, Gentle- man \m., March 2, 1886, Georgiana, dau. of Charles Hally- burton Campbell ; and has issue, Evelyn Bingham] ; Eleanor Mary; and Rose Fredericka [m., firstly, 1878, F. W. Arkwright, Esq., Capt. late Coldstream Guards; and secondly, Nov. 25, 1885, Lieut.-Col. George William Adolphus FitzGeorge, late A.D.C. to H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge. 5i?a/— Norman Court, Salisbury, Hants. Clubs — Guards', Turf. The Reverend BARING BARING-GOULD, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Cantab.). Born Nov. 12, 1842, being the only son of the late Rev. Alexander Baring-Gould, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Cantab.), of Kelso House, Worthing, Sussex, formerly Vicar of Christ Church, Winchester, by his wife Margaret Campbell, dau. of Rev. Walter Foggo Ireland, D.D. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, per saltire or and azure, a lion rampant counterchanged (for Gould) ; 2 and 3, azure, a fesse or, in chief a bear's head proper, muzzled and ringed gold (for Baring). Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant azure, bezant^e. Mottoes— " Touj ours sans tache," "Probitate et labore." Married, Feb. 23, 1870 Elinor Sibella, dau. of John King Lethbridge ; and has /w««— Edith Margaret Emma. Residence — 65 Lee Park, Lee, Kent. FRANCIS BARING-GOULD, Gentleman. Bom Nov. I, 1839, being the fourth son of the late Rev. Charles Baring -Gould, Clerk in Holy Orders, B.A. (Cantab.), Rector of Lew Trenchard, by his wife Mary Ann, dau. of Richard Tanner. Armorial bearings - Quarterly i and 4, per saltire or and azure, a lion rampant counterchanged (for Gould) ; 2 and 3, azure, a fesse or, in chief a bear's head proper, muzzled and ringed gold (for Baring) ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Davies, namely gules, a chevron nebuly or, between two boars' heads erased in pale argent, withinas many (launches of the second. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a is the Naval Cockade. ?• T6ar TBar dMsMtOB rampuit luure, b«ant4e. MoMo — " Toujoun luw iMhi.'' y^rrUd Flora Mam Manden. only child ■ad Mr of the tele James Arthur Davies of London, and of Trinity ColL. Cambk, M.A. : and has /*rt«#-Charles Sabine Barrington Baring-Gould. Gentleman, >. March aa, 1870; noraX'aroltDe ; and Winifred Mary. /f«i<^««— Merron Qnag*. Surrey. Tm« Rkvkmni) SABINE BARING-GOULD of Lew Trenchard, in the county of '^aat*art\ )>er Mtliire or and axure, a lion rampant counter- cbai)i;rd (for Guuld) ; 2 and 3 azure, a fesse or, in chief a bear's bead proper, ringed and muuled of the second (for Baring). Oreata — Upon a wreath of thn colours, a demi- tion rampant aiure, bezant^ (for Gould), there being no recorded Baring crest. Married, May 25, 1868, Grace, daughter of John Taylor of Horbury, in the county of York; and has liad Issue — (i) ICdward Sabine Baring- Gould, bom September 5, 1871 ; (a) Julian Baring-Gould, born 1877 ; (3) William Drake Baring-Gould, born 1878 ; (4) Henry Baring-Gould, born 1885 ; (5) John Hillary Baring-Gould, bom 18^ ; Mary married to A. W. H. Dickinson of Dunsland, in the count( of Devon) ; Margaret (m. p. D. Rowc, Great Hayes, co. Devon) ; Beatrice Graci- euse, died an infant, 1876 ; Veronicy (w. Dr. A. King, Bude, CO. Cornwall) ; Barbara (m. F. L. Burnard, of Ply- mouth) ; Diana Amelia ; Felicitas ; Joan ; Cecily ; and Grace. Estate and postal address — LewTrenchard, North I>evon. BARKER, see JONES-BARKER and RAYMOND- BARKER. § CHRISTOPHER DOVE BARKER. Esquire, J.P., D.L. CO. of Worcester. Bom 1829, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Barker, Esq., J. P., of Rosella House, Tynemouth, Northumberland. Armorial bearingrs —Or, three escocheons in fesse gules, each charged with a bezant between as many bears' heads erased sable, "^muzzled argent. M a ntlin g gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, issuant from an annulet or, a bear's head erased ■able, muzzled of the first, charged with a bend nebuly argent, thereon three torteaux. Motto — " Virtus tutissima cassis." Married. 1854. Alice Gray, dau. of the late A. W. Elmslie of Weston, Somerset. 6Va/ — Radnor House, Great Malvern. Club — Conservative. GEORGE RICKARD BARKER. Esquire. Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Justice of the Peace, Patron of Hemsby, Barrister-at-Law. Bom June 25, 1832, being the eldest son of the late Robert Copeman, Esquire, of Hemsby Hall, in the county of Norfolk, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Ann , only surviving child of John Barker Hunting- ton, Esquire. Justice of the Peace for East Somerton, in the county of Norfolk [by his first wife Anne, only daughter of Benjamin Barker, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for Carbrooke, in the county of Norfolk] ; assumed the name and arms of Barker only, in lieu of Copeman, by Royal License, dated July s. 1889. Armorial bearin^^s— He bears for Arms: Argent, a torteau between three bears' heads couped gules, muzzled or, a chief invected of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a bears head couped gules, muzzled or. be- tween two torteaux. Seal — Hemsby Hall, near Great Yarmouth. THOMAS BARKER, Gentleman. Armorial bearings --Quarterly 1 and 4, per chevron gules and argent, in chief three escallops of the last and in base a bear sejant sable, muzzled or (for Barker) ; 2 and 3 azure, an eagle displayed within ail orle of four estoiles and as many annulets alter- nately, all or (for Schuldham). Mantling: gules and argent, crest— On a wreath of the colours, a bear sejant sable, muzzled and gorged vrith a collar gemelle or, holding in the paws iin escutcheon gules, charged with an escallop argent. Postal address— Roslyn Hall, Sydney, New South Wales. BA R K E R of Clare Priory ( H. Coll. ). Argent . a maunch sable, between three bear's heads erased of tlie List, niuzzh 1 or, on a chief gules, two swords salterwise iK)ints iipwanl proper, pommelled and hiked gold. Mantling sahlc an argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head erased sable, muzzled or, two swords saltirewis as in the arms. MottO — " Use well your talent." Livery Drab, with scarclet facings. Sons of John Barker of Clare Priory, Suffolk, d. 1800; d. 1837 ; m. 1829, Georgiana, d. of Col. Thomas Weston of Shadowbush, Poslingford :— Sir George Digby Barker, K.C.B. (Mil., 1900), General in the Army (ret.). Col. of The Prince of Wales' (North Staftordshire) Regt., J. P. Essex and Suffolk, served in Persian War and in Indian Mutiny, present at relief and defence of Lucknow, &c., late Gov. and Commander-in- Chief of Bermuda,*. 1833; m. ist, 1862, Frances Isabella {d. 1900), d. of George Murray of Rosemount, Ross-shire; 2nd, 1902, Katherine Weston, d. of Edward Golding Elwes ; and has had issue— Digby Hildyard liarker, Esq., Capt. Stafford and W. India Regt. d. 1899 ; Helena AugusU Victoria [m. 1891, Francis Henry May, Esq., C.M.G.]; and Mary Caroline [m. 1899, Col. James Cecil Dalton, R.A., Knt. of Justice of St. John of Jerusalem]. Seat —Clare Priory, Suffolk. Clubs— United Service: West Suffolk. Walter Julius Barker, Esq., Major late R.M.L.I. Clui — Primrose. BARKWORTH, see WILSON-BARKWORTH. ■ ALEXANDER KAY BARLOW, Esquire, J. P. co. Essex. Bom Sept. 30, 1855, being the second son of William Barlow. Gentleman, of Choriton-on-Medlock, Man- chester, by his wife Leah Frances, dau. of William Searleof Oakhill, West Derby. Cluds— Royal Mersey Yacht, Royal Harwich, Royal Portsmouth, and Corinthian. Liverv— Black and silver. , Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Bendy of eight argent and vert, an eagle dis- played with two heads sable, the claws resting on a mill- rind in base fesseways or, holding in each beak an ear of barley slipped proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a gauntleted hand bendways proper, grasping two eaglw heads conioined and erased at the neck sable ; with the Motto, "En foi prest." Married, Dec. 10, 1890, Sophia Matilda, dau. of Henry Salomonson of Oaklands, Victoria Park. Manchester; and has Issue~(i) Alexander William Lancashire Barlow. Gentleman, b. Nov. 11. 1892; (2) John Lancashire Barlow, Gentleman, b. Jan. 6. 1899; Joyce ^ is the Military Cockade. TBar TBar 13 ■nrietta Lancashire; and Sybil Margaret Lancashire. I'tates — The Barlow Hall Estate, Woodbury County, Gentleman, born 1885 ; (3) Montagu Lovick Barnard, Gentleman, born 1891 ; Cecilia Elizabeth (deceased) ; Effie iwa, in the United States of America; and Wivenhoe all, Essex. Postal address — Wivenhoe Hall, Essex. WILLIAM WYCUFFE BARLOW, Esquire, M.A., arrister-at-Law ; J. P. for Cheshire, Lord of the Manor Maenau. Born March 18, 1854, being the eldest son of e late William Barlow of Ashford, Wilmslow, Cheshire, (/ his second wife Leah Frances, dau. of Samuel Searle I West Derby, Lancashire. Armorial bearings — Bendy j eight argent and vert, an eagle displayed with two heads jft)le, the claws resting upon a millrind in base fesseways (■, in each beak an ear of barley slipped proper. Mantling' j:rt and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a iiuntleted hand bendways proper, grasping two eagles' iaads conjoined and erased at the neck sable. Motto — ! En foi prest." Married, April 23, 1884, Emily, second iau. of the late James Jardine, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , of 'Iderley Edge, Cheshire ; and has /ssue — (i) James Jardine iarlow, Gentleman, b. April 15, 1855 ; (2) William Geoffrey I'arlow, Gentleman, 6. Dec. 28, 1891. Seat — Ashford, jVilmslow, Cheshire. ! THOMAS BARLOW -MASSICKS, Esquire, J. P. for j:umberland. Born 1832. Armorial bearings — Per pale ir and azure, on a fesse between four leopards' faces jessant- e-lis, three in chief and one in base, two quatrefoils all ounterchanged. Mantling azure and or; and for his ilreat, upon a wreath of the colours, a cross pat6e azure, ,urmoun ted by a leopard's face jessant-de-lis or. Motto — ('Vestigia nulla retrorsum." Seat — The Oaks, Millom, 1 Cumberland. . BARNARD, quartered by HUNTER. I The Reverend DENNIS JACOB JOHNSON BAR- I^IARD, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts, Doctor of !-..aws of Trinity Hall (Cantab. ). Born June 23, 1848, being '■ he eldest son of the late Dennis Barnard, by Maria Lovick lis wife, daughter of Jacob Johnson. Armorial bearings He bears for Arms : Argent, on a bend invected azure, Jetween two bears' heads couped sable, three escallops if the first. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi- ion argent, charged on the shoulder with an escallop, lolding between the paws a serpent nowed, the whole between wo escallops all azure. Motto — " Maintenant ou jamais." Married, 1874, Elizabeth Pitts, daughter of Robert Christo- pher Pitts ; and has had Issue— {1) Dennis Christopher Barnard, Gentleman, born 1880 ; (2) John Douglas Barnard, Margaret ; Dora Madeline ; and Hilda Mary. address — "The School House, Stamford. Postal GEORGE WILLIAM GIRLING BARNARD, Gentle- man. Born May 21, 1851, being the third and youngest son of the late Dennis Barnard of Norwich, by Maiia Lovick, his wife, eldest dau. of the late Jacob Johnson of Nor- wich, and of The Lodge, Saxlingham Nethergate, Norfolk. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend inveted azure, be- tween two bears' heads couped sable, three escallops of the first. Crest — A demi-lion argent, charged on the shoulder with an escallop, holding between the paws a serpent nowed, the whole between two escallops all azure ; with the MottO, "Nunc aut nunquam." Married, March 28, 1883, Ger- trude Beatrice, youngest daughter of the late Robert Chris- topher Pitts of Thorpe Hamlet, Norwich ; and has Issue — George William Barnard, Gentleman, born March 6, 1885 ; Gertrude Mary ; Helen Beatrice ; and Ethel Wini- fred. Postal address — Stratton Lodge, Eaton, Norwich. StR HERBERT BARNARD, Knight, J. P. Surrey and Middlesex, F.S.A. Born 1831, being the eldest son of the late John Barnard of Park Gate, Ham Common, by his wife Mary Anne, dau. of Herbert N. Jarrett. Club — Union. Armorial bearings — Barry of six or and argent, a bear rampant sable, muzzled gold. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a demi-bear sable, muzzled, charged on the shoulder with a cross patte fitch^e, and the sinister paw resting on a cross crosslet or. Married, 1854, Ellen, dau. of the late William Wyndham of Dinton, Wilts ; and has, with other Issue — Herbert Wyndham Barnard, Gentleman, born 1859. Res. — 23 Portland Place, W. ; Burrows Lea, Share, Surrey. BARNARD (H. Coll., 26 Apl. 1856). Per chevron gules and argent, in chief two lions rampant of the last, and in base a bear rampant sable, muzzled or. Mantling giiles and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a lion argent, billetty sable, supporting with the dexter paw a shield gules, charged with a garb or. Motto—" Mea gloria fides." Only surv. son of John Barnard, Gentleman, of Brighton, b. 1818 ; d. 1898; m. 1845, Ehza Ellen, only child of Charles Gibson of Colchester and London : — John Charles Barnard, Gentleman, b. 1847; m. 1879, Ada Maria, d. of George Routledge, Esq., of Stone is the Naval Cockade. 14 TBar IBar HouM. Carluk. J. P.. D.I.. : and hns surv. Issue— (i) Ivor OMnard. GenHeaun. K 1887; (a) Cedric Barnard. Gcnile- man. >. 1891 : (3) llumrrey I>ensil Barnard, Gentleman, k iM: I'hyHi* Marion: Marjorie Calvert; Joyce; and Winifred Koutletige. A'«. -Oakleigh, Dum»s Hill, Croy- don. /Vi/. aJJ.—47 Lincoln's Inn Fields, lx)ndon, W.C. Sons of George William Barnard, Gentleman, 6. 1826; ster in his Peerage placed this Baronetcy in " chaos"; iti.rs Sir Reginald has proved his pedigree to the satisfaction ofHster King of Arms — and as his succession to the title is^llowed, certified, and recorded in Ulster s Office — the Eifor fails to see what doubt exists upon the matter. (aRNHOUSE, quartered by JEKYLL. IaRNS, see GRAHAM-BARNS-GRAHAM. j HARRY BARNSTON, Esquire, J. P. for co. Chester. I M.A. Christ Church, Oxford, Lieut. Chester Yeo- nr;ry Cavalry, Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple, Ld of the Manor of Farndon. Born Dec. 12, 1870, being tl; third and only surviving son of the late William Biston, Esq., J. P., Major JSth Foot, and his wife Mary Elma, youngest dau. of the late Col. King, K.H. , of the r.i Light Dragoons and i6th I^ancers. Livery — Dark bi", back and yellow waistcoat. Armorial bearings — A] re, a fesse dancett^e ermine, between six cross crosslets fi|i6e or. Seats — Crewe Hill, Farndon, Cheshire, and Nquis, CO. Flint. Clubs — New Oxford and Cambridge, Cjoa Tree. jiR JOHN BARRAN, first Baronet, J. P. for Leeds (Ijmerly Mayor, 1870-1871), M.P. for Leeds 1876-85, and \,'kshire W. Riding (Otley Div.) 1886-95. Born Aug. 3, i,t, being the son of the late John Barran. Armorial t rings— Per saltire gules and sable, a bear passant or, n!;zled of the second, between two mascles of the third, latllng gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath he colours, in front of a tower gules, charged with three r, icles intertwined paleways, a lion's gamb fesseways erased c Motto — "Amor patriae." Married, ist, 1842, Ann (who c 1 1874), daughter of M. Hirst of Leeds ; 2nd, 1878, Eliza, c; ghter of William Brown of Helensburgh, N.B. ; and has l\ie—(\) Charles Barran, Esquire, born 1849; (2) Alfred Iran, Esquire, born 1851 ; (3) Henry Barran, Esquire, In 1856 ; (4) Rowland Hirst Barran, Esquire, born 1858 ; Li; Eliza; and Louisa. 5sa;— Chapel Allerton Hall, rr Leeds. Residence -z^ Queen's Gate, S.W. Clubs— Ij tional Liberal, Reform. IJARRETT, see LAYLAND-BARRETT. I I SAMUEL BARRETT-HAMILTON, Esquire, J. P., ' D.L., High Sherriff i886, late Capt. 3rd and 14th Hus- ss, only son and heir of Hill Hamilton Barrett of Dublin ; !:umed name and arms of Hamilton by Royal Licence, Jg. 20, 1887. a?^3j— Kildare Street (Dublin), R. St. < orge's Yacht. Armorial bearings— Qunrterly i and 4, 1 saltire gules and azure, a galley, sails furled and oars in '• ion or, between three cinquefoils pierced argent (for milton) ; 2 and 3 per pale argent and gules, barry of ' ht, in chief three roses all counterchanged (for Barrett). intling gules and or. Crests— i. on a wreath of the ' ours, in front of two battle-axes in saltire, an oak tree cted all proper, the trunk transfixed with a frame-saw or ' r Hamilton). 2. on a wreath of the colours, a human irt gules, between two wings conjoined and expanded ire, bezant^e (for Barrett) ; over the second crest, " Vi it pooh funera virtus." Motto (under the arms) — "Through." Married, first, 1865, Alexina, eldest dau. of the late James Lyall, Esq., of Earnoch, co. Lanark; second, 1870, Laura Emilia, fourth dau. of Childers H. Thompson, Esq., of The Mount, York ; and has, with other /w«e— Gerald Edwin Hamilton Barrett-Hamilton, Esq., Capt. 5th Batt. R.I. Rifles, B.A. Cambs., Barrister-at-Law. Seat — Kilmanock CO. Wexford. BARRETT-LENNARD (3 June 1801). Quarterly, i and 4, or, on a fesse gules, three fleurs-de-lis of the field ; 2 and 3, barry of four per pale argent and gules, counter- changed, all within a bordure wavy sable. Mantling or and gules. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, an Irish wolf-dog's head per fesse argent and ermine, charged on the neck with an escallop per fesse nebuly gules and sable. Motto — ' ' La loi le veut et moi ni mot." Sons of Thomas Barrett - Lennard, Esq., M.P. for Maldon (s. of ist Bart.), b. 1788; d. 1856 ; m. 2nd, 1825, Mary, only d. and h. of Bartlett Bridger Shedden of Aldham Hall, Suffolk :— Sir Thomas Barrett-Lennard, 2nd Bart. (30 June i8oi), J. P., C.A., D.L. Essex (Sheriff 1865), D.L. co. Monaghan (Sheriff 1868), M.A. Cantab., b. 1826; m. 1853, Emma, d. of Rev. Sir John Page Wood, Bart. ; and has surv. issue — (i) Thomas Barrett-Lennard, Esq. (Horsford Manor, Norwich), J. P. and D.L. Essex, J. P. Norfolk, b. 1853 [ot. 1884, Mary, d. of late Rev. Canon Price, V. of Llanarth] ; (2) Richard Fiennes Barrett-Lennard, Esq., J. P. Essex, M.A. Cantab., b. 1861 Sjn. 1862, Lepel Julia, d. of Rev. Henry Thornton Pearse, M.A., and has issue, Thomas Richard Fiennes Barrett-Lennard, Esq., b. 12 Dec. 1898; and Marjorie Lepel] ; and four surv. ds. Seats — Belhus Aveley, Essex ; Woodingdean, Brighton. Res. — 7 Lewes Crescent, Brighton. Clubs — Brooks's, United Univ. Rev. Dacre Barrett-Lennard, M.A. Cantab., R. of Aldham, Suff"olk, b. 1829 ; m. ist, 1855, Elizabeth, d. of Henry Lelliott ; 2nd, 1881, Sarah [d. 1903), d. of John Liversage ; and has issue — Dacre Barrett-Lennard, Gentle- man, b. 1884. Res. — The Rectory, Aldham, Hadleigh, Suffolk. Son of Rev. John Barrett-Lennard, M.A. Camb. , R. of Crawley, Sussex, b. 1839 ; ondon, 1897. Born 1826, being the son of late Sir Charles Barry, R. A. Armorial bearings — Or, three bars gemel azure, oyer all a pale invected ermine, thereon a portcullis with chains sable, the escutcheon being surmounted by a mitre. Mar- ried, 1851, dau. of T. S, Hughes, B.D., Canon of Peter- ^ Is the Military Cockade. II TBat TBar 7^ rough. Postal addresses — Queen Anne's Mansions, ^. ; Cloisters, Windsor Castle. 'CHARLES BARRY, Esquire, Past President Royal stitute, B.A., F.S.A., Honorary Member of Imperial d Royal Academy of Arts at Vienna, Officer Leg. Hon. \rn. 1824, being the eldest son of the late Sir Charles irry, R.a'. C/«^— Athenaeum. Armorial bearings— Or, free bars gemel azure, over all a pale invected ermine, -reon a portcullis with chains sable. Mantling azure d or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a gryphon lies, wings elevated and addorsed barry of six or and lure, in its beak a rose argent, leaved and slipped proper, ;5tin'g the dexter claw on a portcullis as in the arms, lotto— " Boutex en avant." Married, 1854, dau. of ho. May of Exeter. Postal addresses — Stanley House, [andon Road, Forest Hill, S.E. ; Parliament Mansions, (ictoria Street, S.W. !f Sir FRANCIS TRESS BARRY, ist Baronet (1899), ^ of St. Leonard's Hill, co. Berks, and Keiss Castle, co. lithness, J.P. and U.L. co. Caithness, J. P. and County ilderman for Berks [Baron de Barry in Portugal, but has b Royal Licence to use the title in England], M.P. for ■Windsor since April 1890, formerly H.B.M. Vice-Consul for irovince of Biscay in Spain, and Consul-General in Great Britain for Republic of Ecuador. Born June 8, 1825, being jie eldest son of the late Charles Barry of The Priory, Irpington, Kent. Armorial bearings — Argent, three bars ijmel gules between two wolves' heads erased in chief dble and a trefoil in base vert, the escutcheon being narged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling iales and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, suant from a castle with two towers argent, a wolf's head ible, holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert, between )ur roses two on either side gules, stalked and leaved roper. MottO — " Boutez en avant." Manied, 1851, arah Douglas, only child of the late Arthur Herron of ■forthiam, Sussex; and has Issue — (i) Edward Arthur llarry, Esq., b. April 25, 1858 \m., firstly, 1883, Kathleen ':ilen [d. 1885), eldest dau. of Percy Bicknell of Gurteen, ihinrone, co. Tipperary ; and secondly, 1891, Eleanor 'largaret, dau. of Col. Courtenay Harvey Saltren Scott ; tnd has issue (by first marriage), Claude Francis Barry, I'.sq. ; and by second marriage, Edward Courtenay Tress 'iarry. Gentleman ; Cicely Eleanor ; and Margaret Col- -uhoun]; (2) Douglas Herron Barry, Esq., b. 1861 \m., ;884, Rose Grace, dau. of Peter Gowland, and has issue, i'Lonald Tress Barry, Gentleman ; Dorothy Grace ; and jiudrey Rose] ; (3) William James Barry, Esq. , b. 1864 jw., 1896, Lady Grace Murray, dau. of Rt. Hon. 7th !:;arl of Dunmore, and has issue, Gerald Barry, Gentleman, !'. 1896 ; Hubert Wyndham Barry, b. 1898] ; and (4) Stanley weonard Barry, Esq., Capt. loth Hussars, served in South \frica 1900, b. 1873. Seats— 'SA.. Leonard's Hill, Windsor; .Ceiss Castle, Wick, Caithness. Town residence — i South Vudley Street, W. C/w/J— Carlton. ; HENRY ARTHUR BRUNO ROBERT STANDISH jBARRY, Esq., J.P. for co. Cork. Born Nov. 5, 1873, :)eing only son of the late Charles Standish Barry, Esq., I'.P., of Lemlara, by Hon. Margaret Mary, dau. of Lieut.- tCol. Hon. Arthur Francis Southwell (and sister of the Rt. 'Ton. the 4th Viscount Southwell, K.P.). Livery — Dark blue, drab overcoat. Armorial bearings — Argent, three tars gemels gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a castle with two towers argent, 'therefrom a wolf's head issuant sable. Motto^" Boutez 'in avant." Married, April 18, 1899, Nelly Lilian Helene Lucie, eldest dau. of Major-Gen. C. B. Lucie Smith ; and ihas /wae— Charles Henry Joseph Robert Gaiett Standish ;' Barry, Gentleman, b. Feb. 9, 1900. Seat — Lemlara House, ' Carrigtwohill, co. Cork. C/«^— County (Cork). § JAMES GRENE BARRY, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. CO. of Limerick, M.R.S.A. (Ireland). Born April 20, 1841, being the eldest son of the late James Barry, Esq., J.P. , of Bellevue, by his second wife Maria Helena, dau. of John Grene of Cappamurra House, Cashel, co. Tipperary. Armorial bearings— Argent, three bars gemel gules, a bordure, and in chief a crescent azure, for difference. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, out of a castle argent, charged with a crescent as in the arms, a wolfs head sable. Motto — " Boutez en avant." Married, June 20, 188 r, Mary, only dau. of Thomas Kane, M.D., J. P., of Whitehall, Limerick; and has Issue — (i) James Thomas Barry, Gentleman, b. June 8, 1882; (2) Gerald Barry, Gentleman, b. 1883; (3) Donal Barry, Gentleman, b. 1885; (4) William Barry, Gentleman, b. 1887 ; (5) John Barry, Gentleman ; Nesta ; and Anna Maud. Estates and Postal arfrfr«jj«— Sandville House, Ballyneety, co. Limerick ; and Bellevue, Croom, co. Limerick. C/w^— County (Limerick). BARRYMORE, see SMITH-BARRY. § JOHN JEREMIAH JACKSON- BARSTOW, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. co. Somerset. Born Jan. 15, 1845, being the second son of the late Rev. Thomas Norfolk Jackson, by his wife Sarah Kilvington, dau. and heir of Jeremiah Barstow of Acomb, co. York ; and on succeeding to the Yorkshire estates on the death of his uncle, Capt. John Michael Barstow, in 1874, he assumed the additional sur- name and arms of Barstow by Royal Licence. Livery— Blue, black collar, red facings and waistcoat. Aimorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, erminois, within two bars gemel, between as many horses' heads in pale couped, five crescents fesseways sable (for Barstow) ; 2 and 3 barry of six sable and argent, on a bend nebuly ermine, between two trees eradicated or, an acorn between as many jack- daws close of the first (for Jackson). Mantling sable and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, in front of a horse's head argent, collared gemel sable, an increscent and a decrescent of the last (for Barstow) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, in front of two trees, a demi-catherine wheel, thereon a jackdaw close both sable (for Jackson). Motto— "Nil desperandum auspice Deo." Married, Aug. 8, 1888, Mary elder dau. of Sir Abraham Woodiwiss of The Pastures, co. Derby ; and has Issue— ]o\m Eric Jackson Barstow, Gentle- man, born Aug. 10, 1895 ; Evelyn Mary ; Mabel Dorothy ; Hilda Beatrice ; Ileene Violet ; Constance Vera ; and Sybil Enid. Residences — T\i& Lodge, Weston-super-Mare, co. Somerset ; Rossmoor, co. York. Reverend RICHARD GROSVENOR BARTELOT, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. Oxon. Born Dec. 5, 1868, being the sixth son of the Rev. Robert Leach Bartlett, Rector of Thurloxton, co. Somerset, by his wife Christiana, sole dau. and heir of Joseph Adams, Physician to H. E. I. C. S. Armo- rial bearings— (H. Coll. 1794) Azure, a fesse or, fretty gules, two cotises indented of the second between two cinquefoils in chief and a cross pat^e fitch^e in base argent, quarteiing is tbe Naval Cockade. 8o TBar Okllda.GfanciM)r. Pulford. Pheiant. Eton. Stockton. Uft- irtdrVTO.M^l*nk. Croxton. Ravenscroft. Howarth. SuAliJrMiwr and or. Omt-On a wreath of the colours, a dcmi-«agle or, wings elevated azure, pendent from the beak an escutcheon argent, charged with a cross pal6e fitchte gules. Motto— " Sapiens incipit a fine." Postal aatde gules (for Leftwich, ancient) ; 9. or, a fesse azure (for Vernon) ; 10. quarterly or and gules, over all a bend sable (for Malbank) ; 11. sable, a lion rampant argent, debruised by a b-nd gobony or and gules (for Crox- ton) ; 12. argent, a chevron between three ravens' heads erased sable (for Ravenscroft) ; 13. azure, a bend cotised between two stags' heads attired or (for Howarth). Mant- Uaip azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle or. wings elevated azure; on an escutcheon depending from the beak, a cross patte fitch^e gules. Motto — " Sapiens incipit a fine." Married, April 14, 1858. TBar Mary Elizabeth, dau. of the Rev. Edward Whiieley, M \ Rector of Sutton Montis, Somerset; and has hsut Thomas Charles Bartlett, Gentleman, b. Dec. 14, i^ (a) Edward Whiteley Bartlett, Gentleman. *. Mav \W>f,; Elizabeth Vincent [m., April 17. 1885, Will Haddon Owen of Little Grimsby Hall, Lines.] ; Eleanor Burton. Postal address — li,\xnon House. SI ; borne. Dorset. The Reverend JOHN MOYSEY BARTLK 1 Clerk in Holy Orders. Bachelor of Arts of the I versily of Oxford. Bom October 25, i8ai, beinR second son of Thomas Bartlett of Teignmouth. Solic by his wife and cousin Grace Freeman, daughter of I Bartlett of the same place. Armorial bearii^— He \, for Amu: Ermine, on a pale ncbuly azure, three sim gloves paleways, jiendent and tassellcd argent, twn f of the second, each charged with as many crcs. paleways of the third. Upon the escutcheon Is ; helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling .uurc argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the coh in front of a demi-swan, wings elevated argent, semi . crescents, and gorged with a collar indented gules, roses fesseways of the last, barbed and seeded pru; with the Motto, " Mature." Married, firstly, NoveniU 1845, Penelope (who died 1853), daughter of luliu Roberts of lurlake House, Exeter, Solicitor, but had surviving issue ; and secondly, September 12, 1859, Mar- \ garet (who died 1859), daughter of William Hopson, but I had no surviving issue; and thirdly, July 18, i860, (t lotte Mary Sarah (who died November 16, 1892), daughter of Major-General John Alexander Philips, of ■ Royal Marines, late Commandant of Marine Artillery ai Portsmouth ; and has had Issue — (i) Frank Waller Bart- lett, Gentleman, born November 23, 1861, and died May 28, 1883; (2) Courtenay Langdon Bartlett, Gentleman, born September i, and died November 20, 1862; (3) Philip Perring Bartlett, Gentleman, born March 19, 1868; and Katherine BuUer. Estate and postal arfrfrwj- Ludbrook, Ivybridge, in the county of Devon. The Reverend ROBERT LEACH BARTLETT, Clerk in Holy Orders, B.A. Oxon. Born Aug. 18. 1826, being the third son of the Reverend Thomas Oldfeld Bartlett, Rector of Swanage, Dorset, by his wife Eliza- beth, dau. of Robert Leach of Sutton Montis, Somer- set ; graduated at Wadham College, Oxford; B.A. 1848. Armorial bearings— (H. Coll. 1794) Azure, a fesse or, fretty gules, two cotises indented of the second between two cinquefoils in chief and a cross pat^e fitch(5e in base ar- gent, quartering Oldfeld, Grosvenor, Pulford, I'hesant, Eton, Stockton, Leftwich, Vernon, Malbank, Croxton, Ravenscroft, Howarth. Mantling azure and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle or, wings elevated azure, pendent from the beak an escutcheon argent, charged with a cross pat6e fitch^e gules. Motto — "Sapiens incipit a fine." Married, April 24, 1855, Christiana, sole child of Joseph Adams, Surgeon in the H.E.I.C. Service; and has Issue — (i) Robert Vincent Osborne Bartlett, Gentle- man, born August 14, 1856 ; (2) the Reverend Charles Old- feld Bartlett, M.A., Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Wil- lersey, Gloucester, born February 20, 1858 ; (3) Thomas Old- feld Bartlett, Gentleman, born September 25, 1859; (4) Burton Oakley Bartlett, Gentleman, born July 10, 1865; (5) Edmund Burton Bartlett, Gentleman, born April 13, 1867; (6) the Reverend Richard Grosvenor Bartelot, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A., born Decembers, 1868; (7) Reginald Hast- ings Bartlett, Gentleman, born August 27, 1870 ; (8) William Leftwich Oldfeld Bartlett, Gentleman, born December 18, 1872 ; Christiana Elizabeth Maud [married, September 25, 1888 ; to the Reverend Charles Rowlandson Durham, M.A., Vicar of Ramsdale, Hants] ; and Margaret Burton. Postal addresses — Leftwich House, Swanage, Dorset. THOMAS BARTLETT, Gentleman. Bom July 5, 1839, being the third and youngest son of the late John Adams Bartlett of Liverpool, by his wife Mary, only daughter of the late William Woods, also of Liverpool. Club— Athenaeum (Liverpool). Livery -CXainl. Armorial be«- ings— Quarterly argent and gules, five lozenges conjomed in fesse, between five crescents all counterchanged, a mullet for difference ; and for his Crest, upon a wreathof the colours, on a mount vert, a moor-cock sable, combed and wattled gules, in the beak an ear of wheat leaved and is the Military Cockade. Plate III. TBar IBav 8i ciliDDed proper, resting the dexter claw on a crescent gules ; with the Motto, " Deo favente cresco. Pos/al address— 12 Pembroke Place, Liverpool. WILLIAM BARTLETT, Esquire, late Captain 8th Lancashire Artillery Volunteer Corps, a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Judicature, Commissioner for Oaths, Per- netual Commissioner and Public Notary, President of the In- corporated Law Society of Liverpool 1878-1879, Councillor for Castle Street Ward in the City of Liverpool 1885 to 1895, and since then an Alderman of the City, First Councillor for Division of West Derby (South) in the County Council of Lancashire. Born November 20, 1837, being the second son of the late John Adams Bartlett of Liverpool, by Mary his wife, only daughter of the late William Woods, also of Liverpool. C/w/^ J— Constitutional, Conservative (Liverpool), AtheniEum (Liverpool). Livery— Claret. Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms : Quarterly argent and gules, five I lozenges conjoined in fesse between four crescents all counterchanged, and in chief a crescent for difference, im- paling the arms of Johnson, namely, argent, a saltire inyected pean between two wings erect in fesse sable, on a chief of the last a lozenge between two woolpacks or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a moor-cock sable, combed and wattled gules, holding in the beak an ear of wheat leaved and slipped proper, resting the dexter claw on a crescent gules ; with the Motto, " Deo favente cresco." Married, June 8, 1865, Mary, second daughter of the late James Johnson of Higherfield, West Derby, in the County Palatine of Lancaster ; and has had Issue— (i) John Adams Bartlett, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of O.xford, Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Judicature and Public Notary, born March 14, 1868 ; (2) William Francis Bartlett, Gentleman, born August 8, 1809, died April 4, 1889 ; (3) Godfrey Thomas Bartlett, Gentle- man, born February 7, 1880; Mary Beatrice \m., July 19, 1900, Harold Evers-Swindell, B.A. (Camb.), eldest son of James Swindell Evers Swindell, Esq., J. P. co. Staff.]; Alice Maud; Gertrude Elizabeth; Ethelind Grace (died 1874); Evelyn Dorothy; Winifred Margaret; and EUnor ^icely. Postal arf^rew — Highfield House, Knotty Ash, WILLIAM LEHMAN ASHMEAD BARTLETT- BURDETT-COUTTS, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of O.xford, Member of Parliament for West- minster. Born 1851, being the son of the late Ellis Bartlett of Plymouth, New England, United States of America, by Sophia his wife, daughter of John King Ash- mead of Philadelphia (his grandparents on both sides having been British subjects) ; in 1877 was Special Com- missioner to Turkey to administer the Turkish Compas- sionate Fund, which had been initiated by the Baroness Burdett-Coutts, and received from the Sultan the Collar and Star of the Medjidie; in 1879, 1880 visited Ireland to assist in organising relief in the distressed districts ; largely developed the Baroness Burdett's scheme for benefiting the Jrish Fisheries ; Trustee of the Baltimore Fishing Scheme ; was on Executive Committee of International Fisheries Exhibition, 1883 ; owner of the Columbia Market, and of the Brookfield Stud of Old English Breeding Horses ; carried Hampstead Heath Enlargement (Parliament Hill) Act 1885, Police Enfranchisement, and Metropolitan Man- agement Amendment Acts 1887, and Advertisement Rating Act 1889 ; one of the Founders and a Director of the British East African Association, and of Stanley Expedition for relief of Em in Pasha ; was Master of the Turners' Com- pany 1888 and 1889. He assumed by Royal License the surname of Burdett-Coutts in addition to and before his own surname of Bartlett, and the arms of those families quarterly with his own ; and subsequently obtained a second Royal License, bearing date May 19, 1882, to bear the name of Bartlett-Burdett-Coutts in lieu of Burdett-Coutts-Bartlett. Clubs — Carlton, Prince's, Union. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a stag's head erased gules, within the attires a pheon azure, the whole within a bordure of the last, charged with four buckles or, for distinction in the dexter chief point a cross crosslet also gules (for Coutts), 2. azure, two bars or, each charged with three martlets gules, and for distinction in the dexter chief point a cross crosslet gold (for Burdett), 3. party per fesse dancett^e sable and azure in chief three sinister gauntlets f)endent argent, tasselled or, fesseways, and in base four crescents in cross of the last (for Bartlett), and for and in right of his wife, upon an escutcheon of pretence surmounted by the coronet of a Baron, the arms of Burdett-Coutts, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent a stag's head erased gules, between the attires a pheon aziu-e, the whole within a bordure embattled of the last, charged with four buckles or (for Coutts), 2 and 3 azure, two bars or, each charged with three martlets gules (for Burdett). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. in the centre, upon a wreath of the colours, a man from the middle shooting an arrow from a bow all proper, charged for distinction with a cross crosslet or (for Coutts), 2. on the dexter side, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased sable, charged for dis- tinction with a cross crosslet or (for Burdett), 3. on the sinister side, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a tower proper, a demi-swan with wings elevated argent, collared sable; with the Mottoes, "Esse quam videri," " Cleve fast," "Mature." And on the sinister side of his achieve- ment, also for and in right of his wife, is placed a lozenge, surmounted by the coronet of the rank of a Baron, the arms of Burdett-Coutts, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent a stag's head erased gules, between the attires a pheon azure, the whole within a bordure embattled of the last, charged with four buckles or (for Coutts), 2 and 3 azure, two bars or, each charged with three martlets gules (for Burdett) ; and for Supporters, on the dexter side of the lozenge, a stag proper, gorged, with a ribbon argent, pendent therefrom an escutcheon of the arms of Coutts, namely, argent, a stag's bead, erased gules, between the attires a pheon azure, the whole within a bordure embattled of the last, charged with four buckles or; and upon the sinister side of the lozenge a lion proper, also gorged with a ribbon argent, and pendent therefrom an escutcheon of the arms of Burdett, namely, azure, two bars or, each charged with three martlets gules. Married, February 12, 1881, the Right Honourable Angela Georgina Burdett-Coutts, Baroness Burdett-Coutts of Highgate and Brookfield, in the county of Middlesex, the youngest daughter of the late Sir Francis Burdett, Baronet of Foremark, in the county of Derby, Member of Parliament, by Sophia his wife, daughter of Thomas Coutts, Banker. Her ladyship suc- ceeded under the will of her grandfather's widow, Her Grace Harriet, Duchess of Saint Albans, to Mr. Coutts' property, is the Naval Cocliade. F TBar I5at 83 assumed by Royal License 1837 the additional surname of Coutts, and was created a Peeress, as Baroness Burdett- Coutts, June 9, 1871. She is one of the co-heirs of the Baronies of Scales-Latimer, and Badlesmere. Postal ad- dresses — Holly Lodge, Highgate, London, N.W. ; i Stratton Street, Piccadilly, London, W. BARTON, quartered by ASSHETON and LANE. CHARLES TOM BARTON, Gentleman. Born March 6, 1853, being the third son of the late John Everard Barton of Kidderminster, by Sarah his wife, younger daughter of Philip Merritt of Gloucester. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per fesse argent and azure, four stags' heads caboshed two and two within a bordure charged with eii'ht crescents, the whole counterchanged ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an owl argent between two acorns slipped and leaved proper ; with the Motto, " I byde my time." Married, February 2, 1876, Annie Elizabeth, eldest daughter of John Saunders ofSion Hill, Wolverley ; and has had Issue — (i) Frederick John Saunders Barton, Gentleman, born November 19, 1876, and died October 22, 1877 ; (2) Charles Percy Barton, Gentleman, born September 20, 1880; (3) John Everard Barton, Gentleman, born January 30, 1889; Dorothy; and Hilda. Postal address — The Hill, Wolverley, Worcester- shire. DUNBAR PLUNKET BARTON, Esquire, one of His Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, Member of Parlia- ment for Mid Armagh, Justice of the Peace for the city of Dublin and for the county of Armagh. Born October 29, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Henry Barton, Gentleman, by his wife Charlotte, commonly known as the Honourable Charlotte, daughter of the Right Hon- ourable John Plunket, third Baron Plunket. Clubs — Carlton, Constitutional, Kildare Street (Dublin), Sackville Street (Dublin), Royal St. George Yacht (Kingstown). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a rose gules, seeded or and barbed vert, between three boars' heads erased proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boar's head erased proper; with the Motto, "Fide et fortitudine. " Postal addresses — i^^ Clare Street, Dublin; 12 Mandeville Place, London, W. EVERARD WILLIAM BARTON, Gentleman. F.S.A. Born June 8, 1849, being the eldest son of the late John Everard Barton of younger daughter of Kidderminster, by Sarah his wife, Philip Merritt of Gloucester. Club— Royal Societies'. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Party per fesse argent and azure, four stags' heads caboshed two and two within a bordure charged with eight cres- cents, the whole counterchanged ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an owl argent between two acorns slipped and leaved proper ; with the Motto, " I byde my time." Married, June 27, 1876, Agnes, younger daughter of James Evers-Swindell, Esquire, of Oldswinford Castle, in the county of Worcester, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant. Postal address — War- stone House, Bewdley, Worcestershire. FREDERICK GEORGE BARTON, Esquire, J. P. for Colony of New South Wales. Bom August 29, 1851, being the second son of the late John Everard Banon of Astley Hall, Stourport, and of Kidderminster, by Sarah his wife, younger daughter of Philip Merritt of Gloucester. Armorial bearJJlgs — He bears for Arms : Party per fesse argent and azure, four stags' heads caboshed two and two within a bordure charged with eight crescents, the whole counter- changed ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an owl argent between two acorns slipped and leaved proper; with the Motto, "I byde my time." Married, September, 28, 1882, Anne Rachel Warner, daughter and heir of William Warner Sleigh, Barrister-at- Law ; and has had Issue — Everard William Campbell Barton, Gentleman, born September 30, 1887 ; died Decem- ber 19, 1887 ; Evelyn Mary ; Winifred Millie ; and Con- stance Everard Campbell. Postal address — Astley Hall, Stourport, Worcs. § HENRY JOHN HOPE BARTON, Gentleman, B.A. Ch. Ch. , Oxon., Lieut. Yorkshire Dragoons. Born Feb. 25, 1875, being the only son of the late John Watson Barton, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , by his wife Juliana, second dau. of James Hope of Moray Place, Edinburgh. Ar- morial bearings — Azure, on a fesse, between three bucks' heads caboshed or, a martlet gules, within two acorns slipped vert. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuing from a mount vert, an acorn proper, fructed or, with a leaf on either side vert, each charged with a martlet also or. Motto — " Crescitur cultu." Seats — Stapleton Park, near Pontefract ; and Saxby Hall, Barton- on-Humber. WILLIAM HENRY HUGH BARTON, Gentleman. Bom Feb. 1871, being the elder son of the late Samuel Henry Barton, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , of Grove, co. Tipperary, by his wife Mary Ehzabeth, only dau. of Major Thomas Frobisher, of the Bengal Army, of Cheltenham, J. P. and D.L. Armorial bearings — Argent, a rose gules, barbed vert, seeded or, between three boars' heads erased proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a boar's head erased proper. Motto — "Fide et fortitudine." Postal address — Hereford Villa, Bronsford Road, Worcestershire. BRIAN BARTTELOT BARTTELO T, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Sussex, late HR flff'f'l^f n1" Captain 2nd Battalion Sussex Rifle Volun- iUClvVVvlUV teers, youngest but only surviving son of George Barttelot, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant of Stopham, in the county of Sussex (and brother of the late Colonel the Right Honourable Sir Walter Barttelot Barttelot, Baronet, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Member of Parliament), by Emma his wife, youngest daughter of James Woodbridge. Clubs — Oxford and Cambridge University, Pall Mall, Lon- don ; Royal Torbay Yacht (Torquay), Royal Dart Yacht (Kingswear, Dartmouth). Livery — Dark blue coat with black and yellow striped waistcoat, black trousers, and brass buttons ; dress livery : blue coat, pale yellow cashmere waistcoat, black plush breeches, gold garters, and black silk stockings. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly of 8, i. sable, three sinister gloves pendent argent, tasselled or (for Barttelot) ; 2. quarterly per fesse indented argent and gules, four crescents counterchanged (for Stop- ham) ; 3. azure, three chevronels argent, in the sinister chief a martlet for difference (for Lewknor) ; 4. gules, three bucks' heads caboshed argent (for Doyley) ; 5. azure, two bars gemel, in chief a lion passant guardant or (for Tregoz) ; 6. or, on a chief gules, three bezants (for Camoys) ; 7. argent, three hawks' heads erased sable (for Walton) ; 8. argent, an eagle with two heads displayed sable (for Sykeston) ; and is the Naval Cockade. «4 IBais T5aj0f tor Mi Omt. upon « wrniih of the colours, a swan couchant wkh wing* «naoraed amni : and the Motto—" Malura. MmrHtd, June i. 1864. Marv Dorothy (./. June a8. 1899), •Mart dao. of the late John Frederic La 'I'rube Bateman, P.R.&. of Moor Park, Fornharo. ca Surrey ; and has iK fMATUR J BI Issue — (i) George Frederic Barttelot, Esq., Major Royal Welsh Ftisiliers, b. June 13, 1865; (2) Brian Herbert Fairbairn Barttelot, Gentleman, Commander R.N., b. Dec. 31, 1867; Mary Philadelphia; and Isobel Dorothy \m. Sept. 1891, Alfred P. Marsden]. Estate and postal address — Ditton, Torquay, Devon. BASHE. quartered by FLOYER. BASHFORD (H. Coll.). Or, an eagle displayed sable, on a chief of the last, a pale of the first, and three bear's heads erased coimterchanged. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bear's paw erased fessewise sable, thereon a sea-horse's head erased argent. Son of late Capt James Bashford, R.N. : — William Charles Lake Bashford, Esq., J. P., D.L., h. . Rts. — Brunswick Square, Brighton. BASING, quartered by HUSSEY. JOHN BASKERVILLE, Esquire. J. P. and D.L. co. Oxford, Colonel (retired) late commanding Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars, formerly in the 6th Dragoons and Major 14th Hussars. Bom Nov. 9, 1839, being the eldest son of the late Henry Baskerville, 1^., J.P and D.L., High Sheriff 1847 (who assumed by Royal Licence March 5, 1838, the surname (uid arms of Baskerville, in lieu of those of Viveash, on succeeding to the estate of his first cou.sin, John Baskerville), by his wife M.-iry Anna, second dau. of John Standfast Burton of Cheltenham. Anuorlal bearings- Argent, a chevron gules, between three hurts. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wr«ath of the colours, a woirs head erased or, pierced through the mouth by a broken spear in bend sinister, point upwards argent, im- brued gules, and staff broken gold. Motto—" Si)cro m iidelis.' Married, 1869, Caroline, dau. of William t li Henry, M.D., F.R.S.. F.R.G.S., F.C.S., J. P.. of H;,f CO. Hereford ; and has Issue — (i) Geoffrey Ba.skLn...c, Esq., B.A. Ch. Ch., Oxford, and late Capt. sth Batt. Royai Fusiliers, b. August 23, 1870; (2) Humphrey Baskerville, Gentleman, b. Feb. 22, 1879 ; Clara Juliet ; and Maud Lucy. Seat — Crowsley Park, Henley-on-Thames, Oxford. Clubs— Junior United Service, Cavalry. RALPH HOPTON BASKERVILLE. Gentleman. Bom Feb 13, 1883, being the only son of the late Walter Thomas Mynors Baskerville, Esq., J. P., D. L., and I. P. CO. Brecon, High Sheriff 1868, by his wife Rcrtha Maria, only child of John Hopton of Canonffrome Court, co. Hereford. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron gules between three hurts. Mantling gules and argent. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, a wolf's head erased or, pierced through the mouth by a broken spear in Ijend sinister, point upwards argent, imbrued gules, and staff broken gold. Motto — "Spero ut fidelis. ' Seat~C\fco Court, near Hay. ALFRED BARNARD BASSET. Gentleman, Barrister- at- Law, Master of Arts of the Univer-iityof ^\PKntitiCt Cambridge. Fellow of the Royal Society, iUnPP VV only child of the late Alfred Basset, and heir of the late John Swinford Bjsset, Esquire, of Stamford Hill, in the county of Middlesex. Armorial bearing^ — Or, three piles gules, each charged with a bugle-horn stringed of the first, a chief vair. Crest— A boar's head erased or, gorged with a ribband gules, sus- pending an escutcheon of the last, and thereon a bugle- horn as in the arms. Motto — "In arduis fortitude." Mar- ried, April II, 1882, Edith Sarah Irwin, only child of the late Thomas Gustave de Chaundre of Rouen and Dublin ; and has Issue — Almina Caroline Georgiana ; Eflie Alfreda lima. Estate and postal address — Fledborough Hall, Holyport, Berks. C/k^— United University, is the Military Cockade. TBajef lBa& H ARTHUR FRANCIS BASSET, Gentleman, late Royal ,Nlorth Devon Hussars. Born Jan. 29, 1873, being the son )f the late Gustavus Lambart Basset, Esquire, J. P. and 3 L by his wife Charlotte Mary, dau. of William Elm- ''lirst of West Ashby, co. Lincoln. Armorial bearings— )uarterly i and 4, or, three bars wavy gules (for Basset) ; "and 3 sable, a falcon rising or, between three mullets of !he last' (for Pendarves). Mantling gules and or. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head couped irgent, horned, waved, and tufted or. Motto—" Pro rege j;t populo." Seal— Tehidy Park, Camborne. S CHARLES HENRY BASSET, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Devon, and sometime Member )f Parliament for Barnstaple (1868-1874). Born Novern- f^er 16, 1834, being the fourth surviving son of the late Sir vVilliam Williams, first Baronet of TreguUon, in the county .)f Cornwall, by his wife Carohne, younger daughter of Richard Eales of Eastdon, Lieutenant (retired) in the Royal Mavy, having served through the whole of the Crimean AVari'n the Black Sea, and the Sea of Azof, Major in the : Royal North Devon Yeomanry. Assumed by Royal License, n the year 1880, the surname of Basset in Tieu of his patro- ;iymic; with the arms of Basset. Club— Junior United I Service. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Barry wavy of six or and gules, and for distinction in the centre i:hief point a cross crosslet of the last ; and for a Crest, on 1 wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head couped argen the mane, beard, and horn or, on the neck two bars indented •tjules, and charged for distinction with a cross crosslet also ■ gules ; with the Motto, ' ' Bene agere ac Laetari. ' ' Married, January 7, 1878, Harriet Mary, only daughter of Arthur Davie Basset, Gentleman, of Watermouth, and sister and co-heiress of Reverend Arthur Crawfurth Davie Basset, Justice of the Peace and Master of Arts, also of Water- mouth ; and has Issue — Walter Basset, Gentleman, born September 20, 1863, and Edith [married, October 18, 1882, Ernest Charles Penn Curzon, Esquire, Captain in the i8th ; Hussars, and has issue]. Estates — Westaway, Umberleigh, , and Watermouth Castle, all in the county of Devon. Postal address — Watermouth Castle, Ilfracombe. ' WILLIAM RICHARD BASSET BASSET, Gentleman. Born November 23, 1863, being the eldest son of the late -Major William West Bruce, Esq., J. P. co. Glamorgan, 74th Highlanders and 94th Regt. He assumed by Royal Licence, 1865, the surname and arms of Bassett, by his wife Eliza, dau. of Richard Weeks, Barrister-at-Law. Ar- morial bearings — Argent, a chevron between three bugle- horns stringed sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head caboshed, between the attires a cross fitchde at the foot argent. MottO — ' ' Gwell angau na chywilydd." Seat — Beaupr6, near Cowbridge. co. Glamorgan. RALPH THURSTAN BASSETT, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. for CO. of Glamorgan (High Sheriff 'TKfjtftfpff 1895). Born January 15, 1851, being the M^U^^VvV second but only surviving son of the late Richard Bassett, Esquire, of Bonvilstone, in the county of Glamorgan, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Glamorgan, by his first wife, Ann IMaria, second daughter of John Homfray of Penlline Castle, in the same county. Club— ]nn\or Carlton. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, a chevron between three bugle-horns stringed sable ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head caboshed, between the attires a cross fitch^e argent ; with the Motto, "Gwell angau na chwilydd." Married, June 12, 1878, Augusta Maria, daughter of Captain F. Tyler ; and has /ww— Dorothy Sysylt, and Olive. Estates— 'QoKv'iXsXon and Cilfynydd. Postal address - Crossways, Cowbridge, South Wales. § BALDWIN JOHN POLLEXFEN BASTARD, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. High Sheriff 1865 for Devon, late Col. commanding 4th Devon Adm. Batt. R.V., served in the Crimea as Lieut, in 9th Regiment of Foot. Born March 11, 1830, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Edmund Pollexfen Bastard, Esq., M.P. for Devon, by his wife the Hon. Anne Rodney, only surviving dau. of Rt. Hon. George, 2nd Baron Rodney. Armorial bearings— Or, a chevron azure. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in plate armour proper, garnished or, the elbow towards the sinister, the hand in a gauntlet grasping a sword also proper, pommel and hilt gold, in bend sinister, the point downwards. Motto — " Pax potior bello." Married, Oct. 16, 1861, Frances Jane, youngest dau. of the Hon. Mortimer Rodney. Seats — Kitley, near Yealmpton; and Buckland Court, near Ashburton, both in Devon. WILLIAM EDMUND POLLEXFEN BASTARD, Esquire, J.P. for co. Devon, late Lieut, ist Royal Devon Yeo. Born April 12, 1864, being the elder and only surviving son of the Rev. William Pollexfen Bastard, M.A. , Oxon., formerly Rector of Lezant, Cornwall, by his wife Caroline, second dau. of Vice-Admiral WooUcombe of Hemerdon. Armorial bearings — Or, a chevron azure. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in plate armour proper, garnished or, the elbow towards the sinister, the hand in a gauntlet grasping a sword also proper, pommel and hilt gold, in bend sinister, the point downwards. Motto — " Pax potior bello. " Married, April 14, 1890, Rosamond Isabel, only dau. of Abraham Briggs Foster of Canwell Hall, co. Stafford ; and has Issue —Rosamond Bridget; Petronel Jane; Isabel May; and Wilfrida Anne. 5ea/— Lyneham, Yealmpton, Devon. Reverend WILLIAM POLLEXFEN BASTARD, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. Oxon., late Rector of Lezant, Cornwall. Born Jan. 12, 1832, being the third son of the late Edmund Pollexfen Bastard, Esq., of Kitley, M.P. for Devon, by his wife the Hon. Anne Jane Rodney, only surviving dau. of Rt. Hon. George, 2nd Baron Rodney. Armorial bearings — Or, a chevron azure. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in plate armour proper, garnished or, the elbow towards the sinister, the hand in a gauntlet, grasping a sword also proper, pommel and hilt gold, in bend sinister, the point downwards. Motto —"Pax potior bello." Married, Jan. 27, 1859, Caroline, second dau. of Vice-Admiral WooUcombe of Hemerdon ; and has Issue— {\) William Edmund Pollexfen Bastard, Esq. [to whom refer] ; (2) Edmund George Bastard, Gentle- man, b. Dec. II, 1872, d. young; Jane Frances \m., April I is tbe Haval Cockade. S6 TBat TBat ic. iMa. GwmW M«eel Connin of Ilrartridge | louse. Drvon. AMI hu bwal: Mary Caroline ; Mllcn NS oollcombe ; Anne K^bwine I- . Oct. a;. 189a. Hon. and Rev. Henrv Noel WkMecrav^ and has issue]; Grace f'ctronell; Florence eiinbnta: Alice Dorothy; and Caroline Bridget. Postal MUnu~~Conieic, Torquay. M THOMAS lUTE. Esquire. Deputy- Lieutenant and O justice of the Teace for the county of Flint, for '>a.a¥» which he served the office of High Shi-riff in the iD QilP year 1887, late Captain in the Denbighshire Hussars. B^tm 1840, being the only son of the lata Edward Bate. Esquire, of Kelsterton. Justice of the PMc*. by Martha his wife, only daughter of the Reverend Bdward Whitley of Bcrse Drelincourt. 67«*j — Junior Carlton, /.itwr^— Dark blue coat. reox- doth overeoal. with blue cufls and collar. Armortal bear- iBfft— He bears for ▲rma : Sable, on a fesse cotised argent, 1881-83. and to International Sugar Conference 18,, „, British Delegate to International Tariff Bun-au fonfiniioe at Brussels 1888, Sec. to Treaties Conimittct ,,() British Delegate to Anglo- Portuguese ( oinn i,. ations 189a. and to Anglo-S|>anish Coiumcu... . ,,..1.4. tions 1894; President Roy, Statistical .Soc. 1897, (Jhair< man of Board of Trade Commercial Coinmitlt-e. Horn Aug. 31. 1844, being the seventh son of the late Rev. John BiU«^ man, Rector of E. and W. Leake, Notts, and Dean of Hartington, by his wife Emily, dau. of i-klward SheweU. Armonal bearings — Or, three crescents, issuant Irom each an estoile of six points gules, a canton azure. Mantling gules and or. Creat— On a wre^ith of the coloun, a crtsceni and estoile as in the arms, tetween two eagles' wings or. MottO — " Sidus adsit amicum." -lA/rriVrf, July 30, 1868, Edith Ellen, dau. of James Eland Hobson of Haverfield, Kew, and of Eaton Socon, lieds. ; and has had Issue — (i) John Sacheverell Bateman, Esq., b. and d. 1869; (3) Edward Sacheverell Bateman, Esq.,*. Dec. i, 1870; (3) John Keelinge Bateman, Esq.. b. June 10, 1872; (4) Alfred James Bateman, Esq., b. 1881, d. 1883; Grace Ellen; Hester ; and Edith Florence [m. 1899, Ivor Forbes Mal- colmson]. Estates — Eaton Socon, Bedfordshire; Cotton Mill Farm, Uttoxeter, Staffs. Postal address — Woodhoiiv, Wimbledon Park, London, S.W. C/«*j — Windham. National. FREDERIC OSBORNE FITZHERBERT BATE- MAN, Esquire, J. P. co. Derby. Bom Nov. 12. 1859. being the only child of the late Thomas Osborne Bateman, Escj.. J. P., D. L. , of Hartington Hall, by his wife Fanny Hanham. dau. of William Lawrence Bicknell. Club — Windham. Armorial bearing^ — Or, three crescents, and issuant from each an estoile of six points gules, a canton azure. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a crescent and estoile as in the arms, between two eagles' wings or. Motto — "Sidus adsit amicum." Married, 1886, Evelyn Mary, dau. of Major Wilkinson of Scarborough ; and has, with other Issue — Osborne R. Sacheverell Bateman, Gentleman, born 1887. Seats— Hartington Hall and Breadsall Mount, Derbyshire. HUGH ALLEYNE SACHEVERELL BATEMAN. Gentleman, Lord of the Manor of Morley. Born i860, being the only son of the late Thomas Keelinge B.iteinan, Gentleman, by his wife Georgina, daughter of Frederick Bannatyne, 33rd Regiment. Club — Boodle's. Livery— Black coat, with red waistcoat. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, or three crescents, with an estoile of six points gules, a canton azure (for Bateman) ; 3 and 3 or, on a fesse Ijetween two dragons' heads erased sable, three dolphins of the field (for Osborne) ; and for the Crest, a crescent with an estoile gules between two wings or; with the Motto, "Virtus ad sidera." Married, June 8, 1888, Anna, daughter of Edward Bridges, late of Shropshire, formerly 7th Fusiliers. Estates — Morley, in the county of Derby. Postal address — Etwall, Derby shire. between four dexter hands coup>ed at the wrist three in chief and one in base bendways or, an arrow fesseways proper ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of tiie colours, in front of a stag's head couped argent, attired or, pierced in the neck by an arrow in bend proper, a hand couped at the wrist fesseways also or; with the Motto, " Live to live." Married, July II. 1878, Perenna, daughter of William Owen, Esquire, of Shanvaghey, Queen's County, and of Blessingion, Ireland, Justice of the Peace; and has Issue — (i) Roger Whitley Hate. Gentleman, born October 13, 1882, killed at Rostpan, Dec. 7. 1901 ; (2) Thomas Bate, Gentleman, born July i, 1889; Gwendoline Mary Owen; Dorothy; Gladys Annie; Marjoric Perenna; and Pauline Janet Whitley. Estates and postal aencer Bateman- Hanbury-Kincaid- Len- nox. Born iZ-z-], being the son of the Rt. Hon. William Hanbury Bateman-Hanbury, the first Baron Bateman, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Spencer Stanley Chichester, Esquire, commonly known as Lord Spencer Stanley Chichester ; assumed the names of Kincaid-Lennox on his marriage, by Royal License, 1872 ; entered 2nd Life Guards 1850, Captain 1858, retired 1859 ; appointed Aide- de-Camp to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland 1858, a Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Hereford i860, and for the county of Stirling 1863, Member of Parliament for that county 1852-1857, and for Leominster 1858-1865. Married, firstly, 1861, Margaret Cunninghame, eldest daughter of John Lennox-Kincaid-Lennox, and widow of the seventh Viscount Strangford, who died 1857, within a month of his marriage (she died 1892); and secondly, 1893, Rose, daughter of Boyd Alexander Cunninghame, Royal Navy. Postal addresses — 63 Montagu Square, W. Clubs — Carlton, Arthur's, Bachelors'. BATES (H. Coll). Barry of twelve per pale azure and argent, counterchanged, on a chevron or, cotised gules, three pallets of the last, each charged with a fleur-de-lis of the third. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, five fleurs-de-lis alternately or and gules, in front of a swan's head couped proper, and charged on the neck with six barrulets azure. Motto — " Virtutis comes invidia." Livery — Blue and silver. Sons of Thomas Bates of Aydon, Barrister-at-Law, b. 1810 ; d. 1882 ; m. 2nd, Matilda Jane, d. of Rev. Edward Harbin , Rector of Kingweston : — Rev. Edward Harbin Bates, M.A., Rector of Pucking- ton, b. 1862. Res. — The Rectory, Puckington, Somer set. Charles Loftus Bates, Esq., D.S.O., Capt. late ist Dragoon Gds., Major Reserve of Officers, Lt.-Col. North- is the Naval Cockade. S8 15at noilNrknd I.Y., k 1863 ; m. i8aa, KMhftrine, eld. d. of BdvMd LMMtutter. tlic Spiul, Northumberland: and has issue — Edward Giles Bates, Gentleman, ^. 1897. Res. — The Spital, Hexham. Club — Army and Navy. i EDWARD HENRY BATH. Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Car- marthen, for which county he served the office of High Sheriff m the year 189a, and is also a J.P, for the borough TBat of Swansea, Bom Feb. 3. 1851 , »)cing the eldest son of the late Edward Bath. Esq.. J.l'. of Hrynymdr. Swansea by Eugenie his wife, daughter of Charles LamU-rt of Coquimbo in the Republic of Chili, and nephew of the late Henry James Bath of Alltyferin. /-iwry — Chocolate, with red piping. Armoriai bearings (H. Coll., 1868)— C.uies. a chevron paly of six argent and or, between three plates, on a chief of the third, as many wolves' heads erased sable' Mantling gules and argent. CreBt—On a wreath of the colours, a woirs head erased sable, gorged witli a collar vair, and holding in the mouth a rose gules, slipped and leaved proper. Mottoes—" Habere et dispertire, — " He conquers who endures." Married, August la, 1874 Esther, daughter of John Williams James of Hrynljriallu! Swansea; and has Issue — Henry Bath, Gentleman, b. Dec. 18. 1875 ; Esther ; Catherine Edith ; and Janet Lam- bert. Postal address — Alltyferin, Nantgaredig, R.S.O. Carmarthenshire. Clubs — Swansea (Swansea), Bristol Channel Yacht Club (Oyslermouth). CHARLES BATHURST, Esquire, J.P. forco. Glouces- ter. Born Nov. 27, 1836, being the elder son of the laie Rev. William Hiley Bathurst ; by his wife M.iry Anne, fourth dau. of Matthew Rhodes of Leeds. Armorial bear- ings — Sable, two bars ermine, in chief three crosses pat(^ or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in mail embowed, holding in the hand all proper a club with spikes or. Motto — "Tien ta foy." Married, Jan. 27, 1864, Mary lilizaljeth, dau. of Colonel Hay ; and has had Issue — (r) William Hay Bathurst, Gentleman, b. Oct. 17, 1864; d. Jan. 26, 1883; (a) Ch.irles Bathurst, Esq., J.P. co. Gloucester, late Capt. R. Mon- mouth Engineer Militia, Barrister-at-Law, b. Sept. 21, 1867 \m., Dec. 17, 1898, Hon. Bertha Susan Lopes, youngest dau. of Rt. Hon. ist Baron Ludlow, and has issue, Ben- jamin Ludlow Bathurst, Gentleman, *. Oct. 2, 1899]; (3) Arthur Henry Bathurst, Gentleman, b. Aug. 29, 1871 ; (4) Robert Bathurst, Gentleman, b. May 18, 1875; Mary Georgina ; and Margaret Frances, d, young, July 28, i886. Seat — Lydney Park, co. Gloucester. The Venerable FREDERICK BATHURST, Arch- deacon of the county of Bedford, Honorary Canon of Ely. Bom March 7, 1827, being the si.vlh son of Sir James Bathurst, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, by his wife Caroline, commonly known as Lady Caroline, daughter of the first Earl and sixth Baron Castlestuart. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, two bars ermine, and in chief three crosses pat6e or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befit- ting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an arm in mail embowed, the elbow to the sinister, the hand proper, holding a spiked club or. Married, 1855, Catherine Georgiana, daughter of the Reverend Calvert Fitzgerald Moore, Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty ; and has had Issue — (i) James Stuart Bathurst, Gentleman, born 1859, died 1868 ; (2) Frederick Marlay Bathurst, Gentleman, bom 1865 ; Louisa [married Stanley Victor Coote] ; and Katherine. Postal address — Holwell Rectory, Hitchm. SThe Right Honourable SEYMOUR HENRY BATHURST, Earl Bathurst of Bathurst, co. Sussex; Baron Bathurst of Battlesden, co. Bedford; Baron Apsley of Apsley, co. Sussex ; C.M.G., D.L., Col. 4tli Bat. Glou- cester Regt. Born July 21, 1864, being the eldest son of the late Right Honourable Allen Alexander, sixth Earl Bathurst, by his wife Meriel Leicester Warren, dau. of the Right Honourable George, second Lord de Tabley. Livery — Dark blue with gilt buttons, pale yellow waistcoat with narrow blue lines. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4 (for Bathurst), sable, two bars ermine, in chief three crosses pat^e or; 2. argent, on a cross gules, five escallops or (for Villers) ; 3. barry of six argent and gules, a canton ermine (for Apsley) : and impal- ing the arms of Borthwick, namely, argent, a cinquefoil sable, on a chief invected of the last, two cinquefoils of the field. Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in mail embowed the hand proper, grasping a club with spikes or. Supporters is the Military Cockade. * TBat TBat Two sta^s argent, each gorged with a collar gemelle .nines MottO— "Tien ta foy." Married, Nov. 15, 1893, i lias Margaret Frances, only dau. of Rt. Hon. Sir Algernon fbrthwicki" Baron Glenesk and Baronet ; and has Issue— I Allen Algernon Bathurst, Esq., commonly called Lord BATTEN, quartered by LYONS-MONTGOMERY, HENRY BUTLER BATTEN, Gentleman, B.A. (New Coll., Oxon.). Born Oct. 13, 1845, being the second son of John Batten, Esq., of Aldon, Somerset, J. P. and D.L. j'Vpsley ; (2) Hon. William Ralph Seymour Bathurst ; Lady iiileriel Olivia. Residences — Cirencester House, Cirencester; p2 Bruton Street, London, W. j THOMAS EDMOND BATT, Esquire, J. P. co. Done- lijal, Lieut.-Col. and Hon. Col. Commanding Donegal '.Vrtillery. Born 1854, being the eldest son of the late (Thomas Batt, Esq., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1844, \1.A. Trin. Coll., Cambridge, by his wife Charlotte, dau. of the Rev. Edniond Hesketh Dalrymple Know, late Arch- ieacon of Killaloe. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a cross between four bats sable, three escallops in pale or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the ;olours, a crescent argent, charged with an escallop gules. Motto— " Virtute et valore." Seat — Rathmullan House, :o. Donegal. BATTEN, see CHISHOLM-BATTEN and HENRY- BATTEN-POOLE. Somerset and Dorset, by his wife Grace Eleanor, dau. of John White of Upcerne, Dorset. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron nebuly ermine, between three anchors erect entwined by a cable or, a chief in arch of the last. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of the stump of an oak tree sprouting on either side proper, three roses argent, barbed and seeded proper. Motto — " Tenax propositi j>ersto." Residence — Aldon, Yeovil, Somerset. Club — New University. HERBERT GARY GEORGE BATTEN, Esquire, J. P. for Somerset, B.A. (Trin. Hall, Camb. ), Lieut.-Col. 3rd Batt. Dorset Regt. Born March 3, 1849, being the third son of John Batten, Esq., of Aldon, Somerset, J. P. and D.L. Somerset and Dorset, by his wife Grace Eleanor, dau. of John White of Upcerne, Dorset. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron nebuly ermine, between three anchors erect entwined by a cable or, a chief in arch of the last. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the Ih is the Naval Cockade. 16at TBat w,^^ In from oT the itiaDp of an oak tree sprouting on •Itlier iide proper, three roae« argent, Iwrbed and seeded proper. Motto —" Tenax propositi persto." Marritd, amjy. Aug. 6. 1878, Frances Eleanor, daa of John Beard- mor« of Upland*, Hants; and secondly, Oct. 5, 1808, Isabella FVances, dau. of the Intc Uen. Sir Robert Bright, G.CBw JJ<«//—Fairlee, Isle of Wight ; Keyford, Yeovil. HKRHERT PHELIPS B.XTTEN, Gentleman. Bom 1859. being the ion of the late Herbert Batten. Esq., J. P. •nd D.U Somerset, and J. P. for Dorset, Captain late ist Somepict .Mihtia. by his wife Elirabeth, dau. of Rev. William Phelips of Cucklington, Somerset. Annorlal bsarlng* - .Axure, a chevron nebuly ermine, between three anchors rrcct entwined by a cable or, a chief in arch of the last. Tf»'? "«" g axure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of the stump of an oak tree sprouting 00 either side proper, three roses argent, barbed and seeded proper. Motto— " Tenax propositi persto." Married, 1893, Josephine Constance, second dau. of Sir Joseph Cocksey Lee. Residtnct — Lufton Manor, near Yeovil, Somerset. Clui — New University. SJOHN MOUNT BATTEN, Esquire, C.B., late Col. King's Liverpool Regiment, J. P. cos. Dorset and Somerset, Sheriff of Dorset. Bom April 7, 1843, being the eldest son of John Batten, Esq., of Aldon, Somerset, J. P. and D.L. Somerset and Dorset, by his wife Grace Eleanor, dau. and heir of John White of Upceme, Dorset Armorial beartngt- Quarterly i and 4, azure, a chevron nebuly ermine, between three anchors erect entwined by a cable or, a chief in arch of the last (for Batten) ; a and 3, azure, on a cross quarterly ermine and or, between four falcons argent, a fret gules between four lozenges of the first (White); impaling the arms of San t, namely, sable, a chevron cotised or, between three roses argent, barbed and seeded proper, as many escallops of the field. M»«t»ngr azure and argent. Crest (of Batten)— On a wreath of the colours, in front of the stump of an oak tree sprouting on eittier side proper, three roses argent, barbod and seeded proper. Motto—" Hold fast." Married, firstly, July 16, 1873, Margaret .'\nnie, eldest dau. of Rev. John Brooks, Rector of Walter-le-dale, co. Lancaster ; and by her (who died 1893) has Issue— (i) John Henry Strode Batten, Gentleman, Lieut. King's Liverpool Regiment, i. 1875; (a) Nathaniel Prygge Batten, Gentleman, of Exeter Coll., Oxon. ; Grace Amy Margaret [tn., Jan. 6, 1898, Edward George Troyte Bullock, eldest son of George Troyte-Chatyn Grove of North Cocker House]; Winifred Sarah Eleanor; Frances Maud ; and Constance Mount. Col. Batten m. secondly, 1895, Mary Edith, eldest dau. of James Sant, Esq., R.A. Residences — Upceme House, Dorchester ; Mornington Lodge, West Kensington. Mr. Batten makes use of the White crest (put of a ducal coronet per pale or and gules, a camets head axure, eared gold, gorged with a wreath of lilies and roses) in lieu of the crest of Batten. BATTEN (H. Coll). Per pale argent and or, three battle-axes erect sable, on a chief arched gules, two anchors with cables also erect of the second. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand grasping a battle- axe in bend sinister blade upwards, two battle-axes in sallire all proper. Motto—" Boulez en avant." Only surv. son of John Batten, Gentleman, late Prin- cipal Clerk, H.M. Customs, of 4 Percy Villas, Ken- sington, W. : — John tlolgate Batten, Esq., late Major 4th Middx. Rifle Vols. , b. 1859 ; m. 1892, Jane Leckie, yr. d. of late Alexander Forbes of The Galleries, Aberdeen [Arms of Forbes — vide Forbes of Monymusk — impaled, viz. azure, on a chevron argent, between three bears' heads couped of the last, muzzled gules, a man's heart projjer, a bordure or]; and has issue — (i) John Forbes Batten, Gentleman, b, 1893 ; (2) Stephen Alexander Holgate Batten, Gentleman, b. 1898; and Marjorie Isabel. Res. — 4 Percy Villas, Campden Hill, Kensington, London, W. C/«*— Junior Constitutional Albemarle. WORSLEY BATTERSBY, Esq.. J. P. for Somerset. Bom 1825, being the son of the late Charles Battersby of Hindley, co. Lancaster, by Annie, dau. and coheir of the late Rev. Thomas Heyes, M.A., Vicar of West Houghton and Christchurch, co. Lancaster. Armorial bearings— Argent, a lozenge sable, on a chief wavy atui« a paddle-wheel steamship with sails or. impaling the arms of May. namely gules, a chevron invected or. Iwtwecn three roses argent, on a chief of the second a bull stutant sable Mantling sable and argent ; and for his CrMt. upon a wreath of the colours, a ram argent, armed or. charged on the body with two trefoils slipped vert, and resting the dexter foreleg on a lozenge sable. Motto — " Lahore vinces " Married, 1876, Jessie, 3rd dau. of Willi.am M.iy, of the E.I.C. Service ; and has. with other /«//«- Charles Worsley Battersby. Gentleman, b. 1877. iVa/— Knowie, Dunster, Somerset. Tawn residence — 7a Onslow Gardens. S.W. SThe Right Honourable CYRIL FLOWER, ist Baron Battersea, of Battersea, co. London, and Over- strand, CO. Norfolk (1892), M.A, (Trin. Coll.. Camb.) Barrister-at-Law (Inner Temple), a Member of the Com- mission of Lieutenancy for the City of London, Lieut. Bucks Yeomanry Cavalry, formerly M.P, for Brecknock, 1880-85. and for Luton 1885-92, Junior Lord of the Tre.i- sury Feb. to July 1886. Born Aug. 30. 1843, being the eldest son of the late Philip William Flower of Furze Down, CO. Surrey, by his wife Mary. dau. of Jonathan Flower. Armorial bearings — Or. two flaunches vert in pale three escutcheons of the last, each charged with a fleur-de-lis of the field, and impaling the arms of Roths- child, namely, quarterly, i. or. an eagle displayed sable ; 2 and 3, azure, issuing from the dexter and sinister sides of the shield respectively, an arm embowed grasping five arrows points downwards argent ; 4. or, a lion rampant projjer, langued gules, over all an escutcheon gules, thereon a target point to the dexter proper. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from clouds, a cubit arm erect proper, in the hand a rose and lily argent, each slipped vert. Supporters — Dexter, a mermaid proper, sem6e-de-lis azure, holding in her dexter hand three arrows or ; sinister, a sea-horse proper, collared or, sem^e of roses gules. Motto — "Flores curat Deus." Married, Nov. 22, 1877, Constance, elder dau. of Sir Anthony de Rothschild, ist Bart. Seats— h^iow Clinton, Tring. Bucks ; Pleasaunce. Overstrand, Cromer, Norfolk. Town residence — Surrey House, 7 Marble Arch. London, W. Clubs — Brooks's, Devonshire, Reform. ^ is the Military Cockade. TBat iBar 91 WILLIAM HENRY BATTIE-WRIGHTSON, Es- • quire, J. P. rmd D.L. for Uie county of York, High ^' riff of Yorkshire 1900, late Lieutenant in the losth i ht Infantry, and Captain 3rd Battalion York and Lan- tlter Regiment, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. )-n 1855, being the eldest son of the Reverend Charles {ward Thomas, Rector of Hemsworth, in the county of rk and his wife Georgiana Mary, third daughter of Colonel inry Hely Hutchinson of Weston, Towcester, commonly lijwn as Colonel the Honourable Henry Hely Hutchinson, ij Harriot his wife, eldest daughter of William Wrightson J Cusworth ; and assumed the surname and arms of {tie -Wrightson, by Royal License in the year 1891. ,L^j_Naval and Military. Livery — B\ack coat with ■ low piping on the collar, yellow and black striped waisi- iit, black trousers with yellow piping, and black greatcoat. im'orlal bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and [orafesse engrailed compony counter-compony azure and ijent, between four griffins' heads erased, three in chief I d one in base of the second (for Wrightson) ; 2 and 3 jble, a chevron argent, between three goats statant of the .•t, each charged with two pallets gules, a chief or, issuant ferefronfi a demi-man affrontfe, the dexter hand holding a j.ib in bend between two cinquefoils, all also gules (for [• ttie) ; impaling the arms of Cecil, namely, barry of ten i:jent and azure, six escutcheons, three., two and one 1 3le, each charged with a lion rampant of the first ; and r his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a rock pper, a unicorn rampant argent, resting the sinister fore- :; on an escutcheon or, charged with a griffin's head , ised azure. Married, August 7, 1884, Isabella Georgiana I itherine Cecil, commonly known as Lady Isabella ]i!orgiana Katherine Cecil, eldest daughter of the Most j.onourable William Alleyne Cecil, Marquess of Exeter ; , id has /wa^— Robert Cecil Battle- Wrightson, Gentleman, ; jrn August 24, 1888 ; and Barbara Isabella Georgiana. \ states — Lord of the Manors of Cusworth, Warmsworth, and I iliiigton, in the county of York ; Hurworth, in the county j. Durham : Mickley, in the county of Northumberland'. ('Mto/ arfrfrm— Cusworth Park, Doncaster. BATTYE, see TREVOR-BATTYE. CHARLES EDMUND AUGUSTINE TREVOR ^TTYE-TREVOR, Esquire, Capt. 3rd Battalion East incashire Regiment. Bortt Dec. 5, 1853, being the i^ son of the late Reverend William Wilberforce Battye Tingrith House, in the county of Bedford, Rector of ever, in the county of Kent, Lord of the Manors of Tin- ith and Little Hampden, by his wife Harriet Dorothea 5 whom refer], only daughter of Edmund Wakefield eade-Waldo, Esquire, of Stonewall, in the county of Kent, and of Vever Castle, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for that county. Mrs. Battye-Trevor was authorised by Royal License, dated September 23, 1890, in conjunction with the issue of her late husband, to assume the surname of Trevor before that of Battye, and the arms of Trevor quarterly with those of Battye, but her eldest son, above-mentioned, assumed the name of Battye- Trevor in lieu of Trevor-Battye in 1894. Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, sable a chevron argent, between three goats passant of the last, each charged with two pellets fesseways, a chief invected or, thereon a demi-man couped and affrontfe holding over his dexter shoulder a club proper between two cinquefoils gules (for Battye) ; 2 and 3 party per bend sinister erminois and pean, a lion rampant counterchanged (for Trevor). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, upon a club fesseways proper, a stork argent, collared and lined sable, hold- ing in the beak a roach proper (for Battye) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, the trunk of an oak-tree, a branch sprouting from its dexter side, acorned proper, upon the trunk a wyvern, tail nowed sable, wings elevated erminois (for Trevor) ; with the Motto, " Ducat amor Dei." ALFRED RIDLEY BAX, Gentleman, F.S.A., Barrister- at-Law of the Middle Temple. Elder son of Daniel Bax of Kenmure, Streatham, by Eleanor, youngest dau. of John Carter of Greenwich. Armorial bearings— Sable, on a chevron between three martlets argent, a lyre of the field ; on a chief of the second, three beech leaves slipped vert. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a vireath of the colours, two arms embowed, vested sable, cuffs argent, the hands proper holding a lyre or. Motto — " Verus et fidehs." Married, Nov. 7, 1882, Charlotte Ellen, elder dan. of the Rev. William Knibb Lea of Amoy, China, and after- wards of West Norwood, co. Surrey ; and has had Issue — (i) Arnold Edward Trevor Bax, Gentleman, b. November 8, 1883 ; (2) Alfred Aubrey Vernon Bax, b. 1884, d. 1895 ; (3) Clifford Lea Bax, Gentleman, b. July 13, 1886; and Evelyn Mabelle Ellen. Residence — Ivy Bank, Haverstock Hill, Hampstead, N.W. HENRY GEORGE OUTRAM BAX-IRONSIDE, of Houghton-le-Spring, co. Palatine of Durham, Secretary H.B.M. Diplomatic Service. Born Nov. 15, 1859, being the only son of John Henry Bax-Ironside, Esq., C.B., Bengal h is tbe Naval Cockade. 9* TBar TBap CMI aankx, by hb wife Swmh Eliiabeth. dau. of Major- Qca. Robert Georf Buikeley HukIics of Flos Coch, co. fttlwy /.n»»7— Wue and yellow. ArmorUl beulnci I-QltWterly i and 4, vii. quarterly anire and gules, 11 cross •oty or (tor IrontUle); a and 3 crniine, a bend engrailed golM, between six lorteaux, on a chief of the second three eiaquefoitoarfenl(forBax). MfcnUing ature and or. OreiU -.1. 00 a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested per pale •no* and gules, cuiff argent, the hand proper holding a cross flory or (lof Ironside) ; a. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, charged on the shoulder with three ctnquefoils argent, holding between the paws an Eastern crown or (for Dax). Motto**— " In hoc signo vinces," "Cavendo tutus." AVed all or. Z./t^r)'— Dark Green. Son of Henry Baxter, Esq. , J. P. Lanes., of The Tower, Rainhill, b. 1830; d. 1886; m. 1858, Sarah Ann, d. of Abraham Mottram : — Ernest Baxter, Gentleman, b. 1861 ; m. 1886, Madeline Frances, d. of Rev. Riou George Benson ; and has issue — (i) Ernest Henry Baxter, Gentleman, b. 1888; (2) Francis Riou Baxter, Gentleman, b. 1893; (3) Ralph Philip Baxter, Gentleman, b. 1897; and Madeleine Riva. Res. — Rain- hill, Lanes. BAY, quartered by CONYERS and FOX. GIBBON BAYLEY - WORTHINGTON, Esq., J.P. CO. Chester, formerly Capt. Earl of Chester's Yeomanry Cavjilry. Born 1836, being the second surviving son of William Bayley, Esq., J. P., of Staleybridge, co. Lancaster, by Sarah, dau. of the late John Gibbon of Ashton-under- Lyne. co. Lancaster; assumed the name of Worthington in 1863, under the will of his cousin, Thomas Worthington, Elsq. , of Sharston. Armorial bearings — Ermine, three tridents sable, each handle encircled by a chaplet of roses proper. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a goat passant argent, sem6e of estoiles sable, in the mouth a sprig of laurel proper. Motto— "Inopinum sedgratum." Married,i868, Marianne, dau. of the late Henry Brocklehtirst of Foden Bank, Maccles- field, CO. Chester; and has, with other Issue— Thomas Gibbon Bayley- Worthington, Gentleman, b. 1869. Seat— Sharston Hall, near Northenden. Place, Park Lane, W. Retidenct—i Balfom BAYLY of Plasnewydd and Bally Arthur (ante 1730). Gules, a chevron vair between three martlets or. Sir Henry Cyril Paget, heir male. 5lh Marquess of Anglesey, 8th Bart., of Plasnewydd (4 July 1730). Bavly of Bally Arthur. Quarterly, i. Bayly as above ; a. barry of four ermine and or, a lion rampant asuie (Bagenal); 3, argent, crusilly azure, three talbots' beads era^ sable, langucd gules (Hall) ; 4. gules, three narcissus flowers argent (Lambert); 5. Erminois, three incrcscents azure (Symes) ; 6. argent, on a fesse between three wo! beads sable, as many mullets of the field (Cliffe). Mantli: gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a. boai ■, head erased proper, charged with a mullet argent. Motto — " Quid clarius astris." Livery — Claret, piped yellow. Son of Edward Symes Bayly of Bally Arthur, co. Wicklow. Esq., J. P., D.L. (Sheriff 1837), Lieut-Col. Wicklow Artillery and Capt. 34th Regt., b. 1807; d. 1884, m. 1835. Catherine, d. of Rt. Hon. Peter Fiti Gerald, Knight of Kerry: — Edward Richard Bayly, Esq., J.P, and D.L. co. Wicklow, formerly Ensign 3rd Buffs, Lieut -Col. late commdg. 7th Brig. Irish Div. R.A., late an Assistant Land Commissioner, b. 1845 ; m. 1875, Adelaide Alicia, eld. d. of Col. Charles John Tottenham of Woodstock, co. Wicklow, and Plas Berwyn, co. Denbigh (by his wife Hon. Isabella Maude) ; and has issue— (i) Edward Archibald Theodore Bayly, Gentleman, Lieut. Roy. Welsh Fus. , b. 1877; (a) Charles John Bayly, Capt. 3rd Batt. Inniskilling Fus., h. 1878; Adela Maude ; and Kathleen Isabel. iVa/— Bally Arthur, Woodbridge, co. Wicklow. Club — Kildare Street (Dublin). Son of Paget Lambert Bayly, Esq., Capt. 7th Hussars. b. 1776 ; d. 184s ; tn. , Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Shaw : — John Bayly, Esq., C.B. ( ), Gen. (ret.) Col. commdg. R.E., F.S.A. , J.P. and D.L. co. Dumlarton, *. 1821; m. 1854, Jane, only d. of Humphrey Ewing Crum-Ewing, Esq. , of Strathleven , Lord- Lieut, of Dumbartonsh. ; and has issue — (i) Rev, Paget Lambart Bayly. M.A. Camb., Vicar of Netherbury, Dorset, b. 1864 [m. 1896, Hon. Blanche Louisa O'Brien, d. of Lucius, 13th Baron Inchiquin, K.P.] ; Helen Tolniie Dick \m. 1880, Charles John Cathcart . Douglas, D.L.]; Florence Elizabeth [m. 1887, Thomas Deuroche Smith, B.C.S.]; and Jane Coventry Ewing [m. gi68. Rev. Arthur William Dorman, M.A., Vic. of Hinton Charterhouse]. Res.— 13 The Crescent, Bath. BAYNES (H. Coll., 1801). Sable, a shinbone in fesse, surmounted of another in pale argent, on a canton of the last, a vulture proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested azure, cuffed erminois, the hand holding a jawbone argent. Motto— " Furor arma ministrat." Sons of Sir William John Walter Baynes, 3rd Bart., J.P., b. 1820; d. 1897; m. 1845, Margaret, d. of Daniel Stuart of Wyham Park, Oxon. : — Sir Christopher William Baynes, 4th Bart. , of Harefield Place, CO. Middx. (29 June 1801) [Supporters (L.O., 1805) — On either side a savage wreathed with holly about the head and waist, holding a club over his exterior shoulder all proper], b. 1847; /«. 1872, Amy Ruperta, d. of Edward Colston of Roundway Park, Wilts ; and has issue— (1) William Edward Colston Baynes, Esq., B.A., LL.M. Camb., Barrister-at-Law, b. 1876; (2) Ronald Christopher Baynes, Esq., b. 1878; Christobel Ruperta; and Dorothy Julia, Res. — Bank of England, Law Courts, Branch, W.C. C/k*j— Arthur's, St. James's. Donald Stuart Baynes, Esq., C.E., b. 1848; ;«. 1881, Annie, ygst. d. of the Rev. Edward Ravenshaw, Rector of Little Kington, Wilts, Res.— LsLtimers, Hants. Roderick Walter Baynes, Esq. C.E., b. 1852. Res.— 4 Saltrani Place. The Hoe, Plymouth. Club—Roya] Western Yacht (Plymouth). Rev. Malcolm Charles Baynes, M.A. Camb., Rector of Ringwould, Kent,^. 1853; m. 1885, Margaretha.d. of Rev. Arthur Cazenove, Hon. Canon of Rochester; and has issue —(1) Rory Malcolm Stuart Baynes, Gentleman, 3. 1886; (2) Keith Stuart Baynes, Gentleman, b. 1887; Isla Mar- garetha Stuart; and Morah Susan Stuart. ;?«.— Ring- would Rectory, Dover, Kent. C/k*— Constitutional. (^ is the MiUtaxy Cockade. I TBa? TBea 93 3ilbert Samuel Baynes, Esq., Major late 6oth Roy. fles, served in Afghan War 1878-9 (medal), South African vr 1881, Eastern Soudan 1884 (medal with clasps and icdive's'star), ^. 1855. A'es— C/w^— Wellington. Kenneth Schalch Baynes, Esq., Lt.-Col. (ret. p.) late leen's Own Cameron Highlanders, J. P. co. Inverness, ved in Egypt (twice mentioned in despatches, brevet Major, Egyptian medal with five clasps and Khedive's ir), commanded the Imp. Yeo. Aldershot 1902 (promoted -Col.), b. 1857; m. 1893, Florence Stewart Meetkerke, St. d. of Rev. Alexander Ewing, Vicar of Walmer, Kent. j.^_l_ Worcester Lodge, Bracknell, Berks. Club — Naval Id Military. "Edward Neil Baynes, Esq., b. 1861 ; m. 1888, Charlotte lagusta, elder d. of Hon. Augustus Anthony Frederick (by ; and has issue— (i) Edward Stuart Augustus Baynes, fentleman, ^. 1889; (2) George Kenneth Baynes, Gentle- fan, b. 1891. Res. — 120 Warwick Street, S.W. Club — : 'ellington. Sons of Walter George Baynes, Esq. , Capt. Coldstream Guards, b. 1792; d. 1847; 7n. 1836, Claudia Sulpicia I Barbara, d. of Francesco Maria Valerij of Bastia, Corsica : — Horace Christopher Baynes, Gentleman, b. 1827; m. ist, 347, Adele [d. 1862), d. of Branchi ; 2nd, 1863, [dele, d. of Meissonier. Res. — Alfred Donald Baynes, Gentleman, b. 1828 ; m. 1864, I'heresa, d. of Rora ; and has surv. issue — Enid Mary Jeraphina. Res. — f William Baynes, Gentleman, b. 1830 ; m. 1853, Antonia, ■. of Adrian Alessandrini ; and has issue — (i) Walter ')onald Baynes, Gentleman, b. 1856; Georgina ; and |;iaudina. Res. — [ Sons of Sir William Baynes, 2nd Bart. , who was Super- cargo-in-Chief of the H.E.I. Co.'s Factory at Canton, China, b. 1789 ; d. 1868 ; m. 1815, Julia (rf. 1881), fourth d. of General Sir John Smith, R. A. (the first European ' lady who ventured openly to Canton) : — I Walter Francis Baynes, Gentleman, b. 1823 ; m. 1853, Kmelia Sarah, yr. d. of William Malton of Wimpole Street ; 'find has issue — (i) Walter Malton Baynes, Gentleman, {'. 1854; (2) Nigel William Francis Baynes, Gentleman, j.,ieut. 2nd Batt. Gloucestershire Regt., b. 1878 ; Amy tielen ; and Ethel Frances. Res. — Braganza, Torquay. ' Charles Christopher Baynes, Esq., formerly Capt. Surrey iMilitia, and late member of the Hon. Corps of Gentlemen- kt-Arms, b. 1829. Res. — Elstead, Godalming. j EDWARD BAZALGETTE, Esquire. Bom , being |the third son of the late Sir Joseph William Bazalgette, Xnight Bachelor, C. B. , designer of the Thames Embank- jnent, by his wife Dame Maria, dau. of the late E. Kough, • Zsq., J.P., of Wexford. Armorial bearings — Argent, on :a fesse gules, three crescents of the first, a chief azure, ,i.hereon two crosses flory or. Mantling gules and argent, i'drest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, ' jorged with a collar azure, charged with two crosses flory IS in the arms, holding in the dexter forepaw a sword erect ' proper, pommel and hilt gold, and the dexter hind paw I resting on a crescent or. Postal address — C/o London I County Council, Spring Gardens. I JOSEPH BAZALGETTE, Esquire. Born , being ' the eldest son of the late Sir Joseph William Bazalgette, Knight Bachelor, C.B., designer of the Thames Embank- ment, by his wife Dame Maria, dau. of the late E. Kough, Esq., J. P., of Wexford. Armorial bearings— Argent, on ' a fesse gules, three crescents of the first, a chief azure, thereon two crosses flory or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, gorged with a collar azure, charged with two crosses flory . as in the arms, holding in the dexter forepaw a sword erect proper, pommel and hilt gold, and the dexter hind paw resting on a crescent or. Residence — §The Rt. Hon. WILLIAM WITHER BRAMSTON BEACH, J. P. and D.L. for Hants, formerly Major Hants Yeo. Cavalry, M.P. for North Hants 1857-85, and for W. Hants since 1885, M.A. Oxon. Born Dec. 2=;, 1826, being the only son of the late William Beach, Esq. , j". P. and D.L., M.P. for Malmesbury, by his wife Jane Henrietta, dau. of John Browne of Salperton Park, co. Gloucester. Armorial bearings— Vair6 argent and gules, on a canton azure, a pile or, quartering Hicks and Wither. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent, ducally gorged or, holding in the paws an escutcheon azure, charged with a pile gold. Motto— "Tout en bon heure." Married, Oct. 8, 1857, Caroline Chichester, youngest dau. of Colonel Clevland of Tapeley Park, Devon ; and has Issue — (i) William Archi- bald Hicks, Esq., Capt. late 6oth Rifles, and Capt. and Hon. Major 7th Batt. Royal Rifle Corps, b. Oct. 21, 1859 \m., Jan. 5, 1888, Violet Isabel, only dau. of Hon. Slingsby Bethell, C. B., and has issue, William Guy Hicks Beach, Gentleman, b. July 23, 1891 ; Cicely Caroline Hicks; and Winifred Violet Hicks]; (2) Ellice Michael Hicks Beach, Gentleman, b. March 31, 1875; ^"d Alice Margaret \tn., July 19, 1890, William Graham Nicholson of Basing Park, Hants, M.P. for Petersfield Div. , and has issue]. Seats — Oakley Hall, Basingstoke ; Keevil House, Trowbridge. BEACHCROFT (H. Coll., 12 Nov. 1717). Bendy of six argent and gules, three stag's heads cabossed or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a beech-tree proper, behind six park pales argent. Son of Richard Beachcroft, Gentleman, 3. ; d. ; tn. , Henrietta, d. of late Sir James Cosmo Melvill, K.C.B. :— Sir Richard Melvill Beachcroft, Knt. Bachelor (1904), Solicitor, Vice-Chrmh. L.C.C. and Chrmn. Metropolitan Water Board, b. 1846; m. , Charlotte, d. of late Robert M. Bonnor-Maurice of Bodynfoet Hall, Montgomerysh. Res. — II Craven Hill, London, W. Clubs — Conservative, Union. The Late HENRY CHRISTOPHER THOMAS BEADNELL, Esq., J. P. cos. Montgomery and Merioneth, late Lieut. W. Suffolk Regt., Capt. (ret.) Royal Montgomery •Rifles. Born Nov. 6, 1839, being the son of John Beadnell, Barrister-at-Law of Lincoln's Inn, and Castell-y-Dail, Mont- gomeryshire, by his wife Matilda, dau. of Edward Gill. Armorial bearings— Per fesse gules and azure, a fesse argent surmounted by another of the second, charged with a round buckle of the third, all between in chief a string of beads (a rosary) with cross pendent therefrom, and in base three bells, also of the third. Mantling gules and azure. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a greyhound's head proper, erased gules, gorged with a string of beads and pendent therefrom a bell argent. Motto— "Nee timide nee temere." Married, Jan. 23, 1866, Matilda Jane, second dau. of John Marsh of Carno, Montgomery ; and has Issue — (i) Henry Hugh Mostyn Beadnell, Esq., Capt. 3rd Batt. Royal Welsh Fusiliers, b. May 3, 1870 [tn. Feb. 9, 1901, Mary Winifred, dau. of Rev. E. Thwaites of Fisherton Rectory, Salisbury] ; (2) Charles Hubert Marsh Beadnell, is the Naval Cockade, 94 IBea TSca I GcAlleiMui. *. FeU 6. i»7« : Owendoline Mabel Constance; and MaiiM* Henrietta Owenllian. JJrtf/ -Gogarth, LUmid- loe«. CO. Monnomery. Clah — Jmicr United Service. juntor Conaer%-atlve. BKAMISH (Confd. U.O.). Argent, a lion rampant between three trefoils slipped Rules. M a n tl in g gules and argent. Craat— On a wreath of the colours, a demi- lion rampant gules, charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped or. rfottO— " Virtus insignit audcntes." Son of Capt. James Caulfield lieamish of Ditchley. co. Cork, and ComphuU. co. Sligo. *. 1847; d. 1896; m. and. 1878. Eliiaheth. d. and h. of Peter Niddrin. Esq. . J. P. . of ComphuU. co. Sligo. and Over Howden. CO. Berwick :— William Robert Delacour Beamish, Gentleman. Lieut. R.E., *. 1879. &a/— ComphuU. Dromore West. co. Sligo. . ^ , . Sons of North Ludlow Beamish. Esq.. of Annemount, CO. Cork. J. P. (High Sheriff 1855). Knight of Guelphic Order. Capt. 4th Dragoon Guards,*. 1796; rf. 187a; M. 1841, Aline Marie, d. and coh. of Rev. John Eric Forsstriim, Dean of Munktorp :— North Ludlow Axel Beamish. Esq. . of Ashgrove (f.v.). William Adolphe Beamish, Gentleman, late 31st Regt.. *. 1844. A'ts.— George Horace Townsend Beamish, Gentleman, d. 1847. /fgf^ Sons of Richard Pigott Beamish. Esq., J. P.. D.L.. of Ashbourne, co. Cork, Capt W. Cork Art. Mil., d. 183a; d. 1899; m. 1858, Hulda EUzabeth Constance, only d. and n. of Charles Gustavus Mosander, Knt. of North Star of Sweden (by Philippina, d. and coh. of Rev. John Erik Forsstrom) : — Richard Henrik Beamish. Gentleman, d. 1861 ; m. 1903, Violet, d. of Col. W. Pitcairn Campbell. A.D.C., 3rd Batt King's Roy. Rif. 5crland and the West Riding of the county of York. Horm 1839. »)ein^ the eldest son of Thoma* Wentworth Beaumont. Esquire, Member of Parliament of Bywell and Bretton. by Henrietta Jane Km t«>y his wife, daughter of John AlJcinson of Maple Have*, in the county of Stafford. CMs— Reform, Travcl- \en\ Whites, and Brookss. Armorl&l bearing!— He bears for Armt: Gules, a lion rampant or, armed and langued aiure. between eight crescents in orle of the second ; and for his Crest. ii|>on a wreath of the colours, a bulls head erased ou-arterly argent and gules ; with the Motto. "Fide sed cui vide." Married, firstly, Margaret, commonly known as Lady Margaret, daughter of the Most Honourable Sir Ulick John de Burgh, first Marquess of Clanricarde. Knight of the Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick (she died 1888): and secondly, 1891, Edith Althea, daughter of Major-General Henry Meade Hamilton, and widow of Colonel Sir George Pomeroy Colley, Knight Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India. By his first marriage he has Issue— (i) Went- worth Canning Blackett Beaumont, Esquire [to whom refer]; (a) Edward dc Grey Beaumont, (ientleman ; (3) Hubert George Beaumont, Gentleman ; Margaret Harriet [married. May 19, i88i, Copleston Richard George War- wick Bamfylde, Esquire, commonly known as the Honour- able Copleston Richard George Warwick Bamfylde (to whom refer)]; and Amy Virginia [married, November 2, 1880. the Right Honourable Edward Knatchbull-Hugessen, second Baron Brahourne], Estates and postal addresses — Bretton Park, Wakefield ; Dilston Hall, Corbridge-on-Tyne. S WENTWORTH CANNING BLACKETT BEAU- MONT, Esquire, M.P. for Hexham Division, and J. P. and D.L. co. Northimtberland and the West Riding of of the CO. of York, and Capt. (reld. Major) Yorks. Yeo. Hussars. M.A. (Cantab.). Bom i860, being the eldest son of Wentworth Blackett Beaumont, Esquire, of Bretton Park, in the county of York, J. P. and D.L., and formerly a Member of Parliament [to whom refer], by his first wife Lady Margaret Anne, daughter of the Most Hon. Sir Ulick John de Burgh, first Marquess of Clanricarde, K. P. Clubs —Brooks's, Turf, Travellers'. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, a lion rampant or, armed and langued azure, between eight crescents in orle of the second, impaling the arms of Vane-Tempest, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent a bend engrailed between six martlets sable (for Tempest). 2 and 3 azure, three gauntlets or (for Vane) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a bull's head erased, (juarterly argent and gules ; with the Motto, " Fide sed cui vide." Married, November 12, 1889, Lady Alexandrina Louisa Maud, only surviving daughter of the Most Hon. Sir George Henry Robert Charles William Vane-Tempest, fifth Marquess of Londonderry, K.P. ; and has Issue — Wentworth Henry Canning Beaumont, Gentle- man, born 1890; Margaret Helen; Aline Mary de Burgh ; and Agatha Violet. Postal address — Bywell Hall, Stocks- field-on-Tyne. BEAVER (H. Coll., 1835). Or, a fess azure between three lions rampant in chief gules, and a beaver passant in base proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mount vert thereon in front of three arrows, one in ptale and two in saltire, the pheons downwards, a beaver passant proper. Motto — " Industria et virtute." Sons of Robert Atwood Beaver, Esq., J. P. Lanes., b. 1846 ; d. 1901 ; m. 1864, Charlotte Louisa, d. of Joseph Robert Atkinson : — Robert Atwood Beaver, Gentleman, M.D. (Vict.), M.B. (Lond.), b. 1865; m. 1892, Jean Henrietta, d. of Henry Rae ; and has issue — Mary Louise Atwood ; and Jean. Atwood. Res. — Sturminster Newton, Dorset. Hugh Atwood Beaver, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Percy John Atwood Beaver, Gentlman, b. . Res. — Arnold Atwood Beaver, Gentleman, b. . Res. — EDWIN ARTHUR BEAZLEY, Gentleman, J.P. borough of Birkenhead. Bom Aug. 17, 1857, being the fourth son of the late James Beazley, Esq., J.P. for Liver- TBCC pool, by his wife Eliza Emma Jasie, dau. of Thoma Martin lUden Tilby, R.N., Knight of the Order of '■ Redeemer. Armonal bearings (iuics, a lymplud •. sails furled and oars in action, Ix-twfcn three crosses 1 all or. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wre.-ii! the colours, a demi-leopard proper, holding in lol James Beech, Gentleman, born Aug. 22, 1888 ; (2) I iglas Charles Murray Beech, Gentleman, born Dec. 1889; *■ istabel, Emily, Sarah, and Irene Frederica. Estates— J ■ bhawe, Cheadle, Staffs ; and Brandon Hall, Warwick- s e. Postal address— Brandon Hall, Coventry. OSEPH BEECHAM, Esquire, J.P. county Palatine of , "^ter Mayor of St. Helens 1899. Born 1848, being ^ son of Thomas Beecham of St. Helens and South- f; ._.Arnional bearings— Per fesse gules and sable, a fesse nebuly plain cotised, in chief an escallop between two martlets and the like in base all or. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a swan's head erased argent, beaked gules, holding an escallop and be- tween two escallops or. Motto — " Nil sine labore." Mar- ried, 1873, Josephine, dau. of William Burnett, London. Seat — Ewanville, Huyton, near Liverpool. JAMES PLUMER GEORGE BEECHING, Gentle- man. Born 19 April 1821, being the '1R(>0rflttl(T third, but eldest surviving son of the late UJ K^K^lrlJU ly Samuel Beeching, of Broad Oak, Bexhill, Sussex. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly indented argent and ermine, on a cross couped gules between four blackbirds, the sun in splendour between as many fountains proper. [/« righto/ his wife, Mr. Beeching bears, azure, on a chevron between three wolves' heads erased argent, as many trefoils slipped vert (forSkaife) ; quarterly, with azure, a lion rampant between three fleurs- de-lis or, a chief vair [for Hardisty). These Skaife arms were exhibited at the visitations (and have since been con- tinuously used), but were disallowed.'] Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a beech tree, the sun rising from behind the stem, in front a fountain all proper. Married, March 27, 1855, Harriet, daughter and co-heir of William Skaife, of Braisty Woods, Yorkshire; and has Issue — (i) George Skaife Beeching, Gentleman [married Bertha, dau. of Charles Page] ; (2) Reverend Henry Charles Beeching [^married Mary, daughter of the late Rev. Antony John Plow] ; Mary Louisa; Annie [married Percy Arthur Barnett, H.M.I.]; Harriet Isabel [married G. T. Denis de Vitr6]. Postal address — Spring Grove, Isleworth. BEETHAM (Arms of ancient origin ; recorded in the Register of Knights dubbed U.O., 1812). Quarterly, i. or, three fleurs-de-lis azure (Beetham); 2. azure, a lion rampant or, langued gules (Fitzroger) ; 3. gules, three chevronels argent (Bannister) ; 4. or, a chief indented azure (Burton). Mantling azure and or. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, an elephant's head gules, trunked argent, tusked gold. Motto — "Per ardua surgam." Son of Albert William Beetham, Esq., Bar.-at-Law, F.R.S., F.L.S., J.P. and D.L. Tower Hamlets, J.P. Middx. Recorder of Dartmouth, Clerk of the Cheque and Adjutant of the Hon. Corps of the Gentleman-at- Arms 1830-1842, b. 1801; d. 1895; m. 1827, Caroline is tlie Naval Cockade. lOO IB eg lBt\ |«i»f. d. ol John Capron, Esq., J.P. MIddleseJt. Master or ihe L««h«r— United Service. Armorial bearings— Quan and 4, gules a mullet argent between three ci: ermine ; 2 and 3 gules, a man's heart proper sii or, between three cinquefoils ermine, all within a boid . argent. Mantling gules doubleci ermine ; and for i Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a horse's head coup' . argent, bridled gules. Motto — " Ride through." Sup- porters — Two horses argent, bridled gules. Married, 1880, Georgiana K. , daughter of Legh Richmond ; and has Issue — Ralph Gerard Alexander Hamilton, Esquire (Master of Belhaven), born Feb. 22, 1883. Residences — Wishaw Hou.se, Lanarkshire, and 41 Lennox Gardens, S.W. BELI-MAWR, quartered by CONYERS and LLOYD. BELILIOS (H. Coll.) Azure, a candlestick with seven branches or, illuminated proper, between two demi-aii;; affronite vested and winged all of the second, a chiet the last, thereon a Hon passant guardant per pale indcir gules and azure, holding between the paws an open t)< propel. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreatli the colours, upon a mount vert, in front of a sun in splendou: or, a demi-dragon gules. MottO — " Patience and per- severance." Son of Raphael Emanuel Belilios of Venice and of Calcutta ; m. Sally, d. of Aaron Linyado : — Emanuel Raphael Belilios, Esq., C.M.G. (1893), J I' and formerly M.L.C. of Hong-Kong, b. 1837; m. 18: Semah, d. of David J. Ezra of Calcutta; and has issu' Raphael Emanuel Belilios, Gentleman, *. 28 Jan. 18; Seats — Kingsclere, Hong-Kong; The Eyrie, Peak, Hoi Kong ; Green Park House. A'«.— 134 Piccadilly, Londo., W. Clubs — Constitutional, Jtmior Constitutional. CHARLES LORAINE BELL, Esquire, D.L. and J.P. i for Northumberland (High Sherift 1895). Born July 3, 1836, being the fourth son of the late Reverend J. Bell, Vicar of Rothwell, in the county of York, and Rural Dean and Hon. Canon of Ripon, by his wife Isabella Elizabeth, only dau. of Sir Charles Lofaine, Baronet, of Kirk Harle, in the county of Northumberland. C/a*— Conservative. Livtry —(Dress) : dark-blue coat with gold piping, buff waistcoat, and black plush breeches ; (undress) : dark-blue coat with brass buttons, red waistcoat, and drab overcoat. Annoilal bearings— Sable, a fesse erminois, in chief an escallop be- tween two bells, and in base a bell between as many escallops, all argent ; and for Crest, on a wreath of the colours, between two escallops sable a falcon close proper, belled and jessed or, holding in the beak a wins; erect, also or ; with the Motto, " Bell assez Bel." Married, April 13, 1871, Anna Roberta, youngest daughter of Charles Ber- nard, formerly Lieut. 24th Regt. ; and has Issue—wMer Loraine Bell, Gentleman, born May 30, 1877 [m., Nov. 3, 1899, Winifred, dau. of H. W. Watson of Burnopfield, •CO. Durham, and widow of Loxley Firth of Hope, Derby- shire]; Margaret Ellen [m., June 12, 1901, Claude Henry, I ^ is tbe amitaiy Cockade. IBel IBtl XOl J of Rev S W. Watson, Vicar of Bootle, Cumberland]; iLel Gertrude; and Dulcibella Mildreda. £staie and Postal addresses — Rounton Grange, Northallerton; Mount Grace Priory, Motherley ; Red Barns, Coatham, Redcar ; 4 4 4 ital address — Woolsington, Newcastle-on-Tyne, in the dinty of Northumberland. 1 ' CHARLES WENTWORTH BELL, Esquire, J. P. jf and D.L. co. of Hereford. Born 1857, being the only itviving son of Charles Bell of Chapel Allerton, near Leeds. jmorial bearings — Per fesse indented azure and or, a fe, three bells two and one, and as many stags' attires lached to the scalp all counterchanged. Mantling azure i.l or. Crest — On a rock proper, between two antlers ^ire, a hawk close also proper, around the neck a riband |ire, pendent therefrom a bell or. Motto — " Dextra iiique." Married, 1891, Edith M., dau. of Michael Bid- jlph of Ledbury, Esq., D.L., J. P., M.P. 5^a/— Bronsil, j.stnor, near Ledbury, Herefordshire. bEORGE ROBERT BELL, Esquire, Commander R.N. \nt , being the son of the late William Bell of Bell- j:w, Abbeyleix, Queen's County, Ireland. Armorial bear- 'Ej'S — Azure, a chevron engrailed ermine, between two bells ; chief and a tower in base or. Mantling azure and iraine. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stone j;.soned arch proper, suspended from the keystone thereof tuell or. ISiR HUGH BELL, Baronet (1885), J. P. for N.R. co. crk, for co. Durham, and for borough of Middlesborough, lL. CO. Durham (High Sheriff of Durham 1895-96). Born ;b. 10, 1844, being the eldest son of Sir Lowthian Bell, irt., by his wife Margaret, dau. of the late Hugh Lee Utinson, F.R.S. Livery — T)ress : white, with blue mngs; undress: blue, white collar and cuffs. Armorial liarings (H. Coll., 1884)— Argent, on a fesse between three iiwks' lures azure, as many hawks' bells of the first ; and ii an escutcheon of pretence for and in right of his wife Y' arms of Olliffe, namely quarterly i and 4 argent, a chev- i'U engrailed vert between three olive branches fructed of iesaine; (Olliffe), 2 and 3 chequy or and gules, on a Ue argent, a lion's head erased sable (Cubitt). Crest — A '.wk or, resting his dexter claw on the sun in his splendour •, and holding in his beak a lure azure. Married, firsdy, yn\ 23, 1867, Maria, youngest daughter ot the late John ''ueld of Newcastle- on -Tyne, she died April 19, 1871 ; ■rondly, August 10, 1876, Florence Eveleen Eleanore, iird daughter of the late Sir Joseph Olliffe, Knight Bache- r, sometime Physician to the British Embassy in Paris; id has/«a«— (i) Maurice Hugh Lowthian Bell, Esquire, im March 29, 1871 ; (2) Hugh Lowthian Bell, Esquire, 'rn October 1878 ; Gertrude Margaret Lowthian ; Flor- ice Elsa ; and Mary Katharine [vi. Jan. 6, 1904, Charles -s, eldest son of Rt. Hon. Sir G. O. Trevelyan, Bart.]. 95 Sloane Street, London, S.W. Clubs — Reform, Bur- lington Fine Arts, Cleveland (Middlesborough). SSiR JAMES BELL, first Baronet, of Marlborough Terrace, in the parish of Govan and co. of city of Glasgow, ex-Lord Provost of the said city, D.L. of co. of city of Glasgow and co. of Lanark. Born 1850, being the second son of John Bell, Shipowner, Glasgow, and Helen his wife, dau. of John Colquhoun of Luss, co. Dumbarton, and was created a Baronet 1895. (Armorial bearings — Azure, on a fesse engrailed argent, between two bells in chief or and a three-masted ship in base, a thistle slipped proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a stag's head couped proper, attired or ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Signum pacis amor." Married, Nov. 23, 1875, Helen, dau. of William Findlay of Hallhill, co. Lanark; and has Issue — (i) John Bell, Esq., born Aug. is tbe Naval Cockade. loa TBel TBel ra. tt7«: («) juim Bell. Esq.. born April a. 1879. killed •TlteckeolakChl*. South Africa. Oct. 30. 1901 ; and Helen. /VfM/«^*«i;r~-Moatgreenan, Kilmamock, N.B. Clubs— Wcaura (Olufow). Carlton, junior Cnrhon. JAMES BKLI.. Esquire, Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of llalv : Town CIrrk of the City of lx>ndon, and a iJeut of ll»e city ; formerly Town Clerk and Solicitor to the Corporation of l-eicestcr, and Solicitor to the Derwcnt Valtey water Board. Horn Miuch a6, i866. being the third ion of William Bell, M.D., .and his wife Jane, dau. of William Owens, M.l).. of Kilmantin Mill, Wicklow, Ireland. /,„y.r>.— blue and white. Armorl&l bearlngB- Argent, on a pale indented, azure three hawks' bells of the field ygawtiiiiy azure and argent. OrMt -On a wreath of the colours, a dcmi-man affront^ liubited in russet leather and gtoved. gnu-ping in the dexter hand a hawk rising proper, suspended therefrom a lure, the sinister hand resting on a trefoil slipped both or. Motto — "Magna est Veritas." Married, Sept a, 1893, Evelyn Clifford, dau. of Stephen Thomas Aveling of the Restoration House, Rochester ; and has /mw* -Jjimcs Clifford Aveling Bell, Gentleman, b. July 6, 1894; and Evelyn Mary Joyce Aveling. Residences — Fron Henlog, Bourne End, Bucks, and 34 Kensington Square, W. 5 Sir JOHN CHARLES BELL, Esquire. Alderman of the City of London (Coleman Street Ward), and a Member of the Commission of Lieutenancy. Clubs — City Carlton, Royal London Yacht, Ranelagh, Automobile. Livery-VAwt^ and gold. Armorial bearinfi^s— He bears for Arms : Per pale or and azure, a fesse embattled and cotised between three roundels, each charged with a church bell all counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Oreat, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of the stock of a tree a branch of olive and a sword in saltire all proper, thereon a hawk, wings close argent, belled or, charged on the body with two bars azure. Motto — " Fortis qui prudens." Married, April 18, 1867, Caroline Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Clare of Enfield, Essex ; and has Issue — Annie Caroline. Postal address — 61 Portland Place, London, W., Framewood, Stoke Poges, Bucks. MATTHEW MONTGOMERIE BELL, Esquire, W.S.. Edinburgh, J. P. co. Midlothian, and one of the Royal 5. 1840, being the second son of the late John Monlgomerit Bell, Esq., Advocate, Sheriff of KincardineMiire, bv his wife Anna Kliza, dau. of Colonel William S. s Army, of Providence Estate, near Nachiv , Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron betwi-n, 1, bells or. Man t lin g azure, doubled or; and upon h wir.uii of his liveries is set for Croat, a stag grazing proper. Motto — "Signum pacis amor." Married, April 4, 1877, J.n;, Caroline, younger dau. of the late James Cockburn . Rampore Iiauleah, Bengal, and Trinity Grove, KdinbiirKli and has with other Issue — John Montgomerie Hell. Genili- man, b. June 30, 1879. Residence— ti Great King Strrii Edinburgh. CV«^— University (Edinburgh). REGINALD BELL, Esquire, J.P. for the N. Riding o( CO. York, late Lieut. North York Rifles, and inherited tin properly in 1875, under the will of his grandmother, whii he assumed, by Royal License, the name and arms of licl. Bom 1848, bemg the eldest son of the Rev. lUnry Smith ■ Easton Maudit, co. Northampton, by Frances, dau. of tl late Rev. William Macbean. Armorial bearings- I', 1 chevron azure and sable, a chevron en^jrailcd with |)l;iin cotises between three bells argent. Mantling azure am! argent. Motto — " Spes mea copia fecit. " Married, \%-;V. Henrietta Elizabeth, dau. of the late Arthur IJayley Mark ham of Northampton ; and has Issue — John Bell, Gentleman b. 1879. 5«i/— The Hall, Thirsk. THOMAS BELL, Gentleman. Armorial bearings-' He bears for Arms : Azure, a fesse between two bells in chief, and a screw-steamship under canvas in base all or , and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front 01 a mount vert, thereon a falcon rising proper, belled ami jessed gold, three roses fesseways or ; with the Motto, "In- dustria et probitate." Postal address — 23 Windsor Terrace, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. WILLIAM ABRAHAM BELL, Gentleman, M.A,, M.B. Cantab., F.R.G.S. Bom April 26, 1841, being the only son of William Bell, M.D. , of 18 Hertford Street, Mayfair, and Merlin, Eastbourne, by his wife Margaret, dau. of Abraham Grubb. Armorial bearings— Azure, a I Company of Archers, the Queens Bodyguard for Scotland, lormerly Capt. Midlothian Coast Art. Vol. Bom March chevron ermine, between in chief two bells, and in base a fleam or ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Scovell, namely ermine, a tower proper, between three fleurs-de-lis azure, on a chief embattled gules, two swords in saltire also proper, hilts and pommels or. Man t l i ng azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a figure of Justice vested chevronny of six argent and gulM. Motto— "Hujus Stat foedere Mundus." Married, May 8, 1872, Cara Georgina Whitmore, dau. and coheir of Whit- more Scovell, Gentleman, by Caroline Mary Taylour, dau. of Edward Dance, Esq., by Sarah Britannia Juxon ; and has /w««— William Archibald Juxon Bell, Gentleman, b. March 29, 1883; Cara Rowena[OT., 1895, Harold Vyvyan is the Military Cockade, IBti IBtl 103 iarcel- Margaret Angela [w. , Oct. 4, 1899. Sir Montagu iederic'k Montagu-Pollock, Bart.]; Rosita, d. 1879; and ^cinthe Mary. Seats— PendeW Court, Bletchingley, ijrey ; 8 Park Street, W. Clu6s—Nev/ University, Wel- gton. if GEORGE CLARKE BELLAIRS, Esquire, Justice of 1^ the Peace for the county of Leicester, Lieu- Zt>Uaivti tenant-Colonel (retired) and Honorary Col- i^CUUlt'" onel ist Volunteer Battalion Leicestershire Regiment, and has Volunteer Decoration. irw December 12, 1826, being the second son of George illairs, by his wife Mary, daughter of Samuel Linwood. i j,^;y_lBlack, with red waistcoat. Armorial bearings — 'e bears for Arms: Quarterly, i. ermine, a hon rampant (lies, on a chief engrailed sable, a leopard's face between to cross crosslets fitch^e or (for Bellairs) ; 2. argent, a bss gules, upon a chief azure, an eagle displayed between o cross crosslets fitchte or (for Bellairs); 3. quarterly files and azure, a lion rampant argent ducally crowned, ! chief two garbs or (for Bellairs) ; 4. azure, a chevron iminois between three griffins passant or (for Lea) ; 5. \i\es, a fesse vair^e erminois and azure between three •callops argent (for Foote) : 6. argent, a fesse, and in iiief a lion passant gules (for Walford). Upon the es- litcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling gules andi argent ; and for his Crests, i. out Worcester, formerly H.M. Inspector of Schools, J. P. co. Oxford, by his wife Mary Hannah Albina, dau. of G. Watkin Kenrick of Woore Hall, co. Salop. Armorial bearings— j:if amural crown gold, a demi-lion rampant gules, langued bjrare, holding between his paws a cross crosslet fitch^e or ; ':■•■. upon a wreath of the colours, a horse's head couped jargent, in the mouth a leaf of oak proper ; with the ISottoeB, "Virtus tutissima cassis," and " Nihil sine cruce." \tatried, September 29, 1875, Eleanor Catharine, second 'laughter of the late Reverend George Edward Bruxner, Clerk in Holy Orders, of Thurlaston Holt, in the county of -eicester ; and has had Issue— One daughter, Zillah Ella, lied an infant. Postal ai/rfrwj— Southbourne - on - Sea, Hants. HENRY SPENCER KENRICK BELLAIRS, Gentle- man, M.A. (0.\on.). Born Sept. 27, 1840, being the eldest ion of the late Rev. Henry Walford Bellairs, A.M., late vicar of Nuneaton, Rural Dean and Hon. Canon of Quarterly of six, i. ermine, a lion rampant gules, on a chief engrailed sable, a leopard's face between two cross crosslets fitch6e or (for Bellairs) ; 2. argent, a cross gules, on a chief azure, an eagle displayed between two cross crosslets fitch^e or (for Bellaers) ; 3. quarterly gules and azure, a lion ram- pant argent, ducally crowned, and in chief two garbs or (for Bellaers) ; 4. azure, a chevron erminois, between three griffins passant or (for Lea) ; 5. gules, a fesse vair^e erminois and azure, between three escallops argent (for Foote) ; 6. argent, a fesse and in chief a lion passant gules (for Walford). Mantling gules and argent. Crests — i. out of a mural crown or, a demi-lion rampant gules, holding between the paws a cross crosslet fitch^e also gold ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a horse's head couped argent, in the mouth a leaf of oak proper (with motto over, "My trusts ys"). Motto — "Virtus tutissima cassis. " Married, 1865, Mary Jane, second dau. of Benjamin Halps Starey of Milton Ernest, Beds. ; and has Issue — (i) Clement Bellairs, Gentle- man; (2) Ralph Bellairs, Gentleman; (3) Cecil Bellairs, Gentleman ; Beatrix Ursula ; and Ermyntrude. Lieutenant-general Sir WILLIAM BELLAIRS, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born 1828, being the son of the late Sir William Bellairs (igth Hussars), of Mulbarton, CO. Norfolk, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Cassandra Wilson, daughter of Edmund Hooke, Barrister-at-Law, and Bencher of the Middle Temple ; entered the army 1846 ; became Colonel 1873, and retired Lieutenant-General 1887 ; served with the 49th Regiment, and on Staff as Deputy Assistant -Quartermaster -General, and Assistant - Quarter- master - General to the Second Division throughout the Crimean Campaign, 1854-1856; served in the Kaffir Cam- paign, 1877, 1878, and commanded the Combined Imperial and Colonial Forces on the Eastern Frontier during the Gaika Rebellion ; in the Zulu War, 1879 ; commanded the Forces in the Transvaal, 1880, 1881 ; was Administrator of the Transvaal, 1881; was created Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1882 ; Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1878; is Knight of the Legion of Honour; and has Crimean Medal with three clasps, the Medjidie, is the Naval Cockade. I04 TBel IBti IHskiali War M«dal. «ad South African Medal for 1877-79. bMiliga — Quanrrly, t. engine, a lion ram- Bwtt gtikm, on a efaiaf engrailed table, a leopard's face two erou crottleu ftich^ or (for IVlliurs), a. •rfMl. a croaa (ules. upon a chief azure, an eagle displayed batweea iwo croM cronlets fitchte or (for BeUairs); 3. qnuteriv ^le* and aiure, a lion rampant argent, ducally GrovMO, in chief t«t> garbs or (for Belloirs) ; 4. azure, a t i m n on rrmmois between thrcr gnfhns passant or (for Laa). 5. gules, a fesse vair^ erniinois and azure between three escallopa argent (for Fooic). 6. argent, a fesse and in chief a Ikoa panant gules (for Walford) ; the escutcheon being surronnded by the ribbon, and pendent his badge as a Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, and as a C.B. Ilaiitllnip gules and argent ; and for his Oreati, i. out of a mural crown or, a demi-lion rampant gules, holding between hit paws a cross crosslet fitchte or ; a. upon a wreath of the colours, a horse's head couped argent, m the mouth a leaf of oak proper; with the Motto, " Virtus tutis- Sh'i^ifr' w^" a ' ^"'';C' '857. Emily Craven, eldest daughter of W.lham Barton Gibbons, Justice of the Peace KlUirl r" '^V *•"'* ^'^ /"«*-(!) William Gibbons Bellairs. Esqu.re Justice of the Peace and Civil Corn- s' MaV h'^^'^^'SL ^r^''""**^ C^P« °f Good Ho^. JS^ ^W r^l[^'^'- AmyeVenour [married. October 8 I~5; I'y .Da«t J^Iinant, Knight Commander of the ^.Ftl^'^f P"^" °^ Saint Michael and Saint h3- K," °h ' r "°"? °^ Assembly. Cape of Good F^kJaZV^Z^ Courcy [married. September 27. 1890, l-leet-burgeon Myles OConnell M'Swiny, Royal Navvl- secondly. ,867 Blanche St. John. daughterTf Franc s Adolphus Moschz.sker. Doctor of Philosophy, and has had (a) Beauchamo St. John Bellairs. Esquire. LUmtenant and «'"Sw,l Z"' Na^gr tx,^ Ju5 Z7r^T[S May Qt'otSf rS. w,t" H*^^ ^^^»°" B«»ai«. Esquire. r^S «r ??' Artillery, bom November 12 i86o- /I BELLASIS. see DALGLISH-BELLASIS. mantle Pursuivant of Arms, 1873-1882 : Denuiv Rmi.. of College of Arms. ,879. ,88;,; sLeta^ ,07?"!!: v^""" to Spain, 1881. and Saxony, 1882; I^ncast.' '^ 1882 ; Librarian of Printed liouks. 1887 • 1 " 1894. Armorial bearinga- He lx;.irs for" Anus , amlL is the Military Cockade. argent, a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis azure, in chief a tent proper, lined gules (Bellasis) ; 2 and 3 argent, a fess embattled counter-embattled cottised plain, between three ■. annulets gules (Viall), a crescent for difference (in centre ot quarters) . the escutcheon being surrounded by his collar of SS. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a lion couchant guardant azure in front of a tent, as in the arms. Mottoes — " Bon est bel assez ; " " Loris non ureris." Postal addresses — 22 Prince of Wales' Terrace, London, W. ; Heralds' College, E.C. BELLEW. Quarterly, i and 4, sable, fretty or (Bellew, circa Edward III.) ; 2 and 3, gules, three lions passant two and one or (Bryan of Bawnmore, granted 1684). Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an arm in armour embowed, holding a sword all proper. Motto "Tout d'en haut." Sons of Edward Joseph, 2nd Baron Bellew, i. 1830 ; d. 1895 ; m. 1853, Augusta Mary, d. and eventual heir of Col. George Bryan of Jenkinstown, co. Kilkenny:— The Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Bertram Bellew, 3rd Baron Bellew of Barmeath, co. Louth (U.K., 10 July 1848), 9th Bart. (11 Dec. 1688), Lieut, of co. Louth, late Capt. 6tli Batt. Roy. Irish Rif. [Supporters of Barony : Dexter, a leopard or, gorged with a mural crown azure; sinister, a wolf azure, gorged with a ducal coronet or], i. 1855 ; m. 1883, Mildred Mary Josephine, d. of Sir Humphrey dc Trafford, 2nd Bart. Seat — Barmeath Castle, Dunleer, co. Louth. C/u6s — Marlborough, Carlton, Bachelors', Kildare Street (Dublin). The Hon. George Leopold Bryan, J. P., D.L., Major (ret.) loth Hussars, served in Afghan War 1878-9 (desp., medal, and clasp), in Soudan 1884-5, ^""^ *'''' '"'P- ^- '" S. Africa 1900-1 ; assumed the name (without the arms) of Bryan in lieu of Bellew by R.L. 1880; 6. 1857. Seal— Jenkinstown Park, co. Kilkenny. C/k^j— Marlborough, Bachelor's, Turf. The Hon. Richard Eustace Bellew, 6. 185b ; m. ist, 1887, Ada Kate (d. 1893), d. of H. P. Gilbey of Stanstead, Essex ; I TBel IB en 105 onrfSo"; Gwendoline Marie Josephine, d. of W. R. J. Fit ertert Herbert of Cly tha; and has issue , with two daus. fonvonT-d) Edward Henry Bellew, Esq., b. 1889; (2) Rrv' Bertram Bellew, Gentleman, b. 1890; {3) Richard roienay Bellew, Gentleman; (4) George Rothe Bellew, Geil-man, b. 1899. i?«.-Jenkinstown Park, Kilkenny. r/J -Marlborough, Bachelors'. ion of Sir Michael Dillon Bellew, ist Bart., of Mount iellew descending from 3rd Bart, of Barmeath, b. 1796 ; I jg^^. jn. 1816, Helena Maria, eld. d. of Thomas 'iillon of Mount Dillon, co. Dublin :— <^Henry Christopher Grattan-Bellew, 3rd Bart. , of Mount Belivds Aug. 1838), D.L. co. Galway (High Sheriff 1884), latt^ieut sth D.G., now Capt. sth Batt. Connaught Ka ers [Arms (R.L. 1859) : Quarterly, i and 4, Bellew as ab(l:, with a crescent argent for difference; 2 and 3, per sail- sable and ermine, a lion rampant or (Grattan, con- firri by Hawkins Ulr. to Rev. Charles Grattan). Crests — liBellew as above, charged with a crescent for difference ; 2. .! a wreath of the colours, a dove proper holding in its de;>r claw a sceptre and standing on a tun or. MottO as abo;], ^. i860; s. his uncle 1867; m. 1885, Lady Sophia Mfii Elizabeth Forbes, d. of George, 7th Earl of Granard, K.'; and has issue— (i) Herbert Michael Grattan-Bellew, Esi'jJ. 1886; (2) Charles Christopher Grattan-Bellew, Esl b. 1887; (3) William Arthur Grattan-Bellew, Esq., b. i8('; (4) Thomas Henry Grattan-Bellew, Esq.,*. 1901 ; (5)trthurJohn Grattan-Bellew, Esq., b. 1903: Helena. Ba'ira; Moirajane; and Angela Mary. iVa^— Mount Be w, CO. Galway. Clubs— '&\.. James's, Kildare Street (D;lin) kRRY BAWDEN BELLEW. Bom Jan. 31, 1854, be]; the only son of the late Henry Bellew of Oakhampton HcHe, Wiveliscombe, Somerset, by his wife Mary Froude, send dau. of Humphrey John Norreys Bawden, Esq., |.f of South Molton, Devonshire. Livery — Dark blue. Arjrial bearings— Sable, fretty or, a mullet for differ- eni Mantling sable and or. Crest-— On a wreath of the co'irs, a dexter arm embowed, vested vert, cuffed argent, tht'iand or, grasping a jug neck downwards gules, there- frcj drops proper. Motto — "Tout d'en haut." Married, All 19, 1885, Ada, elder dau. of William Llewellin, F.lA., F.G.S., F.G.H.S., of Glanwern, Pontypool ; and halM««— Froude Dillon Bellew, b. 1888 ; and Mary Froude LlJ^ellyn. Residences — Oakhampton ; and The Croft, Wjliscombe, co. Somerset. IlLLIAM LEGASSICKE BELLEW, Gentleman. B^' Sept. 22, 1841, being the second son of the late John PiHwood Bellew, Gentleman, of Stockleigh Court, and his wii Mary Anne, dau. of William Hancock of Wivelis- cc' «, Somerset. Armorial bearings — Sable, fretty or, a m;i;t for difference. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a cath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed vert, cuffed ar|iit, the hand grasping a chalice pouring water (belle win allusion to the name). MottO — "Tout vient d'en 1: ;LL1NGHAM, quartered by LANGRISHE, CUST, RI.ISDEN, and SLA UGHTER. |":LL0M0NT, quartered by CONYERS and FOX. liiLWARD, quartered by TEMPEST. jliMRGSE (H. Coll.). Paly of six gules and or, on a cl; Ton of the last, a lion rampant between two roses of the fi:, barbed and seeded proper, a chief ermine thereon a li'. passant guardant also of the first, between two spear- hi, s erect proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On ai -eath of the colours, a lamb holding with the sinister fcjiaw a staff proper, flowing therefrom a pennon or, cli ged with a chaplet of roses gules, barbed and seeded a proper, between two like roses. Motto — "Semper p tus." Son of William Bemrose : — illiamBemrose, Esq., J.P., F.S.A,, *. 1831 ; ot. and has •s --(i) Col. William Wright Bemrose, V.D. (Littleover ^ Derby); (2) Charles Lloyd Bemrose, Gentleman (The V idlands, Boxmoor, Herts) ; (3) Arthur Cade Bemrose, G tleman (Derwent House, Mllford, nr. Derby); (4) Herbet- £ ley^ Bemrose, Gentleman (Perth, N.B.). Res.—YXmx ^^^ ' and South Sitch, Idridgehay, Derbyshire. EDWARD STARKIE BENCE, Esquire, J. P. andD.L., late Capt. 3rd Batt. Suffolk Regt. Born 1862, being the eldest son of Edward Robert Starkie Bence, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , High Sheriff 1861, late of the King's Dragoon Guards, by his wife Eliza Charlotte Albinia, dau. of George James Sullivan of Wilmington, IsleofWight. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a cross between four frets gules, a tower of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a tower or, charged with a fret gules. Motto — "Virtus castellum meum." Seat — Kentwell Hall, Long Melford, Suffolk. SGUY LENOX BENCE -LAMBERT, Esquire, C.M.G., J. P. for the Suffolk and Galway, and D.L. CO. Suffolk, Colonel Connaught Rangers. Bom Dec. 30, 1856, being the second son of the late Alexander Clendinning Lambert, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, of Brook Hill, in the county of Mayo, Ireland, by his wife Emma Maria, daughter of Guy Lenox Prendergast, Member of Parliament for Lymington, and formerly a Member of the Council of Bombay. Club — Windham. Livery — Blue coat, black and white striped waistcoat, brass buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, a cross crosslet or, between three cinque- foils pierced argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a centaur proper, charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslet or ; with the Motto, " Ut quocunque paratus." Married, January 23, 1884, Ida Millicent, daughter of Henry Alexander Starkie Bence, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant. Estates — Thorington Hall, in the county of Suffolk ; Dernas- liggan, in the county of Galway. Postal address— 'Y\\ox\'n%,\.OTi Hall, Darsham, Suffolk. The Rev. RICHARD BENDYSHE, Clerk in Holy Or- ders, M. A. , late Curate of Harbridge, Hants. Born Sept. 8, 1822, being the second son of the late John Bendyshe, Esq., Lieut. R.N., J. P. and High Sheriff co. Cambridge, by his wife Catherine, eldest dau. of George Matcham of Ash- field Lodge, Sussex (by Catherine his wife, sister of Ad- miral Horatio Viscount Nelson). Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron sable, between three rams' heads erased azure. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a talbot's head proper. Motto — " Utraque pallade." Seat — Barrington Hall, co. Cambridge. BENENDEN, see HUNT. The Rev. EDWARD STEWART BENGOUGH, M.A., Mus. Bac. (Oxon.), Clerk in Holy Orders. Born July 24, 1839, being the fourth son of the late George Bengough, of The Ridge, Wootton-under-Edge, Gloucs. , and his wife Anne Cooke, dau. of Capt. Carpenter, R.N. Armorial bearings — Argent, three lions' heads erased sable, each charged with an ermine spot or, on a chief indented of the second, as many crosses pat^e of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two crosses pat6e argent, thereon resting a lion's head erased sable, charged with an ermine spot or. Motto — "Per acuta belli." Postal address — 12 Queen Street, Horncastle. Colonel HARCOURT MORTIMER BENGOUGH, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born 1837, being the third son of the late George Ben- gough of The Ridge, Gloucestershire ; served in Zulu War at Ulundi 1879, with Burmah Expedition 1885-86, A.A.G. Madras 1882-87, Brig.-Gen. commanding 2nd Class Dist. Madras Army 1887-1891, commanding troops in Jamaica in 1894, and an infantry brigade at Aldershot from 1894 ; created C.B. 1886. Armorial bearings — Argent, three lions' heads erased sable, each charged with an ermine spot or, on a chief indented of the second, three crosses pat^e of the first, and below the shield his badge as C. B. MantUng sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, two crosses pat^e argent, thereon resting a lion's head erased sable, charged with an ermine spot or. Motto— "Per acuta belli." Married, 1876, Christina, dau. of H. Maybery of Brecon, S. Wales. Postal address — Ripon Lodge, Hastings. §JOHN CHARLES BENGOUGH, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for Gloucestershire, High Sheriff 1877, Capt. is the Naval Cockade. io6 TBen Md VoL Bttlt OloooMMnMre Regi., late Capt. R. Glouces M^Mf« Y«Ow Cav. .fl^m May so, 1839. being the eldest sur vMaC Mn of Gcone BenKough of The KidRe. who d. 1856, |1 Xmm. dau. of the Lite John Cooke ( arpenier. Esq. OoL R.N. : and *. lu% lirixher 1865. /.nrry— Claret, with radpipiac- ArmorUl baarlngi — Me bears for Amu Ar|Mil. ini»« lions head* «-ase. 29 Nov. 1866. d. ; (5) Clwrlfs William Hengough, Gentleman, />. a Nov. 1867: (6) Alan John Bengough, Gentleman, i. 16 Dec. 187a ; Evelyn C aroUne ; Cecil Anne ; and Emily Marguerite and Elinor Daisy, J., twins. Eslales in Monmouthshire, Glouoatiersbire, and Herefordshire. AVa/j— Upton House, Poole. Dorset ; and The Ridge. Wotton-under-Edge BENICLERE. quartered by SMITH. BENISON (U.O.). Ermine, on a chevron per pale or and gtiles. between in chief two martlets of the third and in base an ash-tree eradicated proper, three crosses Mtte (ttch^ counterchangcd. Mantling gulesand or. Great — On a wreath of the colours, two arms vambraced em- bowed and interlaced, the hands bare, each grasping a scymetar all proper. Motto—' ' Sit prex detur pax. " Son of Rev. William Bradshaw Benison, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), b. 1820, Rector of Uley, Glos. ; m. Mary, d. of Edward Best, Esq., J. P. co. Stafford :— Rev. Ernest Dewes Benison, M.A. (rrin. Coll., Dublin), *. 1857; m. 1886, Jessie ygst. d. of late John Kemp-Welch. Esq., J. P., of Sopley Park, Hants; and has issue— Eric William Benison, Gentleman, b. 1889; Aileen Mary Dewes ; and Marjorie. lies.— Vans, Wimborne, Dorset. WILLIAM HENRY BENN. Gentleman. Bom , being the son of the late Joseph Benn, Gentleman, of TBen RtMia n HC Me. Bradford. Armorial bearings- p,„, per fihevrea or and azure, on a mount in liuse an alui statant, and two angora goats" heads aflront^ in chief ;i proper. Mantling azure and or. CJrest— On a wreath of the colours, an alpaca's head couped at the neck between two sprigs of oak frucled all proper. Motto — " Cur&atque industria." Residence — Willaston, Harrogate. JOHN CHARLES BENNE T 1 . Gentleman. Born 1843. being the third son of the Reverend John Jackson. Rector of Tallow, and Vicar of Kilwatermoy, in the county of Water- ford ; succeeded his uncle Joseph Henry Bennett, whose name and arms he assumed by Royal License in 1874. AnnoriaJ bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules a bezant between three demi-lions rampant or (for Bennett) ; 2 and 3 argent, a lion passant gules, on a chief engrailed of the last, three battle-axes erect of the first (foe Jackson). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or; and for his Crests, I. out of a mural coronet or, a demi-lion rampant argent, holding between the paws a bezant (for Bennett); 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an arm embowed in armour, the hand grasping a battle-axe all proper, the arm charged with a mullet gules (for Jackson). Motto— "Serve the king." Married, 1865, Mary, eldest daughter and co-heir j of the Reverend Francis Newport ; and has, with other Issue — George Newport Jackson Bennett, Gentleman, bom 1876. Estate and postal address— QtantU' s Court, Queenstown, Ireland. 3 WILLIAM BENNETT, Esquire, J.P. co. Lincoln Capt. and Hon. Major ist Vol. Batt. Lincolnsli;: Regt. 1889-1894. Born 1854, being the eldest son of t late Sir Henry Bennett, Knight Bachelor, of Westland^, Grimsby, and of Thorpe Hall, South Elkington, both in the CO. of Lincoln, J.P. and D.L., six times Mayor of Grimsby, by his wife Dorothy, dau. of Francis Sowerby. Armorial bearings — Per pale or and argent, three chev- ronels sable between two boars' heads erased in chief gules, and a knight's helmet in base proper. MantUng sable and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion or, gorged with a collar invecled gules, hold- ing between the paws a bezant, an escallop surmounting two branches of oak fructed in saltire proper. MottO-- "Deo juvante." Married, 1887, Lizzie Holmes, only ^ is tbe MiUtary Cockade. TBen TBen 107 rli of H J Farmer Atkinson, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Ore, Htings- and has Issue— Kenneth Henry Bennett, Esq.. ^'in. 23', 1898; Dorothy Holmes; and Marjorie Holmes. ^dence'- B&nk House, Grimsby. j WILLIAM WARD BENNITT, Esquire, Justice of I the Peace for the county of Buckingham, 'i^rtrtit-t 1=^'^ Colonel Commanding sth Lancers, at l^nniVv present on retired pay. Born 1839, being the second son of the late Captain William Binitt, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for tH;ounties of Stafford, Worcester, and Shropshire ; served wl Inniskilling Dragoons in Boer War 1881, commanded aiiiscort with Sir Evelyn Wood to Zululand, served in B luanaland Expedition 1884, selected to Command 5th L'cers in 1885, half-pay from 1889. Club— Army and Niy. /.w/j — Invisible green and gold. Armorial bear- ill— He bears for Arms : Azure, on a chevron or, between tlie martlets in chief and one in base argent, three an- nits of the field; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of tlj colours, upon a mount vert a horse's head couped ai!:nt, pierced through the neck by an arrow in bend sii;ter point downwards proper; with the Motto, " Irre- vabile." Married Augusta D'A. , daughter of the late J. U. Samuda, Member of Parliament, 7 Gloucester Square, rile Park ; and has Issue — Two daughters. Postal ad- rfjj— Stokegreen House, Slough, Bucks. IrTHUR CHRISTOPHER BENSON, Gentleman, V\. (Cantab.), Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge. i)ii April 24, 1862, being the second but eldest surviving si of the late Rt. Hon. and Most Rev. Edward White Bison, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury ; Lord Primate oi\ll England and Metropolitan, D.D., P.C, D.C.L., bjiis wife Mary, dau. of Rev. William Sidgwick of Skipton, cc,Yorks. Armorial bearings — Argent, a quatrefoil be- I en two trefoils slipped in bend sable between four I diets gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On : reath of the colours, a bear's head argent, erased gules, I ged with a collar gemel, and muzzled of the second, and I 3ing in the mouth a trefoil slipped as in the arms. Motto — " Fay bien crain rien." Postal address — The Old Granary, Cambridge. EDWARD FREDERIC BENSON, Gentleman, B.A. (Cantab.), First-Class Classics. Born July 24, 1867, being the third but second surviving son of the late Rt. Hon. and Most Rev. Edward White Benson, Lord Archbishop of Can- terbury, Primate of All England and Metropolitan, D.D. , P.C, D.C. L. , by his wife Mary, daughter of Rev. William Sidgwick of Skipton, co. Yorks. Armorial bearings — Argent, a quatrefoil between two trefoils slipped in bend sable between four bendlets gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bear's head argent, erased gules, gorged with a collar gemel and nmzzled of the second, and holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped as in the arms. Motto — " Fay bien crain rien." RALPH BEAUMONT BENSON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, late Captain Salop Yeomanry. Born 1862, being the eldest son of the late Ralph Augustus Benson, Esquire, of Lutwyche, Justice of the Peace, Master of Arts, Barrister- at-Law, formerly Recorder of Shrewsbury, by his wife Henrietta Selina, only dau. of Charles Robert Cockerell, Royal Academician. Armorial bearings — Argent, on waves of the sea, an old English galley ;dl proper, on a chief wavy azure a hand couped at the wrist, supporting on a dagger the scales of Justice between two pine-apples erect or, leaved vert, and impaling the arms of Cholmondeley, namely gules, two esquires' helmets in chief proper, and in base a garb or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a horse caparisoned, passant, proper, on the breast a shield argent, charged with a pine-apple proper. Motto — "Leges arma tenent sanctas." Married, 1886, Caroline Essex, daughter of the Reverend R. H. Cholmondeley, Rector of Hodnet ; and has Issue — George Reginald Benson, Gentleman, born 1888 ; Stephen Riou Benson, Gentleman ; Catherine Maia (d. 1899) ; and Stella. Seat — Lutwyche Hall, near Much Wenlock, in the county of Shropshire. Clubs — Carlton, Royal Societies'. ROBERT HUGH BENSON, Gentleman. Born Nov. 18, 1871, being the fourth but third surviving son of the late Rt. Hon. and Most Rev. Edward White Benson, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Primate of All England, and Metropolitan, D.D., P.C, D.C.L., by his wife Mary, daughter of Rev. William Sidgwick of Skipton, co. Yorks. Armorial bearings — Argent, a quatrefoil between two tre- foils slipped in bend sable between four bendlets gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bear's head argent, erased gules, gorged with a collar gemel, and muzzled of the second, and holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped as in the arms. Motto — "Fay bien crain rien." HENRY ALDENBURG BENTINCK, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, B.A. Exeter Coll. , Oxon., D.L. , Norfolk. Born Jan. 7, 1852, being the second but only surviving son of the late Charles Aldenburg Bentinck, Esq., J. P. co. Devon, by his wife Harriet, third dau. of Baldwin Fulford of Great Fulford, Devon. Armorial bearings — Azure, a cross moline argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, two arms counter-embowed, vested gules, on the hands gloves or, each holding an ostrich feather argent. Married, July 9, 1890, Alma Martha, eldest dau. of Admiral Lord Clarence Edward Paget, G.C.B., P.C. 5^a^ — Terrington, St. Clement, Norfolk. Residences — Indio, Bovey Tracey, Devon ; and 60 Cadogan Square, S.W. BENTLEY, quartered by LITTLEJOHN. RICHARD BENTLEY, Gentleman, Publisher in Ordi- nary to Her Majesty the Queen, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, and of the Linnaean, Royal Geographical, and Royal Meteorological Societies. Bom May 5, 1854, being the only son of George Bentley (Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty), by his wife Anne, daughter of William Williams of Aberystwith, in the County of Cardigan, and a grandson of Richard Bentley (Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty). Armorial bearings — Or, a bend vair, between two bendlets engrailed sable, a martlet for difference Mantling azure and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the k is the Naval Cockade. To8 TBen OBet coloan, a inlbM pauant v^nt, the dexter rorefoot resting upon an ancient shield vair, charged with an annulet or. Motto — "Fide et fiducia." Estate — Upton, near Slough, in the county of Buckingham. Postal address— B New Burlington Street, London, W. S JAMES HERBERT BENYON, Esquire, of Englefield, Berks, and Kingston, Dorset ; was educated at Eton and Magdalene Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1873. M.A. 1876), and called to the Bar at the Inner Temple 1875, J- P- and D. L. for Dorset (High Sheriff 1892), and Lord-Lieut, and J. P. Berks ; assumed the surname of Benyon, and the arms of Benyon quarterly with those of Fellowes, by Royal Licence 1897. Horn Oct. 3, 1849, being the only son of James Fellowes of Kingston, who died 1889, by Gertrude Charlotte, dau. of the late Nathaniel Micklethwait, Esq. , of Taverham Hall, Nor- wich. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, vairte sable and or, on a chief wavy of the second, an Eastern crown be- tween two mullets gules (for Benyon) ; 2 and 3, azure, a fesse mdented ermme between three lions' heads erased murally crowned argent (for Fellowes), and impaling the arms of Walrond, namely argent, three bulls' heads caboshcd sabl. M a n t lin g sable and or. OreBtt— i. on a wreath of il,. colours, a mount vert, thereon a gryphon sejant or. t-ori-, ,1 with an Eastern crown gules, in tne beak a gillvilown leaved and slipped proper (for Benyon); 2. upon awicat' of the colours, a lion's neaa erased and crowned as in u , arms, charged with a fesse indented ermine (for Fellowes Motto — "Vincam vel moriar." Married, 1875 Editl Isabel, youngest dau. of Sir J. Walrond VN'.alrond im Baronet, of Bradfield, Devon; and has, with other h'sue Henry Arthur Benyon, Genlletiian, b. 1884. Seats Enijlt: field House, Reading ; Kingston House, near Dorchestir CJuis—Nevr University, Oxford and Cambridge. Tou>n residence — 35 Pont Street, S.W. FRANCIS WENTWORTH BERE. Gentleman. Born Jan. 26, 1861, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Montague Bere, Esq. , Recorder of Penzance, Soulhamp ton, and Bristol, and Judge of Cornwall and Devon, y.C b^ his wife Cecil Henrietta, second dau. and coheiress ( Capt. Thomas Wentworth Buller, R.N., of Whimpl. Devon, Armorial bearings— Argent, three bears' hoad couped sable, muzzled or. Motto — " Bear and forbear. Seats — Morebath House, Tiverton ; Grimstone, Horra bridge, Devon. BERESFORD, quartered by COKE. BERESFORD, see MASSY-BERESFORD and PACK- BERESFORD. S CHARLES EDWARD DE LA POER BERE-S^ FORD, Esquire, Major Wiltshire Regt. Bom Oct. 23, 1850, being the eldest son of the late George de la Poei Beresford, Esq., Capt. i6th Regiment, by his wife Anno, dau. of Lieut. -Gen. Conyers, C. B. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, crusilly fitch^e, three fleurs-de-lis a border engrailed sable (for Beresford) ; 2 and 3, argent, a chief indented sable (for Power). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head erased argent, pierced through the neck with a broken spear or, point argent, thrust through the upper jaw. Motto— " Nil nisi cruce." Married, Oct. 17, 1882, Solita Hen- rietta, dau. of Henry Ximenes, of Bear Place. Residence— Major-General JOHN BERESFORD BERESFORD (formerly and properly John Beresford Smyly, the name of Beresford being assumed by Deed Poll only in 1888); served in Punjab Campaign 1848-49, and Indian Mutiny 1857-58, ret. f.p. as Lieut.-Col. B.S.C. 1877; J. P. co. Londonderry. Bom 1828, being the eldest son of the Rev. William Smyly, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Aghanlos, Londonderry, by his wife Catherine Charlotte, second dau. of J. C. Beresford. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure, a chevron ermine between three pheons argent, a crescent for cadency (for Smyly) ; 2 and 3, argent, sem^e of cross crosslets fitch^e, three fleurs-de-lis, and a bordure engrailed sable, a crescent charged with a mullet for cadency (for Beresford). Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, an arm embowed vambraced proper, the hand bare, holding a pheon by the point thereof gules. Motto — " Viribus virtus." Married, 1866, Emma Elizabeth Adelaide, dau. of Rev. Bourchier Wray Savile, M.A., Rector of Shillingford, Devon ; and has with other Issue Rev. John Claudius Beresford, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Bailieborough, Cavan, b. April 28, 1871. Seals— Craxg Dhu Varren, Portrush, co. Antrim ; Glena Moyle Lodge, CO. Londonderry. Club — Primrose. MOSTYN DE LA POER BERESFORD, Esquire, Lieut. -General (retired). Born Dec. 6, 1835, being the eldest son of the Rt. Hon. William Beresford, by his wife Catherine Heneage, dau. of Mr. Heneage of Hainton, Lincolnshire. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, sem^ of cross crosslets fitch^e and three fleurs-de- lis, a bordure engrailed sable (for Beresford) ; 2 and 3, argent, a chief indented sable (for De la Power). Mantlii^ argent and sable. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head erased azure, pierced through the neck with a broken tilting-spear or, the broken point argent in the mouth (for Beresford) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a stag's head caboshed proper, attired or. between the horns a crucifix of the last (for De La Poer). Postal address— 76 Jermyn Street. iB the Military Cockade. IBtt IBet 109 RALPH HENRY BARRE DE LA POER BERES- ORD, Gentleman. Born November 26, 1886, being the nly son of the late John Claudius Montgomery Beres- brd, Esq., Major R.E. , A.D.C., and Assistant Private !;«cretary to the Duke of Marlborough when Lord-Lieuten- Lnt of Ireland, by his wife Rosa, dau. of Ralph Smith of ireenhills, Drogheda. Armorial beaxings— Quarterly i 'nd 4, argent, crusilly fitchfe, three fleurs-de-lis, a border 'ngrai'led sable (for Beresford) ; 2 and 3, argent, a chief in- ented sable (for Power). Mantling sable and argent. 'Irest On a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head erased jrgent, pierced through the neck with a broken spear or, 'loint argent, thrust through the upper jaw. Motto—" Nil iisicruce." Seat — Learmont, co. Londonderry. i j WILLIAM JAMES MONTGOMERY BERESFORD, lientleman. Born August 31, 1859, being the eldest son of fhe late Rev. William Montgomery Beresford, by his wife liosa, dau. of John Turner of Brighton. Armorial bear- ingrg — Quarterly i and 4, argent, crusily fitch^e, three fleurs- ile-lis, a border engrailed sable (for Beresford) ; 2 and 3, Ijgent, a chief indented sable (for Power). Mantling sable Lnd argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dragon's Lead erased argent, pierced through the neck with a broken ipear or, point argent, thrust through the upper jaw. ffottO — "Nil nisicruce." Residence — S WILLIAM RANDALL HAMILTON BERES- FORD-ASH (formerly Beresford), Esquire, Major R. 'vVelsh Fusiliers, D.L. co. Londcfnderry ; assumed the idditional surname and arms of Ash by Royal Licence jiated June 26, 1901. Born June 19, 1859, being the third ion of the late John Barr^ Beresford, Esq., of Learmount [ind Ashbrook, co. Derry, J. P. and D.L. , M.A. Oxon., late iv^ice-Lieutenant co. Derry, and J. P. co. Donegal, High fSheriff 1846, and the eldest by his second wife Caroline, only child and heiress of the late William Hamilton Ash pf Ashbrook, by his wife Lady Elizabeth Emma, sister of peorge Sholtoe, Earl of Morton. Armorial bearings— (Quarterly 1 and 4, argent, two chevronels gules, in the jilexter chief a trefoil slipped vert (for Ash) ; 2 and 3, quar- terly i. and iiii., argent, crusilly fitch^e, three fleurs-de-lis, a iwrder engrailed sable (for Beresford) ; ii. and iii. , argent, (a chief indented sable (for de la Poer), a crescent for dif- (ference or. Mantling gules, doubled aigent. Crests — i. pn a wreath of the colours, a squirrel sejant proper, holding 'in its paws a trefoil slipped vert (for Ash) ; 2. on a wreath [of the colours, a dragon's head erased vert, pierced through |the neck with a broken tilting -spear, the point thrust iihrough the upper jaw all proper, a crescent or for diflfe- |i-ence (for Beresford). Motto — " Nil nisi cruce. " Married, iOct. 23, 1886, Florence, dau. of Lord Ulick Browne ; and inas Issue — Douglas Beresford- Ash, Gentleman, b. Sept. 3, 11887. Residence — Ashbrook, Derry. § FRANCIS COLEBROOK BERESFORD-DRUM- MOND, Esquire, formerly Capt. 3rd Batt. Dorset- I shire Regt. and Lieut. 7th Dragoon Guards. Born 1846, ,' being the younger son of the late Hon. Sir Edmund Drum- Imond, K.C.I.E. (third son of 6th Viscount Strathalla), by ihis wife Juha Mary, dau. of J. C. C. Sutherland; assumed (the additional surname and arms of Beresford in 1875. I Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or, three bars wavy gules; 2. or, a lion's head erased within a double tressure \ flory counterflory gules ; 3. argent, sem^e of cross crosslets fitch^e and three fleurs-de-lis sable, a bordure wavy ermines. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — A falcon rising, , hooded jessed and balled proper, charged on the breast with I a mullet or. Motto — " Lord have mercy." Married, 1875, i Marcia Mary Anne Harriet Wilhelmina de la Poer, dau. of ; Sir George de la Poer Beresford, 2nd Bart. Residence — ! f ALEXANDER HUGH BERGNE-COUPLAND, Lt. 3rd Batt. Lincolnshire Regt. Born 1871, being the son of the late Richard Coupland Bergne-Coupland, Esq., J. P., D.L., by his second wife Alice, dau. of Alexander Bevington of Streatham. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, or three bars engrailed azure, on a bend gules, a rose between two escallops of the first (for Coupland) ; 2 and 3 azure, a lion passant argent, on a chief nebuly of the last, a fleur-de- lis between two mullets of the first (for Bergne). Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a swan with wings endorsed argent, sem^e of tjules, and resting the dexter foot on an escallop also gules (for Coupland) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, gorged with a collar gemel or, holding in the dexter paw two arrows saltireways, points downwards proper, and resting the sinister paw on a fleur-de-lis azure. Motto — ' ' vi^quo adeste animo. " Seat — Skellingthorpe Hall, Lincoln. The Reverend BASIL JAMES HAROLD BERIDGE (formerly Sparrow), Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Cantab.), Lord of the Manor of Biggs, Abbas Hall, and Thorpe Morieux ; assumed the name of Beridge by Royal Licence in 1885. Born 1853, being the eldest son of Basil Sparrow, Esq., J. P., D.L., by his wife Julia, dau. of John Scratton. Livery — Grey, with red facings. Armorial bearings- Argent, a saltire nebuly between two bears' heads erased in pale and as many escallops in fesse sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head erased sable, three escallops inverted or. Married, 1882, Margaret Louisa, dau. of Henry Capel Elliot. 6Va/j— Gosfield Place, Halstead, Essex ; Algarkirk Hall, Boston, co. Lincoln. H WILLIAM BERINGTON, Esquire, Capt. 5th Batt. ^3 Worcestershire Regt., J. P. Born 1873, being the eldest son of the late Charles Michael Berington, Esq., High Sheriff 1868, late Captain in the Worcester Yeomanry Cavalry, J. P. and D. L. , by his second wife Mary Louisa Patricia, eldest dau. of Michael Agnew Coxon, Bombay C.S. Armorial bearings — Sable, three greyhounds cour- ant argent, collared gules, within a border of the last, a crescent for difference. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a greyhound's head couped argent, gorged with a collar gules. 5^a!/— Little Malvern Court, Malvern, co. Worcester. § MAURICE HENRY BERKELEY, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. co. Worcester, Major 6th Batt. Worcester- shire Regt. Born April 2, 1856, being the second son of the late Robert Berkeley, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , by his wife Lady Mary Catherine Browne, dau. of Rt. Hon. Thomas, 3rd Earl of Kenmare. Armorial bearings— Gules, a chevron argent between ten crosses patte of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bear's head couped argent, muzzled gules. Motto — "Dieu avec nous." Residence S\.. Cloud, Wor- cester. Club — Junior Constitutional. § ROBERT VALENTINE BERKELEY, Esquire, J. P. and D.L., late Major Worcester Militia. Born April 29, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Robert Berkeley, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , by his wife Lady Mary Catherine Browne, dau. of Rt. Hon. Thomas, 3rd Earl of Kenmare. Armorial bearings — Gules, a chevron argent, between ten crosses patfe of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, a bear's is tbe Naval Cockade. no TPet T5er bMd cooped ■iwnt. muuled guJes. Motto—" Weu avec MMM." Mmrritd, 1891. Rom. younRcr dau. of ihe late Ftvdcnck WHlmott of Warky Flnce. Kisex ; and has Itiu* (i) Robwi George Wilmot Uerkeley, Genlleman. > April at. 1898 ; Eleanor Marv ; Rosamund Mary. d. in Infancy, March 04. 1894 ; and Margaret Eliwibeth. Seat Suetchley Park, ca Worcester. CMs - Windham, Junior (.'arilon. WLiKirr.-CoL. THOMAS MOWBRAY MARTIN 9 BERKELKY, Esquire, served in Nile Exped. 1884 (medal, dasp. and Khedive's star), and S. African War, 1899 - 190a (mentioned in despatches, two medals, six clasps), wounded at I'aardeburg, South Africa, Feb. 1900. Ibm Nov. II. 1859. being the third son of the late Robert Berkeley, Est].. J. I*, and D.L.. by his wife Lady Mary Catherine Browne, dau. of Rt. Hon. Thomas, 3rd Earl of Kenmare. Armorial bMuringa Gules, a chevron argent, between ten crosses pjtt^ of the second. M a n t lin g gules and aiK'ent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a boar's l»ead. couped arecnt, muzzled gules. Motto-" Dieu avec nous." cM - Naval and Military. BERMINGHAM, quartered by HEYWOOD-JONES, O'SHEE, and WILLDING-JONES. BERNARD, see MORROGH-BERNARD. SJOHN MACKAY BERNARD, Esquire, of Dunsinnan and Buttergask, J. P. cos. Perth and Haddington, RSc.. F.R.S. Edin., F.R.S.G.S., Royal Scottish Archer Queen's Body Gusu-d for Scotland, Member of Council of the Meteorological Society, Scotland. Born March 21, 1857, being the second son of Thomas Bernard of Holme House, in the co. of Haddington. Armorial bearlngrs -Azure, a s cross flory between four bears' heads couped argent, muzzled gules, a bordure of the second, above the shield a helmet ; with a Mantling azure doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a demi-bear argent, muzzled and lined gules; and on an escroll this MottO, "Bear and forbear." Livery — Blue, and silver facings. Married, Dec. 12, 1888, Ellen Anne, youngest dau. of Edmund Thos. Wedgwood Wood, Esq., of Henley Hall, Ludlow, Shropshire. Estates —Dunsinnan and Buttergask. AVii(/^«« — Dunsinnan Perth. TeUgraphic (jrfi1 e. i5«h cpnt.). Upon the escutcheon is plaeccl ■ h«"hn«t IrlitimK lii» degrrc. with u nmntling Rules, dottbUd «rgvflt ; and u(Kin a wreath of his liveries is set for OTMt « ctenii-lion gules, holding in his dexter paw a cross cruttkt litch^ aiure. Motto**— Above. "In hoc signo vinces;" Lwlow, " L'esp^rance me comforte." Seat — Tay- field. Newport, in the county of Fife. C/u6 — New (Edin- burgh). BERTRAM, quartered by OGLE and CONYERS. BERTRAM (H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, per chevron nebuly sable and or, a chaplet of roses between two fleurs- de lis in chief and an eagle displayed in base all counter- changed (for Bertram) ; 2 and 3, sable, on a chevron between three leopards' faces erminois, as many spear-heads azure, on a chief per pale or and argent, three cocks gules (Price, 1817). Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed sable, holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, and in each claw a chaplet of roses gules, leaved also or. Motto — " Aquila non capit muscas." Son of Julius Alfred Bertram of 29 York Terrace, London, by Martha Janet, d. of James Gemmell of Ardiffery, N.B. :— Julius Bertram, Gentleman, B. A. Oxon. i?«.— 14 Suffolk Street, London, S.W. ; Sishes, Stevenage, Herts. C/ud — Reform. WILLIAM BERTRAM, Esq., of Nisbet and Kerse- well, CO. Lanark, J. P. and D.L., formerly Lieut. 72nd and 77th Foot, Captain Royal Lanark Militia, now Captain of Volunteers. Born April 23, 1826, being the elder and only surviving son of the late William Bertram of Nisbet and Kersewell, Major Hon. E. I. Co.'s Service, by his second wife Louise Caroline Clementine Delie Bertrand, dau. of Dr. .^rnaud de Lapeijre of Port Louis, Island of Mauritius. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, on an in- cscutcheon or, between eight crosses pat^e argent, an anvil proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a ram's head proper, issuing from an antique crown or. Motto — "Je avance." Married, Oct i, 1853, Adelaide Mary, widow of John Daniel Collyer, and dau. of John Bateman, one of the ■founders ol Melbourne ; and by her (who d. May 95, issl had Issue— (i) William Bertram, Gentleman, Lieut 061 Regt.. b. 1859 {m., 1888, Ethel Angel, dau. of the la' R. B. Towse, and has, with other issue, William Rol . Bertram, Gentleman, b. Dec. 1888]; (a) Archibald Doui;! Bertram, Gentleman, b. 1862; (3) Allan Lockhart Hcrtranl Gentleman, b. 1864; (4) John Bertram, Gentleman, d. A infant; Adelaide Mary; and Eliza Violet. .svr*l well, Carnwath, co. Lanark. PHILIP EUSTACE BESANT, Esquire. Horn Oct. A 187^, being the elder son of the late Sir Walter Uesanl Knight Bachelor, and his wife Mary Garratt, dau. (I Eustace Foster Barbam. Armorial bearings— Per fcail indented sable and gules, a palm tree eradicated or, witUll an orle of bezants. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On «^ wreath of the colours, issuant from clouds proper, a pri'- tree or, thereto attached by a chain gold and resting on wreath an escocheon sable, charged with two bezaiii^ pale. Postal address — Frognal End, Hampstead, N.W. BESLY, see FINCH-HATTON-BESLY. BEST, quartered by PAYNTER. BEST, see HADEN-BEST. BESWICK, see MYERS-BESWICK. S CLEMENT ROBERT NUTTALL BESWICKE- ROYDS, late Fourth Dra-l 'Be0toicfee=iRopli0 Kii^n^E^kt^ffiiL^e Regiment, 1879-1884. Born January 3, 1840, being the eldest son of the late Albert Hudson Royds, Esquire, of Falinge, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by Susan Eliza his wife, daughter of Robert Nuttall, and assumed by Royal License in the year 1867 the surname of Beswicke in addition to and before that of Royds. Club— Conservative. Livery — White, with blick collar and cuffs and red waistcoat. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, on a cross engrailed between four lions rampant gules, a tilting-spear erect or, and four bezants; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a leopard sejant sable, bezant^e gorged with a collar argent, the dexter fore-paw resting on a pheon or; with the Motto, "Semper paratus." Married, May 9, 1867, Mary Alice (^ is tHe Military Cockade. Plate IV. TBet IBet "3 Gibson, only child of the late John Halliwell Beswicke of I'vke House; and has /««6'— Clement Halliwell Beswicke- Rovds, Gentleman, born February 5, 1868. Estate — lieilield. Postal address — Pyke House, Littleborough, Manchester. BETHAM (Arms of ancient origin ; recorded in the Register of Knights dubbed U.O., 1812). Quarterly i and 6, or, three fleurs-de-lis azure (Bethani); 2. azure, a lion rampant or, langued gules (Fitzroger) ; 3. gules, three chevronels argent (Bannister) ; 4. or, a chief indented azure (Burton); 5. sable, a turnip leaved proper, a chief or, gutt6- de-poix (Damant). Mantling azure and or. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, an elephant's head gules, trunked argent, tusked gold. Motto—" Per ardua surgam." Son of Alfred William Betham, Gentleman, b. 1836; m. 1861, Alfreda, d. of Edward Edwards of Wester- field Hall, Ipswich, Suffolk :— Ernest Burton Betham. Gentleman, b. 1864. Res. — 96 Lordship Road, Stoke Newington. Sons of MoIyneu.\ Betham, Esq., b, 1813; d. 1880; m. 1837, Elisabeth, d. of Sir Richard Ford, and grand- sons of Sir William Betham, Ulster King of Arms: — Cecil William Betham, Esq., late 5Sth Regt. , b. 1840; m. 1869, Emily Isabel, d. of John Mallet Williamson. Res. — 9 Belgrave Square, Monkstown, co. Dublin. .Alfred Betham, Gentleman, b. 1845. Res.— a, Richmond Hill, Monkstown, co. Dublin. BETHELL, see WESTBURY. ALFRED JAMES BETHELL, Esquire, J. P. W.R. CO. York. Born 1862, being the youngest son of the late William Froggatt Bethell, Esq., J. P., D.L. (High Sheriff 1875), of Rise Park and Watton .Abbey, by his wife Eliza- beth Beckett, second dau. of Sir Edmund Denison of Green- thorpe. Club — Naval and Military. Armorial bearing^ —Argent, on a chevron between three boars' heads couped close sable, an estoile or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a ducal coronet or, a boar's head couped sable. Married, 1887, Maud, dau. of R. Bower; and has Issue — Three daus. Residence— y\\Ad\fi\.\\o\'^& Lodge, York. tCoMMANDiiR GEORGE RICHARD BETHELL, R.N., M.P. Holderness Div. E.R. co. York 1885 to 1900; served during Egyptian War. Born 1849, being the second son of the late William Froggatt Bethell, Esq. , J. P. , D.L. (High Sheriff 1875), of Rise Park and W^atton Abbey, by his wife Elizabeth Beckett, second dau. of Sir Edmund Beckett. C/«i5x— Carlton, Naval and Military. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a chevron between three boars' heads couped close sable, an estoile or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a ducal coronet or, a boar's head couped sable. /?«/fl'«/ff— Sigglesthorne, Hull. GUY VIVIAN BETHELL. Born 1861 (twin with his brother Slingsby Westbury), being the son IKptflpTf °^ Slingsby Bethell, Esquire, commonly -u^vvyt^it known as the Honourable Slingsby Bethell, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Middlesex, and Justice of the Peace for Westminster [to whom refer], by his wife Caroline, daughter of tlie late William Chaplin, Member of Parliament, of Lwhurst, in the county of Hampshire ; was formerly Lieutenant 4th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment. Ar- morial bearings— He bears for Arms: Argent, on a chevron engrailed azure, between thre^ boars' heads sable, an estoile or, a bordure of the third ; and for the Crest, out of a crown vallery or, an eagle's head sable between two w.ngs azure, and charged on the breast with an estoile or; with the Motto, "Ap Ithel." Married, 1892, Ethel, daughter of John Coutts Fowlie. SLINGSBY BETHELL, Esquire, commonly known as tne Honourable Slingsby Bethell, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; Bachelor of Arts of the university of Oxford ; Justice of the Peace and Deputy- ^leutenant for the county of Middlesex, and Justice of the ,,f ,r D- i^'^stminster. Born 1831, being the second son 01 tne Kight Honourable Sir Richard Bethell, first Baron westbury, by his first wife Ellionor Mary, eldest daughter |Pi Kobert Abraham ; Barrister, Middle Temple, 1857 ; is Reading Clerk and Clerk of Coinmittees in the House of Lords ; was formerly Registrar of the Court of Bankruptcy. 6'/«^— Brooks'. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron engrailed azure, between three boars' heads sable, an estoile or, a bordure of the third. Pendent from the escutcheon is his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and for the Crest, out of a crown vallery or, an eagle's head sable, between two wings azure, and charijed on the breast with an estoile or ; with the Motto, " Ap Ithel." Married, first, 1855, Caroline (who died 1886), daughter of the late William J. Chaplin, Member of Parliament, of Ewhurst Park, Hampshire ; secondly, 1888, Laura Beatrice, daughter of the Reverend Frederick Maunsell, Rector of Symondsbury, Bridport ; and has had Issue — by his first wife, (i) Slingsby Westbury EJethell, Gentleman, born November 5, i86r [to whom refer] ; (2) Guy Vivian Bethell, Gentleman, twin with his brother Slingsby [to whom refer] ; (3) Lionel Beresford Bethell, Gentleman, born 1864; Violet Isabel Slingsby (who married, 1888, Captain Archibald Hicks-Beach, and died in 1891); by his second wife, (4) Llwelyn Slingsby Bethell, Gentleman, born July 22, 1889 ; (5) Richard Alfred Slingsby Bethell, Gentleman, born July 7, 1892; and Eleanor Love Slingsby. Residence — 47 Sussex Square, Kemp Town, Brighton. SLINGSBY WESTBURY BETHELL. Born 1861 (twin with his brother Guy Vivian), being the son of the Hon, Slingsby Bethell, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Justice of the Peace, and Deputy-Lieu- tenant for the county of Middlesex, and Justice of the Peace for Westminster, by his wife Caroline, daughter of the late William Chaplin, Member of Parliament, of Ewhurst, in the county of Hampshire ; was formerly Lieutenant 4th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron engrailed azure, between three boars' heads, sable an estoile or, a bordure of the third ; and for the Crest, out of a crown vallery or, an eagle's head sable, between two wings azure, and charged on the breast with an estoile or; with the Motto, "Ap Ithel." Married, , 1890, Sophia Isabella, daughter of the late Captain J. H. T. Alexander, Royal Navy, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. W WILLIAM BETHELL, Esquire, J.P., D.L. for Kf E.R. and J. P. N.R. co. York. Born 1847, being the eldest son of the late William Froggatt Bethell, Esq., J. P., D.L. (High Sheriff 1875), of R'se Park and Walton Abbey, by his wife Elizabeth Beckitt, second dau. of Sir Edmund Denison of Greenthorpe. Clubs — Carlton, York- shire (York). Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron between three boars' heads couped close sable, an estoile or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a ducal coronet or, a boar's head couped i-able. Married, Jan. i, 1880, Hon. Mairi Myrtle, fifth dau. of Rt. Hon. Henry Willoughby, eighth Lord Middleton ; and has Issue — William Adrian Vincent Bethell, b. 1890; and Phyllis Mary Hermione. Seats — Rise Park, Hull ; Walton Abbey, Beverley. BETHUNE, see PATTON-BETHUNE. BETHUNE of Blebo (R.L., H. Coll., 1815). Azure, a fesse chequy or and gules, between three lozenges of the second. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-otter argent. Motto — "Debon naire." Son of late Alexander Bethune, Esq., of Blefx), Cupar, CO. Fife, b. 1824 ; d. ; tn. 1849, Margaret, d. of John Maxwell of Dundee : — Alexander Bethune, Esq., J. P. co. Fife, formerly a planter in Ceylon, ^. i860; /«. 1889, Elizabeth Constance Carnegie, d. of late Frederick Lewis Maitland-Heriot of Ramorine ; and has issue three ds. Seat — Blebo, Cupar, CO. Fife. Res. — 9 Ridgway Place, Wimbledon. Clubs — Badminton, New (Edinburgh). Son of late Lt.-Gen. Alexander Bethune (formerly Sharpe), d. 1847 I ^- 1840, Maria, d. of Robert Low of Clatto :— Robert Bethune, Esq., J. P., Major (ret.) late 92nd High- landers, b. 1827 ; m. 1865, Mary Louisa, d. of Capt. William Amherst Hale, 52nd Light Inf. ; and has issue- Henry Alexander Bethune, Gentleman, Lieut. Gordon High- landers, b. 1866 ; Eleanor Mary ; Louisa Cecilia ; Jane is the Naval Cockade. H I«4 TBet TBcto MdlicmM. WHi M«Tpirrt. .«*•/— Njrdie. co. Fife. /?«.— « Kwt't Coon SqiMur*. &. W. BBTHUNK (H. CoHy. Arrtnl. on • baae invected niH, K ■MMolt ertninoit, two uiier's beads erased in chief aopv. ■UtltBf Kule*a>«l arKritt. OrMt— On n wreath of UW celoan. upon a rock char|>ecth Yorlce, d.iu. of Vice-Admiral Sir Joseph sVdney Yorlcr, K.C.H.. and sister of Chnrlcs iMiilip, 4lh Eail of Hardwicke. ArmorUl beurlngt — Ermine, a boll passant, between three annulets gules. Mnn tUng gules and argent. Cmt— On a wreath of the colours, a Rriffin iMssant or, scm^ of annulets gules, holding in his dexter claw two annulets interlaced also gules. Motto— "Dens presidium." Married, first, July 22, 1862, Eliza- beth .Marianne (d. 1863), third dau. of Lord Charles James Fox Russell, grandson of John, 6th Duke of ftedford ; and has /«**— (i) Cosmo Bevan, Gentleman, i. May 22, 1863 [«»., Feb. s. 1891, Marion Lciki, youngest dau. of Rev, Kilmer Sulivan, and has issue, Desmond Russell, Bevan. Gentleman, ». Feb. 27, 1892]. He m. secondly, April 19, 1866, Constiuice, youngest dau. of Rt. Hon. Sir James Weir Hogg, ftirt. ; and by her (who d. Oct. 15, 1872), had /snie~(a) Bertrand Yorke Bevan, Gentleman,' *. Jan. 8, 1867 [m., Sept. a6, 1889, Georgjna Laura Frede- nca, second dau. of George F. Malcolmson of Norrys- bury, Herts, and has issue, Robert Austen Bevan, Gentleman, f>. July 26, r8oo, Margaretta Constance, Enid Laura, and Edith Joyce]; (3) Rev. Raymond Francis Hcvan, M.A. Tnn. Coll., Canib., i June 20, 1868 [m January 10, 1893, Margaret Alda, dau. of Rev. Horace Meyer, Vicar of Christchurch, Clifton, and has issue one ?S"**^** **?.^"5;J= <4) Gerard Lee Bevan, Gentleman, M.A. Tnn. Coll.. Camb., *, Nov. 9, 1869 [m., Oct. -x, 1891, SophK. dau. of John Arthur Kenrick of Barrow Court and 'Mue one dau.]; (5) Owen Charles Bevan, Gentle- man, ^ Oct. 30, 1870 [m., April 12, 1894, Mary, dau. of Theodore Bosanquel of West Down, and has issue, rranas Hugh Bevan, (Jentleman, i. March c. i8q<; and two dans.]; (6) Ivor Bevan, Gentleman, 6. April 15, 1872 [«.. July 14, 1896, Ethel Jean, dau. of Sir Algernon Coote, and Gytha Constance (w. Lionel Offu-y M issue] 5m/— Trent Park, New Barnct, c<. ROLAND YORKE BEVAN, Gentleman. Hon. .V JO, 1848, being the fourth son of the laic Robert Co«. ' Ijtx Bevan, Esq., J. P. co. Middlesex, by his wife I .1. Agneti Elisabeth Yorke, dau. of Vicc-.Adminil Sir Jojr Sydney Yorke, K.C.B. Armorial bearing:! l.>„„i,r » liull passant, between three annulets jjules. MantlUiff gules and argent. OrMt On a wreath of th.- a>l(iurr« griffin passant or, semde of annulets gules, holding in d. I'lc, claw two annulets interlaced also gules. Motto ' ' I icut pnKsidium." Married Hon. Ai;nela Olivia Kinnair.l .l.iu of Arthur Fitz-Gerald, loth Lord Kinnaird ; .-ind has /nw —Winifred Agneta Yorke and Olivia Mary Yorke. A'ai. dence— SYDNEY BEVAN, Gentleman, of Fosbury, Wilts, and of Trent Park, Herts, a Banker in London, /fom Oct. 5. 1838, being the eldest son of the late Koticrt Cooper \jet Bevan, Esq., of Fosbury House. Wilts, and Trent r.irk, Herts, J. P. CO. Middlesex, by his first wife Lidy .\>;iiria Elizabeth, dau. of Vice-Admiral Sir Joseph Sydney Vorke, K.C. B. , and sister of the Kt. Hon. Charles Philip Yorke! 4th Earl of Hardwicke ; s. his father 1890. Axmorlai bearings— He tears for Arms : Ermine, a bull passant, between three annulets gules. Upon the escutcheon 11 placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a vtTeath of the colours, a griffin pKissant or, sem6e of annulets gula, holding in dexter claw two annulets interlaced also gules! Motto— " Deus prsisidium." Seats — Fosbury Knuior, Hungerford, Wilts ; Trent Park, New Barnet, Herts. M THOMAS BEVAN, Esquire, Deputy- Lieutenant and 9 Justice of the Peace for the county of Kent, and a Member of the Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London, High Sheriff of the City of I^ndon and county of Middlesex, 1879. High Sheriff of the county of Ken! 1895. Bom 1829, being the eldest son of Thomas Bev.i: Doctor of Medicine, of Finsbury Circus, London, by I wife Hannah, daughter of the late Samuel Bennett, i'!.. — Magistrates'. Armorial bearings— He t>c.-irs for Ann!- Azure, on a rock, in base a dove proper holding in the U a branch of olive or, on a chief nebuly ermine a hurt betwi'" two annulets of the first. Upon the escutcheon is pb' a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure .r argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, u\' the battlements of a tower a g^rifTin or, gorged witli .1 <:<>' gemelle azure, resting the dexter claw on an esc' argent charged with a hurt. Married, 185a, Emma. 1; of Thomas Bayes of Kimberley, in the county of .Ni,;; .. and has, with other Issue — (i) Robert Bevan, Gentlem . bom 1857 [married, 1885, Constance Helen, only daughter the late William Munro Ross of Stone Castle, in the county of Kent]; (2) and Edmund Henry Bevan, Es<|uire, J.I'., born 1862 ; (^) Wilfrid Bevan, Gentleman. .S>a/— Stom- Park, Greenhitbe. WILFRID ARTHUR BEVAN, Gentleman. Bon, October 21, 1845, being the third son of the late Rol)ert Cooper Lee Bevan, Esq., J. P. co. Middlesex, by hi'i wife Lady Agneta Elizabeth Yorke, dau. of Vice-.\dni m Sir Joseph Sydney Yorke, K.C.B. Armorial bearings Ermine, a bull passant, between three annulets gul' Mantling gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of >; colours, a griffin passant or, sem^ of annulets gules, h' ing in dexter claw two annulets interlaced also gul Motto— "Deus praesidium." Married, May 11. i8'> Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Frederick Green of Prin' Gardens, London; and has /w«/ l>rab. with black facings and silver bull. .Hi. Armorial beaiingi Argent, a chevron sable, lietwccn ihre* Cornish choughs' heads erase Arthur Mulock Bewley, Esq., B.A. (Oxon.). b. S^pt. 97. 1879 ; .\nnie Sarah ; and Ethel Grace. Ktsidtnct —40 Fiiiwilliam Pl.ice. Dublin. C7«*i— .\thennB«m. Uni- wrsity (Dublin). BEYNON, see CROW THERBEYNON. W CHARLES HESKETH BIBBV-HESKETH. Es- quire, M..^. (Camb.), Barrisler-at-I^w, Lieut. Duke of l^ncaster's Own Yeomanry Cavalry, High Sheriff of co. Pal. of Lancaster 1901 ; assumed the name and arms of Heskcth when he succeeded to North Meols on the death of his grandmother in 1898 (Royal Licence, 1899). Horn 1871. being the son of John Bibby of Hart Hill, l^iverpool, by his wife Anna Maria Emily Fleetwood, eldest dau. of the Rev. Charles Hesketh of North Meols Hall, Rector of North Meols. .ind Rural Dean, /./'tro'— Light drab, black facings, gilt buttons. Armorial bearings— Quarterly 1 and 4. argent, on a bend sable, three garbs or, a chief azure, thereon an eagle with two heads displ.iyed proper, all within a bordure ernunois (for Hesketh) ; 2 and 3, azure, a saltire parted and fretty argent, surmounted by a lion rampant (lean, two escallops in pale and as many mullets of SIX pomts in fesse of the second (for Bibby). Mantling sable and argent CrostB i. on a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon in front of an eagle with itwo heads displayed proper, a garb or, banded gfules (for Hesketh) ; a. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm erect, holding a sword in bend sinister proper, pommel and hilt or. a mullet of six tx)ints between two escallops fesse- ways argent (for Bibby). Motto — "Quod tibi hoc alteri." Married, Jan. 4, 1900, Anne Dorothea, dau. of Thomas Brocklebank of Woolton, Liverpool; and has /«««— Lucy Fleetwood. A>a/— The Rookery, North Meols, Southport, CO. Lancaster. Clubs Orleans, Cavalry. JOHN JOSEPH BICKERSTETH. Barrister-at-Law, Clerk of the Peace for the East Riding. Bom Oct. 28, 1850, being the third son of the late Rt. Rev. Robert Bickersteth, D.D., Lord Bishop of Ripon, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Garde of Cork. Armorial bearings — Argent, a cross flory sable, cliarged with five mullets or, on a chief azure, three roses of the third, and impaUng the arms of Ashburnham, namely gules, a fesse between six mullets argent. Mantling sable and argent. Greet — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, garnished or, about the elbow a wreath of oak vert, in the hand a roll of paper proper. Motto — " Esto fidelis." Married, Aug. a, 1882, Lady Margaret, dau. of Rt. Hon. Bertram Ashburnham, fourth Earl of Ashburnham ; and has Issue — Edward Robert Bickersteth, bom Oct. 13, 1889; and Ruth. /[*«/<&««— Beech wood House, Driffield, Yorks. SLt.-Cou ROBERT BICKERSTETH, commanding Middlesex Yeomanry, 1891-92, Capt. Sherwood Rangers. 1876, M.P. for North Shropshire, 1885-86. Born June 24. 1847, being the eldest son of the late Rt. Rev. Robert Bickersteth, D.D., Lord Bishop of Ripon, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. and coheir of Joseph Garde of Cork. C/«*f— Brooks's, Windham. Livery — Blue and white. Ar- morial bearings— .Urgent, a cross flory sable, charged with five mullets or, on a chief azure, three roses of the third, and impaling the arms of Bertie, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent three battering-rams fesseways in pale proper, headed and garnished azure (for Bertie) ; 2 and 3 sable, a shattered cattle triple - turreted argent (for Willoughby). M a ntlin g sable and argent. Cr e Mfc On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, garnished or, alxjut the ell»ow a wreath of oak vert, in the liainl roll of pujx-r proper. Motto— " Frappe fort." AJiim, Jan. 16, 1883, Lady Lavinia Louisa, dau. of Rt. H^ Montagu Bertie, sixth Earl of Abingdon. Residence Cromwell Road, South Kensington, London, S.W. Thk Rev. SAMUEL BICKERSTETH, Clerk in H Orders, Vicar of the Parish Church of St. Mary's, L ham. Born Sept. 9, 1857, being the second son of thi' i Rev. Edward Bickersteth, Lord Bishop of Exeter, by wife Rosa, dau. of Sir Samuel Bignold, Knight Bachc! M.P. for Norwich. Armorial bearings— -Argent, a cros flory .sable, charged with five mullets or, on a chief azure, three roses of the third. Mantling sable and argent Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour projier, garnished or, about the elBbw a wreath of oak vert, in the hand a roll of paper proper. Motto-- " Frappe fort." Married, )une 21, 1881, Ella, dau. of Sii' Monier Monier-Williams. K.C.I.E., D.C.L.. LL.D. ; and" has with other Issue — Edward Monier Bickersteth, b 1882. Postal address — The Vicarage, Lewisham, S.E. ALGERNON SIDNEY BICKNELL, Gentleman, Born , being the son of Elhanan Bicknell, late oi Heme Hill. Armorial bearings Or, on a mount vert, a beacon fired proper, a chief sable, thereon a cross flory between two porcupines respecting each other of the first. MantUng vert and or. Crest On a w reath of the colours, a dragon couchant regardant, wings expanded sab|p, gorged with a collar or, holding in the dext r claw a cr. as in the arms. Motto "Surge biconyll." BIDDULPH, quartered by BRASSEY. BIDDULPH. See MYDDELTON-BIDDULPH. GEORGE TOURNAY BIDDULPH. Gentleman., Born May 25, 1844, being the fifth son of the late Roberl| Biddulph, Esq.. J. P. and D.L., M.P. for Hereford, by his] wife Elizabeth, dau. of George Palmer, Esq., M.P., olj Nazing Park, Essex. Armorial bearings Vert, an caijlei displayed argent, armed and langued gules, a canton of the (^ is the MiUtary Cockade. IBin T5iD M7 . ,11(1 impaling the arms of Palmer, namely argent, on t bars sable, three trefoils of the first, in chief a grey- hnd courant of the second, collared or. Mantling^ vert a ardent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a wolf s' 'lit argent, charged on the breast with a trefoil slipped !t. Motto "Sublimiora petanius." Married, Oct. 3, 3, Lady Sarah Wilfreda Palmer, dau. of Rt. Hon. andell. Earl of Selborne ; and has issue — ^Victor Roundell 5rge Biddulph, Gentleman, 6. May 24, 1897. J?esi- 1 «— Douglas House, Petersham. Clui> Brooks's. k JOHN BIDDULPH, Esquire, Col. (retired), formerly 'I in the Indian Political Service. Born July 25, 1840, jngthe third son of the late Robert Biddulph, Esq., J. P. jl D.L., M.P. for Hereford, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. ; George Palmer, Esq., M.P. , of Nazeing Park, Essex. moriaJ beaxings — Vert, an eagle displayed argent, ;ned and langued gules, a canton of the second. Mant- j g vert and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, l.olf rampant argent, charged on the breast with a trefoil !)ped vert. Motto " Sublimiora petamus." Married, i2, Julia Errington, dau. of Sir J. R. Martin. Residence jrey Court, Ham, Surrey. C/«i>— Travellers'. ; MICHAEL BIDDULPH, Esquire, Justice of the ' Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Here- d, and a Justice of the Peace for the county of Gloucester, jmber of Parliament for the county of Hereford, 1865- 3s, since then for Ross Division. Born 1834, being the est son of the late Robert Biddulph, Esquire, Justice I the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Ledbury Park, ';mber of Parliament for the county of Hereford, by his jfe Elizabeth, daughter of the late George Palmer, Member ■ Parliament, of Nazeing Park, in the county of Essex. WO'— Green. Armorial bearings— Vert, an eagle dis- lyed argent, armed and langued gules, a canton of the ;ond, impaling the arms of Yorke, namely argent, on altire azure, a bezant ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath the colours, a wolf sejant regardant argent, vulned in the iiilder gules. Married, firstly, August 9, 1864, Adelaide wgiana, youngest daughter of the Right Honourable meral Peel (she died M,iy 22, 1872) ; and secondly, 1877, izabeth Philippa, commonly known as Ladv Elizabeth iiippa, daughter of the Right Honourable Charles iilip Yorke, Earl of Hardwicke, widow of Henry John le of Babraham, in the county of Cambridge, Bed- chamber-Woman to Her Majesty the Queen, Lady of the Royal Order of Victoria and Albert. By his first marriage he has Issue — (i) John Michael Gordon Biddulph, Gentleman, born 1869 ; (2) Claud William Biddulph, Gentleman ; Adela Margaret Mary ; Edith Mary ; and Violet Maud. Estates and postal addresses — The Park, Ledbury, in the county of Hereford ; Kenible House, Cirencester ; and London address — 19 Ennisn)ore Gardens, London, S.W. Clubs — Brooks's, Reform. General Sir ROBERT BIDDULPH, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born August 26, 1835, being the second son of the late Robert Biddulph, Esquire, of Ledbury, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieut., Member of Parliament for Hereford, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of George Palmer, Member of Parliament, of Nazing Park, in the county of Essex ; entered the Royal Artillery 1853, became Colonel 1872, General 1883; served in the Crimean Campaign; was Deputy Assistant-Adjutant-General in India, 1858-1860 ; Military Secretary in China, i860, 1861, and at Madras, 1861- 1865 ; Assistant Boundary Commissioner under Reform Act, 1867 ; Deputy Assistant -Qtiartermaster- General at Woolwich, 1868-1871 ; Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for War, 1871-1873 ; Assistant-Adjutanl-General at Headquarters, 1873-1878 ; High Commissioner and Com- mander-in-Chief in Cyprus, 1879-1886; Inspector-General of Recruiting, 1886-1888; Director-General of Military Educa- tion, 1888-1893; Quartermaster-General to the Forces, 1893 ; Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Gibraltar, 1893-1900; was created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1877, K.C.B. 1896, and G.C.B. 1899; created Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1880, and advanced to the rank of Knight Grand Cross of the same Order, 1886. Livery— DdirV. green. Armorial bearings— Vert, an eagle displayed argent, armed and langued gules, a canton of the second. Upon the escutcheon, which is en- circled by the ribbon and collar of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and pendent his badges as G.C.B. and G.C.M.G., is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a wolf sejant regardant argent, vulned on the shoulder gules; with the Motto, "Sublimiora petamus." Married, August 11, 1864, Sophia, daughter of the Rev- erend Anthony Lewis Lambert of Chilbolton, and widow of Richard Stuart Palmer of Calcutta; and has Issue — (i) Hope Biddulph, Esquire, Major Royal Artillery, born October 27, 1866 ; (2) Michael Biddulph, Esquire, Captain Army Pay Department, born April 5, 1871 ; (3) Harry Biddulph, Esquire, Captain Royal Engineers, born July 19, 1872 ; (4) Lewis Biddulph, Esquire, born June 27, 1876 ; Eva [married Lieutenant-Colonel A. H. Mason, C. B. , D.S.O.]; Constance, married to Sir C. A. King-Harman, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George ; Jessie ; Helen ; Mabel ; and Georgiana. Postal address — 83 Cornwall Gardens, S.W. C/«d— United Service. FRANC DIGBY BIDDULPH-COLCLOUGH, Esq., Capt. 3rd Middlesex Militia (who assumed the surname and arms of Colclough, by Royal Letters Patent, in 1886). Born ■ , being the youngest son of Francis Wellesley Marsh Biddulph of Rathrobbin, TuUamore. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent five eaglets displayed in cross sable, a canton azure for distinction (for Colclough); 2 and 3 per pale vert and azure, an eagle displayed ermine, armed and beaked between four trefoils slipped or (for Bid- dulph). Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed sable, ducally gorged or, and charged, for distinction, on the breast with a cross crosslet argent (for Colclough) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a wolf rampant argent, gutt^e- de-sang, gorged with a gemel azure, and charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped vert (for Biddulph). Motto — " His calcabo gentes." Married, 1885, Louisa Maria Susan Biddulph-Colclough, eldest dau. of John Thomas Rossborough, Esq., of co. Fermanagh, a J. P. and D.L. for CO. Wexford (High Sheriff i860), [who assumed the name and arms of Colclough on succeeding to the Tintern estates], by Mary Gray Wentworth, only dau. of the late Cassar Colclough, Esq., Chief Justice of Prince lidward's Island; and has had Issue—Cxs&r Franc Thomas Bickerstaffe Plan- is tbe Naval Cockade. ttS ^le IBin tuniMt HMldulph-Colclouj;h. (itntleman. b. Sept. 15. 1886, Ajuly ao. i8»8; Lucy Wilinoi Maria Susaimii Hiddulph. Smt'-Tmictn Al>»«fy. Kiimagh, New Ross, co. Wex- fanL UIKLINSKI, quartered by LUBIENSKI. IUt:ST. quartered by LINGEN-BURTON. BIGGS, sec YEATMAN-BIGGS. Tmk Honoukablk Sir JOHN CHARLES BIGHAM. Knight Bachelor {1897). a Judge of the High Court of Justice; called to the Bar at the Middle Temple 1870, becime Q.C.. 1883. and a Bencher of the Middle Temple 1886, and a Judge of the High Court of Justice 1897 ; was M.P. for Liverpool (Exchange Div.), 1895-97. Born 1840, being the second son of the late John Higham, Esq., Merchant, of Liverpool. Armorial bearings Per bend dancett^ aiure and or, a bend invected Ijciween three crosses pati^ in chief and as many horse-shoes in base all oounterchanged. MaatUnfiT azure and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a horse per pale or and sable, charged on the body with three horse-shoes fesseways counter- changed, and resting the dexter foreleg on a cross patte gules. Motto-*' JAvance." Married, 1871, Georgina, dau. of John Rogers. Residtnce — 10 I'alace Gate, Ken- sington, S.W. GEORGE BIGLAND. Gentleman. Bom Dec. 18. 1830, beine the second son of the late John Bigland, Esq , Capt. 3rd I^ncashire Militia, by his wife M.iry, dau. of John Marshall of Towton Yorks Armorial bearings— Azure, two ears of big wheat erect in fesse and bladed or. Mant- ling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant regardant gules, holding in his fore-paw an ear of big wheat as in tht; arms. Mottoes— "Spes labor levis," and "Gratituclo." Married (ist), Feb. i, i860. Alice Maud Mary Proud, youngest d.iu. of John Dowlt»-r of Terrington, Yorks; (2nd), Aug. 28, 1886, Edith BLinchc Hinde, dau. of Peter Fox Andre of London ; and \\as Issue — George Braddyll Bigland, Gentleman, b. Nov. 4, 1891. Seal — Bigland Hall, near Ulverston, Lancashire. C7«^— Junior Conservative. BIGOD, quartered by BARNEWALL. s JOSEPH BILLIAT, Esquire, J. P. for the Parts of Lindsey, co. Lincoln, formerly Lieut. 3rd Batt. Lincolnshire Regiment, served in South African War, 1903 (medal with two clasps). Lord of the Manor of Swpley, Hunts, and Patron of one Living. Btirn .Sro.! tenilier 33, 1863, being the only child (pusthumous) of the 1 late Joseph Milliat of Barkslone House, Ciruntlmra, nml o(| Sapley, Hunts, by his wife Margaret, third dau. of ih« late John Clark, Esq., Justice of the Peace, of Ikilderioa and The White House, Newark-on- Treni, co. Noin* succeeded his grandfather 189a. Liveiy—VtjCKW .and ^u\,\. Armorial bearing^s -Qu.arterly. per fesse einkntlcd vert and or, a pen in bend sinister sable Ijetween in the first .iiHi fourth c|uarters a duck close of the second, each holding in the beak a billet argent. Mantling vert and or. Crests On a wreath of the colours, a duck close or, holding in the beak a billet argent, between two bulrushes prorier Motto— "Ung Dieu ung Roy." [Ped. H. Coll.] Married, March a6, 1885, Eveline Agnes Schrciljcr, ' eldest dau. of the late Rev. Thomas Twecddalc, M.A ' Vicar of Sherlx)rne and Fring, Norfolk; and has /■ .. — John Joseph Billiat, Gentleman, b. March 6, 1893: ar Eveline Schreiber. Estales—Oy/ns property in \..:\ parishes of Kesteven (Lines.) and Huniinf;il. Seat — Aisthorpe Hall, Lincoln. Clubs— ]\xn\ox ( u: and Junior United Service, S.W. BILLINGSLEY. quartered by LANGRISHE. BINGHAM (/«»»/. Henry HI.). Amre,a bend cottisi between six crosses pat<5e or. Crest — On a mount vert, falcon rising, wings exp;inded proper, armed, niembcri and belled or. Motto — " Spes mca Christus." Sons of Col. Charles Bmgham, Dept. A.G. Roy. An b. 1815 ; d. 1864; m. 1841, Willianiina Henrietta, • of John Mackintosh, M.U. : — Col. Richard Charles William Bingham of Melcom! ' Bingham (q.v.) Edmund George Henry Bingham, Esq., Lt.-Col. R(', Art., b. 1848 ; m. , Beatrice Helen, d. of F. S. Stcpli' of Melbourne, Australia ; and has issue. Hes. — Sons of F. M. George Charles, 3rd Earl of Luc^i G.C.B., &c., b. 1800; d. 1888; m. 1829, Anne, d. Robert, 6th Earl of Cardigan : — The Rt. Hon. Sir George Bingham, 4th ICarl of Luc, (Irel. , I Oct. 179s), 4th Baron Lucan of Casllebar (24 Ji: 1776), loth Bart. (Nov. Scot., 30 June 1634), K.P. ( a Rep. Peer for Ireland, Vice-Adm. of Connaught, Lici;; and Custos Rotul. Mayo. J. P. and Alderman co. Midil' late Capt. and Lt.-Col. Coldstream Gds., Knt. Legion Honour, and has 5th class Medjidieh [Supporters— '1 a wolves azure, collared and chained or], b. 1830; m. 18 ; Lady Cecilia Catherine Gordon- Lennox, d. of Charles, ;; Duke of Richmond, K.G. ; and has issue— (i) Geoi^,L Charles Bingham, Esq., commonly called Lord Bingham, J.P. and U.L. Mayo, Capt. (ret.) Rifle Brig., Lt. -C! comdg. ist Lond. Rifles, served in Bechuanaland Expei! 1884-5, has Order of St. Stanislaus of Russia (2nd c\.\ (38 Bryanston Square, W.), *. i860 [m. 1896, Viol. d. of. Spender Clay of Ford Manor, .Surrey; and 1 issue — Hon. George Charles Patrick Bingham, b. i8<, and Hon. Barbara Violet] ; (2) Hon. Cecil Edward Bin ham, Maj. and Brev. Lt.-Col. ist Life Guards, served S. Afrcian War 1900, has Star of Ethiopia, 3rd cL (25 Charles Street, Berkeley Square), b. i86i [m. 18 Rose Ellinor, d. of J. A. Guthrie of Craigie, co. Forf and has issue — Ralph Charles Bingham, Esq., b. 188; David Cecil Bingham, Gentleman, 6. 1887; and Cecilia Maiy Lavinia] ; (3) Hon. Francis Richard Bingham, Maj. R.F.A. . formerly A.D.C. to Comm.-in-Ch., Madr.as, *. 1863 [«. 1896, Kathleen, d. of Lieut-Gen., Sir Mansfield Clarke, Bart., K.C.B. ; and has issue— FrancesIHumphrey Bingham, Esq., b. 1899]; (4) Hon. Alexander P'rederick Bingham, b. 1864; (1;) Hon. Albert Edward Bingham, *. 1866; (61 Hon. Lionel Ernest Bingham, b. 1876 ; and Lady Rosalni' Cecilia Caroline [m. 1894, James, Marquess of Hamili' eld. s. of 2nd Duke of Abercorn, K.G. Seais—Caslkl House, CO. Mayo ; and Laleham House, Staines. Clui Carlton, Turf. Hon. Richard Bingham, Rear-Adm. (ret.) R.N., b. 1847. m. 1877, Mary Elizabeth, d. of Edward Henry Cole of Stoke Lyne ; and has issue —Violet Mary ; and Edith Lavinia. Jfes.—8 Denmark Terrace, Brighton. 6V«3— Naval and Military. Son of John Charles Robert, 4th Baron Clanmorris:— The Rt. Hon. John George Barry Bingham, 5th Bar- Clanmorris (e/.v.) Yr. son of Denis Arthur, 3rd Baron Clanmorris, . ^ is tbe Military Cockade. IBin IB it 119 1808 ; d. 1847 ; m. 1825, Maria Helena, d. of Robert Perss'e of Roxburgh, co. Galway :— Ion. Arthur Yelverton Bingham, D.L. co. Mayo, i. 110 ; m. ist, Carohne (d. 1879), d. of James Begbie, ■ D.'; 2nd, 1883, Jean Crawford, d. and h. of Thomas {vice of Cranley, co. Lanark; and has issue — (i) Bent- |k Yelverton Warburton Bingham, Esq. , b. 1862 ; and p daus. Seai — Stonebyres House, Lanark. Clud — Irlton. I Sons of late Denis George Charles Arthur Bmgham, I Gentleman, 6. 1849 ; d.v./>. 1878 ; m. 1874, Maria i Mary Hutchinson, eld. d. of Capt. W. H. Broad : — [Denis George Broad Bingham, Gentleman,^. 1875 [Anns Quarterly, i and 4, Bingham as above, 2. gules, a fesse inine between three dolphins naiant argent (Blenner- Isset) ; 3. vert, a lion rampant or, armed and langued lies (Shaen)]. iVa/ — Bingham Castle, Belmullet, co. Lharles Henry Arthur Shaen Bingham, Gentleman, 6. [77. Res.— I Yr. son of Denis Bingham, Esq., of Bingham Castle, [ J.P., 6. 1818; d. 1902; m. 1846, Elizabeth Eleanor, I d. and h. of Arthur Nash of Carne House, co. Mayo : — JGerald Henry Bingham, Gentleman, i. 1855; m. 1877, iigustus Cecilia Yelverton, d. of late Rowland Augustus liffith Davies of Tredinick, Cornwall. jBINGHAM (20 Apl. 1904). Per pale azure and sable, a •nd between six crosses pat^e or and two flaunches of the Ird, each charged with a garb ver.t. Mantling azure d or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a falcon rising faper, charged on each wing with a cross pat^e or, resting j; dexter claw on a garb fessewise vert. Motto — ' ' Spes f;a Christus." ' Son of Edward Bingham, d. 1808 ; d. 1880 ; m. 1835, Emma, d. of Arthur Dyson : — Col. Sir John Edward Bingham, ist Bart. (1904), V.D., i?., 6. 1839; m. 1863, Maria, d. of William Fawcett ; and [s issue — Albert Edward Bingham, Esq., Capt. and Hon. tajor, ist W.Y.R.E. (Vol.), d. 1868. /?«.— West Lea, jinmoor, Sheffield. jl RICHARD CHARLES WILLIAM BINGHAM. * Esquire, J. P. co. Dorset, Col. 3rd Dorset Regiments hrn June 17, 1845, being the eldest son of the late Charle, bghani, Esq., Col. and Dep. Adj. -Gen. R.A., and his I fe Williamina Henrietta, dau. of John Mackintosh, M.D. irmorial bearings — Azure, a bend cotised between six : )sses patt^e or (for Bingham). Mantling azure and or. "est — On a wreath of the colours, on a rock proper, an .gle rising or. Motto — " Spes mea Christus." Married, iigust 9, 1888, Georgina, dau. of Captain William Stuckey I ood, late 7th Dragoon CJuards, of Charlton Musgrove, j incanton ; and has with other Issue — Richard Charles [■ho Bingham, Gentleman, l>. August 24, 1889. Seat — jelcombe Bingham, Dorchester. Ciu6— Royal Dorset jiicht (Weymouth). iBINGLEY (H. Coll.) Barry of six sable and argent, j.elve pheons in orle counterchanged. Mantling sable id argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, three i rows, one in pale and two in saltire or, the points down- lirds, barbed and flighted argent, in front thereof sus- jmded by a riband gules an escutcheon sable, charged i ith a pheon also argent. Motto—" Beatus qui implevit." I Son of : — Thomas Henry Bingley, Gentleman, Solicitor, 6, '..'a/— Whitley Hall, Ecclesfield, Yorks. IH JAMES BINNEY, Esquire, Master of Arts of the ]W University of Cambridge, Capt. 3rd Batt. (King's) ;iyerpool Regt., Barrister-at-Law, J. P. and D.L. Cambs., !;igh Sheriff of Cambs and Hants, Lord of the Manor Pampisford. Born Auer. 14, 1868, being the third m of Edward William Binney, Fellow of the Royal 5ciety, of Ravenscliffe, Isle of Man, and of Man- lester, by Mary Christiana his wife, fourth dau. id coheir of the Rev. David Jones, Rector of Hope agot, CO. Salop. Livery—Blue, with brass buttons. Ar- lonal bearings — Per 'saltire or and azure, four horses' Jads couped at the neck, counterchanged ; and for his rest, upon a wreath of the colours, a barbel in front of vo bulrushes in saltire proper; with the Motto, "Bene." 'larned, Jan. 4, 1894, Cecilia De Anyers {d. 1897), dau. of Henry Rodolph De Anyers Willis, Esq. (late Capt. 92nd Gordon Highlanders), of Halsnead, co. Lancaster; and has /ssue — Richard Christian Cecil James Binney, Gentleman, b. Feb. 27, 1897 ; and Cecilia Ermyntrude Alice. Postal address — Pampisford Hall, Cambs. Club — Union. S CHARLES BIRCH - REYNARDSON, Esquire, Colonel late of the Grenadier Guards, J. P. for the county of Lincoln. Born December 10, 1845, being the only son of the late Charles Thomas Samuel Birch- Reynardson, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant, by Anne his first wife, daughter of the late Simon Yorke of Erddig, in the county of Wrexham, North Wales. C/z^^j— Carlton and Guards'. Livery — Dark blue coat, yellow and blue striped waistcoat, black trousers. Armorial bearings — • Quarterly i and 4, or two chevronels engrailed gules, on a canton of the last a mascle argent (for Reynardson) ; 2 and 3 azure, three fleurs-de-lis argent, a canton of the last (for Birch). Crests — i. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head ermine, murally crowned chequy argent and gules (for Reynardson); 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a fleur-de-lis argent and a trefoil vert entwined by a serpent proper (for Birch). Mottoes — " Virtus est vitium fugere," " Pnidentia simplicitate." Married, April 8, 1875, Emma Maria, daughter of the Rev. William Stracey-Clitherow, late of Buxton, in the county of Norfolk ; and has Issue — Miriam Anne \jn., 1896, C;ipt. Arthur Fuller- Acland- Hood, and has issue] ; and Alice Mary \in. Lieut. Coventry Crichton-Maitland, R.N.]. Estates — Holywell Hall and lands in Kesteven Division, and lands in Lindsey Division of the county of Lincoln. Postal address — Holywell Hall, Stamford. VERE HENRY BIRCH-REYNARDSON, Esquire, late Captain 3rd. Batt. (Mil.) Hants Regt. Born 1864, being the second son of Col. Edward Birch-Reynardson, C. B. , by his wife Emily, dau. of the late Vere Vane, Esquire, of Little Ponton. Armorial bearings— Quarterly I and 4, or two chevronels engrailed gules, on a canton of the last, a mascle argent (for Reynardson) ; 2 and 3 azure, three fleurs-de-lis argent, a canton of the last (for Birch). Mantling gules and or. Crests — i. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head ermine, murally crowned chequy argent and gules (for Reynardson) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a fleur-de-lis argent and a trefoil slipped vert, entwined by a serpent proper (for Birch) ; with the Mottoes, "Virtus est vitium fugere," " Prudentia simplicitate," is the Maval Cockade. I to TBir TBir Umrri*^. iS^t. Kvn A. I., stiond ctauf^hier of the lale H. M K. Crolhon of Inchinuppn. co. Wicklow. ^«i/— Kinhington Miuior. loUon. Hani*. WILLIAM JOHN HlKt H-RKYNAROSON. Esouire, litftire of the lVn« for t»»e counlv of Oxford, and Bachelor of Am of llie L'nivcrsilv of t)xford. Horn 1849. Iwinjj the eklm son of l\te Uuc Henry Hitch- Rcynardson, Ks<|uirc. luMuv of U»e IVai*. of Adwell House. »)y Kleanor Dorothea hi< wife, voungest daughter of Henry S. Partridge. Ciut— United University. Annortal bearlnffi— He hears for knu: Quarterly I and J. or two chevronels engrailed gulc*. on a canton of llie last, a n»ascle argent (for Rey- nardson). a and 3 aiurc. three fleurs-de-lis argent, a canton of the last (for Wrch) ; and for his Crettl. i. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head ermine, murally crowned chequy argent and gules (for Rcynardson). a. upon a wreath of the colours, a fleur-de-lis argent, and a trefoil vert entwined by a ser|)ent proper (for Birch) ; with the MottO«t. " Virtus est viiium fugere. '" " I'rudcntia .Sirnplicitalc." Mairifd, 1889. Violet, daughter of Thomas Maxwell of West Hill House. Guildford ; and has with other Issue— A son, Henry Iliomas Birch- Rcynardson, Gentleman, born 189a. Estate and fostitt address— MvicW House, Tetsworth. WH.LIAM MACDONALD BIRD. Gentleman. Bom .Vug. s. 1831. being the second son of William ^Rtrtl '*'"'■ iientlenian l>y Sarah, daughter and heiress idl-U of George Buck, Gentleman. C/«*— Conserva- tive, /./irn'— I>ress : bufl" with green fiicings ; undrat: green. Armorial bearings He bears for Arms : Argent, a cross flory vert Ijelween four martlets gules, a chief dovetail azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefilting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a greyhound's head vert, erased gules, collared dovetail or; with the Motto. " Recie Certe."' Married, April 26. 1870, Mary Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of Thomas Griffiths, M.R.C.S. ; and has Issue— (1) Robert Macdonald Bird. Gentleman, born Jan. 27, 1871 ; (2) William Bird, Gentle- man, born Ian. aa, 1872 ; (3) John Bowyer Bird. Gentle- man, born Aug. 21, 1874; (4) Geoffrey Doran Bird, Gentle- man, born Oct. 8, 1879 '• and Gertrude Minnie, /'w/a/rtrt'- ert Klwt-s of Con^;!, ,n, Norfolk; and has Issue— [\) Henry Anthony Hirkl.. ; Gentleman, h. Jan. 29, 1885 ; (a) (icrvase Willi.iin Hirkl.., , Gentleman. *. April ao. 1886; (3) Christopher koUn Birkbeck, Gentleman, b. Jan. a6, 1889; (JillJuM Marv Judith; and Ysabel. 5^0/ -Westacre High House, Swall- ham, Norfolk. WH.LIAM BIRKBECK, Esquire, Justice of the Peac. for the county of Norfolk. Born August 3, 183a, brtii;- 1' third son of the late Henry Birkbeck of Keswick Oii I 1! in the county of Norfolk, by Elizabeth Lucy iiis ■ wife, daughter of Rolx'rt Barcliiy. 6V//*— Junior ( iih Armorial bearings — He Ix-ars for Arms: Arj;ent, .. i. checiuy azure and or, cotised of the second, Ix-twccn iliu, lions' heads erased gules, in the centre chief point a brting a branch of wild teazle proper, charged on the loulder with a millrind argent. MottO— " Omni liber etu." Married, 1874, Amy, eldest dau. of William H. hichester of Grenofen, Devon ; and has, with other Issue, ugh Ronald Chichester Birley, Gentleman, b. 1878. Seat ■Woodside, Knutsford. BIRMINGHAM, quartered by LONGUEVILLE. WILLIAM MORLAIS BIRT, Gentleman. Born 1874, the only son of William Henry Birt and Fanny his wife, youngest daughter of James Shipwright. Livery — Green, yellow collar. Armorial bearings — Party per chevron in- vected vert and or, two turbots in chief and in base a demi- leopard guardant holding in the dexter paw a branch of oak fructed all proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, w ith a mantling vert and or ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a demi-leopard guar- dant gules, gutt^e-d'eau, charged with two bars wavy or, supporting with the paws an anchor argent, cable sable, all between two branches of oak fructed proper. Motto — "Facta non verba." Postal address — 42 Park Lane, London, W. HENRY STAFFORD TYNDALE BISCOE, Esquire, J. P. for the CO. of Oxford. Born October i, 1857, being the eldest son of W illiam Earle Biscoe, Esq., J.P. and D.L., by his wife Eliza Carey, dau. of George Glas Sandeman. Livery— Grte.n and gold. Armorial bearings— Quarterly 1 and 4, paly of six or and vert, three greyhounds courant in pale ermine, each gorged with a collar gold (for Biscoe) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a fesse gules, between three garbs sable, a martlet or (for Tyndale). Mantling vert and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, in front of an oak tree a greyhound courant proper, collared or, seizing a hare also proper. Motto — " Confido non confunda." Mar- ried, Jan. 22, 1884, Frances Ethel, dau. of Francis Neil Prim- rose of Bixley Hall, Norfolk; and has had /j.r«/<'—(i) Francis William Tyndale Biscoe, Gentleman, b. April 18, 1885, d. July 22, 1889 ; (2) Robert Stafford Biscoe, Gentleman, b. April 17, 1886; (3) Archibald Biscoe. Gentleman, b. July 6. 1887 ; (4) John Sewell Biscoe, Gentleman, b. June 15, 1894 ; (5) Thomas Winne Biscoe, Gentleman, b. January 23, 1897 ; Dorothy Primrose ; Agnata Bellamira ; and Ethel Mary. .S^aif— Holton Park, Wheatley, near Oxford. C///*— County (Oxford). is the Naval Cockade. I8t TPtBf IBIa CHARLES JOSKPH lUSllOr, Esquire. J. P. Horn Auk. »*. «*S'' '""'"K ''^"^ *"" "' <-"l>arles IJisliop. by Ins wife VA\en. «Uu. i»f Joseph kichardMJii. ▲zmoriu iMUlnga— (fules, iin eagle's head cnised ermine bclwcen four loccnges »aUir«w«y» arernl. each ch.-irKcd with n phcon sable, and impaling the arms of Gamble, namely, or, on a pile gules, between two trefoils slipped in base vert, a fleur- de-lis ■ ^902, Aldyth Lorna, d. of J. T. Darcy Hutton of Aldburgh and Marske, Yorks. ; and has issue — Ian William D'Arcy Black, Gentleman, 6. 1904. Seat — Kailzie, Peeblesshire. Res.—^ Whitehall Court, London, S.W. CHARLES BERTRAM BLACK, Gentleman. Armo- rial bearings — Argent, a saltire sable, between a mullet in chief and three crescents in the flanks and base gules, Man t lin g gules, doubled argent. Crest — Upon a wreath William Steel of Annathill. Armorial bearings -Argent, a saltire sable, on a chief of the last, a wolfs liend erased of the first, in the flanks two furisons azure. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest -On a wreath of his liveries, a demi-lion gules, armed and langued azure, and in aii escroll over the same, this Motto, "Non crux sed lux.' Married, 1899, Anna Robertson, dau. of Robert liiackif. Publisher, of Glasgow. Residence — Ka.moy\e, DowanhiU Gardens, Glasgow. C/«*j— Royal Societies', Authors University (Edinburgh), New (Glasgow), Art (Gla gow). S ROBERT IRELAND BLACKBURNE, Esquire, Lieut. -Col. Commanding 3rd Batt. South Lancashire Regt. (Mil.), J. P. and D.L. for Lanes., Lord of the Manor of Hale. Born Oct. 13, 1850, being the only .son of Col. John Irekind Blackburne and Mary, eldest dau. of Sir Henry Bold Hogston, Bart., of Hogston Town, Preston, ' is tbe Military Cockade. TBIa TBla 123 ,ancasliirc. Clubs — C'ailton, St. James's United Service. j.,gry — Dress: dark-blue, red waisicoat, silver braid, nce-breecties, silver buckles, black silk stockings ; un- less : dark-blue, red waistcoat, silver buttons. Armorial \ Qomf^utleoisapi nebuly between three mullets sable, in chief a crescent for difference (for Blackburne) ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed erminois, charged on the breast and on each of the wings with a cinquefoil gules (for Maze) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a trumpet fesseways or, thereon a cock gules, beaked, wattled, armed, and charged on the breast with a cinquefoil gold (for Blackburne) ; with the Motto, "Garde ta bien aimfe." Married, first, June 14, 1888, Evelyn Agnes Marian [d. 1897), dau. of late William Rathbone Duncan of Liverpool ; and has Issue — Cecil Ireland Blackburne-Maze, Gentleman, born June 3, 1889 ; Doris Evelyn ; and Marjorie Isabel. He m. 2ndly, 1901, Edith Mary, d. of William Edward Meares Bedford, late of Lucknow ; and has Issue — (2) Leonard Norman Blackburne-Maze, Gentleman, b. 1904. Postal address — Shaw House, Newbury, Berks. BLACKENHALL, quartered by GROSVENOR and TAUNTON. bearings—Argent, a fesse nebuly between three mullets sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a trumpet or, thereon a cock gules, beaked, combed, wattled, spurred, and charged on the breast with a cinquefoil or. Motto — ' ' Come ut ieo sue." Married, Feb. 5, 1885, Georgina Vernon, youngest dau. of Col. Sir Gustavus Hume ; and has Issue— (i) Gilbert Ireland Blackburne, Gentleman, b. June 14, 1887; (2) John Ireland Blackburne, Gentleman, b. Aug. 9, 1889; and Mary Ireland. Estates— W^Xt and Orford. 6>a/— Hale Hall, Liverpool. WILLIAM PETER BLACKBURNE-MAZE, Gentle- man. Born January 17, TBIackburne=^aje "^tt^ 'l! tl L"le William Ireland Black- burne-Maze, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Kent, Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel ist West Kent Rifle Volunteers, by his wife Charlotte Emma, only child and heiress of the late Peter Maze of Bristol. Club— Constitutional. Livery — Chocolate, with red waistcoat and hrass buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, ermine on a bend engrailed between two eagles displayed azure, a bend or, charged with three lions passant proper (for Maze) ; 2 and 3 argent, a fesse S MURRAY MACGREGOR BLACKER, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for co. Mayo. Born 1824, being the youngest son of the late Lieut. -Col. Valentine Blacker, C. B. , Surveyor-General of India, by Emma, dau. of Robert Johnson of Elm Grove, Lancaster. Armorial bearing^ — Argent, on a mount vert, a warrior in complete armour in the act of advancing towards the right, and brandishing in his dexter hand a battle-axe proper, from his shoulder a mantle flowing gules. Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter armed arm em- bowed proper, the hand gauntleted and grasping a battle-axe proper. Motto — "ProDeoet Rege." Married, 1851, Frances Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. Samuel Blacker, LL.D. , Rector of Mullabrack, co. Armagh. S WILLIAM BLACKER, Esquire, J.P. and High Sheriff (1878) for co. Kildare, formerly Major 3rd Batt. R. Dublin Fusiliers. Born Sept. 29, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Samuel Blacker, Esquire, of Castle Martin, co. Kildare, by Frances Mary Anne, his wife, dau. of Thomas A. Forde of Seaforde. Livery — Claret. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a mount vert, a warrior in complete armour in the act of advancing towards the right, and brandishing in his dexter hand a battle- axe all proper, from his shoulders a mantle flowing gules. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed proper, the hand gauntleted and grasping a battle-axe as in the is the Naval Cockade. 1*4 TBla T^la annv MottO -" I'ro IK-di-I Regt*." .l/rtrr»rt/. firslly. 1877. ll«.n. Miiry l-;««lcss {i«> /ssm-(%) Cecil W'llliiun. *. i«77. ^. i8«5 ; (a) Fitnlcrick St. John Blacker. (Jcntlem.in, Ueu«. RiUe IkiKado. *. 1881 ; (3) I'ercv Vali-nline Henry lUacker. (icntlrinan. Midshipman K. N., t. 1883; and Marjtirie Miuy. He iiiarrietl secondly, 189a, Eva Harriet Calor, youngrst dau. of late Kdward lienunian of Furness, CO. Kildare. and had further /ssue, Alice, li. an infant 1894. ^rtl/— Castle Martin, Newbridge, co. Kildare. HST. JOHN THOMAS BL.^CKER- DOUGLASS. O Esq.. J. P. and D.L. for co. Kerry (High Sheriff 1865). and J.i>. for ca Armagh (High Sheriff 1861). Horn i8aa, being the eldest son uf the ktte Rev. Dr. Samuel Blacker of Elnt i'ark. and PrebencLiry of Mullabrnck, by Elizabeth, dau. of 'i'humas Douglass of (Irace Hall, co. Down, and a^sunieil the additional surname and arms of Dougl.-iss by Royal License in i88o, under the will of his uncle C. M. Douglass of lirace Hall. tV«*— Carlton. Armorial bear- lagl— Quarterly i and 4. per pale argent and or, a human heart gules, on a chief arure, a trefoil slip|>ed between two cstoik;s of the second (for Douglass) ; a and 3 argent, on a mount vert a warrior in complete armour in the act of advancing to the right, and brandishing in his dexter hand a battle-axe all proper, from his shoulders a mantle flowing gules (for Blacker), and impaling the arms of Vandeleur, namely or. a trefoil vert, between three mullets pierced purpure. yantUng gules and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect proper, grasping a human heart as in the arms, and charged with a trefoil slipped vert (for Douglass) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter armed arm embowed proper, the hand gauntleted, grasping a battle-axe as in the arms. Mottoes — " For>»ard ; " " Fro Deo el Rege." Married, 1855, Eliza- beth, dau. of the late Col. Vandeleur of Kilrush, co. Clare ; and has, with other Issue, Maxwell Vandeleur Hlacker- Douglass, kite Lieut. 4th Batt. R. Inniskilling Fusiliers, b. 1859 \m. 1891. Alice, only child of Robert Macgcough of Silver Bridge, co. Armagh]. Seats — Elm Park, Armagh ; Tullahennel, Ballylongford ; Grace Hall, Lurgan. S CHRISTOPHER EDWARD BL.^CKETT, Esquire, late Coldstream Guards, Colonel in the Army, un- attached, J. P. CO. Kirkcudbright. Born Oct. 18, 1826, being the eldest son of the late William Penwick Blackett, by his wife Catherine Porterfield, dau. of Robert Stewart of St. Fort, CO. Fife. Clubs — Carlton, United Service, Travellers'. Guards.' Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron between three mullets pierced sable, three escal- lops of the field, and impaling the arms of Corbet, namely or, a raven sable. Motto — "Nous travailerons dans I'esfj^rance. " Married, April 17, 1861, Georgiana Frances, dau. of Sir Andrew Vincent Corbet of Moreton Corbet, second Baronet. Seat — Arbigland, Kirkbean, Dumfries. N.B. S EDWARD UMFREVILLE BLACKETT, Esquire, of Wylam, Northumberland, Major R.A. Bom May 19, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Edward Algernon Blackett. Esquire, of Wylam, Capt. R.N., I. P. and D.L. for Northumberland and Kmg's Co., by his wife Lucy, dau. of Rev. W. Minchin of Green- hills. CO. Tipperary. Armorial beailngs — Argent, on a chevron between three mullets pierced sable, three escal- lops of the field. Motto — ' ' Nous travailerons dans I'esp^rance. " Married, Aug. 9, 1879, Florence Rachel Th^rese Laura, only child of John Cleland of Stormont Castle. CO. Down. JOHN REGINALD BLACKE IT-ORD, Gentleman, Bom Feb. 10, 1885, being the eldest son of the late Andrew John Blackett-Ord, Esq.. J. P.. late Capt. and Hon. Major 4th Batt. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, and late Major isl Vol. Batt. Northumberland Fusiliers, by his wife Amy I^ouisa, youngest dau. of Charles William Jebb of Clifton, CO. Gloucester. Armorial bearings—Quarterly i and 4, per pale sable and azure, three salmons hauriant argent within a bordure engp-ailed ermine (for Ord) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron between three mullets pierced sable, as many escallops of the field (for Blackett). Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mountv ert, an elk's head cniM-d proper pcllctt«5e (for Ord). MottO— " Nous iravaillerons d.uis Tcsl perance." Seat — Whitfield Hall, Langley-on-Tyne. North- umberland. H JAMES ROBERTSON BLACKIE, Esquire, Hon. © Major 4th Vol. Batt. Scottish Rifles. Born 1854, being tlie only son of the late Robert Blackie, Esq., J. P. for CO. of Dumbarton, by his wife Anne, dau. of James Robertson of Mulberry Hank, Glasgow. Livery— Claret colour. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a fesse azure, three crescents or, in chief a well's head erased gules. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of his liveries, a wolf's head erased proper; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Virtute et fidelitate." Married, 1887, Ellen Arthur, dau. of Major Henry T. Botts of Savannah, Georgia; and has Issue — Lucy Herndon. Residences— Y^WiAf^^xn, Covf, Dumbartonshire ; Northbank, Glasgow. Clubs — New, Imperial Union, Art (Glasgow). BL AC KWOOD ( L. O. ). Argent , a saltire sable between flx'y, eo. Aiilrim. JAMES FRANKLIN MI-ANU. Gciulcman. late of Derriqiiin C'asUe. co. Kerry. B.A. Trin. Coll., Dublin. /form 1850. iK-ing the eldest son of the late Francis l.'hriNtopher lilond. Esq.. of IJerriquin Castle, co. Kerry, }.l\, Minh Sherifl" 1859. by his wife J.ine. dau. of the Rev. Archiliald Robert I lawilton of t:ork. Armorial bMiliifft— l->niine. on a l>end sable, three phioiis or, in the sinister chief point a cinquefoil vert. Mantling s^iblc and argent. OrMt— On a wreath of the colours, a cock proper, charged on the breast with a pheon or. Motto — " Kloquentia fagitta." Afarried, I>;c. 31, 1873, Agnes Margaret, eldest Block, IS Tallx] Park, London ; and has /ssue-^i) Francis Christopher tlau. of Samuel Wilson Block, 15 TaUxjt Stjuare, Hyde Cecil Bland, tientlenian, b. 1875; (a) Archibald Franklin Wilson Bland, Gentleman, h. 1885; (3) Godfrey Hamilton lUand, Gentleman, b. 1889; Agnes Emma; Eveleen ; and EtbeL Residtnte — Hollywood, Kenmare, lOHN HUMl'HRY BLAND, Gentleman. Bom 1828, bemg the eldest son of Rev. Rolx;rt Wintringham Bland, by his wife Alicia Evans, dau. of Edward livans. Esq., of Gortmerron, Diingannon, co. Tyrone. Armorial bearing^ (confn. U.O. , 1854, on long user) — .Xrgent, on a liend sable, three uheons or, in the sinister chief point a crescent gules. iffantting sable and argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head proper, charged with a crescent gules ; and for Motto, "Quo fata vocant." Manied, 1867, Emily Char- lotte, dau. of Rev. Wyndham Carlyon Madden ; and has withother Issue — Robert Wyndhani Humphry Maciel Bland, Gentleman, b. 1872. 6'*«/— Fernagh, co. Antrim. BLANFOY, quartered by RAMSDEN. BLAUMES, quartered by CORBET. BLENKHORN (H. Coll). Arure, on a chevron argent, between two horses' heads in chief couped or, bridled proper and a bugle-horn stringed in base of the third, three pallets gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion azure, holding in the dexter paw a rose gules, barbed, seeded, leaved and slipped proper, a cross engrailed or. Motto — " Justus esto at non metue." Son of Thomas Blenkhorn of Stockhill Green, Thirsk, Yorks. :— John Farrar Blenkhorn, Gentleman, b. . Seat — " Stirches," Wilton, co. Roxburgh. Jies. — Golden Square, Regent Street, London, W. Clubs — Caledonian, Junior Constitutional. BLENKINSOPP, quartered by COULSON. BLENNERH ASSET, quartered by BINGHAM. BLENNERHASSETT of Ballyseedy (c. 1600). Gules, a chevron ermine between three dolphins embowed argent. M a n tling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolf sejant proper. Motto — "Fortes fortuna juval." Son of Charles John Allanson Winn Blennerhassett, Esc|., of Ballyseedy, J. P. (Sheriff 1858), b. 1830; d. 1859; m. 1855, Marianne, d. of John Hickson, Esq., J. P., D.L., of 'I"he Grove, Dingle :— Arthur Blennerhassett, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Kerry (Sheriff 1878), late Major 4th Bait. R. Munster Fus. , b. 1856; m. 1882, Clara Nesta Richarda, only d. of Desmond John Edmund Fitz Gerald, The Knight of Glin ; and has issue — Nesta Georgie ; Hilda ; and Vera. Seat — Ballyseedy House, nr. Tralee. Club — Kildare Street, Sons of Rev. William Blennerhassett, b. ; d. ; m. , Emma Houssemayne, eld. d. of F. Housse- mayne du Boulay : — John Blennerhassett, Gentleman, b. . Jies. — William Blennerhassett, Gentleman, ^. . Res. — Arthur Blennerhassett, Gentleman, 3. . Res. — Frank Blennerhassett, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Son of Sir .\rthur Blennerhassett, 3rd B;irt., b. 1794; d. 1849; m. 1826, Sarah, d. of John Mahony : — Sir Rowland Blennerhassett, 4th Bart. (U.K., 22 Sept. 18O9), of Blennerville, D.L. co. Kerry (.Sheriff 1866), Com- missioner of Nat. Educ. in Ireland, Pres. Queen's Coll., Cork, M.P. for Galway 1865-74, and for Kerry i88o > [Arms as alwve, with an escutcheon of Ulster], b. 181 tM. 1870, Countess Charlotte de Leyden, only d. of Com de I..eyden ; and has issue — (i) Arthur Charles Fraiu Bernard Blennerhassett, l.C.S. , B.A., b. 1871 [m. 181; Mary Frances, only d. of late Baron Aretin of Haidenlmii and has issue — Marmaduke Casimir Henry Joseph HIeiinr hassett, Esq., b. 1902]; (2) Rowland Lewis William I'.i Blennerhasset, Esq., b. 1882 ; and Marie Carola Krancisk Roselyne [m. 1894, Baron Raphael d'Erlanger, who . 1897]. Clubs — Brooks's, .St. James's, Atlienx-um." Son of Rich.ard Francis Blennerhassett of Kells : — Rowland Ponsonby Blennerhassett, Esq., K.C. (y.t/.). ROWLAND PONSONBY BLENNERH.XSSIH I Esquire, K.C, J. P. co. Kerry, M.P. for Kerry 187. 1885. Horn July 2a, 1850, being the only son of the \..\ Richard Francis Blennerhassett, Ksc)., of Kells, by his w Honoria, dau. of William Carriquc Ponsonby, Ksq., Crotto. Armorial bearings — Gules, a clievron i-rnnn. between three dolphins embowed argent. MnntUng gul^ and argrnt. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a w sejant prop)er. Motto— " Fortes fortuna juvat." Afurhi: Sept. 21, 1876, Mary Beatrice, youngest dau. of Wall. , Armstrong of Ennismore Gardens, S.W. ; and has /jj»/c (i) Richard Francis Ponsonby Blennerhassett, Gentlemai ^.1879. Sm/— Kells, CO. Kerry. Tcwn residence —I'iW.w. Place, S.W. Clubs — Brooks's, St. James's. GRAHAM THOMAS BAYLIS BLICK, Gentlem^u M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.). Horn May 10, i8'i being the eldest son of the late Thomas Edw.ard Bliil Gentleman, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), and Anne his wife, d;iu. ■ the late John Baylis of Maynes Hill, Winslow, Buck Livery — Dark blue, silver facings. Armorial bearings Sable, on a chevron between three leopards' faces tTniinoi , as many mullets gules. Mantling sable and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a leopard passant .irgci, sem^e of mullets sable. Motto — "Ne timere caute eo Residence — The Lodge, Islip, Oxon. BLIGH (c. 1700). Azure, a griffin segreant or, arm. and langued gules, between three crescents argcir. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colouf . a griffin's head erased or. Motto—" Finem respice." Heir-general and only d. and h. of Edward Hem Stuart Bligh, 7th Earl of Darnley and i6th Ban 1 Clifton of Leighton Bromswold, b. 1851 ; d. 1900; ///. 1899, Jemima Adeline Beatrice, d. of late Francis J. L. Blackwood of Norton Court : — The Rt. Hon. Elizabeth Adeline Mary Bligh, Baroness (r7th) Clifton of Leighton Bromswold (9 July 1608) [Arms as above, on a lozenge. Supporters of Barony Two wild boars proper], b. 22 Jan. 1900. Res. — 6 Can bridge Square, Hyde Park, W. Sons of John Stuart, 6th Earl of Darnley, b. 1827 , d. 1896; m. 1850, Lady Harriet Mary Pelham, eld. d. of Henry Thomas, 3rd Earl of Chichester : — The Rt. Hon. Ivo Francis Walter Bligh, 8th Earl of Darnley (29 June 1725), Visct. Darnley of Athlx>y (7 March 1723) and Baron Clifton of Rathmore (14 Sept. 17211, B.A. (Camb.), D.L. Kent, Hon. Col. 4th V.B. Roy. \V, Kent Regt. [Supporters of Earldom — Twogriftinsor.ducailv gorged and chained], b. 1859; m. 1884, Florence Rose, d. of John Stephen Morphy of Beechworth, Victoria, Australia; and has issue — (i) Esm6 Ivo Bligh, Esq., commonly called Lord Clifton of Rathmore, h. 1886; (21 Hon. Noel Gervase Bligh, b. 1888 ; and Lady Dorothy Violet. Seats — Cobham Hall, Near Gravesend, Kent ; Clifton Lodge, Athboy, Meath. Club — Carlton. Hon. Arthur Frederick Pelham Bligh, b. 1865. Res.— Yr. sons of Edward, 5th Earl of Darnley, b. 1795 ; d.. 1835; tn. , Emma Jane, d. of ist Lon! Congleton : — Hon. and Rev. Edward Vesey Bligh, M.A. Caml J.P. , D.L. , and CA. Kent, formerly in Diplomatic Servii and late Vicar of Birling, b. 1829; m. 1854, Lady Isal. Mary Frances Nevill, sister of the Marquess .of Alx- gavenny ; and has issue — Lodovick Edward Bligh, Esq., Major late 3rd Batt. Bufts, J.P. Kent (Cambria House, Minehead, Somerset), b. 1854 [m. 1886, Marion Louisa, d. of Rev. F. A. S. Savile; and has surv. issue — (i) Aig«;rnoii Stuart Bligh, Esq., b. 1888; (2) Jack Frederick Uligh, Gentleman, b. 1893 ; and Rose Marion] ; and Rosalinil ^ is tbe Military Cockade. lB\o TBIO tS9 ibel[m. 1881, Lt.-Col. C. V. Wingfield-Stratford. R.E.]. _!;_Fartherwell, Kent. J?es. — 6 Portman Square, tidon, W. C//ii — Constitutional. Son of Hon. and Rev. Henry Bligh, 6. 1834 ; d. 1905 ; m. 2nd, 1883, Anne Elizabeth Uobree, d. of Lieut. - j Col. E. D. Butler: — |;dward Henry Swinburne Bligh, Esq., l>. 1884. J^es. — Close, Winchester. Son of Major Frederick Cherburgh Bligh of Brittas, J.P., ^- 1829; d. 1901 ; m. 1858, Emily Matilda, d. I of Hinton East : — Irederick Arthur Bligh, Esq., J. P. co. Meath, late (l)t. R.A., ^. 1861; m. 1898, Mary Wentworth, d. of Lt.- (ji.Wentworth Forbes. 5'ea^^ Brittas, Nobber, co. Meath. i Son of Charles Bligh, Gentleman, b. 1808; d. 1892; I m. 1837, Fanny Catherine, d. of Sir William George ; F^rker, Bart. : — William George Bligh, Gentleman, d. . J?es. — MAJOR ARTHUR HUGH BLOCK, R.A. Born h , being the son of the late Samuel Wilson Block. /QOrial bearings — Argent, on a chevron azure, between t[ falcons in chief proper, belled or, and a mount V;, thereon the stump of an oak tree sprouting out a ifnch to the sinister also proper in base, three roses of the f(l, barbed of the fourth and seeded gold. Mantling' pre and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a ijunt vert, thereon an eagle wings elevated proper, seizing \!i the dexter claw an owl argent. Married, 1903, Hilda Fie Nugent Johnstone. Postal address — 15 Talbot Sq., ide Park, W. J?estdence—Zimu\gheny, Deccan, India. MAJOR - General Sir BINDON BLOOD, K.C.B. ('j6), C.B. (1891), has fourth class Order of the Osmanieh, jf'ed with Jowaki Expedition 1897-98 (medal with clasp), ifS. African War 1879 (medal with clasp), in Afghan War iJg-So (medal), with Egyptian Expedition 1882, present r^Battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, medal ijti clasp, bronze star), with Chitral Relief Force 1895, as Oef Staff Officer (mentioned in despatches, medal with dip), in command of Malakand Field Force 1897 (men- tlied in despatches), and in command of Buner Field Force IS (mentioned in despatches, two clasps). Born 1842, li ig the eldest son of the late William Bindon Blood, Esq., \., of Cranagher, co. Clare. Armorial bearings — Wrterly i and 4, argent, a fesse indented gules between Sj martlets sable (for Blood) ; 2 and 3, gules, three escallops :;ent, within a bordure engrailed or (for Bindon). Mant- ^? gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, i'lant from waves of the sea, a demi-figure of Neptune all ?per. Motto— " Honor virtutis praemium." Married, j^, Charlotte E., dau. of Sir Auckland Colvin, K.C.S.I., jv^.M.G., CLE. Seat — Cranagher, Ennis, co. Clare. ii^Naval and Military. :HARLES HOLCROFT blood. Gentleman. Born ,c. 29, iS.ijS, being the fourth son of the late Fitzgerald !>od of Ballykilty, by his wife Millicent Anne, dau. of jincis Morice of Springfield, co. Clare. Airmorial bear- ■TS— Argent, on a fesse indented gules, between six rtlets sable, two crescents or. Mantling gules and i;ent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from Ives of the sea, a demi-figure of Neptune proper. MottO ' Honor virtutis prasmium. " Postal address — I^REDERICK WILLIAM BLOOD, Gentleman. Born I'V. 5, i860, being the sixth son of the late Fitzgerald )od_ of Ballykilty, by his wife Millicent Anne, dau. of incis Morice of Springfield, co. Clare. Armorial bear- ■••"Argent, on a fesse indented gules, between six j-rtlets sable, two crescents or. Mantling gules and i;ent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from ves of the sea, a demi-figure of Neptune proper. Motto Honor virtutis prasmium." Married, Oct. 27, 1892, ce, dau. of Frederick Randolph Hohne, Secretary of ite of the Orange Free State. Postal address— OHN BLOOD, Gentleman. Bom June 9, 1849, being • eldest son of the late Fitzgerald Blood of Ballykilty, nis wife Millicent Anne, dau. of Francis Morice of nngfield, co. Clare. C//^fo— County (Ennis, co. Clare). "^0'— Dark blu,- coat, silver buttons, striped waistcoat, lb breeches. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a fesse lented gules, between six martlets sable, two crescents or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from waves of the sea, a demi- figure of Neptune proper. Motto — ' ' Honor virtutis praemium." Married, Mar. 7, 1878, Jane, dau. of Thomas Studdert of Ballyhannan, co. Clare ; and has Issite — (i) Charles Fitzgerald Blood, Gentleman, b. April 2, 1879; (2) John Frederick Blood, Gentleman, b. Nov. 10, 1880, d. Dec. 18, 1893: (3) William Holcroft Blood, Gentleman, b. May 29, 1887. iSj/a/^j— Ballykilty, in the parish of Quin ; Lickeen and Clooney North, in the parish of Kil- feriora ; Clooney, in the parish of Clooney ; all in co. Clare. Postal address — Ballykilty, Ardsollus, co. Clare. JOSEPH FITZGERALD BLOOD, M.A. and M.D. Trin. Coll., Dublin; L.M., R.C.P.I. ; Surgeon-Major (re- tired) Bengal Army. Born March 15, 1853, being the second son of the late Fitzgerald Blood of Ballykilty, co. Clare, by his wife Millicent Anne, dau. of Francis Morice of Springfield, co. Clare. Clubs — Wallasey Golf (Wallasey, Cheshire). Z,zw/t— Dark blue coat, black buttons, red waistcoat, and drab breeches. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a fesse indented gules, between six martlets sable, two crescents or; impaling the arms of Dudgeon, namely argent, on a pale azure, an eye distilling tears proper, and three mullets counterchanged. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from waves of the sea, a demi-figure of Neptune proper. Motto — "Honor virtutis prasmium." Marriea, July 20, 1887, Elizabeth, dau. of the late Henry James Dudgeon of The Priory, Stillorgan, co. Dublin ; and has Issue — (i) Brian Blood, Gentleman, b. July r, 1889; (2) Morice Blood, Gentleman, b. April 30, 1897; Olive Milli- cent ; and Barbara Florence. Postal address — 8 Lome Road, Birkenhead. NEPTUNE FITZGERALD BLOOD. Gentleman, B.A., M.D. Born July 16, 1856, being the third son of the late Fitzgerald Blood, by his wife Millicent Anne, dau. of Francis Morice of Springfield, co. Clare. Armorial bear- ings — Argent, on a fesse gules, between six martlets sable, two crescents or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, issuant from waves of the sea, a demi-figure of Neptune proper. Motto — " Honor virtutis prseniium." Married, Feb. 19, 1884, Rebecca Sarah, dau. of Augustus Hartford of Rose Court, Portarlington, Queen's Co. Postal address— Vrede, Orange Free State, South Africa. BLOSSE, see LYNCH-BLOSSE. lb is the Naval Cockade. ijo TBIO TBIp BLOUNT, quartered by FI-OYER. BIOIWT, see DARELL-BLOUNT. SIR EDWARD CHARLES BLOUNT. K.C.B. (Civil Div. ). Bom 1809, being the »on of Edward Blount. M. P. . of BelUunour, co. SuflTord. Acted as Consul in Paris during the sirgr of 1871 ; created C.a 1871. K.C. B. 1888. Armorial ftwrlnci Birrj- nebuly of six or and sable. The escut- cheon is encirclern December 16, 1844, [married, July 5, 1869. Marguerite Marie Hyacinthe, d.nughter of Charles Paul Marie Moreau de la Rochctte, Baron de la Rochetie. and has issue, Edward Aston Charles Marie Blount. Esquire, bom January a. 1874, and Marie Charlotte Gertmde Louisa, died April 38. 1894] ; Alice Mary [mar- ried, June 9. 1856, Edward, Baron Hainguerlot. of Villandry, Indre-ct-Loiret and died May 9, 1873 ; and Mary Frances Gertrude, died unmarried, June 13. 1871. Postal addresses ^Paris; Imberhome. Sussex. BLUNDELL, see WELD-BLUNDELL. BLUNDELL - HOLLINSHEAD- BLUNDELL (H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, per bend argent and ermine, on a cross gules, a trefoil slipped or (Hollinshead) ; 2 and 3, lozengy erminois and sable, on a bend wavy gules, three billets argent (Blundell). CreBts— i. on a wreath of the colours, a heron argent, in the beak a trefoil slipped vert, behind the heron, two tilting-spears in saltire gules, headed proper (Hollinshead); 2. on a wreath of the colours, a mount vert thereon a squirrel sejant under an oak-tree eating a nut all proper (Blundell). [The arms of Blundell formerly in use by the family were: Lotengy or and sable. Crest— A squirrel sejant, eating a nut all proper."] Sons of Richard Benson Blundell-Hollinshead-Blundell of Deysbrook, nr. Liverpool, b. 1794 ; d. 1853 ; m. 1828, Jane, d. of late John Leigh of Sandhills, nr, Liver- f)ool : — Col. Henry Blundell-Hollinshead-Blundell, C.B., late Gren. Gds., B.A. (Oxon.), D.L. Lanes., served in Crimea after fall of Sebastopol and in Nile Exped., M.P. Ince Div. of S.W. Lanes. 1885-92, and since 1892, b. 1831 ; m. 1863. Hon. Beatrice Byng {d. 1884). formerly Mai.l , Honour to Queen Victoria), d. of late Vicc-Adm. M Henry D. Byng. Nes.—io Stration Street, Lon.l Seats — Ashurst Lodge. Sunning Hill, Berks; I)(\ nr. Liverpool. Club — Carlton, Guards', United ^ ; Army and Navy. Rev. Thomas Blundell-Hollinshead-Blundell. M \ (Oxon.), Rector of H.ilsall, formerly (189a) Hon. Chaplain to Queen Victoria and (1896) Chaplain in Ordinary; Hon I Chaplain to the King since 190a, Proctor in Convocniinn ! Hon. Canon of Liverpool and Rural Dean of Orih , . b. 1834 ; m. 1865, Adelaide (d. 1900), d. of late Sn 1 Dugdale Astley, Bart. . of Everley. Wilts ; and has 1; — (i) Wilfred Astley Blundell-HoUinshead-Blund.ll man. Lieut. Gren. Gds., b. 1871 ; killed at Iwttleof I S. Africa, 1899 ; (a) Cuthbert Leigh Hlundeli-HolliuMi, Blundell, Gentleman, formerly and Lieut. Gren. (M served in S. Africa 1900-a ; Muriel M.arian licatricr 1898, Alexander R. Alston, s. of Sir Francis Alst' K.C.M.G.]; and Ethel Hilda. .^«.— Halsall RecK.i Ormskirk. Club — Athenaeum. Major - Gen. Richard Blundell- HoUinshead-Blundi formerly comdg. 3rd Hussars, b. 1835; "'• '865, Henrir!' d. of R. A. H. Kirwan of Bawnmore, co. (iahvay ; , . ' surv. issue — Capt. Dermot Howard Blundell-HoU,: Blundell, M.V.O., b. 1874 [»«• 1901. E- %bil, d. of W Humble Dudley Ward] ; and Henrietta Mary f«. 1889 i Colin Richard Keppel, Esq., R.N., C.B., D.S.O., s. of Admiral of the Fleet the Hon. Sir Henry Keppel, G.CIl ' O.M.I. Res. — 12 Lennox Gardens, S.W. Club— At. and Navy. BLYTH, quartered by COHAM-FLEMING. Sir JAMES BLYTH, ist Baronet (Aug. 30, 1895), J CO. Essex, formerly President, now Vice-President, of t: British Dairy Farmers' Association. Born Sept. 10, 1841,, being the son of James Blyth of Chelmsford, and Caro-j line, dau. of Henry Gilbey of Bishop Stortford. Amiorial beaxingB — Azure, on a mount vert, a bull statant argc: ringed and chained or, on a chief arched of the four- a stag's head erased proper between two annulets gul. the escutcheon being charged with his badge of Ul : as a Baronet. Mantling azure and argent. Great- < a [wreath of the colours,'in front of a mound vert there ^ is tbe Military Cockade, a bull as in the arms, three roses gules. Motto— " Spero meliora." Married, Aug. 29, 1865, Eliza (who died 1894), dau. of William Mooney of Clontarf. co. Dublin; and) has Issue— Herberl William Blyth, Esq., b. 1868; James; Audley Blyth, Esq., b. 1874 \m., 1903, Ethel Jane, j youngest dau. of Sir John Brunner, Bart.] ; Rupert Alfred j Blyth, 'Esq.,'jb. 1877; Nora Beatrice [m., 1885, Col. TBoH 'Bog 131 Al? Gardner, J. P., D.L. , of Clearwell Castle, Coleford, Gk :estershire] ; Grace Loudenne ; Gladys Ellen [m. , i8ci Gerald Gold of Bentfield, Stansted, Essex, and has iss'v ; and Millicent Catherine. Seat — Blythwood, Stan- sfe Essex. Residence— 2,3 Portland Place, W. Club— Defnshire. i;NRY BODDINGTON, Esq., J. P. for Manchester, a Esctor of the Manchester Ship Canal Company. Borti No 7, 1849. being the second but eldest surviving son of theiite Henry Boddington of The Cove, Silverdale, Carn- for! by his wife Martha, dau. of William Slater of Bank Hc,e, Barton-on-Irwell. Armorial bearing's — He bears forrms: Per chevron azure and or, three lions rampant coijerchanged, a chief of the second thereon a demi-lion issiit between two cross crosslets fitch^e of the first. Up the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, wiifa mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wnih of the colours, a demi-lion azure, gorged with a coli gemel, and holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet titce or, resting the sinister on a lozenge also azure, chiled with a cross crosslet fitch^e or. Motto — " Vincit veiis." Married, Dec. 5, 1878, Emily, dau. of David Blip rworth of Eccles, co. Lancaster ; and has Issue — Hay Pownall Boddington, Gentleman, b. July 6, 1881 ; Rij Olive; and Marianne Gladys. Seat — Pownall Hall, wlislow, Cheshire. iDKIN of Annagh (U.O., /m/. Chas. I.). Ermine, a jtire gules. Mantling gules and 'argent. Crest — Or' wreath of the colours, a wild boar proper. Motto — "(!)m-a-boo." 5on of John Domenick Bodkin of Bengarra, Athenry, lind Castletown, Tuam, co. Galway, b. 1809 ; d. 1872 ; \n. 1837, Elizabeth, d. of Daniel Moore, Killikelly : — lirtin Bodkin, Gentleman, b. 1854. Seat — Annagh, Ba glunin, co. Galway. {)DRUGAN, quartered by PAYNTER. ! IIARLES ASH BODY, Gentleman. Armorial bear- inJ-Per chevron nebuly sable and or, in chief a distaff ^ een two garbs of the last and a phoenix rising out of "' is in base proper. Mantling sable and or. Crest— — Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion or, charged with two bars sable, holding in the dexter paw a distaff in bend sinister proper, and supporting with the sinister an eagle's head erased gules. Motto — ' ' Omne bonum desuper, ' ' Residence— The Cedars, Sydenham Hill. BOGER (H. Coll. 1817). Or, a bend vair6 argent and gules, cottised azure, between two towers sable, on a canton of the fourth an anchor in bend of the field surmounted by a sword in bend sinister proper, pommel and hilt gold. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a tower or, charged with two lozenges conjoined fesseways vair^ argent and gules, thereon a dove holding in the beak an olive branch both proper. Livery — Blue. Sons of George Turtliffe Boger, sometime of the Roy. Art., b. 1800; d. 1878; m. Georgina, Martha, d. of Admiral Albany Otway ; — William Shadforth Boger, Gentleman, M.A. (Cantab.), b. 1833. Res. — Highlands Gardens, St. Leonards-on-Sea. Coryndon Peters Boger, Esq., Capt. R.N. (ret.), b. 1835, m. ist, 1861, Mary Anne, d. of James Innes of Leyton ; and, 1895, Mary Daubuz, d. of Robert Hugh Innes of Leyton, Essex; and has issue — James Innes Coryndon Boger, Gentleman, M.A. (Camb.). (Res. — Peacock Hall, Goring, Sussex. Club — New Oxford and Cambridge), b. 1871. Res. — 77 Marine Parade, Brighton. Club — United Service. Sons of the late Henry Turtliffe Boger, Esq., Capt. R. N., b. ; d. : m. :— Boger, Gentleman. Res. — Ryde, Isle of Wight. FRANCIS HERBERT BOGER, Gentleman. Bom March 19, 1855, being the second son of the late Rev. Edmund Boger, Hon. Canon of Rochester Cathedral, Vicar of Chart, Sutton, Kent, M.A., and late Fellow of Exeter College, Oxon., by his wife Charlotte Gilson, third dau. of Rev. John Allen, M.A., of Christ Church, Oxford, Head Master of Ilminster Grammar School. Livery — Dark green, yellow facings. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a chevron argent, between two cinquefoils in chief or and an escutcheon in base of the third, charged with a rose of the field, barbed and seeded proper, three pallets sable. Mant- ling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm erect proper, holding a dibble in bend or, and a rose gules, leaved in bend sinister proper, a cinquefoil or. Postal address — Melbourne, Australia. JOHN RICHARD BOGER, Gentleman. Born May 18, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Edmund Boger, Honorary Canon of Rochester Cathedral, Vicar of Chart, Sutton, Kent, M.A., and late Fellow of Exeter College, Oxon., by his wife Charlotte Gilson, third daughter of Rev. John Allen, M.A., of Christ Church, Oxford, Head Master of Ilminster Grammar School. Livery — Dark green, faced with yellow. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a chevron argent, between two cinquefoils in chief or and an escutcheon in base of the third, charged with a rose of the field, barbed and seeded proper, three pallets sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm erect proper, holding a dibble in bend or, and a rose gules, leaved in bend sinister proper, a cinquefoil or. Postal address — 12 Rivercourt Road, Ravenscourt Park, W. PERCIVAL SYLVESTER BOGER, Gentleman. Bom Dec. 17, 1858, being the third son of the late Rev. Edmund Boger, Hon. Canon of Rochester Cathedral, Vicar of Chart, Sutton, Kent, M.A., and late Fellow of Exeter Coll., Oxon., by his wife Charlotte Gilson, third dau. of Rev. John Allen, M.A., of Christ Church, Oxford, Head Master of Ilminster Grammar School. Livery — Dark green, faced with yellow. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a chevron argent, between two cinquefoils in chief or and an escut- cheon in base of the third, charged with a rose of the field, barbed and seeded proper, three pallets sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm erect proper, holding a dibble in bend or, and a rose gules, leaved in bend sinister proper, a cinque- foil or. Married, 1883, Eliza, eldest dau. of John Newman. Postal address — Saltash, Cornwall. Club — Royal South- western Yacht (Plymouth). S WALTER DEEBLE BOGER, Esquire, J. P. and D.L., Cornwall (High Sheriff 1882), M.A., Barrister- h is the Naval Cockade. l6og IS* «.Uw. A"-* FeU IS. 183a. being the eldest son of the Utr IVelJe JtoRrr. ^:s<^. M\ and U.L.. Deouty-Warden of the Sunnane*. by his wife Frances, eldest dau. of Thomas ofBBainwnt. Devon. M.P. Armorial DMiriii**- Gules, on a chevron argent, between two cinqueloils in chief or and an escutcheon in base of the last, charged with a rose of the field, barlwd and seeded proper, three pallets sable ; quartering Deeble and Wolsdon. wantllTlg' gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm erect proper, holding a dibble in bend or, and a rose gules leaved and slipped in bend sinister proper, a cinquefoil also gold. Married, August 1863, Amelia Harriet, youngest dau. of Thomas Holmes Bosworth of Westerham, Kent. Seat — Wolsdon, Antony, Cornwall. WILLIAM HENRY BOGER. Gentleman. Bom Aug. 1, 186a, being the fourth son of the late Rev. Edmund Boger, Hon. Canon of Rochester Cathedral, Vicar of Chart, Sutton, Kent. M.A., and late Fellow of Exeter Coll., Oxon., by his wife Charlotte Gilson, third dau. of Rev. John Allen, M.A., of Christ Church, Oxford, Head Master of Ilminster Grammar School. Z.»V*ry— Dark green, faced with yellow. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a chevron argent, between two cinquefoils in chief or and an escutcheon in hose of the third, charged with a rose of the field, barbed and seeded proper, three pallets sable. Hantlillg gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm erect proper, holding a dibble in bend or, and a rose gules, leaved in bend sinister proper, a cinquefoil or. Postal address— Voviej, Cornwall. SSiR MAURICE COLBORNE BOILEAU, 3rd Baro- net (1838), J. P. and D. L. for Norfolk, and D. L. for city and county of the city of Norwich, M.A. (Worcester Coll., Oxford.) Born Dec. 3, 1865, being the third but eldest surviving son of the late Sir Francis George Manningham Boileau. and Bart., by his wife Lucy Henrietta, dau. of the late Sir George Edmund Nugent, 2nd Bart, late Grenadier Guards. Z-jwry— (Dress): Blue coat with yellow facings; yellow waiscoat. ( Undress) : Dark blue, with yellow facings. Armorial bearings— .Azure, a castle triple-towered, in base a crescent or, the escutcheon being charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. "«"♦•""£: azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a pelican in her piety proper, charged on the breast with a saltire gules. Motto - " De tout moncoeur." 6>a/^— Ketteringham Park. Wymondham, Nor- folk; Tacolnestone Hall, Norwich; Hethel Hall, Norwich; Fundenhall Grange, Norwich. Clubs - Piccadilly,Travellers'. T50l BOLDERO. quartered by BARNARD. The Late GEORGE FREDERICK BOI,niN( Esquire, J. P. for the City of Birmingham. Horn Fd. 1830, being the third son of Thomas Bolding of \\\-v.:v'. ham, by his wife Matilda Lync Newman, a ■ ■ a8, 1900. Armorial bearings Per b<>nd <: bend lorengy between two bowls all countercl;,i m , ^ ling azure and or. Crest Upon a wreath of the colours in front of a demi-sea-horse proper, a garb fessways 01 Motto—" Sto pro vertiate." Married, July 9. 1862, Matyl Savage, dau. of John Robins of Dunsley Hall, Kinvcr,] Staffordshire ; and has Issue —John Frederick Boldinf, I Gentleman, b. June 29, 1863 ; and Mary Beatrice. Poswl address— 21:^ Hagley Roid, Edgbaston. Clubs— TYm CoB-f stitutional, Union (Birmingham). BOLIGH. quartered by CONYERS. BOLINGTON, quartered by PLOVER. JOHN WILLIAMS HORTON BOLITHO. Gentle. | man, b. 1873, and THOMAS ROBINS EVELYN BOLITHO, Gentleman, b. 1875, t)eing the sons of Jote I Borlase Bolitho, Gentleman, by Elizabeth, dau. of J. ^T Williams of Caerhayes. Armorial bearings— Ermiri' plain chevron cotised engrailed, lietween three fleurs-dr sable, five bezants. Mantling sable and argent. CrcBt Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a fern-brake ; per, a cubit arm erect, vested azure, charged with li bezants, cuff argent, in the hand proper, a fleur-de-lis sa': Motto—" Re Deu." Postal address— 'Yx^goWs, Truro. OTHO GLYNN BOLITHO, formerly Lieut.-Col. Dragoon Guards. Bom 1844, being the son of Thoir. Simon Bolitho, Esquire, Vice- Warden of Stannaries, I.! and D.L. co. Cornwall, by Elizabeth his wife, daugtiitr of Thomas Robins of Liskeard, co. Cornwall. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a plain chevron cotised engrailed, between three fleurs-de-lis sable, five bezants. Ma ntling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a fern-brake proper, a cubit arm erect vested azure, charged with three bezants, cufT argent, in the hand proper a fleur-de-lis sable. Motto— " Re Deu. Married, ist, 1878, Elizabeth Agnes (who died 1880), dau. and co-heiress of the late John McNeill of Ardna- cross, CO. Argyll ; 2nd, 1889, Mary Constance, second dau. of James Hope of Belmont, Midlothian ; and h /«« 30, 1870, Augusta Jane, third dau. of Richard Bassett VJson, Esq., Cliffe Hall, Darlington, J. P. and D.L. fcN. R. CO. York. Postal address — Trengwainton, Hea Nur, Cornwall, R.S.O. 1 WILLIAM EDWARD THOMAS BOLITHO, 'I Esquire, D.S.O., J. P. Cornwall, Capt. Royal ist Ejon Yeomanry. Born 1862, being the only son of tli late William Bolitho, Esq., of Polwithen, Cornwall, j| , by his wife Mary Hichens, dau. of Walter Yonge 0|it. Ives. Clubs — Carlton, Windham. Armorial bear- i](J — Ermine, on a plain chevron cotised engrailed he.- t'U-n three fleurs-de-lis sable, four bezants, and impaling tl| arras of MacLeod of Cadboll, namely, quarterly, i!jr, a mountain inflamed proper; 2. gules, the three lej of Man proper, conjoined in the centre at the uier end of the thigh, flexed in triangle, and the sj-sor; 3. or, a lymphad sable, flags gules; 4. azure, ajastle triple-towered and embattled argent, masoned &> e, windows and portcullis gules. Mantling sable aj argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front 0)1 fern-brake proper, a cubit arm erect vested azure, cirged with three bezants, the cuff argent, holding in t'hand proper a fleur-de-lis sable. Motto — "Re Deu." Irried, 1888, Ethel Grace, dau. of the late R. B. M. JpLeod of Cadboll; and has Issue — WiUiam Torquill Jl^Leod Bolitho, Gentleman, b. November 13, 1892 ; and I,nda Grace. Residences — York House, Penzance, and Ipnaford, Ashburton, Devon. i HOMAS BOLSTER, Gentleman. Born March 19, iij, being the son of the late George Bolster of Curra 1 ver, CO. Cork, by his wife Alice, dau. of Corliss Hawkes c,:arhue, co. Cork. Armorial bearings — Or, on a fesse e railed gules, between three stags' heads erased proper, f many plates. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a yath of the colours, a cubit arm erect in armour proper, '. rged with three plates in pale, the hand bare, grasping :i imitar also proper, hilt and pommel or. Motto — ' ' Vi et vute." Married, March 28, 1838, Jane, dau. of Thomas (•diner; and has had Issue— [\) George Bolster, Esq., . . CO. of Cork, Deputy- Inspector-General of Hospitals : 1 Fleets, b. Dec. 30, 1838 ; (2) Thomas Gardiner Bolster, 1 1., Surg.-Major Army Medical Staff, M.D., F.R.C.S.I.. 'Feb. 17, 1840, d. May 23, 1893 ["*•• 1875, Ludivina, < 1. of the late Lieut. -Col. Nembhard, Bengal Army ; <' 1 had issue— George Emil Bolster, Esq., Capt. Royal I Id Artillery, b. July 14, 1876 ; Reginald Charles Bolster, ^1-1 B.A. O.xon., Indian Civil Service, b. Jan. 9, 1878; gh Hamilton Bolster, d. in infancy ; and Ina Mignon d|2; (3) Richard James Bolster, Gentleman, b. June 26, 1843, d. June 3, 1876 ; Elizabeth \jn. Dr. C. H. Roche] ; and Alice. Residence — '&'^x\ngs'\\\&, Kanturk, co. Cork. BOLSTER (U.O. ). Or, on a fesse engrailed gules, between three stags' heads erased proper, as many plates. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect in armour proper, charged with three plates in pale, the hand bare, grasping a scimitar also proper, hilt and pommel or. Motto — ' ' Vi et virtute." Son of John Hawkes Bolster of Egmont House, co. Cork, by Sarah, d. of William Sharp of Glen Mount, CO. Cork : — George Sharp Bolster, Esq., J. P. co Cork, m. 1894, Georgiana Annie, d. of William Flint Fritchley of Heming- ton Hall, Derby ; and has issue — George Granville Sharpe Bolster, Gentleman ; Alice Florence Emma ; and Muriel Mary. Seats — Glen Mount, Kanturk; Egmont House, Churchtown, co. Cork. BOLTON, see ORDE. HENRY HARGREAVES BOLTON, Esquire, J. P. co. of Lancaster. Born March 2, 1831, being the second son of the late Harry Bolton of Colne, Lanes., Solicitor, by his wife Elizabeth Ann, dau. of Henry Hargreaves of New- church-in- Rossendale. Armorial bearings - Per pale argent and gules, two bird-bolts in saltire, surmounted in the centre by a tun between three roses all counterchanged. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, three bird-bolts, two in saltire and one in fesse proper, thereon a falcon close, belled and jessed or. Motto — " Sursum corda. '' Married, October 1854, Jane, dau. of James Baldwin, Soli- citor, of Colne; and has Issue — (i) Henry Hargreaves Bolton, Esq., J.P., b. June 21, 1856; (2) Edgar Ormerod Bolton, Gentleman, b. July 28, 1862 ; (3) Hubert Ernest is the Naval Cockade. «34 TBOl LABCtne IVilum. (>ntl.rn»an. lirtrrisler-at-Law, *. Nov. i8, iSjm; Margaret Alice; ami Elirabeih Hiugreavcs. Seats— Heightside, Newchurch-in-Rossendale, Lnncs. ; Leeming- on-Ullt:swatcr, Cumberland. C/tti — Constitutional. HENRY HARGREAVES BOLTON, Esquire, Junior, J,P. CO, of Lancaster. Bom 1856, being the son of Henry Hargreaves Bolton, Esq., J. P. co. Lanes., of Heightside, Newchurch-in-Rossendale, Lanes., and Leeming-on-UUes- water, Cumberland, by his wife Jane, dau. of James Bald- win, Solicitor, of Colne. Armorial bearings— Per pale SURSUM C0R.DX argent and gules, two bird-bolts in saltire surmounted in the centre by a tun between three roses all counterchanged. Man t ling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, three bird-bolts, two in saltire and one in fesse pro- per, thereon a falcon close, belled and jessed or. Motto — "Sursum corda." Married, 1885, Florence E., dau. of IBon Thomas Allen of Thiirmaston Manor House, I^iceMershirr Jfesiiient^e—High Brake, Iluncoal, Accrington, L.inci. BOLTON of lullydonnell .inta| d. of Rev. Henry Stewart, D.U. , Rector of Loughgeliy' CO. Armagh, and niece of Rt. Hon. Sir John Stewart Bart. :— Henry Richard Stewart Bolton, Oentleman, of TulK donncll, co. Louth, />. 1842; m. i88o, lilizahetli Victori.i d. of Rev. Richard Maunsell, Rector of Castle Island, c Kerry. Seat — Castle Rheban, co. Kildare. /fes. — 38 Si George's Square, London, S. W. Sons of Richard Bolton of Castle Ring, co. I-mii' and Donaglimoyne, co. Louth, J. P., />. 1811 ; (/. 1 -. m. 1853, Mary Sophia Ward, d. of Rev. ('nni'i Marshall : — John Marshall Bolton, Esq., J. P. cos. Louth an.: Monaghan (High Sheriff co. Mon. 1894), B.A. (Trin. Coll. Dub.), i. 1858; tn. 1895, Florinda Julia, d. of late kc\ James Robert ffoUiott, M.A., Rector of Moira, co. Down 5*a/j— Castle Ring, co. Louth; Donaghmoyne, Carricknia cross, CO. Mon.ighan. Archer Clive Bolton, Esq., Lieut.-Col. Norlliants Regi i. 1859. /?es. — BOLTON of Carbrook (L.O.). Argent, a falcon clo r sable, armed, jessed, and belled or, on a chief of ih^ second, three bezants of the third. Mantling gule I doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, falcon as in the arms. Motto — " Industria et virtute. Livery — Black and silver. Son of Joseph Cheney Bolton, Esq., J. P. co. Lanark, D.L. CO. Stirling, M.P. for co. Stirling 1880-1892. b. 1819 ; d. 1901 ; m. 1850, Emma, d. of Samuel Higginbotham : — Edwin Bolton, Esq., J.P. and D.L. co. Stirling, *. 1858; m. 1888, Elinor Elizabeth, eld. d. of J. H. N. Graham of Larbert; and has issue— (i) Ian Frederick Cheney Bolton, Gentleman, b. 1889; (2) Edwin Graham Bolton, Gentle- man, b. 1891 ; Mona Graham ; and Florence Marjorie. .5^a^— Carbrook, Larbert, Stirlingshire. C/«3j— Naval and Military, New (Edinburgh), Western (Glasgow), County (Stirling). BOMFORD, see NORTH-BOMFORD, BON AMY, quartered by DOBR^E. BOND, see MACGEOUGH-BOND. § l8 the Military Cockade. IBon IBon 135 ' GERALD DENIS BOND, Esquire, J. P. Dorset, ) Capt. ist Vol. Batt. Dorset Regt., 1892-99. Born )9, being the second son of Nathaniel Bond, Esq., J. P. ; i b.L. for CO. Dorset, by his wife Lady Selina Jane, h dau. of the Rt. Hon. John Scott, 2nd Earl of Eldon. tnoruil bearings— Quarterly of six, i. sable, a fesse or ; argent, on a chevron sable, three bezants ; 3. vert, an , 'Ic displayed with two heads or ; 4. sable, three lions npant argent ; 5. azure, three fleurs-de-lis or, a chief of last, thereon a demi-lion rampant issuant sable ; 6. fs, nine billets, four, three, and two, and in base a Jiaiit. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting ! degree, with a mantling sable and or. Crest— Upon a ^th of the colours, a wing sable, charged with a fesse or. fr/— Holme Priory, Wareham. NATHANIEL BOND, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. co. Dorset, second surviving son of the Rev. Nathaniel fnd, Clerk in Holy Orders, by Mary his wife, dau. of |in Hawkesworth of Forest, Queen's County, Ireland. L;;j_ Black, with yellow facings and silver buttons. aorial bearings — Quarterly of six, i. sable, a fesse 2. argent, on a chevron sable, three bezants ; 3. :rt, an eagle displayed with two heads or; 4. sable, three pns rampant argent ; 5. azure, three fleurs-de-lis or, a chief ' the last, thereon a demi-Hon rampant issuant sable; 6. jules, nine billets, four, three and two, and in base a jszant. Mantling sable and or. Crest— Upon a wreath If the colours, a wing sable, charged with a fesse or. lorried, Nov. 10, 1864, Selina Jane, commonly known 3 Lady Selina Jane (who died Dec. 17, 1891), fifth dau. of le Rt. Hon. John Scott, 2nd Earl of Eldon ; and has M««— (i)John Wentworth Garneys Bond, Esq., J. P. and >.L. CO. Dorset; (2) Gerald Denis Bond, Esq., J. P. co. orset ; (3) Rev. Raymond Alured Bond, Clerk in Holy Mers[/«., Oct. 4, 1898, Mildred, dau. of the late Hon. J.shley Glyn, son of the ist Lord Wolverton] ; (4) Claud ^athaniel Bond, Gentleman; (^) Kenneth Duncombe iond, Gentleman ; (6) Nigel de Mundevile Bond, Gentle- man ; (7) Herbert Ivo de Kenton Bond, Gentleman ; (8) Walter de Grey Bond, Gentleman ; Louisa Charlotte ; Leonora Sophia ; and Rachel Adela [m. Paul Warner Bush, Esq., Capt. R.N. £sMm— Creech Grange and Holme, CO. Dorset ; Sway and Arnwood, co. Southampton ; Cefncoed, co. Cardigan. Postal address — Creech Grange, Wareham, Dorset. Club — Carlton. WILLIAM HENRY BOND, Esquire, J. P. cos. Dorset and Hants, late Lieut, ist Batt. Royal Scots. Born May 27, 1852, being the eldest son of the Rev. Henry Bond, B.C.L., Vicar of South Petherton, Prebendary of Wells, and Rural Dean, by his wife Aditha Augusta Mary, only dau. of Hon. Henry Pomeroy, son of Rt. Hon. John, 4th Viscount Harberton. Armorial bearings— Quar- terly of six, I. sable, a fesse or; 2. argent, on a chevron sable, three bezants; 3. vert, an eagle displayed with two heads or ; 4. sable, three lions rampant argent ; 5. azure, three fleurs-de-lis or, a chief of the last, thereon a demi-lion rampant issuant sable ; 6. gules, nine billets, four, three, and two, and in base a bezant, impaling the arms of Thompson, namely, per fesse argent and sable, a fesse counter-embattled between three falcons counterchanged, belled and Jessed or, a canton gules. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wing sable, charged with a fesse or. Married, July 2, 1878, Mary Caroline, second dau. of Sir Harry Meysey Thompson, Bart., of Kirby Hall, Yorks ; and has Issue— [i] Algernon Arthur Garneys Bond, Gentleman, b. June 21, 1879; (2) William Ralph Garneys Bond, Gentleman, b. December 12, 1880 ; Edith Cicely Garneys ; Lilian Mary Garneys ; and Margaret Helen Garneys. 5«a/— Fryern Court, Hants. BONITHON, quartered by CONYERS. BONAR of Kimmerghame (of very ancient origin, but matric. L.O. 1824). Argent, a saltire azure, on a chief sable, three escallops or. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a sword erect in pale proper, hilted and pommelled or. Motto — " Denique coelum." Livery— '&\Me and white or silver. Only son of the late John Andrew Bonar, Gentleman (eld. s. of Andrew Bonar of Kimmerghame, co. Berwick and of Marsali, d. of Col. Ranaldson Mac- donnel, 15th of Glengarry), b. 1838 ; d. 1874; m. 1862, Ellen Elizabeth Anne, d. of Ralph E. Godschall John- son :— John Andrew Macdonell Bonar, Gentleman, b. i Sept. 1863 ; m. 6 July 1887, Mary Catherine Lindsey, d. of Charles Lindsey Page ; and has issue — Alastair John Macdonell Bonar, Gentleman, b. 1891 ; May Louisa Macdonell ; and Marsali Glengarry Macdonell. Post, add. — Quarry Place, Sevenoaks, Kent. Club — Golfers'. is the Naval Cockade. 136 TBon « HENRY CORMO ORME BONSOR. Eaouire. J.P., D.U. and Couniy AUerman. M.P. for N.E. Surrey since 1 8*5. oiie of H. M. LiculenanU for the City of London. Btm iiept. a. 1848, lieing the eldest son of the late Joseph Booaor. by his wife Ehia Dennc, dau. of Major Orme. C/«ii— Carlton. Arthurs, Turf. St. Stephen's. ArmorUl bMOingB— Per fcsse azure and argent, a pale counter- ch.-ingtrtl. three lions' heads erased or. on a chief indented rrniinois. three roses gules, barbed and seeded proper. ffmntUn g' luurc and argrnt. OTMt — On a wreath of the colours, on a start raguly fesseways or, a wolf passant sable, collared ami chained also gold, resting the dexter (ore-paw 00 a roae as in the arms. Married, firstly. April 18, 1872, Emily Gertrude, dau. of James Fcllowes of Kmgston, Dor- set ; and by her had Issue— {^\) Malcolm Cosmo Bonsor, Gentleman, *. 1878; (a) Reginald Bonsor, Gentleman, b. Aug. 9, 1879; (3) Robert Cecil Bonsor, Gentleman, b. Nov. so, 1880 ; and (5I Arthur Charles Bonsor, Gentleman, b. July 13. i88a. He m. secondly, March 3, 1886, Mabel Grace, youngest dau. of James Brand of Sanderstead Court, Croy- don, ^i-ji/— Kingswood Warren, Epsom, Surrey. Rest- demct—jli Belgrave Square, S. W. JOHN BONTEIN. Esquire, chief of his name, late Lieut. R.M.L.l. Dom 1838, being the only son of the late Col. John IV)ntein. H.E.I.C.S.. by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Col. Barnard. Armorial bearings— Argent, a bend gules, between three bunting birds proper. M a n t lin g gules, doubled argent. Crest— A denii-eagle issuing out of a ducal coronet proper. Supporters -Two lions rampant proiK-r. Motto— " Copiose et opportune. " Married, i86a, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Gen. Sir William Chalmers of Glenericht, co. Perth ; and has Jssue — John William Chalmers Bontein, Esq., 6. 1863; and Ethel. BONTINE, quartered by EWING. CHARLES WILLIAM BONYNGE, Gentleman. Born Oct. 5, 1838, being the eldest son of Thomas Bonynge of Raneiagh. co. Dublin, by his wife Louisa Selena Taylor of London. Armorial bearings — Argent, two bars gules, each charged with as many escallops or, on a chief in- dented azure, an annulet of the third. Mantling gules and argent. Orest — On a wreath of the colours, an ostrich proper, charged with an escallop sable, and holding in the beak a key of the same. MottO — " Virtute decoratus." Married, June 5, 1869. Rodie S. D., dau. of James M. Stephens (a Planter in the Southern States), and descended on her mothers side from the family of U.S. Senator George Read, one of the signers of the Declaration of In- dependence ; and has Issue — Louisa Selena [m. , Aug. 8, 1892, Major John Grenfell Maxwell, ist Batt. R.H. (Black Watch). Residence — 42 Prince's Gate, Ix)ndon, S.W. The Honourable Sir JOHN LANGDON BONY- THON, Knight Bachelor (by Letters Patent 1898), Member of the House of Representatives in the Parlia- ment of the Commonwealth of Australia, having been elected second on the poll for the State of S. Australia to the first Parliament, and returned unopposed to the second Parliament, President of the Council of the South Australian School of Mines and Industries since 1889, Pres. of South Australian Branch of Royal Geographical Society, Chairman of the Adelaide School Board, and Chairman of the Council of the Government Agricultural College, J. P. for South Australia. Born Oct. 15, 1848, being the second son of George Langdon Boiiython, now of Adelaide, formerly of St. Columb Minor, Cornwall, by his wife Annie, dau. of James Fairbairn MacBain of Aber- deen. Armorial bearing^ — Argent, a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis sable. [Confirmed Vns. of Cornwall i6th and 17th cent, to Bonython of Bonython, Ped. H. Coll.]. Motto — "In Deo spes mea." Married, Dec. 24, 1870, Marie Louise Frederica, dau. of Daniel Friedrich Balthasar of Berlin; and has Issue— (i) Clive Hereward Bonython, Gentleman, b. July 31. 1872, d. Feb. 21, 1873; (2) John Lavington Bonython, Esq. , Member of the Ade- laide City Council, formerly Pres. of the South Australian Branch of Australian Natives' Association, Lieut, in the South Australian Military Forces [A'w.— Carhayes, North Adelaide, South Australia], b. Sept. 10, 1875 [tn. 1904, Blanche Ada, dau. of the Hon. the late Sir John Cox Bray, formerly Premier and Agent-Gen. in London of Sotrth Australa ; and has issue— John Langdon Bonython, IBoo Esq., *. Feb. 13, 1905]; (3) Hugh Trevanion Honyihon Esq., b. Julv 9, 1879; (4) Arthur Fairbairn Bonvili. Gentleman, b. June 18. d. Nov. 7. 1883 ; (5) Francis ("Jud .; phin Bonython. Esq.. b. Jan. 4, 1885 ; Mary Elsie [«., April 18, 1900, Herbert Angas Parsons, LL.B.. son of the Hon. J, L. Parsons, Member of the South Australian Legisla ture] ; Edith Annie; and Ada Langdon. Residences — Car clew, Adelaide ; Carminow, Mount Lofty, South Australi.!. BOORD (1896). Per fesse azure and gules, a goal's h«i(l erased within an orle of eight martlets argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a goat argent, -gutt6-de-poix, resting the dexter leg on an escutcheon gules, charged with a martlet of the first. Motto—" Virtute et industria." Livery — Blue, red piping, and blue and red striped waistcoat, silver buttons. Son of Joseph Boord, Esq., of Harefield Grove, nr. Uxbridge, J. P., co. Bucks (d. 1875); m. ist, Mary Ann, d. of Thomas Newstead of Dunham, Notts :— Sir (Thomas) William Boord, ist Bart. (1896), of Wake hurst Place, co. Sussex, J. P. for that co., F.S.A., Capt. (ret.) ist V.B. Kings Roy. Rifle Corps, V.D., M.P. for Boro. of Greenwich 1873-1895. b. 1838; m. 1861, Margaret d'Almaine, eld. d. of Thomas George Mackinlay, F.S.A., of Regent's Park Gardens, London (by Katherine, his wife, only d. and eventual heir of the late Andrew Ure, M.D., F.R.S.. Professor of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry in the Univ. of Glasgow, Analytical Chemist is tbe Military Cockade. TBOO "Bor 137 »H M Board of Customs); and has issue— (i) William Pthiir Boord, lisq. , F.R.G.S., b. 1862; (2) Harry Percy Lord Esq., M.A. Camb, b. 1868; (3) Alexander Edgar Urd! Esq., b. 1872 [m. 1901, Coralie Mary, d. of Herman ■oskier of Hayes, Kent] ; and Mary Lilian [m. 1897, Com- inder Warren Frederick Caborne, C.B. , R.N.R. ; and IS iisue] ; and Ethel Margaret [m. 1899, Sydney Arthur jnckton Copeman, Esq., M.D., M.A. Camb., F.R.C.P., R.S. Loud., Medical Inspector H.M. Local Government lard, Surg. Capt. 2nd London Rifles ; and has issue], f.— bldbury Place, Ightham, Kent. C/w*— Carlton. CHARLES EDWARD BOOTHBY, Esquire, formerly Privy Council Office, and Private Secretary to Lords esident; formerly Capt. 2nd Derbyshire R.V., J. P. co. iff., and Ranger of H.M. Forest of Needwood. Born ig- 'i7i 1821, being the tliird son of the Rev. Prebendary ooke Boothby, M.A. (Ch. Ch., Oxford), by his wife the 3n. Louisa Henrietta Vcnables- Vernon, dau. of Rt. Hon. jnry, 3rd Lord Vernon (and grandson of the late Sir illiam Boothby, 8th Bart.). Livery— Blue coat, black i)users, and black and white waistcoat. Armorial tarings— Argent, on a canton sable, a lion's gamb erased I, and impaling the arms of Harbord, namely, quarterly lire and gules, four lions rampant argent, and in the fesse lint an imperial crown or. Mantling sable and argent, lest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb as in the iHS. Motto— " Mors Christi mors morti mihi." Married, 'pt. 185s, Hon. Georgiana Mary Harbord, dau. of Rt. [an. Edward, 3rd Lord Suffield, and widow of George jlward Anson, Esq., C.B. , Keeper of H.M. Privy Purse; td had Issue— An only dau., Emily Louisa, d. unm. Feb. 1874. Postal add. — i Palmeira Square, Brighton, Sussex. THOMAS GEORGE BOROUGH, Gentleman, B.A. ji, Ch., Oxford. Born January 31, 1856, being the second n of the late John Charles Burton Borough, Esq., J.P id D.L., High Sheriff 1844, late Lieut. S. Salop Yeo" anry, by his wife Elizabeth Charlotte, dau. of Rear_ Imiral Roberts-Gawen. Armorial bearings — Gules, the" jDt of an oak tree eradicated and couped in pale, sprout- l out two branches proper, with the shield of Pallas nging thereon or. Mantling gules and or. Crest — 1 a wreath of the colours, an eagle proper, holding e shield of Pallas in its claws. Motto— " Virtute et iwre." Residence — Spring Grove, Milverton. JOHN SIDNEY BURTON BOROUGH, Esquire, P. for Somerset, D.L. for county Salop, High Sheriff, A. (Oxon.). Born April 22, 1852, being the eldest n of the late John Charles Burton Borough, Esq., P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1844, late Lieutenant S. ilop Yeomanry, by his wife Elizabeth Charlotte, only lughter of Rear-Admiral Roberts-Gawen. Livery — Dark ue and silver. Armorial bearings— Gules, the root of an .k tree eradicated and couped in pale, sprouting out two anches proper, with the shield of Pallas hanging thereon [. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the j 'lours, an eagle proper, holding the shield of Pallas in its jaws. Motto — "Virtute et robore. " Married, April 25, iSg, Edith Fanny Maud, younger dau. of Rev. Henry jladwyn Jebb of Firbeck Hall, Yorks ; and has Issue— (i) |ihn George Burton Borough, Gentleman, b. Sept. 13, ''90; (2) Alaric Charles Henry Borough, Gentleman, b. jpril 9, 1892; Elisabeth Honora ; and Cynthia Mabel. I !a/— Chetwynd Park, Newport, co. Salop. Clubs — iarlton, County (Shrewsbury). BOROUGHDEN, quartered by FLOYER. : ARTHUR HARDRESS BORRER, Gentleman. Born jCtober 31, 1854, being the fourth son of the Reverend larey Hampton Borrer, Rector of Hurst Pierpoint, Treasurer ;: Chichester Cathedral and Rural Dean, in the county of iissex [to whom refer], by Elizabeth his wife, daughter of imes Orr of Hclywood House, in the county of Down. nnorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, a lion inipant erminois, holding in the dexter paw an auger or 3rer proper, over all, on a chevron argent, three escut- leons of the field, the centre one charged with a rose of le fourth, barbed and seeded of the third, and in chief a lartlet upon a mullet for difference ; and for his Crest, pon a wreath of the colours, a buck's head erased proper, etty argent, holding in the mouth an auger as in the arms. Married, October 27, 1881, Dorothea Caroline, second daughter of Maximilian Hammond Dalison, Esquire, of Hamptons Tunbridge, in the county of Kent [to whom refer] ; and has Issue— (z.) Arthur Carey Hampton Borrer, Gentleman, born September 14, 1882; (2) Cliftbrd Dalison Borrer, Gentleman, born April 12, 1885 ; (3) John Maxi- milian Borrer, Gentleman, born September 20, 1888. Postal address — 6 Durham Place, Chelsea, S.W. S Major CARY HAMPTON BORRER, J.P. and D.L. CO. Sussex, eldest son of the late Rev. Canon Borrer, Rector of Hurst Pierpoint, Treasurer of Chichester Cathedral and Rural Dean, by Elizabeth his wife, dau. of late James Orr of Holy wood House, co. Down. Clubs — Naval and Military, .St. Stephen's. Livery — Dark blue, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azur€, a lion rampant erminois, holding in his dexter paw an auger or borer proper, over all, on a chevron argent, three escutcheons of the field, the centre one charged with a rose of the fourth, barbed and seeded of the third, in chief a label upon a mullet for difference. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a buck's head erased proper, fretty argent, holding in the mouth an auger as in the arms. Married, June 22, 1871, Alice, only surviving child of the late John Eames Downe, Esq. Postal address — "Somerhill Lodge," Hove, Sussex. The Reverend CHARLES ALEXANDER BORRER, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Horseheath, Linton, in the county of Cambridge, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford. Born December 4, 1843, being the third son of the Reverend Carey Hampton Borrer, Rector of Hurst Pierpoint, Treasurer of Chichester Cathedral and Rural Dean [to whom refer], and Elizabeth his wife, daughter of James Orr of Holywood House, in the county of Down. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms ; Azure, a lion rampant erminois, holding in the dexter paw an auger or borer proper, over all, on a chevron argent, three escut- cheons of the field, the centre one charged with a rose of the fourth, barbed and seeded of the third, and in chief a crescent upon a mullet for difference ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a buck's head erased proper, fretty argent, holding in the mouth an auger as in the arms. Married, firstly, Dora, dau. of Thomas Gee of Beechwood, Hojje Mansel. He tn. secondly, Evelyn Maria, dau. of Thomas Jesson of Awbridge House, Romsey, Hants. Postal address — Horseheath, Linton, Cambridgeshire. WALTER CHARLES FRESHFIELD CLIFFORD BORRER, Gentleman. Born , being the only son of the late Capt. Clifford Fortescue Borrer, by his wife Christina Sophia, dau. and co-heir of Charles K. Freshfield, M. P. Livery — Blue and silver. Armorial bearings — Azure, a lion rampant erminois, holding in his dexter paw an auger or borer proper, over all, on a chevron argent, three escutcheons of the field, the centre one charged with a rose of the fourth, barbed and seeded of the third, a mullet for difference. Mantling azure and argent. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, a buck's head erased prof>er, fretty argent, holding in the mouth an auger as in the arms. Motto — " Deo cari nihilo carent." Residence — Pickwell, Cuckfield, Sussex. C/wi^— Boodle's. § WILLIAM BORRER, Esquire, J.P. Born 1846, being the eldest son of the late William Borrer of Cowfold, Sussex, by his wife Margaret, dau. of John Hamlyn Borrer. Annorial bearings — Azure, a lion ram- pant erminois, holding in his dexter paw an auger or borer proper, over all, on a chevron argent, three escut- cheons of the field, the centre one charged with a rose of the fourth, barbed and seeded of the third ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a buck's head erased proper, fretty argent, holding in the mouth an auger as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Fide laboro." Married, 1883, Fanny Elisabeth, eld. dau. of the late WiUiam Piers Thomas, Esq., and has, with other issue —WiUiam Hardres Borrer, Gentleman, born 1889]. R-esidence — Pickwell, Cuckfield, Sussex. BORROWES, see ROCHE-BORROWES. § ROBERT HIGGINSON BORROWES, Esquire, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1853, late Capt. 13th Light Dragoons, and formerly Major of Kildare Rifles. Born lb is tbe Naval CoclEade. 138 TBot TBO0 Sept. 9S, i8a6, being the only son of Robert Borrowes, by hii wife Charlotte, dau. of Col. John Madden of Hilton, oa Monachal). ArmorUl bearlni^— Or, on a cross gules five mullets pierced iirgassant guanliuil of the ticld. Mantllnff gules and or. OrMt— On a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant argent, ducally crowned or. Motto—" Non vi virtuie. " Afarried, June 9, 1859, he Hon. Louisa Katharine Browite, third dau. of John Ca\-endi5h, jrd Lord Kiltnaine. AVu/— Gilltown, New- bridge, CO. Kildare. JOHN BORTHWICK, Esquire. Justice of the Peace for the counties of Midlothian and Berwick. Bom 1825, being the eldest son of John Borthwick of Borthwick and Crookston, by his wife Ann. eldest daughter of Robert Dundas of Arniston. Lord Chief Baron of Scotland 1819. C7*^— Junior Carlton, /.itv/j— Black and white. Armo- rial bearlnfft— He ought to bear for Amu: Argent, a crescvnt bct«een three cinquefoils sable, which are duly matriculated in Lyon Register as the arms of Borthwick of Crookston. The achintmtnl Mr. Borthwick claims is : Quarttrly i and ^, quarterly 1, and iiii. argent, three cinque- foils sablt ; ii. and Hi. argent, a cross engrailed between four cross crosslets ^tckie sable ; a. quarterly i. and iiii. gults, three fleurs-de-lis argent; ii. and Hi. ermine, on a fiesu sable, three crescents argent; 3. quarterly i. and iiii. per pal* argent and sable, a chapter adorned with four roses counterchanged ; ii. and Hi. purpure (f verf^, three grey- hounds courant argent, two and one, on a chief of the last, three hunting-horns stringed. Crest — A blackamoor's head im profle couped. Supporters — On either side an angel proper. Motto— " ^«« conducit." Married, 1854, Eliza- beth Mason, eldest daughter of Vice -Admiral Pringle of Forwoodiee, in the county of Selkirk. Estates — Barony of Borthwick Castle, Crookston House, and Bamhouse. Postal addresses — Heriot, and Fountainhall, Midlothian. Clubs — Constitutional, Caledonian United Service (Edinburgh). BOSANQUET, see SMITH-BOSANQUET. BOSCO. quartered by LEMPRIERE. BOSTOCK, quartered by CON VERS and FOX. BOSTOCK (6 Oct 1733). Argent, a fesse couped azure, on a canton gules, a maiden's bead couped at the breast proper, crined or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a crescent argent, theteui issuant a bear's head pean, erased gules, muzzled ot. Motto ' ' Frangas non flectes. " Son of John Stileman Bostock, Gentleman, h. 181 ; d. 1885; m. 1840, Emma, d. of Rev. Edward Kim M.A. : — Edward Ingram Bostock, Esq., J. P. co. Sussex M.R.C.S., b. 39 Nov. 184a; m. 34 Apl. 1873, Sarah Southey, eld. d. of Thomas Baker, M.R.C.S. ; and has issue (i) John Southey Bostock, Esq., Capt. R.A.M.C, b. 8 June 1875; (a) Archibald Thomas Bostock, Gentlemaii' b. 23 Feb. 1877; (3) Robert Vernon Bostock, Gentleman] b. 15 May 1878; (4) Francis Edward Henry Bostock! Gentleman, b. 9 Feb. 1883 ; (5) Edward Lyon Bostock! Gentleman, b. 9 Nov. 1886; (6) Neville Stanley Bostock, Gentleman, b. 6 Apl. 1888; Eva Mary, Agnes Helen; Constance Marjorie ; and Dorothy. Res. — Horsham! Sussex. BOSVILLE. quartered by MACDONALD. ALEXANDER WENTWORTH MACDONALD BOS- VILLE, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for the East Riding of co, York, High Sheriff. Born Sept. 26, 1865, being the only son of Godfrey Wentworth Bayard Bosville, Gentleman, by his wife Harriet Cassandra, commonly known as the Hon. Harriet Cassandra, dau. of Henry Willoughby, Esq. , and sister of the Rt. Hon. Henry Willoughby, eighth Baron Middleton of Middleton, in co. Warwick. Livery — Dress: scarlet plush waistcoat and breeches, white silk stockings, and a drab coat ; undress : double-breasted dark "Oxford mixture " coat and trousers, red and white striped waistcoat, drab great-coat, brass buttons. Armorial bearings— Quar- terly I and 4, argent five fusils conjoined in fesse gules, in chief three bears' heads erased at the neck sable, muzzled or, a canton ermine for distinction (for Bosville), 2 and 3 quarterly, i. argent a lion rampant gules, ii. or, a cubit arm in fesse couped in armour, the hand proper, holding a cross crosslet fitch^e erect gules, iii. or, a lymphad, the sails furled sable, iv. vert, a fish naiant proper, all within a bordure wavy sable (for Macdonald). Crests- 1. upon a wreath of the colours, a bull passant argent, armed sable, charged for distinction on the shoulder with a rose gules, issuant from a hurst of oaks proper (for Bosville), 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm in fesse couped in armour proper, charged for distinction with a bendlet sinister azure, the hand also proper holding a cross crosslet fitch6e erect gules (for Macdonald); with the Motto, "Virtus propter se." Married, October 20, 1886, Alice Edith, daughter of John Middleton ; and has /jj«^— Godfrey Middleton Bosville, Gentleman, born September 25, 1887; and Celia Violet. £j/a/«— Thorpe, near Bridlington ; Gunthwaite and Mid- hope, near Penistone ; all in the county of York. Postal a;int. in ihe fourth a dexter hund couped at the wrist sable. Ma n t lin g gules and or. OTMt— On a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain projier, gorgetl with a collar engrailed gules. prn«lcnt tiiercfrom an escutcheon or, charged with a cro^s of the second. MottO — " A cruce salus." Son of John Bourke, late of Kanturk, co. Mayo :— Edmund Fnuicis Uourke, Gentleman, * /?«. — Pretoria, Transvaal. Thk Rkverkni) GEORGE URINKWATER BO U R N E. Justice of the Peace and Deputy- TRnill'nr '-'^u'*"^"* ^^^ '^e county of Gloucester, JjUUVIIv and Honorary Canon of Gloucester. Born August i8ai, being the youngest son of the late Peter Bourne, Esquire, of Hackinsall, Justice of the Peace, by Margaret his wife, Lady of the Manor of Mag- hnll, in the county of Lancaster, and only daughter of the late James Drinkwater of Liverpool. L'/u6 — Oxford and Cambridge, Livery — Dark blue with a red waistcoat Armorial bearln^^ are for Arms : Argent, a chevron § sable, gutt^-d'eau, between in chief two lions rampant and in base an heraldic tyger also rampant gules ; and for his Crest, upon a wTeath of the colours, an heraldic tyger sejant or, gutt^-de-sang, resting the dexter paw up>on a cross pat6e gules ; with the Motto, ' ' Semper vigilans." Married, firstly, April 1847, Jane, only daughter of Francis Hole of Tiverton, m the county of Devon. She died September 22, 1854 ; and secondly, April 1857, Harriet Eliza, youngest daughter of the late John Moss of Otters- F>oole, and sister of the late Sir Thomas Edwards-Moss, Baronet. By his first marriage the above-mentioned Reverend George Drinkwater Bourne had Issue — Francis Hole Bourne, Esquire, late Captain 43rd Light Infantry, born 1850 and died 1880 ; and Margfaret Hole, married, June 24, 1875, to the Reverend Francis Edward Broome- Witts ; and by his second marriage, William Moss Bourne, Gentleman, who died an infant ; Hannah Moss (died 1897) ; and Louisa Moss. Estates — Weston Subedge, in the county of Gloucester ; and Nor Moss, in the county of Lancaster. Postal add. — Weston Subedge, Broadway, Worcestershire. SJOHN BOURNE, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. Stafford- shire. Born 1850, being the eldest son of the late John Bourne, by his wife Ethel, dau. of John Mason of Lymington, co. Hants. Armorial bearin^^— Argent, on a mount vert, and in base barry wavy of four of the field and azure, a castle triple-towered gules, two flaunches of the last, on a chief nebuly of the third, the sun in splendour between two estoiles of the first. Maintllng vert and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a pegasus salient per fesse or and gules, chargt-d on the Ixxiy with two fountains proper, in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert. Motto — " Haec omnia transeunt." Married, 1881 Helen Margaretta, dau. of the late C W. Faber,' Es. James I. ). Argent, on a mount vert, a stag lodged gules, attired and unguled or, holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped of the second. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the '■ colours, on a mount vert, in front of an oak-tree proper, I acorned or, a stag as in the arms. I Sons of the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Synge Christopher Bowen, Baron Bowen of Colwood, a Lord of Appeal in Ordinary and a Life Peer, d. 1835 ; d. 1894 ; tn. 1862, Emily Frances, d. of James Meadows Rendel, F.R.S.: — f The Hon. and Rev. William Edward Bowen, M.A. |*(Oxon.), i. Nov. 1862; m. 1890, Catharine, d. of late Rev. Canon Morse, Vicar of St. Mary s, Nottingham. Res.~iiq Barkston Gardens, London, S.W. ; Glenheadon, ,' Totland, Isle of Wight. Club. — Athenaeum. The Hon. Maxwell Steele Bowen, b. Oct. 1865. Res. — Son of Croasdaile Bowen-Miller (formerly Bowen, assumed name and arms of Miller by R.L. 1812), b. 1802; d. 1837; m. 1828, Catherine Anne, d. of Thomas Ormsby of Knockmore : — Ormsby Bowen-Miller (q.v.). Sons of Charles Bowen, b. 1804; d. 1871 : m. 1829, Georgiana, d. of Joseph Lambert of Brookhill, co. i Mayo : — ; The Hon. Charles Christopher Bowen, M.L.C. New Zealand, Minister of Justice and Education for that Colony 1874-1877, b. 1830; m. 1861, Georgina Elizabeth, d. of Rev. David Markham, Canon of Windsor and Rector of Great Horkesley ; and has issue — (i) Charles David Bowen, Gentleman, a Magistrate in Perak, Straits Settle- ments, b. 1862 ; (2) Rev. George Henry Croasdaile Bowen, B.A. (Camb.), b. 1868; (3) Lambert Bowen, Gentleman, ' b. 1870; (4) Gerald Markham Bowen, Gentleman, b. 1875 ; Gertrude Elizabeth [»r. 1889, Robert Julian Scott]; Katharine Georgiana; and Lilian Lucy, /["^j.— Middleton, nr. Christ- church, New Zealand. Son of Rev. Croasdaile Bowen, B.D., Archdeacon of Christchurch and Incumbent of Riccarton, New Zealand, b. 1831 ; d. 1890; m. 1880, Annette Laura, d. of Henry Wiles of Denny Abbey, co. Cambridge : — Charles Henry Croasdaile Bowen, Gentleman, b. Res.~ CHARLES EDWARD HARTPOLE BOWEN, Gentle- man. Born , being the son of the late Charles Hart- pole Bowen, Gentleman. Armorial bearings— Quarterly, I. argent, on a mount vert, a stag sejant gules, attired or, in the 'mouth a trefoil slipped proper, a crescent azure for "rence (for Bowen); 2. sable, a chevron between three spears' heads embowed argent (for Bowen, ancient) ; 3. sable, a fesse ermine between three boars' heads couped or (for Jones) ; 4. quarterly, i. and iiii. gules, a chevron embattled argent ; on a chief of the second, a torteau be- tween two lions' heads erased sable ; ii. and iii. ermine, a fesse nebuly azure, between three stags' heads caboshed sable (for Hartpole). Mantling vert and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a stag sejant as in the arms, in the mouth a trefoil slipped proper, a crescent or for difference. Motto — "Virtus vincit in- vidiam." Residence — Kilnacourt, Queen's County. GEORGE EDWARD BOWEN, Esquire, of Portaferry, CO. Down, J. P. cos. Down and Armagh. Born 1821, being the only son of the late George Bowen, Esq., Capt. R.N., J. P., by Annabella Harriet, dau. of Noah Simpson, Esq., of Boyle, co. Roscommon, Major 38th Regt. Armorial bearings— Per pale argent and gules, a stag lodged coun- terchanged, holding in his mouth a trefoil slipped vert. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant, holding in his paws a flag bearing the standard of St. George, all proper. Motto — "In hoc signo vinces." Married, 1850, Catherine Bell, only dau. of the late John Oliver Howe Nunn, Esq., Capt. 86th Regt. ; and has with other Jssue — George William St. Quintin Bowen, Gentleman, b. 1851. Residence — Porta- ferry, CO. Down. Right Honourable Sir GEORGE FERGUSON BOWEN, G.C.M.G., D.C.L., LL.D., M.A., Hon. D.C.L. , Hon. LL.D., Camb., Fellow of Brasenose; was Ch. Sec. to Govt, of Ionian Islands, Gov. of Queensland, of New Zealand, of Victoria, of Mauritius, and of Hong- Kong, and a Royal Commissioner to Malta. Born 1821, being the son of the late Rev. Edward Bowen, R. of Taughboyne, Donegal. Armorial bearings — Sable, on a chevron embattled argent, between three fleurs-de-lis or, two lions counterpassant gules. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, within a crown vallarial argent, a falcon rising regardant proper, holding in the dexter claw a like fleur-de-lis. Married, firstly, 1856, Countess Diaman- tina, dau. of H. H. Count Candiano di Roma, G.C. M.G., formerly Pres. of Ionian Senate ; secondly, 1896, Florence, dau. of the late Rev. Thomas Luby, D.D. , Senior Fellow of Trin. Coll., Dublin, and widow of the Rev. Henry White. Residence — 16 Lowndes Street, S.W. Club — Athenaeum. S GEORGE WILLIAM HOWARD BOWEN, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for co. Cambridge. Bom April 9, 1864, being the only son of Rt. Hon. Sir George Ferguson Bowen, P.C, G.C.M.G., Hon. D.C.L. Oxon., Hon. LLD. Can- tab, by his wife Countess Diamantina [d. 1893), only dau. of Count Candiano Roma, G.C.M.G. , formerly President of Ionian Senate. Livery — Claret, and scarlet waistcoat. Armorial bearings— Sable, on a chevron embattled argent, between three fleurs-de-lis or, two lions counterpassant gules. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, within a crown vallarial argent, a falcon rising regardant proper, holding in the dexter claw a like fleur-de-lis. Married, Jan. 16, 1896, Gertrude, younger dau. of Richard Chamberlain, Esq., J. P. Warwickshire; and has Issue — Gertrude Roma, b. Dec. 27, 1900. Seat — Ickleton Grange, Cambridgeshire. Postal address — Ickleton, Great Chesterford, Essex. Clubs — Travellers', Wellington. BOWEN-COLTHURST (R.L., 9 Dec. 1882, U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4, argent, on a fesse between three colts courant sable, as many trefoils slipped or, a crescent for difference (Colthurst) ; 2 and 3, per pale azure and gules, a stag trippant argent, pierced in the back with an arrow, and antlered or (Bowen). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — I. upon a wreath of the colours, a colt statant sable, charged on the shoulder with a crescent sable (Colt- hurst) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a falcon close proper, belled or (Bowen). Motto — " Justum et tenacem." Sons of Robert Walter Travers Bowen -Colthurst (formerly Bowen), of Oak Grove and Dripsey Castle, CO. Cork, Esq., J. P., b. 1840; d. 1896; m. 1878, Georgina de Bellasis (5^a/— Dripsey Castle), d. of Alfred Greer of Dripsey House, co. Cork : — John Colthurst Bowen-Colthurst, Gentleman, Lieut. Roy. is the Naval Cockade. «4t TBoto TBoto Imh Rifle*, #. 1880. Stat—Oakgnve. KiUinordrish. co. Cork. Robert MacGregor Elowen Colthurst, Gentleman, t. 1883. /?«.— SORMSBY BOWEN-MILLER, Esg., LP. and D.L. ca Mayo, and J. P. co. Galway, B.A. (Dublin). Bum 183a, being the second son of the late Croasdaile Bowen- Mlller of Milford. by Catherine Anne, dau. of the late Thomas Ormsby of Knockmore, co. Mayo. C/uds — Con- stitutional, KiUliire Street (Dublin). Armorial beaxingB — Quarterly i and 4. ermine, three wolves' heads erased azure (for Miller) ; a and 3 gules, a stag trippant argent, pierced in the back with an arrow, and altered or (for Bowen). Mantling .-uure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased as in the arms (for Miller) ; a. upon a wreath of the colours, a falcon close proper, belled or (for Bowen). Motto—" Nil conscire sibi." Married, 1st, 1884. Elizabeth Mira, dau. of Gen. Wm. Irwin of .St. Catherine's Park, co. Kildare (she died 1886) : and, 1690, Monica Mary, dau. of O. Dolphin of Turoe, and widow of T. S. Kirwan, Esq., D.L., of Blind- well CO. Galway. 5m/— Blindwell, Tuam, co. Galway. S EDMUND THOMAS CHIVERS BOWER, Esquire, Captain (retired) in Her Majesty's ist Battalion Oxford- shire Light Infantry, J. P. N.R. Yorks. Bom February 9, 1859, l)eing the eldest son of Edward Chivers Bower, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Broxholme, Scarborough, by his wife Amelia Mary, second surviving daughter of the late William Bennett Martin of Wors- brough Hall, Barnsley. Livery — Blue. Armorial bear- ings — Azure, a human leg couped at the thigh and pierced bendways by a broken tilting-spear or, a chief argent, thereon between two castles sable a pale of the first charged with a rose of the second, impaling the arms of Trollope, namely vert, three stags courant within a bordure argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert a quiver azure, garnished or, and filled with arrows proper in saltire, with a bow unstrung also proper; with the Motto, "Veritas praevalebit." Married, August 23, 1892, Elizabeth vNilliam Mina, only daughter of the late General Sir Charles Trollope, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, brother of the first Lord Kesteven ; and has Issue — (i) Edward Charles Chiveri Bower, Gentleman, b. July 29, 1899 (deceased); (aki Edmund Murray Chivers Bower, Gentleman, b. Mnrch 31 190a ; Cordelia Mary Chivers and Violet Denisc Chivers' Seat — Broxholme, Scarborough. C/«*^— Carlton, Naval and Military, York-shire (York). H HERBERT MORRIS BOWER. Esquire. M.A. (Can- ySr tab.), LP. for the Liberty of Ripon and West Riding CO, York. Barrister-at-Law, Capt. 3rd Batt. York and Lancaster Reg., 1894-1901. Bom Feb. 14, 1854. l)eing the eldest surviving son of the late Abrahaiti Bower. Esq., J. P., by Cornelia his wife. dau. of the late Rear-Admiral llenrv Gage Morris. Armorial bearings— Quarterly 1 and 4, or. a cross pat^ vert between four escallops s.ible; a. argVnt! two barrulets dancetti^e sable between four pellets; 3. crminois, on a bend engrailed and plain cotised gules, three mascles or, and in chief an unicorn's head erased of the second ; sind for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boar passant argent, semde of escallops s.ible ; with the Motto. " Fortis propositi tenax." Married, Aug. 22, 1899, Eileen Frances Fitzgerald, dau. of the late Rev. John Thompson, M.A., Vicar of Patrick Brompton ; and has Issue — Roger Herbert Bower. Gentleman ; Cornelia Frances Eileen and Mary Morris. Estate and postal address — Elmcrofis, Ripon. Club — United University. a JAMES BOWER BOWER, Esquire, Major 3rd Rit- W talion Cheshire Regiment, formerly Lieutenant 51SI King's Own Light Infantry. Born May 3. 1848. being the eldest son of the late Richard Marsh Marsh-Dunn, Esquire. Carlton Lodge. Teignmouth. Justice of the Peace for the county of Devon, by his wife Eliza Helen, second daughter of the late James Bower of Melcombe Regis, in the county of Dorset ; and assumed the name and arms of Bower by Royal License in accordance with the terms of his uncle's will. Club — East Devon and Teignmouth (Tegnmoiith). Armorial bearings (R.L..1881. H. Coll.)— Sable, twotilting- spears saltireways or. in chief three talbots' heads couped argent ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a talbot's head couped sable, gorged with a collar gemel or, a tilting-spear fesseways, head to the dexter ali or. Married, January 22, 1881. Ada Emily Gwynne Fii gerald, eldest daughter of the late William James Fitzge Butler, Esquire ; and has Issue — James Gerald Marsh Bowi Gentleman, born April 21. 1886 ; Ada Patricia Fitzgerald; and Synolda Helen Adah. Postal address— C\nxemo Teignmouth, Devon. BOWES, quartered by WILSON. BOWLBY (H. Coll.). Per fesse nebuly sable and. argent, a pale with three hind's heads erased two and ( >, m i sllar 1 also^l we^HI °fl and as many annulets one and two all counterchanged. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the is the Military Cockade. TBotxj IBoto 143 i colours, three annulets interlaced one and two or, between tiwo thorn-branches proper. Motto—" Ne cede malis." Sons of Thomas William Bowlby of Durham, b. 1818. d. i860; m. 1848, Frances Marion, d. of Pulteney Mein ',—~ i Charles Cotsford Bowlby, Gentleman, b. 1849; m. 1880, I Rosalie, d. of Joseph Valentine Smedley, M. A. Camb. ; and 1 has issue— (i) Thomas Rupert Bowlby, Gentleman, Sec. I Lieut. Norfolk Regt., b. 1882 ; (2) Charles Nicol Bowlby, ( Gentleman, b. 1891 ; and Rosalie Maud. Res. — 17 Fairfax i Road, Hampstead, London, N.W. i William Bowlby, Gentleman, b. 1853 ; m. 1897, Mary I Irene, d. of Rev. John Wallace. Res. — Ashenground, • Hayward's Heath, Sussex, i Anthony Alfred Bowlby, Esq., C.M.G. (1900), F.R.C.S.. I Surgeon to the Household of H.M. the King and to St. : Bariholomew's Hospital, served in S. Africa 1900 in charge ! of Portland Hospital (ment. desp.), b. 1855 ; m. 1898, Maria '\ Bridget, d. of Rev. the Hon. Hugh Wynne Lloyd-Mostyn ; i and has issue— Frances Winifred Mostyn ; and Marion i Ellen Mostyn. Res. — 24 Manchester Square, London, W. ( Frederic Alexander Bowlby, Gentleman, b. 1858 ; m. \ 1903, Dorothy Emma, d. of Col. Alexander Clerk. Res. — [ Norton House, Ingatestone, Essex. t Sons of Edward Salvin Bowlby, Esq., M.A., J.P., D.L., I of Gilston Park, Herts (High Sheriff 1895), b. 1830; d. 1902; ?n. ist, 1861, Maria {d. 1879), d. of James Rimington of Broomhead Hall, Yorks. ; and, 1880, Elizabeth, eld. d. of Robert Vans Agnew of Barnbar- I roch : — I Arthur Salvin Bowlby, Esq., J.P, Herts, B.A. (Camb.) [ [Motto — " Je ne change qu'en mourant." Livety — Olive green and silver], b. 1872 ; m. 1903, Catherine Mary, d. of late Lieut. Col. Edward Bruton Bond, B.S.C. ; and has issue— Francis Edward Salvin Bowlby, Gentleman, b. 1904. Seats — Gilston Park, Harlow, Herts ; Knoydart, Inverness- shire. Geoffrey Vaux Salvin Bowlby, Gentleman, Sec. Lieut. R.H.G.,*. 1883. Res.— Hugh Salvin Bowlby, Gentleman, b. 1888. Res.— Lionel Henry Salvin Bowlby, Gentleman, b. 1892. Res. — Sons of Rev. Charles Edward Bowlby, b. 1833 ; d. 1893; OT. 1858, Sophia Louisa, d. of Rev. John Sergeaunt : — Charles William Bowlby, Esq., Major Connaught Rangers, b. 1861 ; m. 1885, Fanny Sarah Alicia Katherine, d. of Capt. Edward Richard White, loth Regt. ; and has issue -(1) Adelbert Charles Edward Salvin Bowlby, Gentle- man, *. 1886 ; (2) Gerard William Salvin Bowlby, Gentle- man, b. 1901 ; and Margaret Eleanora Salvin. Robert Russell Bowlby, Esq. , Capt. Loyal North Lanes. Regt., b. 1863; m. 1894, Violet, d. of Henry Murray Campbell; and has issue — (i) Vivian Russell Salvin Bowlby, Gentleman, b. 1895; (2) Cecil Henry Salvin ly. Gentleman, b. 1900. Son of Edward Bowlby, b. 1795; d. i860; m. ist, 1829, Hannah, d. of Thomas Hodgson of Bowness and Newbigging ; 2nd, 1833, Caroline, d. of William Randall :— Thomas William Salvin Bowlby, Gentleman, b. 1845 1 m. 1887, Alice Antonina, d. of Rev. Edward Hamilton Nelson ; and has issue — Russell Frank Bowlby, Gentleman, b. 1890; and Alice May. Res. — 5 Cleveland Gardens, London, W. S HENRY CARINGTON BOWLES BOWLES, Es- quire, J.P. and D.L. for co. of Midlesex. Born June 30, 1830, being the only son of the late Edward Treacher, Gentleman, by his wife Anne Sarah, only dau. of the late Henry Carington Bowles, Gentleman, F.S.A., of Myddelton House; and assumed by Royal Licence, 1852, the surname and arms of Bowles. Armorial bearing^ — Quarterly i and 4, per pale indented gules and azure, three cups, two and one argent, in each a boar's head erect or (for Bowles) ; 2 and 3 per chevron gules and azure, on a chevron between three boars' heads couped argent, a cross flory between two grasshoppers respecting each other vert (for Treacher). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-boar erect erminois, the sinister shoulder pierced with an arrow UT TIBI "siCALTERnl ^^ argent. Motto — " Ut tibi sic alteri." Married, Sept. 10, 1856, Cornelia, dau. of George Kingdom of Houl- bowhne, Ireland ; and has Issue — (i) Henry Ferryman Bowles, Esq. [to whom refer] ; and (2) Edward Augustus Bowles, Gentleman. Seat — Myddelton House, Enfield. Postal address — Myddelton House, Waltham Cross, Herts. § HENRY FERRYMAN BOWLES. Esquire, J.P. for CO. of Middlesex, M. P. for the Enfield Division of Middlesex, late Lieut.-Col. of the 7th Batt. Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own), M.A. Camb., now Lieut.-Col. Commanding ist Vol. Batt. Middlesex Regt., Barrister-at- Law (Inner Temple). Born 1858, being the eldest son of is tbe Naval Cockade. «44 TBoto TBor H«nry Curinjton Bowles. E«q.. of Myddelton House. Waltnam Cross, in ca Hertrord, J. P. and D.L., and Governor of the New Rivtr Company, bv Cornelia liis wife. dau. of the late Ge«>rKo KinRdom. C/«*j— Carlton. Con- •orvalive. L$v»»y- Hluo, with ^o\<\ buttons and narrow red oocxL AnUffirtol bearing* — iVr pale indented gules and aiure. three cups, two and one ardent, in each a boar's liead i-rect or (lor Bowkrs). Mfcntliiflg gxiles and argent. Oreat— On a wreath of the colours, a dcini-buar erect crntinois. the sinister shoulder pierced with an arrow argent. Motto— "Ut tibi sic alteri." Married, 1889, E)olly, d.-iu. of I. I.. Broughton of Tunstall, co. Salop ; and has Issue — Wilnm Mary Gamault. Postal add, —Forty Hall, Enfield. ALFRED JOHN BOWMAN, Esquire. Barrister-at Ijiw (Inner 1'eniple). late Capt. 4th Batt. Scottish Rifles, (and Royal I^n.-irk Militia). Bom Aug. ^i, 1857. being tl»e cKli'st son o( the late John Itowman of RusthaTl Lodge, Tiu>l>rient. stringed and interlaced saltircways or. ULNmTUS'5CD'lV0N'VI(7TUS Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a stag gorged with a chaplet of olive proper, at tired gold, pierced on either side by an arrow in bend sini- ster gules, and resting the dexter leg on an antique shield or, transfixed by an arrow in bend also gules. Motto — ' ' Vulneratus sed non victus. " Residence - Rusthall Lodge, Tunbridge Wells. Clubs -Hev/ University, Junior United Service. EDGAR ALFRED BOWRING, Esquire, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born May 26, 1826, being the fourth son of the late Sir John Bowring, Knight Bachelor, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Doctor of I^ws and Fellow of the Royal Society, Governor, Commander-in-Chief and Vice-Admiral of Hong Kong, and Her Majesty's Minister Plenipotentiary to China, who died November 23, 1872. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Gules, three Eastern crowns chevronways be- tween two chevronels, the whole between three lions ram- pant or. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion or, holding in the dexter paw an arrow in bend sinister, and in the sinister paw a bow paleways proper. Married, firstly. May 13, 1853. Sophia, (iaur+ of rhomas Cubitt of Denbies, in the county of Surrey died September 4, iSw ; and secondly, l>eceinl)er 7 1 Ellen, daughter of l^wis Cubitt. By his first in age the above-mentioned Edgar Alfred liowring, quire, has Issue— (1) Edgar Francis Bowring. Gemlin Iwrn August 15. 1854; and Margaiet Sophia; and his second marriage, (2) Algernon CunlifTe IJowi Gentleman, born^ September 27. 1859; and (3) \' ^ Henry Bowring. Gentleman, born March 26, 1867, addresses — 30 Eaton Place, Ixindon, S.W. ; and Crescent, Brighton. Si JOHN FREDERICK EDWARD BOWRI Esquire. Capt. 5th Lancashire Fusiliers, B.A. 'Irin. ( Camb. Born August 9, 1867, being the eldest son <.l late John Charles Bowring, Esq., F.L.S., of Forest 1 Berkshire, formerly of Larkbeare, J. P. for co. Devof; his second wife Mary, eldest dau. of Ch.arles John ! longer. Armorial bearings — Gules, three Ka crowns between two chevronels, the whole lietwcen i: lions rampant or. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On wreath of the colours, a demi-lion or, in the dexter paw) an arrow in bend sinister, and in the sinister paw : ; bow paleways proper. Motto — " Nunquam nuii:i Married, June 4, 1904, Mary Georgina Frances, eld. r of Adrian E. Hope of 55 Prince's Gate, S.W. Seat—\\ Farm, Windsor Forest. Club — United University. ■I LEWIN BENTHAM BOWRING. Esquire. Compar of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, Justice a: Peace for the county of Devon. Born July 15, 1824, \ the third son of the late Sir John Bowring, Knight Bach Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Doctor of I and Fellow of the Royal Society, Governor, Coniniandi i Chief and Vice-Admiral of Hong-Kong, and Her Majon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion or, holding n dexter paw an arrow in bend sinister, and in the sii paw a bow paleways proper. Married, firstly, Augus: 1857, Mary Laura, who died .April 17, 1866, daught' Admiral Sir John Talbot, Knight Grand Cross of the > Honourable Order of the Bath, commonly known as miral the Honourable Sir John Talbot, by his wife Ju: (or Julia), commonly known as the Honourable Jul' daughter of the Right Honourable James Everard, is.;.,.. Baron Arundell of Wardour, a Count of the Holy Roman Empire ; and secondly, July 31, 1867, Katharine, fourth daughter of Mr. Serjeant Edward Bellasis. By his f marriage the above-mentioned Lewin Bentham Bow: Esquire, has Issue — (i) Charles Talbot Bowring, Gentlcn born December 15, 1862 ; and Mary Lucy, married H. J. Weld, and died March 7, 1893 ; and by his second marriage, (2) Edward I^ewis Stanislas Bowring, Gentleman, born November 13, 1869, and died June 30, 1885; (3I Philip Francis Bowring, Gentleman, born April 6, 1871 ; (4) John Bellasis Bowring, Gentleman, born November 10, 1872, killed Sept. 20, 1904 ; (5) Vincent Lewin Bowring, Gentle- man, born May 5, 1875; (6) Francis Stephen Bowring, Gentleman, born January 29, 1878 ; (7) Wilfrid Joseph Bowring, Gentleman, born March 31, 1879; (8) Ignatius William Bowring, Gentleman, born July 31, 1880; Edith Mary ; and Clara Mary Aloysia. Postal address— Easi India United Service Club. BOXALL (H. Coll.). Or, a lion rampant azure, fretty argent, and in chief two anchors erect of the second. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two anchors with cables in saltire azure, the shanks surmounted by and pendent from a chain or, an escutcheon also azure, charged with a fret also or. Motto — ' ' Spes mea in Deo. " Sons of William Percival Boxall, Esq. , J. P. , of Brighton and Ivory's, Cowfold, Sussex (d. 1898), by Caroline, d. and coh. of the late William Money : — William Percival Gratwicke Boxall. Esq., K.C., M.A. (Cantab.), Barrister-at-Law (Lincoln's Inn), b. 1849; «• 1885, Maria Cowper. d. of late Richard Franklin ; and has g is the Military cockade. Plate v. Irojig )SR,R,V • r PonnsiR.D CDa@Hie I TBop IBov '45 lue— William Percival Gratwicke Boxall, Gentleman, : j886 Seal— Ivory's, Cowfold, Sussex. Town res. — ' Carlyle Square, S.W. C/ufi— Oxford and Cambridge. Sir Charles Gervaise Boxall, K.C.B. (1902), C.B. (1897), iD Hon. Lt.-Col. in the Army, Hon. Col. and late Lt.- Iil "commdg. ist Sussex K.G.A. (Vols.), invented and ;ranised City of London Imp. Vol. Corps for Service in iiith Africa, Depot Commander 1899; 6. 1852; w. 1879, iigenie, d. of late Henry Wyles. AVj-.— Battlemead, iiidenhead. C/ui— St. Stephen's. F.R.S. , Professor of Pathology, &c., at University College, Liverpool, and on H.M. Royal Commission on Tut«r- Jaron Boxall (AUeyne Alfred Boxall), ("Freiherr von ixair'in the Peerage of Saxe-Coburg Gotha. ) Letters- j.ent, 1900. The title of Baron is borne in this country V ler authorisation by Royal Sign-Manual Warrant of her ;; Majesty, dated 17 Oct. 1900, in favour of the grantee i\ the heirs male of his body. This warrant is counter- :| aed by the Sec. of State and recorded in the College of iTis. Is a Com. of Saxe-Ernestine Coburg Family Order, i marly Personal Solicitor to H. R. H. the late Reigning Duke lake of Edinburgh, K.G.), 6. iS.ss ; m. 1881, Mary Eliza- jh, eld. d. of late James Henry Lermitte, Esq., J. P. he Baron bears annexed to the above arms his coronet :;1 the supporters, granted in Coburg, appertaining to his irony, viz.: On either side a wild man affront^e, wreathed out the temples with oak, belted over the shoulder and 'd with a lion's skin, and holding a club resting on the : erior shoulder all proper, around the neck a gold chain, ■refrom pendent an escutcheon, the dexter or, charged ;.h a linn rampant azure, the sinister azure, fretty argent. ; iinpales in right of the present Baroness the arms of ;rmitte, which see] ; and has issue— (1) Alleyne Percival ;xall. Gentleman (heir apparent), ed. at Eton and Univ. 11.. Oxford, B.A. (Oxon.), 6. Sept. 14, 1882; (2) Caryl rmitte Boxall, Gentleman, ed. at Eton. Res.— Cambridge Square, Hyde Park, London, W. Club— Stephen's. IBOYCE, see WOOLLCOMBE-BOYCE. IROBERT HENRY BOYCE, Esquire, C.B. (Civil, 1899), j rveyor of Diplomatic and Consular Buildings 1877-1900. rn Feb. 7. 1834, being the only son of Robert |. Boyce, D., formerly of Myshall, co. Carlow, by his wife Eliza, rd dau. of Henry Le Toler of New Town Barry, co. exford. Armorial bearings— Per chevron embattled or a azure, three escarbuncles counterchanged. Mantling ire and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, out of a ver proper, a demi-lion rampant gules, holding between : pavv^ an escarbuncle or. Motto— " Semper fidelis." "ir 'xP^^- ^' '^^' Louisa Sinclair, dau. of the late miam Nehgan, M.D., of Athlone ; and has had Issite— Kobert Henry Sinclair Boyce, b. Sept. 26, 1861, died in ancy; (2) Rubert Wilham Boyce, Gentleman, M.B., culosis, b. April 22, 186-. Residence — Ee Yuan, Hampton Wick, Middlesex. Club — Constitutional. BOYCOTT, see MORSE-BOYCOTT and WIGHT- BOYCOTT. BOYD, see ROCHFORT-BOYD. The Venerable CHARLES TWINING BOYD, Arch- deacon of Colombo, M.A. Born 1842, being the second son of the late Ven. Archdeacon Boyd, Archdeacon of Craven, by his wife Isabella Twining, dau. of George Twining, Banker, Strand, London. Armorial bearings — Azure, a fesse indented chequy argent and gules, between two lozenges of the second. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter hand couped at the wrist pointing conjoined and fesseways azure. Married Ada, dau. of C. Powell. Residence — Colombo, Ceylon. GEORGE FENWICK BOYD, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. for CO. Durham (High Sheriff 1900-1), B.A. (Oxford). Born Dec. 31, 1849, being the fourth but eldest surviving son of Edward Fenwick Boyd, Esq,, J. P., of Moor House, CO. Durham, by his wife Ann, dau. of Thomas Anderson of Newcastle. Armorial bearings — Azure, a fesse in- dented chequy argent and gules, between two lozenges of the second, impaling the arms of Haig, namely azure, a saltire between two mullets in chief and base, and a de- crescent and an increscent in fesse argent, a bordure invected or, charged with three talbots' heads erased alter nately with as many crescents gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter hand couped at the wrist pointing upwards with the thumb and two fingers proper, three lozenges conjoined and h. is the Naval Cockade. 146 TBop TBop (daemys amc 1I«M0 - "Confida" Marritd, 1874, Janci A. cUu. of Geo. A. HaiR. V.u\., of Pen Uhon, co. Radnor. J. P. ; and has /««*— Sybil Mary ; Ann ; Hester ; and Janet Haig. Seats — Whitney, near Tynetnouth, Northumberland ; Moor House, Leamside, co. Durham. HUGH FENWICK BOYD, Esquire, K.C.. Barrister- at-I^w (Inner Temple). Bom Dec. 24, 1852, being the sixth but second surviving son of Edward Fenwick Boyd of Moor House, co. Durham, by his wife Ann, dau. of Thomas Anderson of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Armorial bearings — Azure, a fesse indented chequy argent and gules, between two lozenges of the second. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter hand couped at the wrist pointing upwards with the thumb and two fingers proper, three lozenges conjoined fesseways azure. Motto, "Confido." Married, Aug. 9, 1888, Elizabeth, dau. of the late David Gibson Fleming of Oak Bank, Whalley Range, Lanes. ; and has Issue — A son and a dau. Seat — Marke^ene, West Clandon, Guildford. Postal ad- dresses — 13 Evelyn Gardens, S. W. ; 11 King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.G. SJOHN BOYD, Esquire, of Maxpoffle, Roxburghshire, M.A., Advocate, J. P. and D.L., Sheriff-Substitute of Lanarkshire, Glasgow, Born November 24, 1855, being the eldest son of the late Sir John Boyd, Knight Bachelor, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant. Lord Lieu- tenant, and sometime Lord Provost of Edinburgh, and his wife Isabella [to whom refer], daughter of John Lawson of Cairnmuir, in the county of Peebles. Armorial bear- Inga — He bears for Arms: Azure, a fesse chequy argent and gules between three mullets in chief, and an anchor in base of the second, wreathed about with a cable proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, wiih a mantling azure and argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is -set for Crest, a dexter hand pointing upward with the thumb and two fingers proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Confido." Postal address— Osborne Lodge, Crown Circus Road, Glasgow. WILLIAM BOYD, Esquire, J. P. co. Northumberland. Bom 1839, being the eldest son of the late Ven. Arch- deacon Boyd. Archdeacon of Craven, by his wife Isabella Twining, dau. of George Twining, Banker, of Sheen and London. Armorial bearings — Azure, a fesse indented chequy argent and gules, between two lozenges of tl)e second, ilantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter hand couped at the wrist pointing conjoined and fesseways azure. Married, 1865, Diana, only dau. of Edward Hawks of Douglas, Isle of Man ; and has /«««— William Boyd, Gentleman, b. 1869, d. 1893; Esther Diana ( Iress) dark drab, claret collar and cuffs, gilt buttons. ; Sons of late Edward Boyle of Bridge Hill , Newtown- ; Limavady, 1784-1861, m. and, 1844, Mary Anne, d. ' of James Parke of Stewartstown, co. Tyrone : — lexander Boyle, Esq., J. P. co. Londonderry, Major y) Londonderry Art., S. Div. R.A., B.A. (Dub.), E'rister-at-Law (King's Inns), b. 8 Aug. 1845; m. 8 Jan. t i, Louisa, youngest d. of Brudenell Plummer, C.L, R.C., of Mount Plummer, co. Limerick; and has issue — , idward Maurice Fitz Gerald Boyle, Gentleman, Solici- jii(^ej.— Gorteen, Limavady, co. Londonderry. Club — ^ them Counties', Londonderry), b. i Nov. 1873 [Arms 1 bove, but impaling the arms of Ogilby (confd. 1830) : f;nt, a lion passant guardant gules between two crescents le; m. 29 June 1898, Ethel Maude, eld. d. of Capt. b)ert Alexander Ogilby of Pellipar House, Dungiven, co. Udonderry; and has issue— Alexander Robert Boyle, tleman, b. 25 June 1899, Edward Ogilby Boyle, Gentle- l". *. II Oct. 1902; and Gladys Maude]; (2) Brudenell I mmer Boyle, Gentleman, A.M.LE.E., b. 7 Aug. 1877; ., Alexander Frederick Boyle, Gentleman, b. 29 April 1^; (4) Charles Edwin John Boyle, Gentleman, b. 13 ':. 1884; Geraldine Olive Martha; and Louisa Muriel. ^.-Bridge Hill, Limavady, co. Londonderry. imes Boyle, Esq., B.A. (Dub.), late Capt. Queen's f '. Antrim Rifles, served in Zula War, b. 8 Aug. 1849. '7 ^\ 9*"^^ Villas, Grove Vale, East Dulwich, I idon, S.E. The Reverend CANON BOYTON. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly or and azure, three mullets pierced, two in chief and one in base counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a falcon close proper, holding in the beak a spur or, leathered sable. Motto — "Per damna per casdes." Residences — The Deanery, Londonderry; and Convoy House, co. Donegal. BRABANT and LORRAINE, quartered by PERCY and BAGOT. BRABAZON, see MOORE-BRABAZON. Major - General JOHN PALMER BRABAZON, Companion of the Most Hon. Order of the Bath (1893), Lt.-Col. and Col. Commanding 4th Hussars, and A.D.C. to the Queen. Born 1843, being the younger but only sur- viving son of the late Major Hugh Brabazon Brabazon of Brabazon Park, by Ellen Ambrosia, youngest dau. of Sir William Henry Palmer, 3rd Bart. Annorial bearing^ — Quarterly i and 4, gules on a bend or three martlets sable, a fleur-de-lis argent, for difference (for Brabazon) ; 2 and 3 argent, guttfe-de-poix, on a fesse sable three towers of the first (for Higgins). Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a falcon rising, belled or, charged with a fleur-de-lis azure ; with the Motto, "Vota vita mea." Seat — Brabazon Park, Swinford, co. Mayo. Residence — 10 Wilton Crescent, London, S.W. Clubs — Marlborough, Turf. WILLIAM PHILIP BRABAZON, Esquire, M.D. St. Andrews, and Member of the Royal College of Physicians (Ireland), J. P. co. of Chester. Born March 1838, being the eldest son of Philip Brabazon of Strokestown, co. Roscommon, by his wife Maria, dau. of Thomas Flood of Kilmore, Kildare. Armorial bearings— Gules, on a bend or, three martlets sable. Mantling gules and sable. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a falcon rising or. Motto — " Vota vita mea." Married, Dec. 1871, Eleanor [d. 1904), dau. of Benjamin Pierpoint, Esq., of St. Austin's, Warrington, J. P. Cheshire and Lancashire; and has Issue — Charles Pierpoint Brabazon, Gentleman, B.A. Oxon., Solicitor, b. Feb. 1879; Frances Kathleen; and Norah Eleanor. Seat — Brook House, Lymm, near War- rington. ELLEN JANE BRACE, Spinster, second dau. of Henry Brace, Gentleman, of Mayfield, Walsall, co. Stafford, by his wife Eliza, dau. of John Russell of Walling- ton House, Bloxwich, co. Stafford. Armorial bearings— h is tbe Naval Cockade. 148 TBra TBra Upon a loaenKe : S«ble, « t>cnd argent, between two dexter cubit armt in beml vested of the second, ihc hands proper. /ftsidtitit—MttyMd, Walsall. FRANK ADDISON BKACE. Ksquire, J.l'. for the co. of Stafford. Bom April 23. 1859. being ihe second but eldc^t surviving son of Henry Uracc, Gentleman, of M.-iy- firUl. Walsitll, by his wife Elita, dau. of John Russell of Wallington Holiso, Hloxwich, co. Stafford. Clubs— White's, Boodle's. ArmorUl bMuringt— .Sable, a lM:nd argent, between two dexter cubit arms in bend vested of the second, the hands proper. [Crest as used, but for which there is no authority, is an arm embowed, vested in chain-mail argent, the hand grasping a scimitar proper, tommel and hilt or.'\ Married, Nov. 23. 1887. Annie Isobel, dau. of Hickson Fergusson of The Knowe, in the borough of Ayr; and hiis Issue — Henry Fergusson Brace. Gentleman, b. Oct. 10, 1888 ; and Edith Dorothy. Seat — Doveridge Hall, Derbyshire. BRACKENBURY (H. Coll.) Argent, a fesse nebuly sable, between two lions rampant in chief gules, and as many chevronels interlaced issuant from the base of the second. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of two oak-branches fructed in saltire proper, a lion guardant and couchant sable, charged on the body with two acorns slipped or. Motto — "Sans reculer jamais." Livery — Black coat, red waistcoat, silver buttons. Son of Thomas Brackenbury of Friskney. Lincolnshire, and Manchester, b. 1794 ; ' d 1858 ; m. Maria, d. of John Richardson of Toynton, Lines. : — Thomas Brackenbury, Gentleman, b. 1828 ; m. 1st, 1856, Jemima Gray, d. of William Elliott of Bermondsey, Surrey ; 2nd. 1865, Sarah Ann. d. of Rev. Henry Bright- Britten ; and has issue — (i) Thomas Brackenbury, Gentleman. *. 1857; (2) Albert Blackwall Brackenbury, Gentleman, b. 1861 ; (3) Henry Britten Brackenbury, Gentleman, b. 1866; (4) Frank Herbert Brackenbury. Gentleman, b. 1869; (5) Charles Ernest Brackenbury, Gentleman, b. 1872; Laura ; and Alice. .ff«.— Ryde, Isle of Wight. UPTON PERCIVAL BRACKENRIDGE, Gentleman. Born 1872. being the only son of the late George Charles Brackenridge of Ashfield Park. co. Tyrone, by his wife Matilda Anne. dau. of the Rev. Sir John Richardson- Bunbury, 3rd Baronet. Armorial bearings- Quanii and 4. azure, three roses argent, kirlwd vett, m,,', pile of the last charged with a rose gules, alsn I the third and seeded of the fourth (for Mrackc-m.. , and 3. per fesse argent and or. a bull's head c.ili., sable (for Tricuble). Mantling azure and .irgent. Crch; On a wreath of the colours, a pile gules charged with a roM; as in the arms, between two rings azure. Motto—" Virtuie et industria." THOMAS HAIGH BRADBURY, Esquire, J.P. fo, the West Riding co. York. Born 1834. Iwing the r!.V • son of Uriah Bradbury of Mirfield. in the county of V Memljer of the Royal College of Surgeons, by Ann. wife, dau. of Thonias Haigh of Colne HriclK*" II Br.idley. Livery — Black and silver. Armorial W Ings — Argent, a chevron invected ermines, Ixftwtcn \ escutcheons s.ible, each charged with a round Ihi. tongue pendent of the first; and for the Crest, ■ wreath of the colours, in front of a denii wcm,! '; wings displayed and elevated argent, each win with a roimd buckle tongue jiendent sable, and 1. the beak a sprig of b.irberry, the trunk of a tree feSM er.idicated and sprouting to the dexter lx>th proper ; ilie Motto, " ^quitas actionem regula." Estate and'/H..,,,,, address — Bradley, Huddersfield. { CHARLES ARTHUR WILBRAHAM RR.Xnni' Gentleman, only son of the late John Wilbniham Mr.ni Gentleman. Livery — Dark green. Armorial bearing: Or, on a chevron vert, between two lions' heads ei. azure in chief, and a fox current in basi: proper, a si head caboshed between two wreaths of oak of the field ; for Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a dapple-grey 1 statant, the liexter forefoot resting upon an escutcheon \ charged with a stag's head caboshed as in the arms. Pottui address — Boughton Mount, near Maidstone. BRADDYLL, see RICHMOND-GALE-BRADDYLL. WILLIAM BRADISH-ELLAMES, Esquire (forn,;- Bradish), sometime Hon. Lieut. -Colonel 3rd (Militia) I Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) ; was auihoi: by Royal Licence dated Nov. 7, 1900, to continue to U!>c the surname of Bradish- Ellames and to bear the arms of Ellanies and Bradish quarterly. Born , being the eldest son of the late William Bradish, formerly of Church, Street, in the city of Liverpool, but late of Cheltenham, co. Gloucester, and nephew of the late Lelitia Ellames (formerly Bradish), wife of Pattison Ellames of Allerion Hall, co. Lanes. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, Ellames ; 2 and 3, Bradish. Crests — i. Elames ; 2. Bradish. Seat — The Manor House, Little Marlow, Rucks. BRADLEY, quartered by FLOYER. ^M JOHN BRADNEY, Esquire, J.P. co. Somerset, formerly | Lieut. 14th Hussars. Born Dec. 21, 1841, teing the] youngest cliild and only son of the late Rev. John Hop!:-" Bradney, Clerk in Holy Orders, of Hurcot, co. Sonir Rector of Charlion-Adam in that co., M.A., Cainb., a J.P. for CO. Wiltshire and Somersetshire, by his third Mary, second dau. of Lt.-Col. John Boland, Inspn Field-officer at Bristol. Armorial bearings— Or, a 1^ raguly plain cotised between four crosses pat6e fiich^e sable ; j and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a hawk close proper, Ijelled, jessed and legged or, holding in its dexter foot a cross pat6e fitch^e sable, and in its beak a trefoil vert; with the Motto, "Mors gloria forti.' Married, firstly, Mary Frances (who died November 2, 1867), daughter of the Reverend John William Routh, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Tilehurst, in the county of Berkshire; and secondly, Maud Barbara, fourth dau, of Edgar Disney of the Hyde, Essex ; and has had Issue- By his first marriage (r) John Spencer Bradney, Genik- nian, born November 23, 1865 ; (2) Francis William Routli Bradney, Gentleman, born October 24, 1867; and \fy his second marriage, (3) Edgar Joachim Bradney, Gentleman, born June 26, 1873 ; (4) George Preston Bradney, Gentle- man, born Noveml;er 3, 1877 ; (5) William Gustave Bradney, Gentleman, born Deceml)er 15, 1878, and died February 10, 1879 ; (6) Philip Edwin Bradney, Gentleman, born Novenikr 12, 1880; (7) Arthur Basil Bradney. Gentleman, born August 25, 1883; Maud Beatrix; Ida; and Gwendolen is tbe Military Coclcade. TBra TBta 149 c'lerine Mary. iVaA— Bayford Lodge, Wincanton, s'lerset ; Spring Grove, Bibhopstoke, Hants. Clubs— Giton, Naval and Military. < JOSEPH .ALFRED BRADNEY, Esquire, Fellow of I the Society of Antiquaries, Justice of the Peace and T'lUty- Lieutenant for the conniy of Monmouth, for which h'erved the office of High Sheriff in the year 1889, Justice o'he Peace for the county of Radnor, Bachelor of Arts he University of Cambridge, and Lieutenant-Colonel e imanding the 3rd Volunteer Battalion of the South Vies Borderers. Born January 11, 1859, being the only sf of the Reverend Joseph Christopher Bradney of Fdney, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the Oversi'iy of Cambridge, Rector of Greet, in the county of .slip, by Sarah Decima his wife, daughter of the Reverend 1 id Jones, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Hope-Bagot, itfiesame countv. 67///5— Boodle's. Z-zwry— Dark blue, wli bra-ss buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Sir EDMUND SIMON BRADSTREET, 6th Baronet. Born Aug. 24, 1820, bei ig the second son of the late Sir Simon Bradstreet, by his wife Clare Margaret, dau. of John Murphy of Dublin. Creation — July 14, 1759. Armorial bearings -Argent, a greyhound passant gules, on a chief sable, three crescents or. Motto — " Virtute et non vi." Married, January 1846, Emily Matilda Sophia, dau. of General V. de Gaja of Pau, France ; and by her (who d. in 1883) has Avwe— Edward Bradstreet, Esq., h. 1856 [/«., 1888, Fortunte, dau. of M. Flori of Algiers, and has issue, Gerald Edmund Bradstreet, Gentleman, b. 1891] ; Ann Matilda ; Geraldine ; and Sophia. BRADY, see RICHARDSON-BRADY. EDMOND CORNWALL- BRADY- HARTSTONGE- WELD, Esquire, J. P. for co. Carlow ; assumed by Royal Licence, Aug. 15, 1898, the additional surnames and arms of Cornwall and Brady, in addition to and before those of Hartstonge-Weld. Born 1846, being the elder son of Lorenzo Weld Hartstonge of Rahinbawn, by his wife Elizabeth Charlotte Letablere, eldest dau. of the late T. Litton of Dublin. Livery — Blue, white facings. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, grand quarters, quarterly i. and iiii. vert, a fesse nebuly ermine, between two crescents in chief argent, and in base a trefoil slipped or (for Weld) ; ii. and iii. per chevron invected or and sable, in chief three pellets, in base a stag trippant of the first (for Hartstonge) ; 2 and 3 grand quarters, quarterly i. and iiii. azure, a saltire engrailed or between four doves argent, on a chief gules, three dishes, each holding a boar's head couped all ofthe second (for Brady); ii. and iii. argent, a lion rampant gules, crowned or, within a bordure engrailed sable, bezant^e (for Cornwall). Mantling vert and argent. Crests — I. upon a wreath of the colours, a wyvern dis- played vert (for Weld) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-savage proper, on his head a cap argent, holding in his dexter hand a sword proper, hilled or, point downwards, and in his sinister a battleaxe or, the hilt proper ; above on an escroll the motto, "Sub libertate quietem" (for Harts- tonge). Motto — " Verum atque decens. " Married , iBiz, Georgiana Elizabeth, elder dau. and heir of John Corn- wall Brady, Esq. of Myshall, J. P., High Sheriff co. Carlow 1870. Seat — Myshall House, co. Carlow. Estate — Raiiin- bawn, Kildavin, co. Carlow. Residence — Bruffe Lodge, Parkstone, Dorset. BRAIKENRIDGE (granted to George Weare Braiken- ridge of Bristol and the other descendants of his ha: Or, a fesse raguly plain cotised between four crosses [i^e fitchfe sable, impaling the arms of Jenkins, namely, !:es, a lion ran-.pant within a bordure indented or, on a <,jf argent, three hearts of the first; and for his Crest, ipn a wreath of the colours, a hawk close proper, belled, ji.ed and legged or, holding in the beak a trefoil vert, and ilthe dexter claw a cross pat^e fitchte sable; witii the !;ttO, "Mors gloria forti." Married, October 24, 1883, • sa, only child of Edward Jenkins, Esquire, of the Grove . 1 Nant-y-groes, in the county of Radnor, Justice of the ^ ice and Deputy-Lieutenant [to whom refer] ; and has Issue |i) John Harford Bradney, Gentleman, born August 16, :6, and Lieut. Royal Monmouthshire R.E. Militia; (2) ward Bradney, Gentleman, born June 20, 1889 ; (3) Walter idney. Gentleman, born September 4, 1892 ; Mnrgaretta ; f Nest. Estates — Bradney, in the county of Somerset ; '1-y-coed, in the county of Monmouth ; and Nant-y-groes, ftnty Radnor, ^ea/— Tal-y-coed, near Monmouth. i^RANK BRADSHAW, Esquire, J. P. for cos. Devon id Hants. Born 1821, being the only surviving son of pt. James Bradshaw, R.N., M.P., by his wife Eliza, u. of John Blagrove of Abshot and Jamaica. Armorial anngs— Gules, two bendlets erminois, a border indented Mantling gu'es and or. Crest — On a wreath of the ours, on a mount vert, thereon a stag statant proper, rged with a collar gemel or, between two oak trees also 3per. Motto— "Tu ne cede malis." Married, 1858, nmeline, second dau. of the late Rev. Richard Buller, :ctor of Lanreath ; and has with other /w?/^— James iller Bradshaw, l':sq., Lieut, late Scots Guards, J. P. co. !von, b. May 8, 1863. Seats— lAhon Park, Devon ; |M House, Titchfield, Hants. C/?<*— Conservative. L Father, George Braikenridge of Bristol). Vert, a thistle stalked and leaved between three beehives or. Mant- is the Naval Cockade. »5o TBta Tata hag vert and or. OTMi— On a wreath of the colours, a bwjhis* ur. Iictwecn two rose-branclifs proper. MottO — " Bello ac pace paratus." Son of George Weare Braikonridge, Ocntleman, of RriMol (rf. 1856); m. 1800, Mary Hush : — William Jcrdoeie Hraikenridge, Esq., J.I'., d. 1817. Nes. — Koyal Crescent, Hath ; Clevedon, Somerset. Son of William Braikenridge, Gentleman, of line Grove, Bush Hill, Middlesex (. 1827. XtJ.—fhe Grove, Bush Hill, Winchmore Hill, Middle- sex. WM. JERDONE BRAIKENRIDGE, Esquire, J. P. for Somerset. Horn 1817, Ixing tlie son of the late George Wrare Braikenridge of Brislington. Armorial b6arinsn> — Vert, a thistle stalked and leavedlwlween three beehives or. MantUnf vert and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a l»eehivc or between two rose-branches proper. Motto —" Bello ac pace paratus." Cluis — Oxford and Cambridge. Residences — Claremont, Clevedon, and 16 Royal Crescent, Bath. S SAMUEL ARTHUR BRAIN, Esquire, Capt. 2nd Glamorgan Artillery Volunteers, Member of County Council Borough of Cardiff, Mayor 1900, J. P. for co. of Glamorgan, a Freeman of the City of London, and a Liveryman of the Brewers' Company, youngest son of Samuel Brain, late of The Lodge, Kingswood, co. Glou- cester. Livery — Light drab, claret facings. Armorial bMrlnci — Per pale argent and gules, on a pale cotised, and encircled by a branch of oak vert. Motto -Wi. tendo." A/artied, April 18, 187a. Frances, dau. of I Thomas of Cardiff; and has Issue— l'Ahc\ Frances Sidney Rice Sweet I'-scott of Broinptfm Ralph, St)ni. : Gladice Mary [m. Henry Chester Vivian Noii Glamorganshire] ; and Dora Florence \m. Reverend 1 A. Ostrehan of Penarth, Glamorganshire]. AVu/- k \ burgh, Penarth, South Wales. t7«*j— Consiituiioin Sports'. BRAITHWAITE (H. Coll.). Gules, on a cIum argent, between two roses in chief of the hist and a 1 1 horn stringed in base or, three cross ciosslets fuch6: 01 field. Muitling gules and argent. Crest— On a wre:ii the colours, upon a mount vert, in front of two cross 11 lets fitchte in saltire gules, a greyhound lodged iui" gorged with a collar cottised and line reflexed over the I sable. Motto — " In hoc signo vinces." Sons of Isaac Braithwaithe of Kendal, West moil i. ; d. ; t/i. : — Joseph Bevan Braithwaite, Gentleman, i. 1818. A'a. Camden Road, Islington, N. SThe Honourablk ARTHUR GEORGE BRAND, J. P. and D.L. for the co. of Sussex, M.P. for tht Wisbech Division of theco. of Cambridge. Bom May i, 1853, being the third son of the Rt. Hon. the first Viscount Hampnlen, by his wife Eliza, dau. of General Robot Ellice. Armorial bearlngB — Azure, two swords in saltire, the dexter surmounting the sinister, points upwards argent, pommels and hilts or, between three escallops, one in chid and two in fesse of the last. Mantling azure and ar; Crest — Out of a crown vallery or, a leopard's h('ad aij; sem^e of escallops and gorged with a collar gemel ^; Motto — "Pour bien desirer."' Married, 1886, Iv youngest dau. of the late Joseph Ingram, Esq,. I of Brooklands, co. Chester ; and has /ssue — Henry Artliui Trevor Brand, Esq., born 1890. Residences — Pelhani House, Lewes ; Osborne House, Wisbech ; 50 Park Street, W. Cluis — Reform, Bachelors', Garrick. BRANDER, see DUNBAR-BRANDER. BRANDON, quartered by KIN LOSS. BRANDRAM, quartered by WIGAN. BRANSTON (H. Coll.). Argent, on a fess^ sable, between two torteaux in chief and an oval buckle in three leopards' heads couped all counterchanged. Mant- ling: gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a leopard's head couped argent, charged with a pale gules base, tongue erect gules, a bezant between two like buckles or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm erect proper, holding a la the Military Coclcade. TBta uckle as in the arms or, a lozenge of the last between two rnts. Motto—' ' Perseverantia et spes. " Sons of Joseph William Branston of Newark-on- Trent, m. Elizabeth, eld. d. of Joseph Gilstrap of Newark-on-Trent : — Joseph Gilstrap Branston, Esq., J. P., b. 1838; m. Blanche Marguerite, d. of Charles Octavius Parnell of 'lussex Place, W. ; and has issue — (i) Walter Gilstrap iranston, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law (Lincoln's Inn), ;.IA. (Cantab.), b. 1872; (2) Herbert Parnell Gilstrap iJranston, Esq., formerly Capt. 4th V.B. Sherwood "oresters, b. 1873 [m. Clara Gwenelin, d. of George Henry iiranston]; (3) Basil Gilstrap Branston, Gentleman, b. 1874 iw. 1905, Irene Mildred, d. of Henry Owen Lucas, M.D.]; ind three surv. daus. Seat ~ W\n\hor^e Grange, co. '■lotts. I William Welsh Branston, Gentleman, m. 1873, Emma, I. of Henry Frederick Stikeman of Lee, Kent ; and has iisue— William Bernard Branston, Esq., Capt. sth Batt. 'iifle Brigade, b. 1877; and two daus. Res.~6i Onslow Jardens, London, S.W. Henry Hall Branston, Gentleman, m. Ellen Jane, d. of !;omelius Leary ; and has surv. issue — Percy Gerald Bran- ;ton, Gentleman, b. 1875 ; and six daus. Res. — 28 Trebovir :ioad. South Kensington, London, S.W. I Sons of George Henry Branston of The Friary, Newark- ! on-Trent, b. 1849 ; d. 1900 ; m. 1877, Gwynedd Clara, I eld. d. of Adam Eyton of Plas Llanerch-y-Mor, Holy- I well, N. Wales :— Henry Eyton Branston, Gentleman, b. 1878 ; m. 1903, Uary Gertrude, d. of Alfred Dean Cain of Liverpool. |?M.— The Friary, Newark-on-Trent. I George Trevor Branston, Gentleman, b. 1884. I RALPH BRANTON-DAY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace f for the county of Hertford. Born 'IRffltif-rtM -ZTNaM M^y 9> ^24S' being the eldest son UDlttUVUll-a^'tt|/ of Thomas Day Branton-Day, ! who assumed the name of Day in |:828 by Royal License, by his wife Helen Wilson, daughter )f David Smith of Montrose. Club — Oriental. Livery — 'ilack and buff. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : ■ 'arty per chevron erminois and sable, in chief two mullets ■lierced of the second, and in base a mullet pierced or, in the centre point a cross patee per chevron also of 'he second and gold ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of he colours, a mount vert, thereon two hands conjoined proper, cuffed argent, fixed to a pair of wings, the dexter ■rminois charged with a mullet pierced sable, and the Sinister ermines charged with a mullet pierced argent ; '■vith the Motto, "Surge dies est." Estates — Micklefield Jareen and Great Sarratt Hall, in the county of Hert- ford. Postal address — Great Sarratt Hall, Rickmansworth, Herts. \ BRASIER (U.O., 24 May 1665). Quarterly, per fesse indented or and sable, four cinquefoils counterchanged. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, ;a demi-lion rampant per pale or and sable. Motto — " Amor patriae. " Sons of Kilner Brasier of Ballyellis, J. P., m. Mary, d. of James Griffin of Foynes, co. Limerick : — Brooke Richard Brasier, Esq., J. P. cos. Cork and Limerick, b. 1852. Seat— B^WyeXWs, Mallow, co. Cork. Kilner Brasier, Gentleman, (J. . Res.— Henry Brasier, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Charles Brasier, Gentleman, b. . Res.— Sons of Brooke Brasier of Ballyellis, m. Ellen, d. and coh. of Henry Mitchell of Mitchellsfort :— Henry Brasier-Mitchell, Esq., J. P., D.L. (assumed the additional name of Mitchell), b. ; m. 1857, Mary, d. of Rev. William Bourne of Rathangan, co. Kildare. Seat.— Mitchellsfort, co. Cork. 7?w.— Lleiniog Castle, Beaumaris. Son of John Wellington Brasier, m. Barbara, d. of John Smyth of Temple Michaell, co. Waterford : — Brooke Brasier, Gentleman, b. . Res.— Sons of William Brasier-Creagh, b. 1826; d.v.p. 1866; tn. 1862, Isabella Anne Caroline, d. of Thomas Hungerford, R.N : — John Washington Brasier-Creagh, Esq., J. P. co. Cork, Capt. 9th Batt. King's Roy. Rifle Corps. *. 1864. Seat.— Creagh Castle, Doneraile, co. Cork. William Hungerford Brasier-Creagh, Gentleman, b. 1866. A-e^.— New York, U.S.A. QBta «Si Son of late Capt. George Percy Brasier-Creagh, 9th Bengal Lancers, A.D.C. to Viceroy of India, b. 1864; d. from wounds in S. Africa 1900; m. 1898, Marjorie Cecil Rachel Battye : — Brian Richmond Brasier-Creagh, Gentleman, *, 1899. Res. — Sons of George Washington Brasier-Creagh, Gentle- man, b. 1832 ; d. 1900 ; m. , Averina, d. and h. of Capt. William Sherlock, late 69th Regt :— William Harrington Sherlock Langley-Brasier-Creagh, Esq., J. P. CO. Cork, b. 1857; m. ist, 1887, Jane {d. 1889), d. and h. of Henry Langley of Byblox, Doneraile, co. Cork ; 2nd, 1902, Ella May, d. of E. M. Denny of Bryanston Square, London. Seat — Stream Hill, Doneraile, co. Cork. George Washington Brasier-Creagh, Esq., C.M.G. , Lieut.-Col. R.A.M.C, b. 1858. C/«*j— Junior Army and Navy, Raleigh. Henry Beresford Brasier-Creagh, Gentleman, late R.N., i. ; fn. , Eliza, d. of Rev. Edmond Rambaut ; and has issue — Edmond Beresford Brasier-Creagh, Gentleman, b. . Res.— Richard Sherlock Brasier Creagh, Esq., Major 9th Batt. King's Roy. Rif. Corps, b. . Res. — Kilner Charles Brasier-Creagh, Gentleman, Lieut. S. African Constabulary, b. . Res. Sherlock Brasier-Creagh, Gentleman, b. . Res. § ALBERT BRASSEY. Esquire, M.P., J. P. for co. Oxford, late Lieut. 14th Hussars, Col. Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars, and formerly High Sheriff, M.A. of the University of Oxford, M.P. for North Oxon. Born February 22, 1844, being the fourth and youngest son of the late Thomas Brassey, Gentleman, by his wife Maria Farrington, dau. of Joseph Harrison. Livery — Brown and white. Armorial bearings— Quarterly of four, i. quar- terly per fesse indented sable and argent, in the first quarter a mallard of the second ; 2. gules, in chief three mullets argent, and in base a dexter hand apaum^e, couped at the wrist of the last ; 3. sable, a chevron between three bulls' heads caboshed argent ; 4. argent, on a chevron gules, three trefoils slipped of the field, and impaling the arms of Bingham, namely azure, a bend cotised between six crosses pat^e or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a manthng sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mallard proper; with the Motto, " Arduis sape metu nunquam." Married, January 12, 1871, Matilda Maria Helena, com- monly known as the Hon. Matilda Maria Helena, dau. of the Rt. Hon. John Charles Robert Bingham, 4th Baron Clanmorris; and has hsue — (i) Robert Bingham Brassey, Gentleman, 17th Lancers, b. Oct. 18, 1875 ; (2) Percy Frederic Brassey, Gentleman, 9th Lancers, b. Dec. 10, h is the Naval Cockade. IS* TBra 1876. killed WM KimJwrlfv, S. Africa. Feb. 16. 1900 ; (3) Kalp^i AllirH Kravvy. llfnilenuMi, *. Oct. a. 1883 ; Lilian Mrtuclr (•», Major K. A. Scott]; Rose Zara Maria [m., 1896. CajH. Denis Daly); Mav Eleanor Annie; Violet CiUberine; and Iris Hcnnione (m. Col. Malcolm Little]. TBra Major West Kent Yeomanry Cavalry. Born March - 1870, l«inK the second but eldest survivinR s«ii) of tl', late Henry Arthui Hra^scy, ICsci., (.p., l).i,._ \\ \ Oxford, Ilarrister-at-Law, M.P. for Sandwich 1 868 1 1885. High SherifT 1890. by his wife Anna Hiirri, 1 %)gARDUlS S/EPE. AlETU mHQUAnjf^ ifij/lafe*— Heythrop Park, in the Co. of Oxford ; Charlton Park, in the co. of Gloucester. Pos/ai addresses— Hey- throp. Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire; Charlton Hall, Cheltenham ; and 29 Berkeley Square, S.W. C/«*j— Carl- ton, Army and Navy, Naval and Military, Cavalry, Oxford and Cambridge. HENRY LEONARD CAMPBELL BRASSEY, Esquire, J. P. for the cos. of Kent and Northants, s dau. of George Robert Stevenson of Tongswood, Hawk- hurst, CO. Kent. Armorial bearings -Quarterly, i. quar- terly per fesse indented sable and argent, in the first quarter a mallard of the second ; 2. gules, in chief three mullets argent, and in base a dexter hand apaum<5e, couped at the wrist of the last ; 3. sable, a chevron Ijetween three bulls' heads caboshed argent; 4. argent, on a chevron gules, three trefoils slipped of the field, and impaling the arms of Gordon-Lennox, namely, quarterly i and 4, quar- is the Military Cockade. II TBra IBtt 153 .if i and iiii., France and England quarterly; 11. Scot- 1^1 • iii Ireland (being the arms of Charles II.), all within a'ardure compony argent and gules, charged with eight n s of the second, barbed and seeded proper (over all an e itcbeon of pretence gules, charged with three buckles o' or the Duchy of Aubigny) ; 2 and 3, quarterly, i. azure, tl e boars' heads or (for Gordon) ; ii. or, three lions' heads e'ed gules (for Badenoch) ; iii. or, three crescents within ti royal tressure of Scotland gules (for Seton) ; iiii. azure, llie cinquefoils argent (for Eraser). Mantling sable and aimt. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a mallard \jieT. Motto— " Arduis ssepe, metu nunquam." Mar- r', June 30, 1894, Lady Violet Mary Gordon- Lennox, solid dau. of Charles Henry Gordon-Lennox, Esq., ciimonly called Earl of March ; and has Issue— (i) Ronald I'lry Brassey, Gentleman, fi. May 21, d. May 29, 1895; (iCecil Henry Brassey, Gentleman, i. Oct. 3, 1896 ; and (Gerard Charles Brassey, Gentleman,,*. Dec. 28, 1898. .S/-Apethorpe Hall, Northants. Town res. — 40 Upper Csvenor Street. lAMUEL BRAUND, Esquire, J. P. Armorial bear- i'S — Quarterly per pale wavy gules, guttfe-d'eau and ehine, a sword in bend argent, pommel and hilt or, sur- rianting a brand raguly inflamed in bend sinister proper, latling gules and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the c-)urs, issuant from clouds, a dexter cubit arm in armour, 1 ding in the hand a brand as in the. arms all proper, the c 1 charged with a cross bottony gules. Motto — " Fidelis £,extremuni." Residence —Dtvon House, Prospect, South >j;tralia. CDWARD BRAY, Gentleman. Born Aug. 19, 1849, tng the second son of the late Reginald Bray, Esq., J. P., I'l.A. , by his wife P'rances, dau. of Thomas N. Longman, jnorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, a chevron I, ween three eagles' legs sable, erased a la cuise, their I'pns gules ; 2 and 3, vairy argent and azure, three bends li as. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath (ithe colours, a flax-breaker or. Married, July 22, 1873, lith Louisa, dau. of the Rev. John Hubbard; and has lie — Four sons and one daughter. Residence — Ur REGINALD MORE BRAY, Knight, M.A., Inner '■mple, elected Bencher 1891, and Judge of the High ';iirt of Justice 1904. Born Sept. 26, 1842, being the vest son of the late Reginald Bray, Esq., J. P., F.S.A. , :;1 his wife Frances, dau. of 'I'homas N. Longman, .morial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, a chevron ■ ween three eagles' legs sable, erased a la cuise, their 13ns gules; 2 and 3, vairy argent and azure, three bends ', es. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath i the colours, a flax-breaker or. Married, July 14, 1868, ■ lily Octavia, dau. of Arthur Kett Barclay of Bury Hill, ■rking ; and has Issue — (i) Reginald Arthur Bray, Gentle- '.n, b. May 20, i86g ; (2) Edward Neville Bray, Gentle- i.n, b. Dec. 17, 1871 ; (3) Jocelyn Bray, Gentleman, b. iril 7, 1880 ; (4) Francis Edmond Bray, Gentleman, b. irch 2, 1882; Fanny Helen [;«., 1896, Charles F. Lloyd, ;irth son of Samuel Lloyd of Gosden House, Bramley, and s issue]; Marjorie Rachel Mary \m., 1894, Bertram R. arren, only son of Frank Warren of Upton Park, )ugh [d. 1900), and has issue] ; Lilian Emily ; and Olive. 'i'— The Manor House, Shere, near Guildford. Town 'idence—17 The Boltons, S.W. Club — Athenasum. ALEXANDER MACAULAY BREDON, Gentleman. I >rn July 14, 1849, being the second son of the late Alexander edon, M.D., of BaUintaggart House, Portadown, co. magh, by Catherine, dau. of Joseph Breadon, R.N., of ontreal, Canada. Armorial bearings — Gules, a lion mpant or, within a bordure invected of the last, charged th ten passion -nails proper. Mantling gules and or. est— Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gent, holding in the dexter paw a cross pat6e fitch^e lies, the sinister paw resting on a passion-nail or. Motto " Vincit Veritas." Married, July 14, 1881, Annie Isabella, lest dau. of Anthony Surtees of San Antonio, Texas, • S.A. ; and has Issue — (i) Alexander Surtees Bredon, intleman, b. June 27, 1883; (2) Anthony Surtees Bredon, Gentleman, b. July i, i888; and Margaret Sarah. Estate — Castletown Cooley, Carlingford, co. Louth. Postal ad- dress — Scarborough, Yorkshire. MATTHEW BOYD BREDON, Esquire, Major 3rd Batt. Royal Irish Fusiliers, Deputy Commissioner of Cus- toms, China. Born January 25, 1855, lieing the third son of the late Alexander Bredon, M. D. , of BaUintaggart House, Portadown, co. Armagh, by Catherine, dau. of Joseph Breadon, R.N., of Montreal, Canada. Clubs — Grosvenor, Junior Constitutional, R. Irish Yacht, R. Alfred Yacht, County (Armagh). Livery — Claret and yellow. Armorial bearings — Gules, a lion rampant or, within a bordure in- !lSClTAftaiTA5l vected of the last, charged with ten passion-nails proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent, holding in the dexter paw a cross patte fitch^e gules, the sinister paw resting on a passion-nail or. Motto — "Vincit Veritas." Married, Sept. 10, 1898, Mary Kerron, last surviving dau. of the late Jervais Kerron Birney of Tyrone House, Rathfarnham, co. Dublin. Estates and postal addresses — BaUintaggart House, Portadown ; Dowth Lodge, Drogheda ; and 39 Ovington Square, S.W. Sir ROBERT EDWARD BREDON, K.C.M.G. (1904), M.A. Univ. of Dublin ; served 1867 to 1873 as Asst. Surgeon 97th Regt., resigned and joined Im- perial Chinese Customs as Chief Secretary in the Inspec- k is the Naval Cockade. »S4 TPte 15te litnitr General, iind later served as Commissioner of Customs at Hankow, Shanghai. Canton, and elscwiiere, resigned 1897, and rrjomed 1900; is an officer of the Legion of Honour of Francr. fommander of thr Order of St. Olaf of Norway, and Second Class of the Order of the Double Dragon of China. Second Class of the Sacred Treasure of jatnn, I>puty Inspector-General of Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs ; was present with wife and dau. in the i)ritish legation at Pckin during siege 1900 (China medal and clasp). Born Feb. 4. 1846, being the eldest son of Alexander Bredon, late of Portadown, co. Armagh. M.D., hi Catherine, dau. of Joseph Brcadon, R.N., of Montreal, danada. Armorial bearings - Gules, a lion rampant or. within a bordure invected of the last, charged with ten passion-nails proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — Ujxjn a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent, holding in the dexter paw a cross patte fitch^e gules, the sinister paw resting on a passion-nail or. Motto — " Vincit Veritas." Married, September 3, 1879, Lily Virginia, younger dau. of Thomas Crane Banks of San Francisco, California, U.S.A. ; and has Issue — Juliet. Residences — I. G. of Customs, Peking and Shanghai. Club — Junior United Service. BRENCHLEY, see HUNT. BRETHERTON, see STAPLETON-BRETHERTON. The Rev. HUMPHREY WILLIAM BRETHERTON, M.A. Camb., Rector of Eccleston. Born July 6, 1857, being the eldest son of the late William Bretherton, Esq., J. P., Patron of the living of Elccleston, by his wife Margaret, only child of the late Richard Norris of Lostock Brow. Armorial bearings — Sable, a cross raguly flory argent, two flaunches of the last, each charged with a stag's head caboshed of the first. MatitUng sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cross raguly flory sable, therefrom pendent by a riband gules a stag's head caboshed argent. Motto — " Per asjjera ad dulcia crucis. " Married, June I, 1887, Edith Beata, only dau. of John Garden of Llandudno, late Capt. 20th Regt. ; and has /«»?—( i) Humphrey Bretherton, Gentleman, b. 1889; (2) William Bretherton, Gentleman, b. 1892 ; {3) Joim Talboi Ilnili, ton. Gentleman, b. 1894 ; and (4) Norris C;iriicn HiciIh ton. Gentleman, *. 1900. AVa/— Runsh.iw Hall, Choil, , CO. Lancaster. Residence — Eccleston Rectory, n, .u Chorley. NORRIS BRETHERTON, Estjuire. J. P. Lanes. Bom 1859, Ijcing the second son of the late William Bretherton Esquire, J. P., of Kunshaw Hall, Lanes, by his wife Mar' garet, only child of Richard Norris of Lostock Brow, Lnncs Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Sable, raguly Hory argent, two flaunches of the last, eatli with a stag's head caboshed of the first. Upon tl.r . cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a niaiu- ling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, u|>on a wreath of the colours, a cross raguly Hory sable, therefrom pendeiu by a riband gules a stag's head caboshed argent ; with the Motto, " Per aspera ad dulcia crucis." Married, May 3, 1883, Anne Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of Willi.n Bashall, Esquire, J. P., of Nateby, Lanes, and Stow Man Essex; and has Issue — Margaret; Elsie; and Dorotl Estates — Lands in Leyland, P'arington, Ulneswalton, Cl.i ton-le- Woods, Nateby, and Tarnacre, Lanes ; and lands Stow Maries, Purleigh, and Cold-Norton, Essex. Postal addresses — Runshaw Hall, Euxton, Lanes. ; Nateby Lodge, Nateby, Lanes. ; and Bowerswood, Garstang, Lanes. BRETT, see ESHER. CHARLES HENRY BRETT, Gentleman, sometime Clerk of the Peace for county of the town of Carrick- fergus, son of the Rev. Wills Hill Brett, M.A. Armo- rial bearing^ — Argent, a fesse cotised sable. WatitHng sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon proper, jessed gules, belled and vervelled or. Motto — "Vilia contemnit aucupia." Residence — Gretton, Malone Road, Belfast. Club — National Liberal. Colonel Sir WILFORD BRETT, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint 1Rl*rt"t Michael and Saint George. Born 1824, ben iClt'i'l' the son of the late Reverend Joseph Gcoi. Brett ; served as Military Secretary in Norih America, India, and at Malta, and as Civil Secretary in Nova Scotia, the Ionian Islands, and Malta ; created Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1864. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Gules, within an orle of crosses bottony fitch^e or, a lion rampant of the last, holding in the dexter paw a fasces erect proper (for Brett). Upon the escutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, and pendent therefrom his badge as a Knight Commander of that Order, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant gules, charged on the shoulder with a cross bottony fitch^e or, and holding in the dexter forepaw a fasces proper ; with the Motto, " Vicimus." Married, 1859, Mary Isabel (who died 1892), daughter of Thomas Stephen. Postal address — Moore Place, Esher, Surrey. WILLIAM BAILEY BRETT, Gentleman. Born 1813, being the eldest son of the late Alexander Brett of Dublin. Armorial bearings — Argent, a fesse cotised sable. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a falcon proper, jessed gules, belled and vervelled or. Motto — " Vilia contemnit aucupia." Postal address — 58 Merrion Avenue, Blackrock, CO. Dublin. VIVIAN BREW-MULHALLEN, Gentleman; assumed the name and arms of Mulhallen by Royal Licence, May 31, 1897. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, azure a stag's head erased or, between six escallops argent (for Mulhallen) ; 2. quarterly argent and or, a lion salient sable between four cross crosslets fitchee gules (for Brew) ; 3. per bend gules and azure, a lion rampant argent, holding m the dexter fore-paw a trefoil or (for Wallace). Mantling azure and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, an is the Military Cockade. IBtz IBti 155 escallop or (for Mulhallen) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, fa lion rampant per fesse or and gules, charged on the Ibreast with a cross crosslet fitchee sable (lor Brew). Motto—' 'Always ready. " Residence— b Sidmanton Square, Bray, co. Wicklow. for the county of Dorset, who died 1888. Of the above marriage there was with other Issue — Charles Gawler Bridge, Gentleman, born 1855 [married, 1884, Victoire, daughter of Monsieur Fouassiere]. Postal address — Piddletrenthide Manor, near Dorchester. BREWES, quartered by FLOYER. BREWSIER, see FRENCH-BREWSTER. BRICE, see MONTEFIORE BRICE. ' BRIDGE (H. Coll). Argent, on a bend invected plain cottised sable, two chaplets of roses or, the whole between two pairs of wings conjoined and elevated gules. Mant- i ling sable and argent. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, a pair of wings addorsed argent, on a bend invected plain The Reverend JOHN ROBERT ORLANDO BRIDGEMAN, commonly known as the Rev. the Hon. John Robert Orlando Bridgeman, J. P. for the counties of Stafford and Salop. Born 1831, being the son of the Right Hon. George Augustus Frederick Henry Bridgeman, the second Earl of Bradford, by his first wife Georgina Eliza- beth, only daughter of Sir Thomas Moncrieffe of Mon- crieffe, Bart. ; graduated at Trinity College, Cambridge ; M.A. 1853 ; appointed Rector of Weston-under-Lyziard, 1859. Club — Carlton. Armorial bearings — Sable, ten cottised sable, two chaplets of roses or. Motto — " Deus pascit corvos." Son of George Bridge, b. ; d. ; m, , Mary, d. of Zaccariah WooUey :— Alfred John Bridge, Esq., J. P. Sussex, b. 24 Oct. 1848; m. 1871, Jane Maria, d. of Charles Jones of Calcutta ; and has issue— Eric Andrew Bridge, Barrister-at-Law, b. 1872. /?«.— Wyberlye, Burgess Hill, Sussex. C/«fc— Constitu- tional, United, Hurlingham. ELLEN ELIZA BRIDGE, Widow, eldest daughter of Edward Palmer of Wyke Regis, in the county 'IBtitlttE °^ I^orset, who died 1856, by his wife EUza, "*" daughter of Robert Bridge. Armorial bear- ings are, upon a lozenge : Or, a bend engrailed sable, charged with a chaplet of oak of the field, on a chief azure a bridge of three arches embattled, and at each end a tower proper. Married, 1852, John Edward Bridge, Esquire, of Piddletrenthide, Justice of the Peace plates, four, three, two and one, and on a chief argent, a lion passant ermines, and impaling the arms of Clive, namely, argent, on a fesse sable, three mullets or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent, holding between the paws a wreath of laurel proper. Married, 1862, Marianne Caroline, daughter of the late Venerable William Clive, Arch- deacon of Montgomery ; and has Issue living — William Clive Bridgeman, Esquire. Postal addresses — 89 Harley Street, W. ; Frognel, 'I'orquay. JOSEPH RIDGWAY BRIDSON, Esquire, J. P. cos. Lanes, and Westmorland. Born April 10, 1831, being the fourth son of the late Thomas Ridgway Bridson, Esq. , J. P. , of Southport, Lanes., by his wife Sarah, dau. of Henry Matthews of Liverpool. Armorial bearings — Azure, gutt^e- d'eau, a bridge of four arches between two dolphins naiant embowed in chief and a sphere in base all proper. Mant- ling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-mariner in profile proper, vested and capped azure, collared argent, girdled or, grasping in the dexter hand an anchor erect of the last, and resting the sinister hand on a wreath of coral gules. Motto — ' ' Tutis in undis. " Married, July 1, 1857, Margaret, dau. of John Woodhouse of Bolton; and has Issue — (i) Arthur Paul Bridson, Esq., Capt. Westm. and Cumb. Yeomanry, b. 1859 [m., 1889, Katherine, dau. of Matthew Benson Harrison, and has issue]; (2) Joseph Ridgway Bridson, Lieut. R.N., (5. 1861 [?«., 1896, Katherine Mary, dau. of J. Kenny of Halifax, N.S.]; Ethel; Constance Mary; Mabel; and Marguerite is the Naval Cockade. «$« TBrf IBti fawpbinr. AVwV<«»»* — Bryerswood. Windermere, co. WettmorUnd. Maior THOMAS RIDGWAY BRIDSON. J. P. Lanes.. MOMltme Major I^ncs. Fusiliers, /titm 1823. being the eldest surviving son of the lale Thomas Ridgway Bridson, Esq., J.I'., of .Souihporl. I^incs., by his wife SaKlh, dau. ofllenr)' Matthews of Livi-rpool. Armoiial bearlnjri— Axurn two dolphins naiant cnibowcd in chief and a sphere in base all proper. lt»wtllny ature and argent. Orest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-mariner in profile proper, vested and capped axure, collaritl argent, girdled or, grasping in the dexter hand an anchor erect of the last, and resting the sinister hand on a wreath of coral gules. MottO-^" Tutis in undis." Married, firstly, 1848, Mary (died i8|6). third dau. of Richard Smith of Foulton Manor House, Cheshire ; and secondly, 1859. Charlotte Mary (died 1886), second dau. of William I^we. He has with other Issue, by both marriages — Harry Bridson, M.A. (Oxon.). Residences — Rock End. lorquay, Devon; and Bridge House, Bolton, I..ancs. JOHN SWALLOW BRIERLY, Gentleman. Bom April 25, 1842, being the son of Joseph Brierly, late of New House, Huddersfield, by his wife Mary, dau. of Luke Swallow. Armorial bearlags — Argent, a cross nebuly gules, in the first and fourth quarters an oak-tree eradi- cated proper, a chief arched vert. Mantling gules and argent. Orest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of an oak-tree proper, an escutcheon argent, guttde-de-sang, charged with a cross nebuly gules, between two roses of the last, both stalked and leaved of the first. Motto— "Ad utrumquc paratus." Married, Feb. 6, 1894, Kthel Arden, dau. of William Henry Peacock, Esq., j.P. ; and has /««), being the fifth son of the late Robert Bright, Es(|., i.l Bristol and Abbot's Leigh, Somersetshire, High Sheriff r,( Bristol 1852. Clubs — Windham, Ilurlin^hani. Armorial bearings — Azure, a fesse wavy erminois, in chief tlircc crescents argent, and impaling the arms of Manners, n.nmely or, two bars azure, a chief quarterly of the last and gules, the first and fourth quarters each charged with two fleurt- de-lis or, and the second and third e.ich with a lion passant guardant or, and pendent his badge as a C. M.G. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a crescent as in the arms, lietween the horns an estoile or. Motto — "Post tenebras lucem." Married, 1868, Hon. .•\nna Maria Georgiana, elder dau. of Rt. Hon. John Henr\ Thomas, third Viscount Canterbury, G.C.M.G. , K.CJ.B. ; and has Issue — (i) Alfred Ernest Bright (to whom H.R.li. the Duke of Edinburgh stood sponsor), b. 1869; (2) Charles Henry Manners-Sutton Bright, b. 1870; (3) Richard George Tyndall Bright, Esq., Brevet-Major Rifle Brig.ade, *. 187a; and Georgina Amy Blanche. Postal address— ^i Cromwell Road, London, S.W. GEORGE BRIGHT, Esquire, J.P. for Somerset, a Judge in India. Born 1826, being the fourth son of the lale Rotert Bright, Esq., J. P., of Bristol, and of Abbot's Leigh, Sonier setshire. High Sheriff of Bristol 1852, by Caroline 'lyndall. Club — United Service. Livery — Drab, with green waist- coat ; (dress), green plush breeches and silver lace. Ar- morial bearings — Azure, a fesse wavy erminois, in chief three crescents argent, impaling the arms of Raikes, namely argent, a chevron engrailed pean Ijetwecn three griffins' heads erased sable, each charged with an ermine spwi gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a crescent as in the arms, and between the horns an estoile or. Motto— " Post tenebras lucem." Married, firstly, 1851, Eleanor Georgina (d. 1852), dau. of Marcus M'Causland of Fruit Hill, co. Derry ; and by her h.id Issue — (i) Robert Marcus Bright, b. 1852, d. 1868. He married secondly, 1857, Tempe, dau. of Henry T. Raikes, Judge of High Court, Calcutta, and has issue — (2) Kichard Prinsep Bright, b. 1864, d. 1865 ; (3) Trevor Percy Bright, b. 1869 ; (4) Ashley Rowland Bright, Lieut. 43rd Regt., b. Nov. 3, 1870 (killed in action at Paardeberg, South Africa, Feb. 18, 1900); Amy Constance [/«. , 1880, Herbert Percy Alleyne, who d. 1884; and secondly. Rev. Gerald Victor Sampson] ; Ethel Fanny ; Grace Lilian ; and Kathleen Julia [m., 1897, Charles T. Budgett]. Postal address— ^i Victoria Square, Clifton, Bristol. HEYWOOD BRIGHT, Esquire, J.P, Lanes. Born Oct. 20, 1836, being the second son of the late Samuel Bright, Esquire, J. P., of Sandheys, Liverpool, by his wife Elizabeth Anne, dau. of Hugh Jones of Larkhill, near Liverpool. Club— Reform. Armorial bearings— Azure, a fesse wavy erminois, in chief three crescents argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a crescent as in the arms, and between the horns an estoile or. Motto — " Post tenebras lucem." Married, 1884, Dorothea Anne, eldest dau. of Col. John Ireland Blackburne of Hale Hall, Lanes. ; and has /w««— Ursula Dorothea Elizabeth. Postal address — Sandheys, West Derby, Liverpool. Thk Rev. JAMES FRANCK. BRIGHT, D.D. (Oxon.), Master of University College, Hon. Fellow of Balliol College, ^ is the MiUtary Cockade. IBti IBti 157 'Oxford Lord of the Manor of Brockbury. Born May 29, 'i8w being the third son of the late Richard Bright, M.D., F R.'s., Physician at Guy's Hospital, by his wife Eliza, dau. 'of B FoUett, lisq., of Exeter, and sister of Sir W. W. iFollett, Attornev-General. Armorial beaxings— Azure, 'a fesse wavy er'minois, in chief three crescents argent. ' Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, la crescent as in the arms, between the horns an estoile ior Motto—" Post tenebras lux." Married, 1864, Em- : meline Theresa, dau. of Rev. E. D. Wickham ; and has i /frt<«— Margaret Franck [m. William Carr, Esq., J. P., of : Gomersal, Yorks.] ; Alice Clara Franck [m. George Frank iNewbolt], Emily Gertrude Franck [ot. John Arthur Gibbs]; f and Evelyn Isabel Franck \m. Rev. Hubert Murray Burge, ; b.D.]. Postal arf^/r«^— Athenaeum, University College, j Oxford, j TYNDALL BRIGHT. Bom 1824, being the third son I of the late Robert Bright of Bristol, and of Abbot's Leigh, \ Somersetshire, High Sheriff of Bristol 1852, by Marianne Schimmelpennick his wife. Armorial bearings— Azure, a i fesse wavy erminois, in chief three crescents argent. Mant- ( ling azure and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a I crescent as in the arms, and between the horns an estoile ior. Motto— "Post tenebras lucem." Married, i^^i.tAzxy, ' dau. of W. Fletcher of Liverpool ; and has Issue— {i) Robert ' Tyndall Bright, d. 1853, d. 1875 ; (2) William Tyndall ! Bright, d. 1855, d. 1858; (3) Arthur Tyndall Bright, Lieut. ! 90th Regt. , killed in action in South Africa 1879 ; Caroline I Mary [m., 1892, Francis O'Shaughnessey Belli Readel; : and Emily Isabel [;«., 1880, Henry Valentine Storey]. j Postal address — Liverpool. I WILLIAM ROBERT BRIGHT, Esquire, C.S.I., i I.C.S. (Bengal), Deputy - Commissioner Palaman 1892, Magistrate of Midnapur 1895. Born 1857, being the eldest ; son of the late General Sir Robert Onesiphorus Bright, i G.C.B., by his wife Catherine, dau. of Sir WiUiam Miles, I ist Bart., of Leigh Court, Somersetshire. Armorial bear- . ings — Azure, a fesse wavy erminois, in chief three crescents argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of ! the colours, a crescent as in the arms, between the horns i an estoile or. Motto — " Post tenebras, lucem." Married, 1 1883, Ellen Theophila, dau. of Charles Theophilus Metcalfe, j C.S.I. ; and has Issue — Honor Marguerite; and Gladys i Ethel. Postal address — \', { BRIGSTOCKE (H. Coll. These arms were supposed I to have been confirmed 1687, by a deputy of Sir Henry * St. George, Clarenceux, but it appears to have been done I without sufficient authority, and a new grant of the identi- I cal arms was obtained in 1902. This, however, did not \ include all the members of the family). Quarterly, or and sable, three escallop-shells counterchanged. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a raven sable, holding in its dexter claw an escallop-shell or. Motto— "(i)s 6per an owl. wing* invcrtwl sable, on each wing a pallet or, chargrd with a ymWei and holding in the beak a bezant. Motto — ' 5^api«nter. " Kid. son of late Willianj Walter Brimacombe of East- bury Manor, co. Worcester, t. 1835 ; rf. 1901 ; m. 1866, Annetiill. d. of Richard Cridge :— Richard William Brimcombe, Gentleman, M.D. (Brux.), M.R.C.S. (Kng.). L.R.C.P. (Lond.). *. 1867; *•. ao Aug.. 1901, Irene Alice Vtctoria, d. of Reginald Henry Stanley, Kf . D. : and has issue — Grace Honor ; and Ruth Morwenna. ^«.— Colebrook Lodge, Wandsworth, S.W.; 9 Cavendish Square, W. C/«r>— Reform. ERNEST AUGUSTUS BRINE, Gentleman, C.E. Bant Nov. ao, 1856, being the eldest son of Thomas Charles Augustus Brine, Gentleman, of Poole, Dorset, by his wife Mary Cochram, dau. of William Adey of Poole. Armorial boaringi — Argent, an ea^Ie displayed sable, charged with an anchor or, on a chief embattled gules, a cross moline also gold. Mantling sable and argent. Orett — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, sem^ of billets, and holding; in the fore-paws a cross moline gules. Motto— " Con fido." A/arn'ed, Aug. 15. 1890; and had /ssite — Frances M.iry ; and Helen I.,ouisa. Postal address— 9oo\^ Dorset. Rev. ALGERNON LINDESAY BRINE, M.A. Oxon, Rector of Willesborough, Kent. Bom Aug. 22, 1864, being the fifth son of the late Rev. James Gram Brine, M.A., B.D., late Fellow of St. John's Coll., Oxford, formerly Rector of Lower Hardres, Kent, and Rural Dean of Canterbury, previously Rector of Chardstock All Saints, CO. Dorset, by his wife Mary Amelia, only surviving daughter and heiress of Rev. Edward Bouverie Pusey, D.D., Canon of Christ Church, Oxford. Armorial bearlngra— Argent, an eagle displayed sable, with mi anchor or, on a chief embattled gules, a cross niolin also gold. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, sem6f. . billets, and holding in the fore-paws a cross nioln, gules. Motto — "Confido." Married, Dec. 39, 18.,- Marian Fanny, eldest daughter of Brigade-Surgeon Joli'n Adcock. M.D., of Bath. Postal orfrf/^wj— Willcslx)roui;l\ Rectory, Kent. TnK Rev. GEORGE AUGUSTUS BRINK, M.A. Exeter College, Oxford. Born August 12, 1839, being the only son of Vice- Admiral George Brine, R.N., by his wife Caroline, dau. of Michael Bush. AnnioriiU bearings — Argent, an eagle displayed sable, charged with an anchor or, on a chief embattled gules, a cross moline also gold. Mantling sable and argent. Orett— On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent. sem6e of billets, and holding in the fore-paws a cros' moline gules. Motto — "Confido." Postal address Beechgrove, Honiton, Devon. The Rev. JAMES EDWARD BOUVERIE BRINE, M.A. Christ Ch., Oxford. Bom 1855, being the eldest son of Rev. James Gram Brine of St. George's Place, Canter- bury, M.A., B.D., Fellow of St. John's Coll., Oxford. Rural Dean of Canterbury, and formerly Rural Dean of Bridport, Dorset, and Rector of Lower Hardres, co. Kent, by his wife Mary Amelia, only surviving dau. and heiress of Rev. Eklward Bouverie Pusey, D.D. , Canon of Christ Church, Oxford. Armorial bearings— Argent, an eagle displayed sable, with an anclior or, on a chief embattled gules, a cross moline also gold. Mantling sable and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, sem(5e of billets, and holding in the fore-paws a cross moline gules. Motto — "Confido." A/arwrf, firstly, November 19, 1888, Margaret, daughter of Thomas Ekin, of Newmarket, Cambs. (she d.s.p. February 20, 189a). He m. secondly, January 18, 1896, Louisa Florence^ daughter of Colonel James George. Postal address— Nuward Eliija, Ceylon. ^m Colonel JOHN JONES BRINE, H.E.I.C.S. Boni Oct. 18, 1824, being the second son of the late Com- mander John Brine, R. N., of Charlton, Dorset, by his wife Elizabeth Horlock, dau. of Thomas Horlock Bastard, D. L. , of Charlton Marshall, Dorset. Armorial bearings- Argent, an eagle displayed sable, charged with an anchor or, on a chief embattled gules, a cross moline also gold. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, sem6e of billets, and holding in the fore-paws a cross moline gules. Motto — " Confido. Married, Aug. 12, 1854, Caroline, dau. of David Ross of Rosstrevor, co. Down ; and has Issue — Arthur Brine, Gentleman, b. Oct. 16, 1856 ; and Alicia Mary, [m., April 9, 1881, Thomas Armstrong of the Abbot's House, Abbot's Langley, Herts, Director of Arts, South Kensington Museum]. Admiral LINDESAY BRINE, R.N. ; served in the Crimea, in the Baltic 1855, at the taking of Canton 1857, and of Taku Forts i860, Younger Brother of the Trinity House, and a Naval Assessor to the House of Lords. Bom Nov. 5, 1834, being the eighth son of the late Major James Brine of Claremont, Sidmouth, Devon, Capt. and Brevet Major of the 7th Royal Fusiliers, and previously of the 39th Regt. (served in the Penin- sular War, and was wounded at Albuhera), by his wife Gramina Julia Petrina, dau. of John Hieronymus Cl;uison of Christiania, Norway. Clubs — AthencKum, United Ser- vice. Armorial bearings — Argent, an eagle displayed sable, charged with an anchor or, on a chief embattled gules, a cross moline also gold, and impaling the arms of Knapton, namely gules, a chevron dancett^e ermine be- tween three chaplets or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, semde of billets, and holding in the fore-paws a cross moline gules. Motto — "Confido." Married, Aug. 10, 1871, his cousin, Emily Ethel, dau. of the Rev. Augustus James Knapton of Boldre Hall, Hants, son of Rear-Admiral is the Military Cockade. TBti TBri 159 'tiffustus Brine, R.N. ; and has Issue— {t) Lindesay Heath 'line Gentleman, fi. April S, 1884; {2) Everard Lindesay rine' Gentleman, *. Dec. i, 1890; Helen Claudia; Lmily ecil- and Frances Gramina. Postal addresses— Roy don. ■orquay. and Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall, S.W. PERCIVAL FORBES BRINE, Esquire, Capt. (retired), nd Bt.-Major "The Buffs," East Kent Regt. Born ^)ct 25 1857, being the third son of the late Rev. James ,ram Brine of St. George's Place, Canterbury, M.A., B.D., 'ellowof St. John's Coll., Oxford, Rural Dean of Canter- iiry and formedy Rural Dean of Bridport, Dorset, and ■ector of Lower Hardres, co. Kent, by his wife_ Mary 'Amelia, only surviving dau. and heiress of Rev. Edward louverie Pusey, D.D., Canon of Christ Church, Oxford, .rmorial bearings— Argent, an eagle displayed sable, with n anchor or, on a chief embattled gules, a cross nioline ilso gold. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a reath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, sein^e of .iilets, and holding in the fore-paws a cross moline gules, lotto— "Confido." Married, firstly, Dec. 6, 1888, Annie ;^ary, daughter of John Quain, J. P., of Dublin, and by 'ler, who died September 25, 1891, has /jj«e— Percival ioh'n Frederick Brine, b. June 30, 1890; secondly, 1892, j'ielen Howard, daughter of George Hart of Canterbury, nd has /«««— Grace. Postal address — Chardstock, Heme !5ay, Kent. I . PHILIP ARTHUR SHERARD BRINE, Gentleman, |/ice-Consul at Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A. Borii July 12, i:86i, being the fourth son of the Rev. James Gram Brine i)f St. George's Place, Canterbury, M.A., B.D., Fellow of St. John's Coll., Oxford, Rural Dean of Canterbury, and ormerly Rural Dean of Bridport, Dorset, and Rector of :^o\ver Hardres, co. Kent, by his wife Mary Amelia, only liurviving dau. and heiress of Rev. Edward Bouverie Pusey, ,D.D., Canon of Christ Church, Oxford. Armorial bear- ;jigs — Argent, an eagle displayed sable, with an anchor 3r, on a chief embattled gules, a cross moline also gold. 'Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the ;olours, a lion rampant argent, sem6e of billets, and holding n the fore-paws a cross moline gules. MottO — " Confido." ^Married, Jan. 14, 1886, Elvira Patrick, dau. of Capt. |Claiborne of Charlemont, Virginia, U.S.A. ; and by her, ■who died Feb. 16, 1890, has surviving Issue — Philip Edward U^usey Brine, Gentleman, b. Feb. 4, 1887. Postal address— iRichmond, Virginia, U.S.A. • BRINKLEY (Granted H. Coll., 1827). Or, a cross potent engrailed gules, a chief azure, thereon three estoiles argent. Crest — A cross potent engrailed, on the top thereof an estoile argent (Confd. U.O., 1854). Azure, a cross potence engrailed, and in chief three estoiles or. Crest—A cross potent engrailed, surmounted of an estoile all or. Motto — " Mutabimur. " Sons of Walter Stephens Brinkley, Esq., of Knock- maroon House, CO. Dublin, J. P., b. 1826; d. 1884; m. 1851, Susanna Caroline, d. of Major Michael Turner, K.D.G., of Ipswich : — John Turner Brinkley, Esq., Chief Constable co. War- wick, late Capt. P. of W. N. Staffs. Regt. , b. 1855 ; m. 1885, Mary, eld. d. of late Gen. H. A. Carleton, C.B., R.A. ; and has surv. issue — Sheila Mary, .^w.— Wasperton House, Warwick. Club — Naval and Military. Rev. Walter Frederick Brownlow Brinkley, M. A. (Camb). , V. of Abbotsleigh, Somerset, b. 1859, m. 1897, Emmeline Lydia [d. 1902), d. of late Gen. J. C. Brooke, and widow of nw. Miles, P.W.D., India, of Caragh, co. Kerry; and has issue— Kathleen Sophia. J?«.— The Vicarage, Abbots- leigh, Somersetshire. Son of Major Charles Michael Edgeworth Brinkley, 4th D.G., Chief Constable Lines., b. 1861 ; d. 1903; m. 1892, Evelyn Everard, d. of late Major Thomas Everard Hutton of Middleton Hall, Norfolk :— Walter Everard Brinkley, Gentleman, b. 1898. Res.— Sons of Richard Graves Brinkley, Gentleman, of Fort- land, b. 1823 ; d. 1890; m. 1845, Hester, d. and h. of James Stuart Downs Dodd Lloyd of Ardagh, co. Sligo : — ^^n Lloyd Brinkley, Esq., of Portland (q.v.). Richard Henry Lee King Brinkley, Esq., Capt. ist Batt, Royal Warwicksh. Regt. , ^. i860. lies. — SJOHN LLOYD BRINKLEY, Esquire, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1885. Born June 8, 1852, being the eldest son of Richard Graves Brinkley of Fortland, by his wife Hester, dau. of James Stuart Downs Dodd Lloyd of Ardagh, CO. Sligo, by Charlotte his wife, dau. of George Hepenstal. Armorial bearings — Azure, a cross patonce engrailed and in chief three estoiles or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cross patonce engrailed sur- mounted of an estoile, all or. Motto — " Mutabimur." Married, July 17, 1880, Annie Constance Isabel Worth- ington, second dau. of the late Rowland Edward Cooper; and has Issue — (1) John Rowland Lloyd, Brinkley, Gentle- man, b. 1882 ; (2) Edward Graves Brinkley, Gentleman, b. 1883; Mabel Fitzgerald ; Edith Sybil ; Annie Constance, rf. young, 1889 ; and Ruth Minna Constance. Seat — Fortland, Easkey, co. Sligo. JOHN BRINTON, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. for county of Worcester, for which he served the '^Rfttlf'nfl office of High Sheriff 1890. Born January iOlillVUll 25, 1827, being the third son of Henry Brinton, by his wife Martha Eliza, daughter of John Gardiner. Club — Windham. Livery — Dark blue, light blue edging. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per pale argent and gules, a lion salient double-queued between three annulets counterchanged ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a saltire gules, a beacon sable fired proper, with the Motto, " Lux et salus." Married, firstly, October 12, 1853, Anne, daughter of Samuel Oldham of Rathmines, in the county of Dublin ; secondly, January 12, 1865, Mary, daughter of Colonel John Chaytor of the Royal Engineers ; thirdly, December 24, 1891, Mary, widow of William S. Allen of Handsworth, Birmingham. Issue — (i) Selwyn John Curwen Brinton, Gentleman, born Oct. 22, 1859 ; (2) John Chaytor Brinton, Esq., Capt. 2nd Life Guards, b. April 5, 1867; (3) Reginald Seymour Brinton, Esq., J.P. CO. Worcester, b. Dec. 15, 1869 ; (4) Percival Robert Brin- ton, Gentleman, b. Feb. 5, 1873 ; (5) Oswald Walter Brin- ton, Esq., Capt. 21st Lancers, b. April 27, 1876 ; (6) Cecil Charles Brinton, Gentleman, b. April 25, 1883 ; Margaret Anne ; Brenda Katharine ; Sybil Grace ; and Martha Sabrina. Estates — Moor Hall, Stourport, in the county of Worcester ; Lurkenhope, m the county of Radnor, Postal address — Moor Hall, Stourport. H CHARLES THOMAS BRISBANE, Esquire, Deputy- W Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the county of Ayr. Bom September 19, 1844, being the only son of the late Charles Baillie Brisbane, by his wife Charlotte Maria, dau. of the late Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Baronet, of Belhus, in the county of Essex, and grandson of the late Sir (Jharles Brisbane, Knight Commander of the Most Honour- able Order of the Bath. Livery — Black and yellow. Ar- morial bearings (first matric. L.O., 1816 ; rematric. and altered 1881, recorded H. Coll.) — Sable, a chevron chequy or and gules between three cushions pendent by the corners of the second, a chief of honourable augmentation embattled argent, thereon on waves of the sea a ship of war under sail between two forts, the guns firing and on the battle- ments the Dutch flag all proper. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and next tlie same are set the two following Crests, namely, upon the dexter side the crest of honourable augmentation, that is to say, out of a naval crown or, a dexter arm embowed in the uniform of a captain of the Royal Navy, the hand grasping a cutlass proper, hiked and pommelled or, and from the hand pendent by a ribbon argent fimbriated azure, a gold medal representing that gfiven by His Majesty to Sir Charles Brisbane ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Curacao;" and upon the sinister side, on a wreath of his liveries, the family Crest, namely, a stork's head erased, holding in the beak a serpent writhing proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Certamine summo ; " and on a compartment below the shield are placed for Supporters, two talbots proper. Married, June, 1869, Florence Frances Henrietta, younger is the Naval Cockade. t6o TPri 'Bti oltlw iMr UMiirji IqIw TulMua 6 Cohrille Smt--hndbme, Uqr*. Ajmbii*. UMSouUtAfrinnCumiciiuO v Kop. Pwier s Hill, and UMtysmilh. ttc , tt99- 1900 N.B. Ctmh-CaKHtm, jmmar CxflUm. New Club (Edin- BUTTANV. qnrtered bjr COXYERS, CORBET, and FClK. BRTTTON. see CARLYON-BRITTON. « ARTHUR HENRY DANIEL BRITTON. Esqaire, LieaL 9m1 BatL RcmtxI Dublin Fosilien. fomierlj Capi. jrd Bah. %ajaX laaMlrilMat VwOaay. served in' the V»tf» Hmtntmrnd fapfd il i oB 1S98 (aMdal and dasp). in meda], 5 clasps; King^s medal, 2 clasps; twice mentioneil in despatches); also in Cape Colony and Transvaal in 1901 and 190a. Bom Oct. 19. 1875, Ixing the second a: ' jronnger son of the late Henry William Britlon, CJcntlf-ni of Caer Brilo. Ashley HiU. Bristol, by his wife Hani Canter [to whom refer], dau. and sole heiress of the late Ben- jamin Poole. Gentleman, of Sommerhill House, St. Geor^'s, near Bristol Livery— Dark drab, claret colour facings. AnBOrlal baazlngl — Quarterly or and gules, two lions paannt in diief and as many mullets of six points in base within a bordme engrailed all counterchangetl, a crescent for difierence. Creat— Upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erect and erased azure, gutt<5e-d'eau, between two mullets of six points also azure; with the MottO. "Sahit a torn." Mamtd. Sept. 19, 1900, Mary Maud, h U tlM MUitary Cockade. II j,.'p,r rftnr tot Eiiwarf AsxaioBB Cn i ii rt i i* of Cam p^ -tys«!» r.QBd. QfiBio UnstoL tviuu cutcr^j- — V^*-- dHAfl* VBt- aawk or. i6t TBro Qroaeooiba. Somcnet AzmorlAl bearUtsi - Argent, on a BBOunt in base, a stag lodRctl pro|K!r, on a chief azure, tbrve acorns sliptHHl or. Mantling azure and or. Orett - On a wreath of ihc colours, a fret azure, thereon a stag's head enuea/ — Laugharne, co. Carmarthen. BROCKET (R. L. , 1896). Or, a cross patonce sable. Only surv. d. and sole h. of Stanes Brocket Brocket Esq., J. P. and D.L,, of Spains Hall, Essex, b. 17 1873 ; m. , Elizabeth, d. of Isaac Rution of ( > Kent, and widow of John Woollett of Rye, Sus . \ Mrs. Mary Brocket, m. 1866, Charles I'ix Meryt.n . Rye, Sussex (who d.s.p. 1879). and resumed her maiil. name and arms by R.L., 1896. 5*fl/x -Spains H;il Ongar, Essex ; Rye, Susssex. BROCKHOLES, quartered by HORDERN. BROCKHOLES. HOLES. see FITZHERBERT - BROCK- RALPH BROCKLEBANK, Esquire, J.P. for co. ol Chester (Sheriff 1896). Horn 1840, being the eldest son of the late Ralph Brockk'bank, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for the CO. of Lancaster, and Eliza Ann his wife, eldest dau. of Richard Moon of Liverpool. Club — Windham. Livery Blue, red facings. Armorial bearings— Azure, an escallop or, between three brocks proper, on a chief engrailed or, a cock also prop)er between two escallops azure. Mrniffl ny azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount vert, thereon a cock proper, three escallops in fesse or. MottO — "God send grace." Seat — Haughton Hall, Tarporley, Cheshire. Postal address — 9 Faulkner Square, Liverpool. THOMAS BROCKLEBANK, Esquire, J.P. and D.I. for the CO. of Chester, Sheriff 1901. Born July 26, 184L being the second son of the late Ralph Brocklebank, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for the co. of Lancashire, and Eliza Ann is the Military Cockade. IBto IBto 163 !s wife, eldest daughter of Richard Moon of Liverpool. I «*j— Constitutional, Conservative, Ranelagh. Livery — ue, red facings. Armorial bearings — Azure, an escallop ( between three brocks proper, on a chief engrailed or, a ick also proper between two escallops azure ; and lipaling the arms of Royds, namely ermine, on a cross Igrailed between four lions rampant gules, a tilting- iear erect between as many bezants. Mantling azure |cl or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front ! a mount vert, thereon a cock proper, three escallops jiseways or. Motto — "God send grace." Married, 'aril 25, 1867, Mary Petrena, eldest daughter of Henry jwds, Esq., J. P. for the co. of Lancashire ; and has Issue !(i) Rev. John Wilfrid Royds Brocklebank, M.A. Oxford, jerk in Holy Orders, b. Aug. 23, 1869; (2) Ralph Eric hyds Brocklebank, Esq., J. P. co. Chester, b. Nov. 13, 1 70 [ot. , April 22, 1896, to Constance Alington, dau. of l;v. N. Royds, and has issue, Ralph Royds Brocklebank, ';ntleman, h. June 21, 1897; Denys Royds Brocklebank, (;ntleman, b. Sept, 14, 1898 ; Peter Royds Brocklebank, l^ntleman, h. Sept. 16, 1899, d. Jan. 7, 1900; Philip oyds Brocklebank, Gentleman, b. 1901], and Elsie Mary; ') Henry Cyril Royds Brocklebank, Gentleman, Lieut, in i.M.'s Navy, b. Jan. 22, 1874 [;«., Feb. 22, 1900, Honoria 'iroline, dau. of Commander W. H. Lewin, R.N. (retired), ! d has issue, Margaret Petrena and Elinor Joan Ida] ; 1) Richard Hugh Royds Brocklebank, Gentleman, 9th mrers, b. Jan. 3, 1881 ; ^5) Clement Edmund Royds I ocklebank. Gentleman, B. A. (Oxon.), b. Aug. 28, 1882; jary Adeline, d. May 2, 1881 ; Margaret Elsie Royds, ; Oct. 23, 1893. Seats — The Roscote, Heswall, Chester ; (ilia San Leonardo, Florence. ! tBROCKLEHURST of St. Clare, West Derby, Lanes. 884). Argent, a fess azure between two brocks chief, and on a mount in base a hurst proper. antling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of e colours, on a rock in front of two oak-branches fructed , saltire, a brock all proper. Motto— " Veritas me jrigit." Sons of George Brocklehurst of Liverpool, [d. ) : — Robert Brocklehurst. .ffej. — Roughwood Park, Chalfont . Giles, Bucks. S Brocklehurst. J?es. — BROCKLEHURST (H. Coll.). Party per pale argent id sable, three chevronels engrailed between as many ocks all counterchanged. Mantling sable and argent, rest— On a wreath of the colours, a brock sable, folding in the mouth a slip of oak fructed proper, in front a mount vert, thereon two oak-trees also proper. Motto -" Veritas me dirigit. " Sons of William Coare Brocklehurst, Esq., J. P., M.P., i. 1818 ; d. 1900 ; m. 1849, Mary, yr. d. of William Worthington, Esq., J. P., of Brockhurst Hall, North- wich : — William Brocklehurst Brocklehurst, Esq., J- P. Cheshire, .A. (Oxford), Lt.-Col. Chester Yeom., b. 1851. Estate— lurdsfield, nr. Macclesfield. iVa^— Butley Hall, Maccles- eld. Arthur John Pownall Brocklehurst, Esq., J.P. Cheshire, 1852. Postal address— ^\A\e.y Hall, Macclesfield. Sons of Henry Brocklehurst of Foden Bank, Maccles- field :— Col. John Fielden Brocklehurst, C.B., C.V.O., late ;.H.G., served in Egyptian War 1882, Nile Exped. 1884-5, ■qiierry to Q. Victoria 1899-1901, and to Q. Alexandra nee 1901, Col. comdg. R.H.G. 1895-9, comdg. 2nd 'av. Brig. Natal Field Forces 1899-1901, b. 1852; m. 878, Louisa Alice, d. of Hon. Laurence Parsons. Seat— iianksborough, Oakham, Rutland. C/«^.f — Carlton, I irooks's. 'Henry Dent Brocklehurst, Esq., J.P. Glos. and W.R. orks., Lord of the Manor of Sudeley, b. 1856; m. 1881, larion, d. of Hon. Egremont William Lascelles of liddlethorpe Manor, York. Seats — Sudeley Castle, Vinchcombe, R.S.O., Glos. ; Middlethorpe Manor, Alfred Brocklehurst, Gentleman, b. ; m. lorence, d. of Gen. Sir Archibald Little, G.C.B. Res.— he Spinney, Melton Mowbray. Sons of Sir Philip Lancaster Brocklehurst, ist Bart., J.P., D.L., b. 1827; d. 1904; m. 1884, Annie Lee, d. and coh. of Samuel Dewhurst [Arms of Dewhurst — Per chevronfgules, gutt(5-d'eau, and or, in chief three escallops of the last, and in base a mount therefrom issuant a fir-tree proper] of Southfield Hall, Cheshire: — Sir Philip Lee Brocklehurst, 2nd Bart. (25 Aug. 1903), b. 1887. Seats — Swythamley Park, co. Stafford ; Beech Hall, nr. Macclesfield. Town res. — i Stanhope Terrace, Hyde Park, W. Henry Courtney Brocklehurst, Esq., b. 1888. Res. — BRODIE, see CALLENDER-BRODIE. STAN ASHLEY MORETON BRODIE of Brodie, Esquire, J. P., Lord-Lieut, co. of Nairn, and J.P. Morayshire (Elgin), late Lieut. Scots Guards; served as Captain D.S.O. in Lovat's Scouts, in S. Africa (severely wounded). Born Sept. 26, 1868, being the eldest son of the late Brodie of Brodie, by his wife Lady Eleanor, third dau. of the late Rt. Hon. the Earl of Ducie. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron gules, between three mullets azure. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand holding three arrows all proper. Supporters — Two savages wreathed about the head and middle with laurel, each holding a club resting against the shoulder. Seat — Brodie Castle, Forres, N.B. C/?/i^j-— Bachelors', Guards'. ERNEST GEORGE BRODRIBB, Gentleman. Born July 22, 1856, being the third son of the late Hon. William is the Naval Cockade. i64 TBro Adams Brodribb. I.I'.. Member of the Legislative Council ol New South Wales, by his wife Eliza Maiihln. dnu. of lohn Kc-mietJv of Krtwyckc. Gunning. N.S. W. AxVMrUl bMtflBf* IVr chevron utiles and argent, in chief two swans ermine, lieaknl of iho lirit. IcRKt-'d sable, in base a mount vert, tlierefroin sprinsiiiK tliref roses of the first, stalkcil and leaved proper. Mantllnff gules and argent. Or«sV— On a wreath of tne colours, a mount vert, therefrom springing three roses gules, stalked and leaved proper, inlerlu-ed bv us many mascles. also interlaced fesseways or. Motto— " I'rudentia tutus." Pos/ai address— Mclhoume flub. Melbourne. Australia. litside»ce~ FRANK CIJVUDIUS BRODRIBB. Esquire. Justice of the Peace. iLi'ivrv— Claret colour, with white collar and cuffs, and silver l>utions and hat-band. Armorial bear- Ingt— Party per chevron gules and argent, in chief two swans ermine, beaked of the first, legged sable, and in base a mount vert, therefrom springing three roses gules, stalked and leaved proper ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, therefrom springing three roses gules, stalked and leaved proper, interlaced by as many mascles also interlaced fesseways or ; with the Motto, " Prudentia tutus." A't/a/w -" Wyallah." Toowoombah ; and " Kur- rowah." Darling Downs. Queensland. OWEN ADAMS KENNEDY BRODRIBB, Gentle- man. Bom May 18, 188 1, being the only son of the late Rev. William Kennedy Brodribb, B.A., Clerk in Holy Orders, by his wife Anne Montgomery, dau. of thei late Major Owen Richard Nathaniel LloydJ of " Rockville," CO. Roscommon. Ireland. Armorial |bearlngB— Party per chevron gules and argent, in chief two swans ermine, beaked of the first, legged sable, and in base a mount vert, therefrom springing three roses gules, stalked and leaved prof>er. Crest-— On a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, therefrom springing three roses gules, stalked and leaved proper, interlaced by as many mascles also interlaced fesse- ways or. Motto — '* Prudentia tutus." Residence— S WILLIAM BRODRICK CLOETE, Esquire, M.A. (Oxford), Captain West Somerset Yeomanry, late Lieut. Edinburgh Artillery Militia. Born , being the son of the late Lawrence Graham Cloete (eldest son of the Hon. Henry Cloete and his wife Christian Helen, dau. of Robert Graham. Esq., of Fintry, the lineal descendant of Sir William Graham. Lord of Kincardine and Chief of his name, by his second wife Lady Mary Stuart, dau. of Robert IIL. King of Scotland). The Cloete family is of German extraction, and flourished in the sixteenth century in the TBtO Principality of Nassau ; Jacob Cloeten landing at the C.n in 1653 with Van kielx'ik, the first Governor. The Hon Henry Cloete was ap[N>inted in 1843 Her Majesty's (.Om missioner for the settlement of affairs in Naial. Littn Claret, with red facings. Armorial bearingfs Per pal. f argent and or, two wings conjoined in leure gules, on a chief engrailed of the last two javelins in saltire of the &ret. M ftTitUng gules and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, two javelins in pale points upwards interlaced by as many saltireways, banded gules, between two wings per fesse argent and gules. Motto — " Ubi eras." Seat—Wzxt Park, Botlisham, Cambridge. Clubs— Oxford and Cam- i bridge, Cavalry. j HORACE BROKE, Esquire, J. P. Borti Sept. 26, i8r- being the only son of the late Major-General Horatio Gei Broke, sometime A.D.C. to the Queen, and Col. of ; 88th Regt. , by his wife Frederica .Sophia, dau. of Jai Mure of Cecil Lodge, Herts. Club — United Univer- Armorial bearing^s — Or, a cross engrailed party per \ sable and gules. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On awn of the colours, a brock or badger passant proper. Mam, first, May 8, i860, Charlotte, eldest dau. of Brampton Gurdon M.P., of I^tton Hall, Norfolk ; and by her, who d. Jan. 11, 1868, had Issue— (i) Horatio George Broke, M.A., Vicar of Holme, near Peterborough, b. Nov. 27, 1861 {m., June i, 1893, Mary Campbell, dau. of the late Henry Smith Adlington of Holme Hale Hall, Norfolk, and has issue]; (2) Harry Broke, Esq., Major R.E., b. May 11, 1864; (3) Philip Broke, Gentleman, Assistant Master at Eton, b. Jan. 9, 1867; and Katharine Louisa. He m. secondly, April 23, 1870, Georgina Marianne, eldest dau. of the late Sir Richard Mayne, Chief Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police ; and by her has— Margaret Georgina. Postal ad- dress — Gladwyns, Harlow, Essex. S CHARLES JAMES BROMHEAD. Esquire, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; has commanded the 24th Regimental District since 1892. Bom 1840, being the son of the late Sir Edmund Gonville Brom- head, third Baronet, by his wife Judith Coristine, younges- daughter of James Wood of Woodville, in the county of Sligo ; has medals— Ashantee 1873, 1874, with clasp ; Zulu, with clasp ; Biirmah, with clasp ; was cre;ited Comp.inion "f the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1893. 6/«/5— United Service. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, on a bend argent, between two leopards' faces or, a mural crown gules, between two fleurs-de-lis sable. Upon the escut- cheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown gules, a unicorn s head argent, armed or, holding in the mouth a rose gules, is the Military Cockade. IBxo IBro 165 flipped and leaved proper; with l'»s crescunt. " Married, 1876, Alice Marie, daughter of the ;ue Thomas Freckleton ; and has /ssne livmg— A son, born ' 877. Postal address — Brecon. i WILLIAM BROMLEY-DAVENPORT, Esq., J. P. co. Chester, Capt. Staffordshire Yeomanry Cavalry, M. P. for vlacclesfield Division of co. Chester since 1886. Bom Jan. 21, ;862, being the eldest son of the late William Bromley- ;)aveiiport, Esq., of Capesthorne, J. P. and D. L., M.P. or North Warwickshire, Lieut-Col. Staffordshire Yeomanry (:avalry, by his wife Augusta Elizabeth, dau. of Walter 'rederick Campbell, Esq., of Islay; succeeded his father lune IS, 1884. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, rgent, on a chevron between three cross crosslets fitch^e able, a rose of the field (for Davenport) ; 2 and 3, quarterly ler fesse indented gules and or, an inescocheon argent harged with a griffin segreant vert, all within a bordure ,obony argent and azure, and for distinction, a canton er- iiine (for Bromley). Upon the escutcheon is placed a jielmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and ar- |;ent; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, \. man's head in profile proper, around the neck a rope or for Davenport) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-Iion i3suant argent (charged for distinction on the shoulder with , cross crosslet fitch(5e sable), supporting a pennon flying 'owards the sinister gules thereon a lion passant guardant i)f the first, the staff and spear erect proper (for Bromley), 'llotto — "Fear God, honour the king." Seats — Capes- thorne, Chelford, Crewe; Calveley,- Nantwich ; Baginton lall, Coventry; and Wooton Hall, Ashbourne. To7vn house — I Belgrave Place, S.W. Clubs — Carlton, Welling- jon, and White's. : MAURICE BROMLEY-WILSON, Esquire, J.P. co. Westmorland, Higli Sheriff 1900, Lieut. Notts Yeomanry Cavalry (formerly Bromley ; assumed the additional surname Jind arms of Wilson by Royal Licence dated 1897). Born : une 27, 187s, being the second son of Sir Henry Bromley, 5th j ?aronet, and his wife Adela Augusta, only child of Westley Richards. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, I hree wolves' heads couped sable, vulned proper (for Wilson) ; 1! and 3, quarterly per fesse indented gules and or (for |?romley). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a vreath of the colours, a crescent or, therefrom flames (ssuant proper (for Wilson) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, !.i pheasant proper (for Bromley). 5ea^ - Dallam Tower, iVlilnthorp, Westmorland. Club — Junior Carlton. i BROOKP:, quartered by FIRMAN and LUXMOORE. BROOKE (R.L., 1797; granted 1785). Chequy argent mount vert, a brock per pale sable and argent. Motto — " Virtus est Dei." Z./fery— Blue, yellow facings. Sons of John Townshend Brooke, Esq. , of Haughton Hall, J. P., B.A. Oxon., b. 1844; d. 1899; m. 1874, Lady Wilhelmina Legge, ygst. d. of William, 4th Earl of Dartmouth : — William John Brooke, Esq., Capt. 3rd Shropshire Lt. Inf. (Mil.), b. 1876; m. 1901, Gwendolen, d. of J. D. Kellie Mac Galium of Quinton Rising, Northants ; and has issue — (i) Richard Townshend Brooke, Gentlemann, b. 1903; and Margaret Eleanor. Seat — Haughton Hall, Shifnal, CO. Salop. George Townshend Brooke, Gentleman, b. 1878. Kes. — Basil Richard Brooke, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., b. 1882. Kes.— Yr. son of Rev. John Brooke of Haughton Hall, Vicar of Shifnal, M.A.,^. 1803; d. 1881 ; m. 1843, Georgiana Frances, d. of John Cotes of Woodcote, by Lady Maria Grey, d. of 5th Earl of Stamford :— Rev. Charles Brooke, M.A. (O.xon.), Vicar of Grendon, b. 1846 ; m. 1884, Bertha Ann, d. of Rev. William Thornton of Kingsthorpe, Northants. Res. — The Vicarage, Grendon, Northants. Club — United University. BROOKE (H. Coll.). Argent, a cross per pale gules and sable, between four brocks of the last. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of and sable, on a canton vert, a brock or. Mantling sable •gent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a a rock proper, a brock sable. MottO — " Vis unita fortior." Son of :^ Gilbert Edward Brobke, Gentleman, Seat—Wcx\.ox\, co. Glos. Res, — Singapore. EDGAR WILLIAM BROOKE, Gentleman. Born December 19, 1862, being the second :^on of the late John Brooke, Gentleman, by his first wife Elizabeth Hannah, daughter of William Greenwood of Hudderslield. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a cross nebuly per pale gules and sable, in the first and fourth quarters a boar's head erased of the last ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a sword erect, entwined by two serpents respecting each other proper, a boar's head erased sable ; with the Motto, " Est nee astu." EDWARD BROOKE, Gentleman, late Lieut Grena- dier Guards. Born 1856, being the second son of the late Francis Capper Brooke, Esq., late Captain Grenadier Guards, High Sheriff 1869, by his second wife Louisa, second dau. of James Duff. Armorial bearings - Gules, on a chevron argent, a lion rampant sable, crowned or, armed and langued of the first. Mantling gules and argent. is the Naval Cockade. i66 15X0 TBro OTMt On a ch.npr-au gules, turned up ermine, a wing erect of tho tiisi, chiUKfil with a chevron argent, thereon a lion nunt>ant iiible, crowned gold. Seat Uflbrd Place, near Woodbridge. Rtsidenn 33 Brompton Square, S.W. EDWARD BRCX)KE, Esquire, of Oakley House, Hudderstield, in the county of York, justice of the Peace for the borough of Mudderstield. Bom October 27, 1830, being the second and eldest surviving son of the late Edward Brooke, Gentleman, of Field House, Mudderstield, by his first wife Martha, daughter of Eli Smith of Greetland, Halifax, in the county of York. ArmorUJ bearlogs— He bears for Amu : Argent, a cross nebuly per pale gules and sable, in the first and fourth quarters a boar s head erased of the last ; and tor his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a sword erect, the blade entwined by two serpents respecting each other proper, a boar's head erased sable ; with the Motto, " Est nee astu." Married, May 6, 1858. Anne, daughter of Isaac Burkill of I^eeds ; and has litue — (i) Edward Burkill Brooke, Gentleman, born July 38, 1859 [to whom refer] ; (a) Henry Norman Brooke, Gentleman, born September 30, 1864 ; (3) Frederick Howard Brooke, Gentleman, born April 27, i86i5 ; (4) Arthur Lyell Brooke, Gentleman, born April 27, 1869 ; Annie Maud (married, 1890, Frank Hirst of Lascelles Hall, Hudders- taeld] : Martha Helen [married, 1882, Bernard Parkin of Lydgate House, Sheffield] ; and Winifred Mary. EDWARD BROOKE, Gentleman. Bom Aug. 25, 1885, being the only son of the late Edward Burkill Brooke, Gentlen)an, of Thorpe AIniondbury, in the co. of York, by his wife Gertrude, dau. of Richard Barker of Huddersfield. Armorial bearings— Argent, a cross nebuly per pale gules and sable, in the tirst and fourth quarters a boar's head erased of the last. Crest— ^On a wreath of the colours, in front of a sword erect, entwined by two serpents re- specting each other prof>er, a boar's hean a wreath of the colours, in front of a sw. erect, the bl.ide entwined by two serpents res[)ectinK c other proper, a Ixjar's head erased sable ; with tiie Molt " Est nee astu." Married, July 25, 1872, Alice Maud M.i daughter of John Bottomley of Fort Breda, Belfast; a has had /;.;»« — Hilda; Marion, died September 17, i8;' and Marjorie. HUBERT EDWARD BROOKE, Gentleman. Bon, October 20, 1868, being the third son of the late !■ ' Brooke, Gentleman, by his first wife Elizabeth Ilann daughter of William Greenwood of Huddersfield. Armori bearing^ — He bears for Arms: Argent, a cross neimly pale gules and sable, in the first and fourth quarters a Ix. head erased of the last ; and for his Crest, upon a wre of the colours, in front of a sword erect, entwined by t serpents respecting each other proper, a boar's head eraitu sable ; with the MottO, " Est nee astu." JOHN ARTHUR BROOKE, Esquire, of Fenay H ■ Almondbury, in the county of York, Justice of the I'eao- ; the West Riding of that county and for the borougli Huddersfield, Master of Arts of the University of Oxfc Born March 22, 1844, being the fourth son of the 1 Thomas Brooke, Gentleman, of Northgate House, Honlcj, in the county of York, by his wife Ann, daughter of Joseph Ingham of Hunslet, in the county of York. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a cross nebuly per pale gules and sable, in the first and fourth quarters a boar's head erased of the last ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of ^ is tbe Military Cockade. IBxo TBtO 167 iie colours, in front of a sword erect, the blade entwined by IVo serpents respecting each other proper, a boar's head i'-ased sable; with the Motto, "Est nee astu.' Married, [inuary 7, 1873, Blanche, daughter of Major Charles i/eston of Morvich, in the county of Sutherland ; and has Ifue — (i) John Weston Brooke, Gentleman, formerly Lieut. ':h Hussars, born July 2, 1880 ; (2) Robert Weston Brooke, [entleman, born August 10, 1885 ; Blanche ; and Dorothy, \eats—Fena.y Hall, Huddersfield ; Fearn Lodge, Ardgay, p. Ross. I: JOHN KENDALL BROOKE, Esquire, of Sibton Park, [sar Yoxford, in the county of Suffolk, Justice of the Peace j)r that county. Master of Arts of the University of Oxford. t'orn March 31, 1856, being the eldest son of the late John 1/illiam Brooke, Esquire, of Sibton Park, near Yoxford, in le county of Suffolk, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- J.ieutenant for that county. Master of Arts of the University jf Oxford, by his wife Jemima Charlotte, daughter of James 'rittain of Buenos Ayres. Armorial bearings— He bears !)r Arms : Argent, a cross nebuly per pale gules and sable, ii the first and fourth quarters a boar's head erased of the iist, and impaling the arms of Acton, namely gules, two [ons passant argent, between nine cross crosslets fitch^e tr. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a iword erect, the blade entwined by two serpents respect ,ig each other proper, a boar's head erased sable ; with jie Motto, " Est nee astu." Married, April 18, 1882, |lelen Beatrice, daughter of Captain Edward Wilham i'rederick Acton of Gatacre Park, in' the county of Salop ; ;nd has Issm—(i) John Acton Brooke, Gentleman, born [lugust 5, 1883 ; (2) Reginald William Acton Brooke, ilentleman, born May 12, 1889 ; (3) Frederick Acton Brooke, Jentleman, born March 28, 1891 ; Pliilip Acton Brooke, ientleman, born Oct. 7, 1894; Cecilia Acton; and Mabel vcton. Seat— Hihton Park, near Yoxford, Suffolk. Ciud —United University. { The Venerable JOSHUA INGHAM BROOKE, i\rchdeacon, Halifax, and Canon of Wakefield. Bom ;'eb. 14, 1836, being the third son of the late Thomas lirooke. Gentleman, of Northgate House, Honley, in the ;:o. of York, by his wife Ann, dau. of Joseph Ingham of iiunslet, in the co. of York. Armorial bearings — Argent, ji cross nebuly per pale gules and sable, in the first and jburth quarters a boar's head erased of the last. Crest— : Jpon a wreath of the colours, in front of a sword erect, • lie blade entwined by two serpents respecting each other ; proper, a boar's head erased sable. Motto, "Est nee ristu." Married, July 5, 1859, Grace Charlotte, dau. of I Lieut. -General Christopher Godby of Southbank, Bath- i3aston, in the co. of Somerset, C.B. ; and has had Issue— ■(i) Rev. William Ingham Brooke, M.A. (Oxon.), Rector 3{ Barford, Warwickshire, i. April 7, 1862 [m., March 31, ,1891, Beatrice, dau. of Surgeon-Major George Wallich ; land has issue, Rupert Joshua Ingham Brooke, Gentleman ; ■Oliver Ingham Brooke, Gentleman ; Faith; Marjorie ; Ida i.loyce; and Beatrice Olwen] ; (2) Christopher Robert Ing- jham Brooke, Esq., Brevet-Major ist K.O.Y.L.I., 6. July 14, 1869 [m., 1899, Irene Spencer, dau. of Col. Codding- |ton, R.E., and has issue, Robert Astur Ingham Brooke, Gentleman, and Grace Desir^e] ; (3) Edward Vanrenen I Ingham Brooke, Gentleman, B.A. (Oxon.), Lieut. 2nd K.O.Y.L.I., 6. Sept. 23, 1877 (killed at Bakenlaagte, Oct. 30. 1901); Margaret [m., 1879, Rev. Canon Grenside, M.A., Rector of Thornhill, and has issue]; Emily Mary ^[/«., 1888, Rev. George Alexander Grenside, M.A., Rector of Thorpe Bassett, in the co. of York, d. April 9, 1890] ; Edith, d. July 26, 1882 ; Grace Millicent ; Mabel ; and Barbara Joan. Jiesidence—WoodgTeaves, Wakefield. BROOKE. Quarterly i and 4, paly of six gules and argent, on a chevron of the last, a lion rampant sable between two pellets (for Brooke) ; 2 and 3 or, on a fesse engrailed sable, tjetween three escallops azure, two eagles displayed of the field (for Reeve). Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a wing elevated paly of six gules and argent, charged with a cfievron as in the arms (for Brooke) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head couped sable, bezantfe, in the mouth a lily argent, slipped proper (for Reeve). sons of Rev. Richard England Brooke, M.A., Canon of York, ,5. 1821; d. 1900; m. 31 Mar. 1846, Harriet (deceased), d. of William Bonner Hopkins of Great Limber, Lincolnshire :— John Reeve Brooke, Gentleman, Barrister- at-Law, 6. 29 Jan. 1848 ; m. 1876, Charlotte Mary, d. of Rev. J. Baldwin Brown of Brixton ; and has issue — John Reeve Brooke, Gentleman, 6. 1880 ; Margaret Elizabeth Reeve ; and Char- lotte Mary Reeve. /^es.—Tha Red House, Bushey, Herts. William Parker Brooke, Gentleman, M.A. (Camb.), d. 29 Dec. 1850. Herbert Richard Brooke, Gentleman, M.A. (Camb.), 6. 9 Feb. 1859. Rev. Alan England Brooke, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Camb.), d. Sept. 1863. §SiR THOMAS BROOKE, ist Baronet (1899), F.S.A., Justice of the Peace, Deputy- Lieut. , and Chairman of Quarter Sessions for the West Riding of the county of York, late Lieut. -Colonel commanding sth West Riding Rif^e Volunteers. Born May 31, 1830, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Brooke of Armitage Bridge, by his wife Anne, dau. of Joseph Ingham. Armorial bearings — Argent, a cross nebuly per pale gules and sable, in the first and fourth quarters a boar's head erased of the last ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a sword erect, the blade entwined by two serpents respecting each other proper, a boar's head erased sable ; with the Motto, "Est nee astu." Married, firstly, September 20, 1854, Eliza, daughter of Enoch Vickerman of Stepps, in the West Riding of the county of York (she died September 5, 1855) ; secondly, July 3, i860, Amelia (who died May 10, 1901), daughter of David Dewar of Dunfermline, in the county of Fife ; and thirdly, September 30, 1902, Mary, daughter of James Priestley, F^sq. , Justice of the Peace of Bankfield, Huddersfield, and widow of the late Rev. C. F. Forster, Vicar of Beckwithshaw, Harrogate. Estates — Armitage Bridge, in the townships of South Crossland and Almondbury ; also sundry lands and tenements in the townships of Thurstonland, Honley, Ossett, Heckmondwike, Horbury, Thornhill, Thornes, and Soothill Nether, all in the West Riding of Yorkshire, and Barrow-in-Furness, co. Lanes. Postal address — Armitage Bridge, Huddersfield. CI u is -Carlton, Constitutional. WILLIAM BROOKE, Esquire, of Northgate Mount, Honley, in the county of York, Justice of the Peace for the is tlie Naval Cockade. i68 15t0 T6ro West Riding of lh«l county. Bom December a. 1834, being Ihr wcoiui son of i»»e Uue Thomas Brooke. Gentleman, of Northgjito Woxise, Uonley. in the county of York, by his wife Ann. daughter of joM«|)h Ingham of Hunslet, in the county of York. ArmorUl bearing*— • 'e bears for Arms ; Argent, a cross nebuly per fwile gules and sable, in the first and fourth quarters a boar's head erased of the last ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a sword erect, the blade entwined by two serpents respecting each other proper, a boar's head erased sable ; with the Kotto. "Est nee astu." Married, October 19, 1871, Gertrude Elizabeth, daughter of Joshua In'^ham of Blake Hall, Mirfield. in the county of York ; and has Issue — Thomas Brooke, Gentleman, born November 16. 1875 ; and Gertrude Elizabeth. Residence — Northgate Mount, Honley. Yorks. WILLIAM BROOKE, Gentleman, of York. Born January 20, 1839. being the third son of the late Exlward Brooke. Gentleman, of Field House, Huddersfield, by his first wife Martha, daughter of Eli Smith of Greetland. Halifax, in the county of York. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, a cross nebuly per pale gules and sable, in the first and fourth quarters a boar's head erased of the last ; and for his Crest, up>on a wreath of the colours, in front of a sword erect, the blade entwined by two serpents respecting each other prop>er. a boar's head erased sable ; with the Motto, " Est nee astu." Married, May 28, 1867, Jane, daughter of Henry Wood of Aberford ; and has had Isstu — (i) Edward Brooke, Gentleman, born July 18, 1869 ; {2) Henry Brooke, Gentleman, born August 2, 1878 ; Fanny ; Amy Elizabeth ; Kate ; and Martha, died 1878. BROOKE-POPHAM (R.L., 6 May 1904. H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, argent, on a chief gules, two stag's heads caboshed or (Popham, temp. Edw. I.); 2 and 3, argent, on a cross engrailed per pale sable and gules, a spear erect between two annulets or (Brooke). Mantling gules and argent. Crests r. on a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased proper (Popham) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on the stock of an oak-tree fesseways sprouting to the dexter, a brock statant all proper. Only son of Henry Brooke, Esq., J. P. Suffolk, formerly 42nd Highlanders, by Dulc'ibella Letitia, d. of Rev. Robert Moore : — Henry Robert Moore Brooke - Popham (R.L., 1904, formerly Brooke). Esq.. Capt. Oxfordshire Lt. Inf.,*. 1878. £j/a&— Bagborough, Somerset. M ARTHUR MONTAGU BROOKFIELD, Esquire, W Justice of the Peace for the county of Sussex, formerly a Lieutenant 13th Hussars, Colonel command- ing ist Cinque Ports Rifle Volunteers, Member of Par- liament for the Rye Division of the county of Sussex. Born March 18, 1853. being the son of the late Reverend W. H. Brookfield. Chaplain to Her Majesly.by hiswife JancOctavi 1 daughter of Sir Charles ICIion, sixth liiironct. (ii,b Cailti.i l.iitry — Green with yellow facings. Armorial bearings He bears for Arms: Vert, a fesse wavy argt-ni, on a Imd between two garl« or. three mullets of six points s;ii4. Upon the cscutchi^on is placed a helmet lx;fitiing his(li'f;ii . with a mantling vert and argent ; and lor his Crest, u|x.ii wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect in armour prop. : holding a sickle paleways also proper, and two eai b of whi in saltire stalked and bladed or; with the Motto, " Hew.i the reaping." Married, Oct. 11. 1877. Olive llanni daughter of the late James Murray Hamilton , Esquire, ot New Abljey. North Britain, and HuOalo, United States of 1 America; and has Issue— [\) Edward Williams Hamilton Brookfield, Gentleman, R. N., b. June 24, 1880; (2) Eugiti Murray Brookfield, Gentleman, b. Aug. 26, 1885; Ix-'tii Mary Virginia ; Violet Elizabeth ; Olive Agnes Margarn and Cornelia Constance. Postal address — Leasam. Ry. Sussex. BROOKS. BROOKS. see CLOSE- BROOKS, and BU *l H MAURICE BROOKS. Esquire, J. P., D.L. co. of W Dublin. Lord Mayor of the city of Dublin 1874. M.P. for the city of Dublin 1874- 1885. Born Nov. 30. 1823, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Brooks of Abbev Street, Dublin. Livery— Slravf and blue. Armorial bear ings — Azure, on a cross engrailed argent, a civic crown v4 in the first quarter a trefoil slipped or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest-On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a badger passant proper, the dexter forepaw resi ing on a civic crown as in the arms. Motto — " Rcs[)ice aspice prospice." Married, firstly, 1847, Harriet Maria (y -lAght blue coat, buff ollar, silver buttons. Armorial bearings— Azure, two I lends' wavy argent, within a bordure or. Mantling azure ( nd argent. Crest— A stag's head couped proper, attired iir, charged on the neck with two bars wavy azure. Married, April 9, 1885, Katharine Graham, dau. of Hugh Morris .ang, Esq., of Broadmeadows, J. P. and D.L. for the co. Mf Selkirk ; and has Issue — (i) Stamp Brooksbank, b. Jan. 16, iSSy; (2) Edward York Brooksbank, b. Dec. 17, 1888 ; and l.largaret Graham. Postal address — Healhaugh Old Hall, I 'adcaster. C/a^— Oxford and Cambridge, Yorkshire. I WALTER LAMPLUGH BROOKSBANK, Esquire, I. P. for the CO. of Cumberland. Born Nov. 4, 1850, being he son of James Brooksbank, Barrister-at-Law, by his wife \lrtriann, tide Edmonds. Livery— ^Xvrn. Armorial bear- ings—Azure, two bars wavy argent, within a bordure or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — A hart's head couped ;)roper, attired or, charged on the neck with two bars wavy zure. Married, 1877, to Mary Anne Madeline, second Ian. of Francis Greenwell of the co. of Durham ; and has '^'ssue — James Lamplugh Brooksbank, b. 1888; Madeline fithel (deceased) ; Katharine Dorothy Aurora ; Honor (Elizabeth ; Philippa Myrtle ; and Una Frances Honora. ■Jv^afoj- Lamplugh Hall and Manor of Lamplugh. Club l-Junior Carlton. i BROTHERTON, quartered by' HOWARD, MOW- [5RAY, NORFOLK, and STOURTON. BROUGHTON, quartered by CONYERS. ' JOHN LAMBART BROUGHTON, Esquire, for- inerly Capt. Staffordshire Militia. Born Jan. 19, 1831, )eing the second son of the late Peter Broughton, Esq., '.P. and D.L., by his wife Anna Ogilvie, dau. of John jimithwick. Armorial bearings — Argent, two bars gules, fm a canton of the second, a cross of the first, a cres- «nt for difference, and impaling the arms of Adderley, Iirgent, on a bend azure, three mascles of the field. Mantling ;;ules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, !i sea-dog's head couped gules, eared and finned argent. \\iarried, Oct. 11, 1859, Anne Selina, youngest dau. of ;^alph Adderley of Coton and Barlaston, co. Stafford ; :-nd has Issue — (i) Hubert John Broughton, Gentleman : who assumed the additional name of Adderley 1886), b. Aug. •:6, i860; [/«., 1886, Hon. Florence Margaret Handcock, '.econd dau. of Richard, fourth Lord Castlemaine, and ■las issue]; (2) Ralph Broughton, Gentleman, Lieut. 9th il^ancers, b. July 1863, d.s.p. July 17, 1885; Rosemond \in., |t88i, Delves Louis Broughton]; Evelyn Selina, \in., 1890, iiJeut. Col. Charles Turnbull]; Florence \m. F. H. Bowles]; 'ileanor; and Amy Marguerite. Seat — Tunstall Hall, ;VIarket Drayton, co. Salop. Residertce — 37 Cornwall Gar- 'lens, S.W. i HUBERT JOHN BROUGHTON-ADDERLEY, Gentle- 'nan, late Lieutenant 4th Battalion Prince of Wales' North Staffordshire Regiment. Burn i860, being the eldest son •)f John L. Broughton of Almington Hall, in the county of iStafford, by his wife Anne Selina, youngest daughter of the ate Ralph Adderley of Coton Hall, and nephew of the late Ralph Thomas Adderley, Esquire, of Barlaston and Coton ; iucceeded his brother 1885 ; assumed the name of Adderley py Royal License in 1886. Armorial bearings— He bears or Arms: Argent, on a bend azure, three mascles of the iield, arid impaling the arms of Handcock, namely ermine, ;on a chief sable, a de.xter hand between two cocks argent, irnied, wattled, and jelloped gules. Upon the escutcheon 'S placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling izure and argent; and for his Crest, on a chapeau gules, ^rned up ermine, a stork argent. Married, 1886, the Hon. Florence Margaret, second daughter of the Right Honour- ible Richard Handcock, fourth Baron Castlemaine ; and Tas, with other /w?/e— Peter Handcock Broughton- Adderley, jentleraan, born 1891. 6V«^j— Barlaston Hall, Stoke-on- Trent ; Coton Hall, Sudbury, in the county of E>erby. §JOHN BROUN BROUN-MORISON, of Finderlie ^ and Murie, Esquire, J. P. and D.L., Fellow of the society of Antiquaries of Scotland, late Lieut. 3rd Batt. Black Watch. Member of 'The Royal Company of Archers (H.M. the King's Bodyguard of Gentleman for Scotland, Member and Visitor of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, Commissioner of Supply for Perthshire and Kin- ross-shire, Commissioner of Income Tax, Perthshire, a Member of the Council of the University of Edinburgh. Born January 22, 1840, being the only son of the late Rev. James Broun of Finderlie, by his wife Mary Neil, daughter of the late Rev. James Hay, Doctor of Divinity. Clubs — Brooks's, Reform. Liveries — White, with black facings, and white, with red facings. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent a fesse sable between three Moors' heads couped proper, banded or (for Morison) ; 2 and 3 gules, a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis argent (for Broun). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crests, on the dexter side, on a wreath of the liveries, three Moors' heads conjoined in one neck proper, banded or, one looking upwards, the others to the dexter and sinister (for Morison) ; and on the sinister side, on a wreath of the liveries a lion rampant proper, holding in the dexter fore-paw a fleur-de-lis argent (for Broun) ; and in escrolls above the crests these Mottoes, ' ' Prudentia prsestet," " Floreat majestas." Married, Sept. 20, 1864, Eve Magda- lene (d. 1896), dau. of George Waugh of Queensborough Terrace, London; and has Issue — (i) Guy Edward Broun- Morison, Esq., J. P., b. March 4, 1867 \m. 1903, Beatrice F. Crowley] ; (2) Valentine Dudley Ogilvy Broun-Morison, Gentleman, b. 1869; (3) Basil Broun-Morison, Gentleman, b. 1875 ; (4) Henry de Annand Broun-Morison, Gentleman, b. February 19, 1885 ; Maud, d. 1865 ; Muriel, d. 1875 ; Gwendolen \m. A. O. Bevitt] ; and Blanche Aim6e. Estates— Murie, in the co. of Perth ; Finderlie, in the co. of Kinross. Postal addresses — The House of Murie, Errol, N.B. ,and Harrow-on-the-Hill, Middlesex. FRANCIS HENRY ERNEST BROUNCKER, Gen- tleman, late Lieut. R.A. Boi-n Jan. 29, 1865, being the only son of the late Henry Francis Brouncker, Esq. , J. P. cos. Southampton and Dorset, late Lieut. 24th Regt., by his wife Mary Katherine, eldest dau. of Everson Harrison, Esq., of Tolethorpe Hall, Rutlandshire, J. P. Armorial bearings — Argent, six pellets, three, two, and one, a chief embattled sable, thereon a lozenge fesseways of the field, charged with a cross pat6e of the second between two crescents of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, out of battlements sable, a dexter cubit arm vested, charged with two bendlets wavy of the first, holding in the hand proper a lozenge in pale, charged with a cross pat^e as in the arms. Motto — " Duty." Married, Oct. 29, 1889, Clementina Mary, dau. of C. D. F. PhiUips, M.D., LL.D. Seat — Boveridge, Cranborne. Club — Hyde Park. BROWE, quartered by DAVENPORT. BROWELL. Azure, on a rock, in base proper an eagle with wings elevated argent, in chief a naval crown or be- I is the Naval Cockade. 17© TBtO iw«en two estoUes ktoo tuf^t^M. Mant lin g azure and argent Cr««»— On • wrenlh of the colours. ;i rock proper. tbrtron in front of an anchor cabled in Ix-nd sinister sable an Mcle rising iilso proper. Motto— " Virtule quama stutia." Sons of Kdwnrd Mash Browell. Esq.. J. P., late Secre- tary to llonrd of Green Cloth, i. i8o8 ; endent from the arm by a riband gules an escutcheon or, charged with an oak-tree eradicated proper. Motto — " Honor meus vita mea," .^«. — Durban. Natal Sir CHARLES GAGE BROWN, K.C.M.G.. LL.D., M.D. , F. R.C.P., was Physician and Medical Adviser to the Colonial Office and to the Crown Agents for the Colonies 1874-97. Bom 1826, being the son of the late Com. Charles Brown, R. N. . sometime Queen's Harbour- Master at Portsmouth. Aimorial bearings — Argent, a fesse wavy between two estoiles in chief and a saltire couped in base all azure. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect holding in the hand a steering-wheel all proper. Motto — " Spes ultra." Married, 1855. Mary Anne. dau. of the late William. McP. Rice, formerly Ch. Naval Constructor in H.M.'s Dockyards at Pembroke and Woolwich; and TBro has Issue— (1) Charles Herbert Gage Brown, Esq.T ».. (Edinburgh), b. 1859 [to whom refer]; (a) William' P.* Gaqe Brown, Esq., b. i860; Elinor Edith; Emily Ethel; and Louisa Charlotte. Residence— H Sloane Street, S.W, CHARLES HERBERT GAGE BROWN, Esquire. M.D. (Edin.), M.R.C.S. (Eng). Born 1859, being the elder son of Sir Charles Gage Brown, K.C.M.G. , M.D.. F. R.C.P., by his wife Mary Anne, dau. of the late William M'P. Rice, formerly Chief Naval Constructor in H.M.'s Dockyards at Pembroke and Woolwich. Armorial bear- ings Argent, a fesse wavy between two estoiles in chief and a saltire couped in base all azure, a label for difTerencf. Mantling azure and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect holding in the hand a steering- wheel all proper. Motto " Spes ultra. " Afa /-rieti, i8gi, Janet Pitcairn, dau. of the Rev. J. P. Sandlands, M.A. ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Lewis Gage Brown. Esq., i. 1892 ; (2) John Douglas Gage Brown, Gentleman, b. 1898; Sybil E. ; and Phyllis. Postal address - 85 Cadogan Place. S.W. C/Ki5— Automobile. BROWN. Per pale sable and gules, on a bend engrailed with plain double cotises, between two escallops argent, three lions passant guardant of the first. MtmtUng sable and argent. Crest -Upon a wreath of the coloure, two escallops or, thereon resting an eagle displayed vert, in the beak a cross crosslet fitch?e gold. Motto — "Suivez raison " : — Sons of Rev. Dixon Dixon Brown, J. P.. D.L., M.A., b. 1826 ; d. ; m. 5 July i860, Georgiana Elizabeth, d. of Col. Ferrers Loft us : — Lionel Dixon Brown, Gentleman, b. 14 Feb. 1865. Alfred Dixon Brown, Gentleman, b. 22 June 1867. ^ Is the MiUtary Cockade. Jl IBvo HORATIO ROBERT FORBES BROWN, Esquire, of 4ew Hall Midlothian, and of Carlops, Peeblesshire, J. P. *ur cos Edinburgh and Peebles. Bom 1854, being the Idest son of Hugh Horatio Brown of New Hall and Car- ODS whorf 1866, by Gulielmina Forbes Ranaldson, dau. i,f the late Col. Ranaldson Macdonell of Glengarry and : "lanranald, N. B. Armorial bearings - Gules, on a chev- lon between three fleurs-de-lis or, a garb vert, banded azure. tfantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of jiis liveries, a ship in the sea firing the signal for sailing, all 'Proper. Motto — " Deus adesto. " I I\MES MILL.\R BROWN, B.L. (Edin.), Solicitor (Hiprenie Court, Cape Colony, &c. Boru Dec. 24, 1864, ■jeing the third son of the late Colin Brown of Ravvdon, I'o. York, by his wife Eliza, dau. of George Burgess of A^'orcester. C/uds — Civil Service (Cape Town), Buluwayo fjlub (Buluwayo). Armorial bearings— Parted per fesse TBro 171 ! or and gules, three fleurs-de-lis and in the fesse point I a mullet, all counterchanged. Mantling gules doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-lion rampant vert, holding in his dexter paw a fleur-de-lis gold; with the Motto, " Floreat majestas." ; £.r/a/e— Colstoun , Khami River, near Bulawayo. Postal I address— The Buluwayo Club, Buluwayo, South Africa. JOHN BROWN, Gentleman. Born May 26, 1851, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late James Brown and Ann his wife, dau. of the late George Slinn (and nephew of the late Sir John Brown, Kt., J. P. and D.L.), Armorial bearings — Argent, two barrulets between a mullet in chief and a representation of a railway conical spiral wheel in base sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant proper, charged with two barrulets sable, and supporting with the de.xter paw an escutcheon argent, thereon a b^e volant. Motto-" Nee sorte nee fato." Married, June i, 1886, Albreda, second dau. of the late John Pearson of Hall Carr House, Sheffield. Postal address — Caxton Road, Bromhill, Sheffield. WILLIAM JAMES BROWN, Gentleman. Born hy^W 17, 1842, being the eldest son of the late Samuel James Brown, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , by his wife Jacobina Maria Sophia, dau. of Sir Joseph Radcliffe, Bart., of Rudding Park. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend sable, cot- ised azure, between two mullets of six points pierced sable, three lions rampant of the field. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant or, between two elephants' trunks proper. MottO — " Persevera Deoque confide." Married, Feb. 8, 1872, Julia Elizabeth, dau. of George Cooke-Yarborough of Camps- mount, Doncaster. Seats — Burghwalis Hall, Doncaster ; Mibigill Lodge, co. Sutherland. S Sir WILLIAM RICHMOND BROWN, 2nd Bart., of Astrop, CO. Northampton, D.L. co. Northampton. Born ]a.n. 16, i84o,beingthesonofthelate Alexander Brown, Esq., by his wife and cousin Sarah Benedict, eldest child of James Brown of New York; sue. his grandfather as 2nd Bart. March 3, 1864, under the creation of Jan. 24, 1863. Armorial bearings — Gules, a chevron or, between two bears' paws erased in chief argent, and four hands conjoined in saltire of thes econd, in base, on a chief engrailed also or, an eagle displayed sable. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a bear's paw erased argent, issuant out of a wreath of oak vert, holding a sinister hand proper. Motto — " Est concordia fratrum." Married, Ma.y 28, 1862, Emily, second daughter of General William T. B. Mountsteven, late 79th Regiment, and Staff-OflScer of Pen- sioners, Liverpool ; and has Issue — (i) Melville Richmond Brown, Esquire, Lieutenant 3rd Battalion Devonshire Regi- ment, born October 13, 1866; (2) Frederick Richmond Brown, Esquire, born January 28, 1868 ; Amy Woodford, died Sep- tember II, 1876; Ethel Richmond; Margaret Richmond; and Dora Richmond. Seat — Astrop Park, King's Sutton, Northamptonshire. Clud — Union. The Late Sir WILLIAM ROGER BROWN, Knight Bachelor, J. P. and D.L. for co. Wiltshire, High Sheriff 1898, Lord of the Manor of Beckington. Born 1831, being the son of the late James Brown of Highfield, Hilperton ; dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1893. Armorial bearing^ — Per fesse argent and azure, a pale counterchanged, three bees volant, two and one, and as many bales of wool, one and two proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm vested azure, cuff argent, the hand proper holding a balance suspended gold, a mount vert, thereon a garb fesse- ways or. Married, 1857, Sarah, daughter of the late Samuel Elms Brown of Trowbridge. Postal address — Highfield, Hilperton, Trowbridge, Wiltshire. BROWN (H. Coll.). Per chevron nebuly gules and azure, two hinds trippant in chief and a tower in base or. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a tower fessewise sable, a falcon rising, belled and jessed or. Motto — " Nil desperandum auspice Deo." Son of Rev. Joseph Thomas Brown, Canon of Christ Church, Oxford, i. 1817; d. 1897; m. 1853, Emma, d. of William Colborne Towers, Ensign 3rd Guards : — Charles Samuel Sneade Brown, Gentleman, 6. i860 ; m. 1889, Fanny Margaret, d. of Sir William Anderson, K.C.B., F.R.S., D.C.L., Director-Gen. Royal Ordnance Factories ; and has surv. issue — (i) William Noel Sneade Brown, Gentleman, 6. 1894. Pes. — Laggan |House, Maidenhead, Berks ; Towers House, Eastbourne. Cluds — Isthmian, Sussex (Eastbourne). BROWN of Dalnair (L.O., 3 Oct. 1902). Parted per chevron argent and gules, two fleurs-de-lis in chief and in base lymphad all counterchanged, flags azure, charged with a saltire of the first. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a lion rampart gules. MottO — ' ' Famas studiosus honestas." Livery — Dark blue. Son of : — Thomas Brown, Gentleman, b. 1831 ; m. i860, Jemima Jean, d. of John Hunter of Burnhead. Seat — Dalnair. L is tbe Naval Cockade. iTt* TBro Fifth «on of al>o»e-inenuoncd Thomas Drown :— IVrc) Wa»on lirown. Em|.. Capi. and Ball, (lordon High- landers [Amu as above, but {reinatric. 6 Oct. 1902) parted per chevron embattled, &c.], 6. 1876. C/u6 — Wellington. BROWN (H. Coll.). Per pale argent and sable, within two bendlets. as many lions passant, the whole between two Heurs-de-lis all counterchanged. Ifantllng sable and argent. Crest — On a wieath of the colours, in front of a griffin's head erased per pale sable and argent, gorged with a collar flory counter flory, counterchanged, five bezants fessewise. MottO — " Si sit prudentia." Sons of William Brown of Compton, Ashbourne, Derbysh. , d. .J. ; m : — David Brown, Gentleman, i. 1833°, m. ; and has issue — Frederick W. Brown, Gentleman, i. . /ies. — Southpwrt, Lanes. BROWN (H. Coll.). Gules, a chevron between two lions rampant in chief or, and three swords two in saltire surmountetl by one in pale in base prof)er, p>ommels and hilts also or. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed sable, charged on the body with a sword in pale, and holding in each claw a sword all proper, pommels and hilts or. Hotto — " PVom thee cometh victory." Son of David Philip Brown, Esq., Major 7th (Queen's Own) Hussars, 6. ; d. 1867; m. 1853, Frances Dorothea, sister of Sir Eldward Synge-Hutchinson, Bart. : - Lt.-Col. Edward Douglas Brown Synge-Hutchinson, V.C. {q.v.). Augustus George Brown, Gentleman, b. 1864. Res. — Juneau, Alaska Territory, U.S.A. BROWN (H. Coll.). Azure, on a fesse argent, between two bees volant in chief proper and in base a garb or, a beaver statant of the third. Mantling azure and argent. Crwt — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-wolf-dog couped, holding in the mouth a broken javelin in bend propier, between the paws a horse-shoe or. Motto— ' ' Fidem servabo." Son of late William Brown of Bridge Hall, Bradwell, Essex, b. ; d. ; m. : — John .Smith Brown, Gentleman, Citizen of London and Member of the Court of Assistants of the Worshipful Com- pany of Tin Plate Workers [Arms as above, impaling the IB to arms of Crisp, per fcsse sable and gules, a camelopard stutaut argent, U-tween three horse-shoes or], b. 1856; m. 1884, Maria Emily, yst. d. of late James Crisp of Bridge House, Ik'cclcs, co. .Suffolk ; and has issue— Ivan Crisp Brown, Gentleman, b. 1886 ; and Muriel Crisp. Stat— Broomtield Hall, Chelmsford. Pi>s/ai address— M-jp Great Eastern Street, London, E.C. C/«* -Royal Thames Yacht. FRANCIS ARCHIBALD BROWN DOUGLAS, Ad- vacate and Gentleman. Bom April 17, 1854. being the eldest son of the late Francis Brown Douglas, Advocate, Lord Provost of Edinburgh in i860, by his wife Marianne I.«slie, tiau. of the Hon. Alexander I^slie Melville. Armo- rial bearings — .Urgent, a cinquefoil sable, within a Iwrdure wavy ermine, on a chief gules, two mullets of the field. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a hand grasping a man's heart proper. Motto — "Sicker," Postal address— 21 Moray Place, Edinburgh. BROWN -SYNGE-HUTCHINSON (R.L., 23 June 1904, H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, per pale azure and gules, a lion rani|)ant ermine between eight cross crosslets or (Hutchinson); 2. quarterly, i. and iiii., azure, three millstones proper; ii. and iii. , argent, an eagle displayed with two heads sable, beaked and legged gules (Synge, formerly Millington — Vn. Shropshire, 1623); 3. gules, a chevron l)etween two lions rampant in chief or, and three swords, two in saltire surmounted by one pale- wise in btise proper, pommels and hilts also or (Brown). Mantling azure and or. Crests— i. issuing out of a ducal coronet or, a cockatrice with wings endorsed vert (Hutchinson) ; 2. on the dexter side, issuing from a ducal coronet or, an eagle's claw proper (Synge) ; 3. on the sinister side, on a wreath of the colours, an eagle dis- played s.ible, charged on the body with a sword in pale, and holding in each claw a sword all proper, pommels and hilts or. Mottoes "Non sibi sed toti " (Hutchinson), "Coelestia canimus" (Synge), "From Thee cometh vic- tory" (Brown). Eld. son of Major David Philip Brown, 7th (Queen's Own) Hussars, b. 1821 ; d. 1867 ; m. 1853, Frances Dorothy, sister of Sir Edward Synge-Hutchinson, Bart., and widow of James Hewitt, Esq. : — Edward Douglas Brown - Synge - Hutchinson (formerly Brown), Esq., V.C, Major and Bt. Lt.Col. 14th (King's) Hussars, b. 1861. ^«. — Somerset Barracks, ShornclilTe. Club — Army and Navy. FRANCES MARY BROWN - WESTHEAD, eldest daughter of John Caton Thompson of Bazil Grange, West Derby, and widow of the late Marcus Brown-Westhead, is tbe Military Cockade. IBto IB to •73 Esquire, Major of the ist Manchester Rifle Volunteers, and formerly a Lieutenant in the Worcestershire Militia. Livery — Drab coat and vest, dark blue and silver facings, dark blue trousers. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge- Quarterly, I. grand quarter (Brown-Westhead), quarterly i. and iv. argent, two barrulets dancettte sable, between three Saracens' heads couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed round the temples of the first and second (for Wesihead), ii. and iii. azure, on a fesse argent, between three martlets in chief and the Roman fasces erect, surmounting two swords in saltire and encircled by a chaplel in base or, three chess- rooks sable (for Brown) ; 2. grand quarter, the same arms namely or, a lion rampant between three swans' heads erased, all within a bordure invected azure, charged with four annulets or. Married, February 20, 1855 ; and has Issue — George Montagu Brown-Westhead, Gentleman [to whom'^refer] ; and Frances Dora Adela. Postal address — Lea Castle, near Kidderminster. GEORGE MONTAGU BROWN-WESTHEAD, Gentle- man, Bachelor of Arts and Master of Laws of the University of Cambridge. Bor^i Feb. 21, 1859, being the only son of the late Marcus Brown-Westhead, Esq., by Frances Mary his wife, eldest dau. of John Caton Thompson of Bazil Grange, of Brown ; 3. grand quarter, the same arms of Westhead ; 4. grand quarter, party per chevron or and azure, in chief a mullet of six points between two crosses pat6e of the last, and in base the front elevation of a chapel argent (for Chappell), and impaling the arms of Thompson, West Derbv. Armorial bearingrs— Quarterly, i. grand quarter (Brown-Westhead), quarterly i. and iv. argent, two barrulets dancett^e sable, between three Saracens' heads couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed round the temples of the first and second (for Westhead), ii. and iii. azure, on is the Naval Cockade. »74 TBro TBro aifeot, betwem three martlets in chief, and the I Cmow cract surmounting two swords in saltire, •ad an d r cl ed bjr a diaplet in liase or, three chess-rooks mtki (for Rmwn) : a. grand qunrtcr, the same arms of Brawn : 3. granend between two tlouhle cotises argent. MaVitUng sable and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed vert. Motto — "Suivez raison." Marritd, July 26, 1864, Emily Louisa, only dau. of John Sidney Hawkins, Esq., of Brompton, eldest son of Sir John Hawkins, Knt. , Chairman of Quarter .Sessions for Middlesex; and has had Issue — (i) Dominick Sidney Browne, Esq., High Shcrift" co. Mayo 1896, Capt. 3rd Batt. Royal Scots Fusiliers, b. March 31, 1866 \tn., June 1895, Naomi, eldest dau. of Hon. R. R. Dobell of Beauvoir Manor, Quebec, Canada, M.P. and P.C. Canadian Parlia- ment] ; (2) Francis John Sidney Browne, Gentleman, b. Aug. 23, 1867, d. June 30, 1875. Seat — Breaghwy, Castle- bar. Tmun address — 3 Berkeley House, Berkeley Square, W. C/K(>-Windham. Reverend HENRY GEORGE CAVENDISH BROWNE, B.A., Rector of Bredon, Lord of the Rectory DODWELL FRANCIS BROWNE, Esquire, M.A. and LL. B. Trinity College, J. P. co. Mayo, Barrister-at-Law of the Irish Bar, and Advocate of the Supreme Court of Ceylon ; was appointed, Jan. 15, 1893, Distrtct Judge of Colombo. Manor of Bredon, Worcestershire. Born 1829, being the second son of the Hon. Henry Montague Browne, Dean ^ Is the Military Cockade. IBto of Lismore, by his wife the Hon. Catherine Penelope de Montmorency, eldest dau. of Lodge Evans, Viscount Frankfort de Montmorency. Livery — Black coat, white facings, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Quarterly I and 4, sable, three lions passant in bend between double cotises argent, in the sinister chief point a crescent of the first ; 2 and 3, argent, two bars per pale indented azure and gules, in chief three pellets (for Dodwell). Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed vert, charged with a crescent as in the arms. Motto — "Suivez raison." Married, 1856, Amelia Hunt, dau. and coheir of James Hunt of Quebec, Canada, second son of Thomas Hunt of Blackpool, Dartmouth, Devonshire ; and has Issue — (i) Henry Montague Browne, Esq., Capt. ist Batt. Lancashire Regt., b. Nov. 19, 1857, d. in S. Africa, May 23, iqoo ; {2) lames Cavendish Browne, Gentleman, b. March 3, 1863, killed in action in S. Africa, Oct. 23, 1900 ; (3) Augustus Arthur Howe Browne, Esq. , b. April 25, 1868; and (4) Francis Raymond Browne, Gentleman, b. March 7, 1870, d. Dec. 14, 1886. Residence — The Rectory, Bredon, Tewkesbury. HENRY GEORGE BROWNE, Esquire, J. P. Hants and Isle of Wight; has the Victoria Cross, Colonel in the Army (retired). Born Sept. 1830, being the eldest surviving son of Arthur Browne, Esq., of Newtoun, Ros- common, Ireland, by his wife Anne, dau. of Captain Clements, E. I.C.S. Z-w^/j— Claret, yellow facings. Ar- morial bearings — Sable, three lions passant in bend, between four bendlets argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed vert. Motto — "Suivez raison.'.' Married, 1862, Annie Jane, dau. of the late Chas. Seely, Esq., M.P. (sister of the present Sir Charles Seely, Bart. ) ; and has Issue — Charles Henry Arthur Browne, Gentleman ; and Claudine Mary. Residence — Monteagle, Shanklin, Isle of Wight. Club — Victoria Yacht Club, Ryde. General Sir JAMES FRANKFORT MANNERS BROWNE, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born 1823, being the eldest son of the late Very Reverend and Honourable Henry Montague Browne, Dean of Lismore, Master of Arts, by his wife Catherine Penelope, commonly known as the Honourable Catherine Penelope, daughter of the Right Honourable Lodge Evans de Montmorency, first Viscount Frankfort de Montmorency ; entered the Royal Engineers 1842, became Colonel 1864, General 1888 (and retired same year), and Colonel-Com- mandant 1890 ; served in the Crimean Campaign ; Acting Adjutant-General, Royal Engineers, 1866-71 ; Deputy Adjutant-General, Royal Engineers, 1871-76 ; was Gover- nor of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1880- 1887 ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1856, and advanced to the rank of Knight Com- mander, 1894. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, three lions passant in bend, between two double cotises argent, a crescent for difference. Upon the escut- cheon, which is encircled by the ribbon, and from which is pendent his badge as a Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befit- ting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle dis- played vert ; with the Motto, "Suivez raison." Married, 1850, Mary (who died 1888), daughter of the late James Hunt of Quebec; and has Issue — Annie Kathleen de Montmorency, and Agnes Montague. Postal address— \^ Roland Gardens, S. W. ROBERT JOHN BROWNE. Bom April 7, 1832, being the eldest son of the late Robert Browne, Esq. (Ranger of Her Majesty's Curragh of Kildare for nearly fifty years), and of Harriet, second dau. of the late William S. Dempster of Skibo Castle, near Dornoch, Sutherland- shire. C/«i5j— Kildare Street (Dublin) and Royal St. George Yacht (Kingstown). Livery — Claret. Armorial bearings —Quarterly i and 4, sable three lioncels passant in bend argent, armed and langued gules, between two double cotises or; 2 and 3 argent, an eagle displayed with two heads sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed party per fesse vert and or. Motto— "Suivez raison." Married, Jan. 20, 1880, Edith, youngest daughter of the late William Beau- champ Stoker (Banister-at-Law) and Grace, youngest TBtO 175 daughter of the late Commodore Thos. Gordon Caulfield, R.N. .fij/a^w — Kilskeagh, Mount Kelly, and Glen- amaddy, in county of Galway. Postal address— Coo\a.me, Silchester Road, Kingstown, co. Dublin. THOMAS BROWNE BROWNE, Esquire, J. P. Born Feb. 22, 1846, being the third son of Luke Brady, by his wife Anne, dau. of Windham M'Grath Fitzgerald, and assumed the surname and arms of Browne by Royal Licence in 1877. Livery — Claret coat faced with red, and red waistcoat, drab plush trousers. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend engrailed between two plain cotises sable, three eagles displayed with two heads of the first ; in the sinister chief point a pellet. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed with two heads per pale argent and sable, the dexter wing charged with a pellet, and the sinister with a plate. Motto — " Nectimeo nee sperno." Married, Feb. 8, 1875, Emily, dau. of John Thomas Perry of Fomerlea, Tulla, co. Clare ; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Henry Brady Browne, Esq., late Lieut. 5th Lnncers, 1902, Capt. Clare R.G.A. (Militia), b. Feb. 22, 1882 ; (2) Windham Alexander Browne, Gentle- man, b. May 31, 1887; (3) Alfred Lucius Browne, Gentle- man, b. Oct. 29, i888 ; Emly Frances ; Marian Alice ; and Aileen Mary. Seats — Newgrove, Tulla, co. Clare ; Kilbegs, Blessington, co. Wicklow ; Cartron, Burren, co. Clare. BROWNE (U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4, sable, three lions passant in bend between two double cotises argent, a crescent for difference (Browne, c. 1600) ; 2 and 3, argent, two bars per pale indented azure and gules, in chief three pellets (Dodwell). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed vert. Motto — " Suivez raison." Sons of John Cavendish, 3rd Baron Kilmaine, b. 1794; d. 1873; m. 2nd, 1839, Mary, d. of Hon. Charles Ewan Law, M. P. , Recorder of London, and g.d. of ist Lord Ellenborough : — The Rt. Hon. Sir Francis William Browne, 4th Baron Kilmaine-, of The Neale (Irel. , 16 Nov. 1789), loth Bart. (Nova Scotia, 21 June 1636), a Rep. Peer, J. P. and D.L. Westmeath, J. P. Mayo, b. 1843; m. 1877, Alice Emily, d. of Col. Deane Shute ; and has issue — Hon. John Edward Deane Browne (The Neale, co. Mayo), b. 1878 [m. 1901, Lady Aline Kennedy, d. of the 3rd Marq. of Ailsa ; and has issue — John Francis Archibald Browne, Esq. , b. 1902]. is tlie Naval Cockade. If6 IB to TBro Imti flaiilrton Hoom. Killucui. Wesimeath : The Neale. BiUianiba, ca Maya Cintt—C uUon. Kildnre Street (Dublin). Th« Hon. Arthur Henry Browne. *. i8w: m. 1885. CUMilda CJeofKi»na. d. of Sir John Don Wauchopf, 8th li«rt. . ol Newton ; and has surv. issue— Clotilda Mary Hamihon ; Clementina Berthia Evelyne ; and Gertrude CKvly Juliet. AVi.— 41 Ailetbury Koad, Dublin. Club— Kiklare .Stieet (Dublin). Son of Hon. and Very Kev. Henry Montague Browne, M..\., Dean of l.isinorc. t. 1799; il. 1884; m. iSaa, Hon, Catherine Penel«>|>e, eld. d. of l.^ge Evans, ist Vtsct Frankfort de Montmorency : Sir James Frankfort Manners Browne, K.C.B. (q.v.). Rev. Henry George Cavendish Browne (y.r.). Sons of Major Hon. George Augustus Browne, b. 1801; «/. "S/S ; m. and, 1853, Frances Mary, eld. d. of Charles Pridcaux-Brune of Prideaux Place, Corn- wall:— George Caulfeild Prideaux Browne, Esq.. b. 1855; m. i88a. E\xlyn (d. 1883), d. of Lieut.Gen. Edward Arthur Somer^t, C.B. ; and has issue — Evelyn Browne, Esq., b. 1883. Ret.— Cecil Augustus Seymour Browne, Gentleman, b. 1864 ; m. 1889, Ada Catherine, only d. of Sir William Crosbie, 71 h Dart. ; and has issue — Claude Lancelot Seymour Browne, Gentleman, b. 1891. C/«^— White's. Sons of Capt. Hon. Kich.ird Howe Browne, 8th Hussars, b. 1811 ; bcr of the Cloth Workers' Company. Bom June 21, 1834, being the second son of Charles Henry Buchanan, LieuL 69th Regt. of Foot, by his wife Annie White. Livtry — Drab, crimson facings. Armorial beariacTS — Erminois, a lion rampant sable, charged on the shoulder with a mullet of eight points or, in chief two horses' heads couped of the second, all within a bordure in- vected gules. M an tling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter hand couped at the wrist proper, holding an escutcheon sable, charged with a rose argent, barbed and seeded of the first, two branches of laurel slipped and fructed in saltire of the last. Motto— "Clarior hinc honos." Married, Jan. 31, 1857, Laura Elira Council, second dau. of Assistant Commissary Gen. Council; and has /««* — William Frederick Buchanan, Gentleman, b. Oct. 23, 1858 ; Laura Emily ; Laura Bessie • Annie Elizabeth; Emily Blanch Connell ; Alice Maud; and Eva Wilhelmina. Residences — C\a.r Innis, Sydney N.S.W. ; Killarney, Narrabii, N.S.W. GEORGE BUCHANNAN, Gentleman, Coroner for the Liberty of Whitby and Whitby Strand. Bom May 12, 1843, being the eldest son of the late John Buchannan, by his wife Ann, daughter of George I>angbome, both of Whitby. Livety — Black and gold. Armorial bearings — Or, a lion rampant sable, armed and langiied gules, within a double tressure, flowered and counlerflowered of fleurs-de-lis of the second, a bordure invecked, parted per pale of the third and argent, charged with eight crescents counter- changed. Above the shield is placed a helmet befit- ting nis degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and issuing from a wreath of the liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand proper, holding a ducal cap purpure, turned up ermine, tufted on the top with a rose gules, all within two branches of laurel disposed orleways also proper ; and in an escroll over the same the Hotto, ' ' Audaces juvo. " Married, Jan. 28, 1868, Marianne, dau. of George Croft of Rich- mond, CO. York ; and has Issue — Archibald John Buchannan, Gentleman, b. June 21, 1872 ; Lilias Mary ; and Margaret Hilda. Postal address — Flowergate Cross, Whitby. ©CHARLES MATTHEW BUCKLE, Esquire. Vice- Admiral. Bom Oct. 14, 1828, being the third but eldest surviving son of the late Rev. William Lewis Buckle of Burgh, in Banstead, co. Surrey, Vicar of Banstead and Rector of Adwell, co. Oxford, by his wife Mary Freeman, second dau. of William Manley, Esq., Serjeant-at-Law, sometime Attorney-General of the Chester Circuit. Armo- rial bearings — Sable, a chevron between three chaplets argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet, a demi-ounce argent. Motto — " Nee temere nee timide." Residence — 3 Lowndes Street, S.W. Clubs — United Service, Army and Navy. W CHRISTOPHER REGINALD BUCKLE, Esquire, VSf Captain R.A. Bom Oct. 18, 1862, being the eldest son of the late Christopher Buckle of Norton House, by his wife Caroline Maria, dau. of Abraham Parry Cumberbwtch of Hellingly, Sussex. Armorial bearings -Sable, a chevron between three chaplets argent. Mantling sable and ar- gent. Crest —Out of a ducal coronet, a demi-ounce argent. Motto — ' ' Nee temere nee timide. " Married, Dec. 13, 1886, Elizabeth Braithwaite, dau. of Charles Colville Turner of Bideford, Devon ; and has Issue — Christopher Galbraith § is the Military Cockade. IBixt Buckle, Gentleman, i. March 15, 1888 ; Doris Eden ; and Phyllis Norton. Seai — Norton House, Aldingbo'urne, Chichester. eCUTHBERT ROBERT BUCKLE, Gentleman, Commander R.N. Born 1837, being the si.xth but third surviving son of the late Rev. William Lewis Buckle of Burgh, by his wife Mary Freeman, second dau. of William Manley, Serjeant-at-Law, sometime Attorney- General of the Chester Circuit. Armorial bearings — Sable, a chevron between three chaplets argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest -Out of a ducal coronet, a demi- ounce argent. Motto — ' ' Nee temere nee timide. " Married, 1865, Mary Charlotte, dau. of Henry Gardiner, H.E.LC.S.; and has /w«« —Three sons and three daus. Residence — Reverend EDWARD VALENTINE BUCKLE, Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Banstead. Born 1831, being the fourth but second surviving son of the late Rev. William Lewis Buckle of Burgh, in Banstead, co. Surrev, by his wife Mary Freeman, second dau. of William Manley, Esq., Serjeant-at-Law, sometime Attorney-General of the Chester Circuit. Armorial bearings— Sable, a chevron between three chaplets argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet, a demi-ounce argent. Motto — " Nee temere nee timide." Married, 1862, Mary Geor- gina, dau. of Rev. Fiennes Samuel Trotman of Dallington, CO. Northamptonshire ; and has Issue —Two sons and three daus. Postal address ~'Q?iVi%\.&z.A, Surrey. S CHARLES ALBAN BUCKLER, Esquire, created Surrey Herald Extraordinary by Royal Warrant, bear- mg date July 16, 1880 ; and by Bull, dated at the Magistral Palace, Rome, June 11, 1885, His Eminence the Prince Grand Master and Council of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem conferred upon him a Donat's Cross of the first class. Born September 25, 1824, being the eldest surviving son of John Chessell Buckler, Architect, of Oxford (born December 8, 1793, died January 5, 1894), by Esther his wife, daughter of Thomas Fair, descended from Colonel Robert Phaire of Rostillon, in the county of Cork, born 1619, died 1682, by Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Sir Thomas Herbert of Tintern, in the county of Mon- mouth, Baronet, Groom of the Chamber to King Charles L Armorial bearings— Sable, on a fesse between three wyverns' heads erased or, langued gules, as many etoiles of seven points of the field. Mantling gules, lined argent. Crest — A dragon's head couped sable gorged with two gemels and gutt^ dor [granted to Sir Walter Buckler of Causewey, in the county of Dorset, Knight, by Christopher Barker, Garter, 36 Henry VIH., A.d. 1544]. Postal address— 6 Hereford Square, South Kensington, London. S.W. The Honourable Sir HENRY BURTON BUCK- LEY, Knight Bachelor (1900), M.A., a Judge of the High Court of Justice. Born Sept. 15, 1845, being the fourth son of the Rev. John Wall Buckley, M.A., and Elizabeth his wife, dau. of Thomas Burton. Livery— Green. Armorial bearings— Azure, a chevron cottised between two stags' heads caboshed in chief and a garb in base all or, on a chief engrailed ermine, a buckle between two crosses pat^e fitchde gules. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a demi-stag at gaze gules, attired and gorged with a collar, a chain attached reflexed over the back or, supporting a garb of the last. Motto—" To my utmost." Married, April 12, 1887, Bertha Margaretta, dau. of Charles Edward Jones ; and has had Issue— (i) Bryan Burton Buckley, Esquire, born May 24, 1890; (2) Guy Burton Buckley, Esquire, born June 21, 1892, and died July 9, 1892 ; (3) Colin Burton Buckley, Esquire, born October 16, 1899 ; Joyce Burton ; Muriel Burton ; Olive Burton ; and Ruth Burton. Postal addresses —7 Melbury Road, Kensington, London, W. ; Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, W.C. Clubs-Axhen^nm, Oxford and Cambridge. BUCKNER (13 Dec. 1804). Gules, an open book or, between three bucks' heads erased ermine. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a buck courant erminois in front of a beech-tree issuant from a mount proper. Motto— " Fide surgimus ad spam." TBuc 181 2^\°\f'^''- J^'^" Buckner, M.A., late Vicar of Bap- child, Kent, formerly of the Rifle Brigade, m. Eliza Lydia, d. of Gen. Hon. Wilham Henry Gardner. R.A son of I St Lord Gardner :— Richard Edward Herbert Buckner, Gentleman, late R N Fpli'i'*^' ""-^ u ■' Charlotte (Chassie). d. of John Fellenes; and has issue-Amy. Res.-zo Russell Street, loronto, Canada. William Henry Peirce Buckner, Esq.. Commander f^^, ■;/•«• '♦^ I/"- J^^'- ^""^^ Linnington, d. of George Gill MofFatt, Member of the House of Assembly St Kitts ; and has issue— John Gardner Buckner, Gentleman A. 1890; Georgina Mary Frederica Moffat; and Augusta Ehzabeth. ./?«.— Dartanmoor, Totnes, Devon. Sir CHARLES BUCKWORTH -HERNE-SOAME ninth Baronet, of Sheen, in the county of Surrey, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries, J. P. and a member of the Council for the county of Salop. Born May 29, 1830, being the son of Charles Buckworth-Herne-Soame, Esquire by Hannah his wife, daughter of Richard Procter of Hay, Brecon. Creation— April i, 1697. Armorial bearings- Quarterly I and 4, gules a chevron between three mallets or, a canton argent, for difference (for Soame) ; 2 and 3 sable, on a chevron between three cross crosslets fitch^e argent, an ermine spot (for Buckworth). Upon the escut- cheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a lure argent, garnished and lined or, thereon a hawk of the last, charged upon the breast with a cross crosslet for difference (for Soame) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a man's head in a helmet, the beaver up all proper (for Buckworth). /Married, March 29, 1855. Mary (who died December 24, 1893), daughter of Richard Fellows Procter, Esquire, of Iron Bridge, Salop; and has Issue — (i) Pyter Richard Everard Buckworth-Herne-Soame, Esquire, born May 15, 1863, died, unmarried, 1884 ; (2) Charles Buckworth-Herne-Soame, Esquire, born September 18, 1864 [to whom refer] ; Mary Hannah [married, firstly, is tbe Naval Cockade. i8a TBuc TBul Oelobtr tft, 1878. Arthur Marcy, of Wellington, Salop, who died 1B83: and secondly, julv 34, 1S89, Reverend KkiMutl Herbert Snape, Vicar uf bskdale, Cumberland] ; and Evelyn [nuuried. June 7, 1881, George Day Harrison ofStooejL Aii/d/awlcy, Shropshire. CHARLES BUCKWORTH-HERNE-SOAME. Es- quire. B»m September 18, 1864, being the third but onlv surviving son of Sir Charles Huckworth-Hcrne-Soame. ninth Itorunet fto whom reter,;, by his wife Mary, daughter of Richard Fellows IVocter of Ironl>ridge, Salop. Armorial bMUlniT*— He bears for AXXOM : Quarterly i and 4, gules a chevTon between three mallets or, and a canton argent for difference (for Soame), 9 and 3 sable, on a chevron between three cross crosslets fitchte arKcnt, an ermine spot (for Buckworth), and in chief a label of three points for differ- ence ; and for his Crests : i. u|X)n a wreath of the colours, n lure argent, gnmished and lined or, thereon a hawk of the last, chargt^ upon the breast with a cross crosslet for diffierence (for Soame), a. upon a Ntreath of the colours, a roan's heaa in a helmet, the beaver up all proper (for Buckworth). Married, 1891, Mary, daughter of John Edge of Dawley, and widow of Peter Burnett Pring, Doctor of Medicine ; and has /ssue — (1) Richard Everard Buckworth- Hen^e-Soanie, Esquire ; (a) Charles Burnett Buckworth- Heme-Soame, Gentleman. Postal address — Dawley, Shropshire. S HARRY WILLIAM BUDDICOM, Esquire, J.P. cos. Flint and Monmouth (High Sheriff for former CO. 1896). Bom October 35, 1859, being the second son of the late William Barber Buddicom, Esq., J. P., by his wife Mary Jeanne, daughter of Captain Joseph Robert Hownam, R.N. Livery — Dark green. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron between two crosses paHie in chief and a demi-gryphon couped in base all gules, on a chief of the last, three escallops of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a beacon fired projjer, issuant from the flames thereof a demi-lion gules, gorged with a collar gemel or, holding in the dexter paw a sword in bend sinister of the first, pommel and hilt or, a cross patte between two escallops of the last. Motto— " Virtute et vigilantia." Married, 189a, Sophia, daa of the late Charles Wriothesley Digby ; and has /««*— (i) Walter Digby Buddicom, Gentle- man, b. 1894 ; Venetia Digby ; and Marcia Sophia. Seat — Penbctlw, Mold, co. Flint. Residence — V\\i2i Capella, Bordighcra, Italy. Clubs— ]\3xi\ox Carlton, Cavalry. WILLLVM SQUIRE BUDDICOM, Esquire, J.P. for CO. Salop. Born Jan. 9, 1840, being the only son of the Rev, Robert Joseph Buddicom, Vicar of Morton, M.A. Brasenose Coll., Oxford, by his wife Sarah Sophia, dnu. of Rev. William Rufford. Livery — Dark blue, red facings. Armorial bearings— .Argent, a chevron bctsveon two crosses piit<^ in chief and a demi-gryphon couped in base all gules, on a chief of the last, three escallops of the first. Mantllilg gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a l)e.icon fired proper, issuant from the flames thereof a demi-lion gules, gorged with a colliir gemcl or, holding in the dexter paw a sword in bend sinister of the first, pommel and hilt or, a cross patte between two escallops of the last. Motto— " Virtute et vigilantia." Married, Aug. 23, 1866, Elizabeth Haughton, dau. of Rev. Rotert Hornby, M.A. , J. P., and grand-dau. of Sir William Feilden, Bart., M.P., of Feniscowles ; and has Issue — Robert Arthur Buddicom, Gentleman, b. Nov. 7, 1874; and Lilian Holland. Seat — Ticklerton Coiu^t, Church Stretlon, Salop. Club — Junior Conservative. JAMES SMITH BUDGETT. Bom 1823, being the eldest son of the late Samuel Budgett of Bristol, by Ann, dau. of the late Thomas Smith of Midsomer Norton. Club — Conservative. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a cross nvected or, between four water-bougets of the last, an escallop between as many horse-shoes of the first. Mant- ling azure and or ; and for his Crest, u|x>n a wreath of the colours, in front of two palmers' staves in saltire or, a water-bouget azure. Married, 1849, Mary Bolton, dau. of Thomas Farmer of Gunnersbury House, Middlesex ; and has, with other Issue — Richard Samuel Budgett, b. 1851 \m., 1878, Annie, dau. of Joseph Maitland Ware (she died 1888), and has, with other issue, Hubert Maitland Budgett, b. 1882]. i'^a/- Stoke Park, Guildford. The Reverend THOMAS MAINWARING BULKE LEY BULKELEY-OWEN TBumelep^jaDtocn J/ThVpea^LPtt'Ioint^f Salop. Bom November 15, 1826, being the son of Thomas Bulkeley Bulkeley-Owen, and his wife Marianne, eldest daughter of the Reverend Edward Thelwall of Llanbedr Hall, in the county of Denbigh. Club — Grosvenor. Livery — Black and white. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a cross fleury engrailed sable between four Cornish choughs proper, and on a chief azure a boar's head couped argent, langued gules (for Owen) ; 2 and 3 sable, a chevron between three bulls' heads caboshed argent (for Bulkeley) ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Ormsby- Gore, namely, quarterly i and 4, gules a fesse between three cross crosslets fitchte or (for Gore), 2 and 3 gules, a bend between six cross crosslets or (for Ormsby) ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a bull's head argent (for Bulkeley); with the Mottoes, " Eryr eryrod eryri," and "Nee temere nee timide." Married, August 24, 1880, the Honourable Fanny Mary Katharine, daughter and heir of the Right Honourable John Ralph Ormsby-Gore, 1st Baron Harlech, widow of Lloyd, eldest son of Lloyd, 3rd Lord Kenyon, and mother of the 4th Lord Kenyon. Estates — Tedsmore Hall, and lands in West Felton, Ruy- ton-of-the-Eleven-Towns, and Shrewsbury, all in the county of Salop; and lands in Llanwrin and Darowen, in the county of Montgomery. Postal address — Tedsmore Hall, Oswestry, Salop. BULLEN, see TATCHELL-BULLEN. JOHN BULLEN SYMES BULLEN, Esq., J.P, for Dorset, Colonel, late Lieut. -Col. commanding 15th Hussars. Born 1847, being the son of the late Wyatt Symes of Pounds- ford, Somerset, by Eliza Fitzherbert, dau. of W. F. Bullen ; assumed by Royal License in 1868 the name of Bullen, under the will of his great-uncle, John Bullen of Charmouth and Marshwood Manor (who died 1853). Clubs — Army and Navy, Arthur's. Livery— 'ti\\xt and silver. Armorial bear- ings — Ermine, on a chevron azure, between three bulls' heads erased sable, two swords proper, pommels and hilts or, the points saltireways, encircled by a wreath of laurel gold. Mantling azure and argent; and for his Crest, out of a naval crown gold, the sails argent, a bull's head or, charged on the neck with an anchor sable, between two wings azure. Motto — " A rege et victoria." Married, 1st, 1884, Blanch Mary Townend, younger dau. of William Hall of Syndale, Kent (she died 1886); 2nd, 1891, Frances Mary, eldest dau. of Samuel Perry, Esq., J. P., D.L., of ^ iB tbe MiUtaxy Cockade. IBul IBixi 183 i Woodruffe, co. Ti perarv ; and has Issue — (i) John Symes Bullen, Gentleman, d. ; (2) Henry Fitzherbert Synies Bullen, Gentleman, (5. ; and Mary Frances. 5ra/— Catherston, Charmouth, Dorset. BULLER, see DUNBAR-BULLER. The Late Admiral Sir ALEXANDER BULLER, K.C.B., J. P. CO. Devon. Bom June 30, 1834, being the second son of the Rev. Richard Buller, Rector of Lanreath, CO. Cornwall, and his wife Eliza, dau. of John Hornby of the Hook, Titchfield, in the co. of Southampton ; has Crimea (1854, 1855) medal with clasp, and Turkish medal ; was created C.B. 1876, and K.C.B. 1896. Livery — Claret colour, red waistcoat. Armorial bearings— Sable, on a cross quarter-pierced argent, four eagles displayed of the field, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon and pendant his badge as a K.C.B. Mantling sable and ar- gent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head affront^e couped at the shoulders proper. Motto — " Aquila non capit muscas." Married, Feb. 3, 1870, Emily Mary, dau. of the late Henry Tritton of Beddingion, in the co. of Surrey; and has Issue— [x) Henry Tritton Buller, Gentle- man, Lieut. R.N.,(^. Oct. 30, 1873; (2) Richard Edward Buller, Gentleman, h. Jan. 14, 1875; (3) Francis Alexander Waddilove Buller, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., b. May 14, 1879 ; (4) Herbert Cecil Buller, Gentleman, Rifle Brigade, b. Jan. 2, 1862 ; (5) Edward Maxwell Buller, Gentleman, b. June 6, 1883 ; and Jane Elizabeth \fn., June 28, 1892, Major Charles Turner of the 49th Royal Berkshire Regt.J. Postal addresses— Er\e Hall, Plympton, South Devon, and Bel- more House, West Co\yes, Isle of Wight. C/«*— United Service. CHARLES FRANCIS BULLER, Esquire, late of the 2nd Life Guards. Born May 26, 1846, being the only son of the late Sir Arthur William Buller, a Judge in Calcutta, and his wife Anne Henrietta [to whom refer], daughter of Francis James Templer, Treasurer of Ceylon. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, on a cross quarter- pierced argent, four eagles displayed of the field, impaling the arms of Ridley, namely gules, on a chevron between three falcons argent, as many pellets ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head affront^e couped at the shoulders proper ; with the Motto, ' ' Aquila non capit muscas." Married, July 11, 1873, Louisa Katharine, eldest daughter of the late Major-General Charles William Ridley, Companion of the Most Honour- able Order of the Bath, formerly the wife of Captain Henry Bloomfield Kingscote. JOHN DASHWOOD BULLER, Esquire, Capt. Army Service Corps. Born 1878, being the only surviving son of the late James Hornby Buller, Esq., J. P., Col. (retired) late S7th Regt., one of His Majesty's Hon. Corps of Gentlemen- at-Arms, by his second wife Emily Augusta, dau. of Major Henry Dashwood, R.H.A. Armorial bearings— Sable, on a cross argent, quarter-pierced of the field, four eagles dis- played of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head couped proper. Motto— " Aquila non capit muscas." Married, 1903, Sybil Ernestine, eldest dauughter of Mortimer John Collies of Foxhams, Horralridge. C/«3— Junior United Service. S General the Right Honourable Sir REDVERS HENRY BULLER, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, upon whom Her Majesty has conferred the Decoration of the Victoria Cross, Justice of the Peace for the county of Devon. Born 1839, being the son of the late James Wentworth Buller, Member of Parliament, Doctor of Civil Law, of Downes, Crediton ; Under-Secretary for Ireland 1886 to 1887, and Quartermaster- General to the Forces 1887- 1890, since when he has been Adjutant-General, with temporary rank of General ; was created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath 1874, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of the same Order 1885, and to that of Knight Grand Cross 1894 ; created Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George 1879, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of the same Order 1882, and Knight Grand Cross 1894 ; was appointed a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council 1887 ; has medal and third class Osmanieh, Egypt, 1882. Ar- morial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, on a cross quarter- pierced argent, four eagles displayed of the field. The escutcheon is encircled by the ribbon of the Most Hon- ourable Order of the Bath and by a wreath of laurel, and by his collar pendent therefrom his badge as a Knight Grand Cross of the Military Division of the said Order, and his badge as a Knight Commander of the Most Dis- tinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George and his Victoria Cross, and impaling upon a second escut- cheon the arms of Townshend, namely, azure, a chevron ermine between three escallops argent. Upon the escut- cheons is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head affront^e couped at the shoulders proper; with the Motto, "Aquila non capit muscas." Married, 1882, Audrey Jane Charlotte, com- monly known as Lady Audrey Jane Charlotte, widow of Greville Theophilus Howard, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Greville Theophilus Howard, and daughter of the Most Honourable the fourth Marquess Townshend. Postal address — Downes, Crediton. Clubs — Army and Navy, Naval and Military, United Service. BULLINGBROOK, quartered by FLOYER. BULLOCK, GROVE. quartered by TROYTE - CHAFYN - BULLOCK. Gules, a chevron ermine, between three bulls' heads caboshed argent, armed or. WALTER HENRY BULLOCK, Gentleman. Born 1 861, being the eldest son of the Rev. Walter Trevelyan Bullock, J. P., M.A., Rector of Faulkbourn, by his wife Margaret, dau. of William Staines. Armorial bearings- Gules, a chevron ermine, between three bulls' heads caboshed argent, armed or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, five Lochaber axes, staves or, blades proper, bound with a scarf gules, tassels or. Motto— "Nil conscire sibi." Married, Dec. 5, 1882, Caroline Elizabeth, eldest dau. of John Augustus Shell Bouverie of Delapre Abbey ; and has /wwe— Henry Talbot Bouverie, Gentleman, b. 1866 ; and Emily Margaret Joan. BULLOUGH (H. Coll.). Per chevron gules and erminois, a chevron counterflory argent, in chief two bull's heads caboshed of the last. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount vert, thereon a beehive or, charged with a chaplet of Son of J. Bullough of Meggerine Castle, Glentyon :— Sir George Bullough, Knt. Bachelor (1901), b. 1870; m. 1903, Monica, eld. d. of Gerard, Marquis de Lapasture. 5«aA— Kinloch Castle, Isle of Rhum, N.B. The Rev JOB GEORGE BULMAN, M.A., Clerk in Holy Orders. Born Dec. i, 1826, being the elde.^t son of Job lames Bulman of Cox Lodge, in the co. of North- umberland, by his wife Caroline, dau. of George Robinson of Easington and Hendon Lodge, in the co. of Durham. is the Naval Cockade. «84 IBul TBun XiMrv-Ught drab, red facings. Armorial bearlnfi— ~ • B, Uucv Uurulri> wavy argrnl, on a iliicf or, an tvnnulet D, bd^crn iv«u iKtIlk' hcatiN cabo&hcd, with rings in their ,.„.,^ Mble. Mi>ntV<"g gulos nnd argent. Or«rt— On a wreath of tbe coU>uni, on h mount vert, a bull passnnt arrent. the drxti-r fore-fool resting on a ball aiure ; with the Motto. " I'rttienier." fttstaJ addrtss—Oakv/ood, West Knik-ld. Midilleaex. BULMER, quartered by CON VERS. BULSTRODE. quartered by LUDLOW-BRUGES. Gkneral Sik EDWARD EARLE GASCOIGNE BULWEK, Knight Commander of the IRllIVncr Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Bam iDUlUlvV 1829, being the second son of the late William E;irle Lytton Bulwcr of Heydon, in the county of Norfolk, and Emilv his wife, youngest daughter of General Gascoyne, formerly Member of Parlia- ment for Liverpool; Lieutenant-Governor of Guernsey from 1889-1844; WHS created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Biilh, 1859, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of the same Order, 1886 ; has medals— Crimea, 1854, 1855, with two clasps, and Turkish roedal ; Indian Mutiny, with clasp. C/uds — United Service, Brooks's. Livtry — Dark, with brass buttons. Armorial boarlnt^s — He bears for Arms : Gules, on a chevron argent, between three eaglets regardant or, as many cinquefoils sable. Upon the escutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon and peiident therefrom the badge of a Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Croat, upon a wreath of the colours, a horned wolfs head erased ermine, crined and armed or ; with the Motto, "Adversis major par secundis." Married, 1863, Isabella Anne (who died 1883), daughter of Sir John Jacob Buxton, second Baronet ; and has Issue — Hugh Earle Bulwer, Esquire, bom February 9, 1867 ; Audrey Emily ; Isabel Mary f m.irried Capt. George Nugent of the Grenadier Guards] ; Vfaud Eleanor; and Winifred. Postal address — The Grange, Heydon, Norwich. Sir HENRY ERNEST GASCOYNE BULWER. Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. Born 1836, being the son of the late William Earle Lytton Bulwer of Heydon Hall and Wood Daling, in the county of Norfolk ; was created Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1864, advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of that Order, 1874, and to that of Knight Grand Cross, 1883. C/«^x— United University, Athenaeum. Armozial bearings— He bears for Arms: Gules, on a chevron argent, between three eaglets regardant or. as many cinquefoils sable. Upxjn the escutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, and by the collar and pendent therefrom the badge of a Knight Grand Cross of the said Order, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a homed wolfs head erased ermine, crined and armed or; and for Supporters, on the dexter side an heraldic antelopte ermine, and on the sinister side a gnu proper, each charged on the shoulder with a hurt, thereon a fleur-de-lis or ; with the Motto, " Adversis major ()ar secundis." 8 Col. WILLIAM EARLE GASCOYNE LYTTON BULWER, C.B., J. P. Bom Jan. i, 1829, High Sheriff 1883, formerly Capt. in the Scots Guards ; served in the Crimea, and was severely wounded at the Battle of Alma ; late Col. Commanding 3rd Vol. Batt. of the Norfolk Regt, and Brigfadier-Gen. Commanding Norfolk Vol. Inf. Brigade. Eldest son of William Earle Lytton Bulwer, Esq., J. P. and D.L.. Major West Norfolk Militia, by his wife Emily, youngest dau. of Gen. Gascoyne, M.P. for Liwrpool. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a chevron argent, between three ciglets regardant or, as many cinque- foils sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colotirs. a horned wolfs head erased ermine, crined and armed or. Motto — "Adversis major, par secundis." Married, July 5, 1855, Marian Dering, dau. and heir of William Wilson Lee- Warner of Quebec House ; and has had /«««— (i) William Dering E^le Bulwer, Esq., I. P.. b, Aug. 19, 1856 ; (a) Edward Augustine Earle Bulwcr, lisq., Major 4th Soutli Staffordshire Kegt. (38th), b. Sept. 13, 1864 ; Sybil Dering. deceased ; and Marian, de- ceased. iVa/j— Heydon Hall, Norwich ; Quebec House, E. Dereham. BUNBURY, see VERSTURME-BUNBURY. BUNBURY (is Henry III.). Argent, on a bend sable, three chess-rooks of the field. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two swords sallirewise passing through the mouth of a leopard's face or. the blades proper. Sons of Col. Henry William St. Pierre Buiibury, C.B.. b. i8ia ; d. 187^ ; m. 185a. Cecilia, d. of Lieut. -Gen. Sir George Napier, K.C.B. : — Sir Henry Charles John Bunbury, loth Bart. (Eng. ,29 June 1681), late R.N., B.A. (Camb.), C.C. and D.L. Suffolk, b. 1855 ; s. his uncle 1895 ; m. 1884, Laura, 3rd d. of Gen. Thomas Wood. M.P., of Littleton; Middx. . and Gwernyfed Park. Brecon; and has issue — (i) Charles Henry Napier Bunbury. Esq., b. 1886; (2) Henry William Bunbury, Esq., b. 1889 ; Cecilia Frances Laura ; and Laura Constance Eleanor. Seals — Barton Hall. Bury St. Edmunds; The Manor House. Mildenhall. Suffolk. Club — Orleans. George Edward Bunbury, Esq., late Lieut. Norfolk Regt. ,?. 1857; in. 1884, Beatrice Dora, d. of Thomas J. Cottle of Altadore, Woodstock, Ontario ; and has issue — Noreen Cecilia Napier. Res. — Hilden Manor, Tonbridge. William St. Pierre Bunbury, Esq.. Major late R.A., b. 1859 ; m. 1882, Lilian, d. of Lieut.-Gen. Hon. Sir Henry Ramsay, K.C.S.I., C.B. ; and has surv. issue — (i) Gerald Bruce St. Pierre Bunbury, Gentleman, b. 1883 ; (2) Noel Louis St. Pierre Bunbury, Gentleman, b. 1890 ; (j) Godfred Hugh Bunbury, Gentleman, *. 1895 ; and Marjorie Eleanor. Res. — Freiburg-in-Baden. Germany. Sons of Capt. Henry Fox Bunbury, b. 1839; d. 1870; m. 1863, Elizabeth, d. of J. Kelsey : — Cecil Edward Francis Banbury, Gentleman, I.C.S.. b. 1864, is married. Res. — William Clement Hanmer Bunbury, Esq.. Capt. I.S.C., b. 1868. Res.— Sons of Capt. Richard Hanmer Bunbury, R.N.. b. 1813 ; d. 1857 ; tn. 1838, Sarah Susanna, d. of Robert Clement Sconce : — Cecil Hanmer Bunbury, Esq., Col. (ret.) 2nd Batt. Connaught Rangers, b. 1845 '< *"• ""St. 1873, Susan Frances (d. 1878), d. of Gen. W. C. E. Napier; 2nd, 1897, May Lennox, d. of Thomas Atkins, of Belle Vue House, Chepstow. Res. — Robert Clement Sconce Bunbury, Gentleman. Barrister- at-law, b. 1847, is married. Herbert Napier Bunbury, Esq., Col. Army Service Corps, D.A.Q.M.G. , b. 1851 ; m. 1878, Mary Louisa, d. of Major Donald Patrick Campbell, of Balliveolan, Ledaig, CO. Argyll; and has issue — (i) Rev. Patrick Stanley St. Pierre Bunbury, b. 1879 ; (2) Richard Seymour Bunbury, Gentleman, Lieut. R.A., b. 1880; (3) Evan Campbell, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., b. 1881. Res. — Son of Capt. Philip Peter Mill Bunbury, 7th D, G., b. 1824 ; d. 1894 ; m. 1865, Georgina, d. of Peter Mac- Evoy, of Wimbledon, Surrey: — Hamilton Joseph Bunbury, Esq., Capt. 4th Batt. Highland Light Inf., formerly Capt. 2nd V. B. Roy. Sussex Reg., b. 1866. Estate — Cranavonane, co. Carlow. ^«.— The Elms, Bitteswell, Lutterworth. C/a^J— Well- ington, Sackville Street (Dublin). Yr. son of Hugh Mill Bunbury, of West Hill, Wands- worth, b. 1766; d. 1838; m. 2nd, Alicia, d. of Philip Lille, of Drumdor Castle, co. Roscommon : — Charles Thomas Bunbury, Esq., Lieut. -Col. late ist Batt. Rifle Brigade, b. 1836 ; m. 1875, Lady Harriot Emily Dundas, sister of the first Marquess of Zetland ; and has issue — (r) Charles Hamilton de St. Pierre Bunbury, Gentle- man, Lieut. Yorks Regt., b. 1877; (2) Wilfred Joseph Bunbury, Gentleman, b. 1882 ; (3) Bertram John Bunbury, Gentleman, b. 1887 ; (4) Evelyn James Bunbury, Gentle- man, ^.1888 ; Mary Beatrice Theresa ; and Cecilia Mary. Descendants of Bunbury of Moyle, bearing by R.L. (30 June 1846), the arms of Bunbury, quarterly with their paternal arms of M'Clintock [viz. Quarterly, I and 4, Bunbury as above, 2 and 3, per pale gules and azure, a chevron ermine between three escallops is tbe Military Cockade. IBiin IBun 185 argent (M'Clintock). Crests— i. Bunbury as above; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a lion passant proper (M'Clintock). Motto— " Virtute et labore"]. Sons of Capt. William M'Clintock Bunbury (formerly M'Clintock), of Lisnaveagh, M.P., d. 1800; d. 1866; m. 1842, Pauline Caroline Diana Mary, d. of Sir James Matthew Stronge, Bart. : — The Rt. Hon. Thomas Kane M'Clintock-Bunbury, and Baron Bathdonnell (21 Dec. 1868), a Rep. Peer for Ireland, Lieut, and Custos Rot. co. Carlow (Sheriff 1876), D.L. co. Louth, Hon. Col. 6th Batt. Roy. Irish Rifles, late Capt. Leics. Yeom. , formerly Lieut. Scots Greys [Supporters (granted 5 Jan. 1869) — Dexter, a lion; sinister, a leopard, both proper, each collared ermine and charged on the shoulder with an escallop argent], 6. 1848 ; m. 1874, Katherine Anne, eld. d. of Rt. Hon. Henry Bruen, P.C., of Oak Park, CO. Carlow; and has surv. issue— Hon. Thomas Leopold M'Clintock-Bunbury, 6. 1881 ; Hon. Isabella Katherine [w. 1894, Lt.-Col. F. F. Colvin] ; Hon. Mary Emily [m. 1898, Major Henry Duncombe Bramwell] ; Hon. Pauline Caroline [m. 1897, Capt. F. J. Dalgety]. Seats — Lisnavagh, Rathvilly, co. Carlow; Drumcar, Dunleer, co. Louth. Cluds — Carlton, Cavalry, Naval and Military, Kildare Street (Dublin). Descendants (in the female line) of Bunbury of Kilfeacle, bearing the name and arms of Richardson- Bunbury, by R. L. 20 Apl. 1822 [viz. : Quarterly, i and 4, ermine a chess-rook, between two leopards' faces in bend, between two bendlets sable (Bunbury), 2 and 3, azure on a fesse argent, between an ancient ship, the sails furled in chief and a bull's head couped or in base, a saltire gules (Richardson). Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, in front of a tree proper on a mount vert, a leopard's face paly of six argent and sable, transfixed by two arrows in saltire also proper (Bunbury) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant ermine, in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert, between the forepaws a tortean charged with a cross crosslet or. Motto— " Virtus paret robur."] Son of Sir James Mervyn Richardson-Bunbury, 2nd Bart., 6. 1781 ; d. 1851 ; m. 1810, Margaret, d. of John Corry Moutray of Favour Royal, co. Tyrone : — Rev. Sir John Richardson-Bunbury, 3rd Bart. (30 Aug. 1787) of Castle Hill, co. Tyrone, d. 1813; m. 1838, Maria {d. 1888), d. of William Anketell of Anketell Grove, co. Monaghan ; and has had issue — Mervyn Matthew Richard- son-Bunbury, Esq., d. 1841 ; d. 1889 [m. 1868, Eliza Mary, d. of William Thorn M.D. ; and has surv. issue— Mervyn William Richardson-Bunbury, Esq. (15 St. Mary's Terrace, Paddington, W.) ; d. 1874 ; and Irene Kate Matilda, 'm. 1895, Capt. Douglas Philip Bayly]; Matilda Anne m. 1870, George Charles Brackenridge] ; and Olivia Emma m. 1891, Lt.-Col. George Atherley Forrest]. lies. — 10 Catherine Place, Bath. Sons of William Richardson-Bunbury, Esq., i. 1817 ; d. 1877; *"■ 1857, Amelia Georgina, d. of Lt.-Col. Molloy : — Mervyn Corry Richardson-Bunbury, Gentleman , 6. Res — Moutray Frederick Richardson-Bunbury, Gentleman, b. . Res.— Archibald Edward Richardson-Bunbury, Gentleman, 6. . Res.— Descendant (in the female line) of Bunbury of Kilfeacle, bearing (by R.L. 1873) the name of Tighe- Bunbury, and the arms of Bunbury and Tighe quarterly, but now using the name of Bunbury- Tighe : — Edward Kenrick Bunbury-Tighe, Esq., of Inistioge (g.v.). S EDWARD KENRICK BUNBURY-TIGHE, Es- quire, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Kilkenny, late Lieutenant Grenadier Guards. Born August 24, 1862, being the second but eldest surviving son of Frederick Edward Bunbury-Tighe, Esquire, late Colonel County Kilkenny Militia, by his wife Kathleen, commonly known as Lady Kathleen, daughter of the Right Honourable the fourth Earl Bessborough. C/«^j— Guards', Brooks's, Naval and Military, Bachelors', Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial beaxings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent on a bend sable, three chessrooks of the field, in the sinister chief point a mullet gules (for Bunbury) ; 2 and 3 party per chevron embattled argent and sable, nine cross crosslets counter- changed, five in chief and four m base (for Tighe). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, two swords saltireways passing through the mouth of a leopard's face all proper (for Bun- bury) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased proper, gorged with a collar azure, charged with a cross crosslet or, between two bezants; with the Motto, "Sum- mum nee metuam diem nee optem." Estates — Woodstock, in the county of Kilkenny; also property in the counties of Carlow, Westmeath, Wexford, and Tipperary. Postal address — Estate Office, Inistioge, county Kilkenny. BUND, see WILLIS-BUND. JAMES CLARK BUNTEN, Gentleman. Bom Jan- uary 23, 1838, being the second surviving son of Robert Bunten and Agnes his wife, daughter of Robert Clark of Crossbill, in the county of Lanark. Livery— li2:cV is tlie Naval Cockade. 1 86 TBUt TBur IJur, Uue and yrllow slri|XH! waistcoiit, gilt buttons. Ar- morial b«JUiugi-Mc tiears for Arms: Argt-nt, a bend invvctctl afure iK-twct-n two jjnrlis pro|x>r. Umded gules, on a chid of the Uist three Itunting birds also proper. Alx)ve the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling oiure, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liwnes is set for Orest, a demi-eagie dis- played! proper ; and in an escroll nlwve this Motto, "Copiosc et op[)ortune." A/arritd, June i, 1865, Jessie, daugnier of .Andrew Maclure, London ; vnd has /ssug — Jeunic [*». , Frank Lewis de Sales la Terridre, Uite Capt. 15th Hussars, and has issue]. Estate — Dun-Alastair. Postal autJrrss — Dun-Alastair, I¥rthshire. Ciuts — Junior Carlton, Conser\-ativc, Hurlingham, Western (Glasgow). NATHANIEL GEACH BURCH. Gentleman. Consul in l.,ondon for the Republic of Venezuela. Armorial bear- ings - Per pale gules and azure, a pale or, a cutter-yacht rigged pro|>er, in chief a birch leaf slipped vert, between iMo like leaves of the third. Mantling gules and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, upon a canoe proper, an eagle displayed sable, charged on the breast and up>on each wing with a birch leaf slipped or, holding in the beak a like leaf. Motto -"Strune fortis." /?w««fe««— Eden- wood, Sydenham Hill, London, S.E. ARTHUR BURCHARDT-ASHTON, Esquire, mortal bearings— Ar- Cresta— I. on a wreath of the colours, in front ot a boar's head erased gules, between two mullets of six points sable, pierced argent, a javelin erect proper (for .Ashton) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, u()on a mount vert, a castle with two towers sable, issuant therefrom a demi-woman aflfront<5e proper, habited azure, holding in the dexter hand a heart gules, and supporting with the sinister hand a javelin (for Burchardt). SAMUEL BURD-BROOKS, Esquire. Armorial bear- ings— Argent, three bars wavy azure, a cross flory erminois, in chief a fountain. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion proper, maned argent, charged on the shoulder with a fountain, and holding in the paws a pheon in bend sinister proper, stringed or. The Late SIDNEY BURDEKIN, Gentleman, M.P. for and sometime Mayor of the city of Sydney, New South Wales. Bom . Armorial bearing^ — Azure, on a pile wavy or, between two quatrefoils in base of the last, a sea-horse erect proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a sea-horse as in the arms, resting the sinister paw on an anchor erect sable, the whole between two coral branches gules. Motto — " Virtus summa nobilitas." /Residence— Sydney, New South Wales. BURDETT (Vn. Leics. 1619, but probably much earlier). Azure, two bars or, on each three martlets gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased sable, langued gules. Motto — " Cleve fast." Son of Lt. -Col. Sir Francis Burdett, 7th Bart., J. P., D.L., d. 1813; d. 1892; m. 2nd, 1867, Mary Dorothy, yr. d. of John Smyth of Cleatlaw, co. Durham : — Sir Francis Burdett, 8th Bart. (25 Feb. 1618) of Fore- mark, co. Derby, D.L. for that co., formerly Lieut. 17th Lancers, Capt. Reserve of Officers, served in S. Africa 1900, Extra A.D.C. to Gov. of Ceylon (Sir J. West Ridgeway, G.C.M.G.) 1901 ; d. 1869. Seats — Foremark, Repton, Ramsbury Manor, Wilts. Cluds — Wellington, Army and Navy, Carlton, Cavalry. Grandson of 7th Bart., being son of his dau. , Clara Maria Money-Coutts, d. 1899 : — Francis Burdett Thomas Money-Coutts, Esq. {^.v.). Dau. of 7th Bart. :— The Rt. Hon. Angela Georgina, Baroness Burdett- Coutts (f.v. ). Sons of William Jones Bvu-dett, Gentleman (brother of 7th Bart.),^. 1814; d. 1858; m. 1852, Caroline Julia, d. of Capt. Joseph Neynoe : — William Jones Burdett, Gentleman, i. 1853. /fes. — Francis Neynoe Burdett, Gentleman, 6. 1855 ; m. 1875, Eleanor Raynor. /fes. — J>on of Lt. -Col. Charles Sedlcy Burdett, J. P., *. 1819; d. 1880; m. 1846, Harriet Elizabeth, d. of Levi Ames of The Hyde, Herts : — Henry Hugh Burdett, Gentleman, d. 1852. Mes. — Descendants of second son of ist Bart., bearing the following arms : Paly of six argent and azure, on a bend gules, three martlets or. Crest — On a tower argent, a martlet with wings displayed or : — Arthur Hugo de Burdet-Burdett, Esq. {(/.v.). Sons of Rev. Henry Burdett, Rector of Ballybay, co. Monaghan, i. 1813 ; d. 1875 ; m. 1842, Sybilla, d. of Thomas Fleetwood : — Rev. Henry Plantagenet Burdett, B.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), d. 1853; m. 1892, Maria Louisa, d. of John Cu,ny of Fareham, Hants. lies. — 5 Colleton Crescent, Exeter. John Head Burdett, Gentleman, 6. 1855; m, 1882, Ada, d. of late Rev. Moses Leatham ; and has issue — (i) John Head Burdett, Gentleman, d. 1883 ; (2) Henry Leatham Burdett, Gentleman, i. 1887; (3) Charles Plantagenet Burdett, Gentleman, i. 1890; (4) Cyril Trench Burdett, Gentleman, 6. 1896 ; and Sybil Mary, /fes, — 24 Lammas Park Road, Ealing, London, W. ARTHUR HUGO DE BURDET BURDETT, Esquire, J. P. for King's Co. (High Sheriff 1896), formerly Capt. 4th Batt. Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Bom March 27, 1863, being the only son of the late Arthur Burdett, Esq., J. P., of Coolfin (whorf. 1884), by his first wife Grace Florinda, dau. of late John Eyre Trench of Clonfert House, co. Galway, Livery— Dark blue with silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Paly of six argent and azure, on a bend gules, three martlets or, impaling the arms of St. George, namely argent, a chief azure, over all a lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, a crescent for difference. Blantliiig azure and argent. Crest — {Not registered in Ulster's Office) — On a tower argent, a inartlet with wings displayed or. Married July 23, 1884, Henrietta Maud, youngest dau. of late Robert St. George and granddau. of late Sir Richard Bligh-St. George, 2nd Bart., of Woodgift, co. Kilkenny ; and has Issue-{\) Arthur St. George Burdett, Gentleman, b. July 19, 1895 ; Grace Sophia; and Maude. .Sea/— Coolfin, Banagher, King's Co. C/«^j— Sports, Kildare Street (Dublin) ; Royal St. George's Yacht (Kingstown). BURDETT-COUTTS, see BARTLETT-BURDETT- COUTTS. BURDICK (H. Coll.). Vert, an ancient ship with three masts, sails set or, between four sea-gulls close proper. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a mast, a sail hoisted, upon water a sea-gull all proper. Motto — " Navigo diligenter." Son of George Burdick of Northam , co. Devon, b. ; d. ; m. : — James Burdick, Gentleman, b . Res. — St. Laurance, Putney Hill, S.W. S AUGUSTUS EDWARD BURDON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Northumber- IRtlfllrtll l^nd, Captain and Honorary Major Nor- it^UVUvll thumberland Hussars (Yeomanry), late of the 17th Lancers. Born September 11, 1851, being the only son of the late Colonel Augustus de Butts of the Royal Engineers, and of his wife Hannah Georgina Elizabeth, daughter of Admiral Inglefield, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and assumed the additional surname and arms of Burdon by Royal License m 1870. Clubs — Saint George's, Northern Counties (Newcastle-upon-Tyne), and Conservative (New- castle-upon-Tyne). Livery — Dark blue, orange piping, orange and blue striped vest, silver buttons. Armorial beailngs — He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, per fesse azure and or, a pale with three trumpets two and one, and as many cross crosslets all counterchanged (for Burdon), 2 and 3 gules, on a fesse engrailed between two salmons naiant argent, a like salmon of the field (for De Butts) ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising regardant or, each wing charged with a cross crosslet azure, holding in the dexter claw a trumpet gold (for Burdon), 2. upon a wreath of the colours, upon three annulets inteilaced gules, a stork argent, beaked, legged and collared gules, holding in the beak a salmon proper (for De Butts); with the Motto, "Honor virtutis." ^ is tlie Military Cockade. IBixt IBnv 187 Married, August 19, 1875, Alice Gertrude, daughter of the late Major Thomas Pakenham Vandeleur of Bellefield, in the county of Limerick ; and has Issue — William Wharton Burdon, Gentleman, born October 13, 1889 ; Norah Wharton ; and Georgina Wharton. Estates — Hartford, Wooperton, and Roseden, in the county of Northumber- land ; Prior Hall, in the county of Cumberland. Postal address — Hartford House, Cramlington, Northumber- land. RICHARD BURDON-SANDERSON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the TaurDon'-^anDeti8fon L°X'and X^^^^^ 1892-1893, Barrister-at- Law. Born December i, 1852, being the eldest son ot Richard Burdon-Sanderson, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Depuly-Lieutenant, by his wife Isabella Mitchelson, daughter of James Haldane. Clubs— Oxford, and Cam- bridge, Northern Counties (Newcastle-on-'l'yne). Livery — Claret coloured coat and gilt buttons, crimson breeches. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Paly of six or and azure, on a bend sable three annulets of the first, a canton gules, charged with a sword erect argent, pommel and hilt gold, surrounded with the collar of the Lord Mayor of the City of London proper, and for distinction, in the chief point a saltire humettee counterchanged of the field. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head argent, erased gules, collared and chain reflexed behind the neck or, between a branch of palm and another of laurel, and for distinction, on the neck a saltire humettee gules. Motto — " Clarior ex obscuro." Married, January 18, 1893, Katharine Emily, daughter of Robert Henry Mitford ; and has Issue — (i) Richard Lionel Burdon-Sanderson, Gentleman, b. April 22, 1894; (2) Guy Askew James Burdon-San- derson, Gentleman, b. June 6, 1897. Estates — Otter- burn Dene and Brunton, both in the county of Nor- thumberland. Postal addresses — Waren House, Belford, Northumberland; Otterburn Dene, Otterburn, R.S.O., Northumberland. BURGES, quartered by LAMB. S Colonel YNYR HENRY BURGES of Parkanaur, CO. Tyrone, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1869; Col. late Commanding 6th Brigade N.I. Div. R.A. Born Jan. 31, 1834, being the eldest son of the late John Ynyr Burges, Esq., of Parkanaur, co. Tyrone, and Thorpe Hall and East Ham, Essex, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff co. Tyrone 1829, by his wife Lady Caroline, youngest dau. of the Rt. Hon. Nathaniel Clements, 2nd Earl of Leitrim, K.P. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or a fesse chequy argent and azure, in chief two cross crosslets gules, and in base a covered cup of the last (for Burges) ; 2. paly of eight or and gules, all within a bordure of the first pelletfe (for Lloyd) ; 3. argent, a saltire sable on a chief gules, three cushions or (for Johnston); and impaling the arms of Bootle- Wilbraham , namely, quarterly i and 4, argent, three bendlets wavy azure (for Wilbraham) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a chevron engrailed between three combs argent, as many crosses pat6e of the field (for Bootle). Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a dove rising argent, beaked and membered gules, in its beak a palm branch proper (for Burges) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant gules, langued azure, in the dexter paw an annulet, enclosing a fleur-de-lis argent (for Lloyd). MottO — " Tace aut face." Married, firstly, Sept. 7, 1859, Edith, third dau. of the late Hon. Richard Bootle- Wilbraham (and sister of the present Earl of Lathom) ; and has Issue — (i) Ynyr Richard Patrick Burges, Esq., Capt. 6th Brigade N.I. Div. R.A., b. March 15, 1866 ; (2) John Ynyr Wilbraham Burges, Gentleman, b. 1871, d. 189s ; Edith Alice, Ethel Margaret, Myrtle Con- stance, and Irene Caroline. He in., secondly, 1896, Miss Mary Pearce. Seat — Parkanaur, Dungannon, co. Tyrone. Clt4b — Carlton. SThe Right Hon. HERBERT COULSTON GARD- NER, BARON BURGHCLERE of Walden, co. Essex, D. L. for Middlesex. Born 1846 ; educated at Harrow and Trin. Hall, Cambridge (B.A. 1868, M. A. 1872) ; is Presi- dent of the Board of Agriculture ; M. P. for Essex N. , 1885- 1895. Armorial bearings — Or, on a chevron gules, be- tween three griffins' heads erased azure, an anchor erect with a piece of cable attached, between two lions counter- passant chevronways of the field, all within a bordure wavy sable, and impaling the arms of Herbert, namely, per pale azure and gules, three lions rampant argent, a crescent for difference. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-grifiin azure, collared and chained, and charged on the shoulder with a saltire wavy or, and holding between the claws an anchor as in the arms. Motto — " Valet anchora virtus. " Supporters — On either side a wyvern regardant vert, gorged with a collar fiory counterflory or, and charged with an anchor as in the arms. Married, 1890, Lady Winifred Anne Henrietta Christina, dau. of the 4th Earl of Carnarvon, and widow of Capt. the Hon. Alfred John George Byng ; and has Issue — Hon. Juliet Mary Evelyn Stanhope ; and Hon. Alethea Margaret Gwendolen Valentine. Seat — Debden Hall, Saffron Walden. Town residence — 48 Charles Street Berkeley Square, W. Clubs — Brooks's, White's, Turf, St. James's, Bachelors', Pratt's. BURGHE, quartered by CONYERS and FOX. BURGOYNE- WALLACE (H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, gules, sem6-de-lys or, a lion rampart argent, within a bordure company azure, and of the third (Wallace) ; 2 and 3, gules, a chevron or between three talbots argent, on a chief embattled of the last as many martlets azure (Bur- goyne). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a pelican in her piety argent, the nest sable, the whole enclosed within two olive branches proper (Wallace). Motto— " Dieu donne." Sons of Gen. Hill Wallace, C.B., R.H.A., b. 1824; d. 1899; m. 1851, Harriet Sophia, d. and coh. of Capt. Frederick William Burgoyne, R.N. : — Frederick William Burgoyne Burgoyne- Wallace, Gentle- man (assumed the additional surname of Burgoyne by Royal Licence, 1903), b. 1852 ; tn. 1888, Hannah, d. of Robert Watson of Victoria Park, Ayr ; and has issue — Douglas Burgoyne Burgoyne- Wallace, Gentleman, b. 1893 ; Freda Gladys Burgoyne ; and Nancy Burgoyne. Res. — Fern Bank, Cheltenham. Clubs — Junior Constitutional, New (Cheltenham), Royal and Ancient Golf (St. Andrews). BURKE, quartered by CONYERS and FOX. BURKE, see HAVILAND-BURKE. is the Naval Cockade. i8S TBur T5ur BURKE Of DE BURGH (r. 13th crnt.)- Or. a cross gttlm. in th« drxter csinlon a linn ran)|>an( sable. Oreit — On • wreath of the coloun, a cat-a-aiountain sejant guardant proper, collared and chained or. Motto — " Ung roy, ung foy, ung loy." Son of isl Marquess of Clanricarde, K. P. , b. 1802 ; d. 1874 ; m. 1825, Hon. Harriet, only d. and h. of Vis- countess Canning and Rt. Hon. George Canning : — The Most Hon. Hubert George De Burgh-Canning, and Marquess (Irel., 26 Nov. 1825), and 15th Earl of Clanricarde (Irel.. i July 1543), Viscount Burke of Clan- mories, co. Mayo (Irel., 23 Aug. 1628), Baron Dunkellin, Baron of Immaney, Baron of Somerbill, co. Kent [Arms (R.L., 1862)— Quarterly, i and 4, argent, three Moor's heads couped in profile proper, wreathed about the temples argent and azure (Canning) ; 2 and 3, Burke as above. CnctB — I. a demi-lion rampant argent, charged with three trefoils vert, holding in the dexter paw an arrow barbed and flighted proper, the shaft or (Canning); 2. Burke as above. Motto— " Ne cede malis sed contra." Sup- porter! — On either side a cat guardant proper, collared and chained or], b. 1832. Seat — Portumna Castle, co. Galway. /?«.— The Albany, Piccadilly, W. Descendant (in the female line) of loth Earl of Clanri- carde : — Charles Ormsby Blake- De Burgh (q.v.). Sons of John Burke, M.D. , of Manila (3rd s. of Joseph Burke of Ower), b. 1832 ; d. 1886 ; m. 1869, Victoria, only d. and h. of Benjamin Butler of Manila : — Joseph Butler Burke, Gentleman, Res. — John Benjamin Butler Burke, Gentleman, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub., and Trin. Coll., Cantab.), late Fellow of Owen's Coll., Manchester, Res. — Cambridge. Club — Royal Societies. William Joseph Butler Burke, Gentleman, M.D. (Trin. Coll., Dub.). Res. — San Miguel, Manila. Son of Rev. Michael Burke, M.A., of Ballydugan, co. Galway. d. 1886; m. 1848, Isabella, d. of Capt. James Clarke : — Michael Henry Burke, Esq., J. P., b. 1853; m. 1901, Ethel Maud, d. of Robert Henry of Toghermore ; and has issue — William St. George Burke, Gentleman, b. 1902. Seat — Ballydugan, near Loughrea, co. Galway. Son of Capt. John Hawley Burke, W. Yorks. Regt. , b. 1854 ; d. 1887 ; m. 1885, Mary Alice, eld. d. of Col. Henry Vansittart Riddell. Divisional Judge, Laliore : — Noel Michael Burke. Gentleman, *. 1885, Res.— Yr. sons of Rev. Michael Burke above mentioned : — Thomas Edmund Burke, Esq., Capt K.O. Roy. Lanes. Regt. , b. 1856. Res. — George Selwyn Burke, Gentleman, b. 1858. Res. — Sons of William Malachy Burke. M.D., F.R.C.P.I., Registrar • Gen. for Ireland, b. ; d. ; m. 1853, Harriet Isabella, d. of Rev. Hugh Hamilton of Churchill: — John Albert Burke, Gentleman, b. 1862. Res. — Edmund Burke, Gentleman, b. 1865. Res. — Son of Rev. Thomas James Burke, Rector of Babcary, Somerset, b ; d. 1897 ; m. 1856, Eraser: — William Henry Burke, Gentleman, M.B. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), Surgeon-Capt. Indian Army, b. 1858. Res. — ARTHUR AUGUSTINE MEREDYTH BURKE, Es- quire. Horn August 17, 1872, being the sixth surviving son of the late Sir John Bernard Burke, Knight Bachelor, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Ulster King of Arms, by his wife Barbara PVances, second daughter of James MacEvoy of Tobertynan, in the CO. of Meath. Armorial bearings — Or, a cross gules, in the first and fourth quarters a lion rampant sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant proper, collared and chained or, and charged on the breast with a cross gold; with the Motto, "One king, one faith, one law." Married, Jan. 9, 1900, Gertrude, youngest dau. of the late James Francis Caulfield ; and h.is Issue — Shelagh Mary. Residence — Comer Cottage, Walton-on- Thames. ASHWORTH PETER BURKE, Esquire, late Lieut. Royal Irish Rifles, and A.D.C. to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, sometime Captain 4th Batt. Royal Irish Rifles. Botm Sept. 8, 1864, bemg the fourth but second surviving son of the late Sir John Bernard Burke, Knight Bachelor, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Ulster King of Arms, by his wife Barbara Frances, second dau. of James MacKvoy of Totertynan, in the co. of Meath. Armorial bearin^^s — Or, a cross gules, in the first and fourth quarters a lion rampant sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant proper, collared and chained or, and charged on the breast with a cross gold ; with the Motto, " Ung roy, ung foy, ung loy." Postal address — 59 Pall Mall. C/«^j— Garrick, New. CHARLES CARRINGTON BURKE, Gentleman, M.A. (Cantab.). Born July 8, 1853, being the eighth son of the late James St. George Burke, Q.C. , of Auberies, Bulmer, CO. Essex, by Anne Eliza his wife, dau. of John Grubbe, Esquire, J. P., D.L. , of Horsendon House, co. Bucks. Armorial bearings — Or, a cross gules, in the first quarter a lion rampant sable. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of tne colours, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant proper, collared and chained or. Motto — " Ung roy, ung foy, ung loy." Married, December 7, 1882, Frances, dau. of Charles Greenstreet Addison, Barrister-at- Law (by Frances Octavia his wife, dau. of James Wolfe Murray, Lord Cringleiie of Cringletie) ; and has Issue — Hugh St. George Melville Addison Burke, Gentleman, bom June 15, 1884. Residence — Michenhall, Godalming. FRANCIS EUSTACE BURKE, Esquire, J. P. for cos, Bucks and Kent. Born Nov. 8, 1848, being the sixth son of the late James St. George Burke, Q.C, of Auberies, Bulmer, co. Essex, by Anne Eliza his wife, dau. of John Grubbe, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Horsendon House, co. Bucks. Armorial beairings — Or, a cross gules, in the first and fourth quarters a lion rampant sable. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, uf)on a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant proper, collared and chained or, charged on the breast with a cross of the last. Motto — "Ung roy, ung foy, ung loy." Married, April 16, 1884, Mary Alice, dau. of Charles Greenstreet Addison, Barrister-at- Law (by his wife Frances Octavia, dau. of James Wolfe Murray, Lord Cringletie of Cringle- i Is tbe Military Cockade. IButr IBut 189 tie) ; and has Issue — John Addison Burke, Gentleman, d. June 23, 1885. Seat — HAROLD ARTHUR BURKE, Gentleman. Born Jan. 28, 1852, being the seventh son of the late James St. George Burke, Q.C. , of Auberies, Bulmer, co. Essex, by Anne Eliza his wife, dau. of John Grubbe, Esquire, J. P., D. L. , of Horsendon House, co. Bucks. Armorial bearings —Or, a cross gules, in the first and fourth quarters a lion rampant sable. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant proper, collared and chained or, charged on the breast with a cross of the last. Motto — " Ung roy, ung foy, ung loy." Married, Jan. 12, 1893, Beatrix Mary Clifford, dau. of Stephen Thomas Aveling, of the Restora- tion House, Rochester. Postal address — 39 Victoria Road, Kensington. Clubs — Arts, Savage. 3 HENRY FARNHAM BURKE, Esquire, C.V.O., Somerset Herald of Arms and Registrar of the College, Genealogist of the Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick, F.S.A. Bom June 12, 1859, being the eldest son of the late Sir John Bernard Burke, Knight Bachelor, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Ulster King of Arms, and Principal Herald of all Ireland, Registrar of the Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick, and Keeper of the State Papers of Ireland, Doctor of Laws, by his wife Barbara Frances, second daughter of James MacEvoy of Tobertynan, in the county of Meath, by his wife Theresa, daughter and co-heiress of Sir Joshua CoUes Meredyth, Baronet ; was Rouge Croix Pursuivant of Arms, 1880-1887, Somerset Herald of Arms from 1887; appointed, 1889, Genealogist of the Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick ; Deputy Ulster King of Arms 1889-1892, Com- mander of the Royal Victorian Order 1902, Registrar of the College of Arms and Inspector of Regimental Colours from 1904. Club — Garrick. Armorial bearings — Or, a cross gules, in the first and fourth quarters a lion rampant sable. Upon the escutcheon, which is surrounded by his collar of SS, and from which is pendent his badge of Saint Patrick, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant proper, collared and chained or, and charged on the breast with a cross gold; with the Motto, "Ung roy, ung foy, ung loy." Married, April 23, 1885, Helena Mary Ray, only daughter of Henry Pollard Palmer, late of Oaklands, Eccles, in the county of Lancaster ; and has Issue — John Bernard Burke, Esquire, born November 6, 1892 ; Barbara Helen Mary. Postal address — Heralds' College, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C, SSiR HENRY GEORGE BURKE, fifth Baronet, of Marble Hill, in the county of Galway, Deputy-Lieu- tenant, High Sheriff 1883; late Lieutenant 4th Battalion Connaught Rangers. Born November 30, 1859, being the second son of the late Sir Thomas John Burke, third Baronet, Captain ist Royal Dragoons, by his wife Mary Frances, commonly known as Lady Mary Frances, second daughter of the Right Honourable Anthony Francis Nugent, ninth Earl of Westmeath ; and succeeded his brother as fifth Baronet, August 17, 1880, under the creation of December 5, 1797. Club— K.\\da.re. Street (Dublin). Armo- rial bearings — He bears for Arms — Erminois, a cross gules, in the first quarter a lion rampant sable. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant proper, collared and chained or. Motto — "Ung roy, ung foy, ung loy." Estate and postal address — Marble Hill, Loughrea, county Galway. JOHN EDWARD BURKE, Esquire, formerly Athlone Pursuivant of Anns. Born March 19, 1868, being the fifth surviving son of the late Sir John Bernard Burke, Knight Bachelor, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Ulster King of Arms, by his wife Barbara Frances, second dau. of James MacEvoy of Tobertynan, co. Meath. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a cross gules, in the first and fourth quarters a lion rampant sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant proper, collared and chained or, and charged on the breast with a cross gold; with the Motto, " One king, one faith, one law." Sir THEOBALD HUBERT BURKE, Baronet, of Glinsk, in the co. of Galway, Lieut. -Colonel (retired) rSth Regiment. Bom March 1833 ; succeeded his kinsman as 13th Baronet, July 21, 1884, under the creation of Aug. 2, 1628. Armorial bearings— Or, a cross gules, in the first quarter a lion rampant sable, the escutcheon being charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a plume of five ostrich feathers argent. Motto — "In hoc signo vinces." Club — Army and Navy, ULICK JOHN BURKE, Esquire, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, Justice of the Peace for the coun- ties of Essex and Southampton, late Captain Suffolk Yeo- manry Cavalry, Barrister-at-Law. Bom July 29, 1843, being the fourth, but at present the second surviving son of the late James St. George Burke, Esquire, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, of Auberies, Sud- bury, in the county of Suffolk, by his wife. Anne Eliza, dau. of John Grubbe, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Horsendon House, in the county of Buckingham. Club — White's. Livery — Claret-coloured coat, with scarlet piping- breeches, &c., and gold lace. Armorial bearings — Or, a cross gules, in the first and fourth quarters a lion rampant sable. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain proper, collared and chained or, charged on the breast with a cross of the last. Motto — " Ung roy, ung foy, ung loy." Married, August 5, 1869, Edith Charlotte, youngest dau. of Nathaniel Barnardiston, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of The Ryes, in the county of Essex ; and has Issue — Uiick Roland Burke, Gentleman, born January 23, 1872 ; Violet ; Kathleen Laura ; and Dorothy. WALTER ST. GEORGE BURKE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Essex and Suffolk, formerly is tbe Naval Cockade. 190 'But IBur Major and Honorary Lieut. -CoL Royal Engineers (retired). B*rm April aj, 184a. being the third but eldest surviving MQ of James Sc George Uurke, Esquire, of Auberies, EiKX, one of Her Majobty's Counsel I^enrned in the l.aw, by hi* wife Annie Ehza. daiiKliter of John Grubbe, L-^uire, {(Mice of the Pence and l>tr. a cross gules, in the first and fourth quartiTs a lion rampant sable. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Great, upon a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain sejant suardant proper, collared ami chained or, charged on the breast with a cross gold. Motto — " Ung roy, ung foy, ung loy." Atarried, June 6, 1877, Mary Ann Amy Macrae, daughter of George Ferguson Cockmirn ; and has Issue — (1) Redmond St. George Burke, Gentleman, Ixjrn July ai, 1879 ; (a) Hubert Francis Burke, Gentleman, born October 8, 1880; (3) Ch.-ulcs Doniinick Hurke, Gentleman, born lanuar|r 04. i88a ; (4) ILarold French Burke, Gentleman, born hehniiiry a8, 1883 ; (5) Edmund Plunkett Burke, Gentleman, born June 13, 1885 ; (6) Mich.iel Lawrence Burke, Gentfcman. born June 5, 1888; Norah Rachel; Amy E>-elyn ; Geraldine Margaret ; and Constance Audrey. Estatt—\\i\xt'\cs, in the parish of Bulmer, in the county of Essex. Postal address — Auberies, Sudbury, Suffolk. BURLEY. quartered by CORBET. THOMAS DAVIES BURLTON, Esquire, J. P. for co. Hereford, County Councillor. Born Sept. 19, 185a, being the onlv son of Thomas Burlton, Esq., J.P., F.R.C.S., Eaton Hill, Herefordshire, by his wife Margaret I'^dwards, dau. of Thomas Davies, Esq., J. P., of Caswell House, Leo- minster, and Luntley Court, Herefordshire. Livery— ^Xmc, silver buttons. Armorial bearings— Argent, three bars gem- mel between four horseshoes, three in chief and one in base all azure. Mantling azure and argent OrMt —On a wreath of the colours, a demi-gryphon, couped, wings elevated and addorsed argent, holding in the dexter claw a horseshoe and resting the sinister on a fleur-de-lis both azure. Motto — " Mens Sana in corpore Sano." Married, Sept. 16, 1884. lane Annie Westmorland, elder dau. of the Rev. John I'rice-jones, Vicar of Ivington, Herefordshire ; and has Issue - Richard Ferrer Burlton, (jentleman, b. Jan. 26, 1889 ; Margaret Annie ; and Ethel Gladys. Seats -Eaton Hill, I^ominstcr ; Luntley Court, Pembridge. Clubs— Piccadilly, County (Hereford). BURN-CALLANDER(H. Coll.). Azure, a bend chequy or, and gules lietwcen six billets of the second. Mantling azure and or. Crest — Out of an Eastern crown or, a dexter arm enibowed proper, holding a billet as in the arms. Motto—" Tendit ad astra fides," Son of John Alexander Burn-Callander of Westertown and Preston Hall, b. 1839 ; d. 1865 ; m. i860, Mary Frederica Dundas, d. of Hon. Henry Amelius Coventry fyr. son of Geo. William, 8th Earl of Coventry, by Lady Mary Beauclerk, d. of 6th Duke of St. Albans]: — Henry Burn-Callander, Esq., J. P. and D. L. co. Haddington, b. ac Feb. 1862 ; m. 6 July 1886, Cecilia Margaret, d. of late William Baird of Elie; and has issue — (i) William Henry Burn-Callander, Gentleman, b. 25 June 1890 ; (2) George Douglas Burn-Callander, Gentleman, b. 31 May 1895 ; and Cecilia Ruih. Estate — Westerton, co. Stirling. Seats — Preston Hall, Dalkeith, N.B. ; The Grange, Oakham, Rutland. C/«^j— White's, Turf. BURN-MURDOCH (L.O., rematric. 1904). Quarterly, I. or, a crescent gules between two spur-rowels in chief and a hunting-horn in base sable (Burn of Coldoch, 1757); 2, azure, a saltire between four unicorn's heads erased argent- armed and crined or (Higgins of Higgin's Neuck) ; 3. aziu-e, a bend chequy or and gules, between six billets of the second (Callander of Westertown, c. 1672) ; 4. parted per pale argent and sable, two ravens pendent on an arrow fessways pointing to the sinister all counterchanged (Murdoch of Gartincaber). Mantling (dexter) sable and or. Crest — on a wreath of his liveries, two daggers in saltire proper. Motto — "Tendit ad astra fides." Mant- ling (sinister) sable and argent. Crest — A raven rising transfixed by an arrow all proper. Motto— "Omnia pro bono." Sons of John Burn- Murdoch, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Gartincaber and Coldoch, co. Perth, and Higgin's Neuck and Easter Greenyards, co. Stirling, b. 1793 '< d. 1862 ; tn. 1820, Anna Maule, only child and h. of William Murdoch of Gartincaber : — John Burn-Murdoch, Esq., of Gartincaber, co. Perth, Advocate, J. P. cos. Perth and Edinburgh, b. 1821 ; m. 1851, Dorothea Harriet, d. of Capt. Thomas Monck-Mason, R.N., by Mary, d. of Hon. Sir George Grey, Bart., K.C.B. (s. of ist Earl Grey, K.B.); and has issue— John George Grey Burn-Murdoch, Gentleman, b. 1853. Seat — Gartin- caber, Doune, co. Perth. Archibald Burn-Murdoch, Gentleman, W.S. [Arms as above, and (rematric. 16 July 1904) "the whole within a bordure ermine], b. 1836 ; m. 1874, Mary Harriot, only d. of W. Burn-Callander of Preston Hall ; and has issue — (1) Hector Burn-Murdoch, Gentleman, B.A., LL.B., b. 1881; (2) Alexander Burn-Murdoch, Gentleman, b. 1886; (3) William Callander Burn-Murdoch, Gentleman, b. 1888. Post. add. — 10 Merchiston Avenue, Edinburgh. Club — University (Edinburgh). BURNARD, quartered by CHICHESTER. CHARLES FREDERICK BURNARD, Gentleman, Justice of the Peace for the County TR!lt*nfl1*ll Bo'"0"R*' ^^ Plymouth, for which town he >UUl>llt«VU served the office of Mayor in the year 1882, Fellow of the Chemical Society. Born July i8, 1816. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, three escallops in bend between two bendlets azure, in chief and in base a leopard's face jessant-de-lis of the last ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, on a rock proper an escallop argent, between the attires of a stag also proper; with the Motto, " Bear and forbear." Married, 1839, Jane Bice, daughter of William Evans, Shipowner is tbe Military Cockade. IBnt TBur 191 of Fowey ; and has Issue — An only surviv- ■n Burnard, Gentleman [to whom refer] ; Fanny Evans ; Mary Beatrice ; Alice ; and Katherine Bice. Postal address — Chatsworth Lodge, Compton Gifford, Plymouth. ROBERT BURNARD, Gentleman, F.S.A., Justice of the Peace for the Borough of Plymouth, only surviving son of Charles Frederick Burnard, Gentleman, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Jane Bice, daughter of William Evans. C/z^(5j— Royal Societies', Eighty, National Liberal. Armorial Ijearlngs— He bears for Anus: Argent, three escallops in bend between two bendlets azure, in chief and in base a leopard's face jessant-de-lis of the last, and differenced with his label as the eldest son ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, on a rock proper an escallop argent, between the attires of a stag also proper ; with the Motto, "Bear and forbear." Married, .'\pril 6, 1871, Fanny Louise, eldest daughter of Samuel Henry Pearce of Paignton, in the county of Devon ; and has Issue— {\) Lawrence Friedrich Burnard, Gentleman, born July 27, 1874 \m.y 1901, Barbara, daa of Rev. S. Baring-Gould, of Lew Trenchard, and has issue, Robert Sabine Burnard, Gentleman, born 1902] ; (2) Charles Francis Burnard, Gentle- man, Lieut. Royal Warwickshire Regt. , born April 12, 1876; Olive Louise ; and Dorothy Blanche. Postal address — Huccaby House, Princetown, S. Devon. BURNELL, quartered by CONYERS and FOX. BURNELL, see PEGGE BURNELL. BURNES (Regd. H. Coll. ; matric. L.O. 1851, another coat having been previously matric. 1837). Ermine, on a bend azure, an escutcheon or charged with a holly-bush surmounted by a crook and bugle-horn saltireways all proper, being the device of the poet Burns, and on a chief gules, the White Horse of Hanover between two Eastern crowns or, in allusion to the Guelphic Order conferred on Jarnes Burnes, K.H., by King William IV., and to the distinguished services of himself and his brothers in India. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crests — i. on the dexter side (of augmentation, in allusion to the devotion to their country shown by the late Lt.-Col. Sir Alexander Burnes, C.B., and Lieut. Charles Burnes), out of a mural crown per pale vert and gules, the colours of the Douranee Empire, the rim inscribed " Cabool " in letters argent, a demi-eagle displayed transfixed by a javelin in bend sinister proper ; 2. on the sinister side that previously borne, viz. issuant from an Eastern crown or, an oak-tree shivered renewing its foliage proper. Motto— ' ' Ob patriam vulnera passi." Son of Adam Burnes, b. 1802 ; d. 1872 ; brother of Sir James Burnes, K.H. : — Alexander Horatio Burnes, Gentleman. A'^j. — New 2^aland. JOHN GEORGE BURNETT, Gentleman. Born March 30, 1876, being the eldest son of the late George Burnett, Esquire, LL.D., Advocate, Lyon King-at-Arms, by Alice, dau. of John Alexander Stuart of Carnock. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent three holly-leaves in chief vert, with a hunting-horn in base sable, garnished and stringed gules (for Burnett) ; 2 and 3 azure, two garbs in chief and a crescent in base or (for Craigmyle), the whole differenced by a mullet sable at the fesse point. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of the liveries, a dexter hand holding a palm-branch proper, and in an escroll above the same. Motto, " Quae vernant crescunt." Married, Nov. 13, 1901, Helen, only child of Captain Duncan Malcolm Irvine, Esq., J. P. co. Tyrone; and has Issue — (i) George Irvine Leslie Burnett, Gentleman, b. 1903; (2) Malcolm Stuart Leslie Burnett, Gentleman, b. 1904. Residence — Powis House, Aberdeen. S HENRY EDWARD BURNEY, Esquire, Colonel 3rd Batt. Oxford Light Infantry, J. P. for co. Bucks. Borji April 9, 1845, being the only son of the Reverend Henry Burney, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Wavendon, by his wife Sophia, dau. of Peter Richard Hoare, Esq. , of Luscombe Castle, co. Devon, who was fifth son of Sir Richard Hoare, Bart. Livery — Royal blue with yellow facings, with Maltese crosses on yellow braid. Armorial beailiigs (Aug. 8, 1807) — Azure, two bars counter-embattled erminois, on a canton argent, a cross pat^e fitch^e sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, out of a maunch gules, charged with an ancient lyre or, stringed argent, a hand proper, holding a cross is tbe Naval Cockade. «9« T5ur IB MX pUit fitch<^ erect ns in tl>e arms. A/arrifii, May aj. 187a. Co«intes!i <.>rtens»a M;irin, elder dau. and heir of Count Troili. Officer in Ikxlyguard of li. H. the Pope of Rome, by his wile Maria, elder dau. of Capt Richard Hoare, second son of Sir Henry Hugh Hoare, Bart.; and has /ssue — Guy Henry Chetham Bumey, Gentleman, fi. Oct. 22, 1873. Estale and postal address — Wavendon Tower, Bletchley, Bucks. Club — Junior Carlton. S HARDIN BURNLEY-CAMPBELL, Esquire, Lieu- tenant-Colonel, late of H.M. 6th Dragoon Guards (the Carabineers), of Ormidale, co. Argyll, J. P. and D.L. for that county. Bom 1843, being the eldest son of William Frederick Burnley, by his wife Rozina, daughter of the late James Eccles, and assumed the additional surname of Campbell in the year 1882. Clubs — Army and Navy, United Service, New (Edinburgh). Armorial bearln^^ — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gyronny of eight ermine and sable (for Campbell) ; 2 and 3 ermine, on waves of the sea a ship in full sail profier, on a chief engrailed azure, a cornucopia between two bees volant also proper (for Burnley). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable doubled argent; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand in pale, holding a dirk erected, both proper; and in an escroll over the same, this Motto, "Pro f)atria semper. " Mar- ried, February 8, 1882, Margaret Jane Campbell, only child and heiress of William Morrison Hunter (by his wife Catherine Helen Campbell of Ormidale) ; and has Issue — (i) Ian Hardin Burnley-Campbell, Gentleman, born No- vember 29, 1882; (2) Colin William Burnley -Campbell, Gentleman, born March 9, 1888 ; Marjorie Catharine (died 1887) ; and Daisy Helen. Estate — Ormidale, Argyllshire. Postal address — Ormidale, Colintraive, Argyllshire. SJOHN WILLIAM BURNS, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. CO. Dumbarton, J.P. Lanark. Born March 18, 1837, being the only son of the late James Burns, Esq. , J. P. and D.L., by his second wife Margaret, dau. of William Short- ridge of Glasgow. Armorial bearingfs — Argent, on a chevron azure, betwixt two spur-revels in chief and a hunt- ing-horn in base sable, three fleurs-de-lis of the field. MaJit- ling' azure and argent. Oreit — On a wreath of the colours, a hand dexter proper, holding a hunting-horn. Motto — " Ever reailv." Married, Dec. 10, 1861, Helen, only dau. of Gen. Sir George Movie Sherer, K. C.S.I. ; and has Issue — (i) James Burns, Esq., Capt. Leicestershire Y.C. , late Royal Horse Guards, b. Oct. aa, i86a [m., June 4, 1894, Florence Honoria, dau. of the late Capt. William Wray Hartopp, Royal Horse Guards, and assumed by Royal Licence in 1894 the surnames of Burns- Hartopp]; (a) John William Burns, Gentleman, b. Nov. 13, 1863, Capt. 1st Royal Dragoons; (3) Alan Bums, Gentleman, Advocate, b. Feb. a8, 1868; Helen Sherer {m., Feb. 4, 1891, Major Archibald Spencer Drummond, Scots Guards, and has issue]; Margaret Shortridge [»»., Dec. 3, 1896, Major John Fraser Vans .Agnew, R.A. (retired), and has issue]. Seats — Kilmahew, Cardross, Dumbartonshire ; Cumbernauld House, Cumbernauld, Dumbartonshire. Club — Reform. BURNS (matric. L.O.). Ermine, on a bend azure, an escutcheon or, charged with a holly-bush and in chief a shepherd's crook surmounted by a bugle-horn in saltire all all proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, an oak-tree shivered renewing its foliage proper. Motto—" Ob patriam vulnera passi." Son of Robert Burns, b. 1847; d. 1891; m. 1871, Sibylla, d. of Rev. Phillipps Donnithorne Dayman, M.A. :— Kenneth Glencairn Burns, Gentleman, b. 1872 ; m. 1895, Emmeline Bertha, d. of William Winter. Post. add. — Parkfield, Hayward's Heath. Clubs — Blenheim, Prim- rose. W JAMES BURNS-HARTOPP, Esquire, Capt. Leices- W tershire Yeo. Cav. , late Capt. Royal Horse Guards, J. P. for cos. Leicester and Kerry. Assumed by Royal Licence 1894 the additional name and arms of Hartopp. Born Oct. 22, 1862, being the eldest son of John William Burns of Kilmahew, co. Dumbarton, Esq., J. P., D.L. [to whom refer], by his wife Helen, only dau. of Gen. Sir George Moyle Sherer, K. C.S.I. Armorial bearings— Quarterly I and 4, sable, a chevron between three otters argent, a ^ is the Military Cockade. 'Bur IBut '93 canton or, for distinction (for Hartopp) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a chevron gules, between two spur-rowels in chief and a hunting-horn in base sable, three fleurs-de-lis of the field (for Burns), and upon an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Hartopp without the mark of distinction. Mant- ling sable and argent. Crests— i. out of a ducal coronet or, a pelican issuing argent, charged on the neck with a cross crosslet for distinction, vulning herself proper (for Hartopp) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a hand proper, holding a hunting-horn sable, garnished or ; and in an escroU over the same this Motto, " Ever ready." Married, June 4, 1894, Florence Honoria, dau. and heir of Capt. William Wrey Hartopp, and granddau. of Edward Bour- chier Hartopp of Dalby Hall; and has Issue — Laetitia Honoria; and Helen Dorothy Lina. Seats—HaXhy Hall, Melton Mowbray; Scraptoft Hall, co. Leicester; Water- ville and Kilgarvan, co. Kerry. Club—Tnri, ISAAC WILLIAM BURNS-LINDOW, Esquire, of Irton Hall, in the county of Cumberland, Capt. 8th Hus- sars. Born June 10, 1868, being the eldest son of the late Jonas Lindow Burns-Lindow, Esquire, of Irton Hall, in the county of Cumberland, Justice of the Peace and De- puty-Lieutenant for the county of Cumberland, and High Sheriff 1877, formerly Captain Royal Cumljerland Militia, who assumed the name and arms of Lindow by Royal License 1871, by his wife Mary [to whom refer], eldest daughter of Mark Hildesley Quayle, Esquire, of Crogga, Isle of Man, Her Majesty's Clerk of the Rolls of that island ; succeeded his father 1893. Livery — Buff, crimson facings. Armorial bearings (R.L., 1871; orig. grant, 1861) — Ermine, on a chevron dove-tailed between three sinister hands couped at the wrist gules, as many fountains. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his de- gree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant gules, sem^e of buckles or, and holding between the paws a fountain. Motto — ■" Vi et virtute." Married, 1896, Madelaine Harriet Mary Theresa, dau. of Col. Boileau, of Old Catton, Nor- wich. Estate and postal address — Irton Hall, Holmrook, vii Carnforth, Cumberland. MARY BURNS-LINDOW, Widow, daughter of the late Mark Hildesley Quayle, Esquire, of Crogga and of Bridge House, Castletown, Isle of Man, Her Majesty's Clerk of the Rolls and Justice of the Peace for that island, by his wife Mary Jane Hamilton, eldest daughter of James Spedding, Esquire, of Summer Grove, in the county of Cumberland, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Major in the Militia, late Captain Grenadier Guards. Ar- morial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Ermine, on a chevron dovetailed between three sinister hands couped at the wrist g;ules, as many fountains, and impaling the arms of Quayle, namely argent, on a chevron sable, gutt^e-d'eau, between three quails proper, in the centre chief point a pellet, two swords points upwards of the first. Married, July 11, 1867, Jonas Lindow Burns-Lindow, Esquire, of Irton House, in the county of Cumberland, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, and High Sheriff 1877, who assumed the arms and the additional surname of Lindow by Royal License T871, and who died 1893. Of the above marriage there is Issue — (i) Isaac William Burns-Lindow, Gentleman [to whom refer]; (2) Samuel Lindow Burns-Lindow, Gentleman, born October i, 1869; (3) Mark Hildesley Jonas Burns-Lindow, Gentleman, born January 28, 1879 '< Mary Jane ; Agnes Lindow ; and Ruth Edith. Postal address — Irton Hall, Holmrook, \ik Carnforth, Cumber- land. BURNSHEAD, quartered by CUST. BURNSHIDE, quartered by RAMSDEN. BURNSIDE, quartered by DUCKETT. WILLIAM BURNYEAT, Esquire, J. P. for Cumberland (1894). Born 1849, being the son of William Burnyeat of Whitehaven. Armorial bearings —Per pale or and azure, on a chevron between three bears' heads couped, two quatre- foils all counterchanged. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from flames proper, a bear's head per pale or and azure, gorged with a collar flory counterflory counterchanged. Married S. Frances, daughter of Thomas Dalzell of Moresby, White- haven. Seat — Mill Grove, Moresby, Whitehaven. BURR. Ermine, on a mount vert, issuing from park palings with gate proper. A lion rampant or, holding in the dexter paw a scimitar all proper, on a chief indented sable, two lions rampant argent. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — Out of a mural crown inscribed with the word "Ternate" a Malay holding in his de.xter hand the colours of Ternate all proper, granted in commemoration of the capture in 1801 of that island, the chief of the Malaccas, by the late Lt.-Gen. Daniel Burr, H.E.I. C.S. Motto — "Virtus verus honos." Son of : — Higford Burr, Gentleman. BURRA, quartered by POMFRET. JAMES SALKELD BURRA, Esquire, J. P. for Kent, M.A. (Oxon.). Borti 1838, being the youngest son -of William Burra and Mary Catharine, dau. of John Butler Pomfret ol Tenterden. C/«^— Union. Armorial bearings —Ermine, a chevron engrailed sable, Ixjtween three chaplets of roses proper, a chief vert, fretty argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a griffin's head erased sable, semfe of annulets or, a fret of the last; with the Motto, "Pactum serva." Married 1873, Eleanor Margaret, youngest dau. of Nicolas Toke of Godinton, Kent ; and has with other Issite—(-i) W'll'am Pomfret Burra, Gentleman, b. 1874; (2) John Salkeld Burra, Gentleman, b. 1876. 6Va/— Bockhanger, Ashford. Kent. ROBERT BURRA, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of the county of York. Bom December 29. 1840 being the eldest son of Robert Burrra of Carshalton, in the county of Surrey, and of King's Meaburn. in the county of Westmorland, by his wife Agnes Ann, daughter of the late Thomas Fawcett, Esquire, of Gate, Sedbergh, m the county of York, Deputy-Lieutenant, f ^^«'?'-™,^blue coat with brass buttons, and scarlet waistcoat. Armorial is the Naval Cockade. N •94 TBur TBur bMXlBC*— III* Ijcars for Arms: Krmine. a chevron en- grailed SiiWIr. U'twif n thrif chapUts of roses pro|x'r, a chief vert, frrity iugrnt ; nn»l for his Oreit. on n wreath of the cokMirs, in front of n griffin's head erased sable, sem4 of 1885 1888 (9) Harold Martin Burrough, Gentleman, b. July 4, (to) Walter Raphael Burrough, Gentleman, b. Fcl). annulets or, a fret of the last ; with the Hotto, " Persiste." Married, September ai, 1869, Clara, only daughter and co- heiress of the late John Abcrnethy Warburton ; and has liiue — Robert Burra, Gentleman ; Agnes Phoebe ; Mary Cicely ; Dorothy Angela Elyetson ; and Margaret Elinor Isabel. EstaUs — The Gate, Dent, near Sedbergh, in the county of York ; The Meaburn, near Appleby, in the county of Westmorland. Postal address — Gate, Sedbergh, York- shire. R-S.O. BURRELL. quartered by CARRINGTON. The Reverend CHARLES BURROUGH, M.A. Univ. of Cambridge (Jesus Coll.), Rector of Eaton Bishop, in the co. of Hereford. Born Dec. 12, 1846, being the only son of John Burrough, Commander in the Royal Navy, by Ann his wife, daughter of James Wainwright. Clubs — Junior Conservative (London), Herefordshire County (Hereford). Livery — Grey, with green facings and silver buttons. Armorial beards— He bears for Arms : Quar- terly 1 and 4, argent, two chevronels between three chap- lets vert, the roses dor (for Burrough, granted with the crest, 1586, to Thomas Burrough of Wickhambrook, Suffolk) ; a and 3 argent, a cross-bow pointed upwards between four moorcocks sable, beaked and membered gules (for Highniore). Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest — On a torse argent and vert, a griffon's head couped argent, beaked d'or, charged with two chevronels as in the arms; with the Motto, "Vive ut vivas." Mar- ried, June 8, 1 87 1, Georgina, third daughter of George Long, Esquire, Justice of the Peace; and has Issue— (i) Rev. Charles James Burrough, b. July 25, 1872 [m., 1898, Lucy Mabel, dau. of William Wilson, and has issue, Charles William Burrough, Gentleman, b. Oct. 13, 1899 ; John Wilson Burrough, Gentleman, b. 1904; and Mary LucyJ; (a) Rev. John Burrough, M.A., b. Sept. 5, 1873; (3I VV illiam George Burrough, Gentleman, b. July 22, 1875 ; (4) Herbert Strong Burrough, Gentleman, b. Dec. 13, 1876 ; (s) Francis Thomas Burrough, Gentleman, b. Oct. 26, 1879 [m., 1904, Naomi Rose, dau. of Alfred T. Kaeppel, and granddau. of Sir James Patterson, K.C.M.G.]; (6) Eklmund Andrew Burrough, Gentleman, b. Nov. 16, 1881 ; (7) Hubert Michael Burrough, Gentleman, b. April 26, 1884 ; (8) Evan Gabriel Burrough, Gentleman, b. Sept. 21, 13, 1892 ; and Mary. Postal address — Eaton Bishop Rec- tory, Hereford. H THOMAS COSBY RURROWES. Esquire. J.P. and D.L. , High Sheriff 1888. Born 1856, being the son of the late Edward James Burrowcs, second son of Thomas Burrowes of Stradone. Armorial bearings — Or, on a cross gules, five mullets argent, in each chief quarter a lion passant sable, ducally crowned and langued of the second. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant guardant sable, ducally crowned or, langued gules. Motto—" Non vi sed virtute." Married, April 15, 1885, the Hon. Anna Frances Maxwell, youngest dau. of Hon. Richard Thomas Maxwell of Portland, co. Cavan, and sister of Rt. Hon. Somerset, loth Lord Farnham ; and has Issue — Eleanor Mary Cosby ; and Rosamond Char- lotte Cosby. Seat — Lismore House, Crossdoney, co. Cavan. S THOMAS JAMES BURROWES, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. CO. Cavan. Bom May 13, 1879, being the eldest son of the late Robert James Burrowes Esq., J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1883, formerly Capt. ist Dragoon Guards, by his wife Eliza Bankhead, dau. of Commodore Magnider, U.S. Navy, and niece of Major-Gen. J. B. Mag- ruder. Livery — Drab (dress) ; black (undress). Armorial bearings — Or, on a cross gules, five mullets argent, in each chief quarter a lion passant sable, ducally crowned and langued of the second. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant guardant sable, ducally crowned or, langued gules. Motto—" Non vi sed virtute.'' Seat — Stradone House, Cavan. Town residence— Z2 Lowndes Street, S.W. C/«^ - Bachelors'. HSiR JOHN MOWLEM BURT, K.B., a Commis- ® sioner of Lieutenancy for City of London. Bom 18^5, being the eldest son of George Burt, Esquire, of Swanage, in the county of Dorset, who died 1894, by Elizabeth his wife, daughter of John Hudson. Armorial bearings- Argent, on a chevron cotised gules, between two bugle- horns in chief sable, garnished or, stringed of the second, and as many cross crosslets fitchfe and saltireways in the base of the third, a bugle-horn stringed between two cross crosslets fitch^e of the fourth ; Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock proper, two cross crosslets fitch^e saltireways or, therefrom pendent a bugle-horn sable, gar- nished or, stringed gules ; MottO, " Know thyself." Mar- ia the Military Cockade. TBur ried, 1869, Marion, dau. of Robert Ker Aitchison. Postal addresses— Vmhuvk. House, Svvauage ; ig Grosvenor Road S.W. JAMES BURT-MARSHALL, Esquire, of Luncarty, Perthshire, J. P. co. of Perth. Born 1847, being the eldest son of James Burt of Prince's Park, Liverpool (who d. 1861), by his wife Jane, dau. of Thomas Cuthbert Newall of Earlston, Galloway, N.B. He assumed the name and arms of Marshall by Royal Licence in 1872, on inheriting the property from the late William Marshall of Luncarty. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a saltire azure, between three edock leaves slipped proper in chief and flanks, and a hunting-horn sable, stringed gules, in base, a cross crosslet fitchfe of the first, within a bordure of the fourth. Mant- ling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a dove with an olive branch in its beak proper ; and in an escroll above this Motto, " Virtute tutus." Married, 1884, Kate, second dau. of David Bannerman, Esq., J. P., of Mansfield Lodge, Whalley Range, Manchester ; and has, with other Issite^A son, b. 1886. Seat — Luncarty, Penh. Clubs — Conservative, New Club (Edinburgh). S CHARLES HENRY BURTCHAELL, Esquire, Major R.A.M.C., Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Medicine, and Bachelor of Surgery and of Obstetrics, all of Trinity College, Dublin ; served in the Tirah Expedition and in South African War ; is Principal Medical Officer (Lieut. -Col.) South African Constabulary. Born, Aug. 30, 1866, being the third son of the late Peter Burtchaell, Gentleman, County Surveyor of Kilkenny, by his wife Maria Isabella, dau. of Lundy -Edward Foot, Barrister-at-Law. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, party per pale azure and gules, on a chevron between three cross crosslets or, three quatrefoils of the first (for Burtchaell) ; 2 and 3, or, on a mount in base vert, a stag trippant argent under an oak-tree proper (for Rothe) ; over all a mullet for differ- ence. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a lion rampant sable, sup- porting on the sinister side an oak-tree proper. Motto^ "Quo fata vocant." Married, 1903, Bertha Marcella, eldest dau. of John George Auret of Johannesburg. Nesi- dence — Johannesburg, South Africa. DAVID EDWARD BURTCHAELL, Gentleman, Bachelor of Arts and of Engineering, of Trinity College, Dublin. Born Feb. 9, 1859, being the second son of the late Peter Burtchaell, Gentleman, County Surveyor of Kilkenny, by his wife Maria Isabella, dau. of Lundy Edward Foot, Barrister-at-Law. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, party per pale azure and gules, on a chevron between three cross crosslets or, three quatrefoils of the first (for Burtchaell) ; 2 and 3, or, on a mount in base vert, a stag trippant argent under an oak-tree proper (for Rothe) ; over all a crescent, charged with a crescent for difference. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a lion rampant sable, supporting on the sinister side an oak-tree proper. Motto — "Quo fata vocant." Married, Dec. 23, 1904, Caroline Harriett Crosby, eld. dau. of the late Thomas Boyd, Clerk of the Crown and Peace, co. Tipperary. GEORGE DAMES BURTCHAELL, Gentleman, Master of Arts and Bachelor of Laws of Trinity College, Dublin, Barrister-at-Law of King's Inns, Dublin, Member of the Royal Irish Academy, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Antiquaries (Ireland). Bo}-n June 12, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Peter Burtchaell, Gentleman, Civil Engineer, County Surveyor of Carlow 1851-1860, and of the city and county of Kilkenny 1860-1894 [who was the second son of the late David Burtchaell, Esquire, of Brandondale and Coolroe, in the county of Kilkenny, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Kilkenny and Carlow, Sovereign of Thomastown 1815-1821, and Portrieve of Gowran from 1815 until that Corporation was abolished in 1844], by his wife Maria Isabella, eldest daughter of Lundy Edward Foot, Barrister-at-Law. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, party per pale azure and gules, on a chevron between three cross crosslets or, as many quatrefoils of the first (for Burt- chaell) ; 2 and 3 or, on a mount in base vert, a stag trippant argent, under an oak-tree proper (for Rothe), over all a crescent for difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and TBur 195 argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a lion rampant sable, supporting on the sinister side an an oak-tree proper. Motto-" Quo fata vocant." Postal address— ^^ Morehampton Road, Dublin. C/?/^^— Royal Societies', City and County Conservative (Dublin). BURTON, quartered by BEETHAM, BURTON, see LINGEN-BURTON. S General Sir FOWLER BURTON, K.C.B. (1903), General in the Army, Col. -in-Chief of the Queen's Own Regt., Member of the Goldsmiths' Company, and has Freedom of City of London, Nov. 20, 1900, J. P. CO. Devon. Boim 1822, being the second son of the late David Burton, Esq., J. P. and D.L. of Cherry Burton Hall, Beverley, by his wife Isabella, dau. of Thomas Fawell of Yarm Hall, Yorkshire ; entered the Army 1839 ; has medals — Crimea 1854, 1855, with clasp, Sardinian and Turkish medals, and fifth class Medjidie, Indian Mutiny ; promoted Brevet Lieut.-Colonel for service in the field; created C.B. 1867; Col. Royal West Kent Regt. Oct. 1890. Livery — Light drab, with red facings. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, party per fesse erminois and azure, two barrulets engrailed between three talbots' heads all counterchanged (for Burton), 2 and 3 vert, a chevron erminois between two cinquefoils pierced in chief, and a stag trippant in base or, a bordure engrailed of the last (for Robinson). Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honour- able Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath ot the colours, a mount vert, thereon upon a perch or, a parrot also vert, the dexter claw resting upon an escallop argent, and holding in the beak a cherry stalked proper (for Burton) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a stag regardant or, the dexter forefoot resting on a cinquefoil as in the arms (for Robinson). Married, 1862, a daughter of the late John is tbe Naval Cockade. i9. Aug. la, 1883; and Lilian Florence [m., 1903. C'oU VV. Sydney S. Harvest, Royal Marines, son of hue .Mi»ior-Cj«n. E O. Harvest]. A*j/(»/«— Preston Houm:. South Durham ; and in the town-ships of Preston, HiutlMirn, and Stockton, in the parish of Stockton-on-Tees. tKatttl aiUnss — Stoke Danierel, Devonport. Clubs — United Service. Wellington, Grosvenor. Ijinghorne Burton Burton, M.A., Rector of Bag Knderby and Soniorlw, by his wife Charlotte, seventh dau. of Rev. John Hale, Rector of Holton and Buslingthorpo. co. Lin- coln. Armorial bearings— Siihle, on a chevron cngr.iiled argent, between three owls ermine memVxjred .ind ducally crowned or, as many estoiles of the field. M a n t ling sable and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, an owl as in the arms, the dexter claw resting on an estoile sable. Motto — " Cari Deo nihil carent." Married, Jan. 9, 1879, ICdiih Grace, younger dau. of Rev. Thomas Henry Lister of Scremby Plall ; and has with other Issue — Langhorne Burton Burton, Gentleman, b. 1880. GERALD ARTHUR FOWLER BURTON. Esouire. Major (retired) 3td Suffolk Regt., a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths of the City of I^ndon, rcciMved the Freedom of the City Nov. ao, 1900. Horn Aug. 7. 1868, lieing the eldest surviving son of Gen. Sir Fowler Burton, K.C. B., Gen. in the Army and Col.-in- Chief (Queen's Own Regt.. by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of late John Banks Friend, Esq., of Ripple Vale, co. Kent, anil 30 Sa-isex Scjuan-, late Prime Warden of the Gold- smiths' Company. Livery — Light drab with red facings. Armorial bearings— Party per fe«se erminois and azure, two barrulets engrailed between three talbots' heads all counterchanged (for Burton), 2 and 3 vert, a chevron erminois between two cinquefoils pierced in chief, and a stag trippant in base or, a bordure eng^iled of the last (for Robinson). Mantling azure and or. Crests — i. upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon upon a perch or, a parrot also vert, the dexter claw resting upon an escallop argent, and holding in the beak a cherry stalked proper (for Burton); 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a stag regardant or, the dexter fore- foot resting on a cinquefoil as in the arms (for Robinson). Motto — "Vigilante salus." Residences— SaoVc Damarel, Devonport ; 17 Bury Street, St. James's, S.W. Clubs — United Service, Wellington, Grosvenor, Royal Western Yacht (Plymouth). LANGHORNE BURTON BURTON, Gentlem.in. Bom August 21, 1842, being the eldest son of the late Rev. WILLIAM SCHOOLCROFT BURTON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire, High Sheriff 1878. Born 1829, being the son of the late John Burton, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Roundhay Grove, in the county of York, by his wife Elizabeth, eldest daughter of tlie late Thomas Musgrave of Foggathorpe. Armorial bearings — He bears for SxmB : Per pale indented azure and sable, six fleurs- de-lis, three, two, and one, each within an annulet argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of two arms emlwwed in armour, the hands proper, holding a Heur-de-lis argent, six annulets interlaced fessewise, also argent. Motto — " Sans changer. " Married, 1855, Mary Judith, only daughter of James Shaw of Stubbing, in the county of York; and has had, with other Issue — James Schoolcroft Burton, Gentleman, born 1857, died 1881. BURTON -MACKENZIE (L.O., 1887). Quarterly, i and 4 grand quarters, azure, a stag's head caboshed or, between the attires a mullet of the last (for Mackenzie) ; 2. grand quarter, counter-quartered i. and iiii. azure, three cinquefoils argent, ii. and iii. argent, three antique crowns gules, all within a bordure ermine (for Fraser of Inverallochy) ; 3. g^and quarter, counter-quartered i. and iiii. azure, three garbs or, ii. and iii. quarterly, first and fourth argent, a pale sable ; second and third azure, a bend between six cross crosslets fitch^e or (all for Erskine, Earl of Buchan), and upon an escutcheon of pretence for and in right of his wife, this same coat and quarterings of Mackenzie. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crests — i. on the dexter, on a wreath of the liveries, a dexter arm enibowed in chain mail, couped at the shoulder, holding a broad- sword in bend proper (for Mackenzie) ; 2. on the sinister, on a wreath of the liveries, a stag's head caboshed or, pierced with an arrow proper (for Fraser). Mottoes — Over the crests, "Fide parta fide aucta;" below the shield, " Dia's mo dhuthaich." Livery — Blue, with yellow facings. Son of Lt.-Col. John Edward Burton-Mackenzie, J. P. and D.L., b. 1835 ; d. 1901 ; m. 30 March 1869, Isabella Jane, eld. d. and heiress of the late Sir Evan Mackenzie, and Bart., of Kilcoy, co. Ross, J. P. and D.L. : — Evan North Burton-Mackenzie, Gentleman, Lt. Lovat's Scouts, Imperial Yeo. , J. P. cos. Ross and Cromarty, b. 9 March 1870. Postal addresses — Kilcoy Castle, Muir of Ord, Inverness; Belmaduthy House, Munlochy, Ross- shire. BURY, see HOWARD-BURY. WILLIAM PENNEFATHER ARTHUR FORBES PHINEAS BURY, Gentleman. Born Sept. 26. 1868, being the only son of the late William Phineas Bury of Carrig- renane, Little Island, co. Cork, by Harriet his wife, second dau. of Arthur Forbes of Newstone, co. Meath. Clubs — Junior Constitutional, Royal Cork Yacht, County (Cork). Livery — Dark green, yellow facings, green and yellow striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings (U.O., Conf. 1896) — Vert, a cross crosslet or, on a canton argent, an ermine spot sable. Mantling vert and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a boar's head or, couped at the shoulder, pierced at the neck with a spear enibrued proper. Motto — "Virtus sub cruce crescit." Married, 1899, Is the Military Cockade. IBur IBufi 197 Catherine, dau. of Maurice Collins of Shauntrade, co. Limerick ; and has /ssae — Phineas Bury, Gentleman, 6. feild, M.A., of Upwood. Rector of Keighley, by his wife Sarah, dau. of Rev. Charles Frederick Bond of Margaret- ting, Essex. C/«^— Junior United Service. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron invected gules, gutt^e-d'eau, between three fleurs-de-lis vert, in the centre chief point a saltire couped of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm in armour proper, charged with a saltire as in the arms, holding in the 1902; and Iris Euphemia. Seais — Curraghbridge, co. Limerick ; Carrigrenane, Little Island, co. Cork. JAMES ROBERT BARRY BURY- BARRY, Gentleman. Born Jan. 3, 1875, being the son of the late Capt. Robert Bury, of the 7th Dragoon Guards, by Anne his wife ; s. his grand-uncle, the late St. Leger Barry, in 1888, when he also assumed the additional name of Barry. Armorial bearings —Quarterly 1 and 4, barry of six argent and gules (for Barry) ; 2 and 3 vert, a cross crosslet or, in chief a crescent for differ- ence (for Bury). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, out of a castle ar- gent a wolfs head couped sable, langued gules (for Barry) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a boar's head couped at the neck or, tusked argent, langued gules, transfixed through the neck by a spear proper, and charged with a crescent for difference gules (for Bury). Mottoes — Under the arms, " Boutez en avant ; " over the second crest, " Virtus sub cruce crescit." .Sffrt/— Ballyclough, Fermoy, co. Cork. SJOHN BUSFEILD, Esquire, Major (Retired List) late 79th (Queen's Own) Cameron Highlanders. Born Nov. 18, 1839, being the second son of the Rev. Wm. Busfeild, M.A., of Upwood, Bingley, Yorkshire, and of his wife Sarah, dau. of Rev. F. C. Bond, Margaretting, Essex. C/;/(5— Constitutional. Livery — Green and red. Armorial bearings— Argent, a chevron invected gules, guttfe-d'eau, between three fleurs-de-lis vert, in the centre chief point a saltire couped of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm m armour proper, charged with a saltire as in the arms, holding in the hand also proper a fleur-de-lis within an annulet or. Married, March 23, 1871, Caroline {d. March 30, 1901), dau. of the late J. A. Busfeild. Residence— Laurel Bank, Ripon. WILLIAM BUSFEILD, Esquire, J. P. for West Riding CO. of York, Lieut.-Col., late Major 22nd Regt. Born Jan. 20, 1837, being the eldest son of the late Rev. William Bus- hand proper a fleur-de-lis within an annulet or. Motto — " Medio tutissimus ibis." Married, April 21, 1874, Louisa Emily, youngest dau. of Johnson Atkinson Busfeild ; and has Issue — (i) William Busfeild, Gentleman, b. June 19, 1875 ; (2) Johnson Atkinson Busfeild, Gentleman, Lieut. 2nd Cheshire Regt., b. Dec. 3, 1877 ; Dorothy; and Emily Mary Victoria. Residence-~V^^\\.-^-'Oc\^\■a, Wrexham. THOMAS BUSH, Gentleman, of The Lawns, Alveston, in the co. of Gloucester. Born Oct. 22, 1813, being the fourth son of the late John Bush, Gentleman, of Fifteen Acres, Bitton, in the co. of Gloucester, by his wife Anne, only child of Joseph Gregory Harris of Bitton. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure a wolf rampant argent, armed and langued gules, collared and chained (the chain passing over the front of the body in bend sinister) or, in chief three crosses patee fitchee fesse- ways of the second (for Bushe, alias Duyland, Kydwelly) ; 2. argent, on a fesse gules, between three boars statant sable, armed and unguled or, a fleur-de-lis between two eagles displayed of the last (for Bushe) ; 3. argent, two lions passant sable (for Strange of Gloucester) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a goat's head couped argent, the sinister horn azure, and the dexter purpure ; with the MottO, "Hope me encouragithe. " Married, April 30, 1844, Frances, daughter of John Brickdale Ward, of Upper Hazle, Alveston, in the co. of Gloucester; and has Issue — Mary Frances [m., 1883, William Alford Ward of Fizleaze Rudgway, Glos. ; and has issue]. BUSHBY (H. Coll.). Vair, on a chief gules, five passion crosses argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a stag's head erased proper, gutt6e-de-sang, transfixed through the neck by an arrow bendways, point towards the dexter, also pro- per. Motto — " Fructu non foliis." Sons of Henry Jeffreys Bushby, Esq., J. P., b. 1820, d. 1903, m. 1862, Lady Frances, sec. d. of the Rt Hon. Francis North, sixth Earl of Guilford : — is tbe Naval Cockade. 198 IBuier TBU0 Henry North (inml Bushhy, Ksq. , J.I*, co. Herts, formerly Lieut. Hcits Yconi. C'av., liitrristcr-nt-I^iw, b. i86»; *». i8q6, Kather, d. of I". l>. Fonl of Sydncv, N.S.W., ami has issue- Ill tkvffrry Honry liu»hl)y, lientlenuin. t. 1899 ; <3) Francis U alter Duilloy Mushhy. iJcnilenian. b. 190a; and Oorothy KtihcT. /-j/u/w— Worniley Hury, in co. Hertford ; Lafjdun Lodge, in co. Maya Postal addrtss—ifA Gloucester I'er- rmee. Hyde Tark, W. CV**— Carlton. Dudley Charles Bushby, Gentleman, b. 1864. BUSHE. alias DUYLAND, quartered by BUSH. ARTHUR BUSHE. Gentleman. Bom , being the third KNi of the late Arthur Bushe. Master of the Court of Queen's Bench, by his first wife. Miss Christian. Armorial bMrlnga -t^uarterly 1 and 4, axurc. a wolf rampant argent colliued and chained or, in chief three crosses patte (itch(^ of the second ; a and 3, barry of six argent and azure, a bend compony or and gules (for Greyl. Mantling .azure and argent Great -On a wreath of the coloiu-s. a goat's head argent. Motto — " Moderata durant." A/(irr>Vassnnt gules, between three fl«ir*tJeli> luiirc, on a chief of the last, a sun in splendour or. Wwnt""ff vtTt and argent ; and for his OrMt, upon a wreath of the colours, a liranch of a cotton tree fructcd pro- per. Motto — "He steady." Married, 1876, Rose Julia (died April 190a), vounRest dau. of the late Most Rev. Richard Chcvenix Trench, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin. ,Sm/— l>anesfort, Killamcy, co. Kerry. Rtsidenct — 6 Tavistock Square, W.C. Rkv. SAMUEL JOHN BUTCHER. M.A., Clerk in Holv Ordt-rs, Vicar of Weston Beggard, co. Hereford. Bon* February 7, 1838. lieing the only son of the late Robert Butcher of Cork, by his wife Rebecca, dau. of John Dtaves of Cork. Armoiial boarlnga — Vert, an elephant argent. MailtHllg vert and argent. Creit— On a wreath of the colours, a branch of a cotton-iree fructed proper. MottO—" Be steady." Married Mary Haines, dau. of Josrph Platts of the Rusi>ian Admiralty, St. Petersburg; and has /««/*— Grace Mary. Postal address —Weston Beggard, co. Hereford. BUTLER, quartered by RAMSDEN. BUTLER, see ARCEDECKNE-BUTLER, FOWLER. BUTLER. BUTLER (U.O.). Quarterly, i. or, a chief indented azure (Walter or FilrWalter) ; 2. gules, three covered cups or (Butler); 3. argent, a lion rampant g^les, on a chief of the second, a swan close of the first between two i\nnulets or (Carrick) ; 4. ermine, a saltire engrailed gules (FitzGerald). Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, from a plume of five ostrich feathers, a falcon rising argent. Motto — ' ' Comme je trouve. " Heirs general — being together coheirs to the Earldom of Carrick in Ireland (cr. with remainder to heirs general i Sept. 1315). and not improbably together entitled to the Hereditary Office of Chief Butler of Ireland (cr. 1177) : — (i) The heir or heirs, if any, of Sir George St. Leger of Annery. (2) The Rt. Hon. Eva Mary Fitzhardinge Foley, de jure and sua jure Countess of Ormonde (Irel. , 1529) i6th Baroness Berkeley (Eng., 20 Oct. 1421 ; confirmed Letters Patent, 12 June 1893), a coheir to the Earldom of Carrick and the Barony of Braose of Gower [Arms— Quarterly, i. Milman ; 2. Berkeley ; 3. Mowbray ; 4. Segrave ; 5. Brotherton ; 6. Cary ; 7. Boleyn ; 8. Fitz Walter, as above ; 9. Butler, as above ; 10. Carrick, as above, and many others. Bapportan — Two lions argent, the sinister ducally crowned gules, both collared and chained gold], b. 1875 ; s. 1899 ; m. 1903, Capt. Frank Wigram Foley, D.S.O. [Arms — Argent, a fesse engrailed between three cinquefoils sable, a bordure of the last. Crest — A lion rampant argent holding an escutcheon of the arms]. Seat — Martin's Heron, Bracknell, Berks. Heir general of the 3rd and last Duke of Ormonde, as such inheriting the Baronies of Dingwall and Butler of Moor Park : — The Rt. Hon. Sir Francis Thomas De Grey Cowper, 7th Earl Cowper (20 March 1717-18), Viscount Fordwich, Baron Lucas, Baron Butler, Baron Cowper, and Baron Dingwall, a Prince of the Holy Roman Empire, a Bart, and K.G. [Arms — Quarterly, i. Cowper; 2. Nassau- D' Auverquerque ; 3. Butler, as above ; 4. Preston ; 5. De Grey and Robinson ; 6. Yorke ; 7. Campbell ; 8. Grey Duke of Kent ; 9. Lucas]. 5>eth [m. 1901, Maior-Gen. Sir Reginald Pole-Carcw, K.C.B., C.V.O. (y.v.)]; and Lady Constance Maryr iVa/ -Kilkenny Castle, Ireland. Town res. — 32 Uppe, Brook Street, W. Clubs — Carlton, Cavalry, Miullxjrough. Kildare Street (Dublin). Lord James Arthur Wellington Foley Butler, M.A. Camb. , late Lieut. 1st Life Guards, b. 1849 ; /«. 1887, Ellen, d. of Gen. Anson Stager, U..S.A. ; and has issue — (i) James George Anson Butler, Esq., b. 1890; (2) ^ames Arthur Norman Butler, Gentleman, b. 1893; Evelyn Frances ; and Eleanor Rachel, ties. — . Clubs — Travellers', Carlton. Rev. Lord James Theobald Bagot John Butler, M.A. Camb. , Rector of Ulcombe, b. 1852; m. 1885, Annabella Brydon, only d. of Rev. Cosmo Reid Gordon, D.D. , Rector of Chelwynd; and has issue — (i) James Walter Theobald Gordon Butler, Esq., b. 1886; (2) James Hubert Theobald Charles Butler, Gentleman, b. 1899; Violet Mary Emily Maud ; Sybil Frances Christina Lilah ; and Victoria Blanche Constance Theodora. Res. — The Rectory, Ulcombe, nr, Maidstone. Sons of Lord James Wandesford Butler, J. P., D.L., b. 1815; d. 1893; m. 1856, Lady Rachel Evelyn Russell, d. of John, 6th Duke of Bedford, K.G. :— James Francis Butler, Esq., b. 1857. Res. — Julian George Butler, Gentleman, b. 1864. Res. — Descendants of the 1st Viscount Mountgarrett (2nd son of 8th Earl of Ormonde), Iwaring the arms of Butler (i.e. Fitz Walter) as above, with a crescent for difference. Crest as above. Motto — " Depressus Extoller." Son of 13th Viscount Mountgarrett, b. i8i6 ; d. 1900; m. 1844, Frances Penelope, only child and h. of Thomas Rawson of Nidd Hall, Yorks. : — The Rt. Hon. Henry Edmund Butler, 14th Viscount Mountgarret and Baron of Kells (Irel., 23 Oct. 1550), D.L. cos. York and Kilkenny (High SherifiF Yorks. 1895) [Arms (R.L. 1891): Quarterly, i and 4, per fesse sable ^ is the Military Cockade. IBixt IBnt i and azure, a quadrangular castle with four towers between three martlets all argent (Rawson); 2 and 3, or, a chief indented azure, a crescent for difference (Butler). Crests — I. an eagle's head per fesse sable and azure, gutt^-d'or, holding in the beak two annulets interlaced paleways or (Rawson) ; 2. Butler, as above. Supporters — As Marquess of Ormonde], 6. 1844 ; m. ist, 1868, Mary Eleanor {d. 1900), ygst. d. of St. John C. Charlton of Apley Castle, Salop; 2nd, 1902, Robinia Marion, d. of Col. Edward Hanning Hanning-Lee of Brighton Manor, Alresford, Hants; and has issue- (i) Hon. Edmund Somerset Butler, late Lieut. Yorks Hussars, i. 1875 [m. 1897, Cicely, d. of Arthur Duncombe of Sutton, Hall, Easingwold] ; (2) Hon. Piers Henry Augustine Butler, 6. 1903 ; Hon. Elinor Frances [m. 1889, Andrew Lawson of Aldborough Manor, Yorks.]; Hon. Ethel Mary [m. 1897, Henry Rimington Wilson]. Seats — Ballyconra, co. Kilkenny; Eaglehall, Pateley Bridge, Yorks. ; Nidd Hall, nr. Ripley, Yorks. Ciuis — Windham, Brooks's, Wellington. Sons of Capt. Henry Butler, 59th Regt., d. 1805; d. 1881 ; m. 1846, Clara, eld. d. of John Taylor of The Newarke : — Lt.-Col. Somerset James Butler, J. P. -and D.L. co. Kilkenny (High Sheriff 1893), late Roy. Berks Regt., (5 .1849. Seat — Kilmurry, Thomastown, co. Kilkenny. Ciuds — Junior United Service, Kildare Street (Dublin). Walter Theobald Butler, Esq., late Major 5th Batt. Roy. Irish Regt., d. 11 Feb. 1853. J^es. — Son of William Butler, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., 6. 1814 ; d. 1847 ; fu. 1841, Catherine, d. of John Walsh : — Walter Butler, Gentleman, 6. 1842. J^es. — Sons of Walter Butler, Gentleman, 6. 1821 ; d. 1900 ; m. 1852, Emily Maria, d. of Michael Farrell : — Theobald Butler, Gentleman, i. 1853; m. 1882, Jane, eld. d. of William Edward Stuart; and has issue — Theo- bald Stuart Butler, Gentleman, i. 1884 ; and Kathleen Dorothea. /?es. — Walter Butler, Gentleman, d. 1855. J?es. — Descendants of Edmond Butler, ist Earl of Carrick (cr. 1315), bearing Arms — Quarterly, i and 4, Butler (i.e. Walter) as above, a crescent for difference; 2. gules, three cinquefoils argent, on a chief or, a heart of the first (Hamilton) ; 3. gules, three cushions argent, tasselled or (Redman). Crest as above. Motto— "Soyez ferme" : — The Rt. Hon. Charles Henry Somerset Butler, 6th Earl of Carrick (10 June 1748), 13th Viscount Ikerrin (12 May 1629), Major late Welsh Regt. [Supporters — As Marquess of Ormonde and Viscount Mountgarrett, but each charged with a crescent for difference]; d. 1851 ; m. ist, 1873, Kathleen Emily Hamilton (d. 1888), d.^of Lt.-Col. A. E. Ross, sth Fus. ; and has surv. issue — Charles Ernest Alfred French Somerset Butler, Esq. , commonly called Viscount Ikerrin, late Lieut. K.O. Yorks Lt. Inf., Insp. Dept. Agric. in Ireland (Glasnevin, co. Dublin), (J. 1873 [/«. 1898; Ellen Rosamond Mary, d. of Lt.-Col. Henry Gore Lindsay of Glasnevin; and has issue — Hon. Theobald Walter Somerset Henry Butler, i. 1903 ; Hon. Horace Somerset Edmond Butler, a twin with his brother ; Hon. Rosamond Kathleen Margaret ; and Hon. Irene Jane Beatrice] ; Lady Kathleen [m. Walter Charles Lindsay]; he m. 2nd, 1896, Emily, d. of Codrington Jones. Seat — Mount Juliet, Thomastown, Kilkenny. Son of Rev. Pierce Butler,*. 1825; d. i86'3 ; m. 1861, Catherine Twisden, d. of Rev. Sir. W. M. Smith Marriott, Bart. :— Pierce Armar Butler, Gentleman, d. 1863; m. 1885, Emily, d. of W. I. Riiswuren ; and has issue — Pierce Rollo Butler, Gentleman, 6. 1885. /?es. — Yr. son of Gen. Hon. Henry Edward Butler, b. 1780 ; d. 1856 ; vt. 2nd, 1836, Frances Mauleverer, d. of John Parker 'Toulson : — Edward John Butler, Esq., Capt. late 2ist Fus., 6. 1842 ; m. 1879, Elizabeth Turner, d. of G. E. S. Clarke, M.D. Descendants of Sir Thomas le Botiller {d. 1329), yr. br. of ist Earl of Carrick, bearing Arms — Quarterly, i and 4, or, a chief indented azure, three escallops in bend counterchanged (Butler or Walter); 2. argent, a fesse sable (Petit); 3. gules, three covered cups or (Butler). Motto — -"Timor Domini fons vitae." Son of 14th Baron Dunboyne, 6. 1806 ; d. 1881 ; m. 1832, Julia Celestina Maria, d. of William Brander of Morden Hall :— The Rt. Hon. Robert St. John Fitz Walter Butler, i6th Baron Dunboyne (11 June 1541), a Rep. Peer for Ireland, Senior Master of the Court of Judicature and King's Remem- brancer, D.L. Middx., J. P. co. Clare. [Crest as above. Supporters — Dexter, a lion guardant argent ; sinister, a horse sable, mane, tail, and hoofs or] ; 6. 1844; m. 1869, Caroline Maude Blanche, d. of Capt. George Probyn ; and has issue— (i) Hon'. FitzWalter George Probyn Butler, Lieut. R.N., served in Witu Exped. (medal and clasp), 6. 1874 ; (2) Hon. Lesley James Probyn Butler, Lieut. Irish Guards, served in S. African War (medal and four clasps), 6. 1876; (3) Hon. Robert Thomas Rowley Probyn Butler, C.E., P.W.D., India, d. 1882; (4) Hon. Theobald Patrick Probyn Butler, 6. 1884, 2nd Lieut. R.F.A. ; Hon. Lavinia Alice Julia [m. 1891, Rev. John H. Hindson]; Hon. Maude Celestina (m. 1895, Kobert Charles Donner] ; Hon. Blanche Amy Charlotte ; and Hon. Rosalinda Letitia. Seat — Knoppogue Castle, Quin, co. Clare. A'm. — Ouselye Lodge, Old Windsor. Cluds—CsLrhon, Kildare Street (Dublin). Sons of James Henry Arcedeckne-Butler, Esq. : — St. John Henry Arcedeckne-Butler, Esq. (q.v.). Capt. James FitzWalter Arcedeckne-Butler, (y.v.). Res.— Descendants of Theobald Butler of Priestown, and Maria, d. of Sir Nathaniel Whitwell, bearing : Quar- terly, I. Butler {i.e. FitzWalter), or, a chief indented azure, three escallops in bend counterchanged ; 2. Petit, as above ; 3. Butler, as above; 4. gules, a fesse com- pony or and azure, cottised of the second (Whitwell). Son of James Butler, Gentleman, of Brownstown Park, CO. Meath, b. 1823; d. 1899; in. 1864, Mary Elizabeth, d. of Tottenham Alley of Hill of Ward, Athboy, co. Meath :— James Tottenham Butler, Esq., J. P. co. S. Meath and Donegal, Capt. 5th Batt. Lein.ster Regt. [Motto — "Timor Domini fons vitae." Livery— 'Sine], b. 1868. Seats — Priestown, co. Meath; Holt Lodge, Kintbury, Berks; Altameenagh, co. Donegal. Clubs — Sackville Street (Dublin). Son of Whitwell Butler, Esq., J. P. of Staffordstown, CO. Meath, b. 1799; ^- ^^77 '< '"• ^^^SS' Elizabeth, d. of John Paine Garnett of Arch Hall, co. Meath : — Richard John Butler, Gentleman, b. 1840 ; m. 1870, Georgina Eleanor (d. 1888), d. of Charles Rothwell of Kells ; and has issue — Richard John Butler, Gentleman, b. 1879 ; ^nd Synolda [m. 1903, Rev. Arthur Cowan Digby French]. Seat — Staffordstown, co. Meath. Son of John Butler of Maiden Hall, i. ; d. 1890; tn. 1853, Mary, d. of Robert Barton of Greenhill, co. Kilkenny : — George Butler, Esq., J. P. co. Kilkenny (High Sheriff J901); b. ; tn. 1898, Harriet Neville, d. of Marshall Neville Clarke of Graiguenor Park, co. Tipperary ; and has issue — Hubert Marshal Butler, Gentleman, b. 1900; Cicely Marion ; and Yoanna Vernon. 5^a^— Maiden Hall, co. Kilkenny. Sons of James Butler, Esq., of Waterville, J. P., b. 1820 ; d. 1887 ; 7n. 1847, Anne Margaret, d. of Roger Green Davis of Killeagh : — James Edward Butler, Esq., J. P. co. Kerry (High Sheriff 1892) ; b. 1856 ; m. 1897, Mary Goyne, eld. d. of William Goyne Stevens; and has issue— (i) James Whitwell Butler, Gentleman, b. 1897; (2) John Hubert Butler, Gentleman, b. 1900; (3) Edward Vincent Butler, Gentleman, b. 1902; Arabella Agnes ; Mary Rosellen ; and Belinda Yielding. iVai"— Waterville House, Waterville, co. Kerry. Theobald Butler, Gentleman, b. 1857 ; m. 1880, Elizabeth, d. of Richard Bayley of Green Park, Kilmallock ; and has surv. issue — Theobald FitzWalter Butler, Gentleman, b. 1894 ; Elizabeth Susan Aileen ; Arabella Agnes Muriel ; Gwenda Mary ; and Synolda. Res. — BUTLER (Fun. Entry, 1636, U.O.). Or, a chief indented azure, within a bordure indented ermine, a crescent gules for difference. Mantling azure and or. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a plume of five ostrich feathers, therefrom a falcon rising argent. Motto— " Com me je trouve." Sons of Sir Richard Pierce Butler, 9th Bart., b. 1813; d. 1862; tn. 1835, Matilda, d. of Thomas Cookson of Hermitage, co. Durham :— , , r. Sir Thomas Pierce Butler, loth Bart. (i6Aug. 1628), J. P. is the Naval Cockade. aof" TBut TBut and Vic«.-lJeut, ca Carlo* (MiRh Sheriff 1866). la«e l.ieut. 56U1 and 34th Kr^s., srrv«Hl in C rinicM, prcst-nl nt sirRe and lakint; of Sctmslopol (iticdul and tiiisp ;ind Turkish nMMlal), MoTL Col. 8th iiatt. King's Royal Kifle Corps, h, 1836; m. 1864, Hester Klisabeth \d. 1904). eld. d. of Sir Alan E. Itelhngham. 3rd liart.; and has issue— (0 Richard l»iercT? liutlcf. K«|., J. P. co. Carlow. Cnpt. 8lh Batt. King's Royal Ririe Corps, served in South African War (niedal and five clasjjs), b. 187a; (a) I homas Ktlniond Butler, hlsq..*. 1876; Kdilh Alice ; Maudt- lsal)el ; Dorothea Hester [•». 1904, Rev. and Hon. Ifenjamin John I'lunket]; and Kleiintw Frances. AVa/j— IValliniemple, Tullow, and Garryhundon, co. Carlow. 67k*j— Carlton, Kild.ore Street (Dublin). Richard Pierce Butler, Esq., late Lieut. 78th Highlanders, y 18^ ; M. 1864, Florence Isabel, d. of kite Hans Henry Hamilton, Esq., QC. ; and has issue— Hans Pierce Hiitler, Gentleman, b. 1880; Violet [m. 1891, John Francis of Winnipeg^; Eva \m. 1893, Charles E. Hall of Bclcourt, Manitoba]; Isaliel; Mildred; and Kathleen. Kes.— Solgorth, Manitoba, Canada. Walter Selby Butler, Esq., Lt.-Col. late 8th Batt. King's Ro>-nl Rifle Corps, b. 1845 ; m. 1885, Alice Iaicv, d. of Edmund Fowler of .Abberley. l-xlgbaston, co. Warwick ; and has issue— Edmund Pierce Butler. Gentleman, b. 1886 ; and Vivien Tilla. 5Va/— Grecnmount, Castle Bellinghatu, CO. l»uth. Charles Robert Butler, Esq., late 30lh Regt., b. 1848. A?«.— 43St. Stephen's Green, Dublin. C/«Aj— Wellington, Kildan; Street (Dublin). Son of Antoine Sloet Butler, Esq., C.B., late Capt. 7th Dragoon Gds., Divis. Magistrate in Ireland 1883-88, b. 1823 ; d. 1901 ; m. 1st, 1854, Mary, eld. d. of Rev. George Hamilton \je Poer Bcresford : — George Beresford Butler, Escj., R.M., b. 1857; m. 1896, Georgina Rose Mary, only d. of Capt. Charles Walker, aist Fusiliers. Jies.—VJAloy , Letterkenny, co. Donegal. Sfx. son of Sir Thomas Butler, 8th Bart. , *. 1783 ; d. 1861 ; m. 1813, Frances, fourth d. of John Graham Clarke of Sutton, co. Cork : — Henry William Paget Butler, Esq., J. P. cos. Clare, Wicklow, and Kildare, late Capt. 7th Fus., B.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), b. 1831 ; m. 1855, Geraldine Sydney (d. 1896), only d. of Lord William Fitzgerald ; and has issue — (i) Frederick Francis Baron Butler, Gentleman, b. 1861 [;«. Bertha Florence, d. of late P. J. Dunne of Rockhampton, Queensland ; and has issue, Frederick Paget Butler, Gentle- man, b. 1892; Reginald Percy FitzGerald, b. 1896; and Constance Geraldine]; (2) Thomas Percy Butler, Gentle- man, b. 1862; and Mabel Howard [in. 1887, Brig. -Gen. James Alfred Coxhead, R.A., C.B.]. C/«3— United Service (Dublin). Son of James Butler, Esq., of Ballybar, co. Carlow, b. 1788 ; d. 1865 ; m. Eliza, d. of Beauchamp B. Hill :~ James Butler, Gentleman, of Ballybar, b. 1826; m. i860, Henrietta Clara, d. of late Charles George Butler, R.N.; and has issue— (i) James Walter Butler, Gentleman, b. 1864; (2) Beauchamp Charles Butler, Gentleman, b. 1865 [*i. 1896, Elizabeth, d. of late Finlay Muirhead of Natal ; and has issue, Eileen Doris] ; (3) William Arthur Butler, Gentleman, b. 1868 ; (4) Harry Claude Butler, Gentleman, Lieut. Imp. Yeo. ("Irish Horse "), served in S. African War, b. 1875 : ^nfJ Amy Sarah. Kes. — 16 Tivoli Terrace, |Kings- town, CO. Dublin. Sons of John Bavford Butler Butler, Esq., Capt. R.N., b. 1832; d. i888; m. 1867, Hen. Sybil Devereux, d. of isth Viscount Hereford : — Francis Algernon Butler, Gentleman, d. 1878. Jies. — Humphrey Charles Butler, Gentleman, b. 1880; m. 1903, Emily Laura, d. of late Alexander J. Baxter. Res. — Yr. son of Charles George Butler, Esq. , Capt. R. N. , b. 1793; d. 1867; m. 1830, Emily, d. of John Heseltine Bayford : — William Charles Butler, Esq., J. P. Cumberland, Registrar Probate Div. High Court of Justice, late Capt. 3rd Border Regt, b. 1844; m. 1877, Emily, d. of H. S. Chadwick ; and has issue — (i) Henry Beauchamp Butler, Gentleman, b. 1878 ; (2) Charles Walter Butler, Gentleman, Lieut. Suffolk Regt., served in S. African War, b. 1880; (3) William Bayford Butler, Gentleman, b. 1888; Eleanor Elizabeth Mary; Sybil Emily; and Dorothy Clara. Res. — Durran Hiil House, Carlisle. BUTLER (R.L . 1878, U.O.). Quartedy, i. or, a chief indented luur.; ; 2. gules, three covered cups or ; 3. argent, a lion rampant gules, armed and langued azure, on a chief of the st'cond, a swan of the first between two annulets or ; 4. ermine, a saltire gules, the whole within a bordurc engrailed vert. Mantling azure and or. Crest — Un a wreath of the colours, a falcon displayed proper rising out of a plume of five ostrich feathers argent. Motto " Conime ju irouve." Son of John Kilkelly, Esq., J. P., LL.D., of 46 Upper Mount .Street, Dulilin, b. ; d. ; m. , Maria Elizal)eth, onlyd. and h. of William Butler of Rathilig, Queen's Co. : — John Piers Butler, Gentleman, B.A. (Dublin), Barrister- at-Law, b. 1870. Seat Rathilig, Queen's Co. Res.— 46 Upper Mount Street, Dublin. Club — University (Dublin). BUTLER (H. Coll). Gules on a chevron cottised be- tween three covered cups all or, a cross couped azure. Mantling^ gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon rising belled and jessed, the dexter leg resting on a covered cup all or. Motto — " Intuta quae indecora." Sons of Rev. George Butler, D.D., Canon of Winchester Cathedral, b. 1819 ; d. 1890; m. 1851, Josephine Eliza- beth, d. of John Grey, Esq., J. P., of Milfield, Northumberland : — George Grey Butler, Esq., J. P. Northumberland, M.A, (Camb.), Barrister-at-Law, late Senior Examr. Civ. Serv. Comm. , b. 1852; m. 1893, Maria, Countess St. Paul (d. 1901), only child and heir of Sir Horace St. Paul, 2nd Bart., Count St. Paul ; and has issue — Horace George St. Paul Butler, 5th Count St. Paul of the Holy Roman Empire (cr. 20 July 1759 ; Roy. Lie. 7 Sept. 1812), b. 31 Jan. 1898 ; Hetha Grey St. Paul ; and Irene Maria. 5«'a^— Ewart Park, Wooler, Northumberland. Clubs — Athenasum , Royal Societies'. Arthur Stanley Butler, Gentleman, M.A. Oxon., b. 1854 ; m. 1886, Edith Rhoda, d. of Jasper Bolton of Ballykisteen, CO. Tipperary. Res. — St. Swithin, St. Andrews, Fifeshire. Charles Augustine Vaughan Butler, Gentleman, ^. 1857; m. 1857. Club. — Isthmian. is the Military Cockade. IBut TBut 203 Sons of Very Rev. George Butler, D.D. , Dean of Peter- borough, d. 1774 ; d. 1853 ; m. 1818, Sarah Maria, d. of John Gray of Wembley Park, Harrow :— Spencer Perceval Butler, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, 6. 1828 ; m. 1863, Mary, only child and heir of Rev. Nicholas Kendall ; and has issue— (i) Cyril Kendall Butler, Esq. J. P. CO. of London, i>. 1864 [m. 1893, Louisa Mary, only child of Joseph Beaumont Pease ; and has issue — Walter Kendall Butler, Gentleman, fi. 1901 ; Patrick Kendall Butler, Gentleman, fi. 1903; Mary Kendall; and Daphne Kendall. Seat— Bounon House, Shrivenham, R.S.O. , Berks. Cluds — Windham, Bath, Hurlingham]; (2) Spencer Harcourt Butler, Esq. CLE. (1901); 6. i86g ; [m. 1894, Florence, d. of late Francis Nelson Wright, LC.S.]. Res.— 2 Collingham Place, London, S.W. Chambers — 2 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, S.W. The Very Rev. Henry Montagu Butler, D.D. Camb. , Chaplain in Ordinary to Queen Victoria 1877-1885, Dean of Gloucester 1885-6, Hon. Canon of Ely since 1898, Master of Trin. Coll., Camb., since 1886, Vice-Chancellor, Camb. Univ., 1889 and 1890, b. 1833; m. ist, 1861, Georgina Isabella {d. 1883), d. of Edward F. Elliot, Esq., for many years Chief Magistrate at Madras; 2nd, 1888, Agnata Frances (" Senior Classic," Camb. Classical Tripos, 1887), d. of Sir James Henry Ramsay, loth Bart., of Banff. He has issue — (i) Edward Montagu Butler, Gentleman, b. 1866; (2) Arthur Hugh Montagu Butler, Gentleman, Assistant Librarian to House of Lords, b. 1873 [;«. 1900, Margaret, d. of F. L. Latham, formerly Adv.-Gen. of Bombay]; (2) James Ramsay Montagu Butler, Gentleman, b. 1889 ; (3) Gordon Kerr Montagu Butler, Gentleman, b. 1891 ; (4) Nevile Montagu Butler, Gentleman, b. 1893 ; and two dans, (by 1st m.) viz., Agnes Isabel, and Gertrude Maud. Res. — Trinity Lodge, Cambridge. HENRY BUTLER, Gentleman. Armorial bearings- Gules, on a fesse, nebuly between three covered cups in chief and one in base or, a stag trippant proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a grey- hound sejant argent, charged with two bars azure, and resting the dexter paw on a covered cup as in the arms. Motto—'' Labor omnia vincit." Seat — Elmore, Chipstead, Surrey. HUMPHREY BUTLER, Esquire, Commander R.N. Born , being the youngest but only surviving son of the late Humphrey Butler, Esq. (grandson of the 1st Viscount Lanesborough), by Alicia, dau. of Michael White, Esq . , Governor of Montserrrat. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, three covered cups in bend between two bendlets engrailed sable (for Butler) ; 2 and 3, argent, a bordure gules, on a chief vert, a cross tau or, between two mullets of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi- cockatrice rising vert, wings expanded argent, combed, wattled and ducally gorged or. Married, April 27, 1852, Eliza Margaret, eldest dau. of William Tewart of Glanton and Swinhoe, Northumberland. SAMUEL BUTLER, Gentleman. Born June 9, 1855, being the fourth but second surviving son of William Butler, Esq., J. P., by his wife Ann, dau. of Henry Boam. Armorial bearings— Party per fesse azure and sable, three unicorns' heads in chevron, couped between as many covered cups or, a crescent for difference. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn salient or, holding in the mouth a rose gules, barbed, seeded, slipped, and leaved proper, and resting the sinister forefoot upon a covered cup azure. Motto — " Fac recte et nil time." Residence — Henbury Hill, Westbury- on-Trym, near Bristol. F. Grosvenor, M.A., Rector of Dunkerton, Somerset. — Oxford and Cambridge. Club WILLIAM BUTLER, Esq., of Wilton, co. Kilkenny, B.A. (1836) of Trin. Coll., Dublin, and was called to the Irish Bar in 1839, is a J. P. for co. Kilkenny. Born 1814, being the eldest son of the late John Butler of Wilton, by Catherine, dau. of William Butler of Park, co. Tipperary. Armorial bearings— Quarterly, 1. or, a chief indented azure; 2. gules, three covered cups or; 3. argent, a lion ram- pant gules, armed and langued azure, on a chief of the second, a swan of the first between two annulets or ; 4. ermine, a saltire gules ; the whole within a bordure engrailed vert. Mantling or and azure. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a falcon displayed proper, rising out of a plume of five ostrich feathers argent. Motto — " Comme je trouve." Married, 1842, Jane Diana, dau. of Benjamin Bunbury ; and had, with other Issue — John Butler, Gentleman, b. 1843 \m.., 1866, Agnes, only dau. of H. A. Archer, Esq., M.D., and d. 1884, leaving a dau.] Seat — Wilton, Uriingford, co, Kilkenny. WILLIAM HENRY BUTLER, Esq., J. P. co. Glou- cester. Born June 26, 1850, being the third but eldest surviving son of William Butler, Esq., J. P., by his wife Ann, dau. of Henry Boam. Armorial bearings— Party per fesse azure and sable, three unicorns' heads in chevron, SAMUEL EVAN BUTLER, Esq., J.P. co. Somerset, Captain (Hon. Major) North Somerset Yeomanry Cavalry, Barrister-at-Law Inner Temple, M.A. Oxon. Born 1850, being the only son of Samuel Butler, Esq. , of Great Cumber- land Place, J.P. Armorial bearings— Per fesse azure and or, a pale with three covered cups two and one, and as many stags' heads caboshed one and two counterchanged. Mant- ling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-stag azure, collared or, supporting between the legs a covered cup as in the arms. Motto — "'Tandem implebitur." Married, 1884, Florence S., third dau. of the late Rev. couped between as many covered cups or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn salient or, holding in the mouth a rose gules, barbed, seeded, slipped, and leaved proper, and resting the sinister fore- foot upon a covered cup azure. Motto — "Fac recte et nil time." Residence — Summerhill House, St. George, Bristol. 5 JOHN ERDESWICK BUTLER-BOWDON, Esq., J.P. for CO. Lanes, and Derby, D.L. for co. Derby; is tbe Naval Cockade. »mm Fckrainr a*. ;*5I:.*Sr nil iitini RriL Mi «p« iM «». l^a^L AMd JM. at. «t«i, *t 4M.4rfaT.Wli|fn far IM Ifar •UTUER-aOVDOK (ILI^ « Jm. i%i. H. OdLV I IIWIlljMMfc ■ LASKEUOfT GBOmSE MTTLER-MimiMM. 1^ « «M ^) dkoef poiM a CMuacraasSetw^hclaNiVMaB). ■MABr4iaarikiak OaidBHiK. A. iM; •«farO«atfrnai3.ar.m< TBut TBur ao5 t ostrich feathers argent, charged with a covered cup gules, therefrom issuant a falcon rising proper (for Butler). Mottoes— " Virtute et numine" (for Creagh) ; " Comrae je trouve " (Butler). Married, November 13, 1888, Eliza- beth Clara, dau. and coheir of the late Cornelius Creagh of Dangan, co. Clare ; and has Issue — Richard Butler-Crcagh, Gentleman, b. 1890 ; and Mary Gertrude. Seat — Dan- gan Castle, Kilkithen, co. Clare. C/«i(j — United Service (Dublin), Clare (Cnnis). CHARLES JAMES BUTLER-KEARNEY. Esquire, Lieutenant-Colonel late Royal Munster Fusiliers. Bom 1857, being the eldest surviving son of the late William Butler of Drom, by his wife Catherine, only daughter of John Lloyd of Lisheen Castle, in the county of Tipperary ; assumed the additional surname and arms of Kearney, by Royal License, dated April 30, 1876, upon succeeding to a moiety of the estates of nis cousin James Charles Kearney, Esquire. Club — Junior Army and Navy. Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent three lions ramf>ant gules, on a chief azure between two pheons or, a gauntleted hand in fesse of the last, holding a dagger of the first, pommel and hilt gold (for Kearney) ; a and 3 or, a chief indented azure, three escallops in bend counter- changed (for Butler). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a gauntleted hand in fesse or, holding a dagger argent, pommel and hilt gold (for Kearney) ; 3. out of a ducal coronet or, a plume of five ostrich feathers argent, issuant therefrom a demi-falcon also argent, with the motto over, "Timor Domini fohs vita:" (for Butler); and below the arms the Motto, "Sustine et abstine." Married, 1873, Georgina, daughter of the late Robert Clarke of Bansha ; and has Issue— ( i ) Theobald William Butler- Kearney , Gentle- man, bom May 15, 1875 ; (2) Trench Frank Butler- Kearney, Gentleman, born December ao, 1877 ; (3) (jeorge Butler- Kearney, Gentleman, bom December 15, 1881 ; and Mary VioleL Estate and postal address — Drom, county Tip- perary. BUTT (U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4, gules, on a chevron engrailed between three estoiles or, a trefoil vert, between two lozenges of the field (Butt) ; 2. or, three bars azure, on a canton gules, a lion's head erased argent (Cox) ; 3. argent, an eagle displayed in chief a cross croaslet fitchte saUe between two (>ellets ( Ramsay). MatitHwy gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a horse's bead erased argent, charged on the neck with a trefoil vert, on the head and mane, plaited or, a plume of three ostrich feathers of the first Motto — " Possunt quia posse Tidentur." Son of George Butt, Gentleman, Bengal Ci%il Service, b. 1843 ; d. 1879 ; •». 1875, Annie Frances, d. of Robert Ball, LL.D. of Dublin, and sister of Sir Robert Ball :— The late George Berkeley Butt, Gentleman, Indian Medical Service, b. 3 July 1878 ; d. 190a. PHILIP BUTT-GOW. Gentleman (formerly Butt); as- sumed the additional surname and arms of Gow by Royal Licence, dated Aug. 10, 1900. Armorial beartngs — Quarterly i and 4, vert, on a fesse argent, between a cat-a- rooontain sejant guardant in chief and a dexter hand couped holding a dagger erect in base proper, the holly leaves of the field, and for distinction a ; 3 and 3, the arms of Butt, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Gow-Stetiart, namely, quarterly i and 4, or, a lion ram- pant gules, surmoimted of a fesse chequy azure and argent between three mullets of the third, within a bordure of the second (for Steuart) ; 3 and 3, the arms of Gow as above, without the mark of distinction. Mantling vert and ar- gent Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed, holding a broadsword enfiled, with a boar's head all pro{>er ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Caraid ann am fheum " ; 3. the crest of Butt Married Hannah Elizabeth, second but eldest sur- viving dau. of the late James Gow-Steuart (formerly Gow) of Fowler's Park, Hawkhurst, co. Kent, and of Little CiAjnsay, co. Argyll, Gentleman. Residence — Dorville Road. Lee, Kent S HENRY EDMUND BUXTON. Esquire. M.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., J. P. for cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, and Yar- mouth ; High SheriffSuffolk, 190a; Vice-Chairman of E.-utem Div. of Suffolk C.C. and Hon. Col. and Vol. Batt Norfolk Regt. (V.D.), Mayor of Gt Yarmouth 1896-7. Bom 1844, bemg the fifth son of Sir Edward North Buxton, 2nd Bi»rt, by his wife Catherine, second dau. of Samuel Gurney of Ham House, Essex. Armorial bearings— Argent, a lion ram- pant, tail elevated and turned over the head, between two mullets in fesse sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a buck's head gules, attired or. gorged with a collar of the last, therefrom pendent an escutcheon ar^nt, charged with an African's head proper. Motto—" Do It with thy might" Married, Oct. 1867, \fary Rosalind, dau. of Rev. Abbot Upchcr of Kirby Cane, Nor- folk ; and has Issue— (x) Abbot Redmond Buxton, Gentle- man, b. 1868 ; (a) Ronald Henry Buxton, Gentleman, Lieut 3nd Norfolk Regt., killed in action in Transvaal ; (^) ICdward Hugh Buxton, Gentleman, b. i88o; (4) Knyvet Upcher Buxton, Gentleman. Lieut 4th Norfolk Regt., b. 1883 ; Winifred [m. 1901, Major A. C. Waterfield, P.W.O.. Bengjal Lancers]; Violet ; and Rosalind Upcher. Residence — Fritton. Great Yarmouth. Dame MARY AUGUSTA BUXTON, Widow, com- monly known as Lady Buxton, daughter of the late Lieu- tenant-Colonel Johnstone. Axmorlal bearings are. upon a lozenge: Quarterly i and 4, argent a lion r.impant, tail elevated and turned over the h«ul sable (for Buxton); 3 BUTrS. DE, quartered bjr BURDON. and 3 saUe. two bars argent, on a canton of the la.st, a buck trippant of the first (aLo for Buxton), and upon an es- cutcheon of pretence the arms of Johnstone, namely argent, a saltire sable, in base a man's heart imperially crowned ftroper. on a chief gules, three cushions or. Married, 1865, Sir Robert Jacob Buxton, third Baronet, who died in 1888, when the title became extinct ; and has Issue — Maud Isabel [m. Dec. 1901, Gerard J. Barnes, of Toclcenham Manor, Wootien Bassett, Wilts, who assumed by Royal Licence the name of Buxton in lieu of Barnes, 1903], and Sybil Mary, Postal address — 32 Cadogan Place, &W. BUXTON (R.L.. a6 March 1902). Quarterly, i and 4. argent, a lion rampant, the tail elevated and turned over the bead saMe. and for distmction a canton guka (Buxton) ; 3 and 3, vert, a horse's head erased ermine, in chief two garbs or (Barnes). Mantling s.ible and ar^renl. Crests— I. upon a wreath of the colours, a stag s head cou[>ed gules, attired or, charged for distinction with a cross crosslet of the last (Buxton) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, in front of a garb or, two sickles proper, and two ears of wheat in saltire or (Barnes). MottO — " Whatsoever thy hand findetb to do, do it with thy might" Son of John Matthew Barnes of Momingtborpe, Norfolk, m. 1866 Anne, d. of Garrould James: — Gerard James Boxton (formerly Barnes) Esq.. J.P. e 1* the Naral Cockade. to6^ Xut TBpr [Arau as above, and in prrirncc the same arms of Buxton without marks of ilistinctionj. t. 1870; m. 1901, Maud Isabel (l.ady of the Manors of Dunwell, Curlcton Kode, Tibenhiim, Aslacton. and iCast Marling, Norfolk, and of Tockenham, Wills, and Patroness of two Livings), elder d. and cuh. of late Sir Robert Jacob Buxton, 3rd liart. (extincti, D.L.. M.P. .SV— Wellington. CADBUKY, quartered by FOX. CADDELL. tee CARY-CADDELL. Thk Rkvkeknp JOHN MONTAGU CADMAN. M.A. (Canub.), Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Sedbergh, Yorkshire. Bom March 11, 1856, being the younger son of the late Rev. William Cadman, M.A., Clerk in Holy Orders, late Rector of Trinity. St. Marvlebone. and Canon Resitlentiary of Canterbury Cathedral, by his wife l.oetiiia Ann Rose, lUiu. of the late Rev. Richard Snape. M.A., Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Ikent Eleigh, Suffolk. Armorial bearings— Per fcsse or and gules, a pale counter- changed, three columbines, two and one vert. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock, a stork's head both proper, ducally crowned or. Motto — " Deus et patria." Married, Aug. 25, 1886, Annie Sophia, onlv dau. of Rev. Henry Moore Mosse. M.A. , Rector of Heage. Derbyshire. Residtnu—^X. Matthew's Vicarage, New Kent Road, London, S.E. Thk Revkrknd WILLIAM SNAPE CADMAN. M.A. Cantab.), Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Boxley, co. Kent. Bom Jan 4, 1853, being the elder son of the late Rev. William Cadman. M.A., Clerk in Holy Orders, late Rector of Trinity, St. Marleybone, and Canon Residentiary of Canterlxjry Cathedral, by his wife Loetitia Ann Rose, dau. of the late Rev. Richard Snape, M.A., Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Brent Eleigh, Suffolk. Amorial bear- ings — Per fesse or and gules, a pale counterchanged, three columbines, two and one vert. MantUng gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock, a stork's head, both proper, ducally crowned or. Motto — " Deus et patria." Married, Jan. 15, 1885, Constance Maria, younger dau. of the late Christopher Procter of 5 Cambridge Terrace. Regent's Park, and of Lincoln's Inn Fields; and has /««* — Cuthbert William Montagu Cad- man, Gentleman, b. May 4, 1889; Dorothy Constance; and Hilda Loetitia. Residence —^h^ Vicarage, Boxley, near Maidstone, Kent. C/tt#— Oxford and Cambridge. CHARLES HAVDON WILKINSON CAFE, Esquire, Colonel (rctiretl list) late Royal Sussex Regiment; served in the ICgyptian War, 188a, and Tirali Campaign. Horn August 31. 1851, being the eldest son of the late Lt.-Col. Haydon Lloyd Cafe of Westgate-on-Sea, by his wife Harriet Emily, dau. of John V/illiam Wilkinson of Chi- chester. Armorial beanngs — Quarterly gules and azure, a cross argent between in the first and fourth cantons a sword, and in the second and third a Saracen's head of the last. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a sword proper, pommel and hilt or, on an escutcheon azure, a Saracen's head argent. Motto — "From Caf to Caf." Married, Sept. 28, 1875, Fanny (rf. 1898), dau. of Richard Rugg of Brighton, Sussex ; and has Issue — William Richard Haydon Cafe, d. in infancy, 1880 ; Violet Isabel Harriett ; and Mary Cecilia. Residence — Tunbridge Wells. Club — Army and Navy. General WILLIAM MARTIN CAFE. V.C, of the Indian Army ; served in the Gwalior Campaign 1843, and was present at the Battle of Maharajpore ; in the Punjaub Campaign 1848-49, and was present at Sadoolapore, Chil- lianwallah, Goojerat, and in the pursuit to Peshawar ; in the Indian Mutiny, and was present at the action of Meean- gunge, at the siege and capture of Lucknow, and the action of Rooyah, where he was severely wounded, and gained the Victoria Cross for an act of bravery April 15, 1858 ; also served in the Sikkim Expedition in 1861. Born , being the third son of Henry Smith Cafe of Egremont Place, Worthing, by his wife Sarah, dau. of William Waine, formerly of Witney, Oxford. Annorial bearings — Quarterly gules and azure, a cross argent, between in the first and fourth cantons a sword, and in the second and third a Saracen's head of the last. MnntUng gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, in front of a sword proper, pommel and hilt or, on an escutcheon azure, a Saracens head argent. Motto— " From Caf to Caf." Residence — Wetherby Place, South Kensington. JOHN NUGENT CAHILL, Esquire, of Ballyconra House, CO. Kilkenny, J. P. for co. Kilkenny, and Col. (retired) late sth Batt. R. Irish Regt. Born 1850, being the fourth but eldest surviving son of Michael Richard Netterville-Cahill, Esq., J. P., of Ballyconra (who d. 1877), by his first wife Margaret, dau. and coheir of Francis Magan, Esq., D.L.. of Emoe, Queen's Co. Armorial bearings- Azure, on waves of the sea, in base a whale naiant proper, in chief a trefoil slipped or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an anchor erect entwined with a cable proper, out of the dexter fluke an oak branch also proper. Motto— " In Domino confido." Married, 1887, Emily, dau. of H. Hodgens. Esq., and has a son, b. 1892. Seat — Ballyconra House, Ballyragget. WILLIAM JOSEPH CAIN, Gentleman. Armorial bearings— Per chevron azure and ermine, a phoenix argent, issuant from flames propter, between two mullets of six points of the third, pierced of the field, and a like mullet in base of the first, pierced of the third. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-heraldic antelope gules, armed and gorged with a collar geniel or, sem6e of plates, supporting between its legs a mullet of six points, pierced argent, a rock proper. Motto— "Esto quod esse videris." Residence —'Wood- bourne Square, Douglas, Isle of Man. CAIRD, see HENRYSON-CAIRD. CAITHNESS, quartered by SINCLAIR. CALCOT, quartered by CHAMBR^, CALCRAFT, see LUCAS-CALCRAFT. CHARLES HENRY BU LWER CALDWELL, Gentle- man. Born June 3, 1863, being the only son of the late Henry Caldwell, Commodore R.N., C.B., A.D.C. to the Queen, by his wife Mary Eleanor, youngest dau. of ^ is the UUltary Cockade. Plate VII, CORV Cal €al ao9 William Earle Lytton Bulwer of Heydon Hall, Norfolk. Armorial bearings — Or, three piles sable, the centre one charged with a wreath of oak of the field, the others each with a fountain, and in base four barrulets wavy alternately gules and vert. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from a naval crown or, a demi-lion, the dexter paw grasping a scimitar proper, pommel and hilt gold, the sinister resting on an anchor erect also proper. Motto — " Ense libertatem petit." Seats — New Grange, Slane, co. Meath ; New Grange Lodge, Bray, co. Wicklow. Residence— The Cedars, Windlesham, Surrey. C/w*5— Arthur's, White's, Kildare Street (Dublin). m ROBERT TOWNLEY CALDWELL, Esquire, O Colonel late Commanding 3rd Batt. Gordon High- landers, D. L. , J. P. for the cos. of Aberdeen and Cambridge, M.A., LL.M. Cantab., and Hon. LL.D. Aberdeen, Fellow of Corpus Christi Coll. in the University of Cambridge. Born March 16, 1843, being the son of Lt.-Col. William B. Caldwell, formerly 92nd Gordon Highlanders, by Eliza- beth, eldest dau. of Robert Townley of Townley House, Ramsgate, J. P. Livery — Dark green, yellow piping. Armorial bearings— Or, three piles sable, each charged with a fountain ; in base four barrulets wavy alternately gules and vert. Mantling sable and or. Crest — Out of an Eastern crown argent, the rim inscribed "Gooty" in letters sable, a demi-lion rampant holding in its dexter paw a falchion proper, and supporting in its sinister paw an escutcheon azure charged with a representation of the medal conferred upon Sir Alexander Caldwell in commemoration of his services at the siege of Seringapatam pendent from a riband tenn6. Motto — "Virtus et spes." Married, Jan. 3, 1883, to Ellen Philippa Mary [d. Nov. 1886), eldest dau. of Admiral Sir Arthur Farquhar, K.C. B. , of Drumnagesk, Aberdeenshire; and has /j«/«— Keith Farquhar Townley Caldwell, Gentleman,^. Nov. 21, 1886. Residences— 'Brook House, Cambridge; Inneshewen, Aboyne, N.B. Clubs- Carlton, United Service. CALEY (H. Coll.). Quarterly or and argent, on a bend gules, between in the second and third quarters a battle-axe erect proper, a mullet of six points between two mullets of five points of the second. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi- lion rampant proper, charged on the shoulder with three crescents interlaced or, a battle-axe fessewise proper. Motto — " Callide sed honeste." Son of Frederick Goodman Caley of Windsor, Berks:— Frederick William Caley, Gentleman, Res. — Beech Bank, Eaton, Norwich. CALLANDER, see BURN-CAL LANDER. S GEORGE FREDERICK WILLIAM CALLAN- DER, Esq., J. P. for co. Stirling and D.L. for co. Argyll. Born 1848, being the eldest son of the late James Henry Callander of Craigforth and Ardkinglas, by his second wife Charlotte Edith Eleanora, only dau. of the late John George Campbell. Armorial bearings - Quarterly, ist grand quarter, sable a bend chequy or and gules, between six billets of the second (for Callander) ; 2nd grand quarter, quarterly i. and iiii. , azure a deer's head caboshed or; ii. and iii. , gules three legs in armour proper, garnished and spurred or, flexed and conjoined in triangle at the upper part of the thigh (for Mackenzie of Grandvale) ; 3rd grand quarter, quarterly i. and iiii. argent, three gilly-flowers gules within a double tressure flory counterflory vert ; ii. and iii., sable a bend between six billets or, in the centre of the quarters a crescent gules, all within a bordure compony gules and argent (for Livingstone) ; 4th grand quarter, gyronny of eight sable and or, a bordure of the second (for Campbell). Mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand proper, holding a billet or ; and in an escroU above, the Motto, " I mean well." Married, 1876, Alice L., eldest dau. of J. C. Craigie-Halkett, Esq., of Cramond. Seats — Craigforth House, Stirling; Ardkinglas, Cairndow, vi& Glasgow. JOHN SHARP CALLENDER-BRODIE of Idvies, co. Forfar, Gentleman. Born Dec. 17, 1850, being the eldest son of John Archibald Callender. Armorial bearings- Quarterly I and 4, argent, on a chevron gules, between three mullets azure, a galley proper with four oars in action within a bordure engrailed of the second (for Brodie of Idvies) ; 2 and 3, per bend or and sable, six billets all counterchanged (for Callender). Above the escutcheon is placed on the dexter side a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is se for Crest, a dexter hand holding a sheaf of arrows proper ;_ and in an escroll above, this Motto, " Be mindful to unite (for Brodie) ; and on the sinister side is placed a hke helmet, with a Mantling sable, doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand proper holding a \ is tbe Naval Cockade. Sll Cat Cam Mm or. and in «n tscroU above, this Motto, " I mean ««|L" htmfritJ, June 8. 1886. Anne Catherine, eldest dau. of the late John CJcrk Brodie. V^\., C.B.. of Idvies. J. P. mm) U.U ft)r CO. Forfcr, Deputy Keeper of the Signet and Keeper of the General Repiter of Sasines for Scotland, for- nm\f Crown .Veent for ScotUiml ; and has /««*— John Ckrk Biodie L alVeiuter-Hrotlir. Cientlenian, t, May 8, 1894 ; Anne Catherine Gilliam ; and J'hoelie Marianne. Seat— Idvies, Forfar. KesiJemce—aS Moray Place, Edinburgh. MARY SYI.VI.A CALMADY-HAMLYN. Bom Aug. 9, >88i. being the only child of the late Vincent Waldo Calmady-Hamlyn, Ksq., of I^eawood and Paschoe, Devon, tP., l^rd of the Manor of Willesworthy, Barristcr-at- tw (1-incolns Inn). M.A. (Balliol Coll., Oxford), Capt. Royal N. Devon Yeomanry Cavalry, by his wife Emma Joaephine, eldest dau. of Sir Joseph Whitwell Pease. Bart., of Hutton Low Cross, co. York. Assumed the additional sumame and arms of C.tlmady by Royal Licence in the Mtr 1898. Armorial bearinga are, upon a lozenge- Quarterly I and 4, per fesse indented sable and argent, two swords in saltire lietween as many gryphons' heads erased ja pale all counierchanged (for Hamlyn) ; 2 and 3, azure, a cnevron beiwecn three pears slipped and pendent, in the centre chief point a cross patte all or (for Calmady). Resi- dtmt* — Bidlake Vean, Bridestowe, Devon. C/»^Sesame. CALTHROP, see HOLLWAY-CALTHROP. EDMOND LEVESON CALVERLEY. Esq., Capt. 4th Batt. Essex Regt. Bom June 7, 1864, being the third son of the late Edmund Calverley, Esq., of Oulton Hall, CO. York. J. P. and D.L. for West Riding, by his wife Istibella Mary, elder daa of Sir John Thomas Selwin, sixth Baronet, of Down Hall, Essex. Armorial bearlngB — Sable, an inescutcheon within an orle of owls argent, MawtiVfiy sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a homed owl argent. Married, July 19, 1893, Sybil Maitland, eldest dau. of Osbert Salvin, F.R.S., of Hawksfold, Fernhurst, Sussex; and has Issue — Hugh Salvin Calverley, Gentleman, b. Aug. 30, 1894 ; and Amice Mary. Postal address — 18 Cheyne Gardens, S. W. HORACE WALTER CALVERLEY, Esquire, late Capt. sth Dragoon Guards. Bom Sept. 3, 1862, being the second son of the late Edmund Calverley, Esq., of Ouhon Hall, co. York, J. P. and D.L. for West Riding, by his wife Isabella Mary, elder dau. of Sir John Thomas Selwin, sixth Baronet, of Down Hall, Essex. Aimorial twarinj^a — Sable, an inescutcheon within an orle of owls argent, and impaling the arms of Henniker, namely or, on a chevron gules, between two crescents in chief and in base an escallop azure, three estoiles argent. MafitUng' sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a homed owl argent. Married, Jan. 6, 1891, Louisa Mary, youngest daa of Sir Brydges Henniker, Bart. Postal address — 38 South Eaton Place, S.W. S TREVOR WHELER CALVERLEY-RUDSTON, Esquire, J. P. for North Riding, J. P. and D.L. for E. Riding co. York.. F.R. Hort. S., F.Z.S. (London); assumed by Royal Licence the name of Calverley-Rudston in compliance with the will of his uncle, the late William Henry Rudston-Read. Bom Dec. 30, 1851, being the only son of Rev. George Rudston-Read, M.A., Rector of Sutton-on-Derwent, E.R. co. York, by his wife Teresa, eldest dau. of Rev. William Wheler. Armorial bearlngrs — Argent, three bulls' heads erased pean, each charged on the neck with a cross moline or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bear's paw erect pean, grasping a cross moline erminois. Married, 1873, Annie \d. Dec. 28, 1900) only dau. of the late Gilbert Wilkes, Esq., of Chadwick Manor, co. Warwick; and has Issue— [X\ William George Trevor Calverley-Rudston, Esq.. J. P. East Riding co. York, b. Feb. 14, 1874 ; (2) a son, b. and d. 1884 ; Annie Teresa ; and Evelyn Maud. Seats — .Mlerthorpe Hall, Pocklington, Yorks ; Hayton, Yorks. C/«<*j— Carlton, Yorkshire (York). JOHN JACKSON CALVERT. Esquire, Qerk of the Parliaments in the Colony of New South Wales. Bom Aug. 31, 1830. being the second son of the Very Rev. ■fTiomas Calvert. Warden and Dean of Manchester. Chaplain to His Majesty King William IV.. by his wife Juliana, eldest dau. of Sir Charles Watson, Baronet, of Wratting Park, in the county of Cambridge. Armorial bearings He bears for Anns : Quarterly i and 4, or six gouttes. three, two and one gules, within a bordure azure, charged |with eight owls argent (for Calvert) ; 2 and 3. argent, on a fesse gules, between two goats' heads couped azure, armed and crined or in chief, and a greyhound courant in base sable, three pheons gold (for Jackson). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon an owl ermine, gorged with a collar azure, pendent there- from an inescutcheon sable, charged with three gouttes, two and one argent (for Calvert) ; 2. a goat's head azure, erased, armed, and crined or, charged on the neck with a pheon as in the arms (for Jackson). Motto — "Domino domus honestanda." Married, 1869, Mary Murray, dau. of James Barker of Sydney ; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Andrew Copley Calvert. Gentleman, b. Nov. 16. 1869 ; (2) Cecil Harnett Hamilton Calvert. Gentleman, b. Jan. Si 1875; and Ethel Watson [/«., 1893, Reginald Houblon Calvert, eldest son of the late Major Calvert of Owlstone Croft. Cambridge]. Estates — Woodplumpton Hall and Balderstone. Lancashire. Residence — Mayebank, Manly, Sydney, N.S. Wales, C/«*— Piccadilly. CAM, quartered by THACKWELL. CAMBRIDGE, see PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE. CAMERON, borne upon an escutcheon of pretence by HEAD. S DONALD CAMERON of Lochiel, Chief of Clan Cameron (designation "Lochiel"), Lord-Lieut, co. Inverness, J. P. for Bucks, and J. P. and D.L. co. Argyll; M. P. for CO. Inverness, formerly in the Diplomatic Service. Bom April 5, 1835, being the eldest son of Donald Cameron of Lochiel, by his wife Lady Vere Catherine Louisa Hobart, sister of the Rt. Hon. the fifth Earl of Buckinghamshire. C/tt^ J— Carlton, New (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings- Gules, two bars or, and impaling the arms of Montagu- Douglas-Scott, namely, quarterly. I. the Royal Arms of King Charles II.. namely, quarterly i and 4, France and England quarterly ; 2. Scotland ; 3. Ireland, debruised by a baton sinister argent; II. or, on a bend azure, a mullet of six points between two crescents of the field (for Scott) ; III. quarterly i and 4, argent a human heart gules, crowned with an imperial crown or, and on a chief azure three mullets of the field (for Douglas) ; 2 and 3 azure, a bend between six cross crosslets fitch^e or (for Mar), the whole of this quarter within a bordure or, charged with the double tres- sure of Scotland gules; IV. quarterly i and 4, argent three lozenges conjoined in fesse gules within a bordure sable (for Montagu) ; 2 and 3 or, an eagle displayed vert, beaked and membered gules (for Monthermer). Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of the liveries, a sheaf of five arrows proper, tied with a band gules. MottQ & is tbe Military Cockade. torn Cam 211 —"Unite," and below the shield, "Pro rege et Patria." Supporters — Two savages with Lochaber axes all proper. Married, Dec. 9, 1875, the Lady Margaret Elizabeth Mon- tagu-Douglas-Scott, second daughter of the Most Noble Sir Walter Francis Montagu-Douglas-Scott, Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, K.G. ; and has Issue— (\) Donald Walter Cameron, Gentleman, b. Nov. 4, 1876; (2) Ewen Charles Cameron, Gentleman, b. Feb. 18, 1878; (3) Allan George Cameron, Gentleman, b. July 27, 1880; and (4) Archibald Cameron, Gentleman, b. Jan. 5, 1886. 5uarterly i and 4 tiwry of tui or and gules, on a pile argent, a maple leaf aUppea proper (for Cameron) ; a and 3. asure, a castle tr«pla>U>werad argent, nuuoned sable, windows and porch taC within an orle or (for Madeod of Haroer). Mantling gules, doubled or. Oraat— On a wreath of his livcni-s. a cubit arro erect proper, the hand grasping a flagstaff in bend Mnister, also proper, therefrom flowing a banner anent. charged with a lymphad sable ; and in an escroll •bo««,'lbts ■OMO, "Hinc orior." Afarritd, firstly, 1846, ARCHIBALD ALLEN CAMMELL, Gentleman. Fiom , being the sixth son of the late Charles Camnidl, Esq., J. P., of Brooklii'ld and Norton, co. Derby, and of Ditcham Park, Hants, by M.iry Anne, dau. of Thomas Roilason of Erdlngton, CO. Warwick. tVi/^j— Union, Wellington. Ar- morliU bearing^— Sable, on a chevron argent, cotised or. Mary, dau. of George Gumming of Quebec (she d. 1858); secondly, 1861, Anne Fleming, only dau. of the late Nathan I^eavenworth of New York. 5^) Alexander Andrew Locknell Campbell, Gentleman ; and Augitsta Annie Mary Hora. iVa/ — Locknell House, near Bonawe, N.B. 5 Sir ARCHIBALD SPENCER LINDSEY CAMP- BELL, Baronet, of Succolh, in the county of Dum- iKirton, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for thai county. Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, an Advocate at the Scotch Bar. Burn June 27, 1852, being the elder son of the late George Ramsay Cantpbell, Eisquire. Honourable East India Company's Service, by Lucy his Gentleman, bom 1890; Christina Elizabeth Annabella; and Mary Margaret, ^j/afe— Dunstaffnage. Postal arf- rf/rw— Connel, Argyllshire. S ARCHIBALD ARGYLL LOCKNELL CAMPBELL of Locknell, Esquire, J. P., D.L. for co. of Argyll. Bom 1849, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Colin Campbell, Vicar of St. George, Wolverhampton, by his wife Henrietta, daughter of Henry N. Hovy, Consul at Bordeaux to H.M. the King of the Netherlands; succeeded his uncle in 1882. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, gyronny of eight or and sable (for Campbell) ; 2. argent, a boar's head couped azure (for Gordon) ; 3. argent, a lym- phad sable, her oars in action (for Lorn). Hantling gules, doubled argent. Crest- On a wreath of the liveries, a dexter hand grasping a lance bendways all proper ; and in an escroll above this Motto, " Audaces Juvo." Married, {une 26, 1877, Annie Constance, daughter of John Francis 'itzgerald, M.D., of Carrick-on-Suir, co. Tipperary, and widow of Richard Carr William Clement, M.D., Staff Surgeon, R.N. ; and has Issue— (r) Archibald John Lock- wife, eldest daughter of Thomas Spencer Lindsay of Holly- mount, in the county of Mayo ; succeeded as fifth Baronet on the death of his cousin, February 17, 1874. Armorial bearings — Quarterly 1 and 4, gyronny of eight engrailed or and sable (for Campbell), 2 and 3 azure, a lion ram- pant argent, within a bordure counter-corn pony of the second and first (for Wallace of Ellcrslie). Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent, and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a camel's head couped proper ; and for his Supporters, dexter, a lion rampant guardant ; sinister, a savage wreathed about the temples and loins all proper ; and in an escroll over his crest this Motto, "Labor omnia superat," Married, January 18, 1887, Harriett Katharine Grace, fourth daughter of Colonel Arthur Reynell Pack, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, late of Avisford, in the county of Sussex ; and has Issue — George Hay Campbell, Esquire, born January 20, 1894 ; and Lucy Katharine Grace. Seat — Garscube, Glasgow. Residence — 23 Moray Place, is the Military Cockade. Cam Edinburgh. Cluds— Carlton, National, New (Edinburgh), Western (Glasgow). ARTHUR CAMPBELL, Gentleman. Fourth son of the late Arthur Campbell, by his wife Burella, second dau. of Robert Hunter of Pisgah, co. Ayr, Professor of Greek in the University of Edinburgh. Armorial bearings — Gyronny of eight ermine and gules, in middle chief point a covered cup and in base a hunting-horn stringed or ; within a bordure engrailed of the last, a canton quarterly, 1 and 4, argent, on a fesse azure, three mullets of the first ; 2 and 3, azure, three garbs or, a crescent ermine for dif- ference. Mantling: gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, an eagle displayed gules, with two heads in a flame of fire or. Motto — " I byde my tyme." Married Jane, dau. of the late Charles Barstow of Kelso ; and has Issue — With several daus. , an only son, Arthur Campbell, Gentleman. 6'ea/— Catrine House, co. Ayr, W.S. M DUNCAN CAMPBELL, Esquire, of Inverneill and w Ross, CO. Argyll, J. P. and D.L. for co. Argyll, late Capt. 89th Regt., Lt.-Col. sth V.B. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Born Sept. 11, 1842, being the eldest son of the late James Archibald Campbell, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Inverneill and Ross, by his second wife Anne, dau. of Joshua Bowdon. Livery— 'Qxovm and yellow. Armorial bearings— Gyronny of eight or and sable, a bordure azure, the shield placed in front of a lymphad, sails furled and oars in motion sable, flags and pennons flying. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling gules, doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a boar's head erased or, langued gules. Motto— "Fit via vi." Married, June 10, 1875, Isabel, dau. of the late James Aspinall Tobin of Eastham House, CO. Chester; and has Issue— {\) Duncan Campbell, Gentleman, b. 1880 ; (2) Torquil Lome Campbell, Gentle- man, b. 1885 ; (3) Neill Diarmid Campbell, Gentleman, b. 1892 ; Olive ; Ysobel ; and Una. 5«a^^— Inverneill, Ardrishaig ; Taynish, Lochgilphead, Argyll. Clubs— Junior Carlton, Caledonian, New (Edinburgh). S HENRY ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, Esquire, J. P. for Kent and Norfolk, Capt. Royal East Kent Yeo. Cam 215 Cav. 1888 to 1892, formerly Lieut. R.H.A. Born April 21, 1851, being the third son of the late Colin Campbell of Colgram, Dumbartonshire, Esq., J. P. and D.L., by his wife Jessie, dau. of William Middleton, son of John Middle- ton of Shiel, CO. Aberdeen. Armorial bearings— Gyronny of eight or and sable, in chief a mullet counterchanged of the field, all within a bordure embattled vert, charged with eight buckles of the first, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Clavering, namely, quarterly or and gules, a bend sable. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a boar's head erect and erased or. Motto — "Fac et spera." Married, July 5, 1876, Ivy Valerie (died June 29, 1898), dau. of the late Sir Henry Augustus Clavering, loth and last Bart., of Axwell Park ; by whom he has Issue— (x) Rawdon Clavering Campbell, Gentleman, Lieut. Highland Light Infantry, b. April 13, 1877; (2) Claude Henry Campbell, Gentleman, Lieut. Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, b. Dec. 4, 1878 ; (3) Gerald Victor Campbell, Gentleman, b. April 29, 1884 ; (4) Eric William Campbell, Gentleman, b. April 8, 1886 ; (5) Harold George Camptell, Gentleman, b. April 6, 1888 ; (6) Montagu Arthur Campbell, Gentleman, b. Sept. 11, 1890, d. Nov. 22 follow- ing ; and Ivy Geraldine. 5m/— Lynford Hall, Mundford, Norfolk. C/«(J— Naval and Military, White's, Royal Yacht Squadron, &c. SThe Right Honourable JAMES ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, P.C. (1898), J.P. and D.L. for cos. Forfar and Lanark, M.P. for Glasgow and Aberdeen Universities. Bom 1825, being the son of the late Sir James Campbell of Stracathro, Brechin, North Britain, by his wife Janet, dau. of the late Henry Bannerman, of Manchester. Armorial bearings— Gryonny of eight or and sable, on a chief engrailed argent, a lymphad with sails furled and oars in action, between two hunting-horns stringed all of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a boar's head erased proper. Motto (over the crest) — " Ne obliviscaris. " Mar- ried, April 25, 1854, Ann (who died 1887), dau. of Sir Samuel Morton Peto, Baronet ; and has Issue — James Morton Peto Campbell, Gentleman, born January 29, 1863 ; Nora Jane : Hilda Sophia ; and Elsie Louisa. Seat — Stracathro House, Brechin, North Britain. C/a3— Carlton. JAMES ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, Gentleman. Born July 30, 1872, being the son of the late Richard Frederick Fothringham Campbell, Esq., J.P. and D.L., M.P. for the Ayr Burghs 1885-88, Vice-Lieut, and Lieut.-Col. of the Ayrshire Yeomanry, late Captain 8th Madras Cavalry, by his wife Arabella Jane, dau. of Archibald Argyll Hay, and widow of Charles Tennant. Armorial bearings— Quar- terly I and 4, gyronny of eight or and sable ; 2. argent, a horse's head couped sable, bridled gules ; 3. argent, a fesse gules, all within a bordure compony ermine and purpure. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand and arm couped at the elbow erect proper, holding a spur or. Motto — " Forget me not." Seat — Craigie House, Ayr. HOWARD CAMPBELL, Gentleman. Born 1857, son of John Campbell of Rathfern. Armorial bearings— Gyronny of eight argent and azure, a bordure compony ermine and gules, over all on a canton sable, a boar' heads erased and erect or, gutt^e-de-sang. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a boar's head erased fessewise or, gutt^e-de-sang. Motto — " Ne oblivi- scaris." Residence— '^z.'Co.kxn, White Abbey, co. Antrim. LEVESON GRANVILLE ALEXANDER CAMP- BELL of Fairfield, Ayrshire, Esquire, J.P. co. of Ayr, and late Captain H.M. Indian Army ; succeeded his uncle in 1858. Born 1825, being the eldest son of the late Major Charles Hay Campbell of the Bengal Artillery, by Jane Wemyss, dau. of the late Hon. Leveson G. Keith-Murray (and grand-dau. of John, 4th Earl of Dunmore). ArmoriaJ bearings — Gyronny of eight ermine and gules, charged in each division with a mullet or. Mantling gules, doublep argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of his liveries, an eagle's head couped proper. Motto— " Constanter et prudentei." Married, 1849, Sara Anne, dau. of D. Cowan (she d. 1890) ; is the Naval Cockade. 2l6 Cam Cam and has. wiih other /ssmt—ljeytaoa Granville. Hon. Major Ute Ajrrahin! Yeomanry Cavalry. *. 1854 [*».. 1876, Mary Douglas, dau. of W. A. Bethune, and has, with other issue, Leveson Granville, d. 1881]. MACIVER FORBES MORISON MACIVER CAMP- BELL of Ballochyle, Gentleman. Born June i, 1867, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late William Rose Campbell, Esq., J. P. and D. L. for Ar|^ll, Lieut.-Col. H.E.I.C.'s Military Service, and served with distinction in the Indian Mutiny, by his second wife Jean Morison, dau. of Rev. James Buchanan, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Divinity, New College, Exlinburgh, and of Mary Morison of Het- land, Dumfriesshire. Armorial bearui£^ — Quarterly i and 4, gyronny of eight or and sable (for Campbell) ; 2 and 3, quarterly or and gules, a leopard's face proper (for Maclver). Mantling: gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a boar's head couped proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " I will not forget." /fesidences—Morison House, Hetland, Ruthwell, Dumfries- shire ; and Vancouver City, British Columbia. S ROBERT MITCHELL CAMPBELL, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for co. Ayr, formerly Lieut. Royal En- gineers, late Captain Ayr and Wigtown Militia. Bom September 16, 1841, being the only son of the late Major- General Andrew Campbell of the Bombay Artillery, J. P.. by his second wife Nicola Anne, dau. of the late Colonel Richard Maxwell of Birdstown, co. Donegal. Armorial bearing— Gyronny of eight ermine and gules, in middle chief a covered cup and in base a hunting-horn stringed or ; a canton quarterly i and 4, argent, on a fesse azure, three mullets of the first; 2 and 3, azure, three garbs or, a crescent ermine for difference. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, an eagle dis- played gules with two heads, in a flame of fire or. Motto —"I byde mytyme." Married, June 9, 1870, Marianne Letitia Georgiana, second dau. of George Robert Steven- son, late of Tongswood. Hawkhurst, Kent ; and has Issue — (i) Arthur Maxwell Mitchell Campt^ell, Gentleman, Lieut. 3rd Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers, b, March ao, 1874 ; (2) Montagu Irving Mitchell Campbell, Gentleman, b. Nov. 13, 1879; and Hilda Burella Mitchell. Seats— Auchmannoch. by Galston, N. B. ; also Glaisnocic, Old Cumnock, N.B. Captain WALTER DOUGLAS SOMERSET-CAMP- BELL, C.V.O., late 79th Highlanders, Groom-in-Wait- ing to Queen Victoria 1880-1901 and to the King from 1901, Deputy - Ranger of Windsor Great Park from 1883. Bom , being the eldest and only surviving son of the late Walter Frederick Campbell, Esquire, of Islay and of Woodhall, co. Lanark, M.P., J. P., D.L. Clubs — Naval and Military, Travellers'. Aiimorial bearings — Gyronny of eight or and sable, within a bordure engrailed of the first, charged with eight crescents of the second, impaling the arms of Brodrick, namely argent, on a chief vert, two spear-heads of the field erect, and the points imbrued gules, mantling gules doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a griffin holding the sun between his claws pro- per. Supporters — Two lions rampant regardant proper. Motto— "Kidus amicis." Married, April 26, 1881, Marie Louise dau. of J. Guild, and has /««?— Walter Henry Edward Campbell, Gentleman, b. April 24, 1897, and Vic- toria Alexandrina Helena Christian (to whom H.M. Queen Victoria and their R.H. Prince and Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein stood sponsors). Residence — Holly Grove, Windsor Park. S WILLIAM MIDDLETON CAMPBELL, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for co. Dumbarton, Commissioner of Lieutenancy for the City of London, and a Director of the Bank of England. Bom Aug. 15, 1849, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Colin Campbell, Esq., J. P. and D.L., by his wife Jessie, dau. of William Middle- ton, son of John Middleton of Shiel, co. Aberdeen. Ar- morial bearingB- Gyronny of eight or and sable, in chief a mullet counterchanged of the field, all within a bordure embattled vert, charged with eight buckles of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a boar's head erect and erased or. Motto — " Fac et sjjero. " Married, Jan. 9, 1873, Edith Agneta, dau. of the late R. C. L. Bevan of Fosbury and Trent Park, by his first wife Lady Agneta Elizabeth Yorke, sister of the 4th Earl of Hardwicke ; and has Issue — (i) Colin Alger- non Campbell, Gentleman, b. August 5, 1874 ; (2) Ronald George Campbell, Gentleman, b. Sept. 4, 1878 ; (3) Norman Robert Campbell, Gentleman, b. March 7, 1880; (4) Evan Roland Campbell, Gentleman, b. July 24, 1887 ; and Agneta Elsp)eth \m. , 1898, Alfred E. Tritton]. Residences — Camis- Eskan, Helensburgh, N.B. ; Fen Place, Turner's Hill, Sussex. Clubs — Union, New (Edinburgh), Western (Glasgow). SThe Right Honour ablk Sir HENRY CAMP- BELL-BANNERMAN, G.C.B. (1895), a Member of Her Majesty's Most Hon. Privy Council, M.A. of the University of Cambridge, Hon. LL.D. of the University of Glasgow, J. P. and D.L. for co. Kent, and J. P. for the cos. of Perth and Lanark. Bom 1836, being the son of the late Sir James Campbell of Stracathro, in the co. of Forfar, by his wife Janet, dau. of the late Henry Bannerman of Manchester ; Financial Secretary to War Office, 1871- 1874 ; in October 1872 assumed the additional surname 01 Bannerman ; Member of Parliament for Stirling District since 1868 ; was subsequently Secretary to Admiralty ; Chief Secretary Ireland ; Secretary of State for War. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, party per pale gules and sable, a banner displayed Ijendways argent, thereon a canton azure, charged with a saltire of the third (for Bannerman) ; 2 and 3, gyronny of eight or and sable, on a chief engrailed argent, a galley, her oars in action between two hunting- horns stringed all of the second (for Campbell). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crests, on the dexter side, on a wreath of the liveries, a demi-man in armour proper (for Bannerman) ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Patriae fidelis; " on the sinister side, on a wreath of the liveries, a boar's head erased proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Ne obliviscaris." ^ is the Military Cockade. Cam Can 217 Seat — Belmont Castle, Meigle, N. B. Town residence — 6 Grosvenor Place, S.W, Clubs — Reform, Brooks's, Athe- naeum, Oxford and Cambridge, Devonshire, National Liberal. SThe Reverend JOHN ERSKINE CAMPBELL- COLQUHOUN, Esquire, Lord of the Barony of Killermont and Garscadden, co. Dumbarton, M.A. , Trin. Coll. , Oxon. , formerly Vicar of Southwold, Suffolk, D. L. co. Dumbarton, J. P. cos. Dumbarton, Lanark, Perth, and Kent, and D. L. co. Dumbarton. Born June 15, 1831, being the second but only surviving son of the late John Campbell Colquhoun, M.P. for Dumbarton 1832, Kilmarnock Burghs 1837, and Newcastle-under-Lyne 1842, by his wife Hon. Henrietta Maria Powys, dau. of Thomas, 2nd Lord Lil- ford. Armorial beaxings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a saltire engrailed sable, a buckle or ; 2 and 3, gyronny of eight sable and or, charged in the centre with a crescent counterchanged for difference with a bordure vair. Crests — i. on a wreath of his liveries, a hand pro- per, holding a buckle or ; 2. upon a wreath of his liveries, a boar's head erected and erased or, langued azure. Mottoes — "Omnia firmat" (Colquhoun), " Fac et spera'' (Camp- bell). Married, Feb. 9, 1864, Emily Agnes, dau. of the Rev. David Barclay Bevan of Amwellbury, Herts ; and \vas, Issue — (i) William Erskine Campbell-Colquhoun, Gentleman, b. June 2, 1866; (2) Laurence Archibald Campbell-Colquhoun, Gentleman, b. April 18, 1869, d. Jan. 6, 1870; (3) Archi- bald John Campbell Colquhoun, Gentleman, b. March 7, 1874 ; Agnes Henrietta \in. Rev. S. Pelly] ; Alice Emily \ni. Captain L. A. Bosanquet] ; Rose Eleanor ; Lilian Powys \m. Lieut. H. T. A. Bosanquet, R.N.]; Eveline Janet; Violet Mary; and Helen Margery. Seats — Killer- mont and Garscadden, co. Dumbarton, N.B. ; Ledeame- roch, Dumblane ; Chartwell, Westerham, Kent. The Reverend SHOLTO DOUGLAS CAMPBELL- DOUGLAS, Clerk in Holy Orders, J. P. for co. Lanark, M. A. Trin. Coll. , Camb. , late Rector of All Souls, Marylebone. Succeeded to the Douglas-Support estate as heir of entail of Margaret, Duchess of Douglas, and assumed the surname of Douglas 1869. Born June 28, 1839, being the second son of the late Archibald Douglas, 17th Laird of Mains, by his wife Caroline Agnes, dau. of M. Dick of Pitkerro. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, a man's heart imperially crowned gules, on a chief azure, three mullets of the first ; 2. argent, a fesse chequy gules and of the first, be- tween three mullets in chief azure and a man's heart in base proper; 3. counterquartered, quarterly!, and iiii. , gyronny of eight or and sable, each charged with a trefoil .slipped counterchanged; ii. and iii., argent, a lymphad sable, all within a bordure erminois, impaling the arms of Paget, namely sable, on a cross engrailed between four eagles displayed argent, five lions passant guardant of the field. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, an oak tree with a lock hanging from one of the branches proper. Motto— "Quae serratasecura." Married, Oct. 22, 1889, Violet Mary, second dau. of Lxjrd Alfred Paget, Clerk Marshal to Her Majesty's Household. [The Rev. S. D, Campbell-Douglas and his brothers are, by a special clause in Lord Blythswood's patent, in remainder to his barony.] 5?a<— Douglas-Support, Coatbridge, co. Lanark. C/?<*j — National, New (Edinburgh), Western (Glasgow). JEAN MORISON CAMPBELL MILI>ER MORISON, Widow, dau. of the late Rev. James Buchanan, D.D., by his wife Mary Morison of Hetland. Armorial bearings, on a lozenge, are — Argent, a bear's head couped azure, muzzled gules, between three Moors' heads couped sable, banded of the second. Married, firstly, 1862, Lt.-Col. William Rose Campbell of Ballochyle, co. Argyll (who died 1872); and secondly, 1878, Hugh Miller of H.M. Geological Survey ; and by her first marriage has, with other Issue — Mac Tver Forbes Morison Mac Iver Campbell of Ballochyle [to whom refer]. Residences — Morison House, Hetland, Ruthwell, N.B. ; 4 Randolph Cliff, Edinburgh. 5 JOHN LIULF CAMPBELL-SWINTON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace of Camplje«=@)txJinton tl^:Vi^:^^r Battalion King's Own Scottish Borderers, Member of the Royal Company of Ar- chers, the Queen's Body Guard for Scotland. Bor7i March 3, 1858, being the eldest son of the late Archibald Campbell Swinton of Kimmerghame, by his wife Georgina Caroline, third daughter of the late Sir George Sitwell, Baronet, of Renishaw, in the county of Derby. Clubs — Carlton ; New (Edinburgh) and Conservative (Edinburgh). Livery — Claret- colour, with red facings and silver buttons. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, sable a chevron or, between three boars' heads erased argent, within a bordure engrailed ermine (for Swinton) ; 2 and 3 counter- quartered, i. and iiii. gyronny of eight or and sable, each charged with a trefoil counterchanged, ii. and iii. argent, a lymphad sable (for Campbell), and on an escutcheon of pretence the arms of White, namely gules, a chevron vair, between three lions rampant or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and up>on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a boar chained to an oak-tree fructed all proper ; with the Motto, " J'esp^re." Married, June 6, 1893, Agnes Cecil, youngest daughter of the late George Towry White, Barrister- at-Law, Lincoln's Inn ; and has Issue — Margaret Anne Cecil. Estate and postal address — Kimmerghame, Duns, N.B. CANNING, see GORDON-CANNING. Cantrel^ ALBERT CANTRELL CANTRELL- HUBBER- STY, Esquire, Lieutenant-Colonel com- manding and Honorary Colonel (1892) ist Notts Volunteers (Robin Hood Rifles), late Major and honorary Lieu- tenant-Colonel 3rd Battalion (Militia) Derbyshire Regiment. Justice of the Peace for the counties of Derby and Nottingham, Lord of the Manor of Roclaveston, and patron of Tollerton ; High Sheriff 1903. Bom June 6, 1843, being the younger son of the late Philip Hubbersty of Wirksworth, in the county of Derby, by his wife Anne Augusta, dau. and sole heiress of the late Reverend William Cantrell, Master of Arts, of Alvaston Field, in the county of Derby, and assumed by Royal License in 1894 the additional surname and arms of Cantrell. Ltvety — Green and gold. Armorial bearings— Quarterly, first grand quarter, quarterly i and 4, vert two bars engrailed between two is the Naval Cockade. ti8 Cap Cap moles atcl in chief. «nbennyl ; a and i ar^nt, a pelican in her ptety. in chief iwo roses, the whole within as many Haunches all table (for (.antrrll) ; second grand . November a, 189a Postal address — c/o Capt. Carlyon-Britton, Melbury Mansions, W. THOMAS BAXTER CARLYON. Gentleman, M.B., M.R.C.S.L. Bom 1855, being the seventh son of the late Rev. Clement Winstanley Carlyon, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of St Just in Roseland, Cornwall, by his first wife Harriet, dau. of George Simmons of Truro. Armorial bearings —Sable, a plate between three castles argent, each charged with a cross crosslet gules, and impaling the arms of Spedding, namely vert, on a fesse or, between three boars" heads erased close proper, as many oak slips also proper, on a canton of the second a battle-axe of the third. ■tantllng sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, collared argent, holding between the paws a bezant. Motto -" Turns tutissima virtus." Married, June 2, 1891, Florence Mary, dau. of R. Deey Spedding, Esq., B.C.S. Sto whom refer], late Commissioner of Revenue and Police or the Agra Div., N.W. Provs., India. Residence— Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. CARLYON ( ). Sable, a plate between three castles argent, each charged with a cross crosslet gules. MnntUng sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, collared areent, holding between the paws a bezant. HottO — " Turris tutissima virtus." Sons of George Gwavas Carlyon, Gentleman, of New Zealand, late Capt. ist Regt. Foot, b. 1824; d. 1875 ; m. , Mary Ann, d. of Thomas Long : — Arthur Spry Gwavas Carlyon, Gentleman, b. i860 ; m. 1891. Kathleen Louisa, d. of Capt. Kenrick Hill of Fern Hill. Hawke's Bay. N. Z. ^«.— Gwavas, New Zealand. Edward Fitrherbert Gwavas Carlyon, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, b. 8 Nov. 1861. Sons of Horatio Carlyon, Gentleman, of Cadwell, Devon, b. 1833; d. 1896; m. 1864, Jane, d. of John Lomas, M.D. : — Hugh Geoffrey Carlyon, Gentleman, b. 1862. Res.— Cadwell, Devon. Tredenham Hugh, who assumed by R.L. name and arms of Spry (q.v. ). Claud William Carlyon, Gentleman, b. 1871. Res. — Ygst. son of Major-Gen. Edward Carlyon. J. P.. D.L.. of Treerehan and Greenaway, b. 1784 ; d. 1854 ; m. 1830, Anna Maria, eld. d. of Admiral Thomas Spry (formerly Davy), of Place and TregoUs, Cornwall : — Tredenham Fitzherbert Carlyon, Esq., Major late 76111 Regt., ^. 3 July 184 1 ; m. , Sophia Birmingham; and has issue — (r) Henry Carlyon, Gentleman, h. 1873; i^) Alfred Spry Carlyon, Gentleman, b. 1879; and Cecile. Rts.— Descendants of Rev. Thomas Carlyon, Rector of St. Mary's, Truro, b. 1765 ; d. i8a6 ; m. Mary, d. of William Stackhouse of Trehane, co. Cornwall : — Thomas Alfred Carlyon, Gentleman (q.v.). Agnes Cassandra Carlyon-Britton (q.v.). Gerald Winstanley Carlyon, Gentleman (q.v.). Rev. Henry Chichele Carlyon (q.v.). Sons of Rev. Philip Carlyon, late Rector of Wesbech, b. 181 1 ; m. Julia, d. of Col. Keith Young: — Philip Ciirlyon, Gentleman, b. 1846. Alexander Keith Carlyon, Esq. (q.v.). Harold Carlyon, Gentleman, M.A., b. 1849. Res. — Edinburgh. Sons of Rev. Clement Winstanley Carlyon, Rector of St. Just, Cornwall, b. 1810; d. 1888; m. ist, 1833, Harriet, d. of George Symons of Truro : — George Francis Carlyon, Esq., Col. late 3rd Batt. E. Kent Regt., b. 1834; m. , Elizabeth, d. of Major F. E. Manning, i6lh Bengal Grenadiers ; and has surv. issue — (i) Francis Carlyon, Gentleman, b. 1861 [m. Anna Maria, d. of Rev. Percy Croft; and has issue — Algernon Carlyon, Gentleman, b. 1885 ; and Charlotte] ; (2) Lionel Kekewich Carlyon, Gentleman, Lieut. N. Staffordshire Regt., b. 1867 \m. 1891, d. of late Edward Hornidge, of Tulfarris, co. Wicklowi; {3) Arthur Carlyon, Gentleman, b. 1873 ; (4) Herbert Carlyon, Gentleman, b. 1878 ; and Blanche [m. Rev. Lewis Evans]. Res. — Clement Winstanley Carlyon, Esq., Lt.-Col. late Roy. Marines, b. 1838; m. 1864, Lilian Maria, d. of Lt.-Col. E. T. P. Shewen, R. M. ; and has issue — Dorothy Georgina Lilian. Res, — Reginald Carlyon, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., b. 1842, Res.— Albert Harald Carlyon, Gentleman, late R.N., b. 1843 [»». 1881, Sophia Dunbar Gordon Sutherland, d. of Major E. Sutherland, of H.M. Hon. Corps of Gentlemen-at- Arms]. Res. — Roseland, New Quay, Cornwall. Rev. Hubert Edward Carlyon, B.A. Camb., Rector of Harlesden, formerly Rector of St. Just, b. 1848 ; m. Emily Thoume. Res. — Harlesden Vicarage, London, N.W, Winstanley Simmons Carlyon, Gentleman, b. Post add. — Post Office, Tuticorin, South India. Thomas Baxter Carlyon, Gentleman (q.v.). Sons of Rev, Frederick Carlyon, M.A., Rector of Leverington, b. 1815 ; m. 1843, Lucy, d. of Edmund Turner, M. P. for Truro : — Percy Frederick Carlyon. Gentleman, b. 1846; m. , Mary Simmons; and has surv. issue — (i) Clement Carlyon, Gentleman, b. 1881 ; (2) Frederick Carlyon. Gentleman, b, 1883 ; (3) Samuel Carlyon, Gentleman, b. 1888 ; and Lucy. Res.— Eklmund Laurence Carlyon (q.v.). Frederick Harold Carlyon, Gentleman, M.D. (Edin.), b. 1864. Res. — 66 Lemon, Truro : — Sons of Edward Trewbody Carlyon, Gentleman, of Tr^vrfe. Truro, b. 1817 ; d. 1891 ; m. 1842, Frances Maria, only surv. d. of late Capt. Thomas Trist of Bengal Army : — Edward Trewbody Carlyon, Gentleman, M.B. (Durh.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), b. i860. Res.— Yarmouth, Isle of Wight. Rev. Thomas Trist Carlyon, M.A. (Camb.), Assistant Master at Dover. Res. — Priory House. Dover College. Dover. CARLYON. Quarterly, i and 4, sable, a plate between three castles argent, each charged with a cross crosslet gules (Carlyon) ; 2 and 3, per pale argent and or. on a saltire sable, a lozenge of the second charged with a fleur-de-lis gules between four others also or (Hawkins, 29 July 1901). Mantling sable and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or. is the Military Cockade. Car Cat 223 collared argent, holding between the paws a bezant. Motto — " Turris tutissima virtus." Son of Rev. Frederick Carlyon, M.A., formerly Rector of Leverington, b. 1815 ; d. 1897 ; m. 1843, Lucy, d. of late Edmund Turner, M.P. for Truro : — Edmund Laurence Carlyon, Gentleman, Solicitor, a Coroner for Cornwall, b. 24 Aug. 1863; m. g Oct. 1894, Margaret, d. of late James Jago of Truro, M.D. , F.R.S. ; and has issue— (i) Laurence Jago Carlyon, Gentleman, b. 29 March 1896; (2) Thomas Tonkin Carlyon, Gentleman, b. 15 April 1897 ; (3) Frederick Carlyon, Gentleman, b. 22 March 1902 ; Margaret Violet ; Lucy ; and Barbara. Res. — Truro. § PHILIP WILLIAM POOLE CARLYON -BRIT- TON, Esquire, Solicitor of Supreme Court of Judica- ture, late Captain 3rd Batt. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Justice of the Peace for the CO. of Middlesex, and a Deputy-Lieutenant for co. of Gloucester, President of the British Numismatic Society. Bom October 13, 1863, being the elder son of the late Henry William Britton of Caer Brito, Ashley Hill, Bristol, by his wife Hannah Canter, daughter and sole heiress of the late Benjamin Poole of Summerhill House, St. George's, near Bristol. He assumed by Royal Licence, dated April 29, 1897, the surname of Carlyon in addition to and before that of Britton, and the arms of that family quarterly with the arms of Britton. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, quarterly or and gules, two lions passant in chief, and as many mullets of six points in base, within a bordure engrailed all counterchanged (for Britton) ; 2 and 3 sable, a plate between three towers argent, each charged with a cross crosslet gules, and for distinction in the centre chief point a cross crosslet or (for Carlyon) ; and impaling the arms of Carlyon, namely sable, a plate iDetween three towers, each charged with a cross crosslet gules. Mantling gules and or. Crests — i, on a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erect and erased azure, gutt^e-d'eau, between two mullets of six points also azure (for Britton) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, collared argent, holding between the paws a bezant, and charged on the shoulder for distinction with a cross crosslet of the second (for Carlyon). Mottoes—' ' Salut k tous " (for Britton); "Turris tutissima virtus" (for Carlyon). [The arms and crest of Carlyon to be borne without the marks of distinction by the issue of Capt. and Mrs. Carlyon-Britton.] Married, Sept. 8, 1886, Agnes Cassandra, elder daughter of the late Charles Alfred Carlyon, Gentleman, Bachelor of Arts of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and grand-daughter of the late Rev. Thomas Stackhouse Carlyon, Master of Arts of Pembroke College, Cambridge, Rector of Glenfield, in the county of Leicester, and twenty-first in descent from King Edward III. ; andhas/jjz/? — (i)Winstanley Carlyon- Britton, Gentleman, born July 25, 1887 ; (2) Henry Courtenay Carlyon-Britton, Gentleman, born January 21, 1891 ; (3) Raymond Carlyon Carlyon-Britton, Gentleman, born September 16, 1893 ; and Ella Carlyon Poole. Estate — Hanham Court and the Manor of West Hanham, other- wise Hanham Abbotts, co. Glouc. Postal addresses — 43 Bedford Square, London, W.C. ; 14 Oakwood Court, Kensington, W. JAMES CARMICHAEL, Esquire, of Arthurstone, co. Perth, J. P. for Perthshire and Forfarshire. Born 1846, being the eldest son of James Drummond Carmichael of Ailly-sur-Somme, France, by his wife Helen, dau. of Robert Stewart (and nephew of the late Peter Carmichael of Arthurstone). Armorial bearings — Or, a fesse wreathed azure and gules, between a crescent of the third in chief and a cinquefoil of the second in base. Upon the es- cutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure, doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an arm in armour embowed, the hand grasping a broken tilting-spear proper ; and in an escroll above, this MottO, " Tou jours prest." Married, 1874, Margaret, dau. of Alexander Geekie of Baldowrie, co. Forfar ; and has, with other Issue— ]a.m&s Louis Carmichael, ■Gentleman, 3. 1875. Estates and postal addresses— Anh\iv- stone, Meigle, Perthshire. Clubs— ]\xmoT Carlton, Scottish Conservative. REGINALD ST. JOHN CARMICHAEL, Gentleman. Born 1874, being the son of the late John Carmichael, Esq J P. for co. Cork, by his wife Jane Josephine, dau. of William Maxwell Browne of Cork. Armorial bearings —Quarterly i and 4, argent, a fesse wreathed azure and is the Naval Cockade. —4' Cor €80 fttles. between three crosses pMte of the third (for Car- mich«el) : a and 3, per (esse gtUes Mid azure, three fishes luuruinl arcrni, Ix-tween eight cross crosslets iitch^ of the third (for ^^-0^lrich). Mantling azure and tirKciit. Oresta — I. I'Ul of .1 mural cruwn a iloxtrr nrni in .'uniour, tlic hand bukltng IX Uoken spciir all pupcr, the arm chnrged with a cnMS p«l^ gules (for Curnuchael) ; a. out of a mural crown proper, an ostrich head anu-e, holding in the beak a horse- shoe or, and chargt^l on the neck with a cross crosslet fiich^ of the last (for M'Ostrich). Motto —" Toujours pr^" KtiiJfMit — CARMICHAEL (U.O.). Argent, afesse wreathed asure and gules, on a canton of the last, a cross or. i>>titHwy axure and argent. OTMt — On a wreath of the colours, a wreath of the liveries, two arms in armour holding a pole- axe with both hands, gauntleted proper ; sinister, on a wreath of the liveries, a dexter arm in armour embowed, holding in the hand a broken spear proper. Mottoes — Dexter, " Periissem ni periissem ' ; sinister, "Tout jour prest." Son of Sir Windham Robert Carmichael-Anstrutber, 9th and 6ih liart., D.L. Lanarkshire, b. 1877; d. 1903; m. 1901, Frederica Sylvia, d. of Sir Frederick Darley, G.C. M.G., Lieut.-Gov. of New South Wales:— Sir Windham Frederick Carmichael - Anstruiher, 10th Bart, of Anstruther (Nova Scotia, 6 Jan. 1700), and and Bart. (Gt. Brit., 18 May 1798), Heritable Carver, and TOUJOURS PRETI dexter arm vambraced, embowed, the hand grasping a broken tilting-spear all proper. Motto— " Toujours pr^t." Sons of James Carmichael, Clerk of the Crown of the county of Tipperary, b. 1792 ; d. 1880 ; m. 1830, Eliza- beth Murray, d. of Singleton Maynard Walker :— Rev. Frederick Falkiner Carmichael, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A.. LL.D. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), Prebendary of St. Michan's and Canon of the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity, Dublin, commonly called Christ Church, sometime Donnellan Lecturer in the University of Dublin, Chaplain of the Magdalen, Dublin, and Chaplain to H.E. the Lord-Lieut, of Ireland, b. 1831 ; m. 1855, Susan Eliza- beth Turton, d. of Francis Bulkeley Cotton ; and has issue —Maynard Chamberlain Campbell Carmichael, Gentleman, M.B. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), b. 1868; Lilias \m. 1885, Everard Digbyl; Ethel Susan [»». 1886, Rev. Hirste Haywood]; EUlen Maud \m. 1891, James Dixon]. Res.—\o Sallymount Avenue, Leeson Park, Dublin. Rt. Rev. James Carmichael, D.D., Coadjutator Bishop of Montreal, ^. 1836. ^«.— Montreal. Henry Carmichael, Lieut 3rd Madras Fus. (ret.), b. Rti. — Gemsbrooke, Australia. CARMICHAEL -ANSTRUTHER (Mar. 28, 1902). Quarterly, i and 4, argent, three piles sable (Anstruther orig. maunc. c. 1672-7) ; 2 and 3. argent, a fesse wreathed azure and gules (orig. matric. 1701, but matric. by cadet hne, c. 1672-7). Mantlings— Dexter, sable, doubled argent ; sinister, azure, doubled argent. CreBta— Dexter, on a ^ is tbe Military Cockade, one of the Masters of the Royal Household in Scotland [escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster, and pendent below his badge of Nova Scotia. Stipporters — Two falcons with wings expanded proper, leaked and membered gules, belled and jessed or] ; b. 30 Apr. 1902. Seat — Carmichael House, Thankerton, Lanarkshire. JOHN CARMICHAEL- FERRALL, Esquire, B.A. (T.C.D.), Barrister-at-Law, J. P. co. Tyrone. Born 1855, being the only son of the late Capt. J. J. O'F. Carniichael- Ferrall, J. P. (who assumed the additional name and arms of Ferrall by Royal License in 1853, on the death of his grandmother), by his wife Margaret, dau. of Sir John N. Humble, ist Bart. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, vert a lion rampant or (for Ferrall) ; 2 and 3 argent, a fesse wreathed gules and azure, in chief a trefoil vert for difference (for Carmichael) ; and impaling the arms of Humble, namely sable, a stag trippant or, on a chief in- dented argent, a trefoil slipped vert. Mantling vert and or; and for his Crests, i. out of a ducal coronet or, a dexter hand gules (for Ferrall) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an arm embowed in armour, grasping a broken lance all proper, charged with a trefoil or (for Carmichael). Married, Sept. 28, 1899, Elizabeth Emily, third dau. and co-heir of Rev. David Henry Elrington, Vicar of Swords, CO. Dublin, formerly Lieut. 6th (Warwickshire) Regt. Seat — Augher Castle, co. Tyrone. C/«d— Hibernian United Service (Dublin). CARNABY, quartered by RAMSDEN. DAVID CARNDUFF, Gentleman, formerly of the Bengal Education Dept. Bom Oct. 28, 1828. Armorial bearing^ — Argent, on a saltire azure, between an eagle displayed in chief sable and a serpent nowed in base vert, a martlet of the first. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand grasp- Car Car 225 ing a banner argent, charged with a saltire couped azure. Married, Dec. 20, 1859, Kathleen, d;iu. of William Cameron; and has Issue— {i) Herbert William Cameron Carnduff, Gentlemau, b. 1862 ; (2) Arthur Andrew Cam- duff, Gentleman, b. 1863 ; (3) William Anstruther Thompson Carnduff, Gentleman, b. 1869. Motto— "Tenax propositi." ^wza'ewce— 22 Queen Street, Edinburgh. Club — Caledonian United Service (Edinburgh). CARNE (R.L., 16 Dec. 1842, H. Coll.). Gules, a pelican in her nest, wings displayed, feeding her young ones or. Mantling gules and or. Crest— (none exemplified). Mottoes — "En toute loyale," " Fy ngobaith sydd yn nuw." Sons of John Whitlock Stradling Carne of St Donat's Castle, J. P. and D.L. co. Glamorgan (High Sheriff 1874), D.C.L., M.A., F.S.A., Barrister-at-Law, b. 1817; d. 1889; in. ist, 1844, Mary Jane [d. 1874), only d. of Peter Whitfield Brancker of Wavertree, Lanes ; 2nd, 1875, Mary Salusbury, d. of John Salusbury Crump of Hampton, co. Hereford : — John Devereux Vann Loder NichoU-Crane, Esq. J. P., D.L., b. 1854; m. 1880, Alice, d. of R. C. Rowe, of St. Anstell, Cornwall; and has issue — (i) Gilbert Stradling NichoU Carne, Gentleman, b. 1881 ; (2) Nigel St. John NichoU Carne, Gentleman, b. 1883. Seats — Dimlands, Cowbridge ; St. Donat's Castle, Glamorgan. Mansel Sydney BerkroUes NichoU -Came, Gentleman, b, 1863. Seat — Nash Manor, Glamorgan. Caradoc St. Barbe Nicholl-Carne, Gentleman, b. 1884. Res.— Right Hon. CHARLES NOEL CARNEGIE, Earl of Southesk, Baron Carnegie, and Baron Balinhard, and a Baronet of Nova Scotia, J. P. and D.L. for the cos. of Forfar and Aberdeen, Lieut. -Col. and Hon. Col. Forfar and Kin- cardine Artil. Born March 20, 1854, being the only son and heir apparent of the Rt. Hon, Sir James Carnegie, Earl of Southesk, K.T. [to whom refer], by his wife the late Lady Catherine Hamilton Noel, second dau. of the Rt. Hon. the ist Earl of Gainsborough. Livery — Dark blue and silver. Armorial bearings — Argent, an eagle displayed azure, armed beaked and membered gules, on its breast an antique covered cup or, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Bannerman, namely argent, on a fesse between three boars' heads erased gules, as many mascles or. Mant- ling gules, doubled argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of his liveries, a thunderbolt proper, winged or. Motto — " Dred God." Supporters — 'fwo talbots argent, collared gules. Married, August i, i8qi, Ethel Mary Elizabeth, only child and heir of the late Sir Alexander Bannerman, 9th Bart., of Elswick; and has Issue — (i) the Hon. Charles Alexander Carnegie, commonly called Lord Carnegie, b. Sept. 23, 1893 ; (2) the Hon. Alexander Bannerman Carnegie, b. Dec. 30, 1894 ; Lady Katherine Ethel ; and Lady Mary Elizabeth. Seat — Kinnaird Castle, co. Brechin. Residences — Crimon- nogate, Lonmay, Aberdeenshire ; Elsick, Kincardineshire. Clubs — Carlton, Bachelors'. CARNEGIE (matric. 7 Nov. 1901, but cadet of Carnegie, Earl of Southesk, being descended from sixth son of 2nd Bart, of Pitarrow). Quarterly, i and 4, per pale or and argent, an eagle displayed azure, armed, beaked, and membered gules (Carnegie) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a fesse between three otters' heads erased gules, two mullets of the first (Fullerton of Kinnaber). Mantling azure, doubled or. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a hand grasping a thunderbolt proper, winged or. MottO— " Dread God." Only surv. s. of Major-Gen. George Fullerton-Carnegie, Bengal Staff Corps, b. 1826; d. 1897; m. 1852, Maria Priscilla, d. of Lieut.-Col. John Howard Wakefield: — Edward Hugo Wakefield P'ullerton-Carnegie, Gentleman, b. 5 Aug. 1870 ; m. 1893, EmiUe, d. of Anton Prange of Bremen; and has issue — (i) George David Howard Fuller- on-Carnegie, Gentleman, b. 1894 ; (2) James Edward Fullerton-Carnegie, Gentleman, b. 9 Jan. 1897. Res. — Mayfield, Somerset Road, Wimbledon. Club. — St. James's. § MAXWELL JOHN CARPENDALE, Esq., Major sth Batt. R. Inniskilling Fusiliers. Bom 1864, being the only son of the late Captain T. C. R. Carpendale, of the Indian Navy. C/k*— Friendly Brothers' (Dublin). Armorial bearings — Azure, two bars between in chief three cross crosslets and in base a crescent all or. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours. a hawk's head erased proper, charged with a cross crosslet as in the arms. Married, 1888, Louisa Sophia, only dau. of Charles Raymond Pelly of Johnstown House, CO. Dublin. CARNEGY, see CAPEL-CARNEGY- ARBUTH- NOTT. WALTER CECIL CARPENTER, Esquire, commonly called the Honourable Walter Cecil Carpenter. Born 1834, being the son of the Rt. Hon. Henry John Chetwynd Chetwynd-Talbot, eighteenth Earl of Shrewsbury, Water- ford, and Talbot ; entered Royal Navy 1847, Rear-Admiral 1882, Vice-Admiral 1888, Admiral 1894, Member of Parlia- ment for the county of Waterford 1859-1865; took the surname of Carpenter only (in lieu of Talbot) by Royal License, 1868; Commander-in-Chief of the Irish Naval Stations, 1887, 1888. Clubs— QzxWan, United Service. Armorial bearings— Paly of six argent and gules, on a chevron azure, three cross crosslets or, and for distinction a canton ermine; and impaling the arms of de Grey, namely, barry of six argent and azure, in chief three annulets gules. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a globe in a frame or, charged for distinction with a cross crosslet azure. Motto—" Per acuta belli." Married, firstly, 1869, Maria Georgiana, who died 1876, daughter of Sir Robert Miller Mundy, K.C.M.G.; secondly, 1887, the Hon. Beatrice, daughter of the Rt. Hon. the fifth Baron Walsingham ; and by his first marriage has Issue living— Sarah Mane Talbot. Residence— YJx'^Xva, Northallerton. STOHN CARPENTER-GARNIER, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- ^fr^«.««^^4-A4. /!?;<« «*t^ti>i* Lieutenant for the coun- Catpent0t=®atniet Ues of Southampton and Devon, and served the office of High Sheriff for the former county (1890). l^te Member of Parliament for South Devon (1873-1884). Born February 28, 1839, being the only son of John Carpenter. is tbe Naval Cockade. ta^ Cat Cat Eiquira. of Mount Tary. Tnviitock, by his wife Lucy, daughter of Revereiu! William Gamier, ami in i86^ assumed Um «ddition.»l burimme and arms of Garnier by Royal Ltowie, under the \^ill of William Garnier of Rookesbury. C*A»*— Carlton. Armoiial bearlngt— He bears for Amu : Quarterly i and 4, aiure a sword bendways. point down- wairds proper. Iwtwcen in the sinister chief a fleur-de-lis and in the dexter base an oak branch or, a Iwrdure emljattled aUo or (for Garnier) ; a and 3 per pale indented or and ature, an eagle displayed, and m chief two roundels all counterchanged (for Carpenter), and impaling the arms of Trefusis. namely argent, a chevron between three spindles sabk. CfMU— I. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a lion's head erased axure, gorged with a wreath of oak. three fletirs-de-lis or (for Gamier) ; a. upon a wreath of the cotours, an arm embowed in armour proper, the haod graspiag a staff or, between two wings of the last, semte oifestoiKS azure (for Carpenter). Afarrtrd, November a8. 1868, Mary Louisa, commonly known iis the Honourable Mary Louisa, second daughter of the Right Honourable Charles Rodolpb Trefusis, nineteenth Baron Clinton. She died April 5. 1503. Issue— {i) John Trefusis Carpenter- Gamier, Esq., Capt Scots Guards, b. Feb. a, 1874; (a) George William Carpenter-Gamier. Gentleman, b. Sept. 16, 1877 ; (3) Mark Rodolph Carpenter-Gamier, Gentleman, b. Jan. 11, 1881 ; Mary Lucy ; Evelyn ; and Adela Elizabeth. Estates — Rookesbury Park, in co. Hants. Postal addresses — 33 Queen's Gate Gardens, London, S.W. ; Rookesbury Park, Fareham, Hants. CARR. quartered by GLYN, VIGORS. CARR (H, Coll. ). Sable, on a chevron engrailed between two mullets of six points in chief or, and a stag's head erased in base argent, three pallets of the field, each charged with a like mullet also or. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount vert, four mullets of six points fessewise sable, thereon a stag's head erased proper. Motto — " Nil desperandum." Son of Frank Clifford Carr, Gentleman, b. . Postal address — c/o Mrs. J. C. Smith, Church Hill House, Handsworth, StafTs. CARR (H. Coll.). Gules, a pale erminois, surmounted by a chevron argent, charged with three mullets sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head couped gules, attired and charged on the neck with three barmlets or, surmounted by a pale emiinois. Son of William Carr, Esq. , of Gomersal House, Yorks. , and Ditchingham Hall, Norfolk, J. P. West Rdg. Yorks.. Norfolk, and Suffolk, M.A. (Oxon.), *. i8a8 ; d. 1904 ; m. 1858, Emma, yr. d. of John Whitaker of Howley Hall :— William Carr, Gentleman, M.A. (Oxon.), Barrister-at- Law, b. i86a ; m. 1886, Margaret eld. d. and coh. of Rev. James Bright, D.D., Master of Univ. Coll., Oxon. ; and has issue — William Greenwood Carr, Gentleman, b. 1901 ; Margaret Mary ; Joyce Emma ; Dorothy Sarah ; and Alice Catherine. Seats — Ditchingham Hall, Norfolk ; Gomersal House, Gomersal, Yorks. Clubs — Athenaeum, Junior Carlton. The Reverend CHARLES RIDLEY CARR. Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Oxon.). Bom Nov. 14, 1840, being the second son of the late Rev. Henry Byne Carr, M.A., Rector of Whickham, co. Durham, Rural Dean and Hon. Canon of Durham, by his wife Eliza, second dau. of J. Ridley of Parkend, Northumberland. Armorial healings — Gules, on a chevron argent, three estoiles sable, a bordure invected of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head couped argent, attired or, gorged with two bars gemels and between as many annulets gules. Motto — " Por dysserver. " Married, 1886, Alice Agatha, eldest dau. of Trehawke Kekewich of Peamore, Exeter; and has Issue — Julia Mary Ridley. Postal address — Exmouth, Devonshire. CUTHBERT ELLISON CARR, Gentleman. Bom April i8, 1849, being the eighth, but now second, surviving son of the late Ralph Carr Ellison of Dunstan Hill, in the CO. of Durham, of Hedgely, Northumberland, Esq., and Elizabeth his wife dau. and co-heir, of the late Major John Wcrge. 38th Regiment. Clubs — Northumlx;rland and Northern Counties' Club. Armorial bearingns — Ciules, on a chevron .irgent, three estoiles sable, all within a bordure invected of the second ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a stag's head couped argent, attired or, gorged with two bars gemel, and between as many annulets gules. Motto (over the crest)— "Por Dysserver." Married, Aug. 12, 1902. Postal address — i Park Terrace, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Club — Northern Counties (Newcastle). Rev. EDMUND CARR, M.A. Camb., Vicar of Hol- brooke and Hon. Canon of Carlisle. Born June i, 1826, being the second and only surviving son of the Rev. John Edmund Carr, by his wife Ellen, dau. of William Evans of Darley Abbey. Livery — Claret and silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Per pale gules and sable, on a chevron invected plain cotised argent, a stag's attires proper between two mullets of six points sable, in base a like mullet of the third. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased proper, charged on the neck with a mullet of six points or, between two thistles slipped and leaved proper. Motto — "Tout droit." Married, firstly, 1858, Emma Anne, youngest dau. of the late Richard Stileman of The Friars. Sussex ; and had Issue — (i) Rev. Lawrence Carter Carr, M.A. Camb., Rector of Overstrand, Norfolk, b. Aug. 17, 1861 [m., 1890, Olive, dau. of the Rev. Daniel Frederick Wilson ; and has issue, Anthony Lawrence Carr, Gentle- man, b. 1892 ; Vera ; and Violet Olive] ; (2) Rev. Edmund Stileman Carr, b. July 6, 1864 Un., firstly, Jan. 22, 1891, Edith, dau. of Rev. F. A. C. Lillingston ; and by her has issue, John Lillingston Carr, Gentleman ; Neil Edmund Carr, Gentleman ; and Edith Gwendolen. He m. secondly, 1896, Eleanor Selina, dau. of the late Rev. F. E. Wigram of Oak Hill House, Hampstead. He m. thirdly, Clara, dau. of the late Arthur de N06 Walker of Florence]; (3) is tlie Military Cockade. Car Car 227 Donald William Carr, Gentleman, b. April 16, 1866 \m., Aug. ir, 1891, Agnes, dau. of W. H. Nevill of Ferryside, S. Wales ; and has issue, Donald Nevill Carr, Gentleman ; Margaret Rachel ; and Nora Katharine] ; Helena Mary \vi. the late H. Heathfield, and d. Nov. 15, 1902]; Edith Annie [/«., March 10, 1891, Rev. Charles Trevor Horan ; and has issue]; Janet Waldegrave [;«., Aug. 5, 1896, Rennie, youngest son of Miles Maclnnes of Rickerby, Carlisle ; and has issue]. He married secondly, 1873, Mary Fanny, only dau. of the late Lieut. -Col. Thomas Salkeld of Holm Hill, Cumberland; and thirdly, 1881, Mary, eldest surviving dau. of the late Rev. William Leeke, Vicar of Holbrooke, co. Derby. Seat — Holbrooke Hall, co. Derby ; and Boscobel, Shropshire. HENRY ARBUTHNOT CARR, Esquire, a Captain in the Worcestershire Regt. Born Sept. 2, 1872, being the eldest son of the late Ralph Edward Carr, Esq. , a Col. in the Worcestershire Regt., by his wife Anne Jane, dau. of the late H. A. Wedgwood of Woodfield, Pembrokeshire. Armorial bearings— Gules, on a chevron argent, three estoiles sable, all within a bordure invected of the second. Mantling gules and argent ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a stag's head couped argent, attired or, gorged with two bars gemels, and between as many annulets gules. Motto (over the crest) — " Por Dysserver." Club — Army and Navy. e HENRY JOHN CARR, Esquire, Vice-Admiral in H.M. Fleet (1901), Admiral Superintendent of H.M. Dockyard, Devonport (1896). Born July 6, 1839, being the eldest son of Rev. Henry Byne Carr, M.A. (Oxon.), and Hon. Canon of Durham [third son of John Carr of Dunston Hill, CO. Durham, and Hedgeley, co. Northumberland], by his wife Eliza, dau. of John Ridley of Parkend, co. Northumberland. Clubs — United Service, Royal Naval, &c. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a chevron argent, three estoiles sable, all within a bordure invected of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head couped argent, attired or, gorged with two bars gemels, and between as many annu- lets gules. Motto — "Por dysserver." Married Frances Jane (died 1882), eldest dau. of John Carr. Postal address — Longcross, Chertsey. MARTIN RAYMOND CARR, Gentleman. Bom]\AYg, 1877, being the fourth but second surviving son of the late Ralph Edward Carr, Esq. , a Colonel in the Worcestershire Regt., by his wife Anne Jane, dau. of the late H. A. Wedgewood of Woodfield, Pembrokeshire. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a chevron argent, three estoiles sable, all within a bordure invected of the second. Mantling gules and argent ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a stag's head couped argent, attired or, gorged with two bars gemels, and between as many annulets gnles. Motto (over the crest) — " Por Dysserver." Postal address— RALPH CLEMENT CARR, Gentleman. Born Nov. 23, 1878, being the fifth but third surviving son of the late Ralph Edward Carr, Esq. , a Colonel in the Worcestershire Regt., by his wife Anne Jane, dau. of the late H. A. Wedgewood of Woodfield, Pembrokeshire. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a chevron argent, three estoiles sable, all within a bordure invected of the second. Mantling gules and argent ; and for the Crest, on a wTeath of the colours, a stag's head couped argent, attired or, gorged with two bars gemels, and between as many annulets gules. Motto (over the crest)— " Por Dysserver." Postal address — The Reverend THOMAS WILLIAM CARR, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Barming, Kent. Born June 15, 1830, being the eldest son of the Reverend Thomas William Carr, Incumbent of Southborough, Kent, and Susan his wife, eldest daughter of the Rev. Richard Woodward, D.D., Rector of Glanworth, co. Cork, and widow of the Rev. John Leveson Hamilton, Rector of EUesborough, Bucks. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, on a chevron cottised between three annulets argent, as many estoiles of six points sable ; and impalmg the arms of Oakes, namely azure, on a chevron between three falcons belled or, as many leopard's faces proper. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased proper, gorged with a collar is tbe Naval Cockade. aaS Cat Cat lemellr. and the neck endrcled with an annulet gules ; on the atiiir^ A ttUnd also gulet. passing ihrougli an annulet or. Motto— "I'our deservir. ' A/arrieJ, Fcbiuary 9, iCcS, Harriet (who dinl Felx ai, 1889), seventh daughter of JoBn Dmooo of Mabledon, Kent; and secondly, July a, 1191, Emily Mary Charlotte, third daughter of Richard Montagu Oakes. Lt.-Col. ist Lifeguards [and widow of R. Whitfield Hewlett, M.D., by whom she had Issue — Etheldred M. Marguerite Hewlett]; by his first marriage he has Jssut — (i) Thomas Wilfiani Carr, Gentleman, B.A. Oxon, l>orn Jan. 34, 1861 [iw. and has issue]; Bl Robert Lancelot Carr, Gentleman, B.A. Cantab., born arch 3, 1863 [m., 189a, Evelyn Mary Holmes, and has tsue] ; (3) Alured John Deacon Carr, Gentleman, born 1866, died 1888 ; (4) Frank Collett Carr, Gentleman, B.A. Oxon, bom July 16, 1870 [m. Sybil F. Egerton • Warburton, Nanogin, W. Austr.«lia]; Mary Joanna Sophia [m. 1886, Major W. H. M. Fitihcrberl of Somersal Hall. Derby- shire]; Laura [m. 1893, W. L. Wigan]; and Margaret Lucy. Estates— \jontg Rede, Kent, and Elshott Heugh, Felton, Northumberland. Postal address — Long R<5e, Barming, Maidstone, Kent. THOMAS WILLIAM CARR, Junior. Gentleman, B.A. (Oxon.). Bom Jan. 24, 1861, being the eldest son of the Rev. TTiomas William Carr, Clerk m Holy Orders, Rector of Barming, by his first wife Harriet, seventh dau. of John Deacon of Mabledon, Kent. Armorial bearings— Gules, on a chevron cotised between three annulets argent, as many estuiles of six points sable. MajitUng: gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased proper, gorged with a collar gemelle, and the neck encircled by an annulet gules, on the attires a riband aUo gules, passing through an annulet or. Motto — "Pour deservir." JOHN RALPH CARR-ELLISON, Esquire, J. P. for the counties of Durham and Northumberland (High Sheriff of the latter 1888), late Capt. 4th K. O. Regt, and served throughout the Crimean Campaign in the 33rd (Duke of Wellington's) Regt. Born June.7, 1832, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Ralph Carr (after- wards Carr-Ellison) of Hebburn and Dunst on Hill, 00. Durham; and Hedgeley, co. Northumberland, by Ehzabeth, second dau. and eventually co-heir of John Werge, Major 38lh Regiment (killed at the storming of St. Sebastian, Aug. 31, 1813), and with his father assumed by Royal Licence in 1870 the additional name and arms of Ellison. Clubs — Norihumlierland and Northern Counties (London), Nortliern Counties (New- castle). Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules a poiv.: dysscHYen chevron argent between three eagles' heads erased or (for Ellison) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a chevron argent, three estoiles sable, a hordure invected of the second (for Carr). Mant- ling gules and argent. Crests — i. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head erased or, gorged with a collar vair, holding in the beak a branch of three roses gules, leaved and slipped proper (for Ellison) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head coujjed argent, attired or, gorged with two bars gemels, and between as many annulets gules (for Carr). Mottoes — (over the Carr crest) " Por dysserver;" (under the arms) "Nee te quaesiveris extra." Married, firstly, April 22, 1862, Emily Anne (who died 1887), dau. of Capt. Henry Pearson Stockley; and has Issue — (i) Ralph Henry Carr-Ellison, Esq., ist Royal Dragoons, Lt.-Col. (h.p.) [m., Feb. 28, 1893, Alice Mary, youngest dau. of Archibald Campbell of Glendaruel, Argyllshire, and has issue, John Campbell Carr-Ellison, born Sept. 25, 1897]; (2) John Ralph Stockley Carr-Ellison, Gentleman, born 1867 [m., 1900, Alice Ursula, eld. dau. of F. A. Lang of Mel- bourne, Australia]; (3) Herbert George Carr Carr-Ellison, Gentleman, born 1874 ; Emily Theodora ; Violet Caroline [m., 1900, Rev. O. W. Darling, Ilford, Essex]; and Amy Harriet. He married secondly, Jan. 30, 1890, Edith Maude Mary, dau. of Thomas Fenwick Clennell of Harbottle, Northumberland, by whom he has issue— (4) Thomas Fen- wicke Clennell Carr-Ellison, Gentlemen, born 1893 ; (5) Oswald Fenwicke-Clennell Carr-Ellison, Gentleman, Ixsm 1895 ; (6) Cuthbert Fenwicke-Clennell Carr-Ellison, Gentle- man, born 1901 ; and Edith Fenwicke Clennell. Estates — Hedgeley, Northumlierland ; Dunst on Hill, and Hebburn, Durham. Postal address — Hedgeley, Alnwick, North- umberland. 5 FRANCIS CULLING CARR-GOMM, Esquire, Bar- rister-at-Law of the Inner Temple, J. P. for the cos. of Buckingham and Berkshire, D.L. for Bucks, Honorary Colonel of the 3rd Volunteer Battalion of the Queen's Royal \Vest Surrey Regiment ; formerly of Her Majesty's Madras Civil Service ; High Sheriff of the county of Buckingham for is the MlUtary Cockade. Car Car 229 the year 1894. Born June 25, 1834. being the second son of the late Reverend Thomas William Carr of Southborough , Kent, by his first wife Susan, widow of the Reverend Leveson Hamilton, and eldest daughter of the Reverend Richard Woodward, Doctor of Divinity, Rector of Glanworth, in the county of Cork. He with his second wife, with the issue of their marriage, assumed, by Royal License dated March 9, 1878, under the will of the late Dame Elizabeth Gomm, relict of the late Field-Marshal Sir William Maynard Gomni, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, the surname of Gomm in addition to and after their former surname of Carr, and the arms of Gomm quarterly with their own. Clubs— Kzs.\. India United Service, Union. ZrW/j— Claret. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a lion rampant sable, on a chief gules two seaxes in saltire, points upwards proper, and a canton or for distinction (for Gomm), 2 and 3 gules, on a chevron cotised between three annulets argent, three estoiles of si.x points sable (for Carr), impaling the arms of Carr-Gomm, namely, quarterly i and 4 argent, a lion rampant sable, on a chief gules two seaxes in saltire, points upwards proper, and a cross crosslet for distinction (for Gomm), 2 and 3 gules, on a chevron cotised between three annulets argent, three estoiles of six points sable (for Carr) ; and for his Crests, r. upon a wreath of the colours, two lions' gambs in saltire sable, erased gules, charged for distinction with a cross crosslet argent, and each holding a seax erect proper, hilt and pommel or (for Gomm) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a stag s head erased proper, gorged, with a collar gemelle, and the neck encircled with an annulet gules, on the attires a ribband also gules passing through an annulet or ; with the Mottoes, i. (of Gomm) "Per costanza e speranza," and 2. (of Carr) "Pour deservyr." Married, firstly, 1857, Jeanie Elizabeth Chetwynd (who died 1869), youngest daughter of Major Edward Francklyn of the Honourable East India Com- pany's Service; and secondly, 1876, Emily Blanche, Lady of the Manor of Rotherhithe, only daughter of Andrew Morton Carr, and niece of the late Field-Marshal Sir William Maynard Gomm, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Constable of the Tower. By his first marriage he has Issue — (i) Francis Edward Culling Carr, Gentleman, Officer in the Madras Police, born 1858 ; (2) Eardley Culling Carr, Gentleman, Lieut. Royal Navy, born 1861, died i8q6 ; (3) Reginald Childers Culling Carr, Gentleman, of Her Majesty's Madras Civil Service, born 1864 ; and Edith Mary Culling [married Colonel W.H. Stafford, C.B., R.E., and has issue]. By his second marriage as above he has further issue, (4) Hubert William Culling Carr-Gomm, Gentleman, born '^^77 \ (S) Mark Culling Carr-Gomm, Gentleman, born 1883 ; Elizabeth (now deceased) ; and Dorothy. Estate and postal address— The Chase, Farnham Royal, Bucks. CARRE, see RIDDELL-CARRE. CARRICK, quartered by BUTLER. CARRINGTON, see SMITH-CARRINGTON. S ARTHUR CARRINGTON, Esquire, J.P. co. Derby. Hon. Major (retired) 2nd Volunteer Battalion Derby- shire Regiment, upon whom the Volunteer Decoration has been conferred. Born December 7, 1845, being the second surviving son of the late Thomas Carrington. Esq., J.P. Chesterfield, by his wife Elizabeth Boothby, daughter of John Raine, Barrister-at-Law. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend azure, cotised sable, between two horse- shoes of the second, a unicorn's head erased or between two bezants, a crescent for difference gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, three horse-shoes or, thereon a uni- corn's head erased sable ; with the Motto, " Semper paratus." Married, August 21, 1877, Florence, daa and co-heiress of Charles Binns. Esq., J. P.. of Clay Cross Hall, CO. Derby, by Elizabeth, dau. and co-heiress of the late Sir J. Walmsley, Kt., of Hume Towers, Bournemouth ; and has Issue — Harold Edward Carrington, Gentleman, b. Nov. 10, 1886 ; Emily Raine ; and Adeline Mary. Postal address — c/o Mr. Stafford, Midland Road, Bedford. Club — Golfers' Club. Whitehall Court. 5 Sir FREDERICK CARRINGTON. K.C.B., K.C.M.G. Born 1844. being the dT A1*ff HlYf"nf1 second son of Edmund Carrington. Vi.^aVVdl^VUIl Gentleman, of Cheltenham, by his wife Sarah Louisa, dau. of Thomas Henney of Cheltenham ; was created Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1880, and advanced to the rank of Knight Com- mander of that Order, 1887. C/«3.r— United Service, Naval and Military, Wellington. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly of six. i. or. a chevron cotised between three demi-griffins, those in chief respecting each other sable (for Carrington) ; 2. vert, three escutcheons argent, each charged with a bordure engrailed or (for Burrell) ; 3. argent, three battering-rams in pale proper, headed and garnished or (for Bertie) ; 4. or, fretty azure (for Willoughby) ; 5. gules, a cross patonce or (for Beke) ; 6. or, three bars wavy gules (for Drummond). Upon the escutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, and pendent therefrom his badge as a Knight Commander of that Order, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an elephant's head erased or, eared gules, charged on the neck with three fleurs-de-lis, two and one azure; with the Motto, " Tenax et fidelis." Postal address — College Lawn. Cheltenham. JOHN BODMAN CARRINGTON. Gentleman. F. R.G.S. Armorial bearings Per pale or and argent, a chevron gules, on a pale sable, between two lions' heads erased in chief of the third, a lion's head erased between two annulets of the first. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant per bend sinister or and argent, semde of annulets, and holding in the mouth a mallet in bend gules, resting the dexter paw upon a torteau. Motto —" Absque labore nihil." Residence — Laggis, Netherhall Gardens. Hampstead, London, N.W. THOMAS CARRINGTON, C.E.,F.G.S. Bom 1841, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Carrington, Esq.. J. P.. of Holywell House, co. Derby, by Elizabeth Boothby, only dau. of the late John Raine, Barrister-at-Law. Armo- rial bearings — Argent, on a bend azure, cotised sable, between two horse-shoes of the second, a unicorn's head erased or, between two bezants. Mantling aziu^e and is the Naval Cockade. t3ax\i blue, with light drab facings and waistcoat, gilt buttons. Axmorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, on a mount in base an elephant statant encircling with his trunk a palm-tree issuant on the dexter all proper, a chief nebuly azure, thereon a pale argent, charged with two lions rampant combatant gules, between as many mullets of the first ; the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, and pendent his badge as a Knight Commander thereof. Mantling vert and or. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, upon the trunk of a tree fessewise eradicated and sprouting to the dexter a crowned crane proper, resting the dexter leg on an escutcheon azure, charged with a lion's head erased argent. Motto—" Nemo me major nisi me justior." Married, 1874, Susan Laura (who died 1895), dau. of Lieut-Col. Edward Hocker, R. M.L.I. ; and h?iS Issue— [i) Otho Gilbert Carter, Esq., born October 26, 1882 ; (2) Humphrey Gilbert Carter, Esq., born October 19, 1884; Lily Barbara; and Evelyn Laura. He married 2ndly, 1904, Gertrude Codman, only dau. of the late F. V. Parker of Boston, U.S.A. Postal addresses— GovernmerA House, Barbados, Bahamas; 43 Charing Cross, London. is tbe Naval Cockade. »3» Car Car JOHN CARTER. Oenileman. Bom May 7. 1863. 1»eing the ddest ion of the late John Carter of iiarnsley. Armoxlu Imrlnri IVr fessc sal>lc and gules, a tallx>t (mssant or, between in cliirf two loiiml buckles and in Itase a cross nory argent. HaAtllni^ vnblc .-xiut or. Crut On a wreaih of the colours, uui of the Inttlcnicnls of a towrr argent, a demi-nionkcv gules, charged on the shoulder with a bezant, and Itolding between the hands a shuttle of the first. Motto — "Spcs in salute." Married, Oct. 15, 1895. Suzanah, dau- of the late John IMrker of Orby, co. Lincoln. Kesi- dtntts Harrc^te, Yorkshire ; and I.4uigrick Grange, near Boston, IJncomshire. JOHN BURROUGHES CARTER, Esquire, J. P. for ea Norfolk. Barm March 27, 1866, being the only child of the kte Charles Carter of Northwold, by his wife Sarah Ann, elder dau. of John Norton of Mardingham, co. Norfolk. Armoiijd bearings — Per pale argt-ni aiul .-uure, a chevron between three cithcrinewheels countcrchanged. Mant.Ung' asure and argent. Crwt — On a wreath of the colours, a talbot sejant ermines the dexter fore-pnw supporting an escocheon per ^le argent and azure, a catherine-wheel as in the arms. Motto— "Sacro gratus cineri." Married, Oct. 33, 1895, Jane Evelyn, elder dau. of Rev. James Alexander Crozier, Rector of Coston, co. Leicester ; and has Issue -{i) John Hugh Crozier Carter, Gentleman, b. March 13, 1897 ; (a) John Patrick Carter, Gentleman, b. Oct. la, 1898 ; and Janetta Constance Blanch. Jiesi- dtnte — The Manor House, Northwold, Norfolk. JOHN ROBERT CARTER, Gentleman. Born Dec. 14, 1853, being the only child of John Carter, Supt. of Royal Military College, Sandhurst, by his wife Sarah Jane, daa of James Powell. Livery — (Dress), chocolate and gold ; (undress), blue and silver. Armorial bearings— Per chevron or and purpura, two taus in chief and a cartwheel of eight spokes in base all countcrchanged. Man tling purpure and or. Crest ~ On a wreath of the colours, in front of a tau purpure, a demi-cartwheel or. Motto—" In hoc signo vinces.' Married, Jan. la, 1878, Jane Elizabeth, dau. of William Smith ; and has Issue— {\) Frank John Carter, Gentleman, b. Oct. 20, 1878 ; (2) Herbert William Carter, Gentleman, b. Sept. 5, i88o; (3) Arthur George Carter, Gentleman, *. June 18, 1886. Residence— CARTER-CAMPBELL (L.O., 1894). Quarterly, i and 4, gyronny of eight or and sable, in chief a mullet counter- changed, all within a bordure indented azure, charged with eight buckles of the first (for Canj|)bell of Possil) ; 3 and 3, argent, two lions rampant combatant sable (for Carter*. Mantling sable, duubled or. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, a boar's head erect erased or, armed and langued azure. Motto — " Fac et spera." Son of Col. Thomas '1 upper Carter-Campbell, b. ; d. 1900; m. 1864, Emily Georgina (of Possil, co. Lanark), d. of late Gen. George Campbell, C.B. Arthur Campbell Carter-Camplill, Gentleman, b. 1867; m. 1898, Kathleen Isabelle, d. of late James Hillhouse of Surbiton; and has issue — George Lome Carter- Campbell, (ientlcman, b. 1899. Seat — Oaksleigh, Sarisbury. CARTHEW of Woodbridge Abbey, Suffolk (H. Coll.). Or, a chevron cottised sable, between three auks proper, all within a bordure engrailed of the second, charged with thirteen bezants. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock an auk proper, holding in the beak a bezant. Motto — " Bedhoh fyr ha heb drok." Livery — Buff, black facings, black and yellow braid. Son of Peter Carthew of Woodbridge Abbey, Suffolk, b. 1808; d. 1870; m. and, i860, Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Henry Good of Kensington : — Ranulphus John Carthew, Esq., J. P., C.C. Suffolk, Major Suffolk Artillery, b. 1863 ; m. 189a, Catherine Agnes Edith, eld. d. of William Naunton Waller, Esq., J. P., D. L. , of the Grove, Bealings ; and lias issue — ( i ) Peter Ranulphus Waller Carthew, Gentleman, b. 1893; (a) Ekiinund John Carthew, Gentleman, ^. 1900; and Dorothy Edith Maude. Seat — Woodbridge Abbey, Suffolk. Town res.— i$A Kensington Palace Gardens, W. Club— Con- servative. MORDEN CARTHEW- YORSTOUN, Esquire, J. P. for CO. Dumfries. Born 183a, being the eldest son of the late General Morden Carthew, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Madras Army, by his is the Military Cockade. Car first wife Jemima Borland, daughter of John Ewart, Esquire, late of Mullock, in the county of Kirkcudbright ; served in Her Majesty's Indian Army 1848-1860; assumed the name and arms of Yorstoun in i860. Armorial bearing's of Yorstoun : Azure, a crescent between seven mullets argent, on a chief or, three swords, two in saltire and one in fesse, between a dexter hand couped ap- paum^e and a heart all gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a tower proper; with the Motto, "Mens conscia recti." Married, 1854, Maynard Eliza Charlotte Rochfort, only daughter of the late General Sir Archibald Bogle ; and has, with o\.\\^x Issue — Archibald Morden Carthevv- Yorstoun, Esquire, Major the Black Watch, born 1855 [married, 1890, Madeleine Feilding, daughter of the late R. W. Hillas, Esquire, Deputy- Lieutenant, of Seaview, in the county of Sligo, and Farm Hill, in the county of Dublin]. Estates and postal address — East Tinwald, Dumfries, N. B. ; Irvine House, Canobie, N. B. Mr. Carthew- Yorstoun bears, but has not as yet officially established, for the arms of Carthew : Quarterly i and i,, or a chevron sable between three tnurrs proper (for Carthevv) ; 2. azure, a chevron between three escallops within a bordure engrailed or (for Colby) ; 3. argent, a fleur-de-lis gules (for Morden). Crest — A murr proper, ducally gorged or. MottO — •" Bedoh fyr ha heb drok." SJOHN HOWARD CARTLAND, Esquire, Major Queen's Own Worcestershire Hussars, J. P. for Wor- cestershire, High Sheriff 1898-99. Born Nov. 5, 1850, being the eldest son of the- late John Cartland, Esq., J. P., of Tiie Priory, King's Heath, Worcestershire, by his wife Ann, youngest dau. of John Howard of Liverpool. Livery — Dark blue, yellow facings. Armorial bearings— Or, a demi-eagle rising, couped proper, on a chief nebuly sable, three garbs argent. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-eagle as in the arms, holding in the beak an ear of wheat leaved and slipped, a garb fesseways or. Motto— " Loyal a devoir." Seat — The Priory, King's Heath, near Birmingham. Clubs —Cavalry, Raleigh, Ranelegh, Union (Birmingham), Con- servative (Birmingham). Car CARTMELL, see AUSTEN-CARTMELL. 233 Reverend ANSON WILLIAM HENRY CART- WRIGHT, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Cantab.), J.P, and C.A. for Devonshire. Born Feb. 5, 1836, being the eldest son of Henry Anson Cartwright, Esq., J.P. and High Sheriff (1844) of Devonshire, by his first wife Harriet j dau. of John Watson of Hamilton Square, Birkenhead. Armorial bearings-Sable, a chevron engrailed between four Catherine- wheels, three in chief and one in base argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, out of a chaplet of roses gules, a dexter arm em- bowed in armour, the hand proper, holding a catherine- wheel also gules. Motto— " Nil desperandum." Married, April 1863, Rose Catherine, second dau. of Edward Crocker' and has Issue— Ros,e Martha Anson [m. Lt.-Col. Cotter,' R. M.L.I.]; and Katharine Anson. Residence— BixmX^y House, Teignmouth. C/«^— National Liberal. ERNEST HENRY CARTWRIGHT, Esquire, Bar- rister-at-Law, M.A., B.Ch., M.D. (Oxon.). Born June 20, 1865, being the eldest son of the late Sir Henry Edmund 'i^twnght. Knight Bachelor, Barrister-at-Law, J.P. for CO. of Londonderry. High Sheriff 1884, Member of Royal Irish Academy, by his wife Mary, dau. of the late Harrison Watson, Esq., J. P., of Stanhope, co. Durham. Armorial bearlngrs- Or, gutt^-de-poix, on a fesse nebuly gules between four bombs fired, three in chief and one in base proper, an escallop between two catherine-wheels or. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased or, gutt^-de-poix, gorged with a collar nebuly gules, between on either side three cinquefoils slipped vert. Motto — " Defend the fold." Martied, Dec. 7, 1899, Dorothy, youngest dau. of the late Richard William Giles of 60 Nevem Square, London, S.W. Residence — Myskyns, Ticehurst, Sussex. Clubs — Athenaeum. CECIL CARUS-WILSON, Gentleman. Born October 18, 1857, being the fifth son of the late William Wilson Carus- Wilson of Casterton Hall, Westmorland, by his wife Mary Letablere, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Edward Litton, Q.C., of Altmore, co. Tyrone, Master in Chancery in Ireland. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, three wolves' heads couped sable, vulned in the neck proper (for Wilson) ; 2 and 3 azure, on a chevron engrailed or, between nine quatrefoils argent, three mullets gules (for Carus of Kirkby Lonsdale). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a crescent or, issuing flames of fire proper (for Wilson) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a hawk rising sable, beaked, belled, and collared or, from the is the Naval Cockade. »i* Car Caje; hHd aybfe. TvfaMd profwr (for CaiwlL U*rritd Bwtara. du. of Rer. -ofWOden, Beds. /ttsUtmct— [with avoir* Noa nobis R. G. OmOi. BOWARD SHIPPHARD CARUS-WIL£ON. Esquire. M.A.. j.P. for CorawalL a#ra Julf 15. 1830. being the ihM SOB of the Ute Rer. W. C*rtts-\S ibon of Oistenon Hal. hj his wife Ana. dan. of Gen. Nerilk. AnMClal iMrtBtl Qiimlj I and 4, argent, three wot^-cs' beads OMMd sable, cadi wiIbwI ob the neck proper, a crescent far dWacaoe (far WHm) ; a. asore. on a U >e« r ou engrailed or, between nine <|aaiicnils af)peBt, three nollets of five poiats g^cs (Cor Cans) ; >P^7 ^ P*^ * *"** ^'*'*' ^^ a cherroa between three Beufsde-IiSa as mailiy crass cross- lets aB oooBlerchaaced (far Shipphard)L Jhtltwc sable and aifcnl. CkWto— i. on a wreath of ibe colaars. a u e scant or. therdrooi flaaMS iwianl profier (for Wilson) : a. on a wieath of the ooloan. a hawk rising sable, beaked. beOed, and ooOated or. firom the collar an escutcheon nt ad iBt aneat. cl a ugt d with a wolfs head as in the arms (far Cara^l MpMo — " Non nobis sofaun." Mmrri*d, Oct. as. 1854. Ellen Aaae. eldest dan. of the late Hompbry WiliTaan. Esq., J.P. and D.L.. of Camanton. St. Cotamb. ConnnJI: aad has /xnr— (i) Edward UlUjrams Cams- Wlna. GeadcaMa. >. April jo. 18^ : (3) Trevor Cams- WiMia. Ctatkiaan. k. Sept. 3. iSJSq; Agnes Ellen [m. Rev. J. a Kitsonl: Dorothea [ac Michael WDIiaaisI: Frances jane [at. Tbos. Bedford Bolitho. Esq.. M.P.. D.L aad J.P.]: and Margaret Louisa [ai. CspL J. & Hender- son. W. L Regt.}. .&M/— Penmoont. near Tmra Ctmi— Junior Conservative. The REnacxD WILLLAM CARUS WILSON. Cleric in Holy Orders. Bacfador of Canw-catuson ^^"'S'^S^.^S ham. kue Rector of Lyndon. Oakham, in the coonty of Rutland. Bam January i6w 1845. being the ddest son of the kte William Wilson Canis- >%'asaa.of CasMnoa Hall. Westmorland, by his wife Mary Letabtocdam^Merof the Right Honourable Edward Litton. M»tahrr of I^iliaBKat. Mauter in Chancery, one of Her Majesty's Cooaad Learned in the Law. Livery — Claret and blae. AlBMtfal baattags— He bears for Azss : Quarterly t aad 4. ai;pent three wolves' beads couped sable, eadi vukied on the necic proper, a crescent for difference (for Wilsaa) ; x azure, on a e» iuu b a ae ui three fleurs 10. 1873; Rer. Percy Carus- Wikon, bom October 16. 1873. EttaU—VamA at Casterton, in the co. of Westmorland. Postal address — Faversham. Kent. CARVER, qnartered by ATHORPE. LUCIUS FALKLAND BRANCALEONE CARY. Esquire. Colonel (retired) late of the Rifle Brigade. Born 18 w. being the fourth son of the late Hemy George Cary of Torr Abbey, aad his wife Emily Munro. only cfaild and heire ss of Robert Sheddoo of Brooklands. Hampsfaif«L AaMtlai bMilB^i Argent. 00 a bend sable, three roses «f die fint. Mtntlhlg argent and sable. Gkwt-On a wreath of the ookrars. a swan proper. Miatto — "^^rtnle CKxrptae." Married, fir^. 1868. Bertha Elisabeth, dan. of Captain Winsfew Philfipps: and has Isstie—Heorj James Lucius Cary. Gentleman. Lieut, late 3rd Devon- shire Rst.. t. tfl^ He at. secondly. Oct. a6. 1878. Lnaisa Sophia Isabd. dan. of Major George Rowley. ROBERT SHEDDEN SULYARDE CARY. Gentle- man. Borm June aa. i8a8. being the eldest son of the late Henry George Cary of Torr Abbey, and bis wife Emily MuBTO. only chiM and heiress of Robert Sbedden of Brook- lands. Hampshire. Annatel baaxlacs— Argent, on a bead sabfe. three roses of the firsc »««■*>«».£ sj^ij^ ^,^ argent. OMt Oi a wreath of the colours, a swan proper. Motto — "Virtnte ezcerptae." MatrUd. 1866. Mari^uet Mary. dan. of Georre Stockman. Seat— Torr Abbey. Torquay. CARY-CADDELL (H. ColL. U.O.). Quarteriy. L the arms of Cary-CaddeU ; i and 4. argent, fretty gules, on a chief vert, a boo rampant or (Cadell) ; a and 3. argent, on a bend sable, three roses of the field (R. L.. 5 May 1900) (Cary) ; iL the same arms of Cary ; iii. ar]^ent. three locenge- shaped arming-buckles, tongues fessewtse gules (Jeming- ham) ; iv. the same arms of CaddelL is««*M«iy gules and argent. Oraoto— i. Caddell : 2. Cary. 00 a wreath of the coMurs. a swan proper. Son of Stanley Edward George Cary of FoUaton, Devon. >. 1835 : d. 1900 : m. 1865. Agnes Mary (d. and coh. of Admiral Arthur William Jeminebam). who obtained a R.L. to bear name and arms of Cary-Cadell : — Francb Joseph Cary-Cadddl, Gentksnan. b. 1878. Seat — FoDaton, near Tomes. CASE. Quarterly, i and 4. argent, ona bend engrailed gules, plain cottised aaUe, three round buckles or (Case- arms confd. and crest granted by Segar. Norroy. ax Dec 1598); a. atwent. a fesse between three descents gules (O^, Utaf. Edward I.) : 3. argent, a cross engrailed sable. between four torteanx (Clayton). is««*»t^ gules and argent. CSraot — On a wreath of the colonrs. a cubit arm erect, habited ermines. cufliBd argent, holding in the hand proper a round buckle or. Motto — " Distantia jungit." Livery — Blue. Sons of Lt.-CoL Charles Case. Bengal Staff Corps. >. 1839: d.v.f. 1883 : a*. 1863. Jane Amelia, d. of Major-Cien. John ElpUnstone Fraser :— Capt. Thomas Ephinstone Case, Capt. Lanes. Hussars Imp. Yea, late Capt. Coldstream Guards, b. 1869 ; ar. 1904. Evdyn Ruby, d. of late Adolpbus Fer gu son. Estates at Huyton and Whiston, Lanes. Res. — Tbe Tempfe, Horton. Northlands. Clm^ — Guards', Travellers'. Wdlii^ton. Edwin George Case, Gentleman, b. 1875. ^<^ — Yr. sons of Thomas Case, Gentleman, of Redhazek and Sbenstone Moss. b. 1811 : d. 1887; ac 1834. Alesandrina Veronica, d. of Giovanni Mavromati of Messina. Sidly : — Alfred George Case, Gentleman, b. 1843. Res. — Edwin William Case. Gentleman, b. 1850; a*, rst, 1875. Clotilde {d. 1901). d. of Don Antonio de Romrfe-y-Cebrian. Comte de Romr£e of Valencia : 2nd. 1903. Caroline, Mar- quise de Traa^nies. d. of Edouard. Marquis de Trazegnies of Corroy-le-Chateau. Belgium ; and las issue — Charles Edward Case. Gentlonan. b. 1904. Res. — 199 Faubourg St. Honors. Paris. C/»»— Cerde de U Rue Royafe (Paris). Son of John Asbton Case, Gentleman, of Ince Hall, Lanes., b. 1804 ; d. 1855 : ai. 1833, Caroline Elirabeth. dd. d. of Henry Walker of Blytbe HaU. Notts :— Capt. Henry Asbton Case, lue latb Lancers, J.P.. b. 1851 : ac 1878. Mary Louisa {d, 1888), d. of CoL W. Soutbey, Madras Staff Corps ; and. 1891, in Canada. Alice Marston. d. of CxA. W. Soutbey : and has issue (with six dans.)— John Aloysius Asbton Case. Gentleman, b. 1893. Serf/— B ec kfo rd Hall, nr. Tewkesbury. Clmbs—Aimf and Navy. Cavalry, Horiingham. JULIUS CASEMENT. Esquire. M.A. Trin, ColL. Dublin. J.P. COS. Antrim. Londoodeny, and Vilcklow. High Sheriff 1877. Bom 1830, beiBg tbe fourth son of tbe late R"gw- Pj> Margaret, dan. of Andrew M'QuOtv. Axauilal Iwilinj.! — Ermine, a lion rampant guardant proper, di ar ged with a mullet gules, and holding in tbe paws a sword erect also proper, pommd and hilt ^)ld, encircled round tbe point with a wreath vert, on a chief embattled gules, a tower argent, be tw een two elephants' heads erased or. MBirtltwg gules and argent. Crest — A moral crown gules, issuing there- from a demi-tiger rampant guardant proper, diarged with a mullet of the first, and crowned with an Eastern crown or, bcMing in tbe paws a sword erect proper, pommd and bilt gold, the point enctrded with a wreath vert. MMtO — "Dum ^ ia the MmtazT Coekado. Ca0 €ea 23s spiro spero." Married, 1863. Maria Clarke, dau. of Rev. J. Lacy Barnard, Rector of Powerscourt ; and has Issue — (i) Roger Casement, Elsq., Major R.A., ^. Feb. 24, 1864: (2) Joshua Bernard Casement, Gentleman, Lieut, and Dur- ham Light Infantry, *. SepL 16, 1868, d. July 29, 1894 ; (3) Julius Casement, Lieut. R..A., d.s.p. Sept. 3. 1896. aged ao, (4) John Mocw^ Casement, Genifcman, Lieut. R.N. ; b. Sept. 13, 1877 ; and three daus. Seat — Cronroe, co. Wicklow. CASEMENT (granted H. Coll., 17 April 1826. and con- firmed U.O., with slight distinctions). Ermine, a lion rampant guardant projjer, charged with a mullet gules, and holding in the paws a sword erect also proper, |x>mmel and hilt gold, encircled round the point with a wreath vert, on a chief embattled gules, a tower argent, between two elephants' heads erased or. Mantling gules and argent Crest— A mural crown gules, issuing therefrom a demi- tiger rampant guardant proper, charged with a mullet of the first and crowned with an Eastern crown or, holding in the paws a sword erect proper, pommel and hilt gold, the point encircled with a wreath \'ert. Motto — ' ' Dum spiro spero." Sons of lohn Casement of Magherintemple, Elsq., J. P. (High Sheriff co. Antrim 1881), M.A., b. 1825; d. 1902 ; m. 1st, 1849, Charlotte, d. of Brabazon New- comen of Camla House, co. Roscommon : — Roger Casement, Esq., J. P. co. Antrim, b. 1850; •r. 1877, Susanna, d. of James Beatiy, C. E. ; and has issue— (i) John Casement, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., ^. 1880; (2) Francis Casement, Gentleman, b. 1881 ; (3) Roger Hugh Casement, Gentlemen, b. 1883; (4) Robert James Case- ment, Gentleman, b. 1884; (5) Edgar Ranald Casement, Gentleman, b. 1886. Si-o/— Magherintemple, Ballycastle, CO. Antrim. Brabaz(»i Newcomen Casement, Gentleman, M.D., i. 1852 , m. ist, 1880, Henrietta Louisa (on a wreath of the colours, a rode, thereon an eagle rousant regardant, holding in the beak a dagger bendways all proper, and charged on the breast with a star of six points or; with the Motto, "Vigore et virtute." is the Naval Cockade. «36 Caief Ca0 U^rritJ. lunc 14. 1858. Mary 'Picreaa (d. June 11, 1897). dKU. of janiM Cahill. Member City Council, IV.-ndiKO. KtiidtHit "Ilirickane." Acland Street, St. Kilda. Mel- bourne, Australia. C.\SS (H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4. per chevron or and ermine, on a chevron sable between two eagle's heads •r&i>eti ^les in chief and a garb of the first in base, a harrow fjoUl lietwrasc all counterchangetl (Simmons). tSantUng sable and or. Ingl — Quarterly 1 and 4, jx-r chevron or and ermine, on a chevron sabk-, Iwtwcen two eagles' heads erasetl gules in chief and a garb of the first in liase, a harrow gold between two fountains (for Cass) ; 3 and 3 ermine, a (esse ermine cotised argent between three cinqut'loils of the Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head erased gules, charged on the neck with a fountain, in the beak three ears of wheat or. Motto — " Ubique patriam reminisci." Livery — Black and yellow. Son of Rev. Frederick Charles Cass, M.A. (Oxon.), b. 1824 ; d. 1896 ; »/. 1853, Julia Elizabeth, d. of William Tewart, Esq., J. P., of Glanton and Swinhoe, co. Northuml:)erland :— Rev. Frederick Charles Guise Cass, M.A., b. 1859. Res. — Monken Hadley, Heene, Worthing. C/«^j— Conservative, Oxford and Cambridge. H ARTHUR HERBERT CASS, Esquire. Colonel in the W Army, late Major loth Hussars ; served in the Crimea (medal and clasp). Bom July 19, 1828, being the third son of the late Frederick Cass, Esq., J. P. and D.L., by his wife Martha, eldest dau. and eventual co-heiress of John Dell Potter of Ponders End, Middlesex. Clubs — United Service, Army and Navy, Marlborough, Conservative. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per chevron or and ermine, on a chevron sable, between two eagles' heads erased gules in chief and a garb of the first m base, a harrow gold between two fountains (for Cass); 2 and 3 sable, a fesse ermine, cotised argent, between three cinque- foils of the last, in the chief point a cross crosslet fitch^e or (for Potter). Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head erased gules, charged on the neck with a fountain, in the beak three ears of wheat or. Motto— " Ubique (>atriam reminisci." Postal address — Lnited Service Club, Pall Mall, W. Captain CHARLES HERBERT DAVIS CASS. Bom Aug. 13. 1858, being the only son of the late Rev. Charles William Cass, M.A. (Cantab.), by his wife Elizabeth Frances, second dau. of William Kirkpatrick of St. Cross. Newport, Isle of Wight. Armorial bear- last, in the centre chief point a cross crosslet fitch(5e or (for Potter) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head erased gules, charged on the neck with a fountain, in the beak three ears of wheat or; with the Motto, " Ubique patriam reminisci." BERNARD CROFT CASS, Esquire. Bom May 10, 1873, being the only son of the late Sir John Cass, Knight Bachelor, J. P., by his wife Hannah, dau. of Robert Gamble of Bradford. Armorial bearing^s -Per pale argent and azure, a balance suspended Ixitween two Haunches, each charged with a branch of palm slipped all counterchanged. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a balance suspended per pale argent and azure between two p.ilm-branches slipped vert. Motto — "Cave Deus videt." Residence — " Maylands," Heaton, Bradford, Yorks. MATTHEW SHEFFIELD CASSAN, Esquire, J.P., High Sheriff 1843. Born Dec. 23, 1820, being the eldest son of the late Stephen Sheffield Cassan, Escj., J. P., Bar- rister-at-Law, by his wife Ann Elizabeth, dau. of Edward Laurenson of Capponellan, co. Kilkenny. Armorial bear- ings—Argent, three oaks eradicated proper. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from an earl's coronet proper, a boar's head and neck erased or, langued gules. Motto — " Juvant arva parentum." Married, May i, 1843, Phoebe Louisa; and has Issue — (i) Francis Seymour Stuart Cassan, Gentleman, b. July 12, 1849; (2) Henry Erskine Cassan, Gentleman, b. Sept. 14, 1849; (3) Stephen Sheffield Cassan, Gentleman, b. August 29, 1851, deceased ; (4) Matthew Shefifield Cassan, Gentleman, b. Sept. 14, 1852; (5) Edward I.awrenson Cassan, deceased ; (6) Reginald Sheffield Cassan, Gentle man, d. unm. ; Emily Anne [»«., Feb. 13, i8;5, Lieut. - Col. J. Cecil Grove-Price, R.A., of Croydon, Surrey]; Flora Adelaide ; and Anne Elizabeth \m. William Robert- son, d. 1887]. Seat — Sheffield House, near Maryborough, Queen's Co. LARRETT GODFREY CASSELS, Gentleman. Born 1858, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Walter Gibson Cassels, Gentleman, Banker in Toronto and Hamilton, Ontario, by his wife Adelaide Victoria, dau. of Commissary General Larratt Smith of Southampton, Eng- iB the Military Cockade. R Ca0 Cat »37 land. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron gules, be- tween in chief two cross crosslets fitchte and in base a key fesseways wards downwards sable. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a dolphin naiant or. Motto — " Avise la fin." Postal address — The Dominion Bank, Oshawa, Canada. MARIE EMMANUEL ALVAR DE BIAUDOS- SCARISBRICK, MARQUIS DE CASTEJA. Born 1849, being the son of the late Remy Leon de Biaudos, Marquis de Casteja (who was authorised, on succeeding to Scaris- brick, by Royal Licence, dated Jan. 31, 1873, to take the name of Scarisbrick after that of De Biaudos, and to bear the arms of Scaristrick quarterly), by his wife Eliza Mar- garet, dau. of the late Sir Thomas Windsor Hunloke, B;\rt. , of Wingerworth. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, three mullets in bend between two bendlets engrailed argent, for distinction, in the centre chief point a cross cross- let or (for Scarisbrick) ; 2 and 3, De Biaudos. Mantling gules and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a dove sable, beaked and legged gules, holding in the beak an olive branch proper, charged for distinction with a cross crosslet or (for Scarisbrick) ; 2. De Biaudos. Married, 1874, Adolphine Gabrielle Marie de Faret, dau. of the Mar- quis de Fournes ; and has Issue — Marie Andre Leon Alvar Scarisbrick, Gentleman, b. 1875. Seat — Scarisbrick Hall, near Ormskirk. CASTELLO (H. Coll.). Azure, on a bend cottised argent, between a lion rampant in chief and an Eastern crown in base or, three towers triple-towered sable. Mant- ling azure and argent. Crest — Issuant from a crown vallary or, five ostrich feathers argent, in front of a tower as in the arms. Son of : — Edmund Francis Castello, Gentleman, formerly of Bogota, Columbia, S. America, b. . Res. — Rue-de-Bassins, Paris. CASTLEHOW (H. Coll., 1858). Azure, on a mount vert, a castle proper, in chief three passion crosses or. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a castle proper, therefrom issuant a lion azure, supporting a passion cross or. Son of Thomas Castlehow, b. ; d. 1863 ; m. , Ann, d. of Thomas Rumney : — William Castlehow, Gentleman, M.A. (Oxford), b. 1863. 5ea^— Waterside House, Watermillock, Ullswater, Penrith, Cumberland. Ctub— Oxford Union (Oxford). Sir henry JAMES STUART-RICHARDSON, sth EARL AND VISCOUNT OF CASTLE STUART, and Baron Stuart in the Peerage of Ireland, and a Baronet of Nova Scotia; assumed by Royal Licence, dated May 11, 1867, the surname of Richardson in addition to and after that of Stuart, and the arms of Richardson and Stuart quarterly. Bom March 21, 1837, being the only son of the late Rt. Hon. Charles Knox, 4th Earl of Castle Stuart, by his wife Char- lotte Raffles Drury, only dau. of Quintin Thompson (niece of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, the celebrated Governor of Java, and cousin of the eminent divine. Rev. Dr. Raffles). Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, or, afesse persaltire gules and ermine, between in chief a bull's head couped and in base a galley sable (for Richardson) ; 2 and 3. quar- terly, i. or, a lion rampant gules, within a double tressure flory counterflory of the last (for Scotland) ; ii. or, a fesse chequy argent and azure, in chief a label of three points gules (for Stuart); iii. argent, a saltire between four roses gules (for Lennox) ; iiii. or, a lion rampant gules (for Mac- duff), the whole within a bordure compony argent and azure, and upon an escutcheon of pretence these same arms of Richardson. Mantling gules and or. Crests— i. on a wreath of his liveries, a lion rampant argent, holding a wreath of oak leaves fructed proper, and charged on the shoulder with a cross form^e gules (for Richardson) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head argent, armed or (for Stuart). Supporters— Two dragons vert. Motto— " Forward." Married, Nov. i, 1866, Augusta Le Vicomte Massy Richardson, widow of Major Hugh Massy, 8sth Foot, and only child of Major Richardson-Brady, D. L. , of Drum, CO. Tyrone; and has Issue -tAxirxeX Albany [m., June 2, 1891, Major Maxwell Archibald Close, 13th Hussars, and has issue]; Mary [tn., Dec. 21, 1898, Major Edward Harrison Clough Taylor of Firby Hall, co. York]. Seats — Stuart Hall, Stewartstown ; Drum Manor, Cookstown, both in CO. Tyrone. Cf«^— Carlton. CATON (H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, per fesse gules and azure, two cats-a-mountain passant argent, spotted sable, on a canton or, a cross crosslet fitchte of the fourth (Caton, 1859); 2 and 3, quarterly gules and vair, a bend or, thereon an annulet and crescent (Constable). Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, out of a castle argent, charged with three cross crosslets sable, a Saracen's head aflrontte proper, wreathed argent and gules. Motto— " Caut us metuit foveam." Livery — Blue, red facings. Only son of Redmond Rideout Bewley Caton, Gentle- man, Lieut, ist Regt. (Royal Scots), b. 1833; d.v.p. 1859 ; m. 1857, Jane Anne Aytoun, eld. d. and coh. of Angus Turner, Esq., J. P., of Kippen House and Glentyre : — Rev. Redmond Bewley Caton of Binbrook, Lines., Rector of Great Fakenliam, M.A. Oxon., b. 1858; m. 1883, Louisa Laura Forbes, d. of Col. Alexander John Cruickshank is the Naval Cockade. «3« Cat Cau Wamnd. j.P. . of Bught, co. Inverness. N.D. ; and has iMM— Richard iwwiry Cnion. Uendeman, 4. 1886; Margaret Hawksmore; and Dorothy Mary. Hts. — Great Fakenham Rselory, 'Ilietford, Norfolk. Lluhs — United University, Wat Suffolk County (Bury St. Edmunds). « ALBEMARLE CATOR. Esquire. J. P. and D.L. Porm April 6, 1836, being thie eldest surviving son of the late .Albemiulc Cntor. Esq., of Woodlxtstwick Hall, Norfolk. J. P. and 1). L. , High Sheriff 1867, by his wife Eliia- beth Margaret, eldest dau. of John H. Ulakeney of Abbert, CO. (.ial\»'ay. Armoxial beartngi — Ermine, on a pile en- grailed gules, a lionp.'iss;in' argent, in Imsc t wo fishes haurient ature. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased erminois, charged on the neck with two bars engrailed gules. Motto—" Nihil sine labore." Married, Feb. aa, 1859, Mary Molesworth Cordelia, third dau. of Christopher Arthur Mohun-Harris of Hayne; and has Issue — (i))ohn C!ator, Esq., J. P. co. Norfoik, b. Sept. 34, i86a \m., Oct. 7, 1895, Maud, second dau. of Henry J. Adeane of Brabraham] ; (2) Albe- marle Bertie Cator, Gentlem.an, b. Jan. 6, 1869, d. March la, 1869 ; (3) Albemarle Bertie Edward Cator, Gentleman, Capt. ist Batt. Scots Guards, b. April la, 1877 [iw., 1903, Violet, eldest dau. of Francis Sutton of Penton, Andover, Hants]; (4) Christopher Arthur Mohun Cator, Gentle- man. }. Jan. 35, 1881 ; Louisa Eleanor; Elizabeth Mar- garet [*•., Sept. a3, 1885, Lord Victor Seymour, fourth son of Francis, fifih Marquess of Hertford, and has issue] ; Mary Wingfield \m., April 25, 1895, Charles A. Fellowes. second son of Robert Fellowes of Shotesham Park, co. Norfolk, and has issue] ; Gertrude Harriet [m. June 3, 1897, George John Talbot, eldest son of Rt. Hon. John Gilbert Talbot, P.C. M.P.]; Beatrice Charlotte Emily [w., April 12, 1894, Henry Artnur Hallam Lennard, only son of Sir John Lennard, Bart., of Wickhnm Court, and has issue]; Edith Louisa; Georgina Marquerite [«. , June 17, 1899, Major F. Hawley, Royal Scots Greys]; Mabel Diana Frances ; Chrislabel Nona Penelope ; and Grace Granville Dieya. Seats — Woodbastwick Hall, Norwich ; Trewsbury, Coates, Cirencester ; Beckenham Place, Kent Club — Carlton. GEORGE HENRY CATT, Esquire, J.P. for the co. of Hants. 1895. Bom Aug. 6, 1856, being the second son of port, Isle of Wight. Clubs — Junior ronstituiional, Hamp- shire (WinchcNter), Hythe Yacht (Soutiiami>t()n). Livery — Dark blue, and silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Gules, three cats-a-mountain passant guardant in pale argent, two flaunches of the last, each charged with a rose of the first, barbed and seeded proper. Mantling gules and argent. Creat— On a wreath of the colours, in front of an esquire's helmet proper, a gauntlet fessewavs also proper. Motto — " Fortis qui prudens." Married, firstly, May 29, 1879, Mary Eliza, eldest dau. of Sills Clifford (iibbons of Great Walstead, Lindfield. Secondly, June 8, 1886, Alice Mary, eldest dau. of Thomas Wallis of Southampton ; and has Issue — (il Arthur Ethelbert Catt, Gentleman, b. June i6, 1880; (a) George Clifford Catt, Gentleman, b. Feb. 12, '887 ; (3) Hugh Charles Catt, Gentleman (twin with his brother. George Clifford) ; (4) James Catt, Gentleman, b. March 39, i888 ; (5) Noel Catt, Gentlem.an, b. Dec. 21, 1894; Amy Maud; Mary Louisa; Betty; and Rachel. Postal address — Villa Amalthea, Hythe, Southampton. CATTERICK, quartered by WITHAM. ALFRED HENRY CAULFIELD, Esquire, son of St. George Francis Caulfield, Esquire, J. P. for the co. of Ros- common, by his wife the Hon. Susanna Anne (sister of the Rt. Hon. the second Baron Crofton), who was raised to the rank of a baron's daughter by Patent, 1837. Armorial bearings — Barry of ten argent and guies, on a canton of the second a lion passant guardant or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head erased gules, gorged with a collar genielle .argent ; with the Motto, " Deo duce ferro comitante." Married, firstly, the Hon. Augusta (who died 1873), dau. of the Rt. Hon. the first Baron Templemore, and widow of the Rt. Hon. the seventh Earl of Kingston ; secondly, 1874, Rosamond (who died 1888), dau. of Thomas Dowker of Huntingdon Hall, in the co. of York, and widow of Lord Alan Spencer- Churchill. Postal address — Matlock House, Twickenham, Middlesex. CAULFEILD (U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4, barry of ten argent and gules, on a canton of the second a lion passant Charles Catt of Brighton, and Summer Hill, Lindfield, and Nether Walstead, Scaynes Hill, Sussex, and Mary Anne his wife, eldest dau. of Benjamin Mew of Polars and New- guardant or (Caulfeild, temp. Eliz.) ; 2 and 3, or. a chevron chequy argent and azure, between three martlets sable is tlie Military Cockade. Cau Cat) 239 (Houston). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head erased gules, gorged with a collar gemelle argent. Motto — "Deo duce ferro comitante." Son of Edward Houston Caulfeild, Esq., of Drum- cairne, J. P. and D.L., b. 1807; d. 1883; m. 1828, Charlotte (d. 1840), d. of Piers Geale: — Rt. Hon. James Alfred Caulfeild, C.B., 7th Viscount Charlemont.and Baron Caulfeild, of Charlemont, in Ireland, Vice-Lieut, co. Tyrone, J. P. and D.L. for that co. (High Sheriff 1868), Hon. Col. 4th Batt. the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, late Capt. Coldstream Guards, and Comptroller in the Household of the Lord-Lieut, of Ireland 1868-95, now Usher of the Black Rod of the Order of St. Patrick, b. 1830; m. 1858, Hon. Annette Handcock, yr. d. of Richard, 3rd Lord Castlemaine ; and has issue— Constance Elizabeth [m. 1880, Rt. Hon. Uchter John Mark, 5th Earl of Ranfurly]. Seats — Roxborough Castle, Moy ; and Drum- cairn, Stewartstown, Tyrone. Clubs — Guards', United Service. Son of Marcus Piers Francis Caulfeild, Esq., C.B., formerly Major Mid-Ulster Artillery Militia, b. 1840 ; d. 1895 ; m. 1878, Louisa Gwyn, 4th d. of Robert Griffith Williams, and niece of Sir Richard Williams, Bulkeley, loth Bart. : — James Edward Caulfeild, Gentleman, b. 1880. Res. — Son of Hans St. George Caulfeild, Gentleman, b. 1837; d. 1892 ; m. 1878, Emily Berenice, d. of Edward James, Esq., M.D., of Edgbaston, J. P. :— Charles Edward St. George Caulfeild, Gentleman, b. 1887. Res.— Son of Right Rev. Charles Caulfeild, D.D., Bishop of Nassau, Bahamas, b. 1804 ; d. 1862 ; ot. 1832, Grace Anne [d. 1896), d. of Sir Richard Bligh St. George, Bart. :— Charles Edwin St. George Caulfeild, Gentleman, b. 1841. Res.— Francis St. George Caulfeild, Gentleman, M.I.C.E., Director of Public Works, Federated Malay Straits, b. 1852; m. 1880, Helen Isabel, d. of Henry John Simonds,' Esq., J. P., of Cavesham ; and haslsurv. issue — (i) Harry Frowd St, George Caulfeild, Gentleman, Lieut. R.F.A. b. 1881. ^^.--Borlases, Twyford, Berks. Son of James Caulfeild, Gentleman, Treasurer of Ceylon, b. 18 June 1843 ; d. 1861 ; tn. Eliza (d. 1854), d. of Basil Gray and widow of Major Rech6 : — James Campbell Caulfeild, Gentleman, b. 1843. Res. — Henry St. George Caulfeild, Gentleman, b. 1851 ; m. 1^77, Jane, d. of William Goldsmith ; and has issue — (i) James Charles Caulfeild, Gentleman, b. 1878 ; (2) Robert Toby Caulfeild, Gentleman, b. 1881 ; (3) Charles St. George Caulfeild, Gentleman, b. 1884; (4) Richard William Caulfeild, Gentleman, b. 1887. Res.— Son of Rev. Hans Caulfeild (eld. s. of Rev. Wilberforce Caulfield), b. 1833; d. 1874; m. 1861, Rachel, d. of Thomas Reade of Callan, co. Kilkenny : — Charles Hans Caulfeild, Gentleman, b. 1869; m. 1898; Ethel Jessie, d. of the late D. G. R. Mann of Ottawa; and has issue— (i) Charles Wilberforce Caulfeild, Gentleman, b. 1899 ; (2) Eric St. George Caulfeild, Gentleman, b. 1900. Post, add.—i^x M'Leod Street, Ottawa, Canada. Yr. sons of the Rev. Wilberforce Caulfeild, Rector of St. Mary, Kilkenny, d. 1872; m. Catherine, d. of E. Butler :— Charles Francis Caulfeild, Gentleman, b. 1835. Res. — Wilberforce Caulfeild, Gentleman, b. 1836. Res. — Edmund James Caulfeild, Gentleman, b. 1842. Res. — Francis Butler Caulfeild, Gentleman, b. 1845. Res.— Sons of Hans Caulfeild, Gentleman, M.D. , b. 1814 ; d. 1863 ; m. 1847, Mary Ann, d. of Henry Ellis of Pottle Rath, Kilkenny :— Hans James Caulfeild, Gentleman, b. 1849 ; m. 1872, Jenny, d. of Samuel Brasher ; and has issue — (i) Alfred Hans Waring Caulfeild, Gentleman, b. 1875 ; Lilian May [m. H. N. Sandus] ; Mabel Violet [m. 1901, Hubert V. Hamilton] ; and Kathleen Crofton. Res. — Henry Ellis Caulfeild, Gentleman, b. 1852; m. Annie, d. of Thomas Jenkins ; and has issue — Hester ; and Alice. Res.— Alexander Theophilus Caulfeild, Gentleman, b. 1824; m. 1854, Rosetta, d. of Samuel Knowlton ; and has issue — Marion Olive ; and Ida May. Res.— James Bellairs Caulfeild, Gentleman, b. 1861. Res.— 8s Grenville Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Club— Royal Canadian Yacht. Son of the Rev. Abraham St. George Caulfeild, Rector of Wmdsor, b. 1823 ; d. 1882 ; m. Mary Anne, d. of W. Waring : — Charles Caulfeild, Gentleman, b. 1848 [/«. 1873, Eliza Caroline, d. of Daniel Hanvey ; and has issue— Charles St. George Stewart Hanvey Caulfeild, Gentleman, b. 1874- and Kathleen Elizabeth. Res.— Son of St. George Francis Robert Caulfeild, Esq., Capt. ist Life Guards; b. 1831 ; d. 1875; m. 1868 Louisa Ann, only d. of Thomas Russell Crampton, C.E. : — Algernon Thomas St. George Caulfeild, Esq., J.P co Roscommon (High Sheriff' 1899), b. 1869. 5ea^— Donamoii Castle, CO. Roscommon. C/«^j— Travellers', Carlton. NATHANIEL CAUTLEY, Esquire, M.A. Ch. Ch., Oxford, Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple. He assumed the name of Cautley by Royal Licence 1885. Born Jan. 9, 1857, being the elder san of Samuel Bottomley, by his wife Carohne Jane, dau. of Nathaniel Holmes of Pocklington. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, per bend gules and sable, a sword bendways point upwards proper, pommel and hilt gold, between two fountains in chief also proper, and a cross flory in base or (for Cautley); 2 and 3, or, on a pale gules, between two bees volant in base proper, a lion ram- pant of the field (for Bottomley). Mantling gules and or. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, two swords in saltire proper, pommels and hilts or, surmounted bv a cross flory as in the arms (for Cautley) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, an Angora goat in front of a palm-tree proper, resting the dexter foot upon an escutcheon gules, charged with a shuttle paleways or (for Bottomley). Motto — "Fideli certa merces." Seat — Shelf Hall, Halifax, Yorks. CAVE (/«»»/, Edw. III.). Azure, fretty argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a greyhound courant sable, to which on an escroll proceeding from the mouth the word ' ' Gardez " for motto. Verney-Cave. Quarterly, i. Verney-Cave (R.L., S Feb. 1880), viz. : quarterly, i. and iiii. , Cave as above ; ii. and iii., azure, on a cross argent, five mullets gules (Verney) ; 2. sable, a fesse dancetty argent, between three eagles displayed or, a chief of the last (Wyatt, 1723) ; 3. the arms of Cave as above (R.L., 12 March 1818) ; 4. argent, a pile sable, a chevron counterchanged (Otway, c. 1670) ; S- the arms of Cave as above ; 6. azure, a chevron between three escallops or (Browne, isth cent.); 7. the same arms of Verney (1465) ; 8. argent, a chevron between three eagle's legs sable, erased a la ^uise, the talons gules (Braye, temp. Edw. III.). Mantling azure and argent. Crests — I. Cave as above, the greyhound collared argent ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-phcenix in flames beholding a ray of the sun all proper, over it the Motto, " Un tout seul." Son of Edgell Wyatt-Edgell of Stanford Hall (son of Edgell Wyatt of Milton Place, Surrey, who assumed by R.L., 1813, the surname of Edgell), b. 1801 ; d. 1888 ; m. 1844, Henrietta, s.j. Baroness Braye (d. 187^), d. of Henry Otway of Castle Otway, by his wife Sarah, s.j. Baroness Braye : — Rt. Hon. Alfred Thomas Townshend Verney-Cave (R.L., 1880, formerly Wyatt-Edgell), 5th Baron Braye (3 Nov. 1529), a coheir to the Barony of Braose, a Knight of Malta, J. P., D.L. Leics., late Lt.-Col. and Hon. Col. 3rd Batt. Leics. Regt. , served in S. African War 1902 (medal and clasp) [Supporters — On either side a lion guardant or, winged vair] [Badge of the Lords Braye — A hemp- breaker or], b. 1849 ; m. 1873, Cecilia Harriet, d. of late William Gerard Walmesley of Westwood Hall , Lanes. ; and has surv. issue — (i) Hon. Adrian Verney Verney-Cave, J.P. Northants, Capt. Motor Vol. Corps, b. 1874 [/«. 1900, Ethel Mary, d. of Capt. Edward Bouverie Pusey, R.N. ; and has issue — Thomas Adrian Verney-Cave, Esq., b. 1902; and Lucy Agnes Vera] ; (2) Hon. Thomas Florian Verney- Cave, b. 1885 ; Hon. Cecilia Violet [tn. 1903, Lieut. K. von Gratzy, Austrian ArmyJ ; and Hon. Vera Angela. Seat — Stanford Hall, Market Harboro'. Town res. — 4 Buckingham Gate, S.W. Clubs — Travellers', Royal Yacht Squadron. is the Naval Cockade. Cat) Cat) Cavk-B«owne-Cav». Quarterly, i and 4. Cave h above: a and 3. Bro¥me as above. CtmU — i. Cave, a. first above ; a. upon a wreath of tlie colours, a stork propers boaked and nicinbrred or. Son of Sir John Robert Cave-Browne-Cave, toth Bart., i 1797; Catherine Tenelope, d. and o&t. of Wifiiaiu Mills of Barlostoii Hall :— Sir Myites Cave-Browne-Cave, mh Itart. (30 June 1641), of Stan/ord, eo. Northampton. J. P. and U.L. cos. Derby, Leica., and Warwick, late Major Derbyshire Yco. Cavalry. foroierly Lieut, nth Hussars, b. 182a; m. 18(5, Isabelle, d. and coh. of John Taylor of The Newarke, l^ics. ; and h;is surv. issue— (i) Genille Cave- Browne Cave, Esq., b. 1869; Millicent Rosamond [m. 1885, William Wentworth Clapharo of Crumpshall House, co. Lanes.]; Mabel; and Muriel. iVa/— Slrellon Hall, Ashby-de-la-Zouche. Club —Carlton. Reginakl Ambrose Cave- Browne-Cave, Gentleman, Com. R.N..>. i860; m. 1890, Evelyn, ygst. d. of Rev. Charles and Lady GeorRina Oakley. Res. — C7»>— United Service. Wllmot Cave-Browne-Cave, Elsq., b. i86a. Res.— Rowland Henry Cave- Browne-Cave Gentleman, B.A., b. 1865; M. 1895, Honora Phoebe Gertrude, widow of E. S. Fowler, and d. of Benjiimin Bright of Colwall. Bernard Cave- Browne-Cave, E^., Capt. Reserve of Officers, Inspector Sierra Leone Police, late Lieut, and BiUt. Wilts Regt. , b. 1868 ; m. 1903, Katharine Elizabeth Frere Haden Cope, ygst. d. of Gen. Sir John Cox, K.C.B. Res.— Edward Lambert Cave-Browne-Cave, Gentleman, b. 1870; m. Rachel, d. of Rev. A. L. Fortin. Res.— Clement Andrew Cave-Browne-Cave, Gentleman, b. 1871. Res.— Anthony Stanhope Cave-Browne-Cave, Gentleman, b. 1879. Res.— Sons of the Rev. William Astley Cave-Browne-Cave, M.A., Rector of Stretton-en-le-Field, m. ist, 1838, Eliza Martha, d. of S.imuel Wathen of New House, Gloucs. ; and, 1830, Julia, d. of Thomas Minton of Stoke, Stafford :— Rev. WillLim Cecil Cave- Browne-Cave, M.A., b. 183s ; m. 1864, Rachel Perimo (d. 1904), d. of Rev. H. S. Cumming. Res. — Sons of Rev. Fitzherbert Astley, Vicar of Longridge, Lanes., m. ist, Harriet fiUen, d. of William Beckwith of Seacox Heath ; and, Francis Esther Anne, ygst. d. of Courtney Kenny Clark of Larch Hill, co. Dublin : — Cecil Beckwith Cave- Browne-Cave, Gentleman, b. 1871 ; m. 1896, Sarah Eleanor, d. of L W. Nicholson. William Astley Cave-Browne-Cave, Gentleman, b. 1884. Res.— Courtney Priestley Edwards Cave-Browne-Cave, Gentle- man, b. 1890. Res. — Sons of Rev. John Walker of Lifford Hall, Kings Norton, co. Worcester, and Clarence House, South- port, b. 1828 ; m. 1850, Hannah, d. of Edward Johnson of FuU-Sutton, CO. York: — Edward Johnson Cave- Browne-Cave, Gentleman, b. 1851 ; m. 1880, Phoebe, d. of J. Andrews; and has issue, with two daus., a son, Jordayne Cave- Browne- Cave, Gentleman, b. 1885. Res.— Henry Wilmot Cave- Browne-Cave, Gentleman, M. R. C.S. , L.R.C.P., b. 1863. Club — Junior Athenaeum. Sons of Thomas Cave- Browne-Cave, Gentleman, of Cliff Hall, Warwickshire, and Repton Lodge, Derby- shire, b. 1801 ; d. 1854 ; m. 1827, Anne, d. of John Walker, of Levenshuln>e, co. Lanes. : — William Cave- Browne-Cave, Gentleman, b. 1831 ; m. ist, 1853 ; and has issue — Lizzie ; and, 1877, Maria, d. of John Thornicroft of The Ravenhurst, Harborne ; and has further issue— (i) Stretton Cave- Browne-Cave. Gentleman, b. 1878; Mary; and Margaret Wilmot. Res. — Wellington Lodge, Harborne, Birmingham. Thomas Cave- Browne-Cave, Esq., a Commissioner of the Royal Hospital. Chelsea, and formerly Deputy Acc- Gen. of the Army, b. 1835; m. 1870, Blanche Matilda Mary Anne, d. of Sir John Milton, C.B. , of High Elms, Streatbam Common; and has issue — (i) Thomas Reginald Cave- Browne-Cave, Gentleman, R.N.E. Cadet,*. 1885; (2) Henry Meyrick Cave-Browne-Cave, Gentleman, R.N.E. Cadet, b. 1887 ; Jeannette Gertrude ; Beatrice Mabel ; and Frances Evelyn. Res. — Bumage.Streatham Common, S. W. Son of Rev. Henry Cave- Browne-Cave, Vicar of Edington, b. 1840; d. 1890; m. 1865, Maria Louisa, ygst. d. of George Chance of Edghaston : - Eiutace Henry Cave- Browne-Cave, Gentleman, b. 1876. Res,— Son of Thomas Cave Browne-Cave, Gentleman, of Cliff Hall, Waiwickshire, and Repton Lodge, Derby- shire, b. 1801 ; d. 1854 ; m. 1837, Anne, d. of John Walker of Levenshulme, co. l^ncs. ; — Francis Wyamarus Cave- Browne-Cave, Gentleman, b. 1844 ; m. 1883, Annie Mabel, d. of Joseph Barrows, of The Limes, Himley, co. Stafford; and has issue — (1) Nigel Frederick Cave-Browne-Cave, Gentleman, b. 1885 ; (2) Frank Wyamarus Cave-Brown-Cave, Gentleman, b. 1886; (3) Norman Cave- Browne-Cave, Gentleman,*. 1893; Mabel Jane ; and Isabel Verney. Res. — The Limes, 21 Augustus Road, Edgbaston. Son of Rev. Edward Sacheverell Cave- Browne-Cave, M.A., Vicar of Stow and Gayton, co. Stafford, b. 1804 ; d. 1842 ; m. 1830, M.ary, only surv. d. of John Watson, D.L., of Bilton Hall, Yorkshire:— Rev. Edward Farsyde Cave- Browne-Cave., M.A., late Rector of Bretherlon, co. I^ncs., b. 1833; d. 1899; m. 1873, Sarah Maria (d. ), ygst. d. of William Marshall, D.L., of Penwortham. Res. — 5 Uplands Views, St. Leonard's-on-Sea. Cave-Browne (Act of Parliament, 1752). Quarterly, i and 4, Browne as above ; a and 3, Cave as above. Cresis — I. Browne ; 2. Cave. Son of Edward Cave-Browne, Gentleman, b. 1856 ; d. 1895; m. 1886, Norah, d. of Lt.-Col. Gorman : — Edward Rehan Cave-Browne, Gentleman, b. 1889. Res. — Glenesk, 85 Cheriton Road, Folkestone. Son of Rev. John Cave- Browne, M.A. Oxford, Vicar of Detling, Maidstone, b. 1818 ; d. 1898; m. ist, 1851, Selina Mary, d. of Lt.-Col. William Turner, Bengal Army ; 2nd, 1884, Marian, widow of Samuel Bostock of Walton Heath, Surrey, and d. of William Tiffin lliff, M.D. , of Newington, Surrey: — John Asteley Cave-Browne, Gentleman, b. 15 Nov. i860; m. 1894, Amy Burvill, d. of Lt.-Col. W. B. Holmes, R.E. William Charles Cave- Browne, Gentleman , Assist. Auditor S. Indian Railway at Trichinopoly *. 1867; m. 1895, Maude Alice, d. of the late Maj.-Gen. W. J. Jones, M.S.C. ; and has issue — Selina Verney Cleveland. Res. — Negapatam, S. India. Son of Lt.-Col. Edward Cave-Browne, E.I. C.S. , b. 1779; d. 1841 ; m. 1815, Ann (d. 1876), d. of Thomas Raban of Calcutta : — Rev. William Henry Cave- Browne, M.A. Oxford, late Rector of Wickham, St. Paul, Essex, b. 1827; m. ist, 1852, Henrietta (she d. 1856), d. of Philip Selfe of Marten, Wilts; 2nd, 1865, Louisa, d. of George Munday of Kennington ; and has issue — Henry Cave-Browne, Gentleman, b. 1856 \m. 1900, Nina Christina, ygst. d. of Rev. Newton J. Spicer, Rector of E. Woodhay] ; and Henrietta Mary. Edward Raban Cave-Browne, Esq., C.S. I., late Account- ant-General India Office, b. 1835 ; m. 1879, Caroline Anne, d. of William Ablx)tt. Greene, Insjsector-General of Hos- pitals; and has issue — (i) William Cave-Browne, Gentle- man, b. 1884; (2) Horace Cave-Browne, Gentleman, b. 1886; (3) Frederick Cave- Browne, Gentleman, b. 1889 Ann ; and Mary. Res. — BASIL SHILLITO CAVE, Esquire, C.B., H.B.M.'s Diplomatic Agent and Consul-Gen. at Zanzibar ; created C.B. 1897, for services in connection with the bombard- ment of Zanzibar. Born Nov. 14, 1865, being the fourth son of the late Thomas Cave, Esq., M.P., J. P., Queens- berry House, Richmond, Surrey, and 4 Eastern Terrace, Brighton. Armorial bearings — Or, fretty azure, a cross moiine and a bordure nebuly gules, on a chief of the last two greyhounds' heads erast;d of the first. Mant- ling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a greyhound sejant or, pellettde, resting the dexter leg on a cross moiine gules. Motto -" Cave Deus videt. " Married, Feb. 19, 1892, Mary Creighton, younger dau. of the Rev. J. B. M'Clellan, M.A., Principal of the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester; and has Issue — Kenneth M'Clellan Cave, Gentleman, b. Aug. 16, 1893 ; and Joy Mary. Postal addresses — H.B.M.'s Agency and Consulate-General, Zanzi- bar ; 14 Redcliffe Square, London, S. W, Club — St. James's. & is tbe Military Cockade. Plate VIII. Cat) Cab 241 Sir CHARLES DANIEL CAVE, Baronet, J.P. and D. L. for counties Gloucester and Devon, M.A. Oxford. Dorti Sept. 17, 1832, being the third son of Daniel Cave, Esq., of Cleve Hill and Sidbury Manor, J. P., and M.A. Oxford, and his wife Frances, dau. of Henry Locock, M.D. , of Northampton. Armorial bearings — Azure, frettyargent, on a fesse or, a greyhound courant sable, collared of the second, a bordure of the third, pellettte. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a daisy flower slipped proper, issuant therefrom a greyhound's head per pale argent and sable, guttle, counterchanged. Motto — " Cave." Married, Sept. i, 1859, Edith Harriet, dau. of John Addington Symonds, M.D. , of Clifton ; and has had Issue — (i) Daniel Charles Addington Cave, Esq., J.P. for cos. Gloucester and Devon, b. May 17, i860, d. July 23, 1901 ; (2) Charles Henry Cave, Esq., B.A. Oxford, J.P. co. Gloucester, h. March 17, i86i[w?. , Jan. 12, 1892, Beatrice Julia, third dau. of Sir Frederick Martin Williams of Tregullow, Cornwall, Bart., and has issue]; (3) Walter Frederick Cave, Esq. b. Sept. 17, 1863 \ih. June 21, 1892, Jessie Maria, dau. of Hugh Cochrane of Montreal in Canada] ; (4) Arthur Stephen Cave, Esq. , Major Princess Charlotte of Wales Royal Berkshire Regt. , served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force (medal and Khed- ive's Star), b. June 24, 1865 ; and Edith Frances. Seats— Cleve Hill, Gloucestershire; Sidbury Manor, Sidmoulh, Devon ; Stoneleigh House, Clifton Park, Bristol. Club — Carlton. CAVE (temp. Henry VH., granted by Barker, Garter King of Arms). Azure, fretty argent, on a fesse or, a grey- hound courant sable, collared of the second, a bordure of the third, pellett(5e. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a daisy flower slipped proper issuant therefrom a greyhound's head per pale argent and sable, gutt6, counterchanged. Motto — " Cave." Sons of Edward Cave of Rowden Abbey and Pool Hall, Bromyard, b. 1819 ; d. 1879; ^- 1841, Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Taylor : — Edward Lashford Cave, Gentleman, b. 1846; m. ist, 1878, Bessie Curzon, d. of George Austin of Sheffbrd, Beds ; 2nd, 1896, Minna Lizzy, d. of Julius Berncastel of Tonbridge, Kent ; and has issue — Edward Austin Cave, Gentlemaii, b. 1897 ; and Elizabeth Minna. Estate — Pool Hall, Bromyard. Res. — Felsenheim, Bromyard. Club — Junior Conservative. Daniel William Cave, Gentleman, b. 1848. i?«.— Fern- hill Heath, Worcester. William Perry Cave, Gentleman, b. 1854. Res. — Lady- wood, Droitwich. Sons of George Cave, Esq., J. P., D.L. , of Burfield, nr. Bristol, b. 1796; d. 1877; m. Anne, d. of Capt. HaUiday, R.N:— Admiral John Halliday Cave, C.B., R.N., Knt. of Legion of Honour, has sth class Mejidie, b. 1827; m. 1859, Louisa, d. andh. of George Ellis, formerly ofTingley Hall, Yorks. ; and has issue. Seat — Henbury Court, Gloucester. Res. — 17 Palace Gate, Kensington, W. Lt.-Col. Edward Cave, b. . Res.~ Lt.-Col. Walter Cave, late Roy. Irish Fus., b. 1843; m. , Ada, d. of J. Wetherall ; and has issue. Res. — Only surv. son of Daniel Cave, Esq., J. P., of Cleve Hill, Glos. , and Sidbury Manor, Devon, M.A. Oxon., (Sheriff of Bristol 1836), b. 1789; d. 1872; m. 1820, Frances, d. of Henry Locock, M.D. , of Northampton : — Sir Charles Daniel Cave, ist Bart. (21 July 1896) (^.v.). CAVE (H. Coll., c. 1880). Or, fretty azure, a cross moline, and a bordure nebuly gules, on a chief of the last, two greyhound's heads erased of the first. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a greyhound sejant or, pellettfe, resting the dexter leg on a cross moline gules. Motto — " Cave Deus videt." Livery — Blue. Sons of late Thomas Cave, Esq., of Queensberry House, Richmond, J.P. cos. Middx., Surrey, and Westminster (High Sheriff London and Middx. 1865, M.P. Barnstaple 1865-1880), *. 1825 ; d. 1894 ; m. 1849, Elizabeth (14 Redcliffe Square, S.W.), d. of Jasper Shallcrass : — Thomas Cave, Gentleman, b. 1854; d. 1904; leaving issue. George Cave, Esq., K.C., J.P. and D.L. co. Surrey, Chrman. of Qr. Sessions, B.A. (Oxon.), Recorder of Guild- ford, b. 1856 ; m. 1885, Estella, d. of William Mathews, late of Crewkerne, Somerset. Res. — The Old Palace, Richmond, Surrey. C/a3— Union. Edmund Cave, Gentleman, b. 1859. Res. — 38 St. John's Wood Road, N.W. Clubs — City Liberal, Walsingham. Basil Shillito Cave, Esq., C.B. (1897) [q.v.]. GEORGE ALINGTON CAVE-ORME, Esquire, of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law, LL.M., B.A. (Cantab.), and B.A. of Melbourne University. Born \?>(yj, being the eldest son of the late Wm. Thomas Robinson ; assumed the surnames of Cave-Orme by Royal Licence in the year 1888, under the will of his cousin, the late Charles Cave John Orme, sometime High Sheriff" of Rutland. Club — New Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron between three escallops in chief, and a dolphin naiant in base all gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a dolphin naiant argent, charged on the body with two escallops gules, and between as many branches of coral of the last. Married, 1891, Ida Ventry, daughter of the late William Kennedy of Nuntherungie Station, New South is the Naval Cockade. •4t Cat) Cat) WiJm. and hat /wtir— Rupert William CaTe-Orme. Gen- tlaaan. born itos : Liei^a Margaret ; and Emily Frances. /Mhi/ tuUnss — Vicarage House, Teddington. JAMES GORDON CAVENAGH-MAINVVARING, BMoire, Capt. Cornwall and Devon Miners' K.G.A. (MuitiaK Bom December 3. 1865, being the eldest son of Vlon. WVntworth Cavenagh of Edin Park, Marryatville, South Austniliii. for twenty years a Memljer of the Legislative Asaembly of South Australia, by his wife Ellen Jane, liau. of Gordon-Main waring of Whitmore Hall, who both assumed by Ruyal Licence, rcb. 35, iSqa, the additional arms and name of Mainwaring. Axinorial beaxinj^— Quarterly i and 4, argent two bars gules (for M;iinwaring); a and 3 per fesse asure and sable, a lion passant regardant argent. Betwee n four crescents, three in chief and one in base of the last (for Ca\-enagh). Mantling gules and argent. OTMtS — I. out of ducal coronet or, an ass's head proper (for Mainwaring) ; 3. un a wreath of tlie colours, u(>on a mount, l>etween two trefoils slipped vert, a crescent azure, therefrom issuant a garb or. Xfarried, Nov. 3, 1904, Evelyn Dutton, eldest dau. of George button Green of Holmtield. Adelaide, South Australia. Motto — " Devant si je puis." Seal — Whitmore Hall, co. Stafford. ALFRED EDWARD JOHN CAVENDISH, Gentle- man. Bom June 19, 1859, being the (fTAfimTltrtfl second son of Francis William Henry \U^aUtllU19U Cavendish, Gentleman, by his first wife Elinor Sophia Diana, commonly known as I^dy Elinor Sophia Diana, daughter of the Right Hon- ourable Richai-d Hobart Fitzgibbon, third and last Earl of Clare. Annorlal bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly of six, 1. salile, three bucks' heads caboshed argent (for Cavendish) ; 2. argent, a saltire engrailed azure, and on a chief of the second three roses of ^he first (for Hardwick) ; 3. per liend crenel^ argent and gules (for Boyle) ; 4. chequy or and oztu-e, a fesse gules (for Cliflford) ; 5. argent, on a bend sable, three owls of the field (for Savile) ; 6. sable, a lion passant guardant or, between three esquires' helmets argent (for Compton) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a snake nowed proper ; with the Motto, " Cavendo tutus." Married, May 18. 1886, Alice Isabella, daughter of the late John Van der Byl of Fairfield, Cape of Good Hope ; and has /««*— Ralph Henry Voltelen Cavendish, Gentleman, Iwrn March 27, 1887. S Captain CECIL CHARLES CAVENDISH, second Battalion Highland Light Infantry. Born May 14, 185s, being the second son of the late Lieutenant-Colonel William Henry Frederick Cavendish of West Stoke, in the county of Sussex, by hi.s wife Emily Augusta, com- monly known as Lady Emily Augusta, daughter of the Right Honourable John George Lambton, first Earl of Durham. Armorial bearing^— He bears for Arms : Quarterly of six, I. sable, three bucks' heads caboshed argent (for Cavendish) ; a. argent, a saltire engrailed azure, and on a chief of the second three roses of the first (for Hardwick) ; 3. per bend crenelle argent and gules (for Boyle); 4. chequy or and azure, a fesse gules (for Clifford); 5. argent, on a bend sable, three owls of the fit-Id (for Savile) ; 6. sable, a lion passant guardant or, between three esquires' helmets argent (for Compton) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a snake nowed proper; with the Motto, "Cavendo tutus." Married. March 4, 1890, Maud Henri- etta, daughter of Colonel (Jeorge Thomas Halliday of the Bengal Staff Corps ; and has Issue— {\) Frederick George Cavendish, Gentleman, b. Dec. 8, 1891 ; (2) Bruce Alwynne Cavendish, Gentleman, b. April 27. 1894, d. June s> 1894 ; (3) Ronald Valentine Cecil Cavendish. Gentleman ,"/>. April 14. 1896; (4) Charles Vernon Balfour Cavendish, Gentle- man, b. Oct 14. 1903. CHARLES GEORGE CAVENDISH. Gentleman. Born July 5, 1874, being the only son of the Reverend Charles William Cavendish. Rector of Little Cisterton m tne county of Rutland, by his third wife Mary, daughter of the late Ivil Alexander Gregg. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Quarterly of six. i. sable, three bucks' heads caboshed argent (for Cavendish); 2. argent, a saltire engrailed azure, and on a chief of the second three roses of the first (for Hardwick) ; 3. per bend crenelle argent and gules (for Boyle) ; 4. chequy or and azure, a fesse gules (lor Clifford) ; 5. argent, on a bend sable, three owls of the field (for Savile) ; 6. sable, a Hon passant guardant or, be- tween three esquires' helmets argent (for Compton) ; and for his Creat, upon a wreath of the colours, a snake nowed proper ; with the Motto, " Cavendo tutus." ERNEST LIONEL FRANCIS CAVENDISH. Gentle- man. Bom February a, 1863, being the third son of F"rancis William Henry Cavendish. Gentleman, by his wife Elinor Sophia Diana, commonly known as Lady Elinor Sophia Diana, third daughter of the Right Hon- ourable Richard Hobart Fitzgibbon. third and last Earl of Clare. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly of six. i. sable, three bucks' heads caboshed argent (for Cavendish) ; 3. argent, a saltire engrailed azure, and on a chief of the second three roses of the first (for Hardwick) ; 3. per bend crenelle argent and gules (for Boyle) ; 4. chequy or and azure, a fesse gules (for Clifford) ; 5. argent, on a bend sable, three owls of the field (for Savile); 6. sable, a lion passant guardant or, between three esquires' helmets argent (for Compton) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a snake nowed proper ; with the Motto, ' ' Cavendo tutus. " Married, Feb. 23, 1886, Jessie, second daughter of the late William Jenkins of West House, Fishguard, in the county of Pem- broke ; and has Issue — Alwyn Lionel Compton Cavendish, Gentleman, born March 26, 1890. Residence — Deputy Governor's House, H.M. Prison, Portsmouth. Club — East India United Service. HENRY FREDERICK COMPTON CAVENDISH, Esquire. J. P. and D.L. co. Derby, Lieut. R.N. Bom May 6, 1854, being the eldest son of the late Lieut. - Col. William Henry Frederick Cavendish of West Stoke, in CO. Sussex, by his wife Emily Augusta, commonly known as Lady Emily Augusta, dau. of the Rt. Hon. John George Lambton, first Earl of Durham. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly of six, i. sable, three bucks' heads caboshed argent (for Cavendish) ; 2. argent, a saltire engrailed azure, and on a chief of the second three roses of the first (for Hardwick) ; 3. per bend crenel^ argent and gules (for Boyle) ; 4. chequy or and azure, a fesse gules (for Clifford) ; 5. argent, on a bend sable, three owls of the field (for Savile) ; 6. sable, a lion passant guardant or, between three esquires' helmets argent (for Compton) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a snake nowed propier ; with the Motto, "Cavendo tutus." Married, July 10, 1888, Harriet Castalia Godolphin Osborne, com- monly known as Lady Harriet Castalia Godolphin Osborne, eldest daughter of the Most Noble George Godolphin Osborne, ninth Duke of Leeds; and has Issue — (i) Henry James Francis Cavendish, Gentleman, b. Aug. 17, 1893 ; (2) George Sidney Godolphin Cavendish, b. Dec. 2, 1895 ; Emily Georgiana Harriet ; and Evelyn Alice Beatrix. Residences — Cromford, Matlock Bath, Derbyshire; 37 Eaton Place, London, S.W. C/«3- Naval and Military. REGINALD RICHARD FREDERICK CAVEN- DISH, Gentleman. Born February 25, 1857, being the eldest son of Francis William Henry Cavendish, Gentleman, by his first wife Elinor Sophia Diana, commonly known as Lady Elinor Sophia Diana, third daughter of the Right Hon- ourable Richard Hobart Fitzgibbon, third and last Earl of Clare. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quar- terly of six, I. sable, three bucks' heads caboshed argent (for Cavendish) ; 2. argent, a saltire engrailed azure, and on a chief of the second three roses of the first (for Hardwick) ; 3. f)er bend crenelle argent and gules (for Boyle) ; 4. chequy or and azure, a fesse gules (for Clifford) ; 5. argent, on a bend sable three owls of the field (for Savile) ; 6. sable, a lion passant guardant or between three esquires' helmets argent (for Compton) ; and for her Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a snake nowed proper ; with the Motto, "Cavendo tutus." Married, September 11, 1880, Mary Constance, eldest daughter of the late Reverend Harry Dupins, Vicar of Richmond, in the county of Surrey, by his wife Catherine Rosalie, daughter of Colonel Godfrey Thomas Green of the Honourable East India Company's Service ; and has had Issue — (i) George Francis Compton Cavendish, Gentleman, born August 23, 1881, died February 3, 1884 ; (2) Godfrey Lionel John Cavendish, Gentleman, born March 30, 1884 ; (3) Richard Charles Alexander Cavendish, Gentle- man, born August 4, 1885; Rachael Muriel Evelyn Con- stance ; Diana Violet Gladys ; Beatrix Frances Dupuis ; and Dorothy Alice Georgina. is the Military Cockade. Cat) S VICTOR CHRISTIAN WILLIAM CAVENDISH, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant for the County Palatine of Lancaster, Lieutenant Derbyshire Yeomanry Cavalry, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Member of Parliament for the Western Division of the county of Derby ; heir-presumptive to the Dukedom of Devonshire. Born May 31, 1868, being the eldest son of the late Edward Cavendish, Esquire, commonly called Lord Edward Caven- dish, Member of Parliament, by his wife Elizabeth Emma, commonly called the Honourable Elizabeth Emma, daughter of the late Right Honourable William Sebright Lascelles. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, three bucks' heads caboshed argent, and impaling the arms of Petty-Fitzmaurice, namely, quarterly i and 4, ermine on a bend azure, a magnetic needle pointing to the Polar Star or (for Petty) ; 2 and 3 argent, a saltire gules, a chief ermine (for Fitzmaurice). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a snake nowed proper; with the Motto, " Cavendo tutus." Alarried, 1892, Evelyn Emily Mary, commonly called Lady Evelyn Emily Mary, daughter of the Most Honourable the fifth Marquess of Lansdowne. Residence — Holker Hall, Cai'n- forth. WILLIAM HENRY ALEXANDER GEORGE DELMAR CAVENDISH, Gentleman. Born October 3, 1849, being the son of the late Captain George Henry Cavendish, First Life Guards, by his wife Emily Victorine Elizabeth, only daughter of Sir William Runibold, Baronet. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly of six, I. sable, three bucks' heads caboshed argent (for Cavendish); 2. argent, a saltire engrailed azure, and on a chief of the second three roses of the first (for Hardwick) ; 3. per bend crenelle argent and gules (for Boyle) ; 4. chequy or and azure, a fesse gules (for Clifford) ; 5. argent, on a bend sable, three owls of the field (for Savile) ; 6. sable, a Hon passant guardant or, between three esquires' helmets argent (for Compton) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a snake nowed proper ; witii the Motto, "Cavendo tutus." Married, September 15, 1874, Edith Louisa, daughter of Edmund Chivers ; and has Issue — Charles Alfred William Delmar Cavendish, Gentleman, born July 28, 1878; Georgina Edith Bessie; Edith Emily Ida ; Louisa Ann Grace ; and two other children. CAVERSWELL, quartered by GROSVENOR and TAUNTON. FREDERICK CAWLEY, Esquire, J. P. Lanes., M.P. Prestwich Division of Lancashire. Born Oct. 9, 1850, being the son of the late Thomas Cawley of Priestland, Tarporley, by Harriet his wife, dau. of Samuel Bird of Beeston Hall, Cheshire. Clubs — National Liberal, Reform. Armorial bearings — Sable, three swans' heads erased argent, gutt6e-de-poix, a chief arched or, thereon a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper, between two garbs azure. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a swan's head erased argent, between six bulrushes stalked nnd leaved, three on either side or. Married, 1876, Ehzabeth, dau. of John Smith of Kynsall Lodge, Audlem. Residences — Brooklands, Prest- wich, and Berrington Hall, Leominster. HUGH CAWLEY, Esquire, J. P. for Cheshire. Bom 1840, being the fourth son of the late Thomas Cawley of Priestland, Cheshire. Armorial bearings — Sable, three swans' heads erased argent, gutt^e-de-poix, a chief arched or, thereon a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper, between two garbs azure. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a swan's head erased argent, between six bulrushes stalked and leaved, three on either side or. Married, 1862, Elizabeth, dau. of late Samuel Dobell of Acton, Cheshire, and Manchester. Seats— ^l. Mary's Clyffe, Alderley Edge. GEORGE CAWSTON, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law. Born 1851, being the second son of the late S. W. Cawston. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend sable, four crosses clech^e, voided and pomett^e of the first, on a chief nebuly azure a falcon, wings expanded of the field. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of an oak-tree proper, a falcon argent, charged on the wing with a cross crosslet sable, preying on a hare azure. Cato «43 Motto— " Sohou, Sohou." Married Mary Ellen, dau. of the late Richard Haworth of the Argoed, Shropshire ; and has /yj«e-(i) George H. Cawston, Gentleman; (2) Cecil faulkner Cawston, Gentleman, i8th Hussars, died of SOMOLT- soMetr wounds received in action in the Transvaal, 1901 ; Ellen Winifred Louise [m., 1904, Capt. M. P. R. Oakes, 5th Royal Irish Lancers] ; and Sylvia Phyllis. Seat — The Manor House, Cawston, co. Norfolk. Town residence— ^6 Upper Brook Street, W. Clubs — Conservative, Wellington. GEORGE J. CAWTHORNE, Gentleman. Armorial bearings — Quarterly per pale indented ermine and gules, gutt6e-d'or, a fesse nebuly or, between in the first and fourth quarters a lion's head couped azure, and in the second a pair of wings conjoined in lure of the third (or), and in the third quarter a chess- rook argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, between two wings sable, each charged with a chess-rook or, a thorn- bush proper, thereon a rook also proper. Motto — "At spes non fracta." Residences — BeauchSne, Fox Hill, Upper Norwood, London, S.E. ; Stretton House, Leamington Spa. HENRY CAWTHRA, Gentleman, formerly a Barrister- at-Law of Canada. Bom Sept. 2, 1830, being the fourth and youngest son of John Cawthra, Esq., J. P., of New- market, CO. York, who was the first Member of Parliament of Upper Canada for the co. of Simcoe when that county was separated from the co. of York in 1829. Livery— "RXvie.. Armorial bearings — Or, on a chevron azure, between three hurts, each charged with a boar's head couped, two arrows points upwards of the first. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon a quiver fesseways filled with arrows or, a boar's head couped azure, holding in the mouth two arrows saltireways, the points resting on the quiver also or. Motto— " Maintien le droit." Married (at St. George's, Hanover Square, London, England), Oct. 6, 1857, Anna Celista, eldest dau. of the Hon. Samuel Mills, a Member of the Legislative Council of Upper Canada (whose patent bears the sign-manual of H.M. Queen Victoria, and who was subsequently nominated as a senator, on the confederation of the Dominion of Canada) ; and has Issue— (1) Henry Cawthra, Gentleman, b. Aug. 8, 1858, d. Feb. 8, 1859 ; (2) William Cawthra, Gentleman, b. March 6, 1864, d. 1une 16, 1865; (3) Henry Victor Holton Cawthra, Gentleman, b. at St. Helier's, Jersey, is the Naval Cockade. ■44 Cap Ca5 Dee. 31. 1866 [•». Adn Austin Arthun]; Anna Maud Henry Brtick. Harrister-nt-Iutw] ; Helena Frances [:: James G. Bumham, Esq., Capt. R.C.I J; and Grace Milli- cent Kennaway. Seat Yeadon Hall, Toronto, Canada. H DIGBY LEONARD ARTHUR CAYLEY. Esquire, O D.L. for CO. Hereford, Lieut. Yorks, Huss. Yeo. Cavalry. Bom Sept. 25, 1864, being the eldest son of Digby Cayley (son of Sir Digby Caylcy, Bart.), by his wife Char- lotte, dau. of Robert Bower of Welham, Malton. Armo- rial beailngs— Quarterly argent and sable, on a liend gules, three mullets of the first, impaling the arms of Coddington, namely ermine, a cross sable fretty or, in the first and fourth quarters a trefoil slipped, and in the second and third a boar's head erased of the second. Mantling sable and argent. CrMt — On a wreath of the colours, a denii-lion argent or, charged with a bend as in the arms, holding a battle-axe ari,'ent, handle gules, and garnished or. Mottoes — " Nulq'un " [only one " (God)] ; and " Per luceni ac tene- bras mea sidera sanquine surgent." Married, April 18, 1894, Beatrice Coddington, only dau. of Sir William Cod- dington, Bart., M. P. Boro' of Blackburn; and has Issue — (xl Digby Coddington Cayley, Gentleman, h. July 17, 1895 ; (a) WiUiam Arthur Seton Cayley, Gentleman, b. Sept. 11, 1896. Residence — Lovely Hall, Salesbury, near Blackburn. Clubs — Carlton, Yorkshire (York). HUGH CAYLEY, Gentleman. Bom Sept. 6, 1861, being the eldest son of the late George John Cayley, Bar- rister-at-Law of the Inner Temple, by his wife Mary Anne Frances, eldest dau. of Montagu Wilmot of Osmaston, co. Derby. Armorial bearings — Quarterly argent and sable, on a bend gules, three mullets of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi- lion rampant or, charged with a bend gules, thereon three mullets argent, in the paws a battle-axe azure, handle also gules, tufted gold, ^m/— Wydale, Yorks. Club — Wellington. Sir RICHARD CAYLEY, Knight Bachelor (1882), M.A. Camb. (1858), Barrister-at-Law of Lincoln's Inn (1862), J. P. for Rutland, Northants, and the Liberty of Peter- borough, Retired Chief-Justice of Ceylon. Bom 1833. being the third son of the late Edward Cayley, Esq., J. P. Stamford, and of Frances, dau. of the late Rev. Richard Twopeny. Rector of Little Casterton, Rutland. Armorial bearings — Quarterly argent and sable, a bend gules, charged with three mullets of the first, a mullet for differ- ence. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion or, charged with a bend gules, thereon three mullets argent, in the paws a battle-axe proper. Married, April 17, 1866, Sophia Margaret, dau. of David Wilson, Member of Legislative Council, Ceylon ; and has Issue— (\) Hugh Charles Cayley, Esq., B.A. Trin. College, Cambridge, b. August 1869 {m. Annie Beatrice, and has issue, Kymer Frank Hugh Cayley, Esq., b. Dec. la, 1900. and Richard Wilkins Cayley, Gentleman, b. 190a]; Frances Sophia Henrietta [m. Francis Du Pre Oldfield, India Civil Service! ; Gertrude Stephanie \m. Nowell Paul Cayley, Esq.]; Adclaine Matilda \m. William Sidney Hargreaves] ; Dorothy Mary ; and Gwladys Eva, /f«/ (•' *«'ll. )— Ar>;«'nt. a fi'ssc. in chief a tU-mi-lion c<'u|Hil U-twivii two rtiurs-do-lis, and in Uisc a falcon risinj;, allculr^. ManUlng Kul<^s a<»l arKenl. OrMt— Ona wreath of the colours, a falcon, wings aa;mt argent l)etwcen four crosses Iwtonny, two iit chief and as many in Uvse or, two Haunches of the List, each chargetl with three like crosses in p;Uc of the first ((.oni;) ; 3. sable, a lion |)assant argent, on a chief of the last three crosses crosslct of the first (Long of Rood Ashton, granted 1589 ; 4 gules, a sword in pale point upwards proper, pommel and hilt or, in chief two mullets of the last (Dick) ; 5. vert, a lion rampant argent (Hume) ; 6. argent, three popinjays vert, collared gules (Pepdie). Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi- sea-wolf or. Z-iwry— Black and yellow, gilt buttons, gold lace. Second son of Richard Penruddocke Long, Esq., J. P., D.L., M.P., of Rood Ashton and Wraxhall, co. Wilts, d. 1825 ; iiiiiiK or. M&ntUnir -•»;il'l«: ami ardent. OrMt— Oul ol ,1 iluc-al tx>ioinl or. chiUKed wilh a cross huntclU^e Kuk». a ilenii-vaglc (li)>pkiycd ol the last, winged and col- . larcd of the first. MottO— " Non prseda sed Vicloria." CHAMURh- (U.O.). guarterly of eight, i. axure, a deitt-r arm enibowed or, the hand grasping the stalk of a red roae slipped and leaved proper (Chambr*) ; a. argent, a lesse counter-coropony or and azure, Ijctween three hon's heads cnised sable, n bordure gules charged with eight eacallop^ of the first (also for Chanilird) ; 3. ermine, three loaenges conjoined in fesse within a bordure engrailed sable (Pigott); 4. per pale or and gules, on a chief argent three ducks close sable, beaked and membered of the second (Calcoi); 5. azure, a lion rampant or (Meredith); 6. per fesse argent and sable, a lion rampant counterchanged (Powell); 7. azure, a fesse engrailed between three lions rampant, twoand oneor(Symonds) ; 8. gules, three talbot's heads erased, two and one or. on a chief argent, giitt(k;-de- sang, a lion passant sable (Whitchurch). Mantliiig azure .md or. Cr«rt— On a wreath of the colours, a greyhound's liead erased argent, collared azure, therefrom a cord knotted and terminated by a ring or. Motto — " Tutamen pulchris." Son of William ChambrtJ, Gentleman, b. 1825 ; d. 1865 ; m. 1st, Mary Searight ; and, 1857, Fanny Diana, d. of Joseph Booth of Darver Castle : — William ChambnS, Gentleman,*. . /?«.— Dundrum, CO. Dublin. Sons of Hunt Walsh Chambrd, Esq., of Hawthorn Hill, CO. Armagh, J.P. (High Sheriff 1829), b. 1787; d. 1848; m. 1813, Rebecca, only d. of William Upton of Biillynabearney, co. Limerick : — Hunt Walsh Chambr6, Esq., J. P.. b. 1831 ; m. i860, Mary Anne Brunette, eld. d. of John Brett Johnstone of liallykilbeg, co. Down ; and has issue— (i) Hunt Walsh Alan Chambrd, Gentleman ; (2) John Brett Johnstone Meredith Chanibr6, Gentleman ; (3I Charles Barclay Macpherson Chambr6, Gentleman ; (4) John Charnbr^, Gentleman ; (5) William Henry Calcott Chambr6, Gentle- man ; Iliomasina Elizabeth Crochley ; Rebecca Mary Brunette ; Jane Henry Wray Young Mabel ; and Kath- leen Georgiana Evelyn. ,SVa/— Dungannon House, co. Tyrone. John Chambr6, Gentleman, b. 1834. Seats — Hawtiiorn Hill, Newry, co. Armagh ; Mespil House, Dublin. CHAMIER (U.O.). Azure, on a fesse or, between three roses, one in chief and two in base argent, barbed and seeded projjer, a human heart gules between two branches in saltire, the one of palm and the other of cypress, all proper. HantUng azure and or. Crest — Out of a French noble coronet projjer, a cubit arm in bend vested azure, charged with five fleurs-de-lis in saltire or, the cuff ermine, holding in the hand a scroll and thereon an open book proper, garnished gold. Mottoes — (Over crest), " Aperto vivere voto," (under arms), " Fortis generosus fidelis." Livery — Blue, with gilt buttons, blue and yellow striped waistcoat. Sons of the late Henry Chamier (whose father, John Ezechiel Deschamps, took the surname of Chamier, in succession to his maternal uncle, Anthony Chamier, M.P. for Tamworth, by Royal License, October 20, 1780), Chief Secretary and Member of Council at Madras, by his second wife Mary Elizabeth, d. of General Sir Jasper NicoUs, K.C.B. , Commander-in- Chief in India : — Lieut.-Gen. Stephen Henry Edward Chamier, C.B. (1886); h« Indian Mutiny medal, with clasp, b. 1834; m. 1858, Dora Louisa, d. of George Tyrrell of co. Down ; and has issue — (t) George Daniel Chamier, Esq., C.M.G., Major R A., b. i860; (2) Arthur Tyrrell Chamier, Esq., Capt. R.E. , b. 1871 ; Georgiana Grace [w. Col. J. Penny- cuick, C.S.I. , R.E.]; and Alice Geraldine [w. Lieut.-Col. R. H. Mahon, R.A.]. Res. — 64 Inverness Terrace, Hyde Park, W. Club — United Service. Adrian Charles Chamier, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, F.S.A 1888, b. 1855 ; m. 1882, Maude Geraldine, second d. of M.ijor William M'Mahon, late 14th Light Dragoons, son of General Sir Thomas M'Mahon, Baronet, G.C.B., Col. loth Foot ; and has issue — Eric Adrian Charles Deschamps Clianiier, Gentleman, b. 1896; Muriel Maude Ella Des- champs ; nnd Geraldine Mary Deschamps, who died 1886. J'osl. itJd. — 46 Nevern Square, London, S.W. Ciub — Naval and Military. CHAMNEY (U.O.). Gules, a chevron engrailed argent, between in chief two esquire's helmets, and in base a garb all proper, on a canton of the second, an oak tree eradicated and fructed of the third. Mantling gules and argent. Orest — A garb or, Ixinded ^ules, enclosing two hatchets in saltire proper. Motto — " Ceres juncta marte." Son of Rev. Roliert Mascall Chamncy, M.A., Princip.-il of Cheltenham Training Coll., b. ; d. ; m. : — Rev. Paul Martin Chamney, M.A. (Oxon.), Vicar of St. Luke's, Kew, b. . lies. — St. Luke's Vicarage, Kew, W. Son of William Graves Chamney, Barrister-iit-Law, b. 1821 ; d. 1869 ; m. 1851, Harriet, d. and sole heir of Joseph Bulkeley-Johnson (by Sophia, d. and eventu- ally sole heir of Holland Watson) : — William Chamney, Gentleman [Arins--l^)uarterly, 1 and 4, Chamney as above; 2. quarterly, i. and iiii., [ler pale sable and azure, on a saltire argent lietween two towers of the last in flames proper, one in chief and two in fess, and in base two tilting-spears in saltire of the last, five game- cocks gules (Johnson) ; ii. and iii. , sable, a chevron between three bull's heads cabossed argent (Bulkeley) ; 3. argent, on a chevron engrailed azure, between three martlets sable, as many crescents or (Watson). Crest and Motto as above], b. 1855. Res. — 15 Elgin Road, Dublin. Son of late Henry Chamney of Ballyniliiiie, co. Wicklow : — Rev. Joseph Chamney, M.A. (Dub.), Rector of Dromis- ken, CO. Louth. [Arms — Chamney only, as above. Crest and Motto as above.] Res. — Dromisken Rectory, co. Louth. CHAMPERNOWNE (R.L., H. Coll.). Gules, a saltire verry between twelve billets or. Blantling gules and argent. Crest— On a ducal crown or, an ostrich, the wings and dexter leg elevated, in the beak a horse- shoe argent. Sons of Arthur Champernowne, Esq., J. P., M.A., of Dartington Hall, Devon, b. 1839, d. 1887 ; m. 1870, Helen Elizabeth Caroline, d. of Michael Linning Melville of Hartfield Grove, Sussex : — Arthur Melville Champernowne, Esq., J.P. co. Devon, B.A. (Oxon.), Barrister-at-Law, F.R.G.S., b. 1871. Seat— is the Military Cockade. Cf)a Cfja 251 Darlington Hall, near Totnes. Res. — Hood Manor, Totnes. Clubs — Caledonian, Devon and Exeter (Exeter). Amyas Walter Champernowne, Gentleman, b. 1873. Res. — Court Hall, Sidbury, Sidniouth. Robert Anthony Champernowne, Gentleman, b. 1882. Res.— Gilbert Raleigh Champernowne, Gentleman, b. 1884. Res.— Edward Buller Champernowne, Gentleman, b. 1885. Res.— Yr. sons of Henry Champernowne, Gentleman, of Dartington, b. 1815 ; d. 1851 ; m. 1838, Charlotte, d. of Sir Antony Buller of Pound, co. Devon : — Henry Champernowne, Esq., Col. late R. E. , b. 1840; m. 1880, Elizabeth Charlotte, d. of Major-Gen. Thomas Andrew Lumsden Murray, R.E. Seat — Pound, Yelverton, Devon. Res.—/^ Draycott Place, S.W. C/«*— United Service. Rev. Walter Champernowne, M.A., b. 1848. Res. — The Rectory, Northleigh, Honiton, Devon. Club — New University. Sons of Rev. Richard Champernowne, M.A., Rector of Dartington, iJ. 1817; d. 1890; m. 1848, Elizabeth, d. of late Rev. Thomas Keble, Vicar of Bisley : — Philip Henry Champernowne, Esq., Capt. 5th Batt. Rifle Brigade, B.A. (Oxon. ), b. 1859; vi. 1893, Katharine Theresa Vidal, d. of the late John Alexander Radcliffe of Ordsal, Surrey ; and has issue — Richard Harington Rad- cliffe Champernowne, Gentleman, b. 1897; and Doris. Res. — Scale Lodge, Farnham, Surrey. Francis Gawayne Champernowne, Gentleman, B.A. (Oxon.), Barrister-at-Law, b. 1866. Res. — 7 Bennett Street, St. James's, S.W. Chambers — 5 Stone Bldgs. , Lincoln's Inn, W.C. Club — New University. Thomas Arthur Champernowne, Gentleman, b. 1868. Res. — Sabie, Transvaal. Rev. John Edward Champernowne, M.A. (Oxon.), b. 1870 ; m. 1902, Audrey Eliza, d. of late Joseph Russell Evans. Res. — 11 College Road, Exeter. CHAMPION (H. Coll.). Per saltire argent and or, three mullets in fesse between as many trefoils sable. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect in armour proper, encircled by an annulet or, the hand gauntleted of the first, surinounted by a mullet of six points of the second, and holding two branches of laurel in saltire slipped also of the first. Motto — " Le camp vavlt miex que I'or." Sons of Rev. John Champion, M.A. (Camb.), Rector of Taxall and Incumbent of Edale, Derbyshire, b. 1802 ; d. 1872 ; m. , Margaret Elizabeth, d. of William Murray, W.S., of Duncrievie, Kinross: — William Needham Longden Champion, Esq., J. P., Norfolk, b. 22 May 1850; m. 13 July 1875, Constance Sara, d. of Robert John Bentley, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Westhouse, Rotlierham, Yorks. ; and has issue — Dorothy Margaret [m. i Oct. 1898, Col. Spencer Follett, 7th Dragoon Gds., only s. of Sir Charles Follett, C.B.]. 5er, pommel and hilt or ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter hand couped at the wrist proper, holding a sword in bend sinister argent, pommel and hilt gold, the wrist charged with a garb vert ; with the Motto, " Pax et copia." Postal address — 28 Brighton Square, Rathmines, Dublin. CHANDOS. quartered by KINLOSS. S REGINALD WALKELYNE CHANDOS-POLE, Elsquire, of Radboume Hall, co. Derby, J. P., late Lieut Grenadier Guards, now Hon. Major Derbyshire Yeonuinry. Born Feb. 4, 1853, being the eldest son of Edward Sacheverell Chandos- Pole (High Sheriff co. Derby 1867), by his wife I^dy Anna Caroline Stanhope, dau. of Leicester, fifth Earl of Harrington. Armorial bearingrs — I. argent, a chevron between three crescents gules (for Pole) ; 2, argent, a pile gules (for Chandos). Mantling gules and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a falcon rising propter, belled and jessed or ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a man's head proper, wreathed about the temple argent. Married, March 7, 1882, Violet Katherine, dau. of William Becket Denison and Hon. Mrs. Denison of Nun Appleton, co. York ; and by her (who d. March 18, 1883) has /«a^— Dorothy 'Violet. Seats —Radboume Hall, CO. Derby ; andSidling Court, Dorchester. HARRY ANTHONY CHANDOS-POLE-GELL, Es- quire, J. P. for Derbyshire, late Major Derbyshire Imperial Yeomanry, late Capt. Coldstream Guards, served in the South African War. Bom 1872, being the only son of the late Henry Chandos-Pole-Gell, Esq., of Hopton Hall, by his wife Teresa Charlotte, dau. of Edward Manningham- BuUer, Bart. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, per bend or and azure, three mullets of six points pierced in bend counterchanged, and for difference a canton argent. thereon a rose gules (for Gell) ; 2. argent, a chevron between three crescents gules (for Pole) ; 3. argent, a pile gules (for Chandos). Mantling azure and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a greyhound statant sable, coUartd or, on the shoulder a cross crosslet gold for difference (for Gell) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a falcon rising proper, l>elled and iessed or (for Pole) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, a man's head propter, wreathed about the temples argent (for Chan- dos). Seat — Hopton Hall, Wirksworth, Derbyshire. Clubs — Guards', Boodle's. CHANNELL, quartered by FLOYER. CHAPLIN, quartered by FLOYER. CECIL CHAPLIN. Gentleman. Bom , being the third son of the late Rev. Henry Chaplin, Vicar of Ryhiill, CO. Rutland, by his wife Caroline Horatia, dau. of William EUice. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a chief indented vert, three griffins' heads erased or. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a grifhn's head erascrcUirti| changed, in chief three annulets of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two spear-heads in saltire, in front of a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand gauntleted and grasping a broken tilting- spear proper, enfiled with an annulet or. Motto— " Cres- cit sub pondere virtus." Married, June 30, 1863, Adelaide Maria, dau. of Sir Henry Fletcher, Bart. ; and has Issue— (1) Horace Arthur Bruce Chapman, Gentleman, b. Sept. 22 1866 [/w., Oct. 7, 1891, Frances, dau. of William Pmck- ney, and has issue, Pamela and Beryl]; Helen Mary [m. Rev Darell Carey, Rector of Lowestoft] ; Florence Maria ; Adelaide Mabel [m. Col. Allenby, C.B., 5th Lancers]; and Mary Edith Faith [m., 1901, Capt. Charles Lionel Napier R.N. Seat— Donhe&A House, Salisbury, Wilts. is tbe Naval Cockade. tjf Cba Cba MAJOl-ORNKtAL INGRAM FRANCIS CHAPMAN, late BotnlMy StafT Corps, fiorm March i, 1831, being the ooly KMi of (h« Ule InKrain Chapnuin, liy his wife Agnes SianntM, drni. of Uen. Willis. H. E. I.C.S. Armorial beax- |afS_|Vr chevron ermine and gules, a crescent counter- changed, in chief three annulets of the second. M a n t lin g gules aitd argent. OrMt — I wo spear-beads in saltire, in front of a dexter arm entbowed in armour, the hand guant- feled. and grasping a broken tiltm^-spear proper enfiled with an annulet or. MottO— " Crescit sub pondere virtus." MarrieJ, firstly. Sept. 15, 1853. I^uisa, youngest dau. of Colonel Aplin ; and by her has Issue— (\) Francis Robert Henry Chapman. Ksq., Capt. late I.S.C, b. Oct. 22. 1858 [•»., reb. 17, 1890, M.argaret. only dau. of William Ritchie of Dunnottar House, Stonehaven ; and has issue. Sheila Hamilton ; and Edith Margaret Hamilton] ; (2) Richard Gerald Chapman, (Jentlenwin, b. Aug. 22, i860, d. Sept. ■3. 1863; (3) Ingram Cecil Chapman, Gentleman, b. May 13. 1865; Alice l.ydia [m., April 25, 1882, Charles Ray- mond Booth Barrett, M.A., of Carshalton] ; Agnes Emily; and Katherine. He marrietl secondly, Feb. 17, 1874, Frances Mortimer, eldest dau. of Maj.-Gen. J. G. Scott, Bombay Army; and by her has Issue — (4) Ronald Scott Chapman, Gentleman, b. Feb. 4. 1878 ; (5) Edmund David Vesey Chnpman. Gentleman, b. Feb. 24, 1884 ; (6) Eric Haldane Chapman, Gentleman, b. Aug. 31. 1887 ; Florence Claire; and Ermine Constance Ella. Residence — Lam- boum, Weymouth. JOHN HENRY CHAPMAN, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, and Barrister-at-Law. Bom April 12, 1846, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Hall Chapman and nis wife Ann, daughter of John Campion of Whitby. Clubs — Union, Royal Western Yacht (Plymouth). Livery —White, with red facings. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per chevron ermine and gules, a crescent counlerchanged, m chief three annulets of the second ; and for his Creirt, upon a wreath of the colours, two spear- heads in saltire in front of a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand gauntleted and grasping a broken tilting-spear proper, enfiled with an annulet or ; with the Motto, " Cres- cit sub pondere virtus." Married, September 28, 1867, Louis;i, daughter of John Meireof Brockton House, Shifnal, in the county of Salop ; and has Issue— {\) John Ingram Temple Chapman, Gentleman, born May 12, 1869 ; (2) William Henry Temple Chapman, Gentleman, born January 15, 1872 ; and Gwynneth Esther. Estates — Certain lands in the county of York. Postal address— hihrary Chambers, Temple, E.C. JOSEPH JOHN CHAPMAN, Esquire, J. P. North Riding Yorks, M.A. Cambridge, Barrister-at-Law. Bom July 5, 1837, being the eldest son of the late Joseph Barker Chapman, Esq., J. P. for Middlesex, by his wife Louisa Agnes, dau. of Thomas Simpson. Armorial bear- inga — Per chevron ermine and gules, a crescent counter- changed, in chief three annulets of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two spear-heads in saltire, in front of a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand guantleted, and grasping a broken tilting-sp>ear projjer enfiled with an annulet or. MottO — "Crescit sub f)ondere virtus." Married, March 26, 1873, Fanny, dau. of Henry Simpson ; and has had Istue — (i) Edward Henry Chapman, Gentleman, b. Feb. ?, 1874 ; (2) Percy Chapman, Gentleman, b. Feb. 5, 1875 (d. July 13, 1898); (3) Harold Chapman, Gentleman, b. Nov. 23, 1876; (4) Wilfrid Hubert Chapman, Gentleman, b. Dec. 13, 1879 ; Josephine ; and Fanny Beatrice. Residence — 17 St. Hilda Terrace, Whitby, Yorks. CHAPPELL, quartered by BROWN-WESTHEAD. CHARLES. Quarterly indented gules and azure, ten lozenges, five in chief and as many in base ermine. Mant- ling gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a demi-wolf gules, charged with two lozenges in pale ermine supporting with the paws a battle-axe argent between two branches of oak fructed proper. Motto — " Esse quam videri." Sons of John Smith Charles, b. 1833 ; d. 1901 ; m. 1862, Anne Snowdin, d. of George Browne : — John Roger Charles, Gentleman, M.A., M.D. (Cantab.), M.R.C.P.. M.R.C.S., b. 12 Oct. 1872; m. 8 July 1901. Alice Mary Gertrude, d. of the Ven. Rolx^rt Hodgson, Archdeacon of Stafford ; and has issue — John Hugo Audley Charles, Gentleman, b. 30 Jan. 1904 ; and Joyce Evelyn Mary. Estate— Ve\sa\\ Hall, Staffordshire. Post, add.— 12 Victoria Square, Clifton. Michael Thomas Charles, Gentleman, B.A. (Cantab.), *. 1874. Post, arfrf.— Pelsall Hall, Staffordshire. CHARLESWORTH (H. Coll.). Ermine, a chevron azure, fretty or, between in chief two eagles displayed sable and in base a mascle of the second. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi- eagle sable, wings elevated frelty or, in the beak a mascle gold. Motto — " Justitia et virtus." Sons of Joseph Charlesworlh, Esq., J. P., of Lofthouse, Yorks. , ^. 1847; d. 1901 ; m. 1880, Evelyn Gwenelin, d. of Adam Eyton, Esq., J. P., of Plas Llanerch-y-Mor, CO. Flint :^ Joseph Eyton Charlesworth, Gentleman, b. 1881. Seat — Lofthouse Park, nr. Wakefield. John Hubert Charlesworth, Gentleman, b. 1883. William Henry Charlesworth, Gentleman, b. 1884. Eric Baff Charlesworth, Gentleman, b. 1886. Malcolm Charlesworth, Gentleman, b. 1895. Yr. sons of Joseph Charlesworth, Esq., J. P., of Loft house, d. 1858 ; m. 1846, Susanna, d. of Robert Demain :^ Charles Ernest Charlesworth, Esq. {(/.v.). William Charlesworth, Esq., J. P. Dorset, b. 1858; tn. 1880, Florence Evadne, d. of Adam Eyton, Esq., J. P., of Plas Llanerch-y-mor, Holywell, Flintshire ; and has issue— (i) William Harold Charlesworth, Gentleman, b. 1882; (2) John Caradoc Charlesworth, Gentleman, b. 1886; (3) Ivor Clinton Charlesworth, Gentleman, b. 1888; Clara Gwenelin ; and Marjorie Stobart. S ALBANY HAWKE CHARLESWORTH, Esquire, J. P. for the West Riding, M.A. Trin. Coll., Cam- bridge, Hon. Col. ist Vol. Batt. K.O. York Light Infantry, M.P. for Wakefield 1892-95. Bo>n Feb. 5, 1854, Ijeing the only surviving son of John Charlesworth Dodgson- Charlesworth of Chaplethorpe Hall, W.R. co. York, M.A., J. P. and D.L., M.P. for Wakefield 1857-59, by his wife n is tlie Military Cockade. C6a C6a 257 Sarah, second dau. of Walker Fetherstonhaugh of The Hermitage, co. Durham. Armorial bearings— Ermine, a chevron azure, fretty or, between in chief two eagles displayed sable and in base a mascle of the second. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle sable, the wings elevated fretty or, in the beak a mascle of the last. Motto — "Justitia et virtus." Married, Nov. 6, 1889, Eleanor Charlotte, second dau. of Kennett Bayley of Sevenoaks, Inchicore, Dublin ; and has with other /««ard's head issuant aftoQl^CuiM. MoUo— " Spero ineliora. " Marrud, iHi. Broowen Klitabeth MukIx-s. eldest dau. of Mr. and Lady Fkirentia Hughes of Kinmel I'.irk, North Wales; and has /im#— (i) St. John .Man iharlton, CJentleman, b. Nov. 1889: Bronwen Alicia Mary; and Vanda Dorothy Julia. >P/rt«//« Mary, dau. of J. T. Baumgartner of island Hall. Godmanchrster. Hunts. Club — Junior Carlton. Lively — Black. Annorlal bearings— Gules, a gryphon's head erased between two crosses pate^e in pale or. two flaunches vairt^ azure of the second. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a denii-gryphon gules, gorged with a collar gemelle, charged 011 the shoulder with two annulets interlaced and resting the sinister claw on a cross patde all or, and holding in the de.xter claw a branch of thorn-tree proper. Motto— " Cassis tutissima virtus." Married, Oct. 7, 1886, Elinor Mary, dau. of the late Rt. Hon. Sir Richard Baggallay, P.C, Lord Justice of Appeal; and has /««*— Hugh Evelyn Charrington, born 1887; Audrey Elinor ; and Gwendoline Mary. Estate and postal address —Dove Cliff House, Burton-on-Trent. SPENCER CHARRINGTON, Esquire, Member of Parliament (Tower Hamlets, Mile fjrflflfl'ttllTt'rtn ^"'^ Division), entered Parliament >a^ljattlU^lUH Nov. 1885. Born May 24. 1818, being thefifthsonof the late Nicholas Charrington, by Harriet his wife, daughter of John Milward of Bromley, Middlesex. C/«3 — Conservative. Livery — Drab, with blue waistcoat. Armorial bearings— He liears for Arms : Gules, agryphon's head erased Ijeiween twocrosses Cavalry. Bom 1859, being the eighth son of the late Exlward Charrington, Esq., D.L., by his wife Georgiana pat6e in pale or, two flaunches vair^e azure of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-gryphon gules, gorged with a collar gemelle, charged on the shoulder with two annulets interlaced and resting the sinister claw on a cross pat6e all or, and holding in the dexter claw a branch of thorn-tree proper. Motto — " Cassis tutissima virtus. " Married, ¥eh. S, 1853, Alethe Charlotte Pauline, daughter of Rev. Johann Gerhard Calmeyer, Archdeacon of Hammerfest, Norway ; and has Issue — (i) Spencer Calmeyer Charrington, Gentle- man, born Oct. 14,1854; (2) Harold Charrington, Gentleman, born 1855, Lieut. R.N., killed on service in Egypt 1882 ; (3) Francis Charrington, Gentleman, born November 17, 1858 ; (4) Edmund Knollys Charrington, Gentleman, born March 25, 1863 ; (5I Henry Charrington, Gentleman, born March 27, 1865 > (6) Cyril Norman Charrington, Gentleman, born July 22, i86i5, died Nov. 30, 1896 ; (7) Eric Charrington, Gentleman, Lieutenant R.N. , born April 30, 1872; Alethe Marian [married Capt R. A. Montgomerie, C. B., R.N.] is the Military Cockade. Cba C6e 259 and Katharine Henrietta Violet. Estates — Hunsdon House, Herts, and Temple Farm, Roydon, Essex. Postal address — Hunsdon House, Hunsdon, near Ware, Herts. S RICHARD BUTLER CHARTERIS, Gentleman. Lieut. Warwick Yeomanry Cavalry. Born Oct. 12, 1866, being the eldest son of the late Lieut. -Col. Hon. Richard Charteris, second son of Francis, 8th Earl of Wemyss and March, by his wife Lady Margaret Butler of Cahir Lodge, co. Tipperary. Armorial bearings — Argent, a fesse azure within a double tressure flory counterflory gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a swan proper. Motto — " This our charter. " Married, Aug. 8, 1890, Pamela, dau. of Robert Dyer of Langham, Suffolk, Seat — Cahir Lodge, Tipperary. Clubs —Turf, White's. CHASTECHIN, quartered hy JOSSELYN. CHATTERTON, see SMITH-CHATTERTON. CHAUNCELLOR, quartered by FLOYER. S HENRY CHAVASSE, Esquire, Major 4th Batt. the Cameronians (Scottish Rifles). Born June 19, 1863, being the second son of the late Rev. William Izon Chavasse, M.A., Vicar of Kirtling, Cambs., and the late Anna Georgina, dau. of Admiral Sir Josiah Cogiiill Coghill, Bart., R.N. Livery— Dax]/: blue coat and greatcoat, dark blue and orange striped waistcoat, white breeches. Ar- morial bearings — Per pale or and azure, between two bars nebuly, as many pheons erect all counterchanged. Mant- ling azure and or. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper an eagle's claw erased and erect or, grasping an arrow in bend of the last, barbed and flighted argent. Motto -"Loyault^ mon heritage." Marned, April 7, 1896, Judith Isabella, dau. of the late Becher Lionel Fleming, Esq., J. P., of New Court, Skibbereen, co. Cork; and has had Issue -[i) Claude Lionel Chavasse, Gentleman, b. April 28, 1897 ; (2) Izon Coghill Chavasse, Gentleman, b. May 26, 1899, d. Jan. 11, 1900 ; (3) Kendal George Fleming Chavasse, Gentleman, b. 1904. Residence — Whitfield Court, Kilmeaden, Waterford. Club — Waterford County (Waterford). JOHN PATRICIUS CHAWORTH-MUSTERS, Es- quire, J. P. CO. Nottingham. Born i860, being the eldest son of the late John Chaworth-Musters, Esquire, of Annesley Park, Colwick Hall, and Wiverton Hall, J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1864, by his wife Caroline Anne, eldest dau. ot Henry Sherbrooke of Oxton Hall, Notts ; authorised by Koyal Licence, Oct. 6, 1888, to assume the additional name and arms of Chaworth. Club—CzxMon. Armorial bear- ings—Quarterly I and 4, argent, on a bend gules, a lion passant guardant or, within a bordure engrailed of the second (for Musters) ; 2 and 3 barry of ten argent and gfules, three martlets two and one sable, within a bordure engrailed ermines (for Chaworth). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant guardant or, supporting with the fore paws a shield of the arms (for Musters) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a tower argent, charged with a bendlet wavy gules, thereon a lion passant or, issuant from the battlements an ostrich feather sable between four others of the first (for Chaworth). Married, Mary Anne, dau. of George Sharpe ; and has, with four other sons and four daus., George Patricius Chaworth-Musters, Gentleman, b. 1888. Seats — Annesley Park, near Nottingham ; Wiverton Hall, near Bingham. CLERVAUX ALEXANDER CHAYTOR, Gentleman. Born Sept. 8, jSSi, being the eldest son of the late Clervaux Darley Chaytor, Esq., of Spennithorne Hall, J. P. and D. L. for the North Riding of Yorkshire, by his wife Frances Louisa, eldest dau. of the late Rev. James Alexander Birch, Rector of Middlehani, co. York. Livery — Blue and silver. Armorial bearings — Per bend dancett^ argent and azure, four quatrefoils counterchanged. Mantling azure and ar- gent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a buck's head erased lozengy argent and sable, armed or, in the mouth a trefoil slipp)ed vert. MottO — "Fortune le veut." Seat — Spennithorne Hall, near Leyburn. S GEORGE CLERK CHEAPE, Esquire, Lieutenant- Colonel Fife Light Horse, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the county of Fife, late Captain of the nth Hussars. Born October 24, 1842, being the only son of the late Hugh Cheape of the Honourable East India Company's Medical Service. Clubs — Carlton, Cavalry, Wellington, New Club (Edinburgh). Livery — White, with green facings. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argfent, three ears of wheat slipped in fesse vert, and on an escutcheon of pretence in right of his wife the arms o» Hemming, namely argent, on a chevron engrailed azure, between three lions' heads erased gules, an ostrich with wings endorsed of the first, holding in the beak a key between two pheons or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath is tlie Naval Cockade. fl6o Cbe Cbe of Ihe cokHin. a wrb or. bwided vert; wUh the MottO. ••IHui virtus." MarruH. June s. >873. Maude Mary Hemming. cUuKhtrr of Richard Ht-mnimK of i^ntley Manor in ihe ct>untv of Wori-csier. and Cacrhim. North Walet: and »uu /«!»«•—( 1 1 Hugh Annesley Chea|)e. Gentle- nuui- (a) Ronald Hamilton Cheapo. Gentleman. Kieul. H.M.S. "Hawk"; (3) I^eslie Saint Clair Cheape, Gentle- man ; Catherine Beatrice [m. C. Robert] ; Helen Margaret ; and Maud. Estates — Wellfield, Strathmiglo, in the county of Fife; Carsaig and Terorain, Isle of Mull ; Bentley Manor, Redditch. Postal address — Bentley Manor, Redditch. JAMES CHEAPE, Gentleman. Born 1853, being the onJy son of the late Alexander Cheape, Esquire, of Strath- tyrum, in the county of Fife, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace, and his wife Anne Charlotte, commonly known as the Honourable Anne Charlotte [to whom refer] ; daughter of the Right Honourable John Arbuthnott, eighth Viscount Arbuthnott. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, three ears of wheat slipp)ed in fesse vert ; and for his Orest, upon a wreath of the colours, a garb or, banded vert; with the Motto, " Ditat virtus." Married, Dec. 22, 1897, Lady Griselda Johanna Helen Ogilvy, fourth dati. of Rt. Hon. David, 8th E^rl of Airlie ; and has Issue — Alexander Ogilvy Cheape, Gentleman, b. Jan. 7, 1899. Postal address — Strathtyrum, St. Andrews, Fife. GEORGE EDWARD CHECKLAND, Gentleman. Born June 18, 1845, being the eldest dTflCfbfflflTl sur\'iving son of George Checkland of Vbiltl^KinilU Hawks Wick, St. Albans, by his wife Mary Ann, eldest daughter of Thomas Crofts. Livery— Green. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, on a pile between two annulets in base gules, ten cinquefoils, four, three, two and one of the field. Crest — Two cubit arms erect proper, holding two annulets inter- laced sable, each arm charged with a cinquefoil gules. Motto — " Omnc bonum dei donum." Married, October »S. ^873, Agnes Aked, second daughter of Samuel John Claye, Manor House, Long Eaton, in the county of Derby. Postal address— lYiwmaiSlon Hall, Leicestershire. WILLIAM CHECKLAND. Gentleman. Bom June 10. 1852, being the second son of George Checkland of Hawk's Wick, by his wife Mary Anne, dau. of John Crofts of Not- tingham. Armorial bearings — Or, on a pile gules, between in base two annulets of the second, ten cinquefoils, four. three, two. and one of the first. Mantling gules and or. Or«tt— A sinister and a dextt-r cubit arm erect proper, each charged on the fore-arm with a cinquefoil gules, holding in the hands two annulets interl.iced fesseways sable. MottO— " Omne bonum dei donum." Married, June i, 1876, Amy, dau. of Rev. Henry Beaumont. D.D. ; atid has /w«*— Aimee Beaumont. CHEETHAM. Argent, guttc^-de-sang, a cross parted and fretty sable, between in the first and fourth quarters a griffin segreant, in the second a fleam, and in the third a cross potent, all of the second. Ma n tl in g sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-griffin segreant gules, resting the sinister claw on a cross potent sable, a plate. Motto— " Quod tuum tene." Son of Joshua Milne Cheetham, Esq., J. P., M.P., b. 183s ; d. 1902 ; m. 1862. Sarah, d. of the late Abram Crompton of High Crompton, Lanes. : — James C. Cheetham. Gentleman, b. . Res.— Hyterd Park, Bourton-on-the-Water, Gloucester. CHENDUIT. quartered by HORDERN. ALFRED CHENEVIX-TRENCH, Gentleman. Born Nov. 4, 1849, being the fourth son of the late Rt. Hon. and Most Rev. Richard Chenevix-Trench, D.D., D.C.L., P.C, Dean of Westminster and Archbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland, and Chancellor of the Order of St. Pat- rick (who assumed the additional surname of Chenevix in 1873), by his wife Hon. Frances Mary, sister of the Rt. Hon. Frederick Mason, 2nd Lord Ashtown of Moate, CO. Gal way. Armorial bearings— Argent, a lion passant gules, between three fleurs-de-lis azure, on a chief of the last the sun in splendour or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed, the hand grasping a cutlass all proper. Motto — "Virtutis fortuna comes." Married Isabella, youngest dau. of James Moore of Dalcoolin, co. Down (by Eliza his wife, dau. of John Gunning of Stranorlar, co. Donegal). Postal address— V\\\2i Bona Ventura, Cadenabbia, Italy. S Colonel CHARLES CHENEVIX-TRENCH, R.A., Chief Instructor of School of Gunnery, Shoeburyness, CO. Essex, Director of the Artillery College, Woolwich, co. Kent. Born Jan. 26, 1839, being the fourth son of the late Rt. Hon. and Most Rev. Richard Chenevix Chenevix- Trench, D.D., D.C.L., P.C, Dean of Westminster, Arch- li tbe Military Cockade. Cfte C6e 261 bishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland, and Chancellor of the Order of St. Patrick, by his wife Hon. Frances Mary, sister of Rt. Hon. Frederick Mason, 2nd Lord Ashtown of Moate, co. Galway. Armorial bearings— Argent, a lion passant gules, between three fleurs-de-lis azure, on a chief of the last the sun in splendour or, and impaling the arms of Lefroy, namely, quarterly i and 4, vert fretty argent, on a chief of the second a cap between two wyverns gules ; 2 and 3, azure, a chevron or between three crescents argent, on a chief gules, three mullets of the third. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed, the hand grasping a cutlass all proper. Motto — " Virtutis fortuna comes." Mai-ried Emily, eldest dau. of General Sir John Henry Lefroy, K.C. M.G., G.C.B., Governor of Bermuda, and subse- quently of Tasmania; and has Issue— {\) Richard Henry Chenevix-Trench, Gentleman, of the Indian Staff Corps, b. April 4, 1876 ; (2) Charles Godfrey Chenevix-Trench, Gen- tleman, b. Dec. 30, 1877 ; (3) Francis Maxwell Chenevix- Trench, Gentleman, b. Oct. 15, 1879; (4) Christopher Chenevix-Trench, Gentleman, b. April 14, i88i ; (5) Law- rence Chenevix-Trench, Gentleman, b. March 24, 1883 ; (6) Ralph Chenevix-Trench, Gentleman, h. Dec. 15, 1885 ; {7) Alfred Chenevix-Trench, Gentleman, b. Dec. 10, 1887 ; and Emily Maude. Residence — S GEORGE FREDERICK CHENEVIX-TRENCH, Esquire, Captain Bombay Staff Corps, served in Burmah Campaign 1886 (medal), joined Political Depart- ment 1888, formerly H.M. Consul at Busserah, Assistant Resident of Kashmir and Joint Commissioner of Seli 1891- 97. Born June 23, 1859, being the third son of the late Philip Charles Chenevix-Trench, Esq., J. P. for co. Hants (who assumed additional name of Chenevix in 1873), by his wife Ellen Maria, dau. of Thomas Jacob Turner of the Hon. East India Co.'s Service. Armorial bearings- Argent, a lion passant gules, between three fleurs-de-lis azure, on a chief of the last the sun in splendour or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed, the hand grasp- ing acutlass all proper. Motto— ' ' Virtutis fortunas comes. Residence — JULIUS CHENEVIX-TRENCH, Gentleman. Born Nov. 2, 1885, being the second son of the late Maj. -General Frederick Chenevix-Trench, C.M.G. , of Broomfield, co. Wicklow, by his wife Mary Frederica Blanche, only dau. of Captain Charles Blood Mulville, formerly of the 3rd Dragoon Guards. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion passant gules, between three fleurs-de-lis azure, on a chief of the last the sun in splendour or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed, the hand grasping a cutlass all proper. Motto — " Virtutis fortuna comes." Residence — PHILIP FRANCIS CHENEVIX-TRENCH, Gentle- man, Fellow of the Surveyor's Institute. Born June 7, 1849, being the eldest son of the late Philip Charles Chene- vix-Trench, Esq., of Botley Hill, co. Hants, by his wife Ellen Maria, dau. of Thomas Jacob Turner of the Hon. East India Co.'s Service. Armorial bearings— Argent, a lion passant gules, between three fleurs-de-lis azure, on a chief of the last the sun in splendour or. Mantling argent and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed, the hand grasping a scimitar all proper. Motto — "Virtutis fortuna comes." Married, April 13, 1882, Frances Angel, dau. of Robert Reeves of 5 Fitz- william Place, Dublin; and has Issue — (i) Philip Gervais Chenevix-Trench, Gentleman, b. Oct. 11, 1886; (2) Robert Denis Chenevix-Trench, Gentleman, b. Feb. 11, 1899; Muriel Emily ; Melesina Gladys ; and Oonah Frances. Residence — 5 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin. Club — Kildare |Street (Dublin). P RICHARD BAYLEY CHENEVIX-TRENCH, Gentle- man. Born Oct. 23, i86r, being the fourth son of the late Philip Charles Chenevix-Trench, Esq., J. P. for co. Hants (who assumed the additional name of Chenevix in 1873), by his wife Ellen Maria, dau. of Thomas Jacob Turner of the Hon. East India Co.'s Service. Armorial bearings- Argent, a lion passant gules, between three fleurs-de-lis azure, on a chief of the last the sun in splendour or, and im- paling the arms of Heron-Maxwell, namely argent, on a saltire sable, an annulet or, stoned azure, in base a cres- cent of the second, a bordure gules charged with eight bezants. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed, the hand grasping a cutlass all proper. Mottoes— ' ' Virtutis fortuna comes "; " Dieu pour la tranche qui centre? " Married Gwendoline Heron, second dau. of Sir John Robert Heron- Maxwell, Bart. , of Springkell, co. Dumfries ; and has Issue — (1) Hugo Chenevix-Trench, Gentleman, b. luly 24, 1890; (2) Eric Chenevix-Trench, Gentleman, b. Dec." 7,1892 ; and (3) Ivor Chenevix-Trench, Gentleman (twin with Eric), b. Dec. 7, 1892. 6Va/f— Lime Grove, Bangor, N. Wales. SAMUEL RICHARD CHENEVIX-TRENCH, Gentle- man. Born Dec. 11, 1881, being the eldest son of the late Maj. -General Frederick Chenevix-Trench, C.M.G. , of Broomfield, co. Wicklow, by his wife Mary Frederica Blanche, only daughter of Captain Charles Blood Mulville, formerly of the 3rd Dragoons. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion passant gules, between three fleurs-de-lis azure on a chief of the last the sun in splendour or. Mant- ling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the coloiu-s, a dexter arm in armour embowed, the hand grasping a cutlass all proper. Motto —" Virtutis fortuna comes." Residence — CHENEY, quartered by JOHNSTON. S Major-General APSLEY CHERRY-GARRARD, J. P. for Berks and Herts, High Sheriff for Herts, 1901, served with 90th Light Infantry, Defence of Alumbagh, Relief of Lucknow, and subsequent campaigns of 1858- 1859, Kaffir War 1878, Zulu War 1879 (Ulundi) ; has two medals and three clasps. Born 1832, being the second son of the late George Henry Cherry, Esq., of Denford, Berks, High Sheriff for that co. 1829, M.P. for Dunwich, by Char- lotte his wife, dau. of Charles Drake-Garrard of Lamer, Herts ; and assumed the additional surname and arms of Garrard by Royal License. Livery — Chocolate coat, red waistcoat, light drab greatcoat, with scarlet facings. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a fesse sable, a lion passant of the first (for Garrard) ; 2 and 3 argent, three fleurs-de-lis fesseways within two barrulets engrailed, the whole between three annulets all gules (for Cherry). Mantling sable and argent. Crests— i. upon is the Naval Cockade. »69 Cfje Cbe « wraMh of Ihe colours, a leopard sejant proper (for Ownud); a. upon « wrcAth of the colours, a demi-lion argent, the neoc encircled with an annulet, and holding between the paws a Itetir-di-lis within an annulet all gules (for Cherry). Motto— "Chtfris I'espoir. Married, Jan. •9, 1885, Evelyn Edith, dau. of H. Wilson Sharpin ; and has Istue—ApaXey George Bcnel Cherry -Garrard, lientleman, h. Jan. a, 1886; Ida Evelyn ; Elsie Charlotte ; Mildred; and Margaitst Ursula. /:"j/<»/w— Lamer Park, llerU; Denford, lierks. Postal arfrfrrw— Lamer Park, Wheathampstead, Herts. C/n^— Naval and Military. CHESHAM, quartered by CHEYNE. CHESTER, see BAGOT-C HESTER. CHESTER HERALD, see LANE. CHETILTON, quartered by DAVENPORT. Sir GEORGE CHETWODE, sixth Baronet, of Chet- wode, in the county of Buckingham, and of Oakley, in the county of Staflord, formerly Lieutenant-Colonel 8th Hussars. Horn July ao, 1823, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Reverend George Chelwode of Chilton House, in the county of Buckingham, Master of Arts, Rector of Ashton-under-Lyne, by his first wife Charlotte Anne, daughter of Moreton Walhouse; succeeded his uncle. Sir John Chetwode-Newdigate-Ludford, fifth Baronet, September 8, 1873, under the creation of April 6, 1700. Club — .Army and Navy. Armorial bearlii£^--He bears for Amu : Quarterly argent and gules, four crosses form^e counterchanged, and impaling the arms of Bass, namely gules, on a chevron cottised argent, between three plates, each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure, a demi-lion rampant, couf>ed of the first. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-lion ram- (>ant gules; with the Motto, "Corona mea Christus." Married, October 21, 1868, Alice Jane, second daughter of Michael Thomas Bass, Esquire, Member of Parliament ; and has Issue — (i) Philip Walhouse Chetwode, Esquire, Major, D.S.O., 19th Hussars, b. Sept 21, 1869 \m. Hester, eld. d. of Col. the Hon. Richard Stapleton-Cotton] ; (2) George Knightley Chetwode, Esq., Midshipman R. N., b. Dec. 10, 1877 ; Evelyn Hamar \in. 1892, Percy Alfred Leyland Laming] ; Laura Grey \m. 1897, Christian Edward Cornwallis Eliot, third son of Col. the Hon. Charles Eliot] ; and Florence Hyacinthe [;«. 1903, Major Noel Birch]. Seats — Oakley, Market Drayton ; Chetwode, in the county of Buckingham ; Agden, in the county of Cheshire. JOHN CHETWOOD CHETWOOD-AIKEN, Esquire, Banker, Justice of the Peace (JThpfhinnll-^ltbOn ^^"^ ^"^^ county of Gloucester, VO^Ut'VUIUUU'aiKtll claimant to the dignity of Baron de Wahull, in the Peer- age of England (see Attorney-General's Reports, May 24, 1892, but which claim failed, owing to the absence of Parliamentary records proving that his ancestors had ever sat in Parliament). Bom August 17, 1835, being the only son of Peter Freeland Aiken, Advocate, by his wife Con- stantia Elizabeth, only child of John Chetwood, Captain 33rd and 73rd Regiments, and assumed the additional sur- name and arms of Chetwood by Royal License 1885. Clubs -Union, Constitutional (Bristol). Livery — Black, with gilt buttons. Armorial bearings— Hebears for Arms: Quar- terly i and 4, or a chevron sable, between two cocks respec- tant in chief gules and a hunting-horn in base vert, garnished and stringed of the third (for Aiken) ; 2 and 3 quarterly argent and gules, four crosses form6e counterchanged (for Chetwode). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a cross crosslet fitch^e gules, and in an escroll above the motto, "In cruce salus " (for Aiken) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-lion rampant sable; with the Motto, " Corona mea Christus." Married, March 28, 1865, Lucy Cuthbert, daughter of Edward Richard Townsend, Doctor of Medicine, of the county of Cork, Ireland ; and has Issue— i,x) Walter Chet- wode Chetwood- Aiken, Gentleman, b. Feb. 9, 1866, d. Jan. 3. 1899; (2) Edward Hamilton Chetwode Chetwood-Aiken, Gentleman, b. April 3, 1867 ; (3) Harold Freeland Chet- wode Chetwood-Aiken, Gentleman, *. Dec. 1, i868 ; (4) Knighte Chetwode Chetwood-Aiken, Gentleman, b. Oct. 11, 1870; (5) John Chetwode Chetwood-Aiken, Gentleman, b. April 25, 1873 ; (6) Hugh Chetwode Chetwood-Aiken, Gentleman, b. July 3, 1882. Estate — The Glen, in the co. of Gloucester. Postal address — The Glen, Stoke Bishop, Gloucestershire. CHETWYND, quartered by GROSVENOR, TAUN TON, and TALBOT. ARTHUR CHETWYND, Esquire, J. P. co. Stafford, late Capt. 4th Batt. South Staffordshire Regt. Born 1857, being the son of the late William Henry Chetwynd, Esq., J. P., D.L. , by his wife Blanche, dau. of Hon. and Rev. Arthur Talbot, Rector of Ingestre. Armorial bearlng^s— Azure, a chevron between three mullets or, a crescent for difference. Mantling azure and or. Motto — "Quod Deus vult fiet." Married, 1886, Kinbarra Swene, dau. of Samuel Lipscombe Seckham, Esq., D.L. , of Beacon Place; and has Issue — (i) Arthur Henry Talbot Chetwynd, Gentleman, b. 1887 ; (2) William Ralph Talbot Chetwynd, Gentleman, b. 1890. 5ta/— Longdon Hall, Rugeley. EMILY HANNAH CHETWYND, Widow, commonly know as the Honourable Mrs. Charles Chetwynd, daughter of the late W. H. Blaauw of Beechland, in the county of Sussex. Armorial bearlngps are, upon a lozenge : Azure, a chevron between three mullets or. Married, i860, Charles Cornwallis Chetwynd, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Charles Cornwallis Chetwynd, late Captain loth Foot, son of the Right Honourable the sixth Viscount Chet- wynd, who died 1884. Of the above marriage there is Issue & Is the Military Cockade. I C6e €ii »^3 — The Reverend Charles Richard BlaauwChetvvynd, Master of Arts, Curate of Bracknell, born February 17, 1863, died March 28, 1891 ; Emily Mary Frances ; Margaret Adelaide [married. June 5, 1890, Frank Bousfield Hudson] ; Louisa Charlotte ; Julia Alice; Elizabeth, died October 19, 1892 ; and Katherine Philippa. Postal address — Cissbury, Ascot Heath. RALPH WILLIAM TALBOT CHETWYND, Gentle- man. Bom 1890, being the second son of the late Arthur Chetwynd, Esq., J. P. co. of Stafford, late Capt. 4th Batt. South Staffordshire Regt. , by his wife Kinbarra Swene, dau. of Samuel Lipscombe Seckham, Esq., D. L., of Beacon Place. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron between three mullets or, a crescent for difference. Mant- ling azure and or. Motto— " Quod Deus vult fiet." /iest- dence — 'Longton Hall, Rugeley. GRANVILLE GEORGE CHETWYND - ST APYL- TON, Esquire, Lieut. -Gen. late 32nd Regiment. Born March 22, 1823, being the second son of the late Henry Richard Chetwynd-Stapylton, Esq., Major loth Hussars, by his wife Margaret, dau. of George Hammond of Port- land Place. Annorlal bearings — Argent, a lion rampant sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a Saracen's head proper. MottO — "Fide sed cui vide." Married, Dec. 8, 1864, Lady Barbara Emily Leeson, dau. of Joseph, 4th Earl of Milltown, K.P. ; and has had Issue — (i) Granville Joseph Chetwynd-Stapylton, Lieut. R.A., b. Sept. 11, 1871 ; (2) Bryan Henry Chetwynd- Stapylton, Gentleman, Lieut. Cheshire Regiment, b. June 10, 1873 ; (3) Richard Cecil Chetwynd-Stapylton, Gentle- man, b. April 14, 1876, d. June 27, 1878 ; and Barbara Margaret. Residence — HENRY GOULBURN CHETWYND-STAPYLTON, Esquire, M.A. Univ. Coll., Oxford, Barrister-at-Law, J. P. for Sussex. Bor?t May 20, 1852, being the eldest son of Henry Edward Chetwynd-Stapylton, by his wife Esther Charlotte, dau. of Edward Goulburn, Serjeant-at-Law, [great-grandson of Hon. Granville Anson Chetwynd, son of 4th Viscount Chetwynd, who by Royal Licence 1783 took the name of Chetwynd-Stapylton on his marriage with Martha, only child of Henry Stapylton of Wighill Park, Yorkshire]. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, a lion rampant sable (for Stapylton) ; 2 and 3, azure, a chevron between three mullets or (for Chetwynd) ; and impaling the arms of Williams- Wynn (being those of Williams), namely argent, two foxes counter-salient in saltire gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— Out of a ducal cornet or, a Saracen's head affront^e proper, wreathed about the temples argent and sable. Supporters used, but which are not recorded — Two talbots argent, with three guttie-de-sang on shoulders. Motto — "Fide sed cui vide." Married, June i, 1886, Mary, eldest dau. of Charles vVatkin Williams- Wynn, Esq., M.P. and D.L., of Coed y maen, Welshpool, and his wife Annora Charlotte, dau. of 2nd Earl Manvers ; and has Issue — Henry Miles Chetwynd-StapyUon, Gentleman, b. 1887; and Annora Esther. Residence — Hilliers, Petworth, Sussex. Club Oxford and Cambridge. MILES CHETWYND-STAPYLTON, Esquire, late Captain 7th Batt. King's Royal Rifle Corps. Born June 22, i860, being the second son of the late Henry Edward Chetwynd-Stapylton, Esq., by his second wife Ellen, youngest dau. of Henry Hoyle Oddie of Colney House, Herts. Armorial bearings— Argent, a lion rampant sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a Saracen's head proper. Motto — "Fide sed cui vide." Married, i888, Helen, dau. of the late Arthur Preston of Norwich; and has Issue— [\) Philip Chetwynd- Stapylton, Gentleman, b. 1889; (2) Geoffrey Chetwynd- Stapylton, Gentleman, b. 1892; Beatrice; and Evelyn Mary. Residence— The Rev. WILLIAM CHETWYND-SPAPYLTON, Hon. Canon of Rochester, and Rector of Hallaton, co. Leics. Born May 15, 1825, being the third son of the late Henry Edward Chetwynd-Stapylton, Esq., Major loth Hussars, by his wife Margaret, dau. of George Hammond of Portland Place. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion rampant sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a Saracen's head proper. Motto—" Fide sed cui vide." Married, Oct. 26, 1852, Elizabeth Biscoe, dau. of the late Rev. Robert Tritton, Rector of Morden, Surrey; and has Issue — (i) Edward Chetwynd-Stapylton, Gentleman, b. July 20, 1855 \ni. , Sept. 27, 1879, Mary Beatrice, dau. of Henry Cowie of Calcutta ; and has issue, Richard Chetwynd- Stapylton, Gentleman, b. June 28, 1880; Lihan Beatrice and Dorothy] ; (2) Frederick Chetwynd-Stapylton, Gentle- man, b. Oct. 15, 1857 [in. Maud, dau. of William Hiram Morrison of New York, and has a son, Alan, b. i8go, d. 1897, and a dau.]; (3) Granville Chetwynd-Stapylton, Gentleman, b. Dec. 11, 1858 \m., Dec. 15, 1885, Elizabeth, dau. of the late James Routledge ; and has issue, Gran- ville Brian Chetwynd-Stapylton, b. 1887 ; and Ella Mabel] ; and Elian [/«. , June 5, 1886, Henry Cockburn of Kensing- ton Gate]. Postal address — Hallaton, co. Leicester. CHETWYND-TALBOT, see SHREWSBURY. SJOHN JOSEPH CHEVERS, Esquire, J.P. and D.L., late Capt. 4th Batt. Connaught Rangers. Born Nov. 28, 1866, being the eldest son of the late Michael Joseph Chevers, Esq., J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1860-61, by his wife Annie, second dau. of Hon. Martin Ffrench. Armorial bearings — Gules, three goats salient argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-goat argent as in the arms, collared gules, horned and unguled or. Motto— "En Dieu es ma foi." Married, Jan. 23, 1894, Frederica Sophia Elizabeth Mary, younger dau. of Henry Owen Lewis, D.L. , of Ennisken, co. Monaghan ; and has Issue -{i) Norman Michael Joseph Henry Chevers, Gentleman ; (2) Michael John Joseph Chevers, Gentleman; Frederica Annie; and Annie Mary Frances. 5*a/— Killyan House, BaUinasloe, CO. Galway. CHICHESTER. Quarterly 1 and 4, chequy or and gules, a chief vair (for Chichester) ; 2 and 3, sable, on a pale between two holly leaves slipped or, a torch erect of the field, fired proper (for Burnard). Mantling gules and or. Crests ~i. upon a wreath of the colours, a heron, wings addorsed, in its beak an eel all proper (for Chichester) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a chaplet of holly fructed proper, a torch as in the arms (for Burnard). Motto—" Ardet in arduis." Son of Rev. Arthur Chichester Chichester, Rector of Badlesmere, Kent, d. 1903 : — Evelyn Chichester, Esq., Capt. Roy. Marines, b. M CHARLES CHICHESTER, Esquire, J.P. and D,L. ® for CO. Devon. Born Feb. 4, 1828, being the eldest son of the late Robert Chichester, Esq., J.P. and D.L., by his wife Clarentia, only child of Col. Henry Mason, E.I.C.S., of Chichester, Surrey. Armorial bearlngrs (in use since 1314, Vns. Devon, 1561, 1620)— Chequy or and gules, a chief vair. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a heron rising with an eel in the beak proper. Motto— "Ferme en foy." Married, Aug. 2, 1870, Beatrice, dau. of Sir Arthur Chichester, 8th Bart. , of Raleigh ; and has Issue— [i] Charles Hamlyn Chichester, Esq. , Capt. 3rd Devon Regt. , b. Oct. 29, 1871 ; (2) Robert Chichester, Gentleman, b. Dec. 2, 1872. 5ea/— Hall, near Barnstaple, Devon. is the Naval Cockade. i<# €hi €\ii Tmk Rkv. KUWAR1> ARTHUR CHICHESIER. Ma*(er ol Aru of Ihe University of Cambridge, Vicar of Dorking, in Ihe i-ounty of Surrev. and Rural Dean. Bom February jj. 1849, Iwing the eldest son of the Reverend (««arg« Vaughan Chichester, Bachelor of ArU. by his wife Harmt Eleanor, daughter of Hugh Lyie of Knocktarna. in the 00. of Antrim. AiWrj'— Dark blue, with silver buttons. ArmorUl b««rliiff« — Chequy or and gules, a chief vair, irniwling the arms of Cubitt. namely, chrquy or and gules, on a pile argent, a lion's head erased Mible. Orwt On a wreath of the colours, a stork rising with a snake in iu beak all proper. Motto— " Invjtum sci]uitur honos." .\farrifti, April aj, 1884. Mary Agnes, commonly known as the Honourable Marv Agnes, second dau. of the Right Honourable George Cubitt, first Baron Ashcombe ; and by her has /ssue—(i) Arthur O'Neill Cubitt Chichester, Esq., b. July 14. 1889; (a) William George Cubitt Chichester, Gentleman, b. July ao, 1893 ; Harriet Laura ; and Mildred Mary. Postal address — The Vicarage, Dorking. (7«»*— Royal Societies'. NUGENT CHICHESTER, Esquire, ].\\ forco. Devon, Captain (retired) 7th Dragoon Guards. Born September 17. 1827, being the eldest son of the late Joseph Chichester Nagle of Calverleigh Court, who assumed by Royal Licence dated Aug. 5, 1859, the additional surname of Nagle, by his wife l^dy Henrietta Caroline Fellowes, dau. of Newton, 4th Earl of Portsmouth. Armorial bearings— Quarterly I and 4, quarterly i. and iiii., ermine, on a fesse azure, three fusils or; ii. and iii., argent, a lion rampant between three dexter hands couped at the wrist gules (for Nagle) ; 2 and 3, chequy or and gules, a chief vair (for Chichester). Mantling azure and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a goldfinch proper (for Nagle) ; a. on a wreath of the colours, a heron rising with an eel in the beak proper (for Chichester). Motto — " Ferme en Foy." Married, April 8, 1856, Amelia Mary, dau. of Joseph Lamb of West Denton, co. Northumberland ; and has Issue — (i) Joseph Chichester, E^., Captain Worcestershire Regt. b. Sept. 7, 1858 \m., 1893, Etheldreda, youngest dau. of Robert Berkeley of Spetchley Park, co. Worcester]; (2) John Amyas Chichester, Gentleman, b. 1864 ; (3) Philip Charles Chichester, Gentleman, h. 1865 ; (4) Edward Chichester, Gentleman, b. 1866 ; (5) Rev. Richard Chichester, b. 1867 ; (6) Walter Raleigh Chichester, Gentleman, Lieut. Wor- cester Regt.,*. 1870; Henrietta; Eveline Mary ; Blanche; and Lucy. Seat — Calverleigh Court, Tiverton, co. Devon. Club — Army and Navy. WILLIAM, HENRY CHICHESTER, Esquire, J. P. for CO. Devon. Born Sept. 8, 1831, being the second son of the late Robert Chichester of Hall, co. Devon, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , by his wife Clarentia, only child of Col. Henry Mason, E. I.C.S. , of Chichester, Sussex. Armorial bear- ings — Chequy or and gules, a chief vair, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Carpenter, namely, per pale indented or and azure, an eagle displayed, and in chief two roundles all counterchanged. Mantling gules and or. CSrest — On a wreath of the colours, a heron rising with an eel in the beak proper. Motto — " Ferme en foy." Married, April 21, 1853, Harriet Elizabeth, eldest dau. and eventually sole heiress of the Rev. Jonathan Phillipps Carpenter of Grenofen, and Harriet Elizabeth his wife, eldest dau. of the Rev. William Garnier of Rooksbury Park, Hants; and has Issue — (i) Henry Chichester, Gentle- man, b. August 29, 1868 ; (2) John Chichester, Gentleman, b. Jan. 18, 1870 ; Amy [«. , Nov. 12, 1874, Hugh Arthur Birley of Woodside, Knutsford, Cheshire, eldest son of the late Hugh Birley of Moorland, Didsbury, Lancashire, J. P. and D.L. , M.P. for Manchester; and has issue]; Blanche [«., Oct. 12, 1876, Stephen Christy of Highfield, Stockport, Cheshire, J. P., and by him (who d. Feb. 26, 1890) has issue]; Constance [w., Jan. 18, 1877, Tyndale White of Stondon Place, Essex, and has issue] ; Evelyn ; Florence; and Gertrude. 5*a/— Grenofen, Tavistock, Devon. S WALTER GEORGE RALEIGH CHICHESTER- CONSTABLE, Esquire, late Major 3rd Batt. Liver- pool Regt., J. P. for the E.R. and N.R. of the co. of York, D.L. for E.R. co. York, J. P. and D.L. co. Roscom- mon, High Sheriff of the latter 1896. Born 1863, being the eld. surviving son of Charles Raleigh Chichester, Esq., Lieut.-Col. 97th Regt., J. P. and D.L. co. Roscommon, by Mary his wife, eld. dau. and co-heir of James Balfe, of Runnamoat, co. Roscommon (he assumed in 1895 the additional surname and arms of Constable on suc- ceeding to the estates of his uncle, the late .Sir Thomas Clifford-Constable, liart.). Lix>ery — Chocolate and claret. Armorial bearings— (.Quarterly of six, i. quarterly i. and iiii., barry of six or and azure, on a canton argent a teasle slipped and leaved proper (for Constable) ; ii. and iii. chequy or and gules, a chief vair (for Chichester) ; 2. the same arms of Chichester ; 3. gules, a bend vair between six cross crosslets or ; 4. ermine, a fesse l^etween three cinquefoils gules ; 5. or, a lion rampant gules ; 6. argent, a saltire engrailed between four mullets sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or. Cresta — i. upon a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head couped barry of six argent and gules, charged with nine lozenges or, three, three, and three (for Constable) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a stork rising holding in the beak a snake proper. Mottoes — "Surgit post nubila phaebus," "Ferme en foy." Married, Nov. 29, 1888, Edith Florence Mary, third dau. of J. H. W. Smyth Pigott, Esquire, J. P., D.L. of Brockley Court, Somerset, and has Issue — (i) Raleigh Charles Joseph Chichester- Constable, Gentleman, b. Dec. 21, 1890; (2) Cecil Hugh Chichester-Constable, Gentleman, b. Aug. 25, 1893; (3) Basil Henry Chichester-Constable, Gentleman, b. June 4, 1897 ; Blanche Mary ; Violet Mary ; and Edith Mary, igj/a/w — Burton Constable, Hull; Wycliffe Hall, Dar- lington ; Scargill Lodge, Barnard Castle ; Wood Hall, Hull ; and Runnamoat, Roscommon. Postal address — Wood Hall, Hull. 6V«3— Junior Carlton. CHIGNELL (H. Coll.). Argent, on a chevron invected sable, gutt^-d'eau, between two cygnets close in chief and a fountain in base proper, a cross crosslet fitche^ of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-cygnet proper, wings addorsed and sem6 of estoiles sable, holding in the beak a lotus flower slipped and leaved also proper. Son of : — Thomas Chignell, Gentleman, b. . Res .—Q,^s,x\e.- mount, Dover. CHILDE. Quarterly i. (R.L., 1849), quarterly i. and iiii., gules, a chevron ermine, between three eagles close is the Military Cockade. Ci)< €m 165 argent (Childe) ; ii. and iii. , argent, a saltire sable, a crescent for difference (Baldwyn) ; 2. the same arms of Baldwyn (Vn. of Salop) ; 3. barry of six azure and argent, a chief ermine (Wigley) ; 4. gules, a chevron ermine between three eagles (Childe) ; 5. azure, sem6 of plates, a lion rampant guardant, and a bordure argent (Holland of Burwarton) ; 6. gules, a chevron ermine between three eagles close argent (Childe) ; 7. quarterly per fesse in- dented ermine and azure (Lacon); 8. argent, a lion rampant, queuee fourchee sable (Stanlowe) ; 9. argent, a fesse engrailed sable between three mullets gules (Cotton) ; 10. argent, on a fesse gules three plates (Titley) ; 11. argent, three crescents sable, a canton gules (Heyton) ; 12. argent, a fesse between three mullets pierced azure (Paslowe) ; 13. argent, a cross fleury sable, on a canton gules, a wolf's head erased of the first (Peshall) ; 14. or, a bend cottised sable (Harley) ; 15. or, on a chief sable, three taus of the first (Presthope) ; 16. sable, three mullets of six points pierced argent (Pulesdon); 17. or, fretty azure, a canton gules (Willey) ; 18. argent, on a bend sable, three escallops of the first (Remlegh); 19. or, two lions passant gules (Brampton) ; 20. or, two lions passant guardant gules (St. Valorey) ; 21. barry of six, vairte ermine and azure and gules (Brus); 22. gules, two bendlets, the upper one or, the lower argent (Mylo); 23. gules, five fusils in fesse or (Newmarch); 24. gules, a bend fusilly or (Marshall); 25. or, six lions rampant sable (Strongbow) ; 26. (Dermod, King of Leinster), sable, three garbs argent, banded gules ; 27. azure, three round buckles or (Remevill) ; 28. or, two ravens in pale sable (Corbet of Caus) ; 29. or, on a chief indented azure, three annulets of the first (Here- ford) ; 30. Quarterly per. fesse indented or and gules (Leighton); 31. or, three boars' heads couped close sable (Cambrey) ; 32. azure, a lion rampant, queuee fourchee or (Stapleton); 33. argent, a wyvern sable (Drake); 34. or, three bendlets gules (Muschampe) ; 35. azure, three escallops or (Mallett) ; 36. azure, a chevron between three fleur-de-lis ermine (De' Burgh) ; 37. or, a lion rampant gules, within a bordure engrailed sable (Mowddwy) ; 38. gules, a lion rampant within a bordure indented or (Theodor) ; 39. or, a raven sable (Corbet of Moreton Corbet) ; 40. gules, a bend between 6 pears erect or, stalked and leaved vert (Clopton) ; 41. Quarterly per fesse indented or and gules, in the first quarter a lion passant guardant argent (Besyn), and many others, the whole of the foregoing being entered at the Visitation of Shropshire, 1623, to the families of Baldwin, Lacon, and Leighton. Mantling gules and argent. Crests — i. On a wreath of the colours, an eagle with wings expanded argent, standing upon and entwined round the neck by a snake proper (Childe) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a cockatrice argent, wattled, combed, and beaked or, ducally gorged, lined, and ringed gold, a crescent sable for cadency (Baldwyn). Motto — " Per Deum meum transilio murum." Sons of William Lacon Childe, Esq., J. P., D. L., of Kinler Hall, Kyre Park, and Malliehope Park, d. 1786; d. 1880; obtained R.L., 1849, to bear the name of Childe only, and arms of Childe and Baldwyn quarterly : — William Lacon Childe, Esq., J. P., of Kinlet, d.s.p. 1881. Charles Orlando Childe-Pemberton, obtained R.L., 1849, to bear additional name and arms of Pemberton ; and had issue— (5e^- Childe- Pemberton). Rev. Edward George Baldwyn-Childe of Kyre, d.s./>. Rev. Arthur Childe, who adopted the name of Childe- Freeman. Sons of above Rev. Arthur Childe- Freeman, d. ; d. 1882; m. 1852, Mary Harriet, eld. d. and coh. of John Freeman, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Gaines, co. Hereford: - Thelate Arthur John Childe-Freeman, Esq., J. P., 6. 1853 ; d. 1891 ; m. 1B87, Harriet, d. of Richard Alexander Shaw; and had issue — John Arihur Childe-Freeman, Gentleman, 6. 1890 ; Mary Abigail ; and Olive. Rev. Edward Leonard Childe-Freeman {^.v.). Cecil Edwyn Childe-Freeman, d. 1861 ; m. 1887, Amy MacDougall ; and has issue — Edwyn Ralph Childe-Freeman , Gentleman, 6. 1897. /fes. — Rowland Lacon Childe-Freeman, Gentleman, 6. 1870. Hes.—Fttrnie, Whitbourne, Herefordshire. The Rev. EDWARD LEONARD CHILDE-FREE- MAN, M.A. , Rector of Edwyn Ralph, Bromyard, Hereford. Born Feb. 24, 1855, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Rev. Arthur Childe (who assumed with his wife in 1878 the additional surname of Freeman), by his wife Mary Harriet, dau. and heir of the late John Freeman of Gaines. Armorial bearings— Quarterly 1 and 4, gules, a chevron ermine between three eagles close argent (for Childe) ; 2 and 3, argent, a saltire sable, a crescent for difference (for Baldwyn). Mantling gules and argent. Crests — I. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle with wings expanded argent, entwined round the neck by a serpent proper (for Childe) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a cockatrice argent, wattled combed and beaked or, ducally gorged and lined also or, and charged with a crescent sable for difference. Mottoes —" Per Deum meum, transilio murum" (for Baldwyn); " Pax et plenitude." Married, June 15, 1880, Edith, youngest dau. of George Mercer of Deal, Kent; and by her has Issue — (i) Leonard George Childe-Freeman, Gentleman, b. March 13, 1881 ; (2) Arthur Harold Childe-Freeman, Gentleman, b. July 10, 1882 ; and Dorothy Edith. Residence — Edwyn Ralph Rectory, Bromyard, Worcs. WILLIAM SHAKESPEAR CHILDE-PEMBERTON, Esquire. Mr. Childe-Pemberton is one of the co-heirs to the ancient Baronies of Grey de Powys, Wake, Woodstock, and Holland, and entitled to quarter the royal arms of Plan- tagenet, the head of this family having become co-heir of the late Sir John Kynaston, Bart. Born Jan. 14, 1857, being the second but eld. surv. son of the late Charles Orlando Childe-Pemberton, Esq., of Millichope Park and Kinlet Hall, Shropshire, J. P. and D.L,, High Sheriff co. Salop, by his wife Augusta Mary, eldest surviving daughter of Henry Davenport Shakespear, Senior Member of the Supreme Council of India, also a Member in Chancery Alinorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or, two chevronels between three buckets sable (for Pemberton) ; 2. gules, a chevron ermine between three eagles close argent (for Childe) ; 3. argent, a saltire sable, a crescent for difference (for Baldwyn)', impaling.-the arms of Bligh, namely azure, a griffin segreant or, armed and langued gules, between three crescents argent Mantling sable and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, in front of a griffin's head couped sable, a crescent or (for Pemberton) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, an eagle with wings expanded argent, enveloped with a snake proper (for Childe) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a cockatrice argent, wattled combed and beaked or, ducally gorged and lined gold, charged with a crescent for difference (for Baldwyn). Motto " Per Deum meum, transilio murum." Married, June 28, 1894, Lady Constance Violet Lucy Bligh, youngest dau. of Rt. Hon. John Stuart, Earl of Darnley ; and has Issue — (i) Edmund William Baldwyn Childe-Pemberton, Esq., b. 189S ; (2) Roland Ivo Lacon Childe-Pemberton, Gentle- man, b. 1898. Residence— w Granville Place, Portman Square, W. Club — Bachelors'. CHINNERY-HALDANE, see HALDANE. CHISELDON, quartered by FLOYER. CHISENHALE MARSH, see MARSH. The Late RODERICK DONALD MATHESON CHISHOLM ("The Chisholm") Bom 1862, being the only son of the late James Sunderland Chisholm ("The Chisholm "), D.L. , by his wife Annie Cecilia, dau. of Angus Macdonnel. Armorial bearings— Gules, a boar's head erased or. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand holding a dagger erect roper, on the point a boar's head couped or. Motto over — ' ' Ferios ferio. " Supporters— On either side a savage, wreathed about the head and middle, and holding in the dexter hand a club all proper. 5fa/— Erchless Castle, Inverness. CHISHOLM (4 Dec. 1902). Gules, a boar's head erased between two bells argent in chief, and in base a salmon on its back holding a signet ring in its mouth proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a hand holding a boar's head erased proper. Motto — " Colo communitatem." Son of John Chisholm of Dalkeith, b. 1810; d. 1882; m. 1831, Isabella, d. of George Wilson of Dalkeith:— Sir Samuel Chisholm, ist Bart. (3 Feb. 1903), J. P. and D.L. Lanarkshire, J.P. Glasgow, D.L. co. of city of is tbe Naval Cockade. s66 €ti €1)0 QlaiCOW. LUD. GlaxRow Univ.. Lord-Lieut, of county of dty of Gkucow. «nroper. three roses argent, ttarbed and seeded proper. By a matriculation in .Scotland, dated i86e, he is entitled to bear the arms and crest of Chisholm alone, tlie arms being as alx>ve ; the Mantling gules, doubled argent azure, a chevron nebuly ermine between three anchors erect, entwined by a cable or, a chief in arch of the last (for Batten, H. Coll. 1889) ; 2 and 3, gules, a boar's head couped or, langued azure (for Chisholm, L.O. 1816 and i860, but of ancient origin) ; impaling the arms of Utermarck, namely, per fesse or and azure, in chief a sprig of three rose-leaves slipped vert, and in base a mullet of six points of the first, pierced of the second. Crest (for Batten) In front of the stump of an oak tree sprouting on and the Crest on a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand erect holding a dagger proper, and on its pwint a boar's head erased or ; and on an escroU over the same this Motto, " Feros ferio." Badge (for Chisholm)~A fern leaf. Married, August 9, 1883, Anne Douglas, relict of Capt. W. B. Potter, 22nd Foot, eldest dau. of John de Havilland Utermarck, Esq., d, 1884, the Bailiff of Guernsey, by his wife Helen Douglas, d. 1898, youngest dau. of John Guthrie, i8th Laird of Guthrie, co. Forfar ; and has had /.fjKtf—(i) James Utermarck Chisholm-Batten, Gentleman, 2nd Lieut. Somerset Militia, b. May 29, 1884 ; (2) Harry Copeland Chisholm-Batten, Gentleman, b. Oct. 21, 1885, d. 1886 ; (3) Edmund Rodolphe Chisholm-Batten, Gentle- man, Midshipman, R.N., b. May 10, 1887; (4) John de Havilland Chisholm-Batten, Gentleman, b. Oct, 14, 1889. 5«fl^.r— Thornfalcon, near Taunton; Kirkhill, R.S.O., Invemess-shire. C/«^ —The Athenaeum. CHISHOLME, see SCOTT-CHISHOLME. GOODEN - CHISHOLM and CHOLMELEY, quaitered by TEMPEST. CHOLMELEY, see FAIRFAX-CHOLMELEY. The Rev. RICHARD HUGH CHOLMONDELEY, Clerk in Holy Orders, late of Condover Hall, co. Salop, late Rector of Hodnet (1873-96) and Rural Dean, M.A. Camb. Bom August 24, 1828, being the fourth son of the late Rev. Charles Cooper Cholmondeley, Rector of Hodnet, and Per- petual Curate of Moreton Say, both co. Salop, by his wife Mary, dau. of Dr. Reginald Heber, sister of Richard Heber of Hodnet Hall, Salop, and Marten, co. York, and of Reginald Heber, Bishop of Calcutta. Armorial bearings — Gules, in chief two helmets in profile argent, and in base a garb or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin segreant sable, beak, winged, and membered or, holding in the claws a helmet as in the arms. Married, June 19, 1855, Emily, dau. of Henry Ralph Beaumont of Newby Park, co. York ; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Richard Cholmondeley, Gentleman, b. May 21, 1856 \m., Feb. 16, 1897, Lady Margaret Augusta Her- bert, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Sir Percy Egerton Herbert, and sister of Rt. Hon. George Charles, Earl of Powis] ; (2) Reginald Harry Cholmondeley, Esq. , of Preshaw, Hamp- shire, late Capt. the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, b. Oct. 5, 1857 [///., Sept. 5, 1888, Florence Sophia, dau. of John Remington Mills of Tolmers, co. Hertford ; and has issue, Reginald Cholmondeley, Gentleman, b. Sept. 20, 1889 ; Mary ; Florence ; Essex ; and Hester Jane] ; (3) Richard Vernon Cholmondeley, b. Feb. 6, 1862 ; Mary ; Caroline Essex \tn., June 22, 1886, Ralph Beaumont Benson of Lutwyche Hall, Salop] ; Diana ; Victoria ; and Hester Catherine, d. March 7, 1892. Residence — 62 Albert Gate Mansions, S.W. is the Military Cockade. Cftr C6r 267 CHRISTIAN (H. Coll., 1788). Azure, a demi-mascle between three covered cups or. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head erased argent, armed and gorged with a collar invecked or. Motto — " Salus per christum." Sons of the late Rev. William Bell Christian, B.A. , J. P., of Ewanrigg Hall and Milntown, Member of the House of Keys and Receiver-Gen. in the Isle of Man, b. 1815 ; d. 1886; tn. ist, 1840, Charlotte Elizabeth {d. 1862), d. of Thomas Brine of the Isle of Man; 4th, 1874, Vio, d. of Carl L. Schlaet of Schwann, Germany : — Malcolm William Christian, Gentleman, b. 1850. Res. — New Zealand. Edward Alan Christian, Gentleman, b. 1879. Seat — Milntown, Ramsey, Isle of Man. AUGUSTUS LANGHAM CHRISTIE, Gentleman, Born Aug. 8, 1857, being the eldest son of William Lang- ham Christie, Esq. [to whom refer], J. P. for the co. of Northampton, and J. P. and D.L. for the co. of Sussex, for- merly Captain Northamptonshire Militia, was Member of Parliament for Lewes 1874-1885, by his wife Agnes Hamilton, (laughter of the late Colonel Augustus Saltren Clevland of Tapeley Park. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, a lamb passant, the de.xter leg supporting in bend sinister a banner argent, the staff or, on a chief of the last a tower with two turrets between two gabions proper, in chief a label of three points for difference, and impaling the arms of Fellowes, namely azure, a fesse indented ermine between three lions' heads erased or, muraliy crowned argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a brown bear passant, muzzled and the chain reflexed over the shoulders or, on the back a bezant, charged with a cross sable, the dexter paw resting on an escutcheon per pale of the last and gules. Married, February 15, 1882, Rosamond Alicia, commonly known as Lady Rosamond Alicia, third daughter of the Right Honourable Isaac Newton Fellowes, fifth Earl of Portsmouth ; and has Issue — John Christie, Gentleman, born December 14, 1882. Postal addresses— Tii^&X&j Park, Instow, N. Devon ; 42 Great Cumberland Place, London, W. HECTOR CHRISTIE, Esquire, J. P. for West Riding of county of York. Born April 12, 1828, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Lorenzo Christie, Gentle- man, of Edale, co. Derby, and Slackhouse, co. York, by his wife Ann, dau. of Isaac Bayley of Lenton Sands, Not- tinghamshire. Club — Reform. Armorial bearings — Or, a saltire wavy between four mullets pierced sable. Mant- ling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a withered holly-branch sproutmg out afresh proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Sic viresco." Married, September 8, 1852, Mary Elizabeth {d. 1868), dau. of William Simpson of Singleton Brook, co. Lancashire; and has Iss7ie — William Lorenzo Christie, Esquire, J. P., b. December 18, 1858; and Anne. 5taA— Langcliffe Place, near Settle, co. York ; and Jervaulx Abbey, Bedale, Yorks. JOHN CHRISTIE, Esquire, of Cowden and Glenfarg, Perthshire, and of Milnwood, Lanarkshire, J. P. for cos. Perth and Kinross. Born 1824, being the only surviving son of Alexander Christie, Esq., of Milnwood, who d. 1859, by Isabella, dau. of the late John Robertson, Esq. Armorial bearings— Gules, a saltire engrailed argent between four mullets or, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Philp, namely or, a fesse barry wavy of four gules and vert, between three talbots' heads erased of the second. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a withered holly-branch sprouting out leaves proper. Motto— "Sic viresco." Married, 1859, Alison, only dau. of William Philp, Esq. ; and has surviving Issue —Isabella Robertson ; and Alice Margaret. 6'ifa/— Cowden Castle, Dollar, N.B. Residence— \() Buckingham Terrace, Edinburgh. ROBERT MAITLAND CHRISTIE, Gentleman. Born 1857, being the second son of the late Robert Christie, Esq., late Captain 5th Bengal Cavalry, J. P. and D.L., by his third wife Eleanor Roper, dau. of William Cotton, and widow of Donald Maclennan, Stipendiary Magistrate, Demerara. Armorial bearings — Or, a saltire cantoned between two stars in flank sable, in chief a demi-lion couped at the jomts gules, and in base a cross patde of the last. Mantlmg gules, doubled argent. Crest-On a wreath of his M^^tT^' .^T.'^^'''^'' ^^""^ holding a missive letter proper, f r* ?^T-^'''? ^^^f-" ^^'^^ri^d' i88i, Emily, eldest dau. p^;r^u''^°^'°ll' '^'^ '°^h ^^g^- and has had Issue-U) Robert Christie, Gentleman, b. July 8, 1882 ; (2) James Mait- land Christie, Gentleman, b. Nov. 10, 1883, ^May 13, 1887; (3) Ralph Lindsey Christie, Gentleman, b. June 2?, 1887 ■ (4 Louis Desmond Christie, Gentleman, b. Feb. 19, 1890 ; c Leslie Fitzherbert Christie, Gentleman, b. July 12 180, ' d Feb. 6, 1894 ; (6) Douglas Albert Christie, Gentleman,' b Dec. 20, 1894 ; and Kathleen Rosalie Anna. Seat— Dune, near Leven, co. Fife. S THOMAS CRAIG CHRISTIE, Esquire, of Bedlay and Petershill, Lanarkshire, J. P. and D. L. for Lanark- shire, and J. P. for the cos. of Dumbarton and Glasgow a Commissioner of Supply and a Commissioner of Assessed Taxes and Property and Income Tax for Lanarkshire. Born Sept. 6, 1816, being the eldest son of James Ramsay Christie, sometime merchant in Glasgow, and his wife May, dau. and co-heiress of Thomas Craig, sometime of Nantwich, Cheshire, and latterly of Glasgow Clubs— Western (Glasgow), United Service (Edinburgh). Livery —Dark blue, with yellow or gold facings. Armorial bear- ings— Or, a saltire indented between four mullets sable, on a chief of the last three crescents argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a branch of holly leaved and fructed proper. Motto — "Sic viresco." Married, firstly, Feb. 15, 1853, Catherine Cameron of Bedlay and Petershill, daughter and heiress of James Campbell, Esquire, a Captain in the 94th Regt., and J. P. for the co. of Lanark (she died Feb. 4, 1854) ; and secondly, Feb. 14, 1859, Anna Boiling, eldest dau. of John Cross Buchanan, Esquire, of Moss and Auchintoshan, Dumbartonshire, J. P. ; and has Issue — (i) Walter Cross Buchanan Christie, Esquire, b. Dec. 5, 1862, Writer to the Signet, and a Com- missioner of Supply and of Assessed and Property and Income Taxes, and a J. P. for Lanarkshire; (2) Bernard Ramsay Craig Christie, Gentleman, b. March 12, 1870, M. D. of Edinburgh University; Catherine Campbell; Eveline May ; Anna Boleyn ; and Jean Wardrop. Estates is tbe Naval Cockade. a6S €6r C!)r — BtdUiy, and Mollins. autrt Peienhill, in ihr counties of LaiHurk and GUacow. Foslml Mldrtss—^A\Ay , Chryston, UUtKOw. l^mirkuiire. fi^VII.I.IAM LANGHAM CHRISTIK. Esauirr. of ( ilrndrlxHirnr, in the county of Sussex, Master of Arts, luiiicr of the Peace for the counties of Sussex and Northampiivi, iintl Deputy-I^icutcnant for the county of Suaarx. Mrmlier of I'arliamrnt for I^wes 1874-1885, late Captain Northainpionshirc Militia. Horn May 31. 1830, twinK the son of the late Ijingham Christie, Esquire, of i^reston Deanery, Hi^h Sheriff of the county of Northamp- ton 1853, by his wife Margaret Elizabeth, daughter of William (ioslini: of Hassolmry Park, Bishop's Stortford, m the county of Essex. Clubs — Carlton, Oxford and Cam- bridge. Annorlal bearlngf— He bears for Arms : Azure, a lamb passant, the dexter leg supporting in bend sinister a banner argent, staff or, on a chief of the last a tower with two turrets between as many gabions proper, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Cleveland, namely azure, a hare salient or, collared gules, to the collar a bugle-horn pendent sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitiing hb degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a brown bear passant muzzled, the chain reflexed over the shoulder or, on the back a bezant charged with a cross sable, the dexter paw resting on an escutcheon per pale of the last and gules. Motto — ' ' Integer vitse. " Married, October 22, 1855, Agnes Hamilton, eldest daughter and co-heir of Colonel Augustus Cleveland of Tapeley Park, North Devon ; and has had Issue — (1) Augustus Langham C:hristie, Gentleman [to whom refer]; (2) Langham Charles Christie, Gentleman, born December 5, 1858, died October 7, 1879 ; (3) Archibald Christie, Gentleman, bom October 31, 1859, died March 29, 1888; (4) Eklward Christie, Gentleman, born January 5, 1864 [married, July 16, 1886, Ethel Mary, daughter of John Alison MacMahon]; (5) Spencer Christie, Gentleman, bom Febniary 26, 1868, died December 27, 1889 ; (6) Henry Herbert Christie, Gentleman, born October 13, 1869 ; Agnes Chichester [»«. 1895, Sir Frederick Dixon-Hartland, M.P., of .Ashley Manor, Gloucestershire] ; Elizabeth, died May 18, 1894 ; and Mary [married Major Le Marchant, 1892]. Estate and postal address — Glyndebouree, Lewes, Sussex. Town house — 117 Eaton Square, S.W. SYDNEY RICHARDSON CHRISTIE- MILLER, Esq., J.P. CO. Down, High Sheriff 1898, Lt. 3rd Batt. Oxford- shire Light Infantry (Mil.), M.A. (Oxon.). Bom March 7, 1874, bemg the eldest son of the late Wakefield Christie- Miller, h^sq., J. P., D.L. for Bucks, Cheshire, and co. Down, I.,ord of the Manor of Black Noiley, Essex (who assumed by Royal Licence, 1890, the name and arms of Christie- Miller on succeeding to Britweil on the death of his uncle, Samuel Christie-Miller), by his wife Mary Elizal)eth, dau. and CO heir of Jonathan Joseph Richardson of Kircassock, CO. Down. Armorial bearlngrs -Quarteriy 1 and 4, argent, a cross moline azure (for Miller); 2 and 3, or, a saltire engrailed bf tween two mullets in palt- and two roses in fesse saWe (for Christie). Mantilnff gules and argent. Crests— I. on a wreath of the colours, a dexter hand erect holding an open book proper (for Miller) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a holly stump withered and sprouting out leaves proper. MottOSS — " Manent optima coelo " and "Sic viresco." .9m/j— Britweil Court. Burnham, Bucks; Kir- cassock, Lurgan, co. Down ; Craigentinny, Midlothian ; and Trankeel, Letterkennv, co. Donegal. Town address — 21 St. James's Place, S.W. C/«*— Junior Carlton. S Captain ALFRED CHARLES SETON CHRIS- TOPHER, Seaforth Highlanders, served in Southern Afghanistan, i88o (medal), and as A.D.C. to Governor of Bombay 1881-82, Recruiting Staff Officer N. W. Dist. 1892- 1897. Born March 20, 1856, being the third but second surviving son of the Rev. Alfred Millard William Christopher of Downend, co. Gloucester, M.A., Hon. Canon of Christ Church, and Rector of St. Aldate's, Oxford, by his wife Maria Francis, second dau. of Thomas Christopher. Armorial bearlngii — Per chevron wavy azure and erminois, a chart of Chesterfield's Inlet, between two cstoiles in chief argent and on a mount in base vert a beaver passant proper, impaling the arms of Chenevix-Trench, namely argent, a lion passant gules, between three fleurs-de lis azure, on a chief of the last, the sun in his splendour or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed, vested azure, the hands proper, supporting an anchor erect sable, cable argent. Motto — "Arte con- servatus." Married, July 7, 1892, Melesina Ethel Maud, youngest dau. of Philip Chenevix-Trench of Botley. Resi- dence — 9 Sloane Terrace Mansions, S.W. C"/«^— Naval and Military. DANBY STEVENS CHRISTOPHER, Gentleman. Born Feb. 23, 1829, being the eldest son of the late John Danby Christopher, by his wife Elizabeth Henley Stevens, niece of Joseph Henley, Esq., of Waterpery, co. Oxford. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per chevron wavy azure and erminois, a chart of Chesterfield's Inlet, between two estoiles in chief argent, and on a mount in base vert, a beaver passant proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed, vested az. , the hands ppr. sup- porting an anchor erect sa. , cable arg. Motto — "Arte conservatus." Married, 1866, Margaret, dau. of William Charles Kerr, Esq., of the Haie, co. Gloucester, and grand- dau. of General James Kerr. She d. at San Remo, Nov. 3, 1881, s.p. Postal address — 28 Argyll Street, London, W. HENRY CARMICHAEL CHRISTOPHER, Gentle- man. Born Jan. 31, 1845, t)eing the only son of Wilmot Christopher, Esquire, Comm. Indian Navy, by his wife Caroline, elder dau. and co-heir of Col. Simpson. Armorial bearings — Per chevron wavy azure and erminois, a chart of Chesterfield's Inlet, between two estoiles in chief argent Is the Military Cockade. (ZLfir €b\i 269 and on a mount in base vert a beaver passant proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest — Two arms embowed, vested azure, the hands proper, supporting an anchor erect sable, cable argent. Motto — "Arteconservatus." Married, July 30, 1868, Charlotte Louisa, 4th dau. of Major William Harpur, 80th Regt. ; and has Issue — Cosby Carmichael Christopher, Gentleman, b. Dec. 7, 1869. JOHN THOMAS CHRISTOPHER, Gentleman. Born 1830, being the second son of the late John Danby Chris- topher, Gentleman, by his wife Elizabeth Henley Stevens. Armorial beaiinga — Per chevron wavy azure and erminois, a chart of Chesterfield's Inlet, between two estoiles in chief argent and on a mount in base vert a beaver passant proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed, vested azure, the hands proper, supporting an anchor erect sable, cable argent. Married, 1862, Helen Maria, dau. of Thomas Smith ; and by her (who d. Nov. 8, 1888) has Issue — (i) Freville Gurney Christopher, Gentleman, b. Sept. 7, 1866 ; (2) Charles Danby Christopher, Esq., Capt. A.S.C. , late Sherwood Foresters, b. Nov. i, 1871 ; Mary Henley; Helen Stanley; and Alice. Residence — Estcourt Lodge, Watford. S LEONARD WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER, Esquire, C.B. (Mil.)(i898), Maj.-Gen. I.S.C; served during the Afghan War 1878-80 (mentioned in despatches, medal), with Egyptian Expedition 1882 (medal, bronze star), and with Tirah Expedition 1897-98 (mentioned in despatches, C. B. ); Dir.-Gen. of Supply and Transport in India since 1900. Born 1848, being the eldest son of Major-Gen. Leonard Rias- beck Christopher. Armorial bearingB Per chevron wavy azure and erminois, a chart of Chesterfield's Inlet, between two estoiles in chief argent, and on a mount in base vert, a beaver passant proper ; impaling the arms of Lane, namely, per fesse or and azure, a chevron gules, between three mullets counterchanged of the field, a canton of England. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed vested azure, the hands proper, supporting an anchor erect sable, cable argent. Motto — "Arte conservatus." Married, 1878, Florence, dau. of Major-Gen. Charles Stuart Lane. Residence — Murre, Punjab. Club — Constitutional. WILMOT CONWAY CHRISTOPHER, Gentleman. Born Feb. 27, i860, being the only son of the late Thomas Borradaile Christopher, Esquire, Commander R.N., by his wife Selina, dau. of Majoi William Conway Harpur, 8oth Regt. Armorial bearings — Per chevron wavy azure and erminois, a chart of Chesterfield's Inlet, between two estoiles in chief argent and on a mount in base vert a beaver passant proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed vested azure, the hands proper, supporting an anchor erect sable, cable argent. Motto — " Arte conservatus." JOSEPH FELL CHRISTY, Esquire, J. P. for co. Hants. Born July 11, 1825, being the sixth son of the late William Miller Christy, by his wife Ann, dau. of John Fell of Petkham. Armorial bearings — Or, on a saltire invected sable, between four mullets pierced azure, a saltire ermine. Mantling sable and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon the stump of a holly tree sprouting between four branches of fern, all proper. Motto — "Sic viresco." Married, June 28, 1854, Lilias, dau. of James Dowie of Chestnut Grove, Kingston ; and has /w«^— Edwin Christy, Gentleman, Lieut. 8th Hussars, b. June 13, 1855, d. in the Punjab; Amy Lilias; Mary Ethel \m., April 10, 1886, George John Scott, Esq., Captain i8th Hussars]; Millicent \m. Ralph Patteson Cobbold]. Seat — Upton, Alresford, Hants. S RICHARD CHRISTY, Esquire, J.P. cos. Chester, Lancaster, and Sussex, and D.L. for the lattt-r co. Born May 23, 1819, being the fifth but eldest surviving son of the late William Miller Christy, by his wife Ann, dau. of John Pell of Peckham. Armorial bearing^— Or, a saltire invected sable, between four mullets pierced sable, a saltire ermine. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon the stump of a holly tree sprouting between four branches of fern, all proper. Motto — "Sic viresco." Married, Jan. 9, 1862, Alice, third dau. of Henry Ashworth, Esq., j.P. , of Tlie Oaks, co. Lan- caster; and has /watf— (i) William Miller Christy, Gentle- man, M.A. Ch. Ch., Oxford, Barrister-at-Law, b. Jan. 24, 1863 ; and (2) Henry Edmund Christy, Gentleman, b. May 19, 1865 \m., April 30, 1895, Ethel May Phipps, youngest dau. of the late Admiral Sir G. Phipps Hornby, G.C.B., of Little Green, Sussex, and has issue, Stephen Edmund Fell Christy, Gentleman, b. April 26, 1896; and Basil Francis Robert Christy, Gentleman, b. July 25, 1897]. Seat— Watergate, Emsworth, Sussex. C/«*— Union. Sir GEORGE HAYTER CHUBB, ist Baronet, of Newlands, Chislehurst, Kent (1900), Knight Bachelor (1885), a Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Born Aug. 29, 1848, being the second son of John Chubb, by his wife Priscilla, dau. of Godwin Withers of Romsey, Hants. Armorial bearings— Azure, a cross erminois between in the first and fourth quarters a bezant, and in second and third quarters a rose or, the escutcheon being charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion rampant azure, supporting between its paws a bezant charged with a rose gules, a key fesseways wards upwards or. Married, Dec. 29, 1870, Sarah Vanner, only dau. of Charles Early, P'sq., of Witney, Oxfordshire, J.P. for co. Oxford ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Archibald Chubb, Esq., b. Nov. 11, 1871 ; (2) George Herbert Chubb, Esq., b. May 27, 1873; Ethelwyn Early ; Helen Mary ; and Priscilla Frances Vanner. Seat — Newlands, Chislehurst. Clubs — Carlton, Constitutional. CHURCH (R.L., 5 May 1869). Quarterly, i and 4, argent, on a file gules, a chevron of the field, charged with three roses of the second, barbed and seeded proper, between as many greyhound's heads erased of the first (Church); 2 and 3, sable, a lion rampant between four mascles saltireways or (Philips). Mantling gules and argent. Crests— i. On a wreath of the colours, in front of a passion cross gules, a pelican in her piety argent, the wing charged with a rose also gules, barbed and seeded proper (Church); 2. on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant regardant sable, sem6 of pheons and holding between the paws a mascle or (Philips). Motto — " Vulnera ecclesiae liberorum vita." Son of Rev. Samuel Phillips, Vicar of Llandewi with Llangennith, Glamorganshire, w. Juliana Hicks, d. of Sir Gerard Noel, Bart. : — Rev. Samuel Church Church (formerly Phillips), b. 1836 ; m. i860, Mary Anne Bridges Evans, only child of Rev. Benjamin Evans, Vicar of Llanstephan, Car- marthenshire; and has issue — (i) Samuel Bridges Noel Church, Gentleman, b. 1861 ; (2) John Church Church, Gentleman, b. 1862 ; (3) Arthur Charles Gainsborough Church, Gentleman, ^. 1866; (4) Francis William Church, Gentleman,^. 1868; (5) Cyril Gerard Church, Gentleman, b. 1871 ; Mary, Juliana and Elizabeth. Res. — St. Mary's Cottage, Musbury, Axminster, East Devon. CHURCHILL, quartered by CONYERS and SPENCER. CHURCHILL, see MARLBOROUGH. CHARLES LENNARD CHUTE, Gentleman, Bar- rister-at-Law (Inner Temple), of Sherborne St. John. Born May 6, 1879, being the eldest son of the late Chaloner WiUiam Chute, Esq., J. P., D.L., M.A. Oxford, formerly Fellow of Magdalen Coll., Barrister-at-Law, by his wife Eleanor Jane, second dau. of Wyndham Spencer Portal, Esq., D.L., of Malshanger, Hants. Armorial bearings- Quarterly i and 4, gules, three swords barways, the points towards the dexter proper, pommels and hilts or (for Chute) ; 2 and 3, ermine, three mullets, two and one azure, pierced gules ; on a chief wavy sable, a dove regardant proper (for Wiggett). Mantling gules and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm in armour, the hand in a gauntlet, grasping a broken sword in bend sinister proper, pommel and hilt or (for Chute) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a griphon's head couped sable, holding in the beak an ear of wheat proper, between two wings argent, each charged with a mullet gules (for Wig- gett). Motto— " Fortune de guerre." 5^^^- The Vyne, near Basingstoke. Clubs — Union, Bachelors'. The Rev. DEVEREUX WIGGETT CHUTE, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Sherborne St. John, Basingstoke. is the Naval Cockade. •70 Ct)U Cla Ara Dec. so, 1819. bring the second son of the Inte William Lrd* WiRifett-amte. Esq., M.P. for Norfolk, J. P., and HiKh Shrrifl 183a (who assumed by Royal Licence, 1827, on suetretlinK to the estates of the Rev. 'Itiomas Vere Cbute, the uddilional surname .ind arms of that family), bgr his wife Martha, second dau. of Theophilus Kussell Aadcworth of Cockley Cley Hall. Norfolk. Armorial bMUiaca -Quarterly i and 4. gules, three swonis borways, the p>mts towartts the dexter proper, pommels and hilts or (for Chute) ; a and 3. ermine, three mullets, two and one azure, p ie r ced gules ; on a chief wavy sable, a dove regardant proper (kit W'iggett). Mantling gules and argent. Cresta — I. on a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm in armour, the hand in a gauntlet, grasping a broken sword in bend sinister proper, pommel and hilt or (for Chute) ; «. on a wreath of the colours, a griphon's head couped sable, holding in the beak an ear of wheat proper, between two wings argent, e.tch ch.irged with a mullet gules (for Wigjjcit). Motto •' Fortune de guerre," Married, 1S68, Mary Henrietta, dau. of Captain Hugh Hunter, R.N. ; by whom he has /««/— Maud Llcanor; and Norah Madeleine. /Vj/«i/ oi/i/rrw— Sherborne St. John, Basingstoke. Thk Rkv. theophilus DACRE CHUTE. Clerk in Holy Orders. Born June 10, 1853, being the fifth son of the late William Lyde Wiggett-Chute. Esq.. J. P., High Sheriff 183a, and M.P. for Norfolk, by his wife Martha, second dau. of Theophilus Russell Buckworth of Cockley Cley HaU. Armorial bearings - Quarterly i and 4, gules, three swords barways, the points towards the dexter proper, pommeb and hilts or (for Chute) ; 3 and 3. ermine, three mullets, two and one arure, pierced gules ; on a chief wavy sable, a dove regardant proper (for Wiggett). Mantling gules and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm in armour, the hand in a gauntlet, grasping a broken sword in bend sinister proper, pommel and hilt or (for Chute) ; a. on a wreath of the colours, a griphon's bead couped sable, holding in the beak an ear of wheat proper, between two wings argent, each charged with a mullet gules (for Wiggett). Motto — "Fortune de guerre." — Residence — SThe Right Honourable JOHN GEORGE BARRY BINGHAM, Baron Clanmorris of New- brook, in the county of Mayo, in the Peerage of Ireland. Deputy-Lieutenant and J. P. for the cos. of Galway and Down, late Lieutenant Rifle Brigade, and Aide-de-Camp to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland. Born August 37, 185a, being the eldest son of the fourth Baron, by his wife Sarah Selina, fourth daughter of Burton Persse of Moyode Castle, in the county of Galway. Creation — July 31. 1800. C/tt^j— Carlton, Kildare Street (Dublin), County Galway, Ulster (Belfast), Ulster Yacht (Bangor). Ar- morial bearings — He hears for Arms : Azure, a bend cotised between six crosses patte or, impaling the arms of Ward, namely azure, a cross patonce or. Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, a rock, thereon an eagle rising all proi>er. Suppor- ters — Two lions proper. Motto — "Spes mea Christus." Married, June 37, 1878, Matilda Catherine, only child of Robert E, Ward, Esq., of Bangor Castle, in the co. of Down ; and has Issue — (i) Arthur Maurice Robert Bing- ham, Esq., commonly known as the Honourable Arthur Maurice Robert Bingham, Lieut, sth Lancers, A.D.C. to Gov. -Gen. of New Zealand, b. June 32, 1879 ; (a) John Denis Yelverton Bingham, Esq.. commonly known as the Honourable John Denis Yelverton Bingham. Lieut, isth Hussars, b. Aug. 11, 1880; (3) Edward Barry Stewart Bingham, Esq., commonly known as the Honourable Edward Barry Stewart Bingham, Lieut, R.N., Commander of the Torpedo Flotilla, Gibraltar, b. July 26, 1881 ; (4) Hugh Terence de Burgh Bingham. Esq.. commonly known as the Honourable Hugh Terence de Burgh Bingham. *. Dec 31, 1885; (5) Henry Derrick Thomas Bingham, Elsq., commonly known as the Honourable Henry Derrick Thomas Bingham, b. Oct. 17, 1887, d. 1902 ; (6) George Roderick Bentinck Bingham, Esq., commonly known as the Honourable George Roderick Bentinck Bingham, b. May 5, 1894 ; (7) Richard Gerald Ava Bingham, Esq., com- monly called the Honourable Richard Gerald Ava Bingham ; Harriette lerne Maude, commonly known as the Honour- able Harriette lerne Maude; Emily Ina Florence, com- monly known as the Honourable Emily Ina Florence ; Eleanor Clare Alice, commonly known as the Honour- able Eleanor (lure Alice. Seats— Crt^ Cliire, Ardrahan, in the co. of Galway ; Newbrook, Ballyglass. in the co. of Mayo ; Forifield. in the co. of Dublin. CLAPTON (H. Coll.. Aug. 1879). Argent, on a chevron between two bells in chief, and a horse's head erased in base azure bridled or, three pairs of hands coup>ed at the wrist, in saltire proper. Mantling azure A is the Military Cockade. Cla Cla 271 and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bay horse's head erased, bridled and charged with a quatrefoil or, gorged with a chain also or, pendent therefrom a bell azure. Motto — " Laudo et plaudo." Sons of Jeremiah Clapton, Alderman of Stamford, b. 1796; d. 1870; m. 1827, Sarah Harrington, d. of Thomas Laxton : — Edward Clapton, Gentleman, M.D. (Lond.), F.R.C.P. (Lond.). F.R.C.S. (Eng.), F.L.S., F.R.G.S., F.Z.S., b. 28 Apl. 1830; m. II Feb. 1862, Mary, d. of John Churchill, Esq., J. P., of Wimbledon ; and has issue — Rev. Edward Louis Churchill Clapton, M.A. (Oxon.), Rector of Lee, Kent, b. 25 April 1863; \m. 1890, May Vivian, d. of George William Keeling, Esq., J. P. ; and has issue- Edward Vivian Clapton, b. 1892; Ethel May, m. 1891, Rev. Edward Travers Clark, M.A.]. Res. — Towercroft, Lee, Kent. Club — Athenaeum. William Clapton, Gentleman, F.R.C.S., b. 1833; m. 1862, Mary Jane, d. of Henry Hall of Wansford ; and has issue— (i) Arthur Clapton, Gentleman (850 Munroe Street, Chicago, U.S.A.), b. 1863; (2) Rev. Ernest Clapton, Vicar of Stebbing, Essex, b. 1864 \m.. 1892, Margaret Jane, d. of Robert Snaith Hichens ; and has issue — Arthur Clapton, Gentleman, b. 1893; and John Clapton, Gentleman, b. 1895]; (3) William Clapton, Gentleman (Port Dalhousie, Ontario, Canada), b. 1870. Res. — St. Stephen's Road, Canterbury; 4 Queen Street Place, London, E.C. Henry Clapton, Gentleman, b. 1838; m. 1866; and has issue four daus. Res. — 8 Widcombe Crescent, Bath. JOHN LEIGH CLARE, Gentleman. Bom, June 29, 1824, being the third son of William Clare of Liverpool, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Ralph Leigh of Hindley Green, Lanes. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevronel gules, between two others azure, on a chief dancettte of the last a goat's head erased between two crosses patonce or. Mant- ling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mill-rind fesseways or, a cock with wings expanded gules. Motto — "Vigilante." Married, March 5, 1850, Francisca Constancia de Carvalho, dau. of Thomaz Joz6 Duarte of Liverpool and Figueira da Foz, Portugal ; and has Issue — (i) John Francis Leigh Clare, Gentleman, b. Nov. 4, 1851 ; (2) Edward William Leigh Clare, Gentle- man, b. Oct. 28, 1855, d. Oct. 28, 1884; Constance Leigh ; and Mabel Leigh. Residence — Hoylake, Birkenhead. OCTAVIUS LEIGH LEIGH-CLARE, B.A. (Cantab.), Barrister-at-Law, M.P. for Eccles Div. of Lanes. Born July 6, 1841, being the son of William Clare of Hindley House, Walton Breck, Lanes., by Elizabeth, dau. of Ralph Leigh of Hindley, Lanes. Armorial bearings (H. Coll., Dec. 30, 1846) — Argent, a chevronel gules, between two chevronels azure, on a chief dancette of the last, a goat's head erased between two crosses patonce or, and impaling the arms of Wigan, namely vair, on a pile or, a mount vert, thereon a mountain ash-tree proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mill-rind fesseways or, thereon a cock with wings expanded gules. Married, firstly, 1868, Harriet (d. 1885), dau. of William Huson of Liverpool ; secondly, 1889, Jane Maria, dau. of James Wigan of Mortlake, Surrey ; and has Issue — (i) Reginald Leigh Leigh-Clare, Gentleman, b. 1871 ; (2) Gerard Leigh Leigh-Clare, Gentleman, b. 1881 ; (3) Harry James Leigh Leigh-Clare, Gentleman, b. 1891 ; (4) Cedric Octavius Leigh Leigh-Clare, Gentleman, b. 1896 ; Eliza- beth Muriel Leigh ; Amy Leigh ; Mary Elizabeth Leigh ; Joan Leigh ; and Phyllis Nona Leigh. Residence — Hindley Cottage, East Sheen, Surrey. Clubs — New University, Carlton, St. Stephen's. CLARENDON (U.O.). Or, on a bend cottised all indented sable, three pairs of ostrich feathers in saltire argent. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an ostrich feather barry argent and sable. Motto — ' ' Amando servio." Son of Frederick Villiers Clarendon, B.A. (Dub.), Architect and C.E.,^. 1820; d. 1904; m, 1853, Mar- garet Jane, d. of Rev. William Randal Slacke, B.A. (Dub.), Rector of Newcastle, co. Down : — Rev. Thomas William Clarendon, B.D. (Dub.), b. 1855; m. 22 Apl. 1879, Lavinia, d. of Sir William Ewart, Bart., M.P. ; and has issue — (i) William Randal Slacke Clarendon, Gentleman, b. 1882; (2) Victor Frederick Clarendon, Gentleman, b. 1887; and Dorothea Mary. Res. — Magheralin Rectory, Lurgan. Rev. Owen Samuel Edward Clarendon, B.D. (Dub.), b. 1872 ; m. 1901, Alice May, d. of George Wilkinson of Lincoln ; and has issue— Audrey Patricia Villiers. Res. — Craufurd Terrace, Maidenhead, Berks. CLARK, CLARK. see GILCHRIST-CLARK and TOWERS- CLARK, quartered by FLOYER. ANDREW CLARK. Gentleman, S.S.C, of Drum- sheavera House, Leith, and Clark Lodge, Auchtermuchty. Armorial bearing^ — Azure, a fesse chequy argent and sable, between two boars' heads couped in chief of the second and a crescent in base or, on a canton also of the second, a chevron of the third between three lions rampant gules. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, a falcon rising proper. Motto— " Honoreetvirtute." /'oj/.arfon a wreath of the colours, a swan argent, ducally gorged and with chain reflexed over the back or, charged on the wings with an estoile gules, and resting the dexter foot on a cross moline also gules. Mar- ried, 1876, Dorcas, dau. of Samuel Pearce. Seat — Belle- tield, Trowbridge. CLARK (L.O., 1886). Azure, a fesse or, between a castle triple towered argent, masoned sable windows and portcullis gules in chief, and a crescent of the second m base. Mantling azure doubled or. Crest-On a wreath of his liveries, a battle-axe in pale proper. Motto — " In Deo Speravi." .Sons of Sir Thomas Clark, ist Bart. (28 Sept. 1886), b. 1823; d. 1900; m. 1851, Eliza Maule, d. of Rev. George Ramsay Davidson, D.D. : — Sir John Maiu-ice Clark, and Bart. (^.i/. ) [Arms charged with inescutcheon of Ulster as a Bart.]. Thomas George Ramsay Davidson Clark, Esq., f'apt. 9th (Highland) V.B. Royal Scots [Arms as above, but (rematric. 16 May 1901) the fesse engrailed. Crest (in lieu of above) — A demi-lion rampant azure, holding in his dexter paw a battle-axe proper], b. 10 Nov. 1868 ; m. 13 June 1894, Eliza, d. of late James Keburn ; and has issue — Thomas George Clark, Gentleman , b. 1895 ; (2) Cecil Edward Clark, Gentleman, b, 1899. Kes. — Ormidale, East Suffolk Road, Edinburgh. Clubs — Northern, Union (Edinburgh). CLARK (U.O.). Gules, three swords erect in pale proper, hilts and pommels or, a canton argent charged with a trefoil vert. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Out of a mural crown an arm embowed in armour, the hand holding a dagger all projjer, charged with a trefoil vert. Motto— " Virtute et labore." Sons of James Johnston Clark, Esq., of Largantogher House, J.P., D.L., M.P. (High Sheriff co. London- derry 1849), b. 1809; d. 1891 ; m. 1837, Frances, d. of Robert Hall of Merton Hall, co. Tipperary : — James Jackson Clark, Esq., of Largantogher (q.v.). John, who assumed the surname of Hall. Sir William Ovens Clark, Kt. Bach. (1903), Chief Justice of the Chief Court, Punjab, b. 1849; m. 1885, Florence, d. of R. Lawrie ; and has issue — Res. — Kelwood, Woking ; Lahore, Punjab. Club — East India United Service. CLARK (H. Coll.). Purpure, three crosses moline or, on a chief par pale of the last and argent, a lion passant gules. Mantling purpure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a talbot statant sable, a cross flory or. Son of Edwin Clark of Ellinthorp Hall, Borough bridge, by Mary, d. of Hugh Stott, Surgeon, of Borough- bridge : — Edwin Charles Clark, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, LL.D. and Regius Professor of Civil Law in the University of Cambridge [Arms as above, impaled by the arms of his office as Regius Professor of Law], b. 1835 ; m. 1865, Mary Ann, d. of James Kitson of Elmete Hall, Leeds; and has issue — (i) Edwin Kitson, Gentleman, b. 1866 [m. 1897; and has issue — (i) Edwin Bidder Chirk, Gentleman, b. 1899 ; (2) George Sydney Roberts Kitson Clark, Gentle- man, b. 1900]. Res. — Newnham House, Cambridge. Club — Royal Societies. CLARK of Speddoch (L.O., 1824). Sable, a mullet pierced or, withm a bordure of the last, charged with three cross crosslets fitch^e of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, within a serp>ent in circle, an estoile of the arms. Motto — " Animo et scientia." Second but only surv. son of John Gilchrist Clark, Esq., of Speddoch, M.A., J. P., Advocate, b. 1830; d. 1881 ; m. 1859, Matilda Caroline, d. of William Henry Fox Talbot of Lacock Abbey, Wilts : — Rev. William Gilchrist Clark-Maxwell, M.A., F.S.A., Vicar of Clunbury (assumed the name of Maxwell, 1897), b. 1865 ; m. 1896, Harriet Alice, d. of Rev. William Selwyn, Vicar of Bromfield ; and has issue — (i) George Selwyn Clark- Maxwell, Gentleman, b. 1900; (2) John Noel Clark- Maxwell, Gentleman, ^ 1903; and Katharine Mary. Seat — Carruchan, Kirkcudbright. Res. — The Vicarage, Clunbury, Aston-on-Clun, Salop. Club— Oxior A and Cambridge. JOHN WILLIAM JAMES CLARK- KENNEDY, Esquire. Bom 1875, being the eldest son of the late Alexander William Maxwell Clark- Kennedy, Esq., J. P. ^ is tlie MiUtary Cockade. Plate IX. ©f?.eei3 VejRDII2 HoRBSiS - BsiTIa Ba©i2gini2gii2 Cla Cla »73 and D.L., of Knockgray, late Capt. Coldstream Guards, F.S.A., F. R.G.S., F.L.S. , by his wife Hon. Lattice Lucy Hewitt, dau. of James, fourth Viscount Lifford. Armo- rial bearings — Argent, a chevron gules, between three cross crosslets fitch(§e sable, in chief a fleur-de-lis of the second ; and as an honourable augmentation (granted to Sir Alexander Clark-Kennedy in commemoration of his having, when in command of the centre squadron of the Royal Dragoons at the Battle of Waterloo, captured the eagle and colours of the losth Regt. of Infantry with his own hand), on a canton ermine, the eagle and colours of the losth Regt. and a sword crossed proper, and alxave them the word "Waterloo." Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-man in the uniform of the Royal Dragoons, holding in his dexter hand a sword, and sinister a French eagle all proper; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a dolphin naiant proper. Motto — " Avise la fin." Seat — Knockgray, Carsphairn, co. Kirk- cudbright, N.B. CLARKE, see GRAHAM-CLARKE, and THORN- HILL. CLARKE, quartered by LANE. ALEXANDER FELIX CLARKE, Gentleman, Banker in St. Petersburg. Born May 14, 1821, being the eldest son of the late Felix Clarke, by Dorothea, his wife, dau. of Gen. Peter Van rier Vliet. Livery Da.v'k blue, with blue and yellow striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings —Argent , on a bend nebuly gules, between four pellets, a fountain proper, between two swans of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a swan argent, charged on the body with two pellets fesscways, holding in the beak an ostrich feather or. Motto -"Si bene facias nil metuas." Married, April 30, 1852, Sophia, dau. of J. Outine ; and has Issue (\) Alexander Felix Clarke, Gentleman, b. Dec. 11, 1853 ; (2) Frerierick Seymour Clarke, Gentleman, Diplomatic Service, b. June 18, 1855 ; and Sophie Alice \m. Edward Master- man]. Res. 38 English Quay, St. Petersburg, Russia. FRANK CLARKE, Gentleman. Born August 20, 1855, being the second son of the late Thomas Clarke of The Elms, CO. Derby, by his wife Sarah Elizabeth, only child of Edward Ramsbottom of Liverpool. Armorial bearings — Gules, a saltire engrailed erminois between two fleurs- de-lis in pale and as many horses' heads couped in fesse argent. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a heraldic tiger's head erased sable, maned or, gorged with a collar gemel argent, two fleurs-de-lis also argent. Motto — " Vincit {jui patitur." Married Mary, daughter of Thomas Stockham of New- port, CO. Monmouth. Residence — S GEORGE JACKSON CLARKE, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for CO. Antrim. Born , being the son of the late George Clarke, by Mary Jackson. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a bend between two crosses pat6e fitch^e or, a torteau between two trefoils slipped vert. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boar's head erased sable, transfixed through the jaws with a broken spear proper. Motto — " Non eget jaculis." Married, 1827, Ellen, youngest dau. of the late Robert Mercer ; and by her, who died 1886, has, with other surviving /w«e — Robert Clarke, Esquire, Lieut. -Col., late of the 7th Dragoon Guards, b. 1842 [;«., 1876, Sarah Louisa Cavendish, youngest dau. of Major Roger Palmer of Car- rowmore, co. Mayo]. Seat — The Steeple, Antrim, Ireland. The Late JOHN CREEMER CLARKE, Esq.. J. P. for Berkshire, and for Abingdon, Mayor of Abingdon 1870, and M.P. for Abingdon 1874 to 1885. Born 1821, being the eldest son of the late Robert Clarke of St. Giles's-in-the-Wood, Devon, by Graciana, dau. of the late John Creemer of Exbourne, Devon. Armoiial bear- ings — Vert, on a bend ermine, cotised or, between three crosses pat^e argent, as many swans of the third. Mant- ling vert and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount overgrown with clover, a lark rising proper, charged on the breast with a cross pat6e argent, and holding in the beak an ear of wheat or. Married, ist, 1845, Anna Maria, dau. of John Avis, Esq., of Minehead, Somerset (she died 1848); 2nd, 1849, Elizabeth, dau. of John Joyce, Esq., of Timberscombe, Somerset ; and has by the former, with other Issue— ]o\\n Heber Clarke, Gentleman (of Fitzharris House, Abingdon), J. P. for Abingdon (Mayor 1884-85), b. 1846 Un., 1871, Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Badcock, and has issue]. Seat — Waste Court, Abingdon. C/«3j— Reform, Devonshire. Sir RUPERT turner HAVELOCK CLARKE. 2nd Baronet, of Rupertswood, Victoria (1882). Born March 16, i86<; being the eldest son of the late Sir William Johr^ Clarke Bart., LL.D., Member of the Legislative Council of vYctofil by his first wife Mary, dau. of the Hon. John Walker Member of the Legislative and Executive Council is the Naval Cockade. t74 Cla Cla of TMmtnia. AnnorUl beartag*— Or, two bars azure, between four eacallops. thr(« in chief and one in base gules, two Haunches of the last, the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. M a n tl in g azure and or. Ol«sl On a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand in a gauntlet proper, grasp- ing an arrow in bend sinister or. flighted ardent, three escallop also or. Motto "Signum (^uterens in vellere," S*at Kupertswood. co. Bourke, Victona. H THOMAS CLARKE. Esquire, one of Her Majesty's O Lieutenants for the City of I^ndon, Honorary Colonel ath Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment, Sheriff of I^ndon and Middlesex, 1885, 1886. Horn 1843, being the son of Henry Clarke of Holbeach, in the county of Lincoln. ArmorijU boarlnga— He be:irs for Arms : Gules, a saltire invected plain cotiscd or, between three horses' heads couped one in chief and two in fesse enuinois. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet l>efittiiig his degree, with a maniling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a horse's head couped erminois, a spur erect leathered gules; with the Motto, " Fortis in arduis." Married, 1873, daughter of John Charles M ' Donald. Postal address — THOMAS CLARKE, Gentleman. Bom May 5, 1845, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Clarke of The Elms. CO. Derby, by his wife Sarah Elizabeth, only child of Edward Ramsbottom of Liverpool. Armorial bear- la^ — Gules, a saltire engrailed erminois, between two fleurs-de-lis in pale and as many horses' heads couped in fesse argent, and impaling the arms of Disney, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent, on a fesse gules, three fleurs-de-lis or, on a canton of the second a cross pat6e fitch^e of the third (for Disney) ; a and 3 or, on a chevron engrailed be- tween three leopards' faces jessant-de-lis gules, as many bezants (for Cathrow). Mantling gules and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a heraldic tiger's head erased sable, maned or, gorged with "a collar gemel argent, two fleurs-de-lis also argent. Motto — " Vincit qui patitur." Married, May 10, 1876, Frederica Eliza, only daughter of Henry Cathrow-Disney ; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Henry Cathrow Clarke, Gentleman, d. Oct. 16. 1878 ; (2) Reginald Clarke, Gentleman, 6. Feb. 17, d. March 5, 1882 ; (3) Frederick Fitzroy Clarke, Gentle- man, i. Nov. 2, 1889; (4) Cyril Charles Clarke, Gentleman, i. July II, 1891 ; (5) James Francis Cathrow Clarke, Gentle- man, 6. March 18, 1895 ; Frederica Muriel ; Winifred Houghton ; Enid Ethel Fuller ; Emily Gwendoline ; May Cressey ; Helen Kathleen ; and Phyllis Disney. Seat — Masson House, Matlock Rath, co. Derby. Clubs— Con- servative (Derby), Conservative (Matlock). CLARKE (H. Coll.). Vert, on abend ermine, cotised or, between three crosses pat6e argent, as many swans of the third. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount overgrown with clover, a lark rising proper, charged on the breast with a cross pat^e argent, and holding in the beak an ear of wheat or. Sons of John Heber Clarke, Esq. , of Fitzharris House, Abingdon, J.P. for Berks and Abingdon (Mayor 1884- 8s), b. 1846 ; d. 1898 ; m. 1871, Elizabeth, d. of Richard Badcock : — Heber Noel Clarke, Gentleman. B. A., M.B., B.C. (Can- tab.), b. 1872. Res. — Cogger's Hall, Lamberhurst, Kent. Robert Joyce Clarke, Gentleman, b. 1874. Res. — Boars' Hill, Oxford. John Creemer Clarke, Gentleman, b. 1875. Res. — Boar's Hill, Oxford. Yr. sons of John Creemer Clarke, Esq., J.P. Berks and for Abingdon (Mayor 1870), M.P. for Abingdon 1874 to 1885 ; m. ist, 1845, Anna Maria (d. 1848,) d. of John Avis of Minehead, Somerset ; 2nd, 1849, Elizabeth, d. of John Joyce of Timberscombe, Somerset : — Harry Thomas Clarke, Gentleman, b. 1856; m. 1885, Elizabeth, d. of John Joyce of Bardon, Somerset ; and has issue— (i) Lawrence Joyce Clarke, Gentleman, b. 1886 ; (2) John Joyce Clarke, Gentleman,^. 1889; (3) Harold Joyce Clarke, Gentleman, b. 1892; (4) Thomas Joyce Clarke, Gentleman, b. 1902. ^«.— Holly Bank, Wootton, Oxon. Cecil Clarke, Gentleman b. ; m. ; and has issue — (i) Paul Creemer Clarke, Gentleman, *. ; (2) Edward Joyce Clarke, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Discove House, Benton, Somerset CLARKE-THORNHILL (R.L., H. Coll.). Quarterly, I and 4, gules, two bars gemelles and a chief argent (Thornhill, temfi. Edw. HI.); a and 3, or, a cross raguly be- tween four trefoils vert, a crescent for difference (Clarke). Mantling gules and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, the bust of a woman proper, vested gules, fim- briated or, crined and ducally crowned also or, issuant from the crown five thorn-leaves vert (Thornhill) ; a. on awreath of the colours, a peacock's head erased proper, in the beak a trefoil slipped vert, a crescent for difference (Clarke). Sons of William Capel Clarke-Thornhill (formerly, Clarke), Esq., J.P. and D.L. co. Northants, of Swakes- leys, Middx.,of FixbyHall, Yorks.,andofRushton Hall, Northants, formerly Capt. 23rd Welsh Fus., b. 1832 ; d. 1898 ; m. 1855, Clara, eld. d. and coh. of Thomas Thornhill of Fixby Hall. Yorks. :— Thomas Bryan Clarke-Thornhill, Gentleman, M.A. Oxon., Sec. Diplomatic Service, b. 1857. Seats — Rushton Hall, Kettering ; Fixby Hall, Huddersfield. C/«*j— Arthur's, Travellers', St. James's. Randolph Clarke-Thornhill, Gentleman, b. 1863. Seats — Swakeleys, Middlesex ; Binhani, Norfolk. ALBERT CHARLES CLAUSON. Gentleman, M.A. Oxon., Barrister-at-Law Lincoln's Inn. Born Jan. 14, 1870, being the younger son of the late Charles Clauson, Knight of the Orders of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus and of the Crown of Italy, by Julia Burton his wife, dau. of the late John Wall Buckley, M.A., Clerk in Holy Orders. Club— United University. Armorial bearingfs— He bears for Arms : Barry of four per pale sable and or, counterchanged, three bendlets argent within two flaunches ermine, in chief a crescent of the third for difference. Above the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, upon a M a n t lin g sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mullet of ten points encircled by an annulet or, between two wings sable, the dexter charged with three bendlets and the sinister with as many bendlets in siniiter argent. Motto — " Speset fides." Married — Dec. 15, 1902, Kate, dau. of James Thomas Hopwood, of Lincoln's Inn. Barrister-at-Law, and widow of Lucas Thomasson, of Hawkshead House, North Mymms, Herts. Postal ad- dresses — 8 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. ; 12 Cumber- land Mansions, Upper George Street, W. ; Hawkshead House, Hatfield, Herts. Club — United University. SJOHN EUGENE CLAUSON, Esquire, C.M.G. Major Royal Eng., Sec. to Colonial Defence Com- mittee, B. A. , Student of the Inner Temple. Born November 13, 1866, being the elder son of the late Charles Clauson, Knight of the Orders of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus and is the Military Cockade. Cla of the Crown of Italy, by Julia Burton his wife, dau. of the late John Wall Buckley, M.A., Clerk in Holy Orders. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Barry of four per pale sable and or, counterchanged, three bendlets argent, within two flaunches ermine, impaling the arms of Makins, namely argent, on a fesse embattled counter- embattled gules, between in chief two falcons proper belled or and in base a lion's face of the second, an annulet or between two bezants. Above the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, upon a Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mullet of ten points encircled by an annulet or, between two wings sable, the dexter charged with three bendlets and the sinister with as many bendlets in sinister argent ; with the Motto, " Spes et fides." Married, July 23, 1890, Mary Elisabeth, eldest dau. of Col. Sir William Thomas Makins, Bart., DL., late Mem. of Parliament for the Walthamstow Division of Essex ; and has Issue— {\) Gerard Leslie Makins Clauson, Gentleman, b. April 28, 1891 ; (2) Philip Anthony Clauson, Gentleman, b. May 4,' 1899 ; (3) Miles John Clauson, Gentleman, b. 1902. Postal add.— 2 Whitehall Gardens, S. W. , and 44 Stanhope Gardens, Queen's Gate, S. W. Clubs - Army and Navy, Savage. CLAVERING, borne upon an escutcheon of pretence bv CAMPBELL. ' CLAVERING, see NAPIER-CLAVERING. CLAXTON, quartered by SALVIN and CONYERS. CLAY, quartered by KER-SEYMER. ALFRED CLAY, Esquire, J. P. for co. Derby, of Darley Hall, Matlock. Born March 20, 1842, being the second son of the late Joseph Travis Clay, Gentleman, of Ras- trick, in the county of York, by his' wife Jane, eldest dau. of Isaac Whitwell of Kendal. Armorial bearings— Ar- gent, gutt^e-de-poix, on a chevron engrailed between three trefoils slipped sable, a rose between two martlets argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an annulet sable surmounted by a martlet argent, between two wings also argent, gutt6e-de-poix, each wing charged with three trefoils or and two sable. Married, July 23, 1885, Harriett, dau. of Thomas Frederick Hutchinson of The Groves, Isle of Man. ARTHUR TRAVIS CLAY, Esquire, J.P. for East Ridmg, CO. York, of Holly Bank, Rastrick, co. York. Bor?i Sept. 6, 1845, being the third son of the late Joseph Travis Clay, Gentleman, of Rastrick, co. York, by his wife Jane, eldest daughter of Isaac Whitwell of Kendal. Armorial bearings— Argent, gutt^e-de-poix, on a chevron engrailed between three trefoils slipped sable, a rose between two martlets argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, an annulet sable surmounted by a martlet argent, between two wings also urgent gutt6e-de- poix, each wing charged with three trefoils one and two sable. Married, February 21, 1875, Edith Beaumont, daughter of B. H. Bates of Liverpool (she died August 24, 1889); and has had Issue— {\) Hugh Travis Clay, Gentle- man, born April 19, 1876 ; (2) Percival Travis Clay, Gentle- man, born May 6, 1881 ; (3) Wilfred Travis Clay, Gentleman, born June 25, 1882 ; (4) Guy Travis Clay, Gentleman, born and died January 18, 1885 ; and Marjorie Beaumont. CHARLES JOHN CLAY, Esquire, J.P. co. Cam- bridge, and for the borough of Cambridge, M.A. (Cantab). Bom July 2, 1827, being the eldest son of the late Richard Clay of Avenue House, Muswell Hill, Hornsey, by his wife Susan, dau. of Robert Painter of Cambridge. Armorial bearings— Argent, a bend dovetail between a book in chief and two mascles in base all azure. Mantling nzure and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, a pheon azure, in front thereof a key fesse- ways ward upwards and to the sinister of the last. Motto —"Propositi tenax." Married, Aug. 16, 1854, Emily Jane, fourth dau. of William Eady of Campsbourne, Hornsey, Middlesex; and has Issue-{i) John Clay, Gentlen-.an, b. Jan. 25, 1858 ; (2) Charles Felix Clay, Gentle- man, b. Nov. s, 1861 ; Mary Aimfe ; Marian Emily ; and Alice. .ff«j.— West House, Cambridge. C/k^j— Cambridge County (Cambridge), University Carlton (Cambridge). S HENRY CLAY. Esquire, M.A., J.P. and D.L. Bom 1825, being the eldest son of the late Henry Clay, Esq. , Cla 275 J.P. for cos. Derby and Stafford, by his wiJe Elizabeth, second dau. of John Leigh. Livery~\ir^h, yellow waist- hefw..n'^'*'^.*,®^'^^^~'^''e^"t' ^ chevron indented betxveen hree trefoils slipped, in the centre chief point a wmg all sable. MantUng sable and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, in front of two wings argent sem6e of trefoils slipped sable, a mount vert, and thereon two estoiles gules. Motto -" Clarior virtus honoribus." Married, 1863, Mary Louisa, second dau. of Henry Boden of Ednaston, co. Derby; and Yias, Issue — (i) Henry Hastings Clay. Esq., Capt. Monmouth Militia, J.P. and D.L. for Monmouth. High Sheriff co. Monmouth 1895. b. 1864 \jn., Feb. 4, 1891, Mabel Millicent, second dau. of Charles Henry Williams of Roath Court, Cardiff; and has issue— Henry Charles Hastings Clay. Gentleman, b. 189^ ; Richard Leigh Clay, Gentleman, b. 1898 ; Mabel Edith Mary, and Phillis Irene]; (2) Charles Leigh Clay, Gentleman, M.A. New College, Oxford, b. 1866 \_m., Feb. 1897. Margaret, dau. of John Press of The Avenue. Clifton, and has issue — John Charles Clay, Gentleman, b. 1898] ; and Edith Louisa. Seat — Piercefield Park, Chepstow. CO. Monmouth. Club — Junior Constitutional. JOHN WILLIAM CLAY. Esquire. F.S.A., of Rastrick, Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of the county of York. Born February 13, 1838, being the eldest son of the late Joseph Travis Clay of Rastrick, in the county of York, by his wife Jane, eldest daughter of Isaac Whitwell of Kendal. Armorial bearings — He bears for Anns : Argent, gutt6e-de-poix, on a chevron engrailed between three trefoils shpped sable, a rose between three martlets argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an annulet sable surmounted by a martlet argent, between two wings also argent, guttle de-poix, each wing charged with three trefoils one and two sable. Married, April 4, 1878, Alice Caroline, daughter of Henry Pilleau ; and has Issue — (i) Lionel Pilleau Clay, Gentleman, born March 11, 1880 ; (2) Charles Travis Clay, Gentleman, born July 30, 1885. ALFRED CLAYFIELD-IRELAND, Esquire, J.P. co. Somerset. Bom 1851, being the fifth but second surviving son of the late James Ireland Clayfield (assumed by Royal Licence in 1827, in compliance with an injunction contained in the will of his maternal grandfather, the sur- name and arms of Ireland in addition to his patronymic and paternal arms), by his wife Letitia, dau. (and ulti- ia tbe Naval Cockade. 276 Cla Cla owtely, upon the death without issue in 1883 of her brother, Colonel James Prtaulx. co heiress) of 'I'hom.is Priaulx of Montville House. CJuernsey. Armorial bearings -Quar- terly. I and 4. gules, three ileurs-do-lis argent, each charged with a goutte-de-sang, on a chief indented of the second, a Uon passant of the field between two tortcaux (for Ireland) ; a and 3, vert, guttte-d'or, three garbs erminois, banded guks {for Cliiyfield). Seat — Brislinij^on Hall, near Bristol. ARTHUR CLAYFIELl>IRELAND, Esquire. J. P. CO. Devon. Bom 1838, being the third but eldest surviving son of the ktte James Ireland Claytield (who assumed by Royal Licence m 1827, in compliance with an injunction conl.iined in the will of his maternal grandfather, the sur- name and arms of Ireland in addition to his patronymic and |>aternal arms, by his wife Letitia, dau. (and ultimately, u)K>n the death without issue in 1883 of her brother, Colonel {ames Priaulx, co-heiress) of Thomas lYiaulx of Montville louse, Guernsey. Armorial bearings— Quarterly, i and 4, gules, three fleurs-de-lis argent, each charged with a goutte- de-sang, on a chief indented of the second, a lion passant of the field lietween two torteaux (for Ireland) ; 2 and 3, vert, gutt^e-dor, three garbs erminois, handed gules (for Clayfield). Married, 1880, Mary Ann Emily, dau. of Captain William Pitman, R.N. Seat — Dowrich House Sandford, North Devon. DENNIS CLAYFIELD-IRELAND. Gentleman. M.A (Oxon.), Barrister-at-Law of Lincoln's Inn, late scholar of New College, Oxford. Bom 1857, being the sixth but third surviving son of the late James Ireland Clayfield (who assumed by Royal Licence in 1827, in compliance with an injuncti on contained in the will of his maternal grand- father, the surname and arms of Ireland in addition to his Stronymic and paternal arms), by his wife Letitia, dau. id ultimately, upon the death without issue in 1883 of her brother. Colonel James Priaulx. co-heiress) of Thomas Priaulx of Montville House, Guernsey. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly, i and 4, gules, three fleurs-de-lis argent. each charged with a goutte-de-sang. on a chief indented of the second, a lion passant of the field between two torteaux (for Ireland) ; 2 and 3, vert, giitt^e-d'or, three garbs erminois, lianded gules (for Clayfield). Postal address — 49 Cheyne Court, Chelsea. CLAYHILLS OF INVERGOWRIE. Arms: Parted per bend sanguine and vert two greyhounds courant bend and upon a wreath of the liveries is set for Oreit, an arm holding an imperial crown proper ; and in an escroll over the same, this Motto, " Corde ct animo." Matriculated in Lyon Office prior to 1672. [Lieutenant Serge Clayhills 0/ the Lithuanian Kegiment of Life Guards, Warsaw, is a cadet of this family, and sub' ject to a rematriculation in Lyon Office would be entitled to the foregoing arms with such difference as the Lyon King of Arms might decide. Hotoever, he has not yet matriculatea. The Russian branch of the family has been settled in that country since 1645, in the reign of Ctar Alieksieg Michailo- witch ; and this branch of the family no70 bears for Arms per f esse asure and argent, on a fesse of the last, two grey- hounds courant to the dexter sable, in chief a crescent between two mullets of six points or. Various modifications of these arms have been used, but the crest, a demi-greyhound sable collared or, has remained unaltered since at least 1525. A distinguished member of the Russian family is General Clayhills, presently Prefect of St. Petersburg.] S GEORGE DAVID CLAYHILLS-HENDERSON, Esquire, of Invergowrie, co. Forfar, Capt. R.N., D.L. and J. P. for co. of Forfar, and J. P. for co. of city of Dundee. Born Dec. i, 1832, being the second but eldest sur- viving son of the late George Dunbar Clayhills. originally of the R. N. . but afterwards Capt. Hon. East India Co.'s Bom- bay Fusiliers, by his wife Frances, dau. of Thomas Beckett of Thornton-le-Moor, Yorkshire. Armorial bearings— Quar- ways argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting the degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; terly, 1. parted per bend sanguine and vert, two grey- hounds courant bendways argent (for Clayhills) ; 2. argent, a chief gules (for Menzies) ; 3. azure, three mullets argent, in the centre a cross of the second, surmounted of a saltire gules (for Murray of Ochtertyre) ; 4. argent, three piles issuing from the dexter s.ible, on a chief ermine a crescent gules. I»etween two mullets or, in a canton azure, on a chevron between three niascles or, a boar's head erased of the field, in the middle chief a fleur-de-lis of the second (for Henderson, the canton denoting the descent from Kin- loch of Gourdie), and impaling the arms of Warren, namely argent, a fesse chequy or and azure, between three talbots passant prof)er. Mantling sanguine, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a hand holding an imperial crown proper. Motto — "Corde et animo." Married, 1867, Catherine Rose. dau. of Sir John Borlase Warren, fourth Bart. Estates — Invergowrie, Dundee, Forfarshire; Hallyards, Meigle, Perthshire; Thornton-le- Moor, Yorkshire. Postal address — Invergowrie House, near Dundee, N.B. Clubs — Naval and Military, Cale- is the Military Cockade. Cla donian, United Service, Conservative (Edinburgh), Eastern (Dundee), County (Perth). CLAYTON, see BROWNE-CLAYTON. FITZROY AUGUSTUS TALBOT CLAYTON, Es- quire, Lieutenant-Colonel late Grenadier (/riaWtnn ^"^rds, J.P. co. Berks. Born March 28, Vj^4U^VUli J833, being the eldest son of the Reverend Augustus Clayton, ty his wife Georgiana Elizabeth, daughter of the Very Reverend and commonly known as the Honourable Charles 'Talbot, Dean of Salis- bury. Lively — Full dress : white and orange, with blue and orange lace. Armorial bearings— Argent, a cross sable between four pellets, and impaling the arms of Taylour, namely ermine, on a chief gules, a fleur-de-lis between two boars' heads erect or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a manthng sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a leopard's gamb erased argent, holding a pellet. Married, April 4, 1872, Isabel, commonly known as Lady Isabel, third dau. of the Most Hon. the Marquess of Headfort ; and has Issue— (i) Harold Dudley Clayton, Gentleman, b. 1878; (2) Lionel Arthur Clayton, Gentleman, b. 1879 ; (3) Cecil Talbot Eraser Clayton, Gentleman, Lieut, late Grenadier Guards, b Aug 12, 1880. j5j/a/^— Fyfield House. Postal address— Fyfield House, Maidenhead, Berks. C/w^— Carlton. S RICHARD DIGBY CLEASBY, Esquire, B.A. (Can- tab.), Barrister-at-Law, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1890. Born 1838, being, the eldest son of the late Sir Anthony Cleasby, one of the Barons of the Exchequer 1868-78, by his wife Lucy Susan, youngest dau. of Walter Fawkes of Farnley, sometime M. P. for co. York. Armorial bearings— Ermine, a lion passant in bend azure between two bendlets gules, on a chief azure three lozenges or. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a demi-Hon regardant argent, gorged with a collar azure, charged with three lozenges as in the arms, holding between the paws an escutcheon gules, thereon a whelk argent. Motto — " Fide sed cui vide." Married, 1870, Edith Anne, third dau. of Ed. Arkwright of Hatton, co. Warwick. 5sa^— Penoyre, Brecon. Residence — 9 Portman Square, W. S HARRY CLEGG, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Anglesey, and High Sheriff 1892, 1893, Justice Cle 277 of Lancashire^ by his wife Mary Ann, daughter o» Joseph Rowland of Oldham. a«*.f-Union (Manchester), Albion (Uldham). /.jw/y— Claret coat piped red, scarlet waist- coat, silver buttons, buckskin breeches and top boots. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Per pale nebuly pies and sable, a cross crosslet crossed argent between four lozenges of the last, each charged with an acorn shpped and leaved, those on the dexter of the first, and those on the smister of the second ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, m front of a demi-lion per fesse nebuly argent and gules, holding in the de.xter paw a cross crosslet crossed sable, three acorns erect and fesseways slipped and leaved proper. Motto-" In veritate triumpho." Married hrstly , Sarah Maria, daughter of John Chadwick of Reddish, Stockport, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the counties of Lancashire and Cheshire: secondly Rebecca eldest daughter of Joseph Sills of Orsett ; and has Issue— (i) Alfred Rowland Clegg, Gentleman, J.P. Cheshire, b Dec. 22, 1872; (2) Humphrey Nichols Mavesin Clegg, Gentleman, Lieut. Hussars, b. Aug. 23, 1882; (3) John Harry Kay Clegg, Gentleman, R.N., b. July 24, 1884- Quenelda Mary \m. Charles J. Williamson of Liverpool] • Edith Winifred \tn. Rev. H. Morgan] ; Dorothy Vernon \in. Major J. A. Turnir] ; and Beatrice Margery \m.. Capt. Bramston Newman]. Estates— VXas Llanfair, in county of Anglesey ; and Cow Hill, Oldham. Postal address— V\2& Llanfair, Llanfair, P.G., Anglesey. JOHN WILLIAM HENDERSON-CLELAND, Es- quire, Major-General (retired) Her Majesty's Indian Staff Corps. Born December 28, 1835. C/«3— Junior Army and Navy. Livery — Blue, with silver facings. Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure a hare of the Peace for the counties of Lancashire, Anglesey, and Carnarvonshire. Borri January 17, 1842, being the second and only surviving son of Kay Clegg of Oldham, in the county salient argent, with a hunting-horn vert garnished gules hanging from his neck, a chief embattled of the second (for Cleland) ; 2 and 3 ermine, three piles, two in chief and one in base gules, each charged with a crescent argent, on a chief of the second three estoiles of the third (for Henderson). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon the dexter side, upon a wreath of the liveries, a falcon standing upon a glove all proper (for Cleland) ; 2. and upon the sinister side, upon a wreath of the liveries, a cubit arm erect vested azure, the hand proper, grasping a chain there- from suspended an escutcheon argent, charged with two estoiles in chief and a crescent in base gules (for Henderson); with the Mottoes, " Non sibi;" "Virtus sola nobilitas." Married, firstly, 1859, Isabella, daughter of Captain Morphett, late 48th Foot; and secondly, 1874, Charlotte Edith, daughter of Captain Fletcher Fulton Compton Hayes (only son of Commodore Sir John Hayes) ; and has Issue — is tbe Naval Cockade. «7«^ Cle Cle (i) John Mftdeod Henderson-CleJand. Gentleman, born l86a- (a) Fletcher Hayes Heiulerson-Cleland. Gentleman, born 1875 : (3) Walter Henderson-Cleland. Gentleman, born 1878, Kstaits—Roke Manor and Tnckton House, both m the county of Honiv Aw/a/ aiA/rrw— Tuckton House, near Christchurch, Hants. WILLIAM HENRY CLELAND, Gentleman. Livtry —Dark bhic and red and (for dress) dark blue, red, and white. Annorl&l beajrinfifs Azure, a hare salient argent. holding between the forelegs a bugle-horn stringed or. within two flaunches of the second, each charged with a bugle-horn stringed of the first, and impaling the arms of Chichester, namely, chequy or and gules, a chief vair. Mant- ling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a falcon proper, belled and jessed or, between two dexter hands couped at the wrist also proper. Motto-" Je pense a qui pense plus." Married, Sept. 21, 1897. Marie Jeanette Amelia, youngest dau. of Lord Henry Fitzwarrine Chichester; and has Issue — (1) John William Chichester Cleland, Gentleman, b. July 18, 1898 ; (2) Dudley Fitzwarrine Chichester Cleland, Gentleman, b. Dec. 12, 1900. Residences — Rook's Nest, Banstead. Surrey, and Castle Hill, co. Down, Ireland. Clubs — Boodle's, Sandown Club (Esher). gules. Matried, Sept. 1881, Katharine Elizabeth, dau. of Willingham Franklin. Postal address — FRANCIS LEONARD CLEMENTS, Gentleman, B.A. Cambs. Born June 9. 1850. being the second son of the late Rev. Jacob Clements, M.A.. Sub- Dean and Canon Residentiary of Lincoln, by his wife Susana, eldest dau. of Rev. Edw.u-d Mansfield, Vicar of Bisley. Ar- morial bearings Per fesse indented argent and gules, three garbs, two and one counterchanged, all within a bor- dure sable, charged with ten cross crosslets of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant argent, guttde-de-sang, collared and charged with two cross crosslets in fesse gules. Motto — " Nil sine Deo." Residence — S HENRY THEOPHILUS CLEMENTS, Esquire, Colonel late Commanding Leitrim Militia, Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Cavan. Justice of the Peace for the counties of Cavan and Leitrim. was High Sheriff of Cavan. 1849, and of Leitrim 1872. Horn July 24. 1820, being the only son of Henry John Clements, Colonel Leitrim Militia. Member of Parliament for the county of Leitrim, 1805- 1818, Member of Parliament for the county of Cavan. 1840-1843. and his wife Lousia, daughter of James Stewart of Killymoon. in the county of Tyrone. Member of Parliament for the county of Tyrone, from 1768-1812. Clubs —Carlton. Sackville Street (Dublin). Kildare Street (Dublin). Livery — White, black collar and cuffs, red waistcoat and black breeches. Armorial bearlngfs- He bears for Arms : Argent, two bends wavy sable, on a chief gules, three bezants. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a hawk CLEMENTS, quartered by LANE. CLEMENTS, see LUCAS-CLEMENTS. Reverend EDWARD MANSFIELD CLEMENTS, B.A., Clerk in Holy Orders. Born Jan. 15, 1848, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Jacob Clements, M.A., Sub- Dean and Canon Residentiary of Lincoln, by his wife Susana, eldest dau. of Rev. Edward Mansfield, Vicar of Bisley. Armorial bearings — Per fesse indented argent and gules, three garbs, two and one counterchanged, all within a bordure sable, charged with ten cross crosslets of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant argent. gutt6e-dc- sang, collared and charged with two cross crosslets in fesse close and belled proper; with the Motto, " Patriis Virtu- tibus." Married, December 3, 1868, Gertrude Caroline Lucy, daughter of the Reverend David Markham, Rector of Great Horkesley, in the county of Essex, and Canon of Windsor; and has Issue — (i) Henry John Beresford Clements, Gentleman, born October 22. 1869 [married, October 31, 1893. Eldonore, younger daughter of William Wickham, Member of Parliament, of Binsted Wyck] ; (2) Alfred William Clements. Gentleman, born January 29. 1871. died February 3, 1876 ; (3) Robert Markham Clements, Gentleman, born November 6, died December 13, 1876 ; (4) Marcus Louis Stewart Clements, Gentleman, born September 29, 1879 ; Gertrude Mary Catherine ; and Selina Margaret Maud. Estates — Ashfield Lodge, in the county of Cavan ; Lough Rynn and Manorhamilton, in the county of Leitrim ; Maam and Derrypark, in the county ot Galway ; and ^ is tbe Military Cockade. Killadoon, in the county of Kildare. Postal address— A%h- field Lodge, Cootehill, county Cavan. HENRY TOPHAM CLEMENTS, Esq., J. P., Capt late 13th Light Dragoons, and 6th Inniskilling Dragoons. Born Dec. 15, 1830, being the fourth son of the Rev. Janie Crook Clements, B.A., Cambridge, by his wife Mary, dau. and co-heir of George Jubb. Armorial bearings — Per fesse indented argent and gules, three garbs, two and one counter- changed, all within a bordure sable, charged witli ten cross crosslets of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant argent, gutt^e-de- sang, collared and charged with two cross crosslets in fesse gules. Motto— " Nil sine Deo." Married, firstly, Jan. 12 1852, Caroline Sarah, dau. of Col. Lucius H. Smith, 6th Bengal L.I. ; and has Is<:ue—(i) Edward Lucius Top'ham Clements, Gentleman, b. Aug. 30, 1866, d. June 7, 1869 ; (2) Hubert Clements, Gentleman, b. Dec. 30, 1868 ; Caroline Mary; Eveline Sophia ; and Alice Georgina. He married secondly, Nov. 30, 1887, Sophia, dau. of Rev. Frederick Borrodaile, Prebendary of Lincoln. Postal address— Bel- mont, East Hothly, Sussex. S RALPH ARTHUR PENRHYN CLEMENTS, Es- quire, D.S.O., A.D.C., Col, and Brev. Major-Gen. South Wales Borderers. Born Feb. 9, 1855. being the fourth but third surviving son of the late Rev. Jacob Clements, M.A., Sub-Dean and Canon Residentiary of Lincoln, by his wife Susana, eldest dau. of Rev. Edward Mansfield, Vicar of Bisley. Armorial bearings — Per fesse indented argent and gules, three garbs two and one counter- changed, all within a bordure sable, charged with ten cross crosslets of the first. Residence— CLEMENTS (U.O., ante 1700). Argent, two bendlets wavy sable, on a chief gules, three bezants. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a hawk proper. Motto—" Patriis virtutibus." Sons of Theophilus Lucas-Clements, Esq., D.L. , of Rathkenny, co. Cavan, b. 1830; d. 1898; m. ist, 1861, Emily Caroline (d. 1870), d. of William Magill, Esq.[ J.P. of Lyttelton, co. Westmeath ; and, 1874, Agnes Jane, d. of James Stirling, Esq., J. P., of Ballawlev Park, CO. Dublin :— ^ Theophilus Edward Lucas-Clements, Esq., J.P. cb Cavan [Arms (R.L., 1823)— Quarterly, i and 4, Clements, as above ; 2 and 3, argent, a fesse between six annulets gules (Lucas). Crests— i. Clements, as above; 2. a demi- griffin argent, beaked and membered or (Lucas). Motto— As above], b. 1864. 5«a/— Rathkenny, near Cootehill, co. Cavan. Shuckburgh Upton Lucas-Clements, Gentleman [Arms — As R.L., 1823], b. . Pes.— Sons of Robert Bermingham, 4th Earl of Leitrim, D.L., b. 1847; d. 1892; m. 1873, Lady Winifred Coke, d. of 2nd Earl of Leicester : — Rt. Hon. Charles Clements, 5th Earl of Leitrim (Irel. , 30 Sept. 1795), 5th Viscount Leitrim (Irel., 3 Dec. 1793), 5th Baron Leitrim of Manor Hamilton (Irel. , 11 Oct. 1793), 4th Baron Clements of Kilmacrenan, co. Donegal (U.K., 20 June 1831), late Lieut. 9th Lancers, served in South Africa 1900^2 [Arms— Quarterly, i and 4, Clements, as above; 2 and 3, per pale indented or and gules (Berming- ham). Crest and Motto — As above. Supporters — On either side a buck proper, the dexter holding in its mouth a trefoil, the sinister collared orj, b. 1879 ; m. 1902, Violet Lina, only d. of late Robert Henderson of Sedgwick Park, Sussex. •Sea^— Mulroy, Milford, co. Donegal. Hon. Francis Patrick Clements [Arms- Quarterly, i and 4, Clements; 2 and 3, Bermingham], b. 13 Sept. 1855. Pes. — Son of Col. Henry John Clements, M.P., d. 1843 :— Henry Theophilus Clements, Esq., of Ashfield {t^.v.). Sons of John Marcus Clements, Esq., of Glenboy, (High Sheriff, co. Leitrim, 1868), d. 1826; d. 1896 ; m. 1854, Victoria Isabella, d. of Jas. Robert White of White Hall, co. Antrim :— George Stewart Clements, Gentleman, b. i860. Pes.— Henry Victor Clements, Gentleman, b. i866. Pes.— Ygst. son of Lieut.-Col. John Marcus Clements of Glenboy, b. 1789; d. 1833; ;«. 1822, Catherine Frances, d. of Godfrey Wentworth of Wolley Park, CO. York : — €lt 279 Rev. Henry George John Clements, M.A., Vicar of bidmouth ^. 1829; m. 1855, his cousin, Selina, d. of Col. Devon Clements. Pes.— The Vicarage. Sidmouth, ROBERT MILDMAY CLERK, Esquire, J.P. and Alderman co. of Somerset, Lieut.-Col. (retired) Madras Army, served in the Egyptian Campaign 1882 , as D. A. Q. M. G. Indian Division, A.A.G. Madras Army 1883-88, Lieut - Col. 4th Madras Pioneers 1888-90. Born, Dec. 7, 1844 being the eldest son of the late Robert Clerk, Esq., of Westholme, Somerset, and The Nook, Hobart, Tasmania bergeant-at-Arms to the House of Assembly, Tasmania' by his wife Agnes Bertha, eldest dau. of John Edward Cox of Launceston, Tasmania. Livery— Bark blue yellow pipmg. Armorial bearings (matric. L.O., c. 1672 and 1900) - Or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, between two crescents in chief gules and in base a boar's head couped sable, all within a bordure invected of the second, charged with three cross crosslets fitchde of the first. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi- huntsman winding a horn all proper. Mottoes (over the crest)— "Free for a blast ;" (under the arms) " Amat victoria curam." Married, firstly, Sept. 16, 1879, Mary Jacintha, only surviving child of the late Col. Richard Leckonby Phipps, J.P. and D.L. for Somerset, and Col. Comm. ist Somerset Militia; and has Issue— Robert Vere Clerk, Gentle- man, 2nd Lieut. Scottish Rifles ("The Cameronians,") b. Dec. 25, 1883; and Nora May. Lieut.-Col. Clerk m. secondly, Oct. 21, 1896, Ethel Mary, youngest dau. of T. Farmer Hall of 39 Gloucester Square, Hyde Park. Seats— W^esXholme, and Charlton House, Shepton Mallet, Somerset. Club-'E.l. United Service. S Lieutenant-General Sir JAMES CLERK-RAT- TRAY, K.C.B. (1897), Justice rfrTl>t»fc IQuffratl of the Peace and Deputy-Lieu- W^\X^K,1\' X^\XK\>ia\J tenant for the county of Perth. Born October 31, 1832, being the elder son of the late Robert Clerk Rattray, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Craighall, Rattray, North Britain, by his wife Christina, daughter of James Richardson of Pitfour, and sister of Sir John S. is tlie Naval Cockade. >8o €\i €\i Richnrttson of Piifour. Bart. ; has medals— Crimea 1857, iSss. with clasp and Turkish medal ; Indian Mutiny 1854, 1858I with clasp; was cn-ated Companion of the Most Ho«miral)lo Oiler of the Bath. 1871. C"/w*j— Carlton, United Service. Annorial bearlngt— He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, axure three croas crosslets fitcli^ or (for Raltray), a. or, a fessc che<|uy arure and argent lietween two crescents in chief gules, and a boar's head couped in b.ise sable, within a lordure of the second (for Clerk of Listen Shields). 3. vert, a fesse dancett^ ermine between a stag's head caboshed in chief and two escallops in base or (for Duff of Craigstoun). Upon the escutcheon is pliiced a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and for his Cresta. on the dexter side, uixjn a wa-ath of liis liveries a star or, and thereon a tlammg heart proper; and in an escroll over the same this Motto. "Super sidera votum" (for Rattray); and upon the sinister side, on a wreath of the liveries, a demi- hunLsman winding a horn proper, habited vert ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Free for a blast;" and for Supporters, on either side of the escutcheon, a serpent nowed vert, /^ostai address— CraighaW, Rattray. N.B. The Late WILLIAM CLIFF, Esquire, J.P. Bom . Armorial bearings Or, on a mount, in base thereon on the sinister side an archer with bow, and on the dexter a willow wand erect, cleft and transfixed by an arrow all proper, on a chief azure a sun in splendour of the first. Mantling: azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a willow tree proper, a gryphon's head erased or. Motto -"Well cleft." Residence - Claremont, West Derby, Lanes. WILLIAM EDWARD CLIFF-M'CULLOCH, Gentle- man, of Kirkclaugh, in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. Bom Dec. 16, 1880, l)eing the eldest son of Edward Adam Cliff-M'Culloch, Esq., J.P., by his wife Janet M'Culloch, dau. of John Gordon Brown. Armorial bearingfs— CLIFFE, quartered by MALET and VIGORS WITHAM. S ANTHONY LOI'TUS CLIFFE, Esq., late Capt. 3rd Ratt. R. Irish Regt. Born 1861, being the eldest son of the late Anthony John Cliffe, Esq., J.I'., D.L., of 1^'lle Vue, by Amy, second dau. of the late Sir John Howley, Q.C., J>erjeant-at-Law. Armorial bearings— Ermine, on a fesse between three wolves' heads erased sable, a trefoil between two mullets or. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, a woirs head erased quarterly per pale indented or and gules. MottO — " In cruce glorior." Seat -Belle Vue, Wexford. CLIFFORD, see HUNT. CLIFFORD, quartered by CAVENDISH. FREDERICK CLIFFORD, Esquire, K.C., Bencher Middle Temple. Bont June 1828, being the sixth son of Jesse Clifford of Gillingham, Kent, by his wife Mary Ann, dau. of James Peirce. Livery — Green with gold facings. Armorial bearing^ — Or, on a mount in base vert, a coffee IEC-5INE-LA®)fxE-fRUCTI/ Qtiarterly i and 4, ermine, fretty gules, within a bordure engrailed of the last ; 2 and 3. argent, a saltire between a mullet in chief and a roundle in base all sable (for Maxwell of Hills) Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a hand throwing a dart proper. Motto— "Viet animo." Seat — Kirkclaugh, Gatehouse of Fleet, N.B. Residence— St. Clare, West Derby, Liverpool. tree proper within a bordure engrailed compony sable and gules, charged with eight bezants. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-infant affront^e (representing the infant Hercules) grasping in each hand elevated a serpent entwined around the arm, and respecting each other, a serpent nowed all proper. Motto — "Nee sine labore fructus." Married, Dec. 22, 1853, is the Military Cockade. Cli Cli 381 Caroline {d. July 30, 1900), dau. of Thomas Mason of Hull; and has Issue — (i) Arthur Frederick Clifford, Esq., d. Sept. 25, 1854, Capt. 4th West York Artillery ; (2) Philip Henry Clifford, Gentleman, M.A. , Barrister-at-Law, Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge, d. Feb. 16, 1856 (deceased) ; (3) Rev. Harry Clifford, M.A., Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Haxey, Doncaster, 6. Feb. 6, 1859; (4) Charles Clifford, Esq., Major and Hon. Lieut. -Col. , V.D., Lieut.-Col. 4th West York Artillery, 6. March 19, i860 ; (5) Frank Clifford, Esq., Hon. Capt. in the Army, 6. June 19, 1862; (6) Edward Clifford, Gentleman, d. Dec. 11, 1864 (deceased) ; Ethel Caroline ; and Mabel. /Residence — 24 Collingham Gardens, South Kensington, S.W. HENRY FRANCIS CLIFFORD, Esquire, J. P. for co. Gloucester, Lieut. Royal Gloucestershire Hussars. Born Aug. 19,1871, being the son of the late Henry James Clifford of Frampton, by his wife Annie Frances, youngest dau. of Rev. Henry Hilton Green, Hon. Canon of Bristol, and Rector of West Kington, Wilts. Armorial bearings— Chequy azure and or, on a bend gules, three lions passant of the second. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a hand proper, holding a fleur-de-lis or. Motto — " Dulcis amor patriae." 5ea^— Frampton Court, Stone- house, CO. Gloucester. C/z/^^— Wellington. CLIFTON, see GREY DE RUTHYN. and Hastings in England, dau. of the Most Hon. George Augustus Francis Rawdon-Hastings, 2nd Marquess of Hastings, by his wife the Rt. Hon. Barbara Yelverton, sua jure Baroness Grey-de-Ruthyn. Armorial bearingrs— Quarterly i and 4, gyronny of eight ermine and gules (for Campbell) ; 2. argent, a maunch sable (for Hastings) ; 3. sable, on a bend argent, three mullets gules (for Clifton) ; and impaling the arms of Hamilton, namely, quarterly i and 4, gules, a leopard's face argent, between the cinque- foils ermine ; 2 and 3, argent, a lymphad with sails furled sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of his liveries, issuant from flames or, an eagle with two heads displayed gules, and in an escroll above this Motto, " I byde my time" ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a bull's head erased sable, armed and gorged w ith a coronet or (for Hastings) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand in a gauntlet or, grasp- ing a sword argent, pommel and hilt or (for Clifton). Motto — "Trust winneth troth." Married, July 12, 1894, Maud Kemble, only surviving child of Sir Charles Edward Hamilton, ist Baronet; and has /ww« — Margaret Selina Flora Maud ; Edith Winifred Lelgarde ; and Irene Mary Egidia. C/w^j — Bachelors', Carlton. CLIFTON - ROBINSON (H. Coll.). Argent, a cross voided gules, on a chief azure, a thunderbolt or, irradiated of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a AUGUSTUS WYKEHAM CLIFTON, Esquire, late Captain in the Rifle Brigade. Bom 1829, being the fifth son of the late Thomas Clifton, Esquire, by his wife Hetty, daughter of Pellegrine Treves. Clubs — Army and Navy, Pratt's. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, on a bend argent, three mullets gules. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour holding a sword all proper; with the Motto, "Mortem aut triumphum. " Married, December 11, 1855, the Right Honourable Bertha Lelgarde (who died 1887), in her own right Baroness Grey de Ruthyn (the abeyance being termi- nated in her favour in 1885), and second daughter and eventually co-heir of the Most Honourable the second Marquess of Hastings; and has Issue — (i) The Right Honourable Rawdon George Grey Clifton, Baron Grey de Ruthyn [to whom refer] ; (2) Cecil Talbot Clifton, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Cecil Talbot Clifton ; Ella Cicely Mary, commonly known as the Honourable Ella Cicely Mary [married, 1879, Lancelot George Butler- Bo wdoii. Esquire, Honorary Major 3rd North Staffordshire Regi- ment] ; and Lelgarde Harry Florence, commonly called the Honourable Lelgarde Harry Florence [?«., 1895, Sir Alan Henry Bellingham, Bart., J.P., D.L., M.A., of Belling- ham Castle, co. Louth]. Postal address — Warton Hall, Lytham. JOHN TALBOT CLIFTON, Gentleman. Born Dec. i, 1868, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Henry Clifton, Esq., M.P. for North Lancashire, J. P., Lieut. Lancashire Yeomanry Cavalry, formerly ist Life Guards, by his wife Madeline Diana Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Sir Andrew Agnew, Bart. Armorial bearings — Sable, on a bend argent, three mullets gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour holding a sword proper. Motto — "Mortem aut triumphum." Seats — Clifton and Lytham Hall, Preston, co. Lancaster. The Honourable GILBERT THEOPHILUS CLIF- TON CLIFTON-HASTINGS-CAMPBELL (formerly Rawdon-Hastings, and previously Abney-Hastings), late Major 3rd Batt. the Sherwood Foresters, Derbyshire Regi- ment ; assumed the surname and arms of Clifton-Hastings- Campbell by Royal Licence 1896. Born May 29, 1859, being the third son of the late Rt. Hon. Charles Frederick Abney-Hastings (formerly Clifton), ist Baron Donington, of Donington, co. Leicester, by his wife the late Rt. Hon. Edith Maud Abney-Hastings, JKo;«re Countess of Loudoun, Baroness of Loudoun, Baroness Tarrinzean and Mauchline in Scotland, Baroness Botreaux, Hungerford, De Moleyns, wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed proper, the hand grasping a wheel winged at the hub argent. Livery— Light drab, red facings. Son of William Robinson of Birkenhead, Cheshire, by his wife Margaret Sheiles :— James Clifton- Robinson, formerly Robinson (Roy. Lie, 1905), Esq., J.P. Middx., *. 1848; m. 1874, Mary Edith, d. of Richard Martin of Blackrock, co. Cork ; and has issue— lames CUfton-Robinson, Gentleman, b. 1880. Res.— Garrick's Villa, Hampton, Middx. Clubs— Korj. Societies', St. Stephen's, Cleveland (Middlesborough), Conservative (Bristol). SAMUEL DODD CLIPPINGDALE, Gentleman, M.D., F.R.C.S. Born 1853, being the eldest son of the late Samuel Dodd Clippingdale of Stamford Hill, Surgeon. Armorial bearings— Per chevron wavy argent and azure, ^ is the Naval Cockade. a8* €\i ClO ia cfaier two ancbon with cables erect of the second, in ^v A aea-hone proper. Mantling azure and argent ; and for hu> OrvBt. u(M>n u wreath of the colours, a sea-horse proper holdiiiK in its mouth a piece of coral gules, and supportinc Jin anchor witli cable erect or. MottO— " Sapi- ciuJJi lH>n»userocia est." pMlat address— 2f> Holland Park Avenue, Ixjndon, W. CLITHEROW, seeSTRACEY-CLITHEROW. M Genkrai. EDWARD HENRY CLIVE, J.P.andD.L. O for CO. Mayo, j. P. co. Hereford, M.P. for Hereford 1869-71. sometime Colonel Commanding Grenadier Guards, Commandant Staff Coll., 1885-88, Governor of Sandhurst Royal Military Coll. 1888-93. Born Sept. 23. 1837, being the eldest son of the late George Clive, Esq., J. P. and D.L., and M.P. for Hereford, M.A., Barrister-at-Law, some- time Secretary of Sute for the Home Department, third son of Edward Bolton Clive of Whitfield, by his wife Ann Sybella Martha, second dau, of Sir Thomas Harvie Farquhar, Bart. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a fesse sable, three mullets or. Man t lin g sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a griffin passant argent, ducally gorged gules. Motto—" Audacter et sincere." Married, June 9, 1867. Isabel, eldest dau. of Daniel Hale Webb of Wykeham Park, Oxfordshire; and has Issue— it) George Sidney Clive, Esq., Captain Grenadier Guards, . July 16, 1874 [»i. Madeline, dau. of Francis Buxton, Esq.]; (a) Edward Archer Bolton Clive, Esq., Seaforth Highlanders, b. March 4, 1878; (3) Richard Alfred Clive, Gentleman, b. April 18, 1882 ; (4) Henry Ambrose Clive, Gentleman, b. April 10, 1885; Sybil Mary \ni. Clifton Charles OrbyGascoigne, Esq., Capt. Seaforth Highlanders]; Isabel Kathleen ; Laura Cicely [m. Major Fred. O. Gascoigne, D.S.O., Grenadier Guards]; and Judith Evelyn. Seats — Perrystone Court, co. Hereford, and Ballycroy, Ballina, co. Mayo. Hesidence—as Ennismore Gardens, S.W. S PERCY ARCHER CLIVE, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for CO. Hereford, Capt. Grenadier Guards, M.P, for Southern or Ross Division of Herefordshire since 1900, served with the Niger Field Force, 1898, and in South Africa 1899-1901. Born March 13, 1873, being the eldest son of the late Charles Meysey Bolton Clive, Esq., J. P., of Whitfield, co. Hereford, by his wife Lady Katherine Feilding, youngest dau. of Rt. Hon. William Basil Percy Feilding. 7th Earl of Denbigh. Livery — Durk blue, orange and black waistcoat. Armorial bearings- Quarterly, I. argent, on a fesse sable, three mullets or ; 2. or, on a chevron gules, three lions couchant argent ; 3. azure, three arrows, two and one paleways points down- wards or ; 4. argent, three pallets embattled and counter- embattled gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a griffin passant argent, ducally gorged gules. Motto — "Audacter et sincere." 5m/j— Whitfield, Tram Inn (R.S.O.), Hereford; Knock, county Louth ; Doona, Ballycroy, county Mayo. Club — Guards'. HENDRICK CLOETE, Esquire, C.M.G., Bar. Inner Temple ; served as Lieut, and Adj. of Vol. around Pretoria during Transvaal War 1880-81, acted as British Agent in South African Republic 1896. Born 1851, being the son of the late Dirk Cloete of Alphen, Wynberg, Cape of Good Hope. Armorial bearings -Per pale argent and or, two wings conjoined in leure gules, on a chief engrailed of the last two javelins in saltire of the first. Man t lin g gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, two javelins in pale points upwards, interlaced by as many saltireways, banded gules, between two wings per fesse argent and gules. Motto — " Ubi eras." Married, 1893, the elder dau. of the late Rev. N. J. Van Warmelo (a Minister of Dutch Reformed Church) of Heidelberg, Transvaal. Residences — Alphen, Wynberg, Cape Colony ; Alphen Villa, Pretoria, Transvaal. Clubs — Civil Service (Cape Town), and Pretoria. CLOSE (U.O. 1812). Azure, on a chevron argent, be- tween three mullets or , a fetter-lock sable between two bugle- horns proper, stringed gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Out of an Eastern crown or, a demi-lion rampant vert, holding a battle-axe proper. MottO— " Fortis et fidelis. " Livery — Blue and silver. Sons of Maxwell Charles Close, Elsq. , M.A. , J.P. , D.L. (High Sheriff 1854), M.P. co. Armagh 1857-64 and 1874-85, b. 1827 ; d. 1903 ; m. 1852, Catherine Deborah Agnes, d. of Henry Samuel Close of New- town Park, CO. Dublin : — Maxwell Archibald Close. Esq., J.P. co. Armagh, M.ajor late nth and 13th Hussars, b. 1853; m. 1891, Lady Muriel Albany, eld. d. of sth Earl of Castle Stuart ; and has issue — (i) Maxwell Stuart Close, Gentleman, b. 1902; (2) Archibald M.ixwell Close, Gentleman, b. 1903; Lilias Augusta Muriel ; and Agatha Katharine Rose. Seat — Drumbanagher, Newry. Clubs — Carlton, Naval and Military. Henry Samuel Close, Esq., J.P. co. Armagh, b. 1863; tn. 1890, Edith Dorothy Blanche, d. of Capt. Henry Segrave, J. P., D.L. of Kiltymon, co. Wicklow; and has issue — Barry Samuel Close, Gentleman, b. 1897. Res. — Kil- bodagh, Newry. JOHN BROOKS CLOSE-BROOKS, Esquire, J.P. co. of Chester, M.A. (Camb.). Born June 9, 1850, l;)eing the second son of James Close of Manchester and Naples, and of Antibes. France, and eldest son of his second wife Anne, second dau. of the late Samuel Brooks, Banker, Manches- ter ; and assumed the additional surname and arms of Brooks by Royal License dated Feb. 14, 1889. Livery— Blue, with wliite piping. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, three bars wavy azure, a cross flory erminois, in chief a fountain proper (for Brooks) ; 2 and 3, vert, on a chevron argent, between in chief two bezants each charged with a cross pat6e gules and in base a garb or, a falcon proper (for Close). Crests — i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent, charged on the shoulder with a fountain proper, holding in the paws a harpoon in bend sinister, also projjer (for Brooks) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a garb or, transfixed by a spear in fesse the head to the dexter proper (for Close). Motto - " Finem respice." Married, July 25, 1874, Emily, second dau. of the late Rev. John Brooks of Walton le Dale, co. Lan- cashire (second son of Samuel Brooks) ; and has Issue — (i) John Charles Close- Brooks, Gentleman, Lieut, sth Dragoon Guards, b. June 18, 1876 ; (2) Arthur Brooks Close-Brooks, is the Military Cockade. Clo Coa 283 Gentleman, b. Oct. 22, 1884 ; Annie Isabel ; Emily Cathe- rine ; and Marjorie Beatrice. Estates — Property in Whalley Range, Manchester; property in Moston, Manchester. Postal address — Birtles Hall, Chelford, Cheshire. Clubs — Automobile, Oxford and Cambridge, Union (Man- chester). 1846; d. 1900; m. Sept. 21, 1870, Emily, 3rd d. of George Samuel Sanderson, C.E.: — George Robert Clover, Gentleman, b. July 9, 1871. Res. -Raml6, Birkenhead, Cheshire. Guy Sanderson Clover, Gentleman, b. Feb. 5, 1875 ; m. § WALTER OWEN CLOUGH, Esquire, a Member of the Commission of Lieutenancy for the city of London, J. P. for the CO. of Middlesex, Member of Corporation of London (Cheap Ward), F.C.A., formerly M.P. for Ports- mouth. Dor/i Sept. 15, 1846, being the son of John Clough, Esq., of Huddersfield. Armorial bearings — Azure, a fesse indented ermine between two leopards' faces jessant- de-lis in chief, and as many battle-axes saltireways in base. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, in front of a battle-axe erect sable, a leopard's face Jessant- de-lis or; with the Motto, " Dum spiro spero." Mar- ried, 1871, Hannah, fifth daughter of George Marshall of Newark. Residence—!) St. Mildred Court, London, E.C. EDWARD HARRISON CLOUGH-TAYLOR, Esquire, Lieut.-Col. Reserve of Officers, late Major Royal Welsh Fusiliers, A.D.C. to Viceroy of India 1880-84, J-P- East Riding co. York. Born June 19, 1849, being the eldest son of the late Edward Clough- Taylor, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for CO. York, by his wife Sophia Mary, eldest dau. and coheir of Rev. Thomas H;uTison, M.A., of Firby Hall, co. York. Armorial bearings — Errninois, on a pale engrailed sable, three lions passant or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a leopard passant per pale proper and erminois, the dexter paw resting on a shield of the arms. Married Lady Elizabeth Campbell (d. Sept. 24, 1896), second dau. of the late Most Noble George, 8th Duke of Argyll, K.G. ; and has Isst/e — (i) Edward Lome Frederic Clough-Taylor, Gentleman, b. Oct. 26, 1881 ; (2) Lesley Venetia. He married secondly. Lady Mary Stuart, younger dau. of the Rt. Hon. Henry, sth Earl of Castlestuart ; and has further Issue — (3) Leonard Goodricke Stuart Clough- Taylor, Gentleman, b. Aug. 13, 1901. Residence — Firby Hall, county York. Clubs — Naval and Military, York- shire. S HORATIO GEORGE CLOUGH-TAYLOR, Esquire, Major Leicestershire Yeomanry Cavalry. Born Oct. 12, 1856, being the second son of the late Edward Clough- Taylor, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for co. York, by his wife Sophia Mary, eldest dau. and coheir of Rev. Thomas Harrison, M.A., of Firby Hall, co. York. Armorial bear- ings — Ermine, on a pale engrailed sable, three lions passant or; and impaling the arms of Byron, namely argent, three bendlets enhanced gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a leopard passant per pale proper and ermine, the dexter paw resting on a shield of the arms. Married Ethel Maud, second dau. of the Hon. and Rev. Augustus Byron, M.A., Rector of Kirkby Mallory. Residence — CLOUGH-TAYLOR (R.L., 12 Sept. 1807, H. Coll.). Erminois on a pale engrailed sable, three lions passant or. Mantling sable and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a leopard passant per pale proper and erminois, the dexter paw resting on a shield of the arms. Sons of Edward Clough-Taylor, Esq., of Kirkham Abbey and Firby Hall, co. York, J. P., D.L., b. 1822 ; d. 1892; m. 1848, Sophia Mary, eld. d. and coh. of Rev. Thomas Harrison of Firby : — Major Edward Harrison Clough-Taylor [q.v.). Horatio George Clough-Taylor, Esq., Major Leics. Yeo. Cav., b. 1856; m. 1889, Ethel Maud, d. of Hon. and Rev. Augustus Byron. Res. — CLOVER. Sable, a camel with two humps between three trefoils slipped all or. Mantling sable and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a camel's head erased or, charged with three trefoils slipped in pale sable, and holding in the mouth a like trefoil. Motto—" Ut vinclo vir verbo ligitur." Z-zVeAj?— Black, with gold buttons. Sons of George Robert Clover, Gentleman, J. P., b. 1903, Dorothy Margaret, d. of Herbert Wheeler Hind, Esq., of Ashville, Birkenhead, J. P. Cheshire. Res. — Fir Grove, Claughton, Birkenhead. Austin Leslie Clover, Gentleman, Lieut. 6th Batt. Royal Field Artillery, b. May 6, 1879. CLUN, quartered by DU MOULIN-BROWNE and MOSTYN. COACH, quartered by PRATT. HENRY ERASER JAMES COAPE-ARNOLD, Gentle- man, M.A. St. John's College, Cambridge (assumed by Royal Licence the name and arms of Arnold, 1898). Born Feb. 27, 1846, being the eldest son of James Coape, by his wife Georgeana Arnold. Armorial bearings — Gules, a chevron engrailed argent, gutt^e-de-poix, cotised or, between three pheons of the fourth. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-tiger regardant sable, bezant^e, maned and tusked, and holding between his paws a pheon or. Motto — " Ut vivas vigila." Married, Jan. 8, 1873, Mary Genevieve, eldest dau. of Rev. Charles James Cummings, Rector of Cheadle, co. Chester ; and has Issue — (i) Cranfield Coe Henry Coape-Arnold, Gentleman, b. Dec. 7, 1873 ; (2) Fraser Charles Coape- Arnold, Gentleman, b. Feb. 24, 1875 ; (3) Wolvey George Coape-Arnold, Gentleman, b. Oct. 31, 1876; (4) Ralph Tresham Coape-Arnold, Gentleman, /?. Jan. 10, 1882; (5) Henry Astley Coape-Arnold, Gentleman, b. Aug. 14, 1885 ; (6) Raymond de Newburgh Coape-Arnold, Gentleman, b. Aug. 31, 1891 ; Mary Georgeana Edith ; Agnes Lovel ; Gundred Beauchamp ; Aliva Edmiston ; Avice Agnes Mary ; Bertha De Warrenne. Seats — Wolvey Hall, near Hinckley ; Goldhanger, Essex. Club—]\xn\OT Carlton. COATES. Per fesse or and argent, three pallets sable, two flannches gules, the dexter charged with a rose of the second, barbed and seeded proper, and the sinister with a lion passant also of the second. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, a is the Naval Cockade. »«/ €oa Coc eock or, charged on the breast with a ciuntrefoil Rules and testing the tlexter teg on an csearbuncle argent. MotlO— •• Dum spiro ilimicato." Son of Jonathan Coates of Helperby Hall, ca York. t. ; tl. 1869; M. . Anne. d. of kite Thomas Cooper of Kirkbridse, co. York :— James Coates, Esq., J.P. and D.L. N. Riding co. York. *. 1815; •». 1853. Elitabeth. only d. of William Saycr of Yarm. co. York; and has issue— (0 Kdward Fectham Coates. Esq,. J.P. and Vice-Chrm. Surrey C.C.. J.P. N. Riding CO. York, formerly Capt. and Hon. Major 3rd Batt. \V. Riding Regt., a Lieutenant for City of London, M.P. I.cwisham since 1003 (Tayles Hill. Ewell. Surrey), i. aS Feb. 1853 [•». 1878. Edith, eld. d. of Capt. Philip Woolley of Gravenhursi. Kent]. iVa/— Helperby Hall. York. COATS, see GLEN-COATS. JAMES COATS. Gentleman. Bom , being the eldest son of the late Thomas Coats of Kerguslie, Elsq., J.P. CO. Renfrew, by his wife Margaret, dau. of Thomas Glen of Thorn Hill, Johnstone, N.B. Armorial bearings —Or, a stags head erased gules, between the attiies a pheon azure, all between three mascles sable, within a bor- dure of the last. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest —On a wreath of his liveries, an anchor cabled and erect proper. Motto— "Be firm." Residence — Ferguslie House, Paisley, N.B. JAMES MUNRO COATS, Gentleman. Bom . being the third son of James Coats of Auchendrane. co. Ayr. Armorial bearings - Or, a stag's head erased gules, charged on the neck with a mullet of the first, between the attires a pheon azure, all between three mascles sable. MftTit.HTig' gules, doubled or. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, an anchor gules ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Be firm." /Residences ~ Auchendrane, co. Ayr ; 26 Upper Brook Street, London, W. COBBE(U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4, gules, afesse argent, in chief two swans proper (Cobbe) ; a and 3, argent, ihree lozenges in fesse saole each charged with a fountain, be- tween three goats' heads erased gules, collared and attired or (Melborne). MantHTig' gules and argent. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet gules, a |)elican's head and neck, vulning it;>elf proper. Mottoes — Below arms, " Moriens cano"; over crest, "In sanguine vita." Sons of Thomas Cobbe, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, 6. 1813; d. i88a; m. , Janet Finlay, d. of Thomas Graliame : — Lewie Charles Cobbe, Gentleman, i. . Seat — Newbridge House, Donabate, co. Dublin. Hervie Nugent Grabamc Cobbe, Gentleman, b. Res.— Son of Lt.-Gen. Sir Alexander Hugh Cobbe, b. 1825; d. 1899; m. 1863, Emily Barbara, d. of Capt. G. Stanhope Jones, 59th Regt. : — Capt. Alexander Stanhope Cobbe, D.S.O.. Indian Army. b. 1870. A'es. — Son of Rev. William Power Cobbe. M.A. , b. ; d. 1889; m. . Jane Selina, d. of Col. George John Beresford, R.A., of Woodhouse, co. Waterford. Rev. Charles William Beresford Cobbe, d. 20 July 1875. Res. — "Cuniberwood," Prince of Wales Road, Dorchester, Dorset. COBHAM (R.L., 1813, H. Coll.). Gules, on a chevron engrailed between three cinquefoils or, as many lions rampant sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head couped at the shoulders proper, charged with three cinquefoils in fesse sable, on the head a cap azure, bordered gules, tassel or. Motto — ' ' Concordia." Sons of Alexander Cobham Cobham, Esq.. J.P., b. 1808 ; d. ; m. 1831, Jane Hulse, d. of Richard Chambers of Whitbourne Court, Hereford : — Alexander William Cobham, Esq., J.P. Berks (High Sheriff), late Capt. 44th and 24th Regts.,*. 1834; m. ist, 1862, Louisa (rf. 1863), only d. of late Alexander Brown of Beilby Grange, Vorks ; 2nd, 1865, Celina Kate, d. of James Blyth of Woolhampton House, Berks; and has issue— (i) Alexander Blyth Cobham, Gentleman, b. i86g \m. 1900, Emma Mary, d. of David Anderson of Stawell, Victoria] ; (2) Henry Gray Cobham, Gentleman, b. 1872 ; (3) Percy Edward Cobham, Gentleman, b. 1875 ; (4) Claude Barton Cobham, Gentleman, b. 1877 ; Florence Louisa ; Mabel ; Louisa Constance ; and Henrietta Blanclie. Seat — Shenfield Manor-house, Reading, Berks. Robert Gray Cobham, Gentleman, b. 1836; m. 1885, Adela Annie Churchill, sister to Sir Arthur Grant, Bart. Seat — Hurst Grange, Berks. Edward Cobham, Gentleman, b. 1847; tn. 1879, Margaret Lowndes; and has issue — (i) Edward Clayton Cobham, Gentleman, b. ; (2) Francis Archibald Cobham, Gentleman, b. ; (3) Alexander Herbert Cobham, Gentleman, b. ; (4) Ralph Lowndes Cobham, Gentle- man, b. ; Ethel Rosamond ; and Beatrice Margaret. Res.— NEIL KENNEDY COCHRAN-PATRICK, Esquire, J.P. CO. of Ayr, B.A. (Cantab.), LL.B. (Edinburgh). Bom August 18, 1866, being the second son of John Kennedy, Esq., of Underwood, co. Ayr, and Allerton, CO. Lancaster, J.P. and Commissioner of Supply CO. Ayr, by his wife Margaret, fourth dau. of the late Colin Macrae of Macrae and Inverinate; and on the succession of his wife (on the death of her father) he assumed with her the surnames and arms of Cochran- Patrick in addition to his own, under the terms of the entail of the properties of Woodside and Ladyland. Clubs— H&wf (Edinburgh), County (Ayr). Livery— mne, with white facings. Armorial bearings— Quarterly 1 and 4, counterquartered i. and iiii. argent, a saltire sable be- tween a cinquefoil in chief and a crescent in base gules, and on either side an eagle's head erased azure, on a chief engrailed of the second, three roses of the field (for Patrick), ii. and iii. argent, on a chevron gules, between three boars' heads erased azure, a mullet or (for Cochran) ; 2. argent, on a chevron gules, between three cross crosslets fitch^e sable, a spur-revel between two lions counterpassant or within a bordure of the second (for Kennedy of Under- wood) ; 3. or, three hunting-horns vert, garnished and Stringed gules (for Hunter of Hunterston). Mantling is the Military Cockade. Coc sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the liveries, a hand proper, holding a saltire sable (for Patrick) ; 2. on a wreath of the liveries, a horse trotting sable, crined and unguled or (for Cochran). Mottoes — "Ora et labora," Coc 285 " Virtute et labore." Married, Sept. 18, 1895, Eleonora Agnes Cochran-Patrick of Woodside and Ladyland, only surviving child and sole heir of the late Robert William Cochran-Patrick, Esq., of Woodside and Ladyland, co. Ayr, J. P. for cos. of Ayr and Renfrew, D.L. for co. Ayr, M.P. for North Ayrshire 1880-85, LL.D., Under-Secretary of State for Scotland 1887-92, by his wife Eleanora, younger dau. of Robert Hunter of that ilk, co. Ayr ; and has Issue — William John Charles Cochran- Patrick, Gentleman, b. May 25, 1896; Elenora ; Margaret; and Kathleen. Seats — {jure uxoris) Woodside, Beith, co. Ayr ; and Lady- land, Beith, CO. Ayr. Postal address — Woodside, Beith, N.B. COCHRANE. Azure, on a chevron engrailed argent, between in chief two boars' heads erased or and in base a sun in splendour of the last, a thistle proper between two trefoils slipped vert. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of two tilting-spears in saltire, a bay horse passant all proper. MottO—" Virtute et labore." Sons of Henry Cochrane, ist Bart., J. P., D.L. , b. 1839 ; d. 1904 ; m. 1865, Margaret, only dau. of the late Richard Gilchrist of Dublin : — Sir Ernest Cecil Cochrane, 2nd Bart. (8 Oct. 1903), late Capt. 3rd Batt. Connaught Rangers, Barrister-at-Law, b. 1873 ; m. 1898, Ethel Amy, d. of late John Henry Davis of Cressingham House, Carshalton , Surrey ; and has issue — Beatrice Dorothea. Res. — The Castle, Bailieborough , co. Cavan ; 45 Kildare Street, Dublin. Stanley Herbert Cochrane, Gentleman, B.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), b. 1877. COCHRANE of Calder Glen. Argent, on a chief engrailed azure, a boar's head erased or between two mullets of the first. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, a white horse passant proper. Motto— " Domine in virtute tua." Son of James Cochrane of Glasgow, by his wife Robina, d. of James Cochran of Kirkfield, Lanark- shire : — John Richard Cochrane, Esq., J. P. Lanarkshire and for CO. of city of Glasgow, b. 1827 ; tn. 1856, Mary Anne, eld. d. of Andrew Howden, W.S., of Edinburgh; and has issue — (i) James Richmond Inglis Cochrane, Gentleman, b. 1857 {m. 1891, Effie Rose, d. of Capt. James Madison Andrews, U.S.A. Army, of Saratoga Springs, New York; and has issue— James Richmond Pelham Cochrane, Gentleman, b. 1893]; (2) Richard Pelham Maitland Cochrane, Gentleman,*. 1863; d. 1884, Laura Maitland; Adelaide Robina [m. ist, Arthur Percy Hickman of Hagley, Worcs. ; 2nd, Rev. Samuel M(jrgans, Vicar of Blackheath, nr. Birmingham] ; Mary Anne Charlotte Maitland ; Louisa Helen Gordon [m. Major H. O. D. Hickman, Inniskilling Fus ] ; Victoria Maitland [ot. Rev. Humphrey Peare Lindsay, Vicar of St. Andrew's, Battersea] ; and Muriel Evelyn Maitland \m. Major George Clifford Stockwell, D.S.O., Highland Lt. Inf]. Res.- Calder Glen, Blantyre, N.B. S THOMAS BELHAVEN HENRY COCHRANE, Esquire, M.V.O. , Lieut. R.N. (retired), J. P. and D.L., Deputy Gov. of the Isle of Wight, and Deputy Gov. of Carisbrooke Castle. Born Nov. 24, 1856, being the third but second surviving son (but the eldest by second marriage) of the late Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Thomas John Cochrane, G.C. B. (eldest son of Admiral the Hon. Sir Alexander Forrester Cochrane, G.C. B. ), by his second wife Rosetta, dau. of Sir Jonah Denny Wheeler Cuffe, Bart. Armorial bear- ings—Argent, a chevron gules, between three boars' heads erased azure, langued of the second, and as an honour- able augmentation, on a chief wavy of the third, a sphinx couchant of the field, a crescent for difference, impaling the arms of Rous, namely sable, a fesse dancettte or, between three crescents argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crests — I. (of augmentation) issuing out of a naval crown or, a dexter arm embowed, vested azure, cuffed argent, the hand holding a flagstaff proper thereon hoisted the flag of a rear- admiral of the White, being argent, a cross gules, and thereon the words "St. Domingo" in letters of gold; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a horse passant argent. Married, Feb. 19, 1887, Lady Adela Charlotte Rous, dau. of the Rt. Hon. the 2nd Earl of Stradbroke. Seat— Quarr Abbey, Isle of Wight. Residence ~-K SlirewsUiry and Ellen his wife, daughter of lienjamin Lloyd of Madeley, Shropshire, and died 1898. Clubi — Reform, Burlington Fine Arts. Ltvery Diu-k blue, with gold facings. Armorial beuiagt— Azure, a chevron cottised and couped between two roses in chief, and a leopard's face in base all or ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Liebreich, namely, per pale argent and vert, a stag's attire sur- mounted by an elephant's tusk saltirewise between four eagles displayed all counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of the stump of an oak-tree, one branch sprouting from the dexter side and fructed proper, thereon a cock or, holding in the beak a sprig of oak of the first, five mascle^ conjoined fessewise of the second. Motto — "Talent de bien faire." Married, September 20, 1877, to Eva Laura Bertha, only child of Richard Frederick Liebreich, M.D., M.R.C.S.E., Knight and Officer of the Legion of Honour, Knight of the Order of Isabella Catolica and Carlo III. of Spain, and of Rose of Brazil ; and has Issue — (i) Roland Henry Lie- breich Cock, Gentleman, born July 1886 ; (2) Gerald Alfred Cock, Gentleman, born July 1887; Ellen Therese, and Gwendolen Louise Judith. Postal address — 8 Kensington Park Gardens, London W. HENRY JOHN COCKAYN&CUST, Esquire, Bachelor of Arts of the University of COCkaPne=CU0t Cambridge, JusUce of the Peace ^^wvMM^*»v si^x^t**/ for the counties of Bedford and Lincoln, and heir presumptive to the Barony of Brownlow, Member of Parliament for the Stamford Division of Lincolnshire. Bom October 10, 1861, being the eldest son of the late Henry Francis Cockayne- Cust, Esquire, Member of Parliament for Grantham, by his wife Sarah Jane (who died 1867), daughter of Isa.ic Cook- son of Meidon Park, in the county of Nortliunil>crland. Clubs — Carlton, St. James's, Travellers'. Armorial bear- ing!— He liears for Arma : Quarterly i and 4, ermine on a chevron sable, three fountains proper (for Cust) ; a and 3 argent, three cocks gules, crested and jelloped sable, and impaling the arms of Welby-Gregory, namely, quarterly i and 4, gules on a chevron between ten cross crosslets, six in chief and four in base or, three cross crosslets of the field, a canton for distinction (for Gregory! ; 2 and 3 sable, a fesse between three fleurs-de-lis argent (for Welby). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased sable, collared paly wavy of six argent and sable (for Cust) ; a. upon a wreath of the colours, a cock's head erased giiles, beaked, crested, and jelloped sable; with the Motto, " Esse quam videri." Married, 1893, Emmeline Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Earle Welby-Gregory, fourth Baronet, of Denton Manor, Grantham. Postal addresses — Cockayne Hatley, Bedfordshire ; lielton House, Grantham ; 8 Carlton House Terrace, S.W. COCKBURN (L.O. , 1674). Argent, a rose gules, stalked and barbed vert, between three cocks of the second. CoCKBURN. Same arms, and (remalric. 1904) a Ixsrdure invected gules, charged with three roses argent. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a cock proper. Mottoes— Over crest, ' ' I rise with tlie morning ; " under arms, "iVigilans et audax." Yr. son of Archibald David Cockburn, b. 1826 ; d. 1886 ; tn. 1856, Johanna Richardson, d. of Henry, Lord Cockburn, a Lord of Session : — Henry Archibald Cockburn, Gentleman, b. 1870. Post, add.— 14 Berkeley Street, Piccadilly, London, W. Clubs- Junior Carlton, New (Edinburgh). Sir ALEXANDER THOMAS COCKBURN-CAMP- BELL, 5th Baronet, of Galrtsford, Ross-shire (1821). Born 1872, being the eldest son of Sir Thomas Cockburn- is tbe Military Cockad*. Coc €of S1S7 Campbell, 4th Bart., Member and Chairman of Com- mittees of the Legislative Council of Western Australia, by his wife Lucy Anne, dau. of Arthur Trimmer (by his wife Mary Anne, dau. of Capt. Sir Richard Spencer, C.B., R.N., K.H. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, quarterly i. and iiii., gyronny of eight or and sable ; ii., argent, a galley sable, sails furled and oars in action; iii., or, a fesse chequy azure and argent ; over all on a chief argent a rock proper, superinscribed Gibraltar between two medals pendent by a ribbon gules, fimbriated, for Seringa- patam and Talavera (for Campbell) ; 2 and 3, quarterly i. and iiii. , argent, an ostrich feather ensigned with an imperial crown proper, between two cocks in chief and a lion's head erased in base gules ; ii. and iii., gules, six mascles, three, two and one or (for- Cockburn), the escutcheon being charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter hand holding a scimitar proper. Mottoes—" With- out fear"; "Forward." Residence — Perth, Western Australia. §GeneralJOHNCOCKBURN-HOOD,C.B..J.P. and D. L. for CO. Berwick, General Indian Staff Corps. Born Nov. 29, 1823, being the third son of the late John Cockburn- Hood,Esq.,J.P. and D.L., of Stoneridge(nowStainrigg), by his.first wife Janet Anne, 2nd dau. of the late Alexander l^owe of Annefield, co. Fife. Club — United Service. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Parted per cross sable and argent, over all a bend or ; on a chief of the second a lion's head erased between two cocks gules. Upon the escutcheon is 'placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-archer clothed and accoutred proper ; and in an escroU over the same this Motto, "Swift and sure;" and below the arms, " Olim sic erat." Married, 1879, Bell (deceased), eldest dau. of the late Spencer Mackay of Grazeley Lodge, Berks. Postal address — Stainrigg House, Coldstream, N.B. COCKERELL, quartered by RUSHOUT. JOHN JAMES THOMAS SOMERS COCKS, Es- quire, commonly called the Honourable John rtTrtrfctf James Thomas Somers Cocks, brother of the ViLUVU^ Right Honourable Sir Philip Reginald Cocks, fifth Baron Somers. Born 1820; formerly Rector of Sheviocke, in the county of Cornwall, but joined the Roman Catholic Church 1856 ; raised to the lank of a Baron's son, 1888. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, sable a chevron between three stags' scalps with attires argent (for Cocks) ; 2 and 3 vert, a fesse dancettte ermine (for Somers). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a stag lodged and regardant argent, attired and unguled sable. Married, 1858, Ann, daughter of the Reverend Joseph Simpson ; and has Issue living— (i) Philip Alphonso Somers Cocks, Esquire, born 1862 ; (2) Charles Sebastian Somers Cocks, Gentleman, born 1870; Agnes Mary [married, 1884, William Arkwright of Sutton Scars- dale, Chesterfield] ; Jane Margaret Somers, a nun ; and Anne Hariot Mary Somers [married, 1892, Baron Despine, of Saint Innocent, Aix-les- Bains]. Residence— z Fawcet Street, Earl's Court, S.W. CODDINGTON (U.O. ). Gules, a cross or, fretty azure, between four trefoils slipped argent. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased or. Mottoes — " Nil desperandum," "Nee metuas nee optes." Sons of Henry Barry Coddington, Esq., of Oldbridge. J.P. (High Sheriff co. Meath 1843), b. 1802; d. 1888; m. 1827, Maria, eld. d. of William Sharman Crawford of Crawfordsburn : — John Nicholas Coddington, Esq., J.P. and D.L. co. Meath, formerly Major and Hon. Lt.-Col. Roy. Meath Regt. Mil., b. 1828; m. ist, 1870, Lelia Jane {d. 1879); eld. d. of late James Lennox William Naper of Loughcrew. CO. Meath ; 2nd, 1883, Maria Louisa (d. 1886), d. of Henry Darley, and widow of John Osborn G. Pollock; 3rd, 1891, Constance Elizabeth {d. 1894), d. of late Lt.-Col. Stephen Henry Smith of Annesbrook, co. Meath ; and has surv. issue — (i) Arthur Francis Coddington, Gentleman, b. 1873; (2) Hubert John Coddington, Gentleman, b. 1877. Seat — Oldbridge, near Drogheda. William Henry Coddington. Gentleman, b. 1833; m. 1866, Rose, d. of Nathan Cairns. Res. — Son of Col. Fitzherbert Coddington, Bengal S.C., b. 1838 ; d. 1889 ; m. :— Herbert Adolphe Coddington, Esq., D.S.O., Major, Bt. Lt.-Col. Roy. Irish Fus., b. 1864. Res.— Sons of Capt. Joshua William Coddington, R.E., b. ; d. 1853; m. 1840, Agnes, d. of Gen. Emmett, R.E. :— Charles Edward Coddington, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Edward Fitzherbert Coddington, Gentleman, b. Res.— Sons of Major Fitzherbert Nicholas Coddington, b. ; d. 1853; tn. 1841, Jane, d. of Col. Trelawny, R. A. , Governor of St. Helena : — Fitzherbert Henry Coddington, Gentleman, b. Res.— Charles Hamlyn Coddington, Gentleman, b. Res.— § ALFRED EDWARD CODRINGTON, Esquire, Col. commanding Coldstream Guards. Born May 4, 1854. being the second but only surviving son of the late General Sir William John Codrington, G.C.B., Col. Coldstream Guards, Commander-in-Chief of the British Forces in the Crimea 1855, M.P. for Greenwich 1857-1859, and Governor of Gibraltar 1859-1865 [second but eldest surviving son (and the only son to leave male issue) of Admiral Sir Edward Codrington, G.C.B., K.S.L.. K.S.G., who com- manded at Navarin, and was M.P. for Devonport 1832- 1839], by his wife Mary (had Order of Victoria and Albert). Bedchamber Woman to her Majesty, dau. of Levi Ames of The Hyde, Herts. Armorial bearing^s— Argent, a fesse embattled counter-embattled sable, fretty gules, between three lions passant of thethird. Mantling sableand argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a dragon's head couped gules between two dragons' wings chequy or and azure. Motto — " Vultus in hostem." Married, May 20, 1885, Adela Harriet, dau. of Melville Portal of Laverstoke, co. South- ampton ; and has Issue— (i) Geoffrey Ronald Codrington, Esq., b. May 13, 1888 ; (2) William Melville Codrington, Gentleman, b. Dec. 16, 1892 ; (3) John Alfred Codrington, Gentleman, b. Oct. 28, 1B98 ; and Mary Adela. Residences — Preston Hall, Uppingham; no Eaton Square, London, S.W. S ISAAC TRISTRAM COFFIN, Esquire, Capt. 21st Royal Scots Fusiliers, with which regiment he served h is tbe Naval Cockade. t88 Cog Cofe in the Crimea, fiom Oct. 7, 1836. being the eldest son of the Ule Admiral John Townsend Coffin, R.N.. by his wife Sophie Kniily Wallncf . dau. of Liichlan Donaldson, Mayor of St. John's, .N.B. Armorial bearings— Azure, semfe of craos crosslels or, in (Ik- centre two Itatons in saltire, en- twined by a wreath of hiiirrl of the socoiul, between three plates two and one. Mantling azure and or. Orest — The stem of a man-of-war or, thereon a hooded dove, wings elevatrd, and in the bill a branch of olive proper (a mullet for difference). Motto — "Extant rectc factis pncmia." Married, July a8, 1870, Marin, dau. of John Baptista Van Antwerpen of Boitsford, Belgium ; and has Issue — (i) John Trisiram Coffin, Gentleman, b. May 31, 1871 ; (a) Isaac Henry Coffin, Ijentleman, h. June ao, 1873; (s) Louis Edward Coffin, (lentlt-man, b. Aug. 16, 187^ ; Postal ad- dress — Magdalen Islands, British m>rth Amenca. COGAN, quartered by DUCKETT. COGGIN (H. Coll.). Gules, a cog-wheel or, in chief an open book proper, clasps of the second between two crosses boiony of the last. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a talbot proper, resting the dexter forepaw on a cog-wheel or, and charged on the body with two crosses as in the arms. Motto — " Constans fidei." Son of Thomas Coggin : — Henry Coggin, Gentleman, b. 18.23. ^"' — Brackley Road, Chiswick. WILLIAM MANX HAY COGHLAN, Esquire, Privy Chamljerlain to His Holiness Leo XIII. ; served in the Indian Civil Service, sometime Chief Judi^e in Sind. Bom una 13, 1833, being the eldest son of the late General Sir lu. Wi illiam Marcus Coghlan, K.C.B., R.A., by his wife Mary Jane, dau. of Capt. John Marshall, R.N. Club — East India United Service. Livery — Navy blue, buff facings. Armorial bearings — Per fesse gules and azure, three lions passant guardant argent, on a canton ermine, an anchor in bend dexter sable, surmounted by a sword in bend sinister point upwards proper. Mantling g^les and argent. Crest — Out of an Irish crown or, an arm embowed in armour proper, charged with a bomb fired sable ; with the Motto, " Fortis in arduis." Married, first, Aug. 20, 1857, Matilda, eldest dau. of Surg. -Gen. Thomas Staunton Cahill, M.D., of Lahinch. co. Clare ; secondly, Nov. at, i868, Mary, only dau. of Kedeagh MoUoy of Gnlway ; and has Issue — (i) William Kedeagh Strickland Coghlan, Gentleman, b. Oct. 20, 1869 ; and thirdly, Feb. 12, 1877, Marie Susan, eldest dau. of William Walmesley of Ingatestone Hall, Essex; and has Issue — (2) Percy Hay Coghlan, Gentleman, Lieutenant R.A., b. March 10, 1878 ; (3) Charles Hay Coghlan, Gentle- man, b. May 29, 1879; (4) Leo de Burgh Coghlan, Gentle- man, b. June 26, 1889 ; Hilda Blanche ; Gladys Isabel ; Mary Agnes; Helena Frances; and Edith Meta. Resi- dence — iQ Redcliffe Square, S.W. m JOHN BLYTH COHAM-FLEMING, Esq., J. P. and O D.L. for Devon, and High Sheriff 1887. Born i860, being the eldest son of John Fleming of Bigadon, Devon, by Mary, only dau. of John Blyth ; and by Royal License, in 1883, on his marriage, he assumed the additional sur- name and arms of Coham. Club — Conservative. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, quarterly i. and iiii. , gules, on a chevron argent, three fraises azure (for Fleming) ; ii. and iii. f)er chevron engrailed gules and ermine, in chief five fleurs-de-lis three and two, and in base a lion rampant or (for Coham) ; 2. the same arms of Fleming ; 3. argent, on a fesse indented between three crescents gules, as many garbs or (for Blyth), and on an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Coham. Blantllng gules and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a goat's head erased proper, collared or (for Fleming) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a plume of five ostrich feathers argent, two cross crosslets filch^e in saltire azure (for Coham). Mottoes — "Let the deed show;" " Fuimus et sub Deo erimus." Married, 1883, Eleanor Mary Bickford, dau. and heir of the late William Bickford Coham of Coham ; and has Issue — Blyth Bickford Coham-Fleming, Gentleman, b. 1885. 5m/— Coham, near Highampton, Devon. MAURICE COHN, Gentleman. Born April 30, 1849, being the eldest son of the late Isaac Cohn, by his wife Emma, dan. of Joseph Nehemias. Livery —BXmg. Ar- morial bearings — Or, on a pile azure, between two torches erect, fired proper, a lion rampant of the fuld, holding between the forepaws a vine leaf vert. Mantltng azure and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a lion rampant or, holding between the forepaws a torch firetl proper, between two maple leaves of the first. Motto -" Lux Dei ibi salus." Manied, Dec. i, 1875, Rebecca, dau. of Louis Benas; and has Issue -^\) Albert Mayer Cohn, Gentleman, b. April 1, 1877; (2) Edgar Ben- jamin Cohn, Gentleman, b. Siept. 16, 1880. Residences— 21 Grosvenor Place, S.W., and the Range, Shepperton, Middlesex. COKAYNE. quartered by ASSHETON. S GEORGE EDWARD COKAYNE, Esquire. Claren- ceux King of Arms, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Barrister- at-I^w. Bom 1835, being the youngest son of William Adams, LL.D. , of Thorpe, co. of Surrey, who died 1851. by his wife the Honourable Mary Anne [who was raised to the rank and precedence of a Viscount's daughter, by Royal Warrant, dated September. 1836], third daughter of the Honourable William Cockayne of Rushton Hall and Rothwell, in the county of Northampton, and niece and co-heiress of Borlase, sixth and last Viscount CuUen (extinct). He was educated at Exeter College, Oxford, and called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, 1853 ; was appointed Rouge Dragon Pursuivant of Arms, 1859 ; Lancaster Henild, 1870 ; Norroy King of Arms, 1882 ; and Clarenceux King of Arms, 1894. He was attached to the Garter mission to Portugal, 1865 ; to Russia, 1867; to Italy, 1878; to Spain, i88i ; and to Saxony, 1882 ; and he assumed by Royal Licence, in 1873, the name and arms of Cokayne, in compliance with the terms of his mother's will. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings— The official coat of Clarenceux King of Arms, namely argent, a cross of Saint George gules, on a chief of the second, a lion of England passant guardant or, crowned with an open crown of the last ; and impaling his family arms of Cokayne, namely argent, three cocks gules, armed, crested, and jelloped sable, the escutcheon surrounded by his collar of SS. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a cock's head erased gules, beaked, crested and jelloped sable. Motto — " Virtus in arduis." Married, December 1856, Mary Dorothea, only surviving daughter of George Henry Gibbs of Aldenham House, in the county of Hertford, and has issue. Postal addresses — Exeter House, Roehampton, S.W. ; Heralds' College, E.C. S EDWARD BERESFORD COKE. Esquire. Lieut.- Col. R.A. Born May 5, 1850. being the second son of the late Edward Thomas Coke of Trusley and Debdale Hall, and his wife Diana, second dau. of Rev. John Talbot of Ardfert Abbey, co. Kerry. Armorial bearings — Gules, three crescents and a canton or. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a vneath of the colours, the sun in his splendour proper. Motto — " Non aliunde jsendere. " Married, March 27, 1877, Ada Beatrice, seventh daughter of W. H. Dawes of Kenilworth. Residence — Club — United Service. SJOHN TALBOT COKE, Esquire, J. P. for co. Derby, Maj.-Gen. (retired), formerly commanding loth Brigade in South Africa, Patron of the Living and Lord of the Manor of Trusley. Bom Aug. 9, 1841, being the eld'St son of the late Col. Edward Thomas Coke of Trusley and Debdale Hall, J. P. and D.L., and his wife Diana, second dau. of Rev. John Talbot of Ardfert Abbey, co. Kerry. Livery — Plum colour coat, yellow waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Gules, three crescents and a canton or ; quar- tering the arms of Owen, Odingsells, Sacheverell. Fitz- Ercald, Snitterton, Kirkby, Beresford, Hassall, Ballidon, Heywood, and Wilmot. Mantling gules and or. Crest — C3n a wreath of the colours, the sun in his splendour proper. Motto — •" Non aliunde pendere." Married, 'Hov. 14, 1867, Charlotte, eldest dau. of Major H. FitzGerald of Majjerton, co. Somerset; and has Issue — (i) Edward Sacheverell D'Ewes Coke. Esq.. Capt. K.O.S. Borderers, b. Dec. 3, 1872 ; (2) John Gilbert de Odingsells Coke, Esq.. Lieut. R.N., b. Oct. 19, 1874; (3) Francis Desmond Talbot Coke, Gentleman, b. July 5, 1879 ; Diana Geraldine [w., 1888, Colonel H. Burney, Gordon Highlanders]; Charlotte Geraldine [m., Jan. 11, 1897, Colonel Thomas is the Blilitary Cockade. D'Oyley Snow]; Isabel Hariot Joan [m., 1895, Langton G. Bayly] ; and Dorothy Frances [m. 1902, Capt. Eustace Brierly, Lanes. Fusileers]. Sea^—Trus]ey Manor, near Derby. Cluis — United Service, County (Derby). 5 WILLIAM LANGTON COKE, Esquire, Colonel late commanding 3rd Derbyshire Regiment, J. P. and D.L. Derbyshire, J. P. co. Nottingham, Lord of the Manor and Patron of the living of Pinxton, Joint Lord of South Normanton, and representative of his family. Bom April 3, 1843, being the eldest son of William Sacheverell Coke, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for Nottingham, by his vifife Sarah Kift, dau. of John Deane, Lieut. R.N. Livery — Claret colour with gold buttons. Armoriai bearings — Quarterly i and 15, gules, three crescents Col 289 i and a canton or (for Coke, 1580) ; 2. party per chevron or and azure, two roses gules, stalked and slipped (for Owen) ; 3. argent, a fesse, three mullets in chief gules (for Odingsells) ; 4. argent, on a saltire azure, five water- bougets of the field (for Sacheverell) ; 5. argent, three hares playing bagpipes gules (for Fitz'Ercald) ; 6. gules, a shoveller argent, with coronet round neck or (for Snitterton) ; 7. azure, a fesse between two chevrons en- grailed ermine (for Kirkby) ; 8. ermine, on a chief dancettde gules, three ducal coronets or (for Leche) ; 9. Coke, as above ; 10. argent, a bear rampant sable, muzzled and collared, with a chain turned over his back or f(for Beresford) ; 11. party per chevron argent and azure, tthree arrow-heads point downwards sable (for Hassall) ; f 12. argent, two bars vert, six cross-crosslets argent, jbarways(for Ballidon) ; 13. argent, two bends gules, three torteaux gules (for Heywood) ; 14. argent, two bars gules •(for Deane). Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a j.wreath of the colours, sun in his splendour. Motto — (■^Non aliunde pendere." Married, April 4, 1877, Ada iCaroline Catherine, dau. of Christian William Heugh of ICape of Good Hope; and has Issue — (i) Langton tSacheverell Coke, Gentleman, Lieut. Irish Guards, b. Jan. 25, 1878; (2) Jacynth D'Ewes Fitz'Ercald Coke, I Gentleman, Lieut. Army Service Corps, b. August 13, 1*879; (3) Anthony Launcelot Henry Deane Coke, Gentle- man Sub.-Lieut. R.N., b. Nov. 15, 1884. 6Va/-Brookhill Hall, Alfreton, Derbyshire. Clubs- QoyxvAy (Derby), Nor- thumberland and Northern Counties (London) COKEFIELD, quartered by FLOYER. H LEWIS EDMUND COKER, Esquire, Lieut.-Col. .u , T .^ March 24, 1850, being the eldest son of the late Lewis Coker, Esq. , of Bicester, co. Oxford J P and D.L late Major 29th Regt., by his wife Caroline Agnes, dau. of the late Major James Pitman of Uunchideock House, co. Devon. Armorial bearings- Argent, on a bend gules, three leopards' faces or, in chief a crescent for difference. Mantling gules and argent Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a Moor's head side- faced, wreathed argent and gules. Motto—" Fiat jus'titia " Married, Sept. 12, 1882, Frances Gertrude, third dau of James Aspinall Tobin. Esq., J. P., of Eastham Hall, co. Chester ; and has Issue-(x) Lewis Aubrey Coker Gentleman, b. Aug. 30, 1883; (2) John Cadwallader Coker, Gentleman, b. Jan. 20, 1887. FREDERIC CLARENCE COPLESTONE COLBY. Gentleman, Associate of King's Coll., London. Born Nov. 4, 1868, being the third son of the late Rev. Edmund Reynolds Colby, M.A. Univ. of Oxford, by his wife Isabella Susan Jane, dau. of the late Rev. John Nicholas Palmer, M.A. of the Univ. of Cambridge. Armorial bearings— Azure, two chevronels between two escallops in chief, and as many Palmers' staves saltireways in base or, a crescent for difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, on a wreath oC the colours, between two palm-branches, a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand in a gauntlet grasping a broken sword proper, suspended from the hand a Palmer's scrip or. Married, August 12, 1893, Beatrice Geraldine, fourth daughter of the late Reverend J. Hudson, Master of Arts, sometime Assistant Master of St. Paul's School, London. The Rev. SAMUEL REYNOLDS COLBY, A.K.C., Clerk in Holy Orders. Borti Jan. 11, 1864, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Edmund Reynolds Colby, M.A. (Oxon.), Clerk in Holy Orders, and his wife Isabella Susan Jane, dau. of the late John Nicholas Palmer, M.A. (Cantab.). Armorial bearings —Azure, two chevronels between two escallops in chief and as many palmers' staves saltireways in base or, a crescent for difference. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, between two palm- branches, a dexter arm em^bowed in armour, the hand in a gauntlet grasping a broken sword proper, suspended from the hand a palmer's scrip or. Married, Oct. 13, 1891, is the Naval Cockade. fl90 Col BUabeth lane, elder d*u. ot Rev. lohn Marshall MorrcU. Vi«r^ Shule. Devon ; and has hwl /tsut - Knox Reynolds Morrell Colby, Gentleman, d. Nov. 26, 1892 (d. March 10, 1896). Xtsidertce -The Parsonage. West Row, Mildenhall, Suffolk. COLCLOUGH, see BIDDULPH-COLCLOUGH. JAMES CECIL COLDHAM-FUSSELL, Gentleman, Bom September 7, 1844, being the only son of James Coldham-Fussell of Crabb Hall, Owslebury, in the county of Southampton, and his wife Sarah, only child of Moore of Ockham, near Ripley, in the county of Surrey, and widow of John Wells of Farnham. Armorial bear- ingB — He bears for Arms: Sable, a fesse engrailed be- tween four fusils or, on a chief of the last, three crosses flory of the first. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, between two laiu^el branches proper, a fusil or, charged with a cross flory sable ; with the Motto, " AIA." Married, June 9, 1868, Eliza Harriet, eldest surviving daughter of William Wilkes; and has /ssue — (i) Vernon Coldham- Fussell, Gentleman, born May 14, 1869; (2) Edgar Cold- ham-Fussell, Gentleman, born September 20, 1870; {3) James Coldham-Fussell, Gentleman, born February 5, 1874 ; (4) Jervis Coldham-Fussell, Gentleman, born September 25, 1882; (5) Warwick Coldham-Fussell, Gentleman, born June 6, 1889; Nina; Lynette; Coldham ; Gwendaline ; and Genista. Estates — Hodnet, North Sydney ; in the colony of New South Wales. Postal address — Hodnet, Falcon Street, North Sydney, New South Wales. COLE, see HUNT and EDWIN-COLE. COLE, quartered by MONTGOMERY. BROWNLOW COLE, Gentleman. Bom April 12, 1846, being the third son of the late William Cole Dicker, Gentleman, of Moreton Hampstead, in the county of Devon. Justice of the Peace, who assumed in 1833. by Royal License, the surname of Cole in lieu of his patronymic, under the will of his uncle, John Cole of Exeter, by his wife Eliza, daughter of Brownlow Bourdillon, by his wife Eliza, n^e Cole. Ar- morial bearing^s — He bears for Arms: Ermine, a bull passant between four cinquefoils in cross sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a bull's head couped sable, attired or, between two branches of oak fructed or; with the Hotto, " Deum cole regem serva." Married, September 1883, Bridget Mary, widow of Perkins ; and has Issue— CKc\y Helen Bourdillon. CHARLES FRANCIS COLE, Gentleman. Bom October 9, 1857, being the youngest son of the late John Cole Dicker, Gentleman, who assumed by Royal License in 1833 the surname of Cole in lieu of his patronymic, imder the will of his uncle, John Cole of Exeter, by his Col wife Catherina, daughter of Richard Presion. Armorial bearings— He bciirs for Arms : Ern>ine, a bull piissant between four cinquefoils in cross sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a bull's head couped sable, attired or, between two branches of o.-ik fructed or ; with the Motto. " Deum cole regem serva." S FRANCIS BURTON OWEN COLE. Esq.. J. P. and D.L. CO. Denbigh, late Capt. R.W. Fusiliers. Bom 1838, being the eldest son of the late Owen Blayney Cole, Esq. , J. P. and D. L. , of Brandrum, by Ladj^ Frances, second dau. of the Rt. Hon. Henry Monck, late Earl of Rathdown (ext.). Armorial bearings— Argent, a bull passant gules, within a bordure s.il)le, lx:zant(?e, a canton of the last, charged with a horse's head couped argent, thereon a chief or, charged with three mullets pierced gules. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi- gryphon segreant vert, grasping in its dexter claw an arrow point downwards or, feathered and barbed argent. Motto — " Deum cole Regem serva." Married, first, 1872, Mary Georgina Jane, only dau. of George Fosbery Lyster, Esq., of Gisburne House, Liverpool (she died 1881) ; 2nd, 1883, Maria Susan, only dau. of A. C. Heyland, Esq., and widow of the Rev. Robert McClintock (brother of ist Lord Rath- donnell) ; and has by the former, with other /««*- Mowbray Stanley Owen Cole, Gentleman, b. 1883. i>a/— Brandrum, Monaghan, Llys-Meirchion, Denbigh, C/«*— Naval and Military. The Rev. GEORGE LAMONT COLE, Clerk in Holy Orders. Armorial bearingfs Per pale argent and or, a bull passant sable within an orle of cross crosslets fitclide gules. M^ntUng sable and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a demi-dragon proper, holding between the paws two cross crosslets fitchte in saltire argent. Motto — "Deum cole regem serva." ^«/fife«f* - Hawthorndene, Bournemouth. JOHN COLE, Esquire, M.A., J.P. co. Cornwall. Born October lo, 1844, being the second son of the late John Cole Dicker, Gentleman, who assumed by Royal License in 1833 the surname of Cole in lieu of his patronymic, under the will of his uncle, John Cole of Exeter, by his wife Catherina, daughter of Richard Preston. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, a bull passant between four cinquefoils in cross sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a bull's head couped sable, attired or, between two branches of oak fructed or ; with the Motto, "Deum cole regem serva." Married, August ir, 1874, Mary Ellen Oldfield, daughter of John Jope Rogers of Penrose, Helston ; and has Issue— (1) Hugh Basil Cole, Gentleman, born November 8, 1875; (2) Arthur Frederick Andrew Cole, Gentleman, born February 4, 1883 ; and Catherine Winifred. Residence — Treworgan, near Fal- mouth, Cornwall. C/ad— United University. JOSHUA COLE, Gentleman, Commander in the Royal Navy. Bom January 22, 1843. being the eldest son of the late John Cole Dicker, Gentleman, who assumed by Royal License in 1833 the surname of Cole in lieu of his patro- nymic, under the will of his uncle, John Cole of Exeter, by his wife Catherina, daughter of Richard Preston. Armo- rial bearings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, a bull passant between four cinquefoils in cross sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a bull's head couped sable, attired or, between two branches of oak fructed or; with the Motto, "Deum cole regem serva." Married, April 8, 1884, Lillian Elizabeth, fifth daughter of Patrick Joseph Gannon of Ballysheen Castle, county Kildare. RICHARD PRESTON COLE, Gentleman. Born August 29. 1847, being the third son of the late John Cole Dicker, Gentleman, who assumed by Royal License in 1833 the surname of Cole in lieu of his patronymic, under the will of his uncle, John Cole of Exeter, by his wife Catherina, daughter of Richard Preston. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Ermine, a bull passant between four cinque- foils in cross sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a bull's head couped sable, attired or, between two branches of oak fructed or; with the Motto, " Deum cole regem serva." Married, April 25, 1883, Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Evans of Llangunllo, in the county of Radnor ; and has /w«^— Charles Kenneth Preston Cole, Gentleman, born August 7, 1884. is the Military Cockade. Col Col 291 The Reverend WILLIAM ALSTON COLE, Vicar of Lockinge, in the county of Berkshire. Born July 26, 1838, being the second son of the late William Cole Dicker, Gentleman, of Moreton Hampstead, in the county of Devon, Justice of the Peace, who assumed by Royal License in 1833 the surname of Cole in lieu of his patro- nymic, under the will of liis uncle, John Cole of Exeter, by his wife Eliza, daughter of Brownlow Bourdillon, by his wife Eliza, nie Cole. Armorial bearings : He bears for Arms : Ermine, a bull passant between four cinquefoils in cross sable; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a bull's head sable, attired or, between two branches of oak fructed or; with the Motto, " Deum cole regem servia." Married, December 31, 1861, Emily Rosa, daughter of the Venerable George Barnes, Archdeacon of Barnstaple, Vicar of Sowton. COLE-HAMILTON (U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4; quarterly, i. and iiii. gules, three cinquefoils pierced ermine ; ii. and iii. argent, a ship with sails furled and oars sable (Hamilton); 2. argent, a bull passant sable, armed and unguled or, a bordure of the second charged with eight bezants on a sinister canton per pale gules and azure, a harp gold, stringed of the field (Cole) ; 3. sable, a chevron between three cherubim or (Chaloner). Livery — Blue, crimson waistcoat. Son of Capt. William Claud Cole-Hamilton, b. 1833 ; d.v.p. 1882 ; m. 1858, Caroline, d. of Hon. Andrew Godfrey Stuart : — Arthur Richard Cole- Hamilton, Esq., J. P., D.L. , Lt.- Col. 6th Batt. Roy. Irish Rifles, late Capt. 7th Hussars and Roy. Scots Fus. , served in' Egypt 1882, and in Soudan 1885-6, b. 1859 ; m. ist, 1882, Jeannette [d. 1883), eld. d. of Samuel Moore of Moorlands, Lanes ; 2nd, 1884, Florence Alice, d. of James Duke Hughes of Brentwood, Surrey ; and has issue — William Moore Cole- Hamilton, Esq., late Lieut. King's Roy. Rif. Corps, served in S. African War 1902 (mednl, two clasps), b. 1883 ; m. 1903, Ada Beatrice, d. of William Huddle of Dover ; and has issue a dau. Seat — Beltrim Castle, Newton Stuart, co. Tyrone. Res. — The Rectory, Ballyhooley, co. Cork. COLEGRAVE, see MANBY-COLEGRAVE. STEPHEN WILLIAM BUCHANAN COLERIDGE, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Stephen William Buchanan Coleridge, Master of Arts of the Uni- versity of Cambridge, Private Secretary to the Lord Chief- Justice of England from 1883 to 1890, appointed Clerk of Assize on the South Wales Circuit in 1890, Barrister-at- Law. Born May 31, 1854, being the second son of the Right Honourable Sir John Duke Coleridge, first Baron Coleridge, Lord Chief-Justice of England, by his first wife Jane Fortescue, dau. of the Rev. George Turner Seymour of Farringdon, in the Isle of Wight. Clubs — Devon- shire, Isthmian, and M.C.C. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a mount in base vert, an otter proper, on a chief gules a dove of the first, between two crosses pat& fitch^e or ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Lushington, namely, or, on a fesse wavy between three lions' heads erased vert, as many ermine spots of the field ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, therefrom issuing ears of wheat proper, in front of a cross gules, an otter also proper ; and with the Motto, " Qualis vita finis ita." Married, April 5, 1879, Geraldine Beatrice, daughter and co-heiress of the late Charles Manners Lushington of Norton Court, in the county of Kent, Member of Parliament ; and has Issue — (i) John Duke Coleridge, Esquire, born November 10, 1879 \m. 1904, Katherine, dau. of Sir Arthur and the Hon. Lady Godley]; (2) Guy Lushington Coleridge, Gentleman, born March 15, 1884 ; (3) Paul Humphrey Coleridge, Gentleman, born February 17, 1884. Postal addresses — 7 Egerton Mansions, South Kensington, London, S.W. ; Rooiu 243, Royal Courts of Justice, London, W.C. ; The Ford, Grey- well, Hampshire. § CHARLES HORSMAN COLES, Esquire, Colonel, late Lieut. -Col. Commandant City of London Artillery. Born August 17, 1851, being the eldest surviving son of the late Charles Augustus Coles, Esq., of Midford House, near Bath, formerly Captain 3rd Batt. Devonshire Regiment, by his wife Mary Anne, dau. of Charles White, Esq., J. P., of Barnesfield, co. Kent. Club — Conservative. Armorial bearings — Gules, three bezants chevronways within two chevronels or, between three lions' heads erased erminois. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a column erect entwined by a serpent holding in the mouth a branch of olive all proper. Motto — " Perseverez." Married, May 21, 1879, his cousin, Adeline Mary, dau. of George Coles of Elmfield, Streatham ; and has Issue — Constance Adeline. Postal address — 10 Palmeira Avenue, Hove, Sussex. EDWARD GEORGE COLES, Gentleman. Born Dec. 20, 1843, being the eldest son of the late George Coles, by his wife Margaret, eldest surviving dau. of William Leaf. Ar- morial bearings — Gules, three bezants chevronways within two chevronels or, between three lions' heads erased erminois. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a column erect entwined by a serpent holding in the mouth a branch of olive all proper. Motto — " Perseverez." Married, May 28, 1870, Elizabeth Isabella, dau. of Edward Sidney Johnson ; and has Issue — (i) Edward Gerald Coles, Gentleman, b. June 21, 1871 ; (2) Douglas Coles, Gentleman, b. Aug. 10, 1875 ; (3) Hugh Charles Coles, Gentleman, b. Dec. 16, 1877 ; Margaret Elizabeth [w. , July 11, 1894, Rev. Chapman Carey Andrew Taylor, B.A.); Beatrice Edith; Mildred; and Ruth Borra- daile. ERNEST HARRY COLES, Gentleman. Born Feb. 25, 1855, being the second son of the late George Coles of Elmfield, Streatham, by his wife Margaret, eldest dau. of William Leaf. Armorial bearings— Gules, three bezants [zpersepgrgz^ chevronways within two chevronels or, between three lions heads erased erminois. ManUing gules and or. Cresi— On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert a column erect entwined by a serpent holding in the mouth a branch i is the Naval Cockade. •9* Col Col of olive all proper. Motto—" Perseverex." Married, Oct. ao, 1886. AcU'la Caroline, second dan. of James Heslop Powell of Strealham; and h;w hsue—(i) Krncst James Coles, (fcniloman. k Oct. 3. 1887; (a) Edgar R;ilph Coles, Gentleman, l>. May 13. 1889 ; (3) Guy Roger Coles. Gentle- man, i^. Juncai, 1894; Muriel Gertrude; and Adcla Evelyn, f^tal ttddrtss Hurntwood, Caterham, S\iiTey. W WILLIAM COLFOX, Esquire. B.A. (Univ. London). O J.r. and D.L. for co. Dorset, High Sheriff of Dorset 1899. Bom May 4, i8a6, being the second son of William Colfox. Estj., of Rax House. Bridport, J. P. for the Borough of Bridport, by his wife Hannah, dau. of Andrew Abbott of Allington, Dorset. Armorial bearlnKi Sable, three spinning-coes erect and in fesse or, on a chief argent as many foxes heads cou|>ed at the neck gules. Ma n t lin g sable and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours a fox proper, charged on the body with two fleurs-de-lis in fesse sable, and resting the sinister paw on a fleur-de-lis gules. Motto— "Lux, lex, libertas." Married, May 26, 1855, Anna Elizabeth, youngest dau. of Henry Wansey of Sambourne. Warminster, Wilts ; and has /w«on a wreath of the colours, a. pelican as in the arms, gorged with a plain collar azure. Motto — " Dant vulnera vitam." Married, 1868, Jane. dau. of the Very Reverend Ogle William Moore. Dean of Clogher. Postal address — 3 Bramham Gardens, S.W. COLLIS. see COOKE-COLLIS. • SFALKINER SANDES COLLIS -SANDES, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for co. Kerry and High Sheriff 1882, B.A. of Trin. Coll., Dublin, and Barrister-at-Law. Bom Oct, IS, 1844, being the sixth son of the late Stephen Edward Collis, Esq., J. P., of Tieraclea, by Maigaret, dau. of the late Thomas William Sandes, Esq., of i^llow Glen, CO. Kerry, J.P. and D.L. ; and assumed by Royal License the additional name and arms of Sandes in 1879, under the will of his maternal uncle Maurice Fitzgerald Sandes. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent a fcsse dancett(5e gules, between four cross crosslels fitch^, three in chief ana one in base of the last (for Sandes) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron engrailed between three lions' heads erased sable, live cinquefoils of the first (for Collis). Mant- ling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a griffin segreant or, gorged with a collar flory counterflory gules (for Sandes) ; 2. uix)n a wreath of the colours, on a rock, a sea-pie charged on the breast with a fountain and preying on a dolphin all proper. Motto — "Virtus fortunae victrix." Married, Oct. 31, 1882, I^uisa Jane, dau. of the late Col. James Young, R.A. ; and has, with other Issue — Maurice James Collis-Sandes, Gentleman, b. July 25, 1886. Seat — Oak Park, Tralee, co. Kerry. C/«*5— Oriental, Kildare Street (Dublin), County (Tralee). COLLYER of Hackford Hall, Norfolk. Argent, a chevron engrailed between two unicorns' heads couped in chief and an escallop in base all gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross pat6c gules, an unicorn's head couped argent, in its mouth an acorn slipped and leaved proper. Motto — " Avance." Livery — Blue, orange waistcoat and breeches. Sons of John Collyer, Esq., J. P., of Hackford Hall, Reepham, Norfolk, Judge of the County Courts (1801- 1870), tn. 1837, Georgina Frances Amy, eld. d. of Sir William Johnston, 7th Bart, of that Ilk. John Monsey Collyer, Esq., B.A. (Oxon.), Barrister-at- Law (Lincoln's Inn), Legal Adviser to the Exchequer and Audit Office, formerly Capt. Lond. Scottish Rif. Vols. , b. 28 Apl. 1840 ; m. 30 Sept. 1869, Helen Jane, younger d. of George Falconar, formerly of Carlowrie, co. Linlithgow ; and has surv. issue — (i) John Johnston Collyer, Esq., Capt. Cape Mounted Rifles, Chief of Staff to O.C. Colonial Forces, Cape Colony, b. 21 Sept. 1870 ; (2) George Falconar Collyer, Hon. Capt. in the Army, b. 1 Aug. 1872 ; (3) Roger Messenger Monsey Collyer, Gentleman, b. 28 Apl. 1874 ; (4! Hugh Nathaniel Collyer, Gentleman, b. 6 May 1877; (5) Charles Alexander Stewart Collyer, Gentleman, b. i July 1881 ; (6) Francis Bedingfeld Collyer, Gentleman, b. Nov. 1877 ; Helen Amy Georgina ; and Catherine Frances Emily. Res. — Hackford Hall, Reepham, Norfolk; Gimingham, near Mundesley, Norfolk. Club — New University. William Robert Collyer, Esq., I.S.O., M.A. (Cantab.), Barrister-at-Law (Inner Temple), Attorney-General Straits Settlements, late Queen's Advocate, Cyprus, b. 1842. Seat — Hackford Hall, Norfolk. Res. — Singapore. D'Arcy Bedingfeld Collyer, Esq., Major 3rd V. Batt. Norfolk Regt., b. 1846; m. 1886, Adelaide Martha, d. of late Rev. Robert Shuckburgh, Rector of Aldborough, Norfolk. Res. — Twyford Grange, East Dereham, Norfolk. Ven. Daniel Collyer, M.A., Archdeacon of Malta, formerly Vicar of Castleacre, Norfolk, b. 1848; m. 1871, Helen Augusta, d. of Rev. Thomas Preston of Swaffham Prior, Cambridge ; and has issue — Mildred Helen ; and Mary. i?«.— The Cloisters, St. Paul's Church, Valetta. COLMAN (H. Coll.). Azure, on a pale raguly between two caltraps or, a lion rampant sable. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of two wings argent, each charged with a pale raguly azure, a mount vert, thereon a caltrap or. Motto — " Labor omnia vincit." Sons of Edward Colman of Clapham Common : — Frederick Edward Colinan, Esq., a member of the Com- mission of Lieutenancy for the City of London, b. , Res, — Nork Park, Epsom Downs, Surrey. Jeremiah Colman, Esq., J.P. Sussex, Mayor of Hove 1899-1902, b. 1853 ; m. 1882, Annie, d. of late John Maple of Bedford Lodge, Hampstead, and sister of late Sir John Blundell Maple, Bart. Seat—'Widx. Hall, Hove, Sussex. S JEREMIAH COLMAN, Esquire, one of His Majesty's Lieuts. for the City of London ; Master of the Worshipful Company of Skinners 1899 - 1900, J, P. and D.L. for the co. of Surrey, for which he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1893. Born April 24, 1859, being the only son of the late Jeremiah is the Military Cockade. Col Col m Colman of Caishalton Park, in the co. of Surrey, by his wife Isabella Cocksedge, /t(fe Button. Livery — Blue coat with gold aigulettes, yellow waistcoat and breeches, pink stockings, brass buttons, three-cornered hat trimmed with gold. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, on a pale rayonn^e or, gutt^e-de-larmes, be- tween two fleurs-de-lis of the second, a lion rampant between two annulets paleways gules ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of two wings argent, each charged with an estoile azure, a rock proper, thereon a caltrap or ; with the Motto, ' ' Sat cito, si sat bene." Married, February 25, 1885, Mary, third daughter of James Short McMaster of Mitcham, in the county of Surrey ; and has Issue — Jeremiah Colman, Gentleman, born January i, 1886. Estate and postal address — Gatton Park, Surrey. Clubs — Reform, Devon- shire, National Liberal, City Liberal. § RUSSELL JAMES COLMAN, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for CO. Norfolk, and J. P. for Norwich. Born 1861, being the only surviving son of the late Jeremiah James Colman, Esq., J.P. and D.L., M.P. for Norwich 1871-1895, of Carrow House, Norwich, by his wife Caroline, eldest dau. of William Hardy Cozens-Hardy of Lethering- sett. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a pale rayonn^e or, gutt^e-de-l'armes, between two fleurs-de-lis of the second, a lion rampant between two annulets paleways gules, Mantling azure and or. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, in front of two wings argent, each charged with an estoile azure, a rock proper, thereon a caltrap or. Motto— " Sat cito, si sat bene." Married, 1888, Edith Margaret, third dau. of Richard Davies, Esq., of Treborth, in the co. of Carnarvon, Lord-Lieutenant of Anglesea ; and has /w?/e— Geoffrey Russell Rees Colman, Gentleman, b. March 14, 1892 ; and Violet Rees. Postal adds. Bracon- dale Woods, Norwich ; the Clyffe, Corton, Lowestoft. COLMORE, see CREGOL-COLMORE. COLPOYS, quartered by TWEEDY. COLQUHOUN, see CAMPBELL-COLQUHOUN. MONTAGU WILLIAM MACDONALD COL- QU HOUN-FARQU H ARSON-M ACDON ALD, Esquire, J.P. Born Jan. 15, 1851, being the eldest son of the late Colonel William Macdonald Colquhoun-Farqharson-Mac- donald, J.P. and D.L. for cos. Forfar and Perth, J.P. for CO. Sussex, Colonel commanding and Perthshire Highland Rifle Volunteers, by his wife the Hon. Clara Anne Jane (who d. Dec. 16, 1883), second dau. of the Rt. Hon. the ist Lord Lurgan, by his wife Jane, dau. of Roderick M'Neill, Chief of Barra. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, a lion rampant gules ; 2. or, a dexter arm in armour ouped in fesse proper, the hand holding a cross crosslet fitch^e gules ; or, a lymphad, oars and sail sable, flags flying gules ; 4. vert, a salmon naiant proper, all within a bordure azure charged with two mascles in chief argent and a boar's head erased in base or. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest On a wreath of his liveries, a demi-lion gules, holding in his dexter paw a hand proper. Motto — "Per mare, per terras." Seats—'Y\\& Craig, Montrose, CO. Angus ; St. Martin's Abbey, Perth ; Banderan House and Glenshee Lodge, Blairgowrie, Perthshire. HFULWAR LEWIS GEORGE COLQUITT-CRA- W VEN, Lieut. 4th Batt. Gloucestershire Regt. Bom 1873, being the eldest son of the late Fulwar John Goodwin Colquitt-Craven of Brockhampton, by Essie, dau. of Lewis L. Dillwyn, Esq., M. P., of Hendrefoilan, co. Glamorgan. ArmoriaJ. bearings — Argent, a fesse between six cross crosslets fitch^e gules. Mantling gules and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a chapeau gules turned up ermine, a gryphon statant of the second, beaked or. Motto — " Virtus in actione consistit." COLT, quartered by BARNEWALL. COLT (confirmed by Cooke, Clarenceux, 1583). Argent, a fesse between three colts at full speed sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a horse passant or. Motto — " Vincit qui patitur." Sons of Sir Thomas Archer Colt, 7th Bart., M.D., b. 1815 ; d. 1893 ; m. 1849, Frances, d. of Ehas Chadwick of Swinton Hall, Lanes : — Rev. Sir Edward Harry Dutton Colt, 8th Bart. (2 March 1694), M.A. (Oxon.), formerly Rector of Monkokehampton, b. 1850 ; m. 1889, Alice, d. of late William Jefferys Strange of Mile House, Sulhamstead, Berks ; and has issue— Flora Margaret Frances Sophia Dutton Vaughan, and Stella Theodora Dutton Vaughan. /?«.— Oakmead, Lyndhurst Road, Exeter. Thomas Archer Colt, Esq., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., b, 1851 ; m. ist, 1881, Mabel Marion Aileen (divorced 1895), d. of Rev. H. L. Nicholson, D.D. ; 2nd, 1897, Annie Mercy, d. of late William Kennett of Chidham, Sussex ; and has issue (by ist mar.)— (i) Henry Archer Colt, Lieut. R.N., b. 1882 ; Mabel Emily; and Helen Enid; and (by 2nd mar.), John Rochfort Colt, Gentleman, b. 1900. ^«.— Trawscoed, St. Edward's Road, Southsea. H GEORGE FREDERICK RUSSELL COLT, Esquire, ® late Captain 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant ; is the second but eldest surviving son of John Hamilton Colt, Esquire, of Inveresk, is the Naval Cockade. 196 Col Col W.I Auldtuun, and Giutshcrrie, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Licdtciumt. by liis wife Jane, daughter of George Cole Bainbridge of Gatlonside, in the county of Rox- burgh. Litend sinister proper. MottO — " Transfigam." Marritd, June 38, 1865, Julia Caroline, eldest dau. of the late Rev. George Mutton of Gateburton and Knaith, in the CO. of Lincoln, J. P. : and hiis /««*— Ronald Shcrwin Holden Stuart Rae Colt, Esq., J. P., B.A. (Oxon.). Barrister-at- Law, b. March a^, 1869. Estate — Gartsherrie. Postal addnss — CJartsheme House, Coatbridge, N.B. Clubs — Naval and Military, Primrose, Isthmian, New (Edin- burgh), Conservative (Glasgow), Union (Glasgow). COLTHURST, see BOWEN-COLTHURST. GEORGE COLTHURST-VESEY, Esq., J.P. for co, Dublin, late Lieutenant King's Shropshire Light Infantry. Bom 1859, being the eldest son of the late Col. Charles Vesey Colthurst-Vesey of Lucan House, J.P. and D.L., by Annie, dau. of CoL Fraser. Armorial bearings— Quarterly I and 4, or, on a cross sable, a patriarchal cross of the field (for Vesey), a and 3 argent, on a fesse between three colts courant sable, as many trefoils slipped or (for Colthurst). fgf^iitiVny sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a hand in armour holding a laurel branch all proper (for Vesey) ; a. upon a wreath of the colours, a colt statant sable (for Colthurst). Motto — ' ' Sub hoc signo vinces." Seat — Lucan House, near Dublin. JOHN STAVELEY COLTON-FOX, Esquire, J.P. .R, CO. York, son of Barnard Platts Broomhead-Colton- Fox, Gentleman, Solicitor. Armorial bearings— Quar- terly I and 4, erminois, a chevron nebuly between two foxes' heads erased in chief gules, and on a mount in base vert a fox passant also gules (for Fox) ; 2 and 3, sable, on a saltirc invected or, between four escutcheons of the last, each charged with a cross crosslet of the first, a boar's head erect and erased also sable. Mantling gules and or. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a fox passant gules, g^tt6e-dor, resting the dexter forepaw on an annulet en- circling an escallop both or (for Fox) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, in front of a cross crosslet erect and fitch^e sable, a boar passant argent, charged on the body with two roses gules, barbed and seeded proper (for Colton). Motto— " Per fidem et patientiam." Seat — Tod wick Grange, Sheffield. COLVILE, quartered by LANE. S AUGUSTUS HENRY ASGILL COLVILE, Esquire, J. P., Captain Madras Cavalry. Bom December 3, 1841, being the second son of the late Rev. Augustus Asgill Colville, M.A. , Rector of Great and Little Liver- mere, Suffolk, by his second wife Mary, dau. of A. Hemming. Armorial beatings— Azure, a lion rampant or, a label of five points throughout gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a chapeau gules, a lion statant, tail extended argent, gorged with a label of three points of the first. Motto—" Persevere." Married, November 18, 1869, Ethel Anne, eldest dau. of Rev. A. F. Boucher, Vicar of Cheddleton ; and has Issue — (i) Cecil Augustus Bradshaw Colvile, Gentleman, b. March 24, 1876 ; Edith Anne ; Margaret Ethel; and Mildred Elizabeth. Residence- lb Pevensey Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea. C/k^j— Constitu- tional, East Sussex (St. Leonards). CHARLES FREDERICK COLVILE, Esquire, Lieut.- Col. (retired). Born 1843, being the third son of the late Rev. Augustus Asgill Colvile, M.A., Rector of Great and Little Livermere, Suffolk, and his second wife Mary, dau. of A. Hemming. Armorial bearings— Azure, a lion rampant or, a label of five points throughout gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a chapeau gules, a lion statant, tail extended argent, gorged with a label of three points of the first. Motto — " Persevere." Married, 1867, Mary Eliza, dau. of Charles Rowe of Liverpool; and has Issue — (i) Rev. Henry Colvile, B.A. ; (2) Charles Rowe Colvile, Gentleman; (3) Augustus Gilbert Colvile, Gentleman, LL.B. ; (4) Capt. Arthur Montagu Colvile, Gentleman, R.A. ; (s) Ernest Frederick Colvile, Gentleman, B.A. ; (6) Kenneth Newton Colvile ; and Alice Maud. Residence — 45 Emperor's Gate, S.W. EDWARD LEIGH MANSEL COLVILE, Gentleman. Bom Nov. i^, 1856, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Frederick Leigh, M.A., Vicar of Leek, Wootton, Warwick, and of Kcmpsey House, co. Worcester, and his wife Caro- line Mary, second daughter of Rev. William John Manscl, eldest son of Sir William Mansel, 8th Bart., of Ischoed. Armorial bearingps — Azure, a lion rampant or, a label of five points throughout gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest- On a chapeau gules, a lion statant, tail extended argent, gorged with a label of three points of the first. Motto—" Persevere." Residence — SFIENNES MIDDLETON COLVILE, Esquire, C.B., Lieut. -Gen. in the Army. Bom April 4, 1832, being the fifth but last surviving son of the late Frederick Charles Acton Colvile of Barton House, co, Warwick, and his wife Mary, sister of Rt. Hon. Chandos, Baron Leigh. Armorial bearings — Azure, a lion rampant or, a label of five points throughout gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a chap>eau gules, a lion statant, tail extended argent, gorged with a label of three points of the first. Motto — "Persevere." A/iarnVi/, November 7, 1862, Helen Harriette, third dau. of Major Hugh Stafford North- cote; and has Issue — (i) George Northcote Colvile, Esq., D.S.O., Captain 1st Batt. Oxfordshire L.I., 6. July 9, 1867 tm., 1894, Eleanor Harriot, dau. of William Augustus •"erguson- Davie] ; (2) Fiennes Maurice Colvile, Esq, , Capt. Royal Garrison Regt., b. 1872; Agnes; and Mary Helen. Residence — St. Mildred's, Guildford. Clubs — United Service, Army and Navy. The Rev. GERALD HENRY COLVILE, formerly Vicar of Dodford. Born April 27, 1859, being the third son of the late Rev. Frederick Leigh Colvile, M.A. , Vicar of Leek, Wootton, Warwick, and of Kempsey House, co. Worcester, and his wife Caroline Mary, second dau. of the late Rev. William John Mansel (eldest son of eighth Bart.). Ar- morial bearings —Azure, a lion rampant or, a label of five points throughout gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a chapeau gules, a lion statant, tail extended argent, gorged with a label of three points of the first. Motto — "Persevere." Married, ]a.n. 20, 1886, Mary Elinor, dau. of Rev. Brabazon Hallowes of Glapwell Hall, co. Derby ; and has Issue — (i) Mansel Brabazon Fiennes Colvile, Gentleman, Cadet R.N., b. Jan. 19, 1887; Geraldine Mary, d. young ; Margaret Elinor ; and Evelyn May. Postal address — Weston Rectory, Shifnal. HENRY ALGERNON COLVILE, Gentleman. Bom , being the fourth son of the late Rev. Augustus Asgill Colvile, M.A., Rector of Great and Little Livermere, Suffolk, and his second wife Mary, dau. of A. Hemming. Armorial bearings— Azure, a lion rampant or, a label of five points throughout gules. Mamtling azure and or. Crest — On a chapeau gules, a lion statant, tail extended argent, gorged with a label of three points of the first. Motto—" Persevere." Married, 1869, the only dau. of Rev. Holland Lomax, Vicar of Walton. Residence — S Major-Gen. Sir HENRY EDWARD COLVILE, K.C.M.G. (189s), C.B. (1884), late Colonel Grenadier Guards. Born July 10, 1852, being the only son of the late Charles Robert Colvile, Esq., of Lullington, Derbyshire, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1875, late M.P. for South Derbyshire, by his wife Hon. Katherine Sarah Georgina Russell, dau. of the late Captain John Russell, R.N. (son of Lord William Russell, brother of the sth and 6th Dukes of Bedford), by his wife Sophia, 22nd Baroness de Clifford. Livery — (Dress) white, with blue facings ; (undress) blue, with blue and white striped waistcoat. Armorial bear- ings — Azure, a lion rampant or, a label of five points throughout gules, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon of St. Michael and St. George, and pendent there- from his badges as a K.C.M.G. and C. B. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a chapeau gules, turned up argent, a lion statant of the last, gorged with a label of three points of the first. Motto — " Persevere." Married, firstly, Aug. 6, 1878, Alice Rosa {d. Sept. 23, 1882), dau. of Hon. Robert Daly, son of ist Baron Dunsandie and Clanconal ; and had is the Military Cockade. Col Com 297 Issue— A dau. , who died 1882 He m. secondly, Dec. 30, 1886, Zelie Isabella, only dau. of the late M. Pierre Richaud de Preville of Chateau des Mondrans, Orthez, Basses Pyrenees, France ; and has Issue — Gilbert de Preville Colvile, Esq., b. Oct. 3, 1887. Seats — Lullington, Burton- on-Trent, and Lightwater, Bagshot, Surrey. Clubs — Guards', Travellers'. SPENCER TWISLETON COLVILE, Gentleman. Born Nov. 13, i8.i;6 (twin with his elder brother), being the second son of the late Rev. Frederick Leigh Colvile, M.A., Vicar of Leek, Wootton, Warwick, and of Kempsey House, CO. Worcester, and his wife Caroline Mary, second dau. of Rev. William John Mansel. Armorial bearings — Azure, a lion rampant or, a label of five points throughout gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a chapeau gules, a lion statant, tail e.xtended argent, gorged with a label of three points of the first. Motto — " Persevere." Married, Dec. 6, 1894, Agnes Katharine, dau. of Rev. Sterling Westorp, Rector of Teston, co. Glamorgan. Residence — COLVILL, quartered by PEYTON. JOHN CHAIGNEAU COLVILL, M.A. (Cantab.), Barrister-at-Law, one of H.M. Inspectors of Schools, elder son of James Chaigneau Colvill of Coolock House, co. Dublin. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent a cross pat^e gules, within a bordure quarterly of the second and vert (for Colvill) ; 2 and 3 azure, an anchor proper, depressed by a cartouche or, charged with an oak tree eradicated proper (for. Chaigneau). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a hind's head couped argent, and charged with a cross pat^e sable. Motto — " In hoc signo vinces." Residence — ROBERT FREDERICK S TEUART COLVILL, B.A. (Cantab.), J. P. co. Dublin. Born Aug. 4, i860, being the younger son of James Chaigneau Colvill of Coolock House. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent a cross patte gules, within a bordure quarterly of the second and vert (for Colvill) ; 2 and 3 azure, an anchor proper, depressed by a cartouche or, charged with an oak tree eradicated proper (for Chaigneau) ; a crescent or for difference. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a hind's head couped argent, charged with a cross pat^e sable. Motto — " In hoc signo vinces." Married, Oct. 24, 1891, Sophia, sixth dau. of George Maconchy of Rathmore, co. Longford ; and has Issue, with three other sons — James Chaignean Colvill, Gentleman. Residence — Coolock House, co. Dublin. H CHARLES COMBE, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. for co. sSf of Surrey. Bom Nov. 1836, being the eldest son of Charles James Fox Combe, by his second wife Eliza, dau. of Charles Roberts of Norwich. Livery — Undress : blue, red waistcoat ; and for full dress red plush breeches. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a pale ermine between two tilting- spears erect or, three lions passant in pale gules. Mant- ling azure and argent ; Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a dexter arm in armour embowed proper, garnished or, around the arm a ribbon tied gules, the hand grasping a broken tilting-spear all proper between two flagstaves, flowing from each a pennon gules. Motto — " Nil timere, nee temere." Married, November 1861, Marianne Harriet Catherine (d. Feb. 1900), only daughter of Captain Patrick Inglis, Royal Navy; and has Issue— [i] Charles Harvey Combe, Gentleman, Member of Parliament for Chertsey 1892-97, born February 1863 ; (2) Percy Combe, Gentleman, born June 1864 [married, July 10, 1894, Edyth, dau. of Col. Sir Hugh Oldham, Corps of Gentlemen-at- Arms]; (3) Kenneth Combe, Esq., Capt. Royal Horse Artil- lery, born Dec. 1867 [married, Sept. 29, 1898, Theodora, elder dau. of the late Colonel Williamson, Bengal Staff Corps] ; (4) Boyce Haddon Combe, Gentleman, born October 1871 ; (5) Harvey Edward Combe, Gentleman, born May 1873 ; (6) Herbert Combe, Gentleman, Lieut. 3rd K.O. Hussars, born March 1878 ; (7) Edgar Combe, Gentleman, born February 1881 ; (8) Edmond Combe, Gentleman, Midship- man R.N., born January 1884 ; Grace Ethel [married Capt. H. F. Deare, 8th Hussars] ; Evelyn [married, November 16, 1897, G. F. Deane] ; Gertrude [married, June 7, 1894, Major R. E. Lowndes Radcliffe, R.H.A.]; Florence; Gwendolyn [m. Aug. 28, 1901, Oswald Pearce Serocold, of Taplow Hill, Bucks] ; and Dorothy. Estate and postal address— Cobham Park, Surrey. Clubs — Royal Yacht Squadron, Royal Thames Yacht. CHARLES HARVEY COMBE, Gentleman, late Member of Parliament for the North-West or Chertsey Division of the county of Surrey. Born February 18, 1863, being the eldest son of Charles Combe, Gentleman, of Cobham Park, Cob- ham, in the county of Surrey, by his wife Marianne Harriet Cathenne, daughter of the late Captain Patrick Inglis, Royal Navy. C/?^fo— Windham, Carlton. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms: Azure, on a pale ermine, between two tilting-spears erect or, three lions, passant in is the Nayal Cockade. 198 Com Com ptUe gulcA. Upon the wicutchcon is pUiccd a iH-lmel tx>fit- linK his U(*{|TW. with a miintling nsure and argent ; and for his OTMt, u|x>n a wrrath of the colours, on a mount vert, a drxtrr arm in armour cmlwwcd proper, garnished or, iiround the arm a ribbon lied gules, the ttand grasping a lirokrn tilting-sj>ear iUso proiHT, lx!iwet'n two nag-stav»>s, (lowing from each a pennon gules ; with the MoUo, " Nil timere nee temcrc. Poital addressts Cobhani Park, Cobham, Surrey; The Grange, Bonchurch, Isle of Wight. S RICHARD THOMAS COMBE, Esquire, J.P. for Somerset, Capt. and Hon. Major West Somerset Yeo. Cav. Bom 1854, being the only son of the late Richard Thomas Combe, Esq. .J.P. and D. L. , High Sheriff 1867, Bar- rister-at-I.«w, and Recorder of Langport [who was the second son of John Maddison of Alvingliam, co. Lincoln (by Elizabeth his wife. dau. of John Andrews, who assumed by Royal Licence, Dec. 18, 1849. the surname of Combe in compliance with the will of Richard Thomas Conil)e of Earnshill], by his wife Elizabeth Delicia. dau. of the late Field-Marshal Sir John Michell, G.C.B. Armorial bear- ings—Per pale argent and or, three lions passant in pale within an orle of mullets sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a morion in front of a dexter arm embowed in armour, holding a sword proper, and charged with a pheon sable. 5*a/— Earnshill, Curry-Rivell, near Taunton. GEORGE COMBER, Esquire, J.P. co. Lancaster and Cheshire. Bom Jan. 17, 1853, being the sixih but second surv. son of the late Edward Comber, Gentleman, of Myddle- ton Hall, Warrington, co. Lancaster, by his wife Eleanor, third dau. and coheiress of John Oldham of Pernambuco, Brazil. Armorial bearings - Quarterly i and 4, or, a fesse dancett^ gules, between three estoiles sable (for Comber) ; 2 and 3. argent, a chevron sabli;, between three thorn-trees proper (for Thornton). Mantling gules and argent. Crest -On a wreath or and sable, a lynx's head coui>ed or, {>ellet^. Married, Nov. 15, 1890. Annie Heap, fifth dau. and coheiress of Robert Kelsall, Esq., of Deeplish Hall, Rochdale, co. Lancaster; and has Issue — Ekiith Mary; Winifred Margaret; and Helen Muriel (twin with Winifred Margaret). Seat — Rowley Brow, Knutsford, co. Chester. JOHN COMBER, Gentleman. Bom August 19, 1859, being the seventh but fourth surviving son of the late Comber); 3 and 3. argent, a chevron sable, l)etwecn three thorn-trees proper (for Thornton). Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath or and sable, a lynx's head couped or, jjellet^. Matted, Dec. 29, 1891, Ida Caroline Blanche, third dau. of Thomas Faulconer Wisden of Broadwater, co. Sussex; and has Issue John Oldliam Comber, Gentleman, b. Nov. 27. 1898 ; lithel Oldham ; and Ida Maud. Res. — High Steep, Jarvis Brook, Sussex. COMERFORD, quartered by LANGTON. COM PTON-THORN HILL, see THORNHILL. COMPTON. quartered by MAINWARING-ELLER- KER-ONSLOW and CAVENDISH, ARTHUR ERNEST COMPTON, Gentleman, fourth son of the late George Compton. by his wife Jane Alice, daughter of George Brooker. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a fesse ncbuly sable, between two esquires' helmets proper, a chief gules, thereon a beacon fired of the third, between two lions' heads erased of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a beacon fired, a lion couchant, supporting with the forepaws an esquire's helmet all proper; with the Motto, "Nisi Dominus." BEAUMONT ALBERT COMPTON, Gentleman, fifth son of the late George Compton, by his wife Jane Alice, daughter of George Brooker. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a fesse nebuly sable, between two esquires' helmets proper, a chief gules, thereon a beacon fired proper of the third, between two lions' heads erased of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a beacon fired, a lion couchant, supporting with the forepaws an esquire's helmet all proper; with the Motto " Nisi Dominus." GEORGE WILLIAM COMPTON, Gentleman. Bom October 22, 1847, being the third son of George Compton Edward Comber, Gentleman, of Myddleton Hall, Warrington, co. Lancaster, by his wife Eleanor, third dau. and coheiress of John Oldham of Pernambuco. Brazil Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4. or. a fesse dancett^e gules, between three estoiles sable (for by his wife Jane Alice, daughter of George Brooker. ra is tlie Military Cockade. Com Con 299 Armorial bearings — Argent, a fesse nebuly sable, between two esquires' helmets proper, a chief gules, thereon a beacon fired of the third, between two lions' heads erased of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a beacon fired, a lion couchant, supporting with the forepaw an esquire's helmet all proper ; with the MottO, "Nisi Dominus." Married, February 22, 1883, Rosina, daughter of William Richard Lock Vicary ; and has Issue — (i) Albert George William Compton, Gentleman, born September 30, 1885 ; (2) Sidney Ernest Vicary Compton, Gentleman, born August 24, 1894 ; (3) Cyril Henry Comp- ton, Gentleman, born November 24, 1896 ; Maud Alice ; and Irene Rosina. Postal addres s — Kimberley, South Africa. Cluds- City Carlton, Kimberley (Kimberley, S. Africa). HENRY JAMES COMPTON, Gentleman, second son of the late George Compton, by his wife Jane Alice, daughter of George Brooker. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a fesse nebuly sable, between two esquires' helmets proper, a chief gules, thereon a beacon fired of the third, between two lions' heads erased of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a beacon fired, a lion couchant, supporting with the forepaw an esquire's helmet all proper ; with the Motto, "Nisi Dominus." Married, and has Issue — One son. WALTER GEORGE COMPTON, Gentleman, eldest son of the late George Compton, by his wife Jane Alice, daughter of George Brooker. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a tesse nebuly sable, between two esquires' helmets proper, a chief gules, thereon a beacon fired of the third, between two lions' heads erased of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a beacon fired, a lion couchant, supporting with the forepaw an esquire's helmet all proper ; with the Motto, "Nisi Dominus." Married, and has Issue — One son. JOHN CONACHER, Esquire, formerly Lieut.-Col. in the Engineer and Railway Vol. Staff Corps, late General Manager North British Railway. Born Sept. 22, 1845, being the eldest son of the late Charles Conacher, Merchant, Perth. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, on a fesse, between two boars' heads in chief and a cross couped in base gules, three fleurs-de-lis of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a falcon rising azure ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Audacter et velociter." Postal address —bg Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, W. Club— Reform. CONANT, quartered by CARLETON and PIGOTT- CARLETON. CONANT (H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, per saltire gules and azure, billetty or (Conant, 1813); 2and 3, ermine, on a bend vert, between three lion's heads erased two and one azure, as many roses or (Whiston, 1813). Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a stag proper, resting the dexter foot on a shield gules, billetty or. Son of Edward Nathaniel Conant, Esq., J. P., D.L., M.A., Barrister-at-Law (High Sheriff CO. Rutland 1867), grandson of Sir Nathaniel Conant, b. 1820 ; d. 1901 ; m. 1844, Gertrude Mary, d. of Rev. Charles Proby, Vicar of Twickenham and Canon of Windsor : — Ernest William Proby Conant, Esq., J. P. co. Rutland, Lord of the Manors of Lyndon, co. Rutland, and Aslackby and Dowsby, Lines., b. 1852; m. 1898, Eva Mildred (of Bulwick and Harringworth, Northants), d. and coh. of late Lt.-Col. Tryon of Bulwick Park; and has issue— (i) Roger John Edward Conant, Esq., b. 1899; (2) Rupert Thomas Conant, Gentleman, b. 1901. Seat — Lyndon Hall, Rut- land. Club — Windham. Son of Rev. John William Conant, B.A. (Oxon.), of Surfleet and Gosberton, Lines., b. ; d. 1884; m. , Francis Catherine, d. of Col. P. Graves : — Henry John Conant, Esq., late Capt. 3rd Batt. (Mil.) W. Kent Regt. J.P. Glos. and Lines., b. 1852; m. ist, 1878, Emily, d. of Col. Gostling-Murray, J. P., D.L. , of Whitton Park ; 2nd, 1883, Geraldine Effie, only d. of Charles Livius Grimshaw, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Goldington Grange, Beds; and has surv. issue— (i) Eric Edward Wake Conant, Gentle- man, b. 1879; (2) Charles Henry Conant, Gentleman, b. 1880; (3) Malchom Vaughan Conant, Gentleman, b. 1884. Res. — . Club — Union. EDMOND CONCANON, Gentleman. Born 1817. being the fourth son of Edmond John Concanon of Car- rownacreggy and Waterloo, in the county of Galway, by his wife Jane, dau. of John Blake, Esq., J.P. , of Belmont, CO. Galway. (This lady was through her mother Sarah Cuffe, through the noble lines of Cuffe, Aungsie, Nevile, Holland, Grey, and Fitzgerald, descended from Thomas Woodstock, son of King Edward. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a mount vert, an oak tree proper, perched thereon a falcon also proper, belled or, between in base two cross crosslets fitch^e gules. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an elephant statant proper, tusked or. Motto — "Con can an." Married Kate, dau. of Charles Parsons of Tuam, co. Galway; and has with other Issue — [\) Edmond John Concanon, Gentle- man, Circular Road, Tuam; (2) Charles Concanon, Gentle- man, Birmingham House, Tuam ; (3) James Blake Con- canon, Gentleman, Annagh, Ballyglunin, co. Galway [is m. and has issue, Edmond George Concanon, Gentleman]; (4) Henry John Concanon, Gentleman, The Grove, Tuam ; (5) George Blake Concanon, Gentleman, The Hazels, Streatham, London [is m., and has issue, James Blake Concanon, Gentleman, and five daus]. Seat — Waterloo, near Tuam, co. Galway. GEORGE LEWIS BLAKE CONCANON. Gentleman, 2nd Lieut. 4th Batt. Sherwood Foresters, Minor Scholar King's College, Cambridge. Being the only son of William Augustus Concanon of Brisbane, Queensland, who was only son of George Blake Concanon, LL.D. , of Trinity College, Dublin, brother of Edmond Concanon of Waterloo, CO. Galway, and youngest son of Edmond John Concanon of Carrownacreggy and Waterloo, co. Galway, by his wife Elizabeth Lloyd, second dau. of Richard Lewis Jenkins of Nepean Towers, N. S. W. , Australia. Armorial bearings- Argent, on a mount vert, an oak tree proper, perched thereon a falcon also proper, belled or, between in base two cross crosslets fitch^e gules. Mantling vert and argent. is the Naval Cockade. 300 Con Con Qratt On a wreath of the colours, an elepliant statont proper, tii^kctl or. Motto "Con can an." Postal addnss —King's College, Cambridge. Club— The Union, Cam- bridge. HENRY J. CONCANNON, Gentleman. Armorial boarlngB— Argent, on a mount vert, an oak tree proper, perched thereon a falcon also proper, belled or, between in base two cross crosslets fitch^e gules. Mantling vert and argent. Crest -Upon a wreath of the colours, an elephant statant proper, tusked or. MottO — "Conn can aw." Residence— T\xaxa, co. Gal way. S EDWARD CONDER, Esquire, Junior. J. P. co. of Gloucester, F.S.A., formerly Capt. Volunteer Forces. Bom Jan. 7, 1861, being the only son of Edward Conder, Esq., of Terry Bank [to whom refer], by his wife Susanna, elder dau. of Henry Kitton of Ringstead. Livery — Blue coat with silver buttons and black velvet collar, scarlet waist- coat. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend wavy azure between two lymphads sable, sails furled, flags flying and oars in motion, also sable, an anchor entwined with a cable or ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a lymphad as in the arms, an anchor fessewise, the flukes to the dexter or; with the Motto, "Je conduis." Married, April 29, 1887, Bertha Helen Louisa, elder daughter of the late Dering Williams of the Madras Civil Service ; and has Issue — Edward Conder, Gentleman, born April 5, 1888. Estate and postal address— Conxgtee Court, Newent, Gloucs. Club — Constitutional. EDWARD CONDER, Esquire, J. P. co. Hereford. Born November 27, 1829, being the eldest son of (JTlinhrr ^^'^ '^^^ Richard Conder, by Alice his wife, ^O^WIIUI^V daughter and co- heiress of John Haygarth of Syke, in the county of York; the said Richard Conder being the fourth son of the late Edward Conder of Terry Bank, in the county of Westmorland. Aiwry— Blue coat with silver buttons and black velvet collar. Armorial bearings (Ped. H. Coll.)— Argent, on a bend wavy azure between two lymphads sable, sails furled, flags flying and oars in motion, also sable, an anchor entwined with a cable or ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a lymphad as in the arms, an anchor fesseways, the flukes to the dexter or ; with the Motto, " Je conduis." Married, September 9, 1856, to Susanna, elder daughter of Henry Kitton of Ringstead, in the county of Norfolk; and has /wk^— Edward Conder, Esq., F.S.A., J. P. , of Conigree Court [to whom refer] ; and Alice Susanna [married, 1880, to R. C. Smith Carington, of Worcester, Master of Arts]. Estates — Terry Bank, in the county of Westmorland; Newbold, in the county of l^icestcr; New Court, in the county of Hereford ; Lord of the Manor, of Kilcott, CO. Gloucester. Postal address — Terry Bank, Kirby Lonsdale, Westmorland. CONLAN (U.O.). Azure, a chevron engrailed argent, between in chief two lions' heads erased or, and in base a garb of the last , banded vert. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit dexter arm erect vested azure, cuffed argent, holding in the hand two laurel branches proper, and charged on the sleeve with a garb as in the arms. MottO — "Virtus tutissima." Sons of William Peter Conlan of Kingstown, co. Dublin :— George Nugent Conlan, Gentleman, b. . Res.^ The Very Rev. Robert F. Conlan, Parish Priest of St. Michan's. Res. — Halston Street, Dublin. CONN, see PHILLIPS-CONN. S JAMES HERCULES FITZWALTER HENRY CONNELLAN. Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Kilkenny (High Sheriff 1890), formerly Hon. Lieut. -Col. 5th Batt. R. Irish Regt., and late Capt. Hampshire Regt. Born 1849, being the eldest son of the late Peter Connellan, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Coolmore, by Anne Maria, second dau. of the Rev. Sir Hercules R. I^angrishe, 3rd Bart. Club — Army and Navy. Livery — Dark blue with gilt buttons, red and black striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Per fesse azure and vert, a fesse or, between in chief a pelican argent, vulned gules, and in base a land tortoise passant of the third. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an owl f>erched on the stump of an oak tree proper. Mottoes — " Inter utrumque" and (over the crest) "'lace et sajx;. " Married, April 5, 1881, Laura, dau. of Richard Ussher Roberts of Waterford ; and has Issue — Peter Martin Connellan, Gentleman, b. Feb. 19, 1882 ; and Marguerite Elizabeth. Seat — Coolmore, Thomas- town, CO. Kilkenny. is the Military Cockade. I Con EDWARD MICHAEL CONOLLY, Esquire, Capt. R.A. Born Feb. 20, 1874, being the third but only sur- viving son of the late Thomas Conolly, Esq., of Castle- town, CO. Kildare, and Cliff, co. Donegal [eldest son of Edward Michael Conolly (formerly Pakenham), Esq., M.P. CO. Donegal, and grandson of Admiral the Hon. Sir Thomas Pakenham, G.C.B.], by his wife Sarah, dau. of Joseph Shaw of Celbridge. Armorial bearings — Quarterly I and 6, argent, on a saltire engrailed sable, five escallops of the field (for Conolly) ; 2. quarterly or and gules, in the first quarter an eagle displayed sable, and as an honourable augmentation, on a chief argent, the sea, and thereupon on the stern of an antique ship Britannia standing, Victory alighting on the prow, and placing a wreath of laurel on Britannia's head all proper, being the device on the medal emblematic of the glorious sea-fight of June i, 1794, wherein Capt. Hon. Thomas Pakenham commanded H.M.S. "Invincible" (74 guns), which captured " Le Juste " (80 guns), one of the enemy's ships (for Pakenham) ; 3. argent, on a bend indented sable, cotised azure, three fleurs-de-lis of the field, each cotise charged with three bezants (for Cuff) ; 4. ermine, a griffin segreant azure (for Aungier) ; 5. per bend crenelle argent and gules (for Boyle). Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm vested azure, cuffed argent, the hand proper, grasping a chaplet or. MottO — "En Dieu est tout." Seat — Castletown, co. Kildare. Clubs — Kildare Street (Dublin), Cavalry. JOHN RICHARD ARTHUR CONOLLY, Gentleman. Born 1870, being the only son of the late Lieut.-Col. John Augustus Conolly, V.C.,.late Coldstream Guards, by his wife Ida Charlotte dau. of Edwin Burnaby of Baggrave Hall, CO. Leicester. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 5, argent, on a saltire engrailed sable, five escallops of the field (for Conolly) ; 2. quarterly or and gules, in the first quarter an eagle displayed vert, and as an honourable augmentation, on a chief the sea, and on the stern of an antique ship riding, thereon Britannia standing, Victory alighting on the prow and placing a wreath of laurel on Britannia's head all proper, being the device, on the medal emblematic of the glorious sea-fight on June i, 1794, wherein Capt. the Hon. Thomas Pakenham commanded H.M.S. " Invincible," seventy-four guns, and captured " Le Juste," eighty guns, one of the enemy's ships (for Pakenham); 3. argent, on a bend indented sable, cotised azure, three fleurs-de-lis of the field, each cotise charged with three bezants (for Cuffe) ; 4. ermine, a griffin segreant azure, (for Aungier) ; 5. per bend crenell^e argent and gules (for Boyle). Mantling sable and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm couped between the wrist and the elbow, vested azure, cuffed argent, the hand proper, grasping a chaplet or. Motto—" Fiat Dei voluntas." S GERALD MARCELL CONRAN, Esquire, J. P. co of Devon, Capt. and Hon. Major Royal Cornwall Con 301 of the late Capt. William Adam Conran, J. P., by his wife Robina Augusta, dau. of Robert Andrew of Harperhay, near Manchester. Livery— Git.&\\ and silver. Armorial bear- ings (U. O. , i82s)~Vert, on a chevron argent, three martlets of the field, between as many hinds' heads erased of the second. Mantling vert and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a hind's head erased argent. Motto— "In Deo spes mea." Married, April 15, 1884, Jane Frances, eldest dau. of the Rev. William Pollexfen Bastard ; and has Issue— {x) John Marcell Conran, Gentle- man, b. Sept. 17, 1886; (2) William Adam Bastard Conran, Gentleman, b. Sept. 28, 1887 ; and Frances Mary. ^m»- rf««/r^— Bradridge House, South Brent, co. Devon. Club— Royal Western Yacht (Plymouth). HENRY ARTHUR LEWIS CONRAN, Esquire, J. P. for Jamaica, late Lieut. Royal Cornwall Rangers Militia. Born Sept. 3, 1856, being the third son of the late Capt. William Adam Conran, J. P., by his wife Robina Augusta, dau. of Robert Andrew of Harperhay, near Manchester, Armorial bearings — Vert, on a chevron argent, three martlets of the field, between as many hinds' heads erased of the second. Mantling vert and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a hind's head erased argent. Motto— " In Deo spes mea." Married Elizabeth Alice, dau. of Charles William Steer of Bradfield, St. Anne's co., Jamaica ; and has /w«e— Ethel Penelope. Hesidence — WILLIAM ADAM CONRAN, Esquire, J.P., late Lieut, ist Stafford Militia. Born Oct. 19, 1852, being the eldest son of Capt. William Adam Conran, J. P., by his wife Robina Augusta, dau. of Robert Andrew of Harper- hay, near Manchester. Armorial bearings— Vert, on a Rangers Militia, Born March 31, 1858, being the fourth son chevron argent, three martlets of the field, between as many hinds' heads erased of the second. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a hind's head erased argent. Motto — "In Deo spes mea." Married Agnes, widow of William Narcott Stewart of Shaw Park, Jamaica ; and has Issue— (i) William Douglas Baynes Conran, Gentleman, b. Dec. 4, 1881 ; (2) Percy Drysdale Wogan Conran, Gentleman, b. 1885. Residences — Edinburgh Castle, St. Anne's co., Jamaica; Roden Hall, Harmony Hill, Belmont in St. Ann, Jamaica ; Home Lodge, Man- namead, Plymouth, England. CONSTABLE, quartered byASTLEY. is the Naval Cockade, 30» Con Con CONSTABLE, see CHICHESTER^ONSTABLE and STRICKLANI>CONSTABLE. CONSTABLE-MAXWELL (rematric. L.O., 09 Oct. I9i>4)> Quarterly, i grand quarter, argent, an eagle dis- jMyed with two Mads sable, be.iked and memljercit gules, •urmounted of an escutcheon of the first, charged with a sahire of the &<-cond and subcharged in the centre with a hurcheon or (Maxwell, Earl of Nithsdalc, matric. by cadet lines 1719 and 1875) ; a grand quarter, quarterly i. and iiii., fuwent. a saltire sable, in chief a label of three points gules Maxwell, 1875); ii. and iii., argent, three hurcheons sable Herries, 1875) ; 3 grand qii.vter. quarterly gules and vair, a bend or (Coiutable of EverinKham, /em/>. Edward I.); 4 grand quarter, azure, on a Iwnd cottised argent, three billets sable (Haggerston. Umf. Edward III.)- Ma n tl in g gules, doubled ermine. OrMt-On a wreath of his liverii-s, a stag's head with ten tynes ar^nt. Supporters — Two savages, wreathed about the loins and holding clubs in their exterior hands proper. Son of William, loth Baron Herries of Terregles, 6. 1804; d. 1876; m. 1835, Marcia, d. of Hon. Sir Edward Marmaduke Vavasour, Bart., of Hazel- wood: — Rt. Hon. Marmaduke Constable- Maxwell, nth Baron Herries of Terregles (Sco., ante 1489), ist Baron Herries of Carlaverock Castle, co. Dumfries (U.K., 1884), Lord- Lieut, and Cust. Rot. co. Kirkcudbright and of Eiast Rdg. Yorks., Hon. Col. East Rdg. Imp. Yeo., i. 1837; tn, 1875, Hon. Angela Mary Charlotte Fitzalan-Howard, d. of ist I»rd Howard of Glossop ; and has issue— Hon. Gwendolen Mary [m. 1904, Henry, Duke of Norfolk, K.G., G.C.V.O.] ; Hon. Angela Mary [«. 1904. Hon. James Eric Drummondj. Seat — Everingham Park. nr. York]. S HERBERT CONSTABLE-MAXWELL-STUART, Esquire. Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of the CO. of York, and Deputy- Lieutenant for the co. of Peebles. Bom July 20, 1842, teing the eldest son of the late Henry Constable-Maxwell-Stuart, Esquire, commonly known as the Honotirable Henry Constable-Maxwell-Stuart, Justice of the Peace, Deputy- Lieutenant, and his wife Juliana [to whom refer], daughter of the late Peter Middleton of Storkeld Park. r/«*i— Athenoeum. Bachelors'. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly, i. grand quarter, quarterly I. or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, ii. azure, three garbs or, iii. sable, a mullet argent, iiii. argent, an orle gules, in chief three martlets sable, beaked of the second, all within a bordure gules (for Stuart) ; 2. grand quarter, argent, a two- headed eagle displayed sable, beaked and membered gules, bearing on his breast an escutcheon of the first, charged with a saltire of the second, surcharged with an urcheon or (for Maxwell, Elarl of Nithsdale) ; 3. grand quarter, quarterly i. and iiii. argent, a saltire sable, in chief a label of three f>oints gules, ii. and iii. argent, three urcheons sable (all for Maxwell, Lord Herriesl ; 4. grand quarter, quar- terly gules and vair, a bend or (for Constable). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmetbefitting his degree, with a mantling g^les and argent ; and up>on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, on a garb a crow proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Judge nought." Estates — Traquair, in the counties of Peebles and Selkirk ; Terregles, in the county of Kirkcudbright. Postal address — Traquair, Innerleithen, N.B. CONWAY (H. Coll.). Sable, on a bend or, cottised inverted erminois, between two cinquefoils of the second, four annulets gules. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a Moor's head in profile couped at the shoulders proper, an annulet between two cinquefoils gules. Motto—" Finem respice." Sons of Edwin Conway of Stalybridge, h. 1830 ; d. 1884 ; m. 1853: — Basil Wiseman Conway, Gentleman, M.R.C.S. , L.R.C.P., b. 1861. ^«.— Overton House, Longsight, Lanes. 5 FRANCIS INGRAM CONWAY-GORDON. Esquire, Justice of the Peace for Parts of Lindsey, in the county of Lincoln. Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Lincoln, Lieutenant-Colonel late 3rd Battalion Lincolnshire Regi- ment, Alderman Lindsey County Council since its formation in January 1889. Rom Septemlier 23, 1833, being the second son of Captain William Conway-Gordon. 53rd Bengal Native Infantry, by his wife Louisa, claughtcr of Brigadier-General J. Vanrenen, Honourable East India Company's Service. C/»*j— Carlton, Royal AU)ert Yacht Club (Southsea). Livery — Dark blue coat with yellow collar, yellow waist- coat, yellow plush knee-breeches, white stockings. Ar- morial bearings— Quarterly i. azure, throe l)oars' heads cou(}ed or ; 2. or, three lions' heads erased gules, langued aiure ; 3. or, three crescents within a double tressure gules ; 4. azure, three cinquefoils argent, in the dexter chief point a canton ermine, charged with a crescent or, the whole being within a bordure conipony argent and azure (for difference). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and above is set for Crest, issuing out of a mural crown or, a stag's head at gaze proper, attired and charged on the neck with a crescent of the first ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Bydand," and also in an escroll below the shield this Motto, "Aninio non astutia." Married, March 5, 1859, Mary Raikes, only daughter of the late John "T. Garrett, Royal Artillery, of Portsmouth, in the county of Southampton; and has /5«/f — (i) Ingram Cosmo Conway- Gordon, Esquire, Lieut. -Col. Highland Light Infantry, born February 6, i860 [married, November i, 1892, Ethel, second daughter of Colonel Forbes Macbean, late 92nd Highlanders, Sergeant-at-Arms to Queen Victoria, and has issue, a son, born December 6, 1900]; (2) Frank Conway Gordon, Gentleman, born August 23, 1861, late Lieu- tenant 4th Dragoon Guards ; (3) Lewis Conway-Gordon, Esquire, Major Royal Marine Artillery, bom October 27, 1863 [married Amy Delia, third daughter of Rev. F. Otway Mayne] ; and Ethel [married Lieut. -Col. Swan, 3rd Batt. Lincolnshire Regiment, of Sansthorpe Hall, Spilsby]. Estates — Xj^twoAg. and Market Rasen, in the county of Lincoln. Postal address — Lynwode Manor, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire. S MAURICE WILLIAM ROWLEY - CONWY, Esquire, J. P. and U. L. for the co. of Flint, formerly (1896-7) a Captain in the 4th Batt. of the Oxfordshire Light Infantry. Born March 27, 1874, being the eldest son of the late Conwy Grenville Hercules Rowley-Conwy. Esq., of Bodrhyddan, J.P., D.L., formerly a Captain 2nd Regt. of is the Military Cockade. Con Coo 303 Life Guards, by Marion his wife, second dan. of the late Frederick Paul Harford, Esq., of Down Place, co. Berks, formerly Capt. Scots Fusilier Guards. Armorial beaxing^ — Quarterly i and 4, sable, on a bend cottised argent, a rose between two annulets gules (for Conwy) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a bend cottised gules, three crescents or (for Rowley). Mantling sable and argent. Crest (for Rowley, no crest having been recorded with the ancient arms of Conwy) — On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased argent, collared and langued gules. Motto — " Fide et amore." Seat — Bodrhyddan, Rhuddlan, R.S.O., Flintshire. CHARLES AUGUSTUS VANSITTART CONY- BEARE, Esquire, B.A. (Ch. Ch., Oxon.), Barrister-at- Law Gray's Inn i88r. Member of London School Board for Finsbury 1888-90, M.P. N.W. Cornwall 1885-95. Bom 1853, being the eldest son of the late J. C. Conybeare of St. Leonard's Grange, Essex. Armorial bearings— Argent, a saltire sable, over all a pale gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a rock thereon a dove rising proper, holding in the dexter foot a cross pat^e fitch^e gules. Married, 1896, Florence A., elder dau. of Gustave Strauss of 2 Bolton Gardens West, S.W. 5^a/ — Oakfield Park, near Dartford, Kent. Clubs— National Liberal, New Reform. HENRY GRANT MADAN CONYBEARE, Gentle- man. Born Oct. 26, 1859, being the fourth son of the late John Charles Conybeare, Gentleman (second son of the Very Rev. William Daniel Conybeare, Dean of Llandaff), by his wife Katherine Mary, dau. of Very Rev. William Vansittart, D.D. Livery Pale drab with black facings. Armorial bearings — Argent, a saltire sable, over all a pale gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a rock, thereon a dove rising proper, holding in the dexter foot a cross pat^e fitch^e gules. Married, August 4, 1886, Minna, youngest daughter of Colonel Sir Richmond Campbell Shakespear, C.B., of the Bengal Artillery; and has Issue — Constance Phyllis; and Pene- lope Minna. Residence — Delmore, Ingatestone, Essex, Club — Camera. CONYERS, quartered by RAMSDEN. COODE (H. Coll.). Argent, on a chevron gules, be- tween three moorcocks sable, membered, combed, and wattled of the second, a bezant. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bald-headed coot proper, charged on the breast with a bezant. Sons of Edward Coode, Esq., of Polapit Tamar Launceston, J. P. and D. L. Cornwall, J. P. Devon, b. 1821 ; d. 1894 ; m. 1850, Anna Maria, d. of Gen, Edward Carlyon of Tregrehan, Cornwall : — Richard Carlyon Coode, Esq., J. P. Devon and Cornwall, formerly Capt. 76th Regt., b. 1856. Seats— Vo\2c^\X. Tamar, Launceston ; Moor Cottage, St. Austell, Cornwall. Harold Coode, Gentleman, b. 1861. Res. — Trerose, Mawnan Smith, Falmouth, Cornwall. §SiR FREDERICK LUCAS COOK, 2nd Baronet (1886), M.P. for Kennington Division of Lambeth (since 1895), one of H.M. Lieutenants for the City of London; educated at Harrow. Born Nov. 21, 1844, being the eldest son of Sir Francis Cook, Baronet, and of Emily (died 1884), dau. of Robert Lucas of Lisbon. Livery— "Qlwe. and silver. Armorial bearings— Gules, a rose argent, between three crescents of the second, a chief vairfe. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, issuant from a chaplet of roses gules, a dexter arm embowed proper, holding in the hand a mullet of six points or, between two branches of oak vert. Motto — " Esse quam videri." Married, Jan. 7, 1868, Mary Ann Elizabeth, dau. of late R. P. Cotton, M.D., of Cavendish Square: and has Issue— {\) Herbert Frederick Cook, Esq., M.A, Balliol Coll., Oxon., Barrister Inner Temple, F.S.A., b. Nov. 18, 1868 \m., April 21, 1898, Mary, elder dau. of Rt. Hon. Arthur Hood, C.B., Viscount Bridport] ; Edith Laura \in. Rev. A. P. Pott, Rector of Thursley, Godal- ming]; Mabel Emily [w. Professor M'Cormick, Secre- tary of Corugier Trust, of St. Andrews University, N.B.]. Postal addresses— 24 Hyde Park Gardens, W. ; Doughty House, Richmond, Surrey; and Montserrate- Cmtra, Portugal. C/«*j--Carlton, Princes', Ranelagh. Hurhngham, Coaching. M Sir HENRY COOK, Knt., J. P., D.L. Born July 28, W 1848, bemg the third but eldest surv. son of John Cook, by his wife Margaret Sophia, dau. of General Sir John Hope, G. C H. Armorial bearings - Gules, on a bend or, two cinquefoils azure, on a sinister canton argent, a cross crosslet fitchde issuing out of a crescent of the first, all within a bordure of the second. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest ~ On a wreath of his liveries, a sea-chart proper. Motto — " Tutum monstrat iter," Married, ]nne 17, 1879, Margaret Patten, elder dau. of John Patten, W.S. ; and has Issue -{t) John Cook, Esq., 3. May 26, 1880; (2) Walter Ramsay Cook, Esq., b. February 12, 1884; (3) Adrian Henry Cook, Esq., b. January 2, 1889; and Jean Maxwell Campbell Cook. Residence -22 Eglinton Crescent, Edinburgh. Clubs — Caledonian, University (Edinburgh). JOHN COOK, Gentleman. Born May 8, 1877, being the eldest son of the late John Cook, Gentleman, sometime the Manager in Aberdeen of the Union Bank of Scotland. Armorial bearings— Gules, on a bend or, two cinquefoils azure, on a sinister canton argent, a cross crosslet fitchfe issuing out of a crescent of the first. Mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a sea-chart proper. Motto— " Tutum monstrat iter." Residence — Aberdeen. WYNDHAM FRANCIS COOK, Esquire. Born Aug. 21, i860, being the second son of the late Sir Francis Cook, ist Baronet, by his wife Emily Martha, dau. of Robert Lucas of Lisbon. Armorial bearings — Gules, a rose argent between three crescents of the second, a chief vair^e. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from a chaplet of roses gules, a dexter arm embowed proper holding in the hand a mullet Qf six points or, between two branches of oak vert. Motto — •" Esse quam videri." Married, 1887, Frederica Evelyn is the Naval Cockade. 9M Coo II. dau. of the U«e F. ]. FreeUnd of Chichester; and Itnn— Humphn-y Wytidham Cook. Gentleman, b. 1893 ; Cecil Emily Freda ; and a dau. Residence — 69 Cadogan Square, S.W. Club — Reform. PHILIP BRYAN DAVIES COOKE, Esquire. J.P.. D.L., F.S.A., High Sheriff co. Flint 1858, J. P. for that co. and for the West Riding co. York. Born March 2, 1832, being the eldest son of the late Philip Davies Cooke, Esq., J. P., D.L. for Yorkshire, Denbigh, and Flintshire, High Sheriff CO. Flint 1824. F.L.S., F.G.S.. F.H.S., and F.Z.S.. by his wife Lady Helena Caroline King, eldest dau. of George, third Earl of Kingston. Armorial bearing^— Or, a chevron gules, between two lions passant guardant sable, quartering, with many others, Puleston, Davies, King, &c., and impaling the arms of Sykes, namely argent, a chevron sable, between three sykes or fountains proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest - Out of a mural crown argent, a demi- lion guardant sable, ducally gorged or. Motto (Davies of Gwysaney) — " Da Domine quod jubes, et jube quod vis." Married, July 17, 1862, Emma Julia, sixth dau. of Sir Tatton Sykes, fourth Baronet, of Sledmere, co. York ; and has Issue — (i) Philip Tatton Davies Cooke, Esq., J. P. and D.L. CO. Flint, and J. P. for W.R. co. York, late Lieut, ist W. York Yeomanry Cavalry, Capt. Denbigh Hussars, b. May 15, 1863 \m., Aug. 14, 1894, Doris, second dau. of the late Charles Donaldson-Hudson, M.P. for Cheswardine, CO. Salop] ; (2) Henry George Davies Cooke, Gentleman, b. May 3, 1867, d. Feb. 27, 1872 ; Mary Helena ; Mildred Emily ; Emma Katherine ; and Helena Francis Anna. Seats — Owston, near Doncaster ; and Gwysaney, near Mold. PHILIP TATTON DAVIES COOKE, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. Flint, and J.P. for W.R. co. York, late Lieut. Coo I St W. York Yeomanry Cavalry, Major Denbigh Hussars. Bom May 15, 1863, being the eldest son of Philip Bryan Davies Cooke. ICsq.. J. P., D.L., F.S.A., High Sheriff co. Flint 1858, J.P. for that co. and for the West Riding co. York, by his wife Emma Julia, sixth dau. of Sir Tatton Sykes fourth Baronet, of Sledmere, co. York. Club — ("arlton. Livery — Blue coat, red waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Or, a chevron gules, between two lions passant guardant sable, quartering, with many others, Puleston, Davies, King, &c., and im(>aling the arms of Donaldson- Hudson, namely, quarterly i and 4, or, on a fesse dancett^e, between two boars' heads couped in chief and a lion rampant in base gules, two martlets of the field (for Hudson^ ; 2 and 3 argent, a lymphad sable, between three dolphins naint azure (for Donaldson). Mantling gules and or. Crest — Out of a mural crown argent, a demi-lion guardant sable, ducally gorged or. Motto — "Sjies tutissimaccelis." Mar- ried, Aug. 14. 1894, Doris, second dau. of the late Charles Donaldson- Hudson, M.P. , of Cheswardine, co. Salop; and has /««*— Philip Ralph Davies Cooke, Gentleman, b. Nov. 14, 1896. Seat — Maesalyn, Mold. • COOKE-COLLIS (U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4, argent, on a chevron engrailed sable, bezant^, between three lion's heads erased gules, four barrulets or (Collis) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a chevron embattled counter-embattled gules, between three tiger's heads erased sable, each charged on the neck with a gemel or, three cinquefoils of the last (Cooke). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a "sea-pye" sable, bezant^, collared or, wings endorsed and inverted preying on a fish proper. Motto— " Mens conscia recti." Sons of Rev. Maurice Atkin Cooke-CoUis, D.D., of Castle Cooke, co. Cork, Rector of Queenstown, b. 1812 ; d. 1882 ; m. 1839, Anne, d. of Rev. John Talbot of Ardfert Abbey, M.A. Camb. (2nd s. of William Talbot of Mount Talbot by Lady Anne Crosbie, d. of William ist Earl of Glandore) : — Col. William Cooke-Collis, C.M.G., J.P., D.L., Lt.- Col. late Roy. I. Rif. , now Lt.-Col. and Hon. Col. comdg. 9th Batt. King's Roy. Rifle Corps (N. Cork Mil.). served in Afghan War 1879-80 (desp. , medal), Soudan 1885 (desp., medal, clasp, and bronze star), and in South Africa 1899-1901 (desp., medal, four clasps, C.M.G.), b. 1847 ; m. 1875, Katherine Maria (rf. 1891), d. of Col. James Oliphant, R.E., of Worlington Hall, Suffolk; by whom he has issue — ( i) William James Norman Cooke-Collis. Gentleman, Lieut. Roy. I. Rif., served in South Africa (wounded at Dewetsdorp, desp.), b. 1876; (2) Maurice Talbot Cooke-Collis, Gentleman, 3. 1879; Nora; Katherine Sophia [m. 1905, T. St. John Grant of Kilmurry, co. Cork]; and Geraldine \m. 1904, James S. FitzGerard, Lt. Roy. Irish Regt.]. He m. 2nd, 1894, Elizabeth Marian Shrubsole, d. of Edward Cunliffe of The Drive, Brighton ; and has issue — (3) Edward Cunliffe Cooke-Collis, Gentleman, b. 1902 ; Elizabeth Susan ; Mary Doreen ; and Diana Florence. Seat — Castle Cooke, Kil worth, co. Cork. John Talbot Cooke-Collis, Gentleman, B.A. (Camb.), b. 1849; m. 1891, Amalie Elizabeth, d. of John Conrad Reuss of Upper Long Ditton, Surrey. Res. — Cannes. Col. Maurice Crosbie Cooke-Collis (Indian Army), served in Afghan Frontier and China Campaigns (medals), b. 1850. Res, — Queenstown, co. Cork. FLORENCE ANNE COOKE-HURLE, Widow, daughter of Arthur Forbes, Esquire, rtrrtrtbl>-fV\tt1*fl> Justice of the Peace and Deputy- \^l,^^l^Wi''^fV^\,iK' Lieutenant, of Craigavad, in the county of Down. Armorial bear- ing^ are, upon a lozenge : Quarterly i and 4, argent on a chevron indented azure, between three cross crosslets fitch^e gules, as many mullets pierced of the field, on a chief indented gules a greyhound current of the field (for Hurle) ; 2 and 3 ermine, a fesse chequy or and gules, and between two cinquefoils in chief a cross pat^e, all of the last (for Cooke). Married, 1857, Joseph Cooke-Hurle, Esquire (who died 1894), High Sheriff of the city and county of Bristol, 1865 ; assumed the additional name and arms of Hurle by Royal License, 1855; and has Issve — (i) Joseph Cooke-Hurle, Esquire, born 1859 [to whom refer] ; (2) John Arthur Cooke-Hurle, Gentleman, born 1863 ; (3) Henry Cooke-Hurle, Gentleman, bom 1864; (4) Edward Forbes Cooke-Hurle, Gentleman, born 1866 ; (5) William is tbe Military Cockade. Plate X. fiRICD53[®OCDB€, DsGfiny Coo Coo 305 Armitage Cooke-Hurle, Gentleman, born 1875 ; and Susannah Caroline. Estates in the parishes of Brislington, Keynsham and Whitchurch, in the county of Somerset. Postal address — Brislington Hill House, Bristol. J OSE PH COO K E- H U RLE, Esquire, Barrister, Lincoln's Inn, 1884, J. P. for co. Somerset, 1887, County Alderman, 1902. Born 1859, being the eldest son of the late Joseph Cooke-Hurle, Esq., of Brislington, by his wife Florence Anne, daughter of Arthur Forbes, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for CO. Down. Armorial bearing's — Quarterly i and 4, argent on a chevron indented azure, between three cross crosslets fitchde gules, as many mullets pierced of the field, on a chief indented gules a greyhound current of the field (for Hurle) ; 2 and 3 ermine, a fesse chequy or and gules, and between two cinquefoils in chief a cross pat^e, all of the last (for Cooke). Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours. issuant from the battlements of a tower or, a swan with wings extended argent, and each charged with a cross crosslet fitch^e gules (for Hurle) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an eagle's head erased argent, semSe of cinquefoils gules (for Cooke). Motto — "Confide recta agens." Married, 1886, Lilian Margaret, dau. of Benjamin Thomas, formerly of Stapleton Park, near Bristol; and has Issue — (i) Reginald Joseph Cooke-Hurle, Gentleman, b. ; Mary Lilian ; Margaret Florence ; Alice Violet ; and Letiiia Caroline. Postal address — Southfield House, Brislington, Bristol. THOMAS RICHARD FREDERICK COOKE- TRENCH, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for co. Kildare, High Sheriff 1882 (resumed the name and arms of Trench in addition to those of Cooke by Royal Licence 1858). Born 1829, being the only son of Thomas Cooke (formerly Trench), Esq., of Millicent, by Catherine, dau. of the late Col. Croasdaile of Rynn, Queen's Co. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, a lion passant gules, lietween three fleurs-de-lis azure, on a chief of the third a sun in splendour or (for Trench) ; 2 and 3, azure, on a fesse between three wolves' heads erased argent, a fleur-de-lis of the first between two crescents gules (for Cooke) ; impaling the arms of Heathcote, namely, ermine, three pomeis, each charged with a cross or. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an armed arm embowed holding a cutlass all proper (for Trench) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-wolf argent, holding in his paws a fleur- de-lis azure. Motto — " Virtuti fortuna comes. " Married, 1858, Caroline Elizabeth, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Sir William Heathcote, sth Bart. 6Va/— Millicent, Naas. Club— Kildare Street, Dublin. ALFRED COOKE- YARBOROUGH, Gentleman. Bom Aug. 12, 1847, being the second son of the late George Cooke- Yarborough, Esq., of Campsmount, co. York, J.P. and D.L., by his second wife Mary Louisa, youngest dau of Richard Heathfield of Green Lanes, Middlesex. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per pale argent and azure, a chevron between three chaplets all counterchanged ; 2 and 3, or, a chevron gules, between two lions passant guardant salsle. Mantling azure and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a falcon close or, belled gold, preying on a mallard proper ; 2. out of a mural crown argent, a demi-lion guardant sable, gorged with a ducal coronet or. Motto — " Non sine pulvere palma. Married, 1874, Mary, dau. of J. Ferguson ; and has Issue — r ) Bryan Alfred Cooke- Yarborough, Gentleman, b. 1877; (2) Alfred Graeme Cooke-Yarborough, Gentleman, b. 1879 ; (3) Archi- bald Cooke-Yarborough, Gentleman, b. 1881 ; (4) Ranaall Francis Cooke-Yarborough, Gentleman, b. 1883; and Gertrude Mary. Residence — ARTHUR COOKE-YARBOROUGH, Gentleman. Born May 8, 1852, being the third son of the late George Cooke-Yarborough, Esq., of Campsmount, co. York, J.P. and D. L. , by his second wife Mary Louisa, youngest dau. of Richard Heathfield of Green Lanes, Middlesex. Ar- morial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, per pale argent and azure, a chevron between three chaplets all counterchanged ; 2 and 3, or, a chevron gules, between two lions passant guardant sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a falcon close or, belled gold, preying on a mallard proper; 2. out of a mural crown argent, a demi-lion guardant sable, gorged with a ducal coronet or. Motto— " Non sine pulvere palma." Married, June 20, 1877, Ethel Constance, dau. of Rev. William Rawlins Capel, Vicar of Bickenhill, Warwick; and has Issue— [x) Arthur Capel Cooke-Yarborough, Gentleman, b. 1880 ; Ethel Dorothy Marion ; Norah Gladys ; and Edith Muriel. Residence — The Cottage, Wyberton, near Boston. FREDERICK COOKE-YARBOROUGH, Gentleman. Born June 23, 1850, being the son of the late Samuel Alexander Cooke-Yarborough, Gentleman, by his wife Mary, daughter of John Robinson of Loversall. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, per pale argent and azure, a chevron between three chaplets all counterchanged ; 2 and 3, or, a chevron gules, between two lions passant guardant sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crests- I. on a wreath of the colours, a falcon close or, belled gold, preying on a mallard proper ; 2. out of a mural crown argent, a demi-lion guardant sable, gorged with a ducal coronet or. Motto— " Non sine pulvere palma." Resi- dence^ GEORGE BRYAN COOKE-YARBOROUGH, Esquire, J.P. for West Riding, B.A. (Oxford), formerly Lieut. 14th Hussars. Bom Dec. i, 1843, bein : the eldest son of George Cooke-Yarborough, Esq., J.P. and D.L., by his second wife Mary Louisa, youngest dau. of Richard Heath- field of Green Lanes, Middlesex. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per pale argent and azure, a chevron between three chaplets all counterchanged ; 2 and 3, or, a chevron gules, between two lions passant guardant sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a falcon close or, belled gold, preying on a mallard proper; 2. out of a mural crown argent, a demi-lion guardant sable, gorged with a ducal coronet or. Motto— "Non sine pulvere palma." Married, Feb. 14, 1871, Mary Elizabeth, younger dau. of Henry Yarborough Parker of Streetthorpe, co. York; and has Issue— (\) George Eustace Cooke-Yarborough, Gentleman, b. Jan. 12, 1876 ; (2) Henrv Alfred Cooke-Yarborough, Gentleman, b. March 27 1877; (3) Orfeur Cooke-Yarborough, Gentleman, b. Nov. 26, 1878 ; (4) Humphrey Charles Cooke-Yarborough, is tbe Naval Cockade. u 3o6 Coo Coo Gentleman, *. Dec. 24, 1880; (5) Edmund Selwyn Cooke- Yarborough. Gentleman, b. Feb. 5, i88a ; (6) Geoffrey Arthur Cooke- Yarljorough. Gentleman, b. June 10, 1883 ; Mary Alice ; and Mary Violet. 5*a<— Campsinount, near Lancaster. C/k*— Naval and Military. JOHN DISNEY COOKE -YARBOROUGH, Gentle- man. Bom Dec. lo, 1849, being the eldest son of the late Richard Cooke- Yarborough, Gentleman, by his wife Mary Utton, dau. of James Utton Easson of Jamaica. Armoiial beaxinga —Quarterly i and 4, per pale argent and azure, a chevron between three chaplets all counterchanged ; a and 3, or, a chevron gules, between two lions passant guardant sable. MitTitUng azure and argent. Greats -i. on a wreath of the colours, a falcon close or, belled gold, preying on a mallard proper ; a. out of a mural crown argent, a demi- lion guardant sable, gorged with a ducal coronet or. Motto—" Non sine pulvere palma." Residence— RICHARD COOKE -YARBOROUGH, Gentleman. Bofn Aug. aa, i8si, being the second son of the laie Richard Cooke -Yaroorough, by his wife Mary Utton, dau. of James Utten Easson of Jamaica. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, per pole argent and azure, a chevron between three chaplets ail counterchanged ; a and 3, or, a chevron gules, between two lions passant guardant sable. MantHtig azure and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a falcon close or, belled gold, preying on a mallard proper ; a. out of a mural crown argent, a demi- lion guardant sable, gorged with a ducal coronet or. Motto— "Non sine pulvere palma." Married, Aug. 4, 1898, Comeliar Clara, second dau. of the late John Dixon, C.E., of Surbiton; and has Issue— ]o\in Richard Cooke- Yarborougb, Gentleman, b. Jime la, 1899. — Out of a mural crown or, a boar's head gules, gorged with a chain of gold, and transfixed by a spear from WILLIAM HENRY COOKE-YARBOROUGH. Gen- tleman. Bom Aug. 31, 1853, being the third son of the late Richard Cooke- Yorborough, by his wife Mary Utton, dau. of James Utten Easson of Jamaica. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per pale argent and azure, a chevron between three chaplets all counterchanged ; 2 and 3, or, a chevron gules, between two lions passant guardant sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crests -i. on a wreath of the colours, a falcon close or, belled gold, preying on a mallard proper ; 2. out of a mural crown argent, a demi- lion guardant sable, gorged with a ducal coronet or. Motto—" Non sine pulvere palma." Married, 1883, Char- lotte Georgfina, dau. of Morgan Charles Chase, M.C.S. ; and has Issue— (i) Wilfred Ernest Cooke- Yarborough, Gentleman, b. 1887; (2) Geoffrey Michael Cooke -Yar- borough, Gentleman, b. 1888; Constance Mary; and Dorothy Maude. Residence — The Rev. THOMAS HORACE COOKES. M.A. (Oxon.), being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Rev. Charles Burrell Cookes, by his wife Mary Anne, lau. of Thomas Hayes of Bath. Armorial bearings- Argent, two chevrons between six martlets, three two and one gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest Out of a mural coronet or, an arm in armour proper, charged with two chevronels gules, holding in the gauntlet a sword argent, pommel and hilt gold. Motto — " Deo regi vicino." Residence — Curroghmore, Banbury. COOKSON. quartered by CRACKENTHORP. COOKSON, see FIFE-COOKSON, SAWREY-COOK- SON, and HUME-COOKSON. GEORGE FRANCIS COOKSON, Gentleman. Born July 30, 1853, being the eldest son of the late James Gathorne Cookson, Esq., Lieut. -General Madras Cavalry, by his first wife Georgina Augusta, only dau. of the late Francis Augustus Robson of the Madras Civil Service. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a chevron embattled counter-embattled or, between two swords in saltire proper, pommels and hilts gold, surmounted by a medal of the second, bearing as in a crescent with a star of eight points in chief, and a sphinx in base argent, an anchor erect sable between two lions passant gules. Crest the sinister proper. Postal address— D' h^ooWe, 11 Lindon Road, Bedford. COOPE (H. Coll.). Or, on a chevron cottised azure, between two roses in chief gules, stalked and leaved proper, and a fleur-de-lis in base of the third, a rose argent, stalked and leaved proper, between two fleurs-de-lis also argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a fleur-de-lis or, in front of a dragon's head gules, gorged with a collar vair, all between two roses of the second, stalked and leaved proper. Only s. of Octavius Edward Coope, Esq., J. P., D.L., M.P., of Rochetts, Brentwood, and of Berechurch Hall, Colchester, Essex, b. ; d. 1886; m. 1848, Emily, d. of Capt. Fulcher, Indian Army :— Edward Jesser Coope, Esq., l.P. Leics. and Essex, Capt. Suff"olk Yeo. 1888-90, b. 1849; m. 1872, Pleasance S , eld. d. of Rev. T. L. Fellowes. 5^a/— Rochetts, South Weald, Brentwood. C/«*j— Cavalry, Bachelors', R.Y.S. COOPER, quartered by O'HARA. ALBERT BEAUCHAMPASTLEY COOPER, Esquire, late Captain R.A., J. P. for co. Devon. Bom Aug. 14, 1841, being the ninth son of Sir Astley Paston Cooper, Bart., of Gadebridge, Hemel Hempstead, Herts. Liveiy— Claret. Armorial bearings Vert, a fesse embattled or, between two pheons and as many shin-bones saltireways argent. Mantling vert and or. Crest -Out of a mural crown argent, a .«;pear erect proper, fringed or, headed argent, surmounted of two palm branches in saltire proper. Motto— " Nil magnum nisi bonum." Married, h.'^nX 16, 1879, Eva Cornelia O'Reilly, dau. of Anthony O'Reilly, Esq., D.L., Baltrasna, co. Meath ; and has /iiw« - Geoff"rey Beauchamp Astley Cooper, Gentleman, Middlesex Regt., b. Feb. 5, 1884 ; Olive Sylvia Beauchamp ; and Rosalind Beau- champ. Residence -TcmpXe: Hill, East Budleigh, Devon. The Late Sir DANIEL COOPER, Baronet, of Wool- lahra. New South Wales, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George. Born July I, 1821, being the son of the late Thomns Cooper, by Jane his wife, dau. of Nathaniel Ramsden ; first Spenker of the Legislative Assembly, New South Wales, from 1856 to i860 ; knighted by patent, July 18, 1857 ; created a Baronet, January 26, 1863. Creation— ]zxw3xy 26, 1863. Club- Si the Military Cockade. Coo Coo 307 Carlton. Armoiial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, a clievron engrailed between two lions passant in chief and a star of eight points in base or, and impaling on a second S GEORGE ALEXANDER COOPER, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for co. of Elgin, Lieut. -Col. 3rd Vol. Batt. Seaforth Highlanders. Bom Feb. 20, 1856, being the son of escutcheon the arms of Hill, namely gules, a saltire or, between two martlets in pale and as many garbs in fesse. Upon the escutcheons, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, and which is encircled by the ribbon of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, and by the collar, and pendent therefrom the badge of a Knight Grand Cross of that Order, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant or, collared azure, supporting in the dexter paw a lance erect proper. Supporters — Dexter, Faith holding in the sinister hand a mullet of six points or ; sinister, Hope holding in the dexter hand a like mullet. Motto — " Per- sever.intia omnia vincit." Married, September 4, 1846, Elizabeth, third daughter of William Hill ; and has Issue — (i) Sir Daniel Cooper, and Bart., born Nov. 15, 1848 [married, July 12, 1886, Harriet, daughter of Sir James Grant Suttie, sixth Baronet of Balgone, and has issue, Dorothy and Hilda Susan] ; (2) William Charles Cooper, Esquire, born October 22, 1851 [married at Sydney, November 18, 1876, Alice Helen, third daughter of George Hill of Surrey Hills, Sydney, New South Wales, and has issue, George William Cooper, Gentleman, born 1878; Arthur Hamilton Cooper, Gentleman, born 1880; Gerald Melbourne Cooper, Gentleman, born 1892 ; and Alice Nellie] ; Ellen Sophia ; Alice Jane [married, July 9, 1868, to Frederick Green, Esquire, of Hainault, in the county of Essex, Justice of the Peace, and has issue] ; Mary Elizabeth [married, April 29, 1886, William Palfrey Burrell, Her Majesty's Consul at Port Said] ; Florence Eva [married, June 10, 1882, Hugh Arundell Trevanion] ; and Elizabeth Edith [married, April 25, 1883, Henry Valentine Macnamara, Captain Royal Artillery, Deputy-Lieutenant, of Doolen and Ennistymon House, in hhe county of Clare, and has issue]. Seat — Woollahra, Sydney, New South Wales. Town- house— 6 De Vere Gardens, Kensington, W. Alexander Cooper of Elgin (son of Rev. James Cooper), by his wife Anne Phebe, eldest dau. of William Jenkins of Struan Grove (granddau. of Major-General George Duncan Robertson of Struan, C.B.). Livery^ Green coat, red and white waistcoat. Armorial bearings -Argent, a chevron is the Naval Cockade. 3o8 Coo Coo gul«s, between two Uurel branches in chief vert and a wuir's head emscd of the second in banc. Mantling ^les, doubled ardent. Oreat On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand grasping a wolf's head erased all proper. Motto -" Virtute el tortitudine." Married, April a, 1887, May E., dau. of George S. Smith, Illinois ; and has Issue - (i) George James RotK'rtson Cooper. Genilcman, t. July 83, 1890; (a) Ala>>tair Robertson Cooper, Gentleman, />. April 17, 1897 ; and May Phebe. KesiJemes Hurslcv Park, Hampshire ; 36 Grosvenor Square, I^xindon, w. C/«^— Carlton. JAMES COOPER COOPER, Esq.. J. P. co. Limerick. Bom 1825, being the eldest son of the late Christopher Tuthill, Lieut. R.N., by Grace, dau. of Robert Reeves of Platten. co. Meath; and assumed by Royal License, in 1844, the name and arms of Cooper. Armorial bearings — Sable, a fesst! wavy ermine, lietween three lions rampant or. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant or. Motto — " Noli irritare loonem." Married, 1847, Mary. dau. of Charles Pickering of Roebuck, co. Dublin ; and by her, who died 1877, has, with other surviving Issue — James Cooper, Gentleman, b. 1865. Seat — Cooper's Hill, Clarina, ca Limerick. SAMUEL JOSHUA COOPER. Gentleman, Lord of the Manor of Snaith, Cowick, and Grammary Fee. Born Sept. 17, 1830, being the second son of William Cooper of Mount Vernon, by Harriett, dau. of Thomas Mann of Mann- ville, Bradford, Yorks. Livery— 'Rroyin and silver. Armo- rial bearings— Party per pale pean and gules, on a chevron ^¥smiMi?i between three lions passant argent, an estoile wavy between two lozenges gules, and impaling the arms of Mann, namely, per saltire azure and erminois, on a fesso dovetailed between three goats argent, as many annulets sable. Mant- ling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a lion sejant pean, supporting with his dexter paw a battle-axe or. Motto— " Tout vient de Dieu." Married, February 9, 1859, Fanny, daughter of John -Mann of Boldshay Hall, Bradford. Seat — Cowick Hall, near Snaith. Residence — Maani Vernon, near Barnsley. WILLIAM CRAUFURD COOPER, Gentleman. Lieut. R.E. Born Jan. 28, i88i, being the eldest son of tlie late William Samuel Cooper, Esq. , J. P. and D. L. , Major Ayrshire Yeomanry, LL. D. and LL.M. , by his wife Amy Frances, dau. of Lieut. -Col. Kolx'rt Gordon, Adjutant - General Madras Army. Armorial bearings -Quaiterly, i. argent, on a bend engrailed lietween two lions rampant gules. three crescents of the field, all within a bordure chequy of the first and azure (for Cooper) ; a and 3, quartered i. and iiii.. argent, on a chief gules, three lions' heads erased of the first, all within a bordure ermine (for Riichie) ; ii. and iii. , gules, a fesse ermine, and in chief a mullet of the last (for Craufurd) ; 4. argent, a chevron gules, surmounted of another ermine, betwixt three laurel slips vert, all within a lx)rder chequ ■ as the former (for Couper or Cowper). Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On the dexter side, issuant out of a wreath argent and gules, a dexter hand holding a garland of laurel both proper ; and over the same the Motto, "Virtute"; and on the sinister, upon a wreath argent and azure, an oak tree with a branch borne down by a weight, both proper ; and over the same the Motto, " Resurgo." Seat — Failford, Mauchline, CO. Ayr. Residence— 17 Wilton Street, Grosvenor Place, S.W. COOPER (H. Coll.). Per chevron invected or and sable, in chief three lions and in base a beehive all counterchanged. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a horse rampant regardant argent, gorged with a collar gemel sable, holding between the fore- legs an escutcheon or, charged with a crow also sable. Son of John Cooper of West Wickham, Kent, 3, ; d. ; m. : — John Cooper, Esq., J. P. Surrey, London, Northants, and Croydon, b. 1837 ; m. 1868, Maria, d. of Richard Hooper of Gloucestershire. Seat — Delapr6 Abbey, North- ampton. COOPER (H. Coll.). Argent, a sword fesseways proper between three martlets gules, on a chief invected azure four annulets or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erased or, charged with two annulets azure transfixed by a sword as in the arms and holding a cherry branch projser. Motto — " Tuum est." Sons of Henry Cooper, Esq., late Major Q.O. Lt. Inf. Militia, of Forest Lodge, Shooter's Hill, Kent, b. 1824 ; d. 1900; m. 1846, Catherine Croom, d. of S. Love- grove : — Col. Harry Cooper, C.M.G. , served in Ashanti War 1874, Boer War 1881, Burmese Exped. 1886, Dongola Exped. 1896, S. Africa 1899-1902, A.D.C. to Queen Victoria 1898-1901, and A.D.C. to the King 1901-1904, b. 1847, nt. 1894, Emily Charlotte Ernestine, d. of late Capt. Henry Caldwell, R.N., C.B. , A.D.C. ; and has surv. issue — Derek Henry Caldwell Cooper, Gentleman, b. 1895 ; and Barbara Eleanor. Res. — Red House, Hasketon, nr. Wood- bridge, Suffolk. Club — United Service. Frank Cowjjer, Gentleman (g.v.). The Rev. Sydney Coojjer, M.A., b. 1862; m. 1890, Edith, d. of Michael Henry Williams, Esq., J.P. ,of Pencalenick, Cornwall; and has surv. issue — (i) Corin Henry Benedict Cooper, Gentleman, b. 1892; (2) John Victor Cooper, Gentleman, b. 1897; (3) Hugh Christopher Cooper, Gentleman, b. 1899 ; (4) l'2dward Cecil Williams Cooper, Gentleman, b. 1902; (5) George Perran Cooper, Gentleman, b. 1903 ; Sylvia Katherine ; Mary Genefer ; and Christina. Res. — Christ Church Vicarage, Frome, Somerset. Club — Westminster. COOPER U.O. ). Sable, a chevron wavy ermine be- tween three lions rampant or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a bull passant proper. Motto — " Love, Serve." Son of Austin Cooper, Esq., of Killenure Castle, J.P. CO. Tipperary, and High Sheriff 1893, Lieut. R.N. R., b. 1835; d. 1897; 7n. ist, 1868, Minnie, d. of Very Rev. Ogle William Moore Deane : — Austin Samuel Cooper, Esq., J.P. co. Tipperary, Capt. 2nd Chesh. Regt. , b. 8 Nov. 1870. Seat — Killenure, Cashel, co. Tipperary. Son of Rev. Austin Cooper of Kinnealy, b. ; d. 1871 ; m. , Margaret, d. of James Armstrong ; — Austin Daniel Cooper, Gentleman, b. 1831. Seat — Kinnealy, co. Dublin. Son of Nathaniel Cooper of Cooperhill, b. ; d. is tbe Military Cockade. Coo Cop 309 1852 ; in. , Anne, d. of Henry Irwin of Stream- town : — Henry Alexander Cooper, Gentleman, b. . Seat — Cooperhill, co. Meath. COOPER of Markree (U.O.). Quarterly, i. azure, on a chevron between three cinquefoils or, two lions passant respecting each other sable (Cooper) ; 2. argent, a chevron engrailed between three martlets azure ; 3. azure, three millstones proper (for Millington) ; 4. urgent, an eagle dis- played with two heads sable, beaked and legged gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-man affront^e, habited per pale argent and sable, in the de.xler hand proper, a covered cup or, on the head wreathed round the temples argent and azure, a cap gules. Motto — " Deo, patria, Rege." Sons of Major Francis Edward Cooper, R.F.A., b. 1859; d.v.p. 1900; in. 1883, Ella Beatrice, d. of Col. Mark Prendergast, B.S.C :— Bryan Ricco Cooper, Gentleman, and Lieut. R.F.A. , b. 1884. Seat — Markree Castle, co. Sligo. Club — Junior Naval and Military. Guy Edward Cooper, Gentleman, R.N. ,i5. i8gi. Res. — Yr. sons of Rt. Hon. Lt.-Col. Edward Henry Cooper, P.C. , of Markree Castle, Lieut, of that co. , J. P. and High Sheriff 1871, late Lt.-Col. Gren. Gds., M.P. CO. Sligo 1865-8, b. ; d. 1902: — Richard Joshua Cooper, Esq., M.V.O., Col. (ret.) Irish Guards, Priv. Sec. to Lord-Lieut, of Ireland, b. i860 ; VI. 1904, Constance, d. of G. Thorold. Res. — Phcenix Park, Dublin. Arthur Charles Cooper, Gentleman, b. 1864. Res. — Sons of Lt.-Col. Joshua Harry Cooper of Dun- boden, co. Westmeath, J. P. (High Sheriff 1875) ; b. 1831 ; d. 1901 ; in. 1857, Helen Malet, d. of Capt. Haydon, R.N. :— Edward Joshua Cooper, Esq., C.B., D.S.O. , Col. Roy. Fus. , b. 1858; m. 1894, Effie, only d. of James Forrest Balmain of Dalvreck, co. Perth. Seat — Dunboden, co. Westmeath. Richard Wordsworth Cooper, Gentleman, b. i860. Res. — Ballinun, Cork. ANNIE COOPER-CHADWICK, Widow, youngest dau. of the late John Langley of Knockanure, co. Tipperary. Armorial bearings are upon a lozenge : Quarterly i and 4, or, an inescutcheon gules, charged with a lily slipped and leaved proper, within an orle of martlets sable (for Chad wick) ; 2 and 3, per pale indented argent and sable, three bulls passant counterchanged, a canton azure (for Cooper). Married, 1886, William Cooper-Chadwick, Esquire, b. Nov. 14, 1855, Lt.-Col. Tipperary Artillery, who died 1895, leaving /wt^e— Frances Violet, and Kathleen Lilian. Seat — Bal- linard, Tipperary. M WILLIAM COOPER- COOPER, Esq, F.S.A., J.P. «l and D.L., High Sheriff 1867, 1868, Barrister-at- Law, late Major Beds. Militia. Born April 10, 1810, being the eldest son of William Dodge Cooper-Cooper, Esq., J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff of Bedfordshire 1829, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. and heiress of John Cooper of Tod- dington Park, co. Bedford, and of Park House, Highgate, CO. Middlesex. Armorial bearings— Gules, on a chevron between three lions passant argent, each holding a battle-axe in his lorepaw or, three lozenges sable, on a chief engrailed gold, a lozenge of the field between two martlets of the fourth. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a gazon vert, a lion sejant or and erminois, holding in his dexter paw a battle-axe and in the sinister a tilting-spear all proper. Motto — ' ' Tuum est. ' ' Married, April 26, 1831, Laura Georgina (who died 1886), eldest dau. of the late Capt. Thomas Ellis of Tuy Duy Park, CO. Monmouth, late of the 17th Light Dragoons; and by her has Issue — One son, William Smith Cooper - Cooper, Gentleman, b. 1832 [;«., 1859, Eliza, dau. of Thomas Houssemain Du Boulay of West Lawn, Sandgate, Kent, and has three daus.]. Seat — Toddington Manor, Dun- stable, Bedfordshire. JAMES EDWARD COOPER-DEAN, Gentleman. Born 1840, being the third son of Joseph Cooper of Throop, in co. of Southampton, by his wife, dau. of the late Richard Dean »of Littledown House, in the same county ; assumed the additional surname and arms of Dean by Royal License in the year 1888. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules a lion couchant, and in base a crescent argent, on a chief nebuly of the last two crescents of the first (for Dean) ; 2 and 3 ermine, three barrulets wavy azure, as many annulets or, on a chief of the second, three acorns slipped of the third (for Cooper) ; and for his Crests, 1. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion or, gorged, with a collar nebuly, holding in the dexter paw a crescent, and resting the sinister paw on an increscent all gules (for Dean), 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm, holding in the hand a scroll entwined by a branch of oak all proper, an annulet or (for Cooper) ; with the Motto, " Fortis in arduis." Postal address — Littledown, Christchurch. COOTE, quartered by LANGRISHE. CHARLES HENRY COOTE, Esquire, Major late nth Hussars. Born August 5, 1859, being the second son of the late Eyre Coote of West Park, by his wife Jessie Mary, dau. of Lieut.-Gen. Henry Lechmere Worrall, E. I.e., of The Cottage, Clifton. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron sable, between three coots close proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a coot close proper. Mottoes — " Coute que coute," and " Vincit Veritas." Married, 1895, Evelyn, dau. of J. H. Gartside of Overstone Park, Notts. Residence — CHARLES ROBERT PURDON COOTE, Gentleman. Born June 23, 1875, being the only son of the late Charles Purdon Coote, Esq., J.P. and D. L. , sometime Gentleman Usher to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, by his wife Harriette Louisa, fourth dau. of Robert Perceval Maxwell, D.L. , of Finnebrogue andGroomsport, co. Down, and Moore Hill, co. Waterford. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron sable, between three coots close proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a coot close proper. Mottoes — "Vincit Veritas"; and " Coute qui Coute." Seats — Ballyclough Castle and Bear- forest, Mallow, CO. Cork. Club — Kildare Street (Dublin). EYRE COOTE, Esquire, J.P. for Wilts and Hants, High Sheriff Queen's Co. 1886. Born Dec. 31, 1857, being the eldest son of the late Eyre Coote of West Park, by his wife Jessie Mary, dau. of Lieut.-Gen. Henry Lechmere Worrall, E. I. C. , of The Cottage, Clifton, Armorial bear- ings — Argent, a chevron sable, between three coots close proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a coot close proper. Mottoes — " Coute que coute," and " Vincit Veritas." Married, Nov. 24, 1892, Evelyn Mary, fifth dau. of the late Rev. Edward Cadogan, Rector of Wicken, co. Northampton. Seat — West Park, Damerham, via Salisbury. CV/z/Jj— Carlton, Wellington, Kildare Street (Dublin). S FRANCIS ROBERT COPE, Esq., D.L. for co. Armagh. Born 1853, being the only son of the late Robert Wright Cope Cope, of Loughgall Manor, by Cecilia Philippa, dau. of the late Francis Manley Shawe Taylor of Castle Taylor, co. Galway. Clubs — Junior Carlton ; St. George's Yacht Club (Kingstown, Dublin). Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a chevron azure, between three roses gules, stalked and leaved vert, as many fleurs-de-lis or, a mullet of the second for difference (for Cope) ; 2 and 3 argent, three crescents in pale azure, be- tween two pellets (for Doolan). Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, out of a fleur-de-lis or, charged with a mullet gules, a dragon's head of the second (for Cope) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a chapeau azure, turned up ermine, a crescent or, there- from issuant a trefoil slipped vert (for Doolan). Motto— "iEquo adesteanimo." 5ea/— Manor House, Loughgall, Armagh. COPE {temp. Henry VIII.). Argent, on a chevron azure, between three roses gules, stalked and leaved vert, as many fleurs-de-lis or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, out of a fleur-de-lis or, a dragon's head gules. MottO— " ^quo adesto animo." Sons of Rev. Sir William Henry Cope, 12th Bart., b. 1811 ; d. 1892 ; m. 1st, 1834, Marianne [d. 1862), d. of Henry Garnett of Green Park, Meath ; 2nd, 1865, Harriette Margaret, d. of Robert Jaff'ray Hautenville of Vesey Place, Monkstown, Dublin : — Sir Anthony Cope, 13th Bart. (29 June 1611), Lt.-Col. is tbe Naval Cockade. 3«o Cop Cor te Ute Rifle Brigade. A. 184a: m. 1870, Maiv Leckonby, d. ot John Phipps of I^ighton, Wilts, and widow of Rev. Hy. Tudway : and hi\s issue— (>) I>en«I Cope, Esq., 6. 1873; I a) Wahrr Clnlcn Cope. Ksq., *. 1874 [m. 1904. Maria rnacia. d. of Ravmon de I-^tevez of New York and Cuba] ; m Anthony WillLim Edmond Cope, Esq., i. 1876; (4) Mordaunt l^eckonby Cope, lisq., *. 1878; Ada Beatrice 1903. Cecil Stephenson]. Stat — Bramshill Park, inchtield. Hants. C/wA— Brooks's. John Ilautenville Cope, Esq., t. 1867; m. 1899, Emma Elixalirth, d. of Major W. R. M. Thoyts of Sulhamstcad, Berks. Tinem m.—iy: Hyde Park Mansions, W. Club— National liberal. CopK (R.L. . 1847 and 1867). Same arms. Sons of John Alexander Mainley Cope, Esq. (formerly Pinnigcr). J. P. and High Sheriff co. Arm.igh, a. 1893 ; m. 1848. Oeorgina Catherine, d. and h. of Nathaniel Garland : — John Garland Cope, Esq., J. P., D.L., b. 1850; m. 1st, 1878. Theresa Charlotte (d. 1880). d. of Ralph Smith Obf* ; and. 1900, Mary Edith, d. of Col. Lonsdale Hale, R.E. ; and has issue— John Ralph Obr* Cope. Gentleman, b. 1879. .Sra/— Drumilly. Kes. — 40 Roland Gn a wreath of the colours, a squirrel sejant crmcking a nut ull or ; and over it the motto, "Dura spiro spero; and under the arms the Motto, •• I)eus pascil corvoa." Married, April 23, 1891, Katharine, coiiimunly known as the Honourable Katharine, daughter of the KiKhi Honourable Kdward Southwell Russell, twenty- third Itiuon l)c Clifford; and has Issue— \ dau., Sybil. /Vi/d/ tf^^fVJi— Adderley Hall. Market Drayton. RKGINALDGEORGECORUICT, Gentleman, Bachelor of Divinity, formerly Chancellor of the Diocese of Kandy. lii>rM Janujiry 8, 1857. being the eldest son of Reginald John CorU-t. Kst|uire, Justice of the Peace for Ceylon, sometime a MemU-r of the lx*gislative Council of that colony (ihiid son of Sir Andrew Vincent Corbet, Bart. , of Moreton Corl>et). by his wife Sophia Louisa Ottilia Wilhelmina, dau. and co-heir of lieutenant-General Adolphus Otto, liaron von Barsse, a Major-General in the British Army, and widow of Baron Kmest von MaltMn-Wartenlierg-Penrlin. Armorial bear- ings-- He l)e.irs for Amu: Or, a raven sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ixjfitting his degree, with a Mantling siiNe and or ; and for his Crests, t. upon a wreath of the colours, an elephant statant argent, tusked or, the trappings sable, fimbriated gold, on his back a tower triple- towered of the last ; with the motto, " Virtutis laus actio; " a. upon a wreath of the colours, a squirrel sejant cracking a nut all or ; with the motto, " Dum spiro spero ; " under the arms the MottO, " Dcus pascit corvos." Postal address — 3 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. SSiR WALTER ORLANDO CORBET, fourth Baronet of Moreton, in the county of Salop, Deputy-Lieu- tenant, late Captain Coldstream Guards. Bom July 11, 1856, being the son of the late Sir Vincent Rowland Corbet, ihtrd Baronet, by his wife Caroline Agnes, third daughter of Vice-Admiral Charles Orlando Bridgeman, commonly known as the Honourable Charles Orlando Bridgeman. Creation — October 3, 1808. Clubs — Guards', Bachelors' , Carlton , Pratt's. Armorial bearing— He bears for Arms : Or, a raven sable (for Corbet), with twenty- nine other quarterings. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an elephant statant argent, tusked or, the trappings sable, fimbriated gold, on his back a castle triple-towered of the last ; and over the crest the motto, " Virtutis laus actio ; 2. upon A WTeath of the colours, a squirrel sejant cracking a nut all or ; above it the motto, " Dum spiro spero." MottO — "Dcus pascit corvos." Married, July 7, 1888, Caroline Douglas, only child of Captain James Stewart, formerly nth Hussars; and has Issue — (i) Vincent Stewart Corbet, Es- quire, born January 27, 1890 ; (2) Roland James Corbet, Esquire, born August 19, 1892. Seat — Acton Reynald Hall, Shrewsbury. Residence — St. Fort, in the county of Fife, CORBETT, see HOLLAND-CORBETT. ARCHIBALD CAMERON CORBETT, Esquire, Jus- tice of the Peace for the counties of Lanark and Warwick, Member of Parliament for the Tradeston Division of Glasgow. Bom M.ay 23, 1856, being the son of the late Thomas Corbett, by his wife S^^h, daughter of the late Archi- bald Cameron. C/«*— Brooks's. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, a key fesseways, wards downwards, between two ravens sable, and upon an escutcheon of pre- tence the arms of Poison. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a branch of a tree proper; thereon a raven sable, with the Motto. " Deus pascit corvos." Married, 1887, Alice Mary, who died July 10, 1902, only daughter of John Poison of Castle Levan, by Greenock, North Britain. Postal address —26 Hans Place, S.W. EDWARD CORBETT, Esquire, J. P. Born Feb. 7, 1843, being the eldest son of the late Edward Corbett, Elsq., J. P. and D.L., Lieut.-Col. Shropshire Militia, Lord of the Manor of Longnor, M.P. for the Southern Div. of the CO. of Salop 1868 -1877, by his wife Elizabeth Ann Teresa, dau. of Robert Scholl. Armorial bearings- Or, two ravens in pale proper, within a bordure engrailed gules, bezantte, and impaling the arms of Isham, namely gules, a fesse wavy, and in chief three piles also wavy argent. Cor Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a raven proper with a holly branch in its bill vert, fructed gules. Married, July la, 1871 ; Louisa Mary, eldest dau. of Sir Charl's Edmund Isham, loth Bart., of Lamport Hall, CO. Northampton. 6Va/— Longnor, Shrewsbury. REGINALD WILLIAM UVEDALE CORBETT, Gentleman, late Lieut, sand Light Infantry. Born Feb. 20, 1850, Ijeing the eldest son of the late Uvedale Corbett, Esq., J. P. CO. Chester, M.A. (Oxon.), Barrister-at-Law, late Inspector of the Local Government Board, by his wife Mary, eldest dau. of John Fryer of The Wergs, CO. StatTord, first M.P. for Wolverhampton. Armorial bearings — Or, two ravens in pale proper, with a border engrailed gules, bezantde. Mantling sable and or. Crest Upon a wreath of the colours, a raven projjer, with a holly branch in its bill vert, fructed gules ; with the Motto, "Deus pascit corvos." Married, 1889, Jeanie Gerard Redfem, dau. of the late Hon. Chandler J. Wells of Buffalo, New York. A'er, and a cock in base also proper, four torteaux, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Fletcher of Peel Hall, namely ermine, a cross engrailed between four escutcheons sable, each charged with a pheon argent, all within a bor- dure wavy azure. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cock proper, holding in the beak a rose argent, leaved and slipped of the first, and rest- ing the dexter claw on a saltire couped of the second. Motto — " Vigilans et audax." Married, Dec. i, 1886, Charlotte Anne, only dau. and heir of the late Jacob Fletcher Fletcher of Peel Hall, Lancaster. Seat — Park Hall, Oswes- try, CO. Salop. EDGAR VALENTINE CORRIE, Gentleman. Born Feb. 1853, being the third son of the late J. M. Corrie of Itchen Abbas, Alresford, by his wife Fanny, dau. of William Wynne of Itchen Abbas. Armorial bearings— Gules, on a saltire invected argent, Vjetween a rose in chief of the last, barbed and seeded proper, and a cock in base all proper, four torteaux. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cock proper holding in the beak a rose argent, leaved and slipped of the first, and resting the dexter claw on a saltire couped of the second. Motto — "Vigilans et audax." Married, June 18, 1879, Ellen Margaret, dau. of Henry Christopher Fisher of Cradock, Cap)e Colony; and has Issue— (i) Malcolm Wynne Gil- fillan, Gentlemen, b. Sept. 25, 1880; and Margaret Anna Byrom. Residence— ^ is the Military Cockade. Cor Cor 315 EDWARD ROWLAND CORRIE, Gentleman. Born Jan. 3, 1850, being the eldest son of the late John Mal- colm Corrie of Itchen Abbas, Alresford, Hants, by his wife Fanny, dau. of William Wynne of Itchen Abbas. Armorial beaxings — Gules, on a saltire invected argent, between a rose in chief of the last, barbed and seeded proper, and a cock in base also proper, four torteaux. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cock proper, holding in the beak a rose argent, leaved and slipped of the first, and resting the dexter claw on a saltire couped of the second. Motto — " Vigilans et audax." Married, June i, 1882, Gertrude Maude, dau. of James Searight of Dieu la Cresse Abbey Leek, co. Stafford . and has Issue — James Searight Malcolm, Gentleman, b; Feb. 27, 1883; Sarah Gertrude Hyde, d. Feb. 29, 1887. Irene Vera ; Sybil Rita Byrom ; and Gertrude Dorothea; Residence — JESSIE ELIZABETH CORRIE, fourth daughter of the late J. M. Corrie of Itchen Abbas, Alresford, by his wife Fanny, dau. of William Wynne of Itchen Abbas. Ar- morial bearings — On a lozenge, gules, on a saltire invected argent, between a rose in chief of the last, barbed and seeded proper, and a cock in base also proper, four torteaux. Re- sidence — MALCOLM STUART CORRIE, Gentleman. Born April 9, 1858, being the fifth son of the late J. M. Corrie of Itchen Abbas, Alresford, by his wife Fanny, dau. of William Wynne of Itchen Abbas. Armorial bearings- Gules, on a saltire invected argent, between a rose in chief of the last, barbed and seeded proper, and a cock in base also proper, four torteaux. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cock proper, hold- ing in the beak a rose argent, leaved and slipped of the first, and resting the dexter claw on a saltire couped of the second. Motto — "Vigilans et audax." Married, April 23, 1884, Edith, youngest dau. of W. D. J. Bridgman, D.C.L. ; and has Issue — (i) William Ronald Corrie, Gentleman, b. April 12, 1887 ; Marjory ; and Ursula (twin with her sister). Seat — WILLIAM MALCOLM CORRIE, Gentleman. Born April 3, 1851, being the second son of the late J. M. Corrie of Itchen Aljbas, Alresford, by his wife Fanny, dau. of William Wynne of Itchen Abbas. Armorial bearings- Gules, on a saltire invected argent, between a rose in chief of the last, barbed and seeded proper, and a cock in base all proper, four torteaux. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cock proper, holding in the beak a rose argent, leaved and slipped of the first, and resting the dexter claw on a saltire couped of the second. Motto— " Vigilans et audax." Married, April 30, 1878, Margaret Louisa, dau. of Macgregor Laird, by Ellen Margaret his wife, dau. of Gen. Sir Edward Nicholls, K.C. B. ; and has Issue — Eleanor Margaret. CORRY, see LOWRY-CORRY. CLIFFORD JOHN CORY, Esquire, J. P. for counties of Glamorgan and Monmouth ( High Sheriff 1905), late Captain 3rd Welsh Regiment. Born April 10, 1859, being the second son of John Cory, Esq., J. P. for cos. Glamorgan and Mon- mouth and Borough of Cardiff, and D. L. for county Mon- mouth, of Duffryn, Glamorganshire, by his wife Anna Maria, da.u. of the late John Beynon of Newport, Monmouthshire. Z,«Wrj/— Black with white facings. Armorial bearings —Argent, a saltire sable, on a chief azure, three cinque- foils or, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Lethbridge, namely argent, over water in base proper, a bridge embattled, thereon a turret gules, in chief an eagle displayed sable, charged with a bezant. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a griffin's head couped between two wings or, three roses fesseways gules, barbed and seeded proper. Motto^ "Virtus semper viridis." Married, Jan. 25, 1893, Jane Anne Gordon, second dau. and coheir of the late Albert Arthur Lethbridge of Somersetshire. 5(?a/i-— Llantarnam Abbey, Monmouthshire ; St. Lythans, Glamorganshire. Clubs — Devonshire, National Liberal, National, Isthmian, and New. JAMES HERBERT CORY, Gentleman, J. P. for the Borough of Cardiff. Armorial bearings -Argent, a saltire between two quatrefoils in pale sable, on a chief azure a griffin's head erased between two quatrefoils or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a griffin's head erased or, between two wings per pale of the last and gules, three quatrefoils sable. Motto— "Cor unum via una." 5«a/— Tryn-y-parc, Whitchurch, Glamorgan. SJOHN CORY, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. co. Mon- mouth, and J. P. CO. Glamorgan, Lord of the Manor of Duffryn, and Patron of the Living of St. Nicholas. Born March 20, 1828, being the eldest son of Richard I is tbe Naval Cockade. 3»6 Cor €00 Cory, by his wife Sarah. d;iu. of John Wool.-icot of Bideford. /.itvrr— Black, with white facings. Armorial bMUtinfV Argrnt, a saltire sable, on a chief azure three cinqucluiU or. — ■""♦"g sable and argent. OlMt - On a wreath of the colours, in front of a griffin's head couped between two wings or, three roses gules, barbed and seeded proper. Married, Sept. 19, 1854, Anna Maria, dau. of the late John Beynon of Newport, co. Monmouth ; and has Issue-(i) Herbert Beynon Cory, Esq., J. P. co. Monmouth, b. Aug. 7, 185^ [m.. May 28, 1885, Constance, fourth dau. of R. Stedall, Lsq.. J. P., of The Ptiory, High- gate, and has issue, Ivan Rupert Cory, Gentleman, b. July 16, 1886 ; Cecil Noel Cory, Gentleman, b. Nov. 22, 1887 ; Roderick John Cory, Gentleman, b. July 29, 1889, d. Jan. 26, 1890; and Herbert Chichester Cory, Gentleman, b. April 22, 1895]; (2) Clifford John Cory, Esq., J. P. cos. Glamorgan and Monmouth, late Captain 3rd Batt. Welsh Regt. , b. April 10, 1859 [m., Jan. 25, 1893, Jane Anne Gordon, younger dau. of the late Albert Arthur Lethbridge]; (3) Reginald Radcliffe Cory, Gentleman, b. Oct. 31, 1871 ; and Florence Margaret. 5«a/— Duffryn, nr. Cardiff. Resi- dence—^ Park Crescent, Portland Place, W. Clubs — Devonshire, National Liberal. S.\XTON CAMPBELL CORY, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. CO. Monmouth. Bom 1855, being the eldest son of Richard Cory, Esq., J.P. co. Monmouth, by his wife Emily, dau. of Joseph Vivian of Roseworthy, Cornwall. Armorial bearings —Argent, a saltire sable, on a chief azure three cinquefoils or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, in front of a griffin's head couped between two wings or, three roses gules, barbed and seeded proper. Married, 1884, Constance Emily, third dau. of D. CoUett Thomas of Woodlands, Highgate. 5m/— Cranwells, Bath. CORY-WRIGHT (H. Coll.). Or. gutt6-de-larmes, a fesse conipony counter-company azure and of the first, be- tween two eagle's heads erased in chief and a unicorn passant regardant in base also azure., mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a tilting-spear erect proper, a unicorn passant regardant argent, gutt6-de-lannes. Son of William Wright of Charlton, Kent, b. 1795 '< d. 1877; m. 1825, Elizabeth, d. of Rev. Thomas Hooper, M.A., Rector of Yatton Keynell, Wilts : — Sir (Cory) Francis Cory- Wright, ist Bart. (1903), J. P., D.L.,andC.A. Middx. (High Sheriff 1902-3), J.P. London, b. 1838 ; m. 1867, Mima, d. of late Sir Hugh Owen ; and has issue — (i) Arthur Cory Cory- Wright, Esq., M.A. (Oxon)., b. 1869 [m. 1891. Olive, eld. d. of Henry Clothier, M.D., of Highgate; and has issue]; (2) Dudley Cory- Wright, Esq., M.A. (Oxon)., Barrister-at-Law, b. 187a, and three daus. Seal-— Caen Wood Towers. Ilighgate. Ix)ndon. W. Clubs— ]un\or Carlton, St. Stephen's. « ROBERT ASHWORTH GODOLPHIN COSBY, Esquire. J. P., Vice-Lieut. Queen's Co.. Col. 3rd Batt. I.«inster Regt. (late Inniskilling Dragoons). Born April 7. 1837, being the only son of Sydney Cosby and Emily, dau. and co-heir of Capt. Robert Ashworth, late i7lh Lancers. Clubs — Army and Navy, Wellington, Hurling- lijini, Kildare Street (Dublin). Livery — Blue coal, scarlet vest, blue breeches (full dress). Armorial bearings- Quarterly I and 4, argent a chevron, between three leopards' faves sable, on a canton or, a saltire vert, between a cross crosslet in chief gules, a lizard erect in the dexter, and a salmon in the fes.se point of the fourth, and a dexter hand couped in base of the fifth ; 2. azure, three shackles or, on a canton argent, a saltire gules, between a sinister hand couped in chief of the last, two salmon in fesse and one in base vert ; 3. or, a pheon azure. MantUnsT sable and .irgent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a griffin segreant, his wings erect gules, supporting a broken spear or, headed argent. Uotto — " Audaces fortuna juvat." Married, firstly, Oct. 18, 1859, Alice Sophia Elizabeth, only dau. of Sir George Edward Pocock, Bart., of The Priory, Christ Church, Hampshire ; and by her (who died 1878) has had Issue— \i) Dudley Sidney Ashworth Cosby, Esq.. b. Jan. 12. 1862. Capt. 3rd Scottish Rifles, late Lieut. Rifle Brigade [m., April 30, 1895, Emily Mabel, only dau. and heir of Lieut.-Gen. James Gubbins, C. B. ; and has issue, Irene Mable Alys] ; (2) Sidney George Coventry Cosby, Gentleman, Lieut. Rifle Brigade, b. July 23, 1864, d. unm. 1891 ; Edith Augusta Emily [m., Aug. 10, 1887, Major the Hon. Henry Edward Maxwell, Black Watch, brother of Lord Farnham] ; Mary Powlet, [tn., May 17, 1893, William H. Persse, eldest son of Henry Persse of Glenarde, co. Galway, and has issue] ; Aline Islay; Lilian Alice; Violet Grace [m., Jan. 11, 1894, Frederick Oliver Baron Ashtown. and has issue]. He married secondly, Jan. 22, 1885, Eliza, dau. of Rev. Capel Molyneux, Vicar of St. Paul's, Onslow Square, and widow of Sir Charles Goring, ninth Bart of Highden, Sussex. Seat — Stradbally Hall, Queen's Co. ^ is the Military Cockade. Cot Cot 317 ARTHUR COTES, Esquire, J. P. and C.C. co. Wilts, Major late Suffolk Regt. Born April 11, 1850, being the second son of the late Rev. Charles Grey Cotes, Rector of Stanton St. Quentin, Wilts, by his wife Fanny Henrietta, dau. of Sir Robert Pigot, Bart. Livery — Blue, with red collar. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, ermine ; 2 and 3, paly of six or and gules, impaling the arms of Dixon- Poynder, namely, quarterly i. and iiii. , pily counterpily or and sable, the points ending in crosses form6e, two in chief and one in base, in the centre chief point a castle of the second, and in base two martlets of the first, a chief azure, thereon a key erect, the wards upwards and to the sinister gold, between a rose on the dexter and a fleur-de-lis on the sinister argent ; ii. and iii., azure, an anchor erect or, encircled with an oak wreath vert, between three mullets pierced of the second ; on a chief of the last, three pellets gules, sur- mounted by a mural crown argent. Motto — "Soli Dei honor et gloria." Married, July 6, 1890, Isabella Emily, youngest sister of Sir John I)ixon-Poynder, Bart. Seat — Seagry House, Chippenham, Wilts. Clubs — Brooks's, Naval and Military. CHARLES COTES, Gentleman. Born 1846, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Charles Grey Cotes, Rector of Stanton St. Quentin, Wilts, by his wife Fanny Henrietta, dau. of Sir George Pigot, Bart. Armorial bearings- Quarterly I and 4, ermine ; 2 and 3, paly of six or and guies, impaling the arms of Pleydell-Bouverie, namely, quarterly i. and iiii. , per fesse or and argent, a double-headed eagle dis- played sable, on the breast an escutcheon gules charged with a bend vair ; ii. and iii., argent, a bend gules, guttte-d'eau, between two ravens sable, ~a. chief chequy or and of the last. Motto — "Soli Dei honor et gloria." Married, Sept. 19, 1876, Lady Edith Pleydell-Bouverie, third dau. of Jacob, 4th Earl of Radnor. Residence — Burcot, Leighton Buzzard. S CHARLES JAMES COTES, Esquire, Lieut. -Col. late Grenadier Guards, J. P. and D. L. co. Salop. Born Dec. 16, 1847, being the third but second surviving son of the late John Cotes, Esq. , J. P. and D. L, , High Sheriff 1826, M.P. for North Shropshire 1832-4, by his wife Lady Louisa Harriet Jenkinson of Pitchford Hall, Shrewsbury, third dau. of Rt. Hon. Charles Cecil Cope, 3rd Earl of Liverpool. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, ermine ; 2 and 3, sails set and flags flying to the dexter all counterchanged. Mantling gules and or. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, upon a fleur-de-lis fesseways, a cock combed and wattled proper, holding in the beak an oak-leaf slipped vert. Motto — ' ' Vigilantibus. COTTINGHAM of Cavan (confd., U.O., 1501, on user since 1640). Sable, between two bars or, as many hinds counter-trippant argent. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, between two scimitars, a Saracen's head couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed I paly of six or and gules. Motto — "Soli Dei honor et gloria." Seats — Pitchford Hall, Salop; and Woodcote Hall, Newport, Salop. Clubs — Brooks's, Turf, Guards'. CHARLES EDWARD COTTIER, Gentleman. Ar- morial bearings — Per bend nebuly gules and or, a lion rampant in chief and an ancient ship with three masts. about the temples argent and azure. Motto — " Cadere non cedere possum." Livery— Black, with white facings. Sons of Col. Edward Roden Cottingham, R.A. , of Hermit's Hill, Burghfield, Berks, b. 1834; d. 1901 ; m. 1862, Eliza Anne, only d. of Charles Johnson, M.D. :— Edward Roden Cottingham, Esq., Capt. R.M.A., i. 1866. Post. add. — Eastney Barracks, Portsmouth. Club — United Service. Estates — In co. Cavan. Henry Langrishe Cottingham, Esq., Capt. R.F.A., b. 1871. Temp. add. — Deepcut Lines, Farnborough. COTTON, quartered HUSSEY. and LEGH. by FELL, GROSVENOR. HENRY CALVELEY COTTON, Esquire, late Capt. Royal Scots Fusiliers. Bo7-n April 16, 1823, being the only son of Henry Calveley Cotton, by his wife Elisa Mostyn Owen. Livery —YiwcV. blue, scarlet waistcoat. Armorial bearings -Azure, a chevron between three hanks of cotton argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a falcon proper, belled or, holding in the dexter claw a belt azure, buckled of the second. Motto — " In utraque fortuna paratus." Married, March 4, 1856, Georgiana Bolton King, dau. of Edward Bolton King, Esq., M.P. for Warwickshire, and D. L. ; and has Issue ~(\) Henry Robert Stapleton Cotton, Esq., of The Hall, Wem, Shropshire, late Capt. Oxfordshire Light Inf., b. June 8, 1859 [;«. Sept. 12, 1900, Isabel Scott, dau. of the late John Johnstone of Haleaths, Dumfriesshire, and widow of T. A. Lyon] ; (2) Willoughby Lynch Cotton, Esq., late Capt. 3rd Batt. Shropshire Light Inf., b. Aug. 22, 1863; Francis Georgina; and Eloisa Alice, ^j/afe^ — Radnor House, Shrewsbury ; Studley, Warwickshire. Residence — Clubs — Army and Navy, County (Shrewsbury). COTTON (Confn. U.O.). Azure, an eagle displayed argent, on a canton of the last a cross crosslet sable. is the Naval Cockade. 3«8 Cot Cou T*f M*"f nsure and argent. OTMt— Out of a ducal eoronet, a demi-eagle dispiaved or, charged on the breast with a crou crosslet aable. Motto— " With God's Mating." Son of Henry I>aurence Cotton, b. 1819; d. 1861 ; m. 1S43, Elizabeth, d. or Sir Malby Crofton, Bart. : — Lt.-Col. Hrnrv French Cotton, J. P. co. Waterford, b. 1844 ; m. 1878, Sophia, d. of Maj.-Gen. Robert Sandenian ; and has issue — (i) Henry Robert French Cotton, Gentle- m.nn, k. 1883 ; (a) Sydney I^urence French Cotton, Gentle- man, b. 1887. Eleanor Emma ; Mabel Mary ; Constance Louise ; and Marion Elizabeth. Res. — The Hall, Lismorc, ca Waterford. COTTON (H. Coll.). Aiure, on a bend invected be- tween two cotton hanks argent, three torteaux. M^Ti^iiny azure and argent. OTMt — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a falcon close proper, belled or, charged on the breast with a cotton hank argent, three bezants fessewisc. Son of Sir George Cotton, Knt. Bach. (1897), Sheriff of Bombay 1897, b. 184a; d. 1905; m. and, 1880, Amy Agnes, d. of James Greorge White, I.C.S.: — Claude Georjje Meade Cotton, Esq., b, i88a. Res. — Greenlnnk. Folkestone ; Thornb.nnk, Didsbury. Club— Junior Constitutional. S EDWARD THOMAS DAVENANT COTTON- JODRELL of Yeardsley, Esquire, C.B., J. P., D.L. CO. of Chester, Lieut. -Col. and Hon. Col. Com. and Cheshire Royal Engineer Volunteers, M.P. for the Wirral Div. of co. Chester from 1885 to 1900. Bom June ag, 1847, being the only son of the late Rt. Rev. George Edward Lynch Cotton, Bishop of Calcutta, by his wife Sophia Anne, dau. of the Rev. Henry Tomkinson of Reaseheath, Nantwich, co. Chester ; and assumed by Royal License, 1890, the additional sur- name and arms of Jodrell. Livery — Black and silver. Armorial boarlogs— Quarterly i and 4, sable, three buckles argent (for Jodrell) ; a and 3 azure, a chevron between three hanks of cotton argent (for Cotton). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a cock's head and neck couped or, the wings elevated argent, combed and wattled gules (for Jodrell) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a falcon proper, belled or, holding in the dexter claw a belt azure, buckled of the second (for Cotton) ; with the Motto, " Vigilando." Mar- ried, April 24, 1878, Mary Rennell, daughter of William R. Coleridge, Esquire, of Salston, in the county of Devon ; and has surviving hsue — Dorothy Lynch and Olive Harriet Estates — Reaseheath and Yeardsley, Cheshire, and Shall- cross, Derbyshire. Postal address — Reaseheath Hall, Nant- wich. Clubs — Carlton, Army and Navy. COTTRELL. see UPTON-CO TTRELL-DORMER. CHARLES COTTRELL-DORMER, Esquire, J. P.. Capt. late 13th Hussars. Bom May 21, i860, being the eldest son of the late Clement Upton Cottrell-Dormer, Esq., J. P. and D. L., by his wife Florence Anne, second dau. of Thomas Upton of Ingmire Hall, Westmorland. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure ten billets, four, three, two, and one or, a chief of the last, therefrom issuant a demi-lion rampant sable (for Dormer) ; 2. argent, a bend nebuly, gutt^e-d'eau, between three escallops of the second (for Cottrell); 3. sable, a cross moline argent (for Upton). Mantling azure and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a fox statant argent (for Dormer) ; 2. on the dexter side, on a wreath of the colours, a talbot's head couped sable, gorged with a collar with chain affixed thereto, between two crosses patfe paleways or, the collar charged with three escallops also sable (for Cottrell) ; 3. upon the sinister side, on a ducal coronet or, a horse passant sable, bridled, saddled, and accoutred also or (for Upton). Motto — "Semper paratus." Married, Aug. 7, 1889, Ursula, youngest dau. of Mr. and Lady Elizabeth Leslie-Melville-Cartright of Melville House, co. Fife; and has Issue — (i) Clement Cottrell-Dormer. Gentleman, b. Feb. 6, 1891 ; (a) Charles Melville Cottrell-Dormer, Gentleman, b. 1892; (3) Thomas Cottrell-Dormer. Gentleman, b. 1894; Seat — Rousham and Middle Aston, Oxford. CLEMENT ALDEMAR COTTRELL-DORMER, Esquire, Capt. R.A. (retired). Bom Nov. 14, 1862. being the second son of the late Clement Upton Cottrell-Dormer, Esq., J. P. and D.L., by his wife Florence Anne, second dau. of Thomas Upton of Ingmire Hall, Westmorland. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, azure ten billets, four, three, two. and one or, a chief of the last, therefrom issuant a demi-lion rampant sable (for Dormer) ; 2. argent, a bend nebuly, guft<5e-d'eau, between three escallops of the second (for Cottrell) ; 3. sable, a cross moline argent (for Upton). Mantling azure and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a fox statant argent (for Dormer) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a talbot's head conped sable, gorged with a collar with chain affixed thereto, between two crosses patde paleways or, the collar charged with three escallops also sable (for Cottrell) ; 3. on a ducal coronet or, a horse passant saole, bridled, saddled, and accoutred also or. ■otto — "Semper paratus." Seat — Cokethorpe Park.Oxford. COTYS, quartered by RAMSDEN. COULL. see FORSTER-COULL. HENRY JOHN WASTELL COULSON, Esquire. J. P., Barrister-at-Law. Born Nov. 13, 1848, being the eldest son of the late Gustavus Hamilton Coulson, Capt. R.N. , J. P. and D.L. (second son of Col. John Blenkin- sopp Coulson of Blenkinsopp, Northumberland), by his wife Anne Lindsay, only dau. of Rev. Henry Wastell of Newbrough and Wall Town, Northumberland. Livery —Pepper and salt, drab buttons. Armorial bearings- Quarterly i and 4, per pale argent and ermine, on a bend sable, three fleur-de-lis or (for Coulson) ; 2 and 3 argent, a fesse between three garbs banded sable (for Blen- kinsopp). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, between two spears, a fjelican in her piety all proper. Motto — "Je mourrai pour ceux que j'aime." Married, July 14, 1875, Caroline Stewart, dau. of the late Henry Unwin of the Bengal C.S. ; and has Issue — Gustavus Hamilton Blenkinsopp Coulson, V.C., D.S.O. , Lieut. King's Own Scottish Borderers, b. April i, 1879 (killed in action at Lambrechtsfontein, May 19, 1901) ; Florence Lindsay ; Isabel Forbes ; and Inez Lisle. Seat — Newbrough Hall, Fourstones, Northumberland. Residence — Langton Lodge, Blandford, Dorset. The right of Mr. Coulson to the foregoing quartering for Blenkinsopp has not up to the present time been officially established or recorded in the College of Arms, but these arms of Blenkinsopp were recorded at the Visitations, and from the proof s supplied to him the Editor has personally no doubt that the use thereof by Mr. Coulson is correct. is the Military Cockade. Cou Cot) 319 COULSTON (H. Coll.). Per pale wavy argent and azure, two dolphins hauriant respecting each other, counter- changed, collared, and chained together by their necks or, between four estoiles three in chief and one in base also counterchanged. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, a dolphin naiant enibowed sable in front of two tridents in saltire or. Son of : — Henry Joseph Coulston (formerly Knowles), Esq., J. P. Lanes., b. . Res. — Hawksheads, Bolton - le - Sands, Lanes. COUPER, quartered by COOPER. COUPLAND, see BERGNE-COUPLAND. GEORGE COURTAULD, Esquire, J.P. co. Essex, High Sheriff 1896-97, and was M.P. for Maldon 1878-1885. Born 1830, being the eldest son of the late George Court- auld of Bocking, Essex, by Susanna, dau. of John Sewell of Halstead, Essex, and nephew of the late Samuel Courtauld of Gosfield Hall, Essex. Armorial bearings— Per pale argent and or, a chevron between three trefoils in chief and a fleur-de-lis in base vert. Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a fleur-de-lis argent, three mullets gules. Motto — " Tiens a la v6rit6." Married, first, 1855, Mina, youngest dau. of the late William Bromley of Clapton, Middlesex (she died 1859) ; second, 1864, Susannah Elizabeth, elder dau. of the late Samuel Webb Savill of Bocking, Essex (she died 1879) ; third, 1888, Serena Elizabeth, dau. of the late B. Sparrow of Gosfield Place ; and has,- with other Issue — George Court- auld, Gentleman, b. 1859. Residence — Cuthedge, Gosfield, Halstead. Clubs — Reform, Royal Societies. COURTHOPE (H. Coll , Vns. Sussex). Argent, a fesse azure, between three estoiles of six points wavy sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-stag salient gules, attired and charged with estoiles wavy or. Sons of George Campion Courthope of Whiligh, Esq., J.P. and D.L. co. Sussex (High Sheriff 1850), J.P. Kent, ^. 1811 ; d. 1895; m. 1841, Anna, eldest d. of John Deacon of Mabledon, Tonlsridge, Kent : — George John Courthope, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for Kent and J.P. for Sussex, Barrister-at-Law, M.A. Oxford, b. I Nov. 3, 1848 ; m. 21 Sept. 1876, Elinor Sarah {d. 1895), second d. of Lieut. -Col. Edward Loyd of Lillesden, Hawk- hurst, Kent; and has issue — (i) George Loyd Courthope, Esq., J.P., b. 12 June 1877 Sjn. 14 June 1899, Hilda Gertrude, only d. of Major-Gen. Henry Pelham Close, B.S.C. ; and has issue, Hilda Beryl and Elinor Daphne]; (2) Alexander Courthope, Gentleman, b. 14 Sept. 1878 [d. 1892) ; (3) John Edward Courthope, Gentleman, b. 28 Jan. 1882; (4) Richard Foster Courthope, Gentleman, b. 21 Oct. 1888 [d. 1889) ; (s) Robert Courthope, Gentle- man, b. IS March 1891 ; Barbara Frances ; Ehnor Joan ; and Margery {d. 1901). ^sa^- Whiligh, Sussex. Club— St. Stephen's. William Francis Courthope, Gentleman, b. 1850. Alexander Courthope, Gentleman, b. 1852. Rev. Arthur Henry Courthope, M.A. , b. 1854. Sons of Rev. William Courthope, Rector of S. Mailing, Sussex, b. 1816 ; d. 1849 ; m. 1841, Caroline Elizabeth, d. of John Ryle of Macclesfield, M.P. : — William John Courthope, Esq., C.B., M.A. Oxon., Hon. LL.D. (Edin.), Hon. D.Lit. Durham, late Professor of Poetry, Oxford, Hon. Fellow of New Coll., Oxford, and First Civil Service Commissioner, b. 17 July 1842 ; m. 2 Nov. 1870, Mary, d. of John Scott, Esq., H.M. Inspector- General of Hospitals, Bombay; and has issue— (i) William George Courthope, Gentleman, b. 28 Nov. 1871 ; (2) John Courthope, Gentleman, b. 15 March 1876 ; (3) Edward Arthur Courthope, Gentleman, b. 28 Nov. 1879 ; (4) Richard Alan Courthope, Gentleman, b. 8 Oct. 1882 ; Katharine \m. Rev. C. F. Cholmondeley, Rector of Little Sampford, Essex]; and Emily Mary Dorothea. Res. —29 Chester Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. Clubs — Athenaeum, St. Stephen's. Frederic George Courthope, Esq., J.P. , b. 26 Nov. 1845 \ m. 14 Sept. 1869, Lucy, youngest d. of William Smith Uppleby of Bonby, co. Lincoln ; and has issue— (i) Harold Frederic Courthope, Gentleman, b. 28 Jan. 1873; d. 1887; (2) Edward Rupert Frederic Courthope, Gentleman, b. 19 Dec. 1875 ; d. 1876 ; (3) Ronald Frederic Courthope, Gentleman, b. 18 Jan. 1881 ; (4) Wilfred Herbert Frederic Courthope, Gentleman, b. 28 Oct. 1883 ; Margaret Esther Lucy; and Caroline Hilda, .^^j.— Southover, Lewes, co. Sussex. GEORGE COUSSMAKER, Esquire, Lieut.-Col. Bombay Staff Corps (retired). Born June 16, 1839, being the eldest surviving son of the late Lannoy Arthur Coussmaker, by his wife Marianne, dau. of the late Caleb Woodyer of Guildford. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, azure, on a chevron between three mullets or, three trefoils slipped vert ; 2 and 3, azure, two chevrons interlaced, one issuing from the chief and the other from the base, between seven mullets of six points all or. Mantling azure and or. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, an estoile or. Motto — " Deo fretus sum." Married, July 7, 1864, Margaret Shaw, dau. of the late Rev. Samuel Flood Page, Incumbent of St. Paul's, Preston; and has had Issue —Y.dS.'Ca Shaw, b. 1866, d. Sept. 18, 1875. Residences— '^&%\.yioo6., Nor- mandy; Guildford, Surrey C/w^— The Farmers' Club. COUTTS, see BARTLETT- BURDETT-COUTTS, and MONEY-COUTTS. JOHN COVENTRY, Esquire, J.P. for the co. of Southampton. Born February 19, 1845, being the eldest son of the late Rev. John Coventry, formerly Rector of Tywardreath, Cornwall, by his wife Catherine, youngest daughter of Colonel Seton of Brookheath, Hants. Armorial bearings — Sable, a fesse ermine, between three crescents or, impaling the arms of Weld, namely azure, a fesse nebuly between three crescents ermine. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a garb or, fesseways, thereon a cock gules, comb, wattles, and legs of the first. Motto— " Candide et constanter." Married, Oct. 25, 1876, Emily Mary, dau. of Joseph Weld of Lymington, Hants; and has Issue — [x) John Joseph Coventry, Gentleman, b. Feb. 9, 1882 ; (2) Bernard Seton Coventry, Gentleman, b. March 30, 1887 ; (3) William St. John Coventry, Gentleman, b. Feb. 7, 1893 ; Mary Flora ; Constance Catherine Mary ; Philomena Barbara Mary ; Annette Emily Mary ; and Dorothy Mary. Residence— Burgate House, Fordingbridge, Hants. S CHARLES WILLIAM COWAN of Logan House, Midlothian, Esquire, J.P. for the co. of Midlothian, D.L. for the co. of the City of Edinburgh, late Capt. 3rd Batt. Royal Scots Regt., and formerly Capt. Edin- is the Naval Cockade. 3*0 Cot) CoU) burgh County MilitUL Borm May aj, 183?. being the eldest surviving son of Charles Cowan, Esq.. NI.P., of Logon House (who (lied 1889), by Catharine, elilesi dau. of the late Rev. \Vni. Meniies, Minister, of Lanark. N.H. Liverr— Blue, with brass buttons and buff co«t. Armorial bearings — Argent, a saltire gules, on a chief of the last an escallop of the first. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of his liveries, an escallop argent. Motto — "Sic itur in altum." Married, 1861, Margaret, eldest dau. of Robert Craig, Esq.; and has Issue — (i) Alexander Cowan Cowan, Gentleman, b. August i, 1863 [»«. , 1892, Alice Buchanan, dau. of the late John Comrie Thomson, Sheriff of Forfarshire, and has issue] ; (2) Robert Craig Cowan, Gentleman, b. Jan. 2, 1865 ; (3) Charles Menzies Cowan, Gentleman, b. April 17, 1872 ; Katharine Mabel ; Margaret Lucy ; Eleanor Charlotte [tn. Rev. G. F. Eyre, Vicar of Far Forest, Rock, Bewdley] ; Mabel Beatrice ; and Edith Lilian (twin with her sister Mabel). Estates — Logan House, Milton Bridge, Midlothian. Residence — Dalhousie Castle, Bonnyrigg, Midlothian, N.B. Clubs — Caledonian, University (Edinburgh), Conservative (Edinbiu-gh), Union (Edinburgh). DAVID COWAN, Gentleman. M.A. (Trinity Coll., Camb.), Barrister-at-Law. Born May i, 1863, being the second son of the late Lieut. -Col. Phineas Cowan, one of H.M.'s Lieutenants for Ciiy of London, by his wife Rose, eldest dau. of the late Samuel Moses of Stockwell Park. Armorial bearings - Gules, an Eastern crown between two galtraps in.fesse or, between three stags tripf)ant argent, each gorged with a collar gemel sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, in front of a trunk of a tree erect, eradicated and fructed prop>er, a stag argent, resting the dexter forefoot on a galtrap or. Motto — " Sanctitas Deo." Residence - zy Linden Gardens, W. HARRY DOUGLAS COWAN, Gentleman. Bom Aug. 6, 1865, being the son of the late Lieut. -Col. Phineas Cowan, one of H.M.'s Lieutenants for the City of London, by his wife Rose, eldest dau. of the late Samuel Moses of Stockwell Park. Armorial bearings— Gules, an Eastern crown between two galtraps in ftsse or, between three stags trippant argent, each gorged with a collar gemel sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, in front of a trunk of a tree erect, eradicated and frucied proper, a stag argent, resting the dexter forefoot on a gal- trap or. Motto — " Sanctitas Deo." Residence— \ Albe- marle Street, London, W. JAMES COWAN, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and a Member of the Council for the county of Renfrew, second son of Lachlan Cowan and his wife Lilias, daughter of James Bruce. Clubs — Constitutional, Junior Constitutional, Conservative (Glasgow), Scottish Conservative (Edinburgh). Lixtry — Claret coloiu" with white facings. Armorial bear- ings — He l)ears for Arms : Argent, a saltire and a chief gules, the former charged with an escallop or. Ujjon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, issuant out of a cloud a dexter hand proper, holding a heart gules ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Vires et fides." Estate and postal ad- dress — Ross Hall, Crookston, Renfrewshire. W The Late JAMES WILLIAM ALSTON COWAN, Esquire, D.S.O.,Capt. Highland Light Infantry ; killed inaction at Magersfontein, Dec. ii.'iSgg. Thirdsonof John B. Cowan, M.D. , LL.D., Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Glasgow, by Anne B. B. , second dau. of James W. Alston of Stockbriggs, Lanarkshire, Armorial bearing^ — Argent, a saltire gules, on a chief engrailed of the second, a fleur-de-lis of the first. Mantling gules, douljled argent. Crest — On awreah of his liveries, an escallop shell or. Motto — " Sic itur in altum." JOHN CAMPBELL COWAN, Gentleman. Born Jan. 31, 1870, being the son of the late Lieut.-Col. Phineas Cowan, one of H.M.'s Lieutenants for the City of London, by his wife Rose, eldest dau. of the late Samuel Moses of Stockwell Park. Armorial bearing^ Gules, an Eastern crown between two galtraps in fesse or, between three stags trippant argent, each gorged with a collar gemel sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, in front of a trunk of a tree erect, eradicated and fructed proper, a stag argent, resting the dexter forefoot on a gal- trap or. Motto — " Sanctitas Deo." Residence— \J.S. A. JOHN MARSHALL COWAN, Gentleman, B.A., M.D., B.C. (Cantab), D.Sc. (Glasgow), Fellow of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons. Born 1870, being the fourth and youngest son of the late John B. Cowan, M.D. , LL.D., Pro- fessor of Materia Medica in the Univ. of Glasgow, and Anne his wife, second dau. of James W. Alston of Stockbriggs, Lanarkshire. Livery— Red. Armorial bearings -Argent, a saltire gules, on a chief invected of the second a fleur-de- is the Military Cockade. Coto COtD 321 lis of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an escallop or. Motto — " Sic itur in altutn." Married, 1898, Maud Mary, eldest dau. of George W. Hamilton of Row, Dumbartonshire ; and has Issue — Robert Hamilton, Gentleman, b. Jan. 1899. Residence — 14 Woodside Crescent, Glasgow. C/?<*5— Western (Glasgow). LEWIS PHINEAS COWAN, Gentleman. Bom Nov. 16, i860, being the eldest son of the late Lieut. -Col. Phineas Cowan, one of H.M.'s Lieutenants for the City of London, Sheriff of London and Middlesex 1883, by his wife Rose, eldest dau. of the late Samuel Moses of Stockwell Park. Armorial bearings Gules, an Eastern crown between two galtraps in fesse or, between three stags trippant argent, each gorged with a collar gemel sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a trunk of a tree erect, eradicated and fructed proper, a stag argent, resting the de.xter forefoot on a galtrap or. Motto — "Sanctitas Deo." C/w^^-- Isthmian, Royal Temple Yacht. Residence -59 St. James's Street, S.W. ROBERT WILLIAM COWAN, Gentleman. Born April 4, 1861, being the eldest son of the late John Black Cowan, M.D. , of Glasgow, by his first wife Mary Anne, dau. of Dr. W. Stokes of Dublin. Armorial bearings- Argent, a saltire and chief gules, the latter charged with a fleur-de-lis of the first. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest Upon a wreath of his liveries, an escallop or. Motto —"Sic itur in altum." Res.— Cochr&ne, N.W.T., Canada. COWANS (H. Coll.). Argent, a chevron embattled gules, between a chaplet of roses in chief of the last, leaved vert, and a demi-lion couped double-queued in base also gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, issuant from a wreath of roses argent, leaved vert, a demi-lion double-queued as in the arms, holding between the paws a wreath of oak fructed proper. Sons of John Cowans of Carlisle, Cumberland, and Hartlands, Cranford, Middx., m. Jennie Steven : — Col. John Steven Cowans, M.V.O., A.Q.M.G. and Div. Aldershot Command, Major and Lt.-Col. Rifle Brigade, D. A.Q.M.G. Headquarters 1898-1903, has Order of Royal Crown, b. 1862 ; m. 1884, Eva, d. of Rev. John Edmund Coulson, Vicar of Long Preston, Yorks. Club — Naval and Military. Major Ernest Arnold Cowans, Seaforth Highlanders, b. 1865. Club — Naval and Military. Res. — S ALBERT VICTOR JOHN COWELL, Esquire, Capt. Rifle Brigade. Born 1869, being the eldest son of the late Major.-Gen. the Rt. Hon. Sir John Clayton Cowell, K.C.B., by his wife Georgina Elizabeth, only child of the late James Pulleine, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Clifton Castle and Crake Hall, Yorks. Armorial bearingrs— Ermine, a hind trippant gules. Crest— A lion passant guardant gules, ducally crowned and gorged with a plain collar or. MottO— " Fortis et celer." Postal address-- Clifton Castle, Bedale, Yorks. C/«3— Wellington. GOWPER, quartered by HINCKES. FRANK COWPER, Gentleman, M.A. Univ. of Oxford, late Lieut, ist Ad. Batt. Buckingham Volunteers. Born 1849, being the second son of Henry Cooper, Gentleman, of Forest Lodge, Shooter's Hill, in the co. of Kent, by his wife Catherine Crwm, dau. of S. Lovegrove, and resumed the original spelling of Cowper by Deed-PoU. Clubs — Grosvenor, Royal Harwich Yacht, Royal Cinque Ports Yacht (Dover). Armorial bearings - Argent, a sword fesseways proper, between three martlets gules, on a chief invected azure, four annulets or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befit- ting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erased or, charged with two annulets azure, transfixed by a sword as in the arms, and holding a cherry branch proper. Motto — " Tuum est." Marned, 1876, Edith Eliza, daughter of the Reverend Edward Cadogan, Master of Arts, Clerk in Holy Orders; and has had Issue — {1) Frank Cadogan Cowper, Gentleman, born 1877 ; (2) Lionel Cadogan Cow- per, Gentleman, born 1880 ; (3) Gerald Cadogan Cowper, Gentleman, born 1883 ; (4) Henry Evelyn Cadogan Cowper, Gentleman, born 1886, died 1887 ; Edith Alice Magdalen ; Gladys Blanche Catherine ; Gwenllyan Sibylla Mary ; and Nesta Evelyn Dorothea. Post. add. — Grosvenor Club, W. GEOFFREY THOMAS MIDDLETON CARLETON COWPER, Gentleman. Born Nov. 17, 1889, being the second but only surviving son of Frederick Carleton Cowper, by his wife Ella Elizabeth, only dau of W. Middleton Moore, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Grimeshill, Westmorland. Livery — Dark blue, waistcoat white and black. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron paly or and ermine, in chief an annulet between two martlets argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a buffalo's head erased per fesse sable and or, armed of the last, charged on the neck with a cross crosslet counterchanged, in the mouth a sl\p of oak prof>er. Motto — " Industria et perseverantia." Estates— Unthank and Carleton. Residence — Carleton Hall, Penrith, Cumberland. HENRY SWAINSON COWPER, Esquire, F.S.A., formerly Capt. ist V.B. Royal Lancaster Regt., 2nd Lieut. 3rd and 4th Batt. King's Own Royal Lancaster Regt. Born HENBY SWAINSON COWPEa,! HAWKSHEAD. Tune 17 i86s, being the second son of Thomas Christopher Cowper- Essex of Yewfield, Hawkshead, Lancashire, by his wife Catherine Anne, dau. of Benjamin Hall of Grange-over- I i is the Naval Cockade. X ,„• Coto Swjdk and Newton in C*riroel. Amorial bwlngi-Or. two bwTuieu w«vy axure. tx-tween two horseshots in chiel Mbie and a lantern in bas.- proper, a crescent for clistmction. ■aaUlBC axure and or. Crart On a wreath of the colours. » cubit arm erect, vested gules, cuff arRcnt, holding in the band a Untem suspended to a stuff proper. Motto - ••Conduce' Marntd, 190a. Amy Mary, eldest dau. of Maiar><3en- Charles Stirling Dundas, R.E. (son of James Dundaa oT that ilk) ; and has /ww^-Chrisiopher Swainson Cowper, 1903. KesidtHu High House. Hawkshead, Lanes. Clubs Constitutional. Royal Societies'. THOMAS COWPER COWPER -ESSEX. Esquire. Maior 3i\i Bait. Loval North l^ncs. Reut..*. July 1. 1863. being the eldest son'of I"homas Christopher Cowper-Essex, of Yewficld Castle. Hawkshead. in the County Pal.. tine of l-ancasier. and Oldficlds, Acton, in the county of Middle- sex by Catherine Anne. dau. of I^njamin Hall of Grange- over-Sands. Armorial baaringt —Quarterly i and 4. azure, within two chevronels or. a quatrefoil of the last, between two griffins' heads coup>ed ermine, the whole be- tween three eagles displayed of the second (for Essex), 2 and 3 or. two barrulets wavy azure between two horse- shoes in chief sable, and a lantern in base proper (for Cowper. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, on the capital of an Ionic column a griffin's head couped sable, charged with two quatrefoils or (for Essex), 2. on a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect vested gules, the cufF argent, holding in the hand a lantern suspended from a staff projjer (for Cowpyer). Motto — "Conduce." Estates — Hawkshead and Acton. Postal address — Grove House, Seymour Place, Fulham Road, South Kensington. COX, quartered by BUTT. ALFRED VVILLIAM COX, Esquire, J. P. co. Perth. Bom 1861, being the fourth son of George Addison Cox of Invertrossachs, Perthshire, by bis wife Eliza, dau. of David Methven. Kirkcaldy. Club — Junior Athenaeum. Armorial bearlngB — Or, a chevron azure between two spur-revels in chief and a lion's head erased in base gules, langued of the second, within a bordure indented ermines. Upon the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure doubled or. Crest A dexter arm embowed issuing out of the sea, holding in the hand an anchor in bend sinister, cabled proper ; and in an escroll above, this Motto, ' ' Praemium virtutis honos. " Married, September 8, Cor lias, Helen, daughter of Major George Paris Salmon (late of the liengal Artillery) of Willanslee, Perth ; and has /WK«— Euan Hillhouse Methven Cox. Gentleman, born June 19, 1893. iVa/— Glendoick, Glencarse. Perthshire. EDWARD COX, Esquire, of Cardean and Drumkilbo, cos. of Forfar and Perth, J. P., D.L., M.A. Edin. Bom 1850, being the fourth son of the late James Cox. Esq.. of Cardean, and of Clement Park. J. P. and D.L. for co. of Forfar, and his wife Clementina, dau. of James Car- michael of Dundee. Armorial beartngB— Or, a chevron azure between two mullets pierced in chief, and a lions head erased in base gules, langued of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter arm embowed issumg out of the sea, holding in the hand an anchor in bend sinister cabled proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto. "Praemium virtutis honor." Married, 1875, Ada Mary, is the Blilitary Cockade. Cor Cor 323 daughter of John Johnson Stitt of Liverpool ; and has Issue — (i) James Ernest Cox, Gentleman, born Sept. 12, 1876 ; (2) John Arthur Cox, Gentleman, born April 29, 1878 ; Hilda Mary ; Irene Mildred ; and Beatrice Emily. Estates and postal address— Cardean, Meigle, N. B. Clu6 — Junior Carlton. Lieut. -Gkn. Sir JOHN WILLIAM COX, K.C.B., Colonel Somersetshire Light Infantry since 1900. Born 1821, being the eldest son of the late Col. Sir William Cox of Coolcliffe, co. Wexford; served with 13th L.I. in Afghanistan 1840-1842 (two medals, and specially men- tioned in despatches), in Crimean Campaign 1855 (medal with clasp, 5th class Medjidie, and Turkish medal), and in Indian Mutiny 1857, 1858 (repeatedly mentioned in despatches, and medal); created C.B. (Mil.) 1859, and K.C.B. 1896; Col. Bedfordshire Regt., 1893-1900. Ar- morial bearings — Or, three bars azure, in chief a trefoil slipped vert, on a canton gules, a lion's head erased argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a goat's head erased azure, armed or, holding in his mouth a trefoil slipped vert. Motto — " Fide et fortitudine." Married, 1850, Emma (who died 1887), dau. of Capt. C. Griffin, R.N. ; and has Issue — Major William C. Cox, Somerset Light Infantry, 6. Feb. 1861 ; and five daus. Postal address — 26 South Parade, Southsea. C/«^— Royal Albert Yacht (Southsea). WILLIAM HENRY COX, Esquire, J. P. for Perthshire. Born April 14, 1865, being the eldest son of William Cox, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Snaigow, in the county of Perth, who died September 7; 1894, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Boase, Doctor of Medicine, Fellow of the Royal Society, Fellow of the Geological Society (Cornwall). Cluis — Junior Athenaeum; New (Edin- burgh); County (Perth); Royal and Ancient Golf (Saint Andrews). Livery — Drab coat, blue collar and cuffs. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Or, a chevron azure between two spur-revels in chief, and a lion's head erased in base gules, langued of the second within a bordure of the third, impaling the arms of Kinloch of Gourdie, namely azure, on a chevron between three mascles or, a boar's head erased of the field, a fleur-de-lis in chief of the second. Above the shield is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling azure, doubled or ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter arm enibowed issuing out of the sea, holding in the hand an anchor in bend sinister, cabled proper, and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Prgemium virtutis honos." Married, June 6, 1893, Amy Verden (who died March 21, 1894), daughter of the late William Harrower Anderson, 13 Belgrave Crescent, Edinburgh ; and has Issue — Amy Verden. He married secondly, April 28, 1896, Annie, daughter of the late David James Kinloch, Esquire, Colonel R.A., of Gourdie ; and has Issue — {\) Henry Kinloch Cox, Gentleman, b. Sept. 6, 1898; (2) William Archibald Cox, Gentleman, b. Sept. 15, 1901 ; (3) Graham Kinloch Cox, Gentleman, b. Nov. 23, 1903. Estates — Snaigow, near Dunkeld, and Clunie, near Blairgowrie, both in the co. of Perth. Postal address— Snaigow , Murthly, Perthshire, Col. WILLIAM COX, late Lt.-Col. Somerset Regt. Born 1837, being the elder but only surviving son of the late William Cox, Esq., J. P., of Ballynoe, by Elizabeth, dau. of the late John Ormsby Vandeleur of Maddenstown, co. Kildare. Armorial bearings — Argent, three bars gules, on a canton azure, a lion's head erased or, and impaling the arms of Lowry-Corry, namely, quarterly i and 4, gules a saltire argent, in chief a rose of the last (for Corry) ; 2 and 3 sable, a cup argent, with a garland between two laurel branches, all issuing therefrom proper (for Lowry). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an antelope's head erased sable, corned or, pierced through the neck with a broken spear proper. Motto— " Fortiter et fideliter." Married, 1882, Mary Emma, dau. of the late Admiral Armar Lowry-Corry. Seat — Ballynoe, Ballingarry, Limerick, COX (H. Coll., 1761). Argent, three cocks gules, crowned or, on a chief azure, on a pale between two ostrich feathers of the first, a rose of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cock gules, ducally crowned or. Motto — " Garde la foy. " Son of Frederick William Cox, b. 1808 ; d. 1864 ; m. 1834, Hon. Fanny Pitt-Rivers, d. of Horace William, 3rd Lord Rivers : — Frederick Cox, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Middx., Hon. Col. late Middx. Yeom. Cav. , b. 1835 ; w. 1861, Mabel, d. of Arthur Eden, Assist. Compt. of Exchequer (nephew of ist Lord Auckland) ; and has surv. issue — (i) Reginald Henry Cox, Gentleman, b. 1865 [m. , Sybil Mary, d. of late F. M. Wiguelin] ; (2) Hubert Arthur Cox, Gentleman, b. 1871 ; (3) Algernon Charles Cox, Gentleman, b. 1876; [m. 1901, Lilian, d. of W. Grazebrook ; and has issue — Frederick Cox, Gentleman, b. 1902]; Lilian [m. H. V, Rudston-Read] ; and Mabel Horatio. 5«a/j— Hillingdon House, Middx. ; Harefield Place, Uxbridge, Middx. Pes. — 3 Grosvenor Crescent, London, S.W. ; Stanswood Cottage, Fawley, Southampton. COX (H. Coll.). Or, on a pile nebuby gules between six ears of wheat slipped three and three, two in saltire and one in pale in base vert, an eagle displayed of the field, the wings vair. Mantling gules and or. Crest-Un is the Naval Cockade. 3«4 Cor Cta « WTMth of the colours, an eagle displayed or, the wings vmir, holding in cacli claw three ears of wheat as in the arms. Motto—" Sujier sidera volum. " Kid. son of Kdwiird and Ann Cox of Middx. : — Henry Cox, Gentleman, F.R.G.S,, Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Fanmakers, b. 1851 : m. 1887, Martina, d. of William Warren ; and has issue— Helen Dora. Seat Kuer chevron argent and or, in chief two bombshells fired, and in base an eagle's bead erased proper (for Hardy) ; 2 and 3 per pale azure and gules, on a pile or, a lion rampant of the second, gutt^e- d'eau and collared argent (for Cozens). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed proper, charged witli a pellet between two chevronels or, and grasping an eagle s head fesse- ways also proper (for Hardy) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a Iton rampant or, gutt^de-sang and fretty gules (for Cozens). Motto— " Fear one." Married, May 8, 1856. Helen Ferneley, dau. of T. C. Wrigley of Wood- field Lodge, Huddersfield ; and has with other Issue (a son and two daughters) —Arthur Wrigley Cozens-Hardy, Gentleman, b. 1857 [m., 1882, Mary, only dau. of Sydney Evershed, Elsq., and has, with other issue, a son, b. 1886]. 5*a/x— Letheringsett Hall and Cley Hall, Nor- folk. HERBERT HARDY COZENS-HARDY, Esquire. Member of Parliament for the Northern Division of Nor- folk, Barrister-at-Law, one of His Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws of the University of London. Bom November 22, 1838, being the second son of the late William Hardy Cozens- Hardy, Esquire, J. P., of Letheringsett Hall, Holt, in the county of Norfolk, by his wife Sarah (who died 1891), daughter of Thomas Theobald of Norwich. Club —Reform. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, per chevron argent and or, in chief two bombshells firerl and in base an eagle's head erased proper (for Hardy) ; 2 and 3 per pale azure and gules, on a pile or, a hon rampant of the second, gutt6e-d'eau and collared argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed proper, charged with a pellet between two chevronels or, and grasping an eagle's head fesseways also proper (for Hardy) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant or, guttte-de-sang and frettv gules (for Coiens) ; with the MottO, " Fear one. ' Married, 1866, Maria (who died 1886), daughter of Thomas Hep- burn, Esquire, Justice of the Peace of flapham Common ; and has Issue — Two sons and two daughters. Residence — 50 Ladbroke Grove, W. Chambers — 7 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. C RABBI E (L.O., 1873). Aiure, on a fesse argent, lietween two fleurs-de-lis in chief, and a crab in base or, a hunting-horn sable, garnished and stringed of the field. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter arm embowed, the hand holding a crab-stick in bend sinister proper. MottO — " Nunquain non paratus." Son of the late John Crabbie of 22 Royal Terrace, Edinburgh, Merchant in Leith: — George Crabbie of Blairhoyle, Port of Monteilh, Perth- shire, Esc^., J.P. CO, Perth, b. 1848. Res.—i Rothesay Terrace, Edinburgh. W MONTAGUE HUGHES CRACKANTHORPE. 9 Esouire, D.C.L., K.C., J. P., D.L., Hon. Fellow St. Johivs College, Oxford, Barrister-at-Law of Lincoln's Inn, and Bencher, C^hairman of Westmorland Quarter Sessions. Bom Feb. 24, 1832, being the sixth son of Christopher Cookson of Nowers, near Wellington, Somer- set, by Jane Ancrum, dau. of the late John Strother Ancrum, Esquire; succeeded to the Newbiggin estates on the death of his father's cousin, Mr. William Cr-ickanthorpe, 1888, and by Royal License, dated July 28, 1888, he and his issue were authorised to take and use the surname of Crackanthorpe instead of that of Cookson, and to bear the arms of Crackanthorpe quarterly with their own family arms. Clubs — Athenaeum, Brooks's. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, or a chevron between three mullets azure (for Crackanthorpe) ; 2 and 3 per pale or and gules, two legs couped at the thigh in armour, between as many tilting-spears fesseways, one in chief and one in base all counterchanged (for Cookson). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a holly bush vert, fructed ppr. (for Crackanthorpe) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion proper, collared vair, holding in the dexter paw a staff raguly gu. , and resting the sinister paw on a mullet pierced also gu. (for Cookson). Motto — " Mihi res succurrere disco." Married, April 6, 1869, Blanche Alethea Elizabeth, younger dau. of the Rev. Eardley Chauncy Holt, M.A., Oxon., of the Cottage, Upper East Sheen, Surrey; and has had Issue — (i) Hubert Mon- tague Crackanthorpe, Gentleman, b. May 12, 1870, d. with- out issue Nov. 1896 ; (2) Dayrell Eardley Montague Crack- anthorpe, Gentleman, b. Sept. 9, 1871 ; (3) Oliver Montague Crackanthorpe, Gentleman, b. April 22, 1876. Seat — New- biggin Hall, Westmorland. Residence — 65 Rutland Gate, S.W. EDWARD WESTON CRACROFT (formerly Cracroft- Amcotts, the name of Amcotts being discontinued in 1885), Esq., J.P. Born January 5, 1849, being the second son of the late Weston Cracroft-Amcotts, Esq., J. P., Colonel ist Lincolnshire Rifle Volunteers, by his wife Williama Emma, daughter of William George Cherry. Club — Grosvenor. Armorial bearings as recorded are — Quarterly 1 and 4, argent a tower triple- towered between three standing cups azure (for Amcotts) ; 2 and 3 vert, on a bend dan- cett^e argent, three martlets sable (for Cracroft). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a squirrel sejant gules, collared or, eating an acorn of the last (for Amcotts) ; 2. up>on a wreath of the colours, a stork proper, supporting with the dexter claw a battle-axe, the handle or, the head argent (for Cracroft). The name, arms, and crest of Cra- croft only are now used. Married, April 24, 1879, Cicely Sophia Mary, dau. of Henry Nevile of Walcot Hall, Stamford. Estates — Hackthorn, near Lincoln ; West Keal, near Spilsby. Postal address — Hackthorn Hall, Lincoln. The Late FREDERICK A. CRACROFT-AMCOTTS, Esq., J.P. for Kesteven and Lindsey, parts of Lincolnshire, late Major sth Dragoon Guards, Lord of the Manor of Stow, Lincolnshire, who died April 16, 1897. Bom 1853, Is the Military Cockade. Cta era 325 being the second surviving son of the late Weston Cracroft- Amcotts, Esq., J. P., Col. ist Line. Rifle Vol., by his wife Williama Emma, dau. of William George Cherry. Club —Naval and Military. Armorial bearings — Quarterly I and 4, argent a tower triple -towered between three standing cups azure (for Amcotts) ; 2 and 3 vert, on a bend dancettte argent, three martlets sable (for Cracroft). Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a squirrel sejant gules, collared or, eating an acorn of the last (for Amcotts) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a stork proper, supporting with the dexter claw a battle-axe, the handle or, the head argent. Married, Feb. 17, 1885, Emily Grace, youngest dau. of Anthony Willson of Ranceby, Lincolnshire ; and has hnie — (i) Weston Cracroft-Amcotts, Gentleman, b. Nov. 7, 1888 ; (2) John Cracroft-Amcotts, Gentleman, b. Jan. 3, 1891 ; and Sylvia. Estates — Kettlethorpe, Newton, and Marton, and the Manor of Stow, all in the county of Lin- coln. Postal address — Kettlethorpe Hall, Newark. WESTON CRACROFT-AMCOTTS, Gentleman. Born Nov. 7, 1888, being the elder son of the late Major Frederick Augustus Cracroft-Amcotts of Kettlethorpe Hall, CO. Lincoln, J. P., Sth Dragoon Guards, by his wife Emily Grace, youngest dau. of the late Anthony Willson of Rauceby, near Sleaford, CO. Lines. Armorial bearings - Quarterly I and 4, argent, a tower triple-turreted between three covered cups azure (for Amcotts) ; 2 and 3, per pale vert and gules, on a bend dancett^e argent, three martlets sable (for Cracroft). Mantling azure and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a squirrel sejant gules, collared and eating an acorn or (for Amcotts) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a stork proper, supporting with his dexter foot a battle-axe staff or, head argent (for Cracroft). Seat — Kettlethorpe Hall, Newark. S EDMUND JAMES ADDERLEY CRADOCK, Esquire, D.L. for co. Warwick; assumed by Royal Licence, 1886, the surname of Cradock instead of Adderley. Born Jan. 17, 1816, being the second son of Charles Clement Adderley of Knighton, co. Leicester, by his wife Anna Maria, eldest dau. of Sir Edmund Cradock Hartopp, Bart., of Four Oaks Hall, Warwickshire. Armorial bearings—Per saltire gules and argent, semfe of cross crosslets and three boars' heads couped counter- changed. Married, April 1848, Marian Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Sir Joseph Leeds, Bart., of Croxton Park, co. Cambridge ; and has /w«e— Edmund William Cradock, Esq., Lt.-Col. the Royal Fusiliers (retired); b. Sept. 18, 1849. 5ea/— Knighton Hall, Leicester; Woodbine, Ryde, Isle of Wight. C/w(>— Royal Victoria Yacht. S EDMUND WILLIAM CRADOCK, Esquire, Lt.- Col. (retired) late Royal Fusiliers, Colonel late Isle of Wight Princess Beatrice's Rifle Volunteers, J. P. cos. Hants and Hereford, D.L. Isle of Wight; assumed by Royal Licence, 1886, the name of Cradock in lieu of Adderley. Born Sept. i8, 1849, being the only child of Edmund James Cradock (rf. May 14, 1903), of Knighton Hall, Leicestershire, crosslets and three boars' heads couped all counterchanged. Married, Nov. 14, 1878, Emily Margaret, dau. of Captain F. Stanfell, R.N. ; and has /jjw^ — Hartopp Francis Charles Adderley Cradock, Gentleman, 2nd Lieut. 2nd Life Guards, b. March 17, 1880. Seats ~'Y\\& Castle, Ryde, Isle of Wight; Knighton Hall, Leicestershire; Thinghill, Herefordshire. C/«*5- United Service, Army and Navy, Royal Victoria Yacht (Ryde). CRAIG of Dalnair, quartered by FRASER-TYTLER. CRAIG of Craigavon (U.O.). Gules, a fesse ermine, between three bridges of as many arches proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a and Woodbine, Ryde, Isle of Wight (only brother of ist _ Baron Norton), by his wife Marian, eldest dau. of Sir Joseph Leeds, 2nd Bart. Livery — Blue and white. Armorial bearings— Per saltire gules and argent, sem^e of cross ^ is the Naval Cockade. demi-lion rampant per fesse gules and sable, holdmg m the dexter paw a mullet or. Motto— " Charity provokes charity." Livery— Light green, with dark green facmgs. Son of James Craig, Esq., J. P., of Craigavon and Tyrella, b. 1828; d. 1900; m. 1858, Eleanor Gilmour, d. of Robert Brown :— , • . r.va r James Craig, Esq., Capt. 3rd Batt Roy- /"^^^ Rj^.f ' // 1871. 5ea^— Craigavon, CO. Down. a«*J— Ulster (Belfast), Union (Belfast). R. HUNTER CRAIG, Esq., J.P. for co. of Ayr, and M P for Govan Division of Lanarkshire. Born April 28, is'^g, being the son of James Craig, of Gowan Bank. Par- tick! CO. Lanark. Armorial bearings-Azure, a sword proper, hilted and pommelled or, enfiled near the pomt with a celestial crown also proper, over all on a fesse ermine an escutcheon of the second charged with a cross eules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest a chevalier armed cap-i-pie or, on a horse in full career sable harnessed proper, gfasping a broken lance in bend also proper and Fn L e!cron Sver the same this Motto 'J ai bonne esp6rance." Estate-West Dunmore. co. Stirling. M address-West Park, Skelmorhe, Ayrshire, N.B. Clubs- Reform, New (Glasgow). THE LATE WILLIAM YOUNG CRAIG Esq J.P. for cos. Chester and Stafford, was M.P. for North Staffs. i88<^ 3a6 Cra Cta 86. B«m May a8, iHa/, being the second t)Ui eldest surviv- ing son of John Crnig of Lowick, Northumberland, and Jane his wife. dan. of John Young of the same county. r/«*— Nr^tional I..iberal. /.itvr)'— Dark blue and silver. Armorial b«ariiict — Argent, on a fesse between three annulets azure, as many crescents of the field. Mantling gules, doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for a Crest, a beaver sejant pro()er ; and on an escroU over the same this Motto, "Arte utile Facio." Married, May 19, 1857, Harriette Milton, only daughter of Richard Stanney ; and has Issue — (r) John Craig, Gentleman, b. 1858 r*». Minnie, daughter of Walter Craig of Mellsourne, and a. Jan. i, 1890. leaving with other issue, John William Archibald Craig, Gentleman]; (2) Samuel Elliot Craig, Gentleman, b. 1866; (3) Donald Craig, Gentleman, b. 1868 [is*».]; Emily Frances [is »!.]; Jane[isiw.l; Harriette Elaine lis »!.]; Gertrude May; Mary Donaldson [is »».l; and Marion Alsager [is m.\ Postal address — Milton House, Alsager, Stoke-on-Trent. The Late JOHN CRAIG-LAURIE (formerly John Craig) of Redcastle, Kirkcudbrightshire, and Myra Castle, Born 1831, being the second son of the late John Craig of Down|>atrick, by his wife Jane, dau. of Thomas Anderson of Walsh'stown Castle. C/tt^.t — Junior Carlton, Ulster (Belfast), /wivn'— Blue and gold. Armorial bearings— Quai'terly i and 4, sable a cup argent, with a garland lietween two laurel branches issuing out of the same vert, all within a bordure of the second, charged with eight boars' heads erased gules (for Laurie) ; a and 3 ermine, a saltire engrailed gules, between a mullet in chief of the second and a boar's head erased in base azure, the saltire being surmounted of a fesse argent, charged with three crescents sable (for Craig). Mantling sable doubled argent. Crests— Dexter, on a wreath of the liveries, the trunk ot ail oak tree fcsseways sprouting proper, and above the same a cross patde ntch6e gules ; and on an escroU over the same this Motto, " Benedictio Dei ditat " (for Laurie) ; sinister, on a wreath of the liveries, a chevalier on horse- back, in full career, grasping a broken lance in bend proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Vive Deo ut vivas " (for Craig). Seats — Redcastle, Castle Douglas, CO. Kirkcudbright ; Myra Castle, Downpatrick, and other lands in co. Down. Residence — Myra Castle, Downpatrick, co. Down. CHRISTINA HARRIET CRAIGIE, elder dau. of the late Maurice Carmichael Craigie of Dumbarnie, by his wife Helen, dau. of the late Hugh Tennant, Esq., J. P., of Well Park, co. Lanark. Armorial bearings, on a lozenge, are Parted per pale sable and azure, on a chevron ermine between three crescents or, a cross moline of the first, within a bordure or. 5«a/— Dumbarnie, Bridge of Earn, N.B, CRAIGIE (L.O.). Per pale gules and azure, on a chevron ermine, a boar's head erased between two crescents or, all within a bordure of the last. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a CO. Down, Esquire, J. P. for co. Down, Col. (retired), late Lieut. -Col. Commandant 3rd Batt. Royal Irish Rifles. knight in full armour argent, mounted on a horse sable, his dexter hand grasping a broken lance propwr. Motto — "jVive Deo ut vivas. Son of John Craigie of Knoll House, nr. Honiton, co. Devon, and of Fair View Tower, Pietermaritzburg, Natal, M.D. Aberdeen (son of Capt. David Craigie of Forfar, R.N., C.B.), m. 1865, Frances Mary, d. of John Andrew Feild of Milford Haven, M.R.C.S. (EngO :- David Charles Craigie, GentWman, Solicitor (Eng.), and Solicitor and Advocate of Supreme Court of Natal, b. 1867. Res. — Craigfintray House, Carshalton, Surrey. ^ is the Military Cockade. €ra €ta 327 CRAIGMYLE, quartered by BURNETT. CRAKENTHORP, quartered by ASKEN. 3 JOHN THOMAS CRAMER, Esquire, Capt. sth Batt. Roy. Irish Div. Royal Artillery. Born Dec. i, 1858, being the only son of the late John Thomas Cramer, Esq. , of Ballindinisk House, co. Cork, J. P., B.A., Barrister-at- Law, formerly Lieut. 7th Dragoon Guards, by his wife Mary Augusta, dau. of the Rev. Henry Richard Rogers, Esq. , of Killeagh, co. Cork. Armorial bearings — Per fesse in- dented azure and or, in chief two fleurs-de-lis of the second, a canton ermine. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a fleur-de-lis between two wings ex- panded or, penned argent. Motto — " Inevitabile fatum." Postal address — Ballindinisk House, co. Cork. GEORGE CECIL CROXTON CRAMPTON, Esquire, of St. Valerie, co. Wicklow, J. P. co. Wicklow (High Sheriff 1903), B.A. Pembroke College, Cambridge. Born 1858, being the eldest son of George Ribton Crampton, Esq., J. P. for co. Mayo, of St. Valerie, and Ballyhook, co. Wicklow, who d. 1889, by Helen Roden, dau. of John Croxton of Owestry, co. Salop. Armorial bearings — Sable, an esquire's helmet proper between two lions passant guardant in pale or, in chief a rose argent, seeded or, barbed vert, a canton quarterly or and gules, in the first quarter a lion passant sable. Mantling sable and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant or, holding between his paws a helmet close proper. Motto — " Fortem posce animam." Married, 1895, Ida Blanche (d.s.p. 1900), youngest dau.'of James Mitchell of Ballynure, CO. Wicklow. 6Va/ -Ballyhook, Grange Con., co. Wick- low. Club -Kildare Street (Dublin). JOHN TWISLETON RIBTON CRAMPTON, Esquire, of Termoncarra, co. Mayo, J. P. co. Mayo. Born 1823, being a younger son of the late Rev. Cecil Crampton, Rector of Killucan, co. Westmeath, by Jane, dau. of Sir G. Ribton, 2nd Bart. Armorial bearings — Sable, an esquire's helmet proper between two lions passant guardant in pale or, in chief a rose argent, seeded or, barbed vert, a canton quarterly or and gules, in the first quarter a lion passant sable. Mantling sable and or. Crest -Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant or, holding between his paws a helmet close proper. Motto — "Fortem posce animam." Married, 1869, Melesina, dau. of John Richards, Esq., J. P., of Baranagh, co. Mayo (she d. 1891); and has /wwe —^ Gertrude Twisleton. Seat — Termoncarra, Bel- mullet. CRAMSIE of O'Harabrook (U.O.) Azure, on a fesse or, between three lions rampant argent, as many trefoils vert. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head couped, pierced through the neck with an arrow embrued proper, and charged with a trefoil vert. Motto — " Labor omnia vincit." Sons of James Sinclair Cramsie, Esq., Capt. late 5th Fus., M.A., J. P. CO. Antrim (High Sheriff 1889-1890), b. 1848; d. 1903; m. 1882, Laura Mary, d. of Capt. Antoine Sloet Butler, C.B., Divisional Magistrate, Mullins;ar : — Robert Alexander Cramsie, Gentleman, ^. 1888. Seat — O'Harabrook, Ballymoney, co. Antrim. James Randal Beresford Cramsie, Gentleman, b. 1892. Res.— Arthur Butler Cramsie, Gentleman, b. 1894. Res. — Charles Murray Cramsie, Gentleman, b. 1897. Res. — John Moore Cramsie, Gentleman, b. 1902. Res. — ALFRED MOLYNEUX CRANMER-BYNG, Esquire, formerly Lieutenant-Colonel Grenadier Guards. Born March 19, 1840, being the eldest son of the late Henry Byng, Esquire, Captain Royal Navy, by his wife Mary Ann, daughter of William Webb of the 24th Light Dragoons [and grandson of Vice-Admiral the Hon. H. D. Byng, fourth son of John, fifth Viscount Torrington], and assumed by Royal License in the year 1882 the additional surname and arms of Cranmer. Club — Boodle's. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, quarterly sable and argent, in the first quarter a lion rampant of the second (for Byng) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron purpure, » between three pelicans vulning themselves proper, as many cinquefoils or (for Cranmer). Upon the escutcheon is placed I a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sabk and argent ; and for his Crests, 1. upon a wreath of the colours, an heraldic antelope passant ermine (for Byng) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a crane's head ermine, erased gules, pierced in the neck by an arrow in bend sinister or, barbed and flighted argent ; with the Motto, ' ' Tuebor. " Married, firstly, June 20, 1870, Carohne Mary, daughter of the Right Honourable Henry Tufnell ; and secondly, Emma Evan-- geline Ker, daughter of Ker Baillie-Hamilton, Esquire, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and has Issue — (i) Launcelot Alfred Cranmer Cranmer- Byng, Esquire, born November 23, 1872 ; (2) Hugh Edward Cranmer Cranmer - Byng, Gentleman, born 1873 '• *"d Harriet Beatrice Cranmer. Estates - Quendon andChickney, in the county of Essex ; Blencairn and Tynehead, in the county of Cumberland. Postal address — Quendon Hall, Newport, Essex. CRANSTOUN, see EDMONDSTOUNE STOUNanA TROTTER-CRANSTOUN. CRAN- EDMUND HENRY BERTRAM CRA'STER, Esquire, Capt. R.A. Born Sept. i, 1869, being the eldest son of the late Edmund Cra'ster Cra'ster, Esq., J. P., formerly of the Bengal Civil Service, by his wife Katharine Margaret, eldest dau. of the late H. F. Broadwood of Lyne, Surrey. Armo- rial bearings Quarterly or and gules, in the first quarter a raven proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a raven proper, charged on the breast with an escallop or. Motto—" Hodie felix eras ter." Seat — THOMAS WILLIAM CRASTER, Esquire, J. P. for co. of Northumberland. Bom Dec. 28, i860, being the eldest son of the late John Craster of Craster Tower, Northumber- land, Esq., J. P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1879), late Capt. Northumberland Lt. Inf. Regt. (Mil.), B.A. (Oxon.), by his wife Charlotte Pulleine, dau. of William Roddam of Roddam, Northumberland. Livery — Claret colour. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly or and gules, in the first quarter a raven proper impaling the arms of Osborn, namely argent, a bend between two lions rampant sable. Mant- Utig gules and or. Crest— on a wreath of the colours, a raven proper, charged on the breast with an escaUop or. is the Naval Cockade. 3a» Crfl era Hodie fclix crms ter." Married, Jan. 1897, HildA, third dau. of the liitc Rev. M. F. K. Osbom o( Kmlilciun Vicarage, Noriluimt)erlnnd, Canon of New- castUr (younger brother of the late Sir George Osborn, Bart., of Chicksands Priorv, I)eds.); and has Issue — John Mon- tagu Craster, Gentleman, b. June 5, 1901. Estates — Craster, Beadnell, and Shoreswood (all in Northumber- land). Sra/ — Craster Towt-r, Northumberland. [This family has been settled at ('raster since temp. Henry 1. Ilie nante was anciently written Crawccstrf. but was changed to the present spelling temp. Kdward V.]. CRAUFURD, quartered by C, 1876, being the onlv son of George Moir Craufurd, Gentleman, of the H E I r S (eldest son of Clifford Craufurd, H.E.I.C.S., nex^survivl ing brother to leave issue of the Hon. James Craufurd of ArdmiUan, a Lord of Session with the title of Lord Ard- milLm, who died s.p.m.), by his wife Jane. dau. of William freeman, ^/wry— Claret colour. Armorial bearintra— Gules, on a fesse ermine between three mullets argent two crescents interlaced of the field. Motto — "Durum patientia fiaiigo." A'w/t/^wf*— Calgarry, Canada. HUGH RONALD GEORGE CRAUFURD, Gentle- man. Born July i6, 1873, k*'"? 'he only son of the late Edward Henry John Craufurd. Esq.. of Auchenames and Crosbie, J. P. and D. L. for the cos. of Ayr and Bute, M. P. for the Ayr District of Burghs from 1852 to 1874, M. A. , Barrister- at-Lnw,by his wife Frances, w ho rf. 1899, dau. of Rev. William Molesworlh, Rector of St. Breoke, Cornwall, and sister of Sir Paul William Molesworlh. 10th Bart. /./7rrv— White and scarlet. Armorial bearlngrs - Quarterly i and 4. gules, a fess ermine ; 2 and 3, argent, a stags head erased gules. Mantling gules and argent Crest -On a wreath of his liveries, a stag's head erased gules. Iielween the attires a cross crosslet fitch^e. Supporters— Two bulls sable, armed and unguled or. Motto— "Tutum te robore red- dam." Married, 1896, Teresa Mary, second dau. of the late Charles Austin Leucher-Gibson, J. P. co. Gloucester. 6V«/— Portencross, co. Ayr. CRAWFURD - STIRLING- STUART (L.O.. rematric. 26 Apl. 1904). Quarterly, 1 and 4, or, a bend gules, sur- mounted of a fesse chequy azure and argent (Stuart of Castlemilk, c. 1672-7) ; 2. argent, on a bend sable, three ^ is tlie Military Cockade. buckles or, within a bordure gules (Stirling of Keir (cadet). c. 1672-7) ; 3. gules, a fesse ermine between three mullets argent within a bordure of the last, charged with three crosses pat6e azure (Crawfurd). Mantling gules and or. Crest- On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter arm erect, couped below the elbow, holding in the hand a sword all proper. Motto — " Avant." Only son of Capt. James Stirling-Stuart of Castlemilk and Milton, J.P,, formerly Capt. King's Dragoon Guards, 6. 1825 ; d. 1887 ; m. 1852, Harriet Boswell Erskine, d. of Matthew Fortescue of Belvidere, Dublin :— William James Crawfurd - Stirling - Stuart, Esq., D.L. CO. Lanark, b. 1854 ; m. 1890, Constance Marie de Lormet, d. of Alexander Dennistoun of Golfiiill, co. Lanark ; and has issue— (i) James Stirling-Stuart. Gentleman, b. 1891 ; (2) Douglas Rae Stirling-Stuart, Gentleman, b. 1892 ; and Helen Constance. Seats- Castlemilk, Rutherglen. Glas- gow ; Milton, Glasgow. C/«^.f— Carlton, 'lurf. era era 329 CRAVEN, see COLQUITT-CRAVEN. CRAWP'ORD, quartered by BOYLE. CRAWFORD, see SHARMAN-CRAWFORD. JAMES DUNDAS CRAWFORD, Gentleman. Born November 1850, being the son of the late James Coutts Crawford, Esquire, of Wirawan, WeUington, New Zealand. Captain of the New Zealand Militia, and Member of the Legislative Council, Vjy his first wife Sophia, daughter of Admiral Sir James Whitley Deans-Dundas, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable of the Bath, of Barton Court, in the county of Berkshire, and Ashton Hall, in the county of Flint. Armorial l)earings — He bears for Arms : Quar- terly I and 4, gules a fesse wavy ermine, between three mullets argent, pierced azure (for Crawford) ; 2 and 3 sable, a chevalier on horseback armed at all points cap-a-pie, brandishing a scymitar aloft argent, a bordure gules (for Nevay). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an increscent chequy argent and azure; with the Motto, "Fide et dili- gentia." S ROBERT CRAWFORD, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for the CO. of Donegal, and High Sheriff for the said county for the year 1894, B.A. Dublin University, 1852; M.A., Dublin, and of Cambridge {ad eundem), 1869; Honorary Master in Engineering Dublin University, 1883 ; Professor of Civil Engineering in he Univer- sity of Dublin, 1882-1887; Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers; Member of the Royal Irish Academy. Born June 2, 1831, being tne third and youngest son of Samuel Crawford of Ballvshannon, by his wife Margaret, daughter of John Duncan of Granby Row, Dublin. Club — University (Dublin). Livery— Dark claret colour, with silver-plated buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, a fesse ermine, between three crosses pat^e argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an ermine passant proper, charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped or ; with the Motto, " Sine labe nota " [Ped. U.O.]. Married, firstly, Dec. 9, 1856, Emily Sarah (who died 1870), dau. of James Crawford, Doctor of Medicine, of Montreal, Canada; and secondly, June i, 1876, Anna, eldest dau. of Thomas Troubridge Stubbs of Ballyshannon (she died 1880) ; and by his first marriage has /ssrie — (i) James Samuel Crawford, Gentleman, born January 20, 1858 ; died December 6, 1858 ; (2) Robert Karl Crawford, Gentle- man, born September 27, 1859, late Scholar and Prizeman of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, took a First Class in the Classical Tripos (Part I.) 1882 [m., June 20, 1891, Dora Minnie Helen, dau. of Frederick Ott^ of Canonbury, London ; and has issue, Robert Frederick Crawford, Gentle- man, born July 13, 1895] ; (3) Ernest Caldwell Crawford, Gentleman, born January 26, 1861, late Scholar, First Honour and Prizeman, Trinity College, Dublin, and Gradu- ate in Classical Honours, Dublin University (1885) ; (4) Duncan John Crawford, Gentleman, born August 24, 1862, died February 17, 1864 ; (5) the Reverend William Saunders Crawford, D. D. , born July 12, 1864, late Scholar, and First Honour and Prizeman, Trinity College, Dublin ; first of the First Class in Classics (Senior Moderator) and first gold medal at Degree Examination 1886 ; Vice-Chancellor's Prize- man, Greek Verse, 1888 ; Clerk in Holy Orders ; (6) Henry Arthur Crawford, Gentleman, Civil Engineer, born May 11, 1870 ; Alice Emily ; Emma Mary ; and by his second — (7) Thomas Troubridge Crawford, Gentleman, born April 19, 1877, died December 12, 1900; (8) Alfred Crawford, Gentleman, born August i, 1878 ; (9) and (10) Edward Crawford, Gentleman, and Frederick Crawford, Gen- tleman, twins, born November 23, 1880. Estates — Stonewold, near Ballyshannon, in the county of Donegal; Rahans Far, near Dunkineely, in the county of Done- gal. Postal address — Stonewold, Ballyshannon, county Donegal. JAMES CRAWFURD, Esquire, J.P., B.A. Trinity Coll., Dublin, Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple, formerly in the Bengal Civil Service, Judge of Hooghly 1891. Born Feb. 18, 1846, being the second but eld. surv. son of George Crawfurd, Esq., of Thorn wood, J. P., by his wife Agnes Gibson, dau. of James Wilkie of Knowehead. Armoilal bearings (9 April, 1864) — Gules, a fesse ermine, between three mullets argent in chief and in base two swords saltireways proper, hiked and ponimelled or, all within a bordure engrailed azure. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the liveries, a castle triple-towered argent, masoned sable, window and ports gules. Motto — "Expugnavi." Residence — Thornwood, CO. Lanark. C/«3j— Caledonian, Western (Glasgow). THOMAS MACKNIGHT CRAWFURD, Esquire, J. P. for both cos. Renfrew and Midlothian, formerly in the 93rd Highlanders. Born 1820, being the son of the late William Macknight Crawfurd, by his wife Jane, second dau. of John Crawford of Broadfield, co. Renfrew. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, a fesse ermine, in base two swords saltireways proper, hilted and pommelled or, all within a bordure wavy argent (for Craufurd) ; 2 and 3, sable, three lions' heads erased or, langued gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the liveries, a sword erect in pale, having a pair of balances on the point all proper ; 2. on a wreath of the liveries, a demi-lion is tbe Naval Cockade. 330 €ta €ra nunpant or, armed and langued gules. MoUOM— " Quod tibi hoc alteri"; "Nil durum volenti." Marritd, first, 1847, Jane Cunningham, only dau. of John Allan Woddrop of Dalmarnock and Garvald ; and has an only surviving child, Marion Woddrop Macknight [*«., Aug. 1883, James Dennistoun Mitchell of Garwood, co. Lanark]. He m. secondly, Lillian, Parkinson of Fullwood Park, Chelten- ham, dau. of T. T. Parkinson of Hampton and Sedge- berrow, co. Worcester. Stats —VMinsion Castle, Mid- lothian ; Kirkland House, West Kilbride, N. B. GEORGE CRAWHALL. Esquire, J. P. W.R. Yorks. Bom 1830, being the son of I. Crawhall of Nun Monkton. Yorks. Aimorul bearlngi — Argent, three battle-axes b. ; d. 1878; m. 1837, Laura, d. of Richard Crawshay of Ottershaw Park : — chevronways sable, between two chevronels engrailed gules, the whole between three crows, also sable, impaling the arms of Synnott, namely argent, three swans in pale sable, duciUy gorged or ; on a canton gules, a sword in pale projjer. MantUng sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, up>on a mount vert, a crow sable, holding in the dexter claw a battle-axe in bend proper. Hotto — " Praesto et persto." Marritd, 1868, Cecilia B., dau. of late M. Synnott of Ballymoyer, co. Armagh. Seat—Biaiion Croft, York. FRANCIS CRAWLEY, Esquire, J.P. for Herts and Beds. Bom Oct. 12, 1853, being the eldest son of the late John Sambrook Crawley, Esq., J. P., High Sheriff 1858, by his wife Sarah Bridget, second dau. of Frederick Octavius Wells, Bengal Civil Service. Armorial bearings- Or, on a fesse gules, between three storks proper, as many cross crosslets of the field. Mantling gules and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a crane proper, holding in the talon a fleur-de-lis or. Married, Oct. 27, 1897, Edith Rosa, dau. of Col. and the Hon. Mrs. Ferguson of Pitfour ; and has /w«*— Joan. Seat -Stockwood, Luton, Beds. Club— Arthur's. CRAWSHAY (H. Coll., 2 March 1793). Argent, on a mount in base vert, a plough proper, on a chief azure a pale or, charged with the chemical sign of Mars 6 sable, between two lions' heads erased gold. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a mount vert, a dog standing over a heap of cannon-balls proper. Motto — " Perseverance." Livery — Blue coat, yellow and blue striped waistcoat. Sons of Francis Crawshay, Gentleman, of Treforest, S. Wales, and Bradboume Hall, Riverhead, Kent, PERSEVE RANGE William Crawshay, Gentleman, b. 1841 ; m. 1869, Julia Annie Allen; and has issue — William Crawshay, Gentleman, b. 1871. Jies.— Francis Richard Crawshay, Esq., J.P. for Glamorgan, b. II Jan. 1849; m. 21 April 1875, Isabella, d. of Hutton Vignoles ; and has issue — Francis Gwilym Crawshay, Gentleman, b. 27 Mar. 1876; Laura Gwenllian ; and Evelyn Illtyd. Livery— C\axe.X. 6'm/-^ Treforest, South Wales. C/tt^ —National Liberal. Tudor Crawshay, Esq., J.P. and D. L. for co. of Gla- morgan (High Sheriff 1887), b. i Oct. 1850; m. 26 Jan. 1877, Maria Augusta Hester, d. of Thomas Hester Ayres ; and has issue — (i) Owen Tudor Richard Crawshay, Gentle- man, b. 17 Jan. 1878 ; (2) Mervyn Crawshay, Gentle- man, b. 4 May 1881. Livery — Green. Estates — Forest House, in South Wales. Postal address — Dimlands, Llantwit-Major, Glamorgan. de Barri Crawshay, Gentleman, b. 1857; m. 11 July 1878, Rose Mary, fourth d. of Rev. Walter Young, M.A., T.C.D., of Templecarne, co. Donegal, Ireland; and has issue— (i) Lionel Henry de Barri Crawshay, Gentle- man, b. 31 Aug. 1882 ; (2) Raymond Vaughan Edwin de Barri Crawshay, Gentleman, b. 5 June 1885. Estate— Treforest, S. Wales. Postal address— Ros&fieiA, Sevenoaks, Kent. Sons of Henry Crawshay, Esq., J.P. , of Oaklands Park, Glos., b. 1812; d. 1879:— Edwin Crawshay, Esq., J.P. co. Glos., b. 1838; m. 1862, Charlotte, d. of Rev. Francis Hole, M.A., Rector ol Georgeham, Devon ; and has issue. Res. — Blaisdon Hall, Glos. William Crawshay, Esq., J.P. Glos., b. ; m. 1871, Alice Maria (d. 1878), d. of P. R. Gordon Canning of Hart- pury ; and has issue — Henry James Crawshay, Gentleman, b. 1875. Res. — Riverdale, Glos. Sons of Robert Thompson Crawshay of Cyfarthfa Castle, b. 1817 ; d. 1879 ; m. 1846, Rose Mary, d. of William Wilson Yeates of Caversham Grove, co. Oxford : — William Thompson Crawshay, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for cos. of Glamorgan and Brecknock (High Sheriff Brecknock 1883), b. 15 April 1847 ; m. 4 Oct. 1870, Florentia Maria, eld. d. of Col. E. R. Wood of Stouthall, co. Glamorgan. Seats — Cyfarthfa Castle, Merthyr Tydvil ; and Caversham Park, Reading. Richard Frederick Crawshay, Esq., J.P. and D.L. co. Brecon (High Sheriff 1887), b. 1858; m. 1880, Temp6 Isabella, d. of Col. Oakes ; and has issue — Richard Oakes ^ is the Military Cockade. Cre Cre 331 Crawshay, Gentleman, b. 1882 ; and three daus. Seat — Ty Mawr, Abergavenny. Son of Charles Crawshay, Esq., J. P., of Hingham, Norfolk, b. 1815 ; d. 1899 ; m. 1856, Eliza, d. of Benjamin Cubitt : — Charles Edward Crawshay, Gentleman, b. 1862 ; /«. 1889, Marcella Mildred, d. of Gen. C. W. Thompson of Wethersfield Place, Essex. Res. — Son of Frederick Crawshay of Scole, Norfolk, b. 1818 ; d. ; m. 1859, Eliza, widow of Capt. J. C. Reming- ton : — Richard Wood Crawshay, Esq. , J. P. co. Norfolk, b. 1860 ; m. 1891, Augusta Jane, d. of Lt.-Gen. Hungerford Meyer Boddam. Son of Capt. Alfred Crawshay, 17th Lancers, of Dany Park, Crickhowell, m. Jessy, d. of William C^rawshay of Cyfarthfa : — Codrington Eraser Crawshay, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for the CO. of Monmoutli, b. 14 Nov. 1851 ; m. 1881, Emily Howard, second d. of John Cartland of The Priory, King's Heath, co. Worcester ; and has issue — (i) Codrington How- ard Rees Crawshay, Gentleman, 2nd Lieut. Roy. Welsh Fus. , b. 29 Oct. 1882 ; (2) Alfred William Fraser Craw- shay, Gentleman, b. 27 Oct. 1884; (3) Geoffrey Cartland Hugh Crawshay, Gentleman, b. 20 June 1892. Estate and postal address — Lhanvair Grange, near Abergavenny, Mon- mouthshire. Club — Abergavenny (Abergavenny). C READY, quartered by MALET. CREAGH, see MACMAHON - CREAGH, and BUTLER-CREAGH. . JOHN BAGWELL CREAGH. Born Aug. 31, 1828, being the son of the late Arthur Gethin Creagh of Bally Andrew, by his wife and cousin Mary, only dau. and heir of James McGhee of Carrahane, co. Clare. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron gules between three laurel branches vert, on a chief azure as many bezants, and impal- ing the arms of Wolseley, namely, argent a talbot passant gules, a mullet for difference. Mantlimg gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of colours, a horse's head erased argent, caparisoned gules, in the headstall of the bridle a laurel branch vert. MottO — " Virtute et numine." Married, Feb. 23, 1854, Matilda Emily Victoria, eldest dau. of Major Garnet Wolseley, 25th Regt. (and sister of Field- Marshal Viscount Wolseley, K.P. , G.C.B.); and has Issue — (i) Arthur Gethin Creagh, Esq., Brevet Lieut.-Col. R.A., A.D.C. to Gen. Lord Wolseley, b. Feb. 12, 1855; Erie Wolseley ; Moriet Frances [;«. , 1884, Frederick John Eve- leigh, Lieut. Oxfordshire Light Infantry]. Seat — Hermi- tage, near Doneraile. CREAGH (U.O.). Argent, a chevron gules, between three laurel leaves vert, on a chief azure, as many bezants. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a horse's head couped argent, bridled proper, with a laurel branch in the head-stall of the bridle. Motto — " Thournib' crev'th." Sons of James Creagh, Esq., of Cahirbane, Capt. R.N., b. ; d. 1857; m. , Grace Emily, d. of The O' Moore of Cloghan Castle : — James Creagh, Esq., late Capt. ist Royals, served in the Crimea, b. 1836; m. 1886, Marion, d. of J. Wardell of Leicester. Seat — Cahirbane. Charles Vandeleur Creagh, Esq., C.M.G., Barrister-at- Law, late Governor of British North Borneo and Labuan, b. 1842 ; m. 1882, Blanche Frances, d. of late Capt. Edwardes of Rhydygors, co. Carmarthen ; and has issue — (i) James Vandeleur Creagh, Gentleman, R.N., b. 1883; (2) O'Moore Charles Creagh, Gentleman, b. 1896, and Dorothy Vandeleur. Res. — 32 Charlton Road, Blackheath. Boyle Purdon Creagh , Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Clare (High Sheriff 1902), late Capt. Indian Marine, and Port Officer and Hon. Presidency Magistrate, Calcutta, b. 1844 ; tn. 1889, Margaret Louisa, d. of John North Bonynge of Ballin- tubber, co. Longford, and Rathorpe, co. Clare. Seat — Rathorpe, Gort, co. Galway. Clubs — Primrose, County (Ennis). Major-Gen. Sir Garrett O'Moore Creagh, K.C.B., V.C, Major-Gen. Indian Army, commanding Field Force in China 1901-3, b. 1848 ; m. ist, 1874, Mary (d. 1876), d. of John Brereton ; by whom he has issue — May Geraldine. He m. 2nd, 1890, Elizabeth, d. of late E. Read of Kelverton, Bucks; and has issue— Duncan Vandeleur Creagh, Esq., b. 1892. Club — Naval and Military. Son of Major-Gen. Charles Augustine FitzGerald Creagh, late S. Staffs Regt., b. 1838, d. 1902; m. ist, Mary Anne, d. of Richard Dodd of Elm Bank, Herts :— Charles Hamilton Vandeleur Creagh, Gentleman, b. Vr. son of Col. Giles Vandeleur Creagh, 8 ist Regt., b. ; d. 1871 ; m. , Elizabeth, eld. d. of The O'Moore of Cloghan Castle : — Giles Vandeleur Creagh, Gentleman, Lieut. Roy. Bucks King's Own Mil., b. 1849; m. 1882, Georgina Justina, eld. d. and coh. of Thomas Green of Wilby and Athelington Hall, CO. Suffolk, Lieut. 93rd Highlanders; and has issue — Giles Desmond Vandeleur Creagh, Gentleman, b. 1884. Res. — Fitzroy, near Taunton. CREDIE, quartered by LEMPRIERE. WILLIAM BAR WICK CREGOE-COLMORE. Born i860, being the eldest surviving son of the late Colmore Frind Cregoe-Colmore of Moor End, by his first wife Mary, dau. of the Rev. Edward Price Owen of Bettwys Hall, co. Montgomery. Clubs — Boodle's, Conservative. Armorial bearings— Per chevron gules and azure, nine billets, three, three, and three argent, and three crescents, two and one argent. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, out of a crescent or, a blacka moor's head in profile, wreathed about the temples or and gules. Seat—M.ooT End, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham. WYNDHAM CREMER CREMER, Esquire, J. P. for CO. Norfolk, late Lieut. P.W.O. Norfolk Artillery, M.A. (Cantab.). Born August 3, 1870, being the only son of the late Thomas Wyndham Cremer, Esq., J. P., B.A. St. John's Coll., Camb., by his wife Rachel Anna, eldest dau. of the late John Ketton of Felbrigg Hall, Norfolk. Ar- morial bearings — Argent, three wolves' heads erased sable, on a chief gules as many cinquefoils or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, a ram's head erased per pale wavy argent and gules, armed or. 6Va/— Beeston Hall, Cromer, Norfolk. CRESSWELL, see BAKER-CRESSWELL. S GEORGE CRESSWELL, Esquire, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1895 for co. Hereford, Lord of the Manor of Ocle Pychard. Born Jan. 27, 1856, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Cresswell of Enfield House, Hudders- field, by his wife Mary, dau. of Walter Newton, late 21st Light Dragoons, of Womersley Grove, Pontefract. Ar- morial bearings — Per fesse gules and or, a pale, three squirrels sejant and as many trefoils slipped all counter- changed. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, between two eagles' wings gules, goutt6-d'or, a bird-bolt of the last, thereon a squirrel sejant proper, holding in the paws a trefoil slipped vert. Motto — " Vincit amor patriae." Married, Feb. 4, 1886, Edith Jane, dau. of Rev. Canon Snowden, Rector of Kirkby Overblow, Yorks ; and has Issue— (1) George Edmund Cresswell, Gentleman, b. Feb. 28, 1887; (2) Cyril Eystein Cresswell, Gentleman, b. May 5, 1888. Seat— Oc\c Court, Hertford. CRESSY, quartered by PRIMROSE. SWILLIAMDILLWORTHCREWDSON,Esq.,J.P., D.L. for Westmorland (High Sheriff 1888). Born 1838, being the eldest son of the late G. B. Crewdson, by Eleanor his wife, dau. of George Fox of Perran Arworthal. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Westmorland County. Livety — Dark blue. Armorial bearings — Or, on a chevron azure between two estoiles in chief and a fleur-de-lis in base sable, three foxes' heads erased of the first. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a fox's head erased or, charged with an estoile and between two fleurs-de-lis azure. Motto — "Sapientia tutus." Married, Feb. I, 1866, Katherine, dau. of Thomas Davidson. Estate and postal address — Helme Lodge, Kendal. The Right Honourable ROBERT OFFLEY ASH- BURTON CREWE-MILNES, EARL OF CREWE (189s), of Crewe, co. Chester, and Baron Houghton of Great Houghon, in the West Riding of co. York (1863), both in the Peerage of the United Kingdom, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Lord- Lieutenant is the Naval Cockade. I 5i* Cre Cre of Ireland i8o»-95. Justice of ttie Peace nnd (..'ounty AHer- nMn for the West Riding of the co. of York. Master of Arts of the University of Camliridgc. Hvrit Jan la. 1858. being the only son of the Kt. Hon. the first Baron Houghton, by his wiM the Hon. Annabella Hungerford, dau. of the kt. Hon. the second Itaron Crewe ; ap(x>intr(i I.ieut. 1st \\>st York Yeomanry Cavalry 1878; was Private Secretary to Earl Granville 1883 64 ; a Lord-in- Waiting to Her Majesty 1886 ; succeeded his father as Lord Houghton in 1883, and assumeil by Royal Licence, in the year 1894, the additional surname and ;trins of Crewe. Armorial bMXioj^ — He bears for Amu : Quarterly i and 4, azure, a chevron be- tween three windmill-sails or (for Milnes) ; a and 3 azure, a lion rampant argent (for Crewe). Alxivc the escutcheon is SOFFLEY JOHN CREWK-REAO. Ksquire, J. P. for CO. Montgomery, Lieut. -Col. 4th Bait. Simlh Wales Borderers. Horn Dec. 3. 1848, being the only son of the late Offloy Malcolm Crewe-Read, Esq., Captain R.N., J. P. and D.L. , High Sheriflf 1870, by his wife Ch.-irlottc Lucy, dau. of Thomas Marmaduke George. Arxnoriai bearing — Quarterly 1 and 4, azure, a griffin segreant or (for Read) ; a and 3, azure, a lion rampant argent (for Crewe). Mant- llni^ azure and or. Oresta ~i. on a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed sable (for Read) ; 3. out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's gamb ardent, charged with a crescent gules (for Crewe). Marriea, March 3, 1875, Elizabeth Stuart, second dau. of Hon. Edward Morris Erskine, C. B. , and granddau. of Rt. Hon. David Montagu, 3nd Lord placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a garb or, charged with a fesse dancettte azure, thereon three mullets argent (for Milnes) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's gamb argent, armed gules (for Crewe). Supporters — On either side a pegasus argent, gorged with a collar dancett6e azure, thereon three mullets argent, in the mouth a branch of laurel proper. Motto — "Scio cui credidi." Married, first, June 3, 1880, Sibyl Marcia, fourth dau. of Sir Frederick Graham, Bart., of Netherby, by his wife Lady Jane Her- mione, dau. of the Most Noble the twelfth Duke of Somer- set ; and by her (who died Sept. 19, 1887) has had Issue — the Hon. Richard Charles Rodes Milnes, b. July 30, 1882 (d. March 20, 1890) ; Lady Annabel Hungerford ; Lady Celia Hermione ; and Lady Helen Cynthia, twin with Lady Celia Hermione. He married secondly. 1899, Lady Mar- garet Etrenne Hannah Primrose, dau. of the Rt. Hon. the 5th Earl of Roseberry, K.G., K.T. Seats— Yry^lon Hall, Ferrybridge ; Bawtry Hall, Bawtry, in the co. of York ; Crewe Hall, Crewe, in the co. of Chester ; and Madeley Manor, Newcastle, in the co. of Stafford. Erskine; and has Issue— (1) Randolph Offley Crewe-Read, Gentleman, b. April 12, 1876 ; (2) Edward Charles Crewe- Read, Gentleman, b. June 15, 1877 ; (3) a son, b. Dec. 17, 1878. C/«3— Brooks's. 5 RALPH CREYKE, Esquire, J. P. for East and West Ridings of Yorkshire, and for Middlesex and West- minster, D.L. , High Sheriff for Yorkshire 1894, M.P. for York 1880-85. Born Sept. 5, 1849, being the elder and only surviving son of the late Ralph Creyke, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for East and West Ridings of the co. of York, by his wife Louisa Frances, second dau. of Col. Croft of Stillington Hall, Yorkshire. Armorial bear- ings — Per fesse argent and sable, a pale and three rooks (called creykes in the old language of Yorkshire) counterchanged, impaling the arms of Bacon, namely gules, on a chief argent, two mullets pierced sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, on a garb fesseways or, a rook, wings proper. Motto— ' ' A vie la verity." Married, Dec. 28, 1882, Frances Elizabeth, second dau. of Sir Henry Hickman Bacon, Premier Baronet of England ; and has Issue -(1) Ralph Creyke, Gentleman, is the Military Cockade. €vi €xo 333 6. Oct. 17, i£ i. Oct. 26, 18 (2) Edmund Ralph Creyke, Gentleman, and Everilda Frances. 6Va/j— Rawcliffe Hall, Goole ; Marton, Bridlington (in the possession of the family since 1447). Cluds — Brooks' s, St. James's. CRICHTON, see MAITLAND-MAKGILL-CRICH- TON. CRISP, see MOLINEUX-MONTGOMERIE. SFRED CRISP, Esquire, D.L., J. P., and C.C. co. of Cambs, High Sheriff" of Cambridgeshire and Hunt- ingdonsliire 1898. Born 1849, being the second son of William Hemington Crisp of Cambridgeshire. Armorial bearings -Sable, on a chevron argent, surmounted by a pale engrailed of the last, pierced of the field, five horse- shoes counterchanged. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a camelopard statant argent, sem6e of pellets, gorged with a collar with line reflexed over the back gules, three horseshoes sable. Motto " Mens conscia recti." Married, 1874, the eldest dau. of Richard Coxford of London. Seais—'White House, New South gate, CO. Middlesex; Moor Barns, Maddingley; and Girton, Cambridge. FREDERICK ARTHUR CRISP, Gentleman. F.S.A. Bom June 27, 1851, being the eldest son of (Kvidn Frederick Augustus Crisp of the Hall, Playford, *^*'Wt' Suffolk, and of Sarah his wife, dau. of John Steedman of Walworth, Surrey. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Party per pale argent and or, on a chevron invected and plain cotised sable, five horse- stioes of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, a cameleopard statant sable, sem^e of annulets, and gorged with a collar, thereto affixed a chain refiexed over the back, and holding in the mouth a horse-shoe all or ; with the Motto, " Dum tempus habemus operemur bonum." Married, October 21, 1880, Gertrude, dau. of John South of Stutton, Suffolk; and has Issue — Dorothy; Margaret; Ursula ; Katherine ; Cecily ; and Barbara. Postal ad- dresses — Inglewood House, Grove Park, and of " Broad- hiurst," Godalming, both in co. Surrey. Telegrams - " Crisp, London." GEORGE EDWIN CRISP, Gentleman. Born June 16, 1857, being the third and youngest son of Frederick Augustus Crisp of The Hall, Playford, Suffolk, and of Sarah his wife, dau. of John Steedman of Walworth, Surrey. Armorial bearings — Party per pale argent and or, on a chevron invected and plain cotised sable, five horse-shoes of the second. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, a cameleopard statant sable, sem^e of annulets, and gorged with a collar, thereto affixed a chain reflexed over the back, and holding in the mouth a horse-shoe all or. Motto — " Dum tempus habemus operemur bonum." Postal address — The Hall, Playford, Suffolk. WILLIAM HENRY CRISP, Gentleman. Born March 2, 1855, being the second son of Frederick Augustus Crisp of The Hall, Playford, Suffolk, and of Sarah his wife, dau. of John Steedman of Walworth, Surrey. Armorial bear- ings — Party per pale argent and or, on a chevron invected and plain cotised sable, five horse-shoes of the second. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, a cameleopard statant sable, sem^e of annulets, and gorged with a collar, thereto affixed a chain reflexed over the back, and holding in the mouth a horse-shoe all or. Motto — " Dum tempus habemus opere- mur bonum." Married, Dec. 8, 1882, Charlotte Elizabeth, dau. of William Burehall Perrin of Compton Durville, South Petherton, by Elizabeth his wife, dau. of John Francis Louch of Stonechester, Somerset; and has Issue— (1) Harold God- frey Crisp, Gentleman, b. May 11, 1885 ; (2) Reginald Crisp, Gentleman, b. April 15, 1892 ; Muriel ; and a fourth chiKl. Postal address — The Cedars, Great Bealings, Suffolk. CRISPEN, quartered by DE TRAFFORD. CRISPIN, quartered by HULLEY. § RICHARD BENYON CROFT, Esquire, J. P. and D. L., and High Sheriff 1892 for co. Herts., Lieut- Col. Hertfordshire Yeomany Cavalry, served in China War i860 (medal and clasp), retired Lieut. R.N. Born July 9, 1843, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Richard Croft, Vicar of Hilhngdon, Middlesex, by his first wife Charlotte Leonora, dau. of Col. Robert Russell, H. E. I.C.S. Ar- morial bearings (1308) — Quarterly per fesse indented azure and argent, in the first quarter a lion passant guardant or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant guardant argent. Motto — "Esse quam videri." Married, 1869, Anne Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Page of Ware ; and has Issue — (i) Richard Page Croft, Esq., J. P. CO. Herts, Capt. 4th Beds. Regt., b. 1872; is the Naval Cockade. 334 €ro Cro (a) Henry Page Croft, Uentleman, K 1881 ; loycc [m., Jan. 6, 1897, Geoffrey de Mountncv Oer«rd Hoare of Stan- sied, Surrey]: Maud [«■.. 1897, Spencer James l^ngton of Keigatr. and has issue]; Anne I'age ; Helen \m., 1897, Major R. M. Richardson 14th Hussars, and has issue] ; Violet Mary; and Grace. 5«a/-Fanhams Hall, Ware, Herts. Clubs — Carlton, United Service, Royal Yacht Squadron (Cowes). The Rev. ADDISON CROP TON, M.A. Oxford, Clerk in Holy Orders. Bom July 13, 1846, being the eldest son of the late John fifolliott Crofton, Esq. , General in the Army, CoL of the 6th Regt., B.A., T.C.D., by his wife Anne Agnes, only child of John Addison of Preston. Armorial bMrincr* - Per pale indented or and azure, a lion passant guardant counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, seven ears of wheat on one stalkproper. Motto— "DatDeusincrementum," Married, Aug. 7, 1873, Mary Pilkington, dau. of John Hall of Bald- ingstone; and has /wk«— Annie; and Sydney d'Abzac. Postal address— LAnion Court, Settle. HENRY THOMAS CROFTON, Gentleman. Bom July 33, 1848, being the second son of John flfoUiot. Crofton, Esq., General in the Army, Col. of the 6th Regt., B.A., T.C.D. , by his wife Anne Agnes, only child of John Addi- son of Preston. Armorial bearings - Per pale indented or and azure, a lion, jiassant guardant counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, seven ears of wheat on one stalk proper. Motto— "Dat Deus incrementum." Married, Sept. 7, 1871, Martha Pilling, dau. of Joseph M'Keand ; and has Issue— (\) John ffolliott Frederick Crofton, Esq.. Capt. 3rd Vol. Batt. Cheshire Regt. , b. Jan. 1 , 1877 ; Josephine Christie {m. , Sept. 7, 1897, H. Barker-Hahlo, and has issue] ; Alice Addison ; and Gladys NofiUe. 5m/— Manor House, Dids- bury, Lancashire. The Rev. WILLIAM d'ABZAC CROFTON, M.A. Oxford, Clerk in Holy Orders. Born June 3, 1854, being the fourth son of John ffolliott Crofton, Esq,, Generil in the Army, Col. of the 6th Regt,, B.A., T.C.D. , by his wife Anne Agnes, only child of John Addison of Preston. Armo- rial bearings — Per pale indented or and azure, a lion pas- sant guardant counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, seven ears of wheat on one stalk proper. MottO— " Dat Deus incrementum." ^««^«« — Puckeridge, Standon, Ware, Herts. Club— Constitutional. CROKE, quartered by FLOYER. JOHN CROKE, Esauire. Bom November 33, i8n, being the fourth but only surviving son of Sir Alexander Croke, Knight Bachelor, by his wife Alice, n^e Blake Livery— Brown , turned up with red. Armorial bearings - He bears for the Arms of Croke : Gules, a fesse Ijelwei-n six martlets argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet liefilting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two swans' necks indorsed and interlaced, issuing out of a crescent all argent, and holding in their beaks an annulet gules; with the Motto, " Virtutis amore. " Married, ]v\y 16, 1884, Ida Frances, daughter of John R. Dickson, Esq., J. P., of Woodville, co. Fermanagh, and widow of James Nye Croke, Commander R.N. Estates — Studley Priory, co. Oxford ; and Marsh Gibbon, co. Buckingham. Postal address— The Abbey, Cirencester, Gloucestershire. Clubs — Junior Conservative, Piccadilly. CROKER (U.O.). Argent, a chevron engrailed gules, between three ravens proper. M antling gules and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a drinking-cup or, with three fleurs-de-lis, also or, issuing above the rim, and charged in the centre with a rose gules. Motto — "Deus alit eo3." Son of Edward Croker, Esq. of Ballynagarde and Raleighstown, J. P., D.L., Capt. 17th Lancers, b. 1812; d. 1869; fit. 184T, Lady Georgiana Ellen Monck, d. of Henry Stanley, Earl of Rathdowne : — Courtenay Le Poer Trench Croker, Esq., J. P. and D. L. CO. Limerick, Auditor Local Govt. Board since 1882, b. 1853; m. i88a, Mary, d. of late Ven. Charles Hare, Arch- deacon of Limerick. Seats — Ballynagarde, co. Limerick ; Blackwater, Limerick. Club — County (Limerick). Son of Charles de la Poer Beresford Croker, Gentle- man, b. 1856; d. 1891 ; m. 1884, Edith Elizabeth, d. of Alfred Adams : — Alfred Edward Beresford Croker, Gentleman, b. 1886, Res.— Son of Col. William Croker, C.B., 17th Regt., b. ; d. 1852 \ m. , d. of Charles Stokes, B.C.S. : — Edward Croker, Esq., late Capt. 17th Regt., b. Res.— CROKER (U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4, argent, a chevron engrailed gules, between three ravens proper (Croker) ; 2 and 3, argent, a lion rampant between three crescents gules, issuant from each crescent an estoile of the field, over all a fesse azure (Dillon). Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a two-handled drinking- is the Military Cockade. Cro Cro 335 cup or, charged with a rose gules and above it three fleurs- de-lis argent. Motto — " Deus alit eos." [Ped. U.O.]. [livery — ^Silver-grey, black collar and cuffs, red piping. Son of Eyre Coote Croker (s. of Major Henry Croker and Harriet, only d. and h. of Arthur Dillon), b. ; d. ; m. , Frances, fourth d. of John Welstead of Ballywalter, co. Cork : — Richard Croker, Gentleman, b. 1843 ; m. 1873, Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Eraser ; and has had issue — (i) Richard Sandes Croker, Gentleman, b. 1876; (2) Frank Henry Croker, Gentleman, d. 1905; (3) Herbert Vincent Croker, Gentle- man, d. 1904; {4) Howard Croker, Gentleman, b. ; Florence; and Ethel. ^«.— Glencairn, Stillorgan, Dublin. Edward James O'Brien Croker, Gentleman, Irish Trafific Manager, Great Western Railway of England [son of William Roberts Croker (s. of Major Henry Croker and Harriet, only d. and h. of Arthur Dillon), b. 1816; d. 1850; 7)1. 1839, Catherine Margaret, d. of William Croker, Solicitor, Baggot Street, Dublin], b. 1847; m. 1880, Henrietta Emily, d. of William Odium of Meelick, Maryborough, Queen's Co.; and has issue— (i) Edward James O'Brien Croker, Gentleman, b. 1881 ; (2) George FitzGerald Croker, Gentleman, b. 1885 ; (3) Croft on Croker, Gentleman, b. 1888; (4) William Pennefather Croker, Gentleman, b. 1889 ; (5) Reginald Croker, Gentle- man, b. 1891 ; (6) Launcelot Hungerford Croker, Gentle- man, b. 189s ; Elizabeth Drought ; and Emma Wilhelmina. Post. add. — Gweebarra, Palmerston Road, Dublin. CROMMELIN. see DE LA CHEROIS-CROMMELIN. SJOHN GILBERT CROMPTON. Esquire, J.P. and D.L. for Derbyshire, High Sheriff 1873. Bom 1819, being the eldest son of Gilbert Crompton, Esq., J.P. and D.L., by Deborah Catherine, dau. and co-h. of late Rev. George Bossley, Vicar of Chesterfield, Rector of Clown, co. Derby. Armoilal bearings— Vert, on a bend argent, double-cotised ermine, between two covered cups or, a lion passant gules, on a chief azure three pheons or. Mantling vert and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-horse rampant, vulned in the breast by an arrow or, shafted and feathered argent. Motto—' ' Love and loyalty. " Married, ist, 1852, Millicent Ursula Mary [d. 1859), dau. of Henry Smedley ; and had Issue — Isabel Emma [m. , 1876, C. E. Arkwright]; 2ndly, Sept. 21, 1865, Caroline Georgiana, only dau. of Fred. Chaplin of Tathwell Hall, co. Lincoln, and has issue — John Gilbert Frederick Crompton, Gentle- man, b. April 5, 1869 ; and Millicent Evelyn Cecilia Georgina. Seai — Flower Lilies, Windley, Derbyshire. CROMPTON-ROBERTS (H. Coll., R.L., 3 Aug. 1861). per bend dove-tailed gules and or, a lion rampant between in sinister chief and dexter base two pheons all counter- changed (for Roberts); ii. and iii. per pale argent and azure, on a fesse wavy between three lions rampant, two lozenges all counterchanged (for Crompton), a crescent for difference ; 2 grand quarter, the same arms of Roberts ; 3 grand quarter, the same arms of Crompton. Mantling gules and or. Crests- 1. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion guardant per bend dove-tailed or and gules, holding in the dexter paw a sword erect also gules, and resting the sinister upon a pheon or (for Roberts) ; 2. Upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot sejant or, pellett^e, resting the dexter paw upon an escutcheon azure charged with a lozenge argent (for Crompton). Motto—" God and my conscience." Livery — Blue. Sons of the late Charles Henry Crompton-Roberts, Esq., of Drybridge and 16 Belgrave Square, by Mary, only d. and h. of the late Roger Crompton of Breight- met and Kearsley, Lancashire : — Henry Roger Crompton-Roberts, Esq., Maj. Gren. Gds., b. 18 May 1863. Town res. — 16 Belgrave Square, S.W. Club ~ Guards'. Charles Montagu Crompton-Roberts, Esq., J.P. and D.L. CO. Monmouth, High Sheriff 1897, and Capt. R. Monmouthshire Roy. Eng. (Militia), b. 22 July 1865 ; m. 26 May 1896, Winifred Eyre, eld. d. of Walpole Lloyd Greenwell of Marden Park, Surrey. Seat — Drybridge, Monmouth. London add. — 52 Mount Street, W. Clubs — Conservative, Wellington. Sir WILLIAM CROOKES, Knight Bachelor (1897), Fellow of the Royal Society, Past President of the Quarterly i and 4 grand quarters, quarterly i. and iiii. Society of Psychical Research, Past President of the Chemical Society, Past President of the Institution of is the Naval Cockade. 53« €ro Cro Blacthcal EnRiiMwn. Pmi President of the British Asso- dUion. lii>m June 17, 1839. Ijcing the eldest son bv his second nwuriii^ of the Utc Joseph Crookrs of Drook Green, hy his wife Mnry. daughter of the late John Scott of Aynhoe, Northiiiniitonshire. Armorial bear- tagl— Or. on a chevron vert, three prisms proper, between in chief two crones pattc^e of the second, and in base a radiometer proper. Mantling vert and or. OrMt On a wreath of the colours, an elephant quarterly or and vett. chargril with two crosses patt<^ countcrchanged. resting the dexter forefoot on a |>risni proper. MottO— " Ubi crux ibi lux." Married, i8c6, Ellen, dau. of W. Humphrey of Darlington; and hias fsiue~(i) Henry Crookes, Esq., b. May 07, 18C9 ; (9) Joseph Crookes, Esq., b. Nov. aa. 1861 ; (3) John William Crookes, Esq., b. Oct. 30, 1863; (4) Bernard Humphrey Crookes, Elsq., b. Oct. a8, 1865; (5) Walter Scott Crookes, Esq., b. May 16, 1867; (6) Lewis Philip Crookes, Esq., b. May a, 1874; Alice Mary; and Florence Ellen Jane, d. 1884. Residence—'j Kensing- ton I'ark Gardens, W. C/k^j— Athenaeum, Grosvenor, Savile. CROOKS (L.R.). Gules, on a bend or, three escutcheons table, a crescent of the second for difference. Mantling gules and or. CSrest — A demi-leopard rampant proper. Motto — " Nihil sine Deo." Son of Robert Crooks, and Mary, d. of Peter Fleming : — Robert Fleming Crooks, Gentleman, b. 1855; m. 1901, Edith, d. of Samuel Hammond Russell of Boston, U.S.A., and widow of ist Baron Playfair. Res.— 72 South Audley Street, London, W. CROPPER, see THORNBURGH-CROPPER. 5 CHARLES JAMES CROPPER, Esquire, J. P., D.L., B.A. (Cantab.). Bom July 6, 1852, being the eldest son of James Cropper, Esq., J. P., D.L., High Sheriff of Westmorland 1874, M. P. for Kendal 1880 85, by his wife Fanny Alison, dau. of the late- Joiin Wakefield of Sedgwick. Club — Brooks's. Armorial bearings — Or, two spears in saltire azure, on a chid dovetailed of the last, as many crop(ier pigeons of the first ; impahng the arms of Holland, namely, jK-r pale argent and azure, sem6e-de-lis, a lion rampant guardant all counterchnnged, the whole debruised by a tiendlct engrailed gules. Mantling azure and or. Orest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, in front of two spears in saltire azure, a cropper pigeon or. Motto -" Love all men, fear no man." Married, Aug. 3, 1876, Hon. Edith Emily Holland, eldest dau. of the Rt. Hon. the first Viscount knutsford, Bart., G.C.M.G. ; and has Issue — James Winstanley Cropper, Gentlemi\n, b, 1879; Eleanor Margaret ; Mary Frances ; Margaret Beatrice ; and Sibyl Edith. Residence — EUergreen, Kendal. Club — Brooks's. EDWARD WILLIAM CROPPER, Esf|uire, J. P. co. Lancaster. Bom July 7, 1833, IxMng the third son of the late John Cropper, Gentleman, of Dingle Bank, by his wife Anne, dau. of the late John Wakefield of Sedgwick, Kendal. Club — Lyceum (Liverpool). Armorial beazings — Or, two spears in saltire nzure, on a chief dovetailed of the last, as many cropper pigeons of the first ; impaling the arms of Wright, namely sable, on achevron argent, three spears' heads gules, in chief two unicorns' heads erased argent, armed and maned or, in base, on a pile of the last, issuing from the chevron , a unicorn's head erased of the first. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, uf)on a rock proper, in front of two spears in saltire azure, a cropper pigeon or. MottO — " Love all men, fear no man." Mar- ried, May 30, 1861, Frances, dau. of the late Ichabod Charles Wright, Esq., M.A., of Mapperley Hall; and has Issue — Rev. James Cropper, B.A. Camb.,^. Maya, i862r»«., March 8, 1888, Ethel Frances, dau. of G. Percival Smithj ; (2) John Cropper, Gentleman, Medical Missionary (M.A. , M.B. Camb.), b. Sept. 17, 1864 [m., Feb. 6, 1895, Ann Ellen, dau. of T. A. Walker] ; (3) Rev. Charles Henry Edward Cropper, Gentleman, b. Jan. 25, 1866 [w., April 30, 1891, Ethel Mary, dau. of Rev. Conrad Greeri] ; (4) Edward Nevill Cropper, b. May 14, 1869, d. in infancy ; (5) Rev. Frederick William Cropper, M.A. Camb., b. Feb. i, 1871 ; Frances Mildred Theodosia ; Mary Isabella ; Anne Wakefield ; Emily Mabel ; and Evelyn Wright. Residence — Fearnhead, Great Crosby, near Liverpool. CROSBIE, see TALBOT-CROSBIE. CROSBIE (U.O.). Argent, a lion rampant sable, in chief two dexter hands couped and erect gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, three swords, two in saltire the points downwards, the third in pale point upwards, environed with a snake all proper. Motto — " Indignante invidia florebit Justus." Livery — Dark blue and yellow. Son of Sir William Richard Crosbie, 7th Bart., b. 1820; d. 1877; m. 1854, Catherine, d. of Rev. Samuel Madden : — Sir William Edward Douglas Crosbie, 8th Bart. (24 April 1630), of Maryborough, Queen's Co., late Lieut. Beds Mil., b. 1855; m. 1893, Georgina Mary, d. of Thomas Edward Milles Marsh of Bath ; and has issue — Marjorie Kathleen. Res. — Sons of William Talbot Talbot-Crosbie, Esq., J.P., D.L., b. 1817; d. 1886; m. 1839, Susan Anne, d. of Hon. Lindsey Merrik Peter Burrell : — Lindsey Bertie Talbot-Crosbie, Esq., of Ardfert (q.v.). William David Talbot-Crosbie, Gentleman, b. 1849; m. 1874, Kathleen Sophia, d. of Col. E. T. Coke of Trusley. Res. — Son of Lt.-Col. James Crosbie of Ballyheigue Castle, J. P. and D.L. co. Kerry (High Sheriff 1862), b. 1832; d. 1897; m. i860, Rosa, d. of Sir John Lister Lister-Kaye, 2nd Bart., of Denby Grange, Wake- field :— James Dayrolles Crosbie, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Kerry (High Sheriff 1894), late Lieut. Roy. Welsh Fus., b. 1865 ; m. 1894, Maria Caroline, d. of late Major James Leith, V.C. of Scots Greys (s. of Sir Alexander Leith of Glen- kindie) ; and has issue — Oonah Mary. Seat — Ballyheigue is tbe Military Cockade. Plate XI. IioVH©?§ ©H£5©y ROVDS Bflrgooj Castle, Ballyheigue, co. Kerry. Carlton, Kildare Street (Dublin). Clubs — Naval and Mil. Yr. sons of Pierse Crosbie of Ballyheigue (High Sheriff co. Kerry 1815), b. ; d. 1849 ; m. and, 1831, Elizabeth, d. of Thomas William Sandes Esq., D.L. , of Sallow Glen, co. Kerry : — Pierse Crosbie, Gentleman, late Lieut. 7th Roy. Fus. , b. ; in. 1875, Lissie, d. of Thomas McClelland of Greencastle, co. Donegal. Res. — Castle House, Green- castle, Moville, Donegal. Leslie Wren Crosbie, Gentleman, b. ; m. , Agnes, d. of Rowland Bateman. Res. — Bnindon View, Ardfert, co. Kerry. Francis Crosbie, Gentleman, b. ; in. 1876, Henrietta Anne, d. of Thomas Smith of Woodford, Listowel, Co. Inspector R.LC. ; and has issue — Margaret Henrietta, and Maria Alice. Res.— 10 Belgrave Square, Dublin. WALTER CROSLAND, Esquire, J. P. for co. Berks. Born Feb. 3, i860, being the eldest son of Edward Powell Crosland of Stainley House, Yorks, and of Maria his wife, dau. of the late John Mundell of Castley, Yorks. Livery— Dark blue. Armorial bearings— Quarterly argent and gules, a cross parted and fretted between four crosses bottony all counterchanged. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect proper, grasping a cross bottony gules, between two roses gules, stalked leaved and slipped also proper. Married, April 30, 1892, Eliza Cockshott, dau. of the late George Hender- son of Ealing, Middlesex; and has Issue — (i) Harold Powell Crosland, Gentleman, b. March 5, 1893 : (2) Walter Hugh Crosland, Gentleman, b. Nov. 28, 1894; and Evelyn May. Residence— The Grange, Eaton Hastings, Faringdon, Berks. CROSS, see INNES- CROSS CROSS. and SHEPHERD - CROSS (U.O.). Quarterly, gules and or, in the first and fourth quarters a cross potent argent, in the second and third quarters a rose of the first seeded of the second, barbed vert. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stork proper holding in the beak a cross potent fitchde argent and resting the dexter claw on a rose gules, seeded or, barbed vert. Son of Col. William Cross of Dartan, J. P. and D.L. CO. Armagh (High Sheriff i860), b. 1815 ; d. 1882 ; m. 1844, Frances Jane, only d. of Major-Gen. Pennell Cole. R.E:— William Pennell Cross, Esq., J. P. co. Armagh, Barrister- at-Law, LL.B., b. 1849; in. 1883, Beatrice Lucinda, d. of Rev. Dominick Augustus Browne, M.A. Seat — Dartan, Killylea, co. Armagh. Cto 337 Sons of Arthur Charles Innes Cross (R.L., 1887, formerly Innes), Esq., of Dromantine, co. Down, J.P., D.L., M.P., b. 1834; d. 1902; m. 2nd, 1887, Jane Beauchanip, d. of Col. William Cross of Dartan, d. 1882 :— Arthur Charles Wolseley Innes-Cross, Gentleman [Arms (R.L. , 1887)— Quarterly, i and 4, Cross, as above ; 2 and 3, argent, three estoiles azure, a bordure engrailed of the last, charged alternately with eight bezants and as many trefoils or (Innes). Crests— i. Cross, as above ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, an estoile azure (Innes). Mottoes— Under arms, " Certavi et vici"; over Innes crest, "Be traiste." Seat — Dromantine, Newry, co. Down. Sydney Maxwell Innes-Cross, Gentleman, b. 1894. Res. — ALEXANDER CROSS, Esquire, J. P. for co. Ayr. Born 1851, being the eldest son of the late David Cross, Gentleman, of East Bank and Ingliston, in the county of Renfrew, and of Knockdon, in the county of Ayr, by his wife Mary, dau. of Alexander Paterson. Armorial bearings — Argent, an ear of wheat proper, between four cross cross- lets fitch^e sable, one, two, and one, within a bordure parted per pale of the second and or. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, a griffin segreant sable, armed, beaked, and winged or. Motto— "Sub cruce copia." /'/-o/^r/)'— Knockdon, Maybole, co. Ayr. Residence — Langbank, Renfrewshire. Clubs — Western (Glasgow), County (Ayr), Badminton, Wynd- ham. S CARLTON CROSS, Esquire, J. P. for County Palatine of Lancaster, M.A. (Oxon.), Lord of the Manor of Whittle-le- Woods. Bom August 30, 1859, being the eldest son of the late J. K. Cross, Esq. , J. P., formerly Member of Parliament, and Under Secretary of State for India, by his wife Emily Jane, dau. of James Carlton, Esq., J. P. Livery —Green coat, with yellow and green striped vest. Armorial bearings— Or, a cross molme vert, charged with three fleurs-de-lis in fesse of the field, a chief of the second, thereon is tlie Naval Cockade. S3< Cro asallira urgent, between two fleun-de-lis of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placetl ft helmet brfittinR his degree, with a nuinthng vert ami or. Cr«Bt— Upon a wrcalh of the colours, in front of a dragon's head coupt'd gules, hingued Si>UI. collared argent, three fleurs-de-lis Icsseways or. [OttOM— "Ex cruce tlores. Fruth is in my trust." Married, June 17. 1886, Emily, third dau of R. H. Briscoe, Cro t Sept. I, 1894 ; (a) NoBl Paton Cross. Gentleman, b. Feb. 7. '897: (3) Donald Cross, Gentleman, b. May 27, 1900. Esq , Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, of Old Caynton. co. Shropshire; and has Issue — (i) John Kynas- ton Carlton Cross. Gentleman, born August 27. 1889 ; (2) Reginald Carlton Cross. Gentleman, bom November 11. 1891 ; (3) Wilfrid Randall Carlton Cross. Gentleman, born September 30. 1893. Estates — Crooke Hall, and Martin House, Whittle-le-Woods, all in the County Palatine of Lancaster. Postal address — Crooke Hall, Chorley, Lanca- shire. Club — Boodle's. DAVID CROSS, Esquire, J. P. for co. Renfrew. Born 1853, being the second son of the late David Cross, Gentle- man, of East Bank and Ingliston. in the county of Renfrew, and of Knockdon. in the county of Ayr. by his wife Mary. dau. of Alexander Paterson. Annorlal bearings — Argent, an ear of wheat profjer between four cross crosslets fitch^. one. two, and one sable, within a bordure engrailed parted per |)ale of the second and or. Mantling gules, doubled argent. CJrest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, a griffin segreant sable, armed, beaked, and winged argent. Motto — "Sub cruce copia." 5*a/ Ingliston, Bishopton, Ren- frewshire. C/«*— Western (Glasgow). ROBERT CROSS, Gentleman, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Merchant in Leith. Born Nov. 22, 1862, being the sixth and youngest son of the late David Cross of Blast Bank and Ingliston, in the co. of Renfrew, and of Knockdon in the co. of Ayr, J. P. , by his wife Mary, dau. of Alexander Paterson. Armorial bear- ili£^ — Argent, an ear of wheat proper, between four cross crosslets fitch^, one, two, and one sable, within a bordure indented parted per pale of the second and or, and impaling the arms of Paton, namely azure, a wolfs head argent, between two crescents in chief and a fleur-de-lis in base or. Mantling sable, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a griffin segreant sable, armed beaked and winged argent. Motto — "Sub cruce copia." Married, April 4. 1893. Caroline Aimili Robertson, third dau. of Sir Noel Paton, R.S.A., LL.D., Her Majesty's Limner for Scotland; and has Issue— (i) Alexander Robertson Cross, Gentleman, Residence— T2 Moray Place, Edinburgh, versity (Edinburgh), Western (Glasgow). Clubs — Uni- WILLIAM CROSS, Gentleman. Born Nov. 27, 1850, being the eldest son of the late William Assheton Cross, Esq., J. P. and D.L., Col. ist R. L. Militia, by his wife Katharine Matilda, fourth daughter of Charles Winn of Nostell Priory, co. York, and sister of ist Lord St. Oswald. Armoiial bearings— Gules, a cross flory argent, charged with five passion-nails sable, a bordure of the second. MnntilTigr gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased argent, gorged with a double chain gold, therefrom pendent a mullet pierced sable, in the beak a passion-nail also sable. Motto— "Crede Cruci." Married, 1879, Marianne, dau. of Charles Murray Adamson of Jesmond, co. Northumberland. Seat—Kcdi Scar, Pres- ton, CO. Lancaster. CROSSE, quartered by HAMILTON. The Reverend MARLBOROUGH CROSSE, Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Terrington St. Clement, King's Lynn, Norfolk. Born Aug. 6, 1826, fourth son of William Crosse of CO. Wicklow. Armorial bearings— Gules, on a pile or, between two mullets of six points in base, a cross potent counterchanged. Mantling gules and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a gryphon's head erased gules, charged with a mullet of six points or, between two crosses potent, also gules. Motto— " Esse quam videri." Married, Nov. 25, 1848, Elizabeth, dau. of James Wilson of co. Carlow; and has Issue -{i) James Stuart Crosse. Gentleman, b. April 2, 1852 [m. Agnes, dau. of F. Gayford] ; (2) William Henry Crosse, Gentleman, M.D., b. Sept. 4, 1858, d. Feb. 24, 1903 ; (3) Marlborough Crosse, Gentleman, b. Feb. 17, 1864 ; (4) Frederick Crosse, Gentleman, b. Dec. 9, 1866, d. Dec. 13, 1899 ; (s) John Richard Crosse, Gentle- man, b. 1871. d. in infancy; Harriet Elizabeth; Eliza- beth Frances [m. Cornelius Thorne, Shanghai] ; Charlotte Elizabeth [m. Lieut. -Col. C. F. H. Beardmore]; Mary is the Military Cockade. €ro Cro 339 Ann, d. in infancy ; Kate Louisa, d. in infancy ; Phillis Arabella [m. Dr. G. Kendall]. Postal address — The Vicarage, Terrington St. Clement, near King's Lynn, Nor- folk. § THOMAS RICHARD CROSSE, Esquire, Hon. Col. 3rd and 4th Batts. North Lancashire Regt. Bom Kpt. 29, 1829, being the eldest son of Thomas Bright >osse, Esq. (formerly Ikin), by his wife Anne Mary, second daughter of Richard Crosse. C/«^^ — Carlton, University. Livery — White coat, scarlet waistcoat, scarlet plush breeches, white stockmgs. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly gules and or, in the first and fourth quarters a cross potent argent, and impaling the arms of Stewart, namely, quarterly i. or, a lion rampant within a double tressnre flory and counter-flory gules (for Scotland) ; 2. or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, in chief a label of three points gules (for Stuart) ; 3. argent, a saltire engrailed between four roses gules (for Lennox) ; 4. or, a lion rampant ^les (for Macduff). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stork proper, holding in its beak a cross potent fitch^e argent; with the Motto, "Sub cruce salus." Married, January 5, i860, Mary, commonly known as Lady Mary, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable the fourth Earl of Castlestuart ; and has Issue — Kathleen Mary; and Ella Beatrice [married, November 28, 1888, John Ormerod Scarlet Thursby, Esquire, and has issue, one daughter]. Estates — Shaw Hill and Crosse Hall, both in the county of Lanca- ster. Postal addresses - Chorley, Lancashire ; 38 Grosvenor Gardens, S.W. TALBOT KING CROSSFIELD, Esquire. J. P. for Suffolk, Barrister-at-Law (Lincoln's Inn). Born April 15, 1861, being the elder son of Abraham Crossfield of Stam- ford Hill, CO. London, Solicitor, by his wife Miranda Eliza, dau. of William Grimwood King. Armorial bearing^s — Azure, on a chief nebuly or, four crosses couped of the field. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a talbot passant or, holding in the mouth a cross crosslet fitch^e azure, and resting the dexter fore-leg on a cross coujDed as in the arms. Motto — " La croix ma foi." Married, Sept. 15, 1892, Sarah Jane, dau. of William TuUet Howard ; and has Issue — Hilda Emmeline (d. Sept. 14, 1898) ; and Dorothy Miranda. Estate — Stanningfield, Suffolk. Postal address — Stanningfield, Bury St. Edmunds; 8 Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, London. GROSSMAN (H. Coll.). Sable, on a chevron or, between two goats' heads erased argent in chief, and an eider duck in base proper, three cross crosslets gules. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a goat's head erased argent, three cross crosslets gules. Motto — " In cruce spes mea." Sons of Major-Gen. Sir William Grossman, K.C.M.G. , R.E., M.P., J. P., F.S.A., b. 1830; d. 1901 ; m. 1855, Catharine Josephine, d. of John Lawrence Morley of Albany, West Australia : — Robert Grossman, Esq., J. P. co. Hereford,*. 1862; m. 1891, Elsie H., d. of late Capt. E. L. Clogstoun of Four Peaks, New Zealand. Seats— Gumsla^H , Berwick-on-Tweed ; Wilcot House, Nesscliffe, Salop. Lawrence Morley Grossman, Esq., J. P. Northumber- land, Major late 5th Batt. Northumberland Fus., Lord of the Manor of Holy Island, b. 1864 ; m. 1887, Frances Ann, d. of late J. T Ronaldson of Howick Grange, Northumber- land ; and has issue— (i) Francis Lindisfarne Morley Cross- man, Gentleman, b. 1888 ; (2) William Ronald Morley Grossman, Gentleman, b. 1894. 5ea^j— Cheswick House, Beal, R.S.O., Northumberland; Manor House, Holy Island, Beal, R.S.O., Northumberland. C"/«d — Junior United Service. CROSWELLER (H. Coll.). Gules, a lion rampant or, holding with the forepaws a spear erect proper, in chief two plates fessewise, each charged with a trefoil slipped vert, and on an escutcheon of pretence, the arms of Pates, namely, argent, a chevron per pale ermine and ermines between three pellets each within an annulet sable. Mant- ling gules and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross patee sable, a lion's face or. MottO— " Vive ut vivas." Only son of William David Crosweller (son of late David Crosweller of Kennington Park Road), b. 1822 ; d. 1890 ; m. 1849, Sarah Ward, third and ygst. d. of late Joseph Pates of Headington, Oxfordshire :— William Thomas Crosweller, Gentleman F.Z.S.. F R S L M S.A., Renter Warden of the Worshipful Company of Gardeners, and Liveryman of the Worshipful Companies of Spectacle Makers, Shipwrights, and Patten Makers, Life Member of the British Association and Life is the Naval Cockade. 340 CtO Cro Fellow of the Imperial Institute. *. 1851 ; m. 188a, Annie, eld. d. and coh. of late William Pates of Hcadington, w Clubs — Royal Temple ip, F Yacht, Surrey County Cricket. WALLACE GEORGE CROTHERS, Esq., formerly Capt. 4th Batt. Loyal N. Lancashire Regt. Born 1849, being the only son of the late Robert Crothers of Auchna- cloy, CO. Tyrone, by Jessie, dau. of William Murdoch of Greenock (she died 1872). Armorial bearings— Gules, a bend wavy vair^e azure and or, between two lions ramp>ant argent. Mantling gules and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, on a club lying fesseways proper, an heraldic tiger passant or. Motto — "Sperandum est." Married, 1873, Fanny, dau. of Augustus H. Ward of Elm and Wis- bech, CO. Cambridge; and has, with other /w«*- Robert Boyne Crothers, &2ntleman, b. 1876. Seat — Highfields, Chew Magna, Somerset. STROMAS CROWE. Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Clare (High Sheriff 1877), late Lieut. 17th Lancers. Born 1844, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Crowe, Esq., D.L., of Dromore, by Isabella, dau. of the late William H. Hume, Esq., M. P., of Hume Wood; educated at Trin. Coll., Dublin. Clubs — Army and Navy, Naval and Mili- tary. Armorial bearing^s — Argent, on a mount vert, an oak tree proper, a canton gules, charged with an antique Irish crown or. Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, ujjon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an Irish wolf-dog argent, collared gules. Motto — " Skagh M'Encbroe." Seat — Dromore, Ruan, co. Clare. S THOMAS CARLISLE CROWE, Esquire. Major-Gen. late Royal Horse Artillery. Bom Sept. 15, 1830, being the eldest son of Capt. John Crowe, 93rd Sutherland High- landers, by his wife Frances Elizabeth, dau. of Hon. E. Stather, Member Legislative Council of Nevis, W.I. Clubs — The United Service Club, Radnor (Folkestone), Byculla (Bombay). Armorial bearingrs — Argent, on a mount vert, an oak tree proper, a canton gules, charged with an antique Irish crown or. Crest — On a mount vert, an Irish wolf-dog argent, collared gules. Motto — " Shagh me enchroe." Married, Nov. 23, 1859, Ellen Maynard, dau. ot Rev. William Branthwaite Clarke, M.A., F.R.S. ; and has Issue — (i) Mordaunt Abingdon Carlisle Crowe, Esq., Capt, R.A. ; (2) William Maynard Carlisle Crowe, Gentleman, Lieut. Royal Warwickshire Regt., b. Sept. 11, 1870; Eleanor Ix>uisa Carlisle; and Agnes Dolores Carlisle. Seats — Barefield, Carhunahovan, and Granahan, CO. Clare, Ireland. EDWARD BOWLES CROWFOOT, Gentleman, Bachelor of Medicine. Born October 21, 1845, being the son of the late William Edward Crowfoot, Esq. , J. P. , by his wife Ellen, youngest dau. of Richard Beckford Miller. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Or, two chev- ronels azure, between three ravens sable, a canton of the second charged with a staff erect of the first, entwined with a snake proper; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert a raven sable, supporting with dexter claw a staff erect, and entwined with a snake as in the arms ; with the MottO, " Cavendo tutus." The Reverknu JOHN HENCHMAN CROWFOOT, Chancellor of Lincoln Cathedral, Master of Arts, Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford. Bom October 16, 1841, being the second son of the late William Edward Crowfoot, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, by his wife ICUcn, younxost daughter of Richard B<'ckford Miller. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, two chevronels azure, between three ravens sable, a canton of the second, charged with a staff erect of the first, entwined with a snake proper ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert a raven sable, supporting with dexter claw a staff erect, and entwined with a snake as in the arms; with the Motto, " Cavendo tutus." Married, August 8, 1872, Mary Eli/.at)eth, daughter of Robert Bayly of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law ; and has had Issue— ]ohn Winter Crowfoot, Gentleman, B.A., B.N.C. (Oxon.), Assistant Director of Education in the Sudan, b. July 28, 1873 ; Agnes Mary ; Ellen Monica ; and Margaret Eva. Residence — Sub-Deanery, Lincoln. WILLIAM MILLER CROWFOOT, Esquire, Bachelor of Medicine. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Justice of the Peace. Born May 2, 1837, being the eldest son of the late William Edward Crowfoot, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Ellen, youngest daughter of William Beckford Miller. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, two chevronels azure, between three ravens sable, a canton of the second, charged with a staff erect of the first, entwined with a snake proper ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a raven sable, supporting with dexter claw a staff erect, and en- twined with a snake as in the arms ; with the Motto, "Cavendo tutus." Married, June 30, 1874, Catharine Anne, daughter of Robert Bayly of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law; and has Issue — (i) William Bayly Crow- foot, Gentlt-man, born September 2, 1878; (2) Alfred Henchman Crowfoot, Gentleman, born September 14, 1881 ; (3) Arthur Rustat Crowfoot, Gentleman, born May 26, 1886 ; Amy Vaughan ; Ellen Mabel ; and Eva Catharine Mary. Residence — Beccles, Suffolk. The Reverend SAMUEL BRYAN CROWTHER- BEYNON, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. of the Univ. of Cambridge. Bom Dec. 8, 1829, being the elder son of the Rev. Samuel Crowther, by his wife Hester Barnardiston, dau. of the Rev. Richard William Yates of The Elms, Solihull, in the co. of Warwick, and assumed by Royal License in 1879 the additional surname and the arms of is the Military Cockade. €to Cru 34t Beynon. Clud — Junior Conservative. Armorial bearings (of Beynon) — Per pale wavy azure and gules, on a bend cotised or, three cross crosslets vert (for distinction a rose gold). Upon the escutclieon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for the Crest of Beynon, on a wreath of the colours, a lion ram- pant argent, semee of cross crosslets vert, holding between the forepaws an escutcheon also argent, thereon a grey- hound's head erased pean, charged on the shoulder for distinction with a rose gules. Married, January 20, 1864, Gertrude Anne Barnardiston, daughter of Richard Bar- nardiston Yates, late Captain sgth Regiment ; and has Issue — Vernon Bryan Crowther- Beynon, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Barrister-at-Law, b. Oct. 21, 1865 [married, January 31, 1894, Mary, daughter of the Reverend Frederick Walter Giffard] : and Margaret Hester. Estates — Sline's Oaks, in the county of Surrey ; Ware Hill, Amwell, in the county of Hertford. Postal address — Beckenham, Kent. CROXTON, quartered bv EGERTON-WARBUR- TON, BARTLETT, EGERTON-WARBURTON, and FERRERS. BOYDELL CROXTON, Esquire, formerly in the 17th Foot, Cornet Shropshire Yeomanry, and Captain Shrop- shire Militia. Bom 1819, being the only son of the late John Croxton of Erway, by Anne, dau. of Josiah Boydell of kilhendre Park and Sodylt Hall, co. Salop. Annorial bearings - Or, a fesse nebuly between two crosses botonny I fitchfe in chief azure, and in base a tun proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm vested azure, cuffed argent, encircled by a wreath of oak, the hand supporting a cross botonny fitchfe in pale or, on the dexter side of the wreath. Married, 1845, Constance Charlotte, dau. of Edward and Lady Harriet Ferrers of Baddesley-Clinton, co. Warwick; and has with other Issue — Henry Ferrers Ferrers, Esq., who has assumed by Royal Licence (1885) the surname and arms of Ferrers [to whom refer]. Residence — Brookfield, Abergavenny. CROZIER, quartered by SURTEES. The Rt. Rev. JOHN BAPTIST CROZIER, D.D., M.A. (Dublin), Bishop of Ossory, Ferns, and Leighlin, Canon of Wicklow in St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, 1896-97; Vicar of Holywood, Down, 1880-97, Chaplain to Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland 1891-97. Born April 8, 1853, being the eldest son of the Rev. Baptist Barton Crozier, B.A. , by his wife Catherine Mary, dau. of John Bolland. Livery— Da.rk blue and brass buttons. Armorial bear- ilngs — The arms of the See of Ossory, namely gules, a covered cup, on the top thereof a cross pat6e between five crosses pat^e fitchte or, impaling his family arms of Crozier, hamely or, on a cross between four fleurs-de-lis azure, a (Crosier of the field, differenced by a crescent. Married, I Sept. 12, 1877, Alice Isabella, third dau. of Rev. John W. Hackett, M.A., St. James' Parsonage, Bray; and has Issue — (i) Baptist Barton Crozier, Gentleman, Lieut. Royal Artillery ; b. July 17, 1878 ; (2) Rev. John Winthrop Crozier, Clerk in Holy Orders, b. Dec. 10, 1879 ; (3) Mervyn Paken- ham Crozier, Gentleman, b. July 20, 1881 ; and Alice Maud. Residences — The Palace, Kilkenny, and Rockview, Cavan, Clubs — Royal Societies', University (Dublin). JOHN GEORGE CROZIER, Esquire, J.P. for co. Fermanagh (High Sheriff 1897). Born April 22, 1869, being the only son of the late John Crozier, Esq., of Gortra House, co. Fermanagh, J.P. , by his wife Anne, dau. of James Tymons, Esq., of Baskin Hill, co. Dublin, and of Riverston, co. Clare. Livery — Blue, with gilt buttons. Armorial bearings — Or, on a cross be- tween four fieurs-de-lis azure, a crozier of the field. Mant- ling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed proper, charged on the breast with a cross patte or. Motto— "Vi et virtute." Married, Aug. 4, 1891, Marian Georgiana, eldest dau. of Lucan Bingham, County Inspector R.I.C. ; and has Issue— (1) John Spencer Noel Crozier, Gentleman, b. Jan. 6, 1896; (2) George Armar Lucan Crozier, Gentleman, b. Sept. 3, 1904; and Helena Inez. Seat — Gortra House, co. Fermanagh. C/k^j — Fermanagh County (Enniskillen) ; Royal Alfred Yacht (Kingstown). CRUDDAS (H. Coll.). Per pale gules and sable, a chevron indented between five fleurs-de-lis three in chief and two in base all or. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, between two wings erect or, a female figure affront^c proper, vested argent, the hands crossed and resting on her breast. Son of George Cruddas of The Dene, Elswick, North- umberland, b. ; d. ; m. : — William Donaldson Cruddas, Esq. , J.P. and D.L. North- umberland, J.P. Newcastle-on-Tyne, M.P.Newcastle 1895- 1900, Lord of the Manors of Haughton and Budle, b. 1831 ; m. 1861, Margaret O. (d. 1900), d. of William Nesham of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Seats — The Dene, Els- wick, Newcastle-on-Tyrie ; Haughton Castle, Humshaugh, R.S.O., Northumberland. Clubs — Carlton, National, Constitutional. AUGUSTUS WALTER CRUIKSHANK, Esquire, J.P. Born Aug. 25, 1837, being the seventh but last sur- viving son of the late James Cruikshank, Esq., J.P. and D. L. , Major Angus and Mearns Militia, by his wife Lady Anne Lretitia Carnegie, second dau. of Rt. Hon. William, 7th Earl of Northesk. Armorial bearings -Argent, three boars' heads couped sable, armed of the field and langued gules, within a bordure of the last. Mantling gules and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, an armed hand holding a dagger in pale proper. Motto — " Cavendo tutus." Married, July 14, 1863, Alethea Harriet, youngest dau. of Rev. J. S. Jenkinson, M.A., Vicar of Battersea; and has Issue— (1) James Waher Cruikshank, Gentleman, b. May 14, 1864 [m., 1895, Mary Elizabeth Thackeray, dau. of the late Col. Alexander E. F. Holcombe, ist Royal Scots, and has issue, two sons and a dau.] ; (2) John Cruikshank, Gentleman, b. April 20, 1869; (3) Alexander Norman Cruikshank, Gentleman, b. May 26, 1871 ; (4) Edward Cruikshank, Gentleman, b. Dec. 27, 1873; Augusta Lsetitia ; Mary Helen ; and Grace Alethea, d. young. 5*a^— Langley Park, Montrose, co. Forfar. S WILLIAM GRAHAM CRUM, Esquire, of Thorn- liebank, Renfrewshire, D.L., J. P., and C.C. for co. Renfrew, and was Hon. Major Earl of Chester's Yeo. Cav. Born 1836, being the second son of Walter Crum of Thorn- liebank, who d. 1867, by Jessie, dau. of William Graham of Burntshields. Armorial bearings— Vert, a cross boton^e or, on a chief argent, a hon passant gules, all within a bor- dure of the second. Mantling gules , doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, an oak-tree proper. Motto — " Fear God." Married, 1868, Jean Mary, dau. of the Rev. John M'Leod Campbell, D.D. ; and has, with other Issue— Walter Graham, b. 1870 [w., 1896, Elinor Violet, fourth dau. of Sir John Frederick Croft, 2nd Bart., of Dodington. 5«a/— Thornliebank, Glasgow. C/«*j— Union, Wellington. S REDMOND GEORGE SILVERIUS CRUMPE. Esquire, Capt. Royal Irish Regt., eldest son of is the Naval Cockade. 34« €tu Williiim Moruuny. Com. R.N. ; assumed the name of Crumpc only, and arms of Crumpe quartered with Mori- any. l>y Koy.^l Licence. Oct la, 1897. AnnorUl bear- lnjp»~ Quarterly i and 4, per chevron gules and azure, on a che%Ton lielween three cinquefoils picrcfd or, a cross crosslet filchde sable (for Crumix;) ; a and 3 per pale or and ar{;ent, an eagle displayed sable, charged on the bre.ist and on each wing with a trefoil slipped of the first (for Moriarty). Mantling gules and or. CM«t8— 1. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a cat salient guardant sable, charged with a cross crosslet fitchde or (for Crumpc) ; a. on a wreath of the colours, an arm vambraced, emlxjwed, the hand bare grasping a sword entwined with a serpent all proper, charged with a trefoil slipped vert. Motto — " Scandit subUmia virtus." Kesidtnce— CHARLES CRUTCHLEY, Esquire. M.V.O.. CoL late Scots Guards, D.A.A.G., Headquarters. Bom Dec. 10, 1856. being the second son of Gen. Charles Crutchley, J. P.. Gen. in the Army, and t oL of the ayd R.W. Fusiliers, by his wife Elira Bayfield, dau. of John Harris. R.N. Annoiial bearings— Argent, a chevron gides. cotised axure, between three torteaux, each encircled by two branches of oak proper. Mantling gules and argent. (^«at — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a talbot sejant argent, collared and line reflexcd over the back or, the dexter fore-paw resting on a torteau. Married, Feb. 15, 1887, Sybil Mary, only dau. of Hon. Henry and L.-idy Katharine Coke of Longford ; and has /ww— Gerald Edward Victor (for whom H.R.H. the Princess of Wales stood sponsor), b. Nov. 19, 1890. Residence — PERCY EDWARD CRUTCHLEY, Esquire, J. P., Co. Berks. Bom July 34, 1855, being the eldest son of Gen. Charles Crutchley, J. P.. Gen. in the Army, and Col. of the 23rd R. W. Fusiliers, by his wife Eliza Bayfield, dau. of John Harris, R.N. Armorial bearings— Argent, a chevron gules, cotised azure, between three torteaux, each encircled by two branches of oak proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a talbot sejant argent, collared and line reflexed over the back or, the dexter fore-paw resting on a torteau. Married, Feb. 12, 1890. Hon. Frederica Louisa Fitz-Roy (Maid-of-Honour to the Queen from 1883 to 1890), second dau. of Rt. Hon. Charles Fitz-Roy, third Lord Southampton; and has lssue-\\) Victor Alexander Charles (for whom H.M. the Queen stood sponsor), b. Nov. 2, 1893; and (2) Ismay Victoria Crutchley, Gentleman, b. March 28, 1897. Resi- dence — Sunninghill Lodge, Ascot. CRUWYS. Azure, a bend party per bend indented argent and giiles, between six escsdlops or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a stork azure, legged g;ules, resting the dexter leg on a stone proper. Motto— " Vigilate." Cub Sons of George lames Cruwys, Esq., J. P. co. Devon, M.A., b. 1836: d. 1904; m. 30 Aug. 1876, Mary Helen, eld. d. of the late Rev. !>. W. Owen, Hon. Canon of Winchester Cathedral :— l^wis George Cruwys, Gentleman, *. ai May 1881. /ij/a/— Rushden House, Higham Ferrers. Sons of Rev. Sir Frederick Larkins Currie, and Bart., b. i8a3; d. 1900; m. ist, 1849, Eliza Reeve, d. of Matthew Rackham of Thorpe Hamlet, Norwich : — Sir Freeville House. CO. Dublin, by Eliia Frances his wife, eldest dau. of the late Joseph Bcrn.ird of Greenhills, King's Co. C/uis — Kildare Street ( Dublin), Junior Carlton. ArmorUI bearings — Per pale or and azure, a fcsse coiinterchanged. Ma n t lin g axure and or ; and for his Crest, ujxin a wreath of the colours, a mermaid sable, crinde or, holding in the dexter hand a sword and in the sinister a sceptre proper. Married, 1850, Elizabeth, second dau. of the late Richard Barker of Sterling, co. Meath ; and had /««*— James Willianj Cusack, Esq., l>. 1851 ["*■. 1874. Miss Morrisson, and d. 1886, leaving issue. Ralph Cusack, Esq., d. 1876I. Estates — Furry Park, co. Dublin ; Cussington, co. Meath. Postal address— T\xm Park, Rahcny. Dublin. Sir (THOMAS) BERRY CUSACK-SMITH, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George (1898), Joint-Receiver and Custodian of Revenues of Samoa and AdN-iser to the King, also Presi- dent of the Municipality of Apia, July to Dec. 1893, and Jan. to June 1897 ; appointed H.M.'s Consul and Deputy- Commissioner for W. Pacific at Samoa 1890; also Dep. Commr. for the Union Group 1892 ; Special Judicial Com- missioner 1893, and H.M. s Consul - General for Chile 1897. Has been Charg<5 d' Affaires since June i, 1900. Armorial bearings Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a bend between two unicorns' heads erased azure, armed or, three lozenges of the L-ist (for Smith) ; 2 and 3, per pale or and azure, a fesse counterchanged (for Cusack), the escutcheon being surrounded bv the ribbon and pendent the badge of a K.C.M.G. Mantlmg azure and argent. Crest -Out of a ducal coronet or, a unicorn's head azure. Hotto — ' ' En Dieu est mon espoir." Married, 1886, Winifred (d. 1894), dau. of Rev. John Whitaker Maitland of Loughton Hall, Essex ; and has Issue - Maia Williamina. Residences —Bniish Lega- tion, Santiago; and British Consulate-General, Valparaiso. CUST, CUST. see COCKAYNE-CUST and PORCELLI- SiR REGINALD JOHN CUST, Knight Bachelor, Bar- rister-at-Law. Bom SSeptember 25, 1828, being the third son of the Reverend Henry Cust, commonly known as the Hon- ourable and Reverend Henry Cust, by his wife Anna Maria, commonly known as Lady Anna Maria, daughter of the Right Honourable the first Earl of Kilniorey. Club — Travellers'. Livery— ^nghl blue, with white waistcoat, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, on a chevron sable, three fountains proper, quartering Cust (ancient), Ranson, Pury, Woodcock, Bellingham, Bums- hend, and Brownlow, and impaling the arms of Biigh, namely azure, a griffin segreant or, armed and langued gules, between three crescents argent. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased sable, collared paly wavy of six argent and azure; with the HottO, " Qui cust-odit caveat." Married, December 13, 1855, Elizabeth Caroline, commonly known as Lady Elizabeth Caroline, dau. of the Right Hon. Edward Biigh, fifth Earl of Darnley. Issue — Lionel Henry Cust, Esquire, M. V. O. , Master of Arts, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, born January 25, 1859 [mar- ried, 1895, Hon. Sybil Lyttelton ; and has issue, Lionel George Archer Cust, Esquire]; Evelyn Georgiana [married, 1879, Honourable Arthur Lowther Pelham] ; Caroline Emma ; and Beatrice Frances. Postaladdress — 13 Eccleston Square. ROBERT NEEDHAM CUST, Esquire, LL.D., Barrister-at-Law, J. P. cos. Middlesex and London. Born 1821, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Rev. Canon the Hon. Henry Cockayne Cust, by his wife I^^dy Anna Maria, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Francis Needham, first Elarl of Kilniorey. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a chevron sable, three fountains proper, quartering Cust (ancient). Ransom, Pury, Woodcock, Bellingham, Bums- bead, and Brownlow. Mantling sable and argent. Crest Cut — U|X)n a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased s.able, collared paly wavy of six argent and azure ; with the Motto, " Opera illius mea sunt." Married, first, 1856, Maria Ade- laide, who d. 1864, dau. of the late Very Rev. the Hon. Henry l^wis Holxirl; secondly, 1865, Emma, who le Orilt-r of the Bttth. of Otc Royal Ni»vv, Inspector-Gcnenil of Hospitals And Fleet*; and has /ssM—Evettitd Cliaries lirodrick, Gentleman, born February i6. 1890; Dorothy Brodrick ; and Agnes Hepburn Brodrick. /etsiJ*M ct—Apptrlcy Dene, Stocki^eld R.jLO., Northumberland. H SiK DAVID DALE, first Baronet, of West I^odge, O Darlington, D.C.L.. J. P. and D.L. for the County Palatine of Durham (High Sheriff 1888], Bom Decem- ber II, 1809, being the second son of the late David Dale. Esquire. H.E^I.C.S., Judge of Murshedabad City Court, by his wife Anne Elirabeth. daughter of the Reve- rend George Douglas. C/«*j— Reform, Royal Societies'. iUfv/T— Dark blue. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Aiure. a swan argent Ijctween four bezants saltire- ways ; and impaling the arms of Milbank, namely gules, a saltire argent, g^ttde-de-pwix, between two lions' heads couped in pale, and as many roses in fesse of the second. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of two eagles' heads erased and addorsed propter, an escutcheon azure, charged with a bezant Motto — "I byde my tyme." Married, firstly, 1853, Ann Backhouse (who died 1886), daughter of Edward Robson, and widow of Henry Whitwell ; and secondly, 1888, Alice Frederica (who died Nov. 25, 1902), eldest daughter of Sir Frederick Acclom Milbank, first Baronet, of Well, CO. York, and of Hart, co. Durham ; and by his first marriage has Issue — James Backhouse Dale, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. co. Durham, bom June 7, 1855 \m. 1879, Helena, daughter of the late Henry William Fenwick of Newcastle-on-Tyne] ; and Annie Marion Stuart \m. 1874, Edward Hutchinson of The Elms, Darlington]. Estate and postal address — West Lodge, Darlington. FREDERICK JOHN DALGETY, Esquire, late Capt. iSth King's Hussars, and Patron of two livings. Born Nov. 19, 1866, being the eldest son of Frederick Gonnerman Dalgety, Esq. , J. P. , D. L. , High Sheriff co. of Southampton 1877, by his wife Blanche Elizabeth Trosse, only daugh- ter of John .Allen of Coleridge House, Stokenham, Devon. Z,iv^rK— Blue, with red and white striped waistcoat. Ar- morial bMXings — Gules, a swan argent gorged with a collar gemel aziu'e, within a Ixjrdurc of the second, charged with four thistles two in chief and two in base slipped proper, impaling the arms of M'Clintock-Bunbury, namely, quar- terly I and 4, argent on a bend sable, three chess-rooks of the field ; a and 3 per pale gules and azure, a chevron ermine between three escallops argent. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant guardant gules, gorged with a wreath of oak or, supporting a shield argent, thereon a thistle slipped proper. MottO — "Vincit qui patitur." Married, June 10, 1897, the Hon. Pauline Caroline M'Clintock-Bunbury, youngest dau. of Rt. Hon. Baron Rathdonell ; and has Issue — (1) John Allen Fre- derick I3algety, Gentleman, b. Aug. 29. 1898; (2) Arthur William Hugh Dalgety. Gentleman, b. Nov. 17, 1899 ; and Barbara Blanche. Seat — Lockerley Hall, Romsey, Hants. C/«*j— Carlton, Wellington, Naval and Military, Hurlingham. SJOHN JAMES DALGLEISH, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant. Born April 22, 1836, being the eldest son of James Dalgleish, Esquire, of West- grange and Ardnamurchan, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, by his wife Elizabeth Christian, daughter of Laurence Johnston of Sands. C/ubs—New (Edinburgh), Conservative (Edinburgh). Livery — Dark blue witli silver buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, anoak-treeeradicated fesseways proper, between three pheons points upwards azure, and impaling the arms of Oliphant of Kinnedar, namely gules, three crescents argent within a bordure chequy of the second and first. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling gules, doubled argent ; and on a wreath of the liveries is set for Crest, the stump of an oak-tree sprouting out branches and leaves proper; with the Motto, " Revirescam." Married, August 16, 1892, Mary Eliza, third daughter of Major Patrick Oliphant of Kinnedar ; and has Issue — (i) James Patrick Dalgleish, Gentleman, born June 16. 1893; (2) Laurence John Oliphant Dalgleish. Gentleman, born April 25, 1903. £^/a/ttffl ^''^^' P^''^*^' ^""i Forfar, and for the city ZL/tllj|5*'^^^l' and county of Dundee, and a Deputy- Lieutenant for the two first counties, and a Member of the Council for the county of Perth. Born 1832, being the eldest son of the late Captain James Ogilvy Dalgleish of the Royal Navy, of Woodburne, Fife, by Isabella his wife, only child of David Martin of Dundee. Clubs— CaxXlon, New (Edinburgh). Livery —HatV. green and gold. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a tree eradicated fesseways vert, between three pheons points downwards azure (for Dal- gleish); 2 and 3 quarterly, i. and iiii. argent, a lyon passant guardant gules (for Ogilvy), ii. and iii. or, three crescents gules (for Edmonstone), over all dividing the coats a cross engrailed sable (for Sinclair), all for Ogilvy of Boyne ; over all on an escutcheon of pretence in right of his wife the arms of Mollison, namely or, two cross crosslets fitch^e in chief and in base the attires of a hart affixed to the scalp gules, a chief chequy of the second and argent, in the fesse point a crescent sable for difference. Above the shield, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, mantled vert doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest I is the Military Cockade. A IDal 2DaI 35» the stump of an oak-tree sprouting out branches and leaves proper ; and upon an escroU above the crest this Motto, " Revirescam " ; and for his Supporters, upon either side of the escutcheon a hon rampant or, charged upon the shoulder with a pheon point downwards, azure, such being personal to the above-mentioned William Ogilvy-Dalgleish. Marjr ; Mildred Mary ; Agnes Mary Helena ; and Victoria Louisa (the last by second wife). S THOMAS YORKE DALLAS-YORKE, Esquire, J. P. and D.L., late a Capt. in the nth Hussars, served in the Crimean War, 1854 ; he assumed the addi- Married, i860, Elizabeth Frances, only child of Francis Molison, Esquire, of Errol. Estates — Errol, in the county of Perth ; Woodburne and Baltilly, in the county of Fife ; Mayfield, in the county of Forfar ; and Coulin, in the county of Ross. Postal address — Errol Park, Errol, Perthshire. WILLIAM DALGLISH-BELLASIS, Gentleman. Bom June 23, 1853, being the third son of the late Mr. Serjeant Edward Bellasis, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Middlesex and Westminster, by his wife Eliza Jane, only daughter of William Garnett of Quernmore Park, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, High Sheriff. [By Royal Licence in 1896 he and his second wife took the additional surname of Dalglish.] Club — White's. Armorial bear- lags — Quarterly i and 4, argent a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis azure, in chief a tent proper, lined gules (for Bellasis) ; 2 and 3 argent, a fesse embattled counter-em- battled and plain cotised, between three annulets gules (for Viall). Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a lion couchant guardant azure, in front of a tent, as in the arms. Mottoes — -"Bon est bel assez"; " Loris non ureris." Married, first, Jan. 11, 1877, Mary, eldest daughter of the late Thomas Walmesley of Lilystone Hall, Essex (she died Oct. 28, 1888) ; second, June 18, 1892, Marie Sophie Nicholson, second dau. of the Marquis de Guerry de Lauret of Pondicherry, East Indies, and relict of James Campsie Dalglish of Campsie, N.B. , and of New South Wales; and has Issue — (i) Cyril Edward Bellasis, Gentleman, b. Jan. 28, d. Dec. 2, 1879 ; (2) John Henry Bellasis, Gentleman, b. Nov. 7, i88o; (3) William Joseph Bellasis, Gentleman, b. Dec. 17, 1884 ; (4) Richard Fauconberg Bellasis, |_^ Gentleman, b. Sept. 23, 1886; (5) Philip Joseph Bellasis, ^^k Gentleman, b. April 19, 1893; Mary Theresa; Monica I tional name and arms of Yorke by Royal Licence 1856, in compliance with the will of James Whiting Yorke on succeeding to his property. Born Feb. 25, 1826, being the only son of the late David Haliburton Dallas, by his wife Mary Anne, dau. of James Whiting- Yorke. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per pale indented argent and or, a saltire between two mullets of six points in fesse azure (for Yorke) ; 2 and 3 argent, a fesse between five mullets of five points, three in chief and two in base gules (for Dallas). Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, the battlements of a tower proper, therefrom issuant a dragon's head argent, charged with a nmllet of six points azure. Motto — " Lux venit ab alto." Married, Sept. 30, 1862, Frances Perry, third dau. of William Graham of Burntshiels ; and has had Issue — Hall- burton Francis, Gentleman, Lieut. loth Hussars, b. Nov. 27, 1875, d. Dec. 16, 1899 ; and Winifred Anna [?//., June II, 1889, tlie Most Noble William John Arthur Cavendish- Bentinck, sixth Duke of Portland, and has issue]. Seat — Walmsgate Hall, Louth, Co. Lincoln. Clubs — Carlton, Army and Navy. DALRYMPLE (10 Feb. 1902). Argent, on a saltire gules, five rustres of the field, in chief a lion rampant of the second. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, in the waves of the sea a rock proper. Motto — "Firm." Livery — Black, silver buttons. Son of Rev. Thomas Gray Duncan, Minister of St. David's, Kirkintilloch, Dumbartonshire, b. 1808; d. 1861 ; m. 1845, Mary, d. of Alexander Dalrymple of Woodhead : — James Dalrymple Gray Dalrymple (formerly Duncan), Esq., J. P. CO. Stirling, F.S.A., b. 7 July 1852; m. 24 July 1890, Katharine Hutton, d. of Stephen Rowan of Holm- is the Naval Cockade. as* Dal Dal fituMhead and widow of Patrick Francis Connal-Kownn (formerly Connal. who assumed the additional surname of Rowan on his marriage). Stats — Woodbead, Kirkintil- loch, Dumbartonshire ; Meiklewood, Gargunnock, Stirling. Cluis — Junior Carlton, County (Stirling), Western and Imperial Union (Glasgow), Conservative (Edinburgh). D.ALTON, see GRANT - DALTON, PORTMAN- DALTON. and WADE-DALTON. DALTON (Granted by Flower Norroy, sth Elizabeth, Ped. H. Coll.). Azure, crusilly or, a lion rampant guardant colours, a dragon's head couped vert, wings elevated or, gorged with a collar nebuly gold. Livery — Hlue, white lacings, blue and white striped waistcoat. Sons of Charles James Dalton, Esq., a Lt.-Gen. in the Army, Col. Commandant Royal Artill. d. i8ia ; d. 1880; m. 1847, his cousin Mary Norcliflc, eld. d. of George Cleghorn of Weens, co. Roxburghe : — James Cecil Dalton, Esq., Major-Gen. Commanding R.A. at (libraltar. Knight of Justice Order of St. John of Jeru- salem in Envjland, F.R.G.S., d. 1848; m. 1899, Mary Caroline, yr. d. of Gen. Sir George Digby Barker, K.C.B., of Clare Priory, Suffolk, late Gov. and Commander-in-Chief Bermuda ; and has issue — Charles James George Dalton, Gentleman, t. 1902; Mary Frances Helena; and Joan Caroline Wray. A'«. — Artillery House, Gibraltar. Ciufis — Army and Navy, United Service. Charles Dalton, Gentleman, F.R.G.S., i. 1850; m. i88o, his cousin, Isabella Dalton, d. of Henry Robinson (by Rosamund, n/e Best, who took name and estates of Norclifle of Langton). /(es. — 3a West Cromwell Road, London, S.W. DALWAY, quartered by DOBBS. SMARRIOT ROBERT DALWAY, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. CO. Antrim, J.P. for Carrickfergus (High Sheriff 1859), was M. P. for Carrickfergus 1868-1880. Horn 1832, being the only son of the late Marriot Dalway, Esq., J.I'., of iSUa Hill, by Euphemia, dau. of Thomas Henry. Ar- morial beaiings — Argent, two lions in chief counter- passant and one in base all guardant gules, armed and langued azure. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, holding in the paws a staff erect proper, a banner therefrom flowing to the sinister argent, charged with a saltire of the first. Motto — " Esto quod audes." Married, 1859, Elizabeth, only child of the late Col. Andrew Arm- strong Barnes ; and has, with other /««<— Marriot William Dalway, Esq., J.P. for co. Antrim, late Lieut. Antrim Militia, 6. 1861. DALY, quartered by BLAKE, and BLAKE -DE BURGH. SJOHN ARCHER DALY, Esquire. J. P., D.L., High Sheriff 1866, Col. commanding 4th Batt. Connaught argent, a chief barry nebuly of four of the last and sable. Mfti^t-tiTig gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the Rangers (assumed the surname and arms of Daly in lieu of his patronymic Blake by Royal Licence dated April 24, 1837, in compliance with the testamentary injunction of the is the Military Cockade. Dal Dan 353 maternal great-uncle, Hyacinth Daly of Raford). Born Jan. II, 1835, being the eldest son of the late Andrew William Blake of Furbough, co. Galway, by his wife Maria Julia Daly, second dau. of Malachy Daly of Raford. Armorial bearings — Per fesse argent and or, a lion rampant per fesse sable and gules, in chief two dexter hands couped at the wrists of the last, impaling the arms of Nugent, namely ermine, two bars gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of an oak tree proper, fructed or, a greyhound courant sable, collared gold. Motto — "Deo fidelia et regi." Married, April 30, 1864, Lady Anne Elizabeth Charlotte Nugent, dau. of Rt. Hon. Anthony Francis, 9th Earl of Westmeath ; and has Issue — (i) Denis Andrew Malachy Daly, Gentleman, late Lieut, in the army, b. Sept. 27, 1865 ; and Anne Christian, d. unm. 1897. Seats — Raford, Athenry ; and Furbough, Galway. S RALPH DALYELL, Esquire, C. B. , D. L. , J. P. co. Fife, heir of line of the families of Melville of Murdocairnie, and Robertson of Newbigging, through his grandmother, Jane Melville. Born June 29, 1834, being the second son of the late John Dalyell, Esq., 5th Dragoon Guards, Lieut- Col. Fifeshire Militia, D. L. , by his wife Jane, eldest dau. of Gen. Robert Anstruther (eldest son of Sir Robert Anstruther, Bart., of Balcaskie). Armorial bearings - Sable, a naked man with arms extended proper, between two stars or, within a bordure of the last, and below the escutcheon his badge as a C. B. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand grasping a scimitar both proper. Motto— "I dare." Married, 1870, Annie Margaret Christina, eldest dau. of Algernon William Bellingham Greville of Granard, co. Longford ; and has had /fj-«e— Ruth Margaret ; Violet Jane; Lilias ; and Magdalen. Seats — Ticknevin, Carbery, CO. Kildare ; Lingo, St. Andrews. Residence — 21 Onslow Gardens, S.W. C/«*j— Arthur's, Wellington. DANGAR (H. Coll., 1854). Ermine, on a bend sable, cottised engrailed gules, a ram's head erased or, between two esquires' helmets proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wrenth of the colours, upon a mount vert, a demi-nian affrontde in armour proper, the helmet adorned with three feathers azure, holding in the dexter hand a broken tilting-spear also proper, and supporting with the sinister an escutcheon sable, charged with a ram's head erased or. Motto— " Traditus non victus." Sons of Henry Dangar, Esq., J. P., of Haverstock Hill, Hampstead, England, of Grantham, co. Cumber- land, N.S.W., and of Neotsfield, co. Northumberland, N.S.W., Member of the Legislative Conncil, b. 1796; d. 1861 ; m. 1828, Grace, d. of John Sibley of St. Neot, Cornwall, England : — The Hon. Henry Carey Dangar of Grantham, Sydney, Member of the Legislative Council of that colony, b. 1830, m N.S. Wales; m. 1865, Lucy Jane, d. of Commander Lamb of the Royal Navy; and has Issue— {\) Richard Halifax Dangar, Gentleman, of Neotsfield, Whittingham, N.S.W. ; (2) Reginald Neville Dangar, Gentleman; (3) Horace William Dangar, Esq., Major Royal Australian Artillery ; (4) Leonard Adrian Dangar, Gentleman ; (5) Mabel (deceased) ; Lucy Beatrice \m. Henry M. Osborne] ; Elinor ; Ruth ; Nora ; Muriel Ethel ; and Dorothy Marian. Postal addresses — Grantham, Sydney; and Yallaroi, Wari- alda, New South Wales. Frederick Holkham Dangar, Gentleman, b. 1831 ; m. 1858, Eliza, d. of John Phelps of Sydney, N.S.W. ; and has issue — (i) Dudley Richard Dangar, Gentleman, b. ; (2) Harry Dangar, Gentleman, b ; and Ada. Res. — Lyndhurst, Cleveland Road, Ealing, W. Albert Augustus Dangar, Gentleman, b. 1840 ; m. 1866, Phoebe, d. of E. Rouse of Rouse Hill, near Sydney, N.S. Wales ; and has issue — (i) Rodney Rouse Dangar, Gentle- man, b. ; (2) Norman Napier Dangar, Gentleman, b. ; (3) Clive Collingwood Dangar, Gentleman, b. ; Maude Marion ; Elsie Eleanor ; Grace Gladys ; and Phyllis Phoebe. Estates (160,000 acres) at Gostwyck, Mooki Springs, and Waterloo, all in N.S. Wales, and Noorin- doo, Queensland. Seat — Baroona, Whittingham, N.S. Wales. DANIEL, quartered by HUSSEY. WILLIAM HENRY DANIEL, Esq.. J. P. Bom 1812, being the son of the late George Robert Daniel, Esq., Q.C., of Auburn, by his wife Margaret, eldest dau. of Henry Smyth of Harcourt Street, Dublin. Armorial bearings— Per saltire argent and or, two dexter arms fesseways couped and in pale, vested gules, cuffed azure, the hand proper holding a cross crosslet fitch^e erect of the third, and as many lions rampant in fesse also of the third. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a trefoil slipped vert, a dexter arm fesse- ways couped, vested gules, cuffed azure, the hand proper, holding a cross crosslet fitch^e erect also gules. Motto — " Toujours prct." Married, 1836, Harriett, dau. of Robert Johnstone, Esq., Q.C. (and niece of Sir William Richard- son, Bunbury, Bart.); and has Issue — (i) George Robert Daniel, Gentleman, late Lieut. 64th Regt. , b. Jan. 9, 1840 \m., Jan. 1864, Susan, dau. of Major -Gen. Philip Gay, C.B.]; (2) William Henry Daniel, Esq., Lieut. - Col. (retired) late isth Regt., b. March 28, 1847; Margaret; Anna Maria \in., 1861, Richard Doyne of Ballygrange, Calcutta, and has issue] ; Georgina [/«. , 1861, Hon. George Annesley, and has issue] ; and Cecilia. Seat — Lough Ree Lodge, Glasson, co. Westmeath. ROBERT GEORGE DANIELL, Esq., J. P. co. West- meath. Born 1830, being the elder son of the late Robert Daniell, Esq., D.L. , by Cecilia Frances, dau. of the late Major Cliffe of Bellevue, co. Wexford. Armorial bear- ing^ — Argent, a pale fusily sable, in the dexter chief point a crescent gules. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head erased argent, armed and crined or, charged with a crescent gules. Motto — " Pro fide et patria." Married, 1864, Ellen, second dau. of the late John O'Brien, M. P. , of Eden Vale, co. Clare ; and has Issue — John Daniell, Gentleman, b. 1868, 5CoL late loand Rcgt. (ist Koy. Dub. Pus.), sorved in Burmah 1853-3 (medal and clasp) and in Indian Mutiny (medal and clasp), b. 1838 ; m. 1875, Mary Eliral)eih. d. of George Ure Skinner, F.L.S. ; and has issue — (i) George Edward Staines Danit-ll, Gentleman, b. 1875 ; (2) William Raymond Daniell, Gentle- man, Indian Army, late Devonshire Regt. , b. 1878; (3) James Skinner Daniell, Gentleman, b. 1883; (4) Charles John Williamson Daniell, Gentleman, b. 1885; Agnes Katharine Raymond ; and Margaret Swayne. Res. — Ilfra- combe, nr. Devon. Clubs — Junior Constitutional, Royal Societies*. DANIERS, quartered by FOX. Sir JULAND DANVERS, K.C.S.I. (1886), formerly Government Director of Indian Railway Companies, and Secretary in Public Works Dept. of the India Office. Bom 1826, being the son of the late Frederick Dawes Danvers, Esq., of the Duchy of Lancaster Office, by his wife Charlotte Maria, dan. of John Juland Rawlinson. Clubs — Athenaeum, St. Stephen's, Northbrook. Livery — Mulberry colour, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Qiiarterly, i. gules, a chevron between three mullets of six points or ; 2 and 3 argent, on a bend gules, three martlets or, winged vert; the escutcheon being encircled by the ribbon and pendent the badge of a K.C.S I. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wyvern with wings endorsed or. Motto — "Forte en loyalte. Married, 1851, Sarah Frances, dau. of Rev. Henry Roch- fort of Vastina, Westmeath ; and has Issue. Postal address — 103 Lexham Gardens, W. CHARLES HENRY DARBISHIRE, Esquire, J.P., and C.C. for Carnarvonshire; Lt.-Col. Comdg. 3rd V. B. R. W. F. Bom May 9, 1844, being the fifth son of the late Samuel Dukinfield, Esq., J. P. for Carnarvonshire (High Sheriff ^855), of Pendyffryn, Conway, by his wife Mary, third dau. of Robert Grierson Blackmore of Manchester. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, on a pile issuant from the dexter canton argent, three leo- pards' faces of the field (for Darbishire); 2 and 3, ar- gent, a cross pointed and voided sable (for Dukinfield). Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, issuant from clouds, a dexter arm in armour em- bowed, holding in the hand proper a cross pointed and voided sable. Married, 1874, Mary L., dau. of William Eckersley. Seat — Plas Mawr, Penmacnmawr. Club — Reform (^Liverpool). GEORGE STANLEY DARBISHIRE, Esq.. J. P. Lanes. Born Sept. 18, 1827, l)eing the fifth but third sur- viving son of the late James Darbishire of Green Heys, Chorlton, Lanes., by his wife Mary, eldest dau. of George Bramston Roberts, H.E.I.C.S. C/i/*— Windham. Armo- rial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, gules, on a pile issuant from the di-xtcr canton argent, three leopards' faces of the field (for Darbishire) ; a and 3 argent, a cross pointed and voided sable (for Dukinfield), a mullet for difference, together with other quarterings appertaining to the Dukinfield family. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from clouds, a dexter arm in armour cmbowed, the hand proper grasping a cross p>ointed and voided sable. Motto — " Durateet vincite." Married, Feb. 12, 1857, Ellen (d. 1882), second dau. of the late John Carver of Belmont, Pendleton, Lanes. ; and has had Issue — (i) Arthur Stanley Darbishire, Gentleman, b. Nov. 29, 1851, d. 1884 ; (2) Russell Nicholls Darbishire, Gentleman, b. Jan. 3, i860 ; (3) Francis Gaskell Darbishire, Gentleman, b. 1862, d. 189s; and Alice Mary [m., 1875, Capt. John Alfred Hind]. Postal address— 18 Morella Road, Wandsworth Common, Surrey. DARBISHIRE (H. Coll. ). Gules, on a pile issuant from the dexter canton argent, three leopards' faces of the field, quartering Dukinfield, a crescent for diffeience. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, issuant from clouds a dexter arm ernbowed in armour proper, the hand unmailed and grasping a cross pointed and voided sable. Motto — " Durate et vincite." Sons of Henry Astley Darbishire, Esq., J. P. and D.L. CO. Kent, b. ; d. 1899; m. 1858, Eliza, only d. of George Byng Paget of Sutton Bonnington, co. Nottingham : — Frederic Astley Darbishire, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, is tbe Military Cockade. Dar Oar 355 Inner Temple, M.A. Christ Church (Oxon.), b. 1859. Estate and postal address — Oakdene, Cowden, co. Kent. Harry Vernon Darbishire, Gentleman, ^.1864. JAMES EDWARD DARBISHIRE, Gentleman. Born i Darbishire, Gentleman, by Jane, second dau. of John John- son of Chester. Club — St. Stephen's. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, on a pile issuant from the dexter canton argent, three leopards' faces of the field (for Darbishire) ; 2 and 3 argent, a cross pointed and voided sable (for Dukinfield). [The family are entitled to quarter the arms of other families appertaining to Dukinfield.] Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from clouds, a dexter arm in armour embowed, the hand proper, grasping a cross pointed and voided sable. Motto — " Durate et vincite." Married, Aug. 6, 1879, Susan, third dau. of the late Samuel Swan of Manchester ; and has /wz/«— James Thurstan Dukinfield Darbishire, Gentleman, b. June 30, 1893: Lilian Mary; Norah Grace ; and Kathleen Muriel. Postal address — Dunowen, Thurleigh Road, Wandsworth Common, Surrey. S WILLIAM ARTHUR DARBISHIRE, Esq. , J. P. and D.L. for Carnarvonshire, B.A. Born Aug. 4, 1829, being the second son of the late Samuel Dukinfield Darbi- shire, Esquire, J. P. for Carnarvonshire (High Sheriff of that CO. 185s), of Pendyffryn, Conway, by his wife Mary, third daughter of Robert Grierson Blackmore of Manchester. Club — Devonshire. Livery — Drab, with scarlet facings. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, gules, on a pile ilarch II, 1852, being the only son of James Mather issuant from the dexter canton argent, three leopards' faces of the field (for Darbishire); 2 and 3 argent, a cross pointed and voided sable (for Dukinfield). Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, issuant from clouds, a dexter arm in armour embowed, holding in the hand proper a cross pointed and voided sable. Married, April 28, 1864, Ellen, eldest dau. of Thomas Lombe Taylor of Starston, Harleston, Norfolk. Res.—Vmyhryn, Car- narvon, N. Wales; Penmaenmawr, N. Wales. Club— Devonshire. The Very Rev. JOHN LIONEL DARBY, Dean of Chester. Born Nov. 20, 1831, being the third son of Rev. Christopher Darby, M.A., by his wife Mary, dau. of Alex- ander Boyle, Esq. Livery -V^hxte, with yellow facmgs. Armorial bearings— Azure, on a chevron argent, between three garbs or, a naval coronet of the first between two anchors sable, pendent in the centre chief pomt from a riband of the second, fimbricated of the field, a representa- is the Naval Cockade, 35« Dat Dar lion of the gold mediU conferred ujxjn Admiral Darbv by command of his Majesty in commemoration of his gallant conduct at the battle of the Nile &c. ; beneath the said medal the word " Nile" inscribed in gold letters upon the field. [Hiis augmentation was granted in 1820, and is reRistorcd in Ulster's Office to be borne by the descendants of John Darby of l-eap. King's Co.. brother to Admiral Sir Henry d'Esterrc Darby, who as Captain commanded the " Bellerophon " in the battle of the Nile.] M antl i ng with a naval crown azure, in front of an anchor placed in sinister bend sable. Motto — " Spero meliora." Married, azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a garb or, banded with a naval crown azure, in front of an anchor placed in sinister bend sable. Motto — "Spero meliora." Married, May 4, 1871, Cecilia Catherine, dau. of the Rev. Canon Hopwciod (and Lady EUinor Mary his wife. dau. of the Rt. Hon. Earl of Derby) ; and has Issue — (i) Lionel Frank Christopher Darby, Gentleman, b. 1873; (2) Arthur John Lovett Darby, Gentleman, b. 1876; (3) Edward Henry d'Esterre Darby, Gentleman, b. 1880; Mary Cecilia ; and Constance Ellinor Katharine. Property in counties Armagh and Antrim. Postal address — The Deanery, Chester. S JONATHAN CHARLES DARBY, Esq., J. P. and D. L. for King's Co. , and J. P. for co. Tipperary. Born 1855, being the eldest son of the late Jonathan Darby, Esq., J. P.. who died 1871 (by Caroline Curteis, dau. of John Graham of The Elms, ILastboume), and grandson of the late William Henry Darby of Leap Castle. Club — Kildare Street, Dublin. Livery— ^\\ie. Armorial bearings— Azure, on a chevron argent, between three garbs or, a naval coronet of the first between two anchors sable, pendent in the centre chief from a riband of the second, fimbriated of the field, a representation of the gold medal conferred upon Admiral Sir Henry D'Esterre Darby (by command of his Majesty, in commemoration of his gallant conduct at the Battle of the Nile, in command of H.M.S. "Bellerophon"), and beneath the medal the word "Nile " inscribed in gold letters upon the field. Mantling azure and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a garb or, banded 1889, Mildred Heru-ietta, younger dau. of Richard Dill, M.D.; and has Issue — Horatio Darby, Gentleman, b. Dec. 18. 1898 ; Augusta Diana O'Carroll ; and Cecily Mildred O'Carroll. Seat — Leap Castle, Roscrea, King's Co. DARBY of Coalbrookdale (H. Coll., 10 Aug. 1836). Per chevron embattled azure and erminois, three eagles displayed two and one, each charged on the breast with an escallop all counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of two cross crosslets fitch^e in saltire sable, a demi-eagle displayed couped erminois, the wings azure, charged on the breast with an escallop of the last. Motto — " Utcunque placuerit Deo." Sons of William Henry Darby ofBrymbo, nr. Wrex- ham, b. ; d. ; m. : — John Henry Darby, Esq., J. P. co. Denbigh, b. 1856 ; m. ist, 1884, Isabelle, d. of William Littleboy, J. P. ; and has issue — Gwendolen ; 2nd, 1502, Ellen Muriel, d. of the late G. F. Adams of Cardiff. Seat — Brymbo Hall, Brynibo. C/«3— Whitehall. William Darby, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Alfred Darby, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Son of Alfred Darby, Gentleman, of Coalbrookdale and Stanley Hall, Salop, b. 1807; d. 1852; m. 1848, Rebecca, d. of late William Miller Christy of Wood- bines, Kingston, co. Surrey : — Alfred Edmund William Darby, Esq., J.P. and D.L. CO. Salop, formerly Capt. Shropshire Yeo. [impaling the arms of Arthur, namely or, on a chevron azure ^ is the Military Cockade. Dat D'ar 357 between two rests in chief gules and a kangaroo sejant in base proper, two swords chevronways also proper, pommels and hilts of the first ; on a chief of the third a horse courant argent], b. 1850; 7n. 1881, Frederica Louisa Juliana, only d. of the late Sir Frederick Arthur, 2nd Baronet, by his wife Lady EUzabeth, d. of the loth Earl of Kinnoul ; and has issue— Maurice Alfred Alexander Darby, Gentleman, b. 1894 ; and Frances Muriel. Post. add. Little Ness, Shrewsbury ; 36 Grosvenor Place, S. W. S CHRISTOPHER WILLIAM DARBY-GRIFFITH, Esq., J. P., Capt. Gren. Gds., A.D.C. from 1888-92 to Gen. Lyttelton Annesley, commanding in Scotland. Born June 17, 1858, being the only son of the late Christopher Darby-Griffith, Esq., of Padworth, J. P. and D.L., M.P. for Devizes 1857 to 1868, by his wife Arabella Sarah, only dau. of Edward Francis Colston of Filkins Hall, co. Oxon., and Roundway Park, Wilts. Clubs — Guards', Wellington, Bachelors', St. James's, Junior Carlton. Armorial bear- ings—Quarterly I and 4, gules a chevron between three men's heads in profile argent, each charged on the ncek with an ermine spot sable, the two in chief couped, that in base erased (for Griffith) ; 2 and 3 erminois, a chevron engrailed barry wavy argent and azure, between three garbs sable (for Darby). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head caboshed per pale gules and azure, attired or, between the attires an estoile of the last (for Griffith) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a garb argent charged with an anchor erect sable (for Darby). Seat — Padworth House, Reading. D'ARCY, quartered by FOX and FLETCHER- VANE. DARCY of Chiche, quartered by FOX. D'ARCY (13th cent.). Azure, sem6 of cross crosslets and three cinquefoils argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a bull sable, armed or. Motto — " Un Dieu, un Roy." Coheirs General, being daus. ofSackville George Lane Fox, 12th Lord Conyers and de jure 15th Lord Darcy de Knayth — representing the line of Darcy, Earls of Holderness : — The Rt. Hon. Marcia Amelia Mary, Countess of Yar- borough [vide Yarborough), suo jure Baroness Fauconberg and Baroness Conyers [q.v.). The Rt. Hon. Violet Ida Evelyn, Countess of Powis, suo jure Baroness Darcy de Knayth [Supporters of the Barony J of Darcy— Dexter, a heraldic tiger argent; sinister, a bull ible, armed or]. D'ARCY of Hyde Park, the senior Irish line, descending through Darcy of Plattyn from John Darcy, ist Lord Darcy de Knayth, by his second wife Joan, d. of Richard de Burgh, Earl of Ulster. Arms (Regd. U.O.)— Quarterly, I. Darcy as above ; 2. gules, sem6 of cross crosslets and an orle or (Bertram) ; 3. quarterly gules and argent (Tuite) ; 4. or, a chevron vert (Judge) ; 5. argent, from the centre base vert, a fir-tree growing proper, at the top a sword in bend azure, hiked or, and in chief two antique crowns gules (Grierson) ; 6. argent, on a bend sable, three roses of the field, barbed and seeded proper (Cary). Crest and Motto as above. Son of George James Norman D'Arcy, Esq., I. P. cos. Meath and Westmeath, B.A. (Trin. Coll.," Dub.), Barrister-at-Law, b. 1820; m. ist, 1856, Antoinette Jane (rf. 1877), d. of Anthony John Dopping, Esq., D.L. , of Colmolyn, co. Meath : — Rev. George James Audomar D'Arcy, M.A. Oxon. , Vicar of St. Patrick's, Birmingham, b. \x Oct. 1861. Scat — Hyde Park, Killucan, co. Westmeath. Res.—'&\.. Patrick's Clergy House, Highgate, Birmingham. Sons of Thomas Lavallin D'Arcy, Gentleman, of Ginnets Park, CO. Meath, b. 1821 ; d. 1886; m. ist, 1845, Maria Louisa, d. of James Fox of Galtrim, co. Meath : — Rev. John Bertram D'Arcy, b. 1845. Res.— 21. Greville Road, London, N.W. Lavallin Cary D'Arcy, Gentleman, b. 1847. Res. — Chad- desley Corbett, Kidderminster. Son of John Charles D'Arcy, Gentleman, of Mount Tallant, co. Dublin, b. 1828; d. 1902; m. 1852, Henrietta Anna, eld. d. of Thomas Brierly of Dublin :— Rt. Rev. Charles Frederick D'Arcy, Bishop of Clogher, M.A. , D.D. , formerly Vicar and Dean of Belfast and Canon of St. Patrick's, DubUn, b. 1859; m. 1889, Harriet Le Byrrt, d. of late Richard Lewis of Comrie, co. Down ; and has issue — John Conyers D'Arcy, b. 1894, Ellinor Marian ; Henrietta Grace Lewis ; and Dorothy Frances. Res. — Bishopscourt, Clones, co. Monaghan. Sons of Rev. Anthony Ralph D'Arcy, Rector of Nymps- field, b. 1832; d. 1894; m. i86o, Caroline, d. of Thomas Brierly of Dublin : — Ralph Francis D'Arcy, Gentleman, b. 1864; m. 1900, Dorothy Isabel Munro, eld. d. of Edgell E. Westmacott, Esq., of Richmond, Surrey. Res. — Beach House, Kessing- land, Suffolk. Thomas Anthony D'Arcy, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Redlands, Bristol. Arthur D'Arcy, Gentleman , *. . Res. — D'ARCY of Corbetstown (13th cent. Regd. U.O.). Azure, crusilly and three cinquefoils argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a bull sable, armed or. Motto — " Un Dieu un roi." Sons of John Sheppard D'Arcy, of Finchfield, nr, Wolverhampton, b. 1840; d. 1885; m. 1864, Emily, d. of William Meagher of Swansea : — Francis Meagher D'Arcy, Gentleman, b. 1864 ; m. 1895, Rose Patrice, d. of late S. James Fellows of Wolver- hampton ; and has issue — John Leslie Fellows D'Arcy, Gentleman, b. 1896. Res. — The Grange, Winterbourne, Gloucester. Cuthbert Edward D'Arcy, Gentleman, b. 1872. Res. — Basil Norman D'Arcy, Gentleman, b. 1874. Res. — Lionel John Montague D'Arcy, Gentleman, b. 1877. Res.— Gerald Claude Randolph D'Arcy, Gentleman, b. 1882. Res.— HYACINTH DARCY, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. co. Galway, and High Sheriff 1877. Born Feb. 26, 1830, being the second son of the late James D'Arcy, Esq., J. P., of New Forest, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Hyacinth Chevers of Killyan. Armorial bearings— Azure, sem6e of cross crosslets and three cinquefoils argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a bull passant sable. Motto—" Un Dieu un roy." Married, June 13, 1878, Louisa Alicia, dau. of Samuel James Brown, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Loftus Hall, co. York; and has Issue-{r) James D'Arcy, Gentleman, b. March 29, 1880; (2) Richard D'Arcy, Gentleman, b. April 10, 1881 ; (3) Isidore D'Arcy, Gentleman, b. June 26, 1882 ; (4) Hyacinth D'Arcy, Gentleman, b. Nov. 13, 1883; (s) Lionel George is the Naval Cockade. 358 D*ar 2:)at D'Arcy, Gentleman, i. Feb. a, 1888 ; Mary L. E. ; Sophia J. M. : and Teresa M. S*at - New Forest, Ballinasloe, co. Galway ; Fisher Hill, Castlebor ; Rockvale, Gort. MARTIN CHARLEMAGNE MACDONNELL D'ARCY, Gentleman. Bom Feb. 13, 1859, being the second son of the late Dominick D'Arcy, Barrister-at-Law, by his wife Sarah, eldest daa of the late Joseph Myles MacDonnell. Esq., J. P. (M.P. for co. Mayo 1846-47), of Doo Castle, co. Mayo. /.itArry— Blue and silver. iUmo- liid bearings -Azure, sem^ of cross crosslets and three cinquefoils argent. W^wtHtiy azure and argent. Oreet— On a wreath of the colours, a bull passant sable. Seat— Doo Castle, co. Mayo. WILLIAM KNOX D'ARCY, Gentleman. Bom Oct. II, 1849, being the only son of the late William Francis D'Arcy of Newton Abbot, co. Devon, by his wife Elizabeth Baker, dan. of Rev. Robert Bradford, Rector of Wol- borough, CO. £>evon. Armorial beariogs — Azure, semde of cross crosslets and three cinquefoils argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a chapeau gules, ttimed up ermine, a bull passant sable, armed or. Motto — " Un Dieu un roy." Married, firstly, Oct. 23, 1872,' Elena (who d. Dec. 19, 1897), dau. of Samuel Bradford Birkbeck of Queensland ; and has Issue — (i) William Francis D'Arcy, Gentleman, b. Sept. 14, 1873 ; (2) Lionel Knox D'Arcy, Gentleman, Lieut. 19th Hussars, b. Feb. 12, 1876; Gertrude Elena Elizabeth [w. , 1895, Capt. Sydney Hankey, and Life Guards, and has issue], Violet Bertha [»»., 1900, Archibald Fraser Home, nth Hussars, and has issue] ; and Ethel Anastasia. He married secondly, Feb. 21, 1899, Nina, dau. of A. L. Boucicault of Queensland. Residence — Stanmore Hall, Stanmore, Middle- sex. Town address — 42 Grosvenor Square, W. Clubs — Carl- ton, Junior Carlton, Garrick, and Queensland (Brisbane). DARE, see HALL-DARE. DARELL (c. 1200). Azure, a lion rampant or, ducally crowned argent. Maintling azure and or. Crest^Out of a ducal coronet or, a Saracen's head in profile, couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed about the temples or and azure, on the head a cap of the last fretty argent, tasselled gold , turned up ermine. Sons of Rev. Sir William Lionel Darell, 4th Bart., M.A., Rector of Fretherne, co. Gloucs., b. 1817 ; d. 1883; m. 2nd, 1843, Harriet Mary, only d. of Sir Edward Tiemey, Bart. : — Sir Lionel Edward Darell, sth Baronet (12 May 1795), of Richmond, Surrey, J.P., D.L., C.C. co. Okxws. (High Sheriff 1887), late Capt. Gloucs. Yeom. Cav., i, 1845; m. 1870, Helen Frances, only child of Edward Marsland of Henbury Park, Chester; and has issue— (i) Lionel Edward Haniilton Marmaduke Darell, Esq., Lieut, ist Life Guards, b. 1876 \m. 1903, Eleanor, d. of Capt. Heathcote of Apedale, Staffs.]; (a) William Harry Vcrclst Darell, Esq., Lieut. Coldstream Guards, b. 1878; (3) Guy Mars- land Darell, Esq., Lieut. Coldstream Guards, b. 1883 ; Violet Mary ; Evelyn May ; Marguerite Helen ; Dorothy Muriel ; and Barbara Gladys. 5m/— Fretherne Court, Stonehouse, Gloucs. Town res. — 39 Upper Grosvenor Street, London, W. Clubs — Carlton, Junior Carlton, Orleans. Son of Edward Tiemey Gilchrist Darell, Esq., b. 1847 ; d. 1898; m. 1st, 1869, Amy, d. of Leo Schuster of Roehampton : — Harry Francis Darell, Esq., late Capt. 3rd Batt. Rif. Brigade, b. 1872. C/«*— White's. DARELL. Azure, a lion rampant or, ducally crowned argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest— Out of a ducal cornet or, a Saracen's head in profile couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed about the temples or and azure, on the head a cap of the last, fretty argent, tasselled gold, turned up ermine. Motto — " True to you." Son of Robert Stephens of Trewornan, Cornwall (great-grandson of Anne, d. of Henry Darell of Trewornan (who d. 1731), b. 1811 ; d. 1890; m. Jane Agnes Elford, d. of Rev. John Smythe, Rector of Dromiskin, co. Louth : — Robert Darell Smythe Darell (formerly Stephens — name and arms of Darell assumed by Royal Licence 1902), Gentleman, F.L.S., F.G.S., &c., *. 1851 ; m. 1882, Mary Frances, eld. d. of William Trevenen of Helston, Corn- wall ; and has surv. issue — (i) Robert Darell Elford Darell, Gentleman, b. 1887; (2) Edward Marmaduke Darell Darell, Gentleman, b. 1897; (3) Henry St. George Darell Darell, Gentleman, b. 1898; Mamie; Joan Gratiana; and Beatrix. Estates — The Manor of Trewornan and other lands in the Parish of St. Minver, Cornwall. Seat — Tre- wornan, Cornwall. Res. — Ford Hill, Townstal, Dart- mouth. JOHN DARELL-BLOUNT. Esq., J. P. and D.L. for CO. Oxford. Born 1833, being the fourth but only surviv- ing son of the late Michael Henry Mary Blount, Esq., of Maple, Durham, J. P. and D.L. , High Sheriff in 1832, is the Military Cockade. T>at HDat 359 by his first wife Hon. Elizabeth Anne Mary, 4th dau. of the Rt. Hon. Robert Edward Petre, loth Lord Petre; s. his brother, Charles John, 1881, and assumed the prefix surname and arms of Darell by Royal License 1882. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, barry nebuly of six or and sable (for Blount) ; 2 and 3 azure, a lion rampant or, ducally crowned argent, in the dexter chief point for difference a cross crosslet of the second (for Darell) ; and on an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Darell without the difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, the sun in splendour, charged in the centre with an eye all proper (for Blount) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, a man's head in profile, couped at the shoulders and bearded proper, wreathed round the temples or and azure, on the head a cap also azure, fretty argent, tasselled gold and turned up ermine, for difference a cross crosslet azure (for Darell). Motto — " Lux tua vita mea." Married, June 13, 1881, Henrietta, only dau. of Edward Henry Darell, Esq. , eldest son of Edward Darell, Esq. , of Calehill ; and has /wKg— Ethel Mary. Seats — Maple Durham, near Read- ing, CO. Oxford ; and Calehill, Ashford, Kent. DARLEY, see WARREN-DARLEY. The Rev. FREDERICK DARLING, M.A. (Oriel Coll., Oxon.). Born 1821, being the eldest son of the late Gen. Sir Ralph Darling, G.C.H., by Elizabeth, dau. of the late Lieut. -Col. John Dumaresq. Armorial bearings— Per fesse crenell^e azure and gules, in chief a lion passant argent, and in base two falchions in saltire, blades of the last, hilts and pommels or, on a canton ermine, a mural crown of the fourth, suspended therefrom by a riband gules, edged azure, the Corunna medal gold. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown or, a dexter arm em- bowed in armour proper, sustaining an inescutcheon gules, thereon two falchions in saltire as in the arms, encircled by the ribbon and medal of Corunna. Motto — " Inspired, I aspired." Seat — The Ridge, Hartfield, Sussex. DARLINGTON (H. Coll.). Azure, gutt^e-d'eau , on a fesse engrailed or, between two leopards' faces in pale of the last, four crosses crosslet gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a Corinthian column erect or, between two wings sable, each charged with a cross crosslet argent, a mount vert. Motto — " Fide." Son of Joseph Darlington of Alison Hall , Lanes. , b. 1781 ; d. 1862 ; m. Margery, d. of William Fisher of Bradley Hall, Lanes. : — James Darlington, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Warwick (High Sheriff 1886), b. 1827; m. 1861, Frances {d. 1897), d. and coh. of John Radcliffe of Radcliffe, Lanes. ; and has issue — (i) Hayward Radcliffe Darlington, Gentleman, M.A., LL.M. , b. 1863 \jn. 1890, Dora, eld. d. of John Sheriff Hill, of Hawkeswick, St. Albans]; (2) Willoughby Scott Darlington, Gentleman, b. 1883. Evelyn Mary ; Frances Maud \7n. Harold W. Cave] ; Helena Radcliffe \m. J. F. Kittermaster, M.A.]; Lucy Elizabeth; Agnes Mabel \m. H. H. Sills of King's Coll., Camb.]; and Constance Wini- fred. Seat — Bourton Hall, Rugby, co. Warwick. Chib — Conservative. Sons of Ralph Darlington of Whitley Hall, Wigan, b. 1824 ; d. 1890 : — ? Sons of John Darlington of Alison Hall, Lanes. , b. ; d. 1852 :— ? § DUNCAN DARROCH, Esq., J.P. and D.L. cos. Renfrew and Ross. Born March 15, 1836, being the son of the late Duncan Darroch, Esq., of Gourock and Drums, Major in the Army, D.L., J. P., by his wife Susan I (who died Aug. 14, 1889), dau. of Charles Stewart Parker of Fairlie, co. Ayr, West Indian Merchant. Armorial bearings — Argent, a three-masted ship under full sail in a sea all proper, between three oak trees eradicated and fructed of the last. Mantling gules doubled argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-negro holding in his dexter hand a dagger proper. Motto — " Be watch- ful." Married, May 7, 1864, Ann, dau. of Samuel Philip Rickman of Tottenham, Middlesex ; and has Issue — (i) Duncan Darroch, Gentleman, b. Feb. 9, 1868, Captain 2nd Batt. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders; (2) Alasdair Ronald Darroch, Gentleman, b. April 22, 1880; Annie Marion [?«., 1888, Hon. Gilbert James Duke Coleridge, third son of Lord Coleridge, and has issue] ; Caroline Effie ; and Helen Margaret. Seats — Gourock, Greenock, co. Renfrew ; and Torridon, Auchnasheen, co. Ross. Club — Athenaeum. S Colonel CHARLES WARING DARWIN, late 68th Durham Light Infantry, J.P. co. Durham. Born Aug. 28, 1855, being the second surviving son of Francis Darwin of Elston Hall, in the county of Nottingham, and of Creskeld Hall, in the co. of York, D.L. and J.P. for the W. R. of that CO. , by his first wife Charlotte Maria Cooper, dau. of William Brown Darwin of Elston Hall. Clubs — Arthur's, Junior United Service. Livery — Purple coat, green collar and cuffs, green breeches and waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, ermine a leopard's face jessant- de-lis between two escallops, all within two bendlets gules (for Darwin) ; 2 and 3 per pale argent and azure, on a bend nebuly, a lion passant guardant between two acorns slipped all counterchanged (for Rhodes), impaling the arms of Wharton, namely, sable a maunch argent, a canton or. Mantling gules and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin sable, sem6e of mascles or, resting the sinister claw upon a shield argent, charged with a leopard's face jessant-de-lis gules (for Darwin) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect, vested bendy of six argent and azure, cuffed gules, the hand holdmg m saltire an oak branch and vine branch, both fructed proper (for Rhodes). Motto— "Cave et aude." Married \^<)^, Mary Dorothea, onlv child of Rt. Hon. John Lloyd Wharton of Bramham Yorks., M.P., D.L. ; and has Issue— \x) Charles John Wharton Darwin, Gentleman, *• Dec. 12, 1804 ■ (2) Francis Wharton Darwin, Gentleman, b. July 13, 1896 '; and (3) Gilbert William Lloyd Darwm, Gentleman. b. Nov. 9, 1899. 5«a^— Dryburn, near Durham. S FRANCIS DARWIN, Esquire, J.P. co. Nottingham, IP D L for West Riding of co. York, Chairman of Quarter Sessions, M.A. Camb., formerly Capt. 1st West York Militia. Bom 1825, being the fourth son of Capt. is the Naval Cockade. 3^0 Dat Dar William Rhodes, lale 19th Light Dragoons, of Bramhopc, by his wife Caroline Esther, daugluer and heiress of Christoplicr Smith of Bramhopc ; and assumed the surname of Uiuwin in lieu of Rhodes, and the arms of Uarwin quarterly with his own, by Ro^al License in the year 1850. Club — United University, /.irrry— Purple coat, with green collar and cuHs, green breeches and waistcoat. Annoirial bMurlBCB (H. Coll., 1850) — Quarterly i and 4, ermine a leopard's face jessant-de-lis between two escallops, all within two bendlets gules, and (for distinction) in chief a cross pat6e also gules (for Darwin) ; 2 and 3 per pale argent and azure, on a bend nebuly a lion passant guardant between two acorns slipped all counterchanged (for Rhodes); and for his Crests, i. on a wreath of the colouis, a demi- griffin sable sem6e of mascles or, resting the sinister claw upon an escutcheon argent, charged with a leopard's face jessant-de-lis gules, and charged upon the shoulder (for distinction) with a cross pat^ or (for Darwin) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect vested bendy of six argent and azure, cuffed gules, the hand holding in saltire an oak-branch and a vine-branch, both fructed proper (for Rhodes). HottO — "Cave et aude." Married, firstly, July 25, 1849, Charlotte Maria Cooper Darwin, daughter of William Brown Darwin of Elston (she died June 22, 1885) ; and secondly, June 12, 1889, Georgina Huntley Duff, daughter of the late Huntley George Duff of Muirtown House, near Inverness ; and has Issue — (i) Francis Alvey Rhodes Darwin, Gentleman, born August 19, 1851 ; (2) Gerard Lascelles Darwin, Gentleman, born November 25, 185a, and died January 9, 1888 ; (3) William Waring Dar- win, Gentleman, born May 30, 1854, and died June x, 1855; (4) Charles Waring Darwin, Esq., born August 28, 185s, Col. Durham Lt. Infantry ; (5) Rev, Arthur William Darwin, bom October 30, 1864, Rector of Stoneham Aspal ; (6) Robert Henry Darwin, Esq., Capt. Yorkshire Regt., born June 19, 1875; Charlotte Elizabeth Anne, died Sep- tember i868 ; Mary Eleanor, died 1890 ; and Caroline Edith, died 1891. Estates — Elston, in the county of Notting- ham ; Creskeld, in the county of York. Postal address — Creskeld, Arthington, Leeds. FRANCIS ALVEY RHODES DARWIN. Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Barrister- at-Law, Clerk of the Peace and of the County Council for the West Riding of the county of York. Born August 19, 1851, being the eldest son of Francis Darwin of Elston Hall, in the county of Nottingham, and of Creskeld Hall, in the county of York, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of that county [to whom refer], by his first wife Charlotte Maria Cooper, daughter of William Brown Darwin of Elston Hall (she died June aa, 1885). Clubs — Oxford and Cambridge, Junior Carl- ton. Livety — Purple coat, green collar and cuffs, rreen breeches and waistcoat. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, ermine a leopard's face iessant-dc-lis between two esc.illops, all within two bend- lets gules, and (for distinction) in chief a cross patde also gules (for Darwin) ; a and 3 per jiale argent and azure, on a bend nebuly a lion passant guard.int Iwtween two acorns slipped all counterchanged (for Rhodesl ; and for his Crests, i. on a wreath of the colours, a aemi-grifhn sable sem(5e of mascles or, resting the sinister cl.aw upon a shield argent, ch.orged with a leopard's face jessant-de-lis gules, and charged upon the shoulder (for distinction) with a cross pate^ or (for Darwin) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect vested bendy of six argent and azure, cuffed gules, the hand holding m saltire an oak-branch and vine-branch, both fructed proper (for Rhodes). Motto — " Cave et aude." Married, December 2, 1886, Edith Mary, daughter of William Andrew Fairbairn of Heppington, Canterbury. Postal address — Leathley Hall, Otley, York- shire. GEORGE HOWARD DARWIN, F.R.S., Barrister-at- Law (Lincoln's Inn), Plumian Professor of Astronomy, and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Born July 9, 1845, being the second son of the late Charles Robert Darwin of Down, Kent, and Emma, dau. of Josiah Wedgwood of Maer Hall, Staffs. C/k*— Athenaeum. Armorial bearings (Ped. H. Coll.)— Argent, on a bend gules, cotised vert, between two mullets each within an annulet gules, three escallops or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi- griffin segreant vert, holding] between the claws an escallop or, three escallops fesseways argent. Married, July 22, 1884, Martha Haskins, daughter of Charles Meredith Du Puy of Philadelphia, U.S.A. ; and has Issue— (1) Charles Galton Darwin, Gentleman, b. Dec. 19, 1887 ; (2) William Robert Darwin, Gentleman, b. Aug. 22, 1894 ; Gwendolen Mary ; and Margaret Elizabeth. Postal address — Newnham Grange, Cambridge. HORACE DARWIN, Gentleman, M.A. (Cantab.), F.R.S., Mayor of Cambridge 1896-1897, A.M.I.C.E. Born May 13, 1851, being the fifth son of the late Charles Robert Darwin of Down, Kent, and Emma, daughter of Josiah Wedgwood of Maer Hall, Staffs. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend gules, cotised vert, between two mullets each within an annulet gules, three escallops or, and impaling the arms of Farrer, namely argent, on a bend engrailed sable, four horse-shoes of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi- griffin segreant vert, holding between the claws an escallop or, three escallops fesseways argent. Married, Jan. 3, 1880, Hon. Emma Cecilia, only dau. of Rt. Hon. Lord Farrer ; and has Issue — Erasmus Darwin, Gentleman, born Dec. 7, 1881 ; Ruth Frances ; and Emma Nora. Postal address — The Orchard, Cambridge. Clubs — Albe- marle, Athenaeum. Major LEONARD DARWIN, Member of Parliament for the Lichfield Division of Staffordshire 1892- 1895, late of the Royal Engineers. Born January 15, 1850, being thefourth son of the late Charles Robert Darwin, Esquire, Fellow of the Royal Society, J. P., the great Savant, of Down, in the county of Kent, by Emma his wife, daughter of Josiah Wedgwood of Maer Hall, in the county of Stafford ; educated at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Club — Brooks's, Junior United Service. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a bend gules, cotised vert, between two mullets each within an annulet gules three escallops or and in chief a martlet for difference ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-griflfin vert, holding between the claws an escallop or, three escallops fesseways argent ; with the Motto, "Cave et aude." Married, firstly, 1882, Elizabeth Frances, d. 1898, dau. of G. R. Eraser. He m. secondly 1900, Charlotte Mildred, dau. of Edmund Langton. Postal address — 12 Egerton Place, S.W. WILLIAM ERASMUS DARWIN, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Southampton, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Born 1839, being the eldest son of Charles Robert Darwin, Esquire, Fellow of the Royal Society, the great savant of Down, in the county of Kent, Justice of the Peace, by Emma his wife, daughter is the Military Cockade. Dau Dau 361 of the late Josiah Wedgwood of Maer Hall, in the county of Stafford. Club — Athenaeum. Armorial bearing^ — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a bend gules, cotised vert, between two mullets each within an annulet gules, three escallops or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-griffin vert, holding between the claws an escallop or, three escallops fesseways argent ; with the Motto, "Cave et aude." Married, 1877, Sara Price Ashburner, daughter of Theodore Sedgwick of New York, who died Oct. 24, 1902. Postal address — 11 Egerton Place, London, S.W. DA U BEN EY of Cote. [This family is directly descended in the male line from Robert de Todenei, Standard-Bearer to William the Conqueror— Ped. H. Coll.] Quarterly, i and 4, quarterly i. and iiii., gules, four fusils conjoined in fesse argent (Daubeney, 13th century), ii. and iii., or, two chevronels within a bordure gules ; 2. sable, a bend or, between six fountains (Stourton) ; 3. gules, three lions rampant argent (Pauncefote). Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a holly-tree fructed proper. Badge — Two bat's wings sable conjoined by a gold cord. Motto — " Ad finem fidelis." .Sons of George Matthews Daubeney, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, of Alston Lodge, Cheltenham, b. 1800 ; d. 1881 ; m. 1830, Elizabeth, eld. d. of Humphrey Creswicke of Hanham Court, Glos. : — George Robert Henry Daubeney, Gentleman, late 22nd Regt. , b. 28 July 1840. Res.— Henry Elias Daubeney, Gentleman, b. 1848; ?«. 1880, Eliza Hudson, d. of late James Bownes of Charlton Kings; and has issue— George Henry James Daubeney, Gentleman, b. 5 July 1887 ; Cecily ; Joan ; and Dorothy Eliza. Res. — Balcarras, Charlton Kings, nr. Cheltenham. Sons of Joseph Walters Daubeney of Cote, Esq. , J. P. CO. Somerset, Sheriff of Bristol, b. 1810 ; d. 1863; m. 1839, Sarah Anne Savage, only d. of Daniel Wait of Belluton and Norton Malreward, Somerset : — George Walters Daubeney of Cote, Esq., late Capt. West York Militia, J. P. cos. Somerset and Glos., b. 15 Oct. 1841. Seal— Cote, nr. Bristol. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Constitutional. Lansdowne Daubeney, Esq. , J. P. co. Somerset, b. 24 Dec. 1842 ; ».;. 18 Aug. 1863, Mary Ryland, only child of George Eaglesfield of Clifton, Glos. ; and has issue — Beatrice Mary [m. 1889, Edward Plantagenet Kemeys-Tynte] ; Innys Maud Eaglesfield [m. 1895, Major Hon. P. C. Westenr,"] ; Evelyn Muriel Stuart [m. 1897, Hon. Arthur Eveleigh- de Moleyns]. Seal — Norton Malreward, Pensford, Somer- set. Clubs— Windha.m, Constitutional, Junior Constitu- tional. William Arthur Daubeney, Esq., J. P. cos. Devon and Somerset, M.A. O.xon., b. 8 Aug. 1845. 5^a^— Clevelands, nr. Dawlish, Devonshire. Clubs — United University, Junior Constitutional. Son of Rev. George Barnston Daubeney, 6. 1812 ; d. 1869; fn. 1843, Albinia Anne, d. of Sir Thomas Crawley Boevey, Bart. : — Rev. George William Daubeney, B.A. Camb., Rector of Knodishall, b. 1844 ; tn. 1875, Anita, d. of Henry Chilton ; and has issue— (i) Harrison Digby Daubeney, Gentleman, b. 1876 ; (2) George Grant Daubeney, Gentleman, b. 1879 ; Percy Miles Daubeney, Gentleman, b. 1883; Albinia Blanche; and Anita Marie. Res.— The Rectory, Knodis- hall, Saxmundham. Son of Charles Daubeney, Gentleman, M.D., b. 1816; m. 1856, Sarah Maria, d. of Rev. Henry Cripps, D.L. Charles Daubeney, Gentleman, b. 1859. Res. — Sons of the Rev. George William Daubeney, LL.D., 6. 1784; d. i860; m. i8n, Elizabeth, d. of Rev. Charles Crawley : — William Daubeney, Gentleman, i. 1823 ; m. 1857, Elizabeth Anne Rowe, d. of Rev. Tobias Furneaux. Res.— Edward Daubeney, Esq., Major late 67th Regt., b. 1829; m. 1865, Emily, d. of Charles Carpenter; and has issue — Edward Charles Daubeney, Gentleman, b. 4 June 1868 ; and Lilian Emma. Res. — Rev. John Daubeney, M.A., Vicar of Winkfield, b. 1833 ; m. 1879, Edith Ehretia, d. of Edward Ehret Dyson. Res. — Winkfield Vicarage, Windsor. Sons of General James Daubeney, C.B., late 62nd Regt., b. 1826; tn. 1855, Mary, d. of Samuel Leveson of Brighton: — Arthur Charles Daubeney, Gentleman, b. 1872. Res. — Capt. Cyril James Daubeney, b. 1876. Res.^ Sons of Henry Daubeney, Gentleman, M.D., b. 1820; d. ; m. 1847, Elizabeth, d. of Walter Kean : Henry Giles Daubeney, Gentleman, b. 1855. Res. — Hugh Frederick Daubeney, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., b. 1859. Res. — Yr. Son of Henry Charles Daubeney, of South Wrex- hall, Wilts, b. 1786 ; d. ; tn. 2nd, :— Walter Daubeney, Gentleman, b. ; m. 1870, Fanny Northage Laud, d. of Dr. James ; and has issue. Res. — Sons of Rev. Robert Thomas Daubeney, Vicar of Ampney, Cirencester, b. 1824 ; d. 1887; tn. 1857, Mary Cecilia, d. of William Kaye. Edward Kaye Daubeney, Esq., D.S.O., Lt.-Col. 8oth Regt., b. 1858; m. 1886, Eileen Gertrude, d. of the late Knight of Kerry ; and has issue. Res. — Arthur Giles Daubeney, Gentleman, b. 1861. Res. — , Son of Rev. Andrew Alfred Daubeney, M.A., Priv. Chaplain to William IV. , b. ^jgg ; d. ; m. 1828, Frances Elizabeth, d. of Richard Goodlad of Hill Place, Hants: — Walter Augustus Daubeney, Esq. , late Major ' ' The Buffs." Seat — Hill Place, Bishop's Waltham, Hants. Sons of Edmund Joseph Daubeney, Esq., J. P., of Cleve House, co. Somerset, Barrister-at-Law, b. 1808 ; d. 1880; m. Margaret, d. of Rev. Thomas Biggs of Whitborne, co. Hereford :— Rev. Edmund Thomas Daubeney, B.A. (Oxon.), Rector of Market Weston, b. ; tn. ; and has issue. Res. — The Rectory, Market Weston, Thetford. St. John Edward Daubeney, Esq., J. P., Major and Hon. Lt.-Col. late 3rd Batt. West Riding Regt., formerly Capt. 38th Regt., b. 1841 ; tn. 1869, Eliza Williama, d. of late Llewellyn Llewellyn of Buckland Fileigh, N. Devon ; and has issue^Williama Margaret [tn. 1897, Robert Edmund Rous Benson, Lieut. R.N.]; Mary Edith [w. 1896, Henry Welch-Thornton] ; Ethel Blanche [m. 1894, Capt. Henry Peter Routh, R.N.] ; and Rose Evelyn. Seat — The Beacon, King's Wear, South Devon. Albert James Hesketh Daubeney, Esq., Lt.-Col. late io8th Regt. , b. 1844 ; tn. ; and has issue. Res. — Henry Joseph Daubeney, Esq., Lt.-Col. late i8th Roy. Irish Fus. , b. 1847. Res.— Giles Andrew Daubeney, Esq., Capt. late 82nd Regt., b. 1849 ; tn. 1873, Louisa, d. of Thomas Hillersden Bulteel ; and has issue — Giles Bulteel Daubeney, Gentleman, Lieut. R.A., b. 1882. Res.— is tlie Naval Cockade. 3«f- Dau DaD Frederick Augustus Daubeney, Gentleman. B.A. Oxford. *. Ref.~ Edw.ird Alfred D.iubeney, Esq., Major East L.tncs. Krgt., b. 1863; m. 1897. Khoda, d. of Robert Handsley, Esq.. J. P., of Keedley Lodge, Lanes.; and has issue— Adeliza Joan. Jtes. — UAUGLISH (formerly DALGLEISH) (L.O. 1854). ArRfnl, an oak-lree eradicated and lying fesseways proper between two crescents in chief gules and a pheon in base axure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — A camel's head and neck couped proper. Motto, " Be hardy." Son of Henry William Dauglish, Gentleman, b. 1827; d. 1904 ; m. 3 March 1852, Eliza, d. of the Rev. Algernon Wells : — Milverton Godfrey Dauglish, Gentleman, Barrister-at- law, b. 23 February 1855. Post, add.— 54 Leinster Square, London, W. Rev. ACHILLES DAUNT, M.A. Oxon., Rector of Broome, co. Norfolk, 1892-96, Curate of Sherborne, Dorset, since 1898. Bom 1867, being the eldest son of the late Very Rev. Achilles Daunt, D.D., of Tracton Abbey, Dean of Cork, by his wife Catherine Mary, eldest dau. of Rev. John Leslie of Castlemartyr. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, a chevron sable, between three choughs' heads erased proper (for Daunt) ; 2 and 3, sable, a chevron between three owls argent (for Owlepen). Mantling sable and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a bugle-horn or, stringed sable. Motto — " Vigilio et spero." Married, July 27, 1892, Ida, dau. of Godfrey Carey of Rozel, Guernsey, Bailiff; and has Issue — Achilles Daunt, Gentleman, b. Oct. 26, 1894. Seat— Tracton Abbey, Kinsale, co. Cork. J?esidence — Sherborne, Dorset. S ACHILLES THOMAS DAUNT, Esquire, J.P. for CO. Cork. Bom Oct. 9, 1849, being the only son of William Joseph O'Neill Daunt of Kilcascan, by his wife Ellen, dau. of Daniel Ilickey. Livery— Da.T[i blue faced with red. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent a chevron sable, between three choughs' heads erased of the second, beaked gules ; 2 and 3 a chevron between three owls argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a hutchet or bugle-horn or, stringed sable. MottO— " Vigilo et spero." Married, May 15, 1877, Anna Maria, dau. of Bartholomew Corballis of Berwick-on-Tweed, and niece of the late John Richard Corl>allis, Q.C., of Roscmount, co. Dublin ; and has Issue -- (r) Achilles Thomas Wilson O'Neill Daunt, Gentleman, b. Aug. 15, 1880 ; (3) Reginald Nigel Francis Joseph O'Neill Daunt, Gentleman, b. 1889; Mary Henrietta Frances Louisa O'Neill; and Mary Lucy Dorothea O'Neill. Seats — Kilcascan Castle, Ballyneen, co. Cork. Rkv, EDWARD STEPHEN DAUNT, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Greystones, co. Wicklow, being the third son of the late Achilles Daunt, Esq., J. P., by his wife Mary, thirdd.au. of John Is,i.ic Heard, Esq., M.P. for Kinsale, High Sheriff of Cork. Armorial bearings Quarterly i and 4, argent, a chevron sable, between three choughs' heads erased proper (for Daunt) ; 2 and 3, a chevron between three owls argent (for Owlepen). Mantling sable and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a bugle-horn or, stringed sable. Motto " Vigilo et spero. " Married, July 10, 1873, Sarah Gertrude, eldest dau. of the Rev. Robert William Whelan, Canon of St. Patrick's, Dublin, and granddau. of James Pratt of Kinsale, co, Cork. Postal address— Greystones, CO. Wicklow. Rev. WILLIAM DAUNT, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Queenstown, being the eldest surviving son of the late Achilles Daunt, Esq., J. P., of Tracton Abljey, by his wife Mary, third dau. of John Isaac Heard, Esq., M.P. for Kinsale. Armorial bearings -Quarterly i and 4, argent, a chevron sable, between three choughs' heads erased proper (for Daunt| ; 2 and 3, sable a chevron be- tween three owls argent (for Owlejjen). Mantling sable and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a bugle- horn or, stringed sable. MottO—" Vigilo et sp)ero." Married, 1877, Rosamond Anne, dau. of Sir Gilbert King, Bart., of Charlestown, co. Roscommon. Postal address — Queenstown, co. Cork. The late ROBERT DAUNTESEY DAUNTESEY, formerly Lieut, sth Fus. Bom 1839, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Robert Pennyman-HuU Brown (by a dau. of Leonard Slater), and cousin of the late John Dauntesey of Agecroft ; and assumed the name and arms of Dauntesey by Royal License, under the will of his great-aunt, in 1878. Club — Army and Navy. Armorial bearings— Per fesse dancettte or and gules, a lion rampant seizing upon a wyvern erect counterchanged, a bordure engrailed ermine. Mant- ling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head erased vert, gorged with a collar dancett^e or, encircled by a chain also or. Motto — " Virtus sola invicta." Married, 1882, Alice Mary, dau. of C. M. Schomberg. Seat — Agecroft Hall, Pendlebury. DAVENPORT, see BROMLEY-DAVENPORT. DAVENPORT, quartered by NOYES. DAVENPORT ( R.L. 1838, H. Coll. ). Argent, a chevron between three cross crosslets fitch^e sable, a canton azure. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a man's head couped at the shoulders in profile proper, a rope round the neck or, and charged upon the neck for distinction with a cross crosslet sable. Motto — ' ' Audaces fortuna juvat." Son of Col. William Davenport Davenport, J.P. and D.L. :— John William Davenport-Handley, Esq. (q.v.). Sons of Trevor Davenport, Esq., b. 1814 ; d. 1878; m. 1837, Frances, d. of Hon. Chief-Justice Sewell of Quebec : — Malcolm Nugent Ross Davenport, Gentleman, b. 1848; m. , Ellen , d. of Thomas Goulbourne Parker of Brows- holme Hall, CO. York. Res. — Bramall Lodge, nr. Quebec, Canada. Jestyn Frances Trevor Davenport, Gentleman, b. 1855. Res.— Son of Capt. Charles Edgcumbe Davenport of Bramall Hall, CO. Chester, b. 1819 ; d. : — Cyril James Davenport (q.v.). DAVENPORT (H. Coll., descending from Ormus de Davenport, temp. Conquest). Quarterly, i and 6, argent, a chevron between three cross crosslets fitch6e sable (|^ is the Military Cockade. Dat) Dat 363 (Davenport, temp. Edw. IV., probably earlier) ; 2. quarterly per fesse indented gules and or [temp. Edward IV. ) ; 3. argent, on a chevron gules, five bezants, a bordure en- grailed of the second (Chetilton) ; 4. gules, on a chevron argent, three roses of the first (Browe) ; 5. or, three in- escutcheons sable, each charged with an eagle displayed argent (Waverton — arms confd. and crest granted 1571). Mantling sable and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a man's head couped at the shoulders in profile proper, around the neck a rope or. Motto — " Audentes fortuna juvat." Only child and heir of Edmund Henry Davenport, Esq., J. P. , of Davenport, Shropshire, b. 1839 ; d. 1890 ; m. 1875, Margaret Ann (now of Davenport), d. of James Morrison Smith, R.M. , Tasmania : — Hilda Marguerite, b. 1879 ; m. 1904, Cuthbert Leicester- Warren, Esq. Post. add. — Davenport, nr. Bridgnorth, Shropshire. Yr. sons of William Sharington Davenport, Esq., J. P., of Davenport, b. 1808 ; d. 187 r ; m. 1835, Catherine Louisa, d. of Samuel Peter Marindin of Chesterton, Salop : — Vivian Davenport, Gentleman, late Lieut. 26th Regt. b. 1843 ; m. 1874, Frances Gratiana, d. of George Nicholas of Harley Street ; and has issue — Vivian Hugh Stuart Daven- port, Gentleman, b. ; and Violet Catherine. Res. — Charles Talbot Davenport, Esq., Major, late Capt. 83rd Regt., b. 1848; m. 1877, Constance Julia, only d. of Herbert Taylor Ussher, Esq. , C. M. G. ; and has issue — Talbot Neville Fawsett Davenport, Gentleman, Lieut. R.I. Rifles, b. at Kurachi, Scinde, India, 9 Sept. 1878; d. 1905 [Arms as above, but the sixth quartering the arms of Ussher, I viz. : azure, a chevron ermine between three batons or], [;«. 1903; and has issue — Ormus Neville Talbot Davenport, Gentleman, /5. 1904]; and Elinor Louisa. J?es. — 7Grosvenor Crescent, St. Leonards-on-Sea. Club — Constitutional. § CYRIL JAMES HUMPHREYS DAVENPORT, Es- quire, V.D., F.S.A., Knight of Grace St. John of Jerusalem ; formerly Major in the 6th Volunteer Batt. the Rifle Brigade, being the eldest son of Charles E. Humphreys-Davenport, Esq., formerly Capt. ist Foot, and D.L. for the W. R. of Yorkshire (fourth son of Vice- Admiral Sir Saiusbury Price Humphreys Davenport of Weedon Lodge, Aylesbury, and Bramall Hall, Stockport, Cheshire, K.C.H. and C.B.), by his wife the dau. of Rev. James Webber, D.D. , Dean of Ripon, and Canon of Westminster, by his wife Caroline Frances, dau. of the Rev. Charles Fynes-Clinton. Armorial bearings— Argent, a chevron between three cross crosslets fitchde sable, a canton azure for distinction. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a man's head affrontfe proper, around his neck a rope or, and charged upon the neck for distinction with a cross crosslet fitch^e sable. Motto -" Audaces fortuna juvat." Married, March 21, 1878, Constance Georgina Marsland, dau. of Major Trevor Humphreys Davenport (second son of Admiral SirS. P. H. Davenport), and his wife Frances, dau. of the Hon. Jonathan Sewell, Chief-Justice of the Canadas, LL.D. ; and has Issue~-[\) Cyril Henry Fynes-Clinton Humphreys Davenport, Gentle- man, b. Feb. 29, 1888; and Dorothy Hill Trevor. Postal addresses— The Library, British Museum; 113 St. Mark's Road, W. Clubs— Royal United Service Institution, White- hall, S.W., Burlington Fine Arts, Pall Mall. Reverend GEORGE HORATIO DAVENPORT, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Oxford), J. P. co. Hereford, Alderman of Herefordshire County Council. Born Aug. i, 1832, being the second son of John Davenport, Esq., J. P., D.L. COS. Stafford and Hereford, by his wife Charlotte, second dau. of George Coltman of Hagnaby Priory, Lincolnshire. Livery— Dark blue. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron pean between four cross crosslets fitch6e, three in chief and one in base sable, and impaling the arms of Dashwood, namely argent, on a fesse double cotised gules, three griffins' heads erased or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a man's head in profile couped at the shoulders proper, around the neck a rope or, two cross crosslets fitch^e, in saltire, also or. Motto—" Mors Jauna vitse." Married, Feb. 6, 1866, Sophy Diana, third dau. of Rev. Samuel Vere Dashwood of Stanford Hall, Notts ; and has /rj7/e— Ralph Tichborne Davenport, Esq., Capt. 3rd Staffs. Militia Regt., b. Jan. 28, 1873. Seat— Foxley, Hereford. Club — Carlton. SJOHN WILLIAM HANDLEY DAVENPORT - HANDLEY, Esquire, of Clipsham, Oakham, in the CO. of Rutland, J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1882. Bom October 19, 1851, being the only son of Lieutenant-Colonel is tbe Naval Cockade. 36# Daft Dat) William Davenport liavenport. Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, of Bramhall Hall, in the county of Chester, who died 1869, by his second wife Diana Elixabeth, second daughter of John Handley of Northgate House, Newmark, in the county of Nottingham, and assumed the additional name and .arms of Handley bv Koyal License in 1881, under the will of his maternal uncle, John Handley, Esquire, of Clipsham. Club — Windham. Livery (of Davenport) - Black with white facings ; (of Handley) — drab and scarlet. Armorial baarlnft— He bears for Armi: Quarterly i and 4, argent three mascles in fesse within two bcirrulets gules, all between three goats' passant sable, bearded, armed, and unguled or (for Handley) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron between three cross crosslcts fitch(?e sable, a canton azure (for Davenport). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his OretU, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a goat passant sable, tjcardea, unguled, and armed or, charged on the body with two mascles interl.iced, and holding m the mouth a trefoil slipf)ed argent (for Handley) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a man's head in profile, couped at the shoulders proper, around the neck a rope or, and charged upon the neck with a cross crosslet sable ; with cross lx)ton6e sable, and therefrom flotant to the sinister a forked pension gules ; with the Motto — ' ' E perseveranti& the Motto, "Audaces fortuna juvat." Married, firstly, 1876, Fanny Constance Mabel, youngest daughter of the late John Jervis Broadwood of Buchan Hill, in the county of Sussex (which marriage was dissolved 1885) ; and has Issue — (i) John Davenport-Handley, Gentleman, born 1877; (2) Charles Davenport-Handley, Gentleman, born 1879; secondly, 1887, Eliza Allen, daughter of the late Chief- Justice Harding, of Natal. Estate and postal address — Clipsham Hall, near Oakham. JOSHUA SYDNEY DAVEY, Esquire. J. P. for the CO. of Cornwall. Bom April 28, 1842, and is the younger but only surviving son of the late Stephen Davey, Esq., of Redruth and Bochym, in the co. of Cornwall, J. P. and D.L. for that county, by Charlotte his wife, dau. of the Rev. William Horton. Livery — Plain Oxford grey. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a chevron azure, between two mullets pierced in chief and a lion passant in base gules, three cinquefoils or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon an eagle rising with wings endorsed azure, charged upon the wing with a cinquefoil or, and supporting in the beak and in the dexter talon a flagstaff erect, terminating with a honor." Married, Aug. 2, 1871, Julia, eldest dau. of William Watt of Tickton Grange, in the co. of York ; and has Issue — Aimde Sydney Horton [m. Thomas Francis Goddard of Croxley Green, Rickmansworth] ; and Alice Milicent. Estates and postal addresses — Bochym, Cury- Cross- Lanes, R.S.O., Cornwall; The Bungalow, South Brent, S. Devon. Clubs — Windham, Royal Western Yacht (Plymouth). DAVID, Earl of HUNTINGDON, quartered by HUSSEY. ARTHUR EVAN DAVID, Gentleman. Born , being the third son of the late Rev. William David, M.A., Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of St. Fagan's, Cardiff. Ar- morial beailngs —Azure, on a plain bend argent, cottised indented or, between two quatrefoils of the last, three boars' heads couped sable. Blantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, between two quatrefoils or, a dove holding in the beak a sprig of olive proper, and gorged with a collar gemel also or. Motto — " Ffyddlon hyd angau." EDMUND USHER DAVID, Gentleman. Born — , being the second son of the late Rev. William David, M.A.. Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of St. Fagan's, Cardiff. Ar- morial bearings— Azure, on a plain bend argent, cottised indented or, between two quatrefoils of the last, three boars' heads couped sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, between two quatrefoils or, a dove holding in the beak a sprig of olive proper, and gorged with a collar gemel also or. Motto — "Ffyddlon hyd angau." Residence— YscaXXog, Llandaff, Cardiff. ^ is tbe Military Cockade. Dat) EVAN EDGAR DAVID, Esquire, J.P., M.A., of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law, being the eldest son of Evan Williams David, Esq., J. P. for the co. of Glamorgan, by his wife Jessie Louisa Talavera, dau. of Robert Herring, Esq., of Cromer, Norfolk. Armorial bearings— Azure, on a plain bend argent cotised indented or, between two quatrefoils of the last, three boars' heads couped sable. Dat) 365 (Inverness). Livety — Blue coat, Valencia waistcoat, blue trousers, narrow red stripe, buff greatcoat. Armorial bear- ings—Azure, on a fesse argent, between three pheons points downwards or, a buck couchant gules, a bordure of the third. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand holding a man's heart all proper. Motto— "Sapienter si sincere." Married, Mantling azure and or. Crest — Upon a mount vert, be- tween two quatrefoils or, a dove holding in the beak a sprig of olive proper, and gorged with a collar gemel also or. Motto — " Ffyddlon hyd angau." Married, June i, 1887, Mabel Gwladys St. Mawr, third surviving dau. of John Whitlock Stradling-Carne of St. Donat's Castle, Bridgend, D.C. L. , D.L; and by her had Issue — Evan John Came David, Gentleman, b. June 22, i888. Seat — Fairwater House, Cardiff. TANNATT WILLIAM EDGEWORTH DAVID, Gentleman. Born -, being the eldest son of the late Rev. William David, M.A. , Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of St. Pagan's, Cardiff. Aiinorial bearings —Azure, on a plain bend argent, cottised indented or, between two quatre- foils of the last, three boars' heads couped sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, between two quatrefoils or, a dove holding in the beak a sprig of olive proper, and gorged with a collar gemel also or. Motto— " Ffyddlon hyd angau." WILLIAM ONTARIO DAVID, Gentleman. Born , being the fourth son of the late Rev. William David, M.A., Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of St. Pagan's, Cardiff, Armorial bearings — Azure, on a plain bend argent, cottised indented or, between two quatrefoils of the last, three boars' heads couped sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, between two quatrefoils or, a dove holding in the beak a sprig of olive proper, and gorged with a collar gemel also or. Motto — " Ffyddlon hyd angau." SHUGH DAVIDSON, Esquire, late Captain 2nd Batt. Seaforth Highlanders, formerly Capt. and Hon. Major 3rd Batt. of the same Regt. , J. P. for cos. Inverness and Nairn, and D.L. for co. Nairn. Born April 14, 1857, being the only son of Hugh Grogan Davidson of Cantray, by his wife Caroline Charlotte, dau. of Lieut.-Col. Strat- ford Powell, Adjut.-Gen. of the Bombay Army (of the family of CJonshavoy). Clubs — Junior Carlton, Highland Feb. I, 1890, Harriette King, dau. of the late Roderick Hugonin of Kinmylies, Inverness-shire, N.B. ; and has Issue — Edith May. Seat — Cantray, Croy, Gollanfield, N.B. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, Gentleman. Born 1843, being the eldest son of Thomas Davidson of Muirhouse, LL.D. , F.R.S., F.L.S., F.G.S., by his wife Caroline Charlotte, dau. of Isaac Pittar. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a chevron or, between two stars in chief and a pheon in base argent, a fleur-de-lis gules. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a phoenix in flames proper. Motto — " Viget in cinere virtus." Sup- porters — Two griffins proper. Married, 1872, Charlotte, only child of John Wood of Hickstead Place, Sussex ; and has Issue — (i) Randall George Davidson, Gentleman, b. 1874 ; and Blanche Maud. Seat — Muirhouse, Davidson's Mains, Midlothian. DAVIDSON (H. Coll.). Sable, a fesse erminois between two pheons in chief and in base a stag lodged or. Mant- ling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount, a demi-Highlander affront^e proper, habited and capjsed vert, kilted chequy argent and sable, his sporran also proper, bearing in his dexter hand a pheon or, and supporting with the sinister a human heart gules. Motto — " Sapienter si sincere." Sons of Madgwick Spicer Davidson, b. 1815 ; d. 18S8 ; m. ist, 1846, Harriet Elizabeth, d. of Rev. Clement Strong, Clk. in H. Orders; 2nd, 1858, Emily, d. of C. M. Thompson : — Madgwick George Davidson, Gentleman, M.A. (Oxon. ), is the Naval Cockade. 366 DatJ Dat) BtuTister-at-I^w. *. 15 Jan. 1847; m. lo Aug. 1880, Florence Elizabeth, d. of His Honour judge Woodfbrde FYooks Woodfordc; and has issue — (i) Charles Madj^wick I>ividson. Gentleman, i. aa Feb. 18191; Harriet Clare; Franws Anno ; Mary Catherine ; and Ohve Barbara, /fes. — 89 UVstlwurne Terrace. I^ndon, W. Posf. add. — 6 Stone BuiKlings, Lincoln's Inn. W.C. Arthur Charles Davidson, Gentleman, i. 1859. /?«. — 46 I'orchester Terrace, Hyde Park. W. Alan Herbert Davidson. Gentleman, b. 1861; m. 189a, Maud Mostyn, d. of Maj.-Gen. Eardlcy William Childers, R.A. ; and has issue — Rtchard Eardley Madgwick David- son. Gentlenmn, b. 1893. Jtes. — 58 Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park. \V. Henry Ashraore Davidson, Gentleman, b. 1868. Res. — 46 Porcbester Terrace, Hyde Park, W. DAVIDSON (16 Jan. 1903). Azure, four pheons con- joined in point within a bordure argent. Mantling azure, only son of the late Rev. Edward William Lewis Davies, M. A,, Clerk in Holy Orders, of Ty-isha and Glyn Khumney, CO. Monmouth, bv his wife Jeanette Letitia, youngest dau. of Capt. Dayrcll, Lord of the Manor of Lillingston Dayrell, CO. Bucks. Z,itY>7— Dark navy blue. Annorlal bearings — Azure, on a cross or, between in the first and fourth quarters a falcon rising, belled and jessed, nnd in the second and third a spur, leathered, the rowel upwards of the last, a lion r.ampant between two martlets fesseways of the first. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a bull's bead couped sable, charged with three estoiles chevronways, and m front thereof a spur leathered fesseways, rowel to the dexter, all or. Motto — " Per crucem ad astra." Married, June 2, 1894, L.iura Frances, only child of the Rev. E. Handley of Winthorpe, Notts, and of 19 Royal Crescent, Bath ; and has Issue — Edward Dayrell Handley Davies, Gentleman, b. Sept. 30, 1899; and Vanda Pamela. Estates -Ty-\%\ia^ Ty- Gwyn, and Glyn Rhymney, all in co. Monmouth. Resi- dtnce — 26 Circus, Bath. C/w^j -United Service, Constitu- tional. doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a fal- con's head erased proper. Motto — " Viget in cinere virtus." Son of late Charles Davidson of Edinburgh, b. 1841 ; d. 1891 ; m. 1870, Mary Helen, d. of Duncan Irvine, Banker in Edinburgh : — John James Sinclair Davidson, Gentleman, b. 28 Sept., 1872 ; m. 1901, Mary, d. of Owen Davies; and has issue — Mary Rowena ; and Fanny Sylvia. Res. — Ringstead, Sutton Court Road, Chiswick, London. Club — Australasian. DAVIES, see GROSVENOR and PRICE-DAVIES. DAVIES, borne upon an escutcheon of pretence by BARING-GOULD. CLEMENT DAVIES, Gentleman, Solicitor. Bortt , being the son of the late John Birt Davies, Gentleman, of Birmingham. Armorial bearings - Per chevron azure and gules, on a chevron or, between two fleurs-de-lis in chief and a lion rampant in base of the third, three pellets. Mantling azure and or. Crest Upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, charged with three cross crossleis gfules, and holding between the paws a piece of cable nowed proper, MottO— " Conatimur." Residence — Birmingham. DAYRELL DAVIES, Gentleman, late Senior Lieut. R.N., F.Z.S., F.R,G.S. Bom July 16, 1856, being the ALDERMAN SiR HORATIO DAVID DAVIES, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George (1898), J. P. for Kent, M.P. for Chatham, a Member of the Commission of Lieutenancy for the City, was elected a Member of the Court of Common Council in 1885, and Alderman for the Ward of Bishopsgate (Feb. 4, 1889), previously to which (in 1887) he had served the office of Sheriff of London and Middlesex, a Past-Master of the Spectacle Maker's Company, formerly Lieut.-Col. 3rd Middlesex Artillery Volunteers. Born 1842, being the son of H. D, Davies of Bishopsgate. Armorial bearings — Per saltire gules and argent, two boars' heads couped in pale and as many leopards' faces jessant-de-lis in fesse counter- changed ; the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon, and pendent the badge of a K.C.M.G. Mantling gules and argent. Crest- Upon a wreath of the colours, upon a fasces fesseways or, a boar's head couped argent, and transfixed by a sword imbrued in bend point upwards proper, pommel and hilt or. Motto — " Dum spiro spero." Mar- ried, 1867, L., dau. of C. J. Gordon ; and has, with other Issue — Horatio Gordon Davies, Esq. Postal addresses — 23 Great St. Helen's, Bishopsgate Street, E.C. ; Watcombe Hall, St. Mary Church, Torquay. Club — Carlton. THEOPHILUSCLIVE DAVIES, Gentleman, Bachelor of Science. Bom Sept. 28, 1871, eldest son of the late Theophilus Harris Davies, Esq., J. P. borough of Southport, H.M.'s Vice-Consul at Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, by his wife Mary Ellen, dau. of late George Cocking, Esq., J. P., of Ludlow, Shropshire. Armorial bearings— Argent, gutte6- de-poix, a lion rampant sable, between two flaunches of the last, each charged with a harp or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi- lion sable, gutte^-d'eau, supporting a harp or. Motto — " Ffyddlawn a gwir." Married, July 12, 1898, Edith Marion, dau. of Francis Fox, M.I.C.E., of Alyn Bank, Wimbledon ; and has Issue — Muriel Edith ; and Gwendo- len Selina. Residence— Q.Ta.\gsiAe, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. THOMAS HENRY DAVIES, Esquire, Major late 2nd West India Regt. Born , being the son of the late Thomas Henry Davies of Ladbroke Square, London, W. Armorial bearings— Ermines, three chevronels between three sp)ear-heads argent, over all a lion rampant gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of three sp>ear-heads one erect and two in saltire sable, headed proper, a lion rampant gules, charged on the shoulder with a fleur-de-lis argent. Motto--" Heb duw heb ddim duw a digon." Residence— St. Albans, Clarendon Road, Southsea. WILLIAM DAVID DAVIES, Gentleman, on the roll for High Sheriff for the county of Brecknock 1903. Born Aug. 16, 1846, being the third son of the late William David Davies of Devynock, co. Brecknock, by Margaret, eldest dau. of the late Rees Llewellyn of Maesgwyn, co, Brecknock. Aimorial bearings - Per pale gules and azure, three chevronels nebuly between two lions passant argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of two flag-staves in saltire proper. ^ is the Military Cockade. Dat) Oati 367 flowing from each a banner gules charged with a shepherd's crook erect or, a lamb passant also proper. Motto— counterchanged. Mantling azure and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, upon a scalp of a stag, between " Duw dy ras." Married, Sept. 24, 1885, Lucy, second dau. of John Woodward of 13 Endsleigh Street, Tavistock Square, London, W.C. ; and has Issue — An only surviv- ing child, Margaret Llewellyn. Residences— Cvimv/ysg, Senny Bridge, Breconshire ; Holly Lodge, Hilldrop Road, London, N. WILLIAM HOWELL DAVIES, Gentleman, Mayor of the city of Bristol in 1896. Armorial bearings — Quarterly azure and gules, a cross raguly between in the first and fourth quarters an escallop and in the second and third quarters a gryphon all or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross crosslet fitch^e gules, a stag proper, resting the dexter foreleg on a hawk's lure also gules. Motto — " Amynedd a dewrder." Residence— ChzXiorA House, Clifton Down, Clifton, Bristol. DAVIES (H. Coll.). Per pale indented sable and gules, a stag trippant argent, attired or, holding in the mouth a serpent entwined about the neck proper, between four mullets in cross of the third. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a stag trippant per pale argent and or, attired of the last, holding in the mouth a serpent entwined as in the arms, five trefoils slipped fessewise sable. Sons of late Richard Davies, Esq. , of Treborth, Lord- Lieut, of Anglesey, b. ; d. 1896; m. .Annie only child of late Rev. Henry Rees : — John Robert Davies, Esq., J. P. Carnarvonshire, J. P., D.L., and C.C. Anglesey (High Sheriff 1898), M.A. (Camb.), b. 1856; m. 1883, Grace, eld. d. of late Samuel Osborne Habershon, M.D. ; and has issue— Richard Rees Davies, Gentleman, b. 1891. Seat — Ceris, Bangor, Carnarvonshire. Clubs— AniomohWe, R. London Yacht. Henry Rees Davies, Esq., J. P. Anglesey. Seat— Treborth, Bangor. DAVIES (H. Coll.). Per chevron azure and argent, two stags' heads caboshed in chief and an owl in base the attires argent an owl azure. Motto — "Fide sed cui vide." Livery — Dark blue. Son of David Davies, b. 1793 ; d. 1864 ; m. 1827, Margaret, d. of John Morgan : — John Morgan Davies, Esq., D.L. and J. P. Carmarthen- shire (High Sheriff 1902), b. 1835 ; m. 1865, Jane Elizabeth, d. of Robert Jones of Bron Hendre, Carnarvon, and Ynysfaig, Merionethshire ; and has issue — (i) Cyril Frood- vale Davies, Gentleman, b. 1868 ; (2) Ottley Wilding Davies, Gentleman, b. 1870; (3) Oswyn St. Leger Davies, Gentleman, b. 1873 ; Helen Elizabeth ; and Alice Mabel. Res. — Froodvale, Llanwrda, Carmarthenshire. S HERBERT DAVIES -EVANS, Esq., Lord -Lieu- tenant of CO. Cardigan, J. P. and D.L. co. Carmarthen (High Sheriff 1870) late Lieut. -Col. Carmarthenshire R.V. , late Lieut. loth Hussars, and late R.N. Born Feb. ig, 1842, being the only son of the late Delme Seymour Davies, Esq., of Penlan, co. Carmarthen, Capt. Fusilier Guards, by Mary Anne, dau. of the late Capt. Watkins Evans, R.N. Livery — Green p.nd Silver. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a pile vert, a chevron or between three spear-heads of the first (for Evans) ; 2 and 3 or, on a pale between two eagles displayed vert, an eagle displayed of the field (for Davies). Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head argent, gutt6e-de-sang, gorged with a collar gemelle and erased gules (for Evans) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant or, sem^e of crosses pat^e fitch^e azure, gorged with a collar dancettfe, with a chain reflexed over the back sable. Motto — ' ' Fide et virtute." Married, Sept. 15, 1869, Mary Eleanor Margaret Geraldine, elder dau. of the late David Jones of Pant- glas, CO. Carmarthen, and formerly M.P. for that co. ; and has Issue — (i) Herbert Davies-Evans, Gentleman, b. 1870 ; (2) Delme William Campbell Davies-Evans, Gentleman, b. April 25, 1873; (3) Alan Gerwyn Seymour Davies-Evans, Gentleman, b. Sept, 15, 1876; and Viola Emily Augusta Margaret. Seat — High Mead, Llanybyther (R.S.O.), South Wales. is the Naval Cockade, i 3«8 D*aD Dato HENRIETTA MATILDA D'AVIGDOR. Widow, second ditii. of the late Dethel Jacobs of Hull, co. York. Annorlal frmrlngi arc, upon a lozenge - Sable, a lion p.-ui!>iint ardent, holding in the dexter fore-paw an anchor erect or, lictwcen two mullets of six points paleways of the la<>t (for d'Aviedor) ; and impaling the arms of Jacobs, namely, quarterly, gules and or, a rose lietween two escallops in fesse all countcrchanged. Married, 1866, Elim Henry d'Avigdor, late of Lancaster Gate (who d. 1895) ; and has /M«r- Osmonde Klim d'Avigdor-Goldsmid, Esq., of Sonier- hill, CO. Kent, J. P.. who assumed the additional surname and arms of Goldsmid by Koyal Licence 1896 [to whom refer]; Olga \m. 1901, F. Fletcher, B.A. Oxon.j; Estelle [•». 1887, G. E. Nathan]; Sylvie [w. 1901, C. B. Clapcott, Barrister-at-Law] ; Elsa ; and Berenice. DAVIS, see HART-DAVIS. DAVIS, quartered by BEAUFORT. FREDERICK DAVIS, Gentleman, F.R.G.S. Bom , being the son of the late Charles Davis of the parish of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London. Armorial bearing^ - Gules, a vase between three gavels argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crett-On a wreath of the colours, a demi-wolf gules, charged on the shoulder with a gavel, and holding between the paws a vase argent. JAMES W. DAVIS, Gentleman, F.S.A., F.G.S., F.L.S.. Alderman and late Mayor of Halifax. Armorial bearings — Gules, a chevron ermine, between in chief two mounds or and in base a talbot passant of the last. Mantling gules and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed, habited ermine, cuffed azure, the hands proper, supporting a mound or. Motto— " Ne tentes, aut perfice." Residence— Q,\xtyiGxv^A%&, Halifax. WILLIAM GOFF DAVIS-GOFF, Esq., J.P. cos. Waterford and Wexford, formerly High Sheriff of Water- ford city (1869), and co. Waterford 1892, M.A. (Dublin), formerly Comet 3rd Dragoon Guards. Born 1838, being the eldest son of the late Strangman Davis-Goff, Esq., J. P., of Horetown House, by Susan Maxwell, youngest dau. of the late Arthur Ussher. Club — Kildare Street, Dublin. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure a chevron between two fleur-de-lis in chief and a lion rampant in base or, a crescent for difference (for Goff); 2 and 3 per pale gules and argent, a chevron between three boars' heads couped, counterchanged (for Davis). Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, a squirrel sejant argent. Motto — " Honestas optima pvolitia." Married, 1866, Anna, dau. of Michael D. Hassard ; and has, with other Issue — Herbert William Davis-Goff, Gentleman, B.A. Trin. Coll., Cam- bridge, b. 1870. Seats — Glenville, Waterford ; Horetown, CO. Wexford. ROBERT JOHN WILLIAM DAVISON, Gentleman. B.A. of the Univ. of Cambridge, Headmaster of Downing College. Born .Aug. 20, 1853, being the only son of the Rev. John Robert Davison, Vicar of Moseley, by his wife Elizabeth Jane, only dau. of the Rev. W. Villiers, Vicar of Bromsgrove, and Hon. Canon of Worcester Cathedral. Armorial bearing^ — Aziire, a dove between three roses two and one argent, barbed and seeded vert, on a chief or. three crosses jiate^ gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a cross moline gules, entwined by a branch of olive or, thereon perched a dove ermine. Postal address — Cross House, Ilminster. DAWES, see WILLOCK-DAWES. DAWES (H. Coll.). Ermine, on a bend azure, cottised dancett^ gules, between four battle-axes erect two in chief and as many in base sable, three swans close argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-battle-axe erect or, surmounted by a dragon sans wings and legs, the tail nowed sable, charged with five bezants fessewise, three cinquefoils also or. Son of Sir Edwyn Sandys Dawes, K.C.M.G., J. P., *. 1838 ; //. 1903 ; m. 1859. Lucy Emily, d. of William Bagnall of Hamstead Hall. Staffs. :— William Ch.trles Dawes, Esq., J.P. Kent, b. 1865; m. 1893, Jane M., d. of late James Simpson of Invcrboyndie, Banff. Seat — Kemsdale. Faversham, Kent. DAWSON, quartered by DUCKETT. DAWSON, see WESTROPP- DAWSON. MASSY- DA WSON. S HENRY PHILIP DAWSON, Esquire, Lieutenant- Colonel late Royal Artillery. Born July 27, 1850, being the elder son of Henry Dawson, Gentleman. Lieutenant 6th Dragoon Guards (Carabineers), by his wife Harriet Emma, daughter of General Sir Philip Bainbrigge, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. C/«^— Junior United Service. Livery — Blue, silver buttons. Armorial bearings (Nov. 5. 1802)— Azure, on a bend engrailed argent, three daws sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a cat's head erased guardant argent, gorged with a mural crown or, in the mouth a rat fesseways proper ; with the Motto, "Amor meus crucifixus." Married, November 16, 1886. Mary Louisa, daughter of the Reverend W. L. Bevan, Canon of St. David's, and Vicar of Hay ; and has Issue — Henry Christopher Dawson, Gentleman, t)om October 12, 1889. and Gwendoline Mary. Estates — Manor of Hartiington, in the parish of Bumsall ; Settle, and Winskill ; all in Craven, in the county of York. Postal address — Hartiington Hall, Burnsall. Skipton-in-Craven. M WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER DAWSON, Esquire, 9 J.P. for West Riding of co. of Yorks, Col. and ilpprgi^yttanitq Hon. Col. 2nd W.Y.V.R.E., V.D., Lord of the Manor of . Born June 4, 1857, being the eldest son of the late is tbe Military Cockade. Plate XII. Q2SR.GDITI3 R,fjaj DaUi Dea 369 Christopher Holdsworth Dawson, Esq., J. P., D.L of Royds Hall, by his wife Emma, n^e Carter. Livery— Dark blue and white facings. Armorial bearingB — Ermine three pallets engrailed gules, on a canton sable, a stag lodged argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, in front of a quiver paleways or, with arrows therein proper, a talbot statant sable, charged with two buckles gold. Motto— " Perseverando." Married, Aug. 23, 1882, Kate, fifth dau. of Thomas George Robinson ; and has Issue— li) William Stopham Dawson, Gentleman, 6. 1885; (2) John Vavasour Dawson, Gentleman, i. 1890; Kate; and Phyllis Mary. 5^a/— Weston-Askwith, Brompton-on-Swale. The Late WILLIAM MOSLEY DAWSON, Gentle- man, son of late William Mosley Perfect ; assumed name of Dawson in lieu of Perfect by Royal Licence 1879. Amorial bearings— Vert, on a bend invected double cotised plain or, three martlets of the first. Mantling vert and or. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, upon a staff raguly fesseways or, a cat's head erased affront^e proper, gorged with a collar flory counterflory or, and holding in the mouth a rat fesseways also proper. 6Va/— Langcliffe Hall, Settle W.R. Yorks. ' DAWSON (R.L.). Vert, on a bend invected double cottised plain or, three martlets of the field. Dau. of : — Margaret Jane Dawson (formerly Perfect). Seat— Langcliffe Hall, Langcliffe, Giggleswick, co. York. DAWSON (H. Coll.). Aznre, on a pile erminois between two suns in splendour in base or, a daw close sable. Mant- ling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a sun rising or, a daw as in the arms between two ears of wheat stalked and leaved also or. Motto—" Vincit omnia Veritas." Son of : — William Henry Dawson, Gentleman, 6. . J^es.— Maple Bank, Otley, Yorks. DAWSON-LAMBTON (H. Coll.). Gules, on a fesse engrailed ermine, between two lambs passant in chief argent and a mascle in base or, three mullets of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a torteau charged with a lamb's head in profile couped at the neck ermine, within two branches of oak or. Son of John Dawson-Lambton of Biddick, co. Durham, l>. \ d. ; m. : — John Dawson-Lambton, Gentleman, b. . Res. " The Nook,"Codicote, Herts ; Broomfield, Northallerton, Yorks. DAY, see BRANTON-DAY, FITZGERALD-DAY. DAY (U.O.). Per chevron or and azure, a crescent between three mullets all counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, two hands clasping each other in fess proper, conjoined at the wrists to a pair of wings, the dexter or, the sinister azure, the former charged with a mullet, the latter with a crescent counterchanged. Motto—" Sic itur ad astra." Son of late Robert Day, Gentleman, of Cork, by his wife Caroline, d. of John Welsted, Esq., J. P., of Wood- ville, CO. Cork: — Robert Day, Esq., J.P., F.S.A., M.R.I.A. (High Sheriff of Cork 1893), b. 12 Jan. 1836. Ees.—MynXe Hill House, Cork. Sons of late Rev. W. Tottenham Day, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), Rector of Rathclarin, co. Cork, b. ; d. ; m. Alicia, d. of Rev. John Quarry, LL.D. :— Rev. William Tottenham CoUins Day, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Duy, Rector of Killeagh,^. . ^«j.— Killeagh, R.S.O., CO. Cork. Rev. John Quarry Day, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), Rector of Loughcrew, b. ; m. Agnes, d. of Rev. James Hamilton, M.A., Rector of Moyne. Res.— The Rectory, Loughcrew, Oldcastle, R.S.O., co. Meath. WILLIAM HENRY DAY, Gentleman, M.D. Born 1830, being the only son of the late Thomas Day, formerly Assistant-Surgeon "The Buffs," M.D., M.R.C.P. London, Consulting Physician to the Samaritan Hospital for the Diseases of Women and Children (served in the Crimea and siege of Sebastopol, medal and clasp). Armorial bear- ings—Ermine, on a pale gules, a horse-shoe or, a chief f.''"'"fu'^'^'"?°" a crescent between two suns in splendour of the third, impaling the arms of Kitchener, namely ^ules a chevron argent, surmounted by another azure, between three bustards proper, in the centre chief point a bezant. Mantling gules and argent. Crest-On a wreath of the ^ri^nf ' "fi""" ^ "'°u ",'■ ^"*' ^ greyhound's head erased argent, collared, with line affixed thereto gules, in front a fountain Married ^B(^, Emma, elder diu. of the late William Cripps Kitchener of Newmarket, Suffolk ; and has Issue-(i) Francis Henry Cripps Day, Gentleman Barrister-at-Law, b. 1864 ; Florence [m. Alexander Marcl' Estates and postal addresses— UoWy m\\, Kent: Strattoii Saint Margaret, Wilts. C/?/*- Junior Carlton. DEAKIN, see NEWTON-DEAKIN. DEAN, see COOPER-DEAN. DEANE, see FITZMAURICE-DEANE-MORGAN. S BERKELEY ST. GEORGE DEANE, Esquire, J P CO. Wicklow, Commander R.N. Born 1844, being the eldest son of the late George Knudson Deane, Esq. , J P by his wife Isabella, dau. of John Wise of Bahernagore' CO. Cork. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a chevron gules, between three cornish choughs sable, beaked and legged of the second, as many crosses patte of the field Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a tortoise displayed proper. Motto— " Foren do non feriendo." Married, June 1880, Emily Jane, dau. of Nelson Houghton of the Isle of Wight ; and has Isw— Olive Isabel. 5fa/— Glendaragh, Delgany, co. Wicklow. JOSEPH EDWARD DEANE-DRAKE, Esquire, J. P. and D.L., co. Wexford, eldest son of the late John Deane- Drake of Stokestown, by his wife Emily Letitia, daughter of the late Thomas Watson of Lumclone, in the county of Carlow. Livery — Dark blue and silver. Armorial bear- ings-He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, sable a fesse wavy argent, between two stars of six points or (for Drake) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron gules, between three Cornish choughs sable, beaked and legged gules, as many crosses pat^e argent (for Deane). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. on a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour grasping a pole-axe all proper (for Drake) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a tortoise displayed proper (for Deane). Mottoes — "Sic Parvis Magna" (for Drake) ; "Ferendo non Feriendo" (for Deane). Married, June 29, 1882, Dora Venables, only daughter of Richard Venables Kyrke, Esquire, of Nant-y- Ffrith, Wrexham, in the county of Denbigh, Justice of the Peace for the county of Flint, High Sherifif in 1890 ; and has Issue — Cecil John Venables Deane- Drake, Gentleman, born March 30, 1887 ; and Emily Frances. Estates — Stokes- town, New Ross, in the county of Wexford; Timolin, in the county of Kildare. Postal address — Stokestown House, New Ross, Ireland. JOHN JOSEPH DEANE-FREEMAN, Gentleman, of Cloheen, co. Cork. Born i86g, being the son of Col. Joseph Deane- Freeman of Cloheen (who d. 1876), by his wife Sidney, dau. of John O'Dwyer. Armorial bearings— Quarterly, i and 4, gules, three lozenges argent (for Freeman) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a chevron gules, between three martlets sable, as many crosses pat^e of the field (for Deane). Mantling gules and argent. Crests i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, holding between his paws a lozenge argent (for Freeman) ; s. upon a wreath of the colours, a tortoise displayed proper (for Deane). Mottoes— " Liber et auda" (Freeman); "Ferendo non feriendo" (Deane). RICHARD DEANE-FREEMAN, Gentleman. Fifth and youngest son of the late Rev. Richard Deane- Freeman, Rector of Ardnageehy, co. Cork, by Ellen his wife, only dau. of the Rev. Rowland Davies. Z-jx/^/y- Blue, with white facings; (dress) white coat, blue plush breeches, and white stockings. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, gules, three lozenges argent (for Freeman) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a is the Naval Cockade. 2 A 37« Dea 2?e!j chevron ga\ei, between three martlrts sable, as many crosses patte of the field (for Deane). Mmtllng gules and argent. OTMi-i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demf-lion Gentleman, i. May 36, 1865; (a) Francis John Dcbenham, Gentleman, i. March 1870; Alice; Edith; Caroline; and Agnes Elizabeth. Residence— T\it John's Avenue, Hamp- rampant gules, holding between his paws a lozenge argent (for Freeman) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a tortoise displayed proper (for Deane). Mottoea— ' ' Liber et audax " (Freeman); " Ferendo non feriendo" (Deane). Married, firstly, April 19, i860, Rebecca, only dau. of the late Ambrose Rush, Esq. , J.P. , of Taylor's Hill House, Galway ; and secondly, Feb. 14, 1899, Juliana, dau. of the late Archi- bald Tisdall, Esq., of Sunnyside, Vernon Avenue, Clontarf, CO. Dublin ; and has surviving Issue— (x) Edward Deane- Freeman, Gentleman, b. Dec. 21, 1874 ; Mary Jane [tn. N. Ormsby Scott] ; Anna Frances ; Rebecca Maria ; Ethel ; Elmina Adelaide [m. Winning H. Gelston, Esq., J.P.]; Flora ; and Bertha. Residences — Sunnyside, Vernon Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin ; Drumman, Peake, Aghloragh, CO. Galway ; Garrankea, co. Limerick. DE ANNA, quartered by FLOYER. DEASY (U.O.). Argent, in base a dexter hand proper, holding a dagger erect of the last, pommel and hilt or, and in chief two castles gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of two trefoils slipped in saltire vert, a dexter arm erect couped above the elbow proper, in the hand a dagger argent, pommel and hilt or. Motto—" Toujours prfit." Son of Rt. Hon. Richard Deasy, P.C, Lord Justice of Appeal, Ireland; b. 1812; d. 1883; m. 1861, Monica, d. of Hugh O'Connor : — Capt. Henry Hugh Peter Deasy, b. 1866; m. 1901, Dolores, d. of Col. J. F. Hickie of Slevoyre, co. Tipperary ; and has issue — Monica ; and Lucila. Res. — 24 Evelyn Gardens, London, S.W. C/«^j— Cavalry, Savile, Auto- mobile. FRANK DEBENHAM, Gentleman. Born Nov. 3, 1837, being the fifth son of the late William Debenham and Caroline, dau. of Thomas Freebody of Hurley, co. Berks. Armorial bearingrs— Per bend gules and sable, two bendlets indented between as many crescents each within an annulet all or. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion per pale in- dented sable and gules, holding in the dexter paw a key in bend wards upwards and an arrow in bend sinister point downwards, and resting the sinister paw on a decrescent all or. Motto — " Laborante bona debentur." Married, April 8, 1863, Emma Folkard, dau. of Frederick Henry Ridley; and has Issu*—(i) Ernest Ridley Debenham, stead, London, N.W. National Liberal. Clubs — Reform, Devonshire, DE BIAUDOS, see CASTEJA, Marquess of. DE BURGH, quartered by DU MOU LIN-BROWNE, DE BURGH, see BLAKE-DE BURGH. HUGO HENRY PATRICK DE BURGH, Gentleman. Born June 8, 1868, being the third son of the late Thomas de Burgh of Oldtown, Naas, by his wife Jane, only child of Major Thomas Campbell-Graham, ist Royal Scots, of Scarva House, co. Monaghan. Armorial bearings— Or, a cross gules. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant proper, collared and chained or. Motto —" A cruce salus." Married, Oct. 7, 1893, Mabel, dau. of J. Beaumont ; and has Issue— (i) Hugo Graham de Burgh, Gentleman, b. Oct. 16, 1894 ; (2) Ulric Campbell de Burgh, Gentleman, b. July 29, 1899; and Marguerite. .Sfa/— Ballinaperce, co. Wexford. S THOMAS JOHN DE BURGH, Esquire, J.P, and D.L., High Sheriff 1884, late Lieut. S7th Regt., late Sth Dragoon Guards, Lieut. -Col. 17th Batt. Imperial Yeo. Rhodesian Field Force. Born Nov. i, 1851, being the eldest son of the late Thomas de Burgh of Oldtown, by Jane, only child of Major Thomas Campbell-Graham, ist Royal Scots, of Scarva House, co. Monaghan. Armorial bearing^ - Or. a cross gules. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant proper, collared and chained or. Motto — " A cruce salus." Married, April 23, 1878, Emily Anne, eldest dau. of Rt. Hon. Henry John, Baron de Robeck, of Gowran Grange, CO. Kildare; and has /jj«tf — (i) Hubert Henry de Burgh, Gentleman, R.N., b. Feb. 16, 1879; (2) Eric de Burgh, Gentleman, b. May 10, 1881 ; (%) Maurice Ulick de Burgh, Gentleman, b. Oct. 15, 1882; (4) Charles de Burgh, Gentleman, R.N., b. July 17, 1886 ; (5) Thomas de Burgh, Gentleman, b. Sept. 10. 1888; Coralie Helen; & Is the Military Cockade. Deti Def 371 Zoe; and Una, d. young, 1890. Seat—0\dXon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in pale prof>er, clothed gules, holding an antique shield sable, charged with a mullet or. Sup- porters—Dexter, a lion gules, armed and langued azure, sinister, an antelope argent, unguled and attired or. MottO — "Adversa virtute repello." Married, 1868, Caroline Joanna, second dau. of Henry Gore-Booth ; and has, with other Issue — James George Dennistoun, Esq., Capt. R. H.A., b. 1871. Estate — Dennistoun, Kilmalcolm, Ren- frewshire. Residence — Auchenlea, Row, Dumbartonshire. Clubs — Army and Navy, New (Edinburgh). RICHARD CAMPBELL DENNISTOUN, Gentleman. Born August 24, 1841, being the elder son of the late Richard Dennistoun, formerly of Kelvin Grove, Glasgow, by his wife Frances Elizabeth, youngest dau. of Thomas Rishton Satterthwaite of Lancaster. Armorial bearings- Argent, on a bend engrailed sable, between a unicorn's head erased gules, horned or, in chief and a cross crosslet fitchde of the third in base sable, three bezants. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter arm in pale proper, clothed gules, cuffed ermine, holding an antique shield sable, charged with a mullet or. MottO — " Adversa virtute repiello." Residence — DENNISTOUN (1811). Argent, a bend sable between a unicorn's head erased gules, horned or, and a cross cross- let fitchte of the third, on a canton of the first, a demi-lion azure. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of the liveries, a dexter arm in pale proper, vested gules, cuffed argent, holding an antique shield sable, charged with a mullet or. Motto — "Adversa virtute repello." Son of James Robert Dennistoun, Gentleman, b. 1851 ; m. 1834, Barbara, d. of Robert Macredie of Williams- field :— Robert Peel Dennistoun, Esq., Vice- Admiral R.N, (ret. list, 1896), served in the Baltic 1854, China War 1860-1862, Egyptian War 1882, has 3rd class Osmanieh, b. 1836, Res. — Dilarne, Row, Dumbartonshire. Club — United Service. DENNY, see RAMS A Y-DENNY. RICHARD HARRISON DENNY, Esquire, J. P. co. Norfolk. Born 1859, being the eldest son of the late Rev. R. C. Denny, M.A., J. P., of Bergh Apton, co. Norfolk, by his wife Jane Deker, dau. of the Rev. H. Harrison. Armorial bearings — Gules, a saltire between six crosses pat^, three in chief two and one, and three in base one and two argent, and two spurs in fesse or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect proj>er, the hand grasping three ears of wheat or, surmounting two cross crosslets in saltire gules. Motto — " Vincit omnia Veritas." Married, April 34, 1889, Isabel Mary Beatrice, dau. of J. H. B. Christie. Estates — Bergh Apton and Norton Subcourse. Postal address— The Cottage, Framingham Pigot, Norwich. THOMAS ANTHONY DENNY, Esquire, F.R.G.S., a member of H.M. Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of I-,ondon. Bom , being the eldest surviving son of Henry Denny of Waterford. Armorial bear- ings — Gules, a saltire between nine crosses pat(ie, three in chief and a like number on each flank argent, and in base a lion passant guardant or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest- Out of a mural coronet proper, a cubit arm vested azure, cuffed argent, the hand also proper holding five wheat-ears or. MottO — " Et mea messis erit." Married, 1893, Elizabeth R. , only dau. of Gen. Sir Arthur Cotton, K.C.S.I., and widow of Admiral Sir James Hope, K.C.B. Residence — 7 Connaught Place, London, W. Clubs — Union, National. DENT, see PRICE-DENT. DENT (R.L., 183a). Quarterly, i and 4, or, on a bend per bend gules and sable, three fusils conjoined of the field (Dent) ; 2 and 3, gules, two chevronels or, between three hawks belled argent (Hedley). Mantling gules and or. Crest — I. on a wreath of the colours, a panther's head affront^ erased with flames issuant from the mouth and ears, transpierced by an arrow barbed and flighted, the pheon towards the dexter all proper (Dent) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a swallow rising out of clouds prof>er. Son of William Dent Dent, Esq. (formerly Hedley), J. P., Comm. R.N., of Shortflatt Tower, b. 1796; d. 1872 ; tn. 1840, Ellen Mary, d. of Andrew Seton Karr of Kippilaw, co. Roxburgh : — Edward John Dent, Gentleman, b. 8 June 1855 ; m. 1893, Louisa Emma, d. of Stewart Falls of Curraghmore, Bourne- mouth ; and has issue — William Edward Dent, Gentleman, b. 1894. Seat — Shortflatt Tower, Belsay, Newcastle-upon- Tyne. FRANCIS DENT, Barrister-at-Law. Born Aug. ii, i860, being the second son of the late John Dent Dent, Esquire, of Ribston Hall, co. York, and Winterton, co. Lines., J. P. and D.L. for W. R. Yorks., M.P. 1852-74, B.A. (Cantab), Barrister-at-Law, by his wife Mary Hebden, dau. of John Woodall of St. Nicholas House, Scarborough. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a bend between two cotises engrailed sable, three lozenges ermine (for Dent) ; 2 and 3 azure, three cranes argent, on a chief or, two roses gules (for Trickett), and impaling the arms of Buxton, namely argent, a lion rampant, tail elevated and turned over the head sable, between two mullets of the last. Mantling sable and argent. Crests — 1. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-heraldic tiger sable, collared gemelle argent, resting the sinister paw on a lozenge ermine (for Dent) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount, a crane holding in the beak a rose slipped, and resting the dexter foot on a serpent nowed all proper (for Trickett). Motto — "Patientia et perseverantia. " Married, Nov. 21, 1888, Geraldine, eld. dau. of Edward North Buxton, Esq. ; and has Issue — (i) Geoffrey Dent, Gentleman, b. 1891 ; (2) Arthur Cyril Dent, Gentleman, b. 1893 ; and Mary Con- stance. Postal address — i Harcourt Buildings, Temple, E.C. M HENRY FRANCIS DENT, Esquire, J. P. for North Km and East Ridings of Yorkshire, Lieut. -Col. late 3rd K.O. Hussars and 7th Dragoon Guards, Master of the Bedale Hounds, 1878-1884, and from 1896-1898. Born June 2, 1839, being the fourth son of Joseph Dent, Esquire, of Ribston Hall, co. York, and Winterton, co. Lincoln, J. P., High Sheriff of co. York 1847, by his wife Martha, dau. of Joseph Birley. Clubs — Army and Navy, Yorkshire (York). Livery — Claret, with red piping. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a bend between two cotises engrailed sable, three lozenges ermine (for Dent) ; 2 and 3 azure, three cranes argent, on a chief or, two roses gules (for Trickett). Mantling: sable and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-heraldic tiger sable, collared gemelle argent, resting the sinister paw on is tbe Military Cockade. I Den Deief 379 a lozenge ermine ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount, a crane holding in the beak a rose slipped, and resting the dexter foot on a serpent nowed all proper (for Trickett). MottO — " Patientia et perseverantia." Married, Dec. 20, 1870, Isabella, only child of the Rev. John Tomkyns, formerly Captain ist Life Guards, by his wife Isabella, dau. of Richard Frederick Coore ; and has Issue — (i) Bertie Coore Dent, Gentleman, b. 1872, Captain Leicestershire Regt. ; (2) Edmund Lechmere Dent, Gen- tleman, b. 1887; Ella Francis; Dorothy; and Letitia (d. 1886). Seat — Menethorpe, Malton, Yorkshire. Major JOHN WILLIAM DENT, J. P. W. R. co. of York ; Major 4th Dragoon Guards, 1894-95 (retired). Born Aug. 18, 1857, being the eldest son of the late John Dent Dent, Esquire, of Ribston Hall, co. York, and Winterton, CO. Lines., J. P. and D.L. for W. R. Yorks., M.P. 1852- 1874, B.A. (Cantab.), Barrister-at-Law, by his wife Mary Hebden, dau. of John Woodallof St. Nicholas House, Scar- borough. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent. on a bend between two cotises engrailed sable, three lozenges ermine (for Dent) ; 2 and 3 azure, three cranes argent, on a chief or, two roses gules (for Trickett). MantUng sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, ademi- heraldic tiger sable, collared gemelle argent, resting the sinister paw on a lozenge ermine (for Dent) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount, a crane holding in the beak a rose slipped, and resting the dexter foot on a serpent nowed all proper (for Trickett). Motto — "Patientia et perse- verantia." Seat — Ribston Hall, Wetherby. Club — Army and Navy. The Rev. JOSEPH JONATHAN DENT. M.A., Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Hunsingore, Wetherby. Born July 8, 1829, being the second son of Joseph Dent, Esq., Ribston Hall, co. York, and Winterton, co. Lincoln, J. P., High Sheriff of co. York 1847, by his wife Martha, dau. of Joseph Birley. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a bend between two cotises engrailed sable, three lozenges ermine (for Dent) ; 2 and 3 azure, three cranes argent, on a chief or, two roses gules (for Trickett). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-heraldic tiger sable, collared gemelle argent, resting the sinister paw on a lozenge ermine (for Dent) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount, a crane holding in the beak a rose slipped, and resting the dexter foot on a serpent nowed all proper (for Trickett). Motto — " Patientia et perseverantia." Married, April 17, i860, Laura, youngest dau. of James W. Freshfield of The Wilderness, Reigate ; and has Issue — Three sons and one daughter. Postal address — The Vicarage, Hunsingore, Wetherby, Lines. WILLIAM DENT DENT. Esq., J. P. co. Lanes, Bom March 13, 1832, beinglthe 3rd son of Joseph Dent.Esquire, Ribston Hall, co. York, and Winterton, co. Lincoln, J. P., High Sheriff of co. York 1847, by his wife Martha, dau. of Joseph Birley. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a bend between two cotises engrailed sable, three lozenges ermine (for Dent) ; 2 and 3 azure three cranes argent, on a chief or, two roses gules (for Trickett). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-heraldic tiger sable, collared gemelle argent, resting the sinister paw on a lozenge ermine (for Dent) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount, a crane holding in the beak a rose slipped, and resting the dexter foot on a serpent nowed all proper (for Trickett). Motto — " Patientia et perseverantia." Married, firstly, Nov. 26, 1862, Mary Perry, 3rd dau. of Capt. Hill. 26th Regt. ; and by her (who d. 1875) had Issue — One son and one dau. ; and secondly, 1880, Georgina, dau. of Capt. Mason, R.N. Postal address — 5 Green Heys Road, Princes Park, Liverpool. DE REUTER (Granted in Duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha 1871, Roy. Lie, H. Coll., 1891). Azure, a terrestrial globe between four flashes of lightning, one issuant from each corner all proper. Crest — A horse at full gallop, on his back a knight in complete armour argent, grasping in his dexter hand a lance in [the act of charging, and in his sinister a flash of lightning. Motto — "Per mare per terras." Supporters— On either side a lion rampant proper. Sons of Paul Julius de Ruyter, ist Baron de Reuter, b. i8i6 ; d. 1899 ; in. 1845. Ida Maria EUzabeth Clementina, d. of S. M. Magnus of Berlin : — August Julius Clemens Herbert, Baron de Reuter (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha 7 Sept. 1871, Roy. Lie. to use title in England 7 Nov. 1891), b. 1852 ; m. 1876. Edith, d. of Robert Campbell of Coombe Wood ; and has issue — Hubert Julius, b. 1878 ; Olga Edith [tn. 1901, John Douglas of Tilquhillie, N.B.J. Res. — 15 Palace Gate, Kensington. Baron George Juhus de Reuter, M.A., LL.B., F.R.G.S., Commander of Royal Order of the Saviour, b. 1863 ; m. 1891, Maud, d. of John Potter of Philadelphia, U.S.A. ; and has issue — (i) Oliver George Paul Louis Gordon, b. 1894 ; (2) Ronald Carl George, b. 1899. Res. — 14 Rue de Liibeck, Paris. GEORGE EDWARD DERING, Gentleman. Born Jan. 15, 1831, being the only son of Robert Dering, Esq., Lockleys, J. P.. formerly an Officer in the Rifle Brigade, by Laetitia his wife, second dau. of Sir George Shee, Bart., of Dunmore, co. Galway. Armorial bearings — Quarterly 1 and 4, or, a fesse azure, in chief three torteaux ; 2 and 3, or, a saltire sable. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a ducal coronet or, a horse passant sable, maned gold. Motto — " Terrere nolo, timere nescio." Seats — Lockleys, near Welwyn, Herts ; Dunmore House, co. Galway ; Barbara Court, near Canterbiu-y, Kent. DE ROS, quartered hy SALVIN. DERWENTWATER, quartered by SALVIN. DE SALIS, see FANE DE SALIS. DE STACPOOLE (Regd. U.O.). Argent, a lion ram- pant gules, collared or, holding in the forepaws a sword proper, a canton ermine, thereon a fleur-de-lis gold. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a pelican in her piety proper, collared or, and pendant therefrom an escutcheon argent, charged with a lion rampant gules. Mottoes — Over crest, "I die for those I love" ; under arms, " Pro Deo et rege pro patria et lege." Son of George, 3rd Duke de Stacpoole, a Prelate of the Church of Rome, Knight of the Order of Christ, and Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre, b. 1829; d. 1896; m. 1859, Maria, d. of Thomas Dunn of Bath House, Northumberland : — George de Stacpoole, 4th Duke (1830) and Marquess is tbe Naval Cockade. 38o DejBf Det ale or, a squirrel sejant in chief and a Moor's head couped in base proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a squirrel sejant proper. Motto — " Altiora in votis." Son of Rev. Henry Des Vceux, b. 1786 ; d. 1857 ; m. ist, 1812, Francis (d. 1827), only d. and h. of Daniel Dalrymple of Barrow, co. Derby ; and, 1828, Fanny Elizabeth, eld. d. of George Hutton of Carlton, Notts :— Sir Charles Champagne Des Voeux, 6th Bart, (i Sept. 1787), b. 1827 ; m. 1853, Katherina (d. 1895), d. of T. W. Richardson of Clifton, Gloucs. ; and has issue — Frederick Henry Arthur Des Voeux, Esq., Capt. late 6th D.G. , b. 1857 ; m. 1899, Hylda Henrietta, d. of Sir Victor Alexander Brooke of Colebrooke ; and Charlotte Mary [»w. 1879, Com- mander S. Ewing, R.N.]. Clubs — Brooks s, Devonshire. Sons of Alfred Anthony Des Voeux, Esq., Maj.-Gen, Bombay Staff Corps, b. 1830 ; d. 1904 ; tn. 1863, Isabella, d. of J. W. Muspratt : — Edward Alfred Des Voeux, Gentleman, b. 1864. Henry Bertram Des Vceux, Esq. , Capt. R. E. DE TEISSIER. Or, on a mount vert, a wild boar proper, a chief gules, thereon a crescent between two estoiles argent. Supporters — Two greyhounds regardant proper. Mottoes— " Nemo me impune lacessit," "Sit ordo in omnibus." Son of Henry Price, 4th Baron de Teissier, General, Col. comdg. R.A., b. i8ao; d. 1895; m. 1854, Mary Shirley, d. of Henry Miller : — Henry de Teissier, 5th Baron de Teissier (France, 1819), formerly Capt 8th Hussars, b. 1862 ; m. 1887, Agneta Mary, d. of F. L. Ballantine Dykes of Dovenby Hall ; and has issue — Geoffrey Fitzherbert, b. 1888 ; and Aubrey, b. 1893. Res. — Denton Court, Canterbury. Clubs — Cavalry, Hurlingham. HENRI ASHETON DE TONGE, Baron, Cheva- lier de I'ordre de Charles III. of Spain, a naturalised French subject. Horn March 20, 1847. Livery — Blue and gold. Armorial bearings— Azure, on a l>end in- vected, plain cotised between six martlets or, a lion passant between two grappling-irons flukes upwards of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet he- fitting his degree, with a mantling azure, doubled or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter arm in armour emlx)wed, the hand grasping a grappling-iron in bend sinister sable, a lion sejant of the last, pierced in the shoulder by an arrow proper ; with the Motto, "Tenebo." Married, February 25, 1883, Mdlaine Puchot d'Ennery ; and has Issue — (i) Henri Roger Achille Asheton de Tonge, born May 12, 1886 ; (2) Georges Ren6 Patrice Asheton de Tonge, born September 4, 1887; (3) Richard Denis Asheton de Tonge, born January 26, 1894; (4) Charles Ludovic Asheton de longe, born January 26, 1894; Marie Jeanne Emilienne; and Edith M^lanie. Estate and postal address — Chateau du Ragotin, Avranches, Manche. DE TRACEY, quartered by FLOYER. H CHARLES EDMUND DE TRAFFORD, Esquire, O J. p. and D.L., Lord of the Manor of Hothorpe. Bom May 4, 1864, being the second son of Sir Humphrey de Trafford, Bart., by his wife Lady Annette Talbot, sister and coheir of Rt. Hon. Bertram, 17th Earl of Shrewsbury, and dau. of Col. Talbot. Livery (for dress) — White with red facings, gold buttons ; (undress), light blue and silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Argent, a griffin segreant gules (with quarterings as Sir Humphrey Francis de Trafford, Bart., to whom refer), and impaling the arms of Feilding, namely argent, on a fesse azure, three fusils or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a thrasher proper, his hat and coat per pale argent and gules, his breeches and stockings of the third and second, holding in both hands a flail or, uplifted over a garb on the dexter side ; and over the crest upon an escroll the Motto "Now thus," and below the arms the Motto, "Gripe Griffin" ("hold fast"). Married, Oct. 15, 1892, Lady Agnes Mary Pia Feilding, dau, of Rt, Hon. the 8th Earl of Denbigh; and has Issue — (i) Hubert Edmund Francis de Trafford, Gentleman ; Clare Mary Annette ; and Hilda Bertha Mary Clare. Seat — Hothorpe, Rugby. Clubs— Bachelors', Bath, M.C.C. HSIR HUMPHREY FRANCIS DE TRAFFORD, ® third Baronet, of Trafford Park, in Tr\p fir t*tlWt\vt\ ^^^ county of Lancaster, Lt.-Col. JUX^ VavaUUiU Lancashire Hussar Yeomanry Cav- alry. Born July 3, 1862, being the eldest son of Sir Humphrey de Trafford, second Baronet, by his wife Mary Annette, commonly known as Lady Mary Annette, eldest sister and co-heir of the Right Honourable Bertram Arthur Talbot, seventeenth Earl of Shrewsbury ; succeeded his father in 1886. Armo- rial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly of twenty, I. argent, a gnffin segreant gules (for Traftord) ; 2. are gent, two blars, and in chief two mullets pierced azure (for Venables) ; 3. argent, on a bend azure, three garbs proper (for Tritten) ; 4. quarterly gules and or, in the first quarter a lion passant argent (for Massey) ; 5. paly of six argent and gules, a chief vaire (for Whitney) ; 6. argent, on a bend gules, three escarbuncles sable (for Thornton) ; 7. vert, a cross engrailed ermine (for Kingsley) ; 8. or, a saltire sable (for Kellesby) ; 9. azure, a chevron argent, between three garbs projjer (for Hatton) ; 10. bendy barry gules and argent (for Crispen) ; 11. argent, a chevron gules, between three chaplets (for Ashton) ; 12. argent, three bars sable (for Legh) ; 13. gules, two lions passant guardant in pale argent (for De la Mere) ; 14. argent, on a chevron quarterly gules and sable, between three birds of the second as many bezants (for Kitchen) ; 15. argent, three garbs proper, banded or (for Aughton) ; 16. argent, a fesse sable, in chief three torteaux (for Mason) ; 17. argent on a child proper, wrapped in swaddling clothes gules, and banded or, an eagle sable (for Culcheth) ; 18. argent, a griffin segreant azure (for Culcheth) ; 19. argent, a griffin segreant sable ducally crowned or (for Risseley) ; 20. azure, a hind trippant argent (for Hindley), and impaling the arms of Franklin, namely azure, on a bend invected between two martlets or, a dolphin naiant between two lions' heads erased of the field. is tbe Military Cockade. A I $Sm Deu Del) Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a ninnlling gules and argent ; and for his Great, upon a wreath of the colours, a thrasher proper, his hat and coat p«9- pale argent and gules, his breeches and stockings of the thira and second, holding in both hands a flail or, uplifted over a garb on the dexter side, and over the crest upon an escroll the MottO, " Now thus;" and below the arms the Motto, "Gripe griffin" ("hold fiist"). Married, August ?. 1886, Violet Alice Maude, daughter of Captain James ranlclin, formerly 77th Regiment; and has Issue — (i) Humphrey Edmund De Trafford, Esq., b. Nov. 30, 1891 ; 1a) Rudolph Edmund de TratTord, Esq., b. Aug. 23, 1894; 3) Raymond Vincent de Trafford, Esq., ^. 1899 ; and Violet Mar^. Ktsidenees—VWW Crest, Market Harborough ; and 13 Charles Street, Berkeley Square. RICHARD DUPPA DE UPHAUGH, Gentleman. Bom 1855. being the second son of the late Gladwin Turbutf, Esquire, of Ogston , in the county of Derby, J ustice of ( he Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for that county, by his wife Ellen, youngest daughter of Baldwin Duppa of Hollingbourne House, and Malmaynes Hall, both in the county of Kent, and assumed by Royal License in the year 1888 the sur- name of de Uphaugh in lieu of his patronymic, and the arms of Duppa quarterly with his own. Club — Junicr Carlton. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules a lion's paw couped in fesse between two chains or, a chief nebuly of the last, thereon two roses of the first, barbed and seeded proper (for Duppa), a and 3 party per fcsse aziu'e and sable a trident fesseways or, between three turbots argent (for Turbutt) ; and for his Crests, I. on a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand in a gauntlet proper grasping a lion's paw in bend sinister couped, a rose between two annulets gules (for Duppa), 2. on a wreath ot the colours a cubit arm erect proper charged with an anchor sable, encircled by an annulet, and holding in the hand in bend sinister a trident both or (for Turbutt). Married, July 7, 1890, Ethel, daughter of Major Ernest Bengough Ricketts of Mancetten Manor, co. Warwick ; and has Issue — (i) Richard George Duppa de Uphaugh, Gentleman, b. March 1895 ; (2) Baldwin Francis Edward de Uphaugh, b. Jan. 1897. Estates — Hollingbourne House, and Malmaynes Hall, both in the county of Kent. Postal address — Holling- bourne, Maidstone. CHARLES FREDERIC DEVAS, Esq., B.A., J. P. for Kent. Born 1825, being the elder son of the late Thomas Devas of Dulwich Common, Surrey, by Louise Charlotte, dau. of C. F. Hennings. Armorial bearings- Argent, on a chevron between three boars sable, maned and hoofed or, langued gules, a bee between two bulls' heads caboshed of the field. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant sable, collared or, langued gules, holding between the fore-paws a shield argent, charged with a spear-head in ee sable. Motto— " virtute et opera." Married, 1848, onora, dau. of Henry Alexander ; and has, with other Issue — Horace George Devas, Gentleman, b, 1852; [m., 1886, Edith Caroline, second dau. of the Hon. Henry W. Campbell, and has, with other issue, a son, b. 1888]. Seat — Pickhurst Manor, Bickenham. HORACE DEVAS, Esq., J. P. Born Dec. 28, 1826, being the second son of the late Thomas Devas, by his wife Louise Charlotte, daughter of C. F. Hennings. Club — Carlton. Armorial bearing^ — Argent, on a chevron between three boars sable, maned and hoofed or, langued gules, a bee between two bulls' heads caboshed of the field. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant sable, collared or, langued gules, holding between the fore-paws a shield argent charged with a spear-head in pale sable. Motto — " Virtute et opera." Married, Feb. 19, 1857, Anne Shuttleworth, dau. of late Edward Anthony Holden of Aston Hall, co. Derby, by Susan Drummond his wife; and has Issue — Edward 'Thomas Holden Devas, Esq., J. P., b. March 29, 1859. Seat — Spondon Hall, Derby. HORACE GEORGE DEVAS, Gentleman. Born 1852, being the second son of Charles Frederic Devas, Esq., J. P., B.A. Oxford, by his wife Leonora, youngest dau. of Henry Alexander. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron between three boars sable, maned and un- guled or, langued gules, a bee between two bulls' heads caboshed of the field. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant sable, collared or, langued gules, holding between the fore-paws a shield argent, charged with a spear-head in pale sable. Motto — " Virtute et opera." Married, Sept. 2, 1886, Edith Caroline, second dau. of Lieut-Col. the Hon. H. W. Campbell ; and has Issue — Geoffrey Charles Devas, Gentleman, b. Sept. 4, 1887. 5m/— Hartfield, Hayes, Kent. THOMAS DEVAS, Gentleman. Bom Sept. 27. 1813, being the second son of William Dev.-is, by his wife Sarah, dau. of Robert Smith. Armorial bearingfs Argent, on a chevron between three boars passant sable, crined, tusked, and hoofed or, a bee vol;mt proper between two bulls' heads caboshed of the field. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a lion rampant sable, collared or, holding between the paws an escutcheon argent, charged with a spear-head erect of the second. Motto — "Virtute et opera." Married, first. May 18. 1841, Haniet Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. William Charlton; and has Issue — (1) Horace William Devas, Gentleman, b. March 26, 1842, d. Dec. 13, 186^ ; -(2) Rev. Arthur Charles Devas, Rector of St. Peter's, Devizes, M.A. Oxon, b. July 6, 1843 ["»•> Sept. 21, 1869, Louisa Mary, dau. of James Trevor] ; (3) Thomas Ernest Devas, Gentleman, b. April 6, 1847 [«., 1872, Gertrude, dau. of the Rev. Thomas GronowJ; (4) Hubert Edwin Devas, Gentleman, b, June 24, 1853 \in., April 11, 1890, Edith Gertrude Barker]; (5) Jocelyn Devas, Gentleman, b. June 28, 1859, d. unmarried, Sept. 1885; Helen Rowena [;«., 1867, Thomas Conway]; Mary Harriet Gertrude \m., 1877, Robert Lewin Hunter]; and Bertha Katherine. He m. secondly. May 19, 1875, Emily, dau. of Edward Kough, J. P., and widow of Gilbert Love, M.D., of Wimbledon. Postal address — Mount Ararat, Wimbledon, Surrey. ROBERT STEPHEN DE VERE, Esquire, J. P. co. Limerick. Born July 23, 1872, being the only son of Aubrey Stephen de Vere O'Brien, Esq., Capt. late 60th Rifles [who was ihe eldest son of the Hon. Robert O'Brien (brother of the Rt. Hon. Lucius O'Brien, 13th Lord Inchiquin), by his wife Eleanor Catherine Jane Alicia Lucy, dau. of Sir Aubrey de Vere, Bart.], by his wife Harrriett Lucy, only dau. of Major- Gen. George Wynne, R.E. ; by Royal License, dated April 9, 1899, he assumed the name of de Vere in lieu of O'Brien, and the arms of de Vere as his principal arms quarterly with the arms of O'Brien. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, quarterly gules and or, in the dexter chief quarter a mullet argent (for de Vere) ; 2 and 3, quarterly i. and iiii. , gules, three lions passant guardant in pale per pale or, and argent ; ii. argent, three piles issuing from the chief and meeting in point gules ; iii. or, a pheon azure (for O'Brien). Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a cap of dignity gules, doubled ermine, a boar passant azure, armed, bristled, and unguled or. Motto — "Vero nihil verius." 5«a/— Curragh Chase, co. Limerick. Club — Wellington. DEVEREUX, quartered by MAINWARING-ELLER- KER-ONSLOW. DEVEREUX. Quarteriy, i. argent, a fesse gules, in chief three torteaux (Devereux, c. 14th cent.); 2. vaird or and gules (Ferrers of Chartley, temp. Henry III.) ; 3. argent, a cross engrailed gules, between four water-bougets sable (Bourchier, 14th cent.) ; 4. quarterly, i. and iiii., azure, three fleurs-de-lis or (France); ii. and iii., gules, three lions passant guardant in pale or (England), within a bordure argent (Thomas of Woodstock, son of King Edward III.). Mantling gules and argent. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a talbot's head argent, eared gules. Motto — " Bassis virtutum constantia." Sons of Robert, isth Viscount Hereford, in Holy Orders, Canon of Durham, b. 1809 ; d. 1855 ; w. 1841, Emma Jemima, d. of George Ravenscroft: — The Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Devereux, i6th Viscount Hereford (2 Feb. 1550) and Premier Viscount of England, 13th Baronet (Eng., 25 Nov. 1611), J. P. and D.L co. Brecon, J. P. cos. Hereford and Radnor [Supporters — ^ is the Military Cockade. Det) Deto 383 Dexter, a talbot argent, eared gules, ducally gorged of the last ; sinister, a reindeer proper, attired, gorged with a ducal coronet and lined or] ; b. 1843; "'• 1863, Hon. Mary Anna, d. of ist Lord Tredegar ; and has issue — Hon. Robert Charles Devereux, J. P. and D. L. co. Brecon, J. P. co. Hereford, B.A. (Oxon.), Capt. ist V.B. S. Wales Borderers 1889-1895, b. 1865 [w. 1892, Ethel Mildred, d. of John Shaw, Esq., J. P., of Wetburn Hall, co. York; and has issue — Robert Godfrey de Bohun Devereux, Esq., b. 1894; Blanche Marion ; and Ursula Mary Ethel] ; Hon. Muriel \_m. 1893, Anthony Noel Denny] ; Hon. Eleanor Mary ; Hon. Lilian ; and Hon. Rosamond Ela. Seats — Tregoyd, Three Cocks, Breconshire ; Ashford Hall, Ludlow. Club — Carlton. Hon. Henry de Bohun Devereux, b. 1848 ; m. 1872, Maude Philippa, d. of Edward Salamon of Bayswater, Double Bay, Sydney, N.S.W. ; and has surv. issue — (i) Humphrey Bourchier Devereux, Esq., b. 1873 ; (2) Godfred Vaughan Devereux, Gentleman, b. 1893 ; Sybil Henrietta ; Muriel Ravenscroft \in. 1897, John E. Makgill] ; Miriam Beatrice ; andMaud Guinevere. Seat — Tregoyd, Auckland, New Zealand. Son of Rear-Adm. Hon. Walter Bourchier Devereux, M.P., b. 1810; d. 1868; m. 1856, Adelaide Eleanor, d. of Hugh Robert Hughes of Bache Hall, co. Chester (br. of 1st Lord Dinorben) : — Walter de Laci Devereux, Esq., b. 1864; m. 1893, Blanche Isobel, d. of W. H. Johnston of Annandale, Clifton ; and has issue— (i) Humphrey William Devereux, Esq., b. 1894; (2) Edmund Bourchier Devereux, Gentle- man, b. 1895 ; (3) Robert de Bohun Devereux, Gentleman, b. 1897. Res. — Jersey. Son of Major -Gen. rfon. George Talbot Devereux, R.H.A., b. 1819; d. 1898; m. 2nd, 1889, Katherine Jane, d. of Ashe Windham of Wawne Hall, Yorks. : — George Arthur Windham Devereux, Esq., b. 1892. Res.— DEVEREUX of Ballyrankin (U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4, ermine, a fesse gules, in chief three torteaux (Devereux) ; 2 and 3, per fesse argent and or, a lion rampant per fesse sable and gules, in chief two open dexter hands of the last (Daly). Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a buck trippant proper. Motto — " Per angusta ad augusta." Sons of Rev. Nicholas Devereux, D.D., of Ballyrankin House and Killimur Castle, b. 1799 ; d. 1867 ; m, 1833, Maria, d. of John Harward Jessop of Doory Hall, CO. Longford. Rev. Nicholas Jessop Devereux, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), Vicar of St. Mary's, Hoxton, and Private Chaplain to the Duke of Portland, b. 1841 ; m. 1887, Florence Sarah, d. of Ferdinand Greatrex of Uxbridge, Middx. Seat — Ballyrankin House, Ferus, co. Wexford. Res. — St. Mary's Vicarage, Provost Street, Hoxton, N. Hyacinth Daly Devereux, Gentleman, formerly Lieut. 87th Roy. Irish Fus., b. 1846; m. 1890, Miss Nichol. Res. — Texas, U.S.A. Robert Fetherston Devereux, Esq., Major (ret.) 2nd W. India Regt., b. 1847; m. 1883, Francis Josephine Alicia, d. of Rev. Modey Swifte-Denis, M.A. , M.D., Rector of Eldermine, co. Wexford ; and has issue — John Nicholas Devereux, Gentleman, b. 1885. Res. — DE WAHULL, quartered by WILMOT-CHET- WODE. ALBEMARLE O'BEIRNEWILLOUGHBYDEWAR, Gentleman, Lord of the Manor of Hurstbourne, Tarrant. Born June 15, 1855, being the eldest son of the late Albe- marle Dewar, Esq., Captain 87th Regt,, Royal Irish Fusi- liers, and Jane his wife, only child of Felix O'Beirne, Esq. Armorial bearings— Or, a ship in the sea proper, sails furled, streamers flying azure, on a chief of the last two boars' heads erased argent, armed gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an anchor erect sable, cabled gules. Motto— " Dum spiro spero." Married, April 29, 1882, Florence Wilhelmina Rose, second dau. of the late Col. Marriot Matthews, D.L. Oxon. 89th Regt., and Col. Oxfordshire Militia; and has Issue— {i) I Albemarle Willoughby David Dewar, Gentleman, b. Sept. 18, 1886 ; (2) Clive Albemarle Bertie Dewar, Gentleman, I d. an infant ; (3) Hubert Stephen Lowry Dewar, Gen- tleman, b. May 14, 1892. Estate — " Yio\t^" Estate, Hampshire. Andover. Residence — "r>oles," Hurstbourne, Tarrant, JAMES GUMMING DEWAR, Esquire, J. P. and Com- missioner of Supply for Midlothian, Capt. late ist Dragoon Guards and nth Hussars ; served throughout the Zulu War and at the capture of Sekukunis Town, South Africa (severely wounded, mentioned in despatches, medal and clasp). Is a member of the Royal Company of Archers, and a Private Chamberlain (Canieriere Segreto di Spada e cappa) to His Holiness Pius X. Dotn Jan. 13, 1857, being the eldest and only surviving son of the late Lieut. - Col. Alexander Gumming Dewar, Esq., J. P., Lieut.-Col. is the Naval Coclcade. $8# DetD Deto H.E.I.C.S., served throughout the Arghan and Sikh Campaigns, by his wife Jane Eliza, and dau. of Colonel Cumming, H.E.I.C.S. /.ivtry - }i\\ie, with gilt buttons, blue and yellow waistcoat. Annorlal bearing* (and matric, L.O., 1760)— Or, a chief asure. Mantling gules, doubled argent dTMt — On a \ATeath of his liveries, a dexter hand vauibraced brandishing a sword proper, hilted and pom- melled or. Motto — "Quid non pro patria." Afarried, July 39, 1884, Catherine Adeline, fifth dau. of I'homas l*urcell of CO. Wexford ; and has /mk*— Gladys Mary ; Eileen Jane ; and Katharine Vera. Seal — Vogrie, Gore- bridge, Midlothian. 6'/«*j— Army and Navy, New (Edin- burgn), Royal Cork Yacht. Sir THOMAS ROBERT DEWAR. Knight Bachelor, M.P., J. P. CO. of Kent, Sheriff of the City of London 1897-98. Horn 1864, l)einp the fifth son of John Dewar of Perth. Armorial bearlnga— Per saltire or and azure, a seax erect proper, surmounted by a saltire engrailed per saltire of the first and second, between two cinquefoils in fesse also of the first. Mantling azure and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, Ixjlwet-n two thistles Ic.ived and slipped projjer, a cock gules, armed and spurred argent, charged on the breast with a cinqucfoil or. MoUo — " Gloria Patri." Seat — The Grove, Pluckley, near Ashford, Kent. CMs — Carlton, Junior Carlton, Sports. DEWAR (19 June 1903). Gules, the crosier of St. Fillan, between a water-bouget in the dexter and a vacuum vessel in the sinister argent, on a chief of the last, Dewey of Chcshunt, co. Herts, by his wife Caroline, dau. of Thomas lialiard of High fialden, Kent. Livery Dark bine. Armorial bearing! - Per fesse sable and or, three cinquefoils within two U-u-rulets, between three dragons' three cinquefoils of the first. MantUng gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a cock proper. Motto — " Scientia potestas." Son of Thomas Dewar of Kincardine-on-Forth, b. ; d. ', m. , Anne, d. of Hugh Eadie, Shipowner : — Sir James Dewar, Knight Bachelor (1904), President of the Royal Society, M.A., LL.D. (Glasgow, St. Andrews, and Edinburgh), D. Sc, Professional Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge ; Jacksonian Prof, of Experimental Philosophy, Univ. Camb. ; Fullerian Professor of Chemistry, Roy. Inst, of London, &c., b. 20 Sept. 1842; m. 1871, Helen Rose, d. of William Banks of Edinburgh. Res. — 21 Albemarle Street, London, W; Scroope Terrace, Cam- bridge. Clubs — Athenaeum, Garrick. DE WELLES, quartered by BARNEWALL. D'EWES, quartered by GRANVILLE. THOMAS CHARLES DEWEY. Esquire, J. P. co. Kent. Bom August 31, 1840, being the eldest son of Charles beads erased counterchanged, in each of their mouths a sword in bend proper, pommels and hilts of the second. Mantling sable and or. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head erased sable, holding in the mouth a sword in bend projser, pommel and hilt or, between two dragons' wings of the last, on each a bend of the first, charged with a cinquefoil of the third. Motto—" Vir sapiens fortis est." Married, Aug. 29, 1866, Clara, dau. of Thomas Daws of Pyrford, co. Surrey; and has Issue — (i) Rev. Stanley Daws Dewey, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A., Rector of Moreton- hampstead, b. Aug. 12, 1867 [m. Emily Rose, second dau. of Rev. Hugh Lewis Pryce, Rector of Llanfairynghornwy and Rural Dean of Talabolion, Anglesey] ; (2) Marshall Dewey, Gentleman, b. Oct. 14, 1874 \m. Ethel, third dau. of Charles Harvey]; Violet [m. Rev. Edmund Wigram, eldest son of the late Prebendary Wigram.] ; Lilly [m. Arthur Willoughby Harvey]; Daisy; Ivy Muriel; and Daphne Dorothy. 5*a/ — South Hill Wood, Bromley, Kent ; Peak House, Sidmouth, Devon. Clubs — Constitu- tional, Junior Constitutional DEWHURST (H. Coll.). Or, gutt^-de-poix, three saltires couped fessewise gules between as many escallops of the last. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a wolfs head erased or, gutt^-de- poix, three saltires as in the arms gules. Motto — "Spes mea in Deo." Sons of John Bonny Dewhurst, Esq., J. P., of Aireville, Skipton, b. 1819 ; d. 1904 ; m. 1844, Frances, d. of Nicholas England of Colne, Lanes. : — Algernon Dewhurst, Gentleman, b. 1851. Seat — Aire- ville, Skipton, Yorks. Club — Reform (Manchester). Lionel Dewhurst, Gentleman,^. 1858; ;«. 1884, Elinor, d. of William Tunstill of Reedyford, Nelson-in-Marsden ; and has issue — Cyril Dewhurst, Gentleman, b. 1889 ; Mary Frances ; and Gladys. Res. — Prospject House, Skipton. Harold Dewhurst, Gentleman, b, 1861. Res. — Aireville, Skipton. Son of John Dewhurst of Swadford House, Skipton, b. 1787 ; d. 1864 ; m. 1815, Alice, d. of John Bonny of Blackpool, Lanes. : — Thomas Henry Dewhurst, Esq., J. P. West Rdg. Yorks., b. 1829 ; m. 1859 ; and has with other issue five sons. Res, — Whin Field, Skipton, Yorks. ROBERT HENRY DE WINTON, Esquire, formerly Capt. 99th Regt., J. P. and D.L. for the co. of Hereford g is the Military cockade. DelD Die 38s (High Sheriff 1886), and J. P. for the co. of Glamorgan. Born 1819, being the youngest son of the late Cann de Winton (formerly Wilkins). Esq., J. P., D.L., of the Manor House, St. George, co. Somerset, by Mary, only dau. of Thomas Evans of Berthlwyd, and widow of William Williams. Armorial bearings — Per pale or and argent, in chief two spear-heads erect sable, and in base a wyvern proper, wings elevated, and charged with two annulets pale- ways of the first. Mantling sable and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a wyvern's head erased proper, gorged with a collar embattled counter-embattled or, thereon two annulets sable, holding in the mouth an arrow in bend the pheon downwards argent. Motto — " Syn ar dyhun." Married, 1847, Frances Caroline, dau. of Andrew Allan of Strathallan, New South Wales ; and has had Issue— (i) Robert de Winton, Gentleman, b. June 25, 1854; (2) William Edward de Winton, Gentleman, b. Sept. 6, 1856; Mary Augusta [?«., 1894, Towers Smith] ; Fanny, d. young ; Edith; Emmeline Charlotte Frances [w., July 22, 1891, Alfred Houston- Bos wall of Broome Park, Alnwick]; Maud EUie ; Fanny Augusta [w. , 1897, Richard Chester-Master] ; Ellie Blanche Sjn., Jan. 6, 1886, Philip Wolfe Murray, Lieut. R.N.]. Seat — Graftonbury, Hereford. Club — Boodle's. S GEORGE DE WORMS, second Baron de Worms. an Hereditary Baron of the Austrian Empire [title borne in England by Royal License dated 1874], of Milton de Worms, first Baron de Worms, by his wife Henrietta, dau. of S. M. Samuel. Livery — Dark blue and orange. Armorial bearing^ — Quarterly i and 4, azure a key in bend, wards upwards or; 2 and 3 or, an eagle displayed sable, over all an escutcheon gules, a dexter arm fesse- ways, couped at the wrist proper, the hand grasping three arrows, one in pale and two in saltire or, barbed and flighted argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree with a mantling gules and azure, lined or; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet, five ostrich feathers or, gules, or, azure, and or. Supporters— On a bronze compartment, on either side a lion gold, collared and chained or, and pendent from the compartment a golden scroll, thereon the Motto in letters gules, "Vinctus non victus." Married, April 18, i860, Louisa, only daughter of the late Baron de Samuel; and has Issue — (i) Baron Anthony Denis Maurice George de Worms, born January 4, 1869 ; (2) Baron Percy George de Worms, born November 3, 1873 ; Henrietta Emmy Louisa Amelia. Seat — Milton Park, Egham, in the county of Surrey. Town residence — 17 Park Crescent, W. Marine residence — 27 Adelaide Crescent, Brighton. Clubs — Carlton Conservative, Junior Carlton, City of London, Constitutional. D'EYNCOURT, see TENNYSON-D'EYNCOURT. DICCONSON, see GERARD-DICCONSON. Park, Egham, J. P. for the cos. of Surrey, Middlesex, Sussex, and London, D.L. for the Tower Hamlets, Knight Grand Commander of the Imperial and Royal Austrian Order of ^Francis Joseph, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. "Bom Feb. 16, 1829, being the son of Solomon Benedict DICK (L.O.). Or, a fesse azure, between two mullets gules in chief, and in base a thistle slipped proper. Mantling azure, doubled or. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, the sun in splendour or. Motto — " Haud unquam post." is the Naval Cockade. 2 B 386 Die Die Son of late Capt. James Adam Dick of the Hawkesbury Rifles. N.S. Wales, b. 1840; d. 1900; m. ist, 1864, Jean, d. of William llenson of Carronshore and Grange- mouth, and Richmond, N.S.W. : — James Adam Dick. E:>q., B.A. (Sydney), M.D.. Cb.M. (Edin.), F.R.C.S. (Edin.), Capt. Australian Army Med. Corps, S. African Field Force 1900-1901, b. 1866. Res, — Catfoss. Randwick, Sydney, N.S. Wales. QUINTIN DICK DICK, Esquire, of co. Wicklow, late a Capt. in the Derbyshire Yeomanry and Queen's Royal Antrim Rifles, High Sheriff co. Wicklow 1898. Bom April 13, 1848. being the second surviving son of the Rev. Quintin Dick Hume, by his wife Anna, dau. of Benjamin Wills Richardson ; succeeded his uncle the Rt. Hon. W. W. F. Dick in 189a, under the will of that gentleman's maternal uncle, Quintin Dick, Esq., formerly M.P. for Maiden, and by Royal License, dated Nov. 1893, was authorised to take and use the surname and arms of Dick. Livery — Green, with white facings. Armorial bear- ingl — Quarterly i and 4, gules, a sword in pale point up- wards argent, hiked and pomelled or, between two mullets in chief of tlie last (Dick) ; a, vert, a lion rampant argent (Hume); 3, argent, three popinjays vert, collared gules (Pepdie). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a leopard sejant projxjr. Motto — " Sempwr fidelis." Estates in cos. Wicklow, Carlow, and Galway, Ireland. Seat — Carinlrila, co. Galway. Residence — la Grosvenor Crescent, London, S. W. Clubs — Carlton, Arthur's, Junior United Service, Bachelors', Cavalry, Kil- dare Street (Dublin), St. George's Yacht. Sir THOMAS NORTH DICK-LAUDER, 9th Baronet (Nova Scotia, Jan. as, 1690). of Fountain Hall, co. Had- dington, Knight of Justice of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England (formerly Lieut. 60th Rifles). Pom April 28, 1846, being the eldest son of the late Sir John Dick- Lauder, 8th Bart., by his wife Lady Anne, second dau. of the Rt. Hon. North Hamilton, 6th Earl of Stair, and succeeded his father in 1867. Ar- morial bearings (as recorded in Lyon Register)— Gules, a gryphon salient within a bordure argent (for Lauder) ; and pendent from an orange-tawny ribbon his badge as a Baronet of Nova Scotia. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a tower with portcullis down and the head and shoulders of a sentinel appearing above the battlements in a watching posture proper. Sup- porters — Two lions rampant argent. Mottoes (over the crest) — " Turris prudentia custos " ; (below the arms) " Ut migraturus habita." \The arms are, as will be seen, used is the Military Cockade. p Die Dig 387 with a quartenrtg for Dick and with a second crest for which there does not appear to be any authority, and with other mirior differences.^ Seats — Fountain Hall, Pencait- land, Haddingtonshire ; The Grange House, Edinburgh. Clubs — Army and Navy, Junior Carlton, New (Edinburgh). [Heir presumptive — His brother, John Edward Arthur Dick-Lauder, Esq., b. 1848, m., 1873, J^osa, dau. of the late C. IV. Caldecott of Fort Jackson ; and has lss\ie —Zella Evelyn ; Norma Anne [m. Alick Sackville Payne-Gallwey] ; and Marguerita Maud Elizabeth. Residence — The Grange, Agra Patnas, Ceylon.'] CHARLES GAUNTLETT DICKEN, Esquire, Post Captain R.N. Born April 26, 1854, being the fourth but second surviving son of the late Rev. Aldersey Dicken, by his wife Caroline Mary, fourth dau. of George Huddleston (formerly Croft) of Greenland, co. Middlesex. Armorial bearings — Argent, gutt6e-de-poix, on a cross flory sable, between four leopards' faces jessant-de-lis gules, a cross flory or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, a lion sejant sable, guttfe- d'or, gorged with a collar or, supporting with the dexter fore-paw an escutcheon argent, charged with a cross flory sable, surmounted by another. MottO — "Consilio ac vir- tute." Married, firstly, Margaret Christina, dau. of Edward Brooking Cornish of Sydney, New South Wales ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Vernon Dicken, Gentleman, b. August 13, 1881 ; (2) Frank Huddleston Dicken, Gentleman, b. Sept. 25, 1885; (3) Edward Bernard Cornish Dicken, Gentleman, b. Jan. 18, 1888. He married secondly, Ada Mary, only dau. of Major-General John Byron ; and has further Issue - (4) John Aldefsey Dicken, Gentleman, b. Sept. 23, 1896. Residence — FREDERICK ROWLAND DICKEN, Esquire, Post Captain R.N. (retired). Born Sept. 13, 1845, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Rev. Aldersey Dicken, by his wife Caroline Mary, fourth dau. of George Huddleston (formerly Croft) of Greenford, co. Middlesex. Armorial bearings — Argent, gutt^e-de-poix, on a cross Hory sable, between four leopards' faces jessant-de-lis gules, a cross flory or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, a lion sejant sable, guttfe-d'or, gorged with a collar or, supporting with the dexter fore-paw an escutcheon argent, charged with a cross flory sable, surmounted by another. Motto — "Con- silio ac virtute." Married, June 28, 1877, Charlotte Hester, fourth dau. of Rev. James Hardvvicke Dyer, B.D., Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Oxford, Vicar of Great Walt- ham, CO. Essex ; and has Issue — (i) Aldersey Dicken, Gentle- man, b. July 12, 1880 ; (2) Eden Rowland Huddleston Dicken, Gentleman, b. Jan. 17, 1888 ; Edith Louise ; and Avice Cecily. Residence — Colonel WILLIAM POPHAM DICKEN, C.B. (mil. 1891), D.S.O. (1887), Indian (Madras) Staff Corps, served with Burmese Expedition, in command of Toungoo and Ningyan (Pyinmana) Column 1885-87 (twice mentioned in despatches, medal). Born 1834. being the eldest son of the late William Stephens Dicken, M.D. , of the Indian Medical Service, and grandson of the Rev. Perry Dicken, Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Witheridge, and Rector of Pong- hill, CO. Devon. Armorial bearings -Argent, guttte-de- poix, on a cross flory sable, between four leopards' faces jessant-de-lys gules, a cross flory or, and jiendent below the escutcheon his badges as C.B. and D.S.O. Mantling sable and argent. Crest - On a rock proper, a lion cou- chant sable, gutt6e-d'or, gorged with a collar or, supporting with the dexter forepaw an escutcheon argent, charged with a cross flory sable, surmounted by another as in the arms. Club — United Service. DICKINS (H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, ermine, on a cross flory sable, a leopard's face or (Dickins, granted by Segar, 1625) ; 2 and 3, azure, a dolphin naiant argent, fins or, between three escallops of the last (Scrase — arms confd. and crest granted by Segar, 1616). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant sable, holding in the dexter paw a cross flory or. Son of William Dickins, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Cher- rington, co. Warwick, J. P. cos. Glos. and Worcs. , b. 1793; d. 1883 ; m. 1821, Lucy, d. of Hon. Sir James Allan Park, Judge of the Common Pleas : — William Park Dickins, Esq., J. P. and D.L., Dep. Chrm. Qr. Sessions and Vice-Chrm. C.C. co. Warwick, J. P. co. Worcs., M.A. Oxon., late Fell. Merton Coll., Barrister- at-Law, b. 1824 ; 7n. 1859, Catherine Frances [d. 1899), d. of Rev. Charles Causton, Rector of Lasham, Hants ; and has issue— William Godfrey Dickins, Gentleman, b. 1869 [w. 1895, Sybil Octavia, d. of Rev. Christopher D. Francis ; and has issue— Wilham Anthony Dickins, Gentleman, b. 1896]. iVa;*— Cherrington House, Shipston-on-Stour. Club — United University. DICKINS, see SCRASE-DICKINS. ARCHIBALD DICKSON, Gentleman, M.D. Born May IS, 1837, being the fourth but only surviving son of the late David Dickson of Kilbucho, Advocate, by his wife Jemima, dau. of Rev. David Pyper, Minister of Pencait- land. Armorial bearings -Argent, three mullets gules. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreatii of his liveries, a dexter hand holding a scymitar proper. Motto — "Fortes fortuna juvat." Seat — Hartree House, Biggar. JAMES DICKSON, Gentleman. Born 1849, being the second surviving son of the late Edward Dalzel Dickson, M.D.. M.R.C.P. (Lond.), Physician to H.M. Embassy at Constantinople, by his wife Louisa, youngest surviving dau. of the late Col. Hanmer Warrington, K.H. 4th Dragoon Guards. Armorial bearings — Per pale azure and argent, two mullets in chief and an escallop in base counter changed, and on a chief engrailed or, three pallets gules. Mantling azure doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of the liveries, a dexter hand holding a sprig of everlasting proper. MottO — " Dum vita spes." Married, Feb. 15, 1904, Ottilia Caroline, third surviving dau. of Dr. Elijah Meshallum, M.D. Residence — El Wayleeyeh, Cairo, Egypt. RAYNES WAITE DICKSON, Gentleman, of Arnside, South Yarra, Melbourne, Victoria, President of the Law Institute of Victoria. Born August 13, 1845, being the eldest son of James Dickson, by his wife Hannah Berry, and grandson of William Dickson of Anfield Lodge, near Liverpool, by his wife Frances Rickets, daughter of Raynes Barrett Waite of Jamaica. Clubs — Oriental, Australian (Melbourne). Armorial beailngs — He bears for Arms : Vair, five mullets, three and two, fesseways or, a chief of the last thereon between two torteaux, a pale gules, charged with a bezant. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a boar's head erased argent, gutt^e-de-sang, muzzled gules, a bezant between two mullets fesseways ox ; with the Motto, " Fortes fortuna juvat." Married, firstly, October 20, 1870, Ehzabeth (died 1889), daughter of William Kiddle of Somersetshire, England ; and by her has Issue — Raynes Waite Stanley Dickson, Gentleman, born November 11, 1871 ; secondly, Annie Mary, widow of the late Colonel Borthwick, and daughter of the Reverend S. Russell Davies, and by her has, Maud. WILLIAM DICKSON DICKSON, Esquire (formerly Maunsell ; assumed the surname and arms of Dickson in lieu of Maunsell by Royal Licence dated Dec. 27, 1900), Col., lately commanding the Limerick City Artillery, J. P. CO. Limerick, High Sheriff 1890. Born April 27, 1853, being the only son of the late Rev. W. F. Maunsell, Vicar of Kil- linio, CO. Limerick, by his wife Rebecca Caroline, elder dau. of Rev. Richard Dickson of Vermont, Clarina, co. Limerick. Armorial bearings- Quarterly i and 4, azure, a crescent between three mullets argent, on a chief or, as many pallets gules (for Dickson) ; 2 and 3, argent, a chevron between three maunches sable (for Maunsell). Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, out of battle- ments a naked arm embowed holding a sword all proper. Motto " Fortes fortuna juvat." Married, Feb. 17, 1897, Frances Louisa, elder dau. of the Rev. L. M. Maunsell, lately Rector of Kilskyre, co. Meath ; and has Issue — 'Elizabeth Rebecca Frances ; and Norah Constance. Seats -Kildinio House, Kildinio, co. Limerick; and Southill, Bournemouth. Clubs— \5n\on. County (Limerick), Bourne- mouth. CHARLES WRIOTHESLY DIGBY, Esquire, J, P. for CO. of Warwick. Bom Jan. 31, 1859, being the only son of Charles Wriothesly Digby, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for Dorset, j is the Naval Cockade. 388 Dig Oil by his wife Adelaide, dau. of Rt. Hon. George Bankes of Kingston Lacy, Dorset. Livery— Dark blue, with white fadnn. Armorial iMarings Azure, a fleur-de-lis argent. Mawfiiiiijr ozurr and argent. Great— On a wreath of the colours, an ostrich argent, holding in his beak a horseshoe or. Motto "Deo, non fortunA." Marritd, firstly, Feb. 15, 1881, Dora Adelaide (m in chief and two in Uibe M iirgenl, and for difTerence a cross crosslct or (for Venables); 3. gules, on a chevron nebdiy argent, five trefoils slipped of the first (for Dillwyn), and tiixMj an escutcheon of pretence ths same arms of Venables without distinctions. \J\Mn the escutcheon is placed a helmet liefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and lU'gent ; and for his Oratti, i. upon a wreath of the colours, upon the tnmk of a tree fesseways eradicated and sprouting, a lamb passant propwr supporting a staff or, therefrom flowing a banner gules, charged with three chev- ronels argent ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a wyvern, wings expanded gules, each wing charged with a fesse argent, issuant from a weir-basket proper, the dexter claw resting on a mullet azure, charged for difference as in the arms (for Venables) ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a stag's head couped proper, three trefoils slipped vert (for Dillwyn). Motto— " Craignez honte." Married, August 23, 1893, Katharine Minna, elder dau. and co- heiress of the late Rev. Richard Lister Venables of Llysdinam, co. Brecon; and has Issue — (i) John Lister Dill wyn-Venables- Llewelyn, Esq., b. 1897; (2) Charles Michael Dillwjm-Venables- Llewelyn, Gentleman, b. 1900; and Agnes Barbara. 6Va/— Llysdinam Hall, Newbridge- on-Wye. Clubs — Carlton, Arthur's. DIMSDALE, quartered by TARLETON. DIMSDALE (H. Coll., 1769). Argent, on a fesse dancett^ azure, between three mullets sable, two bezants. DiMSDALE. Arms as above, and as an honourable augmentation (granted by Empress Catherine of Russia 1769; R.L., 1813), an inescutcheen or, thereon a wing of the displayed black eagle of the Russian Imperial coat. Crest — Out of the coronet of a Russian Baron, a griffin's head azure. Sons of Robert, 6th Baron Dimsdale, J. P., D.L., M.A. (Oxon.), M.P., b. 1828; d. 1898; m. 1853, Cecilia Jane, eld. d. of Rev. Richard Marcus South- well, M.A., Rector of St. Stephen's, Herts. Charles Robert Southwell Dimsdale, the Hon. (7th) Baron Dimsdale of the Russian Empire (13 Feb. 1769; R.L., 29 July 1813), Barrister-at-Law, B.A. (Camb.), J.P. Herts, b. 1856; m. ist, 1882, Alice, (d. 1886), d. of late Charles J. Monk, M.P. ; 2nd, 1891, Mabel Sophia, d. of Sir Brydges Henniker, 4th Bart. ; and has issue (by first mar.) — (i) Edward Charles,^. 1883; (2) Reginald "Thomas, b. 1885; and (by second mar.), Ursula Katharine, and Cecilia Mable Lucinda. Seats — Essendon Place, Hatfield, Herts ; Smaley, Meesden, Buntingford, Herts. Marcus Southwell Dimsdale, Gentleman, M.A., Fell. King's Coll., Camb., b. i860; m. 1902. Elsbeth, d. of Rev. Sir James Phillips, lath Bart. ^«.— Corner House, Cambridge. Robert Dimsdale, (lentleman, b. 1865 ; m. 1898, Lucy Maud Mary, d. of Sir T. Bazley, Bart ; and has issue — Peter Dimsdale, Gentleman, b. 1899 ; and Priscilla A'«. — Kavenshill, Lechlade, Glos. DIMSDALE. Arms as first above. Mantling azure and argent. Croat On a wreath of the colours, a staff fesse- wise, entwined Ijy a serpent proper, thereon a griffin's head erased argent. Motto—" Quod Deus vult fiet." Sons of Joseph Cockfield Dimsdale, Gentleman, of C2 Cleveland Square, b. 1813; d. 1879; m. 1846, Catharine, d. of Thomas Stephenson of Clapham : — The Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Cockfield Dimsdale, ist Bart. (25 July 190a), P.C. (1903); K.C.V.O. (1902), having been previously created a Knight Bachelor in 1894. Chamberlain of the City of London since 1902, Alderman (1891 1902), Sheriff (1894), and in 1902 Lord Mayor of the City of London, when he carried the crystal sceptre of the City in front of his Majesty King Edward VI 1. at his corona- tion, J.P. Essex, a Member of the Commission of Lieu- tenancy and M.P. for City of London (since 1900), L.C.C. 1895-1900, has the Star of Ethiopia, and is Knt. Com- mander of the Rising Sun of Japan, b. 1849 ; m. 1873, Beatrice Eliza Bower, d. of Robert Hunt Holdsworth of 57 Gloucester Gardens. W. ; and has surv. issue — John Holdsworth Dimsdale, Esq., b. 1874 [m. 1901, ; and has issue — John Holdsworth Dimsdale, Esq., b. 19 ]; Beatrice Holdsworth [m. 1899, L.W. Dentl; and Charlotte Mary Holdsworth. Seat — Goldsmiths, Langdon Hills, Romford, Essex. Town res, — 29 Sussex Square, Hyde Park, London, W. C/«^j— Carlton, City Carlton, Albe- marle. John Dimsdale, Esq. {g.v.). Rev. Henry Cockfield Dimsdale, Vicar of Christchurch, Watney Street, M.A. (Camb.), b. 1856. Hes.—Tiic Christ- church Vicarage, Watney Street, London, E. SJOHN DIMSDALE, Esquire, a Member of His Majesty's Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London. Born Feb. 11, 1851, being the second son of the late Joseph Cockfield Dimsdale, by his wife Catherine, & is the Military Cockade. Din DiiSf 391 n^e Stephenson. Livery — Dark blue, primrose piping. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a fesse dancett^e azure, between three mullets sable, two bezants. Mantling; azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a staff fesseways entwined by a serpent proper, thereon a griffin's head erased argent. Motto — " Quod Deus vult fiet." Mar- ried, Oct. 11, 1877, Mary, fifth dau. of the late William Henry Wall of Pembury, Kent. Postal add. — igPhillimore Gardens, Kensington, W. Clubs — Carlton, Conservative. DINGWALL, quartered by FORDYCE. DINGWALL 24 Sept. 1902). Azure, a stag's head caboshed within a bordure dovetailed or, on a chief wavy ermine, a golden fleece between two spur-revels of the second. Mantling azure, doubled or. Crest — On a wreath " In arduis fortis.' of Aberdeen. Seat — Brucklay Castle, in the county of his liveries, a buck rising proper. Motto — " Deo favente." Livery —ViSe. blue, yellow facings. Son of late Charles Dingwall, Esq., by Julia Blanche, d. of Harvey Drew : — Kenneth Dingwall, Esq., D.S.O., late Capt. Gordon Highlanders (fifth surv. son), b. 17 July 1869. Post, add. — Caledonian Club. ALEXANDER DINGWALL-FORDYCE, Gentleman, of Brucklay, in the county of Aberdeen. Born Sep- tember 16, 1B73, being the eldest son of the late William Dingwall-Fordyce, Esquire, of Brucklay, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the counties of Aberdeen and Kincardine, by his wife Christina, eldest daughter of Robert Horn, Esquire, Dean of the Faculty of Advocates. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure three bears' heads couped argent, muzzled gules (for Fordyce) ; 2. azure, a buck's head caboshed or, between three mullets pierced argent (for Dingwall) ; 3. gules, a fesse chequy argent and azure, in chief a mullet of the second, and the base wavy of the third, a bordure engrailed or (for Lindsay). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon wreaths of the liveries are set for Crests, i. an eagle volant proper, holding in the claws an escroU with this motto, ' ' Altius ibunt qui I ad summa nituntur ; " 2. a stag lodged proper. Motto — i DIROM, see PASLEY-DIROM. S EDGAR JOHN DISNEY, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. CO. Essex, late Capt, 7th Royal Fusiliers, Hon. Col. 3rd Batt. Essex Regt. Born 1835, being the eldest son of the late Edgar Disney, Esq., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1864, by his wife Barbara, youngest dau. of Lewis William Brouncker, of Pelhams, Dorset. Armorial bearings —Argent, on a fesse gules three fleurs-de-lis or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion statant guardant gules. Motto—" Vincit qui patitur." Married, 1859, Lilias Charlotte (who d. June 4, 1874), youngest dau. of the Rev. H. Buckley, Rector of Hartshorn, CO. Derby ; and has Issue — (i) Edgar Norton Disney, Gentleman, B.A. Pembroke Coll., Oxon., b. 1862; [w., Aug. 7, 1895, Lilian Lee, only dau. of the late Captain Townshend of Wincham Hall, co. Chester] ; Maude Lilias ; Violet Mabel \jn. Algernon Mainwaring Vaughan Hughes, and d. March 4, 1897] ; Evelyn Frances, dec. ; Georgiana Emily ; and Ethel Charlotte. He m. secondly, 1878, Ellen Louisa, youngest dau. of Edward Thomas Bainbridge of Croydon Lodge, Surrey; and has Issue- {2) John Henry Disney, Gentleman, b. 1880; and (3) Gervase Percy Disney, Gentleman, b. 1882. Seat —The Hyde, near Ingatestone, Essex. C//<*- Junior United Service. FREDERICK WILLIAM DISNEY, Gentleman. Born May 16, 1841, being the third son of the late Edgar Disney, Esq., of The Hyde, Ingatestone, Essex, J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1864, by his wife Barbara, youngest dau. of Lewis William Brouncker Disney of Pelhams, Dorset. Livery — Light drab, red collar. Armorial bearing^— Argent, on a fesse gules, three fleurs-de-lis or. with many quarterings, a mullet for difference. Mantlmg gules and argent. Crest-On a wreath of the colours, a rion statant guardant gules. Motto- " Vincit qm patitur. Married, Nov. 29, 1883, Alice Mary, dau. of General Sir John Cheape, G.C.B., of Old Park, Ventnor, Isle of Wight ; is the Naval Cockade. 39i Dwf Dir and has lisue (i) Frederick John Pigot Disney, Gentle- man, b. Aug. (), 1889; and Kathleen Alice. Seat The Woodlands, Kingston Hill, Surrey. Club — Union. HENRY K. E. DISNEY. Gentleman. Armorial bMUtnffi Arj^nt, on a fesse gules, three fleurs-de-lis or, in chief a trefoil slipped vert. Mantling gules and argent. OrMt Up>on a wreath of the colours, a lion ]>as>>ant guardant gules, charged on the brciist with a fleur-de-lis or. Motto-" Vincit qui patitur." Nesidtnce - LAMBERT BROUNCKER DISNEY, Gentleman. Bom , being the third but second surviving son of the late Edgar Disney, Esq., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1864, by his wife Barbara, youngest dau. of Lewis VN'illiam Brouncker of Pelhanis, I^rsct. Armorial boarlnga Argent, on a fesse gules, three fleurs-de-lis or. Mantling and gules argent. Orest - On a wreath of the colours, a lion statant guardant gules. Motto -" Vincit qui patitur." Marrird Flora Georgiana, youngest dau. of Captain Thomas John Bourke O'Flahertie, Kilkenny Fusiliers ; and has with other Issue Albert Brouncker Wsney, Gentleman ; and Ada Flora. Residence — CONINGSBY RALPH DISRAELI, Esquire, J. P. and D. L. CO. Buckingham, M.P. for the Altrincham Div. co. Chester. Bom ifcy, being the son of Ralph Disraeli, Esq. , formerly Deputy Clerk of Parliaments, by his wife Katherine, dau. of Charles Trevor, Esq., of the Inland Revenue Depart- ment, and nephew of the Rt. Hon. the late Earl of Beacons- field. Armorial bearings — Party per saltire gules and argent, a castle triple-towered in chief of the last, two lions ram{}ant in fesse sable, and an eagle displayed in base or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, ufjon a wreath of the colours, issuant from a wreath of oak proper, a castle triple-towered argent. Motto— " Forti nihil difficile." Estate— YinghenAcn Manor, in the county of Buckingham. Postal addresses — Hup;henden Manor, High Wycombe. C/«^j— Carlton, White's, Bachelors', Garrick. GEORGE HENRY HEWITT DIXON, Gentleman, N.S.W. Civil Service. Bom 1847, being the second son of Peter James Dixon, Esq., J. P., by his wife Anne, dau. of Henry Hewitt-Oliphant. Armorial bearings— Azure, a dove statant proper, in chief two bees volant or, a chief of the last, thereon three pallets gules. M antUng azure and or. Crest— In front of an anchor in bend sinister sable, a dexter cubit arm erect proper, in the hand an olive branch also proper. Motto — "Peace." Married, Nov. 22, 1882, Hettie, fifth dau. of J. G. Day of Essex ; and has Issue — Edniond Christian Hay Dixon, Gentle- man, b. Oct. I, 1884; and Laura Edith Marguerite, Postal address — Carlisle, Alfred Street, North Sidney. THOMAS DIXON, Esquire, J. P. and County Councillor 1903-4 CO. Cumberland (High Sheriff 1903-4), Barrister-at- Law (Inner Temple). Bom June 9, 1861, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Dixon, Esc)., of Rheda, J. P., by his wife Elizabeth Jane, dau. of Michael Hughes of Kingston House, Moresby, in co. Cumlierland. Livery — Blue cloth w'th silver buttons, blue and white striped waistcoat. Armoiial bearings — Azure, on a pale argent, a Heur-de-lis of the first, a chief engrailed ermine. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm grasping a scimitar proper, pommel and hilt gold, a staff raguly fesseways or. MottO — "Quod dixi dixi." Married, February 13, 1889, Maria Florence Wynn, only daughter and heir of the late Llewelyn I^ewis of 'I'an- y-fynwent, Aber, North Wales ; and has Issue — Myfanwy Wynn Lewis; and Vera Mabel Florence. Estate — Rheda. Postal address — Rhedn, Frizington, Cumberland, \\k Carn- forth. Club — Junior Carlton. THOMAS DIXON, Gentleman. Armorial bearings- Mantling Crest On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm vested or, cuffed gules, the hand holding a fox's head erased proper, a lorteau. Motto — "Quod dixi dixi." Residence — Grcnsydc House, Durham. THOMAS HENRY DIXON, Gentleman. Borti March 9, 1844, being the only son of the late Thomas Dixon of Littleton, Cheshire, by his wife Anne Mary, dau. of Henry Potts of Glan-y-rafon, Denbighshire. A/'wry — Blue, yellow facings. Armorial bearings — Per chevron or and gules, on a chevron fimbriated per clievron between three lions' heads erased and counterchanged, five fleurs-de-lis reversed alternately. Mantling gules and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased per fesse argent and gules, charged on the neck with three fleurs-de-lis of the last, and pierced through the mouth by an arrow, and the point coming out at the back proper, feathered argent. Motto " Macte virtute esto." Married, July 27, 1865, Mary Isabelle, dau. of Ambrose Wain of Birkenhead. Seat — The Clappers, (Jresford, Denbighshire. Club— Royal Thames Yacht. S WILLIAM SMITH DIXON, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. for cos. Ayr and Lanark ; late Major 2nd R. Lanark Militia. Born 1824, being the eldest son of the late William Dixon of Govan Hill, by Elizabeth, dau. of John Strang of Glasgow. Armorial bearings -Argent, on a cross between four lozenges sable, an eagle displayed of the field. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter hand proper, holding a sword in bend sinister argent. Motto "Fortes fortuna juvat. " Married, 1851, Catherine Anne, dau. of David Napier of Singapore. Seat— Gowaxi Hill, Lanarkshire. Residence — 1^ Grosvenor Place, S.W, DIXON (H. Coll.). Gules, on a bend or, between two fox's heads erased of the last, three torteaux, on a chief nebuly ermine, a garb proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm vested or, the cuff gules, the hand holding a fox's head erased proper, a torteau. Motto — "Quod dixi dixi." Son of Thomas Dixon of Blythswood, Newcastle-on- Tyne, and of Eastfield House, Corbridge-on-Tyne : — Thomas Dixon, Gentleman. ^«.— Grenside House, co. Durham. DIXON-HARTLAND (R.L.. H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, argent, on a bend between two crescents sable, three pallets or, each charged with a stag's head erased of the second (Hartland); 2 and 3, per bend indented sable and or, two bendlets lietween as many lions passant all counterchanged (Dixon). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased or, gorged with a collar geniel, pendent therefrom by a chain a key in bend all sable (Hartland); 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion couped per fesse indented or and sable, supporting with the sinister paw an antique shield of the second, charged with a talbot's head erased of the first (Dixon). Motto — " Vive memor lethi." Livery— Navy blue, blue and white striped waistcoat. § is the Military Cockade. Dtr Dob 393 Son of Nathaniel Hartland of The Oaklands, Charlton Kings, b. 1791 ; d. 1866; in. (2nd) 1825, Eliza, d. and h. of Thomas Dixon of King's Lynn : — Sir Frederick Dixon Dixon-Hartland, ist Bart. (13 Oct. lets interlaced azure. Mantling gules and or. Crest Upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect proper, charged with two chevronels as in the arms, the hand grasping a spear passing through an annulet azure, bent sinisterwise. 1892), J. P. COS. Gloucester, Worcester, London, and Middx., C.A. Middx., a Member of the Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London, M.P. for Evesham 1880-S and for Uxbridge Div. of Middx. since 1885, F.S.A. F.R.G.S., b. 1832; m. ist, 1867, Grace Amy (rf. 1892), d. of Col. Wilson, K.H. ; 2nd, 1895, Agnes Chichester, d. of William Langham Christie, Esq., D.L., of Glyndebourne, Sussex ; and has surv. issue (by ist mar.) — Teresa Roma [w. 1894, Capt. Percy Moreton Scott C.V.O. , C.B.]; Amy Fridswede \jn. 1894, Fitzroy Cowper, Bairister-at-Law] ; and Norah Gladys \ni. 1900, Richard Bredan of the German Army]. Seats — Middle- ton Manor, nr. Bognor ; Ashley Manor, Cheltenham. Town res. — 14 Chesham Place, S.W. Clubs — Carlton, Garrick. DIXON-JOHNSON (Royal License, 1894). Quarterly, I and 4, per pale sable and azure, a saltire argent, charged with five cocks of the first between three towers, one in chief and two in fesse of the third, llames issuing therefrom proper, and in base two tilting-spears in saltire (for Johnson) ; 2 and 3, gules, on abend between six plates, three torteaux, a chief erminois (for Dixon of Ramshaw). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, an arm em- bowed in armour firing a pistol all proper (for Johnson) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erected vested erminois, cuffed argent, in the hand a roundle of the first (for Dixon). Motto—" Fortiter et sincere." Sons of the late Cuthbert Greenwood Dixon- Johnson, Esq., J. P. CO. Durham and N. Riding of York; assumed by Royal License 1894 the additional sur- name and arms of Dixon : — Cuthbert Francis Dixon-Johnson, Esq., late Capt. H.M. 6th InniskiUing Dragoons, b. 1871. ivai?— Ayhleyheads, CO. Durham. Resideiice—OsH^-^ooA, Croft-on-Tees, Darling- ton. Club — Cavalry. Charles William Dixon-Johnson, Gentleman, b. 1875. Sir ALFRED GRAHAM DOBBIN, Knight Bachelor (1900), High Sheriff of the city of Cork, J. P. for co. Cork. Born Sept. 10, 1853, being the second son of Leonard Dobbin and Alithea Maria, dau. of John Graham. Armorial bear- ings - Or, two chevronels gules, between three pairs of annu- Motto - " Deus dexter mens." Married, firstly. May 4, 1876, Margaret Reid [d. Feb. 25, 1884), dau. of Peter Ogilvie ; and has Issue by that marriage — (i) Leonard Graham Dobbin, Esq., Lieut. 9th K.R.R., b. Sept. 27, 1881 ; and Margaret Evelyn. He m. secondly, March 31, 1887, Kate, dau. of William Wise of Clifton, Bristol ; and has (2) Alfred William Dobbin, Esq., b. May 17, 1888. Residence— Frankfort, Montenotte, Cork. LiEUT.-CoL. GEORGE MILLER DOBBIN, J. P. cos. Louth and Armagh (High Sheriff 1884), Lieut.-Col. R.A. (retired list), and late Major Royal (late Bengal) Artillery. Born 1833, being the only surviving son of the late Leonard Dobbin of Armagh, by Mary, dau. of the late Rev. George Miller, D.D. Armorial bearings — Gules, five mullets of six points, two, one and two or, in the centre chief point a crescent of the last, between two flaunches chequy argent and sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest — Out of a mural crown an oak branch acorned proper, the crown charged with a crescent or. Motto — " Re e m.erito." Married, 1868, Elizabeth Jane, dau. of the late Lieut.-Col. George TurnbuU Marshall, Bengal Army ; and has Issue — (i) Leonard George William Dobbin, Esq., Captain Northamptonshire Regiment, b. March 31, 1871 ; (2) Herbert Thomas Dobbin, Gentleman, Lieut. Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, b. May 27, 1878 ; (3) George Henry Dobbin, Gentleman, b. 1881, d. 1892 ; (4) Arthur William Dobbin, Genntleman, b. March 24, 1883; Rhoda Margaret Elizabeth, Mary Marshall, and Annie. Seat — Drummulla House, Omeath, co. Louth. ARCHIBALD EDWARD DOBBS, Gentleman, being the only son of the late Archibald Edward Dobbs, of the Bengal Civil Service, by his wife. Miss Chapman. Armorial bearings Quarterly i and 4, per pale sable and argent, a chevron engrailed between three unicorns' heads, erased all counterchanged (for Dobbs) ; 2 and 3, sable, three lions passant guardant (the two in chief rencontrant) or (for Dal- way). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head erased argent. Motto — '' Amor Dei et proximi summa beatitudo." Married, May 4, 1875, Edith Mary, second daughter of James Timmins Chance, and has Issue. Residence — is the Naval Cockade. 394 Dot) Dob CONWAY HOWARD DOBBS. Esquire. J. P. for co. Antrim, High Sheriff for Carrickfergus 1875, and co. Louth i88a. /'<-/>» Aug. aa, 1818, being the third son of the late Conwiiy lidward Dobbs, fourtn son of the Very Rev. Ricltard Dobbs, Dean of Connor, by his wife Maria Sophia. Armorial bearings (Quarterly i and 4, per pale s;ible and .irgent. chevron engrailed Iwtween three unicorns' heads erased all counterchanged (for Dobbs) ; a and 3, sable, three lions passant guardant (the two in chief rencontrant) ur (for Dalway). MantUng sable and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head erased argent. Motto "Amor Dei et proximi summa beatitudo. " A/ar- ritd. March 14, 1865, Sar.-ih, dau. of St. Clair Kelburn Mulholland of Eglantine, Hillsboro', co. Down; and has lssu€ (i) Conway Richard Dobtjs, (ientleman, I^ieut. R.E., b. Dec. a, 1867 [/«. , .Vpril 18^5, Jane Constance, dau. of Carlston Atkinson] ; (a) St. Clair Mulholland Dobbs, Gentle- man, i. Jan. a9, 1870; (3) Henry Hugh Dobbs, Gentleman, b. Feb. 19.1875; Margaret Emmelme. 6'm/j— Glenariffc Lodge, Parkmore. co. Antrim ; Dalguise, Monkstown, co. Dublin. MONTAGUE Wn.LI AM EDWARD DOBBS, Esquire. J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff for co. Kildare 1871, and for CO. Antrim 1888, M..\. Trin. Coll., Cambridge, Barrister- at-Law. Bom Sept. a8. 1844. being the eldest son of the late Conway Richard Dobbs, Esq., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1841, and M.P. for CarrickferRus. by his first wife Charlotte Maria, dau. and co-heiicss of William Sinclair of Fort William, co. Antrim. Armorial bearings Quarterly I and 4, per pale &ible and argent, a chevron engrailed between three unicorns' heads erased all counterchanged (for Dobbs) ; a and 3, sable, three lions passant guardant (the two in chief rencontrant) or (for Dalway). Mantling sable and argent Crest — On a vtreath of the colours, a unicorn's head erased argent. Motto — "Amor Dei et pro.ximi summa beatitudo. " .S*a/~-Castle Dobbs, Carrick- fergus, CO. Antrim. Residence— CXonVeeMdm, Donadea, co. Kildare. C/»*-Sackville Street. ALFRED DOBREE, Gentleman. Born July 31, 1864, being the eldest son of the Rev. Prebendary Osmond g^5LY^^ lags — Gules, a crescent party per pale or and argent, between three trefoils slipped of the third. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours (ar- gent and gules), a mount, and thereon a thistle all proper. Residence — 16 St. George's TeiTace, Gloucester Road, S. W. M BONAMY DOBREE, Esq., a Member of the Com- w mission of Lieutenancy for the City. Born 1818, lieing the eldest son of the late Bonaniy Dobree, Gentle- man, and Caroline his wife, daughter of John Locke. 67«^x— Travellers', Union. Armorial bearings -Quarterly, Dobree, by his wife Mary, dau. of the late John Eaton of Claremont, Shrewsbury (and Mary, dau. of Sir Lauchlan MacLean, M.D., of Sudbury, Suffolk). Armorial bear- I. gules, a crescent per pale or and argent, between three trefoils slipped of the last (for Dobr6e) ; 2. ermine, two chevronels between three sinister hands apaum^, couped at the wrist g[ules (for Bonamy) ; 3. per pale azure and gules, a wolf rampant or (for Hankey) ; 4. azure, on a fesse between three saltires couped or, as many lions' heads erased of the field, collared argent (for Gale). Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a thistle slipped and leaved proper. Motto — " Spe vivitur." Married, Nov. 26, 1840, Emma, dau. of Nathaniel Snell Chauncy, Lord of the Manor of Little Memden, Herts ; and has Issue — (i) Harry Hankey Dobree, Gentleman, *. May 24, 1842 ; (2) Augustus Croft Dobree, Gentlemen (deceased) ; (3) Robert Arthur Dobree, Gentleman (deceased) ; (4) Bon- amy Dobree, Gentleman (deceased) ; Caroline Locke [m. Ferdinand Marshall Huth, Esq., to whom refer] and Mary Augusta \jH. Alured de Vere Brooke, Col. R.E.]. Estate — Beauregfard, Guernsey, Channel Islands. Residence — 4 Queen's Gate Place, llondon, S. W. SAMUEL DOBREE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Somerset. Born April 7, 1843, being the third but eldest surviving son and heir of the late Samuel Dobr^e^ Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Sussex and Somerset, by his wife Jane Mary, third daughter and co- heiress of Carteret Priaulx, Magistrate, of Guernsey. Livery — Dark green coat, medium striped white and red waist- coat, drab breeches (coachman) ; black plush breeches and white stockings or black trousers (footman) ; brass buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly, i. gules, acrescent per pale or and argent between three trefoils slipped of the last (for Dobree) ; 2. ermine, two chevronels between three sinister hands apaum^e, couped at the wrist gules (for Bonamy) ; 3. per pale azure and gules, a wolf rampant or (for Hankey) ; 4. azure, on a fesse between three saltires couped or, as many lions' heads erased of the field, collared argent (for Gale). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a thistle slipped and leaved proper; with the Motto, "Spe vivitur." Married, 1871, Mary Milford Tozer, second daughter of Stephen Franklin Bridge, Doctor of Medicine, late of Old Court, Wellington, in the county of Somerset ; and has sur- viving Issue — (i) The Rev. Herbert Carteret Priaulx Dobr6e, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Oxon.), born 1875 ; (2) Franklin Bonamy Hankey Dobree, Gentleman, born 1876 [m. eldest dau. of Col. Shepheard, Indian Army] ; (3) Richard Harry is the Military Cockade. DotJ £>o!) 395 Bonamy Melvill Dobr6e, Gentleman, born 1877, died May 16, 1903 ; Margaret Katherine Carey. Estates — The Priory, Wellington, in the county of Somerset, and other land. Postal addresses — The Priory, Wellington, Somerset. HUGH VERNER DQBSON, Esq., J. P. co. Somerset. Born Nov. 3, 1859, being the third but only surviving son of the late William Dobson of Gilnow, co. Lancaster, and of Oakwood, Bath, co. Somerset, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Benjamin Dobson. Armorial bearings- Argent, a fesse invected, in chief two lions' gambs erased in saltire between as many fleurs-de-lis all gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, two lions' gambs erased proper, entwined by a chain or, and sur- mounted by a fleur-de-lis gules. Motto — ' ' Robur cum virtute." Married, Sept. 22, 1885, Evelyn Diana, second dau. of Col. W. J. Verner. J?esidence — Perridge House, Pilton, Shepton Mallet. Chiis — Athenaeum, Oriental. MAURICE EDWARD DOCKRELL, Esquire, J. P. Born Dec. 21, 1850, being the eldest surviving son of the tween two crescents in chief of the last and a wreath of oak leaves in base proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gorged with a wreath of oak leaves proper, and charged on the shoulder with a crescent of the arms. MottO — " Semper idem." Alarried Margaret Sarah, dau. of George William Shannon; and has Issue — (\) Thomas Edward Dockrell, Gentleman; (2) Henry Morgan Dockrell, Gentleman; (3) Maurice Dockrell, Gentleman ; (4) George Shannon Dockrell, Gentleman; (5) Kenneth Brooks Dockrell, Gentleman; and Anne Dorothy. Res. — Camolin, Monkstown, co. Dublin. DOD, quartered by BAKER. DOD, see WOLLEY-DOD. DODD (H. Coll.). Or, a garb vert, between two branches of holly slipped and fructed proper, palewise, within as many fiaunches gules, each charged with a crescent of the first. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a garb or, environed with a serpent vert, a crow sable. Motto — Son of late John Dodd of Hale, Bowden, Cheshire : — John Dodd, Gentleman, b. . ^e^.— The Hollies, Oldham, Lanes. DODDINGTON, see MARRIOTT-DODDINGTON. RICHARD BALL DODSON, G.-ntleman, only son of Richard Whatcoat Dodson, by his wife Harriett Stiles, only daughter of the late Joseph H. Ball of Richmond #«^!|? late Ihomas Dockrell, Esq., J. P., by his wife Anne Morgan Brooks. Armorial bearings Argent, a fesse azure, be- Hall, Philadelphia, in Pennsylvania, one of the United States of America. Armorial bearings are : Argent, a fesse nebuly gules, in chief a trefoil slipped of the last between two fleurs-de-lis sable, and in base a fleur-de-lis of the last between two trefoils slipped of the second ; and for a Crest, a demi-lion argent, holding in the dexter paw a trefoil as in the arms, and resting the sinister paw on a fleur-de-lis sable ; with the Motto, "Credo." Postal address — i Vicarage Gardens, Brighton, Sussex. DODWELL, quartered by BLAKE and BROWNE. CAPTAIN DANIEL HENRY DOHERTY-WATER- HOUSE, formerly of 3rd Hussars, afterwards of the Antrim Artillery Militia. Born , being tiie son of the Right Hon. John Doherty, Lord Chief-Justice of Com- mon Pleas, Ireland, by Elizabeth Lucy his wife, dau. of the late J. W. Wall, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Coolnamuck Court, co. Waterford ; and assumed by Royal License, 1872, the additional surname and arms of Waterhouse. Armorial bearings— Quarterly 1 and 4, or, on a pile engrailed sable, a fountain, and (for distinc- tion) in chief a cross crosslet gold (for Waterhouse) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron engrailed between three trefoils slipped vert, a cross crosslet fitch^e or (for Doherty) ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Water- is tbe Naval Cockade. 396 E)Ol Dom house without the mark or distinction. Mantling sable and or ; and Tor his OrwtS. i. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an eagle's lee eraseid at the thigh or, issuant there- from a wing in bend sable, a fountain, and charged (for distinction) on the thigh with a cross crosslet sable (for Waterhouse) ; a. upon a wreath of the colours, an arm in armour embowed proper, char|;ed with a cross crosslet fitch*^, the hand graspnig a scimitar also proper. Motto — "Veritas vincit omnia." Married, 187a, Catharine Grace Waterhouse of Well Head, Halifax, co. York. Seat— Well Head, Halifax, co. York. EDMUND DOLIER, Gentleman, of Knocklinn, co. Wicklow. Bom 1857, being the eldest son of Edmund D'Olier, Esq., of Knockhnn, High Sheriff of Dublin (city) 1864, who ?aV. blue, scarlet vest. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or, on a fesse dancettfe. between two boars' heads couped in chief and a lion rampant in base gules, two martlets of the field (for Hud- son) ; 2 and 3 argent, a lymphad sable between three dolphins naiant azure (for Donaldson). Mantling gules and or. Crests 1. on a wreath of the colours, upon a mill-rind fesseways sable, a lion's head erased or, gorged with a bar gemel indented gules (for Hudson) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, in front of a saltire azure, a cubit arm erect grasping a dagger, and charged with a thistle all proper. Married, 1899, Muriel, only dau. of Robert Drummond Balfour of Sherrards, Herts, and has Issue — Michael Donaldson-Hudson, Gentleman, b. 1900; and Ruth. Seat — Cheswardine Hall, Market Drayton. Clubs — Cavalry, Army and Navy. JAMES HENRY FRANCIS DONEGAN. Esquire, Lt.-Col. (retired) 3rd Batt. Royal Munster Fusiliers, J. P. CO. of city of Cork. Born , being the third son of the late Daniel Donegan, Esq., J. P. co. of city of Cork; of Carrigmore, Cork, and his wife, Anne Maria Johanna Barry, dau. of the late James Barry, Esq., of Cork. Ar monal bearings - Argent, three ermine spots in pale sable, between four lions rampant, those in the dexter chief and sinister base gules, those in the sinister chief and dexter base of the second. Mantling sable and argent. Crest - A mural crown, thereon a robin redbreast all proper. Motto — "'Virtus non vertitur." Postal address 6 Alexandra Place, Cork. Clubs— ]\xn\OT United Service, Royal Cork Yacht (Queenstown), The Cork Club (Cork). DONELAN (U.O.). Argent, an oak-tree eradicated vert. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a lion rampant or. Motto — " Omni violentia major." Sons of Thomas O'Conor Donelan of Sylanmore and Peterswell, ^. 1812 ; d. 1874; m. 1851, Elizabeth, eld. d. of Joseph Burke of Ower, co. Galway : — Dermot O'Conor Donelan, Esq. J. P. co. Galway, b. 1853. Seat. — Sylanmore, Tuam, co. Galway. Chtb — County (Galway). Joseph O'Conor Donelan, Gentleman, b. 1856. Seat — San Miguel, Manila. Club — Thatched House. John O'Conor Donelan, Gentleman, M.D., b. 1866. Res. — Portrane House, Donabate. Club — Stephen's Green (Dublin). Thomas O'Conor Donelan, Gentleman, M.R.C.S., late Lieut. 4th Batt. Connaught Rangers, b. 1872. Res. — Men- ston, nr. Leeds. Son of Stephen Joseph Donelan, Esq., J. P., of Killagh, b. 1789 ; d. 1866 ; in. 1826, Evelyne 'Wilhelmina Catherine, d. of Robert French of Monivea Castle : — Stephen Joseph Robert Donelan, Gentleman, b. 1830. 5«a^— Killagh, co. Galway. C/«35 Hibernian United .Service (Dublin), County (Galway). JAMES DONELAN, Gentleman, Chevalier of the Crown of Italy (Royal Licence), Bachelor of Medicine (with Honours), Master of Surgery (with Honours), Bachelor of Obstetrics Royal University of Ireland 1886, Fellow of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London 1887, Physician to the Throat Dept. of the Italian Hospital, Queen's Square, London, Honorary Physician to the Royal Society of Musicians of England, &c. &c. Born June 26, 1857, being the eldest son of John Donnellan of Mount Kennett, Limerick, by his wife Margaret, eldest dau. of the late lames Clampett of that city. Live/y -Buff (white) green facings. Armorial bearings— Argent, an oak tree eradicated proper, on the sinister side thereof a slave sable, tited gules, a bordure vert, over all a label of three points for difference, impaling the arms of Taylor, namely argent, a saltire wavy sable, between in pale two hearts gules and in fesse two cinquefoils. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the coloiirs, a lion rampant, the dexter fore- paw grasping a sprig of three oak leaves all proper. Motto— " Omni violentia major." Married, June 15, 1889, Sophia Annie, second dau. of the late Major-Gen. James M'Killop Taylor, formerly commanding Bombay Cavalry Division by his wife Isabella Bannerman, dau. of Arthur Campbell, Gentleman, of Katrine, Ayrshire) ; and has Issue— Conor John Donelan, Gentleman, b. Aug. 30, 1898 ; and Honoria, Isabella. Postal addresses— 6 Manchester Square, London, ■W. ; Bruntsfield, Harrow-on-the-Hill. Clubs— Roy&X .So- cieties', St. James's Street (S."W.). DONNE, quartered by HULLEY. JOHN DONNELLAN, Gentleman (eldest surviving descendant of William Donelan of Leitrim, co. Galway, High Slieriff for that county in 1641). Born March 22, 1823, being the only son of Patrick Donelan, subsequently is the Naval Cockade. 398 Don Dor Donnellan, of Limerick, by his wife Mary, dau. of John O'Grady of Trugh, co. Clare. Armotial bearliigi Argent, an oak tree eradicated proper, on the sinister side thereof a slave sable, tied gules, within a Imrdure vert, and imfaling argent, a bfnd indented ^les and ature, bettvem a lion's head erased guardant dexter proper and a eovered (up gules (for Clampetl of Limerick and iVaterford). [J'he arms of Clampett are not registered in Ulster's office.^ OrMt— On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant, the dexter fore-paw grasping a spray of three oak leaves all proper. MottO—"Onmi violentia major." Martied, J&n. 8, 18^6. Margaret, eldest dau. of James Clampett of Limerick; and has Issue— [i) James Donelan, Gentle- man, of a Upper Wimpole Street, London, W., />. June a6, 1857 [to whom refer'; (a) Patrick Donnellan, Gentleman, Philadelphia. U.S.A., M.D.. *. Dec. i, i86o; (3) John Nicholas Donnellan, Gentleman, of 8 Grosvenor Street, Grosvenor Square, W., *. Sept. 10, 1866; (4) Robert Vincent Donnellan, Gentleman, of Chiu-ch Stretton, Shropshire, L. R.C.P. and S., Edinburgh, 1897, i. July 19, 1868; (s) Francis O'Grady Donnellan, Gentleman, ^. Feb. 9, 1871 ; Mary Frances, a nun in Loreto Abbey, Dalkey, CO. Dublin ; Lllen Anne, a nun in Loreto Abbey, Rathfarn- ham, CO. Dublin; Alice Honoria, eing the second son of John Donnellan of Mount Kennett, Limerick, by his wife Margaret, eldest daa of James Clampt-tt, Gentleman, of Limerick. C/uis — University (Philadelphia). Armorial bearlnsrs— Argent, an oak tree eradicated proper, on the sinister side thereoif a slave sable, tied gules, within a bordure vert, and impal- ing gules, a bend argent charged with six holly leaves in pairs, and cotised or (for Ryan of Eaglesmere, Williamsport, Penn., U.S.A.). [The arms of Ryan are not registered.^ Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant, the dexter fore-paw grasping a spray of three oak leaves all proper. Motto — " Omni violentia major. " Married, Oct. 16, 1894, Florence Tinsman, elder dau. of John J. Ryan of Eaglesmere, Williamsport, Penn., Chairman of Phila- delphia and Williamsport Railway. Postal address — 1028 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Major -General Sir JOHN FRETCHEVILLE DYKES DONNELLY, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, served in the Crimea, twice mentioned in despatches, medal and two clasps, Knight of the Legion of Honour, has Turkish medal. Bom 1834, being the son of Lieut.-Col. T. Donnelly, H.E.LC.S. ; Secretary and Permanent Head of Science and Art Department, South Kensington, since 1884 ; created C.B. (Civil Div.) 1886, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander, 1893. Clui — Athenaeum. Armorial beuing^s — Argent, two lions ram- pant combatant supporting a dexter hand couped apaum^e between three mullets two and one gules, pierced of the field, in base the sea, therein a salmon naiant projjer. Mantling' gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a naked arm embowed grasping a straight sword propier, hilt and pommel or, encircled with a pointed Irish crown of the last. Motto — " Lamh dearg Eiren." Married, firstly, 1871, Adeliza, second daughter of F. L. B. Dykes of Dovenby Hall, in the county of Cumber- land (she died 1873). Postal addresses — 59 Onslow Gardens, London, S.W. ; Felday, Dorking, Surrey. DONNINGTON, quartered by FOX and CONYERS. DONOUGHMORE, see HELY-HUTCHINSON. ST. JOHN HENRY DONOVAN, Esquire, of Seafield, CO. Kerry, J. P. for that county. Chairman of Kerry County Council, and of Tralee Harbour Board. Bom Oct. 29, 1863, being the only son of the late Sir Henry Donovan of Clogher's House, Seafield, Tralee, J. P., High Sheriff co. Kerry 1873, who d. i886, by Kathleen, dau. of the Hon. Patrick Morris of St. John's, Newfoundland, Colonial Treasurer. Livery— VJYiilc, red waistcoat and red facings. Amorial bearings— Argent, issuing from the sinister side of the shield a dexter cubit arm vested gules, cuffed azure, the hand grasping an old Irish sword, the blade entwined with a serpent all proper, in the dexter chief point a cross crosslet fitchte of the second. Mantlingp gules and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a falcon alighting S roper, holding in the lieak a cross crosslet fitchc^e gules. [oito " Adjuvante l>eo in hostes." Married, June 1886, .Susiin Josephine, dau. of the late Daniel Donovan of Ball- yard, CO. Kerry (she d. 1891), and has L<:sue Henry Joseph Brendan Donovan, Esq., b. May 15, 1887; Miriam Agnes ; Kathleen Mary ; and Agnes Mary Aloysia. Seat Seafield, Tralee. DOOLAN, quartered by COPE, SMaj. LAMBERT JOHN DOPPING-HEPENSTAL, Royal Engineers, J. P. Born 1859, being the eldest son of the late Lt.-Col. Ralph Anthony Dopping-Hepenstal, J. P. and D. L. co. Longford (High Sheriff 1859) of Derrycassan, by his first wife Diana Margaret, dau. and heir of the Rev. Lambert W. Hepenstal of Altadore. C/«*— Kildare Street (Dublin). Livery — Dark blue, with red facings. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per chevron ermine and argent, on a chevron gules, between in chief a cross crosslet of the third and in base an eagle displayed sable, three cinquefoils of the second (for Hepenstal) ; 2 and 3 gules, a chevron ermine, in base a plate, a chief chequy argent and azure, a bordure engrailed or (for Dopping). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a pelican in her piety proper, on the breast a cross crosslet gules (for Hepenstal) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot's head argent, chained or, and gorged with a collar engrailed gules, thereon three bezants. Motto— " Virescit vulnere virtus." Estates in cos. Dublin, Longford, and Wicklow. Seats — Derrycassan, Granard, co. Longford; Altadore Castle, CO. Wicklow. DORLING (H. Coll.). Per pale vert and gules, on a pale between two snaffle-bits or, a griffin segreant sable. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from an annulet, a griffin's claw erect and erased at the thigh, holding a fleur-de-lis all or. Motto — " Pone irae frena." Son of Henry Dorling of Strood Green House, Croydon : — Francis Dorling, Gentleman, b. Res. — Duns Cottage, Famborough, Hants. DORMAN (H. Coll.). Argent, two bars azure, over all a lozenge sable, thereon three leopard's faces in pale of the is tbe Military Cockade, Dor Dou 399 field. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, a lion's paw erased sable, grasping a javelin in bend sinister proper, transfixing a leopard's face argent. Motto—" Virtus in arduis." Livery — Dark blue. Sons of Charles Dorman of Ashford, Kent, b. 1809; d. 1885 ; 7n. , Emma, d. of Richard Wilson Page : — Arthur John Dorman, Esq., J. P. North Rdg. Yorks., i. 1848 ; m. 1873, Clara Share, d. of George Lockwood, Esq. , f.P. ; andhas surv. issue — (i) Arthur Charles Dorman, Esq., J. P. North Rdg. Yorks, 6. 1874; (2) Bedford Lock- wood Dorman, Gentleman, i. 1879; (3) Arthur John Dor- man, Gentleman, 6. 1881 ; Clara Lilian ; Frances Mary ; and Alice. Seat— Grey Towers, Nunthorpe, R.S.O., Yorks. Cluis — Junior Athenasum, St. Stephen's. Alfred Mark Dorman, Gentleman, 6. 1851 ; m. ist, 1878, Laura Mary (d. 1890), d. of Joseph Hunt Brooke of Folke- stone ; 2nd, 1895, his cousin Mary Louisa Dorman ; and has issue — (i) Leslie Claude Dorman, Esq.,Capt. Worcs. Regt. , 3. 1879; (2) Mark Dorman, Gentleman, (J. 1881; (3) Richard Brooke Dorman, Gentleman, 1^. 1890; and Florence Mary. /?es. — The Whist, Ashford, Kent ; 10 Manor Road, Folkestone. Frank Dorman, Gentleman, i. 1858. J?es. — Vancouver, B.C. Son of Frederick William 'Dorman, 6. 1853; d. 1884: nt. Emily, d. of Rev. Charles Wyncoll :— Edgar Dudley Dorman, Gentleman, 6. 1883. Ygst. son of Mark Dorman of Ashford, Kent, 3. 1783 ; d. i860 ; m. , Mary, d. of Peter Tow : — James Dorman, Esq., J.P., iJ. 1833; m. i860, Elizabeth Warren Elkington ; ancf has issue — Seven sons and three daus. j'Pe;-. — Bray brooke Terrace, Hastings. DORMER, see COTTRELL-DORMER, UPTON- COTTRELL-DORMER. DORRIEN, see SMITH-DORRIEN. DORSETT, quartered by EVANS. DOUGALL, see RONEY-DOUGALL. DOUGLAS, see AKERS- DOUGLAS, BROWN - DOUGLAS, CAMPBELL-DOUGLAS, and PALMER- DOUGLAS. DOUGLAS, quartered by HOPE. ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS, Gentleman, M.A., Lord of the Manor and Patron of the Living of Salwarpe, Solicitor. Born April 10, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Rev. William Willoughby Douglas, M.A. , J. P., Rector of Salwarpe and Hon. Canon of Worcester, and Frances Jane his wife, dau. of William Wybergh How of Shrewsbury. Ar- morial bearings Argent, three piles gules, on a chief of the second, two mullets of the first, all within a bordure ermine, charged with three cross crosslets filched sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a man's heart gules, ensigned with an imperial crown between two wings or. Motto — " Spero." Married, April 23, 1885, Caroline Ada, dau. of Gen. Arthur Francis of Cheltenham ; and has Issue— [\) Francis William Gresley Douglas, Gentle- man, b. Jan. 15, 1886 ; (2) Harold Archibald Douglas, Gen- tleman, b. Sept. 2, 1887 ; Ada Gladys ; Margaret Elspeth ; and Kathleen Mary. 5ea<— Kingsland, Newcastle, Staffs. JAMES TORY DOUGLAS, Gentleman, Master Mariner. Born July 11, 1864, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Harigad Douglas, formerly of St. Bride's House, Borough- muirhead, by his wife Jane Catherine Rachel, dau. of Alexander Simpson of Edinburgh. Armorial bearings — Argent, a cinquefoil sable, on a chief gules, two stars of the field. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of the liveries, a hand grasping a man's heart proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Sicker." Married, Dec. 1896, Mary Louise, dau. of Rev. John MacGowan, CM. of Amoy, of China; and has /w««— Marjorie. Residence— Yion^-YLong. ROBERT HINDE DOUGLAS, Gentleman. Master Marmer. Born Oct. 31, 1871, being the third son of the late Thomas Harigad Douglas, formerly of St. Bride's House, Boroughmuirhead, by his wife Jane Catherine Rachel, dau. of Alexander Simpson ot Edinburgh. Armo- rial bearings— Argent, a cinquefoil salile within a bor- dure azure, on a chief gules, two mullets of the field. Mantling sable doubled argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand grasping a man's heart proper, and on an escroll over the same this Motto, "Sicker." Reside n ce — S WILLIAM CHARLESIDOUGLAS, Esquire, D.S.O., Lt.-Col., comdg. 3rd Batt. the Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), J. P. CO. Forfar. Born June 18, 1862, being the eldest son of the late William Douglas of Brigton, Forfarshire, by his wife Ellen, dau. of John Rigge of Hawkshead, Lanes. Livery — Light drab, scarlet facings. Armorial bearings (L.O. 1900, matric. as cadet on proof of descent from the Earls of Angus) — Quarterly i and 4, argent, a heart gules, ensigned with arc, imperial crown proper on a chief azure, three mullets of the field (for Douglas) ; 2 and 3, argent, a cross embattled sable (for Auchinleck), over all dividing the quarters a cross raguly of the last, the whole within a bordure invected azure, charged with eight holly leaves or. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a salamander in flames of fire proper. Motto— " Jamais arriere." Married, Aug. 24, 1892, Jeannette Duguid, dau. of late Peter Hutchison of Thornwood, Glasgow, Shipowner ; and has Issue — Marion Ellen ; Jeannette Elizabeth Edith Grizel ; Margaret is the Naval Cockade. 40O Dou DotD Eupham Ouguid; luid M&rjorie Alison Hutchison. Jiesi- ilrwM— Brigton, Douglastown, near Forfar. CMt — Junior United Service and junior Conservative. DOUGLASS, see BLACKF.R-DOUGLASS. JOHN WILLIAM EDWARD lAMl-IS DOUGLAS of Tilquhillie, Esquire, J. P. cos, of Kincardine and Aber- deenshire. Bom Feb. i6, i86^. being the eldest son of lohn Sbolto Douglas, by his wife Vanda, dau. of Baron Ernest de Pocllnitt. Armorial baarlngs— (.>uarterly i and 4, argent a heart imperially crowned proper, on a chief azure, three mullets of the field ; 2. argent, three piles gules, on a chief of the last two mullets of the first ; 3. argent, three mascles sable, on a chief of the last, as many lions passant guardant of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter hand issuing from clouds holding a sword erect proper. Motto (over the crest)— "God for us." Supporters — Two savages wreathed head and middle with a garland of oak leaves, each with a club in his exterior hand resting on his .shoulder proper. Married Nov. 7, 1901, Baroness Olga de Reuter, only dau. of Baron de Reuter. Postal address— Feugh Lodge, Banchory, N.B. C/«*— Wellington. HENRY LEWIS DOULTON, Esquire. Born Feb. 12, 1853, being the only son of the late Sir Henry Doulton, Knight Bachelor, J. P., by his wife Sarah, dau. of John Lewis Kennaby. Livery — Black. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a pale invected or, between two goats' heads erased of the last, a lion rampant sable between two es- callops gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion sable, holding in the dexter paw a cr os crosslet or, and resting the sinister upon an escut- cheon argent, charged with a vase proper. Motto — " Le beau est la splendour de vrai." Married, April 18, 1885, Jessie Maria, dau. of Geo. Thompson White. 5«a/j— Bowling Green House, Putney Heath, S. W. ; Woolpit, Ewhurst,near Guildford, Surrey. Cluis— St. Stephen's, Westminster. DOULTON (H. Coll.). Or, on a pile vert, between four cross crosslets fitchde two and two in saltire in base, a dragon rampant wings expanded all counterchanged. Mantling' vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross crosslet fitch^e erect vert, a dragon wings expanded, resting the dexter foreclaw on a . Motto — " Excelsior." Son of : — Alfred Percy Doulton, Gentleman, Solicitor, fi. Res. — York Lodge, Walton-on-Thames. DOWDALL (U.O.). Gules, a fess between six martlets argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a martlet argent, crowned or. Sons of late Rev. Launcelot Dowdall, M.A., Rector of Rathfarnham, b. ; d. ; m. Maria, d. of John Downing, Judge of the Supreme Court of the Kandian Provinces : — Rev. Launcelot John George Downing Dowdall, B.U., M.A., LL.B. (Dub.), *. ^«.— West Lodge, Sackville Road, Hove, Brighton. Lawrence Charles Edward Downing Dowdall, Esq., C.B., (Civ., 1901), M.A. (Trin, Coll., Dub.), Chief Clerk in Irish Office 1887-1892, Private Sec. to Ri. Honbles. John Morley, G. W. Balfour, and George Wyndham, successively Chief Secretaries for Ireland, 1892-1901, since when he has been a Principal Clerk in Chief Secretary's Office, Dublin, b. 185a, /?«.— The Castle, Dublin. C/«^— University (Dublin). Raymond Alexander Granville Fullerton Downing Dowdall, Gentleman, M.D. (Dub.), b. Res. — Mountjoy Prison, Dublin. DOWNES, see GROSVENOR. S CHARLES VILLIERS S. DOWNES, Esquire, J.P. for the CO. of Bedford, High Sheriff 1896, Lt.-Col. late E. Lanes. Regt. Born Oct. 15, 1846, being the eld. son of the late Rev. R. Downes, M.A. (Oxon.), Vicar of Sundon, in the co. of Bedford, by his wife, the late Charlotte Julia is tbe Military Cockade. Plate XIII. £*gITT^30I2 )03rl2II3© 3>-K,€.€.US fioyD Doto Dre 401 E. , dau. and co-heiress (with her sister, Emma J. B., wife of H. Brandreth, Esq., of Houghton Hall, Beds., both de- ceased) of the late Lieut.-Col. C. Hervey Smith, 40th Foot, M.A. (Oxon.), of Aspley House, in the co. of Bedford, J. P. and D.L. for that county. Clubs — Naval and Military, Bedford, Town and County. Livety — Black, white facings. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, per pale sable and gules, a stag lodged argent, holding in the mouth an ear of wheat leaved and slipped or, between four garbs saltireways of the third (for Downes) ; 2 and 3, per fesse nebuly sable and argent, a pale with three cross crosslets crossed two and one, and as many demi-men affront^ couped, each holding in both hands a club in bend, one and two, all countercharged (for Smith of Aspley House). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon two ears of wheat leaved and slipped or, a lapwing with wings addorsed proper. Motto — " Soies content." Married, Jan. 10, 1884, Catherine Elizabeth Anne, dau. of the late F. Thompson, Esq., of Wimbledon Park; and has surv. Issue — (i) Villiers Chernocke Downes, Gentleman, b. March 5, 1891 ; (2) Archer Chernocke Downes, Gentle- man, b. Aug. 5, 1892 ; Dorothy Chernocke ; and Marjorie Chernocke. Estates — Aspley House, Aspley Guise, in co. of Bedford, and Kites Hardwick Manor, in co. of War- wick. Postal address — Aspley House, Aspley Guise, Beds. JOHN SHEEN DOWNES, Gentleman. Born June 8, 1850, being the younger son of the late Rev. R. Downes, M.A. (Oxon.), Vicar of Sundon, in the co. of Bedford, by his wife Charlotte Julia E. , dau. and co-heiress (with her sister Emma J. B. , wife of H. Brandreth, Esquire, of Houghton Hall, Beds., both deceased) of the late Lieut.-Col. C. Hervey Smith, 40th Foot, M.A. (Oxon), of Aspley House, in the co. of Bedford, J. P. and D. L. for that county. Livery —Black, white facings. Armorial bearings — Per pale sable and gules, a stag lodged argent, holding in the mouth an ear of wheat leaved and slipped or, between four garbs saltireways of the third (for Downes). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon two ears of wheat leaved and slipped or, a lapwing with wings addorsed proper. Motto — "Soies content." Married, i8gi, Mary, dau. of Dr. J. Bentley. Postal address — Newmarket, Ontario, Canada. of the Hon. and Rev. Edward Pellew ; and has /ssite-{i) Guy Pellew D'Oyly, Gentleman, b. 1864 ; (2) Claude Pellew D'Oyly, Gentleman, b. 1866 ; Maude Helen ; Constance Frances ; Evelyn Breure ; Mabel Emily ; Sybil Margaret ; and Cecily Joane. Town residence -6 Pembridge Villas, Bayswater, London, W. C/«^— East India United Ser- S CHARLES MERVYN DOYNE, Esq.. J.P. and D.L. CO. Wexford (High Sheriff 1873, and co. Carlow 1875) M.A. Cantab. Born 1839, being the eldest son of the late Robert Stephen Doyne, Esq., J.P. and D.L., of Wells, by Sarah Emily, dau. of Joseph Pratt of Cabra Castle, co. Cavan. C/ambay ; of Strageath and Balquhandy, ca Perth. Armorial bearlngt— Or, three bars wavy — Quarterly i and 4, azure, a hart trippant argent (for Lowe) ; a and 3, argent, on a chief vert, two mullets or, each charged with an annulet azure. MantllTig azure and argent. Cresta — I. on a wreath of the colours, a wolf passant argent (for Lowe) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a greyhound courant sable, gorged with a plain collar and charged with two mullets all or. Kesidtnce — ROBERT HENRY DRURY-LOWE, Esquire. Colonel late Grenadier Guards^; served in the Kaffir War, Indian Mutiny as A.D.C. to Commander-in-Chief at Delhi, D.A.A.G. in China i860, D.A.Q.M.G. in Canada 1863-4, J. P. for CO. Derby. Born October 7, 1831, Ijeing the third son of the late William Drury Holden Lowe (who assumed by Sign Manual 1849 the surname of Lowe), J. P. and D. L. for CO. Derby, High Sheriff 1854, hy his wife Hon. Caroline Esther Curzon, youngest dau. of Kt. Hon. Nathaniel, 2nd Lord Scarsdale. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure, a hart trippant argent (for Lowe) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a chief vert, two mullets or, each charged with an annu- let azure (for Drury). Mantling azure and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a wolf passant argent (for Lowe) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a greyhound courant sable, gorged with a plain collar and charged with two mullets all or. Married, May 15, 1862, Ellen, eldest' dau. of Joseph Pocklington-Senhouse of Netherall, co. Cumber- land. Residence — VINCENT FRANCIS KEPPEL DRURY-LOWE. Gentleman, late 63rd Regt. Born July i, 1847, being the fourth son of the late William Drury Holden Lowe (who assumed by Sign Manual 1849 the surname of Lowe), J. P. and D.L. for co. Derby, High Sheriff 1854, by his wife Hon. Caroline Esther Curzon, youngest dau. of Rt. Hon. Nathaniel, 2nd Lord Scarsdale. Armorial bearings- Quarterly I and 4, azure, a hart trippant argent (for Lowe) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a chief vert, two mullets or, each charged with an annulet azure. Mantling azure and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a wolf passant argent (for Lowe) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a greyhound courant sable, gorged with a plain collar and charged with two mullets all or. Married, April 28, 1877, Elizabeth Mary, only dau. of Dr. Christmas. Resi- dence — gules within a bordure engrailed azure, charged with three mullets argent, in fesse point a crescent of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter arm in armour from the shoulder embowed, the hand holding a falchion proper ; and in an escroU over the same this Motto, "Caute sed intrepide." Postal address — Balquhandy, Dunning, co. Perth, N.B. C/wi— Caledonian. Resides abroad. General Sir DRURY CURZON DRURY-LOWE, G.C.B. ; served in the Crimea, Indian Mutiny, command- ing Cavalry Brigade in South Africa 1881, Egypt 1882, at Aldershot 1884, Inspector-General of Cavalry 1890. Born Jan. 3, 1830, being the second son of the late William Drury Holden Lowe (who assumed by Sign Manual 1849 the surname of Lowe), J. P. and D.L. for co. Derby, High Sheriff 1854, by his wife Hon. Caroline Esther Curzon, youngest dau. of Rt. Hon. Nathaniel, 2nd Lord Scarsdale. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure, a hart trippant argent (for Lowe) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a chief vert, two mulU-ts or, each charged with an annulet azure. Mantling azure and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a wolf passant argent (for Lowe) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a greyhound courant sable, gorged with a plain collar and charged with two mullets all or (for Drury). Residence — Key Dell, Horndean, R.S.O., Hants. Club — Army and Navy. RICHARD CURZON SHERWIN DRURY-LOWE, Gentleman, late loth Hussars. Bom July 23, 1849, being the fifth son of the late William Drury Holden Lowe (who assumed by Sign Manual 1849 the surname of Lowe), Esq., J. P. and D.L. for co. Derby, High Sheriff 1854, by his wife Hon. Caroline Esther Curzon, youngest dau. of the Rt. Hon. Nathaniel, 2nd Lord Scarsdale. Armorial bearings WILLIAM DRURY NATHANIEL DRURY-LOWE, Esq., J. P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1893), late Lieut, nth Hussars. Bom July 13, 1828, being the eldest son of the late William Drury Holden of Denby and Locko aforesaid is the Military Cockade. J Duti [who assumed on the death of his grandmother, Anne wife of Wilham Drury-Lowe, in the year 1849, the surname of Lowe, by Royal Sign- Manual dated July 19, 1853], J. P. and D.L. for CO. Derby, High Sheriff for the same 1854, by his wife Hon. Caroline Esther, youngest dau. of the Right Hon. Nathaniel Curzon, 2nd Baron Scarsdale ; assumed by Royal License, dated Aug. 16, 1884, the surname and arms of Drury, in addition to and before that of Lowe. Armorial bearingB —Quarterly i and 4, azure a hart trippant argent (for Lowe) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chief vert, two mullets or, each charged with an annulet azure (for Drury), and impaling the arms of Needham, namely, argent a bend engrailed azure, between two bucks' heads caboshed sable. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a wolf passant argent (for Lowe) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a greyhound courant sable, gorged with a plain collar, and charged with two mullets all or (for Drury). Mottoes -' ' Duty leads me " (Lowe) ; " Droyt et devount " (Drury). Married, Dec. 16, 1876, Lady Lucy, eldest dau. of Francis Jack Needham, Esq., commonly called Viscount Newry, and sister of the present Rt. Hon. Earl of Kilmorey ; and has Issue— [x) William Drury Drury-Lowe, Gentleman! Lieut. Grenadier Guards, b. Sept. 30, 1877 ; (2) John Alfred Edwin Drury-Lowe, Gentleman, b. Dec. 6, 1881 ; (3) Law- rence Robert Charles Drury-Lowe, Gentleman, b. Aug. 7, 1883; (4) Edward Nathaniel Drury-Lowe, Gentleman', b. Oct. 22, 1888 ; Lucy Ann ; Dorothy Margaret ; and Grace. Seat —'L.ocM.q Park, Derby. C/«^j — Carlton, Travellers'. ARTHUR GREY DUBERLY, Esquire, J.P. co. Bedford, late Lt.-Col. i6th Regt., Reserve of Officers serving with remounts in South Africa. Born Dec. 15, 1846, being the fourth son of the late James Duberly, Esq. (eldest son of Sir James Duberly), of Gaynes Hall, who served in the Penin- sula and Flanders in the nth Dragoons, by his wife Emily Hannah, third dau. of Col. Hon. William Grey (brother of Earl Grey). Livery— hoMe green coat, striped yellow waist- coat and drab overcoat. Armorial bearings (1766)— Vert, on a fesse or, between two garbs in chief of the last and a sickle in base argent, the handle gold, an arrow barways gules, headed and flighted of the third, between two estoiles azure. Mantling vert and or. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed proper, holding in the hand three ears of wheat or. Motto—' ' Res non verba. " Mar- ried, Nov. 10, 1877, Ida Mary Villiers, second dau. of R. W. Farrer of Mitchellstown, co. Cork; and has Issue- (i) James Duberly, Gentleman, 2nd Lieut. 2nd Royal Berks, served in South Africa (1901-1902), b. March 14, 1882 ; (2) Vernon Conrad Duberly, Gentleman, 2nd Lieut. Royal Field Artillery, b. June 22, 1885; (3) Montagu Richard William Duberly, Gentleman, b. 1887. Seat- The Barns, Fenlake, Beds. §GREY WILLIAM DUBERLY, Esquire, Captain Grenadier Guards. Born June 29, 1875, being the eldest son of the late William Duberly, Esq., of Gaynes Hall, J.P. and D.L. co. Huntingdon, High Sheriff 1884, Capt. Grenadier Guards, by his wife Hon. Rosa Louisa Vernon Sandys, youngest dau. of Rt. Hon. Arthur Marcus Cecil, 2nd Lord Sandys. Armorial bearings (1766) —Vert, on a fesse or, between two garbs in chief of the last and a sickle in base argent, the handle gold, an arrow barways gules headed and flighted of the third, between two estoiles azure. Mantling vert and or. Crest-On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed proper, holding in the hand three ears of wheat or. Motto — " Res non verba. ' ' Seat— Gaynes Park, St. Neots, co. Huntingdon. C/ubs— Guards' , Brooks's, Bachelors', JAMES GREY DUBERLY. Esquire, J.P. co. of Cambridge, late Lieut. R.N. Born Dec. 5, 1855, being the sixth son of the late James Duberly, Esq. (eldest son of Sir James Duberly), of Gaynes Hall, who served in the Peninsula and at Waterloo in the nth Lt. Dragoons, by his wife Emily Hannah, third dau. of Col. Hon. William Grey (brother of Earl Grey). Armorial bearings (1766)— Vert, on a fesse or, between two garbs in chief of the last and a sickle in base argent, the handle gold, an arrow barways gules, headed and flighted of the third, between two estoiles azure. Mantling vert and or. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed proper, holding in the hand three ears of wheat or. Motto—" Res non verba." Mar- Due 407 rted, Feb. lo, 1881, Gertrude Emily, dau. of Harry Thorn- ton of Kempstone Grange, co. Beds. Residence — ^1 Camperdown Place, Great Yarmouth. DUCKETT, see STEUART-DUCKETT. STEUART JAMES CHARLES DUCKETT, Esq J.P. CO. Carlow (High Sheriff 1873), formerly Lieut, iith Hnsssxs Bom 1847, being the eldest surviving son of the late Wjlham Duckett. Esq.. J. P.. of Russelstown. by Harriet Isabella Anne, dau. of Lieut-Col. Charles Edward Gordon. R. A. Zjwrj/ — Dark blue. Armorial bear- ings — Sable, on a saltire argent, a mullet of the field with many quarterings. and impaling the arms of Dick-Lauder, namely, gules, a griffin salient argent Mantling sable and argent. Crests— i. out of a ducal coronet or, a plume of five ostrich feathers argent, a crescent for difference ; 2. a buck's head couped affront^e proper ; 3. a cat's head affront^e and erased of a tabby colour, holding in the mouth a rat sable. Motto— "Je veux le droit." Married, 1871. Catherine Seton, youngest dau. of Sir John Dick-Lauder, 8th Bart., and Lady Anne Dick- Lauder, dau. of the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Stair ; and has Issue— )ohn Steuart Duckett. Gentleman, b. 1876 ; and Amy Anne Charlotte. 5fa^— Russelstown Park. Carlow. Club — Naval and Military. WILLIAM DUCKETT, Esquire. J.P. and D.L. co. Carlow, and J.P. co. Kildare. High Sheriff for co. Car- low 1854, and for Queen's co. 1881. Born April 14, 1822, being the eldest son of John Dawson Duckett of Duckett's Grove, co. Carlow, by his wife Sarah Summers, dau. of William Hutchison of Timoney, co. Tipperary. Armorial bearings— Quarterly of i6 ; i. sable, a saltire argent, a crescent gules (for Duckett); 2. gules, a saltire argent, between twelve cross crosslets or (for Windsor) ; 3. argent, a bend gules (for Kendall) ; 4. sable, five gouttes d'or in saltire (for ); 5. argent, three bugle-horns sable stringed gules (for Ballingham) ; 6. argent, three bendlets gules, on a canton of the last, a lion rampant of the first (for Bumside) ; 7. argent, a chief dancette sable, a crescent for difference (for De la Poer) ; 8. argent, on a chief gules, three escallops of the field (for Power) ; 9. Barry of eight argent and gules (for Barry) ; 10. argent, three eagles dis- played gules (for De Courcy); 11. or, three bars gules (for Berry); 12. gules, three oak leaves argent (for Cogan) ; 13. argent, on a fesse wavy between three leopards' faces azure, as many crescents of the field a chief vair (for Piphoe) ; 14. azure, a chevron ermine between three arrows paleways points downwards argent, on a chief of the last, three mart- lets sable, a canton gules, charged with a mullet gold (for Dawson) ; 15. sable, a bull's head couped argent, enclosed in a wreath or and azure (for Pim) ; 16. argent, on a bend azure, between two lions rampant sable, three mullets or (for Handy). Mantling sable and argent. Crests— i. Out of a ducal coronet or, a plume of five ostrich feathers argent, a crescent for difference ; 2. a buck's head couped affront^e proper; 3. a cat's head affront^e and erased of a tabby colour, holding in the mouth a rat sable. Mottoes — "Je veux le droit," "Spectemur agendo." Married, firstly, Jan. 16, 1868, Anna Maria, third dau. of the late Thomas Harrison Marony, Esq.. J. P., of Miltown House, Miltown Malbay, co. Clare (she d.s.p. May 12, 1894). He married secondly, Nov. 19, 1895, Marie Georgina, eldest dau. of the late Captain Robert Gordon Gumming, 56th Regt. (who was present at Moodkee, Ferozeshah, and Sobraon, and served in the Crimea), and widow of Theophilus Thompson, Esq., of Ford Lodge, co. Cavan, J.P. Seats — Duckett's Grove. Palatine, co. Carlow, and Newtown, co. Kildare ; " De Wyndesore," Raglan Road, Dublin. Clubs — Con- servative. Royal St. George's (Kingstown), Kildare Street (Dublin). CHARLES EDWARD HENRY DUCKETT- STEUART, Esq.. J.P. co. Carlow (High Sheriff 1879), Capt. 8th Batt. King's Royal Rifle Corps. Born 1850, being the second surviving son of the late William Duckett of Russelstown Park. co. Carlow. by Harriet Isabella Anne, only dau. of the late Lieut-Col. Charles Edward Gordon, R.A. ; assumed the name and arms of Steuart. by Royal License. March 21, 1894. Club — Raleigh. Armorial bearings — Quarterly 1 and 4. or a fesse chequy azure and is tbe Naval Cockade. 4o8 Due Due argent, surmounted by a Iwnd engrailed gules (for Steuart); a and 3 sable, on a saltire argent, a mullet of the field (for Duckett). M»"^^'"g azure and or ; and for his CrMt, upon a wreath of the colours, a pelican in her piety argent, winged or, the nest and young proper. MottO— " Virescit vulnere virtus." Married, 1873, Anne, youngest dau. of the Hon. B. Seymour (Senator), of Port Hope, Canada ; and has, with other Issue — William Steuart, b. 1874. Seal— Rutland Lodge, Car low. Sir DYCE DUCKWORTH, Knight Bachelor, Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem in England, Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Laws (honoris caitsd) of the University of Kdinburgh ; Doctor of Medicine {honoris causd) of the Royal University of Ireland; Fellow and Treasurer of the Royal College of Physicians, London, and Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland ; Honorary I'hysician to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, 1890^ 1901. Born November 84, 1840, being the fourth and youngest son of the late Robinson Duckworth of Liverpool, by Elizabeth Forbes his wife, daughter of the late William Nicol of Stonehaven, Doctor of Medicine (by his wife, Margaret Dyce), and was dubbed a Knight in the year 1886. C/u6 — Athenaeum. Livery— Royai blue and white. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron engrailed azure, between two leopards' faces in chief and a garb in base sable, three crosses patte or, surmounted by a helmet befitting his degree, mantled azure doubled argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount between two palm-branches vert, a garb fesseways or, charged with two crosses patte in fesse, and surmounted by a duck sable ; with the Motto, " Perseverantia." Married, firstly, April 26, 1870, Annie Alicia (who died 1889), dau. of Alexander Hopkins, and widow of John Smith of Bombay and Mickleham Hall, Surrey ; and secondly, 1890, Ada Emily, dau. of George Arthur Fuller of the Rookery, near Dorking ; and has had Issue — (i) Edward Dyce Duckworth, Esquire, born July 10, 1875 ; (2) Christian Leslie Dyce Duckworth, Elsquire, born November 19, 1891 ; (3) Arthur Dyce Duckworth, Esquire, born March 6, 1896 ; and two daughters, both deceased, namely, Elizabeth Dyce and Margaret Dyce. Postal address — xi Grafton Street, Pic- cadilly. DUCKWORTH (H. Coll.). Argent, a cross pointed sable, surmounted by a like cross or, m chief two gryphons' heads erased, each surmounting four spear-heads conjoined in saltire proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a gryphon's head erased and surmounting four spear-heads conjoined as in the arms. Sons of Herbert Duckworth, Gentleman, Barrister-at- Law, b. 1833; d. ; m. May i, 1867, Julia Prinsep Jackson : — George Herbert Duckworth, b. March 5, 1868. Gerald de I'Estrang Duckworth, Gentleman, b. Oct. 29, 1870. Res.—^a Hyde Park Gate, London, W. Rev. Canon ROBINSON DUCKWORTH, D.D., C.V.O., Sub-Dean and Canon of Westminster, Chaplain in Ordinary to the King, Rural Dean of Saint Marylebone, Vicar of Saint Mark's, Hamilton Terrace, Saint Maryle- bone; Almoner and Chaplain of the Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem in England ; formerly Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Oxford, and Assistant- Master of Marlborough College ; Governor to His Royal Highness the late Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany. Bom December 4, X834, being the second son of the late Robinson Duckworth of Liverpool, by Elizabeth Forbes his wife, daughter of the late William Nicol of Stonehaven, Doctor of Medicine. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron engrailed azure, between two leopards' faces in chief, and a garb in base sable, three crosses patde or ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, between two palm-branches a garb fesseways or, charged with two crosses patde in fesse, and surmounted Wj^W by a duck sable ; with the Motto, " Perseverantia." Postal addresses — 5 Abbey Road, London, N.W. ; and Little Cloisters, Westminster Abbey, London, S.W. Clubs— Athenaeum, Grosvenor. RUSSELL DUCKWORTH, Esquire, J.P., Barrister- at-Law, B.A. Camb. Born April 30, 1830, being the third but second surviving son of the late William Duckworth, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Orchardleigh Park, Somerset, by his first wife, Hester Emily, dau. of Robert Philips of The Park, Prestwich, Lancashire. Annorial bearings— Argent, a cross pointed sable, surmounted by a like cross or, in chief two gryphons' heads erased, each surmounting four spear-heads conjoined in saltire proper. M a n tling sable ia the Military Cockade. T)m Duf 409 and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a gryphon's head erased and surmounting four spear-heads conjoined as in the arms. Married, April 16, 1863, Jeannette, only dau. of Rev. Prebendary Henry Clutterbuck ; and has Issue — [\) Wilham Henry Duckworth, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, b. Aug. 17, 1867; (2) Ralph Duckworth, Gentleman, Lieut. 2nd S. Staffs. Regt. , /'. Nov. 13, 1876; Amy; and Edith Anna. Residence — The Cloisters, Bath. Reverend WILLIAM ARTHUR DUCKWORTH, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. Trin. Coll., Cambridge, J. P. for Somerset, Lord of the Manors of Frome Selwood, Orchardleigh, Lullington, and Buckland Dinham, Somerset, and of Over Darwen, Lancashire, formerly Rector of Pul- tenham, Surrey. Born March 17, 1829, being the eldest sur- viving son of William Duckwortli of Orchardleigh and his wife Hester Emily, dau. of Robert Philips of The Park, Prest- wich. Livery — 'QXz.Qk. Armorial bearings -Argent, across pointed sable, surmounted by a like cross or, in chief two gryphons' heads erased, each surmounting four spear- heads conjoined in saltire proper, impaling the arms of Campbell, namely, gyronny of eight or and sable within a bordure engrailed quarterly or and azure, charged with eight buckles counterchanged. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a gryphon's head erased, and surmounting four spear-heads conjoined as in the arms. Motto— " Non nobis solum." Married, Oct. 4, 1859, Hon. Edina, youngest dau. of the late Lord Chancellor, Baron Campbell and the Lady Stratheden and Campbell ; and has hsue~{i.) Arthur Campbell Duckworth, Gentle- man, late Lieut. Royal Scots Greys [ot. , Sept. 15, 1897, Viola, only dau. of Col. Davies- Evans of Highmead, Lord-Lieut, of Cardiganshire] ; (2) Herbert Stratheden Duckworth, Gentleman, b. Jan. 4, 1872 ; Cecilia \in. Harold Yorke Lid- derdale Smith] ; Mary Campbell \m. Major Henry Dacres Olivier, R.E., and d. 1891]; Frances Evelyn; Margaret Edina \in. Henry J . Newbalt] ; and Florence Helen [w. Bernard Holland]. £'jte/« — Orchardleigh, co. Somerset ; The Manor of Over Darwen, Lancashire ; lands at Mus- bury, near Haslingden. .S^a/— Orchardleigh Park, Frome, Somerset. C/w^j— Athenaeum, United University. HENRY DUDGEON, Gentleman. Born May 1851, being the eldest son of the late Henry James Dudgeon of The Priory, Stillorgan, co. Dublin, J. P. for that co., by his wife Eliza Maitland, dau. of John Reid. Armorial 'bearings — Argent, on a pale azure, an eye distilling tears proper, three mullets counterchanged. Crest — A naked arm fesseways, couped at the shoulder and embowed at the elbow, the hand grasping a dudgeon or dagger all proper, pierced through a heart gules. Motto — "Deo fide ferro comitante." Married, Sept. 1889, Rose, dau. of the late Richard Chute (by liis wife the Hon. Mrs. Chute, sister of Lord 'Veniry) ; and has Issue — (i) Cyril Henry Dudgeon, Gentleman, b. Dec. 1890 ; Dorothy ; Rose ; Florence (twin with her sister) ; and Lilian Mary. Postal address — The Priory, Stillorgan, co. Dublin. Reverend SHELDON FRANCIS DUDLEY-JANNS (formerly Dudley ; assumed by Royal Licence, 1874, the additional surname and arms of Janns in compliance with the will of his kinsman, Charles lames Janns, Esq., of Cragleigh, Ennis, Commander R.N.), B.A., B.D. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), Rector of Tickmacrevan, Rural Dean of Carrickfergus and Chancellor of St. Saviour's Cathedral, Connor. Born May 12, 1844, being the eldest son of Francis Dudley of Roscrea, by his wife Henrietta, dau. of Nathaniel Powell, M.D., of Roscrea. Armorial bear- ings—Quarterly I and 4, per pale gules and azure, on a bend engrailed argent, three Cornish choughs sable, beaked and membered of the first (for Janns) ; 2 and 3 or, two lions passant azure, between in chief a rose gules, seeded of the field and barbed vert, and in base a trefoil slipped of the last, a bordure engrailed of the second (for Dudley). Mantling gules and argent. Crests -i. Upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant sable, collared gemelle argent, holding between the paws an escallop of the last (for Janns) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant double queued azure, holding between the paws a rose gules entwined with a trefoil slipped and leaved vert, and over it the Motto, " Mori quam loedari." Motto (under the arms) — " Honor virtutis prasmium." Married, Oct. 19, 1870, Rachel Sarah, dau. of Joseph Lloyd Phelps ; and has had /jj«oshed in chief and two escallops in base or. a mullet of the first for difffrence (for Duff) ; 4. or, three ctishions within a double ti°essure dory and counter- flory piles (for Randolph); the whole within a bordure vairy or and gules. MantUny gules, doubled argent. AVa/j— Hempriggs, Caithness-shire; Ackergill Tower, near Wick, Cnithness-shire. Club — Caledonian. The Most Honourabi.k Sir TERENCE JOHN HAMILTON -TEMPLE- BLACKWOOD, and MAR- Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a sword and key in saltire proper. Supporters — Dexter, a lion rampant argent ; sinister, a savage man holding a club over his shoulder proper. Motto — (Over the crest), "Sub spe." Married, July 8, 1903, Sibyl Hawtrey, second dau. of Col. Charles Tate, late Army Ordnance Dept., War Office. QUESS OF DUFFERIN AND AVA, of co. Down and of Burmah (1888), Earl of Dufferin (1871), Earl of Ava (1888), and Viscount Clandeboye, 6th Baron Dufferin, and a Baronet, D.L. co. Down. Bom 1866, being the second and eldest surviving son of the ist Marquess of Dufferin and Ava, P.C, K.P., G.C.B., G.C.S.L, is tbe Military Cockade. Duf Dug: 411 G.C.M.G., G.C.I.E., &c., by his wife Harriet, V.A., C.I., dau. of Archibald Rowan Hamilton, Esq., of Killyleagh Castle, CO. Down. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure, a fesse or, in chief a crescent argent, between two mullets ot the second, and in base a mascle of the third (for Blackwood) ; 2. quarterly i. and iiii., or, an eagle displayed sable ; ii. and iii., argent, two bars sable, each charged with three martlets or (for Temple) ; 3. gules, three cinquefoils pierced ermine, on a chief or a lion passant of the field (for Hamilton). Mantling azure and argent. Crests— i. on a cap of maintenance gules, turned up ermine, a crescent argent ; 2. on a ducal coronet or, a martlet gold ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-antelope affront^e ermine, attired and unguled or, holding between his hoofs a heart gules. Supporters — Dexter, a lion gules, gorged with a collar flory counterflory or, supporting a staff proper, there- from flowing to the sinister a flag or, charged with a peacock in its pride also proper; sinister, an heraldic tiger ermine, gorged with a collar flory counterflory gules, and supporting a staff proper, therefrom a flag flying to, and charged as that of the dexter. Married, Oct. 16, 1893, Flora, only dau. of John H. Davis of 24 Washington Square, New York ; and has Issue — Lady Doris Gwendoline, Lady Ursula Florence ; and Lady Patricia Ethel. Seat — Clande- boye, CO. Down. Club — Travellers'. DUFFEY. Per pale nebuly gules and sable, a lion ram- pant, holding in the dexter paw a scymetar all or. Mant- ling g^les and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a tower proper, thereon a banner of the arms displayed. Motto — "Deo, Patriae, Amicis." Son of Sir George Duffey, Knight Bachelor (1897), M.D. (Dublin), Fellow (1873), and Pres. (1896-98) of the Roy. Coll. of Physicians of Ireland, Prof, of Materia Medica in the Roy. Coll. of Surgeons in Ireland, Senior Physician Roy. City of Dublin Hospital, &c., b. 20 June 1843 ; '^- ^903 ; ^- 29 April 1871, Agnes, only d. of the late John Cameron of Glasgow and Dublin : — Arthur Cameron Duffey, Esq., M.D. Univ. Dublin, Lieut. R.A.M.C, b. Jan. 13, 1875. Post, add.— ADAM DUGDALE, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for County Palatine of Lancaster. Born Oct. 19, 1833, being the second son of the late Thomas Dugdale, Esq., of Griffin Lodge, Blackburn, D.L. and J. P. for the County Palatine of Lancaster, by his wife Elizabeth, only daughter of the late Thomas Walmsley of Blackburn. Club — Junior Carlton. Livery— TizxV. blue. Armorial bearings— He bears for erniinois, gorg:ed with a collar gemelle azure, and charged on the neck with a cross as in the arms ; with the MottO, " Perseverando. " Married, Jime 17, 1875, Amy Agnes, daughter of the late Thomas Harrison of West Hill, Staley- bridge. Justice of the Peace for the Counties Palatine of Lancaster and Chester, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Barrister-at-Law ; and has Issue— (j) Adam Norman Dugdale, Gentleman, born July 8, 1877; (2) Thomas Gilbert Dugdale, Gentleman, born March 2, 1880 ; Hilda; Amy Bessie; and Edith Muriel. Estates— GiU^n, Blackburn ; Gilmonby, Bowes, Yorkshire. Postal address — Griffin Lodge, Blackburn. S ARTHUR GEORGE DUGDALE, Esquire, Major, late Royal Artillery, J.P. for co. Dorset. Born 1843, being the fourth son of William Stratford Dugdale, Esq. , J.P. and D.L., M.P. for Warwickshire, by his wife Harriet Ella Portman, dau. of E. Berkeley- Portman, Esq., sister of the ist Viscount Portman. Armorial bearings— Quar- terly 1 and 4, argent, a cross moline gules, charged in the centre with a Garter King of Arms' coronet or, and in the first quarter a torteau ; 2 and 3, barry of ten argent and azure, overall a lion rampant gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head and wings endorsed or, gorged with a coronet as in the arms. Motto — " Pestis patriae, pigrities." Married, iByS, Mary Eliza Cornwallis, dau. of the late James Whatman, Esq., J.P. and D.L., M.P., of Vinters, near Maidstone. Seat— Manor House, Fifehead, Neville, Dorset. Clubs— Naval and Military. S FRANK DUGDALE, Esquire, Hon. Lieut. -Col. Warwickshire Imperial Yeomanry, J.P. co. Warwick, Equerry-in-Waiting to H.R.H. the Princess of Wales. Born April 5, 1857, being the second son of the late James Dugdale, Esq. , of Wroxall Abbey, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for Warwickshire, by his wife Mary Louisa, dau. of John Plummer. Livery — Dark blue coat, red waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Ermine, a cross moline Arms : Ermine, a cross moline gules between four hurts. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head and wings endorsed gules, between four hurts, impaling the arms of Greville, namely sable, on a cross engrailed within a bordure also engrailed or, five pellets. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and is the Naval Cockade. 413 Dug Dug argent ; and for his Orett, upon a wreatli of the colours, a grittin's head and wings endorsed erminois, gorged with a collar gemcl azure, and charged on the neck with a cross as in the arms. Motto — " I'trsevemndo." Afarned, July 9o, 1895, l-^tdy Eva Ureville, only daughter of the Rt. Hon. the fourth Eiu-1 of Warwick, Lady-in-Waiting to H.K.H. the l*rincess of Wales; and has Issue — James (ieorge Greville Dugdale, Gentleman, b. Dec. 11, 1898 ; Victoria Mary Knid Anne. Estate — Dovecot, near Liver- pool. ResitUnce — Snittertield, Stratford-on-Avon. Clubs — Marlborough, White's, Cavalry, Turf. JAMES BOARDMAN DUGDALE. Esquire, J.P. for CO. Dorset. Rom 1843, being the third son of the late Thomas Dugdale, Esq., of Griffin Lodge, Witton, near Blackburn, J.P. and D.I^. for co. Lancaster, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of T. Walmesley, Es(|. Armorial bearings — Ermine, a cross moline gules between four hurts. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head and wings endorsed erminois, gorged with a collar gemelie azure, and charged on the neck with a cross as in the arms. Motto " Perse verando." Postal a?«.— Folkestone. Club — United Service. DUKINFIELD, quartered by DARBISHIRE. HENRY JOHN PHILIP DUMAS, Esquire, J. P. for the CO. of London and a Member of Lloyds'. Born May 14, 1829, being the eldest son of Henry Dumas and his wife Eliza, dau. of John Sowerby. Armorial bearings — Per chevron flory and counterflory or and aziu-e, in chief two lions' gambs erased, and in base a garb counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from a chaplet of roses an arm embowed in armour proper, charged with a fleur-de-lis azure, and grasping a scythe in bend sinister also proper. Motto — "Adsum." Married, April 26, 1855, Janette P., 2nd dau. of John Fairrie of Clapham Common, formerly Provost of Greenock ; and has Issue— (1) Henry Dumas, Gentleman, b. 1861 ; (2) Hugh Dumas, Gentleman, b. 1865 ; (3) Philip Dumas, Gentleman, b. x^fyj ; (4) Gerald Dumas, Gentleman, b. 1869 ; Helen ; Elizabeth Henrietta [m. E. A. Uvedale- Price, whom see]; Beatrice; Janet; Alice. Residence— 7 The Cedars, Clapham Common, London, S.W. Clubs— Reform, City of London, City Liberal, New Thames Yacht. r is the Naval Cockade. 414 Dum Dum CHARLES ANTHONY DU MOULIN-BROWNE. Gentleman. Bom Nov. 9, 1886, being the eldest son of the late Charles Nicholas du Moulin-Ikowne, Gentleman, two bendtets argent (for Browne) ; ii. and iii. , crininois, on a chevron engrailed between three lions' heads erased gules, a fleur-de-lis between two leopards' faces jessant-de-lis or (for i of Leamington, by his wife Winifrede Mary, eldest dau. of Henry Bacchus of The Manor House, Lillington, co. War- wick. Aimorial bearing — Quarterly of twenty, namely, i. quarterly i. and iiii. , sable, three lions passant in bend between Du Moulin) ; 2. erminois, on a chevron engrailed between three lions' heads erased gules, a fleur-de-lis between two leopards' faces jessant-de-lis or (for Du Moulin) ; 3. sable, three lions passant in bend between two bendlets argent is the BUlltary Cockade. Dum Dun 415 (for Browne) ; 4. barry of eight or and gules (for Fitzalan) ; 5. gules, a lion rampant or (for P'itzalan); 6. argent, a chief azure (for Clun); 7. chequy or and azure (for Warren); 8. sable, a fret or (for Maltravers) ; 9. gules, a saltire argent, a label of three points chequy of the last and azure (for Neville) ; 10. argent, three fusils conjoined in fesse gules (for Montacute) ; 11. or, an eagle with two heads displayed vert (for Monthermer) ; 12. gules, three lions passant guardani or, within a bordure argent (for Edmund of Woodstock) ; 13. or, two bars gules, in chief three torteaux (for Wake) ; 14. or, a lion rampant gules (for Meschines) ; 15. argent, a saltire engrailed gules (for Tiptoft) ; 16. gules, a cross en- grailed argent (for Ingoldsthorpe) ; 17. azure, a fesse between three leopards' faces or (for De la Pole) ; 18. argent, on a fesse dancett^e sable, three bezants (for De Burgh) ; 19. argent, a moor-cock sable (for Moore) ; 20. quarterly i. and iv. sable, three lions passant in bend between two bendlets argent (for Browne), ii. and iii. erminois, on a chevron engrailed between three lions' heads erased gules, a fleur- de-lis between two leopards' faces jessant-de-lis or (for Du Moulin). Mantling sable and argent. Crests— i. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed vert (for Browne), 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a leopard's face or, trans- fixed through the mouth with two tilting-spears saltireways proper, and surmounted by a fleur-de-lis gules (for Du Moulin); with the Mottoes, " Suivez raison," "In te Domine speravi." WINIFREDE MARY DU MOULIN - BROWNE, Widow, eldest dau. of Henry Bacchus of The Manor House, Lillington, co. Warwick, by Isabella his wife, dau. of the Rev. James Gumming. Armorial bearings, borne upon a lozenge, are — Quarterly i. and iiii., sable, three lions passant in bend between two bendlets argent (for Browne) ; ii. and iii. , erminois, on a chevron engrailed be- tween three lions' heads erased gules, a fleur-de-lis between two leopards' faces jessant-de-lis or (for Du Moulin), impaling the arms of Bacchus, namely, per pale argent and or, on a bend nebuly gules, between two ostrich feathers erect sable, three eagles displayed of the second. Mar- ried, July 27, 1881, Charles Nicholas du Moulin-Browne, Gentleman, ot Leamington, who died May 5, 1890. Of this marriage there is Issue — (i) Charles Anthony du Moulin- Browne, Gentleman, born November 9, 1886 [to whom refer] ; (2) Francis Stanislaus du Moulin-Browne, Gentle- man, born February 10, 1888 ; (3) Joseph Henry du Moulin- Browne, born March 23, 1890. Postal address — Rusina, Leamington. DUN, quartered by WEST. JAMES CAMERON DUN-WATERS, Gentleman. Born 1865, being the youngest son of the late James Coltart Waters of Craigton, by his wife Grace Elizabeth, dau. of Benjamin Charles Godwin. Armorial bearings- Azure, a saltire wavy between a dagger argent, hilted or in chief, and three padlocks of the second in flanks and base. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a demi-talbot argent, holding in his mouth an arrow gules. Motto— " Toujours fidele." Married, 1888, Alice Isabel, dau. of Charles William Orde, of Nunnykirk, Northumberland. 5^(7/— Culcreuch, near Balfron, Stirling- shire. C/a3— Boodle's. DUNBAR-BRANDER (L.O., 1854). Quarterly i and 4, grand quarters, gules, a flaming bush on top of a mount proper, between three lions rampant argent, in the flanks two roses of the last (Brander, 1777) I 2 and 3, grand quarters, quarterly i. and iiii., gules, a lion rampant argent within a bordure of the last, charged with eight roses of the first; ii. and iii., or, three cushions pendent by the corners within a double tressure flory counterflory gules, the second and third grand quarters within a border quarterly azure and or, and in the fesse point a deer's head caboshed proper. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crests — I. on the dexter side, on a wreath of the liveries, a dove holding a branch of laurel in its beak both proper, and in an escroll over this Motto, "Silentio et spe " ; 2. on the sinister side, on a wreath of the liveries a dexter hand apaum^e pointing to an astral crown proper. Motto — " Spem vigilantia firmat." Son of Capt. James Brander Dunbar- Brander, J. P., D.L., b. 1825 ; d. 1903; m. 22 Dec. 1874, Alice, ygst. d. of James Grant, Provost of Elgin : — James Dunbar-Brander, Esq., Capt. in the Army, now Capt. 3rd (Mil.) Q.O. Cameron Highlanders, J. P., b. 10 Oct. 1875. Seat — Pitgaveny House, near Elgin. Club — Caledonian. S CHARLES WILLIAM DUNBAR-BULLER, Es- quire, J. P. and D.L. co. Down, and D.L. for Norfolk (High Sheriff 1894). Born Oct. 2, 1847, [being the eldest surviving son of the Rev. William BuUeriOf Pelynt and Lanreath, Cornwall, by Eleanor his wife, dau. of the Rev. W. Coney ; took the additional surname and arms of Dunbar by Royal Licence in 1891. Clubs — Brooks's, St. James's, United University, Ulster (Belfast), Devon and Exeter (Exeter). Livery — Claret, with red waistcoat, black trousers with red cord. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, sable, on a cross quarter-pierced argent, four eagles displayed of the field (for Buller) ; 2 and 3 per pale or and argent, three cushions, two and one, within a double tressure flowered and counterflowered gules, all within a bordure vair, and for distinction in the fesse point a cross crosslet of the third (for Dunbar) ; and upon an escutcheon of pre- tence these same arms of Dunbar without the cross crosslet. Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head afTront^e couped at the shoulders proper (for Buller) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi- lion rampant or, armed and charged on the shoulder for distinction with a cross crosslet gules, holding in the dexter paw a red rose proper, leaved and barbed vert (for Dunbar). Motto — "Aquila non capit muscas." Married, 1890, Georgina Ann Elizabeth, dau. and heiress of the late George Dunbar, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for co. Down, M.P. for Belfast, High Sheriff for Down and for Armagh (by Harriet Isabella Susan Delapoer, dau. of Lord George Beresford). Estates — Woburn, co. Down ; Carn a gart, co. Donegal; Toft Monks, Norfolk, &c. Postal addresses— Woburn, co. Down ; and 38 Upper Grosvenor Street, London, S.W. Reverend JOHN ARCHIBALD DUNBAR-DUN- BAR, Clerk in Holy Orders. J.P. for co. Elgin, M.A. (Oxon). Born Oct. 8, 1849, being the eldest and only surviving son of Edward Dunbar-Dunbar of Sea Park, and Kinloss, by his wife Phoebe, dau. of Duncan Dunbar of Limehouse. Livery -Vtrsh with red facings. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, gules, a lion rampant argent, is the Naval Cockade. 4i6 Dun Dun within a bordurc of the last, charged with eight roses of the first : a and i, or, three cushions within a double tressure flory counterflory gules, the whole within a bordurc in- vected and quartered azure and of the last ; in the centre of the quarters a deer's head cabossed proper. Crest On a Adele. Kstales — Sunnyside, Montrose, and Newton, Auchtermuchty. C/ui-fiew (Edinburgh). DUNCAN (L.O.). Gules, a chevron between two buckles in chief and a bugle-horn in base argent, viroled sable, wreath of his liveries, a dexter band appaume reaching to an astral crown proper, and in an escroU over the same this Motto— "Sub spe." Married, Nov. 5, 1875, Louisa, dan. of Thomas Cambray of Oxford. Estates— Sea. Park, Kin- loss, Glen of Rothes, all in co. Elgin. SeatSaa. Park, Forres, N.B. DUNCAN, see ANSTRUTHER-DUNCAN. JOHN DUNCAN, Esq., J.P. Born 1803, being the second son of the late Alexander Duncan, F. R.S. , of Park- hill, by his wife Janet, dau, of Patrick Scott of Rossie. Armorial bearinjgs— Gules, a chevron engrailed or, be- tween two cinquefoils in chief argent, and a hunting-horn in base of the last, garnished azure. Mantling' gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a ship in distress in the sea proper. Motto — ' ' Disce pati. ' Married Calherine, dau. of A. F. Gourlay ; and has Issue — Alexander Duncan, Gentleman, d. 1844. Seat— Parkhitt, Arbroath, N.B. ALEXANDER ROBERT DUNCAN. Esquire. J.P. cos. of Forfar and Stirling. B.A. (Trin. Coll., Camb.), Advocate Scots Bar. Bom Sept. 23, 1844, being the only son of John Duncan of Parkhill, co. Forfar, late of H.E.LC, by his wife Catherine, dau. of Robert F. Gourlay. Livety—u\ue and silver. Armorial bearingfs (L.O. , 1809)— Gules, a chevron engrailed or, between two cinquefoils in chief argent, and a hunting-horn in base of the last, garnished azure. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a ship in distress proper. Motto— " Disce pati." Mart ied, ]une 3, 1873, Frances Euphemia, fourth dau. of Admiral Sir William Edmonstone, Bart., of Duntreath ; and has Issue- (i) John Alexander Duncan, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N. , />. March 22, 1878 ; (2) Basil William Duncan, Gentleman, i. April 25, 1885 ; (3) William Edmonstone Duncan, Gentleman, i. March 19, 1890; Mary Catherine; and Margaret Alice S^illiai.MacSovo Vi ^ stringed of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a demi-greyhound proper, collared gules. Motto — "Vivat Veritas." (Ped. Crisp's Vn., vol. xii.) Only son of Willliam Rathbone Duncan of Toxteth, Liverpool, i. 1802; d. 1877; m. 1863, Jessie, d. of Thomas Hignett of Cholmondeley, Cheshire : — William MacDougall Duncan, Gentleman, 6. 25 March 1873 ; m. 30 Aug. 1899, Dorothy Fitch, d. of Charles Fitch Kemp, Esq., J. P., D.L., Knight of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, of Foxbush, Hilden- boro, Kent ; and has issue — Geoffrey Charteris Duncan, Gentleman, i, 5 July 1903. Ifes. — Edgcote Rectory, Banbury. DUNCOMBE, see PEIRSE-DUNCOMBE. S ALFRED CHARLES DUNCOMBE, Esquire, J.P. for cos. Stafford and Derby, County Councillor and High Sheriff of Staffordshire in 1883, late Capt. of ist Life Guards, Hon. Major Staffordshire Yeomanry. Born June 5, 1843, being the eldest son of the late Very Rev. and Hon. Augustus Duncombe, Dean of York, by his wife Lady Harriet Duncombe, dau. of Most Hon. Charles, sth Mar- quis of Queensberry. Z,7wrv - Chocolate coat, red plush breeches. Armorial bearings — Per chevron engrailed gules and argent, three talbots' heads erased counter- changed, and impaling the arms of Montagu, namely, argent, three fusils conjoined in fesse gules, a bordure sable is the Military Cockade. Dun Dun 417 (for Montagu). Mantling gules and argent. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a horse's hind-leg sable, the shoe argent. Motto -"Deo regi patrire. " Married, Dec. 5, 1876, Lady Florence Adelaide Montagu, dau. of 7th Earl of Sandwich. Seat - Calwich Abbey, Ashbourne, Derby- shire. C///i^5 -Carlton, Arthur's. W SLINGSBY ARTHUR DUNCOMBE EDEN (for- © merly Shafto), Esquire, J. P. and D. L. co. of Durham. Born 1844, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Slingsby Duncombe Shafto, by his wife Frances, dau. of Joseph Hunter, and assumed the surname and arms of Eden by Royal Licence in the year 1899. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a chevron argent, between three garbs or, banded vert, as many escallops sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour argent, the upper part encircled by an annulet gules, the hand proper grasping a garb bendways or. Mar- ried, 1876, Louisa Anne, dau. of F. N. Appleyard; and has with other Issue — Slingsby Duncombe Eden, Gentleman, d. 1877. 5?a/— Beamish Park, Chester-le-Street, Durham. CoMMANDKR COLIN MACKENZIE DUNDAS, R.N., J. P. Cluis — United Service, New Club (Edinburgh). Born Sept. 12, 1842, being the second son of George Dundas, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Colin Mackenzie of Portmore, Peeblesshire. Armorial bearings— Argent, a lion rampant gules, holding between the paws a human heart of the second, in the centre chief point a crescent azure. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm couped below the elbow, hold- ing in the hand proper a mullet azure. Motto — " Essayez." tarried, Jan. 4, 1882, Agnes {d. 1901), dau. of the late imuel \Vauchope, Esquire, C. B. ; and has Issue — (i) James Colin Dundas, Gentleman, Royal Field Artillery, b. Ian. 6, 1883 ; (2) David John Wauchope Dundas, Gentleman, Feb. 3, 1886. /'o5/a/a(/rf/-«J—Ochtertyre, Stirling, N.B. 5 Sir ROBERT DUNDAS, ist Baronet, of Arniston (1898), J. P. for Midlothian and Fife, and D.L. for [Midlothian. Born March 23, 1823, being the eldest son lof the late Robert Dundas of Arniston, by his wife Lilias ICalderwood Durham of Largo and Polton, only dau. of {Thomas Durham Calderwood, and representative of the [Durhams of Largo. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion [rampant gules, within a bordure ermine, the escutcheon [being charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. iMantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a lion's head affronte'e, looking through an oak bush proper. Supporters— Dexter, a lion gules ; sinister, an elephant proper ; in a compartment under the arms, a salamander in flames of fire proper. Motto — "Essayez." Married, Sept. 25, 1845, Emily Louisa Diana, only child of Col. the Hon. John James Knox, youngest son of Thomas, Earl of Ranfurly ; and by her (who died 1881) has Issue — (i) Robert Dundas. Esq., J. P., Capt. late Scots Guards, b. July 25, 1857 [tn., April 22, 1893, Evelyn Henrietta dau. of Sir Graham Graham- Montgomery, Bart., and has issue, Victoria Mary Evelyn] ; (2) Henry Herbert Philip Dundas, Esq., late Capt. 15th Hussars, b. Sept. 4, 1866 \tn., 1899, Lady Beatrice Lucy, dau. of the Earl of Home, and has issue, Philip Dundas, Gentleman, b. Nov. 8, 1899 ; Henry William Hugh Dundas, Gentleman, b. Nov. 16, 1901 ; David Dundas, Gentleman, b. Jan. 12, 1903]; Marion [w. , 1900, Major-Gen. Wm. Hamilton-Cox, R.A., who d. 1903] ; Alice [m., 1889, Major-Gen. Sir W. G. Knox. K.C.B.]; Ellen Mary Charlotte [m., 1894, Lieut. -Col. Gerald Lionel Joseph Goff, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, of Hale Park, Salisbury, who d. 1899; m., secondly, 1903, Edward Thompson]; and Hester, d. 1873 Seats — Arniston, Gore- bridge, Midlothian ; Polton House, Lasswade, N. B. DUNKIN (H. Coll.). Ermine, on a chevron gules, cottised sable, between two cinquefoils in chief and an oval buckle tongue erect in base of the second, a bugle-horn stringed between two like buckles or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-grey- hound sable, sem6 of cinquefoils, gorged with a collar gemel and resting the sinister leg on an oval buckle as in the arms all or. Motto — "Vi vat Veritas." Livery — Chocolate, red waistcoat, brass buttons. Son of John Dunkin, b. 1823; d. 1871 ; m. i860, Ann, d. of George Brown : — Rev. Henry Dunkin, Clerk in H. Orders, M.A. (Oxford), b. 19 Oct. 1861 ; m. 9 Aug. 1893, Janet Adelaide, eld. d. of Major G. F. Churchill, A.M.S. ; and has issue— John Churchill Dunkin, Gentleman, b. 6 Mar. 1895 ; and Mary Barbara. Res.— The. Green, Sherborne, co. Dorset. Club — Constitutional. GEORGE JAMES DUNLOP, Gentleman. Born 1849, being the eldest son of James Dunlop of Tolcross (and great- grandson of James Dunlop of Carmyle). Annonal beax- Ulgs -Argent, a double-headed eagle displayed gules, in the dexter chief point a rose also gules within a bordure azure Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest -On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand holding a dagger in bend sinister proper, and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Merito ; and below the arms, " E spinis." Married, 1874, Jane Catherine, youngest daughter of the late Thomas Gray is tbe Naval Cockade. 2 D 4t8 Dun £)un Buchanan of Scotstown ; and h:»s /ww^- James I^slic l)iinlo{>, (leiitleman, fi. 1877 ; and Gladys Mary. /foints or. Motto — " Perge sed caute." Married, April 25, 1894, Ethel, eldest dau. of Rev. C. H. Newman. Residence — EUSTACE ALEXANDRIA ANDREW DUNN, Gen- tleman. Bom Jan. 28, 1869, being the fourth son of the late John Dunn, Esq., J. P., by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of the late John Williams. Armorial bearings— Per saltire invected argent and azure, two garbs in fesse of the first, between in chief a horse's head erased of the second and in base, on a mount vert, a man vested proper resting his dexter hand on a spade also proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a windmill proper, an estoile between two mullets of six points or. Motto — " Perge sed caute. " ResiiUnce — FREDERICK WILLIAMS DUNN, Gentleman. Bom Aug. 38, 1863, lieing the eldest son of the late John Dunn, Esq., J. P., by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of the late John Williams. Armorial bearings — Per saltire invected argent and azure, two garbs in fesse of the first, between in chief a horse's head erased of the second and in base, un a mount vert, a man vested proper resting his dexter hand on a spade also proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a windmill pro|>er, an estoile between two mullets of six points or. Motto — ' ' Perge sed caute." Married Annie, only dau. of W. Humble, and has /ssue — John William Dunn, Gentleman, b. Feb. 1894. Residence — Park View House, Hackney, South Australia. HEDLEY ALLEN DUNN, Gentleman. Born Oct. 27, 1865, being the second son of the late John Dunn, Esquire, J. P., by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of the late John Williams. Armorial bearings — Per saltire invected argent and azure, two garbs in fesse, of the first, between in chief a horse's head erased of the second and in base, on a mount vert, a man vested proper resting his dexter hand on a spade also proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a windmill propter, an estoile between two mullets of six points or. MottO — ' ' Perge sed caute." Married, April 5, 1893, Annie Ehzabeth Powis, dau. of the late Henry Jordan, Shirley, Brisbane. Residence — Sir WILLIAM DUNN, ist Baronet, J.P. forces. Ren- frew and Suffolk, M. P. for Paisley. Bom Sept. 1833, being the son of the late John Dunn of Paisley, by his wife Isabella, daughter of Tarbert Chambers. C/ubs — City Liberal, Devonshire, Reform. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a mount vert, the figure of Commerce seated propter, vested argent, the dexter hand resting on an anchor erect or, and the sinister holding a caduceus also or, on a chief of the last an oak tree erect and eradicated propter, therefrom hanging a hunting-horn sable, between on the dexter a thistle proper, and on the sinister a fleur-de-lis of the first. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upton a wreath of the colours, in front of a cornucopia fesseways or, an arm erect propter, holding in bend sinister a key of the first. Motto-—' ' Vigilans et audax. " Married, 1859, Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of James Howse of Grahamstown, South Africa. Seat — The Retreat, Lakenheath, Brandon, Suffolk. Residence — 34 Phillimore Gardens, Kensington, W. WILLIAM ALLISON DUNN, Gentleman, Member of the Royal College of Suigeons. Born Sept. 8, 1848, being the eldest son of the late William Allison Dunn of Louth, in the county of Lincoln, by Eliza his wife, daughter of John Parker of the Manor House, Ludborough, in the same county. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, Is tbe Military Cockade. Dun Dun 419 a wolf rampant ermine between two serpents nowed in chief or, and a buckle in base of the last ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's paw erect proper, grasping a serpent entwined around it, three buckles all or; with the Motto, "Facta non verba." Married, July 9, 1879, Jane, daughter of Thomas Clark of Carlisle ; and has Issue — (i) William Allison Dunn, Gentleman, born August 10, 1886; (2) Herbert Arthur Raisbeck Dunn, Gentleman, born June 1,1894; and Annie Maud Emily. Postal address — 78 Lapstone Road, Millom, via Carnforth. DUNN-GARDNER. Quarterly, i and 4, argent, on a saltire between three griffins' heads erased one in chief and two in fesse sable and a woolpack in base azure, another saltire or (Gardner) ; 2 and 3, azure, on a chevron or between two boars' heads erased in chief and a padlock iu base argent, a lozenge gules with two keys chevron wise sable (Dunn). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased argent, sur- mounted by two branches of laurel in saltire proper (Gardner) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, two swords in saltire, the points upwards proper, pommels and hilts or, tied with a riband vert, pendent therefrom a key sable (Dunn). Motto — " Fide et amore." Son of John Dunn-Gardner, Esq. , of Chatteris, Cambs., VI. ist, Marv, d. of late Andrew Lawson of Borobridge Hall, Yorks: :— Arthur Andrew Cecil Dunn-Gardner, Gentleman, B.A. (Oxon. ), b. 1851; m. 1890, Rose, only d. of late Andrew Laurie. Son of William Dunn-Gardner, Gentleman, of Fordham Abbey, d. 1880 ; jn. Angelina Wainwright : — Cyril Dunn-Gardner, Gentleman, b. 1874; ed. at Eton and Trin. Coll. ,Camb. Seat — ^Fordham Abbey, Isham, Cambridgeshire. DUNNE of Brittas (U.O.). Azure, an eagle displayed or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount, an oak-tree and in front thereof a newt all proper. Motto — " Mullaher a boo." Livery — Green and gold. Son of Rev. Robert Hedges Dunne, M.A. , Rector of Lemanaghan, b. ; d. 1883 ; m, 1844, Martha Robinson : — Charles Henry Plunkett Dunne, Esq., J. P. King's and Queen's Cos., late of 20th Regt. Lancashire Fusiliers, b. 1853. Seat — Killart Clonaslee, Queen's Co. Sons of Rev. John Henry Dunne, MA., Rector of Dunshauglin, Meath, b. 1791 ; d. 1863 ; m. 1843, Augusta, d. of John Bockett of Southcote House, Berks :— Terence John Bockett Dunne, Esq., Major late "The Queen's" Regt., B.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), b. 1846; m. 1882, Alice Isabel, d. of Philip Butler, Esq., J. P., of Tickford Abbey, Bucks. Estate — Kilcooney, King's Co. Res. — The Lodge, Burghfield Bridge, Reading. Club — Junior United Service. Rev. Francis William Bradney Dunne, B.A. , LL.D. (Dub.), Vicar of Goldington, Beds, Barrister-at-Law, b. 1850 ; m. 1876, Henrietta, d. of Henry Bradshaw, M.R.C.S. ; and has issue — (i) Terence Francis Kilcavan Dunne, Gentleman, Lieut. R.A., B.A. (Trin. Coll.. Dub.), 1^. 1879 ; (2) Francis John Newton Dunne, Gentleman, b. 1887 ; Alice Augusta Jane Esmonde ; and Evelyn Russell [m. 1903, John Cochrane Brady]. Res. — The Vicarage, Goldington, Beds. EDWIN HARRIS DUNNING, Gentleman. Armo- rial bearings — Bendy sinister of fourteen or and gules, on a pale raguly ermine, a lion rampant sable, between two acorns slipped and leaved proper, and impaling the arms of Freeman, namely, per saltire gules and sable, a cross flory or, gutt6e-de-poix, between four lozenges of the third. Mantling gules and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, an antelope's head couped at the neck proper, gorged with a chain gules, pendent therefrom an escut- cheon argent, charged with two annulets interlaced fesse- ways sable, between as many acorns slipped and leaved as in the arms. Motto — " Fide et animo." Seat — Easter- lands, Washfield, Tiverton. S JOSEPH JOHN DUNNINGTON - JEFFERSON. Esquire, of Thicket Priory, in the co. of York, J. P. for East and West Ridings and Deputy-Lieutenant for the East Riding of the county of York, Captain and Honorary Major Yorkshire Hussars, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Barrister-at-Law. Born November 19, 1845, being the eldest son of the Reverend Joseph Dunnington, Vicar of Thorganby and Canon of York, Master of Arts, Justice of the Peace (who assumed by Royal License, 1841, the additional surname of Jefferson upon inheriting the estates of that family [descended from Peter Jefferson, owner of estates in Hook and Howden, in the county of York, A.D. 1664]), by his wife Anna Mervynia, daughter of General Sir Henry Mervyn Vavasour, second Baronet, of Spalding- ton. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly I and 4, gules a griffin sejant wings endorsed or. a bordure engrailed of the last, charged with eight pellets (for Jeffer- son) ; 2 and 3 paly of six argent and azure, on a chief gules, a bezant between two annulets or (for Dunnington). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests. I. upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin as in the arms, gorged with a collar gemel azure, in the beak a lily slipped projaer (for Jefferson) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a horse courant argent, gorged with a collar gules, charged with a bezant between two annulets or (for Dunnington). Motto — "A cruce salus." Married, September 14, 1870. Emma Sarah, daughter of Thomas Butler Stoney, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Portland Park, in the coimty of Tipperary. Seat — Thicket Priory, in the co. of York. CLEMENT DUNSCOMBE, Gentleman, M.A. and L.C.E. Trin. Coll., Dublin). Born March 27, 1846. being the youngest son of the late Nicholas Dunscombe, Esq., of King Williamstown House, co. Cork, J. P. co. Cork, by his wife Anna Matilda, eldest dau. of Thomas Johnston, Esq., of Fort Johnston, co. Monaghan. C/2^3— National. Livery — Light drab coat, black breeches and waistcoat. Armorial bearings (Ped. Foster's "Royal Descents")— Quarterly i and 4. argent, a chevron ermine, between three talbots' heads erased gules ; 2 and 3, argent, two bars, and in chief a demi-griffin issuant segreant sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a horse's fore-leg sable, hoof argent. Motto— ' ' Fidelitas vincit. " Married, Sept. 1895. Gertrude Hannah, 2nd dau. by his first wife of Alfred Clark of Wood Dalling. Norfolk; and has Issue— (i) Clement Dunscombe. Gentle- man b. April 30, 1897 ; (2) Nicholas Dunscombe- Duns- I is the Naval Cockade. 430 Dun Dur combe, Gentlemnn, b. Nov. ai, 1898. Estate — King Willianistown. co. Cork. Postal addrtstes—\\\xT\ Man- sions, 9a Victoria .Street. London, S.W. ; and I'he laurels, Halliford-on-Thames, Middlesex. PARKER DUNSCOMBE, Esq., I. P. for co. late Nicholas Duns- Reverend Thomas Warburton Dunston of Exeter College, Oxford, Bachelor of Arts, Clerk in Holy Orders, by his wife Emma Jane, eldest daught<'r of the late Robt-rt Roscoe. Li%>try — Chocolate coat, RJlt buttons. Armorial bearing! — Me bears for Amu : (>ules, a stag's luad Cork. Bom 1814, Ix-'ing the eldest son of the combe, Esq., J. P., of King William's Town, by Anna Matilda, eldest dau. of Thomas Johnston, Esq., of Fort Johnston, co. Monaghan. Armorial bearlngs—t^uarterly I and 4, argent a chevron ermine, between three talbots' heads gules ; a and 3 argent, two txtfs and in chief a demi- griffin segrcant sable. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Cnst. out of a ducal coronet or, a horse's fore-leg sable, hoof argent. Motto " Fidelitas vincit." Married, i86c, Elizabeth, dau. of A. Ruddock ; and has Issue — Nicholas Ehinscombe, Gentleman, b. 1867. HENRY DUNSMURE. Esquire, J.P. co. Perth. Bom , being the eldest son of the late Alexander Dunsmure of Leith. Gentleman. Armorial bearings Vert, three garbs or, banded sable, within a bordure of the second. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest On a wreath of his liveries, an anchor or. Motto — " Spes anchora tuta. " Is Married, and has Issue ( i ) Alastair Dunsmure, Gentleman ; and Colin Dunsmure, Gentleman. Residence Glenbruach, Callander, N.B. Clubs — Conservative, New (Edinburgh). JAMES DU NSM U RE, Gentleman, M. D. ( Edin. ), LL. D. (Glas.), F.R.C.S.E., Pres. of the Royal College of Surgeons (Edin., 1900, 1901). Born Jan. i, 1846, being the eldest son of the late James Dunsmure, M.D., F.R.C.S.E., by his wife Catherine, third dau. of the late Charles Hill of Luthrie, Fifeshire. /./Wry Green and gold. Armorial bearings -Vert, three garbs or, banded sable, within a bordure argent. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries an anchor or. Motto — "Spes anchora tuta." Married, Dec. i, 1885, Caroline Margaret, third dau. of the late Edmund Birley, Clifton Hall, Lancashire ; and has Issue — Caroline Margaret Cathe- rine. Residence — 53 Queen Street, Edinburgh. Clubs University, Caledonian, United Service (Edinburgh). FREDERICK WARBURTON DUNSTON, Esquire, of Wadham College, Oxford, Bachelor of Arts, 1875 ; Master of Arts, 1888 ; Justice of the Peace for the COS. of Wilts and Dorset ; a Member of the Hon- ourable Society of Lincoln's Inn ; Barrister-at-Law. Bom December 24, 1850, being the elder son of the late caboshed or, a chief invected of the last, thereon three fleiu-s-de-lis of the first, impaling the arms of Gwatkin, namely ermine, two chevronels engrailed vert, between three bees volant proper ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cock gules, combed and wattled, and between two antlers of a stag or ; with the Motto, "Fortis et vigilans." Married, February 21, 1878, Louisa Florence Camilla, youngest daughter of the late Frederick Gwatkin of Grove House, Twickenham, Armiger ; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Frederick Gwatkin Warburton Dunston, Gen- tleman, b. June 25, 1883; (2) Robert Roscoe Ambrose Stapleton Dunston, Gentleman, b. October 2, 1884 ; (3) Warburton John Griffies Dormer Dunston, Gentleman, b. May 28, 1891 ; d. 1904 ; (4) Ambrose Ellis Aspinwall Dun- ston, Gentleman, b. June 10, 1895 ; Louisa Florence Camilla ; Emma Frederica Isabella ; and Frederica Rose Margaret. Postal address — Burltons, Donhead, Salisbury. DU PLESSIS, quartered by LANGRISHE. DUPPA, see DE UPHAUGH. S WILLIAM BARING DU PRE, Esquire. J.P. for CO. of Bucks. Born April 5, 1875, being the eldest son of the late James Du Pre, Gentleman, by his wife Selina, dau. of the late Rev. T. Stoker. Armorial bear- ings—Azure, a chevron or, between two mullets in chief and a lion passant in base argent, from the centre chief a pile issuant of the second. Mantling azure and or. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, resting the dexter hind paw on a fleur-de-lis gules. iVa/— Wilton Park, Beaconsfield, Bucks. The Right Honourable Sir HENRY MORTIMER DURAND, G.C.M.G. (1900), K. C.S.I. (1894). K.C.I.E. (1888), P.C. (1901), British Ambassador in U.S.A., formerly British Ambassador in Spain ; Barrister-at-Law Lincoln's Inn ; accompanied Gen. Roberts to Afghanistan Sept. 1879, being present at Charasia and the fighting round Cabul ; was Foreign Secretary to Government of India and Secretary to the Orders of the Star of India and the Indian Empire 1884 to 1894, Special Mission to Cabul 1893, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Court of (^ is the Military Cockade. Persia and Consul- General at Teheran 1894-1900. Born Feb. 14, 1850, being the second son of the late Maior- General Sir Henry Marion Durand, K.C.S.I., C.B., RE by his wife Anne, dau. of Gen. Sir John M'Caskiil, K C b' /./V^rv Blue and yellow. Armorial beaxingB — Azure five fusils conjoined in fesse within a bordure or, on a chief embattled of the last, a pair of manacles of the first a crescent for difference, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon and collar of a G.C.M.G., and t>endent the badges of G.C.M.G., K. C.S.I,, and K.C.I.E. Mantlia^ azure and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, on a rock proper, a crescent argent, between two laurel branches or. Supporters Dexter, a lion ; sinister, a Bengal tiger, Dur 42f Nora AjX*J^~Rn^^'' qui durant." Married, 1887. Hon. G cVr^TnH .? '"/°"' '^^i!- ""^ Lord Rosmead, P.C. T888 S'v '^ has /w«^_ Noel Durant, Gentleman, b Serton r T"~^'"^^ ^^l'^^"' ^^- B^^ks ; and 13 uSs.^?indha"^.^"^'^ ^^"^'"^^°"- «-^- ^'«^- DURANTS, quartered by LANE. WILLIAM STEWART MITCHELL D'ITRRam Esquire, late a Fellow of the Linna^an Society of London ^f the Entomological Society of London, and of the Hue^e^ot Society of London. Born July .9. X836. bebg the ot^Ton both proper, each crowned with an Eastern crown and gorged with a chain or, and pendent therefrom an escut- cheon gules, charged with a sword in pale proper, p)ommel and hilt also or. Motto " Esperance en Dieu. " Married, 1875, Ella Rebe, dau. of Teignmouth Sandys ; and has Issue Henry Marion Durand, Esq., b. Feb. 23, 1876; and Amy Josephine. Residence— T\ic British Emlmssy, Wash- ington. U.S.A. Clubs -Athenaeum, St James's. CHARLES RICHARD DURANT, Gentleman, for- merly Lieut. Herts Yeomanry Cavalry, educated at Eton. Born 1853, being the son of Charles James Durant, by his wife Eva Dora Ann, dau. of Thomas V^ardon, Librarian at House of Commons. Armorial bearings— Sable, a cross crosslet engrailed between four annulets or, impaling the arms of Robinson, namely vert, a chevron engrailed between tliree bucks at gaze or, each charged on the shoulder with a fleur-de-lis azure. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a wild boar bendy of si.x or and sable, pierced through the back by a sword in bend sinister proper, and resting the dexter foot upon a cross crosslet of Lieut. -General William James D' Urban, Col. 107th Regt. , by his wife Mary Elizabeth Stewart, only dau. and heiress of the late Samuel Mitchell of Hopevale, Grenada, West Indies, and of Newport in the parish ofTopsham, Devon. Armorial bearing^ — Or, on a chevron between three mul- lets of six points sable, a bombshell or, between two scal- ing ladders, and as an honourable augmentation, granted in 1817 to Lieut. -Gen. Sir Benjamin D' Urban, G.C. B., K.C.H., K.C.T.S. , on a canton gules, a representation of the Mili- tary Gold Cross inscribed with the words Busaco, Albuhera, Badajos, and Salamanca, pendant from a ribband of the first fimbriated azure, with five gold clasps inscribed with the words Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, and Toulouse. Mantling sable and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, in front of a palm-tree, a sphinx couchant. Motto — " Firme." Married, July 29, 1863, Gertrude, youngest dau. of the late Henry Porter of Winslade House, Devon, and of Chedzoy, Somerset, Esq., D.L. , granddaughter of the Right Hon. Sir Henry Russell of Swallowfield, Berks, first Bart. ; and has Issue— (1) William Harry Mitchell D Urban, Gentleman, <>. Aug. 7, 1864, d. Dec. 6, 1889; is the Naval Cockade. 4»» Dut Du0 (a) Henry Ludovic U'UrUin, GciUleman, i. Jan. 31, 1866. (f, Jan. 31, 1888; and Rose Mary [m. 1903, Major John Unett Coutes, R.F.A. ; and has issue]. House, near Exeter, Devon. 5«a<— Newport DURHAM (Confn. U.O.). Or, on a fesse engrailed plain cottised azure between three crescents gules, as many mullets argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, two dolphins hauriant addorsed proper, collared and chained or. Motto—" Ultra fert animus. ' Only son of James Andrew Durham of Kim Lodge, Hanip(on-on-'rhames, sometime Director of l^ondton and County Bank, d. 1791 ; d. i860; m. 184^, Maria Helen, only d. of William Thomas Toone, judge in Indian Civil Service, and cousin of the Earl of Dysart : — Rev. James Samuel William Durham, D.D., Rector of l^idbroke, Warwickshire, d. 1852 ; tn. 1877, Anne, second d. of Roger Duke of New Park, co. Sligo ; and has issue — James Andrew Cuninghame Durham, Gentleman, d. 1879, ed. at Radley, and a member of Lloyds [m. 1903, Lady Agnes Elizal»eth Audrey Townshend, only d. of stli Mar- quess Townshend ; and has issue, Nicholas James Redvers John Townshend IXirham, Gentleman, 6. 1905 ; impales arms of Townshend, viz. azure, a chevron ermine lielwcen three escallops argent. A'«. ~8 Norfolk Square, London W.]; and Margaret, /fes, — The Rectory, Ladbroke, Warwickshire. SSiR EDWIN DURNING-LAWRENCE, first Hart., B.A., LL.B., Bar. Middle Temple, 1867, a Com- missioner of Lieutenancy for the City of London, J. P. for Berks, sometime a Member of Metropolitan lioard of Works, M. P. for Truro Division of Cornwall ; assumed by Royal Licence, 1889, the additional surname of Durning. Born Feb. 2, 1837, being the youngest son of the late William Lawrence, Esq., Alderman of London, by Jane, dau. of James Clarke, Esq. of Wymeswold, Leicestershire. Armorial bearings Ermine, on a cross raguly gules, between in the first and fourth quarters a fasces erect, encircled by a wreath of oak proper, a pair of compasses extended or, and upon the escutcheon his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased argent, crusily, and charged with a pair of compasses extended sable. Motto — " Per ardua stabilis. " Married, 1874, Edith Jane, dau. and coheiress of the late John Benjamin Smith, M.P., of King's Ride, Ascot. Residences — 13 Carlton House Terrace, S.W. ; King's Ride, Ascot, Berks. Cluis— Re- form, Athenaeum, Burlington Fine Arts, Devonshire, City Liberal. DURWYN, quartered by MALET. RICHARD DUSGATE DUSGATE, Gentleman. Bom 1850, being the only son of J. W. Bushby (by Louisa Dick- son, only dau. of the late William Oliver Locke, M.D.), and grandson of the late Mrs. Locke of Fring ; formerly a Midshipman, R.N. ; assumed the name and arms of his maternal grand-uncle, Richard Dusgate, by Royal License ^ is tbe MiUtarj Cockade. Dut Dpc 423 in 1875. Club — Conservative. Armorial bearingps — Argent, three magpies proper. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a hen's head erased sable. Married, Aug. 28, 1890, Rose Ada, eldest dau. of E. U. Thorn of Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs. ; and has Issue — (i) Richard Edmund Dusgate, Gentleman, b. i March 26, 1897; (2) William Arthur Dusgate, Gentleman, b. March 5, 1900; (3) Francis Edwin Dusgate, Gentleman, b. May 14, 1901 ; Ada Louisa ; and Constance Muriel. Seat — Fring Hall, King's Lynn. DUTTON, quartered by CONYERS, FOX, and LEE- DILLON. DUTTON, see SHERBORNE. FRANK MACDERMOTT DUTTON, Gentleman, F.R.G.S., F.Z.S., Fellow of the Royal Colonial Institute C.M.G,, F.R.G.S., Agent-General in London for South Australia, 1865-77, by his wife Caroline, eldest dau. of Marshall MacDermott. Armorial bearings — Quarterly ermine and gules, in the second and third quarters a fret within an orle or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a fret fesseways gules, in front of a plume of five ostrich feathers alternately or and argent. Motto — "Servabo fidem." Postal address — 74 Lancaster Gate, W. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Conservative (Bath). HENRY DUTTON, Gentleman. Born , being the son of Frederick Hansbrow Dutton, sometime member of the Legislative Council of South Australia, went to the Province from New South Wales in 1839. Armorial bearings — Quarterly ermine and gules, in the second and Fellow of the Royal Botanical Society. Born July 15, 1850, being the eldest son of Francis Stacker Dutton, Esq., and third quarters a fret within an orle or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a fret fesseways gules, in front of a plume of five ostrich feathers alternately or and argent. Motto — " Servabo fidem." Residence — Anlaby, Kapunda, South Australia. DUYLAND, see BUSH. ISABELLA CATHARINE DYCE, Spinster, daughter of the late William Dyce, Esquire, of Aberdeen, Master of Arts of the University of Aberdeen, a Royal Acade- mician, and a Fellow of the Royal Society (Edinburgh), by his wife Jane Bickerton, eldest daughter of the late James Brand of Milnathort, in the county of Kinross. Ar- morial bearings, upon a lozenge, are : Argent, a chevron embattled between three leopards' faces sable. Postal address — JAMES STIRLING DYCE, Gentleman, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. Born July 29, 1853, being the younger but only surviving son of the late William Dyce, Esquire, of Aberdeen, Master of Arts of the University of Aberdeen, a Royal Academician, and a Fellow of the Royal Society (Edinburgh), by his wife Jane Bickerton, eldest daughter of the late James Brand of Milnathort, in tlie county of Kinross. Club — Wellington. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a chevron embattled between three leopards' faces sable, and above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, mantled gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for is tbe Naval Cockade. 4*4 DPC OrMt, a lion rampant guardant sable, murally gorged argent, sustaining a flagstaff proper, thereon hoisted a banner, party |)er bend embattled or and gules, charged with a leopard's face counterchanged ; and, in an escrolf over the same, this Motto, "Decide and dare." Postal uddress—S Lawrence Mansions, Chelsea, London, S.W. LIZZIK DYCE, younger daughter of Lieutenant-Geneial Archilxild Brown Uycc, Colonel of the losth Regiment Madras Light Infantry, by his wife, a daughter of General I>achlAn NiacLachlan. Armorial bearlngB are, upon a loienge : Party per chevron eml»llled or and gules, in base two battle-axes in saltire argent, on a chief wavy azure, a deini-lion ramixint of the third, holding in the dexter paw a trident gold. DYER, see THISELTON-DYER. DYKE, quartered by ACLAND-TROYTE. DYKES, see BALLANTINE-UYKES. DYMOKE, see WELLS-DYMOKE. DYOTT (R.L., 18 May 1891). Or, a heraldic tiger pas- sant sable, armed and langued gules. Mantling' sable and or. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a heraldic tiger passant argent, armed and langued gules, collared, chained (the chain reHected over the back and passing between the hind legs) and ringed also gules. Sons of George Richard Dyott, Esq., J. P. co. Stafford, i. 1847 ; d. 1897 ; m. 3 Oct. 1877, Caroline Mitchell, d. of George Clinton Miller of Goshen, Orange co.. New York : — Richard Archibald Dyott, Gentleman, d. 27 Oct. 1881. Seat— Frcctord, Lichfield. George Miller Dyott, Gentleman, d. 6 Feb. 1883. Hugh Felton Dyott, Gentleman, i. i April 1887. Kenelm Mitchill Dyott, Gentleman, 6. 24 April E Thk Rev. ALEXANDER RICHARD EAGAR, D.D., Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of St. Goran, Born 1856, being the eldest son of Francis MacGillycuddy Eagar, Esq. , J. P. CO. Clare, by his wife Francis Margaret, dau. of Francis Smollett Holden, Mus. Doc. Armorial bearings— Azure, a lion rampant or, armed and langued gules, gorged with an antique Irish crown of the last, a chief ermine. Mant- ling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion azure, gorged with an antique Irish crown, and charged on the shoulder with a mullet or. Motto — ' ' Facta non verba." Married, 1880, Jane Frances Deborah Evans, eldest dau. and heir of Frederic Evans ; and has Issue — (i) Francis Frederic Kingsley Eagar, Gentleman, b. 1881 ; (2) Walter Alexander Eagar, Gentleman, b. 1882, deceased ; (3) Waldegrave MacGillycuddy Eagar, Gentleman, b. 1884 ; (4) George Eraser Fitzgerald Eagar, Gentleman, b. 1885; (5) Alexander Eveleigh Agathos Eagar, Gentleman, b. 18(91. Res. — St. Goran Vicarage, St. Austell. Cornwall. S LIONEL GEORGE NUTTALL EALES, Esquire. Capt. the Buffs (East Kent Regt.). Borti July 19, 1864, bemg the only son of Col. George Daniel Eales of the Indian Army, by his wife Flora Thornbrough, dau. of Lieut-Gen. Richard Whish. Armorial bearing^— Per pale azure and or, a fesse engrailed, in chief an annulet between two fleurs-de-lis, and in base a fleur-de-lis between two annulets all counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bear's gamb erased fesseways aziu-e, holding a fleur-de-lii and encircled by an annulet, both or. Motto — "Nee parvis sisto." Married, Oct. ^o, 1893, Laura Ellen, dau. of Maj.-Gen. Charles R. Pennmgton, C.B. ; and has had Issue — Charles Pennington Eales, b. Aug. 5, 1894, d. May 29, 1895. EARLE (Confd. 1660, Ped. H. Coll.). Argent, three pallets ermines. Mantling sable and argent. Crest^On a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erased sable, holding a harpoon argent. MottO — " Servare modum." Sons of Sir Thomas Earle, 2nd Bart. , of Alterton Tower, Lanes., J. P., D. L. , b. 1820; d. 1900; tn. 1853, Emily, d. of William Fletcher of Allerton : — Sir Henry Earle, 3rd Eiart. (3 Nov. 1869), D.S.O. ( ), Lt.-Col. late K.O. Yorks. L.I., served in Jowaki Campaign 1877, Afghan War 1878-80, Egyptian Campaign 1882, Burmah 1886-7 (desp. ), Tirah Exped. (1897-8) and in S. Africa 1899-1901 (desp.),*. 1854; m. 1891, Evelyn Grace, d. of late Major C. H. Eioileau, 6ist Reg^. ; and has issue — Phyllis Audrey. Res. — Norton Lodge, nr. Yarmouth, Isle of Wight. Club — Naval and Military. Hardman Arthur I^arle, Esq.,*.i859. Clubs — Union, New. Thomas Algernon Earle, Esq., Major Lanes. Hussars, b. i860; m. 1901, Edith, d. of late Gen. Disney Leith, C. B. , of Glenkindie ; and has issue — Hardman Alexander Mort Earle, Gentleman, b. 1902 ; and Rosemary. Res. — Sandiway, Cheshire. Club — Windham. William Edward Earle, Esq., b. 1861. Club — New. Alfred Earle, Esq. , b. 1864. C///*— Bath, Charles Frederick Earle, Esq., b. 1867. Reginald Earle, Esq., b. 1871. Club — Bath. John Wilfrid Earle, Esq., b 1878. ARTHUR E.ARLE, Esquire, J. P. co. Lancaster, and Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. Born Dec. 14, 1838, being the fourth and only surviving son of Sir Hard- man Earle, Baronet, by his wife Mary, dau. of William Langton. Livery — Dark blue with a canary-coloured stripe, with a waistcoat of the latter colour. Armorial beulngps are : Or, three pallets gules, each charged with an escallop-shell in chief of the field, impaling for Matthew the arms, sable a stork argent, tufted azure, legged gules, with a biardure of the second ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erased, holding an ^ is the Military Cockade. (JBar arrow in bend sinister, the barb downwards proper, pen- dent by a chain or, an escutcheon gules, charged with an escallop-shell as in the arms; with the Motto, " Servare niodum." Married, Nov. 19, 1867, Ida Euphemia Bertie ((/. 1903), eldest dau. of the late Sir George Buckley-Mathew, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Bath ; and iias Issue— {\) Cecil Arthur Earle, Gentleman, Lieut. R.A., h. Nov. 19, 1868, d. of cholera in India July 15, 1896 \_m., 1891, Isabella Lizzie, eldest dau. of Fife Scott of Newcastle-on-Tyne] ; (2) John Greville ?2arle, Esq., J. P. co. Lancaster, b. Oct. 26, 1869; (3) Ronald Hamilton Earle, Esq., late Capt. Lanes. Art. Mil., /;. Feb. 20, 1874 [;«. , June 1901, Lily Mary, only dau. of R. J. Uelaney] ; (4) Lawrence Mathew Earle, Gentleman, B.A. Cambs., b. Sept. 16, 1881 ; and Lilian Ida. Postal (wWrw.?— Child wall Lodge, Wavertree, Liverpool. Clubs— Windham, Reform, Palatine, and Racquet. GEORGE HUDSON EARLE, Gentleman. Bom May 27, 1851, being the eldest son of the late George Foster Earle, by his wife, Sarah Theodosia, daughter of John Hud- son, and late of Linnaeus House, Kingston upon Hull, and 3 Lancaster Gate, W. Armorial bearings— He bears for OB 80 425 Arms ; Gules, a fess between three sheldrakes and as many escallops argent, on an escutcheon of pretence sable two bars dancett^ argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of two spears in saltire proper, a lion's head erased or, charged with two escallops fessewise gules. Married, July 20, 1883, Susanne Catherine Elizabeth, Baroness de Reede de Ter Aa, who died Feb. 24, 1896. Post. add. — Rocklands, Tor- quay. Clubs - Conservative, and Royal Torbay Yacht Club. ! EAR? (H. Coll.). Barry wavy of six or and ermine, an eagle displayed pean, in chief a rose between two escallops gules. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount thereon a tiger passant, holding in the mouth an eagle's leg erased, a tilting-spear fessewise head to the dexter all jwoper. Son of late Henry Smith Earp of The Vinery, Dun- stall Hill, Wolverhampton, b. ; d. ; in. Mary, d. of :— Earp, Gentleman. Res. — The Vinery, Dunstall Hill, Wolverhampton. HERBERT D'ESTE-EAST, Gentleman. Assumed names of D'Este-East in lieu of Maclaverty by Royal Licences 1879 and 1895. Armorial bearings — Sable, on a chevron or, between three horses' heads erased or, two passion crosses chevronways of the first. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a horse passant ermme, the dexter foreleg supporting a passion cross in bend smister sable. Married, 1877, Gertrude C. M. D'Este elder dau. of late E. H. East, Lieut. R.A., and cousin and heir of late Sir James Buller East, Bart. 6Va/— Bourton House, Moreton-in-lhe-Marsh, Glos. EASTWOOD (H. Coll.). Per chevron gules and sable, on a chevron invected erminois, plain cottised or, between in chief two swans close respecting each other, and in base a pelican also close argent, vulning herself gules, a fountain proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on the battlements of a tower per pale argent and gules, in front of a lance erect proper with pennon azure, a lion statant guardant per pale of the second and first, resting the dexter paw on a fountain as in the arms. Motto — " Nil desperandum." Sons of John F"isher Eastwood, Esq., of Esher Lodge Surrey, J.P., D.L. (High Sheriff 1891- 2), b. 1824; d. 1898 ; m. 1857, Frances Mary, d. of the late Charles Thomas Pearce of Grove Hill, Camberwell :— William Seymour Eastwood, Gentleman, of Esher Lodge, {q.v.). Arthur Edgell Eastwood, Esq., J. P. co. Somerset, b. i860; m. 1889, Margaret Esther, d. of late W. Knox Wigram of St. Margaret's, Twickenham, i'fa^- Leigh Court, Angersleigh, Somerset. John Charles Basil Eastwood, Esq., Col. 12th Roy. Lancers, b. 24 March 1862 ; vi. 1901, Hon. Eleanor Sophia, d. of ist Baron Heneage. Res. — FYank Bruce Eastwood, Gentleman, b. 1866; m. 1895, Amy Sophie, d. of William Keswick, M.P., of Eastwick Park, Leatherhead. j¥«.— High Clandon, Guildford. CHARLES EDMUND EASTWOOD, Gentleman, B.A. Magdalene College, Cambridge. Bor?i April 19, 1863, being the second but only surviving son of the late Rev. J. Eastwood, Vicar of Hope, Staffordshire, and his wife Anne Elizabeth, eldest dau. of W. F. Dixon, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Page Hall, Sheffield, and Birley House, Sheffield. Armorial bearings — Per chevron gules and azure, two swans respecting each other in chief argent, beaked and legged sable, and a rose in base of the third. Mantling gules and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, issuant from a wreath of oak a well proper, thereon a swan argent, beaked and legged sable. Postal address— MslZ^ End, Malvern Wells, Worcestershire. FRANCIS EASTWOOD EASTWOOD, Esquire, late Major 27th Inniskilling Fusiliers. Born March 3, 1831, being the second son of Robert Murphy and Jane Atkinson his wife, of 17 Merrion Square North, and Castletown, co. Louth, and Dromin, co. Wicklow. He assumed the sur- name and arms of Eastwood in lieu of Murphy by Royal Licence dated May 24, 1886. Livery — Dark blue. Armo- rial bearings - Or, three bucks trippant sable, armed and langued gules, that in the base standing under an oak tree eradicated vert. Mantling sable and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a boar passant azure, charged with a castle argent, and holding in the mouth an oak branch proper. Motto — " Oriens silva." Married, Aug. 4, 1866, Ismena Amy, dau. of the late Major Cuhtbert Barlow, 9th Lancers ; and has v\'ith other Issue — Robert John Camac Eastwood, Gentleman, (5. 1868. Seat — Castletown, Dundalk. Clubs — Army and Navy, Hibernian United Service (Dublin). FREDERICK EASTWOOD, Gentleman, J. P. for the borough of Huddersfield. Borii Aug. 26, 1842, being the eldest son of Edmund Eastwood, by Sarah his wife, daughter of the Reverend Benjamin Boothroyd, D.D. Cltibs — Reform, Huddersfield Club (Huddersfield). Livery— Black and white. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Sable, a chevron embattled, counter-embattled argent, gutt^- de-sang, between two swans close respecting each other in chief and a swan rising in base argent, in the centre chief p)oint, a battle-axe erect or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon the battle- ments of a tower proper, a lion passant gules, gutt6 d'or supporting with the dexter fore-paw a battle-axe, erect also proper; with the Motto, " Oriens sylva." Married, March 22, 1866, Mary Elizabeth, only daughter of Joshua Nicholson is tbe Naval Cockade. 4s6 (ZBa0 OBas of Leek. StAffordshire ; and has /ssi4e—{i) Harry Arnold Bastwood. Gentleman, d. Feb. a8, 1870; 'a\ Arthur East- wood, y Oct. I, 1871, (/. Nov. aa, 1873 ; (3) Frederick Nor- man Eastwood, Gentleman, 6. Oct. ao, 1877 ; and Carrie [m., June 11, 1896, Richard Sykes of Denver, U.S.A.]. Postal address — Buckden Mount, Huddersfield. HARRY ARNOLD EASTWOOD, Gentleman. Bom wife Mary Klizal)cth, only dan. of Joshua Nicholson ol Ivcck. Armorial bearlnga -Sablo, a chevron emhatticil countcr-cmlxutleil argent, gutt«5-(le-sang, between two swans close respecting each other m chief and a swan rising in base argent, in the centre chief point a battle-axe or ; and impaling the arms of Brooke, namely argent, a cross nebuly per pale gules and sable, in the first and fourth quarters a lx>ar's head of the last. Mnnt.Ung sabli^ and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon the battlements of a tower proper, a lion passant gules, gutted- d'or supporting with the dexter fore-paw a battle-axe erecl also projier. Motto — " Oriens sylva." Afarrted, June 17, 1897, Hilda, elder dau. of Henry Brooke of Warrenficld, Huddersfield ; and has /ssue — Ralph Brooke Eastwood. Gentleman, d. May 35, 1898 ; and Margaret Brooke, Kesidfnce — Thorpe House, Almondbury, Huddersfield, Clubs — Devonshire, and Huddersfield (Huddersfield). WILLIAM SEYMOUR EASTWOOD. Gentlem.an, Barrister-at-Law. Borft July 31, 1858, being the eldest son of the late John Fisher Eastwood, Esq., of Esher Lodge, CO. Surrey, J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff of Surrey 1891-92, •by his wife Frances Mary, dau. of the late Charles Thomas Pearce of Grove Hill, Camberwell. Armorial bearing!— Feb. a8, 1870, being the eldest son of Frederick Eastwood, Gentleman, J. P. for the borough of Huddtrsfield, by his Per chevron gules and sable, on a chevron invected erminois, plain cotised or, between in chief two swans close respect- ing each other, and in base a p>elican also close argent, vulning herself gules, a fountain proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on the battle- ments of a tower per pale argent and gules, in front of a lance erect proper, with p)ennon azure, a lion statant guardant per pale of the second and first, resting the dexter paw upon a fountain as in the arms. Motto — "Nil desperandum." Married, June i, 1886, Cecil Emma, eldest dau. of the late Col. the Hon. Sir Patrick Wellington Talbot, K.C.B., and has Issue — (i) John Patrick Basil Eastwood, Gentleman, b. 1889 ; (2) Charles Seymour Eastwood, Gentleman, b. 1893 ; (3) Gerald Arthur Eastwood, Gentleman, b. 1897 ; Cecil ^ ig tbe MUitary Cockade. (Bat €cc 427 Mary ; and Dorothy Constance, d. 1902. Postal address — 5 Cromwell Road, London, S.W. Club — New University. EATON, see GROSVENOR. ERNEST ARTHUR EBBLEWHITE, Gentleman, of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law (Chester and North Wales Circuit), Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Citizen and Ironmonger of London, Clerk of the Worshipful Com- panies of Tin Plate Workers (1894), and Gardeners (1903). Born March 2, 1867, being the son of the late John Henry Ebblewhite, Citizen of London, of Portsoken Ward in the City of London, and King Edward Road, South Hackney, London, by his second wife Amy Louisa, eldest dau. of Nathaniel Price of Hornsey, Middlesex. Armorial beax- ings — Per fesse indented argent and azure, within two pallets as many roses in pale all counterchanged ; on a canton gules, a mullet of six points pierced of the first ; impaling the arms of George, namely, per fesse gules and sable, on a fesse indented argent, between two falcons rising in pale of the third, beaked and legged or, a talbot passant of the second. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-wolf ermine, holding between the paws a lyre or, and charged on the I shoulder with a mullet of six points pierced gules. Motto — "En avant." Married, June 28, 1888, Blanche Amy, second dau. of the late Frederic Charles George, of the City of Wells, Gentleman, and sister of Frederic Brand George, Gentleman [whom see] ; and has Issue — Ernest George Ebblewhite, Gentleman, Cadet R.N., b. April 19, i88g ; Ursula ; and Joyce. Postal addresses — i Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C. ; Tintern, Christchurch Road, Crouch End, N. C/«i— Grosvenor (Chester). CHARLES JOHN EBDEN, Esquire, J. P. and D.L., M.A. Trin. Coll., Camb., Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple. Born March 24, 1853, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Charles Hotson Ebden, senior Mem- ber for Port Philip district in the first Legislative Council for New South Wales, first Auditor-General of the Colony of Victoria 1851-56, and Treasurer 1857, by his wife Tamar, only child of Robert Harding. Armorial bearings Or, five fusils conjoined in fesse sable, between in chief two palm- trees eradicated proper, and in base a lion passant regar- dant of the second. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion regardant sable, collared or, resting the dexter paw upon a fusil also sable, and holding in the mouth a palm branch proper. Motto — ' ' Spes sibi quis que." Married, Feb. 21, 1878, Agnes Murray, dau. of Col. Murray Mackenzie, Bengal Horse Artillery ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Hotson Murray Ebden, Gentleman, b. June 29, 1880 ; Agnes Leila ; and Gladvs Eveline. Residence - Baldslow Place, near St. Leonards-on-Sea. EBSWORTH (H. Coll. ). Argent, a cross engrailed and voided sable, between four human hearts gules," and in the centre point a raven close proper. MantllJig sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of two arrows in saltire sable, a cockatrice's head erased argent, combed and wattled gules. Sons of George Clement Ebsworth (eld. s. of Rev. George Searl Ebsworth), b. 1844; d. 1904; m. 1877, Jessie Agnes, d. of Frederick Cook Stephens of Bilbao : — Frederick George Ebsworth, Gentleman, b. 1878. Alfred Henry Ebsworth, Gentleman, b. 1883. Sons of Rev. George Searl Ebsworth, Vicar of Croxton Kerrial, b. 1814 ; d. 1894 ; m. 1843, Sarah Marianne, d. of Peter Cazalet : — Rev. Algernon Frederic Ebsworth, Vicar of East Retford, Canon of Southwell Cathedral, b. 1845 ; m. 1879, Mary Frances, d. of Rev. Evelyn Hardolph Harcourt Vernon ; and has issue — Wilfrid Algernon Ebsworth, Gentleman, b. 1897 ; Helena Mary ; Janet Evelyn ; and Hilda Margaret. Res. — The Vicarage, East Retford. Edward Henry Ebsworth, Esq., J. P. co. Glamorgan, b. 1848 ; m. 1873, Josephine Mary, d. of Richard Miller of Manderston, co. Berwick; and has issue — Elizabeth [m. Capt, George S. C. Swinton, March Pursuivant of Arms (q.v.)]. Seat — Llandough Castle, Cowbridge, Glamorgan. Clubs — Wellington, Prince's, County (Cardiff). Ernest Alfred Ebsworth, Gentleman, b. 1866; tii. 1892, Muriel Fanny Cecil Stuart, d. of Edward Daniel of Chfton, Glos. Res. — Hemingford Grey, St. Ives, Hunts. JOHN ECCLES, Esquire, J. P. co. of Lancaster. Born Oct. 19, 1831, being the second but only surviving son of the late William Eccles, by his wife Jane, dau. of Kenneth M'Kenzie. Armorial bearings -Sable, on a pale en- grailed or, between six lions rampant paleways argent, a rose between two crosses pat6e gules. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a rock proper, a cross pat^e gules, and on either side three cinquefoils slipped vert. Motto —" Per ecclesiam ad coelum." Mar- ried, 1875, Victoria Mary Luis Kay, dau. of Jos6 Luis Fernandes ; and has Issue - (i) John Gilbert Luis Eccles, Gentleman, b. 1875; (2) William Ernest Luis Eccles, is the Naval Cockade. 4t8 OEcl) (2EDe Gentleman, t. 1879. Preston. KesideMct — Farington House, noar JOHN GODFRKY ECHLIN, Gentleman. Horn April c, 1843. being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Rev. John Robert Kcblin, M.A. , ].V., formerly In- cumbent of Hronington, near Whitchurch, Salop; by his second wife Mary Anne, second dau. of Ford North, of the Oaks, .Ambleside, co. WestmoreLind. Armorial iMaxinga — l.>u;irteily i and 4, or, ;i galley proper ; 2 and 3, or, a fesse chequy purpure and argent, in chief a deer at full speed pursued by a dog all proper. Great — On a wreath of tlic colours, a talboi pissant argent, spotted sable, langued gules. Motto — " Non sine praxli." ii/arnW, 1870, Anna Medici, older dau. and coheir of Rev. John Wrixon, M.A., Vicar of Malone, co. Antrim ; and has Issue— (1) John Stafford Echlin, Gentleman, b. Feb. 33, 1873 ; (a) Godfrey Cecil Echlin, Gentleman, Lieut R.N., ^. Aug. la, 1874; (3) Bertram Wrixon Echlin, Gentleman, R.N.R., b. Nov. 1879. 5ranches slipped chevronways also proper. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of ademi-tower pro|)er, thereon a stag's head erased erminois, three spears, one in pale and two in saltire, also propwr. Motto — " In veritate victoria." Married, firstly, Oct. i, 1851, Mary, elder dau. of Thomas Backhouse of York ; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Backhouse Ecroyd, Gentleman, b. July 7, 1857 ; (a) William Farrer (assumed that name by Royal Licence, see Farrer), Gentleman, b. Feb. a8, i86i ; (3) Edward Ecroyd, Gentle- man, b. Oct. 9, 1864 ; Edith Mary ; Margaret ; Gertrude ; Alizon ; Mary (deceased) ; and Adelaide Jane. He married, secondly, Anna Maria, eldest dau. of George Foster of Sabden, in co. Lancaster. Estates — Lomesnaye, in co. Lancaster ; Credenhill Park, in co. Hereford ; Whitbarrow Lodge, in co. Westmorland. Postal address — Credenhill Court, near Hereford. Club — Carlton. EDEN, sec DUNCOMBE-EDEN. 5 JOHN HENRY EDEN, Esquire, Lieut. -Colonel (rctd. pay), late P.W.O. Yorkshire Kegt.), H.M. Inspector of Constabulary. Born May 10, 1851, l)eing the eldest son of the late Rev. J. P. Eden, Rector of Sedgefield, co. Durham, and his wife Catherine Frances, dau. of Colonel H. Stotert. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a chevron of Lancaster, M.P. for Preston 1881-5. ^<"'" Ju'y 14. 1827, being the eldest son of the late William Ecroyd of between three garbs or, banded vert, as many escallops sable ; and impaling the arms of Lowry-Corry, namely, quarterly i and 4, gules, a saltire argent, in chief a rose of the last (for Corry) ; 2. sable, a cup argent, with a garland between two laurel branches all issuing therefrom proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed proper, the hand grasping a garb as in the arms. Motto "Si sit prudentia." Mar- ried, Oct. 12, 1893, Lady Florence Lowry-Corry, second dau. J^ is the Military Cockade. (2BDff Ctig 429 of 4th Earl of Belmore ; and has /ssue~(i) Robert John Patrick Eden, Gentleman, 6. April 26, 1896; (2) George Wilfrid Eden, Gentleman, i. Aug. 13, 1903; Christian Florence ; and Norah Madeline. Postal address— Bishop- ston Grange, Ripon. Cli(d — United Service. WILFRED HAYTHORNE EDGAR, Gentleman, Bar- rister-at-Law. Born Jan. 9, 1864, being the only son of the late Rev. Joseph Haythorne Edgar, M.A. Oxon., Clerk in Holy Orders, formerly Lieut, in the Royal Artil- lery, by his wife Emily Sarah, dau. of William Pritchard, Proctor of Doctors' Commons. Armorial bearings— ' Party per fesse sable and argent, a lion rampant counter- i changed, armed and langued gules. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, ! doubled argent ; and issuing from a wreath of his liveries ■ is set for Crest, an nrm in armoin% the hand bare and I grasping a dagger point downwards all proper ; and in an escroll above the same this Motto, " Maun do it," and on fa compartment below the shield the additional Motto, " Salutem disponit Deus." EDGBASTON, quartered by MIDDLEMORE. EDGCUMBE, see PEARCE-EDGCUMBE. a RICHARD JOHN FREDERICK EDGCUMBE, & Esquire, J. P. co. Berks, Sergeant-at-Arms since 1880, late Capt. Royal Bucks Militia, formerly of 73rd and S2nd Regts. Born Aug. 12, 1843, being the eldest son of the late Hon. George Edgcumbe and of Fanny Lucy, dau. of Sir John Shelley, sixth Bart. Armorial bearings— Gules, on a bend ermines, cotised or, three boars' heads argent. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a boar argent, accoUed with a wreath of oak proper, fructed or. Motto — "An plaisir fort de Dieu." Married, Nov. 26, 1872, Mary Louisa, dau. of John Bligh Monck, Coley Park, Reading; and has /ss?^e—Kene\m William Edward Edgcumbe, Esq., 6. Oct. 9, 1873. ^^^^ — Edgbarrow, Crow- thorne, Berks. Town rej/dVwc^— 33Tedworth Square, Chel- sea. C/z/3j— Athenaeum, Wellington, Berkshire County. Sir JOHN EDGE, Knight Bachelor, K.C., LL.B. (Trin. Coll., Dublin); formerly Chief Justice of the N.W. Provinces of India, 1886 ; created Knight Bachelor, 1886. Born 1841, being the only son of Benjamin Booker Edge, Esq., of Clonbrock, by Esther Anne, dau. of Thomas Allen, Esq., of The Park, co. Wicklow. Armorial bearings— Per fesse sable and gules, an eagle displayed argent, on a chief or, a cinquefoil between two annulets of the second. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a reindeer's head couped proper, collared and chained or, holding in the mouth a trefoil vert ; with the Motto, "Semper fidelis. " Married, 1867, Laura, youngest dau. of Thomas Lougborough of Selwood Lodge, Surrey ; and has had Issue— ]ohn Edge, Esq., i. 1873, d. 1896; Esther Frances (deceased); Ethel Laura [m. Capt. Stuart George Knox, Indian Army] ; Kathleen Mary [m. Major Charles Trevor Caulfield, R.H.A.]; and Helga Violet. Postal addresses — Waverley Court, Camberley, and Clonbrock, Crettyard, Ireland. Club — -Junior Carlton. JOHN HENRY EDGE, Esq., B.A. (Dublin), Barrister- at-Law. Born 1841, being the only surviving son of the late John Dallas Edge, Barrister-at-Law, by Anne, dau. of the late T. Mansell. Armorial bearings— Per fesse sable and gules, an eagle displayed argent, on a chief or, a cinque- foil between two annulets of the second. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a reindeer's head couped proper, collared and chained or, and holding in its mouth a trefoil vert. Motto — "Semper fidelis." Married, 1870, Georgina, only dau. of W. Monck Gibbon, LL.D. 5ra/— Farnaus, Ballickmoyler, Queen's Co. Residence — 25 Upper Mount Street, Dublin. S THOMAS LEWIS KEKEWICH EDGE, Esquire. J. P. for Notts, Capt. and Hon. Maj. 4th Notts V.B. is tbe Naval Cockade. 430 OBDg OEDm Sherwood Forestrrs, High SiierifT of Notts, 1904. Bom Oct. 37, 1856. being the oldest son of James Thomas Edge, by his wife Julia Kranci's, dan. of S. T. Kekewich, Est). Ciut — New University. I.iitry — Blue calyor and vert, between two horses' heads erased in chief, and three arrows, one in pale surmounted by two in saltire, tlie pheons downward sable. Mantling vert and argent. Cresi — Upon a wreath of the colours, five arrows interlaced or, surmounted by a crescent sable. Married, Aug. 2, 1870, Mary Elizabeth, eldest dau. (rf. 1887) of the late Rev. W. T. Collings, Seigneur of Bark, Channel Islands; and has Issue — (i) Henry Edmeades, Gentleman, b. Feb. 8, 1875 ; (2) William Allaire Edmeades, Gentleman, 3. Jan. 13, 1880; Mary Mildred; Mabel; Florence; and Hilda Margaret. Estates — Nurstead Court ; Wrotiiam Place, in the county of Kent. Postal address —Nurstead Court, Gravesend. Club — Junior United Service. WILLIAM EDMONDS. Esq., J. P. for Devonshire, and Lord of the Manor of Southleigh. Born 1834, being the eldest son of the late William Edmonds of Liverpool, by EDGEWORTH of Edgeworthstown (U.O.). Per chevron gules and or, three martlets counterchanged. Mantling gules and or. Crest^On a ducal coronet a pelican vulning herself or. Motto — "Constans contraria spernit." Livery — Claret, canary facings. Sons of Francis Beaufort Edgeworth, Gentleman, b. 1809; d. 1846; m. 1831, Rosa Florentina, d. of Don Antonio Eroles of Catalonia, Spain : — Antonio Eroles Edgeworth, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Long- ford (High Sheriff 1890), M.A. and ex-Scholar (Trin. Coll.. Dub,), b. 1842; m. 1874, Franfoise, d. of Col. Delcher of the French Service. Seat — Edgeworthstown House, co. Longford. Ysidro Francis Edgeworth, Gentleman, M..^., D.C.L. F.R.S., Barrister-at-Law, Fellow of All Souls College, and Professor of Political Economy, Oxford, b. 1846. Res. — Oxford. Clubs — Athenaeum, Alpine, Savile. Sons of Rev. John Essex Edward Edgeworth, B.A., of Kilshrewley and Longwood, b. 1814 ; d. 1904 ; m. 1843, Elizabeth Anne, d. of late Lancelot Croasdaile of Rynn, Queen's Co. : — Thomas Newcomen Edgeworth, Esq., D.L. co. Long- ford, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), b. 1850; m. 1878, Elizabeth du Pr6, eld. d. of John Wilson, Esq., J. P. of Daramona, co. Westmeath ; and has issue — (i) Kenneth Essex Edgeworth, Gentleman, Lieut. R.E., b. i88o; (2) John Agnew Edgeworth, Gentleman, Lieut. R.E., b. 1884; and Ethel Marian. Seats — Kilshrewley, Edgeworthstown, CO. Longford; Longwood, co. Meath. Rev. Lancelot Croasdaile Agnew Edgeworth, B.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), b. 1852 ; m. 1893, Eliza, d. of Joseph S. Cragg of Longbridge-Hayes, Staffs. Res. — The Parsonage, County Asylum, Chester. Son of Cecil Roger Ekigeworth, Gentleman, b, i860; d. 1896; m. 1891, Alice, d. of late H. J. Knox of Durban, Natal : — Roger Lovell Edgeworth, Gentleman, b. 1892. Res. — Sir PETER HENRY EDLIN, Knight Bachelor, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, Deputy- Lieutenant for the CO. of Middlesex, and Justice of the Peace Matilda Elvina, fourth dau. of the late Thomas Humphries of Dublin. Clubs— Hx.. George's, Conservative (Liverpool). Armorial bearings — Per chevron nebuly argent and vert, in chief two fleurs-de-lis of the last, and in base a ship under sail proper. Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, ^ is the Military Cockade. p €tim OBtltD 431 upon a wreath of the colours, a rock proper, thereon a fleur- de-lis vert, surmounted by a boar's head couped or. Motto —"Absque labore nihil." Married, 1868, Mary Elizabeth, eldest dau. of the late Nicholas Gifford of Rathcoyle, co. Wicklow (she died 1877) ; and has, with other Issue — WilliamEdmonds, Barrister-at-law, b. 1871. Seat—Wis- combe Park, Colyton, Devon. EDMONSTONE, quartered by D.ALGLEISH. WILLIAM EDMONDSTONE EDMONSTONE - MONTGOMERIE, Esquire, Lt.-Col. and Hon. Col. in the Volunteers. Born Oct. 9, i860, being the eldest son of Hugh Edmonstone - Montgomerie, Esq., by his wife Ellen, dau. of Thomas Turner. Armorial bear- ings—Quarterly I and 4, grand quarters, quarterly i. and iiii. azure, three fleurs-de-lis or ; ii. and iii. gules, three annulets or, stoned azure, all within a bordure en- grailed or, charged with a double tressure flory counterflory gules (for Montgomerie) ; 2 and 3 grand quarters, or, three crescents within a double tressure flory counterflory gules, in the fesse point a crescent azure (for Edmonstone). Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crests— i. on the dexter side, on a chapeau, a dexter gauntlet erect proper, the hand holding a dagger erect also proper, hiked and pommelled or (for Montgomerie) ; 2. on the sinister side, out of a ducal coronet or, a swan's head and neck argent, beaked or (for Edmonstone). Motto — " Garde garde. " Residence — 200 Cromwell Road, Kensington, S. W. EDMUND OF WOODSTOCK, quartered by DU MOULIN-BROWNE and JERNINGHAM. issuant from the battlements of a tower or, a wolfs head per pale ermine and gules, guttfe-d'or, charged with a cross couped also or. Motto — "A gar y gwir a gyfyr." Mar- ried, 1880, the second dau. of D. Davis of Maesyffynon, EDMUNDS, see MARTIN-EDMUNDS. EDNOWAIN BENDEW, quartered by MOSTYN. EDWARDES, see HOPE-EDWARDES. EDWARDS, quartered by VAUGHAN-LEE. Lieutenant-Colonel the Right Honourable Sir FLEETWOOD ISHAM EDWARDS, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, K.C.B., I.S.O., P.C. (1895), Serjeant at Arms in the House of Lords, and Extra Equerry to the King (1901), Keeper of the Privy Purse, and Extra Equerry to Queen Victoria, Member of the Council of the Duchy of Lancaster, Royal Commissioner for Exhibi- tion of 1851 and a Governor of Wellington College (1903). Born 1842, being the son of Thomas Edwards, by his wife Hester M.P., dau. of the Rev. William Wilson of Knowle Hall, in the county of Warwick; created C.B. (1882), K.C.B. (1887), G.C.V.O. (1901), I.S.O. Armorial bear- ings — Party per saltire ermine and ermines, a lion rampant or, a chief of the third, thereon a wolf's head erased between two estoiles sable, the escutcheon being encircled by the ribbon and motto of the Royal Victorian Order, and pendent therefrom the badges of G.C.V.O. and K.C.B. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, issuant from a chaplet of roses gules, a lion's head erased per pale ermines and ermine, gorged with a collar gemel or ; with the MottO, " Integritate." Married, first, 1870, Edith, dau. of the Rev. Allan Smith Masters of Camer, in the county of Kent (she died 1873); secondly, 1880, Mary, dau. of the late Major J. R. Majendie, 92nd Highlanders. Postal address — St. James's Palace, S.W. Clubs — United Service, Junior United Service. S FRANK EDWARDS, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for co. of Radnor, High Sheriff 1898, was educated at Shrews- bury and Jesus Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1875), was formerly a Solicitor, and M.P. for Radnorshire 1892-95 and since 1900. Born 1852, being the son of Edward Edwards of Llangollen. Armorial bearings— Per pale ermine and gules, gutt6e-d'or, a lion rampant or, between two flaunches of the last, each charged with a wolfs head erased of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, Aberdare ; and has Issue — Caroline Myfanwy. Seat — The Cottage, Knighton, Radnorshire. Town residence — III Ashley Gardens, S.W. Clubs— "Reiorm, National Liberal. GEORGE FREDERICK EDWARDS, Gentleman, F. R.G.S. , F.Z.S.. Citizen and Spectacle Maker of London and a Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Tinplate Workers. Born Nov. 2, 1843, being the third son of the late Frederick Dominick Edwards of Frederick Place, Caledonian Road, Islington, by Phillis Messeter his wife. Armorial bearings — Or, on a pile sable, gutt^e-d'eau, between two clubs in pale heads downwards also sable, a lion rampant of the first. Mantling sable and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, in front of a man's head in profile, couped proper, crined or, a fret of the last. Motto — " Gratia naturam vincit." Married, May 10, 1869, Selina Hannah, dau. of Thomas Wooldridge of Slough, Bucks; and has /jja«ntlemnn, burn January 6, 1891 ; (3) Thomas Awbrey Kicr Kdwaids. lieniletnan, Ixirn April aj, 1804 ; and Sybil Mary Elizabeth. Estates — Novington Manor, in the co. of Sussex, and Maytham Hall, in the co. of Kent. Residences — Novington Manor, Sussex ; 18 Cleveland Square, Hyde Park, London, W. Clubs — United University, Bath. JOHN EDWARDS, Gentleman, of Trematon Hall, in the county of Cornwall. Bom June 12, 1835, being the son of the late John Edwards, Esquire, of Trematon Hall, in the county of Cornwall, by his wife Jane, daughter of John Bennett of Wearde, in the county of Cornwall. Armorial bearlsj^ — He bears for Arms : Per chevron azure and or, in chief a cross crosslet between two garbs, in base a garb between as many cross crosslets counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased per chevron or and azure between two ears of wheat gold. Married, October 6, 1863, Eliza Howard, daughter of Joseph Yelloly Watson, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, of the Grange, Thorpe, in the county of Essex; and has Issue — (i) John Edwards, Gentleman, bom September 23, 1865 ; (2) Henry William Eldwards, Gentleman, born December 23, 1871 ; Eliza Mary ; and Edith Annie. Seat — Trematon Hall, near Saltash. EDWYN, Lx>rd of Tegengle, quartered by MOSTYN. SALAN DE TATTON EGERTON, Esquire, com- monly known as the Hon. Alan de Tatton Egerton, M.P. for Knutsford Division of Cheshire. Born March 19, 1845. Clubs — Bachelors', Carlton, St. James's. Armorial beafing^ — Argent, a lion rampant gules between three pheons sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent. Crest- On a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion ram- p)ant also gules, supporting an arrow paleways or, pheoned and flighted argent. Married, 1867, Anna Louisa, daughter of Simon Watson Taylor, formerly Member of Parlia- ment for Devizes, of Erlestoke Park, Devizes ; and has Issue living — Maurice Egerton, Esquire, born 1874. Postal addresses — 9 Seamore Place, Mayfair, W. ; 9 King's Gardens, Hove, Brighton ; The Cottage, Taplow, Maiden- head ; Rostherne Manor, Knutsford. CHARLES AUGUSTUS EGERTON, Esquire. J. P., D.U Born Aug. 24, 1846, being the eldest son of the late Edward Christopher Egerton, Esq., M.P. lor N. Cheshire, sometime Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, by his wife Lady Mary Pierreiwnt, dau. of Charles, and Earl Manvers. Armorial bearlnj^— Argent, a lion ram- pant gules, iK'lween threo pheons sable. Uantllnj^ gules and argent. Crest — On a cha|x,'au gules, turned up ermine, a lion rampant also gules, supporting .in arrow paleways, pheoned and flighted argent. Motto — * ' Sic donee. ' Married, April 17, 1888, Hon. Mabelle Annie Brassey. eldest dau. of Lord Brassey, G.C.B. ; and has Issue — (i) Edward Brassey Egerton, Gentleman, b. March 3, 1889 ; (a) Hugh Sidney Egerton, Gentleman, b. Oct. 6, 1890 ; (3) Henry Jack Egerton, Gentleman, b. March 29, 1892 ; Cicely Annie; Phyllis Mabelle; and Hester Joan. 5^a/— The Banks, Mountfield, Sussex. C/«*j— Travellers', Turf. Sir EDWIN HENRY EGERTON, K.C.B. (1897), Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to H.M. the King of the Hellenes since 1893, Sec. H.M. Legation at Paris 1886-92. Bom Nov. 9, 1841, being the third son of Rev. Thomas Egerton, Canon of York, Rector of Middle (brother of Lord Egerton of Tatton), by his wife Charlotte Catherine, dau. of Sir William Milner of Nunappleton. Livery — Drab, scarlet collar and waistcoat, silver buttons ; for dress, black plush breeches. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion rampant gules, between three pheons sable. Mantling argent and gules. Crest— On a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion rampant also gules, supporting an arrow in pale or, barbed and flighted argent. Motto— "Sic donee." Married, July 22, 1895, Olga, widow of Michael Katkof, late Russian Secretary of Legation at Lisbon, and dau. of Prince Nicholas Lobanow Rostowski of Lobanoro, Russia; and has Issue— ]o)xr. Frederick Egerton, Esq., b. July 29, 1896. Postal address — British Legation, Athens. Clubs — Travellers', Marlborough, Garrick. HUGH EDWARD EGERTON, Esquire, J. P. London, Barrister-at-Law. Born April 19, 1855, being the second son of the late Edward Christopher Egerton, Esq., M.P. for N. Cheshire, sometime Under Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs, by his wife Lady Mary Pierrepont, dau. of Charles, 2nd Earl Manvers. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion rampant gules, between three pheons sable. Mantling g^les and argent. Crest— On a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion rampant also gules, supporting an arrow paleways, pheoned and flighted argent. Motto— "Sic donee." Mar- ried, July 7, 1886, Margaret Alice, dau. of Alexander Trotter of Dreghorn, Midlothian ; and has Issue — (i) Guy William Egerton, Gentleman, b. Jan. 24, 1892; (2) Arthur Edward Egerton, Gentleman, b. Aug. 7, 1893 ; Frances Lilias Noel; and Sibyl Alice. Residence — 11 Tite Street, Chelsea, S.W. SSiK ROBERT EYLES EGERTON, Knight Com- mander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India (1879), Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire (1878), J. P. and D.L. for Denbighshire. Bom April 15, 1827, being the third son of WiUiam Eger- ton, Gentleman, of Gresford Lodge, Denbighshire, and his wife Sibella, dau. of Robert Boswell of Edinburgh. Ar- morial bearings — Argent, a lion rampant gules, between three pheons sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, three arrows, two in saltire and one in pale or, headed and feathered sable, banded gules. Motto — " Virtuti non armis fido." Married, firstly, April i8, 1853, Mary Warren, dau. of William Hickey ; and has Issue — (i) William Henry Egerton, Gentleman, Indian Financial Department, b. 1854, d. unmarried, April 24, 1889; (2) Robert Walter Egerton, Gentleman, Executive Engineer, P.W. Dept. , India, h. 1855 \m., 1887, Flora Augusta, dau. of Gen. Richard Shubrick ; and has issue, Robert Randle Egerton, Gentleman, b. 1888]; (3) Raleigh Gilbert Egerton, Esq., Major Indian Staff Corps, b. Sept. 25, i860; [m. first, 1894, Bridget Watson {d. 1894), dau. of Watson Andrew Robertson, Esq., of Ladykirk ; and secondly, 1904, Maude Helen, dau. of Sir George R. Briscott ; and has issue, David George Egerton, Gentleman, b. 1904]; (4) Charles Philip Egerton, Esq., Capt. Indian Staff" Corps, b. March 7, 1863 {m., Nov. 16, 1889, Lilian Isabel, fourth dau. of Lieut. -Gen. Hugh Rose, B..S.C. ; ^ is tlie Military Cockade. Plate XIV. U5&in BaRice Hs-BB hant's head erased sable, charged with a bar gemcl wavy argent, supporting with his trunk a tilting- spcar erect proper. Son of : — The late John James Elliot, Esq., J. P. co. Devon, d. 1892. lies, — Leighani, Egg Buckland, Devonshire. GEORGE HENRY BLOIS ELLIOTT, Esq. Bom 1854, being the only son of the late George Henry Elliott of Farnborough Park, by Ellen, dau. of the late William Palmer-Morewood of Alfreton (she died 1893). Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, ermine a fesse azure, with two double cotises indented vert (for Elliott) ; a and 3 argent, a fleur-de-lis between three mullets within a bordure gules (for Glasse). Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mermaid holding a looking- glass and a comb in her hand proper (for Glasse). Seat — C/u6 — Junior United Service. THOM.\S GOSSELINE ELLIOTT, Gentleman, Born 1870, being the son of the late Nicholas Gosseline Elliott, Gentleman, late Lieut. 62nd Regt., by his wife Anna, dau. of the late Capt. Sir Thomas Ross, R.N. Armorial bearings— Gules, on a bend engrailed between two trefoils slipped or, a baton azure. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a griffin sejant gules, holding in the beak a snake prof)er, and charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped or. Motto— "Occurrent nubes." Residnnce — Lansdown Terrace, Cheltenham. ELLIS, see HATTON-ELLIS and LESLIE-ELLIS. ELLIS (Confn. U.O.). Gules, on a fesse argent, be- tween three crescents or, as many escallops azure, on a canton of the third a garb vert, charged with two bezants. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dolphin naiant cmtowed argent, charged with an escallop as m the arms. Motto — ' ' Non sine jure." Sons of Robert Francis Ellis, Esq., of Sea Park, co. Wicklow. M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), J. P. and High Sheriff (1867! co. Monaghan (High Sheriff co. Wicklow 1868). *. 182a; d. 1899; m. 1851, Elizabeth Mary, d. of James Hawkins of St. Fcnton's, co. Dublin :— Lt.-Col. Henry Leslie- Ellis (q.v.). Alexander Leslie Ellis, Gentleman, b. 1856. Res. — William Whewell Leslie Ellis, Gentleman, b. 1859, Res.— Sons of Thomas Cupples Ellis, Esq., of St. Austin's. CO. Wexford, J. P., b. 1829; d. 1885; m. i860, Augusta Catherine, d. of Rev. Thomas Burne Lancaster, Rector of Grittleton, Wilts:— Henry Herbert Maxwell Ellis, Gentleman, b. 1861 ; M. 1885, Louise Van Metres; and has issue — Henry Augustus Emilius Ellis, Gentleman, b. 1888 ; Catherine Inez; and Violet. Res.- Ernest Francis Leslie, Esq., J. P. co. Wexford,^. 1867; m. 1894, Harriet Eva, d. of late Matthew Johnson-Smyth of Ingram, Lisburn, co. Antrim ; and has issue — Eva Augusta Elizabeth. i>a/— St. Austin's, co. Wexford. Arnold Claud Lancaster Ellis, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N.R., b. 1869 ; m. 1899, Georgina Alice, d. of Rev. James Sullivan, Rector of Askeaton, co. Limerick ; and has issue — Henry Thomas Cupples Ellis, Gentleman, b. 1903 ; and Florence Claudia Helena. Res. — Major-General Sir ARTHUR EDWARD AUGUS- TUS ELLIS, G.C.V.O. (1902), C.S.I. (1876), formerly Colonel Grenadier Guards ; served in Crimea (medal with clasps, and Sardinian and 'Turkish medals) ; in India 1858- 62; was Equerry to H.R.H. the Duchess of Cambridge 1864-66, and Equerry to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, 1866-1900; Equerry to the King (1901); Comptroller of the Lord Chamberlain's Department (1901); is a Knight Grand Cross of Dannebrog of Denmark. Born Dec. 13, 1837, being the second son of Lieut.-Col. Hon. Augustus Frederick Ellis, M.P. (second son of the Rt. Hon. the ist Baron Seaford, by his wife Elizabeth Catherine Caro- line, granddau. of the Rt. Rev. Frederick Augustus Hervey, 4th Earl of Bristol, sth Lord Howard de Walden, and Lord Bishop of Derry), by his wife Mary Frances Thurlow, dau. of Sir David Cunynghame, Bart. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly, i. erminois, a cross sable, charged with five crescents argent (for Ellis) ; 2. gules, on a bend argent, three trefoils slipped vert (for Hervey) ; 3. gules, two lions passant argent, ducally crowned or (for Felton) ; 4. gules, a bend between six cross crosslets fitch^e argent, on the bend an escutcheon or, charged with a demi-lion rampant, erased and pierced through the mouth with an arrow within a double tressure flory counterflory, all gules (for Howard) ; and impaling the arms of Labouchere, namely, quarterly ermine and azure, in the second and third quarters a cross patonce or. Mantling sable and or. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a goat's head erased argent. Married, 1864, the Hon. Mina Labouchere, dau. of the Rt. Hon. the ist Baron Taunton ; and has surviving Issue — (i) Henry Arthur Augustus Ellis, Esq., Clerk in House of Commons, b. 1866 ; (2) Gerald Montagu Augustus Ellis, Esq., b. 1872, formerly a Page of Honour to Her Majesty, Capt. 4th Batt. Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own) ; Mary Evelyn [m., 1885, Ralph Sneyd of Keele Hall, Newcastle-under-Lyne] ; Albertha Lily Magdalen ; Alex- andra Mina [m. Sir Arthur Hardinge, K.C.B., K.C.M.G.] ; Evelyn Mary [m. Walter Kerr] ; and Dorothy [m. Charles Kemeys-Tynte, Esq., of Haswell and Cefn Malby]. Resi- dences — 29 Portland Place, London, W. ; and Royal Lodge, Windsor Great Park. Clubs — Marlborough, Turf, Tra- vellers'. CHALLONER ELLIS CHUTE ELLIS, Gentleman. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, per saltire argent and gules, on a pale sable between two demi-lions passant ducally crowned of the first, three escallops also argent (for Ellis) ; 2 and 3, azure, a lion passant within two bars raguly between as many fleurs-de-lis in chief and a tower triple towered in base all or. RICHARD ADAM ELLIS, Gentleman. Born May 1850, being the younger son of the late Edward Ellis of is tlie Military Cockade. m €(m 439 Bruce Grove, Tottenham, co. Middlesex, by his wife Agnes, dau. of Benjamin Adam. Liverv—White and blue. Armorial bearings - Per pale argent and azure, a dolphin naiant embowed between two eels also naiant all counter- changed. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a sun in splendour, a dolphin naiant proper, charged on the body with a cross couped sable. Motto •"Obsta." Married, Feb. 1878, Emma Eliza, dau. of William Booker ; and has Issue — (i) Richard Hugh Adam Ellis, Gentleman, Royal Artillery, i. Oct. 1880, d. Dec. 9, 1902 ; (2) Rae Adam Ellis, Gentleman, d. Oct. 1881 ; Dorothy Booker Ellis ; and Marjory Ellis (deceased). Residence — Greenwoods, Stock, Essex. The Reverend ALFRED WILLIAM ELLIS-VINER, Clerk in Holy Orders, Patron of Badgeworth with Shurd- ington. Born 1822, being the son of Joseph Ellis- Viner, Esq., J. P., of Badgeworth, and his wife Anne, dau. of the late Captain John Twisden, R.N., of Bradbourne, Kent. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, bendy of six azure and gules, on a bend or a vine branch proper, a chief argent, thereon a saltire engrailed of the second, between two Cornish choughs proper (for Viner) ; 2 and 3, quarterly azure and gules, on across ermine, between four nags' heads erased or, a cinquefoil pierced between four crescents sable (for Ellis). Mantling gules and azure. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour, encircled at the elbow by a wreath of vine, and holding in the hand a gem-ring all proper ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a horse's head erased ermine, gorged with a plain collar argent, thereon a cinquefoil between two crescents slipped sable, holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped proper. Motto—" Labore et honore." Married, 1854, Lucy Maria, dau. of William Pritchard, Madras Medical Service. ELLISON, see CARR-ELLISON. § JOHN WILLIAM ELLISON-MACARTNEY, Esq., J. P. and DL. co. Tyrone, Magistrate co. Fermanagh, High Sheriff CO. Armagh 1870, M.P. co. Tyrone 1875-84. Barrister-at-Law. Born i8i8, being the only son of the late Rev. Thomas Ellison, by Catherine, second daughter of Arthur Chichester Macartney, Esq., of Murlough, co. Down ; and assumed by Royal License in 1859 the additional name and arms of Macartney ; s. his uncle 1858. Clubs— Ca.T\lon, National, Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings- Quarterly I and 4, or a buck trippant gules, a bordure of the last (for Macartney) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a chevron between three eagles' heads argent, a trefoil slipped vert (for Ellison. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect, the hand grasping a rose- branch flowered all proper (for Macartney) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a buck's head erased proper, charged on the neck with a trefoil slipped vert (for Ellison). Motto—" Spe gaudeo." Married, 1851, Elizabeth Phoebe, eldest surviv- ing dau. of the Rev. John Grey Porter ; and has, with other Issue — William Grey Ellison-Macartney, educated at Eton, B. A. of Exeter Coll. , Oxford ; Barrister of the Inner Temple ; has been M.P. for S. Antrim since 1885; late Lieut. R. Tyrone Fusiliers. 5tfa^— Clogher Park, co. Tyrone. The Rtght Honourable WILLIAM GREY ELLI- SON-MACARTNEY, B.A. (Oxon.), a Member of His Majesty's Most Hon. Privy Council (1900), Barrister-at- Law, M.P. for the South Antrim Division, Dec. 1885-1903, Secretary to the Admiralty 1895-1900, Deputy-Master of the Mint since 1903. Born June 7, 1852, being the eldest son of John William Ellison- Macartney, Gentleman, M.P. for the CO. of Tyrone 1874-1885, by his wife Elizabeth Phoebe, dau. of the Rev. John Grey Porter of Bellisle, CO. Fermanagh. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, or, a buck trippant gules, a bordure of the last (for Macart- ney) ; 2 and 3, gules, on a chevron between three eagles' heads erased argent, a trefoil slipped vert (for Ellison). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling gules and or. Crests— i. upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect, the hand grasping a rose- branch flowered all proper (for Macartney) ; motto over, " Stimulat sed ornat ; " 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a buck's head erased proper, charged on the neck with a trefoil slipped vert (for Ellison) ; with this Motto, " Spe gaudeo." Married, Aug. 5, 1897, Ettie, eldest dau. of John Edward Scott of Outlands, Devenport ; and has Issue— ]dhn Arthur Murray, Gentleman ; Phoebe Katharine and Mildred Esther. C/k*5— Carlton, St. Stephen's, Ulster (Belfast), Kildare Street (Dublin). J.\MESELMHIRSr, Esquire, J.P. for W. Riding Yorks. Born 1830, being the second son of William Elmhirst of Round Green and Elmhirst, co. York, by his wife Anna Frances, second dau. of William Walker of Haileybury, Herts, and of Swinnow Park, co. York. Armorial bear- ings — Barry wavy of six argent and sable, a canton paly wavy also of six of the same. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, therefrom issuant rays of the sun in front of a hurst of elm-trees proper. Motto — " In Domino confido." Married, 1865, Anne Hampden, dau. of the late Henry John Pye of Clifton Hall, co. Stafford; and has Issue — (1) James Henry Pye Elmhirst, Gentleman, b. 1866; (2) Charles Cutts Elmhirst, Gentleman, b. 1872. Estate and postal address — Elm House, Thorne, near Don- caster. The Reverend ROBERT ELMHIRST, Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Brearton, near Knaresborough, co. York, Lord of the Manor of Fulletby, co. Lincoln. Born 1835, being the third and youngest son of the late William Elmhirst of Round Green and Elmhirst, co. York, and his wife .Anna Frances, second dau. of William Walker, Bachelor of Medicine, of Swinnow Park, Wetherby. Armorial bearings — Barry wavy of six argent and sable, a canton paly wavy also of six of the same, a mullet for difference. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, therefrom issuant rays of the sun in front of a hurst of elm-trees proper. Motto — "In Domino confido." Married, January 11, 1865, Mary Makins (who died 1884), eldest dau. of the late James Robert Nicholson of Thornton, in the county of Northumberland ; and has Issue— {\) Robert James Elm- hirst, Gentleman, born January 6, 1868 ; (2) Charles Bailey Elmhirst, Gentleman, born February 18, 1871 ; (3) William Elmhirst, Gentleman, born October 11, 1875 ; (4) Richard is the Naval Cockade. 44© etween two annulets of the field, a bordure wavy of the second. Crest -A demi-lion guardant erased azure, holding belwei-n the paws >i hawk's lure, and gorged with a plam collar or, debruised of a bendlet sinister wavy of the last. MottO— " Fideliter et honcste." Postal address — Deighton Manor, Northal- lerton. ELEAZER BIGGINS EMERSON, Esquire, J. P. for North Riding of co. York. B.A. Cambs. Bom 1848, being the second son of the late James Emerson of Easby Hall, in the county of York, by his wife Ann Dorothy, only child of Eleazer Biggins. Armorial bearings— Azure, on a bend raguly or, a hurt between two annulets of the field, a bordiu-e wavy of the second. Crest — A demi-lion guardant erased azure, holding between the paws a hawk's lure, and gorged with a plain collar or, debruised of a bendlet sinister wavy of the last. Motto — " Fideliter et honeste. " Married, June 13, 1876, Mary, eldest dau. of J. M. M'Kean; and has Issue — Ethel Mary Alice Maud ; and Constance Ann Dorothy. Postal address— ToWeshy Hall, Marton, R.S.O., Yorkshire. JOHN JAMES EMERSON, Esquire. J.P. for N.R. of co. York, J.P. CO. Cambs., LL.D. Cambs., Barrister-at-Law, Great and Little Abingdon in co. ("ambs. ; Lay Rector of two parishes and Patron of three livings. Born May 21, 1847, Ijeing the eldest son of the late James Emerson, Esq., J.I'., of Easby Hall, co. York, by his wife Ann Dorothy, only child of Eleazer Biggins. Lxvtry — Claret colour piped with red, and silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a bend raguly or, a hurt between two aiinuk-ts of tlie field, a bordure wavy of the second. Crest — A demi- lion guardant erased azure, holding between the paws a hawk s lure, and gorged with a plain collar or, debruised of a bendlet sinister wavy of the last. MottO — " Fideliter et honeste." Married, April 20, 1876, P'rances Mary Eleanor, eldest dau. of Col, Melville Francis Evait, Bengal Staff Corps; and has /«««— James John Emerson, Gentleman,^. May 4, 1878 \m. 1904, Florence, only child of F. Davison of Highfield House, Market Harborough]. Estates — Easby, Kirby in Cleveland, and Tollesby in York- shire, and Abington, Cambridgeshire ; and possesses pro- perty in the parishes of Ayton, Stokesley, Hutton Rudby, Appleton, Ingleby Greenhow, Ingleby Cross, Carlton, Faceby, Broughton, Hawnby, &c. A'm/j— Easby Hall, Great Ayton, R.S.O. , Yorkshire, and Abington H.-iU, Cambridgeshire. Clubs— ^K. Stephen's, Yorkshire (York). PETER HENRY EMERSON, Gentleman, M.B.. B.A. (of Clare Coll., Cambridge), M.R.C.S. (Eng.). Bom May 13, 1856, being the elder son of Henry Ezekiel Emerson, of the La Palma Estate, .Santa Clara, Cuba, by his wife Jane Harris, dau. of William Billing, M.R.C.S., of Lostwithiel, Cornwall. Armorial bearings— Per fesse Lord of the Manors of E^by, Kirkby in Cleveland, Easter- side, Tollesby, and Great Broughton, in co. York, and of nebuly or and vert, on a bend invected azure, gutt6e-d'eau, a battle-axe between two lions passant argent. Mantling vert and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion vert, charged on the shoulder with two barrulets dancett6e or, and holding in the paws a battle- & is tbe Military Cockade. (ZBmm Cng 443 I axe erect, a club fessewise entwined by a serpent also proper. Motto — " Audacter et hilare." [Ped. H. Coll.]. Married, June 22, 1881, Edith Amy, dau. of the late Joseph .Ainsworth of The Thorns, Bolton, Lanes. ; and has Issue — (i) Leonard Ainsworth Emerson, Gentleman, born May 12, 1882 ; (2) Ralf Billing Emerson, Gentleman, born July 3, 1897 ; Sybil ; Gladys ; and Zoe Orchis. Residence — Foxwold, Southbourne-on-Sea, near Christchurch, Hants. C/«^— Royal Corinthian Yacht. EMMOTT, see GREEN-EMMOTT. ALFRED EMMOTT, Esquire, J. P., Lanes. Born 1858, being the second surviving son of the late /fPttltTinft" ^ honias Emmott of Brookfield, Oldham, \U^lltlUUl-l' and Anchorsholme, Poulton-le-Fylde, by Hannah his wife, daughter of the late John Barlow of The Oak, Chorley. Clubs — Reform, Clarendon (Manchester). Livery — Blue, gilt buttons. Armorial beax- ings — He beais for Arms : Per pale azure and sable, on a fesse argent, cottised or, between three plates, each charged (for l^orne). Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-buU sable, armed or, sem^e of annulets and gorged with a collar gemel argent, and holding between the legs a plate, three escal- lops reversed or. Married, 1891, Lady Constance Harriet, youngest daugliter of the Most Noble Sir George Douglas Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll, K.G., K.T., P.C, D.C.L., IvL.D. , F. R.S. ; and has surviving Issue — Charles Ernest George Campbell Emmott, Gentleman, b. Nov. 12, i8g8, and Constance Hilda Campbell. Postal address — Snow Hall, Darlington. EMPSON, see LISTER-EMPSON. ENGAINE, quartered by CONYERS. ENGLAND, borne on a canton of augmentation by LANE. ENGLAND, quartered by FITZROY, HOWARD, LENNOX, MOWBRAY, SOMERSET MAINWARING- ELLERKER-ONSLOW, KINLOSS, and KNYVETT. with a bull's head caboshed of the first, as many annulets of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befit- ting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi- bull sable, armed or, sem6e of annulets and gorged with a collar gemel argent, and holding between the legs a plate, three escallops reversed or. Married, October 5, 1887, Mary Gertrude, daughter of the late John William Lees of Waterhead House, Oldham; and has Issue — Mary Gwendolen, and Dorothy. Postal address — 30 Ennismore I Gardens, S.W. CHARLES EMMOTT, Esq., J.P. co. Durham. Born 1861, being the fifth son of the late Thomas Emmott of Brookfield, Oldham, and Anchorsholme, Poulton-le-Fylde, by his wife Hannah, dau. of the late John Barlow of The Oak, Chorley. Lively — Blue, with white facings. Armorial bearings— Per pale azure and sable, on a fesse argent, cotised or, between three plates, each charged with a bull's head caboshed of the first, as many annulets of the second, and impaling the arms of Campbell, namely, quarterly i and 4, gyronny of eight or and sable (for Campbell) ; 2 and 3 argent, a galley, oars in action, sable ENGLEFIELD, quartered by LANE. PERCY JAMES ENGLISH, Gentleman, late Lieut. West London Rifles. Born April 14, 1866, being the only son of James English of Colehill House, Fulham, by his wife Caroline B. , daughter of S. Gibbs. Livery — Claret and yellow. Armorial bearings— Per fesse or and gules, a pale counterchanged, a fesse ermine thereon an arrow fesse- ways sable, between three acorns slipped and leaved, two and one proper, and as many cinquefoils one and two argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in tront of a cinquefoil vert, an arrow paleways or, between two branches of oak slipped, leaved, and fructed proper. Postal address— ^o. Egerton Gardens, S.W. C/a*— Constitutional. ROBERT ENGLISH, Gentleman. Born December 27, 1849, being the fourth son of Daniel English of Win- canton, in the county of Somerset, by Mary Ann his wife, nie Green, of that parish. C/«*— City Carlton. Livery— Green , with brass buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears is the Naval Cockade. 444 Cng (ZBr0 for Arma : Argent, on a chevron g\iles, between two lions p«ssant in chief sable, and a rose-branch slipped proper, thereon three roses of the second in base, hve lozenges of the first ; and for his Or«st, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a rose-branch as in the arms, five lozenges fesseways and conjoined or; with the Motto, "Virtus semper viridis." Marritd, November 30, 1880, Mary Ann, daughter of William Henrv Mayne of Greytown. Natal. South Africa; and has had Issue— (\) Cecil Rowc English. Gentleman, born September 24, 1881 ; (a) Robert Ernest English. Gentleman, born November 6, 1883 ; Dorothy Mary ; Margaret Alice ; Grace ; Bessie ; and Violet (deceased). 6'm/ — Scat well, Ross-shire. Pos/al addrtu — ai Portman Square, London, W. ENGLOWISE, quartered by GORGES. SJOHN BERTIE NORREYS ENTWISLE. Esquire, J. P. and D. L. , High Sheriff i888. Bom Oct. a. 1856, being the only son of the late John Smith Entwisle, Esq., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1849, by his wife Caroline, second dau. of Robert J. Norreys of Davy Hulme Hall, co. Lancaster. Armorial bearing— Argent, on a bend en- grailed sable, three mullets of the first. Mantling: sable and argent. Crests i. on a wreath of the colours, a hand fesseways couped above the wrist proper, holding a fleur- de-lis erect or ; a. on a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed, holding with the hand by the hair a Saracen's head erased and affront^ all proper. Motto "Per ce signe a Agincourt." Married, June a3, 1881, Mary Sophia, dau. of Gustavus Tuite Dalton, Esq., J. P., of Kilnahard, Fermor, co. Cavan, and Eureka, Kells, co. Meath, and niece of the late Lady Lisgar. Seats— Fox- holes, Rochdale ; Kilworth House, Rugby. Clubs— Arthur's, Wellington. S FRANCIS GILBERT ENYS, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for the co. of Cornwall, for which he served the office of High Sheriff 1876-1877, Deputy-Warden of the Stannaries. Bom July 30, 1836, being the eldest son of the late John Samuel Enys, by Catherine his wife, eldest daughter of Davies Gilbert of Eastbourne, co. Sussex, and Tredrea, co. Cornwall. Livery — Black coat, with red piping, red waistcoat, and brass buttons. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent three wyverns volant in pale vert, within a bordure gules (for Enys) ; a and 3 gules, on a fesse embattled counter- embattled between three birds argent, as many cinquefoils sable ; the whole within a bordure compony or and sable.' Motto — " Serpentes velut et columba." Estate and postal address — Enys, Penryn, Cornwall, C/«^j — Oxford and Cambridge, Windham. Erskine, Earl of Mar (^.v.). entry. ] [For details of arms see his 1673-7, re- ERDINGTON, quartered by CORBET. ERLE, see EGGINTON-ERNLE-ERLEDRAX, and SAWBRIDGE-ERLE-DRAX. ERNLE, see EGGINTON-ERNLE-ERLE-DRAX. ERSKINE, Baron, see MAR AND KELLIE. ERSKINE (Earl of Buchan), quartered by BURTON- MACKENZIE and WEST. ERSKINE, GOODEVE-, see MAR. ERSKINE, see MAR, MAR and KELLIE, KENNEDY- ERSKINE, KNIGHT- ERSKINE, and WEST-ERSKINE. ERSKINE (c. Vide hereunder. 13th century). Argent, a pale sable. Er.skine, Earl of Mar (rematric. i866, orig. matric. 1673). The Rt. Hon. John Francis Erskine Goodeve- Erskine, Earl of Mar and Kellie (matric. matric. 1866 and 1895). The Rt. Hon. Walter John Francis Erskine, Earl of Mar and KeUie \q.v,). [For details of arms see his entry.] Ehskink (m.itric. c. 1673-7). Quarterly, i and 4, gules, an eagle displayed or, armed and membered azure, looking towards the sun in his splendour, placed in the dexter chief as a coat of augmentation ; 3. quarterly, i. and iiii., azure, a bend between six cross crosslets fitch^e or (Mar) ; ii. and iii., Erskine as above, viz. argent, a pale sable ; 3. quarterly, i. and iiii. , or, a fess chequy azure and argent (Stewart) ; li. and iii., azure, three garbs or (Gumming). Crest— A dexter arm couped below the elbow holding a club proper. Supporters — Two ostriches proper. — Motto — ■ ' Judge nought." Son of Rt. Hon. David Stuart Erskine, 13th Earl of Buchan, b. 1815, d. 1898 ; m. ist, Agnes Graham, d. of James Smith of Craigend : — Rt. Hon. Shipley Gordon Stuart Erskine, 14th Earl of Buchan (1469), 9th Lord Cardross (1610), D.L. co. Lin- lithgow, J. P. Cambs., b. 1850; m. 1876, Rosalie Louisa, d. of Capt. Jules Alexandre Sartoris ; and has issue — Ronald Douglas Stuart Mar Erskine, Esq., commonly called Lord Cardross, Lieut. Scots Guards, b. 1878 ; Lady Muriel Agnes Stuart [»». 1903, Major Hon. Chas. S. Heath- cote -Drummond- willoughby] ; Lady Margery Gladys Stuart ; Lady Evelyn Hilda Stuart \in. 1903, Hon. Walter E. Guinness]. ^«. -Gogmagog Hills, Cambridge; Al- mondwell House, Linlithgow. C/k^j— Carlton, Turf. Erskine (not rematric. in L.O., but as registered in H. Coll.). Quarterly, i. the arms of Erskine as above; 2. azure, a bend between six cross crosslets fitch^e or (Mar) ; 3. or, a fess chequy azure and argent (Stewart) ; 4. argent, three bars gemel gules, surmounted of a lion rampant sable (Fairfax). Crest— A dexter arm embowed holding a club all proper. Motto " Trial by jury." Son of the 4th Baron Erskine, d. 1882 ; m. ist, 1829, Margaret, d. of John Martyn : — Rt. Hon. William Macnaghten Erskine, 5ih Baron Erskine of Restormel Castle, Cornwall (U.K., 10 Feb. 1806), Capt. (ret.) 9th Lancers, Barrister-at-Law, J. P. and D. L. Northants [Arms as above. Supporters of Barony — Dexter, a stork holding in the beak a snake both proper, charged on the breast with a mullet gules ; sinister, a griffin gules, charged on the breast with a mullet or], b. 1841 ; tn. 1864, Caroline Alice Martha, d. of William Grimble ; and has issue— (i) Hon. Montagu Erskine,'*. 1865 \in. 1895! Florence, d. of Edgar Flower of The Hill. Stratford-on- Avon ; and has issue— Donald Flower Cardross Erskine, Esq., b. 1899; Richard Alister Erskine, Gentleman, b. 1901; and Victoria Esm6] ; (2) Hon. Stuart Joseph Ruaidhri Erskine, b. 1869, and to whom refer below ; (3) Hon. Esm^ Standish Erskine, b. 1873 : Hon. Margaret \m. 1890, Capt. E. H. Lacon]. .ff«.— Spratton Hall, Northampton. Clubs— Q^x\\.on, Naval and Military. Sons of Lt.-Col. Hon. David Erskine (s. of and Baron), Major late 21st Fus. and Lt.-Col. Natal Carab., b. 1816; d. 1903; m. ist, 1839, Anne Maria (d. i860), d. of Josiah Spode; and, 1870, Emma Florence, d. of Capt. Charies J. Harford, late 12th Lancers : — Stuart Townsend, Erskine, Esq., b. 1844; m. 1866, Jessie Smith, d. of David Dale Buchanan. Res.— St. Vincent Whitshed Erskine, Gentleman, b. 1846 ; m. 1870 ; Alice, d. of David Dale Buchanan. Res.— Wallace Buchan Erskine, Gentleman, b. 1859. Res,— Herman Harford Erskine, Gentleman, in Cape Civ. Serv., b. 1871 ; m. Adela Eva, d. of Richard Fielding Nevins ; and has issue— Angela Augusta. Res.— Robert Henry Erskine, Gentleman, Vice -Consul at Dakar, West Africa, b. 1874. Ygst. son of David Montagu Erskine, and Baron Erskine, b. 1777; d. 1855; m. ist, Frances, d. of General John Cadwalader : — The Hon. James Stuart Erskine, Baron Erskine, in Bavaria (so created), b. 1819; m. 1853, Wilhelmine, Couiitess Lerchenfeld, d. of Count Toerring Minucci of Munich; and has issue— Herman David Montagu Erskine, Esq., an Officer in the Bavarian Army, b. 1854; and Hermine Maria. Re^. — Munich. is tbe Military Cockade. (Bt0 c!Bt0 Sons of Rev. Thomas Erskine, Rector of Alderley, Cheshire (gdson. of ist Baron), 6. 1828 ; d. 1878 ; m. 1856, Emnieline Augusta, d. of Henry John Adeane of Babraham : — Henry Adeane Erskine, Esq., V.D., Lt.-Col. 3rd V.B. Northumberland Fus., 6. 1857; m. 1891, Florence Ehza Palmer, d. of Van. F. R. Chapman, Archdeacon of Sudbury and Canon of Ely ; and has issue — Henry David Erskine, Esq., ^. 1897; Margaret Helen; Christian Mary ; and Griselda Beatrice. J?es. — Newcastle-on-Tyne. Thomas Edward Erskine, Gentleman, i>. 1859 ; m. 1888, Amy Gertrude, d. of Lt.-Gen. Robert Bruce (brother of ist Lord Aberdare) ; and has issue — Thomas Erskine, Gentleman, i. 1897; Marjory Rachel Helen ; Diana Isobel ; and Violet Amy. /^es. — Robert Steuart Erskine, Gentleman, d. i860 ; m. 1899, Beatrice Caroline, d. of H. Linwood Strong. lies. — 22 Stanford Road, London, W. Edward John Erskine, Gentleman, 6. 1864 ; m. 1888, Gertrude, d. of J. Harding of New South Wales ; and has issue — Steuart Edward Erskine, Gentleman, 6. 1902 ; Sybil Gertrude ; and Dona Maud. J?es. — David Erskine, Gentleman, 6. 1873. Erskine (rematric. L.O., 20 Jan. 1903). Quarterly, i. Erskine as above ; 2. azure, a bend between six cross crosslets fitch^e or (Mar) ; 3. azure, three garbs or (Comyn) ; 4. or, a fess chequy azure and argent (Stewart) ; the whole within a bordure engrailed gules. Mantling sable, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter arm embowed grasping a club proper. Motto— " Fortitudine." Second son of William Macnaghten Erskine, 5th Baron Erskine, whom see above : — The Hon. Stuart Joseph Ruaidhri Erskine,*. 1869; m. ist, 1891, Muriel Lilias Colquhoun {d. 1895), d. of Maj.- Gen. G. Irving Graham ; 2nd, 1902, Dona Maria Guadalupe Zaara Cecilia Heaven y Ramirez de Arellano, d. of Joseph Robert Heaven, Esq., J. P., of the Forest of Birse, by his wife the Marquesa de Braceras, Dama de la Sagrada Orden Militar del Santo Sepulcro. Erskine of Carnock, now of Cardross (rematric. 1677). Henry David Erskine, Esq. {q.v.). [For details of arms see his entry.] 445 Erskine of Linlathen, formerly Paterson (matric. 1870). The late James Erskine {g.v.). [For details of arms see his entry.] Erskine, formerly of Alva (matric. L.O., c. 1672-7) Quarterly, i and 4, Mar ; 2 and 3, Erskine as above, a bordure quarterly or and vert (R.L. in H. Coll., 14 Feb. 1805) ; quarterly, i. argent, a cross engrailed sable (St'. Clair) ; 2. Erskine as above ; 3. Max as above ; 4. argent on a chevron gules, between three roses of the last, barbed vert, a fleur-de-lis of the field for difference (Wedderburn) Crests— I. a phoenix proper, and above, " Rinasce piii glorioso' ; 2. an eagle's head erased proper, " lUajso lumine solem." Sons of Robert Francis, 4th Earl of Rosslyn, 6. 1833; d. 1890; m. 1866, Blanche Adeliza, d. of Henry FitzRoy, Esq., and widow of Hon. Charles Henry Maynard : — The Rt. Hon. Sir James Francis Harry St. Clair- Erskine, sth Earl of Rosslyn (U.K., 21 Apl. i8oi) and Baron Loughborough (U.K., 31 Oct. 1795), 9th Bart, of Alva (Nova Sco., 30 Apl. 1666), J. P. and D.L. co. Fife formerly Roy. H.G., late Capt. ist Fifesh. Vols. [Sup- porters — Dexter, an eagle wings inverted proper, gorged with a collar argent thereon a fleur-de-lis gules ; sinister, a griffin wings elevated argent], 6. 1869; m. 1890 (div. 1902), Violet Aline, d. of Robert Charles de Grey Vyner of Gautby Hall, Lines. ; and has issue— Francis Edward Scudamore St. Clair - Erskine, Esq., commonly called Lord Loughborough, 6. 1892; and Lady Rosabelle Milli- cent. Seat— Bysart, Fife, N.B. Clu6s—Ca.rhon, Turf, Prince's, &c. The Hon. Alexander FitzRoy St. Clair-Erskine, 6. 1870. /?«. — Erskine of Pittodrie (rematric. 1787 and 1868). Henry William Knight-Erskine, Esq., of Pittodrie (y.v.). [For details of arms see his entry.] Erskine of Dun (matric. 1828). Augustus John William Henry Kennedy-Erskine, Esq. i^.v.). [For details of arms see his entry, i^ide also West.] S HENRY DAVID ERSKINE, Esquire, C.V.O., J. P. and D. L. cos. Perth and Stirling, Serjeant-at-Arms in the House of Commons, formerly Captain Scots Guards, and Gentleman Usher and Groom of the Robes. Born Jan. 5, 1838, being the elder son of the late James Erskine of Cardross, by his wife Mary Eliza, dau. of Lieut. -Gen. Christopher Fagan. Livery — Black, with white facings. Annorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, an eagle displayed or, armed and membered azure, looking towards the sun in his splendour placed in the dexter chief; 2 and 3, quarterly i. and iiii. , azure, a bend between six cross crosslets fitch^e or; ii. and iii., argent, a pale sable, all within a bordure parted per pale or and argent. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a sword erect, bearing on the point a boar's head proper. Motto--" Fortitudine." Married, June 26, 1861, Lady Horatia Elizabeth Seymour, dau. of Rt. Hon. Francis George Hugh, sth Marquess of Hereford ; and has Issue — (i) James Francis Erskine, Esq., Major Scots Guards, formerly A.D.C. to G.O.C., S.E., b. June 4, 1862 \m., Nov. 1896, Margaret, dau. of the late Henry Lambton] ; (2) Seymour Elphinstone Erskine, Esq., Capt. R.N. ; (3) Walter Hugh Erskine, Gentleman, Assistant Serjeant-at- Arms, b. April 27, 1870 ; (4) Alan David Erskine, Gentle- man, b. August 26, 1872 [»?., June i, 1897, Enid, youngest dau. of Lachlan M'Rate of Milton Court, Dorking] ; (5) Ronald Keith Erskine, Gentleman, b. Jan. 24, 1879; (6) Arthur Edward Erskine, Gentleman, Lieut. Royal Artillery, b. September i, 1881 ; and Rachel Augusta. Seat — Cardross, Port of Menteith, N.B. Residence — Speaker's Court, Palace of Westminster, S.W. C/k*— Guards'. SThe Late JAMES ERSKINE, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. for CO. Forfar, a D.L. for Dundee, and Hon. Col. Forfar A.V. ; was formerly Lieut. 42nd Royal High- landers. Assumed the name of Erskine, in 1870 on inheriting the estates of his uncle, Thomas Erskine. Bom 1826, being the eldest son of the late Captain James Paterson, Bengal Cavalry, by David, dau. of David Erskine, Esq. Armoilal bearings (matric L.O., 1870)— Quarterly i and 4, gules, an eagle displayed or, armed and membered azure, looking is tbe Naval Cockade. 446 €0!) ett towards the sun in his splendour placed in (he dexter chief; a and 3, qiurterly i. and iiii., axure, a bend Itetween six cross orosslets fitchde or ; ii. and iii. argent, a pale sable, all within a bordurc engrailed per (Mile or and argent. *f»"^""g' gules, doubled ardent. On»% On a wreath of his liveries, a sword liearing on the point a boar's head proper. Motto — '* Fortitudine." Married, 1853, Mary Jane, dau. of James Macnabb, Esq., H.E.I.C.S.; and left /ssue. HENRY DOUGLAS ESHELBY. Gentleman, F.S.A. Bom Aug. 33, 1845, being the elder and only surviving son of Henry Lowcay Eshelt)y of Liverpool, merchant, and Mary, dau. of Thomas Phillips I'cmuerton of Liverpool, merchant. Armorial bearings — Per pale argent and EXCELLE BENE MERXiSDO gules on a chevron between three roses, a rose all counter- changed, the roses barbed and seeded proper, within a bordure sable, charged with eight bezants within as many annulets or. HanUlng gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a rose argent, barbed and seeded proper, between two wings vair on each wing a fesse gules, charged with a bezant. Motto — " Excelle bene merendo." Married, July 31, 1884, Williamina, younger dau. of Robert Irvme, Esq., J. P. co. Durham; and has Issue — Alan Dougla-- Eshelby, Gentleman, 6. March 24, 1889 ; Ivetta Douglas ; Joan Irvine ; and Avice Mary. Postal address — Birkenhead. SThe Right Honourable Sir REGINALD BALIOL BRETT, VISCOUNT AND BARON ESHER OF ESHER, in the county of Surrey, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom, K.C.B., K.C.V.O., M.A. Camb., M.P. for Falmouth and Penryn 1880-85, Secretary to the Office of Works 1895-1902 ; Deputy Governor and Constable of Windsor Castle, J. P. and D.L. for co. of Berks. Born June 30, 1852, being the only surviving son of the late Rt. Hon. Sir William Baliol Brett, 1st Viscount and Baron Esher, Master of the Rolls, P.C., by his wife Eugenie Mayer, dau. of L. Mayer, stepdau. of Col. Gur- wood. Armorial bearings — Gules, within an orle of crosses botonny fitchte or, a lion rampant of the last, holding in the dexter fore-paw a fasces erect proper. Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and there- upon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant gules, charged on the shoulder with a cross botonny fitch^ or, and holding in the dexter fore-paw a fasces proper. Supporters — IJ>exter, a boar ; sinister, a lion, both sable, and each charge. 35 Dec. 1833; m, 4 July 1863, Elitabeth, only d. of Thomas Thomas ; and has issue — (i) Thomas Henry Evans, Gentleman, M. K.. F.R,G.S.. i. 34 Mar. i866 ; (2) Rev. John Thomas Evans, Rector of Stow-on-the-Wold, *. 1 Aug. 1869 [m. ai Apl. 1896, Isabel, the yr. d. of Joseph Owen of Rainhill. Lanes. ; and has had issue — Henry Stafford Evans, i. 14 Sept. 1903, tt. 37 Mar. 1904 ; and Elizabeth Alice Stafford Evans]; (3) Rev. Arthur Wade Evans, B.A. (Oxon.), i. 31 Aug. 1875 [*•. Florence May, only d. of Christopher Edwin Dixon of London ; and has issue— Elizabeth Pal- myre]. Post. add. —Ty Rhds, Fishguard, Pembroke- shire. EVANS (H. Coll.). Sable, a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis argent (the arms of CoUwvn ap Tangno, Lord of Evionydd, &c., in Wales, from whom the under- ntentioned is twenty-second in lineal descent. As is often the case with very ancient arms, no crest is recorded herewith). Onlv son and heir of late Owen Evans, Esq. , of Broom Hall, ChwUog, Carnarvonshire. J. P.. D.L., and High Sheriff 1873 for that co. : — Owen Lloyd Jones Evans, Esq.. J. P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1901) for co. of Carnarvon, Hon. Col. and late Lt.- Col. comdg. 4th Batt. Roy. Welsh Fus.. M.A. (Camb.), i. 1856 ; m. 1885, Lydia, d. of J. Savin of Bode^roes. Pwllheli; and has issue — (1) Rowland Owen Lloyd Evans, Gentleman, i. 1886 ; (ai John Meredith Jones Evans, Gentleman, i. 1894 ; (3) William Pr^s Owen Evans, Gentle- man, i. 1905; and Margaret Lydia. Seat — Broom Hall, Chwilog, R.S.O., Carnarvonshire. Ciui — Junior Carlton. EVANS (H. Coll.). Per pale argent and gules, a lion passant regardant between two fleurs-de-lis in chief and in base a bundle of rods banded all counterchanged. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion regardant argent, the body charged with three crosses moline gules, and resting the dexter paw on a bundle of rods also gules. Motto — " Libertas." Son of late John Evans of Leamington by Hannah, d. of Thomas Bickerton : — Edward Evans, Esq., of Bronwylfa (^.v.). Son of Richard Hawley Evans, ^. 1820; d. 1882; m. 1842, Janet, d. of Alexander Burn of The Hermitage, Leith :— John Hawley Evans, Gentleman, 6. 1847 ; tn. 1892, Agnes M'Kinnon. Hes. — Son of late John Evans of Leamington by Hannah, d. of Thomas Bickerton : — Worthington Evans. Gentleman, d. 1827; m. ist, 1851, Susannah Jd. 1861), d. of Richard Powell ; and, 1865, Susanna Jane (d. 1891), d. of James Laming of Birching- ton Hall, Kent, and widow of A. S. Smith ; 3rd, 1898, Helen, d. of Adam Curror and widow of Walter Scott Dalgleish ; and has (with other issue) two surv. sons — (i) Laming Worthington Evans, Gentleman, 6. 1868 [m. 1898, Gertrude Annie, d. of William Hales] ; (2) Evan Lamingr Evans, Gentleman, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., M.A. (CambT), 6. 1871. Hes. — 47 York Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. Son of Henry Sugden Evans, Gentleman, of Ottowa, Canada, d. 1830 ; d. 1886 ; m. 1854, Kate Morse, only d. of Charles Moss of Gray's Thurrock, Essex : — Henry de Courcy Sugden Evans, 6. 1874. /?es. — Son of Edward Wallace Evans, Gentleman, of Whit- bourne Hall, Hereford, 6. 1847 ; d. 1901 ; m. 1872, PVances Rhoda, d. of Arthur Herbert Somers Cocks, Esq.. C.B. :— Edward Francis Herbert Evans, Esq., J. P. co. Hereford, Lieut. 3rd Worcester Regt. 1895-1901. served in S. Africa with Paget's Horse I.Y. (1900-1901), d. 1873. Seat — Whitbourne Hall, Worcester. Cluds — New Oxford and Cambridge, County (Worcester). Sons of Patrick Fleming Evans, Esq., Barrisler-at-Law, LL.M., Recorder of Newcastle-under- Lyme, 6. 1851 ; d. 1902 ; m. 1879, Alice Emily, d. of William Rutherford Ancrum of St. Leonard's Court, Glos. : — Arthur Geoffrey Evans, Gentleman, i. 1886. ^ej. — 54 Longridge Road, Earl's Court, S.W. Rupert Ancrum Evans, Gentleman, *. 1891. J?es. — EVANS (H ColL). Azure, on a chevron inverted or, between two beavers statant in chief proper and a mullet in base of six points of the second, three crosses couped gules. Mantltng^ azure and or. Or«st — On a wreath of the colours, between two crosses as in the arms, a tower proper, thereon a flagstaff of the last with a pennant flying to the sinister gules, charged with two mullets of six points argent. Motto — " Nisi Dominus frustra." Sons of Franklen George Evans, Esq., J. P. cos. Glamorgan and Monmouth, 6. 1826; d. 1904; tn. ist, 1861, Elizabeth {d. 1878), only d. of the late John Williams of Sher, co. Glamorgan : — Pepyat Williams Evans, Gentleman, M.A. and B.C.L., of Balliol Coll., Oxon., i. 1862. Franklen Paine Evans, Gentleman, M.A. and M.B. St. John's Coll., Camb., d. 1863 (who has assumed the additional surname of Franklen) ; m. 1898, Violet, d. of George Wood. Trevor Halket Evans, Gentleman, M.A. and M.B. Cantab., b. 1866. S CHARLES PAYNE EVANS, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. for CO. Radnor, High Sheriff 1890. Born 1835, being the second son of Richard Evans of Shrewsbury, by his wife Catherine, dau. of Edward Rice. Livery — Blue. Armorial bearlngps — Per fesse indented sable and gules, three arrows, one in pale and two in saltire, the points downwards, between as many boars' heads couped all or. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon two arrows in saltire, a boar's head couped all or. Married, Oct. 15, 1862, Emma, dau. of Charles Edwards of Lurkenhope Manor and Skyborrah, Salop. Seat — Llanstephan House, Llyswen, R.S.O., Breconshire. Sir DAVID EVANS, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, ^ i8 the Military Cockade. OBtja €tia 449 Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the county of Glamorgan, Justice of the Peace for the county of Surrey, one of Her Majesty's Lieutenants for the City of London. Born 1849, being the son of Thomas Evans of Glanmuchudd, Llantrissant, in the county of Glamorgan, by his wife Anne, dau of Treharne Treharne of Llantrissant ; created K.C.M.G. , 1892. Armorial beax- ings — Sable, a chevron nebuly between two fleurs-de-lis in chief and as many fasces in saltire in base argent. Upon the escutcheon, which is surrounded by the ribbon of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, and pendent therefrom the badge of a Knight Commander of that Order, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a Jessie Louisa [;«. , Dec. 5, 1894, Major Harry North (to whom refer)]; and Jane Ann. Residences — Cleveland House, wreath of the colours, upon the trunk of a tree couped and eradicated and sprouting to the dexter, a boar's head erect and erased all proper; with the Motto, " Trwy rhinwedd ac onestrwydd." Married, 1874, Emily Deborah, daughter of Laurence Boakes. Postal addixsses — Ewell Grove, Surrey ; 24 Watling Street, London. DAVID EVANS, Esquire, J. P. co. of Monmouth, and for the North Riding of the co. of York. Born Oct. 1841, being the son of the late Evan Evans of Trecynon, Aber- dare, Glamorgan, by his wife Rachel Hopkins. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearings— Or, a dragon sable, in chief three roses gules, slipped and leaved proper, and in base a fleur-de-lis also gules. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a javelin proper, a dragon statant sable, holding in the mouth a rose as in the arms. Motto — "Y dewraf eimilla." Mar- ried, June 1864, Jane, dau. of the late David Thomas of Llantwit Major, Cowbridge; and has Issue — (i) Evan David Evans, Gentleman, formerly Lieut, ist V.B. King's Own Royal Lancaster Regt., b. Aug. 12, 1867; (2) John William Harvest Evans, Gentleman, b. Sept. 23, 1880; Mary Rachel \_m. , Sept. 26, 1900, Horace Bransby Bryant] ; 5eU)raf • enttillaf Grangetown, R.S.O., Yorkshire; Cliffden, Saltburn-by-the- Sea. C/w3— National, Cleveland (Middlesborough). Major DAVID WILLIAMS EVANS, J. P. for the county of Montgomery. Born Feb. 9, 1833, being the second but only surviving son of the late William Evans of Glascoed, by his wife Ellen, dau. of John Williams. + + +¥PP P5n++:+ Liverv — Claret colour, with white facings and silver buttons. Armorial bearings-Quarterly i and 4. gules a lion passant guardant between four crosses moline, three is the Naval Cockade. 2F 45© OBtia €t)c in chief and one in base all ar^nt (for Evans) ; a and 3 sable, three mullets or, on a chief nebuly argent, as many loxenjics oture (for Dorsett). Crest — On a wreath of the colours. 11 lion gviardant argeiu. charged on the l)ody with two crosses moline aruro, and resting the dexter fore-paw upon an escutcheon erniinois. thereon a cross moline between four lozenges also azure. Motto — " Festina lente." Married, August a8, 1873, Mary, daughter of Wright Allen, Doctor of Medicine, of Arnold, in the county of Nottingham; and has hsue~[\) David I^rsett Evans, Gentleman, born October a, 1874; (a) William Howard Dorsett Evans, Gentleman, bom Septemt>er 27, 1875 ; (3) Maurice Dorsett Evans, Gentleman. Lieut. R.N., born July a8, 1877 ; (4I Francis Allen Dorsttt Evans, Gentle- man, lx)rn May aa, 1879 ; (5) Jeffrey Williams I )orsett Evans, Gentleman, born M.-\rch 30, 1883; (6) Edward Llewelyn Dorsett Evans, (Jentleman. Iwrn Novenil)er 8, 1885 ; (7) Henry Worthington Dorsett Evans, Gentleman, l>orn Feb- ruary 18, 1890; Ursula Mary Dorsett ; and Eleanor Sydney Dorsett Estate and postal address — Glascoed, Llansant- flraid, near Oswestry. r/«*— Junior Constitutional S EDWARD EVANS, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. co. Denbigh (High Sheriff 1894-95). Bom June 15, 1816, being the only surviving son of the late John Evans of Leamington, by Hannah, dau. of Thomas Bickerton of Woodcott. co. Salop. Livery— HaxV blue, silver buttons. Armorial bearings— Per pale argent and gules, a lion passant regardant gules, between two fleurs- de-lis in chief and in base a bundle of rods all counter- changed. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant regardant argent, the body charged with three crosses moline gules, resting the dexter paw upon a bundle of rods banded also gules. Motto — " Libertas." Married, 1841, Margaret, second dau. of Robert Paterson, Esq., J. P., of Nunfield and Brocklehirst, co. Dumfries (she died 1890) ; and has Issue — (i) John James Evans, Esq., J. P., b. 1842; (2) Edward Evans, Esq., J. P. [to whom refer]; (3) William Paterson Evans, Gentleman, b. 1858; (4) Alfred Bickerton Evans, Gentleman, b. 1864; (5) Arthur Ernest Evans, Gentleman, b. 1866. Seat — Bronwylfa, near Wrexham. Club — National Liberal. EDWARD EVANS. Esquire, J. P. co. of Chester. Bom 1846, being the second surviving son of Edward Evans, Esq. , J. P. and D. L. of Bronwylfa [to whom refer], by his wife Margaret, second dau. of Robert Paterson, Esq., J. P., of Nunfield and Brocklehirst. Livery ~B\\\e. Armorial bearings — Per pale argent and gules, a lion passant re- gardant gules, between two fleurs-de-lis in chief and in base a bundle of rods all counterchanged. Mantling gules and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant regardant argent, the body charged with three crosses moline gules, resting the dexter paw upon a bundle of rods banded also gules. Motto— " Libertas." A/arwrf, 1869, Martha, dau. of William Nevett of Shrewsbiu'y and Marton ; and has Issue— (i) Edward Nevett Evans, Gentleman, b. 1875; (2J John Nevett Evans, Gentleman, b. Dec. 22, 1877 ; Ger- trude Mary Nevett ; Margaret Nevett ; and Rose Noeline Nevett. ^e-a/— Spital Old Hall, near Spit.il, Cheshire. Club — National Liberal. GEORGE EVANS, Gentleman. Bom 1828, being the elder son of the late Rev. George Evans, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of William Murray, Esq., J. P. Armorial bearings —Ermine, three boars' heads couped sable, langued gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant, regardant erminois, holding between his paws a boar's head couped sable. Motto -"Libertas." Married, Nov. 13, 1858, Jane, dau. of the late Major Fitzgerald, Town Major of Kingston, Canada; and has Issue (1) George Edward Augustine Evans, Gentleman, b. April 13, i860; (2) Arthur Thomas Kelly Evans, Gentleman, b. March 4, 1862; Mary Ehza [«., Jan. 3, 1888. W. H. H. Lyons of Brookhill, Lisburn] ; and Mabel Sara [m., Dec. 17, 1890, Rt. Hon. Algernon William, 6th Viscount Avonmore]; and Louisa Evelyn. 5^fl/— Gortmerron House, Dungannon, co. Tyrone. JOSIAH EVANS, Gentleman. Born 1882, being the son of the late Arthur Henry Lyne Evans, Gentleman, of Haydock, co. Lancaster, by his wife Mary Leche de ^ is the Military Cockade. Cawarden, dau. of the Rev. Harold H. Sherlock, J. P. Armorial bearings Sable, three nags' heads erased argent, on a chief nebuly or, a pale gules, charged with an e&toile of the third between two estoiles of the fourth. Upon the escutcheon is pl.tced a helmet befitting his de- gree, with a Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a nag's head erased ardent, between two estoiles or. Motto —" A fynno l)uw derfid. " WILLIAM GWYNNE EVANS, Gentleman. Born 1845, being the only son of Evan Evans of Wain, Cardi- ganshire, and of Mary Gwynne Pryse, widow of Charles Gwynne Pryse of Gogerddan, Cardiganshire. Livery— Black, with white facings. Armorial bearings Per pale sable and gules, a fesse or, in ciiief a dagger erect with an annulet both of the last, lietween two Ixjars' heads couped argent and the like in base. Mnnt.Ung sable and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, u[>on a rock proper, a boar's head couped sable between two daggers erect or. Married, Aug. I, 1866, Mary, dau. of Evan Williams of Berllwyd, formerly of Maesytroeddyn, Carmarthenshire ; and has Issue— K\ax\ Gwynne Gwynne Evans, Gentleman, b. 1877; Edith Mary ; Beatrice Alice ; Jean Anne ; Elizabeth Wynne Gertrude; Ethel Irene Penelope. Seats- ?&n\An Hall, Fordham, Essex; Oaklands Park, Newnham, Gloucester- shire. SMajor-Gen. CHARLES SPALDING S. EVANS- GORDON, late Governor of Netley Hospital, retired 1877. Z^(?r«i8i3, being the son of Colonel Evans. Armorial bearings- Azure, a bend between two boars' heads erased in chief and another in base or, within a bordure of the last, charged with four crescents of the first. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a demi- savage holding in his right hand a baton erected on his shoulder, in his left an ear of wheat proper. Motto — ' ' Tarn pace quam praelio." Married, 1866, Annie {d. 1891), sister of Robert Grimshaw Dunville of Redburn, co. Down ; and has Issue— {1) Henry Evans-Gordon, Esq., J. P. co. Kent, b. 1842 [m. , 1871, Mary Theodosia, only dau. of late Edward John Sartoris of Warsash, Hants] ; (2) Major William Eden Evans-Gordon, Assist. Sec. For. Dept. Govt, of India 1888-92 [m., 1892, Julia (commonly called Marchioness of Tweeddale), second dau. of Keith Stewart MacKenzie of Seaforthl Residence — Preston Cottage, Ightham, Seven- oaks. Club — Junior United Service. S EDWARD HENRY EVANS -LOMBE, Esquire, J. P., D.L., for CO. of Norfolk, Capt. and Hon. Major P.W.O. Norfolk Artiil. Mil., B.A. (Cnmb). Born 1861, being the eldest son of the late Henry Evans-Lombe, J. P., of Bylaugh Park, by Louisa, dau. of Thomas Browne Evans. Armorial bearings— Azure, two combs in fesse between a broken tilting-spear barways or, one piece in chief, the head towards the dexter, the' other half in base, a canton argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, two tilting-spears in saltire or, each having a small pennon gules. Motto — " Propositi tenax." Married, 1886, Albinia Harriet, second dau. of Alexander S. Leslie-Melville ; and has Issue— Two daus. Seats -By\a.Mgti Park, East Dereham; Melton Hall, Wy- mondham. EVELYN, quartered by FOLJAMBE. EVERARD, quartered by GREEN, EVERARD, see WELBY-EVERARD EVERITT (H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, per chevron argent and gules, two chevronels between three escar- buncles counterchanged (Everitt); 2 and 3, per chevron raguly azure and or, in chief two estoiles of the last, and in base as many spears in saltire banded together with a riband gules (Stiffe). Mantling gules and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a gryphon segreant argent, winged vair argent and gules, supporting a tilting-spear proper (Everitt) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi- eagle rising or, winged sem6 of estoiles azure, in the beak a billet also azure (Stiffe). Sons of Francis William Everitt Everitt (R.L. i860, formerly Stiffe), Esq., K.C., of Lincoln's Inn (s. of OBtJe (B^t 45' William Stiffe of Stuttgart, Wurtemburg, by a d. of Sir John Everitt, Knt. Bach. , Sheriff of Bedfordshire), d. 1830 ; d. 1904 ; m. 1870, Melicent I , d. of late J. Graham of New Barnes : — Arthur Francis Graham Everitt, Gentleman, Barrister- at-Law, i. . Jies.—ig Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. Robert Gordon Everitt, Gentleman, Barrister at- Law 6. . Res.— S CHARLES EDWARD EVERY-HALSTED, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Lan- caster, Major 3rd Battalion King's Own Royal Lancaster Regiment. Born 1857, being the youngest and of his second marriage the only surviving son of the late Lieu- tenant-Colonel Every-Clayton of Rowley, Burnley, in the county of Lancaster, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, by his second wife Eliza Halsted, daughter of the late R. Holgate; and assumed the surname of Every- Halsted in lieu of his patronymic, and the arms of Halsted quarterly with those of Every, by Royal License in the year 1891. C/tti^j— Conservative, Raleigh. Livery — Dark green. Amorlal beaxlng^ — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and EWING, see KER-EWING. 4, gules an eagle displayed ermine, beaked and membered or, a chief chequy of the last and azure (for Halsted) ; 2 and 3 erminois, two chevronels azure between two others gules (for Every) ; and for his Crests, i. out of a mural crown chequy or and azure, a demi-eagle displayed ermine, beaked gold (for Halsted) ; 2. a demi-unicorn argent, gutt^e-de- sang and crined or (for Every). Married, March 15, 1892, Lucy Clare, second daughter of the late Lieutenant-Colonel Dallas of Knill Court, in the county of Hereford ; and has /w2^(?— Evelyn Stella. Estate~Ko^\&j , Burnley, in the county of Lancaster. Postal address— M?:vas.\avi& Court, Ledbury, Herefordshire. SJOHN SPENCER EWART, Esquire, Major and Brevet-Col. Cameron Highlanders. Born 1861, being the eldest son of Gen. Sir John Alexander Ewart, K.C.B., by his wife Frances, eldest dau. and co-heiress of John Spencer Stone, Esq., of Callingwood Hall, in the co. of Stafford. Armorial bearings— Or, a sword in fesse sur- mounted by two others in saltire, points upward proper, hiked gules, in chief a heart, and in base a sinister hand erect, both of the last. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the liveries, a dexter gauntlet fesseways, holding a sword erect, enfiled with a heart distilling blood gules. Motto— " Abest timor." Married, Dec. 26, 1891, Frances, dau. of Major Piatt of Dunallan, co. Stirling ; and has /w//e— Marion Frances. Estates— Q,XMgc\&ic\\, Lang- holm, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. ROBERT EWING, Esquire, J. P. co. Hertford. Bom March 26, 1842, being the eldest son of the late Alex- ander Ewmg Esq., J. P., Capt. Queen's Own Glasgow aiid Lower Ward of Lanarkshire Yeo. Cavalry, by his wife Maria, dau. of Robert Macaulay, in the county of Antrim, Ireland. Livery — YSW\(t and silver. Armorial Dearings— Quarterly 1 and 4, argent a chevron embattled azure, ensigned with a banner gules, charged with a canton of the second thereon a saltire of the first all between two mullets in chief and the sun in his splendour in base of the third, a bordure of the second (for Ewing) ; 2 and 3 argent, a tx;nd gules between three bunting birds proper (for Bontme). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befit- ting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent • and issuing from a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest,' a demi-lion rampant holding in the dexter fore-paw a mullet gules ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Audaciter." Married, December 14, 1880, Elizabeth Agnew, daughter of John Macaulay, Esquire, Deputy- Lieutenant, Justice of the Peace, of Red Hall, in the county of Antrim, Ireland; and has Issue— \wc\ Alastair Ewing, Gentleman, born October 26, 1881. Residence— \2 Durham Villas, Kensington, W. Postal address— ^VLV\.on Grange, Cheshunt, Herts. C/«^j — Oriental, City of London,' Western (Glasgow). EYRE, quartered by ARCHER-HOUBLON. EYRE, see WORTHINGTON-EYRE. ARTHUR HARDOLPH EYRE, Esquire. Born 1851, being the only son of the late Sir William Eyre, K.C.B., Lieut. -General in the Army, Commander of the Forces in Canada, distinguished in the Kaffir War and in the Crimea, by his wife Georgiana, dau. of the Hon. John Bridgman Simpson. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron sable, three quatrefoils or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an armed leg couped at the thigh quarterly argent and sable, spurred or. Motto— "Virtus sola invicta." Residence — FREDERICK JAMES EYRE, Gentleman. Born Oct. 17, 1862, being the second son of the late Thomas Eyre, a retired army officer [natural son of Brigadier-General Thomas Eyie, who was the sixth son of Richard Eyre, Esq., Member of the Irish House of Commons, and the nephew of John, Lord Eyre of Eyrecourt], of 33 Clarendon Road, St. Heliers, Jersey, and the only child by his second wife Elizabeth Mary, who died 1902, dau. of the late Rev. Thomas Jarvis, of St. Heliers. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a chevron sable, three quatrefoils, or in chief a fleur-de-lis gules (for cadency), and (for distinction) the whole within a bordure wavy vert. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a leg in armour couped at the thigh proper, garnished and spurred gold, charged with a fleur- de-lis as in the arms (for cadency), and debruised (for distinction) with a baton sinister sable. Motto — "Pro Rege saepe, pro patria semper." Married, April 30, 1890, Mary King, dau. of the late Edward Robert Simpson of Unley Park, S. Australia ; and has Issue — Marjorie Adelaide. Postal addresses — 98 O'Connell Street, North Adelaide. S Colonel HENRY EYRE, C.B. (1887), V.D., M.P. for Gainsborough Division of Lincolnshire 1886 to 1892, J. P. and D. L. for co. Nottingham, High Sheriff 1873-74 ! served with the 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade in the Crimea during the campaign of 1855-56; wounded at the attack on the Redan Sept. 8 ; A.D.C. to Lieut. -General Sir W. Eyre (medal and clasp) ; served also during the Mutiny in India 1857-58 ; present at the siege and fall of Lucknow, and with Ross's camel corps at the fall of Calpee (medal with two clasps, Lucknow and Central India) ; served in the Sherwood Rangers Yeom. Cav. 1852-55 and 1862-65, commanded 4th Notts R. Vol. from 1865-92 ; Chairman of Committee at War Office for Organisation of Medical Dept. of Auxiliary Forces ; Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Bom Feb. 4, 1834, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Charles Wasteneys Eyre of Rampton and his wife Lucy Dorothea, is the Naval Cockade. 45\ ept dBpt dau. of John Robinson Foulis of Heslerton and Bucton, co. York. Armorl&l bearings— Argent, on a chevron sable, three quatrefoils or. Mantling sable and argent. Creit —On a wreath of the colours, an armed leg couped at the thigh quarterly argent and sable, spurred or. Motto— " Virtus sola invicta." Married, March 7, i86i, Kathleen, dau. of the Rev. Robert Machell of Crackenthorpe, West- morland ; and has Issue— (i) Gervas Malcolm Eyre, Gentle- man, b. May 17, 1869; (a) Morland Stanhope Kyre, Esq., Captain R.A., ser%'ed in Burmese War and Black Mountain Expedition (medal and clasp, and mentioned in despatches), and in Tirah Kxfiedition (3 cl.isps), b. May 16, 1863 ; (3) Henry Roland Eyre, Gentleman, b. Oct. 7, 1878 (d. March 33. 1879); (4) Charles Roland liabington Eyre, Gentleman, b. April 7, 1880. iVa/— (Late of) Rampton Manor, Lincoln. Club — Carlton. EYRE of Eyrecourt (U.O. ). Argent, on a chevron sable, three quatrefoils or. Mantling sable and argent. Orest — On a wreath of the colours, a leg in armour couped at the thigh proper, garnished and spiu'red or. Motto — " Pro rege sivpe pro patria semfx;r." Son of John Eyre, Esq., of Eyre Court, J. P., D.L., b. 1820; d. 1890; m. 1846, Eleanor Maria, eld. d. of Hubert Butler Moore of Shannon Grove : — William Henry Gregory Eyre, Esq. J. P. co. Galway, Asst. Land Com. in Ireland, b. i860; m. 1901, Louisa Butler, d. of Lewis Gower-Stewart of Mount Pleasant, Ilfracombe, co. Devon ; and has issue— Mary. Seat — Eyre Court Castle, co. Galway. Sons of William Armit Eyre, Gentleman, b. ; d. ; m. , Maria, d. of Adm. Ballingall: — William Eyre, Gentleman, b. Res. — John Eyre, Gentleman, b. \ m. , Clara K., d. of Dunham ; and has issue. Res. — George Henry Lewis Eyre, Gentleman, b. ; m. ; and has issue. Res. — Son of Lt.-Col. Philip Homan Eyre, b. 183a ; d. 1885 ; m. 1873, Lucy Catherine Louisa, d. of late William Clarke ; — Hastings Elles John, Lieut, ist Batt. S. Staffs. Regt., b. 1877. Res.— Yr. sons of Richard Eyre of Woodview, co. Galway, b. ; m. Eleanor, d. of Capt. Baldwin : — Henry Baldwin Eyre, late Lieut. 25th Foot. Res. — Gerald Dillon Eyre, Esq., J. P., b. ; m. , Fannie Elizabeth, d. of Rev. Francis Heaton Thomas of Burnane, Tipperary; and has issue — Richard Gerald Eyre, Gentle- man, Lieut. Connaught Rangers, served throughout S. African War, b. 1878. Seat — Prospect, Ballycumber, King's Co. Edmund Eyre, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Sons of Rev. Canon Richard Booth Eyre of Hassop Park, Rector of Eyrecourt, Preb. of Clonfert, b. 1798 ; d. 1884 ; m. 1st, 1829, Sarah (d. 1841), d. of Robert Persse of Roxborough ; and, , Honora Louisa Madeline, d. of Ven. James Strange Butson, Arch- deacon of Clonfert : — Robert Dudley Erye, Gentleman, b. ; m. , Matilda Norton ; and has issue. Res. — New Zealand. Hastings Augustus Eyre, Major Army Pay Dept., late 9th Foot, b. 1854 ; m. 1882, Kathleen Francis Walsh ; and has issue — (i) John Lionel Eyre, Gentleman, Lieut. Dorset Regt., 3. 1883; (2) Richard Philip Hastings Eyre, Gentleman, b. 1888 ; and Nora Kathleen. Res. — 3 Buck- land Hill, Maidstone. Sons of Capt. Richard Eyre, 48th Foot, b. ; d. 1866 ; m. , Monimia Mary, d. of Major Butler : — John Richard Eyre, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Annesley Eyre, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Richard Eyre, Gentleman, b. . Res.— Robert Eyre, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Sons of Thomas Stratford Eyre, b. 1822 ; d. 1898; m. i860, Marion Dallas, d, of Alexander Campbell of Edinburgh : — Lionel Hedges Eyre, Gentleman, b, 1863. Res, — Willoughby Cole Eyre, Gentleman, b. 1865; m. Minnie, d. of Hey wood ; and has issue — Arthur Lowry Cole Eyre, Gentleman. CAROLINE ISABEL EYRES, Widow, daughter of Edward Sharp, of Gilstead Hall, Bingley, in the co. of York. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Quar- terly I and 4, sable on a chevron nebuWe, plain cotised, between three cinquefoils or, as many woolpacks proper (for Eyres) ; 2 and 3 per fesse argent and or, a fesse chequy gules, and of the first, in chief a lion rampant between two crosses pattde of the third (for Ketilewell). Married, October 20, 1880, Henry William Eyres of Dumbleton Hall, in the county of Gloucester, who died April 6, 1881 ; leaving Issue — Caroline Mary Sybil. Seat — Dumbleton Hall, Evesham, in the county of Glou- cester. EYSTON. Sable, three lions rampant or. Livery — Brown. Son of George Basil Eyston, Gentleman, b. 1820; d. 1904 ; m. 1851, Maria Theresa, third d. of George Thomas Whitegreave, Esq., of Moseley Court, Staf- fordshire, J P. and D.L. : — Francis Thomas Eyston, Gentleman, b. 1853 ; m. 1880, Miss Vavasour, and d.s.p. 1888. Seats — Stanford Place, Faringdon, Berks; Salford Hall, near Evesham. JOHN JOSEPH EYSTON, Esquire, J. P. .0or« March 15, 1867, being the second son of Charles John Eyston, Esq., J. P., by his wife Agnes Mary, fifth dau. of Michael Henry Blount of Maple Durham, Oxon. Club — St. George's. Armorial bearings — Sable, three lions rampant or. Married, Oct. 15, 1890, Elizal)eth, only dau. of George Dunn of Bath House, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Seat — Hendred House, Steventon, Berks. RALPH AGLIONBY SLANEY EYTON, Esquire, J. P. CO. Salop. Bom Aug. 28, 1871, being the third but eldest surviving son of the late Thomas Slaney Eyton, Esq., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1890, by his wife Isaliel Sarah Dashwood, eldest dau. of John Henry Ruxton of Broad Oak, Brenchley. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, or, a fret azure ; 2 and 3, gules, two bars ermine. Mant- ling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a reindeer's head couped and attired or, holding in the mouth an acorn slipped vert, fructed gold. Seats — Eyton, near Wellington, Salop; and Walford Hall, near Shrewsbury. Club — Wellington. ROBERT HENRY EYTON, Gentleman. Born Dec. 7, 1845, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Thomas Campbell Eyton, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , by his wife Elizabeth Frances, eldest dau. of Robert Aglionby Slaney of Walford Manor and Hatton, Salop. Annorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or, a fret azure ; 2 and 3, gules, two bars ermine. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a reindeer's head couped and attired or, holding in the mouth an acorn slipped vert, fructed gold. Married, August 26, 1866, Eleanor Josephine, eldest dau. of Francis Fosbery of Curraghbridge, co. Limerick. Residence — WILLIAM HENRY PLOWDEN EYTON, Gentle- man. Born Sept. 18, 1843, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Robert William Eyton of Albury House, Guildford, author of the "Antiquities of Shropshire," by his wife Mary E. , dau. of the Rev. J. G. Watts, Rector of Ledbury. Ar- morial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, or, a fret azure ; 2 and 3, gules, two bars ermine. MaJitling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a reindeer's head couped and attired or, holding in the mouth an acorn slipped vert, fructed gold. Married, August 26, 1886, Marianne Eliza- beth, relict of the late James Quinlan, Barrister-at-Law, Dublin, and niece of the late Lord Gordon of Drumearn, is the MUltary Cockade, JFali jTai 453 F FABER (H. Coll.). Or, on a pale ermine, a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper, a chief azure, thereon two mullets argent. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on the battlements of a tower or, in front of a cubit arm in scale armour, holding in the hand proper a rose gules, slipped and leaved also proper, two mascles interlaced fesseways vert. Motto — " Quisque faber fortunae suae." Sons of Charles Wilson Faber of Northaw House, Herts, b. ; d. 1878 ; 7)t. Mary (d. 1902), d. of late Sir Edmund Beckett, 4th Bart. : — Edmund Beckett Faber, Esq., J. P. and D.L. W. Riding Yorks. , M.P. Andover Div. of Hants since 1901, b. 1847. Res. — 19 Park Street, Grosvenor Square, London, W. ; Belvedere, Harrogate. Clubs — Carlton, Junior Carlton, Yorkshire (York). George Denison Faber, Esq., J. P. and D.L. W. Riding Yorks., Barrister-at-Law (Lincoln's Inn), Registrar of the Privy Council 1887-96, B.A. (Oxon.), M.P. for York city since 1900, b. 1852 ; m. 1895, Hilda Georgiana, d. of Sir Frederick Ulrick Graham, 3rd Bart., of Netherby, by Lady Jane Hermione, d. of the 12th Duke of Somerset. Res. — 14 Grosvenor Square, London, W. ; Rush Court, Walling- ford. David Faber, Esq., J.P.- Hants, b. 1853; m. 1878, Caroline, d. of late Col. Broadley. Seats — Ampfield House, Romsey, Hants ; Crubenmore Lodge, Newton- more, N.B. Clubs — Oxford and Cambridge, Union, Hurlingham. Walter Vavasour Faber, Esq., Capt. late R.H.A. , Capt. R. Wilts Imp. Yeo., b. 1857. Res. — Weyhill, nr. Andover. Club — Naval and Military. FAGAN (U.O., Vn. Dublin, 1607). Per chevron gules and ermine, in chief three covered cups or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a griffin segreant argent, winged and tufted or, supporting in the talons an olive branch vert, fructed gold. Motto — " Deo patriseque semper fidelis." Son of Capt. William Addis Fagan, 12th Lancers, M.P. for Carlow 1869-75, ^- 1832; d. 1890; tn. 1871, Frances, d. of Daniel Mahony of Dunloe Castle, Killarney : — William Charles Trant Fagan, Gentleman, b. 1877. Res. -143 A Ebury Street, S.W. Clubs— Ans , Bath. Sons of late Lt.-Col. George Hickson Fagan, R.E. : — Lt.-Gen. Christopher Sullivan Feltrim Fagan, R.M.L.I., F.R.G.S., b. 1845. /e«.— Gosforth House, Dulwich. Rev. George Hickson Feltrim Fagan, M.A. (Oxon.), Vicar of Kings Kerswell, b. 1851. Res. — Kerswell Vicarage, Newton Abbot. Rev. William Feltrim Fagan, M.A. (Oxon.), Vicar of Hersham, b. 1853; m. 1889, Ellen, d. of Henry Brooks of Hersham Lodge, Surrey ; and has issue — (i) Arthur William Fagan, Gentleman, b. 1890 ; and Kathleen Mary Feltrim. Res. — Hersham Vicarage, Walton-on-Tbames. FAIR, see RUTTLEDGE-FAIR. CHARLES BASS FAIR, Gentleman. Born 1840, being the eldest son of the late Charles James Fair of Cape Town, by his wife Mary, second dau. of Coakeley Leevis, Lieut, in the Army. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, gules a cross moline argent, surmounted of a bend azure (for Fair) ; 2 and 3 per pale azure and gules, three lions ram- pant argent (for Herbert). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Out of a ducal crest coronet, a demi-falcon rising proper. Motto — " A tout faire. " Postal address — Audit Office, Cape Town. JOHN FAIR, Gentleman. Armorial bearings— Gules, an anchor between two fleurs-de-lis in chief or and a mullet in base argent. Mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a garb or, encircled by two snakes vert ; and in an escroll above, this Motto, " Vincit Veritas." Residence — The Rev. ROBERT HERBERT FAIR, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Vicar of Wellow, Romsey, in the county of Huntmgdon. Born June i, 1849, being the fourth son of Charles James Fair of Cape Town, by his wife Mary, second daughter of Coakeley Leevis, a Lieutenant in the Army. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules a cross moline argent, over all a bend azure (for Fair) ; 2 and 3 per pale azure and gules, three lions rampant argent (for Herbert). Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-falcon rising proper. Motto — "A tout faire." Married, September 11, 1884, Frances Jane, sole surviving daughter of the Reverend James Connell, Master of Arts, Rector of Monks Eleigh, in the county of Suffolk, and widow of the Venerable E. H. Fisher, Master of Arts, Archdeacon of Southwark, in the Diocese of Rochester ; and has Issue — Charles Herbert Fair, Gentle- man, born June 20, 1885 ; and Helen Mary. Postal address — The Rectory, Westmeon, Petersfield. FAIR (L.O.). Gules, an anchor in pale or, between two mullets in fesse argent. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the liveries, a garb or, encircled by two serpents vert. Motto — "Veritas vincit." Livery— Black coat, yellow and ruby facings. Son of late James Fair, Esq., J. P. co. Lanes., b. 1803; d. 1871 ; m. 1824, Elizabeth, d. of Alexander Bannerman : — Thomas Fair, Esq., J.P. co. Lanes., b. 1836; m. ist, i860, Louisa (d. 1896), d. of late Bartholomew Stretton of Grosvenor Mount, Crumpsall, Manchester ; 2nd, 1900, Elizabeth Mary Ethel, d. of William Pilkington, Esq., J.P. , D.L. , of Robyhall, Lanes. ; and has issue— (i) James Alexander Stretton Fair, Gentleman, b. 1863 ; (2) Thomas Henry Fair, Gentleman, b. 1871 ; Gertrude Emily ; Maud Louisa ; Ethel ; Rosina Stretton ; and (by second mar.) Elizabeth Barberie. Res. — Clifton Hall, nr. Preston, Lanes. FAIRBAIRN, see WAILES-FAIRBAIRN. FAIRBAIRN (1839, regranted 1869, and see Wailes- Fairbairn). Argent, on a chevron between three boars' heads couped gules, as many bezants. Crest— On a wreath of the liveries, the sun in splendour proper. Motto — ' ' Semper eadem. Son of Sir Thomas Fairbairn, 2nd Bart., D.L., 1823- 1891; m. 1848, Allison, d. of Thomas Callaway of Chislehurst, Kent : — Sir Arthur Henderson Fairbairn, 3rd Bart. (2 Nov. 1869), of Ardwick, Manchester, Hon. Treas. Roy. Assoc, in aid of Deaf and Dumb, b. 11 April 1852 ; m. 5 July 1882, Florence Frideswyde, d. of late Richard Penruddocke Long, Esq., M.P., of Rood Ashton, Wilts. Res. — 45 Brunswick Square, Hove, Brighton. C/k*^— Brooks's. Windham, Union (Brighton). REVELL ANTHONY FAIRCLOUGH, Gentleman. Born 1846, being the son of Thomas Fairclough of Leyland, co. Lanes. Armorial bearings - Or, a hon rampant azure, charged on the shoulder with a fleur-de-lis of the first, between four fleur-de-lis saltirewise of the second. Mantling azure and or. Crest- Upon a wreath of the colours in front of a lion's gamb erased or, holding a fleur-de-lis, three fleurs-de-lis fessewise all azure. Motto — "Faire sans dire." Residence -2^ Kensington Palace Gardens, London, W. FAIRFAX, see RAMSAY-FAIRFAX-LUCY. is the Naval Cockade. 454 jrai jrai BRYAN CHARLES FAIRFAX. Esquire. Capt. Durham 1^1.. Aide-de-camp to Lieul.-Gen. the Hon. Sir Neville I.yttellon. K.C.B.. Feb, 1903. Bont Sept. la. 1873. being the second son of the late Thomas Ferdinnndo Fairfax of Steeton, Bilbrough. and Newton Kyme. Lieut. -Col. Grena- dier Guards, by his wife Evelyn Sehna, dau. of Sir William Milner. Bart. Armorial b«arinjr«— Argent, three bars gemelles gules, surmounted by a hon rampant sable, crowned or. Mantling gules and argent. CrMt— On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant euardant sable. Motto— "Fare fac." A'«ion two horse-shoes or, a bugle-horn stringed azure. HottO — " Forward." Postal address — Worcester House, Walbrook, London, E.C. Club — junior Constitutional. AGNES-MAUDE FARISH, Gentlewoman, widow of the late John Parish, Gentleman, who was b. 1871, and J— Conservative, City Carlton. GEORGIANA FARISH, Gentlewoman, widow of the late Edward Parish, of Elm Park Gardens, Gentleman, who was bom in London, Nov. 17, 1831, and died at Kingsnorth Rectory, co. Kent, Sept. 9, 1886. Born Feb. 26, 1837, being the only surviving child and sole heiress of the late Walter Hancock Garthwaite of Shakleford, co. Surrey, and of Burniere, co. Cornwall, Gentleman, by his wife Georgina, second dau. of the late William Vaughan of Eyton-in-Alber- bury, CO. Salop. Livery -Light drab, facings light or Cambridge blue. Armorial bearings— Argent, a chevron azure, guttle d'eaux, between two horse-shoes in chief and a bugle-horn stringed in base, all of the second, and upnan an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Garthwaite, namely, quarterly per fesse indented i and 4, gules, a chevron or ; 2 and 3, azure, a fret of the second. Married, Oct. 28, 1854, the late Edward Parish, Gentleman ; and has Issue— (li Exlward Garthwaite Parish, Gentleman (to whom refer) ; (2) Leonard Walter Parish, Gentleman (to whom refer) ; (3) Arthur Parish Parish, Esq. (to whom refer) ; (4) Claude Reginald Thorne Parish, Gentleman (to whom refer) ; (5) John Parish, Gentleman, a medical practitioner of the Orange River Colony, b. Oct. 17, 1871, d. May 27, 1904, s.p. [»»., April 6, 1895, Agnes Maude, second dau. of John Drinkwater Ghosley] ; (6) Rupert Vaughan Parish, Gentle- man (to whom refer); Georgina Eliza, d. May 3, 1899; Mabel ; Florence, d. May 3, 1904 \m. Anders Lindblad of Stockholm, Knight of the Order of the Northern Star and Licentiate in Medicine, University of Upsala, and had issue, two children] ; Edith Mary ; Frances [m. Rev. Arthur Sand- bach, M.A. Cantab., late Vicar of Cornworthy, co. Devon, and has had issue, seven children]; Hilda {m. Thomas Henry Henry Howson, B.A. Oxon. , Secretary and Assistant Master of Rugby School and Student-at-Law Gray's Inn, and has issue, two children] ; and Madeline Allnutt. Resi- dence —4 Elm Park Gardens. ^ is tbe MiUtary Cockade. jTar jFar 459 LEONARD WALTER PARISH. Gentleman. Born Aug. 22, 1864, being the second son of the late Edward Parish of Elm Park Gardens, co. Middlesex, who d. 1886, by his wife Georgiana, only dau. and heiress of the late Walter- Hancock Garthwaite of Shakleford, co. Surrey. Livery — Light drab, facings blue. Armorial bearings— Quarterly I and 4, argent, a chevron azure, gutt^e-d'eau, between two horse-shoes in chief and a bugle-horn stringed in base all of the second (for Parish) ; 2 and 3, quarterly p)er fesse indented, i. and iiii., gules, a chevron or ; ii. and iii., azure, a fret of the second (for Garthwaite). Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon two horse-shoes or, a bugle-horn stringed azure. Motto — " For- ward." Married, July 3, 1900, Valerie Isabel, younger dau. of Henry Edward Meyer, late Lieut, ist Regiment Sardinian Army. Postal address— 'BTOokXa.mls, Cheshire. S RUPERT VAUGHAN PARISH. Gentleman, Lieut. Royal Warwickshire Regt. , of Jesus Coll., Camb., and of Gray's Inn, Student-at-Law. Born March i, 1876, being the sixth son of the late Edward Parish of Elm Park Gardens, co. Middlesex, who died 1896, by his wife Geor- giana, only dau. and heiress of the late Walter-Hancock Garthwaite of Shakleford, co. Surrey. Livery — Light drab, facings blue. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, a chevron azure, gutt^e-d'eau, between two horse- shoes in chief and a bugle-horn stringed in base all of the second (for Parish) ; 2 and 3, quarterly per fesse indented, i. and iiii., gules, a chevron or; ii. and iii., azure, a fret of the second (for Garthwaite). Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon two horse-shoes or, a bugle-horn stringed azure. Motto — " Porward." Married, Oct. 28, 1903, Alice' Maude Mary, dau. of Lieut. William Shackleton, retired Military Train. Postal address —Royal Warwickshire Regt. , Curragh, Kildare, Ireland. FARLEY, see TURNER-PARLEY. FRANCIS PARMBROUGH, Gentleman. Born March 23, 1806, being the eldest son of William Farnibrough, by his wife Anna Walts, only daughter of Richard Checkley. Armorial bearing^ — Gules, three cross crosslets bend- • ways between two bendlets engrailed, the whole between as many garbs or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed vested gules, holding a plough paddle handled, also gules and bladed or, the arm garnished with a wreath of wheat ears proper. Motto — ' ' Deus noster refugium." Married, November 17, 1829, Eliza, only child of Charles GrifTes ; and has Issue — Seven sons and nine daughters. Estate— Denhxgh Hall, Sympson, in the co. of Buckmgham. Postal address— Tienhigh Hall, Bletchley. SSiR WILLIAM PARMER, Knight Bachelor, one of Her Majesty's Lieutenants for the City of London. Born 1832, being the son of the late Samuel Farmer of Moor Hall, m the county of Worcester, by his wife Eliza- beth, daughter of Thomas White ; dubbed Knight Bachelor. 1891. C/wiJj— Constitutional, City Carlton, /,/r^ry— Dark green. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Per chevron dovetailed gules and argent, in chief two lions heads erased of the last, and in base a salamander in flames proper, and impaling the arms of Perkins, namely erminois, an eagle displayed, in chief an escallop between two fleurs- de-lis, and in base a fleur-de-lis between two escallops all azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, an antelope argent, sem6e of estoiles sable, armed and unguled or, resting the dexter forefoot upon a fountain prop)er ; with the Motto, "Agendo honeste." Married, ] an. 26, 1864, Martha Perkins, dau. of the late Thomas Perkins of Droit- wich, CO. Worcester ; and has Issue — William Alfred Farmer. Esq. ^. Jan. 1.1868; Martha Amy; Alice Maud; and Made- line. Postal address— Ascot Place. Berks. WILLIAM TANNER FARNCOMBE - TANNER. Esquire. J. P. Essex. Born March i. i860, being the eldest son of William Parncombe of Montpellier Villa. Worthing, by his wife Philidelphia, dau. of William Tanner. Esq., J. P., D.L., late of Patcham. Brighton, Sussex; assumed additional name and the arms of Tanner in 1881, by Royal Licence. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearings— Sable, three piles argent, two issuant from the chief and one from the base, each charged with a Moor's head in profile couped at the shoulder proper, wreathed about the temples of the is the Naval Cockade. 46o iTat •eoond and gules. Ilantliiicr sable and argent. Onst— Upon a wreath of the colour?, a Moor's biead as in the arms, between two trefoils slipped vert. Seats — Fishers. Wakes Colne, Halstead ; More House, Wivelsfield, Burgess Hill, Sussex. WILLIAM EDWARD BASIL FARNHAM, Esquire, J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1887, late Captain Leicester Yeomanry, M.A. Cambs. F.R.H.S. Born July 18, 1855, being the eldest son of the late Edward Basil Famham, Elsq., J. P. and D.L. , High Sheriff 1870, Major Leicester Yeomanry, M.P. for N. Leicestershire from 1837 to 1859, and his wife Gertrude Emily, second dau. of Sir William Cradock Hartopp, Bart., of Four Oaks Park, co. Warwick. Aimorlal beariiig^S — Quarterly or and azure, in the two first quarters a crescent counterchanged, and impaling the arms of Scott, namely argent, on a fesse gules, cotised azure, between three catherine-wheels sable, as many lambs passant of the field. Mantling or and azure. Crest — On a wTeath of the colours, an eagle or, wings close, preying on a rabbit argent. Married, Nov. 9, 1882, Catherine Matilda Annie Georgina, second dau. of Sir Francis Scott, 3rd Bart. , of Great Barr, co. Stafford ; and has Issve — John Adrian George Famham, Gentleman, b. March 5, 1890; and Lilian Mildred Gertrude. Clubs — Carlton, Arthur's. se [Admiral Sir ARTHUR FARQUHAR. Knight ' Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (1886) Admiral Royal Navy, J. P. and D.L. co. of Aberdeen. Bom 1815, being the only son of Rear-Admiral Sir Arthur Farquhar, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Knight Commander of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order, Knight Commander of the Sword of Sweden, by his wife Jane, dau. of James Murray of Campvere ; created Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1886. Livety — Dark Claret colour. Armorial bearings— Or, a lion rampant sable, supporting a sword erect proper, the blade encircled by a wreath of laurel also proper, between three sinister hands couped gules, a chief wavy azure, thereon out of waves of the sea a representation of a fortified town of the third, and above the word "Gluckstadt" in letters of gold, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and [>endent his badge as a Knight Commander. Upon the es- cutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a JlantUng sable and or ; and for his Crest, out of a naval JFat crown or, a sword as in the arms, and a flag flowing to- wards the sinister in saltire azure, inscril^d with the word "Acheron" in letters of gold, surmounted by a dexter hand issuant gules; with the MottO. "Sto cado fide et armis." Married. 1851, Ellen (rf. 1898) dau. of Philip Rickman; and has Issue — (i) Arthur Murray Farquhar, Esq., Capt. in the Royal Navy, b. 1855 [*»., 1893, Eva. dau, of Malcolm McNeill, Esq., C.B., and has issue, .\rthur McNeill Farquhar, ICsq. ; Malcolm Farquhar. Gentleman ; and John Farquhar. Genilcman]; (2) Richard Bowles Farquhar, Esq., Capt. in the Royal Navy, b. 1859 [*»., 1882, Mary Reade, dau. of Reade, Consul at Corfu, and has issue, Ellen, Dee, and Nina]; (3) William Rickman Farquhar, Esq. . b. i860 \m. . 1B97, Marion, dau. of H. Peck of United States Navy, and has issue, Stuart Moubray Farquhar, Gentleman]; (4) MoubrayGore Farqu- har, Esq., b. 186a; (s) Albert Farquhar. Esq., b. 1864 \m., 1887, Alice Jane, dau. of Alexander Nicol, and has issue, Alastair Charles Nicol Farquhar. Gentleman, and Adeline Mary] ; (6) Stuart St. John Farquhar. Esq. , Com- mander Royal Navy, b. 1865 ; (7) Charles Gordon D»arroch Farquhar, Esq., b. 1867; (8) James Brooke Farquhar, Elsq., b. i868 ; (9) Hobart Brooks Farquhar, Elsq., b. 1874 ; Ellen Philippa Mary (rf, 1886) \m. Col. Robert Townley Cald- well] ; Jane Gertrude ; Adeline \m. , 1877, Rev. Hon. Edmund Tudor St. John] ; and Alice[)». , 1890, James Thursby Pelham, Esq., of Cound, Shropshire]. Estate and postal address — Drumnagesk, Aboyne, N.B. Club — United Service. ALEXANDER FARQUH ARSON, Gentleman, Lieut, loth Hussars 1889-93. Bom March 12, 1867, being the is the Military Cockade. jFar jTat 461 second son of the late James Ross Farquharson, Esq., J. P. and D.L., by his wife Elizabeth Louisa, eldest dau. of Alexander Haldane Oswald of Auchincruive. Armorial beaxingB— Quarterly i and 4, or, a lion rampant gules ; 2 and 3, argent, a lir tree growing out of a mount in base, fructed proper, and on a chief gules, the Royal banner of Scotland displayed on a canton of the first, a hand issuing from the sinister side, holding a dagger point downwards proper ; impaling tlie arms of Musgrave, namely azure, six annulets, three, two, and one or. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a demi-lion ram- pant gules, holding in his dexter paw a sword proi er, pom- melled or. Supporters — Two wild cats regardant proper. Motto— " Fide etfortitudine." Married, ]a.n. 16, 1893, Zoe Caroline, second dau. of Sir Richard Musgrave, Bart., of Eden Hall, Cumberland. ^.Vai'— Invercauld, Ballater, Aber- deenshire. Town address— 12 Lowndes Square, S. W. GEORGE FARQUHARSON (formerly George Young Leslie) of Whitehouse, co. Aberdeen. Bor?i 1846, second son of the late George Abercromby Young Leslie, 13th Laird of Kininnie, Banffshire, by his wife Barbara, dau. of General William Stewart, C. B. , of Lesmurdie, Banffshire, and succeeded his cousin the late Andrew Farquharson in 1896, when he assumed by .'special licence the name and arms of Farquharson of Whitehouse. Chtd — Oriental, Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent a lion rampant gules ; 2 and 3 or, a fir tree growing out of a mount in base proper, on a chief gules, the banner of Scotland displayed, a canton ermine, charged with a dagger proper point downvvards. Mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-lion rampant gules, holding in his dexter paw a sword erect proper, hilted and pommelled or ; and in an scroll above this Motto, " Fide et fortitudine ; " and below he shield, "I force nae frien ; I fear nae fae." Seat — /hitehouse, co. Aberdeen. . MARIA OGILVIE FARQUHARSON, Spinster, eldest aaughter and heiress of the late Robert Francis Ogilvie Farquharson of Haughton, by his first wife Mary S., younger daughter of the late General Sir Alexander Leith Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, of Freefield and Glenkindie, in the county of Aber- deen. Aimorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Quarterly, I. or, a lion rampant gules, armed and langued azure (for Farquharson) ; 2. and 3. azure, a bezant between three garbs or (for Gumming) ; 4. argent, a Scotch fir-tree growing out of a mount proper (also for Farquharson). Estate and postal address — Haughton, Alford, Aberdeenshire. FARQUHARSON - MACDONALD, see HOUN-FARQUHARSON-MACDONALD. COLQU - FARRANT (H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4. argent, on a chief jDer pale gules and sable, two crosses patonce vair6 or and azure (Farrant) ; 2. azure, on a fesse invested or, three leopard's faces gules (Lee); 3. sable, a chevron between three pelican's heads erased or, vulning themselves proper (Godfrey). Mantling gules and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect, vested azure, the cuff argent, charged with a cross patonce vair6 of the last and gules, the hand grasping an anchor cabled proper (Farrant) ; 2. on a wreath, argent and gules, a demi-negro affront^ holding in his dexter hand a flag flowing to the sinister thereon on waves of the sea a ship all proper. Motto — " Spes anchora vitae." Son of Richard Farrant of Oxford :— Sir Richard Farrant, Knt. Bach. (1897), b. 1835; m. 1854, Fanny, d. of late Samuel Wymark of Newhaven, Sussex. 5^a/_Rockhurst, West Hoathly, Sussex. Town res.— 9 Park Square, N.W. C/«iJ— Reform. FARRELL, quartered by CONYERS. GEORGE FARREN, Esquire, of Trefenai, Carnarvon- shire, J. P. CO. Carnarvon (High Sheriff 1898), Member of the Institute of Civil Engineers, Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society. Bom 1836, being the son of the late George Farren, Barrister-at-Law. Z.iz^eo'- Buff and red. Armorial bearings -Argent, on a pile gules, between two blocks of dressed red granite proper, a lion passant regardant of the first Mantling gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, upon a block of dressed grey granite proper, is the Naval Cockade. 46a JFar jFau a lion passant rcKU-dant gules, resting the dexter forepaw on a snltire or. Motto — " Persevcrantia vincit." Married, the centre chief point a l«ziint charged with a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper, two oali-branches slipped chev- 1876, Rebecca Mary, dau. of Henry C. Cundy, Esq. (she d. 1886). Seat — Trefenai, Carnarvon. C/»/^ — Reform (S.W.). FARRELL. quartered by FOX. The Reverend FREDERIC FARRER, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. St. John's Coll., Oxford, Rector of Bourton- on-the-Hill, Moreton-in-Marsh. Born September 29, 1826, being the fifth son of the late Farrer Grove Spurgeon Farrer of Brayfield House, Bucks, who assumed by Royal Licence, 1799, the additional surname and arms of Farrer, by his wife Mary, dau. of the Hon. David Anstruther, and relict of Capt. Mitford, R.N. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a bend sable, three horse-shoes of the first. Matltting sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a horse-shoe argent between two wings sable. Married, firstly, 1852, Georgina Ann, eldest dau. of Rev. W. J. E. Bennett, Vicar of Frome ; and by her had Issue — Mary, and Georgina Ann [m., April 1882, Henry Appleby Wollaston, and d. March 1883, leaving one dau.]. He married secondly, 1869, Maria Elizabeth, youngest dau. of the Rev. J. A. Barron, of Great Stan more ; and has Issue — (i) Lawrence William Frederic Farrer, Gentleman, b. June 1871, d. 1873 ; (2) Denis Herbert Farrer, Gentleman, b. May 1874 ; Clarence Annie Mary ; Betty Marie Noel ; and Dorothy Acton. Residences — Bourton-on-the-Hill, Moreton-in-Marsh, and Brayfield House, Bucks. WILLIAM FARRER, Gentleman. Born February 28, 1861, being the second son of William Farrer Ecroyd, Esq., J. P., D. L. , by his wife Mary, only dau. of Thomas Back- house of York (see Ecroyd of Lomeshaye). Obtained a Royal Licence dated July 29 ,1896, to assume the name of Farrer in lieu of Ecroyd, and to assume the arms of Farrer, and to quarter therewith his paternal coat in accordance with a provision contained in the will of his great-uncle William Farrer, late of Whitbarro^v Lodge, co. Westmor- land, J. P., who died Feb. 4, 1886. C////>— Constitutional. Livery - Dark purple, silver buttons. Armorial bearing^ — Quarterly 1 and 4, argent, on a bend indented sable, between three acorns leaved and slipped projjer, three horse- shoes of the first (for Farrer); 2 and 3 azure, on a chevron erminois, between three stags' heads erased of the last, in ronwise also proper (for Ecroyd) ; and for the Crests, i. on a wreath of the colours, an acorn leaved and slipped projier within a horse-shoe sable, between two wings of the last, each charged with a horse-shoe argent (for Farrer) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-tower proper, thereon a stag's head erased erminois, three spears, one in pale and two in saltire, also proper (for Ecroyd). Motto — " Ferr6 va ferme." Alarried, firstly, April 25, 1895, Ellen Jane Ward (who died June i, 1897), second dau. of Henry Ward, Esq., J. P., D.L. co. .Staff., of Rodbaston, Penk- ridge, by his wife Jane, second dau. and co-heiress of John Bagnall, Esq., J. P., of West Bromwich ; and has Issue — Alizon Margaret Farrer Ecroyd (who being born and bap- tized before her father's change of name retains his paternal name of Ecroyd). He m. secondly, 1900, Eliza, third dau. of J. Boyce, of Redgrave, Suffolk ; and has further Issue — Olive Mary. Postal addresses — Hall Garth, Over Kellet, near Carnforth, Yorks ; Whitbarrow Lodge, near Grange- over-Sands. WILLIAM FARSIDE, Esq., J.P. North Riding Yorks., M.A. Emmanuel Coll., Cambridge. Armorial bearings — Gules, a fesse or, between three bezants, a bordure wavy ermine. Mantling gules and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, two lions' gambs erect argent, erased gules, holding a bezant, the whole debruised by a bendlet wavy ermine. Motto — " Furth and fear nocht." Seats — 'Vhor^e Hall, Fylingdales, near Whitby ; Bilton Hall, Knare.iboro. Club — Royal Societies. FAUCONBRIDGE or FAUCONBERG, quartered by CONYERS. SSiK GEORGE FAUDEL FAUDEL-PHILI.IPS, ist Baronet (1897), G.C.I.E., Lord Mayor of London (1896-97), Alderman of the Ward at Farringdon Within, & is tbe MiUtaxy Cockade. JFau JFato 463 Sheriff of London and Middlesex (1884-85), and High Sheriff of the co. of London (1895), J. P. for cos. Hertford, London, and Middlesex, D. L. for the co. of London and one of the Commissioners for executing the Lieutenancy of the City of London, an Almoner and Governor of Christ's Hospital, Governor of the Irish Society, President of the Jewish Free Schools at Norwood, President of Bethlehem and Bridewell Hospital. By Royal Licence Dec. 23, 1895, he and his issue were authorised to take the surname of Faudel before that of Phillips, and to bear the arms of Faudel quarterly with those of Phillips. Born July 1840, being the second son of the late Sir Benjamin S. Phillips, Lord Mayor of the City of London 1866 and 1867, by Rachel, only dau. of Henry Faudel. Livery — Dark blue and gold. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, paly of six ermine and azure, on a chief gules, a squirrel sejant cracking a nut or (for Phillips) ; 2 and 3, quarterly argent and or, in the first and fourth a chevron azure, and in the second and third a peacock's head erased proper, all within a bordiire sable (for Faudel) ; the escutcheon being sur- rounded by his ribbon and collar of the Order of the Indian Empire, and impaling on a second escutcheon the arms of Lawson, namely gules, a saltire double parted and fretted or, between in fesse two rams' heads couped argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a squirrel sejant cracking a nut or, between on the dexter side a trefoil slipped and on the sinister a branch of hazel fructed, extending to the dexter, charged on the shoulder with an acorn leaved and slipped proper (for Phillips) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount a peacock regardant in its pride proper, be- tween two roses argent, leaved and slipped vert. Sup- porters — On the dexter side a Hindu, and on the sinister a Mahomedan of India, both habited proper Motto — " Ne tentes aut perfice." Married, April 17, 1867, Helen, dau. of Joseph Moses Levy, Esq., J. P., D. L. , of 51 Grosvenor Street, London, and Florence Cottage, Ramsgate (and sister of Lord Burnham, of Hall Barn, Bucks); and has lisue — (i) Benjamin Samuel Faudel-Phillips, Esq., J. P. CO. Hertford, High Sheriff co. London, one of the Com- missioners for executing the Lieutenancy for the City of London, b. July 21, 1871 ; (2) Lionel Lawson Faudel Faudel-Phillips, Esq., a Commissioner of Lieutenancy for the City of London, b. April 11, 1877; Beatrice Rachael Faudel [w. , July 20, 1892, Philip Henriques, Esq., a Commissioner of Lieutenancy for the City of London, of Grosvenor Place, London ; and has issue] ; Nellie Cyril Faudel; and Stella Josephine Faudel [/«., Dec. 17, 1903, Hon. Charles Henry Tufton, 3rd son of Lord Hothfield]. Seat — Balls Park, Hertford. Town residence — 52 Grosvenor Gardens, S.W. Clubs — Reform, Garrick, Orleans. S SAMUEL HENRY FAUDEL-PHILIPS, Esq., J.P. for Kent, one of the Commissioners for executing the Lieutenancy for the City of London (High Sheriff 1898). By Royal Licence Dec. 23, 1895, he and his issue were authorised to take and use the surname of Faudel before that of Phillips, and to bear the arms of F^audel quarterly with those of Phillips. Born Oct. i, 1838, being the eldest son of the late Sir Benjamin Samuel Phillips, J.P. and D.L., Lord Mayor of the City of London 1865, and his wife Rachel, only dau. of Samuel Faudel of the city of Hamburgh, and sister and heiress of Henry Faudel of Westerham, Kent. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, paly of six ermine and azure, on a chief gules, a squirrel sejant cracking a nut or (for Phillips) ; 2 and 3, quarterly argent and or, in the first and fourth a chevron azure, and in the second and third a peacock's head erased proper, all within a bordure sable (for Faudel). Mantling azure and argent. Crests — i. upon a wreath of the colours, upon a moimt vert, a squirrel sejant cracking a nut or, between on the dexter side a trefoil slipped, and on the sinister a branch of hazel fructed, extending to ihe dexter, charged on the shoulder with an acorn leaved and slipped (for Phillips) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount a peacock re- gardant in its pride proper, between two roses argent, leaved and slipped vert. Motto — " Ne tentes aut perfice." Mar- ried, April 29, 1875, Sarah Georgina, dau. of George White ofPorchesterGate, London; andhas/jj«^ — (i) Harry Faudel Faudel-Phillips, Esq., 5th R.I. Lancers, b. Jan. 7, 1884; Rachel Faudel ; Henrietta Norah Faudel ; and Ceril Katherine Faudel. 5etween three hanks of cotton argent (Cotton, Umt. Ric. II.) ; 3. ermine, on a fessc sable, a castle argent (Hill, temf. Kic. II.) ; 4. or, on a fesse gules, between two lions passant sable, three bezants fNoblc). MantUng gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, a lion sejant per pale argent and gules, charged on the shoulder with a rose counterchanged and resting the dexter forepaw on a cross patte fitch^ at the foot also gules. Motto — " Vigilate." Sons of William Edwin Cotton Fell of Lochrin House, Edinburgh, i. 1818; d. 1866; m. 1st, 1852, Rosina, d, of James Tasker ; 2nd, Barbara Louisa Thompson : — Lt.-Col. Edwin James Fell, J. P. co. Salop, d. 1853; m. ist, 1888, Ethel {d. 1899), d. of late Henry Haig of Kingsland ; 2nd, 1903, Verbena, d. of Ellis Brooke Cun- liffe; and has issue— (i) Michael Edwin Fell, Gentleman, i. 1889; (2) Patrick Edwin Fell, Gentleman, fi. 1892. /fes. — Tilley House, Wem, Salop. Cluds — NnvaX and Military, County (Shrewsbury). William Edwin Fell, Esq., Major Yorks. Artill. Mil. /fes. — Fowthorpe, Hunmanby, Yorks. Exiwin Frederick Berry Fell, Gentleman, B.A. Clud — Oxford and Cambridge. Sons of Rev. James Alexander Fell, J. P., of Knells (rf. 1897), and his wife Elizabeth, d. of Rev. Henry Gylby Lonsdale : — Henry Walter Fell, Gentleman, M.A. (Camb.), Barrister- at-Law, d. 1852 ; m. 1886, Ada Catherine, d. of Henry Noble of Hong-Kong; and has issue — Ronald Arthur Lonsdale Fell, Gentleman, 6. 1895 ; and two daus. /?es. — Sbavington Grange, Market Drayton. Cluds — United University, County (Carlisle). County (Shrewsbury). Alexander Lonsdale Fell, Gentleman, 6. 30 Dec. 1856. Seat — Blunsdon Abbey, Wilts. Posi. add. — Grosvenor Chambers, Oxford Street, London, W. C/uds — Conserva- tive, Bath, Ranelagh, County (Carlisle). Allan Heywood Fell, Gentleman, B.A. Camb., Lieut. Q.O. Oxfordshire Hussars Imp. Yeo. [Livery — Dark green and gold], 6. 1858 ; m. 1900, Florence, d. of John Mont- gomerie of Newcastle - on - Tyne, and widow of S. K, Barnes of Bunker's Hill, Carlisle ; and has issue — Alexander Montgomerie Heywood Fell, Gentleman ; and Muriel Hey- wood. Seat — Lismore, Argyll. Jfes. — Park Leys, Stratford- on-Avon. FELLOWES. quartered by BENYON. FELLOWS, quartered by TWEEDY. FELLOWS. Per pale azure and sable, a fesse dancetttfe ermine lictween three lions' heads erased e.ich within an annulet or. Mantling azure and argent. Orest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a lion's head erased sable, charged with two barrulets dancett(^e, three annulets fesse- wise or. Son of Alfred Thomas Fellows, m. Susannah, d. of Edward Woodbouse of Scotswood, Newcastle-on- Tyne: — George Fellows, Esq., J. P., Capt. and Hon. Major late South Notts Yeomanry Cav., d. 29 March 1845 ; m. 7 Feb. 1877, Emma Margaret, eld. d. of Lite Rev. Richard Pulteney, Rector of Ashley, Northants; and has issue (i) John Pulteney P'ellows, Gentleman, d. 28 March 1881; (a) Richard Woodhouse Fellows, Gentleman, d. 13 Apl. 1887; Evelyn Emma; Frances Dorothy; Violet; Sylvia Bettina ; and Margaret Geraldine. AVa/— Beeston P'ields, Nottingham. Ciu6 — Junior Carlton. ERNEST GADESDEN FELLOWS, Gentleman. Bom , being the only son of the late James Israel Fellows, J. P., Agent-General for New Brunswick in Great Britain, by his second wife Jane Hamlin, dau. of James R. Crane of St. John, New Brunswick. Armorial bearings— Party per fesse or and azure, in chief two reindeers' heads erased proper, and in base on the base thereof barry wavy of four argent, and of the second an ancient ship of three masts sails furled also proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, in front of a lion's head erased proper, crowned with a vallery coronet, and holding in the mouth the attire of a reindeer, three lozenges con- joined or ; with the Motto, " Fac et spera." FREDERICK BURNINGTON FELLOWS, Gentle- man. Born July 23, 1852, being the eldest son of the Hon. James Israel Fellows, F. R. G. S. , K. R. S. S. , F. R. H. S. , F. S. A. , F.Z.S., M. L.C., and J. P. for Province of New Brunswick, who was appointed Agent-Gen. for Province of New Bruns- wick 1887, by his first wife Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Allan, J. P., of St. John, New Brunswick. Armorial bearings Per fesse or and azure, in chief two reindeer heads erased proper, and in base, on the base thereof barry wavy of four argent and of the second, an ancient ship of three masts, sails furled also proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a lion's head erased is the Military Cockade. proper, crowned with a crown vallery of the first, holding in the mouth an antler of a reindeer also proper. Motto " Fac et spera. " /Residence — FELTON, quartered by ELLIS. FENTON, quartered by PRICKETT. FENTON (H. Coll.). Per pale argent and sable, a cross dovetailed, in the first and fourth quarters a fleur-de- lis, and in the second and third a trefoil slipped all counter- changed. Mantling sable and argent. Crest ~ On a ifen 467 lE-SVrSiPRESI wreath of the colours, a fleur-de-lis sable, in front of two arrows m saltire or, barbed and flighted argent. Motto— " Je suis prest." Sons of James Fenton, Esq., F.S.A., J. P. Lanes, and Glos. (High Sheriff 1869), M.A., d. 1818 ; d. 1902; m. April 23, 1843, Helen, eldest dau. of Thomas Greenall of Grappenhall Hall, in co. of Chester, and niece of Sir Gilbert Greenall, M. P. :— The Rev. Albert Edward Fenton, Clerk in Holy Orders, ''•Jan. 18, 1852 ; m. Aug. 25, 1887, Mary Emilie Salisbury, eld. d. of the late Rev. Augustus Conway, Rector of Tod- morden, co. York ; and has issue. Richard Kay Fenton, Gentleman, 6. March 2, 1853 ; m. April 19, 1894, Ella Mary, d. of the late Rev. H. Williams, Vicar of Risca, co. Monmouth ; and has issue— Richard James Kay Fenton, Gentleman, 6. 1895 ; and Helen Mary. Seats— Buuon Manor, Longridge, Preston; and Clegg Hall, Rochdale. Henry Banning Fenton, Gentleman, i. Feb. 8, 1865 ; m. , and has issue. GEORGE FREDERICK JAMES FENTON-LIVING- STONE, Esquire, J. P. co. Lanark, late Lieut. 3rd Batt. Canieronian (Scottish Rifles) Militia. Born i860, second surviving son of Thomas Livingstone Fenton-Livingstone of Westquarter, Falkirk, by his wife Christian Margaret, only child and heiress of William Waddell, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Easter Moffat, Lanarkshire. Livery— Drah or white. with scarlet facings. Armorial bearings— Quarterly 1 and 4, argent, three gillyflowers gules, within a double tressure flory counterflory vert; 2 and 3, sable, a bend between six billets or, all within a bordure quartered or and gules^in the centre of the quarters a crescent for difference. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest -On a wreath of his liveries, a demi-savage wreathed about the head and loins with laurel, holding in his dexter hand a club resting on his shoulder, and a snake entwined around his sinister arm all proper. MottO— "Si je puis." Mar- ried, July 31, 1889, Marion Isabella Rose Traill, only child of Robert Traill, youngest son of George Traill, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Holland, Orkney ; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Frederick Fenton-Livingstone, /<. Aug. 7, 1890 ; (2) Robert George Fenton-Livingstone, 3. Jan. 11, 1895; and Dorothy Christian Jean. /Residences — Easter Moffat, Airdrie, Lanark- shire ; 62 Great King Street, Edinburgh. Cluds - Hyde Park Club, R.H.Y.C, Oban, Argyllshire. JOHN NIGEL EDENSOR FENTON-LIVING- STONE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, late Lieutenant Royal Highlanders, "The Black Watch," third but eldest surviving son of the late Thomas Livingstone Fenton-Living- stone, Esq., of Westquartei (who succeeded his grand-uncle Admiral Sir Thomas Livingstone 1853, and assumed the additional surname of Livingstone), by his wife Christian Margaret, only dau. and heiress of William Waddell, Esq., D. L. , of Easter Moffat, co. Lanark. Armorial bearings- Quarterly I and 4, argent, three cinquefoils gules, within a double tressure flory and counterflory vert ; 2 and 3 sable, a bend between six billets or, all within a bordure quartered or and gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-savage, wreathed round the head and middle with laurel leaves, hold- ing in his dexter hand a baton erect, and in his sinister a serpent entwined round the arm all proper. Motto — "Si je puis." Married, Feb. 15, 1892, Elnia, only dau. and heiress of Allan McDougall of Ardincaple, co. Argyll, by his wife Elizabeth Ann Penney, second dau. of Lord Kin- is the Naval Cockade. 468 JFen jTcr loch, ^udge of the Court of Session ; and has Issue— (i) William Nigel Fcnton-Livingslone, Gentlenmn, b. Jan. la, 1893 ; (a) Allan Fenton - Livingstone, Gentleman, h. March aj, 1894. ^m/j — Westquarter, near Falkirk; and Bedlormie, co. Linlithgow. FENTOUN, Viscount, see MAR and KELLY. THOMAS CLENNELL FENWICKE-CLENNELL, Esquire, J. P. Bom Oct. 14, 1857, being the second (but eldest surviving) son of the late Thomas Fenwicke-Clen- nell, Esq., J. P., Barrister-at-Law, who assumed by Royal Licence, i88a, the additional name of Clennell, upon suc- ceeding to the estates of Percival Fenwicke-Clennell of *Harbottle Castle, and his wife Frances, eldest dau. of the late Frederick Hardinge of Coatham Hall, co. Durham. Armorial bearln^^ (Royal Licence, i88a, H. Coll.)— Quar- terly I and 4, azure, a dexter arm proper issuing from a cufl argent, in the sinister of the shield the hand grasping a baton or (Clennell, originally granted 1796); aands.Fenwick. CrMta — I. on a wreath of the colours, issuing from flames proper, a phcenix with wings elevated or, gorged with a ducal coronet azure, charged on the breast and on each wing with a martlet sable (for Clennell) ; a. on a wreath of the colours, a phoenix in flames, with wings elevated firoper, supporting with the beak a staff raguly erect sable for Fenwicke). Motto — " Tous jours loyale. " Married, 1883, Helen Maud Amy, dau. of the late Rev. Edward Cheese, Rector of Haughtonle-Skerne, co. Durham (and granddau. of Hon. H. Montague Villiers) ; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Percival Edward Fenwicke-Clennell, Gentleman, b. 1886 ; (2) Edward Clennell Fenwicke-Clennell, Gentle- man ; (3) Geoffrey Edward Fenwicke-Clennell, Gentleman ; Constance Maud; and Frances Amy. Seat — Harbottle Castle, Rothbury, co. Northumberland, FERENDON, quartered by FLOYER. FERGUSON, see MONRO-FERGUSON and OLI- PHANT-FERGUSON. S GEORGE ARTHUR FERGUSON, Esquire, J. P., D.L. , late Lt.-Col. Grenadier Guards. Bom March 17, 1836, being the son of the late Admiral George Ferguson of Pitfour, by his wife Elizabeth Jane, commonly known as the Honourable Elizabeth Jane, daughter of the Right Honour- able Lord Longford. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, a buckle argent, between three boars' heads coup>ed or, within a bordure of the second, and impaling the arms of Hood, namely azure, a fret argent, on a chief or, three crescents sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a crescent or, rising from a cloud proper. Motto — " Virtute." Mar- ried, Feb. 7, 1861, Hon. Nina Maria, V.A., Bedchamber Woman to the Queen, eld. dau. of the Rt. Hon. Alexander Hood, first Viscount Bridport ; and has Issue — (i) Arthur George Ferguson, Esq., Major Rifle Brigade, b. June 22, 1862 \ni. Oct., 1902, Janet Norah, dau. of Sir Alexander Baird, Bart., of Urie, and has issue, Angus Arthur Fergu- son, Gentleman, b. July 26, 1903] ; (2) Francis William Ferguson, Gentleman, b. July 29, 1863, d. Jan. 24, 1896 ; (3) Rev. Edwin Augustus Ferguson, Rector of Holdenby, Northamptonshire, b. Sept. 24, 1864 \m. 1892, Madeline Master, and has issue] ; (4) Charles Alexander Ferguson, Gentleman, b. Oct. 21, 1873 ; Edith Rosa \m. Oct. 27, 1897, Francis Crawley, Esq., of Stockwood, Luton]; and Mary Georgiana \m. Sept. 10, 1903, The Hon. Rupert Barring- ton]. Seat — Pitfour, near Mintlaw, N.B. Town residence — 15 Granville Place, W. GEORGE BAGOT FERGUSON, Gentleman, M.A., M.D., M.Ch. Hertford Coll., Oxford, F.R.C.S. (Eng.), Senior Surgeon to Cheltenham Hospital and College, Vice- President of the British Medical Association, President 1891, Fellow of the Royal Medical, Chirurgical, and Obstetrical Societies. Born Jan. 1843, being the only son of the late William Bruce Ferguson, Esq., formerly of the Court of Policy, British Guiana, by his wife Catherine Anne, eld. dau. of the late George Bagot, Esq., High Sheriff of British Guiana. Z,»»«ry— Light blue with yellowfacings. Ar- morial bearings — Azure, a buckle or, between three boars' heads erased argent, a bordure of the second, semde of tre- foils slipped vert. Mantling azure and or. Crest Upon a wreath of the colours, on a thistle proper, passing through a buckle or, a bee alighting of the last, winged azure, and on an escroU above " Dulcius ex asperis." Motto below the arms—" Ut prosim aliis." Married, May 7, 1873. Amelia Laura, eldest dau. of the late Major J. R. Boissier, 37th Regt. ; and has /«««— Victor Bruce Ferguson, Gentle- man, b. April 8, 1875. Residence— K\.\\Aoxt. Villa, Pittville, Cheltenham. C/k*j— The Royal Societies', New (Chelten- ham). S JAMES FERGUSON, Esquire, Advocate, K.C., Sheriff of Argyllshire, D.L. and J. P. for Aberdeen- shire, Lt.-Col., Hon. Col. commanding 9th V.B. (High- landers) Royal Scots (V.D.). Born Jul)r 28, 1857, being the eldest son of William Ferguson of Kinmundy, LL. D. , by his wife Eliza (who d. 1881), daughter of Andrew Williamson of Ayr, N.B. Livety — Blue and white. Ar- morial bearings — Azure, a buckle argent, between three boars' heads couped or, within a bordure embattled of the third. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand issuing from a cloud, grasping a broken sf>ear in bend proper. Motto — ' ' Arte et animo." Married, 1885, Georgina Anne, eldest dau. of Capt. John de Courcy Andrew Agnew, R.N., of 2 Oxford Terrace, Edinburgh; and has Issue— (i) James Ferguson, Gentleman, 2nd Lieut. 9th V. Batt. (Highlanders) Royal Scots, b. Feb. 20, 1886 ; (2) John de Courcy Agnew Fer- guson, Gentleman, b. March 2, t887, d. 1904. Estates— Kinmundy and Cognach, Aberdeenshire. Residence — 10 Wemyss Place, Edinburgh. Clubs— Ca.r\ton, New (Edinburgh), Royal Northern (Aberdeen), Scottish Conser- vative. S WILLIAM FERGUSON, Esquire, D.L. and J. P. for the county of Aberdeen, LL.D. (Aberdeen Univ.). Bom Dec. 21, 1823, being the third but eldest surviving son of James Ferguson of Kinmundy, and Emilia, dau. of Rev. Robert Chalmers. C/«*j — Scottish Conservative (Edinburgh), Royal Northern (Aberdeen), Conservative (Aberdeen), Unionist (Aberdeen). Armorial bearings — Azure, a buckle argent, betwixt three boars' heads couped or, within a bordure embattled of the third. On a helmet befitting his degree. Mantled gules, and doubling argent ; and on a torse of his colours is set for his Crest, a dexter hand issuing from a cloud grasping a broken spear in bend proper. The MottO, in an escroll, "Arte et animo." is the Military Cockade. i JFet Jfer 469 Married, July 22, 1856, Eliza, dan. of Andrew Williamson of Ayr, N. B. ; and has Issue — (i) James Ferguson, Esq., Sheriff of Argyll and D.L. for co. Aberdeen, b. July 28, 1857 [;«., March 25, 1885, Georgina Anne, dau. of Capt. John De Courcy Agnew, R.N., and has issue, James Fer- guson, Gentleman, b. Feb. 20, 1886; John De Courcy Agnew Ferguson, Gentleman, b. March 2, 1887] ; (2) Andrew Williamson Ferguson, Gentleman, b. Dec. 7, 1858, d. Jan. i, 1864; and Agnes Adair. Estates — Kinmundy and Coynach, Aberdeenshire. Postal address — Kinmundy, Mintlaw, N.B. FERGUSON of Carlisle. Argent, a lion rampant azure, between six oval buckles, tongues erect, three fessewise in chief and as many in base two and one, a chief vair (impaling the arms of Irwin, viz. per pale or and argent, three annulets in fesse between as many holly-leaves slipped and pendent vert). Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi- lion or, collared vair, holding in the dexter paw a thistle leaved and slipped proper, three buckles fessewise as in the arms. Motto—" Vi et arte." Son of late Richard Saul Ferguson, Esq., J. P., D.L., M.A., LL.M., F.S.A., Chancellor of Carlisle and Chairman of Qr. Sessions, b. 1837; d. 1900; 7n. 1867, Georgiana Fanny, eld. d. of Spencer Shelley of the Treasury : — Spencer Charles Ferguson, Esq., J. P. Cumberland, Major 5th Northumberland Fus. , served in Nile Campaign 1898, present at battle of Omdurman, and in Boer War 1899- 1900, present at battles of Belmont, Enslin, Modder River, and Magersfontein, b. 13 Aug. 1868; m. 12 Sept. 1901, Caroline Agnes, eld. child of Thomas Angelo Irwin, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for Cumberland, of Lynehow and Solport in that CO. ; and has issue— George Cuthbert Irwin Ferguson, Gentleman, b. 1903 ; and Agnes Ursula. Ees. — 74 Lowther Street, Carlisle. Club — Army and Navy. JOHN DANIEL FERGUSON-FAWSITT, Esq., J. P. for E. Riding co. York, late Major York Militia. Born 1818, being the son of the late Rev. Daniel Ferguson, D.L., Patron of Walkington, by Margaret, only dau. and coheir of the late Thomas Booth of Killerby Hall and Warlaby, CO. York. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, or, a lion rampant pean debruised by a bendlet gobony argent and azure, between two bugle-horns stringed gules, and for distinction, in the centre chief point a cross crosslet azure (for Fawsitt) ; 2 and 3 azure, three buckles chevronways between as many boars' heads couped argent (for Ferguson) ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Fawsitt without the cross crosslet. Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi- lion pean supporting a pillar erect gules, thereon a bugle- horn or, stringed azure, the lion charged for distinction with a cross crosslet or (for Fawsitt) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm proper, grasping a dagger erect also proper, pommel and hilt gold, a buckle argent ; over which the Motto, " Arte et marte; " under the arms, " Dominus providebit." Married, 1866, Anne Eliza, eldest daughter and co-heir of the late John Fawsitt of Hunsley, CO. York. Seat — Walkington Hall, near Beverley. FERGUSSON, see CUTLAR-FERGUSSON. SSiR JAMES RANKEN FERGUSSON, 2nd Baronet (Jan. 23, 1866), of Spitalhaugh, co. Peebles, and of Hever Court, Ifield, Kent, J. P. and D.L. co. Peebles, Barrister-at-Law, and a Member of the Royal Company of Archers. Born Aug. 10, 1835, being the eldest son of the late Sir William Fergusson, ist Bart., President of the Royal College of Surgeons, Surgeon to the late Prince Consort, Serjeant - Surgeon to Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, by his wife Helen Hamilton, dau. of William Ranken of Spitalhaugh. Armorial bearings— Argent, a lion rampant azure, armed and langued gules, on a chief engrailed of the last, a mullet between two cinquefoils of the first, the escutcheon being charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand grasping a broken spear in bend all proper. Motto— " Vi et arte." Mar7-ied, firstly, Dec. 13, 1862, Mary Ann Somes, eldest dau. of Thomas Colyer of Wombwell Hall, Kent ; and by her (who d. April 14, 1868) has had Issue— [i] William Hamilton Colyer- Fergusson, Esq., b. Feb. 25, 1864, d. April 2, 1873; (2) Thomas Colyer Colyer-Fergusson, Esq., B.A., b. July II, 1865 [m., Jan. 30, 1890, Beatrice Stanley, only dau. of Professor Max Miiller, and has issue, Max Christian Hamilton Colyer-Fergusson, Esq., b. Dec. 30, i8qo- William Porteous Colyer-Fergusson, Gentleman, b Oct 18 1893 ; Thomas Riversdale Colyer-Fergusson, Gentleman', b. Feb. 18, 1896 ; Mary Adelaide Somes ; and Phillis Katherine St. Leger]. He married secondly. Oct. 17 1877 Louisa, second dau. of William Forbes, Esq., of Medwyn, co. Peebles, and has by her (who d. Sept. 12, 1878) a son ; (3) Louis Forbes, b. Sept. 5. 1878. He married thirdly, June i, 1886, Alice Fanny, dau. of John Price Simpson, Esq., and has issue; (4) James Adam Hamilton, b. March 22, 1892; (5) Charles Hamilton, *. Aug 9 1894 ; Margaret Alice Hamilton ; and Helen is the Naval Cockade. 470 JFct Jfer Hamilton, iktits — Spitalhaugh, West Linton, Peebles- shire; Hever Court, Gravcsend, Kent. Ciuh — Carlton, Constitutional, Scottish Conservative, New (Edinburgh). S GEORGE JAMES FERGUSSON - BUCHANAN. Esquire, I. P. and D.I>. co. Dunilxirton, Major (retired), Hon. Lt. -Col. 3rd Batt. Scots Fusiliers, formerly A.U.C. to the Governor of Bombay, Major Army Reserve, attached to and Royal Scots Fusiliers in South Africa (medal with three clasps), MemlKT of the Royal Company of Archers [assumed 1890 the additional name of Buchanan on succeeding to Auchentorlie]. Bom April 27, 1863, being the only son of the late George Hermand Fergusson (second son of 4th Bart, of Kilkerran), by his second wife Georgina Grace, dau. of Archibald Buchunnn of Auchen- torlie. Livery — Black and yellow. Armorial l>earing8— Quarterly i and 4, or, a lion rampant sable, Ix-lween two otters' heads erased in chit-f proi)er and a cinqucfoil in liase of the second, within a double iressure flory counterflory of the last ; a and 3 asure, a buckle argent between three boars' heads cou[)ed or, within a bordure of the last. Crests — 1. upon a wreath of the liveries, an armed dexter hand couped proper, holding a cap of dignity purpure, faced ermine, within two laurel branches disposed in orle proper. MottO — " Clarior hinc bonos ; " a. on a wreath of the liveries, on a thistle leaved and flowered proper, a bee or. Motto — " Dulcius ex asperis." Married, Dec. 8, 1886, Grace, dau. of the late Claud H. Hamilton, Esq., J. P., of Barns, CO. Dumbarton ; and has Issue — Noel Grace ; and Avril Nora. Seat — Auchentorlie, Bowling, N. B. C/uds — Carlton, Orleans, New (Edinburgh). WILLIAM FERGUSSON -POLLOCK, Gentleman, Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, vert, a saltire or, between three hunting-horns in the flanks and base argent, garnished and stringed gules ; 2 and ^, gules, a buckle between two boars' heads couped in chief and two arrows in saltire points downwards in base. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crests — i. upon the dexter side, on a Mrreath of the colours, a boar passant shot through with a dart proper (for Pollock) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on the sinister side, on a thistle leaved and flowered a bee proper (for Fergusson). Mottoes— " Audacter et strenue," and " Dulcius ex asperis." Residence — S WILLIAM FERRAND. Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for West Riding of co. York, High Sheriff of Yorkshire, J. P. for Westmorland. Horn January 15, 1838, being the only surviving son of Johnson Atkinson Busfeild of Upwootl, CO. York, by his wife Mary EliKiljoih, dau. of John Priestley, Es<]., Capt. 3and Regiment ; and on be- coming the devisee of his paternal uncle, William Ferrand, FERRALL, see CARMICHAEL-FERRALL. late of St. Ives and Harden Grange (who died March 31, 1889), assumed by Royal License, March 18, 1890, the surname and arms of Ferrand, in lieu of Busfeild. Livery — White coat, scarlet waistcoat and breeches. Armorial bearing^ — Argent, on a chief gules, two crosses flory vair, a cinquefoil azure, for difference, and impaling the arms of Orde-Powlett, namely sable, three swords in pile proper, pommels and hilts or, on a canton argent, an escutcheon of the field, charged with a salmon haurient proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vair, charged with a cinquefoil gules, in the hand a battle-axe proper. Motto — "Justus, propositi tenax." Married, firstly, April 19, 1865, Emily, youngest dau. of Alfred Harris, Esq., of O.xton Hall, in co. York, J. P. and D.L. ; and by her (who died July r6, 1881) had Issue — (i) William Harris Ferrand, Esq., M.A. Christ Church, J. P. W. R. co. York, late Lieutenant Yorkshire Artillery Militia, b. March 9, 1873 [in. 1897, Constance, second dau. of Col. Hon. Augustus Murray Cathcart, and has issue, Geoffrey William Ferrand, Gen- tleman, b. 1899]; (2) Guy Ferrand Ferrand, Gentleman, b. July 14, 1881 ; and Emily Mary [m. June 15, 1887, Edward Pelly Woodman, d. Sept. 24, 1901]. He married secondly, Sept. 26, 1883, Florence Annie Letitia, eldest dau. of Amias Charles Orde-Powlett, Esq. , commonly known as the Hon. Amias Charles Orde-Powlett of Thorney Hall, in the county of York ; and by her has— (3) Amias William Powlelt Ferrand, Gentleman, born April 7, 1887 ; (4) Stafford Hubert Ferrand, Gentleman, born March i, 1888 ; Florence Marjorie ; and Hermione Monica. Seats — St. Ives ; Harden Grange, Bingley, in the county of York. Ctubs — Carlton, Constitutional, and Yorkshire (York), FERRAND (R.L., 1788, originally recorded Yorks. Vns. ). Argent, a cinquefoil azure, on a chief gules, two crosses flory vair. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vair, charged with a cinquefoil gules, in the hand a battle-axe proper. « is the Military Cockade. JFet JFer 471 Son of Rev. Thomas Gerrard Ferrand, Rector of Tunstall, Suffolk, b. ; d. ; m. : — Gerard Thomas Worthinjjton Ferrand, Esq., J. P. Suffolk, late Capt. Suffolk Artill. Mil. , b. 1838 ; m. 1870, Alice {d. 1902), d. of Rev. John Emra, Rector of Bidde- stone, Wilts; and has issue. Res. — Littlefield House, Exmouth. Estate— Towes Grange, Market Rasen, Lines. § AUGUSTUS MINCHIN FERRAR, Esquire, D.L. for CO. of City of Belfast. Born 1837, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Michael Lloyd Ferrar, by his wife Mary, dau. of William Augustus Minchin, H.E. I.C.S. of Ballinteer, co. Dublin, and of Woodville, CO. Wexford. Armorial bearings— Or, on a bend cotised sable, between three martlets of the second, as many horse- shoes of the field. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour argent, charged with a horse-shoe sable, the hand bare, grasping a broken sword proper, pommel and hilt gold. Motto— "Ferr6 va ferme." Married Rebd, third dau. of Rev. W. Hughes, Rector of Killymard ; and has Issue — (i) William Augustus Ferrar, Esq., J. P., b. 1859 [w. Isa- belle, eldest dau. of H. J. Neill of Rockport, co. Down] ; (2) Michael LloydFerrar, Esq. , Major 19th Princess of Wales' Regt., *. 1861; (3) Henry Minchin Ferrar, Esq., Major R. A., b. 1863 {in. Laura, third dau. of John Hargreaves, Esq., D.L., of Maiden Erlegh, Berks] ; (4) Walter Hughes Ferrar, Gentleman, Lieut. 4TSt The Welsh Regt.,^. 1876; Evaleen [in. George Annesley Grindle, M.LE.E.]; and Florence Augusta Howard [w. William Octavius Andrews, Staff- Surgeon R.N.]. Residence — Torwood, Belfast. BENJAMIN BANKS FERRAR, Gentleman, M.D. (Trin. Coll., Dub.) Born 1862, being the son of the late William Hugh Ferrar, Fellow of Trin. Coll. , Dub. , by his wife Elizabeth Banks. Armorial bearings— Or, on a bend cotised sable, between three martlets of the second, as many horse-shoes of the field. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour argent, charged with a horse-shoe sable, the hand bare, grasping a broken sword proper, pommel and hilt gold. Motto— "Ferr6va ferme." Afarrze^/ Isabella Hardy, dau. of the Very Rev. Robert J. Shaw-Hamilton, Dean of Armagh ; and has Issue — Mary Isabella Hardy ; and Daphne Beatrice. Residence — Armagh. HENRY STAFFORD FERRAR, Gentleman. Bom July ic, 1850, being the fifth but third surviving son of the late Michael Lloyd Ferrar, by his wife Mary Minchin. Armorial bearings — Or, on a bend cotised sable, between three martlets of the second, as many horse-shoes of the field. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wTcath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour argent, charged with a horse-shoe sable, the hand bare, grasping a broken sword proper, pommel and hilt gold. Motto — " Ferr6 va ferme." Married Miss Veitch ; and has Isstte — Three daus. Residence — Nebraska, America. JOHN EDGAR FERRAR, Gentleman. Born 1852, being the sixth but fourth surviving son of the late Michael Lloyd Ferrar, by his wife Mary Minchin. Armorial bear- ings — Or, on a bend cotised sable, between three martlets of the second, as many horse-shoes of the field. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour argent, charged with a horse-shoe sable, the hand bare, grasping a broken sword proper, pommel and hilt gold. Motto — " Ferr^ va ferme." Mar- ried, Miss Hartley; and has Issue — (1) William Hugh Ferrar, Gentleman, b. 1877 ; {2) Hartley Ferrar, Gentle- man, b. 1879 ; (3) John Edgar Ferrar, Gentleman, b. i88i. Residence— MICHAEL LLOYD FERRAR, Esquire, of the Bengal Civil Service (Retired List), late Capt. Gorakhpur Light Horse, B.A. Trin. Coll., Dublin. Born Nov. 24, 1839, being the third but second surviving son of the late Michael Lloyd Ferrar, Gentleman, by his wife Mary, dau. of Wm. Augustus Minchin, H.E.I.C.S., of Ballinteer, co. Dublin, and of Woodville, co. Wexford. Livery — Black with yellow facings and gold lace. Armorial bearings— Or, on a bend cotised sable, between three martlets of the second, as many horse-shoes of the first, a mullet for difference. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in scale armour argent, charged with a horse- shoe sable, the hand bare, grasping a broken sword proper, pommel and hilt gold. MottO— " Ferr6 va ferme." Mar- ried, Nov. 10, 1870, Rosa Margaret, eldest dau. of John Walter O'Donnell; and has /wz/^- Michael Lloyd Ferrar, Gentleman, Lieut. Indian Staff Corps, b. 1876; Beatrice \_m. is the Naval Cockade. 47a jrer Capl. Wolscley Haig. Indian Suff Corps]; Gwendolyn \m. John Mitchell Holms, Indian Civil Serviccl ; and Doroihy de Brotherton, fi. and d. 1879. /feside»ce — L\{i\c Uiddiiig. tlaline. Cluts — East Indian United Service, Constitutional (Ealing). FERRERS, quartered by MAINWARING-ELLER- KER-ONSLOW. FERRERS (Vn. of London. 1633). Or, on a liend sable. three horse-shoes argent. Orert— On a wreath of the colours, a horse-shoe sable, between two wings argent. Mottoes — " Ferre va ferme," " Nulla retrorsum." [Descent not yet officially recorded, but probably correct. Vide "The Ferrers Family History"]. Sons of late William Stewart Ferrers, Barrister-at- Law (Lincoln's Inn), b. 1822; d. 1878/ m. , Emilia, d. of Sir Edmund Filmer, Bart,, M.P. : — Cecil Stewart Filmer Ferrers, Esq., Capt. (ret.) in the Army, b. 25 Aug. 1861. Post. add. — Holyport, Berks. QXwh— Raleigh. Arthur Murray Ferrers, b. 1864. Res. — Melbourne, Australia. HENRY FERRERS FERRER:^ Esquire. Born Jan. 20, 1848, being the eldest son of Capt. Boydell Croxton of Erway, Shropshire, by his wife Constance Charlotte, third dau. of the late Edward Ferrers, Esq., J. P. and D. L. ; as- sumed by Royal Licence, in 1885, the surname and the ad- ditional arms of Ferrers, in compliance with the will of his uncle, Marmion Edward Ferrers. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, seven mascles conjoined or, three, three, and one, a canton ermine (for Ferrers) ; 2 and 3, or, a fesse nebuly between three crosses botony fitch^e in chief azure and a tun inbase proper (for Croxton). Mantling gules and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a unicorn pas- sant ermine (for Ferrers) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm vested azure, cuffed argent, encircled by a wreath of oak, the hand supporting a cross botony fitch^e in pale or, on the dexter side of the wreath (for Croxton). Motto — "Splendeo tritus." Married, Feb. 11, 1879, Beatrice Mary, eldest dau. of the Hon. Arthur Charles Augustus Petre of Coptfold Hall, Essex, by Lady Catherine his wife, dau. and co-heir of William, 4th Earl of Wicklow, K.P. ; and has Issue — (i) Edward Arthur Joseph Ferrers, Gentleman, b. Jan. 29, 1881 ; (2) Francis Charles Cecil jret Ferrers, Gentleman, b. Aug. 23, 188a ; (3) Bernard Compton Ferrers, Gentleman, b. Feb. 4, 1884 ; and (4) Cecil Ralph Ferrers, Gentleman, b. Aug. 8, 1887. iVa^— Pentreheylin Hall, Oswestry. FESANT, quartered by TAUNTON and GROS- VENOR. FESANT, see GROSVENOR. S HENRY ERNEST WILLIAM FETHERSTON- WHITNEY, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for co. Westmeath (High Sheriff 1887), B.A. (Trin. Coll., Dublin), late Hon. Maj. 7th Batt. King's R. Rifle Corps, formerly Lieut. 60th Rifles. Born 1847, being the only surviving son of the late Rev. Sir Thomas Francis Fetherston, 4th Bart, (by his second wife Anne, dau. of Edmund I'Estrange), and brother of the late John Henry Fetherston- Whitney, Esq., of Newpass; and assumed the additional name and arms of Whitney by Royal License dated 1881, on inheriting the property. Club —Junior United Service. Armorial bearings— Quarterly I and 4, azure a cross chequy or and sable, in the first quarter a crescent of the second (for Whitney) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a chevron between three ostrich feathers argent, a pellet (for Fetherston). Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a bull's head couped sable, horned argent, lipped gules, gorged with a collar chequy or and sable (for Whitney) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an antelope statant sable, armed or. Motto—" Volens et valens." Married, ist, 1876, Jeannie, youngest dau. of the late Edward Atkinson, Esq. (she died 1880); 2nd, 1885, Alice Marion Caroline, eldest dau. of Col. Robert Caulfeild of Colamber Manor, co. Longford. 5«, CO. Surrey, and North Warnborough, co. Hants, by Matildit, dau. of Gea Evans of Balhant Hous<-, co. Surrey. C/*^— Reform. Lit<€>y—I3\\xii. Armorial b«ar- ln|r*— ''oth paws a club also proper (for Cookson) ; a. on a wreath of the colours, out of the Uitllements of a tower proper a denu- lion gules, holding in the dexter paw a sjiltire argent, and resting the sinister paw on an escutcheon or, charged with a thistle as in the arms (for Fife); with the MottO, " Vir- tute et opera." Estates and postal addresses — Whitehill- Chester-le-Street, in the county of Durham ; and Lee Hall, Wark-on-Tyne, Northumberland. Club — United Service. FILGATE, see MACARTNEY-FILGATE. FILLEUL (H. Coll.). Vair, on abend dovetailed plain cottised gules, three escallops or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head t-rased arg»>nt, gorged with a collar dovetailed with chain rcHexecl over the neck gules, thereon three escallops or, the whole between two forelegs of a unicorn erect sable. Motto — "In tutela beata.'' [Ped. "Armorial of Jersey," by Payne.] Sons of Rev. Philip Valpy Mourant Filleul of South- brook, Upwey, M.A. (Oxon.), b. 1824 ; eing the eldest son of William Findlay, F.R.C.P., of St. Colnic's, Trinity, near Edinburgh ; and was dubl>ed Kni>;lu Ikichelor, 1^5. Clubs— \\rooV.s\, Garrick. Ar- morial bearings— He bears for Arms: Argent, on a chevron vert, between two roses in chief and a mullet in l>ase gules, two swords points downwards of the field, hilted and pommelled or ; and impaling the arms of Innes, namely argent, a chevron between three mullets azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet liefitting his degree, with a mantling vert doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a hand holdmg a dagger proper; and in an escroU above, this Motto, " Kortis in arduis." Married, 1874, Mary, daughter of the late Cosmo Innes, Advocate, of Edinburgh. Postal addresses — 31 PhiUimore Gardens, Kensington, W. ; Newton, Nairn, N.B. FINNEMORE (U.O., i May 190^). Ermine, on a chev- ron gules, between in chief two gnu s heads erased proper, and in base an Irish harp or, stringed argent, a chevronel of the last. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion ram- pant gules, gorged with an antique Irish crown, and hold- mg in the dexter paw a fleam or. Motto— "Siies mea wreath of the colours, on a Roman fasces proper, a gnu's head as in the arms. Motto — " Ad finem ora." Eld. and only surv. son of Isaac Powell Finnemore of Ballyward, co. Wicklow, Ireland, and Pietermaritzburg, by Jane, d. of Thomas Clarke of London : — Robert Isaac Finnemore, Esq., Senior Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Natal 1896-1904, and Acting Chief- Justice in 1903 and 1904, J.P., F.R.A.S., F.R.G.S., F.R.Hist.S.,F.S.S..F.Z.S., F.A.I. , F.I.I.,*. 29001.1842; m. 7 June 1887, Catherine Augusta, only d. (by second mar.) of late John Russom, Esq., J. P., sometime Mayor of Pietermaritzburg ; and has surv. issue — Robert Isaac F'inne- more. Gentleman, b. 15 Apl. 1888 ; Irene Augusta Violet ; Catherine Isabel ; and Norah Clementina. Res. — Elim House, Pietermaritzburg, Natal. Post. add. — 401 Pieter- maritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, Natal. C/w*- Victoria (Pietermaritzburg). HENRY LESLIE FINNY, Gentleman, M.D.. &c. Bom , being the eldest son of the late Rev. Henry Maturin Finny, B.A., by his wife Agnes Amelia, dau. of the Rev. Edward Leslie, B.D. Armorial bearings— Quar- terly I and 4, azure, on a chevron between two trefoils slipped in chief and a lion rampant in base or, three escal- lops gules (for Finny) ; 2 and 3 ermines, on a cross engrailed or, five mullets vert (for Warner). Mantling azure and Deus." Estate — Leixlip, Ireland, mere Port, near Chester. Postal address — Elles- Professor JOHN MAGEE FINNY, B.A, (Dublin), M.D. (Dublin University), F. (and Ex-President) R.C.P., King's Professor of Medicine (Trin. Coll., Dublin). Bom 1841, being the son of the late Rev. Thomas Henry Cotter Finny, B.A., by his second wife Frances, dau. of the Most Rev. William Magee, D.D., Arch- bishop of Dublin. Armorial bearings— Quarterly 1 and 4, azure, on a chevron between two trefoils slipped in chief and a lion rampant in base or, three escallops giiles (for Finny) ; 2 and 3 ermines, on a cross engrailed or, five mullets vert (for Warner). Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, gorged with an antique Irish crown, and holding in the dexter paw a fleam or. MottO — " Spes mea Deus." Mar- ried, July 24, 1873, Agnes Anne, dau. of William Watson, Esq., J. P. ; and has I.ssue — (i) William Watson Finny, Gentleman, B.L., M.A. (Oxon.), M.D. (Dublin); b. April 22, 1876 \m., 1904, Phyllis Rose, only dau. of Philip Champion de Crespigny of Round Hill, Lyndhurst, Hants.] ; (2) Cecil Edward Finny, Gentleman, b. July 30, 1877 \m., 1904, Isabel Norah, youngest dau. of the late Richard Marriott of Birmingham] ; (3) Arthur John Finny, Gentleman, b. Oct. 29, 1884 ; (4) Charles Morgan Finny, Gentleman, b. July 9, 1886; and three daughters. Postal address — 36 Merrion Square, Dublin. Club — University (Dublin). THOMAS GEORGE ROECASTLE FINNY, Gentle- man, Commander Royal Indian Marine Service. Born , being the son of the late Rev. Thomas Henry Cotter Finny, B.A. , by his third wife Mary Louisa Morris. Armo- rial bearing^ — Quarterly i and 4, azure, on a chevron between two trefoils slipped in chief and a lion rampant in base or, three escallops gules (for Finny) ; 2 and 3 ermines, on a cross engrailed or, five mullets vert (for Warner). Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, gorged with an antique Irish crown, and holding in the dexter paw a fleam or. Motto — " Spes mea Deus." Postal address — Post-Office, Madras. WILLIAM EVELYN ST. LAWRENCE FINNY, M.D., M.B., Chirurgise Magister, B.A.O., Licentiate in Midwifery, Licentiate of Medicine and of Midwifery of the Royal College of Physicians, Mayor of Kingston-upon- Thames (1898-99 and 1901-2). Born Sept. 1, 1864, being the second son of the late Rev. Henry Maturin Finny of Gotham, in the co. of Derby, B.A. of the Univ. of Dublin, ^ is the Military Cockade. JFi't Six 481 by his wife Agnes Amelia (married, secondly, the Rev. George Nesbit Tredennick of Lismore Cathedral, in the CO. of Waterford), dau. of the Rev. Edward Leslie, B.D. (O.xon. ), Rector of Dromore. Livery — Blue cloth with yellow facings and gilt buttons. Armorial bearings— Quarterly 1 and 4, azure, on a chevron between two trefoils slipped in chief and a lion rampant in base or, three escallops gules ; 2 and 3 ermines, on a cross engrailed or, five mullets vert. -Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-Iion rampant gules, gorged with an antique Irish crown and holding in the dexter paw a fleam or. Motto — " Spes mea Deus." Married, Oct. 19, 1898, Rosa, youngest dau. of the late William Clements, formerly of Cream Hall, Higbury, and Woodside, Redhill, Surrey ; and has /«i/«— Thomas Clements Leslie Maturin Finny, Gentleman, h. Aug. i, 1900. Postal address — Taniesa, Kingston Hill, Surrey. Clubs — Camera, Royal Societies'. M JOSEPH THOMAS FIRBANK, Esquire, J.P. and W D.L. CO. Monmouth, J.P. co. Kent, High Sheriff 1891, and M.P. for the Eastern Division of Hull 1895, Engineer and Railway Volunteer Staff Corps. Born 1850, being the eldest son of the late Joseph Firbank, Esq., of St. Julian's, Monmouth, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1886, by his wife Sarah, widow of John Fryatt of Melton Mowbray. Clubs— (Zz.x\\.ox\, Junior Carlton, Junior Con- stitutional, Union, Whites. iGrmorial bearings — Argent, a fesse nebuly plain cotised sable, between in chief two robins proper and in base a martlet sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a sun in splendour between two ostrich feathers. Motto — " Ccelitus mihi vires." Married, June 6, 1883, Jane Harriette, fourth dau. of the late Rev. James Perkins Garrett of Kilgarron and Kellistown, co. Carlow ; and has Issue— [\) Joseph Sydney Firbank, Gentleman, b. Sept. 30, 1884 ; (2) Arthur Annesley Ronald Firbank, Gentleman, b. Jan. 17, 1886 ; (3) Hubert Somerset Firbank, Gentleman, b. May 27, 1887 ; and Heather. Seats— "Sa. Julian's, Newport, co. Monmouth; The Coopers, Chisle- hurst, Kent. HUMPHREY BROOKE FIRMAN. Gentleman. Born 1858, being the eldest son of the late Humphrey Brooke Fir- man, by his wife Anne Louisa, dau. of Thomas Gibbon Fitz- gibbon of Ballyseeda, co. Limerick. Armorial bearings- Quarterly I and 4, argent on a chevron sable, between three lions' heads erased gules, a sun in splendour between two anchors erect or (for Firman) ; 2 and 3 per pale or and gules, a cross engrailed counterchanged, in the centre point a cres- cent also counterchanged (for Brooke). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of two crosses crosslet fitch^e in saltire gules, a sun in splendour or. Motto — ' ' Firmus in Christo. " Married, Jan. 15, 1880, Florence Adelaide, only dau. of Vice-Admiral Sir Arthur Gumming, K.C. B. , of Foston Hall, co. Derby; and has Issue — Humphrey Osbaldeston Brooke Firman, Gentle- man, b. 1886 ; Ivy ; and Gladys. Seat — Gateforth Hall, Selby, CO. York. Clubs — Boodle's, Naval and Military. BERNARD ALEXANDER FIRTH, Gentleman. Born Jan. 14, 1866, being the fourth son of the late Mark Firth, Gentleman, of Oakbrook, Sheffield, Yorkshire. Armorial bearing^S — Or, on a pile gules, between two battle-axes erect sable, a lion rampant of the field. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, in front of a demi-lion rampant or, two battle-axes in saltire sable. Motto—" Deo non fortuna." Married Mary Lewton, dau. of the late Rev. Edward Lewton Pennly R.N. ; and has Issue— (1) Alec Mark Bernard Firth, Gentte- man, b. Sept. i, 1889 ; (2) Charles Phillimore Lewton Firth. Gentleman, b. July 17, 1893; (s) Mark Firth, Gentleman. b. May 10, 1896 ; Kathleen Mary ; and Anthea Penne. lie- sidence— 'Morion Hall, near Sheffield. is tbe Naval Cockade. 2H 48a iffr JFto S FREDERIC HAND FIRTH. Esq.. J. P. and D.L. for Devon. Horn 1834, being tlie eldest son of the late Thomas Firth of Hartford Kcdge. co. Chester, by his second wife Ann, dan. of the l;itc Thomas Hand of Middlc- wich, CO. Chester. Armoiial bearlngv -Azure, a chevron engrailed ermine, b«-twcon two battle-axes in chief and a garb in base or. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his OrMt, upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a griffin p.assant in front of a hurst of six trees proper. Motto — " Deus incrementum dedit." Married, tirst, 1846, Mary, eldest dau. of the late Joseph Mallaby (she dii'd 1886); and, 1888, Caroline, youngest dau. of the late ioseph Firth ; and has, with other /««<:— Frederic William 'irth. Gentleman, b. 1849. Seat—VXact, Ashburton. Club — Constitutional. MARK FIRTH, Esquire, J.P. for the co. of Leicester. Bom i860, being the second son of the late Mark Firth, Gentleman, of Oaktwook, Sheffield, Yorkshire. Arxno- rial boaiinj^— Or, on a pile gules, between two battle- axes erect sable, a lion rampant of the field, impaling the arms of Foster, namely ermine, a bugle-horn vert, garnished and stringed or, on a chief arched gules, two roses argent. Man t llTi g gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, in front of a demi-lion rampant or, two battle-axes in saltire sable. Motto — "Deonon fortuna." Married, 1895, Ida, fourth dau. of the late John Foster of Thome, Yorkshire. 5m/— Wistow Hall, Leicester. Club — Junior Carlton. FISHER (H. Coll., arms confirmed and crest granted IS Sept. 1730). Argent, a fesse wavy between three fleurs- de-lis sable. MantUng gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a kingfis-her proper, holding in the dexter foot a fleur-de-lis sable. MottO — " Non sibi sed patrise." Livery — Dark blue. Son of Thomas Fisher, Gentleman, of Birmingham, b. 1852 ; d. 1887 ; m. , Margaret, d. of Sir Alfred Hickman of Wolverhampton : — Thomas Fisher, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Sons of Rev. John Fisher, Rector and Patron of tlie Living of Higham-on-the-Hill, b. ij^j ; d. 1868 ; m. ist, Elica, d. of Rev. John Cartwright, Rector of Preston Bagot, nr. Henley ; and, 183a, Sophia Frances, d. of the Rev. James Lyre Harrington, Rector of Sapcote CO. l^eicester : — John Fisher, (lentlcman. Lord of the Manor and Patron of the Living of Higham on-the-Hill, b. 1834; vi. 1st, 1867, Emily (d. 1887), onlyd. of JohnScholefieid of Birmingham ; and, 1899, Isabella Rosina, d. of the late Patrick Caddell of Stirling; and has issue — (i) John Francis Fisher, Esq., Capt. R.A., b. 1868, killed in S. Africa in 1901 ; (a) Arthur Thomas Fisher, Gentleman, b. 1873 ; (3) Cecil Herbert Fisher, Gentleman, b. 13 July 1877. kes.—^x, Ediths, Bromham, Chippenham, Wilts. Club — New University, Rev. Henry Fisher, M.A. Camb., Rector of Higham-on- he-Hill, b. 1837; m. 1870, Katherine, d. of the Rev. H. S. Richmond ; and has issue. Kes. — Higham Rectory, Nuneaton. Sons of Joseph Edward Fisher, Gentleman, b. 1848 ; d. 1884 ; m. 1874, Margaret Jane, d. of A. Palmer : — Walter Harington Fisher, Gentleman, B.A. , M. B. (Cantab.), b. 1876. Jiet. — Cleethorpes. Club — Roy.al Societies'. Bernard Campbell Fisher, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Cleethorjjes. CHARLES EDWARD FISHER, Esquire, J.P. co. Cumberland. Bom i860, being the only surviving child of Charles Fisher, Esq., J. P., of Distington (who d. 1883), by Ellen, dau. of Edward Carr Knubly of Whitehaven. Armorial bearings -Per fesse azure and ermines, a fesse brelesse argent, between two dolphins naiant in chief or, and a kinghsher in base, holding in the beak a fish proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, in front of a kingfisher holding in the beak a fish proper, three crosses pal6e fesseways argent. Motto - " Virtutem entendere factis." Married, 1890, Florence Campbell, dau. of the late Myles Kennedy of Stone Cross, Ulverstone; and has Issue — Charles Leslie Fisher, Gentle- man, b. Dec. 1890 ; Benita Violet ; and Kathleen Knul;- ley. 5fa/ — Distington Hall, Whitehaven. Club — Junior Carlton. FREDERICK FISHER, Gentleman. Born Jan. 2, 1845, being the second but eldest surviving son of Octavus Fisher, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of William Willis of St. James's Street, London, W. Livery — Blue. 1^ is tbe Military Cockade. jriiaf S^ia 483 Armorial bearings— Per chevron or and gules, in chief two demi-lions couped per chevron of the last and sable, and in base a like demi-lion per chevron of the first and argent, a chief wavy of the second fretty also of the first. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant per chevron or and gules holding in the dexter paw a stags attire of the last, and restmg the sinister upon an eel-spear proper. Motto— "Fortiter." Married, Sept. 13, 1873, Louisa, eldest dau of Edwin Williams; and has had /ssue~(i) JefiFery Fisher d. young ; (2) Kenneth Fisher, Gentleman, d. April 1882 •' (3) Frank Fisher, Gentlemen, i. Dec. 1883; Ethel Mary' d. young; Mabel; and Winifred. £s/aies—Farnmgha.m' CO. Kent. Residence— H\\\ View, Tulse Hill, S.W. Club — Junior Athenaeum. GEORGE GREGG FISHER, Esquire, J. P. for Haver- fordwest. Born 1848, being the fourth son of Edward Fisher of Spring Dale, Yorks, and brother of Sir C. E G Philipps, ist Bart. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a chevron gules, three trefoils slipped of the field, in chief as many fleurs-de-lis of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest- Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bulrush erect, a kingfisher proper, resting the dexter claw on a fleur-de-lis or. Motto— " Virtute et fide" 5^3/— Helme Edge, Netherton, Yorks. C/«^ — Junior Carlton. JOSEPH DEVONSHER FISHER, Gentleman. Born 1846, bemg the eldest son of the late Rev. William Allen Fisher, Rector of Kelmore, co. Cork, by his wife Anna, dau. of the Rev. Thomas Carson. Armorial bearings— Or, three kingfishers proper, on a chief azure, an ancient Irish harp of the field. Mantling azure and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a kingfisher, holding in the beaka fish all proper. Motto -" Veritas vincit." Married. Nov. I, 1877, Susanna Louisa, youngest dau. of Samuel Browning Power, Esq., of Afane, J. P. co. Waterford, and has Issue. Postal address—i^ Lower Ormonde Quay Dublin. ■' SHARPLES FISHER, Esq., J.P. for Haverfordwest, and for West Riding co. York. Bom 1845, being the third son of the late Edward Fisher of Spring Dale, by Jane, dau. of the late Dominick Gregg of Lisburn and Colerame, Ireland. Armorial bearings— Argent on a chevron gules, three trefoils slipped of the field, in chief as many fleurs-di-lis of the second. Mantling gules and ar- gent. Crest—On a wreath of the colours, in front of a bul- rush erect, a kingfisher proper, resting the dexter claw on a Heur-de-hs or. Motto— " Virtute et fide." Married 1877 Constance Madeline Ellen, dau. of the late Major Lindsay 3rd Bengal Cavalry; and has, with other Aj«e— Edward Lindsay Fisher, Gentleman, b. 1878. .S^a^— Helme Edge. Netherton. Yorks. Club—]\in\oT Carlton. a EDWARD ROWE FISHER-ROWE. Esquire. J.P. «? and p.L. for co. of Surrey, and J.P. for London, late Captain 4th Dragoon Guards, present at battles of Balaclava, Inkerman, Khernaya, and at the siege and capture of Sebastopol. Born November 8, 1832, being the eldest son of Thomas Fisher, by his wife Ann Berry, daughter of Laurence Rowe of Rew Abbey wood and CuUi- lord, in the county of Devon ; of Thorncombe, in the county ot Surrey ; and ot Ruckroft, in the countv of Cumberland. Uuis—hrmy and Navy, Wellington. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, party per pale sable and gules, three crosses patde in fesse or, between as many ambs passant proper, each supporting with the dexter fore- leg a pennon argent, charged with the Cross of St. George (tor Rowe) ; 2 and 3 ermine, on a fesse wavy vert, lietween three kingfishers, as many fountains proper, and impaling the arms of Liddell, namely argent, fretty gules, on a chief ot the last three, leopards' faces or. Upon the escutcheon IS placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a lamb resting the dexter foreleg on a bee-hive proper, and charged on the body with a cross pat^e or (for Kowe) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a fountain be- tween six bullrushes, a kingfisher all proper (for Fisher) ; with the Motto, "Favente Deo." Married, firstly, No- vember 7 186s, Edith Maria, daughter of Mayow Waynell Adams, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Kent I secondly, 1874, Victoria Isabella, commonly known H^Jr ^w"'o'""'^^'^^''"^' youngest daughter of the Right Honourable Sir Henry Thomas Liddell, ist Earl of Ravens- worth. By first marriage he has Issue-{i) Laurence Rowe Fisher-Rowe, Esquire, born 1866, Major Grenadier Guards; (2) Herbert Fisher-Rowe, Gentleman, born 1870- ^"pn,l^ K ^''°"o marriage-(3) Seymour Fisher-Rowe Gentleman, bom 1876, Lieutenant in the Royal Navy; (4) Guy Henry Fisher-Rowe. Gentleman, born 1877- (5) Con- way Victor Fisher-Rowe, Gentleman, born i88r. Lieu- tenant Grenadier Guards; (6) Leopold George Fisher-Rowe. Gentleman, born 1883; Eleanor Frederica [m., April 26, 1898. the Honourable Archibald Dudley Ryder, second son of the 4th Earl of Harrowby]; and Ethel Horatia [m., April 25, 1900, the Honourable Walter John Henry Boyle, 4th son of the Earl of Shannon]. Estate— Thorncombe, near Guildford, in the county of Surrey. Postal address — Thorncombe, Guildford. S FREDERICK WILLIAM FISON, Esquire, D.L. and J.P. for W. R. Yorkshire, and M.P. for Doncaster Div. Bom 1847. being the only son of the late William Fison, Esq., J.P. . of Greenholme. and Fanny his wife. dau. of Jonas Whitaker of Greenholme. Livery — Blue coat, yellow facings, striped yellow and blue waistcoat, black trousers, brass buttons. Armorial bearings — Per fesse azure and ermine, in chief three battle-axes erect or, in base an heraldic tiger passant of the third. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-heraldic tiger rampant or, collared gules, holding between the paws an escutcheon argent, charged with a battle-axe sable. Motto — "Deo confide." Married, i^yz, Isabel, dau. of the late Joseph Crossley of Broomfield. Halifax; and has had Issue — (i) Francis Geoffrey Fison. Gentleman,^. 1873; (2) Hugh Valentine Fison, Gentleman, t. 187s (d. 1898) ; (3) William Guy Fison, Gentleman, b. 1890 ; is tbe Naval Cockade. 484 iFit JFit Editb ; and Dorothy. Postal address— 6^ Pont Street, London, S.W. Clubs — Carlton, United University. FREDERICK GEORGE FITCH, Esquire, J. P. for co. of Middlesex. Born Nov. 37, 184a, being the son of Frederick Fitch, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, by his wife Sarah Maria, dau. of Edward Fitch. Armorial bdUlogs — Vert, on a chevron between three leopards' faces or, as many cross crosslets fitch^e gules, in the centre chief point an ermine spot of the second ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a leopard's face erminois pierced through the mouth with a sword broken in the middle argent, pommel and hilt or. Motto— "Facta non verba." Married, Aug. 11, 1870, Clara, dau. of George Portway, J. P. ; and has Issue— Dota ; and Constance, j^ostal address — Pines, Enfield, Middlesex. Cubs — Royal Thames Yacht, City of London, Royal Societies', City Liberal. FITCHETT, quartered by MALET. FITTEN, quartered by DE TRAFFORD. FITZ ALAN, quartered by CONYERS. DU MOULIN- BROWNE. FOX, HOWARD, MOSTYN, MOWBRAY, and NORFOLK. FITZ ELLIS, quartered by FLETCHER- VANE. FITZ ERCALD, quartered by COKE. FITZGERALD, quartered by BUTLER and CON- YERS FOX. FITZGERALD, see FOSTER-VESEY-FITZGERALD, PURCELL - FITZGERALD, and WILSON - FITZ- GERALD. Hon. ARTHUR SOUTHWELL FITZGERALD, formerly Capt. 3rd Batn. Essex Regt. Bom 1861, being the foiu-th son of the late Rt. Hon. John David Fitz- Gerald, Baron FitzGerald of Kilmarnock, co. Dublin, a Life Peer, being a Lord of Appeal in Ordinary under the Appellate Jurisdiction Act, 1876, by his second wife Jane Matilda Mary, dau. of the late Lieut. -Col. the Hon. Arthur Francis Southwell. Armorial bearings— Ermine, a mascle or, over all a saltire gules. lOant ing gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on the Roman fasces lying fesscways proper, a boar passant ermine, fretty gules. Mottoes — " Crom a boo," and ' ' Fortis et fidclis. " Married, 1896, May d' Alvarez, eldest dau. of Peter Borchards, Esq., J. P., of Fairholme, Wynberg, near Cape Town; and has Issue — Dorcen Maive Teresa Southwell. Residence — BRUCE FITZGERALD, Gentleman, formerly Bruce Healy ; assumed the surname and arms of Fitzgerald by Royal Licence, June 30, 1900. Armorial bearings (lulcs, a saltire invected per pale argent and or, bt-tween four monkeys statant of the second, environed with .1 plain collar and chained of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a monkey .is in the arms, charged on the body with two rosi-s, and resting the dexter foreleg on a saltire gules. Motto— " Crom-a-boo." Residence — The Royal Farm, Pop|>er- harrow, Surrey. His Honour the Hon. Judge DAVID FITZ- GERALD, B.A. 1872, Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1871, and of King's Inns, Dublin, 1872, a Q.C. 1889, is Chairman of CJuarter Sessions and a County Court Judge for cos. Waterford, Kilkenny, and Queen's Co. Born 1847, being the eldest son of the late Rt. Hon. John David FitzGerald, Baron FitzGerald of Kilmarnock, co. Dublin, a Life Peer, being a Lord of Appeal in Ordinary under the Appell.itc Jurisdiction Act, 1876, by his first wife Rose, dau. of John O'Donoghue of Fitzwilliam .Square, Dublin. Armorial bearings — Ermine, a mascle or, over all a saltire gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on the Roman fasces lying fesseways proper, a bo.or passant ermine, fretty gules. Mottoes— " Crom a boo," and "Fortis et fidelis " \m., 1894, Isabel, dau. of Luke M'Donnell]. Residence — 18 Clyde Road, Dublin. Club— University (Dublin). K DESMOND FITZ-JOHN LLOYD FITZ-GERALD, Km "The Knight of Glin," of Glin Castle, co. Limerick, J. P. and D.L., late Capt. 3rd Batt. Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Bom 1862, being the eldest son of the Late Desmond John Edmund Fitz-Gerald, " Knight of Glin, " of Glin Castle, co. Limerick, J. P., D.L., High Sheriff 1870 and 1871, by his wife Isabella Lloyd, second dau. of Rev. Michael Lloyd Apjohn of Lichfield, co. Limerick. Armorial bearings — Ermine, a saltire gules impaling the arms of Wyndham- Quin, namely, quarterly 1 and 4, gules, a hand couped below the wrist grasping a sword all prop>er, between in base two serpents erect and respectant, their tails nowed or, and in chief two crescents argent (forO'Quin of Munster) ; 2 and 3, azure, a chevron between three lions' heads erased or, a mullet for difference (for Wyndham). Married, Oct. 28, 1897, Lady Rachel Wyndham-Quin, second dau. of the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Dunraven. Seat-C\\n Castle, co. Limerick. C/«^— Conservative. The Hon. EDWARD FITZGERALD, formerly Capt. 3rd Batn. Essex Regt. , and subsequently in Bechuanaland Border Police, served during Matahele Campaign, 1895-96. Bom 1864, being the sixth son of the late Rt. Hon. John David FitzGerald, Baron FitzGerald of Kilmarnock, co. Dublin, a Life Peer, being a Lord of Appeal in Ordinary under the Appellate Jurisdiction Act, 1876, by his second wife Jane Matilda Mary, dau. of the late Lieut. -Col. the Hon. Arthur Francis Southwell. Armorial bearings- Ermine, a mascle or, over all a saltire gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on the Roman fasces lying fesseways proper, a boar pa.ssant ermine, fretty gules. Mottoes — "Crom a boo," and "Fortis et fidelis." Married, 1884, Rita, eldest dau. of the late Matthew D'Arcy, Esq. , J. P. , D, L. ; and has Issue — (i) William Reginald FitzGerald, Gentleman, b. 1885; (2) Geoffrey Joseph FitzGerald, Gentleman, b. 1890; and Ethel Christina. Resides in S. Africa. Honourable EUSTACE ROBERT FITZGERALD. Born 1863, being the fifth son of the late Rt. Hon. John David FitzGerald of Kilmarnock, co. Dublin, a Life Peer, being a Lord of Appeal in Ordinary under the Appellate Jurisdiction Act, 1876, by his second wife Jane Matilda Mary, dau. of the late Lieut. -Col. the Hon. Arthur Francis Southwell. Armorial bearings — Ermine, a mascle or, over all a saltire gules. Mantling gules and argent. ^ is tbe Military Cockade. m Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on the Roman fasces lying fesscways proper, a boar passant ermine, fretty gules. Mottoes— " Crom a boo," and " Fortis et fideiis." Married, 1889, Maude Louisa, eldest dau. of the Hon. Walter Hulkeley Barrington ; and has Issue— Tterek Bar- rington Fitzgerald, Gentleman, b. 1892 ; Iris Mary ; and Pamela Marie. Residence — 40 Stanhope Gardens, S.W, Club — Wellington. Jfit 485 Ysolda, dau. of Sir Thomas Barrett- Lennard, 2nd Bart. ; and has Issue— (i) Gerald Thomas FitzGerald, Gentle- man, b. 1883 ; (2) Maurice Pembroke FitzGerald, Gen- tleman, b, 1887; Rose Emma; Ysolda Mary Nesta ; Geraldme Evelyn; and Kathleen Finora. Residence— 33 Harnngton Gardens, Kensington, S.W. Chambers— 38 Parliament Street, S.W. C/«*j— Brooks's, Reform, Athenaeum. FREDERICK LATTIN FITZGERALD, Esquire, formerly Lieut, in the 63rd Regt., with which he served in the Crimea (medals and clasps), and Capt. Royal Ayrshire Rifles. Born June 19, 1832, being the eldest and only surviving son of the late Charles FitzGerald, Esq., of Rathgar and Laccagh, by his wife Jane, only dau. of the late George Wahl of the co. Dublin (and grandson of the late Charles FitzGerald of Navinstown and Laccagh in the CO. Kildare, Rathgar, co. Dublin. Armorial bearingB— Argent on a saltire gules, within a border gobony of the first and azure, quartering (2) Cusack of Rathgar, (3) Gene- ville, (4) De Lacy, Lord of Meath, (5) Pylatte, and (6) Petit. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a monkey passant in front of an oak tree all proper. Motto — " Crom-a-brudh." i'^a/j— Rathgar, co. Dublin, and Leccagh, co. Kildare. The Hon. GERALD FITZGERALD, K.C., B.A. 1869, Bar. King's Inns, Dublin, 1871, and Q.C. 1892, for- merly Chairman of Quarter Sessions for cos. Westmeath, Meath, Longford, and King's Co., appointed an Irish Land Commissioner 1889. Born 1849, being the third son of the late Rt. Hon. John David FitzGerald, Baron FitzGerald of Kilmarnock, co. Dublin, a Life Peer, being a Lord of Appeal in Ordinary under the Appellate Jurisdiction Act, 1876, by his first wife Rose, dau. of John O'Donoghue of Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin. Armorial bearings— Ermine, a mascle or, over all a saltire gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on the Roman fasces lying fesseways proper, a boar passant ermine, fretty gules. Mottoes—" Crom a boo," and " Fortis et fideiis." Residence— 6 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin. Clubs — Brooks's, Wellington, Kildare Street, University (Dublin), Royal St. George Yacht. Sir GERALD FITZGERALD, K.C.M.G., J. P. for London and Middlesex, Dep. Controller-Gen. of Mil. Ex- penditure 1864-68, Assistant Comptroller-Gen. of India 1869, Accountant-Gen. Madras 1871, British Burmah 1872, and Deputy Comptroller-Gen. of India 1872-76 ; allowed to accept temporary service under Egyptian Govt. 1877, and was Director-Gen. of Public Accounts in Egypt 1879-85 ; Accountant-Gen. of ttie Navy, and Assistant Finaticial Secretary 1885-96; has ist Class Order of the Medjidie, 3rd Class Osmanieh, and Egyptian War medal and bronze star; was created C.M.G. 1880, and K.C.M.G. 1885. Born 1833, being the son of the late Francis Fitz- gerald. Club — Arthur's. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a saltire gules, a mullet argent, pierced sable, the es- ■f cutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon and pendent the badge of a K.C.M.G., and impaling on a second escutcheon the arms of Milnes, namely azure, a chevron between three windmill sails or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount proper, a boar passant or. Married, 1881, Hon. Amicia Henrietta, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Richard Monckton Milnes, first Baron Houghton ; and has Issue — Gerald Milnes Fitz- Gerald, Esquire, born 1883. Residence — 18 Cadogan Gardens, S.W. The Hon. JOHN DONOHOE FITZGERALD, (LL.B. Cantab, ist Class Law Tripos 1869, LL.M. 1873), Bar. Inner Temple 1872, and a Q.C. 1896. Born 1848, being the second son of the late Rt. Hon. John David FitzGerald, Baron Fitzgerald of Kilmarnock, co. Dublin, a Life Peer, being a Lord of Appeal in Ordinary under the Appellate Jurisdiction Act 1876, by his first wife Rose, dau. of John Donohoe of Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin. Armorial bearings — Ermine, a mascle or, over all a saltire gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on the Roman fasces lying fesseways proper, a boar passant ermine, fretty gules. Mottoes — "Crom a boo," and "Fortis et fideiis." Married, 1881, Emma FITZGERALD (R.L., 20 June 1900, and again 1904, H. Coll.). Gules, a saltire invected per pale argent and or, between four monkeys statant of the second, en- vironed with a plain collar and chain of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a monkey as in the arms, charged on the body with two roses and resting the dexter foreleg on a saltire gules. Motto — "Crom a boo." Sons of : — Bruce Fitzgerald (R.L., 1900, formerly Healy), Gentle- man,^. . Res. — The Royal Farm, Pepperharrow, Surrey. Calvert Fitzgerald (R.L. 1904, formerly Healy), Gentle- man, 2nd Lieut. Oxfordsh. Lt. Inf., b. Post, add.— 2nd Batt. Oxfordsh. Regt., Poonah, India. FITZGERARD of Coolanowle (U.O.). Argent, a saltire gules, a bordure azure. Sons of Gerald Richard FitzGerald of Coolanowle and Moate, b. 1848 ; d. 1898 ; m. 1877, Lilla, d. of Frederick Charles FitzGerald, late R.N. :— Gerald Richard Frederick FitzGerald, Lieut. R.E.M. Submarine Miners, b. 1877; m. 1901, Alice Florence (d, 1902), eld. d. of late Frank Campion of The Mount, Derby. Seals — Coolanowle and Moate, Queen's Co. Robert O'Brien FitzGerald, Gentleman, b. 1879. Res. — Arthur Stanley FitzGerald, Gentleman, Lieut. Roy. Warwicksh. Regt., b. 1881. Res.— Sons of Lucius Henry FitzGerald, Gentleman, Barrister- at-Law, of The Firs, Berks, b. 1815; d. 1891 ; m. 1856, Mary Katharine, d. of Adm. the Hon. Sir John Talbot, G.C.B. :— Lucius FitzGerald, Gentleman, formerly Lieut. 3rd Batt. Duke of Edinburgh's Wilts Regt. b. 1859. Res. — Gerald Lucius FitzGerald, Gentleman, b. 1868. Res. — Robert Lucius FitzGerald, Gentleman, b. 1869. Res.— FITZGERALD (U.O.). Ermine, a saltire gules. Mant- ling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a chevalier in complete armour on horseback at full speed, his sword drawn and beaver up all proper. Motto — " Fortis et fideiis." Son of Sir William FitzGerald, 2nd Bart., b. ; d. 1847; m. 1805, Emilia Gumming, d. and coh. of William Veale of Trevaylor, Cornwall : — Sir GeorgeCumming FitzGerald, 5th Bart., of Newmarket- on-Fergus (5 Jan. 1822), iJ. 1823; m. ist, Emily Georgiana {d. 1886), only d. of Lieut. George Cleaveland, R.N., of Bromley, Kent ; 2nd, 1888, his cousin Ellen Creagh, d. of Crofton Hamilton FitzGerald. Seats — Trevaylor, Pen- zance ; Killibegs House, Naas, co. Kildare. Son of F.-M. Sir John Forster FitzGerald, G.C.B. , M.P., b. 1784; d. 1877; m. 2nd, 1839, Jean, d. of Hon. Donald Ogilvy of Clova, M.P., br. of the 6th Earl of Airlie : — William Walter Augustine FitzGerald, Esq., J.P.and D.L. CO. Clare (High Sheriff 1897), b. 1852 ; m. 1894, Clara Emma, d. of James Whitaker of Huddersfield, and widow of Lt.-Col. Sir Augustine FitzGerald, 4th Bart. Seat — Con i- goran, Newmarket-on-Fergus, co. Clare. Clubs — Carlton, Junior Carlton, Wellington, Kildare Steet (Dublin). FITZGERALD of TurIough(U.O.). Ermine, on a saltire gules, a mullet argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest ^On a wreath of the colours, on a mount proper, a boar passant or. Motto—" Honor probataque virtus." Son of Major Henry Thomas George FitzGerald, Esq,, J. P., of Maperton House, Wincanton, Somerset, i. 1820; d. 1890; m. 1839, Elizabeth Harriott, eld. d. of Rev. Samuel Wildman Yates, Vicar of St. Mary's, Reading : — Charles Lionel Wingfield FitzGerald, Gentleman, b. 1841 ; tn. 1893, Adolphine Caroline Annie Helena Marie, d. of Capt. Schmitz of the Imperial German Army. Seat— is tbe Naval Cockade. 486 m JFit Turlouch Park, Castlebar, co. Mayo. AVj.— Winterton Hail, llytlie, Southnnii)ton. Sons of Lionel Charles Henry William FitzGernld, Esq.,Capt. and W.I. Kegt., K.T.S., t. i8ia; d. 1894; m. 1839, Sarah Caroline, d. of Hon. Patrick Brown of Nassau, N.P. : — Desmond FiuGerald, Gentleman, i. 18^6 ; m. 1870, Elizabeth Parker Clarke, d. of Stephen Salisbury, M.L)., of Brookline, Boston, U.S.A. ; and has issue— (i) Harold FitxGerald, Gentleman, i. 1877 ; (a) Stephen .Salisbury Kitt- Gerald, Gentleman,^. 1878. Caroline Elizabeth ; and 1 larriot. ^«.— Brookline. Mass.. U.S.A. Ormond Edv^-ard FiuGerald. Gentleman, i. 1849. /fes. — Providence. Rhode Island, U.S. A. Son of Edward Thomas FilzGerald. Gentleman, i. 1817; rf. ; m. 1856, Annie flarington, d. of Leonard S. Cox :— Edward Leonard FilzGerald. Gentleman, 6. 1859 ; m. i88a, Florence Elizabeth Sophia, d. of Robert J. Hunter; and has issue — (i) Edward Walter FilzGerald, Gentleman, *. i88c; (a) Desmond Gerald FilzGerald, Gentleman, i. 1893 ; Florence ; Marjorie ; Dorothy, and Audrey, /fes. — Ygst. son of Lt.-Col. Edward Thomas FilzGerald, d. 1784 ; d. 1845 ; M. 181 1, Emma, d. of Esmond Green of Medham, Isle of Wight : — Desmond Gerald FilzGerald, Gentleman, i. 1834; m. 1863. Louisa, d. of Matthew Crawford of Crumlin, co. Westmeaih ; and has issue — (i) Desmond Gerald FilzGerald, Gentleman, i. 1863 ; (2) Ormond Edward F'itzGerald, Gentleman, i. 1865 [m. 1900, Rebecca Susanna, d. of Becher Lionel Fleming of Newcourt, co. Cork] ; (3) Cecil Henry FilzGerald, Gentleman, 6. 1871 ; Emma Louisa Hop>e ; and Ruby Gwendoline. J?es. — Sons of Lt.-Col. Charles Lionel FilzGerald, 6. ; d. ; »». , Marianne, d. of Lt.-Col. Bieedon, R.M.:— Charles Lionel FilzGerald. Esq., Lt.-Col. R.A., d. ', m. , d. of Lt.-Col. Peltey, R.A. ; and has issue — (1) William Hervey FilzGerald, Gentleman, d. ; (a) Henry Alfred John FilzGerald, Gentleman, 6. ; (3) Ormond FilzGerald. Gentleman, i. ; (4) Augustus Henry FilzGerald, Gentleman, d. . Bes. — Alfred John FilzGerald, Esq., Lt.-Col. late 6oth Rifles, b. 1842. Nes. — Sons of Francis FilzGerald of Galway, b. 1779 ; d, 1857 ; m. , Elenor, d. of John Joyes of Galway : — The Hon. Nicholas FilzGerald, M.L.C. Victoria, Knight of the Order of Pius IX,, b. 1829 ; m. 1863, Marianne, eld. d. of the late Sir John O'Shanassy, K.C.M.G., of Tara, Hawthorne, Melbourne; and has issue — (i) Francis John FilzGerald, Esq. (3 Pump Court, Temple). Barrister-at-Law^, M.A. , LL.B. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), Recorder of Newbiuy, b. 1864 ; [in. 1889, Hon. Mina Susan Georgina North, d. of William Henry John, iilh Lord North; and has issue — Dudley Francis North FilzGerald, Gentleman, R.N., b. 1891 ; John Sidney North, Gentleman, b. 1893 ; Winifred Marie ; and Eileen Theresa] ; (2) John Plunkett FilzGerald, Gentleman, b. 1866 ; (3) Edward FilzGerald, Gentleman, b. 1868; (4) Matthew FilzGerald, Gentleman, b. 1870; (5) Percy Desmond FilzGerald, Esq., D.S.O., Capt. iilh Hussars, b. 1872 ; (6) Reginald Patrick FilzGerald, Gentle- man, b. 1874. kes. — Moira, St. Kilda, Melbourne, Australia. Sir Gerald FiuGerald, K.C.M.G. (y.w.). CHARLES E. FIIZGERALD-DAY, Gentleman, late Indian Civil Service. Born , being the eldest son of the late Rev. Edward FitzGerald-Day of Spring Hill, co. Kerry. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per chevron or and azure, three mullets counlerchanged, in the centre chief point a mullet gules for difference ; 2 and 3, ermine, on a saltire gules, a cross formde argent, the whole within a bordure gobony ermine and azure (for FilzGerald). Mantling azure and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, two dexter hands clasped together proper, each from a wing expanded quarterly or and azure counlerchanged, over the hands a mullet gules. Motto — "Sic ilur ad astra." Re- sidence— FIT/JGERALD-KENNY. Per pale or and azure, a fleur-de-lis between three crecenls all counlerchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest — Out of an Earl's coronet or, a demi-arm erect, sleeved gules, with a white ruff, hold- ing in the hand a roll of parchment proper. Motto— "Tcneat, Luceal, Floreat." Sons of James Christopher Fitr.Gerald-Kenny, I'^t]., J. P., of Kilclogher, B.irrister-ai Law, b. ; d. 1877; m, 1870, Helena M.iry, d. and coh. of Major Patrick Crean Lynch :~ William Lionel Crean Nicholas de Kcnne Fil/.Gerald- Kcnny, Gentleman, late 4th Bait. Connaught Rangers, b. 1872; m. 1896, Josephine, d. of D. L. Delmas of San Francisco. Seats — Kilclogher, Monivea, Athenry, co. Gal- way ; Clogher House, BalTyglass, co. Mayo. James Christopher FiizGerald-Kenney, Gentleman b., 1878. Kes.— S Major J. FIIZGERALD-DAY. R.E. Bom . being the son of the late Rev. Edward FiuGerald- Day. Armorial bearing^ - Quarterly i and 4, per chevron or and azure, three mullets counlerchanged, in the centre chief point a mullet gules for difference ; 2 and 3, ermine, on a saltire gules, a cross formte argent, the whole within a bordure gobony ermine and azure (for FilzGerald). Mant- ling azure and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, two dexter hands clasped together proper, each from a wing expanded quarterly or and azure counlerchanged, over the hands a mullet gules. Motto— "Sic ilur ad astra." Re- sidence — FITZGIBBON of Crohana (U.O.), Ermine, a saltire gules, on a chief argent, three annulets of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — A boar passant proper, fretly argent. Motto — " Honore inlegro con- temno forlunam." Sons of the late Maurice FilzGibbon of Crohana, CO. Kilkenny, b. 1818 ; d. 1881 ; m. ist, Isabella (d. 1874), d. of Rev. John Stronach ; 2nd, Mary (Seat — Crohana, nr. Stonyford, co. Kilkenny), d. of John Rhind of Elgin, N.B :— Philip John FilzGibbon, Gentleman, b. 1858 ; m. 1884, Ruth Mary, d. of W. M. Hearn ; and has issue — Maurice Desmond FilzGibbon, Gentleman, b. 1895 ; Isabella Marion; Norah Ruth; Irene Eraser; Sybil Clare; and Esm6 Muriel. Res. — Public Works Secretariat, l$onibay. Maurice Coates FilzGibbon, Gentleman, (5. 1862; and is m. Res. — Johannesburg. Arthur FilzGibbon, Gentleman, b. 1864 ; and is ?n. Res.— John Brenlon FilzGibbon, Gentleman, b. 1876. Res. — Archibald Coates FilzGibbon, Gentleman, b. 1878. Res.— Sons of Abraham FilzGibbon, Gentleman, C.E., of The Rookery, Great Stanmore, Middx. , and of Moor- side, Bushey Heath, b. 1823 ; d. 1887 ; m. 1853, Isabelle, d. of Cornelius Stovin of Chestnut Grove, Kingston-on-Thames : — Gerald FilzGibbon, Gentleman, b. 1857; m. 1887, Margaret Mary, d. of Thomas Matthews ; and has issue— (i) Allen FilzGerald FilzGibbon, Gentleman, b. 1888; (2) Desmond FilzGerald FilzGibbon, Gentleman, b. 1890; and two daus. Res. — Cawood, Apperley Bridge, Yorks. Robert FilzGibbon, Gentleman, b. 1859; is m. and has issue two daus. Res. — Montreal. AUGUSTUS HENRY FITZGIBBON, Esquire. Bom 1850, being the eldest son of the late Hon. Gerald Normanby FilzGibbon, and his wife Lady Louisa Isabella Georgiana FilzGibbon, dau. of Rt. Hon. the 3rd Earl of Clare. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, ermine, a saltire gules, on a chief or, three annulets of the second (for Filz- Gibbon) ; 2 and 3, argent, a lion passant between three crescents gules (for Dillon). Mantling gules and argent. Crests — 1. on a wreath of the colours, a boar passant gules, bristled and armed or, charged with three annulets of the second (for FilzGibbon) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, holding between the paws an estoile argent (for Dillon). Motto— "Nil admirari." Married, 1874, the Baroness Adele, dau. of Baron Ernest de Poellnitz of Babenwohl Bregenz, Austria ; and has sur- viving Issue— GcxdiXd FilzGibbon, Esq., b. 1884 ; Elizabeth Louisa Theobaldina ; and Violet. CLARE VALENTINE FITZGIBBON, Gentleman, formerly Lieut. 2nd T--ancashire Militia. Born 1858, being n is tile Military Cockade. M M 487 the third son of the late Hon. Gerald Normanby Fitz- Gibbon (formerly Dillon, son of the 13th Viscount Dillon), and his wife Lady Louisa Isabella Georgiana Fitz- Gibbon, dau. of 3rd Earl of Clare. Armorial beaxings Quarterly 1 and 4, ermine, a saltire gules, on a chief or, three annulets of the second (for FitzGibbon) ; 2 and 3, argent, a lion passant between three crescents gules (for Dillon). Mantling gules and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a boar passant gules, bristled and armed or, charged with three annulets of the second (for FitzGibbon) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a denii-lion rampant gules, holding between the paws an estoile argent (for Dillon). Motto— " Nil admirari." Married, 1882, Mary Agnes, dau. of the late Richard Bernard ; and has Issue — Agnes. JOHN ARTHUR FITZGIBBON. Gentleman. Born 1854, being the second surviving son of the late Hon. Gerald Normanby FitzGibbon, and his wife Lady Louisa Isabella Georgiana FitzGibbon, dau. of Rt. Hon. the 3rd Earl of Clare. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, ermine, a saltire gules, on a chief or, three annulets of the second (for FitzGibbon) ; 2 and 3, argent, a lion passant between three crescents gules (for Dillon). Mantling gules and argent. Crests— I. on a wreath of the colours, a boar passant gules, bristled and armed or, charged with three annulets of the second (for FitzGibbon) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, holding between the paws an estoile argent (for Dillon). Motto— "Nil admirari." Married, firstly, 1882, Louisa Bosville (who d. 1883), dau. of the late Sir Belford Hinton Wilson, K.C.B. ; secondly, 1890, Katherine Maude, dau. of the late Rev. W. C. Ran- dolph of Yate House, Gloiicestershire ; and by second marriage has Issue— W\2iXi Normanby Randolph FitzGibbon. Gentleman, b. 1894 ; and Kathleen Beatrice Florence. Resi- dence — 2 Arnold Villas, Rugby. LOUIS THEOBALD FITZGIBBON, Gentleman, for- merly Lieut. 2nd Batt. Oxfordshire Light Infantry. Born 1859, being the fourth son of the late Hon. Gerald Nor- manby FitzGibbon, and his wife Lady Louisa Isabella Georgiana FitzGibbon, dau. of Rt. Hon. the 3rd Earl of Clare. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, ermine, a saltire gules, on a chief or, three annulets of the second (for FitzGibbon) ; 2 and 3. argent, a lion passant between three crescents gules (for Dillon). Mantling gules and argent. Crests— I. on a wreath of the colours, a boar passant gules, bristled and armed or. charged with three annulets of the second (for FitzGibbon) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, holding between the paws an estoile argent (for Dillon). Motto —" Nil admirari." Married, 1884. Maria Dolores, dau. of the late Robert Maxwell; and has Issue— Two sons and one daughter. Residence — ARTHUR VESEY FITZHERBERT, Gentleman. Born 1845. being the third son of the late Thomas FitzHerbert Esq., J. P.. D.L., by his wife Frances Sidney, dau. of Hon. Rev. Arthur Vesey. Armorial bearings— Argent, a chief vair(5 or and gules, over all a bend sable, charged with a crescent of the field. Crest— A dexter cubit arm erect, the hand clenched, armed and gauntleted all proper. Motto — " Ung je serviray." Married, 1873, Eveline, dau. of Hugh Lyons Montgomery, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Belhavel, CO. Leitrim ; and has with other Issue — ArXhw Hugh Francis FitzHerbert, Gentleman, b. 1874. Postal address — Estancia Media Agua, Mercedes, Banda Oriental, South America. Club— ]\xmov Constitutional. S BASIL THOMAS FITZ-HERBERT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Stafford, Lord of the Manors of Norbury and Swynnerton. Born March 29, 1836, being the eldest surviving son of the late Francis Fitz-Herbert, Gentleman, by Maria Teresa his wife, dau. of John Vincent Gandolphi of East Sheen, in the CO. of Surrey, and succeeded to the estates on the death of his uncle.Oct. 13, 1863. C/tt3— Travellers'. Armorial bearings —He bears for Arms: Argent, a chief vair^ or and gules, over all a bend sable ; and for the Crest, a dexter cubit arm in armour erect, the hand appearing clenched within the gauntlet, all proper; with the Motto, "Ung je serviray." Married, October 13, 1858, Emily Charlotte, elder daughter of Edward StaflFord Jerningham, Esquire, commonly called the Honourable Edward Stafford Jerningham. She died c. i' ^ . '^^ married, secondly. Emma Eliza. Baroness btafford daughter of Frederic S. Gerard of Aspull House, m the County Palatine of Lancaster, and widow of the late Right Honourable Sir Henry Valentine Stafford- Jerningham. Baron Stafford. By his first marriage he has yjw— (I) Lt.-Col. Francis Edward Fitz-Herbert. D.S.O J. P. I to whom refer]; (2) Basil John Fitz-Herbert, Gentle- [VrfGUBBERVlRAYJ man, b. Aug. 28, 1861 ; (3) Edward Stafford Fitz-Herbert. Esq., R.N.. b. April 17, 1864; (4) Thomas Charles Fitz- Herbert. Gentleman, b. Aug. 30, 1869 ; Beatrice Mary ; Evelyn Mary ; Alice Maud Walburga ; and Maud Mary Josephine. Estate — Swynnerton Park. co. Stafford. Postal address — Swynnerton Hall, Stone, Staffordshire. S FRANCIS EDWARD FITZ-HERBERT. Esquire, D.S.O.. J.P. CO. Stafford, late Lieut. -Col. 3rd Royal Lanes. Regt. , served in Sc5Uth Africa 1900-2. Born Aug. 28, i860, being the eldest son of Basil Thomas Fitz-Herbert, Esq., of Norbury Manor and Swynnerton Park, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Stafford, by his first wife Emily Charlotte, elder dau. of Edward Stafford Jerningham. Esq.. by courtesy and commonly known as the Hon. Edward Stafford Jerningham, Armorial bearings — Argent, a chief vair^e or and gules, over all a bend sable. Crest — A dexter cubit arm in armour erect, the hand appearing clenched within the gauntlet. Motto — " Ung je serviray." Married, April 20, 1503, Dorothy Hilda, third dau. of Albert Octavius Worthing- ton, Esq., J.P. and D.L. of Maple Hayes, Lichfield. Postal addresses — Moretown House, Newport, Salop; Swynnerton Hall, Stone. Staffordshire. Clubs — Marl- borough and White's. HENRY CORRY FITZHERBERT. Esquire, J.P. for CO. Monaghan and Queen's Co. Born May i, 1847, being the fourth son of the late Thomas FitzHerbert. Esq., J. P., D.L.. of Black Castle, Navan. co. Meath, by his wife Frances Sidney, dau. of Hon. Rev. Arthur Vesey. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chief vair6 or and gules, over all a bend sable, charged with a crescent of the field. M is the Naval Cockade. 488 Sit mt QrMt — A (lexttrr culiit nrni erect, the hand clenched, armed and Kauntleieil all pro|>ct. Motto — " Ung Je serviray." Married, Jan. 19, 1876, Mary Kniily, dau. of Col. Vansit- tart ; and has hsu*—{\) Arnold Vescy FitxHerbert, Gentle- man, b. 1878; (a) lidcn Fili Herbert ; (3) Cecil Fitz-Hcr- bert ; Edith \m, Arthur Hall-Dare]; Aileen ; and Isaliel. ,S«ii/— Millbrook, Abbey Leix, Queen's Co., Ireland. JOHN KNIGHT FITZHERBERT. Esquire. Justice of the Peace for the county of Derby, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Barrister-at-I^w. Horn March 37, i8ao, being the youngest son of the late Sir Henry Fii«herbert, third Baronet, by Agnes his wife, second daughter of the Reverend William iieresford. Armorial iMazlnirt — He bears for Arms: Gules, three lions rampant or ; and for the Orott, a cubit arm in armour erect, the hand appearing clasped within the gauntlet all proper ; with the Motto, "Ung je serviray." Married, August 9, 1859, Arabella Penelope, third daughter of William White, Esquire, of Shrubs, in the county ol Dublin ; and h.i.s Issue — (i) Henry Fitzhtrbert, Esquire, Captain in the Berk- shire Regiment, born 186a ; (a) Godfrey Fitzherliert, Gentle- man, born 1864; Isabel, married, 1884, James Lowndes Randall ; Maud ; Rachel ; and Edith. Postal address — Twynham, Bournemouth. S RICHARD RUXTON FITZHERBERT, Esquire- J. P. CO. Meath, and D.L. co. Monaghan, High Sheriff 1880. Bom Sept. 13, 1841, being the eldest son of the late Thomas FitzHerbert, Esq., J. P., D.L., by his wife Frances Sidney, dau. of Hon. Rev. Arthur Vesey. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chief vair^ or and gules, over all a bend sable, charged with a crescent of the field. Crest — A dexter cubit arm erect, the hand clenched, armed and gauntleled all proper. Motto — " Ung je serviray." Married, Oct. 3, 1865, Elizabeth (Lilly), eldest dau. of Hugh Lyons Montgomery, Esq., J. P., D.L. , of Belhavel, co. Leitrim ; and has Issue — (i) Richard Ruxton Walter FitzHerbert, Esq., Capt. and Hon. Major 4th Batt. King's Own Royal Lancaster Regt., served in the Boer War 1900-1901 (medal, three clasps, mentioned in de- spatches), b. Sept. 9, 1866 \m. Violet Caroline, dau. of James Moffat, Esq. , D. L. ] ; (2) Bertram Richard Edward FitzHerbert, Gentleman, b. Jan. 12, 1871 ; and Gladys Lilian Ruxton. Seats — Black Castle, Navan, co. Meath ; and Shantonagh, Castle Blayney, Ireland. S Major WALTER HEPBURN MELITAS FITZ- HERBERT. Born 1842, being the eldest son of the late Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Henry FitzHerbert of Somersal Herbert, in the county of Derby, Jusiice of the Peace for co. of Notts, by Ellen Margaret his wife, second daughter of James Hepburn of Tovil Place, in the county of Kent ; served in the Jowaki Campaign 1877 ; Afghan War 1878, 1879. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, three lions rampant or, langued azure, a crescent for difference ; and for a Crest, a cubit arm in armour erect the hand appearing clasped within the gauntlet all prof)er, and charged with a crescent gules for difference ; with the Motto, " Plain living, high thinking." Married, 1886, Mary Joanna Sophia, daughter of the Reverend Thomas William Carr, Rector of Barming, Maidstone ; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Carr FitzHerbert, Gentleman, born 1887 ; (2) Nicholas Hepburn FitzHerbert. Gentleman, born 1888 ; and Harriet Marjorie. Postal address — The Hall, Somersal Herbert, Derby. ap|H-aring clenched within a gauntlet all proper (for Fitz- herlwrt). Married, firstly. May 9, 1876. Mary Ida, second dau. of Rol)ert Berkeley of SjM-tchley Park, co. Worcester. She died Jan. 14, 1883; and he married, secondly, July i, 1885, Blanche, second dau. of the late Major-Gencral the Hon. Sir Henry Clifford, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished 6rder of Saint Michael and Saint George, and Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Baih (Military Division), tipon whom Her Majesty conferred the Decoration of the 'Victoria Cross ; and has Issue— [fy Thomas Joseph Fitzherbert-Brockholes, Gentleman, b. May 4, 1887; (a) John William Fitzherlx-rt-Brockholes, Gentleman, b. May 33, 1889; (3) Roger Hubert F'itz- herlK'rt-Brockholes, Gentleman, born February 19. 1891 ; (4) Cuthbert Fitzherbert - Brockholes, b. May 34. 1899 ; Mary Teresa ; Dorothy Mary Catharine ; Winifred Mary and Audrey Mary. Estates — Claughton. Heaton. and Maynes. all in the county of Lancaster. Postal address— Claughton Hall. Garstang. Lancashire. GODFREY FITZHUGH. Esquire. J. P. co. Denbigh, Major Montgomeryshire Imp. 'Y.C. .Capt. in Army. Bom 1873. being the eldest son of the late Godfrey William Fitz- hugh. by his wife Katherine Emily, eld. dau. of the late Capt. Henry Oakeley. R.N., of Oakeley Park, Salop. Livery — Chocolate and yellow. Armorial bearings— Ermine, two S WILLIAM JOSEPH FITZHERBERT-BROCK- HOLES, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the County Palatine of Lancaster. Born May 39, 1851, being the second surviving son of the late Francis Fitzherbert, Gentleman, by Maria Teresa his wife, daughter of John Vincent Gandolfi of E^st Sheen, in the county of Surrey. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Wellington. Livery — Black coat and trousers, gilt buttons, and pale yellow waistcoat. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a chevron between three brocks passant sable (for Brockholes), 2 and 3 argent, a chief vair^e or and gules, over all a bend sable (for Fitzher- bert) ; and for his Crests, i. up)on a wreath of the colours, a brock passant sable (for Brockholes), 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm in armour erect, the hand (launches sable, on a chief gules, four martlets or. Mant- ling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a quatrefoil sable, thereon a martlet erminois. Motto— " Moderation is my glory." 6'^a/— Plas Power, near Wrex- ham, CO. Denbigh. C/k^j— Wellington, Arthur's. FITZ IVOR, quartered by HULLEY. FITZ JEFFERY, quartered by FLOYER. FITZ LANGLEY, quartered by FLETCHER-VANE. FirZOSBORN, quartered by CONYERS. ^ is tbe Military Cockade. m Mt 489 FITZ ROGER, quartered by BEETHAM. FITZROY, quartered by LEE-DILLON. ALMERIC WILLIAM FITZROY, Esquire, C.V.O., Oerk of the Privy Council since 1898. Born 1851, being the eldest son of the late Francis Horatio FitzRoy, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Southampton, by his wife the Hon. Gertrude, second dau. of the Rt. Hon. William Duncombe, 2nd Baron Feversham. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, quar- terly i. and iiii. azure, three fleurs-de-lis or (for France) ; ii. and iii. gules, three lions passant guardant in pale or (for England) ; 2. or, a lion rampant within a double tressure flory and counter-flory gules (for Scotland) ; 3. azure, a harp or, stringed argent (for Ireland) ; being the arms of His Majesty King Charles II., the whole debruised by a baton sinister compony of six pieces argent and azure ; impaling the arms of Farquhar, namely argent, a lion rampant sable, armed and langued gules, between two sinister hands couped and apaum^e in chief of the last and a crescent in base azure ; and for his Crest, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant guardant or, ducally crowned azure, and gorged with a collar countercompony argent and of the fourth. Motto— "Et decus et pretium recti." Married, 1887, Katharine, dau. of Sir Thomas Henry Farquhar, 4th Baronet, of Gillminscroft. Residence — 55 Lower Belgrave Street, S.W. Club — Travellers'. CECIL AUGUSTUS FITZROY, Esquire, of Ringstead, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, Justice of the ir<'4-wM|<|^ Peace. Born January 10, 1844, being the jr 1*2^^1^ third son of the'Reverend Frederick Thomas William Coke Fitzroy, Rector of Great Ring- stead, in the county of Norfolk, by his wife Emilia Le Strange, eldest daughter of Henry Styleman of Snellisham Hall, in the county of Norfolk. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, France and England ; 2. Scotland ; 3. Ireland ; over all a sinister baton compony argent and azure, a crescent for difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the' colours, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant guardant or, crowned with a ducal coronet azure, and gorged with a collar counter-compony argent, and of the fourth; with the Motto, " Et decus et pretium recti." Married, February 21, 1878, Susannah, third daughter of William Beetham, Esquire, of Wellington, New Zealand, Justice of the Peace ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Cecil Southampton Fitzroy, Gentleman, born March 24, 1884 ; (2) Frederick Waller Southampton Fitzroy, Gentleman, born July 3, 1885 ; Maud Mary Le Strange ; and Louisa Gwendoline. Postal address — Ringstead, Hastings, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. FITZSTEPHEN, quartered by CONYERS. FITZWILLIAM, LIAM. see WENTWORTH-FITZ-WIL- FITZWITH, quartered by FLOYER. SIDNEY FLAVEL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Alderman for the county of Warwick and for the borough of Leamington, and six times Mayor of that borough. Born October 24, 1846, being the eldest son of the late Sidney Flavel of Leamington, by his wife Elizabeth, second daughter of Alderman John Smith of Coventry. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a maunch gules, bezantee, t>etween three keys wards upwards, a cnevron azure ((z quartering for Sparke — " Vert, an eagle displayed ermine," is claimed, but the Sparke descent is not yet re- corded in the College of Arms). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two keys in saltire wards upwards azure, in front of flames of fire proper; with the Motto, " Tu Deus ale flammam." Married, October 5, 1876, Gertrude, third daughter of Henry Robinson of Boreham Woods, in the county of Hertford, by his wife Sophia, daughter of George Crosland of Crosland Hall, in the county of York ; and has had Isstie — (i) Sidney Reginald Flavel, Gentleman, b. 1879, d. 1904 [m. 1903, Winifred Marion, youngest dau. of the late Alfred Parkin of Epworth and Doncaster ; and has issue, Sidney William Basil Flavel, Gentleman, b. 1904]; (2) Gilbert Henry Flavel, Gentleman, Midshipman R.N.R., Officer on Union Castle R.M. steamer, b. July 12, 1881 ; (3) Rupert Victor Flavel, Gentleman, b. August 1886, d. March 1887 ; (4) Percival William Flavel, Gentleman, b. Dec. 6, 1888 ; Dorothea Gertrude Elizabeth (deceased) ; and Gladys Mary. Postal address — Leaming- ton Spa. FLEMING, quartered by BARNEWALL and MAC- NEIL. FLEMING, see COHAM-FLEMING and MONT- GOMERIE-FLEMING. §JOHN FLEMING, Esquire, J. P. for Devonshire and Middlesex and for Westminster, High Sheriff of Devon 1877, is a member of H.M.'s Body Guard for Scotland (Royal Archers), M.P. for Devonport 1865, Lord of the Manor of Kilbury and of Blncktar, Widecombe in the Moor, co. Devon. Born 1822, being the second son of Alexander Fleming of Lethendy, co. Perth, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of George Stevenson of Watersluck. Clubs — Carlton, Conservative, Junior Carlton. Armo- rial bearings — Gules, on a chevron argent, three fraises azure, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Blyth, namely argent, on a fesse indented between three crescents gules, as many garbs or. Mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a goat's head erased proper, collared or ; and above, in an escroll, this Motto, "Let the deed shaw." Married, March i, 1859, Charlotte Mary, only child and heir of the late John Blyth of London ; and has Issue— (\) John Blyth Coham-FIeming, Esq., J. P., b. i860 \m., 1883, Eleanor Mary Bickford, dau. and heir of the late William Holland Bickford Cohani] ; (2) George M'Intosh Fleming, Gentleman, b. i862[?«., 1889, Evelyn, dau. of James Pattison Currie of Sandovvn House, Esher] ; (3) Robert Alexander Douglas Fleming, Gentleman, of Colston House, Buckfastleigh ; Charlotte Mary ; Eveline [married] ; and Agnes Maud. Postal addresses — Bigadon, Buckfastleigh, Devon ; 83 Portland Place. is the Naval Cockade. 490 jrie jrie FLEMING (H. Coll.). Per pale gules and sable, a frel urgent, on a chief dancetti-e or, three garbs vert. ManUlnsr gules and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, in front of a garb or, a serpent nowcd proper, holtiing in the mouth an annulet also or. Motto—" Pax, copientia, sapientia." Son of Thomas Brandon Fleming of Champion Park, Denmark Hill: — Rev. Hugh Fleming, Vicar of Great Thurlow, Suffolk. .Srii/— Riiyrigg, Windermere, Westmorland. Res. — The Vicarage, Great Thurlow, SulVolk. Club — Constitutional. FLEMING (Confirmed U.O., Dec. 190a). Gules, an orle tlory counterflory argent, over all on a chevron of the last, live cinquefoils azure. Mantling gules and argent. Ontt — On a wreath of the colours, a goat's head erased argent, armed or, between the horns a cincjuefoil gtiles. Motto—" Let the dcid schaw." Son of William .Alexander Fleming of Cassaugh Moane and Tully Hill, co. Monaghan : — Henry Contarini Fleming, Gentleman, b. ; in, ; and has issue — (i) Rev. William Alexander Fleming. B.A. Trin. Coll., Dub. (Post. add. — 7 Melbourne Terrace, Brad- ford, Yorks), b. [/«. June 1903, Katie Georgina. second d. of late Arthur Carey I.«e of l^wes, Sussex ; and has issue — Kathleen Willoughby Alexander] ; (2) Harry Oliver Fleming. Gentleman. ^. ; (3) Alfred Alexander Fleming, Gentleman, b. ; (4) Thomas Fleming, Gentleman. b. . Kes. — Greenore. Clonlarf, co. Dublin. The Hon. JOHN FLEMING, Esquire, Lord Provost and Lord-Lieut, of the county of the city of Aberdeen. Armorial bearings —Argent, a chevron charged with three towers triple-towered of the field, a chevron gules, between two fir trees eradicated in chief and a lymphad with sails furled sable in base, flagged of the second. Mantling gules, doubled argent, (^st— On a wreath of his liveries, a goat's head erased argent, armed or. Motto — "Let the deed shaw." A'««<&«ctf— Richmond Hill House. Aber- deen. FLETCHER, see AUBREY-FLETCHER, FLETCHER, borne in pretence by CORRIE. S ANDREW M ANSEL TALBOT FLETCHER, (jenileman, Lieut, and Life Guards. Botii 1880, being the eldest son of the late John Fletcher, Esq., of Saltoun Hall, J. P. and D.L. , by his wife Bertha Isalxilla, dau. of Christopher Rice Mansel Talbot, Esq., M.P., of Margam Park and Penrice Castle, in the co. of Glamorgan, by his wife Ch.arlotte, commonly known as Lady ('harlotte, dau. of the Right Hon. the Earl of Wemyss. Armorial bearings — Sable, a cross flory between four escallops argent, and impaling the .-irms of Tallx)t, namely gules, a lion rampant within a liordure engr.iiled or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a manthng gules, doubled argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, a demi-bloodhound azure, ducally gorged or. Supporters — Two griffins proper. Motto — " Dieu pour nous." Married, 1902, Frances Jane, dau. of Sir Francis Winnington, Bart., of Stanford Court, Worcs.; and has Issue — John Theodore Talbot Fletcher, Gentleman, b. 1903. Seat — Saltoun Hall. Pencaitland. North Britain. Clubs — Bachelors'. White's. Marlborough, Automobile. BERNARD FLETCHER, Esquire, Lieut. 5th Vol. Batt. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 1890-94, Lieut. 2nd Batt. Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders Militia 1894-96. J. P. for Argyllshire. Bom March 29, 1870, being the eldest son of Bernard James Cuddon Fletcher. Esq., J. P., by his wife Harriet, only child of Angus Fletcher of Dunans, D.L., J. P. Livery— Gxa^xi and red. Armorial bearings — Sable, on a cross flory argent, between in the dexter chief and sinister base points an escallop, and in the sinister chief and dexter base a quiver full of arrows or, three crescents in pale vert. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of the liveries, two arms drawing a bow all proper. Motto — " Recta pete." Seat — Dunans, Glendaruel, Argyllshire. Club — Royal Highland Yacht (Oban.) CHARLES WILLIAM CORRIE FLETCHER. Gentleman, M.R.C.S., L. R.C.P. Born Sept. 20. 1854, being the fourth son of the Rev. John Waltham Fletcher, M.A., by his wife Elizabeth Sarah, dau. of the Rev. John Giles Dimock, M.A. Armorial bearingrs— Quar- terly I and 4, argent, a cross engrailed sable between four pellets, each charged with a pheon or, on a canton azure, a ducal crown gold ; 2 and 3, on a bend engrailed gules, between two lions rampant or, langued azure, three scaling-ladders of the field (for Keelinge). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — i. on a wreath of the colours, a horse's head erased argent, gorged with a ducal crown azure, charged on the neck with a pheon sable ; 2. on a cap of maintenance gules, turned up ermine, a scaling-ladder in bend sinister or. Motto — "Sub cruce salus." Married Florence Mabel, dau. of Samuel Pountney Smith, J. P.. of The Limes, Shrewsbury. Residence — The Gables, Burton Road, Derby. EDWARD BLAKEMORE FLETCHER, Gentleman, late Lieut. R.N. Born April 19, 1847, being the youngest son of the Rev. William Fletcher, M.A. , D.D. , by his wife Jane Maria, dau. of Joseph Bainbrigge of Derby. Armo- rial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, a cross engrailed sable between four pellets, each charged with a pheon or, on a canton azure, a ducal crown gold ; 2 and 3, on a bend engrailed gules, between two lions rampant or, langued azure, three scaling-ladders of the field (for Keelinge). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — 1. on a wreath of the colours, a horse's head erased argent, gorged with a ducal crown azure, charged on the neck with a pheon sable ; 2. on a cap of maintenance gules, turned up ermine, a scaling-ladder in bend sinister or. Motto — "Sub cruce salus." il/arr/Vrf Maria Jane, widow of Ronald Macpher- son, Lieut. -Col. R.A. and Lieut. -Gov. of the Straits Settle- ments, and dau. of William Napier, Lieut. -Gov. of Labuan, Borneo. Postal address — Kent Hall, Queen's Crescent, Southsea. FREDERICK BRANDSTROM FLETCHER, Gentle- man, M.A. Camb. , Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple. Born Oct. 4, 1855, being the third son of the late Rev, Henry Fletcher, M.A. , by his wife Mary Ann Letitia, dan. and heiress of William David Field, Esq. , of Ulceby Grange, J.P. and D.L. Armorial bearings— Quarterly 1 and 4, is the Military Cockade. jrie argent, a cross engrailed sable, between four pellets, each charged with a pheon or, on a canton azure, a ducal crown gold ; 2 and 3, on a bend engrailed gules, between two lions rampant or, langued azure, three scaling-ladders of the field (for Keelinge). Mantling sable and argent. Crest— I. on a wreath of the colours, a horse's head erased argent, gorged with a ducal crown azure, charged on the neck with a pheon sable; 2. on a cap of maintenance gules, turned up ermine, a scaling-ladder in bend sinister or. Motto— "Sub cruce salus." Postal addresses — 11 King's Bench Walk ; and Stow Thorna, Beauchamp Road, East Molesey. GEORGE HAMILTON FLETCHER, Esq., J.P. co. Wilts. Born i860, l)eing the only son of the late George Hamilton Fletcher, Esq., J. P., of Barrows Hedges, Surrey, by his wife Sophy, dau. of George Wansey of War- minster, Wilts. Z-zVf/j— Dark blue and primrose. Ar- morial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, azure, three arrows in irie 491 triangle barbs pointing to the centre or, on a chief argent, an anchor erect sable between two dolphins resjiecting each other proper (for Fletcher) ; 2 and 3, or, a leopard's face between three dexter gloves gules (for Wansey). Mantling azure and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a fern-brake a centaur proper, wield- ing with the dexter hand a spear or. Married Constance, daughter of S. Herepath of Westwood, St. Peter's, Kent ; and has Issue— [\) Gareth Hamilton Fletcher, Gentleman, b. 1894; (2) George Mervyn Anstey Fletcher, Gentleman, b. 1896. Seats— 'Y\i^ Anchorage, near Christchurch ; Pyt House, Tisbury, Wilts. C/?^*j— Reform, Royal Yacht Squadron (Cowes). The Rev. JAMES MICHAEL JOHN FLETCHER, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. Oxon., Vicar of Tideswell, Derbyshire. Born Sept. 29, 1852, being the third son of the Rev. John Waltham Fletcher, M.A., by his wife Elizabeth Sarah, dau. of Rev. John Giles Diniock, M.A. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, a cross engrailed sable between four pellets, each charged with a pheon or, on a canton azure, a ducal crown gold ; 2 and 3, on a bend en- grailed gules, between two lions rampant or, langued azure, three scaling-ladders of the field (for Keelinge). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a horse's head erased argent, gorged with a ducal crown azure, charged on the neck with a pheon sable ; 2. on a cap of maintenance gules, turned up ermine, a scaling-ladder in bend smister or. Motto— "Sub cruce salus." Married Mary, dau. of Richard Chandler of Paris. Postal address —lideswell Vicarage, Buxton, Derbyshire JOHN ROBERT FLETCHER, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Lancaster. Born Aug. I?. 1855, eldest son of the late James Fletcher, by Charlotte his wife, daughter of Robert Leake. 6V«i5j— Constitutional, Junior Constitutional, Piccadilly. Z/W/r- Ultramarine blue and old gold, with silver buttons. Armorial beax- ingrs— He bears for Arms: Argent, on a cross invected between in chief two pheons, and in base two arrows points downwards all sable three pheons in fesse of the last ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a naked arm embowed holding a long bow, two arrows in saltire points downwards, all proper ; with the Motto, " Forti nihil difficile." Married, August 29 1884, Ellen, daughter of Thomas Tonge. Postal addresses — The Uplands, Whitefield, near Manchester; Kearsley, Stoneclough, Lanes. THOMAS RUSSELL FLETCHER, Gentleman, Mid- shipman R.N. Born April 11, 1885, being the elder son of the late Walter Bracebridge Fletcher of Mayfield, by his wife Agnes, dau. of Frederick Johnson of Edgbaston, co. War- wick. Armorial bearings — Quarterly 1 and 4, argent, a cross engrailed sable between four pellets, each charged with a pheon or, on a canton azure, a ducal crown gold ; 2 and 3, on a bend engrailed gules, between two lions rampant or, langued azure, three scaling-ladders of the field (for Keel- inge). Mantling sable and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a horse's head erased argent, gorged with a ducal crown azure, charged on the neck with a pheon sable ; 2. on a cap of maintenance gules, turned up ermine, a scaling-ladder in bend sinister or. Motto — ".Sub cruce salus." Residence — Lawneswood, near Stourbridge. Ship — H.M.S. "Diadem." WALTER JOHN FLETCHER, Esquire, late Capt. Dorset Mil., F.R.I. B.A., Assoc. M. Inst. C.E., County Surv. Dorset from 1874. Born Dec. 11, 1842, being the second son of the Rev. William Fletcher, D.D. Oxon., by his wife Jane Maria, dau. of Joseph Bninbrigge of Derby. Armo- rial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, a cross engrailed sable between four pellets, each charged with a pheon or, on a canton azure, a ducal crown gold ; 2 and 3, on a bend engrailed gules, between two lions rampant or, langued azure, three scaling-ladders of the field (for Keelinge), and impaling the same arms of Fletcher and Keelinge quarterly. Mantli^ sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a horse's head erased argent, gorged with a ducal crown azure, charged on the neck with a pheon is the Naval Cockade. 49» snt sable ; 9. on a cap of mnintfiiancc Kulcs, turned up ermine, a scaling-laddtT in bend sinister or. Motto— "Sub cruce salus." Married, first, Augusta Kranklyn, «-ard Keeling Fletcher, Gentleman. I^ieut. loyal Marine Light Infantry, b. April 10, 1880 ; Evelyn jane \m, Edward Gordon Peircel; nnd Irene Kathleen. Pasta/ aitJrtss— The Chantry, Wimbome Minster, co. Dorset. jrie I' WILLIAM BAINBRIGGE FLETCHER. Gentleman, late Fleet-Surgeon R.N. ffotM Jan. a8, 1840, being the eldest son of ihe Rev. William lleicher, D. D. Oxon. , by his wife Jane Maria, dau. of Joseph B;iinbrigge of Derby. AnnorUl bearlngi— Quarterly i and 4, argent, a cross engrailed sable, Ix^iwei-n four pellets, each charged with a pheon or, on a canton azure, a ducal crown gold ; a and 3, on a bend engrailed gules, between two lions rampant or. Inngued azute, three scaling-ladders of the field (for Keel- ingc). MantUng sable and nrgent. Cresta — i. on a wreath of the colours, a horse's head erased argent, gorged with a ducal crown azure, charged on the neck with a pheon sable ; a. on a cap of maintenance gules, turned up ermine, a scaling-ladder m bend sinister or. HottO — "Sub cruce salus." Married, ist, Christine Adriana Sidney, d. of Rev. John William Conway Hughes, M.A., Consular Chaplain at Corfu; and has Issue— (1) Thomas Bainbrigge Walter Campbell Fletcher, Gentleman, Paymaster R.N., b. March 35, 1878 ; (a) William John Bainbrigge Fletcher, Gentle- man, b. June II, 1879; m. and, July 29, 1902, Catherine Mary, dau. of late George Wadley of Springfield, Bculah Hill; and has issue— (3) Peter Bainbrigge Fletcher, b. Jan. 13, 1904. ResidenceSx. Catherine's, Salisbury Road, Wimbledon. The Reverend WILLIAM DUDLEY SAUL FLETCHER, Clerk in Holy Orders, B.A. and B.D. of University of Dublin, Rector of Lissadell, co. Sligo. Born Nov. 7, 1863, being the eldest surviving son of the Rev. J. S. Fletcher, D.D., late Rector of St. Barnabas, Dublin, and formerly of Kilshanc, co. Dublin, by Annie his wife, dau. of William Taylor of I^ubliii. Armorial bearingv IVr l>end sable and gules, a cross tlory (jiiarter pierced argent, between four escallops or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi- talbot rampant gules, ducally gorged and charged with an escallop or. Motto- "Dieu pour nous." Married, Jan. la, 1899, Agnes Elizalieth, eldest dau. of Richard Altamont Smythe, of Court na farraga, Killiney, co. Dublin. Jiesidence —L.\ssAde\\ Parsonage, co. Sligo. TiiK Reverknp WILLIAM GEORGE DIMOCK FLETCHER, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Fellow of the Society of Antic|uaries, Vicar of Oxon, near Shrewsbury. Horn January 4, 1851, being the eldest surviving son of the late Rev. John Walthani Fletcher, M.A., of Ashlcigh, in the borough of Derby, by his wife Elizalieth Sarah, dau. of the late Rev. John Giles Dimock, M.A, Rector of Uppingham, in the county of Rutland. Armorial bearings (I'ed., H. Coll.; Norf., 9, ai ; 13 D. 14, 153 ; 20 D. 14, 70-74 ; Surrey, iii. 91) — Quarterly i and 4, argent a cross engrailed sable between four pellets, each charged with a pheon or, on a canton azure a ducal crown gold (for Fletcher) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a bend engrailed, between two lions rampant or, three scaling- ladders of the field (for Keeling). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a horse's head erased argent, gorged with a ducal crown azure, charged on the neck with a pheon sable (for Fletcher) ; 2. on a cap of maintenance gules, turned up ermine, a scaling-ladder in bend sinister or. Motto—" Sub crucs salus." Married, August 23, 1888, Elizabeth Harriet, youngest daughter of the late John Yerrow Arrowsmith, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, of Swan Hill Court, Shrewsbury. Postal address — Oxon Vicarage, near Shrewsbury. WILLIAM GIFFARD FLETCHER, Gentleman. Bom Jan. 15, 1889, being the second son of the late Walter Bracebridge Fletcher of Mayfield, by his wife Agnes, dau. of Frederick Johnson of Edgbaston, co. Warwick. Ar- morial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, a cross en- grailed sable between four pellets, each charged with a is the Military Cockade. jrie jrie 493 pheon or, on a canton azure, a ducal crown gold ; 2 and 3, on a bend engrailed gules, between two lions rampant or, langued azure, three scaling-ladders of the field (for Keel- inge). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a horse's head erased argent, gorged with a ducal crown azure, charged on the neck with a pheon sable ; 2. on a cap of maintenance gules, turned up ermine, a scaling-ladder in bend sinister or. Motto — "Sub cruce salus." Residence — Berwood, Erdington, near Bir- mingham. The Rev. WILLIAM HENRY FLETCHER, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. Ch. Ch., Oxford, Vicar and Rural Dean of Wrexham, and Canon Residentiary of St. Asaph. Born March 7, 1852, being the second son of the late Rev. Henry Fletcher, M.A. Oxon., by his wife Mary Ann Letitia, dau. and heiress of William David Field, Esq. , of Ulceby Grange, J. P. and D.L. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, a cross engrailed sable between four pellets, each charged with a pheon or, on a canton azure, a ducal crown gold ; 2 and 3, on a bend engrailed gules, between two lions rampant or, langued azure, three scaling-ladders of the field (for Keelinge); and impaling the armsof Crawfurd, namely gules, a fesse ermine, between three mullets argent, in chief and in base two swords saltireways proper, hiked and pommelled or, all within a bordure engrai'ed azure. Mant- ling sable and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a horse's head erased argent, gorged with a ducal crown azure, charged on the neck with a pheon sable ; 2. on a cap of maintenance gules, turned up ermine, a scaling- ladder in bend sinister or. Motto— "Sub cruce salus.'' Married Agnes, dau. of George Crawfurd of Thornwood, Uddingston, co. Lanark; and has Issue — Henry Field Fletcher, Gentleman, b. Feb. 3, 1884. FLETCHER (L.O., 1825). Sable, on a cross fleury between two escallops in the dexter chief and sinister base points argent, and as many quivers filled with arrows in the sinister chief and dexter base points or, two towers em- battled gules in pale and two dexter hands proper, fesse- wise, in fesse, each holding a cross crosslet fitch^e azure, all within a bordure quarterly, i and 4, gyronny of eight of the third and first ; 2. argent, two galleys of the first, oars in action ; 3. chequy of the second and fifth. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries . Motto- Son of : — Archibald Henry John Fletcher, Gentleman, Solicitor, M.A. Res. — Huddersfield. FLETCHER. Argent, an arrow in pale point upwards, between two flaunches sable, each charged with a cross pat^e of the field. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two squirrels sejant respecting each other, supportingb etween the legs an arrow erect point upwards or. Motto — " Droit comme un fleche." Descendants of Ralph Fletcher of Barnton House, Gloucester : — Mrs. (Frances Maria) Goodyere, residing at Cheltenham, only surv. child. FLETCHER (H. Coll.). Argent, on a bend sable, between two crosses pat^e fitch^e gules, three plates each charged with a pheon of the second. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a phoenix in flames proper, three pheons fessewise sable. MottO^" Per mortem ad vitam." Son of Thomas Fletcher by his wife Sarah, d. of Nathan Woodroofe, and widow of Thomas Longsdon of Manchester and Little Longstone, Derby : — Alfred James Fletcher, Gentleman, b. 13 Apl. 1830 ; m. 3 Sept. 1859, Mary Davies, d. of Rev. James Brooke of Cheetham Hill, nr. Manchester; and has surv. issue — (i) Harold Brooke Fletcher, Gentleman, b. i860; (2) Alfred ; Woodroofe Fletcher, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, b. 1868 ; (3) Edward Harris Fletcher, Gentleman, b. 1870; Mary : Alice ; Agnes Isabel ; and Winifred Hope. Res. — \\ood- burn, Wilmslow Park, Wilmslow, Cheshire. Club — Clarendon (Manchester). FLETCHER (Confn. U.O.). Sable, a cross florett^e engrailed between four escallops argent. Maintling sable and argent. Crest — -On a wreath of the colours, a demi- talbot rampant azure, ducally gorged and pierced by two arrows in saltire or. Motto — " Dominus non sagitta tuta- men." Livery — Black, white facings. [Ped. U.O.]. Sons of Rev. Matthew Fox Fletcher, B.A. (Dub. and Oxon.), formerly Rector, Incumbent, and Patron of Tarleton, Lanes., b. 1812; d. 1875; m. 1849, Louisa Jane Crompton (d. 1878), d. of Andrew Todd of Lower Darley Hall, Bolton-le-Moors, Lanes. : — The Ven. Robert Crompton Fletcher, M.A. (Cantab.), Rector, Incumbent, and Patron of Benefice of Tarleton, Archdeacon of Blackburn, Alderman of C.C. Lanes., 1^. at Fremantle, Swan River, Western Australia, 1850; fn. 1878, Nina Helen [d. 1904), eld. d. of Henry Rawcliffe, Esq., J. P. CO. Lanes., nowofGillibrand Hall, nr. Chorley, Lanes. ; and has issue — (i) Matthew Henry Rawcliffe Fletcher, Gentleman, b. 1879 ; (2) Robert Ronald Rawcliffe Fletcher, Gentleman, b. 1885 ; (3) Leonard Rawcliffe Fletcher, Gentle- man, b, 1891 ; Olive Eloise ; Nina Mary Hazel; Irene Marian; Violet Monica; and Daphne Margaret. Res. — Tarleton Rectory, Preston. C/«^— Royal Societies'. Wilfred William Ernest Fletcher, Gentleii an, B.A., M.B., D.P.H. (Cantab.), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), Inspector Med. Dept. of H.M.'s Local Govt. Board, b. at Tarleton 1856; in. 1881 ; no issue. Res.— 2 Addison Mansions, London, W. C/«*— Royal Societies'. Thomas Bonsor Crompton Fletcher, Gentleman, b. i86o. Res. — Texas. Hautenville Fletcher. Gentleman, b. i860. /?«.— Texas. Matthew Reginald Fletcher, Gentleman, b. 1862. Res.— Theodore Fletcher, Gentleman, b. 1864. /?«.— Texas. SSiR THOMAS FLETCHER BOUGHEY, 4th Baronet (Aug. 24, 1798), of Aqualate, co. Stafford, D. L. , High Sheriff 1898, late Capt. 2nd Staffs. Militia. Born April 5, 1836, being the only son of Sir Thomas Fletcher Fenton Boughey, 3rd Bart., by his wife Louisa Paulina, youngest dau. of Thomas Gifford of Chillington. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, sable, a cross wavy erminois between four plates, each charged with an arrow in bend of the first (for Fletcher) ; 2 and 3, argent, three bucks' heads, erased and affront^e, ermines (for Boughey) ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling sable and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a plate charged with a pheon per pale ermine and sable (for Fletcher) ; 2. out of an eastern crown gold, the points alternate or and argent, a buck's head ermines, attired and collared of the first (for Boughey). MottO— is tbe Naval Cockade. 494 jrie jrio " Nee quae rere nee spernerc honorem." Marritd, Augf. as, 1864. Sarah AnabelUi. only d:iu. of Marold Litllcdale, oi Liscard Hall, Cheshire. AVii/— Aqualate, SiafTordshire. /Vx/-Aw«— Newport, Shropshire. M GEORGE FLETCHER FLETCHER-TWEMLOW. 9 Esq., D.L. for Staffordshire, a A. (Cantab.). Horn 1857, being the fourth son of Rev. Charles Smith Royds, J. P., M.A.. by his wife Mary Anne, eldest daughter of Francis Twemlow, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Uetley Court. Staffs. Aitvrj*— Brown and yellow. Armorial bearlnifS— Quar- terly I and 4, in the nrst quarter i. and iiii. azure, two bars engrailed or, charged with three lioars" heads couped erect, tMTO and one sable (for Twemlow) ; ii. and iii. sable, a cross wavy crmuiois between four pkites, each cliarged with an arrow in liend of the first (for Fletcher) ; a and 3 ermine, a cross engrailed gules, charged with four Iwzants and a tilling-sf>ear or, between four lions ram()ant gules (for Royds). Mant- ling azure and or; and for his Crests, i. on a wreath of the colours, a parroquet standing on the stump of a tree, a branch sprouting therefrom proper (for Twemlow) ; 2. on the dexter side, on a wreath of the colours, a plate charged with a pheon per pale ermine and sable, point downwards (for Fletcher); 3. on the sinister side, on a wreath of the colours, a leopard sable, spotted and collared or, resting its paw on a pheon or (for Royds). Married, January ai, 1885, Emma Beatrice, second daughter of William Foster, Esq., J. P., D.L. of Hornby Castle, Lancaster; and has had Issue — Thomas William Fletcher Twemlow, Gentleman, b. Nov. 16, 1885, d. Aug. 18, 190a Postal address — Pitmaston, Worcester. FLOOD, see SOLLY-FLOOD. The Reverend WILLIAM FLORY, Clerk in Holy Orders. Born September aa, 1846, being the only son of John Flory of Great Bealings, by his wife Eliza, only dau. of Frederick Loom of Grundisburgh, co. Suffolk. Livery — Light blue, with white facings and silver buttons. Armorial bearln^^ — He bears for Arms : Per pale argent and azure, five crescents chevronways between three fleurs- de-lis all counterchanged, impaling the arms of Ryland, namely argent, on a chevron invected between three martlets sable, a sheaf of rye or, between two escallops, each within an annulet of the last ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, between two saltires azure, a stag's head erased argent, gorged with a collar of the first, thereon three crescents of the second, between the attires a fleur-de-lis also azure; with the Motto, " Ut prosimus." Married, April 6, 1875, Susannah Proctor, second daughter of Thomas Ryland, Esquire, of Erdington and Moxhull Park, in the county of Warwick, Justice of the Peace; and has Issue — Mary Ryland. Postal address — Redland Lodge, l^ani- ington. ARTHUR FLOWER. Esquire, J. P. Beds, and Herts. Captain Herts Yeomanry 1879-8S. Rom 1847, being the son of P. W. Flower of Furze Down, Surrey. Armorial bearlnsfs — Or, two flaunches vert, in pale three escutcheons of the last, each charged with a fleur-de-lis of the field, im- paling the arms of Pauncefort-Dunconibe, namely, quarterly I and 4, per chevron engrailed g^les and argent, three talbots' heads erased counterchanged ; a and 3, gules, three lions rampant argent. Mantlln^f vert and or. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, issuant from clouds a cubit arm erect, in the hand a rose and lily slipped all proper. Motto — " Flores curat Deus." Married, 1873. Isabel, second dau. of Sir Philip Pauncefort-Duncombe, ist Baronet. Residence —36 Princes Gate, S.W. ROBERT THOMAS FLOWER, Esquire, commonly known as the Hon. Robert Thomas Flower. Born April i, 1836, being third but second surviving son of the late Kt. Hon. Henry Jeffrey Flower, sth Viscount Ash brook, by his wife F"rances, dau. of Sir John Robinson. Bart. Armorial bearings —Argent, two chevronels between three ravens, each having an ermine spot in its beak sable, and between the chevronels three pellets. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet l)efitting liis degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a raven, hav- ing an ermine spot on its beak. Married, 1866. Gertrude Sophia, daughter of the late Reverend Sewell Hamilton of Bath ; and has Issue — (i) L'owarch Robert Flower, Esquire, born 1870; (2) Reginald Henry Flower, Gentleman, born 1871 ; Frances Mary [married. 1893. Harry Ernest White]; Eva Constance Gertrude ; and Gertrude. Residence — Knockatrina House, Durrow, Queen's County. SSiK JOHN FLOYD, 3rd Baronet (March 30, 1816), Major and Royal Lanark Militia, late Capt. 3rd Buffs ; served in the Crimea. Born July 31, 1823. being the eldest son of the late Sir Henry Floyd, and Bart., by his wife Mary, eldest dau. and coheir of William Murray of Latiiim, Jamaica. Armorial bearings — Sable, a lion rampant re- gardant argent, on a chief embattled or, a sword erect proper, pommel and hilt gold, enfiled with an eastern crown gules, between two tigers' faces also proper ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant regardant argent, murally crowned gules, bearing a flag representing the standard of Tippoo Sultan, flowing to the sinister proper. Motto— " Patiens pulveris atque solis." Married, June 10, 1851. Thomasine Harriette, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Sir Frederick Shaw, P.C., 3rd Bart. She d.s.p. Feb. 16, 1856. Club — National. ERNEST AYSCOGHE FLOYER, Gentleman. Bom July 4, 1852, being the eldest surviving son of the late Rev. Ayscoghe Floyer, M.A., by his wife Louisa Sara. dau. and heiress of the Hon. Frederick John Shore. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly, i. sable, a chevron between three arrows argent (for Floyer) ; 2. azure, a bend between six fleurs-de-lis or (for Bashe) ; 3. argent, a chevron gules, between three crows sable, beaked of the first (for Croke) ; 4. per fesse or and gules, a lozenge counterchanged (for Kirke) ; 5. argent, two bars gules (for Martin) ; 6. or, two bendlets gules, an escallop in the chief point sable, on a canton or, three piles conjoined in base azure for Guy of Brian (Jor De Tracey) ; 7. per pale sable and argent, a chevron per pale or and gules (for Loundres) ; 8. quarterly argent and sable, four hawks' heads erased counterchanged (for Pydel) ; 9. chequy or and azure, on a fesse gules, three lions rampant argent (for Speckford) ; 10. argent, on a bend sable, three unicorns passant or (for Ferendon) ; i r. argent, a saltire gules, on a chief of the second, three bezants (for De Anna) ; 12. gules, a chevron between three roses argent, seeded proper (for Wadham) ; 13. or, on a chevron gules, three martlets argent (for Chiseldon) ; 14. azure, two bars between eight martlets, three, ttuo, and three or {for Tantifer) ; i.i;. azure, a chevron be- tween three chess-rooks or (for Rogus) ; 16. argent, on a chief gules, two bucks' heads caboshed or (for Popham) ; 17. sable, three plates (for Clark) ; 18. gules, a chevron argent, between ten bezants (for Souch); 19. sable, six lions rampant, three, two, and one or (for St. Martyn) ; 20. or, a chief indented vert, over all a bend gules (for Is tbe Military Cockade. 1 jrio JFlu 495 Nevill) ; 21. barry of six or and azure, over all an eagle displayed gules (for VValeran or Walrand) ; 22. azure, a lion rampant argent (for Lony) ; 23. gules, a fesse lozengy ermine (for Reade) ; 24. argent, a chevron between three escallops sable (for Tregarthin) ; 25. argent, two lobster claws in saltire gules (for Tregarthhi, afuient) ; 26. azure, a lion rampant within an orle of eight escallops or (for Hendour); 27. argent, a lion rampant gules, within a bordure sable, bezant^e, a label of three points of the third (for Cornwall) ; 28. argent, on a bend sable, five bezants \for Chamber layne) ; 29. argent, on a chevron gules, tiiree Heurs-de-lis or (for Pever) ; 30. or, a chevron ermine, be- tween three bur-leaves proper, a crescent Jor difference (for Burwell); 31. argent, a saltire between four griffins' heads erased gules (for Alverd) ; 32. gules, two pole-axes in saltire or, headed argent, bettveen four mullets of the last (for Pitman) ; 33. sable, a fesse or, between three asses passant argent (for Ayscoghe) ; 34. or, a bend azure (for Caythorpe) ; 35. gnles, a chevron engrailed between three hounds sejant argent (for Hungate) ; 36. argent, a saltire gules, on a chief of the second, three escallops or (for Tailboys) ; 37. gules, on a bend argent, three cinque- foils sable (for Boroughden) ; 38. gules, a cinquefoil within an orle of crosses patonce or (for Umfraville) ; 39. gules, a cinquefoil argent (for Umfraville, ancient) ; 40. gules, a chevron between ten crosses crosslet or (for Kyme) ; 41. gules, two bends or (for FitzWith) ; 42. barry of six or and azure, a bend gules (for Bolitigton) ; 43. azure, a cross chequy argent and gules (for Cokefield) ; 44. gules, two chevronels within a bordure or (for Channell) ; 45. sable, a chevron between three columns or, a label of three points of the last (for Bullingbrook) ; 46. gules, a maunch ermine (for Moigne) ; 47. gules, three mullets argent (for Han- sard) ; 48. chevrony of six argent and gules (for Delamore) ; 49. ermine, two chevronels gules (for Semer) ; 50. argent, an inescutcheon sable, in an orle of cinquefoils gules (for Darcy) ; 51. argent, three cinquefoils gules (for Darcy, ancient) ; 52. vert, a saltire engrailed or (for Hawley), and a canton barry nebuly of six argent and sable (for Blount) ; 53. gules, five crosses crosslet between two flaunches argent (for Elkington) ; 54. or, a saltire and a chief gules, on a canton argent, a lion rampant azure (for Brewes) ; 55 vert, an eagle displayed or, armed sable (for Hutton) ; 56. or. three parroquets vert (for Chauncellor) ; 57. ermine, on a canton argent, a saltire engrailed sable (for Fitzjeffery); 58. azure, a fesse between three fleurs-de-lis or (for Skelton) ; 59. argent, three bars gules, in chief a greyhound at full speed sable, collared or, a bordure engrailed gobony of the last and azure (for Skipwith) ; 60. or, a chevron gules, between three crosses patie Jitchie sable (for Bradley) ; 61. sable, on a bend arg. between three leopards' faces or, as many elm-leaves vert, on a canton argent, a cross moline gules (for Etton) ; 62. per chevron or and gules, m chief three leopards' faces, and in base a crescent counterchanged (for Chapman) ; 63. ermine, on a chief indented vert, three griffins' heads erased or (for Chaplin) ; 64. azure, three ancient helmets or (for Hamby) ; 65. per pale or and gules, three mullets counterchanged (for Auforde) ; 66. argent, a cross engrailed gules, in canton an annulet of the last (for Green) ; 67. or, a chevron between ten crosses crosslet sable (for Sleight) ; 68. gules, on a bend argent, three shoveller ducks sable, beaked or (for Read) ; 69. sable, on a bend arg. between three leopards' faces or, as many elm- leaves vert, on a canton argent, a cross moline gules (for Etton); 70. argent, three bars wavy azure (for ); 71. argent, a fesse gules, between three eagles displayed sable (for Leeds) ; 72. sable, three bells argent, a canton ermine (for Porter) ; 73. argent, a chevron sable, between three holly-leaves vert (for Shore). [N.B. — Such parts of the foregoing as are in Roman Type are as registered in the Heralds' College, the remainder in Italics is not yet so regis- tered.'] MantUng sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a buck's head erased or, holding in the mouth an arrow proper. Motto — " Floret virtus vul- nerata." Married, Sept. i, 1887, Mary Louisa, eldest dau. of Rev. William Richards Watson of Saltfleetby, St. Peter's, Lines.; and has Issue — (i) Ernest Ayscoghe Floyer, Gentleman, b. June 30, 1888 ; William Anthony Floyer, Gentleman, b. Dec. 31, 1890. Postal address — Cairo, Egypt. FREDERICK ANTHONY FLOYER, B.A. and M.B. Camb., M.R.C.S. Eng., and L.S.A. Lond. Born Aug. 28, 1858, being the second surviving son of the late Rev. Ayscoghe Floyer, M.A., by his wife Louisa Sara, dau. and heiress of the Hon. Frederick John Shore. Armorial bearings — Sable, a chevron between three arrows argent. (Quarterings as E. A. Floyer. ) Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a buck's head erased or, holding in the mouth an arrow proper. Motto — "Floret virtus vulnerata." Married, July 26, 1883, Alice Maude, daughter of the Rev. Thomas Roberts Jones, Vicar of Codicote, Herts. Postal address — Mor- timer, Berks. GEORGE WILLIAM FLOYER, Esquire, J. P., B.A. Christ Church, Oxon. , Barrister-at-Law. Bom July 23, 1851, being the only son of the late John Floyer, Esq., J. P. and D. L., High Sheriff 1844, Chairman of Quarter Sessions, and M.P. for Dorsetshire from 1846 to 1857 and 1864-85, and his wife Georgina Charlotte Frances, eldest dau. of the Rt. Hon. George Bankes, M.P., Cursitor Baron. Ar- morial bearings — Sable, a chevron between three arrows argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a buck's head erased or, holding in the mouth an arrow proper. MottO — " Floret virtus vulnerata." Seat — Stafford House, near Dorchester. Club — Junior Carlton. Rev. JOHN KESTELL FLOYER, M.A. Oxon., F.S.A., Vicar of Warton, Carnforth. Born June 28, 1865, being the second surviving son of the late Rev. Ayscoghe Floyer, M.A. , by his wife Louisa Sara, dau. and heiress of the Hon. Frederick John Shore. Armorial bearings — Sable, a chevron between three arrows argent. (Quar- terings as E. A. Floyer.) Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a buck's head erased or, holding in the mouth an arrow proper. Motto — "Floret virtus vulnerata." Married, Jan. 14, 1897, Helen Frances, youngest dau. of the late Rev. George Hill, sometime Vicar of St. Winnow, Cornwall, by his wife Marie Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. James Thomas Houssemayne Du Boulay. Resi- dence — Warton Vicarage, Carnforth. Sir ARTHUR JOHN FLUDYER, 5th Baronet (Nov. 14, 1759), J. P. and C.C. for Rutland, High Sheriff 1900, late Major and Lieut.-Col, 3rd Batt. Northampton- is tbe Naval Cockade. 496 JTog Jfoo shire Rcgt. Boph Oct. la, 1844, being the second but elder surviving son of the late Rev, Sir John Henry Fludyer, ^th Bart., M.A., Rector of Ayston, Rutland, by his wife Augusta, dau. of Sir Richard Borough, Bart. ArmorlJil bMkXtngt— Sable, a cross flory between four escallops ar- gent, each charged with a similar cross of the tield ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. OrMt^On a wrenth of the colours, an escallop as in the arms, between two wings elevated argent. Marrted, Sept. 9, 1876, Augusta Frances, third dan. of .Sir F.dward Borough, Bart. AVed argent (for Fogg). Married, 1889, Silvia Kingsley, dau. of the late A. W. Hunt, R.W.S. ; and has /.«««— Three daus. iVa/— Elvet Hill, Durham. FOGO of Row (L.O., 1830). Argent, a fess sable, charged with three mullets of the first between two annulets in chief and two crosiers saltireways in base of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cross crosslet titch6e gules. Motto — " Fuimus." Son of David Laurie Row Fogo : — John Row Fogo, Gentleman, b. 1874. Estate — Row, Perthshire. PAUL HENRY FOLEY, Esquire, J. P. cos. Stafford and Hereford, and D.L. for Hereford, Barrister-at-Law, F.S.A. Born March 19, 1857, being the son of the late Henry John Wentworth Hodgetts-Foley, Esq., M.l'. for South Staffordshire 1857 to 1868, J. P. for cos. Stafford, Worcester, and Hereford, and D.L. cos. StafTord and Worcester, High Sheriff co. Stafford 1877, by his wife Jane Frances Anne, second dau. of Richard Hussey, 1st Lord Vivian. Armorial bearings - Quarterly i ami 4, argent, a fesse engrailed lx:tween three cinquefoils sable, within a bordure of the last (for Foley) ; a and 3, azure, on a chevron between three doves in chief and a fleur-de-lis in b;ise or, three crescents vert (for Flodgetts). Mnnt.Ung sable and ardent. Crests -(1) On a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant argent, holding between the forepaws an escutcheon charged with the arms (for Foley) ; (a) on a wreath of tint colours, a horse's head ermine, pierced throujjli the neck with a spear, the staff broken projjer (for Hodgets). Motto — " Ut prosim." iVa/j — Stoke Edith Park, Herefordshire; Prestwood House, near Stourbridge, co. .Stafford. Clubs— Travellers' and Brooks's. SRt. Hon. FRANCIS JOHN .SAVILE FOLJAMBE, P.C., Master of Arts of the University of fTnTlfltriflP Oxford, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice Jl Ul^dlMUv of the Peace for the county of Nottingham and the West Riding of the county of York ; High Steward of East Retford, Vice-Chairman of Nottinghamshire County Council, Member of Parliament for East Retford, 1857-1885 ; High Sheriff for the county of Not- tingham, 1889. Born April 9, 1830, being the eldest son of George Savile of Osberton, in the county of Nottingham, Justice of the Peace, Deputy-Lieutenant, and High Sheriff for the county of Nottingham, by his first wife Harriet Emily Mary, eldest daughter of Sir William Mordaunt Sturt Milner, Baronet, of Nun-Appleton, in the county of York. Club — Brooks's. Zjwrv— Black and gold. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Sable, a bend between six escallops or and eighty-three other quarterings, and impaling the arms of Acheson, namely, argent, a double-headed eagle displayed sable, beaked and membered or, on a chief vert two mullets of the third ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a jamb unarmed (excepting the spur) quarterly or and sable; with the Motto, " Soies ferme." Married, February 20, 1856, Gertrude Emily, commonly known as Lady Gertnide Emily, daughter of the Right Honourable the late Sir Archibald Acheson, third Earl of Gosford ; and has Issue — (i) George Savile Foljambe, Esquire, born October 30, 1856 [to whom refer]; (2) Godfrey Acheson Thornhagh Foljambe, Gentleman, torn October 21, 1868 ; (3) Hubert Francis Fitzwilliam Brabazon Foljambe, Esq., Capt. 60th Rifles, born Nov. 16, 1872. Estates — Osberton and Sturton, in the co. of Nottingham ; Aldwark, Wadworth, and Brierley, in the co. of York. Postal address — Osberton, Worksop. S GEORGE SAVILE FOLJAMBE, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. CO. Nottingham, Major of the 4th Notts Volunteer Battalion of the Sherwood Foresters. Born Oct. 30, 1856, being the eldest son of Rt. Hon. Francis John Savile Foljambe, P.C., J. P. and D.L. [to whom refer], by his wife Gertrude Emily, commonly known as Lady Gertrude Emily, dau. of the Rt. Hon. the late Sir Archibald Acheson, third Earl of Gosford. Livery — Black and gold. Armorial bearings— Sable, a bend between six escallops or, and eighty - three other quarterings. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a jamb unarmed excepting the spur, quarterly or and sable. Motto—" Soies ferme." Married, Feb. 21, 1888, Dora Margaret, elder dau. of the Rev. Edmond Warre, D.D., M.V.O., Head- Master of Eton College; and has Issue — (i) Edmond Walter Savile Foljamte, Gentleman, b. Sept. 19, 1890; {2) Robert Francis Thornhagh Foljambe, Gentleman, b. 1892; Mary Pauline; Rachel Emily; and Avice Dora Geraldine. Postal address — Cockglode, Ollerton, Notts. Clubs — Brooks's, Wellington. FOLKEROY, quartered by HORDERN. FOLLIOTT, quartered by POWELL. FOOTE, quartered by BELLAIRS. & is tbe Military Cockade. Plate XVI. R.yjsB.nD 2§iBCD€:R, BhSI2BORD BoKOS-PilHH Jfoo Rkverend JOHN VICARS FOOTE, Clerk in Holy Orders; M.A. (Oxon.); formerly Vicar of East Clevedon Born March 26, 1852, being the only child of the Rev' Richard Gorges Foote, M.A., and Maria Louisa, dau. of John Swire. /.zwry— (Dress) white, with blue facings • (undress): light drab, piped blue. Armorial bearings JFor 497 —Party per chevron argent and 01, three martlets azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling azure and argent. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, a martlet azure, charged on the breast with a cross humett^ or. Motto — " Spes mea Deus." Married, Jan. 18, 1888, Margaret Ada, dau. of William Hallam Elton, Esq., Commander R.N. ; and has /w?/?— Richard Christopher Gorges Foote, Gentleman, b. Aug. 22, 1894, Mary Corisande Margaret ; Cicely Agnes Gorges, and Elinor Christian Baird. Estate— S&5\dn Ryan, CO. Carlow, Ireland. Postal address— Si. Benet's, Kentish Town, London. FOOTNER (H. Coll.). Gules, on a bend argent, between a cuirass with tasses in chief and a morion in base both proper, a passion cross of the first between two ermine spots sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from clouds proper, a demi-eagle displayed sable, each wing charged with a morion proper, and holding in the beak a passion cross or. Motto — " Devoir." Son of : — Henry Footner, Gentleman, (J. . ^«.—" Lady field " Wilmslow, Cheshire. FORBES of Monymusk [c. 1672-7). Azure, on a chevron between thiee bears' heads couped argent, muzzled gules, a man's heart proper. Forbes of Pitsligo, Bt., paternally Forbes of Mony- musk (rematric. 1783 and 1865). Quarterly, i and 4 as above ; 2. Forbes of Pitsligo ; 3. Stuart of Fettercairn. Sir Wilham Stuart Forbes, 9th Bart. (q.v.). Forbes of Medwyn (rematric. 1899). Quarterly, i and 4.. Forbes of Monymusk, as above; 2 and 3, Forbes of Pitsligo, a crescent for difference. John Houblon Forbes of Medwyn, Esq. (q.v.). Forbes of Boyndlie (rematric. 1894). Quarterly, i and 4, Forbes of Monymusk, as above ; 2 and 3, Ogilvy. J. C . M. Ogilvie Forbes of Boyndlie, Esq. (q.v.). Forbes of Camphill (rematric. 28 Dec. 1903). Arms of Forbes of Monymusk as above, with a bordure or. Mantlmg azure, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his hveries, a man's heart proper, winged or. Motto— 'Spe expecto." Sons of the late Alexander Forbes of Dacea and Calcutta, and of The Galleries, Aberdeen, b. 1823 ; d. ^^^l\"Ac, • J*"^ Rebecca, d. of Lewis Duval of H.t.. l.CS. : — Patrick I-ewis Forbes, Gentleman, b. 5 July i860; m. 1892, Sarah Mildred, d. of James Blyth Leckie; and has issue— (i) Patrick Leckie Forbes, Gentleman, b. 6 Feb. 1893; (2) Alexander Stewart Forbes, Gentleman, b. 20 March 1894. i?«.— Egremont House, WiUoughby Road. Hampstead, London, N.W. & } > Alexander Duval Forbes," Gentleman, b. 13 Nov 186c Arms, Crest and Motto as Forbes of Camphill, but (rematric. 15 Feb. 1904) the bordure engrailed or] ; m 15 Dec. 1896, Elizabeth Shaw, d. of Harvey Hall, Esq.. J. P. CO. of Aberdeen. Capt. (ret.) 4th V.B. Gordon Highlanders, V.D. ; and has issue — Joan Duval. Post. add. — Lippakelle, Lindula, Cejrlon. C/«^j— Junior Constitutional, Hill Club (Nuwara Eliya, Ceylon). DUNCAN GEORGE FORBES of Culloden, Gentle- man. Born , being the eldest son of the late Joseph William Forbes, by his wife Sarah Dallas. Armorial bearings —Azure, on a chevron between three bears' heads couped argent, muzzled gules, as many unicorns' heads erased sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed or. Motto — " Salus per Christum." 5^a/— Culloden House, Inver- ness. SJOHN CHARLES MATTHIAS OGILVIE FORBES, Esquire, D.L. and J. P. for co. of Aberdeen, irnfflPft Masterof Arts. Z^fr« 1850, being the only son jrUVUt-.d of George Ogilvie Forbes, Esq., J. P. for co. of Aberdeen, of Boyndlie, in the co. of Aber- deen, Doctor of Medicine, by his wife Jane, third daughtei of Robert Cordiner. Armorial bearingrs— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure on a chevron between three bears' heads couped argent muzzled gules, a man's heart proper (for Forbes) ; 2 and 3 quarterly i. and iiii. argent, a lion passant guardant gules, imperially crowned proper ; ii. and iii. argent, a cross engrailed sable, all within a bordure azure (for Ogilvie). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a man's heart proper, winged or, and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Spe expecto;" and under the arms the Motto, " Toujours fidele." Married, firstly, June 2, 1890, Christine Mary (d. 1897), dau. of Capt. George Augustus Vaughan ; and has Issue— (x) George Arthur Drostan Ogilvie Forbes, Gentleman, b. 1891, and Rebecca Edith Mary. He married secondly, Sept. 19, 1899, Anne Marguerite, second dau. of Col. I^enox Pren- dergast, and has issue, (2) Neill Charles Ogilvie Forbes is the Naval Cockade. al 498 JTor jFor Gentleman. *. I>c. la. 1900; (3) David Colum Forbes. Gentleman, *. 1904 ; and Marion Katharine. Postal ad- dress — Boyndlie, Fraserburgli, N.B. Cluis — Junior Con- stitutional and Royal Northern (Aberdeen). SJOHN HOUBLON FORBES of Medwyn. co. Peebles. Esquire. D.L. and J.P. co. Peebles, B.A. (Exeter Coll., Esq., I.P..D.L..byhis wife Mary Anne, dau. of John Archer Houblon of llallingbury Place. Herts. Armorial bear- ing! —Quarterly I and 4, azure, on a chevron argent. bft\\een three bears' heads couped of the last, muzzled gules, a heart proper, as his paternal coat ; a and 3, grand quarters, counlerquartered i. and iiii., azure, three liears' heads couped argent, muzzled gules; ii. and iii. , azure, three frasiers argent (for Pitsligo) ; in the centre of the grand quarters a crescent or, for difference ; and impaling the arms of Eraser, namely, quarterly i and 4. azure, three fraises argent ; a. gules, a lion rampant argent ; 3. argent, three piles gules. MantHwy azure, doubled argent. Chrest — On a wreath of his liveries, a hand issuing out of a Baron's coronet, holding a scimitar in bend all proper ; and in an escroll above this Motto, " Nee timide nee temcre." Married, March 1883, the Hon. Alexandra Katherine May Eraser, youngest dau. of the Rt. Hon. Alexander, 17th Lord Saltoun ; and has fssue — Dorothy Charlotte Mary Eleanor. Seat — Medwyn, West Linton, Pecbleshire. C/u6s — Junior Carlton, New (Edinburgh). NORMAN HAY FORBES, Esquire. Knight of Justice of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, a Member of His Majesty's Bodyguard for Scot- land (Royal Company of Archers), J.P. for co. of Kent Oxon.), B.L. (Scotland), Advocate. Bom August 22, 1852, being the eldest son of the late William Forbes of Medwyn, and for Tunbridge Wells, has Order of Mercy, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians of London, formerly Surgeon H.M. Army Med. Staff (1887-1890), Fellow of the Medical and Chirjirgical Society of London. Born March i, 1863, being the second son of the late Major Frederick Murray Hay Forbes, B.S.C. (great-grandson of seventeenth Lord Forbes), and of Honoria Matilda, third dau. of the late Rev. William Knox Marshall, B.D., Rector of Holton, and Prebendary of Hereford Cathedral. Livery -{Undress) Dark blue, primrose and black striped waistcoat, silver ^ is tlie Military Cockade. jFor JFOt 499 buttons, drab overcoat, dark blue facinsjs. Armorial bearings — Azure, three bears' heads couped argent, muzzled gules, within a bordure counter-compony of the second and first, charged with three crescents counter- changed ; and as a Knight of Justice, the Chief of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the liveries, a stag's head couped proper. Mottoes — (above) ' ' Grace me guide," (below) " Lo- nach." Married, Jan. 12, 1897, Ellen, younger dau. of the late Jason Wilshin of Hayes, Middlesex, and widow of the late C. W. Robinson of Bromley, Kent ; and has Issue — Eilidh MacLeod Hay Forbes. Postal address — Drum- minor, Calverley Park, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Club — Constitutional. Sir WILLIAM STUART FORBES of Pitsligo, 9th Baronet (Nova Scotia, March 31, 1626). Born June 16, 1835, being the son of the late Charles Hay Stuart Forbes of Blackford House, near Edinburgh (third son of the 7th Bart.), by his wife Jemima Rebecca, third dau. of the late Alexander Macdonnell of Glengarry ; succeeded his uncle Mav 27, 1866. Armorial bearings— Quarterly, i. azure, on a chevron argent, betvyeen three bears' heads couped of the last, muzzled gules, a man's heart proper (for Forbes of Monymusk) ; 2. counter-quartered i. and iiii. , .azure, three bears' heads couped argent, muzzled gules (for Forbes of Pitsligo ; ii. and iii., azure, three frases argent (for Eraser)'; 3. or, a bend gules, surmounted by a fesse chequy azure and argent, in chief a crescent of the third (for Stuart of Fettercairn). Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent by an orange-tawny ribbon his badge as a Baronet of Nova Scotia, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crest, issuing out of a Baron's coronet a dexter hand holding a scimitar proper, motto over, " Nee temere nee timide" (for Forbes). Supporters Two bears proper. Motto " Fax mentis honestae gloria." Manied, at Nelson, New Zealand, July 1, 1865. Marion, third dau. of J. Watts of Bridgend, Nelson, New Zealand ; and has Issue— {i) Charles Hay Hepburn "Forbes, Esq., b. June 3, 1871 ; (2) Kenneth Macdonnell Forbes, Esq.. b. 1873, d. 1876; (3) William Forbes, Esq., *. 1876; (4) Hugh Forbes, Esq., b. June, 20, 1882; Emma Louisa ; Mary Elizabeth ; Katherine Evelyn Stuart ; Ade- laide Amy ; Beatrice FuUerton ; and Georgiana Gordon. Seat — Carterton, Wellington, New Zealand, ALEXANDER JOHN FORBES-LEITH, Gentleman, of Fyvie Castle, in the co. of Aberdeen. i?ase or. Mantling azure and argent. OrMtt — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion per bend or and azure, holding in the dexter paw a ship's mast with two sails furled proper and pennon flying gules, and resting the sinister on the stem of a ship as m the arms. Kotto — "Fortis in arduis." Manied, June 25, 1865, Emma Edge- worth, fourth dau. of Charles Hare, Kingslon-npon-Hull ; and has /««*—(i) James Ford, Gentleman, b. Feb. 27, 1868 ; (a) HeniV Ford, Gentleman, b. July 15, 1873 5 Lavinia Alice ; Kate ; Edith ; and Gertrude. Residence — 50 Coltman Street, Kingston-upon-HuU. S ALEXANDER DINGWALL FORDYCE. Bom 1873, being the elder son of the late William Ding- wall Fordyce, Esq., of Brucklay, J. P. and D.L. co. Aber- deen, M.P. CO. Aberdeen 1866-68, and E. Aberdeenshire 1868-75, by Christina, eldest dau. of Robert Horn, Dean of the Faculty of Advocates (Scotland). Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure, three bears' heads argent, muzzled gules (for Fordyce) ; 2. azure, a buck's head caboshed or between three mullets pierced argent (for Dingwall) ; 3. gules, a fesse chequy argent and azure, in chief a mullet of the second, the b»se wavy of the third, a bordure en- grailed or (for Linds). Mantling gules doubled argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the liveries, an eagle volant proper, holding in the claws an escroll with this Motto, " Altius ibunt qui ad summa nituntur" (for For- dyce) ; 2. upon a wreath of the liveries, a stag lodged proper. Motto — " In arduis fortis" (for Dingwall). Seat — Brucklay Castle, Aberdeen, N.B. STUE Late GEORGE CHARLES FORDYCE- BUCHAN, Esquire, J. P. for Berwickshire, Capt. Royal Artillery, died s.p. at Bloemfontein, May 21, 1900. Born August 23, 1867, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Col. William Fordyce ; served in the 74th Highlanders and Scots Guards (who assumed the surname of Buchan on succeeding his uncle George Buchan of Kelloe, in 1856), by his wife Anne, dau. of Field-Marshal Sir Hew Dalrymple Ross, G.C.B. , of Stonehouse. Livery Da.rk blue and yellow. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, a garb azure, banded or, between three lions' heads erased sable, on a chief ermine, a lion rampant gules ; 2 and 3, gules, a dagger in pale proper, point upwards, between three boars' heads couped or. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a camel's head couped at the neck prof)er. Motto— " Persevere." Seat — Kelloe Edrom, Berwickshire. WILLIAM FORREST, Gentleman. Bom 1819, being the only son of the late James Forrest, Writer to the Signet, by his wife Mary Cheque. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a mount, a forest of trees proper, on a chief azure, three stars of eight points of the first. Up)on the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a cubit arm erect, vested azure, the cuff argent, holding in the hand proper a cross botonny fitch6e in bend sinister of the second, and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " 'Vivunt dum virent." Married, 1840, Margaret, daughter of David Hill; and has /ssue — (i) William Forrest, Gentleman, born 1842 [married, 1864, Mary Ann, daughter of John Fowler, and has three sons and seven daughters] ; (2) James Hill Forrest, Gentleman, born 184s [married, 1870, Annie Maria, daughter of W. C. Ramsay, and has three sons and six daughters]; (3) the Rt. Hon. Sir John Forrest [to whom refer] ; (4) Alexander Forrest, Gentleman, Member of the Legislative Assembly for West Kimberley, born 1849 [married, 1880, Amy, eldest daughter of Edward Barrett- Lennard, Gentleman, of Annan- dale, Western Australia, and has three sons and one daughter] ; (5) David Forrest, Gentleman, born 1852 [married Mary, daughter of John W. Parker, and has issue] : (6) Robert Forrest, Gentleman, bom 1854 [mar- issue]. Postal address — Leschenault, near Bunbury , Western Australia. FORREST (L.O.). Argent, on a mount, a forest of trees proper,, on a chief azure, three stars of eight points of the first. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect vested azure, cuffed argent, the hand proper, holding a cross botonny fitchew in bend sinister of the second. Motto— " Vivunt dum virent." Sons of William Forrest, Gentleman, of Glenbervie, Stonehaven, Kincardineshire, and Leschenault, Bun- bury, West Australia, b. 1819 ; m. 1840, Margaret Guthrie, d. of David Hill of Dundee : — William Forrest, Gentleman, b. 1842; m. 1864, Mary Anne, d. of John Fowler; and has issue (with seven daus.)— (i) Alexander Forrest, Gentleman, b. ; (2) Walter Forrest, Gentleman, b. ; (3) Edward Forrest, Gentleman, b. . Seat — Leschenault, nr. Bunbury, West Australia. The Rt. Hon. Sir John Forrest, G.C.M.G. (1901), K.C.M.G. (1891), and C.M.G. (1882), P.C. (1897), Knt. of the Italian Crown 1876, F.R.G.S., F.G.S., F.L.S., LL.D. (Camb.), Member of Legis. Assembly, West Aus- tralia, formerly Prime Minister of that Colony (1890-1901), Postmaster-General, Minister of Defence, and Minister for Home Affairs in the Commonwealth of Australia (1901- 1904). [Supporters as a G.C.M.G. — On either side a lion azure, each charged on the shoulder with a mullet of eight points and holding in the fore-paw a cross botonny fitch^e in bend dexter and sinister argent], b. 1847 ; m. 1876, Mar- garet Elvire, eld. d. of Edward Hamersley of Pyrton, nr. Guildford, W.A. , and niece of Hugh Hamersley of Pyrton Manor, Oxfordshire, England. Res. — The Bungalow, Perth, W.A. Ciubs—Athenxum, Melbourne (Melbourne), Weld (West Australia). ROBERT FORRESTER, formerly of Carbeth, Stirling, Gentleman. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a fesse wavy gules, between three hunting-horns sable, garnished and stringed vert, two mullets of the first. MantUng gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a hunting-hora sable, garnished and stringed vert. Residence— FREDERIC GREGORY FORSAITH, third Viscount de Fronsac (Holy Roman Empire, 1798). Born 1856, being the elder son of the late Frederic Forsaith, second Viscount de Fronsac, Capt. P. R. Rifle Corps (commanding Guard of Honour to Prince of Wales at Portland, Maine, in i860), ^ Is the Military Cockade. JFor by his wife Harriet, dau. of Maj.-Gen. Joseph Scott Tewett. Armorial bearings — Argent , a chevron engrailed gules JFor SOI between three griffins segreant vert, armed and meinbered of the second. Crest— A griffin's head between two wings vert. Motto—" Loyal a la mort." These arms are re- corded by Sir George Mackenzie, and were matriculated in L.yon Register, undated (circa 1672), by Forsyth of Tail- zertonn. In the male line Viscount de Fronsac is descended from a younger branch of the same family, and as a Cadet ought by the Scottish Law of Arms to I'e matriculate and have a proper difference officially assigned him. Residence —Montreal, Canada. American address — 1^ Somerset Street, Boston, U.S.A. FORSDIKE (H. Coll.). Barry wavy of four argent and azure, two arrows in saltire proper, on a chief wavy vert, a garb or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours a swan, wings elevated and addorsed, holding in the beak an arrow in bend both argent, between four bulrushes leaved and slipped two on either side proper. Son of : — William David Forsdike, Gentleman, b. . Res.— Parkfield House, Sheffield. FORSTER, see ARNOLD-FORSTER and HAIRE- FORSTER. WILLIAM DIXON FORSTER-COULL, Esquire, J.P. CO. Northumberland, is the eldest son of the late John Forster of Winlaton, in the County Palatine of Durham, by Isabella his wife, only dau. of Ephraim Dixon, late of Morpeth, and is the nephew of the late Robert Dixon-Coull of North Middleton Hall, both in the co. of Northumber- land. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, azure a uni- corn's head couped argent, in chief three annulets or (for CouU) ; 2 and 3 or, a chevron invected gules, between two bugle-horns in chief sable, stringed of the second, and as many tilting-spears in saltire, in baseof the third (for Forster). Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, in front of a uni- corn's head couped argent, gorged with a collar gemell azure, three annulets interlaced or (for CouU) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, issuant from a wreath of oak vert, a dexter arm embowed m armour, the hand in a gauntlet holding a tiltmg-spear proper (for Forster). Motto— "Ad fineni ^?T°,: ' ^'^'''''e^' Aug. 30, 1887, Judith Mary, eldest dau. Of John Foggo of Choppington, co. Northumberland; and has /fw — John Leslie Forster-CouU, Gentleman; and Mabel Beatrice. Estateand postal arfrfrwj— North Middle- ton, Morpeth. ©DOUGLAS METHUEN FORSYTH, Esquire. Com- mander Royal Navy (Retired). Born April 19, 1847 bemg the second surviving son of the Rev. John Hamilton Forsyth, M.A. Tnn. Coll., Cambridge, by his wife Mary Catherme, dau. and coheir of Lord Edward O'Bryen Cap- tarn Royal Navy, brother to James, last Marquess of Tho- mond. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent a chevron engrailed gules, between two gryphons segreant in chief azure, on the head of each an Eastern crown or, and in base a thistle leaved and slipped proper (for Forsyth) • 2 and 3, quarterly i. and iiii., gules, three lions passant guardant in pale per pale or and argent ; ii., argent, three piles meeting in point gules; iii., or, a pheon azure (for OBryen). Mantling gules and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a demi-gryphon vert, gorged with a collar gemel argent, and supporting with the sinister claw a thistle as in the arms. Motto — " Instaurator Ruina?." Married, Oct. i, 1874, Kate, eldest dau. of William O'Brien, Esq., formerly a Captain in the 53rd Regt. ; and has Issue— [\) Douglas William O'Bryen Forsyth, Gentle- man, Lieut. R.N.. b. Oct. 6, 1880; (2) Archibald Hamilton O'Bryen Forsyth, Gentleman, b. May 16, 1884; and Katharine Mary O'Bryen. Residence — Leavington House, Ryde, Isle of Wight. Clubs— ]\\xi\ov United Service, Royal Victoria Yacht (Ryde) ; Hon. Alember Royal Yacht Squad- ron (Cowes). M THOMAS HAMILTON FORSYTH, Esquire, Hon. W Col. in the Army, late Lieut.-Col. ist Batt. Duke of Edinburgh, Wiltshire Regt. (late 62nd). Born Dec. 29. 1843, being the eldest surviving son of Rev. John Hamilton Forsyth, M.A. Trin. Coll., Cam., Domestic Chaplain to 3rd Marquis of Thomond, and Mary Catherine his wife, younger daughter and co-heir of Lord Edward O'Bryen. brother of 2nd and 3rd Marquises of Thomond. Club — United Service. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4 (Forsyth), argent, a chevron engrailed gules, between two is the Naval Cockade. 5oa JTor JFO0 M segreani in cliief axure, on the head of each nn stern crown or, and in base a thistle leave«l and slip[>cd proper ; a and 3 (O'Bryen), quarterly i. and iiii., gules, three lions passant gwudant in pale i>er pale or and argent ; ii. argent, ihn-e piles meeting in point gules; iii., or, a pheon azure. Mantling gules and argi-nt. Orest— On a wreath of the colours, ;i dcmi-sryphon vert, gorged with a collar gemel argent, and supix>rting with the sinister claw a thistle as in the arms. MottO — " Instaurator Ruinae." Married, August 5, 1873, Anne Noel Noel, dau. of Edward Andrew Noel, Esq., of Clanna House, Alvington, Gloster, J. P. and D.L. for Gloucester, late Capt. 31st Regt. and of the Royal Body Guard, Gentleman-at-Arms ; and has Issue — (i) Ronald Graham Hamilton Forsyth, Gentleman, b. Dec. I, 1875 ; Annie Cecilia Noel ; and Mary Beatrice Gertrude. Residence — Northwold, Cavendish Road, Bournemouth. RICHARD FORT, Esquire, J. P. Bom July 29, 1856, being the eldest son of the late Richard Fort, Esq., of Read Hall and Sedgley Park, J. P. and D. L. , co. Lancaster, by his wife Margaret Ellen, youngest daughter of Major- General John Nicholas Smith, Honourable East India Company's Service, and widow of Captain Smith, Honour- able E^t India Company's Service. Clubs — Arthur's, Brooks's. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms ; Quar- terly, azure and gules a castle with two towers proper, on a chief argent a bee volant proper between two martlets sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a rock proper a lion sejant gules bezants, collared gemel or, holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet fitch^e sable. Married, August 2, 1882, Alice Anna, second daughter of the late Henry Blundell Leigh, Esquire. Seat — King's Standing, Burton-on-Trent. 5 ARCHER IRVINE FORTESCUE. Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for Kincardineshire and Orkney. Bom Dec. 12, 1819, being the son of the iate Rev. William Fortescue, LL. B. , by his first wife Isabel Barclay, second dau. of James Christie of Durie, co. Fife. Armorial bear- ings — Azure, a bend engrailed argent, plain cotised or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an heraldic tiger statant argent, armed, maned, and tufted. Motto — " Forte scrutum salus ducum. " Mar- ried, Aug. 1848, Anne Irvine, dau. of Patrick Syme ; and has /ssue~{i) William Archer Fortescue, Gentleman, b. April 5, 1851 [m., April 18, 1877, Edith Virginia, dau. of John Robert Duguid ; and has issue. Archer Fortescue, Gentleman, b. July 6, 1880 ; John Faithful Fortescue, Gentleman, b. June 6, i88^; and William Grenville For- tescue, Gentleman, b. May 26, 1897]; (3) Archer Irvine Boswell P'ortescue, b. Oct. 2, 1852, d. March 1853; (3) Thomas Dyke Acland Fortescue, Gentleman, b. Aug. 30, 1856; Isabella Barclay [«., April 12, 1883, Peter Duguid of Auchlimes, Kincardineshire, and Bourtie, co. Al)erdecn ; and has issue |; Anne Margaret (»/., July 1892, Lieut. -Col. Francis Newell Innes, R.A., only surviving son of Col. Thomas Innes of I.«arney, co. Aberdeen; and has issue]; Eliza Mary, d. Dec. 26, 1879; Eleanor Balfour; Jessy Thomson; and Harriet Susan Pringle, d. unmarried, Nov. 18, 1896. .S>«/j—Kingcausie, Aberdeen; Swanbister, Kirk- wall, N.B. FORTESCUE (U.O.). Azure, a bend engrailed argent, cottised or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an heraldic tiger prof)er, supporting with his forepaw an escutcheon proper. Motto—' ' Forte scutum salus ducum." Son of Major Frederick Richard Norman Fortescue, b. 1823; d. 1867; m. i860, Marion Jane, eld. d. of Gen. Garstin, R.E. :— Matthew Charles Edward Fortescue, Esq., J. P. and D.L. CO. Louth (High Sheriff 1903), Major 6th Batt. Roy. Irish Rifles, b. 1861 ; m. 1894, Edith Magdalen, eld. d. of Sir Charles Arthur P'airlie Cuninghame, roth Bart. Seats— Stephenstown and Clermont Park, co. Louth. FORWARD, quartered by HOWARD and LINDSAY. SSiR DUDLEY BAINES FORWOOD, 2nd Baronet, Captain I^ncashire Artillery, S. Div. R. A. , educated at Harrow. Born May 31, 1875, being the eldest son of the late Rt. Hon. Sir Arthur Bower Forwood, ist Baronet, P.C., M. P. , by his wife Mary Ann Eliza, dau. of Thomas Baines, F.S.A. Armorial bearings— Per fesse or and azure, in chief a cormorant sable, beaked and membered g[ules, between two fleurs-de-lis of the second, in base an ancient galley or, sail argent, the escutcheon being charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, and impaling the arms of Lockett, namely, or, on a chevron engrailed gules, between two stags' heads couped proper in chief, and a rose of the second in base, two padlocks of the first. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, between two wings argent, the battlements of a lower, thereon in front of a stag's head two hatches in saltire prop)er. Married, July 24, 1901, Norah Isabella, dau. of Richard R. Lockett, Gentleman, of Alexandra Drive, Liverpool. Seat — The Priory, Gateacre, Liverpool. Town residence — 24 Hans Crescent, London, S.W. Clubs^ Windham, Hurlingham. Sir WILLIAM BOWER FORWOOD, Knight Bachelor, J. P. for counties of Lancaster and Chester, and for the city of Liverpool. Born 1840, being the son of Thomas Brittain Forwood, Esq., J. P., of Thornton Manor, co. Chester, by his wife Charlotte, dau. of the late William Bower of Liverpool ; Mayor of Liverpool, 1881 ; dubbed Knight Bachelor 1883. Armorial bearings- Per fesse or and azure, in chief a cormorant sable between two fleurs-de-lis of the second, and in base an antique ship, oars in action. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on the battlements of a tower, therefrom issuant a stag's head, two battle-axes in saltire, all between as many wings argent; with the Motto, "Fide virtute et labore. " Married, firstly, 1862, Mary (d. 1896), only daughter of William Miles Moss of Ellerslie, in the county of Lan- caster ; and has Issue — Harold Forwood, Esq., born 1864. He 7n. secondly, 1898, Elizabeth, third dau. of the late General Le Fleming, J. P. and D.L., of Rydall Hall, Westmorland. Postal address — Bromborough Hall, Cheshire. Club — Junior Carlton. LiEUT.-CoLONEL GEORGE VINCENT FOSBERY, V.C. Born , being the eldest son of the late Rev. Thomas Vincent Fosbery, Clerk in Holy Orders, late Vicar of Christchurch, Reading. Armorial bearings Gules, three pheons chevronwise or, between as many lions rampant of the last, each gorged with a collar gemel azure. Mantling gules and or. Crest- Upon a wreath of the colours, two lions' gambs erased, the dexter or, the sinister gules, holding a pheon per pale of the last and the n is tbe Military Cocluule. jro0 JFO0 503 first. Motto— "Non nobis solum." J?estdence —Victoria. Square, S.W. FOSTER, see GRAHAM-FOSTER-PIGOTT. FOSTER, quartered by GRANT-DILTON and WARD. FOSTER (H. Coll.). Per chevron azure and ermine, a chevron paly of eight argent and gules, between in chief a sun in splendour between two bugle-horns stringed all or, and in base a like bugle-horn. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— A stag's head erased proper, guttd-d'or, transfixed through the head by an arrow gold, headed and flighted argent. Motto — " Justum perficito nihil timeto." Sons of William Foster, Esq., of Harrowins, Queens- bury, CO. York, J. P., D.L. (High Sheriff Lanes. 1881), d. 1821; d. 1884; m. ist, 1848, Emma Eliza (d. 1865), only d. of Swithin .^nderton, Esq., J. P., of Bradford ; 2nd, Mary Ellen, only d. of Thomas Hornby of Flotmanby, Yorks. : — William Henry Foster, Esq. {^.v.), of Hornby Castle. Robert John Foster, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. York, 6. 1850 ; m. 1884, Hon. Evelyn Augusta Bateman-Hanbury, d. of William, 2nd Lord Bateman ; and has issue — (i) Gerald Robert Foster, Gentleman, 6. 1885 ; (2) Cecil Geoffrey Foster, Gentleman, 6. 1892 ; (3) William Edward Foster, Gentleman, i. 189.S ; and Agnes Evelyn. Seats — Harrowins, Queensbury, Bradford, Yorks. ; Stockeld Park, Wetherby, Yorks. Frederick Charles Foster, Esq., J. P. West Rdg. Yorks, Capt. and Hon. Major 2nd West York Yeo. Cav., d. 1851. /?e.r.— Prospect House, Queensbury, Bradford, York.s. Herbert Anderton Foster, Esq., J. P. West Rdg. Yorks., Hon. Col. 2nd West York Art. Vols., 6. 1853. Seai — Little Moor, Queensbury, Bradford, Yorks. Arthur Wellesley Foster, Esq. (y.v.). Yr. sons of John Foster, Esq., J. P. of Hornby Castle, Lanes., and Queensbury, Yorks., i. 1798 ; d. 1879 ; m. 1820, Ruth, d. of Abraham Briggs of Northowram, Halifax : — Abraham Briggs Foster, Esq., J. P., and D.L. co. Stafford (High Sheriff 1884), J.P. West Rdg. Yorks, d. 1829; m. 1862, Rosamond Susanna, d. of John Staveley of Withwood Heath, Worcs. ; and has issue — Philip Staveley Foster, Gentleman, Lieut. Staffs. Yeom., 6. 1865 [w. 1890, Louisa Frances, elder d. of Col. PYancis Charteris Wemyss ; and has issue — Philip Wilfred Wemyss Foster, Gentleman, 6. 1891 ; Ronald Foster, Gentleman, d. 1896; and Irene Frances] ; and Rosamond Isabel [m. 1890, William Edmund Pollexfen Bastard of Lyneham]. Seais — Canwell Hall, Staffs. ; Northowram Hall, Yorks. ; Egton Lodge, Yorks. John Foster, Esq., J.P. for N. and W. Rdgs. Yorks., J.P. and D.L. Oxfordshire (High Sheriff 1890), d. 1832; m. 1865, Fanny Elizabeth, d. of Robert Hudson, Esq., J.P., of Roundhay, Yorks. ; and has issue — (1) John Kenneth Foster, Gentleman, 6. 1866 [m. 1896, Mary, d. of John Ussher of The Dene, Northwich ; and has issue—Barbara Elizabeth Marie]; (2) Robert Lionel Foster, Gentleman, d. 1870; (3) Charles Percival Foster, Gentleman, Lieut. Royal Scots Greys, 6. 1872 ; (4) Alwyn Foster, Gentleman, Lieut. 7th Batt. King's R. Rifles, 6. 1874 ; (5) Francis Edward Foster, Gentleman, 6. 1876; and Edith Maude. Seats— Coombe Park, co. Oxford ; Egton Lodge, Yorks. : Thornton Hall, Yorks. FOSTER of Anstey Hall (1850). Azure, on a pile between two bugle-horns in base stringed or, another bugle- horn stringed of the field. Maintling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-stag or, sem6 of pheons, and holding between the legs a bugle-horn azure. Motto— " Virtutis Prasmium honor." Sons of George Ebenezer Foster of Brooklands, co. Cambs. (High Sheriff 1868), d. 1811 ; d. 1870 ; m. ^ Elizabeth, d. of William ^ird of Bishop's Stortford :— Ebenezer Bird Foster, Esq., J.P. and D.L. Cambs. (High Sheriff 1882), d. 1838 ; m. 1870, Mary Campbell, d. of Rev, Preb. Richard Snowdon Smith. 5ea^— Anstey Hall, Trumpington, Cambs. Ciuis— Union, City. George Edward Foster, Esq., J.P. Camb ., B.A. {Lond.},i. 1840. 5m/— Brooklands, Cambridge. Charles Finch Foster, Gentleman, d. 1841 ; m. and has issue. ./?«,— Pinehurst, Cambridge. Sons of John Nathaniel Foster of Sandy Place, Beds.:— Rev. Albert John Foster, M.A. (Oxon.), d. 1843; is m. and has issue six sons. J^es. — Wootlon Vicarage, Beds. Clud — New University. Lt.-Col. Hubert John Foster, R.E., d. 1855. Clui— United Service. Sons of Edmond Foster, d. 1814 ; d. 1888 :— Edmond B'oster, Gentleman, m. and has issue — Hubert Edmond Forter, Esq., Capt. Middx. Regt., 6. 1871 ; and one dau. /?«.— Avondale, Guildford. Cluds—Reiorm, County (Guildford). John Ebenezer Foster, Gentleman, 6. 1847; m. and has issue two daus. Hes.—^o Petty Cury, Cambridge. Son of Henry Staples Foster : — Frederick Charles Foster, Gentleman. lies. — Stamwell Lodge, Thorndon, Suffolk. Son of William Foster : — Richard John P'oster, Gentleman. /?«.— Finchley Road, London. ARTHUR WELLESLEY FOSTER, Esquire, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the county of Hereford. Master of the South Herefordshire Hounds 1897- 1900 ; Lieut. Shropshire Yeomanry Cavalry. Born June 18, 1855, being the fifth son of the late William Foster, Esq., of Hornby Castle, in co. Lancaster, and Queensbury, in co. York, D.L. and J.P. for the cos. of York and Lancaster, by his wife Emma Eliza, dau. of Swithin Anderton, Esq., J.P. Lively — Blue coat, red waistcoat, silver buttons, light box-cloth overcoat with silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears foi Arms : Party per chevron azure and ermine, a chevron paly of eight argent and gules, between a sun in splendour and three bugle-horns stringed, two in chief and one in base all or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased proper, attired and gutt^e- d'or, pierced through the head with an arrow gold, feathered argent; with the Motto, "Justunj perficito nihil timeto." Married, 1885, Alice Madeline, dau. of E. D. Jordan of Boston, in the United States of America; and has Issue — (i) Cuthbert Wellesley Foster, Gentleman, b. March 29, 1887 ; (2) Arthur Cedric Foster, Gentleman, b. April 26, 1891. Estates — Brockhampton Court, and Fawley Court, Ross, in the county of Hereford. Postal address — Brockhampton Court, near Ross, Hereford. (Railway Station — Fawley, G.W. R. ; Telegrams— Brockhampton). Clubs — Cavalry, Orleans, Herefordshire County. Sir AUGUSTUS VERE FOSTER, fourth Baronet, of Glyde Court, in the county of Louth. J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1901. Born March 30, 1873, being the son of Major John Frederick Foster, by his wife Caro- line Emily, dau. of T. C. Chisenhale Marsh of Gaynes Park, in the county of Essex ; succeeded his grandfather 1890, under the creation of September 20, 1831. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Argent, a chevron vert between three bugles sable, stringed gules. Upon the es- cutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Raronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag trippant proper. Motto — "Divini gloria ruris." Married, Oct. 25, 1894, Cearlotte Philippa Marian, third dau. of Rev. H. E. B. ffolkes. Rector of Hillington, Norfolk ; and has Issue — Philippa Eug^nie- Verc ; and Dorothy Elizabeth Charlotte Vere. Seat — Glyde Court, Ardee. § EDMUND BENSON FOSTER, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, Deputy-Lieutenant. Born April 5, 1824, being the only son of the late Edmund Foster, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Berkshire, by his wife Maria, only daughter and heiress of Arthur Benson of New Crofts, Hillingdon, in the county of Middlesex. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Ermine, on a chevron indented gules a chevronel or be- tween three bugle-horns vert, and as many cross crosslets fitch<^e, one in chief and two in base of the second, and impaling the arms of Grove, namely ermine, on a chevron engrailed gules three escallops, the centre one or, the others argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed. is tbe Naval Cockade. S04 jro0 jro0 veslmi gv\es, in the hnnd proper a tilting-spear also proper, suspended from the wrist a buglc-hom or. MottO — " Spec- lemur agendo." Afarried, August 4, 1874, Edith Eleanor, second daughter of Sir 'I'homas Eraser Grove, the first liaronet, of Ferne ; and has Issue — (i) Edward Mayntun CJrove Footer, (lentlcman, born August 16, 1879; (a) Thomas Bayniun Grove Foster, Gentleman, born July 19, 1884 ; Eveljrn Grace May ; Florence Constantia Cicely ; and Ruth Edith. AVa/— Clewer Manor, Windsor, in the county of Berkshire. EMMA FOSTER, of The Hall. Thome, W.R. co. of York, Widow of the late John Foster of Ncwhall Grange, nesu- Maltbv, co. York (J. Oct. 16, i88iK and eldest dau. of the late Makin Durham of The Hall, I'horne, aforesaid, also dcce;\sed. Armorial beaiingB (arms of Foster)— Er- mine, a bugle-horn vert, g.arnished and stringed or, on a cliief arched gules, two roses argent. Seat — Ihe Hall, Thorne, near Doncaster, co. York. FREDERICK DURHAM FOSTER, Gentleman. Chair- man of the District Council and School Board, and Presi- dent of the Agricultural Society of Thorne. Horn Oct. 5, 1851. being the son of the late John Foster of Newhall Grange, near Maltby, co. York, by Emma his wife [to whom refer], eldest dau. of Makin Durham of The Hall, Tliome. Armorial bearings — Ermine, a bugle-horn veri, garnished and strinRed or, on a chief arched gules, two roses argent. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of fern, a deer-hound statant proper, gorged with a collar flory counterflory, with a chain pendent or. Motto— " Vi et visu." Postal address— TYiC Hall. Thorne, W.R. co. York. S HARRY SEYMOUR FOSTER, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Suffolk, and in the Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London (Sheriff 1891), Member of Parliament for the Lowestoft Division of the county of Suffolk since 1892, Consul-General of Persia. Bom April 29, 1855, being the second son of the late Samuel Green Foster of 69 Tulse Hill, S.W., by his wife Georgiana Amelia, daughter of D. T. Egerton, Esq., R. A. Armorial bearings— He liears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron invected gules, between two bugle-horns sable, stringed of the second in chief, and the attires of a stag affixed to the scalp in base of the third, two fasces chevron ways or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a fasces erect, a stag trippant proper, and pendent from the attires a bugle-horn stringed sable ; with the Motto, " Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re." Married, June 6, 1878, Amy, second daughter of the late John Sparks of East- bourne ; and has Issue — (i) Claude Seymour Foster, Lieut. 3rd (King's Own) Hussars, Gentleman, born 1880; (2) Bertram Egerton Foster, Gentleman, born r88i ; (3) Harry Gordon Foster, Gentleman, R.N.R., born 1884 ; Madeline Violet ; Florence Muriel ; and Helen Louise. Postal address— 132 Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. Clubs— Carlton, City Carlton, Northumberland and Northern Counties, and Royal Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht. HENRY DURETT FOSTER, Esquire. J. P. Corn- wall. Bom July 24, 1850, being the seventh but fifth surviving son of the late Richard Foster, Esq., J. P., of Castle Lostwithiel, Cornwall, by his wife Caroline, dau. of Thomas Robins of Liskeard. Armorial bearings — PtT pale sable and gules, on a saltire ermine, a bugle- horn vert, stringed of the second, between four escallops of the fourth. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a horse's head couped azure, charged on the neck with three escallops in fesse within a collar gemel, and in the mouth an arrow in bend, point down- wards or. Married, Sept. 14, 1886, Louise Amelie Andrte de Lubersac, fifth dau. of Comte Charles Ernest de Lubersac ; and has Issue — Muriel Durett ; and Joyce Armorel. Seat — Treledan, Bodmin. JAMES FOSTER, Esquire, late Captain Grenadier Guards, J. P. co. Salop. Bom March 11, 1853, being the second son of the late William Orme Foster, Esq., J. P. and D. L. cos. Stafford and Salop, M. P. for South Staffordshire 1857-68, High Sheriff CO. Wexford 1876, and High Sheriff for Shropshire 1883, by his wife Isabella, dau. of Henry Graze- brook. Armorial bearings Party per pale argent and sable, on achevrona])heon Iwtween two escallops, in chief as many pheons, and in pale two escallops all counlerchanged. MMtlfng sable and argent. Orest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of an antelope's head erased proper, gorged with a collar vair ringed and lined or, an escallop Ijetween two pheons fessewise of the last. Motto -"Excitari non hebescere." Seat — Woodcote, Newport, Salop. Clubs — Guards', Boodle's. JAMES FOSTER, Gentleman, formerly 83rd Regt. and King's Dragoon Guards. Born Feb. 12, 1822, being the third son of the late William Foster of Wordsley House, afterwards of Stourton Court, co. Stafford, by his wife Charlotte, dau. of William Orme of Dulwich. Armorial bearing^ — Per pale argent and sable, on a chevron a pheon between two escallops, in chief as many pheons, and in pale two escallops all counterchanged, and impaling the arms of Curteis, namely, argent, a chevron sable tetween three bulls' heads cabossed gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, in front of an antelope's head erased proper, gorged with a collar vair ringed and lined or, an escallop between two pheons fesse- wise of the last. Motto— " Excitari non hebescere." Married, July 30, 1867, Ida Frances Mary, dau. of Regi- nald Curteis of Windmill Hill, Sussex ; and has Issue -{\) Percy Reginald Foster, Gentleman, b. June 20, 1870 \m., 1887, Alice Dora, youngest dau. of John F. Devitt of Wolverhampton]; and Evelyn Ida Isobel \in., Sept. i, 1892, Lord Grey de Ruthyn]. ^«a^— Cranborne Hall, Windsor. , JOHN FOSTER, Gentleman, being the third but only surviving son of the late Percival Foster of Clent House, Stourbridge, by his wife Ellen, dau. of John Barker. Ar- morial bearings - Party per pale argent and sable, on a chevron a pheon between two escallops, in chief as many pheons, and in pale two escallops all counterchanged. Mantling sable and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, in front of an antelope's head erased proper, gorged is the Military Cockade. jro0 JFO0 505 with a collar vair ringed and lined or, an escallop between two pheons fessewise of the last. Motto— " Excitari non hebescere. ' ' Residence — JOSEPH FOSTER, Gentleman, Hon. M.A. (Oxon). Clubs — Royal Societies', Savage. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules on a chevron cotised argent, between three bugle-horns stringed or, an escallop between two fleurs-de-lis sable, a canton ermine thereon a cross couped or (for Foster) ; 2 and 3, sable, a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a horse's head couped azure, maned, charged on the neck with three escallops in fesse, within a collar gemel, and in the mouth an arrow in bend, the point downward or. Married, August 15, i860, Elizabeth Robins, daughter of Thomas Simon Bolitho of Trengwainton, Penzance ; and has Issue — An only child, Caroline Elizabeth Mabel. Es- tates — Lanwithan and Castle, both near Lostwithiel ; and Windsworth, Looe, all in the county of Cornwall. Postal address — Lanwithan, Lostwithiel. RICHARD ANDREWS FOSTER, Gentleman. Ar- morial bearings — Gules, two bendlets nebuly argent between a greyhound sejant in chief and a bugle-horn stringed in base or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a greyhound sejant or, gorged with a collar gemel, therefrom pendant a bugle- horn, stringed gules between two branches of oak, leaved and fructed proper. Motto — " Semper fidelis." Seat— Tutshill House, Sidenham, co. Gloucester. THOMAS ROBINS FOSTER, Gentleman. Born Sept. 23, 1839, being the third son of the late Richard Foster, Esq. , of Castle Lostwithiel, Cornwall, J. P. and D.L., sometime High Sheriff, by Caroline his wife, dau. of Thomas Robins of Liskeard. Armorial bearings— Per pale sable and gules, on a saltire ermine, a bugle-horn vert, stringed of the second, between four escallops of the fourth, and on an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Carlyon, namely sable, a plate between three towers argent, each charged with a cross crosslet gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a horse's head couped azure, maned, charged on the neck with three escallops in fesse within a collar gemel, and in the mouth an arrow in bend, the point downwards, or. Married, April 16, 1863, Julia, dau. and eventual heiress of the late John Carlyon, Gentleman, M.A. Cantab., Coroner for the county of Cornwall ; and has Issue — Ethel Robins ; Bertha Robins ; Ida Maude Robins ; and Kathleen May Robins. Postal address — 3 Strangways Terrace, Truro, Cornwall. § WILLIAM HENRY FOSTER, Esquire, M.P. for Bridgnorth 1870-85, J. P. and D.L. Salop (High Sheriff goat's head erased argent, between three garbs or, a bordure of the last, charged with eight cross crosslets fitch(5e gules (for Birket) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a greyhound current argent, gorged with a wreath of hawthorn vert, holding in the mouth by the string gules a bugle-horn or; with the Motto "Persevere." Postal address — 21 Boundary Road Finchley Road, London, N.W. § LEWIS CHARLES FOSTER, Esquire, V.D., J.P. for Cornwall and Liskeard, Lt.-Col. and Hon. Col. 2 Vol. Batt. Duke of Cornwall's Lt. Inf. Born 1844, being the sixth but fourth surviving son of the late Richard Foster, Esq., J. P., of Castle Lostwithiel, Cornwall, by his wife Caroline, dau. of Thomas Robins of Liskeard. Armorial bearings -Per pale sable and gules, on a saltire ermine, a bugle-horn vert, stringed of the second, between four escallops of the fourth. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a horse's head couped azure, maned, charged on the neck with three escallops in fesse within a collar gemel, and in the mouth an arrow in bend, point downwards, or. Married, Aug. 11, 1868, Frances Trevenen, eld. dau. of Rev. J. Penrose of Exmouth ; and ha.s Issue— [\) Edward Rich Foster, Gentleman; (2) Lewis Penrose Foster, Gentleman ; Winifred Penrose ; Beatrice Penrose ; Margaret Penrose ; Dorothy Penrose ; and Cicely Penrose. Seat — Trevillis, Liskeard, Cornwall. § RICHARD FOSTER, Esquire, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, D.L., J.P. for the co. of Corn- wall, High Sheriff 1886-87. Born October 29, 1836, being the eldest oon of Richard Foster, Esq. , sometime High Sherift, by his wife Caroline, daughter of Thomas Robins of Liskeard. Liver} — Blue and silver. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Per pale sable and gules, on a saltire ermine, a bugle-horn vert, stringed of the second, between four escallops of the fourth. Upon the escutcheon is placed a 1903), I. P. CO. Northants. Born April 9, 1846, being eldest son of" the late William Orme Foster, Esq., J.P. and D.L. is tlie Naval Coclmde. 5o6 iFo0 JFO0 COS. StafTord and Salop, M. P. for South Staffordshire 1857- 68, High Sheriff ca Wexford, Migh Sheriff for Shropshire 1883. by his wife Isabella, dau. of lieiiry Grazebrook of LiverpooL Armorial bearing! Party per pale argent and sable, on a chevron a pheon between two escallops, in chief as many pheons and in pale two escallops, all counicrchanged, and impaling the arms of I'akenham- Mahon, namely, quarterly i and 4, or, a lion rampant asure, armed and langued gules ; a and 3, quarterly or ami gules, in the first quarter an eagle displayed vert. Mantltng sable and argent Crest On a wreath uf the colours, in front of an antelope's head erased proper, gorged with a collar vair, ringed and lined or, an escallop between two pheons fessewise of the last. Motto — " Excitari non hcbescere." Married, March 7, 1874. Henrietta Grace, dau. uf Henry Sandford Fakenham- Mahon, Elsq. , of Strokestown House, co. Roscommon ; and has Issue -(i) Arthur William Foster, Gentleman, b. Feb. 8, 1884 ; Grace Ethel ; Mabel ; and Dorothy. Seats Apley Park, Bridgnorth, Salop, ;»nd Spratlon Grange, Northamp- ton. Clubs Carlton, Wellington. S WILLIAM HENRY FOSTER, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Lancaster, for which he served the office of High Sheriff in 1891, and Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the West Riding of the county of York, Lite Honorary Colonel and Lieutenant-Colonel connnanding the West York) Prince of Wales' Own) Yeomanry Cavalry, M. P. Lancaster Div. 1895-1900. Bom November 15, 1848, being the eldest son uf the late William Foster, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Lancaster and the West Riding of the county of York, by his wife Emma Eliza, daughter of Swithin Anderton, EJsquire, Justice of the Peace, of Bradford. Clubs — Carlton, St. Stephen's, Cavalry, &c. Livery — Blue coat, blue and red siri|x.'(l waistcoat, red piping, and silver buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Party has Issue — (i) William John Foster, Gentleman, born October ii, died October 13, 1879 ; (2) Henry Cyril Foster, Gentleman, born April 14, 189^ ; Henrietta Marjory ; Gladys Edith ; and Hermione Lilian. Estates — Hornoy Castle ; and Queensbury, in the West Riding of the county of York. Postal address — Hornby Castle, Lancaster. Honourable WILLIAM JOHN FOSTER, a Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of New South Wales. Horn Jan. 13, 1831, being the second son of the Rev. William Henry Foster of Ix>ugh Gilly, co. Armagh, and of Alta- menagh, Donegal, Ireland, Rector of Lough Gilly, by Catherine, dau. of lames Hamilton of Brown Hall, Ballintra. Armorla bearings Argent, a chevron vert between three bugle-horns sable, stringed gules. Mantling vert and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a stag trippant proper. Motto — " Divini gloria ruris." Afarried, Aug. 8, 1854, Matilda Sophia, dau. of John Williams of Landigige, Pembrokeshire, South Wales; and has /ssi/e {i) Arthur William John Foster, Gentleman, 6. June 24, 1855 ; (2) William Henry Foster, Gentleman, b. May 24, 1856 [/«. , 1886, Ella, dau, of George Clift, and has issue] ; (3) Thomas Chichester James Foster, Gentleman, b. Sept. 5, 1858 ; (4) Edward Pakenhani Foster, Gentleman, b. June 25, i86o; (s) F'rederick Leopold Foster, Gentleman ; (6) Charles Ernest Foster, Gentleman, b. Dec. i, 1871 ; (7) Rodolph Wellesley Foster, Gentleman, b. Sept. 26, 1874; Catherine Janef/«., 1882, Lieut. Henry John Jeffreys, R.N.]; Wil- belmina Rosalind [»«., 1886, W. M. St. Clair Maclardy of Sydney] ; and Helen Mary Elizabeth. Seat — Thumby, Newtown, New South Wales, Australia. per chevron azure and ermine, a chevron paly of eight argent and gules, between a sun in splendour and three bugle-horns stringed, two in chief and one in base all or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased proper, attired and gutt6e-d'or, pierced through the head with an arrow gold, feathered argent; with the Motto, " Justum f>er- ficito nihil timeto." Married, February 5, 1879, Henrietta, daughter of the Reverend Canon Warneford, Master of Arts, of Warneford Pl.ice, in the county of Wiltshire; and WILLIAM MELLIAR FOSTER-MELLIAR, Esquire, J. P. COS. Somerset and Oxford, High Sheriff of Oxford 1864. Born April 12, 1836, being the eldest son of the late Andrew Foster (who assumed by Royal License, Nov. 13, 1840, the additional surname of Melliar), by his wife Elizabeth, only dau. of the Rev. Aaron Foster, Vicar of Kingston, near Taimton. Armorial bearings— Argent, three mullets gules, on a chief azure, an annulet or, between two fleurs-de-lis of the field (for Melliar). Mantling gules and argent. Crest^On a wreath of the colours, in front of a lion's gamb erect and couped or, holding a branch of myrtle proper, two niascles inter- is tbe Military Cockade. JfO0 jrot 507 laced fesseways azure. Mottoes— " Semper eadem," and '•Cupiomeliora." Married, June 30, 1857, Louisa Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. Charles Ward, M.A., Rector of Maulden, Beds. 5tfa/— North Aston Hall, Deddington, Oxford. JAMES FOSTER- VESEY- FITZGERALD, Esquire, B.A. of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Barrister-at-Law. Born 1846, being the eldest son of the late James Foster- Vesey-Fitz- gerald, Esq., J. P. and D. L. for co. Clare (High Sheriff 1868), and J. P. for co. Galway [third son of the late John Leslie Foster, M. P. , Baron of the Irish Exchequer, by Hon. Letitia, second dau. of the Rt. Hon. James FitzGerald, and Catherine (in her own right Baroness FitzGerald and Vesey)] ; who assumed by Royal License the additional names and arms of Vesey and FitzGerald in i860, on the death of the Rt. Hon. Henry Vesey-FitzGerald, 3rd Baron FitzGerald by his wife Henrietta Louisa, dau. of Sir Ross Mahon, ist Baronet. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, quar- terly i. and iiii. ermine, a salti;e gules (for FitzGerald) ; ii. and iii. or, on a cross sable, a patriarchal cross of the field (for Vesey) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron vert, between three bugle-horns sable, stringed gules (for Foster). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. on a ducal coronet or, a boar passant gules, charged with three annulets argent (for FitzGerald) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a hand in armour holding a laurel branch proper (for Vesey) ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, a stag trippant proper (for Foster). Motto — " Shanet a boo." Seat - Myoriesk, co. Clare. JOHN VESEY FOSTER -VESEY -FITZGERALD, Esquire, K.C., (B.A. Oxon.). Born 1848, being the eldest son of the late William Leslie Foster- Vesey-Fitz- Gerald, Esq., J. P., by Sarah Anne, only child of the laie Henry Quilter, of Monken Hadleigh, Middlesex. Club — .-Xthenceum. Livery — Claret, with scarlet piping. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, quarterly i. and iiii. ermine, a saltire gules (for FitzGerald) ; ii. and iii. or, on a cross sable, a i^atriarchal cross of the field (for Vesey) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron vert, between three bugle-horns sable, stringed gules (for Foster). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. on a ducal coronet or, a boar passant gules, charged with three annulets argent (for Fitz- Gerald) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a hand in armour holding a laurel branch proper (for Vesev) ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, a stag trippant proper (for Foster). Motto —" Shanet a boo." Married, firstly, 1891, Annie (who rf. 1896), dau. of the late John Ross of Quebec, Canada; and had /jJ«e— Theodora Frances. He married secondly, 1899, Mabel, dau. of Robert Leslie, Esq., D.L., of Ballybay, co. Monaghan ; and has /mmc— William Patrick Desmond Foster- Vesey-Fitzgerald, Gentleman, b. March 1900. Estates in COS. Louth, Kerry, and Clare. Postal addresses-~s,6 Stan- hope Gardens, S.W. ; 6 Crown Office Row, London, E.C. FOTHERGILL, see PRICE-FOTHERGILL. FOTHERGILL of Lowbridge House. Vert, a stag's head couped between tliree antlers, a bordure dovetailed all or. Mantling vert and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon the trunk of a tree eradicated fessewise proper, a talbot passant or, collared sable, holding in the mouth an antler also proper. Motto — ' ' So farre no farther." Livery — Green with gilt buttons. Son of Richard Fothergill, Esq., of Lowbridge House, CO. Westmorland, and Sion House, co. Pembroke, J. P. and D. L. co. Glamorgan, J. P. co. Pembroke, "M.P. Merthyr Tydvil 1 868-1 880, /5. 1822; d. 1903; m. ist, 1848, Elizabeth (d. 1849), d. of Edward Lewis; 2nd, 1850, Mary, d. of William Roden of Grindle Hall, CO. Salop : — Sydney Roden Fothergill, Esq., of Lowbridge House, Kendal, J. P. co. Westmorland, Capt. 34th Imp. Yeo. in S. Africa 1902, Major Pembroke Imp. Yeo. 1901-1904, Major Westmorland and Cumberland Hussars I. Y. since 1904, Barrister-at-Law (Lincoln's Inn), M.A. (Oxon.), b. 1864 ; m. 1896, Winifred Stewart, only d. of Stewart Glad- stone, Esq., J. P., of Capenoch, co. Dumfries, by Sophia, d. of Sir George Musgrave, Bt., of Edenhall [Arms of Gladstone impaled, viz. argent, a savage's head affront6e dropping blood, wreathed about the temples with holly proper, within an orle flory gules, all within an orle of eight martlets sable]; and has issue— Richard Fothergill, Gentle- man, b. igor ; and Mildred Helen Sophia. Seat — Low- bridge House, Kendal. Clubs — Windham, Wellington. Sons of Richard Fothergill, Esq., of Lowbridge House, CO. Westmorland, J. P., b. 1789 ; d. 1851 : m. 1822, Charlotte Merrick, d. of Charles Merrick Elderton of Brixton, Surrey:— George Fothergill, Esq., J. P. cos. Westmorland and Glamorgan, b. 1833 ; m. ist, 1862, Isabel Eliza (d. 1876), d. of late Francis Crawshay of Bradbourne Hall, Kent ; 2nd, 1878, Ada Joan (d. 1888), eld. d. of late William Hannay ; is tbe Naval Cockade. 5o8 JTot JToto 3rd, 1898, Flora S«xb(irgn, d. of late Rev. J. Chamben. Vicar of Woodhcad, C'hesh. ; and has surv. issue — (it Omtm Algernon Fothergill, Uentleman. M.B. (Edin.| (18 Duke Street. Darlington), d. 1868 [m. 18^3, Isabel Fraser of Macrihanish, co. Argyll; and has issue — Cieorge Hugh FotherKill, Oentleinan, b. 1896 ; Charlotte Isabel ; Krica Maud Clirisiine ; Iiliii;ibeth Mary ; and Eva Jessie] ; (a) John Rowland Fotherfpll, Gentleman, i. 1876 ; (3) Reginald Hannay Foiher^ill, Gentleman, i. 1879; (4) Willian) Hannay Fothergill, Gentleman, d, 1887 ; (5) Eric I^mbton Fothergill. Gentleman, *. 1900; (6) Ronald Noel Fothergill, Gentleman, K 1901 ; Eva Laura Im. 1891, Robert Henry Bicknell]; Agnes Mary Henrietta [m. 1891, Harry Percival Hannay, M. B.l; Nellie Maud Madeline [m. 1899, Rev. J. A. Legh] ; Ethel [m. Cecil Hullmorej; and Joan. Seals— Allan Bank, Grasmere, R.S.O., Westmorland; Binswood House. Leamington. Henry Fothergill, Esq., J. P. Kent, late Maj. 4th Batt. Essex Regt.. ». 1836; m. 1877, Edith Russell, d. of Rev. Edward Russell Horwoornt nnd azur<>, on a chief of the last, three betants (Aitkins) ; 64. s:il>le. on waves of tlie sea proper, a lion passant or, in chief three licuints (Hawkins) ; 6s* pftiy of six or and gules, on a chief of the last three etcailops of the first (Bay); 66. acure, a bend ur, cottised dancettte of the last (Power) ; 67. sable, on a chevron between three bull's heaiis caboshed argent, three torteaux (Wright). Mantling gules and argent. OresU— None reconled. I This family by male descent Fox assumed the additional surname of I^ne by Act of Parliament, and no consequent exemplification of arms for Lane-Fox or Fox-Lane was ever made. Consequently no right was created to bear the crest of the Lane family, the arms of Lane being inherited and borne as an ordinary quartering only. The arms of Fox. .xs is often the case with ancient families, are recorded without a crest to this branch of the Fox family.] Sons of George Lane-Fox. Elsq. , of Bramham Park, Yorks.,J.P. and D.L. West Riding (High Sheriff 1873), D.L. CO. lt nb«\p ; 68. quarterly ermine and azure, a cross or (Osborne, Vn. London, 1568) ; 69. argent, two bars gules, on a canton of the second, a cross of the first (Broughton, temp. Edw. II.) ; 70. argent, a chevron vert, between three annulets gules (Broughton. ); 71. azure, on a fesse flory and counter- flory or, between three lions passant argent as many peewits proper (Hewitt, Vn. of London, 1568); 72. or, a chevron between three lozenges azure, on a chief gules, an eagle displayed argent (Hyde, ) ; 73. gules, an eagle displayed between three fleurs-de-lis argent (Godolphin, temp. Henry VIII.) ; 74. argent, a chevron between three hawk's leures gules(Rinsy); 75. argent, three dolphins naiant sable (Godol- phin) ; 76. argent, an eagle displayed sable, a hordure of the last, bezants (Killegrew) ; 77. sable, a chevron between three eagles displayed or (Kemtebury) ; 78. argent, three niascles sable (Arvenick) ; 79. argent, on a chevron gules, between three torteaux, as many plates (Boligh); 80. or, on a fesse sable three chevronels argent fesseways pointing to the dexter (Trenouth. Vn. Cornwall, 1620); 81. argent, a chevron between three salmon-spears points downwards sable (Glinne) ; 82. argent, a chevron between three fleurs- de-lis sable (Bonython) ; 83. sable, a lion rampant argent, on a canton of the last, a cross gules (Churchill) ; 84. per pale argent and azure, a lion rampant of the first supporting a tree eradicated proper (Winston, temp. Elizaljeth) ; 85. or, a lion rampant regardant sable (Gwaith Voyd) ; 8f-. aziu-e, three crowns two and one or (Kariadoc); 87. azure three crowns in pale or (Beli Mawr) ; 88. sable, a lion rampant argent (Taithwell) ; 89. per pale or and aznre, a lion rampant argent, supporting a tree eradicated proper SInyr) ; 90. pwr pale azure and sable, three fleurs-de-lis or Inyr) ; 91. sable, a plate between three towers argent Carlion. temp. Elizabeth); 92. barry of ten argent and azure, six escutcheons sable, each charged with a lion rampant of the first, a crescent for difference (Cecil, temp, Elizabeth) ; 93. argent, on a fesse gules, three l^ezants, (Jenings) ; 94. gules, a bull's head caboshed argent, armed or (Jenings) ; 95. gules, on a chevron cottised art,'ent. three lions rampant of the field (Rowlet) ; 96. paly of six or and azure, a bordure engrailed of the last, on a canton gules, a spur of the first (Knight); 97. azure, crusilly and three cinquefoils argent (Darcy. 1345) ; 98. argent, three cinquefoils gules (D'Arcy, 1298) ; 99. gules, crusilly, and an orle or (Bertram, temp. Henry III.) ; 100. argent, a chevron between three herons gules (Heron) ; loi. azure, three bars gemel and a chief or (Meinill, c. 1320) ; 102. argent, a bend between six martlets sable (Tempest, temp. Edw. III.); 103. or, three lions passant guardant in pale sable (Carew, 1300) ; 104. gules, a saltire argent (Other) ; 105. argent, a saltire gules (Windsor) ; 106. per pale ermine and gules, a saltire counterchanged (FitzStephen) ; 107. quar- terly argent and gules CTuite) ; 108. quarterly sable and argent (Hoo, temp. Edw. II.); 109. or, on a fesse azure, a mullet of the field (Andervill) ; no. azure, a fret argent, a chief or (St. Leger, temp. Henry III.); m. azure, a fesse between six cross-crosslets or (St. Maur) ; 112. azure, three sinister hands argent (Malmains) ; 113. argent, a lion ramjaant sable (Welles, temp. 1300); 114. gules, a fesse dancett6e l;etween six cross ciosslets or is the Military Cockade. JFor (Engaine. 1300); 115. paly of six ermine and gules, three crescents sable (Waterton, 1418) ; 116. argent, three piles wavy in point vert, a bordure azure, bezant^e (Bryan) ; 117. azure, a maunch or (Conyers, tetnp. Edw. III.) ; 118. or, on a chevron gules, a martlet argent, a chief vair (St. Quin- jTor 5" ancient ship of three masts sails furled sable (Nevill, temp. Edw. I.); 125. gules, a lion rampant or, billett^e sable (Bulmer, temp. Edw. III.); 126. or, a fesse indented azure (Midleham); 127. ermine (Brittany) ; 128. quarterly, or and gules, a bend sable (Clavering, 1298) ; 129. barry X.\n,temp. Edw. I.); 119. sable, a saltire argent (Ryleston) ; 120. Darcy as No. 97 ; 121. gules, a saltire argent, charged with a fleur-de-lis azure for difference (Nevill, 1295) ; 122. lozengy or and g^les, a canton ermine (Nevill, tetnp. Edw. III.); 123. or, fretty gules, on a canton per pale ermine and or, a lymphad sable (Nevill); 124. or, an of ten argent and gules, on a bordure azure, eight martlets (Merlais) ; 130. or, a fesse azure, in chief three pallets gules (Fauconberg, 1300) ; 131. argent, a lion rampant azure (Brus, 1300); 132. argent, two bars gules, on a canton of the last a lion passant guardant or (I.ancaster, 1300) ; 133. argent, a chevron between three rooks sable is the Naval Cockade. 5" JFOJC Jfor (Kokeby, 1348) ; 134. qtuurterly, i. and iiii. argent, an inescut- cheon sable, over all an escarbunde or ; ii. and iii. , gules, six Mcutdieons, three, two, and one argent, in the centre of the quarters an inescutcheon Rules charged with n man in armour on horselxick argent (Schomberg) ; 135. as No. i, 8npport«n (<>f Unrony of Conyers)— On either side a lion rampant aziu-e] ; vide Yarl)orough. The Rt. Hon. Violet Ida hvelyn. Countess of Powis, svojyre i6th Baroness Darcy de Knayth [Arms — Quarterly of 135 as next above. 8tipport«ra (of the Iku-ony of Darcy) — Dexter, a heraldic tiger argent ; sinister, a bull sable, armed and unguled or] ; viiie Herlwit. Dnus. and coh. of Hon. Charles Pierrepoint A'Drcy Lane- Fox, b. 1830 ; d. 1874 ; m. 1859, Louisa Emma, d. of Thomas Fairfax of Newton Kyme : — Charlotte Catherine Marcia (AmiB — (^)uiirterly of 135 as above], m. 1884, Charles J. Weld-Blundell, Esa., J. P., of Ince Blundell, Lanes. Seat — Ince Blundell Park, Blundell-Sands, Lanes. Louisa Emma Lane-Fox [Arms — Quarterly of 135 as abow]. Res, — FOX (1903). Per chevron azure and argent, two foxes' heads erased in chief or, and a human heart in base gules between four ermine spots in cross sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock projier, a fox sejant or, resting the dexter le^ on a human heart gules. HOttO — " Faire sans dire. " Ltvery — Dark blue. Sons of late Douglas Fox of Brighton, b. 1798 ; d. 1885 ; m. 1840, Marianne, d. of Jedediah Strutt, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Belper (High Sheriff co. Derby 1849) :— Arthur Douglas Fox, Gentleman, M.LC.E., b. 1840; m. 1872, Frances Anne Arbuthnot, d. of Alexander MacKenzic Banker ; and has issue — (i) Alexander Douglas Fox, Gentle- man, b. 1874 ; (2) Herbert Sholto Douglas Fox, Gentleman, b. 1879 ; Maria Helen Douglas ; and Constance Marianne Douglas. Res. — St. G?orge's Lodge, Eastern Road, Brighton. George Malcolm Fox, Esq., Col. late 42nd Roy. High- landers ("Black Watch") \L.ivery — Blue and white], b, 4 March 184^ (2nd s. ), m. ist, 1881, Mary Rose, d. of Major William E. Newall, 92nd Highlanders ; 2nd, 1884, Marion Jane, d. of Remington Mills of Tolmers, Hertford ; and has issue — Mary Agnes Dorothy ; and Marion Inez Douglas. Res. — n8 E^ton Square, London, S.W. Club — Naval and Military. Sons of Rev. Archibald Fox of Derford, Leics. (s. of Archibald Fox of Blackheath, b. 1799), b. 1840; d. 1901; m. Harriet, d. of the late Robert Darley Oxley of Thorpe, Ripon : — Capt. Robert Michael Douglas Fox, 2nd K.O. Yorks. Lt. Inf.,*. 1876. Res — Archibald Douglas Fox, Gentleman, b. 1878. Res. — Seaforth, Malvern. Sons of the late Sir Charles Fox, Kt. Bach., b. 1810; m. Mary, d. of Joseph Brookhouse of Derby : — Sir (Charles) Douglas Fox, Kt. Bach. (1886), formerly Pres. Inst. C. Eng., J.P. London and Surrey, C.A. Surrey, b. 1840; m. 1863, Mary, d. of late Francis Wright of Osmaston Manor, Derbyshire (by his wife Selina, d. of Sir Henry Fitzherbert, Bart., of Tissington) ; and has surv. issue — Francis Douglas Fox, Esq., M.A. (Jamb., M.I.C.E., F.R. Col. Inst. (19 Kensington Square, S.W.), b. 15 April 1868 \m. 12 July 1900, Mildred Susan, d. of Rev. Joseph Harris of Westcotes, Leicester] ; Mary Douglas \m. Rev. E. H. Askwith, D.D.]; Judith Isabel [m. Rev. J. S. Wim- bush] ; Agnes Selina ; and Lucy Adeline \m. E. B. Fitz- herbert Wright]. Res.— 12. Queen's Gate Gardens, S.W. Clubs — St. Stephen's, National. Francis Fox, Esq., M. I.C.E., J.P. Denbighshire and N.R. Yorks., b. 1844. ^«.— Alyn Bank, The Downs, Wimbledon, Surrey. Club—^l. Stephen's. Henry Fox, E^., b. 1846; m. 1875, Emily, d. of Hon. John Henry Knox. Res. — Moorfoot, Putney Hill, London, S.W. FOX of Fox Hall (U.O.). Azure, a sceptre in bend between two regal crowns or, a chief of the last. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a winged sceptre proper. Motto — " Nee elatus nee dejectus." Son of Jemmett George Fox, b. 1826 ; d. 1868 ; tn. 1856, Dora, d. of J. West, M.D. :— Fox, Gentleman, b. , Res. — Son of Capt. Maxwell Fox, R.N., of Annaghmorc, I. P. and D.L. King's Co. (High Sheriff 1868, and for Longford 1885), b. 1826; d. 1899; m. 2nd, ICdiih Susiin Marian, d. of Rev. Essex Edgworth of Kil- shrewly : — Essex Barry Fox, Gentleman, b. 1888. AVa/— Annagh- morc, King's Co. FOX, The (U.O.). Argent, a lion rampant, and in chief two dexter hands couped at the wrist gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— An arm eml>owed in armour, holding a sword all proper. Motto - " Sconnach a boo." Son of Rev. Matthew Maine Fox, b. ; d. 1843; m. 2nd, Ellen Anne, d. of Andrew Armstrong of Kilclare, King's Co. : — James George Huliert Fox, "The Fox" (as chief of his name), J.P. co. Tipperary, late Lieut. 5lh Roy. Irish Lancers, b. 1842; m. ist, 1865, Elizabeth Amelia Lilian (d. 1875), d. of Rev. J. B. Grant, Rector of Rathconrath, Westmeath ; 2nd, 1877, Georgiana Frances, eld. d. of Rev. C. Elrington M'Kay, Vicar of Laracor and Galtrim ; and has issue — (i) Brabazon Hubert Maine Fox, ICsq., Capt, Roy. Irish Rifles, b. 1868; [m. 1896, Florence Emily Clara, eld. d. of Col. W. A, I>e Mott(5e ; and has issue — Nial Arthur Huliert Fox, Gentleman, b. 1897]; (2) Arthur James Fox, Esq., Capt. 3rd Batt. Roy. Irish Regt., b. 1871 ; and (by his second mar.) Georgina Frances. Seat — Galtrim House, Summerhill, co. Meath. FOX (U.O., 1840). Azure, on a bend engrailed ermine, cottised or, three fox's heads erased gules, all within a bordure of the second. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a fox sejant gules, collared and chained or, supporting by his sinister paw a flagstaff proper, thereon a banner azure, sem6-de-lis or. Motto — "J'ay ma foi tenu a ma puissance." - Sons of Rev. William Charles Fox of The Grange, Northwoods, Glos., b. 1826; m. 2nd, 1863; Georgina Sarah, d. of Rev. Nathaniel Wodehouse : — Lionel Wodehouse Fox, Gentleman, b. 1865. Armine Wodehouse Fox, Gentleman, b. 1869. Raymond Wodehouse Fox, Gentleman, b. 1873. Sons of Charles Joseph Fox, Gentleman, M.D. , of The Beeches, Brislington, b. 1806 ; d. 1870; m. 1834, Ellen, d. and coh. of Thomas Lucas by Jemima, d. of William Newcome, D.D. , Archbishop of Armagh and Lord Primate of Ireland : — Stephen Newcome Fox, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, B.A. (Oxon.), *. 1849; tn. 1895, Annie Enid, d. of Alex- ander Scrimgeour; and has issue — (1) Charles Alexander Newcome Fox, Gentleman, b. 1896; (2) Keith Stephen Fox, Gentleman, b. 1904; and Margaret Enid. Res. — Inglenook, Eastbourne. Sons of William Edward Kox, Gentleman, of Clifton, b. 1811 ; d. 1875 ; m. 1849, Emma, widow of Sir George King Molyneux, Bart. : — William Edward Ker Fox, Gentleman, late Lieut. i8th Roy. Irish Regt., b. 1850; m. 1883, Emma Elizabeth, d. of Capt. John Molyneux. Res. — Caring House, Leeds, nr. Maidstone, Kent. Major John Charles Ker Fox, late 19th Hussars, b. 1851 ; m. 1877, Susan, d. of John Ramshay of Gilsland, Cumljer- land ; and has surv. issue — Hugo Fox, Gentleman, b. 1883 ; and Mildred. Res. — Great Bowden, Market Harborough. Son of Edwin Fydell Fox, Gentleman, M.R.C.S. , of Brislington, b. 1814; d. 1891; m. ist, Elizabeth Augusta, d. of John Hugh Smyth Pigot of Brockley, Somerset : — Arthur Edward Wellington Fox, Gentleman, M.B., F.R.C.P., b. 1844; tn. 1886, Emily Frances, d. of Rev. Thomas Arthur Babington of Cossington, Leics. Res. — Ennox Lodge, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath. Son of George Frederick Fox of Keynsham, Somerset, b, 1817; tn. 1840, Ellen, d. of Rev. Thomas Browne Simpson of Congresbury, Somerset : — Col. Harry Croker Fox, R. E., b. 1842. Res. — Son of Washington Fox, Gentleman, b. 1824; d. 1866; tn. i860, Mary Desmond Coffin : — Arthur Copley Long Fox, Gentleman, b. 1864. BONNEVILLE BRADLEY FOX, Gentleman, M.A. (Oxon.), M.D., M.R.C.S. Armorial bearing^— Azure, on a bend engrailed ermine, plain cotised or, three foxes' heads erased gules, within a bordure of the second. is the Military Cockade. JTor ifor 513 Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a fox sejant gules, collared and chained or, sup- porting with his sinister paw a flagstaff, thereon a banner azure, semfe-de-lis or. Motto — "J 'ay ma foi tenu k ma puissance." Residence — Brislington House, near Bristol. CHARLES HENRY FOX, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Alderman of the Council for the county of Somerset. Bom March 17, 1835, being the son of Charles Fox of Wellington, in the county of Somerset, by his wife Sarah, daughter of William Dillworth Crewdson of Helme Lodge, Kendal. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Ermine, on a chevron azure, three foxes' heads erased or, within a bordure flory of the second, and on a canton of the same, a drinking-cup of the third, surmounted by three fleurs-de- lis argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degfree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a fox sejant or, collared flory azure, the paw resting on a fleur-de-lis of the last; with the Motto, " Faire sans dire." Married, Oct. 21, 1863, Caroline, second dau. of John Mellar Chap- man of Brighton; and has Issue — (i) Charles Leslie Fox, Esq. , J. P. CO. Somerset [m. , Sept. 12, 1892, to Lilian, second dau. of the late Gurney Pease of Woodside, Darlington] ; (2) Reginald Wilson Fox, Esq., J. P. co. Devon [»/., Nov. 18, 1891, to Mabel, third dau. of J. W. Pease of Pendower, Newcastle, and Nethergrange, Alnemouth]; and Caroline Hilda Macnaghten [m., April 17, 1894, to Ernest Legas- sieke Hancock, Esq., J. P. co. Somerset, of Castle Lodge, Wiveliscombe, and Rhyl, Dulverton, Somerset]. Postal address — Shuteleigh, Wellington, Somerset. MARMADUKE FOX, Esquire, J. P. for co. Wigtown. Armorial bearings — Sable, on a pale between two grey- hounds' heads erased argent, a mill-rind paleways of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mill-rind fesseways sable, thereon a greyhound sejant argent ; with the Motto, " Virtute et numine." Married, 1892, Ethel Marshall, youngest daughter of J. Carter Jonas of the Grange, Great Shelford. Postal addresses — Marmaville, Mirfield, York- shire ; Polbae, Wigtownshire, N.B. ROBERT FOX, Gentleman, of Grove Hill, in the county of Cornwall. Bom July 31, 1845, being the eldest son of Robert BarclayFox of Grove Hill, by his wife Jane Gurney, daughter of Jonathan Backhouse of Polam, Darlington. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, on a chevron azure, three foxes' heads erased or, a bordure fleu- rette, and over all a canton of the second, charged with a cup of the third, surmounted by three fleurs-de-lis argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours a fox sejant or, collared fleurett6 azure, its paw resting on a fleur-de-lis of the last. Motto— "Faire sans dire." Married, October 3, 1867, Ellen Mary, daughter of Francis Bassett. Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of the Heath, Leighton, in the county of Bed- ford, and formerly Member of Parliament for that county ; and has Issue— Roheri Barclay Fox, Gentleman, bom July 24 1873 [m Feb, 21, 1900, Margaret Elizabeth Phoebe, dau. of Frederick Bassett, Esq.. J. P., of The Knolls. Lei<^hton, co. Beds] ; and Lilian Isabel [married. July 15, 1891 Frederic Herbert Trench formerly Fellow of All Souls, I is tbe Naval Cockade. 2'K 5M jFor jfra Oxford, and has issue]; and Naomi Bassett. Eslalts— Penjerrick, rregedna, Penrose, Pennance. Stat — Grove Hill. Falmouth. Club Isthmian. Tmk Late SAMSON FOX, Gcnileman, J. P. for the borough of Harrogate and for the borough of I.eeds. Armorial bMUrlnga— He l)ears for Amu : Argent, a repre- sentation of a corrugated boiler-flue fesseways jiroper, be- tween two foxes courant gules, each holding in their mouths a trefoil slipped vert ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a representation of a corrugated boiler-flue as in the arms and thereupon a fox giiles, resting the dexter paw upon a trefoil slipped vert; with the Motto, "Forti nihil difficile." Postal address — Grove House, Harrogate. SYLVANUS FOX, Esquire, J. P. co. Somerset. Bom April 15, 1822, being the only son of the late Sylvanus Fox, by his wife Mary, dau. of John Sanderson, of Bruce House, Tottenham. Armorial bearlngfs — Ermine, on a chevron azure, three fox's heads erased or, within a bordure fleur- ettee of the second, and on a canton, also azure, a drinking cup of the third, issuing therefrom three fleurs-de-lis proper, and charged on the centre with a rose gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a fox sejant or, collared fleurett^ azure, the paw resting on a fleur-de-lis of the last. Motto— " Faire sans dire." Seat — Linden, Wellington, Somerset. WILLIAM LOWNDES TOLLER FOY, of Clayhill, Enfield, Gentleman. Armorial bearings -Per chevron, invected or and ermine, two lions rampant in chief azure, and a cross patonce in base gules. MntitHng r azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a lion rampant per bend sinister gules and ermine, holding between the forepaws a cross patonce as in the arms, and resting the dexter hind-leg upon an escutcheon or. Motto— "In cruce gloria." Residences — ClAyhWX, Enfield, CO. Middlesex; Manor Gardens, Henley-on-Thames. FRAMPTON (H. Coll.). Or, a bend chequy Siible and argent, lietween two tuns fessewise each within an annulet gules. Mantling sable and or. CrMt — On a wreath of the colours, a tun within an annulet as in the arms. Motto— " Love and Labour." Son of late James Frampton of London, b. ; d, M. : — George James Frampton, Esq., R.A., F.S.A. , Hon. Assoc, Roy. Inst. Brit. Architects, Past Master and Memlwr of Art Workers' Guild 190a, Liveryman of Merchant Taylors' and Founders' Companies, Hon. Member Oxford Union Soc. , b. i860 ; m. 1893, Christabel, d. of George Russell Cockerell, London. Nes. — 3a Queen's Road, St. John's Wood, London, N.W. Clubs — Athenaeum, Arts. FRANCE, quartered by KINLOSS. KNYVETT, FITZROY, KENNEDY, LENNOX, SOMERSET, and MAINWARING-ELLERKER-ONSLOW. S CHARLES HOSKEN FRANCE- HAYHURST, Esq., J. P. and D.L., Hon.-Col. 3rd Batt. Cheshire Regt., a County Councillor and Patron of the Living of Davenham. Bom 183a, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Canon Thomas France- Hayhurst, of Bostock HhU, J. P., D. L., by his wife Helen, eldest dau. of John Hosken Harper, Esq., J. P., of Davenham Hall, co. Chester. He succeeded to the Hostock estates on th« death of his father in 1889, and in 1873 succeeded his uncle, William Hosken Harper, Esq., J. P., of Davenham Hall, &c., who devised his estates to him, with remainder to his second son, William Hosken. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, pwr chevron sable and or, in chief two crosses pat6e fitchte, and in base a pair of wings conjoined and elevated counter- changed (for Hayhurst) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a mount in base a hurst proper, on a chief wavy azure, three fleurs- de-lis or (for France). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. upx^n a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm proper, holding in the hand a cross patt6e fitchte or, between two wings sable, each charged with an annulet gold (for Hayhurst) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a mount, thereon a hurst as in the arms, from the centre tree pendent by a strap azure a shield gules, charged with a fleur-de-lis or (for France). Motto — "Virtus semjjer viridis." Married, firstly, 1864, Mary Halsted (she died 1877), dau. of William H. Poole, Esq., of Terrick Hall, co. Salop, Capt. Royal Horse Artillery ; and has Issue — (i) Frederick Charles Fr.Tnce-Hayhurst, is the Military Cockade. jFra jrra 515 Esq., J. P. (C/w3i— White's, Junior Carlton), Lieut. Royal Welsh Fusiliers, born 1872 ; (2) William Hosken France- Hayhurst, Esq. , Capt. Cheshire Yeomanry, born 1873 ; (3) Cecil Halsted France-Hayhurst, Gentleman, Lieut. Royal Navy, born 1874; Elizabeth Helen; Evelyn Mary [married, January 22, 1891, George Herbert Shakerley, Justice of the Peace, late Lieutenant King's Royal Rifle Corps, now Capt. and Hon. Major 5th Volunteer Battalion Cheshire Regiment, second son of Sir Charles Shakerley, Baronet] ; and Isabel Mary, died 1877. He married secondly, 1878, Annie Elizabeth Nicholson, third daughter of John Ralph Shaw, Esquire, Justice of the Peace of Arrowe Park, in the County Palatine of Chester. Seats — Bostock Hall, Middlewich ; and DavenhamHall, Northwich. Club — Junior Carlton. EDWARD FRANCE-HAYHURST, Esquire, J. P. Cheshire. Born 1868, being the second son of Rev. Thomas William Hamilton France-Hayhurst of Davenham Lodge, Cheshire, Rector of Davenham. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per chevron sable and or, in chief two crosses pat6e fitch^e, and in base a pair of wings conjoined and elevated counterchanged (for Hayhurst) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a mount in base a hurst proper, on a chief wavy azure, three fleurs-de-lis or (for France). Mantling sable and or; and for his Crests — i. upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm proper, holding in the hand a cross pat6e fitch^e or, between two wings sable, each charged with an annulet gold (for Hayhurst) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a mount, thereon a hurst as in the arms, from the centre tree pendent by a strap azure a shield gules, charged with a fleur-de-lis or (for France). MottO — " Virtus semper viridis." Married, 1890, Rosamund M. M. , only child of David Francis Atcherley of Whatcroft Hall, CO. Cheshire, and Marton Hall, co. Salop, J. P. and D. L. HENRY HOWARD FRANCE-HAYHURST, Esquire, J. P. Salop, late Capt. I. R. Cheshire Mil. Born 1843, being the third son of the late Rev. Canon Thomas France- Hayhurst of Davenham Rectory and of Bostock Hall, Cheshire, D.L. , J. P., by his wife Helen, dau. of the late John Formby of Formby Hall, co. Lancaster. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per chevron sable and or, in chief two crosses pat^e fitch^e, and in base a pair of wings conjoined and elevated counterchanged (for Hayhurst) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a mount in base a hurst proper, on a chief wavy azure, three fleurs-de-lis or (for France). Mant- ling sable and or. Crests — i. upon a wreath of rhe colours, a cubit arm proper, holding in the hand a cross patfe fitch^e or, between two wings sable, each charged with an annulet gold (for Hayhurst) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a mount, thereon a hurst as in the arms, from the centre tree pendent by a strap azure a shield gules, charged with a fleur-de-lis or (for France). Motto — "Virtus semper viridis." Married Susan J., dau. of late Edgar Corrie, The Leas, Guildford. Seat— Owerl&y , Wellington, Salop. Club — New University. FRANCE-LUSHINGTON-TULLOCH (R.L., 25 Feb. 1902, U.O. ). Quarterly, i and 4, or, on a fesse invected plain cottised gules, three estoiles argent, in chief as many cross crosslets fitch6e of the second, and (for distinction) in the dexter canton a cross crosslet sable (TuUoch) ; 2 and 3, argent, two lions passant regardant azure, between three bars gules, an orle of fleurs-de-lis of the last (France), on an escutcheon of pretence quarterly, i and 4, the same arms of Tulloch without the mark of distinction ; 2 and 3, or, on a fesse wavy between three lions heads erased vert, langued gules, as many ermine spots of the field. Mantling gules and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, grasping a battle-axe, the head to the dexter, and charged on the shoulder with three cross crosslets fitch^e two and one all or, and (for distinction) on the neck with a cross crosslet argent (Tulloch) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a lion sejant regardant azure, collared or, therefrom a shield of the last charged with a fleur-de-lis of the second. Son of William Hanmer France, b. ; m. , Frances Emily, d. of Thomas Cave-Brown-Cave : — James Geoffrey Cave France - Lushington - Tulloch. Gentleman, R.LC. , b. ; m. 1901, Kate Mary, d. of Charles Hugh Lushington of Rodmersham, Kent, and widow of William Cairns Armstrong-Lushington-Tulloch (vide ih&t name), formerly Armstrong. Seat — Shanbolard, Letterfrack co. Galway. FRANCIS, quartered by PEYTON. FRANCIS (H. Coll.). Argent, a chevron invected gules, between two eagles displayed in chief sable and a bugle- horn in base of the last, stringed of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bugle-horn sable, thereon a dove holding in the beak an ohve branch, both proper. Motto—" Lege et labore." Son of: — George Francis, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, Gray's Inn, 3. . /?«.— Carlton Hill, Paddington, W. JOHN LIELL FRANCKLIN, Esq., J. P. for co. NotU, Major and Hon. Lieut. -Col. S. Notts Yeomanry Cavalry. Born Nov. 11, 1844, being the son of the late John Franck- lin, Esq., of Gonalston, J. P., High Sheriff 1851, by his wife Frances Barbara, second dau. of the late Harry Edgell of Cadogan Place, Barrister-at-Law, and one of the Benchers of Gray's Inn. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend engrailed between two lions' heads erased gules, a dolphin hauriant between two parrots or, and impaling the arms of Jervis, namely sable, a chevron ermine between three martlets argent. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dolphin's head or, erased gules, between two olive branches vert. Motto— "Sinceritate." Married, March 17, 1868, Hon. Alice Maude, eldest dau. of the Rt. Hon. Carnegie Jervis. 3rd Viscount St. Vincent ; and has Issue — (i) John Francklin, Gentleman, b. 1869 ; (2) Edward Francklin, Gentleman, b. 1871 ; (3) Richard Francklin, Gentleman, b. 1872 ; (4) Philip Francklin, Gentle- man, b. 1874 ; (5) William Robert Francklin, Gentleman, b. 1878; Mary Violet; Flora Maude (m., Sept. 19, 1899, Henry Graham Sherbrook, Lieut. R.N.) ; and Edith Eliza- beth. 5m/j— Gonalston, near Southwell, Notts; Great Barford, co. Bedford. Club — Boodle's. Reverend JOHN FRANEY, M.A., Clerk in Holy Orders, Minor Canon of Ely Cathedral. Born , being the son of the late William Franey, Gentleman, by his wife Eleanor, dau. of John Obee. Armorial bearings -Azure, on a pile invected or, between two quatrefoils in base of the last, as many fleurs-de-lis in pale of the first. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a fleur- de-lis azure, between two quatrefoils or. Motto — "Ut vita finis." Married, 1863, Emma {d. 1901), dau. of the late Robert Rushbrooke, and granddau. of John Sharman, M. D. , of Hellesdon, Norwich ; and has Issue John Sharman Franey, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, b. 1864 [to whom refer]. Residence — JOHN SHARMAN FRANEY, Gentleman, Barrister- at-Law. Born 1864, being the son of the Reverend John Franey, Master of Arts, Vicar of St. Mary's, Ely, Minor Canon of Ely Cathedral, by his wife Emma, daughter of the late Robert Rushbrooke, and granddaughter of John Shar- man, Doctor of Medicine, of Hellesdon, Norwich. Club— Isthmian. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, on a pile invected or, between two c)uatrefoils in base of the last, as many fleurs-de-lis in pale of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a fleur-de-lis azure between two quatrefoils or; with the MottO, " Ut vita finis." Married, 1889, Mary Ethelind, younger daughter of Edward Kerrison Harvey, Esquire, of Grey Friars, Norwich (son of General Sir R. Harvey, Knight Commander of the Most Honour- able Order of the Bath) ; and has, with other Issue— ]dhn Sharman Franey, Gentleman, b. 1893. Postal addresses — Lowestoft, Suffolk; 15 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. ; Mark's Dene, West Chandon, Guildford. FRANK (H. Coll.). Per saltire azure and vert, on a saltire indented or, a falcon proper, belled gold. M a n t lin g azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a morion proper, thereon a falcon also proper, gutt6e-de- larmes, and belled or. Motto—' ' Esse quam videri." Son of R. Bacon Frank of Campsall, Yorks., *. ; d. 1832 ; nt. , Caroline, d. of late S. Curteis : — Frederick Bacon Frank, Esq., J. P. and D.L. West Rdg. Yorks. (Sheriff' 1872, Vice-Chrmn. C.C. since 1893), b. is tbe Naval Cockade. S«6 jFra JFra 1837; m. ist, i8u, Mary Anne (int downwards also proper, charged on the breast with a cross bottony , and on the head a like cross gules. Motto — " Nobilitatis virtus non stemma character." Afarried, Nov. 27, 1869, Augusta Charlotte, dau. of Hon. William Ritchie, formerly Advocate-General in Bengal ; and has had issue — Henry Douglas Freshfield, Gentleman, b. Sept. lo, 1877, <'• 1891 ; Eleanor [m. Arthur Hugh Clough] ; Janie Magdalen [m. Edmund Fisher] ; Olivia ; and Katia. Seat — Wych Cross House, Forest Row. Xesidence—i Airlie Gardens, Campden Hill, W. THOMAS WESTFALI NG FRESTON , Gentleman , J. P. for the city of Manchester. Born March 4, 1837, being the fourth son of the Rev. Thomas Westfaling Freston of Mendham, Norfolk, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Dag- lingworth and Witcombe Magna, Gloucs. , by his wife Emily, dau. of John Mills, Esq., J. P. co. of Gloucs., of Miserden House, Gloucs. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a fesse or, three leopards' faces gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-greyhound sable, col- lared or, charged with three torteaux. Motto — " Prest d'ac- complir." Afarried, 1862, Catharine Louisa, dau. of Rev. Henry Wyhrow, Vicar of Stretton-on-Dunsmore, Warwick- shire; tindhas/ssue — (i) Henry Wyhrow Freston,^. i867[m., 1894, Caroline lanson, dau. of Samuel Lloyd of Farm, War- wickshire]; (a) John Brewster Freston,^. 1882; Emily; Ethel [*«., 1885, Rev. C. B. Nash, Vicar of Watton, Norfolk]; Agnes [/«. , 1896, J. lege]; and Dorothy. Lanes. H. Fowler, M.A., of Clifton Col- Residence — Eagle's Nest, Prestwich, FREDERICK GEORGE FRITH, Esquire, Captain late 74th Highlanders. Born May 30, 1839, being the eldest son of the late Henry Frith, Gentleman, by Frances his wife, daughter of the late Richard Winter. Clubs— Naval and Military, East Kent County. Z,?f «ry - Dark blue, yellow collar and waistcoat, black breeches. Armo- rial bearings — Sable, upon a chevron embattled or, be- tween three pole-axes argent, as many pellets. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-gryphon sable, supporting a pole-axe argent. Motto — " Frangas non flectes." Afarried, April 14, 1863, Ada Rachel, younger daughter of Robert Taylor Spooner Abraham of Crewkerne, Somerset; and has Issue — George Marcus Irvine Frith, Gentleman, born November 30, 1874. Postal address — Barton Tower, Canterbury. FROGGENHALL, quartered by FLETCHER- VANE, EDMUND FROST, Gentleman, M.B., CM. (Edin. Univ.), L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. (Edinburgh), L.F.P. and S. (Glasgow). Born 1857, being the eldest son of Francis Aylmer Frost, Esq., J. P. co Lancaster, of Reddish, and his wife Mary, dau. of the late Thomas Stubs, Esq., of War- rington. Armorial bearings— Argent, a pelican vulning itself, between three trefoils slipped azure. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, between two wings azure, each charged with a quatrefoil argent, a trefoil as in the arms. Motto— " Terra ad coelum." Afarried, 1889, Mary Elizabeth, second dau. of the late Walter Theobalds of Liverpool ; and has Issue — Edmund Lionel Frost, Gentleman, b. May 30, 1891 ; and is the Military Cockade. jfro jrui 521 Anita Lily. Seat — Chesterfield, Meads, Eastbourne. Clubs- Royal Societies, Junior Conservative, Sussex (Eastbourne). FRANCIS AYLMER FROST, Gentleman. Born 1889, being the only child of the late Rev. Francis Aylmer Frost, by his wife Emma L. , second daughter of the late Rev. J. Fuller Russell, B.C.L., Rector of Greenhithe, Kent. Armorial bearing's — Ermine, three pelicans chevronways between two chevronels gules, the whole between three trefoils azure. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, between two wings ermine, each charged with a trefoil azure, a mount vert, thereon a trefoil also azure. Motto — "E terra germino ad coelum expando." Residence — Meadowslea, Mold. GEORGE FROST, Gentleman, M. D. , L. R. C. P. (Lond. ), M. R. C. S. Born , being the son of the late George Frost of Dorking. Armorial bearings —Gules, three piles in- vected argent, two issuant from tlie chief and one in base, each charged with a trefoil slipped proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a trefoil slipped, a serpent nowed holding in the mouth a like trefoil, all proper. ^«— Clovelly, Bournemouth. FROST. Argent, a pelican valuing itself, between three trefoils slipped azure. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, between two wings azure, each charged with a quatrefoil argent, a trefoil as in the arms. Motto — "E terra ad coelum." Sons of Sir Thomas Gibbons Frost, J. P., co. Mont- gomery (High Sheriff, i88i) and for co. and city of Chester, Mayor, 1868 9, 1881-3; b. 1820; d. 1904; m. 1885, Mary Ann, only d. of Henry Wood of Liver- pool. John Meadows Frost, Esq., b. Sept. 15, 1856; m., 1884, Henrietta, d. of Robert Kelsall of Deeplish Hall, co. Lancaster; and has issue— (i) John Meadows Frost, Esq., b. April 22, 1885 ; (2) Hugh Kelsall Frost, Gentleman, b. May 29, 1886 ; (3) Thomas Lawrence Frost, Gentleman, b. June 9, 1889; and Edith Mary. Seats — Dolcorsllwyn, Cemmaes, co. Montgomery ; and Recliff, Chester. Thomas Gibbons Frost, Gentleman, b. Dec. 5, i860 ; ;«., 1888, Constance Beatrice, d. of Rev. H. M. Egan- Desmond, M.A., F.R.G.S , late Chaplain to the Forces; and has issue — Linda Mary, and Gwendolin Lucy. FRYE, quartered by WHINYATES. S FRANCIS DRUMMOND FULFORD, Esquire. J. P., D.L. for Devon, late Member for Alphington Division Devon County Council, was J. P. for the District of Montreal, formerly Captain in the Montreal Cavalry (Canadian medal and clasp) ; is Lord of the Manors of Fulford, Dunsford, Melhuish, Hackworthy, Eggbeare, in the parishes of Dunsford, Tedburn St. Mary, and Cheriton Bishop, Devon ; is patron of the living of Dunsford. Born Oct. 25, 1831, being the only son of the late Rt. Rev. Francis Fulford, D. D. , late Fellow of Exeter Coll., Oxford, and Chaplain to H.R.H. the Duchess of Gloucester, J. P. for Wilts, consecrated Bishop of Montreal July 25, 1850, and created Metropolitan of Canada i860, by his wife Mary, dau. of Andrew Berkeley Drummond of Cadland, Hants, by Lady Mary his wife, dau. of Rt. Hon. John, 2nd Earl of Egmont. Armorial bearings— Gules, a chevron argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a bear's head erased sable, muzzled or. Motto— "Bear up." Married, Aug. 28, 1856, Mary Ann, dau. of Philip Holland, Esq., J. P., of Cholderton Lodge, Montreal; and has Issue — (i) Francis Algernon Fulford, Esq., J. P., A. K.C., Superintending Inspector Board of Agriculture, b. Sept. 15, 1861 [m. , June 12, 1897, Constance, dau. of the late Edgar Atheling Drummond, Esq., J. P., D. L. , of Cadland, Hants, and has issue, Francis Edgar Anthony Fulford, Gentleman, b. July 23, 1898 ; Humphrey Pennington Fulford, Gentleman, b. June 10, IQ02] ; (2) Robert Philip Perceval Fulford, Gentleman, M.A. Exeter Coll., Oxford, Board of Agriculture [»»., April 15, 1903, Dorothy Hay, fourth dau. of John H. Ley, Esq., J. P., D. L. , Devon, and has issue, Dorothy Ursula Faith] ; (3) Charles Holland Fulford, Gentleman, M.A. Exeter Coll. , b. May 18, 1878 ; Evelyn Mary ; Beatrice Mary ; Maud Mary [?«. , April 30, 1902, Reginald Martyn] ; and Ethel Mary. 5ea/— Great Fulford, Dunsford, near Exeter. JAMES FRANKLIN FULLER, Gentleman, Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects, Fellow ■fTllTT^I* °f 'he Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland, ■jrWH-vV Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. Bom 1835, being the only son of Thomas Harnett Fuller of Glashnacree, Kenmare, in the county of Kerry, by his wife Fanny, third daughter of F. C. Bland, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant, of Derriquin Castle, in the county of Kerry. Livery — Plum colour, with silver-grey collar and cuffs, gold band. Axmorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, three bars gules, on a canton of the second, a mullet or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befit- ting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a horse pas- sant proper, charged on the shoulder with a mullet or ; with the Motto, "Fortiter etrecte." Married, i860, Helen H., daughter of John Prosp^re Gui'vion, and granddaughter of Marshal Guivion of His Majesty the Emperor Napoleon's army; and has Issue — (i) Franklin Bland Fuller, Gentle- man, late Lieutenant Royal Artillery, born January 1, 1863, died June 13, 1882 ; (2) Harnett John Fuller, Gentleman, born December 14, 1866 [married, 1894, Augusta Hobart, second daughter of the late John Hurly, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Fenit, in the county of Kerry ; and has is the Naval Cockade. $29 iTui Sfta /xj«r«- -Franklin Rland Fuller. Gentleman, bom November a, 1897]: May Florence [married (ialiriel Stokes. Gentle- man, and 1)05 issue, three sons] ; Adela Bessie, died young ; uxoHs) Noblethorpc. near Kotherh.im. Postal address — Thribergh Park, and Evelyn Melicent. Postal addresses — Glashnacree, Ken- mare, county Kerry ; Brunswick Chambers, Dublin. FULLERTON, quartered by ELPHINSTONE. JOHN SKIPWITH HERBERT FULLERTON. Esiquire. J. P. and D.L. for West Riding of co. York. Born Sept. 21. 1865, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Charles Garth FuUerton, M.A., by his wife Catharine, eldest dau. of the late Rev. Arthur Robert Kenney, Master of Arts, Rector of Bourton, in co. of Warwick. Cluis — Boodle's, Cavalry, Pratt's, Yorkshire. Livery — Claret colour with silver buttons. Armorial beailii£^ — He bears for Arms : Argent, a chevron between three otters' heads erased gules. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a camel's head erased prop)er ; with the Motto, "Lux in tenebris." Married, May 9, 1893, Mary Gace, only child and heiress of the late Robert Caldwell Clarke of Noblethorpe, near Barnsley ; and has /w««— (i) John Robert Rankm Fullerton, Gentleman, b. 1894; (2) Charles Alan Clarke Fullerton, Gentleman, b. 1895. Estates — Thirbergh, Denaby, Kilnhurst, Brinsworth, and [jure FULLERTON (U.O). Quarterly, i and 4, argent, three otters' heads erased gules (FuUerton); 3 and 3, barry of eight argent and vert, over all a gryphon scgteant or (Downing). Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of^ the colours, a camel's head and neck erased proper. Motto — " Lux in tenebris." Son of David Fullerton, Esq., J. P., of Pennington House, Lymington, Hants, b. i8ao; d. 1893 ; in. 1847, Susannah Jane, d. of Henry Mott : — George F'rederick Fullerton, Esq., late Capt. 4th Batt. Royallrish Rifles,^. 1857; m. 1889, Leila Minna Gertrude, only child of Major A. M. Storer of Purley Park, Ikrks ; and has issue — (1) George Cecil Fullerton, Gentleman, b. 1891 ; (3) Richard Alexis Fullerton, Gentleman, b. 1893 ; Ivy Leila ; and Myra Aida Violet. Seat — Wasperton Hall, Warwick. EDMUND M'Gn.DOWNY HOPE FULTON, Puisne Judge of the High Court of Bombay. Bom July 6, 1848, being the third but eldest surviving son of the late John Williamson Fulton, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, M.A., J. P. cos. Antrim and Down. Armorial bearings— Argent, a lion rampant azure, debruised by a bend gobony ermine and gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect grasping a broken javelin, point to the sinister all proper. Motto — "Vi et virtute." Married, Nov. 35, 1879, Cornelia Emily, only dau. of the late Sir Michael Westropp, Chief-Justice of the High Court of Bombay ; and has had Issue — (i) John Henry Westropp Fulton, Gentleman, b. Oct. 2, 1880; (2) Lionel Edmund Fulton, Gentleman, b. and d. 1884; (3) Edmund James Fulton, Gentleman, b. Feb. 8, 1895; Bessie Maud; Evelyn Grace ; and Esme Mary. Residence — Bombay. SSiR FORREST FULTON, Knight Bachelor, K.C.. LL.B. (London), Recorder of London, and a Judge of the Mayor's Court, formerly Senior Counsel to the Post-Office and to the Treasury at the Central Criminal § is the MiUtaiy Cockade. p jrui jruifif 523 Court, a Lieutenant for the City of London, M.P. for West Ham (North) 1886-1892. Born July 12, 1846, being the youngest son of the late Lieut.-Col. Fulton, K.H., and Fanny Goodrich fourth dau. of the late Jolin Sympson Jessopp, Esq., J. P., D.L., F.S.A., Barrister-at-Law, of Albury Place, Cheshunt, Herts. Club — Carlton. Armo- rial bearings — Argent, a lion rampant azure, debruised by a bend gobony ermine and gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect grasping a broken javelin, point to the sinister all proper. Motto — "Vi et virtute." Married, Aug. 12, 1B75, Sophia Browne, eldest dau. of Jonn B. Nichol- son ; and has Issue — (i) Forrest Fulton, Esq., b. June 6, 1876; (2) Leonard Jessopp Fulton, Esq., b. Jan. 8, 1879; (3) Eustace Cecil Fulton, Esq., b. May 17, 1880; (4) Grenville Richard Fulton, Esq., b. Oct. 23, 1883; and Clare Sophia Margaret Goodrich. Residences — 27 Queen's Gardens, Lancaster Gate, W. ; and The Cottage, Shering- ham, Norfolk. FRANCIS CROSSLEY FULTON, Esquire, J. P. Born 1836, being the sixth but second surviving son of the late Robert Bell Fulton, Esq., Major Bengal Artillery, by his wife Elizabeth Jane, dau. of George Stephenson of Hills- boro'. ArmoriaJ bearings — Argent, a lion rampant azure, debruised by a bend gobony ermine and gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect grasping a broken javelin, point to the sinister all proper. Motto — " Vi et virtute." Married, 1858, Fanny Fidela, dau. of E S. Hall of Sydney ; and has Issue — Eustace Henry Fulton, Gentleman, b. i86o[w., 1891, Jane, dau. of Charles Peacock of Hawke's Bay, and has issue, Eric Bronte Fulton, Gentleman, h. 1891 ; and Sylvia Fidela Dora] ; Alice [;«. D. Reid, Barrister-at-Law, and has issue, three sons and a dau.] ; Lina Eliza \in. W. Tabutea of Hawke's Bay] ; Florence Dora ; Rosa Fidela, d. 1867 ; Iris Fidela [/«. George King of Hawke's Bay, and has issue], Residence~-\i^.•viV.€ % Bay, New Zealand. HENRY FULTON, Esquire, Lieut. R.E. Militia, late Capt. 1st Hants R. E. Vols., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., L.S.A., M.D. (Brussels). Born Dec. 25, 1871, being the only son of the late Joseph Fulton, L.R.C.S.L, by his wife Florence Mary Walsh of Dublin. Armorial bearings— Argent, a lion rampant azure, debruised by a bend gobony ermine and gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect grasping a broken javelin, point to the sinister all proper. MottO — "Vi et virtute." Married, Aug. 21, 1894, Mary, second dau. of Capt. James Barton, late R.H.A. , of Blackheath, formerly of Mauritius ; and has Issue — (i) Joseph Henry Caldbeck Fulton, Gentle- man, b. Oct. 7, 1896; (2) Theodore Stephen Miller Fulton, Gentleman, b. Sept. 24, 1899 ; and Marie Josephine. Resi- dence— ^o€OMQk. House, CO. Dublin ; and Lisburn, Seven- oaks, Kent. Club — Royal Yacht (Portsmouth). JOHN FULTON, Esquire, Lieutenant-General R.A. (retired), being the eldest surviving son of the late Robert Bell Fulton, Esq., Maj. Bengal Art., by his wife Elizabeth Jane, dau. of George Stephenson of Hillsboro'. Armorial bearings— Argent, a lion rampant azure, debruised by a bend gobony ermine and gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect grasping a broken javelin, point to the sinister all proper. MottO — " Vi et virtute." Residence — Christ Church, N.Z. RICHARD ROBERT FULTON, Gentleman, late 44th Regt. , afterwards Royal Irish Constabulary. Born 1823, being the fourth son of James Forrest Fulton, Knight of the Guelphic Order 1838, Ensign Northampton Fencibles 1798 and 38th Foot 1801, A.D.C. to Sir George Prevost, Gov. -Gen. of Canada, and twice mentioned by him in Despatches, Major 92nd Foot, Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1815 (retired 1824), by his wife Penelope Francis, only dau. of Richard Bowyer (who took the name of Atkins on s. Sir Richard Atkins as Lord of the Manor of Clapham). Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion rampant azure, de- bruised by a bend gobony ermine and gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect grasping a broken javelin, point to the sinister all proper. Motto — " Vi et virtute." Married, Nov. 10, 1857, Margaret Ormsby, dau. of Robert Twiss of Birdhill ; and has /«««— Edith Atkins Bowyer, d. 1868 ; Elizabeth Frances \m., Jan. 10, 1883, Capt. John Edward Maxwell Pilkington, 28th Regt., and has issue]; May Ormsby [;«., June 21, 1888, Lieut.-Col. Alfred Ruttlcdge, 14th Regt., and has issue]. Residence — Parsonstown, King's Co. ROBERT VALPY FULTON, Gentleman, M.B., CM., Edinburgh. Born 1865, being the fifth son of the late Hon. James Fulton of Ravenscliffe, West Taieri, N.Z., M.I.C., J. P., elected to the House of Representa- tives for Dunedin 1879, and called to the Upper House 1890, by his wife Catherine Henrietta Elliott, dau. of William Henry Valpy, H.E.I.C.S. Armorial bearings- Argent, a lion rampant azure, debruised by a bend gobony ermine and gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect grasping a broken javelin, point to the sinister all proper. Motto — " Vi et virtute." Married, 1890, Lihas Augusta, dau. of Henry C. Hertslet of Hawkesbury, N.Z., and niece of Sir E. Hertslet, K.C.B. ; and has Issue — (i) Roland Arthur Hertslet Fulton, Gentleman, b. 1891 ; (2) James Robert Bell Hertslet Fulton, Gentleman, b. 1892 ; (3) Noel Edward Hertslet Fulton, Gentleman, b. 1895 ; and Enid Fanny Hertslet. Residence — SYDNEY WROUGHTON FULTON, Gentleman, Born 1859, being the eldest son of Lieut. -Gen. John Fulton, R.A,, J.P, , by his wife Ellen, dau, of Major R. Wroughton, Deputy Surveyor-General of India. Ar- morial bearings— Argent, a lion rampant azure, debruised by a bend gobony ermine and gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect grasping a broken javelin, point to the sinis- ter all proper. Motto — " Vi et virtute." Married, 1894, Elsie Maude, daughter of John Simson Arm- strong, Barrister-at-Law; and has /rj-^e — Sheelah Alice Wroughton ; Eileen Maude Wroughton ; and Lorna Hope Wroughton. Residence — Melbourne. Sir CHRISTOPHER FURNESS, Knight Bachelor (1895), J.P. and D.L. for co. Durham, and for the N.R, of Yorkshire, M.P. for the Hartlepools 1891-95, and since 1900. Bor7i 1852, being the seventh son of the late John Furness of Hartlepool, by Averil, dau. of the late John Wilson of Naisbet Hall, Castle Eden. Armorial bearings —Per saltire argent and or, a talbot sejant sable, on a chief wavy gules three plates. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, issuant from a wreath of cinquefoils vert, a bear's paw erect argent, charged with a torteau grasping a javelin in bend sinister sable, pendent therefrom by the straps proper, two spurs or. Motto — " I'll defend." Married, 1876, Jane, dau. of Henry Suggitt of West Hartlepool, and has issue. ,S^a^.;— Tunstall Court, West Hartlepool, co. Durham ; Grantley Hall, Ripon, co. York. Town residence - -zj, Upper Brook Street, W. Clubs — Devonshire, Reform, Royal Thames Yacht. CHARLES FURSDON, Esquire, J.P, for co, Devon, late Captain ist Devon Militia. Born July 31, 1829, being the eldest son of the late George Fursdon, Esq., J.P. , by his wife Georgina, dau. of Haynes G. Alley ne of Barbados. Armorial bearings— Argent, a chevron azure, between three fire-balls proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — A plume of five ostrich feathers issuing from a ducal coronet, all proper. Married, Dec. 2, 1858, Eliza, eldest dau. of the late Henry Willis; and has Issue— (1) George Henry Fursdon, Gentleman, b. Nov. 7, 1859 \rn., April 28, 1892, Charlotte, dau. of Hume NichoU of Connaught Square, London, and has issue, George Ellsworth Sydenham Fursdon, Gentleman, b. 1893; and Cicely Winifred]; (2) Charles Alfred Thomas Fursdon, Gentleman, b. March 6, 1861 \in. Ethel, dau. of R. H. Robertson of Jamaica, and has issue, Alfred Alleyne Fursdon, Gentleman, b. Nov. 26, 1895 ; and Charles Henry Fursdon, Gentleman, b. Nov. 11, 1897] ; Lucy Ada Georgiana ; and Gertrude Emily Alleyne [m. Capt. R. Percy Smith, 2nd Devon Regiment]. Seat— Fursdon, Tiverton. JAMES CECIL COLDHAM FUSSELL, Gentleman, Born Sept. 7, 1844, being the only son of James Coldham Fussell of Crabb Hall, Owslebury, co. Southampton, and his wife Sarah, only child of Moore of Ockham, near I is the Naval Cockade. S»4 JFlW ^al Riploy. CO. Surrey, and wiilow of John Wells of Farnham. Armoiial b«&rlngs— Sable, a fosse engrailed Ijctwecn four fusils or. on a chiel of the last, three crosses flory of the first. Mantling sable and or. Orett — On a wreath of the colours, between two laurel branches proper, a fusil or, charged with a cross flory sable. Motto — ".^lA." Afar- tied, June 9, 1868, Eliza Harriet, eldest surviving dau. of William Wilkes; and has Issue — (i) Vernon Coldham Fussell, Gentleman, b. May 14, 1869 ; (2) Edgar Coldham Fussell, Gentleman, b. Sept. 20, 1870 ; (3J James Coldham Fussell, Gentleman, b. Feb. 5, 1874 ; (4) Jervis Coldham Fussell, Gentleman, b. Sept. 25, 1882 ; (5) Warwick Cold- ham Fussell, Gentleman, b. June 6, 1889 ; Nina ; Lynette ; Coldham; Gwendaline; and Genista. Estates — The Glen, near Chatswood ; Hodnet, North Sydney ; all in the colony of New South Wales. Postal address — Hodnet, Falcon Street, North Sydney, New South Wales. FUST, quartered by JENNER. FUST, see JENNER-FUST. The Honourable Sir PHILIP OAKLEY FYSH. K.C.M.G. ; Treasurer in Sir E. Braddon's Ministry from April 14, 1894; one of the Members for North Ilobart, elected May 2, 1894; was formerly M.L.C. for Hobart, elected June 15, 1866, retired 1869; M.L.C. for Bucking- ham, elected Nov. 9, 1870, retired July 1873; M.H.A. for East Hobart, elected Aug. 8, 1873, re-elected June 14, 1877, retired Nov. 1878 ; M.L.C. for Buckingham, elected March ic, 1884, re-elected April 7, 1887, and May 6, 1890; Treasurer in Mr. Kennerly's Ministry Aug. 4, 1873, 'o March 12, 1875, and without portfolio to July 20, 1876; Leader of the Opposition, July 14, 1877, to Aug. 9, 1877; Premier without office, Aug. 9, 1877, to March 5, 1878 ; held portfolio without office in Mr. Gibbon's first Admini- stration, March 5, to Dec. 20, 1878 ; Premier and Chief Secretary, March 29, 1887, to Aug. 17, 1892 ; leader of the Opposition in Legislative Council from Aug. 17, 1892, to April 1894 ; is a Member of the Executive Council ; a Viagistrate for the Territory ; was President of the Central Board of Health ; was Chairman of Metropolitan Drainage Board ; Major commanding the Tasmanian Volunteer Rifle Regiment, 1880 to 1884 ; was Alderman of Hobart, 1868 and 1869 ; was one of the delegates from Tasmania to the Federal Convention held in Sydney, March 1891 ; was one of the representatives of Tasmania in the Federal Coun- cil of Australasia; Agent - General for Tasmania 1899; created Knight of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, Jan. i, 1896, Postmaster-General, 1903. Fifth surviving son of John Fysh, once of King's Lynn, Norfolk, and afterwards of Highbury, Middlesex, by his wife Charlotte, dau. of Samuel Kingston Fleet. Armorial beaxingB — Azure, within two barrulets wavy argent, a fret or between as many bezants, the whole between three flying-fish proper, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon and pendent his badge as a K.C.M.G. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, and issuant from a wreath of red coral, a cubit arm vested azure, cuffed argent, holding in the hand a flying-fish proper. Motto — " Nitor in adversum." Married, Oct. 14, 1856, Esther Kentish, elder dau. of William Willis, Manufacturer, Luton, Beds; and has Issue. Residence — Hob,irt, Tasmania. Q MARSHALL GABBETT-MULHALLEN, Gentleman, who assumed the additional surname and arms of Mulhallen by Royal License in 1895. Airmorial bearingB— Quarterly I and 4, azure a stag's head erased or, between six escallops argent (for Mulhallen) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron bretessed between three boars' heads coujjed sable (for Gabbett) ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence these same arms of Mul- hallen. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an escallop or (for Mulhallen) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, under an oak tree proper, a boar passant sable, armed, bristled, unguled, collared and chained or (for Gabbett). Mottoes — ' ' Always ready ; " " Parcere subjectis et debellare superbos." Married, , Katherine Frances, second daughter of the late John Gorges Hely Mulhallen of Malcolm ville, co. Carlow. Postal address— GAGE, see BAILLIE-GAGE, GAITSKELL (H. Coll.). Gules, a lion passant argent combatant with a snake entwined round his body proper, a martlet or for difference, on a chief embattled of the second, a sword erect proper, hilt and pommel gold, between two laurel-branches projaer, inclining towards the sword. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mountain an eagle regardant with wings expanded proper, collared azure, resting; the dexter claw on a pellet. Motto — " Fortitudo et integritas." Son of Lt.-Col. James Gandy Gaitskell, H.M. Indian Army (Bengal Infantry), by his second wife Emily Todd, d. of Jeremiah Todd Naylor of Kensing- ton House, Fullwood Park, Liverp)ool : — Walter James Gaitskell, Esq., Lt.-Col. Roy. Marine Art., b. 29 June 1859; m. 12 Feb. 1884, Emily Caroline, eld. d. of Sir William Richard Edwin Smart, K.C.B., K.L.H., M.D., R.N., Hon. Physician to H.M. Queen Victoria ; and has issue — Henry Walter Gaitskell, Gentle- man, 2nd Lieut. R.A., b. i Dec. 1884. Estates — Waldon House, Cheltenham ; and Denbigh Lodge, Southsea. Res. — Denbigh Lodge, Southsea. GALBRAITH (U.O.). Gules, three boars' heads erect and erased or. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a boar's head erect and erased or. Motto — " Sine tremore." Son of Samuel Galbraith, Esq., J. P. co. Tyrone (High Sheriff 1833, and High Sheriff co. Longford 1840), b. ; d. 1864; m. 1824, Susannah Jane, d. of Rev. Robert Handcock, D.D. : — The Very Rev. George Galbraith, M.A. , Dean of Derry and formerly Rural Dean, late Rector of parishes of Drumachose and Aghanloo, b. 1829 ; m. 1874, Florence, d. of Acheson Lyle, Esq., of The Oaks, Lieut, of co. of ^ ig tbe Military Cocliade. mi (S)al 525 Londonderry; and has issue — (i) Samuel Harold Lyle Galbraith, Esq., Capt. Roy. Irish Regt., d. 1876 ; (2) James Ponsonby Galbraith, Gentleman, Lieut. R.E., d. 1881 ; Eleanor; Georgina; Susannah. Seat — Clanabogan, nr. Omagh. JOHN ALEXANDER GALBRAITH, Gentleman. Born March 26, 1858, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Donald Galbraith, sometime Independent Minister at Campbeltown, and thereafter a Licentiate of the Free Church of Scotland, and his wife Margaret M'Killop, dau. of James Galbraith, late of Her Majesty's Inland Revenue. Armorial bearings — Or, two bears' heads couped proper muzzled gules in chief, and a galley, sails furled sable, flagged of the third in base. Mantling gules, doubled or. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a galley, sails furled sable, flagged gules ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Trust and do good." Married, June 13, 1889, Mary Rogerson M'Knight, dau. of James Findlay; and haslssue — Donald James Findlay Galbraith, Gentleman, b. May 13, 1892 ; Elsie Mary ; Mar- garet Helen Eraser ; and Violet Hannah Goldie. Residence — 28 Belhaven Terrace, Glasgow. Clubs — New (Glasgow), Conservative (Glasgow), Art (Glasgow). GALE, see RICHMOND-GALE-BRADDYLL. GALE, quartered by DOBREE. g^ CHARLES WILLIAM GALE, tenant Yorkshire Regim.ent. Gentleman, Lieu- Born August 12, (tr\^\p 1866, being the only child of the late Charles \lfil\X, William Gale, Gentleman, of Tirhoot, in the East Indies, by his wife Sarah Elizabeth, daugh- ter of T. J. Thomas of Saint Arvans, Chepstow, in the punty of Monmouth. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a fesse between three saltires azure, an anchor between two lions' heads erased or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head couped azure, charged with an anchor or between two palets argent ; with the Motto, " Depressus extoUor." CURWEN JOHN ZOUCH GALE, Gentleman. Bom Aug. I, 1846. Armorial bearings -Argent, on a fesse between three saltires azure, an anchor between two lions' heads erased or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head couped azure, charged with an anchor or, between two palets argent. Motto — " Depressus extollor." Residence — HENRY RICHMOND HOGHTON GALE, Esquire, J. P. Bom June 6, 1830, being the second son of the late William Gale, Esq., J. P., High Sheriff of co. Lancaster, by his wife Cecilia Isabella, dau. of James Losh, Recorder of Newcastle. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a fesse be- tween three saltires azure, an anchor between two lions' heads erased or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head couped azure, charged with an anchor or, between two pales argent. Married, Dec. 10, 1862, Emma, elder dau. of Thomas Sneyd of Sidbury Manor, Devon ; and has Issue — (i) Henry Richmond Gale, Esq., Capt. R.E. , b. April 16, 1866; (2) Edmund William Gale, Esq., b. Oct. 4, 1868; (3) Arthur Stephen Gale, b. Oct. 3, 1875 ; and Eleanor Mabel. Seat — Bardsea Hall, Ulverstone, co. Lancaster. JAMES GALE, Gentleman. Bom March 19, 1834, being the fourth but second surviving son of William Gale, Esq. , of Bardsea Hall, J. P. , High Sheriff of co. Lancaster 1847, by his wife Cecilia Isabella, dau. of James Losh. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a fesse between three saltires azure, an anchor between two lions' heads erased or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head couped azure, charged with an anchor or, between two palets argent. Motto — " Depressus extollor." Married, Sept. 26, 1866, Emma, dau. of Rev. R. Johnson, Rector of Lavenham, Suffolk; and has Issue — Isabella Mary Cecilia. Residence — JOHN CHERRY GALE, Gentleman, of Surbiton, in the county of Surrey, formerly of Pandaul and Barrah, Tirhoot, in the East Indies. Born March 3, 1837, being the eldest son of the late John Gale, Gentleman, of Pandaul, and of Cheltenham, in the county of Gloucester, by his first wife Mary, daughter of Marmaduke Stalkartt of Howrah, near Calcutta. Armorial bearings — He! bears for Arms: Argent, on a fesse between three saltires azure, an anchor between two lions' heads erased or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head couped azure, charged with an anchor or between two pallets argent; with the Motto, "Depressus extollor." Married, firstly, September 16, 1864, Juhan Maclaine, daughter of Major Gillian Ross, 42nd Highlanders (she died November 22, 1888) ; secondly, Kathleen Maud, daughter of Malcolm Neynoe Macleod of Portarlington, Queen's County, Ireland ; and by his first wife has Issue — (i) John Ross Gale, Gentle- man, born June 24, 1869 ; (2) Albert Curwen Maclaine Gale, Gentleman, born November 18, 1871 ; Julia Mary ; and Flora Caroline ; by his second wife — (3) Maurice John Macleod Gale, Gentleman, b. May 31, 1896; Eileen Maud ; and Joan Kathleen. Residence — MARMADUKE HENRY LIITLEDALE GALE, Gentleman, of Dulwich, in the county of Surrey, formerly of Pandaul, Tirhoot, in the East Indies. Born August 25, 1842, being the second son of the late John Gale, Gentle- man, of Pandaul, and of Cheltenham, in the county of Gloucester, by his wife Mary, daughter of Marmaduke Stalkartt of Howrah, near Calcutta. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a fesse between three saltires azure, an anchor between two lions' heads erased or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head couped azure, charged with an anchor or between two palets argent; with the Motto — "Depressus extollor." Married, March 4, 1873, Anna, daughter of Malcolm Neynoe Macleod of Portarlington, Queen's County, Ireland ; and has Issue — (i) Marmaduke Henry Littledale Gale, Gentleman, born December 3, 1873 ; (2) Horace Charles Macleod Gale, Gentleman, born April 18, 1875 ; and Lilian May. is the Naval Cockade. 5*6 ^al (S>a\ S WALTER ANDREW GALE. Esquire. Capt. in the Kuyal Engineers. Born Nov. 9. 1855, bein^ the fourili but third surviving son of John Gale, (jentlcman, uf P)\ndaul. India, by his wife Katharine Mary, youngest dau. of Patrick Johnston. Gentlemen, of London. Axmo- rial bMUingB Argent, on a fesse between three saltires axure, an anchor between two lions' heads erased or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours. IX unicorn's head couped azure, charged with an anchor or. between two palets argent. Motto ' ' Depressus extoUor." Married, Dec. 4. 1877, Agnes Georgina, eldest dau. of Capt Thomas Edward Gordon, late of the 14th Light Dragoons and Enniskillinn ; and has Issue (i) Henry John Gordon Gale, Gentleman, b. July 3, 1883 ; Helen Mary ; and Gertrude Lilian. GALLENGA-HARDWIN, see HARDWIN. J. B. G. GALLINI, Esquire. Armorial iMaringa- Argent, semte of leaves vert, on a chief azure a lymphad, sails furled and oars in action, between two roses argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a lyre or, surmounted by a wreath of olive-leaves in bend vert. Motto — " Con- cordia et harmonia." Xesidence — gules and or. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a cat sejant guardant proper, gorged with a collar or, charged witli two mullets gules, and chained of the third. Motto " Unus rex et una lex. " Married, firstly, 1848, Cerise, dau. of John Eyre of Eyrecourt Castle; CO. Galway (she d. 1849) ; secondly, 1851. Alice Dora, dau. of the late Major Macdougall, King's Own Borderers . and has had Issue -(i) J, Macdougall Gallwey, i. 18^5, d. 1887; (a) H. Lionel Galwey. Esq., C.M.G., D.S.O., Miijor E. Lanes. Regt., t. 1859; Dora Louisa [m. Lieut. - Col. Irvine. R.E. , and has issue]; Ellen [m. Rt. Hon, the Earl of WharnclifTe, and has issue] ; and Julia Mary. Residence — Ttnafx House. Roehampton. London, S.W Club — United Service. GALPIN. quartered by WATNEY. The Rev, ARTHUR JOHN GALPIN, Clerk in Holy Orders. M.A. (Trin. Coll., Oxen.), Headmaster of the King's School, Canterbury. Born March 3, 1861, being the second son of the late John Galpin, of Culliford House, Dorchester, CO. Dorset, by Emily his wife. Z,« wry -Dark drab, with red collar and cuffs. Armorial bearings -Per GALLOWAY, quartered by HAMILTON, DOUGLAS, HOME, CONYERS, and FOX. Lieutenant-general Sir THOMAS LIONEL JOHN GALLWEY, K.C.M.G. {1889), Inspector-General of Forti- fications i88o-8a, Governor and Commander-in-Chief, Bermuda 1882-88. Bom 1821, being the eldest son of the late Major John Gallwey, late i6th Regt., Deputy Inspector-General Irish Constabulary, by Bridget Ellen, dau. of Neptune Blood. Armorial bearings— Per fesse gules and azure, in chief two double-headed eagles dis- played or, in base a bridge of five arches argent. Mantling chevron gules and or, two cock's feathers in chief of the last, and a bear's head erased in base sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a cock's head erased sable, combed and wattled gules, charged with a galtrap between two cock's feathers or. Motto — " Vigilat validus." Married, Jan. 2, 1900, Millicent Jane, second dau. of the Rev. Frederick Harrison Hichens, M.A., Hon. Canon of Canterbury, and Rector of St. Stephens, Hackington ; and has /«««— Michael John Galpin, Gentleman, b. Feb. 25, 1903 ; and Mary Cecilia. Residence — The King's School, Canterbury. Club — East Kent (Canterbury). The Rev. FRANCIS WILLIAM GALPIN, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Cambs.). Educated at Sherborne and Trinity College, Cambridge, Fellow of the Linnean Society, Vicar of Hatfield Regis co. Essex. Born Dec. 25, 1858, being the elder son of the late John Galpin, Esq. ,, of Culli- ford House, Dorchester, and Emily his wife, dau. of Joseph ^ is tbe Military Cockade. ($al Hansford of Dorchester, co. Dorset. Livery— Dark drab, with red collar and cuffs. Armorial bearings— Per chevron gules and or, two cock's feathers in chief of the last, and a bear's head erased in base sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cock's head erased sable, combed and wattled gules, charged with a galtrap between two cock's feathers or. Motto — " Vigilat validus. " Married, January i6, 1889, Mary Maude, second dau. of Henry William Hawkins of Rew Manor, co. Dorset ; and iS^al 527 has Issue — (i) Christopher John Galpin, Gentleman, b. July 13, 1892 ; (2) Bernard William Galpin, Gentleman, b. Aug. 20, 1897 ; and {3) Stephen George Galpin, Gentleman, b. Nov. 14, 1898 ; and Ursula Frances. Postal address — Hat- field Vicarage, Harlow. THOMAS DIXON GALPIN, Gentleman. Armorial bearings — Per chevron gules and or, two cock's feathers in chief of the last, and a bear's head erased in base sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cock's head erased sable, combed and wattled gules, charged with a galtrap between two cock's feathers or. Motto — "Vigilat validus." Residence — i Palace Houses, Kensington, London, W. GEORGE MOORE GALT, Gentleman. Born 1871, being the second son of the late William Howard Gait of Ballysally House, by his wife Sarah Ann, dau. of George Moore. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a chevron between three garbs or, banded gules, a man's head in profile couped below the shoulders proper, wreathed of the field, a crescent for difference. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a garb fesseways or, banded gules, a man's head in profile, couped at the neck proper, wreathed azure. Motto — "Nihil melius virtute." Married, 1904, Lida Janette Batchelder. Postal address — 8 Auburn Street, Vashna, V.H., U.S.A. WILLIAM HOWARD CURTIS GALT, Gentleman, late 4th Batt. Royal Irish Rifles. Born June 9, 1870, being the eldest son of the late William Howard Gait of Ballysally House, by his wife Sarah Ann, dau. of George Moore. Chibs — St. George's, Coleraine (Coleraine, Ire- land). Armorial bearings — Azure, on a chevron between three garbs or, banded gules, a man's head in profile, couped below the shoulders proper, wreathed of the field. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a garb fesseways or, banded gules, a man's head in profile, couped at the neck proper, wreathed azure. Motto — "Nihil melius virtute." Married in Paris, 1902, Josephine, dau. of Larbalettre de la Tremouille ; and has /jj7/«— Hamilton Curtis Gait, Gentleman, b. Dec. 26, 1904. Estates — Ballysally and Coleraine, Ireland. Postal address — Fortview Club, Coleraine, Ireland. S DARWIN GALTON, Esquire, J.P., D.L. for co. Warwick, Captain in the Warwickshire Yeomanry. Bom March 18, 1814, being the eldest son of the late Samuel Tertins Galton, Esq., of Duddeston House and Claverdon, CO. Warwick, J. P. and D. L. , by his wife Violetta, eldest dau. of the late Erasmus Darwin, M.D., F.R.S. , of Derby, author of the " Zoonomia Phytologia," &c. &c. Club — Arthur's. Livery — Dark, scarlet waistcoat. Armo- rial bearings — Ermine, on a fesse engrailed between six fleurs-de-lis gules, an eagle's head argent between two bezants. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an eagle ermine, one claw resting on a fleur-de-lis gules, gazing on the sun in splendour. Motto — " Gaudet luce." Married, fvc%\.\y, Sept. 22, 1840, Mary Elisabeth, eldest dau. of John Phillips of Edstone, CO. Warwick (d. Nov. 26, 1869) ; secondly, Jan. 21, 1873, Frances Jane, third dau. of Peter Arkwright of Willersley, CO. Derby {d. Nov. 9, 1894); and thirdly, June 11, 1896, Penelope Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Cumberland of Middlecave, Malton, co. York ; and has had Issue — John Samuel Phillips, b. Nov. 23, 1841 {d. Aug. 20, 1842). Seat — Claverdon Leys, Warwick. Sir DOUGLAS GALTON, K.C.B., D.C.L., F.R.S., late Captain R.E., Inspector of Railways 1851, Secretary to Railway Dept. 1854-60, Assistant Inspector-General of Fortifications 1859-62, Assistant Under-Secretary for War 1862-70, Director of Works and Public Buildings 1870-75, J. P. Worcestershire, and C.C. , Officer Legion Honour 1889, Knight of Grace of Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Born July 2, 1822, being the second son of the late John Howard Galton, Esq., of Hadzor House, co. Worcester, J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1834, by his wife Isabella, only surviving child of Joseph Strutt of St. Peter's House, Derby. Clubs — Athena;um, Army and Navy. Ar- morial bearings — Ermine, on a fesse engrailed between six fleurs-de-lis gules, an eagle's head argent between two bezants, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon and pendent therefrom the badge of a K. C. B. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an eagle ermine, one claw resting on a fleur- de-lis gules, gazing on the sun in his splendour. Motto — "Gaudet luce." Married, Aug. 26, 1851, Marianne, eldest dau. of George Thomas Nicholson, Esq. , of Waverley Abbey, is the Naval Cockade. s«» mi (J^am Surrry; and has /sswe — Evelyne Isabella Douglas [iw., Leonard D. Cunlifle, of Juniper Hill. Dorking. Surrey! ; Laura (iwendolyne Douglas [m., Feb. 189a, Frederick R. 'l. Trench-Gascoigne of Parlington, co. York, and Craignish Castle, N.B.]. Seat — Himbleton Manor, Droitwich. Tou'n rtsidence — la Chesler Street, S. W. M ERASMUS GALTON. Esquire. I.P.. D.L., late Major O and Warwick Militia, formerly R.N. Bom May 31, i8iv being the second son of Samuel Tertius Galton, Esq., of Duddeston, J. P. and D.L., by his wife Frances Anne Violetta, oldest dau. of Erasmus Darwin. M.D. , F. R.S. , of Brendsall Priory, co. Derby. Armorial bearioj^s — Er- mine, on a fesse engrailed between six fleurs-de-lis gules, an eagle's head argent between two bezants. Mantling gules and argent. Great — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an eagle ermine, one claw resting on a fleur- de-lis gules, gazing on the sun in splendour. MottO — "Gaudet luce." Postal address— \MxX.on, Weston-super- Mare. C/w*— Windham. EWAN CAMERON GALTON, Esquir«. Barrister-at- Law, J. P. for Worcestershire. Bom 1856, being the only son of Robert Cameron Galton, Gentleman, of Shelsley Grange, co. Worcester, by his wife Frances Anne Adile, dau. of James Moilliet, Esq., of Cheney Court, co. Hereford. Armorial bearings — Ermme, on a fesse engrailed between six fleurs-de-lis gules, an eagle's head argent between two bezants. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an eagle ermine, one claw resting on a fleur-de-lis gules, gazing on the sun in splendour. Motto— " Gaudet luce." Married, 1891, Lucy, second dau. of Charles Pearce Serocold of Taplow Hill, Bucks. Seat — Shelsley Grange, Worcester. Club — Reform. FRANCIS GAL'rON, F.R.S., D.C.L., D.Sc. Bom Feb. 16, i8aa, being the third son of Samuel Tertius Galton, Esq., J. P. and D.L., by his wife Frances, Anne Violetta, dau. (by his second marriage) of Erasmus Darwin, Esq., M.D., F.R.S., of Beadsall Priory, co. Derby. C/«*— Athenaeum. Armorial bearings— Ermine, on a fesse engrailed between six fleurs - de - lis gules, an eagle's head argent between two bezants. Mant- ling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an eagle ermine, one claw resting on a fleur-de-lis gules, gazing on the sun in splendour. Motto — "Gaudet luce." Married, 1853, Louisa Jane (d.s.p. 1897), elder dau. of late Very Rev. Dean (Butler) of Peterborough. Postal address — 42 Rutland Gate, S.W. HUBERT GEORGE HOWARD GALTON. Esquire, J. P., Major R.A. (ret. 1896). Bom Feb. 6, 1854, being the eldest son of the late Theodore Howard Galton, Esq., of Hadzor House, J. P. and D.L., Barrister-at-Law, by his wife Frances Amelia, fourth dau. of Gen. Sir George Arthur, Bart. Club— Army and Navy. Armorial bearings— Ermine, on a fesse engrailed between six fleurs-de-lis gules, an eagle's head argent between two bezants ; and impaling the arms of Clifford, namely, chequy or and azure, a fesse gules. MantllTig' gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an eagle ermine, one claw resting on a fleur-de-lis gules, gazing on the sun in splendour. Motto — "Gaudet luce." Married, April 22, 188^, Emily Josephine, dau. of the late Major-Gen. the Hon. Sir Henry Hugh CUfford, V.C. C.B.. K.C.M.G.; and has Issue— {x\ Theodore Hugh Galton, Gentleman, b. Oct. 22, 1888 ; (2) Francis William Joseph Galton, Gentleman, b. Aug. 14. 1895 ; and Lucy Mary. Estate — Hadzor, Droitwich. Postal address — 36 Thurloe Square, S.W. MSlR DAVID GAMBLE, Baronet (1897), K.C.B., J. P. for CO. Lancaster and the borough of St. Helens, Hon. Col. 2nd Batt. Prince of Wales' Volunteers (South Lancashire Reg.). Bom Feb. 3, 1823, being the son of the late Josias Christopher Gamble, by his wife Hannah, dau. of Henry Gower. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, on a pile gules, between two tre- foils slipped in base vert, a fleur-de-lis of the first, a chief ermine. Mantling gules and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount between two trefoils slipped vert, a stork argent, holding in the beak a rose gules, stalked, leaved and slipf)ed proper. Motto — " Vix ea nostra voco. " Mar- ried, January 26, 1847, Elizabeth (rf. 1899), daughter of Thomas Haddock of St. Helens ; and has Issue— (i) Josias Christopher Gamble, Esq., J. P. for the co. I„incaster and the borough of St. Helens, lx)rn January 7, 1848 [married June 5, 1873, Isabella, daughter of George S. Sander- son, and has Issue, David Gamble, Esq. [married April 23. 1903, Eveline Frances Josephine, dau. of the late Rev. A. R. Cole] ; Hugh Gamble, Gentleman ; Josias Christopher Norman Gamble, Gentleman ; John Arthur Gamble, Gentleman]; (a) William Gamble. Esq., Justice of the Peace for the borough of St. Helens,' bom August 16, 1852 [married, April 36, 1877, Eleanor Eliza, daughter of Alan Ker, and has, Dorothy Ethel]; (3) David Gamble, Esquire, born June 9, 1856 [married," firstly, August 13, 1880, Josephine Henriette Dorner {d. 1899), and has, Conrad Dorner Gamble, Gentleman ; Victor Felix Gamble, Gentleman ; Loreniz Harry Gamble, Gentleman ; Josephine Henriette ; and Elizabeth ; married] secondly, March 18, 1901, Marion Parsonage ; and has further issue — David Brian Gamble, Gentleman ; and Graeme Neil Gamble, Gentleman]; (4) George Gamble, Esquire, born Feb, 10, 1858 [married, March i, 1884, Mary Watts, and has issue, Charles Lancelot Gamble, Gentleman ; George Vivian Gamble, Gentleman ; and Eileen May] ; (5) the Rev. Arthur Gamble, born June 28, 1863 [married, August 6, 1891, Annie Isabel, dau. of Alan Ker, and has issue, Arthur Christopher Gamble, Gentle- man] ; (6) Henry Gamble, Esq., born August 29, 1868 [married, 1895, Ethel Brewis, and has issue, Enid Kath- leen ; Violet Elizabeth ; and Winifred Kathleen] ; Ann Jane [married, July 9, 1874, Charles Joseph Bishop] ; Elizabeth, [married, June 2, 1887, Austin Cooper Carr] ; Hannah ; Alice; and Grace [married, February 11, 1899, Martin J. Hammill]. Seat — Windlehurst, St. Helens, co Lancaster. Clubs — Reform, Devonshire. S SYDNEY JAMES GAMMELL, Esq.. J. P. and D.L. CO. Kincardine. Bom 1867. being the only son of the late Rev. James Stewart Gammell. J. P., M.A. (eldest son of the late James Gammell, Esq., of Ardiffery, D.L. co. Aber- deen), by his wife Anne, dau. of Henry Alcock Bramley, Esq., of Silcoates, co. York. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron between three hearts in chief gules, joined and pierced by a chain azure, in base a branch of laurel proper, and a sword of the third in saltire. Mantling gules, doubled fi is the Military Cockade. Plate XVII. Brs6i®©I3SR» DaK,i5Hcn ^e^RKHIS @ROK.SR5> (^an (S>at 529 argent ; and upon a wreath of the liveries is set for Crest, a pelican, wings displayed, pierced from behind with an arrow proper. Motto — "Moriens sed invictus." Married, 1891, Alice Trench, fifth dau. of Rev. Henry Stobart of Wykeham Rise, Herts ; and has Issue — (i) James Andrew Harcourt Gammell, Gentleman, b. 1892 ; (2) Henry Stobart Gammell, Gentleman, b. 1896; (3) John Richard Gammell, Gentleman, b. 1898; Barbara Anne; and Finella Mary. Seats — Drumtochty Castle, Fordoun, co. Kincardine; Countesswells, co. Aberdeen. S THOMAS CHARLES GANDOLFI HORNYOLD, Esquire, Duke Gandolfi (of Rome, May 6, 1899), Mar- quis Gandolfi of Rome (March 1895), Marquis Gandolfi of Genoa (Aug. 14, 1529), and of Rome (March 29, 1895), Marquis of Montcrescente and of Melassi, in the Duchy of Mantua (Oct. 23, 1620), Count of Gazzelli and Chiosanica, in Liguria (ofSavoy, June i, 1636), Knight Grand Cross of the Orders of St. Gregory the Great and of the Holy Sepulchre, Knight of the Sovereign Order of Malta (Royal Wairant, Dec. 20, 1903, to wear the same), Knight Grand Commander of Christ of Portugal, Knight Commander of the Austrian-Tuscan Order of St. Stephen, D. L. and J. P. for the cos. of Worcester and Hereford, Lord of the Manor of Hanley Castle, Member of Royal Consulta Araldica of Italy, by appointment of King Humbert, 1895; created Duke Gandolfi, with remainder to his legitimate heirs male, by Pope Leo XIH., May 6, 1899, and formally invested as a Duke by the Pope at the Vatican, May 7, 1899 ; recognised as.Duke and received in audience by the K ing of Italy, April 29, 1903. Born Dec. 22, 1846, being the eldest son of John V. Hornyold, Esq. (in Italy, Marquis Gandolfi), D.L. and J. P., Knight Grand Cross of Noble Order of Christ, by his wife Charlotte, second dau. of the late Hon. Charles Langdale (formerly Stourton), M.P., of Houghton Hall, Yorks (son of Rt. Hon. seven- teenth Lord Stourton), by his wife Hon. Charlotte (dau. of Rt. Hon. sixth Lord Clifford). Clubs— C^T\\.or\, St. James's. Livery— 'DatV. blue, silver and red plush breeches. Armorial bearings (as recorded in the College of Arms in England under the Royal Licence, Feb. 1859, to his father to assume the name and arms of Hornyold)— Azure, on a bend embattled counter-embattled argent, a wolf passant between two escallops sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-unicorn gules, armed, crined, and unguled or. Motto — "Fidem tene." Armorial bearings (as borne, and as recorded in Rome and Turin, the Duke Gandolfi never having relinquished his Genoese nationality) are — Quarterly i and 4, azure, on a bend embattled and counter-embattled argent, a wolf pas- sant between two escallops sable ; 2. argent, from a mount in base vert a poplar tree supported by two lions rampant proper, each crowned with the coronet of a Marquis ; 3. per fesse vert and gules, a lion rampant crowned argent, impal- ing or, on a mount a goat passant sable, with a bordure compony of the second and first. Crests- 1. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-unicorn gules, crined and armed or ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-hon sable, holding in the dexter paw a dagger in pale proper. Supporters — Two lions rampant proper, crowned with Marquises' coronets, collared and crined or, and pendent from each of the ^ collars an escutcheon, that on the dexter charged with the arms of the Papal See, and that on the sinister charged with the arms of His Holiness Pope Leo XIII. Mottoes-- " Fidem tene," " Multa virum durando soecula vincit, ' "Quod vult, valde vult." Married, Feb. 19, 1878, Donna Maria Teresa Louisa, first dau. of the late Marshal Cabrera, Count de Morella, Marquis del Ter, Knt. Grand Cross of all the Royal and Military Orders of Spain by creation of King Don Alfonso XII. ; and has Issue— [i) Alfonso Otho, Duke (to whom by a Royal Decree Don Alfonso XII. was godfather, represented by the Spanish Minister in London), Knight of Sovereign Order of Malta, and has Royal Warrant, Dec. 22, 1903, to wear the same; b. June 20, 1879 ; (2) Ralph Vincent Gandolfi-Hornyold, Marquis [created Marquis, with remainder to his legitimate heirs male. May 7, 1899, by Pope Leo XIII.], b. March 4, 1880; and Charlotte Mary [created a Countess in her own right, May 7, 1899 by Pope Leo XIII.]. Seats— B\a.cV.more. Park, Hanley Castle. Worcester; Villa Gandolfi, San Remo, Italy. JAMES GANDY GANDY, Esquire, J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1892, B.A. Ch. Ch. Oxford. Born Sept. 29. 1850, being the son of the late Lieut.-Col. Brandreth, Scots Guards, of Broad Green, near Liverpool (who assumed the surname of Gandy on the death of his wife's father in 1858, by his second wife Jane, elder dau. and coheiress of James Gandy, Esq., of Heaves, J. P. and D.L. Armo- rial bearings— Per fesse nebuly gules and azure, in chief two pairs of swords in saltire proper, pommels and hilts or, and in base a saltire couped of the last. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a pen in bend dexter argent, surmounted by a sword in bend sinister proper, pommel and hilt gold, encircled by a chaplet of oak vert, fructed or. Motto — " Marte et ingenio." Married, April 21, 1880, Annie Lucy Stanley, youngest dau. of the late John Nash Tyndale, M.A., Barrister- at-Law (Inner Temple) ; and has Issue — Annis Vere Gandy. 5ea/— Heaves, Kendal. C/«*— Oxford and Cambridge. GAPE (H. Coll., 1684). Or, three lions passant in bend sable, between two bendlets vair. Mantling sable and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant re- gardant or, pellett^, gorged with a collar vair. Son of George Gape, Esq., m. , Frances Elizabeth, eld. d. of Col. George Morgan ; — James John Gape, Esq., J. P. Herts, late Major Com. ist Batt. Herts Rifle Vols. , formerly for 22 years in Herts Militia, b. 1826; m. May 1851, Henrietta Jemima, eld. surv. d. of Christopher Richard Nugent ; and has issue— (i) Thomas Walter Penrice Gape, Gentleman, b. 1852, lost in the "Quetta" 1890 [vi. 1876, Emily Louisa, eld d. of Major-Gen. H. Le Poer Trench of Mount Bernard, co. Galway; and had issue— (i) William Nugent Walter, Gentleman, b. 1880] ; (2) George William Moreton Gape, Gentleman, b. 1850; (3) Henry Francis Bruce Gape, Gentleman, b, 1862 ; (4) Ernest Francis Bruce Gape, Gentleman, b. 1871 ; Henrietta Emily [m. 1882, Rev. Paul O'Brien Methuen]; Clare Maria [«. 1877, Rev. A. C. Gray, Vicar of Sandon, Herts] ; Florence Louisa Un. 1882, H. N. Dudding, Lieut. R.N.]; Frances Mary {m. 1886, Rev. George Henry Pownall Glossop of Silver Hall] ; and Octavia Evelyn. 5^a^— St. Michael's Manor, St. Albans. Sons of George Thomas Gape, Gentleman, d. 1868; m, , widow of T. Young : — Gape, Gentleman, b. Res. — Gape, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Gape, Gentleman, b. . Res. — S FRANCIS ALEXANDER GARDEN of Troup, co. Banff. Esquire. J. P. and D.L. for that county, some- time Lieut, in Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders and 14th King's Hussars; succeeded his cousin 1895. aom I is tbe Naval Cockade. 2L 5V (S^ar (^ar Nov. ai, 1869, being the only son of the l.Ue Archibald Garden (who died 1880), by his wife Jane Cathcart Euine, second dau. of William Taylor Cumine of Ougo.N.Z. /.iiv/T— Black and gold. ' Armorial bearlngt— Or, a boar's lu'ad erased s.iblc, armed and languod gules. Mantling saUU', doubled or. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a Iwar [xissant argent ; and in an escroll over the same tliis Hotto, "Vires animal virtus." Married, April ?. 1896, Isabella Mary liedford, eldest dau. of I-xlmund 'eel Kenyon ot Dunedin, N.Z. ; and has /w«*— Janet ; and Maud. 5m/ — Troup House, Banff. C/«3j — New (Edinburgh), Royal Northern (AlK-rdeen), Automobile. GARDINER, see DUNN-GARDINER. GARDINER, quartered by FOX. GARDINER(i March 1841). Or, a stag's head caboshed gules, between the attires a mullet of the last, a canton azure (hereon a mitre of the first, labelled argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head caboshed proper, between the attires a mullet sable, pierced, and pendent from a chain or. Only son of Robert Barlow Gardiner, Gentleman, C.E.. by Agnes, d. of Thomas Courthope : — Rev. Robert Barlow Gardiner, M.A. (Oxon.), b. 23 May 1843. Jies.—^ Gliddon Road, West Kensington, London, W. C/«*— Savile. BENJAMIN BAMBER GARDNER, Esquire. J. P. co. of Lancaster, M.A. (Camb.). Bom 1838, being the fifth son of the late Richard Cardwell Gardner, Esq. , of Liver- pool, J. P. (Mayor 1862-63), and his wife, only child and heir of the late John Sykes of Fluke Hall. Armorial bear- ingr* — Quarterly 1 and 4, per fesse gules and or, a pale and three griffins' heads erased two and one, and as many roses one and two all counterchanged (for Gardner); 2 and 3, sable, a fountain between three tufts of grass proper (for Sykes), an annulet for difference. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of two dibbles in saltire, a griffin's head erased all proper. Motto — " Animo tefide." Seat — Aldingham Hall, Ulverston. C/w^j— Junior Constitutional, Conservative (Liverpool). The Reverend JAMES CARDWELL GARDNER, M.A. (Camb.), Vicar of Butler's Marston from 1879-93. Born 1835, being the third son of the late Richard Cardwell Gardner, Esq., J. P.. of Liverpool (Mayor 1862-63), by his wife, only child and heir of the late John Sykes of Fluke Hall. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, p)er fesse gules and or, a pale and three griffins' heads erased two and one, with as many roses one and two all counterchanged, (for Gardner) ; 2 and 3, sable, a fountain between three tufts of grass proper (for Sykes), a mullet for difference. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of two dibbles in saltire, a griffin's head erased all proper. Motto—" Animo et fide." Married, i860, Sarah Ann, only dau. of David Waddington, Esq., D.L. co. of Middlesex, formerly M.P. for Maiden and Harwich. Seat — Fluke Hall, Garstang^Lancs. JOHN SYKES GARDNER, Gentleman. Bom Aug. 5, 1830, being the eldest son of the late Richard Cardwell Gardner, Esq., J. P., of Liverpool (Mayor 1862-63), by his wife, dau. and co-heir of the late John Sykes of Fluke Hall. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per fesse gules and or, a pale and three griffins' heads erased two and one, and as many roses one and two all counterchanged (for Gardner), 2 and 3, sable, a fountain between three tufts of grass proper, (for Sykes). M a n tl in g gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of two dibbles in saltire, a griffin's head erased all proper. Motto — " Animoet fide." Married Louisa, dau. of the late Edward Titley of Manchester; and had Issue— Sev^n sons and three daughters. Residence — 34 Princes Avenue, Liverpool. GARDNER (H. Coll.). Azure, on a mount in base proper, a horse stntant argent, on a chief arched of the last, two gryphons' heads erased of the first. Sons of George Gardner of Estry, Kent : — Harry Gardner, Gentleman, b, Nes. — Pietermaritzburg, Natal. GARDNER-BROWN (U.O.). Per pale gules and azure, on a chevron between in chief two fleurs-de-lis and in base an eagle displayed all or, three crosses patent embowed with tail in mouth, head to dexter proper, a cinquefoil sable. Postal address — S THOMAS CHENEY GARFIT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county f^Arftf' ^^ Lincoln (High Sheriff 1897). Born 1847, >»-'**VU-l. being the eldest son of the l.ate Thomas Garfit, Esquire, of Boston, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Lincoln, by his wife Elizabeth Boyd, only daughter of Thomas Broadbent of Grove House, Longsight, in the county of Lancaster. Club — New University. Livery — Dark blue, red waistcoat. Ar- morial bearing^ — He bears for Arms : Sable, a bend nebuly argent, gutt6e-de-poix, between four goats, two and two, salient and bendwise of the second, armed or, and im- paling the arms of Noel, namely or, fretty gules, a canton ermine. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, between two Ijezanis, the battlements of a tower or, issuant therefrom a goat's head argent, armed gold, gorged with a collar geniel sable. Motto — "Semper idem." Married, firstly, 1882, Mina Maria, second daughter of Andrew Murray of Edinburgh, who died 1883 ; secondly, 1886, Louisa Emily, younger daughter and co-heir of the Reverend Henry George de Bunsen, Rector of Donington, in the county of Salop ; and by her (who died 1887) has Issue — (i) Henry de Bunsen Cheney Garfit, Gentleman, born 1887. He married thirdly, December 3, 1891, Gertrude Arabella, daughter of Henry Lewis Noel, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Henry Lewis Noel; and by her has — (2) Thomas Noel Cheney Garfit, Gentleman, born 1892 ; (3) Christopher Noel Cheney Garfit, Gentleman, born 1899 ; Mary Elizabeth ; and Violet Emily. Seat — Kenwick Hall, Louth, in the county of Lincoln, Town residence — 23 Great Cumberland Place, London. Clubs — Carlton, New University. WILLIAM GARFIT, Esquire, J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1892, formerly Capt. 2nd Batt. Lincolnshire R.V., M.P. for Boston 1895. Born Nov. 9, 1840, being the eldest son of the late William Garfit of Boston, by his wife Jane, dau. of Richard Hassard Short of Edlington, Horncastle, Lincolnshire. Armorial bearing^— Sable, a bend nebuly argent, gutt6e-de-poix, between four goats, two and two, salient and bend ways of the second, armed or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, be- tween two bezants, the battlements of a tower or, issuant therefrom a goat's head argent, armed gold, gorged with a collar geinel sable. MottO — "Semper idem." Married, May 28, 1868, Mary Krause, dau. of Conolly Norman of Fahan House, co. Donegal ; and has Issue — Frances Mary \m. , Feb. 1892, Graham Lionel John Wilson, of The Grove, Shropshire, and has issue, Lionel Garfit Wilson, Gentle- man]. Seat — West Skirbeck House, Boston, co. Lincoln. Town address — 7 Chesham Place, S. W. GARFORTH (H. Coll.). Sable, on a bend argent, be- tween four goats passant of the last, attired and unguled or, a cross crosslet fitch^e between two lozenges of the is tlie Military Cockade. (Sar (^ar 531 field (Garforth) ; on an escutcheon of pretence azure a lion rampant or, armed and langued gules, gorged with an antique Irish crown of the last, a chief ermine (Eagar). Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a goat's head erased argent, attired or, charged on the neck with three lozenges two and one, and holding in the mouth a cross crosslet fitchde all sable. Motto — " Absque Deo frustra." I.ivcry — Black. Son of William Garforth, Esq., of Highficld, Dukin- field, Cheshire, J. P. co. Lancaster, b. 1800 ; d. 1874 ; m. 1829, Sarah, d. of John Hall of Dukinfield, Cheshire:— William Edward Garforth, Esq., J. P. co. Chester and W. Rdg. CO. Yorks., M.I.C.E., F.G.S., b. 1845; m. 1882, Mary Elizabeth, only surv. child and heir of Rev. Canon Eagar, M.A., Rector of Ashton-under-Lyne, R.D. ; and has issue — Margaret ; Helen Kathleen ; Frances Sarah ; Christina Mary ; Elizabeth Cecilia ; and Stephanie. Estates — Ardrinane and Rathmilode, co. Kerry. ^w.^Snydale Hall, Normanton, Yorks. C/z/'^^County (Wakefield.). GARIOCH,see JOHNSTON. Captain CHARLES HENRY GARNETT, Esquire, J. P., late 30th Regt. Born May 30, 1842, being the eldest son of the late Henry Garnett, Esq., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff i860. Chairman of Quarter Sessions, and Patron of the Advow-son of Dolphinholme and Christleton, co. Ches- ter, by his wife Harriet, third dau. of Henry Potts of cos. Chester and Denbigh. Armorial bearings— Gules, a lion rampant argent, ducally crowned, within a bordure dovetail or, on a canton of the last a cross pat^e fitchte of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent, gorged with a collar dovetail gules, between the paws an escutcheon or, charged with a cross patte fitch^e also gules. Motto — " Fidus et audax." Seat — Wyreside, near Lancaster. Club — Naval and Military. § HENRY GARNETT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant. Born January 16, 1814, being the eldest son of the late Robert Garnett of Wyreside, in the county 01" Lancaster, by his wife Louisa Ann, daughter of William Walter Lyon, Doctor of Medicine, of Tam- worth. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, a lion rampant argent, ducally crowned within a bordure dovetail or, on a canton of the last, a cross pat^e fitch^e of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent, gorged with a collar dovetail gules, between the paws an escutcheon or, charged with a cross pat^e fitchde also gules. Motto— " Fidus et audax." Married, h'piWw, 1839, Harriet, third daughter of Henry Potts ; and by her (who died July 31, 1884) has had Issue — (i) Charles Henry Garnett, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, born May 30, 1842 ; (2) the Reverend Lionel Garnett, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, Rector of Christleton, in the county of Chester, born December 24, 1843 [married, January 1883, Amy Eliza, daughter of John Thompson of Boughton Hall, in the county of Chester, and has issue, two sons and a daughter] ; (3) Robert Garnett, Esquire, of The Ridding, Bentham, in the county of York, Justice of the Peace, born February 17, 1845 [married, September 14, 1880, Alice Catherine, daughter and heiress of Joseph Teale, Doctor of Medicine, of The Ridding, Bentham, in the county of York, and widow of Alfred Foster, and has issue, one son] ; (4) Richard Lawrence Garnett, Gentleman, born June 12, 1846 ; (s) Frank Nasmyth Garnett, Gentleman, born November 8, 1848 [married, November i, 1888, Jeanne Caroline, third daughter of W. B. Buddicom of Penbedw, in the county of Flint, and has issue, one son] ; (6) Stewart Garnett, Gentleman, born March 29, 1850 [married, Febru- ary s, 1880, Caroline Sugden, only daughter of E. Armitage of The Rookery, Pendleton] ; (7) Gerald Garnett, Gentle- man, born December 22, 1853 ; (8) Sydney Garnett, Gentle- man, born September 4, 1855, died August 9, 1874 ; (9) Sturges Alan Garnett, Gentleman, born April 4, 1857 ; Annie [married, Thomas Francis Rolt of Normanton Hall, in the county of Nottingham, and has issue] ; Louisa ; and Helen Lister [married, April 11, 1883, Henry Brooke Rhodes of Barrock Park, Carlisle, and has issue]. Seat — Wyreside, near Lancaster. Reverend LIONEL GARNETT, B.A. (Brasenose College) Oxford, Rector of Christleton, co. Chester. Born Dec. 24, 1843, being the second son of the late Henry Garnett, Esq., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff i860. Chair- man of Quarter Sessions and Patron of the Advowson of Dolphinholme and Christleton, co. Chester, by his wife Harriet, third dau. of Henry Potts, cos. Chester and Den- bigh. Armorial bearings — Gules, a lion rampant argent, ducally crowned, within a bordure dovetail or, on a canton of the last, a cross patde fitch^e of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent, gorged with a collar dovetail gules, be- tween the paws an escutcheon or, charged with a cross pat6e fitch^e also gules. Motto — "Fidus et audax." Married, Jan. 1883, Amy Eliza, dau. of John Thompson of Netherleigh House, Chester ; and has Issiie — Two sons and a dau. Residence — Christleton, co. Chester. ROBERT GARNETT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Lancashire and for the West Riding of York- shire ; formerly Lieutenant 8th King's Regiment. Born February 1845, being the third son of Henry Garnett, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Wyreside, in the county of Lancaster, by his wife Harriet, daughter of Henry Potts of Chester. Club ^Army and Navy. Livery — Dark blue, scarlet waistcoat, drab overcoat. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, a lion ram- pant argent, ducally crowned, within a bordure dovetailed or, on a canton of the last a cross pat^e fitch^e of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent, gorged with a collar dovetailed gules, holding between the paws an escut- cheon or, charged with a cross patfe fitchfe, also gules. Married, firstly, 1880, Alice Catherine {d. Feb. 13, 1900), only child of Joseph Teale of The Ridding, and formerly of Leeds ; and has Issue — Robert Everard Garnett, Gentleman, b. 1885. He married secondly, 1901, Catherine Mary, second dau. of the late William Rome, Esq., J. P., of Mell- ing Hall, Lanes. Postal address — The Ridding, Lower Bentham, Lancaster. § WILLIAM GARNETT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, High Sheriff of Lanca- shire 1879. Born February 11, 1851, being the eldest son of the late William James Garnett, Esquire, Barrister-at Law, M.P. 1857-63 for borough of Lancaster, by his wife Frances Anne, second daughter of the Reverend Henry I is the Naval Cockade. 53« ^ar C5at Jeremy Hate of King's Walden, in the county of Hertford. C/«^— United Uni\-ersity. Armorial bearing*— He bears for Anna : Gules, a lion rampant argent ducally crowned within a bordure nelmly or, on a canton of the last an eagle displayed with two heads sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and ar^nt ; and for his Crevt, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent gorged with a wreath of oak proper, holding between the paws an escutcheon gules charged with a bugle-horn or. Motto—" Diligcntia et honore." Martitd, February lo, 1876, Bertha Fanny Elizabeth, elder daughter of the late Thomas Christopher Tatham of Weybridge, in the county of Surrey ; and has Issue— {\) William James Garnett, G<'nlleman, born July 19, 1878 ; (a) Noel Trevor Garnett, Gentleman, born December 30, 18*7 ; Frances .\nnie Maud ; Hilda Christine ; and Phyllis. Seats — Quern more Park, I-^ncastcr; Bleasdale Tower, Gars tang. WILLIAM EGERTON GARNETT - BOTFIELD, Esquire, J. P. for co. Salop. Bom August 16, 1849, being the eldest son of the late Rev. William Bishton Garnett- Botfield, of Decker Hill, Shifnal, J. P. for co. Salop, and his wife Sarah, dau. of William Dutton of Halewood House, CO. Lancaster. Livery — Blue, with blue and gold vest. Armorial l>earlngrB (R.L. 1863, H. Coll.)— Quarterly i and 4, barry of twelve or and azure, f)er pale embattled counlerchanged, on a canton sable a stag's attires affixed to the scalp or (for Botfield) ; 2 and 3, bendy of four gules and sable, a lion rampant argent, crowned or, a bordure indented of the last (for Garnett). Mantling azure and or. Crests — i. upon a wreath of the colours, on a rock a stag at gaze, holding in the mouth an arrow fesse- ways all proper (for Botfield); 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent, crowned or, gorged with a plain collar vair, and holding between the paws a lozenge gules charged with a bee gold (for Garnett). Motto— " The Lord will provide." Married, Feb. 24, 188 1, Elizabeth Clulow, dau. of John Howard-M'Lean of Aston Hall, Shifnal; and has Issue — (i) William M'Lean Garnett- Botfield, Gentleman, b. Dec. 29, 1881 ; (2) Alfred Clulow Fitzgerald Garnett- Botfield, b. 1892 ; and Helen Stella Alexandrina. Residtnces—TYi^ Hut, Bishops Castle, R.S.O. , CO. Salop ; Decker Hill, Shifnal. CV«i— Union. M The Late GEORGE GARNETT-ORME, Esquire. " Lieut. -Colonel commanding 9th Batt. of the West of Yorkshire at Bradford. Assumed with his wife the name and arms of Garnett-Orme in lieu of his patronymic by Royal Licence dated March 6, 1882. Horn 1828, being the son of William Robinson and his wife Alice, ///* Hunter, and died 1892. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure, an eagle displayed, and in chief three batile-axes or (for Orme) ; a and 3, gules, a lion rampant argent, a bordure invected or, over all a l)end ermine, charged with three covered cups azure (for Garnett). Mantling azure and or. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, in front of a battle- axe in bend surmounted by a tilting-spear in bend sinister proper, a dolphin naiant argent (for Orme) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a dexter cuoit arm erect proper, grasping two sea-lions' heads erased respectant and saltireways ar- fent. Motto — " Deus refugium nostrum." Married, i860, fary Hester, dau. of the late Rev. E. H. Orme, by his wife Mary, nfe Garnett ; and has Issue- George Hunter Garnett- Orme, Gentleman, b. Oct. 11, 1868; Henrietta Gertrude; Frances Mary ; Alice Emily ; Lucy Winifred ; and Lilian Susanna \m. F. Grafton, and has issue, Alison Mary]. Seats — Tarn House, Skipton-in-Craven ; Greenfield, Buck- den, near Skipton. GARNIER, seeCARPENTER-GARNIER. GARNON, quartered by LANE. GARRARD, see CHERRY-GARRARD. JOB GARRATT, Esquire, J. P. co. Worcester, twice Mayor of Dudley (1881-83). Bom 18^9, being the son of S. Garratt of Dudley. Armorial bearings — Per chevron or and vert, on a chevron ermine, between two rooks in chief proper, and in base as many fasces saltirewise, the dexter surmounting the sinister of the first, a chestnut tree eradicated of the fourth between two pears pendant, stalked and slipp>ed sable. Mantling vert and or. Crest^On a wreath of the colours, a pear fesseways, stalked, leaved, and slipp>ed, thereon a rook proper, holding in the beak a feather sable. Motto "Gradatim." i?«»rf«/ftf—Wassell Grove, Stourbridge. GARRETT (U.O.). Ermine, on a fesse azure, a lion passant or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant azure, langued gules, resting the sinister paw on a trefoil. Motto— "Semper fidelis." Sons of Rev. James Perkins Garrett of Kilgaran, Rector of Killistown, b. 1810 ; d. 1879; in. 1834, Caroline Anne Elizabeth, d. of Capt. Hugh Moore of Eglantine House and Mount Panther, co. Down : — William Raymond Garrett, Gentleman, b. 1840; m. 1867, Anna Barbara, d. of late William Elliot, Esq. , of Radipole, Weymouth, D. L. and J. P. ; and has issue — (i) James Hugh Eliot Garrett, Gentleman, Indian Civil Service, b, 1867 \m. 1889, Edith Geraldine, d. of late J. McNamara of Arra, Bengal ; and has issue — Lilian Margaret ; Dorothy ; and Winifred Raymond]; (2) John Raymond Garrett, Esq., Capt. R. Marine Lt. Inf., b. 1869; (3) Arthur ffolliott Garrett, Gentleman, Lieut. R.E. , b. 1875 [m. 1900, Ida, d. of late Rev. J. F. A. Gavin, Chaplain Bengal Estab- lishment]. Seat. — Kilgaran, co. Carlow. Club — Junior Constitutional. James Hugh Moore Garrett, Esq., J. P. cos. Cavan and Down, Barrister-at-Law, b. 1842 ; m. ist, 1884, Amie (rf. 1891), Baroness de Poelnitz and grandd. of 17th Lord Forbes ; 2nd, 1894, Hon. Isabel [d. 1902), d. of late Hon. Richard Maxwell, and sister of loth Lord Farnham ; 3rd, 1903, Elizabeth, widow of Major Stewart Masters, I.S.C., and d. of late Marmaduke Eyre. Seat — Corrie Wood, Castlewellan, co. Down. C/a^j — Constitutional, Ulster (Belfast). Annesley John Garrett, Esq., Lt.-Col. Bengal Staff Corps, Military Sec. Hyderabad, b. 1846 ; m. 1887, Edith le Blanc, d. of J. Grant Morris, Esq., J. P., of Allerton Priory, nr. Liverpool. Res. — Hyderabad. Riding Volunteers, Senior District Registrar of the Supreme Court of Justice and SeniOT Registrar of the County Court Sir ALFRED GARROD, Knight Bachelor, Doctor of Medicine, Fellow of the Royal Society. Born 1819, being the ^ is the Military Cockade. (S^at (^a0 533 son of Robert Garrod of Ipswich ;1 dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1887. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Or,' gutt(5e-de-poix, a caduceus fesseways proper between three boars' heads couped sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a tilting-spear erect proper, a boar sable resting the dexter leg on a quatrefoil or; with the Motto, " Altiroa spero." Married, 1845, Elizabeth Anne (who died 1891), daughter of the late Henry Colchester of Ipswich. Postal address — 10 Harley Street, W. H JOHN RIBTON GARSTIN, Esquire, F.S.A. (Lon- s9 don and Edinburgh), Master of Arts of Trinity College, Dublin, and of the University of Oxford, and Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Divinity of the Univer- sity of Dublin, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Louth (High Sheriff 1880), Justice of the Peace for the co. of Dublin, Ex-Vice-President of the Royal Irish Academy (formerly Treasurer), President of the Royal Society of Antiquaries, Ireland, a Visitor of the National Museum, Dublin, and Governor of Armagh Library and Observatory, &c. Born 1836, being tlie only surviving child of William Garstin of Dublin, by Anne his wife, eldest daughter of the late William Walker of High Park, in the county of Dublin. Livery -~T>ax]s. blue, buff facings. Armorial bearings (U. Off.)— Argent, on a pale sable, a lucy's head couped or, in the dexter chief point a fleur-de-lis gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a dexter arm in armour embowed, holding in the hand a dagger all proper, the arm charged with a fleur-de-lis gules. Motto — ' ' Gladio et virtute." Married, May 3, 1864, Mary Martha Toone, only daughter of James A. Durham of Elm Lodge, Hampton-on-Thames ; and lias Issue — William Fortescue Colborne Garstin, Esq. , Capt. 6th Batt. Royal Irish Rifles, attached to 2nd Batt. in S. Africa, b. Jan. i, 1875 ; Helena Cordelia [tn. Rev. J. H. Douglas, M.A., Rector of Brad- ford-Peverel, Dorset] ; Adeline Frances ;5 and Rosamond Alethea. Seat — Braganstown, Castle Bellingham, co. Louth. Clubs — Royal Societies', University (Dublin). GARTER KING OF ARMS, see SCOTT-GATTY. GARTHWAITE, quartered by FARISH. CAVENDISH WALTER GARTSIDE - SPAIGHT, Esquire, Capt. A.S.C., a temporary Major in the Reserve of Officers, served on the Staff of the Army as D.A.A.G. during the campaign in South Africa. Born Feb. 1857, being the third son of the late Gartside Gartside- Tipping, Esq., of Bolton, co. Lancaster, and Rossferry House, co. Fermanagh, J. P., by his wife Jane Margaret, eldest dau. of Robert Fowler of Rahinston, co. Meath, by Lady Jane Crichton his wife, sister of John, Rt. Hon. third Earl Erne ; assumed by Royal Licence Aug. 6, 1888, the surname of Spaight in addition to and after that of Gartside, and the arms of Spaight only. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a fesse sable, three pheons of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a jay proper. Motto — " Vi et virtute." Married Louisa, dau. of Col. Spaight ; and has Issue — Irene Maria ; Daphne Dorina ; and Dorothea Elspeth. Seat— Deny Castle, Killaloe, co. Clare. JOHN W. F. GARVEY, Gentleman, District Registrar of the Court of Probate. Born , being the son of the late John Christopher Garvey, Esq., of Murrisk Abbey, Westport, CO. Mayo, J. P., D.L. Armorial bearings- Ermine, two chevronels between three crosses pat^e gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest —A lion passant guardant gules. Motto -" Morior invictus. " Residence— Ballina, co. Mayo. GASCOYNE-CECIL (R.L. , 22 March 1821). Quarterly, I and 4, barry of ten argent and azure, six escutcheons sable, each charged with a lion rampant of the first, langued gules (Cecil, c. 1525), a crescent for difference ; 2 and 3, argent, on a pale sable, a conger's head erased and erect or, charged with an ermine spot (Gascoyne, 1821). Mant- ling azure and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, six arrows in saltire or, barbed and flighted argent, girt together with a belt gules, buckled and garnished gold, over the arrows a morion cap proper (Cecil) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a conger's head erased and erect or, charged with an ermine spot. Motto — " Sero sed serio." Sons of Robert Arthur 'lalbot Gascoyne-Cecil, K.G., G.C.V.O. &c. , ^. 1830; d. 1903; m. 1857, Georgiana, (V.A., C.I.), d. of Hon. Sir Edward Hall Alderson, a Baron of the Exchequer : — James Edward Hubert Gascoyne-Cecil, 4th Marquess of Salisbury (24 Aug. 1789), loth Earl of Salisbury (4 May 1605), loth Viscount Cranborne (20th Aug. 1604), and loth Baron Cecil (13 May 1603), C.B. (1900), Lord Privy Seal since 1903 [Supporters -Two lions ermine], b. 1861 ; m. 1887, Lady Alice Cicely Gore, d. of sth Earl of Arran ; and has issue— (i) Robert Arthur James Gascoyne-Cecil, Esq., commonly called Viscount Cranborne, b. 1893; (2) Lord Edward Christian David Gascoyne-Cecil, b. 1902 ; Lady Beatrice Edith Mildred; and Lady Mary Alice. Seats — Hatfield House, H'erts ; Cranborne Manor, Salis- bury. Town res. — 20 Arlington Street. Clubs — Carlton, Athenaeum. Rev. Lord Rupert William Ernest Gascoyne-Cecil, M.A. Oxon., Rector of Bishop's Hatfield, b. 1863; /«. 1887, Lady Florence Mary Bootle-Wilbraham, d. of 1st Earl of Lathom ; and has issue — (i) Randle William Gascoyne- Cecil, Esq. ,^. 1889; (2) Victor Alexander Gascoyne-Cecil, Gentleman, b. 1891 ; (3) John Arthur Gascoyne-Cecil, Gentleman, b. 1893 ; (4) Rupert Edward Gascoyne-Cecil, Gentleman, b. 1895 ; Eve Alice ; and Mary Edith. Hes. — St. Audrey's, Hatfield. Club — Athenaeum. Lord Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, B.A. Oxon., K.C. , Barrister-at-Law, b. 1864; m. 1889, Lady Eleanor Lambton, d. of 2nd Earl of Durham. Res. — 20 Manchester Square, London, W. Clubs — Junior Carlton, St. Stephen's. Lord Edward Herbert Gascoyne-Cecil, D.S.O. , Major and Bt. Lt.-Col. Grenadier Guards, served Dongola Exped. 1896 (4th class Osmanieh), special mission to King Menelik of Abyssinia 1897 (3rd class Star of Ethiopia), Nile Exped. 1898 and pres. at Khartoum (ment. desp., D.S.O. ), and S. Africa 1899-1900, siege of Mafeking, b. 1867 ; m. 1894, Violet Georgina, d. of Adm. Frederick A. Maxse of Dunley Hill, Surrey ; and has issue — George Edward Gascoyne- Cecil, Esq., b. 1895; and Helen Mary. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Guards'. Lord Hugh Richard Heathcote Gascoyne-Cecil, M.A. Oxford, M. P. for Greenwich since 1895, b. 1869. Res. — 20 Arlington Street. Clubs — Carlton, Junior Carlton, New Oxford and Cambridge. Sons of James Brownlow William Gascoyne-Cecil, 2nd Marquess of Salisbury, K.G. , b. 1791 ; d. 1868 ; m. ist, 1821, Frances Mary (d. 1839), d. and h. of Bamber Gascoyne ; 2nd, 1847, Mary Catherine, d. of George John, 5th Earl De la Warr : — Lord Eustace Brownlow Henry Gascoyne-Cecil, Lt.-Col. is the Naval Cockade. 534 ^nst (S^at late CoUlstream Guards, Surveyor-Gen. of Ordnance 1874- 80. M.r. S. Essex 1865 8. W. Essex 1868 85. C.A. Dorset, J. P. Dorset. Essex, and Middx. , <*. 1834; m. i860, Gertrude l^uisa, d. of and ICarl of Eldon ; and has issue— (i) Evelyn Gascoyne-Cecil, Esq., M.A. (Oxon.), liiurislcr, M.P. for Hereford 1898- 1900, and for Aston Manor since 1900,^, i865[m. 1898, Hon. Alicia Margaret Tyssen-Amherst, d. of Baron Amherst of Hacknev; and has issue— Robert William EvclynGascoyneCocil, Esq., #. 1901 ; and Margaret Gertrude]; (a) Algernon Gascoyne-Cecil, Gentlem.in, />. 1879 ; and Blanche Eouisa. /fes.—iii Fjiton Square, S.W. Ciuis — Carlton, Athena?um. Lord Arthur Cecil {vide Cecil). CHARLES GEORGE MILNES GASKELL. Esquire. M.A., J. P. jind D.L. for the West Riding of co. York. /iorM Jan. 33, 184a, being the eldest son of the late James Milnes Gaskell, Esq.. J. P., D.L.. M.P. for Wenlock, by his wife Mary, second dau. of the Right Hon. Charles Watkin Williams - Wynn, M.P. Armorial bearlnffi — He ought to bear for Arms : Quarterly i and 4 gules, a saltirc vair between two annulets in pale, and as many lions passant in fesse or (for Gaskell) ; 2 and j azure, a chevron between three windmill sails or (for Milnes), and impaling the arms of Fellowes, namely, azure, a fesse in- dented ermine, between three lions' heads erased or, murally crowned argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stork sable gorged with a collar or, therefrom pendent an escutcheon azure, charged with an annulet as in the arms (for Gaskell). Motto — "Scio cui credidi." Married, December 7, 1876, Lady Catherine Henrietta, dau. of the Right Hon. the Fifth Earl of Portsmouth ; and has Issue — Evelyn Milnes Gaskell, Gentleman, born October 19, 1877 ; and Mary. Seats — Thomes House, near Wakefield, Yorks ; Wenlock Abbey, Salop. S GERALD MILNES GASKELL, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for W. Riding, co. York, Major and Hon. Lt.-Col. sth Royal Irish Fusiliers, late Lieut. 62nd and 94th Regts. Bom 1844, being the younger son of the late James Milnes Gaskell, Esq. , M. P. , of Thornes House, co. York (by Mary, second dau. of the late Right Hon. Charles W. Williams- Wynn, M.P.). C/«*— Junior United Service. Armorial bearings —Quarterly i and 4, gules a saltire vair, between two annulets in pale, and as many lions passant in fesse or (for Gaskell) ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron between three windmill-sails or (for Milnes). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, \ipon a wreath of the colours, a stork sable, gorged with a collar or, therefrom j^endent an escutcheon azure, charged with an annulet as in the arms. Motto — " Scio cui credidi." Afarried 1868, Anna Lousia, youngest daughter of the late Godfrey Baldwin of Brookfield, co. Cork. Seat — Lupset Hall, Wakefield. Capt. HENRY BROOKS GASKELL. Esquire, J.P. CO. Oxford, late Capt. 9th Lancers. Bom Aug. 26, 1846, being the eldest son of the late Henry Lomax Gaskell, Esq., J.P., D.L., High Sheriff of co. of Oxford 1858, of Kiddington Hall and Beaumont Hall, by his wife Alice Cunliffe, dau. of Samuel Cunliffe Brooks of Whalley Grange, Withington, Lanes. Livery —Yiax\i. blue, yellow facings. Armorial bearings — Barry of six per pale ermine and vert, counterchanged, a lion rampant gules between two fleurs-de-lis in chief and an annulet in base or. Mant- ling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an arm in bend sinister, entwined by a cable and sur- mounted by a rainbow, all prof>er. Motto — ' ' Spes. " Married, Dec. 31, 1873, Helen Mary, only dau. of Rev. D. Melville, Canon of Worcester ; and has Issue — Henry Melville Gaskell, Gentleman, b. April 16, 1879 ; Amy ; and Daphne. Seats — Kiddington Hall, Woodstock, Oxford- shire; and Beaumont Hall, Lanes. Town residence — 3 Marble Arch, W. Club— Army and Navy. Major-Generai, JOHN GATACRE, Companion of the Most Hon. Order of the Bath. Born 1841, being the second son of the late Edward Lloyd Gatacre, Esquire, of Gatacre, in the county of Shropshire, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Jessie, second daughter of William Forbes of Callendar House, in the county of Stirling; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1887. C/k*— Naval and Military. Armorial bearingrs— He bears for Amu : Quarterly, gules and ermine, in the second and third quarters three piles of ihe first, over all on a fesse azure, live t>ezanis. lV:low the escutcheon is |>on(lent his badge OS a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a raven proper; with the motto, "Hie eram in dieruin scculis." Club — Naval and Milil.ary, Maiok-(Jknkral Sir WILLIAM FORBES GAT- ACRE, K.C.B. (1898), C.B. (1896), D.S.O. (1889) ; has the Kaisar-i-Hind medal. Born 1843, Ijciiig the third son of the late Edward Lloyd Gatacre, Esq., of Gatacre, J. P., by his wife Jessie, second dau. of William Forlies. Armo- rial bearings — Quarterly, gules and ermine, in the second and third quarters three piles of the first, over all on a fesse .•izuro, live l)ezants ; the escutcheon being surrounded by the riblx)n of the Bath, and pendent his badges as a K.C.B. and D.S.O. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a raven proper. MottO—" Hie erani in dierum scculis." Married, firstly, 1876, Alice Susan Louisa, third daughter of the Very Reverend Anthony La Touchc Kirwan, Doctor of Divinity, Dean of Limerick; and has Issue— (i) William lid ward Gatacre, Gentleman, born January 23, 1878 ; (2) Thomas Edmund Gatacre, Gentleman, born November 5, 1880, d. 1881 ; (3) John Kirwan Gatacre, Gentleman, born Sep- tember 6, 1883. He married secondly, Nov. 10, 1895, Hon. Beatrix Wickcns, dau. of Rt. Hon. Lord Davey. Postal address— Hazel Mill, Stroud. Clubs— Vniled Ser- vice, Pall Mall. GATACRE or GATAKER (1664). Quarterly, gules and ermine, in the second and third quarters three piles of the first, over all on a fesse azure, five bezants. Motto — " Hie eram in dierum seculis." Sons of Edward Lloyd Gatacre, Esq. , of Gatacre, co. Salop, J.P. (High Sheriff 1856), b. 1806; d. 1891, m. 1838, Jessie, d. of William Forbes of Callendar House, CO. Stirling, M.P. : — Edward Lloyd Gatacre, Gentleman, of Gatacre (f.v.). Maj.-Gen. John Gatacre, C.B. {^.v.). Sir William Forbes Gatacre, K.C.B. (^.v.). Thomas Stephen Gatacre, Gentleman, b. 1845. Res.— Sons of George Gataker, Esq., J.P., D.L., of Milden- hall, Suffolk, b. 1792 ; d. 1872 ; m. 1829, Sophia Sarah, d. of Henry Samuel Partridge, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Hockham Hall, Norfolk: — Melmoth William Gataker, Esq., Capt. Indian Staff is the Military Cockade. (^at (^el 535 Corps (ret.) [Crest — On a wreath of the colours (or and gules), in front of a pelican in her piety proper, five bezants fessewise], b. 23 Jan. 1841 ; m. 30 Jan. 1873, Jemima, yr. d. of Benjamin Wood, late of Long Newnton, Wilts; and has issue — (i) Melmoth Leicester Swale Gataker, Gentle- man, b. 4 Jan. 1874 {m. 1899, Annie Madeleine, d. of George Young ; and has issue — Violet Louisa de Morel ; and Muriel Elaine Georgina] ; (2) Reginald Henry Winch- combe Gataker, Gentleman, b. 8 June 1875 [m. Christian Esson, d. of George Gordon]. Res. — 5 Marlborough Street, Bath. Club—B&lh and County (Bath). GEORGE GATEHOUSE, Esquire, J. P. for Sussex. Born 1835, being the son of Richard Covey Gatehouse. ArmoriaLl bearings — Per fesse azure and gules, in chief seven mullets, four and three argent, and in base, upon a mount vert, a gateway proper. Mantling azure and ar- gent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of two keys saltireways azure, a portcullis argent. Motto — " Quaj serata secura." Postal address — Bognor Lodge, Bognor. GATTY, see SCOTT-GATTY. The Honourable STEPHEN HERBERT GATTY, third son of the Reverend Alfred Gatty, Doctor (t(ftff\\ of Divinity, Vicar of Ecclesfield, in the county viPm-l-^ of York, Puisne Judge of Supreme Court of Straits Settlements from 1892. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Party per fesse sable and azure, in chief a demi-cat issuant guardant argent, and in base a shin-bone in bend, surmounted by another in bend sinister, between four fleurs-de-lis or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a fern brake and rising therefrom a cock-pheasant .all proper. Motto — " Non cate sed caute." Married, 1876, Alice G. (who died July 17, 1894), eldest daughter of the Reverend Canon Rawlinson. Postal address — Singapore. SUSAN ELIZABETH GAY and CHARLOTTE CATHARINE GAY, daus. of the |late William Gay, Gentleman, by Charlotte Grace Elizabeth, only dau. and heir of the late Christian Pedersen of Norway, Com- GEACH (H. Coll.). Sable, a battle-axe erect or, sur- mounted by a fesse of the last, thereon an escallop of the field, on a chief arched of the second, two escallops of the mander in H.M. Packet Service. Livery — Blue, buff facings, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Upon a lozenge ermine, on a pile between two escallops azure, a falcon belled or. Estates and residence — Rosvean, Fal- mouth, and Crill, Budock, near Falmouth, Cornwall. first. Mantling sable and or. Crest.— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter cubit arm in armour, the hand holding a battle-axe erect all proper, an escallop or, between two wings bezantfe. Livery — Dark green, gold buttons. Son of William Eads Geach of Cornwall, b. 1811 ; d. 1903 ; ni. 1855, Thomazine, d. of John Littleton of Brightor, Cornwall : — William Littleton Littleton Geacli, Gentleman, b. 1856 ; m. 1894, Eleanor, d. of late Rev. James Empson Alcock of Hawling Rectory, Glos., and grand-d. of Rev Reginald Wynniatt of Guiting Grange, Stanton Court, and Dymock Grange, Glos. (High Sheriff of that co.); and has issue— (i) Hugh William Ambrose Wynniatt Littleton Geach, Gentleman, b. 1895 ; (2) Arthur Empson Littleton Geach, Gentleman, b. 1898. Res. — The Beeches, Chew Magna, North Somerset ; Brightor Green, Cornwall. GELL, see CHANDOS-POLE-GELL. HENRY WILLINGHAM GELL, Gentleman, M.A., M.B. (Oxon. ). Bom Oct. 15, 1856, being the third but second surviving son of John Philip Gell, of Kirk Langley, CO. Derby, by his wife Eleanor Isabella, only child and heir of Admiral Sir John Franklin, K.C.H., Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. Armorial bearings— Pat ty per bend argent and gules, a rose between two mullets of six points in bend counterchanged. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a greyhound trippant pean, about the neck a collar argent, and thereon a rose between two mullets of six points gules. Motto — " Vocatus obedivi." Married Edith Georgiana Banks, second dau. of Richard Bradshaw; and has Issue — Philip Victor Willingham, b. June 19, 1897 ; and Honor Elizabeth Franklin. Residence — 24 Palace Court, London, W. Cltdb — New University. PHILIP LYTTELTON GELL, Esquire, J. P. Oxon., M.A. (Oxon.), a Member of the Inner Temple. Born April 29, 1852, being the second and elder surviving son of John Philip Gell, by his wife Eleanor Isabella, sole issue of Admiral Sir John Frankhn, K.C.H., Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. Livery — Dark blue and silver. Ar- morial bearings (H. Coll., March 6, 1731).— Party per bend argent and gules, a rose between two mullets of six points in bend counter-changed, impaling the arms of is the Naval Cockade. 536 (©el (S)eo Brodrick, namely ar^nt. on a chief vert, two spear-heads of the fielil. the points embrued gules. Mantl i ng gules and argent. Oreit— On a wreath of the colours, a grey- hound passant pean, al)out the neck a collar argent, and thereon a rose between two mullets of six |X)ints gules. George Gentleman, CientUMnan, b. Oct. 27, 1879 ; (2) Arthur Vincent Gentleman, ( ientleman, h. Nov. 8, 1887 ; (3) Robert Motto — "Vocatus obedivi." Married, July 25, 1889, to Hon. Edith Mary Brodrick, third dau. of Right Hon. Viscount Midleton, Lord-Lieutenant of Surrey. Estates — Kirk Langley, co. Derby. Residences — Hopton Hall, Derbyshire; Langley Lodge, near Oxford. Clubs — Brooks's, Athenaeum, Derbyshire County (Derby). GELL (H. Coll. ,6 March 1731.) Party per bend argent and gules, a rose between two mullets of six points counter- changed. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a greyhound passant pean, about the neck a collar argent, and thereon a rose between two mullets of six points. Son of late Gen. Sherbrooke Gell : — Herbert Gell, Esq. , Chief Commissioner of Police. Res, — Bombay. Son of : — Rev. Canon Francis Gell ; is m. and has issue — Rev. Edward Gell, Rector of Corsham, Wilts. Seat— Tht Rectory, Ripple, Tewkesbury. GENNYS. sec HENN-GENNYS. ROBERT GEORGE GENTLEMAN, Gentleman. Bom July 22, 1846, being the eldest son of the late Goodman Gentleman, Esq., J. P. co. Kerry, of Ballyhorgan, by his wife Anne, second dau. of John Blakeny Kittson of Derry, CO. Kerry. Livery — Blue with silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Ermine, two eagles displayed, each with two heads in chief sable, and an esquire's helmet in base pro- per, a chief indented gules. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi- eagle displayed with two heads sable, on each wing a trefoil or. Motto — "Truth, honour, and courtesy." Married, 1873, Elizabeth, second dau. of .Arthur Vincent of Shana- golden House, co. Limerick; and has Issue — (i) Goodman John Kittson Gentleman, Gentleman, l>. Aug. 18, 1890; Sarah Margaret Roberta ; and Ethel Maud. Seat — Bally horgan, near Listowel. GEORGE (L.O.) Or, a fess between three falcons rising azure, membered gules. Mantling azure, doubled or. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, the sun shining on a sun-flower proper. Motto — " Sol et scutum Deus." is tbe Military Cockade. 0eo Eld. son of late Col. James George of The Ward, Huntly, Aberdeenshire, formerly 92nd Gordon High- landers, 2ist Hussars and Army Pay Corps, b. 1825 ; d. 1897; m. 1856, Louisa Jane, d. of John Stewart, co. Tyrone : — Douglas Stewart George, Esq., Capt. , ist. Batt. Roy. Scots Fus., b. 19 Dec. 1874. Post. add.~Dep6t, Royal Scots Fusiliers, Ayr. Ch/b — Caledonian. FREDERIC BRAND GEORGE, Gentleman, citizen and Tin Plate Worker of London, formerly Town Councillor of Wells. Born Feb. r, 1862, being the only surviving son of the late Frederic Charles George of the city of Wells, Somerset, Gentleman, by his wife Louisa [whom see], second and youngest dau. of the late Benjamin Parsons Ruble of Fareham, Hants. Armorial bearings — Per fesse gules and sable, on a fesse indented argent, be- tween two falcons rising in pale of the third, beaked and legged or, a talbot passant of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-talbot per fesse indented sable and gules, charged on the shoulder with a bezant, thereon a lion's head erased of the second, and resting the sinister paw on a garb vert. (3tt 537 Motto— " Strive to attain." Married, Oct. 3, 1895, Ellen Maria, second dau. of John Coster Bryant of Freshford, near Bath ; and has Issue — Frederic Arthur Ruble George, Gentleman, b. June 30, 1896. Postal address— Wells, Somerset. JOHN DANIEL GEORGE, Gentleman, Born Sept. r, 1825, being the second son of the late John George of Manvers Street, in the city of Bath, and formerly of Bury, Abmgdon, co. Berks, Gentleman, by Ann his wife, third dau. of Thomas Giddins of Elton, co. Hunts. Armorial bearings— Per fesse gules and sable, on a fesse indented argent between two falcons rising in pale of the third, beaked and legged or, a talbot passant of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-talbot per fesse indented sable and gules, charged on the shoulder with a bezant, thereon a lion's head erased of the second, and resting the sinister paw on a garb vert. Motto— "Strive to attain." Married, Nov. 5. 1848, Harriet (d. July i, 1893), dau. of James Croft of George Lane, in the City of London, a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons ; and has Issue— (i) John James P? (x%-^^"ll'""?"' ^- ^^'■'=h S. 1850 (d. July 26, 1889), 2 William Daniel George, Gentleman, b. Aug. 6, i8« • 3 Frederic Gilmore George, Gentleman, b. May 8, i8c6 ' *tl ^^^^"^^ Thomas George, Gentleman, b. March 20," 1867 ; Elizabeth Emily ; Harriet Emma [m. Alan Williani- son of Swansea ; and Mary Ann [m. William Evans I homas of Swansea]. Pos/ai address— 2^ Crom well Street , Mount Pleasant, Swansea. LOUISA GEORGE, Widow, younger of the two daughters of the late Benjamin Parsons Ruble of Fare- ham, Hants Gentleman (who d. 1846), and cousin of lohn Kubie, Gentleman [to whom refer]. Armorial bearings are, on a lozenge -Per fesse gules and sable, on a fesse indented argent, between two falcons rising in pale of the third beaked and legged or, a talbot passant of the third, and impaling the arms of Rubie, namely gules an ancient man-of-war, and in chief three escarbuncles fesse- wise argent, a mullet for cadency. Married, Feb 2 i860 Frederic Charles George of the City of Wells, Sonierset' Gentleman (who d. 1884) ; and has had Issue— {\) Frederic Brand George, Gentleman [to whom refer]; (2) Charles Richard George, Gentleman, d. 1872 ; (3) Edwin Purnell George, Gentleman, d. 1893; Louisa Emily, d. i86o- Victoria Alice Rubie \jn.. May 3, 1892, Herbert Baxter Jones of Wells. Somerset, and has issue] ; Florence Rubie. rf. 1866; Blanche Amy[OT., June 28, 1888, Ernest Arthur Ebblewhite, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law [to whom refer]- Edith Agnes {m., July 26, 1895, Hebberton Alfred Sheldon of Wells, Somerset, and has issue] ; Ada Rubie, d. 1870 ; and Mabel Minnie, d. 1888. Postal address— We^Xon House, Wells, Somerset. GERARD, quartered by WALMESLEY. FREDERIC GERARD, Esquire, late Captain 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers, J. P. for the cos. of Warwick and Worcester. Born August 6, 1839, being the eldest son of the late Frederic Sewallis Gerard, Esq. [brother of the first Baron Gerard], of Aspull House, Wigan, J. P. and D.L., by Mary Ann his wife, dau. of the Rev. W. Wilkinson, Rector of Kirkhallows, in the co. of Derby, Armorial bearings— Argent, a saltire gules. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant ermine, crowned or. Motto— " En Dieu est mon esp^rance." Married, April 29, 1869, Catherine, youngest daughter of Charles Porter, of the Mythe, Tewkesbury; and has Issue — Edith \m., 1896, Edward Charles Riddell]. Estates — Kinwarton. in the county of Warwick ; Robert Hall and Cansfield, in the county of Lancashire. Postal address — Kinwarton House. Alcester. Club — Army and Navy. GERARD of Rochsoles (1851). Azure, a lion rampant or. on a chief embattled ermine, a falchion in bend sinister surmounted by the Punja (borne before the Emperor Shah Allum) saltireways proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— Out of a mural crown argent, a lion's gamb erect ermine, holding in bend sinister the Punja as in the arms. Motto — " Haud inferiora secutus." is the Naval Cockade. |8 0tX (^ib Son of Archibnid Gerard, l-lsq. . of Kochsoles, D.L. and Lt-Col. Lanarksh, Yco. Cav., t. ; d. 1880; M. , Eupheniia Erskinc, eld. d. of late Sir John Robison, K.H:— Major-Gen. Sir Montague Gilbert Gerard, K.C.B. (Mil.. 19M). K.C.S.1. (1897). J. P. and D.L.. Lt-Gen. coromanding a district in India, late British Commr. for delineation of Pamir Boundary, formerly Conunandant of the Central India Horse, late Military Attach^ at St. Petersburg, b. 1843 ; m. 1888, Helen Adelaide, ygst. d. of E. Meade; and has issue — Gilbert Meade Gerard, Esq., b. 1889. AVu/— Rochsoles, Airdric, N.B. C/w*f— United Service, Travellers", Cavalry. The Hon. ROBERr JOSEPH (JERARD-DICCON- SON, late Capt. qrd liatt. King s Own Royal Lancaster Regt. Assumed by Royal Licence, i80, the additional surname and arms c>f Dicconson. Bom Aug. 8, 1857, being the second son of the late Ixird Gerard. ArmorLal bearing^s - Quarterly i and 4, or, on a cross pitTCcd Ix-twet-n four hinds' heads erased vert, two cross crossli-ts fitchf^e in pale, and as many escallops in fesse of the field ; 2 and 3, argent, a saltire gules. Mantling vert and or. CreBta— i. on a wreath of the colours, a l)ezant, charged with a hind's head vert, erased gules, and holding in the mouth a cross crosslet fitch*^ of the last ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, a monkey statant proper, environed about the middle with a plain collar and chained argent. Married, April 19, 1888, Eleanor, second dau. of W. J. Murray of Rosemount, co. Ross, and of Mrs. Bankes of Winstanley Hall, co. Lancaster ; and has Issue — Charles Robert Tolver Michael Gerard- Dicconson, Gentleman, b. Feb. 28, 1894 ; Winifrede Mary ; and Evelyn. Seats — Wright! ngton Hall, and Blackley Hurst, near Wigan. Clubs — Marlborough, Turf, Boodle's. GERNON, quartered by HULLEY and PEYTON. GERNON (U.O.). Argent, an eagle displayed with two ht^ds sable, gorged with a ducal coronet or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a horse passant argent. Motto — " Parva contemnimus. " Son of James Gernon, Esq., J. P., of Athcarne Castle and Hammondstown, co. Louth, b. 1811; d. 1870; m. ist, 1839, Marianne, d. of George Gradwell of Preston : - Henry Chester Gernon, Esq., J. P., Lt.-Col. 5th Batt. Roy. Dublin Fus.. b. 1847; m. 1871, Alice Louisa, d. of late Lt.-Col. Augustus F. Braham ; and has issue — (i) James Robert Augustus Gernon, Gentleman, b. 1875; (2) Reginald Henry John Gernon, Gentleman, b. 1882; (3) Ward John Gernon, Gentleman, b. 1884 ; (4) Cyril Louis Michael Gernon, Gentleman, b. 1886; Evelyn Georgina Elizabeth ; Margery Frances Mary ; Alice Maude Emily ; Helen Elizabeth Mary ; and Constance Susan Mary. Seat — Athcarne Castle, Duleek, Meath. Son of William Gernon, Esq., M.A. , Barrister-at-Law (High Sheriff CO. Drogheda 1861), b. 1820; d. 1903; m., ist, 1846, Marianne, d. of Patrick Curies, Esq., J. P., of Fitz William Square, Dublin: — Vincent Gernon, Gentleman, b. ; tn. ist, 1889, Emma (d. 1899), d. of Rev. James Butler of Priestown, co. Meath ; 2nd, , Eliza Mary.d. of Andrew P. Monaghan, Esq., J. P., of Drumlargan, co. Meath, and widow of Laurence Byrne O'Reilly, Esq., J. P., of Ballinlough. Seat — Hammondstown, co. Louth. Kes. — 19 Clarinda Park, Kingstown, co. Dublin. GERNONS. Earl of CHESTER, quartered by HUSSEY. S FRANCIS PETER GERVAIS. Esquire, J. P.. D.L. CO. Tyrone, formerly Capt. 6th Brigade North Irish Division Royal Artillery, Barrister-at-Law. Born Dec. 12, 1858, being the only son of Francis John Gervais, Esquire, D.L., High Sheriff, co. Tyrone, 1902. Armorial bear- ings—Azure, a chevron or, between in chief two lions rampant respectant argent, and in base a white rose leaved and slipfDed proper, in the centre chief point a crescent of the third. MantUng azure and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased argent, charged with a fleur-de-lis azure. Motto — "Sic sustenta crescit." Married, April 17, 1884, Georgina Francis Dalrymple, dau. of James Gilmour of Warren Hill, Londonderry; and has Issue — Dorothy. Seat — Cecil Manor, Augher, co. Tyrone. GERY. see WADE-GERY. SSiR RICHARD CHARLES PERCY GETMIN, 8th Baronet, of Gethinsgrott, co. Cork, of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law, Capt. 4th Bait. Suffolk Regt. Bo>n Nov. 30, 1847, being the son of the late Sir Richard Gethin, 7th Bart., by his wife Frances, dau. of George Weller-Poley of Boxled llall, co. Suffolk; succeeded his father in 1885, under the creation of Aug. i, 1665. Armo- rial bearings— Vert, u stag salient argent, attired or, the escutcheon l>eing charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a slag's head erased argent, attired and ducally gorged or. Motto — "Try." Married, June 5, 1876, Catharine, eldest daughter of Frederick Edward Burton Scott of Claughlon, co. Cheshire; and has Issue (i) Richard Waller Saini Lawrence Gethin, Esq., b. Feb. 16, 1878; (2) Frederick Durant Scott Gethin, Est|., b. Oct. 1879; (3) Percy Edward Lovell Gethin, Esq., b. 1884. Seat — The Grove, Hythe, co. Hampshire. Club — Junior United Service. GETTING (H. Coll.). Argent, a saltire couped gules, on a chief arched of the last two escallops of the field. Mnnt.itTig gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a bull's head conped at the neck argent, thereon an escallop gules between two wings or, each charged with an escallop also gules. Motto — " Taille bois." Sons of Charles Talboys Getting, b. 1824 ; d. 1887 ; tn. 1859, Harriet Maria, only d. (A Francis James Graham, B.A. (Oxford) :— James Charles Getting. Gentleman, F.R.G.S., *. i860. Res. — Doughton Cottage, Ross-on-Wye. Herefordshire. Clubs — Royal Societies', City Carlton. Henry Frederick Getting, Gentleman, b. 1861. Res. — Ashfield Park, Ross, Herefordshire. Walter V. C. Getting, Gentleman, b. 1865, Post, add.— 4 Corbet Court, Gracechurch Street. London. E.C. Club — Junior Athenaeum. WILLIAM EDWARD GIBB. Esq.. J.P. co. Essex. Born March 16, 1849, being the son of the late Thomas Augustus Gibb of Lancaster Gate. Old Broad Street, and Shanghai. Club — Junior Constitutional. Armorial bear- ings — Gules, a cubit arm erect grasping an arrow in bend sinister, point downwards, between four mullets in cross or. Mantling gules and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from a wreath of cinquefoils vert, p. stag's head or, couped gules, attired argent. Married, June 5, 1873, Frances Elizabeth (who died May 3, 1896V, only ^ l8 tbe Military Cockade. (^ib <3ib 539 child of Francis Tunnicliffe ; and has Issue — Francis William Gibb, Gentleman, d. Sept. 4, 1879; Florence Elsie; and Nora Christine. Seats — Pyrgo Park, Havering atte Bower, Romford, Essex ; and Sheerwater Court, Byfleet, Surrey. GIBBINGS (U.O.). Argent, on a bend between three fleurs-de-lis, two in chief and one in base azure, a crescent or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion proper, holding in his paws a fleur-de-lis azure. Son of Richard Gibbings of Gibbing's Grove, 6. 1813 ; d. 1876 ; m. ist, 1834, Octavia (d. 1836), d. of Rev. Matthew Purcell ; 2nd, 1837, Elizabeth, d. of John Gray : — Rev. Richard Gibbings, D.D., M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), Rector of Llannierewig, Abermule, Montgomery, 6. 1835 ; m. 1864, Elizabeth Rebecca, d. of William Ware, Clerk of the Peace co. Cork. S^at — Gibbing's Grove, Charleville, co. Cork. J?es. — Llanmerewig, Al>ermule, Montgomeryshire. The Rev. BENJAMIN GIBBONS, M.A., of Wadham Coll. (Oxon.), late Vicar of Lower Mitton (1861-94). . Born 1824, being the eldest and only surviving son of the late John Gibbons of Corbyn's Hall, co. Stafford. Armorial bear- ings—Sable, a lion rampant or, between three escallops argent, on a chief engrailed of the last, three crosses potent gules. Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion regardant or, gorged with a collar sable, pendent therefrom an escutcheon of the last charged with a cross potent argent, holding between the paws an escallop also argent. Motto — "Fide et fortitu- dine." A/arned, 1851, Charlotte Jane, dau. of G. Skip- worth ; and has, with other Isstte — John Skipworth Gibbons, Esq. , J. P. , ^. 1852. Seai — Waresley House, Kidderminster. Residences — St. Michael's Lodge, Lower Mitton, Stourport ; 16 Hanover Terrace, Regent's Park, London, N. W. JOHN SKIPWORTH GIBBONS, Esquire, J.P. cos. Gloucester and Worcester, High Sheriff for the former 1889, late Capt. Royal Gloucestershire Hussars. Born June 16, 1852, being the eldest son of the Rev. Benjamin Gibbons, M.A., Rector of Lower Mitton, Worcester, by his wife Charlotte Jane, dau. of George Skipworth. Ar- morial bearings- Sable, a lion rampant or, between three escallops argent, on a chief engrailed of the last, three crosses potent gules. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion regardant or, gorged with a collar sable pendent, therefrom an escutcheon of the last charged with a cross potent argent, and holding be- tween the paws an escallop also argent. Motto—" Fide et fortitudine." Married, Aug. 4, 1875, Constance Sarah, younger dau. of Henry Crane of Oakhampton ; and has /Mtt^- Edith Constance [m., July i, 1897, Capt. Cyril Stacey, Esq. , late 14th Hussars, of St. Pierre, Chepstow] ; Rosamond Margaret Joan ; Isabel Maud ; and Violet Cicely Helen. 6>a/ — Boddington Manor, near Cheltenham. Club — Junior Carlton. ROBERT ALEXANDER GIBBONS, Gentleman. M.D., F.R.C.S. Born at Montreal, Canada, May 8, 1853 being the second son of the late David Gibbons of the Island of Alderney, Commissary-General in the Army, by his wife Elizabeth Frances, dau. of the late Capt. James Ireland Wilkinson. Livery -Dark green. Armorial bear- ings—Paly of six argent and gules, on a bend engrailed cottised also engrailed sable, a thistle slipped and leaved proper between two escallops or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a demi-lion sable, holding in the dexter paw a thistle as in the arms, and resting the sinister on an escallop or. Motto— "Nitor donee supero." Married, 1880, Evelyn Augusta, dau. of the late Capt. Edward Frere Edwards, R. A. ; and has Issue — Norman Barrington Gibbons, Gentle- man, b. May 12, 1881 ; and Evelyn Cynthia. Residences — 29 Cadogan Place, Chelsea, London, S. W. ; Val des Portes, Alderney. Clubs — Athenasum, Junior Carlton, Hurlingham. S ANTONY GIBBS, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Somerset, Hono- rary Major North Somerset Yeomanry Cavalry. Bom December 10, 1842, being the eldest son of William Gibbs is the Naval Cockade. s^ (^it of Tyntesfield, by Matilda Blanche his wife, daughter of the late Sir T. Crawley Boevey. Baronet, of Klaxley Abbey, in the county of Gloucester. C/ttts — Junior Carlton, New Uni- versiiy, Burlington Fine Arls. l.ivtry — Buff coat with black collar and cufls, black waistcoat and breeches. Armorial bearingi— Mr Ix-nrs for Armi : Argent, three battle-axes erect sable, within a bordure ncbuly of the last ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock, a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand in a guantlet proper, bear- ins a battle-axe sable ; with the Motto, " Tenax propositi." Imarrud, )ui>e aa, 1873, Janet Louisa, daughter of John Merivale, late Registrar \\\ Chancery. Issue — (i) George Abraham Gibbs, Gentleman, born July 6, 1873; (') Antony Hubert Gibbs, Gentleman, born September 18, 1874 ; I3I William Gibbs, Gentleman, born November 30, 1877 ; (4) John Evelyn Gibbs, Gentleman, born December aa, 1879; I5I Eustace Lyle Gibbs, Gentlem.in, liorn March 10, 1885 ; (6) Lancelot Klcrivale Gibbs, Gentleman, born December 23, 1889 ; Albinia Rose ; Anstice Katharine ; and Janet Blanche. Estaits — Tyntesfield, in the county of Somerset; Clyst Saint George, in the county of Devon ; Alpliington, in the county of lievon. Postal address — Tyntesfield, near Bristol. HENRY MARTIN GIBBS, Esquire, J. P. for Somerset, High Sheriff of Somerset 1897. Bom May 30, 1850, being the fourth son of William Gibbs of Tyntesfield, by his wife Matilda Blanche, dau. of the late Sir T. Crawley Boevey, Bart. , of Flaxley Abbey, co. Gloucester. Armorial bear- ing*— Quarterly I and 4, argent, three battle-axes within a border nebuly sable (for Gibbs) ; a and 3, argent, two chevronels between three owls azure (for Hucks). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colotirs, in front of a rock a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand in a gauntlet proper, holding a battle-axe sable. Motto — "En Dios mi amparo." Married, June aa, i88a, Emily Anna, fifth dau. of the Ven. W. B. Otter, Archdeacon of Lewis; and \as, Issue — (i) William Otter Gibbs, Gentleman, Lieut. loth Royal Hussars, b. Sept. 13, 1883; (2) Noel Martin Gibbs, Gentleman, b. Dec. 25, 1884 ; (3) Francis Antony Woodard Gibbs, Gentleman, b. Dec. 17, 1885 ; (4I Roland Vicary Gibbs, Gentleman, b. March 16, 1887 ; (5) Guy Melvil Gibbs, Gentleman, b. Dec. 15, 1889 ; (6) Ralph Crawley- Boevey Gibbs, Gentleman, b. July 24, 1841 ; (7) Lionel Cyril Gibbs, Gentleman, b. Feb. 15, 1893 '< Matilda Blanche, d. Jan. 14, 1889 ; and Mary Albinia. S^at — Barrow Court, Barrow Gurney, Somerset. Postal address— Barrov/ Court, Flax Bourton, R.S.O., Somerset. Clubs — Junior Carlton. GIBSON, see MACKENZIE -GIBSON, MILNER- GIBSON-CULLUM, and RAMSAY-GIBSON-MAIT- LAND. JOSEPH GIBSON, Esquire, J. P. co. of Westmorland. Bom March 27, 1877, being the second son of Henry Ernest HoUins of The Uplands, Mansfield, by his wife Mary Ann, third dau. and coheir of the late Joseph Gibson, Esq., of Whelprigg, J. P. for co. Westmorland, High Sheriff 1866, and assumed the surname and arms of Gibson by Royal Licence 1898. Armorial bearings —Argent, on a pile gules, between two branches of holly slipped and fructed in base, three storks wings exjjanded, each holding in the beak a holly leaf slipped all prop>er. Mantling gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, on a mount a stork, wings ex- panded, holding in the beak a holly leaf between two holly branches fructed proper. iVa/ -Whelprigg, Kirkby Lons- dale, Westmorland. Club — New University. THOMAS GEORGE GIBSON, Esquire, Alderman and J. P. of the city and county of Newcastle-ufK)n-Tyne. Bom April 29, 1830, being the eldest son of Thomas Cum- mings Gibson, late of Newcastle, by his wife Jane, dau. of Nicholas Gibson. Livery — Blue and white. Armorial bearings -Per pale azure and argent, three acorns slipped and leaved in lesse, between as many storks rising all counierchanged. Mantling azure and argent. Creist — On a wreath of the colours, a stork rising argent, between two acorns slipp>ed and leaved, and holding in the beak an acorn slipped proper. Motto — " Per ardua ad alta." Married, May 11, 1875, Anne Etty, dau. of Ralph Atkin- son; and has /m«^— Tliomas George Gibson, Gentleman, Cnpt. 6th Dragoons, b. Jan. i, 1878. Residence Lcs- bury House, Lesbury, Northumberland. C/«^j— Reform, Northumberland, and Northern Counties'. WILLIAM GIBSON, Esquire. J. P. Born Dec. 21, 1843, being the eldest son of the late William Gibson, Esq., PANDITE- CCELESTES J. p., Member of the Legislative Council of Tasmania from 1859^4, by Mary A., eldest dau. of William Blackler of Devonshire, England. Livery —Dark blue, with blue facings, silver buttons. Armorial bearings -Per pale gules and or, three pelicans' heads erased in fesse between two keys ^ is the Military Cockade. ^tb ^ib 541 fesseways, wards downwards, all counterchanged. Mant- ling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon the trunk of a tree fesseways eradicated and sprouting to the dexter all proper, a pelican, wings elevated and ad- dorsed argent, vulned and charged on the wings with a key erect, wards to the sinister gules. Motto — " Pandite coelestes portae." Marr/ed, March 30, 1871, Elvina Beau- mont, second dau. of the late William Dawson Grubb, Esq. , J. P., Barrister-at-Law, Member of the Legislative Council of Tasmania from 1869 to his death in 1879 ; and has /ssue — Ernest William Gibson, Gentleman, h. June 4, 1872 ; Lilian Elvina; Marian Louise; and Eva Beaumont. Estates — Scone, Scotchson, Woodhall, Esk Dale, Creekton. Seat — "Scone," near Launceston, Tasmania. GIBSON. Azure, a chevron or, surmounted by another gules, thereon three pheons of the second between as many storks wings expanded proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest — Out of an antique crown or, a lion's gamb erect 1871, being the only surviving child and sole heir of the late Sir James Ramsay-Gibson-Maitland, 4th Bart., J. P., D.L., Convener co. of Stirling, F.G.S., F.L.S., by his wife the late Dame Fanny Lucy Fowke, youngest dau. of Sir Thomas Wollaston White, 2nd Bart. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge -Quarterly i and 4, or, a lion ram- pant gules couped in all his joints of the field, within a double tressure flory counterflory azure (for Maitland) ; 2. quarterly i. and iiii., azure, three keys fesseways or (for Gibson) ; ii. and iii. , azure, a chevron between three battle- axes argent, a bordure of the last (for Wright) ; 3. argent, proper, grasping a club gules, spiked also or. Mottoes — " Recte et fideliter," "Pandite coelestes portas," " Rectis et fidelibus coeli proemium." Livety (undress)— Dark blue coat and overcoat, gold or yellow collar, cuffs, facings, pipings, and gold braid or lace, blue vest, gold piping, and (for dress) yellow plush breeches with blue stockings and gold-plated buttons, garters, and buckles and harness orna- ments, with blue and gold ribbons and rosettes, gold hat- bands looped up with gold or red cord. Son of late Capt. Ralph Coxon Gibson, R.N., b. 1829 ; d. i860 ; in. 1854, Margaret, 3rd d. of the late John Rossiter of Topsham (Devon), Murton, and North Shields, Northumberland ; — Rev. John George Gibson, M.A.. B.D., D.D., F.E.LS., F.R.G.S., F.R.P.S., F.R.S.L., of University College, Dur- ham ; ist Class Camb. Prelim. T. ; LL. D. ; Member of Society of Authors ; Deacon 1887, Priest 1888 by Lord Bishop of Manchester ; Rector of Ebchester, County and Diocese of Durham ; Organising Secretary, Jerusalem and the East Mission Fund for the N. Province of York ; Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers, and Freeman of the City of London, b. 14 Feb. 1856; m. 6 Dec. 1902, Harriette, yr. d. of late Nathan Meanock (Mannock) of "Thorn Mount," Royton, Lanes. Estate — " Murtonroyd, Northumberland. Res. — The Rectory, Eb- chester, R.S.O., Durham; "Thorn Mount," Royton, nr. Oldham, Lanes. ; Greenfield Place, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Clubs — "The Arts Club," Manchester; "The Primrose Club," S.W. ; "Westminster Club," Whitehall, S.W, ; and "The Press Club," Fleet Street, E.G. MARY RAMSAY-GIBSON-MAITLAND. Born Oct. 6, ^ is the Naval Cockade. an eagle displayed azure, within a bordure of the last, bezant^e, on a chief gules, two cinquefoils ermine (for Ramsay). 5^a/— Sauchieburn, Stirlingshire. JAMES MILLER GIBSON-WATT, Esq., Capt. 3rd Batt. South Wales Borderers. Born 1875, being the eldest son of the late James Watt Gibson- Watt of Doldowlod, by Emma Henrietta, daii. of the late Henry O'Reilly Hoey of Knuzden, Lancashire. Armorial bearings— Quarterly I and 4, barry of six or and azure, over all a club in bend sinister, surmounted by a caduceus saltireways all proper (for Watt) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a fesse engrailed between two keys fesseways wards downwards azure, a like key of the field (for Gibson). Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, i. upon a wreath of the colours, upon a fer-de-moline fesseways or, an elephant statant pro- per, charged on the body with a cross moline gold (for Watt) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, upon a key fesse- ways wards downwards azure, a pelican in her piety or, wings addorsed azure, sem^e of crescents argent. Mottoes — " Pandite ccelestes portge," " Ingenio et labore." Seat— Doldowlod, Rhayader, Radnorshire. C/«^— United Uni- versity. JOHN GIBSONE, Esquire, Major (retired), late Captain 17th Lancers, J. P. for the cos. of Midlothian, Leicester, V (S^ni and Warwick. Borm May 4, 18^8, being the eldest son of General John Charles Hodc Gibsone of Pentland, Mid- lothian, by ].\ne Louisa, only dau. of Hugh Saye Bringloe. Clubs — Sew (IMinl)urgh), Tennis Court (I.«amington). Armorial bearlnSB- Gules, three keys fesseways in pale, wards downwards, or. Mantling gules doul>ieelican vulning herself and feeding her young proper. Supporters— Two angeb with wings expanded proper. Motto — " I'an- dite ctrlestes porta;." Alarried, Dec. 8, i860, Mary Anne, second dau. of Rev. James Hughes- Hal let of Higham, Canterbury, and Vicar of IVtham, Kent ; and has Issue — (i) Hugh John Craig Gibsone, Ksquire, Captain Royal Marine Light Infantry ; (a) Alexander James Gibsone, Gentleman ; (3) IXmald Hope Gibsone, Gentleman, Lieut. Royal Indian Marine ; {4) Kenneth Gibsone, Gentleman ; Alice Mary; Winifred; Millicent ; Maud Mary; and Eleanor Ruth. Seat — Pentland, Midlothian. Postat address — Redcross Lodge, Lciimington. GIDLEY (34 Nov. 1666). Or, a castle and bordure sable, bezant^. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — A Sifiin'sbead couped or, between two wings sable, liezant^e. Otto — " Munit et alit." I.ivery — Dark blue, light blue facings. Sons of Gustavus Gidlcy of Wonson. Chagford, Gentle- man, b. 1792; d, 1875; tn. 1830, Elisabeth, d. of C. H. Clarke : — Gustavus Gidley, Gentleman, b. 1837 ; m. i860, Eliza Davy, d. of Henry Ford ; and has issue — Gustavus George Gidley, Gentleman, M.R.C.S. (Kng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), L.S.A., Lieut. 3rd V.B, Devon Regt., b. 1861 \in. 1895, Constance Mary, d. of Josiah Saunders. Res. — Heyford House, Collumpton]. Res. — St. Michael's Mount, Honiton. Sons of late Bartholomew Charles Gidley, Gentleman, M.A., of Hoopern House, P2xeter, Town Clerk of that city, m. , Mary Elizabeth, only child and heir of John James Russell, Gentleman [Arms of Russell (1835) — Quarterly, i and 4, argent, a fesse dancettde ermines, between three crosses crosslet fitch6e in chief and two in base sable ; 2 and 3, argent, on a chevron gules, between two martlets in chief sable and a book closed in base proper, three phcons or (Best, 1835)]: — ] John Gidley, Gentleman, b. 25 March 1867. Res. — Hoojsern House, Exeter. Courtenay de Blois Gidley, Gentleman, b. 16 Sept, 1876. Res. — Hoopern House, Exeter. Son of Theodore Courtenay Gidley, Gentleman, Solicitor, by Charlotte, d. of Bartholomew Gidley, Banker ; — Bartholomew Courtenay Gidley, Gentleman, fi. 19 July 1835 ; m. 21 Sept. 1865, Alice Caroline, d. of Francis Farrar, Solicitor ; and has surv. issue — Alice Jean Courtenay ; Mabel Frances; Lilian Mary; and Madeline Gordon. Res. — I Surbiton Terrace, Surbiton. GIFFARD. quartered by BARNEWALL and LLAN- DAFF. HARDINGE FRANK GIFFARD, Gentleman, M.A. (Merton Coll., Oxford), Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple ; twice Private Secretary to the Lord Chancellor, Secretary to Lunacy Commission 1895-1900, when he was appointed a Commissioner in Lunacy, Fellow of the Society of .Antiquaries. Born July 18, i860, being the second son of his Honour the late Judge (John Walter de Longueville) Giffard, of the family of Giffard of Halsbury and Brightleigh, N. Devon, by Emilie, dau. of the late Daniel Burton Scott of Ingham, Norfolk, deceased. Livery — Black, with white facings. Armorial bearing^ (Vns. Devonsh.) — Sable, three lozenges conjoined in fesse ermine. Married, June 1900, Evelyn Alice, fifth dau. of Sydney Chamljers of Crete Hill, South Nutfield, Surrey ; and has Issue — Ingaret Stella. Residence — Stone Lodge, Cheam, Surrey. Club — Junior Carlton. JOHN HARDINGE GIFFARD. Esquire. Director of Greenwich Hospital. Born 1847, being the eldest son of the late Edward Giffard, Esq., eldest surviving son of the late Sir Ambrose Hardinge Giffard, Chief-Justice of Ceylon, by his wife Rosamond C. Pennell. Armorial bearings - Sable, three lozenges conjoined in fesse ermine. Mantling sable and argent. Postal address — Brightleigh, Outwood, Surrey. Clubs — Conservative, Beefsteak. 5 WALTER THOMAS COURTENAY GIFFARD, Esquire, J. P., D.L. Bom Jan. 11, 1839, being the only son of the late Walter Peter Giffard of ChillinKlon, CO. Stafford, and his wife Henrietta Dorothy, second iluu of Sir John Kenton lk)ughcy, 2nd Bart., of A(iualate. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, azure, three stirrups with leathers or ; a and 3, gules, three lions passant in pale argent. Mantling azure and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a panther's head couped full-faced, spotted various, flames issuing from his mouth projier ; 9. a den»i-archer Ijearded and couped at the knees in armour proper, from his middle a short coat paly argent and gules, at his middle a quiver of arrows or, in his hands a bow and arrow drawn to the head or. Motto — " Prenez halcine, tirez fort." Married, May 20, 1879, Mary Constance, eldest dau. of Richard Holt Briscoe of Somerford, co. Staf- ford ; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Arthur Walter (lifliird. Gentleman, b. Aug. 2, 1882 ; (2) Hugh Peter William Giffard, Gentleman, b. Sept. i, 1892; Winifred Mary Sophia ; and Barbara Constance Anne. Am/ -Chillington. near Wolverhampton. Residence—VcwAx'^X Hall, Codsall Wood, Wolverhampton. GIFFORD, quartered by HAY. SCAREW DAVIES GILBERT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Corn- wall, Justice of the Peace for the county of Sussex, eldest son of John Davies Gilbert. C/z/^j— Arthur's, Carlton, R. Yacht Squadron, Wellington. Livery — Blue coat, white and red stri ped waistcoat . Armorial bearings — H e bears for Arms : JteeWtj^^ Argent, on a chevron gules, three roses of the field, a canton of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours a squirrel sejant, charged on the body with a cross crosslet argent. Motto — " Teg yw hedwch." Married, 1881, Grace, eldest daughter of G. K. S. Massy Dawson of Ballinacourte, in the county o( Tipperary ; and has Issue — Minnie Davies ; Patience Davies ; is the Military Cockade. m\ m 543 Grace Davies ; Hester Davies ; and Honor Davies. Estates —Manors of Gildredge, Parker, Eastbourne, and Birling, in the county of Sussex ; Trelissick, Trevella, Amille, and Tille, in the county of Cornwall. Postal addresses — Trelissick, Truro, Cornwall ; Manor House, Eastbourne, Sussex. Sir WALTER GH^BEY, Baronet, of Elsenham Hall, in CO. Essex, J. P. for that county, Lord of the Manors of Bishop's Stortford, Herts, and Colchester Hall, in the co. of Essex. Born May 2, 1831, being the sixth son of Henry Gilbey, Gentleman, of Bishop's Stortford, by his wife Eliza- beth, second dau. of William Bailey, Gentleman, of Stan- sted Mountfitchet, in the co. of Essex. Clui— City Liberal. Livery — Drab and brown, gilt buttons. Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms : Gules, a fesse nebuly or, in chief a horse rampant between two estoiles and the like in the base, all of the last. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or; and for his (Srest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a tower proper, issuant from the battlements thereof a dragon's head gules, a fleur-de-lis or, all between two ostrich feathers argent. Married, November 3, 1858, Ellen, J fourth daughter of John Parish of Bishop's Stortford ; and h&s Issue— [i) Henry Walter Gilbey, Esquire, J. P. (Essex) (28 Seymour Street, Portman Square), b. Oct. i, 1859 [m. Jan. 29, 1884, Ella, dau. of J. C. Fowlie of Snrbiton, in the CO. of Surrey, and has issue, Walter Ewart Gilbey, Gentle- man, b. June 10, 1886; Eric Gilbey, Gentleman, b. Dec. 26, 1888] ; (2) Arthur Nocholds Gilbey, Esq., J. P. Berkshire, b. April 6, 1861 [m. Aug. 19, 1885, Beatrice, second dau. of the late Henry Gold, Esq., of Cookham, in the co. of Berkshire, J. P., and has issue, Sebastian Walter Gilbey, Gentleman, b. May 6, 1893; Tresham Rupert Gilbey, Gentleman, b. Dec. 14, 1900; Nina; and Sylvia]; (3) Tresham Gilbey, Esq., J. P. for co. of Herts., of The i Grange, Bishop's Stortford, co. of Hertford, b. Aug. 6, 1862 [m. April 29, 1886, Sarah Ann, only child of John Barker of The Grange, Fiishop's Stortford, J. P.]; (4) Sebastian Gilljey, Esq., b. Nov. 29, 1863, died unmarried, Jan. 31, 1880; (s) Guy Gilbey, Esq., /'. March 9, 1868 [tn. 1902, Katharine Thurlow, elder dau. of the late Henry Merry- weather] ; Maud Ellen [w. July 20, 1886, Daniel Thomas Hine]; Mabel Kate [m. July 3, 1889, Leonard Arthur Routledge]; Rose [m. April 28, 1891, Robert Stansfeld {row]; and Emily Lucy \tn. 1901, Herbert Stroyan]. Estates — The Manor of Bishop's Stortford ; owns much property and land in and around that town ; also in the parishes of Elsenham, Takeley, &c. ; and the Manor of Colchester Hall, in the county of Essex. Postal addresses — Elsenham Hall, Essex; Post Town, Stansted, R.S.O., Essex; Cambridge House, Regent's Park, London, N.W. JAMES GILCHRIST, Gentleman. Bom Feb. i6, 1847, being the eldest son of the late Archibald Gilchrist, Esq., J. P. for Argyleshire and Lanarkshire, Engineer and Shif)- builder, and his wife Margaret Martin, dau. of Thomas Steel of Kirkintilloch. Armorial bejirings— Azure, the sun in splendour or, between two crosses pate6 in chief and a water-bouget in base argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, supporting in his forepaws a pennoncelle proper, the flag azure, charged with a horse passant also argent ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Mea gloria fides." Residence — 5 Montgomerie Crescent, Kelvinside, Glasgow. PERCY CARLYLE GILCHRIST, Gentleman, Associate of the Royal School of Mines, Member of the Institute of Civil Engineers, Fellow of the Royal Society. Born December 27, 1851, being the eldest son of the late Alexander Gilchrist, Barrister-at-Law, by his wife Anne, only daughter of the late John Parker Burrows. Clubs — Reform, Whitehall, Cleveland (Middlesbrough). Livery — Brown, with brass buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, a bow stringed in bend or, between a bull's head erased in chief and a pheon in base, both argent ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, between the attires of a stag attached to the scalp or, a crescent argent, issuant therefrom an arrow paleways point downwards also or ; with the Motto, ' ' Fide et fiducia. " Married, December 22, 1877, Norah Augusta Maria, second daughter of the late Captain Louis Roper Fitzmaurice, Royal Navy; and has /wae- Alexander Fitzmaurice Gil- christ, Gentleman, born September 10, 1878; and Eileen Fitzmaurice. Postal address — YtognaX Bank, Finchley Road, Hampstead, London, N.W. GILDEA (U.O.). Argent, on a mount vert, a stag statant under an oak-tree proper, in the dexter chief point a cross crosslet fitch^e gules for difference. Mantling vert and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a is tbe Naval Cockade. V* m woirs head erased proper, langued gules, charged on the neck with a crou crosslet ftxchie as in the arms. MottMi — " Re e merito," " Vincit aui patitur. " Sons of Major-Gen. John Arthur Gtldea, t. 1818 ; d. 1873 ; M. 1857, Elizabeth, d. of late Robert Rickart- Hepburn of Rickarton : — Arthur Knox Gildea, Ksq., J. P. and D.L. (High Sheriff ca Mayo 1891), f>. 1858; m. 1891, jane, only a. of late Thomas Ruttledee, Esq., D.L., of Cornfield, co. Mayo; and has issue— m John Arthur Knox Gildea, Gentleman, k 1891 ; and Jane. Seat — Clooncormack, Hollymount, CO. Mavo. Charles Bruce Gildea, Gentleman, ^. 1866; m. 1890, Alice Mary Curtler. /?w. — William Ernest Gildea, Gentleman, l>. 1868. /?«.— Slave Island, Colombo. Ceylon. Sons of Very Rev. George Robert Gildea, Provost of Tuam, Rector of Moylough and R.D., d. 1803; d. 1887 ; m. 1836, Esther, only d. and h. of Thomas Green of Greenmount : — Rev. William Gildea, Hon. Canon of Salisbury and Pre- bendary of Stretton, Rector of Upwey and R.D., i. 1833 ; m. i86a, Sarah Caroline, d. of Nathaniel Phillips Simes; and has surv. issue — (i) George Stanhope Sinics Gildea, Gentleman, 6. 1864 [m. 1895, Mary Louisa Bourne; and has issue (i) Cecil Gildea, Gentleman, 6. 1898 ; (2) Stan- hope Gildea, Gentleman, d. 1900; (3) Eric Gildea, Gentle- man, 6. 1903 ; and Ethel] ; (2) John William Simes Gildea, Gentleman, i. 1866 [m. 1905, Maud Trask] ; (3) James Frederick Simes Gildea, Gentleman,^. 1884; Ethel Angelina [m. 1896, David Lindsay Crawford] ; Esther Theodora [;«. 1899, Arthur Franklin Guillemard] ; Gertrude Marian ; and Wilhelmina Philippa Caroline. Xes. — The Rectory, Upwey, Dorset. Sir James Gildea. Knt. Bach. (1903). C.V.O.. C.B.. Knight of St. John of Jerusalem, late Col. comdg. 6th Batt. Roy. Warwicksh. Regt. , has Jubilee and Coronation Medals, i. 1838; m. 1864, Rachel Caroline (eing the eldest son of the late .Allan Gilmour of Lundin nnd Montrave, and of South Walton. Aimorlal bearings (1869)— Argent, on a chevron between three trefoils slipped vert, as many hunt- ing-horns of the first, the escutcheon being charged with his badge as a Baronet. Mantling vert, doubled argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand fesse- ways couped, holding a writing-pen proper, and on an escroU over the same this Motto, " Nil penna sed usus." Married, 1873, Henrieita, dau. of David Gilmour of Quebec ; and has /ssue — (i) John Gilmour, Esq., Capt. Fife and Forfar Imp. Yeom., i. May 27, 1876 ; (2) Harry Gilmour, Esq., 6. 1878 ; (3) Douglas Gilmour, Esq., i. 1889; Maud ; and Henrieita Walton. Seat — Montrave, Leven, Fifeshire. C/uds — Carl- ton, Junior Carlton, Boodle's, New (Edinburgh). PETER VALENTINE GILPIN, Esuqire, J. P. for Bedfordshire, late Lieut. 5th Lancers. Born 1858, being the only son of the late Peter Valentine Purcell, Esq., of Halverstown, Capt. 13th Light Dragoons, by Agnes Maria, eighth dau. of Sir John Hesketh, Lethbridge, 3rd Bart, (she m. second, 1866, Major St. John Le Marchant, R.H.A) ; and assumed the surname and arms of Gilpin by Royal License in the year 1862. C/u6 — Naval and Military. Ar- morial bearings — Or, a boar passant sable, in chief two roses gules, barbed and seeded proper, a canton azure for diflTerence. Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of three tilting-spears points upwards, one in pale and two in saltire proper, as many mascles interlaced fesscways or. Married, 1883, Amy Mary L,ouisa, eldest dau. of the late C!apt. Henry Meux- Smith of Hocklifte ; and has, with other /««/*— Valentine Purcell Gilpin, Gentleman, b. 1885. 5 Justice of the Peace, of Wormington KL/Ipt Grange, by his wife Marianne, commonly known as the Honourable Marianne, only daughter of the Right Honourable Warner Westenra, second Lord Rossmore. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per pale' gules and sable, on a chevron engrailed er- minois, between three swans' heads and necks erased ermine, as many fleurs-de-lis azure. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath I is tbe Naval Cockade. 548 «Ifl (5Ia of lh« colours, a swan's head and neck erased ermine, collaird gules, between two iialni branches vert. MottO — •' Benigno numine." AVmii«ry 7, 1854, U'ing the son of the Right Honounible William Kwart Gladstone, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Co'incil, Mentber of Parliament, by his wife Cathe- rine, eldest daughter of Sir Stephen Richard Glynne, eighth Baronet. tVi/^j— Reform, National Liberal, Bath. Armorial b«arings— He Ixrars for Amu: Argent, a savage's head affrontt^c, gutltie-de-sang, wreathed alwut the temples with holly proper, within an orle Hory gules, all within an orle of martlets sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, and issuant from a wreath of holly proper, a demi-griffin sable, supporting between the claws a sword enfiled by a wreath of oak all proper; with the Motto, " Fide et virtute." Married, 1901, Dorothy Mary, daughter of Sir R. H. Paget, Bart., P.C. Residences— ^nd^^cxoW, Littlestone ; and 2 Cowley Street, Westminster. ROBERT GLADSTONE. Esquire, J. P. co. S. Lanes, and of Dumfries, Chairman of the Mersey Docks and Har- bour Board. Bom July 17, 1833, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Steuart Gladstone of Capenoch, in co. of Dumfries, by his wife Elizabeth Field, daughter of the late Samuel Clark of Dumfries. Club — Palatine (Liverpool). Z-iWry— Black, with silver buttons; waistcoat red, with narrow white strijMJs. Armorial bearings — Argent, a savage's head affront^e, dropping blood, wreathed about the temples with holly proper, within an orle flory gules, all within an orle of eight martlets sable, impaling the same arms of Gladstone, namely argent, a savage's head affron- t6e, dropping blood, wreathed about the temples with holly proper, within an orle flory gules, all within an orle of eight martlets sable ; and for his Crest, issuant from a wreath of holly proper, a demi-griffin sable, supporting between the claws a sword enfiled with a wreath of oak all proper ; with the Motto, "Fide et virtute." Married, February i6, i860, Mary Ellen (rf. 1895), eldest dau. of the late Robertson Gladstone, Esquire, of Court Hey, near Liverpool, Justice of the Peace for Liverpool, and for the County Palatine of Lancaster; and has Issue-~{i) Arthur Steuart Glad- stone, Gentleman, born November 27, i860 ; (2) John Steuart Gladstone, Gentleman, born August 13, 1862 ; (3) Robert Gladstone, Gentleman, Master of Arts and Bachelor of Civil Law, of the University of Oxford, born May 6, 1866; (4) Ernest Steuart Gl.idstone, Genilcman, Iwrn July 6, i8iS7 ; Mary Ellen ; Catharine Steuiu-t ; Flora Steuart ; Edith Steuart ; Margaret Steuiirt ; Helen Steuart ; and Lilian Steuart. Estate and postal address— ^oo\Ko\\ Vale, near Liveipool. Fhe Reverend STEPHEN EDWARD GLADSTONE, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Rector of Hawarden, in the county of Flint. Bom April 4, 1844, being the second son (but eldest surviving) of the Right Honour- able William Ewart Gladstone, by his wife Catherine, daughter of Sir Stephen Richard (ilynne, Baronet. I.ivrry — Dark cloth, with gilt buttons. Armorial bearings— I^ bears for Arms : Argent, a savage's heail .ilfiuntie, drop- ping blood, wreathed about the temples with holly projx-r, within an orle flory gules, all within eight martlets in orle sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from a wreath of holly proper, a demi-^riflin sable, supporting between the claws a sword enfiled with a wreath of oak all proper; with the Motto, "Fide et virtute." Married, Jan. 29, 1885, Annie C. , daughter of the late Charles Bowman Wilson, M.R.C.S. , of Liverpool; and has Issue — (i) Albert Charles Gladstone, Gentleman, born 1886 - - - - 1888 1891 1898 Charles Andrew Gladstone, Gentleman, Ixsm (3) Stephen Deiniol Gladstone, Gentleman, born (4) William Herbert Gladstone, Gentleman, born Catherine; and Edith. Postal address — Hawarden Rectory, Chester. WALTER LONGUEVILLE GLADSTONE, Gentle- lan. Born Sept. 30, 1846, being the fifth son of Rolwrlson Gladstone, by his wife Mary Ellen, dau. of Hugh Jones. Livery — Claret, crimson vest. Armorial bearingfs— Argent, is the Military Cockade, (Dla ©la 549 a savage's head affront^e, distilling drops of blood, wreathed about the temples with holly proper, within an orle fieury gules, all within eight martlets in orle sable. Mantling argent and gules. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from a wreath of holly proper, a demi-griffin sable, supporting between the claws a sword, the blade enfiled by a wreath of oak also proper. Motto — "Fide et virtute." Seat — Court Hey, Broad Green, Liverpool. C/?<^— Palatine (Liverpool). GLASBROOK (H. Coll.). Gules, on a pile per pale indented or and argent, between two fleurs-de-lis in base of the second, a maunch of the first. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed in armour, the hands gauntleted proper, holding a maunch gules. Son of John Glasbrook, Esq., J. P. Glamorgan: — John Glasbrook, Esq., J. P. Glamorgan (High Sheriff 1903-4), b. 1849; m. 1891, Edith Amelia Batchelor ; and has issue — John Henry Lionel Glasbrook, Gentleman, b. 1892. 5e«;/— Sketty Court, Sketty, co. Glamorgan. fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two bezants, each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head erased or, muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fesseways of the last. Club —Conservative, Liverpool. Postal address — Hayman's Green, West Derby, Liverpool. FREDERICK EDWARD DE TWENEBROKES GLAZEBROOK, Gentleman. Born January i, 1859, being the youngest son of the late Henry Glazebrook of Liverpool, by Amelia his wife, daughter of Thomas Forbes Walmisley of Westminster. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, an eagle displayed gules, beaked, legged, and hold- ing in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two bezants, each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head erased or, muzzled aziu^e, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fesseways of the last. Married, October 21, 1889, Con- stance Farrer, daughter of Edward Glazebrook ; and has had Issue — Frederick Newton Glazebrook, Gentleman, died an infant ; and a daughter. GLASGOW, see ROBERTSON-GLASGOW. GLASGOW, formerly of Auchenraith (1847). Argent, an oak-tree growing out of a mount in base vert, on a chief gules, a garb between two crescents or. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — Eld. son of William James Glasgow, Esq., J. P., of Old Court (d. 1887), by Dora, eld. d. of Bernard Robert Shaw of Monkston, co. Cork : — Alexander John Glasgow, Gentleman, b. 1857. Seat — Old Court, CO. Cork. HAMILTON GLAZEBROOK, Gentleman. Born July 24, 1867, being the fifth son of the late Nicholas Smith Glazebrook of Hayman's Green, West Derby, Liverpool, M. R.C.S. England, by his wife Sarah Anne, dau. of Richard Tetley of Fremont, West Derby, Liverpool. Armorial bearings— Ermine, an eagle displayed gules, beaked, legged, and holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two bezants, each charged with a fleur-de- lis azure. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head erased or, muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fesseways of the last. Postal address— Hayman's Green, West Derby, Liverpool. ALFRED PERCY GLAZEBROOK, Gentleman. Born , being the fourth son of the late Rev. John Kirkland Glazebrook, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Oxon.), Vicar of Melling, near Liverpool, by his wife Harriet Augusta, dau. of William Harter of Hope Hall, Eccles, Manchester. Armorial bearings — Ermine, an eagle displayed gules, beaked, legged, and holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two bezants, each charged with a fleur-de- lis azure. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head erased or, muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fesseways of the last. Married, Nov. 21, 1889, Alice Fanny, dau. of James A. Eaton. HARTER KIRKLAND GLAZEBROOK, Gentleman. Born , being the eldest son of the late Rev. John Kirk- land Glazebrook, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Oxon.), Vicar of Melling, near Liverpool, by his wife Harriet Augusta, dau. of William Harter of Hope Hall, Eccles, Manchester. Armorial bearings— Ermine, an eagle dis- played gules, beaked, legged, and holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two bezants, each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head erased or, muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fesseways of the last. Postal address— E,\chdJ\g& Buildings, Liverpool. ARTHUR GLAZEBROOK, Gentleman, son of the late Edward Glazebrook of Liverpool, by his second wife Anne, dau. of Capt. Henry Farrer of Scaleby Hall, Carlisle. Armorial bearings — Ermine, an eagle displayed gules, beaked, legged, and holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two bezants, each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure. Crest On a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head erased or, muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fesseways of the last. CHARLES GLAZEBROOK, Gentleman. Born , being the third son of the late Rev. John Kirkland Glaze- brook, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Oxon.), Vicar of Melling, near Liverpool, by his wife Harriet Augusta, dau. of William Harter of Hope Hall, Eccles, Manchester. Armorial bearings — Ermine, an eagle displayed gules, beaked, legged, and holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two bezants, each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head erased or, muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fesseways of the last. Married dau. of Thomas Court of Liverpool. FRANCIS KIRKLAND GLAZEBROOK, Gentleman. Born June 9, 1857, being the second son of the late Nicholas Smith Glazebrook of Hayman's Green, West Derby, Liverpool, M. R.C.S. England, by his wife Sarah Anne, dau. of Richard Tetley of Fremont, West Derby, Liverpool. Armorial bearings — Ermine, an eagle dis- played gules, beaked, legged, and holding in the beak a HENRY GEORGE TWANBROOK GLAZEBROOK, Gentleman, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford. Born October 16, 1845, being the younger son of the late Reverend James Kirkland Glazebrook, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, and Vicar of Lower Darwen, in the county of Lancaster, by Mary his wife, daughter of John Hargreaves of Hart Common, West- houghton, in the County Palatine of Lancaster. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Ermine, an eagle displayed gules, beaked, legged, and holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two bezants, each charged with a fleur- de-lis azure; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head erased or, muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fesseways of the last. Married Louisa Russel, only child of Russel Patey, Com- mander in the Royal Navy; and has Issue— (i) George Russel Glazebrook, Gentleman, born October 19, 1878; (2) Harold Patey Glazebrook, Gentleman, born December 30, 1886 ; and Constance Patey. HERBERT ERNEST GLAZEBROOK, Gentleman. fforn , being the fifth son of the late Rev. John Kirk- land Glazebrook, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Oxon.), Vicar of Melling, near Liverpool. Armorial bearings- Ermine, an eagle displayed gules, beaked, legged, and holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two bezants, each charged with a fleurde-lis azure. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head erased or muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fesse- ways of of the last. Married, Oct. 31, 1893. CharloUe Mary Evelyn, dau. of Captain Alfred Eaton, R.N. I is the Naval Cockade. 550 (S>Ia (S^Ia JAMES FRANCIS WALMISLKY GLAZEBROOK, Gentleman. Horn September 33, 1855, beinr the eldest sur- viviuK son of ihc late Henry Cjlazcbrook o? Liverpool, by Amelia his wife, daughter of Thomas Forbes Walmislcy of Westminster. Armorial beaxlngrB— He bears for Armi: Ermine, an eagle displayed gules, beaked, legged, and hold- ing in the Iwak a tleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two bezants, each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head erased or, muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fesse- ways of the last. Marrted, March 35, 1800, Leila Mary, daughter of .Alexander Geddes of Liverpool ; and has Issue — (x) Francis Henry Glazebrook, Gentleman, b. October a, 1893 ! (3) ^Atil Kirkland Glazebrook, Gentleman, b. June 19, 1899; and Dorothy May. Postal address — Oxton, Birken- head. bezants, each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head iT.ased or, muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thiph fessc- ways of the last. Motto — " Dum spire spero. " Married, June a8, 1883. Frances Gertrude, dau. of the late John William Atkinson of .Saint John's, Ilkley, in theco. of York; and has Issue — Arthur Rimington Glazebrook, Gentleman, b. Nov. a8, 1891 ; Gertrude Ethel ; Monica ; and Marian Joan. Postal address — Bushy House, 'I'eddington, Middle- sex. Club — Athenceum (London). THOMAS TWANBROOK GLAZEBROOK, Gentle- man. Bom October i, 1843, being the second son of the MICHAEL GEORGE GLAZEBROOK, Gentleman. liom May a8, 1819, being the youngest son of the late Thomas Kirkland Glazebrook of Orford Ix)dge, Warrington, Cap- tain in the Militia, and bis wife Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Twanbrook of Appleton, in the County Palatine of Chester. Armorlalbearlnflrs— He bears for Arms: Ermine, an eagle displayed gules, beaked, legged, and holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two bezants, each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear s head erased or, muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fesseways of the last. Marrted, April ai, 185a, Margaret Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Tapson of London ; and has Issue — (i) The Reverend Michael George Glazebrook, Master of Arts of the Universiiy of Oxford, Clerk in Holy Orders, Hon. Canon of Bristol, and now Headmaster of Clifton School, born August 4, 1853 [married, July 39, i83o, Ethel, daughter of Sir Benjamin Brodie, Baronet]; (a) Hugh de Twene- brokes Glazebrook, Gentleman, born March 30, 1855 [niarried, July 30, 1891, Florence Singleton, daughter of Edward Wilson] ; (3) Arthur James Glazebrook^ Gentle- man, born August a8, 1861 [married, November 7, 1889, Lucy n^e Maclauchlan of St. John's, Nesv Brunswick] ; and two daughters. NICHOLAS SMITH GLAZEBROOK, Esquire, J. P.. has the Kaisar-i-Hind gold medal for Public Service in India (1901). Born Sept. 39, 1859, being the third son of the late Nicholas Smith Glazebrook of Hayman's Green, West Derby, Liverpool, M.R.C.S. England, by his wife Sarah Anne, dau. of Richard Tetley of Fremont, West Derby, Liverpool. Armorial bearing^— Ermine, an eagle dis- played gules, beaked, legged, and holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two bezants, each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure. Cre'st — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head erased or, muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fesseways of the last. Married, Sept. 15, 1891, Edith Mary, dau. of the late William Cleaver of West Derby; and has /jj«^— Edward Cleaver Glazebrook, b. Oct. 3, 189a. Postal address — Bombay, India. PHILIP KIRKLAND GLAZEBROOK, Gentleman. Bom June 34, 1880, being the only son of the late John Knowles Glazebrook, Gentleman, of Manchester and Lymm Hall, co. Chester, by his wife Cecilia Anne Esther, dau. of Robert Watson of the Riddings, Oswaldtwisle. Armorial bearings — Ermine, an eagle displayed gules, beaked, legged, and holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two bezants, each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head erased or, muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fesseways of the last. RICHARD TETLEY GLAZEBROOK, Gentleman, M.A., and Fellow of Trin. Coll., Camb., D.Sc, F.R.S., sometime Principal of Liverpool University Coll., Director of the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington. Born Sept. 18, 1854, being the eldest son of Nicholas Smith Glaze- brook, Gentleman, Member of the Royal College of Sur- geons (England), by his wife Sarah Anne, dau. of Richard Tetley of Fremont, West Derby, Liverpool. Armorial bear- IngfS — Ermine, an eagle displayed gules, beaked, legged, and holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two late Thomas 'Twanbrook Glazebrook of New Brighton, in the County Palatine of Chester, by his wife Catharine, daughter of William Hall, Justice of the Peace, of Grappwn- hall Hall, in the same county, and afterwards of Twembrooke House, Seaforth, in the County Palatine of Lancaster. Armorial bearings — He l>ears for Arms : Ermine, an eagle displayed gules, beaked, legged, and holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two bezants, each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head erased or, muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fesseways of the last. Uotto — " Dum spiro spero. " Postal address — Pala- tine Club, Liverpool. WILLIAM HALL GLAZEBROOK, Gentleman. Born Sept. 18, 1846, being the youngest son of the late Thomas Twanbrook Glazebrook of New Brighton, in the Co. Palatine of Chester, by his wife Catherine, daughter of William Hall of Grappenhall Hall, in the same county and afterwards of Twembrooke House, Seaforth, in the County Palatine of Lancaster. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, an eagle displayed gules, beaked, legged, and holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two bezants, each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head erased or, muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fesseways of the last. Married, July 13, 1876, Char- l8 tbe Military Cockade. lotte Carnegy, daughter of John Spence, Doctor of Medicine of the University of Edinburgh, and widow of Grove Rowson Berry of New Brighton, Cheshire; and has Issue — William Twanbrook Glazebrook, Gentleman, born May I, 1877. (5le 551 wreath of his liveries an anchor in pale proper ; and in an escroll above the crest this Motto, " Be firm" (for Coats) ; and 2. upon a wreath of the liveries, a Cornish chough as in the arms; and in an escroll above this motto, " Deus alit corses." Married, 1876, Elise Agnes, daughter of Alex- WILLIAM RIMINGTON GLAZEROOK, Gentleman. Born July 19, 1864, being the fourth son of the late Nicholas Smith Glazebrook of Hayman's Green, West Derby, Liverpool, M. R.C.S. England, by his wife Sarah Anne, dau. of Richard Tetley of Fremont, West Derby, Liverpool. Armorial bearings Ermine, an eagle dis- played gules, beaked, legged, and holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two bezants, each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head erased or, muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fesseways of the last. Married Dora, dau. of Samuel Field of Liverpool and Bettws-Abergele, North Wales; and has /s-j?/^- (i) Reginald Field Glazebrook, born April 23, 1899 ; and (2) William Rimington Glazebrook, born Nov. 7, 1900. Postal address — 17 Kingsmead Road South, Birkenhead. MOUTRAY GLEDSTANES, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Tyrone and rJr>Tl?ri the son of Robert Hornidge of Twicken- ham, King's County, by his wife Sophia, daughter of John Corry Moutray, Esquire, Deputy-Lieute- nant, of Favour Royal, county Tyrone ; succeeded his cousin, Ambrose Upton Gledstanes, under whose will he assumed the name and arms of Gledstanes in lieu of those of Hor- nidge, by Royal License, in 1871. Club — Kildare Street (Dubhn). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quar- terly I and 4, per pale or and argent, within an orle of martlets sable, a savage's head couped, distilling drops of blood and wearing a bonnet composed of bay and holly leaves all proper (for Gledstanes) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron engrailed between three bugle-horns stringed gules, a trefoil slipped or (for Hornidge), impaling the arms of Verschoyle, namely argent, on a chevron between three boars' heads couped gules, langued azure, a cross pat^e or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin sable, holding a spear proper, transfixing a savage's head couped distilling drops of blood and wearing a bonnet composed of bay and holly leaves as in the arms (for Gledstanes) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, out of park palings proper, a demi-huntsman affront^e, habited gules, belt and cap sable, winding a horn or, motto over, " Virtutis laus actio" (for Hornidge). Motto — Under the arms, "Fide et virtute." Married, January 15, 1874, Helen Catherine, daughter of John James Verschoyle, Esquire, of Tassagart, in the county of Dublin, Justice of the Peace [by his wife Catherine Helen, daughter of the Reverend W. H. Foster, and grand-daughter of the Right Reverend W. Foster, Doctor of Divinity, Bishop of Clogher] ; and has Issue — Ambrose Upton Gledstanes, Gentleman, 30th Lancers, Indian Army, b. July 6, 1876 . Helen Margaret Catherine ; and Sophia Cecilia Marion ; Seat — Fardross, Clogher. (^len^Coats Sir THOMAS GLEN GLEN-COATS, first Baronet, of Ferguslie Park, in the county of Ren- frew, Lieutenant-Colonel and Hono- rary Colonel commanding 2nd Ren- frewshire Volunteer Battalion (Princess Louise's Regiment) Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders. Born 1846, being the son of the late Thomas Coats, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Renfrew, (who died 1883), by his wife Margaret, daughter of Thomas Glen of Thornhill, Johnstone ; assumed the additional surname of Glen by Royal Licence, dated July 5, 1894. Creation — 1894. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, or, a stag's head erased gules, between the attires a pheon azure, all between three mascles sable, a bordure engrailed of the last (for Coats) ; 2 and 3 ermine, three Cornish choughs sable, beaked and membered gules (for Glen). Above the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for Crests, i. upon a ander Walker of Montreal, in the Dominion of Canada ; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Coats Glen Glen-Coats, Esquire, born 1878 ; (2) Alexander Harold Glen Glen-Coats, Esquire, born 1883 ; and Marion Marjorie Winifred Glen. Postal address — Ferguslie Park, Paisley, N. B. GEORGE POOLE NORRIS GLENCROSS, Esquire, J. P. for Cornwall, M.A. Oxon. Born 1855, being the eldest surviving son of the late Rev. James Glencross, M.A. (Ball. Coll., Oxon.), J. P. for Cornwall, by his wife Ann Armenell, eldest dau. of the late Rev. George P. Norris of Roscraddock House, St. Cleer, Cornwall. Armorial bearings— Per saltire ermine and azure, a lion rampant or, holding in the dexter forepaw a cross patonce of the last, in chief three chaplets of oak proper, fructed gold. Mantling azure and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a grey- hound argent, charged on the body with a cross patonce azure, resting the dexter forefoot upon a chaplet as in the arms. Motto — " A cruce salus." Seat — Luxstowe, Liskeard. JAMES FERGUSON GLENN, Gentleman, F.A.I., and Member of the Londonderry County Council 1899- 1905. Born 1862, being the eldest son of William Glenn of Aghadowey, by Mary, dau. of James MacMillan of Aghadowey, co. Londonderry. Livery — Claret colour with gilt buttons. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a fesse gules, between four martlets, three in chief and one in base sable, an estoille between two escallop shells or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a mount vert, under an oak tree proper, a winged lion passant or, charged on the shoulder with an estoille gules, and holding in his dexter forepaw a battleaxe proper. Motto— "Deus forti- tude mea et salus." Married, Oct. 6, 1890, Mary, second dau. of Robert Wilson of Dernagross, Aghadowey ; and has had Issue — (i) James Ferguson Glenn, Gentleman, b. Jan. 4, 1893; (2) Thomas Charles Glenn, Gentleman, b. Oct. s, 1897 ; (3) Robert Wilson Glenn, Gentleman, b. July 3, is the Naval Cockade. 5Sa m (Son 1899 ; Alice Mary, d. 1897 ; Annie Woodbum ; er engrailed (for Lever). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon wreaths of his liveries are set for Crests, i. a stag trippant proper (for Scot) ; 2. a garb or (for Goldie). Mottoes — Over the crests, " Fideliter amo," and "Quid utUius." Married, 1885, his cousin Ellen Gertrude, fourth daughter of the Reverend Michael Henry Simpson, Vicar of Towlaw, in the county of Durham ; and has Issue — Dorothy Lever and Cecil Mary. Seat — Craigmuie, Moniaive, Thornhill, North Britain. The Honourable Sir JOHN TANKERVILLE GOLDNEY, Knight Bachelor, Chief-Justice of Trinidad. Bom 1846, being the third son of Sir Gabriel Goldney, Baronet, by his wife Mary Anne, daughter of Richard Haywood Alexander of Cors'hani, in the county of Wiltshire ; created Knight Ikichelor, 1893. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per pale gules and azure, on a bend en- grailed plain cotised argent, between two eagles displayed of the last, three garbs sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours. in front of a garb as in the arms, three cinquefoils or ; with the Motto, " Honor virtutis praeniium." Married, February 9, 1875, Jane Macgregor, daughter of John Laird, Mcnilier of I'arliament for Birkenhead. Postal arfrfrwj— Trinidad, West Indies. GOLDSMID. see HOFFNUNG -GOLDSMID, and D' AVIGDO R-GOLDSM I D. OSMOND ELIM DAVIGDOR GOLDSMID, Estjuire, J.P. for COS. Kent and Sussex, M.A., LL.B. Trinity Hall, Cambs., Lord of the Manor of Southborough ; assumed the name and arms of Goldsmid by Royal Licence, May 1896, on succeeding the late Sir Julian Goldsmid, Bart. Bom Aug. 9, 1877, being the only son of the late Elim Henry D'Avigdor, by his wife Henrietta, dau. of B. S. Jacobs. A/wrv— Black, black and yellow strijMid waistcoat ; (dress) : fawn coat, blue plush breeches. Armorial bearings — Quarterly I and 4, per saltire ermine and erminois, on a chief gules, a goldfinch proper between two roses or (for Goldsmid) ; 2 and 3 sable, a lion passant argent, holding in the dexter fore- paw an anchor erect or between two mullets of six points paleways of the last. Mantling gules and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent, supporting with the paws a bundle of twigs erect or, banded azure (for Goldsmid) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, two demi- greyhounds respecting each other sable, supporting be- tween the paws a liezant charged with a demi-lion rampant and couped, holding in the dexter paw an anchor erect, both sable. Seat — Somerhill, Tonbridge, Kent. Clubs — White's and Carlton. 5 Sir DAVID LIONEL GOLDSMID-STERN-SALO- MONS, Bart., M.A. (Camb.), Barrister-at-Law, D.L. CO. Kent, and High Sheriff 1881, Mayor of Tunbridge Wells 1895, J.P. for Kent, Sussex, Middlesex, Westminster, and London, a County Councillor for Kent ; assumed by Royal Licence (1899) the additional surnames and arms of Goldsmid and Stern. Born Jan. 28, 1851, being the only son of the late Phillip Salomons, by his wife Emma, is the Military Cockade. (^Ol (©00 555 dau. of Jacob Montefiore of Sydney, New South Wales. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per chevron gules and sable, a chevron vair, betw^een (in chief) two lions rampant, double-queued or, each holding between the paws a plate charged with an ermine spot, and in base a cinquefoil erminois (for Salomons) ; 2. or, on a bend indented gules, three estoiles of the first, and in the centre chief point a cross crosslet also gules (for Stern) ; 3. per saltire erminois and ermine on a chief gules, a gold- finch proper, between two roses or, and a canton ermine. Mantling gules and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon issuant out of six park- pales or, a demi-lion double-queued gules, holding between the paws a bezant charged with an ermine spot (for Salo- mons) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-unicorn gules, armed, maned, and unguled or, charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslet argent (for Stern) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent, in the paws a bundle of twigs erect or, banded azure, charged on the shoulder with volant above an eagle proper, in the beak a billet or, sur- mounted by a rainbow, also proper. Motto —" Endeavour. " a cross-crosslet gules. Motto - ' ' Deo adjuvante. ' ' Married, July 20, 1882, Laura, younger dau. of Baron de Stern of 4 Hyde Park Gate, London; and has Issue — (i) David Reginald Herman Phillip Goldsmid-Stern-Salomons, Esq., b. Oct. 13, 1885 ; Maud Julia ; Sybil Gwendolen, d. 1899 ; Vera Frances ; and Ethel Dorothy. Seat -'RvoomhiW, Tun- bridge Wells, Kent. Town residence — 49 Grosvenor Street, London, W. C/z^Jj— Carlton, Athenasum, City of London, Royal Societies', Savage. WILLIAM GOLDTHORPE, Esquire, J. P. for co. of Lancaster, Chairman of the Quarter Sessions for the Hun- dred of Saltord, and Barrister-at-Law (Gray's Inn). Born May 2, 1839. Livety — Dark green. Armorial bearings — Per pale argent and or, in base a mount vert, issuant therefrom si.x oak trees, three on either side proper, a chief nebuly azure, thereon three bezants. Mantling vert and ^rgent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a rock, and Residences— ^TOoV. House, Levenshulme, Manchester; Gorst House, Chorley, Cheshire. Club — Union (Manchester). GOLKAR, quartered by TEMPEST, GOMM, see CARR-GOMM. Sir DANIEL FULTHORPE GOOCH, 3rd Baronet. Born May 25, 1869, being the only son of the late Sir Henry Daniel Gooch, 2nd Baronet, by his wife Mary Kelsall, dau. of Joseph Rodney Croskey of Philadelphia, U.S.A. Livery — Dark blue, red waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Per pale argent and sable, on a chevron between three talbots passant, two escallops all counterchanged, on a chief engrailed gules, a Catherine - wheel between two leopards' faces or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a talbot per pale sable and argent, gorged with a wreath of oak, and resting the dexter forepaw on a wheel or. Motto — " Fideet virtute." Married, ]une22, 1896, Mary Winifred, only dau. of the late Edward William Monro of Clewer Hill ; and has Issue — Lancelot Daniel Edward Gooch, Esq., b. Sept. 18, 1897; and Phillis Evelyn. Seat — Clewer Park, Windsor, Berks. Clubs — Kildare Street (Dublin), Isthmian. SJOHN ROBERT PHELIPS GOODDEN, Esquire, Colonel, late Lieut. -Col. commanding Dorset "Queen's Own "Yeomanry, 1890, J. P. and D.L. Dorset, J. P. Somer- set, M.A. Oxford, High Sheriff of Dorset 1890, formerly 4th Dragoon Guards. Born July 23, 1845, being the eldest son of the late John Goodden, Esq., of Over Compton, by his wife Ann, dau. of Rev. R. Phelips. Livery — {Dress) blue coat and waistcoat trimmed with gold lace, blue plush breeches with gold lace garter, black stockings ; (undress) blue dark coat and trousers, blue and yellow striped waist- coat, gilt buttons, drab greatcoat. Armorial bearings- Azure, on a bend between two demi-lions rampant erased or, three lozenges, vair, gules, and argent, Mantling azure and is tbe Naval Cockade. Jj« ($00 or. Oreit -On a wreath of the colours, a f^iffin's head erased or, with wings endorsed vair, argent, and gules, holding in its nrnis. MottO -" Jovis omnia plena," "God is every- where." Matritd, May 19, 1875, Caroline, eldest dau. of Kt. Hon. Sir Bernard Samuelson, Dart., P.C., F.K.S. ; and Gooden-Chisholm, heir of line, heir general, and heir of entail of The Chisholms of Str.ithglass, by his wife Anne Klirahcth, dau. of John Lamliert of Banstcad. Armorial bearings -Gules, a boar's head erased or, lanRuwi ;izurc. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of '"<'!n':T^j^^V^ '♦»!»» has /ssue -(i) John Bernhard Harbin Goodden, Gentleman, i. Nov. 18, 1876; (2) Cecil Phelips Goodden, Gentleman, d. Nov. 12, 1879 ; (3) Robert Blundell Goodden, Gentleman, i. April 2, 1881 ; and Maud Wyndham. 5«a/ -Compton House, Nether Compton, near Sherborne. C/«3j— Junior Carlton and Cavalry. CHISHOLM GOODEN-CHISHOLM, Gentleman. Born 1856, being the eldest son of the late James Chisholm his liveries, a dexter hand coup)ed at the wrist, holding a dagger erect on which is transfixed a boar's head couped. Motto — " Feros ferio." Supporters — Two savages wreathed al)out the head and loins with laurel, their clubs reversed and resting on the ground. Married, 1902, Gertrude Mary, dau. of Samuel Dyer of Great Bookham, Surrey. Residence — Vann House, Ockley, Surrey. \Heir-f resumptive, his brother Roderick Chisholm Gooden- Chisholm, Esquire, sometime Captain and Instructor of is tbe Military Cockade. (^00 (3ox 557 Musketry, 3rd Seaforth Highlanders. Married, July 12, 1893, Margaret, dau. of Col. William Fraser of Culbokie and Guisachan ; and has Issue — Uailean HamishM' Uistean Gooden-Chisholm, b. April 19, 1893 ; and Mairi Lambert. Residence - M^A?« Croft, Ferndown, IVimborne. Club — Junior Carlton."] GOODEVE-ERSKINE, see MAR. H Gkneral WILLIAM WESTGOODFELLOW, Col. ^ ("ommandant Royal Engineers, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born June 2, 1833, being the eldest son of Gen. William Barclay Goodfellovv, Royal Engineers, by his wife Harriette Jane, dau. of Charles West, M.D. ; was created C.B. 1868. Armorial bear- ings — Argent, a chevron gules, between two gabions in Wef proper, and in base on a mount vert an elephant sable, fft chief embattled azure, thereon on the dexter, pendent from a ribband of the second, a representation of the silver medal presented to Samuel Goodfellow hiy the Honourable East India Company, in commemoration of his services at the taking of Seringapatam ; and on the sinister, pendent from a ribband also of the second, a representation of the gold medal presented to the said Samuel Goodfellow by the Grand Seignor, for his services in Egypt. Pendent from the escutcheon is his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-female figure representing Temperance, vested argent, mantle azure, in the dexter hand a palm-branch, and in the sinister a bridle proper. Motto — "Temperance." Married, October 10, 1870, Claudine Caroline (who died 1875), daughter of General Charles B. Fuller, Royal Artillery ; and has Issue— Roheri Charles Goodfellow, Gentleman, Lieut. "Central India Horse," b. May 16, 1875. Postal address— Vnhed Service Club, Pall Mall, S.W. C/«*— United Service. SJOHN WILLIAM GOODFORD, Gentleman. Born 1878, being the son of the late Arthur John Goodford and his wife Harriet Elizabeth, dau of Hastings Nathaniel Middleton, Esq., of Bradford Peverell, Dorchester. Ar- morial bearings— Azure, on a chevron between three boars' heads azure, langued and couped gules, as many pellets. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a boar's head argent, langued gules, charged on the neck with a pellet. Livery— DtxxV. blue, silver buttons. Married, 1904, Ethel Gladys, youngest dau. of Percival Gordon Dobson of Teignmouth, Devon. Residence — Chilton Cantelo, Somerset. S CHARLES EMANUEL GOODHART. Esq., J. P. and D.L. for Kent. Bonn 818, being the only surviv- ing son of the late Emanuel Goodhart, Esq., by Christiana, dau. of the late Peter Richard Burford, Esq., of Stratford, Essex. Armorial bearings — Gules, a buck trippant argent, in chief two bees volant or, on a chief nebuly of the third a cross of Lorraine of the field between two eagles displayed sable. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a bee-hive or, between two bees within a rainbow terminating in clouds proper. Married, first, 1846, Elizabeth, dau. of Capt. Thomas Settle of Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk (she died 1879) ; second, 1880, Agatha Margaret, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Sir James Caird, K.C. B. ; and has by the former, with other Issue — Emanuel Charles Goodhart, Gentleman, b. 1849. Seat — Langley Park, Beckenham, Kent. GOOLD, borne on an escutcheon of pretence by VERSCHOYLE. HAMILTON FREDERICK STUART GOOLD- VERSCHOYLE, Esquire, J. P. for the county of Done- gal. Bom October 6, 1874, being the only son of the Rev. Hamilton Stuart Verschoyle of Cashelshanaghan, &c. , CO. Donegal (to whom refer) by his wife, Frances Frederika Dorothea, youngest dau. and co-heir of the Venerable Frederick Faulkiner Goold of Rosbrien, Dro- madda, &c. , in the co. of Limerick, and Archdeacon of Raphoe, and assumed by Royal Licence, dated March 14, 1900, the additional surname and arms of Goold. Annorial bearings — Quarterly i and 6, quarterly i. and iiii., argent, on a chevron between three boars' heads couped gules, a cross pat^e or (for Verschoyle) ; ii. and iii. azure, on a fesse or between five goldfinches, three in chief and two in base proper, three mullets of the field, in the dexter chief point a crescent of the second for difference (for Goold) ; 2. argent, a chevron gules between three boars' heads erased sable (for Nesbitt) ; and on a canton the following arms : quarterly i. or, a lion rampant gules within a double tressure flory counterflory of the last (for Scotland) ; ii. or, a fesse chequey argent and azure, in chief a label of three points gules (for Stuart) ; iii. argent, a saltire between four roses gules (for Lennox) ; iiii. azure, a lion rampant argent (for Macduff) - the whole of the canton within a bordure componte argent and azure ; 3. per chevron argent and vert, three hinds at gaze proper (for Hawkins) ; 4. vert, a pegasus passant ermine, a chief or (for Quin) ; 5. quarterly i. and iiii. gules, out of clouds in the sinister side a dexter arm fesseways proper holding a dagger in pale argent, pommel and hilt or ; ii. and iii. argent, a lion rampant gules supporting a tree in the dexter proper (for O'Riordan). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests -i. Upon a wreath of the colours, a boar's head couped gules, charged with a cross patte or (for Verschoyle) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi- lion rampant or, charged on the shoulder with a' crescent gules (for Goold); with the Motto " Temperans et constans." Married, Aug. 30, 1900, Sibyl Mary, younger dau. of Colonel F. A. Le Mesurier, C.B., R.E. Estates— Dromadda, Athea and Ardagh, all in co. Limerick. Seat — Athea House, Athea, co. Limerick. GORDON, see CONWAY-GORDON. FOJiBES-GOR- I is the Naval Cockade. S58 (S)Ot (^or DON, HAY-GORDON. PIRIE-GORDON, WOLRIGE- GORDON, and EVANS-GORDON. GORDON, quartered by CAMPBELL and ERASER. ARCHIBALD ALEXANDER GORDON, Esquire. J. P. CO. of Edinburgh. Knight of Gmce of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. C.A., F.S.A. Scot.. Knight of the I.^ion of Honour, Officierde rinstructton Publique (Gold Palms), a Member of the Royal C'c>mp;»ny of Archt-rs. the King's Bodyguard for Scot- land, Major 9th Vol. Batt. (Highlanders) the Royal Scots (I>olhian Regt.). Bom Sept. 3. 1867, being the second son of the late William Eagleson Gordon, M.D. , of Homchill, BridRC of Allan, Stirlingshire, by his wife Emily Maryann, only surviving daughter of the late Archibald Dick, Esq. Armorial bearlngB— Paly gules and argent, three boars' heads erased proper. Mantling gules and argent. Or«at — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm couped at the elbow, vested paly argent and gules, brandishing in the hand a scimitar proper. MottO — " Dread God." Married, Dec. 1, iSga, Maude, twin dau. of Major Gen. Edmund David.son Smith, late A.Q.M.G. Dublin District, and great- granddau. of the late John Hyde of Castle Hyde, co. Cork ; and has had Issue— (1) William Hyde Eagleson Gordon, Gentleman, t. Aug. 23, 1893 ; (2) Archibald George Ramsay Gordon (a twin with his elder brother), d. Dec. 26, 1893; (3) Edmund Robert Adam Gordon, Gentleman, b, March 25, 1896. Residence — i Coates Gardens, Edinburgh. Club— Constitutional. boars' heads erased or. Mantling gules, doubled :irgent. OrMt — Upon a wreath of his liveries, a boar's head. Motto—" Forw.ird without fear. " Married, 1879, Kliza- belh Anna, elder dau. of the late J. Snowdon Henry (formerly M.P. for S.E. Lancashire) of East Dene, lion- church; and hiis Issue — (i) Ronald Henry Gordon, Esq., Lieut. 3rd Gordon Highlanders, b. 1885; (2) Eric George Strathearn Gordon, Gentleman, b. 1886; Katherine Marjoric Strathearn \m., 1902, W. H. Askew, son of Watson and Hon. Mrs. Askew Robertson, of Pallinsburn and Lady- kirkl ; Alma Victoria Strathearn ; and Violet Constance Cyrille Strathearn. /Residences— 61 Prince's Gate, S.W. ; I Queen's Gardens, Hove, Sussex. Ciubs — Carlton, &c. LEWIS GORDON, Gentleman, of Abergeldie, in the county of Aberdeen. Bom , being the eldest sur- viving son of the late Adam Gordon, by his wife Susan, sixth daughter of the Rev. John Swete of Oxton House, in the county of Devon ; and succeeded his brother in 1901. Armorial bearings — He bears for Amu : Quarterly I. azure, three boars' heads couped or ; 2. or, three lions' heads erased gules ; 3. or, three crescents gules, within a double tressure flory counterflory of the second ; 4. azure, three cinquefoils argent, the whole within a bordure quarterly argent and gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a deer- hound argent, collared gules. Motto — "God with us." Seat — Abergeldie Castle, Ballater, in the county of Aberdeen. Resieience — The Courtyard, Eltham, in the county of Kent. JAMES GILLESPIE GORDON. Gentleman. Ar- morial bearings— Azure, a bend wavy between three boars' heads erased or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a boar's head erased or, armed and langued gules. Motto— " Maneo." Residence —CWhoR, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. The Honourable JOHN EDWARD GORDON, M.P. for Morayshire since 1895. Bom 1850, being the son of the Rt. Hon. Edward Strathearn, Baron Gordon of Drumeam, co. Stirling, a Life Peer, being a Lord •of Appeal in Ordinary under the Appellate Jurisdiction Act, 1876, Lord-Advocate for Scotland in three Con- servative Administrations, by his wife Agnes, only child of John Maclnnes of Anchenreoch, co. Stirling. Armorial bearings — Azure, an eagle's head erased between three WILLIAM EAGLESON GORDON, Esquire, V.C, Capt. ist Batt. Gordon Highlanders. Born i866, being the eldest son of the late William Eagleson Gordon, M. D., of Homehill, Bridge of .'\llan, Stirlingshire, by his wife Emily Mary Ann, only dau. of the late Archibald Dick. Armorial bearingfs — Paly gules and argent, three boars' heads erased proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm couped at the elbow, vested paly .irgent and gules, brandishing in the hand a scimitar proper. Motto— "Dread God." Residence— 29 Melville Street, Edinburgh. Club — Naval and Military. GORDON of Aikenhead, Renfrewshire (L.O., 12 April 1806). Azure, three boar's heads erased within a bordure engrailed or, charged with three escallops sable. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a demi-savage wreathed head and middle with laurel, hold- ing a club over his shoulder all proper. Motto — ' ' Dread God." Eld. surv. son of John Gordon of Aikenhead [d. 1897), by Lady Christian Isabella, d. of Henry, 12th Earl of Buchan : — Henry Erskine Gordon. Esq.. J.P. and D.L. co. Lanark and Renfrew, and J.P. Glasgow. Major and Hon. Lt.-Col. Lanarksh. Yeom. Cav. (ret.), B.A. (Camb.), Advocate, b. 1849; m. 1895, Bertha Agnes, d. of Major John Finlay of Castle Toward, Argyllshire, and Woodhay, Surrey ; and has issue — Joan Victoria Christian Erskine ; Nancy ; Dorothy ; and Violet. Seat — Aikenhead, Cathcart, Renfrewshire. Clubs — New University. New (Edinburgh), Western (Glasgow). WILLIAM JAMES GORDON -CANNING, Esquire, J.P. CO. Monmouth. Born June i, 1857, being the fourth son of the late Captain P. R. Gordon, who assumed by Royal Licence the additional name and arms of Canning, by his wife Maria Canning, elder dau. and coheir of the late Robert Canning, Esq., J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff of CO. Gloucester. Armorial bearlng^s — Quarterly i and 4, argent, three negroes' heads couped proper, wreathed about the temples of the first and sable, and for distinction a cross crosslet in chief of the last ; 2 and 3, azure, on a chevron ermine between three boars' heads erased or, a stag's head erased gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent, hold- ing in the dexter paw a battle-axe proper (for Canning) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased proper. Motto — " Dum vigilo tutus"; over the crest, "Bydand." Married, 1884, Clara, elder dau. of Crawshay Bailey of is the Military Cockade, (S5or (J)or 559 Maindiff Court, co. Monmouth ; and has Issue — Robert Cecil Gordon-Canning, Gentleman, /5. June 24, 1888; and Muriel Constance. Seat — Hartpury, Gloucester. Boodle's, Pratt's. Clubs— JOHN GORDON-CUMING-SKENE, Gentleman, b. Feb. 4, 1886, being the eldest son of the late Alexander Gordon-Cuming-Skene, Esq., J. P., by his wife Ada Wilson. Armorial beaxings — Quarterly i and 4, azure, three boars' heads or, a bordure of the last; 2. azure, three garbs or, a bordure of the last (for Cuming) ; 3. gules, three skenes argent, pommelled or, each having on the point a wolfs head coiiped of the last within a bordure engrailed (for Skene). Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a dove proper. Supporters — Dexter, a warrior holding in the dexter hand a shield, and in the sinister a spear all proper ; sinister, a wild boar proper. Motto — " I hope." Residence — Harrow. M ROBERT GORDON GORDON-GILMOUR, Esquire, w C. B. , D.S.O. , of Liberton and Craigmillar, co. Edin- burgh, Lt.-Col. Grenadier Guards, J. P. and D.L. for Midlothian. Born Feb. 27, 1857, being the eldest son of Henry Wolrige Gordon of Hallhead ; and assumed the name of Gilmour on succeeding to the estate of Craigmillar by the death of his great-uncle Walter James Little Gil- mour. Armorial bearings (L.O. 1887) — Quarterly, first and fourth grand quarters, quarterly i and 4, azure three writing pens paleways argent (for Gilmour, c. 1672-7) ; 2. sable, on a saltire argent a crescent gules (for Little) ; 3. gules, three boars' heads erased argent, issuing out of the dexter base a lance, and out of the sinister base a Lochaber axe both in pale and of the last (for Rankine of Orchardhead) ; second and third grand quarters, azure a fesse between three boars' heads couped or (for Gordon) ; and impaling the arms of Lygon, namely argent, two lions passant in pale, double-queued gules, tj pon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon wreaths of his liveries are set for Crests, i. a dexter hand holding a scroll of paper within a garland of laurel proper ; 2. out of a crest coronet a stag's head affrontte proper. Mottoes— " Nil penna sed visus;" " Bydand." Married, October 19, 1889, Susan, commonly called Lady Susan, second daughter of the Right Honourable Frederick Lygon, sixth Earl Beauchamp ; and has Issue — ]ohn Little-Gilmour, formerly Gordon- Gilmour, Gentleman (q.v.), b. June 5, 1899; and three daughters. Seat— The Inch, Liberton, co. Midlothian. [TAe supporters, "two hawks rising proper," quoted in Burke's "Landed Gentry," are not matriculated in Lyon Register, and are of no authority.'] S JAMES ALEXANDER GORDON- KING. Esquire. Captain Scots Guards. Born April 18, 1872, being the only son of the late Lieut. -Col. William Ross King, late 74th Highlanders, J. P. and D.L., of Tertowie, Aljerdeenshire, by his wife Lucan Gordon, daughter of the late Col. William Cumming-Skene-Gordon of Pitlurg and Parkhill, Aberdeenshire. Livery — Blue, with silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a fesse argent, between a lion's head erased of the la.st in chiel and a water-bouget or in base, three round buckles gules. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — Out of a wreath of his liveries, a demi-lion rampant gules, crowned with an antique crown or. Motto — "Fearna." Seat — Tertowie, Kinaldie. Aberdeenshire. Clubs — Guards'. Naval and Military. JAMES WILLIAM GORDON-OSWALD. Gentleman. Born 1854, being the only son of James Gordon Oswald of Scotstoun, by his first wife Thomazine (d. 1881), eldest dau. of William Crawford of Lakelands, co. Cork. Armorial bearingfs— Quarterly i and 4, azure, a savage wreathed about the head and middle with bay leaves, having a quiver of arrows by his side, bearing a bow in his left hand proper' and pointing to a blazing star in the dexter chief point or. within a bordure ermine ; 2. azure, three boars' heads couped or, within a bordure parted per fesse argent and of the ■ second, charged with three cushions pendent by the corners gules; 3. quarterly i. and iiii., argent, a saltire engrailed sable ; ii. argent, a saltire engrailed between four roses gules; iiir. or. a bend chequy sable and argent. Mantling is the Naval Cockade. 56o (S)or (SOiQl l^ulcs, doubled ardent. Ontt— i. on a wreath of his liveries, a ship under sail proper; wilh the Motto, " Non mihi commodus uni " ; a. upon a wreath of his liveries, a dagger erect piercing a boar's head erased proper. MottO — " Non astutia. " Aiarried, 1878, Eugenie Diana, youngest dau. of Cot. Edward Thomas Coke of Debdnle, Notts. Seals— Aigas, Inverness-shire ; Roughgrove, co. Cork. GORE, see PERY-KNOXGORE. and SAUNDERS- KNOX-GORE. GORE (U.O.). Gules, a fess between three cross crosslets fitch^ or. "■■^""g gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an heraldic tiger salient argent, collared gules. Motto — " In hoc signo vinces." Son of Joseph Gore of Derrymore. b. ; d. 1847 ; m. 1837, Margaret, d. of Very Rev. Richard Bagwell of Marltield, Dean of Clogher : — Lt.-Gen. Edward Arthur Gore, J. P. and D.L., A.A.G. Northern Dbt. 1887-9, in North-Western Dist. 1889-92, Insp.-Gen. of Remounts 1894-8, Col. late Lt.-Col. comdg. Inniskilling Dragoons (1878-83), b. 1839. Seat — Derrymore, O'Callaghan's Mills, co. Clare. Clubs — Army and Navy, United Service, Windham, Kildare Street (Dublin). The Honourable HENRY POWELL GORE LANGTON, Lt.-Col. late commanding 3rd Batt. Somerset Light Infantry, J. P. co. Somerset. Born Dec. 14, 1854, being the second son of the late William Henry Powell Gore-Langlon and Lady Anna Eliza, dau. of the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos. Livery — Dark blue and silver buttons. Armorial bearings (R.L. 1783, H. Coll.)— Quarterly i and 4, quarterly sable and or, a bend argent (for Langton) ; 2 and 3, gules, a fesse between three crosses crosslet fitch^ or (for Gore). Mantling sable and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, an eagle or, and wyvern vert, their necks entwined regardant (for Langton) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount %ert, an heraldic tiger salient argent, collared gules (for Gore). Motto — " In hoc signo vinces." Married, Sept. 5, 1878, Marguerite Lncy, dau. of the late Major Robert Guthrie MacGregor ; and has Issue — (i) John Henry Cyril Gore Langton, Gentle- man, b. June 19, 1879, d. Aug. 31, 1879; (2) William Alec Grenville Gore Langton, Esq., b. Nov. 3, 1881, d. May 27. 1893; (3) Hubert Edwin Gore Langton, Esq., Lieut. R.N., b. Aug. 18, 1883; (4) Robert Lancelot Gore Lang- ton, Gentleman, b. March 30, 1885; (5) Norman Eric Gore Langton, Gentleman, b. July 22, 1886; (6) Richard Gerald Gore Langton, Gentleman, Cadet R.N., b. March 16, 1892. Seat — Hatch Park, Taunton. Club — Junior Carlton. JOHN ARTHUR HOWARD GORGES, Esquire, Major 57th Regt. Bengal Army (retired), late Adjutant Roscommon Militia. Bom Jan. 20, 1821, being the third but eldest surviving son of the Rev. John Howard Gorges, M.A. , T.C.D., Rector of Hollymount, in the co. of Mayo, by his wife Frances, dau. of Solomon Richards, Esq., of Solsborough, in the co. of Wexford (High Sheriff 1793), and Grandson of Hamilton Gorges of Killrew, co. Meath, and Ballygawley, co. Tyrone, M.P. for the co. of Meath. Armorial bearings— Quarterly of eight, i and 8 lozenge or and azure, a chevron gules (for Gorges, modern) ; 2. argent, on a chief gules, three bezants (for Russell) ; 3. argent, a gurges azure (for Gorges, ancient) ; 4. or, five lozenges in fesse gules, each charged with an escallop of the field (for Newmarch) ; 5. gfules, a lion rampant ermine (for Oldhall) ; 6. argent, a chevron sable, between three billets ermine (for Englowise) : 7. gules, three cinquefoils pierced ermine (for Hamilton); over all, on an escutcheon of pre- tence, azure, two lions rampant combatant argent, chained or, supporting a tower triple-towered of the second (for Kelly of Turrock). Crest — A greyhound's head couped proper, collared gules, bezant^e. Motto — " Prend moy tel que je suis." Married, 1867, Mary, only dau., and eventually heir of William Daniel Kelly, Esq., of Turrock and Castlepark, CO. Roscommon, D. L. ; and has Issue — (i) Edward Howard Gorges, Gentleman, b. 1868; (2) John Arthur Howard Gorges, Gentleman ; (3) Richard William Howard Gorges, Gentleman ; (4) Raymond Charles Howard Gorges, Gentle- man ; (s) Alfred Howard Gorges,. Gentleman ; and Jane Frances Howard. Postal address — 15 Royal Terrace, East Kingstown, co. Dublin. TuK Reverend JOHN GORING, Clerk in Holy Orders, J. P. for CO. Sussex. Bom March 3, 1834, being the second son of the late Charles Goring, Esq., of Wiston, Sussex, (second son of Sir C. M. (Jormg, Bart.), by his third wife Mary, dau. of the Rev. John liallard, D. D. , P'ellow of Winchester College, Rector of Great Longford, Wilts. Z.»f(rr)' — Pepper and salt, trimmed with red and silver. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron between three annulets gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant guanlani sable. Married, Sept. 24, 1861, Isabel Mary (d. 1885), dau. of the late Freeman Thomas of Ralton, Sussex ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Goring, Esq., J. P. and D. L. co. Sussex, b. Sept 12, 1862; (2) Walter Goring, Esq. , Major 3rd King's Own Hussars, b. Dec. 21, 1863 ; (3) John Goring, Gentle- man, b. Sept. 16, 1869, d. 1878 ; (4) Alan Goring, Escj. , Capt 20th Hussars, b. March 26, 1873; (5) Herbert (Joring, Gentleman, b. August 20, 1880; (6) Francis Goring. (Gentle- man, b. April 2, 1884; Elizabeth ; and Mary. Seat — Wiston, Steyning, Sussex. Residence — 55 Eaton Place, S.W. Clubs — Carlton, University, GORST, quartered by LOWNDES. The Right Honourable Sir JOHN ELDON GORST, Knight Bachelor, a Member of Her Majesty's (ff^tXYttt ^05' Honourable Privy Council, Member of wUVpV Parliament for Cambridge University, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, one of His Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, son of the late Edward Chadock Lowndes (formerly Gorst) of Pres- ton, in the county of Lancashire, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of John D. Nesham of Houghton-le-Springs, in the county of Durham ; dubbed Knight Bachelor, as Solici- tor-General, 1885 ; appointed a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council 1890. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a pile per pale sable and azure, three pheons or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a pheon or, the shaft entwined by a serpent proper. Motto — ' ' Quod adest gratum." Married, i860, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of the Reverend Lorenzo Moore of Christ Church, New Zealand, who was formerly Captain 5th Madras Light Cavalry ; and has Issue. Club — Carlton. GOSLING (H. Coll.). Gules, on a chevron between three crescents or, a pale ermine, thereon a squirrel sejant GORING, see LLOYD-GORING. holding in the forepaws a nut between two like squirrels addorsed all proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On & is tbe Military Cockade. Plate XVIII. DHaBSI2GV Bhi2k,s 25a s iSIa©R>y GlSRSRa (S^OjQf (^OU 561 a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's paw erased all proper, holding a fleur-de-lis, a crescent both or. Motto — " Be steadfast." Livery — Dark blue. Son of Francis Gosling of Sutton, Surrey, b. 1784 ; d. 1856; m. Caroline Gregg : — Francis Gosling, Gentleman, b. ; m. i860, Katherine Wilkinson ; and has issue six sons. Seat — Welbury House, Offley, Herts. Gosling. ?ame arms and crest. Motto — "Je tiens ferme." Sons of Robert Gosling, Esq., of Hassobury, Essex, J.P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1871) Essex, J.P. Herts, formerly Capt. 13th Lt. Inf., b. 1831 ; d. 1895 ; m. 2nd, Eleanor Spencer, d. of Spencer Smith of Brooklands, Hants : - Robert Cunliffe Gosling, Esq., J.P. Essex and Herts (High Sheriff Essex 1902), b. 1868. Seat — Hassobury, Bishop's Stortford. Town res. — 28 Portland Place, Lon- don, W. William Sullivan Gosling, Esq., Capt. Scots Guards, b. 1869 ; m. 1903, Lady Victoria Alexandrina Alberta Kerr, d. of Marquess of Lothian. J^es. — Marston House, Ban- bury. Seymour Frederick Gosling, Esq., Capt. R.H.A. , b. 1871. Xes.— George Bennett Gosling, Esq., Capt. Rifle Brigade, b. 1872. Hes. — Alfred Henry Gosling, Gentleman, served with Imp. Yeom. in S. Africa, b. 1874. Lionel Drummond Gosling, Gentleman, b. 1875. Thomas Spencer Gosling, Gentleman, b. 1877. Yr. sons of Robert Gosling, Esq., D. L. , of Botley's Park, Surrey, and Hassobury, Essex (High Sheriff Surrey 1854), b. 1795 ; d. 1869 ; m. 1826, Georgina Vere, d. of Rt. Hon. John Sullivan of Richings, Bucks, by Lady Henrietta Anne Barbara, d. of 3rd Earl of Buckinghamshire : — Herbert Gosling, Esq. J.P. Surrey (High Sheriff 1901), M.A. (Oxon.), b. Sept. 7, 1841, educ. at Eton and Christ- church. Seat — Botley's Park, Chertsey, Surrey ; Wharflands, Oakham. Town res. — 54 Pont Street, Belgrave Square, S.W. Cli/bs — Junior Carlton, Wellington. Col. George Gosling, late Scots Guards, J.P. co. Oxford (High Sheriff 1898), b. 1842 ; ;«. 1884, Mary M'Evers, eld. d. of late Sir Edward Cunard, Bart. ; and has issue — (i) George Edward Gosling, Gentleman, b. 1889; (2) Vere Hobart Gosling, Gentleman, b. 1890. Seat — Stratton Audley Park, nr. Bicester. GOSSIP, quartered by HATFIELD. M WILLIAM GOSTWYCK GOSTWYCK, Esquire, @ Lieut. -Colonel late 91st Argyll and Sutherland High- landers, and formerly of the 87th Royal Irish Fusiliers, recently of Cul-an-eilean, co. Inverness ; was granted the Queen's Royal Licence to take and use the surname and arms of Gostwyck (the name of his paternal great-grand- father), Jan. 29, 1897, as a descendant of Sir John Gostwyck of Willington, co. Beds., Master of the Horse to King Henry VIII. (vide pedigree reg. Heralds' College). The Gostwyck family dates back over seven hundred years, and were J Lords of Willington in the year 1209. Sir William Gost- wyck, the last Baronet, died in 1766. Born Dec. 25, 1842, being the eldest son and heir of William Gostwyck Gard, Esq., J.P. , of Bickham, by Mary Anne his wife, only child of Thomas Thurston. Livery — Claret and white. Armorial bearings— Argent, a bend nebuly gules, plain cotised sable, between eight Cornish choughs proper, on a chief azure, three mullets of six points or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a gryphons head couped gules, on the neck a bend cotised argent, between two wings of the first, each charged with a mullet of six points of the second. Married, Feb. 2, 1869, Clara Amy, eld. dau. of George James Luke Noble Esq.; and has Issue— {\) Humphrey Harford Gostwyck Gostwyck, Gentle- man, b. April 17, 1872 ; (2) Cecil Hubert Gostwyck Gost- wyck, Gentleman, b. Oct. 2, 1875 ; and (3) Godfrey Harold Gostwyck Gostwyck, Gentleman, b. March 22, 1879. Club — Highland (Inverness). Gen. Sir CHARLES JOHN STANLEY GOUGH, G.C.B., V.C. Bom 1832, being the son of George Gough, B.C.S. , of Rathronan House, co. Tipperary, by his wife Charlotte Margaret, dau. of C. Becher of Chancellor House, Tunbridge, Kent; created C.B. 1875, K.C.B. 1881, G.C.B. 1895. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a fesse argent, be- tween three boars' heads couped or, a lion passant gules. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boar's head couped at the neck or, tusked argent. Motto — " Faugh a Ballagh." Married, 1869, Harriette Anastatia, dau. of John Power, M.P. , of Gurteen, co. Waterford. Postal address — United Service Club, S.W. C/«*— Junior United Service. General Sir HUGH HENRY GOUGH, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, V.C. Born 1833, being the son of G. Gough, B.C.S. , of Rathronan House, co. Tipperary; was created C.B. 1868, K.C.B. 1881, and G.C.B. 1896. C/k3— United Service. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a fesse argent, between three boars' heads couped or, a lion passant gules, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon and collar of the Bath. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boar's head couped at the neck or, tusked argent. Motto — " Faugh -a -ballagh." Married, 1863, Annie, dau. of Eustace Hill. Postal address — 40 Gloucester Street. S.W. Major-General HUGH SUTLEJ GOUGH, Com- panion of the Most Hon. Order of the Bath ; Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George (1886). Bom 1848, being the eldest son of Gen. Sir John Bloomfield Gough, G.C.B., by his wife Mar- garet, dau. of Gen. Sir John M'Caskill, K.C.B. Ar- morial bearings — Azure, on a fesse argent, between three boars' heads couped or, a lion passant gules. Mant- ling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boar's head couped at the neck or, tusked argent. Mottoes — " Gradu diversa via una," "Faugh a Ballagh." Married, 1886, Beatrice Sophia, dau. of Richard Hemming of Bentley Manor, Bromsgrove ; and has /mw^— Wilfred Hugh Julian Gough, Esq., b. 1888. Seats — (Z^^tx Rhfln, Conway, N. Wales; Llechweddy- garth Hall, Montgomeryshire. C/«*.j — Cavalry, Naval and Military. GOUIN, Gentleman. Born , being the son of the late Rev. Antonin Alphonse Gouin of Brighton and of Hayward's Heath. Armorial bearings— Azure, within two barrulets three mullets between as many crosses couped chevronways in chief and a lion rampant in base all or. Mantling azure and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant or, gorged with a collar azure, holding in the dexter forepaw a javelin in bend proper, and resting the sinister on a cross couped also azure. Motto — ' ' Je tiens. " Residence— Brighton. GOULD, quartered by MORGAN. GOULD, see BARING GOULD, SThe Honourable ALBERT JOHN GOULD, V.D., J.P. for the Colony of New South Wales, Member of the Legislative Council, Chancellor of the Diocese of New- castle, N.S.W., formerly Minister of Justice for the Colony of New South Wales, one of the Senators elected by the State of New South Wales to the First Commonwealth Parliament of New South Wales, Major 4th Regt. N.S.W. Infantry, authorised to retain the title of Honourable (1899). Born Feb. 12, 1847, being the only son of John Morton Gould and Ann his wife, nde Livingstone. Armo- rial bearings -Ermine, on a pale per saltire gules and or, between two saltires in fesse of the second, a lion rampant gorged with a collar gemel counterchanged. Mantling gules and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion ermine, grasping with the dexter paw a saltire argent, and resting the sinister on a bezant. Motto — " Honor virtutis premium." Married, Sept. 12, 1872, Jeannette Jessie, seventh dau. of Ernest Leslie Mait- land; and has lssue-{\) Albert Clarence Morton Gould, Gentleman, b. Jan. 24, 1878; (2) Hubert John Gould. is the Naval Cockade. aN I S6i ($0U er. Motto — " Ne oublie." Married, April 4, 1866, Jessie Janet Laura, third dau. of William Windsor Fisher (by his wife Mary Anne, dau. and heiress of John Cowper of Ashley Hall, Jamaica) ; and has /ssue — (1) Kenneth James Cowper Graham, Gentleman, d. March 26, 1867, d. April 17, 1880; (2) William Hope Machell Graham, Gentleman, 6. Jan. 26, 1869, d. South Africa, Jan. 9, 1900 ; (3) James Douglas Graham, Gentleman, i. Nov. 21, 1882; and Margaret Graham Graham. Postal addresses — Dalkenneth, Loch- eamhead, Perthshire ; Dane Coiut, Parkstone, Dorset. S JAMES GRAHAM. Esquire, J. P., D.L. for the co. of Monmouth, High Sheriff 1881. Bom 1820, being the third but eldest surviving son and heir male of the late William Graham, Esq., J. P., of Bumtshields, co. Renfrew, by his first wife, Katherine, dau. of John Swanston. Armorial bearingfs - Or, on a chief ermine, three escallops of the field. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest — Uf)on a wreath of his liveries, an eagle proper, beaked and armed argent, and killing a stork of the last, armed gules. Motto — " Ne oublie." Married, 1862, Emily Sophia, dau. of Henry Kingscote, and by her (who d. 1889) has Issue— Douglas William Graham, Esq., late Royal Highlanders, J. P. CO. Monmouth, i. 1866 [«. , 1889, Mary Emmeline. eldest dau. of Major Carnegy, of Ashbourne Lodge, Aber- gavenny, and has Issue (i) William James Graham, Gentleman, d. 1890 ; (2) Douglas Kingscote Graham. Gentleman, i. 1895]. 5^a/ -Hikton Park, St. Manghans, CO. Monmouth. Town residence — 29 Ennismore Gardens, S.W. a«^ Brooks's. S JAMES NOBLE GRAHAM. Esquire, of Carfin. co. Lanark, J. P., D.L., and Commissioner of Supply for that CO. Born Aug. 17, 1846, being the fourth son of the late John Graham, Esq. , of Skelmorlie Castle, by Elizabeth Hatt, dau. of John Noble of Leckhampstead. Berks. Ar- Rose Lovett, dau. of William Lochiel Cameron ; and has hsid Issue — (r) William L. C. Graham, Gentleman, d. 1876; (2) John St. John Graham, Gentleman, b. March 1879 ; (3) Gilbert Maxwell Adair Graham, Gentleman ; (4) James Gerard Berkeley Portman Graham, Gentleman, b. Oct. 1890 ; Helen Margaret, d. young ; Beatrix Evelyn Graham; and Enid Elizabeth Graham. /Residence — Carfin, Carluke, CO. Lanark. Ciui — Union. JOHN DAVENPORT GRAHAM, Gentleman, B.A. Camb. Born Jan. 28, 1871, being the third but second surviving son of the late Reginald John Graham, Esq., M.A. Trin. Coll., Canib., J. P. and D.L. for Sussex, and J. P. Cumberland, by his wife Ellen Leah, dau. of E. J. Boileau, a Judge of the Madras Presidency. Armorial bearings — Per pale indented ermine and sable, on a chief jjer pale of the last and or, three escallops counterchanged. Mantling sable and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, two armed arms issuing out of battlements of a tower proper, holding an escallop sable. Motto— "N'oublie." /Residence — Edmund Castle. Cumberland. Clui — Oxford and Cambridge. ROBERT CHELLAS GRAHAM. Esquire, of Skipness, Barrister-at-Law, Inner Temple, B.A. Camb., F.S.A., J. P. and D.L. for Argyll. Born 1848, being the second and only surviving son of Robert Graham of Brooksby, Largs, and Susan Roope, dau. of Adoniah Schuyler. Annorial bear- ings Or, on a chief embattled ermine, three escallops of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest On a wreath of the liveries, a falcon proper, beaked and armed and killing a stork argent, armed gules. Married, 1875, Emily Eliza, daughter of Joseph Alfred Hardcastle of 45 Queen's Gate Terrace, S.W. ; and has Issue — (i) Robert Francis Graham, Gentleman, b. 1876; (2) Angus Graham, Gentleman, b. 1892; Dorothy Susan Mary; Frances Ger- trude; and Ethel Winifred. i>a/ -Skipness, Argyllshire. Clubs— ]\xn\OT Carlton, Western Club (Glasgow). ROBERT GORE GRAHAM, Esquire, J. P. co. of Gloucestershire. Born , being the son of the late William Graham of Cheltenham. Armorial bearings- Or, on a pale gules, a rose argent, barbed and seeded g is the Military cockade, proper, between two cross crosslets fitchde of the field, on a chief invected sable, three escallops of the third' Mantling gules and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours] between two roses gules, stalked and leaved, an eagle preying on a stork proper, the wing charged with a cross crosslet fitch^e. or. Motto — "Quod Deus trahit virtus secura sequitur." /^esidenre ~SouthmQa.d, Westbury-on-Trym, Gloucestershire. THOMAS HENRY BOILEAU GRAHAM, Esquire Barrister-at-Law, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Camb.), J. P. cos.' Sussex and Cumberland. Born 1857, being the eldest son of the late Reginald John Graham, Esq., M.A. (Trin. Coll., Camb.), J. P. and D.L. for Sussex, and J. P. Cumberland,' by his wife Ellen Leah, dau. of E. J. Boileau, a Judge of the Madras Presidency. Livery— Dark blue coat, silver buttons, yellow and black striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Per pale indented ermine and sable, on a chief per pale of the last and or, three escallops counterchanged. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, two armed arms issuing out of battlements of a tower proper, holdingan escallop sable. Motto — " N'oublie." Seats—Edmond Castle, Carlisle, Cumberland. Club— Oxford and Cambridge. The Late THOMAS PHILIP GRAHAM, Esquire, of Airth, CO. of Stirling, Justice of the Peace, late Colonel and Lieutenant-Colonel Scots Guards. Bom October 3, 1841, being the son of the late William Graham, p:squire, of Airth, by his wife Elizabeth, third daughter of Sir Alexander Anstruther, Knight of Thirdpart, in the county of Fife. C/a^— Guards'. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, or, on a chief sable three escallops argent ; 2 and 3 argent, a fesse embattled between three roses gules (for Montrose). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet defitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a naked hand holding a dagger erect proper. Motto — "Non immemor." Married, 1873, Jemima Barbara, dau. of Robert Clerk Rattray, Esq., of Craighall, co. Perth ; and by her (who d. 1878) has Issue— Vi€i&c\. Christina ; and Agnes. 5ea/— Airth Castle, Larbert, N.B. WILLIAM GRAHAM of Crosbie, co. Ayr, Writer, Glasgow, LL.D. Glasgow, F.R.S.E. Born Aug. 30, 1863, being the only son of the late James Graham of Crosbie, CO. Ayr, by his wife Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Alexander Paterson, Banker, Irvine. Armorial bearings — Or, a buckle azure between three cinquefoils gules, on a chief engrailed sable, three escallops of the field within a bordure invected gules. Mantling gules, doubled or. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a naked arm brandishing a spear, both proper ; and upon an escroll over the same this Motto, " Pro rege." Married, March 27, 1895, Emmeline, youngest dau. of the late Charles Henry Haldane Wilsone of Dalnair, Stirlingshire ; and has /jjk«— Elizabeth Mary ; and Emme- line Wilsone]. Residence — Crosbie Tower, co. Ayr. GRAHAM (U.O.). Or, a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper, on a chief sable, three escallops of the first. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an arm embowed, vested azure, cuffed argent, the hand proper grasping a staff raguly gules. Motto — " Ratio mihi sufficit." Son of Francis John Graham, Esq., of Drumgoon, J. P. cos. Fermanagh and Galway, D.L. co. Ferma- nagh (High Sheriff co. Tyrone 1856, co. Fermanagh 1858 and 1887, and co. Galway 1893), b. 1815; d. 1902 ; m. 1879, Minna, d. of late Charles Hugh Lushington of Rodmersham, co. Kent: — Hector Robert Lushington Graham, Gentleman, b. 1888. 5«a^— Ballinakil Lodge, Letterfrack, co. Galway. GRAHAM (1863, cadet of Graham of Burntshiels 1854). Or, on a chief engrailed ermine, three escallops of the first. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, an eagle proper, beaked and armed argent, and killing a stork of the last, armed gules. Motto—" Ne oublie." Second son of Alexander Gordon of Dunclutha, co. Argyll, b. I7g'2 ; d. i860; m. 1838, Jane Kelly, d. of Thomas Lancaster : — Alexander Gordon Graham, Esq., J. P. co. Argyll, b. 1840 ; /«. 1866, Katherine Elsie, d. of late Rev. Canon John (Sra 565 Cale Miller D.D.. Vicar of Greenwich; and has issue-(i) Alexander Miller Graham, Gentleman,*. 1871 ; (2) Kenneth i?'\"';^Vr Graham, Gentleman, b. 1872; Muriel Elsie; Ethel Mary ; and Lilian Graham [;«. 18^3, James Baird Whitelaw of St. Fort, Newport, Fifeshire]. GRAHAM (i6th Jan. 1904). Or, five swords counter- posed fesswise proper, hiked and pommelled sable, on a chief invected of the last, three escallops of the field. Mantling sable, doubled or. Crest-An eagle's head erased proper, gorged with a collar sable, charged with three escallops or. Motto — " Armis et animo." Livery — Yellow and black. Third son of Gen. Sir Samuel James Graham, K.C.B. (Iverna Court, Kensington. W.) b. 1837 ; m. ist, 1862, Laura Christiana [d. 1874), d. of late Arthur Henry Williams, H.E.I. C.S., ofPenycoed:— John Malise Anne Graham, Esq., D.S.O. , Major 3rd Batt. King's Own Regt. , Chevalier of Orders of Osmanieh and Medjidieh, b. 19 July 1869 ; m. 21 Feb. 1903, Eva Theodore Anna, d. of Theodore Joachim Satow. Estate — Snoxhall, Cranleigh, Surrey. Res. — S ALLAN GRAHAM -BARNS-GRAHAM, Esquire, of Craigallian. D.L. for cos. Lanark and Renfrew, J. P. cos. Lanark and Stirling. Born 1835, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Patrick Barns Graham of Robshill, Writer to the Signet, by his wife Janet, dau. of Allan Pollok of Faside. Annorial bearings— Quarterly 1 and 4, or, a buckle azure, between three cinquefoils gules, on a chief engrailed sable, three escallops of the field (for Graham) ; 2 and 3 or, a fesse azure, between three arrows points downwards gules (for Barns). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, is the Naval Cockade. 566 (?5ra <©ta with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon wreaths of the liveries are set for OrMts, i. a nnk«l arm, the hand brandishing a spear proper (for Graham) ; a. a garb f)roper, banded gules (for Barns). Mottoes — "Pro rege" for Graham), " Peace and plenty" (for Barns). Married, 1868, Wilhelmina, daughter of William Carstairs, Doctor of Medicine, Honourable East India Company's Service, of Cupar, in the county of Fife ; and has Issue — (i) Patrick Barns Graham, Gentleman, born i860 (deceased) ; (2) Allan Barns Graham, Gentleman, born 1874 ; (3) John Bams Graham, Gentleman, bom 1877 ; (4) Gordon Barns Graham, Gentleman, bom 1885 (deceased) ; Jean Meldrum ; Marion ; Wilhelmina; and Katherine Isobel. Seats — Craigallian, Milngavie, co. Stirling ; Lymekilns, East Kilbride, co. Lanark; Kirkhill, Ayrshire, &c. Clubs — Western (Glasgow), University (Edinburgh), Royal and Ancient (St. Andrews). LEONARD JOHN GRAHAM-CLARKE, Esquire, J. P. for cos. Brecon and Gloucester, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. Bom Oct. 20, 1841, being the son of the late John Altham Graham-Clarke, Esq., J. P., High Sheriff of Gloucestershire 1865, by his wife Emma Jane, dau. of Rev. John Eagles, M.A., Clifton, CO. Gloucester. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, two bars argent, in chief three escallops erminois (for Clarke) ; 2 and 3, argent, an eagle's wings elevated sable, in chief two escallops azure (for Graham). Mantling: gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an escallop quarterly gules and or (for Clarke). Married, July 26, 1866, Flora Eliza, daughter of Henry Brown, Judge at Poona ; and has Issue — (i) Lionel Altham Graham-Clarke, Esq., Captain R.A., *. May 2, 1867 [m., Sept. 27, 1893, Frances, dau. of Charles Ernest Charleswonh of Owsion Grange, Doncaster- and has issue, John Altham Stobart Graham-Clarke, Gentle- man, b. Nov. 9, 1894] ; (2) John Eagles Henry Graham, Clarke, Gentleman, b. May 1868 ; (3) Leonard Warre Graham-Clarke, Gentleman, b. June 6, 1872 ; and (4) Gerald Graham-Clarke. Gentleman, b. July 12, 1873. Seats — Fro- cester Manor House, Stonehouse, co. Gloucester ; Glanrhos, CO. Brecon. GEORGE EDWARD GRAHAM-FOSTER-PIGOTT, Esquire, formerly Capt. Scots Greys. Bom 1840, being the son of the late Robert Henry Graham-Foster-Pigott, of 4 Cambridge Terrace, Regent's Park, London. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, sable, three pick- axes, two and one, within a bordure argent, a canton azure, for distinction (for Pigott) ; 2. per pale argent and sable, a chevron per pale of the second and or, be- tween three bugle-horns stringed counferchanged of the field, and for distinction the chevron charged with two escallops counterchanged thereof (for Foster) ; 3. argent, a human heart gules, ensigned with an Im|Terial crown or, on a chief sable, three escallops or (for Graham). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the ct)1ours, a mount vert, thereon in front of a pickaxe or a greyliouiirt Passant sable, gorged for distinction with a collar or (for igott) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, in front of a stag's head couped or, attired sable, gorged for distinction with n mural crown gules, a bugle-horn also sable, garnished or (for Foster) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, an escallop or, with the words " Spero meliora" above it (for Graham). Motto — "Hoc age. ' Married, 1863, Blanche Butts, and has Issue — George Edward Graham-Foster-Pigott, Gentleman, b. Dec. 1863 ; and Mary [m., 1889, the Rev. Herbert Ogden Cruikshank, and has issue]. Seat — Cheriton House, Hants. THOMAS GRAHAM-FOSTER-PIGOTT, Gentleman, B.A. Cambs. Bom 1866, being the eldest son of the late Rev. William Graham-Foster-Pigott, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. Cambs., Patron and Rector of Abington Pigotts, by his wife Martha Charlesworth Lister, dau. ot J. H. Farrar. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, sable, three pickaxes, two and one, within a bordure argent, a canton azure, for distinction (for Pigott) ; 2. per pale argent and sable, a chevron per pale of the second and or, between three bugle-homs stringed counterchanged of the field, and for distinction the chevron charged with two escallops countercharged thereof (for Foster) ; 3. argent, a human heart gules, ensigned with an Imperial crown or, on a chief sable, three escallops or (for Graham). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon in front of a pickaxe or a greyhound passant sable, gorged for distinction with a collar or (for Pigott) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, in front of a stag's head coup>ed or, attired sable, gorged for distinction with a mural crown gules, a bugle-horn also sable, garnished or (for Foster) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, an escallop or, with the words " Sp)ero meliora" above it (for Graham). Motto — " Hoc age." Residence — Abington Pigotts, Royston. JOHN ALFRED GRAHAM- WIGAN, Gentleman. Born i860, being the son of Lewis D. Wigan, Gentleman, of Oakwood, Maidstone, Kent ; assumed by Royal License in 1896 the additional surname and arms of Graham, Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, vair, on a pile or, a mount, thereon a mountain ash-tree proper (for Wigan) ; 2 and 3 or, three piles wavy sable, the centre one charged with a crescent of the field, within a double tressure flory and counterflory gules, on a chief engrailed sable, three escallops of the field, a canton ermine for difference (for Graham), and upon an escutcheon of pretence these same arms of Graham without the canton. Mantling azure and is the Military Cockade. 0ra (J^ra 567 or. Crests— I. on a wreath of the colours, oh a mount vert, a mountain ash-tree under a rainbow proper (for Wigan) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a flame of fire projjer, charged with a cross crosslet sable, for difference (for Graham). Motto — " Recta sursum." Married, i8g6, Ida Clementina, only child and heir of the late Frederick Graham-Lacon, Lieut. 17th Regiment, and granddaughter of John Edmund Lacon of Duntrune. Seais — Oakwood, Maidstone, Kent; Duntrune, Dundee, N.B. SSiR THOMAS GRAINGER -STEWART, Knight Bachelor, Doctor of Medicine, Physician in Ordinary to the Queen in Scotland, Professor of the Practice of Physic in the University of Edinburgh, Deputy- Lieutenant for the city and county of Edinburgh. Armorial bearing^ He bears for Arms : Or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, between two cross crosslets fitch^e in chief, .and a garb in base gules, banded of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, two hands proper, grasping a man's heart or ; with the Xotto, " Corde et manu." Postal address — Edinburgh. GRANDMESNIL, quartered by BARNEWALL. His Honour Judge THOMAS COLPITTS GRAN- GER, Barrister Inner Temple 1874, J. P. Cornwall, Judge of County Courts of Cornwall and Devon (Circuit No. 59) from 1891. Born 1852, being the third son of the late Thomas Cclpitts Granger, Esq., Q.C., M.P. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a fesse argent, between three pome- granates proper, slipped and leaved or, two portcullises gules, chained gold. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an arm embowed, vested azure, and cufled argent, the elbow to the sinister, the hand grasping a portcullis gules by the chains or. Married, i886, Lilian, dau. of James Payn, the novelist. Seat — Pen- cair, Falmouth. Club — Reform. GRANT OF BURDSGARDS, quartered by FRASER- TYTLER. Colonel A. C. GRANT. Born Feb. 28, 1833, being the eldest son of the late F. M. Sir Patrick Grant, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., by his wife Jane Ann, dau. of William Fraser- Tytler of Aldourie, Inverness-shire, and Sanquhar, Moray- shire. Armorial bearings — Gules three antique crowns or, a bordure of the second, charged with three wreaths of laurel vert. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, a burning mountain proper. Motto — "Standfast." Clubs — United Service and Junior United Service. CHARLES EUSTACE GRANT, Gentleman, M.A., Fellow of King's College, Cambs. Born June 5, 1851, being the fourth son of the late William Grant of Lich- borough, by his wife Frances Simpson, dau. of Richard Pack of Floore House, Northampton. Armorial bearings — Gules, a fesse dancett^e ermine, between three crowns or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a conical hill fired at the summit proper, issu- ant therefrom a cross calvary or. Motto — "Stand sure." Married, Jan. 8, 1889, Madehne Isabel, dau. of R. A. Whitting, of 10 Lexham Gardens, Kensington ; and has Issue — John Charles Grant, Gentleman, b. Oct. 6, 1889 ; Isabel Frances ; Agnes ; Ursula ; and Helen Madeline, Residence — Meadowcroft, Trumpington, Cambs. 5 EDWARD GRANT, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for co. Northampton, High Sheriff 1893, Lord of the Manor, and Patron of Maidford, M.A. Balliol Coll., Oxford. Bom July 24, 1845, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late William Grant of Lichborough, by his wife Frances Simpson, dau. of Richard Pack of Flore House, North- ampton. Livery — Buff, with green facings. Armorial bearings — Gules, a fesse dancettfe ermine, between three antique crowns or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a conical hill fired at the summit proper, issuant therefrom a cross calvary or. Motto— "Stand sure."' Married, July 10, 1889, Edith Helen, youngest dau. of Rev. Campbell Bassett Arthur Grey Hulton, Rector of Emberton, Bucks ; and has Issue — Edith Muriel ; Violet Helen ; and Frances Enid. Seat — Lichborough Hall, Weedon. C/«*— United University. FRANCIS JAMES GRANT, Esquire, Rothesay Herald of Arms and Lyon Clerk and Keeper of the Records in the Court of the Lord Lyon since 1898, Writer to His Majesty's Signet, formerly (1886-98) Carrick Pursuivant of Arms. Born August 4, 1863, being the second son of the late John Grant, Esq., Marchmont Herald, and his wife Lucy Eliza- beth, eldest dau. of Anthony Clapham of Newcastle-on- Tyne. Armorial bearings (rematric. 1901, cadet of Grant of Corrimony, matric. 1672)— Gules, three antique crowns or, within a bordure of the second and first, charged with three crescents azure. Mantling gules, doubled or. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a demi-savage proper ; and on an escroll above this Motto, " I'll stand sure." Married, April 27, 1899, Anne Irvine Cruickshank, eldest dau. of David Charles Edmondston, Esq., J. P. co. of Shetland, of Buness, Shetland; and has /wkc— Elizabeth Margaret. Postal addresses— Lyon Office, Edinburgh ; 106 Thirle- stane Road, Edinburgh. SJOHN PATRICK GRANT of Kilgraston, co. Perth, Esquire, Capt. late Seaforth Highlanders. Bom July 18, 1872, being the only surviving son of Charles Thomas Constantine Grant of Kilgraston, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Perth, by his wife Janet Matilda, fifth dau. of William Hay, Esq., of Duns Castle, co. Berwick. Armorial bearings- Gules, a chevron engrailed ermine, between three antique crowns or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a Roman fasces erect proper. Motto — " Leges juraque serva." Seats — Kilgraston ; and Drum- is the Naval Cockade. $68 (J^ra ^ta monic House, Bridge of Earn. co. Perth. (Edinburgh). C/»«*— New SJOHN PETER GRAN r of Rothiemurchus, l«JKjuire, Barrister-at-Law (Inner Temple), and Advocate (Scot- tish liar). D. L., for Inverness-shire and for Banffshire, Sherift-^ubstitute and I. P. for Inverness-shire, late Major ist Vol. Batt. Q.O. Cfameron Highlanders. Horn Feb. 39, i860, being the eldest son of the late John Peter Grant of Rothiemurchus, Esq., D.I>., J. P. for Inverness- shire, by his wife Marion, dau. of Richard Rowe. Livtry — Green, red facings and waistcoat. Armorial bear- Ingl (matric. , L.O. 1755) — Quarterly i and 4, gules three antique crowns or (Grant, 1597) ; a. or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, between three wolves' heads couped sable ; 3. azure, a dexter hand vambraced, grasping a sword erected in pale argent, hiked or, between three boars' heads couped of the third, langued gules, all within a bordure wavy or. Mantling gules doubled argent. Oreit — On a wreath of the liveries, a dexter hand and arm holding a broadsword proper. Mottoes — " Pro patria" anolton King of Chadshunt, War- wick ; and has surv. issue — Dennis Granville, Esq., Capt. late Roy. Warwicksh. Regt., Chief Constable of Dorset [»«. 1895, Margaret Beatrice, eld. d. of Sir George Waller, Bart. , of Woodcote, Warwick ; and has issue — Judith Margarett; and Mabel Georgiana Lucy [m. 1897, Major Henry Clerk |. Jfes.— Son of Frederick John Granville, b. 1839 ; d. 1883 ; m. 1864, Cecilia Anne, only child of Robert Hooka : — Charles Delabere Granville, Gentleman, Commander R.N.. b. 1865. /^es.— Ygst. son of Bernard Granville above mentioned, b. 1804 ; d. 1869 ; — Rev. Roger Granville, Rector of Bideford, b. 1848 ; m. 1870, Matilda Jane, d. of Alexander Liebert of Swinton Hall, I^ncs. ; and has issue — Court Granville, Gentleman late Lieut. 3rd Batt. Roy. Warwicksh. Regt.,*. 1872 [«. 1897, Beatrice Maljcl, d. of Col. Dumaresque ; and has issue] ; and Eleanor Morwenna. Son of Rev. Granville John (iranville. Vicar of Stratford- on-Avon, A. 1807; d. 1871 ; m. 1839, Marianne, d. of Sir J. Grev Skipwith, Bart. : — Rev. Grey Granville, Vicar of Ilam, and Rural Dean, b. 1843; m. 1st, 1881, Josephine Dora Lawrence {d. 1884); and, 1897, Sophia Mary, d. of Capt. Grey Skipwith, K.N. A'«. — The Vicarage, Ilam, Staffs. GRATTAN, see LEE-GRATTAN-GUINNESS. ALFRED PERCEVAL GRAVES, Gentleman. Hon, 1846, being the eldest surviving son of the late Rt. Rev. Charles Graves, Bishop of Limerick, Ardfert, and Agliadoc, Doctor of Divinity (Dublin); Honorary Doctor of Civil Law (Oxon.), Fellow of the Royal Society, formerly Pre- sident of the Royal Irish Academy, Dean of the Chapel Royal, Dublin, Dean of Clonfert, Senior Fellow and Pro- fessor of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin, by his wife Selina (who died 1873), eldest dau. of John Chcyne, Esq., Doctor of Medicine, Physician - General to Her Majesty's Forces in Ireland. Livery — Blue. Armorial besuilngs — Quarterly i and 4, party per pale gules and azure, an eagle displayed or, ducally crowned, in the dexter chief point a cross patonce of the last (for Graves) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a chief indented gules, three crosses pat^ of the field (for Perceval). Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle dis- played and erased or, encircled round the body below the wings with a ducal coronet gules, each wing charged with a cross patonce also gules; with the Motto, "Aquila non capiat muscas." ROBERT KENNEDY GROGAN GRAVES, Gentle- man. Born Jan. i, 1878, being the eldest son of Col. William Grogan Graves, Esq., J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff, Lieut. -Col. Comm. 82nd (South Lancashire) Regt., by his wife Georgina, second dau. of Rev. Joseph Marshall, Esq., R.N., J. P., of Baronne Court, co. Tipperary, Baron de Prig^y de Querieux in France. Armorial bearings— Per pale gules and azure, an eagle displayed, ducally crowned or, in the dexter point a cross patonce of the last. Mantling gules and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed and erased or, encircled round the body below the wings with a ducal coronet gules, each wing charged with a cross patonce also gules. Motto — " Aquila non captat mascas." Seat — Cloghan Castle, Banagher, King's Co. S ROBERT WYNDHAM GRAVES, Esquire, C.M.G. (1896), Consul-General in Crete since 1899. Bom 1858, being fifth but fourth surviving son of the late Rt. Rev. Charles Graves, Bishop of Limerick, Ardfert, and Aghadoe, D.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., by his wife Selina, eldest dau. of John Cheyne, Esq., M.D., Physician-General to Her Majesty's Forces in Ireland. Armorial bearings - Quarterly i and 4, partly per pale gules and azure, an eagle displayed or, ducally crowned, in the dexter chief point a cross patonce of the last (for Graves) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a chief indented gules, three crosses patde of the field (for Perceval). Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed and erased or, encircled round the body below the wings with a ducal coronet gules, each wing charged with a cross patonce also gules. Motto — "Aquila non captat muscas." Married, 1895, Bessie Catharine, dau. of the late J. R. Thomson. Residence— 'Qn\\%\\^ Consulate-General, Canea, Crete. Club — St. James's. GR.AVES-KNYFTON(R.L., 1894, H. Coll.). Quarterly, 1 and 4, gules, gutt^-d'or, a chevron vair6 argent and sable, between two eagles' heads couped in pale or (Knyfton) ; 2 and 3, or, an eagle displayed sable, each wing charged with a cross pate6 of the first between four escallops in cross of the second (Graves). Mantling gules and or. Crests— I. on a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head couped or, gutt6-de-sang, holding in the beak an eagle's leg erased proper, between two wings vair6 argent and sable (Knyfton); 2. on a wreath of the colours, in front of an eagle displayed sable, each wing charged with a cross pat^e or, three escallops inverted of the last (Graves). is the Military Cockade. <3ta (^ra sn Son of Albert Reginald Graves, Esq., J. P., of Delaprd, I Bridport, Dorset, and Charlton House, Salisbury, d. 1840; d. 1880; m. 1871, Mary Jane, d. of William Morgan Benett, Master in Common Pleas Div. of High Court : — ' Reginald Benett Graves- Knyfton , Esq. , J . P. co. Somerset , late Lieut. 3rd Batt. Wilts Regt., i. 1873; w. 1897, Edith Mary, d. of Francis Albert Alston, late of Banwell, ' Somerset. Sea( — Uphill Castle, Weston-super-Mare. : CARSINA GORDON GRAY, only dau. of the late Charles William Gray of Carse, by his wife Susan Helen, dau. of James Guthrie of Tanjong Pagar, Singapore. Armorial bearings — On a lozenge, gules, a lion rampant within a bordure wavy argent. Seat — Carse Gray House, ■ Forfarshire. ; HERBERT GRAY, Gentleman (formerly Miers). Born April 24, 1868, being the son of the late William Thomas , Miers of Scarcroft Grange, near Leeds, by his wife Mary, dau. of Henry Burnet of Liverpool, and assumed the sur- , name of Gray in lieu of Miers, and the arms of Gray by Royal License 1901, on his marriage. Armorial bearings — Barry of six per pale argent and azure counterchanged, on a plain bend cottised engrailed gules, three escutcheons of the first, each charged with a rose of the third barbed and seeded proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a hedgehog statant proper, charged on the body with a rose as in the arms, in front of a holly-bush fructed also proper. Married, Feb. 14, 1901, Betsey Hardy, only child and heir of the late Edward Thomas Gray of Morwick FLdl, near Leeds, and Steyning, co. Sussex. Residence — The Limes, Frisby, "hear Melton Mowbray, Liecestershire. Club — Leicester- shire (Leicester). JOHN ROBIN GRAY, Esquire, late ist Batt. King's Royal Rifles, now Major 3rd Royal Berks Regt. Born March 16, 1864, being the eldest son of the late William Gray, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for co. Lancaster, J. P. co. Berks, High Sheriff for Berks 1882, Major (ret.) 4th Royal Lancaster Militia, and Hon. Col. and Volunteer Batt. Loyal North Lancasiiire Regt., M.P. for Bolton (of which town he was Mayor 1850 and 1851) from 1857-74, by his wife Magdelene, dau. of the late John Robin of Grove Hill, West Kirby, Cheshire. Armorial bearings— Azure, a lion rampant, within an orle of annulets argent, a bordure indented ermine. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, a bear's paw erect and erased sable, grasping a snake entwined around it also proper. Motto — "Tenebo." Married, April 23, i8gi, Blanche, only dau. of Canon and Hon. Mrs. Feildon of Honingham, Norfolk. 5ea^— Farley Hill Place, Read- ing, Berks. C/«*— Cocoa Tree. ROBERT GRAY, Esquire, J. P. co. Armagh, F.R.C.P.L Born Oct. 18, 1845, being the eldest son of the late Robert Gray of Enagh, co. Armagh, by his wife Margaret, dau. of William Patterson. C/i/*— Armagh County (Armagh). Armorial bearings— Gules, a lion rampant argent, holding in the dexter paw a fleam or, on a canton of the last a harp azure. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an anchor in pale azure, timbered proper and fluked or. Motto — "Anchor fast anchor." Married, July 10, 1867, Harriet Ann, dau. of Hampton .Atkinson ; and has Issue — (i) Hampton Atkinson Gray, Gentleman, M.D. (T.C.D.), ^. Aug. 16, 1868; (2) Robert Alexander Gray, Esq., Capt. R.I.F., b. Dec. 21, 1869; (3) Francis Audubon Gray, L. R.C. P. and S. (Edin. ), b. Jan. 2, 1874; Harriete Alice \m. Jan. 6, 1904, Major Henry John Robert St. George Richardson, late The King's (Liverpool) Regt.] ; and Margaret Edith. Postal address — Armagh. WILLIAM MARTELLO GRAY, Gentleman, F.C.A. Born May 26, 1850, being the second son of William Mar- tello Gray of Hovingham, Yorkshire, by his wife Sarah, daughter of Richard Barker of Nunnington, Yorkshire. iB the Naval Cockade. 57* (J^ra (5ra Clmli - Union Club, Bradford. I.ivtry—0\\\c Green. Ar- morial iMarlngi— Azure, a fesse or, between four roses fesse- wise in chief, argent barlicd and seedetl proper, and a tower in l>a&e of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet behtting his de^ce, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Onct, on a wrrtith of the colours, a tower proper, $urmout)tere (©re W.; and has /um — Dorothy. Postal addresus — Bma Eifion, Criccicth ; Glan Gwna, Carnarvon. § RICHARD METHUEN GREAVES. Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lioutenant for the counties of Carnarvon and Merioneth. Born 185a, Ijcing the third son of the late John Whitehead Greaves. Esquire, of Bericotc House, in the county of Warwick, Justice of the Pcact; and Deputy-Lieutenant for that county, for which he served the office of High Sheriff in the year i860, by Ellen his wife, daughter of Gill Stedman of the Manor House, Pakenham, in the county of Suffolk. CJui — Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a fesse engrailed azure between four pellets, three in chief and one in base, each charged with a lion's head erased or, a griffin passant, wings elevated, between two escallops of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed with two heads sable, resting each claw on a pellet, charged with a lion's head as in the arms, and either wing charged with two escallops or ; with the Motto, "Aquila non captat muscas." MarrUd, 1883, Constance Mary, second daughter of the late J. Dugdale of Wroxall Abbey, in the county of Warwick, Esquire, Justice of the Peace. Postal address — Portmadoc, North Wales. S WILLIAM HENRY GREAVES-BAGSHAWE, Es- quire, J. P. and D.L. for co. Derby, High Sheriff 1895-96. Bom Aug. 13, 1831, being the eldest son of the late Henry Marwood Greaves, Esq., of Hesley Hall, in co. Nottingham, Banner Cross, in co. York, and Ford Hall, in CO. Derby, J. P. and D. L. , by Mary Catharine Anne his wife, only child of the Rev. William Bagshawe of Banner Cross and Ford Hall, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford ; assumed the surname of Bagshawe in addition to and after that of Greaves, in the year 1853, and obtained Her Majesty's Royal License to continue to use the name and to bear the arms of Bagshawe in addition to and quarterly with those of Greaves, on the death of his mother, in the year 1879. Livery — (Bagshawe) coats, green cloth lined with scarlet shalloon, collars and cuffs of scarlet cloth, brass buttons, waistcoats of green cloth, breeches of green or scarlet cloth or plush, hats gold laced ; (Greaves) coats of very light drab or cream-colour cloth lined with crimson, brass buttons, waistcoats of crimson cloth, breeches very light drab or cream-colour plush, hats gold-laced. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or, a bugle-horn sable stringed vert, between three roses gules (for Bag- shawe), 2 and 3 quarterly, gules and vert, an eagle displayed holding in tlie beak a slip of oak fructed or (for Greaves, July 1782). Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm erect proper, the hand holding a bugle-horn sable, stringed vert (for Bagshawe), 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a stag trippant or, holding in his mouth a slip of oak of the first (for Greaves) ; with the Motto, " Forma flos fama flatus." Married, September 24, 1856, Martha, daughter of Joseph Bowmer of Draycott, in the county of Derby, and of Lancayo House, in the county of Monmouth ; and has had Issue — William Murray Caldwell Greaves - Bagshawe, Esquire (d.s.p.); Mary Catherine Murray [married, December 7, 1887, to Edward Renshaw of Woodlands, in the County Palatine of Chester, and has issue] ; and Frances Alice Devereux [married, July 14, 1886, to Ernest Carver, Esq., J. P. of Poise House, also in the County Palatine of Chester ; and has issue]. Estates —Banner Cross, in the county of York ; and Ford Hall, in the county of Derby. Postal address— ForA Hall, near Chapel-en-le-Frith, E)erbyshire. Club — National. GREEN, quartered by FLOYER. GREEN, see EGERTON-GREEN. ALFRED GREEN, Gentleman. Born April 18, 1838, being the second son of the late Richard Green of Essendon, near Hertford (England), and of Launceston, in the Colony of Tasmania, by his wife Hannah, dau. of Richard Jackson. Club — Launceston (Launceston, Tasmania). iUmorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, between two bendlets nebuly sable, a lion passant ^tween two crosses pat6e gules, the whole between as many escallops of the second, and in chief a crescent for difference ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a cuhii arm erect projx-r, the hand grasping an anchor in bend sinister sable, a cross pat«arlii|r*— Vert, three bezants within two chevronrls, the wliole between ns many castles with two towers in rhief and a horse's head couped in base all or. Mantling vert and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, issuant from the Imttlements of a tower ^les, a horse's head or, lielween two ears of wheat stalked and leaved proper. Motto "itquam servare nunteni. " Kesidence — 7 Oppidans Road, London, N.W. Rkv. JOHN HENRY GREEN. M.A.. Rector of Knaptoft with Shearsby, and Mowsley, co. Leicester. Born Nov. 33, 1839, being the eldest son of Charles Green, of Holdich House, in the parish of Spalding, in the county of Lincoln ; by his wife Mary, fourth dau. and co- heir of Henry Everard of Spalding. Armorial boaringa — Azure, three bucks trippant or, on a chief ot the last, a tleur-de-lis between two annulets of the held. Mantling azure and or. Orwt — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a buck's head couped azure, a fleur-de-lis between two annulets, and a third annulet between the antlers or. Motto — " Spirilu principali." Married, Jan. 2, 1868, Catherine Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. James Room Peake. M.A. ; and has Issue — Ethel Mary Katharine. Residence — The Rectory, Mowsley. RICHARD GREEN, Gentleman. Bom March 5, 1836, being the eldest son of ti>c late Richard Green of Essendon, near Hertford (England), and of Launceston, in the Colony of Tasmania, by his wife Hannah, daughter of Richard Jackson. Club — Launceston (Launceston, Tasmania). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, between two bendleis nebuly sable, a lion passant between two crosses pate6 gules, the whole between as many escallops of the second ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm erect prof)er, the hand grasping an anchor in bend sinister sable, a cross pat^e between two escallops or; with the Motto, " Je ferai bien." Postal address — 194 Cimitiere Street, Launceston, Tasmania. GREEN (R.L., 1829, H. Coll.). Azure, three bucks trippant erminois. on a chief or, three crescents sable. MoTit.iing azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-buck springing per fesse or and azure, charged with two crescents counterchanged. Motto— " Virtus semper viridis." Sons of Joseph Green, Gentleman, b. 1798; d. 1838; m. 1815, Hannah, d. of Joseph Rickaby:— Thomas Green, Esq., J.I', co. Merioneth, b. i8aa; «. 1843, Harriet Mary, eld. d. of Thomas Lough, Liverp'ert and or ; and for his Oreat, out of a ducal coronet gules, a buck's head or ; with the Motto, " Nee timeo nee spemo." only surviving son of Joseph George Greene, of Waterford, by his wife Maria, daughter of William M'Kenzie of (ilas- gow, and Halifax, Nova Scotia, and grandson of Major Josi-ph (Ireone, 40lh Regt. Lii>ery — Green and yellow. Armorial b«aringa (confirmed 1893, on the strenf^th of user, the first dated copy being in 1719. I'ed. U. Oft.)— Married, April 29, 1882, Ethel Mauney, eldest daughter and heiress of Commander Richard Izod Downes ; and has Issue —Reginald Downes Latimer;Greene, Gentleman, born Feb- ruary 6, 1883 ; and Beryl Latimer. Postal address— Tre- gara House, Stratford-upon-Avon. S RICHARD GREENE, Esquire, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, late Surgeon- Captain in ist Volunteer Battalion Northamptonshire Regi- ment, late Medical Superintendent of County Asylum, Northampton. Born June 28, 1843, being the third and Vert, three bucks trippant or, gorged with a ducal coronei gules. Mantling vert and or. Crest— Issuant from a ducal coronet gules, a buck's head or. Motto— "Nee timeo nee sjierno. " Married, March 10, 1877, to Emma, daughter of James Rhodes of Bradford, and widow ol Edward Dickin of Shipley ; and has /wi/e— George Watten Greene, Gentleman, b. May 3, 1878; and Alice Norali Gertrude. Postal addresses— Th^ Shelleys, Lewes; and the Nook, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft. Clubs— MbemixV-. Authors', Bath, County (Sussex), and Royal Norfolk ami Suffolk Yacht. ^ is the Military Cockade. (^re 0Vt 579 GREENE (U.O.). Per pale or and azure, three bucks trippant counterchanyed ; and impaling the arms of Plunket, namely : sable, a bend between a tower in the sinister chief and a portcullis in the dexter base all or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head erased azure, gorged or. Motto — " Nescia fallere vita." Sons of Richard Jonas Greene, Gentleman, M.A. Trinity College, Dublin, and Barrister-at-Law, 6. 24 Jan. 1826 ; d. 1903 ; m. 27 July 1852, Louisa Lelias, fourth d. of the Hon. John Plunket (afterwards Rt. Hon. the third Baron Plunket) : — Sir William Conyngham Greene, K.C.B. [to whom refer]. Postal address — 49 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin. Charles Kendal Greene, Esq., Capt. in the "Buffs," b. 18 June 1862. Harry Plunket Greene, Gentleman, b. 24 June 1865. Geoffrey Philip Greene, Gentleman, b. 25 May 1868. RICHARD MASSY GREENE, Gentleman, Chief Har- bour Engineer in the Marine Department of the Imperial Maritime Chinese Customs, 1869, 1870. Born January 10, 1843, being the eldest son of John Greene, formerly of Glenville, by his wife Emma, daughter of Reverend Richard Jones Hobson, Archdeacon of Waterford, and grandson of Major William Greene, formerly of Janeville, in the county of Waterford. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Vert, three bucks trippant or, gorged with a ducal coronet gules ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet gules, a buck's head or; with the Motto, "Nee timeo nee sperno." Estates — Smithstown, Rathore, Cappagh, Brittas, and Coolehela, all in the county of Kilkenny, in Ireland. THOMAS WESTLAND GREENE, Gentleman. Bom 1843, being the only surviving son and heir of the late John Greene of Millbrook and Hallahoise. Armorial bearings — Vert, three bucks trippant or, each gorged with a ducal coronet gules, in chief a crescent of the second for dif- ference. Mantling vert and or. Crest — Issuing from a ducal crest coronet gules, a buck's head or, charged with a crescent gules for difference. Motto — ' ' Nee timeo nee sperno." Seats — Millbrook and Hallahoise, CO. Kildare. THOMAS GREENE, Gentleman. Born Oct. 17, 1830, being the fourth son of the Rt. Hon. Richard Wilson Greene, second Baron of Her Majesty's Court of Exchequer in Ireland, by his wife Elizabeth, third dau. of Thomas Wilson of Fulford, York. Armorial bearings— Per pale or and azure, three bucks trippant counterchanged ; impal- ing the arnis of CoghiU, napiely ermine, a chevron between three cocks gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath ol the colours, a dragon's head erased azure, gorged or ; and for Motto—" Nescia fallere vita." Married, May 15, 1856, Sylvia Maria, youngest dau. of Vice-Admiral Sir Josiah CoghiU, Bart.; and has Issue— (1) Herbert Wilson Greene, Gentleman, b. April 15, 1857; (2) Francis Ernest Greene, Gentleman, b. June 23, i8s9[w«., Aug. 22, 1896, Muriel Leuca, dau. and coheir of Colonel A. B. Cod- dington, R.E., and has issue, Marjorie Pearl Christine and Pamela Sylvia Coddington]; (3) Richard Wilson Greene, Gentleman, b. 1861, d. 1867; Elizabeth Sylvia [tn., Dec. 19, 1885, Sydney Vernon Thornton, Lieut. R.A.] ; Sylvia Alice [»/., May 16, 1885, Capt. Cooper Penrose, R.E.]; Con- stance Aylmer; and Helen Rosanna [m., April 26, 1900, David Darley Donnybrook Plunket]. Posta, address — Avonmore, Ballybrack, co. Dublin. WALTER RAYMOND GREENE, Esquire. M.P. for Cambridgeshire (West, or Chesterton Division), J. P. for Suffolk, Capt. Loyal Suffolk Hussars Yeomanry Cavalry. Born August 4, 1869, being eldest son of Edward Walter Greene, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Nether Hall. Suffolk, by Anne Elizabeth, dau. of the late Rev. C. S. Royds, Rector of Houghton, Staffordshire. Clubs — Carlton, White's. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a cross indented gules, two annulets interlaced fesseways between four crescents or, a chief azure, thereon, on a pile or, between two bezants, a crescent of the fourth. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a gryphon's head erased or, holding in the beak a branch of trefoil vert, two annulets interlaced fesseways azure, between as many bezants. Motto — " Non sine numine." Residences — Nether Hall, Bury St. Edmunds ; Cambridge. The VeryRev. WILLIAM CONYNGHAM GREENE, Dean of Christ Church, Dublin. Born Oct. 19, 1827, being the third son of the Rt. Hon. Richard Wilson Greene, second Baron of Her Majesty's Court of Exchequer in Ireland, by his wife Elizabeth, third dau. of Thomas Wilson of Fulford, York. Armorial bearings — Per pale or and azure, three bucks trippant counterchanged. Mantling azure and or ; for Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head erased azure, gorged or ; and for Motto, "Nescia fallere vita." Postal address — 49 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin. . Sir WILLIAM CONYNGHAM GREENE, Esquire, K.C.B. Born Oct. 29, 1854, being the eldest son of Richard Jonas Greene [to whom refer], by his wife Louisa Lilias, fourth dau. of the Hon. John Plunket, afterwards Rt. Hon. 3rd Baron Plunket. Armorial bearings — Per pale or and azure, three bucks trippant counterchanged, and impaling the arms of Stopford. namely azure. sem6e of crosses crosslet, three lozenges or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head erased azure, gorged or; and for Motto, "Nescia fallere vita." Mar- ried, Oct. 2, 1884, Frances Lily, fifth dau. of the Right Hon. James George Henry, sth Earl of Courtown ; and has Issue — (i) Barrington Stopford Conyngham Greene. Gentleman, b. June 8, 1888 ; (2) Geoffrey Plunket Conyng- ham Greene, Gentleman, b. April 22, 1893 ; (3) Kathleen Conyngham ; (4) Norah Conyngham. Postal address — Pretoria, S. African Republic. GREENE (H. Coll.). Per pale vert and gules, on a chevron embattled between three bucks statant or, a crescent between two leopard's faces of the second. Mant- ling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a buck's head erased azure, attired and gorged with a mural crown and chain reflexed therefrom or, between the attires a crescent, and the neck charged with an ermine-spot of the last. Son of Rev. Charles Greene of Cambridge, sometime Chaplain R.N., b. ; d. ; m. : — Major Edward Henry Greene, b. . Seat — Hinxton Hall, Cambs. THOMAS CHALLEN GREENFIELD, Gentleman, F.R.G.S. Bom March 16, 1843, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Thomas Greenfield of Wilton House, Croydon, Surrey, by his wife Martha Medlicott, dau. of Seth Smith. Armorial bearings — Per saltire gules and vert, three is the Naval Cockade. S8o ^re (Pre clarions or. Mantling' ^les and or. OrMt — On a wreath of the colours, a gnrtin with wiiij;s i-U'vatcd or, resting the dexter claw on a clarion gules. Motto— ' ' I njussi vircscunt. " Marritd, Feb. aj, 1875, Maria Isabella, dau. of John Burden of Ixsdbury, Herefordshire. Residence— t Albion Road, Sutton, Surrey. « EDWARD HOWORTH GREENLY, Esquire. M.A., J. P. and D.L. ca Hereford. J. P. co. Brecon, High Shcrifl CO. Hereford 1881, Lord of the M.nnor of Titley. Bom April 11, 1837, being the eldest son of the late Charles Williams Greenly. Esq., J. P. and D.L., by his wife Fanny Maria Pyke. dau. of Richard Rosser. Armorial bearings — Vert, a chevron between throe stags trippant all per ^e erminK and erminois, and for distinction a canton or. Mantling vert and argent. Creat — On a wreath of the colours, a denu- (2) Nathaniel Alexander Greer, Gentleman, b. 1876 ; Elizabeth Lindsay \m., 1898, Rev. Richard Ussher Greer, M.A.]; and Mary Ussher. Seat— Tullylagan Manor, Dungannon, co. Tyrone. THOMAS GREER, Esquire, J. P. co. Antrim and Car- rickfergus, the last Member of Parliament for Carrick- fergus, F. R.G.S. , Member of the Royal Irish Academy. Born April 4, 1837, being the eldest son of Alfred Greer, Esq., J. P., of Dripsey House, co. Cork, by his wife Helena, eldest dau. of Joshua and Sarah Carroll of St. Patrick's Place, Cork. Livery — Blue, with yellow facings and silver mountings. Armorial bearing^ — Azure, a lion rampant or, armed and langued gules, between three an- tique crowns of the second, on a canton argent, an oak- tree eradicated surmounted by a sword in bend sinister, ensigned on the point with a royal crown all proper ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle dis- played proper, chargt*d on the breast with a quadrangular lock argent. Motto — "MemorEsto." Married, ]n\y 2i, 1864, Margaret, only child and heiress of John and Jane Owden of Brooklands, Belfast, in the county of Antrim, and niece of Sir Thomas Scambler Owden, Lord Mayor of London ; and has Issue — Thomas Macgregor Greer, Gentle- man, born April 16, 1869 [married, March 1, 1892, Dorinda Florence, elder daughter of Colonel James Corry-Lowry, Deixt <^tt 58' burne Lovvry, R.N.] ; Georgina Beatrice ; and Eva Mildred. Estates — Strews, in tlie county of Tyrone ; Sea Park, Carrick- fergus. Postal address — Sea Park, Carrickfergus ; Grove House, Regent's I'ark, London, N.W. Clubs — Carlton, St. Steplien's, City Carlton, National, Ulster (Belfast), Kildare Street (Dublin). ROBERT PHILIPS GREG, Esquire, J. P., F.G.S., F.S.A. Born March 26, 1826, being the son of Robert Hyde Greg, Esquire, M.P., by his wife Mary, eldest daughter of Robert Philips of The Park, Prestwich, near Manchester. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, argent a fir tree growing out of a mount in base vert, surmounted by a sword in bend proper, on a canton azure an antique crown or (for Greg) ; 2 and 3 azure, on a pale engrailed, between two mullets in chief or. and as many crescents in base argent, a lion rampant gules (for Lightbody). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an arm embowed in armour, grasping a scimitar azure, pommel and hilt or. Mottoes—' ' Ein doe, and spair not ; " and also " S' Rioghal mo dhream." Married, November 19, 1857, Louisa Russell, daughter of StillmanGair of Liver- pool. Seat — Coles Park, Buntingford. GREGOR, quartered by ENYS. GREGORY, quartered by FORBES-LEITH. FRANCIS HOOD GREGORY, Esquire. J. P.. M.A. Ch. Ch., Oxford, Major late isth Hussars, A.D.C. to the Duke of Ab^rcorn, K.G. , when Lord-Lieut, of Ireland, and afterwards to Lord Strathnairn ; Gen. Comm.- in -Chief there; A.D.C. to Lord Mayo, Viceroy of India 1870-72, and to Lord Napier of Magdala, Comm. -in-Chief in India from 1874-76. Armorial bearings— Or, two bars, and in chief a lion passant azure. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a denii-boar rampant sable, col- lared or. Motto — " Vigilanter." Seat — Styvechale, near Coventry. S FRANCIS ROBERT GREGSON, Esquire, of Tilhe- four, Aberdeenshire, J. P. and D.L. for Aberdeenshire, and a member of the Queen's Bodyguard, Royal Scottish Archers. Born 1854, being the youngest son of John Greg- son of Burdon, co. Durham, who d. 1879, by Mary Jane, elder dau. of Robert, fourth son of Sir Archibald Grant, 4th Bart, of Monymusk, and sister of the 7th and 8th Barts' (she d. 1880). Armorial bearings Argent, a saltire, in- vected gules between two mullets in pale of the last and as many ermine spots in fesse sable, a canton chequy azure and or, thereon a rose of the second, barbed and seeded proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest -Upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect, vested bendy sinister of six argent and gules, a riband around the wrist also gules, the hand proper, holding a battle-axe or, the handle sable between two roses as in the arms. Motto — "Vigilio." 5^a< -Place of Tilliefour, Kemnay, Aberdeen- shire. Zi?7re (S)ri 583 : eldest son of the late John Gretton, Esq., D.L., of Burton- j on-Trent, Sudbury Hall, Derby, and Stapleford Hall, I Melton Mowbray, by his wife Marianne L. , dau. of Major [ Molineux of Godalming. Armorial bearings - Quarterly per fesse indented or and gules, in the second quarter I an anchor in bend sinister of the first, in the third an , antique lamp also or, fired proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an arm j embowed prof)er, vested above the elbow argent, holding I in the hand a torch erect fired, a sickle in bend sinister, i both also proper. Motto — " Steadfast." Married, 1900, the Hon. Maud Helen Eveleigh-de-Moleynes, youngest \ dau. of the Rt. Hon. the 4th Baron Ventry. Seat — Staple- \ ford Park, Melton Mowbray. Town residence — 66 Ennis- I more Gardens, London, S.W. Clubs — Marlborough, i Carlton, Royal Yacht Squadron (Cowes). [ Lieutenant Colonel DEMETRIUS WYNDHAM I GREVIS- JAMES, J. P. for Kent. Bom 1819, being the eldest surviving son of the late Demetrius Grevis-James, by ' his wife. Club — ( Army and Navy. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent two bars embattled counter-embattled gules (for James) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a fesse azure, between three i ogresses, each charged with a lion's head erased of the first, ] a griffin passant between two escallops or (for Grevis). Mantling gules and argent. Crests — i. out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-swan with wings expanded argent, beaked gules (for James) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a ! squirrel holding between the paws an escallop or. Motto — I "Fide et constantia." Seat — Ightham Court, Ightham, I Sevenoaks. ! GREY, quartered by CONYERS, FOX, BUSHE, and j KINLOSS. I The Right Honourable RAWDON GEORGE ! GREY CLIFTON, BARON GREY DE RUTHYN, Hereditary Bearer of the Golden Spur. Bom Nov. 14, 1858, being the eldest son of Augustus Wykeham Clifton I of Warton Hall, co. Lancaster, by his wife, the Rt. i Hon. Bertha Legarde, Baroness Grey de Ruthyn. Livery — Brown and yellow. Armorial bearings — Quarterly, I. sable, on a bend argent, three mullets gules (for Clifton); 2. quarterly!, and iiii. argent, a maunch sable (for Hastings) ; ii. and iii. argent, a fesse between three pheons 1 sable (for Rawdon) ; 3. argent, three lions rampant sable, chief gules (for Yelverton); 4. per saltire azure and or, a lion rampant counterchanged ; 5. argent, three lions ram- pant and a chief gules (for Yelverton) ; 6. gules, a fesse dancette ermine between six cross-crosslets argent (for Longueville) ; 7. Barry of six, argent and azure, in chief three torteaux (for Grey de Ruthyn), and impaling the arms of Foster, namely party per pale argent and sabl*" on a chevron a pheon between two escallops, in chief as many pheons and in pale two escallops, all counterchanged. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour holding a sword proper. Supporters— Dexter, a wyvem or, collared and lined gules ; sinister, a lion regardant gules. Married, Sept. I, 1892, Evelyn Isobel Ida Charlotte, only dau. of James Foster of Cran borne Hall, Windsor Forest ; and has /wtt«— The Hon. Reginald Francis Rawdon Clifton, b. J May 14, d. July i, 1893. Seat— 'W&rton Hall, Lytham, CO. Lancaster. C/«*— Carlton. GREYSTOKE, quartered by HOWARD. GEORGE JAMES GRIBBLE, Esquire, J. P. co. Beds. (High Sheriff 1897). Born July 2, 1846, rKt*thfl{p being the son of Thomas Gribble, by Mary ViyVlUUlC' Ann his wife, daughter of William Cook of Roydon Hall, in the county of Kent. C/z^3j— Wellington ; Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Party per fesse invected sable and argent, a demi-lion issuant between two mullets of six points in chief or, and in base a greyhound's head erased of the first, collared and ringed of the third ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a greyhound's head couped sable, collared and ringed or, three mullets of six points fesseways of the last ; with the Motto, "Veritas prevalebit." Married, 1881, Norah, daughter of the Reverend Francis Coulman Royds, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Coddington, and Hon. Canon of Chester Cathedral; and has Issue— (1) Y'\\\\\}p Le Grand Gribble, Gentleman, b. May 6, 1891 ; (2) Julian Royds Gribble, Gentleman, b. 1897 ; Phyllis ; Leslie ; Norah Le Grand ; and Vivien Massie. Estate and postal address — Henlow Grange, Biggleswade. JAMES BYNG GRIBBLE, Gentleman, Barrister-at- Law, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Born January 7, 1871, being the eldest son of the late Thomas William Gribble of the Bengal Civil Service, and of his wife Grace, daughter of James Cooper Cooper of Cooper Hill, in the county of Limerick. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Anns : Party per fesse invected sable and argent, a demi-lion issuant between two mullets of six points in chief or, and in base a greyhound's head erased of the first, collared and ringed of the third ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a greyhound's head couped sable, collared and ringed or, three mullets of six points fesseways of the last ; with the Motto, " Veritas prevalebit. " Postal address — 5 Wetherby Gardens, London, S.W. C/«3.f— Sports', M.C.C., Queen's, and Prince's. JOHN CHARLES GRIBBLE, Gentleman. Bom , being the son of Thomas Gribble, by Mary Ann his wife, dau. of William Cook of Roydon Hall, co. Kent. Armorial bearings — Party per fesse invected sable and argent, a demi- lion issuant between two mullets of six p>oints in chief or, and in base a greyhound's head erased of the first, collared and ringed of the third ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a gfreyhound's head couped sable, collared and ringed or, three mullets of six points fesseways of the last; with the Motto, "Veritas prevalebit." Resi- dence — 12 Park Road, Richmond. HENRY GRIERSON, Esquire. Armorial bearings- Gules, on a fesse between two fetterlocks in chief and a boar's head erased in base or, a mullet azure. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a fetterlock or. Motto—" Hoc securior." 5tfa/— Milton Park, Kirkcudbright. GRIEVE, see MACFARLANE-GRIEVE. GRIFFIN. Quarterly, i and 4, argent, on a chevron between three bucks' heads erased gules, an annulet between two fleurs-de-lis or (Griffin) ; 2 and 3, argent, three spears erect in fesse gules, on a chief azure, a lion passant guard- ant or, a crescent for difference (Lysaght). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin segreant argent, charged on the shoulder with a fleur-de-lis azure. Motto — "Fide et fortitudine." Sons of Edward Lysaght Griffin, Gentleman, of Violet Hill, Bray, co. Wicklow, Barrister-at-Law (s. of Rt. is the Naval Cockade. S«4 (Sti (^ti Rev. Henry Grifrin, D.D., Bishop of Limerick, by Jane Eyre. d. and coh, of Edward Lysnghl) : — Henry Lysaght Griffin. Esq., D.S.O., late K.A., served in ji Africa, 1899-1900 (mcnt. desp.). *. a6 Feb. 1866; m. a6 Nov. 1890. Maud Mary, d. of lite Col. Edmund Campbell. aC.S. AVj.— Violet Hill, Bray. co. Wicklow. Edward Griffin, Gentleman, *. . /^«.— America. Sir LEPEL HENRY GRIFFIN, Knight Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India. Bom 1840, being the only son of the late Rev. Henry Griffin of Stoke, CO. Suffolk, and Glenthornc, Torauay. Armorial beaiingi Argent, on a chevron gules, between in chief two griffins segreant, and in base a bull's head caboshed lietween two wings, a plate Ix-tween two ostrich feathers erect argent. Cwst— .X griffin segreant or, between two ostrich feathers argent. Motto — "Judge not." Married, 1889, Marie Elizabeth, dau. of Ludwig Leupold of Genoa ; and has Issue — (i) Ronald Lepel Griffin, Esq., b. April 30, 1898 ; (2) Lancelot Cecil Lepel Griffin, Esq., b. Jan 5, 1900. Residence— j^ Cadogan Gardens, S.W. Club — Wellington. PATRICK GRIFFIN, Gentleman. Born May 10, 1828, being the only child of Wiliiam O'Grady Griffin, by Anna Stonehouse his wife, daughter of Michael Hennessey. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron between three bucks' heads erased gules, a cross pattte between two fleurs-de-lis of the field ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin segreant argent, charged on the shoulder with a cross patte azure ; with the Motto, "Fide et fortitudine. " Married, January 28, i860, Catharine, daughter of Richard Wall La Silles ; and has had Issue — (1) William Joseph Griffin, Gentleman, born March 1861, and died July ao, 1883; (3) Richard Michael Griffin, Gentleni.in, born September ai, 1862 jto whom refer]; (3) Patrick Joseph (irithn. Gentleman, born March 3, 1869 ; (4) James Valentine Griffin. (jcnileMiun, born Fel>ruary 14, 1871 ; (5) Christopher Joseph Griflin, Esq., Capt. 2nd Batt. 20th Lancashire Fusiliers, Iwrn December 1874; (6) John Joseph Griffin, Gentleman, born July 1887 ; and Minnie. Estate — I^hardane, in the county of Kerry, Ireland. Postal address — Woodhill Terrace, Tivoli, Cork. RICHARD MICHAEL GRIFFIN, Gentleman. Born September 21, 1862, being the second but eldest surviving sou of Patrick Griffin, Gentleman [to whom refer], by Catharine his wife, daughter of Richard Wall La Silles. Armorial 5 is tlxe Military cockade. €>xi ^ti 58s bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron between three bucks' heads erased gules, a cross pat^e between two fleurs-de-lis of the field, and in chief a label for difference ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin segreant argent, charged on the shoulder with a cross pat^e azure ; with the Motto, " Fide et fortitudine." Married, 1887, Mary Julia, daughter of the late Reverend James Baxter Strother, B.A. (Oxford), Clerk in Holy Orders, of Eastfield, Northumberland, and Kirk Newton, Devon. Residence — Quorn House, Milver- ton, Warwickshire. Club — County (Cork), GRIFFITH, see DARLEY-GRIFFITH. FRANCIS ROBERT GRIFFITH, Gentleman, second son of Robert Clavey Griffith, Master of Arts of the Uni- versity of Oxford, Rector of Corsley and Fifefield, Bavant, in the county of Wiltshire, by his wife Mary Elizabeth Adderley, daughter of Ralph Hotchkin of Uppingham. Livery — Purple trimmed with old gold. Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms : Or, on a pale gules between two lions rampant in chief, and as many martlets in base of the last, a cross flory argent ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-woman affront^e proper, vested argent, supporting with the dexter hand a cross crosslet erect of the last, and resting the sinister hand on an escutcheon also argent, charged with a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper; with the Motto, "A fin." Married, June 3, 1863, Henrietta Louisa Rose, daughter of William Hallowes Sherman, Merchant; and has had Issue — (i) Francis Charles Griffith, Gentleman, born November 9, 1878; (2) Ralph Edwin Hotchkin Griffith, Gentleman, born March 4, 1882 ; (3) William Robert Clavey Griffith, Gentleman, born March 26, 1884; Dorothy Adela, died in infancy ; Katherine Irene ; Enid Mary, died in in- fancy ; and Doris Elaine. Estates — Corsley and Crofton, both on the Nilgiri Hills, South India. The Reverend GEORGE OCTAVIUS FLETCHER GRIFFITH, Clerk in Holy Orders, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Perpetual Curate of St. Barnabas, Beckenham, in the county of Kent. Born August 7, 1848, being the eighth son of the late Reverend John Wickham Griffith, Master of Arts, Rector of Bishop- strow and Pertwood, in the county of Wiltshire, by his wife Maria Louisa, eldest daughter of the late Reverend William Bavlv, Doctor of Divinity. Vicar of Hartpury, in the county of Gloucester. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, on a pale gules, between two lions rampant in chief and as many martlets in base of the last, a cross flory argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-woman affrontte proper, vested argent, supporting vk'ith the dexter hand a cross crosslet fitchfe erect of the last, and the sinister hand resting on an escutcheon also argent, charged with a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper; with the Motto, "A fin." Married, November 20, 1879, Isabel Minna, daughter of the late Colonel Cuthbert Davidson, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath; and has Isstie — (i) Cuthbert John Griffith, Gentleman, born August 29, 1880 ; (2) George Hugh Griffith, Gentleman, born September 2, "1884; (3) Antony Wykeham Griffith, Gentleman, born June 23, 1894 ; Ellen Margaret Ethel ; and Mary Isabel. Postal address — St. Barnabas Vicarage, Beckenham, Kent. HERBERT EDWARD GRIFFITH, Gentleman (and Armiger), Solicitor of the Supreme Court. Born December 30, 1861, being the second and only surviving son of the late Edward Clavey Griffith, by his wife Helen Kay, widow of the late Thomas Heathcote Bayly, Barrister-at-Law, and youngest daughter of the late Stuart Donaldson of London. Armoriali bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, on a pale gules, between two lions rampant in chief and as many martlets in base of the last, a cross flory argent ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-woman affront(5e proper, vested argent, supporting with the dexter hand a cross crosslet erect of the last, and resting the sinister hand on an escutcheon also argent, charged with a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper ; with the Motto, "A fin." Married, April 25, 1888, Ethel Gcorgina, second daughter of the late Reverend Henry Eastfield Bayly, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Rector of Fid- dington, in the county of Somerset ; and has Issue — Edward Arthur Bayly Griffith, Gentleman, b. Jan. 2, 1904; Gladys Ethel Clavey; Faith Gwendolen ; Helen Beryl; Katharine; and Patty. Postal address — 10 Chartfield Road, Putney Hill, S.W. RALPH THOMAS HOTCHKIN GRIFFITH, Esquire, Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford (Boden Scholar 1849), late Director of Public Instruction for North- West Provinces and Oudh (1879-1885), Fellow 01 Calcutta University. Born 1826, being the eldest son of Robert Clavey GriflSlh, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Rector of Corsley and Fifield Bavant, in the county of Wiltshire, by his wife Mary Elizabeth Adder- ley, daughter of Ralph Hotchkin, Esquire, of Upping- ham ; was created Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, 1885. Livery — Purple, and trimmed with old gold. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, on a pale gules, between two lions rampant in chief and as many martlets in base of the last, a cross flory argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-woman affront^e proper, vested argent, supporting with the dexter hand a cross crosslet erect of the last, and resting the sinister hand on an escutcheon also argent, charged with a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper ; with the Motto, "A fin." Estate -Cors\ey, Kotagiri. Postal address— K.oVAg\v\, Nilgiris, Madras. C/?^iJ.r-- North- West Provinces (Allahabad), Agra (Agra), Kotagiri (Kotagiri). RICHARD WILLIAM SMITH GRIFFITH, Esquire, I. P. CO. Hants. Armorial bearings— Or, on a bend I is the Naval Cockade. S86 ^ti (J^tf between a lion rampant in chief and a martlet in base {•ules, a cross flory argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest Upon a wrenth of the colours, a demi-maiden affronts proper, vested axure, holding in the dexter hand a cross flory fitch^ or, and resting the sinister on a lozenge also or, charged with a martlet gules. Motto— ' ' Fiddle k fin." Posial address - Eyeworth Lodge, Lyndhurst, Hants. C/k* — National Lil>eral. The Right Honourable Sir SAMUEL WALKER GRIFFITH, P.C, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, formerly Attorney-General and sometime Premier and Chief- Justice and Lieutenant-Governor of the State of Queens- land in the Commonwealth of Australia, now Chief-Justice of the High Court of Australia, and a Member of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. Born June ai, 184s, being the second son of the late Revercntl Edward Griflith, Congrcgationalist minister, by his wife M.try, dau. of Peter Walker; was created K.C.M.G. i886, and G.C.M.G. 1895, and P.C. 1901, on the occasion of the establishment of the Commonwealth of Australia. Ar- morial bearings — Gules, on a pile or, l)etween two lions rampant of the last, a cross flory of the field. The escutcheon, which is encircled by the collar and ril>- ribbon of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, is surmounted by a helmet lx;fittin}; his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a wyvern with wings endorscti proper, sem^e of trefoils or, the dexter foot supporting an escutcheon of the last, charged with a cross fiory as in the arms. Motto — " Espidrance sans peur." Supporters (not Jet granted). Married, July 5, 1870, Julia Janet, dau. of nmes Thomson of East Maitland, in the Colony of New South Wales, Commissioner for Crown Lands ; and has Issue — \\\ Llewellyn Arthur Peter Griffith, Esq., b. July 6, 1872; (a) Edward Percivale Thomson Griffith, Esq., b, Feb. 3, 1877 ((/. Dec. 6, 1901); Mary Eveline \nt. 1894, T. H. Brown of Brisbane] ; Helen Julia ; Edith Margaret ; and Alice Gwendoline. Estate — Merthyr, Brisbane. Postal address — Sydney, N.S. Wales. Clubs — Queensland (Brisbane), Union (Sydney), Melbourne (Melbourne). The Reverend THOMAS HENRY GRIFFITH, Clerk in Holy Orders. Bachelor of Civil Law of the University of Oxford, formerly Vicar of Hornchurch, Essex, late Rector of Smarden, Kent, and late a Fellow of New College, Oxford. Born November 24, 1828, being the fifth and last surviving son of the late Reverend Charles Tapp Griffith, Doctor of Divinity of the University of Oxford, Clerk in Holy Orders, Patron and Rector of Great Elm, Somerset, by his wife Anne, youngest daughter of the late William Bayly of Boreham, in the county of Wiltshire. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Or, on a pale gules between two lions rampant in chief, and as many martlets in base of the last, a cross flory argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a demi-woman aflfront^e proper, vested argent, supporting with her dexter hand a cross crosslet erect of the last, the sinister hand resting on an escutcheon also argent, charged with a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper ; with the Motto, " A fin." Married, firstly April 21, 1863, Fanny Winterton (who died in the year 1878), only child and heiress of the Reverend James F'orl^s Jowett, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Kingston Bagpuze, in the county of Berkshire; and secondly, Ada Victorine Augusta, daughter of the late Colonel George Davis Willson, Companion of the Most is the Military Cockade. iege of Sevastoi)ol ; was mentioned in despatches iV''^"'^^" '"'^?^' ^'^^ '^'^^P' Sth class of the Order of Medjidie, and Turkish medal); subsequently Assistant- burveyor-General in Ceylon, and afterwards Member of the Legislative Council until he retired in 1898; was Special Commissioner for Ceylon at the World's Colum- bian Exhibition, Chicago. Born 1828, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Grinlinton of Ponarlington Armonal bearings Azure, a sword in bend proper pommel and hilt or, surmounting a pen in bend sinister argent, in fesse two spurs of the last. Mantling azure and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a sword erect proper, pommel and hilt gold, surmounting a pen fesseways argent, interlaced by a spur or. Motto— "Fide et fortitudine." Married, 18 , Emily (who d 1894), dau. of the late Mr. Isaac Booth. 5^a/— Rose Hill Middle Wallop, Hants. FRANK DE LA GARDE GRLSSELL, Gentleman, sometime Capt. 9th Lancers and nth Hussars, and Royal Gloucestershire Hussars. Born Aug. 25. 1842, being the seventh son of the late Thomas Grissell, Esq. , of Norbury Park, CO. Surrey, F.S.A., J. P., and High Sheriff 1854-55, by Eliza his second wife, dau. of John Marklew, and widow of John Sheen of Wallingford, Berks. Armorial bearings — Or, two barrulets dancett^e gules, between as many greyhounds courant sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a grey- hound's head erased sable, round the neck a double chain or, pendent therefrom an escutcheon gold charged with a bugle-horn sable. Motto — "Press forward." Postal address — Army and Navy Club, S.W. Club — Army and Navy. HARTWELL DE LA GARDE GRISSELL, Gentle- man. F.S.A. Lond., M.A. Oxon., Chamberlain of Honour to the Pope since 1869, and promoted to be one of tiie six Chamberlains " di numero" 1898. Born Dec. 14, 1839, being the second surviving son of the late Thomas Grissell, Esq., of Norbury Park, co. Surrey, F.S.A., J. P. and High Sheriff (1854-55), by Eliza his second wife, dau. of John Marklew, and widow of John Sheen, of Wallingford, co. Berkshire. Armorial bearings— Or, two barrulets dan- cettC'e gules, l)etween as many greyhounds courant sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a greyhound's head erased sable, round the neck is the Nav^ Cockade. |90 (^ti a double chain or. pendent therefrom an escutcheon gold, charged with a bugle-horn stringed sable. Motto — " Press forward. Oxford. SI Postal address- -Brasenose College, THOMAS DE LA GARDE GRISSELL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Surrey, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Born 1852, being the eldest son of the late Thomas De la Garde Grissell, by his wife Eliza Millicent, daughter of Edward Leathes of Normanstone, in the county of Suffolk. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Or, two barrulets dancettde gules, between as many greyhounds courant sable. Mantlillf^ gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a greyhound's head erased sable, round the neck a double chain or, p>endent therefrom an escutcheon gold, charged with a bugle horn stringed sable; with the Motto, "Press for- ward." Married, 1877, Frances Adelaide (who died 1888), second daughter of Thomas Salwey Beale of Heath House, in the county of Salop ; and has with other Issue — A son, bom 1878. Estate and postal add. — Norbury Park, Dorking. GRIZZLEHURST. quartered by HORDERN. GRONO AP JEVAN, quartered by HUTCHINSON- LLOYD-VAUGHAN and LLOYD-VAUGHAN. GROSVENOR. quartered by RARTLETT and TAUN- TON. GROSVENOR (Scrope and Grosvenor trial, temp. Ric. II.). Azure, a garb or. Grosvenor of Eaton. Quarterly, i. Grosvenor as above; 2. argent, two chevrons gules, on a canton of the second, a cross crosslet fitch^e or (Moberley) ; 13. azure, a stag lodged argent (Downes); 4. sable, a cross patonce argent (Pulfoid, temp. 1300) ; 5. azure, three pheasants or (Fesant, temp. Henry V.) ; 6. quarterly argent and sable, a cross [jatonce counterchanged (Eaton or Eton), 7. azure, a bend argent, between three plates (Cotton) ; 8. azure, an eagle displayed argent (Ridware, /««/. Edw. III.); 9. or, a chevron between three mullets pierced sable (Davies of Ebury, Middx.). Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lalbot statant or. Motto — ' ' Virtus non stemma." Son of Victor Alexander Grosvenor, Esq., commonly called Earl Grosvenor, b. 1853; d.v.p. 1884; m. 1874, Lady Sibell Mary Lumley, d. of 9th Earl of Scar- borough : — The Most Noble Sir Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor, and Duke of Westminster (37 Feb. 1874), sth Marquess of Westminster (13 Sept. 1831), 6th Earl Grosvenor (5 July 1784), 6th Viscount Belgrave (5 July 1784), 6th Haion Grosvenor of Eaton, co. Chester (8 April 1761), laih Baronet (23 Feb. 1621-3), Capt, Chesh. I.Y. , late Lieut. R.H. Gds., A.D.C. to Visct. Milner, Gov. of Cape ( olony. served in S. African War 1899-1900 as A.D.C. to Lord Roberts [Arms— Quarterly, i. and iiii., quarterly the arms of the city of Westminster, granted as an augmentation to descend with the Marquisate of Westminster ; ii., the arms (of Grosvenor as above, and quarteringsas above. Suppor- ters (of Barony of Grosvenor) — Two taibots regardant or, collared azure], ^. 1879; m. 1901, Constance Ldwinii, yr. d. of Col. William Cornwallis West of Ruthin Castle, co. Denbigh ; and has issue— Edward George Hugh Grosvenor, Esq., commonly called Earl Grosvenor, b. 1904; Lady Ursula Mary Olivia. Seats — Eaton Hall, nr. Chester; Halkin Castle, Flint. Town res. — Grosvenor Mouse, 33 Upper Grosvenor Street, W. Yr. sons of Hugh Lupus, ist Duke of Westminster, K.G., b. 1825 ; d. 1899 I "»• 'st, 1852, Lady Constance Gertrude Leveson-Gower (. 1879. Sons of Frederick Grosvenor, Gentleman , of Dennistoun, Glasgow, 6. 1833 ; m. 1863, Mary, eld. d. of John Donald, Esq., J. P., of Edinburgh : — William Clayton Grosvenor, Gentleman, M.A., M.D. (q.v.). Donald Grosvenor, Gentleman, d. 1870 ; m. Christian M'Alpine, d. of Duncan Stephenson ; and has issue. Res. — 7 Annfield Place, Dennistoun, Glasgow. Frederick Ingram Grosvenor, Esq., late Surg.-Capt. S.A. Constab. , i. 1871. Yr. sons of William Grosvenor, b. 1803 ; d. 1874 ; 7n. 1827, Sarah, d. of John Boden : — Thomas Caddick Grosvenor, Gentleman, d. 1838 ; m. Emily Elizabeth Alice, only d. of Henry Boult of Redhill ; and has issue — (i) Thomas Hugh Grosvenor, Gentleman, 6. 1882 ; (2) Charles Granville Grosvenor, Gentleman, b. 1888 ; and Helena Mildred. /?«.— Redhill, Surrey. Alfred Octavius Grosvenor, Gentleman, M.D. , d. 1840; m. 1870, Charlotte Anne, d. of James Mutlow of London. J^es. — The Tower, Priory Road, West Hampstead. Clement Henry Grosvenor, Gentleman, d. 1843 1 ^'• 1875, Catherine Eliza Delane, d. of James Smith Faithful of Dulwich, Surrey. Jies. — Great Clacton. S GEORGE WILLIAM GROSVENOR, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Worcester (High Sheriff 1896). Born June 5, 1846, being the only surviving son of William Grosvenor, Esquire, of Kidder- minster, Justice of the Peace, by Mary his wife, daughter John Giles of Ashwood Lodge, Kingswinford, in the county of Stafford. C/?^*— Constitutional. Livery — Dark green coat, orange waistcoat, white breeches. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Erminois, a garb argent, surmounting four javelins, one in pale, one in fesse, and two in saltire proper, on a chief vert, a shuttle erect furnished or, between two wool-packs of the second ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a garb erminois surmounting three battle-axes, one in pale and two in saltire proper; with the Motto, "Virtus non stemma." Married, June 2, 1875, Emily Anne, elder daughter of Herbert Mountford Holmes of Derby; and has Issue — (i) George Herbert Grosvenor, Gentleman, born January 20. 1880 ; (2) John Ernest Grosvenor, Gentleman, born Novem- ber r, 1887. Stourbridge. Estate and postal address — Broome House, RANDOLPH LEA GROSVENOR, Gentleman, B.A. Camb., Sen. Rep. of the family of Grosvenor formerly of Drayton and Bellaport, co. Salop, and of Hungersheath, CO. Stafford. Born July 29, 1867, being the eldest son of George Fox Grosvenor, Doctor of Medicine (who d. Oct. 7, 1889), by his wife Eliza Frances, eldest dau. of '1 homas Lea of London. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly of eighteen, i and 18 azure, a garb or, a cres- cent for difference (for Grosvenor) ; 2. azure, a garb or (for Grosvenor, ancient) ; 3. azure, a bend or (for Gros- venor, original) ; 4. argent, two chevrons gules, on a canton of the second, a cross crosslet fitch^e or (for Moberley) ; 5. azure, a stag lodged argent (for Downes) ; 6. sable, a cross patonce argent (for Pulford) ; 7. azure, three pheasants or (for Fesant) ; 8. argent, a cross pat^e flory sable, on a canton gules, a wolfs head erased of the field (for Pershall) ; 9. argent, a cross patonce flory charged with an escutcheon sable (for Pershall, ancient) ; ID. vert, two lions passant or (for Knighton); 11. azure, fretty argent, a fesse gules (for Caverswell) ; 12. azure, a chevron between three mullets or (for Chetwynd) ; 13. gules, three pheons argent (for Malpas) ; 14. gules, a scythe argent, within a bordure of the second (for Praers) ; 15. argent, a blackamoor's head couped proper (for Blacken- hall) ; 16. gules, two scytlies in saltire argent (for Prayers) ; 17. gules, two lions combatant argent (for Wistanton). Mantling azure and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot statant or. Motto — "Virtus non stemma." Post. add. — 75 Oakley Street, Chelsea Embankment, S.W. WILLIAM GROSVENOR, Gentleman. Physician (retired), a descendant of the family of Grosvenor of Dray- ton, Bellaport Hall, co. Salop, and Hungersheath, co. Staf- ford. Born Feb. 4, 1832, being the third son of the late William Grosvenor, Gentleman, by his wife Sarah, second dau. of John Boden. Livery — Dark blue, yellow facings. Armorial bearings — Quarterly of eighteen, i and 18 azure, a garb or, a crescent for difference (for Grosvenor) ; 2. azure, a garb or (for Grosvenor, ancient) ; 3. azure, a bend or (for Grosvenor, original) ; 4. argent, two chevrons gules, on a canton of the second, a cross crosslet fitch6e or (for Moberley) ; 5. azure, a stag lodged argent (for Downes) ; 6. sable, a cross patonce argent (for Pulford) ; 7. azure, three pheasants or (for Fesant) ; 8. argent, a cross pat^e flory sable, on a canton gules, a wolfs head erased of the field (for Pershall) ; 9. argent, a cross patonce flory charged with an escutcheon sable (for Pershall, ancient); 10. vert, two lions passant or (for Knighton); 11. azure, fretty argent, a fesse gules (for Caverswell) ; 12. azure, a chevron between three mullets or (for Chetwynd) ; 13. gules, three is the Naval Cockade. bk 59* (5ro <©ro pheons nrgent (for Malpas) ; 14. giiles, a scythe argent, within a Iwnlurc of the second (for Praers); 15. argent, a blackamour's head couped proper (for Blackenhall) ; 16. gules, two scythes in sjiltire argent (for Prayers) ; 17. gules, two lions conilntant argent (fur Wistanton). Great — Upon a wreath of ihr colours, a tall>ot statanl or ; with the 1898, Mary Mowbray, eldest dau. of James Fildfs Pearson of Barwicke Lodge, Disley, Cheshire, and has /ssur Motto, "Virtus non stemma." Married, Oct. 21, 1858, Elizabeth \d. 1895), second dau. and co-heiress of Daniel Wilshaw ; and h;is Issue — (1) Wilshaw William Grosvenor, Gentleman, B.A. Cains Coll., Cambridge, M.D. Trinity Coll., Dublin (18 Clarence Street, Gloucester), b. March 18, 1869 ; (2) .Alfred Augustus Grosvenor, Gentleman, of the Ivy House, Chipping Canipden, Gloucestershire, B.A. Caius Coll., Cambridge, M.D. 'Irinity Coll., Dublin, b. Nov. I, 1861 [w. , July 21, 1891, Alice Gibbs Frost, dau. of the late W. I . Frost of West Wratting Park, Cambridge- shire, and has issue, Chetwynd John Pershall Grosvenor, Gentleman, b. Aug. 27, 1897, and Dorothy Sylva Wilshaw Ehz.-ibeth]; (3) Norman Edward Grosvenor, Gentleman, b. Nov. 4, 1870, Undergraduate Brazenose Coll. (Oxon.); (4) Harold Octavius Washington Grosvenor, Gentleman, b. Dec. 25, 1879 ; Stella Julia Alberta ; Evelyn Maud ; Alice Elizabeth Mutlow; and Edith Chetwynd, died an infant. Property — Biddulph at Newchapel, Staffordshire. Resi- dence — Chtirchdown, Gloucestershire. WH^LIAM CLAYTON GROSVENOR, Gentleman, M.A., M.D., representative of Grosvenor of Drayton, Bellaport, and Hungersheath. Born July 12, 1866, being the eldest son of Frederic Grosvenor, Gentleman, of Dennistoun, Glasgow, and his wife Mary, eldest dau. of John Donald, Esq. , J. P. , Edinburgh. Armorial bearing^ — He bears for Arms : Quarterly of eighteen, i and 18 azure, a garb or, a crescent for diflierence (for Grosvenor) ; 2. azure, a garb or (for Grosvenor, ancient) ; 3. azure, a bend or (for Grosvenor, original) ; 4, argent, two chevrons gules, on a canton of the second, a cross crosslet fitch^e or (for Moberley); 5. azure, a stag lodged argent (for Downes) ; 6. sable, a cross patonce argent (for Pulford) ; 7. azure, three pheasants or (for Fesant) ; 8. argent, a cross pat6e flory sable, on a canton gules, a wolfs head erased of the field (for Pershall) ; 9, argent, a cross patonce flory charged with an escutcheon sable (for Pershall, ancient) ; 10. vert, two lions passant or (for Knighton) ; 11. azure, fretty argent, a fesse gules (for Caverswell); 12. azure, a chevron between three mullets or (for Chetwynd) ; 13. gules, three pheons argent (for Malpas) ; 14. gules, a scythe argent, within a bordure of the second (for Praers) ; 15. argent, a blackamoor's head couped proper (for Blacken- hall) ; 16. gules, two scythes in saltire argent (for Prayers) ; 17. gules, two lions combatant argent (for Wistanton). Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot statant or; with the Motto, " Virtus non stemma." Married, July 27, Richard Moberley Clayton Grosvenor, Gentleman, b. July II, 1899, d. June 22, 1903 ; and Mary Donald. Residence — Hungersheath, Arnside, Westmorland. GROVE, quartered by WHITE. GROVE, see TROYTE-CHAFYN-GROVE. JOHN WILLIAM GROVE, Esquire, J. P. Bom June4, 1851, being the third son of the late Thomas Grove, Esq. . of Sunnybanks, Long Bay, Tasmania, J. P., sometime Lieut. 63rd Regt., by his wife Harriett Matilda Frith. Armorial is the Military Cockade. Plate XIX. B asszwauD Q2fiR,^in QJissoQHia • SSHBI^S^ (S^to (SfXil 593 bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, a chevron engrailed gules between three stocks of trees eradicated proper (for Grove) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a chevron between three mart- lets gules, as many mullets or (for Bayley). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, collared and chain reflexed over the back, and charged on the shoulder with an estoile or. Motto — " Laudo manentem." Married, Dec. 10, 1878, Frances Mary, only dau. of the late Thomas Johnson of Hobart, Tasmania. Seat — Coldbrook, Long Bay, D'Entreeasteaux Channel, Tasmania. I GROVE of Castle Grove and Grovehall (U.O., 1681). I Argent, on a chevron engrailed gules, three escallops of the I field. j Son of Major Henry Jones Grove, 8oth Foot, K.H., I i. 1783 ; m. ist, Sarah Northover Watts Pitt : — Henry Leslie Grove, Esq., Major-Gen. Madras Staff ' Corps, d. 1829; tfi. 1862, Elizabeth Donaldson (d. 1879), ( d. of Charles Herbert Scott of Montrose ; and has surv. ! issue — Henry Montgomery Grove, Gentleman, Lieut, ist Regt. Bengal Cavalry, British Consul at Moscow, 6. 1867; and five daus. Jies. — 52 Grange Park, Ealing, W, GROVES. Or, a stone pine-tree eradicated proper between two fiaunches vert, each charged with a squirrel sejant re- spectant of the field. Mantling vert and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, between two garbs or, a stone pine-tree eradicated proper. Motto — " Labor ipse voluptas." Son of William Peer Grimble Groves, d. 1817 ; d. 1886 ; ! m. : — James Grimble Groves, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for Cheshire, I J.P. Salford, M.P. forS. Div. of Salford since 1900, 6. 24 Oct. I 1854; m. 1878, yr. d. of late Robert Marsland, ' M.R.C.S (Lond.), of Manchester. Seat— Oldfield Hall, Altrincham, Cheshire, dud — Carlton. EDWARD WALTER GRUBB, Gentleman, Civil Engineer. Born June 25, 1821, being the fourth son of the late John Grubb, Esquire, of Horsenden, J.P. and D.L. for the county of Buckingham, by his wife Sarah Anne, daughter of William Henry Carrington, Rector of Holy Trinity, Exeter, and Vicar of Sidbury. Armorial beairings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, ermine on a chief embattled gules, three roses or (for Grubb) ; 2 and 3 argent, two bendlets engrailed sable, surmounted by a label of three points gules (for Radcliffe) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased party per pale argent and gules, charged with a rose coun- terchanged. The Rev. CHARLES SEPTIMUS GRUBBE, late Vicar of Mentinore, in the co. of Buckingham, M.A., late Archdeacon of Pietermaritzburg, Natal. Bom May 3, 11830, being the seventh son of the late John Grubbe, Esq., [of Horsenden, J.P. and D.L. for the co. of Buckingham, by his wife Sarah Anne, dau. of William Henry Carrington, Rector of Holy Trinity, Exeter, and Vicar of Sidbury. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, ermine on a chief embattled gules, three roses or (for Grubbe) ; 2 and 3 argent, two bendlets engrailed sable, surmounted by a label of three points gules (for Radcliffe) ; jnd for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased party per pale argent and gules, charged with 1 rose counterchanged. Married, November 26, 1861, Alice, youngest daughter of Colin Mackenzie of Portmore, in the county of Peebles ; and has Issue — Sarah Louisa ; ind Constance Anne. CHARLES WALTER GRUBBE, Gentleman. Bor7i March 31, 1858, being the son of the late William Henry jrubbe. Gentleman, of the Madras Artillery, by his second .vife Maria, nde M'Geagh. Armorial bearings — He bears "or Arms : Quarterly i and 4, ermine on a chief embattled jules, three roses or (for Grubbe) ; 2 and 3 argent, two aendlets engrailed sable, surmounted by a label of three Joints gules (for Radcliffe) ; and for his Crest, upon a vreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased party per aale argent -and gules, charged with a rose counter- ;hanged. ROBERT WILLIAM GRUBBE, Gentleman, of Peter- x)rough, Canada. Born April 27, 1844, being the second son of the late William Henry Grubbe, Gentleman, of the Madras Artillery, by his first wife Eliza, daughter of Anthony Conwell of The Hermitage, Dungannon, in the county of Tyrone. Armorial bearing^— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, ermine on a chief embattled gules, three roses or (for Grubb), 2 and 3 argent, two bend- lets engrailed sable, surmounted by a label of three points gules (for Radcliffe) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased party per pale argent and gules, charged with a rose counterchanged. Married, June II, 1868, Ada Louisa Haselwood, daughter of W. H. Wrighton of the West Indies; and has Issue — (1) Eustace Haselwood Grubbe, Gentleman, born January 23, 1876 ; (2) Henry Haviland Grubbe, Gentleman, born September 3, 1881. GRUBBE (Vn. Herts, 1634). Quarterly, i and 4, ermine, on a chief embattled gules, three roses or (for Grubbe) ; 3 and 3, argent, two bendlets engrailed sable, surmounted by a label of three points gules (for Radclffe). Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased party per pale argent and gules, charged with a rose counterchanged. Motto — " Factis dictisque merere." Sons of John Eustace Grubbe, Esq., J.P. co. of Suffolk and for the Borough of Southwold, b. 1815 ; d. ; m. 1845, Julia Catharine, d. of Rev. George William Hall, D.D., Master of Pembroke College, and some time Vice-Chancellor of Oxford, Canon of Glou- Eustace Edward Grubbe, Gentleman, b. 1847. Post. add. — 3 Down Street, Piccadilly, S.W. ; Southwold, Suffolk. Clubs— lievi University. St. Stephen's. Walter John Grubbe, Gentleman, Bairister-at-Law, (Inner Temple), b. . Chambers— \ Dr. Johnson's Bldgs., Temple, &c. Francis William Grubbe. Gentleman, b. 1849 ; m. 1886, Laura Sophia, d. of Thomas Owen Wethered of Seymour Court, and Remnantz, Great Marlow, co. Buckingham. Post, arfrf.— Shellow, Ongar, Essex. Arthur Robert Grubbe, Gentleman, b. . Res.— George Charles Grubbe, Gentleman, 3. . Res.— Laurence Carrington Grubbe, Esq., Capt. (ret.) ist Beds. Regt., b. . Res.— is the Naval Cockade. 2P 594 (ZDru <^m Hubert Henry Grubbe, Gentleman, 6. . /?«.— Kdintind Alexander Grul>bc, lisq., Major (ret.) 88th Con- nauKhi Rangers, d. Ket. — Rev. Reginald Hall Grubbe, Vicar of Ardleigh, b. i86a. J?«*.— The Vicarage, Ardleigh. C/«^— Constitutional. Armorial bearlnffB— Per saltirr gules and azure, a lion rampant or, on a chief erinint*, a dexter hand c»u|>c-d at the wrist of the first. Hant- linf gules and or. Cre«t— On a wreath of the colours, .t boar passant quarterly or and gules. Motto— "Spes mea GRUNDY, see BEARDOE-GRUNDY. MAURICE ELIAS GUBBAY, Gentleman. ArmorUd bearing! Or, on a chevron azure, between in chief two lotus (lowers and in base amidst fern a dove, in the beak an olive branch all proper. Mantling azure and or. Creit On a wreath of the colours, a bird ol Paradise, in the beak a branch of fern, and resting the dexter leg on a lotus flower as in the arms all proper. Motto " Toujours ou jamais." Rtsidtnce Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W. GUINNESS, see LEE-GRATTAN-GUINNESS. « Captain BENJAMIN LEE GUINNESS, formerly Capt. R. Horse Guards, D.L. for city of Dubhn, heir presumptive to Baronetcy. Bom August 4, 184a, being the second son of Sir Benjamin Lee Guinness, Bart., M.P., LL.D., by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of the late Edward Guinness of Dublin, t'/w^j— Naval and Mihtary; Bache- lors", Junior Carlton, Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearingB— Quarterly i and 4, per saltire gules and azure, a lion rampant or, on a chief ermine, a dexter hand couped at the wrist of the first (for Guinness) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a fesse between three crescents sable, a trefoil slipped or (for Lee) ; and impaling the arms of St. Lawrence, namely gules, two swords in saltire points upward proper, pommels and hilts gold, between four roses argent. Mantling gules and or. Crests— I. on a wreath of the colours, a boar passant quarterly or and gules (for Guinness) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on a pillar argent, encircled by a ducal coronet or, an eagle preying on a bird's leg erased proper (for Lee). Motto — "Spes niea in Deo." Married, 1881, Lady Henrietta Ehza, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Sir Thomas St. Lawrence, third Earl of Howth, K.P. ; and has Issue— (i) Algernon Arthur St. Lawrence Lee Guinness, b. 1883; (a) Kenelm Edward Lee Guinness, b. 1887; (3) Nigel Digby Lee Guinness, b. 1892. Residences — Ballard, Combe, Kingston-on-Thames; 25 Cadogan Gardens, London, S.W. JOHN CECIL JENKINSON GUINNESS. Gentle- man. Born 1890, being the only son of Arthur Cecil Cope Jenkinson Guinness, by his second wife Agnes Mary, dau. of the late Capt. Gordon Gilchrist, R.A. Armorial bear- ings Quarterly i and 4, per saltire gules and azure, a lion rampant or, on a chief ermine, a dexter hand couped of the first (for Guinness) ; 2 and 3. azure, on a fesse wavy argent, a cross pat6e gules, in chief two estoiles or (for Jenkinson). Mnnt.HTig or and gules. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a boar p)assant quarterly or and gules. Motto— "Spes mea in Ueo." Postal address— S&n Fran- cisco. U.S.A. SSiR REGINALD ROBERT BRUCE GUINNESS. Knight Bachelor (1897). J. P. and D.L. for Dublin. Bom 1842, being the third son of the late Richard Samuel Guinness, Esq.. M.P., by Katharine Frances his wife. dau. and heir of Sir Charles Jenkinson, loth Bart. Clubs — Wel- lington, Hurlingham, Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings — Quarterly i anfi 4. per saltire gules and azure, a lion rampant or. on a chief ermine, a dexter hand coup>ed of the first (for (iuinness) ; 2 and 3 azure, on a fesse wavy argent, a cross pat^ gules, in chief two estoiles or (for Jenkinson). Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a boar passant quarterly and gules. Motto — "Spes mea in Deo." Married, 1866, Thomasina. dau. of George Studdert, Esquire, of Kilnamona and Glenwood, CO. Clare; and has Issue — Jane Agnes Maud \m., 1891, Capt. Henry Anstruther Kinloch, ist Batt. K. Roy. Rifle Corps, d. Feb. 1903]. Residence — 134 Ashley Gardens, S.W. RICHARD SEYMOUR GUINNESS, Esquire, J. P. for city of CO. Dublin. Bom 1826, being the eldest son of the late Robert Rundell Guinness, by his first wife Mary Anne, daughter of the Rev. John Crossley Seymour of Castletown House, Queen's Co. Livery — Claret colour. in Deo." Married, 1857. Elizabeth Jane, dau. of the Rev. John Darley. R. of Arboe, co. Tyrone; and has Issue— {i] Robert Darley Guinness, B.A. Camb.. Bar. Inner Temple, b. 1858 [m., 1887, Lydia Lucy Lyster, dau. of the laic H. M. Smythe of Barbavilla House, co. Westmeath, and has issue living, Richard Smythe Guinness, b. 1888; and Elizabeth Muriel Smythe] ; (2) Gerald Seymour Guinness, b. 1862, B.A.. J. P. for CO. Roscommon [m., 1897, Eleanor Grace, dau. of the late Capt. Arthur Watson de Capell- Brooke; and has issue— Gerald Arthur de Capell-Brooke Guinness. Gentleman, b. 1899 ; Hermione Grace ; and Georgina Elizabeth] ; (3) Arthur Eustace Seymour Guinness, b. 1867 [m., 1897, Wilhelmine Augusta, dau. of the late, Henry William Forester, Esq. ; and has issue— Terence Arthur Guinness, Gentleman, *. 1900; and Barbara Eliza- beth]; (4) Benjamin Seymour Guinness, b. 1868, formerly Lieut. R.N, [»«.. 1902, Bridget Henrietta Frances, dau. of the late Sir Richard Lewis Moyston William Bulkeley, eleventh Bart.l; (5) Richard Sidney Guinness, b. 1873, ed. at Harrow Un. Emilie, only dau. of the late Capt. Charles Wiemer (German Imp. Guards), of Diisseldorf, Prussia]; (6) Herbert Frederick Guinness, Lieut. R.N.. b. 1876; Amabel Mary; Adeline Elizabeth [m., 1884. the Rev. Robert William Barber, V. of Thurston, Suffolk, and has issue]; Helen Jane [»»., 1888, Robert Miller, of The Grove, Great Bad- dow. Chelmsford, and has issue]; and Anna Theailosia [m. 1899, Archibald John Aitchison of Wilton Place], d. I9<>"- Postal address— 16 Rutland Gate, London, S.W. The Reverend ROBERT GUINNESS, M.A. (Oxon.), Vicar of Market Harborough and Rural Dean. Bom 1841, being the only son of the late Roliert Rundell Guinness of Stillorgan. co. Dublin. Barrister-at-Law, by his second is the Military Cockade. 0m ,wife Mary Anne, dau. of the Rev. Thomas Ottiwell Moore ,of Leskinfere, co Wexford. Armorial bearings— Per sal- jtire gules and azure, a lion rampant or, on a chief ermine, a dexter hand couped at the wrist of the first. Mantling ;gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a boar passant quarterly or and gules. Motto— "Spes mea in Deo." Married, 1866, Grace Harriet, el. dau. of the late Very Rev. William John Butler, D.D., Dean of Lincoln; and has Issue— (1) Arthur Robert Henry Guinness, B.A.' of Keble College, Oxford, b. 1880; (2) William Ernest Guinness, Lieut. Manchester Regt., b. 1882; Geraldine Frances Henrietta [m., 1893, James Alfred Fort, and has issue] ; Elizabeth Maude ; Avice Mary ; Henrietta Darley ; (Sui 595 Rivett - Carnac, Baronet; and has Issue — {1) Reginald Edward Guise, Gentleman, born June 2, 1850; (2) Rivett Francis Guise, Gentleman, born April 24, 1853; (3) Henry John Wright Guise, Gentleman, born June 28, 1855 ; (4) Hubert Charles Guise, gentleman, born July 4, i860; and Emily Charlotte, married, August 12, 1879, to Francis Horner Lyell. Postal address— Dta.n Hall, Little Dean, Newnham. SSiR WILLIAM FRANCIS GEORGE GUISE, fifth Baronet, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the county of Gloucester, Major and Honorary Lieu- tenant-Colonel 3rd Battalion the Gloucestershire Regiment. ind Mary Grace [d. ig Vlarket Harborough. Residence — The Vicarage, FRANCIS EDWARD GUISE, Esquire, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Barrister-at-Law, i?^!lffliP Clerk of the Peace for the county of Gloucester, U/UIPV Recorder of Hereford. Born April 20, 1820, being the third son of Sir John Wright Guise, hird Baronet, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Drder of the Bath, by Charlotte Diana his wife, youngest laughter of John Vernon of Clontarf Castle. Armorial )6arlngs — He bears for Arms : Gules, seven lozenges con- oined, three, three and one vair, on a canton or, a mullet )f six points pierced sable ; impaling the arms of Rivett- Zamac, namely, quarterly argent and azure, two swords n saltire proper, between three mullets, one in chief and wo in fesse, and a crescent in base counterchanged. Upon m escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with I mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a lucal coronet or, a swan rising proper, collared and chained ;old, and charged with a lozenge as in the arms. Married, une 13, 1848, Henrietta, second daughter of Sir James Born December 14, 1851, being the second but eldest sur- viving son of the late Sir William Vernon Guise, Baronet, Justice of the Peace, Deputy- Lieutenant, Fellow of the Linnean Society, Fellow of the Geological Society, by his wife Margaret Anna Maria [to whom refer], daughter of the Reverend Daniel Henry Lee -Warner of Walsing- ham Abbey, in the county of Norfolk ; and succeeded as fifth Baronet at the decease of his father in the year 1887. Clubs — Brooks's, Wellington. Livery — White coat with dark -blue facings, the latter edged with gold lace ; red waistcoat, blue plush breeches. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, seven lozenges conjoined, three, three and one vair, on a canton or, a mullet of six points pierced sable, impaling the arms of Coope, namely or, on a chevron cotised azure, between two roses gules, slipped and leaved proper, in chief and a fleur-de-lis of the third in base a rose argent, slipped and leaved proper, between two fleurs-de-lis also argent. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent, out of a ducal coronet or, a swan rising projjer, collared and chained gold, charged with a lozenge as in is the Naval Cockade. 596 (^Ut (DUt the arms ; and for his Supporten, which were granted by Koyal Warrant dated Janutiry la, 1863, to General Sir {ohn W. Guise, baronet, Knight Grand Cross of the Most lunourablc Order of the Bath, and the heirs male of his l>ody, to whom the dignity of a Iteronet shall descend under the patent of creation ; on the dexter side, a swan with wings endorsed argent, crusily and langucd gules, beaked and membcred s^le, collared and chaineil or ; and on the sinister side a bear sable, billcty and collareit and chained or, langued and armed gules; with the Motto, "Quo honcstior eo tutior." Married, August 23, 1887, Ada Caroline, second daughter of the late Octavius Edward Coope, Esquire, Deputy - Lieutenant, Member of Parlia- ment, of Ruchctts, Brentwood; and has Issue — (i) Anselm William Edward Guise, Esauire, born September 18, 1888 ; (a) Henry George Christopher Guise, Esquire, born May i6. 1893; and Diana Vernon Constance. Estates — El- more Court, ne;\r Gloucester ; Lassington, near Gloucester ; Kochetts, Brentwood, in the county of Essex. Postal ad- dress — Elmore Court, Gloucester. The Right Hon. WILLIAM COURT GULLY. P.C, Q.C., M.P. for Carlisle; Speaker of the House of Commons, M.A. and Hon. LL.D. (Trin. Coll., Camb.). Bom 1835, being the son of the late James Manby Gully, M.D., of the Priory, Great Malvern, by his wife Frances, dau. of Thomas Court. Annozial beanngB - Or, a lion rampant sable, between four escallops two and two fesseways gules, on a chief of the last as many escallops of the tield. Mantling sable and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested sable, cuff argent, the hand grasping a sword erect proper, between two wings each per pale nebuly, the dexter of the last and gules, and the sinister gules and or. Married, 1865, Elizabeth Anne Walford, eldest dau. of the late Thomas Selby of Whitley and Wimbish. Residences — S^taktis House, Palace of Westminster, S.W. ; Sutton Place, Seaford, Sussex. Clubs —Oxford and Cambridge ; Athenaeum. GUMBLETON. quartered by TEMPEST. GUMBLErON, see HUNT. SCORNWALLIS ROBERT DUCAREL GUN - CUNINGHAME, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for co. Wicklow, and High Sheriff, 1886, Capt. and Hon. Major Wicklow Artillery, Lord of the Manor of Mount Kennedy. Bom 1857, being the only son of the late Col. Robert G. A. H. Gun-Cuninghame, J. P. and D.L. of Moiuit Kennedy, in CO. Wicklow, by his wife Isabella, only dau. of the Rt. Rev. Lord Robert Tottenham, Bishop of Clogher, son of the first Marquess of Ely. Livery — Dark blue, crimson waistcoat, silver buttons. Armorial bearings - Quarterly I and 4, argent, a shake-fork sable, between three roses gules, barbed and seeded vert (for Cuninghame) ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron ermine, between three cannon barrels fesse- ways or (for Gun). Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stump of an oak-tree fructed with a single acorn proper, surmounted with a scroll inscribed "Tandem." Motto — "Over fork over." Married, 1886, Isabella, who d. June 30, 1902, youngest dau. of Richard Wingfield ; and has Issue— (1) Robert George Gun-Cuninghame, Gentleman ; (2) Henry Maurice Benedict, Gentleman ; Dorothy Isa- bella ; May; and Winifred. Estates — Mount Kennedy and Coolawinna, in the county of Wicklow. Postal ad- dress — Mount Kennedy, Newtownmountkennedy, county Wicklow. Married, firstly. Sept. 4, i86a, Harriott Ellin, fifth dau. of Sir William Miles, Bart., of Leigh Court (she d. April 7. 1864); he married secondly, July 27, 1874, Emily Frances, dau. of Rev. Robert Boothby Heathcote of Frid.iy Hill, Essex ; and h;»s Issue — (i) Bertram Robert Gurdon, Gentle man, h. May 20 and d. June 27, 1875 ; (2) Hon. lUriram Francis Gurdon, b. June 13, 1877 ; Hon. Amy H.-inioit [m., Aug. 19, 1884, Lionel Charles Drummond, eldest son of Walter Drummond, who d.s.p. March 4, i8cji; she married secondly, April 17, 1895, Capt. Alfred Ridley, late 4th Regt., and A.D.C. to the Lord-Lieulenanl of Irel.ind, son of the late Nicholas Ridley of Hollington, Ik-rks]; and Hon. Muriel Charlotte. Seats— \je\.\on, Thetford, Norfolk ; Grundisburgh Hall and Brantham Court, Suffolk. Town residence - $ Portman Square. « EVELYN PULTENEY GURDON, Esquire, Major- Gen. Indian Staff Corps (unemployed Supernumerary List). Born June 4, 1833, bemg the eldest son of the late Rev. Philip Gurdon, M.A., J. P., Rector of dan worth -cum - I^tton, Southburgh, and Reymerstone, Norfolk (third son of Theophilus Thornhagh Gurdon, Esq., D.L. and J. P., of Letton, Norfolk, and Grundisburgh, Suffolk), by his wife Henrietta Laura, dau. of John Pulteney of Northerwood House, Lyndhurst, Hants, hy his wife Elizabeth Evelyn, eldest dau. of Sir Richard Sutton, Bart., of Norwood I'ark. Livery — Dark blue, canary and yellow facings, and breeches. Armorial bearings — Sable, three leopards' faces jessani- SThe Right Honourable ROBERT THORN- HAGH GURDON, BARON CRANWORTH, of Letton and Cranworth, co. Norfolk (Jan. 30, 1899), M.A., J. P. and D.L. co. Norfolk; M.P. for South Norfolk, 1880-85 ; for Mid-Norfolk, 1885-92 ; Chairman of Quarter Sessions, Chairman of County Council, Col. 4th Vol. Batt. Norfolk Regt. Born June 18, 1829, being the eldest son of the late Brampton Gurdon, Esq., J. P., D.L., and M.P. for West Norfolk, High Sheriff of Norfolk 1855, by his wife Henrietta Susannah, eldest dau. of Nicholas, Lord Colborne. C/^^j— Brooks's, United University. Armo- rial bearingps— Sable, three leopards' faces jessant-de-lis or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a goat climbing up a rock all proper. Motto—" In arduis viget virtus." de-lis or. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a goat climbing up a rock all pro[)er. Motto — " In arduis viget virtus." Married, Aug. Q, 1858, Mary, dau. of Major-Gen. Robert Turnbull Sandeman ; and has Issue — (1) Apsley Pulteney Gurdon, Gentleman, b. 1859, d. 1862; (2) Philip Richard Thornhagh Gurdon, Esq., Major Indian Army, Deputy-Commissioner, Assam, India, b. Feb. 2, 1863 [tn. Ada McNaught] ; (3) Bertrand Evelyn Gurdon, Esq., CLE., D.S.O., Major Indian Army, Political Agent at Gilgit, Kashmir, b. Sept. 2, 1867; (4) Rev. Basil Pulteney Gurdon, Clerk in Holy Orders, b- Dec. 4, 1874 ; (s) Grenville Pultenev Gurdon, Gentleman, Lieut. Indian Staff Corps, b. Aug. 30, 1878 (killed in action ^ is the Military Cockade. I (3m in Tibet 1904) ; and Evelyn Alice [m. 1897, Norman i Leslie Hallward, M,A., Indian Education Dept.]. /^esi- I dence— 12 Norton Road, Hove, Sussex. C/ul/s — East I India United Service, Hove Club (Hove, Sussex). PHILIP GURDON, Esquire, J.P. for CO. Suffolk. Born I Dec. 2, 1857, being the eldest son of the late John Barrett [Gurdon, Gentleman, by his wife Sophia Katherine Gambier, sixth dau. of Charles Douglas Halford of West Lodge, I East Bergholt, Suffolk, and 29 Grosvenor Square, London. Armorial bearings — Sable, three leopards' faces jessant-de- jlis or. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the [colours, a goat climbing a rock, with sprig issuing from the I top proper. Motto — "Virtus viget in arduis. " Married, I Nov. 4, 1885, Edith, third dau. of Rev. Charles Holland, ! Rector of Petworth ; and has /ssue — (i) John Gnrdon, Gentleman, fi. April 21, 1887; (2) William Philip Gurdon, Gentleman, />. August 8, and d. Nov. 10, 1889 ; (3) William .Nathaniel Gurdon, Gentleman, 6. Oct. 22, 1890; and Eleanor [Joyce. /Residence -6 Conduit Road, Bedford. Sir WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON, K.C.M.G., C.B. Born Sept. 5, 1840, being the second son of the late Brampton Gurdon, Esq., of Letton, J.P. and D.L. , M.P. for West Norfolk, High Sheriff of Norfolk 1855, Iby his wife Henrietta Susannah, eldest dau. of Rt. Hon. Nicholas William, ist Baron Colborne, Livery— Blue, I>ellow facings. Armorial bearings— Sable, three leopards' jfaces jessant-de-lis or, the escutcheon surrounded by the jribbon of St. Michael and St. George, and pendent his |badges as a K.C.M.G. and C. B. Mantling gules, doubled largent. Crests— On a wreath of the colours, a goat climbing up a rock all proper. Motto — "In arduis viget virtus." Married, Sept. 20, 1888, Lady Eveline Camilla, second dau. of Rt. Hon. Isaac Newton, sth Earl of Portsmouth. Seat Assington Hall, Suffolk. C/ud.— Brooks's. GURDON-REBOW(R.L., 1835). Quarterly, i and 4. gules, two long bows bent and interlaced in saltire or, itringed argent, between four bezants each charged with 1 fleur-de-lis azure, and for distinction a canton of the iecond (Rebow) ; 2 and 3, sable, three leopards' faces jessant- ie-lis or (Gurdon). Mantling gules and or. Crests— i. a iemi-eagle displayed sable, issuant out of a mural crown jold, on the breast a bezant charged with a fleur-de-lis uure, in the beak an arrow feathered and headed argent, OT the mural crown a torteaux for distinction (Rebow) ; i._ on a wreath of the colours, a goat climbing up a rock with sprigs issuant therefrom all proper (Gurdon). Son of John Gurdon-Rebow, M.P., d. 1870; m. 2nd, Lady Georgiana Isabella Toler, d. of Hector John Graham, 2nd Earl of Norbury : — ^ Hector John Gurdon-Rebow, Esq., J.P. and D.L. Essex I High Sherift 1882), J.P. Cambs., late Lieut. Essex Rifle ;VIil., formerly Cornet and Sub. -Lieut. 2nd Life Guards, iVlayor of Colchester 1884-5, ^- 1846 ; m. 1873, Judith j31anche, d. of Rev. Philip Gurdon, Rector of Cranworth- pum-Letton, Norfolk ; and has had issue — Martin Gurdon- jXebow, Gentleman, Lieut. Gren. Gds., 6. 1875, killed in action in S. Africa 16 Sept. 1901 ; and Winifred [m. 1902, "harles Edward Hutton of Gate Burton Hall]. Seat— i/'yvenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex. C/u6— Brooks's. GUROS, quartered by CORBET. JOHN GUSCOTTE, Gentleman. Armorial bearings -Argent, a pale between two gouttes gules. Mantling :ules and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a lemi-gryphon argent, gutt^e-de-sang, wings elevated vair, lolding in the dexter paw a goutte gules, and supporting mh the sinister by the blade a sword in bend point upwards )roper, pommel and hilt or. Motto-" Constant ia et abore." Jfesidences ~ Onslovf Square, S. Kensington; iorslake, Cheriton Bishop, Devon; 38 Cromwell Road, love. JOHN GUTCH, Gentleman, Master of Arts, Doctor of .ledicine, and Bachelor of Surgery of the University of Cam- ■ridge, M.R.C.S. (Eng.) and L.R.C.P. (Lond.), educated t Harrow, Christ's College, Cambridge, and St. Bartho- <3ilt 597 lotnew's Hospital. Born March 23, 1870, being the eldest son of the late John James Gutch of Holgate Lodge, York, by his wife Eliza, eldest dau. of Simon Hutchinson. Armorial bearingfs - Gules, on a fesse invectcd argent, between two boars' heads couped in chief and a cross crosslet in base of the last, a lion passant of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, in front of three roses argent, stalked and leaved proper, a boar's head erased also argent. MottO — "Per- severe." Married, 1901, Dorothy Emily, second dau. of the late Frank Metcalfe, Mote House, Wisbech ; and has Issue — Dorothy Joan ; and Judith Eliza. /Residence — 28 Fonnereau Road, Ipswich. GUTHRIE, see ORANMORE and LINGARD- GUTHRIE. DAVID CHARLES GUTHRIE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Member of Parliament for (J?>t!tflt*tl? South Northampton. Born July 25, 1861, vL/l4iy4-lv' being the eldest son of the late James Alexander Guthrie, Esquire, of Craigie, Justice of the Peace, by his wife EUinor, daughter of Admiral Sir James Stirling. Clubs — White's, Brooks's, Turf. Armorial bearing^s — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a cross sable ; 2 and 3 argent, three garbs or, banded gules, all within a bordure wavy gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and upon a wreath of the liveries is set for Crest, a demi-lion gules, armed and langued azure, holding in his dexter paw a cross crosslet fitch^e of the last. Mottoes (above the crest) — " Sto pro veritate ; " (below the shield) — " Nee timidus nee tumidus." Married, November 21, 1891, Mary, daughter of the late Andrew Low of Savannah, United States of America ; and has Issue — James Alexander Guthrie, Gentle- man, born March 15, 1893. Seats — Craigie House, near Dundee ; and East Haddon Hall, in the county of Nor- thampton. Town residence — 3 Hill Street, W. JOHN DOUGLAS MAUDE GUTHRIE, Esquire, Lord of the Barony of Guthrie, late Captain 19th Hussars. Bom March 5, 1856, being the eldest son of the late John Guthrie, Esquire, of Guthrie, Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife Harriet, daughter of Barnabas Maude. Club — Junior United Service. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : is the Naval Cockade. 598 (S)up (S^toa Quarterly i and 4, or a lion rampant gules, armed and Ian- eued azure ; a and 3 azure, a garb or. U|K>n the escutcheon IS placed a helmet Ix-titting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for OrMt, a dexter arm issuing holding a drawn sword proix;r. Sapporten — Two knights armed at all points with batons in their dexter hands, and the vizors of their helmets up. all proper. Motto— Above the crest. "Sto pro veritate." Married, June 18, 1884, Myra, daughter of the late Duncan Davidson of Tulloch, in the county of Ross ; and luis Issue — (i) John Neil Guthrie, Gentleman, born May a8, 1885; ial Ivan Douglas Guthrie, Gentleman, bom August 6, 1886 ; ^) Rupert Victor Davidson Guthrie, GeniTeman, born l^ovember6, 1887; (4) Duncan Nigel Guthrie, Gentleman, bom October 7, 1891 ; and Mary Viola. iVu/j— Guthrie Castle, Guthrie, North Britain ; Gagie House, Dundee. North Britain. S GARDINER FREDERIC GUYON, Esquire, Major- General. Born August 35, 1846, being the only son of Rev. Gardiner Guion Guyon, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. Cantab., and his wife Harriot, dau. of Thomas Price of Richmond. Lhvry — Blue, and silver buttons. Armorial bearings— Per pale azure and gules, on the dexter side in chief a tower argent, supported by two lions rampant or, and in a base a scymetar fesseways the pommel to the sinister between two other Fcymetars also fesseways, pommels to the dexter proper ; and on the sinister side a bend also gold, charged with six pellets between three fleurs-de-lis of the third, the whole within a bordure gold. M«"t-""c azure and gules. Crest— Out of a mural crown argent charged with three pellets, a demi-lion rampant proper. Married, June 33, i868, Mary Elizabeth Suther- land, dau. of Captain George Mackay Sutherland, late 93rd Sutherland Highlanders; and has Issue— (1) Ronald Gardiner Guyon, Gentleman, b. June 18, 1870; (3) George Sutherland Guyon, Esq., Capt. R. Fusiliers, b. Jan, 39, 187s; Mary Haigh [m., Dec. 8, 1891, Major H. Lynden- Bell] ; Mabel Ellen [m. Sept. 17, 1903, Montague Teasdale Foord] ; Lilian Guion de Geis ; and Elaine Frederica Mackay. Residence — Egerton House, Richmond, Surrey. Club — Junior United Service. GWADYR, quartered by CONYERS and FOX. GWAITH VOYD ok WINSTON, quartered by CON- YERS. GWATKIN, see ASHTON-GWATKIN. ALEXANDER GEORGE STAPLETON GWATKIN, Gentleman, born November 11, 1853, being (^\t\at\iiY\ ''^^ third son of the late Frederick Gwatkin ^O/UiatniU of Lincoln's Inn, and of Grove House, Twickenham, by his wife Louisa Isabella, younger daughter of the Reverend Ambrose Stapleton, Master of Arts, sometime Rector of Halwell, and Vicar of East Budleigh, in the county of Devon. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, two chevronels engrailed vert , between three bees volant proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a garb or, in front thereof a Cornish chough with wings expanded sable ; with the Motto, ' ' Duw a bortha y brain." Married, July 26, 1876, Alice Jane, elder daughter of Andrew Thompson of Keele, in the county of Stafford ; and has Issue — (i) Frederick Ambrose Stapleton Gwatkin, Gentleman, born July 3, 1880 ; (2) Reginald Dugleby Stapleton Gwatkin, Gentleman, born October 24, 1883; (3) Hugh Miles Stapleton Gwatkin, Gentleman, born March 17, 1886 ; (4) Willoughby Levinge Stapleton Gwat- kin, Gentleman, bom December 6, 1892; Lilias Mary Stapleton ; Florence Marion Stapleton ; and Gladys Bra- bazon Stapleton. ARTHUR JOHN CAMPBELL GWATKIN, Gentle- man, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Bom July 17, 1850, being the second son of the late Frederick Gwatkin of Lincoln's Inn, and of Grove House, Twickenham, by his wife Louisa Isabella, younger daughter of the Reverend Ambrose Stapleton, Master of Arts, sometime Rector of Halwell, and Vicar of E^t Budleigh, in the county of Devon. Armorialbearings— He bears for Arms: Ermine, two chevronels engrailed vert, between three liees volant proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix'futinf; his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a garb or, in front thereof a Cornish chough with wings expanded sable ; with the Motto, " Duw a bortha y brain." Married, January 38, 1875, Charlotte Henrietta, youngest daughter of the Reverend Thomas Bevan, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, formerly Vicar of Holy Trinity, Twickenham ; and has Issue — Charlotte Catherine Louisa. HL FREDERICK STAPLETON GWATKIN. Esquire. O Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Major 13th Bengal Lancers. Dont January 30, 1849, being the eldest son of the late Frederick Gwatkin of Lincoln's Inn, and of Grove House, Twickenham, by his wife Ixmisa Isabella, younger daughter of the Reverend Ambrose Staple- ton, Master of Arts, sometime Rector of Halwell, and Vicar of East Budleigh, in the county of Devon. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, two chevronel;, engrailed vert, between three bees voKint proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a garb or, in front thereof a Cornish chough with wings expanded sable; with the Motto, "Duw a bortha y brain." Mar- ried, April 20, 1882, Christina Helen Grahame, daughter of Surgeon-General Archibald Henry Fraser; and has Issue — (i) Frederick Gwatkin, Gentleman, born April 12, 1885 ; (2) Archibald Gwatkin. Gentleman, bom Sep- tember 7, 1886; and Louisa Helen Fraser, died May 2, 1884. HUGH FORTESCUE WILMSHURST GWATKIN. Gentleman, formerly Lieutenant Highland Light Infantry. Born July 28, 1863. being the fifth and youngest son of the late Frederick Gwatkin of Lincoln's Inn, and of Grove House, Twickenham, by his wife Louisa Isabella, younger daughter of the Reverend Ambrose Stapleton. Master of Arts, sometime Rector of Halwell, and Vicar of East Budleigh, in the county of Devon. Armorial bearing^)— He bears for Arms : Ermine, two chevronels engrailed vert, between three bees volant proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a garb or. in front thereof a Cornish chough with wings expanded sable ; with the Motto. " Duw a bortha y brain." 3 JOSHUA REYNOLDS GASCOIGNE GWATKIN, Esquire, of the Manor House, Potterne, M.A. (Camb.), J. P. for the CO. of Wiltshire, Major Royal Wiltshire Yeo- manry. Born March 24, 1855, being the third but eldest surviving son of the late John Reynolds Gwatkin of Non- such House, Chippenham, in the county of Wiltshire, and Menhay, in the county of Cornwall, by his wife Emma Amelia, daughter of Lieutenant-General William Broome Salmon, of the Honourable East India Company's Service. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Erminois, a mullet of six points azure, between two bees volant proper in chief, and a like bee between two mullets of six points azure in base. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure ;ind or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bee- hive proper, a bee volant between two mullets of six points fesseways or; with the Motto, "Industria." Married, August 2, 1882. Arundel Augusta, daughter of John Hunger- ford Penruddocke of the Honourable East India Company's Service; and has Issue — (i) Robert Torrington Gwatkin, Gentleman, born September 10, 1885 ; (2) John Edward Gwatkin, Gentleman, b. and d. 1900 ; and Arundel Theophila. Estate and postal address — The Manor House, Potterne. Club — Cavalry. STEWART BEAUCHAMP GWATKIN. Gentleman. Born April 26. 1857, being the fourth and youngest but second surviving son of the late John Reynolds Gwatkin of Nonsuch House. Chippenham, in the county of Wiltshire, and Menhay, in the county of Cornwall, by his wife Emma Amelia, daughter of Lieutenant-General William Broome Salmon, of the Honourable East India Company's Service. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Ermine, a chevron ^ is tbe Military Cockade. II (^iDi lozengy gu[es and azure, between three bees volant in chief proper, and a cross crosslet in base of the third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with (Spb 599 licet," and under the arms "Toujours fidele." Married, April 14, 1891, Mary Eleanor, third dau. of P. R. Gordon- Canning of Hartpury, co. Gloucester ; and has Issue— Eleanora Maria. Seats — Kilgwyn, co. Carmarthen ; Buck- a mantling gules and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a beehive proper, charged with a cross crosslet or, a fernbrake also proper ; with the Motto — " In recto glorior." GWILT (H. Coll.). Azure, a pale engrailed erminois between four unicorns' heads erased argent, horned, maned, and tufted or. Mantling^ azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, from a mount vert, the sun rising in its splendour proper, therefrom issuant a unicorn's head couped sable, armed and crined or, in the mouth a cross patle fitch^e gold. Son of Robert Gwilt of Icklingham, Suffolk : — William C. Gwilt, Gentleman, d . Seat — North Kilworth Hall, Rugby. GWYN, see MOORE-GWYN. M JAMES PRICE WILLIAM GWYNNE-HOLFORD, SSr Esquire, M. P. for Brecon 1870 to 1880, J. P. and D. L. , CO. Carmarthen, High Sheriff 1857 for co. Brecon, and a C.C. for CO. Brecon, late of 1 6th Lancers. Born Nov. 25, 1833, being the eldest son of the late James Price Holford, Esq., Lieut.-Col. in the Army, J. P., High Sheriff for co. Brecknock 1840, by his wife Anne Maria Eleanor, dau. of Roderick Gwynne. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a mount vert, a greyhound passant sable, collared or (for Holford) ; 2 and 3, sable, a fesse cotised or, between two swords argent, hilts and pommels of the second, the one in chief pointing upwards, that in base pointing downwards (for Gwynne). Mantling vert and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, from the sun in splendour or, rising from behind a hill vert, a greyhound's head issuant sable ; 2. On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour proper, issuant from a crescent argent, holding a sword erect also proper, hilt and pommel gold, enfiled by a boar's head or, erased and vulned proper. Mottoes — Over the second crest, ' ' Vim vi repellere land, Bwlch ; and Tre Holford, co. Brecon. Clubs— Carlton, Junior United Service, Wellington, Hurlingham, and Ranelagh. GYBBON-MONYPENNY(R.L., H. Coll.). Quarterly, I and 4, argent, a dolphin naiant embowed azure (Mony- penny) ; 2 and 3, azure, a lion rampant guardant between three escallops argent (Gybbon). Mantling azure and argent. Crests — 1. on a wreath of the colours, Neptune bestriding a dolphin naiant all proper (Monypenny) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion regardant argent, murally gorged gules. MottO (over first crest) — " Imperat aequor. " Sons of late Robert Thomas Gybbon Gybbon-Mony- penny, Esq., of Maytham Hall, Kent, J. P. and D.L. , late Col. West Kent Mil., b. 1823; d. 1893; m. ist, 1847, Janet Phillips, d. of late Col. Henry Burney, H.E.I.C.S. :— Henry Thomas Gybbon-Monypenny, Gentleman, b. 1850; m. 1895, Phoebe, d. of James Masters. Seat — Maytham Hall, near Ashford, Kent. Edward St. Leonards Gybbon-Monypenny, Gentleman, b. 1852 ; tn. 1880, Lucy Dora, d. of Capt. Tweedie of Rawlinson, Rolvenden, Kent ; and has issue — Margaret Sylvestra. Res. — Frederick Burney Gybbon-Monypenny, Gentleman, b. 1856. Res.— Herbert D'Arblay Gybbon-Monypenny, Gentleman, b. 1858 ; m. , Margaret Catherine, eld. d. of Col. Reginald Sterndale of Dum Dum, East Indies; and has issue — Robert D'Arblay Gybbon-Monvpenny, Gentleman, b. 1892. Res.— Yr. son of Thomas Gybbon-Monypenny, Esq., of Hole Park, Rolvenden, J. P. and D.L., M.P. for Rye, b. 1797 ; d. 1854 ; m. 1818, Sylvestra Rose, eld. d. of Robert Monypenny of Merrington Place, Rolvenden: — William David Cathcart Gybbon-Monypenny, Esq., Capt. West Kent Mil., b. 1826; fn. 1847, Emma, d. of Thomas Dumayne of Haverfordwest ; and has issue — Cathcart William Gybbon - Monypenny, Gentleman, b. 1848; Elizabeth Sylvestra ; and Eva Anne. Res. — is the Naval Cockade. 6oo IDac mi H HACCOMBE. quartered by CORBET. HACKER, see HEATHCOTE-HACKER. LiF.UTENANT-Coi.ONEl- CHARLES HACKETT, J.P. King's Co. and Tipperary, formerly Lieut. -Col. Com- manding 5th Fusiliers. Horn 1846, being the son of the late Thomas Hackett. Esq.. of Moor Park, King's Co., and Riverstown, co. Tipperary, J.I*, and D.L.. High Sheriff of the King's Co. 1844, by his wife Jane Iternard, youngest dau. of IWrnard Shaw of Monksiown Castk', co. Cork. Ar- morial bearings— Sablf, three piles pointing to the l>ase argent, the centre one charged with a trefoil slipped vert, on a chief gules a lion passant g\iardant or. M a n t ling sable and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a demi- panther argent, spotted azure, collared gules, charged on the shouldt-r with a trefoil slipped vert, and holding in the dexter paw a branch of the last. Motto — " Virtute et fidelitate." Married, 188a, Alice Harvey, dau. of John Prankerd. of Bleadon; and has with other /ssue Charles Bernard Hackett, Gentleman, d. 1886. 6'«•. -"^P"! *8, 1871, Janet Stein, second dau. of John Haig, Esq., of Cameron House, Fifeshire, J. P., and has issue, Roland Charles, i6th Lancers, b. 1873 ; and Rachel Dorothy Wolseley] ; (2) Alexander William Haig, Gentle- man, M.A. Caius Coll., Cambridge, b, Aug. 12, 1855; (3) Rodolf Wolseley Haig, Gentleman, b. March 11, i860, d. March 7, 1876; (4) Cecil Henry Haig, Gentleman, Caius Coll., Cambridge, b. March 16, 1862 [«»., Jan. 18, 1900, Muriel Constance, 2nd dau. of Capt. Cecil A. G. Drummond of Enderby Hall, Leicester, and Copthome, Fawley, Hants ; and has Issue— RoAoM Cecil Drummond, Gentleman, b. July 11, 1901]; (5) Edric Wolseley Haig, Gentleman, M.A. and LL.M. Cambridge, b. Feb. 20, i86i; [m.. May 20, 1894, Helen Isabella, dau. of Lieut.-Col. G. M. Cardew, late 67th Regt.] ; Janet Augusta [«., 1874 George Fenwick Boyd of Moorhouse, co Durham] ; Edit is the Military Cockade. i Caroline [m. , Jan. 9, i886, James Arthur Henry Jameson of Montrose, co. Dublin, and has issue]; Rose Helen [/«., ^at 603 1880, John Howard Thomas of Yscyborwen, near Aberdare, Glamorganshire, and has issue]; Sybil Margaret [tn., 1882, David Alfred Thomas, M.P. , of Yscyborwen, Aberdare, and has issue] ; and Charlotte Wolseley. Sea( — Pen-Ithon, Radnorshire, via Newtown, Montgomeryshire. GEORGE OGILVY HAIG, Gentleman. Born July 26, 1859, being the fifth but second surviving son of John Haig of Cameronbridge, Fife, Esq., J.P., by his wife Rachael Mackerras, dau. and eventually coheir of Hugh Veitch of Stewartfield, near Edinburgh. Armorial bearings— Azure, a saltire between two mullets in chief and base, and a decrescent and an increscent in fesse argent, a bordure sable, charged with three cows' heads caboshed of the second. Mantling azure, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a rock proper ; and on an escroll over the same this Motto, "Tyde what may. " Married, 1896, Charlotte Augusta, dau. of the late William Astor of New York. Residence— 6e, Brook Street, London, W. Club— White's. HENRY ALEXANDER HAIG, Gentleman. Bom July 28, 1832 being the third but eldest surviving son of John Haig of Dublin, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, M.A. (Dublin), Science Medallist, by his wife Jane, dau. of John Haig of Bonnington, near Edinbugh. Armorial bearings —Azure, a saltire between two mullets in chief and base, and a decrescent and an increscent in fesse argent, a bor- dure engrailed or, charged with three talbots' heads erased gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a rock proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Tyde what may." Married, June i, 1865, Agnes Catherine, dau. of Matthew Pollock ; and has Issue — (i) Alfred Edward Haig, Gentleman, b. June 3, 1866; (2) Claud Henry Haig, Gentleman, b. Jan. 16, 1874; (3) Alan Gordon Haig, Gentleman, b. June 12, 1877 ; (4) Henry Graham Haig, Gentleman, b. April 13, 1881; Evelyn Mary; Lilian Agnes ; and Ida Helen. Residence — 43 Kensington Park Gardens, W. ARTHUR SAMUEL HAIGH, Gentleman. Bom Feb. 26, 1861, being the elder son of the late Thomas Haigh of Bradley Lodge, Yorks, by his wife Elizabeth, eldest dau. of W. J. Clarke, M.D. Armorial bearings -Azure, on a saltire invected ermine, between two rocks in pale proper and a decrescent and an increscent in fesse argent, an estoile of the first. Mantling azure and argent. Crest- is tbe Naval Cockade. 6o4 mi rbal Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-mnn afiront^ proper holding in the dexter liand a crescent I wings displayed argent, beaked and legged or. Marritd, 18^6, Charlotte lane Sophia, dau. of Col. Edward E. E. Miller (she diea 1880). Postal address — United Service Club, S.W. WILLIAM HAMILTON HAIRE, Esq. , formerly Capt. 3rd Batt. Inniskilling Regt. Born 1834, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Hamilton Haire of Mount liailey, co. Ixjuth, by Charlotte, dau. of the late William Forster, and cousin of the late James Haire of Armagh Manor. Armorial bearing^ — Gules, two bars or, on a chief indented argent, a thistle proper. Uantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent sup- porting the Roman fasces proper. MottO — " In te Doniine speravi." Married, 1876, Sarah, dau. of the late Williani H. Jackson of Killarney House, co. Wicklow. Seai—hx- magh Manor, co. Fermanagh. Rev. ARTHUR NEWBURGH HAIRE-FOR.STER. Qerk in Holy Orders, J. P. to. Monaghan, M.A. (Dulilin). Born 1846, lieing the youngest son of the Lite Rev. liamilton Haire, by Charlotte, dau. of William Forster and sister of the late William Forster of Ballynure, whose name he assumed by Royal License in 1875. Club — Sackville Street (Dublin). Livery— E\\xe. Armorial bearing^g— (^)uarterly i and 4, sable, on a chevron engrailed between in chief two arrows (Mints downwards and in base a rose argent, a crescent gules (for Forster) ; 2 and 3 f)er pale or and gules, two bars counterchanged, a chief indented ermine, tliereon a cross crosslet gules (for Haire). MsJitllng sable and argent; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a hind's head erased gules, colored and chained or, in the mouth an arrow as in the arms ; 2. uf)on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant couped argent, gorged with a collar dancett^e gules, between the paws a cross crosslet of the or, a rock also proper. Motto — "Tyde what may." Re- sidence — Cat Cay, Bahamas. Club — Rpyal Thames Yacht. CHARLES THOMAS ERNEST HAIGH, Gentleman. Born Dec. 20, 1862, being the younger son of the late Thomas Haigh of Bradley Lodge, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Dr. Clarke of Huddersfield. Livery — Blue, with white facings. Armorial bearings— Azure, on a saltire invected ermine between two rocks in pale proper and a decrescent and an increscent in fesse argent, an estoile of the first. Mantling azure and argent. Crest- Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-man affrout6e proper holding in the dexter hand a crescent or, a rock also proper. Motto — "Tyde what may." Married, Sept. 16, 1897, Florence Ethel Holt, only dau. of Isaac Hordern of Huddersfield; and has had Issue— (i) Charles Edward Haigh, Gentleman, b. 1898 ; and (2) Geoffrey Haigh, Gentleman, b. 1900, both deceased. Residence— C*'~" George Crosby Halahan, Gentleman. ■ " * John Crosby Halahan, Gentleman, Lieut, ist Batt. Roy. Dub. Fus. . .^ XT Frederick Crosby Halahaii, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N. Henry Crosby Halahan, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N. Robert Crosby Halahan, Gentleman, Sub-Lieut. R.N. H ALDAN E, quartered CAN. by ANSTRUTHER-DUN- S JAMES HALDANE, Esquire, C.A., J. P. and D.L. for the CO. of the city of Edinburgh. Born April 26, 1831, being the fifth but fourth and youngest surviving son of the late James Alexander Haldane, by his second wife Margaret, dau. of Professor Daniel Rutherford, M.D., Sir Walter Scott's maternal uncle. Armorial bearings— Quar- terly I and 4, argent, a saltire engrailed sable; 2. argent, a saltire between four roses gules ; 3. or, a bend chequy sable and argent, in the centre of the shield a martlet sable. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, an eagle's head erased or. MottO — "Suffer." Married, i860, Emily, dau. of Francis Grove, R.N., of Shenstone, Staffs. ; and has Issue — (1) Francis Haldane, Gentleman ; (2) Herbert Haldane, Gentleman ; {3) Henry Haldane, Gentleman ; and four daughters. Residence — Grosvenor Crescent, Edinburgh. Clubs— ]\in\OT Carlton, University (Edinburgh), Scottish Conservative (Edin- burgh. ) S JAMES AYLMER LOWTHORPE HALDANE, Esquire, D.S.O. (1898), Major and Bt.-Lt.-Col. in Gordon Highlanders; served with Waziristan Expedition 1894-95 (medal with clasp), with Chitral Relief Force 1895 (medal with clasp), with Tirah Expedition 1897-98 (men- tioned in despatches, two clasps, D.S.O. ), and in S. Africa 1899 (despatches, medal with four clasps, and Bt.-Lt.-Col. ; with Japanese Army in Russo-Japanese War 1904 ; has second class of the Order of the Royal Crown of Germany (R. L. ); and is Chevalier of Legion of Honour. Born Nov. 17, 1862, being the son of the late Daniel Ruther- ford Haldane, M.D. , of Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, by his wife Charlotte Elizabeth, dau. of James Lowthorpe, Esq. Armorial bearings (rematric. L 0. 1878)— Quarterly I and 4, argent, a saltire engrailed sable (Haldane, L.O. , c. 1672) ; ; 2. argent, a saltire between four roses gules ; 3. or, a bend chequy sable and argent, in the centre of the shield a mullet sable. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, an eagle's head erased or. Motto — "Suffer." Residence — 19 Talbot Square, London, W. ROBERT CAMPERDOWN HALDANE, Gentleman, Born , being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Robert Haldane of Cloan Den, by his wife Jane, daughter of the late John Makgill of Kem- back. Livery — Black and white. Armorial bearing^ — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent, a saltire engrailed sable (for Haldane) ; 2 argent, a saltire be- tween four roses gules (for Lennox) ; 3 or, a bend chequy sable and argent (for Menteith) ; in the centre of the quarters a crescent sable for difference. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an eagle's head erased or ; and in an escroll over the same the Motto, "Suffer." Mar- ried, Emily Anderson. Residence — The Right Reverend JAMES ROBERT ALEXAN- DER CHINNERY- HALDANE, Doctor of Divinity, Bishop of Argyll and the Isles. Born August 14, 1842, being the only son of Alexander Haldane of the Inner Ternple, Barrister-at-Law, by Emma his wife, daughter of Joseph Hardcastle. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a saltire engrailed is the Naval Cockade. 6o6 f^al Mble (for Haldane) ; a. argent, a saltire Ixtween four roMS gules (for Lennox) ; 3. or, a bend chequy sable and argent (lor Menlcith) ; and on an escutcheon of pre- tence the arms of C'hinnery, namely axure, a chevron rmiine, between three lions rampant or, on a canton vert a harp of the third, stringed argent. Upon the toal either aids •» Mgll proper. Married, August 1864 Anna EUnbeth rnuioes Margaretta Chinnery, only child of the late Reverend Sir Nicholas Chinnery, iWonet of Flintfield, countv Cork; and has Issue- (1) James Brodrick Chinncry-Iialdane, Gentleman, born July 1868 M.A. (Ch. Ch., Oxon.) ; Patrick Vernon Chinnery-Hal" \ escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crests, i. on the dexter side, on a wreath of the liveries, an eagle's head erased or, and in an escroU above the Hotto, "Suffer" (for Haldane) ; 2. on the sinister side, up>on a wreath of the liveries, on a globe or, an eagle rising proper, collared of the first, and in an escroll over the Motto, " Nee temere nee timide " (for Chinnery) ; and for his Supporters, on dane. Gentleman, born F"ebruary 1870 ; and Agnes Eliza- beth, died 1866. Postal arfaTrm — AUtshellach, Onich, Inverness-shire. CHARLES HALE, Gentleman. Bom July 1879, being the third son of the late Charles Cholmeley Hale, Esq., J.P., High Sheriff 1880, by his wife Angusta Mary, only dau. of Edward Fearnley Whiitingstall of Langleybury, la the Military Cockade. I 15)al m\ 607 Herts. Armorial bearings -Azure, a chevron embattled and counter-embattled or. Mantling azure and or. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a snake projjer entwined round five arrows or, headed sable, feathered argent, one in pale, four in saltire. Motto— "Vera sequor. " Hesi- dence — GERALD DELME HALE, Gentleman. Bom Aug. 16. 1856, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Charles Cholmeley Hale, Esq., J. P., High Sheriff 1880, by his wife Augusta Mary, only dau. of Edward Whittingstall of Langleybury, Herts. Armorial bearings— Azure, a chevron embattled and counter-embattled or. Mantling azure and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a snake proper entwined round five arrows or, headed sable, feathered argent, one in pale, four in saltire. Motto— " Vera sequor." Residence— PAGGEN HALE, Gentleman. Bom Feb. 11, 1823, I being the second son of the late Henry Grimston, Esq., I Major in the Army, late nth Hussars, by liis wife Charlotte Eliza, dau. of William Hale of King's Walden. Armo- rial bearings— Azure, a chevron embattled and counter- embattled or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a snake proper entwined round five arrows or, headed sable, feathered argent, one in pale, four in saltire. Motto — "Vera sequor." Married, March 21, 1850, Elizabeth Anne, eldest dau. of George Gahan of Madras; and has Issue (\]'Wi\\\a.m Hale, Gentleman, b. April 4, 1854 ; (2) Paggen Hale, Gentleman, b. Jan. 28, 1856 ; Mary Elizabeth ; and Frances Savile. Residence — Plymouth. ROWLAND HALE, Gentleman, being the eldest son of the late Henry Grimston, Esq., Major in the Army, late nth Hussars, by his wife Charlotte Eliza, dau. of William Hale of King's Walden. Armorial bearings -Azure, a chevron embattled and counter-embattled or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a snake proper entwined round five arrows or, headed sable, feathered argent, one in pale, four in saltire. Motto — ' ' Vera sequor." Residence — THOMAS PROSSER HALE, Esq., J. P. Born, Oct. 13, 1848, being the second but eldest surviving son of Joseph Eaton Hale, by his wife Forester, second dau. of the Rev. Thomas Prosser, Rector of Dorstone, co. Hereford. Club — West Suffolk (Bury St. Edmunds). Livery — Drab breeches, dark blue waistcoat, drab coat edged blue, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron en- grailed between three escutcheons azure, each charged with a cinquefoil of the field, three towers of the last. Blantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, up>on a rock, a tower proper, surmounted by a sun in splendour or, and resting upon the battlements a scaling- ladder in bend sable. Motto — " Turris fortis mihi Deus." Married, July 9, 1885, Ellen Isabel, eldest dau. of Thomas Ming^ge Golding, Solicitor, of Walsham-le- Willows, Suf- folk ; and has Issue — Isabel Forrester, Eileen Finetta Prosser, May Cicerly Frances, and Violet Constance. Estates — *Sometton Hall and Hawkedon Hall, co. Suffolk ; Brook Hall, Foxearth, co. Essex. Postal address — Somerton Hall, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk. SELI GEORGE HALES, Esquire, Major ist Sussex Royal Engineers (Vols. ). Bom July 30, 1856, being the second son of the late Thomas Hales of "The Parsonage, Stockbury Kent, by his wife Sarah Avery, dau. of Avery Kite of Staplehurst, Kent. Armorial bewings— Gules, a fesse embattled or, between three arrows erect, points down- wards, in chief of the last, flighted argent, and a spade paleways in base proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour grasping a sword in bend, a spade in bend sinister and an arrow in pale point upwards all proper. Motto — "Vis unita fortior." Married, March 13, 1877, Esther, youngest child of the late Charles Waghorn of Headcorn, Kent ; and has Issue — (i) Roland George Hales, Gentleman, b. Aug. 25, 1878 ; (2) G«ard Hales, Gentleman, b. Dec. 18, 1887; Ida May; and Beatrice Dorothy. Residence —St. George's Place, Brighton. Clubs — KoyaX United Service Institution, Auxiliary Forces and United Empire (Whitehall, S.W.). HALIBURTON (H. Coll.). Azure, on a bend nebuly between a mascle in chief and a martlet in base all or, an oval buckle between two mascles sable. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stag at gaze passant proper, unguled sable, in front thereof an anchor in bend sinister, and charged on the body with two mascles interlaced all or. Motto — " Watch well." Son of : — Alfred Henry Haliburton, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law. b. . Res. — St. Leonard's-on-Sea ; Manson Place, Ken- sington, W. The Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Lindley Wood, VIS- COUNT HALIFAX of Monk Bretton, in IWaTtffki* the West Riding of the county of York, in l^umuAr fi^g Peerage of the United Kingdom, and a Baronet, Master of Arts. Bom June 7, 1839, being the son of the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Wood, first Viscount Halifax, G.C. B. , by his wife Lady Mary, daughter of the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Grey, second Earl Grey, K.G. ; formerly Captain ist West Riding of York Yeomanry Cavalry ; succeeded his father in 1885. Creations — Baronet, January 22, 1784; Viscount, February 21, 1866. Armorial bearings — Azure, three naked savages, ambulant, in fesse proper, in the dexter hand of each a shield argent, charged with a cross gules ; in the sinister, a club resting on the shoulder also proper, on a canton ermine, three lozenges conjoined in fesse sable, and ufxjn an escutcheon of pre- tence the arms of Courtenay, namely, quarterly i and 4, or three torteaux surmounted by a label of three points azure (for Courtenay) ; 2 and 3 or, a lion rampant azure (for Redvers). Above the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a savage as in the arms, the shield sable, charged with a griffin's head erased argent. Supporters — On either side a griffin sable, gorged is the Naval Cockade. 6o8 l^al with a collar, and pendent therefrom a portcullis or. Motto— " I like my choice." Married, April aa, 1869, Lady Agnes Klitabeth, only daughter of the Kt. Hun. William Reginald Courtenay, twelfth Earl of Devon ; and nas lisue — (i) Hon. Charles Reginald Lindley Wood, born July 17. 1870, died September 6, 1890 ; (a) Hon. Francis Hugh Lindlev Wood, l)orn .Septenilier ai, 1873. died March 17, 1889; (3) Hon. Henry Paul Lindley Wood, born January 35, 1879, died June 6, 1886; (4) Hon. Eklward Frederick Lindley Wood, bom April 16, 1881 ; Hon. Alexandra |>al i CHARLFii ALEXANDER HALL HALL, Esquire, J.ft for CO. Sussex. Horn Aug. ai, 1839, being the eldest son of Alexander Hall Hall, by his wife Caroline, dau. of Thomas Hankey. Livery — Green ; (dress), green coat, orange waist- coat and breeches. Armorial bearings Vert, a chevron or between three storks' heads er.ised .irgent, all within a l)ordure of the second, charged with eight trefoils slipped of the first. Mantling vert and or. Crest - On a wreatli of the colours, upon a mount a stork argent, holding in her dexter claw a pellet. Motto — " Cura quietem." Married, Mary Elizabeth (to whom the Princess of Wales stood spionsor) ; and Hon. Mary Agnes. Residences — 79 Elaton Square, London, S.W. ; Hickleton Hall, Doncaster; Gar- rowby, Stamford Bridge, in the county of York. HALKETT, see CRAIGIE, and HALKETT. HALL (H. ColL). Per pale argent and or, three chevronels invected sable, between as many acorns, leaved and slipped proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a fern-brake projjer, a stork argent, beaked and membered gules, holding in the dexter foot a stone, in the beak a sprig of fern, and charged on the body with an acorn leaved and sprigged proper. Motto — "Carpediem." Sons of Bentham Hall of Newcastle-on-Tyne, b. ; d. ; m. , James Hall, Esq., J. P. co. Durham, J. P. and D.L. co. Northumberland, 6. 1826. Jfes. — Tynemouth, Northum- berland ; Dilston Hall, Corbridge-on-Tyne. HALL, quartered by BEDFORD. firstly, April 27, 1865, Caroline Elizabeth Tritton, dau. of Henry Tritton ; secondly, Dec. 5, 1888, Emma Henrietta, dau. of James Vodoz ; and has /ssue — (i) AUeyne Hall, Gentleman, 6. Sept. 12, 1883 ; (2) David Patrick Hall, Gentleman, i. March 17, 1891 ; Margaret; Gertrude; Katharine ; Blanche ; and Dorothy. 6Va/— Culverwood, Hawkhtirst, Sussex. C/«^— Athenaeum. EDWARD KIRKPATRICK HALL, Esquire, J. P. for CO. Staffs., Barrister of the Inner Temple. Bom June 2, 1844, being the eldest son of the late Lorenzo Kirkpatrick Hall, Esq., J. P. for Staffordshire and Derbyshire, and D.L. for CO. Staffs., by his second wife Emma Selina, dau. of Edward Miller-Mundy of Shipley, co. Derby. Livery— Chocolate colour coat, yellow and brown striped vest, silver buttons, drab overcoat. Armorial bearings — Or, three talbots' heads erased two and one gules, between nine cross crosslets fitch^e azure. Mantling gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a gryphon's head couped azure, sem6e of cross crosslets or. Married, Dec. 16, 1873, Marion Louisa, second dau. of the late Thomas Webb, Esq., J. P. CO. Staffs., of Smallwood Manor, co. Staffs.; and has Issue— {j.) Laurence Kirkpatrick Hall, Genlleinan, is the Military Cockade. l^al ^al 609 b. June 21, 1875; (2) Fitzroy Henry Hall, Gentleman, Lieu- tenant R.N., b. Feb. 7, 1877; (3) John Edward Kenyon Hall, of the Inner Temple, Gentleman, b. May 16, 1878 ; and Beatrice Marion. Residence — Kevin, Nairn, N,B, C/«^j— Junior Carlton, Athenaeum. FREDERICK CHARLES NORTHCOTE HALL, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N. (retired). Born Oct. 23, 1843, being the eldest son of the Rev. Charles Ranken Hall, by his wife Harriett, dau. of John Baker of Woodlands. Armorial bearings — Per pale argent and or, on a chevron between three talbots' heads erased sable, miirally gorged or, as many hawks' lures argent, lined and ringed or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a palm branch in bend sinister vert, in front of a griffin's head erased or, charged with a gemel gules, holding in the beak a hawk's lure as in the arms. Motto " Ni-ddawda-o-hir-arofyn." Married, Dec. 29, 1870, Henrietta Somerset, dau. of James Orchard Halliwell- Phillipps of Hollingbury Copse, Brighton. Residence— Rev. FREDERICK DICKINSON HALL, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. Cambs. , Patron and Rector of Manby, CO. Lincoln. Born May 26, 1845, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Thomas Dickinson Hall, Esq., of Whatton Manor and of Broughton, co. Not- tingham, and his wife Sophia Elizabeth, dau. of James Haffenden of Homewood, co. Kent, and of Clearwell Court, CO. Gloucester. Armorial bearings— Azure, a bend be- tween three talbots' heads erased argent, on a chief or, three rose gules, barbed and seeded proper. Mantling azure 1 and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a crescent argent, surmounted by a griffin's head erased sable, in the beak three ears of wheat or. Motto — " Persevere." Married Fanny Louisa, second dau. of Sir Edward Samuel Walker of Berry Hill, co. Nottingham ; and has Issue — Edward Rastall Dickinson Hall, Gentleman, b. Nov. 23, 1879. Seat — Broughton Sulney, co. Nottingham. Rev. HERBERT HALL, M.A., Rector of Glemsford. CO. Suffolk. Born July 11, 1845, being the second son of the Rev. Charles Ranken Hall of Staplegrove, by his wife Harriett, dau. of John Baker of Woodlands. Armorial bearings — Per pale argent and or, on a chevron between three talbots' heads erased sable, murally gorged or, as many hawks' lures argent, lined and ringed or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a palm branch in bend sinister vert, in front of a griffin's head erased or, charged with a gemel gules, holding in the beak a hawk's lure as in the arms. Motto — "Turpiter desper- atur." Postal add. — The Rectory, Glemsford, co. Suffolk. JAMES CAMPBELL HALL. Esquire, J. P. co. Monaghan, A.B., M.B., B.Ch. (Trinity Coll., Dublin), the eldest son of the late Rev. Richard Angustus Hall, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. Trinity Coll., Dublin, late Incumbent of Quivvy Parish, Diocese of Kilmore, by his wife Mary, eldest dau. of the late Thomas Gibson Henry, Esq., of Mourne Abbey, Kilkeel, co. Down, J. P. and Grand Juror for both cos. Down and Armagh. Livery — Light drab coat and vest, with black collar and cuffs, black trousers, silver buttons and hatband. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron engrailed, between three talbots' heads erased sable, as many trefoils slipped or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bear's head couped and muzzled proper, charged with a trefoil as in the arms; with the Motto, " Remember and forget not." Married, Feb. 9, 1880, Sarah Frances, only dau. of the late John Harrison Massue Wilson, of Harvest Lodge, Roscrea, co. Tipperary, and Church Hall, Essex, by his wife Sarah, eldest dau. of James Willington of Castle Willington, co. Tipperary. Estates — House and suburban property in the town and neighbourhood of Monaghan, and country property in Drumsnatt parish adjoining parish of Monaghan, all situated in the barony of Monaghan, co. Monaghan. Residence — Rowan tree House, Monaghan. JOHN HALL, Gentleman. Born March 27, 1870, being the eldest son of the late John Hall, Gentleman, of The Grange, Hale, Altrincham, and of Manchester, by his wife Kate, dau. of Nicholas Heald of Bowdon, Cheshire. Armorial bearings — Sable, on a chevron between three dexter hands co^'ped and erect, each within an annulet argent, a wreath )f laurel vert, between two roses barbed and seeded proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a rgeon to the Monaghan County Infirmary, Physician to l»e Monaghan Fever Hospital. Born Oct. 23, 1851, being helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a tilting-spear erect, surmounted by a sword and a laurel branch saltireways all proper; with the Motto, "Aut pax aut bellum." Postal address — The Grange, Hale, Altrincham. The Honourable Sir JOHN HALL, Knight Com- mander of the Most Distinguished Order of Samt Michael and Saint George, of Hororata, Canterbury, m the Colony of New Zealand, has been a Member of the House of Repre- sentatives, and a Member of the Legislative Council. Bom December 18, 1824, being the son of George Hall of Kingston- upon-HuU, by his first wife Grace, daughter of Thomas Williamson; Colonial Secretary, 1856 ; Postmaster-General, 1866-1869; Colonial Secretary, 1872, 1873 ; Premier of New Zealand, 1879-1882, when he retired; represented New Zealand at first Conference on Australian Federation held in Melbourne; created Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1882. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron sable, between two talbots' heads erased in chief of the last, and on a mount a tree-fern in base proper, a mullet of six points within an annulet or. Upon is the Naval Cockade. 2Q 6io l^al IDal the escutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon and pendent therefrom the bodge of a Knight Commander of the Most Distingiiished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two fronds of fern proper, therefrom issuant a talbot's head erased sable, gutKie-d'or, gorged with a collar gemel or. Married, i86x. Rose Anne, daughter of William Dryden of Kingston-upon-HuU ; and has Issue — }i) Godfrey Dryden Hall, Gentleman, born and died anuary i86a ; (a) Wilfred Hall, Esquire, born January 15, 1864 ; (3) John Dryden Hall, Esquire, born Sopten»l«r 16, x86q ; Gotlfrey Hall, Esquire, born December 14, 1868 ; Mildred; and Mary, d. 1888. Postal address— \ioronii&, Canterbury, New Zealand. C/«*j— Cbristchurch (Ch. Ch., N.Z.), St. George's. LEWIS DUVAL HALL, Esquire, J. P. and D.L, (High SherifT 1885). Bom July 13, 184a, being the eldest son of the late Sir Charles Hall, Vice-Chancellor of the High Court of Justice, a learned and able lawyer, by his wife Sarah, dau. of Francis Duval of Exeter. Armorial bearings — Sable, on a chevron between three dexter hands couped and erect, each within an annulet argent, a wreath of laurel vert, between two roses barbed and seeded proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a tilting-spear erect, surmounted by a sword and a laurel branch saltireways all proper. MottO — " Aut pax aut bellum." Married, July i, 1869, Mary Kate, younger dau. of the late Charles Meeking of Richings Park ; and has Issue— {1) Charles Spencer Hall, Esq., Capt. 3rd Batt. Oxford Light Infantry, b. March i8, 1870; (2) Lewis Duval Hall, Gentleman, b. March 18, 1875, late Lieut, and Batt. Rifle Brigade, killed in action at Ladysmith, Jan. 6, 1900 ; (3) Geoffrey Duval Hall, Gentleman, Lieut. i6th Lancers, b. March 6, 1877 ; and Mary Kate Duval. Town resi- dence— i^ Grosvenor Place, S.W. Clubs — Turf, Marl- borough, Garrick, and Carlton. and Sutherland Highlanders. Horn December .11, 1872, being the only son of the late Peter Hall, wlio resided at Camptwltown, Argyllshire, by Agnes his wife, dau. of Henry Coats Hastie. Armorial bearings— Parted per 5 MONTAGU HAFFENDEN HALL, Esquire, Capt. 4th Batt. Lincolnshire Regt., Hon. Capt. in the Army, late Lieut. Scots Guards, Lord of the Manor of Whatton, J. P. for co. Nottingham. Bom Aug. 11, 1870, being the only son of the late Cecil Haffenden Hall, Esq., Capt. Scots Fusilier Guards, J. P. for co. Leicester, by his wife Mary Georgina Caroline, eldest dau. of Anthony Willson of Rauceby Hall, co. Lincoln, J. P. and D.L., M.P. for CO. Lincoln. Livery — Dark blue, and blue and white striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Azure, a bend between three talbots' heads erased argent, on a chief or three roses gules, barbed and seeded proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a crescent argent, surmounted by a griffin's head erased sable, in the beak three ears of wheat or. Motto — " Persevere." Married, Feb. 5, 1896, Mary Emily, third dau. of Rev. Charles Daniel Crofts, Rector of Caythorpe, CO. Lincoln. Seat — Whatton Manor, co. Nottmgham. Clubs — Wellington, County (Nottingham). PERCY CRAVEN HALL, Gentleman, M.A. (Cantab,), F. R. Met. Soc. Born June 9, 1859, being the eldest son of the Rev. Thomas Hepworth Hall, Esq., J.P, West Riding co. York, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of William Craven of Halifax, Yorkshire. Z,^Vlfry— dark blue, with silver buttons. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a bend raguly sable between two lions rampant of the last, a talbot's head erased between two cross crosslets fitch^e or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased argent, gorged with a wreath of cinquefoils gules, and supporting a cross crosslet fitch^e paleways or, between two wings gules, each charged with a fesse also or. Married, September 30, 1891, Catherine Marion, daughter of Thomas Reddish Bower of Southport ; and has Issue— Riiz. Marion, and Irene Madeline. Estates— "QeXdormt Tower, Ryde, Isle of Wight, Purston Hall, Pontefract. Club— RoyaX Victorian Yacht (Ryde). 5 WILLIAM MACALISTER HALL, Esquire, J.P. Argyllshire, Capt. 4th Batt. Princess Louise's Argyll chevron gules and argent, three storks' heads erased and countercharged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, a hunting-horn proper, garnished and stringed gules ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Forward." 5«a^— Torrisdale Castle, Carradale, Argyll. C/«3j— Oriental, Royal High- land Yacht (Oban). ~ The Reverend WILLIAM JOHN HALL, Master of Arts, Rector of St. Clement's, Eastcheap, and Minor Canon of St. Paul's Cathedral. Born 1830, being the eldest son of the Reverend William John Hall, Master of Arts, Vicar of Tottenham, London, North (1851-1861), and Minor Canon of St. Paul's, and Priest in Ordinary to Her Majesty the Queen, by his wife Anne, daughter of Herbert Jeffreys. Club — United University. Armorial bearingrs- He bears for Arms : Vert, on a chevron engrailed argent between three cross crosslets or, as many crescents sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon a staff raguly fesseways sable, a clove holding in the beak a passion-nail proper ; with the Motto, " Non sine numine." Married, 1865, Isabella Frances, daughter of Thomas Cooper of Stone Castle, in the county of Kent; and has Issue — Arthur Gwynne Jeffreys Hall, Gentleman, M.A., Barrister - at - Law ; Ethel Frances; Evelyn Beatrice ; and Nora Geraldine. Postal addresses— Brecon House, Eltham ; and 29 Martin's Lane, Cannon Street, London, E.C. ROBERT WESTLEY HALL-DARE, Esquire, J.P. for cos. of Carlow and Wexford, D.L. for co. Wexford. Born Oct. 14, 1866, being the eldest son of the late Robert Westley Hall- Dare, Esq., of Newtownbarry House, in the CO. of Wexford, by his wife Caroline Susan Henrietta, second daiL of Henry Newton of Mount Leinster Lodge, in the co. of Carlow. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure a lion rampant argent, between three lozenges or, each charged with an increscent gules, in chief a cross ^ is tbe Military Cockade. ©al ^al 6ix crosslet gold (for Dare) ; 2 and 3 sable, on a chevron engrailed between three battle-axes erect or, as many eagles displayed of the field (for Hall). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent : and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant azure, bezant^e, charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslet or, and holding be- tween the paws a lozenge charged with an increscent as in the arms (for Dare) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a horse's head couped sable, sem^e of mullets or, armed proper, bridled argent, on the head two ostrich feathers of the first and third, and holding in the mouth a battle- axe or (for Hall). Motto — " Loyaut6 sanstache." Mar- ried, April 6, 1896, Helen, second dau. of the late John Taylor Gordon of Nethermuir, co. Aberdeen ; and has Issue — (i) Robert Westley Hall-Dare, Gentleman, b. Aug. 12, 1899; (2) Charles Grafton Hall-Dare, Gentleman, b. March 12, 1902 ; and Andrey. Seats — Newtownbarry House, Newtownbarry, co. Wexford; East Hall, co. Essex. Clubs — Carlton, Wellington, Kildare Street (DubUn). HALL-DARE. Quarterly, i. and iiii., the arms of Hall- Dare (R.L. , 1823, H. Coll.), quarterly, i and 4, azure, a lion rampant argent, between three lozenges or, each charged with an increscent gules, in chief a cross crosslet gold (Dare); 2 and 3, sable, on a chevron engrailed be- tween three battles-axes erect or, as many eagles displayed of the field (Hall); ii., the same arms of Hall; iii., the arms of Grafton-Dare (R.L., 1805). Mantling' azure and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a demi- lion rampant azure, bezant^e, charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslet or, and holding between the paws a lozenge charged with an increscent as in the arms (Dare) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a horse's head couped sable, sem6e of mullets or, armed proper, bridled argent, on the head two ostrich-feathers of the first and third, and holding in the mouth a battle-axe or (Hall). Motto — " Loyaut^ sans tache." Sons of Robert Westley Hall- Dare, Esq., of Newton- barry House, co. Wexford, and Theydon Bois, Essex (High Sheriff Essex 1872), J. P. co. Carlow, and (High Sheriff for that co. 1868), b. 1840; d. 1876; m. 1863, Caroline Susan Henrietta, d. of Henry Newton of Mount Leicester Lodge, co. Carlow : — Robert Westley Hall-Dare, Esq. (q.v.). Arthur Mildmay Hall-Dare, Gentleman, b. 1867; m. 1897, Edith Clare, eld. d. of Henry C. Fizherbert of Abbeyleix, Queen's Co. ; and has issue— Derrick Arthur Hall-Dare, Gentleman, b. 1900 ; and Irene Clare. Ees. — RICHARD HALL-SAY, Esq., J. P. for cos. of Norfolk and Berks (High Sheriff 1864) Bom 1827, being the eldest son of the late Richard Hall, by Harriet, dau. of Robert Say of Downham, Norfolk ; and assumed the name of Say by Royal License under the will of his uncle. Club— Reform. Armorial bearing — Quarterly i and 4, chevronny of six azure and gules, two flaunches ermine (for Say) ; 2 and 3 sable, two feathers chevron ways argent, within two chevronels or, between talbots' heads erased of the second (for Hall ). Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased argent, gutt6e-de-larmes, holding in the mouth a cinquefoil slipped •Vert (for Say) ; 2. upon a wreath of the coI6urs, a talbot's head erased sable, charged with four bezants in cross, hold- ing in the mouth a feather argent. Motto — " Fare et age. " Married, 1858, Ellen, only child of the late Edward Evans of Boveney ; and has, with other Issue — Geoffrey Norman Edward Hall-Say, Gentleman, b. 1864, educated at Clifton. Postal address — 69 Finchley Road, S.W. ARTHUR ERSKINE HERBERT CORNELIUS HALLEN, Gentleman, M.D. (Edin.). Born 1866, being the only son of the Rev. Arthur Washington Cornelius Hallen, Clerk in Holy Orders, by his wife Catherine, third dau. of William Hatton. Armorial bearing^s — Gules, a lion rampant or, crowned, armed, and langued azure, |harged on the shoulder with a hammer of the last for pfference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befit- ag his degree, with a Mantling gules and or. Crest — A |emi-lion rampant or, crowned, armed, and langued, and jarged on the shoulder with a hammer azure, between two antique wings sable. Motto— " Sine Deo nil." Married, 1887, Agnes, dau. of William Henry; and has Issue— Arthur Cornelius Hallen, Gentleman, born 1889; Cathe- rine Cornelia ; and Mirabel. Postal address — 14 Gower Street, W.C. HALLOWES. Azure, on a fesse argent, between three crescents or, as many torteaux. Mantling azure and argent. Crest. — On a wreath of the colours, a demi- griffin sable, winged and collared argent. Livery — Daik blue. Son ol Rev. Brabazon Hallowes, M.A. (Oxon.), of Glapwell Hall, Derbyshire, Vicar of Dyserth, Flints., b. 1819 ; d. 1892 ; m. ist, Jane Catherine Maria, (d. 1853), d. of Rev. Richard Howard, D.D. ; 2nd, 1856, Elinor, only d, of Thomas Green of Wilby and Athling^on, Suffolk : — Thomas Richard Francis Brabazon Hallowes, Esq. , Major (ret.) late 6th Dragoon Gds. (Carabiniers), J.P. co. Derby, b. 1853 ; m. 1887, Fanny, d. of late William Parish Robertson of Valparaiso ; and has issue — (1) Ronald Brabazon Hallowes, Gentleman, b. 1888 ; (2) John Chaworth Hallowes, Gentle- man, b. 1894 ; and Gwendolyn Maud. Seat — Glapwell Hall, Chesterfield, Derbyshire. Clubs. — Naval and Military, Junior Carlton. Herbert Chaworth Hallowes, Gentleman, b. 1857 ; m. 1883, Elizabeth Duncan, d. of James Garroway of Glasgow ; and has issue — Brabazon James Hallowes, Gentleman, b. 1885. Rev. Brabazon Chambr^ Hallowes, Rector of Morcott, b. 1861 ; m. 1894, Constance Emily, d. of Rev. W. Sanders. Rector of Guildford ; and has issue — Geoffrey Francis Brabazon Hallowes, Gentleman, b. 1895 ; and Muriel Constance. The Right Honourable THOMAS FREDERICK HALSEY, one of His Majesty's Most Hon. Privy Council, M.A., J. P., and County Alderman for Hertfordshire, Vice-Chairman of the County Council, Deputy Chair- man of Quarter Sessions, M.P. for Herts 1874, 1880, and for the Western or Watford Div. from 1885, and Major and Hon. Lieut. -Col. (ret.) Herts Yeomanry Cavalry. Born Dec. 9, 1839, being the eldest son of Thomas Plumer Halsey, Esq., M.P. for Herts, by his wife Frederica, dau. is the Naval Cockade. 6ia S>Ql Ibam and heiress of Gen. Frederick Johnston of Hilton. Armo- rial bMtflllfft- Quarterly i. argent, on a pile sable, three griffins' heads erased of the field (for Halsey) ; a. per saltire nrgent and sable, two passion crosses in fesso or, on a chief invected gules, three garbs of the third (for Whately) ; J. as first (for Halsey) ; 4. argent, a cross flory between Jour martlets ^les, a canton azure (for Stringer) ; 5. p^les, live fusils conjoined in fesse argent, each charged with an ermine spot sable (for Necton) ; 6. argent, a chevron ermines between three moorcocks sable, beaked, coinlxnl, wattled and legged gules (for Henshaw) ; 7. argent, a saltire engrailed sable, on a chief engrailed gules, three cushions or (for Johnston of Hilton) ; 8. as first. Uantllng sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm proper, habited gules, the cuff argent, holding a griffin's claw erased or. Motto -" Nescit vox missa revcrti." Married, Sept. a8, 1865, Mary Julia, youngest dau. of F. O. Wells, Bengal Civil Service ; and lias 7w«<— (i) Walter Johnston Hahey, Esq., J. P. co. Middx. and Herts, b. June i, 1868 [m., July 38, 1896, Agnes Marion, youngest dau. of W. Macalpine l^ny of Dalswin- ton, Dumfries]; (a) Arthur Halsey, Gentleman, Commander R.N., b. July 31, 1869; (3) Rev. Frederick Halsey, M.A. Oxon, b. Nov. ag, 1870; (4) Lionel Halsey, Gentleman, Commander R.N. , b. Feb. a6, 187a ; (5) Reginald Halsey, Gentleman, b. August 10, 1873 ; |6) Rev. Gerald Halsey, B.A. Oxon., b. Jan, ai, i88i ; (7) Gavin George Halsey, Gentleman, b. Sept. 5, 1883; Florence; Mary Cecilia [w. , 1899, Waller Edward Barnett] ; and Edith [/«., 1903, Capt. Bernard Granville, 3rd Hussars]. Seat — Gaddesden Place, Hemel Hempstead, co. Hertford. Residence— t^ Eaton Place, S.W. C/«*j— Carlton, United University. HALSTED, see EVERY-HALS TED, HALSWELL, quartered by KEMEYS-TYNTE. Major-General RICHARD HEBDEN O'GRADY HALY, C.B. (Mil.) (1896), D.S.O. {1889), J.P. co. Surrey. Bom 1841, being the eldest son of the late General Sir William O'Grady-Haly, K.C.B. ; created D.S.O., 1889. Armorial bearlngrs — Vert, three bars wavy argent, in chief a mullet pierced or. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a mermaid holding in her dexter hand a comb, and in her sinister a mirror all proper. Motto, " Sapiens dominabitur astris. " Married, 1865, Geraldine Mary, dau. of the late Major-General Charles Gostling, R. A. Postal address — Whitegates, Frim- ley, Surrey. Club — United Service. HAMBLETON. see CUSTANCE. CHARLES ERIC HAMBRO, Gentleman, Member of Parliament for the Wimbledon Division of Surrey since 1900. Bom Sept. 30, 1872, being the eldest son of Everard Alexander Hambro of Hayes Place, Beckenham, and of Milton Abbey, Blandford, Dorset, by his wife Gertrude Mary, dau. of the late Henry Stuart. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron between three annulets in chief and a lion passant in base or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon with wings displayed and belled or, sem^e of annulets, and resting the dexter claw upon a crescent. Motto — " In Deo." Married, 1894, Sybil Emily, third dau. of Martin Ridley Smith of The Warren, Hayes, Kent. Residence — no Prince's Gate. S.W. S EVERARD ALEXANDER HAMBRO, Esquire, J.P. for cos. Kent and Surrey, and D.L. for co. Dorset and for the City of London, a Director of the Bank of England. Born April 11, 1842, being the third son of the late Charles Joachim, Baron Hambro, of Milton Abbey, Dorset, Patron of Winterbourne Strickland and Milton Abbas and Stoke Wake. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron between three annulets in chief and a lion passant in base or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon billed and wings elevated or, sem^e of annulets, and resting the dexter claw on a crescent or. Motto — ' ' In Deo. " Mar- ried, Oct. 23, 1886, Gertrude Mary, dau. of the late Henry Stuart of Montford, Isle of Bute; and has Issue— [x) Charles Eric Hambro, Gentleman, b. Sept. 20, 1872 \m., July 17, 1894, Sybil Mary, third dau. of Martin Ridley Smith] ; (2) Harold Everard Hambro, Gentleman, b. Jan. 20. 1876; (3) Angus Valdiraah Hambro, Gentleman, b. i July 8, 1883 ; (4) Olaf Hambro, Gentleman, b. Oct. ao, 1886; and Violet Mary. .Vm/x— Hayes Place, HayesI Bromley, Kent ; and Milton Abbey, Blandford, Club — Travellers'. ■^1 HENRY CHARLES HAMBRO, Gentleman. /?.,r« Dec. ax, 1869, being the eldest son of Pcrcival L. Hamliro, by his wife Grace, dau. of Major H. Osway Maync. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron between tlircc annulets in chief and a lion passant in base or. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a f.ilcon billed and wings elevated or, sem^e of annulets, and rest ing the dexter claw on a crescent or. Motto — " In Seat — Milton Abbey, Dorset, lii HAMBROUGH. Quarterly, 1 and 4, argent, sem(«e of cross crosslets azure and gutt(Se-de-sang, a tower siihle (for Hambrough) ; a and 3, sable, on a fesse between two chevrons erminois, two covered cups azure (for Holden), Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreatli of the colours, on a mount vert, a horse courant argent, powdered with cross crosslets azure and guit(^c-(le-sang. Mottoes (over the crest) — " Foresight," and under the arms, " Hon- estum utili prae fer." Sons ol^ Albert John Hambrough, Elsq. , J.P, and D.L., b. 1830 ; d. 1861 ; m. 1845, Charlottle Jane, d. of late John Fleming. M.P. , ofStoneham Park, Hants:— Dudley Albert Hambrough, Esq., J.P. Hants, b. 1849; m. 1871, Marion, d. of T. Matthews of Crewkerne; and has issue. Res. — Windsor de Burgh Hambrough, Gentleman, b. ^ Res.— M Otho Oldisworth Hambrough, Gentleman, b. ^ Res.— Sons of Rev. Windsor Edmund Hambrough, M.A. b. 1830 ; d. 1899 ; m. , Mary, d. of Rev. Worsley, LL.D., of Gatcombe, Isle of Wight : — Beauchamp Windsor Hambrough, Gentleman, b. Res.— Worsley Hambrough, Gentleman, b. . Res.— HAMBY. quartered by FLOYER. A., I CHISNALL HAMERTON, Gentleman. Bom 1865, being the only son of Rev. Chisnall Hamerton of Hellifield- Peel, Yorks.,and his wife Bertha, dau. of Rev. William Griesbach, M.A. Armorial bearings— Argent, three ham- mers sable. Motto— " Fixus adversa sperno." Married, June 4, 1891, Elizabeth Rose, only child of George Greg- son of Warden Law, co. Durham ; and has /fjw*— Dorothy Helen Warden. Seats— Iti^ Peel, Hellifield, Yorkshire, and Azalea Terrace, Sunderland, HAMILL-STEWART (R.L., 1865). Quarterly.!, and iiii., quarterly, i and 4, or, a lion rampant azure, within a double tressure flory counterflory vert ; 2 and 3, or, a fess chequy argent and azure, the whole within a bordure gobony argent and vert, a crescent gules for difference (Stewart) ; ii. and iii., quarterly i and 4, gules, a fleur-de-lis or; 2 and 3, azure, a crescent argent (Hamill). Mantling azure and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head couped or, horned and crined argent, a crescent gules for difference (Stewart) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a fleur-de-lis or (Hamill). Motto — ' ' Forward." Son of John Thomas Hamill-Stewart, Gentleman, of Ballyatwood House, co. Down, d. 1866; tn. 1844, Maria Elizabeth, d. of Edward Hudson: — Henry Edward Hamill-Stewart, Gentleman, b. ; m. 3 Sept. 1896, Geraldine Mary, d. of Rev. Robert Keith Arbuthnot (third s. of Sir Robert K. Arbuthnot, Bart.); and has issue. Res. — HAMILTON, quartered by CROSBIE, GORGES, and TALBOT. HAMILTON, see BARRETT-HAMILTON, COLE- HAMILTON, NISBET - HAMILTON - OGILVY, ORMSBY - HAMILTON. SH.\W-HAMILTON, and STEVENSON-HAMILTON. CHARLES ROBERT HAMILTON, Esquire, J.P. for COS. Meath and Dublin. Born Aug. 29, 1846, being the eldest son of the late Charles William Hamilton, Esq., J. P., by his wife Letitia Charlotte, eldest dau. of the late is the Military Cockade. II lE)am 5)am 613 William Henry Armstrong, M.P. , of Moimt Heaton, King's Co. Clubs — Wellington, and Kildare Street. Armorial bearings — Quarterly gules and argent, in the 1st and 4th quarter three cinquefoils pierced ermine, and a canton of the second, charged with a trefoil slipped vert ; 2 and 3, a lympliad, sailed, furled, and oars out sable. Mantling gu'es and argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, an oak tree fructed proper, the frame or, hanging from the tree a shelf argent, charged with a trefoil slipped vert. Mottoes (over) — "Through"; (under the arms), "Sola nobilitas virtus." Married, Sept. 10, 1874, Louisa Caroline Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Francis Brooke of Somerton, co. Dublin, by his wife the Hon. Henrietta Monck, eldest dau. of the 3rd Viscount Monck ; and has Issue — (i) Charles George Hamilton, Gentleman, b. June 3, 1875, d. July 2, 1877 ; (2) Gerald Francis Charles Hamilton, Gentleman, b. June 23, 1877; (3) Frederick Arthur Haniilton, Gentleman, b, Dec. 15, 1880; (4) Henry John Hamilton, Gentleman, b, Sept. 25, 1885, d. Dec. t6, 1885 ; Eva Henrietta ; Letitia Marion ; Amy Kathleen ; Ethel Grace ; Constance Louisa ; and Lilian Mary. Seat — Hamwood, Dunboyne, co. Meath. Residence —^o Lower Dominick Street Dublin. Clubs — Wellington, Royal Societies', Kildare Street (Dublin). 5GAWIN WILLIAM ROWAN HAMILTON, Es- quire, J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1875, Col. late 3rd Royal Irish Rifles, and formerly Capt. 7th Dragoon Guards. Born March 7, 1844, being the eldest son of Archibald Rowan Hamilton, Esq., J. P., High Sheriff, formerly Capt. Sth Dragoon Guards, by his wife Catherine Ann, dau. of the Rev. George Caldwell, by his wife Harriot, dau. of Sir William Abdy, Bart. Clubs — Carlton, Naval and Military. Armorial bearings — Gules, three cinquefoils pierced ermine, on a chief or, a heart of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-antelope argent, attired or, holding between the forelegs a heart gules. Married, Oct. 19, 1876, Lina Mary Howley, only dau. of Sir George Howland Beaumont, Bart. , of Coleorton ; and has /w«s— Archibald James Hamilton, Gentleman, b. Sept. 30, 1877; and Orfla Melita Rowan \m., July 10, 1901, Arthur Oswald Fisher of Mickleham, Surrey]. Seats — Killy- leigh Castle, co. Down ; Shangannagh Castle, co. Dublin. Clubs— (Zz.x\\.ovl, Naval and Military. Colonel HENRY BLACKBURNE HAMILTON, late Commanding 14th (King's) Hussars, formerly in the 6th Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers), M.A. of Christchurch (Oxon.). Born 1841, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Henry Hamilton, M.A. , of Devonshire Place, London, pre- viously an officer in the 85th Light Infantry, and Rector of Thomastown, co. Kildare, by his wife Frances Margaret, dau. of the late Ralph Peters, Esq., of Platbridge, co. Lancaster. Clubs — United Service, Carlton, Wellington. Armorial bearings— Gules, a mullet argent between three cinque, foils pierced ermine, on a chief or, a heart of the first- Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-antelope argent, armed and unguled or, charged with a mullet gules, holding between the fore-legs a heart as in the arms. Motto — " Qualis ab incepto." Married, first, Isabella Lottie (rf. 1881), dau. of J. K. Wedderburn, Esq., and grand-dau. of Gen. Sir Thomas M'Mahon, Bart., G.C.B., Col. loth Regt. ; and had Issue — Henry Kellermann Hamilton- Wedderburn, Gentleman, Lieut. Scots Guards [q.v.), b. Nov. 22, i88i. He married secondly, Jan. 21, 1888, Florence Emily, eldest dau. of Lieut. -Gen. C. B. Ewart, C.B., R.E., Lieutenant-Governor of Jersey. Postal address — United Service Club. ISAAC TITTLE -HAMILTON, Esquire, M.A. and LL.D. University of Dublin, and of the Honourable Society of the King's Inns, Barrister-at-Law. Born June 30, 1863, second surviving son of the late James Henry Vos Tittle, Gentleman, by his wife Sarah, dau. of Isaac Hardy of Stony Hill, co. Antrim, by his wife Mary, dau. of Hill Hamilton, and sister and coheir of Hill Hamilton, both of Mount Vernon, co. Antrim, all deceased; he assumed name and arms of Hamilton by Royal Licence dated April 20, 1898. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, per saltire gules and azure, a galley, sails furled and oars in action or, between three cinquefoils pierced argent (for Hamilton) ; 2 and 3 azure, a lion rampant or, collared gules, and charged on the shoulder with an escallop sable between in chief two cinquefoils and in base an escallop argent (for Tittle). Mantling gules and or. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, in front of two battle-axes in saltire, an oak tree fructed all proper, the trunk transfixed with a frame-saw or (for Hamilton) ; 2. on a mural crown proper, a lion rampant or, collared gules, and charged on the shoulder with an escallop sable ; above it on an escroll, " In te Domine speravi." Motto — "Through." Married, Oct. 27, 1898, Louisa Plunket, youngest dau. of the late Rev. Patrick Foley, B.A. (Dublin), Rector of Kilscoran, CO. Wexford. Residence— " ¥3.noa\2i," Silchester Road, Glenageary, co. Dublin. JAMF:S HAMILTON, Esq., J.P. co. of Middlesex. Born Oct. 20, 1850, being the eldest son of the late Rev. James Hamilton, D.D., Minister of the Presbyterian Church, Regent Square, London, by his wife Anne Hovenden, eldest dau. of the late John Moore of Calcutta. Armorial bear ings — Gules, three cinquefoils argent, on a chief or, a heart of the first charged with a cinquefoil of the second. Mant- ling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries is set for his crest a heart gules, charged with a cinquefoil argent; and in an escroll over the same this is tlie Naval Cockade. 6i4 mm iDam Motto. " Fidelis in adversis." Married, June i, 1887, Milli- cent{«/. July 13, 1898). only dau. of the late Henry Pritchett. M. R. C. S. . L. R. C. P. , of West Town , Somerset. Residence — Gresham Road, Staines. C/«A— Staines (Staines). JOHN HAMILTON. Gentleman. Bom Oct. 15, 1850. being the eldest son of the late Rev. John Hamilton, Vicar of Lynsted, Kent, by his wife Augusta Hariet, dau. of Sir Henry Hawley, Bart., of Leybourne Grange, Kent. Ltvery — CbiTet. Armorial bearings — Gules, a spur- rowel of six points or, between three cinquefoils argent, all within a bordure engrailed erminois; and impaling the arms of Crutchley, namely argent, a chevron gules, coiiscd azure. lx:tween three torteaux, each encircled by two branches of oak pro|)er. Above the shield is placed a helmet befittini; his degree, with a Mantling gules doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an oak tree issuing from a ducal coronet, having a saw across it all proper, the last having the word "Through" upon the iron part of it as Motto. Married, July 24, 1883, Helen, dau. of Gen. Charles Crutchley of Sunninghill Park, Ascot; and has Issue— {\) John Hamilton, (ientleman, b. June {, 1884; (a) Charles Eliott-Hamilton, Gentleman, b, Feb. a;] 1888 ; (3) George Frederick Hamilton, Gentleman, b. March 30, 1890 ; Julia Helen ; and Margaret Euphemia. Nesidences — Sunnin^dale House, Silver Hill, St. Leonards-on-Sea ; and Sorbie, Broadwater Down. Tunbridge Wells. Club-^ Junior Carlton. JOHN ANDREW CHARLES HAMILTON. Esquire. Born May 1876, being the only son of the late John HamiUon Jennings Hamilton, Esq., of Howden, Tiverton, and Ferma- nagh, J. P., by his wife Augusta Catherine, second dau. of the Rev. W. T. Kevill Davies of Croft Castle, in co. of Hereford. Livery — Dark blue and red waistcoat. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly i and 4. per chevron argent and gules, three cinquefoils within a bordure nebuly all counterchanged (for Hamilton) ; 2 and 3, quarterly argent and gules, in the first quarter a cross crosslet of the second (for Crosse). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent. Crests, I. Upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, between two wings argent, an oak tree, penetrated trans- versely by a frame-saw proper (for Hamilton) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a cross pat6e fitch^e gules, be- tween two wings argent, each charged with a cross crosslet of the first (for Crosse). Mottoes —" Through " (for Hamilton); " Se inserit astris" (for Crosse). Married, April 1903, Lilian Honor, third dau. of the late W. N. Row, Esq., J. P., of Cove House, co. Devon ; and has Issue — Barbara Susan. Seals — Howden. Tiverton; Broomfield, Bridgewater. SJOHN CLAUDE CAMPBELL HAMILTON, Es- quire, of Sundrum, in the co. of Ayr, J. P. and D.L., late Capt. and Hon. Major Ayrshire Yeomanry Cavalry (Earl of Carrick's Own). Borti Feb. 17, 1854, being the eldest surviving son of the late John Hamilton of Sundrum, liy his wife Katharine Barbara, eldest dau. of the late William Stobart of Picktree, co. Durham. Armorial bearings- Gules, three fleurs-de-lis in fesse or, between as many cinque- foils argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an oak-tree fructed, penetrated transversely in the main stem by a frame-saw proper. Motto — "Through." Married, h^rW 10, 1877, Marion Armstrong, dau. of the Rev. Edward Charles Evans, Rector of Downham, co. Essex (second son of Richard Evans, Esq., of Eyton Hall, Hereford- shire) ; and has Issue — Chrystabel Mary ; Katharine Marion Louise ; Maude Alexandra ; and Evelyn Hope. Seat— Sundrum, co. Ayr. N.B. SMERVYN JAMES HAMILTON. Esquire. Capt. Lancashire Fusiliers. Bom 1879. being the only son of the late Dacre Mervyn Archdall Hamilton, Esq., of Cor- nacassa, J.P. and D.L. co. Monaghan (High Sheriff 1864), by his wife Helen, dau. of Walter Nugent, a Baron of the Austrian Empire. Armorial bearings — Gules, a chevron between three cinquefoils ermine, on a canton or, as many holly leaves conjoined vert. Crest — Out of three cinquefoils conjoined in fesse or, an oak-tree fructed and {jenetrated transversely in the main stem by a frame-saw proper, frame and handles gold. Motto — "Semper virescens." Seat — Comacassa, Monaghan. H ROBERT BRUCE HAMILTON HAMILTON, ™ Gentleman. Born 1878, being the eldest son of the late Claud Hamilton Hamilton, Esquire, D.L. co. Stir- ling, J.P. cos. Edinburgh, Stirling, and Dumbarton (who assumed the name of Hamilton on succeeding to the pro- perty of his uncle Claud Hamilton, Merchant at Mirzapore, Bengal), by his wife Hon. Henrietta Anne Bruce, sister of Lord Balfour of Burleigh. Armorial bearings— Quarterly I and 4, gules, a man's heart or, between three cinque- is the Military Cockade. J ©am ©am 6«5 foils ermine, a bordure indented party per pale of the second and third; 2 and 3, azure, a chevron chequy argent and sable between three fleurs-de-lis of the second. Mant- ling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a man's heart gules, charged with a cinquefoil argent. Motto — " Fidelis in adversis." Postal address — Dunmore Park, near Larbert, N. B. SIDNEY GRAVES HAMILTON, Esquire, J. P. cos. Gloucester and Worcester, Fellow of Hertford College, Oxford. Born June 13, 1855, being the son of Maxwell Hamilton of Dublin, Esq., Crown Solicitor of the N.E. Circuit of Ireland, by his wife Mary John, dau. and coheir of John Graves of Mickleton, co. Gloucester. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, three cinquefoils pierced ermine, on a canton argent, a lymphad with sails furled sable (for Hamilton) ; 2 and 3, gules, an eagle displayed or, beaked membered and ducally crowned argent, within an orle of cross-crosslets of the second (for Graves). Crest — Issuing from a ducal coronet gules, an oak-tree proper, the trunk traversed by a frame-saw also proper, dependent from the branches, on the sinister side, a shield gules, thereon a cross crosslet or. Motto — "Through." Estate — Kiftsgate Court, or Mickleton Manor Estate, co. Gloucester. Postal addresses — Kiftsgate Court, Campden, Gloucester- shire ; or Hertford College, Oxford. SUSAN ELIZA HAMILTON, Widow, daughter of Charles Bowman of Ipswich. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Quarterly i and 4, per chevron argent and gules, three cmquefoils within a bordure nebuly all counterchanged (for Hamilton) ; 2 and 3, quarterly argent and gules, in the first quarter a cross crosslet of the second. Married John Hamilton, Esq., of Tynecourt House, J. P. (who d. 1880) ; and has had Issue — John Hamilton Jennings Hamilton, Esq., of Howden, Tiverton, and of Fermanagh, J. P. , b. March 26, 1848 {m. July 17, 1875, Augusta Catherine, second d. of the Rev. W. T. Kevill Davies of Croft Castle, CO. of Hereford, and d. 1887, leaving John Andrew Charles Hamilton, Gentleman, b. May 1876 ; and Augusta Corisande Susan] ; Mary [jn. firstly, Dec. 4, 1874, Walter Glyn Law- rell. Esq, Capt. 4th Hussars, who d. 1880; secondly, Henry B. Kingscote, Esq., Major R.A.]; and Susan [m. Nov. i, 1880, the Rt. Hon. the 3rd Earl of Malmesbury]. Seals — Tynecourt, Bridgewater ; and Howden, Tiverton. S WILLIAM MALCOLM FLEMING HAMILTON, Esquire, Captain in the 71st Highland Light Infantry. Born Nov. 25, 1869, being the only son of the late William Charles Stewart Hamilton, Esq., of Craighlaw, J. P. and D.L. for the co. of Wigtown, by his wife Margaret Anne Mary,dau. of the late Thomas Jones of Hinton Charterhouse, CO. Somerset. Livery — Claret colour, waistcoat narrowly striped red and white. .Armorial bearings -Gules, a mullet between three cinquefoils within a bordure waved argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a dolphin pursuing another fish of the sea in the waters proper. Motto— " Honestum pro patria." Seat— Craighlaw, Kirkcowan, N.B. HAMILTON of Westburn (L.O., c. 1672-7). Gules, three cinquefoils ermine, a bordure potent counterpotent of the second and first. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a hand grasping a lance in bend sinister proper. Motto — " Et arma et virtus." ? Present representative. Hamilton (rematric. 1787). Arms as above, with a holly-leaf or in the fesse point. Crest and Motto as above. Son of Major Gilbert Hamilton, b. ; d \ m. 1847, Charlotte Gertrude, d. of Campbell : — Archibald A. Hamilton, Gentleman, M.D. , b. Pes. — Westbourne House, Crowle, Doncaster. HAMILTON of Craighlaw, formerly of Ladylands (matric. L.O., c. 1672-7). Gules, a mullet between three cinquefoils argent, within a bordure wavy of the last. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, on waves of the sea, a dolphin in chase of a flying fish all proper. Motto—" Honestum pro patria." Son of William Charles Stewart Hamilton, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Craighlaw, b. 1831 ; d. 1876; m. 1863, Margaret Anne Mary, d. of Thomas Jones of Hinton Charter House : — William Malcolm Fleming Hamilton, Esq., J. P., Capt. Highland Light Infantry, b. 25 Nov. 1869. Seat — Craigh- law, Kirkcowan, co. Wigton. Clubs — Army and Navy, New (Edinburgh). HAMILTON of Irvine, Ayrshire (9 Jan. 1902) Azure, on a chevron argent, between three lymphads sails furled or, flagged gules, a fleur-de-lis of the third, accompanied by two ravens sable. Mantling azure, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, on a mount, an oak- tree proper, fructed or. Motto — " Labora." Son of William Hamilton, Shipowner, ^. ; d. ; m. , Jane, d. of John Mackie : — John Mackie Hamilton, Gentleman, b. . Seat — Irvine, Ayrshire. Pes. — HAMILTON (U.O., Confn. 1897). Gules, a mullet argent, between three cinquefoils pierced ermine, on a chief or, a heart of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-antelope argent, attired or, holding between the forelegs a human heart and charged on the shoulder with a mullet both gules. Motto — ' ' Qualis ab incepto. " Son of Rt. Hon. Ian Trant Hamilton, 1st Lord Holm- patrick, P.C., M.A., J. P. and D.L., Lieutenant and Cust. Rot. of city and co. of Dublin ; b. 1839 ; d. 1898 ; m. 1877, Lady Victoria Alexandrina Wellesley, sister of Henry, 3rd Duke of Wellington : — Rt. Hon. Hans Wellesley Hamilton, 2nd Baron Holm- patrick (27 July 1897) [Supporters— Dexter, an antelope argent, attired or; sinister, a lion gules, each having pendent from a collar flory counterflory or, a shield ermine, charged with a heart gules], b. 1886. 5ea/— Abbotstown, Castle- knock, CO. Dublin. Sons of James John Hamilton of Ballymacool, b. 1788 ; d. 1842 ; m. ist, Margaret, d. of Thomas Carter of Castle Martin; 2nd, 1821, Hon. Anne Geraldine de Courcy, d. of John, Lord Kingsale : — Rev. James Hamilton, M.A. Camb. , Vicar of Melbourne, Camb., b. 1817 ; m. 1847, Louisa (d. 1893), d. of Major John James Durbin of Mainstone Court, Herefordshire ; and has surv. issue — (i) James Arthur Durbin Hamilton, Gentle- man (Pes. — Comfort's Place, Godstone, Surrey), b. 1854 [m. 1883, Julia Sophia, only surv. child of late Comm. George Durbin, R.N.] ; Emmeline Margaret ; and Josephine Laura [m. 1883, Chas. F. Hughes Hallett]. 5«a/— Bally- is tlie Naval Cockade. 6i6 IDam t)am roacoll, Dunboyne, co. Mcath. ^«j.— Melbourne Vicar- age, Koyston, Herts. Major-Uen. Thomas de Courcy Hamilton, V.C. , late 64th Regt.. Kt. of Legion of Honour, J. P. co. Gloucs.. *. 1835 ; M. 1857, Mary Aime Louisa, d. of Sir William Bayncs, and U.»rt. ; and has surv. issue — — Junior Constitutional. Sons of Rev. Henry Hamilton, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), Rector of Thomastown, CO. Kildare, *. 1795; d. 1874 ; m. 1840, Frances Margaret, d. of Ralph Peters of Platbridge : — Col. Henry Blackburne Hamilton (g.v.). Arthur John Hamilton, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., i. 1846; m. 1884, Evelyn Louisa, d. of F. W. Fryer of West Moors, Dorset ; and has issue — Hubert Arthur Hamilton, Gentle- man,^. 1894; and Frances May. /its. — Norrington, Bourne- mouth. C/uii— Junior United Service, Constitutional. Sons of Lt.-Gen. Henry Meade Hamilton, C.B., d. i8ao; rf. 1895; m. 1845, Henrietta Mary, d. of Rev. Sir Erasmus Borrowes, Bart. : — Gilbert Henry Claude Hamilton, Esq., Col. late 14th Hussars, and Brig. -Gen. S. Africa, d. 1853; m. 1885, Florence Brooks, d. of Henry Tootal Broadhurst of Wood- hill, Prestwick ; and has issue — Brian Gilbert Hamilton, Gentleman, i. 1886. Sir Bruce Meade Hamilton, K.C.B. , Major-Gen. comdg. 3rd Div. ist Army Corps, 6. 1857. Cluis — United Service, Carlton. Hubert Ian Wetherall Hamilton, Esq., D.S.O., Bt.-Col., A.D.C. to the King, Mil. Sec. to Lord Kitchener, 6. 1861, C/ui — Army and Navy. Keith Randolph Hamilton, Esq., D.S.O., Capt. Oxford- shire, Lt. Inf., 6. 1871 ; m. 1895, Ella Marcella, d. of Major John Finlay of Castle Toward ; and has issue, /des. — Son of Capt. Thomas Rice Hamilton, 98th Regt., d. 1827; killed in action, Zululand, 1879; m. Anne, d. of George Baumbach : — Cyril Hamilton, Esq., D.S.O., Capt. Thorneycroft's Horse, 6. i860; m. Constance Lodwick ; and has issue — (i) Vivian Hamilton, Gentleman, 6. ; (2) Meade Hamilton, Gentleman, d. ; (3) Geoffrey Hamilton, Gentleman, d. ; (4) Alexander Hamilton, Gentleman, t. Res.— Ygst. son of John Hamilton of Grove, co. Meath, b. ; d. 1847; m. Katherine Elizabeth, d. of WilUam Smythe of Barbavilla : — Rev. Hans Frederick Hamilton, RectorofWoodmansterne, b. 1829; m. 1858, Mary Georgina (q. , of Preen Manor, co. Salop, J. P. and D. L. , High Sheriff 1886, by his wife Emma Ruth, dau. of William Gratrix of Eccles. co. Lancaster. Livery — Blue, gilt but- tons, red waistcoat. Armorial bearingrs— Quarterly i and 4, jjer fesse azure and argent, in chief three roses of the second and in base an arrow in pale proper (for Sparrow) ; 2 and 3, or, on a bend engrailed vert, between two plain cotises sable, three bezants (for Hanbury). Mantling azure and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, out of the battlements of a lower proper, a unicorn's head argent, horned and crined or, sem6e of pheons azure (for Sparrow) ; 2, out of a mural crown sable, a demi-lion or, holding in the dexter paw a battle axe sable, headed gold (for Hanbury). Motto—" In E)eo solo salus est." Married, May 26, 1891, Christian Annie Margaret, dau. of Major-Gen., Charles Jocelyn Cecil Silltry, late lath Suffolk Regt., by Christina his wife, dau. of Archibald Smith of Holiart Town ; and has Issue— (\) Arthur Alan Hanbury Hanbury-Sparrow, Gentleman, b. April 1. 189a ; (a) Brian Hanbury Hanbury-Sparrow, Gentle- man, b. Oct. 7, 1896 ; and Ruth Margaret Siilery. Estates — Eaton-undcr-Heywood, and Riishbury, co. Salop. Kesi- dence — The Uplands, Tcttenhall, co. Stafford. HANCOCK (Confn. U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4, ermine, a cock gules, on a chief engrailed sable, three dexter hands appaum^e couped at the wrist proper (Hancock); a and 3, per bena sable and argent, a liend embattled counter-embattled between two trefoils slipped all counterchanged (Strangman). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent, charged on the shoulder with a fusil azure, and holding between the paws an ogress, charged with a cock of the first, MottO — " Vigilate et orate." Sons of Thomas Strangman Hancock of Lisburn, co. Down, Ireland, b. 1813; d. 1871; m. i860, Emma, d. of John Thomas Towson, F.R.G.S. : — Charles Hancock, Gentleman, b. 1863. Res. — George Strangman Hancock, Esq., J. P. Witwatersrand Dist., Transvaal, b. 1865; in. 1895, Gertrude, d. of William Scott of Manchester (by his wife Emma, d. of John White- head of Elton, Lanes.) ; and has issue — Dugald Strangman Hancock, Gentleman, b. 1897. Res. — Cleveland, Transvaal. Sons of George Hancock, b. i8ao ; d. 1880 ; m. 1850, Rachel Barratt : — ? ALFRED JOHN HANCOCKS, Esquire, formetly Capt. ist Worcestershire Rifle Volunteers. Born 1828, being the eldest son of the late John Hancocks, Esq., J. P., by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of the late John White of Astley, co. Wor- cester. Armorial bearing^ — Per chevron azure and gules, in chief a garb between two cocks respecting each other, in base a lion rampant or. Mantling; azure and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a cock gules, holding with its dexter claw an ear of wheat or. Motto— " Redeem time." Married, 1851, his cousin, Caroline l^ouisa, second dau. and co-heiress of the late Samuel Han- cocks of Woodfield House ; and has Issue — (i) Alfred Ernest Collingwood Hancocks, Gentleman, d. 1856 ; (2) William Hancocks, Gentleman, b. 1857 \m., 1885, Edith, dua. of Edward Paris of Claughton, Cheshire]; (3) Edgar Talbot Hancocks, Gentleman, b. 1862 \m., 1888, Constance, dau. of Edward Paris of Claughton, Cheshire]; Caroline Louisa, rf. 1866; Constance Ellen; Georgina Isabel; Are- thusa Grace ; and Adeline Ariadne. Seats — The Birches, Wolverley, near Kidderminster ; Blakeshall House, Kidder- minster. is the Military Cockade. E)an ANNESLEY JOHN HANCOCKS, Esquire, Major R. Inniskilling Fusiliers. Born Sept. 13, 1864, being the only surviving son of the late Arthur Annesley Hancocks, Gen- tleman, by his wife Gertrude Elizabeth, dau. of the late Rev. John William Donaldson, D.D. , Fellow of Trin. Coll. , Cambridge. Armorial bearings — Per chevron azure and gules, in chief a garb between two cocks respecting each other, in base a lion rampant or. Mantling' azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a cock gules holding with its dexter claw an ear of wheat or. Motto — " Redeem time." Married, 1893, Mary Beatrice, dau. of E. Renaud of Oldswinford, Stourbridge ; and has Issue — Marguerite Gertrude. S AUGUSTUS TALBOT HANCOCKS, Esquire, J. P. and D.L., late Major Worcestershire Militia. Born April 23, 1838, being the fourth son of John Hancocks, Esq., of Wolverley Court, J. P. cos. Worcester, Stafford, and Salop, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of the late John White of Astley, co. Worcester. Armorial bearings — Per chevron azure and gules, in chief a garb between two cocks respecting each other, and in base a lion rampant or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a cock gules holding with its dexter claw an ear of wheat or. Motto — " Redeem time." Married, 1888, Edith, dau. of the late Surgeon - Major Joseph Salter Rimington, Bombay Army ; and has Issue — Noel William Talbot Hancocks, Gentleman, b. Dec. 1889 \(d. 1900); Augustus Cameron Hancocks, Gentleman, b. jjuly 1892 ; and Heather Belle. 6Va/— Wolverley Court, I Kidderminster. ' GEORGE HAND, Esquire, J. P. for CO. of London, Sheriff jof the City of London 1894-1895. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a chevron between two dexter hands couped at the jwrist in chief, and a snaffle-bit in base all or, a like hand jbetween two bosses sable, and impahng the arms of Payne, '.namely argent, on a bend gules, between a rose also gules, jstalked, leaved, and slipped in chief proper, and a mari- jgold stalked, leaved, and slipped in base also proper, five cinquefoils of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and .or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm holding a marigold, leaved and slipped iproper, an escutcheon gules, charged with a golden fleece ; iwith the Motto, " Perseverantia. " I HANDCOCK (Granted by Sir Edward Walker, Garter, 1645). Ermine, on a chief sable, a dexter hand couped at the wrist between two cocks argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant azure, holding between the paws a fusil argent, charged with a cock gules. Motto — " Vigilate et orate." Sons of Richard, 4th Baron Castlemaine, b. 1826 ; d. 1892 ; ni. 1857, Hon. Louisa Matilda Harris, d. of the 2nd Lord Harris : — The Rt. Hon. Albert Edward Handcock, jth Baron Castlemaine, of Moydrum Castle, co. Westmeath, Lieut. land Custos. Rot. co. Westmeath and a Rep. Peer, B.A. !0.xford, late Lieut. 4th Batt. Roy. Inniskilling Fus. I Supporters— Dexter, a lion guardant azure ; sinister, a cock iproper], b. 1863 ; m. 1895, Annie Evelyn, only d. of Col. Ifoseph Thomas Barrington of Charlton, Kent ; and has rSsue — Hon. Evelyn Constance. Seats — Moydrum Castle, l^thlone; Hare Island, Westmeath. Clubs— Cz.x\tor\, Wellington, Kildare Street (Dublin). Hon. Robert Arthur Handcock, J. P. and D.L. co. Westmeath, b. 1864 ; m. 1894, Ethel Violet, only d. of |3ol. Sir Edmond Bainbridge, K.C.B. ; and has issue — jRichard Edmond Guy Handcock, Esq., b. 1896; and Violet Louisa. Seat — Garnafailagh, Athlone. Son of Richard Henry Handcock, Esq., late Lieut. Roy. Munster Fus. , b. 1858 ; d. 1891 ; m. 1886, Katherine Eleonora, d. of Van. Arthur Palmer, Arch- deacon of Toronto : — Florence Guy Handcock, Esq., b. (posthumous) 1892. Yr. sons of Hon. Robert John Handcock, B.A., b. 1830; d. 1902; m. 1856, Caroline, d. of Lt.-Gen. Henry Pester, R. A. : — Robert John Handcock, Gentleman, b. i860. Res. — Henry Handcock, Gentleman, b. 1869. Res. — Sons of Hon. and Rev. John Gustavus Handcock, Rector of Annaduff, co. Leitrim, b. 1799 ; d. 1838 ; tn. ^an 621 1827, Frances Flood, d. of John Harward Jessop of Doory Hall, co. Longford : — Rev. John Harward Jessop Handcock, Vicar of St. Mary's, Woodlands,*. 1829; m. ist, 1856, Frances (d. 1864), d. of Rev. Nicholas Devereux, D.D., of Ballvrankin House, CO. Wexford ; 2nd, 1873, Lucy, d. of Rev. Edward Carr, LL.D., late Vicar of St. Helens; and has issue— Harward Devereux Handcook, Esq., b. 1874. Res.— The Vicarage, St. Mary's, Woodlands, Sevenoaks. Richard Arthur Handcock, Gentleman, b. 1836 ; tn. 1865, Harriette, d. of Michael James MacCormack, M.D. ; and has issue — Harriet Frances. Res. — Sons of Hon. Charles Handcock, Barrister-at-Law, b. 1808 ; d. 1879 ; m. 1845, Elizabeth, d. of Daniel Kelly of Cargins, co. Roscommon : — Henry Handcock, Esq., b. 1855. Res. — Richard Handcock, Esq., J.P. cos. Westmeath and Roscommon, b. 1859. .ff«.— Glenkens, Ashburton, New Zealand. C/«3— Sackville Street (Dublin). Sons of Capt. Hon. Robert French Handcock, b. ; d. 1871 ; m. 1848, Isabella Louisa, d. of James Gordon : — Robert Gordon Handcock, Esq., Major late B.S.C., b. 1849 ; »«• 1882, Hon. Audrey Mary Florence Abbott, d. of Charles Stuart, 3rd Lord Tenterden. Res. — Stannus Henry Handcock, Gentleman, b. 1852; m. 1883, Theodosia Violet, d. of Murray M'Gregor Blacker, Esq., D.L. CO. Mayo, of Chantilly, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A. Seat — Ramsay TyrreU, Ingatestone, Essex. Edward Stanley Handcock, Gentleman, b. 1853 ; m. ist, 1880, Lucy Eleanor [d. 1882), widow of Capt. Hugh Campbell, R.N., and d. of Capt. Clement Archer, 4th Dragoon Gds. , of Hill House, Hampton ; 2nd, 1889, Rose Marion, d. of Col. W. A. Middleton, C.B., R.A. ; and has issue — Robert Temple Harris Handcock, Gentleman, late Lieut, sth Batt. K.R.R.C, b. 188 1 ; and (by second mar.) — Marion Dorothy; and Muriel Gordon. Res. — Son of Tobias Handcock, b, ; d. ; m. , Johanna Reilly : — Richard Handcock, Esq., late Lt. -Col. 46th Regt.,3. ; m. Jane Eraser, widow of Capt. Woodham ; and has surv. issue — (i) Rev. William Eraser Handcock, b. \m. 1869, Elizabeth Jane Colville] ; (2) Rev. Richard Handcock, b. \tn. , M. Swinhoe]. Res. — HANDLEY, see DAVENPORT-HANDLEY. HANDLE Y (H. Coll., 25 Feb. 1904). Argent, a fess invected gules between in chief two goat's sable, armed and attired or, and in base a fusil of the second. Daus. and coheirs of late Rev. William Handley, Rector of Winthorpe, nr. Newark, Notts, M.A. (Can- tab.), b. 1811 ; d. 1873 ; 7w. , Charlotte, d. of Oliver Toulmin : — Charlotte Handley. Res. — Middlebush, Chester County, New Jersey. Louisa, m. 1880, Edward Pirie-Gordon, Esq. (^.v.). Ellen, a nun of the Order of the Sisters of Bethany. Res. — House of Retreat, Lloyd Square, Pentonville. HANDY, quartered by DUCKETT. S Colonel JOHN COMPTON HANFORD, C.B. (1897), formerly Hanford-Flood, but assumed the surname and arms of Hanford only by Royal Licence dated March 6, 1893, served during Egyptian War, 1882-84, present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir(mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp, and 4th class Medjidie), with Soudan Expedition 1884, present at the battles of El Teb and Tamai (two clasps 4th class Osmanieh), and with Nile Expedition 1884-85 (mentioned in despatches, two clasps). Born 1849, being the eldest son of the late William Hanford-Flood, Esq. , J. P. , D. L. , of Farmley and Flood Hall, co. Kilkenny, by his wife Frances, dau. of the late Charles Hanford of Woollas Hall, co. Worcester. Armorial bearings —Sable, a star of eight rays argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a wivern of the first, wings expanded argent. Motto— " Memorare novissima." Seats— Flood Hall, Thomastown, co. Kilkenny ; Woollas Hall, Pershore, co. Worcester. C/«er ; and impaling the arms of Chetwood-Aiken, namely, quarterly I and 4, or, a chevron sable, between two cocks respectant in chief gules, and a hnnting-horn in base vert, garnished and stringed of the third (for Aiken) ; 2 and, 3 quarterly argent and gules, four crosses pat^e counterchanged (for Chetwood). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a lion's head azure, gorged with a collar invected argent, thereon three magpies proper. an escallop between two quatrefoils fesseways or. Motto — " Fear One." Married, Aug. 26, 1851, Grace Maxwell, third daughter of Peter Freeland Aiken, Advocate, Banker, of Bristol, bv his wife Constantia Elizabeth (only child of John Chetwood, Esq., Capt. 33rd Regt.), who in 1885 was granted a Royal License to bear the additional surname and arms of Chetwood in consideration of her father, Capt. John is the Naval Cockade. 2 R 626 IDar lE)at Chetwood, being the heir and representative of Sir Richard Cbetwood, the claimant of the ancient Barony of De WahuU, in the reign of James I.); and had Issue — (i) Edmund Arthur Hardy, born 1853, died 1879; (al Charles Chetwode Hardy, C.E., born Nov. 17, 1864; (3) Francis Armitage Hardy, M.A., born June 7, 1866; (4) Rev. Henry Ernest Hardy, B.A., Clerk in Holy Orders, born Jan. 7, 1869; (5) George Cecil Hardy, Lieutenant R. N., born June 14. 1873 ; Helen Constance ; Grace Amy (died 1874) ; and Mary Gertrude [m. Cecil Arthur James Eieatty]. Residence — Mapleloft, Grange Road, Westbury-on-'I'ryn, near Bristol. S LAURENCE HARDY, Esquire, Member of Parlia- ment for Ashford Division of South Kent, J. P. for the W. Riding of the co. of York, and J. P. and D.L. for co. of Kent, Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts of the Univer- sity of Oxford. Bom April 14, 1854, being the fourth son of Sir John Hardy, hrst Baronet, by his wife Laura, daughter of William Holbech of Farnborough, Ban- bury. C/«3j— Carlton, Oxford and Cambridge. Livery — Brown and yellow. Armorial bearings— He bears for Anna: Argent, on a bend invected, plain cotised gules, three catherine-wheels or, on a chief of the second, as many leopards' faces of the third ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, garnished or, charged with two catherine-wheels gules, entwined by a branch oak vert, and grasping a dragon's head erased proper. Motto — " Armd de foi hardi. " Married, December 2, 1886, Evelyn Emily, eldest daughter of Gathorne Wood of Thedden Grange, Alton, in the county of Hampshire; and has Issue — (i) Arthur Evelyn Hardy, Gentleman, b. Aug. 19, 1893 ; (2) Maurice John Hardy, Gentleman, b. April 17, 1902. Postal add. — 4a Lowndes Sqtiare, S.W, ; Sandling Park, Hythe, Kent. The Late CHARLES JOHN HARE, M.D. Cantab. (Gonville and Caius Coll.), F.R.C.P., formerly Prof, of BY WATCHFULNESSfv WSTEADFASTNESSi Clinical Medicine in Univ. Coll., London, Consulting Physi- cian (late Physician) to Univ. Coll. Hosp., Hon. Fellow and Fellow and ex-President of several learned societies. Bom 1818, being the only son of the late Samuel Hare of Leeds, by Mary Anne, dau. of John Eadon of Brighimore House, Sheffield. Azinorlal bearings — Or, eif^ht arrows interlaced saltireways and banded gules, on a chief sable, three mulkts argent, a canton of the last, thereon a gate of the third, the whole within a bordure ermine. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Orest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent, sem(5e of mullets gules, sup- porting a flagstaff proper, therefrom flowing to the sinister a pennon gules, charged with a mullet argent. Motto— " By watchfulness, by steadfastness." Married, 1863, Catherine, youngest dau. of Edward Westhead of Croston Tower, co. Chester; and has, with other Atw*— Harcourt Yates Hare, educated at Harrow, M.A. and LL.B. Class Honours) of Caius Coll., Canibridge, b. 1865 Grace, younger dau. of the late Charles liJam, M. F.R.C.P.]. £j/a/«— Wareside, Herts: Heathfield, Ktch- ingham and Buxted, Sussex, and Turwcston, Bucks. Residence — Berkeley House, 15 Manchester .S(|uarc, Lon- don, W. SSm GEORGE RALPH LEIGH HARIO, srcl Haronet of Stow Bardolph, co. Norfolk, J. P. and D.L. for CO. Norfolk, late Lieut. 2nd Life Guards. Born March 16, 1866, being the eldest son of the late Capt. Sir Thomas Hare, 2nd Baronet ; and succeeded as 3rd Baronet, under the creation of the United Kingdom, dated 1818, at the decease of his father, Nov. 14, 1880. Armorial bearings— couri (ist i \m. ID., Gules, two bars and a chief indented or, impaling the arms of Marsham, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent, a lion passant in bend gules, between two bendlets azure (for Marsham) ; 2 and 3, sable, a bull's head couped argent, enclosed within a torse or and azure (for Pym). Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent, gorged with a ducal coronet or. Motto — " Non videri sed esse." 3/fl''- r/^(/, December 3, 1891, Lady Florence Mary Constance, dau. of the Right Honourable Sir Charles Marsham, Earl of Romney ; and has Issue — Grace Constance Leigh ; Mary Leigh ; and Marjorie Florence Rhoda Leigh. Esiaits— Gressenhall House, in the county of Norfolk ; Cadhay, in the county of Devon. Postal address — Gressenhall House, East Dereham, Norfolk. C/«#j — Bachelors', Windham. HARFORD (H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, sable, two bendlets argent, between three cross crosslets fitch6 in pale of the last (Harford) ; 2 and 3, azure, a saltire paly ermine and or, between two rams passant in pale of the second & Is the Military Cockade. I^ar 8>ar 627 and as many cross crosslets fitch6 in fesse argent (Battersby). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, in front of flames, issuant therefrom a phoenix proper, two cross crosslets fitch6 in saltire argent (Harford) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, issuant out of fire proper, a dragon's head per pale or and azure between a pair of wings ermine. Motto — " Inter utrumque tene." Livery — Black and silver. Sons of John Battersby- Harford, Esq., J.P,, D.L., M.A. , of Blaise Castle, GIos. , and Falcondale, co. Cardigan, b. 1819 ; d. 1875 '< '"• 1850, Mary Charlotte Elizabeth, d. of H.E. the late Baron de Bunsen, for- merly Prussian Minister at the Court of St. James's : — John Charles Harford, Esq., J.P. and D.L. co. Cardigan (High Sheriff 1885), J.P. co. Gloucester, Major Imp, Yeom., b. i860; ;//. 1893, Blanche Amabel (d. 1904), d. of late Rt. Hon. Cecil Raikes, P.C., M.P., of Llwynegryn, CO. Flint; and has issue — (i) John Henry Harford, Gentle- man, b. 1896 ; (2) George Arthur Harford, Gentleman, b. 1897 ; and Mary Amabel. Seats — Falcondale, Lampeter, Cardiganshire ; Blaise Castle, Glos. Club — Junior Carlton. Frederic Dundas Harford, Esq., J.P. and D.L. co. Cardigan, B.A. Christ Church (Oxon.), First Sec. in H.M. Diplomatic Service, b. 1862 ; m. 1896, Amy Mary Josephine, d. and coh. of late Henry Joseph Stourton, Esq., J. P., of Holme Hall, Yorks. [Anns as above, and in pretence: Quarterly, i and 4, sable, a bend or, between six fountains i (Stourton) ; 2. gules, on a bend between six cross crosslets |fitch6 argent, an inescutcheon or charged with a demi-lion 'pierced through the mouth with an arrow, all within a 'double tressure flory and counterflory gules (Howard); 3, jsable, a chevron between three estoiles argent (Langdale), and many other quarterings] ; and has issue — Joan Mary. \Seat — Holme Hall, York. Res. — British Legation, Buenos Ayres. Clubs — St. James's, Orleans, Ranelagh. Sons of Rev. Thomas Dundas Harford-Battersby, •« b. 1822 ; d. 1883 ; m. Mary Forbes : — Rev. John Battersby Harford, b. 1857. Hes. — North Lodge, Ripon. Rev. Dundas Harford, b. 1858. Res. — St. Stephen's V'icarage, Norwich. Rev. George Harford, b. i860. Res. — Mossley Hill Vicarage, Liverpool. Dr. Charles F. Harford, b. 1864. Res. — Livingstone JoUege, Leyton, E. JOHN REGINALD HARGREAVES, Esquire, J. P.. ate Sub. -Lieut. R.N. Born April 8, 1864, being the second ind onlv surviving son of the late Thomas Hargreaves, Esq. , >f Arbdrfield, J.P. for Berks, High Sheriff 1867, Capt. 3rd ioyal Lancashire Militia, also Hon. Lieut. R.N.R. , by his vife Sarah, dau. of Washington Jackson of Liverpool. omorial bearings— Quarterly or and vert, on a fesse rmine, between three bucks courant counterchanged, a ret gules. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of he colours, a buck's head erased vert, attired or, gorged irith a collar argent, charged with a fret gules, in the mouth a sprig of oak proper. Motto — ' ' Fortitudine et prudentia. ' ' Married, June 15, 1891, Bertha Gamage de Lacy, dau. of John Whitlock Stradling-Carne of St. Donat's Castle, co. Glamorgan ; and has Issue— ]ohn Carne Hargreaves, Gentle- man, b. Feb. 4, 1900; Mabel Florentia; and Sybil Cicely. 5m/j— -Drinkstone Park, Bury St. Edmunds; Arborfield Hall, Reading. Clubs — Carlton, Wellington, Automobile. REGINALD GERVIS HARGREAVES, Esquire, J.P. for Hants and Suffolk. Bom October 13, 1852, being the eldest son of the late Jonathan Hargreaves, Esq., J.P. and D. L. , by his wife Anna Maria, riau. of Christopher Harland of Ashbourne, co. Derby. Armorial bearings— Quarterly or and vert, on a fesse ermine, between three bucks courant counterchanged, a fret gules. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a buck's head erased vert, attired or, gorged with a collar argent, charged witli a fret gules, in the mouth a sprig of oak proper. Motto—" For- titudine et prudentia." Married, Sept. 15, 1880, Alice Pleasance, second dau. of the Very Rev. H. G. Liddell, Dean of Christ's Church ; and has Issue— (x) Alan Knyveton Hargreaves, Gentleman, b. Oct. 25, 1881 ; (2) Leopold Reginald Hargreaves, Gentleman, b. Jan. 8, 1883 ; (3) Caryl Liddell Hargreaves, Gentleman, b. Nov. 19, 1887. Seat — Cuffnells, Lyndhurst, Hampshire. C/«3— Carlton. RICHARD TATTERSALL HARGREAVES, Gentle- man. BoT^i , being the eldest son of the late James Hargreaves of Gooden House, Heap, Bury, Lanes. Armo- rial bearings — Vert, a fesse nebuly argent, between a stag's attires affixed to the scalp in chief and a stag courant in base or. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head couped azure, gorged with a collar nebuly or, within the attires a rose argent, barbed and seeded proper, the whole between tvvo like roses. Motto^" I die in harness." Residence — SHis Honour Sir RICHARD HARINGTON, nth Baronet, of Ridlington, co. Rutland (June 29, 1611), a Judge of County Courts, J.P. cos. Hereford, Warwick, and Worcester, D.L. and Chairman of Quarter Sessions CO. Hereford ; succeeded his cousin in 1877. Born May 20, 183s, being the eldest son of the Rev. Richard Harington, D.D., Rector of Old, co. Northants, and subsequently Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford, by his first wife Cecilia, fourth dau. of Rev. Samuel Smith, D.D. , Dean of Christ Church, Oxford. Livery —B\a.ck, with white collar and cuffs. Armorial bearings — Sable, a fret argent, the escutcheon being charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased or, langued and collared gules, buckled of the first. Motto — " Nodo firmo." Married, June 5, i860, Frances Agnata, second dau. of Rev. R. Biscoe, Prebendary of Hereford and Rector of Whitbourne ; and has Issue — (i) Richard Harington, Esq., M.A. (Oxon.), one of the Judges of the High Court at Calcutta since 1899, J.P. and b.L. CO. Hereford, b. March 3, 1861 [m., Sept. 5, 1899, the Hon. Selina Louisa Grace, elder dau. of the Hon. C. S. Dundas (Viscount Melville), and has issue, Richard Dundas Harington, Esq., b. Sept. 1900; John Charles Dundas Harington, Gentleman, b. 1903]; (2) Rev. Charles Haring- ton, M.A. (Camb.), Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Aymer- strey, Herefordshire, b. May 23, 1862 [m., 1896, Audrey Emma, dau. of Rev. Robert Burges Bayly, Vicar of Bosbury, and has issue, Charles Robert Harington, Gentle- man, b. 1897, and John Edward Harington, Gentleman, b. 1901] ; (3) Edward Harington, Esq., B.A. (Oxon.), Bar- rister-at-Law, b. Oct. 25, 1863; (4) Rev. Robert Harington, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Camb.), Rector of Peterstow, Ross, b. April 26, 1868 ; (5) John Harington, Esq., Capt. 2nd Batt. Rifle Brigade, b. April 10, 1873 ! Margaret Agnata m., 1900, George Hume Pollock, Esq.]; and Frances Cecilia [m. 1904, Rev. Cecil George Stokoe, M.A. , Oxon.]. Seat — Whitbourne Court, Worcester. Clubs — Arthur's, Oxford and Cambridge, Junior Conservative. ROBERT EDWARD STUART HARINGTON- STUART, Esquire, J.P. and D.L., Hon. Col., late Capt. Rifle Brigade, eldest son of Robert Harington, Esq., late Capt. 12th Lancers, by his wife Charlotte, third dau. and co-heiress of the late Andrew Stuart of Castlemilk and Torrance, in the county of Lanark. Assumed the surname of Stuart in 1879, on succeeding to the estate of Torrance on the death of his maternal aunt, Miss Christian Anne Stuart. is tbe Naval Cockade. 6a8 l^ar i^ar C/wltf— Carlton, Army and Navy, New (Edinburgh), Scottish Conservative (Edinburgh). Western (Glasgow), Conservative (Glasgow). /,»Tr/v— Oxford grey or dark blue, with brass mountings. Armorial bearuigs — I le lx<5? Constance Susan, dau. of G. W. Franklin, M.P. " Poole, who d. Nov. 1879. Res. — West Clandon, Surrey* Rev. ROBERT HARKNESS, M.A., late Rector of Giles, Wimborne, third son of the late Rev. Robert Hark- ness, M.A. , of Garryfine and Temple Athea, co. Limerick, Vicar of East Brent, Somerset, by his wife Jane Waugh, dau. of Rt. Rev. George Henry Law, D.D., Bishop of Hath and Wells (by his wife Jane, dau. of General Adeane, M.P. CO. Cambridge). Armorial bearings— Gyronny of eight or and ermine, each piece charged with a crescent alternately gules and azure, over all a lion rampant sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dove close per pale or and vert, holding in the beak an olive branch also vert, fructed gold. Motto — "Hope in God." Married Elizabeth, dau. of William Siddon of Stoneygate House, CO. Leicester, and widow of Dr. Toswill ; and has Issue — (i) Robert Law Harkmess, Gentleman ; (2) William Bathurt Harkness, Gentleman ; Margaret ; Katherine ; and Constance. Residence — WILLIAM HENRY HARKNESS, Esquire, late Capt. sth Dragoon Guards, B.A. (Trin. Coll., Dublin), served in the Zulu Campaign 1879. Bom Jan. lo, 1854, being the only son of Rev. William Harkness, M.A., of Garryfine and Temple Athea, co. Limerick, Vicar of Wins- combe, CO. Somerset, by his wife Sarah Anne, dau. of John Peebles, Dublin, M.D. Armorial bearings— Gyronny of eight or and ermine, each piece charged with a creseeni i Is the Military Cockade. It)ar !J)ar 629 alternately gules and azure, over all a lion rampant sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dove close per pale or and vert, holding in the beak an olive branch also vert, fructed gold. Motto— " Hope in (jod." Married, Feb. 1901, Lucy Emily, dau. of Major Launcelot Kiggell of Cahara, Glin, co. Limerick. Seat— (iarryfine,co. Limerick. y?«.— Temple Athea, co. Limerick. HARLESTON, quartered byCONYERS, FLETCHER- VANE, and LEMPRIERE. HARMAN. see S TAFFORD-KING-HARMAN and KING-HARMAN. K THOMAS EDWARDS HARMAN, Esquire, Major V? in the Army, late the Queen's, J. P. Born April 15, 1842, being the only son of Samuel Thomas Harman of Palace, co. Wexford, by his vk'ife Mary Anne, daughter of John Lloyd Edwards of Cammoline Park, co. Wex- ford. Livery — Blue and silver. Armorial bearing^ — Sable, a chevron between six rams counter passant, two and two argent, armed and unguled or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree. Mant- ling sable and argent. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a sinister arm erect, vested azure, cuffed argent, the hand proper, grasping a rose-branch stalked and leaved vert, bearing two roses, one gules, the other argent, seeded of the first. Motto — " Dieu defend le droit." Married, Jan. 15, 1885, Mary Edith, dau. of Richard Clayton-Brown- Clayton, Esq., of Adlington Hall, Lanes., and Carrigbyrne, Wexford, J. P. and D.L. cos. Wexford and Kilkenny ; and has Issue — Thomas Clayton Harman, b. Oct. 1886 ; and Katherine Olga Dorothy. Estates — Carrigbyrne, co. Wexford ; Ballycaron, co. Kilkenny. Postal address — Carrigbyrne, Wexford. Clubs — Junior Army and Navy, Kildare Street, (Dublin). FREDERIC WILLIAM HARMER. Gentleman, Jus- 1 tice of the Peace, Fellow of the Geological Society, Mayor I of Norwich 1887-1888. Born April 24, 1835, being the j eldest son of Thomas Harmer of Norwich, by, his wife I Emily, second daughter of William Youngman, also of i Norwich. 6V?/i^— Royal Societies'. Armorial bearings— ' He bears for Arms : Quarterly, per fesse nebuly or and sable, on a bend vaire, between in the second and third quarters a rose argent, barbed, seeded, leaved, and slipped proper, three lozenges of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter arm embowed, vested sable, cuffed argent, the hand proper holding three roses gules, each barbed, seeded, leaved, and slipped also proper, three lozenges conjoined fesseways or; with the MottO, "Esse quam videri." Married, January 18, i860, Mary, third daughter of Adam Lyon of Downham, in the county of Cambridge; and has Issue — (i) John Alexander Harmer, Gentleman, born October 27, i860; (2) Sidney Frederic Harmer, Gentleman, born March 9, 1862 ; (3) Thomas Bertrand Harmer, Gentleman, born November 15, 1867 ; (4) William Douglas Harmer, Gentleman, born August 2Si 1873 ; and Edith Mary. Estates — Cringleford, and Eaton, in the county of Norfolk. Postal address — Oakland House, Cringleford, Norfolk. "* HARMSWORTH (H. Coll., 1904). Azure, two rolls of paper in saltire or, banded in the centre gules between four bees volant of the second. Mantling azure and or. Crest — -On a wreath of the colours, between two ostrich feathers or, a cubit arm erect proper, the hand grasping a roll of paper or. Sons of Alfred Harmsworth, Barrister-at-Law (Middle Temple), b. 1837 ; d. 1899 ; m. 1864, Geraldine Mary, d. of William Maffett of Dublin : — Sir Alfred Charles William Harmsworth, Bart. (23 Aug. 1904), J. P. for Cinque Ports, b. 1865; m. 1888, Mary Elizabeth, eld. d. of Robert Milner of Kidhngton, co. Oxford. 6Va^.f— Elmwood, St. Peter's, Isle of Thanet : Sutton Place, Guildford. Town res. — 36 Berkeley Square, London, W. C/a/J— Beef Steak. Harold Sidney Harmsworth, Gentleman, b. 1868 ; m. 1893, Mary Lilian, d. of George Wade Share of Forest Hill, 3.E. ; and has issue — (i) Harold Alfred Vyvyan St. George Harmsworth, Gentleman, b. 1894 ; (2) Vere Sydney Tudor Harmsworth, Gentleman, b. 1895 ; (3) Esmond Cecil Harmsworth, Gentleman, b. 1898. Res. — North End Place, Hampstead. Cecil Bisshopp Harmsworth, Gentleman, B.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), b. 1869; m. 1897, Emelie Alberta, d. of William Hamilton Maffett. Barrister-at-Law, of St. Helena, Finglas, co. Dublin ; and has surv. issue— Cecil Desmond Bernard Harmsworth, Gentleman, b. 1903 ; Stella Mary ; and Daphne Cecil Rosemary. Res. — 28 Montague Square, W. C/«3j— Devonshire, National Liberal. Robert Leicester Harmsworth, Gentleman, M.P. for Caithness-shire since 1900, b. 1870; in. 1892, Annie Louise, d. of Thomas Scott of Cornard, Suffolk, and Wandsworth, Surrey; and has issue— (i) Alfred Leicester St. Barbe Harmsworth, Gentleman, b. 1892; (2) Harold Cecil Aubrey Harmsworth, Gentleman, b. 1897; (3) Robert Lovel St. John Harmsworth, Gentleman, (5. 1898; (4) Arthur Geoffrey Harmsworth, Gentleman, b. 1904; Annie Mary Geraldine ; and Violet Lilian Rosemary. Res. — 3 Marlborough Gate, London, W. Club— K&ioxm. Hildebrand Aubrey Harmsworth, Gentleman, b. 1872 ; m. 1900, Kathleen Mary, d. of E. Denny Berton, M.B., CM. (Edin. ) of St. John's, New Brunswick; and has issue — (i) Hildebrand Alfred Beresford Harmsworth, Gentle- man, b. 1901 ; (2) Ronald Aubrey Leicester, Gentleman, b. 1902 ; (3) Chamberlain Michael Hildebrand Harms- worth, b. 1903. Res. — Poynter's Hall, Herts ; Heath- lands, Hampstead Heath. Town res. — 51 Curzon Street, London, W. Albert St. John Harmsworth, Gentleman, B.A. (Oxon.), b. 1876. Res. — 2 Great Cumberland Place, W. Vyvyan George Harmsworth, Gentleman, b. 1881. Res. — 2 Great Cumberland Place, London, W. JOHN HARPER, Gentleman, LL.D. Armorial bear- ings — Argent, a fesse azure, between three harps sable, stringed gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a harp sable, stringed or. Motto — " Te Deum laudamus." Residence — HARRIS, quartered by TEMPLE. HARRIS (H. Coll.). Or, a chevron invected ermine, between three escutcheons azure, each charged with a hedge- hog proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased proper, gorged with a chain or, pendent therefrom an escutcheon azure, thereon a hedgehog as in the arms, between the attires a chaplet of ro.ses gules, leaved vert. Motto — "My prince and my country." Son of late John Han-is, Esq. J. P., and D.L., of Grey- southen, Cumberland : — Joseph Harris, Esq., J. P. and D.L. Cumberland (High Sheriff 1895), Capt. (Hon. Maj.) Westmorland and Cumber- land Imp. Yeo. 1892-1901, b. 1859; m. 1896, Hope, yrj d. of late Herbert Knowles. Seats — Calthwaite Hall. Carlisle ; Greysouthen, Cockermouth, Cumberland. Club, — Carlton, Cavalry. HARRIS of Lakeview, co. Cork (Confn. U.O.). Azure, a chevron between three hedgehogs or, on a chief argent as many cinquefoils pierced gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant or, holding between the paws a cinquefoil pierced gules. Motto — " Industria Veritas et hospitalitas." Livery — Dark blue, brass buttons. Sons of William George Harris, Esq., J. P., of Kilcully, CO. Cork (son of William Prettie Harris of Lakeview, CO. Cork), b. ; d. ; m. , Themer, d. of Benjamin Swete, Esq., J.P., of Timoleague, co. Cork : — William Prettie Harris, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Cleveland, Ohio. Benjamin Swete Harris, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Newtown, Hobart, Tasmania. James Crofts Harris, Gentleman, b. 1855 ; tn. 1881, Elinor, d. of Charles Langley, Esq., J. P. of Tay Lodge, CO. Waterford. Estates— Ha.s interest in Estates of Pierce- town and Ballinahina, co. Cork. Res. — Moira, Blakeney, Gloucestershire. HARRIS of Westcotes, Leicester. Arms {c. 1830- 1840)— Sable, three piles, two and one or, each charged with a bull's head caboshed of the first. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, issuing from is tbe Naval Cockade. 630 IDat i^ar the battlements of a tower or, a bull's head sable, charged with a cinquefoil gold. Motto—" In Deo solum robur.' Sons of Rev. Joseph Harris < 1831- 189a) of Westcotes, Leicester, and o(^ Herm House, hlastbourne, M.A. (Oxon.), Rector of Gt. nnd Little Shepey, Leics. , w. i86a; Susanna (i'«.^Nanaimo, B.C.; Harrison Street, Victoria, B.C. C/«^— Union (Victoria, B.C.). HENRY BROADLEY HARRISON - BROADLEY, Esquire, J. P. for East Riding, Lord of the Manors of EUoughton-cum-Brough, the Prebendary of the Prebend of North Newbald, the Prebend of Husthvvaite in North Newbald, and of a moiety of the Manor of Sutton in Holderness, and Patron of the Livings of Welton, EUoughton, Sutton, and (alternatively) of Rempton ; assumed the additional names and arms of Broadley by Royal Licence, May i, 1896, pursuant to the will of his uncle. Col. W. H. Harrison-Broadley of Welton. Born March 12, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Lieut.-Gen. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, within a chaplet of roses gules, a cross pat^e fitch^e at the foot sable (for Broadley) ; 2 on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion or, charged with a bend vair as in the arms, supporting with the sinister paw a shield argent, thereon two branches of laurel saltireways vert (for Harrison). Motto — " Nihil viget simile." Married, July 30, 1878, Belle, only dau. of John William Tracy of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. ; and has Issue — John Harrison-Broadley, Gentleman, b. Dec. 17, 1880; Julia; Leola; and Louisa. Seats — Welton House, Brough, East Yorks ; Tickton Grange, near Beverley ; Hon Gate, Beverley, Yorks. Club — Carlton. S Captain THOMAS HARRISON-TOPHAM, D.S.O. (1892), R.E. , served in Burmah 1892 at defence of Sadon ; assumed the additional surname and arms of Topham by Royal Licence in 1896. Born 1864, being the son of the late Capt. Thomas Arthur John Harrison, R.A. Livery — Blue, faced with white. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a chevron gules between three herons' heads erased sable, a snake nowed or, in the centre chief point a cross pat6e fitchte of the last (for Topham); 2 and 3, or, on a cross engrailed azure between in the first and fourtli quarters an arrow point downwards proper, five pheons or (for Harrison). Mantling gules and argent. Crests — (i) upon a wreath of the colours two crosses patfe fitch^e in saltire or, interlaced with as many serpents vert (for Topham) ; (2) upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter cubit arm habited azure, cuffed or, en- circled by a wreath of oak or, holding in the hand a broken arrow point downwards proper, two pheons or. Motto— " Persevere." Married, April 13, 1898, Muriel Gertrude M'Leod, dau. of the Venerable Arthur Frederick Clarke, Vicar of Cockerham, Lanes. , and Archdeacon of Lancaster ; and has Issue - Vera Mary M ' Leod. Residence — The Warren, Shrewsbury Lane, Shoes Hill, Woolwich ; Cald- bergh, Middleham, Yorkshire. Clubs— Army and Navy, Junior Army and Navy. HARROP, see HULTON-HARROP. HART (H. Coll.). Per fesse gules and sable, two esquire's helmets in chief and a fleur-de-dis in base argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a Saracen's head in profile couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed about the temples argent and gules, five fleurs-de-lis fessewise argent. is tlie Naval Cockade. 634 Mv foar Son of :— William Henry Hart, Gentleman, i. stngton Court Mansions, W. ^«.— Ken- HART (H. Coll.). Qtiarterly, per pale nebuly mure and ar{;ent, in the first ;ind fourth quarters a sword (>uint down- wards proper, pommel and hilt or, and in the second and third quarters a fleur-de-lis gules. Mantling azure and argent. OrMt — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a sword fessewise point to the sinister pro|jer, pommel and hilt gold, thereon a stag trippant argent, attired or, chargetl on the Ixjdy with three fleurs-de-lis fessewise gules, and in the mouth a sprig of olive slipped and fructed proper. Motto — " Heddwch " (=:peace). Sons of the late Samuel Hopgood Hart, P'sq., of Mulgrave House, Sutton, Surrey, a Commissioner of Lieutenancy for the City of London, i. 1835 ; d. 1898 ; M. 1864, Frances Mary, d. of Sir Thomas Scambler Owden, Alderman of the City of London, and Lord Mayor 1877-8: — Samuel Hopgood Hart, Gentleman, Solicitor, d. 1865; m. 1901, Eliza Jane, only d. of William Hipkins of Edg- baslon, Birmingham ; ancl has issue — (i) Edmund Scambler Hart, Gentleman, />. 190a ; (2) Edward Dunstan Hart, Gentleman, f>. 1903. /?«. — Edenburst, Birdhurst Road, South Croydon, Surrey. Thomas Owden Hart, Gentleman, i. i866. /fes. — Mul- grave House, Sutton, Surrey. John Metcalf Hart, Gentleman, 6. 1868 ; m. 1900, Maud, d. of Robert Thomas I^ttey of Cregg Paik, Island, Oranmore, co. Galway ; and has issue — Evelyn Maud ; and Dorothy Frances. /?«. — "Glenside," AUeyn Road, Ehilwich. James Hopgood Hart, Gentleman, d. 1876. Jies. — Philip Ewmg Hart, Gentleman, 6. 1878. Xes. — Sons of : — Wyndham Hart, Gentleman, d. ; m. ; and has issue. Jfes. — Fairfield. Leigham Court Road, Streatham. Percival Hart, Gentleman, 6. . Res. — Grove Lodge, Hampstead Lane, Highgate. S ARTHUR FITZROY HART-SYNNOT, Esquire, Maj. -General in the Army, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (1889), and Knight of the fourth class of the Order of the Osmanieh (1882). Com- manded the sth (the Irish) Brigade in the Transvaal, S. Africa ; assumed additional name and Arms of Synnot by R.L., 1902. Bom May 4, 1844, being the fourth but eldest surviving son of the late Lieutenant-General Henry George Hart, by his wife Frances Alicia, dau. of the Rev. Holt Okes, Doctor of Divinity. Armorial bearings- Quarterly I and 4, argent, three swans in pale sable, ducally gorged or, on a canton gules, a sword in pale proper (Synnot) ; 2 and 3, sable, a chevron or, between two stags' heads caboshed in chief of the last, and three swords, one in pale surmounted by two in saltire points downwards in base proper, pommels and hilts gold (Hart), and in pretence the arms of Synnot, namely argent, three swans m pale sable, ducally gorged or, on a canton gules, a sword in pale prof>er ; and pendent below the escutcheon his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Mantling sable and or. Crests— (i) Upon a wreath of the colours, a swan issuant wings expanded sable, ducally crowned or and vulued in the breast with an arrow gold, feathered argent (Synnot) ; (2) upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head between two antlers all proper (Hart). Mottoes — " Sine macula," "Celeratque fidelis." Married, December 22, 1868, Mary Susanna, dau. of the late Mark Seton Synnot, Esq., of Ballymoyer, in the co. of Armagh, J. P. and D.L. for the co. 01 Armagh; and has /rj«< — (i) Arthur Henry Seton Hart-Synnot, Gentleman, b. July 19, 1870 ; (2) Ronald Victor Okes Hart-Synnot, Gentleman, b. July 24, 1879 ; Beatrice May ; and Horatia Annett Blanche. Seat — Ballymoyer, Newtown Hamilton, co. Clare. Club — Junior United Service. HORATIO HOLT HART, Esquire, Col. R.E. (retired). Bor^ Aug. 9, 1850, being the sixth but third surviving son of the late Lieutcnant-General Henry George Hart, by his wife Frances Alicia, daughter of the Reverend Holt Okes, Doctor of Divinity. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, a chevron or, between two stags' heads caboshed in chief of the last, and three swords one in pale, surmounted by two in saltire points downwards in base proper, pommels and hilts gold, a crescent for difTerence. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, \\\-nin a wreath of the colours, a stag's head between two aiitUrs .ill pro{)er; with the Motto, " Ccler atque fidelis." Married August 8, 1872, Emily Aline, daughter of Jaini>s (Jeorgc Clements ; and has Issue— V^WWaxw Cecil Hart, Gentleman ; Laurence George Hart, Gentleman, twins, b. Aug. 16, 1877 [m. 1903, Alice Maud, dau. of Henry Blake Goodall, Bar- rister-at-Law, of Belvedere, Missoorie, India]. Postal aii- dress — c/o King, King & Co. , Bombiiy. SiK ISRAEL HART, Knight Bachelor (1895). J. p. and Alderman for the Borough of Leicester, and has becii High Bailiff and four times Mayor thereof. Born 1835, being the son of the late Mordecai Hart of Canterbury, by Frances, his wife, dau. of the late M. Moses of Cheltenham. Armorial bearings— Vert, a hart trippant or, between four cinquefoils in chief of the last, and a fasces fesseways in base proper, head to the sinister. Mantling vert and or. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, upon a fasces a hart as in the arms, the dexter foreleg resting on a crown vallary azure. Motto— "Via trita via tuta." Married, firstly, 1866, Caroline (rf. 1867), dau. of Joseph Sewill of I>ondon, and secondly, 1875, Charlotte Victoire, dau. of the late Samuel Moses of Pembridge Square, London, W. ; and has Issue — (1) Edward Samuel Hart, Esq. ; (2) Harold Joseph Hart, Esq. ; (3) Arthur Charles Hart, Esq. ; (4) William Henry Spencer Hart, Esq. ; Marguerite ; Gladys Elizabeth ; and Vera Carlotta. Residence — Ashleigh. Knighton, near Leicester. Clubs —National Liberal, Liberal (Leicester). Major-Genekai, Sir REGINALD CLARE HART, V.C. (1879), K..C.B. (1898), K.C.V.O. (1904. Born June II, 1848, being the fifth but second surviving son of the late Lieut.-Gen. Henry George Hart, by his wife Frances Alicia, dau. of the Rev. Holt Okes, D.D. Z.zV«/— Black, buff facings. Armorial bearings— Sable, a chevron or, between two stags' heads caboshed in chief of the last, and three swords, one in pale surmounted by two in saltire points downwards in base proper, pommels and hilts gold, a cres- cent for difference, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Synnot, namely, quarterly i and 4 argent, three swans in pale sable, ducally gorged or, on a canton gules, ^ is the Military Cockade. A ^ar a sword in pale proper, a crescent for difference (for Syn- not) ; 2. the same arms without the crescent ; 3. ermine, two bars gules (Nugent). Mantling' sable and or. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head between two antlers all proper. Motto— " Celer atque fidelis." [Fed. H. Coll.] Married, Aug. 6, 1872, Charlotte Augusta, dau. of Mark Seton Synnot, Ksq., of Ballymoyer, co. Armagh, J. P. and D.L. for co. Armagh ; and has Issue — (i) Harold Charles Hart, Esq., Capt. Royal Warwickshire Regt., b. March 30, 1874 ; (2) Henry Hart, Gentli;man, b. March 30, 1874, d. same day (twin with Harold Charles) ; (3) Henry Francis Hart, Gentleman, b. June 7, d. Aug. 16, 1876 ; (4) Reginald Seton Hart, Gentleman, 2nd Lieut. Sherwood Foresters, b. June 27, 1882 ; (5) Norman Synnot Hart, Gen- tleman, h. March 24, 1888; Annie Rosabel Clare; and Sylvia Agnes Alicia. Postal address — Government House, Chatham. Club — United Service. HARTCUP of Upland Hall (H. Coll.). Argent, a chev- ron gules, between three Saracens' heads affront^e couped at the shoulders, each collared with a short bow proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the ^ar 635 Eastwood, Old Catton, Norfolk. C///*^— Constitutional, Norfolk County (Norwich). GEORGE LOYD FOSTER HARTER, Esquire, J. P. (1894) Gloucestershire. Born 1852, being the eldest son of James Collier Harter, Esq. , J. P. , of The Odars, Leamington, by Mary Eleanor, dau. of Frederic Foster of Sale Priory. Armorial bearings— Argent, a lion rampant double-queued between three mullets of six points azure, pierced of the field. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath colours, a warrior's head in profile couped at the shoulders, helmeted proper, garnished or, between two wings argent, in front thereof a short bow, stringed of the first. Livery — Light drab, red facings. Sons of the late William Hartcup, Esq., J. P., of Upland Hall, co. Suffolk, b. 1814 ; d. 1895; m. 1843, Louisa Jane, eld. d. of James Taylor Margitson of Ditchingham House, Norfolk: — Herbert James Hartcup, Esq., V.D. , late Col. comdg. 2nd V.B. Norfolk Regt., b. 13 Oct. 1844; m. 17 Nov. 1875, fanny Maria, eld. d. of late Capt. Henry William Selby- 4K)wndes, 15th Hussars; and has surv. issue — (i) Montagu Herbert Hartcup, Gentleman, b. 1878; (2) William Richard Monyns Hartcup, Gentleman, b. 1882; (3) John Archibald Hartcup, Gentleman. (5. 1899; and Marjorie Ruth. fStfa/— Upland Hall, Bungay, Suffolk. Res.— The. Bank House, Bungay. Clubs — Constitutional, Norfolk County (Norwich). William Thomas Hartcup, Gentleman, b. 30 March 1848 ; m. II April 1877, Florence Mary, yr. d. and coh. of late lidward Charles Coles of Paul's House, Bishop Hull, and Drchard Portman House, Somerset, by his wife Ellen, d. of (ohn HartnoU Moore, R.N., of Cadeleigh Court, Devon, Mid grand-dau. of late Edward Coles, Esq., of Paul's House, Major Comdi. Taunton Troop of West Somerset Veo. ; and has issue— (i) Geoffrey Hamilton William Hart- cup, Gentleman, b. i886; (2) Roderick Edward Hartcup, jentleman, b. 1889; Cicely Florence; Isabel \m. 1903, -apt. Claude Arthur William Hamilton, R.N.]; Audrey Woodforde {m. 1904, Clement Dawes Pawle of Trin. Coll. , 3amb., one of H.M.'s Inspectors of Schools] ; Geraldine; ind Stella. 6>(z/— Upland Hall, Bungay, Suffolk. Res.— of the colours, a stag springing from a fern-brake proper, and gorged with a collar azure. Motto — "Deo omnia." Married, 1887, F. Geraldine, dau. of William Sacheverell Coke, Esq., of Brookhill Hall, Derbyshire, J. P. and D.L. ; and has Issue — James Collier Foster Harter, Gentleman ; Helen Frederica Elizabeth Foster ; and Geraldine Nevill Foster. 5fa^— Salperton Park, Hasellon, R.S.O., Glos. S JAMES FRANCIS HATFEILD HARTER, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for Beds., and J. P. for Bucks, High Sheriff co. Beds. 1885, Major and Hon. Col. Royal Bucks Hussars. Born March 15, 1854, being the eldest son of the late Rev. George Gardener Harter of Cranfield Court, Bletchley, Beds. , J. P. , by his wife Elizabeth Jessie, dau. of the Rev. James Beard, M.A. Clubs — Carlton, Turf. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion rampant double-queued between three mullets of six points azure, pierced of the field. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stag springing from a fern-brake projjer, gorged with a collar azure. Motto — "Deo omnia." Married, April 22, 1887, Violet, elder dau. of the late Douglas Loftus, Grenadier Guards ; and has Issue — Audrey Violet Hatfeild. 5ant double-queued between three mullets of six points azure, pierced of the field. wr»^ntHny azure and argent. Great — On a wreath of the colours, a stag spring- ing from a fern-brake proper, gorged with a collar azure. Motto — "Deo omnia." Seat — The Bury, Kcmpston, co. Bedford. C/m3— Arthur's. ALFRED HARTILL, Gentleman. Horn Oct. 19, 1849, being the third son of the late Randle Hartill of Willenhall, by his wife Eliza, dau. of the late William Thomas of Walsall. Armorial bearings— .Xrgent, on a mount in base vert, a hart lodged and regardant gules, a chief of the last, thereon an arrow in pale point downwards between two hearts of the first. Mantling gules and argent ; and for the Greet, on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a hart lodged and regardant gules, holding in the mouth an arrow in bend sinister argent, and resting the dexter fore- leg on a heart also gules. MottO — " Diligentes Deus ipse juvat." Postal address — Walsall. FREDERICK WILLIAM HARTILL, Gentleman. Rom Aug. 29, 1875, being the only surviving son of the late William Henry Hartill, Esq., J. P. co. Stafford, by his wife Louisa Elizabeth, dau. of James Tildesley of Summer- ford House, Willenhall. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a mount in base vert, a hart lodged and regardant gules, a chief of the last, thereon an arrow in pale point down- wards between two hearts of the first. Mantling gules and argent ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a hart lodged and regardant gules, holding in the mouth an arrow in bend sinister argent, and resting the dexter fore-leg on a heart also gules. Motto — "Dili- gentes Deus ipse juvat." Postal address — Lonsdale House, Willenhall. JOHN THOMAS HARTILL, Esquire, J. P. for co. .Stafford, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), President lt)ar 1 of Staffordshire Branch of British Medical Association 1885-86. Bom Dec. 8, 1847, being the second son of the late Randle Hartill of Willenhall, by his wife Eliza, dau, of the late William J'homas of Walsall. Armorial bear- ings — Argent, on a mount in base vert, a hart lodged and regardant gules, a chief of the last, thereon an arrow in pale fx)int downwards between two hearts of the In Mantling gules and argent; and for the Crest, <: wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a hart lo.l and regardant gules, holding in the mouth an arrow in I sinister argent, and resting the dexter fore-leg on a li. also gules. Motto — "Diligentes Deus ipse juvat." Man March 4, 1876, Emily, second dau. of the late j,n Tildesley of Sunmierford House, Willenhall ; and . Issue— (i) Rev, Edgar Hartill, M.A. (Oxon.), I'ricsi-m. Charge, St. Barnabus', Stoke-on-Trent, h. June 28, 1878 ; (2) Sydney Hartill, Gentleman, B.A. (Oxon.), b. March a6, i88a ; (3) Vivian Hartill, Gentleman, b. and d. May 34, 1883 ; (4) Walter Hartill, Gentleman, b. Sept. 2, 1886; (1;) Percy Hartill. Gentleman, b. Feb. 10. 1892 ; Gertrude ; Ellen ; and Fanny (died in infancy). Postal address — Manor House Willenhall, HARTLAND, see DIXON-HARTLAND. CHARLES ALBERT HARTLEY, Gentleman. Bom Jan. 18, 1851, being the third son of the late John Hartley, Esq. , of Wheaton- Aston, D. L., J. P. , High Sheriff co. Staff. 1870, by his wife Emma, second surviving dau. of G. H. Thorneycroft of Hadley Park, Salop, and Wheaton-Aston, CO. Staffs. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a cross en- grailed gules, four quatrefoils or, in the first and fourth quarters a martlet sable, impaling the arms of Lascelles, namely sable, a cross patonce within a borciure or. Mant- ling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a martlet sable, in the beak a cross paife fitch^e or. Motto — "Sub hoc signo vinces." Married. Sept. 28, 1886, Mary Emmeline, second dau. of the late Colin Minton Campbell of Woodseat, co. Stafford, some- time M.P. for North Staffs. ; and has Issue. S GEORGE THOMPSON HARTLEY, Esquire, of Wheaton-Aston Hall, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Stafford, and Justice of the Peace for the county of Salop, late Cornet Queen's Own Staffordshire Yeomanry Cavalry. Born January 11, 1844, being the eldest son of John Hartley, Esquire, of Wheaton- Aston, Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of .Stafford, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Salop and Stafford, and High Sheriff of the latter county, 1870, by his wife Emma, second surviving daughter of G. B. Thorneycroft, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Hadley Park, in the county of Salop, and Wheaton-Aston, in the county of Staflbrd. Livery — Claret colour, red and white striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, on a cross engrailed gules, four quatrefoils or, in the first and fourth quarters a martlet sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert a martlet sable, in the beak a cross pat6e fitch^e or. Motto—" Sub hoc signo vinces. " Married — June 15, 1871, Lousia, daughter and co-heiress of Spencer Stone of Callingwood, in the county of Stafford ; and has Issue — Ernald George Justinian Hartley, Gentle- man, born May 1875 ; Evelyn Eleanor ; Ethel Margaret, died young; and Mabel Alice. Seat — Wheaton-Aston Hall. Stafford. S JAMES HARTLEY, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Durham, late Captain of 5th Fusiliers and 32nd Regiment of Foot. Bom 1838, being the eldest son of the late James Hartley, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy - Lieutenant, of Ashbrooke Hall, sometime Member of Parliament for Sunderland, who died 1886, by his wife Annie, only daughter of Thomas Blenkin- sop of Heworth, in the county of Durham. Clubs- Army and Navy. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, on a cross engrailed gules, four quatrefoils or, in the first and fourth quarters a martlet sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert a martlet sable, in the beak a cross pat6e fitch^e or. Motto— " Sub hoc signo vinces." Married, 1869, Cecilia, only daughter of S. Stitt, Esq., J. P., of The Grange, Claughton, Cheshire; and has, with other Issue — ]&mes Blenkinsop Hartley, i is tbe Military Cockade. E)atr ^ar 637 Gentleman, Barrister - at - Law, born 1870. iAshbrooke, Bournemouth. Residence — i Thk Rev. JOHN THORNEYCROFT HARTLEY. fM.A. (Oxon.), Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Burneston, Ico York. Born Jan. 9, 1849, being the second son of the hate John Hartley, Esq., of Wheaton-Aston, D.L., J. P., (High Sheriff co. Staff. 1870, by his wife Emma, second isurviving dau. of G. B. Thorneycroft of Hadley Park, iSalop, and Wheaton-Aston, co. Staffs. Armorial bear- ings—Ermine, on a cross engrailed gules, four quatrefoils ior.'m the first and fourtli quarters a martlet sable, impaling [the arms of Lascelles, namely sable, a cross patonce within a bordure or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a martlet sable, jin the beak a cross pat6e fitch^e or. Motto — ' ' Sub hoc isigno vinces." Married, July 1875, Alice Margaret, second 'dau. of the Hon. George E. Lascelles [son of Rt. Hon. 3rd Earl of Harewood], by his wife Lady Louisa Nina, !only dau. of William David, 4th Earl of Mansfield. Postal address— The Vicarage, Burneston, near Bedale, Yorks. Club — Grosvenor. HARTLEY (U.O.). Argent, on a cross gules, pierced of the field, four cinquefoils or, in the first and fourth quarters a martlet sable, in the second quarter a rose of the second, barbed and seeded proper. Mantling gules and argent. 3rest— On a wreath of the colours, out of a mural crown jr, a stag's head proper, holding in the moutli a rose gules, Dai bed and seeded proper. Motto—' ' Spectemur agendo. ' r_?Vfry— Blue coat, red and white waistcoat. Sons of Lt.-Col. Richard Wilson Hartley, High Sheriff CO. Kildare 1880, High Sheriff co. Dubhn 1878, J. P. cos. Dublin and Meath, Lord of the Manor of Con- > fey, b. 1824; d. ; m. 1858, Hester, d. of Rev. Lambert Watson Heppenstall of Altadore, co. Wick- low : — Richard Arthur Thomas Hartley, Esq. , Major sth K. Dublin Fusiliers, b. 1861. Seats— ^eech Park, Clonsilla, :o. Dublin; Reennafura, Sneem Kenmare, co. Kerry. :'/«(5— Kildare Street (Dublin). Desmond Lambert Hartley, Esq., Capt. the Yorkshire Regt., b. 1862. Ralph Leigh Hartley. Esq. , Capt. the Liverpool Regt. b. [864; [tn. C. L., eld. d. of W. B. Slaytor, M.D.. of Hali- "ax, Nova Scotia]. HARTLEY of Armathwaite (Oct. 1886). Argent, on a cross cottised gules, four quatrefoils or, in the first and second quarters a martlet sable [impaling Johnson, viz. argent, on a saltire sable, five bezants, on a chief gules, an Eastern crown between two woolpacks or]. Mantllug gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a chaplet of oak proper, a martlet sable, holding in the beak a cross botonny fitchee or. Motto — " Per crucem ad coelum." Livery — Claret, scarlet facings and vest. Son of Thomas Hartley, Esq., J.P- and D.L.. of Gillfoot, 1802-1855, m. 1839. Georgina Elizabeth, d. of George Rimington of Tynefield House, Penrith : — Thomas Hartley, Esq.. J.P. and D.L. (High Sheriff Cumberland 1887), Hon. Major Westmorland and Cumber- land Yeomanry Cavalry, b. 21 Mar. 1877; m. 18 June 1872. Alice Isabella, d. of George John Johnson, Esq., J.P. and D.L., of .Castlesteads, Cumberland; and has issue— (i) Thomas Milham Hartley, Gentleman, b. 26 July 1878 ; (2) Ronald Hartley, Gentleman, b. 6 March 1880 ; (3) Arthur Grayson Hartley, Gentleman, b. 9 Oct. 1882 ; Alice Marion ; Ethel Margaret ; Maud Frederica ; and Grace Mabel. i'ea^— Armathwaite Hall, Cockermouth. Club — Junior Carlton. HARTLEY (U.O.). Argent, on a cross gules, pierced of the field, four cinquefoils or, in the first and fourth quarters a martlet sable, in the second quarter a rose of the second, barbed and seeded proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, out of a mural crown or, a stag's head proper, holding in the mouth a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper. Motto—" Spectemur agendo." Livery— ^\nc coat, red waistcoat. Sons of Richard Wilson Hartley. Esq. , of Beech Park, CO. Dublin. Lord of the Manor of Confey, J.P. cos. Meath, Kildare (Sheriff 1880), and Dublin (Sheriff 1878), Lt.-Col. Dublin Mil., formerly Capt. Sth Regt., b. 1824 ; d. 1903 ; tn. 1858, Hester, d. of Rev. Lambart Watson Hepenstal of Altadore, co. Wicklow :— Lt.-Col. Richard Arthur Hartley, late 5th Batt. Roy. Dublin Fus., b. 1861. 6'ca/j— Beech Park, Clonsilla. co. Dublin, Rennafurra, Kenmare, co. Kerry. Lt.-Col. Desmond James Lambart Hartley, 5th Batt. Roy. Dublin Fus., b. 1862. C/«i5— Naval and Military. Major Ralph Leigh Hartley, Liverpool Regt.. b. 1864; m. 1894, Clarina Louise, d. of W. Slaytor, M.D. , of Morris, Halifax, Nova Scotia; and has issue— Honor Barbara Clarina. C/«3— Junior United Service. HARTOPP. see BURNS-HARTOPP. HARTPOLE, quartered by BOWEN. HARTSTONGE, see CORNWALL-BRADY-HARTS- TONGE-WELD. HARVEY, quartered by HUSSEY. HARVEY (H. Coll.). Azure, on waves of the sea, an ancient ship with three masts, sails set proper, on a chief nebuly or, a saltire couped of the first between two vine- leaves slipped vert. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a leopard proper, charged on the body with two fleurs-de-lis, and resting the dexter forepaw on a fleur-de-lis azure. Sons of late John Harvey of Glenside, Leigh Woods, Long Ashton, Somerset, b. 1832; d. 1900; m. 1862:— J. G. Russell Harvey. /?i;j.— Ardmore, Leigh Woods, Clifton. Edward Harvey. /?«.— Woodside Cottage, Portishead, Somerset. Capt. Robert Napier Harvey, D.S.O., R.E , served in S. African War 1899-1901 (ment. desp.), b. 1868. Club— Army and Navy. Capt. Richard Prentice Harvey, 2nd Roy. Berks Regt., served in S. African War 1899-1901. Club— Army and Navy. HARVEY of Bargy Castle (U.O.). Or, on a chief in- dented sable, three crescents argent. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour, grasping a dagger proper, pommel and is tbe Naval Cockt^e. 638 mt Mt bill or. Motto — "Semper idem." Livery — Violet coats, peach-coloured breeches and waistcoat. Son of Capt. John Harvey, R.A., of Bargy Castle, }.V. and D.L., d. 1816; d. 1880; iw. and, 1853, Anne, d. of Pierce William Hughes of Kilkevan, co. Wex- ford :— John Maclachlan Harvey, Gentleman, M.A. (Trin. doll., Duh.). l>, 1853; m. i88i, Mary. d. of W. F. Littlcdale of Whaley Alibey, co. Wicklow ; and has issue — (1) Beau- champ Bagenal Harvey, Gentleman, d. 1890 ; (a) John lames Gascoyne Harvey, Gentleman, t. 189a ; and Cythna Dora De Montmorency Bagenal [m. Major T. T. Irvine]. Seat — Bargy Castle, Ballycogley, co. Wexford. HARVEY (U.O.). Gules, on a bend argent, three trefoils slipped vert. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant g^ardant £ roper, holding in his dexter paw a trefoil slipped vert, [otto— "Jo n'oublierai jamais. ' Son of John Harvey, Esq., of Malin Hall, J. P. and D.L. (High Sheriff co. Donegal 1836), d. 180a; d. 1868; m. 1831, Emily, d. of Rev. George Millar, D.D., of Armagh : — George Miller Harvey, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Donegal (High Sheriff 1870), i. 1838; m. 1864. Julia Mary, d. of William Charles Gage of Drummond House, co. Derry ; and has issue — (1) John Harvey, Gentleman, i, 1865 [m. 1895, Florita. d. of J. Digby O'Donoghue of Montevideo ; and has issue — Mary Julia ; Emily Georgina ; and DoraJ ; and Julia Emily [m. 1903. W. Power Steele]. Seat. — Malin Hall, CO. Don^^ 5 CHARLES PIGOTT HARVEY, Esquire. Capt. 3rd Batt. Northamptonshire Militia. Born Sept. 20, 1859, being the third and only surviving son of Charles Harvey, Esq., J. P. Yorkshire, by Lucy, dau. of John Birks Pigott of Barnsley, Yorkshire. Armorial bearings— Argent, on House, Thrapston ; Guilsborough House, Northants. — White's, Boodle's, Orleans. Cluh EDMUND HARVEY, Gentleman. Bom November 16 i8ai, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Ilarvcy, Gentleman, by his first wife Harriet, second duaghter of Edward Moberley, by his wife Sarah, «*/Cayley. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, on a Dent! arKi-m three trefoils slipped vert, in the sinister chief a luullti for difference ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours. a lion passant guardant proper, holding in the dexter paw a trefoil slipped vert; with the MottO, " Je n'oublleray jamais." Married, April 19, 1864, .Agnes Anne, daughter of the late Reverend Charles Cookson, Vicar of Maxey, in the county of Northampton. EDWARD HENRY HARVEY, Gentleman. » November 14, 1837, being the eldest son of the late jZ Harvey, Gentleman, Master of Arts, by his wife Ha^M Mary, second daughter of Archibald Paris, by his wife Margaret Jane, «/« Lee. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, on a bend argent, three trefoils slipped vert, in sinister chief a mullet for difference ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant guardant proper, holding in the dexter paw a trefoil slipped vert ; with the Motto, " Je n'oublieray jamais." EDWIN PERCY HARVEY, Gentleman. Bom May 25, 1874, being the third son of the late Francis Edward Harvey, Gentleman, by his wife Maria, daughter of the late Reverend Charles Cookson, Vicar of Maxey, in the county of Northampton. Armorial bearings— He bears for Anna : Gules, on a bend argent, three trefoils slipped vert, in sinister chief a mullet for difference ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant guardant proper, holding in the dexter paw a trefoil slipped vert; with the Motto, " Je n'oublieray jamais." a pile gules, between two trefoils slipped in base vert, an ounce passant guardant or. Mantlmg gules and argent. Crest—On a wreath of the colours, a demi-ounce guardant or between two trefoils, and holding in the dexter paw a like trefoil, each slipped vert. Motto — " Honor ab arvis." Married, Aug. 8, 1899, to Mrs. Irene Osgood, dau. of the late John L«atherbury Belotte of Virginia, U.S.A. Estate — Laughton Manor, Lincolnshire. ^«»(/^«c«—Sud borough The Reverend FREDERICK MORTIMER HAR- VEY, Clerk in Holy Orders, formerly Rector of Bolnhurst, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Bom July 24, 1845, being the third son of the late John Harvey, Gentleman, Master of Arts, by his wife Harriet Mary, second daughter of Archibald P.aris, by his wife Margaret Jane, «/e Lee. Armorial bearing^ — He bears for Anns : Gules, on a bend argent, three trefoils slipped vert, in sinister chief a mullet for difference*; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant guardant proper, holding in the dexter paw a trefoil slipped vert ; with the Motto, " Je n'oublieray jamais." Married. November 2, 1885, Katlierine Dorothea, eldest daughter of the late Edward John Parker-Jervis ; and has Issue— Ronald Marmaduke Dawnay Harvey, born May 16, 1887. Residence — 8 Oxford and Cambridge Mansions, Hyde Park, W. HARRY CHARLES HARVEY, Gentleman. Bom July 20, 1868, being the second son of the late Francis Edward Harvey, Gentleman, by his wife Maria, daughter of the late Reverend Charles Cookson, Vicar of Maxey, in the county of Northampton. Armorial toejurings— He bears for Arms : Gules, on a bend argent, three trefoils slipped vert, in sinister chief a inuUet for difference; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant guar- dant proper, holding in the dexter paw a trefoil slipped vert; with the Motto, " Je n'oublieray jamais." SJOHN ROBERT HARVEY, Esquire, J.P. co. of Norfolk, late Capt. Loyal Suffolk Hussars, Lieut. -Col. Norfolk Imp. Yeo. , Mayor of Norwich 1903. Born July 31, 1861, being the eldest son of the late Colonel John Edmund Harvey of Thorpe, Norfolk, served in 36th Regt. and in the 41st Regt. , in the Crimea, by his wife Octavia, dau. of Rev. Richard Stephens, Vicar of Belgrave, Leicestershire. Armorial bearings -Erminois, on a chief indented gules, three crescents argent. Mantling gules and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, over a dexter cubit arm erect prop)er, a crescent argent, between branches of laurel also proper. Motto ~" Alteri si tibi." Married, ^wstly, Oct ^, 1888, Norah, dau. of Henry Adams of Cannon Hill, Bray, Berks ; and has Issue — Norah. He m. secondly, Sept. 23, ^ is the Military Cockade. Mt ©ar 639 1890, Florence, dau. of F. W. Parsons of Risley Hall, ; Derbyshire ; and has Issue— {i) Robert Parsons Harvey, I Gentleman, t. May 14, 1896; Hetty. 6'ea/— Holniwood, i Thorpe, Norwich. Cluis — Army and Navy and Royal Thames Yacht. and a hunting-horn in base or, the latter garnished vert, three trefoils slipped of the last (for Brown) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron gules, between three oak-trees eradicated proper, as many bezants (for Spottiswoode). Upon the SSiR ROBERT HARVEY, Knight Bachelor, J. P. cos. Devon and Cornwall, D.L. for Devon and High Sheriff (1897), High Sheriff for Cornwall 1900, a Member of the Commission of l-ieutenancy for the City of London, contested unsuccessfully Devon port in 1892. Born Oct. 2, 1847, being the son of Samuel Harvey of Truro, by Emma his wife, dau. of Robert Norlhey of Kenwyn, CO. Cornwall. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chev- ron cotised between three harrows sable, two ears of wheat bladed proper. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a cockatrice proper holding in the beak three ears of wheat slipped, gorged with a chain, and sus- pended therefrom a harrow all or. Motto — "Semper jeadem." Married, June 26, 1881, Alida Marie, eldest fdau. of Mons. Emile Godefroy of Pessac, Bordeaux, by Dona Gabriel, his wife, dau. of Don Augustin Verdugo of I Lima, Peru; and has Issue — (i) Robert Godefroy Harvey, Gentleman, b. Aug. 31, 1884, d. May 21, 1895; (2) Samuel 'Emile Harvey, Gentleman, b. Dec. 7, 1885; (3) Alfred iNorthey Harvey, Gentleman, b. Aug. 6, 1892; (4) Robert Alexander Harvey, Gentleman, b. Nov. 4, 1896; and Alida Louisa. Seats — Dundridge, Totnes, S. Devon ; Trenowth, Cornwall. Town house — 1 Palace Gate, W. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Windham, Hurlingham. THOMAS FRANCIS HARVEY, Gentleman. Born October 25, 1865, being the eldest son of the late Francis j Edward Harvey, Gentleman, by his wife Maria, daughter of the late Reverend Charles Cookson, Vicar of Maxey, in ithe county of Northampton. Armorial bearings — He Ibears for Arms : Gules, on a Ijent argent, three trefoils [slipped vert, in sinister chief a mullet for difference ; and for |his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant jguardant proper, holding in the dexter paw a trefoil slipped ;vert, with the Motto, " Je n'oublieray jamais." ( WILLIAM FRANCIS HARVEY of Parbrook, in the county of Hampshire. Born March 8, 1805, being the 'fourth son of the late Thomas Harvey of Mintiaghs, in the county of Donegal, by his wife Maria, third daughter of John Paris, by his wife Rebecca, youngest daughter of the Reverend Vyner Snell, Rector of Doddington-cum-March. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, on a bend argent, three trefoils slipped vert, in sinister chief a mullet for difference ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant guardant proper, holding in the dexter paw a trefoil slipped vert, with the Motto, " Je n'oublieray jamais." Married, February 13, 1849, Mary Johanna, daughter of Major-General James Patrick Murray, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and widow of Andrew Newton, Doctor of Medicine ; and has Issue — Thomas William Harvey, born July 30, 1852 ; and lizabeth Maria. WILLIAM MARSH HARVEY of Goldington Hall, near gedford, Barrister-at-Law (Middle Temple). Born July 16, 1841, being the second son of the late John Harvey, Barrister-at-Law, Master of Arts, by his wife Harriet Mary, second daughter of Archibald Paris, by his wife Margaret Jane, n^e Lee. Armorial bearings — He bears for Anns : Gules, on a bend argent, three trefoils slipped vert, in sinister :hief a mullet for difference. Mantling gules and argent ; ind for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion Dassant guardant proper, holding in the dexter paw a "^foil slipped vert, with the Motto, " Je n'oublieray jamais." tal address — Goldington Hall, near Bedford. Club— Iton. fjOHN ALEXANDER HARVIE-BROWN of Shirgar- Quarter, and Dunipace, co. Stirling, J. P. for that unty, F.R.S. E. , F.Z.S. Born 1844, being the only son iff John Harvie- Brown, Esquire, J.P. , of Shirgarton, Quarter, I'nd Dunipace, by his wife Elizabeth, only child and heir of he late Thomas Spottiswoode of Dunipace, co. Stirling. irmorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and \, gules, on a chevron between two fleur-de-lys in chief escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a lion rampant, holding a fleur-de- lys in his dexter paw gules, charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped or. Motto — " Horeat majestas." Postal address — Dunipace House, Larbert, N.B. EDWARD HARWOOD, Esq., J.P. for co. Gloucester. Bom 1818, being the only son of the late S. Harwood, Esq. , by Elizabeth Withy, dau. of the late John Withy. Club — Reform. Armorial bearings — Per pale argent and or, a stag's head caboshed between three sprigs proper. Mant- ling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount between two trefoils slipped, a stag's head caboshed, and between the antlers an acorn leaved all proper. Married, ist, 1840, Mary, dau. of Young Sturge ; 2nd, 1868, Anne Marina, dau. of Charles Cocks Eyre, M.l3. ; 3rd, 1892, Florence Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Thomas White of Grovesend, Gloucestershire ; and has issue. Postal ad- dresses — Woodhouse, Almondsbury ; 18 Cornhill, London, E.C. Sir JOHN JAMES HARWOOD, Knight Bachelor, Justice of the Peace for the city of Manchester. Born 1832, being the son of James Harwood of Accrington, by Mary, daughter of Thomas Hardacre ; Mayor of Man- chester, 1884, 1886, and 1887; dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1888. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per pale argent and gules, a chevron invected between two stags' heads caboshed in chief and an owl in base, all counter- changed. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock proper a stag's head caboshed f)er pale argent and gules, between the attires an escutcheon of the last, charged with an owl argent, and pendent from a riband also gules ; with the Motto, "Strive diligently, hope always." Married, 1856, Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of C. E. Oldham. is tbe Naval Cockade. 640 !bar )^at I /\vta/ aMrfis— Ash Villa, Nbnhumbrrland Street, Higher Broughton, Manchrster. HARWOOD (H, Coll.). Asure, a chrvron nebuly rrminc. plain cottised arRcnt, between three martlets of the last, in the centre chief point a wreath of oak or. Mantling azure and argent. OrMt— On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a wreath, of oak or, thereon perched a martlet argent. Sons of Thomas Harwood of Belstead Hall, Suffolk, i. 1809; d. 1887; wi. Lucy, d. of Samuel Harwood: — Samuel Thomas Harwood. F.sq.. J. P. Suffolk,*. 1843; *». 1870, Fanny, d. of James Curling of London. Seat — Matiisford Hall, Needliam Market, Siiflfolk. Henrv Fairfax Harwood. Esq., J. P. Suftolk, d. 1848. Seat — 'fuddenham Hall, Ipswich. Alfred Harwood, Esq.. J. P. Suffolk, d. 1855; m. 1891, Edith Eva, only d. of Henry Cooper of Holton Hall, Colchester; and has issue — Alfred Henry Fairfax Harwood, Gentleman, fi. 1802 ; and Eva Lucy. Seat — Ackworth House, East Bergholt, Suffolk. Sir ALFRED SEALE HASLAM. Knight Bachelor. Justice of the Peace for the county of Derby. Bom Oct. 37, 1844, being the fourth son of William Haslam of Derby, by his wife Ann, dau. of Joseph Smith of Branstone, Staf- fordshire ; dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1891. Chids — Devon- shire, City of London, Reform. Livery — Blue coat with white collar and cuffs and silver buttons. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Argent, two bars wavy azure, on a chief engrailed gules a lambstatant, between two hazel leaves proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising regardant, holding in the beak a hazel-leaf slipped proper, and pendent from the neck by a riband argent an escut- cheon gules, charged with a lamb statant proper ; with the Motto, "Agnus Dei salvator meus." Married, June 17, 1875, Annie, daughter of the late Thomas Tatam of The Elms, Little Eaton, in the county of Derby ; and has Issue — (i) Alfred Victor Haslam, Esquire, born June 24, 1876; (2) Eric Scale Haslam, Esquire, born April 8, 1886 ; (3) William Kenneth Scale Haslam, Esquire, born March 10, 1893 ; Hilda Annie ; and Edith Hannah. Estates— BttaA- saU Priory, and Little Chester, in the county of Derby 5#a/— Breadsall Priory. WILLIAM WYNDHAM HASLER. Esquire, J.l' Bom May 13, 1833, being the eldest son of Riil Hasler of Adlinpbourne and Barkfold, Sussex, J.l'. D.I.., by his wife Julia, dau. of the late Hon. Wi Wyndham. Armorial bearings — Per chevron iii\ gules and sable, three lions rampant argent, each ch, on the shoulder with a cross pat(?e azure. MttntUng j,^„ and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a squirrel sejant cracking a nut proper, collared gemel azure, l)etwetii two branches of palm also proper. Motto — " Qui e nun- nucleuni esse vult, nucem frangat." Married, April ao, 1865, Selinah Sarah, youngest dau. of the late Lionei Charles Hervey (great-grandson of John, first Karl of Bristol); and has Issue — (i) Arthur Richard Felton Hasler, Gentleman, b, Feb. 14, 1866 ; (2) Reginald Hasler, Gentle- man, b. Jan. a8, and d. March 1867 ; (3) Julian Hasler, Gentleman, Lieut. East Kent Regt. (the Buffs), h. Oct. 16^ 1868; (4) Edward Lionel Hasler, Gentleman, b. Jan. la, 1871 ; (5) Algernon Hasler, Gentleman, b. April 16, 1875; Constance Selina ; Alice Mary ; BUmche Evelyn ; and Mabel Frances. Seat — Aldingbourne, Chichester; Bark- fold, Pet worth. HASSALL, quartered by COKE. HASTINGS, quartered by LONGUEVILLE, HEY- WOOD-JONES, WILLDING-JONES. ASTLEY, and CLIFTON. HASTINGS, see RAWDON-HASTINGS. and CLIF- TON-HASTINGS-CAMPBELL. JOHN ANTONY FREEMAN HATCH, Gentleman, of Ardee Castle, co. Louth. Bom 1867, being the only son of Jeremiah Antony Hatch of Ardee Castle, who d. 1881, by Mary Wykeham, second dau. of the late Edmund Gunn of Plymouth, Devon. Armorial bearings Gules, two demi- lions passant guardant couped in pale or, on a chief argent a cannon mounted prop>er. Mantling gules and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a dcmi-lion rampant or, armed and langued gules, charged on the breast with a pile of shot proper, and holding in the paws a staff also proper, thereto affixed a flag argent charged with a cross of the second. Motto- " Fortis valore et armis." Seat- AxAtu Castle, Ardee, co. Louth. S General WILLIAM SPARKES HATCH, R.A., formerly Insfjcctor-General of Ordnance, Bombay, 1878-81. Bom 1826, being the son of Oliver Hatch of Cart- mcl. Armorial bearings — Chequy or and vert, a bend er- mine, on a chief embattled gules, two demi-lions passant of the first. Mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from flames a demi-leopard holding in the dexter paw a grenade fired all proper. Mar- tied, 1883, Mary, only daughter of the late P. C. Weldon of Ballinasloe, co. Galway. Residence — 4 Denmark Terrace, Brighton. HATCH. Or, on a bend indented plain cottised azure, two demi-lions passant guardant or, a chief arched gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a roundle per pale argent and or, charged with a demi-lion passant guardant azure, the whole between two roses slipped and leaved. Motto — " Fortis in arduis." Son of John William Hatch, b. 1824 ; d. 1865 ; m. 1856; Matilda Augusta, only d. of Hugh Snell of Callington, Cornwall, Barrister-at-Law : — Ernest Frederick George Hatch, Gentleman, M.P. for Gorton Div. of Lnncs. since 1895, b. 12 April 1859; m. 1900, Lady Constance Blanche Godolphin Osborne [Arms of Osborne — Quarterly ermine and azure, a cross or], d. of the 9th Duke of Leeds ; and has issue — Marjorie Matilda Ruth, b. 1901. Nes.—y) Portland Place, London, W. Club — Carlton. HATCHE, quartered by MALET. JOHN RANDALL HATFEILD, Gentleman. Borv Sept. 21, 1873, being the son of John Hatfeild, Esq., J. P., by his wife Mariana Frances, dau. of Mons. Adolphe Davide. Armorial bearing^— Quarterly i and 4, ermine, is tbe Military Cockade, il f ^at on a chevron engrailed sable, three cinquefoils or (for Hat- feild) ; 2 and 3 per fesse indented argent and sable, a pale counterchanged, three goats' heads erased, two and one azure, and as many crosses pat(5e fitchfe, one and two of the first (for Gossip). Mantling sable and argent. Crests i-i. on a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm vested lable, cuffed argent, the hand proper holding a cinquefoil lipped or (for Hatfeild) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, wo goats' heads erased addorsed, the dexter azure, the j.nister argent (for Gossip). Motto — "Pax." Seats — !"horp Arch Hall, Tadcaster ; and Skellow Grange, 'oncaster. HATTON, see FINCH-HATTON-BESLEY. 641 SVILLIERS HATTON, Esquire, Colonel Grenadier Guards. Born October 8, 1852, being the eldest son ofthe late Lieut.-Col.Villiers La louche Hatton J P D L of Clonard. co. Wexford (High Sheriff 1862 and 1863), We of the Grenadier Guards, by his wife Rosia Mary only dau. of the late Sir William Plunkett de Bathe, Bart Cluis— Guards', United Service, Windham, St. James's. Ltverv—Ba.rk blue, with orange facings. Armorial bear- ings—Azure, on a chevron between three garbs or an annulet gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest— Upon CHARLES EDWARD GREY HATHERELL. Es- uire, J. P. Bom Dec. 26, 1858, being the only son of iie late Lieut. -Col. James Abraham Hatherell, J. P., Major jfid Hon. Lieut. -Col. 3rd Bntt. Royal Fusiliers, by his wife liza Emily, second dau. of the Hon. Charles Lennox utler, sixth son of James, Lord Dunboyne. Clu6 — iiiior Carlton. Armorial bearings — Per pale azure and ible, on a chevron engrailed argent, between two lions ^^ipant in chief and an eagle displayed in base erminois, i mascle of the first between two roses gules, barbed and eded proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a leath of the colours, an antelope's head couped proper, )iged with a collar chained or, charged with two mascles in the arms, holding in the mouth a rose gules, slipped ■rt. Motto — " Probitas verus honos. " Married, Aug. 21, I89, Ethel Henrietta, second dau. of the late Charles laymond Pelly of Upton Lodge, Eastbourne, and grand- tiu. of the late Sir Robert North Collie Hamilton, Bart., C. B. ; and has Issue — James Hamilton Grey Hatherell, •ntleman, d. May 1894; R'ta Constance Ellen; and Ivia Adelaide Anna. 5^a/— Radford House, near ■amington. IjpATHWAY, quartered by SLAUGHTER. HATTON, quartered by DE TRAFFORD, HULLEY, d RAMSDEN. a wreath of the colours, a hind statant or, charged on the body with an annulet as in the arms. Motto — "Virtus tutissima cassis." Married, March 30, 1897, Emily, only child of Charles Burrall Hoffman of New York. Estates in cos. Wexford and Waterford. Postal address — Guards' Club, S.W. HATTON-ELLIS. Azure, on a chevron between two garbs in chief and a lion passant in base all or, a mascle between two crescents of the field. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi- lion between two garbs all or. Motto — " Fide et amore." Son of Wililam Hatton : — Joseph Alfred Hatton-EUis (formerly Hatton), Gentle- man. Res. — May Bank, St. Anne's-on-Sea, Lanes. EDMUND HAVILAND-BURKE, Gentleman, M.P. for the Tullamore Division of King's County. Born 1864, being the eldest son of the late Edmund Haviland-Burke, Gentleman, formerly M.P. for Christchurch (only son of the late Thomas Aston Haviland, Gentleman, who being grandnephew and heir-at-law of the late Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke, assumed the surname and arms of Burke in addition to those of Haviland by Royal Licence in 1818), by Jane, second dau. of the late F. Waltham. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or, a cross gules, in the first quarter a lion rampant sable (for Burke) ; 2 and 3, argent, three is the Naval Cockade. 2$ 642 IDato JDai? castles triple-towered sable (for Haviland). Mantling Rtilcs and or. OTMt — i. on a wreath of the colours, a cat-a- mountain sejant guardanl pro|xrr, collared and chained or (for Burke) ; 9. on a wreath of the colours, a castle as in tlie arms; and over it the Motto, " Dominus fortissima turris" (for Haviland). MottO " Vincliis sed non victus." Married, 1893, Susan, second dau. of the late John Wilson of Cam Sampson, lUllycastle, co. Antrim. Residence— 70 Wellington Road, Dublin. HAWBERKE, quartered by CORBET. HAWCLIFFE, quartered by RAMSDEN. HAWKES, quartered by WARD. lOHN HAWKES-CORNOCK, Esquire. J. P. for co. Wexford. Horn Nov. ^, 184 1, being the son of Zachariah Cornock Hawkes, by his wife Henrietta Margaret, dau. of John Long; and assumed by Royal Licence the addi- tional surname and arms of Cornock in the year 1883. Club — Wexford County. Livery — Blue, with silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, party per fesse guk's and azure, a dexter cubit arm issuing from the sinister, grasjiing in the hand a sword all proper, in chief two crescents or (for Cornock) ; a and 3 argent, a pale gules and three hawks' heads erased, two and one, counter- changed, in the centre chief point a cross pat^e or (for Hawkes). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Orests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm fesseways, the hand grasping a sword erect all proper, the arm charged in fesse with two crescents azure (for Cornock); a. upon a wreath of the colours, on a branch of oak lying fesseways, a hawk rising all proper, jessed and belled or, with the motto over, "Virtute non vi." MottO — "Animo et fide." Married, February 4, 1874, Mary Charlotte, only child of Richard Hughes of Wrexham ; and has Issue — (i) John Hawkes-Cornock, Gentleman, born July 16, 1876 ; (2) Zack Edisbury Hawkes-Cornock, Gentleman, born November 30, 1880; (3) Richard Hawkes-Cornock, Gentleman, born May 13, 1886 ; d. young. Estates — Crom- well's Fort, Rockspring, Kilcasane, Ballycrun, Bellcarrig, Salville, Kilcasane, Clologru, all in the county of Wexford ; Eagle Hill, in the county of Kilkenny ; Moneensand Killo- hara, in the county of Cork. Postal address — Cromwell's Fort, Wexford. HAWKESLEY, quartered by MIDDLEMORE. HAWKINS, quartered by CONYERS, FOX, MEADE. and VERSCHOYLE. 5 CHRISTOPHER HENRY THOMAS HAWKINS, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for co. Cornwall, High Sheriff 1846, B.A. Camb. Born 1820, being the second son of the late Thomas Hawkins, Esq., M. P. for Gram- pound, by his wife Anne, dau. of James Haywood. Ar- morial bearing^ — Per saltire or and argent, on a saltire sable, five fleurs-de-lis of the first, a border gobony of the first and third. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm in armour proper, charged with two fleurs-de-lis in pale azure, in the hand proper a baton or, tipped sable. Married, 1868, Jane Ellen, dau. of Jesse Ming. 5tfa/— Trewithen, Probus, R.S.O.. CO. Cornwall. Residence — 10 Portland Place. W. C/«^j— Athenaeum, United University. The Rev. EDWARD BURDETT HAWKSHAW, M.A. (Oxon.), J. P. CO. Hereford, Prebendary of Hereford and Chaplain to the Earl of Erne. Born , being the only son of the late Col. Edward Hawkshaw, 31st Regt., by Hester his wife, dau. of the late Melvyn Pratt of Cabra Castle, CO. Cavan. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, a chevron gules between three hawks' heads erased proper, each gorged with a ducal coronet or (for Hawkshaw) ; a and 3 azure, a cinquefoil argent, between three ducal coronets or. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest— On a wre;ith of the coU)urs, a hawk's head erased and gorged as in the arms. Motto — " Persevi-rance," Married, 1845, Catherine Mary Jane, younger dau. of Sir Hungerford Hoskyns, 7th Bart. ; and has with other hsue — Edward Crichton Hawkshaw, Esq., Major (retired) R.A. 5ra/— Weston, Ross. BOURCHIER FRANCIS HAWKSLEY, Genileman, Solicitor. Armorial bearings —Ermine, on a pcrcli issuant from the base a hawk regardant proper, holding in ilic lieak an ear of wheat slipped or, in chief two hawks' lures gules, a chief vert, thereon a bugle-horn stringed of the third, all within a bordure of the fourth charged with eight roses of the first, barbed and seeded of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, upon a perch a hawk regardant holding in the l)cak an ear of wheat as in the arms between two ostrich feathers argent. Motto -"Vigilant." Residence — 14 Hyde I'ark Gardens, London, W. C/«*j— Reform, Garrick. RANDALL PLUNKETT TAYLOR HAWKSLEY, Esquire, Capt. R.E. Born 1870, being the eldest son of the late James Taylor Hawksley, Esq., J. P. for co. Pembroke, High Sheriff 1884, by his wife Emily Julia, second dau. of George Price. Armorial bearings — Ermine, a fesse nebuly azure, between two lions rampant in chief and a hawk in base proper. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon three mascles interlaced fesseways azure, a hawk proper, collared arure. Motto — "Garde I'honneur." Married, 1900, Kale Mar- jorie, dau. of Bowen Pottinger Woosnam, Esq., D.L.,of Tyn-y-graig, Breconshire. Seat— CaXAy Island, Tenby. HAWKSWORTH, quartered by FAWKES. HAWLEY, quartered by FLOYER. HAWTE, quartered by FLETCHER-VANE. HAY, quartered by ERASER. HAY, see BAIRD-HAY, and PATERSON-BALFOUR- HAY. The Rev. FREDERIC DRUMMOND HAY, Clerk in Holy Orders, formerly Vicar of Neston, Wilts. Bom July 7, 1839, being the eldest son of the late Sir Edward Hay of South Hill, Southwell, Notts, Governor various colonies from 1839 to 1862, by his first wife Sarah Laura, second dau. of Lieut. -Col. Livingstone, H.E. l.C.S. Ar- morial bearingrs— Quarterly, i. azure, a unicorn salient argent, armed, maned, and unguled or, within a bordure of the last charged with eight half thistles vert, impaled with as many half roses gules ; 2. or, a lion's head erased within a double tressure flory counterflory gules ; 3. argent, three inescutcheons gules ; 4. or, three bars wavy gules, sur- mounted of a scymitar in pale argent, hiked and pommelled of the field, all within a bordure gules. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, an aged low- land Scots countryman couped at the knees, vested in grey, waistcoat gules, bonnet azure, bearing on his shoulder an ox-yoke proper. Motto — " Renovate animos." Married, first, June 27, 1865, Elizabeth Ann, youngest dau. of Robert Matthews, Esq. , of The Elms, Taplow, Bucks ; and by her (who died April 24, 1878) has Issue— (i) Frederic Edward Hay, Gentleman, b. July 23, 1868; (2) Robert Hay, Gentleman, b. Feb. 14, 1870; (3) John Tudor Hay, Gentleman, b. May 11, 1876; (4) William Charles Hay, Gentleman, b. April 23, 1878; Mary Laura [w., June 24. 189s, William James White Nicol, Whitlars, King's Langley, Herts]; and Elizabeth [m., Oct. 5, 1898, Herbert Lloyd Penny, Staff Surgeon R.N.]. He married secondly, April 20, 1880, Emily Eraser, eldest dau. of George Dashwood Wilkins, Bengal C.S. Residence— 1$ Henrietta Street, Bath. ^ is the Military Cockade. mm ©ap Ipap 643 Sir hector MACLEAN HAY, Baronet, of Alderston. Born March 28, 1821, being the eldest son of Sir James Douglas Hamilton Hay, the sixth Baronet, of Alderston, in the county of Haddington, by his wife Jane, second daughter of William Sanderson of Springbank ; succeeded his father in 1873, under the creation of February 22, 1703. This title was created with remainder to heirs male whatsoever ; at the death of the third Baronet (who bore the name of Makdougal) it reverted to the representatives of a younger brother of the first Baronet. Livery — White, with blue facings. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quar- terly I and 4, azure three fraises argent (for Fraser) ; 2 and 3 gules, three bars ermine (for Gifford) ; over all, in an escut- cheon of pretence argent, three escutcheons gules, in the centre a key fesseways, pointing to the right, wards down- wards sable, for difference (for Hay), and pendent from the escutcheon by an orange-tawny ribbon his badge as a Baronet of Nova Scotia. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a three bars wavy gules surmounted of a scimitar in pale argent, hiked and pommelled of the field (Drummond of Cromlix, c. 1672-7) ; 4. argent, three escutcheons gules (Hay) ; in the centre of the quarters a crescent gules for difference. Mantling azure, doubled argent. Crest— On a )at's head erased argent, horned or. Motto — "Spare mght." Married, firstly, 1852, Ann Charlotte, daughter Dr. J. White, 17th l^ight Dragoons, and widow of Lieu- nant-Colonel William Charles Lewis Bird, Honourable vst India Company's Service, which lady died July 24, 88; and secondly, January 24, 1889, Julia, widow of illiam Johnson of Appleby, Heir presumptive — His phew, William Henry, born 1867. Seat — Ingoldsby, mgley Park, Hampton. HAY-DRUMMOND of Cromlix (L.O.). Quarterly, i. " augmentation) azure, a unicorn salient argent, armed, med, and unguled or, within a bordure of the last, charged th eight half-thistles vert, and as many half-roses gules ; : or, a lion's head erased gules, langued azure, within a I uble tressure flory counterflory of the second ; 3. or, wreath of his liveries, an aged Lowland Scots countryman couped at the knees, vested and bonneted proper, bearing on his right shoulder an ox-yoke proper. Motto — "Re- novate animos." Son of Hon. Charles Rowley Hay-Drummond (fourth son of loth Earl of Kinnoull) of Harewood Lodge, Sunninghill, Berks, late Col. Scots Fus. Gds. , b. 1836; m. 1858, Arabella Augusta, d. of Col. William H. Meyrick by Laura, d. of ist Duke of Cleveland : — Arthur William Henry Hay-Drummond, Esq., J. P. Wilts and Suffolk, late Lt.-Col. 3rd Batt. Berks Regt., b. 1862; m. 1891. Mary, d. of Sir Edward Scott, sth Bart. ; and has surv. issue — Gwendoline Vane ; and Violet Vane. Seat — Cromlix, Perthshire. Res. — Ashton Keynes, Cricklade, Wilts ; 19 Hill Street, London, W. JAMES ROBERT HAY-GORDON, Gentleman. Born November 9, 1849, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Adam Hay-Gordon of Avochie, Mayen. and Ardmeallie, D.L.. by his wife Annie M'Kerrell, eldest dau. of James Brown of Edinburgh. Armorial bearings — Quarterly, ist grand quarter, azure, a chevron between three boars' heads couped or, a hand grasping a sheaf of arrows proper (for Gordon) ; 2nd grand quarter, counterquartered I and 4, argent, three inescutcheons gules; 2 and 3, azure, three cinquefoils argent, over all en suriout a crescent gules, all within a bordure of the last (for Hay). Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of his liveries, a stag's head caboshed within two branches of laurel con- joined at the top all proper (for Gordon) ; 2. on a wreath of his liveries, a goat trippant prof>er (for Hay). Mottoes — " Byde together " (for Gordon) ; " Spare nought " (for Hay). Seat — Mayen House, Huntly, N. B. Residence — Malpas, Cheshire. is tbe Naval Cockade. 644 IDap ^ea « WILLIAM DRUMMOND OGILVY HAY-NEW- TON, Esquire. J. P. and D.L. Bom Jan. 12. 183a. Esq., of Newton Hall, by his wife Margaret Eliza, youngest being the eldest son ol the late John Stuart Hay-Newton, daughter of William Fairlie. Clubs — Carlton, Army and Navy. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly I and 4, counterqu.-irtered i. and iiii. azure, three cinquefoils argent ; a and 3 gules, three bars ermine, en surtout an escutcheon argent, charged with three shields gules, in the centre a mullet of the last for difference (for Hay) ; ii. and iii. grand quarters vert, a lion rampant or, on a chief of the last three roses gules (for Newton). Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling gules, doubled argent ; and u[>on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-lion rampant or, brandishing a scimitar proper, hilled and pommelled gold. Supporters — Two lions guardant gules, armed and langued azure, collared or. Motto — "Pro patriA," Married, August 10, 1871, Adeline Charlotte, eldest daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Gordon; and has Issue — (i) George Hay, Gentle- man, born August 5, 1872 ; (a) Stuart Hay, Gentleman, born March a8, 1876 ; and Albreda Julia. Seat — Newton Hall, in the county of Haddington. Postal address — 3 Marlborough Road, Bath. HAYES (U.O.). Per pale gules and sable, on a chevron argent, between three leopard's faces or, a pheon of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant or, holding in his paws a flagstaff therefrom a pennon gules, and charged on the shoulder with a pheon sable. Motto — " Renovate animos." Sons of William Andrew Hayes, Gentleman, B.A. Trin. Coll., Dub., b. ; d. ; m. , Elizabeth, d. of John Carolin : — William Andrew Hayes, Gentleman, M. R. C. S. , L. R. C. S. , b. 1861 ; m. 1885, Emily Augusta, d. of Joseph Charles Fisher. Estate — Waterloo, nr. Grahamstown, Cape Colony. HAYHURST. see FRANCE-HAYHURST, Devon, M.A. (Oxon.), late Capt. (Hon. Major) Roy. ist Devon Yeom., b. 1859; m. 1897, Violet Octavia, d. of Octavius Bradshaw, Estj., J. P., D.L,; and has issue— HAYNE, see SEALE-HAYNE. M The Right Honourable Sir ARTHUR DIVETT W HAYTER, and Baronet (April 19, 1858), of South-hill Park, Berks, P.C, M.A. (Oxford), J. P. and D.L, for Berks, J. P. Somerset, formerly Lieut.-Col. London Rifle Brigade, late Capt. Grenadier Guards, M.P. for Wells 1865-68, for Bath 1873-85, and for Walsall 1893-95, and since 1900 ; a Lord of the Treasury 1880-82, and Financial Secretary to the War Office 1882-85. Born Aug. 19, 1835, being the only son of the late Rt. Hon. Sir William Good- enough Hayter, 1st Bart., by his wife Anne, eldest dau. of William Pulsford of Linslade, Bucks. Armorial bearings — Azure, an escallop between three bulls' heads couped or ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bull's head erased sable, sem^e of escallops or, and pierced through the neck with a broken spear in bend sinister, points upwards proper. Motto — " Via vi." Mar- ried, Nov. 7, 1866, Henrietta, dau. of Capt. Adrian John Hope. 5ea/j— South-hill Park, Bracknell, Berks; Trevena, Tintagel, Cornwall ; and Linslade Manor, Leighton, Bucks. Town residence — 9 Grosvenor Square, W. HA^VTER-HAMES (H. Coll.). Quarterly, 1 and 4, azure, a chevron between three demi-lions each holding in the paws an arrow erect point downwards proper (Hanies) ; a and 3, azure, three bull's heads couped within a bordure engrailed or (Hayter). Crests — 1. on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a lion passant or, holding in the dexter forepaw an arrow as in the arms (Hatnes) ; a. on a wreath of the colours, a bull's head couped or, charged with four drops of blood and pierced through the neck with a broken spear in bend all proper. Motto — "Honor virtutis praemium." Livery — Dark blue, silver buttons. Son of Rev. Hayter George Hayter-Hames, M.A., Rector and Patron ofChagford, J. P., b. 1826; d. 1886 ; m. 1852, Constance Harriet, d. of Sir Charles Colvile of Duffield Hall, co. Derby :— Colvile George Hayter Hayter-Hames, Esq., J. P. co. (i) George Colvile Hayter-Hames, Gentleman, b. 1898; (2) Noel Cecil Hayter-Hames, Gentleman, b. 1901. Seat— Chagford House, Chagford, Devon. Club — Cavalry. HAZLERIGG.'see HESILRIGE. JAMES HEAD, Esquire, J. P., formerly Captain Middlesex Y.C. and 3rd Batt. East Kent Regt., The Buffs. Born— A^rW 25, 1851, being the fourth son of the late Sir Francis Somerville Head, 2nd Bart., Bengal C.S., by his wife Mary Jane, dau. of Robert Garnett of Wyreside, CO. Lancaster. Livery— Grey, black velvet collars, silver buttons, red waistcoat. Armorial bearings ~ Quarterly 1. and 4. gules, six broken bones barwise in pale argent, a canton ermine ; 2. and 3. argent, a chevron ermines between three unicorns' heads couped sable on an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Cameron, namely gules, three bars ermine, on a chief embattled argent, a bugle-horn stringed sable ; between on the dexter side, p>endant from a ribbon of the first, fimbriated azure, a representation of the gold medal and clasps presented to Sir Alexander Cameron, K.C. B., in consideration of his gallant and distinguished services at the battles of Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajos, and Salamanca, subscribed " Peninsula" in letters sable, and on the sinister side, pendant from a like riband, a representa- tion of the medal conferred upon him for his services at the battle of Waterloo, in letters also sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— Out of an Eastern crown or, three ostrich feathers argent. Motto — "Study quiet." Married, Sept. 8, 1888, Christian Helen Jane, dau. and heiress of Duncan Cameron of Inverailort; and has /.v.w^ -Francis Somerville Cameron Head, Gentleman, and Christian Mary Cameron, i'^a^— Inverailort, via Fortwilliam, Inverness- shire. Town address— ^o Lowndes Square, S.W. Clubs - Wellington; Ranelagh. Sir ROBERT GARNETT HEAD. 3rd Baronet (July 14, 1838). Born March 18, 1.845, being the eldest son of the late .Sir Francis Somerville Head, 2nd Bart., Bengal C.S., by his wife Mary Jane, dau. of Robert Garneit of Wyreside, co. Lancaster. Armorial bearings— Argent, a chevron ermines, between three unicorns' heads couped sable ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an unicorn's head couped ermines. Motto— "Study quiet." Married, Aug. 5, 1880, Florence is the Military Cockade. jilli ©ea ^ea 645 Julia, dau. of Robert John Pollock, 8th Madras Cavalry, second son of Sir Frederick Pollock, Bart., Lord Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer; and has Isst4e — (i) i Robert Pollock Somerville Head, Esq., b. April 7, 1884; (2) George Hurges Digby Head, Esq., b. June 2, 1888 ; and Florence Mary. Clubs — Reform, Brooks's. i WILLIAM NORRIS HEALD, Esquire, J. P. cos. Lancaster and Chester, Patron of two Livings. Born May 3, 1830, being the son of the late George Heald of Garston, l.,ancashire. Club — • Conservative. Armorial 1 bearings — (Quarterly gules and azure, in the first and I fourth quarters an eagle with wings elevated or, in the I second and third a fret of the last, over all a fesse argent, thereon betueen two crosses patde, a rose of the first, barbed and seeded proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On I a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a bundle ol j arrows fesseways the points towards the dexter proper, I boimd gules, thereon an eagle with wings elevated enninois, f in the beak a sprig of holly also proper, the dexter claw resting on a cross patde as in the arms. Motto — " Mea I gloria crux." Married, April 21, 1858, Jane, dau. of the I Rev. Edward Walker ; and has with other Issue — James I Heald, Gentleman, b. April 22, 1859 \jn., Sept. 8, 1892, j Henrietta Stewart, second dau. of Stewart H. Brown of I Querry Bank, Allerton, and has issue, William Arthur Heald, Gentleman, i5. 1893]. Seat — Parrs Wood, Didsbury. HEALY, see FITZGERALD. SAMUEL THOMAS HEARD, Esquire, J. P. for co. Kerry. Born July 9, 1835, being the second son of the late Edward Heard, Gentleman, of Ballintubber, in CO. Cork, by his wife Jane, dau. of Thomas Scott, Esq., J. P. CO. Waterford, of Glenbower, co. Waterford. I rWrv— Light grey, with red facings. Armorial bear- igs— Argent, on a chevron gules, between three water- jugets sable, as many crescents or. Mantling gules id argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi- antelope proper, ducally gorged or, and charged on the shoulder with a water-bouget as in the arms. Motto — "Audior." Married, 1862, Kate, dau. of Hon. William Bradley of Lindesay, in the Colony of New South Wales, Member of the Legislative Council of that Colony ; and has Issue — {x) Edward Severin Heard, Esq., Lt.-Col. sth Fusiliers, b. 1863 [»;., 1893, Georgina Gertrude, only dau. of Major-General Beauchamp W. B. Magrath, and has issue, Patrick Valentine Beauchamp Heard, Gentleman, b. 1894, and Maureen Kate] ; (2) Francis William Heard, Gentleman, Lieut. 4th King's Own Regt., b. 1866, d. 1889; (3) Hugh Lindsay Patrick Heard, Esquire, Commander Royal Navy, b. 1869 ; (4) William Beaucliamp Heard, Gentleman, b. iSyj ; and Kate Ethel. 5sa< — Rossdohan, Tahilla, co. Kerry. Club —Junior United Service. CHARLES RICHARD MONT ORGUEIL HEARN, Esquire, J. P. for the cos. of Monaghan and Tyrone. Born Oct. 24, 1850, being the second son of the late Major Robert Thomas Hearn, 76th Regt., by his wife Amelia Maria, dau. of Captain Henry Wilson, 37th Regt. Club — Primrose. Livery — Claret coat and vest, black trousers, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per pale gules and azure, a che\Ton between three herons argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a heron as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Ardua petit ardea." Married, June 3, 1875, Ellen, only child and heiress of James Thornley ; and has /«z/^— Charles Robert Thornley Hearn, Gentleman, bom September 13, 1886 ; Marguerite ; and Amy. Estates — Templenew, in the county of Donegal, and part of Flintfield estate, in the county of Cork. Postal address — Templenew, Belleek, co. Fermanagh. ARTHUR HOWARD HEATH, Esquire, J. P. Bom May 29, 1856, being the third son of the late Robert Heath of Biddulph Grange, co. Stafford, J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1884, M.P. for Stoke-on-Trent 1874-80, by his wife Anne, dau. of James Beach of Tunstall. Armorial bear- ings — Argent, a tower gules, between three heath-cocks proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath is the Naval Cockade. 646 l^ea of the colours, upon the battlements of a tower gules, a heath-cock proper, rcsitin^ the dexter claw upon a pheoti sable. Motto — " Industruc prcemium." Married, 1884, Alice, dau. of Rev. Herbert Richard Peel of Thornton HaU, CO. Bucks. ,Sraw on a plain shield azure, thereon in chief two suns, and in base an annulet or. Motto— "Fortunae sapientia victrix." Postal address— B^ Park Road East, Birkenhead. The Reverend GEORGE HEBERDEN, M.A., Vicar of Rothwell, Yorks. Born Sept. 27, 1833, being the fourth son of the late Rev. William Heberden, M.A. , Vicar of Great Bookham, Surrey, by his wife Elvina Rainier, dau. of John Underwood, /omorial bearings — Erminois, four lozenges conjoined in fesse vert, on a chief azure, an annulet between two suns or. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a tiger sejant re- gardant erminois, collared vert, resting the dexter forepaw on a plain shield azure, thereon in chief two suns, and in base an annulet or. Motto — "Fortunae sapientia victrix." Married, July 7, 1859, Dorothea Bametta, dau. of Rev. Joseph Gibbs; and has Issue — (i) George Alfred Heber- den, Gentleman, b. April 27, i860 [m., 1895, Winifred Cottam]; (2) Reginald Charles Heberden, Gentleman, b. Sept. 8, 1863 ; (3) William Stanley Heberden, Gentleman, b. Dec. 6, 1864 ; (4) Hector Vaughan Heberden, Gentle- man, b. Jan. 23, 1869; (s) Louis Edward Heberden, Gentleman, b. Sept. 10, 1870; (6) Hugh Percy Heberden, Gentleman, b. June 22, 1872; Josephine Emily; Isabel Mary ; Evelyn Alice ; and Dorothea Blanche. WILLIAM BULLER HEBERDEN, Esquire, C.B. (1898), J. P. CO. Devon, M.A. Christ Church, Oxford, late Sec. to Board of Inland Revenue. Born July 6, 1838, being the eldest son of the late Rev. William Heberden M.A., Vicar of Broadhembury, co. Devon, by his wife Susanna Catherine, dau. of James Buller, M.P., of Downes, co. Devon. Armorial bearings— Erminois, four lozenges conjoined in fesse vert, on a chief azure, an annulet between two suns or. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a tiger sejant regardant erminois, collared vert, resting the dexter forepaw on a plain shield azure, thereon in chief two suns, and in base an annulet or. Motto— " Fortunae sapientia victrix." Residence— K\mfie\d, Exeter, Club—Nev/ Uni- versity. The Reverend ARTHUR LINZEE CHATTERTON HEIGHAM, Clerk in Holy Orders. Born March 23, 1838, being the third and only surviving son of the late George Thomas Heigham, Elsq., J, P., formerly Captain 4th Dra- goon Guards, and his wife Mary Anne Elizabeth, only dau. of the late Rev. Henry Hasted, Rector of Horninnshcatli Suffolk. Armorial bearings— Sable, a fesse clu-(|iiy 01 and azure l)clween three horses' heads erased argent. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wr&ith of the colours, a horse's hejKl erased argent. Postal address — Matlock Mouse. Torquay. CLEMENT JOHN MALCOLM HKIGM.AM. Ms. quire, late Major Prince of Wales's Own (West York- shire) Regiment. Bom Dec. i, 1858, Ijeing the i-liU-si son of Clement Henry John Heigham, Esq., of Hunston Hall, CO. Suffolk, and his wife Grace Charlotte, dau. and co^ heiress of Hon. John Malcolm Fraser of Mount Murray, in Ixjwer Canada. Armorial bearings- Sable, a fesse chequy or and azure, between three horses' he.ads erased argent. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the col a horse's head erased argent. Married, Oct. 5, 1889, \ Ruth, dau. of The MacGillycuddy of the Keeks; and Issue — Clement Heigham, Gentlem.an, b. Sept. 9, 1890; Seat — Hunston Hall, Bury St. Edmunds. HELLESBY, quartered by HULLEY. HELLIER, see SHAW-HELLIER. HELME (H. Coll.). Per chevron embattled vert and or, an esquire's helmet proper, between two lions rampant combatant in chief of the second and a fleur-de-lis in base gules. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a tower proper between two rose-branches stalked and leaved of the last, on each branch three roses gules. Motto — "Cassis tutissima virtus." Live>y — Green. Eld. son of late James Helme of Lancaster, m. Mary, d. of James Milner : — Norval Watson Helme, Esq., J. P. Lanes., C.C. for same co.. Alderman of Lancaster, Mayor 1896-7, M.P. for Lancaster Div. Lanes, since 1900, b. 1849 ; m. 1877, Mary, d. of Thomas Wilson of Caldbeck, Cumberland ; and has issue — (i) Thomas Wilson Helme, Gentleman, b. 1881; (2) James Helme, Gentleman, b. 1884; and Edith Mary. Res. — Springfield Hall, Lancaster. Town res.—\ White- hall Court, S.W. C/k-Jj — Reform, National Liberal, County ( Lancaster). is the Military Cockade. m m 649 The Reverend CHARLES LEONARD HELPS, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Clowne, near Chesterfield, Derbyshire. Born 1841, being the eldest son of the late Sir Arthur Helps, K.C.B., D.C.L., Order of the Golden Fleece, Clerk of the Privy Council, of Balham Hill, Surrey, by his wife Bessie, dau. of Captain Edward Fuller. Armorial bearing's — Per saltire ermine and azure, two lions rampant in pale gules, and six cross crosslets fitch^e in flanch or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two cross crosslets fitchtSe in saltire azure, sur- mounted by an eagle's head erased or. Motto — " Be thankful." Afarried, 1868, Emily, dau. of James Theobald, Esq., of Hyde Abbey, Winchester; Nunny Castle, Somer- set ; Bedfords, Havering-atte-Bower, Essex ; and Grays Thurrock, Essex ; J. P. and D.L. co. of Essex, and J. P. co. Hants; and has Issue— The Rev. Arthur Leonard Helps, Clerk in Holy Orders, Private Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Truro, and Public Preacher to that Diocese. /Residence — The Rectory, Clownes, near Chesterfield. GUSTAVUS HELSHAM, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Norfolk, Lord of the Manor of Fitton. Born July 23, 1840, being the third son of Richard Edward Helsham, Royal Navy, by his wife Emily Tyllier, daughter of John Blunt of Dorset Square, London, W. Livery — Blue, red and gold. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a chevron engrailed between three leopards' faces gules, a crescent or. Upon tlie escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, an esquire's helmet proper, charged with a crescent gules ; with the Motto, "Cassis tutissimus virtus." Married, Nov. 30, 1851, Jane (d. 1884), dau. of Thomas Hungerford of Rose iBank, in the county of Cork; and has had Issue — (i) Evelyn Hungerford Helsham, Gentleman, b. Nov. 13, 1864 (deceased); (2) Somerville Helsham, Gentleman, b. Nov. 10, 1866; and Emily Blunt [married Wm. M'Causland]. Estate and postal address — St. Mary's Hall, King's Lynn, Norfolk. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Wyndham. i| (1 Colonel HENRY HELSHAM HELSHAM-JONES, iCol. (retd. list), late Lieut.-Col. R.E. Born May i, 1838, being the eldest son of Richard Jones, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, of Woodbridge, in the county of Suffolk, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter and eventual heiress of Henry Helsham, Surgeon, of Stoke Ferry, in the county of Norfolk, and assumed the additional sur- name of Helsham by Deed-PoU 1888, and was authorised by Royal Licence to continue the use thereof 1891. Club — United Service. Livery — Drab, with black facings. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a chevron ermines between three ravens sable, on a chief engrailed of the second a heart or (for Jones) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a heart or, a raven sable, gorged with a collar gemel argent (for Jones). Married, firstly, August 7, 1867, Eliza Jane, eldest daughter of Robert Hesketh (she died July 25, 1870) ; and secondly, September 20, 1888, Mary Littledale, only daughter of Frederick Greenwood, Esquire, of Swarcliffe, in the county of York, widow of M. R. Hawkins; and h^yi Issue — Arthur Helsham-Jones, born December 14, 1869, died May 25, 1870; and Constance Mary Helsham [married Frederick Crofton Heath, Esq., Lt.-Col. R.E., second son of Admiral Sir L. G. Heath, K.C.B.]. /'w/a/ arfrf/wj— Redlands, The Holm wood, Surrey. HELY-HUTCIIINSON (U.O., 1783). Quarterly, i and 4, per pale gules and azure, a lion rampant between eight cross crosslets argent (Hutchinson); 2. azure, a fesse between three stag's heads erased in chief argent, and in base a demi-lion rampant or (Hely) ; 3. azure, a garb or, between three wolfs heads erased argent (Nickson). Mantling gules and argent. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet a demi-cockatrice azure. Motto — ' ' Fortiter gerit crucem." Son of John Luke George, 5th Earl of Donoughmore, K.C.M.G., J. P., D.L., b. 1848; d. 1900; m. 1874, Frances Isabella, d. of Gen. Stephens, H.E.I.C.S. : — Rt. Hon. Richard Walter John Hely-Hutchinson, 6th Earl of Donoughmore (Irel., 21 Dec. 1800), 6th Viscount Donoughmore (Irel., 20 Nov. 1797), 6th Viscount Suirdale (U.K., 14 June 1821), and 7th Baron Donoughmore (16 Oct. 1783), J. P., cos. Tipperary and Waterford, late Capt. 3rd Batt. Roy. Irish Regt., Under Sec. of State for \Var since 1903 [Supporters— On either side a cockatrice with wings elevated or, combed and wattled gules, collared sable, charged on the breast with a wreath of laurel vert], b. 1875 ; m. 1901, Elena Maria, d. of Michael Paul Grace of New York ; and has issue — John Michael Henry Hely- Hutchinson, Esq., commonly called Viscount Suirdale; and Lady Doreen Sophia. Seat — Knocklofty, Clonmel. Town res. — 5 Chesterfield Gardens, London, W. Clubs — Carlton, Garrick, Beefsteak, Kildare Street (Dublin). Yr. sons of Richard John, 4th Earl of Donoughmore, b. 1823 ; d. 1866 ; m. 1847, Thomasina Jocelyn, d. and coh. of Walter Steele of Moynalty, co. Monaghan : — Hon. Sir Walter Francis Hely-Hutchinson, G.C.M.G., Gov. and Commander-in-Chief of Cape of Good Hope since 1901, b. 1849; "*• 1881, May, d. of Major-Gen. William Clive Justice, C.M.G. ; and hassurv. issue— (i) John Walter Hely-Hutchinson, Esq., b. 1882; (2) Christopher Douglas Hely-Hutchinson, Esq., b. 1885; (3) Maurice Robert Hely-Hutcliinson, Esq. , b. 1877 ; (4) Christian Victor Noel Hope Hely-Hutchinson, Esq., b. 190 1 ; and Natalie Leila Margaret. Res. — Government House, Cape Town; Court Lodge, Shorne, Kent. Clubs — Carlton Travellers', &c. Hon. Granville William Hely-Hutchinson, J. P. co. Tipperary, b. 1858; m. ist, 1891, Grace {d. 1893), widow of John Charters of Petre Hall, Coventry, and d. of Major Clement Heigham of Hunston Hall ; 2nd, 1903, Eleanor Beatrice, d. of Rev. H. Manning Richards of Betchworth, Winchester. Res. — Clubs — Grosvenor, Royal Societies'. Sons of Capt. Hon. Coote Hely-Hutchinson, R.N., b. ; d. 1842 ; m. 1834, Sophia, d. of Rev. Sir Samuel Synge-Hutchinson, Bart. : — John Hely-Hutchinson, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Dublin (High Sheriff 1872), b. 1836 ; m. 1865, Mary Louisa, d. of Robert Tottenham of Annamult ; and has issue — (i) Coote Robert Hely-Hutchinson, Esq., Capt. 6th Batt. Roy. Fus., b. 1870; (2) Richard George Hely-Hutchinson, Esq., Capt. Roy. Fus. , b. 1871 \in. 1899, Alice, d. of late William Cunningham] ; Cecil Frances Katharine ; and Eleanor Blanche. Seat — Seafield, co. Dublin. Frances Henry Hely-Hutchinson, Gentleman, late R.N., b. 1839. Res. — Auckland, New Zealand. S RICHARD GEORGE HELY-HUTCHINSON, Esquire, Capt. Royal Fusiliers. Born March 3, 1871, being the second son of John Hely-Hutchinson, Esq., of Seafield, co. Dublin, J. P. and D.L. co. Dublin, High Sheriff 1872 (eldest son of Capt. Hon. Coote Hely- Hutchinson) by his wife Mary Louisa, dau. of Robert Tottenham of Annamult. Ainnorial bearings— Quarterly I. and 4. per pale gules and azure, a lion rampant between eight cross crosslets argent (for Hutchinson) ; 2. azure, a fesse between three stags' heads erased in chief argent, and is Uie Naval Cockade. 650 IDem l^en in base n demi-lion rnmpant or (for Hely) ; 3. nzure, a garb or, between three wolves' heads erased argent (for Nickson) ; in the centre of the quarterings a crescent on a mullet for difference. Mantling gules and argent. Great - Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-cockatrice with wings elevated azure. Motto— " Fortiter gerit crucem." Married, April ao. 1899, Alice Maud, only dau. of the late William Crozier Cunningham. C/«^Naval and Military. HEMINGWAY (H. Coll.. 1903). Azure, a Chinese junk of two masts, sails set proper, lietween as many roses in chief argent, leaved proper, a fylfot in base or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a fylfot or, between two roses argent, barbed and seeded proper. Son of : — John Thomas Hemingway, Gentleman ; b. ; m. ; and has issue — Harry Hemingway, Gentleman ; and Nellie. /fes. — " Heathcote," Ilkley, Yorks. C/m^— Bradford and County Conservative (Bradford). AUGUSTUS NOEL CAMPBELL HEMSWORTH, Esq., of Shropham Hall, Norfolk, J. P. for that co. and patron of one living. Born 1853, being the eldest son of the Rev. Augustus Barker Hemsworth, of Bacton, Suffolk, who d. 1889, by Duncana, elder dau. of John Campbell of Kilmartin, co. Argyll (she d. 1894) ; s. his uncle Henry William Hemsworth, Esq., 1892. Armorial bear- ings Per saltire argent and or, a leopard's face sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour, the gauntlet grasping a sword all proper, transfixing a leopard's face sable. Motto— " Manushfcc inimicatyrannis." Married, 1891, Augusta Sophia Maude, youngest dau. of the late Benjamin Hemsworth, Esq., J. P., of Monk Fryston Hall, Yorkshire, and has Issue — a son, Augustus Hethersett Hemsworth, Gentleman, and Dorothy Maude. Seat — Shropham Hall, Thetford, Norfolk. THOMAS GERARD HEMSWORTH, of Abbeville, CO. Tipperary, Gentleman. Bom 1869, being the elder son of Thomas Gerard Hemsworth, of Abbeville, who d. I 1B83. by Charlotte, eldest dau. of John Huljert Moore, of Cherry Hill, co. Chester. Armorial bearings Per salilr.- argent and or, a leopard's face sable. Mantling sable anil argent. Crest Upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour, the gauntlet grasping a sword all proper, transfixing a leopard's face sable. Motto— " Ma4ius ha:c inimici tyrannis." TiiK Rev. WILLIAM BARKER HEMSWORTH, Clerk in Holy Orders. Born April 30, 1855, U-ing the second son of the late Rev. Augustus Barker Hemsworth, Rector of liacton, Suffolk, M.A. , by his wife Duncana, eldest dau. of the late Alexander Campbell of Kilnuirtin, CO. Argyll. Armorial bearings Per saltire argent and or, a leopard's face sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest On a wreath of tiie colours, a dexter arm enilwwed in armour, the gauntlet grasping a sword proper, hilt and pommel or, transfixing a leopard's face sable. Motto " Manus haze inimica tyrannis." Married, 1893, Gwendolen Hemsworth Lechmere, second dau. of Francis Paulet, late of The Cleveland, Prestbury, co. Gloucester; and has Issue— (i) Noel Edward Campbell Hemsworth. Gentleman, b. Aug. 8, 1894; (2) Eric Paulet U'Esterre Hemsworth, Gentleman, b. July 12, 1895. Residence - Banstead, Epsom. HENDER, quartered by TAUNTON. HENDERSON, see CLAYHILLS-HENDERSi and DUNCAN-MERCER-HENDERSON. C^U ARTHUR HENDERSON. Gentleman, formerly of Williamfield, Ayrshire. Armorial bearings— Sable, three piles issuing from the sinister argent, on a chief or, a mullet azure between two ermine spots. Mantling gules and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a dexter hand proper holding a mullet azure, surmounted by a crescent argent. Motto —" Sola virtus nobilitat." GEORGE HENDERSON, Esquire, Colonel 1st Volun- teer Battalion the Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment, and upon whom the Volunteer Decoration has been con- ferred, Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, Member of the Royal Asiatic Society, Fellow of the Society of Anti- is tbe Military Cockade. II ^en 4)en 651 quaries, Scotland. Born December 16, 1845, being the eldest son of the late George Henderson of Heverswood, East India Merchant in London, by his wife Katharine, eldest daugliter of David Stewart of St. Ninian's, in the county of Stirling. Clubs — St. Stephen's, Constitutional, Royal Societies. Armorial bearings are: Gules, three piles issuing from the sinister or, a chief embattled ermine. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled or ; and upon a wreath of the liveries is set for Crest, a cubit arm erect proper, holding in the hand a star of eight points wavy argent ensigned with a crescent of the last. Motto — " Sola virtus nobilitat." Married, October 30, 1878, Helen Blake, only daughter of Thomas Hunter of Edinburgh ; and has /wae— Helen Katharine ; and Agnes Grindlay. Estate and postal address — Heverswood, Sevenoaks. i W Sir JAMES HENDERSON, Knight Bachelor (1899), M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dublin), Barrister-at-Law, J. P. co. (Antrim, D.L., J. P. and Alderman for the City of Belfast, Lord Mayor thereof 1898, and first High Sheriff 1900. Born 1848, being the eldest son of the late James Alexander Henderson of Norwood Tower, co. Down. Armorial bearings — Per pale indented gules and or, on a chief vair, a crescent betwen two bells of the second. Mantling gules and or. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect between two oak branches proper, the hand grasping an estoile of eight points wavy or, ensigned with a crescent azure. Motto— "Sola virtus nobilitat." Married, 1880, Martha, daughter of David Pollock, architect, of Newry. Kesidence-OaVXey House, Windsor Park, Belfast. Club— Junior Carlton. RICHARD HENDERSON, Gentleman. Born 1854. being the son of John Henderson, late of Glasgow. Ar- morial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, three piles issuing from the sinister sable, on a chief indented azure two olive branches wreathed surrounding one in pale be- tween two crescents of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a lion rampant argent, armed and langued gules, supporting in his forepaws a trident paleways also argent ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, ' ' Pace et bello paratus." Postal address — Bidston, Cheshire. ROBERT EVELYN HENDERSON, Gentleman. Born December 19, 1880, being the eldest son of the late Robert Henderson, Gentleman, of Sedgwick Park, Sussex (who died 1895), by his wife Emma Caroline, second daughter of the late Jonathan Hargreaves of Cuffnells, Hants. Armo- rial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, three piles issu- ing from the sinister or, a chief engrailed ermine. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a cubit arm erect proper, holding in the hand a star of eight points wavy argent. Motto — " Sola virtus nobilitat." Estate and postal address — Sedg- wick Park, Sussex. The Late THOMAS HENDERSON, Gentleman, Merchant and Shipowner in Glasgow. Armorial bearings —Argent, three piles issuing from the sinister sable, on a chief wavy azure an anchor between two crescents of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, armed and langued gules, supporting in his forepaws a trident paleways, also argent. Motto " Secure amidst perils." Residence- i^ Blythswood Square, Glasgow. SSiR WILLIAM HENDERSON, Knight Bachelor. Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the county of Aberdeen, Lord Provost of the city of Aber- deen, 1886- 1889, LL.D. of the University of Aberdeen. Born April 10, 1826, being the eldest son of the late James Henderson of Aberdour and Rattray, by his wife Helen, daughter of William Thomson; and was dubbed a Knight Bachelor in the year 1893. C/a*j — National Liberal, Royal Northern (Aberdeen), Scottish Liberal (Edinburgh). Livery— B\\xe. and gold. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Azure, three piles or, in base a tower triple-towered argent, masoned sable, doors and windows gules, on a chief ermine a crescent of the first, between two stars of six points of the third. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure, doubled or ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a cubit arm proper, the hand holding a star of six points ensigned with a crescent argent; and in an escroll over the same, this MottO, "Sola virtus nobilitat." Married, February 17, 1852, Jane Boyd, eldest daughter of George Thompson of Pitmedden and Rannieshill, in the county of Aberdeen, sometime Member of Parliament for the city of Aberdeen, is the Naval Cockade. 652 K)en 5)en and has /jsite—Vive sons and five daughters. Postal addrtss — Devaiilm House, Aberdeen. HENDERSON (L.O.. 31 July 1902). Or. three piles issuing from the sinister vert, on a chief ermine three lorteaux. Mantling vert, doubled or. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a hand holding a torteau, charged with a star argent. Motto — ' ' Sola virtus nobilitat. " Son of George Henderson of Langholm, Dumfries, *. 1819; d. 1889; m. 1845, Eliza, d. of George William Cockshott of York : — Sir Alexander Henderson, ist Bart. (5 Aug. 1902), of Buscot Park, Berks. J. P. and M.P. for West Staffs, since 1898, b. 1850 ; m. 1874. Jane Ellen, d. of Edward William Davis of Ealing ; and has issue — (i) Harold Greenwood Henderson, Esq., Capt. and Adj. ist Life Gds., b. 1875 [m. 1901, Lady Violet Charlotte Dalzell, yr. d. of Robert, 12th Earl of Carnwath and has issue— (i) Alexander Gavin Henderson, Esq., b. 1902]; (2) Alec Puleston Henderson, Esq., b. 1876; (3) Frank Henderson, Esq., Lieut. 7th Hussars, b. 1877; (4) Philip Henderson, Esq., b. 1881 ; (S) Arnold Henderson, Esq., b. 1883; (6) Eric Brand Henderson, Esq., b. 1884; Margaret [m. 1900, Capt. Charles Shuldham Schreiber, ist Life Gds. , of Marlesford Hall, Suffolk]. Seat— BnscoX. Park, Faringdon, Berks. Town res.— 18 Arlington Street, S.W. C/«*— Brooks's. HENDERSON (L.O., 29 Jan. 1904). Parted per bend indented sable and or, on a chief argent, a rose gules, Iwrbed and seeded vert, between two ermine spots. Mantling sable, doubled or. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a cubit arm proper charged on the wrist with an anchor sable, the hand holding a crescent or. Motto — "Sola virtus nobilitat." Son of Rear-Admiral George Henderson, R.N., b. ; d. 1864; m. , Frances Walcott, d. of Capt. Edmund Walcott Sympson, 2nd Dragoon Guards : — The Very Rev. William George Henderson, D.D. (Durham). D.C.L. (Oxon.), Dean of Carlisle, formerly Fellow of Magdalen Coll., Oxford, b. 1819; m. 1852, Jane M., ygst. d. of late J. Dalyell of Lingo, Fifesh. J?es.— The I>canery of Carlisle. Daus. and coheirs [same arms for Henderson as above, with the addition (matric. 13 Feb. 1904) of a bordure gules] of late Sir Edmund Yeamnns Walcott Henderson, K.C.B., b. ; d. ; m. , Maria Elizabeth, d. of Rev. Joseph Hindle, sometime Vicar of Higham, Kent :— Mary Augusta Walcott, m. George Frederick M'Corquo- dale. /?es. — Beechwood, Dunstable, Herts. Maud, m. Robert Slack of Derwent Hill, Keswick {^.v.). Isabel Grace, wt. Alexander Nelson Radcliffe. A'«. — 45 Kensington Square. London, W. Ida, M. Reginald Neville. /?«.— 15 St. George's Road London, S.W. ' Beatrice, m. Capt. James Ramsay, Wigan. AVi-.— Downc Brontley, Kent. Mabel, m. 1897, Rev. Norman Cyril Wilmot K.-idclifle AVj.— The Vicarage, Hamilton, Auckland, New /.e.iLind. HENDERSON-CLELAND, see CLELAND. HENDOUR, quartered by Floyer. HANS HENDRICK HENDRICK-AYLMKK. Ksquirc. Justice of the Peace, Barristor-al-Law, High Sluiiff co. Kildare 1894. Born 1856, being the second son of Mich.ici Aylmer, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county ol Kildare (who died 1885), by his wife Charlotte, dauphin of the late Hans Hendrick, Esquire, of Kerdiffst' assumed the additional surname and arms of Hen by Royal License in 1889. Armorial beaxings— He I for Anna : Quarterly i and 4, argent a cross sable between four Cornish choughs proper (for Aylmer) ; 2 and 3 azure, three leopards' faces or (for Hendrick). Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. out of a ducal coronet or, a chough rising proper (for Aylmer) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, a crescent gules (for Ilendrick). Motto — "Hallelujah." Married, May 1886, Florence, daughter of Alexander Edwards of Ballyhire, in the county of Wexford; and has Issue — (i) Charles Percy Hendrick- Aylmer, Gentleman, born 1887 ; (2) Gerald Hans Aylmer Hendrick-.Aylmer, Gentleman, born 1897; Muriel Charlotte; and Violet Lucy. Estate and postal address — Kerdiffstown, near Naas, county Kildare ; Tully, co. Kildare. HENEAGE, see WALKER-HENEAGE, H JOSEPH JOHN HENLEY, Esq., C.B., J. P. and w D.L., late ist Royal Dragoons, late General Inspector Local Government Board, was Private Secretary to his father when President of the Board of Trade, and has been a member of the Boundary and other Commissions. Born Dec. 29, 1821, being the eldest son of the late Right Hon. Joseph Warner Henley of Waterpery, D.C.L., M.A., J.P. and D.L., M.P. for co. Oxford 1841 to 1885, and President of the Board of Trade from March to Dec. 1852, and from March 1858 to Feb. 1859, by his wife Georgiana, daa of John Fane, Esq., of Wormsley, Oxon. (by Lady Elizabeth his wife dau. of the Earl of Macclesfield). C/«^— Carlton, S.W. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, a lion rampant argent, supporting a rudder or, on a chief of the second an anchor sable between two trefoils proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle, wings displayed or, hold- ing in the claw an anchor and cable sable, and in the beak a trefoil proper. Motto— " Perse verando." Married, OcX. 2, 1849, Agnes Walwyn, dau. of Theodore Walrond of Calder Park, CO. Lanark; and has Issue — Joseph Arthur Henley, Gentleman, b. Jan. 7, 1856 [»«. Jan. 9, 1877, Kate Isabella, dau. of Col. Graves]; Georgiana Caroline [>«. 1871, Philip James Digby Wykeham]; Emily Augusta [m. 1876, Ellis Frederick Dudgeon] ; and Agnes. Seat — Waterperry House, Oxon. HENN of Paradise (U.O ). Gules, a lion rampant argent, on a canton of the last, a wolf passant sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a hen pheasant proper. Motto— "Gloria Deo." Sons of Thos. Rice Henn, Esq., K.C., J. P. and D.L, and a County Court Judge, b. 1814 ; d. 1901 ; m. 1845, Jane Isabella, d. of Rt. Hon. Francis Blackburne, Lord Chancellor of Ireland : — Francis Blackburne Henn, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, R.M. for CO. Sligo, B.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), b. 1848; m. 1880, Helen Letitia Elizabeth, d. of Frances Gore of Woodlands, CO. Clare; and has issue — (i) William Francis Henn, Gentleman, b. 1892 ; (2) Thomas Rice Henn, Gentleman, b. 1901 ; Muriel Helen Isabella Rice [m. 1903, F. W. O'Hara of Cromlyn Lodge, Hillsborough] ; Lilian Adela Gore ; and Maud Susan Beatrice. Seat — Paradise Hill, Ennis, co. Clare. Res. — Albert House, Sligo. Clubs- University (Dublin), County (Sligo). is tbe Military Cockade. I ^en Ptn 653 ', Edward Lovett Henn, Gentleman, ex. -Fellow Trin. Hall, Camb., l>. ; tn. 1878, Margaret Agnes Vaughan, d. of Mitchell Henry, M.P. , of Kylemore Castle. J?es. — Richard Arthur Milton Henn, Esq., J. P. co. Clare, Col. comdg. Limerick City R.G.A. (Mil.), Major Reserve of Officers, late R.A., 3. 1855; m. 1895, Elizabeth Letitia, d. of Charles Heaton Armstrong ; and has issue — Marjorie Vera Milton. Seal — Rathmore, Piltown, co. Kilkenny. Ciud — Junior United Service. Rev. Henry Henn, Vicar of Bolton and Hon. Canon of Manchester, d. . I^es. — The Vicarage, Bolton. JOHN CROAD HENN-GENNYS, Gentleman. Born April 15, 1838, being the second son of the late Edmund (Bastard Henn-Gennys, Esq., J. P., High Sheriff 1853-54, by his wife Anne Campbell, only child and heir of the late fohn Croad. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per pale or and argent, a lion passant guardant per pale azure a.nd gules (for Gennys) ; 2 and 3, argent, a falcon sable bezant^e, belled or, in the beak a sprig of myrtle (for Henn). Mantling azure and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the :olours, an eagle per pale azure and gules, the wings ele- vated, each charged with a bezant, from the beak an escroll irgent, thereon the words "Deo gloria" (for Gennys) ; 2. Dn a wreath of the colours, a hen pheasant proper. Mar- ked, Sept. 1879, Mary Mason, dau. of Dr. W. R. Scott of 5t. Leonards, Exeter; and has Issue— [x) Edmund Croad Jennys, Gentleman, b. Aug. 1880; and Marion Gladys Louisa. Seat — Whitleigh Hall, near Plymouth. § MITCHELL HENRY, Esq., D.L. for Middlesex, and J. P. CO. Galway (High Sheriflf 1888-89), for VTiddlesex and Westminster, formerly M.P. for Galway [871-85, for Glasgow (Biackfriars Division) 1885-86. Born 1826, being the son of the late Alexander Henry, M.P. , of A^oodlands, Cruiiipsall, near Manchester, by Elizabeth, lau. of Oliver Brush of Willow Brook, co. Down. Armc- ial bearings — Per pale indented argent and gules, on he dexter side a rose of the second, a chief azure, charged vith a lion passant of the first. Mantling gules and argent ; md for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet proper, a demi- ion rampant argent, holding between the paws a ducal :oronet also or. MottO — " V'incit Veritas. " Married, iScp, Vlargaret, dau. of George Vaughan, Esq., of Quilly House, ;o. Down ; and by her, who died 1874, has, with other Issue —John Lewis v^aughan Henry, Esq., late Capt. R. Scots jreys, b. 1852 \m. 1880, Edith Maud, eldest dau. of William Robert Ancketill, Esq., and widow of Thomas Knox, Esq., ;on of the Primate of Ireland]. Seat — Kylemore Castle, jralway. Residence — Stratheden House, Knightsbridge, 5.W. HENRY (H. Coll.). Azure, on a fesse between a wool- pack in chief and two mullets of six points in base argent, a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper. ManUing azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm erect holding a sword in pale proper, pommel and hilt or, issuant from an annulet gules, between two roses of the last barbed and seeded also proper. Motto — " Per laborem pax." Sons of : — Solomon Jacob Henry, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Hol- land Park Avenue, London, W. Charles Solomon Henry, Gentleman, b. . Res.— I Porchester Gate, London, W. Philip Solomon Henry, Gentleman, b. . Res. — New York, U.S.A. M ROBERT POOLL HENRY- BATTEN- POOLL. W Esq., D.L., J. P. for cos. Wilts and Somerset, -late Captain N. Somerset Yeomanry Cavalry, High Sheriff for CO. Somerset 1896-97. Born 1850, being the only son of the late Joseph Langford of Timsbury, by Anne PooU, dau. of the late William Britton of Cor.-ton, Somerset; and as- sumed the surnames of Henry- Batten- PooU by Royal License in 1871. Armorial bearings— Argent, a lion rampant azure, armed and langued gules, charged on the shoulder with a battle-axe proper, between in fesse two fountains and in pale as many fleurs-de-lis of the second. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a griffin's head erased ermine, beaked and langued gules, and charged on the neck with a fountain, a battle-axe fesseways proper. Motto^" Confide recte agens." Married, 1879, Sophia, eldest dau. of Duncan Macrae, Esq., of Karnes Castle, Isle of Bute; and has Issue — Walter Stewart Henry-Batten- Pooll, Gentleman. Seat — Road Manor, Bath. Clubs — Carlton, Junior Carlton. § JAMES ALEXANDER HENRYSON - CAIRO, Esquire (formerly JAMES ALEXANDER CAIRD), of Cassencary, parish of Creetown, Kirkcudbright, J. P., D. L. , Kirkcudbrightshire. Bom 1847, being the eldest is tbe Ni^yal Cpckade, 6S4 l^en son of the late Rt. Hon. Sir James Caird, K.C.B,, P.C, LUD., F.R.S., D.L., J. P., of Cassencary, by his first \»ife Margaret, dau. of (?apt. Henryson, R.E. Armorl&l bfarlJUK* — Ciules, thrre piles issuing out of the sinister argent, on a chief sable, three garlis or. Mantling gtiles doublexl argent. Cre«t — On a wreath of tlie colours, a dexter hand fesseways couped at the wrist proper, holding a star of six points cnsigned with a crescent argent. Motto — "Virtus sola nobiliiat." Married, 1877, Alice, dau. of John Alison ; and has /««*— Alister James Henryson-Caird, Esq., b. 1884. S«/ — Cassencary, Creetown, Kirkcud- brightshire. HENSHAW. quartensd by HALSEY. M ARTHUR HENTY, Esouire, Justice of the Peace for 9 the county of Sussex, Lieut. -Col. and Hon. Col. and Volunteer Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment (upon whom the Volunteer Decoration has been conferred). Member of the West Sussex County Council. Horn 1848, being the second son of Edwin Henty, Esquire, of Ferring, Worthing, in the county of Sussex, Justice of the Peace for that county, by his wife I^ura Frances, daughter of Philip Boghurst, Esquire, of Worthing, Justice of the Peace for the county of Sussex. Clubs — Union, County (Worthing). Livery — Dark blue coats, blue and yellow waistcoats. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, three roses in fesse or, between six bezants, four in chief and two in base. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a lion rampant per chevron or and azure, holding between the paws a lozenge of the last charged with a bezant ; with the Motto, " Per ardua stabilis." Married, July 11, 1872, Louisa Curtis, daughter of William Hawes of 17 Montague Place, Russell Square, London; and has Issue— (1) Arthur Frank Henty, Gentleman, born March 1878, Lieut. Middlesex Regt. ; (a) Edwin Claude Henty, Gentleman, born October 1887; Edith Maude; and Adehne Blanche. Estate— Hzxn, Dur- rington, near Worthing, in the county of Sussex. Postal address — Broadwater Hall, Worthing. HENWOOD (H. Coll.). Argent, on a pale vert, be- tween two staves raguly palewise of the last, three bezants. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a "sable antelope " springing proper. Son of : — Paul Henwood, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Church House, Bromley, Kent HEPENSTAL. see DOPPING-HEPENSTAL. HEPTON (H. Coll.). Gules, a chevron engrailed be- tween two leopard's faces in chief and an anvil In base all argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant azure, gutt<5-d'eau, resting the dexter forepaw on an anvil or. Sons of William Hepton of Ilkley, Yorks., b. 1827; d. 1879 ; m. 1848, Mary, d. of John Lawrence : — Arthur Frederic Lawrence Hepton, Gentleman, b. 1855 ; m. 1881, Eliza, d. of William Roberts; and has issue — William Hepton, Gentleman, b. 1884 ; and Marguerite Roberts. Res. — Whinfield, Wood Lane, Headingley, Leeds. John William Lawrence Hepton, Gentleman, b. Res. — Almadene, Headingley, Leeds. Wilfred Lawrence Hepton, Gentleman, b. 1857; m. Mary Louisa, d. of Robert M'Laren of Canada; and has issue — Dorothy M'Laren. Res. — Newton Green Hall, Potter Newton, Leeds. Henry Leopold Lawrence Hepton, Gentleman, b. 1869 ; m. Mabel, d. of Joseph Coojier of Ilkley; and has issue — John l^wrence Hepton, Gentleman, b, 1901 ; Winifred Mary ; and Daisy. Res. — Royal Brunswick Drive, Harro- gate. Albert Ernest Lawrence Hepton, Gentleman, b. /?«.— Ilkley, Yorks. The Reverknd WILLIAM HENRY FRANCKLIN HEPWORTH, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Vicar of Shepshed, Loughborough, in the county of Leicester. Born April 6, 1832, being the fourth son of the late Reverend Robert Hepworth, Bachelor of Arts of the University of IDet Oxford, of Cheltenham, by his wife Barbara Maria, daughter of the Reverend Alexander Plait, Bachelor of Laws of the University of Cambridge, of King's Langley and Bushey, in the county of Hertford. Armorial bearings— He Ixars for Arms : Per pale argent and gules, a saltire voided be- tween three mullets, one in chief and two in fesse, a shepherd's crook erect in base all counterch.anged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet liefitting his tlegree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a derai-lion argent, charged with two mullets in pale gules, holding in the dexter paw a branch of palm slipped proper, and supporting in the sinister a shepherd's crook in bend or. Motto— " Loyal d mort." Married, April 9, 1863, Frances Wensley (who died 1883), dau. of John Garratt of Bishop's Court, Exeter; and has Issue— (i) Archibald Francklin Hepworth, b. 1866; (2) Ernest William Hepworth, b. 1869, d. at Monywah, Upper Bur- mah, Dec. 9, 1900 ; (3) Charles Leonard Hepworth, t. 1870 ; Flora Grace ; and Helen Matel (deceased). Postal arfrfz-wj— Shepshed Vicarage, Loughborough, Leicester- shire. HERBERT, quartered by FAIR and RAWSON. HERBERT, see KENNEY-HERBERT. HERBERT (isth century). Per pale gules and azure, three lions rampant argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a Saracen woman's head affronted, couped at the shoulders, with long hair sable, from the ears double rings pendent or, the veil azure, doubled argent, encircled with a wreath of the same. Motto — " Asgre Ian Diogell ei Pherchen." Sons of John Arthur Edward Herbert of Llanarth Court and Trenowen, J. P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1849), b. 1818 ; d. 1895 ; m. 1846, Hon. Augusta Charlotte Elizabeth Hall, only child of Benjamin, Lord Llan- over : — Col. Ivor John Caradoc Herbert, C.B., C.M.G. (q.v.). Arthur Herbert, Esq., of Coldbrook (q.v.). Edward Bleiddiau Herbert, Esq., Major 17th Lancets,*. 1858. Res.— Ygst. son of John Jones, Esq., of Llanarth Court, J.P. and D.L., b. 1790; d. 1848; m. 1817, Lady Harriet Plunket, d. of 8th Earl of Fingall :— Edmund Philip Herbert, Esq. [q.v,). is the Military Cockade. 11 f^zv ^er 655 Sons of William Herbert, Esq.. of Clytha Park, J. P. and D.h., 6. 1798; d. 1885; m. 1833, Francis, d. of Edward Huddleston : — William Reginald Joseph FitzHerbert Herbert, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Monmouth, d. 1841 ; m. ist, 1866, Char- lotte (d. i88i), eld. d. of Thomas W. Gifford of Chillington ; and, 1882, Constance Laura, only d. of H. Van Notten Pole of Watermore, Cirencester; and has issue (by ist mar.) — Gwendoline [m. 1895, Hon. Richard Eustace Bellew] ; and (by 2nd mar.) Glwadys. Seat— Clyiha. Park, nr. Aberga- venny, Monmouth. Clui — Carlton. Francis Joseph Alphonse Herbert, Esq. , J.P. and D.L. CO. Monmonth, Capt. and Hon. Major late R. Glos. Yeo., late Capt. 9th Lancers, 6. 1845 ; m. 1879, La Baronne C^cile d'Anethan, d. of Baron d'Anethan, Brussels. Seat — Ty Gwyn, Raglan. Descending from mar. of Edward, 2nd Lord Clive (created Earl of Powis), and Henrietta Antonia, d. of Henry Arthur Herbert, Lord Herbert of Chirbury; Earl of Powis. Arms (R.L. , 9 March 1807) as above. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wyvern vert, holding in the mouth a sinister hand couped at the wrist gules. MottO— ' ' Ung je serviray."] Son of Lt.- Gen. the Rt. Hon. Sir Percy Egerton Herbert, K.C.B. , P.C, M.P., i. 1822; d. 1876; m. i860, Mary Caroline Louisa, only child of William Thomas Petty-Fitz- Maurice, Esq., commonly called Earl of Kerry, and gd. of 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne : — The Rt. Hon. George Charles Herbert, 4th Earl of Powis, Viscount Clive of Ludlow, Baron Herbert of Chirbury, and i Baron Powis of Powis Castle (all U.K., 14 May 1804), 14th Baron Clive of Walcot (G.B., 13 Aug. 1794). fifth Baron Clive of Plassey, co. Clare (Irel. , 15 March 1762), I Lord-Lieut. Salop, and C.A., C.C. , and D.L. co. Mont- gomery, Hon. Col. 4th Batt. S. Wales Borderers, B.A. Camb. [Supporters (of Barony of Clive)— Dexter, an elephant; sinister, a griffin, wings expanded both argent, the latter gorged with a ducal coronet gules and charged with five mullets in saltire sable], l>. 1862 ; s. his uncle 1891 ; m. 1890, the Rt. Hon. Violet Ida Evelyn, in her own right Baroness Darcy de Knayth, yr. d. and coh. of Rt. Hon. Sackville George Lane-Fox, Baron Darcy de Knayth and Conyers [Arms of Fox — Argent, a chevron between three foxes' head erased gules, and many quarterings. Sup- porters — Dexter, an heraldic tiger argent; sinister, a bull sable]; and has issue— (i) Percy Robert Herbert, Esq., commonly called Viscount Clive, 6. 1892; (2) the Hon. Herbert, d. 1904 ; and Lady Hermione Glwadys. Seats — Powis Castle, Welshpool ; Walcot, Lydbury North, Shrop- shire ; Styche, Market Drayton. Town res.— 4$ Berkeley Square, London W. Clui — Carlton. Son of the Hon. R. C. Herbert, M.A., J.P. and D.L., ' C.A., 6. 1827; d. 1902; m. 1854, Anna Maria, d. and I h. of Edward Cludde of Orleton : — Edward William Herbert, Esq., C.B., Lt.-Col. K. Roy. Rifle Corps, served in S. Africa 1879, Soudan 1884, S. Africa 1902, J.P. Salop, A.D.C. to Gov. of Fiji 1880-3, i. 1855 ; m. 1887, Beatrice Anne, d. of Sir Hedworth William- son, Bart. ; and has issue— Edward Robert Henry Herbert, Esq., i. 1889; Dorothy Marguerite Elizabeth ; and Phyllis Hedworth Camilla. Seat— Orleton, Wellington, Salop, r/w^j— Naval and Military, Bachelors', Carlton. Graham Cludde Herbert, Esq., F.R.G.S., Lt.-Col. R. '"us., served in Afghan Campaign 1879-80, i. 1856. Cluds —Army and Navy, Carlton, Bachelors'. Arthur Frederick Herbert, Esq., F.R.G.S., King's Foreign Service Messenger, Lieut. H.A.C. , served in S. Africa 1900. /?es. — 22 Portman Square, London, W. etuis— St. James's, Wellington, Prince's, Travellers'. Ygst. son of 2nd Earl of Powis, K.G. , i. 1785; d. 1848 ; m. 1818 Lucy, d. of 3rd Duke of Montrose : — I Major-Gen. Hon. William Henry Herbert, served in the : "rimea, J.P. Salop and Northants, Mayor of Shrewsbury 1889, i. 1834; fn- 1871, Sybella Augusta, eld. d. of Mark William Vane Milbank ; and has issue— (i) Henry James Herbert, Esq., i. 1882; (2) Percy Mark Herbert, Gentle- nan, *. 1885; Lucy Edith; and Alice Harriet. J?es.— Shrewsbury. Hkkbkrt, late of Muckruss (U.O.). Same arms. 3xeBt — On a wreath of the colours, a bundle of arrows or, leaded and feathered argent, six in saltire and one in pale jirt round the middle with a belt gules, buckle and point :xtended of the first. Son of Henry Arthur Herbert of Muckruss, co. Kerry, J.P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1881), M.P. for co. Kerry 1866-1880, Major London Irish Rifles, late Capt. Coldstream Gds. , i. 1840; d. 1901 ; m. 1866, Hon. Emily Julia Charlotte Keane, only child of Edward , 2nd Lord Keane : — Henry Arthur Edward Keane Herbert, Gentleman, 6. 1867. J^es.— Son of Walter Otway Herbert of Pill House, co. Tipperary, 6, 1798; d ; m. 1822, Mary, only child of John Miles of Damaren House, Dorset : — Nicholas Sidney Herbert, Gentleman, i. Res. — Sons of Gustavus Wy brants Herbert, Esq., J.P. co. Cork i. 1837; d. 1886; m. 1865, Annie Catherine, d. of Rev. Otway John Herbert : — Edward Sidney Herbert, Esq., Capt. " Black Watch," t. 1866. Res.— Gustavus Otway Herbert, Gentleman, i. 1867. Res. — Rev. Henry Arthur Charles Herbert, Chaplain Indian Estab. , i. 1871. Res. — Otway Charles Herbert, Gentleman, Lieut, .^rgyll and Sutherland Highlanders, i. 1877. Res. — Son of Rev. Henry Herbert, Rector of Rathdowney, i. 1795 ; d. 1874 ; m. ist, Harriet, Lady Blunden, only d. of Thomas Pope of Popefield : — Henry Arthur Herbert, Gentleman, i. 1826 ; m. 1850, Grace, d. of Sir Frederick Pollock, Bart.; and has issue — Henry Arthur Herbert, Gentleman, i. [m. 1894, Edith S. , d. of Henry H. Mercer; and has issue— Henry Arthur Herbert, Gentleman, i. 1898 ; Nichola Sophia Grace ; and Geraldine]; Frances Harriet \m. 1888, Godfrey Cornwall Chester Master] ; Grace Sophia ; and Mary Jane [tn. 1881, W. H. W. Poole]. Sons of Rev. Otway John Herbert, *. 1800; d. 1853; m. 1831, Anne, d. of W. Stoker, M.D :— Rev. Edward Otway Herbert, formerly Vicar of St. John, Middlesbro', i. ; m. 1902, Rachael Mary, eld. d. of late Rev. Richard Hull. Res.— 11^ Sinclair Road, West Kensington, W. William Henry Herbert, Esq., Lt.-Col. late Roy. Irish Regt., b. . Res.— Son of Henry Herbert, Esq., of Cahirnane, &c., co. Kerry, J.P., and High Sheriff 1879, i. 1818; d. 1898; m. 1865, Katherine Elizabeth, d. of Rev. Edward Stewart of Sparsholt : — Arthur Stewart Herbert, Esq., J.P. co. Kerry (High Sheriff 1900) [ Motto— " Pawb yn eu arfer], 6. 1866; m. 1899, Theresa Selina, d. of Col. Gerald Boyle ; and has issue— Geoffrey Richard Arthur Herbert, Gentleman, i. 1902. Seats — Cahirnane, Killarney ; Dunkerron Castle, Kenmare. Herbert, Earls of Pembroke. Same arms, but properly "within a bordure gobony or and gules, bezantee," this bordure having, however, been discontinued since 1618. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wyvern vert, holding in the mouth a sinister hand couped at the wrist gules. Motto— "Ung je serviray." Badge— "A green dragon." Livery (1554. vide H. Machyn, Diary, p. 74) — " Bluw cotes gardyd with velvet and badge a green dragon "). Son of Rt. Hon. Sidney Herbert, ist Lord Herbert of Lea, i. 1810; d. 1861 ; m. 1846, Elizabeth, only d. of Lt.-Gen. Charles Ashe k Court : — The Rt. Hon. Sir Sidney Herbert, 14th Earl of Pembroke (11 Oct. 1551). "th Earl of Montgomery (4 May 1605), Baron Herbert of Shurland (4 May 1605), Baron Herbert of Cardiff (10 Oct. 1551), Baron Herbert of Lea (15 Jan. 1861), G.C.V.O., P.C, Hered.Visitor of Jesus Coll., Oxford, B.A. Oxon., Lord Steward of the Household since 1895 [Suppor- ters — Dexter, a panther rampant guardam argent, spotted or, vert, sable, azure, and gules alternately, fire isssing from its mouth and ears proper, ducally gorged azure ; sinis- ter, a lion argent, gorged with a ducal coronet gules], i. 1853 ; m. 1877, Lady Beatrix Louisa Lambton, d. of 2nd Earl of Durham; and has issue— (i) Reginald Herbert, Esq., M.V.O., commonly called Lord Herbert, Lieut. R.H.G.,3. i88o; (2) Hon. George Sidney Herbert, *. 1886; Lady Beatrix Frances Gertrude \m. 1903, Capt. Nevile Wilkinson, Coldstream Gds.]; and Lady Muriel Herbert. Seats— yNWtow House, Salisbury; Mount Merrion, co. Dub- lin. C/?/3.r— Carlton, Marlborough, Constitutional. Sons of Rt. Hon. Sir Michael Henry Herbert, G.C.M.G., C.B., P.C, Ambassador at Washington, b. 1857; d. 1903 ; m. 1888, Lelia, d. of Richard Wilson :— Sidney Herbert, Esq., b. 1890. Res.— Michael George Herbert, Esq., b. 1893. Res.-^ 9 is the Naval Cockade. 656 ?)et B)et Sons of the 4th Earl of Carnarvon, A. 1831 ; d. 1890 ; m. ist, Kvelyn (d. 1875). only il. of 6th Earl of Chesterfield, and sister and heir of 7th Earl ; and, 1878, Klizalteth Catherine, eld. d. of Henry Howard of CJreysioke Castle: — Rt. Hon. George Edward Stanhope Molyneux Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon (3 July 1793) •'*"'l Baron I'orchestcr of Hi^hclerc (17 Oct. 1780), b. 1866; m. 1895, Almina Victoria Marie Alexandra, d. of late Frederick Charles Wombwcll; and has issue — Henry George Alfred Marius Victor Frances Herbert, Esq., commonly called Lord Porchester, b. 1898; and Lady Evelyn Leonora Almina. Seats — Ilighclere Castle, nr. Newbury, Hants; Breiby Park, Burton-on-Trent. Tmcm res. — 13 Berkeley Square, I.,ondon, W. C/ubs — Bachelors', St. James's. Hon. Aubrey Nigel Henry Molyneux Herbert, Lieut. Notts. Imp. Yeo., b. 1880. ^es.— Hon. Mervyn Robert Howard Molyneux Herbert, b. i88a. A'w.— Yr. sons of 3rd Earl of Carnarvon, b. 1800 ; d. 1849 ; M. 1830, Henrietta Anna, d. of Lord Henry Thomas Molyneux Howard : — Hon. Alan Percy Harty Molyneux Herbert, M.D., b. 1836. /fes.—i8 Rue Duphot, Paris. lion. Auberon Edward William Molyneux Herbert, D.C.L. (Oxon.), M.P. for Notttingham 1870-1874, b. 1838 ; m. 1871, Ladv Florence Cowper {d. 1886), d. of George Augustus Frederick, 6th Earl of Cowper; and has surv. issue — Auberon Thomas Herbert, Esq., heir pres. to Baronies of Dingwall and Lucas, b. 1876; and Nan Ino. /des. — Old House, Berry Wood, Ringwood, Hants. Son of Henry William Herbert, Esq., of The Cedars, Newark, New Jersey, U.S.A., b. 1807; d. 1859; w». i8^9, Sarah Barker : — William George Herbert, Esq., J. P. Folkestone, C.A. Kent, b. 1841 ; m. 1867, Emily Eliza, d. of Sir Samuel Edmund Falkiner, 5th Bart. /fes. — 10 Westcliffe Gardens, Folkestone. Son of Commander Frederick Charles Herbert, R.N., b. 1819 ; d, 1868 ; m. 1848, Bessie Newenham, d. of Capt Henry Stuart : — George Frederick Herbert, Esq., Major R.A., b. 1862. Jfes.— Son of Algernon Herbert, Barrister-at-Law, b. 1792 ; d, i8«. Sir Robert George Wyndham Herbert, G.C.B. {f.v.). HERBERT of Painswick. Glos. (H. Coll.). Per pale azure and gules, two lions rampant in chief ermine, and — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter embowed grasping a dragon's head erased proper, a di catherine-wheel azure. Motto — " Ung je serviray." Son of William Herbert, Gentleman, and his Anne Eliealjeth, d. of William Hawkins of The Hi thorns, Corse, co. Glos. : — William Hawkins Herbert, Esq., J. P. co. Glos., b. 1 m. 1871. Clara, d. of William Applin of Mount St _^ Grosvenor Square; and has issue— (i) William de Rr.-icy Herhwrt, Gentleman, *. 187a; (2) Arthur Grenvillc Herl)ert, Gentleman,^. 1879; and Caroline Hamilton. A'«.— Para- dise House, Painswick, Glos. ; 28 Elvaston Place, Queen's (Jate, London, S.W. C/k^j — Devonshire, Glouo Gloucester). :este|& 1 S ARTHUR HERBERT, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Monmouth, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, H.M.'s Charge d' Affaires at Darm- stadt, liorn August 22, 1855, Ix-ing the second son of John Arthur Edward Herbert, Esquire, of Llanarth Court, by his wife the Honourable Augusta Charlotte Elizabeth, only surviving child of the Right Honourable T" Reiijainin Hall, Baron Llanover, and a Baronet. C/uit Oxford and Cambridge, Brooks's, .St. James's, Hachel Armorial bearlngB— He bears for Arms : Party per an ancient ship with three masts, sails furled and colours flying, in base argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest azure and gules, three lions rampant argent ; a cresce for difference. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— A Saracen woman's head affront^e, couped at the shoulders, with long hair sable, from the ears double rings pendent or, veil azure, doubled argent, encircled with a wreath of the same ; with the Motto, " Asgre Ian Diogell ei Pherchen." Married, 1892, Helen Louise, dau. of the late William Gammell of Rhode Island, U.S.A.; and has Issue — John Arthur Herbert, Gentleman, b. Dec. 19, 1895. Seat— Coldbrook, Abergavenny. W EDMUND PHILLIP HERBERT, Esquire, Major w Royal Monmouthshire Militia, formerlyChief Constable of the county of Monmouth. Born January 24, 1823, being the third son of the late John Jones of Llanarth, by his wife Harriet, commonly known as Lady Harriett, daughter of the Right Honourable Sir Arthur James Plunkett, eighth E^rl of Fingall, Knight of the Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick. /.jV^ry— Blue, red facings. Armorial bear- ing^ — Party per pale azure and gules, three lions rampant argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a Saracen woman's head affroni^e, couped at the shoulders, with long liair sable, from the ears double rings pendent or, veil azure, doubled argent, encircled with a wreath of the is the Mllitar7 Cockade. Plate XXI. • Hi2DeR,©or2, • fiR,HIK,Sr3R,ID(3® • BaeK^iaoase- BHr3ra€R.GQH13 Isame; with the Motto, " Asgre l^n Diogell ei Pherchen." ^Married, firstly, 1864, Eleanor, daughter of Colonel Gvvynne 'Holford of Buckland, in the county of Brecon ; and secondly, jFrances, daughter and co-heir of Robert Canning of Hart- ,pury, in the county of Gloucester. By his first marriage he 'las /ji«^— Edmund Herbert, Esq., Major 6th Inniskilling ;Dragoons, born 1866 {tn., Jan. 8, 1898, Ethel, only dau. of fohn Pickersgill Rodger of Hadlow Castle, co. Kent, and las issue]. Estates and postal addresses — Llansantffraed Zourt, Abergavenny ; and Hartpury, near Gloucester. Club —Boodle's. § HERBERT EDWARD WILLIAM HERBERT, Esquire, C.B., J. P. Salop, Lieut.-Col. King's Royal kifles. Bom March 22, 1855, being the eldest son of the lion. Robert Herbert, fourth son of the Rt. Hon. Edward, :nd Earl of Powis, and Anna Maria, only dau. and heiress ')f Edward Cludde of Orleton, Salop. Livery — (Undress) |)lue, red piping ; (dress) blue, red breeches and waistcoats. jirmorial bearings^Per pale azure and gules, three lions (anipant argent, quartering Clive, Cludde, and many others, Ind impaling the arms of WiUiamson, namely or, a chevron |ules between three trefoils sable. Mantling azure and rgent. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, a wyvern vert olding a sinister hand gules. Motto — " Ung je serviray." tarried, Jan. 12, 1887, Beatrice Anne Williamson, eldest au. of Sir Hedworth Williamson, Bart; and has Issue— Edward Robert Henry Herbert, Esq., b. May 19, 1889 ; Cliristian Victor Charles Herbert, Gentleman, b. 1904; orothy Marguerite Elizabeth ; and Phyllis Hedworth amilla. Seat — Orleton, Wellington, Shropshire. Clubs -Carlton, Naval and Military, Bachelors'. Colonel IVOR JOHN CARADOC HERBERT, C.B. , C.M.G. , Commander of the Order of the rown of Italy, 2nd Class of Order of Red Eagle of russia. Officer of the Legion of Honour, and has 4th lass of the Medjidie, J. P. and D.L. for co. Monmouth. om July 16, 1851, being the eldest son of John Arthur dward Herbert, Esquire, of Llanarth Court, by his wife ugusta Charlotte Elizabeth, commonly known as the on. Augusta Charlotte Elizabeth, only surviving child of e Right Hon. Sir Benjamin Hall, Baron Llanover, and Baronet ; Lieut.-Col. commanding 3rd Batt. Grenadier uards from 1897, Colonel 1889, served in Egypt 1882 ledal and clasp), Soudan 1884-5 (two clasps), and South "rica 1899-1900 (medal, four clasps), Military Attach^ at . Petersburg 1886-1890, Commanding the Local Forces Canada (with local rank of Major-General) from 1890 to 95. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per ile azure and gules, three lions rampant argent, impaled th the arms of Denison, namely, quarterly i and 4, I nine a bend azure cotised sable between a unicorn's ad erased and a cross crosslet fitch^e gules (for Denison) ; nnd 3 argent, a shake-fork between three mullets sable ir Convngham). Pendent from the escutcheon are his Idges as a C.B. (Mil. Div.) and C.M.G. ; and for his (est, upon a wreath of the colours, a Saracen woman's 1 id affront^e, couped at the shoulders, with long hair sable, f m the ears double rings pendent or, veil azure, doubled fjent, encircled with a wreath of the same. Motto — 'V^gre Idn Diogel ei Pherchen." Married, July 31, 1873, /^rtina Agnes Mary, commonly known as the Honour- ae Albertina Agnes Mary, youngest daughter of the Fjht Honourable Baron Londesborough ; and has with c er Issue — A son, Elidyr John Bernard Herbert, Gentle- nn. Seat — Llanarth Court, Monmouthshire. I ■! The Honourable Sir ROBERT GEORGE WYND- ' " HAM HERBERT, Knight Grand Cross of the Most I nourable Order of the Bath, Doctor of Civil Law, Hono- r.i Doctor of Laws, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- 1 utenant for the county of Cambridge, Chancellor of the N St Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. hTt 1831, being the son of the late Algernon Herbert, »£|uire, commonly known as the Honourable Algernon F.'bert, by his wife Marianne, daughter of Thomas Lem- '• p re of Jersey. Club — Athcnajum. Livery — Dark blue, si jr buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : P pale azure and gules, three lions rampant argent, a ci cent for difference ; the escutcheon being surrounded \^tx 657 by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and by the collar and pendent the badge of a Knight Grand Cross of that Order. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a wyvern with wings elevated vert, holding in the mouth a sinister hand, couped at the wrist gules ; with the MottO, " Ung je servirai." Residence— IcVXeion, Great Chester- foid, in the county of Essex. ROBERT HENRY HERBERT, Gentleman. Armorial bearings— Per pale azure and argent, three lions rampant argent, a bordure wavy or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wyvern vert, holding in the mouth a sinister hand couped at the wrist gules, debruised by a bendlet sinister wavy or. Motto— " Ung je serviray." Jies. — i6 Addison Road, Bedford Park, Chiswick, London, W. SIDNEY GEORGE HERBERT, Gentleman. Armo- rial bearings— Per pale azure and gfules, three lions ram- pant argent, a bordure wavy of the last. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wyvern vert, holding in the mouth a sinister hand couped at the wrist gules, debruised by a bendlet sinister wavy argent. Motto — "Ung je serviray." Married Catherine, dau. of Edward Heugh, and has issue. Residence — Pietermaritz- burg. Natal, S. Africa. EUSTACE LOVELACE HERCY, Esquire, Col. late 2nd Queen's Regt. Born July 27, 1838, being the third son of the late John Hercy, Esq., J. P. and D.L., by his wife Frances, only dau. of Thomas Joseph Moore of Stafford House, Middlese.x. Armorial bearings— Gules, a chief argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a man's head in profile proper, wreathed about the temples argent and gules. Residence — S FRANCIS JOHN HERCY, Esquire, Major-Gen. in the Army (late 2nd Queen's Regt.). Bom Nov. 22, 1835, being the second son of the late John Hercy, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , by his wife Frances, only dau. of Thomas Joseph Moore of Stafford House, Middlesex. Armorial bearings — Gules, a chief argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a man's head in profile proper, wreathed about the temples argent and gules. Residence — S THOMAS JOSEPH HERCY, Esquire, J. P., D.L. for CO. Berks, B.A. London University, called to the Bar 1848, Capt. late ist West York Rifles (Militia). Bom Dec. 31, 1824, being the eldest son of the late John Hercy, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , by his wife Frances, only dau. of 'Thomas Joseph Moore of Stafford House, Middlesex. Armorial bearings — Gules, a chief argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a man's head in profile proper, wreathed about the temples argent and gules. Married, Jan. 8, 1863, Rowena Maria, second dau. of the late William Lionel Pyne ; and has Issue — (r) Thomas Francis John Lovelace Hercy, Gentleman, J. P. and D.L. for Berks, b. Jan. 17, 1864, late Lieut. 3rd Batt. Royal Berkshire Regt.; (2) John Eustace, Hercy, Gentleman, late Lieut. Scots Guards, b. April 11, 1867; (3) Francis Hugh George Hercy, Esq., Capt. 3rd Batt. The Queen's Regt., b. May 14, 1868 ; (4) Eustace James Hercy, Gentleman, b. Sept. 5, 1870 ; and Rowena Marianne Frances. HEREFORD (R.L., 19 , H. Coll.). Gules, three eagles displayed ermine (temp. Edward III.). Livery — Blue, brass buttons. Only son of Capt. Richard James Hereford of Sufton Court, J.P., D.L., b. 1833; d. 1885; m. 1862, Eliz.i- beth Mary, only surv. child and heir of John Kelly Tuder, R.N. , of Pennally, co. Pembroke: — James Tuder Hereford, Esq., J. P. co. Hereford, b. 1869; m. 1902, Eleanor, d. of Capt. Edward Cludde Cockburn, J. P., D.I-., of Pennoxton, Ross-on-Wye. Seat — Sufton Court, Mordiford, co. Hereford. Clubs — Automobile, County (Hereford). is the Naval Cockado. zT 658 ?)cr 5)er HERIOT (Matric. L.O.. 1905, user being ciied anterior to 167a). Argent, on a fesse azure, three cinquefoils of the field, a iMrdure indented of the second. Mfcntllng azure, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a hand couped at the wrist holding a wreath of laurel all proper. Motto—" Fortem posce animum." Eld. son of John Charles Heriot of Lake Memphre- magog, Canada, b. 1819 ; d. 1891 ; m. 1861, Maria Ann, d. of Moise Cass of Hawkesbury, Ontario : — John Charles Alison Heriot, Esq., Capt. Canadian Militia, b, 1861. Res. — S3 Union Avenue, Montreal. HERLE, quartered by HORDERN, HERON, quartered by CON VERS. HERONVILLE, quartered by LANE. Mrs. SOPHIA HERRICK, youngest dau. of Henry Christie of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. Armorial bearings — On a lozenge : argent, a fesse vaire or and gules. Married, Aug. 13, 1862, William Perry Herrick. Esq., of Beauinanor, J. P. and D. L. , also D.L. for co. Stafford, Barrister-at-Law, M.A. Univ. Coll., Oxford, High Sheriff of Leicestershire 1835. Seat — Beauinanor Park, near Loughborough. HERRING, quartered by WILLIAMS. Sir WILLIAM JAMES HERSCHEL, 2nd Baronet (July 17, 1838), late of the Bengal Civil Service, M.A. Oxon. Bom Jan. 9, 1833, being the son of Sir John Frederick Herschel, the ist Bart., by his wife Margaret Brodie, dau. of the Rev. .Alexander Stewart, D.D., of Slrathgarry, co. Perth ; served in Civil Service of India 1853-78. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a mount vert, a representation of the forty-feet reflecting telescopye with its apparatus prof>er, a chief azure, thereon the astronomical symbol of Uranus, or the Georgium Sidus irradiated or ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as » Baronet. Mantling vert and argent. Crest— On a wi of the colours, a denii-tcrrestrial sphere proper, tluTo eagle, wings elevated or. Motto " Ccclis i-xploi,;', Married, May 19, 1864, Anne Emma Haldane (99-i900, d. i June 1877 \m. 17 March IQ03, Edith Violet, only d. of late lA.- Col. W. H. M'Cheane, K.M.L.l.]; (a) Greville Harlerig^. Gentlenun, laie Lieut. Sherwood Foresters, served m S. Africa 1900. d. la Dec. 1881 ; Gwendoline Alice ; Henrietta Mabel; Evelyn; and Margaret. A*«.— Little Heath Villa, Charlton, S.E. Clui — Army and Navy. Allen Marlival Hazlerigg, Gentleman,^. 28 Oct. 1855; m. 34 July 1880. Adcla Louisa, d. of Capt. Codrington Forsyth, C. B. , R.N. ; and has surv. issue — Martival Grey H.-ulerigg, Gentleman, i. 9 Oct. 1884. /?«. — Sons of Rev. William Greville Hazlerigg, M. A. , i. 1847 ; d. 1893; m. 1876, Barbara Mary, d. of Lt.-Col. J. W Pease of Hesslewood House, Yorks. : — Roger Greville Hazlerigg, Gentleman, d. 32 Jan. 1877. ^es. — Thornbury, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, Guy Maynard Hazlerigg, Gentleman, d. 1887. Res.— Thornbury, Shanklin, Isle of Wight. Sons of Rev. Grey Hazlerigg (s. of nth Bart.), b. i8i8 ; m. 1873, Sarah Ann, eld. d. of Thomas Clarke of Forest Road College, Loughborough : — Grey Hazlerigjj, Gentleman, H.A. (Cantab.), late Lieut. Leics. Regt.,^. 1879. Jies. — Wiiloughby House, Leicester. Thomas Mavnard Hazlerigg, Gentleman, b. 1882. Res. — Wiiloughby House, Leicester. Son of Arthur Hesilrige, Lieut, sgth Regt., b. 1834; d. 1863 ; m. i86a, Mary Augusta, d. of George John NichoUs, F.R.C.S., of Bourne, Lines. : — Arthur George Maynard Hesilrige, Gentleman, b. 1863; m. 1889, Amy Florence, d. of M. S. Myers; and has issue — Phyllis Maynard ; Corrie Maynard ; and Violet Maynard, .^«.— 82 Sinclair Road, Kensington, W. Sons of Rev. Charles Maynard Hesilrige, Vicar of Weston, Otiey, Yorks., b. 1838; d. 1901 ; m. 1871, Sarah Hannah Mason : — Grey Hesilrige, Gentleman, b. 1872. Res. — Children's Home, Limpsfield, Surrey. Charles Hesilrige, Gentleman, b. 1876. Res. — Bishop Auckland Grammar School, Durham. Sons of Rev. Charles Maynard Hesilrige, b. 1802 ; d. 1878; m. 1829, Deborah Maria, d. of Arthur Buckby of Seagoe, co. Armagh : — Thomas Greville Hesilrige, Gentleman, b. 1841 ; m. 1871, Eliza Preston; and has issue — (i) Thomas Greville Hesilrige, Gentleman, b. 1878 \m. 1901, Florence Elizabeth, d. of Edwin Henry Griffiths of Mount Pleasant, Shrews- bury]; Robert Maynard Hesilrige, Gentleman, *. 1884; Laura [m. 1898, John David Wright] ; and Deborah Maria. Res. — Shangton, Kibworth, Leicestershire. Robert Marti vale Hesilrige, Gentleman, b. 1846. Res. — HESKETH, see BIBBY-HESKETH. GEORGE EDWIN HEWETT, Gentleman. Bom Dec. 26, 1839, being the youngest son of the late Thomas Hewett, formerly of Great Marlow, Bucks. Armorial bearings -Gules, on a chevron engrailed argent, between two owls in chief of the last and a cockatrice wings ele- vated in base or, a cross pat^e of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cockatrice with wings elevated or, sem6e of crosses pat^e gules, and resting the dexter claw on a fleur-de-lis argent. Motto — " Labor omnia superat." Married, Aug. 1870, Jessie, eldest dau. of Samuel Pearse; and has Issue -(1) Walter Pearse Hewett, Gentleman, b. July 11, 1875; (2) Gilbert George Pearse Hewett, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., b. March 10, 1880; (3) Harold Pearse Hewett, Gentleman, b. Sept. 13, 1882; (4) Douglas Pearse Hewett, Gentleman, b. .Sept. 29, 1885 ; Maud Mary ; and Beatrice Margaret [m. Frank Norman Reckitt Hewitt]. Residence— 11 Chester Terrace, Regent's Park, London, N.W. C/«3— Devonshire. HEWIIT, quartered by CONYERS. HEWITT, see LUDLOW-HEWITT. 8LiKUTENANT.Coi.ONEl- ARTHUR STANIFORTH HEIXT. Bom September 9, 1847, U-ing the It^Crt *"''!•■''' ^" of the late Thoniiis Hext, llsciuire, o( lyj'S^AfK Irenarren, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Cornwall, hy his wife Rhoda Charlton, third daughter of the Rtivtrtnd Harrv Farr Ycatman of Stock House, in the county of I). Armorial bearings— He liears for Arms: Or, a triple-towered l)elween three battle-axes siible, im|wlin;; arms of Parker, namely sable, a buck's head caboLhed between two Haunches argent ; and for his Crest, u[x)n a wreath of the colours, on a tower sable a demi-lion ram; or, holding in the dexter paw a battle-axe of thi Married, April 39, 1886, Anne Hyde, eldest dauglii. Sir William Parker, B;ironei, of Melford Hall, in iht county of .Suffolk, by his wife Sophia Mary, eldest daughter of Nathaniel Clarke Barnardiston of The Ryes, Suilbury ; and has Issue — Rhoda Marjorie ; Sybil Mary ; Margaret ; and Amy. CHARLES HAWKINS HEXT. Gentleman. Bom December 22, 1851, being the third son of the late Thomas Hext, Esquire, of Trenarren, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Cornwall, by his wife Rhoda Charlton, third daughter of the Reverend Harrv Farr Yeatman of Slock House, in the county of Dorset. Armorial bearing^— He bears for Arms: Or, a tower triple-towered between three battle-axes sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a tower sable a demi-lion rampant or, holding in the dexter paw a battle- axe of the first. Married, April i6, 1891, Alice, second daughter of George Petlierick of Porthpean House, St. Austell. Residence — Polgwin, Bodmin, Cornwall. Club- Royal Western Yacht (Plymouth). EDWARD STANIFORTH HEXT, Gentleman. Born January 27, 1849, being the second son of the late Reverend John Hawkins Hext, Master of Arts, Vicar of Kingsteignton, in the county of Devon, by his wife Susanna Catherine, youngest daughter of the Reverend John Lane Kitson, Vicar of Ashburton and Staverton, by his wife Georgiana, youngest daughter of Doctor William Buller, Bishop of Exeter. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms ; Or, a tower triple-towered between three battle-axes sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a tower sable a demi-lion rampant or, holding in the dexter paw a battle-axe of the first. Married, January 20, 1880, Ellen Constance, daughter of William Frederick Foster of Pud- dington Hall, in thee ounty of Cheshire ; and has Issue— (i) Charles Wilfred Hext, born November 14, 1880; (2) Edward Hewlett Hext, born January 29, 1887 ; and Edith Katharine. M FRANCIS JOHN HEXT, Esquire, J. P. for co.Com- wall, B.A. Oxon. , Barrister-at-Law (Inner Temple), elected a County Alderman for Cornwall 1892, Lieut- Col, commanding (Hon. Col.) Cornwall and Devon Miners' R.G.A. (Mil.). 5orn March 19, 1854, being the eldest son of the late Francis John Hext, Esq. , late Lieut. 83rd Regi., and Capt. Duke of Cornwall's Rangers, J. P. and U.L,by his wife Mary Frances Elizabeth, only dau. of the late Sir Joseph Sawle Graves-Sawle, ist Bart., of Penrice, Cornwall. ' Livery — Chocolate and yellow. Armorial bearings— Or, a tower tn^A^-Xo'weTzA, porte ouverte , between three battle-axes sable. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion or, rising from a tower sable, holding in the dexter paw a battle-axe of the last. Motto — "When bale is Hext Boot is next." Married, Oclohci 23, 1804, Margaret Paget, only dau. of the late Col. D. W. P. Labalmondiere, C.B. , Assistant Commissioner Metrop | Police; and has Issue — Francis John Hext, Gentleman,^, j July 31, 1895. 5(?(z/— Tredethy and Lancarfe, Bodmin, Cornwall. Club — Isthmian. W Captain FRANCIS MARWOOD HEXT. Bom j January 14, i860, being the fourth son of the late j Thomas Hext, Esquire, of Trenarren, Justice of the Peace | and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Cornwall, by his j wife Rhoda Charlton, third daughter of the Reverend, j Harry Farr Yeatman of Stock House, in the county of , Dorset. Armorial bearingps— He bears for Arms: Or, is the Military Cockade, ptx ^ep 66t ,. tower triple-towered between three battle-axes sable ; and !or his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a tower table a demi-lion rampant or, holding in the dexter paw i battle-axe of the first. j GEORGE HAWKINS HEXT, Gentleman. Bont April ,, 1854, Vwing the third son of the late Reverend John [lawkins Hext, Master of Arts, Vicar of Kingsteignton, in aecounty of Devon, by his wife Susanna Catherine, youngest laughter of the Reverend John Lane Kitson, Vicar of Ash- urton and Staverton, by his wife Georgiana, youngest aughter of Doctor William Duller, Bishop of Exeter. rmorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a tower iple-towered between three battle-axes sable ; and for his Test, upon a wreath of the colours, on a tower sable a enii-lion rampant or, holding in the dexter paw a battle-axe if the first. Afarried, February 5, 1879, Claire, daughter If Edward Mosely Perkins of fiirtley Hall, in the county f Durham ; and has Issue — (i) John Edward Hext, Gentle- lian, born at Newton Abbott, December 21, 1879; (2) i-eorge Trevor Barkley Hext, Gentleman, born April 23, § Major HENRY YEATMAN HEXT. Bom May 22, 1849, being the second son of the late Thomas Hext, isquire, of Trenarren, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- jieutenant for the county of Cornwall, by his wife Rhoda harlton, third daughter of the Reverend Harry Farr Yeat- |an of Stock House, in the county of Dorset. Armorial .iarings — He bears for Arms : Or, a tower triple-towered btween three battle-axes sable ; and for his Crest, upon I wreath of the colours, on a tower sable a demi-lion mpant or, holding in the dexter paw a battle-axe of e first. JOHN HEXT, Esquire, Royal Navy, Companion of the ost Eminent Order of the Indian Empire. Born October 1842, being the eldest son of the late Reverend John iwkins Hext, Master of Arts, Vicar of Kingsteignton, in 3 county of Devon, by his wife Susanna Catherine, ungest daughter of the late Reverend John Lane Kitson, car of Ashburton and Staverton, by his wife Georgiana, ungest daughter of Doctor William BuUer, Bishop of eter. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, a iver triple-towered between three battle-axes sable ; and his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a tower sj)le a demi-lion rampant or, holding in the dexter paw a l|ttle-axe of the first. Married, November 5, 1874, Lilian Ijiry, only child of David William Mitchell. JsAMUEL HENRY HEXT, Gentleman. Born Septem- r 9, 1807, being the second son of the late Colonel John ^■xt of Trenarren, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- I|;utenant for the county of Cornwall, by his wife Elizabeth, cjighter of Thomas Staniforth of Darnall, in the county of yk. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, a t uer triple-towered between three battle-axes sable ; and fj his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a tower |>le a demi-lion rampant or, holding in the dexter paw a Ifie-axe of the first. 1;EYM0UR WOLCOTT hext. Born September 25, 1I3, being tiie fifth son of the late Thomas Hext, Esquire, jfrenarren. Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant re county of Cornwall, by his wife Rhoda Charlton, daughter of the Reverend Harry Farr Yeatman of 1^ House, in the county of Dorset. Armorial bearings lie bears for Arms : Or, a tower triple-towered between B battle-axes sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of icolours, on a tower sable a demi-lion rampant or, Bng in the dexter paw a battle-axe of the first. |*HOMAS JAMES KITSON HEXT, Gentleman. Born 'II, 1859, being the youngest son of the late Reverend Id Hawkins Hext, Master of Arts, Vicar of Kingsteignton, Ihe county of Devon, by his wife Susanna Catherine, Ingest daughter of the Reverend John Lane Kitson, IJr of Ashburton and Staverton, by his wife Georgiana, BOgest daughter of Doctor William Buller, Bishop of Iter. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, a air triple-towered between three battte-axes sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a tower sable a demi-lion rampant or, holding in the dexter paw a battle-axe of the first. WALTER REGINALD HEXT, Gentleman. Born July II, 1859, being the fourth son of the late Reverend John Hawkins Hext, Master of Arts, Vicar of Kingsteignton, in the county of Devon, by his wife Susanna Catherine, youngest daughter of the Reverend John Lane Kitson, Vicar of Ashburton and Staverton, by his svife Georgiana, youngest daughter of Doctor William Buller, Bishop of Exeter. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a tower triple-towered between three battle-axes sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a tower sable a demi-lion rampant or, holding in the dexter paw a battle-axe of the first. § EDWARD LEONARD ASPINALL HEYGATE, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for the co. of Hereford, late Capt. Royal West Kent Regt. Bom Sept. 29, 1858, being the eldest son of the late Edward Nicholas Heygate, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , Major late R.E. (third son of Sir William Heygate, Bart.), by his wife Mary Jane, only child of John L. Hammond of Dinsdale Hall, Darlington. Armorial bearings— Gules, two bars argent, on a bend or, a torteau between two leopards' faces azure, impaling the same arms of Heygate. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased gules. Mottoes—" Boulogne et Cadiz," " Souvenez St. Quentin." Married, July 20, 1897, Henrietta Constance, eldest dau. of the late Sir Frederick William Heygate, Bart., M.P., and widow of Samuel Maxwell Alexander of Roe Park, co. Londonderry. 5fa^— Buckland, Leominster. WILLIAM HOWLEY BEAUMONT HEYGATE, Eqsuire, J. P. for co. Leicester, formerly Captain R.A. Born 1854, being the son of William Unwin Heygate, Esq., by his wife Constance Mary, dau. of Sir G. H. Beaumont. Livery — Black with brass buttons. Armorial bearings — Gules, two bars argent, on a bend or, a torteau between two leopards' faces azure, and impaling the arms of Beaumont, namely azure, sem^e of fleurs-de-lis and a lion rampant or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased gules. Married, 1881, dau. of the late James Dalglish of Aigburth, Lancashire ; and has Issue— (1) Gerald Heygate, Gentle- man, and Lieut. R.A., *. 1882; (2) Claud Raymond Hey- gate, Gentleman, b. 1886; {3) Lionel Clement Heygate, is tbe Naval Cockade. 66a ^ep ©ep Gentleman, b. 1893. Rtsidenct—KoecMe^ Loughborough. CM — Carlton, Naval and Military. SZKCHARIAH JOHN HEYS. Esquire. V.D., Colonel (retired) 3rd V.a Arg. and Suth. Highlanders, J P. for Renfrewshire. Bom Sept. a6, 1849, beinj; the eldest son of the l.-xtc John Heys. Esq., J. P., Calico Printer, of Wood- side, Rirrhead, and his wife Susannah, dau. of George Heys, Merchant in (ilasgow. Livery— tiaxV. green, silver buttons. Armorial bearlatra— Argent, a fesse sable be- tween three inescutcheons azure. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a demi-lion rampant azure, armed and langued gules, supporting with his paws a b.-inner argent. Motto — " Invictus maneo." Married, June 23, 1874, Helen Law, dau. of William Stevenson, Merchant in Glasgow; and has Issue — (i) John William Heys, Gentleman, b. April i, 1875; (2) Stevenson Heys, Gentleman, b. July 14, 1876 ; and Elizabeth Brown. Residence — Stonehouse, Barrhead, N. B. Clubs — Imperial Union (Glasgow), Art (Glasgow), Royal Clyde Yacht. HEYSHAM, see MOUNSEY-HEYSHAM. HEYWOOD, quartered by COKE. Sir ARTHUR PERCIVAL HEYWOOD, Baronet (1838), J. P. Derbyshire and Staffs., M.A. Cantab. Bom Dec. 25, 1849, being the eldest son of Sir Thomas Percival Heywood, Bart., and his wife Margaret, dau. of Thomas Heywood. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearings — Argent, three torteaux in bend between two bendlets gules, on a canton of the last a cross pat6e or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, the trunk of a tree entwined by ivy, thereon a falcon perched, wings displayed proper. Motto — " Alte volo." Married, Aug. 14, 1872, his cousin Margaret Effie, eldest dau. of Rt. Rev. George Henry Sumner, D.D., Bishop of Guildford ; and has Issue — (i) Graham Percival Hey- wood, Esq., b. July 13, 1878; (2) Cecil Percival Heywood, Esq., b. May 17, 1880; (3) Arthur George Heywood, Esq., b. 1885; Muriel Annette Margaret [/«., 1899, K. Warron Markham]; Ella Mary Effie [m., 1901, C.apt. P. l)ei,i, de Viirep IDic Bacup, in the counly of Lancashire. Lancaster Gate. Hyde Park, London. Postal tuUress — 96 Lucy ; Margaret ; Sarah ; May ; and Lilian. Rslalts— Wightwicit. near Wolverhampton ; StockinRford and Ans- ley, CO. Warwick ; and Adderbury, co. Oxford. Postal HEYWORTH (H. Coll.) Ermine, two bamilets wavy Hzure, between three bats sable. Orert— Upon a wreath of the colours, a crescent azure, issuant therefrom flames of fire proper between two bats' wings sable. Motto — "Nil dimidium est." Son of Lawrence Heyworth, Esq., J. P. co. Monmouth, Hon. Col. and late Lt.-Col. comdg. 3rd (Mil.) Batt. Welsh Regt., b. 1831 ; m. 1864, Rosina Kate, only surv. child of late John Baskerville Mortimer, Lieut. 34th Madras Light Inf. : — Heyworth Potter Lawrence Heyworth, Gentleman, b. 1877. Estates — Palstre Court Manor, co. Kent ; Whiteheld Barton, Marwood, nr. Barnstaple, Devon. M CECIL FRANCIS HEYWORTH-SAVAGE, Es- W quire, Capt. Royal Fusiliers. Born , being the son of George Frederick Heyworth, Gentleman, of Lancaster Gate, Hyde Park, late Lieut, sth Dragoon Guards, by his wife J C , dau. of Savage, Gentleman, of . Armorial bearing^— Quarterly i and 4, argent, six lioncels ranjpant azure, three, two, and one (for Savage) ; 2 and 3, ermme, two barrulets wavy azure, between three bats sable (for Heyworth). Mantling azure and argent. Crests — I. out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's jamb erect sable (for Savage) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a crescent azure, issuant therefrom fire projDer between two bats' wings sable. Motto — "A te pro te." Residence -'iLXsX.o-v,-^, Ash, co. Surrey. HIBBERT, see HOLLAND-HIBBERT. S Sir ALFRED HICKMAN, Baronet, M.P. co. Wolver- hampton, J. P. and D. L. co. Stafford. Born July 3, 1830, being the youngest son of George Ruslibury Hickman, by his wife Mary, dau. of Benjamin Haden, Old Hail, Tip- ton ; was dubbed a Knight Bachelor, 1891 ; Baronet, 1903. Livery — Brown. Armorial bearing^ — Party per saliire sable and or, two leopards' faces jessant-de-lis in pale, and as many fleurs-de-lis in fesse, all counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree. Mantling sable, doubled or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a phoenix issuing out of flames, transfixed through the mouth by a tiliing-spear paleways proper, each wing charged with two annulets erect and interlaced or. Motto — " Igne et ferro." Married, 1850, Lucy Owen, dau. of William Smith of Portsea; and has Issue — !i) Alfred William Hickman, Esq., b. March 10, 185 1 ; 2) Thomas Edgecumbe Hickman, Esq., D.S.O. [to whom refer] ; (3) Edward Hickman, Esq. ; (4) Victor Emanuel Hickman, Esq. ; (5) John Owen Hickman, Esq. ; Louisa; addresses — Wightwick, Wolverhampton ; 22 Kensi: Palace Gardens, London. Clubs — Carlton, St. Step Constitutional, Thatched House (Ranelagh) ^t.L. .. Hurlingham. FRANCIS WILLIAM HICKMAN, Esq.. J.P. for co. Clare (High Sheriff 1884) ; assumed the name and arms of Hickman by Royal License on the death of Colonel Henry Hickman, 1872. Bom 1857, being the eldest son of the late Francis Gore, Esq., J.P. and D.L., by his wife Ellen Louisa, dau. of the late George Studdcrt, Esq., J.P., of Clonderlaw, co. Clare. Livery — Blue coat, white piping, and blue and while waistcoat. Armorial bearings— I'er pale indented argent and azure, in the dexter chief a trefoil slipped vert. Mantling azure and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a talbot sejant argent, collared and chained gules, charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped vert. Motto — " Malo mori quam fa^dari." Married, 1878, Elizabeth, dau. of Pierce O'Brien, Esq., J. P., of Durra.co.i Clare; and has Issue — (i) Francis William Gore Hickman, Gentleman, b. 1879; (2) Poole Henry Hickman, Gentleman. b. 1880; (3) Percival Gore Hickman, Gentleman, *. 1881 ; (4) Norman Gore Hickman, Gentleman, b. 1883; (s)West- ropp Gore Hickman, Gentleman, b. 1885; (6) Victor Gore Hickman, Gentleman, b. 1887; (7) Thomas O'Brien Gore Hickman, Gentleman, b. ; (8) Edmond Ivan Gore Hickman, Gentleman, b. 1898; Elizabeth; Irene; and Dorothy. Seats -KWmoK, Knock, co. Clare ; Tyredagli Castle, Tulla, co. Clare. Club—Couniy (Ennis). STHOM.'^S EDGECUMBE HICKMAN, Esquire, Companion of the Distinguished Service Order (1889), Worcestershire Regt., Brevet-Col., served in South Africi in command of Mounted Infantrv Brigade. Born 1859, being the son of Sir Alfred Hickiiian. M.P. co. Wolver- hampton (Western Division), bv his wife Lucy Owen, only dau. of William Smith. Armorial bearings— Party p^r saltire sable and or, two leopards' faces jessant-de-lis in I)ale and as many fleur-de-lis in fesse all counterchanged. is tbe Military Cockade. \0it Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a phoenix rising out of flames transfixed through the mouth by a tiUing-spear pale- ways proper, each wing charged with two annulets erect and interlaced or. Motto — " Igne et ferro. " Clud — Naval and Military. HICKMAN (U.O.). Per pale indented argent and azure, on the de.xter side three roses in pale gules, on the sinister as many in pale of the first. Mantling azure and argent, i Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a talbot sejant argent, collared and chained gules. Mottoes — "Semper fidelis," " Per tot discrimina rerum." Sons of Hugh Palliser Hickman of Fenloe, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Clare (High Sheriff i86q), 6. 1805; d. 1883; m. 1843, Sophia Angel St. John, d. of Most Rev. Edward Stopford, D. D. , Bishop of Meath : — Stopford Cosby Hickman, Esq., J. P. and D. L., Major R.A., fi. 1854; m. ist, 1885, Mary {d. 1889), d. of Rev. Henry Charles Knightley, Vicar of Combroke, co. Warwick ; and, i88g, Mrs. R. Whitting ; and has issue (by ist mar.)— Beryl Stopford Mary. Seat— Fen\oe, Newmarket- on-Fergus. Hugh Palliser Hickman, Esq., Major R.A. , d. 1856. Hes.— HICKS, quartered by WARREN and BEACH. HICKS (R.L., 183s, H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, gules, on a fess wavy or, between three fleurs-de-lis ermi- nois, an ermine spot (Hicks) ; 2 and 3, per bend sinister or and sable, a lion rampant counterchanged, holding between the paws a gauntlet azure (Simpson). Mantling gules and or. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a buck's head couped erminois, gorged with a wreath of quatrefoils vert (Hicks) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, an ounce's head proper, erased and ducally crowned gules, charged on the neck with a gauntlet or. Motto— " Tout bien ou rien." Son of Stanley Edward Hicks, Esq., of Wilbraham Temple, J.P. and D.L., Barrister-at-Law, d. 1843; d. 1900 ; ;«. 1870, Frances Sharpe, d. of Baron Dickin- son Webster of Penns, co. Warwick : — Reginald Stanley Hicks, Esq., J.P. Cambs., 6. 1871 ; »«. 1898, Dorothy, d. of Ralph Pemberton Koe of Hampton Wick. Seai — Wilbraham Temple, Cambs. Yr. sons of Edward Hicks, Esq. (formerly Simpson), M.P., d. 1814 ; d. 1889 ; m. 1838, Grace, d. of Stanley Pipe Wolferstan of Statfold, Staffs. :— Henry John Hicks, Gentleman, d. 1844. J^es. — Charles William Hicks, Gentleman, 6. 1849. /i'«. — ' GEORGE ARCHIBALD ERSKINE HICKSON, Esq., J.P. CO. Kerry, B.A. (Dublin). Born 1854, being the only surviving son of the late Robert Conway Hickson, Esq., jJ.P. , of Fermoyle, by his second wife Jane, dau. of Patter- |son O'Hara of Dublin, late of the 59th Regt. Armorial bearings — Or, two eagles legs erased a la quise in saltire sable, in the centre chief point a trefoil vert. Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a griffin's head sable, beaked of the first, charged with a Itrefoil gold. Motto— "Fide et fortitudine." Married, I1884, Lina, youngest dau. of the late Mahony Harte, B.L. , jof Rockfield, CO. Kerry ; and has Issue — (i) Robert Conway JHickson, Gentleman, b. 1884; (2) George Lionel O'Hara 'Hickson, Gentleman, b. 1887. Seat — Fermoyle, Castle- Gregory, Tralee. HIGFORD HIGFORD, Esquire, J.P. for co. Berks, High Sheriff 1890 ; assumed the name of Higford in lieu of Burr by Royal Licence, i860. Born July 3o, 1840, being the eldest son of the late Daniel Hig- ord Davall, J.P. for cos. Gloucester, Berks, and Hereford, md D.L. for Hereford, High Sheriff of Berks 1851, iometime M.P. for Hereford, by his wife Anne Mar- ;aretta, only dau. of Capt. Edward Scobell, R.N., of Pol- air, Penzance. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a mount .'crt, issuing from park palings with gate proper, a lion anipant or, holding in the dexter paw a scimitar all proper, jn a chief indented sable, two lions rampant argent. Mant- ling vert and argent. Crests — Out of a mural crown, in- scribed with the word "Ternate," a Malay, holding in the iexter hand the colours of Ternate all proper, granted in 3ommemoration of the capture in i8oi of that island, the :hief of the Moluccas, by the late Lieut. -Gen. Daniel Burr, lj)ig 66s E.I.C.S. Motto—" Virtus vertus hones," Married, Sept. 22, 1869, Julia Charlotte, dau. of Rev. Frederick J. H. Reeves of East Sheen; and has Issue. 5(»(7/— Hartsfield, Betchworth. Town house— ^i Eaton Place, S.W. HIGGINBOTHAM (L.O., 25 March 1869). Gules, a rose argent, on a chief of the last, two Cornish choughs proper. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a sinister and a dexter arm shooting an arrow from a bow all proper. Motto—" By aim and by effort." Livery — Red and white. Son of Edwin Higginbotham, Gentleman (eld. s. of Samuel Higginbotham of Glasgow), by Emily, d. of Edward Henry Keeling : — Charles James Higginbotham, Gentleman, b. 20 May 1864 ; m. 3 July 1900, Catherine Broadley, yr. d. of Henry Broadley Reid ; and has issue— Richard Henry Higginbotham, Gentleman, b. 4 Dec. 1902. Post. add. — Overhill, Wilmslow, Cheshire. 67«i5j —Western (Glasgow), Union (Manchester). CHARLES WYBRANTS HIGGINBOTHAM-WY- BRANTS, Gentleman (formerly Higginbotham), assumed the additional name and arms of Wybrants by Royal Licence dated Nov. 25, 1899. Armorial bearings- Quarterly I and 4, per pale gules and azure, in the dexter side an eagle's leg conjoined at the thigh to a sinister wing argent, and in the sinister a lion passant of the last, both paleways (for Wybrants) ; 2 and 3, or, on a fesse azure between three roses gules, as many bezants (for Higgin- botham). Mantling gules and argent. Crest -Upon a wreath of his liveries, a stag's head erased proper, charged with a bezant. Motto— "Mills et fortis." Residence— Grosvenor Road, Rathmines, co. Dublin. HIGGINS, quartered by BRABAZON. HIGGINS, see PLA TT-HIGGINS. JOSEPH NAPIER HIGGINS, Esq., Q.C., J.P. for Bucks, and cos. Waterford and Tipperary, Barrister-at-Law, Vice-Chairman Council of Legal Education. Bom 1826, being the second son of the late Joseph Higgins of Glen- patnck, CO. Waterford. Clubs — Hyde Park, Reform, Union, Armorial bearings — Per chevron argent and vert, a cres- cent between three cranes' heads erased counterchanged. Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased or, charged with a crescent gules, and gorged with a colliir of the last, thereon three bezants. Motto — " Pro patria et virtute." Married, 1861, Sophia Elizabeth, dau. and coheiress of Sir Thomas Tyringham Bernard, 6th Bart, [ext.), of Winchendon Priory ; and has Issue — Francis Tyringham Higgins Bernard, Esq., J.P. for Bucks., Barrister-at-Law, late Capt. Royal Bucks Hussars, b. 1864. Seat — Winchendon Priory, Aylesbury. Residence — 24 The Boltons, S.W. § HENRY HARTLAND HIGGINSON, Esquire, Maj. 2nd Batt. North Staffordshire Regiment. Born July 3, 1855, being the eldest son of tlie late John M'Connell Higginson, Esq., J.P. , Registrar of the Diocese of Down, Connor, and Dromore, by his wife Susan Arabella Gertrude, only dau. of Robert Conry. Armorial bearings— Sable, three towers in fesse argent between six trefoils slipped, three in chief and three in base or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Out of a tower proper, a demi-griffin segreant vert, armed and beaked or. Motto — " Malo mori quam foedari." Married, 1886, Elizabeth Mary, youngest dau. of the late Andrew Armstrong of Kylemore, co. Galway, and St. Andrews, co. Dublin ; and has Issue — Henry Clive Higginson, gentleman, b. 1887. S Colonel THEOPHILUS HIGGINSON, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (Mil. Div.). Born April 4, 1839, being the fourth son of Henry Theo- philus Higginson, Esq , J. P., of Lisburn, co. Antrim, and Carnalea House, co. Down ; by his wife Charlotte, dau. and heiress of John M'Connell of Belfast, co. Antrim, one of the claimants to the Earldom of Menteith ; was created C.B. 1893. Club — East India United Service. Livery — Drab coat, gilt buttons, black and yellow striped waistcoat, blue plush breeches. Armorial bearings — Sable, three is the Naval Cockade. 666 t^iB m towers in fesse argent, between six trefoils slipped, three in chief and three in base or. MantUnc sable and argent ; and for his Great. \\\wn a wreath of the colours, out of a tower eoper, a denu gritlin segreant vert, armed and beaked or. Otto — " Malo mori quam foedari." Married, 1871, Ada, youngest dau. of William Whitla ot Lisburn, co. Antrim ; and has /w«*— Harold Whitla Higginson, Esq., Capt. Royal Dublin Fusiliers, b. Nov. 10, 1873 ; and Ada Dorothea. Postal address — 23 Campden House Road, Kensington, W. HIGHMORE. quartered by BURROUGH. HIGINBOTHAM (Confd. U.O., 26 Nov. 1902, on user from 1731, when arms of Dutch origin appear on the seal attached to the will of Qrmaster Thomas Hoogenboom or Higinbotham in Will Office, Dublin ; Ped. U.O). Ermine, on a cross engrailed gules, five mullets pierced or, in the first and fourth quarters a lion passant guardant azure. MwTit.Hng gules and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, an arm embowed vambraced, the hand grasp- ing a sword proper, pierced through a mullet or. Motto — " Pro Deo et rege." Sons of late Hon. George Higinbotham, M.A. (Dub.), ot Lincoln's Inn, Chief-Justice of Victoria, Australia, m. Margaret Foreman : — George Robert Higinbotham, Gentleman, b. 1865. Post, add. — Hannen's Club, Coolgardie, Western Australia. Edward Higinbotham, Gentleman, of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law, ^. 1869. Post. add. — Constitutional Club, Northumberland Avenue, London, W.C. HILDGARD, quartered by RAMSDEN. HILDYARD (R.L., 1815, H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, azure, a chevron argent, between three mullets or (Hildyard) ; a and 3, argent, a fesse between three bugle- horns stringed sable (Thoroton). Orett — On a wi the colours, a cock sable, combed, legged, and gules. Son of Thomas Blackborne Thoroton-Hildyard, lisq. of Flintham Hall, M.P. for S. Nolls 1846-53, 1866-' 1885, J. P. and D.L. Notts (High Sheriff i86a), h. 1831 ; d. 1888 ; tn. 1842, Anne Margaret, d. of Col. Rockfort of Clogrenane, co. Carlow : — Thomas Blackborne Thoroton Hildyard, Esq., J. P., laic Lieut. Rifle Brigade, b. 1843; m. 1871, Eleanor, eld. d. of late Rt. Hon. Henry Herbert of Muckross. co. Kerry. Seat — Flintham Hall, nr. Newark. Major-Gen. Sir Henry John Thoroton Hildyard, K.C.B. (1900), Direc.-Gen. of Mil. Educ. since 1^3, commanded Inf. Brig, in Natal, late comdg. 71st Highland Lt. Inf., and formerly R.N., b. 1846 ; m. 1871, Annette, d. of Rear- Adm. James Provost; and has issue — (i) Harold Charles Thoroton Hildyard, Gentleman, b. 1872; (a) Gerald Moresby Thoroton Hildyard, (ientleman, b. 1874; (3) Reginald John Thoroton Hildyard, Gentleman, b. 1876. Res. — . Club — United Service. Son of Robert D'Arcy Hildyard of Coburn Manor, b. ; d. 1882; m. , Anna F. J., d. of late Capt. Lawford Burne : — Robert Maxwell D'Arcy Thoroton D'Arcy-Hildyard, Esq., Capt. 68th Durham Lt. Inf., b. 1867; m. 1889, Agnes Mary, d. of John Batcman by his wife Jessie Caroline, sister of 1st Earl of Lathom. 6'«a/— Coburn Manor, Richmond, Yorks. Ygst. son of Col. Thomas Blackborne Thoroton Hildyard (formerly Thoroton), b. ; d. ; m. Anne Catherine Whyte, niece and heir of Sir Robert D'Arcy Hildyard, 4th and last Bart. : — John George Bowes Hildyard, Esq., J. P. East Rdg. Yorks., Barrister-at-Law, b. 1828 ; tn. 1857, Caroline, d. of Robert Denison of Waplington Manor, Yorks. ; and has surv. issue — Mabel ; and Evelyn Caroline. Seat — Dunning- ton Hall, York. C/«*— Carlton. HILDYARD (R.L. , 19 June 1855). Azure, a chevron argent, between three mullets or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cock sable, combed, legged, and wattled gules. Sons of John Richard Westgarth Hildyard (formerly Hale) of Horsley House and Unthank, J. P. and D.L (High Sheriff Durham 1863), M.A., Barrister-at-Law, b. 1813 ; d. 1888; m. i860, Mary Blanche, eld. d. of Sir Richard Digby Neave, Bart., of Dagnara Park, John Arundell Hildyard, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for N. Riding Yorks, J.P. Durham (High Sheriff 1900), *. 1861. Seats — Horsley House, nr. Stanhope, co. Durham ; Hutton Bonville Hall, Northallerton, Yorks. Edward Digby Hildyard, Gentleman, b. 1864. Res. HILL, see SALE-HILL. HILL, quartered by FELL. I CHARLES GATHORNE HILL, Gentleman, being the eldest son of the late Charles Hill, Esq., J.P. co. Somerset and for the city and co. of Bristol. Armorial bearingB- Argent, two chevronels between as manv water-bougets in chief and a mallet in base sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling sable and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dove, in the beak an olive branch proper, gorged with two chevronels sable, and resting the dexter claw on a mullet argent ; with the Motto, ' ' Perseverantia omnia vincit." Sir CLEMENT LLOYD HILL, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. Bom May 5, 1845, being the third son of the Rev. John Hill (second brother of the Rt. Hon. the second Vis- count Hill), by his wife Charlotte, daughter of Thomas Kenyon, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Thomas Kenyon; created Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1887. C/w/Jj— Travellers', St. James's. ArmoriaJ bearfiigs— He bears for Arms : Ermine, on a fesse sable, a castle tri pie-turret ed argent, the escutcheon being sur- rounded by the ribbon and pendent therefrom the badge is the Military Cockade. m m 667 of a Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, impaling the arms ot Denys, namely argent, a cross patonce gules, between four fleurs-de-lis vert, on a chief azure, a greyhound courant of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a castle triple-turreted, surmounted with a garland of laurel proper; with the Motto, " Avancez." Married, May 15, 1889, Charlotte Eliza Mary Jane, daughter of Sir George Denys, Baronet, and widow of Charles Waring. Postal address— a Grosvenor Place S.W. EDWARD HENRY HILL, Gentleman. Bom Feb. 10, 1849, being the second son of the late Thomas Rowley Hill, Esq., J. P. for cos. Worcester and Hereford, and for city of Worcester, D.L. for co. Worcester, High Sherifif CO. Worcester 1870, and M.P. for the city of Worcester 1874-85, by his second wife Mary Hilditch, dau. of Edward Evans, Esq., J. P., of Worcester. Armorial beaxings — Ermine, a chevron chequy or and azure in base, on a mount proper, a Cornish chough sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a mount vert, a talbot passant proper, collared gules, his de.xter paw resting on three annulets in- terlaced. Motto — "Avancez." S Colonel Sir EDWARD STOCK HILL, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, M.P. for Bristol (South Div.), Justice of the Peace for the borough of Cardiff, and for the county of Glamorgan ; High Sheriff, 1885. Born 1834, being the son of Charles Hill of Bristol, by his wife Mary, daughter of Richard Arthur, R.N. ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1881, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of that Order, 1892. Club — Carlton. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, two chevronels gules, between two water bougets in chief and a mullet in base sable, a crescent for difference, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and pendent his badge as a Knight Commander. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dove, gorged with two chevronels sable, in the beak an olive branch proper, and resting the dexter claw on a mullet argent; with the Motto, " Perseverantia omnia vincit." Married, 1866, Fanny, youngest daughter of the late Major-General Tickell, Companion of the Most Honour- able Order of the Bath ; and has with other Issue— Eustace Tickell Hill, Capt. 19th Hussars, born 1869. Postal addresses — Rookwood, Llandaff; Hazel Manor, Compton Martin, Bristol; i St. James's Street, London, S.W. ERNEST GATHORNE HILL, Gentleman, being the second son of the late Charles Hill, Esq. J. P. for co. of Somerset, and for co. and city of Bristol, by his wife Elizabeth Matilda, dau. of the Rev. Richard Gathorne of Kirby Lonsdale, Westmorland. Armorial bearings- Argent, two chevronels between as many water-bougets in chief and a mullet in base sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the x:olours, a dove, in the beak an olive branch proper, gorged with two chevronels sable, and resting the dexter claw on a mullet argent, with the Motto, "Perseverantia omnia vincit." Postal address — Raddery, Forirose, N.B. JOHN HILL, Gentleman. Born Aug. 26, 1849, being the second son of the late Charles Hill of Stockton-on- Tees, by his wife Mary Charlotte, daughter of Hopkin Jones. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a fesse nebuly per pale sable and azure, between three hillocks vert, a i castle triple-towered or, impaling the arms of Kirk, namely gules, a chevron dovetailed ermine, on a chief or, three dragons' heads erased of the field. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a castle triple- towered or, charged with an escutcheon azure, thereon a rose argent, all between four ears of wheat bladed and slipped or, two on either side. Motto — "Avancez." Livery — Light drab with black collar and cuffs and silver buttons. Married, June 3, 1880, Jane, daughter of the late William Kilvington Kirk, Gentleman, of Stockton-on- Tees; and has Issue— (1) John Norman Hill, Gentleman, *. Sept. 8. 1883; (2) Frank Hill, Gentleman, b. April 10. 1890 ; Ethel, Jane ; and Gertrude. Residence— 'BT'W.a.nnxdi House, Saltburn-by-the-Sea. JOSEPH HILL, Gentleman, J. P. for Bradford. Born 1827. Armorial bearings— Party per pale indented gules and sable, on a fesse erminois between three leopards' faces or, as many catlierine-wheels of the second ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a talbot's head couped s.able, a denii-caiherine-wheel or, all between two wings per fesse indented or and gules ; with the Motto, " Honore et labore." Postal address — Park Drive, Heaton, Bradford, Yorkshire. SIDNEY HILL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, a che\Ton nebuly argent, charged with three pallets gules, between two fleurs- de-lis in chief and a talbot's head erased in base of the is the Naval Cockade. 668 m m\ second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantlint; azure and art;ent ; and for his OrMt, upon a wrcatli of the colours, a t:ilbot's head couped argent, charged with a chevron nebuly, and holding in the mouth a fleur-de-lis azure ; with the Motto, " Omne bonum Dei donum." Postal address — Langford House, Langford, near Bristol. THOMAS HILL, Esquire, J. P. city of Nottingham, and also CO. Notts. Bom June 20, 1822, being the eighth son of John Pinkerton Hill, by his wife Ann, dau. of G<-or)>t Dickisson of Hrcedon-on-the Hill, Leicestershire. Armo- rial bearing*— Azure, on a Ijcnd between two leoiwrds faces or, three sprigs each composed of as many ciiu|iiffoils vert, stalked and slipped proper. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, two arnis in armour emlxiwed proper, each charged with a leopard's face azure, the hands also proper, holding a sprig of three cinquefoils as in the arms. Motto — " Fac recte et nil time." Married, Sept. 14, 1847, jaiir, dau. of Charles Hose, of Sneinton, Notts ; and lias Jssue— (i) Charles Hose Hill Gentleman, b. April 5, 185a; (a) Thomas Arthur Hill, Gentleman, b. July a, 1854; and Clara. Postal address — 5 Newcastle Drive, The Park, Nottingham. Club — Nottingham County. HILL (U.O. ). Gules, on a chevron erminois iK-iween three leopards' faces or, a trefoil slip|)ed vert. Mantling gules and or. * Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a tnll>ot's head erased gules, collared or, and charged with a trefoil as in the arms. Motto — " Sperio meliora." Sons of John Hill, M.D., of Dublin, Inspector of Poor Laws in Ireland, b. ; d. ; m. : — Col. John Hill, R.E., *. . Pes.— Hon. Charles Henry Hill, Puisne Judge of the High Court of Judicature at Calcutta since 1892, ^. . Pes.— Calcutta. HILLARY, see PRESTON-HILLARY, M Lieut. -Coi.. GEORGE EDWARD HILLIER,C.B.. © J. P. and D.L. co. Waterford (High Sheriff 1887). formerly in the 14th Light Dragoons and 5th Lancers, ami Inspector-General of Irish Constabulary. Bom 1820, being the eldest son of the late Col. George Hillier of Devizes, Wilts. Clubs — United Service, County (Cork). Armorial bearings — Gules, a cross indented between in chief two leopards' faces or, and in base as many swords erect projjer, pommelled and hiked gold, all within a bordure of the second, and i>endent below the escutcheon his badge as a C. B. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of two Danish battle-axes in saltire, a leopard's face, holding in the mouth a scimitar fesseways all prof)er. Motto — "Crux mea lux mea." Married, ist, 1848, Catherine, dau. of William Hawkins (she died 1880) ; 2nd, 1883, Oliva Maria, dau. and coheiress of the late Francis Drew, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , of Mocollop Castle, and widow of James Barry, Esq., D.L., of Bally- clough (she died 1884). Seat — Mocollop Castle, Lismore, CO. Waterford. S ARNOLD FRANK HILLS, Esquire, D.L. co. of Essex. Born March 12, 1857, being the third and youngest but only surviving son of the late Frank Clark Hills of Redleaf, co. Kent, by his wife Ann Ellen, second dau. of James Rawlings. Armorial bearings Per pale wavy azure and gules, a lymphad sails furled flags flying all or, between three talbots passant argent, and impaling the arms of Lafone, namely azure, within two chevronels or, two lions passant counterpassant of the last supporting a fleur- de-lis argent, the whole between three mullets argent, pierced of the field. Mantling azure and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock prop>er, a talbot argent, gorged with a collar nebuly charged on the body with two cross crosslets azure, and resting the dexter foreleg on a fountain also propwr. Married, May 12, 1886, Mary VAxiz- beth, elder dau. of Alfred Lafone, Esq., J. P., M.P., of Hanworth Park, co. Middlesex. Seats — Monkharas, Woodford, Essex ; Redleaf, Penshurst, Kent. S Lieut. -General Sir JAMES HILLS- JOHNES, G.C.B. (Military Division), upon whom was con- ferred the V.C, late Royal Bengal Artillery, Hon. Col. of the Carmarthen Artillery (Militia), J. P., D.L., and a Member of the Council for the county of Carmarthen, for which he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1886. Born August 20, 1833, being the second son of the late James Hills of Nichindepur, in the province of Bengal, by his wife Charlotte Mary, dau. of the late Signer Angelo Savi of Moisgunge, also in the aforesaid province; he assumed by Royal License the surname of Johnes, m addition to and after his patronymic, and the arms of Johnes quarterly with his own, in the year 1883, in com- pliance with the will of the late John Johnes, Esquire, of is the Military Cockade. mi ©m 669 Dolaucothy, Justice of the Peace and Chairman of Quarter Sessions for the county of Carmarthen, Recorder of Car- marthen ; entered the Bengal Artillery in 1853 as second Lieutenant ; promoted to first Lieutenant 1857, Captain 1862, Brevet-Major 1864, Major 1872, Brevet-Lieutenant- Colonel 1868, Lieutenant-Colonel 1878, Brevet-Colonel 1876, Major-General 1879, Lieutenant-General 1883 ; served in suppression of the Indian Mutiny, 1857, 1858, including siege and capture of Delhi, and capture of Lucknow, &c. ; several times mentioned in despatches, and upon whom Her Majesty has conferred the Decoration of the Victoria Cross ; commanded the eight-inch mortars in Abyssinian campaign, and was present at capture of Magdala ; served also in the Looshai Expedition, 1871, 1872, and in the Afghan War, 1878, as Assistant- Adjutant-General, Major- General in command of a Division, and as Military Governor of Kabul, 1879, 1880; and received the thanks of Parlia- ment ; Assistant-Adjutant-General Lahore Division, 1875 ! retired on a pension and extra annuity, 1888 ; was created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath in the year 1872, and raised successively to the rank of Knight Commander in 1880, and Knight Grand Cross in 1893 of the said Most Honourable Order. Clubs — United Service, Junior Constitutional. Livery — Black and white. Armorial bearings — He bears for Anas : Quarterly i and 4, argent a chevron between three ravens sable, all within a bordure engrailed gules, charged with ten bezants, and for dis- tinction in the centre chief point a cross crosslet gules (for Johnes) ; 2 and 3 argent, a cross couped azure, between four escutcheons of the last, each charged with a crescent of the first, on a chief embattled of the second two swords in saltire proper, pommels and hilts or (for Hills). The whole encircled with the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, within the collar of a Knight Grand Cross of the said Order, and bearing upon a second shield of his arms an escutcheon of pretence of the arms of Johnes, namely argent, a chevron between three ravens sable, all within a bordure engrailed gules, charged with ten bezants, and upon the escutcheons is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, on two halberds in saltire, the staves gules, headed or, a raven as in the arms, and for distinction charged upon the breast with a cross crosslet gold (for Johnes) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a broken tilting-spear erect proper, and in front thereof a horse current argent, gutt^- de-sang, holding in the mouth the other part of the spear also proper (for Hills); with the Mottoes, " Deus pascit corvos," " In coelo confidemus." Married, September 16, 1882, Elizabeth, youngest daughter of the late John Johnes, Esquire, above mentioned. Estate and postal address — Dolaucothy, Llanwrda, R.S.O., Carmarthen- shire. HILTON, quartered by JOHNSON and WITHAM. HINCHLIFFE, see SIMPSON-HINCHLIFFE. S RALPH TICHBORNE HINCKES, Esquire, D.L. for CO. Hereford. Born Jan. 28, 1875, being the only 'son of Rev. George Horatio Davenport of Foxley, co. Hereford, by his wife Sophia Diana, dau. of Rev. Vere Dashwood of Stanford Hall, Notts, by his first wife Caroline, dau. of Philip Hamond of Westacre, Norfolk. Mr. R. T. H inches assumed the name of Hinckes by Royal Licence 1895. C/«^— New Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, gules a lion rampant ermine, a bezant between two plates in chief and the like in base within flaunches argent, each charged with two torteaux (for Hinckes) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron pean between four cross crosslets fitch^e, three in chief and one in base sable (for Davenport). Mantling gnles and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erased argent, in front thereof three annulets interlaced and fesseways gules (for Hinckes) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a man's head in profile, coujied at the shoulders, about the neck a halter proper, on the breast two cross crosslets fitch^e in saltire or (for Davenport). Motto—" Mors janua vitae." Seat — The Wood House, Tettenhall, co. Stafford. HINCKS (H. Coll.). Quarterly, x and 4, gules, a lion rampant ermine, an orle of bezants and plates alternately (Hincks) ; 2. azure, on a bend engrailed or, between two wolf's heads argent, thiee crosses crosslet gules (Cowper, 1642) ; 3. sable, a cross potent or (Alleyn of Gresley, temp. Henry VIII.). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, guttfe-de-larmes, gorged with a collar dancett(5e argent, the sinister paw resting on an annulet or. Motto — "In cruce et lachrymis spas est." Sons of Thomas Cowper Hincks, Esq., J. P., of Brecken- brough and Terrace House, Richmond, Yorks. , late Capt. 49th Regt., b. 1840; d. 1902; m. 1872, Mary E. C, d. of Col. H. Stobart of Etherley House, co. Durham : — Thomas Cowper Hincks, Esq., Capt., Roy. Berks Regt., b. 1875. Res. — Baron's Down, Dulverton, Somerset ; Govt. House, Accra, Gold Coast Colony. Club — -Army and Navy. Henry Hincks, Gentleman, b. 1879. Res. — John Stobart Hincks, Gentleman, b. 1884. Res. — WILLIAM HIND SMITHARD HIND, Gentleman. Born , being the son of the late Rev. Joseph Smithard Hind, Clerk in Holy Orders, D.D. (Durham University), Vicar of Cramlington, co. Northumberland. Aimorisil bearings Argent, gust^-de-poix, on a mount in base a hind statant at gaze proper, gorged with a chain affixed thereto, the ring resting on the mount gold, on a chief arched sable, an annulet between two crosses patde fitch^e or. Mantling vert and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount a hind at gaze, in the mouth an arrow fessewise proper, resting the dexter foreleg on an annulet encircling a cross patfe fitch^e or. Residence— HINDLEY, quartered by DE TRAFFORD. HINGSTON (U.O., Confd. 1903, on user since 1747). Azure, a chevron nebuly ermine, between in chief two lozenges or, each charged with a leopard's face of the field, and in base a cross pat^e of the third. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant per pale nebuly azure and or, holding in its paws a cross pate'e of the second. Motto — " Deum posui adjutorem." Son of James Hingston of Aglish, b. 1818; d. 1873; m. 1838, Maria, d. of Richard Edward Hull of Lemcon Manor, co. Cork : — Rev. Richard Edward Hull Hingston, b. 1859: m. 1883, Frances, d. of D. L. Sandiford of Ballinlough, co. Cork and has issue — (i) James Henry Hingston, Gentleman, b. 1884 ; (2) Henry Sandiford Hingston, Gentleman, b. 1885 (3) Richard William George Hingston, Gentleman, b. 1887 (4) Francis Perceval Randolph Hingston, Gentleman, I 1888 ; (5) Frederick Becher Hingston, Gentleman, b. 1889 ! is the Naval Cockade. 670 ?)ip B)ir Eliiabelh Maria Alleyne ; Marie Selina Priscilla ; and Frances Henrietta. Stat — Aelish, co. Cork. Res, — 8 Lyndhurst Road, Feckhano, S.b. Rkak-Ai>mirai. henry NEl^ON HH'PISLEY, Royal Navy, J. P. for co. Uerks. Horn Oct. 15, 1839, being the oldest son of the late Henry Hippisley, Esq., J. P. and D. L., High Sheriff for co. Berks 1840, by his wife Eliiabeth Agnes, dau. and heiress of the Rev. John Nelson, D.D. , YVebcndary of Hcytesbury, co. Wilts. Armorial bearlni^ — Sable, three mullets pierced in ))cnd l)etNvivn two liendlets or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a M*TltllTlg sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a hind's head erased pro()er. gorged with a collar sable, charged with three mullets pierced or. AVa/ - Lambourne House, Hungerford. RICHARD JOHN BAYNTUN HIPPISLEY. Esquire, Justice of the Peace. lioni 1865, being the only son of the late John Hippisley, Esq., J. P., by his wife Christine Ellen Lydia, eldest dau. and heiress of John Christian Bood6, Esq., of Lucknam, co. Wilts. Armorial beaiinsrs— field). Livery — Chocolate, with yellow facings and gjh buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : iVr Sable, three mullets pierced in bend between two bend- lets or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degrree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a hind's head erased proper, gorged with a collar sable, charged with three mullets pierced or. Seat -S\.on Easton, near Bath, CO. Somerset. S WILLIAM HENRY HIPPISLEY, Esquire, J. P. co. Berks, Lt.-Col. late commanding Scots Greys. Born Dec. I, 1855, being the only surviving son of the late Henry Hippisley. Esq., J. P. and D.L. , High Sheriff for co. Berks 1840, by his wife Elizabeth, eldest dau. and co-heiress of Rt. Hon. Lawrence Sullivan. Armorial bearings — Sable, three mullets pierced in bend between two bendlets or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree. Mantling sable and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a hind's head erased proper, gorged with a collar sable, charged with three mullets pierced or. Married, Sept. 16, 1886, Florence, fourth dau. of the late Capt. Hargreaves of Aborfield Hall, Reading; and has Issue. Seat - Sparsholt Manor House, Wantage. C/«dj— Naval and Military, and Cavalry. REGINALD HIRST, Gentleman. Born 1865, being the second son of Thomas Hirst of Willow Bank, Hudders- field, by his wife Jane, daughter of John Sykes of Lindley, Huddersfield, Cluh — Devonshire, Huddersfield (Hudders- pale gules and sable, a sun in splendour or, between three fountains proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-man affront^e proper, holding in the dexter hand a bugle-horn stringed or, and supporting with the sinister hand an escut- cheon sable, charged with a sun as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Non mutat fortuna genus." Postal address— i York Place, Huddersfield. THOMAS JULIUS HIRST, Esquire, J.P. West Riding of the co. of York. Born 1851, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Hirst of Hamburg. Armorial bear- ings — Gules, two martlets in fesse or, on a chief indented g is the Military cockade. ©it \^ob 671 argent, three annulets azure. Mantling gules and or. ' Crest On a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm in ' bend, holding an arrow proper, and a scymitar in saltire engrailed at the bacii also proper, pommel and hilt or. Motto — "His regi servitium." Married, 1881, Esther 'Frost, dau. of Charles J. Brook of Meltham. Seat~Mel- , tham Hall, Meltham Mills, co. York. Clui> — Junior Carlton. HITCHIN-KEMP(R.L.,i868,orig. granted 1838). Per pale azure and gules, a mascle between three garbs or, a bordure nebuly of the last. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a garb fesswise or, a pelican feeding her young, wings elevated sable, vulned proper, charged on the breast with three annulets inter- laced, and gorged with a collar gemel gold. MottO — " Honestas et Veritas." Livery — Blue with claret facings. Son of William Hitchin, 1807-1884, m. 1833, Charlotte, d. of George Brookes by his wife Charlotte Kemp : — Frederick William Hitchin-Kemp, Gentleman, b. 1835 ; m. 1863, Fanny Pym, d. of Thomas Shoobridge of London ; and has surv. issue — (1) Frederick Hitchin-Kemp, Gentle- man, F.R. Hist. Soc, b. 1866 \m. 1893, Lydia Harris, d. of late Robert Cadby Bulgin of Cardiff and Swansea ; and has issue — Reginald Pym Hitchin-Kemp, Gentleman, b. 11897 ; Robert John Brookes Hitchin-Kemp, Gentleman, b. 11902 ; and Angela Winifred] ; (2) William Hitchin-Kemp, jGentleman, b. 1875 ; (3) Arthur Hitchin-Kemp, Gentleman, iA.S.A.A., b. 1877; Mary; Charlotte \m. 1895, Edward iRiddesdale Whitfield, M.A. Dub.]; Martha; Alice; Nellie ; and Hilda. Res. — Addington House, Margate. HOADLEY, quartered by LANGRISHE. HOARE, see HAMILTON- HOARE and G'BRIEN- HOARE. STAFFORD O'BRIEN-HOARE, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. for Bucks, High Sheriff 1893, and a Lord rf the Manor of Turville. Bom 1843, being the son of Park. Livery— DaxV blue, scarlet, and silver. Armorial bearing^ — Quarterly, i. sable, an eagle displayed with two heads argent, charged on the breast with an ermine spot, a bordure engrailed of the second ; 2. sable, a falcon close proper, belled or, charged on ihe breast with a mullet ; 3. gules, a unicorn couchant argent, armed, crined, and tufted or, on a chief per pale of the second and azure, a mullet of six points, and a millrind counterchanged (for Cor- nelisen) ; 4. azure, two chevronels between three pheons or (for Malortie) ; and impaling the arms of Ramsden, namely argent, on a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis sable, as many rams' heads of the field. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head erased argent, charged with an ermine spot. Motto—" In ardua." Married, 1876, Frances, dau. of Rev. C. Ramsden of Carl- ton (Ramsden, Bart., Collaterals); and has Issue — Lilias Stafford O'Brien-Hoare. 6Va/ — Turville Park, Bucks. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Hurlingham. WILLIAM HOARE, Gentleman, M.A. (Camb). Bom Sept. 15, 1847, being the fourth son of Henry Hoare, Gentle- man, of Staplehurst, Kent, by Lady Mary, third dau. of Rt. Hon. Charles, 2nd Earl of Romney. Livery — Dark blue and red. Armorial bearings— Quarterly, i. sable, an loel Hoare, Esq., J. P., Royal Navy, and his wife, dau. f Mr, and Hon, Mrs, Stafford O'Brien of Blatherwyck eagle displayed with two heads argent, charged on the breast with an ermine spot, a bordure engrailed of the second ; 2. sable, a falcon close proper, belled or, charged on the breast with a mullet ; 3. gules, a unicorn couchant argent, armed, crined, and tufted or, on a chief per pale of the second and azure, a mullet of six points and a millrind counterchanged (for Cornelisen) ; 4. azure, two chevronels between three pheons or (for Malortie) ; and impaling the arms of Lennard, namely, quarterly i. and iiii., or, on a fesse gules, three fleurs-de-lis or, within a bordure invected sable (for Lennard) ; ii. and iii. , ermine, on a pile gules, a lion passant or, in base two salmon in pale azure (for Cator). Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head erased argent, charged with an ermine spot. Motto — " In ardiia." Married, 1878, Laura, second dau. of Sir John Farnaby Len- nard, 1st Bart., of Wickham Court, Kent; and has Issue — (i) Geoffrey Lennard Hoare, Gentleman, Lieut. Kent Artill. M\\.,b. 1879; (2) Lionel Lennard Hoare, Gentleman. Lieut. Royal Field Artillery, b. July 188 1 ; (3) Richard Lennard Hoare, Gentleman, b. June 1883 ; and Mary Laura. CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA HOBART- HAMPDEN- commonly known as Lady Charlotte Augusta Hoban, Hampden, fourth daughter of the Right Honourable August tus Edward the sixth Earl of Buckinghamshire. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Quarterly i and 4, argent a is the Nava^ Cocj^ad?, 67s DOtJ ^Otl saltire gules, between four eagles displayed azure (for Hamp>- dtn) ; a nnd 3 snble, an csloile of eight rays or, lirtween two flaunches ermine (for Hobart). Postal address — Hamp- den Lodge, Sidmouth. Rt. Hon. HENRY HOBHOUSE. P.C. M.P. for Elastern Division of co. Somerset since Nov. 28, 1885, J. P. and Chairman of Somerset County Council (Bruton and Castle Cary Div.), and an Ecclesiastical Commissioner. Horn March i, 1854, being the only .son of the late Henry Hobhouse of Hadspeii House, in co. Somerset, by his wife Charlotte Etniria, commonly called the Honourable Char- lotte Etruria, dau. of the Right Honourable the first Baron Talbot de Malahide. Livery -Dark blue, red and white waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Party per pale azure and gules, three crescents two and one argent, issuant therefrom as many estoiles radiated or; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown per pale azure and gules, a crescent and estoile as in the arms. Married, Oct. 12, 1880, Margaret Hey- worth, dau. of Richard Poiter, Esq., J. P., of Standish House, Gloucestershire; and has Issue — (i) Stephen Henry Hobhouse, Gentleman, b. 1881 ; (2) Arthur Lawrence Hob- house, Gentleman, b. 1886; (3) John Richard Hobhouse, Gentleman, b. 1893 ; (4) Paul Edward Hobhouse, Gentle- man, b. 1894 ; Rachel \jn. 1904, Felix Clay] ; Eleanor ; and Esther Margaret [d. 1893). Residence — Hadspen House, C;istle Cary, in co. Somerset. Club — Athenaeum. HOBLYN, see ALLEN-HOBLYN. CHARLES DENNIS HOBLYN, Gentleman, Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Musicians. Bom Nov. 15, 1846, being the second son of the late Rev. Richard Dennis Hoblyn, M.A., by his wife Fanny Eliza Raikes, dau. of the Rev. W. A. Armstrong of Cheshunt. Armorial bearings — Azure, a fesse or, between two flaunches ermine. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a tower proper. Motto — "Delectant domi non imp>ediunt foris." Married, July 18, 1872, Eliza Emily, daughter of Henry Taylor; and has Issue — (i) Reginald Armstrong Hoblyn, Gentleman, born September 6, 1875; (2) Charles William Thornton Hoblyn, Gentleman, born March 29, 1885; (3) Harry Beverly Hoblyn, Gentleman, bom Sep- tember 18, 1888; Beatrice Mary Dennis; Lizzie Evelyn; Gertrude Florence ; Dora Dennis ; and Phyllis Sherwood. FREDERIC SUNTHIES HOBLYN, Gentleman, Born January 22, 1864, being the fourth son of the late Reverend Richard Dennis Hoblyn, Master of Arts, by his wife Fanny Eliza Raikes, daughter of the Reverend W. A. Armstrong of ChQshunt. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, a fesse or, Ijetween two flaunches ermine ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a tower projaer ; with the Motto, " Delectant domi non impediunt foris." JAMES BLALCH PHILIP HOBLYN, Gentleman. Bom December 16, i8ii, being the third son of the late Reverend Richard Hoblyn, Rector of All Saints, St Bololph's, and St. Lawrence, Colchester, by his wife ^' Ann, (lauxhti-r of Major James liialch of CcjUli Armorial bearings— 1 le boars for Arms : Azuic, a f> between two flaunches ermine ; and for his Crest, iipon .1 wreath of the colours, a tower proper; with thi: Motto, " Delectant domi non impediunt foris." RICHARD ARMSTRONG HOBLYN, Gentleman, „f Her Majesty's Civil Service. Born August 9, 1845, 1. the eldest son of the late Reverend Richard lX>nnis 11.. Master of Arts, by his wife, Fanny Eliza Raikes, (iai; , of the Reverend W. A. Armstrong of Cheshunt. AnaorlH bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, a fesse or, iHtwan two flaimches ermine ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of tlie colours, a tower proper, with tlic Motto, " Delectant domi non impediunt foris. ' WILLIAM ERNEST PAGET HOBLYN, Esquire, late Capt. in 4th Batt. Royal Fusiliers, Commissioner of Taxes for Cornwall. Bom , being the only son of William Paget Hoblyn, Esq., M.A., and J. P. (for Com wall), by his wife Jane, dau. of G. A. Schullz, ('omnia! ' R.N. ZiVrv—I^lue and gold. Armorial bearings a fesse or, Ijetween two flaunches ermine. Mantling .1 and argent. Motto — "Delectant domi non impediunt foris." Postal address — The Fir Hill, St. Columb, Corn- wall. WILLIAM PAGET HOBLYN, Esquire, M.A. (Queens Coll. Oxford), J. P. and Commissioner of Taxes for Corn- wall, Lord of the Manors of Colanand Denzell, &c. Bom 1813, being the only son of the late Rev. William Malci Hoblyn, Rector of Clipsham, Rutland, by his wife I>aura Frances, third dau. of John Paget of Newberry House and Cranniore Hall, Somerset, and grandson of late Rev. Robert Hoblyn, M.A., of Nanswhyden, Cornwall. AiWry— Blue and gold. Armorial bearing^ — Azure, a fesse or, between two flaunches ermine. Mantling azure and argent. Motto — " Delectant domi non impediunt foris." Married, 1855, Jane, dau of E. A. Schultz, Commander R.N. ; and hai Issue — An only son, William Ernest Paget Hoblyn, Esq., late Capt. 4th Batt. Royal Fusiliers [to whom refer] ; Wil- helmina Jane ; Zoe Elizabeth \m. Charles W. P. .Mien, Commander R. N. , retired] ; and Laura Frances Mary. Postal address — The Fir Hill, Colan, near St. Columb, Cornwall. GEORGE ANDREW HOBSON, Gentleman, Member of Institution of Civil Engineers, London. Born March 29, § is the Military Cockade, mm \^ot 5)0C 673 354, being the second son of the late Peter Hobson of Castle ,odge, Knaresborough, co. York, by his wife Elizabeth, fth dau. of William Falshaw of Leeds, and nephew and )heir of Sir James Falshaw, Bart. , of Edinburgh. Livery — .lue coat, blue and yellow waistcoat. Armorial bearings — 'uarterly i and 4, per pale azure and sable, two hobbies [ose in chief proper, and a sun in splendour in base or tar Hobson) ; 2 and 3, azure, a chevron between two L'urs-de-lis in chief and a battle-a.xe in base argent (for jilshaw), a crescent for difference. Mantling azure and . Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect [oper, holding a rose argent, liarbed, seeded, and slipped [ the first, and two lilies in saltire of the second, stalked, jved, and slipped also proper. Motto—" Vive ut vivas." arr/W Annie Jean, only dau. of the late Thomas Addy- an of Belmont, Knaresborough, co. York ; and has iue — Dorothea Falshaw. Residence — Coverdale Lodge, chmond, Surrey. Club — Constitutional. JOHN FALSHAW HOBSON, Gentleman. Associate [ember of the Institute of Civil Engineers. Born (lie 29, 1841, being the eldest son of Peter Hobson I Castle Lodge, Knaresborough, co. York, by his wife zabeth, fifth dau. of the late Williani Falshaw of Veds, co-heir of his maternal uncle, Sir James Falshaw, rt. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, per pale ure and sable, two hobbies close in chief proper, and a 1 in splendour in base or (for Hobson) ; 2 and 3, azure, :hevron between two fleurs-de-lis in chief and a battle- in base argent (for Falshaw). Mantling azure and or. Vf — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect proper, Ijing a rose argent, barbed, seeded, and slipped of the K and two lilies in saltire of the second. Motto — "Vive ut vas." Married, Jan. 31, 1872, Emma, third dau. of thtate Joseph Cook of The Grove, Houghton-le-Spring, courham ; and has Issue — (i) William Falshaw Hobson, Geleman, b. Feb. 13, 1878; (2) Richard Hobson, Gentle- nin b. Sept. 21, 1879 (deceased); (3) James Falshaw H( ion, Gentleman, b. Feb. 3, J882 ; (4) Nevill Hobson, Gentleman (deceased) ; (5) Stanley Hobson, Gentle- man, *. July 6, 1888. Postal arfrfrMj— South Bailey, Durham. C/«^— Constitutional. S RICHARD HOBSON, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for Co. Palatine of Chester, High Sheriff 1898. Born 1836, Ijeing the eldest son of Richard Powdrell Hobson of Manchester, and his wife Ann, dau. of Thomas Peet, also of Manchester. Livery — Brown with yellow facings. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron invected azure between three hurts, as many quatrefoils or, a chief vair^e of the second' and last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantlmg azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a panther's head affront^e and erased, with flames issuant from the mouth and ears, transfixed by an arrow fessewise, barbed and flighted, the pheon to the sinister argent, gorged with a collar counter compony or and azure ; « ith the Motto — " Fortitudine Deo." Married, April 22, 1868, Mary Eleanor, dau. and co-heiress of John Chadwick, Esq., J. P., D.L. ; and has Issue— (\) Gerald Walton Hobson, Esq., Captain 12th Royal Lancers, b. 1873; (2) Richard Leigh Clare Hobson, Gentleman, Lieut. King's Royal Rifles, b. 1876, killed in action in South Africa ; (3) Geoffrey Dudley Hobson, Gentleman, B.A., b. 1882; (4) Alwyn Chadwyk Hobson, Gentleman, b. 1892; Elinor Gertrude \m. Capt. R. Barnett Barker, 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers] ; and Christine Mary [w. Rev. H. W. Leicester O'Rorke, M.A., Rector of Farnham, Surrey]. Seat — The Marfords, Brom- borough, Cheshire. Club — Conservative. HOCKIN (H. Coll., 1764). Per fesse wavy gules and azure, a lion passant guardant or, beneath the feet a musket lying horizontally proper, semde of fleurs-de-lis of the third. Mantling gules and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, on a rock a seagull rising all proper. Motto — " Hoc in loco Deus rupes." Sons of John Hockin of Beckenham, Kent, an Oflficcr H.E.I.C. Navy, b. 1810; d. 1893; m. 1847, Mary, d. of William Hichens : — Rev. Arthur Pendarves Hockin, b. 1849; m. 1894, Mary Ellen, only child of Rev. Walter Guppy Abbott ; and has surv. issue— Cedric John Abbott Hockin, Gentleman, *. 1896. Res. — Phillack, Hayle, Cornwall. John Williams Hockin, Gentleman, b. 1851 ; is m. and has issue one son and two daus. Res. — India. is the Naval Cockade, 2 U 674 Q)0D ^OQ Son of George Trevemc Hockin, Gentleman, of Southport, Queensland, ^. 1858; d. 1885; m. 188a:— John 'IVeveme Hockin, Gentleman, i. 1883. Res,—' Soulhport. Queensland, Australia. Yr. son of John Hockin of lieckenham, Kent, an Officer H.E.I.C. Navy, b. i8io; d. 1893; m. 1847, Mary, d. of Williams Hichcns:— Robert Hichens Hockin, Gentleman, Notary Public, h. i860; m. 1890, Rosa Caroline, d. and coh. of Francis William Breach of Shanklin, Isle of Wight, and of Los Alamos, Mexico ; and has issue— Francis Treverne Hockin, Gentleman, b. 1891 ; Mary Dorothy ; Carrie Joan ; and Kdith Prudence. ^«.— Oak I^ke. co. Dennis, Manitoba, Canada. Henry Valentine Hockin, Gentleman, b. . lies.— 49 Gwydr Crescent, Swansea. ROBERT ELI HODDER. Gentleman. liottt Jan. 29. 1843, being the second son of the late James Light Hoilder of Thornhill, Broadway, Dorset, by his wife Dorothy, dau. of Roliert Loveless of Binconibe, Dorset. Armorial bearing^ — Argent, two Kiltle-axcs erect in fosse sable and as many Haunches of the last, on each a battle-axe also erect of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross crosslet or, a battle-axe sable. HottO — " Deserve well." Married, Oct. 18, 1877, Fanny, dau. of Edmund Butler of Wargrave, Berks; aud has Issue— (\) Robert Barry Hodder, Gentle- man, *. Aug. 3, 1878 ; (2) Brian Light Hodder, Gentleman, b. Sept. 13, i88a; (3) Ivan Mantle Hodder, Gentleman, b. Jan. la, 1885 ; Fanny Elsie ; and Dorothy Erica. Nesi- dence — Reading, Berks. HODDER (U.O.). Argent, five pole-axes erect in fesse proper. Sons of George Francis Hodder, Esq. , J. P. , of Fountains- town, b. 1817; d. 1863; tn. 1843, Elizabeth Townsend, d. of Michael Roberts of Kilmoney Abbey, co. Cork : — Francis George Hodder, Esq., R.M., J. P. co. Cork, B.A., Barrister-at-Law, b. 1846; m. 1873, Susan Louisa Florence, d. of John Drew Atkin of Castle Park, co. Dublin, and gd. of Sir Thomas Roberts, ist Bart. ; and has surv. issue — (i) George Walton Hodder, Gentleman, b. 1874 ; (2) William Randall Hodder, Gentleman. Assist. Payra. R.N., b. 1877; (3) Gerald Edward Hodder, Gentle- man, b. 1886 ; and Ethel Clare. Seat — Fountainstown, CO. Cork. Res. — Inveresk, Belfast. HODGE, quartered by FORSTER, EDWARD GROSE HODGE, Gentleman, fourth son of the late Thomas Hodge of Augarrack, Cornwall, by his wife Eleanor, dau. of Samuel Grose of St. Gwinear, Corn- wall. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per fesse argent and azure, a pale counterchanged, three crescents, two and one of the second, and as many open books, one and two proper, bound and clasped or ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot's head couped argent, sem^e of estoiles azure, holding in the mouth an oak-branch slipped and fructed proper, with the MottO, " Savoir pouvoir." Married, October 20, 1852, Elizabeth Giddy Grose, daughter of William Browne of St. Austell, Cornwall: and has Issue — (i) The Reverend Edward Grose Hodge, Clerk in Holy Orders, born January 15, 1855 ; (2\ Thomas Hodge, Gentleman, born September 6, i860; (3) Harold Hodge, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, born August 18, 1862 ; Elizat>eth Amelia ; and Edith. Postal address — 9 Highbury Place, London, N. HODGETTS, quartered by FOLEY. JOHN HODSON, Gentleman. Bom June 18, 1839, being the son of William Hodson and Elizabeth Smith. Armorial bearing^ — Argent, gutt^-de-larmes, in base water p>roper, thereon a swan sabU;, on a chief azure, a nugget of gold of the second. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon water proper, a swan as in the arms, holding in the beak a lotus flower slipp>ed also proper, between two coral branches gules. Motto— "Fait bien." Married, Sept. 10, 1878, Elizabeth Wiles Mutton (who died July 13, 1894) of St. Ives, Hants ; and has Isstte — Bessie Waterloo Hodson. Residence — The Archway, Downing Terrace, Cambridge. SIDNEY FRANCIS HOFFNUNG - GOLDSMID. Gentleman, formerly Hawaiian Charge d' Affaires to ihf Court of St. James. Assumed by Royal Licence ihc additional surname and arms of Goldsmid 1896. " i86a, lieing the only son of Signiond Hoffnun'.;, by \u Bessie, dau. of S. Marks of Sydney, N.S.W. /./. Red facings, buff cloth. Armorial bearings— (,)ii I and 4, per saltire ermine and ertninois, on a chief a goldfinch proper between two roses or, and for distn a canton or (for Goldsmid) ; a and 3, argent, a i nebuly paly azure and or, between in chief two <]< ■. the second, each holding in the beak a spri^ if" and in base two anchors in sahire also of the Hoffnung), and upon an escutcheon of preten. arms of Goldsmid without the canton. Mantling doubled argent. Crests -1. Upon a wreath of ilic c a demi-lion argent, supporting with the paws a bumliL- . 1 twigs erect or, banded azure, charged on ihc shoulder (nr distinction with a cross cro.sslet gules (for Goldsmifl); l\ upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion or, chargr! bars nebuly and holding between the paws as many -.v. in saltire azure, all between two proboscidcs of tlic Motto "Spes anchora vita'." Married, Nov. 26, 1889, Violet Goldsmid, dau. and co-heir of her father, Rt. Hon. Sir Julian Goldsmid, Bart., P.C., M.P. ; and has Issue— \\\ Cyril HofTnunurchier Hanopp. M.I*., of Dalhy Hall, co. Leicester), and grand- son of the late Edward Anthony Holden of Aston Hall. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, sable a fesse en- pniiled erminois or, between two chevrons ermine (for Holden) ; a and 3 arpent, throe weavers' shuttles sable, tupped and furnished with quills of yarn, the threads ^)en- dent or (for Shuttleworth). Mantling sable and or ; and for his Oresta, i. uix>n a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert a moorcock rising sable, winged or (for Holden); a. upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm in armour proper, grasping in the gauntlet a shuttle as in the arms (for Shuttle- worth). Seat — The Cottage, Doveridge, Uorby. C/uds — White's, Uoodle's, Orleans, Junior Carlton. EDWARD THOMAS HOLDEN, Esquire, J. P. for the CO. of Stafford, M.P. Walsall 1891 9a. Born 1831, being the eldest son of the late Edward Holden of Walsall, by his wife Elizalxsth, dau. of the late Samuel Mason. Livery — Coat ijreen, yellow and green strij)etl waistcoat. Axmorlal bearings— Vert, a fesso engrailed erminois, between in chief a bugle-horn stringed between two pheons erect, and in base a like pheon between two bugle-horns stringed all or. Mantling vert and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested sable, charged with a pile erminois, the hand proper, holding a bugle-horn as in the arms, between two pheons erect or. Motto—" Holden." Married, firstly, 1854, Caroline, eldest dau. of Robert Glass of Edinburgh ; secondly, 1902, Helen Sarah, dau. of the late Frank Yates of Great Barr ; and has had Issue — (i) Edward Holden, Gentleman, b. 1855 \ni. F. E., dau. of Charles Sheldon, and died without male issue] ; (2) Robert Henry Holden, Esq. fto whom refer], b. 1856; Charlotte Elizabeth [»». Thomas White] ; Caroline Mary \in. S. B. Dickinson] ; and Emily Clara Holden \m. C. A. Loxton]. Eesidence — Glenelg, Great Barr, near Walsall, Staffs. The Rev. JOHN SHUTTLEWORTH HOLDEN, M.A. (Cantab.), Rector of Lackford. Born 1847, being the fourth son of the late Edward Anthony Holden of Aston Hall, CO. Derby, by Susan Drummond, dau. of George Moore of Appleby Hall, co. Leicester. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, sable a fesse engrailed erminois or between two chevrons ermine (for Holden) ; 2 and 3 argent, three weavers' shuttles sable, topped and furnished with quills of yam, the threads pendent or (or Shuttleworili). Mantling sable and or; and for his Crests, 1. uimn :i wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert ;i moorcork rising s.'xbie, winged or (for Holden); a. upon a wreath of iln colours, a cubit arm in armour profwr, grasping in \\» gauntlet a shuttle as in the arms (for Shuttlewortli), .If:, ried, 1877, Alice, dau. of the late Hulkley John Mack Praed of Owsdcn Hall, Suflblk ; and has, with otli. : — Cecil James Shuttleworth Holden, Gentleman, .'. Seat — I^ackford Manor, Bury St. Edmunds. ROBERT HENRY HOLDEN. Esquire, J. 1'. f,„ : of Stafford. Bom Oct. 19, 1856, being the second 1. surviving son of Edward 'I'homas Holden of Cilcneii Barr, J. P., and M.P. for Walsall 1891-92, by i Caroline, dau. of the late Robert Glass of l''.(li Livery — Dark g^een coat, scarlet waistcoat, Ad; bearings — Vert, a fesse engrailed erminois, lx'tw( pheons erect, and in base a like pheon l)elwcen tw' horns stringed all or; and impaling the arms oi namely vert, on a fesse raguly argent, l>elwcen iw. in chief and a rose in base of the last, barU'd ainl proper, a cross couped sable. Mantling vert anU i,x Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vestr-i sable, charged with a pile erminois, the hand prer pale or and argent, i with a cross couped gules, a lion sejant per pale daiu... azure and gules, resting the dexter fore-paw on an anch'* argent. Married, Aug. 27, 1872, Geraldine Augusta Baynton, dau. of John Williams Knipe ; and has hiut — (i) Henry Charles Holder, Esq., b. May i, 1874; ^ John Alexander Holder, Esq., b. Aug. 21, 1878; (3) Alfred Ernest Holder, Esq., b. Nov. 22, 1879; (4) Norrnan Francis Holder, Esq., b. Aug. 15, 1884; Geraldine MaW ; is the Military CockadQ. ^ol ml 677 [ora Constance ; Edith Mary ; Kathleen Isabel ; Isabella brothea; and Gladys Evelyn Austin. S^a/— Pitmaston, oor Green, Birmingham. C/uds — Constitutional, Con- -vative (Birmingham), Union (Birmingham). ^IR EDWARD ALAN HOLDICH, G.C.B. (1904). Gen. :'d Col. Lanes. Fusiliers, formerly of 80th and 20th ;gts. Bern 1822, being the youngest son of the late Rev. 'lonias Holdich of Maidwell, co. Northampton, by Eliza j.ura his wife. Clubs — Avmy and Navy. Armorial parings — Or, on a chevron sable, cotised gules, three liirtlets of the field, a chief vair, the escutcheon being sur- wnded by a ribbon, and pendent his badge as a K.C.B. lint Ing sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath (I the colours, a martlet sable in front of a cross patee ijhc^e between two branches of palm or. Married, 1880, Ijiily Hallward, dau. of the late Rev. Crosbie Morgell and \jlow of George Goodwin Buckston. Residence — 19 On- sjvv Square, London, S.W. i' HENRY VANE FORESTER HOLDICH-HUN- if GERFORD, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Northampton ([gh Sheriff 1880). Born 1852, being the eldest son of the \r. Henry Hungerford Holdich-Hungerford, Esq., D.L. of lligley Park. co. Northampton, by Honoria, dau. of the hi: Major Forester. Clubs - Boodle's, Pratt's. Armorial hjirings — Quarterly i and 4, sable two bars argent, in chief t|'e plates for Hungerford) ; 2 and 3 or, on a chevron s;ile, colised gules, three mantlings of the field, a chief v|- (for Holdich). Mantling sable and argent ; and for hi Crests, out of a ducal coronet or, a pepper garb of the fil: between two sickles erect proper (for Hungerford) ; 2Hpon a wreath of the colours, a martlet sable in front of ajoss pat^e fitchiie between two branches of palm or (for P dich). Mottoes — " Et Dieu mon appui," " Stet for- ti|v domus." Married, 1875, Augusta Louisa, youngest . of Arthur Ward. b (OLE (H. Coll.). Azure, three crescents in chevron or, veen two horses courant in chief argent, and a unl- et I's he:id erased in base of the last, armed and maned oihe second. Mantling azure and or. Crest — Upon a xth of the colours, in front of a spear in pale proper, led or, between two branches of palm vert, a demi- li(l rampant azure, holding in the paws a crescent gold. M|tO — " Frasna vel aurea nolo." Livery — Dark purple scarlet waistcoat. Son of Very Rev. Dean Samuel Reynolds Hole, b. 1820 ; d. 1904 ; ni. 23 May i86r, Caroline, eld. d. of John Francklin, Esq., J. P., of Gonalston, co. Notting- ham, and Great Barford, co. Bedford : — imuel Hugh Francklin Hole, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, J.] of Orange River Colony, b. 16 Oct. 1862; m. 1888, Gdldine, d. of C. Markham, Esq., J. P., of Tapton House, CI iterfield, and has issue, with one daughter, a son, Sa uel John Markham Hole, Gentleman. Seat — Caunton M or, Newark. Res. — 24 Lower Seymour Street, Port- mi Square, Ww OLFORD, see GWYNNE-HOLFORD. ^THOMAS HOLFORD, Esq., J. P. and D.L. cos. la Cardigan and Dorset, High Sheriff Dorset 1883, 5<> vNov. 14, 1833, being the seventh son of the late Jof Holford of Rusholme, near Manchester, by his wife An' dau. of John Shaw of Manchester. Clubs — Oxford anCambridge, Nimrod. Armorial bearings — Quarterly ernjie and erminois, upon a mount in base vert, a grey- hoTJd passant sable, collared or. Mantling vert and argit. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, theifrom in front of a greyhound's head sable, gorged with a c'lar gemel and holding in the mouth a fleur-de-lis or, the'un rising in splendour proper. Motto — " Toujours fid(." Matried, Oct. 13, 1869, Margaret, dau. of Pryse Louden of Gogerddon, co. Cardigan; and has Issue — (1) imes Henry Edward Holford, Gentleman, b. Dec. 22, 187 (2) Thomas Pryse Arthur Holford, Gentleman, h. Au: 7, 1876 ; (3) John Carbury Holford, Gentleman, b. Jan. 26, 878 ; (4) Charles Frederick Holford, Gentleman, b. Sep 2, 1879; Margaret Ann [/«. , Feb. 8, 1893, Malcolm Jan 5 Russell Dundas] ; and Gwendolen Alice. Seat — Cai; Hill, Buckland Newton, Dorchester. I )LLAND, quartered by CONYERS and FOX. FRANCIS DERMOTT HOLLAND, Esquire, J. P. Born 1828, being the eldest son of Francis Holland, Esq., J. P., of Cropthorne (who assumed by Royal Licence, June 25, 1872, the additional surname and arms of Corbett), by his wife Jane, eldest dau. of William Warry of West Coker, CO. Somerset. Armorial bearings (of Corbett) — Argent, two ravens in pale sable, charged on the body with three ermine spots, two and one or, a bordure gules, bezantde. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a raven sable, charged with three ermine spots or, holding in the beak a sprig of holly. Married, 1850, Annie, younger dau. of Ellis Fletcher of Clifton House, Lancashire ; and has Issue— {x) Francis Corbett Holland, Esq., J. P., b. 1852 [>«., 1893, Marie, dau. of Edward Charles Rudge of Ablx,-y Manor, Evesham ; and had issue, a dau.] ; (2) Ellis Charles Holland, Esq., Lieut.-Col. R.H.A. ; (3) Walter Dermott Holland, Esq., Major and Brevet-Lt.-Col. Worcs. Regt. ; Annie L. ; Alice B. ; Louise C. ; and Mary B. Seat— Cropthorne Court, Pershore. STEPHEN TAPRELL HOLLAND, Esquire, J. P. co. Herts. Born 1843, being the eldest son of the late James Holland, J. P., ofSeaford House, Sussex, by his wife Hannah, eldest dau. and co-heir of William Hall. Armorial bear- ings—Per pale azure and argent, a lion rampant guardant between six fleurs-de-lis in pale on a chief, also per pale a bar engrailed flory counterflory all counterchanged. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a wolf passant azure, charged on the body with a bar engrailed couped flory counterflory, and resting the dexter paw on a fleur-de-lis argent. Motto — "In lumine laetens." Clubs — Union, Royal London Yacht (Cowes). Residence — Great Otterspool House, Aldenham, Herts. HOLLAND (H. Coll.). Quarterly gules and argent, a cross quarterly, in the first quarter a branch of oak fructed and slipped, in the second and third a rose, and in the fourth a dove close, the whole counterchanged. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a dove close argent, holding in the beak an acorn slipped or, between two roses gules, stalked leaved and shpped proper. Motto — " Animo et fido." Son of Robert Holland of Heronsgale, Rickmansworth, Herts :— Alfred Robert Holland, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Leesons, St. Paul's Cray, Kent. CORBETT HOLLAND -CORBETT, Esq., J. P. co. Gloucester. Born 1830, being the younger son of the late Francis HoUand-Corbett of Admington Hall, and of Crop- thorne, CO. Worcester, by Jane, eldest dau. of William Warry of West Coker, Somerset. Armorial bearings — Argent, two ravens in pale sable, each charged on the body with three ermine spots, two and one or, a bordure gules, bezant6e. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a raven sable, charged with three ermine spots as in the arms, and holding in the beak a sprig of holly proper. Married, first, 1851, Amelia, dau. of James Givens; second, 1890, Frances Edith, widowof John Ford, Esq., J. P., and eldest dau. of George Wade of Manor House, Tadmarton, Oxon. ; and has, with other Issue — Katharina Louisa Jane {in., 1875, Thomas Cradock of Quorn, co. Leicester]. 5 ARTHUR HENRY HOLLAND-HIBBERT, Es- quire, commonly known as the Hon. Arthur Henry Hoi land- Hibbert, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieu- tenant for the county of Hertford (High Sheriff 1891), formerly in Royal Navy (retired as Acting Sub- Lieutenant). Born March 19, 1855, being the second son (twin with eldest) of the Right Honourable the first Viscount Knutsford, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Nathaniel Hibbert, and assumed the additional name and arms of Hibbert by Royal Licence 1876. Club — White's. Livery — Black, with silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, ermine on a bend nebuly sable, three crescents argent, in the sinister chief point a cross botton^e fitch^e of the second (for Hibbert) ; 2 and 3 per. pale argent and azure, sem6e-de-lis, a lion ram- pant guardant, counterchanged, debruised by a bendlet en- grailed gules (for Holland). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and is the Naval Cockade. 678 m w argent ; and for his OrMtl, i. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter cubit arm erect proper, vested azure, cuff ermine, holding in the hand a crescent argent, a dcmi- catherine-whcel also argent (for Hibbert) ; a. out of a crown valiery or, a domi-lion guardant |>er bend argent and azure, chared with a bcndlot engrailed, counterchanged, and holding in the dexter paw a lleur-dc-lis argent (for Ilolland). A/artifxoo\& Hall, Norwich. lOLMES (U.O.). Argent, a lion rampant sable, armed : J langued gules, charged on the shoulders with three tjidlets or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a vj:ath of the colours, a buck's head couped proper, charged vh three bendlets as in the arms. Motto — " Dum spiro b ro." Sons of Robert Holmes of Moycashel, b. 1803 ; d. 1870; m. 1842, Jane, d. of William Henn, Master in Chancery : — iir Robert William Arbuthnot Holmes, K.C.B. , J. P., 1 -rister-at-Law, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), Clerk of the I )wn and Hanaper 1880-2, and since then Treasury 1 luembrancer and Dep. Paym.-Gen. in Ireland, ^. 1843 ; 1 1871, Isabella, only d. of J. Faviere Elrington, LL.D., (.'.., Recorder of Londonderry ; and has issue— (i) Arthur limes, Esq., b. 1876; (2) Robert Holmes, Esq., b. 1890; lith; Norah ; Mabel; Isabella; Evelyn; Iris; and 1 rriet. Estate — Moycashel. Res.— 2^ Upper Fitzwilliam S 3et, Dublin. C/«/5— Kildare Street (Dublin). William Henn Holmes, Gentleman, formerly East Indian Civ. Serv., b. I846; m. 1872, Rachel, d. of John Scott Russell, F. R.S. ; and has issue— Madeline ; and Beatrice. Club — East India United Service. George Charles Vincent Holmes, Esq., C.V.O., C.B., Chairman of the Board of Works in Ireland since 1901, b. 1848 ; m. 1880, Louisa Eugenia, d. of Charles Grcenstreet Addison ; and has issue — Robert Gerard Addison Holmes, Gentleman, b. 1881. Res. — Dornden, Booterstown, co. Dublin. Clubs — Kildare Street (Dublin), Orleans. Edmond Gore Alexander Holmes, Gentleman,*. 1850; m. 1880, Florence, d. of Capt. P. M. Syme, R.A. ; and has surv. issue — Maurice Holmes, Gentleman, b. 1885 ; and Florence Ruth. Res. — 6 Eslington Road, Newcastle-on- Tyne. Club — Athenaeum. Thomas Rice Edward Holmes, Gentleman, Litt. D., b. 1855 ; m. 1888, Eliza Isabel, d. of Lionel Isaacs of Mandeville, Jamaica. Res. — HOLT, quartered by HORDERN. EDWARD HOLT, Esquire, J. P. Armorial bearings — Per chevron argent and or, two fleurs-de-lis in pale sable between as many mountain ash-trees fructed and eradi- cated proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— Two arms embowed in armour sable, each charged on the forearm with a fleur-de-lis or, and holding in the hands gauntleted also sable, a mountain ash-tree as in the arms. Motto— "Vincere est vivere." Residences — Woodthorpe, Prestwich, Lanes; Blackwell, Westmorland. HOLY (formerly— t. 1757— Hawley) [H. Coll.]. Vert, on a saltire between two annulets in pale and as many swans in fesse argent, a cross crosslet gules. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — An antelope's head couped holding in the mouth a branch of holly all proper. Motto — "Suivez moi." Livery — Green, gilt buttons, scarlet waistcoat, gold hatband. Eldest and only surv. d. of Thomas Beard Holy, Gen- tleman, b. 1798; d. 1867; m. 1838, Elizabeth, d. of George Heald : — Elizabeth Heald Holy. Res. — Willoughby House, Leamington ; West Lodge, Endcliffe. S WILLIAM BURY HOMAN-MULOCK, Esq.. J. P. and D.L., King's Co. (High Sheriff 1895) and West- meath, late H.M.I.C.S. (Bombay). Born April 19, 1841, being the sixth son of the late Thomas Honian-Mulock, Esq., of Etellair [who assumed by Royal License, March 3, 1843, the name and arms ot Homan-Mulock], High Sheriff 1849, by his wife Frances Sophia, eldest daughter of John Berry of Cloneen. Clubs — East India United Service, Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings— Quarterly I and 4, azure a cross moline quarter-pierced, in the dexter is the Naval Cockade. 68o iDom IDoo chief a fetterlock argent (for Mulock) ; a and 3 vert, on & chevron argent, between three pheons |x>ints downwards or, as many trcfoib slipped proper (Tor Homan). Mant- ling axurc and or^nt ; and for his Orest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant azure, in the dexter paw a crou crosslel litch«Hr }»ulos. Motto — " Inhocsigno vinces." Jftsidttut—licWair, liallycumlwr, King's Co. HOMAN-MULOCK (R.L., 1843, U.O.). Quarterly, 1 and 4, azure, a cross moline, quarter-oierccd, and in the dexter chief a fetterlock argent (Mulock) ; 3 and 3, vert, on a chevron argent between three pheons ix>ints downwards or, as many trefoils slipped proper (Homan). Mantling azure and argent. Orest — On a wreath of the colours , a lion passant azure, in the dexter paw a cross crosslct fitchde gules. Motto — " In hoc signo vinces." Sons of Thomas Hon>an - Mulock, Esq. (formerly Molloy), High Sheriff King's Co. 1849, d. 1798; a. 1889; M. i8a8, Frances Sophia, d. of John Berry of Cloneen, King's Co. : — Richard Homan Homan-Mulock, Gentleman, d. 1836. Ifes.— William Bury Homan-Mulock, Esq. {f.v.). Henry Pilkington Homan-Mulock, Gentlem.in, H. M. I.C.S. , d. 1846. AVj.— Fr.ances Berry Homan-Mulock, Esq., J. P. King's Co. (High Sheriff 1903), late Bengal Civ. Serv., d. 1848; m. 1878, Ethel Annie, d. of Rt. Hon. Sir Edward Nicholas Coventry Braddon, P.C. , K.C. M.G. , Premier of Tasmania ; and has issue (i) Edward Homan Homan-Mulock, Gentle- man, d. 1881 ; Frances Ethel [m. 1900, Claude Beddinglon] ; and Enid Hester Nina. Seat — Ballycumber House, King's Co. Ciui — East India United Service. HOME, see MILNE-HOME and STIRLING-HOME- DRUMMOND, S ARCHIBALD FRASER HOME, Esquire, Captain nth (Prince Albert's Own) Hussars. Bom Sept. 14, rampant, between two piles engrailed issuing from the chirf argent, all within a bordure of the last, charge! with three papingoes of the first, beaked and memlxTrd gules, alter- nately with as many oinquefoils of the last. Mantling vert, doubled argent. Orest On a wreath of his livt-ries, a lion's head erased proper, collared sable, charged with a llcur-de- lis or, and in an escrol over the same this Motto, " True to the end." Married, Oct. 17, 1900, Violet, second dau, of William Knox D'Arcy, Esq., D.L., of Stanmorc Hall, Middlesex ; and has /w««— Douglas Archilmld Frederick Home, Gentleman, b. Aug. 7, 1901. C/«*— Cavalry. HOO, quartered by CON VERS. HOOD, see COCKBURN-HOOD. ARCHIBALD HOOD, Esquire, Justice of the Pmcc for CO. Glamorgan and borough of Cardiff, Ch.-iirman of the Vale of Glamorgan Railway, Chairman of the Glamorgan Coal Co. (Ld.), Chairman of the Lothian Coal Co. (Ld.), Deputy-Chairman of the Barry Railway. Horn June 4, 1833, being the eldest son of the late Robert Hood, colliery owner, by his wife Ann, n/e Raeburn. Armorial bearingi 1874, being the eldest son of Col. F. J. Home, C.S.I., Royal Engineers (retired), and his wife Constance Stanley, dau. of F. J. S. McGowan. Armorial bearings— Vert, a lion —Quarterly, ermine and vert, over all a bend or, < with a stag in full speed proper, between two mullets of the second. Upon the escutcheon is pl.iced a helmet befitting his degree, with a niantliug vert doubled argent; and upon a wreatli of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi- archer clothed and accoutred, holding a bow and arrow in full draught proper; with the Motto, " Olim sic eraL" Married, April 24, 1854, Cochrina, eldest daughter of William Walker, colliery owner; and has Issue — (i) Robert Kaeburn Hood, Gentleman, born June 20, 1856; (2) William Walker Hood, Gentleman, born September 6, 1857; (3) James Archibald Hood, Gentleman, born August 2, 1859; (4) Archibald Hood, Gentleman, born May 4, 1861 ; and Eliza Agnes Walker [married Walter Rayner Shirley, and has issue]. Postal address — Cardiff. Clubs — Conslilu- tional. Conservative (Edinburgh). JAMES HOOLE, Esquire, C.M.G., Col. 3rd Bait. P. W.O. Yorkshire Regt., Captain Reserve of Officers, J.H. CO. of Oxford, served in South African War 1900-1, men- tioned in despatches. Born 1850, being the second and only surviving son of the late Francis Hoole of Edgefield, Brad- field, Yorks, and Moorlodge, Sheffield, by his wife Martha, dau. of James Hoole of London. Armorial bearings- Barry of six or and gules, in bend as many roses counter- changed. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed gules, each wmg charged with two roses, and transfixed through the mouth is the Military Cockade. ^00 ith a tilting-spear paleways or. Motto— " Flectas non fanges." Married, 1882, Mary Violet, only dau. of Rev. ichard Hickman, Rural Dean and Rector of Birdingbury, t/arwickshire, and Old Swinford, Worcestershire; and has ^op 681 -(i) Francis \\illi;im Hoole, Gentleman, b. May 9, 13 ; (2) Lionel Rokeby Hoole, Gentleman, b. Feb. 25, 15; (3) James Percival Richard Hoole, Gentleman, April 10, 1900 ; Ethel Josephine ; and Margaret Alice J|xy. Seat — The Manor House, Headington, Oxford. Colonel WILLIAM WRIGHT HOOLE, J. P. for Gloucestershire and for the West Riding of Yorks. , fdnerly Lieut-Col. and Hon. Col. P. W.O. Yorkshire Regt. (J39-1893), being the eldest son of H. H. E. Hoole, Eji., J. P., F.S.A., of Ravenfield Park, Yorks. Armorial b|,rings — Per fesse or and gules, on a pale two roses all ointerchanged, and on an escutcheon of pretence the arms oiVilliams, namely or, on a fesse engrailed, between three b;ls' heads caboshed sable, two bezants. Mantling' gules ai or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, at;agle displayed per fesse or and gules, each wing charged w*! a rose counterchanged, surmounted by a rainbow piper. Motto — " Sp)es mea Deus. " A/a/'r/cf^, 1868, Mary C E. (who died 1869), only dau. of the late Rev. Canon G . Williams, Rector of Winchingford, co. Worcester, and ^ 'moor House, Gloucester. Seat — Chavenage House, Tbury, Gloucester. C/a^— Junior United Service. DMUND HUNTLY HOOPER, Esquire, formerly C t. 3rd Battalion Warwicksliire Regiment, B.A. of the U versity of O.vfurd, J. P. co. Hants. Born Jan. 31, 1845, bt g tlie eldest son of the late Rev. Webster Frederick Miry Hooper, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. of the Uni- VI iiy of Duljlin, Incumbent of Withingt^n, co. Lancaster, b\iis wife Mary, dau. of Edmund Wright of Mauliieth Hi, near Manchester. Armorial bearings — He bears for Alls : Argent, fretty gules, a castle sable, and impaling th irms of Stuart, namely, quarterly i. or, a lion rampant \N i in a double tressure flory and counterflory gules (for St land) ; 2. or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, in chief a bel of three points gules (for Stuart) ; 3. argent, a sa re engrailed between four roses gules (for Lennox) ; 4. r, a lion rampant gules (for Macduff), all within a bclure compony azure and argent. Upon the escutcheon is laced a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gi;s and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a lion's head erased sable, a fret argent ; with the Motto, "Gnrde bien." Married, January 16, 1867, Alice Maud, commonly known as Ladv Alice Maud, daughter of the Right Honourable Charles Knox Stuart, fourth Earl of Castlestuart ; and has Issue — \\) Stuart Huntly Hooper, Gentleman, late Capt. Royal Horse Ar- tillery, b. December 20, 1867 ; (2) Gerald Huntly Hooper, Gentleman, b. October 23, 1873 ; and Sybil Maud Marie. Residence— '&\i&\\y Hill, Christchurch. C/k(>— Windham. GEORGE GLASS HOOPER, Gentleman. Born June 4, 1864, being the second son of the late Samuel Hooper of Hatherleigh, co. Devon, by his wife Sarah, dau. and coheir of Thomas Glass of South Yeo, co. Devon. Livery - Black, with lemon facings. Armorial bearings— Per fesse indented or and sable, in fesse two fleurs-de-lis. a tower in chief and a gryphon passant in base all counterchanged, and impaling the arms of Montefiore, namely, per pale gules and azure, on a chevron between three dcmi-lions or, as many crosses moline of the first. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an Esquire's helmet proper between two wings per fesse indented or and sable, each charged with as many fleurs-de-lis paleways counterchanged. Motto — "Non nobis solum. " Married, July 16, 1890, Annabel Mary Guitton, sixth dau. of the late Rev. Thomas Law Montefiore, M.A., Rector of Catherston, co. Dorset, and Rural Dean, by his wife Katherine, dau. and heir of the late Rev. Edward Cowell Brice of Frenchay, co. Glos., and latterly Vicar of Newnham, co. Glos.; and has Issue — Dulcie Evelyn Glass ; and Joyce Durbin Glass. Resi- dence— jp Palace Court, Bayswater, W. Clubs— C'\t.y Carlton, Hurlinghani, New (Brighton). JAMES HOOPER, Gentleman. Born , being the son of the late William Hooper of " The Walnuts," Hather- leigh, CO. Devon. Armorial bearings-Per fesse indented or and sable, in fesse two fleurs-de-lis, a tower in chief and a griffin passant in base, all counterchanged. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an es- quire's helmet proper, betw(;en two wings per fesse indented or and sable, each charged with as many fleurs-de-lis pale- ways counterchanged. Motto— " Non nobis solum." Re- sidence—The Walnuts, Hatherleigh, co. Devon. S HENRY WALTER HOPE, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for East Lothian and co. Fife ; late Capt. East Lothian and is tbe Naval Cockade. dflfa i0op I0OP Berwick Yeomanry, and formerly Capt. Grenadier Guards. Borm 1839, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late George Wnliam Hope, Esq., M.P.. of Luffness, by Caroline Georgiano, dau. of the Inte KiRht Hon. Henry jaines. Lord MontagU' Armorial bearmgi — Quarterly I and 4, asurc, on a chevron or, iK-twccn three l>ezants, a Ixiy leaf slipped vert, within a bordiire argent ; a and 3 grand quarters, i. azure, a lion rampant argent, imperially crowned mounted by a rainbow proper. Motto — " Atspesinfracta.' Martitd, 1885. Lady Mary Catherine Constance, sister of Rt. Hon. Archibald, 5th Earl of Rosebery ; and has Issyt- George Ever.arrI Hope, Gentleman, b. 1886. i"e, vested argent, each holding in her exterior hand an anchor proper], b. i860 : m. 1886, Hon. Hersey Alice Eveleigh-De Moleyns, d. of Dayrolles Blakeney, 4th Lord Ventry ; and has issue — (i) Victor Alexander John Hope, Esq., commonly called Earl of Hopetoun, b. 1887; (2) Lord Charles Melbourne Hope, b. 1892 ; and Lady Mary Dorothea. Seat — Hope- toun House, South Queensferry, co. Linlithgow. Clubs — Carlton, Travellers', New (Edinburgh). * Son of Hon. Charles Hope (3rd s. of 4th Earl), b. 1808 ; d. 1893 ; m. 1841, Lady Isabella Helen Douglas, d. of Thomas, 5th Earl of Selkirk : — Capt. Joiin Hope, R.N. (q.v.) (rematric. 1894; details see his entry). Son of George William Hope of Luffness, M.P. (s. of Hon. Sir Alexander Hope, G.C.B., s. of 2nd Earl), b. 1808; d. 1863; m. 1836, Caroline Georgina, d. of 2nd Lord Montagu :— Capt. Henry Walter Hope [q-v.) (rematric. 1886 ; details see his entry). Son of James Robert Hope Scott of Abbotsford (s. of Hon. Sir Alexander Hope, G.C.B. , s. of 2nd Earl), b. 1812; d. 1873; m. 2nd, Lady Victoria Alexandrina FitzAlan Howard, d. of Henry Granville, 14th Duke of Norfolk : — James FitzAlan Hope, Esq. (q.v.) (rematric. 1893 ; details see his entry). Son of William Edward Hope-Vere of Craigie Hall (descendant of ist Earl), Esq., J. P. and D.L., b. 1824 ; d. 1872 ; m. 1857, Lady Mary Emily Boyle, d. of Charles, Viscount Dungarvan, and sister of 9th Earl of Cork : — is the Naval Cockade. 684 ^op r^op James Charles Hope-Vwe, Esq. {f.v.) (rematric. 17341 1815, and 1846 ; details see his entry). Lt.-Cou HKRBKRT JAMES HOPE-EDWARDES, lute 60th Rifles, J, P. ca Salop, MiRh Sheriff 1904. Bom 1848, being the son of Thomas Henry Hope-Edwardcs, l'lse. Born 1853, being the elder son of the late Charles lard Hopton, Esq., Captain 23rd Welsh Fusiliers. Ilded at the Alma, by his wife Mary Jane, dau. of Jd Vaughan. Armorial bearings - Gules, semte of ssses pat6 fitchde a lion rampant or. Mantling gules i or. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet a gryphon's head ant, in the mouth a dexter hand couped and ensan- :ied proper. Motto — " A me absit gloriari nisi m ce." Residence —T'^Q Vicarage, Bishop-ffrome, co. - •eford. j 'HE Late CHARLES HENRY HOPWOOB, Esquire, li of His Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, a Bencher of the Middle Temple, Recorder of Liverpool, M. P. for the Middleton Bivision of the county of Lan- caster. Born 1829, being the fifth son of the late J. S. S. Hop- wood of Montague Place, Russell Square, by his wife Mary Ann, daughter of the late John Toole, Esquire, of Bublin. Clubs — Reform, National Liberal, Albemarle, Manchester Reform (Manchester). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Paly of six ermine and vert, a bendraguly or, charged with three escallops gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a saltire raguly gules, surmounted by an escallop argent; with the Motto, "Sperareni." Residence — North- wick Lodge, 2 St. John's Wood Road, N.W. Chambers — I Essex Court, Temple, E.C. HERBERT L. C. HORBERN, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Kent. Born January 25, 1835, being the fourth son of the Reverend James Hordern, Clerk in Holy Orders, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Lancaster, by Mary Owen his wife, daughter of the Reverend John Radcliffe, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Rector of Limehouse, and Vicar of Bodington and Teynhani, in the county of Kent. Club — Junior Carlton. Livery — Bark blue. Armorial bearings — Ho bears for Arms : Quarterly of ihirty-five, i. party per pale argent and azure two bars, and in chief tliree mullets, within a bordure engrailed all counterchanged (for Hordern) ; 2. argent, two bendlets engrailed sable, a canton gules (for Radcliffe) ; 3. ermine, three bars vert, a canton gules (for Fazakerley) ; 4. gules, a cross engrailed between four lozenges argent, each charged with an ermine spot (for Leigh) ; 5. argent, on a bend engrailed sable, three fleurs-de-lis of the field (for Holt); 6. argent, three boars passant, each holding in its mouth a bone all sable (for Grizzlehurst) ; 7. or, a chevron sable, between three towers triple-towered gules (for Sompter) ; 8. or, a chevron be- tween ten cross crosslets, six and four gules (for Brock- holes) ; 9. vair^e, argent and sable, a bend gules (for Manchester) ; 10. argent, three water bougets-gules (for Roos) ; II. gules, three Catherine - wheels argent (for Espec) ; 12. azure, a catherine-wheel or (for Trusbut) ; 13. azure, a cross pat^e or, and in chief a label of five points throughout argent (for Trusbut) ; 14. argent, a fesse dancelt^e gules, between three water-tx)ugeis sable (for Trusbut) ; 15. gules, two bars or (for Harcourt) ; 16. quarterly gules and vair^e or and vert, over all a bend argent (for Peverel) ; 17. or, two chevronels within a bordure gules (for Albini) ; 18. gules, an eagle displayed within a bordure argent (for Toni) ; 19. ermine, a fesse dancett^e gules (for Asheldam) ; 20. ermine, on a chief indented azure, three lions rampant or (for Orkesley) ; 21. argent, two chevronels gules, in chief a label of three points throughout azure (for ) ; 22. sable, a cross paionce or (for .Abraham) ; 23. gules, a fesse or, between three shovellers proper (for Herle) ; 24. gules, three es- callops and a bordure engrailed argent (for Herle) ; 25. vert, five birds argent (for Arvas) ; 26. party per pale argent and gules, three towers triple-towered counter- changed (for Prideaux) ; 27. argent, a cross patonce be- tween four mullets sable (for Salter) ; 28. chequy argent and sable, a fesse vair^e of the first and gules (for Folkeroy, through which family Mr. Horden represents heiresses of Le Baron, Champernon, Grave, de Cruce, and Crispin); 29. argent, a lion rampant gules, collared or (for Ashen- don) ; 30. azure, a bend or, surmounted in chief of a label of three points gules (for Carminow) ; 31. argent, on a fesse sable, three chevronels paleways, points to the dexter of the field (for Trenouth) ; 32. gules, a lion ram- pant regardant argent, within eiglit acorns in orle or (for Chenduit) ; 33. sable, a chevron ermine, between three pairs of wings in lure and inverted argent (for Nanfant) ; 34. sable, a chevron between three wolves' heads erased argent (for Wolvedon) ; 35. argent, a chevron between three squirrels sejant gules (for Tresurthien). Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a wyvern or, pierced through the neck by an arrow fesseways point to the sinister proper, and resting the dexter claw upon an escutcheon gules, charged with a child's head couped at the neck also proper. MottO— " Nabbap hig hordern ac God fett." Married, September 13, 1859, Emily Maria, daughter of is the Naval Cockade. 686 i^Ot Dot Thomas Henry Maudslny of Bnnstead Pnrk, in the county of Surrey; and has "/««»*— (i) IJonrl H««rl>ert Horfiern, Gcntlrman, Lieutenant Kuyiil Navy (retired). \x>ri\ April 90. 1861 ; (a) Knclciiffe Ilordern, (icntleinan, burn June 30. i86a ; (3) The Reverend Hugh Mnudslav Hordern, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of (Oxon.), Advocate. Bom Feb. 10, 1849, heing the eldest son of Roliert Horn, Dean of tiie I-acuUy of Advo- cates, Edinburfjh ; and of his wife Jane MIIUt. only dau. of William Ualbraith. Livery Claret. Armorial bearlnn A«ure, a fesse or, lx?tween two huniing-lioriis in cliief of the second and a liear's head erased in base argent, muzzled Oxford, born .September 28, 1868 ; (4) Gwyn Venables Hordern, Esq., Brevet-Major 6oth Rifles, born June 27, 1870; and Isoline Emily. Estates — Throwley House, n»-ar Faversham, in the county of Kent. Postal address — Throwley House, Faversham. WILLIAM HORN of Woodcote, co. Midlothian, Elsquire, J, P. for cos. of Mid and East Lothian, M.A. sable. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest -On a wreath of his liveries, a hunting-horn or, stringed azure. Motto — " Monitus munitus." Married, July 27, 1880, Myra, second dau. of John Macandrew ; and has hsut- (i) Robert Horn, Gentleman, Lieut. Seaforth High- landers, b. May 30, 1881 ; (2) John Reginald Horn, Gentle- man,*. Sept. 4, 1885; (3) William Hedderwick Horn, Gentle- man, b. April 6, 1891 ; Alice Maude ; Myra Christian; and -is the Military Cockade. lj)0t mt 687 an Violet. 5^a/— Woodcote Park, Blackshiels, Mid- thian. C/ui—tievf Club (Edinburgh). MARGARET ANNE and MARY ALICE HORNBY, I Ribby Hall, co. Lancaster, the daus. of the late Hugh ornby of Ribby Hall ; s. their brother the late Hugh jilton Hornby of Ribby Hall, in 1877. Armorial bear- g8 are, upon a lozenge : Argent, a chevron vert, in ise a bugle-horn stringed sa., on a chief of the second ro bugle-horns of the field. WALTER RADCLIFFE HORNCASTLE, Gentleman, ember of the Court of Common Council of the City of andon for the Ward of Cordwainer, has Order of Crown Italy (R.L.) and Legion of Honour (R.L.).; Viscoiuit of i Kingdomof Portugal, Kniaht Miiitajy Commander of the ftvian Order of Takowa, Knight Militaiy Commander of 'f. Order of the Concepcion of Our Lady of J'illa I'icosa of irtugal, but has as yet received no Royal Licence to accept fse latter-mentioned decorations or the title. Born Feb. 1850, being the third son of Charles Horncastle and wife Julia Augusta, dau. of Charles Burge. Liveiy — Dark green with scarlet facings. Armorial bearingfs — gent, on a bend indented sable, between two bugle-horns i the last, stringed vert, a tower in bend of the field. intllng sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the iloiu-s, upon a rock proper, the battlements of a tower ole, surmounted by a bugle -horn or, stringed vert HORNE (H. Coll.). Argent, on a fesse between six bugle-horns stringed sable, three roses of the field. Mant- ling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, jVtto — "Audaces fortuna juvat." Married, March 19, i;8, Henrietta, dau. of Richard Beckford Govey ; and has Lie — Clyde Radcliffe Horncastle, Gentleman, b. Nov. i, liD ; Violet ; and Gabrielle. Postal addresses — Taymouth P jse. Hackney Downs. Club — Guildhall. DWARD WILLIAM HORNE, Esquire, J.P. Ar- nrial bearing^ —Azure, on a pile between two antlers ei :t in base or, a like antler of the field. Mantling azure ai or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, issuant from a laplet of oak fructed, a dexter cubit arm erect proper, hi ling in the hand two antlers saltireways or. Motto — " idustria et prudentia vincunt." 5fa/ — Cranage Hall, H me's Chapel, Cheshire. within a chaplet of roses argent, leaved vert, a bugle-horn sable, stringed and garnished or. Motto — " Monitus munitus." Son of William Home of Barnsley, by his wife Mary, d. of John Fletcher of Barnsley : — • John Fletcher Home, Esq., J. P., Alderman of borough of Barnsley, Mayor 1900-1902, M.D. (St. And.), F.R.C.S. and F.R.S. (Edin.), b. 1848; jn. ist, 1876, Emily Fountain ((/. 1882), d. of late George Brown Forster, Solicitor, of Leeds; 2nd, 1885, Helen, d. of late Joseph Mackrill, Solicitor, of Barton-on-Humber ; and has issue— Harold Forster Horne, Gentleman, M.A., M.B. , B.C., of King's Coll., Camb. , b. 1879; Beatrice Eudora ; and (by second mar.) Muriel Irene. Estate — Bentley Grange, Yorkshire. Kes. — The Poplars, Barnsley. HORNIDGE, quartered by GLEDSTANES. HORNYOLD, see GANDOLFI. The Late JOHN VINCENT HORNYOLD, Esquire, Lord of the Manor of Hanley Castle, co. Worcester, and first Lord of the twelve Manors comprised in Malvern Chase (con- firmed by .•\ct of Parliament 1807), J.P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1869). Mr. Hornyold is Marquis and Count Gandolfi of the Genoese Republic (creation 1529), and Marquis of Montcrcscente and Melazzi of the Duchy of Mantua, Count of Gazelli and Chiosanica in Liguria, all of which titles he has renounced in favour of his eldest son. He was created by Pope Gregory XVI. a Knight of the first class of the Noble Order of Christ. Born Aug. 18, 1818, being the only son of late John Vincent Gandolfi (Marquis Gandolfi and Count of Gazelli), by his wife Theresa, dau. of Thomas Hornyold of Blackmore Park. Club — Brooks's. Armorial bearings (as recorded in the College of Arms in England under the Royal Licence, Feb. 1859, to him to assume the name and arms of Hornyold) — Azure, on a bend embattled counter-embattled argent, a wolf passant between two escallops sable, and impaling the arms of Langdale, namely sable, a chevron between three estoiles argent. [Note. — These arms were confirmed to John Hornyold, Auditor of the Exchequer and Governor of Calais, by Thomas Benholt, Clarenceux King of Arms, at the First Visitation of co. Worcester, 1536.] Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-unicorn gules, armed, crined, and un- guled or. MottO — " Fidem tene." Married, Jan. 19, 1846, Charlotte Mary, second dau. of Hon. Charles Lang- dale of Houghton Hall, co. York, third son of the seven- teenth Lord Stourton, by his first wife Hon. Charlotte Mary Clifford; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Chailes Gandolfi (Duke Gandolfi), J.P. and D.L. co, Worcester is tbe Naval Cockade. 688 IDor ^or and Herefunl [to whom referl, i. Dec. aa, 1846 ; (a) Rev. Vincent Jcjs»>ph llornvold, in Holy Orders of the Catholic (.'hiirch ; (3) Alfred Joseph HomyoUl, a Knight of the Order of Malta, *. 1850 \m., 1886, Alice, youngest dau. of Mons. Jules de la Chore of Paris, and niece of Viscount Llnndaff, and has issue, Henry AUiert Hornyold, 6. 1889; and Dorothy]; (4) Joseph Hornyold, d. Feb. 9, 1859; Mary[w., Nov. 28, 1871, Hubert Tichborne Hibbert, and has issue] ; Charlotte Mary ; and Gerirude Mary (both Religious). Seats — Blackmi>re Park, co. Worcester ; Elm- stead Hall, Essex. EDGWORTH HORROCKS, Esquire, J. P. co. Kent, Major in the Highland Borderers, formerly Lieut. 1st Royal Lanark Militia. Born June 3, 1829, lieing the eldest son of Peter Horrocks of Preston, Lanes. Armorial bear- ingK — Or, a fret azure, on a chief of the second, a l)ee volant between two shuttles erect of the field. MaTitling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath, upon a rock an eagle rising proper, from the beak an escocheon pendent gules, charged with a hank of cotton. Motto — " Indastria et spe." Married, June 24, 1869, Elizabeth Mary, only dau. and heir of Henry Westc;u- of Burwood Cottage, Surrey ; and has Issue — Clara Elizabeth [;«., July i, 1893, Frederick Beverley Morgan, second son of the late Edward Morgan of Hungershaw Park, 'I'unbridge Wells, and has issue]. Seat — Mascells, Brenchley, Kent. HORSFALL. quartered by B/LL and LANGRISHE. HORTON, see ANSON-HORTON. SJOHN HENRY HORTON. Esquire; in the Com- mission of the Peace for co. Essex, a Member of the Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London, and Lord of the Manor of Middleton Cheney, co. Northampton. Bom June 18, 1842, being the elder (and now only surviving) son and heir of John Henry Kolle, I.Ue of the City of London, and of Park House, Upper Tooting, co. Surrey, Merchant, deceased, by Mary «or lJ)or 689 j deceased ; descended of the Family of Ingram, and herself ' the eldest surviving dau. of William Lumley, late of the [ City of London, Architect and Surveyor, deceased, and '■ granddau. of Edward Lumley, late of Great Dalby, co. I Leicester, deceased, scion of the old Northern Family of ' Lumley, Barons Lumley and Lords of Lumley Castle, . whence also descend the Lumleys, Earls of Scarbrough. i The above-mentioned Richard Smith was the eldest son and heir of Richard Smith, late of the Cities of Nottingham and London, of Mansfield, co. Notts, and of "The Cottage," Paradise Row, Stoke Newington, co. Middlesex, Merchant, deceased, by his wife Sarah, the only child, by his first wife Hannah (ne'e Heritage), of Joseph Horton, formerly of Leicester and afterwards of the City of Nottingham, Merchant, deceased, descended of the Family of Horton, llong settled at Mowslcy, in the said county of Leicester ; land Mr. Horton-Smith in due course sought and obtained iRoyal License and Authority for himself and for his issue 'to assume and use the said surname of Horton in addition ito and before that of Smith, and to bear the Arms of Horton :[)uarterly with those of his and their own Family. Armo- irial beaxing^ — He bears for Arms : Quarterly, i and 4, I'gent, two chevronels invected between two demi-gryphons mped respecting each other in chief, and as many battle- Ires in saltire in base, all sable (Smith) ; 2 and 3, gules, a ag's head caboshed or, on a chief of the last, a rose of e first between two thistles slipped and leaved proper lorton). Upon the escutcheon are placed two helmets fitting his degree, with mantlings (dexter) sable and gent, and (sinister) gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. . a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount vert, thereon ; greyhound couchant proper, two battle-axes in saltire or imith) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, between two clay- ares saltirewise proper, a spear erect argent, all enfiled l^an antique crown or (Horton). Mottoes — " Pr6t k tssaillir" (Smith); " Haut on aspire" (Horton). Livery •White or light drab coat with black collar and cuffs, vistcoat strif>ed white and black, black plush breeches :d white silk stockings, or black trousers with white l)ings; silver buttons throughout. [See further " Nor- fk," vol. xxi. pp. 118-122, at the Royal College of -ms; and "The Smith Family," by the Rev. Compton lade, M.A. (London : Elliot Stock, 1902), pp. 105-107.] iirried, Dec. 22, 1864, Marilla (nde Baily), of the Imily of Graham of Montrose, and of Kincardine, co. Irth, being herself a direct descendant of the illustrious Jnes Graham, 5th Earl and ist or "Great" Marquis of hntrose in the Peerage of Scotland (i8th Chief, in a hentic record, of Clan Graham in the Highlands of .'-Jtland), and eldest dau. of John Baily, late Master of is of. Fellow of St. John's College in, and Counsel to, t University of Cambridge, One of Her late Majesty's ( unsel Learned in tlie Law, and a Master of the Bench of t Hon. Society of Lincoln's Inn, F2squire, deceased, n)hewand heir-derivative of Francis Baily, the Astronomer, late Vice-President of the Royal Society, and President of the Royal Astronomical Society, deceased (whose Armorial Bearings as used were those of Baillie of Lamington, co. Lanark, N.B.) ; and has had Issue — (1) Percival Horton Horton-Smith-Hartley (formerly Horton-Smith), M.A., M.D., and late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge; F. R.C.P. Lond. (Goulstonian Lecturer, 1900); Assistant Physician to the Brompton Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest ; Medical Registrar and Demonstrator of Morbid Anatomy at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London ; and formerly Assistant Physician to the Metropolitan Hospital, London, Gentleman; b. Dec. 2, 1867 [»«., Feb. 23, 1895, Lucy Josephine Hartley, only dau. and now heiress of Lieut. -Col. Joseph Hartley, late of The Old Downs, Hartley, co. Kent, and of Hartley Hill, Leeds, co. York; LL. D., and sometime Fellow-Commoner of St. John's College, Cambridge ; of the Hon. Society of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law ; J. P. for co. Kent, and J. P. and D.L. for the West Riding of co. York ; Esquire, deceased ; assumed in 1904 the additional surname of Hartley under the will of his late father-in-law, the said Lieut. -Col. Joseph Hartley ; and has issue, Percival Hubert Graham Horton-Smith-Hartley, Gentleman, b. Sept. 27, 1896 ; and Audrey Gwendolen] ; (2) Lionel Graham Horton Horton-Smith, F.S.A. Scot., M.A. , late Fellow and some- time M'Mahon Law Student of St. John's College, Cam- bridge ; of the Hon. Society of Lincoln's Inn and of the South- Eastern Circuit, Barrister-at-Law ; an Hon. Vice- President and Member of the Executive Committee of the Navy League, and Hon. Vice-President of the Cambridge University Branch of the same ; a Member of the London Scottish (7th Middlesex) R.V., and late an Editor of the " London Scottish Regimental Gazette ; " a Member of the Committee of the London Perthshire Association, as also that of the Scottish Clans Association of London ; and a Member of the Highland Society of London, and likewise of the Graham Society of Glasgow, N.B. ; Gentleman; b. July 12, 1871 ; (3) Raymond John Horton-Smith, M.A., M.B. , IB.C, and late Foundation Scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge, University Scholar and first Wain- wright Prizeman of St. Thomas's Hospital, London, M.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.C.P. Lond., and Founder (1896) of the Cambridge Branch of the Navy League, Gentleman, deceased, b. March 16, 1873, d. Oct. 8, 1899 ; (4) Hubert Horton-Smith, Gentleman, b. Nov. 6, 1875, d. Dec. 28, 1881 ; (s) Ethel Marilla Horton, A.R.A.M. March 28, 1895 [m., May 19, 1900, Herbert Birkett, M.I.Mech.E., Consulting Engineer (fifth son of John Birkett, Fellow and sometime President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and Consulting Surgeon to Guy's Hospital, Lon- don, deceased, by his wife Lucy Matilda n^e Janson, for whom see Joseph Foster's " Noble and Gentle Families of Royal Descent," 1883, pp. 143-149, and 154-156), and has issue, Raymond John Herbert Birkett, b. Aug. 30, 1904, and Kathleen Marilla] ; and (6) Edith Gwendolen Horton. Residence — 53 Queen's Gardens, Hyde Park, London, W. Clubs— Axhenxnm, Reform, and late Oxford and Cambridge (London), and Pitt (in the University of Cambridge). PERCIVAL HORTON HORTON-SMITH-HART- LEY, see above ,under Richard Horton Horton-Sniiih, Esquire, K.C. SHis Honour Judge LUMLEY SMITH. Master of Arts of, and formerly Fellow of Trinity Hall in, the University of Cambridge ; One of Their late and present Majesties' Counsel, Learned in the Law, and a Master of the Bench of the Hon. Society of the Inner Temple, Esquire ; Judge of the City of London Court (since Oct. 1901), and also (since 1901) a Judge of the Central Criminal Court, and (since 1877) a Member of the Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London ; a J. P. for co. Sussex, and (since Jan. 1904) Chairman (and formerly, 1893-1904, Assistant-Chairman) of the Quarter Sessions for the Western Division of co. Sussex ; Recorder of Sandwich, co. Kent, 1883-94 ; Judge of the Shoreditch and Bow County Courts, 1892-93. and subsequently Judge of the Westminster County Court, 1893-1901. Born Feb. 17, 1834, being the only surviving younger brother of Richard Horton Horton- Smith, Esquire, K.C. (for whom see above, p. 688), and the second son of Richard Smith, late of the City of London, and of co. Sussex, deceased, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of the late William Lumley and sister of the late is the Naval Cockade. 2X 690 $)Oj0f I^Ot Willinm Golden Lumley. Rsq., LUM., F.S.S.. Q.C. Armorial bearing*— He bears for Arms: Argent, two chcvronels invected between two demi-gryphons couped respecting each other in chief, and as many battle-axes in sahire in base, all sable, a crescent for difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount vert, thereon a greyhound couchant proper, two battle-axes in saltire or. Motto — " Prfit k tressaillir," Married, Aug. 10, 1874, Jessie CroU, «A Gabriel (who died Nov. 15, 1879), sec. dau. and co-heiress of Sir Thomas Gabriel, late of Edgecombe Hall, Wimbledon, co. Surrey, first and last Baronet, and a Knight of the Medjidie, deceased (for whom see Royal Coll. 'of Arms, "Barts., vi. 263"), by Mary Dutton «/;. 17, 1886, Ernest A. G. Tippinge, Major Roy.al Cian Artillery] ; Mary \m. 1894, Charles E. Welldon of .\hoii. Ceylont; and Florence Cecilia [»/. 1902, Lancelot C. Kol, Major Royal Garrison Regt.]. Postal address— 2^ Sussix Square, Brighton. JOHN TURNER HOTBLACK, Gentleman, F.G.S. Bom March 15, 1848, being the eldest son of the late Jolin Hotblack, Esq. , of Mountergate Street, Norwich, and Rock- land St. Mary, Norfolk, a Justice of the Peace for the co. of Norfolk, and also for the co. of the city of Norwich, Mayor of Norwich 1884-85, by his wife Mary, dau. of John Turner of Kenningham Hall, Mulbarton, Norfolk. Armorial bearings — Gules, a dolphin naiant argent, a chief nebtiiy of the last, thereon three mill-rinds of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mill-rind fesseways gules, thereon a dolphin naiant ar" ■ • Married, Aug. 9, 1877, Laura Elizabeth, dau. of Finch of Swaffham, Norfolk; and has Issue— {\i Hotblack, Gentleman, d. April 21, 1885 ; (2) Alan Ilotbhck. Gentleman, d. Aug. 3, 1889 ; (3) Hugh Hotblack, Gentle- man, *. June 25, 1891 ; Laura Mary; Maud; Kate; and Dora. Eslaies— The Normans, Rockland, St. Mary; Ken- ningham Hall, Mulbarton; The Avenue, East Dereham; Sharps Hall, Horsford ; all in the co. of Norfolk. Poslnl address — 45 Newmarket Road, Norwich. HAMILTON ANDREW HOTSON, Esquire, J P. for the county of the city of Edinburgh. Bom April 23, 1844, being the fifth and youngest son of John Hotson, Writ«r, Glasgow, and Maria his wife, dau. of John Buttery, iron- is tlie Military Cockade. ©ou ^Ot) 691 master, Calderbank. Armorial bearings— Or, on a pale (gules, endorsed azure, a cinquefoil pierced ermine between jtwo martlets of the first. Above the shield is placed a jhelmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled jor. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries is set a dove (proper, the dexter claw resting upon a bezant. Motto — ;" In fide robur." Married, June 21, 1876, Margaret [Elliot, dau. of Andrew Ritchie, Edinburgh ; and has Issue —John Ernest Buttery Hotson, Gentleman, b. March 17, [1877 ; Jessie Evelyn Ramsay ; and Constance Margaret. [Postal address — 4 Rothesay Terrace, Edinburgh. Clubs — pevonshire, University (Edinburgh), Western (Glasgow). ; HOUBLON, see ARCHER-HOUBLON. HENRY HOULDSWORTH, Gentleman. Born , leing the eldest son of the late John Houldsworth of Cranston Hill (d. 1859). Armorial bearings— Ermine, |he trunk of a tree in bend raguly eradicated at the base jroper, between three foxes' heads, two in chief and one in (lase erased gules, within a bordure azure. Mantling gules, ^oubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries a stag's jiead erased gules, attired and collared or, the attires banded :/ith a hank of cotton argent. Motto — " Flecti non frangi." JAMES HAMILTON HOULDSWORTH, Esquire, f Coltness and Lanark, J. P., and Castlebank, Lanark. ^orn Aug. 11, 1867, being the second but eldest surviving on of the late James Houldsworth, Esq., of Coltness, .P. and D. L. co. Lanark, by his wife Katherine Jane, au. of Rev. H. W. M'Grath, Canon of Manchester. .ivery — Drab livery coat and red- waistcoat. Armorial earings — Ermine, the trunk of a tree in bend raguly radicated at the base proper, between three foxes' eads erased gules. Mantling gules doubled argent ; jnd upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a stag's lead erased gules, attired and collared or, the attires landed with a hank of cotton argent. MottO — " Flecti on frangi." Married, Oct. 1891, Albinia Mary, eldest au. of Rev. J. Filmer Sulivan ; and has Issue — (i) James ilmer Hamilton Houldsworth, Gentleman, b. Aug. 29, J92; (2) Henry Walter Houldsworth, Gentleman, b. Jan. J, 1896 ; and Hilda Mary. Seats — Coltness, Wishaw, B. ; Castlebank, Lanark, N.B. Town residence — 37 ryanston Square, W. Clubs — White's, Cavalry, New Edinburgh), and Western (Glasgow). JOHN MUIR HOULDSWORTH, Gentleman. Born — , being the second son of the late John Houldsworth of ranston Hill, near Glasgow. Armorial bearings— Ermine, iC trunk of a tree in bend raguly eradicated at the base •oper, between three foxes' heads, two in chief and one j base erased gules, within a bordure engrailed azure. lantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— Upon a wreath his liveries, a stag's head erased gules, attired and llared or, the attires banded with a hank of cotton argent, otto—" Flecti non frangi." JOSEPH HENRY HOULDSWORTH, Gentleman. >rn , being the younger son of the late William ouldsworth of Glasgow. Armorial bearings— Ermine, ,e trunk of a tree in bend raguly eradicated at the base loper, between three foxes' heads, two in chief and one in 1 je erased gules, within a bordure engrailed of the last. : intling gules, doubled argent. Crest - On a wreath of '; liveries, a stag's head erased gules, attired and col- I ed or, the attires banded with a hank of cotton argent. !jtt0— " Flecti non frangi." I! Sir WILLIAM HENRY HOULDSWORTH, II Baronet, D. L. co. Lanes, M.P. for the N.W. Division Hanbury, vie: Quarterly, x and 4, or, a brad engrailed wrt, pl.iin cottised sable, in chief a crescent on a cresct-nt (Hanbury) ; a and 3, or, on a fesse sable, between three Muscovy ducks proper, a rose of the field (liateman)]. b. 10 Feb. 1853, m. 17 Jan. 1905, Hon. Margaret Cecilia Bateman- Hanbury, d. of 2nd Lord Bateman. Res.— Boreham Holt, Elstree, Herts; 105 Harley Street, London, W. Club — Conservative. Hugh De Berdt Hovell, Esq., D.S.O., Major 2nd Worcs. Regt., b. 15 Apl. 1863. Res.— Robert De Berdt Hovell, Gentleman, *. 15 Dec. 1864. Res. — Denys De Berdt Hovell. Gentleman, b. 27 Jan. 1866; m. 1st. 20 Feb. 1895. Henrietta Margaret (d. 1898), d. of Hubert Gray; 2nd. i Aug. 1901, Ada Maud Mary. d. of late Francis John Henderson ; and has issue. Res.— Sons of late Charles Henry John Hovell, Esq., Brigade Surgeon Lt.-Col., b. 1815 ; d. 1893 ; m. 1848, Sarah, d. of Michael Becker : — The late Very Rev. De Berdt Hovell, Dean of Waiapu, New Zealand, since 1889. Vicar of the Cathedral. Parish of St. John the Evangelist, Napier, 1878, Chaplain to the New Zealand Forces 1878 (V.D.). [Motto—" Quo fata vocant"], b. 1850; d. 1905; m. 4 Jan. 1876. Emily, yr. d. of the late George Ffitch of Woodstock. Canterbury, New Zealand ; and has had issue— (1) Hugh de St. Croix Hovell. Gentle- man, b. 2 Jan. 1877. deceased ; (2) Orioll Hilton Morden Hovell, Gentleman, Lieut, ist Batt. Manchester Regt., b. 18 Aug. 1878; (3) Rollo Richard St. John Hovell. Gentle- man, B.A.. b. 31 Mar. 1884; and Ivy Blanchflower de Hastings. Res.—Th& Deanery. Napier, New Zealand. Charles Woodward Hovell. Gentleman, b. 1856. Res.— Harry Kinnaird Hovell, Gentleman, b. 1862; m. 1888, Mary Lilian, d. of Latham Osborne Beal ; and has issue. HOWARD, quartered by ELLIS. LINDSAY. MOW- BRAY, and STOURTON. HOWARD, see NORFOLK, Duke of. ALFRED JOHN HOWARD, Gentleman. Bom 03t. 14, 1848, bemg the fourth son of Frederick John Howard, Esquire, of Compton Place, in the county of Sussex, Justice of the Peace for that county, by his wife Fanny, com- monly known as Lady Fanny, daughter of William Caven- dish, Esquire, by his wife Louisa, commonly known as Lady Louisa, daughter of the Right Honourable Cornelius O'Callaghan, first Lord Lismore. Armorial beaxlngs— He bears for Arms : Quarterly of six, 1. gules, on a bend between SIX crosses crosslet fitchte argent, an escutcheon or, charged with a demi-llon rampant pierced through the mouth with an arrow, within a double tressure flory counter" r (for Howard); a. gules, thne lions passant ;. pale or, and in chief a label of three points .1 Brotherton) ; 3. chequy or and azure (for Warren) ; 4. jjui^i,^ a lion rampant argent (for Mowbray) ; e. gules, ihn Sorged argent, a mullet sable for difference; with the [Ono, " Volo non valeo." CEPHAS JOHN HOWARD. Esquire, I.P. Cheshire, Lieut. -Colonel (Hon. Colonel 1885) 4th Batt. (Militiaj Cheshire Regiment, 1884-88. Bom 1833, being the second son of C. Howard of Brinnington, Cheshire. Armorial bearin^^s — Barry of six or and azure, on a liend ermine, between two crosses bottony gules, a shuttle proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of ihr colours, in front of a cross bottony fitchfe gules, a lion couchant or, charged on the shoulder with an cstoile alio gules. Motto — " Per fidem omnia. " Residence— S EDWARD STAFFORD HOWARD. Esquire, C.B. 1900, J. P. and D. L. , M. P. for E. Cumberland 1876-85, and for S. Gloucestershire 1885-86, Under-Secretary for India i886, and appointed 1893 Commissioner for H.M.'s Woods and Forests, B.A. Camb., Barrister-at-Law. Bom Nov. 28, 1851, being the second son of the late Henry Howard of Greystoke Castle, Cumberland, by his wife Charlotte Caro- line Georgiana. eldest dau. of Henry Lawes Long of Hamp- ton Lodge, Surrey, by Lady Catherine his wife, dau. of Horatio, second Earl of Orford. Armorial bearisgi Quarterly i, gules, on a bend, between sLx cross crosslet.v fitch<5e argent, an escutcheon or, charged with a demi-lion rampant, pierced through the mouth by an arrow, within a double treasure flory-counterflory of the first (for Howard) : 2. gules, three lions, passant-guardant in pale or, in chief a label of three p>oint argent (for Brotherton) ; 3. chequy or azure (for Warren) ; 4. gfules, a lion rampant or (forFitia- Ian), impaling the arms of Campbell, namely quarterly i, or, a hart's head caboshed sable ; 2. gyronny of eight or and sable ; 3. arg. a lymphad, oars in action sable ; 4. per fesse azure andl gules, a cross or. Mantling gulr.s and argent. Crest - 1. issuant from a ducal coronet or, a pair of wings gules, each charged with a bend between six cross crosslets fitchte argent ; 2. on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a hon statant. with tail extended or. gorged with a ducal coronet argent. Motto "Sola virtus invicta." Married, Sept. 21. 1876, Lady Rachel Campbdl, youngest dau. of Rt. Hon. John Frederick. 2nd Earl Cawdor; and has Issue ~(i) Algar Henry Stafford Howard. Esq.. Capt. Carmarthen Artillery, b. Aug. 7,1880; Ruth Evelyn tm. Feb. 1903, Gardner E. Bazley, Esq., son of Sir Thos. ^ayley Bart]; and Alianore Rachel. 5^a/-Thorabury Castle, Thornbury, Gloucestershire. Town address- g Egerton Place, S.W. C/«3 -Travellers'. S Major FREDERICK COMPTON HOWARD. Born January 23, 1847, being the third son of Frederick John Howard, Esquire, of Compton Place, in the county of Sussex, Justice of the Peace for that county, by his wife Fanny, commonly known as Lady Fanny, daughter of William Cavendish, Esquire, by his wife Louisa, commonly known as Lady Louisa, daughter of the Right Honourable Cornelius O'Callaghan. first Lord Lismore. Armorial beaiingB— He bears for Arms : Quarterly of six. r. gules, on a bend between six crosses crosslet fitch^e argent, an escutcheon or, charged with a demi-lion rampant pierced through the mouth with an arrow, within a double tressure flory counter- flory gules (for Howard) ; 2. gules, three lions passant guardant in pale or, and in chief a label of three points argent (for Brotherton) ; 3. chequy or and azure (for Warren); 4. gules, a lion rampant argent (for Mowbrayl; 5. gules, three escallops argent, two and one (for Dacre); 6. barry of six argent and azure, three chaplets of roses gules (for Greystoke) ; and for his Crest, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant guardant, the lail extended or. ducally gorged argent, a mullet sable for difference; with the MottO, "Volo non valeo." Married, February 29. 1876, Ann Augusta, younger daughter of Thomas Hitchcock of Weeke ; and has Issue— (i) Richard Fitzroy Howard, Gentleman, born May 14, 1879; (2) a son, ^ is the Military Cockade. 8)oto !J)oto 695 iborn and died July 15, i88t ; Margaret Louisa Mary, died kin infant ; Evelyn Fanny Louisa ; Helen Emma Edith ; and iDorothy Ann. f GERALD RICHARD HOWARD, Gentleman. Born ^November 7, 1853, being the fifth and youngest son of fFrederick John Howard, Esquire, of Compton Place, in the county of Sussex, Justice of the Peace for that county, by his wife P'anny, commonly known as Lady Panny, Jaughter of William Cavendish, Esquire, by his wife Louisa, :onimonly known as Lady Louisa, daugli'ter of the Right Honourable Cornelius, first Lord Lismore. Armorial aearing^— He bears for Arms : Quarterly of six, 1. gules, m a bend between six crosses crosskt fitcli6e argent, an scutcheon or, charged with a dcmi-lion rampant pierced ihrough the mouth with an arrow, within a double tressure lory counterflory gules (for Howard) ; 2. gules, three lions >assant guardant in pale or, and in chief a label of three )oints argent (for Brotherton) ; 3. chequy or and azure (for A'arren) ; 4. gules, a lion rampant argent (for Mowbray) ; j. gules, three escallops argent, two and one (for Dacre) ; i. barry of six argent and azure, three chaplets of roses ;ules (for Greystoke) ; and for his Crest, on a chapeau :ules, turned up ermine, a lion statant guardant, the tail xtended or, ducally gorged argent, a mullet sable for ifference; with the Motto, " Volo non valeo. " Married, ida, nde Curtis, of Lincoln ; and has Issue — (i) Rupert loward ; (2) Alfred Howard, born December 1887 ; 5) Bertram Marcus Howard, born September 1890 ; reraldine ; and Ethel. Sir henry HOWARD, K.C.M.G., C.B. Born -ugust ir, 1843, being the eldest son of the late Sir Kenry Francis Howard, G.C.B., by his second wife Marie trnestine. Baroness von der Schulenburg, fourth dau. tf the late Baron Wilhelm Leopold von der Schulenburg f Priemern, Prussia. Armorial bearings -Quarterly of X, I. gules, on a bend between six crosses crosslet fitch^e -gent, an escutcheon or, charged with a demi-lion ram- int pierced through the mouth with an arrow, within a juble tressure flory and counterflory gules (for Howard); gules, three lions passant guardant in pale or, and in lief a label of three points argent (for Brotherton) ; 3. lequy or and azure (for Warren) ; 4. gules, a lion rampant gent (for Mowbray) ; 5. gules, three escallops argent, 'o and one (for Dacre) ; 6. barry of six argent and azure, ree chaplets of roses gules (for Greystoke). Mantling lies and argent. Crests— i. issuant from a ducal coronet , a pair of wings gules, each charged with a bend between { cross crosslets fitch^e argent; 2. on a chapeau gules, turned ) ermine, a lion statant guardant, tail extended or, ducally 3 wned argent. Motto— " Sola virtus in victa." Married, :t. 2, 1867, Cecilia, dau. of George W. Riggs of Washing- n, United States; and has Issue — (i) George Howard, iq., b. 1869 \m. 1902, Mary, dau. of William H. Clagett Washington, U.S.A.]; (2) Henry Mowbray Howard, :ntleman, b. 1873 \ Maria Ernestine [;«. Sept. 5, 1894, idolph Baron von Recum] ; Janet Madeline Cecilia ; and ice Lawrason. Postal address — The British Legation, le Hague, Netherlands. HENRY CHARLES HOWARD, Esquire, Justice of ! Peace and Deputy - Lieutenant for the counties of mberland and Westmorland (High Sheriff 1879), and airman of Cumberland County Council (Councillor for aystoke Division), Member of Parliament for Middle or irith Division of Cumberland, 1885-1886. Born Sept. 1850, being the son of the late Henry Howard, Iq., M.P., by his wife Charlotte Caroline Georgiana, c 1. of Henry Lawes Long. Armorial beaxingB — ( arterly, 1. gules, a bend between six cross crosslets f h6e argent, on the bend an escutcheon or charged V h a demi-lion pierced through the mouth with an arrow, V|hin a tressure flory counterflory all gules (for Howard) ; 2J England, with a label of tliree points for difference (r Thomas of Brotherton) ; 3. chequy or and azure (for Vjirren) ; 4. gules, a lion rampant argent (for Mowbray), ajl impaling the arms of McDonald, namely, quarterly i. Ojalion rampant gules; 2. or, a dexter arm issuant from tl sinister fesse point out of a cloud proper, in the hand aross crosslet fitchte erect azure; 3. argent, a lymphad, s.s furled sable; 4. per fesse azure and vert, a dolphin n int in fesse proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a hiiet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his drests, i. out of a ducal coronet or, a pair of wings gules, each charged with a bend between six cross crosslets fitch(5e argent ; 2. on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant guardant or, ducally gorged argent. Married, June 6, 1878, Mabel Harriet, commonly known as Lady Mabel Harriet, dau. of the fourth Earl of Antrim; and has /w«tf — Bernard Henry Esm6 Howard, Esq., b. 1880; and Joan Mabel. Residence— Greystoke Castle, Penrith. C/«*j— Travellers', Brooks's. JAMES HAROLD HOWARD, Esquire. J. P. co. Bed- ford, High Sheriff 1899. Bom 1858, being the eldest son of the late James Howard, Esq., of Clapham Park, co. Bedford, M.P., by his wife Mahala Wendon, dau. of P. Thompson of Brook House, Great Bentley, co. Essex. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a chevron, between two garbs in chief and a tower in base or, an eagle dis- played sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree. Mantling gules and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, in front of an eagle displayed sable, holding in the beak an ear of wheat slipped or, a tower of the last. Motto— "Progress with prudence." Married, 1890, Mary, eldest dau. of Addison Potter, Esq., Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, of Heaton Hall, Newcastle-on- Tyne ; and has Issue — Addison James Howard, Gentleman, b. 1893. Seal — The Grange, Kempston, co, Bedford. PHILIP JOHN CANNING HOWARD, Esquire, Jus- tice of the Peace for the counties of Cumberland, Gloucester, Warwick, and Worcester. Bom March 14, 1853, being the only son of the late Philip Henry Howard, Esquire, of Corby Castle, Justice of the Peace, Deputy- Lieutenant, and Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, by his wife Eliza Minto (of Foxcote, in the county of Warwick), eldest daughter of Major John Canning, Honourable East India Company's Service, and niece of Francis Canning, Esquire, of Foxcote, in the county of Warwick. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly of six, i. gules, on a bend between six crosses crosslet fitchde argent, an escutcheon or, charged with a demi-lion rampant pierced through the mouth with an arrow, within a double tressure flory counter- flory gules (for Howard) ; 2. gules, three lions passant guardant in pale or, and in chief a label of three points argent (for Thomas of Brotherton) ; 3. chequy or and azure (for Warren) ; 4. gules, a lion rampant argent (for Mow- bray) ; 5. gules, three escallops argent, two and one (for Dacre) ; 6. barry of six argent and azure, three chaplets of roses gules (for Greystoke) ; impaling the arms of Con- stable-Maxwell, namely, quarterly, i. argent, an eagle displayed with two heads sable, beaked and membered gules, on his breast an escutcheon of the first charged with a saltire of the second, and surcharged with an urcheos or (for Maxwell) ; 2. quarterly i. and iiii. or, a saltire sable ; ii. and iii. argent, three urcheons sable (for Herries) ; 3. quarterly gules and vair, a bend or (for Constable) ; 4. azure, on a bend cotised argent, three billets sable (for Haggerston); in the centre of the quarters a crescent sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant guardant, the tail extended or, ducally crowned argent, gorged with a label of three points of the last. Motto — "Sola virtus invicta." Martied, February 4, 1875, Alice Clare, youngest daughter of Peter Constable-Maxwell, Esquire (by Helen Mary his wife, daughter of John Peter Bruno Bowdon of Southgate, in the county of Derby) ; and has Issue — Ursula Mary. Seats — Corby Castle, in the county of Cumberland, and Foxcote, near Shipston-on-Stour. Club — Athenaeum. Sir RICHARD NICHOLAS HOWARD, Knight Bachelor, Justice of the Peace. Bom 1831, being the only son of the late Nicholas Howard of Shaldon, in the county of Devon, by his wife Ann, daughter of William Sanders, also of Shaldon ; was Mayor of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, 1870, 1881-1884, and 1886, when he was dubbed a Knight Bachelor. Clubs — National Liberal, Royal Thames Yacht, New Thames Yacht. Livery — Dark blue with red trimmings, brass buttons, red waistcoat. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Per bend gules and sable, within two bendlets three quatrefoils, the whole between six crosses patonce fitchte all or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-wolf or, gorged with a is tlie Naval Cockade. 694 IDoto Ipoto cotlar gemel and charged on the body with two quatrefoils sable, holding between the paws an escutcheon gules, charged with a cross patonce fitch^e or ; with the Motto, "Fides et animus." Postal address — GrtcnhxW House, Weymouth, Dorset. ROBERT HOWARD, Esquire, Master of Arts, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Flint and Chester, High Sheriff 1861, Lord of the Manors of Shocklach, Horton, Cuddington, Caldecott, Chorlton, and Wigland. Bom July 14, 1827, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late John Howard of Brereton Hall, in the county of Chester, by his wife Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Aaron Clulow of Macclesfield. Livery — Claret, with white facings. Armorial bearln^^s — Gules, on a bend indented argent, between six cross crosslets fitchde or, three escallops azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, out of a lion's face affront^e or, a cross crosslet fitch^e gules, be- tween two wings of the last, each charged with a bend indented argent. MottO — " Virtus sine metu." Afarrud, May a6, 185a, Lucy Annaliella, only daughter of the Venerable Isaac Wood of Newton, Arclulcicon of Chester ; and has Jssue—(i) John Howard, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, born June 3, 1853 ; (2) Robert Moreton Howard, Gentleman, lx)rn February ai, 1855, died January 29, 1881 ; (3) Nugent Howard, (ieotle^ man, bom March 23, 1858; Mary; and Elizabeth. Seal— Broughton Hall, Malpas, in the county of Chester. Clui— Reform. ROBERT EDWARD HOWARD. Bom 1864, being the eldest son of the late Edward Carrington Howard, Esq., J. P., of Brinnington, by his first wife Margaret, diau. of Roliert Gill of Knotty Cross, near Liverpool. Armorial bearings— Barry of six or and azure, on a Iwnd ermine, lietween two crosses bottony fitch<5e gules, a lion couchant or, charged on the shoulder with an cstoile also guU^s. Mantling: azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wrcatfi of the colours, in front of a cross bottony fitchde gules, a lion couchant or, charged on the shoulder with an esloile also gules. Motto — " Per fidem omnia." W ROBERT MOWBRAY HOWARD, Esquire, J. P. and 9 I).L. Born May 23, 1854, being the third son of the late Henry Howard of Greystoke Castle, Cumljcrland, by Charlotte Caroline Georgiana his wife, eldest dau. of ibe late Henry Lawes Long of Hampton Lodge. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i, gules, on a bend between six cross crosslets fitchte argent, an escutcheon or, charged with a demi-lion rampant, pierced through the mouth by an arrow within a double tressure flory-counterflory of the first (for Howard) ; 2. gules three lions passant-guardant in pale or, in chief a label of three points argent (for Brotherton); 3. chequy or and azure (for Warren) ; 4. gules, a lion rampant or (for Fitzalan). Mantling gules and argent. Crests- 1. issuant from a ducal coronet or, a pair of wings gules, each charged with a bend Ixjtwecn six cross crosslets fitchfe argent ; 2. on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant, with tail extended or, gorged with a ducal coronet argent. Motto — "Sola virtus invicta." Married, Oct. 6, 1881, Louisa Georgina, eldest dau. of the late Rev. Walter Sneyd ; and has /ssue-{i) Henry Ralph Mowbray Howard, Gentleman, 6. June 18, 1883 ; (2) Lyulph Walter Mowbray Howard, Gentleman, d. Nov. 21, 1885; and Muriel Isabel Catharine. Seat — Hampton Lodge, Farnham, Surrey, C/a*x— Arthur's, Marlborough. S WILLIAM HOWARD, Esquire, J. P., Lieut. -Colonel commanding 2nd V.B. Essex Rcgt. Born Sept. 23, 1852. Armorial bearings— Pt-r pale gules and azur^o" a bend nebuly or, between four cross crosslets fitcbee 01 is the Military Cockade. 5)oto tt)oto 69s khe last, a crescent between two lions' beads erased of the second. Mantling gules and or. Creat— On a wreath of |;he colours, a lion passant azure, charged on the body with i;wo trefoils, holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslct itchte or. Married, April 29, 1879, Lily Margaret Sey- mour, only dau. of Jolin Fielde Jackson, by his wife Isabella i.VIatilda Mackellar ; and has Issue— [1) Alan Frederic IvVilliam Howard, Gentleman, Midshipman R.N., b. April :i, 1883; (2) Guy Robert Howard, Gentleman (Haileybury Pollege), b. Feb. 5, 1886 ; Dorotiiy Seymour ; Barbara iviackellar; and Sybil Madeline. Residence — Kingswode j-ioe, Colchester, Essex. HOWARD. Gules, on a bend or, between a fret couped jii chief and a cross crosslet in base both of the last, three j.nnulets vert. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a w ath of the colours, a lion rampant proper, charged on tl body with two annulets in pale vert, holding in the pvs a fret as in the arms, and resting the dexter hind paw Oi3S as linked in a herald's collar. ' Son of late Joseph Jackson Howard, Esq. , Maltravers Herald of Arms Extraordinary. LL.D., F.S.A., b. 1827 ; d. 1902 ; m. 1862, Ellen Clara, d. of J. West : — irthur Dashwood Howard, Gentleman, B.A. (Camb.). lt>., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), b. 1866; m. 1899, Wita Margaret, d. of W. Betts of Gately Hall, Norfolk. A ,— Fairlight, Hampton Hill, Middlesex. OWARD, of Ontario, Canada. Azure, a fesse argent, b veen in chief a passion-cross of the last between two fit s-de-lis or, and in base a catherine-wheel of the second. Ma"t1\.oV.& Place, Slough ; Boughton Park, Northampton. Clubs— Turf, White's, Naval and Military. HOWARTH, quartered by BARTLETT, HOWAT, see KIRKPATRICK-HOWAT. The Late DAVID GEMMILL HOWAT, Gentleman. Armorial bearings— Parted per pale sable and gules, a chevron between three owls or. Mantling gules and argent. is the Naval Cockade. 6i)6 Ipoto ^UD OrMt— On a wrenth of the colours, the sun in his splen- dour rising out of a cloud proper. Motto" Post tenebras lux." /fetiJmft —a Kev/Ttmcx, Glasgow. CHARLES HOWATSON of Dornal and Glenbuck. Ksquire, J. P. for co. Ayr. Horn 1833, being the eldest son of tlic Lite Williant Howatson of ( "rrders, Hon. Canon Carlisle. Born July 12, 1834, being le eldest son of Rev. Joseph Hudson, M.A. , Vicar of hillingham, Northumberland. Armorial bearing^ — Or, iree falchions barwise in pale sable, on a chief per pale ules and azure a cross moline between two cross crosslets tch^e argent. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a reath of the colours, a falcon wings displayed proper, eaked membered and belled or, collared azure, re- using the dexter claw on an escocheon gules charged ith a cross crosslet fitchfe argent. Married, August 1857, Mary Anne, dau. of John Unsworth of The home, Penrith ; and, secondly, Sept. 16, 1880, Emily alence, widow of Rev. H. W. Cookson, D.D. , Master f Peterhouse, Cambridge; and has Issue — (r) John (udson. Gentleman, b. June i, i860; (2) Ernest Hud- m, Gentleman, b. Oct. 21, (869 ; (3) Herbert Hudson, entleman, b. Dec. 23, 1875 ; 14) Austin Wells Eustace ludson. Gentleman, b. April 22, 1879; Mary; Gertrude arbara ; Mabel Jane ; and Elizabeth. Seat — Crosby 'ouse, Carlisle. Rear-Admiral JOSEPH SAMUEL HUDSON; served Burmese Campaign 1851-53, Baltic 1854, Black Sea and ;a of Azoff 1854-56 (Knight of Legion of Honour, and IS fifth class of Medjidie), China 1857- 1860. Born Oct. ', 1834, being the second son of Capt. John Hudson, .N., by his wife Emily Keith. Livery — Blue. Armorial aarings — Or, three falchions barways in pale sable, on a chief per pale gules and azure, a cross moline between two cross crosslets fitchde argent. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a falcon with wings displayed proper, lieaked, memliered, and belled or, collared azure, reposing the dexter claw on an escutcheon gules, charged with a cross crosslet fitch^e argent. Married, July 29, 1869, Mary Caroline Thornhill, widow, dau. of Gen. Charles Frederica Havelock ; and has Issue — Joseph Hudson, Gentleman, b. April i, 1876; and Emily. Resi- dence— Hyl\\&, Southampton. WILLIAM HEBARD HUDSON, Esquire, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Barrisier-at-Law, and formerly a Judge and Justice of the Peace in the Presidency of Bengal. Bom July 27, 1838, beinij the fifth son of the late John Corrie Hudson, formerly Chief Clerk of the Legacy Duty Office, Somerset House, by his wife Emily, daughter of James Hebard of Ewell, in the county of Surrey. Mr. Hudson claims decent from the family of Kirkpatrick of Closeburn, Dumfries, through his great-grandmother Mary, daughter of Thomas Kirkpatrick of Knock, born 1677. Clubs- Junior Carlton, Grosvenor (and all the Clubs in the North-West Provinces, India). Livery — Black and gold. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per chevron sable and or, in chief a garb of the last, and in base an estoile of the first ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a cock holding in the beak an acorn leaved and slipped, and lietween two ears of wheat all proper. Married, June i, 1865, Rosaline Walter, daughter of John Guy, Surgeon, of Golden Square, London. Pos- tal addresses — c/o Messrs. Grindlay & Company, 55 Parliament Street, Westminster ; c/o Messrs. Grindlay, Groom & Company, Bombay ; or Common Room, Lin- coln's Inn. HUDSON (H. Coll., 1900). Per chevron indented vert and argent, two escallops in chief of the last, and a lion sejant in base gules, supporting with the dexter paw a sword erect proper, pommel and hilt or. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an escallop argent, in front of a fasces in bend surmounting a sword in bend sinister proper, the pommel and hilt or, the whole between two buffalo-horns sable. Motto — "In tuis manibus Domine." Son of Henry Hudson, by his wife Anne Elizabeth, d. of William Hooton : — Arthur Hudson, Esq., M.A. (Oxon.), Puisne Judge for the Colony of Sierra Leone, b. 7 Jan. i86i ; tn. 1899, Mary is tbe Naval Cockade. 698 ?)Utl IDug Rose, d. of Capt. Donald Hay M^Darnet, 79th Rcgt. Jits. — aj Iveriia Court, Kenjiington, London, W. ; Miiamar, Sierra Leone. tVw*— Orosvmor. SSiR EDWARD HUDSON HUDSON-KINAHAN, second lioronct, of Ulcnvillc, in the county of Cork, Lieutenant aist Hussars (1887- 1896). Horn Novcmlier 3, 1865, bcin{; the son of Sir Edward Hudson- Kinahan, first Iknonet, by his wife Emily Isalx-lla, daughter of the Reverend Daniel Dickinson, Doctor of Divinity. Crtation — September a6, 1887. Club. — Junior Carlton, Cavalry. Armorial b«ariiig« — He bears for Arma: (Quarterly i and 4, per lx:nd azure and gules, on a cross coupcd argent, a fleur-de-lis s;ible (for Kinah.-in); 2 and 3 ix:r pile gules .and s;ible, on a fesse or, between three boars' heads coupcd argent, as many lions rampant of the second (for Hudson). Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a liaronet, is placed a helmet bctitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion r.ampant sable, holding in his paws a battle- axe proper, and charged on the shoulder with a cross, couped or (for Kinahan) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant gules, ch<-\rged with a cross couped or, and holding between the paws a boar's head of the arms (for Hudson). Supporters — On either side a lion per fesse, that on the dexter sable and gules, and on the sinister gules and s.ible, each scm6e oftrefoils slipped, plain col- lared, and charged on the shoulder with a tower all or. Motto — "Deo tidcns pcrsistas." //«> presumptive — His brother, Robert Henry Hudson-Kinahan, Esquire, born 187a. Seat — Glenville Ardnageehy, F"ermoy, in the co, of Cork. HUGHES, quartered by LE FLEMING. HUGHES, set G WYNNE-HUGHES. HUGHES (H, Coll.). Azure, within two chevronels or, between two mullets in chief and a horse rampant in base argent, three bezants and two fleurs-de-lis .-ilternately of the second. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of tlie colours, two horse-shoes azure, thereon a stag's head erased or ; with the Motto, " Faber quisque fortunaj sux." Son of Sir Edwin Hughes, b. 1832 ; d. ; m. 1853, Eleanor (who died 1872), d. of John Smith of Woolwich Arsenal : — Edward Talfourd Hughes, Esq., b, 29 Dec. 1855. /?w. — Oaklands, Woolwich. S FREDERIC JAMES ROBERT HUGHES, Esquire, formerly Lieut. 3rd Batt. Royal Irish Regt., served in South African Campaign. Bom Jan. 5, 1874, being the eldest son of the late Sir Frederic Hughes, Knight, of Ross- lare Fort and Barntown House, co. Wexford, J. P. and D.L., High Sherifl 1889, late Capt. 7th Madras Cavalry, and Knight of the Royal Persian Order of the Lion and Sun, F. R.G.S. , F. R.A.S. , by his second wife Theodosia, eldest dau. of Edward James, of Swarland Park, co. Northumberland. Armorial bearings — Or, on a chevron sable, between three griffins' heads erased gules, a fleur-de- lis between two mullets pierced of the field. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased gules, holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or. Motto — " Verus amor patria;." Married, 1902, Annie Martjiret, youngest dau. of William Bolton of The Island, Kilmuckridge, co. Wexford ; and has Issue — Eva Frederica. Residence — Bally-Cross, Bridgetown, co. Wex- ford. C/«3— Royal St. George Yacht (Kingstown). S GEORGE PRINGLE HUGHES, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, Deputy- Lieutenant, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, High Sheriff for the county of North- umberland 1890-1891. Born 1833, being the eldest son of George Hughes Hughes, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Margaret, daughter of W. A. Dunn. Clubs — Northumberland, Northern Counties. Livery — Green with light yellow facings. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per bend azure and gules, on a bend indented between two demi-lions couped argent, a rose of the second between two fleurs-de-lis of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert between two wings azure, a stork argent, licaked and legged gul« Estate and postal a(/ear erect or. Motto — "Semper Vigilans." Married, 1845, Ellen, dau. of Joseph Oldham of Stamford Hill, Middlesex ; and by her, who died 1885, has, with other surviving Issue — Montagu Edward Hughes- Hughes, Esq., J. P. for London, b. 1B53. Residence — 'The Quadrant, Highbury, London, N. HULL, quartered by MALET. EDMUND CHARLES PENDLETON HULL, Gentleman, J. P. for the Borough of Reigate. Born March I, 1840, being the third son of the late Rev. John Dawson Hull, Vicar of Wickhambrook, co. Suffolk, by his wife Alicia, dau. of Richard Benson, Esq., Capt. R.N., of Fathom Park, Newry, co. Down. Livery— 'BXne black, white collar and cuffs, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Sable, a chevron engrailed erminois, between three talbots' heads erased argent, a crescent for difference. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a talbot's head erased argent, gorged with a collar dan- celtde erminois, between two laurel branches proper. Motto — "Vi et virtute." Married, Aug. 29, 1879, Fanny .Maria, eldest daa of Rev. Archibald ^Eneas Julius, M.A. (St. John's Coll., Camb.) ; and has Issue— (1) "Trevor Julius Dawson Hull, Gentleman, b. June 24, 1880 ; (2) Leonard Stewart Benson Hull, Gentleman, b. July 13, 1883 • (1 Hul)ert Charles Ivlward Hull. tJentleman, b. Nov.' 18 1891 ; (4) Charles John Leslie Hull, Genilcnian, i. Sow 23, 1897; Winifred (Jrace Alicia; Milliccnt Mary HIanclic Evelyn Fanny Charlotte ; and Isabel Julia. 5use, one Faith." Married Fanny Cecilia, dau. of khax Clarence, Esq., High Sheriff of Natal; and has lue—[\) Jasper Done Clarence Hulley, Gentleman, b. 17; (2) Arthur Booth Hulley, Gentleman, un toun a. nrgent, on a chevron rules, between three cross crosslets (itcli^ sable, n fleur-de-lis or, all within a double tressure dory counter-flory of the second (for Kennedy of Culzean) ; 3. argent, on a saltire sable, ei^ht muscles of the ficUl, and in chief a star gules (for lilair); 4. argent, a shake-fork sable, and in chief a losc gules, surmounted by a mullet of the field (for Ciinninghamc of Brownhill), over all in the centre an escutcheon argent, charged with a sinister hand couped and apaumte gules for the title of Baronet. Mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for OrMt, a stag's head caltoshed proper. Sup- porters — Dexter, a dog of chase salient argent; sinister, an antelope springing proper, gorged wi^^ an open crown and a chain hanging thereat or. Motto — " Vigilantia, robur, voluptas." tieir presumptht — His brother Edward Hunter- Blair, Esq., of Blairquhan, Commander R.N. (retired), b. teith. C/i/^j— Royal Societies', Caledonian, United Service ( Edinburgh), Conservative ( Edinburgh). SThk Latk L1EUTKNANT-C01.ONEL GOULD READ HUNTER-WESTON of Hunterston. F.S.A.,]U, J. P. CO. Ayr, Knieht of Justice and Hon. ConmKuuler Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Horn 1833, being the son of James Willis Weston, Genileman Fof the family of Weston of Weston Lyzard and Hagley Hall, CO. Stafford], by his wife Anne, second dau. of the late John Crouch [of the family of Crouch of Corneybury CO. Herts], of Weymouth, co. Dorset ; served on I'oliiicai and StafT Employ, Capture of Durriabad Forts 1850, Out- break of Indian Mutiny, May and June 1857, Defence of Lucknow Residency 1857 (Brevet Majority), Alumbagh Capture of Lucknow 1858 [mentioned in despatches and March 1858 \m., July 6, 1886, Cecilia Dora, dau. of Sir William James Farrer of Sandhurst Lodge, in the co. of Berks, and has issue, James Hunter-Blair, Gentleman, b. May 7, 1889 ; and Gaspard Patrick Hunter-Blair, Gentle- man]. Postal address— 10^ Woodstock Road, Oxford. C/«*.f- Caledonian, Scottish Conservative (Edinburgh). WILLIAM HUNTER-MARSHALL, Gentleman, of Callander, in the county of Perth, Commissioner of Supply for that coupty, Member of the Royal Company of Archers. Born June 6, 1846, being the only' son of the late William Marshall of Callander, by Isabella his wife, dau. of Hugh Auld by Helen Dalr> mple his wife, dau. of John Carnegie of Kingslaw. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent, a saltire azure, between four laurel leaves slipped vert, a bordure sable (for Marshall) ; 2 and 3, gules, a hunting-horn stringed or, on a chief engrailed of the second, three mullets of the first (for Hunter of Cal- lander). Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a M a n t l i n g gules, doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dove holding in its beak an olive branch proper. Motto — " Et decerpta dabunt pdores." .ffj/a/,*— Callander. 5i The Drive, Brighton. Club — Windham. S NARCISSUS EDWARD HUSON, Esq., J.P. and D.L. CO. Wexford, late Lieut.-Col. 3rd Batt. R. Insh Regt. Born 1834, being the only son of the late Charles Huson, Esq., of Wexford, Capt. 45th Regt., by Sarah, second dau. of the late Thomas Markham of The Abbey, Kinsale, co. Cork. Armorial bearings— Argent, a hcari gules, on a chief engrailed azure, a fleur-de-lis of the firs'- Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a g is tHe Military cockade. JbU0 ^U0 711 lyreath of the colours, a harp azure, stringed or. Motto — ' Sursum corda." Married, 1865, Emily Elfrida, second uau. of John Nunn, Esq., J. P., of Silverspring, co. Wexford. ieat — Springfield, Wexford. HUSSEY, see STRONG-HUSSEY. ANTHONY ALOYSIUS STRONG HUSSEY, Esquire, P. Bom June 21, 1850, being the eldest son of the late M THOMAS HUSSEY, Esquire, late Colonel ist Somer- w set Light Infantry Militia, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Dorset. Bom Nov- ember 19, 1814, being the eldest son of John Hussey, by his wife Anne, daughter of William Daniel of Lyme, in the county of Dorset. C/«* —Carlton. /L/wrc— White, with crimson facings. Armorial bearinga— He bears for Arms : Quarterly of twenty-five, namely, i. barry of six ermine and gules, on a canton of the second a cross patonce argent (for alachi Strong Hussey, Esq., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff :57 ; by his wife Charlotte Isabella, second dau. of Richard ;tzgerald, of Muckridge House, Youghal. Armorial ■jarings- Barry of six ermine and gules, on a canton of v; last, a cross or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— 1 a wreath of the colours, a hind passant argent, on a )unt vert, and under a tree proper. Motto ~ " Cor immo- e." Married, Oct. 28, 1884, Mary, only dau. of Richard ;nry Shiel, of Liverpool ; and has a dau. Mary Mabel. at — Westown, near Balbriggan. Hussey) ; 2. azure, a pale lozengy or, between two flaunchcs of the last (for Daniel) ; 3. azure, an eagle displayed argent (for Cotton, otherwise Redware) ; 4. argent, a bend sable between three pellets (for Cotton, ancient) ; 5. azure, an eagle displayed argent ; 6. sable, three swords, two and one paleways proper, pommels and hilts or (for Waldechef) ; 7. or, six eagles displayed sable, a canton ermine (for Basing) ; 8. argent, three falcons gules, belled or (for Fal- coner) ; 9. sable, three owls or (for Thurcaston) ; 10. azure, two bars argent (for Venables) ; 11. or, a fesse azure (for is tbe Nayal Cockade. 7" IDus Q)ut Vernon) ; la. sable, a fesse danccu6c between three mullets argent (for Wcsenhnm) ; 13. azure, a saliirc and chief 01 (for Bruce of Connington) ; 14. or, a saltire and chief gules (for Bruce of Annandale) ; 15. or, three piles in point issuing from the chief gules (for David, Earl of Huntingdon) ; 16. or, a lion rampant within a double trcssurc tlory and counter- flory gules (for Scotland) ; 17. azure, a cross tlory between four martlets ot (for the Saxon kings of England) ; 18. azure, a lion rampant argent, a chief giues (for Waltheof, Earl of Northumberland) ; 19. gules, a saltire argent (for Aldred, Earl of Northumberland) ; ao. azure, six garbs, three, two and one or (for Kevelioc, Earl of Chester) ; ai. gules, a lion rampant argent (for Gemons, Earl of Chester); aa. or, a lion rampant gules (for Meschines, Earl of Chester) ; 23. azure, a wolfs head erased argent (for Lupus, Earl of Chester) ; 24. sable, a double-headed eagle displayed or (for Algar, Earl of Leicester) ; 35. or, a chevron between three leopards' faces gules (for Harvey). Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boot sable, spurred or, turned over ermine, sur- mounted by a heart proper, supported by two arms embowed in armour, the hands gauntleted also proper ; with the Motto, "Cor immobyle." Estates — Impropriate Rectory of Crewkerne, in the county of Somerset ; Manor Farm of Mosterton, and Bredy and Graston Farms, all in the county of Dorset. Postal address — Highcliffe, Lympstone, E>evon. HUSSEY (U.O.). Barry of six ermine and gules, on a canton of the last, a cross or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a hind passant argent under a tree proper. Motto — "Cor immobile." Son of Edward Horatio Hussey, Esq., J. P., of Rath- kenny, b. 1807; d. 1876; m. 1840, Hon. Frederica Maria Louisa Irby, d. of 4th Lord Boston : — Algernon Frederick Edward Thomas Hussey, Gentle- man, b. 1849. Seat — Rathkenny, Slane, co. Meath. S AMBROSE DENIS HUSSEY - FREKE, Esquire, M.A., J. P. and D.L. co. Wilts. Bom Jan. 13, 1836, being the eldest son of Ambrose Hussey, Esq., of The Hall, Salisbury, in the county of Wiltshire, Niember of Parliament for Salisbury, by his wife Barbara Alicia, daughter of Daniel Eyre of The Close, Salisbtiry [and grandson of James Hussey of Salisbury]; assumed, September i, 1863, by Royal License, the additional surname and arms of Freke. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, sable two bars, and in chief three mullets or, and for distinction a canton of the last {for Freke) ; 2 and 3 barry of six ermine and g^les pyer pale counterchanged, on a canton of the second, a cross patonce argent (for Hussey), and upon an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Freke without the marks of distinction. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a bull's head couped sable, collared and chained or, charged for distinction with a cross crosslet gold (for Freke) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a boot sable, spurred or, and turned over ermine, surmounted by a heart proper, supjjorted by two arms embowed in armour, hands gaunt- leted also proper (for Hussey). Married, October 9, 1862, Florence Mary Spencer, only child and heiress of the late Colonel Freke, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, of Hannington Hall; and has Issue — (i) Ambrose Raufe Eyre Hussey-Freke, Esq., J. P. co. Wilts, bom January 27, 1865 [married, 1890, Agnes, youngest daughter of the late James Hussey of The Close, Salisbury] ; (2) Denis James Hussey-Freke, Gentleman, born October 25, 1866; (3) Frederick Hussey-Freke, Gentleman, born 1875; ^4! Percy Edward Hussey-Freke, Gentleman, born 1877 ; (5) Ambrose Eyre Hussey-Freke, Gentleman, born 1880; (6) Bertrand Hussey-Freke, Gentleman, born 1881 ; (7) Eric John Hussey-Freke, Gentleman, born 1883 ; Florence Barbara ; Ruth Katharine Margaret ; Monica Mary Georg- ina ; Alicia Gertrude Louisa ; Florence Beatrice, died May I, 1873; Constance Mary; and Dorothy. Seats — Han- nington Hall, Highworth ; and The Hall, Salisbury, both in the county of Wiltshire. SThe Late RICHARD HUSSEY-HUSSEY, Es- quire, J.P. and D.L. for the county of Hunts I (High Sherift 1878). Bom 1815, Iwing the son of late Vice-Admiral Sir Richard Hussey- Hussey. K.( (J.C. M.G., of Woodwalton, Hunts, by Emma, dan Willinm Hobson of Markfield. Club — Oxlord and ( bridge. Armorial bearings— Quarterly , per a cross of |h or and gules, in the first and fourth quarters a cross a/ in the second and third three lions passant gnardant twn one gold, in the centre chief point, as an honour.ihle . mentation, a plate charged with the turlxin of an On of the Mogul Empire proper. Mantling gules and or ; for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a hind trip] proper, gorged with a ducal coronet and chamed or. h dences — 39 Brunswick Terrace, Brighton; and Upwi Hunts. vm^ VALENTINE JOHN HUSSEY-WAIiiH, Gentls Barrister-at-Law, Private Secretary to Postmaster-Gfl (1900-02). Bom i86a, being the eldest son of Hussey-Walsh, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Craii and Mulhussey, co. Roscommon, by his wife K! dau. of Valentine O'Brien O'Connor, D.L. , of Kirkhcui, CO. Dublin, and Bailey kisteen, co. Tipi)erary. Livery— Dark blue, with red binding. Armorial bearinga— Quarterly i and 4, argent, a chevron gules between three broad-arrowheads, points upwards sable (for Walsh); 2 and 3 barry of six ermine and gules, on a canton of the last a cross or, a crescent for difference (for Hussey). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a swan pierced through the back and breast with a dart all proper. Motto — " Transfixus sed non mortuus." HUTCHINSON, quartered by LLOYD-VAUGHAN. HUTCHINSON, see PARKER-HUTCHINSON, HUTCHINSON. HELY- HUTCHINSON, and BROWN-SYi it^^ HUTCHINSON. Per pale nebuly azure and gules, three cross crosslets in pale or, between two lions rampant respecting each other argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bloodhound statant proper, holding in the mouth a cross crosslet or, and sup porting with the dexter forepaw an escutcheon azure, thereon a sun rising from the base also or. Livery— o\\k, silver buttons. is tbe Military Cockade. f^ut ©ut 713 Son of late Alan William Hutchinson, Esq., J. P., of Hollingside, Durham, by his wife Sarah (she m. 2ndly, John Fogg-Elliott, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Elvet Hill, I Durham), d. of late Thomas Tate of Bank House, Northumberland : — Alan Hutchinson, Esq., J. P. co. Durham, d. 4 April ,1854 ; m. 10 Oct. 1895, Mary Katherine, second d. of late Rev. Edward A. Wilkinson, M.A. , J. P., Vicar of Whitworth ^by his wife Edith Rosa, only d. of late Robert Duncombe Bhafto. Esq., J. P. and D.L., M.P. for North Durham, of KVhitworth Park) ; and has issue — (i) Alan Edward Hutchin- [ion. Gentleman, d. 24 July 1896; (2) Miles Middleton 'Hutchinson, Gentleman, 6. 7 Sept. 1897; (3) John Francis |3aring Hutchinson, Gentleman, l>. 9 Aug. 1902. Estate — liiding Hills, co. Durham. J?es. — Tudhoe House, Durham. iuis — Oxford and Cambridge, County (Durham). S HENRY ORMEROD HUTCHINSON, Esquire, J.P. for CO. Lancaster, formerly Major ist Vol. Batt. Lanca- shire Fusihers, V.D. Born Oct. 20, 1849, being the fourth on of Wm. Hutchinson, Esq., of Bury, Lancashire, J.P. [or CO. Lancaster, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Richard liodgson of Ashfield, Manchester. Livery — Buff and ed waistcoat and brass buttons. Armorial bearings — buarterly azure and gules, a lion rampant erminois, [.rithin four cross crosslets argent, and as many bezants llternately in orle. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — bn a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head affront^e, puped at the shoulders proper, wreathed about the temples [rgent and azure, and charged upon the breast with a cross |at6e sable, between a branch of laurel on the dexter side ind a branch of oak fructed on the sinister, both also frojjer. Motto — " Perseverando. " Married, April 15, I380, Elisabeth Clegg, dau. of John Clegg of Kents- prd House, Grange-»rd Sands; and has Issue — (i) John ummerscales Hutchinson, Gentleman, b. Sept. 2, 1882, ieutenant rst Battalion South Lancashire Regiment ; (2) fenry Ernest Hutchinson, Gentleman, b. Dec. 8, 1884; l) Francis Ormerod Hutchinson, Gentleman, b. April 7, \T&h. Armorial bearings ( H. Coll. , Jan. 1819)— Quarterly azure and gules, a lion rampant erminois within four cross crosslets argent, and as many bezants alternately in orle ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head aflfront^e, couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed about the temples argent and azure, and charged upon the breast with a cross pat^e sable, between a branch of laurel on the dexter side and a branch of oak fructed on the sinister, both also proper; with the Motto, "Per- severando." Married, September 11, 1882, Emily, eldest daughter of the late Captain Hudson, Royal Navy, of Flixton, in the county of Suffolk. Postal address — The Hirsel, Leamington, Warwickshire. Club — Conservative. WILLIAM HUTCHINSON, Gentleman. Bom Feb. 27, 1872, being the eldest son of the late John Heap Hutchinson, by his wife Fanny Elise, dau. of George Peplow Forwood of Liverpool. Armorial bearings- Quarterly azure and gules, a lion rampant erminois within four cross crosslets argent, and four bezants alternately in orle. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head aftront^e, couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed about the temples argent and azure, and charged upon the breast with a cross pat^ sable, between a branch of laurel on the dexter and a branch of oak frucled on the sinister also proper. MottO— " Perseverando." Married, 1901, Asta Charlotta, youngest dau. of John Harvey Broadbent, English Consul at Diissel- dorf, Germany ; and has Issue— ]ohn Harvey Hutchinson, Gentleman, 6. 1903. Residence — Whitegate, Bebington, Cheshire. S WILLIAM ARTHUR HUTCHINSON, Esquire, J.P. for the Isle of Man, Member of the House of Keys, Captain of the Parish of Marown, Isle of Man. Born May 11, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Frederick Hutchinson of The Groves, Isle of Man, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of the late Thomas Drury of Snugborough, Isle of Man. Club — Junior Con- stitutional. Ltvery — Dark blue. Armorial bearing^ — t is the Naval Cockade. 714 mt JDut Quarterly aiure and fOil<». a Hon rampant crminois within four cross crosslcts argent and four Iwzants alternately in orle. Mantltng asure and or; and for the Oreit, on a wreath of the coloiu^, a Saracen's head couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed about the temples argent and azure, charged on the breast with a cross pat(^e sable be- tween a branch of laurel on the dexter and a branch of oak fructed on the sinister also proper. Married, Oct. 12, 1882, Margaret, second dau. of Robert Paterson of Rock Ferry, Cheshire, J. P. for the Borough of Birkenhead, and Mayor of Birkenhead 1883 and 1884; and has Issue — Four daughters, Elsie ; Mona Margaret ; Florence ; and Nancy. Estates — The Groves, and Snugborough, Isle of Man. Postal address — The Groves, near Douglas, Isle of Man. M WILLIAM PEISLEY HUTCHINSON-LLOYD- 9 VAUGHAN, Esq., J.P. and D.L. (High Sherift 1874). Bom April 28, 1844, being the only child of the late Samuel Dawson Hutchinson, Esq., J. P., of Mount Heaton, by Mary, only child and heir of the late John Lloyd of Parsonstown [and of Martha, sister of William Peisley Vaughan, Esq., of Golden Grove, whose name Mr. Hut- chinson assumed by Royal License, as well as that of his father-in-law]. Clubs — University, Sackville Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings — Quarterly of nine, i. quarterly, i. sable, a chevron between three boys' heads couped at the shoulders argent, crined or, round the neck of each a snake entwined proper (for Vaughan) ; ii. paly of eight argent and gules, a border or, pellettte (for Lloyd of Gloster) ; iii. erminois, a lion rampant azure, ducally crowned argent (for Medhop) ; iiii. quarterly gules and azure, crusily fitch^e or, a lion rampant argent (for Hutchinson) ; 2. quarterly gules and azure, crusily fitchte or, a lion rampant argent (for Hutchinson) ; 3. paly of eight argent and gules (for Lloyd of Bodidris) ; 4. gules, a lion rampant argent (for Grono ap Sevan) ; 5. p)er bend sinister ermine and ermines, a lion rampant or (for Trevor) ; 6. erminois, a lion rampant azure, ducally crowned argent (for Medhop) ; 7. vert, a saltire or, an annulet of the last for difference (for Le Hunte) ; 8. sable, a chevron argent, between three boys' heads coujsed at the shoulders, round the neck of each a snake entwined , all proper (for Vaughan) ; 9. gules, a lion rampant or, ducally crowned of the last, in the dexter chief point a cross crossUn fitch(^ argent ; and impaling the arms of Darby, namely azure, on a chevron argent, lictween three garbs or, a naval coronci of the first between two anchors sable, pendent in ihc cenin- chief by a rilKind of the second fimbriated of the (i. • representation of the gold modal conferred upon .A.h Sir H. D'Esterre Darby. Mantling sable and argent ; for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a boy s head couped at the shoulders, crined or, round the neck a snake entwined proper (for Vaughan) ; a. upon a wrenth ' the colours, a lion rampant argent, holding in the d fore-paw a snake proper (for Lloyd) ; 3. on a duml < . or, a cockatrice, wings addorscd, proper (foi son). Mottoes -" Innocentiainfantis, sapientia and " Vita; via virtutis." Married, PMg. ^,\ibj Henrietta, dau. of William Henry Darby of I^eap Castle, King's Co. Seat — Golden Grove, Roscrea, King's Co. S JAMES THOMAS HUTCHISON. Esquire, J.P. for the cos. of Midlothian and Kinross, D.L. for Kinross, Brigadier of the Royal Company of Art the King's Body Guard for Scotland. Bom 1839, !,.... the second son of Thomas Hutchison, Esq., J. P., oi Carlowrie, in the county of Linlithgow, by his wife Jan'-, daughter of Robert Wylie. Clubs — Junior Constitmi Caledonian United Service (Edinburgh), and Scotiisl, servative (Edinburgh). Z-twry— Blue and silver. Anno: bearings — He bears for Anns : Argent, three arrows poiius downwards, meeting in base proper, surmounted of a f^' azure, charged with a fox courant also proper, a bor- also azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a heliiiel 1' ting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled arj; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a m head erased proper, attired or ; with the Motto, "Sck laborisque memor." Married, 1879, Isabella Harris S is the Military Coclowle. ^ut ^ut 7«5 (elder daughter of the late Reverend Edward Burch Field, (J. P., D L., of Moreland, in the county of Kinross, and jThorncote, in the county of Bedford. Estates — Moreland h.nd Hardiston, both in the county of Kinross. Resi- Hences — 12 Douglas Crescent, Edinburgh; and Moreland, [Kinross, N.B. i THOMAS WALTER HUTCHISON, Gentleman. Bom 1886, being the son of the late 'I'homas Hutchison, by his wife Jeanie, eldest dau. of Walter Wylie, Esq., i)f Rosebank. Armorial bearings Argent, three arrows points downwards meeting in base proper, surmounted i)f a fesse azure charged with a fox courant also proper. lHantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of (lis liveries is set for Crest, a stag's head erased proper, pUared or. Motto —" Scientise, laborisque memor." Postal address —CaxXovirK, Kirkliston, N.B. ALEXANDER HUTH, Esquire. Born Dec. 23. 1838, »eing the eldest son of Charles Frederick Huth, Esq., of pakhurst, in the co. of Kent [and to whom refer], by jis wife Frances Caroline, dau. of Sir Chapman Marshall, iOrd Mayor of the City of London in the year 1839. fjrmorial bearings (H.'Coll. 1822)— Argent, two chev- pnels gules, in chief a human heart of the last, and in base [hat sable with an ostrich feather proper ; and for a Crest, jiree sprigs of oak erect proper, each bearing an acorn or. yarried, August 19, 1870, Gesnalda Margherita Maria, jaughter of Signor Milani of Rome ; and has Issue — (i) l.ancelot Arthur Huth, Gentleman, born September 5, 375 ; (2) Galahad John Huth, Gentleman, born 1883 ; nid Agnes ; Vivian Josephine Maria ; and Elaine. ALFRED HENRY HU TH, Gentleman. Born January [, 1850, being the second son of the late Henry Huth, squire, Deputy-Lieutenant of Wykehurst, in the county of jssex, by his wife Augusta Louisa Sophia, daughter of rederick von Westenholz. Cluhs — Athenasum, Roxburghe. ivery — White coat with red facings, red and white Hped waistcoat, red breeches, white stockings. Armorial parings (H. Coll. 1822) — Argent, two chevronels gules, I chief a human heart of the last and in base a hat sable th an ostrich feather proper, impaling the same arms of uth, namely argent, two chevronels gules, in chief a human jart of the last and in base a hat sable with an ostrich ither proper ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, ■ee sprigs of oak erect proper, each bearing an acorn or ; th the Motto, " Animus non res." Married, January 16, 72, Octavia, daughter of Charles Frederick Huth, Esquire whom refer]. Postal address — Fosbury Manor, near mgerford. f EDWARD HUTH, Esquire, J.P. and D.L for the co. * of Sussex (High Sheriff 1896-97), and Master of Arts of the University of Oxford. Bom January 8, 1847, being the eldest son of the late Henry Huth, Esquire, E)eputy- Lieutenant, of Wykehurst, in the county of Sussex, by his wife Augusta Louisa Sophia, daugiiter of Frederick von Westenholz. Clubs — New University, Union, and Garrick, Livery — Plain black coat and trousers, red waistcoat, drab greatcoat, silver buttons. Armorial bearings (H. Coll. 1822) — Argent, two chevronels gules, in chief a human heart of the last, and in base a hat sable with an ostrich feather proper ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, three sprigs of oak erect proper, each bearing an acorn or ; with the Motto, "Anirnus non res." Married, February 29, 1876, Edith Wilhelmina, fourth daughter of the late Rev. Frederick Anthony Stansfeld Marshall, Vicar of Great Easton, in the county of Leicester ; and has Issue — (i) Geoffrey Edward Huth, Gentleman, b. Aug. 6, 1878, Lieut. Coldstream Guards; (2) Austin Henry Huth, Gentleman, b. Oct. 13, 1881 ; Helen Beatrix ; and Rosalind Mary. Estate and postal address — Wykehurst Park, Hayward's Heath, Sussex. Town residence — 48 Eaton Square. S.W. S FERDINAND MARSHALL HUTH, Esquire, D.L. and High Sheriff for the county of London 1894. Bom August 10, 1840, being the second son of the late Charles Frederick Huth, Esq., of Oakhurst, co. Kent, by his wife Frances Caroline, dau, of Sir Chapman Marshall, Lord Mayor of the City of London in the year 1839. Armorial bearing^ (H. Coll. 1822) — Argent, two chevronels gules, in chief a human heart of the last, and in base a hat sable with an ostrich feather proper. Crest — Three sprigs of oak erect proper, each bearing an acorn or. Married, Nov. 2, 1865, Caroline Locke, eldest dau. of Bonamy Dobree ; and has Issue — Harry Alexander Huth, b. 1867 ; Evelyn Caroline Locke ; and Constance Mary. Postal addresses — 44 Upper Grosvenor Street, London, W. ; and Eaglehurst, Fawley, Southampton. Clubs — St. James's, Union, Royal Yacht Squadron (Cowes). FREDERICK HENRY HUTH, Esquire, formerly Capt. King's Dragoon Guards. Born February 22, is the Naval Cockade. 7i6 Dut ^Ut 1844, \mng the third son of Chnrles Frederick Huth, Esquire, of Oakhurst, in the county of Kent (and to whom refer), by his wife Frances Caroline, daughter of Sir Chapman Marshall, I^rd Mayor of the City of London in the year 1839. Armorial bearlngt— (H. Cull. iSaa)— Argent, two chevronels gules, in chief a human heart of the last, and in base a hat sable with an ostrich feather proper ; and for a Oreit, three sprigs of oak erect proper, each bearing an acorn or. Married, October 7, 1865, Manucla Caroline, daughter of Augtistus Herman Kinderman ; and has Issue — (i) Philip Stansfold Huth, Gentleman, b. Oct. la, 1870; (a) Sydney Francis Huth, Gentleman, *. July II, 1878; (3) Harold Huth, Gentleman, b. Dec. 6, 1879; (4) Charles Frederick Huth, Gentleman, b. Dec. ai, 1881 ; (5) Roland Huth, Gentleman, b. Oct. a7, 1883 ; Manuela Teresa ; Josephine ; Violet ; Gertrude Fernanda ; Margaret Sofia (died 1899) ; and Marian. Seats — Oakhurst, Tunbridge Wells; Beckford House, Lansdown Crescent, Bath. Clubs — Union, Bath and County (Bath). LOUIS HUTH, Esquire, who served the oflfice of High Sheriff for the county of Sussex in the year 1878. Born 1821, being the fifth son of Frederick Huth, Knight of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order, by his wife Manuela Philippa, daughter of Don Antonio Mayfren. Clubs — Union, St. James's. Armorial bearings (H. Coll. iSaa)— Argent, two chevronels gules, in chief a human heart of the last, and in base a hat sable with an ostrich feather projser ; and for a Crest, three sprigs of oak erect proper, each bearing an acorn or. Married, April 11, 1855, Helen Rose, fourth daughter of Thomas Ogiivy of Corrimony, in the county of Inverness. Estate and postal address — Passingwonh Manor, Waldron, Sussex. PERCIVAL HUTH, Gentleman. Bom October 30, 1851, being the fourth son of Charles Frederick Huth, Esquire, of Oakhurst, in the county of Kent (and to whom refer), by his wife Frances Caroline, daughter of Sir Chap- man Marshall, Lord Mayor of the City of London in the year 1839. Armorial bearings (H. Coll. iSaa)— Argent, two chevronels gules, in chief a human heart of the last, and in base a hat sable with an ostrich feather proper; and for a Crest, three sprigs of oak erect proper, each bearing an acorn or. Married, January 11, 1876, Marinn daughter of the Reverend George W. Dodd ; and has hsut — Three sons and three daughters. Postal address~¥nih- ford Manor House, Freshford, Bath, HUTTON, quartered by FLOYER. ARTHUR EDWARD HILL HUTTON. Gentleman Barrister-at-Law, Middle Temple. Bom March 17, igtsi being the second but only surviving sed gules, within a chain in arch or (for Lovibond) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a leopard's face or, in front of a sword in pale f)oint down- wards proper, pommel and hilt or, between two wings sable (for Impey). MottO — " Leges jura que servo." Married, first, 1846, Harriot, dau. of Baldwin Duppa Duppa_ of HoUingbourne, Kent ; second, 1854, Clara, dau. of' F. Hanks of Illinois (and grand-dau. of the late Morris Birk- beck of Wanborough, Surrey) ; and has Issue — Archibald Edmund Impey-Lovibond, Gentleman, late Lieut. 4th Batt. Essex Regt. , b. 1861. Estate — Hatfield Peveril and Sandon, Essex. Residence — Newhall, Ardleigh, Essex. INCE, quartered by WALMESLEY. INCE, see WHITTINGTON-INCE. SJOHN INCE, Esquire, M.D. (St. Andrews), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.S.A., Surgeon-Major (retired) Indian Army. Born March 10, 1830, being the second son of Samuel Ince [d. 1874), by his wife Sarah Bradfer (d. 1836). Livery— Dark blue, with gilt buttons. Armorial bearings— Argent, three torteaux bendwise between two fleurs-de-lis gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a horse argent, holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert, resting the dexter foreleg on a caduceus erect proper. Motto—" Labore et scientia." Married, Jan. 12, 1871, Kate Montgomerie Davenport, only dau. of Frederick Montgomerie Davenport Davidson, formerly of Barking, Essex ; and has surviving Issue— ]dhn Samuel Ince, Gentle- man, b. Jan. 17, 1875. Residence — U-orHdigae. House, Swanley, Kent. INDERWICK (H. Coll.). Azure, on a fess invected argent, between three thistles leaved and slipped proper, a stag trippant of the last between two bugle-horns stringed sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-man affront^ proper, habited, cap adorned with a feather vert, collar and cuffs argent, belt and girdle proper holding in the dexter hand a heart gules, and resting the sinister hand upon a knife point downwards also proper. Motto — " Sapienter et sincere." Son of F. A. Inderwick. Esq. , Barrister-at-Law and a Bencher of the Inner Temple, Q.C., J. P. and D.L. co. is the Naval Cockade. 2 z 79S 3lng 3lnn Sussex, F.S.A., Mayor of Winchelsea 1893-93 and 1896-97, M.V. for Rye 1880 85, i. 1836; . Seat — Mariteau House, Winchelsea, Rye, Sussex. Town residence — 8 Warwick Square, S.W. His Honour ROBERT WOOD INGHAM. Esquire, J. P. and D.L., Barrister-at Law, County Court Judge. Bo$^ 1846, being the second son of Sir James Taylor Ingham, J. P., by his wife Gertrude, dau. of James Penrose of Woodhill, CO. Cork. Armorial bearings— Per pale or and vert, on a cross moline gules, a mascle of the first, in chief two fleurs-de-lis, each within a mascle counter- changed. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from a cloud in the sinister, an arm embowed in armour, entwined by a serpent proper charged with two mascles or, grasping a sword also proper. Mar- ried, 1876, his cousin Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. J. D. Penrose of Woodhill, co. Cork ; and has Issue — (i) James Geoffrey Penrose Ingham, Gentleman, b. 1879; (2) Robert John Fitzgerald Ingham, Gentleman, b. 1880 ; (3) Oliver Edward Uniacke Ingham, Gentleman, b. 1883 ; (4) Wilfred Rawdon Ingham, Gentleman,^. 1887; (5) Lancelot Gordon Ingham, Gentleman, b. 1889 ; Louisa Gerald ine ; and GCTtrude Katherine. Seat — Sugwas Court, Eaton Bishop, CO. Hereford. GEORGE INGLE, Gentleman. Armorial bearin^rs— Sable, three pallets engrailed ermine, each charged with a sword erect, pommel and hilt or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm in bend proper, charged with an acorn leaved and slipped vert, the hand grasping a sword in bend sinister of the first, pommel and hilt or, the trunk of a tree fesse- ways, eradicated, and sprouting to the dexter also proper. Motto — "Disce pati." Seat —'Eaion Socon, co. Bedford. INGLESBY (H. Coll.). Per fesse gules and azure, a fesse embattled between in chief two hand-grenades or. and in base an oak-tree fructed proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a horse forcen^ or, holding in the mouth a sprig of oak fructed proper, and resting the sinister forefoot on an escutclieon axure, charged with a hand-grenade as in the arms Motto — "Vmcit qui patilur." Livery— UaxV blue, polj facings. Son of Major Thomas James Camplicll Inglesliv *. 183a ; d. 1889 ; m. 1856, Mary Anne, d. 0? John Bell : — Thomas John James Inglesby, Esq.. Lt.-Col. Prince Alfred's Own Cape Field Artillery, V.D., *. 1859 • «, 1886, Florence, d. of Major Philip John Stigant ; and has issue— (i) Percy Inglesby, Gentleman, b. 1898; May Maud ; and Beatrice. Nes. — Haslemere, Seapoint, nr Cape Town, South Africa. C/«*j— Imperial Service, Civil Service (Cape Town). ANTHONY INGLIS. Esquire, J. P. Armorial bear- ings— Azure, a lion rampant argent on a chief or. three arrows banded together points downwards between two mullets gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest Oti a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant lu-geni, anned and langued gules, holding in his dexter paw a mullet al>o gules. Motto— " Recte faciendo securus. ' M WILLIAM RAYMOND INGLIS, Esquire, Ctpt. © Norfolk Regt. Bom May 2a, 1862, being the soii of William Inglis, C.B., Lieut. -Gen. in the Array (Hon. Gen.), formerly of 57th and 9th Regts., J. P. and D.L. co! Cambridge, by his wife Mary, dau. of Hector William Bower Monro of Edmondsham, Dorset. 6/1/^— Army and Navy. Armorial bearings — Azure, a lion rampant within a bordure argent, on a chief or, three mullets of the first, on a canton gules, the Peninsular gold cross and riland proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent. Motto— "Nobllis est ira leonis." Married, April 27, 1886, Ethel Henriaiia. only dau. of Major-Gen. T. F. Dixon, late 39th Regt. ; and has Issue — (i) Alexander Raymond Inglis, Gentleman, b. April 25, 1887; (2) Thomas Archibald Inglis, Gentleman, b. Jan. 6, 1890 ; Ethel Mary ; and Irene Margaret. INGOLDSTHORPE, quartered by DU MOUM.N- BROWNE. INGRAM, quartered by RAMSDEN. INGRAM, see MEYNELL-INGRAM. ERNEST STOBART INMAN, Gentleman. Born March 31, 1852, being the eldest son of the late William Inman of Upton Manor, Birkenhead, Cheshire, by his wife Anne Brewis, dau. of William Stobart of Picktree, CO. Durham. Armorial bearings — Vaird argent and vert, on a chevron colised or, three roses gules, barbed, seeded, and slipped proper. Mantling vert and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a wyvern vert, wingeed vert, l>an(led gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a sheaf of nine holly leaves vert ; and for his Supporters, two savages wreathed alxjut the he.\d and middle with holly, each carry- ing in their hands a baton all proper ; with the Hotto, " Sub sole sub umbra virens." Stat — Drum Castle, Drum- oak, in the county of Aberdeen. MARY AGNES IRVINE. Widow, only child of John Ramsay, Esquire, of Barra [to whom refer]. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Argent, three small sheaves or bundles of holly, two and one, each consisting of as many leaves slipped vert, and impaling the arms of Ramsay of Barra, namely quarterly i and 4 argent, an eagle dis- played sable, surmounted of a fesse of the field, charged with three stars of six points wavy azure 2 and 3 argent, three stars of six points wavy azure, in the centre chief a mullet gules, within a Ixirdure chequy invected of the second and first. Supporters — Two savages wreathed about the head and middle with holly, each carrying in their hands a baton all proper. Married, Nov. 18, 1880, Francis Hugh Forbes Irvine, Esq., of Drum, in the county of Aberdeen, Justice of the Peace, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, who died July 1894 ; and has Issue — (i) Alexander Forbes Irvine, Gentleman [to whom refer]; (2) Quentin Hugh Innes Irvine, Gentleman. Seat — Straloch, Barra Castle, Aberdeen. Postal address — Drum Castle, Drum- oak, Aberdeenshire. IRVINE (H. Coll., 1882). Or, on a chevron azure, between three sheaves of holly each consisting of three leaves vert, banded gules, an anchor erect with cable of the first between two dolphins embowed proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of two anchors saltireways with cables or, a dolphin embowed proper. Motto — " Moderatadurant." Son of late Robert Irvine, Gentleman, d. ; d. 1901 ; m. Louisa, d. of Edward Foster : — Edward Foster Irvine, Esq., Capt. 4th D.R.G.A. (Vols.), b. 1875; m. 1900, Florence Laurie, d. of lohn Richardson and has issue— Joan Foster. /?«. — 36 rerncrofl Avenue Hampstead, London, N.W. THOMAS IRVINE, Esquire, J. P. for the county of the city of Liverpool. Bom Dec. 15, i8i8, t)eing the second but only surviving son of Patrick Irvine and his wife Susan, dau. of James Minahan of Kins.ilo, co. Cork Livery— DarV. green. Armorial bearings — Parted |)rr chevron argent and vert, three holly leaves all counter- charged. Mantling vert and argent. Crest— On a wreaiti of his liveries, a holly wreath proper. Motto— "Sub sole sub umbra virens." Married, firstly, Sept. 15, 1845, Isabella, dau. of Robert Pratt of Aberdeen ; and secondly, June 9, 1853, Isabella, dau. of David Gilkison, Esq., J. P. for CO. Renfrew; and has surviving Issue— Dav\d Gilkison Irvine, Gentleman, 6. July 26, i860; Isabella; Elizabeth Wood [m. Rev. John Charles Trevelyan, Vicar of St. Saviour's, Luton]; and Edith Mary. Residence— Gkn Huntly, Aigburth Road, Liverpool, Ciuis — National Liberal, Reform (Liverpool). IRVING, see WINTER-IRVING. JANETTE EMILIA IRVING, third and youngest' dau. of Rev. Matthew Irving, D.D. (Camb.), Canon of Rochester and Rector of St. Mary's, Chatham. Armo- rial beaj^gs — On a lozenge, per fesse indented argent and gules, two branches of laurel saltireways vert, fructed of the second, between as many roses in pale countercbangcd barbed and seeded projjer. SJOHN BEAUFIN IRVING, Esquire, J.P. co. ol Dumfries, Col. formerly in the 4th King's Own Regt, the Military Train, and the A.S.C. ; Col. late commanding 3rd Batt. the Manchester Regt. Born 1844, twing the eldest son of John Beaufin Irving of Ironshore and Hart- field, Jamaica, and his wife Diana Charlotte, third dau, of Jonathan Williamson, of Lakelands, co. Dublin. Anno- rial bearings— Argent, three holly leaves proper, in the middle chief a crescent gules. Mantling vert and argent Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mailed gauntieted j hand proper, charged on the wrist with a crescent gules, and holding a branch of holly consisting of seven leaves fructed is the Military Cockade. 31trto 310a 7aS ioper. Motto— " Hand ullis labentia ventis." Married, ps, Agnes, eldest dau. of Joseph Corke, Esq., of Staple- 'irst, Kent ; and has Issue — (i) John Beaufin Irving, Gentle- an, b. 1875 ; (2) Robert Beaufin Irving, Gentleman, idshipman R.N.R., b. 1877; and five daughters. Seats tBonshaw Tower, Ecclefechan ; Bickington Lodge, jirmington, N. Devon. Club — Primrose. URWIN, quartered by CHAMBERLAYNE. [iRWIN. see CARROLL-IRWIN. iACHESON IRWIN, Esquire. Born Sept. 7, 1863, l|ing the eldest son of the late Sir George Irwin, J. P. for 1;; W. Riding of co. York and for Leeds, by his wife Flora .ilelaide, eldest dau. of Capt. Thomas Jacob Smith, late ■id Regt. Armorial beanngs — Argent, a mural crown jjles, between three holly leaves projjcr. Upon the e'utcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a ],intlliig gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crest, upon EVrealh of the colours, a mailed arm fesseways holding in tl hand a thistle and a holly leaf all proper, and charged on t- arm with a crescent g[ules; with the Motto, "Nemo n impune lacessit. " Residence — I^EVERKND ARTHUR WILLIAM IRWIN, Chaplain to lb Grace the Duke of Montrose, late H.M. Chaplain, Ben- e. Born July 1832, being the third son of the late Very w. Arthur Irwin Dean and Vicar-Gen. of Ardfert (son of Axander Irwin of Derrygore, co. Fermanagh), by his wife Jhima.dau. of Auchmuty Richardson, Esq., J.P. andD.L., olRichfort, co. Longford. Armorial bearings— Argent, apural crown gules, between three holly leaves proper, B.ntling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the cpurs, a mailed arm fesseways holding in the hand a t|tle and a holly leaf all proper, and charged on the arm »'h a crescent gules. Motto — •" Nemo me impune laces- Married, Dec. 1870, Alicia, third dau. of W. Dent- E|it, Esq., J. P., late Captain R.N., of Shortflatt Tower, ^rthumberland ; and has Isst4e — Ronald John Beresford iJin, Gentleman, b. Aug. 1880 ; Beatrice Catherine Lenore Cnpbell [m., Sept. 1897, Henry Jacques Houldsworth (^1899), eldest son of Henry Houldsworth, late of Garrick Kise, Ayrshire]; Helen May [m., May 1900, Robert Siney Barnett] ; and Ellen Mary. Residence — Napton, Krby. C/«*— Windham. pWARD IRWIN, Esquire. Born March 7, 1867, bc. 16, 1819, being the second and only surviving son of the late Sir Justinian Isham, 8th Ikiit. , by his wife Mary, eldest dau. of the Rev. Samuel Close of Drunib.magher and Elm P.ark, co. Armagh. Armorial bearingt Gules, a fe&se wavy, and in chief three piles also wavy, the points meeting in fesse argent ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-swan with wings displayed argent, beaked sable. Mottoes — " Ostendo non ostento," "On things transitory resteth no glory." Married, Oct. 26, 1847, Emily, dati. of Rt. Hon. Mr. Justice Vaughan, by his wife Louisa, the Dowager Lady St. John ; and by her (who d. Sept. 6, 1898) has had Issue ~l-.o\x\sa. Mary [in., July 12, 1871, Edward Corbett, eldest son of Col. Corbett, M.P. , of Longnor, Shropshire, and has issue] ; Emily Caroline [tn., April 27, i88i. Norman Magnus MacLeod of that Ilk, C.M.G,, late Capt. 74th Regt., of Dunvegan Castle, Isle of Skye, and has issue]; and Isabel Vere (d. Feb. 14, 1868). ^ca/— Lamport Hall, Northampton. ISLES, Bishop of Argyll and the, see ARGYLL and THE ISLES. and for a OrMt, on a wreath of the colours, an esquire's helmet proper, in front thereof a cross patiSe fuch^e or with the Motto, " He mindful." MariieJ, firstly, Nov. 10 189a. Lady Margaret Alice {d. Aug. 18, 1901), dau. of the Most Honourable Hugh Dc (Jrey Seymour, 6th Marqur« of Hertford ; and secondly, Muriel liarriet Charles, fourth dau. of Lieut. -Col. Macdonald Morcton, late Coldstream Guards. Postal address — Culmington Manor, Craven Arms, Salop. Club — Reform. JOSEPH BRUCE ISMAY, Gentleman. Horn n,r la, i86a, being the eldest son of the late Thomas I! Ismay, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Chester, High Shcriii and J.I*. CO. Lancaster, by his wife Margaret, dau. of il;, Luke Bruce, Shipowner, of Liverpool. Anrrv— ('liocolaic with canary colour facings. Armorial bearings— Azure a chevron, in chief a cross pat^e between two bezants and in base a cross pat^e fitch^e all or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an estjuire's helmet proper, in front thereof a cross pat^e fitchde or. Motto— " Be mindful." Married, 1888, Julia Florence, dau. of George R. Schieffelin of New York, in the United States of America ; and has Issue — Thomas Bruce Ismay, Gentle- man, b. Feb. 18, 1894 ; (2) George Bruce Ismay, Gentle- man ; Margaret Bruce ; and Evelyn Constance. 5m/— Sandheys, Mossley Hill, Liverpool. C/«*j — Reform, Palatine (Liverpool), Union (New York). ITCHINGHAM, quartered by CHICHESTER. IVES, see GRANT-IVES. JAMES HAINSWORTH ISMAY, Gentleman. Bom March 4, 1867, and is the second son of the late Thomas Henry Ismay, Esq., of Dawpool, co. Chester, J. P. and D.L. for that county, by his wife Margaret, dau. of the late Luke Bruce, shipowner, of Liverpool Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, a chevron in chief, a cross pat6e between two bezants, and in base a cross pat6e fitch^e all or, and impaling the arms of Seymour, namely, quarterly i and 4, or on a pile gules, between six fleurs-de-lis azure, three lions passant guardant in pale or ; 2 and 3 gules, two wings conjoined in lure or ; IVIMEY (H. Coll.). Gules, two chevronels inverted between an increscent and a decrescent in chief and a lion rampant in base all or. Mantling gules and or. Creit- On a wreath of the colours, in front of a lion rampant or, holding between the paws a decrescent, a demi-carl-wheel both gules. Motto — " L'amour et I'amitie." Son of : — William Ivimey, Gentleman, b. . ^«.— Treverbyn Lodge, Wokingham, Berks. IVREA, Marquis of, see HARDWIN. is tbe Military Cockade. 31ac 3lac 727 JACKSON, quartered by BARSTON, BENNETT, :ALVERT, GOULD, and PRATT. JACKSON of Carramore (U.O.). Argent, on a chevron ible, between three hawk's heads erased azure, as many efoils of the field. Mantling sable and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a horse passant argent, tiarged on the neck with a trefoil vert. Motto — ' ' Celer L audax." Son of Oliver Vaughan Jackson, Esq., of Carramore House, J.P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1869), b. 1811 ; d. 1887; OT. 1851, Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Jones, Esq., of , Castletown, co. Sligo, J.P. and D.L. : — Percy Vaughan Jackson , Gentleman , Staff Surgeon R. N. , 1862. Seat — -Carramore, Ballina, co. Mayo. Son of Sidney Vaughan Jackson, Gentleman, b. ; , d. 1872 ; m. 1843, Frances, d. of Thomas Jones of I Castletown : — I Herbert Francis Jackson, Gentleman, b. 1859; m. 1885, any Mackintosh, d. of Robert Priestley; and has issue — irances Iris Madeline Vaughan. Res. — Potter's Bar, Middlesex. Club — Constitutional. CLEMENT NUGENT JACKSON, Gentleman, of lertford College, Oxford, Proctor of that University. prw April 2, 1846, being the third son of the late Lieu- nant-General George Jackson of the Bengal Staff Corps, fd his wife Phillis Sophia, daughter of Captain Nathaniel lugent Strode. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : arty per pale gules and azure, on a fesse ermine cotised |gent, between three shovellers of the last, a cross crosslet tween two annulets of the first ; and for his Crest, upon wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin gules, collared and ain reflexed over the back or, holding in the dexter iw a shoveller's head erased argent. Motto — " Strenue honeste." Postal address — Hertford College, Oxford. CHARLES HUGH JACKSON, Gentleman, Solicitor, irn August 11, 1851, being the second [but eldest surviv- ] son of the late C^harles Jackson of Doncaster, Gentle- iln, Barrister-at-Law, and Justice of the Peace for the Irgh of Doncaster, by his wife Margaret Caroline, daughter t Hugh Parker, Esquire, of Woodthorpe Hall, near Shef- f Id, in the county of York, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Ifcutenant for the West Riding of the aforesaid county. imorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Partv per pale {les and azure, on a fesse ermine cotised argent, t)etween three shovellers of the last, a cross crosslet between two annulets of the first ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin gules, collared and chain reflexed over the back or, holding in the dexter claw a shoveller's head erased argent ; with the Motto, "Strenue el honeste." Postal address — Doncaster. Club — Pall Mall. EDWARD JACKSON, Gentleman. Born December 20, 1845, being the sixth son of the Reverend James Jackson, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, formerly Rector of Lydgate, in the county of Suffolk, and Vicar of St. Sepulchre's, London, and Rural Dean, by Eliza his wife, daughter of Colonel John Houlton of Parley Castle, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per pale gules and azure, on a fesse ermine cotised argent, between three shovellers of the last, a cross crosslet between two annulets of the first ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin gules, collared and chain reflexed over the back or, holding in the dexter claw a shoveller's head erased argent ; with the Motto, " Strenue et honeste." Mai tied, Georgina Dorothea, daughter of the Reverend Thomas William Wrench, Master of Arts, Rector of St. Michael's, Cornhill, London ; and has Issue — Edward Robert Houlton Jackson, Gentleman, born April 18, 1881 ; Evelyn Mary ; and Henrietta Eliza. EDWARD ALAN JACKSON, Gentleman. Born Jan. 22, 1857, being the third [but second surviving] son of the late Charles Jackson of Doncaster, Gentleman, Barrister- at-Law, J.P. for the burgh of Doncaster, by his wife Margaret Caroline, dau. of Hugh Parker, Esq.. of Wood- thorpe Hall, near Sheffield, J.P. and D.L. for the W. R. of the CO. of York. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Party per pale gules and azure, on a fesse ermine cotised argent, between three shovellers of the last, a cross crosslet between two annulets of the first ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin gules, collared and chain reflexed over the back or, holding in the dexter claw a shoveller's head erased argent ; with the Motto, " Strenue et honeste." EDWIN JACKSON, Esquire, Lt.-Col. com. 3rd Vol. Batt. Border Regt. , J.P. for Cumberland, only son of the late Isaac Jackson of Broom, Gosforth, Cumberland, by his wife Jane, dau. of Daniel Burns of Kilmare, co. Down. is tbe Naval Cockade. 7a8 3Iac 3lac Armorial frlfringl — Azure, three pheons points down- wards in fesse or, between as many ciigles' heads erased ermine. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his OrMt, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount vert, thereon a horse courant argent, three caltraps or. Motto — " Celer et audax." Alarried, July 19, i88a. Martha, youngest daughter of the late J. C. Robinson of Elterwater Mall, Ambleside, Westmorland ; and has Issue — (1) Leslie John Uroomhill Jackson, born and died 1883 ; (a) Edwin Harley Jackson, Gentleman, born June 87. 1888 ; Rotha Mary Hannah Margaret ; Minnie Greeba Victoria ; and Dorothy Melba. Estates — Threlkeld \xys, Cockermouth ; and Broom, Gosforth, both in Cumberland. Postal address — Threl-keld Leys, Cockermouth, Cumber- land. FRANCIS ARTHUR JACKSON. Gentleman, Member of the Polynesian Society, Life Member of the British Astronomical Association, and a Life Fellow of the Imperial Institute. Bom October 19, 1837, being the eldest son of the Rev. Francis Arthur Jackson, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Vicar of Riccall, in the county of York, by Charlotte his wife, youngest daughter of Colonel John Kirke of Markham Hall and Retford, in the county of Nottingham, Justice of the Peace and Lord of the Manor of Markham. and Colonel of the Sherwood Rangers. Not- tingham Yeomanry Cavalry, formerly Captain Z4th Light Dragoons, by his first wife Anne Mervyn. eldest daughter of .Sir William Richardson, Baronet, of Castle Hill and Augher Castle, in the county of Tyrone, and of Kil- feacle, in the county of Tipperary. [Mr. Francis Arthur Jackson and all the other descendants of his paternal grand- mother, Henrietta Priscilla, nie Bower, inherit through her a legitimate Royal Descent from King Edward III., through his son Lionel (of Antwerp) Duke of Clarence, K.G.] Livery — Blue coat with gold lace, red and blue striped waist- coat, red plush breeches. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per pale gules and azure, on a fesse ermine cotised argent, between three shovellers of the last, a cross crosslet between two annulets of the first ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin gules, collared and chain reflexed over the back or, holding in the dexter claw a shoveller's head erased argent ; with the Motto, "Strenue et honeste." Estates — Jackson Dale. Na Kou. Vadra Vadra, and Wai Kovuna, in the Province of Cakau- drove ; and The Bagata Cocoa-Nut Plantation, in the Province of Bua ; all in the Island of Vanua Levu, in the British Colony of Fiji. Postal address— Jackson Dale, Fiji. FREEMAN HENRY JACKSON, Gentleman. Bcm December 24, 184a, being the fifth son of the Reverend James Jackson, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford formerly Rector of Lydgate, in the county of Suffolk, and Vicar of St. Sepulchres, London, and Rural Dean, by Eliza his wife, daughter of Colonel John Houilon of Farley Castle, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant. Ar- morial bearlnffS — He bears for Amu : Party |)er pale gules and azure, on a fesse ermine cotised ardent, betwevii three shovellers of the last, a cross crosslet Ixjtwecn t«o annulets of the first ; and for the Crest, upon a witath of the colours, a demi-griffin gules, collared and chain refkxH over the Ixick or, holding in the dexter claw a •)•"•-" • head erased argent ; with the Motto, "Strenue < t Married, December 17, 1872, Mary Edith, d.n. Henry Brassby Cooper, of the Bengal Civil Service ; aud h.i^ Issue — (1) Freeman Astley Jackson, Gentleman, born March 4, 1874 ; (a) Neville Ward Jackson, Gentleman, bom 1875. FREEMAN RAYNEY JACKSON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace. Bom October 27, 1838, being the second son of the Reverend Francis Arthur Jackson, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Vicar of Riccall, in the county of York, by Charlotte his wife, youngest daughter of Colonel John Kirke of Markham Hall and Retford, in the county of Nottingham, Justice of the Peace and Lord of the Manor of Markham, and Colonel of the Sherwood Rangers, Nottingham Yeomanry Cavalry, formerly Captain 24th Light Dragoons, by his first wife Anne Mervyn, eldest daughter of Sir William Richardson, Baronet, of Castle Hill and Augher Castle, in the county of Tyrone. Armorial bearings — He bears for Anu ; Party per pale gules and azure, on a fesse ermine cotised argent, between three shovellers of the last, a cross crosslet between two annulets of the first ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin gules, collared and chain reflexed over the back or, holding in the dexter claw a shoveller's head erased argent ; with the Motto, " Strenue et honeste." Married, February 19, 1859, Anna Eleanor Augusta, youngest daughter of the late John Shea-Lawlor, Esq., J. P., of Gurteenrue, in the county of Cork, by Mar- garet his wife, dau. of Daniel Mahony, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Dunloe Castle, county Kerry ; and has Issue — (i) Freeman Lawlor Jackson, Gentleman ; (2) Henry Herbert Jackson, Gentleman [married March 26, 1894, his first cousin Ada, only surviving child of Thomas Smith Wright, formerly of Dipton Bush Sheep Station, Southland, New Zealand; and has issue. Freeman Mervyn Herbert Jackson, Gentleman, b. March 30, 1895 '< and a dau. , b. 1897 ; (3) Edward Rayney Jackson, Gentleman [married, Aug. 18, 1892, Bertha, fourth dau. of David Peat of Hillside, near Wanganui, is the Military Cockade. 3Iac 3[ac 7«9 •^ew Zealand ; and has issue, Bertha Nina Rayney] ; Flor- i:nce Charlotte [married J. R. Mason of the Hutt, Welling- ion, and of Napier, New Zealand, and has issue] ; and kiary Letitia. Estate and postal address — Wanganui, New 'ealand. § Colonel GEORGE CHARLES JACKSON, of the Bengal Cavalry. Bom February 5, 1841, being the tldest son of the late Lieutenant-General George Jackson if the Bengal Staff Corps, by his wife Phillis Sophia, laughter of Captain Nathaniel Nugent Strode ; served ■ ith the Ensufzai Field Force in 1863, and with the Abys- inian Expedition in 1868. Armorial bearings — He bears ')r Arms : Party per pale gules and azure, on a fesse f-niine cotised argent, between three shovellers of the last, I cross crosslet between two annulets of the first ; and for jis Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin Ules, collared and chain reflexed over the back or, holding ( the dexter claw a shoveller's head erased argent; with le Motto, " Strenue et honeste." I ? HENRY BOWER JACKSON, Gentleman. Born De- jiniber 25, 1841, being the third son of the Reverend i-ancis Arthur Jackson, Master of Arts of the University of 'p.mbridge, Vicar of Riccall, in the county of York, by |harlotte his wife, youngest daughter of Colonel John jirke of Markham Hall and Retford, in the county of jottingham, Justice of the Peace and Lord of the Manor I Markham, and Colonel of the Sherwood Rangers Not- iigham Yeomanry Cavalry, formerly Captain 24th Light jragoons, by his first wife Anne Mervyn, eldest daughter j Sir William Richardson, Baronqt, of Castle Hill and (igher Castle, in the county of Tyrone. Livery — Blue coat jth gold lace, red and blue striped waistcoat, red plush jeeches. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party r pale gules and azure, on a fesse ermine cotised argent, tween three shovellers of the last, a cross crosslet between jo annulets of the first ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath < the colours, a demi-griffin gules, collared and chain re- fxed over the back or, holding in the dexter claw a ijDveller's head erased argent; with the Motto, "Strenue choneste." Married, November 23, 1888, Jemima, eldest ijughter of the late Mr. Samuel Cox of Savu Savu, Fiji ; £d has Issue — (i) Harry Francis Rayney Jackson, Gentle- ikn, born February 11, 1890; (2) James Edward Jackson, Cntleman, born February 16, 1892, who died shortly after tth ; (3) Francis Arthur Jackson, Gentleman, born January i' 1893; (4) James Edward Jackson, Gentleman, b. July il 1894 ; (s) William Herbert Jackson, Gentleman, b. fu-ch 1897. Estates — Telau-Na Nanu and Nawi Island, a in Fiji. Postal address — Telau, Savu Savu West, li. Sir HENRY MATHER JACKSON, 3rd Baronet, of 'f the Manor House, Birkenhead, J. P. and D.L. for co, ^.nmouth, M.A. (Camb.), Barrister-at-Law ; adopted the alitional surname of Mather in 1886. Born Oct. 19, 1855, big the son of Sir Henry Mather, the 2nd Baronet, by his W3 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Buddicum Blackburne o Birkenhead; succeeded his father in 1881, under the cution of November 4, 1869. Armorial bearings — He brs for Arms: Azure, a fesse between two goats' heads C(ped in chief and a fleur-de-lis in base argent, two fl: nches of the last, impaling the arms of Somerset, namely, q rterly, France, azure three fleurs-de-lis or; and Eng- laf, gules three lions passant guardant, in pale or, all w lin a bordure compony argent and azure. Upon the esitcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a aronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mitling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a w ath of the colours, upon a ragged staff sable, a goat's h(d couped argent, semte of trefoils vert. Motto — " irtiter, fideliter, feliciter." Married, August 3, 1886, A . Frances, daughter of General Edward Arthur Somerset, C' ipanion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; ar has Issue — (i) Henry Mather Jackson, Esq., b. Feb. 271894 ; (2) Edward Arthur Mather Jackson, Esq., b. Jan. i8);GwladysAda; Norah Frances; and Agatha Elizabeth. 5('— Llantilio Court, Abergavenny. C/a*j— Brookes'. ERBERT FRANCIS VAUGHAN JACKSON, G'tleman. Born March 23, 1859, being the second son of th late Sidney Vaughan Jackson, by his wife Frances, dau. of Thomas Jones of Castletown. Armorial bearings- Argent, on a chevron sable, between three hawks' heads erased azure, as many trefoils of the field. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a horse passant argent, charged on the neck with a trefoil vert. Motto — " Celer et audax." Married, May 4, 1885, Amy Mackintosh Priestly, dau. of Robert Priestly ; and has Issue — Frances Iris Madeline Vaughan. Residence — Potter's Bar, Middlesex. C/«*— Constitutional. HUGH ROWLAND JACKSON, Gentleman. Bom Feb. 15, 1861, being the fourth [but third surviving] son of the late Charles Jackson of Doncaster, Gentleman, Bar- rister-at-Law, J. P. for the burgh of Doncaster, by his wife Margaret Caroline, dau. of Hugh Parker, Esq. of Wood- thorpe Hall, near Sheffield. J. P. and D.L. for the W. R. ot the CO. ot York. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per pale gules and azure, on a fesse ermine cotised argent, between three shovellers of the last, a cross crosslet between two annulets of the first ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin gules, collared and chain reflexed over the back or, holding in the dexter claw a shoveller's head erased argent ; with the Motto, ' ' Strenue et honeste." Postal address — Doncaster. JOHN HOULTON JACKSON, Gentleman. Bom December 27, 1837. being the second son of the Reverend James Jackson, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Rector of Lydgate, in the county of Suffolk, and Vicar of St. Sepulchre's, London, and Rural Dean, by Eliza his wife, daughter of Colonel John Houlton of Farley Castle. Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per pale gules and azure, on a fesse ermine cotised argent, between three shovellers of the last, a cross crosslet between two annulets of the first ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin gules, collared and chain reflexed over the back or, holding in the dexter claw a shoveller's head erased argent; with the Motto, "Strenue et honeste." Married, June 27, 1869, Eliphalette, daughter of the Reverend Thomas William Wrench, Master of Arts, Rector of St. Michael's, Cornhill, London ; and has Issue — (i) Richard Houlton Jackson, Gentleman, born March 18, 1870; (2) Edward Ellis Jackson, Gentleman, born November 22, 1871 ; (3) Wilfred Swinhoe Jackson, Gentleman, born August 15. 1873; (4) Laurence Jackson, Gentleman, born May 17, 1875 ; (5) Francis Jackson, Gentleman, bom January 4, 1883 ; and three daughters. JOHN THOMAS JACKSON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Lancaster, being the eldest son of John Jackson of Oldham, by his wife Emma, daughter of Benjamin Godwin of Burslem. C/a*— Magis- trates'. Armorial bearings— He bears for Axms : Party is the Naval Cockade. 730 3lac 3lac per chevron azure and or, in chief three pheons of the last, and in base a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper ; and for his OrMt, upon a wreath of the colours, two pheons gules, thereon an eagle with wings ex|mnded or, each wing ciiiirged with a rose as in the arms; with the MottO, " Res non verba." Married, May i6, 1866, Sarah, second daughter of Bartholomew Procktcr of Oldham ; and has Issue— ]o\\n Jackson, Gentleman, Lieutenant Lancashire Fusiliers, born 1869. Estates and postal addresses — The Hurstead, Rochdale; Treburvaugh, Llangunllo, Radnor- shire. MORTON STRODE JACKSON, Gentleman. Bom March 6, 1847, being the fourth son of the late Lieutenant- General George Jackson of the Bengal Staff C'orps, by his wife I'hyllis Sophia, daughter of Nathaniel Migrub Strode. Armorial bearing! — He bears for Arma : Party per pale gules and azure, on a fesse ermine coiised argent, between three shovellers of the last, a cross crosslet between two annulets of the first ; and for the Great, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin gules, collared and chain re- flexed over the back or, holding in the dexter claw a shoveller's head erased argent; with the Motto — " Strenue et honeste." WILLIAM JACKSON, Esquire, J. P. for co. Chester. Bom Nov. 19, 183a, being the second son of Sir William Jackson, Bart., by Dame Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Hughes, Lieut, late and Lancashire Militia. Armoilal bearings — for the OrMt, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount vert, a mullet of six points or, thereon an KAg\t cloy Azure, a fesse between two goats' heads couped in chief and a fleur-de-lis in base argent, two flaunches of the last. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, on a ragged staff Siible a goat's head couped argent, sem^e of trefoils vert. Motto — " Fortiter, Fidelitur, Feliciier." Married, i86i, Therese Isabel, dau. of Edward Howard of Liverpool ; and has Issue — William Jackson, Gentleman, M.A. (Cambs.), b. 1870; and several daughters [of whom Maud Isabel m., 1889, John Glynn of The Hut, Hoylake, in co. Cheshire ; Elizabeth m., 1893, Edgar Leicester Billson of Dormy Lodge, Hoylake, Cheshire; and Miriam Hermine m., 1895, Harold Stanley Inman of Tattenham Lodge, Tallworth, Surrey]. Postal address — Forest Road, Birkenhead. WILLIAM HENRY JACKSON, Esquire, a Justice of the Peace for the Colony of Queensland. Bom February 19, 1835, being the eldest son of the late Henry Jackson of Mamaharin, in the counties of Monaghan and Dublin, Ireland, by his wife Mary Anne, daughter of William White of Drumgavney, in the county of Monaghan, Ireland. Armorial beanngs — He bears for Arms : Barry of ten argent and azure, a lion rampant gules holding between the paws an eagle's head erased or, two flaunches sable, each charged with a mullet of six points of the fourth ; and proper ; with the Motto, " Confide recte agens. " Marritd. April 24, 1872, Jane Eleanor, only daughter of the late Daniel Steed of Belfast, Ireland ; and has issue— {1) William Thomas Isles Jackson, Gentleman, born March 21, 1874; (2) Lewis Henry Jackson, Gentleman, born April 30, 1880; and Maude Isabel [ot. 1905, Ormond Howard Smith of WunuUa, Hopetoun, Queensland]. Postal addresses— Laurel Lodge, Toowong, near Brisbane, Queensland; Morayfield, North Coast Railway, Queensland. The Right Honourable WILLIAM LAW1E.S JACKSON, ist Baron Allerton of Chapel AUerton, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Justice of the Peace for Leeds and for the West Riding of the county of York, Member of Parliament for the Northern Division of Leeds. Born 1840, being the son of the late William Jackson, formerly of Leeds. Clubs— Carlton, Athenasum. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Party per chevron gules and or, in chief two suns in splendour of the last, and in base three annulets, ore and two interlaced of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, w ith a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a horse or, holding in the mouth an ear of wheat sjipped vert, resting the dexter foreleg on three annulets as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Essayez." Married, i860, Grace, daughter of George Tempest. Residences — Allerton Hall, Chapel Allerton, near Leeds ; 27 Cadogan Square, S.W. CHARLES THEODORE JACOBY, Gentleman. Born August 1853, being the third and youngest son of the late Moritz Jacoby of Nottingham, by his wife Violet Frederika, daughter of Isidor Hirsch of Teterow, in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Club — Badminton. Livery— Black, with gilt buttons. Armorial beaxlngi-- He bears for Arms : Party per fesse dancett(5e argent and sable, in chief a cross of eight points gules, between !»"• roses of the last, barbed and seeded proper, and in 1 two wings conjoined in lure, and elevated or ; and for Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag argent, chargw upon the body with two roses gules, barbed and seeded proper, resting the dexter forefoot on a cross as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Opera bona effulgent. " Afar'': , Lily Florence, daug; is tbe Military Cockade. 3lac Jam 73» I I^ewis Edward Nolan, Roscommon. Postal address JLyegrove House, near Chipping Sodbury, Gloucester- [JAMES ALFRED JACOBY, Gentleman, Member of iirliament for the Mid-Division of the county of Derby, is been Sheriff of Nottingham 1877-1878. Born June [52, being the second son of the late Moritz Jacoby of jjttingham, by his wife Violet Frederika, daughter of !dor Hirsch of Teterow, in the Grand Duchy of Mecklen- irg-Schwerin. Clubs — Devonshire, Nottinghamshire (jottingham). Livery — Dark blue, with gilt buttons. Ar- Drial lieariiigs — Party per fesse dancett6e argent and •ale, in chief a cross of eight points gules, between two ises of the last, barbed and seeded proper, and in base 10 wings conjoined in lure, and elevated or; and for his test, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag argent, charged ion the body with two roses gules, barbed and seeded jjper, resting the dexter forefoot on a cross as in the ;ns ; with the Motto, " Opera bona effulgent." Married, lay 1883, Hermine Elizabeth Frederica. daughter of the lie Gustav Liepmann of Glasgow ; and has Issue — Alfred l;nry Moritz Jacoby, Gentleman, born February 22, 1884 ; iiirie Violet ; and Doris Vera. Postal address — Oakhill louse, Nottingham ; 8 Queen's Gate Gardens, S.W. ^ibs — Reform, Notts County. |OHN HENRY JACOBY, Gentleman, Consul at Not- tjgham for the Republic of Colombia (South America). h-n November 1848, being the eldest son of the late roritz Jacoby of Nottingham, by his wife Violet Frederica, cjighter of Isidor Hirsch of 'I'eterow, in the Grand Duchy C| Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Clubs — Devonshire, Notting- htnshire (Nottingham). Livery— Dark blue, with gilt tjtons. Armorial bearing^s — Party per fesse dancett^e ar nt and sable, in chief a cross of eight points gules, be een two roses of the last, barbed and seeded proper, an in base two wings conjoined in lure, and elevated or ; an for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag arint, charged upon the body with two roses gules, ba ed and seeded proper, resting the dexter forefoot on a OSS as in the arms ; with the Motto, ' ' Opera bona eff ^ent." Postal address— Ropewa.\k, The Park, Notting- ha. Sir otto JAFFE, K.B. (1900), J. P., Lord Mayor of Belfast 1899-1904. Born 1846, being the third son of the late Daniel Joseph Jaffg, by Frederica, dau. of Joseph Josephy of Parchim, Mecklenburgh. Armorial bearings —Argent, a chevron azure, between in chief two chaplets and in base a ship in full sail on waves of the sea all proper, on a chief gules, the Castle of Hamburg of the first tietween two lions passant or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed with wings inverted between two oak branches, all proper. Motto— " Deus nobiscum." Married, 1879, Paula, dau. of Moritz Hertz of Brunswick ; and has Issue— [i) Arthur Daniel Jaff(5, Esq., B.A. (Cantab.), b. 1880; (2) William Edward Berthold Jaff^, Esq., b. 1883. Residence— YJ\n- Edar, Belfast. C/k*x— Royal Societies, Reform (Belfast). Major-General JOHN JAGO-TRELAWNY, J. P. for CO. Cornwall. Born 1826, being the son of the late Edward Jago (by his wife Anne Darell, elder dau. of the late Edward Trelawny of Coldrenick), and nephew of the late Charles Trelawny of Coldrenick ; succeeded his uncle in 1883, and assumed the name of Trelawny under his uncle's will by Royal License in 1886. Livery — Invisible green, waistcoat invisible green and white stripes, silver buttons. Armorial bearing^ (Roy. Lie, H. Coll., 1886)— Quarterly i and 4, argent a chevron sable (for Trelawny, temp. Edward L) ; 2 and 3 argent, three Cornish choughs proper, on a chief sable as many cross crosslets or (for Jago, H. Coll., 1818). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a wolf statant proper (for "Trelawny) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, a cor- morant rising sable, wings pean, charged upon the breast with a cross crosslet as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Ser- moni consona facta." Estates — The Coldrenick Estate, in the parishes of St. Germans, Liskeard, and Menheniot, in the county of Cornwall ; the Estate and Manor of Tre- worlis, in the parishes of St. Breage and St. Sithney, in the county of Cornwall ; the Estate called Barne Barton, in the parish of St. Budeaux, in the county of Devon ; Over Trelabe Farm, Linkinhorne, in the county of Cornwall ; and a Town Residence at Plymouth. Seat — Coldrenick, Liskeard, Cornwall. Clubs — United Service, Windham, Royal Societies', Royal Western Yacht Club (Plymouth). JAMES, quartered by WILKINSON. JAMES, see GREVIS-JAMES. ARTHUR JOHN JAMES, Esquire, J.P. for co. of Gloucester. Born 1857, being the eldest son of the late Francis James, Esq., J. P., F.S.A., of Edgeworth Manor, Cirencester, by his wife Ann, dau. of William Green of Londonderry. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a fesse t is the Naval Cockade. 73» 31am 3Iam nebuly, between three unicorns' heads erased argent. M many escallop shells proper, in the centre chief point a l';\S!>ion cross of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Great On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head erased argent, charged on the neck with an escallop gules, and supporting in the mouth a Passion cross also gules. Motto— "Mcmor." ,S*a/—Edgcworth Manor, Cir- encester, Gloucester. Ciuis — Arthur's, Burlington, Fine ArU". Thk Reverend EDWARD JAMES, Rector of Peakirk, in the county of Northampton, and Canon of Peterborough, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford. Bom Novem- ber 14, 1827, being the youngest son of the late Reverend John James, Doctor of Divinity, Canon of the Cathedral Church of Peterborough, and Vicar of St. John the Baptist's in that city, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Bell of Brampton, in the county of Cumberland. Armorial bear- ings — Gules, on a fesse nebuly between three unicorns' heads erased argent, as manyes^Uops proper, in the centre chief point a Passion Cross of the second ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head erased argent, charged on the neck with an escallop gules, and supporting in the mouth a Passion Cross also gules ; with the Motto, "Memor." Married, February 5, 1861, Emily, daughter of Thomas Kettlewell of Blackheath Park; and has had Issue — (i) Ernest Edward James, Gentleman, born November 24, 1861 ; (2) John Burleigh James, Gentleman, born April 2, 1865, died August 17, 1876 ; Lucy, died an infant ; Gertrude Frances ; Lilian Mary ; and Emily, died an infant. Residence — Peakirk, Peterborough. The Reverend FRANK JAMES, Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Rossett, in the county of Denbigh, Master of Arts of the I'niversityof Oxford. Born]\xnzi, 1859, being the second son of Francis James, Gentleman, of Edgeworth Manor, in the county of Gloucester, Barrister-at-Law, by his wife Ann, daughter of William Green of Government House, London- derry. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, on a fesse nebuly three unicorns' heads erased argent, as many escallops proper, in the centre chief point a Passion Cross of the second; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head erased argent, charged on the neck with an escallop gules, and supporting in the mouth a Passion Cross also gules ; with the Motto, " Memor." Married, January 16, 1883, Mary Al cia IVarlc, daughter of Henry \Vylde Jackson of Alexandra Villas, Uiighlon; and has had Issue — (il John James, (ientlenum, borii Novcmlier 11, 1883; (2) Frank James, (ifiitleman, born May 10, 1885 ; (3) Henry RadclifTe Todd Jaiiifs, Gentleman born May 15, 1886; Humphrey Middleton James, Genilr- nwn, born October ii, 1887, died May 30, 189a; and Margaret Mary. Postal address — The Vicarage, Rossetl R.S.O., Denbighshire. JAMES GEORGE JAMES, Esquire, J. P. co. of Mon- mouth. Bom 1831, being the eldest son of tlie lale EUlmund James of Tynewydd and Blaen Nant, Ixith in the co. of Monmouth. Annorial bearing^ Per pale argent and or, a dragon's head erased sable, holding in the mouth .1 sinister hand a paumde coupeil al the wrist gules, on a chief of the third, a pick-axe between two lions rampant, all of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest -Upn a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion vert, in the mouth .1 sinister hand and holding in the dexter paw a pick-axe, both as in the arms. Motto -" Ymdrech-i-drechu." Seats— Ii- Newydd Blackwood, Bcdwelty, co. Mon., Blaen Nant, Nant-y-glo, co. Monmouth. JOHN ARTHUR JAMES, Gentleman, eldest son of the late Daniel James of Beaconsfield, Woolton, in the county Palatine of Lancaster, by his wife Sophia, daughter of George Hitchcock of New York. Armorial bearii^— He bears for Arms : Or, on a chevron between two ostriches in chief and a dolphin naiant in base sable, a billet of the first ; and impaling the arms of Cavendish-Bentinck, namely quarterly 1 and 4 azure, a cross moline argent (for Bentinck); 2 and 3 sable, three stags' heads caboshed argent (for Caven- dish). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon the battlements of a tower or, an ostrich sable, holding in the beak a billet also or; with the Motto; "J'aime i jamais." Married, December 7, 1885, Mary Venetia, youngest daughter of the Right Honourable George Cavendish-Bentinck, M.P. JAMES (H. Coll.). Per chevron or and argent, two chevronels sable between as many dolphins naiant in chief proper and a garb in base vert. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a garb or, charged with an acorn slipped vert, a dolphin naiant proper. Motto— "Tiens foi. is the Military Cockade. 31am 3lam 733 Sons of John Charles Horsey James, Esq. , Judge of I the Supreme Court of Western Australia, b. 1841 ; d. 19 ; m. 1885, Rebecca Catherine, d. of Charles H. I Clifton :— ' Evelyn Harold Clifton James, Gentleman, b. 1886. Res. - High field, near Lydney - on - Severn, Gloucestershire; •erth, Western Australia. i Percival Arthur Clifton James, Gentleman, b. 1887. ! Eustace Alfred Clifton James, Gentleman, b. 1889. I Meredith Charles Clifton James, Gentleman, b. 1894. 1 Meyrick Edward Clifton James, Gentleman, b. 1897. [the Reverend NICHOLAS HOPKINS JAMES, |erk in Holy Orders, Doctor of Divinity, sixth son of John ^mes of Coolruss Park, in the county of Wicklow, by his ife Mary, daughter of James Hopkins of same county. \ub — Athenaeum (Dublin). Livery — Claret and gold. nmorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per pale gws and azure, on a chevron engrailed between three licli passant guardant or, as many purses sable. Mant- 111! gules and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of th'icolours, a hart's head erased proper, charged on the neLwith a fleur-de-lis azure. Motto— " J'aime jamais." Pdal arfrfrm — Clonfeacle Rectory, Moy, co. Tyrone, Innd. iWALTER CULVER JAMES, Esquire, M.D.. . Surgeon-Lieut. -Gen. Hon. Artillery Company. Born ■ being the son of the late Robert James. Armorial be; ings— Argent, a cross couped gules, on a chief azure, a ser nt embowed biting its tail, head to the dexter, between twtoak trees eradicated proper. Mantling gules and argit. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a caduceus in nd dexter, surmounted by another in bend sinister, the on perched a wood-pigeon close proper. Motto — "Lral k jamais." Postal arfa^z-w— Quality Court, Chan- cer; Lane, London, W.C. Clubs— 'S,\. Stephen's, West- mii er. N LLIAM JAMES, Gentleman, formerly Lieutenant Rol Navy. Born June 30, 1862, being the third son of Francis James, Gentleman, of Edgeworth Manor, in the county of Gloucester, Barrister-at-Law, by his wife Ann, daughter of William Green of Government House, in the county of Londonderry. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, on a fess nebuly three unicorns' heads erased argent, as many escallops proper, in the centre chief point a Passion Cross of the second ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head erased argent, charged on the neck with an escallop g^Ies, and supporting in the mouth a Passion Cross also gules ; with the Motto, "Memor." Married, January 4, 1889, Sarah Florence, daughter of Henry William Ford of Buenos Ayres ; and has Issue — Bertha Dorothy. WILLIAM JAMES, Gentleman, late Lieut. 42nd High- landers (Black Watch) ; served in the Crimea and Indian Mutiny. Born Feb. 28, 1838, being the eldest son of Thomas James, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , by his wife Margaret Bernard, third dau. of the Rev. John Collinson, Rector of Gateshead and Boldon , co. Durham. Armorial bearing^ — Sable, on a chevron argent, between three dolphins embowed erminois, as many crosses crosslet gules. Mant- ling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a buffalo passant gules, armed proper, the dexter forefoot resting on an escutcheon argent, charged with a pheon sable. Motto — " Deo semper confide." Married, April g, 1864, Ellen, eldest dau. of Captain William Dent, R.N., of Shortflatt Tower; and has Issue — (1) William Bernard fames, Esq., Capt. and Bengal Lancers, b. Feb. 1865 m., 1887, Elizabeth, eldest dau. of the late William Minto; and has issue — Bernard Seton James, Gentleman, b. 1889 ; Geoffrey Minto James, Gentleman, b. 1892] ; (2) George Thomas Brooksbank James, Gentleman, F.R.C.S. (Eng.), b. Feb. 5, 1867; (3) Arthur Hedley James, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N.R., b. July 11, 1868; (4) Frederick Seton James, Gentleman, b. April 8, 1870 ; and Mary Amelia. Seat — Otterburn Tower, Ottcrburn. Resi- dence — The Moat, Eastbourne. S WILLIAM DODGE JAMES, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant. Bom 1854, being the youngest son of the late Daniel James of Beaconsfield, Woolton, in the county of Lancaster, by his wife Sophia, daughter of George Hitchcock of New York. Club — Turf. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, on a chevron between two ostriches in chief and a dolphin naiant in base sable, a billet of the first ; and impaling the arms of Forbes of Newe, namelv, quarterly i and 4 azure, three bears' heads is the Naval Cockade. 734 3Iam Sat couped mrgeni, mussled gules (for Forbes) ; a and 3 azure, three Traises argent (for Fmser). Upon the escutcheon is placfil a hehnct befitting his degree, with a mantling Sixble and or ; and for his Crtst, upon a wreath of tlic colours, upon the battlements of a tower or, an ostrich sable, holding in the beak a billet also or. Motto — "I'aime k iamais." Married, March 5, 1889. Evelyn Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Sir Charles John Forbes, Baronet, of Newe ; and has Issue — Helen Millicent; Alexandra Maud; and Silvia Sophia. Seat — West Dean Park, Chichester. Town house — 14 Great Stanhope Street, W. MAURICE EYRE FRANCIS BELLINGHAM JAMESON. Gentleman. Bom May 9, 1888, only child of the late James Francis Jameson, Esq. J. P., Capt. and Hon. Major 4th Batt. Connaught Rangers, and formerly Lieut. 98th Foot and 7th Dragoon Guards (eldest son of Rev, John Jameson of Windfield, by his wife Isabella .Anne, dau. of the late Gen. Sir Harry David Jones, G.C.B.) by his wife Helen Maud, eldest dau. of the late William Jameson of Montrose, co. Dublin. Livery — Dark blue, scarlet waistcoat, facing dark blue velvet. Armorial bearings — Azure, a saltire or, cantoned in chief and flanks by Roman galleys proper, and a bugle-horn in base of the second. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a Roman galley profier, the sail gules, charged with a lion passant guardant or; and for Motto, "Sine metu.' Seat — Windfield, co. Galway. JANNS, see DUDLEY- JANNS, S DAVID JARDINE JARDINE, Esquire, of Jardine Hall, Lockerbie, N.B., of Larriston Hall, Newcastle- ton, N.B., of Corric Lodge, Lockerbie, N.B., and of Tinwald and Tonhorwald, co. Dumfries; M.A., D.L. and J. P. for CO. of Dumfries, F.R.G.S., Barrister-at-Law. Born 1847, being the only son of the late James Jardine of Jardine Hall, Dryfeholm, and of Larriston Hall, by his wife Jessie, dau. of John Johnston of Muirhousehead, N.B. Livery — Black, dark blue and yellow waistcoats, and facings. AnnorUi bearings- Parted per pale argent and or, a s:\liirc Kull•^ on a chief of the third, three mullets of the first. Mantllnir gules, doubled argent; and upon a wreath of the colours i for Orest, a spur -rowel gules. Motto— "Cave ad- Married. 1887, Mary Angela, dau. of the late Sir (1 Tilston Bright, Knight Bachelor, M.P., of Badworth I Vorks., Banner Cross, and Carbrook Hall, llallani- and has Issue — Ronald James Jardine, Gentleman, h. u and Dorothy Agnes Jessie. Seats -Jardine Hall, Lockerbie N.B. ; Larriston Hail, Newcastleton, N.B. ; Carrie Lodce Lockerbie, N.B. ; Tinwald and Torthorwald, N.B. rXii, Residence -i\ Bruton Street, Berkeley Square, W. CUh — Boodle's, Travellers', Pratt's, Union, Raleigh. SSiR ROBERT JARDINE, ist Baronet (July ao, 1881) J. P. and D.L. co. of Dumfries, M.P. for Ashburton 1865 -1868, for Dumfries Burghs 1868-1874, and for co Dumfries 1880-1893. Born May 24, 1825, (jeing the seventh son of the late David Jardine of Muirhousehead. Applegarth, co. Dumfries, by his wife Rachel, dau. of William Johnstone of Linns, co. Dumfries. Armorial bearings— Per pale argent and or, a saltire gules, chief engrailed of the third, three mullets of the first, the escutcheon being charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet of the United Kingdom. MantlUig gules, doubled argent. Crest -On a wreath of liis liveries, a spur-rowd of six points gules. Motto — "Cave adsuni." Marritd, April 4, 1867, Margaret Seton (d. 1886), dau. of John Buchanan Hamilton of Lenny, co. Perth; AnAhzs Issue - Robert William Buchanan Jardine, Esq., b. Jan. 21, 1868 \m., 1894, Ethel Mary, dau. of the late Benjamin Piercyof Marchwell Hall, Wrexham, and has had issue, Robert Buchanan Jardine, Esq., b. 1895, d. young; John William Jardine, Esq., b. March 7, 1900; and Violet Margaret Florence]. 6>a/j— Castlemilk, Lockerbie, N.B. ; Lanridt Castle, Doune, Perthshire. Town residence ~ 24 St. James's Place, S.W. Clubs— liroo\is's, Reform, City Liberal W Sir WILLIAM JARDINE, 9th Bart., of Appleginh, CO. Dumfries (1672), J.P. for that co., Capt. 3rd Batt. K.O. Scottish Borderers, Member of the Royal Company of Archers (the King's Bodyguard for Scotland), formerly Lieut, ist Vol. Batt. Cheshire Regt., and Calcutta Ught Horse, served in S. Africa 1900-02, Born June 11. 1865, is the Military Cockade. 31at m 735 ;)eing the eldest son of the late Sir Alexander Jardine, 8th 3art., D.L. {ci. 1893), by his wife Henrietta, third dau. of .Villiam Younger of Craigielands, Dumfriesshire. Armorial hearings— Argent, a saltire and a chief gules, the last ■ harged with three mullets of the field, the escutcheon ;)eing surrounded by an orange tawny ribbon and therefrom pendent his badge as a Baronet of Nova Scotia. Mantling Ifules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, [ spur-rowel of six points argent. Supporters— Dexter, a lorse at liberty ; sinister, a man in armour with a scimitar t his side all proper. Motto - ' ' Cave adsum. ' ' /Residence -Castle Street, Dumlries. C/ud—Ra.\e\gh. JARDINE (L.O., 12 Sept. 1903). Argent, on a saltire ules, five crescents or, on a chief of the second, three luUets of the third. Mantling gules, doubled argent. lest — A spur-revel of six points argent. Motto — "Cave i sum." Son of William Halliday Jardine, landed proprietor in the Cape and Stellenbosch Divisions of Cape Colony, d. 1837 ; d. ; m. 1865, Mary Jane, d. of James Connor of Armagh, Ireland : — William Jardine, Esq., Major (ret.) in the Cape Colonial •rces, 6. 12 Dec. 1867 ; m. 21 Sept. 1893, Mary Hester Ijtt, d. of John Burness of Kincardineshire, residing at Ijreton, Dorset; and has issue — (i) Douglas Graeme jness Jardine, Gentleman, d. 12 July 1894; (2) Alexander JiUiday Jardine, Gentleman, b. 27 Dec. 1902; and Flora |«khart. J^es. — Craigdhu, Tambours Kloof, Cape Town, Africa. I ROBERT HERBERT HEATH JARY, Esquire, late * Major i2th Lancers, J. P. cos. of Bedford, Lancaster, ilicester, and Norfolk (High Sheriff 1901), D.L., served 'rthe Kaffir War 1851-1852, the Crimea and Indian Titiny. Born 1830, being the second son of the late W. I Jary, Esq., of Blofeld Lodge, Norfolk, J. P., D.L. >morial bearings— Gules, on a pile ermine, between two 1 IS rampant respecting each other or, three roses two and c ! of the field ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence the atis of Bromilow, namely gules, on a chevron invected p in cottised or, between three lions' heads erased of the 1;;, a dove between two cross crosslets fitch^e of the first. Bntllng gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the c Durs, out of clouds two arms in armour embowed the h ids proper, supporting a rose as in the arms. Motto — "Mens conscia recti." Married, 1862, Julia H. M., only dau. of the late D. Bromilow of Bitteswell Hall, Leicester- shire. 5*fl^^— Bitteswell Hall, Lutterworth ; Burlingham, CO. Norfolk; South Walsham, Norwich. Service, Army and Navy. C/tt/ij— United J EBB (H. Coll.). Quarterly vert and or, in the first quarter a falcon close argent, belled of the second, in the fourth a lure in pale of the third. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon with wings expanded proper, belled or, standing on a lure fessewise argent. Motto — " Spe et labore." Livery — Dark green, buff facings. Son of Robert Jebb, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, b. 1809 ; d. 1885 ; in. 1840, Emily Harriet, d. of Ven. Heneage Horsley, Dean of Brechin : — Sir Richard Claverhouse Jebb, Knt. Bach. (1900), M.P. for Cambridge since 1891, D.C.L. (Hon.) Oxford, Hon. LL.D. Dublin, late Public Orator at Camb., Prof, of Greek at Glasgow, and Reg. Prof, of Greek at Camb., b. 1841 ; m. 1875, Caroline, d. of late John Reynolds, D.D., and widow of Gen. A. J. Slemmer, U.S. Army. Res. — Springfield, Newnham, Cambridge. Sons of Joshua Gladwyn Jebb, Esq., of Barnby Moor House, Notts, Capt. 54th Foot (son of Maj.-Gen. Sir Joshua Jebb, K.C. B.), b. 1839 ; d. 1901 ; m. 1870, Hon. Alice Caroline Dundas, d. of Hon. and Rev. Charles Dundas, Rec. of Epworth, and sister of 6th Visct. Melville : — Sydney Gladwyn Jebb, Esq., late Lieut. R.A., J. P. Yorks., b. 1871 ; in. 1899, Rose Eleanor, d. of late Maj.- Gen. Hugh Chichester, R.A., of Pilton House, Barnstaple ; and has issue — Hubert Miles Gladwyn Jebb, Esq. , b. 1900 ; Dorothy Mary ; and Marjorie Rose. Seat — Firbeck Hall, Rotherham. Clubs — Army and Navy, Yorkshire (York). Joshua Henry Miles Jebb, Esq., Capt. 2nd Batt. Man- chester Regt. , b. 1875. Res. — Gladwyn Dundas Jebb, Gentleman, Lieut. 2nd Batt. Beds. Regt., b. 1877. Res.— Son of Rev. Henry Gladwyn Jebb, M.A., F.S.A., J. P., of Firbeck Hall, Yorks., b. 1826; d. 1898; m. 1853, Emma Louisa, d. of Robert Ramsden of Carlton Hall, Notts :— Henry Scrope Frescheville Jebb, Esq., J. P. for West I ia the Naval Cockade. 7j6 3leD 3lef Rdg. Yorks., late 3rd Hussars. ^. 1867; m. 1888, Evelyn I.ucv, d. of Rev. Edward Bristow Philips-Wynne, Rector of Shocburyncss, and widow of Capl. Francis Michael Goold-Adams ; ;ind has surv. issue— Henry Cecil Edward iebb. Geiuleman, b. 1889. ^ci.— Pullich Lodge, Ballater, Yr. sons of Samuel Henry Jebb of Boston, Lincoln, i. 1796 ; J. 187s ; m , Frances, d. of John Straw of Skellingthorpe, Lines. : — John Joshua Jebb, Gentleman, l>. 1830; m. , Georgiana Huttun, d. of Rev. Dr. Roy, Rector of Shirbeck ; and has issue— George Samuel William Jebb, Gentleman, d. Res.— Lt.-Col. Arthur Jebb, late East Surrey Rcgt., b. 1837. Avery Jebb, Gentleman, late Lieut. 85th Regt., b. 1843 ; m. , Susan Clara, d. of Col. Boddam Whetham of Kirklington Hall, Notts; and has issue — Agatha Frances Whetham. Res.— Son of Rev. John Beridge Jebb, b. 1808 ; d. 1863 ; m. ist, Charlotte, d. of Richard Dunn : — John Beridge Gladwin Jebb, Gentleman, late Lieut. 88th Regt.. b 1841 ; m. 1876, Bertha, d. of Hon. J. Macdougall of Toronto. Res. — Son of Charles William Jebb, Gentleman, formerly 60th Rifles, b. 1814 ; d. ; m. 1840, Eliza, d. of John Yerbury of Shirehampton : — John de Witt Jebb, Esq., Major late Scottish Rifles. b. ; m. 1885, Edith Victoria, d. of William Murphy of Mount Merrion, co. Dublin. Res, — JEDBURGH, quartered by LOTHIAN. JEFFCOAT (H. Coll.). Azure, a dovecote or, between two flaunches of the last, each charged with a sword erect of the first. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dovecote within park pales proper. Motto — ■' Dum spiro spero." Son of James Jeffcoat : — James Henry Jeffcoat, Esq., Dep. Surg.-Gen. Medical Staff, b. 1837 ; m. Anna Margarita Sophia, d. of late Frederick William Hertzog, Surv.-Gen. Cape of Good Hoj)e ; and has issue — (i) Frederick Hugh H. Jeffcoat, Esq., Capt. Ind. Army; (2) Rev. Frederick William Hert- zog Jeffcoat, M.A. ; (3) Rev. Reginald Jeffcoat, M.A. ; (4) Algernon Cautley Jeffcoat, Esq., D.S.O. , Capt. Roy. Fus. , served in S. African War 1899-1902, present at relief of Ladysmith, Colenso, Spion Kop (desp., D.S.O.) ^. 1877; and Blanche Evelyn. Res. — 12 Avenue Elmers, Surbiton. Club — Junior United Service. MThk Latk THOMAS WILLIAM JEFFCOCK W Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for the West Riding of York- shire, late Major Yorkshire Dragoons {Yeomanry Cavalrv) Born Dec. 18, 1839, being the only son of the laie Thomas Dunn Jeffcock of Woodside, Sheflicld. C/k^j — Junior Carlton, Cavalry. Livery — Blue with brass buttons. Ar- morial boarlngi— He bears for Arms : Sable, three pick- axes or, on a chief argent, a cross patcJu fjuU's lx;twcen two ravens of the first. Upon the escutcluon is pLiced a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, n\K>n a wreath of tlie colours in front of a mount of coal, therefrom issuant a dexter arm embowed, grasping a coal-pick all proper, a cross pat(i,. argent; with the Motto, "Persevere." Married, iJeceni- ber 189a, Hannah Maria, d.iughter of the hie Makin Durham of Thome, Doncaster, and widow of Frederick Vickers of Dykes Hall, Sheffield. Postal address —Sihitc House, Ecclesfield, Sheffield. JEFFERSON, see DUNNINGTON-JEFFER.S0N. JEFFREYS, quartered by PRATT. M Rt. Hon. ARTHUR FREDERICK JEFFREYS P.C, M.P. for North Hants since 1887, D.L. and J. P., and County Alderman for Hampshire, IJ.A. (Ch. Ch., Oxon.) and Barrister-at-Law. Born Ajiril 7, 1848, beint; the second son of the late Arthur Jeffreys, Gfntlenian, Lieut. R.N.. by Sarah, second dau. of Robert Camplwll, Livery — Blue coat, yellow striped waiscoat. ArmorlAl bearin^TS — Ermine, a lion rampant and a canton sable, and thirty-seven quarterings. Mantling' sable and argent. Crest (regd. H. Coll. , Oct. 1614)- On a wreath of the colours, a denii-lion or, holding in the dexter paw a laurel wreath proper. Motto — " Pob dawn o Ddvw." Married, 1877, Amy Constantia, eldest dau. of G. J. t'enwick, Esq., D. L. CO. Durham ; and has Issue — (i) George Darell Jeffreys, Esq., Capt. Grenadier Guards, b. March 8, 1878 ; Winifred Madeline ; Sibyl Constance ; Eleanor Sophia Campbell. Seat — Burkham House, near Alton, Hants. Club — Carlton. JOHN JEFFREYS, Esquire, B.A. (Oxon.), J.P.,C.C.co. Hants, Elective Verderer of the New Forest. Bom 1845, being the eldest son of the late Arthur Jeffreys, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., by his wife Sarah, dau. of Robert Campbell, a cadet of Duntroon, co. Argyle. Livery (full dress)— Coat palest stone colour, canary facings, silver buttons, canary plush breeches ; (undress) dark blue coat, silver buttons. Armo- rial bearings — Ermine, a lion rampant and a canton sable, and thirty-seven quarterings. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, argent and sable, a dcmi-lion or, holding in the dexter paw a laurel wreath proper. Married Florence Hall, second dau. of the late Rt. Hon. Sir W. Atherton, M. P., Attorney-Gen. Istve- (1) Arthur Henry Jeffreys, Gentleman, b. Nov. 24, 1872; (2) Robert Jeffreys, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., b. April 6, 1:87s : (3) John William Jeffreys, Esq. , Capt. ist Durham Light Infantry, b. Sept. 25, 1876; (4) Walter MarmadukeQ is the Military Cockade. 3lefe m 737 Jireys, Gentleman, B.A. (Camb.), i. Jan. 25, 1878; (5) I.;ell Richard Jeffreys, Gentleman, Lieut. 2nd Devon- sl'e Kegt., d. Oct. 26, 1881 ; (6) Edmund Valentine Jtreys, Gentleman, 6. Jan. 19, 1893; Florence Sophia; Gindolen Agnes; Ethel Mildred; and Geraldine Helen. 5.V— Canterton Manor, Lyndhurst, Hants. Ciud— Oxford air Cambridge. i EDWARD JOSEPH JEKYLL. Esquire, late Capt. I' 64th Regiment, J. P. , D. L. , co. of Bedford. Born Aug. it:i839, being the eldest son of Edward Joseph Hill Jekyll, Es., of Wargrave Hill, Berks, Capt. Grenadier Guards, bxjulia, dau, of Charles Hammersley. Livery — Dark bi' (for black) coat with gold facings; black and yellow stiied waistcoat. Armorial beaxings — Quarterly, i. or, a fe:,; between three hinds trippant sable (for Jekyll) ; 2. lo'igy sable and argent, a chief per fesse indented or and azfi (for Stocker) ; 3. gules, a pair of wings inverted and cooined argent (for Barnhouse) ; 4. argent, three boar's hcls couped, between nine cross crosslets fitch^e gules (for Brri.xton). Mantling sable and or. Crest- On a wreath of'lhe colours, a nag's head couped argent, maned and pidll^able, studded and tasselled or. Hotto — "In Deo onfi)." Married, Sept. 23, 1870, Theresa Frances Hen- iettfdau. of Wilhelm Julius August Heinrich Baron von Jiel •" Zierow Mecklenburg-Schwerin ; and has Issue — (i) lillint [m., Oct. 7, 1896, Erich Baron von Maltzahn] ; 2) Cice (d. Nov. 2, 1885). 5ea/— Higham Bury, near ^mpill, Bedfordshire. SR HERBERT JEKYLL, K.C.M.G., Colonel ioyal Engineers. Bot^ Nov. 22, 1846, being the >urtland second surviving, son of the late Edward Joseph lill kyll of Wargrave Hill, in the county of Berkshire, nn(y Captain Grenadier Guards, by his wife Julia, lugl ;r of the late Charles Hammersley of 25 Park Cres- !nt, ^ondon ; entered Royal Engineers 1866, became iptn 1878, Major 1886, Lieutenant-Colonel 1892, and aior 1896, served in Ashantee War, 1873-1874 ; was ■iva Secretary to the Earl of Carnarvon when Secretary Sta for Colonies, 1876-1878; Secretary to Colonial De- ice ommittee, 1878, 1879, and to Royal Commission on the Defence of British Possessions and Commerce Aboard, 1879-1882; Secretary to Colonial Defence Committee, 1885 ; Private Secretary to the Viceroy of Ireland (Earl Carnarvon), 1885, 1886 ; Secretary to Royal Commission on Melbourne Centenary Exhibition, 1888, 1889; Private Secretary to the Viceroy of Ireland (Baron Houghton), 1892- 1895 ; Secretary to Royal Commission on Paris International Exhibition of 1900-1901, in 1897 ; Assist. -Sec. to Board of Trade, 1901 ; and was created a K.C.M.G., 1901 ; Sec. -Gen. and Knight of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Livery — Black coat, great-coat and trousers, black and yellow striped waistcoat, with brass buttons. Ar- morial Dealings (Confd. Vn. Essex 1620)— Quarterly, i. or, a fesse between three hinds trippant sable ; 2. lozengy argent and sable, a chief per fesse dancett^e or and azure ; 3. gules, two wings inverted and conjoined in leure argent, and in chief a crescent for difference ; 4. argent, crusily fitch^e sable, three boars' heads erased gules ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence for and in right of his wife, the arms of Graham, namely or, on a chief in- vected ermine, three escallops of the field. Pendent below the escutcheon is his badge as a Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a horse's head couped argent, bridled and studded ; with the Motto, "In Deo confido." Married, December 29, 1881, Agnes Lowndes, sixth and youngest daughter of the late William Graham, Esq., of 35 Grosvenor Place, London, D. L. , formerly M.P. for Glasgow ; and has Issue — Francis Walter Jekyll, Esq., b. Nov. 20, 1882; Barbara; and Pamela Margaret. Postal addresses — 3 Green Street, Park Lane; and Munstead House, Godalming. Clubs — Athenaeum, Burlington Fine Arts. Sir ARTHUR RICHARD JELF, Knt., M.A. Ch. Ch., Oxon., Judge of the High Court, 1901. Bom 1837, being the second son of the late Rev. R. W. Jelf, D.D., Canon of Ch. Ch. , Oxon, formerly Principal of King's Coll., London. Club — Athenceum. Armorial bearings — Chevron engrailed azure and ermine, in chief two doves argent, beaked and legged gules, in base three cinquefoils two and one of the last. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stork with wings elevated argent, beaked and legged gules, in the beak a trefoil slipped vert, and on the breast a cross pat6e is the Naval Cockade. 3A 738 Jel of the second, the dexter claw resting on n fleur-de-lis or. Marritd, 1867. Jane, youngest dau. of late William Clark King, M.A., Vicar of Norham, Northumberland. ttesidtmc* — O.ik House, Carlton Road, Putney Hill, S.W. CANON J ELF. Bom 1834, being the eldest son of the late Rev. R. W. Jelf, D. U. , Canon of Ch. Ch., Oxford, formerly Prin. of King's Coll. , London. Armorial b«arlilffi — Chevron engrailed argent and ermine, in chief two doves argent, beaked and legged gules, in base three cinquefoils two and one of the last. Mantling azure and argent. Cre«t— On a wreath of the colours, a stork with wings elevated argent, beaked and legged gules, in the beak a trefoil slipped vert, and on the breast a cross pat<^ of the second, the dexter claw resting on a fleur-de-lis or. Married and has Issue. Postal address — Rochester. Colonel RICHARD HENRY JELF, C.M.G., R.E. Bom 1844. being the son of the late Rev. Dr. Jelf, I*rin. of King's ColL, London, and Canon of Ch. Ch., Oxford. Armorial bearings— A chevron engi ailed azure and ermine, in chief two doves argent, beaked and legged gules, in base three cinquefoils two and one of the last. SrantUng azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a stork with wings elevated argent, beaked and legged gules, in the beak a trefoil slipped vert, and on the breast a cross patte of the second, the dexter claw resting on a fleur-de-lis or. Married, 1869, Margaret, d.iu. of the late Prof. J. J. Blunt. Residence — LOUIS WILLIAM JELF-PETIT, Esquire, J.P. cos. Denbigh, Ciurnarvon, and Stafford, formerly Lieut. H.M.'s 31en Jelf), and Maria Katherine. dau. of John Hayes pMb (assumed the name of Petit by Deed- Poll, dated •fM ' but not by Royal Licence). Armorial bearings— Qmw terly i and 4, per chevron engrailed azure and crmlw h chief two doves beaked and legged gules, in bose tint cinquefoils two and one of the last (for jelf) ; a and » gules, a dexter arm issuing fesseways from a cloud in sinister, the hand holding the fasces erect proper head of the axe between two mullets in chief argcni Petit). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On n wr^ of the colours, a stork with wings elevated argent, bi.i and legged gules, in the beak a trefoil slipfxtl vert, on the breast a cross patte of the st-cond, the d(;xtrr\ resting on a fleur-de-lis or (for Jelf). Married, Jun' 1877, Helen, dau. of Rev. C. T. Vincent ; and has /i .. An only dau., Elsie Louisa Vincent. A'j/j/^— Redi Lichfield. Postal address — Bodhyfyrd, Llanrwst. t'/j. Naval and Military, Conservative (Birmingham), k. Welsh Yacht. JELF-SHARP (H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4. argcni fesse azure between two cross crosslets fitch(?e in cliff a mullet in base sable, within a bordure wavy gulc^ Sharp) ; a and 3, a chevron engrailed azure and crmiii' chief two doves argent, beaked and legged gules, in three cinquefoils two and one of the last (for Jelf). /„■ — Dark blue, red pipings and waistcoat. Eld. d. and con. of the late Henry James Jclf-SI Esq., Lt.-Col. Scots Guards, late of Kincarrathie, !'. and Meadowside, Twickenham, by his wife Rosa r riette Lenox, d. of the late George W. Lenox of I land Place, London : — Rose Lenox Clare, m. 1903, Algernon Edward ' Reveley, Esq., J.P. A'es. — Bronygader, Dolgelley. JENINGS. quartered by CONYERS. JENKINS, see WOI^ELEY-JENKINS. CHARLES EDWARD JENKINS, Gentleman. / 1875, being the only son of Robert Edward Arthur I kins, Lieutenant Bengal Staff Corps, by his wife Hani... daughter of S. Turnbull, Esquire ; succeeded his gra! father, Major-General Charles Vanbrugh Jenkins, i- Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms; Bany oi I iSth Regt. Born July 8, 1853, being the second surviving son of Rev. W. E. Jelf, B.D. (son of the late Sir James azure and ermine, on a pile between three annulets ofr lion rampant regardant sable ; and for his Crest, on a raw" coronet sable, a lion passant regardant or, supP*"^'"^^ the dexter paw an escutcheon barry of six azure and eriP" (^ Is the Military Cockade. fen 31en 739 clrged with an annulet or; with the Motto, " Perge sed cite." Postal address — Cruckton Hall, Shrewsbury. tDGAR KYNNERSLEYJEN KINS, Gentleman. liorn N:-ch i8, 1891, being the eldest son of the late Edgar Fjncis Jenkins, Esq., one of Her Majesty's Lieutenants oihe City of London, by his wife Marianne Sophie Etenie, dau. of William Turner, Esq., and grand-daughter oiiSir Richard Jenkins, G.C. B. Armorial bearlngB — B;jry of six azure and ermine, three annulets, two in fesse ari one in base or, a pile of the last, thereon a lion raipant regardant sable. Mantling azure and argent. Cut — On a wreath of the colours, on a mural crown sap, a lion passant regardant or, supporting with the dqer paw an escutcheon barry of six azure and ermine, chjged with an annulet or. Motto — "Perge sed caute." Estes — Charlton Hill, near Shrewsbury; 7 Westbourne Cr|!cent, Hyde Park, W. Postal address — I r:DWARD JENKINS, Esquire. Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Radnor, for whih he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1870. /AA August 24, 1823, being the eldest son of the late Edard Jenkins, Esquire, of Nant-y-groes, in the county of Ra'ior, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by M;',' his wife, daughter and co-heir of the Reverend John Paiihall Pyefinch, Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of West- bui in the county of Salop. Livery — Chocolate, brass butjns. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, ♦•• lio rampant within a bordure indented or, on a chief •gerj three hearts of the first ; and for his Crest, on a reat of the colours, a lion rampant or, holding between ,e fc|;paws an escallop guiles, and resting the dexter hind iw j a plate charged with a heart as in the arms ; with e ]l|ttO, " Byw a gadael byw." Married, i860, Mar- iret only surviving child and heiress of the Reverend hn nkins, of The Grove, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector K ;!, in the county of Hereford, Vicar of Norton, and srpt. al Curate of Whitton, in the county of Radnor ; and s lue — An only child, Rosa [married to John Alfred adi ,r. Esquire (to whom refer)]. IS JOHN JONES JENKINS, Knight Bachelor, " stice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the ant; of Glamorgan (High Sheriff 1889), Justice of the •r Swansea (Mayor 1869, 1870, 1879-1881), Honorary Lieutenant Royal Navy Artillery Volunteers, was Member of Parliament for the county of Carmarthen, 1882-1886. Born 1835, being the son of the late Jenkins Jenkins, Esquire, of Morriston, in the county of Glamorgan, by his wife Sarah, daughter of John Jones; dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1882. Clubs — Reform, National Union. Ar- morial bearing^ — He bears for Arms: Party per pale sable and gules, on a chevron between two fleurs-de-lis in chief and a lion's gamb erased in base argent, a fleur- de-lis of the first between two pellets. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Cnst. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erect and erased argent, holding a pellet charged with a fleur-de-lis. and all between two fleurs-de-lis argent ; with the Motto. " Per- severance." Married, firstly, 1854. Margaret, daughter of the late Josiah Rees of Morriston ; and secondly, 1864, Katherine, youngest daughter of the late Edward Daniel ; and has /m««— Olga Violet ; Alina Kate Elaine, Postal address — The Grange, Swansea. JENKINSON, quartered by FOLJAMBE and GUIN- NESS. JENNER (H. Coll.). Quarterly, i. azure, two swords in chevron argent, hiked and pommelled or, between three covered cups of the last (Jenner, 1684) ; 2. or, a fesse between three fireballs azure, the latter issuant flames gules (Poe) ; 3. argent, on a chevron between three woodbills sable, three mullets pierced of the field (Fust); 4. azure, a chevron between three lozenges or (Hyde). Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, two swords in saltire argent, hilted and pommelled or, supporting a covered cup of the last. Motto — "A Deo Rex, a Rege Lex." Livery — Mulberry-coloured coat, crimson facings, crimson and white striped waistcoat, silver buttons and lace, black velvet breeches, white stockings. Son of Robert Francis Jenner of Wenvoe Castle, b. 1802; d. i860; m. i8'24, Elizabeth Lascelles, eld. d. of Rt. Hon. Sir Herbert Jenner Fust, Dean of Arches : — Hugh Jenner, Esq.. J. P. and D.L. co. Hereford, J. P. co. Glamorgan, b. 1831 ; m. 1862, Charlotte Anne, d. of Evan Williams, Esq., J. P. and D.L.. of Duffryn Frwd ; and has issue — Hugh Cecil Robert Francis Jenner, M.A. , Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Falfield, Gloucestershire, b. 1872; Elaine Mary; and Margaret. Seat — Venn Wood, CO. Hereford. Sons of Rev. Edmund Jenner, B.A. Camb. , b. 1833; d. 1878; m. Ellen, d. of Rev. James Greenwood, D.D., Fellow of Peterhouse, Camb., Rector of Cole Engame, Essex : — Edmund Francis Lyndale Jenner. Gentleman, b. 1865. Pes. — Digby. Nova Scotia. Rev. Robert Christopher Jenner, M.A. , Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Tiflield, b. 1868; m. 1895, Isabella Martha, d. of Rev. William Masters Pyne, Rector of Oxted, Surrey ; and has issue — Ella Dorothy. Res. — The Rectory, Tiffield, Towcester, Northants. Gilbert Jenner, Gentleman, M.A., b. 1872. Res. — Wel- lington College, Berks. Son of Albert Lascelles Jenner, Gentleman, b. 1808; d. 1864 ; m. Henrietta Juliana, d. of Sir John Morris, Bart., of Sketty Park :— George Francis Birt Jenner, Esq., C.M.G. , formerly Minister Res. and Consul-Gen. to Central American Re- publics, b. 1840; m. Stephanie Emilianoff, d. of Alexis Emilianoff of Ragatova, Russia. Res. — Les Alouettes, Cannes, A.M.. France. Club — St. James's. Son of Capt. Birt Wyndham Rous Jenner. J. P. and D.L. , b. 1810; d. 1863; m. Anne, d. of Langley St. Albyn of Alfoxton : — Birt St. Albyn Jenner, Esq. , J. P. co. Glamorgan, b. 1849; m. 1881, Elizabeth Georgiana, d. of Rev. Richard Pritchard. Res. — Llanblethian, Glamorganshire. Son of Herbert Jenner Fust. Esq.. J.P., LL.D., of Hill Court, b. 1806; d. 1904; m. 1835, Maria Eleonora, d. of George Norman of Bromley Common, Kent :— Herbert Jenner Fust, Esq., M.A., J.P. (q.v.). Sons of Rev. Charles Herbert Jenner. M.A.. Rector of Wenvoe. b. 1809 ; d. 1891 ; m. 1834. Fanny, d. of James Hales of Norwich : — Henry Augustus Jenner, Gentleman, b. 1846, Registrar is tlie Naval Cockade. 74© 3Ien 3let for the High Court of Justice for the Chester District, /f«.— Chester. Edwin Arthur jenner, Gentleman, b. 1850; in. 1879, Edith S.inih, d. of F. H. Janson of Chislehurst; and has issue— Two sons and four daus. /its. — Halstead Lodge, Cnrshalton. Rev. George Herbert Jenner, Rector of Wenvoe, b. 185a ; m. 1877, Mary Hales, d. of Rev. Wm. Grigson, M.A., Rector of Whinbergh, co. Norfolk ; nnd has issue — Two sons and four daus. Res. — Wenvoe Rectory, Cardiff. Son of George John Henry Jenner, Gentleman (son of Edward Francis Jenner), b. 1851; d. 1902; m. 1873, Elizabeth Haworth, d. of Thomas Havard of Toronto, Canada : — George Edward Jenner, Gentleman, b. 1874. Res. — Sons of Edward Francis Jenner, Gentleman, Princip>al Registrar of H.M. Court of Probate, b. 1814 ; d. 1894 ; m. 184a, Elizabeth Theresa, d. of John Saunders of Rcigate : — Herbert Jenner Fust Jenner, Gentleman, b. 185a; m. ist, 1876, Hephzibah Lewington Ashfield ; and, 1889, Francis Maud Hare ; and has issue — Two sons and three daus. Augustus Henry Cresswell Jenner, Gentleman, b. 1859. Son of the Rt. Hon. Sir Herbert Jenner Fust, Kt., b. 1777 ; d. 1852 ; m. 1803, Elizabeth, d. of Gen. Francis Lascelles.- — Augustus Frederick Jenner, Esq., Col. nth Regt. of Foot, b. 1816 ; m. 1850, Caroline Catherine, d. of Gen. Edward Buckley Wynyard; and has issue — (i) Herbert Augustus Jenner, Gentleman, b. 1851 [m. 1875, Maud Mary Webb; and has issue — Five sons and two daughters. Res. — Cape- town]; (a) Edward Lascelles Jenner, Gentleman, b. 1855 [m. 1890. Blanche, d. of John Murly of Elast Coker, Somer- set ; and has issue — One son] ; (3) Oswald Wynyard Jenner, Gentleman, b, 1861 [m. 1899, Louisa Butcher]. Res. — Chagford, Devon. Sons of Montagu Herbert Jenner, Gentleman, District Registrar of H.M. Court of Probate at Gloucester, b. 1817 ; d. 1893 ; *"• 1849, Amelia, d. of Arundel Rogers of Helston, Cornwall : — Montagu Arundel Jenner, Gentleman, b. 1853. Res. — Edwin Francis Jenner, Gentleman, b. 1856. Res. — Frederick Fitzherbert Jenner, Gentleman, b. 1858. Res. — Ven. Algernon George Edward Jenner, Archdeacon of Fond-du-Lac Diocese, Wisconsin, U.S.A. , b. 1859 ; m. 1885, Marie Antoinette, d. of Jean Bonnet of New Orleans ; and has issue — One son. Rev. Ernest Lascelles Jenner, b. 1865 ; m. 1896, Edith de Wint, d. of John Burrup of Gloucester; and has issue — Two sons. Res. — Range worth, Glos. Arthur Herbert Jenner, Gentleman, b. 1871 ; m. 1895, Mabel Gertrude, d. of Augustus William Donaldson ; and has issue — One son and one daughter. Son of Rt. Rev. Henry Lascelles Jenner, Bishop of Dunedin, New Zealand, b. 1820; d. 1898; m. 1847, Mary Isabel, d. of Capt. William Finlaison, R.N., Governor of Ascension : — Henry Jenner, Gentleman, F.S. A., Assistant Librarian in the British Museum, b. 1848; m. 1877, Kitty Lee, d. of William John Rawlings of Hayle, Cornwall; and has issue— One daughter. Res.— The Old House, Bushey Heath, Herts. Son of the Rt. Hon. Sir Herbert Jenner Fust (see above) : — Arthur Rice Jenner Fust, Barrister-at-Law, b. 1823 ; m. 1855, Ellen, d. of Charles Haskell; and h.is issue- Herbert Jenner Jenner Fust, b. 187a. i?«.— Montreal, Canada. Sir WALTER KENTISH JENNER, and Baronet (1868), Major 9th Lancers, and D.A.A.G. for Instruction at the Curragh. Bom Oct. 12, i860, being the eldest son of the late Sir William Jenner, ist Baronet, of Harley Street, Cavendish Square, in the parish of Marylebone, co. Middle- sex, G.C.B., Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Civil Law, Doctor of Laws, F.R.S., Physician in Ordinary to Queen Victoria, by his wife Adela Lucy Leman, second dau. of Stephen Adey of Gloucester Place, Portman Square. Armorial bearings — Per chevron azure and or, in chief two estoiles of the last, and in base a serpent nowed proper, all within a bordure engrailed ermine, impaling the arms of Stewart, namely, or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, between in chief two garbs azure and in base an Eastern crown gules, the escutcheon being charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling azure and or. Creit On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a lamp wm three branches argent, susix-nded by three chains or, iit,-,i proper. Motto — " Fide ct labore. " Married, i%t)y\\„\ Alice, eldest dau. of F.M. Sir Donald Martin .Stcwjr Bart., G.C.B., G.C.S.L, CLE. ; and has /w«#-lism6Fk« Stewart. ' HERBERT JENNER-FUST, Esquire. Junior. >■ Justice of the Peace for the county of Gloucester, an ; the General Inspectors of the Ix>cal Government I Bom August 14, 1841, being the eldest son of Herbert J' Fust, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the coiiniy of 1 cester. Doctor of Laws of the University of Cainlwiduc, of the Manor and Patron of Hill, Barnster-ai-Liw [10 v refer], by his wife Maria Eleonora. third daughter of (i Norman, Esquire, of Bromley Common, in the com. Kent, Justice of the Peace for that county. Lix, Mulberry - coloured coat, crimson facings, criinson white striped waistcoat, silver buttons and law, [ velvet breeches, white stockings. Armorial bearingi bears for Amu : Quarterly, i, azure, two swords in cl.' argent, hiked and pKjmmelled or, between three C(.. cups of the last (for Jenner) ; 2. or, a fesse between fireballs azure, the latter issuant tlames gules (for i 3. argent, on a chevron between three woodbiils sable : mullets pierced of the field (for Fust) ; 4. azure, a clii .: between three lozenges or (for Hyde), a crescent for il •■■ rence; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the cc! two swords in sallire argent, hilted and pommel!' supporting a covered cup of the last ; with the M "Terrena per vices sunt aliena." Married, PVhrua 1873, Flora Maclaine, second daughlt-r of the late ; Gillian Maclaine Ross; and has Issue — (i) Herbert ]i-\ Fust, Esq., M.A. (Barrister-at-Law), b. Jan. 24, 1875; i*ii Rev. Denton Jenner-Fust, Gentleman. B.A., b. Jaa ao, I 1880 ; and Philippa. Postal address — Local Govern rr— ' Board, Whitehall, S.W. JENNEY, quartered by BARD WELL. m ARCHIBALD OFFLEY JENNEY, Elsquire. G; W 26th Foot (Cameronians). Born May 7. 1864. 1- the second son of the late Arthur Henry Jenney. Es(j. , ! for Suffolk, of Ditchingham Lodge. Norfolk. Arinonl bearings —Ermine, a bend gules, cotised or. Mantl;' gules and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colour^ glove in fesse argent, a falcon close or, belled of the Residence— ARTHUR WILLIAM JENNEY, Gentleman. / Feb. 24, i860, being the eldest son of the late Arthur H Jenney of Ditchingham Lodge, Norfolk, and his wife J Geraldine, dau. of the late Rev. Thomas Gerard Fcrr Rector of Tunstall, Suffolk. Armorial bearlngB mine, a bend gules, cotised or. Mantling gules argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a y in fesse argent, a falcon close or, belled of the last sidence — STEWART WILLIAM JENNEY, Esquire, J. P. CO. Bucks. Born Dec. 25. 1816, being the elder son of late William Jenney, Esq., Captain R.H.A., and his « Caroline France, only dau. and heiress of Major Archibald ■.. Stewart of the Blues. Livery— HaxV blue coat, silver bot-i tons. Armorial bearings — Ermine, a bend gules, coi-^ or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreati the colours, on a glove in fesse argent, a falcon close belled of the last. Married, Dec. 1863, Maria (er. arrjjf, Dec. 3, 1874, Annie {d. Oct. 9, 1902), widow of iarl: Mather of Longridge, and dau. of Edward Liddell Be on Park, co. Northumberland. Postal addresses — Br on Street ; Longridge Towers, Berwick. Clubs — herum, Brooks's, Wellington. 3T./INCENT WALTER FANE JERVIS, Esquire. ^. ( Stafford, late Captain Staffordshire Regt. Born [*• 1853, being the eldest son of the late John Swynfen St. Vincent Jervis, Esq., J. P., by his wife Catharine, dau. of William Davies. Armorial bearings— Sable, a chevron ermine between three martlets argent. Mnn t.Htig sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, between two wings sable, a griffin's head erased or, gorged with a collar gules, pendent therefrom an escutcheon azure, charged with a boar's head couped argent. Married, 1881, Miss Wadman. Residence — S SWYNFEN JOHN JERVIS, Esquire, Captain South Staffordshire Regt. Born May 14, 1868, being the eldest son of Colonel William Swynfen Jervis, late loist Royal Munster Fusiliers, of Woodside, Southsea, and Edith, only dau. of Rev. W. J. Wise, M.A., of Granborough, Warwickshire. Armorial bearings — Sable, a chevron ermine, between three martlets argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, between two wings sable, a griffin's head erased or, gorged with a collar gules, pendent therefrom an escutcheon azure, charged with a boar's head couped argent. Married, Sept. 25' 1895, Jessie Elizabeth, widow of the late St. Vincent Jervis, Esq., J. P., of Darlaston Hall, Stone, Staffordshire, and dau. of George Benbow. Seat — ChatcuU, Eccleshall, co, Stafiford. HENRY JERVIS JERVIS-WHITE, Esquire, Lt.-Col. late 2nd Duke of Cambridge's Own Middlesex (late 77th) Regt., J. P. COS. Dublin and Wexford, D.L. co. Wexford, High Sheriff co. Wexford 1895, M.A. Trinity College, Dublin. Bom Jnnezi, 1841, being theeld. son of Brig. -Gen. Humphrey Jervis-White, Bengal Army, by his wife Eliza- beth, dau. of Major Bury, late 35th Regt. Livery — Drab, and red facings ; (undress) blue. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, sable, a chevron ermine between three martlets or ; 2 and 3, gules, a chevron vair between three lions rampant or, impaling the arms of Brady, namely azure, a saltire engrailed or, between four martlets argent ; on a chief gules, three dishes, on each a boar's head couped of the second. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — 1. on a wreath of the colours, a martlet or ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, three arrows, two in saltire, one in fesse. Married, June 9, 1887, Marion Eleanor, only dau. of Sir Francis Brady, Bart., Q.C., D.L. Seats — Ferns and Gorey, co. Wexford, Ballylenan, co. Cavan ; Healthfield, Wexford. Clubs- Army and Navy, United Service (Dublin), County (Wex- ford). JERVOIS (H. Coll.). Argent, on a pile azure, between in base two grenades fired proper, six feathers erect, three, two , and one of the first. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a feather erect argent, between two grenades as in the arms. Livery — Dark blue, white facings. Sons of Sir William Francis Drummond Jervois, G.C.M.G.,C.B., F.R.S. Gen. R.E.. sometime Gov. of New Zealand (1882-8), b. 1821 ; d. 1897 ; m. 1850, Lucy, d. of late W. Norsworthy : — Rev. William Henry Hammond Jervois, M.A. Oxon., Vicar of St. Mary Magdalene, Munster Square, N.W., b. 1852. ^«.— Clergy House, Osnaburgh Street, N.W. Club — United University. Sons of Major John Jervois, R. E. (yr. son of Sir W. F. Jervois, G.C.M.G.), b. 1853 ; d. 1895; m. 1883, Florence Annie, d. of Henry Strong Price of Delamere, Adelaide, S. Australia : — James Arthur Jervois, Gentleman, b. 1889. Res. — The White Cottage, Branksome, Bournemouth. Wilfred John Jervois, Gentleman, b. 1892. Res. — The White Cottage, Branksome, Bournemouth. Yr. son of Gen. William Jervois, K. H., late Col. 76th Foot, b. 1782 ; d. 1862 ; m. 1817, Elizabeth, d. of William Maitland of Affington, Exeter, and Montreal, Canada : — Major-Gen. John Gordon Jervois, late R.E., b. 1825; m. 1848, Olivia, M E , d. of D. C. Napier of Montreal; and has issue — (i) Henry Napier Jervois, Esq., Lt.-Col. late R.A. [27 West Cromwell Road, S.W.], b. 1851 ; (2) William Gordon Jervois, Gentleman, b. 1854 ; (3) Charles Edwyn Jervois, Esq. , Major R.G.A., b. 1857; (4) George Arthur Jervois, Gentleman, b. 1861 ; Florence Emma [m. 1873, late Major J. T. Turner, 73rd H. Lt. Inf.] ; Olivia Georgiana [m. 1873, 1^*^ Brig.-Gen. W. T. is the Naval Cockade. 742 3ler 3le0 Budgen, D.SwO., R.A.]; Caiherinc Miuia ; Mary Amelia \m. 1891, lateC. C. Henslcy. Harrister-al-Law] ; and Lucy Margaret \m. Major-Gen. P. J. Maitland C.B.]. /fts. — 7 Widcombe Crescent, Bath. JERVOIS. Sable, a chevron between three eagles close argent. MantUnflr sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a heraldic tiger's head sable. Motto—" Vir- tutis praemium laus." Livery — Blue coat, red and white striped waistcoat and silver buttons. Sons of Francis Michael Ellis Jervoise, Esq., of Herri- ard Park and Britford, J.P., D.L., 6. 1844; ^- 1903; m. Rachel Mary, dau. of George Edward E)rre of Warrens, Lyndhurst, Hants : — Francis Henry Tristram Jervoise, Gentleman, i. Dec. 31, 1872. Seats — Herriard Park, Basingstoke ; Britford, Wilts. George Purefoy Valentine Jervoise, Gentleman, d, Feb. 14, 1880. Edwyn Jervoise, Gentleman, d. June 13, 1884. Richard Somervell Jervoise, Gentleman, 6. Sept. 18, 1887. ARTHUR TRISTRAM JERVOISE, Gentleman. Born Sept. 19, 1848, being the third son of the late Francis Jer- voise Ellis Jervoise, Esq., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff of Hants 1852, by his second wife Mary Louisa, second dau. of George Marx. Armorial bearing^s - Sable, a chevron between three eaglets close argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a heraldic tiger's head sable. Motto— " Virtutis premium laus." Married, Sept. 26, 1876, Annie, widow of Rev. A. Deck. /Residence — EDMUND PUREFOY JERVOISE, Gentleman, Comm. R.N., H.M.S. Venus. Bom April 24, 1861, being the third son of the late Francis Jervoise Ellis Jervoise, Esq., J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff of Hants 1852, by his second wife Mary Louisa, second dau. of George Marx. Armorial bearing^— Sable, a chevron between three eaglets close argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a WTeath of the colours, a heraldic tiger's head sable. Motto — " Virtutis praemium laus." Residence — SJOHN PUREFOY JERVOISE, E«iuire, Colo 3rd (King's Own) Hussars, Born Sept. 8, being the second son of the late Francis Jervoise Kllh voise, Esq., J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff of Hutu his second wife Mary Louisa (who d. l-cl). 11, ih dau. of George Marx. Armorial bearings n chevron between three eaglets close argent. M&nt: sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colim heraldic tiger's head sable. Motto — "Virtutis pntin laus. ' ' Residence — HERBERT MERTON J ESSEL, Esquire, late Cam. , Lancers and Royal Berkshire Yeomanry Cavalry, M.l' South St. Pancras, J.P. co. of London, Councillor for of Westminster, Mayor 1902-3. Born Oct. 27, 1866, t. the younger son of the fate Rt. Hon. Sir George J i Knight Bachelor, P.C., Master of the Rolls, and his Amelia, dau. of the late Joseph Moses. Livery -\\\ Armorial bearings — Azure, a fesse raguly ermine lxi« three eagles' heads erased argent, in the centre chief jk, torch erect and fired proper, and upon an escutchwc pretence the arms of Goldsmid, namely, per saltireerm, and ermine, on a chief gules a goldfinch proper U-im two roses or, over all an escutcheon gules chargt-d , a tower or, and ensigned by the coronet of a Riro: Portugal. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — (> wreath of the colours, a torch fesseways, fired proper, mounted by an eagle volant argent, holding in the bi pearl also argent. Motto — " Persevere." Married, 1 1895. Maud, fifth dau. and coheir of the late Rt. Hon Julian Goldsmid, Bart., M.P. ; and has Issue-VA* Herbert ; Gladys May ; and Vera Pearl. Kesidti: 50 Mount Street, Park Lane, W. C/«*j— White's, A; and Navy, Garrick, Brooks's. JESSOP of Doory (U.O.). Quarterly, i. vert, t! mullets argent (Jessop) ; 2. argent, two lions rampant ( batant supporting a dexter hand couped gules, in 1m salmon in the sea proper, on a chief azure, three mulh : (Donelly) ; 3. azure, al ion rampant argent, debruised fess or, charged with three roses gules, barbed vert (Jes' 4. gules, a chevron between three ostrich-feathers ai: (Fetherston) ; 5. argent, two bars gules, on a canton of last, a lion rampant or (Lancaster) ; 6. argent, three 1) heads caboshed gules (Colenwood) ; 7. sable, a wolf ranr argent, in chief three estoiles or (Wilson) ; 8. vert, a chi' between three wolves' heads erased argent, on a cantoi. arms of Cavendish, namely sable, within a bordure arp three bucks' heads caboshed of the last, attired or (Kl<) 9. argent, a cross azure, in the first quarter five ermine s (Warden) ; 10. or, on a cross vert, three pheons of the : (Crompton). Daus. and coheirs of Frederick Thomas Jessop, Y. of Doory Hall, J.P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 183: 1811 ; d. 1868 ; m. 1836, Elizabeth, d. of Peter Low Louisa, d. of Sir Richard Butler, Bart., ofCloughren: CO. Carlow: — Louisa Jessop. Seat — Doory Hall, co. Longford. Elizabeth, m. 1867, Thomas William De Butts Arrastn Frances Flood Jessop. Res. — Mary Kathleen Jessop. Res. — EDWARD JESSOP, Gentleman. Born , bein^' third son of the late William Jessop, Esq., of Butt' Hall, CO. Derby, by his wife Elizal^eth Lydia, dau. . '!28 ; m. Mary Grace, eld. d. of George Joseph Murray oflA'^ootton Court, Canterbury. J?es. — 120 Ashley Gar- ddi, S.W. I JhNSON of Ulverscroft (R.L. , 22 March 1859). Argent, twi chevronels between as many griffins' heads erased in chi and a palmer's scrip in base gules. Mantling' gules aniirgent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a griffin's hej erased per fesse argent and gules, holding in the beak a i| mer's scrip of the last. 'son of George William Johnson (formerly Lillingston), ^ntleman, d. 1894 : — > '' illiam George Johnson Lillingston, Gentleman (^.v.). S5iR ALLEN B.\YARD JOHNSON, K.C.B., General Jengal Army ; served in Burmese War 1853 (mentioned in (ispatches, and medal with clasp), and in Indian Mutiny Caioaign (medal with clasp) ; was Military Secretary in Inc Office 1877-89. Born May 2, 1829, being the seventh sonj)f the late Sir Henry Allen Johnson, Bart., of Bath, Knjht of Wilhelm of the Netherlands. Livery — Blue, wit^Afhite facings and silver buttons. Armorial bearings — S;)le, on a saltire argent, between three towers or, fired pror, and two tilting-spears saltireways in base of the sec( d, five cocks gules, the shield being surrounded by the ribti of the Bath, and pendent his badge as a K.C.B. Mailing sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colc'^, a tower argent, charged with a crescent for differ- ence jules, thereon a cock proper. Mottoes — Above the cres " Vicisti et vivimus " ; below the shield, "Nunquam ion iratus." Residence— (X) Lexham Gardens, W. Club — Uaed Service. A THUR JOHNSON, Gentleman. Armorial bear- ag^ Argent, on a fusil gules, between four human hearts altii vise of the last, a passion cross of the first. Mantling rule:and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, li fr t of a passion cross or, an anchor in bend sinister abli Motto — "Fides, spes, caritas." Residence— Th& Voc ands, Bishop's Stortford, co. Herts. CURLES PLUMPTRE JOHNSON, Esquire. Born 853 )eing the second son of the late Sir George Johnson, I.DF.R.S., Physician-Extraordinary to her late Majesty •uei Victoria, by his wife Charlotte Elizabeth, youngest dau. of William White (Lieutenant) of Salisbury. Armorial bearings— Quarterly per fesse nebuly or and sable, on a bend gules, between an eagle rising in the second quarter, and in the third a lotus flower, leaved and slipped, a serpent nowed all proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befittinsj his degree, with a Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from clouds a serpent nowed, holding in the mouth a poppy-head slipped proper, thereon an eagle rising also proper, charged on the breast and each wing with a cross crosslet gules; with the MottO, "In lucem aspiro." Residence — EDWARD MIDDLETON JOHNSON, Esquire. Born 1859, being the third son of the late Sir George Johnson, M.D., F. R.S., Physician-Extraordinary to her late Majesty Queen Victoria, by his wife Charlotte Elizabeth, youngest dau. of William White (Lieutenant) of Salisbury. Armorial bearings — Quarterly per fesse nebuly or and sable, on a bend gules, between an eagle rising in the second quarter, and in the third a lotus flower, leaved and slipped, a serpent nowed all proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from clouds a serpent nowed, holding in the mouth a poppy-head slipped proper, thereon an eagle also proper, charged on the breast and each wing with a cross crosslet gules ; with the Motto, " In lucem aspiro." Residence— ERNEST JOHNSON, Esquire, M.A. Oxon., Capt. Duke of Lancaster's Imperial Yeo. Born July 20, 1870, being the second son of the late John Thewlis Johnson, Esq., J. P. for co. Derby, by his wife Amelia, dau. of John Higgins of Cheetham Hill. Armorial bearings — Or, three pheons in fesse azure, within two flaunches of the last, each charged with a pheon of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, the hand gnisping a javelin in bend sinister, pheoned or, and enfiled with a chaplet of roses gules, two branches of oak in saltire vert ; with the Motto, " Virtus patientia Veritas." Married, Nov. 11, 1896, Violet Seymour, dau. of Henry S. Persse of Glenarde, Galway ; and has Issue — (i) Eric Seymour Johnson, Gentleman, b. 1897 ; (2) Michael Antony Johnson, Gentleman, b. 1904 ; and Eleonor Bryony. Residence— ^\\&i\.ev\\a.m Hall, Congleton. Club — Cavalry. S FREDERICK PONSONBY JOHNSON, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for Cumberland, B.A. Oxon., late Capt. in the Cumberland and Westmorland Yeomanry Cavalry, Lord of rhe Manor of Walton. Born June 5, 1843, being the eldest son of George John Johnson, Esq., J. P., D.L., High Sheriff 1876, late Coldstream Guards, who died 1896, by his wife Frederica, second dau. of Sir Frederick Hankey, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. Livery — Dark blue and yellow ; and for full dress : yellow plush breeches. Club — New University. Armorial bearings — Argent, a saltire sable charged with five bezants, on a chief gules, an Eastern crown between two woolpacks or. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, an estoile within a spur erect, between two wings elevated or. Motto — "Nunquam non paratus." Married, July 25, 1901, Frances Mary, only dau. of the late Col. Gray of Farley Hill Place, Reading; and has /wk«— George Frederick Johnson, Gentleman, b. Nov. 28, 1903. Seat and postal address — Castlesteads, Brampton, Cumberland. Club — The County Club (Carhsle). GEORGE RANDALL JOHNSON, Esq., M.A. (Can- tab.), Barrister-at-Law, Member of the Legislative Council of New Zealand. Born 1833, being the eldest surviving son of the late Rev. Richard Johnson, J. P., of Stalham, Rector of Lavenham, Suffolk, by Mary Ann, dau. of the late George Cubitt, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Catfield Hall, Norfolk. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a saltire ermine, five crosses moline sable, a chief of the second charged with three mullets of the third, and impaling the arms of Russell, namely gules, two swords saltireways proper between as many cinquefoils in pale argent, on a is tlie Naval Cockade. 74« 3106 chirf of tlic last two bomlwhclls fired proper. Mantling gules and argcitt ; and for his Orett, U|>on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant erminois holding in the dexter paw a mullet as in the arms, and resting the dexter foot on a cross moline gules. Married, 1873, Lucy, dau. of Lieut.- Col. Andrew Hamilton Russell ; and has, with other Issue — Randall Johnson, Gentleman,^. 1880. Estates —^XsXn&m and Tunstead, Norfolk. Residences — Wellington, New Zealand ; United University Club, S.W. GEORGE STILLINGFLEET JOHNSON, Esquire, Bom 1851, being the eidest son of Sir George Johnson, M.D., F.R.S., Physician-Extraordinary to her late Majesty Queen Victoria, by his wife Charlotte Elizabeth, youngest dau. of William White (Lieutenant) of Salisbury. Armorial bearing^ — Quarterly per fesse nebuly or and sable, on a bend gules, between an eagle rising in the second quarter, and in the third a lotus flower, leaved and slipped, a serj)ent nowed, all projier. Uf)on the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting liis degree, with a Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from clouds a serpent nowed, holding in the mouth a pKjppy-head slipped proper,- thereon an eagle rising also propHjr, charged on the breast and each wing with a cross crosslet gules; with tbeMottO, " In lucem aspiro." Postal address — HANNAH ALICE JOHNSON, Spinster, Member of the West Derby Board of Guardians, youngest dau. of the late James Johnson of Higherfield, West Derby, Liverpool, by his wife Mary, younger dau. of Francis Shaw of Knows- ley. Armorial bearing^ are, upon a lozenge, argent, a saltire invected pean between two wings erect in fesse sable, on a chief of the last, a lozenge between two wool packs or. S HERBERT ALFRED JOHNSON, Esquire, Major 6th Batt. Manchester Regt. (Mil), M.A. Trin. Hall, Camb. Born July 10, 1866, being the eldest son of the late John Thewlis Johnson, Esq., J. P. for co. Derby, by his wife Amelia, dau. of John Higgins of Cheetham Hill. Livery — Dark blue, with red waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Or, three pheons in fesse azure, within two (launches of the last, each charged with a pheon of the first. Up)on the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling azure and or ; and for his C^est, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, the hand grasping a javelin in bend sinister, pheoned or, and enfiled with a chaplet of roses gules, two branches of oak in saltire vert ; with the Motto, "Virtus patientia Veritas." Married, Dec. 11, 1895, Ethel Alexandra, dau. 3106 of Benjamin Miller Grey Barn.-ird of Brooklyn, U.S.A. • and h.is Issue -John Thewlis Johnson, Gentleman, h. Dtj,' VIRTUS PATieNTIlV VERITAS 9, 1898; and Sylvia Alexandra. Seat — Farnah Hall,neir Derby. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. JAMES JOHNSON, Gentleman. Bom March 23, 1850, being the only surviving son of the late James Johnson of Higherfield, West Derby, Liverpool, by his wife Mary, younger daughter of Francis Shaw of Knowsley. Amw- rial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, a saltire in- vected pean between two wings erect in fesse sable, on a chief of the last, a lozenge between two woolpacks or; and for his Crest, in front of two tihing-spears in saltire proper, a spur or, the whole between two wings also proper ; with the Motto, "Servabo fidem." Married, October 7, 1880, Anne, third daughter of John Crisp of Knowsley, near Liverpool ; and has Issue — Mary Elizabeth ; and Alice Mildred. Residence — Thurlaston House, Dunchurdi, Rugby. JAMES GERALD THEWLIS JOHNSON, Gentte- man. Born July 29, 1886, being the fourth son of the late John Thewlis Johnson, Esq., J. P. for co. Derby, bjr his scond wife Anne, dau. of James Higgins of Turvey, ca Bedford. Armorial bearings— Or, three pheons in fesse azure, within two flaunches of the last, each charged with a pheon of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling azure and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, the hand grasping a javelin in bend sinister, pheoned or, and enfiled with a chaplet of roses gules, two branches of oak in saltire vert; with the Motto, "Virtus patientia Veritas." Residence— JOHN WILLIAM DENNE HILTON -JOHNSON. Esq., J. P. for cos. Kent and Lincoln and for W. Riding of the CO. ot York, formerly Lieut. 3rd Hussars, CapL and Hon. Major ist W. York Yeo. Cav. Bom 1845, being the eldest son of the late Rev. John Denne Hilton, by Elizabeth Frances, only sister of Robert Popplewell Steer Johnson of Temple Belwood ; and assumed the surname and arms of Johnson by Royal License in 1871. Clubs— Ca.t\Xor\, Anny and Navy. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argat a lion passant gules, on a chief vert three acorns leaved and slipped or (for Johnson) ; 2 and 3 ermine, two bars azure, a chief an annulet between two saltires of the last (for Hilton). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon » is the Military Coclcade. 3101) m 747 'wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert a wolf passant [sable, holding in the mouth a branch of woodbine proper i (for Johnson) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a man's head jaffront^e between two bulrushes proper (for Hilton). Afar- ried, 1872, Louisa Catherine, youngest dau. of the late iThomas Coutts Loch; and has Issue — (i) Alan H. Hilton Johnson, Gentleman, b. 1876, Lieut. Lincolnshire Regt. ; ;and Cicely H. Seat — Sarre Court, Birchington. I i JOSEPH BULLEN JOHNSON, Gentleman. Born jjan. 1833, being the second son of the late Noble Johnson lof Rockenham, co. Cork, by his wife Susan, dau. of Joseph JBullen of Kinsale. Armorial bearings— Argent, a saltire isable, between a lymphad in chief of the second and a itower in base gules, on a chief engrailed of the last, three jcushions or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mural crown proper, a spear erect or, between two wings expanded argent, each charged jwith an annulet gules. Motto—" Nunquam non paratus." Married Eloise, dau. of Capt. Robert Atkins Rogers of [Coolfadda House; and has Issue — Noble Johnson, Gentle- 1 ; and Alice. Residence — LIONEL ARTHUR THEWLIS JOHNSON, Gentle- ■nan, M. A. Born March 11, 1874, being the third son of the ate John Thewlis Johnson, Esq., J. P. for co. Derby, by lis wife Amelia, dau. of John Higgins of Cheetham Hill. Umorial bearings — Or, three pheons in fesse azure, within wo Haunches of the last, each charged with a pheon of the irst. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his legree, with a Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, ipon a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter arm mbowed in armour proper, the hand grasping a javelin in j)end sinister, pheoned or, and enfiled with a chaplet of i'oses gules, two branches of oak in saltire vert. Motto — ' Virtus patientia Veritas." Postal add. — Mountfield, Child's iill, London, N.W. Clubs — Camera and Automobile. OSWALD CARNEGY JOHNSON, Gentleman, B.A. )xon., Barrister-at-Law. Born Aug. 15, 1867, being the ly child of the late Rev. Frederick Pigot Johnson, M.A. ;on. [5th son of Sir H. A. Johnson of Bath, 2nd Bart.], his wife Matilda Elizabeth, youngest daughter of James -rnegy-Arbuthnott of Balnamoon and Findowrie, Forfar- ire N.B. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4 per pale sable and azure on a saltire argent between three towers or, fired projier, one in chief and two in fesse, and two tilting-spears saltirewise in base of the third five cocks of the first (for Johnson) ; 2. argent, a fesse azure between six martlets sable, three and three (for Walsh) ; 3. the arms of Carnegy-Arbuthnott, namely, quarterly i. and iiii. azure, a crescent between three mulcts, within a bordure argent, ii. and iii. or, an eagle dis- played azure, beaked and membered gules, within a bordure vair. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befit- ting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a tower argent, thereon a cock proper, with the Mottoes (above the crest) " Vicisti et vivimus," and (below the shield) "Nunquam non paratus." Married, July 12, 1892, Margaret Ward, third daughter of the late Rev. Edmond Thomas Butler, M.A. , Cantab., of Trotton St. George, Sussex. Postal address — 35 Gunterstone Road, West Kensington. THOMAS FIELDING JOHNSON, Esquire, J. P. forco. Leicester, also Borough of Leicester. Born Dec. 24, 1828, being the second son of John Goode Johnson of London and Stockport, by his wife Eliza, dau. of Thomas Fielding, Leicester. William Johnson of BarkbyThorpe,co. Leicester, a tenant at will of the Abbot and Convent of St. Mary de Pratir of Leicester, was living in 1296, and a pedigree has been proved and officially recorded showing the descent of the above-mentioned Thomas Fielding Johnson from William Johnson, also of Barkby Thorpe, who d. 1572, and was buried in Barkby Church. Armorial bearii^B— Ar- gent, three chevronels between two griffins' heads erased in chief and a fleece in base gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin gules holding a pheon in the dexter claw and resting the sinister on a lozenge or. Motto— " Lahore et honore." Married, firstly, May 3, 1855, Julia Christiana Stone, dau. of Samuel Stone of Leicester ; and secondly, April 14, 1863, Agnes Paget, dau. of Alfred Paget of Leicester ; and has surviving Issue — Thomas Fielding Johnson, Gentle- man, b. April 24, 1856 ; and Agnes Mabel \in. William Wallace Bruce, L.C.C.] 6Va^— Brookfield, Knighton, near Leicester. S WILLIAM JOHNSON, Esquire, J.P. and D.L., Lieut. -Col. late Rifle Brigade. Born Jan. 19, 1829, being the eldest son of the late Noble Johnson of Rocken- ham, CO. Cork, by his wife Susan, dau. of Joseph BuUen of Kinsale. Armorial bearings— Argent, a saltire sable. is the Naval Cockade. 748 m 3loD between a lymphad in chief of the second and a tower in base Rules, on a chief engrailed of the last, three cushions or. M«ntUtiy sable and argent. OrMt — On a wreath of the colours, on a mural crown proper, a spear erect or, between two wings expanded argent, each charged with an annulet gules. Motto — " Nunquam non paratus." Afar- rieii, 1859, Maria, dau. of Henry St. George Osborne of Dardinstown Castle, co. Meath ; and has Issue — Georgina Susan Mary [<•«., 1885. Montagu Grant Wilkinson, Esq., Major King's Own Scottish Borderers]. Seal — Rockenham, Pas&ige West, co.Cork, .^«,— Castle Lyons House.Fermoy. WILLIAM JOHNSON, Esquire, J. P., D.L., and High Sheriff of Cork 1861. Bom March 26, 1815, being the third son of the late William Johnson, a Deputy-Governor of the City of Cork, and its High Sheriff 1815, by his wife Sarah, dau. of John Martin of Killaclovne, co. Cork. ArmorlAl bearinsrs— Argent, a saltire sable, between a lymphad in chief of the second and a tower in base gules, on a chief engrailed of the last, three cushions or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a mural crown proper, a spear erect or, between two wings expanded argent, each charged with an annulet gules. Motto — " Nunquam non paratus." Married, Oct. 14, 1845, Ann, dau. of John Smithwick of Rathelshcen, co. Tipperary, by his wife Cherry, dau. of Col. Pennefather of Cashel ; and has Issue — (i) Noble William Johnson, Esq., Capt, North Cork Rifles, b. Nov. 5, 1846; (2) Georg^ Johnson, Gentleman, Lieut. 99th Regt. , *. April 8, 1850, killed at the battle of Gingilhovo, Africa, in 1879 ; (3) William Johnson, Gentleman, b. Feb. 7, 1858 ; (4) Valentine Francis Johnson, Gentleman, b. March 17, i860 ; and (5) Walter Berwick Johnson, Gentleman, b. Nov. 1861. JOHNSTON OF Hilton, quartered by HALSEY. JOHNSTON, quartered by BAINES, SURGES, ROWLEY, and TWEEDY. JOHNSTON of that Ilk and Caskieben (1695). Quarterly, I and 4, argent, a saltire sable, on a chief gules, three cushions or (Johnston) ; 2 and 3, azure, a bend or, between three stags' heads erased argent with attirings of gold, and as many cross crosslets fitchde of the second (Garioch of Caskieben). Mantling gules, doubled argent, Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a phoenix in flames proper. Motto — " Vive ut postea vivas." Only son of Sir William Bacon Johnston, 8th Bart., b. 1806 ; d. 1865 ; m. 1855, Mary Anne, d. of William Tye of Mendlesham, Suffolk : — Sir William Johnston, 9th Baronet (Nova Sco., 31 March 1626), J. P. [Supporters — Two Indians proper, wreathed about the middle with laiu-el], *, 31 July 1849. Res. — The Ranche, Buckhurst Hill, Essex. CVk^j— Caledonian, Royal Northern (Aberdeen). Son of Robert Johnston, Merchant in Aberdeen, b. 1810 ; d. 1887 ; m. 1835, Mary, d. of George Hadden : — William Johnston, Esq., C.B. (1902), Col. (ret.) Army Medical Staff, M.A. , M.D. , heir presumptive to the Baronetcy [Arms as above, but (rematric. 14 Feb. 1903) the whole withm a bordure or. Mantling sable and argent], b. 1843 ; in. 28 June 1882, Charlotte, yst. d. of James Arnott, W.S. , of Leithfield, Kincardineshire, and of Edin- burgh. Res. — Newton Dee, Murtle, Aberdeenshire. Club — Naval and Military. M ANDREW JOHNSTON, Esquire, J.P., D.L. (High W Sheriff 1880), formerly M.P. for South Essex, Chair- man of Quarter Sessions for Essex and of Essex County Council. Bom 1835, being the eldest son of the late Andrew Johnston of Rennyhill, co. Fife, M.P. for St. Andrews Burghs, by his wife Priscilla, eldest dau. of Sir T. Fowell Buxton, first Bart., M.P. Armorial bearings — Argent, a saltire sable, on a chief gules, three cushions or, a bordure wavy vert, charged with three bezants. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of the liveries, a winged spur cr. Motto — "Nunquam non paratus," or " Assiduitate. " Married, Sept. 14, 1858, Charlotte Anne, eldest dau. of the Rev. George Trevelyan, M. A. , Rector of Maiden , Surrey. Residence — Forest Lodge, Woodford Green. S ARCHIBALD JOHNSTON, Gentleman. Born May 12, 1844, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Brumby Johnston, Esq., Geographer to Her late Majesty Queen Vic- toria, D.L. for the city and co. of Edinbiu-gh, Member of the Royal Society, the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland the Geological Society, the Meteorological Society, the Royal Geographical Jiocieiies of London and Kdinburgh. bv his wife Jane, dau. of Thomas Ruddiinan. Livtry-L White, with black collar and cuffs, silver buttons and hat- band. Armorial bearings — Parted per pale argent and sable, a saltire counterchanged, on a chief gules three cushions or. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a spur, winged or, leathered gules; with the Motto, "Ready, aye ready." Married, July 25, 1876, Amelia Harriet, dau. of Philip Whitehead; and has Issue -{.i) Archibald Douglas Johnston, Gentl^ man, b. Sept. 22, 1878 ; (2) .'Mexander Keith Johnston, Gentleman, b. Oct. 2, 1881 ; Winifred Jean ; and Annie Florence. Postal add. — 9 Claremont Crescent, Edinburgh. JH GEORGE HAMILTON JOHNSTON, Esquire, late East Yorkshire Regt., Lt.-Col., B.A. Trinity College, is tbe Blilitary Cockade 31oD 306 749 Dublin. Bom 1847, being the eld. son of the Rev. Richard ■Johnston of Kilmore, in the co. of Armagh [to whom refer], [by his first wife Augusta Sophia, dau. of the Rev. George 'Hamilton, M.A. (she died i860). Armorial bearing^ — 'He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a saltire sable, •between in chief a trefoil slipped vert and in base a heart •;nsigned with an imperial crown proper, a chief gules, Lhereon three cushions or (for Johnston); 2. azure, six [ions rampant, three, two and one argent, armed and langued gules, a canton ermine, charged with a bull's jicalp proper (for Cheney) ; 3. quarterly gules and argent, in the first and fourth quarters three cinquefoils pierced l;rmine, and a canton of the second charged with a trefoil iilipped vert ; in the second and third quarters a lymphad, ails furled, oars in action, sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable knd argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in arm in armour embowed, the hand grasping a sword all :)roper, charged on the elbow with a spur-rowel gules. |4ottO^— " Nunquam non paratus." Postal address — Kil- nore, Richhill, county Armagh. , GEORGE LAWSON LAWSON JOHNSTON, Gentle- han. Bom 1873, being the second son of the late John (.awson Johnston, Gentleman. Armorial bearingfS — firgent, on a saltire engrailed sable, between four daggers joints downwards gules, the sun in his splendour or, on a ief of the third, three cushions of the fourth. Mantling s;le, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a pur, between two wings or, and in an escrol over the sae this Motto, "Nunquam non paratus." Married, I' 2, Hon. Laura, fifth dau. of Lord St. John of Bletsoe; a 1 has Issue— 0\\y& Elizabeth Helen. Residence — 29 Port- n 1 Square, W. Clubs — Devonshire, Royal Temple Yacht, L ion des Yacht Club Fran9aise, &c. The Reverend RICHARD JOHNSTON. Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts. Born April 5, 1816, being the third son of the late Andrew Johnston of Barnhill, Dalkey, and Upper Temple Street, Dublin, by his wife Sophia, only child of George Cheney of Holywood, in the county of Kildare, and St. Stephen's Green, Dublin. Club — Sack- ville Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a saltire sable, between in chief a trefoil slipped vert and in base a heart ensigned with an imjierial crown proper, a chief gules, thereon three cushions or (for Johnston) ; 2 and 3 azure, six lions ram- pant, three, two and one argent, armed and langued gules, a canton ermine, charged with a bull's scalp prop)er (for Cheney) ; and impaling the arms of Hall-Dare, namely,- quarterly 1 and 4, azure a lion rampant argent, between three lozenges or, each charged with an increscent gules, in chief a cross crosslet gold (for Dare) ; 2 and 3 sable, on a chevron engrailed between three battle-axes erect or, as many eagles displayed of the field (for Hall). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an arm in armour embowed, the hand grasping a sword all proper, charged on the elbow with a spur-rowel gules. Motto—' ' Nunquam non paratus. " Married, firstly, 1844, Augusta Sophia, last surviving child of the Rev. George Hamilton, M.A. , Rector of Killermogh, Queen's Co. , and gfranddau. of the Rt. Rev. Hugh Hamilton, D.D., F.R.S., of Newtown Hamilton, co. of Armagh, Bishop of Ossory, by whom (who*/. April 30, i860) he has Issue — (i) George Hamilton Johnston, Esq., B.A. , late Major East Yorkshire Regt. , b. Oct. 26, 1847 ; (2) Andrew Edmund John- ston, Esq., b. Nov. 23, 1848 [w. , Sept. 6, 1877, Constance Mary, youngest dau. of John Samuel Graves of Woodbine Hill, Honiton, co. Devon, and has issue, George Paul Graves Johnston, Gentleman, b. March 4, 1881 ; Catherine Hester ; Isabel Mary ; and Constance Ella] ; (3) the Rev. Francis Burdett Johnston, M.A. , Vicar of Waltham Abbey, co. Essex, b. March 25, 1850; (4) Henry Augustus Johnston, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, b. Nov. ir, 185 1 ; Sophia; Isabella Selina ; and Augusta. He m. secondly. May 27, 1862, Hester, eldest dau. of the late Robert William Lowry, Esq. , J. P. and D. L. , of Pomeroy, co. Tyrone, and Belmore, CO. Westmeath (she d. June i, 1876) ; and thirdly, July 1884, Olivia Frances Grafton, eldest dau. of Robert Westley Hall- Dare, Esq., of Theydon Bois, co. Essex, and Newtown Barry, co. Wexford. Estate — Kilmore. Postal address — Kilmore, Richhill, co. Armagh. WILLIAM ELLIOT LAWSON JOHNSTON, Gentle- man. Botm May 16, 1872, being the elder son of the late John Lawson Johnston. Armorial bearing^ — Argent, on a saltire sable, between four daggers points downwards gules, the sun in his splendour or, on a chief of the third, three is the Naval Cockade. 750 3!oD m cushions of the fourth. Mantling sable and argent. Oreit —On a wreath of his liveries, a spur, between two wings or, and upon an escrol over the same this Motto, " Nunquam non paratus." /Residence — 59 Brook Street, London, W. S STAIR HATHORN JOHNSTON - STEWART. Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for co. of Wigtown, J. P. co. of Linlithgow, formerly Capt. 20th Hussars. Bom June 2, 1852, being the eldest son of the late Robert Hathorn- Stewart, Esq., of Physgill, J. P., D.L., by his first wife Eleanor Louisa, youngest dau. of Sir John Douglas of Glen- finart. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearings — Or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, surmounted of a bend engrailed gules, in the sinister chief point a buckle of the fourth, all within a double tressure flory counterflory also of the fourth. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-lion rampant holding in the dexter paw a buckle or. Motto — "Suffibulatus majores sequor." Married, July 12, 1883, Helen Constance, third dau. of Sir Edward Hunter-Blair, 4th Bart. Seats — Glasserton and Physgill, Whithorn, co. Wigtown; Champfleurie, co. Linlithgow, N.B. Clubs — Naval and Military, New (Edinburgh), Royal Yacht Squadron (Cowes). GEORGE CHARLES KEPPEL JOHNSTONE, Esquire, Lieut. -Col. late 2nd Batt. Grenadier Guards, J.P. Bom Aug. 5, 1841, being the younger twin son of the late Sir George Frederick Johnstone, M.P., 7th Baronet, and Lady Louisa Craven, only dau. of the Rt. Hon. the ist Earl of Craven. Livery — Blue and white. Armorial bearings— Argent, a saltire sable, on a chief gules, three cushions or, in base a man's heart ensigned with an Imperial crown proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a spur with wings or. Motto — ' ' Nun- quam non paratus." Married, June 29, 1875, Agnes Caro- hne, youngest dau, of the late Thomas Chamberlayne, Esq. , J. P., D.L., of Cranbury Park and Weston Grove, Hamp- shire ; and has Issue— (\) George Frederic Thomas Tanker- ville Johnstone, Gentleman, late Lieut. Royal Sussex Militia, *. August 1, 1876 \m. 190J, Ernestina, dau. of Col. PorceB Cust ; and has issue, Laura. Violet, and Dorothy] ■(•& Charles John Johnstone, Gentleman, Lieut. Ritie Brigadtl late R. Berks Militia, b. Dec. 30, 1877; Agnes I.^ii Barbara Snowflake; and Rose Mary Adeline Daenui Amelia. Residence— Rothsay, West Cowes, Isle of Wiebt C/«*j — Carlton, l^att's. Royal London Yacht (Cowe«l Island Sailing (Cowes), Isle of Wight. * The Latk JOHN HEYWOOD JOHNSTONE Esquire, J.P. for co. Sussex, M.P. for Horsham Division of CO. Sussex. B.A. (Cambs.). Barrister-at-Law. lk>rn May 18, 1850, being the second but only surviving son of the late Rev. George Dempster Johnstone. Rector of Creed CO. Cornwall, by his wife Mary Anne (who died 1890), dau! of John Hawkins of liifinor Park, co. Sussex. l.iven~ Plain d.ark blue. Armorial bearings— guarterly i and 4 argent, between an annulet in chief sable and a man s heart gules, ensigned with an Imperial crown in base or, a saltire of the second charged with five fleurs-de-lis of the first, on a chief of the third three cushions of the fourth. (Johnstone) ; 2 and 3, per saltire or and argent, on a saltire sable, five fleur-de-lis of the first, a bordure gobony or and of the third (Hawkins). Mantling sable, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a spur with wings or, leathered gules. Motto — "Nunquam non paratus." Mar- ried, 1878, Josephine, dau. of the late J. J. Wells of Bickley, co. Kent ; and has Issue — George Horace John- stone, Gentleman, b. Jan. 8, 1882; Frances Grace; and Margaret Ruth. Seats— YA^ox Park, Pulborough, Sussex; Trewishen, Cornwall. C/«^j— Carlton, United University. m MONTAGUE GEORGE JOHNSTONE, Esquire, ® D.S.O. (1901), Lieut. -Col. late Royal Scots Greys, J.P. CO. Fife, Member of the King's Bodyguard for Scotland, Bom March 21, 1848, being the second son of the late Gen. Montague Cholmeley Johnstone, by his wife Louisa Leonora, dau. of Lieut. - Gen. Sir Henry Somet^t, K.C.B., K.H. Z,?V«rc — Light drab, crimson facings, silver buttons ; (dress) : white coat, crimson breeches. Ar- morial bearings— Argent, on a saltire sable, between an annulet in chief ot the second and a man's heart gules, ensigned with an imperial crown in base or, a portcullis of the last, on a chief of the third, three cushions of the fourth. Mantling sable doubled argent ; and for his Crest, up)on a wreath of his liveries, a spur with winjjs or, leathered gules ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Nun- quam non paratus." Married, July 10, 1880, Agnes Stans- feld, widow of the late Capt. Robert Johnston Stansfeld of is tbe Military Cockade. 3IoD [ath and 38th Regts., and J. P. Yorkshire, and younger laii, of the late Joseph Harrison, Esq., of Galhgreaves Fiall, and of Samlesbury, Lanes., Lord of the Manor of Hadleigh, Essex, J. P., D.L. ; and has Issue — (i) Montague >seph Charles Somerset Johnstone, Gentleman, and Lieut, oyal Scots Greys, b. June 16, 1882 ; (2) Reginald FitzRoy ;wis Johnstone, Gentleman, b. June 6, 1884; and Violet ?nes Charlotte M ary. Residence — Craig-Sanquhar, Cupar- fe, N.B. C/tti5— Naval and Military. RICHARD JOHNSTONE, Esquire, Capt. ist Batt. K. O. Royal Rifles. Bom June 23, 1874, being the i e est surviving son of the late Col. Sir James Johnstone, 1 C.S.L , of Fulford Hall, co. Warwick, and Dunsley Manor, c Stafford, J. P. for cos. Warwick and Worcester, Col. 1 igal Infantry, and late Political Agent at Manipur, India, 31oi 75» by his wife Emma Mary, dau. of Sampson S. Lloyd, Esq.- M.P. , of Moor Hall, co. Warwick, and Dolobran, co. Mont, gomery. Armorial bearing (iS4ii matric. L.O. 1772, rematric. 1870)— Argent, a saltire sable, between a mullet in chief and a rose in base gules, and in flank two garbs vert, on a chief of the third, three cushions or. Mantling g^les, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a spur proper, winged or. Motto — ' ' Nunquam non paratus." Married, June i, 1899, Catherine Florence May, dau. of Rear-Adm. Sir Robert Harris, K.C.M.G. ; and has Issue — James Johnstone, Esq. , b. 1900. Residences — Fulford Hall, Hockley Heath, Warwick ; Dunsley Manor, Stafford. JOHNSTONE of Alva (rematric. L.O., 29 June 1904, cadet of Johnstone of Westerhall). Argent, a saltire sable, between an annulet in chief of the second and a man's heart gules ensigned with an Imperial crown in base or, on a chief of the third, three cushions of the fourth. Mantling sable, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a spur with wings or and leathers gules. MottO— " Nunquam non paratus." Livery — Light blue, scarlet facings. Dau. and son of James Johnstone, Esq. , of Alva, co. Stirling, and Hangingshaw, co. Selkirk, J. P. and D.L. cos. Clackmannan, Stirling, and Selkirk, M.P. cos. Clackmannan and Kinross 1851-7, h. 1801 ; d. 1888 ; m. 1st, 1846, Hon. Augusta Anne Norton (d. 1859), sister of 3rd Lord Grantley ; 2nd, 1862, Sarah Mary, d. of Lt.-Col. L' Estrange of Moystown, King's Co. : — Caroline Elizabeth Mary Johnstone of Alva (d. by ist mar.), b. 1849. Seat — Alva House, Alva, N.B. Club — Queen's (Edinburgh). Major James Henry L'Estrange Johnstone, M.V.O. , Roy. Eng., b. 1865; m. 1891, Amy, d. of late Andrew Wauchope ; and has issue — (i) John Andrew Johnstone, Gentleman, b. 1893 ; (2) Henry James Johnstone, Gentle- man, b. 1895; (3) Andrew Wauchope Johnstone, Gentle- man, b. 1903. Seat — The Hangingshaw, Selkirk. Club — Junior United Service. SJOHN PAKENHAM JOICEY- CECIL, Esquire, commonly called Lord John Pakenham Joicey-Cecil, Major 4th Batt. Lincolnshire Regiment, formerly Lieut. is tbe Naval Cockade. 75* 3I0I 3lon Grenadier Guards, J. P. for the Liberty of the Soke of Fetertx>rough. Assumed by Royal Licence 1898, the Additional surname and arms of Joicey. Bom March 3, 1867, being the fourth son of the late Most Hon. William AUeyne Cecil, third Marquess of Exeter, P.C., by his wife I^dy Georgina Sophia, second dau. of the Right Hon. Thomas Takenham, second Earl of Longford. Livery (dress) - Light blue, white facings, silver buttons ; (undress), pepper and salt, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, barry of ten argent and azure, over all six escutcheons sable, three, two and one, each charged with a lion rampant of the first (for Cecil) ; 2 and 3, argent, three torleaux each charged with a lozenge in bend of the first between two bendlets gules (for Joicey). Mantling azure and argent.. CreBts — r. up>on a cap of maintenance, a garb or, supported by two lions, the dexter argent, the sinister azure (for Cecil) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-man affront^in armour proper, the helmet adorned with three feathers gules, argent and azure, resting the dexter hand on an escutcheon of the arms of Joicey and supporting with the sinister a spiked mace also proper. Motto — ' ' Cor unum via una." Married, Sept. 15, 1896, Isabella Maud, eldest dau. and co-heir of the late Col. John Joicey, M.P. , of Newton Hall, Northumberland ; and has Issue —John Francis James Joiccy-Cecil, Esq., b. Sept. 18, 1897. Seats — Newton Hall, co. Northumberland ; Tivoer Grange, Stamford. Town residence— 2 Hereford Gardens, London, W, Clubs-GvaiAs', Junior Carlton, R.V. Yacht. JOLLY, quartered by GATES. JONES, quartered by BOWEN, LONGUEVILLE, and SOMERS. JONES, see ANKETELL - JONES, HELSHAM - JONES, HEYWOOD - JONES, PRYCE- JONES, SPENCE- JONES, and WILLDING- JONES. S ALEXANDER FAIR JONES, Esquire, J. P. Flints, formerly Capt. 4th Hussars, Major late 6th Batt. King's Royal Rifle Corps. Born Feb. 24, 1838, being the fourth son of the late Wilson Jones of Hartsheath, Flints, and Gelligy nan and Cefn Coch, CO. Denbigh, M.P. for Denbigh Borough, by his wife Cecil, dau. of John Carstairs of Hunt- ingdon. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a chevron or, between three escutcheons argent, each charged with a boar's head couped of the first, an arrow paleways proper, a martlet for difference. Mantling gules and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert a boar's head couped gules, in front of an arrow paleways proper. Motto—" Heb nevol nerth nidd sicr saeth. " Married, Sept. XI, 1866, Amelia Helen, dau. of James Gillespie David- son, W.S., of Edinburgh; and has Issue — (1) ArcliilxiM Wilson Jones, Esq., Advocate, Capt. 4th Batt. HiKhlaiul Light Infantry, b. June ai, 1868 ; (a) Alexander Keith | i,. Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., b. Feb. ao, 1870; and .\ i-n Lamont Jones, Gentleman, b. Sept. 7, 1871 (dici.i ,1, Residence — 55 Northumberland Street, Edinburgh. CluL — Caledonian, United Service (Edinburgh). The Reverend CHARLES WILLIAM JONES. Clerk in Holy Orders. Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Vicar of Pakenham, in the co. of Suffolk, and formerly Rural Dean. Bom April 8, 1825. lx;ing the second son of the Reverend Charles Jones, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of .Arts of the University of Cambridge, Vicar of Pakenham, in the county of Suffolk, by his wife Mary, only dau. of Thomas Quayle, Esquire, of Bartoninere. in the county of Suffolk, Justice of the Peace. Bencher of ib( Middle Temple. Livery — White, with black cuffs and collar. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4. argent a chevron ermines between three ravens sable, on a chief engrailed of the second a heart or (for Jones) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron sable, gutt^e-d'eau, between three quails proper, in the centre chief point a fjellet, two swords points upwards of the first (for Quayle) ; and for his Crett, on a wreath of the colours, on a heart or, a raven sable, gorged with a collar gemel argent ; with the Motto, " Deus pascit corvos." Married, January 11, 1853, Barbara Rose, second daughter of Robert Weale, Assistant Commissionef of Poor Laws; and has had Issue — (i) Sir William Hol- lingworth Quayle Jones. K.B.. M.A. of the Univ. of Cam- bridge, sometime Chief-Justice of Sierra Leone, Barrister- at-Law [to whom refer] ; (2) Morey Quayle Jones, Esq., C.B. (Mil. Div.) (1898), Commanding 6th Regimental District, Barrister-at-Law, b. 1855 [m. Feb. 14, 1888. Isajjd Dashwood, and has issue, Phyllis Quayle] ; (3) Exiward Quayle Jones, Gentleman, b. 1859, and died 1875; (4) Harford Quayle Jones, Gentleman, b. 1861, and died an infant ; and Winifred Quayle \m. 1883, Edward Riplev Dalton, Barrister-at-Law, LL.M. Trinity Coll., Cambs.]. Postal address — Pakenham Vicarage, Bury St. Edmunds. EDWARD FEILDING JONES, Gentleman. Born March 25, 1868, being the fourth but only surviving son of the late Edward James Jones, Esq., of Dalmonach, cft Dumbarton, Esq. , J. P. for that co., by his wife, Esther Smith. Armorial bearings — Sable, a stag trippant between three is tbe Military Cockade. Plate XXIV. • C§5R.HIS(5-DaHH Ui^nois&on • ffiSKZie^r DieKJ) 31on 3lon 753 |;pear-heads sable, a stag trippant between three spear- heads argent. Mantling sable and argent, Crest — On a .vreath of the colours, a stag trippant proper, in front of two !p>ears in saltire, the shafts sable and the heads argent. ^liottO— " Spectemur agendo." Married, Nov. 23, 1895, Ek, dau. of Owen Friend of Moreton Hampstead, Devon- si e ; and has Issue — William Owen Ellis Feilding Jones, Gitleman, b. April 26, 1900; Norah Vie (deceased); and E'en Margaret Feilding. Residence — 38 Athole Gardens, Gsgow. {FREDERICK ARTHUR GERWYN JONES, Es- quire, J. P. andD.L. (High Sheriff 1887). Born Jan. 17, 18', being the second son of David Jones, Esq., J. P. and D. . , M. P. for CO. Carmarthen 1851-1868 (High Sheriff 1845), byjis wife Margaret Charlotte, eldest dau. of Sir George Cifpbell of Edenwood, co. Fife, and niece of Lord Cflpbell, Lord Chief-Justice. Clubs — Carlton, White's, Bcjielors', Royal Yacht Squadron. Armorial bearings — Artnt, on a mount vert, a representation of a Pembroke- sh:; ox statant proper, a chief gules, thereon a falcon arjat, belled, between two stags' heads erased or. Mant- lii vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, ont mount vert, a representation of a Pembrokeshire ox'Tiead in profile proper, bezant^e. Motto — "Da ei ffy'i." Seats — Pantglas, Golden Grove, Carmarthenshire ; Blnos, Llandovery; Gladenys, Lampeter, R.S.O. , co. Caigan. >DRRIS PATERSON JONES, Gentleman, J. P. for the ty of Liverpool, Solicitor. Bo)-n Nov. 28, 1847, being tlie Idest son of the late Morris Charles Jones, Esq., J. P. for lontgomeryshire, F.S.A., of Gungrog, Welshpool, by liis /ife Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Robert Pat son, J. P. of Nunfield, in the county of Dumfries. An trial bearings— Sable, a fasces fesseways or, between thr( nags' heads erased argent. Upon the escutcheon is I iced a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling .able and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the >lours, a fasces fesseways or, surmounted by a nag's heai erased argent; with the Motto, "Justus ac tenax pro]Siti." Married, March 4, 1874, Clara, eldest daughter of the late John Vernon of Tushingham, in the county of Cheshire (she died September 16, 1884) ; and has Issue — Morris Vernon Jones, born September 16, 1884; Gladys; and Irene Meta (deceased). He married secondly, May 25. 1899, Elizabeth, youngest dau. of the late Charles Lane of Liverpool. Estates— Gxm^og and Fynnant, co. Mont- gomery. Postal addresses — Airlie House, Hoylake, Cheshire; and II Dale Street, Li verf)ool. Clubs — Athenaeum (Liver- pool), Conservative (Liverpool), Royal Liverpool Golf. WILLIAM BRITTAIN JONES, Esquire, C.S.I. (1883). B.A. (Lond. ), Barrister-at-Law (Inner Temple); was Resi- dent at Hyderabad 1882-83, then Chief Commissioner Central Provinces of India (retired 1885). Born 1834, being the son of the Rev. William Jones of Cardigan. Ai^orial bearing^s — Per saltire nebuly sable and or, in pale two Eastern crowns of the last, and as many palm-trees eradi- cated in fesse proper. Mantling sable and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, upon an acorn erect, slipped and leaved, a lark rising all proper. Motto — "AIEN API2TETEIN." J^esidence Ash Grove, Knockholt, co. Kent. S WILLIAM CHARLES JONES, Esquire, J. P. for CO. Chester, D.L. for co. Lancaster, High Sheriff 1899, and Major Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry, M.A. Trin. Coll., Cambridge. Bom 1853, being the son of William Charles Jones. Armorial bearings — Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion proper, holding between the paws a sun in splendour or, and sup- porting under the sinister paw an increscent argent. Motto — " Esto sol testis." Married, 1882, Mary, dau. of Edward Greenall, Esq., of Grappenhall Hall, J. P. co. Chester; and has had Isstie — (i) William Piers Montagu Jones, Gentleman, b. April 26, 1883; Kathleen (deceased); and Madge. Seats — The Oaklands, Preston Brook, Che- shire ; Lannerch Park, St. Asaph. Clubs — Conservative, Cavalry. SSiR WILLIAM HOLLINGWORTH QUAYLE JONES, Knight Bachelor (Letters Patent, 1892), Capt. West Suflolk Militia, afterwards 3rd Batt. Suffolk Regt. (re- tired with rank of Major and permission to wear the uniform. is the Naval Cockade. 3B ^ 754 3lon 3lon 1900), Barrister-at-Law. Bom Feb. 6, 1854, being the eldest son of the Rev. Charles William Jones, sometime Vicar of Pakciilmni, and Rural Dean [to whom refer], by his wife liarUira Rose, dau. of Rolicrt NV'ealc, first Poor Law Com- nti&iiont-r ; was created Knight llachelor 1892. Livery— White, with black facings. Armorial bearings— Quarterly I and 4, argent, a chevron ermines between three ravens sable, on a chief engrailed of the second a heart or (for lones) ; a and 3 argent, on a chevron sable, eutt^e-d'eau, between three quails proper, in the centre cnief point a pellet, two swords points upwards of the first (for Quayle) ; and fur his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon a heart or, a raven sable, gorged with a collar gemel argent ; with the Motto, " Deus pascit corvos." Married, 1893, Claire May, daughter of ICdmond Berdoe- Wilkinson, second surviving son of Colonel Berdoe- Wilkinson, R.E., and then of Wesilands, Chiswick. Residences — 14 Royal Avenue, Chelsea, S.W. ; Barton Mere, Bury St. Edmunds. Clubs — New University ; Suffolk County (Bury St. Edmunds). S WILSON CARST.MRS JONES. Esq., J.P. and D.L. for Flintshire (High Sheriff 189s). Bom 1857, being the eldest son of the late John Carstairs Jones, Esq., of Hartsheath, by his second wife Elizabeth Jane, dau. of the Rev. William Currie of Boughton Hall, Cheshire. Livery — Dark green coat and waistcoat, yellow piping, black trousers with yellow stripe (for full dress yellow plush breeches). Armorial bearings — Gules, on a chev- ron or, between three escutcheons argent, each charged with a boar's head couped of the first, an arrow pale- ways proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert a boar's head couped gules, in front of an arrow paleways proper. Motto — " Heb nevol nerth nidd sicr saeth." Married, 1881, Maude, youngest dau. of Clement Swelenham of Somerford Booths, in the co. of Chester. Seats — Harts- heath, Flintshire ; Gelligynan, Denbighshire ; and The Old Hall, Chester. Clubs — Constitutional, Grosvenor (Chester). JONES. Per chevron sable and vert, a chevron invected argent, charged with four pallets gules between two fleurs- de-lis in chief of the third and an eagle displayed in base or, on a chief also of the third, a stag siatant proper between two lozenges azure. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stag statant between two arms in armour counter-embowed, each holdmg in the hand a fleur-de-lis. Motto — "A noddo Duw a noddir." Livery — Brown with light blue facings. Sons of Rev. Thomas Jones of Eisteddfa, Cricciedl,N. Wales, by Jane Elizabeth, d. of Robert Jones:— Robert Jones, Gentleman, M.D. (Lond.), b. 1858; ■ 1893, Margaret ElizaUnh, eld. d. of Sir Owen Robeni! M.A., D.C.L. {q.v.) ; and has issue— Ronald Owen Ugg^ Armstrong Jones, Gentleman,^. 1899; and Elaine Mawai Armstrong. Hes.—" Eisteddfa," Criccieth, N. Wales;QM. bury, Woodford Bridge, E^sex. C/w3i— Reform, Albemaib Playgoers'. * 'I honias Jones, Gentleman, Manager Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China at Bangkok, b. 1861. j?«;-_ Bangkok, Siam. John Lloyd Thomas Jones, Esq., Major Indian Mc ' Service, Assay Master Indian Mint, Calcutta, b. i86a. < — E.I. United Service. Nes. — United Service (i Calcutta. David Fowden Jones, Gentleman, b. 1867; ««• only of late Rev. John Hughes, Vicar of Tydweiliog, Carnai\ shire; and has issue — Dorothy. Nes. — Ymwlch I: Criccieth, N. Wales. JONES (H. Coll.). Argent, a cross clech6e and poni' gules, between two caducei in chief and as many c displayed in base proper. Crest — On a wreath cf colours, a demi-lion sable, charged with a cross as in arms or, and holding in the dexter paw a cross Cal in bend sinister also or. Motto — " Bydd lew heb lid." Sons of Rev. John Jones, b. 1837 (d. 1902), Rector cf Llanfihangel-cum-Llanddewi, Abergwesyn, m. 1861, Mary Anne, third d. of Rev. John Davies of Adpai, Newcastle-Emlyn : — John Arnallt Jones, Esq., J.P. Glamorgansh., M'l (Durham), D.P.H. (Dublin), L.R.C.P. (Lond.). M.R' (Eng.), M. and L.S.A. (Lond.), Surg.-Maj. 2nd Vol. 1 Welsh Regt. and in Army Med. Reserve, Hon. A^ of Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England, b. i I 1862; m. 27 Apl. 1892, Alice Anne, second d. of Wii Williams, Esq., J.P. Glamorgansh., formerly M.P. Swansea Boroughs, of Maesgwernen Hall, Morriston; has issue - Glyn Carbery Arnallt Jones, Gentlemar. 25 Nov. 1897; and Margaret Hid. jVm.— Heathii; Aberavon, Port Talbot, Glamorganshire. tV///*— Swai' Club (Swansea). Rev. George I for Rhys Jones, B.A. (Oxon.), Clerk i is the Military Cockade, 3lon [loly Orders, b. 1876 ; m. 1903. Eloisa, d. of late Henry [iswin Willcox of Adelaide, S. Australia ; and has issue— tewin Ralph Ifor Jones, Gentleman, b. 1904. Res.— jtursley, Llandovery, Carmarthenshire. : JONES (H. Coll). Per fesse gules and sable, a tower iple- towered or, between two flaunches argent, each larged with a cinquefoil of the first. Mantling gules and 31or 755 Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle dis- [j.yed or, charged on the breast with two cinquefoils in e gules, and holding in each claw a palm-branch vert. ^>ttO — " Sub umbra alarum." Sons of John Syers Gregory Jones of Everton, Lanes., b. ; d. ; m. , Maria Louisa, d. of Leopold Zuloago : — ohn Gregory Jones, Gentleman, b. 21 Aug. 1861 ; m. March 1888, Mercedes Elena, d. of Godfrey Abel 1 ; and ; issue — Norah Violet ; and Lila Mercedes. Res. — ^Parsifal Road, Finchley Road, Hampstead, London, I]W. ; 131 Calle Baquedano, Iquique, Chili. Clubs — lior Constitutional, St. John's Wood, Arts. 'Vlfred Frederick Syers Jones, Gentleman, b. 1865. Res. - quique. Chili, South America. ONES of Bealanamore and Headford U.O.). Gules, t|ee lioncels rampant guardant or, armed and langued re, on a canton of the second a fret of the first. Mant- % gules and or. Crest— On a w reath of the colours, a t!J)ot's head couped argent, langued and chained gules. BttO — " Deus fortitudo mea." Livery — Claret, yellow fr ngs. Heir General : — Ireorge Marsham, Esq., of Hayle Place, Kent, and Head- fcjTlouse [q.v.]. I Son of James Jones, Gentleman, b. 1838 ; d. 1902; m. 1863, Ellen Danniell : — lames Jones, Gentleman, b . Res. — Sons of Rev. James Jones, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), Chancellor of Armagh and Rector of Kilmore, b. ; d. 1871 ; m. 1836, Isabella, d. of Rev. Thomas Quin of Wingfield : — "homas John Jones, Esq. , late Col. R. A. , served in Egypt, 1I2 (medal, star, 3rd class Medjidieh, and ment. Desp.), ^.!:839 ; m. 1869, Margaret Gertrude, d. of Theophilus S pstone, K.C.M.G. ; and has issue — ^(i) Bryan John J'es, Esq., Capt. Leinster Regt. served in S. Africa II 5-1902 (two medals, five clasps, ment. Desp.) b. 1874; (;Kustace Henry Jones, Esq., Capt. R.A., served in China 10 (medal) ^. 1875. Seat — Lisnawilly House, Dundalk. C b — Junior United Service. 5hn George Jones, Esq., Admiral R.N., b. 1844; m. ; and has issue — (i) James Jones, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., *. 1880; (2) John Fleming, Gentleman, b. 1891. Res. — Dulargy, Ravensdale, Dundalk. EVAN BARKER JAMES JONES-BARKER, Gentle- man. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, a bear's head erased sable, muzzled or, on a chief invected of the second, a talbot passant of the third (for Barker) ; 2 and 3, per chevron or and gules, two crescents issuant from each a cross pat^e fitch^e in chief, and a lion rampant regardant in base, all counterchanged (for Jones). Mantling sable and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a bear's head erased sable, muzzled, gorged with a collar gemel, and between two estoiles all or (for Barker) ; 2. up>on a wreath of the colours, a cross pat6e fitchte gules, between on the dexter side an increscent, and on the sinister side a decre- scent both or. Motto — " Beneficii memor." S SYDNEY HENRY JONES-PARRY, Esquire, late Capt. Royal Dublin (late Madras) Fus., J. P. and D.L. CO. Cardigan, High Sheriff 1871. Bom April 28, 1830, being the third son of the late Thomas Parry Jones- Parry, Esq., Captain R.N. of Llwynonn, Wrexham, J. P. and D. L. , by his wife Margaret Hooper, only child of the late Robert Lloyd, Esq. , of Tregayan, co. Anglesey, a Vice- Admiral of the White, J. P. and D. L. Livery - Oxford mixture, and scarlet and white stripe. Armorial bearings — Argent, a fesse engrailed between four lozenges, three and one azure. Mantling azure and argent. (Srest-On a wreath of the colours, five battle-axes, staves gules, headed or, three in pale, and two in saltire, encircled with a wreath of laurel proper. MottO " Gofal dyn duw ai gwerid." Married, Aug. 27, 1857, Dorothea Anna, only child of the late Charles Arthur Prichard, Esq., J. P. and D.L. of Tyllwydd, co. Cardigan; and has /ssi4e~(i) Charles Arthur Jones-Parry, Gentleman, b. 1861 [m., Jan. 15. 1891, Agnes M., dau. of G. Stanton of St. Petersburg, Florida, and has issue, Sydney Jones-Parry, Gentleman, d. an infant ; Dorothy and Helen] ; (2) Sydney Herbert Jones- Parry, Gentleman, in the Royal Navy ; Dorothea Lucy [»«.. Dec. 10, 1898, Henry C. Fryer, Esq., J. P. and D.L. of Aberystwyth] ; Maria Louisa, d. 1868 ; IBeatrice Ellen [tn. Henry James Theodore Wood, M.A. , Barrister-at-Law, and has issue] ; and Blanche Katherine Rheingar. Seat— Tyllwydd, Newcastle; Emlyn, South Wales. Clubs— Junior United Service, County (Cardigan). THOMAS JOHN JONES-WILLIAMS, Esq., J. P. for Worcestershire. Born 1850, being the son of the late John Jones of Aberystwith, co. Cardigan, by a dau. of F. Williams ; and assumed by Royal License the additional surname and the arms of Williams 1871. Club — Windham. Armorial bearings — Gyronny of eight ermine and ermines, a lion rampant or, gutt^e-de-sang, and for distinction a canton of the third. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, between two spears erect proper, a talbot passant per pale ermine and erminois, charged for distinction upon the shoulder with a cross crosslet sable. Married, 1875, Frances, dau. of A. C. Hoofser of Claines, co. Worcester, and has issue. Seat — Laughern Hill, Wichenford, near Worcester. JORDAN (H. Coll., 28 June 1839). Azure, a cinquefoil ermine, between three serpents nowed or, a bordure en- grailed of the second. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a crescent or, issuing there- from a plume of five feathers azure entwined by a serpent gold. Son of : — Edwin Jordan, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Dentville, Conway Road, Colwyn Bay, N. Wales. Son of Charles Jordan, Gentleman, b. 1810; d. 1893; m. 1834, Sarah, d. of John Bradley: — John Jordan, Gentleman, h. 1841 ; m. 1865, Mary, d. of George Holdcn ; and has issue — (i) Joseph Jordan, Gentleman, b. 1870; (2) Charles Jordan, Gentleman, b. 187s; (3) John Bradley Jordan, Gentleman, b. 1878; Elizabeth Astley ; and Lydia. Res. — i Woodlands, Dale Road, Buxton, Derbyshire. Sons of William Jordan, Gentleman, b. 1814 ; d. 1886; m. , Catherine Atkinson, d. of Robert Luckman, Solicitor : — John Joseph Jordan, Gentleman, ^. . Res. — Warwick House, Wellington Road North, Stockport, Lanes. is the Naval Cockade. I « 756 Joiaf Frederick William Jordan, Gentleman, M.D. (Durham), B.Sc (Manchester), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond. , L.S.A., D.P.H. (Manch.), h. 1849; m. 1880, Frances, d. of Edward Cope; and has issue — (j) Norman Theodore Kingsley Jordan, Gentleman, b. 1S86; (2) Cvril Frederick Astley Jordan, Gentleman, b. 189a ; and Marguerite Frances. Jits. — Astley House, Heaton Moor, Heaton Norris, Lanes. JOSEPH. Argent, on a saltire indented ermines, between four spear-heads sable, a spear-head of the hrst, all within a bordure engrailed also sable. Mpwt.itng' sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of three spears, one in p>ale and two in saltire sable, a wolfs head proper, couped and charged on the neck with a fess ermine. MottO— ' ' Ofner na ofno angan. " Sons of David Joseph of Merthyr Tydfil and Sneyd Park, Bristol, Civil Engineer, b. 1813 ; d. 1885 ; m. 1845, Margaret, d. of Thomas Morgan of Graig, Merthyr Tydfil, and Pare Coed Marchen, nr. Cardiff: — Richard Joseph Watkin, Gentleman, b. 1854; m. 1896, Katharine, d. of Charles Hastings Barton of Maryl>orough, Queensland ; and has issue — Morgan Joseph Watkin, Gentleman, b. 1898; and Katharine Anne. Res. — 47 Glentworth Road, Rcdland, Bristol. David Thomas Joseph- Watkin, Gentleman, b. 1857. Res. — New Zealand. Arthur Hill Joseph, Gentleman, M.D. (Lond.), b. 30 Nov. 1862 ; m. a^ Oct. 1893, Gertrude Helen Taylor, d. of late William Evans Glyde ; and has issue — David Lavington Glyde Joseph, Gentleman, b. 10 July 1895; and Gertrude Norah Glyde. Res. — Glanmor, Cantelupe Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, S.O., Sussex. Club— BexhiW Club (Bexhill). Howard Rhys Watkin, Gentleman, b. 1865; m. 1903, his cousin Elizabeth, d. and coh. of late Morgan Joseph of South Lawn, Lansdowne, Bath. Res. — 6 Westbourne Street, Hyde Park, London, W. Son of Thomas Joseph, b. 1817 ; d. 1890 ; m. : — Thomas Morgan Joseph- Watkin, Gentleman Portcullis, Pursuivant of Arms [q.v.). William Watkin Joseph- Watkin, Gentleman, b. JOSEPH (H. Coll.). Or, on a chevron azure, between two garbs in chief gules and a camel's head erased in base sable, an increscent argent, between two mullets of the first, on a chief of the second, a sun in splendour proper, be- tween two greyhound's heads erased of the fifth. Mj^nt-H^'g azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, the battlements of a tower proper, therefrom issuant a demi- greyhound argent, holdidg in the dexter paw a battle-axe sable and resting the sinister on a mullet or. Son of : — Hymen Aron Joseph, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Rutland House, Highbury, London, N. S THOMAS MORGAN JOSEPH-WATKIN, Gentle- man, Portcullis Pursuivant of Arms, Barrister-at-Law, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge ; reassumed by Royal Licence, dated Aug. 13, 1894, the paternal surname of Watkin. Born April 13, 1856, being the second son of Thomas Joseph, Esquire, late of Tydraw Treherbert and the Bultrills Merthyr Dovan, both m the county of Gla- morgan, Justice of the Peace of the said county (deceased), by his wife Louisa, daughter of the late David Davis of Blaengwawr, Aberdare, also in the said county, formerly David Jeffreys. C/k<>— Badminton. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Argent, on a saltire indented ermines, between four spear-heads sable, a spear-head of the first, all within a bordure engrailed also sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of three sjDcars erect, one in pale and two in saltire sable, a wolfs head proper, couped, and charged on the neck with a fesse ermine. Motto — " Ofner na ofno angau." Postal address — College of Arms, London. CLEMENT JOSLIN, Gentleman. Bom 1842, being the third son of the late Henry Joslin of Hoppey Hall, Upminster, Essex, by his wife Priscilla, dau. of John Mason of Suffolk. Armorial bearingrs— Per chevron azure and or, two fleurs-de-lis in chief of the la,st, and in base a circular wreath sable and of the first, with four hawks' bells con- 310U joined thereto proper. Ma n tl in g azure and or. Orwt- Upon a wreath of the colours, between two h.awks' bell- rock tht-reon a falcon's le^ erased at the thigh and bellr all proper. MottO — " Faire mon devoir." Afarned, , Isabella, dau. of Rev. John Davies; and has w other Issue— Clcmtnl Davies Joslin, Gentleman. /*,; address— High House, Purfleet. S HENRY JOSLIN, Esquire, J.P. and D.I.. for Es^- High Sheriff 1895-96, Alderman of the Essex Com Council. Bom Feb. a6, 1839, being the eldest son of ; late Henry Joslin of Hoppey Hall, Upminster, Essex, 1, his wife Priscilla, dau. of John Mason of Suffolk, l.ivtn Dark blue coat, blue and gold strii>cd waistcoat, t buttons. Armorial bearings— Per chevron azure and two fleurs-df-lis in chief of the last, and in base a circ. wreath sable and of the fir.st, with four hawks' Wis i joined thereto proper. Mantling azure and or. Crei; Upon a wreath of the colours, l^etween two hawks' bei; rock thereon a falcon's leg erased at the thii^h and bel . all proper. Motto — " Faire mon devoir." Married, 1 5, 1865, Rebecca Mary (who d. 1873), dau. of the Edward Giles of Clapham Common, Surrey, and widow the Rev. George Clayton. Estates — Gaynes P.irk . Hoppey Hall, and other property. Postal address— Gi^) Park, Upminster, Essex. WALTER JOSLIN, Gentleman. Born 1840, beinK ■ second son of the late Henry Joslin of Hoppoy 11 Upminster, Essex, by his wife Priscilla, dau. of I Mason of Suffolk. Armorial bearing^— Per chevron a: and or, two fleurs-de-lis in chief of the last, and in base » circular wreath sable and of the first, with four hawks'teUs conjoined thereto proper. Mantling azure and or. Crw — On a wreath of the colours, between two hawks' bell- rock thereon a falcon's leg erased at the thigh and h all proper. Motto—" Faire mon devoir." Married, iB;, Marv Eliza, dau. of Frederick Shorland Gervis, Esq., J 1' and 'has Issue— (i) Henry Walter Joslin, Gentleman. ' (at Aveley) 1875 ; (2) Arnold Gervis Joslin, Gentleman (at Orsett) July 14, 1885 ; Alice Mary ; Muriel ; and L Margery. Postal address— The Hunts, Upminster. JOSSELYN, see JOCELYN. JOU9ERT, or JOUBERT DE LA FERT^, sec DE Wj FERTE, is the Military Cockade. 3I0U 31op 757 -:The Late Sir HENRY JOHN JOURDAIN, 9 K.C.M.G. (1900. C.M.G. 1886) (died 1901), one of tl Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London ; ^5 Government Member of the General Board of Health ojMauriiius 1867-74, and Member of the Council of (>ernment 1868-74, was Hon. Commissioner for Mauri- ti| at Colonial and Indian Exhibition 1886, Vice-Presi- dk of the Royal Colonial Institute. Bor>i Sept. 15, 1I5, being the second but eldest surviving son of the laT Frederick John Jourdain of London, Merchant, and hiwife Emily, «ant or between two mullets in base gws, pierced of the field, the escutcheon being sur- rcnded by the ribbon and pendent his badge as a Kt.M.G. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a Teat h of the colours, a lion sejant or, charged on th body with two cross crosslets in pale, holding in the deer fore-paw a cross crosslet, and resting the sinister um an escallop all azure. Motto—" Frangas non flectas." Alrried, firstly, i860, Rosina Augusta (rf. 1880), dau. of th ate George C. Bourguignon of Neuveville. Switzerland, ai Mauritius ; and secondly, 1884, Ada Mary, dau. of Jaes Pattison Currie of Esher, by his first marria<;e with Ai a Dora, sister of the 1st Viscount Esher ; and has Issue — ) Henry James Jourdain, Esq., b. April 30, 1888; (2) P( y Frederick Currie Jourdain, Esq.,^. Aug. 14, 1889; (3' 'harles Edward George Jourdain, Esq., b. Sept. i, 1890; Af Violet Emily ; Marguerite Isabel ; and Evelyn Jessie. Riience — The Elms, Watford, Herts. Clubs — Conserva- tiv Oriental. >YCE (12 Dec. 1901, to descendants of late John Hall Jo e of Blackfordby). Barry of four ermine and gules, on . bend, between two leopards' faces or, three water- bo :ets sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wrjth of the colours, in front of a lion rampant proper, coked nebuly, with chuin reflexed over the back or, thrj; water-bougets fessewise sable. Motto — ' ' Nee temere neiimidf." Son of William Joyce of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, b. 1832 ; i. 1883; m. 1861, Harriette Botry Matthews: — ;— Joyce. Sons of late John Hall Joyce of Blackfordby, Leics. : — Jiin Hall Joyce, Esq., J. P. Leics., b. 1833; m. 1866, Anie, d. of John George Ward of Blackfordby. Res. — Blacfordby, Burton-on-Trent. ^:holas Joyce, Esq., J. P. Leics. and borough of Stafford (M or 1885-6), b. 183s; m. 1873, Louisa E. Wright of He,her Hall, Ashby-de-la-Zouche. Res. — Rowley Park, Sta)rd. le Hon. Sir Matthew Ingle Joyce, Knt. Bach. (1900), Jud; of the High Court of Justice, M.A. (Cantab.), Hon. Fel Caius Coll., Bencher of Lincoln's Inn, b. 1839; m. 189 Miriam Bertha, d. of late Sir William Jackson, 1st !art., of Manor House, Birkenhead. Res. — Abbots Oal Whitwick, Leicestershire. Town res. — 16 Great Cuiaerland Place, W. Clubs — Athenaeum, United Un ;rsity. J'^NSON (H. ColL). Azure, an eagle's head erased or, tween four roses saltire-ways argent. Crest — Up)on a wath of the colours, upon a mount vert, an eagle with two eads displayed azure, sem^e of roses argent. Motto — ".d honorem industria ducit." ons of Edward Joynson, Esq., Major 3rd Batt. South Ancs. Regt. (Mil.), b. 1847; d. 1898; m. 1882, Irnily, d. of Joseph Bright of Prince's Park, Liver- ool : — Cil Bright Joynson, Gentleman, b. 1883. Res. — 1 RoL-d Houses, South Kensington. Kiineth Bright Joynson, Gentleman, b. 1884. Liirence Bright Joynson, Gentleman, b. i88g. Bic Bright Joynson, Gentleman, b. 1895. F \NCIS JOYNSON, Gentleman, formerly Lieutenant (th jyal Lancashire Militia. Born March i, 1853, being he imgest son of the late Thomas Joynson of Longview, Use d, in the County Palatine of Chester, and Isabella his Irst ife, daughter of Samuel Mead of Liverp)ool. Armorial leaJigs — He bears for Arms: Azure, an eagle's head Tas- or, between four roses saltireways argent ; and for lis (9St, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, n (jle with two beads displayed azure, semte of roses argent; with the Motto, "Ad honorem industria ducit." Married, April 10, 1878, Margaretta Ogle, daughter of John Bell Irving of White Hill, Lockerbie, in the county of Dumfries. Postal address — Wyseby, Ecclefechan, Dumfries. TERTIUS JOYNSON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Chester. Born May i, 1843, being the third son of the late Thomas Joynson of Longview, Liscard, in the County Palatine of Chester, and Isabella his first wife, daughter of Samuel Mead of Liverjxxjl. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, an eagles head erased or, between four roses saltireways argent, im- paling the arms of Glazebrook, namely ermine, an eagle displayed gules, beaked, legged, and holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable, two bezants each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, an eagle with two heads displayed azure, sem^e of roses argent ; with the Motto, "Ad honorem industria ducit." Married, April 19, 1866, Catherine Hall, daughter of Thomas Twanbrook Glaze- brook of New Brighton ; and has Issue— (\) Harold Mead Joynson, Gentleman and Surgeon, born February 23, 1867 ; (2) Reginald Joynson, Gentleman, born December 12, 1871 ; (3) Alfred Tertius Joynson, Gentleman, born June 25, 1873; (4) Norman Mead Joynson, Gentleman, lx)rn June I, 1878; (5) Arthur Glazebrook Joynson, Gentlenian, born December 12, 1882 ; Edith May ; Catherine Hall ; Ada Williamina Twanbrook ; Frances Muriel ; and Dorothy Kirkland. Postal address — HL WILLIAM JOYNSON, Esquire, Lieutenant- Colonel 6 3rd Battalion South Lancashire Regiment (Militia). Born July 23, 1841, being the second son of the late Thomas Joynson of Longview. Liscard, in the County Palatine of Chester, and Isabella his first wife, daughter of Samuel Mead of Liverpool. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, an eagle's head erased or, between four roses saltireways argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, an eagle with two heads displayed azure, sem6e of roses argent ; with the ii the Haval Cockade. 1 758 3lop i^at Motto, "Ad honorem industria ducit." Marritd, July 7, 1881, Mary Eliiabeth, daughter of Carlos Chambcrlin of Manchester, formerly of Vermont, Massachusetts, in the United States of America. Postal addrtss — I'hc Manor Mouse, Tachbrook Mallory, l^eamington. ALFRED LANE JOYNT. B.A. (Trin. Col., Dub.), youngest son of the late William Lane Joynt, Esq., J. P., D. L. , Crown and Treasury Solicitor for Ireland, and his wife Jane, second dau. of the late John Russell of Limerick. Armorial bewtngi— Azure, an eagle's head erased, be- tween three saltires couped argent. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his OrMt, upon a wreath of the colours, issuant out of a chaplet of oak wreaths vert, two eagles' heads conjoined, the dexter gules, the sinister azure. Motto — "Nee degencro." Married, 1896, Nora, elder dau. of Colonel Edward Cattell ; and has /««?— Nora Daffodil. Rtsidtnct—^ Pembroke Road, Clyde Road, Dublin. CHRISTOPHER JOYNT, Esquire, M.D., F.R.C.P.I.. P'ellow of the University of Bombay, Deputy Surgeon- General, I.M.S (retired). Born 1828, being the son of Henry Joynt of Ballina, co. Mayo, by Eleanor his wife, daughter of William Johnson of Maylaugh. Armo- rial bearings Azure, on a saltire or, between in chief a spur of the second, winged argent, and three fleurs-de-lis, two in the flanks and one in base of the second, a trefoil slipped vert. Mantling azure and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a boar passant proper, resting the foreleg on an escutcheon azure, charged with a fleur-de-lis or. Motto —" I hope. " Married, firslly, June 4, 1863, Lily Anna, dau. of William Noble Holton, Esq., j.P., of Woodberry House, co. Roscommon, and secondly, Aug. 11, 1887, Elizabeth Anna, dau. of William Keough of Rockfield House, Dundrum ; and has Issue -(i) Henry Noble Holton Joynt, Gentleman, M. D. , 6. March 24, 1864; (a) Francis Christopher Dudley Joynt, Gentleman, B.A., Solicitor, i. Nov. 4, 1873; (3) William Grierson Joynt, Gentleman, M.D., i. April 17, 1875; (4) George Arthur Joynt, Gentleman, B.A.L. , d. March 16, 1880; Eleanor Eteatrice Mary (deceased) ; Maud Anna Evans ; Lilian Gertrude ; and Mabel Sarah. /Residence -21 L,eeson Park, Dublin. The Reverend HENRY RUSSELL JOYNT. M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dublin), Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Marksbury, Somerset, second son of the late William Lane Joynt, Esq., J.P. for the counties of Clare and Dublin, D. L. for Dublin (Lord Mayor 1867) and Mayor of Limerick 1862, Crown and Treasury Solicitor for Ireland, by his wife f LimenEI Jane, second dau. of the late John Russell of Armorial bearings — Azure, an eagle's hoad erased, t)rt»' three saltires couped argent. Mantling azure and ar^ and for his Orest, upon a wreath of the colours, issrw Jan. 14, 1856, being the eldest son of the late Right on. Arthur MacMorrough Kavanagh of Borris, Lord- eut. of that county, one of H.M.'s Most Hon. Privy )uncil in Ireland, M.P. co. Wexford 1866-68, co. Carlow 69-80, J. P. and D.L. High Sheriff co. Kilkenny 1856, co. flow 1857, by his wife Frances Mary, only surviving child Rev. Joseph Forde Leathley. Armorial bearings- gent, a lion passant gules, in base two crescents of the ;t. Mantling gules and argent. Crest Upon a wreath the colours, between the horns of a crescent gules, a rbor. Motto— " Siothchain agus fairsinge." Married, lb. I, 1887, Helen Louisa, dau. of Col. John S. Howard; d has Issue (i) Thomas Arthur Kavanagh, Gentleman, Ian. 12, 1888; (2) Dermot Kavanagh, Gentleman, b. Jan. 1890. 5atesof New College, Oxford; (4) John Keates, Gentle- n 1 ; Florence Mary [married, November 20, 1890, Sir iry Beyer Robertson of Pal6, in the county of Merioneth] ; Elizabeth. Seats — Bishop's Nympton, in the county of on ; and Dunstone, Torquay, Devon. HE Rev. WILLIAM KEATING, M.A. (Exeter Coll.) Oord, Clerk in Holy Orders, late Rector of the Parish of erstock, near Salisbury. Born June 13, 1823, being thjonly son of the late William Keating of Leyton, Essex, of Gray's Inn, Barrister-at-Law, by his wife Marianne Wiarton, dau. of Benjamin Nind of Overbury, Worcester- hp, and of Leyton, Essex. Armorial bearing^s — At'nt, on a saltire gules, between in chief a rose of the lai barbed and seeded proper, in fess« two oak leaves sli)ed, and a cross crosslet fitch^e in base vert, an oak le: slipped or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a eath of the colours, a boar passant gules holding in the mi th an oak leaf slipped between two oak branches proper. M'ito — "Amor ducit patriae." Married, Nov. 9, 1848, Lcisa Caroline, youngest dau. of the late Richard Morgan, Sepr Captain and Commodore in the H.E. I.C.'s Navy, foi erly Master .Attendant at Bombay ; and has Issue — (i)iVilliam Amboor Keating, b. Sept. 25, 1851, d. July 3, 18J; (2) Francis Amboor Keating, Gentleman, B.A. (0»n.), Barrister-at-Law, b. March 22, 1853 \in. Con- sta';e Mary, dau. of F. W. Prell of Hanover and Mel- boine; and has issue, an only son, Harold Francis Anoor Keating]; (3) William Cooper Keating, b. July 12,860, d. Aug. 30, i86i ; Marian \in. to F. Craufurd Gt e, Esq. , eldest son of Rt. Hon. Sir William Grove ; shef. Oct. 16, 1896] ; Louisa Caroline \_m. Herbert Haynes Tw ing] ; Fanny, d. May 14, 1869; Maria Madaleine ; Ma(ileine Maria \jn. James Herbert Ashburner] ; and Katleen. Residence — 177 Queen's Gate, London, S.W. H:CK, seePOWYS-KECK. BWARD WELLS KEEGAN, Esquire, J. P. (High She f 1892 of the co. of the town of Carrickfergus). Born Ma 1 4, 1850, being the eldest son of the late Betcr Keegan, Bei 761 .{.p., b/ his wife Elizabeth, eldest dau. of the late Bei;juin of Omagh, co. Tyrone. C/w^— Ulster Reform (Belfast). Livery — P'rock coat aad vest, blue refine, witli crimson stripe at side of trousers. Armorial bearing's — Gules, a lion salient, crowned, and holding in the dexter paw a crescent all or, a chief nebuly of the last. M an t lin g gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter hand holding a sheaf of five arrows all proper, charged on the wrist with a harp or, stringed argent. Motto — " Nun- quam non paratus." Married, firstly, April 25, 1877, Kate Mary, eldest dau. of George F. Roughan, M.D. , Inspector Local Government Board, Ireland (she rf. 1893). He married secondly, Aug. 18, 1897, Stella Julia Mary, dau. of George E. Browne, Esq., J. P., D.L. , of Browns- town, Ballinrobe, co. Mayo, and M.P. for same co. 1870-80; and has /jjtti? by his first marriage — (i) Edward Keegan, b. Dec. 30, 1879, d. Feb. 16, 1880; (2) George Alexander Keegan, Gentleman, b. Feb. 22, 1884; (3) Charles Aloysius Marie Keegan, Gentleman, b. May 17, 1885 ; (4) Herbert Leo Keegan, Gentleman, b. Feb. 3, 1888 ; Lilian Mary ; and Kathleen Mary Evelyne. Estates — Burriseleigh, co. Tipperary; and in Belfast. Postal address — Clonavar, Strandtown, co. Down. KEELING, quartered by FLETCHER. KEELING (H. Coll., i6 Oct. i886). Ermine, a scaling- ladder in bend sable, over all a lion rampant or, holding between the paws an escutcheon argent, charged with a cross patde fitch^e gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion rampant or, holding between the paws an escutcheon gules, charged with a cross pat6e fitch^e argent, a scaling-ladder fessewise sable. Motto — " Honneur sans reproche." Sons of Frederic John Keeling, Gentleman, b. 1826; d. 1900 ; m. 1885, Alice May Mildred, d. of late George Chapman, Solicitor:— Frederic Hillersdon Keeling, Gentleman, b. 1886. Res. — St. Mary's Terrace, Colchester. Guy William Keeling, Gentleman, b. 1890. Res. — St. Mary's Terrace, Colchester. HENRY PEACH KEIGHLY-PEACH, Esq.,of Idlicote House, CO. Warwick, J. P., late Capt. in the Royal Horse Guards Blue ; assumed the name and arms of Peach in addi- tion to his patronymic of Keighly, in accordance with the will of his late great-uncle, Samuel Peach of Idlicote House. Born March 22, 1834, being the son of the late Henry Peach Keighly, Esq., Major 3rd Regt. Madras Light Cavalry, and Judge-Advocate-General of the Madras Army, by his wife Emma Spicer, third daughter of the Rev. William Godfrey Huet. Club—Army and Navy. Armorial bearings — Quarterly 1 and 4, gules between two chevrons argent, three martlets of the second (for Peach); 2 and 3, per bend en- grailed sable and argent, a fesse charged with two mullets all counterchanged (for Keighly). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant per fesse ermine and gules, crowned or (for Peach) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head sable, langued gules, charged with three mullets all counterchanged (for Keighly). Motto (for Peach) — " Quic- quid dignum saniente bonoque est." Married, Aug. 5, 1862, Lucy Isabella, second daughter of William Selby Lowndes of Whaddon Hall, Bucks; and has Issue — (i^ Henry Keighly- Peach, Gentleman, b. June 19, 1864 ; (2) Charles William Keighly-Peach, Gentleman, b. Sept. 23, 1865 ; Isabella Emma Maria ; Lucy Christiana ; and Florence Jessie. Seats — Idlicote House, Shipston-on-Stour ; Alderminster Lodge, Stratford-on-Avon. CAMPBELL KEIR-MACKINTOSH, Gentleman. Ar- morial bearings— Quarterly, ist and 4th grand quarters, t. and iiii., or, a lion rampant gules ; ii., argent, a dexter nana couped fesseways grasping a man's heart paleways gules ; iii. , azure, a boar's head couped or, the first and fourth grand quarters within a bordure gules, charged with eight an- nulets or ; 2nd and 3rd, grand quarters, or, a cross engrailed sable, between four roses gules. Mantling gules and or. Crests— 1. on the dexter side, on a wreath of the colours, a cat courant guardant proper (for Mackintosh) ; 2. on the sinister side, on a wreath of tlie colours, a pelican vulning herself proper (for Keir). Mottoes—" Touch not the cat but is tbe Naval Cockade. 76a Bcfe a glove," and "Virescil in arduis virtus." 6m/ — Dalini- gavie, Invernesa. KEKEWICH (Vn. Cornwall. i6ao). Argent, two lions passant in Ix-nd sable between two Ijendlets gules. Mant- ling sable and argent. Great — On a wreath of the colours, a leopard's head and neck aflfrontte and erased sable. Motto " Kructus virtutis." Sons of Samuel Trehawkc Kekewich, Esq.. of Pea- more. I)cvon. J.P.. D.L. (High Sheriff 1834), M.P. for Exeter 1836-1830, and for S. Devon 1858, l>. 1796 ; d. 1873 ; m. 1st, i8ao. Agatha Maria Sophia, d. of Km Langston of Sarsdcn. co. Oxford; and. 1840, uisn, only d. of Lewis William Buck of Moreton, Devon. M.P. : - Trehawkc Kekewich. Esq.. J. P. and D.L. co. Devon. M.A. (Oxon.). b. 1833; m. 1st. 1849, Charlotte (. 1851 ; (a) Ruljert George Kekewich, Esq.. C.B., Maj.- Gen. (ret.) late Col. N. Lanes. Regt. , formerly Roy. Innis. Fus. , late Mil. Sec. to Commander-in-Chief, Madras, in command of troops during the Siege of Kimberley, S. Africa, 1899-1900, b. 1854 ; (3) I^wis Pendarves Kekewich, b. 1859 [m. Lilian Emily, d. of Sampson Hanbury of Bishopstowe, Devon]; Alice Agatha [w. 1886, Rev. Charles Ridley Carr] ; Mildred Salome [m. 1883, Col. Edward Montague Flint, R.H.A.]; Evelyn Mary Norburn \m. 1883, Col. Edward Sinclair May, C.M.G.. R.A.] ; and Julia Frances. Seat — Peamore House, nr. Exeter. Club — United University. Hon. Sir Arthur Kekewich. a Judge of the Chancery Div. of the High Court of Justice, Fell, of Exeter Coll. (Oxon.), b. 1832; m. 1858, Marianne, d. of James William Freshfield ; and has issue. Res. — 7 Devonshire Place, W. Sir George William Kekewich, K.C.B., D.C.L., formerly Sec. of Educ. Dept. , Science and Art Dept. , and Board of Educ. (ret. 1903), and J. P. and C.C. Middx. , b. 1841 ; is m. and has issue. Res. — St. Albany. Hanworth Park, Middx. Clubs — Reform, National Liberal. GODFREY MARMADUKE LANGDALE KEL- HAM, Gentleman. Bom March 30, 1857. bemg the second but eldest surviving son of the late Augustus Kelham of Eversley Park, Chester, by his wife Susan Mary, eldest dau. of Samuel Aldersey of Aldersey Hall, co. Chester. Armorial bearings — Per pale gules and azure, three covered cups or, on a chief engrailed argent, three estoiles sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle with two heads displayed azure, sem6e of ermine spots, and charged on each wing with a covered cup all or. Motto — " Beneficiorum memor." Married, June 3, 1884. Catherine, only child of Alfred Dyson of Watford ; and has Issue — Roy Dyson Langdale Kelham, Gentleman, b. May 25, 1891. Seat — Boxmoor, CO. Herts. HENRY ROBERT KELHAM, Esquire, Major High- land Light Infantry (74th Highlanders), was present at the battle of Tel-el- Kebir, Sept. 13, 1882, for which services he received the Egyptian medal and Khedive's star. Bom June 21, 1853, being the only son of the late Henry Kelham, a Lieut. R. N., by his wife Fanny Goldie, youngest dau. of James Hall, M.D., R.N. Armorial bearings- Per pale gules and azure, three covered cups or, on a chief engrailed argent, three estoiles sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle with two heads displayed azure, sem^e of ermine spots, and charged on each wing with a covered cup all or. Motto — " Benefici- orum memor." Residence — HERBERT VAVA.SOUR LANGDALE KELHAM, Gentleman. Born April 30, 1861, being the third but second surviving son of the late Augustus Kelham of Eversley Park, Chester, by his wife Susan Mary, only dau. of Samuel Aldersey of Aldersey Hall, co. Chester. Armorial bearings — Per pale gules and azure, three covered cups or, on a chief engrailed argent, tliree estoiles sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest^On a wreath of feel the colours, a demi-eagle with two heads displayed tin samde of ermine spots, and charged on each wini- a covered cup all or. Motto— " IJenelicioruni nin Married, Jan. ao, 1891, Julia, third dau. of Thomas Bissett of Barrow-in-Furness; ami has Issue -U) • Herbert Langdale Kelham, Gentleman, b. Sept. aa 1 (a) Philip Vavasour longdate Kelham. Gentlem.in '(■ 27, 1894 ; and Avice Dorothea Langdale. Residence MARMADUKE LANGDALE KELHAM, Evn Capt. R.N. (retired). Bom Oct. la. 1847, Ix-ing ihe-i son of the late Marmaduke Kelham of Soutliwi-lt \ by his wife Julia Ann, dau. of Rol)crt Christie. Arnn bearings~Pcr pale gules and azure, three covt-rtvi cni on a chief engrailed argent, three estoiles sable. Jlantl ■ gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the coloiu-s, a .]. eagle with two heads displayed .izure, semt^e of et spots, and charged on each wing with a covered cup ;i Motto—" Beneficiorum memor.' Married, .May 13 1 Mary Isabella, youngest dau. of Robert Leslie 6(,v Esq. , J. P. , D. L. , of Dungiven and Ardnargle. Resido. Club — Naval and Military. RICHARD PHILLIPS KELHAM. Gentleman. , March ao, 1857, being the only son of the late I'li Kelham of Conway, N. Wales, by his wife Ann, c dau. of Edward Young Griffith of Bangor, N. \\ Armorial bearings— Per pale gules and azure, 1 covered cups or, on a chief engrailed argent, three cm sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreiv the colours, a demi-eagle with two heads displayed a semde of ermine spots, and charged on each wing a covered cup all or. Motto—" Beneficiorum men Married Amelia, dau. of John Roberts ; and has li Avice. Residence— ROBERT KELHAM, Esquire, J.P., High Sheriff 1 Born July 12, 1813, being the second son of tht Robert Kelham Langdale, who assumed by Royal Lk i8ia) the surname of Kelham only, and the arms of ham, in compliance with the will of his maternal u Robert Kelham, dated Aug. 20, 1808, by his first Dorothea, only child and heir of John Phillips of Holmwood and Wellands, Siirrey. Armorial bearing Per pale gules and azure, three covered cups or, on a t engrailed argent, three estoiles sable. Mantling guli- or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle two heads displayed azure, sem^e of ermine spots. charged on each wing with a covered cup all or. Mott: "Beneficiorum memor." Seat — Bleasby Hall, Soutliin... Notts. ROBERT CECIL KELHAM, Gentleman. Born ]m 5, 1883, being the eldest son of the late Robert Maunsdl Kelham, Gentleman, by his wife Janet Agneta Louiie, eldest dau. of C. C. Cogan, M.D., of Greenwich, co. Kent Armorial bearing^B- Per pale gules and azure, three covered cups or, on a chief engrailed argent, three estoilei sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle with two heads displayed anire, sem6e of ermine spots, and charged on each wing with a covered cup all or. Motto— " Beneficiorum memor." Residence — Havre, France. S ARTHUR DILLON DENIS KELLY, Esquire. Maj. 34th Regt, claiming to be "The O'Kelly," as heid of the eldest surviving branch descended from William Bojr O'Kelly, 2ist O'Kelly and Lord of Jath- Maine. Bon Dec. 5, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Gen. Sr Richard Denis Kelly, K.C.B., by his wife Ellen, dau. oil Sir William Dillon, 4th Baronet, of Lismullin, co. Meath. j Livery— DaxV. blue, black facings. Armorial l)eariiigl-| Quarterly i and 4, azure, a tower triple-towered, supported by two lions rampant argent, as many chains descenHt" from the battlements between their legs or (for Keilv) and 3, argent, a lion rampant between three crescenisgu^ issuant from each a star with six points of the field, < all a fesse azure (for Dillon), and impaling the arm- Skeffington. namely, quarterly i and 4, argent, three taUs^ heads erased sable ; 2 and 3, azure, a chevron between thre^ chaplets or. Mantling azure and argent. (Srest— On 1 wreath of the colours, an enfield statanl vert with a busnj tail turned over the back. Motto— " Turris fortis ^ is tlie MUitary Cockade. Eel )eus. ■ Married, April 17, 1895, Henrietta, youngest dau. f the late Hon. Chichester Thomas Foster -Skeffington hird son of the Rt. Hon. the 2nd Viscount Ferrard and \^t\ 763 scounfess Massereene). 5'm/^^ Weston, Dulaek, co. 5ath. Estates — Mucklon, Ballyforan, Ballinasloe, co. I :lway ; and Kilcash, co. Roscommon. Club — United ! rvice. EDWARD FESTUS KELLY, Gentleman, Master of X- New Forest Deerhounds. Born Jan. 28, 1854, being eldest son of Edward Robert Kelly, Gentleman, and riet his wife, dau. of Anderson Radford. Clubs — Nimrod, Isthmian, New. Livery — Blue, with red waist- coat. Armorial bearings— Azure, a tower triple-towered arsjent, supported by two lions rampant argent, chained or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an enfield passant vert. Motto — " Turris fortis mihi Deus." Married, August 28, 1879, Constance, third dau. of Major Horatio Edenborough ; and has Issue — Edward Denis Festus Kally, Gentleman, born Jan. 3, 1881. Seat — Northerwood Park, Lyndhurst, Hants. Tmon resi- dence — 49 Charles Street, Berkeley Square. FRANCIS HUME KELLY, Esq., J P. for co. Wcst- meath, late Capt. and Hon. Major 9th Batt. Rifle Brigade, B.A. (Oxon.). Born 1840, being the eldest son of the late Robert Hume Kelly, Esq., J. P., of Glencara, High Sheriff of CO. Westmeath 1867, by Isabella Olivia, dau. of the late Oliver Isdell of Conlanstown, co. Westmeath. Club — Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings— Azure, two lions rampant combatant argent, chained or, supporting a tower with three turrets of the second, in the centre chief point a mullet of the third. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an enfield vert, charged on the shoulder with a mullet as in the arms. Motto — "Turris fortis mihi Deus." Married, i%y6, Gertrude Annie, only child of G. C. M. Murdoch ; and has Issue — (i) Francis Vandeleur Hume Kelly, Gentle- man, b. 1877, Lieut. 3rd North Staffs. Regt. B.A. (Cambs.); (2) George Harvey Hume Kelly, Gentleman, b. 1879, Lieut. 2nd North Staffs. Regt. Seat — Glencara, Mullingar. Reverend MAITLAND KELLY, M.A., Clerk in Holy Orders. Born Aug. 21, 1842, being the third son of Arthur Kelly, Esq., of Kelly, co. Devon, J. P., High Sheriff 1836, and his wife Sophia, dau of Robert Maitland of Thaxted, Essex. Livery — White with scarlet facings. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron between three billets gules (for Kelly). Mantling gules and argent. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet gules, an ostrich's head, holding in the beak a horse-shoe or. Married, firstly, April 23, 1873, Agnes Elizabeth Leigh (vihod. Feb. 11, 1883), only child of William Leigh Clare of Raby Vale, co. Chester ; and by her has, with other Issue — Arthur Maitland Kelly, Gentleman, b. 1874. He married secondly, 1886, Elfrida, dau. of Rev. C. Carey, Rector of Kingweston, Somerset. Residence— T\xV\CBi2Lge, Ottery St. Mary. S REGINALD KELLY, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for co. of Devon, High Sheriff 1880-81, J. P. for Cornwall, County Alderman for Devon. Born Jan. 10, 1834, being the second but eldest surviving son of Arthur Kelly, Esq., J. P. , of Kelly, CO. Devon, High Sheriff, and his wife Sophia, dau. of Robert Maitland of Thaxted , Essex. Livery — White with scarlet facings. Armorial bearings— Argent, a chevron between three billets gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet gules, an ostrich's head, holding in the beak a horse-shoe or. Married, June 22, 1858, Janet Maitland, fifth dau. of Henry Wilson of Stowlang- toft Hall, Bury St. Edmunds, and formerly M.P. for West Suffolk. Seat—V^eWy, Lifton, Devon. C/k(J— United Uni- versity. KELLY (Confn. U.O.). Azure, two lions rampant combatant argent, chained or, supporting a tower with three turrets of the second, in the centre chief point a mullet of the third. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, an enfield vert, charged on the shoulder with a mullet as in the arms. Motto — " Tvirris fortis mihi Deus." Sons of Robert Hume Kelly, Esq., J. P., of Glencara, Barrister-at-Law (High Sheriff co. Westmeath 1867), b. 1800; d. 1868; m. 1830, Isabella Olivia, d. of Capt. Oliver Isdell, J. P., of Collinstown : — Francis Hume Kelly, Esq. {q.v.). Robert Vandeleur Kelly, Esq., C.B., J. P. co. West- meath, Lt.-Col. N.S. Wales Army Med. Corps, F.R.C.S.E.. Knt. of Grace of the Ordef of St. John of Jerusalem, b. 1843; m. 1877, Annie Holmes, d. of William Fetherston- haugh of Grouse Lodge, Westmeath; and has issue — Robert Hume Vandeleur Kelly, Gentleman, Lieut. R.F.A., e is tbe Naval Cockade. 764 I^el l^em *. 1878 ; and Frances Mary Vandeleur. 6 and 52nfl Oxfordsh. Lt. Inf. Res.— 2$ South Street Thurloe Square, S. W. Ctud— Junior United Service. General Sir ARNOLD BURROWES KEMBALL, K.C.B. (Mil., 1878), K.C.S.I. (1869); was created CR 1858 ; served in first Afghan War 1838-39 (merial), in Persian Expedition, 1857 (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasps, C.B.), and in Turko- Russian War as Briiisb Military Attache at Headquarters of Turkish Army, i8;*- 1877 ; was Assistant Resident in Persian Gulf 1842 and Resident 1852, Acting Consul-Gen. at Bagdad and Political Agent in Turkish Arabia in 1847 and 1849-51, Consul- Gen, at Bagdad and Political Agent there, 1855. Born 1820, being the second son of Vero Clarke Kemball, Esq.i i» the Military Cockade. mem mem 765 Srgeon-General Indian Medical Department, late Senior Jimber Medical Board, Bombay, by his wife Marianne, I 1. of Major-Gen. John Shaw. Clubs — United Service, rienasum. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a cross in- v,ted or, an oak - tree eradicated proper between four Upards' faces azure, in the first and fourth quarters a sord erect, and in the second and third a fasces also ept argent, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon oithe Order of the Bath, and pendent the badges of a I^J.B. (Mil.) and a K. C.S.I. Mantling gules and or; ail for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front oil rock proper a fasces fesseways also proper, thereon a!oat salient sable; with the Motto — "Nulla nisi ardua vius." Married, 1868, Anna Fanny, third dau. of A. N. Siw of New Hall, N.B. Residence — 62 Lowndes Square, Sf. ( 'hARLES GURUON KEMBALL, Esquire, Indian C,l Service, 1850-1885, Barrister-at-Law, Puisne judge of H'.li Court, Bombay, 1870-1885, J. P. co. Norfolk. Born Si;ember 27, 1829, being the sixth son of Vero Clarke Kuball, Esquire, Surgeon-General Indian Medical Depart- m t, late Senior Member Medical Board, Bombay, by his \vi' Marianne, daughter of Major-General John Shaw. Cfi — Athenceum. Armorial bearings — He bears for nnsj Gules, on a cross invected or, an oak-tree eradicated :opt' between four leopards' faces azure, in the first and urtl,|uarters a sword erect, and in the second and third a pceiilso erect argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a [lm< befitting his degree ; and for his Crest, upon a reat of the colours, in front of a rock proper, a fasces tsev js also proper ; thereon a goat salient sable, with P KttO, "Nulla nisi ardua virtus." Married, October k liS, Grace C. , second daughter of General H. Blois imt Royal Engineers ; and has Issue — (i) Henry V. R, ■ml 1, C.E., Executive Engineer, P.W.D., Bombay, Gentleman, born October 31, 1858 ; (2) Charles Arnold Kemball, Esq., Capt. I.S.C, born June 27, i860; (3) Alick Gurdon Kemball, Gentleman, Lieut. I.S.C, 23rd Punjaub Pioneers, born October 16, 1869 ; Rose Frances [rnarried Sir F. Forbes Adam, Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire] ; Elmira CaroUne ; and Lilian Grace. Postal address — Mettingham Castle, Bungay, Suffolk. Major-General JOHN SHAW KEMBALL, J. P. for Kent. Bom 1822, being the third son of Vero Clarke Kemball, Esq., Surgeon-General Indian Medical Depart- ment, late Senior Member Medical Board, Bombay, by his wife Marianne, dau. of Maj.-Gen. John Shaw. Club— United Service. Armorial bearings— Gules, on a cross invected or, an oak-tree eradicated prop>er between four leopards' faces azure, in the first and fourth quarters a sword erect, and in the second and third a fasces also erect argent. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock proper, a fasces fesseways also proper, thereon a goat salient sable ; with the Motto, "Nulla nisi ardua virtus." Married, 1857, Dora M., dau. of Capt. Henry Adams, Bombay Nat. Inf. ; and has Issue. Seat — F"airseat, Wrotham, Sevenoaks. SHALSWELL MILBORNE KEMEYS - TYNTE, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for co. Monmouth, J. P. for cos. Glamorgan and Somerset, senior co-heir of the whole blood to the Barony of Wharton. Born 1852, being the eldest son of the late Charles John Kemeys-Tynte, Esquire, of Halswell and Cefn Mably, by his first wife Elizabeth, daughter and co-heir of Thomas Swinnerton, Esquire, of Butterton Hall, in the county of Stafford. Clubs — Carlton, Windham. Armorial bearingB — He bears for Arms : Quarterly, i. counter-quartered i. and iiii. gules, a lion couchant b)etween six crosses crosslet argent (for Tynte) ; ii. and iii. vert, on a chevron argent, three pheons sable (for Kemeys) ; 2. azure, three bars wavy argent, over all a bend gules (for Halswell) ; 3. sable, a maunch argent, on a border or, an orle of lions' gambs erased in saltire gules (for Wharton) ; 4. azure, a wolfs head erased argent (for Lupus, Earl of Chester). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a unicorn sejant argent, armed, crined, and unguled or (for Kemeys) ; 2. a demi-griffin erased or (for Halswell). Mottoes — "Duw-dy-ras" (for Kemeys) ; " Tynctus cruore Saraceno " (for Tynte). Married, 1875, Rosabelle Clare, eldest daughter of Theobald Walsh, Esquire, of Tyrrelston, in the county of Kildare ; and has Issue— {^i) Charles Theodore Halswell Kemeys-Tynte, Gentleman, born September 18, 1876; (2) Eustace Kemeys-Tynte, Gentlemnn, born April 10, 1878 ; Mary Arabella Swinnerton. Seats — Halswell House, Goat- hurst, Bridgwater, in the county of Somerset ; Cefn Mably, Cardiff, in the county of Glamorgan ; Burleigh Hall, in the county of Leicester. KEMP, see HITCHIN-KEMP. WILLIAM KEMP, Esquire, late Capt. i8ih Royal Irish Regt., J.P. Sussex. Born 1835, being the son of Nathaniel Kemp, Gentleman, of Ovingdean, Sussex, by his wife Augusta Caroline, dau. of Sir John Eamer, Knight. Armorial bearings — Gules, three garbs within a bordure engrailed or, charged with eight hurts. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a falcon with wings elevated, feeding on a garb or, and charged on the breast with a hurt. Married, 1861, Maria Adelaide, dau. of Admiral Marsh, R.N. Postal address— Lyminster House, near Arundel. CHARLES EAMER KEMPE, Gentleman, M.A. (Oxon.), Hon. Fellow Pembroke College. Born June 29, 1837, being the youngest son of the late Nathaniel Kemp, Esq., J.P., of Ovingdeane, Sussex, by his wife Augusta Caroline, dau. of Sir John Eamer, Knight Bachelor. Livery -Red and gold. Armorial bearings- Gules, three garbs or. on a bordure engrailed of the second, eight hurts. Mantling gules and or. Crest -^ Upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a falcon, the wings elevated. is the Naval Cockade. 766 ttiem r««ding on a garb or, and charged on the breast with a QVHSEMllNANTfINf lACHRHMS m I EX VLTATIONE f METENT \ hurt. Seat~0\d Place, Lindfield, Sussex. Town residence - 28 Nottinghatn Place, W. Club Windham. JOHN COLE KEMSLEY, Gentleman. Born , I^en Lternian ^^| bemg the eldest son of John Nicholas Kemsley' beth Kathleen, his wife, dau. of Paiiick Wate Livery — Chocolate and gold. Armorial He bears for Arms : Or, on a mount in base vm'amtt m armour holding over his dexter shoulder a battfe.«m head downwards proper, a chief arched per pale saUe-^- gules, thereon two lions passaeit countcr-piissant an" Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet liefitting his dr with a mantling vert and or : and for his Crest, upon a *, of the colours, on a mount vert, a denii-zebra proper p. with a collar gemel or, resting the sinister forHee o' Esquire's helmet also proper. Married, Apnl A imT Elizabeth Jopling. daughter of John Robert Brickon K.EMTEBURY. quartered by CONYEKS. KENDALL, quartered by DUCKETI". KENDALL (H. Coll.. Confd. by Clarenceux. ai Hr VI., 1448). Gules, a fesse chequy or and azure bei« /h^ three eagles displayed of the second. Livery (undress Blue, with red piping. Son of Henry Kendall, Gentleman, by Eliza Facie- of York :— Henry John Broughton Kendall, Gentleman, Consul ; Bolivia, Director of Union of London and Smith's Ba: b. 1840 ; m. 1865, Georgiana Isabella, d. of Col. Oar. Ommanney, J.P. ; and has issue— (1) Rev. HenryGo Ommanney Kendall, b. 1866; (2) Nevill Kendall. Gen; man, *. 1871 ; (3) Montagu Charles Kendall, Gentleman. 1874; (4) Guy Kendall, Gentleman, b. 1876; Helen Beatrn and Katharine, .ff^t.— The Hyde, Hatfield, Herts. OSMOND LENNOX KENDALL, Gentlemm. B.' Jan. 18, 1871, being the second and only surviving son the late Nicholas Kendall, Esq., J.P.,hy his wife Don Haviland, dau. of Joshua Priaulx of Guernst-y- Armona bearingfS— Argent, a chevron between three dolphinsnals embowcd sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest- a wreath of the colours, a lion passant gules. Motto " Virtus depressa resurget. " SPAUL ALOYSIUS KENNA, Esq., CapUin si Hussars, eldest son of the late James Kenna Larch Hill. co. Meath, and Oakfield, Liverpool, by Jui- his wife, daughter of Patrick Kearney of Ethelstown, ca Meath. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a chief engrailed or, three garbs of the field, banded argent. Mantlilf azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a ruined castle in flames proper. Motto— "Age quod agis." Postal address — 21SI Regt [ Hussars, Madras. Colonel EDMUND HEGAN KENNARD, V.D.,j F.R.G.S., M.A. (Oxon.), Capt. late 8th Hussars, A. D-Cf is the Military Cockade. i^en men 767 tViceroy of Ireland (Abercorn) 1867-68, Col. Command- il' isth Middlesex Vol. 1870-85 (Hon. Col. of the corps ffm 1885), M.P. (C.) Beverley 1868-69, Lymington 1874-85. h^i 1835, lieing the son of the late J. P. Kennard of fjrdle Cliffe, Hants, by Sophia dau. of Sir John Chap- ?u.n of Windsor, Livery -Dark green and gold. Armo- 1.1 bearing^ — Per chevron gnles and azure, a chevron en ailed argent between two keys in chief, the wards dc nwards or, and a sword erect in base proper, pommelled ar hiked gold. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a ^eath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm in armour proper, ch ged with a buckle gules, grasping in the hand a key or in be I, and a broken sword in bend sinister proper. Motto — At spes non fracta." Married, 1868, Agnes, dau. and CO eir of Joseph Hegan, Dawpool ; and has Issue — (i) At jron Claud Hegan Kennard, Gentleman, b. 1870; (2) Enst Coleridge Hegan Kennard, Gentleman, b. 1873; Vi 3ria Lily Hegan ; and Winifred Grace Hegan. Postal ad -ess — 25 Bruton Street, W. Clubs — Carlton, Naval and M ;ary. 3WARD KENNARD, Esquire, D.L., J. P. Mon- mcthshire (Sheriff 1876), J. P. for Northants. Born 1842, be I the youngest son of R. W. Kennard of Gatcombe, Isl of Wight, M.P. Club— ]\xr\\or Carlton. Armorial toe IngfS — Per chevron gules and azure, a chevron engrailed arpt between two keys in chief, the wards downwards or,)*! a sword erect in base proper. Mantling gules and ardit. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter cul arm in armour proper, charged with a buckle gules, griping in the hand a key or in bend, and a broken swjd in bend sinister proper. MottO — "At spes non frai." Married, 1870, Mary, eldest dau. of S. Laing, Es4, J. P., D. L., ex-M.P. Postal address— Junior Carlton Ch l.ME ELLEN GEORGIANA KENNARD. Widow, coiiionly known as Lady Kennard, daughter of Captain J. !'. Rowe, Honourable East India Company's Service, An)rlal bearings are, upon a lozenge : Per chevron gules amiizure, a chevron engrailed argent, between in chief two lce> wards downwards or, and in base a sword erect proper, poi nel and hilt or. Married, 1858, Coleridge John Ken- nai Esquire, of Fernhill, Southampton, Justice of the Pe; ! and Deputy- Lieutenant, and Member of Parliament for Salisbury, 1882-1885, who dieti 1890, before his Patent of Baronetcy passed the seals (see above), wpon which the same title and precedence was granted to his widow as if he had survived. Of the above marriage there is Issue — Hugh Coleridge Downing Kennard, Esquire, Lieutenant Grenadier Guards, l)orn May 15, 1859 [married, September 7, 1883, Helen, only daughter of James Wyllie of Eilanroe, France, and died April 9, 1886. on his pas- sage to Australia, leaving an only child. Sir Coleridge Arthur Fitzroy Kennard. first Baronet (to whom refer)] ; and Meredith Sophia Frances [married, November 6, 1890. Captain Henry Seymour Rawlinson. Coldstream Guards, eldest son of Major-General Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson. Baronet, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath]. Postal address — Boyton Lodge, Esher. S HENRY MARTYN KENNARD, Esquire, J. P. for the cos. of Monmouth and Glamorgan, and D. L. for Monmouthshire. Born 1833, being the fith son of the late Robert Kennard, Esq., J. P., D. L., late M.P. for Newport, Isle of Wight, by his wife Mary Anne, dau. of Thomas is the Naval Cockade. \ 768 teen Chnllis, M.P. for Finslniry. C/uts — Carlton, Bootle's. I.ivtry — Dark blue. Armorial bearing! — Pit chevron eules and lutirc. a cheviun engrailed argent iKtwern two keys in chief, the witrds downwards or, and a sword erect in base proper. Mantling pulos and argent. Crest — Upon a *realh of the colours, a liexler cubit arm in armour proiK-r, charged witli a buckle gules, grasping in the hand a key or in bend, and a broken sword in bend sinister pro|x:r. Motto— "At spes non fractn." Married, 1858, Katherine Anne, «/f Thomas, of Ystrad Mynach, tjlaniorganshire ; and has Issue — Martvn Thomas Kennard, Gentleman b. 1859 ; and Mary Elese \m. Arthur M. I^atham of Misarden Park, Glamorganshire]. A'«ion a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm in armour proper, charged with a buckle gides, grasping in the hand a key or in bend, and a broken sword in bend sinister proper. Motto — "At spes non fracta." Married, 1881, Rose N., dau. of R. N. Byass of Daylesford, Worcestershire. Seat — Llwyndu Court, Abergavenny. KENNEDY ok Culzean, quartered by HUNTER- BLAIR, KENNEDY OF Underwood, quartered by COC H RAN-PATRIC K. KENNEDY, see AILSA, Marqi^ess of, and see CLARK-KENNNEDY and SHAW-KENNEDY. JOHN KENNEDY, Esquire. J. P. and D.L. for co. of Ayr, MA. Bom 1852, being the eldest son of the late John Kennedy, Esq., of Underwood, by his wife Margaret, fourth daughter of the late Farquhar Macrae of Macrae and Inverinate, in co. of Ross. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron gules between three cross crosslets fitch^e, sable, a mullet pierced between two lions counter passant or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dolphin hauriant proper. Motto—" Vincit vim virtus." Married, Jan. 4, 1884, Jessie, dau. of Alexander Reid, Esq. ; and has Issue — (i) John Kennedy, Gentleman, b. Dec. 27, 1886 ; (2) Nigel Kennedy, Gentleman, b. May 30, i888. Seat — Uuderwood House, by Kilmarnock, N.B. Town residence — 15 Aldford Street, Park I^ne, W, C/«*j — National, New (Edinbtirgh), County (Ayr). ROLAND FERGUSSONE KENNEDY. Esquire. Bom 1859, being the eldest son of the late Hew Fergussone Kennedy, Esquire, of Bennane and Finnarts (twenty-third in descent from Duncan de Carrick), Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Captain 96th Regiment, by his wife Mariane, second daughter of John Bell of Enterkine, in the county of Ayr. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent, a chevron gules, between three crosslets fitch^ sable (for Kennedy) ; 2 and 3 azure, three fleurs-de-lis or (for France). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a fleur-de-lis or, issuing out of two oak leaves proper. Supporters— Dexter, a lady attired in the costume of the men sixteenth century ; sinister, awyvern both proix-r. " Fuimus." Married, Noveml)<'ra8, 1888, Flora OlcncaTr- ^ eldest daughter of Charles G. Shaw, Solicitor, Ayr ; aiiil Issue — (1) Charles Fergussone Kennedy, (M-iulenu-jn, 1 Decemlx-r 11, 1889; (a) David Hew Kennedy, (In 1: born July 11, 1891 ; and Muriel Flora. .SVu/. I Balbntre, and F^innarts, Glenapp, in the county oi \v 5 AUGUSTUS JOHN WILLIAM HENRY NEDY-ERSKINE, Justice of the Peace, C»^ Forfar and Kincardine Artillery. Bom 1866, l)oing tlie'( son of the late William Henry Kennedy-Erskine, EsqtL_ of Dun, by his wife Catherine, only surviving child of Jahtl Jones of Henllys, in the county of Carmarthen; succeeded I his father 1870. Armorial bearings— He bears for AnBt-.l Quarterly i and 4, grand quarters (|uarterly, i. and iig,! argent, a pale sable, ii. and iii. gules, a sword in palcargai|,| f>ommel and hilt or (for Erskine) : 2 and 3, argent a chcvrotf gules between three cross crosslets fitch(?e sable, all withiB| the royal double tressure, flory counterflory of the secoodl (for Kennedy). Ujxjn the escutcheon is placed a heliMl befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled arRrnt; and for his Crests, upon a wreath of the liveries, a Rriii head erased gules, charged with a mullet ermine, hoi in the beak a sword Ijendways point upwards propci Erskine) ; and upon a wreath of his liveries, a do!; naiant proper (for Kennedy). Seat — Dun House, Monti N.B. HENRY STACY SKIPTON KENNEDV-SKIFK Gentleman, M.A., third son of the late Henry Skip: assumed the name of Kennedy-Skipton as his principal last surname, and the arms of Skipton and Ken: quarterly, by Royal License, April 27, 1896. Armc bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent an anchor sable Skipton); 2 and 3 argent, a chevron gules between 11 cross crosslets fitch^e sable (for Kennedy). Mantling and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath oi colours, an arm vambraced, holding a dagger proix-i Skipton) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a dolphin pf and above it the Motto, " Avise la fine" (for Kennf and below the arms, "Pro patria" (for Skipton). I'. address — Sir VINCENT HUNTER BARRINGTON Kl NETT-BARRINGTON, K.B., M.A., Master of I. and Wrangler of the University of Cambridge, Governi! nominated Member of Metropolitan Asylums lioard, Deputy - Chairman of St. John Ambul.ance Associat Bom 1844, being the son of the late Captain Vir. Frederick Kennett, of the Manor House, Dorchester his wife Arabella Henrietta, daughter of the late Jonah Harrington, whose name and arms he assumt 1 1878, by Royal License under his mother's will; dul Knight Bachelor, 1886. 0«*.r— Athenaeum, Oxford Cambridge. Armorial bearings — He bears for Air Quarterly i and 4, argent three chevronels gules, in a label of as many points azure (for Barrington); 2 ai quarterly or and gules, in the second and third qair an escutcheon of the first, charged with an esquire's hcl: proper (for Kennett) ; and impaling the arms of .S.indcii namely argent, the emblem of truth, a naked woman stan.l on a terrestrial globe issuing out of the base, in her de\ hand an oi>en book ; in her sinister, which is elevated air her head, a branch of palm, and on her breast the sui his splendour all proper, and a veil across her middi' the first, within a bordure gules, charged with three fl' de-lis of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a hcl: befitting his degree, with a manthng gules and argM.; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a hermit's head in profile, couped below the shoulders proper, vested paly of six gules and or, his cowl thrown back (for Barrington) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, between two branches of palm, a dexter arrn embowed : armour prof>er, garnished or, charged with an est' gules, holding in the hand a helmet as in the arms Kennett). Married, 1878, Alicia Georgette, das: the late George Glas .Sandeman, Esquire, of \' Hayling Island, and Hyde Park Gardens. Postal —57 Albert Hall Mansions. W. ; Manor House, Dorclu Oxford. KENNEY, quartered by KINGSMILL. ^ is tbe Military Cockade. l^en l^en 769 § ARTHUR HERBERT KENNEY. Esquire, Com- panion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint ichael and Saint George (1893), Companion of the Dis- figuished Service Order (1901), Lieut. -Col. R.E. Dorn \.n. 4, 1855, being the younger son of the late Capt. Edward ferbert Kenney, R.N., by his wife Charlotte Mary, dau. Capt. George Bignell, R,N. Armorial bearings — Qirterly i and 4, per pale or and azure, a fleur-de-lis be een three crescents counterchanged (for Kenney) ; 2. qu terly i. and iiii. , or, a cross engrailed gules ; ii. and iii. , pel pale azure and gules, a lion rampant or (for Hassan) ; 3. gent, on a chevron sable, between three columbines azij!, stalked vert, a star of six points (for Hay). Mantling azi ; and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a demi- arij sleeved gules, with a white ruffe, holding in the hand a xi of parchment proper. Residence— 2 Manston Terrace, Hq'itree, Exeter. Club — Junior United Service. I JIHN K.ENNEY-HERBERT, Esquire, Justice of the Pejjj. Bom February 15, 1848, being the only son of the lattlfohn Kenney-Herbert, Gentleman (succeeded to the He;ert estates on the death of his uncle, the Reverend Ed- wai; Herbert- Kenney, in 1842, in accordance with the provi- sioilof the will of his maternal grand-uncle, John Herbert of Ca^J Island, whereupon he assumed by Royal License the addjonal name and arms of Herbert), by his wife Jane, dau Iter of Daniel Humphreys of Broomfield, in the county of iark. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Quierly i and 4, per pale argent and sable, three lions riirtiiint, two and one counterchanged (for Herbert of Casj; Island) ; 2 and 3. per pale or and azure a fleur-de- lis Itween three crescents counterchanged (for Kenney). UfX) the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, «ritl;i mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, 1. ipoja wreath of the colours, a bundle of twelve arrows in lalti' or, headed and feathered argent, belted gules, and >ucl|!d of the first (for Herbert) ; 2. upon a wreath of the »lo s, a dexter cubit arm erect vested gules, cuffed argent, he ind grasping a paper scroll proper (for Kenney). Sot — " Ung je servirai." Married, November 16, 1874, iar :tt Mary, daughter of Thomas M. Gren of Aghadoe, (ear'oughal, in the county of Cork. KNNY, see FITZGERALD-KENNY. WILLIAM LIONEL CREAN NICHOLAS DE KENNE FITZGERALD KENNY, Gentleman, late 4th Batt. Connaught Rangers. Born Nov. 23, 1872, being the eldest son of the late James (Christopher Fitzgerald Kenny, Esq., J.F. CO. Galway, H..A. Trin. Coll., Dublin, Barrister- at-Law, M.R.I. A., by his wife Helena Mary, now of Clogher House, dau. and coheir of the late Major Patrick Crean Lynch, D. L. , of Clogher House, co. Mayo, by his wife Marcella, third dau. of Sir Michael Dillon Bellew, Bart. Armorial bearings — Per pale or and azure, a fleur-de-lis between three crescents all counterchanged. Mantling gules and or. Crest — Out of an earl's coronet or, a demi-arm erect, sleeved gules, with a white ruff", holding in the hand a roll of parchment proper. Motto — " Teneat, luceat, floreat." Married, 1896, Josephine, third dau. of D. L. Delmas of San Francisco. Seats— Kilclogher, Monivea, Athenry, co. Galway ; Clogher House, Ballyglass, CO. Mayo. JAMES WILLIAM KENYON, Gentleman. Bom August 13, i860, being the eldest son of the late John Walter Kenyon, and Sarah his wife, daughter of the late William Carter. Livery — Grey or black and gold. Ar- morial bearings — Sable, on a chevron invected or. between two crosses patonce in chief argent and a lion sejeant in base of the second, a woolpack of the first ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant proper, holding in the mouth a cross patonce argent, and resting the dexter forepaw on a woolpack sable ; with the Motto, "Si diligens honorabilis. " Postal address — Cecily Hill, Cirencester. C///*— Boodle's. S ROBERT LLOYD KENYON, Esquire, J.P., D.L., and Deputy Chairman of Quarter Sessions, and Alder- man for Shropshire 1889, Recorder of Oswestry 1896, M.A. Ch. Ch., Oxford (Vinerian Scholar, Oxon., 1872), Barrister-at- Law of the Middle Temple. Bom Jan. 18, 1848, being the eldest son of the late John Robert Kenyon, Esq., Q.C., by his wife Mary Eliza, only dau. of Edward Hawkins, F.R.S., Keeper of Antiquities at the British Museum. Armorial bearings — Sable, a chevron engrailed or, between three crosses flory argent. Mantling sable and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant proper, resting the dexter paw on a cross flory argent. Motto — ' ' Magnani- miter crucem sustine." Married, June 9, 1886, Ellen Frances, dau. of the Rt. Rev. WiUiam Walsham How, Bishop of Wakefield. 5^a/— Pradoe, Oswestry, Shrop- shire. Club — United University, d is tbe Naval Cockade. 3C 77© men SCou Rt. Hon. WILLIAM SLANEY KENYON- SLANEY. P.C. (1904). J.P. and D.L. for county of Sniop, M.P. for the Newport Division of Shropshire, formerly Colonel ist Battalion Grenadier Guards. Horn 1847, being the eldest son of the late Colonel William Kenyon-Slanev, by his wife Frances Catherine, daughter of the late Robert A. Slani-y, F.squire, Member of Parlia- ment, of Hatton Grange, in the county of Salop. Clubs —Carlton, Wellington. Armorial bearlnj^a — He bears for Arma : Quarterly i and 4, gules a bend between three martlets erminois (for Slaney) ; 2 and 3 sable, a chevron engrailed or, between three crosses flory argent (for Kenyon) ; and impaling the arms of Bridgeman, namely sable, ten plates, four, three, two and one, on a chief argent, a lion passant ermines. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head gules, winged erminois, and gorged with a collar gemel or (for Slaney) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant proper, resting the dexter paw on a cross flory argent (for Kenyon). Mottoes — "Deo duce, comite mdustria" (for Slaney); " Magnanimiter crucem sustine" (for Kenyon). Married, 1887, Mabel Selina, commonly known as Lady Mabel Selina Bridgeman, eldest daughter of the third Earl of Bradford ; and has Issue — Robert Orlando Rodolph Kenyon-Slaney, Gentle- man, born 1892; and Sybil Agnes. Residence — Hatton Grange, Shifnal, in the county of Salop. H WILLIAM GEORGE KEPPEL, Esquire, Major late w 4th Goorkhas. Bom June 5, 1836, being the eldest son of the Hon. and Rev. T. R. Keppel, Hon. Canon of Norwich, Rector of North Creake, Norfolk, and his wife Frances, dau, of the late Sir Thomas Barrett-Lennard, Bart. ZiV^rK— Drab. Armorial bearings— Gules, three escallops argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a swan's head and neck argent. Motto—" Ne cede malis." Married, Dec. 6, 1864, Emily, dau. of John Haughton. Seat — Old Buckenham Grange, Attleborough, Norfolk. C/«^— Norfolk (Norwich). S HARRY ERNEST CLAY-KER-SEYMER, Esquire. Justice of the Peace and Deputy- fit Pt*- fife (>tl Ml PI* "Lieutenant for the county of Ber- •rtVV-'SO'i'^lJU'V wick. Justice of the Peace for the counties of Suffolk, Cambridge, and Dorset. Bom 1832, being the eldest son of the late James Clay, Member of Parliament for Hull, by his wife Eliza Camilla, daughter of Joseph Allen Woolrych of Weobly, in the county of Hereford, and assumed the additional surnames and arms of Ker-Seymer by Royal License, 1864. Armorial bearings - He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and fi^et 4, or two wings conjoined in lure gules, on a chi three martlets argent (for Seynier) ; 2 quarterly, i. and fiJl' vert, on a chevron argent, three mullets gules, in bue a unicorn's head erased of llie second ; ii. and iii. azure, three crosses moline argent, all within a bordure of the last (for Ker) ; 3 argent, a clievron engrailed paly s.ible and or between three trefoils slipped of the second (for Clay) and upon an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Ker Seymer, quarterly. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a nmntling gules and or ; and for his Crests, I. a chapeau gules turned up ermine, winged or ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head erased argent, gorged with a collar azure, thereon three crosses moline also argent (for Ker) ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, two wings displayed argent, each charged with a chevron engrailed, between three trefoils slipped sable (for Clay). Motto— " Dulce pro patria periculum." Married, Apni 21, 1864, Gertrude, only surviving daughter and heir of^ Henry Ker-Seymer, Esquire, of Hanford, in the county of Dorset, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, High Sheriff 1842, Doctor of Civil I^ws, and Meml)er of Parliament for the county from 1846 to 1864, by his wife Isabella Helen, youngest daughter of Williani Webber of Binfield Lodge, in the county of Berkshire; and has Issue — (i) Evelyn Clay-Ker-Seymer, Gentleman, born February 26, 1865; (2) Horace Vere Clay-Ker-Seymer, Gentleman, born September 19, 1866 ; Winifred ; ami Violet. Seat - Hanford, near Blandford, in the county of Dorset. KERR, see SCO IT-KERR. S ROBERT MALCOLM KERR, Esquire, U..\\ (Glasgow), Barrister-at-Law, J.P. for cos. of Dun barton, Middlesex, and London, D.L. for Middle?.' \ Comr. of Lieut, for City of London, formerly Jii of the City of London Court, and one of the Corns the Central Criminal Court (resigned 1901). Horn I 5, 1821, being the eldest surviving son of John K. Commissary of Hamilton and Campsie, in the Ai bishopric of Glasgow, by Elizabeth, only dau. of Alexai Malcolm, Merchant in Glasgow. Club — Alhenceum. morial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, on a chc\ cotised argent, three mullets of the first (for Kerr) ; 2 ;ii argent, on a saltire azure, between four boars' heads er^ gules, five mullets of the first, a canton of the third, gi;: d'eau, thereon a lion rampant double-queued of the field Malcolm). Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest— L'l a wreath of his liveries, a mullet argent ; and on an esc: above this MottO, " Praise God." Married, Aug. 2, i^:. Maria S. L. , fourth dau. of late Charles Knight, Publishi London; and has Issue — (i) Kenneth Malcolm Eliot K^ Gentleman, Lieut. 96th Regt., h. July 18, 1849, d. at Meei May 15, 1871 ; (2) Edward Cecil Malcolm Kerr, Gentlem b. July 20, 1851, d. Jan. 23, 1861 ; (3) Robert Malcolm Na; Kerr, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, b. Feb. 7, 1857; Charles Henry Malcolm Kerr, Gentleman, b. Jan. 22, 18; and Elizabeth Malcolm Kerr. RUSSELL JAMES KERR, Esquire, JusticeofihePci Chairman of Quarter Sessions, Barrister-at-Law, Vi Chairman County Council, and a Verderer of H.M. For of Dean. Bom September 4, 1832, being the second 1 eldest surviving son of the late William Charles Kerr, M.i of The Haie, by his wife Maria Eliza Robison, younj; daughter of William Lewis, Honourable East India C(.:. pany's Service. Clubs — Windham, Raleigh. Liver/— White and scarlet. Armorial beaxingB— He bean for Arms : Gules, on a chevron embattled, between a flc!;' de-lis in chief, and a martlet in base argent, three mulV of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a halt; befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argtr : and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, astr head erased or. Motto — " Deus solaraen." Mam September 4, i860, Rosa Mary Anne, eldest daughter George R. Griffiths of Castle Hill, Englefield Green, in 1: county of Surrey ; and has Issue — (i) Russell James Kc: Gentleman, born January 23, 1863 [married, January i 1888, Miriam Matilda, eldest daughter of J. R. Pine-Coft of Portledge, North Devon, and has, William John Kt Gentleman, bom April 23. 1890 ; Ralph Kerr, Gentlem.' Is the Military Cockade. I l&er I^et 771 ihorn August 16, 1891 ; Helen Mary; and Miriam Joan]; f2) Mark Kerr, Gentleman, born November 10, 1877, and Itt. Scottish Rifles; Mary; and Katharine. Seat — The " ie, Newnham-on-Severn, in the county of Glouct-ster. . BEAUCHAMP ALBERT THOMAS KERR- •' PEARSE, Esq., Capt. Rifle Brigade. Born 1871 big the eldest son of the Rev. Beauchamp Kerr Warren Krr-Pearse, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. University Coll., Cjbrd, who assumed by Royal Licence the additional sur- nJie of Kerr in 1889, by his wife Geraldine Henrietta, third di. of Richard Samuel Guinness, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, scuetime M.P. , of Deepwell, co. Dublin. Armorial bear- irs — Quarterly i and 4, quarterly i. and iiii. , azure, the St in his splendour proper (for Pearse) ; 2 and 3, ii. and iii. , gi:s, on a chevron argent, three mullets of the field, all wain a bordure quarterly argent and or (for Kerr). Kaat- lij; azure and or. Crests — i. on a vireath of the colours, a exter arm embowed in armour, the hand grasping a til ig-spear in bend sinister all proper, between two estoiles gts (for Pearse) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, the sun in hii.plendour prop)er (for Kerr). Mottoes — " Cadente por- ri§ dextram," and " Sero sed serio." Club — Armv and N,^y. i^NRY WALKER KERRICH-WALKER, Esq., J. P. foijo. of Durham. Bom 1832, being the son of the late Edard Kerrich, Esq., J. P., of Arnolds, by Mary Evelyn Su n, second dau. of the late Richard Fuller of The Racery, Surrey ; and assumed the additional surname and anf of Walker by Royal License in 1877, in compliance wit the will of John Walker of Stabbing Hall. Armorial lie^illgB — Quarterly 1 and 4, argent a fesse embattled coVter-embattled, with plain cotises sable, in chief a quatre- foilietween two crescents, and in base a crescent between twquatrefoils gules (for Walker) ; 2 and 3 sable, on a pile argit, between two galtraps or, a galtrap of the field (for Keich). Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, I. 1 on a wreath of the colours, in front of a greyhound's hea couped argent, gorged with a collar gemel sable, a crei :nt gules (for Walker) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in lint of two spears in saltire proper, a galtrap or (for Kerrich). Motto— " Faire sans dire." Married, 1864, Isabella, eldest dau. of G. Reid of London ; and has, with other Issue — Edward Henry Walker, Gentleman, b. Dec. 1864. Seat — Newker House, Chester-le-Street, Durham. KERSEY. Argent, on a pile between two roses gules, barbed and seeded proper, a boar's head couped of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath •▼# of the colours, upon a mount vert, between two branches of cinquefoils, a boar's head as in the arms. Motto — " Peractus conamine." Sons of Robert Kersey, Gentleman, b. 1818 ; d. 1904 ; m. ist, 1837, Caroline Charlotte, ygst. d. of late Richard Osborn : — Walter Robert Kersey, Gentleman, b. 1838 ; m. 1869, Catherine Susannah, d. of Benjamin Duvall of Tyrwhitt Road, St. John's, S.E. Res.— e,^ Wickham Road, Brockley, London, S.E. Alexander Henry Kersey, Gentleman, b. 1850 ; m. 1887, Alice, d. of Thomas James Steel ; and has issue— Robert Hogarth Kersey, Gentleman ; Kathleen ; and Eileen. Res. —19 Norfolk Square, Hyde Park, W. EDMUND WILLIAM KERSHAW, Gentleman. Bom , being the son of the late Edward Newman Kershaw of Heskin Hall, Eccleston, Lanes. Armorial bearings— Per fesse indented argent and sable, a pale counterchanged, three cross crosslets of the last, a chief azure, thereon as many bezants. Mantling sable and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, in front of two trunks of trees erect, sprouting from the sinister a pheasant proper, holding in the beak two ears of wheat slipped or. Motto — "Fide semper Deo." Residence — 10 Hanover Square, London, W. W WILLIAM KESWICK, Esquire, of Eastwick Park, © Leatherhead, co. Surrey, and Beech Grove, co. Dum- fries, J. P. and High Sheriff" co. Surrey, Lord of the Manor of Bookham, Leatherhead. Born 1834, being the son of the late Thomas Kissock of Richibuck, Canada, and Beech Grove, Dumfriesshire. C/wi— Devonshire. Armorial bear- ings—Sable, a saltire argent and a chief invected of the second, the latter charged with a rose gules between two thistles slipped and leaved proper. Mantling sable doubled argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of his liveries, between two wings argent, an arm vested azure, cuffed of the first, the hand holding a thistle proper. Motto— " Ubique." Married, 1870. Amelia S. {d. 1883), only dau. of the late J. A. Dubeux. Postal arfrfrwj — Eastwick Park, Great Bookham, Leatherhead. RUPERT EDWARD COOKE KETTLE, Esquire. Barrister-at-Law, B.A. St. John's Coll., Oxford, Recorder of Lichfield 1899, Metropolitan Magistrate 1901, J. P. for COS. Essex, Kent, London, Middlesex, Surrey, and Merionethshire. Bom December a6, 1854, being the 1 is the Naval Cockade. 772 l^et mn eldest son of His Honour the late Sir Rupert Kettle, County Court Judge, by his wife Mary, only child of Edward Cooke of Wolverhampton. Clu» — Reform. l.ivei'y—lMue, with brass buttons. Armorial bearlngi — He bears for Anna : Azure, a licehive within two branches of palm slipped in saltire all or, impaling the arms of Hickman, namely, party per sallire saWe and or, two leopards' faces jessant-de-lis in pale, and a^ many fleurs- de-lis in fesse, all countcrchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet lx;titting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Cr«8t, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter cubit arm vested azure, cuflfed argent, the hand proper, holding a Iwlance suspcnctli Ann, : of William Coles Fuller. Armorial bearings— Per 1 argent and or, three crescents fesseways azure, oak-trees eradicated in pale proper. Upon the escati from which is jDendent his badge as a C.M.G., isplaoedlE helmet befitting his degree. Mantling azure and atgat.1 Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of anodtS proper, charged with a pheon or, a mount vert, tbcmaiy saltire azure. Motto — " Firmus in firmis." Marritl,B Oct. 23, 1880, Augusta [Lady of The Royal Red Or(J*| 1902], dau. of G. W. Pilkington, Esq. , of Cape Town ; aii has /ssue—{i) Ernest Tyrell Kilpin, Gentleman (CapeCiiiI| Service), b. Dec. 7, 1881 ; (2) Cecil Fuller Kilpin, Genlte'| man, i. Oct. 3, 1884 ; (3) Ralph Pilkington Kilpin, GaUtK man,*. Oct. 10, 1887; (4) Denis Pilkington Kilpin, G(»| tleman, b. June 17, 1893. Postal address — Linford, Ke»l| worth, near Cape Town. Club — Civil Service |C Town). KINAHAN, seeHUDSON-KINAHAN. KINARDSLEY, quartered by ORMSBY. KINCAID, see BATEMAN-HANBURY-KINCA LENNOX. KING, quartered by LOVELACE. KING, see GORDON-KING, MEADE-KING, NOEI KING. REEVE-KING, and STAFFORD-KING-HAl MAN. ELIZABETH KING, eldest daughter and co-hw late John Richard King, Esquire, J. P. Hants (High is the Military Cockade. of til 1 mn Clin 773 558), late Capt. and Hants Rifles, and his wife Elizabeth ;lby, eldest dau. of RolHjrt Walmisley (and granddau. and |>-heir of Robert Selby of The Hyde. Airaorial beax> Ugs are, upon a lozenge — Per fesse nebuly azure and sable, i lion rampant argent, ducally gorged, between in chief ' o cross crosslets and in base an escallop or. Estate — The yde, CO. Middlesex. HENRY LOUIS KING (formerly Mahon), Gentleman. )m 1866, being the eldest son of Ross Mahon of Lady- 11, CO. Westmeath, by Harriette, eldest dau. of Rev. enry King of Ballylin, and nephew of the late John Ibert King, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Ballylin. He as- med the surname and arms of King only by Royal cence, dated May 17, 1901. Armorial bearings — : ble, a lion rampant, double-queued or. Blantllng sable ijd or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an escallop les. Motto — " Spes tutissima ccelis." Married, May P4, Winifred Harriet, dau. of W. S. Ward. Seat — llylin, Ferbane, King's Co. Clubs — Kildare Street (lublin). Royal St. George's Yacht. 'Sir HENRY SEYMOUR KING, K.C.I. E. (created ' Companion of the Indian Empire, 1887, and Knight mmander, 1892), F.R.G.S., M.A. (Oxford), Member of r Majesty's Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of ndon, M.P. for the Central Division of Hull since 1885. I >-n Jan. 4, 1852, being the eldest son of Henry Samuel iig, Esq., J. P. for Essex, of the Manor House, Chigwell, i his wife Ellen, dau. of John Blakeway. Clubs — Carlton, nservative, St. Stephen's, Savile, Alpine, Royal Yacht ladron. Royal Temple Yacht, Royal Yorkshire Yacht, Hyal Thames Yacht. Livery — Blue, with blue and white slped vest and silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Qiiterly argent and azure, in the second and third qusiers a quatrefoil of the first, over all a bend barry of six if the second, charged with a quatrefoil also of the firs and gules, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribin and badge of a K.C.I. E. Mantling azure and argi t ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, Ijn rampant or, gorged with a collar gemel azure, and holding in the dexter forepaw a trefoil slipped vert. Motto — " Floreo in ungue leonis." Married, Oct 21, 1875, Julia Mary, dau. of the Rev. John Jenkins, D.D., LL, D. , of Montreal. Postal address — 25 Cornwall Gardens, South Kensington, S.W. LUCAS WHITE KING, Esquire, Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Sur of India (1898), LL.D., B.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), F.S.A. ; entered the Indian Civil Service 1878, served as Political Officer with the Zhob Valley Field Force 1890, with Waziristan Expedition 1894-95 (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp), with Indo-Afghan Demarcation Commission as Boundary Com- missioner 189s, and with Kohat-Kurran Field Force and Tirah Expedition as Political Officer 1897-98 (mentioned in despatches, medal with three clasps, C.S.I.) ; is a Fellow of the Punjab University, a Member of the Royal Geographical, Royal Asiatic, and Numismatic Societies. Born 1856, being the eldest son of the late Dep. Surg. Gen. Henry King, Principal of Medical School, Madras. Armorial bearings — Gules, two lions rampant combatant, supporting a dexter hand couped at the wrist and erect, above it an estoile argent, a bordure ermines. Mantling gules and argent. Crest^On a wreath of the colours, a dexter hand couped at the wrist and erect, the third and fourth fingers turned down proper, charged on the wrist with an estoile as in the arms. Motto — "Spes tutissima coelis." Married, 1891, Geraldine, dau. of the late Alfred Harmsworth, Barrister- at-law of the Middle Temple. KING (U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4, per pale gules and or, a lion rampant counterchanged holding between the paws a boar's head erased of the second (King); 2 and 3, or, on a fesse bretessed azure, between three wolves' heads erased sable, as many lozenges argent (Sealy). Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a boar's head erased gules, charged with two bezants in fesse. Motto — ■' ' Spes tutissima coelis. " Livery — Chocolate brown, yellow facings. Son of Charles Lewes King of Newtown House, Leixlip, b. 1814; d. 1869 ; m. 1853, Jane Stawell Bernard (Mrs. King-Sealy of Richmount), d. and coh. of Capt. Sampson Stawell Sealy : — Charles Sealy King, Esq., J. P. co. Cork, b. i860; m. 1886, Beatrice Ada, d. of William Jocelyn Bradford, M.D. (Trin. Coll., Dub.); and has issue — (i) Ludlow Sealy King, Gentleman, b. 1891 ; (2) Charles Sealy King, Gentleman, b. 1894; Esther; and Violet Rose. Seat — Richmount, Bandon, co. Cork. Club — County (Cork). KING-HARMAN, seeS lAFFORD-KING-HARMAN. CHARLES ANTHONY KING-HARMAN, Esquire. C.M.G., M.A. (Trin. Coll., Camb.), Colonial Seer, of Mauri- tius 1893-97, since when he has been Administrator of St. Lucia. Born 1851, being the third son of the late Hon. Lawrence Harman King-Harman, by his wife Mary Cecilia, dau. of James Raymond Johnstone of Alva, N.B. Armo- rial bearing^s— Quarterly i and 4, sable, a chevron between three rams passant argent, attired or (for Harman) ; 2 and 3, gules, two lions rampant combatant supporting a dexter hand couped at the wrist and erect argent (for King). MrnitUng sable and argent. Crests— i. out of a ducal crest coronet or, a dexter arm armed and erect in pale proper, cuffed argent, the hand also proper grasping two slips of roses one gules, the other argent, stalked, seeded, and leaved proper (for Harman) ; 2. out of a ducal crest coronet or, a dexter hand erect, the third and fourth fingers turned down proper (for King). Married, 1888, Constance, dau. of Gen. Sir Robert Biddulph, G.C.M.G., C.B. ; and has surviving Issue — Lawrence Hope King-Harman, Gentle- man, b. 1889 ; (2) Robert Douglas K'ng-Harman, Gentle- man, b. 189 1 ; and Geraldine. Residence— Goy&cnmcnx. House Castries, St. Lucia. C/a*— Windham. MONTAGUE JOCELYN KING-HARMAN, Esquire, Col. I.S.C., was D.A.Q.M.G. at Meerut 1877-82 and ist Dep. Sec. to Govt, of India 1892-97. Bo>n 1843, being the second son of the late Hon. Lawrence Harman King- Harman, by his wife Mary Cecilia, dau. of James Raymond Johnstone of Alva, N.B. Armorial bearings - Quarterly 1 and 4, sable, a chevron between three rams passant argent, attired or (for Harman) ; 2 and 3, gules, two Uons rampant combatant supporting a dexter hand couped at the wrist is the Naval Cockade. riA mn mu ^ and erect argent (for King). Mantling sable and argent. Onsta I. out of a ducal crest coronet or, a dexter arm, armed and erect in pale proper, cuffed argent, the hand also proper grasping two slips of roses, one gules the other argent, stalked, seeded, and leaved proper (for Hurman) ; a. out of a ducal crest coronet or, a dexter hand erect, the third and fourth lingers turned down proper (for King). Atarritd, 1869, Emily, dau. of Lieut. -Gen. Henry Kigbv, R,E. ; and has Issu* (1) Edward Henry King-Harman, Gentleman, b. 1870 [m., 1896, Emily Florence, dau. of .1. G. Meugens, Esq., of Calcutta]; and Mary Elizabeth [m., 1899, Arthur Morgan]. Residence— WENTWORTH HENRY KING-HARMAN. Esquire, formerly Col. R.A. andCh. Inspector of Small Arms. Bom 1840, Ixiing the eldest surviving son of the late Hon. Law- rence Harman King-Harman, by his wife Mary Cecilia, dau. of lames Raymond Johnstoneof Alva, N.B. Armorial bearlnga Quarterly i and 4, sable, a chevron lietwcen three rams pa&>ant argent, attired or (for Harman) ; a and 3, gules, two lion rampant combatant supporting a dexter hand cou|)ed at the wrisi and erect argent (for King). Mantling sable and argent. Crests - i. out of a ducal cresi coronet or, a dexter arm, armed and erect in pale proper, cuffed argent, the hand also proper grasping two slips of roses one gules, the other argent, stalked, seeded, and leaved proper (for Harman) ; a. out of a ducal crest coronet or, a dexter band erect, the third and fourth fingers turned down proper (for King). Married, 1863, Annie Kate, dau. of the late D. J. Smith of Kingston, Canada ; and has surviving lisue - (1) Wentworth Alexander King- Harnian, Esq.,Capt. 4th Batt. Royal Irish Rifles; Beatrice Caroline; Lilian Mary; and Annette Maud \m., March 1900, Capt. Thomas Carson, Royal Irish Rifles]. Residence — Newcastle, liallymahon, co. Longford. Club — Junior United Service. S WILLIAM EDWARD KING-KING, Esquire, Jus- tice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Hereford. Bom June 14, 1843, being the second son of the late James King-King, Esquire, Justice of th'- Peace, Deputy- Lieutenant, Master of Arts, Member ot Parliament for the county of Hereford, 1852-1868, by his wife Mary Cochrane, daughter of Kenneth Mackenzie. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Wellington. Livery — Dark blue, with orange collar, cuffs, and waistcoat, dark blue plush breeches. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly, argent and azure, on a bend barry of the second and gules, between in the second and third quarters two estoiles of six p>oints pierced or, three cinquefoils of the last, and im- paling the arms of Lowry-Corry, namely, quarterly i and 4, gules a saltire argent, in chief a rose of the last (for Corry) ; 2 and 3 sable, a cup argent, with a garland between two laurel branches all issuing therefrom proper (for Lowry). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ixjfitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant bendy or and azure, supporting two branches comjxjsed of as many roses gules and three cinquefoils vert, slipf)ed and leaved of the last ; with the Motto, " Floreo in ungue leonis." Married, April 6, 1876, Lady Florence Elizabeth, daughter of the Right Honourable Armar Lowry-Corry, third Earl of Bel- more ; and has Issue — Eustace King-King, Gentleman, b. Aug. 14, 1880, Lieut. " The Queen's Regt. " ; Alice Marion; and Blanche Mary Cochrane. Estate and postal address — Staunton Court, Stauntoft-on -Arrow, Hereford- shire. M LIONEL FORTESCUE KING-NOEL, Esquire, W commonly called the Hon. Lionel Fortescue King- Noel, J. P. and D. L. co. of Surrey, late Capt. 9th Lancers, heir-presumptive to the Earl4om of Lovelace. Born Nov. 16, 1865, being the third but second surviving son of the late Rt. Hon. William King-Noel, ist Earl of Lovelace, Vis- count and Baron Ockham of Ockham, Surrey, and 8th Baron King, and the only son by his second marriage with Jane, widow of Edward Jenkins, Bengal C.S. Armorial bearings -Quarterly i and 4, or, fretty gules, a canton ermine, in chief (for distinction) a cross crosslet of the second (for Noel) ; 2 and 3, sable, three sp)ear-heads erect argent, embrued gules, on a chief or, as many pole-axes azure, the edges to the sinister (for King) ; and impaling the arms of Anson, namely argent, three bends engrailed gules, in the sinister chief a crescent of the last. Mantling gules and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a buck statant argent, attired or, charged (for distinction) with a cross crosslet gules (for Noel) ; a. on a wreath of the coloura a dexter arm erect, couped at the elljow, vested azure charged with three ermine spots in fesse or, the cuff lugem the hand proper, grasping a truncheon s,it)le, the ion broken off, the lx>ttom couped of the third (for Kint;). Motto " Lal)or ipse voluptas." Married, April 29, i8forth Gloucester Militia, by his second wife ariott Mary Anne, eldest dau. of Rt. Hon. Benjamin, t Lord Bloomfield. Armorial bearings — Argent, ten callops, four, three, two and one sable, on a canton lies, a mullet pierced or. Mantling sable and argent, ■est — On a wreath of the colours, an escallop sable. drried, 1884, Harriet, dau. of J. Rogerson ; and has ue — John Kingscote, Gentleman, b. June 15, 1885; and *Tiet Caroline. Residence — Stratton Audley, Bicester. «*— Brooks's. ! Sir ROBERT NIGEL FITZHARDINGE KINGS- f COTE, K.C.B., late Scots Guards, A.D.C. to Lord I'.glan during the Crimean Campaign, Hon. Col. 4th Itt. Gloucestershire Regt., M.P. for West Gloucestershire 152-95, Commissioner of Woods and Forests 188S--9S, IceiverGen. of the Duchy of Cornwall 1888, J.P. and IL. CO. Gloucester, J.P. for Wilts, Paymaster to His Iijesty's Household 1901, Extra Equerry to His Majesty 114. Born Fea. 28, 1830, being the eldest son of 'iomas Henry Kingscote, Esq., J.P. , High Sheriff, Col. c the North Gloucester Militia, by his first wife Lady I bella Frances Anne Somerset, sixth dau. of the Most fble Henry, 6th Duke of Beaufort. Armorial bear- 1:8 — Argent, ten escallops, four, three, two and one sable. on a chief gules, a mullet pierced or ; and impaling the arms of Curzon-Howe, namely, quarterly i and 4, or, a fesse between three wolves' heads couped sable (for Howe) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a bend sable, three popinjays or, collared gules (for Curzon). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an escallop sable. Married, firstly, March 13, 1851, Caroline Sophia, dau. of Col. Wyndham of Petworth (afterwards Lord Leconfield) ; secondly, Feb. 5, 1856, Lady Emily Marie Curzon-Howe (a Lady of the Bedchamber to H.R.H. the Princess of Wales), dau. of Rt. Hon. Richard, ist Earl Howe ; and by second marriage has /jj«*— Nigel Richard Fitzhardinge Kingscote, Esq., J.P. and D.L., late Lieut. Rifle Brigade, b. Feb. 1857; Harriet Maud Isabella [m., July 21, i88o, A. Maitland Wilson of Stowlangtoft Hall, Suffolk]; and Winifred Ida {m., July 16, 1879, the Most Hon. George Henry Hugh, Marquess of Cholmondeley]. 5ea/— Kings- cote Park, Wotton-under-Edge, co. Gloucester. Town residence — 19 South Audley Street, W. C/k*— Brooks's. THOMAS ARTHUR FITZHARDINGE KINGS- COTE, Gentleman. Bom Jan. 16, 1845, being the fourth son of Thomas Henry Kingscote, Esq., J. P., High Sheriff 1841, Col. of the North Gloucester Militia, by his second wife Hariott Mary Anne, eldest dau. of Rt. Hon. Benjamin, ist Lord Bloomfield. Armorial bearings— Argent, ten escallops, four, three, two and one sable, on a canton gules, a mullet pierced or, and impaling the arms of Gifford, namely azure, a chevron between three stirrups with leathers or, within a bordure engrailed argent, charged with eight pellets. Mantling sable and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, an escallop sable. Married, Aug. 31, 1872, Hon. Eveline Mary, dau. of Rt. Hon. Robert Francis, 2nd Lord Gifford; and has Issue — (i) Eric Thomas Kingscote, Gentleman, b. 1885 ; (2) Maurice Kingscote, Gentleman, b. 1887. WILLIAM ANTHONY KINGSCOTE, Gentleman. Bom Nov. 26, 1848, being the fifth son of Thomas Henry Kingscote, Esq., J. P., High Sheriff 1841, Col. of the North Gloucester Militia, by his second wife Hariott Mary Anne, eldest dau. of Rt. Hon. Benjamin, ist Lord Bloomfield. Armorial bearings — Argent, ten escallops, four, three, two and one sable, on a canton gules, a mullet pierced or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an escallop sable. Married, March, 12, 1872, Catherine Jeanette, youngest dau. of Robert Pringle of Bective, New South Wales ; and has Issue. Residence — KINGSLEY, quartered by DE TRAFFORD, HUL- LEY. and TRAFFORD. ANDREW DE PORTAL KINGSMILL. Gentleman, 2nd Lieutenant Grenadier Guards. Born 188 1. being the only son of the late William Howley Kingsmill, Esquire, M.A. , J.P. , High Sheriff 1875, ^'Y h's wife Constance Mary, eldest daughter of Sir Wyndham S. Portal, Bart. Armorial bearings — Argent, sem6e of cross crosslets fitch^e sable, a chevron ermines between three fers-de-moline pierced of the second, a chief of the third, all within a hordure wavy azure. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested argent, charged with a bendlet aziu-e, cuff er- mines, the hand propy grasping a fer-de-moline as in the arms. Motto — "Do well, doubt not." Married, 1904, Gladys Frances, younger dau. of the late Capt. Johnson, 64th Regt. Seat — Sydmonton Court, Newbury. Club — Guards'. S JULIAN CLAUD DE KENNE BRUCE KINGS- MILL, Gentleman, Lieut. Royal Horse Artillery. Bom May 11, 1866, being the son of the late Thoma.s Nugent Kingsmill (formerly Kenney) [nephew of the ninth Earl of Westmeath], by his wife Isabel Augusta Bruce, dau. and sole heir of Colonel Sir John Kingsmill, Knight Bachelor, Justice of the Peace, of Hermitage Park, Commander of the Battle Axe Guards of the Castle of Dublin. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quar- terly I and 4, argent sem^e of cross crosslets fitch^e sable, a chevron ermines between three fers de moline pierced of the second, a chief of the third (for Kingsmill) ; 2 and 3, per pale or and azure, a fleur-de-lis between three \ is the Naval Cockade. 776 Utn crescents all counterchanged, a crescent for difference (for Kenney). U|K>n the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his liegree, witli a maiillinK sable and nrgent ; and for his OrMta, I. upon a wreatli of the colours, a cubit arm erect, vested argent, cuffed ermines, in the hand proper a fer de moUne as in the arms (for Kingsmill) ; a. out of an Earls coronet or, a cubit arm erect, vested gules, cuffed argent, the hand grasping a roll of parchnuni proper, the arnj charged with a crescent ardent for difference (for Kenney). Motto— "I3o well, doubt nought" Married, 1893, Emily Lydia, eldest dau. of the late James Mars- land. FREDERICK WILLIAM KINGSTONE, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law and Solicitor Supreme Court of Toronto, M.A., B.C.L. (Toronto). Bom 1836, being the only surviving son of the late Arthur Johnston Kingslone, Esq., ofMosstown, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dublin), I.P. co. Longford, High Sheriff 1826, who d. 1884, by Elizabeth, second daughter of the late David Courtney of Mespil, CO. Dublin. Aimorial bearings — Per pale argent and gules, a chevron counterchanged between a thistle slipped m dexter chief proper and a trefoil in sinister chief or, in dexter base a trefoil slipped vert, and in the sinister a thistle slipped of the fourth. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a swan holding in its beak a thistle slipped proper. Motto — " Dei gratia." Married, Oct. 3, 1871, Henrietta Georgina, eld. dau. of Very Rev. Henry James Grasett, Dean of Toronto and Rector of St. James's Cathedral ; and has Issue— {,1) Henry Grasett Kingstone, Gentleman, b. 1873 ; (2) Arthur Courtenay Kmgstone, Gentleman, b. 1874; (3) Herbert Dolier Kingstone, Gentleman, b. 1884; (4) George Alex- ander Kingstone, Gentleman, b. i886 ; Fanny Charlotte ; Edith Henrietta ; and Mary Augusta. Residence— /^i^ Jarvis Street, Toronto, Canada. CHARLES YOUNG KINLOCH, Esquire. J. P. for co. Perth. Bom 1863, being the eldest son of the late David James Kinloch. Esq., Colonel R.A.. by his wife Katherine Mary. dau. of Henry Young, Esq., J. P., Chief Secretary at Bombay. Livery — Blue, with yellow facings. Armo- rial bearings — Azure, on a chevron between three mascles or, a boar's head erased of the field, a fleur-de-lis in chief min of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed „ ..«..^_ belitting his degree, with a Mantling gules douhlcdargoit^ and upon a wreath of his liv his degree, with a mantling gules and argent; and 1 Crest, on a wreath of the colours, out of the Imttlem^ a tower, a dcmi-dragon or, charged on the shoulder - trefoil slipped gules, holding in the claws a (lag-^: bend sinister, therefrom flowing a pennon also or; wi: Motto. "For kirk and king." Postal address —HMj^ Green, Stockton-on-Tees. !■ WILLIAM KIRK, Esquire, Justice of the Peace ? county of Durham, eldest son of the late William K ton Kirk, Gentleman, by his wife Frances, daugi : Thomas Waistell. Annorial bearings — He b" Arms : Gules, a chevron dovetailed ermine, on a cli three dragons' heads erased of the first. Upon the cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a i ling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wr- the colours, out of the battlements of a tower, a dragon or, charged on the shoulder with a trefoil ~ gules, holding in the claws a flag-staff in bend s therefrom flowing a pennon also or ; with the Motto, kirk and king. " Married, firstly, June 1870, Mary w dau. of George Blakelock ; and secondly, Elizabeth!' dau. of George Lockwood ; and has Issue (by his nrbt riage)— (i) William Brown Kirk, Gentleman, b. Juii'- Florence Mary [m., firstly, 1893, Charles Henry § is the Military Cockade, 1 mix mt 779 r|ipest, Esq., who died 1899; m., secondly, 1903, Nigel sjney Augustine Harrison, Esq.]; and Olive (m., 1895, Maryland, U.S.A. ; and has /w«<— Robert Mabie Kirk- patrick-Howat, Gentleman, born January 9, 1890; Rose ohriReay] ; and (by his second marriage) — (2) George .ascjles Kirk, Gentleman, f>. Sept. 1887 ; and Ivy. ^ostiaddress — Norton Hall, Stockton-on-Tees. Ki.K (L.O., II April 1905). Gules, a crosier or and a won proper hiked and pommelled of the second point owijards in saltire, in the honour point the sun in his plerbur, on a chief gold a thistle slipped and an elephant's eadlouped also proper. Mantling gules, doubled or. !reS|-On a wreath of his liveries, a palm-tree proper, lottj— " Light and liberty." !'n of Rev. John Kirk, Minister of Arbirlot, co. irfax, b. ; d. ; m. 1828, Christian Guthrie, q of Rev. Alexander Carnegy, Minister of Inver- llllour:— Siriohn Kirk, G.C.M.G. (1886), K.C.B. (1890), Knight ran Cross of the Order of Jesus Christ of Portugal, bmi'mder of Order of Crown of Italy, M.D., F.R.S., ;on.p.C.L. Oxford, Hon. D.Sc. Camb.. Hon. LL.D. din.jbrmerly H.M. Agent and Consul-General at Zanzi- ir, i.M. Plenip. to Brussels Conference 1889-1890, b. (32 ;w. 1867, Helen, d. of Charles Cooke. Res. — faveiree, Sevenoaks, Kent. KlicBY, quartered by COKE, JfclliE, quartered by FLOYER. REiJNALD KIRKPATRICK-HOWAT of Mabie, 'ntleian. Eldest surviving son of Robert Kirkpatrick- Jwai Esquire, of Mabie, J. P. and D.L. for co. Kirk- Ibrilit, by his wife Amelia Rose, only child and heiress Edfund Blewitt, Esq., of Lantarnum Abbey, Mon- luth; ire. Livery — Blue and silver. Armorial bear- fB— !!e bears for Arms : Argent, a saltire azure, be- sen Tee mullets in chief and flanks and an owl in base es, !i a chief of the second three cushions or, within a dur 5ules. U pon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befit \ hi legree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and m a -reath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter armed fd h ding a dagger in pale, distilling drops of blood pro- ; a ; in an escroU above, this Motto, " I mak sicker." m'<, Jan. 26, 1888, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Philip rey ar or Ker, of Waldridge Manor, and Ker's Hill, Marie Blewitt ; and Yvone. Estate and postal address— Mabie, Dumfries. Club — Dumfries and Galloway. S THOMAS YADEN LLOYD KIRKWOOD, F:sq., J. P. CO. Sligo, J. P. and D.L. co. Roscommon (High Sheriff 1873), Lieut. -Col. 5th Batt. Connaught Rangers. Born 1843, being the eldest son of the late James Kirk- wood, Esq., of Woodbrooke, J. P. and D.L. for co. Ros- is the Naval Cockade. 78o l^it mt common, and High Sheriff 1847, by Sarah Mary, dau. of James Nicholson So Nile (British medal and Egyptian medal, two clasp 1898 he commanded the force which defeated and disp the armies under Mahmund on the Atbara River, the Khalifa at Omdurnian, the result being the ;■■ tion to Egypt of the lost Soudanese and Equatorial vinces (three clasps) ; Chief of the Staff and subseq Commanding-in-Chief in the South African Campaign, mander-in-Chief in India; admitted to the freedom > : City of London (through the Worshipful Company of mongers) 1898. Born }'ane 24, 1850, being the secon : of the late Lt -Col. Henry Horatio Kitchener, 9tii : formerly 13th Light Dragoons, by his first wife Hi dau. of Rev. Dr. John Chevallier of Aspall. Arm' bearings- Gules, a chevron argent, surmounted byai azure between three bustards proper, in the centre point a bezant, and over all, as an honourable augn tion, on a pile or, two flagstaves saltireways, flowing t dexter the Union flag of Great Britain and Ireland, a the sinister a representation of the Egyptian "^''".P'l enfiled by a mural crown gules, the rim inscribed k toum" in letters of gold, and as a further augmentat^ chief argent thereon on a pale gules a lion passant gu^' ra is tlie Military Cockade. 1 mit l^na 781 oi^between an eagle displayed sable, and on a mount vert ai|iiange-trce fructed proper. Mantling gules and argent. CBtS— I. (of augmentation) out of a mural crown or, an cUhant's head supporting with the trunk a sword erect pc.it upwards proper, pommel and hilt or ; 2. on a wreath ofie colours, a stag's head erased, transfixed through the ne; by an arrow in bend point to the de.xterall projjer, and fjej/een the attires a horseshoe or. Supporters— On the deer side a camel proper, bridle, trappings, and line p«lent, reflexed over the back gules, gorged with a collar jrjuspended therefrom an escutcheon ermine, paly bendy izie and ermine, a canton of the last, charged with I ijrtcullis also gold ; and on the sinister side a gnu proper, [jojed as the dexter, suspended therefrom an escutcheon :rijne, charged with a chevron engrailed vert, thereon Foi! horse-shoes also gold. MottO — "Thorough."' Resi- ■iev — Sidarieh, Cairo. Clubs — United Service, Junior Uijed Service, Bachelors'. OMAS MARTIN CRIPPS KITCHENER, Gentle- liorn 1869, being the son of the late Thomas Kit- hder. Armorial bearings — Gules, a chevron argent, suilounted by another azure between three bustards prcpr, in the centre chief point a bezant. Mantling gules inKirgent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stag's lie;j erased, transfixed through the neck by an arrow in bei( point to the dexter all proper, and between the attires 1 h[se-shoe or. Residence — TaORNTON KITCHENER, Gentleman. Born June 22,p68, being the second son of Philip Elliot Kitchener 3f 'ttle Walden Park, Essex, by his wife Elizateth, dau. of Jlenry Thornton. Armorial bearings — Gules, a clu'on argent, surmounted by another azure between \.\wl bustards proper, in the centre chief point a bezant. Maiding gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the col( rs, a stag's head erased, transfixed through the neck by m row in bend point to the dexter all proper, and be- twe I the attires a horse-shoe or. Residence — f KITSON, quartered by FOX. JAMES KITSON, first Baronet, of Gledhow Hall, CO. of York, J. P. for the West Riding of York, and son of the late James Kitson, of Elmet Hall, Leeds, by his wife Ann, dau. of John Newton of Leeds ; was created a Baronet August 28, 1886. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, on a pale azure, a pike haurient of the first, a chief of the second, thereon an annulet between two mill-rinds erect of the field. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from park pales proper, a demi-unicorn argent, gorged with an annulet azure. HottO — ' ' Palmam qui meruit ferat." Married, firstly, September 20, i860, Emily Christiana, daughter of Joseph Cliff of Wortley, Justice of the Peace ; and by her (who died 1873) has Issue — (i) Albert Ernest Kitson, Esquire, born October 7, 1863 [married, January 23, 1890, Florence, elder daughter of Edward Schunck of Gledhow Wood, in the county of York, and has issue, Margaret Emily, and a daughter] ; (2) James Clifford Kitson, Esquire, born December 6, 1864 ; (3) Edward Christian Kitson, Esquire, born September 30, 1873 ; Emily ; and Alice Hilda. He married secondly, June 1, 1881, Mary Laura, daughter of Edward Fisher Smith, of the Priory, Dudley, Justice of the Peace, and by her has — (4) Roland Dudley Kitson, Esquire, born July 19, 1882 ; and Olive Mary. Seat- Gledhow Hall, Leeds. ALURED FAUNCE PRIMATT KNAPP, Gentleman. Bom May 1882, being the fourth son of the late Matthew Grenville'Knapp, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Little Linford Hall, CO. Bucks, by his wife Catherine Eliza Spottiswoode, only dau. of the late Robert Robertson Bruce, Lieut. Bengal Art. Armorial bearings— Per pale or and sable, a lion passant counterchanged, holding in the dexter paw a broken sword in bend sinister, blade downwards proiDer, pommel and hilt gold, on a chief dancettte per pale of the second and first, three esquires' helmets of the third, garnished gold. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon a laurel branch vert, an arm embowed in armour proper, garnished gold, grasping a broken sword as in the arms, and charged with two frets, one above and one below the elbow sable. Motto— "In bello aut in pace." Resi- dence — ARTHURDOUGLAS KNAPP, Gentleman. Born]Mne 15, 1876, being the third son of the late Matthew Grenville Samuel Knapp, Esq., J. P., D.L. , of Little Linford Hall, CO. Bucks, by his wife Eliza Spottiswoode, only dau. of Robert Robertson Bruce, Lieut. Bengal Artillery. Armorial bearings -Per pale or and sable, a lion passant counter- r th borough of Leeds, M. P. Colne Valley, in the co. of ^k,ince 1892. Born Sept. 22, 1835, bemg the second changed, holding in the dexter paw a broken sword in bend sinister, blade downwards proper, pommel and hilt gold. is tbe Naval Cockade. 78a ttina I^na on a chief danoelt^ per pale of the second and first, three exiuircs' hcliueis of the third, garnished gold. Ma n t lin g sable and or. Great On a wreath of the colours, upon a laurel branch vt-rt, an arm embowed in armour proix.'r, garnished gold, grasping a broken sword as in the arms, and charged with two frets, one above and one below the elbow sable. Motto " In bcllo aut in pace." Pasta I ad' drtss - Chikondi Estate, Neno P.O., Blantyrc, British Central Africa. JOHN MATHEW KNAPP. Esquire, J. P. for co. of Bucks, M.A. (Miigd. Coll.) Oxford. Horn April 3, 1868. being the eldest son of Mathiw G. S. Knapp, Esq., J. P. for Bucks and Northants, D.L. for Bucks, and of his wife Catherine, dau. of Lieut, and Brcvet-Capt. R. R. Bruce, Ben>;al Horsi- .KrtiUery. Lhtty — Black, yellow facings. Armoxl&l bflarings— Per pale or and sable, a lion passant counterchanged, holding in the dexter forepaw a broken sword in bend sinister, blade downwards prop)er, pommel and hilt gold, on a chief dancettte per pale of the second and of the first, three esquires' helmets of the third, gar- nished gold, impaling the arms of Brownrigg, argent, a lion rampant sable grasping in the dexter paw a sword, pommel and hilt or, the blade entwined by a serpent proper between three crescents gules. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a laurel branch vert, an arm embowed in armour profser, garnished gold, grasping a broken sword as in the arms, and charged with two frets, one above and one below the elbow sable. Motto — " In bello aut in pace." Married, June 20, 1900. Katharine Laura Verena Studholme, only child of the Rev. John Studholme Brownrigg, Canon of Bangor, and granddau. of the late General John Studholme Brownrigg, C. B. Postal addresses — Linford Hall, Wolverton, Bucks. Clubs — Carlton and Boodle's. ROBERT BRUCE KNAPP, Gentleman. Bom July 2, 1871, being the second son of the late Matthew Grenville Knapp, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Little Linford Hall, co Bucks, by his wife Elixa Spottiswoodc, only dau. of k. 1. Rolx;rtson Bruce, Lifui. liongal Artillery. Armorial U inga Per pale or and sable, a lion passant couiuiTclan holding in the dexter paw a Iwoken sword in bend siin • bl.ade downwards pro|X!r, pommel and hilt gold, on a i danccttde p)cr pale of the second and first, three csiiu helmets of the third, garnished gold. Mantling sable or. Orert-On a wreath of the colours, upon ,t ii br.anch vert, an arm embowed in armour propor, 1 , gold, grasping a broken sword as in the arms, an; with two frets, one above and one lx:low the clU;,! ., , Motto " In bello aut in pace." Residence -Mount \, non. Natal, South Africa. AUGUSTUS LEMPRIERE KNAPTON KNAPlt Esquire, Commander R.N. Bom July 14, 1854, bein>; ; only son of the late Rev. Augustus James Brine, J.|', Hants (who assumed by Royal Licence, dated July i860, the name of Knapton m lieu of that of Hii'v his wife Helen, second dau. of Philip Raoul 1 > :: Seigneur of Rozel, Jersey. Armorial bearings chevron dancettde ermme, between three ch Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wn-r colours, a garland gules, floreated or, about a laiK . Motto — " Pretium victoribus coroiiae." Married, J.in. 1893, Gwendoline, eldest dau. of Commander Fre jHT (R.L., 1813, H. Coll). Vert, a bend lozengy t in|ase a cinquefoil argent, a canton gules. Mantling rt a|i or. Creat— On a wreath of the colours, a demi- ey jar habited proper, holding in the dexter hand a tquiiil slipped argent, and suspended from the sinister ist j-osary sable, the breast charged with a rose gules. •tto-" Suivant Saint Pierre." sis of Edward Knight of Godmersham Park and Cliwton House, J. P. and D. L. co. Hants (High Sriff 1822); m. ist, 1826, Mary Dorothea (d. 1838), d, . of Rt. Hon. Sir Edward Knatchbull, Bart. ; 21 , 1840, Adela (d. 1870), d. of John Portal of Free- fc Priors, Hants : — Vy ham William Knight, Esq., J.P., late Lieut. Rifle g.. id Capt. Roy. E. Kent Mounted Rifles, 6. 1828; mni 783 m. 1849, Henrietta Frances {d. 1891), d. of Lt.-Col. Armstrong, Cape Mounted Rifles ; and has issue — Ed- ward Knight, Gentleman, i. 1852 [m. 1882, Mary Augusta Repps, ygst. d. of Rev. Henry Evans I>ombe of Bylaugh Park, CO. Norfolk ; and has issue — Mary Dorothea]. Sons of William Brodnax Knight, Elsq., Capt. 4th Bengal Cav. , 6. 1838 ; d. 1896 ; m. 1863, Louisa Octavia Charlotte, d. of Courtnay Stacey of Sandling Place, Maidstone : — Wyndham Charles Knight, Esq., Capt. 4th Bengal Cav., d. 1863: m. 1896, Harriet Monica, d. of Francis J. Johnston of Dunsdale, Westerham. A'w. — Reginald Brodnax Knight, Gentleman, d. 1867 ; m. 1889, Marian, d. of late Major Calvert. lies. — Ygr. sons of Edward Knight, Esq., of Godmersham Park and Chawton House. See above : — Montagu George Knight, Esq., B.A., J. P. and D.L. CO. Hants, 6. 1844 : m. 1870, Florence, fourth d. of Charles Hardy of Chilham Castle, Kent. Rev. Charles Edward Knight, Rector of Chawton, Hants, d. 1846 ; tn. 1872, Emma Grace, second d. of .Major John Patrickson of the Madras Horse Artillery ; and has surv. issue — (1) Lionel Charles Edward Knight, Esq., Capt. E. Kent Regt. , 6. 1872 ; (2) Henry Lewkenor Knight, Esq., Capt. Roy. Irish Fus. , d. 1874 ; (3)- William John Knight, Gentleman, 6. 1875 ; (4) George Brook Knight, Gentleman, d. 1877 ; (5) Richard Brodnax Knight, Gentleman, 6. i88o. lies. — Chawton Rectory, Alton, Hants. KNIGHT (H. Coll.). Paly of six argent and azure, on a canton of the last, a spur, rowel downwards, leathered or. Mantling ^zure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a hawk wings elevated proper, standing on a spur lying fesseways or. Bruce-Pryce (R.L. , 1872, H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, gules, three chevronels, that in chief surmounted by a crescent at the point argent (Pryce); 2. or, a saltire gules, on a chief of the last a martlet of the field (Bruce) ; 3. Knight as above. Mantling gules and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a rock thereon a Paschal lamb proper (Pryce); 2. on a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm in armour in bend grasping a sceptre proper (Bruce) ; 3. the crest of Knight as above. Son of John William Bnice, Gentleman, Barrister-at- Law, 6. 1809 ; d.v.p. 1868 ; m. 1835, Mary Anne, d. of Lt.-Col. Nathaniel Pryce Cameron : — Alan Cameron Bruce-Pryce, Esq., J. P. co. Glamorgan, M.A. (Oxford), Barrister-at-Law, 6. 1836; m. ist, 1858, Louisa (d. 1868), only child of late Lt.-Col. J. H. Slade, 2nd Dragoon Guards ; 2nd, 1873, Anna Mary Synnot, eld. d. of G. Woods Maunsell of Oakley Park, co. Kildare ; and has surv. issue (by ist mar.) — (i) George Lewis Bruce- Pryce, Gentleman, i. 1862; (2) Frederick Bruce-Pryce, Gentleman, 6. 1866 ; Louisa [m. 1884, Alessandro, third s. of Count Maggiolini Scarampi de Mombercelli] and Aline ; and (by 2nd mar. )^(3) Alan George Cameron Bruce-Pryce, Gentleman, d. 1874; (4) Edward Maunsell Bruce-Pryce, Gentleman, 6, 1874 (twin with his brother); (5) John Synnot Bruce-Pryce, Gentleman, 6. 1880; (6) Charles Fitz- Roy Bruce-Pryce, Gentleman, 6. 1886; (7) Ewen Cameron Bruce-Pryce, Gentleman, 6. 1890; Violet Augusta ; Muriel Daisy; and Audrey Maria Charlotte. Estate — Duffryn. Seats — Blaen-y-cwm, Monknash, nr. Bridgend ; Abbey- holme, Cheltenham. Club — Athenaeum. Bruce (R.L., 1805, H. Coll.). Arms and Crest of Bruce as above [vide Bruce-Pryce). Mottoes — ^(over crest) " Fuimus," (under arms), " Ofner na ofne angau." Son of John Bruce Bruce, Gentleman, Commander R.N., b. 1838; d. 1880; m. 1870, Annie, d. of Rev. George Boyes : — Thomas Bruce, Gentleman, b. 1872. Res. — Sons of Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Austin Bruce, ist Baron Aberdare, P.C, G.C.B., D.C.L., b. 1815 ; d. 1895 ; m. 1st, 1846, Annabella (d. 1852), only d. of Richard Beadon of Clifton, by Annabella A'Court, sister of 1st Lord Heytesbury ; 2nd, Norah Creina Blanche, d. of Lt.-Gen. Sir William Napier, K.C.B. , by Caroline, d. of Gen. Hon. Henry Fox : — The Rt. Hon. Henry Campbell Bruce, 2nd Baron Aber- dare (23 Aug. 1873), J.P. and D.L. co. Glamorgan, late Lt.-Col. 3rd V.B. Welsh Regt. [Supporters — Two lions, the dexter argent, the sinister azure, both collared or, and is tbe Naval Cockade. 784 mni mi pendent therefrom an escutcheon, that on the dexter of tlie arnis of Knight (as alx>ve), that on the sinister of the arms of liruce (as above)], t. 1851 ; m. 1880. Constance Mary, only d. of Hamilton Hecket by Hon. Sophia Clarence ( opley, d. of Lord Lyndhurst ; and has surv. issue — (i) Hon. Henry l.yndhurst Bruce, Lieut. 3rd Batt. Hants Regt., ^. 1881 ; (2) Hon. Clarence Napier Bruce, i. 1885 ; (3) Hon. John Hamilton Bruce, i. 1889; (4) Hon. Victor Austin Bruce, />. 1897 ; Hon. Margaret Cecilia ; Hon Eva Isaljel Marion ; and Hon. Constance Pamela Alice. Seats — Duffryn, Mountain Ash, co. Glamorgan; Longwood, Winchester. Town res. — 83 Eaton Square, S.W. Cluds — St. James's, Brooks's. Hon. William Napier Bruce, Barrister-at-Law, Principal Assist. Sec. Board of Education, d. 1858; m. 1882, Emily, d. of Gen. Sir Montagu Scott MacMurdo, G.C.B. ; and has issue — William Fox Bruce, Esq., d. 1883; and Susan Norah. Ides. — 34 Leinster Gardens, London, W. Hon. Charles Granville Bruce, M.V.O. , Capt. and Bvt.- Major Indian Army, ^. 1866; m. 1894, Finnetta Madelina Julia, d. of Col. Sir Edward Fitzgerald Campbell, 2nd Bart. /des.— Sons of Rev. William Bruce, M.A. , formerly Canon of Llandaff, i. 1816 ; d. 1894; m. ist, 1843, Mary Eliza- beth (d. 1866), d. of Very Rev. W. D. Conybeare, Dean of Llandaff; 2nd, 1868, Margaret Harriet, d. of Col. H. S. Olivier :— Ven. William Conybeare Bruce, M.A. (Oxon.), Canon of Llandaff and Vicar of St. Woolas, Newport, 6. 1844; m. 1872, Antonia, d. of Rev. John Montague Cholmeley ; and has issue — Montague William John Bruce, Gentleman, d. 1873; and Mary Rosa. I?es. — The Vicarage, St. Woolas, Newport, Mon. Lt.-Col. Alfred Crawford Bruce, late R.E. ,^. 1851 ; m. , Frances, d. of Col. Blyth ; and has issue. Ides. — Ernest Knight Bruce, Gentleman, 6. 1853. Jdes. — Charles Rowland Henry Bruce, Gentleman, i. i860. Ifes.— Archibald Dacres Austin Bruce, Gentleman, d. 1869. zees.— Sons of Lewis Knight-Bruce, Gentleman, d. 1829 ; d. ; m. 1856, Emilia, d. of [Augustus Sullivan of Ritchings, Bucks : — Lewis Hobart Bruce, Gentleman, d. i860. Jfes. — Frances Villiers Bruce, Gentleman, i. 1864. Jfes. — Gerald Trevor Bruce, Gentleman, d. . Res. — Knight-Bruce (R.L., 4 Sept. 1837). Quarterly, i and 4, Bruce (as above, vide Bruce-Pryce) ; 2 and 3, Knight (as above). Crests — r. Bruce ; 2. Knight. Motto — "Fuimus." Son of Rl. Hon. Sir James I^wis Knight-Bruce, pjn' lx>rd Justice of the Court of Appeal : — Ia-wis Bruce Knight-Bruce, Esq. [g.v.). 5 Sir henry EDMUND KNIGHT, Knight a-tcheln. J. P. for CO. Middlesex, is on the LiL-utenaiicy ofih, City, Alderman of the City of London, Lord Mayor iMj Bom 1833, being the son of the late John William KnJRli of St. Ntarylebone and St. AUjans ; dublx.'d Knijjht Bachr lor, 1883. Armorial bearlngrs— He IxMrs for Anna three bendlets arure, on a chief gules, a wreath of oak twecn two spurs of the first. Upon the escutcheon is p] a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure aiKi and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, . Roman fasces lying fesseways a spur leathered, r.Avl all or, between two wings displayed gules, each iliu with a wreath of oak as in the arms : with tln' Motvi " Virtute et labore." Has been twice married. /' address — Stain Hill Park, Hampton ; 41 Hill Street. .\: fair, W. , London. LEWIS BRUCE KNIGHT-BRUCE, Esquire. I' Surrey and Middlesex, B.A. Horn 1820, being the sti but eldest surviving son of the Rt. Hon. Sir James 1 Knight-Bruce, P.C. D.C.L., F.R.S., J. P., and D.L, .u one time M.P. for Bishop's Castle, Vice-Chancellor of England, and First Lord-Justice of the Court of Apiv.i ■ Chancery (who assumed by Royal Licence, dat' ! s 1837, the additional surname and arms of htw ■ wife Eliza, dau. of Thomas Newte of Tidconih Armorial bearing^ Quarterly i and 4, or, a miIi: on a chief of the second a martlet of the field ; 2 ,:• paly of six argent and azure, on a canton of the last ;i with rowel downwards, leathered or. Mantling piles or. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a cubit an armour in bend grasping a sceptre all proper; a. < wreath of the colours, a hawk, wings elevated prf standing in a spur lying fesseways or. Motto " 1 ;; Married, May 31, 1846, his cousin Caroline Maru ■ ! ' only dau. of Thomas Newte of Tidcombe, co. Devon . has Issue -(i) Rt. Rev. George Wyndham Hamihon Kn Bishop of Bloemfontein 1889-91, and of Mashonaland 1 94, M.A., D.D. Merton ("oil, Oxford \m. Louisa, da;: John Torr of Carlett Park, co. Chester, M.P. for Liveri and has issue, a dau.]; (2) Robert Hastings Knight Knig Bruce, Gentleman ; (3) Lewis James Comyn Knight Knighi- Bruce, 3rd Buffs ; (4) Horace Knight-Bruce ; and Fanny. Residence — Rivermead, Sunbury. S HENRY WILLIAM KNIGHT-ERSKINE, Es(; J. P. and D.L. for co. Aberdeen. Born 1858, beir only son of Colonel Henry Knight-Erskine of Piii' J. P. and D.L., by his wife Mary Ann, eldest dau. ar heir of George Moir of Denmore (by his wife Mary, d; Sir William Bruce, Baronet, of Stenhouse). Armor Ijearlngs — Quarterly, i. argent, on a pale sable r fleurs-de-lis or (for Erskine) ; 2. or, three piles in ; gules (for the lordship of Brechin) ; 3. argent, three p gules, on a canton azure, a spur the rowel downwar; (for Knight) ; 4. argent, three negroes' heads couped prf banded of the field (for Moir). Upon the escutcheon ^ 1 placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gu!«, I doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is sf 1 ' ' ' Crest, a demi-lion rampant gules, armed and langued a; holding in the dexter paw a thistle proper, and in the sin. a fleur-de-lis azure. Supporters — Two naked boys prof*^' . wreathed about the middle with scarfs azure. Mottoei (over the crest)— "Je pense pluis ; '" (below the shield}- " Fisus et fidus et regia duxit." 5^a/- Pittoririe, near Pit- caple, in the county of Aberdeen. C/«^.f — Carltotj, Junior Carlton, Junior United Service. Sir CHARLES VALENTINE KNIGHTLEY, Baro- net, J. P. and D.L. for Northamptonshire. Horn ]\ilj«- 1853, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Henry Cbarte Knightley, Vicar of Combroke, Warwickshire, by his wfc Mary Maria, eldest dau. of Captain Sylvester Richmond 49th Regt. Armorial bearings — Quarterly 1 and 4, ermine; 2 and 3, paly of six or and gules, all within a bordure aiiw. Motto—" Invita fortuna." Married, April, 26, 1883, JuIk! Claudine, dau. of T. W. Watson of Lubcnham. Sei^ Fawsley, Daventry, co. Northampton. is the Military Cockade. I Plate XXV. HoQQisise©© • BR.eE)ora, ^©IsHrSD Bhiisbriidgs Eni Eno 785 KNIGHTON, quartered TAUNTON. by GROSVENOR and KNOCKER (H. Coll.). Gules, three frets in fesse between as many fleurs-de-lis all or. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a wolf's head erased gules, collared or, a fret of the last. Motto — " Per ardua." Sons of William Knocker of Dover, b. ; d. ; Frederick Knocker, Gentleman, b. Ewell, CO. Kent. KNOGHT, quartered by CONYERS. Res. — Temple ANDREW KNOWLES, Esquire, J. P. co. Glou- cester, High Sheriff 1883. Born May 6, 1845, being the second son of the late James Knowles, Esq., J. P., of Eagley Bank, Lancashire, by his wife Mary Jane, dau. of Robert Millington, of Ordsall Hall, co. Nottingham. Armorial bearing's — Gules, on a chevron cotised, between in chief two crescents and in base a rross crosslet all argent, three roses of the field, seeded or, barbed vert. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a ram's head argent, horned or, three roses as in the arms. Motto — "Nee Diu nee frustra." Married, firstly. May 28, 1868, Anne Jane, dau. of John Cross of Gartside House, Bolton, co. Lancaster ; and by her, who died Dec. 31, 1876, has Issue- {\) Henry Knowles, Gentle- man, b. July 2, 1871, deceased; (2) James Knowles, Gentleman, b. June 23, 1875; and Hester Mary [m., Jan. I, 189s, Augustus Scobell Orlebar, eldest son of Rev. Augustus Orlebar, Vicar of Willington, Beds]. He married secondly, Sept. 2, 1880, Catherine, dau. of Rev. John Brooks of Farley Court, Reading, Berks; and by her has ^ Issue— {-^ Andrew Brookes Knowles, Gentleman, b. Jan. 10, 1885; (4) Robert Millington Knowles, Gentleman, b. July 10, 1893; Dorothy Catherine; and Honor Bridget. Seat — Newent Court, co. Gloucester. SSiR LEES KNOWLES, Baronet, M.P. for Salford, D. L. for the County Palatine of Lancaster, Barrister- at-Law, M.A. and Master of Laws of the University of Cambridge, Second Church Estates Commissioner since 1895, created a Baronet 1003, Knight of Grace St. John of Jerusalem, Lieut.-Col. 3rd Vol. Batt. Lanes. Fusiliers. Born February 16, 1857, being the eldest son of John Knowles, Esq., J. P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1892), of Westwood, Pendlebury, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of the late James Lees, Esquire, of Green Bank, Oldham. C/tt3j_Carlton, Junior Carlton, Union (Manchester) Con- servative (Manchester). Armorial bearings— He bears for Anns : Gules, on a chevron cottised between two crescents I chief and a cross crosslet in base argent, three roses i of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a ram's head couped argent, attired or, three roses gules ; with the Motto, " Nee diu nee frustra." Residences — West- wood, Pendlebury ; and Turton Tower. Chambers — 4 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. ROBERT KNOWLES, Esquire, J. P. co. Derby. Bom 1856, being the eldest son of the late Andrew Knowles, Esq. , J. P. , of Swinton Old Hall (the head of the family). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, on a chevron cotised between in chief two crescents and in base a cross crosslet argent, three roses of the field, and impaling the arms of Newall, namely, quarterly i and 4, party per pale gules and azure, three covered cups, two and one, within an orle or ; 2. or, on a chief per pale gules and sable, three bezants (for Kyrshaugh) ; 3. vert, a lion rampant or, sem^e of caltraps sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a ram's head couped argent, armed or, three roses gules; with the Motto, "Nee diu nee frustra," Married, 1883, Hannah Fenton, second daughter of the late Henry Newall, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Hare Hill, in the county of Lancaster; and has Issue — Andrew Knowles, Gentleman, b. Feb. \'j, 1897 ; (2) Robert Hay Forbes, Gentleman, b. 1898 ; Maud Margery Hannah. Estates — Hawkshaw ; Ednaston Lodge. Postal address— Ednaston Lodge, Derby. Club — Junior Carlton. KNOX, see PERY-KNOX-GORE and SAUNDERS- KNOX-GORE. EDMOND FRANCIS VESEY KNOX, Gentleman, M.A. Oxford, M.P. for the West Cavan Division 1890-95, and for Londonderry city 1895-98, Barrister-at-Law, Fellow of All Souls'. Born Jan. 23, 1865, being the eldest son of the late Vesey Edmond Knox, Esq., of Shimnagh, co. Down, by Margaret Clarissa, dau. of the late Rev. James Perkins Garrett of Kilgaron, co. Carlow. Armorial bear- ings — Gules, a falcon volant or, within an orle engrailed wavy, on the outer edge argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours a perch, thereon a falcon close, all proper. Motto — " Moveo et proficior." Married, 1891, Annie Elizabeth, dau. of the late William Lloyd of Great Frampton, Llantwith Major, CO. Glamorgan; and has Issue — (1) John Vesey Knox, Gentleman, b. 1892 ; (2) Columb Thomas Knox, b. 1897 ; and Dilys Myfanwy. Postal addresses — Shimnagh House, Newcastle, county Down ; 39 Leinster Square, Bayswater, London, W. ; 2 Garden Court, Temple, London, E.C. Clubs — Reform, National Liberal. is the Naval Cockade. 3D 786 mno I^no FREDERICK CHARLES NORTHLAND KEANE KNOX, Gentleman, formerly Lieut. 89th Foot, served in Zulu War 1879. Bom 1857, being the second son of the late (Jencral Thomas Etlmond Knox, C. B., by his wife Lucv Duma, dau. of the Venerable William Wray Maunsell, Archd<-acon of Limerick. Armorial bearing!— Gules, a falcon volant or, within an orle wavy on the outer and engrailed on the inner edge argent. Mantling gules and or. Oreti — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon close, standing on a perch proper. S WILLIAM KNOX, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for co, Donegal (High Sheriff 1896). J. P. for co. Tyrone, late a Captain aist Hussars. Horn Sept. 17, 1858, only son of the late Willi;im Knox of Clonleigh, co. Donegal, by his wife Gertrude, dau. of Thomas Dabine, R.N. Armorial bearings — Gules, a falcon volant or, within an orlc wavy on the outer and engrailed on the inner edge, argent. urawtHwg gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon close standing on a perch proper. Motto— " Moveo et proficior." Seats — Lisnacloon, co. Tyrone, and Clonleigh, co. Donegal. Postal address — Clonleigh, Strabane, Ireland. Clt4bs — Naval and Military, Cavalry, Royal St. George Yacht, Kildare Street (Dublin). Major-general Sir WILLIAM GEORGE KNOX, K.C.B., Royal Artillery, served in Abyssinia (1867-68), Ashantee (1873-74), Afghanistan (1878-79), Zulu and Transvaal, South Africa (1879-80) campaigns, and pre- sent at several engagements in the Russo-Turkish war ; served in South Africa (1899-1902). Bom 1847, being the son of General Thomas Edmond Knox, C. B. , by his wife Lucy Diana, dau. of the Venerable William Wray Maunsell, Arclideacon of Limerick ; created K.C.B. 1901. Armorial bearings — Gules, a falcon volant or, within an orle wavy on the outer and engrailed on the inner edge argent. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a K.C.B. , is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, up>on a wreath of the colours, a falcon close, standing on a perch proper. Married, 1889, Alice, daughter of Sir Robert Dundas, Bart., of Arniston and Polton, Midlothian. Clubs — United Service, Naval and Military. KNOX (U.O.). Gules, a falcon volant or, within an orle waved on the outer and engrailed on the inner edge argent. Mantling gules and or. Crest — A falcon on a perch all proper. Motto — " Vi et virtute." Son of Capt. George Knox, 2nd D.G., of Prehen, J.P. and D.L. cos. Londonderry and Donegal, b. ; d. 1848 ; m. 1827, Anna Maria, d. of Robert Johnsone of Magheramena Castle : — George Knox, Esq., J.P. and D.L. cos. Londonderry and Donegal (High Sheriff co. Donegal 1862), Lt.-Col. late comdg. Londonderry Artillery, b. 1832 ; m. , Rose Virginie Grimm of NeuchAtel, Switzerland; and has issue — Eugenie [m. Dr. Ludwig von Scheffler] ; Augusta Georgina \m. 1896, Molyneux William Shuldham. Seat — Prehen, Londonderry. Ygst. son of Col. Andrew Knox of Prehen, M.P. , m. Mary, d. of Dominick M'Causland : — Thomas Knox, Gentleman, b. ; m. , Mary Anne, d. of George Franks ; and has issue. Res. — Son of George Knox, Esq., R.M. co. Sligo, ^. 1806; d. 1874 ; m. 1827, Caroline Catherine, d. of Charles Hawkes of Briarfield : — Thomas Conroy Knox, Gentleman, b. 1832. Res. — Son of Rev. George' Knox, Rector of Donamon, co. Roscommon, m. Frances Holmes: — Maurice Knox, Esq., Surgeon-Major, b. 1847; m. i88o, Eklith, d. of Major-Gen. George Noble Cave. Res. — Son of Maurice Wilson Knox, Esq., of Kilmannock, co. Wexford, b. 1805; d ; m. 1831, Elizabeth, d. and h. of Frances White of Oldstone, co. Antrim : — Francis William White Knox, Gentleman,*. 1847; m. 1871, Annie, d. of George Hudson of Temple Carrig, co. Wicklow ; and has issue — (i) George Henry Hudson Knox, Gentleman, b. 1874; (2) Francis William White Knox, Gentleman, b. 1876 ; (3) Richard Beresford Knox, Gentle- man, b. 1879; (4) Maurice Wilson Knox, Gentleman, b. 1883; (5) Beresford Hubert Knox, Gentleman, b. 1885; and Isabella Frances, Res, — . KNOX (U.O.). Gules, a falcon wings expanded within a lx)rdure engrailed or, on a canton of the last, a fcsse chequy azure and argent. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon close on a perch all proper. Motto — " Moveo et proficio." Sons of Francis Blake Knox of Moyne, b. ; d. 1851 ; m, 1839. Elizabeth Mary, d. of William Hutchinson of BullfK'k Castle : — Harry Blake Knox, Esq. J.P. co. Mayo, b. Res.— 8c '" Mayo. 80 Ulverton Road, Seat — Moyne, co. Dalkey. William Raymond Knox, Gentleman, *. , Res.— Edward Ernest Knox. Gentleman, b. ; m. 1873, Evelyn Florence, d. of William W. Bentley of Sydenham ; and has issue — (i) Ernest Blake Knox, Esq., M.D., Capt. R.A.M.C. ; (2) Harry Raymond Blake Knox, Gentleman; i3) Charles Eric Blake Knox, Gentleman ; (4) WillLim (aymond Blake Knox, Gentleman ; Evelyn Violet ; and Elizabeth Mary. Seat — Rahara, co. Roscommon. Post, add. — Bray, co. Wicklow. Francis Albert Blake Knox, Gentleman, L.R.C.S.I., L.K.Q.C.P.I., b. 1849; m. 1873, Alice, d. of Major John Graham, Hymenstown, co. Tipjjerary ; and had issue ii) Francis Blake Knox, Gentleman, b. 1873; (2) Harold Make Knox, Gentleman, b. 1882, d. 1896; (3) William Hutchinson Knox, Gentleman, b. 1885 ; and Ethel Maud Blake [m. 1896, Alfred Hodgens]. Res. — 10 Summer Hill, Kingstown, co. Dublin. Son of Col. William Knox of Brittas Castle, J.P., b. 1808; d. 1892; m. , Georgina, d. of Rev. William Grogan, D.D. Fitzroy Knox, Esq., J.P. and D.L. co. Tipperary, b ; VI. 1875, Maude, d. of John Anthony Woods of Benton Hall, Northumberland; and has issue — John Frederick Knox, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., *. . Seat— Brittas Castle, Thurles, co. Tipperary. Club — Kild.ii Street (Dublin). Son of Ross Mahon Knox, Gentleman, b. 1850; d. ; m. , Violet, d. of late Captain Alfred < Knox : — Ross Annesley Knox, Gentleman, b, 1891. Seat — Rapim Castle, nr. Balhna. Yr. sons of Annesley Knox, Esq., of Rappa Castle, J.P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1829), b. 1798; d. 1878; m. 1833, Elizabeth, d. of Arthur Knox of Bushfield: — Robert Henry Knox, Gentleman, b. 1851. Res. — Richard Francis Knox, Gentleman, b. i^^j,. Res. — Sons of Rev. St. George Caulfield Knox, Rector Dromard, *. 1800; d. 1864; m. 1836, Anne Cordelia, d. of Rev. Richard Quintus St. George : — Richard Annesley Knox, Esq., late Capt. 4th King's Own Regt., b. 1837. Res.— Hercules Francis Knox, Gentlemen, b. 1844; m. 1870, Harriet Elizabeth, d. of Rev. John James Fox, Rector of Kinawley; and has issue three daus. Seat — Rosslare, CO. Sligo. Sons of James Annesley Knox, Esq., J.P., of Netley Park, CO. Mayo, m. 1833, Mary Mina, d. and h. of Henry William Knox of Netley Park : — Granville Henry Knox, Gentleman, b. 1840; m. 1863, Ellen, d. of Richard Frederick Farrer; and has issue — (i) Annesley Frederick Granville Knox, Gentleman, b. 1863; (2) Herbert Dudley Wilton Knox, Gentleman, b. 1866; (3) Arthur Somerset Girtin Knox, Gentleman, b. 1873; (4) Frederick FitzRoy Farrer Knox, Gentleman, b. 1873; ; (5) James Lionel Richard Knox, Gentleman, b. 1876; Con- \ stance Mina ; Gertrude Ethel ; Hilda Maud Emma ; and \ J Dora Ellen. Seat — Errew Grange, co. Mayo. Lionel William Knox, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Son of John Knox, Gentleman, of Broadlands Park, CO. Mayo, b. 1802; d. 1874; m. 1847, Henrietta Adelaide, d. of Anthony Gildea: — John Anthony Knox, Gentleman, b. 1850; m. 1875; Margaret, d. of Francis Carroll of Ballintain ; and has issue — (i) James Annesley Knox, Gentleman, b. 1876; (a) Godfrey FitzRoy Knox, Gentleman, b, 1877; and Harriette Adelaide. Res. — Sons of Henry Augustus Knox, Gentleman, of Palmerston, co. Mayo, b. 1807; d. 1887; m. 1845, Eleanor, d. of Henry William Knox of Netley Park :— Reginald Henry Knox, Esq., J. P., b. 1846; m. 1876, Sarah Elizabeth, d. of Rev. Edwin Smith, M.A., Chaplain to the Forces; and has issue— Reginald Edwin Henry 1 & is the Military Cockade. mno ^V^ 787 Knox, Gentleman, Lieut. 3rd Batt. Connaught Rangers and Roy. Garrison Regt. , i. 1877 ; and Edith Lilian. Seat — Netley Park, co. Mayo. St. George James Knox, Gentleman, ^. 1855. /?es. — Edmond Francis Annesley Knox, Gentleman, fi. 1856. Son of Arthur Edward Knox of Castlerea, and of Trotton, Sussex, 6. 1808; d. 1886; m. 1835, Lady Jane Parsons, d. of Laurence, 2nd Earl of Rosse :— Arthur Henry Knox, Gentleman, R.N., 6. 1852. Ifes. — Sons of Lt.-Col. John Frederick Knox, J. P. and D.L. , of Mount Falcon, d. 1789; d. 1871 ; m. 1819, Anna Maria, d. of James Knox-Gore: — Utred Augustus Knox, Esq., J. P. cos. Mayo and Sligo, D.L. CO. Sligo (Sheriff CO. Mayo 1875), d. 1825; m. 1875, Agnes Frances Nina, d. of Sir Francis Arthur Knox-Gore, ist Bart. ; and has issue — Utred Arthur Frederick Knox, Gentleman, d. 1885; Sarah Augusta; Maud Anna Theodora ; Ruth Lilian ; Agnes Nina ; Olive Gore ; and Gladys Mary. 5^a/— Mount Falcon, nr. Ballina, co. Mayo. Albert Henry Knox, Gentleman, />. 1827; m. 1855, Jane Harriett {d. 1887), d. of James Annesley Knox of Cross- patrick ; and has issue — (1) Albert Frederick James Knox, Gentleman,^. 1856; (2) Ernest Henry Knox, Gentleman, 6. 1859 [m. 1892, Ada Josephine, d. of Henry Alexander Cowper ; and has issue] ; (3) Alfred Douglas Knox, Gentle- man, (5. 186 1 ; and six daus. /?es. — Alfred William Knox, Gentleman, i. 1829. J?es. — Ernest Adolphus Knox, Gentleman, 6. 1B34. J?es. — Sons of Lt.-Gen. Richard Knox of Grace Dieu, co. Dublin, and Strathdurn, Cheltenham, i. 1812; d. 1892; fn. 1844, Mary Letitia, d. of Col. and Brig. -Gen. Bryce M'Master, H.E.LC.S. :— Lt.-Col. Richard Knox, late 13th Hussars, 6. 1848; m. 1882, Mary Eliza, only child of Clement Milward, Esq., Q.C. ; and has issue— Clement Uchter Knox, Gentleman, i. 1890. Seai — Grace Dieu. co. Dublin. I?es. — -Holt Hatch, Alton, Hants. Clubs — United Service, Army and Navy, Cavalry. Horace Chaloner Knox, Gentleman, P.W. Dept., India, h. 1854. Res.— Walter Frederick Knox, Gentleman, b. 1866 ; tn. 1897, Elfleda Ethel, d. of late Rev. H. Rich of Carlrooke Hall, Norfolk. Res. — Sons of Robert John Knox, Esq., J. P., of Cahirleske, and Ballaghtobin, b. 1817; d. 1901 ; m. 1853, Philippa Allen, d. of Frederick Lindesay of Loughry, co. Tyrone : — Robert Chaloner Knox, Esq., J. P. co. Kilkenny, Col. Kilkenny Mil., 3. 1855. Seat — Ballaghtobin , co. Kilkenny. Rev. Frederick WiUiam Knox, b. 1856. Res. — Lindesay Knox, Gentleman, b. . Res. — § Lieut. -Col. JOHN HERVEY KNOX-BROWNE. J.P. and D.L. co. Tyrone (High Sheriff 1887), Lieut.- • Col. N. Irish Div. R.A. , late Capt. 12th Lancers, formerly A.D.C. to His Grace the Duke of Abercorn, Lord-Lieut, of Ireland. Born 1843, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Richardson Browne, Esq., J.P. and D.L., of Aug- : hentaine Castle, by Sarah, fourth dau. of the late Hervey de Montmorency of Castlemorres, co. Kilkenny. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, ermine a chevron azure, bc- ; tween two fleurs-de-lis in chief and a cinquefoil in base sable (for Browne) ; 2 and 3 gules, within a bordure engrailed a ) A falcon, with wings expanded or, charged on the breast with I a pheon sable, on a canton of the second, a fesse chequy \ argent and azure (for Knox), and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Knox-Gore, namely, quarterly i and 4, gules a fesse between three cross crosslets fitch^e or, within a bordure argent (for Gore) ; 2 and 3 gules, a falcon rising or, within an orle waved on the outer and engrailed on the i inner edge, a crescent for difference (for Knox). Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed with two heads vert, charged on each wing with a fleur-de-lis or (for Browne) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a falcon on a perch charged on the breast with a pheon sable (for Knox) ; and on an escroU above this Motto, " Moveo et proficio ; " and below the arms, "Suivez raison." Married, 1867, Louisa Eliza- beth, third dau. of Sir Arthur Knox-Gore, ist Bart, {ext.), of Belleek Manor, co. Mayo; and has Issue — Thomas Arthur Hervey Knox-Browne, Esq., Capt. 6th Brig. N. Irish Div. R.A., b. 1870. Seat — Aughentaine Castle, Five- miletown, co. Tyrone. C/k3— Kildare Street, Dublin. KNYFTON, see GRAVES-KNYFTON. FELIX SUMNER KNYVETT, Esquire, J.P. Herts. Born 1839, being the only son of the late Felix Knyvett of Ashwellthorpe, Watford, Herts. Armorial bearings- Quarterly, I. argent, a bend plain within a bordure engrailed sable (for Knyvett) ; 2. argent, a cross engrailed gules, between four water-bougets sable, a label of three points azure, charged with as many lions rampant or (for Bour- chier) ; 3. France and England quarterly, within a bordure argent (for Plantagenet) ; 4. quarterly or and vert (for Berners). Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-dragon with wings addorsed azure. Residence — Ashwellthorpe, Watford, Herts. Club — Conservative. ALEXANDER KYD, Esquire, Captain (retired) I. and R. Austrian Army. Borti May 13. 1832, being the eldest son of Alexander Kyd, by his wife Emma, n^e Beavor. Ar- morial bearings— Argent, a pine tree eradicated proper, j Quern noil torrct hy;?m^ with a bugle-horn pendent on one of the branches or, stringed gules, on a chief azure, three mullets of the third, a crescent for difference also azure, all within a bordure wavy ermine. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm proper, hold- ing three ears of wheat on one stalk, an increscent or, the whole debruised by a bendlet sinister wavy ermine. MottO — "Quern non torret hyems." Married, July 28, i860, Marie von Rebenburg, dau. of the late Ludwig von Reben- burg ; and has /r«ondon, S.W. ; and 4 Brick Court, Temple, E.C. JOHN NORMANSELL KYD of Rosendal'l, Broughty- Ferry, co. Forfar. Born . being the son of David Kyd of Rosendafel, co. Forfar. Armorial bearings— Argent, a fir-tree eradicated proper, on a chief engrailed azure, between two roses a hunting-horn stringed or, garnished vert. Mant- ling azure doubled argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of his liveries, a hunting-horn as in the arms. Motto — "Quam non torret hyems." Postal address — Rosendacl, Droughty- Ferry, CO. Forfar. SAMUEL KYLE, Esquire, Colonel R.A. Born 1838, being the only son of Samuel Moore, by his wife Jane Cotter, of Ashton, co. Cork. Armorial bearings— Per fesse sable and or, three bhizing peats. Mantling sable and or. Croat— On a wTeath of the colours, a lion rampant, per fesse sable and or. Motto — " Nee temere nee timide." Residence — WILLIAM BLACKER HAMILTON KYLE. Gentle- man. Armorial bearings -Per fesse sable and or, three altar candlesticks counterchanged. Mantling sable and or. er fesse sable and or, supfKjrting in his paws a cross form6e fitch^ argent. Motto — " Tibi soli." Son of : — Blacker Kyle, Gentleman, b. ; m. ; and has issue — Kyle, Gentleman, b . Res. — Dublin. Son of :— Henry Egerton Kyle, Gentleman, b. \ m. ; and has issue — Kyle, Gentleman,^. . Res, — Toronto, Canada. SThe Honourable WILLIAM MACKINTOSH, LORD KYLLACHY, one of the Senators of the College of Justice, and one of H.M. Counsel Learned in the Law, a Deputy-Lieutenant for the counties of Inverness and Edinburp;h. Bom .^pril 9, 1842, being the eldest son of the late William Mackintosh, Esquire, J. P., of Inshes House, in the county of Inverness, by his wife Mary, daughter of James Walker, Merchant, Glasgow; appointed a Lord of Session and Justiciary, with title of Lord Kyllachy, April 1889. Clubs — Brooks's, New (Edin- burgh), Highland (Inverness). Livery — Drab and red. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly, i. or, a lion rampant gules ; 2. or, a dexter hand couped fesseways holding a dagger in pale gules ; 3. or, a lymphad, oars in saltire sable, flagged gules ; 4. azure, a salmon naiant argent. Above the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and ufwn a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a cat- a-mountain salient proper, charged on the breast with a crescent gules ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Touch not the catt butt a glove." Married, March 31, 1869, Jane, daughter of the late David Stevenson, Esq., J. P., of Edinburgh ; and has Issue — (i) William Eneas Mackintosh, Gentleman, lx)rn March 21, 1870; (2) David Evan Mackintosh, Gentleman, born February 11, ^877 ; (3) Alastair Hugh Mackintosh, Gentleman, Lieut. 1st Batt. Cameron Highlanders, bom June 19, 1880 ; and Elizabeth Georgina. Estate — Kyllachy, in the county of Inverness. Postal addresses — 6 Randolph Crescent, Eklin- burgh ; Kyllachy, Tomatin, Inverness. KYNASTON (Rd. Jan. a, 1868, H. Col.). Ermine, a chevron gules, in the dexter chief a cimton of the second, for difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet l)efitting his degree, with a mantling gules and iirgciit. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, the sun in splciuKjur, surmounted of a dexter arm in armour, embowed, holding in the hand a sword all proper, and in an escrol above the crest this word, " Bloreheath." MottO— "Deus est nobis sol et ensis." Son of Rev. Walter Charles Edward Kynaston (for- merly Owen), M.A., J.P.,^. 1830; d. 1903; m. i860, Frances Harriett, d. of Bedell Stanford of Carn, in the CO. of Cavan : — Walter Roger Owen Kynaston, Esq., J. P. co. Salop, B.A. Christ Church, Oxon., Capt. Shropshire Imperial Yeomanry, b. March i, 1874. Seat — Hardwick, near Ellcs- mere, co. Salop. KYNNAIRD, Viscount, see NEWBURGH. KYNNERSLEY, see SNEYD-KYNNERSLEY. fl THOMAS KYNNERSLEY. Esquire, J. P. for the co. of Salop. Born 1830. being the eldest son of the late Robert Gardn'-r (formerly Panting), by Jane Eliza his wife, dau. and heir of the late Anthony Kynnersley of Leighton, Esq., D.L. and J. P. [and niece and heir of the late 'lhon\as Kynnersley, Esq., also J. P. and D. L., of Leighton Hall], and assumed the surname and arms of Kynnersley in lieu of Gardner by Royal License in the year 1887. Mr. Kyn- nersley also represents the families of Panting, Gardner, and Leighton. Livery — Blue, with white collar and cuffs* blue and white strif>ed waistcoat, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, crusily and a lion rampant argent, quartering the arms of Gardner, Kynnersley, Leighton, and others ; and impaling the arms of Hill, namely ermine, on a fesse sable, a castle triple- turretted argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a greyhound sejant argent, collared or, under a hawthorn-tree frucied proper. Married Fanny Melita, eldest daughter of the late Colonel Richard Frederick Hill and niece of the Right Honourable Sir Rowland Hill, second Viscount Hill; and has hiue— Thomas Frederick Kynnersley, Esquire [to whom refer], Clubs — Boodle's, University. THOMAS FREDERICK KYNNERSLEY, Esqi J. P. and D.L, for co. Salop, and Lord of the Mam anoPI KYME, quartered by FLOYER. of Leighton, late Capt. Mongomeryshire Yeomanry. Born 1857, eldest and only son of Thomas Kynnersley, Esq., is tbe Military Cockade. mpn laf 789 J. p., of Leighton [to whom reTer], by his wife Fanny Melita, eldest daughter of tlie late Colonel Richard Frederick Hill, and niece of the Right Honourable Sir Rowland Hill, second Viscount Hill, of Hawkstone, in the county of Salop. Livety — Light blue, with white collar and cuffs, red waist- coat. Armorial bearings (temp, circa Henry HI., Ped. H. Coll.) — Azure, crusily and a lion rampant argent, quartering the arms of Gardner, Kynnersley, Leighton, and others. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a greyhound sejant argent, collared or, under a haw- thorn-tree fructed proper. MottO — "Nee opprimere nee opprimi." Married, January i, 1887, at St. George's, Hanover Square, London, Elizabeth Maud, widow of the late Edward Rodgett of Walton-le-Dale, in the county of Lancashire, and dau. of John Gandly of co. Dublin. Estates — Leighton Hall, co. Salop; Plassy Court, near Welshpool ; and Walton-le-Dale, in the County Palatine of Lancaster. Postal address — Leighton Hall, near Ironbridge, Shropshire. Clubs — Boodle's, Cavalry, Wel- lington, Cocoa Tree, Hurlingham, Ranelagh, County (Shrewsbury). KYNYNMOUND, quartered by ELLIOT. KYRLE, see MONEY-KYRLE. KYTSON, quartered by CONYERS. bor HENRY LABOUCHERE, Gentleman, M.P. for North- ampton. Born 1831, being the eldest son of the late John lyabouchere of Broome Hall, in co. of Surrey, by his wife Mary, daughter of the late James Du Pr6 of Wilton Park, Beaconsfield. Clubs — Reform, St. James's, National Liberal. Armorial bearings — He beais for Arms : Quarterly ermine and azure, in the second and third quarters a cross patonce or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent, and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stork argent, holding in its beak a lotus flower; with the Motto, " Passibus citis sed aequis." Married, 1868, Harriet, daughter of William Hodson. Residences — s Old Palace Yard, S.W, ; Pope's Villa, Twickenham. LACON (H. Coll., 1818). Quarterly, i. per fesse indented erminois and azure, in the second quarter a wolfs head erased or (Lacon) ; 2. gyronny of eight sable and azure, a cross flory erminois (Ward); 3. Knowles ; 4. Beecroft. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colouis, a mount vert, thereon a falcon proper, beaked and belled or, charged on the breast with a cross flory, and gorged with a collar gules. Motto — " Probitas verus honos." Sons of Thomas Beecroft Ussher Lacon, Esq. , b. 1845 ; d. 1899 ; m. iSyj, Florence Dunbar, d. of R. G. Banks of Hayroyd House, Rosedale, Toronto, Canada; — Sir Edmund Beecroft Frances Heathcote Lacon, sth Bart. (11 Dec. 1818), of Great Yarmouth, Lieut. 12th Lancers, b. 1878. Seats — Ormesby House, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk; Raynham Hall, Fakenham. Clubs — Bachelors', Cavalry. George Haworth Ussher Lacon, Gentleman, Lieut. R. Warwicksh. Regt. , *. 1881. Res.— Henry Reginald Dunbar Lacon, Gentleman, b. 1884. Res.— Charles Cyril Roland Lacon, Gentleman, b. 1886. Res. — Sons of Henry Sidney Hammet Lacon, Esq., J. P., Capt. E. Norfolk Mil. , b. 1847 ; d. 1900 ; w. 1882, Anna, d. of Col. George Wilson Boileau, D.L. , of Stanfield Hall, Norfolk:— Gordon Massy Lacon, Gentleman, b. 1886. Res. — Sidney John Boileau Lacon, Gentleman, b. 1889. Res. — Ygst. son of Sir Edmund Henry Knowles Lacon, 3rd Bart., M.P., b. 1807 ; d. 1888 ; fn. 1839, Eliza Georgina, eld. d. of James Esdaile Hammet of Battersea: — Ernest de Montesquieu Lacon, Esq., M.A. Camb., late ,pt. 3rd Batt. Duke of Cornwall's Lt. Inf., b. 1850; m. 1876, Charlotte Amelia, d. of Lt.-Col. John Marcon of Wallington Hall, Norf. ; and has surv. issue — Dorothy Mortlock. Seat — Branthwaite House, Great Yarmouth. Res. — 2 Wilton Terrace, London, S.W. Son of Capt. Henry James Lacon, R.N. (third son of 2nd Bart.), b. 1810; d. 1867; m. 1844, Louisa Bartlett, d. of John Roberts of Buckingham : — Henry Edmund Lacon, Esq., late Capt. ist Batt. High- land Lt. Inf., J. P. Suffolk, b. 1849 ; m. 1890, Hon. Margaret Erskine, d. of 5th Baron Erskine [impales arms nErskine]. Seat— BXythmore, Claydon. I It: ROBERT LAERY, Gentleman. Armorial bearings- Ermine, on a pile vair, between two martlets azure, a fir- cone slipped and erect or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, in front of a fir-cone as in the arms, a martlet azure, between two feathers of the last. Residence — Willis Street, Wel- lington, New Zealand. The Rev. ROBERT S. DE COURCY LAFFAN, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Oxon.), Rector of St. Stephens, Wal- brook. Born 1853, being the son of the late Lieut.-Gen. Sir Robert Michael Laffan, K.C.M.G., M.P. for St. Ives, and sometime Governor of Bermuda, by his wife Emma, dau, of the late William Norsworthy. Armorial bearings — Or, a lion rampant sable, holding in his dexter forepaw a fleur-de-lis azure. Mantling sable and or. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, an eagle displayed sable sem^e-de-lis or. Motto — "Vincit omnia Veritas." Married, Sept. i, 1883, Bertha Jane, dau. of the late Frederick Grundy of the Manor House, Mottram - in - Longdendale, Cheshire, and widow of the late Surgeon-Gen. A. Leith Adams, M.D. , LL.D. , ist Batt. "Cheshire" Regt. Postal address — 119 St. George's Road, South Belgravia, S.W. ALFRED LAFONE, Esquire, J. P. Born Feb. 13, 1821, being the elder son of the late Samuel Lafone, by his wife Sarah, dau. of Francis Hurry of Yarmouth. Ar- morial bearings — Azure, within two chevronels or, two lions passant counter-passant of the last, supporting a fleur-de-lis argent, the whole between three mullets ar- gent, pierced of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion sable, charged on the body with a fleur-de-lis argent, gorged with a collar nebuly and ducally crowned or, resting is the Naval Cockade. 79© lai the dexter forcpaw on a mullet as in the arms. Motto— " Fidus ut olim." Married, April aa, 185a, Jane, daughter of William Boulcher of Grately, in the county of South- ampton ; and by her (who died April 9, 1885) has had Issue — (i) Alfred William Lafone, Gentleman, h. Jan. 9, 1853 r*«. May a6, 1876, Harriet, second dau. of the Rev. James Lawrence, and has, Claude Alexander Lafone, Esq., Capt. and liatt. Devonshire Regt, ; Harold Carlisle l>afone. Gentleman, LL.IJ., Barrister-at-Law] ; (a) Harold Lafone, Gentleman, *. Sept. 25, 1857 ; (3) Maurice Lafone, Gentle- man, b. March 34, 1859, d. Sept. 18, 1886; (4) William Boutcher Lafone, Esq., Capt. l>evonshire Regt., b. Dec. 14, i860, killed at Wagon Hill, Ladysmith, Jan. 6, 1900; is) Albert Sumner lafone. Gentleman, Commander R.N., . Oct. 14, 1863; (6) Herbert Arthur Lafone, Esq., Capt. 3rd Dragoon Guards, b. June 18, 1865, d. 1897 ; (7) Edgar Mortimore Lafone, Esq., Major 4th Hussars, b. July 5, 1867 r*i. Beryl, dau. of Sir Trevor Chichele Plowden, K.C.S.L, and has issue, Michael N. M. Lafone, Gentle- man, b. 1900 ; and Linnet] ; Mary Elizabeth \^m. Arnold Hills, Esq., D.L.1; and Jane [w. William Ainslie]. Seat— Hanworth Park, Hanworth, in the county of Middlesex. S ANDREW LAIDLAY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Hadding- ton, Master of Arts and Bachelor of Civil Law of the University of Oxford, Barrister-at-Law. Botn March 13, 1845, being the eldest son of the late John Watson Laidlay of Seacliff, in the county of Haddington, by his wife Helen Johnstone, daughter of William Hope of Duddingston, in the county of Midlothian. Livery — Black and yellow. Armorial bearings— Sable, a crescent or, between three bezants. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable, doubled or ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand issuing from a heart holding a scimitar all proper ; and on an escroll over the same this Motto, "Fides probata coronat." Married, January 12, 1882, Theophila Elizabeth, daughter of the Reverend Charles Edgar Turner of Egg Buckland Vicarage, in the county of Devon ; and has Issue — Theophila ; and Nigel. Estate and postal address — Seacliff, North Berwick, Had- dingtonshire. C/«*— Oxford and Cambridge. S JAMES LAING, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant. Bom Jan. 11, 1823, being the only son of the late Philip Laing, Esq., of Deptford House, in the county of Durham, by his wife Anne. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per pale argent and sable, two wolves' heads erased, on a chief nebuly a wolfs head Lam erased all counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet bctitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for nis Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-cathcrinc-wheel sable, a dove holding in the beak two sprigs of olive slipped proper. Married, firstly, 1847, Mary, fourth daughter of Henry Tanner ; and by her has Issue— {i) Philip Henry Laing, Gentleman, born 1849; and Mary [married, 1873, Edward Featherston- haugh]. He married secondly, 1855, Theresa Taltxn, eighth daughter of the late Thomas Peacock ; and by her has, (a) Arthur L^ing, Gentleman, born 1856 [married, i88a, Jean A. , niece of the Reverend William Scott Moncrieff of Fossaway, in the county of Perth, and has, Colin Mon- crieff Laing, Gentleman]; (3) James Laing, Gentleman, born 1858 [married, 1886, Emily Cecilia, daughter of Thomas Elliot Harrison of Whitburn, Sunderland, and h.as issue]; (4) George Laing, Gentleman, born 1866 [married, 1890, Annie Mulholland, third daughter of the Reverend Henry Stobart of Wykeham Rise, Totteridge]; (r) Hugh Laing, Gentleman, born 1871 ; (6) Bryan Laing,"' Gentle- man, born 1875 ['«•• 1900. Eleanor, second dau. of the late F. J. Leather, Esq., of Middleton Hall, Northumber- land] ; Annie, died in infancy ; Florence Talbot [m. , i88a, Lieut.-Col. Alwyn B. V. Paget, 68th Light Infantry]; Theresa Talbot; Mabel Talbot [m., 1894, Lieut.-Col. H. V, Cowan, Royal Horse Artillery]; Maud Talljot {m., 1900, Rev. C. R. Carter of Magdalene College, Oxford] ; Sophia Talbot [m. , July 28, 1891, Percival Charh du Sautoy Leather of Northumberland Estate, Ceylon] Margaret Dunbar [m., June 1891, Alfed Stokes, ~ Major Royal Horse ArtilleryJ ; Eleanor Stepney ; Louisa Harcourt. Seats — 'Ihomhill, Sunderland; Etal Manor, Cornhill, in the county of Northumberland, LAKING (H. Coll. , 1902). Quarterly, per fesse indeni azure and argent, in the first quarter a falcon close, bell and jessed or, in the second and third quarters an ermine spot sable, and in the fourth quarter a dexter gauntlet of the third. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm vested azure, the cufT ermine, the hand holding a palm-branch both proj between two falcons respecting each other as in the ari Motto — " Palmam qui meruit ferat. " Son of Frances William Lakingof Kensington, b. ijt d. 1874; »'• I Louisa Jane, d. of Thomas kinson ; — Sir Francis Laking, Bart. (28 July 1902), G.C.V.O. (ii K.C.V.O. 1898,) Knight Bachelor (1893), M.D., M.R.C Physician in Ordinary to the King, the Royal Householi and to the Prince of Wales and his household, and Physician in Ordinary to Prince and Princess Christian, formerly Surgeon-Apothecary to Queen Victoria, is a Commander of the llegion of Honour, and has ist class of the Order of Merit (Turkey), the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Crown of Italy, and the Immaculate Conception of Portugal [Supporters as a G.C.V.O.— On either side a knight in complete armour, visor closed proper, resting the exterior hand on a shield of the arms], 6. 1847 ; m. 1875, Emma Anne (d. 1905), d. of Joseph Mansell of Kensington; and has issue — Guy Francis Laking, Esq., M.V.O., F.S.A., Keeper of the King's Armoury, 6. 1875 [m. 1898, Beatrice Ida, d. of Charles Mylne Barker of Clive House, Esher; and has issue — Joan Frances]. Ifes. — 13 Addison Road, Kensington, London, W. ; 62 Pall Mall, London, S.W, LALOR, see POWER-LALOR. LAMB (R.L., 1821, H. Coll.). Quarterly, i. and iiii., quarterly, i and 4, per pale wavy argent and erminois, chevron between three lambs passant sable (Lamb) ; 2 and 3, per fesse argent and ermine, a fesse lozengy or and azure, in chief three mascles of the last, a bordure of the fourth, bezant^e, in a dexter canton gules, a bend of the first charged with the baton of the office of Knight-Marshal (Burges); ii. and iii. , quarterly, i and 4, azure, three fleurs-de-lis or (Montgomerie) ; 2 and 3, gules, three gem- rings or, gemmed azure (Eglinton), the second and third grand quarters all within a bordure or, charged with a double tressure flory counterflory gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a lamb passant sable, charged on the body with a bezant, thereon a trefoil slipjjed vert (Lamb) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a camel's head proper, bezant^e, erased gules (Burges). Motto — " Levius fit patientia." is the Military Cookade. Lam lam 79* Sons of Charles James Savile Montgomery Lamb, Esq., b. 1816 ; d.v.p. 1856; m. 1841, Anna Charlotte, d. of Arthur Grey of Bersted, Sussex : — Sir Archibald Lamb, 3rd Bart. (31 Oct. 1795), of Burville, Berks, J. P. and D.L. Sussex, Major (ret.) 2nd Life Guards, Knight of Justice of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, served in S. Africa 1900 [escutcheon charged with badge of Ulster and chief of St. John of Jerusalem], b. 1845 ; m. 1875, Louisa Mary Caroline, d. of Sir Henry Estridge Durrant, 3rd Bart., and widow of J. R. Fenwick. 6Va/f— Beauport, Battle, Sussex ; Ix worth Thorpe, Suffolk. Club — Marlborough. Charles Anthony Lamb, Esq., M.V.O., Mil. Attach^ at Rome, Lt.-Col. late Rifle Brigade, b. 1857: m. 1886, Leila Frances, d. of William Rushton Adamson, Esq., D L., of Rushton Park, Sussex. WILLIAM GORE LAMBARDE, Gentleman. Born May 22, 1864, being the third son of the late Multon Lambarde, Esq., J. P., U.L. , High Sheriff 1892, by his wife Marianna Teresa Livesey, dau. of Edmund Turton. Armorial bearings— Quarterly of four, i. gules, a chevron I vair between three lambs passant argent (for Lambarde) ; 2. (Home of Lindon) ; 3. (Deane of Hailing) ; 4. (White of Beverley). Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a reindeer's head erased argent. Motto — " Deo patripe tibi." Married, 1888, Florence Lucy, only dau. of the late Howard Fetherstonhaugh of Bracklyn, CO. Westmeath ; and has Issue -iT^o daughters. Seats— Bradbourne Hall, Riverhead ; Beechmont, Sevenoaks, Kent. Club — Junior Carlton. LAMBART {temp. Eliz., reg. U.O.). Gules, three narcissuses argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a centaur proper, drawing his bow gules, the arrow or. MottO — " Ut quo- cunque paratus." Sons of Frederick Edward Gould Lambart, 9th Earl ofCavan, K.P., P.C, D.L., M.P.,^. 1839; d. 1900; m. 1863, Mary Sneade, only child of Rev. John Olive, M.A. :— Rt. Hon. Frederick Rudolph Lambart, loth Earl of Cavan(Irel. , 15 Apl. 1647), and Viscount Kilcoursie, nth Lord Lambart, Baron of Cavan (Irel. , 17 Feb. 1617), Major Gren. Gds., A.D.C. to Gov. -Gen. of Canada 1891-3, served in S. Africa 1900-2 (desp.) [Supporters— Two men in armour to the waist sable, garnished or, short trousers gules, fringed of the second, faces arms knees and swords proper, each having a steel cap adorned with six ostrich feathers alternately argent and of the third], b. 1865 ; m. 1893, Caroline Inez, eld. d. of late George Baden Crawley. Res. — 76 Cadogan Square, S.W. Clubs — Travellers', Guards. Hon. Lionel John Olive Lambart, Lieut. R.N. (ret.), b. 1873. Res. — Hon. Horace Edward Samuel Sneade Lambart, late Lieut, ist V. B. Oxfordsh. Lt. Inf., b. 1878. Res.— Sons of Frederick John William, 8th Earl of Cavan, b. 1815 ; d. 1887 ; m. 1838, Hon. Caroline Augusta Littleton [d. 1892), third d. of Edward John, ist Lord Hatherton ; — Hon. Octavius Henry Lambart, late Lieut. 2nd Somerset Militia, b. 1855 ; m. 1878, Hannah Sarah, d. of Hiram Edward Howard of Buffalo, United States. Hon. Arthur Lambart, Major R.A. (ret.), b. 1858; tn. 1883, Winifred Edith, widow of George Broughton. Res.—'i Whitehall Court, S.W. Son of Hon. Oliver William Matthew, Comm. R.N. , b. 1822; d. 1863; m. 1844, Anne Elizabeth (d. 1881), second d. of Capt. George W. Willes, R.N. : — Ford Edward Willes Lambart, Esq., Comm. R.N. (ret.), served in Egypt 1882 (medal with three clasps), b. 1849; /«. 1894, Geraldine Elizabeth, d. of William West- ropp Brereton, Professor of Queen's Coll. , Galway ; and has issue — Oliver Ford Westropp Lambart, Esq., b. 1895- Sons of Frederick Richard Henry Lambart, Esq., Maj. late Royal Scots Fusiliers, b. 1850 ; d. 1888 ; m. 1873, Caroline Adeline Maxwell, only child of Walter H. Gill, late Cape Mounted Riflemen : — . Ernest Oliver Cavan Lambart, Gentlemen, b. 1874. Res.— Richard Frederick Lacon Lambart, Gentleman, b. 1875 ; tn. 1899, Enid, d. of Spencer Brunton. Res. — Henry Godfrey Rodolph Lambart, Gentleman, b. 1876; m. 1901, Ruby youngest d. of M. J. Kerchoff. Res. — Charles Edward Kilcoursie Lambart, Gentleman, b. 1877 ; 7n. , Res. — Yr. sons of Hon. Oliver William Matthew, Comm. R.N., b. 1822; d. 1863: m. 1844, Annie Elizabeth {d. 1881); 2nd, d. of Capt. George W. Willes, R.N. :— Percy Francis Lambart, Esq., Lt.-Col. late 5th Fusiliers, b. 1851 ; m. 1881, Helen Ann, d. of the late Capt. Alex- ander Ellice, R.N. Res. — Wisborough Green, Sussex. Rudolph Augustus Arnold Lambart, Gentleman, b. 1852 j Res. — Son of Arthur Oliver Lambart, Gentleman, of East London, South Africa, b. 1855; d. 1903; tn. 1879, Annie Louisa, d. of Augustus Hillier : — Ford Augustus Oliver Lambart, Gentleman, b. 1880. Res.— Yr. sons of Hon. Oliver William Matthew Lambart, Comm. R.N., b. 1822; d. 1863; m. 1844, Annie Elizabeth {d. 1881), second d. of Capt. George W. Willes, R.N. ;— Edgar Allan Lambart, Esq., Lt.-Col. R.F.A., b. 1857; m. ist, 1884, Hannah Geraldine {d. 1887), d. of Capt. James Stirling Crawford Stirling-Stuart of Castle Milk, co. Lanark; 2nd, 1891, Mary Lousia, eld. d. of Sir James Robert Walker, 2nd Bart. ; and has issue (by ist, mar.) — (i) Gerald Edgar Oliver Fortescue Lambart, Gentleman, b. 1885; and Lilian Harriet Georgiana Gordon; by 2nd, mar. — (2) Julian Harold Legge Lambart, Gentleman, b. 1893. Res. — Alfred Charlemagne Lambart, Gentleman, b. 1861 ; m. 1897, Constance, eld d. of Capt. Lyons Green, R.N. ; and has issue — Lydia Abigail Mary. Ref Son of Gustavus William Lambart, Esq., of Beau Pare, CO. Meath, D.L., Secretary of the Order of St. Patrick, B.A., T.C.D., State Steward to the Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland 1858-9 and 1874-5, b. 1814 ; d. 1886; m, 1847, Lady Frances Caroline Maria Conyng- ham, d. of Francis, 2nd Marquess Conyngham : — Francis Gustavus William Lambart, Esq., C.V.O., of I is the Naval Cockade. 79« lam Beau Pare. Comptrolli'r of the Household of the Lord- Licutcitiint of Irchiiul, Major and Hon. Lt.-Col. sth Ilatt. lycinster Reg«., Secretary to the Order of St. Patrick, b. 1848. Stat—Y^AW Pare, co. Mcath. Cyril Henry Edward Lambart, Gentleman, b. 1866 ; m. 1900, Ethel, d. of Ward of Brisbane ; and has issue— ^<) .Gentleman, ^. 1900; (a) > Gentleman, b. 190a. Jits.— George James Richard Lambart, Gentleman, b. 1867. Jits.— Son of Rev. Charles James I>aml»ari, Rector of Navan, b. 1817; d. 1887; m. , Marian (d. 1891), d. of Smith : — Ranulphus Lenox Lambart, Gentlemen, b. ; m. 1874, Etnel (er ; and in an escroll above, this MottO, " Pax aut defensio." Married, April 30, 1879, Agnes Katherine, only daughter of George Henderson of Heverswood, Brasted, in the county of Kent ; and has Issue — (i) Henderson Russell Landale, Gentleman, born February 21, 1880; (2) David Eustace Landale, Gentleman, bom November 3, 1886 ; Ruth Mary Sinclair ; and Kathe- rine Maud Agnes. Estate and postal address — Limpsfield Grange, Limpsfield, Surrey. Club — OrienUL iTENAXETrFJDELlS is tlie Military Cockade. iLan Ian 797 for the former county a Deputy- Lieutenant, an Alderman of the County Council, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford. Bom September 25, 1851, being the only son of the late Thomas Lane, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife Anne Perry, daughter of Charles Shaw. Livery — Black coat, cerise waistcoat, gold buttons, drab overcoat, cerise collar and cuffs. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per pale azure and gules, four crescents in fesse or, between three saltires of the last ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, two griffins' heads coup)ed and addorsed, the dexter azure and the sinister gules, in fi-ont thereof a crescent between two saltires fesseways argent; with the Motto, "Tenax et fidelis." Married, February 22, 1877, Catharine George Ann, dau. of George Webster Napier; and has Issue— (t) Thomas Reginald Pelham Lane, Gentleman, A.M.LC.E. , b. May 23, 1878; (2) Charles Cyril Pelham Lane, Gentle- man, B. A. Oxford, b. August 19. 1879 ; {3) Arthur Geoffrey Napier Lane, Lieut. R.N., Gentleman, b. June 30, 1883; and Dorothy Evelyn. Estates — Moundsley Hall, and other property in the counties of Worcester and Warwick. Postal address — Moundsley Hall, King's Norton, Worcestershire. Clubs — New University, Worcestershire (Worcester). The Vemerable ERNALD LANE, Archdeacon of Stoke-on-Trent, M..\. Oxford, Rector of I^igh, Staffs., formerly Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford. Bom March 3, 1836, being the seventh son of John Newton Lane, Esq., of Kings Bromley Manor, co. Staffs., and his wife Hon. Agnes Bagot, dau. of the Right Hon. Lord Bagot. Livery — Dark blue coat and blue or blue and yellow waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Per fesse or and azure, a chevron gules between three mullets counterchanged of the field, a canton of the Royal Arms of England, gules, three lions passant guardant in p>ale or. MaTitling aziu-e and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a strawbern--roan horse salient, couped at the flanks, bridled sable, bitted and garnished or, supporting between the feet an Imperial crown proper. Motto — "Garde le Roy." Married, July I, 1879, Evelj-n Adelaide, dau. of J. W. Philips, Esq., J. P., of Heybndge, Staffs. ; and has had Issue — (i) GeoETrey Emald William Lane, Gentleman, 1st Batt. Rifle Brigade, b. June 18, 1882; Beatrice Mary Adelaide Jane, d. an infant ; and Marjorie Agnes Jane. Residence — Leigh Rec- tory, Stoke-on-Trent. HENRY CHARLES LANE, Esquire, J.P. co. Sussex, formerly Capt. 2nd Sussex R.V. and Major ist Sussex Art. Vols., Lt. in 2nd Life Guards. Bam Feb. 10, 1832, being the only son of Henry Thomas Lane, by his wife Jane Rachel, fifth dau. of Charles Lambert. Armorial bearings (H. Coll. 1803)— Per saltire azure and gules, in chief two saltires couped, and another in base argent, in each flank a mullet or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two gryphon's heads erased, addorsed, or, in the beak of each a sprig of laurel proper. MottO — " Loyal jusqu a la mort." Married, July i860, Katharine, fourth dau. of the Rev. Anthony Lewis iibert, Rector of Chilbolton, Hants. Seat — Middleton, 1 -socks, CO. Sussex. Clubs — .-Xrmy and Navy. Arthur's, unty (Lewes). S HENRY MURRAY LANE. Esquire, Chester Herald of Arms. Bom March 3, 1833, being the sixth son of the late Reverend Charles Lane, Master of Arts of the University of 0.vford, Rector of Wrotham, Rural Dean of Shoreham, in the county of Kent, and Honorary Canon of Canterbury , Cathedral, &c. ; by his wife Frances Catherine (who died I October 26, 1875), second daughter of the Right Reverend I Daniel Sandford, Doctor of Divinity, Bishop of Exlinburgh ; I was Bluemantle Pursuivant of Arms, 1849-64 ; Chester Herald from 1864 ; was Secretary to Garter ^Iission to the Court of St. Petersburg, 1867 ; Registrar of Her Majesty's i College of .^rms, 1880-89. Armorial bearings — He Ibears for Arms : Party per fesse or and azure, a chevror Ignles between three mullets counterchanged of the field, a r canton of the arms of England, namely gules, three lions pa'^sant guardant in pale or, the escutcheon being surrounded t by his collar of SS. Upon the escutcheon b placed a helmet Ibefitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a strawbern,'-roan horse salient, couped at the flanks, bridled sable, bitted and garnished or, supporting between the feet an imperial crown proper; with the Motto, "Garde le Roy." Married, firstly, October 9, 1862, Mary Isabella, eldest daughter of Richard Fiennes Wykeham Martin (who died March 29, 1881) ; secondly, February 16, 1885, Amelia Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the Reverend Augustus Asg^Il Col vile. Rector of Livermere, in the county of Suffolk, who d. Oct. 31, 1897. By his first marriage he has Issue — Gerald Stratford Murray Lane, Gentleman, b. Dec. 6, 1863. Postal address — Heralds College, London, E.G. SJOHN HENRY HERVEY VINCENT LANE, Elsquire, of King^s Bromley Manor, in the county of Stafford, Justice of the Peace for the county of Stafford, D.L. for Staffs., late Capt. of S. Staffs. RegL Bom Oct. 3, 1867, being the eldest son of the late John Henry Bagot Lane, Esquire, of King's Bromley Manor, of the 3rd King's Own Stafford Rifles, and Lieutenant-Colonel Coldstream Guards, Master of Arts, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Berkshire and Stafford, by his wife Susan Anne, daiighter and co-heir of Henry William Vincent of Lily Hill, in the county of Berkshire, and Bradwell Grove, in the coxmty of Oxford. Clubs — Wellington, White's, Travellers'. Livery — Eterk blue and orange. Armorial bearings — Quarterly of 35, I and 35, per tesse or and azure, a chevron gules be- tween three mullets counterchanged of the field, on a canton gules three lions passant guardant in pale or ; 2. the same is XtA KaT9l Cocksule. 798 Lan Lan without the augmentation ; 3. or, a chevron gules between thrt-c mullots azure (for Lane, ancient); 4. argent, a lion nint(xint ermint-s (fur De la Hyde) ; 5. sable, six plates, thret- , two, .tnd onr, on a canton argent, n lion rampant gules (for l)f I;» Hyde Sych) ; 6. argent, two bars and a canton fules (for Partrich) ; 7. gules, a sneyd argent (for I'raycrs| ; . argent, three bugle-horns sable, stringed vert (for Wyrley) ; 9. argent, a chevron engrailed, between three bugle-horns ©i^IRil-lL sable (for Wyrley) ; 10. or, a chevron gules, between three lions rampant azure (for Wyrley) ; 11. gules, six fleurs-de-lis, three, two, and one argent (for Wyrley) ; 12. sable, two lions passant in pale argent, ducally crowned or, holding in the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis azure (for Heronville) ; 13. argent, a bend aziirf, between a rose in chief and a fleur-de-lis in base gules (for Overton) ; 14. sable, a fesse between three sheldrakes argent (for Sheldon) ; 15. argent, on a bend between two lions rampant sable, a wyvern of the field (for Ruding); 16. argent, on a bend sable, three lions' heads couped of the field, ducally crowned or (for Wroth) ; 17. sable, a cross crosslet argent (for Durants); 18. gules, a chevron between three lions' gambs ermine (for Wrotham) ; 19. azure, two bars dancett^e or (for Stonard) ; 20. azure, on a chevron engrailed argent, between three lions passant guardant or, as many crosses patte sable (for Fowler) ; 21. f)er pale sable and argent, an eagle displayed with two heads counterchanged, ducally gorged or (for Lovedale) ; 22. ermine, on a canton gules, an owl argent (for Barton) ; 23. barry of six gules and argent, on a chief or a lion passant guardant, aztu'e (for Englerteld) ; 24. argent, a chevron between three martlets sable (for Clarke); 25. argent, three wolves erased, two and one gules, a bordure azure, charged with eight towers or (for Rycott) ; 26. vair6, argent, and gules (for Garnon) ; 27. or, six billets, three, two, and one gules (for Colvile) ; 38. azure, two bars argent, a bend chequy or and gules (for I^e) ; 29. vert, tiircc goats salient argent, armed or (for Trollop) ; 30. quarterly azure and gules, three sinister hands apaum^e argent (for Leveson) ; 31. argent, two bendlets wavy sable, between as many wolves' heads erased gules, a bordure of the last (for Clements) ; 32. argent, on a chevron gules, between three cinqucfoils azure, as many bezants (for Hampton) ; 33. vert, a chevron argent, between three cocks or (for Whadcock) ; 34. gules, a lion rampant double-queued ermine (for Stokes). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a strawberry-roan horse salient, couped at the Hanks, bridled sable, bitted and garnished or, supix)rting between the feet an imperial crown proper. HottO — " CJarde le Roy." Seats — King's Bromley Manor, near Lichfield, in the county of Stafford, and Lily Hill, Bracknell, in the county of Berkshire. LANE-FOX, sec FOX. LANG (L.O.). Parted per fesse embattled argent and sable, two pallets counterchanged. Mantling sable, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, on a rock a tower sable, masoned argent, windows and door gules. Motto — ' ' Qui crediderit non festinet." Sons of John Lang of Glasgow and his wife Janet Stuart, d. of Thomas Kennedy of Glasgow : — James Lang, Esq., Lt-Col. ist Lanarksh. Royal Engineers (Vols.), Hon. Lieut. H.M.'s Army, V.D. Res., — 9 Crown Gardens, Dowanhill, Glasgow. Clubs — Ca donian, Grosvenor. William Robert Lang, Esq., D.Sc. , Major Roy. Canadi Mil., and Capt. ist I^anarksh. Royal Engineers (Vols.1 Professor of Chemistry in Toronto University [same armj and (rematric. as cadet) " in the honour point an annul< gules for difference." Crest as above. Motto — " Nev festines neve languescas "]. Res. — The University, Toront Canada. Club — Caledonian. LANGBEGE, quartered by CORBET. LANGDALE (H, Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, sable, chevron between three estoiles argent (Langdale, Roy is the Military Cockade. Lan Han 799 Lie. , 1817) ; 2 and 3, sable, a bend or, between six fountains (Stourton), with many other quarterings. Mantlinf^ sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an estoile as in the arms. Motto—" Post tenebras lucem." Sons of Charles Joseph Langdtile, Esq. , J. P. and D.L. , of Houghton Hall, Yorks., b. 1822; d. 1895; m. 1852, Henrietta, eld. d. and coh. of Henry Grattan, Esq., M.P. , of Celbridge Abbey, co. Kildare : — Henry Joseph Grattan Langdale , Esq. , J . P. and D. L. (y . t'. ). Charles Stourton Langdale, b. 1874. Edward Stourton Langdale, b, 1884. § HENRY JOSEPH GRATTAN LANGDALE, Esq., Deputy-Lieutenant, late Captain 4th Batt. the Princess Victoria's Royal Irish Fusiliers. Born June 2, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Charles Joseph Langdale, Esq. , of Houghton Hall, Yorks, J. P., D.L., by his wife Henrietta, Rev. Marmaduke Langdale, b. 1861. Phihp Langdale, Esq., J. P. [q.v.). Francis Joseph Langdale, Gentleman, b. 1866 ; m. 1892, feresa Mary, widow of John Duncuff and d. of James iruno Pilley of Mawfield. Sons of Arthur Langdale, Gentleman, b. 1838 ; d. 1893 ; vt, 1872, Catherine, d. of Adrien de Bruyn : — eldest dau. and coheir of Henry Grattan, Esq., M.P., of Celbridge Abbey, co. Kildare. Armorial beaiingB— Sable, a chevron between three estoiles argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, an estoile argent, filOttO — " Post tenebr^g lucem." is the Nayal Coetcade, 8oo Ian Han S PHILIP LANGDALE, Esquire. I. P. E. R. Yorks. late Cnnt. 8th Htissars (from 189a), Mnjor Host Kent Imp. Yeom. Hrie. from 1895. Horn Msiy 8, i86i. beinR the third son of thr late Clharkrs Langdale, Esq., D.L., J. P., of Houghton Hall. E. Yorks. J. P.. D.L. (son of Hon. Charles Stourton. who. by Royal Licence 1814, assumed the name and arms of Langdalcl, by his wife Henrietta, eldest dau. and heir of Henry (Jrattan. Esq. . M. P. . of Celbridge Abbey, CO. Kildare. /.itrry— Black, white facings. Armorial i Hwrin gs — Quarterly 1 and 4. sable, a chevron between three estoiles argent (Langdale) ; a and 3. sable, a bend or between six fountains (Stourton). Mantling sable and argent. Croat — On a wreath of the colours, an estoile argent. Motto — "Post tencbras lucem." Married, 1895. Gertrude, dau. of late Admiral S. H. Derrinian, C.B. ; and has /««* — Joyce; Alcthea ; and Ursula. .Sm/j— Hough- ton Hall. Sancton, R.S.O., Yorks., and Celbridge Abljey, Kildare. Town residence — 31 Curzon Street, Mayfair, W. Clubs — Naval and Military, Bachelors', Yorlubire (York). LANGDALE (H. Coll.). Party per chevron azure and sable, a chevron ermine between three estoiles argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an estoile argent between two oak-branches pro|-)er. Motto — " Post tenebras lux." Son of Marmaduke Langdale, Gentleman. Lieut. 41st Foot. b. 1813; d. 1842; m. 1838, Henrietta, d. of H. Chapman : — Marmaduke Robert Langdale, Gentleman, b. 1839; m. 1867, Christina (d. 1888). eld. d. of F. W. Von Streglitz of Ormley. Avoca, Tasmania; and has issue — Charles Stuart Langdale, Gentleman, b. 1869; and Anna Frances. Res.— Sons of Alfred Langdale, Gentleman, of Beacon Hill House, Chart, Surrey, b. 1815 ; d. 1890 ; m. 1844, Charlotte, eld. d. of William Keene : — Alfred Augustus Langdale, Gentleman, b. 1847 ; m. 1874, Kathleen Grace, d. of Robert John Charles Herries. Res. Arthur Noel Langdale, Gentleman, b. 1859. Res. — Son of Augustus Wollaston Langdale, Gentleman, b. 1849 ; d. 1885 ; m. 1877, Louisa Constance, d. of John Hardcastle of Wakefield : — Augustus Marmaduke Newnham Langdale, Gentleman, b. 1878. Res.— Yr. son of Rev. George Augustus Langdale of Compton, M.A. (Camb.), b. 1817 ; d. 1902; m. 1848, Elizabeth Buchanan, d. of Henry S. Hyde Wollaston of Welling, Kent :— Rev. Horace Marmaduke Langdale, M.A., Vicar of Compton, b. 1855; m. 1878, Catherine Elizabeth, d. of William Jacob; and has issue— (i) Kenneth Marmaduke Langdale, Gentleman, b. 1884; (2) Clifford Marmaduke I>angdale, Gentleman, b. 1886; Avice Hyde; and Kath- leen Buchanan. Seat — Compton House, Compton, Peters- field. Sons of William Atkinson Langdale, Gentleman, of Ladbroke Square London, b. 1818; d. 1874; m. 1st, 1849, Mary Anne (d. 1855), d. of Sir John Jacob Hansler of East Wood, Bury, Essex; 2nd, Elizabeth, d. of Valentine Knight : — Ernest William Hansler Langdale, Gentleman, b. 1850. Res. — Frederick Lenox Langdale, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., 3. 1853. Res.— Percy William Langdale, Gentleman, b. 1855 ; m. 1878, Mary Ethel Baker, d. of Francis Francis of The Firs, Twickenham ; and has issue — Violet Vavasour. Res. — William Langdale, Gentleman, b. 1867. Res. — LANGHAM (H. Coll.). Argent, three bear's heads erased sable, muzzled or. Mantling sable and argent. Croat — On a wreath of the colours, a l>ear's head erased as in the arms. Motto — " Nee sinit esse feros." Sons of Herl)ert Langham, Esq. (s. of Sir James Langham, loth Bart.), b. 1804; d. 1874; m. 1839, Laura Charlotte, d. of Nathaniel Micklethwait of Taverham Hall, Norfolk : — Sir Herbert Hay Langham, 12th Bart. (7 June 1660), late Lieut, ist Life Guards, J. P. and D.L. co. Northants, b. 1840; m. 1868, Hon. Anna Maria Frances (d. 1876), d. of Arthur Marcus Cecil, I^rd Sandys; and has issue — Herbert Charles Arthur lianham, Esq., late Lieut. 3rd ftUt. NorthanU Regt., b. 1870 [m. 1893, Ethel Sarah, d. of Sir William Emerson Tennent, Bart. ; and has issue, John Charles Patrick Langham, Esq., b. 1894] ; and Cecily, 6Va/- Cottesbrook Park, Northampton. Club — Turf. Francis Nathaniel Langham, Gentleman, b. 1841. JOHANN GOTTLIEB JULIUS LANGHANS, Gentle- man, Member Hertford College, Oxford, B.A., Taylorian Scholar. Bom March 16, 1862, being the third son of F. W. Langhans, Dr. Phil., by his wile L. H. I-.inghans, «on a mount in front of three ears of barley stalked and leaved, a lark holding in the beak a columbine all prof)er. Motto — " Surget alauda." Married, Jan. 15, 1873, Eliza [d. Aug. 31, 1896), dau. of John Uppleby of Scarborough; and has Issue— (\) Rev. Hubert Larken, M.A., Clerk in Holy Orders, b. March 15, 1874; (2) Frank Larken, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., b. Nov. 15, 1875; (3) Edmund Larken, Gentle- man, b. Dec. s, 1876; and Eleanor Mary. Residence — Cantilupe Chantry, Lincoln. Clubs — Royal Societies', St. James's. JOHN LARKIN, Gentleman. Bom , being the son of John Larkin, late of Aldersgate Street, London, E. C. Armorial bearln^^ - Per fesse nebuly erminois and gules, a pale counterchanged, three leopards' faces two and one proper, and as many escallops one and two of the first. Mantling gules and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock an escallop thereon a lark projjer, holding in the beak two ears of wheat or. Motto — " Fidelis et constans." Residence — Delrow, Aldenham, Herts. LASCELLES. quartered by RAMSDEN, The Right Honourable Sir FRANK CAVENDISH LASCELLES, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distin- guished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council. Bom 1841, being the fifth son of the late Right Honourable William Saunders Sebright Lascelles, Member of Parlia- ment, bjr his wife Caroline Georgiana, commonly known as Lady Caroline Georgiana, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable George Howard, the si.xth Earl of Carlisle; created Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1892. Clubs — St. James's, Wellington. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, a cross patonce within a bordure or, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon and the collar and pendent therefrom the badge of a Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, and impaling upon a second escutcheon the arms of Olliffe, namely argent, a chevron engrailed vert, between three olive branches slipped and fructed proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a bear's head ermine, muzzled gules, buckled, collared, rimmed, and studded or; with the Motto, " Iti solo Deo salus." Married, 1867, Mary Emma, daughter of the late Sir Joseph Francis Olliffe, Doctor of Medicine ; and has Issue living — (1) William Frank I-,ascclles, Es- quire, Lieutenant ist Battalion Scots Guards, born 1868; Gerald Claude Lascelles, Esquire, bom 1869 ; and Florence Caroline. WALTER RICHARD LASCELLES, Esq.. Col. in the Army (retired). Bom Oct. 30, 1837, being the eldest son of Hon. Arthur Lascelles, youngest son of the Rt; Hon. 2nd Earl of Harewood, and his wife Caroline Frances, fourth dau. of Sir Richard Brooke, Bart, /./'jrrc— Dark blue, waistcoat yellow, with narrow blue stripe. Armorlid bearings— Sable, a cross patonce within a bordure or. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bear's head ermine, muzzled gules, l)uckled, col- lared, rimmed and studded or. Motto — " In solo Deo salus." Married, June 6, 1861, Ellen, dau. of Chirles Kane Sivewright, and Lucy, dau. of the Rev. Richard Vivian (uncle of the ist Lord Vivian) ; and has Issue— [\) Walter Edward Lascelles, Gentleman, b. March 21, 1862, d. Jan. 23, 1897 ; (2) George Reginald Lascelles, Gentle- man, b. April 14, 1864 ; (3) Ernest Lascelles, Gentleman, b. May 19, 1870; (4) Alfred Lascelles, Gentleman, *. Sept. I, 1873, d. May 16. 1900; (5) Richard Lascelles, Gentle- man, b. March 9, 1883 ; and Gertrude. Postal address— — 55 Hans Road, London, S.W. Club — Army and Navy. LATHAM, quartered by MURRAY. LATHOM, quartered by TEMPEST. CECIL D'URBAN LA TOUCHE, Esquire, Col. and Commandant of the Poonah Horse. Bom July 11, 1834, being the eldest son of the late Peter La Touche, Esq., Major 7th Bengal N. I., by his second wife Ellen Maria, dau. of Charles Bestandig, of German extraction, from Gottingen. Armorial bearing^ — Argent, a pomegranate slipjjed in pale proper, on a chief of the last, two mullets of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mullet of five points pierced argent. Motto — "Quid verum atque decens euro et rogo." Married, April 23, 1855, Agnes Emma, only dau. of Benjamin Proctor Rooke, M.D. ; and has Issue— Two daus. Residence— EDMOND ROBERT DIGGES LA TOUCHE, Gentle- man, Barrister-at-Law. Bom , being the third son of William Digges La Touche, Gentleman, by his wife Louisa, dau. of Coristopher L'Estrange-Carleton of Market Hill, CO. Fermanagh. Armorial bearing^ Argent, a poni' granate slipped in pale proper, on a chief of the last tw mullets of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a mullet of five points pierced argent. Motto — " Quid verum atque decens euro et rogo.' Residence — S ROBERT PERCY O'CONNOR LA TOUCHE, Esquire, J. P. Bom July 12, 1846, being the eldest son of the late John La Touche, Esq., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff cos. Kildare (1846) and Leitrim (1859), by his wife Maria, only child of Rose Lambert Price of Treng- wainton, co. Cornwall, by his wife Catherine, Countess Dowager of Desart. Married, Feb. 9, 1870, Lady Annette Louisa, second dau. of Right Hon. John, 3rd E.arl of Clonnell. Z-jwry— Blue and silver. Armorial bearings Argent, a pomegranate slipped in pale proper, on a chief of the last two mullets of the field. Mantling gules an 1 argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a mullet < five points pierced argent. Motto— "Quid verum atqu decens euro et rogo." 5fa/— Harristown, Brannockstowii, Newbridge, co. Kildare. Major OCTAVIUS LA TOUCHE of Bellevue, co. Wicklow, and Drumhearney, co. Leitrim. Born , being the third but only surviving son of the late Peter Ln Touche, Esq., of Bellevue, by his wife the Hon. Char- lotte Maude, dau. of Rt. Hon. Cornwallis, ist Viscount Hawarden. Armorial bearings— Argent, a pomegranate slipped in pale proper, on a chief gules two mullets of the is the Military Cockade. Hat lab 80s first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath 01 the colours, a mullet or. Motto — "Quid verum atque decens euro et rogo." Married, i860, Elizabeth Cecilia, dau. of George La Touche ; and has /w?/e— Peter La Touche, Gentleman, b. Sept. 1864; Mary; Frances Cecilia [m., Aug. 12, 1891, Arthur Montford Archer, M.D.]; and Charlotte Isabella. Seats — Bellevue, Delgany, co. Wick- low ; Drumhearney, Leitrim. WILLIAM DIGGES LA TOUCHE, Gentleman. Born , being the eldest son of the late James Digges La Touche of Sans Souci, co. Dublin, by his wife Isabella, dau. of Sir James Lawrence Cotter, Bart. Armorial bear- ings — Argent, a pomegranate slipped in pale proper, on a chief of the last, two mullets of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a mullet of five points pierced argent. Motto -" Quid verum atque decens euro et rogo." Married, Sept. 13, 1842, Louisa, dau. of Christopher L'Estrange-Carleton of Market Hill, CO. Fermanagh; and has Issue — (i) James Digges La Touche, Gentleman ; (2) John George Digges La Touche, Gentleman ; (3) Edmond Robert Digges La Touche, Gen- tleman, Barrister-at-Law ; Isabella Digges, d. Dec. 29, 1886 ; Grace Digges ; and Elizabetli Digges. Residence— WILLIAM PUGET LA TOUCHE, Esquire, Lieut.- Col. Bombay Staff Corps. Born June 6, 1838, being the third son of the late Peter La Touche, Esq., Major 7th Bengal N.I., by his second wife Ellen Maria, dau, of Charles Bestandig, of German extraction, from Gottingen. Armorial bearings .Urgent, a pomegranate slipped in pale proper, on a chief of the last two mullets of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a mullet of five points pierced argent. Motto— " Quid verum atque decens euro et rogo." Married, Nov. 2, 1866, Frances Gertrude, second dau. of Gen. Sir Anthony B. Stransham, K.C.B. ; and has had Issue, with seven other children, Charles Burdett Malcolm La Touche, Gen- tleman. Residence — InAia.. The Rev. WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN LA TROBE- BATEMAN, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A., Rector of Ascot. Born Jan. 8, 1845, being the eldest son of the late ADSITAMlCOVA, John Frederic La Trobe-Bateman, Esq., F.R.S., J. P. and .D.L., High Sheriff 1866 (who assumed by Royal Licence, [1883, the prefix-surname and arms of La Trobe), by his fwife Anne, only dau. of Sir William Fairbairn, ist Bart., of Ardwick, LL.D., F.R.S. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a fesse with cotises engrailed, between three escallops or, as many crescents, each surmounted by a mullet gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of an eagle's head or, a crescent sur- mounted by a mullet gules, between two wings also or, each charged with an escallop azure. MottO — " Sidus adsit amicum." Married, 1870, Mildred Jane, d. 1878, second dau. of Rev. Robert Sumner, and granddau. of Rt. Rev. Charles Richard Sumner, D.D. , Bishop of Winchester ; and has Issue — Frederic Winfried La Trobe-Bateman, Gentle- man \m., Sept. II, 1897, Dorothy, eldest dau. of Capt. George A. Callaghan, R.N. Residence ~ Ascol Rectory, Berkshire. LATTER (H. Coll.). Azure, three wedding favours, two and one single, bowed argent, on a chief of the last a terrestrial sphere proper. Mantling azure and argent. !mfre^ ([.Ixalter. Crest — Out of a crown vallery or, a greyhound's head argent, collared and chained of the first. Mottoes (over crest) — "A tot bien estrainz ; " (below arms) " Pour trois." Livery — Blue and white, with blue and white striped waistcoat. Sons of William Latter of Lee, Kent, b. 1816 ; d. 1884 ; m. 1837, Clara Elyas : — William Foord Latter, Gentleman, b. 1841. Res. — Bexley, Kent. Walter Latter, Gentleman, b. 1846. A'w.— Southend- on-Sea. Alfred Charles Latter, Gentleman, b. 1857; m. 1891, Edith Gertrude, second d. of late Charles Henry Plevins of Woodford House, near Thrapstone; and has issue— (i) Kenneth Alfred Latter, Gentleman, b. 1897; (2) Maurice Plevins Latter, Gentleman, b. 1899 ; and Phyllis Gertrude. 5ea/_Southend Hall, Eltham, Kent. Clubs— ThaXcheA House, Golfers', Hove, Thames Rowing, Royal Blackheath Golf. ROBERT LAUDER, Gentleman. Armorial beaxinga — Vert, a griflfin segreant argent, on a chief of the second a stag's head caboshed between two fountains proper. Residence — Broom Hill, West Hartlepool. LAURENCE, borne on an escutcheon of pretence by BLAKE-DE BURGH. LAURIE, see CRAIG-LAURIE. LAVALLIN, quartered by RAMSDEN. is the Naval Cockade. 8o6 HatD LaVD ©FDWARD DOWNES LAW. Esquire, Commander in the Royal Navy, heir presumptive to the Barony of Ellcnborough. Born May 9. 1841. being the eldest son of Henry bpencer Law, Esq. . commonly known as the Hon. Henry Spencer Law, by his wife Dorothea Anne, dau. of Colonel John Staunton Rochforl of Clogrcnane, in the county of Carlow. Clubs — Travellers', Naval and Mili- tary, Wellington, Alpine. ArmorUl bearlnflrs— He bears for Amu : Ermine, on a bend engrailed between two cocks gules, three mullets pierced or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Great, a cock gules, gorged with a chain reflexed over the back, and charged on the breast with a mitre or; with the Motto, " Compositum jus fasq^ue animi." Estate — Cherry WilliiiKliam. in the county of Lm- coln. Postal address — 65 George Street, Portman Square.W. Major - General FRANCIS TOWRY ADEANE L.\W, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born 1835, being the eldest son of the late William Towry Law, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable William 'I'owry Law, by his first wife Augusta Champagne, commonly known as the Honourable Augusta Champagne, daughter of the Right Honourable Thomas North Graves, second Baron Graves, by his wife Mary, commonly known as Lady Mary, daughter of the Right Honourable Henry Paget, first Eairl of Uxbridge ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1879. Club — United Service. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Ermine, on a bend engrailed, between two cocks gules, three mullets pierced or. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cock gules, charged on the breast with a mitre pendent from a chain round the neck or, S JAMES ADEANE LAW, Esquire, J. P. for co. Somerset, late Captain 66, Goorkha L. I., Major 2nd Batt. Somerset R.V. Bom Feb. 14, 1824, being the second son of tlie Rev. James Thomas Law, Chancellor of the Diocese of Lichfield, by his vrife Lady Henrietta Charlotte Law, eldest dau. of Eiarl of Stamford and Warrington. Livery — White, blue facings. Armorial bearings— Ermine, on a bend engrailed between two cocks gules, three mullets pierced or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cock gules, chained round the neck and charged on the breast with a mitre or. Motto — "Compositum jus fasque animi." Married, ]\ine. ^, 1857, Harriette Ellen Blachley, third dau of Rev. William Hamil- ton Turner, Vicar of Banwell, Somerset (only son and heir of the Rev. Dr. Turner, Dean of Norwich, and tutor to William Pitt) ; and has haA Issue -(1) Rev. James Henry Adeane Law, Clerk in Holy Orders, b. i860 ; (2) Charles William Albert Law, Gentleman, late 4th Pragoon Guards, b, 1861, killed in action at Abu Klea 1885. Residence — The Caves, Banwell, Somerset. WILLIAM THOMAS LAW, Gentleman, Doctor of Medicine of the University of Edinburgh, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Born September 13, 1845, being the elder and only surviving son of Henry Compton Law of AUington, by his wife Elizabeth, second daughter of the Reverend John Taylor of Wadham College, in the University of Oxford, Vicar of Llanarthney, in the county of Carmarthen, Rector of Willand, and sometime Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty Queen Caroline. Club — University ( Edinburgh ). Livery — Brown coat, scarlet collar and cuffs, gilt buttons, waistcoat of yellow and red strifies. Armorial bearing^s — He bears for Arms : Parted {)er bend or and ermme, a cock gules, and on a shield of pretence the arms of Price (of Spring Grove, Baronets), namely gules, a lion rampant argent (and 220 quarterings — vide E. A. Uvedale Price). Upon the es- cutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantlin|f gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a cock as in the arms. Motto — " Lex ratio summa." Married, Oct. 22, 1879, Georgiana Charlotte Elizabeth, second daughter and eventual co-heir of the late Eldwin Plumer Price, Esq., one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law (His Honour Judge Price), Recorder of York, County Court Judge for West Norfolk, and a Bencher of the Iimer Temple, by his first wife Lucy, daughter and co-heir of John Harrison, Esquire, son of Robert Harrison, Esquire, of Dcnningholmc Hall and Ruis- thorpe, in the county of York, and Ripley Court, in the county of Surrey ; and has Issue — Alan Rokeby Law, Gentl man, B.A. (Cambs.), born March 22, 1881. Estate — RipU Court, in the county of Surrey. Postal address — 3a We; mouth Street, London, W. LAW (H. Coll.). Argent, an eagle displayed with two heads vert, charged on the breast with a sun in splendour and each wing with a pale or, between in the first and fourth quarters an olive-branch proper and in the second H^ is tbe Military Cockade. Lato lato 807 and third a rose gules. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dove close argent, beaked and legged gules, holding in the beak an olive-branch as in the arms, between two wings sable, each enfled with a wreath of olive vert. Motto — Only surv. son of George Still Law, M.A., b. ; d. 1899 ; m. , Emma, d. of Thomas Halliday of Ewell , Surrey : — Harry Dampier Law, Esq., Commander R.N. (ret.), 6. 1850; m. 1889, Florence Ellen Clements, d. of Col. Clements, R.M. L.L; and has issue — Howard Frederick Law, Gentleman, d. 1890. Jies. — Simla, Cookham, Berks. Lawrence, Bart., Barrister-at-Law, Sub-Treasurer Inner Temple, by his wife Emily Mary, dau. of Sir George Burdett L' Estrange. Armorial bearings— Ermine, on a DENYS ALEXANDER LAWLOR-HUDDLESTON, Esquire, J. P., late Lieut. 13th Batt. Somerset Light In- fantry ; assumed by Royal Licence dated June 20, 1891, the name and arms of Huddleston in addition to those of Lawlor. Bom 1845, being the only son of the late Denis Shine Lawlor of Castlelough, co. Kerry, by his wife Isabella, dau. of the late Edward Huddleston of Sawston, and of Purse Caundle, CO. Dorset. Livery — White with scarlet facings. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, a fret agrent (for Huddleston) ; 2 and 3, argent, a lion rampant gules, between four trefoils vert (for Lawlor). Mantling gules and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed dexter and sinister, vested and cuffed argent, the hands proper holding a bloody scalp (for Huddle- ston) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a stag lodged in front of a spear-head in pale point upwards all proper (for Lawlor). Mottoes (over the Lawlor crest) — " Mea culpa fides," and under the arms, "Soli Deo honor et gloria. " Married, Sept. 4, 1897, Alexandrina Isabella, dau. of Hon. Alex. Keith of Nova Scotia. Estates — Sawston and Hildersham, Cambs. ; Castlelough, Kerry, Ireland. Seat — Sawston Hall, Sawston, Cambs. Club — Boodle's. LAWRENCE, see DURNING-LAWRENCE. ALEXANDER WALDEMAR LAWRENCE, Esquire. .Born 1874, being the eldest son of Sir Henry Waldemar cross raguly gules, an Eastern crown or, on a chief azure, two swords in saltire proper, pommels and hilts gold, between as many leopards' faces argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Out of an Eastern crown or, a cubit arm entwined by a wreath of laurel, and holding a dagger all proper. Motto — "Never give in." Married, 1904, Anne Elizabeth le Poer, only child of the late Henry le Peer Wynne of Rossbrien, co. Limerick. Postal addresses. — II Little Stanhope Street, Mayfair; and 3 King's Bench Walk, Temple. Clubs — Brooks's, Savile. ALFRED HENRY LAWRENCE, Gentlemen. Born April 12, 1859, being the eldest son of the late Alfred Law- rence, Esq., Commissioner of Lieutenancy for the City of London, by his wife Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Ridge of Upper Clapton, co. Middlesex. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a cross raguly gules, between in the first and fourth quarters a fasces erect surrounded by a wreath of oak leaves proper, a pair of compasses extended or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased argent, crusily, charged with a pair of compasses extended sable. Motto — " Per ardua stabilis. " Residence — The Rev. ANTHONY COCKS LAWRENCE, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Whittington, co. Gloucester. Born March 15, 1843, being the third son of the late Walter Lawrence Lawrence, Esq., J. P. and D.L. (who assumed by Royal Licence, Aug. 15, 1815, the surname and arms of Lawrence by the desire of his maternal grandfather, Walter Lawrence), by his wife Mary, only dau. of Christian Splidt of Stratford, Essex. Armorial bearings— Argent, a cross* raguly. Mantling argent and gules. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, the tail and lower part of a fish erected and couped proper. Married, Aug. 10, 1876, Mary Anne, second dau. of Rev. Dr. Olgilvie, Canon of Christ Church and Rector of Ross ; and has Issue — Katharine Mary Cecily; and Wynnefrede Henrietta. Residence — Whit- tington, Gloucester. The Rev. CHARLES LAWRENCE, formerly Vicar of Thurton, in the Diocese of Norwich, and Chaplain to the Right Rev. the Bishop of Carlisle, F.S.A. (Ireland), and F. R.G.S. , formerly commissioned in the Austrian Hussars. Born Oct. 28, 1828, being the third but eldest surviving son of the late Walter Lawrence, Esq., J. P. and High Sheriff, by his wife Georgiana, third dau. of Charles Blake of Moyne. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent a cross raguly gules (for Lawrence) ; 2 and 3 sable, a Catherine - wheel between two crescents in chief and a trefoil in base or (for Scott). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-turbot, tail erect is tbe Naval Cockade. 8o8 LatD LatD proper. Wott^^*' to 1866. Cecil (J. 18S1). r Marritd, Fd». a6, M GoL Sir ClMvles Wale, K.C.R, of SbeUbrd, Cambridge. Stat — Lisreagban (or BeDevne), Lawrencetown, co. Ga!way. CHRISTIAN WILLIAM LAWREKCE. Esquire. J. P. for oa. Gloucester, in the Difdomatic Serrice from 1859- 90, Minster to Ecuador iSS^-^a Bom Apnl 7, 1836, being the 1 soo of the late Walter Lawrence Lawrence, Esq. , J. P. and D.U, (wbo aaoaed \rj Rojral Liooioe. Ao^ 35. 181c, the Mi i wc and anas of Lamcnoe. bjr tbe desire of his iMttcraal giaadfiidier Walter Lawrence^ AnMrial baar- !■(■ — Argent. a oroosragotjenks (for Lawrence), ^'■■"'■t gales and argent. Crart — On a wreath of the coioart, tbe tafl and lower part of a fish erected and owi pe d proper. &ai^— Sandywdl Park and SerenbamplaB Manor, bodi near Andoversford. R.&0.. Gloaoeaiersbire. Clmhs-ijaA- ton. Sc James's. St. Stephen's. FREDERICK WILLIAM LAWRENCE. rratkniM B«ni Dec. a8. 1871. being tbe secaad soo of the late AMcd Lawrence. Esq.. Commisioacr of Lieoteaancy for tbe City of London, bjr bis wife Marr EKiahelh. dauL of Henry Ridge of Upper Claptoa. oa Mtddksez. AnMnlal ban- taiCB— Ermme. on a cross ragnly gnles. Let ten in tbe first and fourth qnarters a £asces proper snrromded by a wreath of oak leaves proper, a pair of compasses extended or. Matltag gales and argent. Ck«at — On a wreath of tbe coloars. a wolfs bead erased argent, orasily. charged with a pair of compasses extended sable. MoMo — " Fir ardba stabOiSw'* Resident* — Sir henry WALDEMAR LAWRENCE. Baronet. Barrister-at-Law. J. P. for the counties of Soney and Loo- don. Badielor of Arts of tbe Universitj^ of Cambridge. B#r« 1845. being tbe second and only sorynrmg son of the k' '*'~ Henry Montgomery Lawrence. Knight Commander Most Hoooorable Order <£ tbe Bath, of tbe Bengal ArtlDery (socoeeded his iie|ibe a Sir Henry Hayes Law Baronet (un. er a special remainder). 1898). Club — Sav Amwlal baaringi He bears for Ana: Ermiae. • cross ragaly gales, an Eastern crown or, on a chief axare I swards m sakire proper be t w e e n as many leopard^ 6 argent. Upon the esmtcheoo. whicfa is charg ed with bafd^ of Ulster as a Baronet, b placed a hdmet bis degree, with a mantling gales and argent ; and Gnat, otit of an Eastern crown or, a caibit arm ent by a wreath of lanrd and holding a dagger all with tbe Motto. " Never give in." Married, Joly 10, Emily Mary. dan. of Sr George Boidett L'Estrange; has Issne — Alexander Waldemar Lawrence. Esq., h. 19. 1874 ["■• i(>04. Anne Elirabeth le Poer. only ddd 1 the late Heniy le Poer Wynne of Rossbrien. co. Limefiek]| and Hoooria Constance. Postal addresses — i" WimUedoo ; 3 Mitre CtuBt Btaldii^^ Inner Temple: SSiR JOSEPH LAWRENCE, a Member of tbe( missioD of Lieutenancy, and Sheriff of tbe London 1900-1901. M.P. for Monmouth Boroug h s 1901. Bom 1848, being tbe soo of Phillip Lati ilmiartal baatiBga— Gules, a k»enge or. charged ' rose of the fidd barbed and seeded proper. wit£m i of six gridirons, three, two. and one of the second. BBS gules and or. Craat — Upon a wreath of tbe ( mxio a mount vert, fiames of fiie in front of a giidiimi < ■otto—" Ardent." Married Margaret A., dan. of Jc Jackson ; and has Issue — Maud Beatrice [*■'. Hongerford PoQen. M.A.]. Residence— OsilsiaBA&, Surrey. C/ir^.f— Carlton. Constitutiofia]. City Carttoo. LAWRENCE (H. CoQ.). Or. 00 a cross ragnly i gules, thirteen bexants. a chief arched of tbe thereon a dragon passant of tbe first. WaaMfl and or. Crart — On a wreath of tbe cofours. two embowed, vested or, cufiiBd gules, each cfaarged torteau. tbe bands grasping a turboc in pale Motto — " Gratia vici." Frederidt WHIiam Lawrence, Gentleman, h. . Res. — Hillcote. Lansdown. Bath. LAWRENCE {H. CoO.). Pfcr dievron argent and gules, two crosses ragnly in chief of tbe last and a lamb m base holding with the dexter ford^ a banner and staff al of tbe first, the banner diargcd with a cross couped azore. "■"•"'^ gules and argent. C^rest— On a wreath of the cokxirs, a dragon's bead erased sable between two bogle- bams coimter-embowed or. Sons of David Lawrence of Pontypod, h. ; d. m. : — The Hon. Sir Alfred Tristram Lawrence, a Judge oc the Hi^ Court of Justice, K.C., LL.a, Bencter of tbe Middle Tem{de. J. P. co. Moomoutb. D.L. 00. Nairn, formerfy Recorder of Windsor, h. ; ai. 1875. Jessie E., d. of ^ istbemitaryCoclaula. Eato Lain 809 George Lawrence, Esq., J. P. Seat — Invernairne, Nairn, N.B. Res. — 23 Portman Square, London, W. LAWRIE (1873). Parted per pale sable and gules, a cup argent, and issuing therefrom a garland between two branches of laurel proper. MantUng gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, the stump of an oak- tree with a branch from either side proper. Motto — ' ' I'll be wary." Son of late James Adair Lawrie, M.D. , Prof, of Surgery in Glasgow Univ., m. 1836, Janet, d. of William Finlay of The Moss:— Sir Archibald Campbell Lawrie, Knight Bach. (1901)1 LL.D. (Glasgow), Advocate, District Judge of Kandy, Ceylon, 1873, Puisne Judge Supreme Court 1892-1901, b. 1837; m. 1880, Constance {d. 1890), d. of John Dennis- toun and widow of J. W. Hamilton. Seat — The Moss, Dungoyne, co. Stirling. C/z/fo— Athenaeum, Wellington, New (Edinburgh), Western (Glasgow). LAWSON, quartered by RAMSDEN. ALEXANDER LAWSON of Annfield and Burnturk, CO. Fife, Esq., J. P. for that county. Born 1862, being the eldest son of the late Alexander Lawson of Annfield and Burnturk. Armorial bearings — Parted per saltire or chief and a trefoil slipped in base of the fourth. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, between two arms embowed proper, holding a sun in splen- dour, a trefoil as in the arms, the whole surmounted by a ,d vert, a saltire gules, on a chief of the second, a garb tween two cross crosslets fitch^e of the first. Mantling ft, doubled or. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a xh or, banded gules. Motto — " Te splendente." Mar- Hed, Nov. 30, 1899, Edith Isabel, dau. of John Brodrick )ale of Cleadon Meadows, co. Durham. Seat — Annfield, ». Fife, N.B Clu6—New (Edinburgh). Sir ARTHUR TREDGOLD LAWSON, ist Baronet 1900), J. P. for W.R. CO. of York. Born 1844, being the on of John Lawson of Bramhope Manor, near Leeds, >y his wife Sarah, dau. of John James Baker of York. Urmorial bearings — Per chevron argent and or, a chevron nvected sable, plain cottised vert, between two martlets in rainbow also proper. Motto — " Surge et fulge." Married, 1879, Louise Frederica Edith Auguste, dau. of John Stac- poole O'Brien, Esq., J. P., of Tanderagee, co. Armagh; and has Issue — (i) Digby Lawson, Esq., d. 1880; (2) Arthur Bertram Lawson, Esq. , d. 1882 ; and Olive Louise. Seat — Bedale Hall, Yorkshire. Ctuds — Carlton, St. Stephen's. EDWARD MAULE LAWSON-SMITH, Esq., J. P. for W. Riding of the co. of York, B.A. of Trin. Coll. (Cantab.). Born 1859, being the second son of the late Rev. Edward Lawson of Longhirst, Northumberland, by Mary, dau. of George Maule ; and assumed the surname and arms of Smith by Royal License, under the will of his cousin, Thomas George Smith of Togston. Cluis — Isth- mian, Yorkshire (York). Armorial bearings— Quarterly I and 4, azure a castle proper between two fiaunches or, each charged with a fountain, on a chief argent, three storks' heads erased of the field (for Smith) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron sable, another ermine between three martlets of the second (for Lawson). Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a stork argent, holding in the beak a serpent proper (for Smith) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, two arms embowed, vested ermine, cuffed or, sup- porting between the hands proper a sun in splendour gold. Married, 1886, Ethel Mary, second dau. of Sir W. G. Davies, K.C.S.I. ; and has, with other Issue — Thomas Edward, b. 1889. Residence — Colton Lodge, Tadcaster. JOHN WILLIAM EDWARD LAWTON, Gentleman, formerly of Lawton Hall, near Stoke-on-Trent. Born June 24, 1873, being the eldest son of the late Wilham John Percy Lawton of Lawton Hall, by his wife MaryMaud, eldest dau. of Hon. Edward Morris Erskine, C.B. Armorial bear- ings — Argent, on a fesse between three cross crosslets fitch^e sable, a cinquefoil of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-wolf rampant argent, licking a wound in the right shoulder. is tbe Naval Cockade. • 8zo lar Lea LAX. quartered by MAYNARD. « FRANCIS LAYLAND-BARRATT. Esquire. M.A., LL.B. (Trinity Hall) Cantab.. J. P. and D.L. for Cornwall, High Sheriff of Cornwall 1897. M.P. for Tor- quay Division of Devonshire since 1900 (assumed by Royal Licence additional name of Layland in 1895). Bom Aug. I a, i860, being the only son of Francis Barratt and Anna Mitchell, dau. and co-heiress of John Pascoe Bennetts of Woodlane. Falmouth. J. P. for Falmouth. C/«^j— Reform. Devonshire. Royal 'I'hantes Yacht ; Commodore of the Royal Cornwall Yacht Club. Armorial bearioKB— Quar- terly 1 and 4, argent, on a chevron indented between three bears statnnt sable, muzzled or, as many pallets of the last, each charged with a cross crosslet fitch6e of the second (for Barratt); 2. per pale argent and or. a grey- hound courant between in chief two cornish choughs and in base as many crosses patfc all sable (for Williams) ; 3. per fesse gules and sable, in chief two demi-lions ram- pant, and in base as many bezants (for Bennetts); impaling the arms of Layland, namely argent, on a fesse raguly gules, between six ears of wheat, three and three vert, banded or in chief, and two escallops in base of the third. a lion passant of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bear sable, muzzled, sem^e of escallops, and resting the dexter forepaw on an escallop all or. Motto — " Cui debeo fidus." Married, Sept. 9. 1884, Frances, eldest dau. of the late Thomas Layland of Stonehouse, Wallasey, Cheshire ; and has Issue — Francis Henry Godolphin Layl.ind-Barratt, Gentleman, b. Dec. II, 1896; Dorothea Ley land ; Petronel Eleanor; and Frances Patricia. Residences — 68 Cadogan Square. London, S.W.; The Red House, Cromer; Tregarne Lodge. St. Austell, Cornwall. LEA. quartered by BELLAIRS. HLHis Honour GEORGE HARRIS LEA, Judge of 9 the County Courts, Deputy - Lieutenant for the *r ^o county of Hereford. Born April 2, 1843. being ^^^ the second son of George B. Lea of Kidder- minster, by his wife Emma, daughter of George Harris of Dursley, in the county of Gloucester. Club — New University. Livery — Blue. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a fesse indented gules, between in chief two lions passant of the second, in base a rock, thereon a beaver proper, spotted ermine, in the mouth a sprig of willow slipped vert. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount vert, thereon a demi-heraldic antelope argent, supporting a bird bolt erect or, three pheons fuseways sable; with the Motto. "Semper fidelis." Mar- ried, firstly. November 29, 1864, Mary, daughter of E. Fulvoye, Esquire; and by her (who died September 25, 1867I had Issue— (1) Harold Futvoye Lea, Esq., Capi. P.W.O. Yorkshire Regt.. born September 19, 1867; and Gertrude. He married secondly, February 2C. 1873, Marion, daughter of C. Bushell ; and has issue, (2) George Percy Lea, Gentleman, born May 18, 1875 I (3) Gerald Ernest Lea, Esq., Capt. Worcestershire Regt. ; (4) Ronald Sidney Harris Lea, Gentleman; Ethel; Ida; and Brinda. Estate — Some lands in parish of Grendon Bishop, in the county of Hereford. Postal address — Broadlands, Hereford. The Reverend THOMAS SIMCOX LEA. Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Scholar of Hertford College. Born April 21. 1857. being the eldest son of the late Reverend Frederic Simcox Lea of Astley Hall, in the county of Worcester, and The Lakes, Kidderminster, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford. Prebendary of Hereford, and Rector of Tedstone Delamere. by his wife Elizabeth Catherine, second daughter of the Reverend Henry Clark. Vicar of Harmston, in the county of Lincoln. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Ermine, a fesse dancett^ vert flory counterflory or, between in chief two lions passant sable and in base a stag lodged proper, collared, and chain reflexed over the back ot the third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Cre st, upon a wreath of the colours, a beaver proper. sem6e-de-lis or, holding in the mouth a branch of willow also proper. Motto — " Spe vitae melioris." Married, Sept. 7, 1899, Mary, second dau. of the late James Gay of Aylsham, Norfolk. Seat — Astley Hall, Stourport, in the CO. of Worcester. Residence— L,cck Vicarage, Kirkby Lonsdale. LEACH (H. Coll.). Azure, a lion rampant argent, gorged with a collar nebuly of the field, a chief nebuly of the second, thereon a crown vallary between two mascles gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreatl] of the colours, in front of a dexter cubit arm, the hand f rasping a serpent head upwards proper, three mascles or. [otto — " Finis coronal opus." Sons of Rev. Thomas Leach, B.A. , Clerk in H, Orders, Vicar of Thornton in Lonsdale, co. York, b. 1818; J. 1875 ; m. 1847, Anne Elizabeth, d. of Richard Lodge, Surgeon : — Rev. Thomas Leach, B.A. (Corp. Christi Coll.. Camb.), is the Military Cockade. 4 J lea Lea 8ii Clerk in H. Orders, Vicar of Burton-in-Lonsdale, b. 1848 ; m. 1876, Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Linnell of Delamere Forest; and has issue— (i) Robert Leach, Gentleman, b. 1881 ; Dorothy; Anne Katharine; and Marjory. Res. — The Vicarage, Burton-in-Lonsdale. Rev. Edmund Foxcroft Leach, M.A. (Christ's Coll., Camb. ), Rector of St. John's, Deansgate, Manchester, b 1851. Res. — The Rectory, Great John Street, Manchester. Richard Ernest Leach, Gentleman, M.A., Mayor of Appleby, Westmorland, b. 1856; m. 1884, Lucy, d. of Rev. Benjamin Swift, LL.B. ; and has issue — Isabel Dorothea. Res. — The Junior House, Salisbury School. THOMAS GREENSHIELDS-LEADBETTER, Es- quire, of Stobieside, J. P. co. Lanark, F.S.A. (Scot.), Member of the Royal Company of Archers (The King's Body Guard for Scotland), a Commissioner of Supply for Lanarkshire (assumed by authority of Lyon King of Arms, 1902, the additional surname of Greenshields). Born October 21, 1859, being the eldest son of James Green- shields Leadbetter, Esq., of Stobieside, county Lanark, J. P. for that county, by Margaret his wife, only dau. of Hugh Macpherson of Blantyreferme, Lanarkshire. Armorial bearings — Or, a chevron gules, between two Snescutcheons vert in chief, and in base a thistle proper, Impaling those of Usher of Norton, namely, gules, a saltire Ebetween four batons argent, garnished sable. Mantling [gules, doubled or. Crest — Issuing out of a mural coronet Igules, a demi-unicorn ermine, armed, crined, and unguled LOr ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Tula timens." Married, 1890, Mary Anne, second dau. of Sir John Usher, ist Bart., of Norton and Wells; and has .Issue — (i) James Greenshields Leadbetter, Gentleman, b. [^Aug. II, 1891 ; (2) John Usher Leadbetter, Gentleman, b. Sept. 12, 1893 ; (3) Alan Edmonstoune Leadbetter, Gentle- man, b. Aug. 28, 1896 ; Mary Balmer ; and Jean Gillespie. Residences — Stobieside, Strathaven, N.B. ; Edmonston, Biggar, N.B. ; and Swinton House, Coldstream, N.B. Clubs — University (Edin.), and Scottish Conservative (Edin.). LEADBETTER (L.O.). Sable, on a chevron between three annulets or, three quatrefoils of the field. Mantling sable doubled or. Crest — Issuing out of a mural crown or, a demi-unicorn ermine, armed, crined, and unguled gold. Motto — " Tuta timens." Only surv. s. of late Robert Hutton Leadbetter, Glasgow, b. 1827 ; d. 1902 ; ?«. 1865, Margaret, d. of Hugh Lammie : — James Stevenson Leadbetter, Gentleman, Advocate, B.A. and LL.B. (Camb.), b. 1867. LEADBITTER (H. Coll.). Gules, on a chevron or, between three bezants as many crosses patonce of the field. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head sable, erased gules, pierced through the mouth with an arrow fesseways or. Motto — " Fidelis." Son of Thomas Leadbitter, Gentleman, Solicitor, b. 1787 ; d. 1874 ; m. 1827, Frances, d. of John Graham of Low House, nr. Wetheral, co. Cumberland : — Thomas Francis Leadbitter, Gentleman, Solicitor, b. 1839 ; m. 1872, Matilda, d. of Joseph Thos. Savory of Wendover, Bucks, Surgeon ; and has surv. issue — (i) Francis John Graham Leadbitter, Gentleman, b. 1881 (2) Matthew Graham Leadbitter, Gentleman, b. 1885 (3) Eric Cyril Egerton Leadbitter, Gentleman, b. 1891 Frances May \m. 1899, Rev. Arthur Gordon Robertson. Vicar Choral of Salisbury Cathedral] ; Violet Graham Sj. 1903, A. J. Carew of the Indian Police] ; and Margaret elen. Seat — Warden, nr. Hexham, Northumberland. Res. — Auckland House, Willesden Lane, London, N.W. Clubs — Northumberland and Northern Counties, City Liberal. Descendants of John Francis Leadbitter-Smith of Flass Hall :— Vide Matthew Edward Leadbitter-Smith. is tlie Naval Cockade. 8ia Lea lea MATTHEW EDWARD LEADBITTER - SMITH. Esquirr. J. P. for co. Durham, late Lieut. -Col. commanding 4th Batt. Durham Light Infantry. Bom Oct. la. 1841. being the only son of the l.-»tc John Francis I>cadbiiter- Smith. Esq.. /.P.. of Flass Hall. co. Durham, bv his wife Annie, dau. of Thomas Storey of Fawdon. co. Northum- berland. Liv€ry — Dark green. Armorial bearlngt — Quarterly i and 4, pwr pale gules and azure, on a chevron engrailed or, between three bezants, each charged with a cross pate^ fitche6 sable, as many crosses pate^ fitch6e of the last (for Smith) ; 2 and 3, gules, on a chevron or, be- tween three bezants, as many crosses patonce of the field (for Leadbitter). MnTitUng gules and or. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a stag lodged argent, sem^e of estoiles azure, attired and gorged with an Eastern crown, the chain reflexed over the back or (for Smith) ; 2. on a wreatli of the colours, a griffin's head sable, erased gules, pierced through the mouth with an arrow fesseways or (for Leadbitter). ' Motto —" Vigilans. " Married, Oct. 29, 1870, Adela Alice (d. June 2, 1897), dau. of Lieut. -Col. William Henry Graham, formerly Bengal Engineers ; and has Issue — (i) William Edward Joseph Leadbitter-Smith, Gentleman, b. Oct. 18, 1871 ; (2) John Francis Leadbitter- Smith, Gentleman, b. Jan. 22, 1873 ; (3) Nicholas Augustine Graham Leadbitter-Smith, Gentleman, b. April 27, 1880 ; Mary Ethelreda Louisa ; Adela Monica Josephine ; Hilda Mary Teresa; Agnes Mary Winifride. Estates — Flass. Wooley. Haining, Osmondcroft, Cock House. Scoulshouse, Blaydon. Seat — Flass Hall. Durham. C/ttdi— Northumber- land and Northern Counties (Whitehall), County, (Dur- ham). CHARLES REGINALD DE VERE LEADER, Gentle- man. Bom November 29, 1847, being the eldest son of the late Captain Thomas Leonard Leader, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, of Ash Grove, in the county of Cork, by his first wife Airlie, only daughter of the late Captain Macdougall, 42nd Highlanders. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a fesse sable between three ogresses, each charged with an escallop of the first, a lion's head erased between two boars' heads also erased or, all within a bordure wavy gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an arm embowed, habited paly wavy of six vert and gules, the hand grasping a branch of three roses barbed and leaved all proper. Motto, " Probum non poenitet." Mar- ried, 1871. Fanny, daughter of Captain Moore, late 3Sth Regiment ; and has Issue — A son. Seat — Ash Grove, near Macroom. HOLLAND WATERHOUSE LEADER, Gentleman. Bom Aug. 25, 1858, being the eldest son of the late John Daniel Leader, Gentleman, F.S.A., J. P. for the city of Sheffield, by his wife Mary, younger dau. of Robert Water- house of Sheffield. Livery — Bl.ick. with gilt buttons. Ar- morial bearings— Or. on a fesse between three escallops within as many annulets sable, a lion's head between two boars' heads all erased of the field, a bordure nebuly of the second, a cn^cent for difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an arm embowed issuing from an annulet and vested or, charged with two jjallets engrailed sable, the hand holding a sprig of three roses proper ; with the Motto, " Virtus salus ducum." Married, June 20, 1899, Margaret la Fontaine, second dau. of the Rev. Alan Steel, Vicar of Woodsetts, Yorks. Residence — 34 Prussia Road, Hoylake, near Birkenhead. ROBP2RT LEADER, Gentleman, Barrister - at - Law. Bom Nov. 8, i860, being the second son of the late John Daniel leader. Gentleman. F".S.A.. J. P. for the city of Sheffield, by his wife Mary, younger dau. of Robert Water- house of Sheffield. Armorial bearings— Or. on a fesse between three escallops within as many annulets sable, a lion's head between two boars' heads all erased of the field, a bordure nebuly of the second, a crescent for difference. Mft"tH"g sable and or. Crest-— On a wreath of the col- ours, an arm embowed issuing from an annulet and vested or, charged with two pallets engrailed sable, the hand hold- ing a sprig of three roses proper. Motto — " Virtus saltUi ducum. Residence— T&^ion Park Road, Sheffield. I LEADER (R.L., 1903. U.O.). Quarterly, i and argent, on a fesse sable, between three ogresses eacl charged with an escallop of the field, a lion's head betweei two boars' heads all erased or. a bordure engrailed gule (Leader); 2 and 3. per fesse the base per pale in chief or,' a dexter hand couped at the wrist gules, grasping a sword < erect entwined with a serpent proper, between two lions rampant respecting each other of the second, in the dexter, base vert, a buck trippant of the first ; in the sinister, p bend argent and sable, a boar passant counterchangi (Sullivan). Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On wreath of the colours, an arm embowed vested paly of si: vert and gules, holding in the hand a branch of three ro: proper. Motto — " Probum non poenitet." Son of Rev. Leonard Leader Sullivan. B.A. DubUa, b. 1842; d. 1874; m. 1866, Mary Louisa Leader: — The Rev. Leonard Leader Leader (formerly Sullivan) M.A.. b. 1866; m. 1893, Ellen Jane, d. of William Stock- ings of Stony Stratford, Bucks ; and has surv. issue— (il Leonard William Leader Leader, Gentleman, b. 1895; (a^ Donald Benjamin Leader Leader, Gentleman, b. 1899 ; am Elsie Muriel Gertrude. 5ea/— Stake Hill, Clonbanin Cross, CO. Cork. LEAKE, see MARTIN-LEAKE. LEARMOUTH, see LIVINGSTONE-LEARMOUTH! LEATHES (H. Coll., 1783). Quarterly, i and 4, azure, on a bend between three fleurs-de-lis or, as many mullets pierced gules (Leathes) ; 2 and 3, or, a cross engrailed gules, m the dexter chief a Cornish chough proper. Mantling azure and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin segreant or, armed and langued gules (Leathes) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a dove with an olive branch in its beak all proper. Mottoes — "In ardua virtus" (Leathes) ; " Tending to Peace" (Mussenden). Sons of Henry Mussenden Leathes, Gentleman, of Herringfleet Hall, sometime of R.H.A., b. 1789; d. 1864 ; m. 1827, Charlotte Cook. d. of John Fowler of Gunton Hall. Suffolk :— Hill Mussenden Leathes, Esq., J. P. Suffolk, Hon. Col. Norfolk Art. Vol., late Major Suffolk Art. Mil., b. 1829; m. 1856, Mary Louisa, d. of James Duncan Thomson, Esq., J. P., of Sunny Bank, co. Brecon ; and has surv. issue— (i) Herbert de Mussenden Leathes, Esq., Major 3rd Batt. Yorks. Regt., b. 1863 [m. 1895, Agnes Isabel, d. of late Archibald J. Stephens, Esq., Q.C., LL.D., Recorder of Winchester ; and has issue— John Duncan de Mussenden Leathes, Gentleman, b. 1896 ; and William Henry Bernard de Mussenden Leathes, Gentleman, b. 1897 ; Robert Herbert de Mussenden Leathes, Gentleman, b. 189B ; and Dulcibel Laura Moreen de Mussenden] ; (2) Carteret de is tbe Military Cockade. Lea Lea 813 Mussenden Leathes, Gentleman, b. 1869 [m. 1896, Mary Knyfton, only d. of late Capt. A. R. Graves of Charlton, Ludwell, Salisbury ; and has issue — Mary Frances de Mussenden] ; Frances Mary de Mussenden [in. 1885, Col. William Whitmore Smith, R.A]; Gertrude Kate de Mussenden ; Beatrice Georgina de Mussenden ; Evelyn Maud de Mussenden ; and Kathleen Hilda de Mussenden. Seat — Herringfleet Hall, Lowestoft. Club — Norfolk (Norwich), Royal Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht. Rev. Carteret Henry Leathes, B.A. , Rector of Reedham- cum-Freethorpe, b. 1832 ; w. 1856, Lucy Ellen, d. of Rev. William H. Clarke; and has issue — (1) Carteret Eustace de Mussenden Leathes, Gentleman, M.A. (Cant.), Mus. Bac. (Oxon.), F.R.C.O., b. 1867; (2) Hill Mussenden Leathes, Gentleman, M.A. (Cant.) M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., b. 1869 [nt. 1897, Geraldine Fountaine] ; Edith Mary ; and Millicent. Res. — Reedham Rectory, R.S.O., Norfolk. Sons of Rev. Frederick Leathes, B.A. (Camb.), Rector of Reedham b. ; d. ; m. 1821, Elizabeth, d. of Rev. J. Thomson : — John Thurlow Leathes, Gentleman, late R.A., b Res.— James Leathes, Gentleman, (J. . Res. — Son of Edward Leathes, Esq., of Normanstone, J. P. and D.L. Suffolk, Lt. ist Roy. Dragoons, b. ; d. 1871 ; m. , Eliza Mary, d. of John Galloway of E.xeter : — William Charles Edwardes Leathes, Gentleman, b. 1842. Seat — Normanstone, Lowestoft. ARTHUR WILLIAM LEATHAM, Esquire, J. P. Born Aug. lo, 1851, being the eldest son of the late Edward Aldam Leatham, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , M.A. and Fellow of University College, London, M.P. for Huddersfield 1859-65, and 1868-86, High Sheriff for co. Gloucesttr 1891, by his wife Mary Jane, only dau. of the late John Fowler of Gastard House, near Melksham, co. Wilts. Liveiy -White twined up with dark blue, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — of Miserden, Wishanger and Winstone, in co. Gloucester. 5^rt^— Miserden Park, near Circenster. Club — Arthur's. SAMUEL GURNEY LEATHAM, Esquire, Justice of the Peace. Born December 13, 1840, being the eldest son of the late William Henry Leatham, Esquire, of Hems- worth Hall, Member of Parliament for Wakefield, 1865 to 1868, when he retired, and for the South Division of the West Riding of Yorkshire, 1880 to 1885, by his wife Priscilla, fourth daughter of Samuel Gurney of Ham House, West Ham, in the county of Essex. Club — Carlton. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per saltire ermine and or, on a chief engrailed azure, three bezants each charged with a saltire gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a nest, thereon an eagle, wings elevated or, the nest and wings fretty vert. Motto — " Virtute vinces." Married, February 28, 1867, Annie Gertrude, third daughter of John Frederic La Trobe Bateman, Fellow of the Royal Society, of Moorpark ; and has Isstie — (i) Frederic Gurney Leatham, Esq., J. P. for West Riding, co. Yorks, b. Jan. 19, 1868; (2) Eustace La Trobe Leatham, Gentleman, Royal Navy, b. Aug. 3, 1870; (3) Cecil Maxwell Leatham, Gentleman, 2nd East Yorks Regt., b. Sept. 6, 1875 ; (4) Bertram Henry Leatham, Gentleman, ist Yorks Regt., b. March 2, 1881 ; (5) Nigel Clere Leatham, Gentleman, b. Oct. 18, 1883 ; (6) Ralph Leatham, Gentleman, R.N., b. March 3, 1888; Gertrude Hilda, rf. Dec. 28, 1868 ; Catherine Isabella; Norah Margaret ; Mildred Agnes ; Dorothy Mary ; and Sibyl Grace. Seat — Hemsworth Hall, in the West Riding co. York. S GERARD FREDERICK TOWLERTON LEA- THER, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for countv Northumberland ; late Major Northumberland (5th) Fusi- liers. Born August 16, 1865, being the eldest son of the late Frederick John Leather, Esquire, of Leventhorpe Hall, in the county of York, and of Middleton Hall, in the county of Northumberland, and the Friary, Tickhill, in the county of York, Justice of the Peace for the counties of York and Northumberland, by his wife Gertrude Elizabeth Sophia, youngest daughter of the Reverend Charles Walters, Master of Arts, Vicar of Wardington, in the county of Oxford. Armoiial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a bend sable, cotised compony or and of the last, a fountain be- tween two mullets of six points also or. Upon the escut- Per saltire ermine and or, on a chief engrailed azure, three bezants each charged with a saltire gules. Mant'ing azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a nest and thereon an eagle with wings fretty vert. Motto — "Virtute vinces." Married Mary Elise, only dau. of H. Martyn Kennard, Esq., J. P. and D.L. ; and has Issue — Robert Edward Kennard Leatham, Gentleman, b. 1885 ; and Mary Katlierine, Estates — The Estates and Manors cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant sable, charged on the shoulder with three mullets of six points, two and one or, holding between the paws a fountain. Motto — "Nil nisi quod honestum." Married, October 15, 1891, Margaret Ethel, only dau. of Victor Coates, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Antrim, of Rathmore, in the co. of Antrim; and has Issue — (i) is the Naval Cockacle- 8i4 Lea Lee Ralph Towlerton I^eaiher, Gentleman, *. Nov. 19, 189a ; (a) Guy Victor Leather, Gentlenian, i. Jan. 14, 1897 ; and Daphne Margaret. AVo/— Middlcton Hall, Belford, in the CO. of Northumlierland. C/ttts— Army and Navy, Hur- lingham, Auton>obile. ARTHUR HUGO LEATHER-CULLEY. Esquire. I. P. for CO. Northumberland ; assumed in 1896, by Royal Licence, the additional name and arms of CuUey. Bom March 30, 1846, l)cing the younger son of the late John Towlerton Leather, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Middlelon Hall, CO. Northumberland, and of I^venthorpe Hall, co. York. Armorial bearing*— Quarterly i and 4, per pale indented aiure and sable, on a chevron engrailed ermine, between three talbots" heads erased or, as many roses gules, barbed and seeded proper, and for distinction a cross crosslet also gold (for Culley) ; a and 3, argent, on a bend sable, plain cotised comp>ony of the s>econd and or, a fountain be- tween two mullets of six points also or (for Leather). ifmntHng azure and argent. OrestB — i. on a wreath of the colours, in front of an oak tree proper, a lalbot statant per pale azure and or, gorged with a collar gemelle argent, and holding in the mouth a lily slipped proper and charged for distinction upon the shoulder with a cross crosslet gold (for Culley) ; a. on a wreath of the culours, a dcmi-lion sable, holding in the paws a fountain, and charged on the shoulder with three mullets of six points, two and one or. Motto — " .^niicos semper amat." Married, Feb. 37, 1878, Jane Darling (Lady of Grace of Order of Hosp. of St. ohn of Jerusalem in England), only dau. and heiress of the late George Culley, Esq., C.B., of Fowberry Tower; and has Issue — .Arthur George Leather-Culley, Gentleman, late Lieut. Coldstream Guards, 6. April 10, 1879. Seal — Fowberry Tower, near Belford, Northumberland. Clubs— Isthmian, Yorkshire (York), Northern Counties (Newcastle- on-Tyne). 5 JOHN HURLFSTON LECHE, Esquire, J.P, and D.L. for CO. Chester, High SheriflF 1851, late Captain Cheshire Militia. Bom Feb. 35, 1827, being the eldest son of the late John Hurleston Leche, Esq., High Sheriff of co. Chester, by his wife Elizabeth Antonia, eldest dau. of Anthony Innys Stokes of St. Botolph's, co. Pembroke. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a chief indented gules, three ducal coronets or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a cubit arm proper, the hand grasping a snake vert. Motto — "Alia corona fidis- simo. Married, firstly, July 18, 1850, Caroline, eldest dau. of Edwin Corbett of Darnhall, co. Chester ; and by her badtwodaus. — Caroline Maud; and Florence Ann [m., Oct. ao, 1875, the Hon. George Thomas Kenyon, second son of Rt. Hon. Lloyd, 3rd Baron Kenyon, of Gredington, co. Flint, by his wife Hon. Georgiana de Grey, dau. of Rt. Hon. Thomas, 4th Lord Walsingham]. He married secondly, June 18, 1855, Eleanor Francis, second dau. of Captain Charles Stanhope Jones, of 58th Regt. ; and has Issjte — John Hurleston Leche, Esq., J. P., b. November 19,1858 [m., Nov. 13, 1888, Kathleen Marie, eldest dau. of Charles Donaldson - Hudson, Esq., M,P. , of Cheswardine, co. Salop; and had issue, John Hurleston Leche, Gentleman, b. Nov. 21, 1889 ; and Charles Wilbraham Leche, Gentle- man, b. 1891, d. 1894] ; Ermentrude Eleanor Augusta ; Gwendoline Mary ; and Violet Alice [m. , Nov, 19, 1889, Frederick William, third son of William Haines ; and has issue, Elizabeth Violet ; and Phyllis Mary]. Seats— Catdtn Park, near Chester ; and Stretton Hall, Malpas. LECKY, see BROWNE-LECKY. WILLIAM EDWARD HARTPOLE LECKY, Gentle- man, Honorary Doctor of Laws of the Universities of Dublin, Glasgow, and St. Andrews, Honorary Doctor of Civil Law of the University of Oxford, Honorary Doctor of Literature of the University of Cambridge. Born March 26, 1838, being the eldest son of the late John Hartpole Lecky, Esq., J. P., by his wife Mary Anne, dau. of W. E. Tallents of Newark-on-Trent. Armorial bearing^ — Quarterly i and 4, gules a chevron between three roses argent (for Lecky) ; 2 and 3, gules, a chevron embattled argent, on a chief of the last a torteau between two lions' heads erased sable. Upon the es- cutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an anchor in pale proper, cabled or and gules, surmounted by a boar's head erased and erect azure ; with the Motto, ' ' Gubemat navem Deus. " Married, June 1870, the Baroness de Dedem, daughter of Baron de Dedem, Lieutenanl-General in the Dutch Service. Estates — Ballyvale, &c., in the county of Carlow; Kilbracken, in Queen s County. Club — Athenceum. LEE, quartered by GUINNESS and LANE. LEE, see DILLON and VAUGHAN-LEE. CONSTANCE ANNE LEE, Spinster, only surviving daughter of the late Reverend William Blackstone Lee, Rector of Wootton Woodstock, in the county of Oxford, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of the late Charles Thomson, Esquire, Master in Chancery, of Dalzells, St. Kilt's, and 14 Portland Place, London, W. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Quarterly i and 4, gules a fesse chequy or and azure, between ten billets, four in chief and three, two and one in base argent (for I^ee) ; 2 and 3 azure, a cinquefoil pierced within a bordure engrailed ermine (for Astley). Postal address— t, Sion Hill, Bath. Sir EDWARD LEE, Knight Bachelor. Born 1833, being the second son of the late Reverend Frederick Lee, Master of Arts, Rector of Easington, in the county of Oxford, and Vicar of Stantonbury, in the county of Buckingham, by his wife Mary, only daughter of George Ellys of Aylesbury ; dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1872, by His Excellency the Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a fesse couped, between three crescents sable, as many hawks' lures or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon an eagle's leg fesseways erased at the thigh, the claw to the sinister azure, a falcon belled or, legged gules, twined round the body and neck with a hawk's lure sable; with the Motto, " Fide et constantly." Married, 1870, Emily, daughter of the late T. Davies of Regent's Park. Postal address — Castlenau, Church Road, Barnes, Surrey. LEE (H. Coll.) Argent, on a fesse couped between three crescents sable, as many hawks' lures or. Crest — uf)on a wreath of the colours, upon an eagle's leg fesseways erased at the thigh, the claws to the sinister azure, a falcon I I belled or, legged gules, twined round the body and neck by a hawk's lure sable. Motto — " Fide et constanti,!" Livery — White or grey cloth, with black cufifs, collar, and trimmings. Sons of the Rev. Frederick George Lee, Student of Civil Law of the University of Oxford, Doctor of Divinity, and formerly Fellow of the Society of Anti- quaries, sometime Vicar of All Saints', Lambeth, b. is tbe Military Cockade. Lee lee 815 January 6, 1832 ;■ d. 1902 ; m. June 9, 1859, Elvira Louisa (who died Sept. i, 1890), fourth and youngest d. of the Rev. Joseph Duncan Ostrehan, B.A. of the University of Oxford, Vicar of Creech St. Michael, in the CO. of Somerset : — Frederick Reginald Benedict Duncan Lee, Esq., M.A. O.xon. 1891, Capt. in Vol. Forces of India, b. July 2, 1861. Postal address — 22 Earl's Court Gardens. Gordon Ambrose de Lisle Lee, Gentleman, Bluemantle Pursuivant of Arms [to whom refer]. Leonard Miles Henry Lee, Gentleman, b. Feb. 24, 1867. S GORDON AMBROSE DE LISLE LEE, Gentleman, Bluemantle Pursuivant of Arms. Bom July 11, 1863, being the second son of the late Rev. Frederick George Lee, Doctor of Divinity, sometime Vicar of All Saints', Lam- beth, by his wife Elvira Louisa, youngest daughter of the Reverend Joseph Duncan Ostrehan, sometime Vicar of Creech St. Michael, in the county of Somerset. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a fesse couped passant argent, collared and chained azure, charged upon the body with two cinquefoils of the last, resting the dexter forepaw on an escocheon or, thereon a fleur-de-lis also azure. Motto — " Patitur qui vincit." Married, 1892, Edith Ger- between three crescents sable, as many hawks' lures or, impaling the arms of Wallace, namely gules, sem^e-de-lys or, a lion rampant argent, within a bordure compony azure and of the third. Crest — Upon an eagle's leg fesseways erased at the thigh, the claw to the sinister azure, a falcon belled or, legged gules, twined round the body and neck by a hawk's lure sable. MottO — "Fide et constantly. " Married, August 8, 1888, Rose Mary, elder daughter of Robert Cyril Wallace, sometime Secretary to the Earl Marshal ; and has Issue — Mary Flora. Postal addresses — Heralds' College, London, E.G. ; Selwood Lodge, Elm Place, South Kensington. LENNOX BERTRAM LEE, Esq. , of How Caple Court, CO. Hereford, late Lieut. 3rd Batt. Sherwood Foresters. Born Nov. 1864, being the eldest son of the late Sir Joseph Cocksey Lee Knight Bachelor, J. P., of Rossendale, co. Lanes., Dunham Massey. co. Cheshire, and Lea Hurst, CO. Derby, by his wife Henrietta Burleigh, dau. of the Rev. James Hill of Brighton, Sussex. Armorial bearings — Azure, three bars or, a bend invected chequy of the last and gules, plain cotised ermine, in the sinister chief point a bear's head erased at the neck of the last. Mantling zure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a bear trude, second dau. of Malcolm Maclellan ; and has Issue — Lennox Cleland Lee Lee, Esq., b. 1893. Estates — How Caple and Garraway. Postal address — How Caple Court, Ross. WILLIAM BLACKSTONE LEE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Wiltshire, Representative of Lee of Lea, Alderton, Stanton, Roden, Berrington, &c. , and afterwards of Langley, Lea Hall, Acton Burnell, and Coton Hall, Salop, and Cholderton House, Wilts. Born May 3, 1842, being the third and only surviving son of the Reverend William Blackstone Lee, Rector of Wootton, Woodstock, by his wife Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Charles Tbom- is the Naval Cockade, 8i6 Lee Lee son. Esquire, Master in Chancery, of 14 Portland Place, and Dalzells, St. Kitt's, by his wife and cousin Anne Dalzcll 'I'ltomson of DaUells, descended from Sir Robert DaUeil, who was created Earl of Camwath in 1639. The rt-cords of the Heralds' Colle^ and others show that from the lime of Reigner or Regmald dc I^. Sheriff in laoi, many of the faniily were knighted. Eyton gives an unbrolven descent through the Stantons from 1086, and through the Astleys of Nonlley fiom about 1100-1135. The riaronetcy granted by James I. to Humphry Leo became rxtiiict 1660. ZjVr/y— Dark green, with brass buttons. Armorial bear- ingl (Allowed first Vn. of Shropshire 1569)— Quarterly i and 4, gules, a fesse chequy or and azure, between ten billets, four in chief, and three, two and one in base argent (for Lee) ; 3 and 3, azure, a cinquefoil pierced ermine within a bordure engrailed of the last (for Astley). Mant.Ung gules and argent. Great — On a wreath of the colours, on a staff raguly lying fesseways, a squirrel sejant proper cracking a nut, from the dexter end of the staff an oak branch vert, fructed or. Motto -" Ne incautus futuri." Married, Oct. I, 1874, Maud Ellen Legh, third daughter of William Milton Bridger, Esquire, of Halnaker House, near Chi- chester, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Sussex and Wilts, by his wife Sophia, daughter of Gorges Lowther, Esquire, formerly Member of Parliament for Ratoath, and afterwards of Ovington, in the county of Hampshire, and Tilshead Lodge, in the county of Wilts. Postal address — Seend, Melksham. Clubs — Athenaeum, New University. LEE (H. Coll.). Azure, on a pile nebuly or, three leopards' faces in fesse counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion proper, holding between the paws an escutcheon or, charged with a leopard's face azure, three bezants fesse- wise. Motto — " Nil desperandum," Son of Barnett Lee, m. Diamond Foligno : — Edward Lee, Esq., Solicitor, a Member of the Com- mission of Lieutenancy for the City of London, b. 1839 ; m. 1871, Adelaide, d. of Myer Harris; and has issue (i) Myer Barnett Lee, Gentleman; (2) Albert Edward Louis Lee, Gentleman ; (3) Percy Vivian Lee, Gentleman ; (4) Cyril Golney Lee, Gentleman ; and five daus. Res. — 25 Chepstow Villas, Bayswater, London, W. Club — Guildhall. between three crescents sable, a label for difference (for Lee of Quarendon and Diichley); a. Dillon .is before; 3. Lee as before; 4, argent, u lion rampant within a bordure azure, charged with eight fleurs-de-lis or (foT' Sanders of Banbury); 5. per pale or and azure, on a : chevron between three griffins' heads erased, four fleurs- i de-lis all counterchanged (for Pope, Earls of Downe) ; 6. quarterly argent and gules, in the second and third LEE of Barna (U.O.). Argent, a fesse between three crescents sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a column erect argent, encircled with a ducal coronet or, a falcon proper, preying on a birds leg azure, erased gules. Motto — " Fide et constantia." Sons of Henry Albert Lee, M.D. , of Barna, b, 1818 ; d. 1861 ; m. 1852, Susan Kate, d. of John Benn of Dromore House, nr. Newport, co. Tipperary: — Albert Henry Lee, Gentleman, b. 1853; m. 1883, Raby Beatrice, only d. of Henry Godfrey James of Bally vourneen, CO. Limerick ; and has issue — Henry William James Lee, Gentleman, b. 1893; and Susan Kate. Seat — Barna, nr. Newport, co. Tipperary. William Alexander Lee, Esq., Lt.-Col. R.A.M.C. , b. 1854 ; m. Annie, d. of Col. Addison Potter of Heaton Hall, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; and has issue — Charles Stewart Lee, Gentleman,^. . Jies. — HARRY LEE STANTON LEE-DILLON, Esquire, commonly called the Hon. Harry I^e Stanton Lee-Dillon, formerly an officer of the Rifle Brigade, in which he served 1895-97 ; J. P. for CO. Roscommon, Fellow of the Society ot Antiquaries of London (Count Henri de Dillon in France, Hon. Arthur Dillon, father of Henry, eleventh Viscount, who was a Lieut. -Gen. in the French service, having been raised to that rank in 1711.) Born July 25, 1874, being the only child of the Rt. Hon. Harold Arthur Lee Dillon, seventeenth Viscount Dillon of Costillo-Gallen, in the Peerage of Ireland, Pres. Soc. Antiq., Hon. Major (retired) 4th Batt. Oxfordshire Light Infantry, and of Juliana, eldest dau. of the late Isaac Brock Stanton, Canadian Civil Service. Club — White's. Livery — Dress: crimson, blue facings, gilt buttons, blue, black and white lace ; undress : blue, gilt buttons. Armorial bearings — Quarterly x and 8, quarterly i. and iiii. argent, a lion passant between three crescents gules (for Dillon) ; ii. and iii. argent, a fesse quarters a fret or (for Dutton) ; 7. the royal arms of Hi Majesty King Charles II., debruised by a baton sinister^ ermine (for Fitz Roy). Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, holding between the paws an estoile argent. Motto — " Dum spiro sp)ero." Postal addresses — Ditchley, Enstone, Oxfordshire. Es9 ARTHUR WILLIAM LEE-GRAITAN-GUINN Gentleman. Bom being the eldest son of the late Rev. William Snivth Lee-Grattan-Guinness of Beaumont and of Park Annesley, co. Wexford (who by Royal Licence, dated Feb. 28, 1856, assumed the additional arms and sur- name of Grattan, and by a second Royal Licence, dated March 10, 1857, assumed the surname of Lee in addition to and before that of Grattan-Guinness), and his wife Susan Jane, only child and heir of Benjamin Guinness of Brook- ville, CO. Dublin. Armorial bearings— Quarterly, i and 4 grand quarters, quarterly i. and iiii., per saltire gules and azure, a lion rampant or, on a chief ermine a dexter hand couped at the wrist of the first (for Guinness) ; ii. and iii., quarterly or and gules, in the first quarter a trefoil slipped vert, all within a bordure azure (for Grattan) ; 2 and 3, grand quarters, argent, on a fesse between three cres- cents sable, a trefoil slipped or, a canton gules, charged with a lion rampant of the first, and a chief of the same, thereon a mullet azure between two torteaux (the said can- ton being borne in commemoration of descent from the family of Smyth) (for Lee). Mantling gules and or. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a boar passant quarterly or and gules (for Guinness) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a falcon, wings elevated, hold- ing in the dexter claw a sceptre all proper (for Grattan) ; 3. On a wreath of the colours, on a pillar argent, encircled by a ducal coronet or, an eagle preying on a bird's leg erased proper (for Lee). Mottoes— Under the arras (for Guinness), § is the Military Cockade. PLATE XXVIl. BRjoan - £12oR,ieroi2 SesJisis - Gisrsisr DK.aR>v - Iloaje. gThoo -Trsehcuisv Lee lee itj "Spes mea in Deo"; over the crest (for Grattan), quam videri. " /Residence— ■Esse 1887 ; and Geraldine Mary. Seai- Louth. Clud — University (Dublin). -Corbollis, Ardee, co. BENJAMIN LEE-GRATTAN-GUINNESS, Gentle- man. Born , being the son of the late Rev. William Smyth Lee-Grattan-Guinness of Beaumont, and of Park Annesley, co. Wexford (who by Royal Licence, dated Feb. 28, 1856, assumed the additional arms and surname of Grattan, and by a second Royal Licence, dated March 10, 1857, assumed the surhame of Lee in addition to and before that of Grattan-Guinnes>), and his wife Susan Jane, only child and heir of Benjamin Guinness of Brookville, co. Dublin. Armorial bearings — Quarterly, i and 4 grand quarters, quarterly i. andiiii., per saltire gules and azure, a lion rampant or, on a chief ermine, a dexter hand couped at the wrist of the first (for Guinness) ; li. and iii., quarterly or and gules, in the first quarter a trefoil slipped vert, all within a bordure azure (for Grattan) ; 2 and 3 grand quarters, argent, on a fesse between three crescents sable, a trefoil slipped or, a canton gules, charged with a lion ram- pant of the first, and a chief of the same, thereon a mullet azure, between two torteaux (the said canton being borne in commemoration of descent from the family of Smyth) (for Lee;. Mantling gules and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a boar passant quarterly or and gules (for Guinness) : 2. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a falcon, wings elevated, holding in the dexter claw a sceptre all proper (for Grattan) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, on a pillar argent, encircled by a ducal coronet or, an eagle preying on a bird's leg, erased proper (for Lee). Mottoes — Under the arms (for Guinness), "Spes mea in Deo"; over the crest (for Grattan), "Esse quam videri." ■ Residence — FREDERICK DARLEY LEE-GRATTAN-GUIN- NESS, Gentleman. Born being the son of the late Rev. WiHiam Smyth Lee-Grattan-Guinness of Beau- mont, and of Park Annesley, co. Wexford (who by Royal Licence, dated Feb. 28, 1856, assumed the additional arms and surname of Grattan, and by a second Royal Licence, dated March 10, 1857, assumed the surname of Lee in addi- tion to and before that of Grattan-Guinness), and his wife Susan Jane, only child and heir of Benjamin Guinness of Brookville, co. Dublin. Armorial bearing^s— Quarterly, 1 and 4 grand quarters, quarterly i. and iiii. , per saltire gules and azure, a lion rampant or, on a chief ermine, a dexter hand couped at the wrist of the first (for Guinness) ; ii. and iii., quarterly or and gules, in the first quarter a trefoil slipped vert, all within a bordure azure (for Grattan) ; 2 and 3 grand quarters, argent, on a fesse between three crescents sable, a trefoil slipped or, a canton gules, charged with a lion rampant of the first, and a chief of the same, thereon a mullet azure between two torteaux (the said canton being borne in commemoration of descent from the family of Smyth) (for Lee). Mantling gules and or. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a boar passant quarterly or and gules (for Guinness) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a falcon, wings elevated, holding in the dexter claw a sceptre all proper (for Grattan) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, on a pillar argent, encircled by a ducal coronet or, an eagle preying on a bird's leg, erased proper (for Lee). Mottoes— Under the arms (for Guinness), "Spes mea in Deo"; over the crest (for Grattan), "Esse quam videri.'" Residence — LUKE ALEXANDER LEE-NORMAN, Esquire, J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1881, Vice-Lieut, co. Louth 1897, M.A. Trin. Coll., Dublin. Born April 7, 1839, being the only son of the late Alexander Norman, Q.C. , by his wife Charlotte Sarah, dau. of Robeit Law of Dublin; he assumed the additional surname and arms of Lee by Royal Licence 1876. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, or, a chevron between three lions' faces gules (for Norman); 2 and 3, argent, a chevron gules, between three leopards' faces proper (for Lee). Mantling gules and or. Crests— I. on a wreath of the colours, a lion passant guardant proper (for Norman) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant grasping a sceptre all proper. Motto — "Honor virtutis prasmium." Married, Dec. 30, 1873, Francis Charlotte, dau. of the late Rev. Francis Hewson, Rector of Dunganstown, co. Wicklow ; and has Issue — (i) Alexander Henry Lee-Norman, Gentleman, b. March 14, 1876 ; (2) Francis Thomas Lee-Norman, Gentleman, b. Sept. 10, HENRY LEE- WARNER, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Norfolk. Bom tf C0'K(['\tiYX\CV ^^47' being the elder and only sur- Jl/K'K'\iXLX{Xl,\\K\, viving son of the late Henry James Lee- Warner, Esquire, Deputy-Lieu- enant, of Walsingham Abbey, by his wife Ellen Rosetta, youngest daughter of the late Jonathan Bullock of Faulk- bourne Hall, in the county of Essex. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules a fesse compony or and of the field, between eight billets of the second (for Lee) ; 2. quarterly i. and iiii. per pale indented argent and sable ; ii. and iii. azure, a fleur-de- lis or, differenced by a crescent (for Warner) ; 3. vert, a cross engrailed argent (for Whetenhale). Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a squirrel sejant gules, sitting between two branches of oak fructed proper, cracking a nut or ; with the Motto, " Non nobis tantum nati." Postal address — Walsingham Abbey, Norfolk. Club — Junior Carlton, The Reverend JAMES LEE-WARNER,Masterof Arts of the University of Oxford, late Rector of Beckley, East Sussex. Born 1836, being the eldest son of the late Rev- erend Henry James Lee- Warner of Thorpland Hall, by his wife Anne, daughter of the Reverend Henry Nicholas Astley. Club — New University. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms ; Quarterly i and 4, gules a fesse compony or and of the field, between eight billets of the second (for Lee) ; 2. quarterly i. and iiii. per pale indented argent and sable ; ii. and iii. azure, a fleiu"-de-lis or, differenced by a crescent (for Warner) ; 3. vert, a cross engrailed argent (for Whetenhale). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colotu-s, a squirrel sejant gules, between two branches of oak fructed proper, cracking a nut or; with the Motto, "Non nobis tantum nati." Married, 1874, Agnes Louisa, daughter of the Reverend Henry P. Marsham of Rippon Hall ; and has with other Issue — George Lee-Warner, Gentleman, born 1875. Estate and postal address — Thorpland Hall, Fakenham, Norfolk. Sir WILLIAM LEE- WARNER, Knight Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Born April 18, 1846, being the sixth but fifth surviving son of the late Reverend Canon James H. Lee- Warner of Thorpland Hall, in the county of Norfolk, by his wife Anne, daughter of the Reverend Henry N. Astley (son of Sir Edward Astley, Bart. ), of Barsham, in the same county. Armorial bearings Quarterly i and 4, gules a fesse compony or and of the first, between eight billets of the second (for Lee) ; 2. quarterly i. and iiii. per pale indented argent and sable ; ii. and iii. azure, a fleur-de-Us or, differenced by a crescent (for Warner) ; 3. vert, a cross engrailed argent (for Wheten- hale) the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon and pendent the badge of a K. C.S.I. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a squirrel sejant gules, between two branches of oak fructed proper ; with the Motto, "Non nobis tantum nati." Married, Aug. 2, 1876, Ellen PauUina, dau. of General Henry William Holland, C.B. ; and has Issue — (i) Philip Henry Lee- Warner, Esq. , b. June 7, 1877 ; (2) Cecil John Lee- Warner, Esq., b. Feb. 4, 1879; (3) William Hamilton Lee- Warner, Esq., b. Oct. 14, 1880; (4) Roland Paul Lee- Warner, Esq., b. Jan. 4, 1892. Clubs — Athenaeum and East India United Service. LEECH, quartered by SLAUGHTER, JOHN CYRIL LEECH, Gentleman. Bom April 29, 1890, being the only son of the late John Henry Leech, Gentleman, F.R.G.S., F.L.S., F.Z.S., Lord of the Manor of Hurdcott and Barford, by his wife Beatrice Ellen, only child of Benjamin Leatt Nias of Philadelphia, U.S.A. Armorial bearings — Ermine, a rose gules, on a chief indented of the last, three ducal coronets or. Mantling is th« Naval Cockade. • 8i8 Lee gules And •rgent. Oreit- On a wreath of the colours, an arm erect proper, grasping a snake vert. Motto " Virtus est venerabilis." 5«a/— Hurdcolt House, Wilts. address — Hurdcott House, Salisbury. Postal STEPHEN LEECH, Esquire, a First Secretary in the Diplomatic Service. Bom July 8, 1864, being the second son of the late John Leech, Gentleman, of Gorse Hall, Dukinfield, Cheshire, and his wife Eliza, dau. of Henry Ashworth, Esq., J. P., of The Oaks and Birtenshaw House, Bolton-le-Moors. Livery — Maroon, red and white striped waistcoat, gilt buttons. Armorial bearingrs — Ermine, a rose gules, on a chief indented of the last, three ducal coronets or. Mn.tit.Ung' gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an arm erect proper, grasping a snake vert. Motto — " Virttis est venerabilis." Married, July 15, 1902, Hon. Alice Florence, second dau. of loth Baron Elibank of Damhall. Postal address — British Legation, Copenhagen. Seat — San Giorgio, Portofino, Italy. Clubs — St. James's, Travellers', Junior Carlton. LEECH (U.O.). Ermine, a trefoil vert, on a chief in- dented gules, three ducal coronets or. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, charged with a trefoil vert, an arm erect proper, grasping a snake environed about the arm also vert. Motto — " Virtute et valore." Sons of Rev. John Leech of Cloonconra, co. Mayo, M.A., D.D., b. 1808; d. 1889; m. 1839, Mary, d. of William Darley of St. John's, co. Dublin : — Henry Brougham Leech, Gentleman, M.A., LL.D., late Fellow of Gonville and Caius Coll., and of Queen's Inns, Barrister-at-I^w, Regius Prof, of Laws (Trin. Coll., Dub.), Chief Registrar of Deeds and Registrar of Titles in Dublin, b. 1843 ; m. 1875, Annie Louisa, d. of William Garbois; and has issue — (i) Arthur Graves Leech, Gentleman,^. 1877; (2) Henry Brougham Leech, Gentle- man, b. 1879 ; (3) William John Leech, Gentleman, b. i88i ; (4) Cecil John Farran Leech, Gentleman, 1882; (5) Frederick George Leech, Gentleman, b. 1884; and Kathleen Mary Angel. Res. — Yew Park, Castle Avenue, Clontarf, nr. Dublin. Lee Joseph Farran Leech, Gentleman, b. 1845; m. ist, 1879, Beatrice Jane (d. 1887), d. of James Seccomlie of Trenod being the second son of the late Joseph iLXX^'V^WlXX^ Lees, Esquire, of Lower Clarksfield, Oldham, by his wife Sarah Anne, only daughter of James Milne of Park House ; and assumed for himself and issue the additional surname and arms of Milne by Royal License, dated May 31. 1890. on suc- ceeding to the property of Abram Crompton Milne of Crompton Hall and Park House, who died March 27, 1890. Clubs — Conservative (Manchester), Clarendon (Manchester), Albion (Oldham). Livery— Y>a.rV. blue, with white collar and silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, erminois on a pale invected sable, a millrind erect between two lions Cassant argent (for Milne) ; 2 and 3 argent, two bars raguly etween three cross crosslets fitch^e in chief and a falcon belled in base all gules (for Lees). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his C&estB. i. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of five palm trees proper a lamb couchant argent, holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped or, and sup- porting with the dexter forefoot a flagstaff in bend sinister^^l proper, therefrom flowing a banner argent charged with ^^H cross crosslet gules (for Milne) ; 2. upon a wreath of t)M'^H| colours, a mount, thereon amidst wheat a mower in his' ' hands his scythe in the attitude of mowing, all proper (for Lees) ; with the Motto, " Prudenter qui sedulo." Married, April 25. 1877, Mary Emma, second daughter of Alexander Nesbitt. Esquire, of Byfeld House, Barnes, in the county of Surrey; and has Issue — (i) Alec Milne Lees-Milne. Gentle- man, born February 18, 1878 ; (2) George Crompton Lees- Milne, Gentleman, born April 21, 1880. Seats— CTom\>X.on Hall and Park House, Shaw, near Oldham ; and Ribbes- ford, Worcestershire. MARKHAM RICHARD LEESON - MARSHALL, Esq., J. P., High Sheriff 1890, B.A. (Oxon.), Barrister-at- Law. Bom Dec. 24, 1859, being the only son of the late Richard John Leeson-Marshall, Esq., J. P.. of Callinafercy House, by Zeena. eldest dau. of the Ven. Ambrose Power, Archdeacon of Lismore. Armorial bearings- Quarterly I and 4. barry of six argent and sable, on a canton ermine an escutcheon of the second charged with a trefoil slipped or, a crescent gules for difference (for Marshall) ; 2. gules, a chief nebuly argent, the rays of the sun issuing therefrom or (for Leeson) ; 3. or, on a chief azure, a demi-lion argent, holding between the paws a harp of the first (for Markham). IW flTit.iiTigr sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upwn a wreath of the colours, a demi-man in armour affrontAr)i. blue, red and white striped waistcoat, drab overcoat, silver buttons. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a bend between six mullets piorccd gules, a cross pat4e or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a greyhound or, collared sable. Motto — " Per crucem ad stallas. " Married, Jan. 7, 1875, Anna Mildreda. eldest dau. of Matthew Robert Bigge, Esq., J. P., of St. George's Square, Stamford. Residence — 123 Cathedral Road, Cardiff. Clui—Hevr Oxford and Cambridge. S Colonel JAMES DIGBY LEGARD, J.P., D.L., and County Alderman for N. Riding of Yorkshire, J. P. for East Riding, and Lieut. -Col. Com. Yorkshire Artillery, formerly Captain R. A. Bom July 12, 1846, being the eldest son of the late Captain James Anlaby Legard, R.N., K.T.S., by his wife Catherine, widow of Henry B«iumont, and dau. of Sir George Cayley, Bart. Armorlai bearings — Argent, on a bend between six mullets pierced gules, a cross pat6e or, impaling the arms of Arkwright, namely argent, on a mount vert, a cotton tree fructed proper, on a chief azure between two bezants, an escutcheon of the field, charged with a bee volant proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a greyhound or, collared sable, studded argent. Motto — " Per crucem ad Stellas." Mar- ried, Aug. 30, 1877, Julia Helen, younger dau. of the late Alfred Arkwright of the Gate House, Wirksworth, co. Derby; and has Issue — (i) Alfred Digby Legard, Esq., Captain, King's Royal Rifles, d. June 21, 1878; (2) George Percy Legard, Gentleman, Sub- Lieut. R. N. , 6. Aug. 15, 1879 ; (3) Richard Anlaby Legard, Gentleman, Lieut. Yorks. Artillery, d. Nov. 10, 1880 ; (4) Thomas Francis Legard, Gentleman, 6. Jan. 30, 1882; (5) Reginald John Legard, Gentleman,^. Sept. 25, 1893; Helen Mary Alice ; Evelyn Elizabeth ; Catherine; Eldith Victoria; and Pauline Octavia. Sea/ — Welham, Malton, Yorks. Cluis — Naval and Military, Yorkshire. The Rev. WHXIAM LEGG, M.A. (Oxon.), Clerk in Holy Orders, sometime Rector of Hawkinge, and Vicar of Swingfield, both in the co. of Kent. Born 1831, being the eldest son of the late George Legg, sometime of Alver- stoke, CO. Hants, by his wife Eilen, only dau. of the late Philip Austen, descendant of a Welsh family, in co. of Glamorgan. Armorial bearings -Sable, on a pile or, between two books argent, clasped and garnished in base of the second, a leg couped at the thigh in armour of the field, spurred and garnished gold. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armotir sable, garnished gold, holding in the hand a roll of paper argent, between roses or. Motto — " Tolle, lege." Married, 1866, Mary, eldest dau. of the late Richard Whitehead of Ewell Manor, co. Kent; and has Issue— (i) Rev. Richard Wickham Legg, M.A. (New Coll., Oxon.), Clerk in Holy Orders, b. 1867 ; (2) William Wickham Legg, Gentleman, M.A. (Trinity Coll. , Camb.), Barrister-at-Law, b. 1868 ; (3) George Edward Wickham Legg, Esq. , M. V.O. , Capt. 3rd Batt. Royal West Kent Regt. , formerly 2nd Batt. South Staffordshire Regt., b. 1870 [m. Kathleen Octavia, eldest dau. of Col. Sir James Gildea. C.V.O., C.B.]; (4) Gervase Arthur Wickham Legg, Gentleman, b. 1874 (de- ceased) ; and Ellen Althea Wickham. bury, Berkshire. Club — Constitutional. The Rev. AUGUSTUS GEORGE LEGGE, Cli in Holy Orders, Master of Arts, late Vicar H P(t(tC North Elmham, in the co. of Norfolk, Lord of •*»'<^BB'^ several Manors in the county of Southampton. Bom January 20, 1835, being the second but eldest surviving son of the Reverend Henry Legge, Rector of East Lavant, in the county of Sussex, owner of the Mareland and Maple-Durham, and Bramdean estates, his wife Elizabeth Louisa, daughter of Admiral Si Douglas. Livery — Blue, with silver buttons, and silvi lace round hat. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, a buck's head caboshed argent. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a plume of five ostrich feathers alternately argent and aztu-e; with the MottO, "Gaudet tentamine virtus." Married, August 26, 1864, Alice Mary (d. 1885), daughter of John Greenwood, Esquire, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, of Broadhanger, in the county of Hampshire, and late Solicitor to the Treasury ; and has Issue — (i) Walter Douglas Legge, Gentleman, born October 31, 1865; (2) John Greenwood Legge, Gentleman, born December 7, 1871, d. 190T ; Honora Alice Charlotte; Florence Lucy ; Beatrice Louisa ; Frances Mary ; and Alice Georgina. Estates — Mareland ; Maple-Durham ; Bram- dean. Postal address — Bramdean House, Alresford. LEGH, quartered by DE TRAFFORD. ARTHUR CORNWALL LEGH, Gentleman. Bom July 24, 1872, being the third son of the late Richard Corn- wall Legh, Gentleman, by his wife Thomasina Antonia, dau. of Frederick Sedley. Armorial bearings —Argent, a the i tan^H Ivo^ ^ is the Military Cockade. leg Lei 823 lion rampant gules, langued azure. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, langued azure, collared or. MottO — "La vie durante." Married, Dec. 14, 1895, Harriet Beatrice Lucy, youngest dau. of the Rev. Alfred Jones, D.D., late Vicar of Carrington, Cheshire. Residence — • Motto — "La vie durante." Married, Jan. 22, 1896, Con- stance, dau. of the late John Ashton Case of Thingwall Hall, Lancashire, and widow of Philip Ainslie Walker ot 79 Onslow Gardens. 5fa^ — High Legh Hall, near Knutsford, co. Ches- ter. Residence — 79 Onslow Gardens, S.W. Clubs — Carlton, Windham, Guards', Army and Navy, Wellington, Arthur's. ARTHUR MASTERTON ROBERTSON LEGH, second son of William John Renny, Esq., of Danevale, CO. Kirkcudbright, J. P., D.L., by his wife Julia Isabella, elder dau. of Arthur John Robertson, Esq., of Inshes, co. Inverness, J. P., D.L., and together with his wife assumed the name and arms of Legh by Royal Licence dated Aug. 9, 1897. Livery — Black and scarlet facings. Armorial bearings— Azure, two bars argent, over all a bend compony I ■■gules and or, a canton of the second (for difference), impaling ■^quarterly i and 4, azure, two bars argent, over all a bend compony gules (for Legh) ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron between three hanks of cotton argent (for Cotton). Mant- ling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head couped argent, armed and crined or, on the neck a cross patonce gules. Married Caroline Mary Florence, eldest dau. of Frederick Henry Cotton (eldest son of Rev. H. Stapleton Cotton) of Dalbury, co. Derby, and granddau. of the late Charles Richard Banastre Legh, Esq., of Adlington Hall, D.L., J. P. ; and has Issue — Cynthia Combermere. Seat — Adlington Hall, Maccles- field, CO. Chester. § HENRY MARTIN CORNWALL LEGH, Esquire, J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1884, late Lieut.-Col. Grenadier Guards. Born Nov. 14, 1839, being the only son of the late Rev. Henry Cornwall Legh, M.A. , Rector of Welsh Hampton, co. Salop, by his wife Mary, eldest dau. [of Martin Williams of Bryngwyn, co. Montgomery. Ar- ^aorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, a lion rani- Ipant gules, langued azure ; 2 and 3, argent, a lion rampant igules, within a bordure engrailed sable, bezantee. Mant- lUng gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, la demi-lion rampant gules, langued azure, collared or. S HUBERT CORNWALL LEGH, Esquire, Lt.-Col late King's Royal Rifle Corps, J. P. co. Salop. Born March 21, 1858, being the eldest son of the late Richard Cornwall Legh, Gentleman, byhis wifeThomasina Antonia, dau. of Frederick Sedley. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion rampant gules, langued azure. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, langued azure, collared or. Motto — ' ' La vie durante." Married, May 24, 1893, Edith Selina, eldest dau. of Henry Cavendish Cavendish of Chyknell, Salop. Estate — High Legh, Cheshire. Residence — Chyknell, Bridgnorth, Shropshire. Clubs — Naval and Military, Boodle's. NEVILLE EDMUND CORNWALL LEGH, Gentle- man. Born Jan. 16, 1854, being the only son of the late Edmund Cornwall Legh, Esq., C.B. , Col. late 97th Regt., by his wife Julia, second dau. of Neville Parker, Master of the Rolls at Frederickton, New Brunswick. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion rampant gules, langued azure. Mantling argent and gules. Crest— On a wieath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, langued azure, collared or. Motto — " La vie durante." Residence — SYDNEY CORNWALL LEGH, Gentleman, late Lieut. R.N. Born Oct. 31, 1862, being the second son of the late Richard Cornwall Legh, by his wife Thomasina Antonia, dau. of Frederick Sedley. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion rampant gules, langued azure. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, langued azure, collared or. Motto — "La vie durante." Residence — LE HUNTE, quartered by HUTCHINSON-LLOYD- VAUGHAN and LLOYD- VAUGHAN. Sir GEORGE RUTHVEN LE HUNTE, K.C.M.G., of Artramont, co. Wexford, Lieut. -Gov. of New Guinea, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Camb.), Barrister-at-Law, formerly President of the Island of Dominica, Member of the Executive Council of the Leeward Islands, and Colonial Secretary of Barbadoes. Born Aug. 20, 1852, being the eldest and only surviving son of the late George Le Hunte, Esq., of Artramont, co. Wexford, J. P. and D.L. , and High Sheriff 1837, M.A. Trin. Coll., Camb., by his wife Mary, fifth dau. of the Rt. Hon. Edward Pennefather, Lord Chief-Justice of Ireland. Armorial bearings— Vert, a saltire or. Mantling vert and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant or. MottO -" Parcere pro- stratis." Married, Feb. 14, 1884, Caroline Rachel, dau. of John Clowes of Burton Court, co. Hereford ; and has Issue— ]ohn Le Hunte, Gentleman, b. Aug. 11, 1886. Seat — Artramont, Castlebridge, co. Wexford. The Right Reverend FRANCIS HENRY THICK- NESSE, Bishop Suffragan of Leicester, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Doctor of Divinity. Born May 14, 1829, being the second son of the Reverend William Edward Coldwell, Master of Arts, Prebendary of Lich- field and Rector of Stafford, by his wife Mary, daughter of E. Norman ; and assumed by Royal License, in 1859, the surname and arms of Thicknesse only ; he was consecrated Bishop Suffragan of Leicester, 1888. Club — United Uni- versity. Armorial bearings — He bears for the arms of Thicknesse : Argent, a chevron sable fretty or, in chief the blade of a scythe azure, a canton of the second, the escutcheon being surmounted by his mitre. Married, firstly, July 3, 1854, Anne, only surviving child and heir of Ralph Anthony "Thicknesse, Esquire, of Beech Hill, in the county of Lancaster, Member of Parliament for Wigan ; and by her (who died 1886) has Issue — (i) Ralph Thicknesse, B.A., born September 25, 1856 [married, 1889, Lily, daughter of Robert William Haynes]; (2) the Reverend Francis Nor- is the Naval Cockade. 814 Lei Lei man Thicknesse, Bachelor of Arts, Rector of Abington, Northants, born August 9, 1858 : (3) Philip Coldwcll Tnick- nesse, lx>m January aS, i860 [married, April a8, 1891, Ehiisy Oakley, daughter of the late Dean of Manchester] ; (4) Raymond Kdward Thicknesse, born October 17, 1867 fniarried, January 3, 1889, Helen, daughter of Samuel Botterill of Cookshire. Canada] ; (5) John Audley Thick- nesse, bom Novemlicr 8, 1869 [married, Sept. 27, 1897, Phyllis Margaret, daughter of the late Henry Woodcock of Ha^wartTs Heath] ; Frances Annette Eleanor ; and Kathenne Edith Mary Isabel He married secondly, August a8, 1888, Agnes Beatrice Julia, fourth daughter of the Reverend Marsham Argles, Dean of Peterborough and Rector of Barnack, in the county of Northampton. Rest- tUmc* — Precincts, Peterborough. LEICESTER.WARREN(R.L9 Feb. 1899, H. Coll.). Quarterly, I., quarterly i and 4, chequy or and azure, on a canton gules, a lion rampant argent (Warren) ; a and 3, quarterly i. and iiii., azure, a fesse between three fleurs-de-lis or (Leicester); ii. and iii., azure, a fesse gules, fretty or, between three fleurs-de-hs of the last (Leicester) ; II., quarterly per fesse indented or and gules (Leighton) ; III., argent, three boar's heads couped close sable (Canibrey) ; IV,, azure, a lion rampant queue-fourchfe or (Stapleton) ; v., argent, a wyvern sable (Drake) ; VI., or, three bendlets gules; VII., azure, three escallops or (Malletti; VIII., azure, a chevron ermine between three fleurs-de-lis of the same (Burgh); IX., or, a lion rampant gules within a bordure engrailed sable (William, Lord of Mawddwy, fourth son of Griffith ap Wenunwin, Prince of Powis); X., gules, a lion rampant within a bordure indented or (Theodor) ; XI. , or, a raven sable (Corbet) ; XII. , gules, a bend between six pears erect or, stalked and leaved vert (Clopton) ; XIII., quarterly per fesse indented gules and or, in the first quarter a lion passant guardant argent (Besyn — quarterings II. to XIII. all being recorded Vn. of Shropshire, 1633), and on an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Davenport, viz. : argent, a chevron between three cross crosslets fitch^e sable. Orests — I. on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a wyvern argent, wings elevated chequy or and azure ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head erased vert (Leicester) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, a swan's head couped argent, gutt6-de-sang, beaked or (Leicester), Motto — " Tenebo." Yr. son of Sir Baldwin Leighton, 8th Bart. (1693), D.L., M.P., M.A., b. 1836; d. i6<)7\ m. 1864, Hon. Eleanor Leicester - Warren (Hon. Lady Leighton- Warren), d. of and Lord de Tabley : — Cuthbert Leicester- Warren (formerly Leighton), Esq., b. 1877 ; m. 1904, Hilda Marguerite (vide Davenport), only d. and h. of late Capt. E. Davenport of Davenport. Res. — Tabley House, Knutsford ; Davenport, nr. Bridg- north. LEIGH, quartered by HORDERN, HANBURY, and WHITE. LEIGH, see AUSTIN-LEIGH, W.ARD-BROUGH- TON-LEIGH. LEIGH OF Bagaley, quartered by HULLEY. LEIGH (U.O.). Argent, two bars azure, a bend corn- pony counter-compony gules and or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter hand lying fessewise couped at the wrist, holding a sword erect, impaling three gory human heads all proper. Mottoes— " En Dios se vince," " Conlan-a-bu. " Sons of Francis Augustine Leigh, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Rosegarland,co. Wexford (High Sheriff 1867), b. 1822; d. 1900; m. , Augustine, d. of Mons. Charles Perrier of Metz : — Francis Robert Leigh, Esq., J. P., late 3rd Batt. Roy. Irish Regt. b. 1853 ; m. 1903, Elizabeth Scott, d. of late Barton Bell of Blackball, Lanark. 5«a^— Rosegarland, New Ross, CO. Wexford. Edward Leigh, Esq., Capt. Hants Regt., b. 1867. Res. — LEIGH (c. 1540). Argent, on a chief embattled gules, three plates. Mantling gules .-\nd argent. wreath of the colours, a hmd passant argent. Crest— On a Son of Edward Leonard Leigh, Gentleman, of North- court House, Chatteris, m, Sarah, d. of Henry Dove of Neverston Hall, Debenham, Suffolk: — Edward Leonard Holmes Leigh, Gentleman, b. m. , Mary Anne Warth of Chatteris ; and has surv. issue — Christian Holmes Leigh, Gentleman, b. 1878;; Caioline ; Frances Warth ; Catherine Elizabeth ; Mary Ollyffe ; and Jane. Res. — Son of Alexander Leigh of Bouldner, Isle of Wight, b. 1824 ; d. 1872 ; m. 1852, Martha, d. of Henry Haslop of Cambridge : — Alexander Haslop Leigh, Gentleman, b. 20 March 1854 ; m. 1st, 3 Aug. 1881, Blanche (d. 1882), d. of John Pollit of Waterloo, Liverpool ; (2) 20 Nov. 1888, Edith Mary, d. of j Thomas Garneys Wales of Downham Market, Norfolk; and has issue — (i) Henry Leigh, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., b. i8 April 1882; (2) John Alexander Leigh, Gentleman, | b. 5 Aug. 1893; and Marjorie Wales. Seat — May field, ' Short lands, Kent. Ciub — Devonshire. LEIGH-WHITE (R.L., 26 July 1897, U.O.). Quarterly, 1 and 4, gules, an annulet or, within a bordure sable, charged with estoiles of the second, on a canton ermine, a lion rampant of the third (White) ; 2 and 3, or, a lion rampant gules (Leigh). Mantling gules and or. Crests — i. on a , wreath of the colours, a stork argent, beaked and membered or (White); 2. on a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested paly of five or and sable, cuffed argent, the hand proper, grasping the upper and lower fragments of a broken tilting-sjjear the point downwards proper. Mottoes — (Over second crest) "Force avec vertu;" (under arms) " The noblest motive is the public good." Livery — Claret ; and drab. Son of Egerton Leigh of High Leigh, Cheshire [q.v.), b. 1843; m. ist, 1874, Lady Elizabeth Mary Gore White [d. 1880,) d. of William Henry, 3rd Earl of Bantry : — Edward Egerton Leigh-White, Esq., J. P. co. Cork (High Sheriff 1903), B.A. (Oxon.), b. 1876; m, 1904, Arethusa Flora Gartside, d. of Peter Duff Hawker. Seats — Bantry House, and Glengariff Lodge, Bantry, co. Cork. Clubs — Windham, Wellington, Garrick, Kildare Street (Dublin). ARTHUR EGERTON LEIGH, Esquire, B.A. of Brasenose College, Oxford, and J. P. for Dorset. Born Nov. 6, 1853, being the fifth son of the late Egerton Leigh, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , late a Capt. 2nd Dragoon Guards, and afterwards Major and Brevet Lieut. -Col. ist Cheshire Militia, High Sheriff and M.P. for Mid-Cheshire, by his wife Lydia Rachel, dau. and coheir of John Smith Wright of Bulcote Lodge, Notts. Livery — Drab, red facings, brass is tlie Military Cockade. Lei Ui s^s 4i buttons. Armorial bearings— Or, a lion rampant gules. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested paly of five pieces or and sable, cuffed argent, the hand proper, grasping the upper and lower fragments of a broken tilting-sp)ear, the point upwards azure. Motto—" Force avec vertu." Married, 1882, Mary Louisa Hay, dau. of Robert Hay Murray, Esq., J. P.; and has Issue — Gladwys Mary Egerton. Estate — Bulcote, Notting- ham. Residence — The Manor House, Sherborne, Dorset. C/k(J— Wellington. EDWARD EGERTON LEIGH, Esquire, J. P. co. Gloucester, late Lieut. 2nd Dragoon Guards, Alderman Gloucestershire County Council. Bom July i, 1851, being the third son of the late Egerton Leigh, Esq., J. P. and D.L., late a Capt. 2nd Dragoon Guards, and afterwards Major nnd Brevet Lieut.-Col. ist Cheshire Militia, High Sheriff and M.P. for Mid-Cheshire, by his wife Lydia Rachel, dau. and coheir of John Smith Wright of Bulcote Lodge, Notts. Livery — Drab, red waistcoat. Armorial bearings— Or, a lion rampant gules, and impaling the arms of Edwards, namely azure, on a bend nebuly argent, cotised or, a fleur-de-lis between two martlets of the field. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested paly of five pieces or and sable, cuffed argent, the hand proper, grasping the upper and lower fragments of a broken tilting-spear, the point upwards azure. Motto — "Force avec vertu." Married, Sept. 17, 1874, Laura Maud, youngest dau. of Sir Henry Edwards, Bart., of Pye Nest, Halifax ; and has Issue— (1) John Eger- ton Leigh, Gentleman, b. 1876; (2) Henry Egerton Leigh, Gentleman, b. April 20, 1877. Seat — Broadwell Manor House, Stow-on-the-Wold, co. Gloucester. Club — Cavalry. S EGERTON LEIGH, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. co. Chester, High Sheriff 1882, late Capt. ist Royal Dragoons, A.D.C. Born July 13, 1843, being the eldest son of the late Egerton Leigh, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , late a Capt. 2nd Dragoon Guards, and afterwards Major and Brevet Liout.-Col. ist Cheshire Militia, High Sheriff 1872, M.P. for Mid-Cheshire from 1873 to 1876, and his wife Lydia Rachel, dau. and coheir of John Smith Wright of Bulcote Lodge, Notts. Armorial bearings— Or, a lion rampant gules. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested paly of five pieces or and sable, cuffed argent, the hand proper, grasping the upper and lower fragments of a broken tilting-spear, the point upwards azure. Motto— " P'orce avec vertu." Married, firstly, Aug. 5, 1874, the Lady Elizabeth Mary Gore Hedges- White, eldest dau. of Rt. Hon. William Henry, 3rd Earl of Bantry; and by her had Issue — (i) Edward Egerton Leigh, Gentleman, b. June 23, 1876; and Margaret Elizabeth Egerton [>«. , April 1899, Richard Oliver Marton, R.A.]. He married secondly. May 7, 1889, Violet Cecil Mary, second dau. of Col. Alfred Tippinge of Longparish House, Whitchurch, Hants; and has Issue — (2) Cecil Egerton Leigh, Gentleman, b. Sept. 28, 1890 ; and Cynthia Egerton. Seats — West Hall, High Leigh, near Knutsford ; Jodrell Hall, Holmes Chapel, and Twemlow Hall, Holmes Chapel, Chester. Chtbs — Carlton, Arthur's, Cavalry. The Reverend NEVILL EGERTON LEIGH, Clerk Holy Orders, M. A. Born Sept. 2, 1852, being the fourth son of the late Egerton Leigh, Esq., J. P. and D.L., late a Capt. 2nd Dragoon Guards, and afterwards Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1st Cheshire Militia, High Sheriff and M.P. for Mid-Cheshire, by his wife Lydia Rachel, dau. and coheir of John Smith Wright of Bulcote Lodge, Notts. Armorial bearings — Or, a lion rampant gules. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested paly of five pieces or and sable, cuffed argent, the hand proper, grasping the upper and lower fragments of a broken tilting-spear, the point upwards azure. MottO — "" "orce avec vertu. " Postal address — " j ROGER LEIGH, Esq., Lord of the Manor of Orrell, in D. Lancaster, J. P. Kent and Lancashire, M.P. for Rochester S80 to 1885. Born April 27, 1840, being the adopted son the late Sir Robert Holt Leigh, Bart., of Hindley Hall. Je s. to the estates in 1868, under the will of Sir R. Holt eigh, Bart. , at the death of Thomas, Lord Kingstown (who id a life interest in them). Armorial bearings — Gules, : cross engrailed argent, between four lozenges ermine, distinction a canton or. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, holding between the paws a lozenge argent, charged with a rose gules, and charged on the shoulder for distinction with a cross patde or. Married, ist. May 29, 1861, Elizabeth Jane (who died July 30, 1894), eldest daughter of Thomas Eden Blackwell, 91st Royal Argyllshire Highlanders, and granddau. of Gen. Blackwell, C. B. ; and by her had Issue — Margaret Caroline ; Amabel Frances Louisa, deceased ; Mary Etheldreda ; and Emma Lindsay. He married secondly, 1885, Agatha Elizabeth, only dau. of the late Alfred Shaw. Seats — Hindley Hall, Wigan ; Barham Court, Maidstone. Residence — 70 Courtfield Gardens, S.W. WILLIAM LEIGH, Esquire, J. P. for co. Gloucester. Born Sept. 23, 1829, being the eldest son of the late William Leigh, Esq., D.L. for the cos. of Lancaster and Stafford, and J. P. for Stafford, by his wife Caroline, fifth dau. of Sir John Geers Cotterell, Bart. , of Garnons, co. Hereford. Armorial bearings — Gules, a cross engrailed argent, in the first quarter a lion rampant or, and in the second a lozenge of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lozenge gules, charged with a unicorn's head couped argent, armed and crined or. Married, June 25, 1859, Mary Victoria, dau. of Thomas Jarrett of Madras, Barrister-at-Law ; and has Issue — (i) Francis William Leigh, Gentleman, b. July 4, i860 ; (2) Henry Vincent Leigh, Gentleman, b. March i, 1867; (3) Arthur Hubert Leigh, Gentleman, b. March 21, 1869, d. June 12, 1869 ; (4) Bertrand Charles Leigh, Gentleman, b. Jan. 27, 1871 ; Mary Blanche ; and Beatrice Csecilia. Seat — Woodchester Park, Stonehouse, co. Gloucester. BERTIE EDWARD PARKER LEIGHTON, Esquire, Capt. ist Royal Dragoons. Born Nov. 26, 1875, being the only son of the late Stanley Leighton, Esq., M.P. for the Western Div. of co. Salop, Barrister-at-Law, F.S.A. , J. P. and D.L. co. Salop, J. P. co. Montgomery, by his wife Jessie Marie, dau. and co-heir of Henry Bertie Watkin Williams- Wynn, Esq., of Nanty-Meiched, co. Montgomery. Armorial bearings — Quarterly per fesse indented or and gules ; and for his Crest, a wyvern with wings expanded sable. Motto — " Dread shame." Residence — Sweeney Hall, Oswestry. LEIGHTON (18 Nov. 1837). Argent, a lion rampant gules supporting between the paws a sword erect proper, pommel and hilt or, a chief embattled azure, thereon a plate (representing the Seringapatam medal) between two leopard's faces gold. MantlUlg gules and argent. Crest — Out of a mural crown argent, a tiger's head vert, striped and crowned with an Eastern crown or. Motto — "Light on." Son of Gen. Sir David Leighton, K.C. B. , b. 1774; d. i860 ; m. 1818, Isabella Constantia, d. of Henry Thomas Williams : — David Clarance Russel Leighton, Esq., late of H.M's. Indian Civil Service, d. 1826 ; fn. 1849, Jane, d. of Capt. Andrew Creagh of Limerick; and has issue — (i) David Edmund William Leighton, Esq., b. 1851 ; (2) Clarance Frank Leighton, Gentleman, b. 1859 [m. Jessie, d. of late Jean Franqois Midville of Duncroft, Staines; and has issue — David Leighton, Gentlemnn, b. 1900; Jessica Maude Mary ; and Jeannie Claudine. Res. — Aylesford House, St. Albans] ; Mary Flora [m. Arthur Hume-Spry, H. M. I. C.S., deceased] ; and Jane Creagh. Post. add. — Charlton Kings, Cheltenham. Clubs — E.I. United Service, New (Cheltenham). LEIGH-CLARE, see CLARE. LEIR, see WILKINS-LEIR. Major-General RICHARD LANGFORD LEIR- CARLETON, J. P. cos. of Somerset and Hanti; assumed the additional surname and the arms of Carleton by Royal Licence 1899. Bom Aug. 21, 1841, being the eldest son of the late Rev. William Marriott Leir, M.A. , Clerk in Holy Orders, of Ditcheat Priory, Somerset, by his wife Mary Ann, only dau. of Edward Langford of Trungle Manor, Cornwall. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a bend sable, three pheons argent (for Carleton), and upon an escutcheon of pretence for and in right of his wife (the Baroness Dorchester) the same arms of Carleton, the escutcheon of pretence being surmounted by the coronet of her rank. is tlie Naval Cockade. 8»tf lei Hen Mantling sable and argent. Omt — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed proper, vested above the elbow gules, edged argent, the hand grasping an arrow in liend sinister, point downwards also proper. MottO — "Quondam his vicimus armis." Upon the sinister side of his achievement is displayed that of the Haroness Dorchester, vi». on a lofenge, surmounted by the coronet of her rank, the alwveiiKntionrd arms of Carleton ; and for Sixp- portan, on eitlier side a beaver proper, the dexter gorged with a mural and the sinister with a naval coronet both or, Afarried, Nov. lo, 1887. the Rt. Hon. Henrietta Anne, 1st Baroness Dorchester of Dorchester, co. Oxford (creation, Aug. 2, 1899), who assumed for herself and her issue the surname and arms of Carleton only. She is the elder dau. and coheir of the Rt. Hon. Guy Carleton, 3rd Baron Dor- chester (creation, Aug. ai, 1776), cousin of the 4th Baron I>orchester, who d. Nov. 13, 1897, and widow (by whom she has issue) of the late Francis Paynton Pigotl (properly Pigott-Stainsby-Conant) of Banbury, co, Oxford. Seat — Ditcheat Priory, co. Somerset. LEITH, see FORBES-LEITH. H ALEXANDER HENRY LEITH, Esquire, of Glen- S9 kindie, co. Aberdeen, J. P. and D.L. for that county, Capt. 3rd Batt. Gordon Highlanders, late Lieut. Welsh Regt. Bom July 37, 1866, being the elder but only sur- vivmg son of the late General Robert William Disney Leith C. B. , of Glenkindie and Westhall, Aberdeenshire, Col. of the Worcester Regt., J. P. and D.L. co. Aberdeen, by his wife Mary Charlotte Julia, only child and heir of Sir Henry Percy Gordon, and Bart, (extinct), of Knockespock, N.B., and Northcourt, Isle of Wight (by his wife Lady Mary Agnes Blanche, dau. of the Rt. Hon. George Ashburnham, 3rd Earl of .^shburnham). Armorial bearingrs— Quarterly I and 4, grand quarters quarterly L and iiii. , or, a cross crosslet fitch^ sable between three crescents in chief and as many fusils in base barways gules, within a bordure azure (for Leith) ; ii. and iii. , azure, a hart tripping or, attired and unguled gules (for Strachan of Glenkindie) ; 2 and 3, grand quarters quarterly i. and iiii., azure, a rose argent, between three boars' heads erased or (for Gordon) ; ii. and iii. , gules, a tilting-spear proper fesseways between three ancient crowns or (for Grant) ; the second and third grand quarters within a bordure quarterly argent and or embattled. Mantling: sable, doubled or. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a hart at gaze proper. Motto— " Trusty to the end." Mar- ried, 1893, Mildred Katherine (rf. 1894), dau. of Gen. Stuart Nicholson, C.B., R.A. ; and has /wtt«— Mildred Katherine. 5«/— Glenkindie, Aberdeenshire. Club — Army and Navy. LEITH-BUCHANAN (matric. L.O., 22 June 1904, regd. H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, or, a cross crosslet fitch^ sable between three crescents in chief and as many fusils in base gules (Leith, c. 1672-7) ; 2. or, a lion rampant sable, holding in its dexter paw a man's heart proper, within a double tressure flory counterflory of the second, a bordure compony argent and azure (Buchanan) ; 3. quarterly, i. argent, a lion rampant gules, armed or ; ii. or, a dexter hand couped in fesse holding a cross crosslet fitch^ in pale gules ; iii. or, a lymphad oars in saltire sable, and in base undy vert, a salmon naiant argent ; iiii. argent, an oak-tree vert, surmounted by an eagle displayed or, the third grand quarter within a border invected gules (Macdonald). Mant- llngs— Dexter, gules, doubled or ; sinister, sable, doubled or. Crests — Dexter, on a wreath of the liveries, a cross crosslet fitchte sable (Motto— "Trusty to the end"); sinister, on a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand holding a sword (Motto — "God with my right "). Son of Capt. Sir George Hector Leith-Buchanan, 4th Bart., b. 1833 ; d. 1903 ; m. 2nd, i86r, Eliza Caroline, only child of Thomas Tod of Drygrange : — Sir Alexander Wellesley George Thomas Leith-Buchanan, Sth Bart. (21 Nov. 1775), J. P. and D.L. Dumbartonsh,, b. 1866 ; m. 1888, Maude Mary, d. of Alexander Grant of Glasgow ; and has issue — (i) George Hector Macdonald Leith-Buchanan, Esq., b. 1889; (2) Alexander Wellesley Grant Leith-Buchanan, Esq., b. 1890. Seats — Ross Priory, CO. Dumbarton, Drumnakill, co Stirling. Club — University (Edinburgh.) M JOHN LEITH-ROSS, Esquire, late Lieut. -Col. com- w manding the King's Own Scottish Borderers, and at present Colonel commanding the 20th Regimental District. Dom April 16, 1845, being the eldest son of the late John I>cith-Ross, Esq., of Arnage, J. P., by his wife Nicola, dau. of William Arbuthnot of I)ens. Armorial bearings Quarterly 1 and 4, or, three water-bougets sable, a bordure of the second ; a and 3, quarterly, i. and iiii. or, a cross cross- let fitch(*e sable, between three crescents in chief and as many fusils in Ixxse barways gules, all within a bordure azure (for Leith of Frcefield); ii. and iii. azure, a stag trippant or, attired and unguled gules (for Strachan of (ilenkindie). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befiiling his degree, wiih a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crest, un a cap of maintenance a water-bouget sable. Mottoes (above the crest) — " Agnoscar eventu ;" (IxjIow the shield) " Virtue have virtue. " Married , Oc\.. 1878, Janet Forbes, dau. of William Lamond of Stranduff ; and has \\vlA. Issue— (i) John Leith-Ross, Gentleman, b. 1879 (''• 1880); (a) William Leith-Ross, Gentleman, b. Nov. 14, 1884 ; and Elena Violet. Seats— Am> Castle, Ellon, N.B. ; and Bank House, Elton, Bury, Lanes. S GEORGE COSBY LENDRUM, Esq., J. P., D.L., CO. Fermanagh, High Sheriff 1875, J. P. co. Tyrone, High Sheriff 1882. Born April aa, 1846, being the eldest son of James Lendrum, Esq,, of Magheracross, J. P. and D.L. for COS. Fermanagh and Tyrone, High Sheriff co. Fermanagh 1835, and co. Tyrone 1837, B.A. (Cantab.) 1830 (Trin. Coll. ), by his wife Anne, eldest dau. of Samuel Vesey of Derrabard. Armorial beartngs — Gules, three garbs or, on a chief argent, as many woolpacks sable. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a dove holding an olive branch in its beak all proper. Motto — "Lapaix." Mar- ried, Dec. 10, 1878, Antoinette Frances, eldest dau. of Antoine Sloet Butler, Esq., C.B. , late Capt. 7th Dragoon Guards ; and has Issue— (1) James Butler Lendrum, Gentle- man, b. Sept. 14, 1880; (2) George Dalur Lendrum, Gentle- man, b. Aug. 5, 1882; (3) Marcus Beresford lendrum. Gentleman, b. Oct. 11, 1883; (4) Alan Cane Lendiuni, Gentleman, ^. July 11, 1885; and Anne. 5sa^— Maghera- cross (the ancient name restored), Ballinamallard, co. Fermanagh. LENNARD, see BARRETT-LENNARD. LENNOX, quartered by VERSCHOYLE, CHIN- NERY-HALDANE, STUART, STUART- RICHARD- SON, and HALDANE. LENNOX, see BATblMAN-HANBURY-KINCAI LENNOX. SJOHN MAITLAND LENNOX, Esquire, Captain; and His Majesty's Inspector of Prisons. II Ptltint* ^"''"^ J"'y ^' ''833, being the fourth son of »L/Xflll\\fA, tj^g Right Honourable George Lennox, com- monly known as Lord George Lennox, by Louisa his wife, daughter of Captain John Rodney, com- monly known as the Honourable John Rodney, of the Royal Navy. Club — Army and Navy. Armonal bear- ings — He tears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, France and England quarterly; 2. Scotland; 3. Ireland, being the arms of His Majesty King Charles II., all within a lx)rdure compony argent and gules, charged with eight roses of the last, barbed and seeded proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion guardant or, ducally crowned gules, and gorged with a collar compony of four pieces argent ami gules, charged with two roses of the last ; with the Motto— "En la rose je fleiwie." Postal address — 2 Shelley Court, Chelsea, S,W. Club — Army and Navy. S SUSSEX WILLIAM LENNOX, Esquire, and Lieu- tenant-General. Bom January 2, 1831, being the second son of Sussex Lennox, Esquire, commonly known as Lord Sussex Lennox, by his wife Mary Margaret, com- monly known as the Honourable Mary Margaret, daughter of the Right Honourable Valentine Broune Lawless, second Baron Cloncury. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, quarterly France and England ; 2. Scotland ; 3. Ireland, being the arms of His Majesty King Charles II., all within a bordure compony argent and gules, charged with eight roses of the second, barbed and seeded proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting i is tbe Military Cockade. Len tt0 827 his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion guar- dant or, ducally crowned gules, and gorged with a collar compony of four pieces argent and gules, charged with two roses of the last ; with the Motto, " En la rose je fleurie." Married, October 15, 1867, Eleanor Jane, daughter of W. H. Peters of Harefield, near Lympstone, in the county of Devon. Postal address — 23 Elm Park Gardens, London. S.W. J. NUGENT LENTAIGNE, Esq., J.P. for co. DubHn, Barrister-at-Law, Clerk of the Crown and Hanaper, and Permanent Secretary to Lord Chancellor of Ireland. Bom 1847, being the eldest son of the late the Right Honour- able Sir John Lentaigne. C.B., P.C., D.L. Club— Stephen's Green (Dublin). Armorial bearings— Quarterly I and 4, or, on a chevron azure, between three martlets sable, a fleur-de-lis of the field, a chief of the second charged with three mullets argent (for Lentaigne) ; 2. argent, two lions rampant combatant supporting a sinister hand couped at the wrist gules, in chief three estoiles of the last, in base in waves of the sea a salmon naiant all proper (for O'Neill); 3. sable, a bend and in chief a tower argent (for Plunkett). Crest — A dove with wings addorsed proper, holding in its bill a fleur-de-lis or, and charged on the breast with a mullet azure; on an escroll above it, " Pro fide rege et patria pugno." Motto — " Dieu Ayde." Seat — Tallaght, CO. Dublin. ALFRED JOHN ADOLPHUS LEPPER, Gentleman, second son of Robert Stewart Lepper, late of Trainfield House, Belfast, co, Antrim. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a saltire ermine, between in chief a spur erect and leathered or, in fesse two leopards' faces of the last, and in base a crane argent, an annulet of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the coiours, out of a crown vallery or, a demi-leopard guardant proper, holding between the paws a rose gules, barbed and seeded also proper. Motto — " Ducente Deo." Residence — The " Rhanbuoy," co. Antrim. JAMES HENRY LERMITTE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Middlesex. Born ¥T |>i**Y)tH-<> September 21, 1822, being the eldest son of ILvlUIHlv the late James Lermitte, of Friern Barnet and Finchley, in the county of Middlesex, by his wife Elizabeth Stainforth, daughter of John Rhodes of Cromwell Hall, Finchley. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Vert, a string of nine beads or chevron- vise between three cinquefoils argent, in the centre a garb Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting Us degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, ^pon a wreath of the colours, a hermit habited in russet, esting the dexter hand on a staff proper, holding in the pnister hand a cross pat^e from the wrist a rosary or. lotto — "Dieu le veut." Married, firstly, September 4, I856, Harriett Deborah, daughter of the late Isaac Sutton Cooper, Esquire, of Park Hall, Finchley, in the county of Middlesex, who died February 26, 1874 ; and secondly, November 5, 1874, Susannah, daughter of the late Thomas Gordon Littlewood, Esquire, of Lincoln's Inn, in the county of Middlesex ; and has Issue by his first marriage — (i) Henry James Lermitte, Esquire, Captain Royal Scots Fusiliers, formerly Lieutenant 5th Dragoon Guards, born September 11, 1858 [married, January 26, 1892, Susan Ismay, only child of William Henry West, Esquire, Justice of the Peace of Farmley, in the county of Wexford] ; (2) Arthur Cooper Lermitte, Gentleman, born January 27, 1863, died September 22, 1864 ; (3) Sidney Herbert Ler- mitte, Gentleman, born May 9, died November 13, 1864 ; (4) Ernest Edwin Lermitte, Gentleman, born July 29, 1865 ; (5) Horace Augustus Lermitte, Gentleman, born December 5, 1867 ; (6) Claude Sutton Lermitte, Gentle- man, born December 22, 1869 ; (7) Hugh Douglas Ler- mitte, Gentleman, born October 22, 1872 ; Mary Elizabeth [married, October 22, 1881, Alleyne Alfred Boxall (now Baron Boxall, q.v.), and has issue]; and Harriett Louisa [married, February 6, 1889, Thomas Field Dunscomb- bridge. Esquire, Major Royal Marine Light Infantry. Seat — Knightons, Finchley. Residence — LESCHALLAS, see PIGE-LESCHALLAS. FRANK HARWOOD LESCHER, Gentleman, Com- mander of the Order of Christ. Born July 25, 1842, being the eldest son of the late Joseph Sidney Lescher, by his wife Sarah, only daughter of William Harwood of Bristol. Armorial bearings — Or, a cross gules, on a chief azure a stork argent, beaked and legged of the second. Mant- ling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a bugle-horn sable, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, garnished or, entwined by a serpent, the hand grasping a dagger fessevvays, the point to the dexter all proper. Motto — " Singulariter in spe." Mar- ried, Oct. 16, 1873, Mary O'Conor Graham, dau. of Patrick Grehan, Esq., J. P., of Mount Plunket, co. Ros- common, by Frances his wife, dau. of John Pitchford of Stratford, Essex; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Edward Lescher, Gentleman, b. June 12, 1877 ; (2) Frank Graham Lescher, Gentleman, b. May 19, 1888 ; Mary Carmela Anne ; and Mercedes Adela. Residence — 31 Devonshire Place, W. Clubs — Conservative, and City of London. S JOSEPH FRANCIS LESCHER, Esq., J.P. and D.L. cos. Essex, London, Middlesex, and West- minster, High Sheriff 1885-86. Born Aug. 6, 1842, being the eldest son of the late Joseph Samuel Lescher, Esq., of Boyles Court, J, P., D.L., and High Sheriff 1862, by his wife Martha, dau. of John Hoy of Stoke Lower House, Suffolk. C/k(5— Reform. Armorial bearings — Or, a cross gules, on a cliief azure, a stork argent, beaked and legged of the second. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bugle-horn sable, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, garnished or, en» twined by a serpent, the hand grasping a dagger fesseways, the point towards the dexter also proper, pommel and hilt or. Motto — "Singulariter in spe." Married, May 7, 1875, Mira Charlotte, only child of Capt. Wm. Hankey, 9th Lancers, by Charlotte Cecile his wife, dau. of the Marquis d'Estampes; and has Issue — Mira Monica Beata ; and Vironica Phelomena. 5eaif— Boyles Court, near Brentwood, Essex. ROBERT JOSEPH LESCHER, Gentleman. Born Aug. 18, 1888, being the son of the late Herman Joseph Sidney Lescher, by his wife Mary Agnes, dau. of Robert Wilson, M.A. Armorial bearings— Or, a cross gules, on a chief azure, a stork argent, beaked and legged of the second. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a bugle-horn sable, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, garnished or, entwined by a serpent, the hand grasping a dagger fesseways, the point towards the dexter also proper, pommel and hilt or. Motto — " Singulariter in spe." S ARCHIBALD YOUNGE LESLIE, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. for the co. of Banff, late Lieut. -Col. Com- manding ist Batt. the Cameron Highlanders. Born April 19. 1843, eldest son of the late George Abercromby Leslie, Esq. , thirteenth Laird of Kininvie, /. P. and D. L. Clubs —United Service, New (Edinburgh). Z,»V«r)/— Blue, faced is the Mayal Cockade. • tttf iLe0 with yellow. Annorlal beaiingt— Argent, on a fessc azure, three buckles or, within a bordure indented of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his de- gree, with n ni.intling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Greet, a griflin proper, holding in the dexter talon a buckle or ; and in an escroll above this the Motto, " Quae juncta firma." Alarried, June 1868, Alice (d. 1895), dau. of Col. Richard Cautley ; and has Issue — (1) George Stewart Leslie, Esq., Capt. 8th Imperial Yeomanry, J. P. and D.L. co. Banff, b. 1872; (3) Archibald Stewart Leslie, Gentleman, M.A. (Oxon. ), b. 1873 ; (3) Walter Stewart Leslie, Gentleman, Lieut. Royal W. Kent Regt., b. 1876; (4) Norman Stewart Leslie, Gentleman, b. 1877 ; (5) Francis Stewart Leslie, Gentleman, b. 1879 ; and Dorothy. Estates — Kininvie, Tullich, and Lesmurdie, co. Banff. Postal address — Kininvie, Dufftown, Scotland. SJOHN LESLIE, Esquire, formerly Lieut, .i;th Fusi- liers and Capt. Donegal Militia. Born May 31, 1839, being the only son of the late Francis Charles Leslie (formerly Beers) of Ballyward, co. Down, and Kincraigie, CO. Donegal (who assumed by Royal Licence, 1850, the surname and arms of Leslie in lieu o( his patronymic), by his wife Hannah Theodosia, dau. of Lieut. -Col. Charles Thompson of the 27th Regimcni. /-./'jr/7— Blue, with silver lace ; and for dress : blue plush breeches. Armorial boarlngB— Argent, on a fesse between two cross crosslcls fitch^e azure, three buckles or, a crescent gules for differ- ence ; and impaling the arms of Barclay, namely azure, a chevron between three crosses pat^ or. Usuitllng azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, ;i ^;riffln's head couped proper, charged with a cross crosslet tiichde azure. Motto — " Firma spe." Married, Feb. 11, 1862, Harriet Anne, third dau. of Sir David William Barclay, Bart. ; and has Issue — May Florence de Rune \m. , Aiij;. 9, 1888, Col. Frank Robert Lowth, C.B.. late Lincolnshirr Regt., and has issue]. iVa/— Ballyward Lodge, C.istlc- wellan, co. Down. M ROBERT CHARLES LESLIE, Esquire, J. P. and Cf D.L. Born Nov. 30, 1828, being the eldest son of Arthur French of Frenchpark, by his wife Emily Eleanora Wilhelmina, sole surviving child and heiress of Charles AHiert l^slie of Ballybay, under whose will his alwvc- mcntioned grandson assumed by Royal License the name and arms of Leslie only. Livery — White, with light blue facings. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent on a bend azure, three buckles or (for Leslie) ; 2 and 3, argent, a lion rampant sable (for Abernethy). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree. Mant- ling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the coloiirs, an angel affront6e proper. Motto— " Grip fast." Married, Jan. 6, 1867, Charlotte Philippa Mary, dau. of Captain Edward Kelso of Kelsoland, and Horkesley Park ; and has Issue— [i) Theodore Barrington Norman Leslie, Gentle- man, 2nd Lieut. 3rd Batt. Grenadier Guards, b. Feb. 2, 1878, d. on service in S. Africa Dec. 4, 1899; (2) John Henry Edward Leslie, Gentleman, b. Aug. 11, 1880; and Mabel Edith [/«., May 1899, John Vesey Foster- Vesey- Fitzgerald, K.C.]. i5"j/a/w— Kilclief, co. Down; Ballybay, CO. Monaghan. Postal addresses — Ballybay, Ireland; 22 Cornwall Gardens, S.W. Club — Carlton. is the Military Cockade. < ILeief leiDi 829 WILLIAM LESLIE, Gentleman. Armorial bearings — Parted per pale argent and or, on a bend azure, between two crosses flory gules, three buckles of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin proper. Motto—" Grip fast." Seat — Nethermuir, Aberdeen. LESLIE (U.O. ). Quarterly, i and 4, argent, on a bend azure, three buckles or (Leslie) ; 2 and 3, argent, a lion I rampant sable (Abernethy). Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an angel proper. Motto — " Grip fast." Livery — Sky blue, silver buttons. Sons of Seymour Montague Leslie, Gentleman, b. 1835 ; d. 1891 ; m. ist, 1866, Louisa [d. 1869), d. of William Graham of Fitzharris, Berks; 2nd, 1878, Sarah Alice, d. of George Vincent of Westminster : — James Graham Leslie, Esq., J P. and D.L. co. Antrim, Barrister-at-Law, b. 1868 ; 7n. 1901, Grace, only d. of J. Lamont Brodie ; and has issue — Seymour Argent Sandford Leslie, Gentleman, b. 1902. Seats — Leslie Hill, Bally- money, CO. Antrim ; Seaport Lodge, Port Ballintrae, Bushmills. Chambers — 3 Hare Court, Temple, E.G. Edmund Vincent Leslie, Gentleman, b. 1879. Res. — Meota, N.W.T., Canada. Yr. son of James Edmund Leslie, Esq., J. P., D.I^. , of Leslie Hill and Seaport Lodge, co. Antrim (High Sheriff 1854), b. 1800; d. 1881 ; m. 1823, Sarah, d. of Rt. Rev. Daniel vSandford, D.D., Bishop of Edin- burgh : — Francis Macnaghten Leslie, Esq., Capt. and Hon. "Major [late 4th Batt. R. Irish Rifles, late Lieut. H.E.I.C.S., and in H.M.'s 105th, 103rd, and 63rd Regts. , b. 1838. Res. — Eirianfa, St. Asaph. CHARLES STEPHEN LESLIE-DUGUID, Gentle- uan. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure, three rosses pat^e argent (for Duguid) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a sse azure, three buckles or (for Leslie). Crest — On a freath of his liveries, a dove, holding an olive branch in fcr beak proper. Motto — " Patientia et sep." Seats- fettemear, Balquhain, and Auchenhove, Aberdeenshire ; lassop Hall, Derbyshire ; Slindon House, Sussex. LESLIE-ELLIS (matric. L.O., Ped. H, Coll.). Quar- terly, I and 4, gules, on a fesse argent, between three crescents or, as many escallops azure, on a canton of the third a garb vert (Ellis, Confn. U.O.); 2 and 3, argent, on a bend azure, between two spur-revels gules, three buckles or (Leslie of Pitcaple, L.O.). Mantlings— Dexter, gules and argent ; sinister, azure and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of his liveries, a dolphin naiant embowed argent, charged with an escallop as in the arms (Motto over — " Non sine jure") (Ellis); 2. on a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased with wings addorsed proper (Motto over— " Grip fast") (Leslie). Livery (un- dress) — Dark blue, silver buttons, crimson facings and vest. Eld. son of Robert Francis Ellis, Esq., of Maghery- more, co. Wicklow, M.A. Trin. Coll., Dub., J. P. co. Wicklow (High Sheriff 1868, High Sheriff co. Monaghan 1867) ; b. 1822 ; d. 1899 ; m. 1851, Elizabeth Mary, d. of James Hawkins of St. Fentons, co. Dublin : — Henry Leslie- Ellis (formerly Ellis), Esq., D.L. co. Wicklow (High Sheriff 1902), J.P., F.S.A., F.R.G.S., Lt.-Col. late Royal Bucks Hussars, formerly Major Inniskilling Dragoons, b. 1852 ; in. 1894, Margaret, d. of late Rev. Septimus RoUeston, Rector of St. Minver, Cornwall ; and has issue — (i) Francis RoUeston Leslie Leslie- Ellis, Gentleman, b. 1895 ; (2) John Lancelot Leslie-Ellis, Gentleman, b. 1902; (3) Charles Stanhope Leslie-Ellis, Gentleman, b. 1904 ; and Joan Leslie. iVa/— Maghery- more, co. Wicklow. Clubs — Army and Navy, Wellington, Kildare Street (Dublin). L'ESTRANGE, quartered by ASTLEY. L' ESTRANGE (U.O., 1589). Gules, two lions passant guardant argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest^On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant guardant or. Motto — " Memento niei." Livery— Q.\\ozo\2lX& or claret. Sons of Frederick L' Estrange, Lieut. R.N., b. 1798; d. 1871 ; m. 1829, Frances Amelia, d. of John Matthews, Vicar Choral St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin : — Francis Adolphus L'Estrange, Esq., Lt.-Col. (ret.) Army Med. Staff, b. 1842 ; m. 17 Sept. 1879, Annie, eld. d. of late Hon. William Macdonald, Custos R., of Water Valley and Moore Hall Estates, St. Mary's, Jamaica. Res. — Istalia, Ailesbury Road, Dublin , Ireland. Albert Halahan L'Estrange, Esq., Lt.-Col. (ret.) R.A.M.C, b. 1844; m. 1886. Martha Elizabeth, d. of Henry Alexander Taylor ; and has issue — (i) Frederick Henry Paget L'Estrange, Gentleman, b. 1888 ; (2) Francis Albert L'Estrange, Gentleman, b. 1889 ; (3) Henry Rowland L'Estrange, Gentleman, b. 1889 (twin with his brother) ; (4) Albert Cecil Taylor L'Estrange, Gentleman, b. 1891. Res. — Harry ville, Eglinton Road, Donnybrook, Dublin. is tbe Naval Cockade. 830 Itfi Let M HAMON LE STRANGE. Esquire. J. P. and D.L.. O M.A.. F.S.A., one oflhe Chairmen of Quarter Sessions for Norfolk (HiRh Sheriff 1880), for some years a Secretary in H.M. Diplomatic Service ; dropp.-d the surname of Styli'- man May i. 1874. Bom Nov. 25. 1840. being the eldest son of the late Henry I'Estrange Styleman le Strange. Es(j.. ].V. and D.L.. Capt. ist Norfolk Militia, by his wife Jamesina Joyce Ellen, youngest dau. and eventually co- heiress of John Stewart, Ks(\., M.l\, of Belladrum. co. Inverness. Armorial bearing* -Quarterly, i. quarteily i. and iiii. , gules, two lions {xissant in pale argent (for I^ Strange); ii. and iii., sable, a unicorn statant or, on a chief of the last, three billets of the first (for Styleman) ; 3. the same arms of Styleman ; 3. the same arms of Le Strange ; 4. or, a maunch gules (for Hastings). Mantling gules and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a lion statant, tail extended or (for Le Strange) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a bear's head erased azure, bezant^e, collared and chained or (for Styleman). Hotto — " Mihi parta tueri." Married, Dec. 20. 1866. at Boston, Emme- line, dau. of William Austin of Boston, Massachusetts, U.S. ; and has /ssue — (i) Roland le Strange, Esq., J. P. and D.L. CO. Norfolk, Lite Lieut. P.W.O. Norfolk Artillery, i. in Paris, March 3. 1869 [»»., Oct. 22, 1891. the Hon. Agneta Frances Delaval, dau. of the Rev. Delaval Loftus, loth Baron Hastings ; and has issue. Charles Alfred le Strange, Gentle- man, 6. Etec. 9, 1892 (to whom H.R.H. Duke Alfred of Saxe- Coburg stood sponsor)] ; (2) Rev. Austin le Strange, M.A., Rector of Great Ringstead, Suffolk, 6. May 22, 1874 [m., 1903, Katherine Ellen Grey, dau. of Rev. and Hon. Hugh Wynne Mostyn, Rector of Buckworth, Hunts] ; (3) Eric le Strange, Gentleman, d. Jan. 20, 1878; Emmeline [m., Jan. 22, 1898, Capt. Charles Harcourt Wood, late 15th Hussars, of Carleton Lodge, Pontefract, and Caerberis, Bui'.th, S. Wales] ; Maud ; and Sibyl, twin with her sister. Seat — Hunstanton Hall, Norfolk. Residence — i Eaton Place, S.W. Clubs — Brooks's, Athenasum. {Supporters (v»«. dexter a stag argent, with a lion's fore- paws and tail, collared ; and sinister, a lion gules) are used, but they are not of official authority.] The Reverend SAVILE RICHARD WILLIAM L'ESTRANGE - MA- vemmsz-m^om h?IlS: St'of d2 ton-Holme, sometime Vicar-Choral of Armagh Cathedral, and Chaplain to the Primate of Ireland, a Minor Canon of Worcester Cathedral, 1881-1885, eldest son of Edmund L'Estrange of Tynte Lodge, in the county of Leitrim, by his wife Harriet Susan Beresford, commonly known as Lady Harriet Susan Beres- ford, daughter of the late Frederick Lumley-Savile, Esquire, of Tickhiil Castle, in the county of York, and sister of the Right Honourable the ninth Earl of Scarlwrough. /.ivery —Scarlet and while or cream. Armorial beaiings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules two lions passant in pale argent (for L'Estrange); a and 3 vert, a lion ram- pant between three mullets argent (for Malone). and impal- ing the arms of Foljambe, namely sable, a Ijend between six escallops or; with the Motto, " Memento mci." Married, October 10, 1876, his cousin Frances Mary, sister of the Right Honourable Baron Hawkesbury, and daughter of George Savile Foljambe, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife Selina Charlotte, commonly known as Lady Selina Charlotte, and otherwise as Vis- countess Milton, second daughter and co-heir of the Right Honourable Sir Charles Cecil Cope, third and last Earl of Liverpool. Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and widow of William Charles Wentworth - Fitzwilliam, Esquire, commonly known as Viscount Milton; and has /ssue — (i) Edmund George Savile L' Estrange - Malone, Gentleman, ist Batt. Royal Fusiliers, b. June 19, 1878; (2) Cecil John L'Estrange- Malone, Gentleman, d. Sept. 7, 1890; Dorothy Elizaljcth ; Selina Constance ; and Mary Sibell. Estate — Litter Estate, King's Co., Ireliind. Postal address — Dalton Holme Rec- tory, Beverley. LE TALVE, quartered by SMITH. LETH BRIDGE, borne upon an escutcheon of pretence by CORY. H Sir ROPER LETHBRIDGE, Knight Commander of ® the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, M.A. Oxon., formerly M.P. for North Kensington, J.P. and D.L. for CO. Devon, J.P. for co. Kent, Lord of the Manor of Exbourne, Devon. Born Dec. 23, 1840, being the son of the late E. Lethbridge of Ste, Adresse, France ; educated is the Military Cockade. let Let) 83< at Plymouth and Mannamead College, of which he is a Governor ; also at Exeter College, Oxford (Scholar and Graduate in classical and mathematical honours), B.A. 1863, M.A. 1866 ; created a Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, 1878, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of that Order, 1890, having been created Knight Bachelor by Patent in 1885, President of the Devonshire Association 1901. Armorial bearings- Azure, over water a bridge of three arches embattled proper, on a chief argent, an eagle displayed sable, between two roses gules, barbed and seeded proper, the escutcheon being suirounded by the ribbon of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, and pendent his badge as a Knight Commander. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-tower proper, issuant therefrom a demi-eagle dis- played sable, each wing charged with a rose argent, a lotus- flower leaved and slipped proper. Motto — " Spes mea in Deo." Married, firstly, 1865, Eliza {d. 1895), dau. of the late W. Finlay, and great granddau. of the Rt. Hon. Henry, nth Baron Teynham. He married secondly (1897), Emma, widow of the late Frederick Burbidge, and youngest dau. of the late John Neave. Seat — Exboume Manor, Devon, Postal address — 21 Cornwall Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. SSiR WROTH PERIAM CHRISTOPHER LETH- BRIDGE, sth Bart., Lieut. 3rd Batt. Yorkshire Regt. (Princess of Wales' Own), transferred Feb. 1885, ist Batt. Leicestershire Regt., and again transferred, Nov. 1885, to Grenadier Guards, appointed Capt. Jan. 1898, retired 1903. Born Dec. 19, 1863, being the eldest son of Sir Wroth Acland Lethbridge, 4th Bart., of Sandhill Park, Taunton, by his wife Anne Williams, dau. of Thomas Benyon of Gledhow House, Leeds. Livery — Dark olive green. Ar- morial bearings — Argent, over water proper a bridge of Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from an embattled arch gules, a demi-eagle displayed sable, the wings erminois, charged on the breast with a leopard's fqce or. Mottoes — " Spes mea in Deo," and above the crest, "Truth." Married, October 22, 1892, Alianore, youngest dau. of the late Sacheverell Chandos-Pole of Radbourne Hall, Derby, by Lady Anna Stanhope, dau. of Rt. Hon. the 5th Earl of Harrington ; and has Issue — Hector Wrothe Lethbridge, Gentleman, b. Aug. 26, 1898 ; Torfrida Alianore ; and Dulcibel Margaret. Residences — Sandhill Park, Taunton, Somerset ; and 17 Hyde Park Street, W. Clubs — Guards', Bachelors', Arthur's, Auto- mobile. LETCHWORTH (H. Coll.). Per chevron gules and or, two wings in chief argent, and a leopard's face in base proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — Son of Henry Finch Letchworth of Oak Hill, Surbiton, b, ; d. ; m. , Maria Elizabeth, d. of Edward Law : — Sir Edward Letchworth, Knt. Bach. (1902), F.S.A., late Capt. 35th Middx. R.V. , a Solicitor and formerly Chief Steward of Queen Victoria's Manors, b. 1833 ; m. 1902, Mary Constance, d. of and widow of Thomas Blaiicie. Res. — 14 Cornwall Gardens, London, S.W. C/ubs — Junior Carlton, Garrick. LEVER, quartered by ASSHETON. LEVESON, quartered by LANE. LEVESON (H. Coll.). Per chevron or and argent, two red deer trippant in chief and a Moor's head in profile erased at the neck in base proper, wreathed about the .five arches embattled, on the centre arch a turret gules, in 'chief an eagle displayed sable, charged with a bezant, and {impaling the arms of Chandos-Pole, namely, quarterly i fand 4, argent a chevron between three crescents gules ; [2 and 3 argent, a pile gules. Mantling gules and argent. temples gules and or. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a sun rising or, a red deer trippant proper. Motto — " Spero." Son of Edward John Leveson of Anerley, Surrey, b. ; d. ; m. : — Edward John Leveson, Gentleman, b. . Seat — Tankerton, Whitstable, Kent. Town res. — 6 Queen's Mansions ; 58 Queen Victoria Street, London, S.W. Arthur Cavenagh Leveson. Esq., Capt. R.N., b. ; fn. 3 March 1902, Jemima Adeline Beatrice, only d. of late Francis J. L. Blackwood of Norton Court, and widow of Edward Henry Stuart, 7th Earl of Darnley. ARTHUR FRANCIS GRESHAM LEVESON- GOWER, Gentleman, Master of Arts, first Secretary in is tbe Naval Cockade. 83« Eeb Left H.D.M. Diplomatic Service. Acting Secretary of H.B.M.'s Legation in the Hague, a Knight of Justice of the Order of the Mospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, F.S.A., F.R. B.S. Horn April 8$, 1851, being the younger son of the late William Ivcveson-Gower, Esq., of ritsey Place, in the county of Surrey, sometime High Sheriflf of that county (1839), by his wife Emily Josephine Eliza, third dau. of Sir Francis Hastings Doyle, Bart. I.ixtry — Drab, with scarlet collar and waistcoat. Iwth trimmed with black lace, black knee breeches. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, barrv of eight argent and gules, a cross patonce sable (for Gower) ; 2 and 3, three laurel leaves erect or (for Leveson) ; and for his CrMts, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a wolf passant argent, collared and lined or (for Gower ; 2. a goat's head erased ermine, attired or (for Leveson); with the Mottoes, " Frangas non fiectes " (for Gower); " Defende le droit" (for leveson); "Fiat voluntas tua" (for Gresham). Married, August 4. 1881, Caroline Frederica, third daughter of George Savile Foljambe of Osberton, in the county of Nottingham, and Aldwarke Hall, in the county of York, by his second wife Selina Charlotte, Vis- countess Milton, second daughter of the Right Honourable Charles Cecil Cope, the third and last Earl of Liverpool, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and has Issue — (i) William George Gresham Leveson-Gower, Gentleman, Scholar of Ch. Ch. Coll., Oxford, b. March 12, 1883 ; (2) Osbert Charles Gresham Leveson-Gower. Gentleman, b. Nov. 3, 1888, is a naval cadet ; Emily Selina Augusta Gresham ; and Victoria Sibell Ermyntrude Gresham (to whom the Empress Frede- rick of GoTnany stood sponsor in person). Residences — British Legation, The Hague. Clubs — Athenaeum, St. James's, White's. GRANVILLE CHARLES GRESHAM LEVESON- GOWER, Esquire, J. P. for Surrey. Bom Sept. 25, 1865, being the eldest surviving son of the late Granville William Gresham Leveson-Gower, Esq,, M.A., J. P. and D.L. for the county of Surrey (High Sheriff 1875), J-P- for CO. Kent, a Vice-President of the Society of Antiquaries, and Alderman of Surrey County Council, by his wife Sophia, commonly known as the Hon. Sophia, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Chandos Leigh, the first Baron Leigh. Clubs — Travellers', and White's. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, quarterly i. and iiii., barry of eight argent and gules, a cross patonce sable (for Gower) ; ii. and iii., azure, three laurel leaves erect or (for Leveson) ; 2 and 3, argent, , chevron ermines l)etwecn three mullets gules, a cross en grailed argent, in the first quarter a lozenge of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Iwfitting his digrt.-. with a Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i . upon a wreath of the colours, a wolf passant argent, collared and lined or (for Gower) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a goat's head erased ermine, attired or (for leveson) ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, a grasshopper proper (for Gresham) ; with the Mottoes, " Frangas non flectes " (for Gower) ; " Defende le droit " (for Leveson) ; " Fiat voluntas tua" (for Gresham). Married, Feb. 3, 1894, Evelyn Mil dred, second surviving dau. of the late Henry A. Brassey of Preston Hall, Aylesford, Kent ; and has Issue— [i) Rich.ird Henry Gresham Leveson-Gower,Gentleman, b. Nov. 27, 1894; (2) Ronald Charles Granville Gresham I^veson-Gower, Gentleman, b. May 23, 1896; (3) Thomas Christopher Gresham Leveson-Gower, Gentleman, b. June 19, 1903. Seats— \mxA of the Manors of Titsey, Limpsfield. and TaUfield, all in the co. of Surrey. Postal address— Tusey Place, Limpsfield, Surrey. S ROBERT THOMAS KENNEDY LEVETT, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for Staffs., and formerly Capt. 2nd Staffs. Militia and Lieut. -Col. 2nd Vol. Batt. N. Staffs. Regt. Born April 29, 1831, being the second son of the late John Levett of Wichnor Park, by Sophia Eliza, Eliza, dau. of the late Hon. Robert Kennedy (and niece of Archibald, 1st Marquis of Ailsa). Club — Conservative. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion rampant between three crosses crosslet fitch^e sable, a bordure engrailed azure, charged with four crosses crosslet fitch^e and four fleurs- de-lis alternately or. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent, ducally crowned or, gorged with a collar azure, holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet fitch^e sable, the sinister paw resting on an escutcheon of the third, charged with a fleur-de-lis gold. Married, May 2, i860, Margaret Catherine, only surviving dau. of the late Thomas Levett Prinsep of Croxall H.1II, co. Stafford ; and has, with other Issue — Rev. Thomas Prinsep Levett, b. 1862. Seat — Pack- ington Hall, Lichfield. THEOPHILUS BASIL PERCY LEVETT, Esquire, J. P. CO. Staffs., late Lieut. Coldstream Guards. Bom Dec. n, 1856, being the eldest son of the late Theophilus John Levett of Wichnor Park, J. P. and D.L., M.P., for Lichfield 1880 to 1885, formerly Capt. ist Life Guards, Lieut. -Col. Commanding 2nd Batt. Staffordshire Volun- teers, and Lieut. -Col. Q.O. Staffordshire Yeomanry, by his wife Lady Jane Lissey Harriet, dau. of the Right Hon. William Basil Percy Feilding. 7th Earl of Denbigh. Ar- morial bearing^— Argent, a lion rampant between three cross crosslets fitch^e sable, a bordure engrailed azure, charged with four cross crosslets fitchde and as many fleurs-de-lis alternately or. Mantling sable and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi- lion argent, ducally crowned or, gorged with a collar azure, in the dexter paw a cross crosslet fitcli^c sable, the sinister paw resting on an escutcheon of the third, charged with a fleur-de-lis gold. Married, 1884, Lady Margaret Emily, eldest dau. of 8th Earl of Shaftesbury. 5^a/— Wichni Park, Burton-on-Trent. ] hno^ S WILLIAM SWINNERTON BYRD LEVE Esq., J. P. and D.L. for co. of Stafford, late Capt. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Born 1856, being the second son of the late Richard Byrd Levett, Esq., of Milford Hall, J.P. and D.L., B.A. Ch. Ch. Oxford (1830), late Lieut. - Colonel Commanding 3rd Batt. Staffordshire Rifles, and formerly an officer 6oth Royal Rifles, by his wife Elizabeth Mary, dau. of John Mirehouse, Esq. , of Brownslade, co. Pembroke, Common Serjeant of London [by Elizabeth his wife, dau. of Dr. Fisher, Bishop of Salisbury]. Club— Junior United Service. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion rampant sable, murally crowned or, and two crosses fitchte in pale, between two piles issuing from the dexter and sinister chiefs of the second, each pile charged with three crosses crosslet fitchee of the third. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion or, entwined with a sprig of laurel vert, and supporting a cross crosslet fitchee sable. Married, July 8, 1896, Maud Sophia, second dau. of Major Levett, late loth Hussars; and has Issue— R\ch&xrn July 3, 1866; (a) Trevor Gwyn EUiol Lewis, Esquire. J>orn January 4, 1871. £iAtArx— Various brms and mineral property in the counties fjarb or, Imund by a serpent nowed proper, holdiriK in the mouth a cross crosslet fitclM^e gules ; with the Motto, ' ' Virtus ad R-thera tendens." Postal address — Littlebank, Settle, Yorkshire. of Brecon, Glamorgan, Pembroke, &c. Postal address — The Mardy, Aberdare, South Wales. LEWIS (H. Coll.). Argent, on a pile gules between two fleurs-de-lis seeded in base, a horse rampant all counter- changed. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect vested per chevron gules and argent, cuffed of the li\st, charged with two fleurs- de-lis p>alewise counterchanged, the hand proper, grasping a spade in bend sinister or. Motto — ' ' Floreat qui laborat." Son of Samuel Lewis of Kolletzischken, East Prussia : — Isaac Lewis, Gentleman, 3. 1849; *"• • S^'^l — Bedge- bury Park, Goudhurst, Kent. Town res.—i^ Stratton Street, Piccadilly, London. W. Club — Junior Consti- tutional. LEWIS-BARNED {R.L., 1858). Quarterly, i and 4, azure two leopards' faces jessant-de-lis in pale argent, between as many Ranches ermine (Earned) ; 2 and 3, per saltire or and vert, four oak-leaves counterchanged (Lewis). Man t ling azure and argent. Crest— i. on a wreath of the colours, a female in a silting attitude, vested azure, and holding in the dexter hand a sickle proper (Barned) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, upon the trunk of a tree fess- wise and eradicated proper, a gryphon segreant or, holding in the dexter claw a trefoil vert. Motto — " Benignenumine." J. Lewis- Barned. Gentleman, (formerly Lewis, assumed name and arms of Barned by R.L.. 1858). Res. — Queen Anne's Mansions. St. James's Park, London, S.W. LEWKNOR, quartered by BARTTELOT. GEORGE LEWTHWAITE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Cumberland. lL£Vlltfli))dttP ^^"^ ^^39. being the 3rd son of John «,'vwvy«ww»vv Lewthwaite of Broadgate. in the aforesaid county. Armoilal bear- ings—Ermine, a cross flory azure, fretty or. Mantling amre and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a S WILLIAM LEWTHWAITE, Esquire. Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the co. of C'umber- land, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Horn 1853, being the eldest son of the late William Lewthwaite. Esquire, of Broadgate, in the county of Cuml)crland. Justice of the Peace for that county, by Mary his wife, daughter of William Challinor of Leek, m the county of .Stafford. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Ermine, a cross flory azure, fretty or ; and Crest, a garb or, bound by a serpent nowed proper, holding in the mouth a cross crosslet fitchde giiles ; with the Motto. "Virtus ad a;thera tendens. Married, August 16. 1882, Helena Jane, daughter of Charles Challinor of Basford Hall, Stoke-upon-Trent ; and has Issue — (i) William Lew- thwaite, Gentleman, born June 20, 1883; (2) Charles Gilfrid Lewthwaite, Gentleman, born April 15, 1885 ; and Violet Mary. Estates — Broadgate and other property in the counties of Cumberland and Lancashire. Postal address— Broadgate, Millom, Cumberland. LEXINGTON, quartered by SUTTON. FRANCIS LEY, Esquire, J. P. for cos. of Derby and Notts, on the roll for High Sheriff 1905, and I^rd of the Manor of Epperstone. Born 1846, being the only son of the late George Ley of Burton - on - Trent. Armorial bearingrs- Argent, a bend lozengy gules, be- tween two broken tilting-spears erect of the last ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm in armour holding in the hand a broken tilting- spear in bend sinister proper, four lozenges conjoined fessr ways gules; with the Motto, "Post mortem spero vitam ' Married, firstly, 1870. Georgina, daughter of the lat. George WiUis of Aislaby Hall, in the county of York ; and secondly, 1888, Alison Catherine, daughter of the late John Jobson of Spondon, in the county of Derby, Justice of the Peace, By his first marriage he has Issue — (i) Henry Gordon Ley, Gentleman, J. P. for the borough of Derby, Lieut. South Notts Imp. Yeo., b. March 12, 1874; Agnes Willis ; and Ethel ; and by his second marriage — (2) Christopher Francis Aden I^y, Gentleman, b. June 7, 1893 ; (3) Maurice Aden Ley, Gentleman, b. Aug. 5, 1895. K't^" is tbe Military Cockade. J iLep Lift 835 and postal address — Epperstone Manor, Nottinghamshire ; Leatholm Lodge, Grosnont, Yorkshire. LEYBOURNE, quartered by CORBET. ERNEST GERARD LEYCESTER, Esquire, J. P. for CO. Cheshire. Bo7~n Oct. 1849, being the third son of the late Ralph Gerard Leycester of Toft Hall, by his wife Emily Elizabeth, dau. of Charles Tyrwhitt Jones (son of Sir T. Tyrwhitt Jones, Bart.). Armorial bearings — Azure, between two fleurs-de-lis or, a fesse of the second fretty gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a roebuck per pale or and gules, attired of the second, holding in its mouth an acorn branch proper. Sea/— Mobberley Old Hall, Knutsford, Cheshire. dexter forepaw upon an escutcheon in bend of the arms (for Naylor). Motto— " Fidus et audax." A/a/ r/Vrf, firstly, October 22, 1874, Everilda Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Ralph Creyke, Esquire, of Rawcliffe, in the county of York ; and by her (who died 1890), has had Issue — Hilda Georgina \m. , 1900, Richard Vernon Cholmondeley] ; and Ethelreda Louisa [d. 1889). He married secondly, March i, 1892, Helen Dora, eldest dau. of Digby Cayley, Esq. (second son of Sir Digby Cayley, Bart.) ; and by her has — (i) C;hristopher Digby Leyland, Gentleman, b. Dec. 24, 1892 ; (2) Stanley Cuthbert Leyland, Gentleman, b. Aug. 9, 1901 ; (3) Robert Clive Leyland, Gentleman, b. 1903 ; Dorothy ; Joan ; and Angela. Seats — Haggerston Castle, Beal, and Kidland Rothbury, in the county of Northumberland. Clubs — Carlton, Junior Carlton, Travel- lers', Northumberland. RAPE OSWALD LEYCESTER, Gentleman. Bom July 5, 1844, being the eldest son of the late Ralph Gerard Leycester of Toft Hall, by his wife Emily Elizabeth, dau. of Charles Tyrwhitt Jones (son of Sir T. Tyrwhitt Jones, Bart. ). Armorial bearings — Azure, between two fleurs-de-lis or, a fesse of the second fretty gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a roebuck per pale or and gules, attired of the second, holding in its mouth an acorn branch proper. Married, Nov. 2, 1867, Edith, dau. of Hubert de Burgh of West Drayton, Middlesex. Seat — Toft Hall, Knutsford. C/«^— Arthur's. S ARTHUR LASENBY LIBERTY, Esquire, J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff of co. Bucks 1899-1900, and Lord of the Manor of Lee, in the co. of Bucks. Bom Aug. 13, 1843, being the eldest son of Arthur Liberty of Nottingham and his wife Rebecca, dau. of the late Henry Lasenby of Chartridge, Bucks. Livery — Dress : brown cloth ornamented with gold braid, cuffs of claret colour, gilt buttons, waistcoat of claret colour, gilt buttons, breeches plush, old gold colour, gold braided at knee, stock- ings white silk ; undress : coat brown cloth, gilt buttons, waistcoat brown cloth, gilt buttons. Armorial bearings — LEYLAND, see NAYLOR-LEYLAND. CHRISTOPHER JOHN LEYLAND. Esquire, Justice of the Peace, formerly Sub-Lieutenant Royal Navy. Born September 19, 1849, being the eldest son of the late John Naylor, Esquire, of Leighton Hall, in the county of Mont- gomery, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, High Sheriff 1853, by his wife Georgiana, fourth daughter of John Edwards, Esquire, of Ness Strange, in the county of Salop ; assumed, 1891, the name and arms of Leyland in lieu of Naylor. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, ermine, on a fesse engrailed sable, between nine ears of barley, three, three, and three vert, banded or, in chief and three like ears in base, a lion passant of the last between two escallops argent (for Leyland) ; 2 and 3, per pale or and argent, a pale sable, fretty of the first, between two lions rampant of the third (for Naylor) ; and impaling the arms of Cayley, namely, quarterly argent and sable, on a bend jles, three mullets of the first. Mantling sable and ar- ent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a mount rt, thereon an escallop argent, surmounted by a demi- agle erminois, wings endorsed azure, bezant^e, in the Bouth three ears of barley as in the arms (for Leyland) ; 2. pon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant sable, charged the body with two saltires in fesse or, and resting the Per fesse azure and gules, a tower between two fleurs-de-lis in chief and a lion passant in base, all or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a tower gules, a lion passant, holding in the dexter forepaw is the Naval Cockade. 836 urn Lie a fleur-de-lis, both or. Motto— " I.ibcrtas." Married, Sept. 35, 1875, Emma i^ouise, only surviving child of the laic Henry Mtackmore of Hampstead. Seat — The Lee Maiior, near (irent Missenden, Hucks. Tmvn residence — 88 Warwick Street, Londoo, W. Club — Devonshire. CHARLES OSWALD LIDDELL. Gentleman. Bom June aj, 1854, being the eldest son of the late William lodnon Liddell of Edinburgh, by his wife Catherine, dau. of Charles Oswald. Armonal Marlngt— Argent, three mullets iif six points in bend purpure, pierced of the field, between two lions rampant of the second, billett<^ or. Mantling purpure and argent. Great — On a wreath of the 189a ; (3) I^ncelot Charles Liddell, Gentleman, l>orn May 17, 1894 ; I>orothy Mary ; Mary Monica ; and Vt-ronica colours, a lion rampant purpure, billett^e, surmounted on the head by a mullet of six points pierced or, and resting the dexter hind leg on a like mullet. Motto— " Unus et dem." Married, April 13, 1880, Elizabeth Kate, dau. of William Birt ; and has lssue~(i) Percy William Oswald Liddell. Gentleman, b. Sept 9, 1881 ; (2) Kenneth Charles Liddell, Gentleman, b. July r6. 1883 ; (3) Norman Oswald Liddell, Gentleman, b. March i6, 1886 ; (4) Charles Bertram Liddell. Gentleman, b. Oct :•, 1889; Dorothy Catherine Mary; Marion Bessie; and Enid Muriel. Residence — Shirenewton Hall, Chepstow. C/«*— Junior Constitutional. JOHN LIDDELL, Esquire, J. P. co. Northumberland. Born March 29, 1852, being the second son of John Liddell, by his wife Susanna Mitcalfe, dau. of Cuthbert Smith Fenwick. Armorial bearingB— Argent, fretty gules, two flanches or, on a chief of the second an estoile between two leopards' heads erased and affront^e of the third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two hands clasped proper sur- mounted by a cross-crosslet gules, between two wings or ; with the Motto, " Constans et Fidelis." Married, January 19, 1887, Emily Catherine, second daughter of the late Major Henry A. Berry, 26th Cameronians ; and has Issue — (i| John Aidan Liddell, Gentleman, bom August 3. 1888; (2) Cuthbert Henry Liddell, Gentleman, born August 13] Mildred. Seat — Prudhoe Hall, Northuml)erland. Bath, Northern Counties (Newcastle-on-Tyne). Clubs- S Right Honourable WH.LIAM LIDDERDALE, a Member of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privj Council, formerly Governor of the Bank of EnglantT D. L. for the City of London, and a Commissioner for tfa Patriotic Fund ; rendered valuable services to the natio during the financial crisis 1890. Bom 1832, being the of John Lidderdale of St. Petersburg. Armorial bearin — Azure, a chevron ermine within a bordure invected Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of tb colours, an eagle's head erased proper. Motto — "For sight is all." Residence — 42 Lancaster Gate, W. Club Windham. GEORGE LIDWILL. Esq. , of Dromard, co. Tippera J. P., late Captain 19th Regt. Born 1828, being the or son of the late Frederick Lidwill, Esq., J. P., of Droman by Christina, dau. of the late William Hutchinson, Esq., of Timoney, co. Tipperary. Club — Junior United Service. Armorial bearings— Argentfretty gules, on a chief engrailed azure, a leopard passant giiardant between two fleurs-de-lis or. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant sable, crowned with an Irish crown or, and charged on the shoulder with a fleur-de-lis as in the arms. Motto — "Vis unita fortior." Married, firstly, Oct. 14, 1863, Edith Wheatley, dau. of Henry Adams of Kensington ; by whom (who died March 22, 1877) he had Issue — (1) George John Frederick Lidwill, Gentleman, b. Oct. 29, 1869, Lieut. 19th Princess of Wales' Own Hussars ; (2) Robert Lidwill, Gentleman, b. April 15, 1871, Major late i9ih Regt. 3rd Batt. R.I. Fus. ; Eleanor [m. 1883, Major-Gen. Watt, late 64th Regt.]; and Edith Margaret [m. Henry Hewson Fetherston - Haugh, son of Captain Fetherston Haig of Tiillamore]. He m. secondly, 1882, Mary, dau. of late John Newnll, Esq., of Fairfield, Addiscombe. Seat — Dromard, Templemore, co. Tippierary, GEORGE ENGLEBERTS LIEBENROOD, Esq., formerly Captain Northamptonshire Regt. Bom 1847, being the eldest son of the late Captain Liebenrood of Pros[)ect Hill, by Elizabeth, dau. of Lemuel Cambridge of Richmond, Can.ida. Armorial bearings — Argent, three bendlets sable, on a chief gules, a demi-stag issuant of the 9 is the Military Cockade. i m Lin 837 first, a canton for difference. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, out of an Eastern crown gules, the crown charged with a cross crosslet or, for difference, two unicorns' horns argent, wreathed vert. Seat — Prospect Hill Park, Reading. LIGHTBODY, quartered by GREG. JOSEPH EDWARD LILLEY, Esquire, J. P. co. of Middlesex, High Sheriff of Middlesex 1904. Born 1850, being the youngest son of Timothy Marshall Lilley of Bene- field, Northants. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a pile between two fleurs-de-lis in base argent, a lily of the valley eradicated proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect proper, charged with a fleur-de-lis argent, and holding in the hand two lilies of the valley leaved and slipped in saltire also proper. MottO — "In arduis fortior." Married, 1876, Emma, dau. of William Harris of Peterborough, North- ants. Residence — The Chestnuts, Wealdstone, Middlesex. LILLINGSTON, see INNES-LILLINGSTON. WILLIAM GEORGE LILLINGSTON, Esquire, Capt. Royal Irish Rifles (half-pay) (discontinued the name of Johnson by Deed Poll only, dated Dec. 21, 1894). Botn April 5, 1864, being the only son and heir of the late George William Lillingston -Johnson, Esq., J. P. (who assumed by Royal Licence, dated March 27, 1859, the surname and arms of Johnson , pursuant to the will of the Rev. Nathaniel Palmer Johnson), by his wife Charlotte Augusta, dau. of the Rev. W. Toovey Hopkins, M.A. , Rector of Nuffield. Livery — Green, with red waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Argent, two chevronels between as many griffins' heads erased in chief and a palmer's scrip of base gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased per fesse argent and gules, holding in the beak a palmer's scrip of the last. Married, Dec. 31, 1903, Olive Theodora, dau. of Edmund Theodore Doxat of Woodgreen Park, Cheshunt. Seat — Ulverscroft, in the co. of Leicester. Clubs — Army and Navy, County (Leicester). LIND (H. Coll). Quarterly gules and azure, in the second and third quarters two bars wavy argent, the whole mounted by as many tilting-spears in saltire, in chief a r-de-lis, in fesse two annulets, and in base an anchor erect all or. Mantling gules and or. Crests — In front of a tower argent, surmounted by an annulet azure, two branches of laurel in saltire vert, between as many wings, that on the dexter also azure, and that on the sinister gules. Motto — " Honor et Veritas." Son of George Lind, vi. Martha, d. of Thomas Martin ofFelpham, nr. Bognor : — The late George Martin Lind, Gentleman, b. 27 July 1843 ; (/. 29 Jan. 1904 ; m. 24 Oct. 1866, Catharine, d. of James Tate of Brighton ; and has surv. issue— (i) George James Lind, Gentleman (5^a/ — Golgotha, Oporto, Portugal. Club — Oporto British Club, Oporto), b. 21 March 1869 ; (2) John Halifax Lind, Gentleman {Res. — Manila, Philip- pines), b. 30 Sept. 1875 ; Jessie Holder \m. 1899, Robert Vardy Strange] ; Edith Homewood ; Mary Shepherd ; Lilian Muriel [;«. 1904, Sydney Rogers] ; and Ursula Winchester. Res. — The Beeches, Ashburton Road, Addis- combe, Surrey. LIND of Gorgie (1738). Gules, two spears in saltire between a mullet in chief and a crescent in base argent, all within a bordure of tlie last, charged with four fleurs-de-lis and as many annulets alternately azure. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — -On a wreath of his liveries, two sprigs of laurel in saltire proper. Motto — " Semper virescit virtus." Son of late Francis Macan Lind, Gentleman, E.I.C.S. :— Frank Lind, Gentleman, Lieut, in the Army, b. Lind, formerly of Poland (1769). Same arms, but the bordure invected. Present Representative : — ? Dr. Lind, formerly of Ryde, Isle of Wight. The Right Honourable NATHANIEL LINDLEY, BARON LINDLEY of East Carleton, Norfolk (May 10. 1900), Q.C. (1872), Knight Bachelor (1875), ^ Member of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council (1881), LL.D. Edin. and Camb., D.C.L. Oxford, Judge of the Common Pleas 1875-79, of the Common Pleas Division 1879-81, Lord Justice of Appeal 1881-97, Master of the Rolls 1897-1900, a Lord of Appeal in Ordinary with a Life Peerage since 1900. Born 1828, being the only son of the late Dr. John Lindley, Professor of Botany at Univer- sity College, London, by his wife Sarah, dau. of Anthony George Freestone of St. Margaret's, South Elmham, Suffolk. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chief nebuly azure, a quatrefoil between two griflins' heads erased of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a pelican in her piety proper, charged on the breast with a pheon gules, three quatrefoils fesseways or ; with the Motto, "Sis fortis." Supporters — On the dexter side a griffin, wings elevated argent, and on the sinister side a pelican, wings elevated also argent, vulned, and each standing on a fasces proper. Married, 1858, Sarah Katharine, dau. of the late Edward John Teale of Leeds ; and has had Issue — (i) Hon. John Edward Lindley, Col. A.A.G. North- East District, York, late Major ist Dragoons, b. Sept. 15, i860 \m., Sept. 28, 1887, Isabel, dau. of Francis Morgan Nicholas of Lawford Hall, Essex, and has issue, Mary Katherine] ; (2) Hon. Walter Barry Lindley, M.A. University Coll., Oxon. , Judge of County Court (Derbyshire District), b. Dec. 31, 1861 ; (3) Hon. Lennox Hannay Lindley, M.A. , M.B. Oxon., Physician to the Shah of Persia at Teheran, b. May 14, 1868 \in., 1898, Princess Karimeh, and has issue, Nathaniel Lindley, Esq. ; Rachel Isabel] ; (4) Hon. Percy Hooker Lindley, twin, b. May 14, 1868, d. 1871 ; (5) Hon. Francis Oswald Lmdley, 2nd Sec. to Diplomatic Service, Cairo, b. June 12, 1872 \ni. Hon. Etheldreda Mary Eraser, dau. of the late Lord Lovat] ; Jessie Louisa; Annie Clay- ton [;«. , April 28, 1886, Sir William Cameron Gull, Bart., and has issue] ; Mary Beatrice, d. 1896 ; and Constance Mary. Postal addresses — East Carleton, Norwich; 19 Craven Hill Gardens, W. Club — Athenaeum. LINDOW, see BURNS-LINDOW. S JONAS LINDOW, Esquire, M.A. Queen's Coll.. Oxford, J. P., D.L., and High Sheriff' 1883 for co. Cumberland, late Westmorland and Cumberland Yeo- manry Cavalry. Born May 17, 1847, being the only son of the late John Lindow, Esq., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff" is the Naval Cockade. 838 Hin Itn 187^, by his wife Anne Eliia, dau. of _|ol>n Jackson of WhitcJuwen. Lhtry—Wutt, crimson facnigs. Armorial teailnxi (March 18, 1861) — tlrniine, on a chevron dove- lailetl belwecn Ihrce sinister liands couped at the wrist gules, OS many fountains. Mantling {^ulcs ^^^^ argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a hon ramjjant gules, semcS; of buckles or, and holding between tiic paws a foun- tain. Motto— "Vi et virtutc. iVa/— Ingwell, White- haven, CO. Cumberland. Ciut — Conservative. LINDS, quartered by FORDYCE. LINDS.VY. quartered by BOYLE and CAMPBELL. The Rev. THOMAS LINDSAY, Clerk in Holy Orders, late Vicar of Castle Ellis, in the diocese of Ferns, Ireland. Jiorn May 3, 1823, being the eldest son of Joseph Lindsay, late of Fiimoe I 'ark, co. of Limerick, and his wife Anne dau. of William linraght of Shanagolden, co. Limerick. Armorial bearings — Gules, a fesse chequy argent and azure, between three fusils in chief and one in base or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an ostrich proper holding in the beak a key or, the dexter leg supported by a fusil gules. Motto — "Endure Fort." Married, Oct. 8, 1859, Mary, dau. of Humphreys Peare of Pearemount and Fort William, co. Dublin ; and has Issue — (i) Rev. Humphreys Peare Lindsay, M.A., Vicar of St. Andrew's, Battersea, b. 1862 \m. Victoria Maitland, dau. of J. R. Cochrane of Calder Glen, Blantyre, N.B., and has issue, Humphrey David Richard Pelham Lindsay, b. May i, 1901] ; {2) Rev. Thomas Enraght Lindsay, M.A., Vicar of St. Paul's, Middlesbrough, b. 1863 [m. Maria Isabel, dau. of George King Stanton Massy Dawson, Esq., D.L. , J.P.] ; (3) William Joseph Lindsay, Gentleman. M.B., M.C., served with the South African Field Force, b. 1870. Residence — 116 St. James's Road, Croydon, Surrey. S WILLIAM ALEXANDER LINDSAY, Esquire. Jus- tice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Devon, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Windsor Herald of Arms, liarrister-at-l.aw, one of His Majesty's (.Counsel Learned in the 1.aw. Horn June 8, 1846. l)eing the eldest son of the late Cohn Lindsay. Esquire, commonly called the Honourable Colin Lindsav (who died 1893), by his wife Frances, commonly called Lady Frances, eldest surviving daughter and coheir of the late Right Honourable Sir William Forward Howard, fourth Earl of Wicklow, Knight of the Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick ; was a Royal Commissioner to inquire into Corrupt Practices, 1880 ; was Portcullis Pursuivant of Arms from 1883 to 1894, since when he has been Windsor Herald. Armorial bearings (as matriculated in Lyon Register in Scotland) — Quarterly i and 4, gules, a fesse chequy argent and azure (for Lindsay) ; 3. or, a lion rampant gules debruised of a ribbon sable (for Abernethy); 3. quarterly i. and iiii., gules, a Ijend between six cross crosslets fitch<5e argent (for Howard) ; ii. and iii., argent, a lion rampant gules (for Forward). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crest, out of an antique ducal coronet, a swan's neck and wings proper ; with the Motto. "Endure fort." The Hon. Colin Lindsay in the year 1891 obtained in England a grant of a quartering to bear for the name of Edwin quarterly with the arms of Dalrymple, as follows: — (The arms of the Hon. Colin Lindsay in the ist and 4th grand quarters being i and 4 Lindsay. 3 and 3 Abernethy); 2. or. on a saltire azure, be- tween two water-bougets m fesse sable, nine lozenges of the field, in the centre chief point a mullet gules (for Dalrymple) ; 3. argent, on a cross sable, between four Cornish choughs reguardant proper a cross fleury of the first {for Edwm). Mr. Lindsay would seem to be entitled to surround his escutcheon with his collar of SS., and to impale in right of his wife the following arms of Gordon, namely, azure, three boars' heads couped within^^ a double tressure charged with roses and thistles alter^^H nately or. [The Editor is unaware what particular metho^^H Mr. Lindsay adopts in marshalling the foregoing]. Married^^^ May 7, 1870, Harriet, commonly called Lady Harriet, second dau. of the Rt. Hon. Sir George John James Hamilton- Gordon, sth Earl of Aberdeen ; and has had /«««— (i) James Howard Lindsay, Esq., M.A. , LL.B. (Camb.), Barrister-at-Law (Inner Temple), Lieut. London Scottish Rifle Vol., b. April 29, 1871 ; (2) Michael William Howard Lindsay. Esq.. Capt. 2nd Batt. Seaforth Highlanders, Adjutant 2nd Batt. Scottish Horse, .served with Chitral Relief Force 1895 (medal and clasp), and in South Africa 1900, present at battle of Magersfontein (mentioned in despatches), killed on active service at Brakenlaagte in South Africa, Nov. 1. 1901. b. Aug. 7, 1872; (3) Francis Howard Lindsay. Gentleman, B.A. (Camb.), b. March ^^hi 1876; (4) John Colin Howard Lindsay, Gentleman, Liei^^HI Royal Navy, b. Dec. 27, 1877 ; (5) David Howard Lindsayt^KI Gentleman, b. June 4. 1882 ; Mary Haddo ; and Margaret Louisa. Residences — 17 Cromwell Road. S. W. ; Deer Park, Honiton, in the county of Devon. Postal address — College of Arms, E.C. Clubs — Athenaeum, Carlton, Wellington. SJOHN LINDSAY LINDSAY-SMITH. Lieut. loth 1 Bengal Infantry. Born . being the eldest surviv- | ing son of the late Major-General John Smith of sist Regt. i Bengal Army, by his wife Edith Helen, daughter of Duncan Campbell, M.D., Edinburgh. Armorial bearings— Quar- terly I and 4, or an eagle displayed gules, charged on the breast with a horse-shoe of the field (for Smith) ; 2 and 3 or, two cross crosslets fitchde in chief, and the attires of a stag affixed to the scalp in base gules, a chief chequy of the *| last and argent. Mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon jj a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an ostrich proper, holding in the beak a horse-shoe or ; and in an escroU above, this Motto, " Tu ne cede malis." THOMAS DEWHURST LINGARD, Esquire, J.P. for Westmorland. Born June 30. 1847. being the only child of Alexander Rowson Lingard of Hooton. Cheshire, by his wife Sarah, dau. of Thomas Dewhurst of Marple, Cheshire. Livery — Blue, and yellow facings. Armorial bearings- Barry of six or and vair, on a bend engrailed sable, four escallops argent, and on an escutcheon of pretence the arras of Walpole. namely or. on a fesse between two chevrons sable, three cross crosslets of the first. Mantling or and azure. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased sable, Charged on the neck with an escallop argent, and is tlie Military Cockade. tin lip 839 holding in the mouth a branch of three cinquefoils slipped vert. A'farried, July 17, 1883, Regina Caroline Walpole, dau. and coheiress of Reginald Robert Walpole of Hanslofje, Bucks ; and has Issue — John Reginald Lingard, Gentleman, b. Sept. 7, 1884. Residence— YeWside, Windermere. The Reverend ROGER ROWSON LINGARD- GUTHRIE. Born , being the son of Roger Rowson Lingard of Heaton Norris, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, by his second wife Mary, dau. of the Rev. George Monk. He assumed the additional surname and arms of Guthrie under a direction in the will of his wife's father, Charles Guthrie. Armorial bearings — Quarterly, I and 4 grand quarters, quarterly i. and iiii. , argent, a cross sable ; ii. and iii., azure, three garbs or, banded gules, all within a bordure indented gules ; 2 and 3 grand quarters, barry of six or and vair, on a bend engrailed sable, four escallops argent. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, a demi-lion rampant gules, armed and langued azure, holding in his dexter forepaw a cross crosslet fitchfe also azure. Motto — "Sto pro veritate." Married a dau. of the late Charles Guthrie. Residence — Taybank, Forfar, Scotland. RICHARD BOUGHEY MONK LINGARD-MONK, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Chester. Born March 13, 1824, being the eldest son of Roger Rowson Lingard of Heaton Norris, Co. Palatine of Lancaster, by his second wife Mary, daughter of the Reverend George Monk, and assumed the additional surname and arms of Monk by Royal License in the year 1875. Clubs — Conser- vative, Junior Carlton, Conservative (Manchester). Livery ''—Light drab, with scarlet collar and waistcoat. Armorial liearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly of six, i and 6 quarterly, i. and iiii. gules, a chevron dovetailed between four lions' heads erased argent, three in chief and one in base (for Monk), ii. and iii. barry of six or and vair, on a bend engrailed sable, four escallops argent (for Lingard) ; 2. party per pale azure and sable, a quadrangular castle between two Haunches argent, each charged with an annulet gules (for Rowson) ; 3. gules, a chevron dovetailed between four lions' heads erased argent, three in chief and one in base (for Monk) ; 4. ermine, three crosses pat^e in chevron gules, between three stags' heads caboshed sable (for Boughey) ; 5. or, a chevron azure between two plummets in chief of the last, and a saltire couped gules in base (for Jennings). Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a dragon passant sable, charged on the wing with a cross pat^e or, and resting the dexter claw upon an escutcheon gules, charged with a lion's head erased argent (for Monk) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased sable, charged on the neck with an escallop argent, and holding in the mouth a branch of three cinquefoils slipped vert (for Lin- gard) ; with the Motto, " Tout d'en haut." Married, April 18, 1849, his cousin, Elizabeth Frances, daughter of Alexander Lingard of Cheadle Moseley, in the county of Cheshire (she died 1882). Of this marriage there has been Issue — (1) George Monk Lingard-Monk, Gentleman, born 1850, died 1851 ; (2) James Boughey Monk Lingard-Monk, Esq., J. P., and High Sheriff 1901 co. Donegal, M.A. (Camb.), b. 1853 [tn. , 1876, Diana Caroline, dau. and coheiress of Reginald Robert Walpole, Gentleman, of Hanslope, co. Bucking- ham (she died without issue, 1891) ; and secondly, 1894, Nellie, widow and heiress of William Heburn of Dunlewy, CO. Donegal]. Estates — Fulshaw Hall and Lands in Ful- shaw, in the parish of Wilmslow, co. Chester ; Lord of the Manor, or reputed manor, of Fulshaw. Postal address — Fulshaw Hall, Wilmslow, Cheshire. EDWARD ROBERT LI NGEN-BURTON, Gentleman. Born May 24, 1865, being the if tnrTI>n'1Rttrf-nt1 °"^y ^°" of the late Edward il,n\)^K,\\' itPKllllMX Lingen-Burton, Gentleman, by his wife Edith Maria, daughter of James Charles Tyrell Oakes. Livery — Dark blue coat with yellow collar, waistcoat striped dark blue and yellow. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, barry of six or and azure, over all a bend gules, charged with three roses argent (for Lingen) ; 2. quarterly purpure and azure, a cross engrailed or, between four roses argent (for Burton) ; 3. gules, three bundles, each of as many arrows or, each tied together argent (for Biest). Motto — " Dominusprovidebit." Married, Jan. 9, 1896, Eva Ellen, dau. of A. Tuffin of Suffolk; and has Issue — Edward Robert Burton, Gentleman, b. July 2, 1896; and Edith Maria Eva. Estate — Ford, in the co. of Salop. Postal address — Witton Hall, Westbury, near Shrewsbury. LINNINGTON, see MARTYN-LINNINGTON. ALFRED JOSEPH GEORGE LIPPITT, Gentleman, Barrister at-Law, M.A. Oxon. Born Sept. 16, 1857; being the son of the late George Warren Lippitt, late Secretary of U.S.A. Legation at Vienna, by his wife Matilda, dau. of is the Naval Cockade. • »40 lip Lit the late juseph Mixiiix Kitter von Miller zu Aichholz. Anno- TiMl beuingt— Or, a fesse nebuly, in chief a tall>ot passant gules, between two roses of the last, barbed and seeded proper, and in base a ulbot passant also gules. Ma n t lin g gules and or. OrMt On a wreath of the colours, a talbot sejant or, charged on the shoulder with two annulets inter- laced fesseways gules, resting the dexter foreleg on a rose as in the arms. Motto -" Stet fortuna domus." /Residence — ir King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C. ; Schloss Pemegg, Styria, Austria. duds — New Oxford and Cambridge, Conservative. SSiR THOMAS JOHNSTONE LIPTON, Baronet (U.K. 1902), K.C.V.O. (1901). Grand Officer of the Crown of Italy (1904), Knight Bachelor (1898), one of the Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London, Hon. Col. and Vol. Batt. H.L.I. Born 1850, being the son of Thomas Lipton of Glasgow. Armorial bearings -Per fesse or and gules, in chief on the dexter side a shamrock leaf, and on the sinister a thistle leaved, both slipped proper. and in the base a cornucopia erect, the horn of the first the fruit of the third. Mantling gules and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, two arms in saltire, the dexter surmounted by the sinister holding a sprig of the tea-plant erect, and the other a like sprig of the coffee- plant both slippted and leaved proper, vested above the elbow argent. Motto—" Labor omnia vincit." Residence— Osidge, South- Kte, Middlesex. C/a*j — Marlborough, Automobile, Royal >ndon Yacht, Royal Northern Yacht, Royal Ulster Yacht, Royal Clyde Yacht, and New York Yacht. LISTER, quartered by EAfPSOA. LISTER. CUNLIFFE-, see MASHAM. LISTER. Ermine, on a fesse sable, three mullets or, a canton gules. Mantling sable and argent, Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased proper, charged on the neck with a trefoil slipped gules. Motto — ' ' Propositi tenax." Son of John Lister. Esq., J. P., of Shibden Hall, 6. ; d. 1867 ; m. 1844, Louisa Anne, only d. of Major Charles Grant of the Island of St. Vincent : — John Lister, Gentleman, M.A. Oxford, Barristcr-at-Law, A. 1847. Seat — Shilxlen Hall, Southowram, Halifax. JOHN LISTER, Gentleman, IWrister-al-Law Inner Temple 1877. Born March 8, 1847, being the eldest son of John Lister, Esq., M.I)., J. P., and Ix^uisa Ann Grant, dau. of Major Charles Grant of the Island of St. Vincent, West Indies. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a fesse sable, three mullets or, a canton gules. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wrcatli of the colours, a stag's head erased proper, charged with a trefoil slipped gules. Seat — Shibden Hall, Southowram, near Halifax, Yorks. REGINALD JOHN LISTON-FOULIS. Esquire, of Curry-Rivel, Somerset, Lord of the Manor of Hatch Beau- champ, near Taunton. Born Jan. 10, 1871, being the second son of Sir James Liston-Foulis, ninth Baronet, of Colinton, Edinburgh, by his wife Sarah Helen, da. of Sir Charles Metcalfe Ochterlony, second Baronet, of Ochterlony. Ciui — Union (Edinburgh). Livery— Drab, dark green band round end of collar and sleeves, waistcoat of narrow green and white stripes, brass buttons. Armorial beari]^— (Matric. L.O. 1894). Quarterly i and 4, argent three bay- leaves slipped vert (for Foulis) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a cross raguly argent, two gilly flowers slipjjed proper, one in chief and the other in base (for Liston), all within a bordure or. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand couped hold- ing a sword in pale, sustaining a wreath of laurel all proper; and in an escroll above, this Motto, " Mente manuque praesto. " Estates — The Yews; Farms in various parts of Somerset. Postal address— Curry-Rive], Taunton, Somerset. LITTLE, quartered by GORDON- GILMOUR. M ARCHIBALD COSMO LITTLE, Esquire, Major 5th Lancers, J. P. co. of Gloucester. Born ]\ine 2t, 1855, being the eldest son of the late General Sir Archibald Little, G.C.B., by his wife Jane, only child of Malcolm Orme. Livery — Dark blue, brass buttons. Armorial bearings— Sable, a saltire engrailed argent, impaling the arms of Chetwynd-Talbot, namely, quarterly i and 4, gules, a lion rampant and a bordure engrailed or ; 2 and 3, azure, a chevron between three mullets or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, a leopard's face proper. Motto — "Magnum in parvo." Married, Oct. 4, 1887, Lady Gwendolen Chaplin, widow of CoL & is tlie Military Cockade. Lit Lit 841 Chaplin, late Coldstream Guards, second dau. of Rt. Hon. Charles John Chetwynd-Talbot, 19th Earl of Shrewsbury; (sinister) on a wreath of the liveries, a dexter hand holding a scroll of paper within a. garland of laurel proper. Mottoes and has Issue — Charlotte Theresa Orme. Seat — Upton House, Tetbury, Gloucestershire. Clubs — Naval and Mili- tary, The Turf, Arthur's, Wellington, Pratt's. ERNEST KNIGHTLEY LITTLE Esquire, J. P. Born Oct. i860, being the only son of George Arthur Knightley Howman (who assumed the name and arms of Little by Royal Licence 1878), by his wife Augusta, dau. of Henry Shepherd Pearson of Spinfield, Berks. Club— Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings — Azure, a cinquefoil between fourestoiles in cross or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a boar sable, armed, tusked, and maned or, charged on the body with two estoiles fesseways of the last. Motto — " Sua gratia parvis." Matried, Dec. 1882, Georgiana, youngest dau. of the late Capt. Mildmay Clerk of Spratton Hall, Northampton; and has had Issue — (i) George Jerningham Knightley Little, Gentleman, b. July 1886; (2) Arthur Ernest Mildmay Little, Gentleman, b. April 1888, d. Nov. 1888 ; (3) Noel Ernest Little, Gentleman, b. Dec. 1892; Isabel Augusta; and Flora Georgiana. Residence — Newbold Pacey Hall, Warwick. LITTLE (U.O.). Per saltire sable and argent, a saltire engi-ailed quarterly per saltire between four crescents all counterchanged, on a chief ermine, three mullets azure. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the ' colours, a tiger's head affrontfe couped at the neck per saltire or and sable. Motto — " Magnum in parvo." Son of Robert Little, M.D., b. ; d. ; m. Henrietta, d. of Charles Colhoun of Carrickballydoey, CO. Donegal : — Col. Charles Colhoun Little, M.D. (Royal Univ.), Inspector-Gen. of Civil Hospitals, Burmah, Indian Medical ervice, b. . Res. — Queen Anne's Gate, London, S.W. LITTLE-GILMOUR (L.O., 27 Dec. 1902; formerly irdon-Gilmour, matric. 1887). Quarterly, i and 4, sable, in a saltire argent, a crescent gules (Little of Over Liberton, 1672-7); 2 and 3, azure, three writing-pens palewise ■gent (Gilmour, c. 1672-7). Mantlings (dexter) sable, doubled argent ; (sinister) azure, doubled argent. Crests — iDexter) on a wreath of the liveries, a leopard's head or; — (Dexter) " Magnum in parvo ; " (sinister) " Nil penna sed usus." Livery — Blue and white. Only son of Lt.-Col. Robert Gordon Gordon-Gilmour, C.B., M.V.O., D.S.O., Grenadier Guards, J. P., D.L. Midlothian, h. 1857; m. 1889, Lady Susan Lygon, d. of Earl Beauchamp : — John Little-Gilmour, Gentleman, b. 5 June 1899. Post, add. — The Inch, Liberton, Midlothian. FLETCHER CASTELL HUNGERFORD LITTLE- DALE, Esquire, late Captain in the 29th U tf't'T^flS^f r ("ow Worcestershire) Regiment. Born ILlVVll^Uttll^ January 20, 1846, being the son of Arthur Littledale, Gentleman, of the Honour- able East India Company's Service, by his wife Henrietta Catherine, only daughter of George Ewan Law. Clubs — White's, Naval and Military, Royal London Yacht. Livery — Blue coat, yellow waistcoat. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a lion passant gules, on a chief azure, three cross crosslets of the field. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, gorged with a collar gemel, and holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet argent; with the Motto, "Crux mihi dux." Married, June 25, 1878, Emily Fanny Stopford (d. 1896), eldest dau. of General Edward Stopford Claremont, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Estate— CooVhB.m End, in the county of Berkshire. Postal address — 2 Bryan- ston Place, London, W. The Reverend GODFREY ARMYTAGE LITTLE- DALE, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. of the University of Oxford, Vicar of Chipping Norton, and Rural Dean. Born September 15, 1854, being the second son of Henry Anthony Littledale, Esquire, by his wife Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of John Armytage, Esquire, of Kirklees Hall, in the county of York. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a lion passant gules, on a chief azure, three cross crosslets of the field ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, gorged with a collar gemel, and holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet argent ; with the Motto, " Fac et spera." Married, firstly, August 10, 1886, Alice Henrietta (who died December 12, 1892), second daughter of Marmaduke Wyvill of Constable Burton, in the county of York ; and secondly, Eleanor is the Naval Cockade. 84S lit lit) Mary Anne, eldest tiau. of Arthur Harvey Thursby of Culverlands, near Rmdine; nnd ttas Issue (by first mar- riage)— Anthony Godfrey Littlcdale, Gentleman, born May 13, 1888 ; and Dorothy l^urn ; and by his seconti niarria^, Elaine Mary. Postal addrtss—'Yhv. Vicarage, Chipping Norton. CM— The Oxfordshire, Oxford. ©HENRY Wn.LIAM ASSHKTON LITTLEDALE. Capt. in the Roy;il Navy. Iforn September 16, 1846, being the eldest son of the late Henry Anthony Littledale, Esquire, of Bolton Hall, in the county of York, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of John Armytage, Esquire, of Kirklees Park, in the county of York. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a lion passant gules, on a chief azure, three cross crosslets of the field ; and for his Crest, up>on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, gorged with a collar gemel, and holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet argent; with the HottO, " Fac et spera." Married, April 29, 1879, Catherine, eldest surviving daughter of Lieutenant-General Henry Wray, Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George ; and has had Issue — Henry Ambrose Pudsay Little- dale, Gentleman, born August 31, 1881 ; Mary Dorothy ; and Winifred (deceased). S RALPH PUDSAY LITTLEDALE. Major Royal Engineers. Born February 17, 1856, being the third son of the late Henry Anthony Littledale, Esquire, of Bolton Hall, in the county of York, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of John Armytage, Esquire, eldest son of Sir George Armytage, Bart., of Kirklees Park, in the county of York. Club — Naval and Military. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a lion passant gules, on a chief azure, three cross crosslets of the field ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, gorged with a collar gemel, and holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet argent ; with the Motto, "Fac et spera." Married, April 18, 1891, Mary Olivia Georgina, eldest daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Lennox Tredcroft of Glen Ancrum, Guildford; and has Issue — Robert Littledale, Gentleman, born Jan. 27, 1895 ; and Olivia Mary Edith. WILLOUGHBY ASTON LITTLEDALE, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford. Bom August 31, 1857, being the fourth son of the late Henry Anthony Littledale, Esquire, of Bolton Hall, in the county of York, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of John Armytage, Esquire, of Kirklees Park, in the county of York. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a lion passant gules, on a chief azure, three cross crosslets of the field, impaling the arms of Thursby, namely argent, a chevron between three lions rampant sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, gorged with a collar gemel, and holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet argent; with the Motto, "Fac et spera." Married, P'eb- ruary 19, 1889, Violet, elder daughter of Sir John Hardy Thursby, Baronet, of Ormerod House, in the County Palatine of Lancaster; and has /^x«r — Willoughby John Littledale, Gentleman, b. Feb. 19, 1896 ; and Eleanor Violet. Postal address — a6 Cranley Gardens, London, .S.W. Club— Oxford and Cambridge. S ALEXANDER LITTLEJOHN of Invercharron. Ardgay, Ross and Cromarty, J. P., D.L. for co. Ross. Bom 1845, being the son of the late William Littlejohn, Esq., of Alxsrdeen, J. P. Armorial bearings— Quarterly I and 4, azure, on a fesse engrailed with plain cotises argent, between three bugle-horns stringed or, a bow unstrung fesse- ways proper, a bordure wavy of the second (for Littlejohn) ; 3 and 3 erminois, two bendlets sable, between an eagle's head erased in chief and a reindeer's head also erased in base, both proper (for Bentley) ; and impaling the arms of Bruce, namely or, a saltire cotised gules, on a chief of the last, a fleur-de-lis betvyeen two demi-lions erased of the field. Mantlin£^ azure doubled argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, three arrows, one in pale and two in saltire points downwards proper. Motto — "Virtute tuta- men." Married, 1869, Mary, dau. of Sir George Barclay Bruce, Knight Bachelor. Seat — Invercharron, Ardgay, N.B. Town residence — i Pembroke Gardens. WILLIAM LITTLEJOHN, Esquire, J. P. Born . being the son of James Littlejohn of Aberdeen. Armorial beaflngs — Azure, on a fesse engrailed with plain cotises argent, between three bugle-horns stringed or, a bow un- strung fesseways proper. Mantling azure and argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, upon a mount vert, three arrows, one in pale and two in saltire, the points downwards or, barbed and flighted proper, banded argent, therefrom pendent a bugle-horn or. MottO — ' ' In virtute tuta- men. " Postal address—Czm^hWX, Peterculter, co. Aberdeen. LITTON (Confn. U.O.). Ermine, a crescent gules, on a chief indented azure, three ducal coronets or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, an ermine's head ermine. Motto — " Prudentia gloriam ac- quirit." Son of Edward Thomas Litton, Esq., J. P., m. 2nd, Georgina, d. of William Minchin of Annagh, co. Tipperary : — William Henry Francis Litton, Gentleman, b. 13 Aug. 1864 ; m. 1886, Catherine, d. of Major Blayney Thomas Winslow, J. P., of Mount Prospect, Derrylin, co. Fer- managh ; and has issue — Edward Leslie Litton, Gentleman, b. 1887. Res.—s Rossetti Mansions, Cheyne Walk, S.W, Club — Constitutional. Sons of Edward de I'Establ^re Litton, Esq., J. of Ardavilling, co. Cork, b. 1864; d. 1902; m. 1894? Ida Kathleen, d. of Samuel Gordon, M.D., ex-Pres, R.C.P.L :— Edward Falconer Litton, Gentleman, b. 1896. Seat- Ardavilling, co. Cork. Roy Vareilles Litton, Gentleman, b. 1897. Res. Yr. sons of Edward Falconer Litton, Esq. , J.P., M.A., Q.C., M.P. for CO. Tyrone 1880-81, b. 1827; d. 1890; m. 2nd, 1861, Lizzie (d. 1873), d. of Rev. Mark Cl.vke ; 3rd, 1875, Mary, d. of Henry Lee: — Marshal William Litton, Gentleman, b. 1869 ; m. 1896, Elizabeth Catherine Dorothea, d. of George S. Nason of Sandyhill, Tallow, co. Waterford ; and has issue— George Edward Litton, Gentleman, b. 1897. JRes. — Francis Henry Litton, Gentleman, b. 1875 ; m. 1903, Olive, d. of Anthony Joseph MacDermott of The Park, Killarney. Res. — S RANALD JOHN MACDONALD LIVINGSTON- MACDONALD, litjingjGiton = ^actionalti '^f'''^& Seaforth High- landers, J. P. CO. Inverness. Born July 5, 1863, being the elder son of the late Ronald Livingston of Drimsynie, in the county of Argyll, by his wife Agnes Johanna, daughter of Captain Ninian Jeffrey, Ross-shire Local Militia. Club — Junior United Service. Livery — OaiCt^^ es. is the Blilitary Cockade. Lit) Lla 843 colour and silver. Armorial bearings — He bears for Anus : Quarterly, first and fourth grantl cjuarters counter- quartered, I. argent, a lion rampant gules ; 2. or, a hand in armour, holding a cross crosslet fitch^e gules ; 3. or, a galley, sails furled sable ; 4. vert, a salmont naiant in fesse proper, all within a bordure parted per pale or and azure (for Macdonald) ; second and third grand quarters or, three Learmonlh, Gentleman, b. Nov. 12, 1897 ; (4) Somerville Alexander Livingstone-Learmonth, Gentleman, b. 1904; i cmquefoils gules (for Livingston). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a hand in armour proper, holding a cross crosslet fitch^e azure. Motto — " Per mare per terras." Estate and postal address — Flodigarry House, Staffin, Skye. LIVINGSTONE, see FENTON-LIVINGSTONE. ■(LIVINGSTONE, quartered by CALLANDER. *NOEL CHRISTIAN LIVINGSTONE - LEAR - MONTH, Gentleman. Born , being the son of the late Andrew James Livingstone-Learmonth, by his wife Frances Maxwell Buchanan, daughter of Boyd Alexander Cunninghame of Craigends, co. Renfrew. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or, on a chevron sable, three lozenges of the first (for Learmonth) ; 2 and 3, argent, a mascle azure, between three gillyflowers slipped gules, a double treasure flory counterflory vert (for Livingstone), the whole within a bordure wavy azure. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crests — 1. on the dexter side, on a wreath of his liveries, a dove holding in the beak an olive branch proper (for Learmonth) ; 2. on the sinister side, on a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand holding a sabre proper (for Livingstone). Mottoes — " Dum spiro spero" (for Lear- month) ; "Si possim " (for Livingstone). Residence — SOMERVILLE REID LIVINGSTONE - LEAR- MONTH, Gentleman. Born Nov. 26, 1861, being the eldest son of the late Somerville Livingstone-Learmonth, by his wife Maria Katherine, dau. of Lestock Robert Reid , -of the Bombay Civil Service. Armorial bearings — Quar- terly I and 4, or, on a chevron sable, three lozenges of the first (for Learmonth) ; 2 and 3, argent, a mascle azure, be- tween three gillyflowers slipped gules, within a double tres- sure flowered counterflowered of fleurs-de-lis vert (for Living- stone), the whole within a bordure invecked azure. Mant- ling gules, doubled argent. Crests -i. on the dexter side, on a wreath of his liveries, a dove holding in the beak an "'live branch proper (for Learmonth) ; 2. on the sinister side, a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand grasping a sabre 'oper (for Livingstone). Mottoes— " Dum spiro spero " Learmonth) ; " Si possim (for Livingstone). Married, ly 5, 1886, Isabella, dau. of Samuel Smith Travers of ,obart, Tasmania; and has /wz/^- (i) Somerville James Ivingstone-Learmonth, Gentleman, b. 1892, d. Sept. 28, (2) Maxwell John Livingstone-Learmonth, Gentle- n, b. Oct. 14, 1894 ; (3) Lestock Robert Livingstone- and Winifred AUson. Club — Arthur's. Seat — Stakes, Cosham, Hants. THOMAS LIVINGSTONE LIVINGSTONE-LEAR- MONTH, Gentleman. Born 1B60, being the eldest son of Thomas Livingstone-Learmonth, Esq., J. P., by his wife Louisa H. , youngest dau. of Major -Gen. Sir Thomas Valiant, of H.M. 40th Regt. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or, on a chevron sable, three lozenges of the first (for Learmonth) ; 2 and 3, argent, a mascle azure, between three gillyflowers slipped gules, a double tressure flory counterflory vert (for Livingstone), the whole within a bordure engrailed azure. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crests — i. on the dexter side, on a wreath of his liveries, a dove holding in the beak an olive branch proper (for Learmonth) ; 2. on the sinister side, on a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand holding a sabre proper (for Living- stone). Mottoes — "Dum spiro spero" (for Learmonth); " Si possim " (for Livingstone). Married, 1894, Celia, dau. of Robert Gillespie. Residence — Parkhall, by Polmont, N.B. THOMAS LIVINGSTONE-LEARMONTH, Gentle- man. Born 1840, being the second but eldest surviving son of John Livingstone-Learmonth, by his wife Anne Alicia, dau. of John MacWhirter, M.D. , of Edinburgh. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or, on a chevron sable, three lozenges of the first (for Learmonth) ; 2 and 3, argent, a mascle azure, between three gillyflowers slipped gules, a double tressure flory counterflory vert (for Livingstone), the whole within a bordure azure. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crests — i. on the dexter side, on a wreath of his liveries, a dove holding in the beak an olive branch proper (for Learmonth) ; 2. on the sinister side, on a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand holding a sabre proper (for Living- stone). Mottoes— " Dum spiro spero" (for Learmonth); " Si possim " (for Livingstone). The Right Honourable HENRY MATTHEWS, VISCOUNT LLANDAFF of Hereford, K.C., P.C., LL.B. ; was Secretary of State for the Home Dept. 1886-92, was Examiner in Common Law to the Inns of Court 1872- 76, and M.P. for Dungarvan 1868-74, for E. Birmingham 1886 to 1895, in which year he was raised to the Peerage. Born 1826, being the only son of the Hon. Henry Matthews, a Judge in Ceylon, by Emma, dau. of William Blount of is tbe Naval Cockade. 844 Lla iLla Orleton Manor, Herefordshire. I.ittry—BUick and gold. Armorial bMurlnpi — Quarterly, i. or, a lion rampant ru- Rwirdant sable, two tlaunches of the last, each charged with a mullet arf;ent, pierced of the field (for Matthews) ; a. (>cr jxile azure and gules, a chevron between three lions rampant or (for Hoskyns) ; 3. eulcs, three lions passant argent (for Gifl'ord) ; 4. gules, three stirrups buckled and leathered or (for Scudamorc). Upon the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereu(>on a helmet iwtitting his degere, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his OrMt, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a the Peace and Deputy • Lieutenant, of The Hendre, by Klizabeth Mary, daughter of Walter Long of I'reshaw House, by his wife Mary, coninjonly known as I^idy Mary, daughter of the Right Honourable the seventh Earl of Northcsk. C/u6s — Carllon, Junior C'arlton, Arthur's, Marylelione, Royal Yacht Squadron, Constitutional, Junior Constitutional. Liveiy—D^rV. green, with narrow red cord binding, aiguillettes on left shoulder, green plush breeches. Armonai bearings— He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, or on a fesse dancctli^e with plain cotises Ijelween three billets sable, cacli charged with a lion rampant of the field. heathcock holding in the l)eak a sprig of broom proper. Motto—" Y flfynne duw y fydd." Supporters— On either side a unicorn sable, gorged with a wreath of oak and suj>- pwrting a fasces, both proper. Residence — 6 Carlton Gar- dens, S.W. Ciu6s — Carlton, Athenaeum, Windham. llangattock The Right Honourable JOHN ALLAN ROLLS, first liaron Llangattock, of The Hendre, in the county of Mon- mouth, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for that county, for which he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1875, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Colonel ist Monmouth Volunteer Artillery, late Captain Royal Glouce- stershire Hussars. Bom February 19, 1837, being the only son of John Etherington Welch Rolls, Esquire, Justice of as many bezants (for Rolls) ; 2. gules, an eagle displayed, barry of six erminois and azure (for Coysh) ; 3. argent, a saltire between two leopards' faces in pale, and as many cross crosslets in fesse sable (for Barnet). Above the escut- cheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, out of a wreath of oak a dexter cubit arm vested or, cuff sable, the arm charged with a fesse dancett^e double cotised of the second, charged with three bezants, in the hand proper a roll of parchment argent. Supporters — Dexter, a lion rampant proper, gorged with a chain or, pendent therefrom an escutcheon argent, charged with a rock gules ; sinister, a leopard proper, gorged with a chain or, pendent therefrom an escutcheon also or, thereon an ancient galley with sails furled sable, flagged gules, sea proper. Motto — " Celeritas is the Military Cockade. lie Ifo 845 et Veritas." Married, Oct. 20, 1868, Georgiana Marcia, youngest dau. of Sir Charles Fitzroy Maclean, Baronet of Morvaren ; and has Issue — (i) John Maclean Rolls, Esq., commonly known as the Honourable John Maclean Rolls, J. P., D. L., Capt. ist Monmouthshire Vol. Artillery, High Sheriff 1900, b. April 25, 1870 ; (2) Henry Allen Rolls, Esq., commonly known as the Honourable Henry Allen Rolls, b. Aug. 5, 1871 ; (3) Charles Stewart Rolls, Esq., commonly known as the Honourable Charles Stewart Rolls, b. August 27, 1877 ; and Eleanor Georgiana, commonly known as the Honourable Eleanor Georgiana. Estate — The Hendre ; Llangattock Manor, and Croft-y-bwla. Postal addresses — The Hendre, Monmouth ; South Lodge, Rut- land Gate, London, S.W. WILLIAM LLEWELLIN, Esquire, J. P. cos. Mon- mouth and Dorset (High Sheriff 1901-1902). Born 1856, being the eldest son of the late William Llewellin, Esq., of Hill Grange, Abergavenny, J. P. co. Monmouth. Armorial bearings — Gules, three chevronels couped ermine, between as many spear-heads or. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lamb passant argent, suf)- porting with the dexter forefoot a flagstaff in bend sinister proper, therefrom flowing a banner gules, charged with a spear-head or, between two wings of the third, on each a like spear-head. Motto— " Duw fo ar fy rhan." Married, Jan. 1889, Frances Mary, eldest dau. of Lewis Davis Wigan of Oakwood, Maidstone, Kent; and has Issue — (i) William Wigan Llewellin, Gentleman, b. Nov. 1889; (2) John Jest yn Llewellin, Gentleman, b. Feb. 1893 ; and Margaret Mary. Residence— \}\)\.on House, near Poole, Dorset. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. LLEWELYN, see DILLWYN-VENABLES- LLE- WELYN. LLEWELLYN of Baglan Hall and Court Colman (H. Coll.). Per fesse embattled azure and or, a javelin erect between two boar's heads erased in chief and a like boar's head erased between two javelins in base all counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, a boar's head erased or, in front of three javelins, one in pale and two in saltire also proper. Motto—" Gwell angau na chywilydd." Livery — Blue, yellow waistcoat. Son of William Llewellyn, Esq., of Court Colman, J. P., D.L. , Major Glamorgan Vols. (1820-1898) ; m. 1844, Eleanor Emma, d. of Rev. Robert Knight, J. P., of Tythegston Court, Glamorgansh. : — Robert William Llewellyn, Esq., J. P. and D.L. Gla- morgansh., late Capt. Roy. Glamorgan L. Inf. Mil., and formerly Cornet Roy. Dragoons, b. 26 May 1848 ; m. 22 Nov. 1882, Harriet Annie, d. of late William Blandy of Kingston Bagpews, Berks ; and has surv. issue — (r) William Herbert Clydwyn Llewellyn, Gentleman, Lieut. S. Wales Borderers, b. i Nov. 1883 ; (2) Griffith Robert Poyntz Llewellyn, Gentleman, b. 26 Feb. 1886; (3) John Blandy Llewellyn, Gentleman,*. 21 June 1890 ; (4) Robert Godfrey Llewellyn, Gentleman, b. 13 May 1893; Dorothy Mary; and Eleanor Caroline. Seats — Court Colman, Bridgend, Glamorganshire ; Penrhewtyn House, nr. Neath ; Pentre House, Rhondda Valley. Res. — Baglan Hall, Briton Ferry, Glamorganshire. C/k^— Travellers'. LLOYD, quartered by PRICE and PRYCE, LLOYD, see EVANS -LLOYD, HUTCHINSON - LLOYD - VAUGHAN - WHITLOCKE - LLOYD, and HOPE-LLOYD-VERNEY. LLOYD (U.O.). Gules, a lion rampant regardant be- tween two flaunches or, each charged with three cinquefoils sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on three cinquefoils in fesse or, a lion rampant regardant gules. Motto — ' ' Vi et virtute." » Sons of Thomas Lloyd, Esq., of Beechmount, J. P. and D.L, CO. Limerick, J. P. cos. Clare and Tipperary, b. 1798 ; d. 1873 ; m. 2nd, 1838, Julia Palmer, d. of Capt. Frances Hall ; — Major-Gen. Thomas Francis Lloyd, J. P., D.L. (High Sheriff 1894), Major-Gen. (ret.) in the Army, formerly tol. comdg. 2nd Regtl. Dist. and Lt.-Col. comdg. 98th Regt., sometime A.A.Q.M.G. Cork Dist. , 3. 1839; m. 1870, Mary Henrietta, d. of Christian Allhusen, Esq., D.L., of Stoke Court, Bucks ; and has had issue — Thomas Henry Eyre Lloyd, Esq., Capt. Coldstream Gds. , b. 1871, killed in action at Brakenlaagte, S. Africa, 1901. Seat — Beech- mount, Rathkeale, co. Limerick. Arthur Rickard Lloyd, Gentleman, b. ; m. 1869, Theodosia (rf. 1894), d. of Capt. John Talbot of Mouut Talbot, D.L. ; and has had issue — (i) John Lloyd, Gentle- man, b. ; (2) Henry Talbot Lloyd, Esq., Capt. R.M.L. Inf., killed in action at Tientsin, b. ; (3) Arthur Lloyd, Gentleman, b. ; and Diana. Res. — Henry Hall Lloyd, Gentleman, b. ; m. ist, 1872, Ellen, d. of Rev. Charles Childers ; 2nd, 1890, Frances Catherine {d. 1896), d. of Col. E. S. Bayley of Ballyarthur. Res.— LLOYD (U.O.). Or, a lion rampant regardant sable, on a canton azure, a cross pat^e fitch^e of the first. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant regardant sable, charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipf)ed or. Motto — ' ' Tendit in ardua virtus." Son of Richard Lloyd, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, b. 1807; d. 1879; m. 1836, Margaret, d. of Edmond Knapp Piersy of Charleville, co. Cork : — Col. Edmond George Knapp Piersy Lloyd, Staff Officer N. London Vol. Brig., served in S. Africa 1900-2, b. 1842 ; m. 1873, Emma Susanna, d. of Benjamin Johnson, M.D. ; and has issue — ^Langford Newman Lloyd, Esq., D.S.O., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Capt. R.A.M.C, served in S. Africa 1899-1901 (ment. in desp.), b. 1873. Estate — Charleville, CO. Cork. Res. — 43 Kensington Mansions, London, W. Clubs — -Constitutional, National, Auxiliary Forces, Mayfair, Royal Cork Yacht (Cork). LLOYD, formerly of Danyrallt (Ped. H. Coll.). Quar- terly, I and 4, sable, a spear-head embrued proper, between three scaling-ladders argent, on a chief gules a castle triple- turretted of the second ; 2 and 3, azure, a wolf rampant argent. Motto—" Heb Dduw heb ddim a Dduw a digon." Livery — Green and silver. Only surv. son of Rev. Henry Robert Lloyd, M.A., Rector of Cliffe-at-Hoo, Kent, b. 1809 ; d. 1880 ; m. 1843, Harriet, fourth d. of Hon. and Rt. Rev. Edward Grey, Bishop of Hereford, and gd. of Charles, 1st Earl Grey : — Rev. lorwerth Grey Lloyd, M.A. Exeter Coll., Oxford, F.S.A. , Prebendary or Canon of Llandewi Aberarth, in the Cathedral Church of St. David's, Vicar of Slebech, &c. , b. ■2'2 Oct. 1844; m. 1871, Nina, third surv. d. of late Charles Eastland de Michele, sometime H.B.M. Consul at St. Petersburg; and has issue— Edward Lloyd, Gentleman, b. 1874 \m. 1904, Alexandra, only d. of John N. Dalgleish of Vancouver, Brit. Columbia] ; (2) Vaughan Lloyd, Gentleman, b. 1876; (3) Griffith Lloyd, Gentleman, b. 1884; Eleanor [/«. 1895, Major Frederick George Vigor] ; Gwerfyl; and Mabel. A'w.—Cres borough, Haverfordwest, South Wales. Only son of Joseph Howard Francis Lloyd, Esq., b. 1812 ; d. 1891 : — is tlie Naval Cockade. 846 Lfo HlO Ilowanl Meuric Lloyd {f.v.). Son of RoAr-Adm. lieorRc Lloyd, R.N., K 1793; tl. i860; M. 1st, 1817, Ktitabeih (ti. iSaS), d. of John Mnrxmnof lUirficId liouM,(>los. ; and, 1838, Mnrianne, {it. 1840), d. of Jacob Kichanls, Esq., of Tenby, J. P. and D.U ; 3rd, 1851, Callierine, d. of John Stokes of C'uflern, 00. »mbroke: — Charles I J2Xd> Gentleman. Lieut. Indian Navy, t. 1804 ; flut. mU, — The Club, Clevedon, Somerset. ALMERT LLOYD, Esquire, Lieut.-Col. late looth Foot. Bom April aS, 184a, tieing the third son of the late Richard Harnmn Lloytl of Allesley House, a n.inki'r in London, by his wife Isaltclln Mary, d.nu. of Willi.inj Honadaile of lied- fonl Hill, Strcathnm. Surrey. Annorial bearingrs— Arure, a chevron between three cocks argent, . July\6, 1870; (a) H.arry Herbert de Beaumont Lloyd, (lentle- man, i. Dec. 31, 187^ ; (3) Arthur I^slie Lloyd, Gentleman, *. April 15. 1875 ; (4) Ernest Winser Lloyd. Gentleman, />. Nov. 4, 1876; (s) Reginald John Lloyd, (Gentle- man, t. March 31, 1881 ; and Ethel Louise. Postal address — Tarramia, Bobinawarrah, Oxieyshire. Victoria, Australia. CLIFFORD BARTHOLOMEW LIX)YD. Gentleman. Bom Aug. 18, 1845, being the eldest son of the late Bar- tholomew Clifford. E.sq., LL.D., Q.C., Chairman of Quarter Sessions co. Waierford, by his first wife Ciu-oline Hamilton, only dau. of Rt. Hon. William Brooke, P.(.'., of Dromavana, co. Cavan, Master in Chancery. Armorial bearings Or, a lion rampant regardant sable, on a canton azure, a cross pal6e fitch^ of the first. Mantling sable Lloyd of Parteen Manor House, Kilquane. co. Qare, by his wife Jane Fitzgerald, younger dau. and co-heir of Charles and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant regardant sable, charged on the shoulder witli a trefoil slipped or. Motto — "Tendit in ardua virtus. Married, firstly, May 5, 1870, Isabella Maria {d. 1892), dau. of Major Des Voeux of Portarlington, Queen's Co. ; and by her has Issue (t ) Wilmot Humphrey Clifford Lloyd, Gentleman, d. July 15, 1879; Beatrice Anne Caroline Iw belli Clifford [m.. May 7, 1891, Leslie Tufnell Peacockc Esq., Capt. Sth Ball. Connaught Rangers, and has issue Hugo Leslie Peacocke. She m. secondly, 1902, Capt. Eardley Wilmot Brooke, A.S.C, formerly 60th Rifles], and Alice Eliz.iheth [m., Dec. 18, 1900, George P. Stewart]. He m. secondly. Oct. 7, 1896. Edith Emily Marguerite, ^ iB the Military Cockade. llo Uo 847 youngest dau. of Thomas Fitz-Herbcrt of Blackcastle, co. Meath. Jiesidence Victona. Castle, Killiney, co. Dublin. C///^J— Constitutional, Royal St. George Yacht (Kings- town). GEORGE LLOYD, Gentleman. Born July 15, 1843, being the fifth son of the late Richard Harman Lloyd of AUesley House, a Banker in London, by his wife Isabella Mary, dau. of William Borradaile of Bedford Hill, Streat- ham, Surrey. Armorial teaxings -Azure, a chevron be- tween three cocks argent, wattled, crested, and armed or. Mantling azure and argent. Married Isabel Brisbane, dau. of John de Courcy Bremer ; and has Isstie (i) George Bremer Lloyd, Gentleman, b. April 5, 1869; (2) Alfred Harold Bremer Lloyd, Gentleman, b. July 3, 1874; Ina Beatrice ; and Isabel Kathleen. Residence— GEORGE BRAITHWAITE LLOYD, Esquire. J. P. for Birmingham, formerly Mayor of that city. Bom Oct. 15, 1824, being the second son of the late George Braithwaite Lloyd of The Farm, Sparbrook, co. Warwick, Banker, by his wife Mary, dau. of John P. Dearman of Sparbrook. Armorial bearings Azure, a chevron between three cocks aigent, armed, crested, and wattled or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, in front of a fern-brake a goat salient argent, horned and unguled or, gorged with a collar flory counterflory sable. Motto - " Esto vigilans." Married, 1851, Mary, dau. of S. Hutchin- son ; and has Issue— ]oh.n Henry Lloyd, Gentleman \m. Gertrude, dau. of Joseph Keep of Edgbaston, and has issue]; Priscilla Caroline, d. in infancy; and Mary, d. in infancy. Residence— GEORGE HERBERT LLOYD, Gentleman. Bom March 8, 1850, being the second son of the late Sampson Samuel Lloyd, Esq., J. P. for co. Warwick, and for the city of Birmingham, M.P. for Plymouth 1874-80, for South Warwick 1885-86, by his wife Emma, dau. of Samuel Reeve of Leighton Buzzard, co. Bedford. Armorial bear- IngfS Azure, a chevron between three cocks argent, armed, crested, and wattled or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, in front of a fern-brake, a goat salient argent, horned and unguled or, gorged with a collar flory counterflory sable. MottO -"Esto vigilans.' Married, firstly, Sept. 27, 1872, Anna Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Colmore of Ashfurlong House, Sutton Coldfield ; she d.s.p, July 27, 1873 ; he m. secondly, April 4, 1877, Amy Letitia, dau. of Henry Chance of Sherborne House, War- wick ; and has Issue (i) Herbert Lloyd, Gentleman, b. Jan. 15, 1879; (2) Henry David Llewellyn Lloyd, Gentleman, b. Aug. 15, 1881 ; and Mary Evelyn Gladys. Residence - GEORGE WILLIAM LLOYD, Esquire, J. P. co. ! Lincoln. Born March 4, 1861, being the elder son of the I late Rev. Henry Lloyd, Rector of Yarborough, co. Lincoln, ] by his wife Anne Eliza, dau. of the Rev. W. Roy, D.D. I Livery -Brown with yellow facings. Armorial bearings 1 — Argent, three lions dormant in pale sable between two \ flaunches of the last, each charged with three mullets pale- I ways of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm vested ' azure, cuff argent, the hand grasping a lizard fessewise j proper, a lion dormant sable, ^ea/— Stockton Hall, York. I Residence— Ca.yit\or^ Hall, Grantham. Clubs — Conserva- tive, Yorkshire (York). MEYRICKE ENTWISLE LLOYD, Gentleman, Lieut. I^oyal Welsh Fusiliers. Born 1880, being the eldest son of iihe late Henry Lloyd, Esq., J. P. cos. Northampton and Montgomery, and High Sheriff for Montgomery 1883, for- ' merly Capt. Montgomery Yeo. Cavalry, by his wife Caroline Dorothea, eldest dau. of John Smith Entwisle of Fox- holes, CO. Lancaster. Armorial bearings — Quarterly, azure, a chevron between three cocks argent, wattled, jfested, and armed or ; 2. sable, a goat statant argent, "omed and unguled or ; 3. same as i ; 4. per pale or and "lies, two lions rampant addorsed, countercharged ; 5. ble, three nags' heads erased argent ; 6. sable, three cocheons or, each charged with a lion rampant gules; t azure, three coronets in pale or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— In front of a fern brake a goat salient argent, horned and unguled or, gorged with a collar flory counterflory sable. Motto — "Gwylia." Seats — Pitsford Hall, CO. Northampton ; Dolobran Isaf, co. Montgomery. FREDERICK BIANCHI LLOYD, Esquire, heir male of a Knight Banneret of Agincourt, Joint Lord of the Manor of Stockton in Chirbury, in the co. of Salop. Bom Dec. 31, 1832, being the third but eldest surviving son of the late William Lloyd, Esq., of Parteen Manor, co. Clare, and of Charles Street, Langham Place, London, by his wife Jane, youngest dau. and co-heir of Charles Henry Fitzgerald de Beaumont (imigrd noble). Livery — (Un- dress) : black, with white facings, and silver braid and buttons, yellow and red striped waistcoat, and black trousers with silver braid stripes ; (full dress) : blue plush breeches, silver buttons, gold garters, and white stockings. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly of 356, viz. : i. Lloyd of Stockton : Sable, three nag's heads erased argent ; 2. Sir Griffith Vaughan, Knight Banneret of Agincourt : Quar- terly I and 4, sable, three nag's heads erased argent ; 2 and 3 argent, a "castle" triple-towered sable, port overt chained transverse or (Sir John Oldcastle, Lord Cob- ham) ; 3. Griffith ap Beli, de la Garth, Lord of Guilsfield: Per pale or and gules, two lions rampant addorsed counter- changed ; 4. Brochwel Ysgithrog, King of Powys and Earl of Chester (ob. anno 617) : Sable, three nag's heads erased argent ; 5. Beli Mawr, or Belinus the Great, King of Britain : Azure, three ducal crowns in pale or ; 6. Sir Aron ap Rhys, Knight of the Sepulchre : Argent, a lion rampant gardant gules ; 7. Sir Aron ap Rhys, Knight of the Sepulchre: Argent, a lion rampant sable, ducally gorged with chain reflexed over the back or ; 8. Bledrey, Lord of Cilsant (ob. anno 11 19): Argent, three bull's heads caboshed sable, horned or ; 9. Cadivor Vawr, Lord of Blaenkych, Cilsant, and Dived (ob. anno 1084) : Argent, a lion rampant gardant sable ; 10. Seisyllt, from Pilius, King of Dived : Azure, a wolf rampant argent ; 11. Meiric, King of Dived : Azure, a chevron between three cocks argent, armed, crested, and wattled or; 12. Meredydd, of Dived: Sable, a boar statant argent, armed and bristled or, between six fleurs-de-lis, three in chief and three in base of the second ; 13. Llwch Llawen Vawr, Peer of Wales : Azure, a boar argent, armed, bristled, collared. is tbe Naval Cockade. PLATE XXIX. ^§^?Q^®t^ sxT nxmxsm^^m BeR.e,Hi3D • BiKDBHTSRs D@ OoaR.©v- (JJnQSJsSiL I«,VII3€ Uo Uo 849 and chained or, to a tree of the second ; 14. Griffith ap Cydrych, Lord of Gwinvai : Sable, a lion rampant argent; 15. Gwaethvoed, Prince of Gwent and Cardigan, and Lord of Gwinvai (killed anno 1057) : Or, a lion rampant regardant sable ; 16. Gwrydyr, Prince of Powys and Cardigan: Azure, three ducal crowns or; 17. Beli Mawr, or Belinus the Great, King of Britain : Azure, three ducal crowns or; 18. Edwin ap Teithwallt, Prince of Cardigan: Sable, a lion rampant argent ; 19. Cunedda Wledig, King of North Wales (ob. anno 389) : Sable, three roses argent, barbed and seeded proper ; 20. Padarn Peisrudd : Sable, three spears erect in fosse argent ; 21. Beh Mawr, King of Britain : Azure, three ducal crowns or ; 22. Morfydd verch Inyr, King of Gwent : Per pale, or and azure, a hon ram- pant argent, supporting a tree eradicated proper ; 23. Inyr, King of Gwent : Per pale, azure and sable, three fleurs- de-lis or ; 24. Cadwalader, last King of the Britons (ob. anno 688) : Azure, a cross pat(§e fitchfe or; 25. Cadwallon, King of the Britons : Or, on a pale azure, three ducal crowns of the first, nil within a bordure sable, thereon six annulets, three, two, and one of the field ; 26. Cunedda Wledig, King of North Wales (ob. anno 389) : As No. 19 ; 27. Padarn Peisrudd: As No. 20; 28. Sir Howell, Knight, Lord of Caerlleon : Gules, three towers triple-towered argent ; 29. Owen Wan, Lord of Caerlleon and Mac- hynlheth : Sable, a plate between three towers triple- towered argent; 30. Howel Dha, or " The Good," King of all Wales (ob. anno 948) : Gules, a lion rampant within a bordure indented or ; 31. Cadell, Prince of South Wales (ob. anno 907) : Argent, three lions passant regardant in pale gules ; 32. Roderic Mawr, or " The Great," King of all Wales (slain in battle in 877) : Or, a lion passant gardant gules ; 33. Mervyn Frych, King of the Cambro Britons and Earl of Anglesey (slain 843) : Argent, on three fusils con- joined in fesse gules, three eagles displayed or ; 34. Coel Godebog, King of Britain : Azure, a cross couped engrailed between four ducal crowns or; 35. Beli Mawr, King of Britain: As No. 5; 36. Cadell ap Brochwel ap Eliseg, King of Powys : Sable, three nag's heads erased argent ; 37. Beli Mawr, King of Britain : As No. 5 ; 38. Conan Tyndaethwy, King of the Cambro Britons (ob. anno 818) ; Azure, a cross patde fitch^e between four ducal crowns or ; 39. Idwal Ywrch, King of the Cambro Britons (ob. anno 720) : Azure, a cross patde fitchte, between four martlets or ; 40. Cadwalader, last King of the Britons (ob. anno 688) : As No. 24 ; 41. Cadwallon, King of the Britons : As No. 25 ; 42. Cunedda Wledig, King of North Wales (ob. anno 389) : As No. 19 ; 43. Padarn Peisrudd : As No. 20 ; 44. Cunedda Wledig, King of North Wales : As No. 19 ; 45. Padarn Peisrudd: As No. 20; 46. Mervyn, Prince of Powys (slain anno 900) : Quarterly gules and or, four lions passant gardant counterchanged ; 47 to 58. As Nos. 32 to 43 ; 59. Beli Mawr, King of Britain : As No. 5 ; 60 to 62. As Nos. 19 to 21 ; 63. Rees Griig, Lord of Llanymdhyfri (ob. anno 1233) : Argent, a lion rampant sable, crowned gules; 64. Rhys, Prince of South Wales (ob. anno 1x96) : Quarterly i and 4, argent, a lion rampant sable, crowned or ; 2 and 3, sable, a pomegranate leaved and slipped or, seeded gules ; 65. Rees ap Tudor, Prince of Wales (slain anno 1089) : Gules, a lion rampant or ; 66. Rees ap Tudor, Prince of Wales (slain anno 1089) : Argent, a lion rampant sable, crowned or ; 67. Tudor the Great, Prince of Wales (slain in battle anno 992) : Argent, three lions passant regardant in pale gules ; 68 to 81. As Nos. 30 to 43 ; 82 to 85. As. Nos. 59 to 62 ; 86 to 102. As Nos. 46 to 62 ; 103. Alio ap Rywallon of Trevnant in Powys : Or, three lion's heads erased gules, within a bordure engrailed azure ; 104. lestyn ap Gwrgant, Prince of Glamorgan (ob. anno 1091) : Gules, three chev- ronels argent ; 105. Llowdden, Lord of Uwch Aeron : Gules, a griffin segreant or ; 106. Uchtred, Prince of Engle- field, and one of the fifteen Peers (ob. anno mo) : Argent, a cross fleurett^ engrailed sable, between four Cornish choughs proper, on a chief azure a boar's head couped of the first, tusked or; 107. Edwin ap Grono, Prince of Englefield (slain anno 1073) : Argent, a cross fleurett6 engrailed sable, between four Cornish choughs proper ; 108 to 142. As Nos. 68 to 102 ; 143. Griffith Broughton, Lord of Broughton : Sable, a chevron between three owls argent ; 144. Madoc, de la Home (temp. Ed. L) : Sable, three owls argent ; 145. Winsbury, de Winsbury : Or, a fesse chequy of the field and gules, a chief indented azure ; 146. Ednowain ap Bradwen, one of the fifteen Tribes of North Wales: Gules, three snakes nowed argent ; 147. Marchudd, one of the fifteen Peers of North Wales (ob. anno 840) : Gules, a Saracen's head erased proper, wreathed about the temples argent and azure ; 148. Cadrod Calchevynydd, Earl of Northampton and Lord of Dunstable : Azure, a lion rampant argent ; 149. Cynwydd, Earl of Northampton and Lord of Dunstable : Vert, a chevron between three mullets or ; 150. Coel Godebog, King of Britain : As No. 34 ; 151. Riryd, alias Pothan Vlaidd : Argent, on a bend vert, three wolf's heads erased of the field ; 152. Riryd Vlaidd, Lord of Penllyn, one of the fifteen Peers (ob. anno 1 108): Vert, a chevron between three wolf's heads erased argent ; 153. Rhys ap Gwerystan : Sable, three roses argent, barbed and seeded proper ; 154. Padarn Peisrudd : As No. 20; 155. Beli Mawr, or Belinus the Great, King of Britain : as No. 5; 156. Gwrgen, Lord of Bryne : Argent, three greyhounds courant in pale sable, collared or ; 157. Cynvyn Hirdreff, Lord of Nevyn : Azure, three ducal crowns or ; 158. Blaidd Rudd, Lord of Gest : Azure, a wolf passant argent ; 159. Sir Alexander Middleton, of Middleton : Gules, on a bend or, three lions passant gardant sable ; 160. De Boulers, Lord of Marrington : Argent, two Cornish choughs in pale proper ; 161. Baldwyn, Lord of Diddlesbury : Per pale, argent and sable, a lion rampant counterchanged ; 162. Lloyd, of Stockton and Bedstone as No. i ; 163 to 206 as Nos. 2 to 415 ; 207. Beli Mawr, or Belinus the Great, King of Britain, as No. 5; 208 to 322 as Nos. 46 to 160; 323. Baldwyn, Lord of Diddlesbury, as No. 161 ; and many others — in all 356 quarterings (see Norfolk, xvi. 45). Majitling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a nag's head erased argent. Motto — "Fide ne diffide." Married, Sept. 13, 1871, Jane, dau. of John Kent, Esq., of Brangie, Oxley Plains, Victoria, Australia, J. P. ; and has had Issue — (i) Zealand Fleetwood Lloyd, Gentleman, b. and d. 1872 ; (2) Brochwel Frederick de Bonlers Lloyd, Gentleman, b. April 22, 1873 ; (3) John Fermor Charles Lloyd, b. 1881 and d. 1882; (4) William Vaughan Broughton Lloyd, Gentleman, b. Jan. 18, 1883; Violet Jane Gwenllian ; and Maud Miimie Middleton. Postal address — Oakland, California, U.S.A. Estate — Stockton Manor, in Chirbury, in the co. of Salop. Club — Junior Constitutional. is tbe Naval Cockade. H @%),rticf(!ri iti^^ ii tt.jXtuumUmr Jirf4f,lia if~^ytUntfvr*n/uf 'Sne.fi/.Ji f>. i . . , ff- (Ureu^ IfnuA Hat. tntM ft C/%t -^uii/mHff e^ C^m/rt/ .mufi Jf- tjruf cV^qff^um/ ^ Jll.Jtlur f/ffOf finf m. m «ti .CMdfrri^jlM^ . fine IM.I^ "(ert/ ^Marm 1 Sft//i attf //»- ^e/t Jhttr (U J^/ S3 . $um/^ed, c^ ^ . j JJ-^tdfx^ Jtaar 6ff. Jln^ o%*nW. S- Mtunt. 3lLf ^tfy»f, f;^ . // - Jfafy/ixn/ . , 'tirmaf/l4vt 4^pufo llo llo 851 HOWARD MEURIC LLOYD, Esquire, J.P. co. Carmarthen (High Sheriff 1905), M.A. Exeter Coll. (Oxon.), Barrister-at-Law (Inner Temple). Bom Dec. 26, 1853, being the only son of the late Joseph Howard Francis Lloyd, Esq., Stipendiary Magistrate and Assistant Justice of Court of Common Pleas Colonial Civil Service, Dominica, West Indies (fourth son of the late J. W. Lloyd, Esq., of Danyrallt, co. Carmarthen, J.l'. for that co. , and formerly of South Park, co. Kent, and J.P. for that co. ), by his wife Emmeline Rogers, third dau. of the late Charles Sarle, Esq. (formerly Searle, co. Cornwall), Stipendiary Magistrate of the same Service, West Indies, and sister of late Sir .Allan Lanyon Sarle (L. B. and S.C. Railway). Livery — (Dress) olive green coat, waistcoat, and breeches, with silver lace or braid, white stockings, silver buttons, garters and buckles ; (undress) olive green coat and overcoat, white piping or braid, olive green and white striped waistcoat, silver buttons and hatband. Armorial bearings [1164 — according to ancient Welsh traditions, as follows : Cadifor ap Dyfnwal, Lord of Castell Hywel, &c. , 9th in descent from Rodri Mawr (i.e. Roderic the Great), King of all Wales, took by escalade in the above year the castle of Cardigan from the Earl of Clare (Roger de Clare, Earl of .Gloucester) and the Flemings, for which his first cousin and father-in-law, whose daughter Catrin he had married, the "great Lord Rys," Prince of South Wales, gave him considerable lands and a shield of arms as under. Cadifor was descended from Tudwal Gloff, a younger son of Rodri Mawr, whose other descendants bore for arms, " azure, a wolf rampant argent."— Ped. H. Coll.]— Sable, a spear- head imbrued between three scaling-ladders argent, on a chief gules, a castle of the second, with many quarterings, which, including repetitions, would number 153, of which the 71 chief quarterings are as shown in the accompanying illustration, and are duly proved and registered. He im- pales the arms of Peel. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolf rampant ars^ent, the neck encircled by an annulet or, holding between the paws a broken spear proper, the head downwards piercing the sinister paw, imbrued gules. Motto— " Ar Dduw y gyd." Married, May 7, 1890, Aim^e, only surviving dau. of John Peel of Danyrallt, co. Carmarthen, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for that co.. High Sheriff 1883, and J.P. for West Riding co. York ; and has Issue~(i) Wymond Howard Lloyd, Gentleman, b. March 20, 1893; (2) Jasper Searle Lloyd, Gentleman, b. May 18, 1896; (3) Guy Vaughan Lloyd, Gentleman, b. Aug. 12, 1901 ; Nest ; and Lorna Emmehne. Seat — Delfryn, Llanwrda, Carmarthenshire. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. RICHARD BORRADAILE LLOYD, Gentleman, a Banker in London. Born Sept. 27, 1839, being the eldest son of the late Richard Harman Lloyd of Allesley House, a Banker in London, by his wife Isabella Mary, dau. of William Borradaile of Bedford Hill, Streathani. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron between three cocks argent, wattled, crested, and armed or. Mantling azure and argent. A/iirrzW Catherine Jean Campbell, dau. of Gilbert P. Money, Bengal Civil Service ; and has Issue — (i) Richard Money Lloyd, Gentleman, b. March 22, 1872 ; (2) Llewellyn Gilbert Lloyd, Gentleman, b. Sept. 4, 1876; Esme Catherine Mary ; and Gwynedd Dorothy. Residence — SAMPSON ZACHARY LLOYD, Esquire, J.P. co. of Worcester. Born Jan. 4, 1843, being the eldest son of the late Sampson Lloyd, Gentleman, of Wassell Grove, Hagley, by his wife Sarah, dau. of Daniel Zachary of Areley Hall, CO. Worcester. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron between three cocks argent, armed, crested, and wattled or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a fern brake, a goat salient argent, armed and unguled or, gorged with a collar flory counter- flory sable. Married, April 12, 1866, Eleanor, dau. of John Elliot Howard, F. R.S. , of Tottenham, co. Middlesex; and by her (who d. Jan. 5, 1885) had Issue — (i) Francis Zachary Lloyd, Gentleman, b. April 30, 1869 ; (2) Ernest Sampson Lloyd, Gentleman, I.C.S., b. May 26, 1870; \_m., June 8, 1899, Mary, youngest dau. of William Young of The Manor House, Droitwich, and has issue, William Antony Sampson Lloyd, Gentleman, b. April 21, 1900; Philip Montague Lloyd, Gentleman, b. July 31, 1902] ; (3) Thomas Zachary Lloyd, Gentleman, b. Feb. 9, 1872 ; (4) William Dillworth Lloyd, Gentleman, b. June 24, 1876; (5) Edmund Lloyd, Gentleman, b. Sept. 23, 1880; Sarah Cecilia ; Eleanor Howard ; Constance Maria ; Olivia Margaret ; Dorothy ; and Katherine. Residence — Areley King's, co. Worcester. S Lieut. -Colonel THOMAS EDWARD JOHN LLOYD, late Lieut.-Col. and Hon. Col. 3rd Batt. (Militia) Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry (retired), D. L. , J.P. Anglesey, Sheriff 1881. Assumed the name of Lloyd 1871. Born 1856, being the only son of R. Lloyd Jones-Parry of Aberdunant, Carnarvonshire, D. L. , J.P. , by his wife Mary Isabella, dau. of E. Owen Snow. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a chevron invected ermine, between three saracens' heads affrontte couped at the neck proper, an anchor erect between two fleurs-de-lis sable, impaling the arms of Heygate, namely gules, two bars argent, on a bend or, a torteau between two leopards' faces azure. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head affront^e erased at the neck proper, wreathed about the temples or and sable, between two fleurs-de-lis of the last. Married, Dec. 23, 1879, Rosa- mond Anna, third dau. of Sir Frederick William Heygate, 2nd Baronet ; and has Isstie — (i) Robert Love Lloyd, Gentleman, b. April 13, 1881 ; (2) Roger E. J. Lloyd, Gentleman, b. Sept. 8, 1882 ; (3) Frederick Jasper Lloyd, Gentleman, b. March 7, 1885. Seats — Plas Tregayan, Llangwyllog, Anglesey ; Aberdunant, Carnarvonshire. Club — Sports'. THOMAS OWEN LLOYD, Esquire, J.P. for co. Warwick. Born June 16, 1873, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Sampson Samuel Lloyd, Esq., J.P. , by his wife Jane Emilia, dau. of Thomas Lloyd of The Priory, Warwick. Armorial bearings— Azure, a chevron between three cocks argent, armed, crested, and wattled or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a fern brake, a goat salient argent, horned and unguled or, gorged with a collar flory counter- flory sable. Motto — " Esto vigilans." Married, Oct. 19, 1898, Elsie Emma Mary, dau. of Rev. John Adams, Vicar of Offchurch, co. Warwick. Seat— The Priory, Warwick. is tbe Naval Cockade. 85t LIo Llo S WILLIAM LLOYD. Esquire. J.P. and D.L.. High Sherifi (1889). Born July 8. 1858, being the elder son of the late Major Owen KiclKtrd Nutlianiel Lloyd, by his wife Frances Maria, dau. of William Hutchinson. M.L)., of Carrick-on-Shannon. Armorial bearings • Azure, a chev- ron or. a chief erminois. Mantling' azure and or. CTMt —On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed with two heads sable, armed and langued gules. Atarrieii, Jan. aS. 1884. May Brodribb, dau. of Major William Lancelot Hutchinson ; and has Issue- (1) William Hutchinson Lloyd, (ientleman, b. April 3. 1885; (a) Coote Richard Fitzgerald Lloyd. Gentleman, t. July a, 1887; and Gwendoline Eliza- beth May. Seat — Rockville. Drumsna, Roscommon. WILLIAM HENRY LLOYD. Gentleman. Bom Oct. aa, 1839, being the fourth son of the late Samuel Lloyd, Gentleman, by his wife Mary, dau. of Joseph Honychurch, of Falmouth. Livery — Blue, with white collar and cuffs, silver hatband and buttons. Armorial bearings— Azure, a Dr. Thomas Underhill, J. P., of West Bromwich. F.slate —Great Park. co. Stafford. Postal addresses -Park Lane House, Woodgreen, Wednesbury ; Honychurch. Hampton chevron between three cocks argent, wattled, crested, and armed or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a fern brake proper, a goat salient argent, armed and unguled or, gorged with a collar flory counterflory sable. Motto — " Esto vigilans. " Mar- ried, Sept. 24, 1895, Margaret Percie. eldest dau. of the late John Bell Chirnside of Clifton Hall. Rugby, and of Bealiba, Victoria, Australia. Residence — Hatch Court, Somerset. C/«*— Royal Societies'. WILSON LLOYD, Esquire, J.P. co. Staff^ord, Alder- man and J.P. for the borough of Wednesbury, and Mayor thereof 1888-90, M.P. for Wednesbury 1885-86, 1892-95, F.R.G.S. and F.R.S.S., Chairman of the Wednesbury School Board 1874-77, Chairman of the Mines Drainage Commissioners 1888-93. Born 1835, being the third son of the late Samuel Lloyd, Gentleman, by his wife Mary, dau. of Joseph Honychurch. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron between three cocks argent, armed, crested, and wattled or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a fern-brake proper, a goat salient argent, armed and unguled or. gorged with a collar flory counterflory sable. Motto — " Esto vigilans." Married, 1883. Margaret Emily, second surviving dau. of in Arden, Warwickshire. Clubs — Carlton, Junior Carlton (London), Conservative (Birmingham), Conservative (Wed- nesbury). :»^« I LLOYD-GORING (R.L., 1904, H. Coll.). Argeni chevron between three annulets gules. Mantling gi and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion ramptant guardant argent. Motto — "Solemfero." Only son of Capt. W. Digby Lloyd, formerly 67th Regt., b. 1835; d. 1883; m. 1870, Diana, d. and cob. of Sir Harry Dent Goring, 8th Bart. : — Lewis Harry Goring Lloyd-Goring (R.L. , 1904, formerly Lloyd), Esq., Capt. Roy. Anglesey Eng. Mil., b. 1873. Res.—Th& Chalet, Petworth. Major - General the Honourable SAVAGE LLOYD-MOSTYN, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born 1835, being the third son of the late Right Honurable Sir Edward Mostyn Lloyd-Mostyn, second Baron Mostyn, by his wife Harriet Margaret Scott, commonly known as Lady Harriet Margaret Scott, daughter of the Right Honourable Thomas, second Earl of Cloninell. Club— Army and Navy. Armorial bearings— He bear for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, per bend sinister ermine ai ermines, a lion rampant or (for Mostyn) ; 2 and 3 guli a Saracen's head affrontfe, erased at the neck propir, wreathed about the temples argent and sable (for l^loydl. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his bad';i as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of tli Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. upon a wreath ol the colours, on a mount vert, a lion rampant or ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head as in the arms ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, a stag trippant proper, attired or, charged on the shoulder with an escutcheon oi the second, thereon a chevron of the first, between threi- men's heads in profile, couped at the neck also proper & is tbe Military Cockade. Llo loc 853 Married, 1891, Emily, daughter of the Reverend George Earle-Welby. LLOYD-PHILIPPS. Quarterly, i and 4, sable, a spear- head embrued proper, between three scaling-ladders argent, on a chief gules, a castle of the second (Lloyd); 2 and 3, argent, a lion rampant sable, ducally gorged and chained or (Philipps). Motto — " Ducit amor patriae. " Livery — Claret and silver. Son of John Philipps Allen Lloyd-Philipps, Esq., J. P., DL., of Dale Castle and Mabwys (High Sheriff 1844), b. 1802; d. 1879; m. 2nd, 1865, Elizabeth Anne Bellairs, d. of James Peel Stevenson of Uffington : — Rliodri Vaughan Lloyd Lloyd-Philipps, Esq., Capt. ist Life Guards, b. 1874. Estates — Dale Castle and Coedllys, both CO. Carmarthen. Seat — Dale Castle, Milford Haven, S. Wales. Clubs — Bachelors', Bath, Prince's, Grafton. M The Right Hon. EDWARD DOUGLAS LOCH, 5? Baron Loch of Drylavi^, co. Midlothian (1895), Lieut, ist Batt. Grenadier Guards, b. April 4, 1873, being the son of the ist Baron Loch, G.C. B. , G.C.M.G., by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of the Hon. Edward Ernest Villiers. Armorial bearing's — Or, a saltire engrailed sable, between infesse two swans in water proper, all within a bordure vert. The escutcheon is surrounded by the ribbon of the Bath, and by the collar and pendent therefrom the badges of a G. C. B. and a G.C. M.G. Mantling sable doubled or; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a swan devouring a perch proper ; and in an escroU above, this Motto, " Assidui- tate non desidia. ' ' Supporters— On the dexter side a Tartar, and on the sinister side a Zulu, both proper. Postal ad- dress — 44 Elm Park Gardens, London, S.W. LOCKE, quartered by O'CARROLL. CHARLES HARRISON LOCKETT, Gentleman. Born May 30, 1843, being the eldest son of the late Richard John- son Lockett of Liverpool, by his wife Elizabeth Mary, only dau. of George Alexander Robertson of Liverpool, by Anne his wife, dau. and coheir of Garstang Bradstock of Liver- pool. Armorial bearings— Or, on a chevron engrailed gules, between two stags' heads couped proper in chief and a rose of the second in base, barbed and seeded of the third, two padlocks of the first. Mantling gules and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock a stag's head proper, gorged with a collar engrailed vair and holding in the mouth a padlock gules. Motto—" Non nobis solum." Married, Sept. 13, 1871, Catherine Buchanan, dau. of Robert Kerr of Liverpool, by Jane Dow his wife ; and has had Issue— (i) Charles Kerr Lockett, Gentleman, b. June 21, 1872, d. July 12, 1876 ; (2) William Jeffrey Lockett, Gentleman, Lieut. 14th Hussars, b. Nov. 29, 1873 ; (3) George Gordon Lockett, Gentleman, b. Dec. 3, 1876; (4) Robert Kerr Lockett, Gentleman, b. April i, 1878; (5) Vivian Noverre Lockett, Gentleman, b. July 18, 1880; and Cashie Jeanetta. Seat — Redcliffe, New Brighton, co. Chester. GARSTANG BRADSTOCK LOCKETT, Gentleman. Born Aug. 29, 1857, being the sixth son of the late Richard Johnson Lockett of Liverpool, by his wife Elizabeth Mary, only dau. of George Alexander Robertson of Liverpool, by Anne his wife, dau. and coheir of Garstang Bradstock of Liverpool. Armorial bearings— Or, on a chevron engrailed gules, between two stags' heads couped proper in chief and .; a rose of the second in 1 ase, barbed and seeded of the third, two padlocks of the first. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock a stag's head proper, gorged with a collar engrailed vair and holding in the mouth a padlock gules. Motto — " Non nobis solum." Married, April 28, 1887, Beatrice Augusta, youngest dau. of Archibald Edmiston of Litherland, co. Lancaster, by Margaret Douglas Miller of Belvidere, Glasgow; and had Issue — (1) Douglas Bradstock Lockett, Gentleman, b. April 19, d. Aug. 5, 1890 ; (2) Archibald Norman Lockett, Gentle- man, b. Aug. 25, 1891 ; (3) Garstang Bradstock Lockett, entleman, b. Oct. 6, 1897 ; and Vera Margaret. Resi- tnce — Barnston Towers, Heswall, Cheshire. GEORGE ALEXANDER LOCKETT, Gentleman. 9rn April 11, 1855, being the fifth son of the late Richard anson Lockett of Liverpool, by his wife Elizabeth Mary, only dau. of George Alexander Robertson of Liverpool, by Anne his wife, dau. and coheir of Garstang Bradstock of Liverpool [see Burke's " Family Records"). Livery — Dark drab, red collar and cuffs, gilt buttons. Armorial bearings — Or, on a chevron engrailed gules, between two stags' heads couped proper in chief and a rose of the second in base, barbed and seeded of the third, two padlocks of the first, and impaling the arms of North, namely argent, two chevronels nebuly, between two mullets in chief and a de- crescent in base sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock a stag's head proper, gorged with a collar engrailed vair and holding in the mouth a padlock gules. MottO — " Non nobis solum." Married, Nov, 3, 1892, Emma, only dau. of the late John Thomas North, Esq,, of Avory Hill, Eltham, co. Kent, Hon. Col. 2nd Tower Hamlets Engineer Volunteers, by his wife Jane, third dau. of John Woodhead of Leeds. Resi- dence— ^i Princes Gate, S,W, Club — Windham. RICHARD ROBERTSON LOCKETT, Gentleman. Born August 9, 1846, being the second son of X\ rtrfcl^ff" Richard Johnson Lockett of Liverpool, in ILUi-tit'ti- the county of Lancaster, by his wife Eliza- beth Mary, only daughter of George Alexan- der Robertson of Liverpool. Club — Wellington. Livery — Dark drab coat, vest red with yellow stripes, brass buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, on a chevron engrailed gules, between two stags' heads couped proper in chief and a rose of the second in base, two padlocks of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, on a rock a stag's head couped both proper, gorged with a collar engrailed vair, holding in his mouth a padlock gules; with the Motto, " Non nobis solum." Married, March 6, 1872, Isabella Maria, only daughter of John Sherlock Paterson of Magherafelt, in the county of Derry, and Castle Wellan, in the county of Down, is the Naral Cockade. «54 Hoc by Khiabrlh Maria his wife, eldest dauehter of Frederick Honan of the city of Cork; and has Issue— {i) Richard Cyril l^ockett, (lenileman, born March 8, 1873 ; (a) John I.,ockett, Oentleman. born October 11, 1877; (3) Ucrald Hoc embowed in saltirc proper, each holding in the hand an anchor erect sable. MottO— " Ex fide fortis." Son of : — James Henry Lockley, Esq., sometime Sheriff of the city and county of Bristol. Mes. — Stratford House, Rock- leage, Westbury-upon-Trym, Glos. solumJw Gonville Lockett, Gentleman, born February 5, 1879 ; (4) Garstang Bradstock Lockett, Gentleman, born January 11, 1881 ; Norah Isabella [m., July 24, 1901, Sir Dudley Baines Forwood, 2nd Bart.]; and Elizabeth Sybil. Postai address — Enmore, Alexandra Drive, Liverpool. WILLIAM JEFFERY LOCKETT, Gentleman. Bom May 27, 1848, being the third son of the late Richard John- son Lockett of Liverpool, by his wife Elizabeth Mary, only dau. of George Alexander Robertson of Liverpool, by Anne his wife, dau. and coheir of Garstang Bradstock of Liver- pool. Armorial bearings — Or, on a chevron engrailed gules, between two stags' heads couped proper in chief and a rose of the second in base, barbed and seeded of the third, two padlocks of the first. Mantling gules and or. Orest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock a stag's head proper, gorged with a collar engrailed vair and holding in the mouth a padlock gules. Motto — " Non nobis solum." Married, Oct. 31, 1880, his cousin, Frances Maria, dau. of John Hilton Lockett of Grassendale House; and has /«««— (i) John Lockett, Gentleman, b. June 5, 1881 ; Mary Merrill ; and Jessie. Seat — Grassendale House, Gras- sendale, CO. Lancaster. LOCKHART, see ELLIOT-LOCKHART. LOCKLEY (H. Coll.). Argent, a fesse wavy azure between two towers in chief and in base an ancient ship with three masts of the last, the sail of the field, colours flying gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuing from a rock two arms GEORGE UPTON LOCKTON, Gentleman. Born Oct. 18, 1849, being the second son of John Lockton of Stepney and of Elizabeth (Bessie), dau. of George Upton of Saxondale, Notts, Armorial bearings— Argent, a chcv- ron chequy azure and or, between two pairs of hands clasped fesseways in chief proper and a griflTm's head couped gules, charged with a mullet of six points in base of the first. M^^w^ Un g azure and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, in front of a griffin's iiead couped per pale argent and azure, gorged with a chain pendent therefrom a padlock, two mullets of six f>oints all counterchanged. Motto — "Concordia tutissima sera." Married, Aug. 15, 1891, Edith Caroline, dau. of William Kerby; and has Issue— George Woodhams Lockton, b. June 17, 1892. Postal address— 6 'A\.. Paul's Road, Thornton Heath. JOHN LOCK ION, Gentleman. Horn March i, 1840. being the eldest son of John Lockton of Stepney and of Elizabeth (Bessie), dau. of George Upton of Saxondale, Notts. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron chequy azure and or, between two pairs of hands clasped fesseways in chief proper and a griffin's head couped gules, charged with a mullet of six points in base of the first. Man t li ng azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a griffin's head couped per pale argent and azure, gorged with a chain pendent therefrom a padlock, two mullets of six pr-@i'MmnnTltf shire, formerly captain in the U,,UUIP(.'<3 j^lUUIIUXI Royal Artillery; assumedthe additional surname of Loder by Royal Licence in 1881 on succeeding to the estates of the Loder family in Berks. Born Oct. 23, 1846, being the eldest son of James Frederick Symonds, Esq., J. P., of Okeleigh, in the co. of Hereford, by his wife Mary Elizabeth, daughter of the late John Cleave, Esq., J. P. for co. of Hereford. Club — Army and Navy. Livery — Black and white. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, a dolphin naiant, vorant a fish, and in chief three trefoils all argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a well sable, a dolphin as in arms ; with the Motto, " Miseris succurrere disco." Married, February 27, 1873, Elizabeth Mabel Emily, only daughter of the late Captain John Parland of the Russian Imperial Guards, and grand- daughter of the late William Crawshay of Cyfarthfa Castle ; and has Issue — (r) John Frederick Loder-Symonds, Esq., Captain South Staffordshire Regiment, born Dec. 25, is the Naval Cockade. 3s6 Lof Ion '873; (>) Frederick I'arland l.^lcr-Symonds, Gentleman, Lieuicnant R.N., Iwrn April 1876; (3) Robert Francis l.oder-Synionds, Cjentlcinan, lx>ru June 1883; (4) William Crawshity LcKler-Symonds, Uentlenian, Uirn 1886; (5) I'bomas Lenthall Loder-Svinuiuls, (jcntlcnian, born Nov. 1852 ; Isabel Lily Annette ; May Penelope ; and Violet. Estate and postaladdress — Hinton Manor, Faringdon. LOFTUS, see HUNT. LOMAX, see TRAPPES-LOMAX. LOMBE, see EVANS-LOMBE. S ALEXANDER FRANCIS EVANS LOMBE, Esquire, Major late H.L.I. Born August 7, 1864, being the second son of the late Henry Evans Lombe, Esq., B.A., J. P., by his wife Louisa, dau. of Thomas Brown Evans of North Tuddenham. Armorial IwailnKS— Aziu-e, two combs in fesse between a broken tilting-spear barways or, one piece in chief, the head towards the dexter, the other half in base, a canton argent. Mantling' gules and ar- gent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, two tilting- spears in saltire or, each having a pendant gules. Motto — " Projjositi tenax." Married, 1901, Blanche Margaret Fleming, dau. of the late W. C. S. Hamilton of Craighlaw, N.B. ; and has Issue — Edward Malcolm Evans Lombe, b. 1901. Clubs — Naval and Military, Norfolk County (Nor- wich). Residence — 5 EDWARD HENRY EVANS LOMBE, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for co. Norfolk, Major Norfolk Artillery Militia. Born 1861, being the eldest son of the late Henry Evans Lombe, Esq., B.A., J. P., by his wife Louisa, dau. of Thomas Brown Evans of North Tuddenham. Armorial bearings— Azure, two combs in fesse between a broken tilting-spear barways or, one piece in chief, the head to- wards the dexter, the other half in base, a canton argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, two tilting-spears in saliire or, each having a pennon gules. Motto — "Propositi tenax." Married, 1886, Albinia Harriet, second dau. of Alexander S. Leslie- Melville ; and has Issue. AVa/- Bylaugh Park, Norfolk ; Melton Hall, Norwich. The Rev. HENRY EVANS LOMBE, Clerk in Holy Orders, B.A. Cantab., J. P. Suffolk and Norfolk. Born 1819, being the eldest son of Rev. H. Lombe of Bylaugh Park and Melton Hall, Norfolk. Armorial bearing^— .\7.urc, two combs in fesse between a broken liliiiij^-sptMr barways or, one piece in chief, the iiead towards liu- tlexler, the other half in Ixtse, n canton argent. Mantling .tzure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two tilting-spears in saltire or, each having a pennon gules. MottO — " Propositi tenax." Married, 1849, Ixtuisa, dau. of T. B. Evans, Dean House, Oxon., and N. Tuddenham, Norfolk. Seals — Melton Hall, Great Mellon, Norfolk ; Melton Lodge, Great Yarmouth. LONG (R.L.. 1797, H. Coll). Quarterly, 1 and 4. argent, three pales sable, each charged with as many leopards' ht>ads or (Long); a and 3, argent, on a mount vert, a boar (>assant sable, hoofs, collar, and line rctlcxed over the back or, on a chief azure, thri-e lx;zants (Kellett). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wrcatli of the colours, on a mount vert, a greyhound passant sable, collared ermine and chain reflexed over the back argent ( Long) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, an arm emlx)wed i)arry wavy of six gules and or, cuff ermine, in the hand an escroll proper charged with iwo bezants. Sons of Rol)ert Kellett Long, Esq., of Dunston Hall, J. P. Norfolk (High Sheriff 1856). M.A. (Camb.), Capt. East Norf. Mil., b. 1804; d. 1874; m. 1843, Maria Louisa, d. of William Fortescue of Writtle Lodge, Essex : — Fortescue Walter Kellett Long, Gentleman, M.A. Oxon., b. 1843. Seat — Dunston Hall, nr. Norwich. Rev. Charles Hamilton Kellett Long, Vicar of Swinderby, b. 1845 ; m. 1873, Edith Mary, d. of Edward Lyon of Johnson Hall, Eccleshall ; and has issue — (i) Ernest Kellett Long, Gentleman, b. 1874 ; (2) Edward Fortescue Long, Gentleman,^. 1876; and Ethel. Res — Swinderby Vicarage, Lincoln. Rev. Ernest Henry Kellett Long, M.A., Rector of Newlon_ Flotman, b. 1846; m. 1877, Elizabeth Margaret, "" of Rev. John G. Heresford, Rector of Bedale. Res.- Newton Rectory, Long Stratton, Norfolk. Son of Rev. Henry Churchman Long, b. d. ; tn. 1838, Charlotte Emma, d. of Lt. Sir R. Harvey: — Octavius Nevill Long, Gentleman, b. 1867. Res. — LONGof Rood Ashton and Preshaw (H. Coll.). Sable.j lion rampant argent between four crosses botonny, two m chief and as many in base or, two flaunches of the last, each ^ is the Military Cockade. iLoti Ion 857 charged with three like crosses in pale of the first. Mant- ling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head couped per fesse argent and or, charged with two cross crosslets palewise sable, and holding in the mouth a dexter hand erased gules. Motto — " Pieux quoique preux." Sons of Richard Penruddocke Long, Esq., of Rood Ashton, Wilts, and Dolforgan Hall, Montgomery, J. P. and D.L. (Sheriff Montgomery 1858), M.A. Camb. , M.P. Chippenham and North Wilts, b. 1825; d. 1875; m. 1853, Charlotte Anna, only child of late Rt. Hon. W. W. F. Dick (formerly Hume) of Hume- wood : — Rt. Hon. Walter Hume Long, P.C, Chief Secretary for Ireland, J. P. and D.L. Wilts, J.P. Somerset, M.P. North Wilts 1880-85, Devizes Div. 1885-92, and W. Derby Div. of Liverpool 1893-1900, and for S. Bristol since 1900, Lt.-Col. R. Wilts Yeom.Cav.,!?. 1854; »«. 1878, Lady Dorothy Blanche Boyle, d. of Earl of Cork and Orrery, K.P. ; and has surv. issue — (i) Walter Long, Esq., D.S.O., Capt. 2nd Dragoons, served in S. Africa, b. \i-ji:) ; (2) Richard Eric Onslow Long, Gentleman, b. Aug. 1892; Victoria Florence de Burgh; and Lettice Margaret. Seats — Rood Ashton, Trowbridge; and South Wraxhall, Wilts. Town res.— 51 Cadogan Gardens, S.W. C/w*J— Carlton, Cavalry, Garrick, Turf. Richard Godolphin Walmesley Chaloner, formerly Long {q.v.). Robert Chaloner Critchley Long, Gentleman, b. 1858 ; in. 1884, Maud Felicia Frances, d. of Capt. Willes Johnson, R.N. ; and has issue— Muriel Millesaintes Lilian ; and Margaret Bruce. Nes.— William Hoare Bourchier Long, Esq., Capt. 2nd Batt. Queen's Own Roy. West Kent Regt., b. 22 March 1868. Res.— Sons of Walter Jervis Long, Esq., J.P. (1816-1891), of Preshaw and Muchelney, Somerset, m. 1839, Emily Jane, eld. d. of Edward Morant Gale of Upham, Hants : — Walter Long, Esq., J.P. co. Southants, late nth Regt., b. 2 March 1840; m. 26 April 1866, Fanny, second d. of Col. Vansittart of Chuffs, Maidenhead; and has surv. issue — (1) Walter Vansittart Long, Esq., b. 27 Nov. 1868 \m. 25 Apl. 1894, Mary Lilian, only d. of Lt.-Col. Pleydell- Bouverie - Campbell - Wyndham of Corhampton , Hants] ; Ethel Fanny [»z. 1892, Arthur Hildyard Robinson of The Mill House, Bishop's Waltham, Hants ; Kathefine Theresa [w«. 1895, Robert Eden Richardson] ; Mildred Bertha \in. 1900, Charles Hugh Finch] ; Moena Louisa ; and Evelyn Alice [m. 1904, Henry Armand Delille]. Res. — The Holt, Bishop's Waltham, Hants; (?) Belmore House, Hants. Reginald Gambier Long, Gentleman, b. 21 Oct. 1851 ; m. 2 June 1880, Agnes Flora, d. of Charles Penruddocke of Compton Park, Wilts. Res.— Sons of William Long, Esq., J.P. (1817-1886). of Wrington, Somerset; m. 1841, Ehzabeth Hare, only child of James Hare Jolliffe : — William Long, Esq., C.M.G. (1901), Col. 4th Batt. Somers. Lt. Inf., late Lieut. 46th Regt., J.P. and D.L. Somers. (High Sheriff 1899), served in S. Africa (ment. desp.), b. 22 Jan. 1843; m. 12 Sept. 1867, Anna Mary [d. 1898), d. of Capt. Henry Hunter, late 5th Dragoon Gds. ; and has surv. issue — -(i) William Edward Long, Esq., Capt. 4th Batt. Somers. Lt. Inf., late Lieut. 4th Hussars,^. 21 Feb. 1873 ; Elizabeth Anna Pauline [m. 1890, W. H. Clarke of Clifton, Bristol, and Wanstrow, Somerset]; Mary Emily [m. 1894, Capt. W. E. A. Blakeney, 3rd Bengal Cav.]; Diana Maude; Kathleen Henrietta [in. H. R. G. Deacon, Lieut. Connaught Rangers] ; Mabel Alys ; Sybil Margaret ; and Gladys Eleanor. Res. — Woodlands, Congresbury, Somerset. Club^\in\ov United Service. Rev. John Neale Henry Long, b. 1849 ; m. 1886, Mary Frances, d. of Rev. H. S. Fagan ; and has issue^(i) John William Walter Long, Gentleman ; Margaret Elizabeth Emily ; and Mary Cecilia. Res. — 7 Great Bedford Street, Bath. Sons of John Long, Esq., J. P. Sussex, late loth Hussars, b. ; d. 1894 ; vt. 14 July 1842, Georgiana Frances {d. 1890), eld. d. of Sir Simeon Stuart, sth Bart. : — John Stuart Lindsay Long, Gentleman, Commdr. R.N. et.), b. 19 Dec. 1847; m. 10 Feb. 1880, Letitia Blanche, of Charles Penruddocke of Compton Park, Wilts ; and issue — (i) John Victor Tylney Long, Gentleman, b. B3; (2) Robert Penruddocke Tylney Long, Gentleman, b. 1889; and Dorothy. Res.— The. Firs, Walberton, Arundel ; Bolney Lodge, Bolney, Hayward's Heath. Charles James Long, Esq., Col. R.A. , b. 18 Nov. 1849. Rev. Alfred Long, b. 4 May 1852 ; tn. 1890, Mary, d. of late William Eagle Bott ; and has issue — Mary. Res. — The Vicarage, Potton, Sandy, Beds. Son of Walter Long, Esq., of Preshaw, J. P., D.L., and High Sherifi' co. Somers. (1788-1871), m. 1810, Lady Mary Carnegie, eld. d. of William, 7th Earl of Northesk, G.C.B. :— George Long, Esq., J.P. Hants., b. 23 Dec. 1823; m. 23 Feb. 1845, Eliza Margaret, d. of Capt. W. Strong, 44th Regt. ; and has issue— (i) Rev. George Edward Long, Vicar of Edington, Wilts, b. 11 May 1852; (2) Charles Walter Long, Gentleman, b. 10 Nov. 1858 ; Mary Jane ; Elizabeth ; Georgina [tn. Rev. Charles Borough (q.v.)'\; Jane; Ellen Margaret; and Lucy Edith. Res. — Bank House, Grand Parade, Portsmouth. S SAMUEL LONG, E.squire, Capt. R.N. Born Jan. 5, 1840, being the eldest son of the late Charles Mait- land Long, Rector of Settrington, Archdeacon of the East Riding, co. York, by his second wife Anna Maria, dau. of Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. Aimorlal beaxings— Sable, a lion passant argent, holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet fitch^e or, on a chief of the second, three crosses crosslet of the field. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head argent, gutt6e-de- sang. Motto — " Pieux quoique preux." Married, October 15, 1868, Alice Jane, fifth dau. of Rt. Hon. Sir James ■Wigram, P.C. ; and has Issue — (i) Samuel Charles Long, Gentleman, b. Sept. 29, 1869; (2) Wilfrid James Long, Gentleman, b. August 20, 1871 ; (3) Bernard Long, Gentle- man, b. Sept. 4, 1872 ; (4) George Edward Long, Gentleman, b. October 4, 1873; (5) Clement Loftus Long, Gentleman, b. 1880; (6) Hubert Arthur Maitland Long, Gentleman, b. 1884, d. August 21, 1896 ; "Mary Katharine ; and Anna Margaret. Residence — WILLIAM EVELYN LONG, Esquire, J.P. for Suffolk. Born 1871, being the only son of the late Charles Poore Long, Esq., Major 14th Regt., by his wife Caroline Mary Stuart, dau. of Jonathan Rashleigh of Menabilly. Armoriaj bearings— Sable, a lion passant argent, holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet fitch^e or, on a chief of the second, three crosses crosslet of the field. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head argent, gutt6e-de-sang. Motto — "Pieux quoique preux." Married, Feb. 22, 1898, Muriel, youngest dau. of Thomas Frederick Charles Vernon- Wentworth of Went worth Castle. Seat — Hurts Hall, Saxmundham. LONGCROFT (H. Coll.). Per fesse nebuly gules and sable, a lion rampant argent between six crosses bottony fitch^e or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent, holding between the paws three annulets interlaced or, and charged on the shoulder with a saltire gules. Motto — "Nunc ut olim." Son of : — Charles Beare Longcroft, Gentleman, b. . Seat — Hall Place, Havant. LONGESPEE, quarterd by CONYERS and FOX. SMOUNTIFORT JOHN COURTENAY LONG- FIELD, Esquire, J.P. co. Cork, Lieut. - Colonel 2nd Life Guards. Born Oct. 16, 1858, being the eldest son of the late Mountiford Longfield, Esq., J.P. , D.L. , and High Sheriff 1855, by his wife Caroline Augusta, sole surviving child of George Courtenay of Balleydmond, co. Cork. Armorial bearings — Gules, a chevron ermine be- tween seven crosses crosslet fitch^e, three in chief and four in base argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-lion rampant gules. Motto — " Parcere subjectis." Married, Jan. 10, 1891, Alice Ehza- beth, second dau. of James Mason of Eynsham Hall, co. Oxford ; and has Issue — Rita Narcissa ; Norah Mary ; and Cynthia Evelyn. 5ea/^Castle Mary, Cloyne, co. Cork. C/?/fo— Carlton, Turf, and Kildare Street (Dublin). S RICHARD EDMUND LONGFIELD, Esquire, J. P., D.L. CO. Cork (High Sheriff 1887), M.A. Trin. Coll., Cambridge. Born June 6, 1842, being the eldest son of is the Naval Cockade. • 85* Lon Richard Longficid, Esq., of Longuevillc, co. Cork, J. P. and D.L. (jfigh Sh«!riff i8«). M.P. for co. Cork 1835. by his second wife Jemima Lucy, dau. of Wyrlcy liirch, Lsq., of Wretham Hall, Norfolk {m. Aug. 31, 1841). C/utt — New University, Kildarc Street (Dublin). County (Cork). /.(Mry— Blue. ArmorUd bMiinga— Gules, a chevron ermine, between seven crosses crosslet Atchte, three in chief and four in base argent. Mantling gules and argent. Orast — Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-lion rampant gules. MottO — " Parcere siibjectis." Married, Sept. 19, 187a, Alberta Charlotte, dau. of Sir William Howard Russell, LL.D. ; and has Issue — (i) Richard William Longfield, Esq., Captain ^rd Dragoon Guards (retired), i. Dec. 13, 1873; (a) Lewis Longfield, Gentle- man, b. Dec. 8, 1874; (3) Charles Edmund Longfield, Gentlemen, b. Aug. 31. 1885 ; Sybil Mary ; and Muriel Alberta. Estate — Longueville, Mallow, co. Cork. LONGMORE of The Mythe, Tewkesbury (H. Coll.. c. i8a6). Ermine, on a chevron azure, between two leopard's beads in chief and a lion f>assant in base . three cross crosslets. Sons of Capt. Arthur Longmore, 26th Cameronians, b. ; d. :— JOHN CONSTANTINE GORDON LONGMORE. Elsquire, Captain Army Service Corps, served in S. African Campaign. Bom Aug. 8, 1870, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Surgeon-General Sir Thomas Long- more, Knight Bachelor, Companion of the Most Honour- able Order of the Bath, Honorary Surgeon to the Queen, by his wife Mary Rosalie Helen, dau. of the late Captain W. S. Moorsom of the 52nd Regiment. Armorial bear- ings — Sable, on a chevron ermine, between in chief two swords in f>ale. f)oints upwards prop>er, fwmmels and hilts or, and in base a caduceus erect of the last, a cross couped gules. Mantling sable and argent; and for his Crest, up>on a wreath of the colours, a caduceus erect or, in front of two flag-staves in saltire proper, flowing from each a banner gules, charged with a lozenge ermine, thereon a cross as in the arms; with the Motto, "In omnibus caritas." Postal address — The Paddock, Woolstone. Hants. GEORGE BLUNDELL LONGSTAFF, Esquire, formerly Capt. ist Vol. Batt. East Yorks. Regt., M.A., M.D. (Oxon.), F.R.C.P.. J. P. for co. of London, Mem- ber of London County Council since 1888, Vice-Pres. R. Statistical Soc. Born Feb. 12, 1849, being the second son of the late George Dixon Longstaff, M.D. (Edin.), and his wife Maria, dau. of the late Henry Blundell, J. P. , of Hull. Livery — Claret colour, with brass buttons. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly argent and sable, on a bend indented gules, between two pheons of the first, a quarterstaff or. Mant- ling sable and argent. Crest -Upon a vn-eath of the colours, two arms embowed, vested sable, sem6e-de-lis, and cuffed argent, the hands proper, grasping a quarterstaff fessewaysor. Motto — "Vigilate." A/arnVrf, April i, 1875. Sara Leam, first dau. of the late Edward Dixon. J. P., of Southampton ; and has Issue — (1) Ralph Longstaff, Gentle- man, Royal Field Artillery, b. Oct. i. 1878; (2) Cuthbert Dixon Longstaff. Gentleman, R.N., b. Oct. 24, 1882; Mabel \m. , Feb. 3, 1900, Arthur Loftus Onslow] ; and Daisy Longstaff. Estates and postal addresses — Highlands, Putney Heath, London, S.W. ; and Twitchen, Morthoe, R.S.O. Devon. Clubs — Savile, Conservative, St. Stephen's, Skating. S LLEWELLYN WOOD LONGSTAFF. Esquire. Lieutenant-Colonel 1st Volunteer Bat- C nniTrtfflflr **''°" °^ ^^^ ^^st Yorkshire Regiment. IL-UUi^^iaU ggr„ December 23, 1841, beingthe eldest son of the late George Dixon Longstaff. Doctor of Medicine, by Maria his wife, eldest daughter of the late Henry Blundell. Justice of the Peace. Clubs — Reform, Junior .•Xthenjeum. Royal Yorkshire Yacht. Livery — Claret coloured. Armorial bearings-He bears for Arms : Quarterly argent and sable, on a bend indented gules, between two pheons of the first a quarter-staff or ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed vested sable, sem^e-de-lis, and cuffed argent, the hands proper, grasping a quarter-staff fesseways or; with the Hon Motto, "Vigilate." Married, April 17, 1873, Mary Lydia, second daughter of the late Thomas William Sawyer, Lieu- tenant Royal Naval Reserve; and has had Issue— {i) lorn George Longstaff, Es<)., formerly Captain ist City of Lx>ndon Royal Garrison Artillery (Vols.), M.A., M.B. Oxon., born January 15. 1875; (a) Cedric Llewellyn long- staff. Esq. . formerly Captain and V. B. East Surrey Regi- ment. Hon. Captain in the Army, l>i..\. Oxon., Iwrn February 17, 1876 [m. 1903, Lilias Marow. dau. of Thomas Wiltnot Peregrine Blomefield, Bart., C.B.]; Frederick Victor Longstaff, Gentleman, Lieutenant V. B. E^t Surrey Regiment, born June 15, 1879; (4)Gilb Conrad Longstaff, Gentleman, born August 2, 1884 ; "" ' Mary Longstaff (d. in infancy) ; Beatrix Marie L,ongst Katharine Longstaff; and Margaret Longstaff. Re dence — Ridgelands, Wimbledon. LONGUEVILLE, quartered by HEYWOOD-JONI WILLDING-JONES, and CLIFFON. THOMAS LONGUEVILLE. Esquire, Justice of Peace for co. Salop. Born April ! H fltlfTttoVltffc 1844. being the eldest son of Thoni ]i./Ulll5U«^Ulll<^ Longueville longueville, Gentlema by his wife Anne, daughter of Cha Thomas Jones. Club — Boodle's. Livery — Coat waistcoat red, buttons silver. Armorial bearings- _ bears for Arms : Quarterly of fourteen, \ and 14, gules a fesse dancett^ ermine, between six cross crosslets fitchf'e argent (for Longueville) ; 2. vair. a lion rampant or between two roses gules in fesse and an annulet in base of the second (for Jones) ; 3. as first (for Longueville) ; 4. or. a mauncli gules (for Hastings) ; 5. sable, a fesse argent be- tween three cinquefoils or (for Hunt) ; 6. azure, an eagle displayed argent, surmounted by a bendlet gules (for Wolverton) ; 7. or. on a chief grilles, two dexter hand- coujjed at the wrist argent (for Manfelin) ; 8. gules, thrc roach naiant argent (for Roche) ; 9. per pale dancettf-' argent and sable (for Birmingham, ancient) ; 10. azure, .■ bend lozengy or (for Birmingham) ; 11. quarterly gules an('. or, in the first quarter a cross moline argent (for Middle- ton) ; 12. vert, three lions rampant argent (for Wardwick) ; 13, sable, crusily fitchte and three covered cups argent (for Strivelin). and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Robertson, namely argent, a chaplet vert, on a chief gules, three wolves' hea<£ erased of the first, all within a bordure counter-compony of the first and azure ; and for is the Military Cockade. Lon ILott 859 the Crest, on a wTeath of the colours, a talbot's head couped gules, eared, and charged with a fesse dancett6e argent ; with the Motto, " Till then thus." Married, June 29, 1868, Mary Frances, only surviving child of Alexander Robertson of Balgownie Lodge, in the county of Aber- deen ; and has Issue — (i) Reginald Longueville, Esq., Capt. Coldstream Guards, b. March 26, 1869 ; (2) Edward Longueville, Gentleman, Lieut. Coldstream Guards, b. Dec. 22, 1877 ; (3) Francis Longueville, Gentleman, b. Dec. 23, 1892 ; and Mary Margaret Anne Isabel. Estates — Penyllan, near Oswestry. Postal address — Llanforda, Oswestry. THOMAS JAMES LONGWORTH, Gentleman. Bom Sept. 14, 1875, being the eldest son of the late George Francis Hulton Bailer, by his wife Florence, dau. of the Rev. G. T. Comyns of Wood, in the co. of Devon ; as- sumed the name and arms of Longworth by Royal Licence under the will of the Rev. Thomas James Longworth of Walworth House, Cheltenham, second son of the late Francis Longworth of Glynwood, co. Westmeath. Ar- morial bearings — Argent, guttte-de-poix, three trefoils slipped in fesse vert between as many dragons' heads erased sable. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a talbot's head erased sable, holding in the mouth a sword in bend proper, point downwards, pommel and hilt or, between ro trefoils slipped vert. Motto — " Fidele pour toujours." Residence — Walworth House, Cheltenham. Club — New )xford and Cambridge. LONSDALE, see HEYWOOD-LONSDALE. Sir RILEY LORD, Knight Bachelor (1900), J. P. co. of Northumberland and for the city and county of Newcastle- apon-Tyne, Sheriff of Newcaftle 1902-3, Mayor 1895-96, 3-1900. Born 1838, being the second son of the late eorge Lord of Accrington, Lancashire. Armorial bear- -Argent, on a rock proper, a tower sable surmounted a fesse gules, between two cinquefoils in chief and as nany pheons in base of the last. MdJltling sable and rgent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock rop)er, in front of a tower sable, a hind argent, resting the Exter foreleg on a pheon gules. Motto — ' ' Virtute et labore." Married, 1858, Mary, dau. of John Haggas of Keighley, Yorkshire ; and has Issue — Albert Alexander Lord, Esq., b. Sept. 7, 1859. Seat — Highfield Hall, Gosforth, Northumberland. Clubs — Union (Newcastle-on- Tyne), Liberal (Newcastle-on-Tyne). LORN, quartered by STEWART and CAMPBELL. LORRAINE, BRABANT, and quartered by PERCY. LORT, quartered by CAMPBELL. LORTY, quartered by FLOYER. LOSCOMBE(H. Coll., 1762). Argent, on a fesse azure, between three leopards' faces proper, a cross moline be- tween two cross crosslets or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-leopard proper, collared gules, holding in the dexter paw a cross moline as in the arms. Motto — " Moderata durant." Son of Francis Russell Loscombe, Gentleman, of Heath House, Andover, b. 1815 ; d. 1887; m. 1842, Sarah, d. of William Pickering of Axminster, Devon : — Arthur Russell Loscombe, Esq., Lt.-Col. cmdg. ist Batt. West India Regt., b. 1856; /«. 1888, Annie Draydon, d. of George Draydon Wendon ; and has surv. issue — Marjorie Kate Russell. Res. — Up Park Camp, Jamaica, West Indies. Club — ^.'^rmy and Navy. Frank Henry Loscombe, Gentleman. Res. — St. Mary Bourne, Hants. LOUNDRES, quartered by FLOYER. LOVATT of The Cloughs, Newcastle-under-Lyme. Argent, issuant from the base a tower triple-towered sable, portcullis down or, in chief two wolves passant in pale of the second. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a tower triple-towered argent, a wolf passant sable, supporting with the dexter leg an anchor also argent. Motto — "Spe." Livery — Olive brown. is tlie Naval Cockade. 860 LOD lot) Son of Knoch l^vatt by his wife Susannah, d. of Ralph Hammond: — James l^vnit, Ksq., J. P. co. Stafls., and J. P. borough of Newcastle-undcr-Lyine, Deputy High Steward of NewcMstle- under-Lyme, b. aS May 1850; m. ist, Mary Klizabeth, second d. of Richard Muncaster ; and, Frances, d. of Henry Hullingdrake and widow of George I>omas Murgatroyd ; and has issue— (i) William Muncsister Lovatt, Gentleman, *. 14 Nov. 1878 [m. 3p June 1903. Ettie Sybil M. Stocker] ; (at James Muncaster Lovatt, Gentleman, b. 13 Aug. 1881 ; 13) John Muncaster Ixivatt, Gentleman, f>. 6 Oct. 1888; ..ilian [m. Rev. Albert lul ward Warr]; Isabclle[m. Adolph Henri Charles Wenger] ; Ethel ; Jessie ; Marguerite ; and Mary Eliul)eth. .SVady Ada Mary ; secondly, December 30, 1880, Mary Caroline, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable James Stuart Wortley. AV. 1899; Kathvrine Mary; and Emily, /fes, — Kilmaron Castle. Fifeshire. CJui — Reform. William Low, Esq., J.l'. co. Fife and for co. of city of Dundee [same arms, but (rematric. 3 Feb. 1903) the chief engrailed], 6. 1858; m. 1884, Isabella Sands, d. of John Alexander; and has issue — William Alexander Low, Gentleman, d. 1897; Janet Isabella; Evelyn Alexandra; Dorothy Jane ; and Mary Morrison. Seat — Blebo, co. Fife. Cluis — Eastern (Dundee), Liberal (Edinburgh). EDWARD LOWDELL, Gentleman, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons (England), 1845, *[ f|VM>t^ll and Licentiate of the Society of Apothe- ILUUIUI^U caries (London), 1846. Born December 16, 1823, being the second and only surviving son of the late Joseph Lowdell. Surgeon, of Southwark, in the county of Surrey (who died 1834), by Susanna his wife, only daughter of the late Thomas Wood of Black- friars. Armor&l bearing^ — He bears for Arms : Quarterly I and 4, party per pale indented sable and gules, three bugle-horns stringed two and one argent, on a chief of the third a lion passant of the second between two escallops of the first (for Lowdell) ; 2 and 3 ermine, on a pile gules a lion rampant or, a chief azure, thereon a dragon reversed, the head towards the sinister gold (for Langridge) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours and issuant from a bugle-horn or, a demi-lion sable, holding between the paws an escallop also or ; with the Motto, " Nemini obesse sed omnibus prodesse." Married, 1885, KMzabeth (d. 1900), dau. of Thomas Downes of Wakefield, and widow of John D' Urban of Kensington Gardens Square. Postal address —18 Randolph Road, Maida Hill, W. EDWARD LOHET LOWDELL, Gentleman, late Lieu- tenant Royal Navy. Born September 19, 1858, being the elder surviving son of the late Joseph Langridge Lowdell, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons (England), and Licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries (London), of Brighton and Morebath, North Devon, by his first wife Hersilie Dieudonn6, daughter of the late Jean Hubert Lohet of Liege, in the Kingdom of Belgium. Ciuis — Junior Army and Navy, Royal United Service Institution (Whitehall), New (Brighton). Armorial bearin^rs — He bears for Arms : Qu.irterly 1 and 4, party per pale in- dented sable and gules, three bugle-horns stringed two and one iugent, on a chief of the third a lion passant of the second lielween two escallops of the first (for Lowdell) ; a and 3 ermine, on a pile gules a lion rampant or, a chief azure, thereon a dragon reversed, the head towards the sinister gold (for langridge) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours and issuant from a bugle-horn or, a demi-lion sable, holding between the paws an escallop or ; with the Motto, " Nemini obesse sed omnibus prodesse." Married, March 30, 1893, Annie Gwenllian daughter of Daniel Morgan of Cwmgigfran, Talley, in the county of Carmarthen, and Furnival's Inn, London. Postal address — Junior Army and Navy Club. 5 HUBERT HENRY LOWDELL, Gentleman, Lieu- tenant Royal Guernsey Artillery (Channel Islands Militia), Member of the Society ot Apothecaries, London. Bom August 3, 1863, being the second surviving son of the late Joseph Langridge lowdell. Member of the Royal Col- lege of Surgeons (England), and Memlicr and Licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries (London), of Brighton and More- bath, North Devon (who died 1889), by his first wife Hersilie Dieudonn6 (who died 1887), daughter of the late Jean Hubert Lohet of Liege, in the Kingdom of Belgium. Clubs — Gros- venor (London), Royal United Service Institution (White- hall). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, party per pale indented sable and gules, three Imgle- horns stringed two and one argent, on a chief of the third a lion passant of the second between two escallops of the first (for Lowdell) ; 2 and 3 ermine, on a pile gules a lion rampant or, a chief a-zuie, thereon a dragon reversed, the head towards the sinister gold (for Langridge) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours and issuant from a bugle-horn or, a demi-lion sable, holding between the paws an escallop also or ; with the Motto, " Nemini obesse sed omnibus prodesse." Postal address — Baldwin's Hill, Surrey, near East Grinstead. S SYDNEY POOLE LOWDELL, Esquire, Surgeon Lieutenant-Colonel Royal Sark Artillery (Channel Islands Militia), Member of the Royal College of Sur- geons (England), Licentiate of the Royal Society of Apothe- caries (London). Born March 5, 1831, being the younger surviving son of the late George Lowdell, Doctor of Medicine, of Lingfield, in the county of Surrey. Cluis— Constitutional, Westminster, S.W. ; Grosvenor, New Bond Street, W. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, party per pale indented sable and is the Military Cockade, Hoto loto 863 gules, three bugle-horns stringed two and one argent, on a chief of the third a lion passant of the second between two escallops of the first (for Lowdell) ; 2 and 3 ermine, on a pile gules a lion rampant or, a chief azure, thereon a dragon reversed, the head towards the sinister gold (for Langridge) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours and issuant from a bugle-horn or, a demi-lion sable, holding between the paws an escallop also or; with theMottO, " Nemini obesse sed omnibus prodesse." Married, Aug. (who assumed by Royal License the surname of Lowndes in lieu of Gorst in 1853), by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of John Douthwaite Nesham. Clubs — Carlton, Oxford and Cambridge, United University. Livery — Dark blue, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent, fretty azure, on a canton gules a lion's head erased or (for Lowndes) ; 2 and 3 ermine, on a pile per pale sable and azure, three pheons or (for Gorst). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, 23, 1866, Henrietta, second daughter of Mr. John Hochee of Nortons, Lingfield, in the county of Surrey. Estate and postal address — Baldwins', Lingfield, Surrey, near East Grinstead. LOWE, quartered by HURT and TRAFFORD. LOWE, see DRURY-LOWE. LOWNDE, quartered by LANGRISHE. EDWARD CHADDOCK LOWNDES, Esquire, M. A. Camb. , J. P. and D. L. for Wiltshire (High Sheriff 1874), I.P. for County Palatine of Lancaster. Born Dec. 6, 1833, being tiie eldest son of Edward Chaddock Gorst, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased or, gorged with a laurel wreath vert (for Lowndes) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a pheon or, the shaft entwined with a serpent proper (for Gorst). Motto — "Quod adest gratum." Estates — Palterton Hall, in the county of Derby ; Castle Combe, Wiltshire. Postal address — Castle Combe, Chippenham. S GEORGE ALAN LOWNDES, Esquire, M.A., D.L. for Essex, and J. P. for Essex and Herts, High Sheriff for Essex 1861 ; assumed the name of Lowndes in lieu of Clayton on succeeding to the estates of the late Thomas Lowndes of Barrington Hall. Armorial bearing's — Argent, on a cross engrailed sable, between four torteaux, a lion pas- is the Naval Cockade. 864 LOtD Lot) ttnt or. Hf""*"C ^^^^ '"(^ (irgcnt. Or««t— On a wreath ot the colount, a drxtcr arm rmbowrd in armour, the hand in ■ gaunilfi Ktaspini; » sword in l)end sinister, the point downwaid> |>n>|MT, |M>ninicl and hilt or, pendent from the wrat by a nlMnd an escutcheon (;<>'''• I'harged with a griffin's bMd enued aiure. M,irned, tirstly, Nov. 13, 1856, Helen Emma. Moond dnu. of the Rev. Arthur Johnson Danyell, of Ramptsham Manor, co. Dorset, by Elizabeth his wife, only child and lieiress of John Daniel of Hendford Mouse, Somersetshire; and has /mk^— (i) Alan Gardner Lowndes, Gentleman, b. August ai. 1857, d. Feb. 7, 1863 ; (a) Alan Hcrliert WatUngton Lowndes, Esq., Captain RiHe lirigade, b. July 4. 1859. and Kthel Helen Mary. He married secondlv, Oct. 6, 1864, Fanny, fourth dau. of George Farley of Hen wick House and Froxmoor Court, co. Worcester (she d.s.f>. Dec. 13, 1896). iVa/— Barrington Hall. Hatfield ; Broad Oak, Essex. C/m^— Carlton. WILLIAM SELHY- LOWNDES. Esquire, J. P. co. Bucks. Horn 1871, U-ing the eldest son of Willianj Selby- l..owndes, Esq.. of Whaddon Hall and Winslow, co. Bucks, J. P. and M.F. H., by his wife Jessie Mary, widow of Eyre Coote of Westpark, Hants, and dau. of Lieut.- Gen. I-echmere WorralL Armorial beailiigB— Quarterly I and 4, argent, fretty azure, each interlacing charged with a bezant, on a canton gules, a leopard's head erased at the neck or (for Lowndes) ; 2 and 3. or, three bars sable, a bordure wavy gules (for Selby). MaTitUng azure and ar- gent. Crests— I. on a wreath of the colours, a leopard's head erased at the neck or, gorged with a laurel branch proper (for Lowndes) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head affront^e couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed round the temples or and sable, vested gules, at the back a quiver gold with arrows also proper, slung across the left shoulder by a belt azure, studded with bezants (for Selby). Motto — "Ways and means." Married, 1894, Florence, dau. of Frederick Norton of Dargaville, New Zealand, and widow of Sir Edwin Abercromby Dash- wood, 8th Bart. 5m/— Selby House, Bletchley, Bucks. LOWRY (U.O.). Sable, a cup argent, with a garland of laurel between two branches of the same all issuing thereout proper. Mottoes— " Floreant lauri," "Virtus semp)er viridis." Sons of James Corry Lowry , Esq. , of Rockdale, Q.C. , Master of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, b. 1809 ; d. 1869; m. ist, 1832, Dorinda (d. 1845), d. of James Jones of Mount Edward, co. Sligo, Capt. Sligo Mil. ; and. 1850, Jane (er viridis" (below). Married, firstly, July 7, 185a, Francis Elizabeth, youngest dau. and coheir of Benjamin Humphrey Geale Brady of Mount Geale, co. Kilkenny; and has Issue — (i) Robert Geale Lowry, Gentleman, b. Oa. 31, 1853, d. April I, 1854; (2) Robert Thomas Graves Lowry, Esq., b. Jan. 16, 1857, late Major ist Dragoon Guards; Mary Ann Catherine [tn., April 25, 1888, Ijeut,- CoL C. M. Alexander of Tepmon, co. Tyrone]; I^etitia Maria Isabella. He married secondly, Dec. 21, 1880, Dorothea Elizabeth, second dau. of George FolliottJ Vicar's Cross, co. Chester. Seat — Pomeroy House, Po roy, CO. Tyrone. S HENRY WILLIAM LOWRY-CORRY, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Henry WilUi Lowry-Corry, Col. late Coldstream Guards. Bom iJT being the son of the Right Honourable Armar Loyi Cowry, the third Earl of Belmore, by his wife Ea Louise, youngest daughter of William Shepherd Bradboume, in the county of Kent. Armorial lugs — Quarterly i and 4, gules a saltire argent, \ chief a rose of the last (for Corry) ; 2 and 3 sable, a argent, with a garland between two laurel branches, J issuing therefrom proper (for Lowry), impaling the arraij Wood, namely azure, three savages ambulant in fe| proper, in the dexter hand of each a shield argent, cha " with a cross gules, and in their sinister hands a club re on their shoulder also proper, on a canton ermine th lozenges, conjoined in fesse sable. Upon the escutheo placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gi __ and argent; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a cock proper, charged with a crescent gules (for Corry) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a garland be- tween two laurel branches of the same all proper (for Lowry). Married, 1876, Blanche Edith, commonly known as the Honourable Blanche Edith, daughter of the Right Honourable the first Viscount Halifa.x ; and has Issue— (i) Henry Charles Lowry-Corry, Esquire, born February 20, 1887; (a) Frederick Richard Henry Lowry-Coriy, Gentleman, bom May 13, 1890 ; Emily Mary ; and Alice Frances Louisa. Postal address— EAy/zxAslont Hall, Box- ford, Suffolk. Clubs — Carlton, Guards'. LOWTHER, quartered by RAMSDEN. GORGES ST. GEORGE BERESFORD PONS0NB^ LOWTHER, being the son of the late St. George Uwili- of Brading, Isle of Wight, late 69th Regt., by his secon wife Mina, dau. of A. Golding of Maiden Earley. Anno rial bearings— Or, six annulets, three, two, and one sal/ Mantling sable and or. Crest-On a wreath of the colour a dragon passant argent. Motto— " Magistratus indic' virum." Residence — SThe Right Honourable JAMES WILLIAM LOWTHER, P.C., Master of Laws of the Universit) of Cambridge, J. P. and D.L. co. Cumberland, Barrister. is the Military Cockade. Plate XXX. I^OVSJSB ^BdCUOR/riS ^(SRBean? !EoR,De,R,rs HOtD JLop 865 at-Law, Member of Parliament. Bom April i, 1855, being the eldest son of William Lowther, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable William Lowther, by his wife Alice Charlotte, commonly known as the Honourable Alice Charlotte, daughter of the Right Honourable Baron Wensleydale. Club — Carlton. Livery — Blue coat with black velvet collar and silver buttons, yellow waistcoat and breeches. Armorial bearings— He bears for Anus : Or, six annulets, three, two and one sable. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, a dragon passant argent; with the Motto, " Magistratus indicat virum." Married, March i, 1886, Mary Frances, daughter of the Right Honourable Alexander James Beresford Beresford- Hope ; and has Issue — (i) Christopher William Lowther, Esquire, born January 18, 1887 ; (2) Arthur James Beresford Lowther, Gentleman, born October 28, 1888; and Mildred. Postal address — 16 Wilton Crescent, London. S MARCUS LOWTHER, Rear-Admiral (retired), J. P. CO. Southampton, being the fifth son of the late Gorges Lowther, formerly of Kilrue, co. Meath, and M.P. Ratoath, Irish Parliament, by his first wife Julia, dau. of the Rev. Thomas Huntingford. Armorial beariiigs— Or, six annulets, three, two, and one sable. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dragon passant argent. Motto — "Magistratus indicat virum." Married, firstly, June 3, 1856, Emily (who d. Jan. 15, 1895), dau. of the late Isaac Cookson of Meldon Park, Northum- berland, and widow of the late Count Maximilian There- sius von Lerchenfeld Brennberg. He rn. secondly, 1897, Isabel, dau, of the late J. Pletts, C.E., of Newcastle. Resi- dence— 2 Essenden Road, St. Leonard' s-on-Sea. WILLIAM LOWTHER, Esquire, commonly called the Honourable William Lowther, Member of Parliament, brother of the Right Honourable the third Earl of Lonsdale. Born 1821, being the third son of Henry Cecil Lowther, Esquire, commonly called the Honourable Henry Cecil Lowther, by his wife Lucy Eleanor, commonly known as Lady Lucy Eleanor, daughter of the Right Honourable the fifth Earl of Harborough ; was raised to the rank of an Earl's son by Royal Warrant, 1872. Armorial bearings- He bears for Anns : Or, six annulets, three, two and one sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dragon passant argent. Married, 1853, Charlotte Alice, commonly called the Honourable Charlotte Alice, daughter of the Right Honour- able Lord Wensleydale (extinct) ; and has Issue — (i) James William Lowther, Esquire, born April i, 1855 [married, March i, 1886, Mary Frances, daughter of the Right Honourable Alexander James Beresford Hope, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, of Deep- dene, in the county of Surrey, and has issue, Christopher William Lowther, Esquire, born January 18, 1887 ; Arthur i James Beresford Lowther, Gentleman, born October 28, I 1888 ; and Mildred] ; (2) Gerard Augustus Lowther, Gentle- I man, Second Secretary of Her Majesty's Diplomatic Service, I born February 16, 1858 ; (3) Harold Arthur Lowther, j Gentleman, born July 23, 1864 ; (4) Henry Cecil Lowther, I Gentleman, Lieutenant Scots Guards, born January 27, 1869 ; Mary Eleanor Rose ; Mildred Alice, died September 8, 1876 ; and Mabel Cecil. Postal addresses — Lowther Lodge, Kensington Gore, S.W. ; High House, Campsea Ashe, Wickham Market. Clubs — Carlton, Travellers'. JAMES WILLIAM FREDERICK LOWTHORPE, Gentleman. Born Nov. 16, 1830, being the eldest son of the late James Lowthorpe and Millicent, dau. of Richard Tonge, and grandson of late James Lowthorpe of Welton Hall, CO. York. Club — Conservative. Armorial bearings — Gules, six lioncels rampant, three, two, and one argent, aetween two flaunches of the last, a chief invected or, there- on two cinquefoils of the first. Mantling gules and argent. <3reBt — On a wreath of the colours, upon a lion's gamb urased fesseways, a wyvern with wings elevated proper, :harged with a trefoil or. MottO — " Fortior leone fides." Married, Oct. 3, 1855, Elizabeth Lucy (who d. Aug. 15, :;888), dau. of the late Thomas Raikes of Welton House ; ind has Issue — (i) William Frederick Raikes Lowthorpe, jentleman, b. Oct. 19, 1857, d. May 10, 1864; (2) Charles iSvelyn St. Quintin Lowthorpe, Gentleman, b. Sept. 17, 860; (3) Ernest Frederick Lowthorpe, Esq., Capt. 3rd Batt. York and Lancashire Regt., b. June 13, 1865 [m., June 10, 1890, Edith Gertrude, dau. of late Rt. Hon. Henry Cecil Raikes of Llwynegrin, D.L., M.P.]; Charlotte Lizzie, d. Aug. 10, 1856 ; and Beatrice Maud. Postal address — 14 Bryanston Street, Portman Square, W. EDWARD HENRY LOYD, Esquire, J. P., High Sheriff for co. Herts 1895. Born April 2, 1861, being the second son of the late William Jones Loyd, Esq., M.A., J.P., High Sheriff 1861, by his wife Caroline Gertrude, daughter of John Henry Vivian, M.P., of Singleton, co. Glamorgan. Armorial bearings— Per bend sinister ermine and argent, an eagle with two heads dis- played sable, a bordure of the last bezant^e. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a buck's head proper, attired or, erased sable, charged on the neck with a fesse engrailed of the third, thereon three bezants. MottO — " Non mihi, sed patriae." Married, ]u\j 26, 1888, the Hon. Clementina Georgina Brownlow, dau. of Charles, 2nd Lord Brownlow ; and has Issue— V\l'\\\\a.m Lewis Brownlow Loyd, Gentleman, b. May 7, 1889. Seat — Langleybury, Herts. FREDERIC EDWARD LOYD, Esquire, J. P. for Surrey, Herts, and Essex, Barrister-at-Law (Inner Temple). Bom April 26, 1856, being the eldest son of the late Edward Loyd, Esq., of Lillesden, Hawkhurst, Kent, J. P. and D.L. CO. Lancaster, J. P. Kent, High Sheriff 1876, late Lieut.- Col. ist Manchester R. V. , by his wife Caroline Louisa, eldest dau. of John Frederic Foster of Sale Priory, co. Chester, and Kempstone, Beds., by Caroline, dau. of Sir William Cham- bers Bagshawe. Armorial bearings — Per bend sinister ermine and argent, an eagle with two heads displayed sable, a bordure of the last bezant^e. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a buck's head proper, attired or, erased sable, charged on the neck with a fesse engrailed of the third, thereon three bezants. Motto— " Non mihi, sed patriae." Married, April 17, 1879, Isabella, youngest dau. of Frederick Currey, F. R.S. , Barrister-at-Law ; and has Issue~-(i) Lewis Frederic Innes Loyd, Gentleman, b. 1880 : (2) Edward Noel Farnham Loyd, Gentleman ; Evelyn Sarah ; and Mary Innes Foster. Estate— MonVs Orchard, West Wickham, Kent. Residence — AXhyns, Romford, Essex. C/w*^— Arthurs', New University. is the Naval Cockade. 3I li 266 top Hub SCoi- LEWIS VIVIAN LOYD. Esquire, J. P. and D. L. for CO. Warwick. I.P. for co. Tippcmry, late Lieut. Grenadier Guards, M. P. for Chatham 1892-95, and Brigadier- Gen, commanding South Midland Vol. Infantry Brigade. Bom Nov, 14, 1853, Ixing the eldest son of the late William Jones Lovd. Esq.. M.A.. J. P., High Sheriff 1861, by his wife Caroline Gertrude, dau. of John Henry Vivian, M.P., of Singleton, co. Glamorgan. Armorial bearings— Per bend sinister ermine and argent, an eagle with two heads displajred sable, a Iwrdure of the last bezant(5e. Mantling sable and argent. Orest — On a wreath of the colours, a last bezant6e. Mantling sable and nrgent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a buck's head pro|x:r, attired or, erased sable, charged on the nock with a fosse engrailed of the third, thereon three bezants. Motto—" Non mihi, sed patrine." Married a dau. of Bishop I^wis, MetroiKilitan of Canada; and has Issue — (i) Cecil Loyd, Gentlenuin ; (a) Eric Loyd, Gentleman ; and (3) Alwyn Loyd, Gentle- man. KesiJence — Count LOUIS POMIAN BODENHAM LUBIEN- SKI, J. P. and D.L. Assumed the additional surname of buck's head proper, attired or, erased sable, charged on the neck with a fesse engrailed of the third, thereon three bezants. Motto — "Non mihi, sed patriae." Married, Aug. 14, 1879, Lady Mary Sophia Hely-Hutchinson, eldest dau. of Richard John, 4th Earl of Donoughmore ; and has Issue— (i) Lewis Richard William Loyd, Gentleman, b. April 17, 1882 ; (2) Robert John Henry I.,oyd, Gentleman, b. May II, 1884; and Gertrude Harriet Joselyn. Residence — 55 Egerton Gardens, S.W. Clubs — Carlton, Bachelors'. LLEWELLYN FOSTER LOYD, Gentleman. Bom June 30, 1861, being the second son of the late Edward Loyd. Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Lancaster, J. P. Kent, High Sheriff 1876, late Lieut.-CoL 1st Manchester R.V., by his wife Caroline Louisa, eldest dau. of John Frederick Foster of Sale Priory, co. Chester, and Kempstone, Bedfordshire. Armorial bearings — Per bend sinister ermine and argent, an eagle with two heads displayed sable, a bordure of the Bodenham in 1893. Bom Aug. 20, 1852, being the eldest surviving son of Edward, Count Lubienski, by his wile Constance, dau. of Antoine Szlubowski of Radzyn, in Russian Poland. Livery — Gold and black. Armorial beariioigs as registered in Berlin and St. Petersburg, but which have not yet been recorded in the College of Arms, London, are — Quarterly of 4, within a bordure or, i. gules, a wounded ram passant proper (for Bielinski) ; 2. or, a bison's head regardant, transfixed with a sword all proper (for Lubienski) ; 3. gules, an armed knight on a white horse (for Sanguszico) ; 4. tierced in bend azure or and gules, on first and third a stag courant proper, on second two roses of the third (for Szembek). Over all an inescutcheon, Lubienski repeated. Crest— Hand and arm armed, grasp- ing a falchion rising from a count's coronet. Married, Nov. 27, 1895, Evelyn (d. 1902), dau. of the late John Stra'- ford Kirwan of Moyne, co. Galway, and his wife, Lady Victoria Hastings, dau. of Most Hon. George, second Mar- is tbe Military Cockade. Luc Luc 867 quess of Hastings ; and has Issue — (i) Hyacinth Edward Henry Charles Lubienski, b. Nov. 4, 1896 ; (2) Constantine Mary Joseph Lubienski, b. Jan. 20, 1899 ; and (3) Stanislas Mary Joseph Lubienski (twin with Constantine). Seats — Rotherwas, Hereford ; and Bullingham Manor, Hereford. LUCAS, quartered by CLEMENTS. CHARLES DAVIS LUCAS, Esquire. Rear-Admiral, and upon whom Her Majesty has conferred the Decoration of the Victoria Cross (June 21, 1854). Born 1834, being the fourth son of Davis Lucas, by his wife, a daughter of Captain Hill. Club — Army and Navy. Armorial bearings — Argent, a fesse between six annulets gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin Donald William Seymour Lucas, Gentleman, b. April 21, 1891 ; and Marie Ellen Seymour. Residences — New Place, argent, beaked and membered or ; with the Motto, "Stat religione parentum." Married, 1879, Frances Russell, only child of Admiral Sir William Hutcheon Hall, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and grand-daughter of the Right Honourable the sixth Vis- count Torrington ; and has Issue — Hilare Caroline Mathe- son ; Frances Byng ; and Caroline Louisa Byng. Postal address — 48 Phillimore Gardens, Kensington, W. JOHN SEYMOUR LUCAS, Esquire. R.A., F.S.A. Born Dec. 21, 1849. being the fourth son of Henry Lucas, late of the city of Westminster, and Grandson of William Lucas, late of King's Lynn, in the co. of Norfolk. Armorial bearings — Or, a chevron engrailed between two tilting- helmets in chief and an antique lamp in base sable, fired proper. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, issuant from the embattlements of a tower proper, a cubit arm erect vested, and cuffed or, the hand proper, holding a lamp as in arms. Married, July 18, 1877, Marie Elizabeth, dau. of Louis Dieudonn^ Cornelissen of Paris and London; and has Issue — (i) Sydney Charles Seymour Lucas, Gentleman, b. May 11, 1878 ; (2) Edgar Woodchurch Road, Hampstead, N.W. ; Blythburgh, Suffolk. JOSEPH LUCAS, Esquire. J. P. co. Sussex. Born Nov. 12, 1850, being the only son of Joseph Lucas, by his wife Julia, dau. of William Lennard of Ilford, Essex. Livery — Green, and gold facings. Armorial bearings — Per chevron vert and or, in chief a crescent ermine, between two lucies hauriant of the second, and in base a catherine- wheel of the first. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of three caltraps or, on a mount vert, a fox passant in front of three oak trees proper. is the Naval Cockade. 868 Hue Hue Motto — " Rcsnic* fincm." Married, Jan. 25, 1870, Annie Elixabcth, dau. of John Atkinson, Chapel Aller- lon. Leeds; and has Itiut — (i) Joseph Lucas. Gentleman, h. Nov. a, 1870 [m., 1895, Isabel, dau. of George Adams]; !a| William Wrathal Lucas, Gentleman, b. Dec. n, 1871 ; 3| l^scelles Atkinson Lucas, Gentleman, b. July 7, 1873 ; 4) Fretiric Villiers Lucas, Gentleman, b. Jan. as, 1875 ; S) I^nnard Wainwright Lucas, GentK^man, b. May 14, 1879; (6) Vernon Kuskin Lucas, Gentleman, b. May ao, 1886; Annie Julia; Mabel Evelyn; Florence Hilda; and Lylian May. AVn 1850, being the only son of the late Rev. Arthur Rainey Ludlow, late of Durrant, Bideford, by his wife Annette, only child of Col. Thomas Wall Hewitt of Clan- coole, whose name he has assumed by Royal License. Livery — Blue, with yellow facings. Armorial bearings — Argent, two chevronels indented gules between three owls proper. MantUng gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, the trunk of a tree fesse- ways eradicated proper, therefrom rising a falcon belled or, fretty gules, in the beak an acorn slipped also proper. Married, 1882, Edith Annie, dau. of A. R. Hudson of Wick House, Pershore; and has Issue — (i) Alfred Arthur Thomas Ludlow-Hewitt, Gentleman, b. Aug. 3, 1884 ; (2) Edgar Rainey Ludlow-Hewitt, Gentleman, b. June 9, 1886; (3) Henry Balfour Cedric Ludlow-Hewitt, Gentleman, b. May 17, 1888 ; Edith Caroline Annette ; and Mary Eliza- beth Dorinda. .Sm<— Clancoole, near Bandon. The Rev. ARTHUR CHARLES NAPIER LUKIN, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Selwyn Coll., Camb.), Vicar of Ashley Green, Bucks. Bom Oct. 21, 1866, being the eldest son of the late Major-Gen. Charles Osbaldeston Lukin of Northfield, Henley-on-Thames, co. Oxford, by his wife Emily Charlotte, eldest dau. of Charles Rivers Freeling, Esq. (son of Sir Francis Freeling, Bart.). Armorial bear- ings-Argent, a lion rampant gules, debruised by a bend gobony or and azure. Motto—" Inspice." Postal address — Ashley Green Vicarage, Berkhamsted. Colonel FREDERICK WINDHAM LUKIN (Re- tired), late 3rd Hussars. Served in Crimea at siege of Sebastopol (medal with clasp and Turkish medal), also in Indian Mutiny, present at siege and capture of Lucknow and affair at Bungaon (medal with clasp). Born April 28, 1833, being the third son of the late Rev. John Lukin, M.A., Prebendary of Wells, Rector of Nursling, Hants, by his second wife Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Thomas Timson of Tatchbury, co. Hants. Armorial bearings- Argent, a lion rampant gules, debruised by a bend gobony or and azure. Motto — "Inspice." Married, May 9, 1867, Elizabeth Hay, dau. of John David Hay Hill. Esq., J. P., LL.B., of Cressenhall Hall, co. Norfolk, and widow of Major Arthur Cassidy of the 2nd Dragoon Guards ; and has /mk«— Lucy Sybil \m., 1890, Edgar Bruce of The Beeches, Walton-on- Thames, Surrey]. Postal addresses — 8 New Bond Street, London; and Banksea Cottages, Datchet, Bucks. GEORGE FREDERICK LUKIN, Gentleman. Born August 2, 1857, being the only son of the late Rev. John Mayow Lukin, M.A. , Domestic Chaplain to Viscount Tor- rington, Governor of Ceylon, Rector and Patron of Guest- ling, CO. Sussex, by his wife Emily, second dau. of Rev. John Drake Crofts, M.A. , Vicar of Houghton, co. Norfolk. Armorial bearings -Argent, a lion rampant gules, de- bruised by a bend gobony or and azure. Motto —" Inspice. ' Residence — The Rev. JAMES LUKIN, B.A. (Oxon.), Clerk in Holy Orders, fornierly Rector of Hinton Martel, co. Dorset. Bom Nov. s, 1837, being the eldest son of the late James William Lukin, Esq., J. P., of Mashbery, co. Essex, and of Sandhill Lodge, Hants, by his second wife Jcxinna Bryan, eldest dau. of Thomas Hyrdall Hugo of Great Canford, co. Dorset. Armorial bearings— Argent, a lion rampant gules, debruised by a bend gobonny or and azure. Motto — " Inspice." Married, Feb. 5, 1856, Maria, dau. of Robert Sharpe of Hewelsfield Grange, co. Gloucester ; .nnd has, with other Issue — Lionel William Lukin, Gentleman, of Cape Town, South Africa, b. March 25, 1858, Postal address — Felbrigge Lodge, Romsey. JOHN HARRY ERSKINE LUKIN. Gentleman. Horn May 25, 1876, being the fourth son of the late Major-Gen. Charles Osbaldeston Lukin of Northfield, Henley-on- Thames, CO. Oxford, by his wife Emily Charlotte, eldest dau. of Charles Rivers Freeling, Esq. (son of Sir Francis Freeling, Bart.). Armorial bearings -Argent, a lion rampant gules, debruised by a bend gobony or and azure. Motto—" Inspice." Postal address - Csim[ den Hill, Deni^ yaya, Ceylon. S ROBERT CLARENCE WELLESLEY LUKI Capt. 9th Bengal Lancers, served in Chitral Cam- paign, 1895 (medal and clasp), in the Tirah Campaign, 1897-98 (two clasps), and in the War in South Africa, 1901-2 (modal and five clasps). Bom Dec. 22, 1870, being the third but second surviving son of the late Major- Gen. Charles Osbaldeston Lukin of Northfield, Henley-on- Thames, CO. Oxford, by his wife Emily Charlotte, eldest dau. of Charles Rivers Freeling, Esq. (son of Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. ). Armorial bearings -Argent, a lion rampant gules, debruised by a bend gobony or and azuri Motto— " Inspice." Postal address — Jnmor Army aq Navy Club, S.W. P ure^. ROBERT HENRY LUKIN, Gentleman, Barrister-at- Law. Bom June 20, 1826, being the eldest son of the late Rev. John Lukin, M.A., Prebendary of Wells, Vicar of Combe St. Nicholas, co. Somerset, by his second wife Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Thomas Timson of Tatchbury, co Hants. Armorial bearings— Argent, a lion rampant k>iI>' debruised by a bend gobony or and azure. Motto " Inspice." Married, Aug. 27, 1859, Ellen, dau. of Richard Watson of Northampton ; and has Issue— (i) Henry Timson Lukin, Esq. , Captain and Gunnery Instructor Cape Mounted Rifles, Field-Adjutant in Bechuanaland Field Force in Langberg Mountain Campaign 1896-97 (several times mentioned in despatches) [«., 1891, Lily, third dau. of Michael Herbert Quin of Fort Hare, South Africa], and Ellen Jane \m. Rev. Robert Edwin Johnston, Vicar of All Souls'. Cheriton. co. Kent]. Postal address— Major-general WILLIAM WINDHAM AUGUS- TUS LUKIN (Retired), formerly Colonel R.A., served in the Crimea, at the battles of Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, and in the trenches before Sebastopol, presented the trophies to Her Majesty at Woolwich Arsenal Jan. 1856 (medal and four clasps). Officer of the Legion of Honour, and of the Medjidie (sth class), has Turkish medal. Bom Jan. 23, 1828, being the second son of the late Rev. John Lukin, M.A., Prebendary of Wells, Vicar of Combe St. Nicholas, CO. Somerset, by his second wife Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Thomas Timson of Tatchbury, co. Hants. Armorial bearings— Argent, a lion rampant gules, debruised by a bend gobony or and azure. Motto— " Inspice." Married, Feb. 23, 1856, Blanche, dau. of Henry Wakefield of London. ^:ea/— Monk Sherborne, Basingstoke, co. Hants. Club- Army and Navy. LUMB (H. Coll.). Or, three escutcheons sable, each charged with a mullet pierced of the first, a martlet far difference. Mantling or and sable. Crest— On a wreaJth of the colours, a blackamoor's head in profile couped at the is tbe Military Cockade. Hum Lun 871 shoulders proper, wreathed about the temples or and sable, and charged on the neck with a mullet of six points gold, a ship under sail between two wolves' heads couped in chief and an escallop in base, all within a bordure argent. Mant- J.P. and D.L. for Cumber- m. 16 June 1858, Juliana d. of Joseph Harrison of within a wreath in arch or and sable. Motto — " Respicc finem." Livery — Undress, black; dress, yellow with blue facings. Sons of James Lumb, Esq land (High Sheriff 1880), Georgina {d. 1869), eld. Linethwaite, Cumberland Edward James Machell Lumb, Gentleman, late Lieut. 2nd Life Guards, b. 1863. Estates — Homewood and Brig- ham Hall. Post. add. — Homewood, Whitehaven. Rev. Loftus Gerald William Lumb, Clerk in Holy Orders, b. 1867. LUMLEY, see SCARBOROUGH. LUMLEY SMITH, refer to HORTON-SMITH. S JAMES LUMSDEN, Esquire, of Arden, co. Dunbar- tonshire, J. P. and D.L. Born 1851, being the only son of the late Sir James Lumsden, Knight Bachelor, of Arden, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of James Pinkerton, Merchant, of Glasgow. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron or, between two wolves' heads erased in chief argent, and an escallop in base of the last. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mant- ling azure and argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a hand grasping a dagger in bend sinister, all proper. Motto — ' ' Dei dono sum quod sum. " Married, 1882, Susan Campbell, dau. of Robert Duncanson McKenzie of Caldarvan, co. Dunbarton; and has Issue — James Robert Lumsden, Esq., b. 1884; and Susan Elizabeth Campbell. Seat — Arden, Dunbartonshire. Clubs — Conservative, New (Edinburgh). JAMES DAVID LUMSDEN, Esquire, of Huming- towerfield, co. Perth, J. P. for that county. Born Nov. 28, 1862, being the eldest son of the late David Lumsden of Fin- , castle and Huntingtowerfield. Armorial bearings— Azure, ling azure, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an eagle preying on a salmon proper ; and in an escroll above this Motto, "Fide et perse verantia." 5«a^— Huntingtowerfield, co. Perth. EDWARD LUND, Gentleman. Born July 10, 1851, being the eldest son of Edward Lund, F. R.C.S. , by his wife Charlotte, dau. of Daniel Nathaniel Webster. Armo- rial bearings— Per chevron or and gules, in chief two lions passant, and in base a demi-pegasus couped all counter- changed. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-pegasus couped or, the wings charged with five horse-shoes, two, one, and two, and resting the sinister leg on a lion's head erased gules. Motto — "God's my Guide." Married, Sept. 17, 1884, Agnes Alice, dau. of Henry Alfred Eaton Jowett of Sawley, Derby ; and has Issue — (i) Edward Kingstone Lund, Gentleman, b. June 12, 1885 ; (2) Wilfrid Herbert Lund, Gentleman, b. May 19, 1886 ; Agnes Dorothy ; Ethel Frances ; and Adelaide Marion, d. an infant, March 15, 1895. Residence — Leigh- ton Villa, Northgate, Edgeley, Stockport. HERBERT LUND, Gentleman, M.A. and M.B., B.C. Camb., F. R.C.S. Born May 14, 1858, being the second son of Edward Lund, F. R.C.S. , by his wife Charlotte, dau. of Daniel Nathaniel Webster. Armorial bearings— Per chevron or and gules, in chief two lions passant, and in base a demi-pegasus couped all counterchanged. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-pegasus couped or, the wings charged with five horse-shoes, two, one, and two, and resting the sinister leg on a lion's head erased gules. Motto — " God's my Guide." Married, June 30, 1892, Mary Crockatt, dau. of Thomas Ballantine of Greenock, and of Lochgoil- head, co. Argyll ; and has Issue — Herbert Keith Ballantine Lund, Gentleman, b. May 29, 1896; and Margaret Ballan- tine. Residence — Fern Hill, Pendleton, Manchester. JAMES LUND, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for West Riding of co. York, Born 1829, being son of the late is tbe Naval Cockade. a7« Lun 1LU0 William Lund of Knowle Hall. Keighley. Armorial bMLXlBgl— OrMt— On a wrcati) of the colours, in front of a crescent or, a fountain proper. Motto— "Cum secumlo flumine." Is married and has a son. .Sm/j— Malsis Hall, Crosshills, near Leeds ; LUIerton Hall, near York. LUND (H. Coll.). Per fesse wavy axure and argent, a decrescent between two estoiles in chief or, and three barru- lets wavy in base of the first. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a crescent or, a fountain proper. Son of laie W illiam Lund of Knowle Hall, Keighley, b. ; d. ; m. : — James Lund. Esq., J. P. and D.L. West Rdg. Yorks., b. 1839. 6V<]/j— Malsis Hall, Crosshills, nr. Leeds ; Ellerton Hall, nr. Brough ; Lund Forest, nr. Malton. LUPUS. Earl of Chester, quartered by HULLEY, HUSSEY. and KEMEYS-TYNTE. TOOKE GUMMING LUSCOMBE, Gentleman. Ar- morial l>earings— Argent, on a pile azure, between two stags' heads caboshed in base proper, a lion rampant guardant, crowned or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Up>on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant guardant, crowned or. collared azure, pierced through the neck with an arrow proper, charged on the shoulder with a cinquefoil gules. Motto— " Deo duce ferro comitante." Residence— YrzxMon, Dundrum, co. Dublin. LUSHINGTON. TON - TULLOCH TULLOCH. see and ARMSTRONG - LUSHING- FRANCE - LUSHINGTON- SiR FRANKLIN LUSHINGTON, Barrister-at-T^w, formerly Member of the Supreme Council of Justice in the Ionian Islands, now Chief Metropolitan Police Magistrate. Bom Jan. 4, 1823, being the fourth son of the late Edmund Henry Lushington of Park House, Barrister-at-Law, one of the Puisne Judges at Ceylon, subsequently Chief Com- missioner of the Colonial Board of Audit, and Master of the Crown Office, by his second wife Sophia, dau. of Thomas Philips of Sedgeley, near Manchester. Armorial bearing^s — Or, on a fesse wavy between three lions' heads erased vert, langued gules, as many ermine spots of the field. Mant- ling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased vert, ducally gorged argent, charged on the erasure with three ermine spots or. Motto— "Fides nudaque Veritas." Married, Jan. 20, 1862, Kate Maria, dau. of Rev. James Morgan, Vicar of Corston, Somerset ; and has Issue -(i) George Henry Fitzjames, Gentleman, b. Nov. I, 1872 \m., Nov. 9, 1898, Julia Mabel, dau. of Harry Turner Armilage, and has issue, M.irie Isobel] ; (2) Franklin Lushington, Gentleman, b. Dec. 28, 1875 ; Louisa Gert- rude ; and Mildred Helen. Residence -Templehurst, South- borough, Kent. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. Sir GODFREY LUSHINGTON, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Under-Secretary of State for the Home Office 1885-1895. Born 1832, being the son of the Rt. Hon. Stephen Lushington, Judge of the High Court of Admiralty, by his wife Sarah Grace, dau. of T. W. Carr of Frognal, Hampstead ; C.B. (1887), K.C.B. (1892), G.C.M.G. (1899). Armorial bearings — Or, on a fesse wavy between three lions' heads erased vert, as many ermine spots of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a MantUng vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased vert, charged with three ermine spots or, ducally gorged argent. Married, 1865, Beatrice Anne Shore, dau. of S. Smith of Embley, co. Hants. Postal address — 34 Old Queen Street, Westminster; Stokke, Great Bedwyn, Hun- gerford, Wilts. The Rev. THOMAS GODFREY LAW LUSHING- TON. J.P. CO. Cambs.. M.A. (Jesus ColL, Camb.), Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Bearstcd, formerly Vicar of Sit- tingbourne. Rector of Milstead, and previously Vicar of Swavesey and Rector of Hawstcad. Born July 18, 1851, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Davies Lushington] Madras Civil Service, H.E.I.C.S., by his wife Mary, d.iu.' of Charles May Lushington. I.ivery- Drab coat, grccii facings, silver buttons. Armorial bearings Or, on a fesse wavy between three lions' heads erased vert, langued gules, as many ermine spots of the field. Mantlixig gules and or! Crest On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased vert, ducally gorged argent, charged on the erasure with three ermine spots or. Motto—" Fides nudaque Veritas." Postal address — Bearsted Vicarage, Kent. Club— Balh (Piccadilly). VERNON LUSHINGTON, Esq., K.C., formerly Deputy Judge- Advocate -General, County Court Judge (retired). Born 1832, being the fourth son of the late Rt. Hon. Stephen Lushington, P.C, by his wife Sarah, dau. of the late Thomas William Carr of Frognal, Hampstead. Armorial bearings— Or, on a fesse wavy between three lions' heads erased vert, as many ermine spots of the field. Crest — A lion's head erased vert, charged with three ermine spots or, and ducally gorged argent. Married, Feb. 28, 1865, Jane (who d. 1884), third dau. of Francis Mowatt ; and has Issue — Katharine ; Margaret ; and Susan. Postal address — 36 Kensington Square, W. Club — Athenseum. LUSK (Granted H. Coll., 1874; matric. L.O.,2oMay 1903). Azure, an ancient ship with three masts, sails furled proper, colours flying gules, on a chief argent, a woolpack sable between two mullets gules. Man t li ng azuie and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an ancient ship as in the arms, surmounted by a rainbow proper. Motto — " Laus Deo." Livery — Blue, silver facings. Son of John Lusk of Barr, Ayrsh., b. 1789 ; d. 1828; m. 1809, Margaret, d. of John Earl of Knockdolian, CO. Ayr : — Sir Andrew Lusk, ist Bart. (4 Aug. 1874), M.P. for Finsbury 1865-1885, J.P. Middx. and Member of Com- iB the Military Cockade. Hut Lpb 873 mission of Lieutenancy for City of London (Sheriff 1860-1, Lord Mayor 1873-4), b. 1810; m. 1848, Elizabeth, d. of James Potter of Grahamstown, Falkirk. Hes. — 15 Sussex Square, Hyde Park, W. Sons of John Lusk, Gentleman, of Girvan, b. 1814 ; d. ; m. 1st, 28 Jan. 1851, Mary {d. 1853), d. of Thomas M'llwraith, Laird of Black Clanchrie and Dochern, co. Ayr; 2nd, 1857, Helen, d. of John Stillie of Maybole : — Thomas M'llwraith Lusk, Gentleman, b. 1853; m. 1899, Elizabeth Hamilton. Ees. — Aondarroch, Helensburgh, Dumbartonsh. Robert Lusk, Gentleman. Andrew Potter Lusk, Gentleman, b. 1859. Res. — Hugh David Lusk, Gentleman, 1^. i860. Res. — James Lusk, Gentleman, b. 1866. Res. — Sons of James Lusk of Fearn Bank, Lanarksh., b. 1817 ; d. 1890; m. 1846, Janet, d. of Andrew Reid of Hamilton, Canibuslang : — John Lusk, Gentleman [Arms as above, and (matric, 30 May 1903) a bordure silver. Crest — An ancient ship as in the arms, but without the rainbow as above], b. 14 July 1848 ; m. 10 Aug. 1876, Jessie, d. of David Colville ; and has issue — (i) James Lusk, Gentleman, b. 19 Sept. 1878; (2) David Colville Lusk, Gentleman, b. 19 Nov. i88i ; and Janet. Res. — South Dean, Merchiston, Edinburgh ; ..Coulter House, Lanarkshire. Andrew Lusk, Gentleman, b. 3 June 1853. Res. — St. Moritz, Windsor. LUTLEY, see BARNEBY-LUTLEY. LUTTRELL, see FOWNES-LUTTRELL.. S CHARLES ROBERT FLETCHER LUTWIDGE. Esquire, Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, J. P. and Deputy-Lieut, for the counties of Cumberland and Kent, M.A. (Cantab.), [Barrister-at-Law. Born August 2, 1835, being the only son the late Rev. Charles Henry Lutwidge, M.A. (Cantab.), ir of East Farleigh, co. Kent, by his wife Anne Louisa, toy dau. of Robert Raikes of Welton House, co. York. Armorial bearings —Azure, three caps of maintenance or, turned up ermine. Mantling azure and or. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant per pale argent and gules. Motto — " Deo, patria, amicis." Seats— UolmKooV. Hall, Whitehaven, Cumberland ; Shandon, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. C/«(5~ United University. LUXFORD, see ROBERTSON-LUXFORD. LUXMOORE, see NAINBY-LUXMOORE, S CHARLES FREDERICK CORYNDON LUX- MOORE, Esquire, of Broadwoodwiger and Ger- mansweek, Lord of the Manor of Witheridge, all in co. Devon, Lord of the Manor and Patron of Church Minshull, in CO. Chester. Born July 18, 1872, being the only son of the late Capt. Charles Luxmoore, formerly Luxmoore- Brooke, of Witherdon, Devon, and Ashbrook Hall, Cheshire (who assumed the additional surname of Brooke by Royal Licence in 1884,), late of H.M. 37th Regt., sometime A. D.C. to the Governor of Ceylon (served through Indian Mutiny on Staff), by his wife Mary Rosalie, eldest dau. of Rev. Charles Thomas Carpenter, M.A. , of Launceston, Devon. He discontinued the use of the additional name of Brooke in 1894 and resumed the name and arms of Lux- moore only by Royal Licence. Armorial bearingB — Argent, two chevronels gules between three moorhens proper, all within a bordure nebuly sable, charged with eight bezants. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a SfCVmS'ffflT'SeWM wreath of the colours, a battle-axe erect proper between two pomegranates leaved and slipped or. Motto — "Securis fecit securum." Married, Aug. 17, 1897, Rosalie Maud Acworth, younger dau. of Edmund Woods Ommanney, and grand-dau. of Vice-Admiral of the Fleet H. M. Om- manney of Stonehouse, Plymouth ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Manaton Grosvenor Luxmoore, Gentleman, b. June 23, 1898 ; (2) Coryndon Ommanney Luxmoore, Gentleman, b. Nov. 10, 1900 ; (3) Henry Frederick Lux- moore, Gentleman, b. Jan. 5, 1903. Address — Ashbrook Towers, Middlewich. LYBBE, see POWYS-LYBBE, is the Nayal Cockade. 874 ILpH Lpn LYDALL (Vn. Berks. 1664; ped. H. Coll.). Aeure, a siillire or, over all, on a fesse of the hist, three pellets. MawtHiiy azure and or. Orttt — Out of a mural crown chequy or and azure, a heron's head erased of the first, in the beak a scroll inscribed " Et patribus et posteritate." Livery — Blue and silver. Son of John Dodd Lydall, Gentleman, h. 1801 ; d. 1894 ; ;«. 1836, Elizabeth Mary, d. of Charles Haw- thorne : — William Hawthorne Lydall, Gentleman, Solicitor, b. 1849 ; m. 1878, Mary, d. of Edward Loader of Pointington, Somerset ; and has issue — (i) William Edward Dycer Lydall, Gentleman, b. 1878 ; (2) Henry Hugh Wykeham Lydall, Gentleman, b. 1885. Res. — Strawberry House, Chiswick, London, W. CUib — Wimbledon Golf. Son of Dr. Lydall (s. of John Dodd Lydall) :— Wykeham Tracey Lydall, Gentleman, M.D. (Brux.), M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), *. 1870. /?«.— City Road. Birmingham. ALEXANDER LYELL, Esquire, J. P. and C.C. for co. Forfar. Born Oct. 10, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Andrew Lyell, Esq., J. P., of Gardyne, co. Forfar. Club — Scottish Conservative (Edin.). Armorial bearings — Or. a cross azure, between four cross crosslets fitch^e gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter hand holding a sword erect projjer, between two sprigs of laurel also proper. Motto — ' ' Tutela. " Mar- ried, firstly, Dec. 7, 1881, Eliza, dau. of Edward Collier, late of the Grange, Forfarshire ; and has Issue — (i) Alexander Lyell. Gentleman, b. Sept. 23, 1882 ; (2) Thomas Lyell. Gentleman, b. Dec. 4. 1883 ; (3) Robert Lyell, Gentle- man, b. Jan. 23, 1887 ; (4) David Collier Lyell. Gentleman, b. Oct. 31. 1893 ; Marjory Helen ; and Jean. He m. secondly. Ethel Eliiabeth, dau. of Robert Legal, W.S., late of Esk- park, Musselburgh. Residence — Gardyne Castle, co. Forfar. LYNCH (U.O.). Azure, a chevron between three trefoils slipped or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lynx passant, cowarded proper. Motto — "Semper fidelis." Son of Patrick Marcus Lynch, Esq., J. P., of Duras and Renmore (High Sheriff 1845). ^- 1785; d. 1864; m. 1820, Ellen, only d. of John Wilson of Belvoir. co. Clare : — John Wilson Lynch, Esq., late Major 4th Batt. Con- naught Rangers. J. P. and D.L. co. Galway. J. P. co. Clare (High Sheriff of Galway 1858. Clare 1866, and Galway 1870), b. 1831 ; m. 1865, Fanny, d. of Sir Thomas N, Redington, K.C.B.,of Kilcornan ; and has surv. issue — (i) Thomas David Lynch. Gentleman, b. 1870; (a) William Patrick Lynch, Gentleman, b. 1899; Ellen; and Fanny. Seats — Duras, Kinvara, co. Galway ; Renmore, Galway ; Belvoir. Six-Mile Bridge, co. Clare. Clubs— United Service (Dublin), County (Galway), County (Clare). S JAMES BEVERLY LYNCH, Esquire, Brevet- Colonel. late Commandant lath Bengal Cavalry, Indinn Staff Corps. Bom July i, 1848, being the youngest son of Samuel Smith Lynch, late 77th Regt. . and his wife, Catherine Rebecca, dau. of John Cox. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a chevron, between three trefoils sIipp)eo many hurts. Mantling azure and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a wolf passant coward proper, collared or, charged with a hurt and chained of the second. MottO — " Semjjer fidelis." Married, Aug. 2, 1881. Eleanor Dupr£ Meadows, dau. of George Williams Bishop, Esq.. General Indian Staff Corps ; and has Issue — Jasper Beverley Lynch, Gentleman. 2nd Lieut. 3rd Royal Irish Fusiliers, b. Dec. 11, 1883; and Beryl. Postal address — Weston Wood, New- port, Shropshire. Club — Army and Navy. Dame HARRIET LYNCH-BLOSSE. commonly called Lady Harriet Lynch- Blosse, daughter of the Most Honour- able the second Marquess of Sligo. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Azure, a chevron between three trefoi! slipped or (being the arms of Lynch, there lieing non recorded in Ulster's Office for Blosse), and impaling the arms of Browne, namely, sable three lions passant in bend between two double cottises argent. Married, March 31, 1853, Sir Robert Lynch- Blosse, tenth Baronet, of Castle Carra. in the county of Mayo, who died 1893 ; and has Issue— [i] Sir Henry Lynch-Blosse, eleventh Baronet [to whom refer]; (2) Robert Lynch- Wosse, Esquire, Captain and Adjutant King's Own Borderers, b. Feb. 14. 1861 \m. Alice, dau. of E. Pery-Knox-Gore] ; (3) William Conyngham Lynch- Blosse, Esq., b. Feb. 15. 1864. d. Nov. 19. 1870; (3) Francis Lynch-Blosse, Lieut. Highland Light Infantry, b. Nov. 27. 1868; Harriet \m., Nov. 6, 1883, Sir Henry Augustus Robinson, K.C.B.]; and Mary \m., March 8, 1892, Robert Nicholas Hardmge, Esq., commonly called the Honourable Robert Nicholas Hardinge]. Residences— Athavallie, Balla, co. Mayo ; 11 Haddington Terrace, Kingstown, co. Dublin. ^ is the Military Cockade. J JLpn Lpo 875 Sir henry LYNCH-DLOSSE, eleventh Baronet, of Castle Carra, in the county of Mayo. Born April 21, 1857, being the eldest son of the late Sir Robert Lynch-Blosse, tenth Baronet, by his wife Harriet, commonly called Lady Harriet, daughter of the Most Honourable the second Marquess of Sligo ; and succeeded his father 1893, under the creation of June 8, 1622. Club — Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial beaxingB — He bears for Arms : Azure, a chevron between three trefoils slipped or, the escutcheon being charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet (being the arms of Lynch, there being no arms of Blosse recorded in Ulster's Office). Crest (of Lynch)— On a wreath of the colours, a wolf passant coward argent. Motto — "Semper fidelis." 5<"a^— Athavallie, Balla, co. Mayo. CHARLES RUSHWORTH LYNCH-STAUNTON. Born 1854, being the eldest son of the late Marcus Staunton Lynch-Staunton of Clydagh, by his wife Horatia Anne, daughter of Charles Powlett Rush worth. Com- missioner of Inland Revenue. Club — Union. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, two chevronels sable (for Staunton) ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron between three trefoils slipped or (for Lynch). Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a fox statant proper (for Staunton) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lyn.x passant proper, charged with a mullet gules (for Lynch). MottO — "En Dieu ma foy." 5ea/— Clydagh, Headford, Tuam, in the county of Galway. The Rev. JOHN LYNES, M.A. Camb., formerly Vicar of Buckland, Monachorum, Devon, and Melchbourne, Beds. Born March 6, 1821, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Lynes, by his wife Frances, dau. of the Rev. George Boulton, Rector of Oxendon, co. Northampton. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend azure, between two lions rampant gules, a fleur-de-lis between two griffins' heads erased or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a fleur-de-lis argent, a lion rampant gules. Motto — "Foi, roi, droit." Married, Nov. 17, 1853, Mary Campion, dau. of Booth Hodgetts ; and has Issue — (i) John Lynes, Gentleman, b. Jan. 21, 1863; (2) Thomas Lynes, Gentle- man, b. June 4, 1865 ; (3) Booth Hodgetts Lynes, Gentle- man, b. April 23, 1867; and Frances Mary \jn., Sept. 9, 1884, Col. William Brooks Butlin]. Residence — Sandesfort House, Wyke Regis, Dorset. §S.\MUEL PARR LYNES, Esquire, Colonel R.A. Born June 29, 1838, being the eldest son of the late Rev. John Lynes, LL.B., F.S.A., J. P. co. Northampton, and Incumbent of Hatton, co. Warwick, by his wife'Caroline Sobieski, eldest dau. and co-heiress (with her youngest sister. Lady Marshall) of John Wynne of Garthmeilio, co. Den- bigh. Armorial bearings — On a bend azure, between two lions rampant gules, a fleur-de-lis between two gryphons' heads erased or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a fleur-de-lis argent, a lion rampant gules. Motto — "Foi, roi, droit." Seat — Garth- meilio, Corwen, North Wales. Clubs — United Service, Junior Carlton. LYON CLERK, see GRANT. LYON KING OF ARMS, see PAUL. LYON (H. Coll.). Azure, a lion passant or, between 1 three plates each charged with a griffin's head erased sable. itling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the blours, itto — " Pro rege et patria." Livery — Black and white. Sons of Thomas Lyon, Esq., of Appleton Hall, J. P. and D.L., b. 1786; d. 1859; m. 1820, Eliza, d. of George Clayton of Lostock Hall, Lanes, (by Dolly, sister of ist Lord Gardner) : — Thomas Henry Lyon, Esq., J. P. co. Chester (High leriff 1867), late Lieut. R.N., and sometime Capt. in the il., b. 1825 ; m. ist, i860, Vanda {d. 1861), d. of John, t Lord Winmarleigh ; 2nd, 1872, Edith Grace, d. of llliam Hill Branker of Bispham Hall, Lanes. ; and has ue— Dorothy [;«. 1904, 2nd Baron Acton]. Seat — Apple- 1 Hall, nr. Warrington. Town res. — Rutland Lodge, ^ghtsbridge, S.W. Club— Army and Navy. Charles Lyon, Gentleman, b. 1832. Res. — Sons of Col. Francis Lyon, R.H.A., b. 1834; d. 1885; m. 1863, Flora, d. of Hon. A. Aimesley : — Capt. Charles Lyon, R.A., A.D.C. to Gov. of Ceylon, b. 1865 ; m. 1894, Rachel Mary Fearne, only child of Sir Arthur Havelock, K.C.M.G., Gov. of Ceylon; and has issue — Francis ('harles Lyon, Gentleman, b. 1895. Res. — Capt. Francis Lyon, R.A., b. 1867. Res. — Capt. Arthur Lyon, 1st Batt. Border Regt., b. 1869. Res. — Henry Lyon, Gentleman, b. 1872. Res. — LYONS (U.O.). Gules, gutt6-d'or, a lion rampant of the second, on a chief arched of the last, a torteau between two crosses potent of the field. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant or, holding between the paws a cross potent gules. Motto — " In te Domine sperair." Son of Alexander Lyons of Rathellen, b. ; d. 1900 ; 7n. Ellen, d. of Robert Culbertson of Ballsinodare, co. Sligo : — Alexander Culbertson Lyons, Gentleman, b. 7 Sept. 1892. Seat — Rathellen, Sligo. Sons of Henry Lyons, Esq., J. P., of Rathellen, co. Sligo, b. ; d. ; m. , Margaret Monds : — The Very Rev. James Lyons, B.D. (Dublin), late Dean ofOssory, ^. . Res. — Henry Lyons, Gentleman, J. P. borough of Sligo, b. Res. — Baymount, Sligo. LYONS (U.O.). Sable, a chevron ermine, between three lions sejant guardant argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion's head erased argent. Motto — " Noli irritare leones." Sons of John Charles Lyons of Ledestown Esq., J. P. and D.L. (High Sheriff co. Westmeath 1816), b. 1792 ; d, 1874 ; m. 2nd, 1856, Frances Ellen, d. of Thomas Walsh of Belleview, co. Westmeath : — John Charles Lyons, Esq., J. P. b. 1861 ; m. 1882, Evelyne Maude, d. of Frederick Pilkington of Newberry Hall, CO. Kildare ; and has issue — John Charles Geoffrey Pilkington Lyons, Gentleman, b. 1883 ; Gladys Maude Pilkington ; and Coral Cecil Constance. Seat — Ledestown, Mullingar, co. Westmeath. §j^ Admiral of the Fleet Sir ALGERNON W M'LENNAN LYONS, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (1897), J. P. and D.L. for co. Glamorgan, Commander-in-Chief at Devonport since 1,893. Born 1833, being the son of Lieutenant - General Humphrey Lyons, by his first wife Eliza, daughter of Henry Bennett of Fir Grove, Liver- pool ; created Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1889. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, a chevron ermine, between three sea-lions sejant guardant argent ; the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon and the collar of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and pendent his badge as a G.C. B. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a sea-lion's head erased argent, gorged with a naval crown azure. Married, 1879, Louisa Jane, eldest daughter of Thomas Penrice of Kil- vrough, in the county of Glamorgan. Postal address — Kilvrough, county Glamorgan. .JAMES BRISTOW LYONS, Gentleman. Born October 14, 1853, being the fourth son of the late WilUam Thomas Bristow Lyons, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant of Old Park and Brookhill, in the county of Antrim, by his wife Julia Maria, third daughter of Captain James Jones of Mount Edward, in the county of Sligo. Livery — Blue and white. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a lion rampant azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant, holding in the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis argent ; with the Motto, " In te Domine speravi." Married, October 8, 1885, Marguerite Julia, daughter of Jules Festu-Villiaumey of Calvados, in Normandy; and has Issue — (i) William Barry Lyons, Gentleman, born July 11, 1887; (2) James Henry Lyons, Gentleman, born February 28, 1889. Residence — 3 West Elmwood, Belfast. C/«<5— Ulster (Belfast). is the Naval Cockade. 876 JLpo ipief ROBERT COI.VILL }OSKH LYONS, Gentleman, formerly an Ofticer 43rd I^ight Infantry (has New Zealand Medal). Horn Octol)er 26. 1844, Iwing the second son of tlie late U'illiam Thomas Bristow l^yons, Ksquirc, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, of Old Park and Brookhill, in the county of Antrim, by his wife Julia Maria [to whom refer], daughter of Captain James Jones of Mount Edward, in the county of Sligo. /.itvrK— Light blue and white. Armorial bearings -He bears for Arnu: Argent, a lion rampant azure. Greet, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion ram- pant, holding in his dexter paw a fletir-de-lis argent. Motto Tyrone; and has /.««*— William Holmes St. John Lyons, Gentleman, born December a8, 1888 ; Vera Patricia Mabel ; — "In te Domine speravi." Afarried, December 8, 1869, Helen Caroline, second daughter of John Le Mottde of Le VauquiWor, Guernsey, Judge of the Royal Court ; and has /ssue — (i) Edward Colvill Lyons, Gentleman, born January 9. 1873; (2) Guy Cary Lyons, Gentleman, born October i6, 1875 ; and Muriel. WILLIAM HENRY LYONS, Esq., J. P. co. Cork and City (High Sheriff 1868), and for Co. Limerick (High Sheriff 1874). Bom 1825, being the eldest son of the late Sir William Lyons, Knt. , who was Mayor of Cork 1848-1849 and High Sheriff 1856, by Harriet, dau. of Spencer Dyer, Esq. , of Garras, co. Cork. Clud — Royal Cork Yacht (Queenstown). Armorial bearings — Argent, a royal crown prof>er, between two lions passant guardant in chief sable, and in base an ancient ship of three masts of the second, between two flowers gules. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant sable. MottO — " Virtute et fidelitate." Married, 1862, Katie, dau. of Richard Walter Agar of Ballycasheen ; and has /««*— William Henry Lyons, Esq., late Capt. Limerick Art. Mil., d. 186-. WILLIAM HENRY HOLMES LYONS, Esquire. Justice of the Peace for the county of Antrim. Bom July 31, 1843, being the eldest son of the late William Thomas Bristow Lyons, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, of Old Park and Brookhill, in the county of Antrim, and his wife Julia Maria [to whom refer], daughter of Captain James Jones of Mount Edward, in the county of Sligo. Cluis — Constitutional, Ulster (Belfast). Livery — Light blue and white. Armorial bearii^rs — He bears for Anns : Argent, a lion rampant azure ; and for his Crest, a demi-lion rampant, holding in his dexter paw a fleur-delis argent ; with the Motto, " In te Domine speravi." Married, January 5, 1888, Mary Eliza (Lily), eldest daughter of George Evans of Gortmerron House, Dungannon, in the county of Evylyn Sara Evans ; and Lily Eileen. Postal address- Richmond Lodge, Strandtown, co. Down. HENRY WILLOUGHBY STEWART LYONS- MONTGOMERY, Gentleman. Bom Sept. 16, 1850, being the second son of the late Hugh Lyons-Montgomery, Esq., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1840, by his wife Eliza- beth, dau. of Henry Smith. Armorial bearings— Quar- terly i. and iiii., azure, three fleurs-de-lis or; ii. and iii., gfules, three gem rings or, gemmed azure, over all an escutcheon argent, charged with a trefoil slipped vert (for Montgomery) ; 2. azure, three battle-axes erect, two and one argent (for Batten) ; 3. jjer fesse or and azure, three lions rampant within a tressure flory, all counterchan|:ed (for Lyons) ; 4. as first. Motto — "Patriae infelici fidelis." Married, April 6, 1876, Jane Slinger, only child of Captain Travers Crofton of Lakefield. Seat — Belhavel, Kilbargen, CO. Leitrim, via Dromahaire. S LORENZO GEORGE LYSONS, Esquire, Major Volunteer Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment. Born August 6, 1839 ; succeeded his father, 1877. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, a chief nebulde argent, issuant therefrom the rays of the sun proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent. Motto — "Valebit." Mar- ried, October 1862, Victoria, daughter of General Sir William Richards, Knight Commander of the Most Hon- ourable Order of the Bath ; and by her has had Issue— (i) William Lorenzo George Lysons, Gentleman, born July, 1863; (2) Daniel George Lysons, Gentleman, died 1867 ; (3) Arthur Charles Fothringham Lysons, Gentle- man, bom 1868; (4) George Lorenzo Lysons, Gentleman, died 1870; (s) Samuel Victor Davies Lysons, Gentleman, born 1874; (6) Clement Francis Lysons, Gentleman, died 1875 ; Ethel Tereso, died 1875 ; Mabel Susan Frances ; Gwendoline Catherine ; Victoria Georgiana, died 1874 ; and Marguerite Henrietta. /Residence — 10 Gratton Road, W. Kensington, W. LYSAGHT, quartered by GRIFFIN, LYSAGHT (U.O., 1758). gfules, on a chief azure, a Mantling gules and argent. Argent, three spears erect lion passant guardant or. Crest — on a wreath of the ^ is tbe Military Cockade. Lp0 iLpiei 877 colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand hold- ing a sword all proper. Motto — " Bella, horrida bella." Sons of John Arthur, sth Baron Lisle, b. 1811 ; d. 1898 ; m. 1837, Henrietta, d. of John Church : — The Rt. Hon. George William James Lysaght, 6th Baron Lisle (18 Sept. 1758) of Mountnorth, co. Cork [Supporters— Two lions or], b. 1840; m. 1868, Amy Emily, d. of Ayliffe Langford of Ventnor and St. Heliers, Jersey ; and has issue— Hon. Horace George Lysaght, J. P. co. Cork, b. 1873 [m. 1899, Alice Elizabeth, d. of Sir John Wrixon-Becher, Bart.; and has surv. issue — John Nicholas Horace Lysaght, Esq., b. 1903; and Alice Amy]; and Kathleen Eily. Seat — Mallow, co. Cork. Hon. Frederick Lysaght, b. 1841 ; ;«. ist, 1867, Annie Elizabeth [d. 1868), d. of Ayliffe Langford; 2nd, 1868, Elizabeth Lavinia, d. of D. Le Couteur of Jersey ; and has issue — Frederick Edward John Lysaght, Esq., b. 1868 ; Nes. — Hon. and Rev. Henry Lysaght, V. of St. Mary's, Middleton, Rothwell, b. 1847; m. 1875, Susan Isabelle, d. of Philip Scott of Hill House, Queenstown ; and has issue — Rev. John Arthur Constantine Lysaght, B.A., Vicar of Carham, Northumberland, b. 1876 \in. 1902, Mary Nicholl, d. of Adam F. Blaudy ; and has issue- Winifred Joyce]. J^es. — Middleton, Rothwell. LYSAGHT (U.O. ). Argent, three spears erect proper, on a chief crenelle azure, a lion passant guardant between two lozenges or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from clouds, a naked arm embowed, the hand grasping a dagger by the point all proper. Motto — " Auxilium de superis." Son of William Lysaght of Fort William and Hazle- wood, CO. Cork, Lieut. 93rd Highlanders, b. 1800; d. 1838 ; m. 1819, Frances, d. of William Atkins of Fountainville, Mallow, co. Cork: — William Lysaght, Esq.. J. P. co. Cork, b. 1826; m. ist, 1850, Fanny, d, of William Murphy, M.D., Dublin; 2nd, 1868, Charity Elizabeth, d. of John S. Haines, Esq., J. P., of Lakeville, Douglas, Cork ; and has issue — (i) William Lysaght, Gentleman, b. 1870; (2) John Lysaght, Esq., Capt. Cork Art. Mil., b. 1871, d. igoo; (3) George Lysaght, Gentleman, b. 1873; (4) Christopher Lysaght, Gentleman, b. 1875 ; (5) Henry Lysaght, Gentleman, b. 1878 ; (6) Robert Lysaght, Gentleman, b. 1879; and Rosalind. Seah — Hazlewood, Mallow, co. Cork ; Fort William, nr. Done- raile, co. Cork ; Kilbury, nr. Fethard, co. Tipperary ; Castle Wrixon, co. Cork ; Mintinna, co. Cork. Sons of the late Thomas Royse Lysaght; Gentleman, b. 1828 ; d. 1890 ; m. 1854, Emily Sophia, d, of Lieut. Sidney Moss, R.N. : — Sidney Royse Lysaght, Esq., late Capt. ist Gloucester Vol. Art., b. 1856; f/t. 1886, Katlirine, d. of the late Joseph Clarke of Waddington, Lines. ; and has issue — (i) Edge- worth Lysaght, Gentleman, b. 1887 ; (2) Nevil Royse Lysaght, Gentleman, b. 1893. iVa/j— Mintinna, nr. New- market, CO. Cork ; Backwell Down, co. Somerset. Club — Savile. William Royse Lysaght, Gentleman, b. 1858 ; m. Eliza- beth, d. of the late Rev. John Gladstone; and has issue — Desmond Royse Lysaght, Gentleman, b. 1903. Res. — Guy House, Chepstow. Herbert Royse Lysaght, Gentleman, b. 1862; m. Ellen, d. of the late C. Lydiard of Bathurst, N.S.W. ; and has issue — Douglas Royse Lysaght, Gentleman, b. 1896. Res. —Sydney, N.S.W. Sons of the late John Lysaght, Esq., J. P., of Hengrave Hall, Bury St. Edmunds, b. 1832 ; d. 1895 ; m. 1858, Ellen, d. of Lieut. Sidney Moss, R.N. : — Frederick Percy Lysaght, Gentleman, b. 1863. Res. — Beach Court, Deal. Arthur Lysaght, Gentleman, b. 1864; m. May, d. of Lt.- Col. Prendergast ; and has issue — John Lisle Lysaght, b. 1889. y?«.— Sydney, N.S.W. Gerald Stuart Lysaght, Gentleman, b. 1899 ; m. Nina, d. of the late J. L. Press, Gentleman. Res. — Ninehead Court, CO. Somerset. Sons of the late William Lysaght, Esq., J. P. co. Cork, b. 1825 ; d. 1887 ; m. 1857, Eliza Jane, d. of Daniel Conner, Esq. , J.P. , of Manch, co. Cork : — Edward Longfield Lysaght, Gentleman, b. 1862. Daniel Conner Lysaght, Gentleman, b. 1868 ; m. 1895, Helen Agnes, d. of the late Capt. Stafford Jones, 54th and 83rd Regts. ; and has issue — (i) Charles William Conner Lysaght, Gentleman, b. 1898 ; (2) Arthur Conner Lysaght, Gentleman, b. 1900; (3) Edward Conner Lysaght, Gentle- man, b. 1902. Res. — Portskewit House, Monmouthshire. Son of the late James Lysaght, Esq., J. P., of Carrig- more, co. Cork ; m. Adelaide, d. of Gen. Beatson : — James Douglas Lysaght, Col. A. P.D. ; m. Amy, d. of H. Vane, Gentleman, of Ceylon. Res. — Hough Green, Chester. S CHARLES BYBIE LYSTER, Esquire, Major in the Buffs (retired). Born May 20, 1852, being the second son of Frederic Torrens Lyster, Esq., late Lieut. -Col. com- manding the 2ist Royal North British Fusiliers, by his wife Ellen, dau. of Edward Lake. Club — Junior Army and Navy. Livery — French grey, collar and cuffs salmon colour. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, ermine, on a fesse sable, three mullets or (for Lyster) ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron argent between three mullets gules, in the dexter and sinister chief points a bird-bolt in pale or (for Bolton). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Out of a ducal crest coronet or, charged with a cross humett6e gules, a stag's head proper. Motto — " Retinens vestigia famse." Married, Oct. 13, 1885, Alice, only child of Dr. J;imes Bindloss of Prestwich, near Manchester; and has had Issue — (i) Anthony St. George Lyster, Gentleman, b. March 13, 1888; (2) Lumley Fitzgerald Lyster, Gentleman, b. Oct. 21, 1890; (3) Harry Stratford Gore Lyster, Gentleman, b. July 29, 1894 (d. Feb. 18, 1895) ; Sybil ; and Rosamund. Postal address — Waye, Ashburton, Devon. LYSTER (U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4, ermine, on a fesse sable, three mullets or (Lyster); 2 and 3, gules, a chevron between three mullets argent, in the dexter and sinister chief points a bird-bolt in pale or (Bolton). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Out of a ducal crest coronet or, charged with a cross humett6e gules, a stag's head proper. Motto — ' ' Retinens vestigia famae. " Livery — Silver g^ey with salmon facings. Sons of Col. Frederic Torrens Lyster of Warren House, Starcross, Devon, b. 1813 ; d. 1902; m. ist, 1846, Ellen, d. of Edward W. Lake, Solicitor: — Frederic Edward Lyster, Gentleman, formerly Ensign 39th Regt. , b. 1846; in. 1877, Graciana, d. and coh. of Henry Lyster ; and has issue — Frederic St. George Lyster, Gentleman, b. 1879. Res. — Garden City, Long Island, U.S.A. Charles Bybie Lyster (if. v.). is the Naval Cockade. 878 Lpt e^at Arthur Walter Lyster, Esq., Major late 3rd Goorkhas, *. 1 8 S3. A'es.— William O'Brien Lyster. Gentleman, i. 1857 ; m. 1887, Mary, d. of James Ross of Perth ; and has issue— Mary Elixabeih ; Dorothea Lake ; and Winifred Annette. Seat — -Glatton Hall, nr. Peterborough. fiSlR ARTHUR LYTTELTON LYTTELTON- ANNESLEY. K.C.V.O.. Lt.-Gen. in the Army, late Com. of the Forces in Scotland, formerly A. D.C. to the Duke of Cambridge, Assist. Adj. -Gen. Horse Guards, and Adj.- t^en. Bombav Army. He assumeil in 1884. by Royal Licence, the name of Lyttcllon, as representative of Rt. Hon. George, ist Ix)rd Lyttelton. Bom 1837, being the eldest son of the Kite Arthur Lyttelton Annesley, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of .Arley Castle, by his wife Mary. dau. of John Bradley of Colborne Hall, co. Stafford. Armorial bearing! -Quar- terly. 1st and 4th grand quiirters. quarterly i and 4, paly of six argent and azure, a bend gules (for Annesley) ; a and 3, quarterly, i. andiiii., azure, a cistlc triple-towered and embattled argent, masoned sable, windows and porch Rules • ii. and iii., gules, three legs armed proper, conjoined in ilic centre at the uppei parts of the thighs, flexed in tri.tngic, spurred and garnished or, all within a liordure embattled of the last (for Macl^eod) ; and and 3rd grand quarters, argent a chevron between three escallops sable (for Lyttelton).' Mantling azure and argent. Orssti— i. on a wreath of the liveries, a Moor's head in profile proper, wreathed about the temples argent and azure (for Annesley) ; a. on a wreath of his liveries, a bull's hciid caboshed pro[)er, Ijetwcen two flags gules ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, a Moor's head in profile, couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed abdui the temples argent and sable (for Lyttelton). MottOM- Under the arms, " Hie murus aheneus " ; over the Annes- ley crest, " Virtutis amore"; over the MacLeod crest, "Hold fast"; over the Lyttelton crest, " Ung Dicu, ung Roy." M MAC ADAM, see SMITH. LiEUT.-CoL. THOMAS STANNARD MAC ADAM. Lieut. -Col. (retired) late 3rd Batt. York and Lancaster Regt., J. P. cos. Clare, Limerick, and Sussex. Born 1827, being the eldest son of the late Capt. Philip MacAdam of Blackwater House, by his wife Elizabeth, third dau. of John Lannigan Stannard, Elsq., J. P., of The Grange, co. Kil- kenny. C/u6 — United Service. Armorial bearings — Vert, a cross calvary, in the dexter chief a mullet, and in the sinister a crescent, all or. Mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a cock proper, holding in the bill a cross as in the arms ; with the Motto, "Inhocsigfnovinces." Alarried, 1st, 1855, Eliza- beth Chivers, dau. of the late John Seddon Bower, Esq. , J. P. , of Broxholme House, York ; and by her (who died 1856) has Issue— (\) Philip Bower MacAdani, Esq., b. 1856, Capt. East Lancashire Regt. (S9th) ; 2nd, 1858, Ellen Jane, only daughter of the late William D'Arcy Preston, Esq., Capt R.N., J. P., of Borde Hill House, Sussex, and by her has had, with two sons who died young, (2) Frank Robert Preston Mac.\dam, Esq., Capt. Prince of Wales' Own West Yorkshire (late 14th) Regt., b. 1859, d. July 22, 1893; (3) Walter MacAdam, Esq., Capt. R.E., b. 1865; Charlotte Honor ; and Grace Elizabeth \m. , 1893, Col. Edward Hart Dyke, late R.A.]. Estate and postal address — Blackwater House (co. Clare), near Limerick. CHARLES GODFREY SOMERVILLE McALE- STER, Esquire, of Loup and Kennox, J. P., Chief of the Clan Alester, Captain 3rd Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers, Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple, Bachelor of Arts of Balliol College, Oxford. Bom 1868, being the eldest son of the late Charles Somerville McAlester of Kennox, by his wife Williamina Pollok, youngest dau. of William Pollok Morris of Craig, in the co. of Ayr. Ar- morial bearings — Or, an eagle displayed gules, armed sable, surmounted on the breast of a galley of the first, a border of the third, charged with three cross crosslets fitch^e argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and uf>on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter arm in armour erect, the hand holding a dagger in pale all proper; motto over, "Fortiter." Supporters — Dexter, a bear pierced in the back with an arrow ; sinister, an eagle all proper. Motto — "Per mare per terras." Seat — Ken- nox House, Stewarton, Ayr. The Late JAMES CHILD M'ANDREW, Gentleman, eldest son of William Peter M 'Andrew. Armorial bear- ings — Sable, an eagle displayed or, in the dexter talon a dragon proper, a bordure argent, charged with six stars gules. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a galley, oars erect in saltire sable and flags gules. Motto — " Fortuna juvat." MACARA (L.O.). Ermine, an oak-tree eradicated in bend dexter, surmounted by a sword proper, hilled and pommelled or, in bend sinister, supporting on its point .in Imperial crown of the second, on a chief of the third, :i spider sable, between two thistles also proper. Mantling sable, doubled or. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a stag regardant, lodged in front of an oak-tree proper. Motto — " Consilio non vi." Eld. s. of Rev. William Macara, Minister of the fri Church of Scotland in Strathmiglo. b. 1812; d.m m. Charlotte Grace, d. of Col. Cowpar, Forfar^; Mil. :— ^ is the Military Cockade. Q^ac Q^ac 879 Charles Wright Macara, Esq., J. P. Lanes., Pres. of the Internal. Committee apptd. at first Interat. Congress of Representatives of Cotton Spinners and Manufacturers, held at Zurich 1904, Pres. of the Federation of Master Cotton Spinners' Association since 1894, b. 11 Jan. 1845; 10, 1863; (s) George W. M'Arthur, Gentleman, b. Dec. 20, 1864; (6) Ebenezer Jenkings M'Arthur, Gentleman, 1. 14 Jan. 1875, Marion, d. of William Young; and has |;.ue — William Cowpar Macara, Gentleman, b. 4 Nov. (i/S ; Marion Grace ; Beatrice Mary ; Lillian Emily ; and (lice Maude. Fes. — Ardmore, St. Anne's-on-the-Sea, jancashire. Club — Reform (Manchester). ■[ALEXANDER M'ARTHUR, Esquire, J. P. for I* Surrey, D.L. for London, M.P. for Leicester 74-92, and for some years Member of the Legislative imncil of New South Wales. Born March 10, 1814, jing the third son of the late Rev. John M'Arthur, by i\ wife Sarah, dau. of William Findlay of Marghacotton, < Tyrone. Clubs — Reform, Devonshire, National Liberal. •jinoiial bearings — Per chevron nebuly azure and cr, <:> Eastern crowns m chief and a cross moline in base, a counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a.reath of the colours, in front of a greyhound couchaiit Me, collared and line reflexed over the back argent, a ''jt erect or, the whole between two branches of laurel |l, fructed proper. Motto — " Fide et opera." Married, 19, 1853, Maria Bowden, dau. of the late Rev. iliam B. Boyce of The Glebe, Sydney, New South lies; and has Issue — (i) William Alexander M'Arthur, j|., one of H.M.'s Lieutenants for the City of London, ■*. for St. Austell Div. of Cornwall since 1887, Junior d of the Treasury since 1892, b. April 14, 1857 \m., . 12, 1890, Florence Cremer, eldest dau. of John mer Clarke of Wayste Court, and has issue, two daus.] ; (a John Percival M'Arthur, Esq., D.L. for London, b. Jy 25, 1858 [m., Sept. 25, 1884, Lilly, dau. of *'ison]; (3) Allen Gordon M'Arthur, Gentleman, Bar- rijr-at-Law, b. Jan. 12, 1862 [;»., Sept. 26, 1890, Maud, d» of Samuel Finly of Montreal]; (4) James Harry St art M'Arthur, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, b. March llDErET *'GPER/\ b. July 27, 1872 ; (7) Alexander M'Arthur, Gentleman, b. Nov. 10, 1873, d. young; I..ilian, d. Jan. 1862; Marian \m. G. F. Holman] ; Sarah Maria [m. John Southall, Barrister-at-Law]. Town residence — 79 Holland Park, London, W. ALLEN GORDON McARTHUR, Gentleman, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. Born Jan. I2, 1862, being the third son of Alexander McArthur, Esq. , J. P. for Surrey, D. L. for London , M.P. for Leicester 1874-92, by his wife Maria Bowden, dau. of the late Rev. William B. Boyce of The Glebe, Sydney, New South Wales. Armorial bearings — Per chevron nebuly azure and or, two Eastern crowns in chief and a cross moline in base all counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a greyhound couchant sable, collared and line reflexed over the back argent, a billet erect or, the whole between two branches of laurel vert, fructed proper. MottO — " Fide et opera." Married, Sept. 26, 1889, Maude, dau. of the late Samuel Finley of Montreal. Residence — 28 Linden Gar- dens. W. Club — Reform. JOHN PERCIVAL M'ARTHUR, Esquire, D.L. for London. Born July 25, 1858, being the second son of Alexander M'Arthur, Esq., J. P. for Surrey, D.L. for London, by his wife Maria Bowden, dau. of the late Rev. William B. Boyce of The Glebe, Sydney, New South Wales. Armorial bearings — Per chevron nebuly azure and or, two Eastern crowns in chief and a cross moline in base all counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a greyhound couchant sable, collared and line reflexed over the back argent, a billet erect or, the whole between two branches of laurel vert, fructed proper. Motto— " Fide et opera." Married, Sept. 25, 1884, Lilly, dau. of Adison. Residence — is tbe Naval Cockade. 88o £i0ac ^ac WII.I.IAM ALEXANDKR M'ARTHUR. Esouire. one of II.M.'t lJ««enanl$ for iheCity of I^ndon, M.r. for St. AusIpII Uiviwon of Cornwall since 1887, Junior l^rd of the Treaiury 1893-95. A»r« at Sydncv. N.S.W.. April 14, 1857, licing the eldest son of Alexander M' Arthur, Esq.. J, P. for Surrey. 1>. U for London, M.l\ for Ix-icesicr, by his wife M.iria lk>wf ten , dau. of the btc Rev. William M. lioyceof 'Ilie Glebe. Sydney. New South VN'ales. Apmorlal bearings— IVr chevron nebuiy axure and or, two Eastern crowns in chief and a cross moline in base all counterchangcd. ifawtntiy azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a greyhound couch.int sable, collared and line rrflcxed over the back argent, a billet erect or. the whole between two branches of laurel vert, fructetl proper. Motto — "Fide et opera." Married, Aug. la, iSgo, Rorencc Cremer, third dau. of John Crcmer Clarke of Wayste Court ; and has Issue — John Alexander M 'Arthur, Gentlentan ; and two daughters. Residences — 13 Buck- ingham Gate, S.\V.; 4 Third Avenue, Hove. Clubs — Reform. Devonshire, Bath, National Liberal, City Liberal, Union (Sydney), Australian (Sydney). MACARTNEY, see ELLISON-MACARTNEY. CARLILE HENRY HAYES MACARTNEY, Gentle- man, Barrister-at-Law, B.A. (Cantab.). Bom March 3, 184a, being the second son of the late Maxwell Macartney, Gentleman, M.D. , and his wife Emily Eliza, dau. of William Henry Hayes of the Hon. East India Co.'s Service. Ar- morUl bearingi- Or, a buck trippant gules, attired and unguled argent, a bordure of the second charged witb eight roses of the third. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm, vested and cuffed bendy gules and or, the hand holding a rose branch both proper. Motto — " Mens conscia recti. " Married, Jan. 17, 1880, Louisa, fifth dau. of Henry Gardiner of Essendene, Caterham, co. Surrey ; and has Issue— (i) Maxwell Henry Hayes Macartney. Gentleman, b. Dec. 13, 1880; (2) Carlile Aylmer Macartney, Gentleman, b. Jan. 24, 1895 ; Sylvia Carlile ; Margaret Camilla ; and Beatrice Sydney. Seat— Foxhold, Thatcham, co, Berks. C/«^— Savile. CARTHANACH GEORGE MACARTNEY, Esq., ' CO. Antrim. Bom 1869, being the only son of the George Travers Macartney of Lissanoure, by Henrit Frances, third dau. of Robert Smyth of Gaybrook. co. W' meath. C/«^— Sackville Street, Dublin. Armorljd tM lug*— Or, a buck trippant gules, attired argent, a I of the second, and impaling the arms of Macartney-I namely azure, two bars argent, between six mullets, 1 two, and one or. Mantling gules and or; and for Creat, upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect, hand grasping a rose branch in flower, all proper. Mfe — "Mens conscia recti." Married, 1890, Margaret! phena Mabel, eldest dau. of Townley Mac.irtney-Filg. Esq.. of Lowtherstone, co. Dublin ; and has Issue -Den George Auchinleck Macartney, Gentleman, b. 1891. Sec Lissanoiu-e Castle, co. Antrim. Sir JOHN MACARTNEY, 3rd Baronet (Jan. 4. 17. of Lish, CO. Armagh. Born 1833. being the son of the F Sir William Isaac Macartney, 2nd Bart. , by his wife El dau. of Sir John Harrington, Bart., of IJarrington Hall, Essex. Armorial bearings— Or, a stag trippant withi bordure gules. The escutcheon charged with his badg* Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling gules and or. Crea On a wreath of the colours, a dexter hand couped at elbow holding a slip of a rose-tree, with three roses ther all proper. Motto— "Stimulatsedornat." Married, Si I, 1865, Catherine, second dau. of the late Alexan Miller, Esq., of Merindindi, Victoria; and has Isst (i) William Isaac Macartney, Esq., b. Oct. 13, 1867; Alexander Miller Macartney, Esq., b. July 24, 18 (3) John Harrington Macartney, Esq., b. Oct. 26, 18 (4I Herbert Charles Macartney, Esq.. b. March ir, 18 (5) Robert Graham Macartney, Esq.. b. Dec. 7, it d. Aug. 20, 1879 ; (6) David Edwin Macartney, Esq. July 5, 1880; (7) Harold Eric Joseph Macartney, E: b. 1882; (8) Victor Alan Macartney, Esq., b. 1887. Ji dence— J dlimont, Mackay, Queensland, Australia. The Late Lieut.-Coi.onel MAXWELL JAW MACARTNEY, R.E. (retired), eldest son of Max' Macartney, late of Rosebrook, co. Armagh. AimO)! bearing^— Or, a buck trippant gules, attired and ungid argent, a bordure of the second, charged with ei|t roses of the third. Mantling gules and or. Crest— 0» wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested and cuffed beiy gules and or, the hand bare holding a rose branch profl- Motto — "Mens conscia recti." Postal address — 3 'jjr Gardens, Campden Hill. § is the MiUtary Cockade. Plate XXXI. ^e,R.R,Ifl2HI2 ©IsIHTOr3-R,OBIiaSOI3 • K)eH£3,i5ev ICLTQi^msfon i 0@ac apac 88i MERVYN EDMUND MACARTNEY, Gentleman. Born Sept. i6, 1853, being the fourth son of the late Max- well Macartney, Gentleman, M.D., and his wife Emily Eliza, dau. of William Henry Hayes of the Hon. East India Co.'s Service. Armorial bearings— Or, a buck trippant gules, attired and unguled argent, a bordure of the second charged with eight roses of the third. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm, vested and cuffed bendy gules and or, the hand hold- ing a rose branch both proper. MottO— " Mens conscia recti." Married, July 8, 1891, Elizabeth Wilhelmina, second dau. of Rt. Hon. Charles Thomson Ritchie, P.C, of Wel- ders, CO. Bucks, President of H.M. Board of Trade. The Rev. SYDNEY PARKYNS MACARTNEY, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A., sometime Vicar of Felbridge, CO. Surrey, 1884-89. Born Sept. 16, 1843, being the third son of the late Maxwell Macartney, Gentlemen, M.D. , of Rose- brook, CO. Armagh, and his wife Emily Eliza, dau. of William Henry Hayes of the Hon. East India Co.'s Service. Armorial bearings— Or, a buck trippant gules, attired and igiiled argent, a bordure of the second charged with eight roses of the third. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm, vested and cuffed bendy gules and or, the hand bare, holding a rose branch proper. Motto — "Mens conscia recti." Married, Oct. 14, 1869, Amy Amelia, second dau. of Ellis Oilman ; and has Issue— (i) Sydney John Macartney, Gentleman, b. Oct. 18, 1874, d. June 3, 1883 ; and (2) Mervyn Edward Macartney, Gentle- man, Nov. I, 1883. Seat — Halket Leaths, Pangbourne, Berkshire. .TOWNLEY PATTEN HUME MACARTNEY - ILG.\TE, Esq., J. P. for co. Dublin and co. Louth, late ipt. i8th Hussars and Scots Greys, and Mil. Sec. to the Ipvernor of Bombay. Born 1841, being the youngest son the late George Hume Macartney, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , Lissanoure, by Ellen, only dau. of the late Townley atten Filgate, Esq., of Lowtherstone, whose name he sumed in 1862. Clubs — Carlton, Kildare Street, Dublin. Armorial bearings — Azure, two bars argent, between six mullets, three, two, and one or. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin sejant salient argent, pierced through the breast with a broken spear or, holding the point in its beak. Married, "62, Tryphena Elizabeth, eldest dau. of the late Right Hon. Sir W. Seymour FitzGerald ; and has, with other Issue — William Townley George Seymour Macartney- Filgate, Esq., J. P. for co. Dublin, b. 1864. 5ea/— Lowther- stone, Balbriggan, Dublin. FREDERICK FITZGERALD M'CARTY (or M'CAR- TIE), Esquire, CLE., Lieut.-Colonel Indian Medical Service, Port Health Officer, Bombay, served during Afghan War 1879-80. Born 1851, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Justin M'Carty, Esq., of Carrignavar, co. Cork, by his wife Louisa, dau. of Edward Fitzgerald, Maj. H.E.I.C.S. Armorial bearings— Argent, a stag trippant gules, attired and unguled or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour erect and couped, holding in the hand a newt all proper. Seat — Carrignavar, co. Cork. Residence — Bombay. FRANCIS ADAM MACAULAY-ANDERSON, Gen- tleman, late of Roshnaehane, co. Antrim. Armorial bearings— Crests— I. on a wreath of the colours, in front of an oak- tree proper, an escutcheon argent, charged with a boar's head erased azure (for Anderson) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, in front of two arrows in saltire proper, a boot also proper, spurred or ; with the Motto over, ' ' Dulce peri- culum " (for Macaulay), ("Stand sure"). JAMES McAUSLANE, Gentleman. Born 1854, being the eldest son of the Rev. Alexander McAuslane, D.D. , by his wife Margaret, dau. of James Smith. Livery — Black and yellow. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, a lion rampant sable, a chief chequy azure and argent. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable, doubled or ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand charged with a bezant holding up a ducal coronet within two laurel branches disposed orleways all proper; and in an escroll over the same this Motto,'-' ' Audaces Juvo." Married, March 8, 1879, Victoria Albertina, dau. of Andrew Lyons, Knight Commander of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order, of Patras ; and has Issue — James Stuart Colquhoun McAuslane, Gentleman, born January 3, 1889; Margaret Ethel; Gladys Victoria ; Edith Jessica; and Alesta Alexandra. Clubs — National Con- servative, City Carlton. M'BARNET (formerly of Torridon in Ross-shire). Arms (R.L. , 27 March 1865)— Azure, a hart's head cabossed, attired with ten tynes argent, a chief embattled of the last. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— Out of is tbe Naval Cockade. K 88t 6eac ■ wrraih of his liveties, a dexter hand grasping a sword in bend proper. MottO— "Sic ad astra. " Son of :— Umil. -Col. Alexander Cockbnrn M'Bamet. Rts.— 1 Roland House, South Kensington, S.W. DAVID MACDRAYNE. Esquire, Justice of the Peace for Uie cos. of Argyll and Dumbarton, and for the city of Glasgow. Bom July 7, 1851. bring the only surviving son of John Bums MacBrayne, Esq. of ( ilenbranter, J. F. for cos. Argyll, Dumbarton and l^n.ark, anil for the city of Glas- gow, by his wife Magd.ilcne. dau. of William Liddell, Esq., Capt. of the 1st Regt. of Volunteers in Glasgow. Armorial bMUrlaga— Quarterly i and 4. gules two lions passant 1 t 1 i t guardant, parted per pale or and argent ; 2 and 3, quar- terly i. and iiii., argent, a dexter hand fesseways profjer, holding a cross crosslet fitch^ azure; ii. and iii. , argent, a tower embattled gules (for MacNaughton). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a dexter arm grasping a sword all proper ; and in an escroll above the HottO, " Fortis ceu leo fidus." Married, 1882, Amelia Catherine, youngest dau. of John Smyth Owen, Madras Medical Service; and has Issue — John Owen MacBrayne, Gentleman, b. 1885; Amelia Madeleine ; and Vera Sophia Eiizal>eth. Seat — Glenbranter, Slrachur, Argyllshire. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Western (Glasgow), Scottish Conservative (Edinburgh). GEORGE M'CALL, Esquire, J. P. co. of Lanark, late Colonel 4th Batt. The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), a Member of the Royal Company of Archers. Born Dec. 6, 1830, being the third and only surviving son of the late James M'Call, Esq., J. P. and D.L., by his wife Anna Catharina I. De Wet, dau. of Henricus Fehrszen of the Cape of Good Hope. Armorial bearings— Gules, two arrows saltireways f>oints upward argent, surmounted by a fesse chequy of the second and sable between three buckles also of the second, all within a bordure engrailed or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a kg in armour couped at the calf proper and spurred or. Motto — " Dulce periculum." Estates — Dal- dowte. Lanarkshire, and Lawmamock, Renfrewshire. Seat — Daldowie, Broomhouse, N.B. Clubs — Conservative (S.W.), Western (Glasgow). HARDY BERTRAM McCALL, Gentleman. Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Scotland. Born Dec. i, 1859, being the second son of John McCall of Walthamstow, in the county of Elssex, by his wife Agnes, daughter and heir of Robert Allan, Surgeon, Professor of Surgery at Edinburgh University, Fellow of the Royal Society, Fellow a^ac I of the Society of Antiquaries, &c. I.iverv- Blue coat, with silver buttons, black trousers. Armorial bearings He bears for Arms: Azure, a pheon argent, on a chief of the last two spur-rowels gules, within a bordure ermine. On a helmet l^efitting his degree, mantled gules, doubled argent, a griffin's head betwixt two wings proper ; and in an escroll o\er the same this MottO, "Dulce i)ericulum." Married, Scptenil>er 12, 1882, Vida Mary (who died March 16, 1894), second daughter of James Anderson of London ; and has /««*— Thomas Hardy McCall, (jcntlem.in, l)orn February 24, 1894; and Vida Mary. He m.irricd secondly, Maud Eleanor, elder dau. of the late Charles Macnally of Greno- side, :ind of Allerton House, Durham. I Major-General Sir HUGH McCALMONT. Knigh Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Balh (Mil. Div.) 1900 (C.B. 1885), C.V.O., 1903; late M. P. for North Antrim. Born Feb. 9, 1845, being the eldest son of the late James McCalmont, Esquire, J. P., of Al>l)cy Lands, in the county of Antrim, by his wife Emily, daughter of the late James Martin, Esquire, Deputy- Lieutenant, of Ross, in the county of Galway ; was created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1885. Livery— Blue, with blue and white striped vest. Armorial bear- ings — Gules, a cross vair, between four Heurs-dc-lis or. m and impaling the arms of Bingham, namely azure, a bend cotised between six crosses pat^e or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased proper charged with a fleur- de-lis as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Nil desperandum. " Married, 1885, Rose Elizabeth, commonly known as the Honourable Rose Elizabeth, daughter of the Right Honour- able John Charles Robert Bingham, the fourth Baron Clan- morris; and has/wK* — Dermot Hugh Bingham McCalmont, Esq. , born 1887. Estate — Abbeylands, co. Antrim. Postal address — Mount JuHet, Thomastown, Kilkenny. Clubs — Army and Navy, Cavalry, Carlton, Kildare Street (Dublin), Ulster, Royal St. George Yacht (Kingstown). JAMES MARTIN McCALMONT, Esquire, late Capt. 8th King's Royal Irish Hussars and Denbighshire Hussars, Aide-de-Camp to the Duke of Marlborough, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, and Earl Cowper, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, when Viceroys of Ireland, 1877-1882 ; Member of Parliament for East Antrim since 1885, Honorary Colonel Antrim Artillery. Born May 23, 1847, being the second son of the late James McCal- mont, Esquire, Justice of the Peace (Antrim Rifles), of Abbeylands, in the county of Antrim, by his wife Emily, daughter of the late James Martin, Esquire, Deputy- Lieutenant, of Ross, in the county of Galway. Livery— Blue, with white and blue striped vest. Armorial bearings — Gules, a cross vair between four fleurs-de-lis or. Upon the is tbe Military Cockade. a^ac a^ac 883 escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, a griffin's head erased proper, charged with a fleur-de-lis as in the Srms ; with the Motto, "Nil desperandum." Married, Ipctober 1880, Mary, youngest daughter of Colonel Romen l)f Bryncemlyn, Dolgelly, North Wales ; and has Issue — "iobert Alexander Chaine McCalmont, Esquire, Captain JAMES NAPIER M'CAMMOND. Esquire. Born Feb. 21, 1856, being the eldest son of the late Sir W. M'Cam- mond, J. P., Lord Mayor of Belfast 1894-95 ^nd 96, by his first wife Margaret M. , eldest dau. of the late William Carson of Carryduff, co. Down. Armorial bearings— Or, a fesse vair between three sea-horses proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest— Out of a mural crown, a lion's head gules, charged on the neck with a bell argent. Motto — "Justus ac tenax." Married, July 2, 1877, Rita, dau. of Thomas S. Wilson. Seats— Orm\sda\e, Fortwilliam Park, Belfast ; Arnside, Whitehead, co. Antrim. § WALTER EDWIN CARSON M'CAMMOND, Esquire, Major and Second in Command of 4th Batt. Royal Irish Rifles, J. P. for Belfast (Queen's Royal Antrim Rifles). Borti July 31, 1874, being third and youngest son of the late Sir William M'Cammond, Knt. , J. P. for Belfast, Lord Mayor of Belfast 1894-5, by his wife Margaret Morrow, eldest dau. ofthe late William Carson of Cnrrydufr,co. Down. Livery — Dark drab, with blue facings and gilt buttons. Armorial bearings — Or, a fesse vair between three sea- . nd Adjutant Irish Guards, born August 27, 1881 ; and Margaret. Postal address — Magheraraorne, co. Antrim. C/w*j— Carlton, Kildare Street (Dublin), Ulster, (Belfast). horses proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest — Out cf a mural crown a lion's head gules, charged on the neck with a bell argent. Motto — " Justus ac tenax." Married, April 19, 1898, Emily Maud, youngest dau. of the late Robert Porter of Killeen, Fortwilliam Park, Belfast ; and has Issue — (i) Cecil Robert Walter M'Cammond, Gentleman, b. Feb. 13, 1899; (2) Arthur Norman Wifliam M'Cammond, Gentleman, b. Oct. 9, 1900; (3) Edwin Sydney Porter M'Cammond, Gentleman, b. Oct. 12, 1902. Residence — Innisfayle, Donegal! Park, Belfast. C/k^— Junior Naval and Military. WILLIAM ALFRED M'CAMMOND, Esquire. Born Aug. 30, 1871, being the second son of the late Sir William M'Cammond, Knight Bachelor, J. P. for Belfast, Lord Mayor 1894-95 and 1895-96, by his first wife Margaret M., eldest dau. of the late William Carson of Carryduff, co. Down. Livery— Yia.r\i blue. Armorial bearings— Or, a fesse vair between three sea-horses proper, a crescent for is the Naval Cockade. S84 9N( dtffrWKlt. f ""'"f uure and or. OrMt — Out of a nwal crown, a lion's h«ul gules, charged on the neck with • bdlargrat. Motto— "Justusactenax." Postal addrtst — CltRmoat. FortwiUiaro Park. Belfast. Ireland. MACCARTIE (U.O.). Argent, a stag trippant gules, attired and unguled or. M a n tl ing gules and argent. OrMt— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm coupcd alMvr tlie elbow erect, hubiteil in mail argent, the hand holding up a newt all proper. MottO— " Forti et fideli nihil dlflSale." , _ ^ . Sons of Justin MacCartie, Esq.. J. P.. of CarriRnavar, Barrister-at-Law, ^. 1815, d. 1900; m. 1848, Louisa, d. of Major Edward FitzGer.-Ud, H.E.I.C.S :— Lt.-Col. Frederick FitzGerald MacCartie, C.I.E., RA., M.B. (Trin. Coll.. Dub.). Lt.-Col. Indian Medical Service, Assay M.-ister to H.M. Mint, Calcutta, served in Afghan \V.u- 1879 80 (medal), b. 1851; m. i88a, Julie Charlotte, d. of John Adrian Vanrenen; and has issue— Sheila de Courcy; and Geraldine FiixGerald. 5m/— Carrignavar, CO. Cork. Robert Capel MacCartie, Gentleman, b. 1856. Res.— Justin Charles MacCartie, Gentleman, b. i860; m, 1883, Lilian, d. of J. Boyd; and has issue— Lilian. Ra.— M'CAUSLAND (U.O.). Or. a boar's head erased between three boars passant azure. Man t lin g azure and or. OlMt — On a wreath of the colours, a boar's head erased azure, armed or, langued gules, and charged with a crescent of the second. Motto — " Virtus sola nobilitat." Sons of Conolly Thomas M'Causland, Esq., of Drcnagh, J.F., D.L. (High Sheriff 1866), b. 1828; d. 1903; m. 1867, Hon. Laura St. John, d. of 14th Baron St. John of Bletsoe : — Maurice Marcus M'Causland. Esq.. J. P., D.L., b. 1872 ; m. 1902, Eileen Leslie, d. of late Robert Alexander Ogilby, Esq. , D. L. , of Pellipar House, Dungiven ; and has issue — Helen Laura. Seal — Drenagh, Limavady, co. London- derry. Club — New Oxford and Cambridge. Patrick M'Causland, Esq., late Capt. ist Batt. Leinster Regt.,^. 1874. Nes. — Ballyness, Coleraine. Edmund Thomas William M'Causland. Gentleman, and Lieut Roy. Berks. Regt., b. 1883. Res.— M'CLINTOCK (U.O.). Per pale gules and azure, a chevron ermine, between three escallops argent. Mant- ling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant proper. Motto — " Virtute et labore." Sons of late Robert M'Clintock, Esq., of Dunmore, J. P. cos. Donegal and Londonderry, D.L. co. Donegal (High Sheriff 1835), b. 1804; d. 1859; m. 1833. Margaret, d. of Robert Macan of Ballynahone House, CO. Armagh : — Col. William M'Clintock, J. P. co. Donegal (High Sheriff 1903), late Lt.-Col. R.A., Supt. R.G.P. Factory. Waltham Abbey, ^. 1841 ; m. ist, 1873, Elizabeth Esther (d. 1875), d. of Samuel Lyie of Oaks Lodge, Londonderry; 2nd, 1877, Isabella, d. of late George FitzMaurice, R.M. ; and has issue— Robert Lyle M'Clintock, Esq., D.S.O., Capt. and Bt Major R. E. , b. 1874. Seat — Dunmore, nr. London- derry. Club — Army and Navy. Major Benjamin M'Clintock, late Shropshire Lt. Inf., b. 1843. Res.— ARTHUR GEORGE FLORENCE M'CLINTOCK, Esquire, J. P. cos. Wicklow, Carlow, Kildare, Down, and King's Co., late Lieut. 26th Cameronians. Bom April 16, 1856, being the only son of the late Lieut.-Col. George Augustus Jocelyn M'Clintock of Fellows Hall, co. Armagh, who served in the S2nd Light Infantry, Lieut.-Col. of the Sligo Rifles, by his wife Catherine Caroline Brownlow, dau. of Sir James Matbew Stronge, Bart. Armorial bear- Inga — Per jjale gules and azure, a chevron ermine between three escallops argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant proper. Motto— "Virtute et labore." Married, July 3, 1877, Susan, third dau. of J. Heywood-Collins, Esq., J. P., of Kelvindale, co. I^anark, and Lagarie, co. Dumbarton ; and has Issue — (i) Arthur George M'Clintock, Gentleman, Lieut, sth Royal Irish Lancers, b. April 30, 1878 ; (2) John Heywood Jocel)m M'Clintock, Gentleman, b. Oct. 21, 1880, Lieut. x8th Hussars [tn. 1904, Mary Catharine, only dau. of Col. Torkington, late K.A., of Willey, Fambam, Surrey]; (3) 90ac I Robert le Poer M'Clintock, Gentleman, *. Aug. 19, 188a, and Lieut, the Gordon Highlanders; (4) Edward St.ank-y M'Clintock, Gentleman, b. Oct. 7, 1889 ; (5) Ronald St. Clair M'Clintock, Gentleman, b. July 13, 1892; and Jane Catherine Gladys. .Sm/j— Rathvinden, Leighlinbridge, co. Carlow. CHARLES EDWARD McCLINTOCK, Esquire, Major and Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel late 6th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles, J. P. co. Antrim. Bom May 11, 1844, Ixiing the second son of Major H. S. McClintock, by his wife Gertrude, daughter of Roljert \^ Touche, Nlemlx^r of Pariiament. Clubs— )\xn\Qr Carlton, Ulster (Belfast). Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms: Party jh-t p.ile gules and azure, a chevron ermine, between three escallops, that in the dexter chief or, in the sinister argent, and in base per pale of the fourth and last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of tlv colours, a lion passant argent; with the Motto, " Virtuti et labore." Mart ted, August 2, 188 r, Blanche Louisa, daughter of Robert Foster Dunlop of Monasterboice House, Drogheda; and has /w//^ — (i) Stanley Robert McClintock, Gentleman, born May 17, 1882; (2) William Frederick Charles McClintock, Gentleman, born November 21, 1883; (3) Edward Louis Longfield McClintock, Gentleman, bx^rn February 21, 1886. Postal address — Glendanigh, Crumlin, S.O. , county Antrim. Admiral Sir FRANCIS LEOPOLD McCLINTOCK, Knight Bachelor, Knight Commander of the Most Honour- able Order of the Bath, Fellow of the Royal Society, Doctor of Civil Law of the University of Oxford, Doctor of l^ws of the Universities of Cambridge and Dublin, Honorary Freedom of the City of London, and an Elder Brother of Trinity House. Born July 8, 1819, being the second son of Henry McClintock, Gentleman, formerly of the 3rd Dragoon Guards, by his wife Elizabeth Melesina, daugh- ter of the Venerable Archdeacon Flcury of Waterford ; dubbed Knight Bachelor, i860; created Knight Com- mander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1891. Livery— Rg^ and white. Armorial bearings— Party pci pale gules and aziu-e, a chevron ermine, between three escallops, that in the dexter chief or, in the sinistir chief argent, and in base per pale of the fourth ami last ; the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbfi of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and penden his badge as a Knight Commander thereof. Upon tli escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, will a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon : wreath of the colours, a lion passant proper ; with tin Motto, "Virtute et labore." Married, October 12, 1870, Annette Elizabeth, second dau. of Robert Foster Dunlop, Esq., J. P., of Monasterboice House, in the co. of Louih, by his wife Anna Elizabeth, commonly known as the Hon. Anna Elizabeth, daughter of the Right Honourable Vib- Is tbe Military Cockade. Qpac a^ac 88s count Ferrard, by his wife, the Rt. Hon. Viscountess Massereene ; and has /ss7/e—{i) Henry Foster McClintock, Esq., />. Aug. II, 1871 ; (2) John Wilham Leopold McClintock, Esq., R.N., 6. July 26, 1874; (3) Robert Single- ton McClintock, Esq., R.E. , 6. July 26, 1876 ; Anna Eliza- beth [m. 1902, Bernard Eyre Greenwell] ; and Elizabeth Florence Mary. Postal address — 16 Queensberry Place, London, S.W. Clui — United Service, FREDERICK ROBERT M'CLINTOCK, Gentleman. Born 1842, being the eldest son of the late Henry Stanley M'Clintock, Esq., J. P. cos. Antrim, Down, and Kildare, late of the Royal Artillery, formerly Major Antrim Artillery, by his wife Gertrude, only dau. of Robert La Touche, M.P., of Harristown, co. Kildare, by Lady Emily his wife, dau. of Rt. Hon. William, ist Earl of Clancarty. Armorial bearings — Per pale gules and azure, a chevron ermine be- tween three escallops argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant proper. Motto -" Virtute et labore." Married, 1877, Lucy An- tonio, dau. of Sir Anthony Cleasby, Baron of the Exchequer. Seat — Kilwarlin, Hillsborough, co. Down. §JOHN KNOX M'CLINTOCK, Esquire, Major 4th Royal Enniskilling Fusiliers, J. P. and D.L. for the CO. of Tyrone, High Sheriff 1891. Born Feb. 8, 1864, being the eldest surviving son of the late Colonel George Perry M'Clintock, Commander 4th Royal Enniskilling Fusiliers, J. P. and D.L. for the co. of. Tyrone, by his wife Emily Harriett, dau. of the Reverend Samuel Alexander of Termon , CO. Tyrone. Livery — Full dress : claret with white facings, red vest, white breeches ; undress: claret with white facings, vest alternate stripes of red and blue on white, trousers black with red stripes. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per pale gules and azure, a chevron ermine etween three escallops, that in the dexter chief or, in the inister argent, and in base per pale of the fourth and last. 7pon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, irith a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon wreath of the colours, a lion passant argent ; with the lotto, "Virtute et labore." Married, April 27, 1893, Amy larrietta, eldest dau. and heir of the late John Stewart Lccles, Esq., D.L., of Ecclesville, co. Tyrone; and has issue — Amelia Isobel Eccles. Estate — Seskinore, and £cclesviUe, co. Tyrone. Postal address — Seskinore, Omagh, Tyrone. Clubs — Junior, Naval and Military, Kildare "treet (Dublin). McCOMBIE, see DUGUID-McCOMBIE. M'CONNEL (L.O., i860). Or, a lion rampant, in the dexter chief a dexter arm couped gules, holding a cross crosslet fitchfe sable, in the sinister a galley oars in action of the last, flagged of the second, on a chief also of the second, three trefoils slipped of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a stag's head erased gules, charged on the neck with a trefoil slipped or. Motto — " Victor in arduis." Dau. and coh. of Henry M'Connel of Cressbrook, co. Derby : — Margaret [in. , David Ainsworth, Esq., J. P., D.L., of The Flosh, Cumberland. Res. — 29 Pont Street, London, W. M'Connel (L.O. , i860). Arms and Crest as above, but the chief "wavy" and charged with "a fleur-de-lis between two trefoils slipped of the first." Eld. son of David Cannon M'Connel, Esq., J. P., b. ; d. ; m. Mary, d. of Alexander M ' Leod : — James Henry M'Connel, Esq., J. P. for Queensland, b. 1850 ; m. 1876, Mary Elizabeth, d. of William Kent, Esq., J. P. ; and has issue — (i) Edgar Cannon M'Connel, Gentleman, b. 1881 ; (2) Kenneth Hamlyn M'Connel, Gentleman, b. 1897 ; Dorothea ; Mary Elspeth ; Barbara ; Katherine M'Leod ; Ursula ; and Judith Henry. Seats — Cressbrook, Queensland ; Shafston, Queensland. Club — Queensland (Brisbane). M'Connel (L.O., i860). Arms and Crest as above, but the chief " invected," and charged with "a mullet between two trefoils slipped of the first. " Only son of John M'Connel, Gentleman, b. \ d. ; m. : — Arthur John M'Connel, Gentleman, b. . Seat — Dugandon, Boonah, Queensland. M'Connel (L.O. , i860). Arms and Crest as above, but the chief "indented," and charged with "an annulet between two trefoils slipped of the first." Daus. and coheirs of Thomas Houldsworth M'Connel, Gentleman, of Manchester, b. \ d. ; in. : — Mary Gwendoline, /«. Col. G. S. Banister. Res. — Westlake, nr. Yeovil. Susan Katherine, m. Major W. D. Garnett-Botfield. Res. — Caradox, Broadstairs, Kent. M'Connel (L.O., i860). Arms and Crest as above, but the chief "nebuly," and charged with "a martlet between two trefoils slipped of the first." Eld. son of William M'Connel, Gentleman, of Man- chester, b. 1809; d. 1902; m. 1852, Margaret Bradshaw, d. of John Wanklyn : — John Wanklyn M'Connel, Esq., J.P. Ayrshire, Barrister- at-Law, b. 1855 ; m. 1885, Edith, d. of Rev. Robert Henry is tbe Naval Cockade. SS6 a0ac 60ac CobboM. £m<>— Knockdolian, Colmonell, Ayrshire; Well- bank, Prcstwich, Manchester. MSiR ROBERT JOHN M'CONNELL. ist Baronet 9 (igoo), Lord Mayor of Belfast (1900-1901), J. P. co. Antrim and for the city of Belfast, IX L. Bom Feb. 6, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Joseph M'Connell, by his wife r.tlj.il>eih. dan. of James M'Bride. /./irry Dark (jrecn \\\t\\ M.uk faciiiK'*. aiui scarlet and white waistcoat. ^umorlal beajrlngi— Per pale axure and gules, in the dexter a ship in full sail proper, in the sinister an arm embowed argent, the hand holding a trefoil slipjjed or, on a chief of the fourth three stags' heads caboshed sable, the escutcheon being charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mant- ling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased azure, attired or, and charged with a bee erect of the last. Motto—" Victor in arduis." Married, firstly, Jan. i, 1874, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Charles Smylie of KiUinchy, co. Down ; and secondly, April 27, 1897, Elsie, dau. of Geo. Hewson, Esq., J. P., D. L., of Ennismore, co. Kerry; and has Issue by his first marriage — (i) Joseph M'Connell, Esquire, b. Sept. 17, 1877 \m., April 23, 1900, Lisa, dau. of Jackson M'Gown, Belfast] ; (2) Alfred Edward M'Connell, Esquire, b. Nov. 10, 1880; (3) Thomas Herbert M'Connell, Esquire, b. July 10, 1883 ; (4) William Clarke M'Connell, Esquire, b. Feb. 25, 1885 ; Margaret [»i., Jan. 3, 1899, Henry Herbert Martin] ; and Ethel Muriel. Seat — The Moat, Strandtown, co. Down. Town residence — 37 Royal Avenue, Belfast. C/«3— Constitutional. Sir WILLLAM MAC CORMAC, Baronet (1897), K.C.B. (1901), K.C.V.O. (1898), and Knight Bachelor, five times President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (1896-1900). Consulting Surgeon and Eme- ritus Lecturer on Clinical Surgery at St. Thomas' Hospital, and Hon. Serjeant-Surgeon to His Majesty the King ; is a Knight of Grace and Principal Medical Officer of Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Bom Jan. 17, 1836, being the elder son of Henry MacCormac, Esq., of Belfast, M.D. Univ. of Eklinburgh, and his wife Mary, dau. of William Newsam of Belfast Armorial bearinga— Per pale azure and sable, a lion rampant or, holding in the dexter forepaw a sword proper, pommel ami iiilt ol the third, two Haunches of the last, each charged with a lamp suspended by chains proper. Mantling' azure and or. Great — On a wreath of the colours, an arm coupcd gtasping three tilting spears all proper. Motto — "Sine limore. Married, Nov. 30, 1861, Katharine Maria, sixth dau. of John Charters of Cruigavad, Belfast. Residence— \'^ Harley Street, W. Clubs — Athenteum, Marlborough, Reform. M'CORQUODALK (L.O., 2 Apl. 1904). Argent, a slag salient gules, attired or, surmounted of a fess wreathed of the second and third. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a stag statant. Motto— " Vivat rex." Son of Col. George M'Corquodale, J. P., D. L., of Newton-le- Willows, Lanes., and Gadlys, Anglesey (High Sheriff Lanes. 1882, Anglesey 1889), b. 1817 ; d. 1895 ; m. 1st, Louisa Kate, d. of Frederick Honan of Cork : — George Frederick M'Corquodale, Gentleman, b. 1853 ; m. 1879, Mary Augusta Walcott, eld. d. and coh. of late Lt-Col. Sir Edmund Y. W. Henderson, K.C.B., R.E. [Arms of Henderson, vide Henderson]. Seat — The Hoo, Great Gaddesden, Herts. Res. — Beechwood, Dunstable. MICHAEL M'CREAGH-THORNHILL, Esquire, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1896, Major late 4th Dragoon Guards. Born 1829, being the son of the late Col. Sir Michael M'Creagh, Knight Commander of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, by his wife Frances Elizabeth, daughter of Captain Christopher Wilson of the 22nd Regiment ; obtained by Royal License in the year 1882 permission to take, in addition, the name and to quarter the arms of Thomhill, on the succession of his wife to the Stanton-in-Peak estate, by the death of her brother, Henry Francis Hurlock, formerly of the 87th Regiment, who died 1881. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, two bars gemelles argent, in chief a cross crosslet for distinction ; on a chief of the second a mascle sable, quartering or, on a fesse embattled between in chief three estoiles, and in base a lion rampant gules, a sword proper, point to dexter, pommelled and hiked of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount a thorn tree proper, charged on the stem with a mascle or, and with a cross crosslet sable on the branches (for Thomhill) ; is tbe Military Cockade. aiac a&ac ^^7 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-Hon rampant gules, collared gemelle, and charged on the shoulder with two estoiles or, holding between the paws a bezant, thereon two mascles interleaved sable ; (motto over — "Mors ante dede- cora ") (for M'Creagh). Motto — " Amantes ardua dumos." Married, 1875, Eva Helen Emma, daughter of F. S. Hurlock, Esquire, Justice of the Peace of Brighton, and Emma his wife, daughter of Henry Bache Thornhill of Montagu Place, London, Royal Horse Guards Blue ; and has Issue — Michael Christopher M'Creagh-Thornhill, Es- quire, b. iZtj ; and Flora Helen Frances. Seats — Stanton-in-Peak, near Bakewell, co. Derby; and Drayton, Andover. Town residence — 24 Eccleston Square, S.W. Clubs — Senior United Service, Army and Navy. ANDREW J.-^MESON M'CULLOCH the Younger, of Ardwall, Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. Born 1876, being the feldest son of Andrew Jameson, Advocate, Sheriff of Perth- Shire, by his wife Christian Robison, eldest dau. of John lordon Brown of Lochanhead, by his wife Janet, dau. of lames Murray MCulloch of Ardwall and Hills, Kirkcud- bright. Armorial beaxings— Quarterly i and 4, ermine, Bretty gules, within a bordure of the last ; 2 and 3, argent, a Baltire bet\veen a mullet in chief and a roundle in base all Sable. Mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a hand throwing a dart proper ; and in an escroll over the same tliis MottO, " Vi et Ininio." Residences — Ardwall, Gatehouse-on-Fleet, N.B. ; I4 Moray Place, Edinburgh. FFRENCH FITZGERALD McDERMOT, Esquire, late Captain 4th Brigade South Irish ||«r!rNp|««Y»f«l<- Division Royal Artillery. Born May ^ViL^^-VIMUl. 26, 1848, being the second son of the late William French Macdermot, styled The Macdermot Roe, of the Princess Charlotte's Own Regiment, by his wife Maria Easter, daughter of ^Richard White of White Hall, in the county of Dublin. Livery — Blue, with red facings. Armorial bearings— IHe bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron gules between 'three boars' heads erased azure, armed or, as many cross [,crosslets of the last, a crescent for difference. Upon he escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, »ith a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant able, holding a sceptre or; with the Motto, " Honor pro- itaque virtus." Married, firstly, July 26, 1884, Marian vho died 1885), daughter of Robert Reid ; and has ^sue — Marian. He married secondly, June 1891, Agnes Kathleen, daughter of Bernard Daly, Esquire, Justice of the Peace (High Sheriff 1871) of Hazlebrook, in the county of Dublin, and has, Daphne de Mamuel. The Right Honourable HUGH HYACINTH O'RORKE MACDERMOT, of Coolavin, commonly called The MacDermot, Prince of Coolavin, a Member of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council in Ire- land, and one of His Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, Attorney-General for Ireland 1892-95, a Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, Chief of his name. Born July I, 1834, being the son of the late Charles Joseph MacDermot, by his wife Arabella Mary, only child of Hyacinth ORorke of the family of O'Rorke of Breffny. Clubs — Reform, United Service, Hibernian United Service. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, three boars passant azure, armed, bristled and unguled or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boar's head erased azure. Motto — " Honore et virtute." Married, firstly, December 1861, Mary, daughter of Edward Howley, Esquire, of Belleek Castle; and has Issue — (i) Charles Edward MacDermot, Gentleman, Bachelor of Arts of Trinity College, Dublin, Barrister-at-Law, late Lieutenant 8th Brigade North Irish Division Royal Artillery, born December 29, 1862 [married, October 1894, Caroline Mary, daughter of John Whyte, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Loughbrickland, in the county of Down]; (2) Hugh MacDermot, Gentleman; (3) Roderick MacDermot, Gentleman. He married, secondly, March 25, 1872, Henrietta Maria, daughter of Henry Blake ; and by her has, (4) Henry Blake MacDermot, Gentleman ; (S) Percy MacDermot, Gentleman ; (6) Bernard MacDermot, Gentleman ; (7) Dermot MacDermot, Gentleman ; (8) Francis MacDermot, Gentleman. Seat — Coolavin and Clogher, Monaster- Aden, in the county of Sligo. Town residente — 10 FitzWilliam Place, Dublin. The Late HENRY THOMAS McDERMOTT, Gentle- man, a Member of the Honourable Artillery Company. Born Nov. 21, 1828, being the only son of Henry Thomas McDermott of London, by his wife Emma, third daughter of Thomas Place of London, formerly of the Royal Navy. Armorial bearing^ — He bears for Arms : Party per chev- ron argent and or, on a chevron gules, between in chief three boars' heads erased at the neck and in base a cross crosslet azure, three trefoils slipped of the second ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion ram- pant or, holding between the paws a boar's head erased as is tlie Naval Cockade. 888 98C ei^ac in the arms; with the Motto, " Honor virtutis pra-mium. ' UarritJ, June 3, 1854, Lydi*. second daughter of William Watkins of Loadon : and has /«k^— Frank McUcrmott, ('•entlcman, bom April x>, 1855 ; and Helen Lydia. Postal ^Jnu—'Vna\iy House, Gensing Gardens, St Leonard's- on-Sea. Sussex. THOMAS CHARLl-lS MACDERMOIT. Esc)uirc. Jus- tice of ihe l»cace for the counties of SliRo and Roscommon (High Sheriff 187O. styled Tho MacDernioit-Roe, but the right to this tide is not recorded in Ulster's Office. Bom 1847, lieing the eldest son of Captain William Mac- IVimott, itvlcd the MacUermoU-Roc of Alderford (who ditnl 1850), by his wife Maria Kstera, daughter of Richard White of White Hall, in the county of Dublin. I.hnry— Blue with red facings. Armorial bearlngi— He bears for Aram: Argent, on a chevron gules, between three boars' heads erased azure, arn>eil or, as many cross crosslets of the Lost. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Croat, u|K)n a wreath of the colours, argent and axure, a demy lion rampant s;ible, holding a sceptre or ; with the Moito, "Honor probataque virtus." Estate — Alderforil. in the county of Roscommon. Postal address — Alderford House, Ballyfarnow, co. Roscommon. MACDONALD, quartered by BOSVILLE and MAC- KINNON. MACDONALD. see LIVINGSTONE-MACDONALD, MORETON-MACDONALD, and ROBERTSON-MAC- DONALD, Lieutenant-general ALASTAIR MACIAN MAC- DONALD of Dalchosnie, co. Perth, J. P. co. Perth, Lieut.- G«n. (retired), formerly A.D.C. to H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge, served in the Eastern Campaign of 1854 as A.D.C. to Gen. Pennefather (including the battles of the Alma (severely wounded), and Inkermann (severely wounded), and siege of Scbastopol (medal and three clasps, brevet of Major, hfth class of the Medjidie, and Turkish medal). Born March 22, 1830, being the eldest and only surviving son of the late Sir John Macdonald, K.C.B. of Dalchosnie and Dun Alastair, J. P., Gen. in the Army, and Col. 93nd Highlanders, by his wife Adriana, eldest dau. of James M'Inroy of Lude, Perthshire. ArmoriaJ bearings — Quarterly, i. or, a lion rampant g^les, a canton of the last, thereon pendent from a mural crown of the first by a ribbon of the second fimbriated azure, a representation of the gold medal and clasp presented to Col. Macdonald for his ser- vices in the Peninsular War; 2. argent, a dexter arm em- bowed in armour prof>er, garnished or, the hand grasping a dagger, the point downwards also proper, the pommel and hilt or ; 3. argent, on waves of the sea propwr, a ship with sails furled sable, in base a salmon naiant also prof>er ; 4. or, an oak tree growing out of a mount in base proper, surmounted by an eagle displayed sable, over the whole a fesse counter-embattled gules, thereon two swords in saltire, points upward argent, pommels and hilts or, between a representation of the Spanish cross of distinction on the dexter and the Portuguese cross of distinction on the sinister, both proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — Out of a mural crown or, in front of an arm in armour fesseways, the hand proper, holding a cross crosslet sable, flames issuing from the top also proper, a flagstaff there- from flowing to the sinister a banner gules, inscribed "Arolia" in letters of gold, the staff entwined with a branch of laurel vert. Motto— "Per mare per terras." A'«/— Meal Dubh, Rannoch, co. Perth. /?«.— 37a Park Lane, W. C<«*j— United Service, Wellington, and White's. ALLAN DOUGLAS MACDONALD, Esquire, Chief of Clanranald, late Capt. R.A. Bom April 1856, being the eldest son of the late Admiral Sir Reginald John Mac- Donald, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath {1887), Knight Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India (1877), Chief of Clan- ranald, by his wife the Honouraable Adelaide, dau. of the Right Honourable the 5th Baron Vernon. Armorial iMarlogS — Quarterly, i. argent, a lion rampant gules ; 2. or, a dexter hand couped fesseways holding a cross cross- let fitch^ in pale gules ; 3. or, a galley, oars in saltire sable, in the base nudy vert, a salmon naiant argent ; 4. argent, an oak tree vert, surmotmted of an eagw displayed or. I Mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a triple-towered castle ar- gent, masoned sable, and issuing from the centre tower a dexter arm in armour cinbowed grasping a sword all pro|)er ; and for Supporters, on either side a bear hav- ing two arrows pierced through his bove the crest), " My hojie is constant in thee," and (under tlic arms) " l^handeon co heiragha." JAMICS MACDONALD, Esquire. Armorial bearings —Quarterly, 1. or, a lion rampant gules ; a. or, a dexter hand fesseways holding a cross crosslet fitch^e gules ; 3. or, a galley sable ; 4. parted per fesse argent and vert, a salmon naiant proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour fesseways coui>ed below the elbow proper, the hand holding a cross crosslet fitchi^e gules. Motto — " Per mare, per terras." Residence— Qx^\%-x\Zl Gower, Argyll. S MONTAGU WILLIAM COLQUHOUN FARQU- HARSON MACDONALD, Esquire, J. P. forco. Penh, laie Lieut. Grenadier Guards, and Capt. Perthshire Volun- teers. Born Jan. 15, 1851, Ijeing the eldest son of the late Colonel William Macdonald Faiquharson Colquhoun Mac-, donald, J. P. and D.L. cos. Forfar and Perth; J. P. co.| Sussex: Col. Com. 2nd Perthshire Highland, R.V., and' Archer H.M. Scottish Bodyguard, F.R.S.E. and F.R.G.S., by his wife Hon. Clara Anne Jane Brownlow, second dau. of Rt. Hon. Charles, isl Lord Lurgan, by Jane his wife. dau. of Roderick M'Neill, Chief of Barra. Armorial bearing^ — Quarterly, i. or, a lion rampant gules ; 2. or, a dexter arm in armour couped in fesse proper, the hand holding a cro.-^s crosslet fitchte gules ; 3, or, a lymphad, oars and sail sable, flags flying gules ; 4. vert, a salmon naiant peoper, all within a bordure azure, charged with two mascles in chief argent and a boar's head erased in base or. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries a demi-lion gules, holding in his dexter paw a hand proper. Motto—" Per mare per terras." Seat—St. Martin s Abbey, Perth. i WILLIAM KID MACDONALD, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Forfar. Born 1838, being the i eldest son of John Macdonald, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the cotmty of Forfar, by his wife Ann, only is the Military Cockade. i Qiac Q^ac 889 daughter of William Kid, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Forfar. Armorial bearings— Party per bend indented or and ermine, a double-headed eagle dis- played proper, teaked and membered gules, surmounted of a galley sable flagged of the third, and in the sinister chief point a pine-tree eradicated proper. Mantling sable doubled or; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a raven proper on a rock azure; Motto, "Nee tempore nee fato." Estate — Ballintuim, in the county of Perth. Postal address — Windmill House, Arbroath, N.B. WILLIAM RAE MACDONALD, Gentleman, Carrick Pursuivant of Arms (1898). Born December 25, 1843, being the only son of William Rae Macdonald of Mont Albion, Surinam, South America, and his wife Isabella, daughter of Frederick Johnston, Banker in Edinburgh. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly argent holding a cross crosslet fitch^e in pale gules ; 3. or, a galley, oars in action, flags flying sable ; 4. vert, a salmon naiant l^ioper, over all, on a fesse sable, an eagle's head couped argent, b;aked gules, between two sprigs of maple slipped land or, in the first quarter a lion rampant gules, armed tand langued azure ; in the second a dexter hand proper, [couped fessways, holding a cross crosslet fitch^e gules; I in the third a lymphad, sails furled, and oars in saltire sable ; in the fourth a salmon naiant proper ; over all, on a fesse of the third, a cushion of the second. Mant- ling gules, doubled argent. Crest — A dexter hand holding a dirk erect proper. Motto — "Nee tempore nee fato." Married, September 9, 1880, Annie Smith, daughter of 'Frederick Johnston. Postal address — Neidpath, Wester [Coates Avenue, Edinburgh. MACDONALD (L.O.). Quarterly, i. argent, a lion [.rampant gules ; 2. argent, a dexter hand couped fesseways, or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour grasping a dagger proper. Motto — " Perseverantia. " Son of William Stone Macdonald, Gentleman : — Charles Macdonald, Gentleman, m. and has issue a son, William Stone Macdonald, Gentleman. Residences — Blinkbonny, Gananogue, Ontario, Canada ; and New York. MACDONALD (L.O.). Party per l^end indented or and ermine, a double-headed eagle displayed proper, beaked and membered gules, surmounted of a galley sable, flagged of the third, and in the sinister chief point a pine-tree eradi- is tbe Naval Cockade. 890 ^ac 9^at caied proper. M*"l""g snble, doubled or. OrMt — On a wreauh of his liveries, a ra\-en proper on a rock azure. Motto — " Nee tempore nee falo." Son of John Macdonald. Esq., I. P. co. Forfar, m. Ann, only d. of William Kid, Esq., J. P. co. Forfar: — William Kid Miicdonald, Esq. J. P. co. Forfar, i. 1838. /;■*/.»/.• -Hiillintuim. co. Perth. ^«.— Windmill House, Arbroath, N. a Macdonald. Arms as above, but rematric 1905 with a bordure. Son of : — Freiierick Fotberingham Macdonald, Gentleman, 6. A'«. — Lochlands, Forfarshire. A:NEAS RANALD MACDONELL, Chief of Glen- Kirry. Bum Amb. 8, 1875, being the eldest son of the late Aneas Ranald W estrop Nlacdonell, by his wife Citherinc Frances, dau. of Henry i lerries Creed. Armorial boarllij^ — Or, an eaele displayed gules surmounted by a lymphad sable, sails furled up and rigging proper, in the dexter chief a dexter hand coufwd in fesse of the second, in the sinister a cross crosslet fitch^ of the third. Above the shield is placed a helmet betitting his degree, with a mant- ling gules, doubled argent; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a raven proper perched on a rock azure. Supporters — Two bears, each having an arrow pierced through the body all proper. Mottoes — Over the crest, "Cragan an Fhithich ; " "Per mare, per terras." /Residences — The Gables, The Close, Salisbury; Baku, Russia. Clui — Badminton. ARTHUR ANTHONY MACDONELL, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Fellow of Balliol College, and Boden Professor of Sanskrit in the University of Oxford. Born May 11, 1854, being the elder son of Col. Alexander Anthony Macdonell (Lochgarry), and his wife Margaret Jane, eldest dau. of Lachlan Maclean of Rum. Armorial bearin^^ — Or, an eagle displayed gules, sur- mounted of a lymphad sable, her sails furled up and rigging proper, in the dexter chief p)oint a dexter hand couped in fesse of the second, and in the sinister a cross crosslet fitch^e azure, all within a bordure engrailed of the last Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries if set for a Crest, a raven proper perching on a rock gules ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Craigan an Fhithich" (Rock of the Raven), and in another escroll below the shield this motto, "Per mare, per terras." Married, December 11, 1890, Mary I>ouise, youngest daughter of William Lowson, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Baliha^ock, in the coimty of Perth ; and has Issue — Alasdair Soinerled Macdonell, Gentleman, bom December 10, 1893 ; Flora Lindsay ; and Mona Isobel. Postal address — "Lochgarry," Banbury Road, Oxford. MACDONELL (L.O.). Per chevron or and vert, in dexter chief a dexter hand fesseways couped at the wrist ^ gules, in sinister chief a cross crosslet fitch^ of the third, and in base a two-headed eagle, with wings displayed of the first, surmounted by a galley also of the first, sails furled i^ and rigged sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet 4^B befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent. IP Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries is set a raven perching on a rock pro|K"r. Mottoes - Over the crest, " Faicilleach," and below, " Per mare, y>er terras." Son of Eneas Ronald Macdonell, Esq., I. P., U.L., i. 1831 ; d. ; m. 1859, Catherine, only surviving i child of the late James Sidgreaves, of Inglewhite Hall, CO. Lanes: — James Sidgreaves Macdonell, Gentleman, 6. Nov. i, 1870. Seat — Morar, Arisaig, co. of Inverness. MACDONNELL, see ARMSTRONG - MACDON- NELL. MACDONNELL (U.O.). Quarterly, i. or, a lion ram- pant gules ; 2. or, a dexter arm issuant from the sinister fess point out of a cloud prof>er, in the hand a cross crosslet fitch^ erect azure ; 3. argent, a lymphad sails furled sable; 4. per fesse azure and vert, a dolphin naiant in fess proper, in the centre point over all a cross pat^e per fess gules and erminois. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed fess wise, vested or, cuffed argent, the hand holding a cross crosslet fitch^e erect azure, the arm charged with a cross pat^e gules. Motto — " Toujours prfit." is the Military Cockade. I Q^ac a^ac 891 Son of : — Hercules Henry MacDonnell, Esq., J. P. co. Louth, M.D. (Dublin). ./?«.— Roden Place, Dundalk. M'DONNELL (U.O.). Quarterly, 1. or, a lion ram- pant gules ; 2. or, a dexter arm issuant from the sinister fess point out of a cloud proper, in the hand a cross cross- let fitch^e erect azure; 3. argent, a lymphad sails furled sable ; 4. per fess azure and vert, a dolphin naiant proper, in the centre point over all a trefoil slipped also proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed fesswise, vested or, cuffed argent, the hand holding a cross crosslet fitchfe erect azure, the arm charged with a trefoil slipped proper. Motto — "Toujours pret." Son of John M'Donnell, M.D., of 32 Upper Fitz- william Street, Dublin : — William Dobbs M'Donnell, Gentleman, M.A. (Dublin), Barrister-at-Law King's Inns, b. . Res. — Barnclose, Sliankhill, co. Dublin. jH ANDREW KENNETH M'DOUALL, Esquire, J.P. @ and D.L. Born August 6, 1870, being the eldest son of the late James M'Douall, Esq., J.P. and D. L., by his wife Agnes, eldest dau. of .Sir Thomas Buchan Hepburn, Bart., of Smeaton ?Iepburn. Armorial bearings— Azure, a lion rampant argent, gorged with an antique crown or. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a tiger's head erased, crowned with an Imperial crown, with a lion's paw issuing from a cloud grasping the crown from the tiger's head proper. Supporters — Two lions argent, crowned with an antique crown or, armed and l.ingued gules. Seat — Logan, Mull of Galloway, near Stran- raer ; Gencch Dunragit, N.B. McDOUALL (L.O.). Azure, a lion rampant argent, crowned with an antique crown or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling iiles, doubled argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of his Sveries is set a tyger's head erased, crowned with an im- erial crown, with a lion's paw issuing from a cloud, grasp- ing the crown from the tyger's head. Supporters — Two lions rampant crowned with antique crowns proper, stand- "ag on a compartment in which is this word, "Victoria." [otto — " Usurpari noli." Son of James McDouall, Esq., J. P., D.L., b. 1840; d. ; in. Sept. 16, 1869, Agnes, eld. dau. of Sir Thomas Buchan Hepburn, Baronet, of Smeaton Hep- burn : — Andrew Kenneth McDouall, Gentleman, b. Aug. 6, 1870. ^eats — Logan, near Stranraer; Genoch Dunragit, N.B. HENRY MACDOWALL, Esquire, J.P. and Deputy- Lieutenant, Capt. Renfrewshire Militia. Born March 13, 1845, being the eldest son of the late Henry MacDowall, sq., of Garthland, by his wife Isabella Fergus, youngest laughter of James Dennistoun of Golfhill. Clubs — Conser- itive. New (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, a lion rampant collared and crowned or. Jpon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his Segree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon , wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a lion's paw erased folding a dagger erect all proper. Mottoes — Above the rest, " Fortis in arduis ; " under the shield, " Vincere vel nori." Married, February 4, 1885, Eleanora Louisa, froungest daughter of Sir William Maxwell, sixth Baronet bf Monreith. Seat — Garthland, and Carruth, in the county |f Renfrew, N.B. MACDUFF, quartered by DUFF, STUART, STUART- UCHARDSON, and VERSCHOYLE. ALEXANDER MACDUFF, Esquire, J.P. Born July "29, 1849, being the son of Alexander Macduff of Bonhard, by his wife Mary, dau. of Francis Brown of Jordanhill. Clubs — Junior Carlton, New (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings — Paly of six ermine and or, a lion rampant gules, armed and langued azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-lion gules, holding in the dexter paw a dagger proper ; and in an escroll above this Motto, " Deus Juvat." Married, May 16, 1883, Edith Alexandrine, daughter of John Shiell of Smithfield, in the county of Forfar ; and has Issue — Alexander Macduff, Gentleman, born July 6, 1884; Ursula Edith ; and Mary Elizabeth Frances. Estate and postal address — Bonhard, Perth. SSiR MALCOLM DONALD MACEARCHARN, Knight Bachelor (1900), Major Commanding Victorian Scottish Regt., J.P. for Queensland, Mayor of Melbourne i8g8, 1899, 1900. Born 1852, being the son of Malcolm Macearcharn. Armorial bearing^ — Parted per fesse or and argent, a galley, sails furled sable, on a shield gules, pendent therefrom on the sinister side a trefoil of the second. Mantling sable, doubled or. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, an arm in armour, the hand bare proper, holding a cross crosslet paleways fitchde or. Motto — " Per mare, per terras." Married, , Mary, dau. of John Boyd Watson, of Bendigo. Residences — Goathland, Kew, Melbourne; Goathland, Yorks ; Strath- field Station, Burke, Queensland. C/«^— Conservative. JOSHUA JAMES MACEVOY-NETTERVILLE, Esq., J.P. for CO. Kildare. Born 1829, being the second son of James MacEvoy, Esq., J.P. , of Tobertynan, co. Meath, who died 1834, by Teresa Maria, dau. of Sir Joshua Colles Meredyth, 8th Bart. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent a cross gules, fretty or, in the first quarter a lozenge of the second, for difference (for Netterville) ; 2 and 3 per fesse azure and per pale or and ermine, a fesse gules, issuant therefrom a demi-lion argent, in the dexter base a dexter hand couped at the wrist of the fourth (for MacEvoy), and upon an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Netter- ville. Mantling gules and argent ; aud for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant guardant gules, bezant^e, and charged with a lozenge or for difference (for Netterville) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect, vested gules, cuffed erminois, holding in the hand a sword proper (for MacEvoy). MottO — " Cruci dum spiro spero. " Married, i860, the Hon. Mary Reddis Bridget Ellen, dau. of the Rt. Hon. James, 7th Viscount Netterville {ext.), whose name and arms he assumed by Royal License ; and has /wa^ — Male ; Theresa; Elizabeth, a nun ; Rose \_in. Count E. O'Beyrne] ; Barbara [/«. Nicholas Synnott, Barrister-at-Law] ; Victoria, a nun ; and Pauline. Postal address — Villa Rita, Biarritz. S WILLIAM M'EWAN, Esqiiire, M.P. for Edinburgh, Central Division, D.L. for city of Edinburgh. Born 1827, being the son of John M'Ewan, Shipowner, of Alloa, N.B. Armorial bearings— Gules, a garb or, on a chief argent, a lion's head erased gules. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, the trunk of an oak-tree with a branch sprouting forth on either side proper. Motto — " Reviresco." Married, 1885. Residence— \6 Charles Street, Berkeley Square, W. WILLIAM ALEXANDER MACFARLANE-GRIEVE (formerly Wm. Alex. Comyn Macfarlane), M.A. , of Eden- hall, CO. Roxburgh, and Impington Hall, co. Cambridge. Armorial bearings — Quarterly 1 and 4, argent a saltire invected between four roses gules ; 2 and 3 gules, on a fesse between three fetterlocks or, a mullet azure. Mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crests, i. on the dexter side, a demi-savage wreathed about the middle with laurel, grasping in his dexter hand a sheaf of arrows, and pointing with his sinister to an imperial crown or ; and in an escroll above, this Motto, "This I'll defend," 2. on the sinister side, a dexter arm in armour embowed, the hand grasping a dagger point downwards, hilled and pommelled or, and in an escroll above, this Motto, "Hoc securior." Seats — Edenhall, co. Roxburgh, and Impington Hall, co. Cambridge. Town residence — II Queen's Gate Terrace, S.W. JOHN WILLIAM MACFIE of Dreghorn and Colin- ton, Esq., J.P. cos. Ayrshire and Midlothian. Born Dec. i, 1844, being the eldest son of Robert Andrew Macfie, Esq. , of Dreghorn and Colinton, co. Midlothian, J.P. , Fellow of the Royal Society (Edinburgh), sometime M.P. for Leith Burghs, by his wife Caroline Eliza, eldest dau. of John Easton, M.D. , of Comance Hill, co. Dumfries, and of the 15th Hussars. Livery — Blue, with gilt buttons. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Parted per fesse is the Naval Cockade. Bgt Q9ac a^ac netaily oxtirc anove the shield is pliicetl a helmet Ijofitting hu oegrw, with a mantling gules, jlouliled argent; and on a >»Tcath of his liveries is set for Oreit, a demi-lion ramixuU proper : and on an escroll over the same this MottO, •' l*ro Rcge. AfarrieJ, June 7. 1867, Helen (d. 1896), dau. of Major-General Charles Wahab of Her Majesty's Indian Service, by bis wife Janet, daughter of Alexander Cowan of Edinburgh ; and has Issue — (i) Robert Andrew Scott Macfie, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Bachelor of Science of the University of Edinburgh, bom April 10, 1868 ; (2) Charles Wahab Scott Macfie, Gentleman, born December 9, 1872 ; (3) John William Scott Macfie, Gentleman, B.A. (Camb.) and B.Sc. (Eldin.), born September 16, 1879; Janet Cowan Scott ; Helen Charlotte Scott ; Mary Scott ; Letitia Suart Scott {d. 1897) ; Alison Bland Scott ; and Marion Shiela Scott Postal address — Rowton Hall, Chester. Club — University (Edinburgh). S WILLIAM MACFIE, Esquire, C.B. (Civil), late Lieut. - Col. commanding 3rd V. B. Liverpool Regt., Honorary Col. also (Volunteer Decoration) retired, J. P. for cos. Argyll and Lancaster. Bom May 9, 1840, being the eldest son of Robert Macfie, Esq., of Airds, Argyllshire, Langhouse, Renfrewshire, and Oban, Argyllshire, J. P. for Renfrewshire, D.L. for Argyllshire, by his wife Agnes Fairrie, dau. of James Fairrie of Greenock. Livery — Dark blue and yellow. Aimorlal bearing — Per fesse wavy azure and or, m chief a two-handed sword argent, point downwards, hiked and pommelled of the second, and in base a lymphad sable, under sail of the third, and impaling the arms of Allan, namely, parted per bend indented ermine and gules, in the sinister chief a stag s head erased of the second, attired or, and in the dexter base a crescent argent, pendent below the escutcheon his badge as a C. B. Mantlmg gules, doubled argent Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a demi-lion rampant sable. Motto — "Pro rege." Marned, March 20, 1867, Jane Crawford, second dau. of James Allan, Gentle- man, of Glasgow; and has Issue — (i) Robert Macfie, Gentleman, b. Jan. 18, 1868 (d. March 23, 1889); (2) James Allan Macfie, Gentleman, *. Sept 7, 1871 ; (3) Claud Macfie, Gentleman, ist Ujitt. Seaforth Highlanders, b, June 4, 1878; (4) William Leslie Macfie, Gentleman, *. May 14, 188 1 ; (5) Edmund Shaw Macfie, Gentk-man. b. Oct. 16, 1883. Seats — Airds, Port Appin, Argyllshin-, Uplands Hall, near Preston. C/«*j— National Liberal, Reform (Liverpool). ROBERT McGAVIN, Esquire, of Ballumbie, co. Forfar, J. P. and Comr. of Supply for co. Forfar. OMrcing 'he son of William V^K\uaWn McGavin, Merchant, of Dundee, by his wife Margaret, daughter of James Lind- say. Armorial bearlne^s— lie l>ears for Arms: Per pale gules and at.., in chief three barrulets wiwy und in liaRc a boar's he.id coui>etl or, on a chief argent three fleurs- de-lis of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a wyvern's head vert, ducally gorged or, vomiting flames of fire proper; and in an escroll above, this Motto, "God send grace.' Seat — Ballumbie, Dundee, N.B. ROBERT JOHN MACGEOUGH, Esquire, Justice of the Peace. Bom September 22, CI|AnflYI>nttiTfl ^838, being the fourth son of the tpa(.{^i;UU|}lJ late Walter MacGeough Bond, by his wife Anne, daughter of the late Ralph Smythe of Gaybrooke, in the county of Westmeath. Livery — Claret - coloured coat and vest, fawn-coloured breeches, gilt buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Per bend sable and or, three leopards" faces counter- changed. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a naked arm embowed , the hand holding a scymitar all proper ; with the Motto, " Nemo me impune lacessit." Married, March 11, 1869, Alice, youngest daughter of the late James Sievewright of Cavendish Place, Brighton ; and has Issue— h\\z& [married, September Q, 1891, Maxwell Vandeleur Blacker Douglass, and has issue]. Estates— 'Y\\& Silverbridge Estate and the Corran Estate, both in the county of Armagh ; the Down Estate, in the county of Down, /"w/a/arff/rew— Silverbridge House, Silverbridge, Ireland. is tlie Military Cockade. Q^ac a^ac 893 § JOSHUA WALTER MACGEOUGH -BOND, Es- quire, of Drumsill, co. Armagh, J. P. and D.L. for CO. Armagh, High Sheriff 1872, late Lieut. 49th Foot, was M.P. for Armagh 1855-57, and 1859-65. Bom 1831, being the eldest son of Walter MacGeough-Bond, Esq., of Drum- sill and The Argory, co. Armagh, who d. 1886, by his second wife Anne, second dau. of the late Ralph Smyth, Esq., of Gaybrook, co. Westmeath (she d. 1892). Armorial beaxings — Quarterly i and 4, or, on a chevron gules, three annulets argent (for Bond) ; 2 and 3, per bend sable and or, three leapords' faces, two and one counterchanged (for MacGeough). Mantling gules and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant argent, charged on the shoulder with an annulet sable (for Bond) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a de.xter arm embowed, the hand grasping a scymitar in the act of striking, all proper (for MacGeough). Motto — "Nemo me impune lacessit." Married, 1856, Albertine Louise, dau. of Frederick Shanahan, Barrister-at- Law ; and has, with other /w?/^— Walter MacGeough-Bond, Gentleman, b. 1857. Seat — Drumsill, Armagh. Clubs— Army and Navy, Carlton, Kildare Street (Dublin). § HENRY M'GRADY, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for the CO. of the city of Dundee, Lord Provost of the city of Dundee, Nov. 1896 to 1899, and J. P. for Forfarshire. Born 1836, being the eldest son of the late Henry M 'Grady of Dundee. Armorial bearings — Parted per pale azure and ermine, three lions passant counterchanged. Mant- ling azure doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a Ijorse's head erased argent. Motto — " Honore et industria." Married, 1866, Jemima, [youngest dau. of the late James Anderson Hughes of [ Droughty Ferry, and formerly of Wallaroo, South Australia ; [and has issue. Residences — Arnhall, Dundee ; and Kelly . Castle, Arbroath. I Sir MALCOLM MACGREGOR of MacGregor, in f the county of Perth, 5th Baronet, Chief of MacGregor, fCommander Royal Navy. Born August 3, 1873, being the I son of Sir Malcolm MacGregor of MacGregor, the 4th Bart. , iby his wife Helen Laura, commonly known as Lady Helen Laura, daughter of the Right Honourable Hugh Seymour McDonnell, ninth Earl of Antrim ; succeeded his father 1879, under the creation of July 3, 1795. Livery— (Ares,^) White, with blue facings ; (undress) blue, with white fac- ings. Armorial bearings — Argent, an oak-tree eradi- cated in bend sinister proper, surmounted of a sword in bend of the last, supporting on its point in dexter canton an anticjue crown gules. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a lion's head proper, crowned with an antique crown or. Supporters — De.\ter, a unicorn argent, crowned, horned or; sinister, a deer proper, tined azure. Mottoes — " E'en do and spair not," " 'S rioghal mo dhream." Heir presumptive — His brother, Alexander Ronald Macgregor, Esquire, born June 20, 1878. Seat — Edinchip, Balquhidder, in the county of Perth. Clubs — Pratt's, Caledonian. Sir WILLIAM MACGREGOR, K.C.M.G.,C.B.,M.D., Hon. LL.D. (Edin.). Hon. D.Sc. (Camb.), was Chief Medical Officer of Fiji 1875-7, Receiver-Gen. of that Colony, First Administrator of British New Guinea, ap- pointed Gov. and Com.-in-Chief Lagos 1899, has received the Albert (2nd class) and "Clarke" medals for saving life at sea, Founder's medal Royal Geographical Society ; represented Fiji at Federal Council of Australasia 1886, and has several times administered the Government of Fiji, and acted as High Comr. and Consul-Gen. for W. Pacifies ; was first Governor of British New Guinea, over which he declared sovereignty Sept. 1888 ; Governor of Lagos 1898 ; represented West African Colonies at the Coronation 1892. Born 1847, being the son of J. MacGregor. Armorial bearings — Quarterly or and argent, a sword in bend azure surmounted of an oak sinister proper, the former supporting on its point an antique crown gules, in base a horse-shge is the N%v{U CQCkade, 894 ai^Qc apac Hihle. MkBtUnf Riuit* and or. Orect— On a wreath of Ihe colours, a lions hrail or, lanjj\iod ku'fr supporting on its point in the dexter canton an antique crown gules (for MacGregor) ; a and 3, sable, a chevron t)et\veen three griffins' he.ids erased or (for Skinner). Mantling gules, doubled argent. Creit — On a wreath of the liveries, a lion's head enisetl, crowned with an antique crown proper. Mottoes — (Over the crest) " Een do and spair not," (under the arms) " Nunquam non paratus." Son of late Capt. Cortlandl George Macgregor (formerly Macgrrgor-Skinner), Capt. and Hon. Major 3Sth Regt. ,^. 183a; eaked and mt-nibered of the second, an3 buckle of the third in the dexter and sinister fi-sse points. Mantling sable, doubled or. Crest — On a wreath. 1 indT T 'lints. I 1 his liveries, an eagle's head couped sable, beaked between two wings sable. Motto — " In hope I byde." Eld. son of William Fergus M'Kain, late of the Ad- miralty, 3. 1825; d. ; m. 1851, Catherine Anne, d. of William Dobbin, late of the Army Pay Office : — Rev. W. J. M'Kain, b. 1854; m. 1884, Helen Clifford, d. of John Johnston Elton Morecroft, formerly of HoHv mount. West Derby, Liverpool; and has issue — (1) jmn Fergus M'Kain, Gentleman, I.ieut. 34th Sikh Pioni'M b. 1885; (2) Cliftord Arthur M'Kain, Gentleman, b. 1887, and Irene Helen Isobel. Res. — 28 Palmerston Place, lidin burgh. Club — Constitutional. ARTHUR LEITH-HAY MACKAY, late Capt. King'.s , Own Scottish Borderers. Armorial bearings— Azure, aj fesse or between two bears' heads couped argent, niuzzlert ' gules, in chief, and in base a buck's head erased propi Mantling azure doubled or. Crest — Upon a wreath his hveries, a demi-highlander vested and plaidcd, ho ing in his dexter hand a halbert all proper. Motto " Fortiter." GEORGE DUNCAN MACKAY, Esquire, Major 1 Edinburgh City Vol. Artillery. Horn Aug. 24, 1853. lx)i the third son of the late John Mackay of Invcralmond, by his wife Agnes, dau. of John Christie of FJurnhouse, | Portobello. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a chevron i engrailed between three bears' heads couped argent, mu/ zled gules, a roebuck's head coup>ed between two hand . issuant from the ends of the chevron, each liolding a 1 dagger all proper, a bordure enj^railed of the second, charged with tliree martlets of the third. Mantling is the Military Cockade. PLATE XXXII. I^e.ynois'DS (SamGie ISbixo • I5I3:^D apac a^ac 897 azure, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand couped at the wrist holding a dagger in pale all proper; and in an escrol over the same this Hotto, " Manu forti." Seat — Inveralmond, Cramond, Midlothian. JAMES FRANCIS MACKAY, Esquire, J.P., co. of the City of Edinburgh, Col. Edinburgh (City) Vol. Artillery. ^om 1855, being the fourth son of the late John Mackay of Inveralmond, by his wife Agnes, dau. of John Christie of Burnhouse, Portobello. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a chevron engrailed between three bears' heads couped argent, muzzled gules, a roebuck's head couped' between two hands issuant from the ends of the chevron, each holding a dagger all proper, a bordure engrailed of the second, charged with three horses' heads couped of the third. Mantling azure, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand couped at the wrist holding a dagger in pale all proper ; and on an escrol over the same this Motto, " Manu forti." Seat — Whitehouse, Cramond, Midlothian, N.B. ALEXANDER MACKELLAR. Gentleman. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion passant azure between two barru- lets gules, in chief three crescents sable, and in base as many mullets of the third, all within a bordure of the second. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter arm in armour, embowed, wielding a scimitar all proper. Motto — " Perseverando. " Residence — Lawrenny, Goulburn, New South Wales. MACKENZIE, quartered by CALLANDER. MACKENZIE, see BURTON-MACKENZIE, MON- TAGU - STUART - WORTLEY - MACKENZIE, and STEWART-MACKENZIE. MACKENZIE (H. Coll.). Azure, a chevron between two fleurs-de-lis in chief and a stag's head caboshed in base all argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, between two antlers, an eagle wings addorsed and inverted preying on a serpent head elevated, neck embowed all proper. Motto — "Finis coronal opus." Sons of Frederick William Mackenzie of Stawell House, Richmond, London, S.W., b. ; d. m. : — Frederick Finch Mackenzie, Esq., C,B., J. P. Berks, Lt.-Col. comdg. sth Batt. Lanes. Fus. since 1895, served in S. African \X'ar 1900-2, i. 1849 ; m. 1879, Ella, ygst. d. of late Christopher Rawson. Seat — Ranislade, nr. Brack- nell. Clui — United Service. MACKENZIE (H. Coll.). Or, a cross parted and fretty azure between in the first and fourth quarters a stag's head caboshed of the last, and in the second and third quarters a mountain in flames proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head caboshed azure, within the attires a cross couped or, the whole between two stag's horns gold. Motto — " Always faithful. " Livery — Blue, yellow waistcoat. Sons of Edward Mackenzie, Esq., of Fawley Court, Bucks, J. P., D.L. (High Sheriff" co. Oxford 1862), b. 181 1 ; d. 1880; m. ist, Mary, d. of William Dalziel of The Craigs, co. Dumfries : — William Dalziel Mackenzie, Esq., of Fawley Court and Farr [q.v.). Edward Philippe Mackenzie of Auchenskeoch, Esq., J. P. COS. Norfolk, Suffolk, and Dumfries (High Sheriff CO. Suffolk 1882), D.L. for that co., formerly Lieut. 9th Lancers, late Col. Comm. Loyal Suffolk Hussars, b. 1842 ; m. 1865, Helen Jane, d. of Henry Baskerville, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , of Crowsley Park, co. Oxford; and has issue — Beryl Mary Baskerville \m. 1890, Maj.-Gen. Geoffry Barton, C.B. Seat — Downham Hall, Brandon, Suffolk. Austin Mackenzie of Carradale, Esq. , J. P. cos. Dumfries and Northants, late Lieut. 3rd Batt. Scots Fus., and late Capt. 5th V.B. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, Mem- ber of Royal Company of Archers, b. 1856 ; m. 1878, Lucy Maria, d. of Major Gustavus Tuite Dalton of Fennor, co. Meath. Seat — Carradale, Argyleshire. Clubs — Brooks's, White's, Orleans, Royal Yacht Squadron (Cowes). Keith Ronald Mackenzie, Gentleman, b. 1861 ; m. 1900, Cara, eld. d. of Col. Macdonald Moreton, late Coldstream Guards. 5«a/— Gillott's, Henley-on-Thames, ^w.— Vectis Lodge, Bembridge, Isle of Wight. COLIN CHARLES FORBES MACKENZIE, Gentle- man. Born 1879, being the son of the late Colin James Mackenzie, Esq., Lord-Lieut, for the co. of Peebles, by his wife Catherine Alice, dau. of the late Samuel Wauchope, Esq. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, azure a buck's head caboshed or; 2 and 3 azure, three fnisiers argent, over all in the centre of the shield a wolfs head erased or. Mantling gules, the doubling argent ; is the Naval Cockade. 898 Mid on • wreaih of his livwtet U tet for Owtt. a dexu-r arm holdinK a irarUnd of Uurel proper : and in nn escroU above the cTwt this Motto, " Virtute et labore." Postal addrtis— S CHARLES GRANT MACKENZIK. Esquire, being the son of the late Colonel Sir Felix Calvert Mac- krnfic. Knight Bachelor (1897). U.K. co. of Elgin. Hon. Col. (V.D.) yil Vol. Onti. Seaforth Highlanders (Rosshire Buffs, l)uke ol Albany's), the first company of which he raised m ei^ac ^ Over the crest, "Luceonon uro," and below the arms, "Vive ut vivas." Seat — Allanbank House, by Munlochy, N.B. JOHN TOLMIE MACKENZIE. Esauire, J. P.. repre- sentative of the family of Mackenzie of Ballone. liom iune 16, 1828, being the only son of Capt. Hector Mac- enrie and his wife Annabella, dau. of John Tolmie, Esq., J. P., of Uiginish House. Armorial bearings (L.O., circa 167a)— Quarterly i and 4, azure, a stag's head caboshed or ; a. or, a rock in flames proper ; 3. gules, three human legs armed, garnished and spurreper; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Coelestes |ianditeportae." Married, Oct. o. 1889, Eliia- beth, second dau. of late Alexander Watson Wem^ss. M. D. , of Dcnbrae. Fife. Post, add.—aa Regent Ter.. Edinburgh. C/«*J— University (Edinburgh), Highland (Inverness). MACKENZIE-GILLANDERS(rematric. L.O., 17 June 1904). Quarterly, i and 4, sable, a chevron argent, between three arms in armour, couped at the elbow, the hands each grasping a dagger all proper, the liul hilted and pominclleil or (Gillanders) ; 2 and «. or, a cross parted and freity azure, between in the first and fourth quarters a stag's head cabcehed of the last, and in the second and third quarters a mountain in flames proper, in the centre a crescent gules for diflference (Mackenzie, H. Coll.). Mant- llngs— L^xter. sable, doubled argent ; sinister, azure, doubled or. OrestB— Dexter, on a wreath of the liveries, a dexter arm as in the arms all prop.?r (MottO — " Durum sed certissimum ") ; sinister, on a wreath of the liveries, a stag's head cabossed azure, within the attires a cross couped or, the whole between two stag's attires gold (MottO — " Always faithful"). Livery — White coat, black facings, blue and yellow striped waistcoat. Second son of William Dalziel Mackenzie. Esq., of Fawley Court (f.v.), b. 1840 ; m. 1863, Mary Anna, d. of late Henry Baskerville, Esq., D. L. , of Crowsley Park: — Capt Edward Baskerville Mackenzie-Gillanders (formerly Mackenzie), 3rd Batt. Cameron Highlanders, b. 1874 ; m. 1903, Frances Geraldine, d. of late G. F. Gillanders, Esq., J. P. ; and has issue a dau. Seal — Highfield, Muir- of-Ord, Ross-shire. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Caledonian. S ROBERT MURE McKERRELL, Esquire, V.D., J. P. CO. Ayr, Hon. Col. late commanding ist Volun- Scotland), and since 1898 a i'rison Commissioner for I land. Iforn Sept. 37, 1846, being the eldest sun of the late Robert McKerrell, by his wife Emily Pauline, dau. of tlif la!e {..ieutenant-General William Staveley, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Hath. Livery- Via.r\i blue, with gold braid. Armorial bearings— He l)e.-us for Amu : Azure, on a fesse or, three lozenges gules, within a bordure engrailed argent. Alxjve the shield is placed a helmet behtting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a Roman soldier on his march, with standard and utensils all proper ; and upon an escroll above the same this Motto, " Dulcis pro patria labor." Married, December 4, 1889, Lucinda Margaret, younger daughter or James Winter Brittain of Gifford's Hall, in the county of Suffolk; and has Issue— (\) Robert James Mure McKerrell, Gentleman, b Aug. 17, 1890; (2) Martin Mungo Mure McKerrell, Gentleman, b. July 19, 1895; (3) Archibald Monteath Mure McKerrell, Gentleman, b. July aa, 1899; Lucinda Pauline Rose Edith Mure; .and Margaret Agnes Mure. Town residence — Holland House, Murray field, Edinburgh. Official address— Prison Com- mission, 11 Rutland Square, Edinburgh. Clubs — Carlton, New (Edin.), Western (Glasgow), County (Ayr.) Lieut, -CoL, WILLIAM M'KERRELL- BROWN (formerly Lieut.-Col. Wm. Brown), late Royal Artillery. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis or, a crescent gnles in fesse point for difference (for Brown) ; 2 and 3, azure, on a fesse or, three lozenges gules, a bordure engrailed argent (for M'Kerrell), in the centre of the quartering a martlet counter- changed for difference. Mantling azure doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-llon or^ armed and langued gules, holding in his dexter paw a fleu de-lis of the first; and in an escroll above, this Mo " Floreat majestas." GEORGE IVIE MACKESY, Esq.. M.B. and M.J (Trin. Coll, Dublin). L.R.C.S.I., J.P., High Sheriff (1871 teer Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers, a Member of the Royal Company of Archers (the King's Bodyguard for and Mayor (1879) of the City of Waterford, Surgeon to the Waterford County and City Infirmary, President of Irish « Is the Military Cockade. 9ac 901 Av*m , awl Ex-Preadeu Soadt-Easiera Irciaad laf BrtaA Ufdral A smtiMum . Av« jrfr a6. x8«s. k^ tbe cUesi sua of Jase|* Father Macfas^. M.BL (Tim. Col.. IMfia). F.K.CSlL. by his »ife Fokb. dn. drG(nseI«ie.Safialar.ariiratorfaid. llMlrt *T- llfi fTf beacs far Mxmm : Aiseac. a deiter vm ooi^xd EU.9aaar|aKS If'Kie. Esq..af itargalr. Ad«ocMe Jt the S oMtgh BaK^M LA.. J.P.. D.I^. M.P. for iSSS. JawK Waaam. odljr d. of AoMbaU Hone of U.-C0L Jota M'Kie. D.S.O^ 3rd BML iOi^s Ora ScoOE* Bcvdenis. A. XS57. Stmtt—EaKspkt. mr. CmsOe Do^K^as. N3. : Bifsdjra^ GkHandl. HratoB-Stewart. N.a aW»— Badhdoc^. Boodfe'SL UACKIE. AiBeat.t«D flfldflKSBU SlUlC* pCBflCHC iatfeei tf SaHMofaMl. Waaedoid: ami kas «tt odMr ibae— (i) Josei* FbdKT TloBas Macfasf . riailiaii. ». Amg. ao. la^: fa) GesBB ^Mcfasy. O ia >l i Mi i. Jl Amg. s. i»o: (3) SaMBd StnivBaB Ifadesf . r iai l imia . *. Aa^. m^. iMi: (4) WOfana QsnU Madbcsf. GrwAmM u. ». Ser* at. iflb: (si Dasid Hearj Macfteqr. r wHiwiii. iL A. ■9. 1S9& iErfiftv— ^tapoty ia as. Waierfad« KSsecr " nuM B u a ij. aad QBeea's Ca. Erniemrr—^ ^^"^ I^^' Wakifaid. CM i j MJi a Oa^li l ii i M l. C ri lj mi l C •Wiaafavd). U'KIE of Ba^E^ tMabic L.O.. 13 jve t~- "" — ' !^ • • • ex LIBPIS • • • ' \ ?1fM9KIEoFB/1RGhLy^ - » EX1.IBIU5 - « « PETElOEFfREX/lflCKlE OF CORRATTH £. GLEHR15PELL ■ mah of lis fiieries. a nwca proper. MaM»— ** War Mdd^.- / iw/ D aAhtaceaH— M»t. SmoC Akowier MacUe «tf DaawK Pvk.Sttifae- shane.A.iaai:4dL ■«»: at. i%3. JaMt SMfooa. d. of Aatesv BkvwB of H.M. CosUMS :— naer Jdfeqr U^^at. Esq.. J.P. oos. A«t aad Loariu *. a6 Mov. iS^ ab b SEfC iflv. hs c wri a . j«sa; Lodtett. OB^ d. of Itaw Abenranlieof BLIL Gbuhs. Lmspool: Ml kas \\\\m Jifr Li^a Madae. Gofde- BHM. «. 4 Oct. 1*93: IcsBie l9Bbel: aari Ifasy JdbcT- A«fe— Cooaith.Ay«5iire:GtawsdJ.W b i> 1W ii nr. Aip*- e 90« q^ac Colonel EDWARD ALEXANDER MACKIE. Es- quire. ). P.. late Hon. Col. xst Vol. BalL K.O. Yorkshire Ll. (v. I).). Bom 1834. bcinR the third son of Robert lefferson Mackie, bv his wife iiarbara. CVw*— National Liberal. Armorial Dearingi— i'nly of six or and guk-s, on a bend engrailed aiure a n;ucissus between two mullets of six |>uints of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or. Crett— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit Aim gnisping a sword all pro|)er, a narcissus between two mullets as in the arms. Motto — " Uisce et labora." Starritd, ScpL 14, 1865. Emma Gertrude, daughter of R. D. Dunn of Manor House, Heath, Wakefield ; and has Issut — Four sons and five daughters. Seat — Kirkthorpe, Scarborough. 8 JOHN GIJVDSTONE MACKIE. Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant. Born July ao, 1854. being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Ivie Mackie of Auchencairn, by his wife Agnes, daughter of John (ihidstone of Castle Douglas. Club — Union. Armorial beariogB— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron, l>etween a lion f>assant azure, in chief and a raven in base of the second, a tower of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a hand holding a dagger proper. MottO — "Labore." Married, March i, 1882, Eliza Nina, daughter of the late James McKie, formerly M.P., of Bargaly. Seats — Auchencairn and Netherlaw, Castle Douglas, in the co. of Kirkcudbright. MACKINNON (181 1). Quarterly, i. vert, a boar's head erased argent, holding in the mouth a shank-bone of a deer proper (.Vlackinnon) ; 2. azure, a castle triple-towered and embattled argent, masoned sable, windows and port- cullis gules (Macleod) ; 3. or, a galley, her oars saltireways and sails furled sable, flags flying gules (Macdonald) ; 4. argent, a dexter hand couped fesseways proper, holding a cross crosslet fitch^ sable (Macdonald). Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — A boar's head erased, holding in the mouth the shank-bone of a deer proper. Supporters — On the de.xter side a lion, and on the sinister a leopard both proper. Motto — ' ' Audentes fortuna juvat." Son of William Alexander MacKinnon, Esq., J. P., D.L.. M.A. (Camb.), F.R.S., b. 1813; rf. 1903; m. 1846, Margaret Sophia, d. ofFrancisWilles, by Caroline, d. of Sir Thomas Whichcote : — Francis Alexander MacKinnon, Esq., J. P. and D.L. CO. Kent, ^. 1848; m. 1888, Hon. Emily Isabel Hood, d. of Rt. Hon. the ist Baron Hood of Avalon, G.C.B. , and has issue — (i) Alexander Hood MacKinnon, Gentleman, b. 189a ; (3) Arthur Avalon MacKinnon, Gentleman, ^. 1893 ; and Aline Emily Hood. Seat — Acryse Park, Folkestone, KenL Club — Union. MACKINTOSH, see FRASER-MACKINTOSH and KEIR-MACKINTOSH. ALFRED DONALD MACKINTOSH, of that Ilk, Chief of the Clan Chattan, J. P. and Deputy- Lieuten- ant Born June 24, 1851, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Alexander Mackintosh, of Mac- kintosh, by his second wife Charlotte, fifth daughter of Alexander MacLeod of Dalvey. Clubs — Carlton, Naval and Military. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i. or, a lion rampant gules ; 2. argent, a dexter band fesseways, couped at the wrist and holding a man's heart gules ; 3. azure, a boar's head couped or ; 4. or, a lymphad, oars in saltire sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling pules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries IS set for Crest, a cat-a-mountain salient proper. Sup- porters — Two wild cats proper. Motto — "Touch not the cat, but a glove." Married, 1880, Ella, only child and heiress of Edward Priest Richards, Esquire, of P14s Newydd, in the county of Glamorgan ; and has had Issue — Angfus Alexander Mackintosh, Gentleman, born August 6. 1885 ; and Violet Charlotte, died April 1883. Seats — Moy Hall and Dunachton. in the county of Inverness ; Cottrell, in the county of Cardiff. Street, lierkeley Square. Town house — 8 Hill W WILLIAM AUGUSTUS SCOTT MACKIRDY, O Esquire. D.L. for co. of Lanark (formerly William Augustus Scott), of Birkwood, co. Lanark. Bom July 29, 184a, being the elder son of Andrew Scott, Glasgow, by his wife Susan, dau. of John McKirdy of Birkwood. Clubs — New (Edinburgh), Conservative (Glasgow). Livery — Dark green with silver buttons. Armorial bearings- Parted per fesse argent and sable, in chief a martlet of the! second, and in base a fir-tree growing out of a mount sur- mounted of a sword bendways dexter, supporting on its point an antique crown or. U pon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi- wyvern displayed ppr. Motto— " Dieu et men pays." Married, June 10, 1880, Lucy {d. 1899), dau. of Edmund Bell, of Rothesay ; and has Issue— (i) Elliott Mackirdy Scott Mackirdy, Gentleman, b. March 9, 1881 ; (2) Charies David Scott Mackirdy, Gentleman, bom September 25, 1893; Anna Mary ; Susan Katharine ; and Lucy Augusta. Estate and postal arfrfrew— Birkwood, Lesmahagow, co. Lanark, N.B. 5 JOHN MACLACHLAN of Maclachlan, Esquire, J.P. CO. Argyll, D.L., and a member of the King's Body- guard for Scotland. Born 1859, being the second son of George Maclachlan of Maclachlan, Esquire, by Mary his wife, daughter of John Thow. Armorial bearings —He bears for Arms : Four coats quarterly, i. or, a lion rampant gules ; 2. argent, a dexter hand couped fesseways, holding a cross pat^e paleways gules ; 3. or, a galley, her oars in saltire sable, placed in the sea proper ; 4. argent, in the base und^e vert a salmon naiant proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a castle situated upon a rock is the Military Cockade. Q^ac e^at 903 all proper ; and for his Supporters, on either side of the escutcheon, a roebuck proper. Motto — "Fortis et fidus." Estate — Maclachlan or Strathlachlan. Postal addresses — Elizabeth Allan (died 1885), d. of Andrew Thomson, Merchant, of Glasgow : — Robert Craig Maclagan, Esq., Doctor of Medicine Castle Lachlan, Strachur, Argyllshire ; 12 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh. Cluds — Junior Carlton, New (Edin- burgh). MACLAGAN (L.O.). Argent, two chevronels sable within a bordure vert, charged with three martlets or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his de- gree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a beaver passant. Motto — " Principiis obsta." Livery — Green, with black facings. Son of Sir Andrew Douglas Maclagan, Knt. Bach., (Edin.), Hon. Col. 5th V.B. the Royal Scots, upon whom the Volunteer Decoration has been conferred, J. P. for co. of Midlothian, b. March 6, 1839; m. Oct. 12, 1865, Jane Robertson Bayne, d. of John Webster of Thankerton House, Lanarkshire ; and has issue, Douglas Philip Mac- lagan, Esq., Writer to the Signet, b. Aug. 12, 1867. Residence — 5 Coates Crescent, Edinburgh. Clubs — Cale- donian, and University (Edinburgh). SAMUEL M'LARDY, Gentleman. Born 1842, being the son of John M' Lardy. Armorial toeaxings— Or, a galley, oars in action, sails furled sable, flagged gules, surmounted of an eagle displayed proper, beaked and is the Naval Cockade. 904 cpac inrmberrd of the third, in the dexter chief point nn estoile, and in the sinister chief ix>int a dexter hand couped of the last. p>^Ti^»«y saMe. doubleii or. OrMt— On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand couped proper, holding a cross crosslct fitch^e and erect or. Motto — " In te fido." Resi- dence — Basford Mount, Higher Crumpsall, Manchester. M'LAREN (26 Dec. 1902). Or, two chevronels gules, between two edock-leaves slipped vert in chief and in base a galley sable, flagged of the second. Mantling gules. doubled or. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a sword argent, hilted and pommelled or, and a shepherd's crook in saltire entwined with a wreath of laurel proper. Mott — " Per ensem pro pedo." Son of William Sinclair M'Laren, b. ; d tn. Miizabcth, d. er, hilted and pommelled of the second. Mantling azure doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-man affronts proper, banded round the temples azure and or, holding in the hands a bar of iron fessways also proper ; and above, in an escroU, a Motto (in Gaelic characters), " Caraid 'san aire " (a friend in need). Married, July 13, 1871, Marion Lydia, dau. of Rev. James Mecredy, D.D. ; and has Issue — (i) John Peers MacLulich, Gentleman, 3. April 17, 1872 ; (2) James Mecredy MacLulich, Gentleman, b. Aug. 14, 1874 ; (3) Archibald MacLulich MacLulich, Gentleman, b. Oct. 26, 1876; (4) Donald Alex- ander MacLulich, Gentleman, b. Dec. 22, 1878 ; (5) Duncan Herbert Smith, b. March 14, d. July i6, 1881 ; Marion Lydia (d. 1889) ; Dora Caroline ; Eveleen ; Clara Irene ; Alice Maud May ; and Aim^e Muriel. Postal address — 25 Rue des Cascades, Chantilly, Oise, France. HUGH MITCHELL MACNAMARA MACMAHON- CREAGH, Capt. and Hon. Major 7th Brig. South Irish Division R.A. ; assumed by Royal License the additional name and arms of Creagh in 1885. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron gules, between three laurel branches vert, a cross crosslet sable for distinction, on a chief azure, three bezants. Mftn t1^"g vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a horse's head erased argent, caparisoned gules, in the headstall of the bridle a laurel branch vert, and charged on the neck for distinction with a cross crosslet sable. Motto — " Virtute et numine." Mar- ried, Sept. 4, 1884, Olivia, sister of Richard Creagh of Dangan ; and has Issue — A son, b. 1885. Seat — Dangan Kilkishen, Dangan Cross, co. Clare. S WALTER MACMILLAN- SCOTT, Esquire, J. P. for Roxburgh and Selkirk, D.L. for Roxburgh, late Capt. Scottish Ik)rderers (Mil.), and formerly Lieut. 6th Dragoon Guards. Bom April 11, 1848, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Thomas Macmillan- Scott, Esq., of Wauchope and Pinnacle Hill, by his wife Katherine Jane, dau. of Browne Roberts, Esq., of Ravens- bourne Park, CO. Kent, formerly of the Bengal Army, and High Sheriff of Calcutta. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4 or, on a bend azure, a mullet between two crescents of the first, a bordure com- pony of the second and first (for Scott) ; 2 and 3 per pale or and argent, a lion rampant sable, in chief three mullets azure (for Macmillan). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantUng gules doubled argent ; and for his Crests, i. a stag's head erased gules (for Scott) ; 2. a dexter and sinister hand issuing from the wreath brandishing a two-handed sword all proper (for Macmillan). Mottoes — (over the crests) — " Miseris suc- curro ; " (under the arms), " Ardenter amo." Married, 1876, Antonietta, eldest daughter of Theodore Henry Dury of Bonsall Leys, in the county of Derby ; and has Issue — Thomas Alexander Frederick Macmillan-Scott, Gentleman, b. 1881 ; Cecile Margaret. Stats — Wauchojje, Hawick, N.B. ; and Pinnacle Hill, Kelso, N.B. C/a*— Union. ALEXANDER MACMORRAN, Esquire, K.C., Barris- ter-at-Law (Middle Temple), M.A. (Edin.). Born 1852, being the eldest son of Thomas Macmorran of Newton Stewart, co. Wigtown. Armorial bearings— Azure, a sword in bend projser, pommelled and hilted or, in the sinister chief a dexter hand coujsed, and in the dexter base a paschal lamb or, carrying a banner argent charged with a cross gules. Mantling azure, doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand couped gules ; and is the Naval Cockade. 9o6 ^ac ^ac in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Virtus virtutis pnvmium." Aiarritd, 1883, Kdiih Kate, youngest daa of G. E. Mead of 22 Cheyne Walk, S.W. Residence — Laving- ton, Putney Heath, London, S.W. Club — St. Stephen's. MACMORROUGH, quartered by BARNEWALL. Mcmullen (H. Coll.). Argent, on a fesse azure, between three leopards rampant proper, as many crosses moline of the first. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a leopard as in the arms, between two trefoils slipped vert Motto — Son of Alexander Peter McMuUen, Esq., J. P., of Hertford Castle, b. \ d. ; m. : — Norman McMullen, Gentleman, b. . Res. — St. Leonard's Place, Bengeo, Herts. ARTHUR MACMURROGH-MURPHY, Esq., "of Oulartleigh," co. Wexford ("The O'Morchoe," Chief of MacMurrogh-Murphy of Oulartleigh (O'Morchoe, Chief of his sept), by his second wife Rebecca, dau. of the Rev. John Bagwell Creagh of Bally Andrew, co. Cork, Rector of Rincurran, and Vicar of Carrig, co. Cork. Armorlai bear- iBgt — Argent, a hawthome tree eradicated vert, fructed gules, on a chief of the last, a lion passant guardant or. Marritd, Nov. 19, 1863, Susjin Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Bradley, M.D., of Kells Grange, co. Kilkenny, by his wife Sophia, dau. of Robert Wolfe of Tentore, Queen's Co. ; and has had Issue — (i) Rev, Thomas Arthur MacMurrogh- O'Morchoe (resumed ancient name by deed poll 1895), M. A. Trin. Coll., Dublin, b. March 23, 1865 {m., April 8, 1891, Anne, dau. of John George Gibbon. Esq., LL.D., of Kilten- nell, CO. Wexford, and has, with other issue, Arthur Donel MacMurrogh-O'Morchoe, Gentleman, b. June 3, 1892]; (3) Arthur MacMurrogh-O'Morchoe, Gentleman,^. Sept. 33, 1866 (d. April i8, 1899) ; (3) William MacMurrogh-O'Mor- choe, Gentleman, b. July 12, 1868; Sophia Rebecca [»«., firstly, Aug. 38, 1888, Francis Richard Wolfe (rf. April 18. 1900), eldest son of the Rev. Prebendary R. R. WoHe, M.A., of Leighton, co. Devon, and Lord of the Manor of Islington ; tn., secondly, Aug. 11, 1903, Raymond William French, son of the late Ven. Thomas Fitzgerald French, Archdeacon of Killaloe] ; Gertrude Susan (deceased) ; Edith MacMur- rogh \in., Aug. 2, 1899, James Robinson]; and Mary Augusta MacMurrogh. Seat — Monamolin, co. Wexford. Residence — Kerrymount, Foxrock, co. Dublin. MACNAGHTON, see WORKMAN-MACNAGHTON. \ NOITIDGE CHARLES MACNAMARA, Esquire, Surgeon-Major (retired) Indian Army, Vice-President of j the Royal College of Surgeons 1893 and 1896. Bom Oct. 14, 1832, being the sixth son of the late Daniel Macnamara, Esq., R.N., of Douras, Burren, co. Clare, by his wife; Frances, dau. of George Fennell, Secretary to the Ad- \ miralty. Club — Athenaeum. Armorial bearingfs— Gules, his sept, and representative of the Teighema or Lord of Hy Felimy). Born Jan. 4, 1835, being the only son of Arthur a lion rampant argent, in chief two spear-heads or, a cres- cent argent for difference. MantUng gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a naked arm holding a scimitar all proper. Motto — " Firniitas in coelo." Mar- ried, March 6, 1865, Maria Louisa, second and youngest dau. of Hon. Vincent Henry Bayley, Judge of the High Court, Calcutta; and has Issue — (i) Charles Carroll Mac- namara, Esq., Capt. Royal Irish Rifles, b. May 23, 1875; (2) Patrick Macnamara, Gentleman, Cadet R.N., b. Jan. 11, 1886 ; Nora \m., Feb. i, 1888 (as his second wife), Montagu Lubbock, M.D., son of Sir John William Lubbock, third Bart.]; Adeline Louisa \m., July 22, 1893, Major Rouse, R.A., D.S.O.]; Oona \m. at Calcutta, Nov. 21, 1890, Bertram Standen, of the Bengal Civil Service, CLE.]; Sheila; Maive \m., Feb. 19, 1898, F. C. Goodenoughj; and Dorothy. Residences — 19 Grosvenor Street, London, W. ; The Lodge, Chorleywood, Herts. MACNAMARA (U.O.). Gules, a lion rampant argent, in chief two spear-heads or, a crescent argent for difference. is tlie Military Cockade. ^ a^ac apac 907 Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a naked arm holding a scymetar all proper. Motto — " Firmitas in coelo." Sons of George Houseman Macnamara, M. R.C.S. , b. 1825; rf.1899; m. ist, 1851, Louisa Eliza, d. of Edward Winckworth of Cowley Hall, Hillingdon ; 2nd, 1887, Susanna Ellen, d. of Francis Fowler Figg : — Hugh Winckworth Macnamara, Gentleman, Surgeon R.N. , b. 1859; m. 1887, Charlotte Maria, d. of William George Ward of Nottingham ; and has issue — (i) Hugh Charles Macnamara, Gentleman, b. 1888; (2) Hugh John Macnamara, Gentleman, R.N., b. 1890. Res. — George Locknell Macnamara, Gentleman, b. 1888. Res.— Sons of Francis Nottige Macnamara, Esq., M.D., Surgeon-Major Indian Army, b. 1831 ; d. 1899 ; m. 1853, Amy, d. of Frederick Dawes Danvers, Clerk of Council of Duchy of Lancaster : — Rev. Henry Danvers Macnamara, M.A. (Oxen.), Minor Canon of St. Paul's 1884-93, and now Hon. Minor Canon Rector of St. James's, Garlickhithe, and Priest in Ordinary to the King, b. 1854; m. 1879, Alice, d. of Charles Fan- shawe Glanville ; and has issue — (i) Robert Danvers Macnamara, Gentleman, b. 1881 ; (2) Michael Francis Macnamara, Gentleman, b. 1884 ; (3) Arthur Macnamara, Gentleman, b. 1887 ; Elsie ; and Bertha. Res. — St. James's Rectory, Queenhythe, E.C. Eric Danvers Macnamara, Gentleman, M.A. , M.B. Camb., M.R.C.S., M.R.C.P., b. 1870; m. 1904, Frances, d. of William Simpson Craig. Res. — Beaufort House, Ham, Surrey. MACNAUGHTON, quartered by MACBRAYNE. Surgeon-Major JAMES GLAUSSEN MACNEECE, son of Rev. James MacNeece, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. University of Dublin, late Rector of Parish of Clonfeacle, in the Diocese of Armagh. Armorial bearings — Per chevron azure and sable, on a chevron argent, between three eagles rising proper, as many cross crosslets of the second. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising proper, charged on the breast with a cross crosslet sable. Motto — " Fiducia non astutia. " Surgeon - Major THOMAS FREDERICK MAC- NEECE, younger son of Rev. James MacNeece, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. University of Dublin, late Rector of Parish of Clonfeacle, in the Diocese of Armagh. Armo- rial bearing^ — Per chevron azure and sable, on a chevron argent, between three eagles rising proper, as many cross crosslets of the second (a crescent for cadency). Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising proper, chargea on the breast with a cross crosslet sable. Motto — " Fiducid non astutia." WILLIAM JOHN M'NEIGHT. Gentleman. Bom June 25, 1834, being the eldest son of Robert M'Neight, by his wife Mary, dau. of Robert Moore of Dromandony, Drumara, co. Down. Armorial bearings — Per fesse argent and or, a fesse invected azure, between in chief two lions' heads erased of the last, langued gules, and in base a unicorn's head of the third, armed and crined of the fourth. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, out of the battlements of a tower sable, masoned argent, a dexter arm embowed, vambraced, the hand holding a spear in bend transfixing a lion's head erased all proper. Motto — "Omnia Deo committo." Married, March 18, 1868, Sara Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Robert Henry Anderson of Slaney Lodge, Baltinglass, CO. Wicklow; and has Issue — (i) William Robert Percival M'Neight, Gentleman, M.A., M.D. Trin. Coll., Dublin, b. July 23, 1873 [tn. 1903, Kathleen Mary, eld. dau. of the late Col. and Mrs. Halahan of Sydenhurst, Chiddingfold, Surrey ; and has issue, Eithne Frances] ; (2) Arthur Ander- son M'Neight, Gentleman, M.B. Trin. Coll., Dublin, b. July 9, i88c ; (3) Guy Mortimer M'Neight, Gentleman, b. May 14, 1882 ; Emily Mary ; Olive Jane ; and Clare Raba- teau. Residence ~Sa.n Remo, Howth. Clubs — National, Royal Irish Yacht (Kingstown). ALEXANDER M'NEILL, Gentleman, late R.E., b. 1834, being the eldest surviving son of the late Alexander M'Neill of Colonsay, Oronsay, by his wife Anne Elizabeth, fourth dau. and coheir of John Carstairs, Gentleman, of Stratford Green, Essex, and Warboys, co. Huntingdon. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, quarterly i. and iiii., azure, a lion rampant argent, armed and langued gules; ii., argent, a sinister hand couped fesseways in chief gules, in base wavy azure, a salmon naiant of the first; iii., or, a galley her oars in saltire gules, on a chief of the seeond three mullets of the first, the whole within a bordure gules (for M'Neill) ; 2 and 3, azure, on a chevron argent, between three sunflowers slipped proper, as many buckles of the first (for Carstairs). Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, an arm in armour embowed, holding a dagger proper. Motto — " Vincereaut mori." Married, 1859, Mary, dau. of Colonel Leighton, and has issue. Seat — Colonsay, Greenock. McNeill of Tearfargus (L.O., matric. c. 1672-7, regd. U.O. ). Quarterly, i and 4, azure, a lion rampant argent ; 2. per fesse wavy argent and azure, in chief a sinister hand apaum^e couped at the wrist fessewise, in base a salmon naiant proper; 3. or, a lymphad, sails furled, flags flying gules, oars in action proper, on a chief of the second, three mullets of the first, the whole within a bordure gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed, holding in the hand a sword all proper. Son of Edmund Alexander McNeill, Esq., of Cushen- den, J. P., b. 1787; d. 1879; m. 1817, Rose, eld. d. of Alexander McNeill, Esq., J. P., of Ballycastle : — Edmund McNeill, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Antrim (High Sheriff 1879), b. 1821 ; m. 1851, Mary, eld. d. of Alexander Miller of Ballycastle, co. Antrim, late Treas. of that CO. ; and has issue — Ronald John McNeill, Gentleman (9 Morton Gardens, S.W.), b. 1861 [m. 1884, Elizabeth Maud, d. of William Bolitho of Polwithin, Penzance ; and has issue — Esther Rose ; Mary Morwenna Bolitho ; and Loveday Violet]; Anne Charlotte Lavinia \fn. 1885, Rev. John T. Penrose, Rector of Gawsworth] ; and Mary Violet \m. 1887, Rev. Walter Hobhouse, M.A. J Seat — Craigdunn, Craigs, co. Antrim. S ERNEST WILLIAM STEWART KING MAC- ONCHY, Esquire, Capt. 4th Sikhs, D.S.O. Bom June 18, i860, being the third son of the late George Maconchy, Esq., B.A., J. P. for cos. Longford and Wexford, High Sheriff for co. Longford 1846, by his first wife Louisa Elizabeth, dau. of John Goddard Richards of Ardamine, co. Wexford. Armorial bearings Gyronny of eight gules and ermine, on a fesse or, three thistles slipped proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a demi-swan, wings expanded proper. Motto — " Humani nihil ahenum." Married, 1895, Caroline, dau. of Alexander Campbell of 8 Cornwall Gardens, S. W. ; and has /M«tf — (i) George Alexander Maconchy, Gentleman, b. Dec. 1896. Residence— S FREDERICK CAMPBELL MACONCHY, Esquire, D.S.O., Capt. East Yorkshire Regt. Born Aug. 22, 1868, being the fourth son of the late George Maconchy, Esq., B.A. , J. P. for cos. Longford and Wexford, by his second wife Janet, widow of Major Middleton, 7th Dragoon Guards, and dau. of Colin Campbell of Colgrain, co. Dum- barton. Armorial bearings— Gyronny of eight gules and ermine, on a fesse or, three thistles slipped proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a demi-swan, wings expanded proper. Motto— " Humani nihil alienum." Married, firstly, Jan. i, 1899, Maud Elinor, second dau. of George Arthur Thompson, of Terrington Hall, co. York; secondly, Sept. 21, 1901, Mary Eleanor, eldest dau. of Major Robert Bethune, late Gordon Highlanders. Residence — Club — Naval and Military. GEORGE CAMPBELL MACONCHY, Gentleman. Bom Jan. 23, 1859, being the second son of the late George Maconchy, Esq., B.A., J. P. for cos. Longford and Wex- ford, High Sheriff for co. Longford 1846, by his first wife Louisa Elizabeth, dau. of John Goddard Richards of Ardamine, co. Wexford. Armorial bearings— Gyronny of eight gules and ermine, on a fesse or, three thistles slipped proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-swan, wings expanded proper. Motto — "Humani nihil alienum." Married, 1887, Lily, dau. of J. Metherall ; and has Issue —A dau. is the Naval Cockade. » 9o8 e&at JOHN ARTHUR MACONCHY. Esnuir.-. J. P. co. lx>nKfonl. flom June lo, 185a, being the eldest son of the late Cieoree Maconchy. Ksq., B.A., J. P. for cos. Longford and Wexford. High Sheriff ft>r co. Longford 1846, by his fin.t wife Louisa Klizabetli, dau. of lohn Ciot«tit lln g gules and argent. Grost — On a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain passant guardant, resting the forepaw on an escutcheon of the arms. Motto — "Virtue is honour." Postal address — 6a Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin. MADDEN (U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4, sable, a falcon seizing a mallard argent, on a chief or, a cross bottonn<5e gules (Madden, 1635); a and 3, or, a pile engrailed sable (Waterhouse). M«nt.i, a lion rampant sable, billety erminois, munilly crowned, gorge«l with a chain rcHexed over the back, and holding bet«ern the forepnwsa leopard's face or. Motto — " Magna est Veritas." Only son of Sir Willlnm Magnny, ist Bart., of Post- ford Housi". Surrey, Ixird Mayor of the City of London 1&43, t. 1797 ; )atant or, supporting a sword in pale proper, in base two crescents of the second. Blant- ling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a hawk rising, belled and hooded proper, on each wing a crescent or. MottO — " In periculis audax." Seat — Ballinkeele, near Enniscorthy, co. Wexford. t7«^ J— Raleigh. St. Stephen's (Dublin). MAHON, see PAKENHAM-MAHON. MAHON (U.O., 29 Sept. 1818). Per fesse sable and argent, an ostrich counterchanged , in the beak a horse-shoe or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, garnished or, the gauntlet grasping a wavy sword. Motto — "jMoniti meliora sequamur." Sons of Rev. Sir William Vesey Ross Mahon, 4th Bart., b. 1813; d. 1893; m. 1853, Jane, d. of Rev. Henry King of Ballylin, King's Co. : — Sir William Henry Mahon, sth Bart. (14 Apl. 1819). of Castlegar. D.S.O., J. P. and D.L. co. Galwav (High Sheriff 1898). J.P. West Rdg. Yorks., Lt-Col. conidg. 4th Batt. West Yorks. Regt. . served in S. Africa 1900-1902, b. 1856 ; m. 1905, Hon. Edith Dillon, d. of Lord Clonbrock. Seat— Castlegar, Ahascragh, co. Galway. C/ki^j— United Service (S.W.), Kildare Street (Dublin). John FitzGerald Mahon, Esq. , b. 1858; m. 1898, Lady Alice Evelyn Browne, d. of Marquess of Sligo. Res.~ 33 Cadogan Square, S.W. C/«*j— Wellington, Hurling- ham, Kildare Street (Dublin). Edward Mahon, Esq.,*. 1862. /?w.— Vancouver City, British Columbia. Gilbert Mahon. Esq., b. 1865; m. 1895, Fanny, d. of John Blakeney of Abbert, co. Galway. Res.—j Hans Crescent Mansions, S.W. Son of John Denis Fitzjames Ker Mahon, Esq., J. P., of Ballydonelan Castle, b. 1819; d. 1900; m. 1850, Harriet Salisbury, d. of Capt. John Dillon. J.P. :— George Charles Ker Mahon. Esq., J. P.. b. 1852; m. 1889. Wilhelmina, only child of William Persse. Seats— Ballydonelan. Loughrea; Kilereeny. Ballinasloe. co. Galway. Club— RoyaX St. George Yacht (Kingstown). SLiEUTENANT-CoLONKL MAURICE HARTLAND MAHON. Annorial bearlngfs - Or, a lion rampant azure, langued gules, a martlet sable for difference. Mant- ling azure and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, an heraldic tiger passant, holding in the dexter paw a broken tiltins-spear all proper, and charged on the shoulder with a martlet sable for difference. Motto " Buaidh bingh." ei^af) CHARLES PATRICK MAHON-HAGAN, Esquire.iH| Capt. Clare Art. S. Div. R.A. Bom 1867, being the son of^B; the late Charles George Mahon, Esq., J. P., of New Park (d. i88a), by his lirst wife Rosa Elizajjeth, fouriii dau. of the late Rear- Admiral Sir Robert Hagan, and assumed the additional surname and arms of Hagan by Royal Licenc dated Aug. 11, 1888. Annorial bearings Quarterly i and 4, argent, two sea-lions rampant gules supporting .an anchd in pale sable, in base a salmon naiant in waves of the set| all proper (for Hagan) ; 2 and 3, jier fesse azure and gules, 1 lion rampant or, between two roses in fesse argent, seedn and liarbed proper (for Mahon). Mantling gules and] argent. Crests i. out of a naval crown or, a demi-negrm affront^ with broken manacles depending from each wrist,] grasping in his dexter hand the Union Jack displayed on a flag-staff, and in his sinister hand, on a similar stafl, the cap of liberty all proper (for Hagan) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, out of a wreath of roses alternately argent and^_ gules, seeded or, barbed vert, a dexter arm in armou^^M embowed proper, garnished gold, holding in the gauntlet d^H baton also argent, and charged with a rose as in tbe^^ arms. Mottoes (under the arms) " Haec manus inimica tyrannis"; (over the first crest) " Vota vita mca"; (over the second crest) " So dom dona dhubhbuiltibh." GEORGE PHILIP GUN MAHONY, Esquire, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, Justice of the Peace for the county of Kerry, and High Sheriff 1876. Bom 1842, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Peirce K. Mahony, Esquire (who died 1850), of Kilmorna and Gunsborough , in the county of Kerry (High Sheriff 1844), by his wife Jane, third daughter of Robert Gun-Cuninghame, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant, of Mount Kennedy, in the county of Wicklow, by his first wife Elizabeth, only child go and heir of Archibald Hamilton Foulkes of Coolawinna, in the same county (High Sheriff 1789). Clubs — Windham; Kildare Street (Dublin). Livery— Full dress: dark green full-breasted coat piped white, gilt buttons, white cloth waistcoat; undress: darkgreenpip>ed white, gilt buttons. Ar- morial bearings (Ped. Regd. U.O.)— Quarterly, i. or, a lion rampant azure ; 2. per pale argent and gules, a lion rampant counterchanged ; 3. argent, a chevron gules, be- tween three snakes erect wavy sable ; 4. argent, a fesse is the Military Cockade. ^al) Q^ai 915 gules, surmounted by a bendlet azure. Crest — Out of a coronet of nine balls an arm vambraced embowed, the hand bare grasping a sword proper, piercing a fleur-de-lis or. Ancient crest, on a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed, grasping a flaming sword all proper. Motto — " Lasair romhuin a-buadh." Badge — The De Lacy knot. Estates — Kilmorna and Gunsborough, co. Kerry. Postal address — Kilmorna, co. Kerry. HAROLD SEGERSON MAHONY, Gentleman, B.A. Trin. Coll., Dublin. Born Feb. 13, 1867, being the only son of the late Richard John Mahony, Esq. , of Dromore Castle, CO. Kerry, B.A., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1853, by his wife Mary Harriette, eldest dau. of John Waller of Shannon Grove, co. Limerick, Barrister-at-Law. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or a lion rampant azure ; 2. per pale argent and gules, a lion rampant counter- changed ; 3. argent, a chevron gules between three lizards in pale sable. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, out of a coronet, surmounted on the brim thereof nine beads or balls, an armed arm holding a sword proper, pierced through a fleur-de-lis or. Motto — ' ' Lasair rom- huin a-buadh." Seat — Dromore Castle, Kenmare, co. Kerrv. JOHN MOORE MAHONY, Esq., J.P. co. Kerry (High Sheriff 1875), late Lieut. Kerry Militia. Born 1841, being the eldest surviving son of the late Daniel Mahony, Esq., J. P. , of Dunloe, High Sheriff of co. Kerry 1841 , by Frances, fifth daughter of the late John Mahony of Point House, Killarney (she died 1892). Armorial bearings— Quarterly I and 4, or a lion rampant azure ; 2. per pale argent and gules, a lion rampant counterchanged ; 3. argent, a chevron gules between three lizards in pale sable. Mant- ling azure and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a naked arm embowed, the hand grasping a sword flammant all proper. Motto — "Lasair romhuin a-buadh." PEIRCE MAHONY, Esquire, J.P. for the cos. of Kerry and Limerick, Barrister-at-Law, M.P. for North Meath 1886-92, an Assistant Land Commissioner 1881-84. Born June 9, 1850, being the youngest son of the late Peirce Kenifeck Mahony, Esq., J. P., of Kilmorna and Guns- borough, High Sheriff of co. Kerry in 1844, by his wife Jane, third dau. of Robert Gun Cuninghame, Esq., D.L. of Mount Kennedy, co. Wicklow. Livery — Blue, gilt buttons. Armorial bearings — Quarterly, i. or, a lion rampant azure ; 2. per pale argent and gules, a lion rampant counterchanged ; 3. argent, a chevron gules, be- tween three snakes erect wavy sable ; 4. argent, a fesse gules, surmounted by a bendlet azure, a crescent for difference. Mantling azure and or. Crest— Out of a coronet of nine pearls an arm vambraced and embowed, the hand bare grasp- ing a sword proper, piercing a fleur-de-lis or, charged with a crescent for difference. MottO— " Lasair romhuin abuadh." Married, April 24, 1877, Helen Louise (d. 1899), only dau. of the late Maurice Collis, Esq. ; and has Issue~(i) Pierce Gun Mahony, Gentleman, b. March 30, 1878 [m. 1903, Ethel Tindal, dau. of late John James Wright, M.D., of Malton, Yorks; (2) Dermot Gun Mahony, Gentleman, b. April 2, 1881. He married, secondly, 1901, Alice, eldest dau. of late Lieut.-Col. Frank Johnstone. Estate —Grange Con, in the co. of Wicklow. Postal address — Grange Con, co. Wicklow. MAINWARING, see CAVENAGH-MAINWARING, MASSEY - MAINWARING, and MILMAN - MAIN- WARING. § CHARLES FRANCIS KYNASTON MAINWAR- I NG, Esquire, J. P. , Hon. Major 3rd Batt. O.xfordshire Light Infantry. Born Dec. 17, 1871, being the eldest son of the late Salusbury Kynaston Mainwaring, Esq., J.P., D.L., and High Sheriff' 1870, by his wife Edith Sarah, second dau. of the late Sir Hugh Williams, third Baronet, of Bodelwyddan, in the county of Denbigh. Clubs — ]vimo{ Carlton. Armorial bearings — Argent, ^wo bars gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Out ■"' a ducal coronet or, an ass's head couped proper ; with Motto, " Devant si je puis." Afarried, July 16, 1903, Mary Sybil, third dau. of Sir James Rankin, Bart., M.P. , of Bryngwyn, Hereford. Estates — Oteley, Brombrough. Postal address — Oteley, Ellesmere. S CHARLES SALUSBURY MAIN WARING, Esquire, V. D. , D. L. , M. A . Oxon. , J. P. cos. Denbigh , Merioneth , and Carnarvon, Col. late ist Vol. Batt. R. Welsh Fusiliers. Born July 7, 1845, being the eldest son of Townshend Mainwaring, Esq., of Galltfaenan, co. Denbigh, J.P., M.P. for Denbigh 1841-1848 and 1857-1868, by his wife Anna Maria, dau. and coheir of Col. John Lloyd Salusbury of Galltfaenan. Armorial bearings -Argent, two bars giiles. Mantling gules and argent. Crest- Out of a ducal coronet or, an ass's head couped proper. Motto — " Devant si je puis." 5fa/- Galltfaenan, Trefnant, N. Wales. Clubs— Carlton, Junior Carlton, Boodle's. HORATIO MAINWARING, Gentleman, twelfth son of the late Rear- Admiral Rowland Mainwaring, R. N., J.P. and D. L. , by his third wife Laura Maria Julia Walbergha, only child of Florian Chevillard, one of Napoleon's colonels. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, two bars gules ; 2 and 3 gules, a scythe argent ; and impaling the arms of Parker-Jervis. Mantling gules and argent. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, an ass's head erased proper, haltered argent. Motto — "Devant si je puis." Married, July lo, 1888, Gertrude Mary, dau. of Edward John Parker-Jervis of Pyre Hill, co. Stafford. Residence — KARL HEINRICH AUGUSTUS MAINWARING- Esquire, Capt. R.N., seventh son of Rear- Admiral Row, land Mainwaring, R. N., J.P. and D. L. ; served with dis- tinction at the battle of the Nile and the blockade of Copenhagen, by his wife Sophia Henrietta, only child of Major Duff, 26th Regt. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, three bars gules ; 2 and 3 gules, a scythe argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an ass's head erased proper, haltered argent. Motto — "Devant si je puis." Married, 1876, Florence Maud, dau. of Henry Foley of Wistow Manor, Hunts. Residence — The Rev. PERCY EDWARD MAINWARING, M.A., Rector ofWhitmore, Newcastle-under-Lyme. Born Dec. 14, 1857, being the fifth son or the late Rev. Charles Henry Mainwaring, Rector ofWhitmore, Newcastle-under- Lyme, M.A. Oriel Coll., Oxford, by his wife Jane, fourth dau. of the Rev. Sir Henry Delves Broughton, eighth Bart. , of Doddington. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, two bars gules ; 2 and 3 gu'es, a scythe argent. Mantling gules and argent. Motto — " Devant si je puis." Residence — Whitmore Rectory, Newcastle-under- Lyme. RANDOLPH MAINWARING, Gentleman, eighth son of Rear- Admiral Rowland Mainwaring, R. N., J.P. and D.L. , by his third wife Laura Maria Julia Walbergha, only child of Florian Chevillard, one of Napoleon's colonels. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, two bars gules ; 2 and 3 gules, a scythe argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an ass's head erased proper, haltered argent. Motto — " Devant si je puis." Married, Aug. 15, 1883, Edith Laura Vernon, youngest dau. of Henry Foley, B.A. Univ. Coll., Oxford. Residence — ROWLAND BROUGHTON MAINWARING, C. M.G. , Esquire, Col. Com. 23rd Regtl. Dist. , the male representative of the family. Borti Sept. 11, 1850, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Charles Henry Mainwaring, Rector of Whitmore, M.A. Oriel Coll , Oxon., by his wife Jane, fourth dau. of the Rev. Sir Henry Delves Brough- ton, eighth Bart., of Doddington. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, two bars gules ; 2 and 3 gules, a scythe argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — ■ On a wreath of the colours, an ass's head erased proper, haltered argent. Motto — "Devant si je puis." Married, 1880, Evelyn Louisa, dau. of late Capt. Mervyn Archdale, J.P. , D.L. Residences — Wrexham; The Lodge, Bern- bridge, Isle of Wight. Club — Army and Navy. is the Naval Cockade. 9i6 dfiai 90m chari.es vere townshknd mainwarino- ELLERKI:R-0NSL0W, Kstjuire. Horn May 31. 1848, being ihe eldest son of the late Arthur Edward Onslow, Esq., Lieut. -CoL Lite Scxjts Fusilier Guards (grandson of the and I'larl of Onslow), by his wife Margaret Anne, second dau. of lulward Ferrers. Esq., of IJaddesle^. Clinton, by his wife l.A(tv M.iiTict ; he assumed the additional surnames and arms o( Mainwaring and EUerker by Royal Licence. March a, i8q8. Livery— Red and white. Armorial bear- lag* Qiuuterly of 8. quarterly i. and iiii., argent, a fesse Gloucester, son of King Edward III.). [Quar/erinj^s No. a-6 have not, strictly speaking, been yet inherited, but the appears little doubt that they will shortly devolve in du course]. Mantling gules and argent. OreBts i. upon wreath of the colours, an eagle sable, preying on a partridg or (for Onslow) ; a. (on the dexter side) a dolphin haurient' and a sea-dragon or, emitting flames of tire proper, cn>l>owcd and addorsed, and entiled by a ducal coronet, charged (for distinction) with a roundle counterchanged (for Elierker) ; 3. (on the sinister side) out of a ducal coronet or, an ass's gules between six Cornish choughs proper (for Onslow) ; ii. azure, a fret and chief argent, a canton of the tirst for dis- tinction (for Elierker) ; iii. argent, two bars gules (for Main- waring) ; 2. gules, seven mascles conjoined, three, three and one or, a canton ermine (for Ferrers of Groby) ; 3. azure, a chevron ermine between three escallops argent (for Towns- hend) ; 4. sable, a lion passant guardant or, between three esquires" helmets argent (for Compton) ; 5. paly of six or and azure, a canton ermine (for Shirley); 6. argent, a fesse gules, in chief three torteaux (for Devereux) ; 7. argent, a cross engrailed gules, between four water-bougets sable (for Bourchier]; 8. ciuarterly i. and iiii., azure, three fleurs- de-lis or (for France) ; ii. and iii., gules, three lions passant guardant in pale or (for England), all within a bordure argent (for Thomas Plantagenet of Woodstock, Duke of head proper (for Mainwaring). MottO — " Festina lente." Married, Oct. 31, 1876, Amelia Tolson, dau. of Frederick Roger Carter; and has /jj«« ( 1 ) Arthur Guildford Main- waring-EUerker-Onslow, Gentleman, 6. July 8, 1888 ; Ara- bella Vere Gwendolen ; and Minnie Margaret Matilda. /Residence - Ingleby, Wimborne Road. Bournemouth. Clubs — Junior Conservative, Bournemouth Club (Bournemouth). MAITLAND. quartered by WARRENDER. ALEXANDER CHARLES RICHARDS MAITLAND, Gentleman, M.A. (Corpus Christi Coll., Oxford), Barrister- at-Law. Bom 1845, being the second but eldest surviv- ^ is the Military Cockade. a^at Q^ai 917 ingson of the late Augustus Maitland, Esq., W.S. (fourth son of Sir Alexander Charles Maitland, 2nd Bart.) by his wife Elizal^eth Jane, dau. of the Rev. Dr. William Page Richards (and granddau. of .Sir J. Strachan , Bart. ). Armo- rial bearingfB— Or, a lion rampant gules, couped in all his [joints of the field, within a double tressure flory and counter- iflory azure, a bordure engrailed ermine. WTaTitllTig gules [and or. Crest— Upwn a wreath of his liveries, a lion sejant [erect and affrontte gules, holding in his dexter p)aw a sword [proper, hiked and pommelled gold, and in his sinister a fnetir-de-lis argent. Motto — " Consilio et animis." Resi- idences — CWSAen, Teignmouth, Devon; 20 Buckingham Mansions, S.W. C/u6— Oxford and Cambridge. DAVID MAITLAND, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. for the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. Bom July 5, 1848, being [the eldest son of the late Stuart Cairns Maitland of Cumstoun and Dundrennan, by his wife .Margaret Shippen, dau. of [ Dominick Lynch. Armorial bearingB — Quarterly i and 4, [or a lion rampant couf>ed at all the joints, within a bordure [embattled gules (for Maitland); 2 and 3 argent, the ruins ' an old abbey on a piece of ground all proper, as pro- _ ietor of the Barony of Dundrennan, on which stands the ^bbey of Dundrennan. Upon the escutcheon is placed a elmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled [argent ; and up>on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, . demi-monk vested in grey, holding in his dexter hand a tccucifix argent, and in his sinister a rosary prop>er. Motto -"Esse quam videri." Married, Oct. 17, 1872, Ellinor IFrances, dau. of the late Thomas Gray Scott ; and has tissue — (i) Stixart Cairns Maitland, Gentleman, d. Oct. 19, ri873, S.C.M. Capt. Gordon Highlanders, killed in action rFeb. 24, igoo; (2) Claud Archibald Scott Maitland, [Gentleman, Gordon Highlanders, i. Nov. 12, 1874 ; (3) (Graham McDowall Maitland, Gentleman, d. May 20, 1 1879 ; Ellinor Isabel ; and Geraldine Veronica. Seais — ^ Dundrennan and Cumstoun, in the Stewartry of Kirk- Icudbright. Clud— Boodle's. WILLIAM FULLER MAITLAND, Esquire, J. P., D.L. CO. of Brecon, J.P. co. of Essex. Born May 6. 1844, being the eldest son of the late William Fuller Maitland of Stansted Hall, Essex, and of Garth, co. Brecon, by his wife, dau. of Lt. -Col. Prescott, 5th Dragoon Guards. Ar- morial bearings (Matric. L.6. June 18, 1673) -Or, a lion rampant gules, coujjed in all his joints of the field, within a bordure engrailed azure, charged with three griffins' heads erased of the first. Mantling gules and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, issuing from waves of the sfa proper, a demi-lion rampant as in the arms. Motto -" Luctor at emergam." Married, April 25, 1881, Hon. Evelyn Coulston Gardner, second Aaw. of Rt. Hon. 3rd Baron Gardner; and has Issve — (i) William Alan Fuller Maitland, Gentleman, b. April 13, 1882; (2) Richard Evelyn Fuller Maitland, Gentleman, b. April 19, 1885 ; (3) Robert Prescott Fuller Maitland, Gentleman, b. Nov. 30, 1887; and Lydia Susan. 5^a/— Stansted Hall, Essex. C/«^j— Brooks's, Pratt's. MAITLAND-MAKGILL-CRICHTON(rematric. L.O.. 21 May 1904, cadet of Maitland, Earls of Lauderdale). Quarterly, i and 4, argent, a lion rampant aziu-e, armed and langued gules (Crichton, c. 1672-7) ; 2. or, a lion rampant couped in all its joints gules, within a double tressure flowered and counterflowered azure (Maitland, c. 1672-7) ; 3, gules, three martlets argent (Makgill of Ran- keilour, c. 1672-7). Mantling^ ((kxter) azure, doubled argent; (centre) gules, doubled or ; (sinister) gules, doubled argent. Crests — Dexter, on a wreath of his liveries, a dragon statant vert, spouting out fire proper. (Motto — "God send Grace "); centre, on a wreath of his liveries, a lion sejant affrontte gules, crowned or, holding in his dexter jjaw a sword proper, pommel and hilt gold, in the sinister a fleur-de-lis azure (Motto— "Consilio et animis") ; e is the Naval Cockade. 9i8 sinister, on a wreath of his liveries a martlet argent ^Motto —"In Domino confide"). #al Batchelor, Esq., J Audrey Katharine. P.. of Hill Wootton, Warwick]; an Seat— Rotherfield Court, Ilenley-on' I Son of David Maitland-Makgill-Crichton, Esq., of Raiikeilour, late 78th Highlanders, 6. 1854 ; d. 1889 ; m. 1875, Emily, d. of Charles Drummond Bailey of Charlton Musgrove, Somerset ; — Charles Julian Maitland-Makgill-Crichton, Esq., of Lathrisk, Largo, and Monzie Castle, heir-of-line of the Viscts. Frendraught, Member of the Corps of Royal Archers (the King's Bodyguard for Scotland),^. 1880; m. 1902, Sybil Twynihoe, d. of Twynihoe William Erie, late a Master of the Supreme Court. Seats— Lathrisk, Fife; Largo, Fife; Monzie Castle, Perthshire. Ciud — St. James's. MAKGILL, see MAITLAND-MAKGILL-CRICH- TON. Thames. Town residence — i Lowther Gardens, Princes| Gate, S.W. Cluis—Carhon, Albemarle. MALBANK, quartered by BARTLETT. MALCOLM, quartered by KERR. W Colonel Sir WILLIAM THOMAS MAKINS, Bart. O 1902, V.D. , J. P. for cos. of Oxford and Essex, D.L. for Essex, one of H.M.'s Lieutenants for the City of Lon- don, M.P. for S.W. Essex 1874-92, Hon. Col. ist Essex Vol. Artillery, Eastern Div. R.A., M.A. Trin. Coll. . Canib. , Barrister-at-Law, Deputy Chairman G.E. Railway, and Governor of the Gas Light and Coke Company. Burn March 16, 1840, being the eldest son of Charles Makins, by his wife Frances, dau. of Thomas Kirkby, Leeds. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a fesse embattled counter-embattled gules, between in chief two falcons projjer, belled or, and in base a lion's face of the second, an annulet or between two bezants. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, encircled by an annulet or, and holding a flagstaf!" there- from flowing a banner argent, charged with a lion's face gules. Motto — " In lumine luce." Married, Ju\y j, 1861, Elizalieth, second dau. of Lightly Simpson, Chairman of Great Elastern Railway; and has Issue — (i) William Henry Makins, Gentleman, 13th Hussars, i. Dec. 6, 1863 [m. Mary Agnes, only dau. of Sir Charles Lawrence Young, Biirt., of North Dean, Bucks, and d. Dec. i, 1889]; (2) Basil Thomas Makins, Esq., J. P., late Lieut. Royal Bucks Hussars, i. Sept. 6, 1868 ; (3) Paul Augustin Makins, B.A., Gentleman, d. 1870 [m., 1900, Gladys Marie, dau. of WilHam Vivian, 185 Queen's Gate] ; (4) Oscar Matthew Makins, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., d. 1872; Mary Elisa- beth [m., 1890, Major J. E. Clauson, R.E.); Agatha Caroline ; Veronica Luce [m. , April 14, 1896, Allan Isdward MALCOLM of Poltalloch (rematric. 1818, orig. matric. 1773)- Quarterly, i and 4, argent, on asaltire azure, between four stag's heads erased gules, five mullets or (Malcolm of Poltalloch); 2 and 3, qrly. i. and iiii., or, two chevronels gules, between as many buckles fessewise in chief and a hunting-horn in base azure, stringed g^les (Orme of Bal- vaird, 1818); ii. and iii., argent, a fesse dancettte sable, between three Cornish choughs proper (Thomas, 1818 — the second and third quarters in 1818 being then on an escutcheon of pretence over the arms of Malcolm, and so matriculated). Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of the liveries, a tower argent. Supporters — On either side a stag at gaze proper, collared and chains reflexed over the back or. Mottoes — (Above the crest) " In ardua tendit," (below the arms) " Deus refugium nostrum." Livery — Blue and silver (for full dress white coat) : — Eld. surv. son of John Malcolm of Poltalloch, Esq., M.A., J. P., D.L., b. 1805; d. 1893; m. 1832, Isabella Harriet, second d. of Hon. John Wingfield Stratford of Addington Place, Kent: — Edward Donald Malcolm, Esq., C.B. (1881), Col. R.E., J. P., b. 13 Nov. 1837 ; m. 17 July 1867, Isabella Wyld, d. of John Wyld Brown ; and has surv. issue— (i) John Zacchary Malcolm, Esq., J. P., M.P. for Stowmarket Div. of Suffolk (36A South Audley Street, Mayfair), b. 1868; (2) Neill Malcolm, Esq., D.S.O. , Capt. 93rd Highlanders, b. i8< _ (3) George Harold Malcolm, Gentleman, b. 1875; (4) Maurice de Wiveleslie, Gentleman, Lieut. K.O. Scottish is the Blilitary Cockade. ^al apal 919 Borderers, served in S. Africa 1900-1, b. 1877 ; (5) William Alastair Malcolm, Gentleman, Lieut. H. Lt. Inf., served in a tower argent, masoned sable. Motto — " In ardua tendit." Married, firstly, April 15, 1857, Mary, second dau. of James Douglas of Cavers, co. Roxburgh, and by her (who d. May 12, 1859) had an only child, Mary Douglas of Cavers ; assumed the name of iJouglas on the death of her uncle James Douglas of Cavers [ot. , Nov. 12, 1879, Capt. Edward Palmer, Esq. , youngest son of Rev. George Palmer, M.A. , Rector of Siillington, co. Sussex, and has issue]. He S. Africa 1900-1, b. 1881 ; Margaret Emily; and Dorothy Isabel. 6Vfl/^—Poltalloch, Lochgilphead, Argyll; Lamor- bey, Sidcup, Kent. Sir JAMES -WILLIAM MALCOLM, 9th Bart, of Balbeadie (Nova Scotia, July 25, 1665), J. P. co. Nor- folk, late Capt. R. Pembroke Artil. Militia. Born March 29, 1862, being the eldest son of the late James Malcolm, by Adeline his wife, dau. of Capt. James Attye, S2nd Light Infantry. Clnb — Boodle's. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a saltire azure between four stags' heads couped gules, a bordure indented of the third ; and impaling the arms of Sandeman, namely argent, the emblem of Truth, a naked woman standing on a terrestrial globe issuing out of the base, in her dexter hand an open book, in her sinister which is elevated above her head a branch of palm, and on her breast the sun in splendour all proper, and a veil across her middle of the first within a bordure gules, charged with three fleurs-de-lis also of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a pyramid encircled with a laurel wreath ppr. ; and in an escroU above the same this motto, " Ardua tendo ; " and below the arms the Motto, " Dei donosum quod sum." Married, 1885, Evelyn Alberta, dau. of Albert Sandeman, Esq. ; and has Issue — (i) Michael Albert James Malcolm, Esq., b. 1898 ; (2) Alex- ander Ernest William Malcolm, Esq., b. 1900; Elspeth Mary Isobel ; and Griselda Helen Adeline. Residence — Tostock Place, Suffolk. WILLIAM ELPHINSTONE MALCOLM, Esquire, J. P. and D.L., M.A. Camb., late Col. ist Dumfries Rifle Vol. Born Dec. 27, 1817, being the only surviving son of the late Admiral Sir Poulteney Malcolm, G.C.B. , G.C.M.G., by his wife Clementina, dau. of the Hon. William Fullerton Elphinstone. Armorial bearings — Or, on a saltire azure, between four stags' heads erased gules, five crescents of the field, on a dexter canton of the second a mural crown of the first, and a medal pendent therefrom. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert. married secondly. May 2, 1866, Charlotte Elizabeth, eldest dau. of the Hon. Alexander Leslie Melville of Branston Hall, CO. Lincoln. Seat — Burnfoot, Langholm, co. Dum- fries. The Rt. Hon. Sir EDWARD BALDWIN MALET, 4th Bart., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., P.C. Born Oct. 10, 1837, being the second son of Sir Alexander Malet, 2nd Bart., K.C.B. , by his wife Marianne Dora, daughter of John Spalding of The Holme and Shirmers, in the county of Kirkcudbright; created C.B. 1871, advanced to the rank of K.C.B. 1881, and to that of G.C.B. 1885; G.C.M.G. 1885 ; appointed a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, 1885. Clubs — Travellers', Bachelors', St. James's, Garrick. Livery — Dress: white coats, red waistcoats, and breeches with silver braid ; undress : black, with red waistcoats and silver braid. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly of fifteen, i and 15 azure, three escallops or (for Malet) ; 2. gules, a lion rampant or, debruised by a bend ermine (for Fitchett) ; 3. argent, a chevron sable between three lions dormant guardant gules (for Hull) ; 4. argent, three cinquefoils and a canton azure (for Cliffe) ; 5. bendy of six argent and gules, within a bordure sable bezant^e (for Valetort) ; 6. gules, two demi-lions passant guardant in pale or (for Hatche) ; 7. sable, semte of mullets and three eagles' heads erased argent (for Woolrington) ; 8. vert, a saltire between four eagles displayed or (for Aleigh) ; 9. or, a fret sable (for Mordake) ; 10. gules, a fret or, in chief a mullet for difference (for Audley) ; 11. gules, a fesse engrailed ermine, surmounted by a pale engrailed ermine (for Durwyn) ; 12. azure, six mascles, three and three argent, in chief a label of three points throughout or (for Cready) ; 13. azure, on a chief argent, a demi-lion issuant gules (for Markham) ; 14. argent, two chevrons sable ; the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and by the collars and pendent therefrom the badges of a Knight Grand Cross of that Order, and of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, and impaling upon a second escutcheon the arms of Russell, namely argent, a lion rampant gules, on a chief sable, three escallops of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his is the Naval Cockade. 9>o ^al Q^an OrMt. out of n ducal coronet or, :in heraldic tiger's head crminr: and for his Bupportan, on cither side of the etcuicheon a sphinx, the iip|Kr part proper, the lower amine, hooded and charged on the shoulder with an eaodlop or; with the Mono, "Ma force dc en hault." Marritd, March lo, 1885. Lady Ermyntrude Sackville, second daughter of the Most Noble Francis Hastings and D.L. CO. Westmeath (High Sheriff 1852). *. 1817; //. i8<)4; m. ist, 1844, Elisabeth, d. of Col. Henry Peisley L' Estrange of Moystown. King's Co. Col. John Richard Malone, J.F. and U.L. (High Sheriff 1896). late lath I.4incers, late Col. comdg. 6th Bait. Rifle Brigade, b, 1846 ; m. ist, 187a, Hon. Charlotte Mildred Yarde- Huller, sister of and Lord Churston ; and, 1893, Catherine Russell, ninth Uuke of Bedford. Es/a/es— Wrest Wood, Bexhill, Sussex ; Chftteau Malet, Monaco. Pos/a address — 85 Elaton Square, London, S.W. MALING (H. Coll.). Ermine, on a chevron vert, between two falcons close in chief proper and a rose in base gules, barbed and seeded of the third, a falcon rising of the last, between two roses argent, seeded or. Mantling' vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon two roses argent, barbed and seeded, a falcon rising proper, holding in the beak a rose gules, barbed and seeded, slipped and leaved also proper. Sons of Edward Haygarth Maling of Sunderland, i. ; d. ; m. : — Edwin Allan Maling, Esq., J.P. co. Durham, 6. 1838; m. , Maria, d. of late James Hartley, Esq., D.L,, J.P. J!*s. — Carlton House, Mowbray Road, Sunderland. MALMAINS, quartered by CONYERS. MALONE, see L'ESTRANGE-MALONE. MALONE (U.O.) Gules, a lion rampant between three mullets argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a man in armour spear in hand resting on the ground all proper. Motto — " Fidelis ad urnam." Son of John Richard Malone, Esq., of Baronston, J.P. Cecil, d. of Major J. W. Percy, late Norfolk Regt. ; and has issue — (i) John Richard Mordred Henry L'Estrange Malone, Gentleman, late Lieut. 6th Batt. Rif. Brig., i. 1875 [m. 1898, Ethel Victoria, d. of late R. H. Boyd Rochfort of Middleton Park, Westmeath ; and has issue — Reginald John Malone, Gentleman, fi. 1899]; (2) Roderick O'Connor Vivian Henry Vere Malone. Cientleman, Lieut. Roy. Irish Fus.,*. 1879; U) Victor Mildred Charles Malone, Gentle- man,^. i88i ; (4) Henry Anthony Percy Malone, Gentleman. 6. 1894; (5) Richard Maurice FitzGerald Malone, Gentleman, 6. 1897. Sea(s — Baronstown, Ballinacargy, Mullingar; Shinglass, Ballymore, Moate, co. Westmeath. MALORTIE, quartered by HOARE. MALPAS, quartered bv GROSVENOR, TAUNTON, and TEMPEST. MALTRAVERS, quartered BROWNE and MOSTYN. by DU MOULIN- MALTRAVERS HERALD, see HOWARD, MAN, Isle of, quartered by MURRAY and MACLEOD. MAN, see STUART, is the Military Cockade. e^m Q^an 921 GEORGIANNA MAN BEY. Widow, only surviving child of the late Rear-Admiral John Harper, C.B. , K.L.A. , by his first wife Anna Maria, d. of Lieut. Chandler, R.N. Born at Paignton, co. Devon. Married 1850, George Manbey of Guildford, co. Surrey, 6th son of the late William Manbey, Esq., of Stratford Grove, co. Essex, and Norfolk Square, Brighton, J, P. for the co. of Essex. Armorial bearings (carried upon a lozenge) — Erminois, a lion rampant resting the forepaws on an anchor erect sable, within an orle of eight escallops gules. Issue — (i) William John de Manbey, Gent,, of Boissevain, Manitoba, Canada (to whom refer) ; (2) Rev. George Henley Manbey (to whom refer) ; and Elizabeth Blanche [tn. ist, Alexander Maclennan (issue a d., Effie Blanche); 2nd, Fidward Oliveire Jones]. Jfes. — Brookfields, London Road, South- end-on-Sea, Essex. The Rev. GEORGE HENLEY MANBEY, M.A. Oxon. , formerly Vicar of St. Alban's, Acton, co. Middle- sex, second son of George Manbey, Esq., of Acton, co. Middlesex, formerly of Drummondville, in the Province of Quebec, J. P. for that Province, by his wife Georgiana, dau. and eventually coheir of Rear-Admiral John Harper, C. B. , Knight of Leopold of Austria. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, erminois, a lion rampant resting the fore- paws on an anchor erect sable, within an orle of eight escallops gules (Manbey) ; 2 and 3, Jacklyn. Mantlfiig sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of an anchor in bend sable, an arm in armour erect couped at the elbow proper, charged with an escallop gules, and holding in the liand a dagger in bend sinister also proper. Married, and has Issue. Residence — Southend, Essex. WILLIAM JOHN DE MANBEY, Gentleman, District Registrar of tlie Land Titles District of Boissevain in the Province of Manitoba. Born Oct. 23, 1853, being the eldest son of the late George Manbey [assumed by Royal License the name and arms of Manbey in lieu of those of (Tidy], Esq., of Acton, co. Middlesex, formerly of Drum- nondville, Quebec, J. P. for that Province, joint Lord of the lanors of Trem Hall and Great Doddinghurst, and joint Patron of the Rectory of Doddinghurst, all in co. Essex, by his wife Georgiana, dau. and eventually heiress of Rear- Admiral John Harper, C. B., Knight of Leopold of Austria, of Halifax, Nova Scotia, and Joldwynds, co. Surrey, and by Deed-PoU has assumed the name of De Manbey in lieu ^of Manby. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, linois, a lion rampant resting the fore-paws on an ichor erect sable, within an orle of eight escallops gules iManby) ; 2 and 3, azure, two barrulets argent, between Iwo eagles' heads erased in chief and a garb in base or. In the fesse point three roses of the second, barbed and [seeded proper (Jacklyn, April 30, 1831), and claims to quarter Manbey of Elsham. Mantling sable and or. ■ Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of an anchor in bend sable, an arm in armour erect couped at the elbow proper, charged with an escallop gules, and holding in the hand a dagger in bend sinister also proper. Motto — " Fidelis exsulatas." [Genealogy, see Burke's "Colonial Gentry."] Married, 1880, May Elizabeth Antoinette, eldest daughter and co-heir of Francis William Breach of Shanklin, Isle of Wight, and of Los Alamos, Sonora, Mexico ; and has Issue — (i) Wilfrid Nigel Barnwell de Grandville de Manbey, Gentleman, b. Nov. 28, 1891 ; (2) Anthony RaoulSt. Amand d'Estoteville de Manbey, Gentleman, b. June 13, 1896; (3) Thomas More Hugh de Lyndsay de Manbey, Gentleman, b. Dec. I, i8g8 ; Edith Mary Donne Harper (d. 1897); and Muriel Dorothy More Harper. Residence — Boissevain, Manitoba, Canada. THOMAS MANBY-COLEGRAVE. Born Dec. 30, 1847, being the third son of the late John Manby of Cann Hall, Lieut. 3rd Light Dragoons, who assumed by Royal License, July 14, 1868, in pursuanceof the will of his great grand-uncle, William Colegrave, Esq. , the surname of Colegrave in lieu of his patronymic Manby, and subsequently resumed the name of Manby in addition to that of Colegrave, by his wife Louisa Maria, only dau. of Lieut. John Matcham Isaac. Armorial bearings — Argent, two bars gules, each charged with as many crescents or, between three pheons of the second. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an ostrich feather erect azure, and two arrows in saltire or, barbed and flighted argent, banded by a mural crown gules. Motto — " Fidei constans." Married, first, Sept. 16, 1879, Alice Amy (who died without issue Dec. 17, 1880), dau. of Col. Stewart; second, Feb. 8, 1882, Alice, dau. of Frederick Cayley Worsley ; and has Issue - Gerard Thomas Manby-Colegrave, Gentleman, b. Feb. 26, 1886. MANDER (H. Coll.). Gules, on a pile inverted ermi- nois, three annulets interlaced two and one of the field. Blantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion couped ermine, holding in the paws two annulets interlaced fesswise gules, between two buffalo- horns of the last. Motto— " Vive bene." Zzwry- Blue, yellow facings, brass buttons. ' Sons of Charles Benjamin Mander, Esq., J. P., of The Kiu Mount, Wolverhampton, (/. 1878 ; m. Sophia, d. of John Weaver, M.D. , of Chester : — Charles Tertius Mander, Esq., J. P. and D.L. Staffs (High Sheriff 1903-4), J.P. Wolverhampton (Mayor 1892-6), is the Naval Cockade. 923 ei^an Major Siftff*. Imp. Yeom.. M.A. (Camb.). d. 185a; m. jB8a. Mary l-e Mwurier. d. of Henry Nicholas Painl of ilalifux. Nova Scolia, M.P. in the Dominion Farl. ; and haa issue — (i) Charles Arthur Mandcr, Gentleman, 6. 1884 ; Kt Gerald Poynton Mantler. Gentleman, />. 1885; and hisy St. Clair. ^*«i/— The Mount, Wolverhampton. C"/i«*x— United University, 'I'liatched House, Cavalry, Con- stitutional. Neville Hanlwry Marnier. Ksuise. d. of Maj-Gen. A. E. Campbell of Tlymouth ; and has issue— Hilda Winifred ; and Irene Hanbury. Seat- Venn, nr. Wolverhampton. 67«^— Junior Carlton. John Harold Mancier, Esq., Capt. Uuke of Cornwall's Ll. Inf.,*. 1869. AVf.— Sons of Alderman Samuel J'heodore Mandcr, B.A. , J. P., of Wightwick Manor, d. 1853 ; d. 1900; m. 1879, Flora St. Clair, d. of Henry Nicholas Paint of Halifax, NoN-a Scotia, M.P. in the Dominion Parliament : — Geoffrey I >e Mesurier Mandcr, Gentleman, B.A. (Camb.), *. 188a. AVody with two llcurs-de-lis in fesse and collared gemel, and resting the dexter fore-paw on a fleur-de-lis all argent. Motto — "Esse quam videri." Postal address — Moulton Grange, Northampton. JAMES MANFIELD, Esquire. Armorial bearings- Argent, on a fesse flory and counterflory, between in chief late Sir Philip Manfield, Kt. Bachelor, M.P. for Northamp- two stags courant and in base a greyhound also courani sable, three martlets of the field. Mantling sable anff argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a greyhound sable, collared gemel, charged on the body with two fleur de-lis, and resting the dexter fore-oaw on a fleur-de-lis argent. MANISTY (1825). Gules, on a bend engrailed or,| between two open books argent, three eagle's heads erased sable, a bordure of the second. Mantling gules and or.] Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an' estoile of six points or, thereon a dove argent, wings elevated and addorsed, holding in the beak a scroll. Motto (below the arms) — " Literoe decus et solamen." Sons of the late James Forster Manisty of Durban, Natal, (J. 1835; d. 1895 ; m. and, 1865, Julia Warlnaby of Leicester : — (Two sons resident in Natal). Son of Rev. James Manisty, M.A. , Rector of Easington, CO. Durham, and R.D., 6. 1807; d. 1872; m. 1830, Junie de Jombert : — Henry Clayton Manisty, Gentleman, 6. 1847 ; m. 1871, Charlotte Ellen, eld. d. of Henry William Fen wick of Newcastle-on-Tyne ; and has issue — (1) Henry Wilfred Eldon Manisty, Gentleman, R.N., i. 5 Oct. 1876; (2) Herbert Clennell de Marie Manisty, Gentleman, d. 21 Dec. 1881 ; Mabel Ellison [m. Major Sandwith, C.M.G.] ; Junie CoUingwood [m. Walter Shortt] ; Charlorte Esta ; and Adelaide Furye. Res. — Tynemouth, Northumberland. Post add. — Bramley, Guildford, Surrey. Sons of Hon. Sir Henry Manisty of Thurland Castle, Judge of the High Court, 6. 1808 ; d. 1890 :— Henry Manisty Esq., Solicitor, d. ; d. \ m. , and has issue — Edward Ashburner Manisty, Esq., i. Res. — 52 Lancaster Gate, W. Edward Manisty, Esq. , 6. ; m. . Res. — 24 Langham Mansions, Earl's Court Square, S.W. is the Military Cockade. e^m apan 923 Robert Manisty, Esq. , i. ; m. . Res. — New Zealand. Herbert Frances Manisty, Esq., K.C., Barrister-at-Law (Inner Temple), b. 1854. Res. — 19 Kensington Court Mansions, London: W. Chambers — 2 Dr. Johnson's Buildings, Temple, E.G. C//<^— Athenaeum. MANN (U.O.). Or, on a chevron engrailed ermine, between three lions rampant sable, a trefoil of the first. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, five spears proper, issuant from the top of a tower or, the tower charged with a trefoil vert. Motto — " Virtus vincit invidiam." Son of William Henry Mann, Gentleman, M.A., LL.B., b. 1856; d. 1897; m. 1882, Catherine Egerton Dysart, d. of Samuel Ewing Porter of Burt, co. Donegal : — Deane Mann, Gentleman, b. 1884. Res. — Lieutenant-Colonel JOHN DELALYNDE MAN- SEL, Esquire, J. P. and C.C, Lieut. -Col. late Rifle Brigade, Assistant Mil. Sec. and A.D.C. to Lieut.-Gen. Sir John Ross, K.C.B., in Canada; served in the Jowaki campaign 1877-78 (medal with clasp) also in Afghan campaign 1878-80 (medal with two clasps and bronze star). Born Oct. 3, 1850, being the eldest son of the late Lieut-Col. George Pleydell Mansel, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , by his wife Jemima Henrietta, dau. of William Gambler (by his wife the Countess of Athlone). Armorial bearings Argent, a chevron between three maunches sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cap of maintenance in- flamed on the top proper. Motto " Quod vult valde vult." Married, April 24, r888, Mildred Ella, dau. of Arthur Edward Guest, fifth son of Sir Josiah John Guest, ist Bart. ; and has Issue — {\) Rhys Clavell Mansel, Gentleman, b. Feb. 3, 1891 ; Marcia Eugenia ; and Juliet Ella Meimei. Seat — Smedmore, Corfe Castle, Dorset. The Late THOMAS ALFRED MANN, Gentleman. Bom Feb. 13, 1843, being the son of John Mann and Ann hiswife, wt'ijMawson. Livery — Claret. Armorial bearings — Per saltire azure and erminois, on a fesse dovetailed between three goats statant argent, as many annulets sable, and impaling the arms of Elmhirst, namely, barry wavy of six argent and sable, a canton paly of six of the same. Crest On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi- gryphon argent, guttle de-larmes, three annulets interlaced fesseways sable. Motto — " Per ardua stabilis." Married, June 15, 1882, Mary Elizabeth, second dau. of the late Rev. William Elmhirst of Elmhirst, near Barnsley ; and has Issue — Frances Marjorie ; and Edith Bridget. Residence — Round Green, near Barnsley. S GEORGE ESPEC JOHN MANNERS, Esquire, Hon. Major 3rd Batt. Leicestershire Regt. 1897, B. A. Trinity Coll., Cantab., D.L. and J. P. Suffolk. Born June 17, i860, being the second son of Colonel Lord George John Manners and the Lady Adeliza Matilda, dau. of the Most Noble the 13th Duke of Norfolk. Livery — Blue, with yellow facings. Armorial bearings— Or, two bars azure, a chief quarterly of the last and gules, in the first and fourth quarters two fleurs-de-lis, and in the second and third a lion passant guardant, all or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a peacock in his pride proper. Motto — "Pour y parvenir." Married, April 24, 1884, Anna Sophia Gilstrap, dau. of the late George Gilstrap of Winthorpe, Newark-on-Trent. Seat — Fornham Park, Bury St. Edmunds. Clubs — Carlton. MANNING, quartered by CONYERS and FOX. MANNINGFORD, quartered by SOMERS. ERNEST DIGBY MANSEL, Esquire, Major late High- land Light Infantry. Born Oct. 10, 1855, being the third son of the late Lieut.-Col. George Pleydell Mansel, J. P. and D.L. , by his wife Jemima Henrietta, dau. of William Gam- bier (by his wife Henrietta, Countess of Athlone). Armorial bearing^ - Argent, a chevron between three maunches sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a cup of maintenance inflamed on the top proper. Motto -"Quod vult valde vult." Married, Nov. i, 1882, Henrietta Cecilia, dau. of Sir John Don Wauchope, 8th Bart. Residence^ . Club -tinval and Military. EUSTACE GAMBIER MANSEL, Esquire, Captain late Oxfordshire Light Infantry, served in Soudan campaign 1884 (medal with clasp and bronze star). Born Oct. 31, 1853, being the second son of the late Lieut.-Col. George Pleydell Mansel, J. P. and D.L. , formerly Captain 60th Rifles, by his wife Jemima Henrietta, dau. of William Gambler (by his wife the Countess of Athlone). Armorial bearing^ —Argent, a chevron between three maunches sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a cap of maintenance inflamed on the top proper. Motto — "Quod vult valde vult." Married, May 19, 1883 Mary Eleanor, dau. of the late Captain Belgrave, R.N. and has Issue —PhiVip Eustace Mansel, Gentleman, b. 1884 and Lily Dorothy. Residence — S ROBERT HENRY MANSEL, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. for Monmouthshire (High Sheriff 1896), late Captain and Hon. Major 5th, late 2nd, Batt. Royal Dublin Fusiliers, late Brigade Major Severn Volunteer Infantry Brigade, Lieut.-Col. and Hon. Col. Commanding 2nd Vol- unteer Batt. South Wales Borderers. Born May 3, 1849, being the eldest son of Robert Shum Mansel, Esq., J.P. for Northumberland, by Sarah, dau. of Valentine Hutchinson, Elder Brother of the Trinity House. Livery — Red and white. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a chevron argent, three martlets sable, on a chief of the second, two maunches of the third. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a falcon rising or, holding in the beak a lily, leaved and slipped proper, and supporting with the dexter leg two swords in saltire points upwards also proper, pommels and hilts gold. Motto — " Cunctanter tamen fortiter." Married, Oct. 7, 1875, Lilian Augusta, only child of the late Thomas Morgan Llewellin, Esq., J. P., by Eliza, only dau. of the late Samuel Trevor Addams - Williams of Caerleon and Llangibby ; and has Issue— (x) Robert Trevor Llewelyn Mansel, Gentleman, b. Jan. 5, 1878 ; (2) Jestyn Llewelyn Mansel, Gentleman, 7th Dragoon Guards, b. May 15, 1880 ; Lilian Llewelyn \m. J. Wyndham Smith, Esq., J.P., of Aramstone, Herefordshire]; Gwladis is the Naval Cockade. 9»4 c^an 6®an Llewrlyn; und Ada Llewelyn. Stats— 'The Broadtower, Caerlron, Muniitouthshire ; KlnindilT Court, Abergnvenny. CHARLES JAMES CARDEN MANSERGH. Gentle- man. /ton$ FeU 17. 1874, being the eldest son of the late Major Neville Frederick Manst'rgh, by his wife Anne Eliza- beth, only dau. of James Gilxw of Clifton. Armorial bearinxi -Argent, a bend raguly gules, between three arrows points downwards of the last, llighted and barbed or. Wkntltng gules, doubled argent. Orett — Out of a ducal coronet proper, charged with a label of three points gules, a demi-lion rainpiuit argent, gorged with a collar raguly of the second, and holding in the dexter paw an arrow point downwards of the last, flighted and Inrbed or. Motto — "Tout jour pret." Residence Cape Town, South Africa. CORNEWALL LEWIS WARWICKSHIRE MAN- SERGH, Gentleman. Bom Nov. 25, 1863, being the eldest son of the late Major John Craven Carden Mansergh, by his second wife Lucinda Maria Georgina, third dau. of William Smith of Capetown, Private .Secretary to H. E. Sir Benjamin Durlxan, Governor of Cape Colony. Armorial bearings — .Argent, a bend raguly gules, between three arrows points downwards of the last, flighted and barbed or. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet proper, charged with a label of three p>oints gules, a demi-lion rampant argent, gorged with a collar raguly of the second, and holding in the dexter paw an arrow point downwards of the last, flighted and barbed or. Motto— " Tout jour pret." Married, Jan. 22, 1891, Zol- dehnda, dau. of Goert Van Rheede, R.M. and Civil Com- missioner of Stellenbosch ; and has Issue — Charlotte Linda. Residence — Wynberg, Cape Town, South Africa. M DANIEL JAMES MANSERGH, Esquire, J. P. for co. w Tipperary, late Col. Com. South Tipperary Artil. Militia, formerly served as Ensign 19th Regt. Boi-n 3rd Nov. 1836, being the eldest son of the late Rev. James Wentworth Mansergh, Rector of Kilmore, Diocese of Cashel, by his wife Catherine, third dau. of Col. Owen Lloyd of Rock- ville, CO. Roscommon. Armorial bearings — Argent, a bend raguly gules, between three arrows point downwards of the last, flighted and barbed or. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet prop)er, charged with a label of three points gules, a demi-lion ram- pant argent, gorged with a collar raguly of the second, and holding in the dexter paw an arrow point downwards of the last, flighted and barbed or. Motto -"Tout jour pret" Married, July 3, 1866, Margaret, the third dau. of Austin Cooper of Camas. Seat — Grallagh Castle, Thurles, CO. Tipperary. HENRY CHARLES MANSERGH, Esquire, J. P. co. Cork, Maj. 39th Regt. Bom Feb. i, 1835, being the second son of the late John Craven Mansergh, Esq., J. P., late Lt.- Col. and Paymaster R. A. , by his wife Anna, dau. of Thomas San Wilmsdorff Richards of Rathnaspeck, co. Wexford. Armorial bearing^ — Argent, a bend raguly gules, between three arrows points downwards of the last, flighted and barbed or. Mantling gules, doubled argent. (S'est — Out of a ducal coronet proper, charged with a label of three f)oints gules, a demi-lion rampant argent, gorged with a collar raguly of the second, and holding in the dexter paw an arrow p>oint downwards of the last, flighted and barbed or. Motto — "Tout jour pret." Married, Nov. 2, 1865, Emily, dau. of Rt. Hon. William Yates Peel, and grand- dau. of Sir Robert Peel, ist Bart. ^^-a/- Rocksavage, Castletowmroche, Fermoy, co. Cork. SThe Late JAMES MANSERGH, Esquire, High Sheriff co. Radnor 1901, President of the Institution of Civil Engineers 1900-1901, Fellow of the Royal Society. Bom 1834, being the second son of the late John Burkit Mansergh of Lancaster, by his wife Elizabeth. Armorial bearings— Barry wavy of eight argent and azure, gutt^e- d'eau, on a bend between six arrows barbed and flighted gules, three fountains prop>er. Mantling aznre and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wyvern sejant and erect gules, gorged with a collar wavy argent, and sup- porting with the claws an arrow erect gules, barbed and flighted argent. MottO— "Tout jour prSt." Married, firstly, Mary (whor Woulfe) ; 4. argent, a chief indented sable (for Power). lf«nt.Hny sable and argent ; and for his Creist, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, garnished or, the hand holding a sword also proper, pommel and hilt gold. Motto— "Turns fortitudinis." MarrUd. \iT7' Alice, eldest dau. of Count d'Audebard de F^russac of Pleurs, France ; and has, with other Is^ue, Flustace Lattin Mansfield, Gentleman, b. 1879. Seat — Morristown Lattin, Naas, co. Kildare. ARTHUR FRENCH MANT, Gentleman, Solicitor. Bom Oct. 19. i86x, being the second son of the late George French Mant, by his wife Louisa Sopliia, dau. of Francis David Mudd. Armorial bearings— Erminois, a lion ram- p.nnt azure, on a chief per pale ermine and gules an ojjen book propedibus meis." Married, August 3, 1881, Louisa Hare, third dau. of George Hammond of Thakeham, in the county of Sussex ; and has had Issue — Charles Edward Mant, Gentleman, bom April 23, 1888 ; Ethel Frances, born and died October 1882 ; and Daisy I^uisa Hare. RICHARD MANT, Gentleman. Bom Dec. 20, 1845, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Frederick Woods Mant. B.A. . Rector of Armoy. Connor, by his wife Isabella Council, dau. of John Thomas Alston of Liverpool. Ar- morial bearing! — Erminois. a lion rampant azure, on a chief per pale ermine and g^les. an open book proper, cl.-isped and garnished or. between a rose of the fourth and another argent, both l>arbed and seeded projier. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion ramf>ant argent, holding between the paws a cross Calvary sable. Motto — " Lucerna pedibus meis. ■ ' Residence — WALTER MANT. Gentleman. Bom Nov. 17, 1835, being the third son of the late Arthur Mant, by his wife Frances, dau. of Thomas Amoore of Angmering. Armo- rial bearing^— Erminois, a lion rampant azure, on a chief j>er pale ermine and gules an open book pro[>er, clasiK-d and garnished or, between a rose of the fourth and anoiher argent, both bnrbed and seeded proper. Mnn^iiny azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampitnt urgent, holding between the paws a cross Calvary Siible. Motto — " Lucerna pedibus meis." Married, Feb. a6, 1867, Agnes, dau. of Charles Gaselee. MAPOTHER (U.O.). Sable, a griffin passant, wings elevated argent. betwt«n three escallops or. Son of John Edward Mapother of Kilteevan, b. \ d. ; m. 1824, Catherine, d. of Owen O'Conor Don', " The O'Conor Don " : — Thomas Austin I'atrick Mapother, Esq., J. P. and D.L. CO. Roscommon (High Sheriff 1868), b. Seat—YJA- teevan House, co. Roscommon. MAR, quartered by DOUGLAS, ERSKINK, MON- T.\GU-DOUGLAS-SCOIT. SINCLAIK-ERSKINE. The Right Honourable JOHN FRANCIS ERSKINE GOODEVE-ERSKINK, Earl of Mar, and Lord Garioch, M.A. of the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford, one of the Representative Peers of Scotland. Born March 29, 1836, being the only son of Lady Frances Jemima (sister of the Rt. Hon. the twenty-fifth Earl of Mar), and William James Goodeve of Clifton ; assumed the name of Erskine in 1866, on the death of his uncle, the Right Honourable John Francis Miller, twenty-fifth Earl of Mar ; succeeded his uncle June 19, 1866, as twenty-sixth Earl. Creation —Before 1014 ; allowed precedence 1404 on the documents available and produced at the Decreet of Ranking of 1606. Livery — Black, with white collar and cuffs. Armorial bearingrs- Quarterly i and 4, azure a bend be- tween six cross crosslets fitch^e or (for Mar) ; 2 and 3 argent, a pale sable (for Erskine). Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled ermine ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand proper, holding a cutlass argent, hiked and pommelled or. Supporters— Two griffins argent, armed, beaked, and winged or. Motto — " Je pense plus." Married, September 12, 1866, Alice Mary Sinclair, daughter of the Late John Hamilton of Hilston Park, in the county of Monmouth ; and has Issue — John Francis Hamilton Sinclair Cunliffe Brooks Forbes Goodeve- Erskine, Elsquire (Lord Garioch), born February 25, 1868. 6V<2^ - Sunnington Rise, Bournemouth. Club— Carlton. SThe Right Honourable WALTER JOHN FRANCIS ERSKINE, Earl of Mar and Kcllie, twelfth Earl of Mar and fourteenth Earl of Kellie and seventeenth Lord Erskine, Viscount Fentoun, Baron Dirleton, Premier Viscount of Scotland, and a Repre.sen- tative Peer for Scotland, Lord-Lieutenant county of Clackmannan, formerly Lieut, ist Batt. Scots Guards, Hon. Lieut.-Col. 7th Vol. Batt. Princess Louise's Arygll and Sutherland Highlanders. Born August 29, 1865, being the eldest son of the Right Honourable the eleventh Earl of Mar and Kellie, by his wife Mary Anne, daughter of William Forbes of Medw yn ; succeeded his father 1888. Creations — Earl of Mar, July 29, 1565; Earl of Kellie, March 12, 1619 ; Viscount Fentoun, March 18. 1606; Baron Erskine, 1429 (and Alloa, 1489); Baron Dirleton, 1603. Armorial bearings— He bears for Amu : Quarterly i and 4, argent, a pale sable (for Erskine) ; 2 and 3 azure, a bend between six cross crosslets fitch^e or (for Mar). Over all, on an escutcheon gules, the Imperial crown of Scotland proper, within a double tressure flory counterfiory or, ensigned with an Earl's coronet (for the Earldom of Kellie), impaling the arms of Ashley-Cooper, namely argent, three bulls passant sable, armed and unguled or (for Ashley) ; 2 and 3 gules, a bend engrailed between six lions rampant or (for Cooper). Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and there- upon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable doubled ermine ; and upon wreaths of the projaer liveries are set the two following Crests, upon the dexter side a dexter hand holding a skene in pale argent, hilled and pommelled or ; and on an escroll over the same this motto, " Je pense plus" (for Erskine) ; and upon the sinister side. ^ is the Military Cockade. 9a8 ai^at a^at m drmi-Uoo nunputi gu*rdant gules, armed argent, and on an cscroU over the same this motto, " Decori-decus addit avito " (for Kellie). iopporUra -Two griflins gules, artned, beaked, and winged or ; underneath this Motto, " Unione ISoctior." Mamtd, July 14, 189a, Violet, commonly known as Laidy Violet, daughter of the Right Honourable Anthony Aahley-Cooper. eighth Vja\ nf Sh.iftesbury ; and had Issue— John Francis Ashlcv Krskmc, Esquire, commonly called Lord Erskine, born April a6, 1895 ; Elync Violet, commonly known as Lady Elyne Violet, died August a, 1893. Kttatu—tMon, Forest and Ferryton ; and Kellie Castle in the county of Fife and the " Lordship of Stiring." Seat —Alloa House, in the county of Clackmannan. MARDON (H. Coll.). Gules, on a bend cottised argent, between two unicorn's beads erased of the second, a pellet between two Cornish choughs proper. Mantling siippca arecni , wiiii iiic aauiibu, i^nercne qui 1 Married, June 7, 1893, Elizabeth Walker, daughter of Donald Larnach; and has Issue — Ivan Donald Margary, Gentleman,^. Nov. 33, 1896. Postal address — MARINDIN (matric. L.O.. 17 Jan. 1903). Quarterly I and 4. azure, a sea-stag parted per pale argent and < (Marindin, arms in use since 17th cent.; matric. L.o 17 Jan. 1903) ;• 3. argent, on a chevron between thn ^les and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant out of a wreath of roses gules, leaved proper, a unicorn's head as in the arms, charged with a pellet. Motto — " Probitas verus honos." Son of James Mardon, b. 1808 ; d. 1897 ; ni. 1835, Mary, d. of John Morris : — Heber Mardon, Esq., J. P. co. Somerset,^. 1840; m. i860, Anna Maria, d. of Joseph Hall ; and has issue— (i) Reginald Heber Mardon, Gentleman, b. 1861 ; (a) Ernest George Mardon, Gentleman, b. 1864; (3) Evelyn John Mardon, Gentleman, b. 1867 ; (4) Arthur Claude Mardon, Gentleman, b. 1879; Ella Josephine; Christine Lilian; and Effie Louise. Seat — Ashwick, Dulverton, Somerset. S ALFRED ROBERT MARGARY, Esquire, Colonel Commanding Sussex Artillery. Bom June 25, 1853, being the eldest son of Major Margary, Justice of the Peace, late S4th and 26th Regiments, by his wife Georgiana. eldest daughter of the late T. G. Adams. Clubs— ]\in\or United Service, Garrick. Livery — Blue and silver. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per fesse azure and argent, a pale counterchanged, three daisies slipped, two and one. of the second. Upon the escutcheon b placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his CrMt, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, an arm in bend proper, holding a daisy roses gules, barbed vert, a crescent of the first (Wedder- burn of Blackness. 1672-7) ; 3. argent, a cross moline sable (Colville of Ochiltree, matric. by a cadet line. c. 1673-7). Mantling azure, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of the liveries, a plume of feathers proper. Motto — " Spero meliora." Son of Henry Colville Marindin of Lincoln's Inn and Calcutta, Barrister-at-Law, b. ; d. 1872; m. 1866, Mary Elizabeth, d. of John Gregory Watkins, Esq., of Woodfield, Ombersley, J. P. and D.L. Worcs. (Sheriff 1850) :— Arthur Henry Marindin, Esq., Capt. Roy. Highlanders ("Black Watch"), B..'\. Oxford, b. 1868; m. 1899, Gertrude Florence Evelyn, d. of Erskine Wilmot-Chetwode ; and has is.sue — Jean Isabel ; and Evelyn Rachel. Seat — Woodfield, Ombersley, Droitwfch. Clubs — Naval and Military, Sports', New (Ekiinburgh). Sir JOHN MARK, Knight Bachelor (1900), J. P. for Co. Palatine of Lancaster and for the city of Manchester, and Mayor of that city in the years 1889-1891. florn Dec. 16, 1832. being the fourth son of the late Joseph Mark of Bow- scale, in the county of Cumberland, by his wife Hannah, daughter of Joseph Wilson of Greysouthen in the same county. C///^— Conservative (Manchester), /.ivery— Bhic, with yellow facings and gilt buttons. Armorial bearingrs— He bears for Arms : Azure, on a rock in base proper a lion is the Military Cockade. Plate XXXIII. ST2eR.BORt2e S2otir3T©B:e.R56,T ■ Qpat Q^ar 929 of Saint Mark sejant with wings addorsed or, resting the dexter paw upon an escutcheon of the last charged with a bee volant of the second, on a chief also or, a terrestrial globe also proper between two saltires couped gules ; upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion as in the arms, sem6e of bees volant proper, and resting the dexter paw upon a rose gules ; with the Motto, " Manu et corde." Married, September 4, 1861, Emily Mary, daughter of Robert Lewis Jones of Chester, and has had Issue — Ethel Louisa [married April 15, 1884, • Frederick William Lee of Manchester, and has issue] ; Maud Constance [married Robert Frederic Lee of Gran- tham, and died 1899] ; and Florence [married, Jan. 29, 1891, Robert Arthur Lord Hutchinson of Rochdale]. Estate — Greystoke , and other house property and land at Didsbury , CO. of Lancaster. Postal addresses — Greystoke, Didsbury, Manchester ; and Lees wood Hall, near Mold, North Wales. MARKHAM, quartered by MALET and LEESON- MARSHALL. HARRY HANANEL MARKS, Esquire, M.P. for Isle of Thanet Div. of Kent since 1904, J. P. for the co. of Kent, Member of the London County Council for East Maryle- bone 1889-1892, and for St. George's East 1895-1898, M.P. for the Tower Hamlets (St. George's Div.) 1895-1900, Capt. (Officer Com.) ist C.B. The Buffs (East Kent Regt.). Born April 10, 1855, being the fifth son of the Rev. Prof. David W. Marks of Univ. Coll., by C^ecilia Sara, dau. of the late Moseley Woolfe of Liverpool. Clubs — Carlton, Automo- bile, Royal Cinque Ports Yacht (Dover), Royal Temple Yacht (Ramsgate). Livery — Dark green coat, yellow striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Vert, a lion rampant be- Marlay, C.B. ; and assumed the additional surname and Arms of Rochfort by Royal Licence, Nov. 30, 1867. Clubs — White's, Carlton, Travellers'. Armorial bearings — tween four battle-axes, a bordure nebuly or. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, between two annulets or, a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand in a gauntlet grasping a battle-axe proper, and round the wrist a chaplet of cinquefoils vert. Motto — " Aut inveniam viam aut faciam." Married, Nov. 5, 1884, Annie Estelle, dau. of William Benjamin of Montreal, Canada ; and has Issue— W-axxy Cecil Marks, Gentleman, b. Sept. 9, 1885 ; and Ruth Cecil Marks, i'ea^- Callis Court, St. Peter's, Thanet. Postal address — 6 Cavendish Square, W. CHARLES BRINSLEY MARLAY - ROCHFORT, Esquire, J. P., D.L. co. Westmeath (High Sheriff, 1853). Born 1838, being the son of the late Lieut. -Col. George |j [Catidcr'clat-viribus-al;vs][ | Quarterly i and 4, azure a lion rampant argent, armed and langued gules (for Rochfort) ; 2 and 3 barry of eight or and gules, on a bordure azure eight martlets of the first (for Marlay). Mantling azure and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a robin redbreast proper (for Roch- fort) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed proper; and above it on an escroll, " Nulli praeda sumus." Motto — " Candor dat viribus alas." Seats — Belvedere, co. Westmeath, and Bawn, co. Louth ; St. Katherine's Lodge, Regent Park, N.W. SThe Most Noble CHARLES RICHARD JOHN SPENCER-CHURCHILL, Duke of Marlborough, Marquess of Blandford, Earl of Sunderland, Earl of Marl- borough, Baron Spencer of Wormleighton, and Baron Churchill of Sandridge, all in the Peerage of England, K.G. , P.C. , Major Oxfordshire (Queen's Own) Hussars, served in South African Campaign. Born Nov. 13, 1871, being theson of the eighth Duke, by his first wife Lady Albertha Frances Anne Hamilton, daughter of the Most Noble the first Duke of Abercorn, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter ; succeeded his father in 1892. Creations — Baron Spencer, July 21, 1603; Earl of Sunderland, June 8, 1643; Baron Churchill, May 14, 1685; Earlof Marlborough, April 9, 1689 ; Duke, December 14, 1702. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, sable a lion rampant argent, on a canton of the last a cross gules (for Churchill) ; 2 and 3 quarterly argent and gules, in the second and third quarters a fret or, over all, on a bend sable, three escallops of the first (for Spencer), and, as an honourable augmen- tation, in chief an escutcheon argent, charged with the cross of St. George gules, and thereon an escutcheon of the arms of France, namely azure, three fleurs-de-lis or. Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion couchant guardant argent, supporting with the dexter paw a banner gules, charged with a dexter hand apaum^e of the first, staff or (for Churchill) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, a griffin's head between two wings expanded argent, gorged with a bar gemelle, and armed gules (for Spencer). Supporters- is tbe Naval Cockade. 3N 93© c^at ei^ar Two wyvems guks. Motto— "Fiel pero desdichado." MarrifJ, 1895, Consuelo. (Iauf;hter of William Kissam Vanderbill ot New York ; wnd has /««*— John Albert Kdward William Six-nccr-Chnrchill, Esauirc. commonly callctl Marquess of Hlnndford. l>. Sept. 18. 1897; and (Lord) Ivor Charles Spencer-Churchill. AVrt/— Blenheim iHUace. Woodstock, in the cotmty of Oxford. MARLEY. quartered by FLETCHER-VANE. GEORGE JOBSON MARPLES. Esquire. J. P. co. Derby. Bi»rrister-at-Law (Inner Temple). Bom July ay. 184s. being tho eldest son of the late George Marples. late of BrinkcliflTe Tower, Ecclesall. W. R. co. York, by his wife Ele:inor Johanna Williman, dau. of Robert Jobson of Lilburn, ne.ir Wooler, CO. Northumberland. Armorial bMirlilgS (Ped. H. Coll. )— Quarterly per fesse nebuly sable and Dingestow Court, Monmouth ; and has issue] ; Mary Edith ; Marion Frances Florence Carrington \m., Sept. 14, 1876. Rev. Henry Bickersletli Ottley, Vicar of Eastbourne, and ermine, in the first and fourth quarters a griffin segreant or. Hantllngr sable and argent. Crest— On a. wreath of the colours, a griffin segreant or, between two wings sable. Motto — " Tenax justitiae." Seat — Thornbridge Hall, near Bakewell, co. Derby. Ciud — Junior Carlton. HENRY CHRISTOPHER MARRIOTT, Esquire, Major (retired) late Prince of Wales' Volunteers (82nd Regt.). Bom March 14, 1826, being the fourth son of the late Thomas Marriott, Lieut. -Gen. in the H.E. I.C.S. (.Army), by his wife Anne, third dau. of Sir John Beckett, Bart., of Mean wood, co. York. Armorial beartatrs — Barry of six or and sable, on a pale invected ermine, a sword erect projjer. p)ommel and hilt of the first, between two martlets azure. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock proper, thereon a talbot sable, gutt6e-d'or, collared add chamed, reflexed over the back or, resting the dexter fore- leg on a bezant charged with a martlet azure, a staff raguly fesseways vert. Motto — " Virtute et fide." Married, Apn\ 18, 1849. Rosamond, dau. of Rev. Frederick Hamilton Carrington and grand-dau. of Rev. James Carrington. Rector of Topsh.nm. Prebendary of Exeter Cathedral ; and has had Issue — (i) Henry Beckett Marriott, Gentleman, *. Aug. 19, 1851, d. Oct. II, 1863; (2) Thomas Frederic Marriott, Gentleman, 6. Aug. i, 1854, d. Nov. 14, 1855; (3) Richard Charles Edward Marriott. Gentleman, Lieut. Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry (32nd Regt.), d. May 5. 1863, d. .\pril 7, 1897; Harriott Julia Catherine [m., July 3, 1895, Owen Ix)wry Wynne, son of late Richard Beavor Wynne of The Hermitage, co. Sligo] ; Louisa [m., Jan. 20. 1876. Edmund Fletcher Bosanquct. sixth son of the late Samuel Richard Bosanquet. Esq,. J. P.. D.L. of Forest Hill son of Rev. Lawrence Ottley, Rector of Richmond, Canon of Ripen Cathedral]; Rosamond Frederica [m., Sept. 25, 1890, Rev. Lewis Randolph Marriott - Leir, Rector of Charlton - Musgrove, Somerset, and has issue]. Seat — Avonbank, Pershore, co. Worcester. Clu6 — Carlton. HUMPHREY RICHARD GEORGE MARRIOTT, Esquire, J. P. Born May 23, r83r, btnng the eldest and only surviving son of the late Richard Marriott of Abbots Hall, Shalford, Essex, by his wife Sophia Lucy, youngest dau. of Ellys Anderson Stephens of Bower Hall, Steeple Bumpstead, Essex. Armonal bearings— Barry of six or and sable, on a canton gules, a mascle argent. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi- talbot argent, with a collar and thereto a leash affixed passing between the legs and reflexed over the back azure, supporting a shield gules charged with a mascle argent. Motto — " Mens conscia recti." Married, Jan. 7, 1864, Edith Alice Smyth, youngest dau. of Thomas White, Esq., J. P.. late of Manor House, Wethersfield, Essex; and has Issue— \\) Cyril Humphrey White Marriott, Esq., J. P. CO. Essex, b. Feb. i8, 1866; (2) Richard George Armine Marriott, Esq., D.S.O., Capt. East Kent Regt. (the Buffs), b. Jan. 26, 1867 ; (3) Ernest Arthur Graham Marriott. Esq., b. March 5, 1870; and Edith Amy Sophia. Resi- dence — Abbots Hall, Shalford, near Braintree, lissex. S ROGER MARRIOTT-DODINGTON, Esquire, J. P. for Somerset, late Capt. North Somerset Yeomanry Cavalry, and Capt. 3rd Somerset Light Infantry. Bom 1866, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Marriott- Dodington, Esq., J. P., of Horsington, Lieut.-Col. Somerset Light Infantry (High Sheriff 1887). by Lucy Elizabeth, dau. of the Rev. G. E. Downe of Rushden, co. Northampton. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, sable three bugle- horns stringed argent (for Dodington) ; 2 and 3 barry of six indented argent and sable, a bend azure, charged with three fleurs-de-lis of the first (for Marriott). Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of tiie colours, on a mount vert, a stag couchant regardant argent, attired or, in the mouth an acorn of the last, leaved of the first (for Dodington); 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a rock proper, a talbot paly of six argent and sable, resting the forepaw on an estoil of the last (for Marriott). Married, Feb. 7, 1895, Mary Emiline Bertha, youngest dau. of Gen, is tbe Military Cockade. m^t a^ar 931 James Kempt Couper, B.S.C. , of Combe, Dulverton ; and has fssue — (1) Thomas Marriott-Dodington, Gentleman, d. Dec. 20, 1895 ; (2) James Marriott-Dodington, Gentle- man, i. July 26, 1897. Seais — Horsington, Templecombe, Combe, Dulverton, Somerset. CJuds — Oxford and Cam- bridge, Piccadilly. MARROW, see ARMFIELD-MARROW. I EDWARD ARMFIELD MARROW, Gentleman, M.A. and LL.M. Camb. (Trin. Hall), Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple. Borti Nov. 10, 1853, being the second son of the late William John Marrow of Cavers, Bourne- mouth, Hants, by his wife Kinbarra Swene, dau. of Edward Armfield of Birmingham. Armorial bearing^ — Per fesse azure and sable, a fesse indented argent, between in pale two roses of the last, barbed or, seeded vert, and in saltire four maidens' heads couped at the shoulders argent, crined or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, between two roses argent, seeded or, barbed vert, a maiden's head couped at the shoulders proper, crined also gold, the neck encircled with a garland of roses as in the arms Motto — " Fidite virtute." Residence — The Rev. WILLIAM JOHN WILLIAMSON MAR- ROW, M.A. Ch. Ch., Oxford, Chaplain to Bishop of Wake- field. Born March 16, 1856, being the third son of the late William John Marrow of Cavers, Bournemouth, Hants, by his wife Kinbarra Swene, dau. of Edward Armfield of Birmingham. Armorial bearings — Per fesse azure and sable, a fesse indented argent, between in pale two roses of the last, barbed or, seeded vert, and in saltire four maidens' heads couped at the shoulders argent, crined or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, between two roses argent, seeded or, barbed vert, a maiden's head couped at the shoulders proper, crined also gold, the knack encircled with a garland of roses as in the arms. I Motto — " Fidite virtute." Residence — ALBERT PALLISER MARRYAT, Gentleman, being [the fourth son of the late Charles M^rryat of Parkfield, jPiitter's Bar, co. Middlesex, by his wife Caroline, dau. I of Charier, Short of Woodlands, Warblington, Hants, ] Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple. Armorial bear- I lugs — Barry of six or and sable, a chief wavy azure, on a [canton argent, a fleur-de-lis gules. Mantling sable and or. jCrest— On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, in Ifront of a ram's head argent, the sun rising or. Married iQuita, dau. of V. Farfan of Trinidad ; and has Issue, with jtwins who died in infancy— (i) Vicenti Marryat, Gentleman ; I tiucy ; and Marie Gertrude. Residence— ARTHUR MARRYAT, Gentleman, being the third son of the late Charles Marryat of Parkfield, Potter's Bar, co. Middlesex, by his wife Caroline, dau. of Charles Short of Woodlands, Warblington, Hants, Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple. Armorial bearings — Barry of six or and sable, a chief wavy azure, on a canton argent, a fleur-de-lis gules. Mantling sable and or. Crest^On a mount vert, in front of a ram's head argent, the sun rising or. Married Jessie, dau. of J. Jackson ; and has Issue — (i) Reginald Marryat, Gentleman ; (2) Frederick Marryat, Gentleman ; Nina ; Florence ; and Mabel. Residence — The Very Rev. CHARLES MARRYAT, M.A. (Oxon.), of Christ Church Parsonage, North Adelaide, and Vicar- General and Examining Cliaplain to the Bishop. Born June 26, 1827, being the eldest son of the late Charles Marryat of Parkfield, Potter's Bar, co. Middlesex, mer- chant in London, by his wife Caroline, dau. of Charles Short of Woodlands, Warblington, Hants, Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple, and sister of the Rt. Rev. Augustus Short, D.D. , first Church of England Bishop of Adelaide. Armorial bearings — Barry of six or and sable, a chief wavy azure, on a canton argent, a fleur-de-lis gules. Mant- ling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, in front of a ram's head argent, the sun rising or. Married, Aug. 8, 1854, Grace Montgomery, dau. of the Rev Charles Beaumont Howard, M.A. , first Colonial Chaplain of South Australia, and Incumbent of Trinity Church, Adelaide, by Grace Montgomery Neville, his wife; and has Issue — (i) Charles Howard Marryat, Gentleman, b. May 5, 185s ; (2) Ernest Neville Marryat, Gentleman, b. Sept. 16, 1869 ; (3) Cyril Beaumont Marryat, Gentleman, b. Sept. II, 1873; Grace Caroline, d. in infancy; Ethel, d. Jan. 21, 1865; Grace [tn. the Rev. Herbert Thomas Hughes, M.A. (Oxon.), Vicar of Christ Church, Emery Down, Lyndhurst, Hants]; Mabel; Isabel; and Kate Augusta. Residence — Christ Church Parsonage, North Adelaide, S. Australia. ERNEST LINDSAY MARRYAT, Esquire, Col. R.E., being the fifth son of the late Charles Marryat of Parkfield, Potter's Bar, Middlesex, by his wife Caroline, dau. of Charles Short of Woodlands, Warblington, Hants, Bariis- ter-at-Law of the Middle Temple. Armorial bearings- Barry of six or and sable, a chief wavy azure, on a canton argent, a fleur-de lis gules. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, in front of a ram's head argent, the sun rising or. Married Elizabeth, dau. of Major-Gen. Edward Patrick Lynch, H.M. Indian Army, Knight of the Lion and Sun, J. P., of Partry House, Ballinrobe, co. Mayo; and has Issue — (i) Patrick Marryat, Gentleman ; {2) Rupert Marryat, Gentle- man ; (3) Hugh Dennis Marryat, Gentleman ; (4) Rudolph Marryat, Gentleman ; (5) Ulrich Marryat, Gentleman ; is the Naval Cockade. 9S« ^ar a3at Irene; Nonli ; Beryl; Gladys; Dorothy; and LeiU. RtsidHmtt— OERALD MARRYAT. Grntlenmn. Honi March s, l8;o, being the eldest son of ihe laic Joseph Henry Muryat. Esq.. Rear-Admiral R.N., C.B.. bjr his second wife Frances, dau. of Francis Daring Short. Esq., of Bick- ham Mouse, Exeter, co. Devon, J.l>., late R.N. Armorial tMarlagt - Barry of six or and sable, a chief wavy azure, on a canton argent, a Hcur-de-lis gules. Mantling sable and or. Orast — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, in front of a ram's head argent, the sunrising or. Kesidentt — The AlUiny Club, Toronto, Canada. Thk Rkv. EDWARD MARSDEN. Vicar of Aston. Che- shire, M.A. Camb. Born July ao, 1815, being the fifth son of the late Rev. William Marsden, M.A., B.D., Vicar of Ecdes, CO. l^ncsister, by his wife Sarah, dau. of John Howard of Manchester. Armorial bearings— Gules, on a bend, between a unicorn's head erased argent and a trefoil slipped, surmounted of a key fesscways, the ward downwards and to the dexter or, three coots sable, a canton ermine, thereon an anchor of the fourth. Man t lin g gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, in front of an anchor sable, a unicorn's head erased argent, gutt^e- de-sang, ducally gorged azure, in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert. Motto — "Mars dentalia tutatur." Married, June 6, 1883, Elizabeth Ellen, dau. of Samuel Burgess, and widow of Rev. Samuel Bagnall, M.A., of Weston Point, Cheshire. Residence — Townend, Chelmorton, Derbyshire. The Rev. MAURICE HOWARD MARSDEN, M.A. St. John's Coll., Camb. Born Nov. 21, 1843, being the second son of the late Rev. John Howard Marsden of Grey Friars, Colchester, B.D., F.R.S.L., F.S.A.. and J. P. Essex, Pro- fessor of Arch.-eology to the University, Canon Residentiary of Manchester, and Rector of Great Oakley, Essex, by his wife Caroline, eldest dau. of the Rev. Williani Moore, D.D. Armorial bearing^ — Gules, on a bend between a unicorn's head erased argent and a trefoil slipped, surmounted of a key fesseways, the ward 'downwards and to the dexter or, three coots sable, a canton ermine, thereon an anchor of the fourth. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of an anchor sable, a unicorn's head erased argent, gutt6e-de-sang, ducally gorged azure, in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert. Motto — ' ' Mars dentalia tutatur." Married, April 24, 1873, Frances, dau. of Rev. Samuel Simpson of Greaves House, Lancaster ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Howard Marsden, Gentleman, ist (P.W.O) Yorks. Regt. ; (2) Maurice Hugh Marsden. Gentle- man ; Violet Mary ; and Winifred. Residence — Moreton Rectory, Dorchester. REGINALD GODFREY MARSDEN, Gentleman. M.A. Merton Coll., Oxford, Barrister-at-Law. Born Sept. 15, 1845, being the third son of the late Rev. John Howard .Marsden of Greyfriars, B.D., F.R.S.L., F.S.A., and J. P. Elssex, by his wife Carohne, eldest dau. of the Rev William Moore, D.D. of Spalding, co. Lincoln. Armorial bear- ings—Gules, on a bend between a unicorn's head erased argent and a trefoil slipped, stirmounted of a key fesseways the ward downwards and to the dexter or, three coots sable, a canton ermine, thereon an anchor of the fourth. Man t ling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of an anchor sable, a unicorn's head erased argent, guttde-de-sang, ducally gorged azure, in the mouth a trefoil sUpped vert. Motto — " Mars dentalia tutatur." Married, Sept. 22, 1874, Edrica, dau. of the late John CowUng, Barrister-at-Law; and has Issue — (i) John Cowling Marsden, Gentleman ; (2) Edward Reginald Marsden, Gentleman ; (3) Hugh Kenyon Marsden, Gentleman ; and Dorothy Nina. Residence — WILLIAM MARSDEN, Esquire. Lieutenant-Colonel (late 87th and 82nd Regiments), Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Born July 29, 1841, being the eldest son of the late Canon John Howard Marsden (of the Grey Friar's, Colchester), Bachelor of Divinity, Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and of the Society of Antiquaries, Professor of Archaeology at Cambridge (who succeeded to the estate of William Marsden, Esq., F.R.S., D.C.L.. First Stc. to the Admiralty 1803-7), by Caroline his wife, eldest daughter of Prebendary W. Moore of Spalding, in the county of Lincoln, Doctor of Divinity J by Elizabeth his wife, only dau. of the Rev. Maurice ohnson, D.D., of Ayscoughfee Hall, co. Lincoln). Club — Naval and Military. iSinorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, on a l)end between a unicorn's head erased argent in chief and a key fesseways wards downwards, surmounted by a trefoil slipped paleways in base or, thrci- coots sable, and on a canton ermine, an anchor of the fourth ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an anchor' in pale sable, a unicorn's head erased argent, gutt^-de-sang, ducally gorged azure, in the mouth ital^l dat^BJ mty ssue iv^^H len~' tish I a trefoil slipped vert ; with the Motto, ' ' Mars den tutatur." Married, Sept. 21, 1873, Katharine, of B. Rigby Murray, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for the county of Kirkcudbright, of Parton, North Britain; and has Issue — (i) William John Murray Marsden, Gentleman, B. * (Oxon.) [w. 1903, Geraldine Veronica, dau. of Da' Maitland, Esq., of Dundrennan and Cunistoun, N.B., J. and D.L.], b. July 9, 1874; (2) Wilfred Alexander Marsden,' Gentleman, B.A. (Oxon.), Assistant Librarian in the British Museum, b. May 19, 1878 ; and Audrey Katharine \jn. 1901 the Rev. Frederick Halsey, M.A., son of the Rt. He T. F. Halsey, M.P., of Gaddesden, Herts]. Estate a. postal address — Cedar Court, Farnham, Surrey. EDWARD CHISENHALE - MARSH, Gentlemi Barrister-at-Law, LL.B. Born June 22, 1865, being the second son of Thomas Coxhead Chisenhale Marsh, and Eliza Ann Chisenhale, dau. of John Chisenhale Chisenhale of Arley Hall, Lanes. C/w^— Piccadilly. Armorial bear- ings — Sable, a horse's head erased between two pheons in pale argent, two flaunches of the last, each charged with a cross crosslet fitch^e gules. Mantling: sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross crosslet fitch6e gules, a griffin argent, resting the dexter claw on a pheon in bend and erect sable. Motto— "In hoc signo vinces." Postal address — 128 Piccadilly, W. S JEREMY TAYLOR MARSH, Esquire, Lieutenant- Colonel R.E. (ret.). Born May 14, 1841, being the eldest son of the late Francis Marsh, Esq., Justice of the Peace, of Springmount, Queen's Co., by his wife Anna Maria, youngest daughter of Arthur Maxwell of Dublin. Armorial bearlng^s — Quarterly i and 4, gules a horse's head couped or, between two trefoils slipped in chief and a fleur-de-lis in base argent (for Marsh) ; 2 and 3 ermine, a bishop's mitre azure, on a chief indented gules, three escal- lops argent (for Taylor). Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head couped azuie, gorged with a ducal coronet or, holding in the beak a rose argent, seeded gold, slipped, leaved, and barbed vert ; with the Motto, " Nolo servile capistrum." Married, Sept, 15, 1864, Rachel Gertrude, only child of Charles Ferdinand Smyth of Endsleigh, co. Surrrey ; and has Issue— (1) Francis ^ is the Military Cockade, apar Qpar 933 Cliarles Marsh, Esq., Capt. and Brevet Major Queen's Own W. Kent Regt. , served in W. Africa 1897-98, operations on the Niger, including Expedition to Illah (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp) ; served in S. African War, Special Service Officer, including service with Protectorate Regiment, and defence of Mafeking (twice mentioned in despatches, medal with three clasps), b. Sept. 20, 1866, killed in action at Burmi, N. Nigeria, July 27, 1902 ; (2) James Reynolds Maxwell Marsh, Esq., Brevet Major Lin- colnshire Regt. ; served with Nile Expedition 1898, battles of Atbara and Khartoum (twice mentioned in despatches, medal, two clasps), operations in Sonialiland, 1903-4 (men- tioned in despatches), b. March 5, 1868 ; (3) Jeremy Taylor Marsh, Esq., Captain 9th Hodson's Horse; served in Tirah Campaign 1897-98, operations in the Bara Valley, medal with two clasps, b. Dec. 16, 1871 ; (4) Digby Cecil Marsh, Gentleman, late Manchester Regt. ; served in S. African War 1901, b. Aug. 16, 1877; (5) Roland Henry Marsh, Gentleman, Lieut. i8th Tiwana Lancers, served in S. African War 1900-1901, b. March 25, 1879; (6) Gilbert Howe Maxwell Marsh, Gentleman, Lieut. 41st Dogras, b. July 30, 1882 ; Evelyn Caroline Gertrude ; Emily Frances [m. William Fenton Mellor] ; Gertrude Clifford [m. Grant Eves] ; and Hilda Gordon Maxwell. Estate— Terpoint, co. Kilkenny. Residence — i Pembroke Road, Kensington. Club — Naval and Military. MARSH (H. Coll.). Argent, on a bend gules, between two escutcheons of the last, each charged with a horse's head erased of the field, a sword in bend point upwards proper, pommel and hilt or, between two lozenges of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an escutcheon gules, charged with a horse's head as in the arms between two wings argent, each charged with a lozenge also gules. I Sons of John William Marsh, Esq. , Solicitor, a Mem- ber of the Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London (s. of Rev. John Kirk Marsh, Vicar of Brampton, co. Derby), b. 1835 ; d. 1891 ; m. 1865, Clementine Isabel, d. of John Rayer Hogarth, Esq., D.U.J.P.:- Ernest John Marsh, Gentleman, Solicitor, b. 1867. Post. add. — 71 East India Dock Road, Poplar, London, E. Club — Constitutional. Cecil John Marsh, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Broad- mayne, Sutton Road, Southend-on-Sea. C/«^— Constitu- tional. Oswald John Marsh, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Both- well Glen, Murray, New Zealand. Club — Constitutional. WILLIAM SWAINE CHISENHALE- MARSH, Es- quire, J. P. CO. Essex. Born Sept. 7, 1857, being the eldest son of Thomas Coxhead Chisenhale Marsh, and Eiza Ann, Chisenhale, dau. of John Chisenhale Chisenhale of Arley Hall, Lanes. Clubs — Athenaeum, Garrick. Livery — Black, white pipings, red and white striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Sable, a horse's head erased between two pheons in pale argent, two flaunches of the last, each charged with a cross crosslet fitch6e gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross- crosslet fitch^e gules, a griffin argent, resting the dexter claw on a pheon in bend and erect sable. Motto — " In hoc signo vinces." Married, Oct. 11, 1881, Esther Eleanora Mary, eldest dau. of Edward Byrom of Culver, co. Devon, and KersalCell,co. Lanes.; and has /««^ — Atherton Harold Chisenhale-Marsh, Gentleman ; Katherine Mary Esba ; and Dorothy Eleanora. Seat — Gaynes Park, Epping. MARSHAL, quartered by BARNEWALL. MARSHALL, quartered by CANNING, CONYERS, and FOX. MARSHALL, see BURT-MARSHALL, HUNTER- MARSHALL, and LEESON-MARSHALL. S GEORGE WILLIAM MARSHALL, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for the co. of Hereford, Doctor of Laws of the University of Cambridge, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Rouge Croix Pursuivant of Arms, Barrister- at-Law. Born April ig, 1839, being the only son of the late George Marshall of Ward End House, in the county of Warwick, by his second wife Eliza Henshaw, daughter of John Comberbach of Langley Hall, in the county of Salop. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Barry is the Naval Cockade. 934 ^t a^ar of six ennin« and tuunr, a horse-shoe or lictwcen three betanu ; upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet liclitting his degrve, with a mantling axure and or ; and for his OrMt, upon a wmith of the colours, a bezant charged with a horse-shoe oxure, between two wings barrjr of six ennine and asure; with the Motto, " Vi martiali.' Mar- ried, September 26, 1867, Alice Ruth, daughter of the Reverend Ambrose William Hall, Master of Arts, some- time Rector of Debden, in the co. of Essex ; and has Issue — (i) George Marshall, Esq., J. P. co. Hereford, born Septem- ber 4, iSigTmarried, June 22, 1898, Constance Marian, dau. of George Baldwin] ; (2) Isaac Marshall, Gentleman, Master of Arts and Barrister-at-Law, born November 4, 1870; and Alice [married Joseph Percy Thoniasin Foster]. Estate and postal address — Sarnesfield Court, Weobley, R.S.O. JULIAN MARSHALL, Gentleman. Bom June 24, 1836, being the third son of the late John Marshall, Esq., &c., Cumberland. High Sheriff. Armorial bearings - liarry of six sable and argent, on :i pale crmiiif, three horse-shoes paleways or. Mantling sable and argent. Orest — On a wreath of the colours, a man affronts in armour proper, holding in his dexter hand a javelin in bend or, and supporting with his sinister hand a flagstaff proper, therefrom flowing to the sinister a l>anner sable, charged with two horse-shoes fesseways also or. Motto — " Nee cil6 nee tardi." Married, Oct. 7, 1864, Florence Ashton, dau. of late Rev. John Thomas, Canon of Canterbury, and Rector of All Hallows Barking, London ; and has Issue— Dorothy Blanche Louisa; Frances Alice; and Amabel Florence. Residence— i-;, Belsize Avenue, London, N.W. C/«^j— Reform, Burlington Fine Arts', Queen's, Lord's. MARK BELL MARSHALL, Esquire, J. P. for Glou- cestershire, Member of County Council for Stroud Division. Bom March 17, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Roger Marshall of Marllxjrough House, Heaton Mersey, I.ancs., and Elsdon House, Wortley, Yorks., and formerly J. P. , M. P. , &c. , and of Mary Ballantine, eldest dau of late Joseph Dykes Ballantine Dykes, Esq., of Dovenby Hall, of Rochester, Northumberland, by Rebecca his wife, daughter of the late Captain Mark Bell, R.N., of Bonner's House, Monkwearmouth, Durham, a Captain in the Trans- port Dept. during the Peninsular War. ZtVe/y— Chocolate, with scarlet braid and brass buttons. Armorial bearings— Or, on a bend nebuly, between four passion nails two and two sable, three horse shoes of the first, a chief azure thereon three horses' heads erased argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two arrows in saltire or, flighted azure, surmounted by a passion nail in fesse proper, tied with a riband gules, pendent there- from an escocheon of the last charged with a horse-shoe of the first. Motto — "Vi martiali, Deo adjuvante." Married, April 26, 1882, Florence Annie, daughter of the late Henry Adam Holloway of The Hill, Stroud, Gloucestershire, and niece of the late George Holloway, Esquire, J. P., of Farm Hill, Stroud, M.P. for Mid-Gloucester 1886-1892, and has Issue — Mark Henry Marshall, Gentleman, born Dec. 27, 1883 : and Florence Gladys. Estates — Lawrenceland and Bourne, Gloucestershire. Postal address — 'The Uplands, Stroud, Gloucestershire. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Cale- donian, Junior Conservative. ROGER ROBSON MARSHALL, Gentleman, formerly of Eccleshall, co. York. Born Dec. 24, 1859, lieing the third son of the late Roger Marshall of Marlborough House, Heaton Mersey, co. Lancaster, and Elsdon House, Wortley, co. York, by his wife Rebecca, dau. of Capt. Mark Bell of Bonners House, Monkwearmouth, is the Military Cockade. Qiar Q^at 935 CO. Durham, a Capt. in the Transport Department during the Peninsular War. Armorial bearing's— Or, on abend nebuly, between four passion-nails two and two sable, three horse-shoes of the first, a chief azure, thereon three horses' heads erased argent. Mantlingr sable and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, two arrows in saltiie or, flighted azure, surmounted by a passion-nail in fesse proper, tied with a riband gules, pendent therefrom an escutcheon of the last charged with a horse-shoe of the first. Motto — " Vi martiali, Deo adjuvante." Married, Dec. i8, 1887, Frances, dau. of George Macaskie of Potter Newton, Yorks. THOMAS BINGH.AM MARSHALL, Gentleman. Born Aug. 6, 1872, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Alex- ander Marshall of Doughty Street, Mecklenburgh Square. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, on a pale indented gules, between two horse's heads erased of the last, three plates, each charged with a horse-shoe sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or : and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-man affront^e in armour proper, holding in the dexter hand a flag-staff also proper, there- from flowing to the sinister a banner or, charged with a horse's head as in the arms, and resting the sinister hand on a horse-shoe, also as in the arms. Motto — " Causa justa." Postal address — 4 Sussex St., Warwick Square, London S.W. THOMAS PERCY DOUGLAS MARSHALL, Gentle- man. Born March 31, 1871, being the fourth son of the late Roger Marshall of Marlborough House, Heaton Mersey, co. Lancaster, and Elsdon House, Wortley, co. York, by his wife Rebecca, dau. of Capt. Mark Bell of Bonners House, Monkwearmouth, co. Durham, a Capt. in the Transport Department during the Peninsular War. Armorial bear- ings — Or, on a bend nebuly, between four passion-nails two and two sable, three horse shoes of the first, a chief azure, thereon three horses' heads erased argent. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, two arrows in saltire or, flighted azure, surmounted by a passion- nail in fesse proper, tied with a riband gules, pendent therefrom an escutcheon of the last charged with a horse- shoe of the first. Motto—" Vi martiali, Deo adjuvante." MARSHALL (H. Coll.). Or, on a pale vert, a mill- rind of the first, a chief flory gules, thereon three antelope's ' heads erased of the field. Mantling vert and or. Crest— 1 wreath of the colours, in front of a roll of paper proper, a stag's head erased or, charged on the neck with a mill-rind vert. Motto—" Facta non verba." Son of Horace Brooks Marshall, Esq., J. P., D.L. , of Brixton, b. ; d. 1896; m. Ellen, d. of Thomas Grimwood of Bredfield, Suffolk : — Sir Horace Brooks Marshall, Knt. Bachelor (1902), J. P. CO. London, a Member of the Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London, Sheriff of the City of London 1901-2, M.A., LL.D., b. 1865; m. 1889, Laura, d. of George Siggs of Streatham Hill. Res.— The Chimes, Streatham Common, London, S.W. MARSHAM. Quarterly, i and 4, argent, crusilly fitchfe sable, a lion passant gules between two bendlets azure, each charged with three cross crosslets or (Marsham) ; 2 and 3, sable, on a fesse between three goat's heads erased or, as many crescents gules (Themilthorpe). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased gules, charged with three cross crosslets or. Motto — ' ' Quod adest. " Livery — Blue and red. Sons of Rev. Henry Philip Marsham of Rippon Hall, Hevingham, Norfolk, Rector of Stratton Strawless, J.P. ,^. 1817 ; d. 1892; m. 1843, Caroline Savill, eld. d. of Onley Savill Onley, Esq., J. P., of Stisted Hall, Essex : — Major Henry Savill Marsham, J. P., D.L. , late King's Royal Rifle Corps, b. 1847 ; m. 1883, Caroline, d. of late Robert Blake Humfrey of Wroxham House, Norfolk ; and has issue — (i) Robert Henry Patrick Marsham, Gentle- man, b. 1884; (2) Arthur Frederic Marsham, Gentleman, b. 1886 ; Caroline Charlotte ; and Margaret Anne. Seat — Rippon Hall, Hevingham, Norfolk. Clubs— Army and Navy, Norfolk (Norwich). Charles Alfred Onley Savill-Onley, Esq. (q-v.). Major Frederick Savill Marsham, late King's Royal Rifle Corps, b. 1853 ; m. 1887, Bertha Alice, d. of late Col. Cameron Hogge, Grenadier Guards ; and has issue — Frederick Somerville Wroth Marsham, Gentleman, b. 1894 ; and Cameron Violet, Club — Army and Navy. GEORGE MARSHAM, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. Kent, D.L. CO. Leitrim (High Sheriff thereof 1878). Born April 10, 1849, being the eldest son of Rev. George Frederick John Marsham [fifth son of Hon. and Rev. John Marsham, D.D. , Canon of Windsor, Prebendary of Richester and Wells, and grandson of Robert, second Earl of Romney], by his wife Elizabeth Marcia, third dau. of Walter Jones of Ballinaniore, co. Leitrim. Club — Carlton. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, a lion passant in bend gules between two bendlets azure (Marsham); 2 and 3, gules, three lioncels rampant guardanl or, armed and langued azure, on a quarter of the second a fret of the first (Jones). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased gules. Motto — " Non sibi sed patriae." Seats — Hayle Place, Maidstone, Kent. S ROBERT MARSHAM - TOWNSHEND, Esquire, commonly known as the Hon. Robert Marsham- Townshend, M.A. of the University of Oxford, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Fellow of the Geological Society, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Kent and London, Deputy-Lieutenant for the former. Born Novem- ber 15, 1834, being the son of the Right Honourable the second Earl of Romney, by his wife Mary Elizabeth, com- monly known as the Honourable Mary Elizabeth, daughter of the Right Honourable the second Viscount Sydney, and widow of George James Cholmondeley, Esquire, and on the death of Emily Caroline, Countess Sydney, March 9, 1893, he received the Royal License to take the additional name and to quarter the arms of Town- shend, in accordance with the provisions made in the will of his maternal uncle, John Robert, Earl Sydney, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Clubs— AVamxnm ; Carlton. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure, a chevron ermine between three escallops argent (for Townshend) ; 2 and 3 argent, a lion passant in bend gules between two bendlets azure (for Marsham). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantUng azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a stag statant proper (for Townshend) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased gules (for Marsham). Motto — " Droit et avant." Married, A^tW ^, 1877, Clara Catherine, second daughter of the late Reverend is the Naval Cockade. w 936 efn OecMfc Barlwr r.tley, Badielor of Divinity, of I^n^clifte, in the county of York, nnd Rector of Freclcenharo, in the county o( SufTolk, and has /ssiie—(i) Hugh Sydnt-y Marsham- Townshcnd, ivs<|uirr, born February 9, 1878, Lieut, ^tb Batt. Glos. Regt. [m. 1904, Cecilia Frances Laura, eld. dau. of Sir Henry Charles John Bunbury, Bart. ; (2) Ferdinand Marshani-Townshend, Gentleman, B.A. Oxon. , bom April 17, i88a Seats — Frognal, Foots Cray, in the county of Kent ; Matson House, in the county of Gloucester. Town residence — 5 Chesterfield Street, Mayfair, W. His Honour Sir ALFRED GEORGE MARTEN, Knight Bachelor (1896), Judge of County Courts, Circuit No. 37 ; Justice of the Peace for Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire, Middlesex, Oxfordshire, and Wmdsor ; Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple (ist Class Certificate of Honour), Jan. 26, 1857, Queen's Counsel and Bencher 1874, Treasurer 1893; educated at St. John's College, Cambridge, bracketed first in the Civil Law Classes 1854-55, ^9'^^ Wrangler and Bachelor of Arts 1856, Master of Arts 1859, Fellow 1865, LL.M. 1874, LL.D. 1879, Examiner for Law Tripos 1865, Member of the Council of Legal Education of the Four Inns of Court since 1874, and Chairman of the Board of Studies of the Council since 1896 ; Member (appointed by the Inner Temple) of the Senate of the University of London since 1900; was sometime Chairman of the Joint Committee of the Four Inns of Cotirt on the Duties, Interests, and Discipline of the Bar, and a Member of the General Council of the Bar ; contested Nottingham in 1865 and Cambridge in 1880, and was Member of Parliament for Cambridge (Conservative) for the six years 1874-80 ; in the House of Commons was Chairman of the Select Committee on the Bill for "The Parliamentary and Municipal Registration Act, 1878," and introduced the Bills for "The Settled Estates Act, 1877," " The Debtors Act, 1878," and "The Public Health (Inter- ments) Act, 1879. " Uom Nov. 9, 1829, being the third son of the late Robert Giles Marten of l^laistow, Essex, by his wife Eliza, dau. of John Warmington, also of Plaistow. Clubs — Carlton, Constitutional, Oxford and Cambridge, New Univer- sity. Livery — White, with red facings. Armorial bearings — Argent, guttee-de-poix, an eagle displayed gules, between five mullets, two in chief, as many in fesse, and one in base sable. Mantling gules and argent ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a griffin segreant jjer fesse argent gutt6e-de-poix and or, winged of the last, a fasces fesseways proper. Motto — "Spes super sidera." Married, Dec. 28, 1869. Patricia Barrington, eldest dau. of the late Capt. Vincent Frederick Kennett of the Manor House, Dorchester-on-Thame, Oxon. (by his wife Arabella, dau. of Sir Jonah Barrington) ; and has Issue— (1) Alfred Amberson Barrington Marten, E^., b. Dec 8, 1870; edu- cated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A. 1892 (Honours First Class), Law Tripos and LL.B. 1893, M.A. nnd LL.M. 1897, Barrister-at- I^w of the Inner Temple (Sludenuhip) Nov, 18, 1895 [m., June i, 1898. Fanny Ix)is, only dau. of the late William Tarn of 94 Lancaster Gate] ; (2) Clarence Henry Kennett Marten, Esq., b. Oct. 28, 1872; educated at Eton and Balliol College, Oxford, Honours 1st Class History and B.A. 1895, Assistant Master (History) Eton College since Sept. 1896, M.A., 1900 ; Isabel Caroline \ Patricia ; Amy Corisande Arabella ; and Alice Frances Ida. Postal address — 21 Prince of Wales Terrace, Kensington, London, W. MARTIN, quartered by MANSERGH and FLOYER. MARTIN, see WOOD-MARTIN and WYKEHAM- MARTIN. EDWARD PRITCHARD MARTIN, Esquire, J. P. for cos. Monmouth(HighSheriff 1903-4) and Glamorgan. Born Jan. 20, 1844, being the eldest son of the late George ^ is tbe Military Cockade. Martin, of Dowlais, co. Glamorgan, by his wife Harriett, dau. of David Pritchard, Esq., J. P., of Dolygaer, Builtb, Q^ar apar 937 CO. Brecon. Armorial bearings — Gules, a chevron argent, between in chief two martlets and in base a sledge hammer erect or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two sledge liammers in saltire proper, thereon a cock regardant gules. Motto — " En martelant." Married, Jan. 6, 1870, Margaret, dau. of Charles Herbert James, M.P. ; and has Issue — Charles Herbert George Martin, Gentleman, b. Oct. 5, 1881 ; Clara Isabelle ; Sarah Bertha ; Mary Harriette ; Annie Beatrice ; and Jessie Margaret. Estates — Tiie Hill, Cilfygan, and other proper- ties in Monmouth and Breconshire. Residence — The Hill, Abergavenny. C/«^j— Conservative, National, Constitu- tional. GEORGE BOHUN MARTIN, Gentleman, Member of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, and Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works 1894. Born Dec. 25, 1841, being the second son of the late Captain George Bohun Martin, Post-Captain R.N. , Cross of St. Louis and second class of St. Ann of Russia, by his wife Isabella Harriet, dau. of Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas Briggs, G.C. M.G. (who d. 1852 whilst Commander-in-Chief at Portsmouth), Clubs — Kamloops and Union, Victoria, British Columbia. Armo- rial bearings — .Argent, two bars gules, a canton azure, thereon an anchor erect, the shank encircled by a naval crown or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of tlie colours, upon the stump of a tree eradicated proper, surmounted by an anchor in bend sinister or, a martin cat sejant, supporting between the paws a mirror also proper, and gorged with 'a naval crown, therefrom a chain reflexed over the back gold. Motto — "Sans tache." Residence — Martin's Ranch, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, § HENRY RICHMOND MARTIN, Esquire, Colonel R.A. Born Oct. 14, 1833, being the second son of Admiral Thomas Martin of The Wilderness, Surrey, and Itonfield, CO. Cumberland, subsequently of Montpelier Lodge, Brighton, and Bitterne, near Southampton, by his wife Ann, dau. of John Miles of London. Armorial bear- ings — Paly of six or and gules, on a chevron argent, an anchor erect sable, on a chief of the second, three martlets of the first. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a garb or, a martin cat statant proper. Motto — " Fide et dementia." Married, Dec. 3, 1862, Emma Catherine, dau. of John Handcock Hall, Barrister-at-Law and Com- missioner in Lunacy, of Riseley Hall, Derby ; and has Issue— (1) Henry John Martin, Esq., Capt. E. Lancashire Regt., b. Jan. i, 1865 [m., Feb. 21, 1895, Eva, dau. of John Colquhoun of Straban, Ireland] ; (2) William Thomas Martin, Gentleman, b. Dec. 26, 1878 ; Emma ; and Laura Mary. Residence — Bitterne Lodge, near Southampton. The Rev. JOHN MARTIN, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. Cambs. , formerly Rector of Stoney Stanton, Leicester- shire, 1875-85. Born June 6, 1848, second surviving son of the Rev. Robert Martin of Anstey Pastures, co. Leicester, by his first wife Selina, only dau. of John Frewen-Turner of Cold Overton Hall, Leicestershire. Zw«rj'— Dark blue, with light blue facings and silver buttons. iGnnorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per saltire argent and or, between two bars three martlets gules (for Martin) ; 2 and 3, argent, a chevron invected between two escallops in chief and a cross pat^e in base gules (for Richards). Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a talbot's head erased argent, crusily, eared and langued gules, gorged with a collar vert. Motto—" Sure and steadfast." Married, Dec. 31, 1878, Sophia Constance, elder dau. of William Bosworth, Esq., High Sheriff Leics. 1859, of Charley Hall, Leicestershire; and has Issue~(i) ]ohn Bosworth Martin, Gentleman, b. Feb. 19, 1887 ; (2) Stephen Bosworth Martin, Gentleman, b. Dec. 26, 1889; Sophy; Winifred Constance ; Barbara Florence ; Marjorie; Eleanor Mary, rf. 1890; Selina Margaret ; and Irene Mabel. 5fa^— Charley Hall, Lough- borough, Leicestershire. Sir RICHARD BYAM MARTIN, sth Baronet, of Lockynge, in the county of Berkshire, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Admiral Royal Navy, and Rear-Admiral of the United Kingdom. Born April 28, 1841, being the eldest son of the late Admiral Sir William Fanshaw Martin, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, by his wife, Sophia Eliza- beth, dau. of Richard Hurt of Wirksworth, co. Derby ; succeeded his father as 5th Bart. 1895, under the creation of July 28, 1791. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a chevron between three crescents argent, an anchor erect, with a piece of cable proper. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter hand brandishing a falchion proper, pommel and hilt or. Motto — " Auxilium ab alto." Married, July 20, 1869, Catherine, only child of the late Captain Knipe, 15th Dragoon Guards; and has Issue — Mary Catherine \m., 1894, William Henry Knight] ; Margaret Louise ; and Georgiana Phyllis Maud. Seat — Upton Gray, Odiham, co. Hants. Colonel Sir RICHARD EDWARD ROWLEY MARTIN, K.C.B. (Civil, 1898) K.C.M.G. (1895); served in command of Mounted Infantry at Cetewayo's Installa- tion in Zululand 1883, as Commandant of General Depot Bechuanaland Field Force 1884, as Major with Bechuana- land Border Police Force 1886-87, and in command of Eshowe Column in Zululand 1887-88 ; was British Commis- sioner and President of Portuguese-Swazi Boundary Com- mission, and British Commissioner on Special Mission to Tongaland 1888, Secretary to H.M.'s Commissioner in Swaziland 1889, and British Commissioner, Swaziland, 1890-95 ; appointed Commandant-General of Bechuanaland, Matabeleland, and Mashonaland Police Force, and Deputy Commissioner in S Africa 1896. Born 1847, being the fourth but second surviving son of the late Richard Bar- tholomew Martin of Hemingstone Hall, Suffolk, Lieut. 5th Dragoon Guards, by his wife Juliana, dau. of John Donovan Verner, Lieut. 55th Foot. Armorial bearings- Argent, two bars gules, on a canton azure an anchor erect, the shank encircled by a naval crown or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, the stump of a tree eradicated proper, surmounted by a martin cat sejant, supporting between the paws a mirror also proper, and gorged with a naval crown, thereto a chain reflexed over the back gold. Motto — "Sans tache." Married, Nov. 17, 1898, Efa Florence, eldest dau. of the late Major is the Naval Cockade. 93« e©at e^ar Phillipptor Bnrhnm Hall. Ipswich ; and has /jjm« -Richard WitUain Colvile Martin, Ksq.. b. May lo. 1901 ; and Sarah. Aw/d/ rt««fw«-Aldeburgh. Suffolk. C/«*— Junior United Service. ROBERT FREWEN MARTIN. Esquire. J. P. for co. Leicester. Bom .\pril 9, 184a, being the eldest son of Rev. Robert Martin of Anstey Pastures, Leicester, and Selina, dau. of John Frewen-Turner of Cold Overton Hall, Oakham. t.iffty Dark blue, with light blue facings. Armorial be«TlJlga Quarterly i and 4. per saltire argent and or, between two bars three martlets gules (for Martin) ; 2 and 3, argent, a chevron invected between two csciUops in chief and a cross patde in base gules (for Richards), and impal- ing the arms of I^arken, namely, per pale ermine and erminois, three leopards' faces proper, on a chief engrailed azure, a lion passant guardant argent. Man t lin g gules and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a talbot's head erased argent, crusily, eared and langued gules, gorged with a collar vert. MOttO— "Sure and steadfast." Married, Oct. 30, 1873, Henrietta Susan Larken, dau. of the late Rev. E. R. Larken, Rector of Burton, by Lincoln ; and has two sons— (i) Robert Edmund Martin. Gentleman. M..\. (Cantab.), b. Dec. i, 1874; and (2) William Francis Martin. Esq., Capt. Imperial Yeomanry, Hon. Lieut, in the Army, b. Feb. 7. 1876. Seats— T\i& Brand, Lough- borough, Leicestershire. Sir THEODORE MARTIN, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (Civil Division), Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order (1896). E)octor of Laws of the University of Edinburgh, Justice of Peace for the county of Denbigh. Bom September 16, 1816, being the only son of the late James Martin, Solicitor, Edinburgh, by his wife Mary, n^e Reid ; elected Rector of the University of St. Andrews, 1880; was created C.B. 1875, and advanced to the rank of K.C.B. 1880. C/«*j — Athenaeum, Garrick. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms ; Parted per pale sable and gules, a chevron between two crescents m chief and a stag's head cr.ascd in base argent. Upon the escutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon of the Hath, and pendent therefrom his hadf^r as a K.C.B. (Civil) is placed a helmet befitting his device, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wrealli of his liveries is set for Crest, a lion rampant sable, armed and langued gules, holding in his dexter forepaw a crescent argent ; and in an escroUover the same this Motto, " Spero." Married, August 21, 1851, Helena Saville((/. 1898), daughter of John Saville Faucit (known upon the stage as " Helen Faucit '). Estates — Bryntisilio, near Llangollen; Glyn, in the county of Denbigh. Postal address — 31 Onslow Square, Brompton, S.W. J Admiral THOMAS HUTCHINSON MANGLES^ MARTIN (retired), J. P. Hants, County Councillor of South Stoneham, in that county ; served in the Crimea. Horn _ Oct. 6, 1829, being the eldest son of the late Admir Thomas Martin of The Wilderness, Surrey, and Itonfield CO. Cumberland, by his wife Ann, dau. of John Miles London. C/«*— United Service. Armorial bearings- Paly of six or and gules, on a chevron argent, an anchc erect sable, on a chief of the second, three martlets of th| first. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of tb colours, in front of a garb or, a martin cat statant prop Motto— "Fide et dementia." Matried, June 19, 186 Charlotte Roadley (rf. 1896), dau. of Samuel Hall Egginto of North Ferriby, Yorkshire, and Charlotte Roadley, hiswif*! Residence — Bitterne Lodge, Bitlerne, Southampton. Major -General WILLIAM GEORGE MARTlNj J. P., Major-Gen. late Royal Horse Artillery. Served iif Crimea (medal and clasp, and Turkish medal) ; in Nei Zealand (medal). Born Aug. 5, 1835, being the eldest ! of the late Richard Bartholomew Martin, Lieut, sth Drago Guards, by his wife Juliana, dau. of John Donovan Verne Lieut, ssth Foot. Armorial bearings — Argent, U bars g^les, a canton azure, thereon an anchor erect, th shaft encircled by a naval crown or. Mantling gules anj argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon the stuiti of a tree eradicated proper, surmounted by an anchor bend sinister or, a martin cat sejant supporting betwee the forepaws a mirror, also proper, and gorged with naval crown, therefrom a chain reflexed over the bao gold. Motto — "Sans tache." Married, May 19, 186 Margaret, second dau. of William Strahan of Sidmouth| and has Issue — Beatrix Maria. Seat — Hemingstone, Ij wich, Suffolk. Club — Junior United Service. MARTIN (U.O.). Azure, a cross Calvary argent] between the sun in splendour on the dexter limb or, an the moon in crescent on the sinister of the second Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of th colours, an estoile wavy of six points or. Motto - itur ad astra." Sons of James Martin of Ross, Esq., J. P., D.L. (Hig Sheriff 1826), M.A., b. 1804; d. ; m. 2nd, if Anne Selina, d. of Charles Fox of New Park, Longford : — Robert Jasper Martin, Esq., J. P. co. Galway, B.. (Trin. Coll.. Dub.), 3. 1846; m. 1886, Amelia Constanc widow of Victor Baddeley Roche of Killuntin, co. Cork and d. of J. J. Schmidt of Thornfield, Lanes. ; and ha issue — Barbara Zavara. Seat — Ross, nr. Moycullen, Galway. Nes. — 95 St. George's Square, S.W. Club Carlton. James Richard Martin, Esq., J. P., b. 1854; m. 188^ Amy Geraldine, d. of Major-Gen. Charles Herbert, la B.S.C. Res.- Charles Fox Martin, Gentleman, b. 1859 ; m. , Lu {d. 1894), d. of R. Sherwood. Res. — MARTIN of Ham Court and Ledbury (H. Coll._ 24 June 181 1). Paly of six erminois and azure, on a~ chief engrailed gules, three martlets. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a marten passant proper, resting the dexter foot on a bezant. Motto — " Pejus letho flagitium." Livery — Dark green. Sons of George Edward Martin, Esq., J. P. and D.L. CO. Worcester (High Sheriff 1882), late Major Q.O. Worcs. Yeo., Barrister-at-Law, Lord of the Manor of ^ U the Military Cockade. 9@ar Q^at 939 Upton, b. 1829 ; d. 1905 ; m. 1862, Maria Henrietta, d. of Benjamin Cherry, Esq., J. P. and D. L., of Brickendon Grange, fierts, by Charlotte Cassandra, d. of Rt. Rev. H. Phillpotts, Bishop of Exeter :— Eliot George Bromley Martin, Gentleman, b. 1866 ; m. 1899, Katharine Emily, d. of A. J. Rouse- Boughton-Knight, Esq., of Downton Castle; and has issue a son, b. 1903. Seat— Ham Court, Upton-on-Severn. Granville Edward Bromley Martin, Gentleman, b. 1875. Son of Rev. George Martin, Canon Res. and Chancellor of Diocese of Exeter and Vicar of Harberton, b. 1791 ; d. i860; m. ist, 1825, Lady Charlotte Sophia Eliot {d. 1839), d. of 2nd Earl of St. Germans; 2nd, 1842, Renira Henrietta Aldenburg, only d. of Admiral William Bentinck and Lady Frances Pierrepont, d. of ist Earl Manvers : — Rev. Henry Arthur Martin, M.A., formerly Vicar of Laxton, Notts, b. . Res. — Tintern House, Great Malvern. Sons of Lt.-Col. Evelyn Charles Martin, Esq., late Roy. Scots Lothian Regt. , b. 1847 ; d. 1904 ; m. 1880, Edith Hamilton, d. of John Martin of Upper Hall, Ledbury : — Evelyn George Martin, Gentleman, b. 1881. John Bentinck Martin, Gentleman, b. 1883. Son of Rev. William Martin, b. 1831 ; d. 1890 ; m. 1886, Mary Tucker, d. of Richard Luxton : — William Arthur Martin, Gentleman, b. 1886. Res. — Longcause, Dartington. Yr. sons of Rev. Williani Martin, Vicar of Staverton, Devon, b. 1798 ; d. 1850 ; m. 1828, Jane, eld. d. of Arthur Champernowne of Dartington, Devon :— Rev. Richard Martin, Vicar of llfracombe. Prebendary of Exeter, b. 1836 ; m. 1863, Eliza Rose, d. of Rev. Daniel Rose Fearon, Vicar of St. Mary Church, Devon. Res. — The Vicarage, llfracombe, Devon. Rev. Charles Martin, Rector of Dartington, late Warden of Radley College, b. 1840 ; w. 1869, Dora Frances, d. of George Moberly, late Bishop of Salisbury ; and has issue — (i) Charles Selwyn Martin, Gentleman, b. 1873 \m. Cynthia Mildred, d. of Arthur Savory] ; (2) Rev. John Sturges Martin, b. 1874 [m. Anne Mildred Llewellyn, d. of Rev. J. Jerome Mercier] ; (3) Arthur Campbell Martin, Gentleman, b. 1875; (4) Rev. William Keble Martin, 1^. 1877; (5) Richard Harington Martin, Gentleman, b. 1881 ; Edith Renira ; Dora Caroline ; Margaret Eleanor ; rMary Katharine. Res. — Dartington Rectory, Devonshire. MARTIN of Ledbury (H. Coll., 24 June 1811). Paly of errainois and azure, on a chief engrailed gules, three partlets argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a reath of the colours, on a mount vert, a marten passant proper, resting its dexter foot on a bezant. Motto — ' ' Pejus letho flagitium." Livery — Dark green, red collar. Sons of John Martin of The Upper Hall, Ledbury, J. P., M.Y'.,b. 1805; d. 1880; m. 2nd, Maria Henrietta, d. of Evan H. Baillie :— Waldyve Alexander Hamilton Martin, Esq., J.P., D.L., b. 1854; m. ist, Georgina Maude (d. 1883), d. of Lt.-Col. Gregory Haines (by Hon. lane Eliza Mona Gough, d. of F.-M. Viscount Gough, M.P. ; 2nd, 1886, Frances, d. of Ferdinand Hanbury Williams of Coldbrook Park, co. Monmouth; and has surv. issue— (i) Hugh Waldyve Martin, Gentleman, b. 1878; (2) George Dermot Martin, Gentleman, b. 1880; (3) Alick Gregory Martin, Gentleman, b. 1882; (4) Evan Hamilton Martin, Gentleman,^. 1883; (S) John Hanbury Martin, Gentleman, h. 1890. Seat— The Upper Hall, Ledbury. Club — ^Windham. Hugo Hamilton Martin, Esq., J. P. Worcs. , b. 1858. Res. — Oakwood, West Malvern. Club — Windham. John Evan Hamilton Martin, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Son of the late Robert Martin, Esq. , of Overbury Court, Worcs., J. P. (High Sheriff 1877), b. 1808; d. 1897; m. 1837, Mary Anne, d. of John Biddulph of Ledbury : — Richard Biddulph Martin, Esq., J. P. for cos. Kent, Worcs., and Gloucs. ,'a Member of the Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London, M.A. (Oxon.), M.P. for Tewkesbury 1880-1885, and for Droitwich Div. of Worcs. since 1892, b. 1838 ; m. 1864, Mary Frances, only d. of the late Rear-Adm. Richard Crozier, K.T.S., of West Hill, Isle of Wight. Seat — Overbury Court, Tewkesbury. Town res. — 10 Hill Street, Berkeley Square, W. Clubs— Athenasum, Windham, Ranelagh, Camera, New, Travellers' (Paris), Worcestershire (Worcester). MARTIN (U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4, per pale gules and argent, on a chevron between three mullets as many talbots counterchanged (Martin); 2 and 3, argent, on a bend between two lions rampant sable, a wyvern wings displayed of the first (Rudinge). MottO — " Fidus et audax." Sons of Richard Luther Martin, d. 1872; m. 1856, Mary Olivia Henrietta, d. of Rev. John Taylor, LL.D. :— John Charles Martin, Gentleman, b. 1857; m. , Margaretta, d. of J. Brian ; and has issue. Seat — Dun- creggan, Portrush. Rev. Richard D'Olier Martin, b. 1859 ; m. ist, 1888, Catherine Mary Clifford ; 2nd, Florence Taylor ; and has issue — (i) Denys Richard Martin, Gentleman, b. 1892; (2) Laurence Henry Martin, Gentleman, b. 1897; (3) Marcus Francis Clifford Martin, b. 1900. Res. — Kille- shandra, co. Cavan. Aylmer Ffulke Martin, Gentleman, b. 1864; m. , Violet, d. of Humphrey Minchin ; and has issue. Res. — Walter de la Cour Martin, Gentleman, b. 1869 ; m. , Mabel Campbell ; and has issue. Res. — Francis Jeffrey Cockburn Martin, Gentleman, b. 1871. Res.— MARTIN (U.O.). Sable, a cross Calvary or, in chief the sun in splendour of the last, between on the dexter an increscent and on the sinister a decresent argent. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of an anchor sable, an estoile or. Motto — " Sic itur ad astra." Son of James Martin of Dublin, b. ; d. ; m. : — Charles Edward Martin, Esq., J. P. and D.L. city of Dublin. Res. — 12 FitzWilliam Place, Dublin. MARTIN of Auchendennan (L.O., i868). Parted per chevron sable and gules, on a chevron between three crescents argent, a dexter hand erect couped of the first. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand sable, holding a crescent argent. Motto — " Hinc fortior et clarior." Son of George Martin of Auchendennan, Dumbartonsh. , b. 1805 ; d. 1882 ; m. 1837, Mary Anne, d. of John MacLellan of Glasgow : — John MacLellan Martin, Esq., J. P. co. Dumbarton, b. 1845 ; m. 1867, Isabella, yr. d of John Jamieson of Shandon, Dumbartonsh. ; and has issue — (i) George Edward is the Naval Cockade. 940 9» e^ar Campbell Martin, Gentleman. A. 1869 ; (a) William Michael Jamieson Martin, Uentleman, Lieut. R.A.. 6. 1881 ; (3) lujfh (iray Martin, Gentleman, Cadet R.M.A., Woolwich, t. 1887 : Agnes Isuliel Jamieson ; and Mary Gertrude. AVj.— Murieston House, Midcalder, Midothian. C/ud — Junior Qu-lton. of Richard Martyn of Bridge House, Broadcleft, co. Devon, by his marriage with Elizabeth Ellen, dau. of W. lk>den, Shrublands, Ringmore, in co. of Devon, and widow of William Tapley l^angley of Grendons, Tcign mouth ; and assumed the surname of Linnington by Royal License in the year 1889. C/«^— Isthmian. Armorial bearln^^— CECILIA ELIZABETH MARY AGNES MARTIN- EDMUNDS of Worsbro" Hall, co. York, eldest dau. and coheir of the late William Henry Michael Aloysius Martin- Kdmunds, Elsq., D.L. co. York, by his wife Emily Frances Tichborne, youngest dau. of John H. Washington Hibbert of Bilton Grange, co. Warwick. Livery Dark blue and yellow. Axmorlal bearing Upon a lozenge, quarterly I and 4, per chevron crenell6e or and sable, three fleurs-de- lis counterchanged (for Edmunds) ; 2 and 3, argent, two bars gules, on a canton azure an anchor erect, the shaft encircled by a naval crown or (for Martin). 5tfa^— Worsbro' Hall, Barnsley, Yorkshire. STEPHEN MARTIN-LEAKE, Esquire, M.I.C.E. Bom Nov. 2, 1861, being the eldest son of the late Stephen Martin-Leake, Esq., J. P., B.A., Barrister-at-Law, by his wife Isabel, dau. of William Plunkett of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, or, on a chevron engrailed azure, eight annulets argent, on a canton gules, a castle triple-towered of the third (for Leake) ; 2 and 3, paly of six or and azure, on a chief gules, three merlins of the first (for Martin). Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a ship gun-carriage, on it a piece of ordnance mounted, all proper. Motto — " Parti animo." 5*a/— Marshalls, High Cross, near Ware, CO. Herts. MARTINDALE. quartered by VALE. MARTYN, quartered by BLAKE. MARTYN (U.O.). Azure, a cross Calvary argent, between in the dexter chief the sun in splendour or, and in the sinister chief the moon in crescent of the second. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an estoile of six points or. Motto — " Sic itur ad astra." Son of John Martyn, Esq., J. P., of Tulira, co. Galway, 6. i8oi ; d. i860 ; m. 1857, Annie Mary Josephine, d. of James Smith, Esq., J. P., of Masonbrook, co. Galway : — Edward Joseph Martyn, Esq., formerly J. P. and D.L. CO. Galway (High Sheriff 1886), d. 1859. Seat—TxiMra., Ardrahan, co. Galway. Cluds — Reform, Kildare Street (Dublin), St. George's Yacht (Dunleary), County (Galway). He bears for Arms : Argent, two bars raguly between live leopards' faces, two, one and two, all gules. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock proper, a leopard's face gules, surmounted by an estoile or. Married, July 27, 1892, Jenny, third daughter of William Littell Tizard of Dorchester; and has Issue — Adolphus Littell Martyn- Linnington, Gentleman, b. June 14, 1893. SSiK JAMES DAVID MARWICK, Knt. Bach., LL.D. Glasgow, J. P. CO. Lanark, J.I*, and D.L. co. of the RICHARD LINNINGTON MARTYN -LINNING TON, Gentleman. Bom Aug. 38, 1868, being the only son city of Glasgow, Emeritus Town Clerk of Glasgow. Born July 15, 1826, being the eldest son of William Marwick, § is the MiUtary Cockade. apar Q^ar 941 Merchant, of Kirkwall, by his wife Margaret, dau. of James Garioch, Merchant, also of Kirkwall; admitted Procurator, 1852 ; Solicitor, 1858 ; appointed Town Clerk of Edin- burgh, i860, and of Glasgow, 1873-1903; and dubbed Knt. Bach. , 1888. Armorial bearings— Parted per fesse argent and azure, a saltire wavy counterchanged between a castle triple-towered sable, masoned argent, thereon a red- breast proper in chief, and an otter's head erased of the first in base, the castle and redbreast being allusive to ihe offices of Town Clerk of Edinburgh and Town Clerk of Glasgow. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a boar passant azure ; and in an escrol over the same this MottO, " Firm us et fidelis." Married, July 9, 1855, Jane, third daughter of James Black Watt, Solicitor, of Edinburgh ; and has Issue — (i) David William Marwick, Esq., M.A. , LL.B. , and W.S., b. July 4, i860; (2) James Marwick, Esq., C.A. , b. Jan. 18, 1862 ; Catherine Christian Barrie [tn. Rev. Dugald Butler, MA., one of the city ministers (Tron Parish Church), Edinburgh] ; Euphemia Georgina ; Wilhelmina Margaret ; Jane Watt [m. John James Burnet, A.R.S.A., F.R.I.B.A., Architect, Glasgow] ; Alice Maud Mary (deceased) ; and Mary Isabella. Postal address — 19 Woodside Terrace, Glasgow. Clubs — Roval Society (Edinburgh), Union (St. Andrews). WILLIAM FRANCIS MARWOOD of Little Busby Hall, CO. York, Gentleman, B.A. Canib., Lord and Chief Bailiff of Langburgh Wapentake ; succeeded his eldest brother, George Frederic Marwood, who died May 23, 1898, unmarried. Born Feb. i, 1863, being the second son of George Marwood of Little Busby, co. York, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for the North Riding co. York, Lord and Chief Bailiff of Langburgh Wapentake (by inheritance under a grant from King John to Peter de Brus), by his wife Frances, dau. of the Rev. Frederic Peel, M.A., Prebendary of Lin- coln, and Rector of Willingham, co. Lincoln, first cousin of the eminent statesman, the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, 2nd Bart., Prime Minister 1834-35 and 1841-46. Mr. Marwood is head of the family of Metcalfe of the Porch House, North- allerton, a younger branch of the ancient family of Met- calfe of Nappa Hall in Wensleydale, co. York. The eldest son of the Rev. Thomas Metcalfe of the Porch House, Northallerton, took the surname and arms of Marwood by Act of Parliament, 5 (aeorge III., 1765, under the will of his cousin, grand-daughter and heiress of Sir Henry Mar- wood of Little Busby, Baronet (see Metcalfe). Armorial bearings — Gules, a chevron ermine, between three goats' heads erased argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a ram couchant argent, horned and hoofed or. Seats — Busby Hall, Carlton in Cleveland ; and the Porch House, North- allerton, Yorkshire. The Reverknd ALFRED MARWOOD-ELTON, Clerk in Holy Orders, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Ox- ford. Born 1836, being the fourth son of the late Henry Edward Elton of Winford House, near Bristol, in the county of Somerset, by his wife Sarah Frances, daughter of James Lewis Clutterbuck, of Newark Park, in the county of Glou- cester, and assumed the additional name and arms of Marwood by Royal License in 1885, under the will of his cousin, Sir Edward Marwood-Elton, first Baronet (extinct), on inheriting his estates. Livery — Deep claret, faced and piped with scarlet. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, paly of six or and gules on a bend sable a quatrefoil between two mullets of the first (for Elton) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a chevron invected or between two goats' heads erased in chief and a ram's head erased in base ermine and horned or, a sprig of oak slipped proper (for Marwood). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. uiwn a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, garnished or, charged with two estoils gules adorned with a scarf about the wrist tied vert, the hand in a gauntlet, holding a falchion proper pommel and hilt or (ior Elton) ; 2. upon a wreath ot the colours, on a mount vert, in front of a branch of oak erect proper, a ram couchant ermine, horned or ; with the MottO, " Artibus et armis." Married, 1865, Jane Frances, daughter of the late Reverend Augustus B, Handley, Rector of Fisherton, in the county of Wiltshire. Estates — Widworthy ; Cook- shayes ; Sutton, in the county of Devon. Postal address Widworthy Court, near Honiton, Devon. Sir SPENCER POCKLINGTON MARYON MARYON-WILSON, nth Baronet, of Eastbourne ( March 4, 1660), formerly Lt. 3rd Batt. King's Own Lt. Infantry, and Captain West Kent Yeomanry Cavalry, J. P. co. of London, Patron of seven Livings, and Lord of the Manor of Charlton, Hanipstead. Assumed by Royal Licence, 1899, the additional surname of Maryon. Born July 19, 1859, being the eldest son of Sir Spencer Maryon Maryon, Wilson, Bart., J. P., by his wife Rose Emily, dau. of Rev. Henry Sharpe Pocklington. LiverySaiAe. Armorial bearing^s— Quarterly i and 4, sable, a wolf rampant, in chief three estoiles or (for Wilson) ; 2 and 3, ermine, on three bars per pale gules and sable, seven bezants, four, is the Naval Cockade. 94 a 9^ a^flief three, two and one (for Maryon). Mantllni^ sable and or. OTMt On a wreath of the colours, a demi-wolf as in the arms jfor Wilson) ; a, on a wreath of the colours, a ^yphon argreant sable, i>czant^, the mng^ ermine, resting the dexter hind leg on an escutcheon per fesse argent and or, charged with an eagle displayed gules (for Maryon). Afar- ried, 1887, Minnie Elisabeth, only child of the late General Anthony Robert Thomhill of Lavender Farm, Ascot ; and has /w«if— Thomas Spencer Maryon Mary on- Wilson, Esq., b. Oct. 27, 1888. 6>a/j— Charlton House, Old Charlton, Kent; Fitzjohn's, near Rugby. C/«*— White's, Carlton (Bath). MASKELYNE, see STORY-MASKELYNE, MASON, quartered by DE TRAFFORD. S ROBERT HARVEY MASON, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for CO. Norfolk, High Sheriff 1885, M.A. of Trin. Coll., Cantab., being the eldest son of the late Robert Blake-Humfrey of Wroxham House, by his wife Charlotte, youngest dau. of the late Lieut. -Col. Harvey of Thorpe Lodge, Norfolk. C/«*— New University. Armorial bear- ings—Quarterly I and 4, argent, on a fesse cotised azure, two annulets of the first, in chief as many lions' heads coup)ed of the second (for Mason) ; 2 and 3 quarterly, i. and iiii. gules, a lion rampant, and above the head a ducal coronet or, a canton of the last for distinction (for Humfrey) ; ii. and iii. argent, a chevron between three garbs sable, a bordure of the last, charged with eight fleurs-de-lis of the first (for Blake) ; and impaling the arms of Upcher, namely argent, on a chevron azure, between three foxes' heads erased gules, as many peirs slipped or. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's hearl couped azure, holding in the mouth an antler in bend or, between two wings argent, each charged with an annulet also azure (for Mason)- 2. on a ducal coronet, an eagle, wings elevated, holding in the dexter claw a sceptre all or ; and charged on the breast for distinc- tion with a cross crosslet gules (for Humfrey) ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, on a morion a martlet proper (for Blake). Married, 1873, Jane Charlotte, eldest dau. of the Rev. Arthur W. Upcher; and has with other /;;»« — Alwyne Mason, Gentleman, b. 1875. SealsSccion Hall, SwafT- ham, Norfolk ; Wroxham House, Norwich. MASSEY. quartered by DE TRAFFORD and TRAF- FORD. JOHN GEORGE ALBERT MASSY. Gentleman, Lieut. i8th Royal Irish Regt. Bom Jan. 27, 1870, being the eldest son of the late Richard Albert Massey of Mount Rivers, Listowel, late Lieut. 60th Rifles, Resident Magistrate CO. Kerry, by his wife Matilda, only dau. of Capt. Nlinchin, R.N., of Rock Abbey, Cashel. Armorial bearings- Argent, on a chevron, between three lozenges sable, a lion passant or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— A bull's head gules, issuing out of a ducal coronet or. Motto—" Pro libertate patriii;." Seat — Kingswell House, near Tipperary. S WILLIAM FREDERICK BARTON MASSEY- MAINWARING, Esquire, commonly known as the Hon. William Frederick Barton Massey-Mainwaring, D.L. for the CO. of Lincoln, M.P. for Central Finsbury since 1895. Bom 1845, being the son of the Right Honour- able Eyre Massey, third Baron Clarina, by his wife Susan Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Hugh Barton of Straffan, in the county of Kildare, and assumed the additional sur- name and arms of Mainwaring by Royal Licence, 1874. ' Clubs — Carlton, Junior Carlton, Constitutional, Junior Con- 1 stitutional, Burlington Fine Arts'. Armorial bearings — 1 He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent two barsj gules (for Mainwaring). and for distinction a canton gules;! 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron between three lozenges sable,! a lion passant or, and in the centre chief pomt an annulet] sable for difference, and for and in right of his wife, uf)onil an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Mainwaring, nameljri argent, two bars gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed aj helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules andf argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours,! an ass's head erased proper, haltered argent, charged on] the neck for distinction with a cross crosslet or (for Main- waring) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, a bull's head gules, j armed sable, charged with an annulet or (for distinction). Married, October 3, 1872, Isabella Ann, only child of the 3 late Charles Benjamin Lee-Mainwaring of the Old Palace, ■ Richmond, in the county of Surrey, and widow of Major- General Egerton Charles William Miles Milman ; and has] Issue — Eyre Charles Massey-Mainwaring, Esquire, born October 27, 1874, died April 3, 1879; and Ada Isabella j Charlotte. Postal address — 30 Grosvenor Place, S.W. MASSICKS, see BARLOW-MASSICKS. EDWARD RICHARD MASSIE. Esquire, J. P. co. of J Chester, late Lieut. 78th Highlanders, Lord of the Manor! of Coddington. Bom Sept. 21, 1845, being the eldest sonj of Admiral Thomas Leche Massie, by his wife Charlotte! Hester, only dau. of Col. Edward V. Townshend of j Wincham. Livery — Mulberry, with red facings. Ar- morial bearing^ (Vns. Cheshire)— Quarterly gules and or, ; in the ist and 4th quarters three fleurs-de-lis argent, a canton azure. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the j colours, a demi-pegasus quarterly or and gules. Married, firstly, July 28, 1866, Olga Marie, Baroness von Wessenberg- Ampringen (granddau. of Baron Henry von Wessenberg- Ampringen, formerly Austrian Ambassador at St. James's) ; ' and has Issue — (i) Roger Henry Massie, hsq., Capt. Royal Artillery, b. July 2, 1869 ; (2) Edward Philip Massie, Gentleman, b. Dec. 5, 1870, d. August 31, 1871 ; (3) John Hamon Massie, Esq., Capt. Royal Artillery, b. June 10, 1872. He married secondly, Margaret Maxwell, dau. of] Sir Henry Maxwell Lyte, K.C. B. Seats — Coddington, Chester ; The Mount, Malpas, Cheshire. m STEPHEN MASSINGBERD, Esquire. Captain 3rd (Mil) Batt. Lincolnshire Regt. , J. P. Parts of Lindsey. Bom May 12, 1869, being the only son of Edmund Langton. by his wife Emily Caroline (who resumed by Royal Licence for herself and her issue the surname and arms of Massing- berd). elder dau. of Charles Langton Massingberd of Gunby. Armorial bearingB— Azure, three quatrefoils two and one or, in chief a boar passant of the last, charged with a cross pat^e gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased azure, charged with two arrows saltireways between four guttes argent. Motto — " Est meruisse satis." Married, July 18, 1895, Margaret, is tbe Blilitary Cockade. apa0 a^a0 943 dau. of his Hon. Judge Lushington of Pyports, Cobhani, Surrey. Seat — Gunby Hall, near Burgh, co. Lincoln. Cli/b — Wellington. MASSINGBERD (H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, azure, three quatrefoils two and one or, in chief a boar statant of the last, charged with a plain cross gules; 2 and 3, quarterly or and argent, on a cross couped between four lions rampant sable, five escallops of the first. MaxLtUng azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased azure, charged with two arrows saltirewise laetween four guttes argent. Son of Rev. Francis Charles Massingberd, Rector of Ormsby and Chancellor of Lincoln Cathedral, b. 1800; d. 1872; m. 1839, Fanny, eld. d. of William Baring, M.P. (fourth son of Sir Francis Baring, ist Bart.):— Rev. William Oswald Massingberd, Rector of Ormsby and R.D. of Hill, J. P. for Lindsey, b. 1848; m. 1884, Emily Sophia, d. of Rev. John Soper, late Rector of Bag Enderby ; and has issue — Dorothy Emily. Res, — The Rectory, Ormsby, Lines. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. MASSINGBERD-MUNDY (R.L., 29 April 1863, H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, per pale gules and sable, on a cross engrailed argent, three lozenges sable, on a chief or, three eagle's legs erased a la quise azure (Mundy, 1523) ; 2. azure, three quatrefoils two and one or, in chief a boar statant of the last, charged with a plain cross gules (Massingberd, c. 1500); 3. quarterly or and argent, on a cross couped between four lions rampant sable, five escallops of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a wolf's head erased sable, bezantfe, langued gules, vomiting fire proper (Mundy) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a ,lion's head erased azure, charged with two arrows saltirewise between four guttes argent (Massingberd). Son of Charles John Henry Massingberd - Mundy (formerly Mundy), Esq., J. P., D.L., of Ormsby, Lines., b. 1808; d. 1882; m. 1838, Elizabeth Susan, d. of John Young of Westridge, Isle of Wight : — Charles Francis Massingberd-Mundy, Esq., J. P., D.L. , b. 1839 ; m. 1865, Louisa Charlotte, d. of Charles John Bigge of Linden, Northumberland ; and has surv. issue — (i) Godfrey Bertram Massingberd-Mundy, Esq., J. P., D.L., b. 1872; (2) Francis Oswald Massingberd-Mundy, Gentleman, b. 1874 ; (3) Henry Louis Massingberd-Mundy, Gentleman, b. 1879 ; and Philippa Alice. Seat — Ormsby Hall, Alford, Lincolnshire. MASSY or MASSE Y (U.O.). Argent, on a chevron between three lozenges sable, a lion passant or. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a bull's head gules, attired sable. Motto—" Pro libertate patriae." Son of Hugh Hamon, 4th Baron Massy, 3. 1793; d. 1836 ; m. 1826, Matilda, d. of Luke White of Wood- lands, CO. Dublin, and sister of ist Lord Annaly : — Rt. Hon. John Thomas William Massy, 6th Baron Massy of Duntrileague, co. Limerick (Irel., 4 Aug. 1776), a Rep. Peer, J. P. and D.L. co. Leitrim and Limerick (High Sheriff co. Leitrim 1863 and Limerick 1873), b. 1835 ; ;«. 1863, Lady Lucy Maria (d. 1896), d. of Somerset Richard, 3rd Earl of Carrick ; and has issue — Hon. Hugh Somerset John Massey, Ardfinan House, Cahir), b. 1864 [?«. 1886, Ellen Ida Constance, d. of Charles William Wise of Rochestown, co. Tipperary ; and has surv. issue — Hugh Hamon Charles George Massy, Esq., b. 1894; Francis John Ingolsby Trestram Massy, b. 1895 ; Ida Lucy ; Muriel Olive ; and Lilian lerne Susan] ; Hon. Lucy Matilda Anne [tn. 1889, Major Charles Davis Guinness, R.A.] ; Jand Hon. Mabel Isabella [;«. 1889, Spencer Charles j Vansittart of Coolbawn]. Seats — Massy Lodge, Angles- iboro'; Hermitage, Castle Connell, both co. Limerick; [Lareen House, Bundoran, Leitrim; Killakee, Rath- farnham, co. Dublin. Clubs — Carlton, Kildare Street, (Dublin). Sons of Hugh Hamon John Massy, Esq., of Hazel- hurst, Hants, Capt. 44th Regt., b. 1822; d. 1867; m. 1850, Annie Margaret, d. of Morgan John Evans of Llwyndbarried : — Hugh Hamon George William Caruthers Massy , Esq. , Lieut. R.N. (ret.), Conimr. of Income and Land Taxes, b. 1851 ; m. 1882, Agnes Henrietta, d. of John James Edward Hamilton, Esq. 5f«/— Hazelhurst, Sway, Hants. Rollo Dillon Dunham Massy, Gentleman, b. 1856 ; m. 1884, Emma, d. of James Inman ; and has issue — Annie Narcissa ; and Louisa. Res — Hatchet Villa, Brocken- hurst, R.S.O., Hants. Sons of Edward Taylor Massy, Esq., of Cottesmore, CO. Pembroke, J. P., D.L. , b. 1807 ; d. 1882 ; m. 1835, Helen, d. of Jonathan Haworth Peel of Cottesmore : — Edward Hugh Hamon Massy, Esq., J. P., b. 1836; m. 1856, Ellena Antonia, d. of Signor Guiseppe Buttigeg of Malta. Seat — Ferny Glen, co. Pembroke. Haworth Peel Massy, Gentleman, late Lieut. 22nd Foot, b. 1842; m. 1873, Anne Justina, d. of Arthur Lloyd Daires-Lloyd of Altyrodin and Blaendyffryn ; and has surv. issue — (i) John Hamon Massy, Gentleman, b, 1879; (2) Hugh Dillon Massy, Gentleman, b. 1880; (3) Haworth Peel Massy, Gentleman, Lieut. Leinster Regt., b. 1882 ; (4) Bertie Errol Massy, Gentleman, b. 1883 ; and Muriel Kathleen. Seats — Altyrodin and Blaendyffryn, co. Car- digan. Rev. Xavier Peel Massy, B.A. , Rector of Colinton, b. 1845 ; w. 1872, Harriet Emily, d. of Edward Hurlstone ; and has issue — (1) Arthur Ernest Massy, Gentleman, b. 1873; (2) Godfrey Massy, Gentleman, b. 1879; (3) Lawrence Peel Massy, Gentleman, b. 1883; Mary Augusta \ni. 1899, Capt. C. S. Watson] ; Laura Gertrude [m. 1903, Harold MacFarlane, L.R.C.P.]; Helen Peel; Dorothy Peel; and Marjory Joan. Res. — The Rectory, Colinton, Midlothian. Arthur Wellington Massy, Gentleman, b. 1846; m. 1881, Emma Elizabeth, d. and h. of John Stokes of Cuffern ; and has issue — (i) Hugh Royds Stokes Massy, Lieut. R.A. , b. 1884 ; (2) Herbert John Massy, Gentleman, b. 1885 ; (3) Charles Walter Massy, Gentleman, b. 1887. Res. — Rev. George Eyre Massy, Rector of Gumfreston, co. Somerset,^. 1851 ; m. 1877, Katharine Frances, only child of Surg.-Maj. G. F. H. Brown ; and has issue — (i) George Edward Massy, Gentleman, b. 1878 ; (2) Villiers William Peel Massy, Gentleman, b. 1882; Norah Helen; Gladys Mary ; Constance ; and Helen. Res. — The Rectory, Gum- freston, Somerset. Sons of Col. George Eyre Massy of Riversdale, Limerick, b. 1822 ; d. 1885 ; m. ist, Rose Gertrude (d. 1869), d. of Thomas de Moleyns ; 2nd, 1871, Eliza, d. of Rev. James W. Rynd, Rector of Galbally: — Hugh Hamon George Massy, Gentleman, b. 1867; m. 1894, Hortense Mary, d. of Thomas John Pennefather ; and has issue — Hugh Hamon de Moleyns Massy, Gentle- man, b. 1895. Seat — Riversdale, Limerick. James Eyre Massy, Gentleman, late Lieut. 3rd Batt. Roy. Dub. Fus. , b. 1873 ; m. 1903, May Evelyn, d. of John Carmichael, Esq., J. P., of Tracton Park, co. Cork. Res.— George Robert Massy, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Edmund Ingoldsby Massy, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Son of Major John Massy, b. ; d. 1862 ; m. 1844, Henrietta Jane, d. of Major-Gen. Thomas Bell. C.B. :— George Thomas Charles Eyre Massy, Gentleman, b. 1846. Res.— Son of Very Rev. John Maunsell Massy-Beresford, Dean of Kilmore : — J. G. B. Massy-Beresford [q.v.]. Son of Francis Dennis Massy-Dawson, Esq., b. 1803 ; d. 1870; Pi. ist, 1829, Susan, d. of Lord Sinclair: — Francis Staunton Massy-Dawson, Esq. [Arms — Quarterly, 1 and 4, argent, two pales sable, a chevron gules, on a canton of the last, a battle-axe sable (Dawson) ; 2 and 3, Massy as above. Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, garnished or, holding in the gauntlet a battle-axe of the last (Dawson); 2. Massy as above], b. 1840; m. 1870; Julia Eliza, only d. of late T. C. Gilmour of New Orleans, U.S. A ; and has issue — (i) Francis Evelyn Massy-Dawson, Esq., Lieut. R.N., b. 1872; (2) Charles Godfrey Massy-Dawson, Gentleman, b. 1873 \m. 1903, Wilhelmina Geraldine, d. of S. Haughton, C.C.S.]; (3) Robert Henry Massy-Dawson, Gentleman, b. 1874; and Agnes Anne. Res.—y Herbert Street, Dublin. Son of George Staunton King Massy-Dawson, Esq. : — George Henry Edward Massy-Dawson, Esq. (q.v.). Son of Francis Hugh Massy, Esq., of Suir Castle, co. Tipperary, m. Anne Bomford, d. of Daniel MoUoy : — Daniel Molloy Massy, Esq., Col. Tipperary Art. Mil., is the Naval Cockade. 944 9dM e0a0 m. i()76, Sophia, widow of William Massy of Ballyglasheen, and d. of Alexander Grant. AV/. — Soo» of William Massy, Esq., of Caervillahow and Ballyclashrcn. *. 1815; . 1844; m. 1873, Emma, only child of John Iggulden of Deal. /fes. — 77 The Drive, Hove, Brighton. The Hon. William F. I J. Massey-Main waring (g.v.). Son of Capt. Hon. Nathaniel William Massey, *. 1837 ; d. 1870 ; m. 1st, i860, Caroline Sarah, d. of Abraham Turner : — Nathaniel Massey, Esq., d. 1861. lies. — SJOHN GEORGE BERESFORD MASSY-BERES- FORD, Esquire, J. P. for the cos. of Fermanagh and Peebles, and D.L. co. P'ermanagh, late Lieutenant Lanarkshire Yeomanry Cavalry, High Sheriff co. Fer- managh 1900, B.A. (Camb.). Born February 7, 1856, being the eldest and only surviving son of the late Very Rev. John Maunsell Massy-Bcresford, Dean of Kilmore, by his wife Emily S.arah, daughter of the Reverend Isaac Beres- ford. Annorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent. [^ra-Ubertale-jpatriiy] * crusily fitchte three fleurs-de-lis within a bordure en- grailed sable, a canton erminois (for Beresford) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron between three lozenges sable, a lion passant or, a martlet for difference (for Massy), and im- paling the arms of Mulholland, namely azure, a stag's head erased argent, between three escallops or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent; and for his Create, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head erased azure, charged with a crescent or, and pierced througli ^ is the Military Cockade. ^00 apas; 945 the neck with a broken spear, the point thrust through the upper jaw gold, on an escroll above the motto, " Nil nisi cruce " (for Beresford) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, a bull's head gules, armed sable, charged with a martlet gold (for Massy). Motto — "Pro libertate patria." Mar- ried, November 22, 1892, the Honourable Alice Elizabeth, youngest daughter of the Right Honourable the first Baron Dunleath ; and has Issue — (i) Tristram Hugh Massy- Beresford, Gentleman, b. April 10, 1896; (2) John Clarina Massy-Beresford, Gentleman, b. July 29, 1897 ; and Monica Emily. Estates — Macbie Hill, Lamancha, N. B. ; Barna and Kilscanlon, in the county of Limerick ; Ballyslatteen, in the county of Tipperary; St. Hubert's, in the county of Fermanagh. Postal addresses — St. Hubert's, Belturbet, Ireland; Macbie Hill, Lamancha, N.B. Club — Consti- tutional. GEORGE CHARLES HENRY EDWARD MASSY DAWSON, Esquire, J. P. co. Tipperary. Born Oct. 8, 1864, being the second son of the late George King Staunton Massy-Dawson, by his wife Grace E. Leeson. Armorial bearings Quarterly i and 4, argent, two pales sable, a chevron gules, on a canton of the last, a battle-axe sable (for Dawson, 1663) ; 2 and 3, argent, a chevron between three lozenges sable (for Massy). Mantling sable and argent. Crests I. on a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, garnished or, holding in the gauntlet a battle-axe of the last (for Dawson) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, a bull's head gules, armed sable (for Massy). Married, Sept. 25, 1894, Rosalie Bertha, eldest dau. of Jean Hunziger. Seats BaWmcovate and Castlerea House, CO. Tipperary. Club Junior Constitutional. Gentleman, b. July 5, 1878 ; (2) Arthur Bisset Streynsham Hoskins Master, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., b. Feb. 25, 1880; (3) Herbert Francis Hoskins Master, Gentleman, Lieut. 2nd Queen's R. West Surrey Regt., b. Jan. 22, 1882; (4) Legh CHARLES GILBERT MASTER, Esquire, C.S.I., late Member of the Council at Madras. Born Nov. 8, 1833, being the fifth son of the late Ven. Robert Mosley Master, M.A., Incumbent of Burnley, co. Lancaster; Hon. Canon of Manchester, Archdeacon of Manchester, Rector of Cros- ton ; by his wife Frances Mary, eldest dau. of George Smith, Esq. , M. P. , of Selsdon, Surrey, brother of Lord Carrington. Armorial bearings — Azure, a fesse embattled between three griffins' heads erased or, and below the shield his badge as a C.S.I. Mantling azure and or. Crest — In a mural crown or, a unicorn's head argent, crined and armed sable. MottO — " Non minor est virtus quam quserere parta tueri." Mar- ried, Nov. 25, 1857 Emma Caroline, dau. of Thomas Onslow ; and has Issue -(1) Charles Onslow Master, Gentle- man (Seat — Bourton Grange, Flax Bourton, Bristol) [m.. May 15, 1893, Wilhelmina, daughter of Peter Franken, and has issue, George Gilbert Master, Gentleman, b. Feb. 16, 1894; Charles Francis Master, Gentleman, b. April 21, 1897]; (2) Streynsham Robert Master, Gentleman, Lieut. 2nd Batt. 1st Goorkhas, killed in Burmah 1893; (3) Thomas Mosley Master, Gentleman ; (4) Arthur Gilbert Master, Esq. , Capt. Army Service Corps [w., Oct. 7, 1897, Elizabeth, dau. of Edward Hotham Newton, and has issue, Edward Streynsham Master, Gentleman, b. Jan. 29, 1900 ; and Audrey Margaret] ; (5) Alfred Edmund Master, Esq. , M. B. , Capt. Royal Army Medical Corps ; (6) Harold Onslow Master, Gentleman, R.N.R. ; Frances Emma [m., 1885, Rev. H. D. Goldsmith, and has issue] ; Elizabeth Octavia ; and Emily Florence. Residence — 250xfoidSquare, London, W. C/?/ (5— National. § CHARLES HOSKINS MASTER, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. CO. Surrey, High Sheriff 1900. Born Oct. 24, 1846, being the eldest son of Charles Hoskins Master, Esq., J. P. CO. Surrey, by his wife ?2mily, younger dau. of Nathaniel Borrer of Pakyns Manor, Hurstpierpoint, Sussex. Livery — (Dress) dark blue, yellow and blue striped waistcoats, dark blue plush breeches, gilt buttons ; (undress) as before, but dark blue trousers with narrow yellow stripe. Armorial bearings (H. Coll., 1608)— Azure, a fesse embattled be- tween three griffins' head erased or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — In a mural crown or, a unicorn's head argent, crined and armed sable. Motto— "Non minor est virtus quam quserere parta tueri." Married, Oct. 9, 1877, Amy Morgan, third dau. of Gen. Sir John Bisset, K.C.M.G., C.B. ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Edward Hoskins Master, Chichele Hoskins Master, Gentleman, b. March 24, 1890; and Amy Charlotte Emily Hoskins. Seat — Barrow Green Court, Oxted, Surrey. Clubs — United University, St. Stephen's. The Reverknu GILBERT COVENTRY MASTER, Clerk in Holy Orders. Born July 3, 1839, being the second but only surviving son of the late Rev. James Streynsham Master, M.A. , Hon. Canon of Manchester, Rural Dean of Leyland, and Rector and Patron of Chorley, by his wife AUce, dau. and coheiress of Samuel Horrocks, Esq., M.P. for Preston. Armorial bearings - Azure, a fesse em- battled between three griffins' heads erased or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — In a mural crown or, a unicorn's head argent, crined and armed sable. Motto — " Non minor est virtus quam quairere parta tueri." Married, June 9, i86g, Frances Ann Mary, only dau. of B. K. M'Dermott, Esq., Captain 8ih Regiment; and has Issue — Alice Frances [/«., 1891, Frederick Haviland, and has issue]. Postal address — Springvale, Lansdowne Road, Bourne- mouth. JOHN HENRY MASTER, Esq., J. P. for co. Surrey, retired from the Madras Civil Service. Born July 21, 1831, being the fourth son of the late Ven. Robert Mosley Master, M.A. , Incumbent of Burnley, co. Lancaster, Hon. Canon of Manchester, Archdeacon of Manchester, Rector of Croston, by his wife Frances Mary, eldest dau. of George Smith, Esq., M. P. , of Selsdon, Surrey (brother of Lord Carrington). Livery—Blue, gilt buttons. Armorial bearings — (2 May 1608) Azure, a fesse embattled between three griffins' heads erased or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — In a mural crown or, a unicorn's head argent, crined and armed sable. Motto — "Non minor est virtus quam quaerere parta tueri." Married, Oct. 12, 1865, Gertrude Emma, dau. of Alfred William Begbie ; and has Issue — Mabel Louisa [m., April 26, 1893, Captain Thomas Charles Hunt, King's Own Regiment, and has issue]; Mildred Estelle Sybella [m., Sejjt. 27, 1898, Ralph Cockayne Assheton, and has issue]; Winifred Maud [m., June 14, is the Naval Cockade. 3O 946 m^ff 1898. Rev. WilHam Orme Assheton. Rector of Bilton. co, Wvwick. and has issue] ; Hilda Violet [•«., Oct. 18, 1900. Rev. Arthur Stanley Vaughan Blunt, Vicar of Ham, co. Surrey, and has issue]. 5«a/— Montrose House, Petersham. ROBERT EDWARD MASTER, Esquire, J. P. for Middlesex, retired from the Madras Civil Service. Bom June 15, 1826, being the second son of the late Ven. Robert Mosley Master, M.A., Incumbent of Burnley, co. Lancas- ter, Hon Canon of Manchester, Archdeacon of Manchester, Rector of Croston, by his wife Frances Mary, eldest dau. of George Smith, Esq., M.P., of Selsdon, Surrey (brother of Lord Carrington). Armorial bearings — Azure, a fesse embattled between three griffins' heads erased or. Hant- liii£^ aziu-e and or. Crest— In a mural crown or, a unicorn's head argent, crined and armed sable. MottO — " Non minor est virtus quam qujerere parta tueri." Married, June 18, 1874, Floreiitia S^le, dau. of Col. John Wynch, R.A. ; and has Issue — Eleanor Frances. Seat — Hillingdon Furze, Uxbridge, East India United Service. The Reverend ALFRED MASTER- WHITAKER, M.A., Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Holme and Patron of Croston ; in 1889 he assumed by Royal Licence the addi- tional name of Whitaker. Bom Sept. 8, 1835, being the sixth son of the late Ven. Robert Mosley Master, M.A. Oxon. , formerly Chaplain to the Earl of Derby and to Lord Carrington, Hon. Canon of Manchester, Archdeacon of Manchester, Incumbent of St. James's, Leyland, co. Lan- caster, Rector and Patron of Croston, by his wife Frances Mary, eldest dau. of George Smith of Selsdon Park, co. Surrey, M.P. for Midhurst. Armorial bearings— Azure, a fesse embattled between three griffins' heads erased or. Mn.Tit»ii£r azure and or. Crest — Out of a mural crown or, a unicorn's head argent, crined and armed gules. Motto — " Non minor est virtus quam quaerere parta tueri." Married, Aug. 23, 1887, Mary Charlotte, only dau. and heir of Thomas Hordem Whitaker, Esq., of Holme, F.S.A., J. P. and D.L. Seat — Holme, Burnley, co. Lancaster. 60at MATHER (H. Coll.). Barrv of six aiure and argent, two (launches ermine, on a chief of the second, an escallop between two mullets of six points of the first. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from clouds proper, an eagle displayed or, holding in each claw an arrow proper, and charged on either wing with an escallop azure. Son of late William Mather of Salford, b. ; J . jM • Sir William Mather, Knt. Bach. (190a). J. P.. M.P. since 1885, M.I.C.E., b. 1838; «. 1863, Emma, d. of Thomas Watson of Highbury. Seats — Woodhill, Prest- wich, Manchester ; Caradoc Court, Ross, Herefordshire. Town res. — 16 Kensington Palace Gardens, W. Club— Reform. SSiR KENNETH JAMES MATHESON, second Baronet, of Lochalsh, in the county of Ross, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for that county and for the county of Cromarty, and Justice of the Peace for the county of Inverness. Born May 12, 1854, being the son of Sir Alexander Matheson, the first Baronet, Member of Parliament, by his second wife, the Honourable Lavinia Mary, sister of the Ri^ht Honourable the eighth Baron Beaumont ; succeeded his father in 1886, under the creation of May 15, 1882. Livery — White (or drab) with crimson facings and silver buttons. Armorial bearings (1543, €CxjUibris ;K>»»«tb XUatbcson.jBT ". — .of jCcocHalsb.^--^ MASTERS, see SMITH-MASTERS. matriculated L.O. 1841 and 1900) — Argent, three dexter hands couped two and one gules, within a bordure of the second. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for Crest, issuing out of an Eastern crown or, a dexter hand holding a scimitar in fesse all proper. Motto— " Fac et spera." Heir presumptive — His half- brother, Alexander Perceval Matheson, Esquire, born 1861 ; married, 1884, Eleanor, daughter of the late Reverend ^ l8 the MiUtary Cockade. Q^at Q^au 947 Kyrle Ernie Aubrey Money of Much Marcle, in the county of Hereford. Seats — Duncraig Castle, Plockton, N.B. ; Gledfield House, Ardgay, N.B. Postal address — 15 Hyde Park Gardens, W. Clubs — Carlton, Bachelors'. ROBERT DE MOWBRAY MATTERSON, Gentle- man. Born May 4, 1873, being the eldest son of William Key Matterson, Esq., Major (retired pay) Cheshire Regt., by his wife Jessie de Mowbray, dau. of Capt. Robert Mowbray Darnell, late iiih Light Dragoons. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearings Gyronny of eight gules and azure, a lion rampant erminois between two roses in chief argent, barbed and seeded proper, and a sword fesse- ways the point to the dexter in base of the fourth, pommel and hilt or, all within a bordure indented of the third. Mantling gules and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm entwined by a branch of oak grasping a scimitar all proper, the pommel and hilt or, between two roses. Residence -Langford Manor, Fivehead, Somerset. MATTHEWS (H. Coll.). Sable, in base a lion rampant, and in chief two portcullises argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a hawk belled proper in front of a gridiron or. Motto- Son of : — Joseph Matthews, Esq., J. P. co. Kent, b. . Res. — Foxbury, St. Lawrence-Seal, Kent. The Reverend BENJAMIN MATURIN, M.A. Trin. Coll., Dublin, Vicar and Rural Dean of Lymington, Hants. Born 1815, being the fourth son of the Reverend Henry Maturin, Fellow Trin. Coll., Dublin, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of John Johnston of Belvidere, Dublin. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron between two mart- lets in chief gules, and a mount in base proper. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a horse in full speed argent ; with the MottO, "Minatur." Married, firstly, June 3, 1840, Anna, only dau. of John Johnston of Belfast ; and has Issue — (i) Henry Maturin, Gentleman, b, 1842 [in., 1868, Ehzabeth, dau. of Robert Davy of Ringwood, Hants] ; secondly, June 1855, Adelaide, dau. of Ralph Allen Daniell of Lymington ; and has Issue by second marriage — (2) Benjamin Allen Maturin, Gentleman [;«. , Dec. 7, 1885, Elise, dau. of Col. Malcom- son] ; (3) Charles Maturin, Gentleman ; Adelaide Maud [m. , 1883, Henry Fiennes Speed] ; Laura Susan [;«. William Hall of Enniskillen] ; and Frances Elizabeth. Postal address — Vicarage, Lymington, Hants. DANHiL BAIRD MATURIN-BAIRD, late Lieut. R. Tyrone Fusiliers, being the eldest son of the late Charles Maturin, by his wife Jane, dau. of Daniel Baird of Newtown Stewart ; and assumed the name and arms of Baird by Royal License on inheriting this property, and was Lieut. R. Tyrone Fusiliers. Armorial bearings — Quarterly 1 and 4, per fesse or and gules, a boar passant proper between two crescents in chief of the second and a dagger in base of the first (for Baird) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron between two martlets in chief gules, and a moimt in base proper (for Maturin). Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a'boar's head erased proper, between two branches of shamrock vert (for Baird) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a a horse in full speed argent (for Maturin). Motto — "Vietvirtute." Seat — Newtown Stewart, CO. Tyrone. Residence — Portsmouth Road, Kingston-on- Thames. CHARLES HENRY MAUDE, Esquire, late Captain in Her Majesty's Indian Army. Borii August flKftfltltlP ^^' ^^3°' being the second son of Francis v^uVlUv Maude, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Francis Maude, by his wife Frances, daughter of A. H. Brooking. Club- St. Stephen's. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure a lion rampant argent (for Maude) ; 2 and 3 argent, three bars gemelles sable, and overall a lion rampant gules, charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslet fitch^e or ; and impaling the arms of Hanbury-Tracy, namely, quarterly i and 4, or an escallop in the centre chief point sable, be- tween two bendlets gules (for Tracy) ; 2 and 3 or, a bend engrailed vert, cotised sable (for Hanbury). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erased gules, holding an acorn or, shpped vert. Married, 1859, Georgiana Henrietta Emma, commonly known as the Honourable Georgiana Henrietta Emma, second daughter of the Right Honour- able the second Baron Sudeley ; and has Issue — (i) Cyril Francis Maude, Gentleman (of 33 Brompton Crescent, S.W.), born 1862 [married, 1888, Winifred Emery, and has issue living, Margery Kathleen, and Pamela Cynthia]; (2) Ernest Henry Maude, Gentleman, born 1863 [married, 1889, Maud, daughter of Francis Dennis Bullen, and has issue living, Robert Henry Ernest Maude, Gentleman, born 1890]; (3) Hubert Cornwallis Maude, Gentleman, born 1865 ; (4) Alwyn Julian Maude, Gentleman, born 1867 [married, 1893, Mabel, daughter of J. Torpy of New South Wales, and has issue, Lilian Isabelle] ; (5) Maurice Douglas Maude, Gentleman, born 1868 ; (6) Ralph Walter Maude, Gentleman, born 1873; and Lilian Selina. Residence — 90 Elm Park Gardens, S. W. FRANCIS STERLING DE MONTALT MAUDE. Esquire, Capt. and Adjutant Royal Northern Reserve Regt. Born 1867, being the only son of the late Col. Francis Cornwallis Maude, C. B. , V.C., late of the Royal Artillery, by his wife Paulina Susanna, dau. of the Honourable Paul Ivy Sterling, Acting Chief - Justice of Ceylon. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure, a lion rampant argent ; 2 and 3, argent, three bars gemelles sable, and over all a lion rampant gules, charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslet fitch^e or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erased gules, holding an oak-branch vert, fructed or. Married, 1898, Violet Brenda, dau. of the late John Howarth Ashton, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Hatfield Court, Herefordshire. ROBERT HENRY MAUDE, Esquire, Lieutenant- Colonel late 7th Royal Fusiliers. Bor?i June 24, 1842, being the second but eldest surviving son of the Very Reverend Robert William Maude, commonly known as the Very Reverend the Honourable Robert William Maude, Dean of Clogher, by his wife Martha, commonly known as the Honourable Martha, sister of the Right Honourable the late Baron Dunalley, and daughter of F. A. Prittie, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable F. A. Prittie ; heir presumptive to Viscounty of Hawarden. Club — Army and Navy. Livery^DBx)^ g^reen, red waistcoat, silver buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure a lion rampant argent ; 2 and 3 argent, three bars gemelles sable, over all a lion rampant gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erased gules, holding an oak-branch slipped proper, acorned or ; with the Motto, " Virtute securus." Married, December 15, 1881, Caroline A. M. , eldest daughter of Major Arthur Ogle ; and has Issue — Robert Cornwallis Maude, Esquire, born September 6, 1890. Estate — Palmerston, in the county of Dublin. Postal address — White Hill Chase, Greatham, West Liss, Hants. MAULE, quartered by RAMSAY. MAUNSELL. quartered by TIBBITS. The Reverend CECIL HENRY MAUNSELL, M.A. (Oxon. ), Lord of the Manor and Patron and Rector of Thorpe Malsor. Born Jan. 9, 1847, being the only son of the late Rev. George Edmund Maunsell, Rector of Thorpe Malsor, by his first wife Theodosia Mary, dau. of the late Sir John Palmer, Bart. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron between three maunches sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a falcon rising proper. Motto — " Honorantes me honorabo." Seat — Thorpe Malsor Hall, Kettering, co. Northampton. Club — Grosvenor. CECIL JOHN COKAYNE MAUNSELL, Gentleman. Born 1881, being the eldest son of Thomas Cokayne Maunsell, Esq., J. P. co. Northampton, late Captain 12th Lancers, by his wife Catherine Elizabeth, second dau. of the Hon. Richard Cavendish of Thornton Hall Bucks. is tlie Naval Cockade. 948 a^au e§ax Annorial bMurlngB — Argent, » chevron between three mftunchrb snhle. Mfcntllng sable and argent. OrMt— On a wreath of the colours, u falcon rising proper. MottO— " Honontntes me honoraba" Genkrai.Sik FREDKRICK RICH.\RDMAIINSELL, K.C.B. /fc»r« 1828, lieing the son of the late Rev. D. H. Mauntt*!! of linlliriKgan, by Louisa, dau. of John Richard- son of NIount J*anthi'r, co. Down; was created C.B. 1873, and advanced to rank of K.C.B. in 1897. C/uts — United 5?ervice, East India United Service, Primrose. Armorial bMUrlOgB — Argent, a che\Ton between three maunches sable, the escutcheon surrounded by the ribbon of the Bath and pendent below his badge as a K.C.B. Afam'ed, 1863, Kfaria Alexandrine (who d. 1883), dau. of Don Manuel Velex of New Granada. Postal addresses — Laleham, Middlesex ; and 3a Ashley Gardens, S. W. RICHARD MARK SYNNOT MAUNSELL, Esquire, J. P. COS. Kildare (High Sheriff 1890-92) and Clare, late Capt. ist. (Royal) Dragoons. Bom Oct. 22, 1843, being the eUlcst son of the late George Wood Maunsell, Esq., of Oakly Park, co. Kildare, and of Ashford, co. Limerick, LP., and D.L.. High Sheriff co. Kildare 1885, M.A., Barrister- at- Law, by his wife Maria, eldest surviving dau. and co-heir of Mark Synnot of Monasteroris House, King's Co., and Grove House, Clapham, Surrey, duds — Army and Navy, Kildare Street (Dublin), and County (Limerick). Armorial bearins^ — Argent, a chevron between three maunches sable. Married, ist, Marie Lucy, eldest dau. of Ale.\andcr Copland of Wingfield, Berks (which lady d.s.p. Jan. II, 187^); 2ndly, Feb. 26, 1877, Mary Eliza (rf. 1892), dau. and heiress of the late Samuel Caswell, Esq. , J. P. , of Blackwater, co. Clare ; and has Issue — Richard John Cas- well Maunsell, Gentleman, h. May 2, 1878; and Marie Norah ; 3rdly, Feb. 6, 1894, Georgina Mackenzie, second dau. of the late Capt. Joseph Richard Middleton, H.E.I.C.S. Seats — Oakly Park, Celbridge, co. Kildare; and Black- water, CO. Clare. Major-General THOMAS MAUNSELL, C.B. ; served throughout the Punjaub Campaign of 1848 and 1849, present at the First and Second Siege operations before Mooltan, the action of Soorjkoond, storm and cap- ture of the City, and surrender of the Fortress ; surrender of the Fort and Garrison of Chiniote, and at the Battle of Goojerat (medal and two clasps) ; was severely wounded at Mooltan ; served the Eastern Campaign of 1854, and up to the 20th Feb. 1B55, including the Battles of Alma and Inkermann, and Siege of Sebastapol (medal and three clasps, Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and 5th class of the order of the Medjidie); nominated a Companion of the Bath on the 29th May 1875. Bom Sept. 10, 1822, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late George Meares Maunsell, Esq., J. P., of Bally William, Rath- keale, co. Limerick, by his wife Catherine, dau. of Thomas Lloyd of Beechmount, co. Limerick, Esq., J. P., D.L., M.P. Livery — Invisible blue, white cuffs, over- coats of dark blue, white collars and cuffs, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron be- tween three maunches sable ; and pendent below the escut- cheon his badge as a C. B. , and badge of the Order of the Medjidie. Married, Feb. 21, 1865, Amy I.,ouisa Eliza- beth, dau. of Col. Burrowes, K. H., of Bourton Court, in CO. of Somerset; and has Issue — (i) George Edward Scarlett Maunsell. Gentleman, b. Jan. 12, 1871 ; (2) Philip Mountstuart Aitchison Maunsell, Gentleman, b. June 29, 1874 ; I^uisa Amy Catherine Augusta ; and Cicely Marion Grace. Postal addresses — Ballywilliam, Rathkeale, co. Limerick ; the Cottage, Burghclere, Newbury, Hants. C/«*— Primrose. MAVESYN, quartered by NIBLETT. JAMES PLATT MAWDSLEY, Gentleman. Born November 28, 1825, being the only son CTlAAVtllltff ni ^^ James Mawdsley, by his wife Ellen, l^aUIUX)l«>^ daughter of Peter Piatt of Liverpool. Armorial bearingps — He bears for Arms : Sable, two chevronels argent between as many hammers in chief and a fleur-de-lis in base of the last ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed sable, sem^e of annulets argent, and holding in the beak a hammer as in the arms; with the Motto, " Conatu." Married, Sept. 5, 1849, Ellen, dau. of John Currey, Mer- chant, of Liverpool; and has lssue-~{\) James Mawdsley, Gentleman, b. 1854 \m., 1880, Lucy Anne, fourth dau. of Nicholas Duckworth of Mosley Hill] ; (2) Robert Cargey Mawdsley, (ientleman, b. 1859 \m., 1893, Mary Alice, widow of Edward Grace of Calcutta] ; (3) Thomas Ryder Mawds- ley, Gentleman, b, i86a [w»., 1900, Helen, fourth dau. of Walton AinswoUh, Esq., J. P., of Rivington, Lancashire]; (4) William Currey L^yland Mawdsley, Gentleman, b. 1863; Eliza Currey [«., 1873, Henry Wainwright of Liverpool]; Ellen \m., 1874, Alfred Dobell of Liverpool]; Hannah Cathenne Ross[w»., 1891, John Ritchie, Jr., of I..iverpool] ; and May Currey. Estate — Property in Liverpool and Beechwood, Aigburth. Postal address — 30 Falkner Square, Liverpool. S JAMES MAXTONE-GRAHAM, Esquire, J. P. and D. L. Born June 20, 1819, being the son of the late Anthony Maxtone, by his wife Alexina, dau. of John Graeme of Eskbank, and sister of Robert Graham of Balgowan, in the county of Perth. Armorial bearings — Quarterly I and 4, or a chevron gules, between three cross crosslets fitch^e azure (for Maxtone) ; 2 and 3 or, three piles sable, within a double tressure flory counterflory gules, on a chief of the second, a rose between two escallops of the first (for Graham). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a manthng gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the liveries, a bee proper (for Maxtone) ; 2. upon a wreath of the liveries, a dove proper (for Graham). Mottoes — "Providus esto," and " Candide ut secure." Married, July 30, 1851, Caro line Mary Anne, daughter of George Edward Russell, Honourable East India Company's Service ; and has Issue — (i) Anthony George Maxtone-Graham, Gentleman, born March 28, 1854; (2) Robert Graham Maxtone-Graham, Gentleman, bom February i, 1856 ; (3) James Maxtone- Graham, Gentleman, born October 19, 1863 [married, September 5, 1893, Margaret Ethel, second daughter of the late Philip Kington Blair Oliphant of Ardblair, in the e is the Military Cockade. ^ax Q^ar 949 county of Perth] ; Alexina Mary ; Margaret Grasme ; Caro- line Leonora ; Elizabeth Christina ; and Marjory Georgina Ramsay. Seats — Cultoquhey, Crieff ; Battleby, Redgorton in the county of Perth. MAXWELL, quartered by BOYLE and M'CULLOCH. MAXWELL, see CONSTABLE-MAXWELL, CON- STABLE-MAXWELL-STUART, FARNHAM, PER- CEVAL-MAXWELL, and WEDDERBURN-MAX- WELL. THEODORE MAXWELL, Gentleman, M.D. (Cam- bridge), B.Sc. (London). Bor7i March 29, 1847, being the only son of the late Rev. Edward Maxwell of Ballyrollv, co. Down, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Camb.), nfi formerly Rector of High Reding, Essex, by his wife Mary Hogg, dau. of Alexander Jaffray Nicholson, M.D., of Dublin. Armorial bearings (1542) —Argent, a saltire sable, a chief paly of six of the first and second, a mullet for dif- ference. Mantling gules and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased proper, a mullet for difference as in the arms. Motto - "Je suis pret." Mar- ried, Sept. 9, 1873, Elizabeth Eyre, second dau. of John Eyre Ashhy, LL.D. ; and has Issue -Arnold Ashby Max- well, Gentleman, B.Sc. (Victoria), b. Nov. 5, 1874. Estate — BallyroUy, Downpatrick, co. Down. Residence— 2^ The Common, Woolwich. Sir WILLIAM EDWARD MAXWELL, Esq., Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Governor and Commander- in-Chief of the Gold Coast Colony. Bom 1846, being the son of Sir Peter Benson Maxwell; created C.M.G. 1885, and K. C.M.G. 189. Club — Conservative. Armorial bearings — Argent, an eagle with two heads displayed sable, beaked and membered gules, surmounted of a shield of the first, charged with a saltire of the second, thereon a hedgehog or, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon of the order, and pendent below his badge as a K. C.M.G. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mount thereon a holly bush and a stag lodged all proper. Motto — "Reviresco. " Mar- ried, 1870, Lilias Grant, dau. of the Reverend J. Aberigh- Mackay, Doctor of Divinity. Postal address — Government House, Accra, West Africa. j|^ WILLIAM HENRY MAXWELL, Esquire, Admiral ^P Royal Navy. Born June 13, 1840, being the eldest son of the late Lt.-Col. Charles Francis Maxwell and his wife Thomasine Ionia, dau. of the late Col. Sir Fred. Hankey, G. C.M.G. Armorial bearings — Argent, a double-headed eagle displayed sable, beaked and membered gules, upon its breast an escutcheon of the first, charged with a saltire of the second, surcharged in the centre with a hurcheon or, all within a bordure parted per pale of the third and compony of the second and first. Mantling sable, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, an eagle rising proper. Motto — "Reviresco." Married, Dec. 13^ 1871, Catherine Penelope, eldest dau. of Col.' Fred. Thomas Maitland, grandson of General the Hon; ' Sir Alexander Maitland, Bart., fifth son of the 6th Earl dj[ Lauderdale ; and has Issue — Charles Frederick MaitlapS Maxwell, Gentleman, M.A. Oxford, b. Feb. 15, 1874; and Emily Ionia. Residence — Holywych, Cowden, Kent. Club — United Service. is the Naval Cockade. 950 Ci^ar a^ap M JOHN HEKON MAXWKLl^HKRON. Ksquire. J.P. O and 1>. h. for cos. Kirkcudbright and Wigtown, Ute Captain ist Royal Soots (Lothian) Regt., M.P. for Stcwmtry of Kirkcmibright 1880-85. Horn S«?pt. 5, 1836, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Michael Nlaxwell- Heron of Heron, J.l*., Vicar of Heddon-on-the-Wall, Newcastle, by his wife Charlotte Frances, eldest dau. of Captain F. w. Burgoyne. R.N., second son of Sir John Burgoynr, 7th Hart., of Sutton Park, co. Bedford. Ar- morial bearings Argent, two lions combatant, support- ing tietween their paws a rose gulos, stalked ami leaved vert. Mantung gulcs, doubled argent. Orest— On a wretith of his liveries, a dcmi-lion holding in the dexter paw a cross flory. Mottoes -"Ad ardua tendit," and "Par valeur." Supporters (as head of the family)— "Two herons." Marrted, November 12, 1868, Mar- guerita, second dau. of William St.-uicomb of Blounts Court, Deviies; and has Issue— [\) Guy Heron Maxwell- Heron, Gentleman, LJeut. ^rd Batt. South Wales Bor- derers, b. June 1871 ; er 22, 1814, l)eing the eldest son of the late John Charles Maynard of Skiningrovc, and of Harlsey Hall, in the county of York, by his wife Catherine Grace, daughter of the late John Easteiby, Esquire, of Skiningrove. Armorial bearings— He l)ears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent on a chevron vert, between three sinister hands couped at the wrist gules, five ermine spots or (for Maynard) ; 2 and 3, barry of six erminois and gules, on a chief azure, three catherine-wheels or (for l^x), impaling the arms of Ridley, namely, quarterly i and 4, gules on a chevron between three falcons argent, as many pellets (for RidleyJ ; 2 and 3 argent, three cocks' heads erased sable (for White) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag trippant or, gorged with a collar invected argent, fimbriated sable; with the Motto, " Manus justa nardus." Married, firstly, June 14, 1843, Elizabeth Jane, eldest daughter of George Hatton Wilkinson, Esquire, Deputy- Lieutenant, of Harperly Park, in the county of Durham (she died 1872); secondly, 1873, Edith Harriet, eldest daughter of the Reverend Henry Richard Ridley. By his first mar- riage he has Issue— (\) Anthony Charles Hilton Maynard, Gentleman, born June 7, i860 [married, 1890, .'\nnie Evelyn, eldest daughter of the Reverend H. A. Milton, Master of Sherburne Hospital] ; and by his second marriage, (2) Henry Easterby Maynard, Gentleman, born July g, 1876. Estate — Skiningrove, in the county of York. EDMUND ANTHONY JEFFERSON MAYNARD, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Derby, Lord of the Manor of Nether Padley. Bom 1861, being the only son of the late Edmund Gilling Maynard, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Chesterfield, by his second wife Ann, eldest daughter of John Jell of Dover, in is the Military Cockade. a^ap aiea 951 the county of Kent. Livery — Light drab, with dark green collar and cuffs. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent on a chevron vert, between three sinister hands couped at the wrist gules, five ermine spots or (for Maynard) ; 2 and 3, barry of six erminois and gules, on a chief azure three catherine-wheels or (for Lax) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag trippant or, gorged with a collar invected argent, fimbriated sable ; with the Motto, " Manus justa nardus." Married, April 2, 1887, Margaret Blanche, elder daughter of R. S. Wilmot- Sitwell of Stainsby House, Smalley, in the county of Derby ; and has had Issue — (i) Anthony Lax Maynard, Gentleman, born 1889 ; (2) Richard Sacheverell Maynard, Gentleman, born October 9, 1892, died January 14, 1893 ; (3) John Wil- mot Maynard, Gentleman, born June 8, 1896; Dorothy Margaret ; aud Winifred May. Estates — Nether Padley and at Chesterfield, both in the county of Derby. Postal address — Egginton Hall, Burton-on-Trent. OTWAY MAYNE, Esquire, late Major 2nd Norfolk Regt. , Chief Constable of co. of Bucks. Born 1855, being the only son of the late Major Henry Otway Mayne of " Mayne's Horse," by his wife Mary Ewer Turner, younger dau. of the late Jacob Turner, B.C.S. Club — Naval and Military. Livery — Dark navy blue. Armorial bearings (L.O. , 1730) — Argent, a chevron gules, voided of the field, between two pheons in chief sable and a fleur-de-lis in base azure, all within a bordure wavy of the last. Mantling^ gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand issuing from the torse holding a plain cross gules ; and in an escroll above this Motto, " Virtuti fortuna comes." Married, Jan. 1894, Helena E., younger dau. of the Venble. H. R. Nevill, Archdeacon of Norfolk, and Canon of Norwich Cathedral. Residence — Walton Lodge, Aylesbiiry. MAZE, see BLACKBURNE-MAZE. MCCGWIRE (U.O.). Vert, a white horse fully capari- soned, thereon a knight in complete armour, in the dexter hand a sword all proper. Mantling^ vert and argent. Crest — On a ducal coronet or, a stag statant proper, collared and lined gold. Mottoes — "Fortitude et justitia," " Virtus et fortitudo invincibilia sunt." Son of William John MccGwire of Carrigbawn, nr. Rostrevor, tn. 1828, Lady Mary Annesley, only d. of the 3rd Earl of Annesley : — Major-Gen. Edward Thomas St. Lawrence MccGwire, heir male and representative of the Chiefs of Fermanagh, b. 1830. Res. — 22 Alfred Place West, London, S.W. Son of Samuel Edward MccGwire, Esq. , J. P. , of Clonea House (High Sheriff 1869), b. ; d. 1886; VI. 1852, Charlotte. Maria, d. of Rt. Hon. Sir William MacMahon, Bart., Master of the Rolls in Ireland: — William Walter MccGwire, Gentleman, b. 1853. Seat — Clonea House, Dungarvan, co. Waterford. MEADE, quartered by RYE. CHARLES FRANCIS MEADE, Esquire. Born 1881 being the only son of the late Hon. Sir Robert Henry Meade, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, by his wife Caroline Georgiana, dau. of the late Charles William Grenfell, M.P. Armorial bearings- Quarterly I and 4, gules, a chevron ermine between three trefoils slipped argent (for Meade) ; 2 and 3, quarterly i. and iiii., azure, three peewits argent (for Magill), ii. and iii. per chevron argent, and vert, three hinds trippant proper (for Hawkins). Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an eagle with two heads displayed sable, armed or. JOHN JOSIAS MEADE, Gentleman. Born Sept. 26, 1858, being the eldest surviving son of the late John Meade, Esquire, J. P., by his wife Eliza, dau. of Richard Meade of Dublin. Armorial bearing^ — Gules, a chevron ermine, between three trefoils slipped argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed with two heads sable. Motto — " Toujours pret." Seat — Ballintober, Ballinhassig, co. Cork. JOHN PERCY MEADE, Esquire, D.L. for co. Down, J. P. Norfolk and Suffolk. Bom May 17, 1847, being the eldest son of John Meade, Esq., late 43rd Light Infantry, by his wife Elvira, second dau. of Robert Ibbetson, Clubs — Army and Navy, Carlton. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i ana 4 grand quarters, gules, a chevron ermine between three trefoils slipped argent (for Meade) ; 2 and 3 grand quarters, quarterly i. and iiii. azure, three pewits argent (for Magill) ; ii. and iii. per chevron argent and vert, three hinds trippant proper (for Hawkins), a crescent for difference; impaling the arms of Johnson- Walsh, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent a fesse gules, between six martlets sable ; 2 and 3 sable, on a saltire argent, between three towers in chief and flanks or, in flames proper, and in base two tilting-spears in saltire also proper, five cocks gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — An eagle displayed with two heads sable. Motto — "Toujours Pr$t" (or "Prest"). Married, Jan. 2, 1894, Helena Frances, dau. of Sir Allen Johnson- Walsh, Bart., of Bally- kilcavan. Queen's Co. ; and has Issue — (i) John Windham Meade, Gentleman, b. Nov. 28, 1894 ; (2) Robert Percy Meade, Gentleman, b. May 15, 1896 ; and Helena Theo- dosia Kathleen. 6Va/j — Earsham Hall, Norfolk; Burren- wood, CO. Down. RICHARD JOHN MEADE, Esquire, B.A., J. P. co. Cork. Born April 18, 1865, being the second son of the late Adam Newman Meade, by his wife Louisa Sophia, dau. of Daniel Conner of Manch, co. Cork. Armorial bearings — Gules, a chevron ermine, between three trefoils slipped argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed with two heads sable. Motto — " Toujours pret." Seat — Ballymartle, Kin- sale, CO. Cork. The Rt. Rev. WILLIAM EDWARD MEADE, D.D. (Dublin), Bishop of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross (1894), formerly Rector of Ardtrea, Prebendary of Armagh, Canon of St. Patrick's, Treasurer of Armagh, and Archdeacon of Armagh. Born Feb. 24, 1832, being the son of the Rev. William Meade, Rector of Inchinabacky, by Anne his wife, dau. of Robert Boyle Warren of Kinsale. Armorial bearings is the Naval Cockade. 95 » Q^ffl ^ea (beinu the ;irmi of ihe See of Cork) Argent, a cross pat*e guU-s. cItutKnl Willi a iro^icr in \mU', enliled with ft mitre or, iniiMling (his |)crsoni\l arms ol Meade) gules, a clicvron ermine, bclwoen three trrfoils slip|)od argent, the escutcheon being surmounted by his mitre. Married, July 7, 1864, Mary Ferrier, dau. of Kleelwixxl Churchill, M.D., of St. Stephen's Green, Dublin. ktsitirHce—T\\c Palace, Cork. 6Vii*j— University (Ihiblin), County (Cork). Rkv. FREDERICK MEADE-KING, M.A. Oxon., Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Stoke Courcy, co. Somerset, J. P. for that county. Horn Nov. 31, 1835, being the third son of the late Richard King Meade-King, Esq., of Walford, Son»erset, J. P. and D.L. for Son>erset, by his wife Catherine, second dau. and co-heir of William Oliver of Hope Corner, Taunton. Armorial toeaxinga— (Quarterly I and 4, argent a lion rampant, between three cross crosslets, two and one, sable, and as many escallops, one and two, gules (for King) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a chevron argent, be- tween three leopards' faces or, two arrows in saltire azure, barbed and flighted proper, between two bows chevronways of the fourth, stringed of the field (for Meade). Mantling sable and argent. CJrestS— i. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an arm in bend dexter, coup)ed at the elbow, the hand supporting a tilting-spear erect, the head broken, the arm surmounting a branch of oak in bend sinister, fructed, all proper (for King) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin azure, wings ermine, holding in the dexter claw a fleur-de-lis or (for Meade). HottO — " Cadenti porrigodextram." Married, 1866, Jessie Louisa, eldest dau. of J. C. Warren ; and has Issue— Yo\xx daughters. Postal address — The Vicarage, Stoke Courcy, Somerset. HENRY HERBERT MEADE -KING, Gentleman, Solicitor, M.A. (Pembroke Coll.) Oxford. Bom Feb. 16, 1837, being the fourth son of the late Richard King Meade- King, Esq., of Walford, Somerset, J. P. and D.L. for Somerset, by his wife Catherine, second dau. and co-heir of William Oliver of Hope Comer, Taunton. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent a lion rampant, between three cross crosslets, two and one. sable, and as many escallops, one and two, gules (for King) ; a and 3 gules, on a chevron argent, between three leopards' faces or, two arrows in saltire .izure, Iwrbed and (lighted proper, between two bows chevronways of the fourth, stringed of the ticld (for Meade). Mantling sable and argent. OrestS — i. on a wreath ol the colours, on a mount vert, an arm in bend dexter, couped at the elbow, the hand supporting a tilting-spear erect, the head broken, the arm surmounting a branch of oak in bend sinister, fructed, all proper (for King) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-gritVm azure, wings ermine, holding in the dexter claw a tleur-de-lis or (for Meade). Motto - ' ' Cadenti porrigo dextram." Married, April 30, 1864, Caroline Amelia Carr, dau. of George Carr Clark of Mllinthorpe, Yorks. ; and has Issue — (1) Herbert Edward Meade- King, Gentleman, b. June 5, 1865; (a) Ceorge Cyril Meade- King, Gentleman, Solicitor, b. Sept. 19, 1869; antl Lilian. Postal address— 1<) Royal York Crescent, Clifion, Bristol. WALTER MEADE- KING, Esquire. J.P. for co. Somerset, M.A. Oxon. Born April 1842, being the fifth son of the late Richard King Meade- King, Esq., of Wal- ford, Somerset, J.P. and U. L. for Somerset, by his wife Catherine, second dau. and co-heir of William Oliver of Hope Corner, Taunton. Club — Junior Conservative. Ar- morial bearings- Quarterly i and 4, argent a lion ram- pant, between three cross crosslets, two and one, sable, •ind as many escallops, one and two, gules (for King) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a chevron argent, between three leopards' faces or, two arrows in saltire azure, barlxid and flighted proper, between two bows chevronways of the fourth, stringed of the field (for Meade). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an arm in bend dexter, coupied at the elbow, the hand supp>orting a tilting-spear erect, the head broken, the arm surmounting a branch of oak in bend sinister, fructed, all prop>er (for King) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi- griffin azure, wings ermine, holding in the dexter claw a fleur-de-lis or (for Meade). MotU> — "Cadenti porrigo dextram." Married, 1866, Louisa {d. 1895), dau. of late H. Liddon of Taunton ; and has with other /ww^— Richard Liddon Meade-King, Gentleman, M.D. Postal address — Baring Crescent, Exeter. S WILLIAM OLIVER MEADE -KING, Esquire, J. P., late Major and Honorary Lieut. -Col. 3rd Batt. Somersetshire Light Infantry. Bom March 17, 1833, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Richard King Meade- King, Esquire, of Walford, by his wife Catherine, second daughter and co-heir of William Oliver of Hope Corner, near Taunton. Armorial bearingrs— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a lion rampant between three cross crosslets, two and one sable, and as many escal- lops, one and two gjules (for King) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a chevron argent, between three leopards' faces or, two arrows in saltire azure, barbed and flighted proper, l>etween two tows chevronways of the fourth stringed of the field (for Meade). Mantling sable and argent. Crests i. on a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon an arm in bend dexter, couf)ed at the elbow, the hand supporting a tilting-spear erect the head broken, the arm surmounting a branch of oak fructed in bend sinister all propier (for King) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin azure, wings elevated ermine, in the dexter claw a fleur-de-lis or (for Meade). Motto— " Cadenti porrigo dextram." Married, June 18, 1857, Mary Mus- grave, daughter of William lieadon, Esquire, of Otterhead, near Honiton, in the county of Devon, Justice of the Peace ; and has Issue — William Oliver Evelyn Meade- King, Gentle- man, born Decemljer 14, 1858 ; and a daughter. Residence — Walford, near Taunton, in the county of Somerset. Club — Windham. MEADE-KING (H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, argent, a lion rampant, between three cross crosslets, two and one, sable, and as many escallops, one and two, gules (for King) ; 2 and 3, gules, on a chevron argent, between three leopards' faces or, two arrows in saltire azure, barbed and flighted proper, between two bows chevronways of the fourth, stringed of the field (for Meade). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an arm in bend dexter, coup>ed at the elbow, the hand supporting a tilling-si)ear erect, the head broken, the arm surmounting a branch of oak in bend sinister, J^ is tbe MiUtary Cockade. Q^ea Q^ee 953 fructed, all proper (for King) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin azure, wings ermine, lidding in the dexter claw a fleur-de-lis or (for Meade). Hotto — "Cadenti porrigo dextram." Son of Henry Warren Meade- King, Esq., J.P,, b. 1817 ; d. 1901 ; m. 28 Sept. 1847, Marion, d. of Joseph Higgin of Manchester :— Richard Robert Meade - King, Gentleman, b. 20 June 1850. Postal add. — West Derby, Liverpool. Clubs — National Liberal and Liverpool Reform. EDMUND GUSTAVUS BLOOMFIELD MEADE- WALDO, Esquire, J.P. co. Kent, Lord of the Manor of Hever-Brocas. Born Feb. 8, 1855, being the only son of the late Edmund Waldo Meade-Waldo, Esq., J. P., flate ist Life Guards, by his first wife Harriette Ellen, dau. 'of Henry Owen Becher of Aughadown, co. Cork. Armo- irial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or, a bend azure be- tween three leopards' faces gules (for Waldo) ; 2 and 3 per [ pale sable and ermine, a chevron between three trefoils slipped, an eagle's head erased in the chief point all counterchanged (for Meade). Mantling azure and or. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head sable, ; erased ermine, gorged with an Eastern crown argent, hold- in its beak two trefoils slipped of the last (for Waldo) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a double-headed eagle dis- played or, charged on the breast with a quatrefoil sable, resting its claws on two shields of the second, each charged with a trefoil slipped argent (for Meade). Mottoes — " Tou- jours prest,"' "Mens conscia recti." Married, March 2, 1880, Ada Coralie, dau. of the Right Hon. Sir Richard Baggallay, Lord- Justice of Appeal ; and has Isszte — (i) Edmund Richard Meade- Waldo, Gentleman, Rifle Brigade, .b. Feb. 17, 1881 ; (2) Geoffrey Meade- Waldo, Gentleman, \b. Jan. 8, 1884; Florence Coralie; and Harriette Dorothy. {£j^a/«— Stonewall Park, co. Kent; and Hever Castle, co. I Kent ; and Glascwm, Radnorshire. Postal address — [Stonewall Park, Edenbridge, co. Kent. RICHARD MEARES, Gentleman. Armorial bear- ings — Argent, a ship with three masts, sails furled and shrouded sable, in the dexter chief point a crescent gules for difference. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on waves of the sea, a mermaid proper. Motto— "Omnia Providentiae committo." Resi- dence — New York. The Reverend ROBERT MEARES, Clerk in Holy Orders, Graduate in Arts of the Royal University, Ireland. Born Dec. 8, 1837, being the eldest son of the late George Meares, by his wife Martha, dau. of John Ronaldson. Armorial bearings — Argent, a ship with three masts, sails furled and shrouded sable, in the dexter chief point a crescent gules for difference. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on waves of the sea, a mermaid proper. Motto — ' ' Omnia providentiae committo." Married, July 9, 1868, Anna, dau. of the late George Crawley of Killen, co. Armagh ; and has Issue — (i) George Munro Meares, Gentleman, b. July 30, 1871 ; (2I Alfred Robert Meares, Gentleman, b. March 4, 1873; (3) Richard James Meares, Gentleman, b. July 22, 1878. Residence — Delaniare House, Stewartstown, co. Tyrone. MEDHOP, quartered by HUTCHINSON - LLOYD- VAUGHAN and LLOYD- VAUGHAN. MEDHURST, quartered by WHELER. MEDLEY, quartered by FOLJAMBE. MEDWIN, see GARDNER-MEDWIN. MEE (9 Dec. 1865). Per pale or and sable, a cross patonce between three escallops counterchanged. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stag at gaze proper, charged on the body with two escallops sable, resting the dexter foot on an escutcheon or, charged with a cross patonce also sable. Motto — " x'^/"''"' Oeou elfil S el/xi." Sons of the late Rev. John Mee, M.A. (Oxon. and Cantab.), by Eleanor, d. of Henry Flower : — Rev. John Henry Mee, M.A., D. Mus. (Oxon.), b. 1852; m. 1878, Alice Anne, younger d. and coheir of George Marten; and has issue — Bridget Eleanor. Pes. — The Chantry, West bourne, Sussex ; Holywell House, Oxford. Rev. Edward Melford Mee, M.A. (Oxon.),^. 1854; m. and has issue. ^«.— Rockboume, Salisbury. S CHARLES MEEKING, Esquire, J.P. co. Bucks, High Sheriff 1887, Major and Hon. Lieut. -Col. (late 3rd Bait. Oxfordshire Light Infantry), Barrister-at-Law, M.A. Trin. Coll., Cantab. Born Sept. 9, 1839, being the only son of the late Charles Meeking of Richings Park, by his wife Charlotte Spencer (deceased), eldest dau. of the late Rev. John Charles Williamson, Rector of Sherrington, Bucks. Clubs — Oxford and Cambridge University, Wel- lington, Royal Thames Yacht, Royal Victoria Yacht. Armorial bearings — Or, on a chevron azure, between in chief two sprigs of laurel proper and in base a lion rampant is the Naval Cockade. 954 mti 9et\ ngArdani Rtiles, a dove of the field between two bezants, impaling (he arni!> of Tower, namely snhle, ii tower or, charged with :i phfon of the held within n lK>rdurc of the second, cluirjjcd with ten cross crosslets also ol the field. Mantling mure and or ; nnd for his Onst, upon a wreath of the colours, on a niount vert, charged with three bezants, a dove between two laurel branches or. Motto — "Sola Veritas inviita." Atarried, May 27, 1863, Adelaide Caroline (who died Dec. ao, 1903), lourth dau. of the late Christopher Tower of Huntsniore I'ark, Bucks, and Weald Hall, Essex (by his wife I^dy Sophia Frances Cust, eldest dau. of John, 1st Earl Brownlow); and has Issue — (i) Bertram Charles Christopher Spt ncer Meeking, Gentleman, Capt. loth Royal Hussars, b. March 24, 1864 [m., July aa, 1893, Violet Charlotte, eldest dau. of John Fletcher of Saltoun, N.B.], and died of enteric whilst on active service at Bloemfontein, S. Africa, April 16, 1900 ; (a) Hume Francis Meeking, Gentleman, b. Sept. 13, 1874 ; (3) Kenneth Charles Edward Meeking, Gentleman, and Lieut. Grenadier Guards, b. April 9, 1880, died on active service of enteric at Bethlehem, South Africa, Feb. 3, 190a; Adelaide Maud Sophia [»i., Dec. II, 190a, Hon. Henry Yarde-Buller, Major Rifle Brigade] ; and Mildred Charlotte (died unmarried, May 15, 1893!. iVu/— Richings Park, Colnbrook, Bucks. Town resiJence — 31 Belgrave Square, London. WILLIAM MELLOR MEIGH, Esquire. J. P. co. Staf- ford. Bom 1841, being the only son of William Mellor Meigh, Esq., J. P., of Ash Hall, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel Goodman. Armorial bearing^ — Gules, on a cross engrailed between four boars' heads erased argent, three blackbirds in fesse prop)er, and two crosses patte fitch^ at the foot azure. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant or, holding in the dexter paw a cross (lat^e as in the arms, the sinister paw resting on an anchor proper, pendent therefrom by a chain or, an escutcheon gules, charged with a boar's head erased argent. Motto — " Benigno numine." Married, 1866, Anita Maria, eldest dau. of Joseph Peake of Stoneyfields, Newcastle, Staffordshire ; and has Issue — (i) William Alfred Meigh, Gentleman, b. June 4, 1867; (2) Walter Henry Meigh, Gentleman, b. July 5, 1869 ; (3) Reginald Meigh, Gentleman, b. Feb. 13, 1872 ; (4) Charles Harold Meigh, Gentleman, b. March 5, 1892 ; and Florence Anita. Seat- Ash Hall, Bucknall, Stoke-on-Trent. GEORGE AUGUSTUS MEIN, Esquire, M.D. (Uni- versity of Edinburgh), J. P. of New South Wales. Bom Dec. 27, i8a3, being the eldest son of the late Lt.-Col. Nicol Alexander Mein of the 43rd (Monmouthshire) Light Infantry, Armorial bearing^ — Azure, on a fesse em- battled ermine, between six cross crosslets fitch^e or, a tiger's head affront^e vert, striped and crowned with an Eastern crown gold, between two eagles displayed of the last, a canton of the second, thereon pendent from a riband gules a representation of the medal struck to commemorate the capture of Seringapatam, encircled by the word " Ser- ingapatani " in letters of gold. Mantling azure nnd argent. Orett — Out of a mural crown or, a dexter hand issuant charged with a human eye proper, surmounting three swords, one in pale and two in saltire also proper, pommels and hilts gold, the upper parts of the blades encircled by a wreath of laurel vert. Motto — " Manus h.x-c inimica tyrannis." Married, 1861, Jane Hetherington, dau. of the late Edmund Gibsone, Esq., C.E., of Penton House, co. Cumberland; and has Issue— (i) Pulteney Mein, Gentle- man, b. Jan. 7, 1876: (a) Douglas Mein, Gentleman, b. Feb. s, 1878; Beatrice Helena [m. James Cox, M.D., of Collins Street, Melbourne, and has issue, one son] ; Augusta Nicola [m., April as, 1888, Stuart Brownrigg Leishman, Esq., ol Lome, Queensland]; and Annie Mary Agnes. Residences — Falkenstein, St. Kilda, Melbourne, Victoria ; Moolpa, New South Wales, Australia. Clubs — Melbourne, Australian. S AUSTIN MELDON, Esquire, F.R.C.S., D.L., thrice President of L.M.A., thirty-five years Surgeon to Jervis Street Hospital. Armorial bearings -Vert, a dexter hand couped argent, between three crescents or, issuant therefrom as many estoiles of the second. Mantling vert and argent. Crest Upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter hand proper, surmounted by a crescent or, therefrom issuant an estoile argent. Motto— "Pro fide et patria." Married,^ Catharine, dau. of Augustus Welby Pugin ; and has IssutX — George E. Pugin Meldon, Gentleman ; and Mary] Kathleen. Kesidences—i^ Merrion Square, Dublin; and' Murray's Hill, Killiney, JAMES CHARLES WILLIAM MELDON, Gentleman Born 1873, being the son of the late Charles Henry Meldon,| Esq., Q.C., J. P. and D.L. for co. Dublin, J. P. for cos,j Kildare, Gal way, Meath, Clare, and Mestmeath, and hisl wife Ada, eldest dau. of the late William Hodgens of New- j ton House, Blackrock. Armorial bearings — Vert, a dex- ter hand couped argent, between three crescents or, issuantl therefrom as many estoiles of the second. Mantling vert] and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter J hand proper, surmounted by a crescent or, therefrom issuantl an estoile argent. Motto — " Pro fide et patria." Seat — ] Newton House, co. Dublin. Married, 1894, HarrietteJ eldest dau. of the late William Austin Colclough of Clif^ House, Dalkey ; and has with other Issue — Charles Viviani Meldon, Gentleman. Residence — 58 Upper Leeson Street,! Dublin. MELDRUM, quartered by SETON. MELENT, quartered by CONYERS and FOX. ALFRED MELLER, Esquire, (late) Hon. Major 3rd Batt. Norfolk Regiment, J. P. for co. of Suflolk, B.A.' Trin. Coll., 1873. Born June 21, 1849, being the eldest sonj of Rev. Thomas William Meller, late Rector of Woodridge, | CO. Suffolk, by his wife Emma, dau. of William Edwards,] Framlingham. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a pile sable, between two flaunches of the last a cross couped ofl the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath [ of the colours, an escutcheon sable, thereon a cross couped as in the arms, between two wings argent, each charged with a fesse engrailed also sable. Married, June 5, 1883, Edith Marie, dau. of Col. George Brudenel Sherard. Judge Advocate-General, Madras Presidency ; and has Issue — (il Sherard Alfred Meller, Gentleman, b. May 3, 1885 ; (2) Robert William Meller, Gentleman, b. Sept. 3, 1886 ; Edith May; and Ivy Linton. Seat — The Limes, Rushmere, Ipswich. WALTER CLIFFORD MELLER, Gentleman. Born April 18, 1848, being the only surviving son of the late Walter Meller, Esq., M.P. for Stafford, J. P. and D.L., Royalty of the Tower, Capt. Commandant ist Surrey Light Horse Volunteers, Hon. Col. Tower Hamlets Artil- lery Volunteers, by his wife Elizabeth, youngest dau. of Thomas and Mary Peters of The Grange, Kilburn, co. Middlesex. Armorial bearingrs —Argent, on a pile sable, between two flaunches of the last, a cross couped of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wTcath of ^ is tbe Military Cockade. a^el e§t\ 955 the colours, an escutcheon sable, thereon a cross couped as in the arms, between two wings argent, each charged with a fesse engrailed also sable. Married, April 20, 1896, Lady Helen Blanche Stewart, eldest dau. of Rt. Hon. Randolph, 9th Earl of Galloway. Residence— \'2 Hyde Park Place, London. JOSEPH WILLIAM MELLES, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the cos. of Essex and Argyll, Master of Arts of the University of Edinburgh, late Captain ist Hertford shire Volunteer Battalion (Bedfordshire Regiment), eldest son of the late William Melles, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Margaret Coulter, daughter of Richard Meikle. Clubs — Junior Carlton, University (Edinburgh). Lively — Dark green, with silver buttons. Armorial teax- ings He bears for Anns: Vert, on a pale between two cinquefoils argent, a fir-tree eradicated proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his iveries is set for Crest, a fir-tree erect and eradicated proper ; ind in an escroU over the same this Motto, " Usque fidelis." Married, March 22, 1882, Mary, third daughter of Andrew Roddick; and has Issue — (i) William Eugene Melles, Gentleman, born January 17, 1883, 2nd Lieut. Royal Scots Greys ; (2) Gordon Frank Melles, Gentleman, born Sep- tember 3, 1885, Lieut. 5th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers ; Margaret Mary ; and Doris Gracie Eraser. Es- tates — Sewardstone Lodge, Sewardstone, in the county of Essex; Gruline, Aros, Isle of Mull, in the county of Argyll. Postal address — Gruline, Aros, Isle of Mull. MELLIAR, see FOSTER-MELLIAR. MELLOR. Per fesse dancett6 sable and argent, three mascles fesseways in chief of the last and as many ring- ousels also fesseways in base 'proper. Majitling sable and argent. Crest — -In front of a bull's head erased argent, between the horns a mascle| sable, three mascles fesseways of the last. Motto — " Ad meliora." Soniof late Rt. Hon. Sir John Mellor, P.C, Judge of the High Court of Justice, b. 1809 ; d. 1887 ; m. 1832, Elizabeth iCook, d. of William Mosely of Peckham Rye, Surrey: — F. H. Mellor, Esq., K.C., Barrister-at-Law, Recorder of Preston, b. . Res. — 143 Gloucester Terrace, London, W. ; The Haye, Sherborne St. John, Basingstoke. Club — New University. ALFRED MELLOR, Esq., J. P. for cos. Devon and Somerset, late of the 8th (the King's) Regt. of Foot. Born May 18, 1842, being the fourth son of the late Right Hon. Sir John Mellor, P.C, Q.C., by his wife Elizabeth Cooke, only dau. of William Moseley of Peckham Rye, Surrey. Club — Junior United Service. Armorial bearings — Per fesse dancettde sable and argent, three mascles fesseways in chief of the last, and as many ring-ousels also fesseways in base proper. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bull's head erased argent, between the horns a mascle sable, three mascles fesseways of the last. Motto — "Ad meliora." Married, firstly, Sept 4, Ellen (who died 1880), dau. of Charles Paget, Esq., J. P., D.L. ; and by her has Issue — Six daus. He married secondly, Emma Seddon, dau. of John Jones, P'.A.S.L. , of Gloucester, and has issue — Philip Seddon Mellor, Gentleman, b. Oct. 24, 1882. Residence — 68 Redcliffe Gardens. S.W. JAMES ROBERT MELLOR, Esq., LL.M., King's Coroner and Attorney, and Master of the Crown Office, Royal Courts of Justice, Master of the Supreme Court. Born May 4, 1839, being the third son of the late Right Hon. Sir John Mellor, P.C, Q.C, by his wife Elizabeth Cooke, only dau. of William Moseley of Peckham Rye, Surrey. Livery -Q,\2ccex with silver buttons. Armorial bearings Per fesse dancettde sable and argent, three mascles fesseways in chief of the last, and as many ring- ousels also fesseways in base proper. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bull's head erased argent, between the horns a mascle sable, three mascles fesseways of the last. Motto — "Ad meliora." Married, Oct. 29, 1868, Anne Jane, eldest dau. and co-heiress of Thomas Shaw of Everton, Lanes. ; and has Issue — (i) James Gilbert Shaw Mellor, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, B.A., LL.B. (Cantab.), 1^. Mar. 29, 1872; (2) Alfred Shaw Mellor, Gentleman, M.A. (Cantab.), b. Dec. 24, 1875 ; (3) John Francis Shaw Mellor, Gentleman, b. Aug, 27, 1879 ; Isabel Catherine ; Ada Dorothea : Maria Florence; Beatrice Alice, i'^a/— Ditchfield Hall, Ditton, Lanes. Residence — 16 Craven Hill Gardens, London, W, Club— New University. SThe Right Honourable JOHN WILLIAM MELLOR, P.C, Member of the Privy Council, M.P., Barrister-at-Law Inner Temple i860, a Q.C. 1875, and a Bencher 1877; J. P., D.L., and Dep. Chni. of Quarter Sessions for Somerset, a J. P. for Devon, and Hon. Member of New York State Bar Asso. ; was Judge Advocate-Gen. Feb. to July 1886 ; Chm. of Committee of Ways and Means and Dep. Speaker of House of Commons 1893 to 1895. Born July 26, 1835, being the eldest son of the late Right Hon. Sir John Mellor, P.C., Judge of His Majesty's High Court of Justice, of Kingsdowne, Kent, by his wife Elizabeth Cook, dau. of William Moseley of Peckham Rye, Surrey. Club— Brooks's. Livery — Clnret. Armorial bearings — Per fesse dancett^e sable and argent, three mascles fesseways in chief of the last, and as many ring-ousels also fesseways in base proper. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, in front of a bull's head erased argent, between the horns a mascle sable, three mascles fesseways of the last. Married, Sept. 27, i860, Caroline [d. 1900), dau. of Charles Pnget, Esq. , M. P. , D. L. , J. P. , of Ruddington Grange, Notts ; and has Issue — (i) John Paget Mellor, Gentleman \in. Mabel, dau. of G. S. Pearce-Serocold] ; (2) Godfrey W. Paget Mellor, Gentleman \m. Norah, dau. of Sir Francis B. Alston, K.C.M.G.] ; (3) Rev. Wilfred Paget Mellor, Clerk in Holy Orders; (4) Claud Paget Mellor, Gentleman ; (5) Sydney Paget Mellor, Gentleman; Elllen Mabel Sjn., 1898, Com- mander Marcus Rowley Hill, R.N.]; and Geraldine Elizabeth \m., 1896, Hon. W. H. Goschen]. Estates — Culmhead, Somerset ; Burnworthy, Devon. Postal addresses — Culmhead, Taunton ; 68 St. George's Square, London. S.W. WILLIAM MOSELEY MELLOR, Esq., J. P. for Co. Palatine of Chester. Born July 25, 1836, being the second son of the late Rt. Hon. Sir John Mellor, P.C, a Judge of the High Court of Justice, and Member of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, by his wife Elizabeth Cooke, only dau. of William Moseley of Peckham Rye, Surrey. Armorial bearings — Per fesse dancett^e sable and argent, three mascles fesseways in chief of the last, and as many ring-ousels also fesseways in base proper. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bull's head erased argent, between the horns a mascle sable, three mascles fesseways of the last. Motto — "Ad meliora." Married^ is the Naval Cockade. %S6 April lo. 1867, lane (who died 1894), dau. of John Fenton, Eaq., of Crimblc Hnll, Lanes, M.P.. I. P. ; and has surv. /ssm4—{i) William Moselcy Fenton Mellor, Gentleman, i. Feb. 4, 1868 [m., April 39. 1806, Kmily Frances Maxwell, second dau. of Col. Jeremy Taylor Marsh, R.E. , and has issae, William Maxwell Mellor, Gentleman, i. Jan. ao. e@en 1 Dnet. h»-^^ being the son of .Sir Robert Menzies, seventh liaronet, bjM his wife, Annie Balcarrcs, sixth daughter of Major James Stewart-Alston of Urrard ; .succeeded his father in 1903, under the creation of September a, 1665. Annorial bsarings - 1 le liears for Ainu: Argent, a chief gules. AD "MGLIORA 1897] ; (2) Robert Owston Fenton Mellor, Gentleman, 6. ^^75 '< (3) Philip Albert Fenton Mellor, Gentleman, fi. 1880 : Julia Elizabeth Helen Fenton [m., 1899, Capt. Frederick Leigh-Lye, late sth Roy. Irish Fus.] ; Violet Frances Fenton [m., 1902, Rev. Ernest Hugh Wright] ; and Dorothea Jane Fenton. Seat — Lingdale, Claughton, Chester. MELVILLE, quartered by BOYLE. MELVH^LE, see BALFOUR-MELVILLE. 5 GEORGE FISHER MELVILLE, Esquire, Sherifif- Substilute of Linlithgowshire (1882-1897), Lt.-Col. commanding 3rd Vol. Batt. Royal Scots Regt. 1888- 1898 (retired with permission to retain his rank), has Jubilee Medal of His Majesty's Bodyguard for Scotland (long service medal), B.A. (Oxon.), a Member of the Faculty of Ad- vocates. Born 1841, being the only son of the late Sir John Melville, K.B., W.S., Crown Agent for Scotland, Lord Provost of Edinburgh 1854-60. Livery— (Undress) black; (dress) white with scarlet facings. Armorial bearings- Argent, a fcsse gules between two hearts in chief of the second and a salmon naiant in base azure. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, an eagle rising proper ; and In an escrol over the same this Motto, "Ad altiora tendo." 5— Sports), b. 1866 [tn. 1894, Mary G. R., d. of S. Gregson Fell, Esq., J. P., of Ickham Hall, Kent]; (2) Athol Bulkley Merriman, Gentleman, b. 1878; Eugenia; Mary; Mabel; Cecil; and Ada. Res. — Ripl House, Castle Avenue, Dover. Col. William Merriman, CLE. (1890), R.E.,/J. 1838 m. 1872, Emily Jane Annah Elizabeth, d. of Col. FitzRo;^ H. M. Somerset, R.E. ; and has issue -Arthur Drummonci! Naime Merriman, Gentleman, b. 1876; Ethel FitzRoy ; Blanche ; and Dorothy Gladys. Res. — Colchester. Club. — East India United Service, Sports, Bycul la (Bombay). MESCHINES, quartered by DU MOULIN-BROWN,' HULLEY, and HUSSEY. S ARTHUR MESHAM, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. for cos. of Denbigh and Flint, served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1881, B.A. (Oxford), Hon. Col. of the Denbighshire Yeomanry, late Capt. ist Dragoons. Born n, .' ^ is tbe Military Cockade. e^zt a^ep 959 1837, being the eldest son of the late Reverend Arthur Bennett Mesham, by his wife Moncrieffe, daughter of the late William Paterson of Cunnoquhie, in the county of Fite. Club— Army and Navy. Live>y—'D3.r\i blue and orange. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per pale or ana azure, two stags tnppant in paie between iwo estoiles of eight points in fesse all counterchanged ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a lion siatant guardant proper, charged on the body with an estoile of eight points, and resting the dexter fore-paw on the attires of a stag or; with the Motto — "Duty." Afarried, 1861, Elizabeth Emmeline, second daughter of the late Major J. O. Burridge of Barton Fields, Canterbury, formerly of i6th Lancers ; and has had /wwe— Arthur Bennet Mesham, Esquire, Captain ist Dragoons, born 1864, died 1891 (having married in 1887, and of which marriage ihere is issue, Eileen Moncrieffe, born in 1888) ; and a daughter, Margaret Emme- line, born and died 1877. .fi^/a/w— Pontruffydd and Ewloe Hall, in the county of Flint ; Plas Bennet, in the county of Denbigh ; and Greasby and Frankby, in the county of Cheshire. Postal addt'ess—'Pontxnfiydd, Trefnant, R.S.O., North Wales. METCALFE, quartered by AMES. JOHN HENRY METCALFE, Gentleman. Born Aug. 23, 1830, being the only son of Captain John Metcalfe, H.E.LC.S. (d. 1833), and his second wife Keturah, dau. of George Yarnold of Worcester, widow of the Rev. John Jeffreys, only surviving grandson and representative of the Rev. Francis Metcalfe, M.A. Cambridge (Trinity College), Rector of Kirk bride, Cumberland, and Patron of the living. Armorial bearings — Argent, three calves passant sable, a canton gules. Of the family of Metcalfe of North-Allerton, CO. York (a cadet branch of Metcalfe of Nappa Hall in Wensleydale), seated at the Porch House, North-Allerton, from the time of Queen Elizabeth (1584), and at Busby Hall in Cleveland, co. York, since 1764. (See Marwood). Postal address — The Porch House, Northallerton, York- shire. MEWS (H. Coll.). Or, four pallets sable, on a chief dancett^ of the last, a rose between two crosses pat6e of the first. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, two wings argent, each charged with a rose gules, around the wings a chain and pendent therefrom a cross pat^e or. Son of late John Mews of Rotherhithe, b. ; d. ; m. : — John Mews, Esq., J. P. co. Sussex. Seat — Hartwell, Hartfield, co. Sussex. SYDNEY MEYMOTT, Gentleman. Born July 6, i860, being the second but only surviving son of Charles Mey- mott. Gentleman, M. R.C.S. and L.A.C. of London and Sydney, New South Wales, by his wife Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of John Keene. Armorial bearingfs— He bears for Arms : Or, three demi-lions rampant couped in bend azure, each charged with a mullet argent. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, three mullets in fesse gules, in front of a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, the hand, all proper, grasping a chaplet of laurel or. Motto — " Be just and fear not." Postal address — Bank House, Broadway, Ealing, London, W. MEYNELL, quartered by CONYERS. EDGAR MEYNELL, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law. Born Sept. 6, 1859, being the second son of the late Edgar John Meynell, Esq., J. P., a Judge of County Courts, and Recorder of Doncaster, by his wife Maria Louisa, dau. of R. S. Short of Edlington, co. Lincoln. Armorial bear- ings — Azure, three bars gemelles and a chief or. Mantling azure and or. Crest^On a wreath of the colours, a negro's head proper, encircled with a wreath argent and azure. Motto — " Deus non reliquit memoriam humilium." Seats — Kilvington Hall, near Thirsk ; The Fryerage, near Yarm, CO. York. Residence — Durham. MEYRICK (temp. Henry V.). Sable, on a chevron argent, between three brands erect ragul^e or, inflamed proper, a fleur-de-lis gnles between two Cornish choughs respecting each other also proper. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a tower argent, thereon upon a mount vert a Cornish chough proper, holding in the dexter claw a fleur- de-lis gules. Meyrick (R.L. , 31 March 1858, H. Coll.). Quarterly, I and 4, Meyrick as above ; 2 and 3, or, a lion rampant gules, on a sinister canton the arms of Zouche and Fitz Aer quarterly, namely, i. and iiii., gules, ten bezants; ii. and iii. , azure, on a mount vert, a lion passant guardant or (Charlton, R.L., 22 Oct. 1779). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — I. Meyrick as above ; 2. out of an Eastern crown or, a leopard's head and neck affront6e gules. Son of St. John Chiverton Charlton, Esq., of Apley Castle, Salop, J. P. and D.L. Salop (High Sheriff" 1825), b. 1789 ; d. 1873 ; m. ist, 1820, Jane Sophia, only d. and h. of Thomas Meyrick of Bush, co. Pembroke : — Sir Thomas Charlton Meyrick, 1st Bart. (5 May 1880), C.B. ( ), J.P., D.L. (High .Sheriff 1877, M.P. for Pembroke 1868-1874), Hon. Col. 3rd Batt. King's Shrop- shire Lt. Inf., b. 1837 ; tn. i860, Mary Rhoda, d. of Col. Richard Frederick Hill of Frees Hall, co. Salop, and niece of Rowland, 2nd Viscount Hill ; and has surv. issue — (i) Frederick Charlton Meyrick, Esq., C.B., b. 1862; B.A. Camb. ; formerly Major 15th Hussars ; is Lt.-Col. and Hon. Col. Pembrokeshire Imp. Yeo., and Hon. Lt.-Col. in the Army ; served in S. Africa 1900-1901, in command of Sth Batt. Imp. Yeo., with temporary rank of Lt.-Col. (seriously wounded, mentioned in despatches, C.B. ); C.B. (Mil.) 1900 [wz. 1897, Mary Emma, d. of the late Major O. C. Baker Creswell, of Cresswell, Northumberland, and has surv. issue — Thomas Frederick Meyrick, Esq., b. Nov. 1899 ; and Mary Cicely] ; (2) Rowland Francis Meyrick, Esq., b. 1867, formerly Travelling Insp. for Board of Agr. ; served in S. Africa 1900, with Rhodesian Field Force \m. 1901, Eleanor Georgiana, d. of the Hon. Ralph Pelham Nevill] ; (3) Herbert Chiverton Meyrick, Esq., b. 1874; served in S. Africa 1900-1902, with Rhodesian Artillery ; (4) Walter Thomas Meyrick, Esq. , b. 1882 ; Dora Rhoda ; Alice Maude ; Eva Mary [m. 1903, J. H. Weatherby] ; and Rachel Cicely. Seats^Ap\&y Castle. Wellington, Salop ; Bush, and Barget- son, Pembroke. Clubs — Boodle's, Windham. Meyrick, Tapps-Gervis (R.L., 16 March 1876, H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, Meyrick as above; 2. argent, between six ostrich feathers sable, a cannon-laall of the last (Gervis, 1835) ; 3. azure, on a fesse or, be- tween three rhinoceroses argent, as many escallops gules (Tapps, 183s). Mantling sable and argent. Crests— i. Meyrick as above ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount proper, a plume of three ostrich feathers gules and sable, bound by a wreath of laurel or (Gervis) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, a greyhound couchant per pale argent and sable, charged on the body with two escallops fesseways counterchanged. Mottoes — "Heb Dduw heb ddim Duw a digon," " Be just and fear not." Only son of Sir George Eliott Meyrick Tapps-Gervis- Meyrick, 3rd Bart., b. 1827; d. 1896; m. 1849, Fanny, is tbe Naval Cockade. 96o e©e? s^m d. of C hria t o p b T HarUnd of Ashbourne. Derby- shire :— Sir GeofKc Augustus Elliott Tapps-Gervis-Meyrick, 4th B«rt., of llinion Admiral, Hants (a8 July 1791) ; J. P. and D.L. Anglciey. J.P. Han(s(HiRhSluriff 1900), ^. i8cs; m. 1884. jacinths, d. of Charles Paul Phipps. M.P., of Chalcol. Wilts ; and has issue— (i) George Llewellyn Tapps Gervis- Meyrick. I\sq.. t. 1885; (a) Richard Owen Tapps-Gervis- Meyrick. Esq., t. 189a; Mary Jaciniha ; and Clara Eve. 5^//— Bodorgun, Anglesey, Hinton Admiral, and East Close House, Christchurch. Hants. C/ir*— Junior Carlton. Mkvkick, Williams- (R.L.. 23 May 1877. H. Coll.). Quarterly, x and 4, Meyrick as above; a and 3, argent, a lion pai>s;tnt sable, gorged with a collar gemel or, in chief a qualrcfoil between two fleurs-de-lis and in base a fleur-de-lis of the colours, a pegasus salient azure, mane and t.iil or, resting its forefeet on an antique escutcheon sable, charged with a pheon or. Motto -" Vouloir c'esi pouvoir." Mar- ried, July a, 1868, Louisa Dangar; and has had /ssue (i) Richard Carey Dangar MichelT, ^. 1869, . Sept. 22, 1870 ; (3) Thomas Francis Tregoye Michell, Gentleman, Commander R.N., 6. Nov. 20, 1872 ; (4) Robert Carminowj' Michell, Gentleman, Lieut. Commander-in-Chiefs Bod] guard. South Africa, 3. Sept. 2, 1876; (5) Henry Carhay Michell, Gentleman, Lieut. 6th Regt. Imperial Bushme 6. Dec. 2, 1877. Jiesidence—Mota.kka., Mola Yarvi, Finland between two quatrefoils gules (Williams, 1877). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. Meyrick as above ; 2. uf)on a wreath of the colours, a lion passant sable, sem6 of quatrefoils, and gorged with a collar gemel argent, holding in the dexter forepaw a fleur-de-lis gules (Williams). Motto — " Heb Dduw heb ddim a duw a digon." Livery — Dark blue and primrose. Sons of Rev. John Williams-Meyrick (formerly Williams), Rector of Beaumaris, ^. ; d. ; m, Clara Susanna, d. of Eklmund Edward Meyrick, Gentle- man : — Edmund Oswald Griffilh Williams-Meyrick, Gentleman, b. 1876 ; m. 190a, Gwendoline Kate, d. of William Arthur Dew. Estates — Cefn Coch, Anglesey; The Hermitage, Llandudno. Res. — The Hermitage, Llandudno. (?) Other sons. JOHN MICHELL, Esquire, Consul-General for Nor- thern, North - Eastern, and Central Russia, including Elsthonia and Grand Duchy of Finland, since 1894 (resigned Nov. 15, iutsa Hart; Eglantine Olive Hart; and Daphne Ellen l)ianora Hart. Postal address — Speaker's Court, Palace of Westminster, S.W. Clubs — Oxford and Cambridge, Athenteum. Lieutknant-General GEORGE BRYAN MILMAN, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Bom i8aa, being the third but eldest surviving son of Lieutenant- General Francis Miles Milman, by his wife Maria Marga- rettn, daughter of Sir Charles Gould-Morgan, first Baronet ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the B;»th, 1875. Club— Axmy and Navy. Armorial bearings- He bears for Amu: Arure, a serpent nowed or, between three sinister gauntlets op>en argent. Up>on the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honour.\ble Order of the B;ilh, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; ant! for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a hart lodged per pale ermine and erminois, attired and unguled or, charged with two hiu-ts. Married, 1861, Mary Rose (who died 1885), daughter of General William Lovelace Walton ; and has Issue — Angelena Frances. Postal address— Queen's House, Tower of London, E.C. GUSTAVUS HAMILTON LOCKWOOD MILMAN, Esquire, Major-General (late Royal Artillery). Bom De- cember 6, 1834, being the foiunh son of the late Lieutenant- General Francis Miles Milman of the Coldstream Guards, by Maria Margaretta his wife, eldest daughter of Sir Charles Morgan, Baronet, of Tredegar, and sister of the Rt. Hon. the ist Baron Tredegar. Armorial bearings- Azure, a snake nowed or, between three dexter gauntlets ofjen argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a hart lodged per pale ermine and erminois, attired and unguled or, and charged on the body with two hurts fesseways. Married, April 3, 1872, the Rt. Hon. Louisa Mary, in her own right Efcironess Berkeley (who died 1899), only child of the late Craven Fitzhardinge Berkeley, Esquire, commonly called the Honourable Craven Fitzhardinge Berkeley (third son of the fifth Earl), by his wife Augusta (who died 1841), widow of G. N. Talbot, Esquire, commonly called the Honourable G. N. Talbot ; and has Issue — Rt. Hon. Eva Mary Fitzhardinge Milman, in her own right Baroness Berkeley [m., Aug. 5, 1903, Capt. Frank Wigrum Foley, D.S.O., Royal Berkshire Regt.]. Estate and postal a<^/rM — Martins Heron, Bracknell, Berks. Club — Army and Navy. CHARLES EGERTON FORBES MILMAN-MAIN- WARING, Gentleman. Bom Feb. 20, 1867, being the only son of the late Major-General Egerton Charles William Miles Milman, by his wife Isabella Anne [refer to Massey- MainwaringL only daughter of Charles Benjamin Lee- Mainwaring, Esquire ; and assumed by Royal License the additional surname and arms of Mainwaring. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent two bars gules (for Mainwarmg) ; 2 and 3 azure, a snake nowed or, between three sinister gauntlets argent (for Milman). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, an ass's head erased projjer, haltered argent (for Mainwaring) ; 2. up)on a wreath of the colours, a slag lodged per pale ermine and erminois, attired or, and charged on the body with two hurts fesse- ways (for Milman). C/«^j— Wellington, Jiuiior Carlton. MILNE, see LEES-MILNE. JOHN ADAM MILNE, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law Lincoln's Inn. Born April 13, i860, being the eldest son m\ of the late John Duguid Milne of Melgum, co. Aberdeen, Advocue, by his wife Barl>ai a, only dau. of Alexander Rae, Esq., R. N., J. P., of Ardmiddle, and heiress of John Adar of Scobbach. Livery — Blue, yellow facings. Armorial bearings --Or, a cross moline pierced azure, on a chief gules, a stag at gaze between cross crosslets argent. Mant" gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liverie a galley, sails furled and oars in saltire prop)er, flagge gules ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Suun cuique." Married, Oct. 2, 1895, Jessie Ellen Savage, daa of the late James T. Jerrard of London ; and has Issue- (i) John Duguid Milne, Gentleman, b. Nov. 17, 1896J (2) Geoffrey Herbert Milne, Gentleman, b. Aug. 9, Seats — Ardmiddle House, Turriff, N. B. ; Melgum Lodge Tarland, N.B. C/«*j— Oxford and Cambridge, Roya Northern Club (Aberdeen). SAMUEL MILNE MILNE, Gentleman. Armor bearings— Argent, a millrind gules within an orle of eigh millrinds sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— (|^ is the Military Cockade, ^i\ e^ii 965 Upon a wreath of the colours, a millrind fesseways sable, thereon a lion rampant argent, holding between the paws a millrind gules. Motto — " Quaeritosapientiam." /Residence — Calverley House, Calverley, Leeds. The Right Honourable Sir ALFRED MILNER, VISCOUNT MILNER, of St. James's and Cape Town (1902), K.G.C.B. (1900), K.G.C.M.G. (1897), Barrister-at- Law, M.A. (Balliol Coll., Oxon.), Fellow of New Coll., Oxford. Born 1854, being the son of Charles Milner, M.D. , by Mary lerne, dau. of Major-Gen. Ready; was Private Secretary to Mr. Goschen as Chancellor of the Exchequer 1887-89, Under-Sectetary for Finance in Egypt 1889-92, Chairman of the Board of Inland Revenue 1892- 97 ; Governor of Cape Colony and High Commissioner of South Africa, 1897 ; Gov. of the Transvaal and Orange River Colony, 1901 Armorial bearings — Per chevron vert and or, two snaffle-bits erect in chief of the last, and a stag's head erased in base proper. Mantling vert and or. Crest— In front of a stag's head erased proper, gorged with a collar gemel or, a snaffle bit fesseways of the last. Supporters — On either side a springbok, gorged with a wreath of oak all proper. Motto— "Acer non effrenus." Clubs— Athendsum, Brooks's, Reform, New University. MARCUS HENRY MILNER, Gentleman. Bom April 16, 1864, being the third and youngest son of the late Henry FJeilby William Milner, Esquire, by his wife Charlotte, daughter of the Most Reverend Marcus Gervais Beresford, Archbishop of .'\rmagh. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per pale or and sable, a chevron between three horses' bits counterchanged ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a horse's head couped argent, bridled and maned or, charged on the neck with a bezant between two wings gold. Motto^" Addit frena feris." Married, 1888, Caroline Agnes Stirling-Crawford (who died November 16, 1894), widow, otherwise and commonly known as the Duchess-Dowager of Montrose [to whom refer], daughter of the Right Honourable John Beresford, second Baron Decies, and widow, firstly, of the Most Noble James Graham, fourth Duke of Montrose, and secondly, of W. S. Stirling-Craw- ford, Esquire. Postal addresses — Sefton Lodge New- market ; 45 Belgrave Square, London, W. S GEORGE GERY MILNER- GIBSON -CULLUM, Esquire, of Hardwick House, and Hawstead, co. Nov. 5, 1857, being the youngest and only surviving son of the late Rt. Hon. Thomas MilnerGibson of Theberton House, CO. Suffolk, M.A. (Canib ), and a Wrangler, J. P. and D. L. , President of the Board of Trade, President of the Poor Law Board, by his wife Susanna Arethusa, only child and heir of the Rev. Sir Thomas Gery Cullum, eighth and last Bart., of Hardwick House, and Hawstead, co. Suffolk, by his first wife Mary Anne, only child of Henry Eggers of Woodford, Essex ; assumed the additional name and arms of Cullum by Royal License, Dec. 9, 1878. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly 1 and 4, azure, a chevron ermine between three pelicans or, vulning themselves proper (for Cullum) ; 2 and 3, azure, three bridle-bits chevronways or, between as many storks close argent (for Milner). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant or, holding between the paws a column argent, the capital and base also or (for Cullum) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a stork close argent, holding in the beak a branch of laurel proper, rest- ing the dexter foot on a bridle-bit or (for Milner). Motto — " Sustineatur. " Estates in Suffolk and Huntingdonshire, and at Normanton, Yorks. Seat — Hardwick House, Suffolk. Clubs — St. James's, Athenaeum, Brooks's, Bachelors'. MILNES, quartered by GASKELL and WALTHALL. MILNES, see CREWE-MILNES. MILNES, see HOUGHTON. MILROY (L.O.). Per fesse, in chief chequy or and vert, in base gules, the latter charged with a lion rampant argent, on a canton of the fourth a rose of the third, barbed of the Suffolk, J.P. and D.L. for that co., M.A. (Camb.), F.S.A., sometime High Sheriff of co. of Suffolk (i888, 1889). Born second. Crest Upon a wreath of the liveries, an ostrich proper. Motto — " Esp^rance " (for Milroy). Eld. son of Rev. A. W. Milroy, M.A., Preacher at the Rolls Chapel, London, and Vicar of Carisbrooke, for- merly Vicar of St. Mary's, West Cowes, and previously Rector of Newnham, co. Hampshire, Hon. Chaplain Hampshire Carabineers (Yeomanry), b. 1841 ; d. 1902 ; m. 1872, Mary Elizabeth, only child of Edward Rosher, ygst. son of Jeremiah Rosher [Arms of Rosher, namely : quarterly, i and 4, per chevron engrailed ermine and erminois, three crosses pat^e azure, each charged with an estoile or (for Rosher) ; 2 and 3, per pale gules and azure, a fesse ermine between two fleurs-de-lis in chief argent and a serpent erect in base or (for Burch)] of Crete Hall, co. Kent, and Trewyn, co. Monmouth :— is tbe Naval Cockade. I 966 e&ii mt Edward Andrew Wallace Milroy, Gentleman, K 6 May S873. Put. adtl.—T\K Oast House, nr. Komham. MILTON, quartered by NOYES. MILWARD, quartered by FAKh'ER. GEORGE MILWARD. Esq.. J.P. for cos. Gloucester, Worcester, and Oxon, late Capt. in Royal North Gloucester Militia. Bom July 18, 1843. being the eldest son of the late George Milward, Esq., of the Manor House, I.echlade, oa Gloucester, J. P., Borrister-at-Law, by his wife Sarah, third dau. of Henrv Grace, Esq., of Stockwell Common, J.P. CO. Surrey. Armorial bearing! — Ermine, a cross moline between three tortcaux, two and one, each charged w ith a crescent or. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, between two wings axiue, a Ixar's paw erased sable, claws or, holding a sceptre in bend sinister gold, entwined by a sprig of oak. Motto — " Nee temere nee timide." Married, Jan. 11, 1866, Augusta Susanna Shaen, eldest dau. of Thomas Shaen-Carter, Esq., of Watlington P.irk, Oxon, and Erris, co. Mayo ; and by her (who died May 18, 1891) has Issue — (1) George Harold Shaen Milward, Esq., J.P. for Oxfordshire, b. Oct. 26, 1866 fc., 189a, Edith Sophia Marion, dau. of the late cieorge uis Clowser of Bombay ; and has issue — George Louis Shaen Milward, Gentleman, b. 1897; Henry Alex. Harold Milward, Gentleman, b. Sept. 29, 1899; William Douglas Francis Milward, Gentleman, b. 1901]; (2) Victor Tilson Milward, Gentleman, b. April 11, 1869 ; (3) John Bertram Milward, Gentleman, b. March i, 1871. Seats — Lechlade Manor, Lechlade ; The Priory, Broad Marston, Stratford- on-Avon. WILLIAM MINET, Esquire, J.P., Barrister-at-Law. Bom Sept. 13, 1851, being the only son of the late James Lewis Minet of Sussex &juare, Hyde Park, by his wife Elizabeth, second dau. of William Iggulden. Armorial bearings — Argent, in base a boat on the ocean, therein passengers and rowers proper, three ermine spots in fesse, and on a chief or, an oak-tree on a mount vert. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a wing elevated argent, charged witli three barrulets gules ; with the Motto, ' ' Quantum est in rebus inane." Married, firstly, Sept. 26, 1882, Alice, daugh- ter of Sir John Evans, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (she died March 13, 1887) ; secondly, July 10, 1889, Mary, daughter of Joseph Rayner, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Brighouse, in the county of York ; and has Issue by his first wife — Susan. Postal address— Founxaxn Court, London, E. C. C/«3j— Athenaeum, United University. The Reverend FRANCIS ALLEN MINNITT of Trin. Coll., Camb., Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. of the said University, eldest son and heir of Rev. Robert Minnitt, Clerk in Holy Orders, late Vicar of Christ Church, Healey, in CO. Lancaster, M.A .of University of Dublin. Armo- rial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, gules three helmets proper, garnished or ; 2 and 3 argent, issuant from the dexter and sinister respectively, two dexter cubit arms, each grasping a dagger erect all proper, in chief a lion rampant sable, and in base three trefoils slipped gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crests— 1. on a wreath of the colours, a helmet as in the arms; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-lion rampant sable. Motto (above the second crest) — "Gearr. Augus dogh Aboo." Motto — "Virtute et armis." Postal address — Tnmiy College, Cambridge. WILLIAM HARPER MINNOCH, Gentleman, for- merly of II Hamilton Drive, Glasgow. Armoiial bearings — Or, a fesse wavy azure, between two crosses flory in chief, a lion rampant m base sable. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an owl proper. Motto — " Je pense plus." MINSHULL, quartered by CONYERS and FOX. THOMAS WILLIAM MINTON, Esquire, J.P. for the CO. of Stafford. Bom Feb. i, 1844, being the eldest son of the Rev. Samuel Minton (otherwise Minton- Senhouse) formerly of Calder Abbey, Cumberland, by his wife Cecil Mary, dau. o{ William Henry Rosser of Gray's Inn. Armorial bearings— Vert, wuhin two bars ermine, between two heraldic tygers passant, one in chief and one in base or, three garbs of tiie last. Mantling vert and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, an heraldic tyger as in tlie arms, the dfxter paw resting on a garb erect proper. Motto--" I'ro Deo et patria." Married, Aug. 6, 1872, Ellen, fetween two heraldic tigers passant, one in chief and another in base of the second. MatitUng vert and or. Crest — Upon a mount vert, an heraldic tiger as in the arms, the dexter paw resting on a garb erect proper. MottO — " Pro Deo et patria." Married, June 26, 1872, Ann Darby, second dau. of late Christopher Dickinson of Stoke- on-Trent; and has Issue — (i) Herbert Hoskins DarbyMinton- Senhouse, Gentleman, b. May 20, 1873 ; (2) Alfred Darby Minton-Senhouse, Gentleman, b. Dec. 23, 1874 ; (3) Bernard Darby Minton-Senhouse, Gentleman, b. June 9, 1887 ; Mary Darby ; Annie Darby ; Mildred Rosser Darby ; and Dorothy Darby. Residence — 21, Sanderson Road, New^ castle-on- Tyne. ~ MIRFIELD, quartered by TEMPEST. MITCHELL, see PARRY-MITCHELL. ARTHUR CHARLES MITCHELL, Esquire, J.P. fa| the COS. of Wilts and Gloucs. , late Capt. 4tli Batt. Glouc tershire Regt. Bom July 12, 1847, being the youngest so of Francis Henry Mitchell, by his wife Frances Elizabeth daughter of James Johnstone. Club — Union (London S. W). Livery — Chiret coat, canary colour waistcoat, blac trousers. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable on a chevron raguly plain cotised or between four escallop two in chief and as many in base argent, a wool-pac proper ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, ii^ front of a garb or, charged with an escallop sable, tv thistles leaved and slipped in saliire proper. Married firstly, 1872, Laura Harriet, fifth daughter of Sir Mich Hicks Hicks-Beach, eighth Baronet, of Williamstrip Park in the county of Gloucester (she died 1874 ; secondly, 1888 Constance Lucy, fourth daughter of John Henry Elwes Colesborne, in the county of Gloucester ; and has Issue- (i) Francis Arthur Mitchell, Gentleman, born 1888; (a David Johnstone Mitchell, Gentleman, born 1890; (3) Johi^ Henry Mitchell, Gentleman, born 1893 ; and Ethel Lau Postal address — High Grove, Tetbury, Gloucestershire. CHARLES MITCHELL, Gentleman. Armorial hear- ings are : Sable, on a bend wavy or, between two mascles of the last, as many mascles of the field ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, and issuing out of flames of fire, a phoenix rising proper, sem^e of mascles sable, and holding in the beak an acorn slipped and leaved also proper; with the Motto, " Spernit humum." Postal address — Jesmond Towers, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. EDWARD CHARLES MITCHELL, Gentleman. Bom 1842, being the third but second surviving son of Joseph Theophilus Mitchell, East India Merchant in London, by his wife Isabella, daughter of the late Captain James Young of Lee, in the County of Kent, one of the Elder Brethren of the Trinity House. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Sable, a fesse invected between an an- nulet and two mascles in chief, and a inascle between two annulets in base or, within a bordure chequy of the last and first, and for distinction charged upon the fesse with a crescent of the field ; and impaling the arms of Craufurd of Baidland and Ardmillan, namely gules, on a fesse ermine, between three mullets argent, two crescents interlaced of the field ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mascle sable, interlaced with three ears of barley slipped or; with the Motto, "Sapiens qui assiduus." Married, is the Military Cockade. Qptt ^It 967 January 21, 1884, Edith Caroline Sophia, widow of John H. Irvine, and second daughter of Thomas Craufurd, third son of Archibald Clifford Blackwell Craufurd of Baidland, now of Ardmillan. Postal address — C/o Messrs. Henry S. King, 65 Cornhill, London, EC. S FRANK JOHNSTONE MITCHELL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Monmouth, High Sheriff 1868. Born September 14, 1824, being the eldest son of Francis Henry Mitchell of 12 Upper Wimpole Street, by his wife Frances Elizabeth, second daughter of James Johnstone. Livety — Claret coat, primrose waistcoat, black plush, white stockings. Armo- rial beaxings— He bears for Arms ; Sable, on a chevron impaling the arms of Rolls, namely argent, on a fesse dancette^ with plain cottises sable, between three billets of the last, each charged with a lion rampant or, as many bezants. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a garb or, charged with an escallop sable, two thistles leaved and slipped in saltire proper; with the Motto, "A Deo Fasces." Married, January 19, i860, Elizabeth Har- court, eldest daughter of John Etherington Welch Rolls, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of The Hendi-e, in the county of Monmouth ; and has Issue — Gwladys EUzabeth [married, January 31, 1894, Major WiUiam Frederick Cleeve, Royal Artillery] ; and Hilda Mary [mar- ried, August 25, 1891, to the Reverend Charles William Tyler]. Estate and postal address — Llanfrechfa Grange, Caerieon, Newport, Monmouth. Sir HUGH SYKES MITCHELL of Westshore, Baonret. Born Nov. i, 1880, being the eldest son of the late Sir James William Mitchell, Bart., Rothesay Herald raguly plain cottised or, between four escallops, two in chief and as many in base argent, a wool-pack proper, and and Lyon Clerk (who was served heir June 5, 1895, by the Sheriff of Chancery, Scotland, of Sir John Mitchell of Westshore, third Baronet, \i\io'd.s.p. 1783), by his wife Annie Tilburn, elder dau. and co-heiress of Thomas Sykes, Tutor, Ackworth, co. York. Armorial bearings (as recorded in Lyon Office, Edinburgh, the succession to the Baronetcy being there recognised) — Sable, a fesse between three mascles or, a bordure chequy of the second and first, on a canton the badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of the liveries, for Crest, three ears of barley conjoined in the stalk proper. Armorial bearings (as recorded in the Heralds' College, London, the succession to the Baronetcy not being there recognised) — Sable, a fesse invected between an annulet and two mascles in chief, and a mascle between two annulets in base or, within a bordure chequy of the last and first. Mantling sable and or. Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mascle sable, inter- laced with three ears of barley slipped or ; with the Motto, "Sapiens qui assiduus." Postal address — Rogarth, Colin- ton, N.B. ISABELLA BOYD MITCHELL, Spinster, only sur- viving daughter of the late Joseph Theophilus Mitchell, East India Merchant in London, by his wife Isabella, daughter of the late Captain James Young of Lee, in the county of Kent, one of the Elder Brethren of the Trinity House. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge (as re- corded in the Herald's College) : Sable, a fesse invected between an annulet and two mascles in chief, and a mascle between two annulets in base or, within a bordure chequy of the last and first (as recorded in Lyon Office) ; Sable, a is tbe Naval Cockade. »68 Qpit cpit fesM beiwren three mascles or. a bordure chequy of the Uut and firsi. Postal (!etween two annulets in base or, within a border chequy of the last and first, a mullet for difference ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mascle sable, interlaced with three ears of barley slipped or ; with the Motto, "Sapiens qui assiduus." Postal address — MITCHELL of Carnock and Luscar, co. Fife (6 Oct. 1903). Sable, thirteen mascles crossways, seven being in pale and in the first quarter a portcullis chains pendent or. Mantling sable, doubled or. Crest — Three ears of barley conjoined in stalk proper. Motto — "In Deo spes." Livery — E>ark blue, black collar. S>on of Alexander Mitchell. Esq., J. P., of Carnock and Luscar, Fifeshire, Col. Clackmannanshire and Kinross- shire R. Vols. b. 1821 ; d. 1893 ; m. Emma, d. of William Peace of Wigan. Lanes. Alexander Mitchell Esq.. J. P. for Fifeshire, B.A. (Oxon). Major Fife and Forfar Imperial Yeomanry, b. 20 Aug. 1871 ; m. 3 July 1894, Meta Mary Graham, d. of John Paton Esq., J. P., of Lcthangie, Kinross-shire ; and has surv. issue — (i) Harold Paton Mitchell, Gentleman,*. 21 May 1900; (2) Alec Maskell Mitchell, Gentleman, b, 22 Oct. 1904. Estates — Carnock and Luscar, co. Fife; Nortonhall, Rox- burghshire. Res. — Luscar, Dunfermline, N.B. ; Monksford, St. Boswells, N.B. C/a^i— Raleigh , University (Edin- burgh), County (Stirling). TnK Rev. WILLIAM MITCHELL-CARRUTHERS. M.A. (Cantab.). Rector of Holbrook. Ipswich. Born Sept. 12, 1853, being the elder son of the late Major-General W. St. l^ger Mitchell, by his wife Margaret, dau. of Patrick Agnew of 1-Arne, Co. Antrim, Ireland, and assumed in 1873 the surname of his paternal ^andmother nie Car- ruthers of Holmains, Dumfriess-shire. Armorial bear- Inj^— Quarterly i and 4, gules two chevronels engrailed between three fleurs-de-lis or (for Carruthers) ; 2 and 3 sable, a fesse counter-embattled argent, Iwtween three mascles or (for Mitchell). Mantling gules doubled argent Crests— I. on the dexter side, on a wreath of the liveries. a cherub's head proper; Motto, " Promptus el fidelis" (for Carruthers) ; 2. on the sinister side, on a wreath of the liveries, St. Michael in armour holding a spear in his dexter hand, the face, neck, arms, and legs bare, a'l proper, the wings argent, and hair auburn; Motto, " Vir- tute cresco" (for Mitchell). Married, Oct. 3, 1878, Antonia, youngest dau. of the late Rev. A. A. Holdcn' of Nuttall Temple, Notts; and has Issue — (i) Alexander] Douglas Mitchell-Carruthers, Gentleman, b. Oct. 4, 1882 ; (2) Malcolm William Mitchell-Carruthers, Gentleman, b. Sept. 21, 1884 ; (3) Nigel Laurie Mitchell-Carruthers, Gentleman, b. Nov. 12, 1888 ; (4) John Erskine Mitchell- Carruthers. Gentleman, b. Jan. 15. 1891 ; Margaret Antonia ; Emma Mary ; and Winifrid. Postal address — The Rectory, Holbrook. Ipswich. ALEXANDER HAROLD MITCHELL-INNES, Esq., Lieut. Northumberland Artill. Mil. 1889-1894, J. P. for Berwickshire. Born 1870. being the eldest son of the late Capt. W. Mitchell- Innes, 13th Hussars. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly i and 4, argent three mullets of six points within a bordure gules, charged with eight bezants (for 1 Innes) ; 2 and 3 sable, on a fesse between three mascles or, ' three mullets gules. Mantling gules doubled argent ; and j for his Crests, on the dexter side, on a wreath of the live- j ries, an increscent proper (for Innes) ; and on the sinister : side, on a wreath of the liveries, a hand holding a garland \ of laurel all proper (for Mitchell). Mottoes — " Jc recois pour donner," " Deo favente." Seat — Whitehall, Chirn- side, N.B. MSiR MITCHELL MITCHELL - THOMSON, ist; Baronet (1900), Lord Provost of Edinburgh 1897- 1900, D. L. for the county of the city of Edinburgh, J. P. for the city of Edinburgh and for the co. of Peebles, Member of the Royal Company of Archers, H. M. s Bodyguard for Scot- land ; assumed the additional surname of Mitchell by Royal Licence dated Sept. 27, 1900. Born Dec. 15, 1846, being is the Military Cockade. Q^it e^oi 969 the fourth and youngest son of the late Andrew Thomson of Alloa, by his wife Janet, dau. of William Mitchell of Alloa. Livery — Maroon, with silver facings. Armorial bearings — Parted per pale argent and gules, a stag's head caboshed between three mascles all counterchanged, the escutcheon Ijeing charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, a hand proper holding a cross cross- let fitchfe gules. Motto — " Deus providebit." Married, firstly, 1876, Eliza Flowerdew, dau. of William Lowson of Balthayock; and secondly, 1880, Eliza Lamb, dau. of Robert Cook of Leith ; and has Issue (by his first marriage) — William Mitchell-Thomson, Esq., b. April 15, 1877; and (by his second marriage) Janet Barclay ; and Mary Violet. Seal — Polmood, Broughton , Peeblesshire. Residence — 6 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh. C/a^j^^arlton, Consti- tutional. MITFORD, see FREEMAN-MITFORD. EDWARD LEDWICH OSBALDESTON MITFORD, Gentleman, late Ceylon Civil Service. Bom Oct. 31, 1811, being the third son of the late Robert M itford of the Audit Office, by his wife Letitia, dau. of Rev. Edward Ledwich, LL.D. , of Dublin. Armorial bearings — Argent, a fesse sable, between three moles displayed proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter and sinister hand couped proper, supporting a sword in pale argent, pommelled or, pierced through a boar's head sable, tusked of the first, couped gules. MottO — "God caryth for us." Married, April 11, 1844, Janet, dau. of Ven B. Bailey, Archdeacon of Ceylon ; and has Issue — (i) Cuth- bert Philip Mitford, Gentleman, b. Jan. 22, 1845, d.s.p. March 31, 1854; (2) Robert Mitford, Gentleman, late 73rd Regt. , b. Nov. 25, 1846 [tn., Nov. 24, 1875, Annie, second dau. of Major-Gen. Charles Stuart Lane ; and has issue Bertram Lane Mitford, Gentleman, b. Nov. 3, 1876; Robert Eustace Mitford, Gentleman, b. June 10, 1878, d. May 7, 1895 ; Humphrey Austen Mitford, Gentleman, b. Feb. 2, 1892 ; Sybil Marguerite Elizabeth ; Beatrice lona, d. young. 1887 ; Gladys Marion ; Violet Edith ; and Marjorie] ; (3) Rev. Edward Mitford, M.A., Vicar of Hunmanby, co. York, b. Oct. 4, 1853 [w. , Aug. 14, 1878, Annie Maria Louisa, eldest dau. of Rev. E. H. Price, M.A. , Vicar of Kimbolton, and has with other issue, John Philip Mitford, Gentleman, b. 1880] ; (4) Bertram Mitford, Gentleman, 6. June 13, 1855 [m., and has issue] ; (5) Rev. William Led- wich Mitford, Rector of Ickburgh, Norfolk, b. April 2, 1858 [m., and has issue]; Frances Letitia [ot. Birnie Browne, I.C.S.]; Edith Hamilton [tn. W. Righy, I.C.S., and d. Oct. 19, 1891, leaving issue]; Mary Margaret [;«. , and has issue] ; and Sybil Emma [m. , and has issue]. Mr. Osbaldeston Mitford married secondly, 1896, Ella, dau. of the late Cloudesley Shovell Fitzroy Mason, C.S. , Ceylon. Seais ~ Mitford Castle, Morpeth, co. Northumberland ; Hunmanby Hall, co. York. S REGINALD COLVILLE WILLIAM REVELEY MITFORD, Esquire, Major-General H.M.'s Army. Born Feb. 23, 1839, being the youngest son of John Mitford of Exbury, Hants, Barrister-at-Law (second son of William Mitford of Exbury, Historian of Greece), by his wife Susan Annette, dau. of Captain Henry, R.N. Livery— B\a.ck, silver lace. Armorial bearings —Argent, a fesse sable be- tween three moles displayed prop>er (for Mitford). Mantling sable and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a dexter and sinister hand couped proper, supporting a sword in pale argent, hiked and pommelled or, pierced through a boar's head sable, tusked of the first, couped and langued gules. Motto— "God caryth for us." Married, Sept. 13, 1865, Margaret A., dau. of Henry Moore of Sefton Park. Residence— \2,'^ Cromwell Road, London, S.W. Club — Wellington. MIT TON, quartered by WOODD. MOBERLEY, quartered by GROSVENOR and TAUN- TON. MOGG, see REES-MOGG. MOIGNE, quartered by FLOYER. MOIR, quartered by KNIGHT-ERSKINE. ALASTAIR ERSKINE GRAHAM MOIR, Esquire, J. P. CO. StirUng. Born July 18, 1863, being the second but eldest survivingsonof thelate Robert Graham Moir, Esq. , J. P. and D.L., by his wife Ann Elizabeth, fourth dau. of William Hay of Dunse Castle. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, three Mauritian heads couped and distilling three drops of blood proper, banded of the first, a pearl in each ear, in the centre a mullet gules ; 2. argent, a heart crowned proper, on a chief sable, three escallops or ; 3. quarterly i. and iiii., or, a fesse chequy azure and argent ; ii. and iii. , argent, a galley, sails furled and oars in action sable. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a falcon proper, armed and belled or, perched on a heron lying on its back proper, beaked and membered gules. Motto — " Ne oublie." Married, Nov. 11, 1897, Winifred Edith, second dau. of the Rt. Hon. Sir Herbert Maxwell, Bart., P.C., M.P. ; and has /jj-«e— Charles William Moir, Gentleman, b. Oct. 30, 1898 ; and Beatrice. 5«rt^— Leckie, near Stirling, co. Stirling. S GEORGE MOIR-BYRES, Esquire, of Tonley, Aber- deenshire, J. P. and D.L. for co. of Aberdeen, and J. P. for Westmorland. Born April 23, 1839, being the eldest son of Patrick Moir-Byres of Tonley, by Maria, eldest dau. of John White of Quebec. Armorial bearings (L.O., Feb. 7, 1755) — Azure, ^ chevron argent, between three martlets volant or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a cock regardant proper. Motto (over crest) — " Marte duo Tutus." Married, Aug. 1866, Sophia Matilda, eldest dau. of late Andrew Hume Bul- teel of Liverpool; and \va.'s, Issue — (i) Patrick Moir-Byres, Esq., J. P. CO. Aberdeen, Major King's Dragoon Guards, b. Oct. 10, 1869 ; (2) George Bulteel Moir-Byres, Gentleman, b. Sept. 28, 1870 ; (3) Edward Byres Moir-Byres, Gentleman, b. June 30, 1873 ; (4) Douglas Moir-Byres, Gentleman, b. Jan. 31, 1875 ; (5) James Sandilands Moir-Byres, Gentleman, b. July 28, 1881. Seats — Tonley, Whitehouse, Aberdeen- shire. Clubs — Caledonian, Royal Northern (Aberdeen). is tbe Naval Cockade. 970 eaol a^oi ALEXANDER MOLESWORTH, Esquire. J. P. han- ctuhire. Born Sept. 8, 1851, beinr the second son ot Rev. William Nassau Molesworth. I.L.P. , Hon. Canon of Man- chostfr. Vicar of S|K>»land, Rochdale, by his wifi- MarKar«-t. dau. of ilfor^f .Murray of Ancoats Half. Annorlal bear- 4ny Gules, an escutclu-on vair Iwtwecn eight cross cross- lets in orle or. Mantling ruIcs and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proi>cr, holding a cross crosslet or. Motto— " Vincit amor patho:." Ktitdentt Hamer Hall, Rochdale. Rkv. ERNEST HH.TON MOLESWORTH. F.R.G.S.. Clerk in Holy Orders. Rector of St. George's. Edinburgh, formerly Rector of Jedburgh. Bom June 1 1 . 1858. being the third son of Rev. Reynell Francis Wynn Molesworth, M.A.. Rector of Washington, by his first wife Eleanor Jane, only dau. of Rev. John Hilton. Armorial bearings Gules, an escutcheon vair between eight cross crosslets in orle or. M«titiVny gules and or. Orest On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm enilxjwed in armour proper, holding a cross crosslet or. Motto "Vincit amor patrice." Married, 1886, Adeline, dau. of Rev, Canon Charles King of Salis- bury ; and has Issue - (i) Charles Ernest Wynn Molesworth, Gentleman, b. Aug. ao, 1888 ; (2) Eric Mackinnon Moles- worth, Gentleman, b. Oct. 16, 1890; (3) Selwyn Francis Molesworth, Gentleman, b. 1894; and Dorothea. Kesi- (UHce—53 Albany Street, Edinburgh. FREDERICK N.-XSSAU MOLESWORTH, Esquire, late Hon. Capt. and Vol. Batt. Lancashire Fusiliers. Bom Oct. 25. 1850. being the second son of the late John Moles- worth, by his wife Mary, dau. of Lawrence Newall of Townhouse, Littleborough. Armorial bearings -Gules, an escutcheon vair between eight cross crosslets in orle or. M'^"tl<"g gules and or. Great -On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, hold- ing a cross crosslet or. Motto -" Vincit amor patriae. " Married, Aug. 14. 1877, Emma Louisa dau. of J. H. Davenport; and has Issue— (1) Eric Nassau Molesworth, Gentleman, b. June 8, 1878 ; (2) Henry Talbot Molesworth, Gentleman, i. Feb. i, 1880; (3) John Davenport Newall Molesworth, Gentleman, b. 1885 ; and Emma Freda Mar- garet. ^«/rf««f«— Townhouse. Littleborough, Manchester. GEORGE MILL FREDERICK MOLESWORTH. Esquire. J. P. Devon and for Duchy of Lancaster, and Com. R.N. (retired). Bom Sept. 14. 1825, being the fourth but eldest surviving son of the late Rev. John Edward Nassau Molesworth. D.D.. Vicar of Rochdale, by his first wife H;u-riet, dau. of William MacKinnon. Armorial bearings — Gules, an escutcheon vair between eight cross crosslets in orle or. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, holding a cross crosslet or. MottO — ' ' Vincit amor patris. ' Married, Aug. 19, 1851, Sarah, dau. of Laurence Newall of Town House, Littleborough; and has Issue— (i) Reginald Balfour Molesworth. Gentleman, b. Nov. 6, 1852 ^m., April 19, 1888, Marian, youngest dau. of Ed- mund Thompson, and died leaving issue, Katharine Sarah Newall] ; (2) George Nassau Molesworth, Gentleman, b. June 4, 1856, d. unm. April 13, 1879 ; (3) Arthur Hill Moles- worth, Gentleman, b. Oct. 25, 1857 ; Harriet, d. an infant ; Mary Capel; Jessie Fitzgerald [m., Oct. 3, 1889. Henry Bridges Molesworth. eldest son of Sir Guildford Moles- worth, K.C.I.E., and has issue]. Seat — North Down Hall. Bideford. Residence — Torridge House, Westward Ho. Sir GUILFORD LINDSEY MOLESWORTH, Knight Commander of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire. Bom May 3, 1828, being the youngest son of the Rev. John Edward Nassau Molesworth, D.D., Vicar of Rochdale, by his wife Harriet, dau. of William Mackinnon and sister of the late Gen. Dan Mackinnon, Coldstream Guards. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearings- Gules, an escutcheon vair between eight cross crosslets in orle or, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon of the Order of the Indian Empire, and pendant therefrom his badge as a K.C.I.E. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colotirs, a di;xler arm embowed in armour proper, holding a cross crosslet or. Mottoes—'' Sic fidem teneo," and "Vincit amor patriae." Married, 1854, Maria Eliza- beth, dau. of J. T. Bridges of Walmer, Kent (and granddau. of Sir Robert Affleck); and has Issue — (i) Henry Bridges Molesworth, Esq. , b. 1855 ; (a) Robert Bridges Molesworth, Esq., b. 1863, d. 1897 ; (3) Guy Layard Nassau Molesworth, Esq., b 1865; (4) Percy Braybrooke Molesworth. Esq., Capt. R.E., b. 1867; Amy Francis, deceased; Eva; and Louisa Mary. >?.r/(;/«j -Swords, near Dublin ; Clear Lake, Lake County. California. Postal address — The Manor House. Bexley. Kent. Clubs— ^i. Stephen's. Royal Societies'. Hts Honour HICKMAN MOLESWORTH, Judge of the Court of Insolvency, Victoria, Australia. Bom Feb* ruary 23, 1842, being the eldest son of Sir Robert Moles- worth, Knight, late of Ediington. Melbourne. Victoria, by his wife Henrietta, daueluer of the Reverend Joseph England Johnson. Armonal bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, an escutcheon vair, between eight cross crosslets in orle or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and an and for his Crest, uf>on a wreath of the colours, a c arm in armour, emlxjwed proper, holding a cross en or; with the Motto, "Vincit amor patriae." Ma. firstly, 1868, Eliza Emily, daughter of William Ru Esquire, of Farnham Park. Warnambool. Victoria, J' of the Peace, Member of the Legislative Assembly ; I secondly. 1882, Alice Henrietta, daughter of Doctor Ffloyd] Minter Peck of Sale. Gippsland. Victoria. By his first] marriage he has Issue — (i) Robert Arthur Molesworth, 1 Gentleman, born July 6, 1871 ; (2) William Farnham Molesworth, Gentleman, born March 7, 1874; Enid Jose-j phine ; and Emily Maud. By his second marriage he has! Walter Lancelot Hickman, Gentleman, b. 1892 ; Margaret j Alice Elaine ; Lynette Emily Ffloyd ; and CEnone Florence j Mary. Residence — Ealington, Auburn, Victoria. Australia.^ Club — Melbourne. JAMES MURRAY MOLESWORTH. Esquire, J. CO. Warwick, F.R.G.S. Born Jan. 19. 1849, being the eldest surviving son of the late Rev. William Nassatrf Molesworth, LL.D. , Hon. Canon of Manchester, Vicar ofj Spotland, Rochdale, by his wife Margaret, dau. of Georgel Murray of Ancoats Hall, Manchester. Armorial bearings j —Gules, an escutcheon vair, between eight cross crosslets in 1 orle or. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath ofj the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, ■^ holding a cross crosslet or. Motto -"Vincit amor patriae." 1 Married, Nov. 10, 1891, Emily Maria, younger dau. ofj Robert Leech of The Greave, Rochdale; and has Issue — \ Robert Murray Nassau Molesworth, Esq., b. 1895. Resi'^ dence—Comyn Lodge, Leamington. Is the Military Cockade. 9^01 e§o\ 971 Reverend RENNELL FRANCIS WYNN MOLES- WORTH, M.A., Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Wash- ington, Durham. Born Jan. 17, 1827, being the fifth son of the late Rev. John Edward Nassau Molesworth, D.D. , Vicar of Rochdale, by his first wife Harriet, dau. of William M'Kinnon. Armorial bearings — Gules, an escutcheon vair, between eight cross crosslets in orle or. Mantling gules and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm enibowed in armour proper, holding a cross crosslet or. Motto — " Vincit amor patriae." Alarrisd, firstly, June 17, 1851, Eleanor Jane, dau. of Rev. John Hilton; and by her (who. d. March 12, 1862) has Issue— [i] Francis Hilton Molesworth, Gentleman, b. Jan. 24, 1854 ; (2) Rev. John Hilton Molesworth, Vicar of St. John's, Leicester, late Vicar of St. Mark's, Peterborough, and Rural Dean, b. March 14, 1856; (3) Rev. Ernest Hilton Molesworth, F.R.G.S. [to whom refer]; (4) Arthur Hilton Molesworth, Gentleman, B.A. Pemb. Coll., Oxon. , Barrister-at-Law, b. June I, i860; Mary Agnes; and Eleanor Jane. Rev. R. F. W. Molesworth m. secondly, July 27, 1864, Frances Elizabeth, dau. of Admiral George Henderson, R.N. ; and has further Issue — (^) Rodney Henderson Molesworth, Gentleman, b. June 2, 1865 ; (6) Theodore Henderson Molesworth, Gentleman, b. June 22, 1872 ; (7) Walter Henderson Molesworth, Gentleman, b. August 3, 1873 ; Bertha; and Dora. Residence— Ihe Lodge, Pembury, Kent. ROBERT ARTHUR MOLESWORTH, Esquire. Born April 15, 1843, being the second son of the late Sir Robert Molesworth, Knight, late of Edlington, Melbourne, Vic- toria, by his wife Henrietta, daughter of the Reverend Joseph England Johnson. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, an escutcheon vair, between eight cross crosslets in orle or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed proper, holding a cross crosslet or; with the Motto, "Vincit amor patriae." Married, June 10, 1874, Flora Macdonald Matheson, daughter of John Matheson; and has Issue — (i) John Matheson Molesworth, Gentleman, born February 16, 1878 ; (2) Robert Heckman Matheson Molesworth, Gentle- man, born November 24, 1879; (3) William Edwin Mathe- son Molesworth, Gentleman. ST. AUBYN MOLESWORTH, Esquire, Lieut.-Col. in the Royal Horse Artillery. Born March 26, 1843, being the only son of the late Walter Napleton Molesworth St. Aubyn, M.P. for Helston 1880-85, by his wife Anne, younger dau. of George Coles of Southampton, and relict of Charles Goddon Mitchell Smith, Paymaster R.N. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, gules an escut- cheon vair between eight crosses crosslet in orle argent (for Molesworth) ; 2 and 3 ermine, on a cross gules, five bezants (for St. Aubyn). Mantling gules and argent. Married, Feb. 12, 1874, Jane Emily, dau. of John Pen- berthy Magor of Laniellen ; and has Issue — (i) Edward Algernon Molesworth, Gentleman, b. May 9, 1875; (2) Arthur St. Aubyn Molesworth, Gentleman, b. June 7, 1878, The Rev. ST. AUBYN HENDER MOLESWORTH ST. AUBYN, J. P. for Cornwall. Born Dec. 27, 1833, being the second son of the late Rev. Hender Molesworth, B.A. , of Clowance, sometime Rector of Redruth, Cornwall, by his wife Helen Matilda Isabella, fifth dau. of the Rev. T. Napleton of Powderham Rectory, Devon. Armo- rial bearing^ — Quarterly i and 4, ermine, on a cross sable, five bezants (for St. Aubyn) ; 2 and 3, gules, an escutcheon vair between eight crosses crosslet in orle argent (for Molesworth). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a rock, thereon a Cornish chough rising all proper. Married, June 3, 1862, Caroline, third dau. of Rev. Charles Wheler, M.A. ; and has Issue — (i) Hugh Molesworth St. Aubyn, Esq., B.A. , b. Jan. 3, 1865, formerly Capt. 3rd Batt. Duke of Corn- wall's Light Infantry \_m. Emma Sybil, dau. of Adm. Charles Wake, R.N.]; (2) Beville Molesworth St. Aubyn, Gentleman, B.A. , b. Feb. 4, 1871 ; Helen Flora [;«., 1891, Rev. Charles Rowland Wynne de Cerjat of Moudon, Switzerland, and Crowan Vicarage, Cornwall] ; and Annie Caroline [w., 1897, Edward Harvey Williams, Esq.]. Postal address — Clowance, co. Cornwall. MOLINES, Baron of, see LOUDOUN. GEORGE FREDERICK CRISP - MOLINEUX- MONTGOMERIE, Esq., Major Grenadier Guards, J. P. CO. Norfolk. Born 1869, being the son of the late Cecil Thomas Crisp-Molineux-Montgomerie, Esq., J. P., D. L. , by his wife Eleanor Frances, sixth dau. of Hon. Arthur Lascelles of Norley, Cheshire. Armorial bearing^ — Quarterly i and 4, quarterly i. and iiii. , azure, a branch of palm tree in bend sinister between three fleurs-de-lis or (for Montgomerie) ; ii. and iii., gules, three rings or, each enriched with a sapphire (for Eglington) ; 2. quarterly azure and or, a cross moline counterchanged (for Molineux) ; 3. per pale argent and sable, on a chevron five horse- shoes all counterchanged (for Crisp). Mantling azure and or. Crests -i. on a wreath of the colours, a palm branch proper (for Montgomerie); 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of two peacocks' feathers in saltire, a cross moline or (for Molineux) ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a camelopard argent, armed and unguled or, sem6e of pellets and hurts alternately collared and line reflexed over the back gules (for Crisp), Motto — " Procedamus in pace." Married, 1901, Sybil Blanche Somerset ; and has Issue — Violet Beare. Seat — Garboldisham Hall, East Harling, Norfolk. Town resi- dence — 3 Walton Place, S.W. FREDERICK BUTLER MOLINEUX - MONT- GOMERIE, Gentleman. Barrister-at-law. Born 1832, being the only surviving son of the late Frederick Molineux- Montgomerie, by his wife Sophia, dau. of Humphrey Butler, grandson of Rt. Hon. ist Viscount Lanesborough. Armorial bearings -Quarterly i and 4, azure, a branch of palm tree in bend sinister between three fleurs-de-lis or ; 2 and 3, gules, three gem-rings or, each enriched with a sapphire. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a palm branch proper. MottO ~ " Proce- damus in pace." Married, Oct. 22, 1878, Isabella, eldest dau. of Hon. Colin Lindsay; and has Issue -{i) Robert Cecil Lindsay Molineux-Montgomerie, Gentleman, b. 1880 ; (2) Arthur Frederic Molineux-Montgomerie, Gentleman, b. 1882, d. Sept. I, 1896 ; (3) Charles Alfred Molineux- Montgomerie, Gentleman, b. 1884; (4) Eustace WiUiam Molineux-Montgomerie, Gentleman, b. 1885 ; (5) Hugh George Molineux-Montgomerie, Gentleman, b. 1888 ; and Dorothea Frances. Residence — MOLISON, quartered by DALGLEISH and GILLES- SMITH. is the Naval Cockade. 97* a^o! mo\ MOLONY (U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4, quarterly i. and iiii., asun^, a quiver erect holding three arrows Iwtween two bows {miewise all or; ii. and iii., gules, two lions rampant supiKHtniK u staff all argent, a crescent for difference (Molonyl: a and 3, argent, three bars ^emellc gules, a bi>rdure. and in chief a crescent asure for difference (Harry). KanUlnff azure and or. OrMt — On a wreath of the colours, an arm vamlMTiced embowed, the hand gauntleted grasping a short sword allproper, the forearm charged with a trefoil slipp«>d azure. Motto — " In Domino et non in arcu meo sperabo. " Sons of Harry Molony of Kilrush, co. Clare, L. R.C. P. I. (eld. son of Charlrcs Brew Molony of Bindon Street, Ennis), i. 1844; d. 1880: m. 1868, Charlotte Eliza, d. of John Carver Coates : — Chartres Aylmer Molony, Gentleman, L. R.C.S. I. , d. 1869. /fes.— Hany Brereton Molony, Gentleman, Dist. Inspector R. I. Constab. , 6. . Xts. — Rev. Perceval John Molony, ^. Res. — Sons of James Barry Nlolony, Gentleman, of Bindon Street, Ennis, ^. 1845; d. 1904; m. 1873, Ellen, d. of John Butler Greene, Esq., B.L. : — John Chartres Molony, Gentleman, B.A. Dublin (Indian Civil Service), d. 1877 ; ui. 1904, Sarah Frances, d. of William Adams, Esq., J. P., of Drumelton, co. Cavan. Post. add. — Bindon Street, Ennis, co. Clare. James Gorgias Massy Molony, Gentleman, i. 1884. Sons of Chartres Brew Molony of Bindon Street, Ennis, m. Alice, d. and coh. of James Barry of Rockstown, CO. Limerick: — John Molony, Esq., J.P. co. Armagh, F.R.C.P.I., d. 1851 ; m. Ethel Constance, d. of Hugh Lyons Mont- gomery, Esq., D.L., of Belhavel, co. Leitrim ; and has issue— (i) Otho Hugh Chartres Molony, Lieut. 2nd Batt. Dublin Fus., 6. 1880; (2) John Barr6 de Winton Molony, Gentleman, d. 1886. Seat — Forkhill House, Dundalk, co. Louth. Godfrey Massy Molony, Gentleman, 6. 1854 ; m. 1882, Class. Penrose, d. of Sir John Coode, K.C.M.G. Hes. — 14 Carlton Road, Southampton. Alfred Molony, Gentleman, d. 1858. J?es. — 12 Vincent Square Mansions, Westminster, S.W. HENRY MOLONY, Gentleman, M.D, Born Jan. 19, 1853, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late James Molony of TuUa, P'. R.C.S., co. Clare, by his wifo Rel^ecca, dau. of Michael Cireene of Ennis. Armorial bear- ings Quarterly i and 4, azure, a quiver erect holding three arrows between two Ikjws palewise all or; 2 and 3, gules, two lions rampant supporting a staff all argent, and impaling the arms of Morony, viz. azure, three cross crosslets or, between as many boars' heads couped above the shoulders argent, langucd gules. Mantlmg azure and or. Crest - Upon a wreath of the colours, an arm vambraced, embowed, the hand gauntleted grasping a short sword all proper, the forearm charged with a trefoil slipped azure. Motto " In Domino et non in arcu meo sperabo." Married, April 24, 1889, Geraldine, dan. of Edmund Morony of Odell Ville, eo. Limerick, by Helena his wife, only dau. of John Odell. /Residence -Odell Ville, Ballingarry, co. Limerick. The Late PATRICK JOHN MOLONY, Esquire, J.P. for CO. Clare, and B.A. (Dublin and Camb.), died August 26, 1901. Bom February 19, 1839, being the eldest son of John Molony, Esq., J. P., of Cragg, CO. Clare, by his wife Anna, dau. of D. Canny, Esq., J. P., of Clonmony, co. Clare. Livery — Undress : blue, with yellow collar and cuffs ; full dress : blue, plush breeches. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure, a quiver erect, holding three arrows between two bows paleways all j or ; 2 and 3, gules, two lions rampant, supfwrting a staff all I argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of J the colours, an arm embowed, the hand gauntleted, grasp- • ing a short sword all proper, the forearm with a trefoil] slipped azure. Motto — " In domino et non in arcu meo] sperabo." Married, Oct. 17, 1870, Lydia Anne, dau. of j Richard Galwey of Herbert Place, Dublin, Barrister-at- ; Law ; and has Issue — Alice Lydia. Estate— Crsigg TuUa, CO. Clare. MOLYNEUX, quartered by BARNEWALL and AB-, NEY-HASTINGS. MOLYNEUX, Viscount, see SEFTON. The Reverend BRYAN WILLIAM HOCKEN-^ HULL MOLYNEUX, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of] Arts, Doctor of Civil Law, F.S.A. , of Ludlow, in the county of Salop, formerly Curate in Charge of Onibury, in the same county. Bom April 9, 1852, being the only son of the late Reverend Bryan William Molyneux, Clerk in Holy [ Orders, of Moor Hall, Ludlow, in the county of Salop, by his wife Louisa Martina, daughter of William Dodgson of Ulverston, in the county of Lancaster. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Azure, a cross moline or, on a canton argent an ass's head erased sable ; with the Motto, " Vivere sat vincere." /Residence —The Hollies, Gravel; Hill, Ludlow, Salop. Clud — Primrose. HARRIET MOLYNEUX, Spinster, daughter of the late Reverend Bryan William Molyneux, Clerk in Holy Orders, of Moor Hall, Ludlow, in the county of Salop, by his wife Louisa Martina, daughter of William Dodgson of Ulverston, in the county of Lancaster. Armorial bear- ings are, upon a lozenge : Azure, a cross moline or, on a 1 canton argent an ass's head erased sable. EDMUND RICHARD THOMAS MOLYNEUX- j SEEL, Esquire. Bom. Aug. 5, 1824, being the eldest son : of the late Thomas Molyneux-Seel, Esq., of Huyton Hey, by his wife Agnes Mary, daughter of Sir Richard Bedingfeld, fifth Baronet. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, per fesse potent counter-potent pean and azure, three wolves' heads erased counterchanged (for Seel) ; 2 and 3 azure, a cross moline or, a canton argent (for Molyneux). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased per fesse pean and azure (for Seel) ; 2. on a chap)eau gules turned up ermine, a peacock's tail proper (for Moly- neux). Motto — "Sat vivere vincere." Married, Novem- ber 16, 1847, Comtesse Anna Maria de Losada y Lousada ^ is the Military Cockade. a^on ^on 973 (died 1898; and has Issue — (i) Edmund Harrington Moly- neux-Seel, Esquire, Major the King's Liverpool Regiment, born July 27, 1857 [married, October 30, 1894, Clare, youngest daughter of the late Thomas Weld Blundell of Ince Blundell Hall]; (2) Edward Honorrn 1883 ; (2) Edmund St. John l)clx)nnaire John Monson, Estjuirc, Iwrn 188) ; (3) (ieorgc Louis Esmd John Monson, Esquire, born 1888. TitsiJtHce—l'ht Embassy, Paris. MONTACUTE. quartered BROWNE and MOSTYN. by DU MOULIN - FREDERICK JAMES OSBALDESTON MONTAGU, Gentleman, Lieut. Coldstream Guards. Botn 1878, being the eldest son of James Wilson Montagu, Esq., J. P. W. R. Yorks., High Sheriff cos. Cambridge and Hunts., by his wife Laura Adeline, younger dau. of Ernest 'I'hallusson of Mount Auldyn, Isle of Man. Armorial beaxingfl - Argent, three fusils joined in fe^se gules, within a Ixjrdure sable. MantllTig gules and argent. CSrest On a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head couped or, beak and wings addorsed sable. 5m/j -Ingmanthorpe Hall, near Wetherby, co. York ; Melton Park, Doncaster. General HORACE WILLIAM MONTAGU, C.B., Knight of the Legion of Honour, General and Col. Com- mandant R. E. Bom May i6, 1823, being the third son of the late Rev. George Montagu, late Rector of South Pickenham, by his wife Emily, dau. of the Venerable William Yonge, Archdeacon of Norwich ; created Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1869, C/k*— United Service. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, argent three lozenges conjoined in fesse gules, within a bordure sable (for Montagu) ; 2 and 3 or, an eagle displayed vert, beaked and memlired gules (for Monthermer). Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head couped at the neck or, between two wings sable, gorged with a plain collar argent, charged with three lozenges gules. Married, 1859, Catherine Frances, daughter of the late General Poole Vallency England; and has Issue living— (i) Edward Montagu, Esquire, Major ist Battalion Suffolk Regiment, born 1861 [m. Charlotte Eva, dau. of Edward Kemble, late Judge of the Supreme Court, Jamaica ; and has issue, Charles Edward Montagu, Gentleman, b. 1900] ; (2) William Montagu, Gentleman, b. 1867 ; (3) Drogo Montagu, Gentle- man, b. 1870 [m., 1901, Marion, dau. of the late Rear-Ad- miral F. Proby Doughty] ; Mary; Alice [/»., 1892, the Rev. Archibald Downes Downes-Shaw ; and has issue living, one son and two daughters]; Madeline; and Lena. Postal address — 9 Oxford Road, Colchester. Colonel Honourable EDWARD TAMES MON- T.\GU-STUART-WORTLEY, C.M.G., M.V.O., D.S.O. Bom 1857, being the second son of the late Honourable Francis Dudley Montagu-Stuart- Wortley, by his wife Maria Elizabeth, daughter of William Bennet Martin of Wors- borough Hall, Barnsley; created Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and .Saint George, 1886. Armorial bearingB- Quarterly, i. azure, a stag's head caboshed. within two branches of laurel or (ior Mackenzie) ; 2. argent, on a l)end, between six martlets gules, three bezants, a canton of the arms of Stuart, namely or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, within a double tressure flory counterflory gules (for Wortley) ; 3. or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, within a double tressure flory counter- flory gules (for Stuart) ; 4. argent, three fusils conjoined in fesse gules, within a bordure sable (for Montagu). Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Com- panion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and, Saint George, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and tor his Crests, i. upon a. wreath of the colours, an eagle, wings displayed and inverted, rising from a rock all proper; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's leg erased or, issuant therefrom three ostrich feathers proper, charged on the thigh with a fesse chequy azure and argent ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant gules, and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Nobilis Ira; " 4. upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head couped or, wings endorsed and beak sable. Married, 1891, Violet, daughter of the late James Alexander Guthrie of Craigie, Dundee; and has /fjw^— Nicholas Rothesay Montagu-Stuart- Wortley, Esq., bom 189a; and Louise Violet Beatrice. Postal address— Highcliffe Castle, Hants. MONTALT, quartered by HULLEY. The Reverend DURBIN BRICE MONTEFIORE, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. Exeter Coll., Oxon., formerly Rector of Spaxton, co. Somerset, 1891-94, and Vicar of Westbury, Rucks, 1895-97. Bom i860, being the third son of the late Rev. Thomas Law Montefiore, M.A. Trin. Coll., Camb. , Rector of Catherston, Leweston, Dorset, and Rural Lean, by his wife Katherine, only surviving child of the late Rev. Edward Cowell Brice of Winterbourne Manor and Frenchay, co. Gloucs. , and latterly Vicar of Newnham, CO. Gloucs. Armorial bearings— Per pale gules and azure, on a chevron lietween tliree demi-lions or, as many crosses moline of the first. Mantling gules and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, three fleurs-de-lis azure, in front of a demi-lion or, holding between the paws a cross moline as in the arms. Motto — " Video melioia." Married, Jan. 7, 1886, Mary Evans, eldest dau. of David James Jenkins, M.P. for Falmouth (1874-1886). Residence -lAuTs\cy Hall, Winslow, ARTHUR JOHN MONTEFIORE BRICE, Gentle- man, Barrister at-Law of the Middle Temple, Fellow of the Royal Geographical and Geological Societies and the Anthropological Institute. Bom June 27, 1859, being the second son of the late Rev. Thomas Law Montefiore, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Camb.), Rector of Catherston Leweston, Dorset, and Rural Dean, by his wife Katherine, only sur- viving child and heir of the late Rev. Edward Cowell Brice of Winterbourne Manor and Frenchay, co. Glou- cester, and latterly Vicar of Newnham, co. Gloucester, by whose desire he assumed his maternal name of Brice by Deed-Poll in 1894. Armorial bearings (being the arms of Montefiore) — Per pale gules and azure, on a chevron between three demi-lions or, as many crosses moline of the first, impaling the arms of Mitford, namely argent, a fess between three moles sable. Mantling gules and or4 Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert J three fleurs-de-lis azvu-e in front of a demi-lion or, holding between the paws a cross moline as in the arms. Motto— 1 "Video meliora." Married, Aug. 4, 1886, Sybil (rf. June 2, 1895), youngest dau. of Edward Ledwich Osbaldesto Mitford, Esq., of Mitford Castle, Northumberland, and Hunmanby Hall, Yorks. ; and has had Issue — (1) Arthu Stanley Mitford, b. Sept. 21, 1887, d. March 10, 1888 i is tlie Military Cockade. Q^on Qpon 979 and (2) Arthur Cowell Mitford, b. Aug. 22, 1888. Kesi- dence-i-^s Finchley Road, Hampstead, London, N.W, C/kiJ— National Liberal. MONTGOMERIE, quartered by LAMB and RAMSAY- FAIRFAX-LUCY. MONTGOMERIE, see EDMONSTONE - MONT- GOMERIE and MOLINEUX-MONTGOMERIE. MONTGOMERIE, Earls of Eglintoun (rematric. L.O., 12 Oct. 1904; orig. niatric. 1797). Quarterly, i and 4 grand quarters, quarterly i. and iiii., azure, three fleurs-de- lis or (Montgomerie) ; ii. and iii., gules, three annulets or, stoned azure (Eglinton), all within a bordure or, charged with a double tressure flory and counterflory gules ; 2 and 3 grand quarters, quarterly i. and iiii., or, three crescents with a double tressure flory counterflory gules (Seton) ; ii. and iii., azure, three garbs or (Buchan), over all ;in escutcheon parted per pale gules and azure, the dexter charged with a sword in pale proper, pommelled and hilled or, supporting an im- perial crown, the sinister charged w ith a star of twelve points argent, all within a double tressure flory counterflory gold. Mantlings gules, doubled ermine. Crests— Dexter, on a wreath of his liveries, a lady dressed in ancient apparel azure, holding in her dexter hand an anchor, and in her sinister the head of a savage suspended by the hair, couped all proper (Motto — "Garde bien"); sinister, on a wreath of his hveries, a ducal coronet or, issuing therefrom a wyvern vomiting fire, his wings elevated proper (Motto — " Hazard yet forward "). Supporters — -Two wyverns vert, vomiting fire proper. Ygst. son of Archibald William, 13th Earl of Eglinton and ist Earl of Winton, K.T. , b. 1812 ; d. 1861 ; m. ist, 1841, Theresa, d. of Charles Newconien of Clona- hard, co. Longford, and widow of Richard Howe Cockerel!, Commander R.N. :— The Rt. Hon. George Arnulph Montgomerie, 15th Earl of Eglinton (Sco., 20 Jan. 1508, and new patent with former precedence, 24 March 1615), Baron Montgomerie (Sco., 31 Jan 1449), 3rd Earl of Winton (U.K., 23 June 1859), 4th Baron Ardrossan (U.K., 15 Feb. 1806), Hereditary Sheriff" of Renfrewshire, Lord-Lieut, of Ayrshire, late Lieut. Grenadier Guards, b. 1848; m. 1873, Janet Lucretia, d. of Boyd Alexander Cunninghame of Craigends ; and has surv. issue — Archibald Seton, commonly called Lord Mont- gomerie, Lieut. 2nd Life Guards,^. 1880; (2) Hon. Francis r Cunninghame Montgomerie, iJ. 1887; LadyGeorgina Theresa Ifw. 1895, William Mure, Esq., of Caldwell]; Lady Edith iMary [tn. Capt. Algernon Trotter, M.V.O., D.S.O.]. Seats [^Eglinton Castle, Irvine; The Pavilion, Ardrossan ; Skel- [morlie Castle, Largs, N.B. C/w^j— Guards' , Carlton. i SAMUEL HYNMAN MONTGOMERIE, Esquire. J. P. and D.L. for Ayrshire, J. P. for Lincolnshire, late [Major 3rd Batt. Lincolnshire Regt. ; is a Member of the King's Bodyguard for Scotland. Born 1856, being the [second son of the late Henry Hynman AUenby, Esq., J. P., of Kenwick Hall, Lincolnshire, by his wife Eliza, dau. of Tital Bourne of Alford, Lincolnshire, and assumed the ■ surname of Montgomerie and the arms quarterly by Royal License. Livery — Dark blue, with blue and yellow facings, j Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, quarterly i. and iiii. I azure, three fleurs-de-lis or, ii. and iii. gules, three annulets or, [stoned azure, all within a bordure or, charged with a double [tressure flory and counterflory gules, a canton ermine for [difference (for Montgomerie) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron f engrailed azure, between three horses' heads erased gules, as many crescents argent, a bordure of the second (for Allenby), and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Montgomerie, Earls of Eglinton and Winton, namely, quarterly i and 4, quarterly i. and iiii. azure, three fleurs- de-lis or, ii. and iii. gules, three annulets or, stoned azure, all within a bordure or, charged with a double tressure flory and counterflory gules; 2 and 3, quarterly i. and iiii. azure, three fleurs-de-lis or, ii. and iii. gules, three annulets or, stoned azure, over all a sword in pale point upwards proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a female figure (representing Hope) proper, vested azure, holding in the dexter hand an anchor or, and in her sinister by the hair a human head also proper, charged upon the breast with a cross crosslet for difference. Motto — " Garde bien," Married, 1885, Lady Sophia Con- stance Montgomerie, eldest daughter and heiress of the Rt. Hon. the 14th Earl of Eglinton and Winton ; and has Issue — Sophia Egidia Gwendolen, Eleanor Theresa, and Adelaide Constance. Estates— Gaj[nsga.\.e Hall Estates, Long Sutton, Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire ; Aucham Castle, Ayr- shire ; Montgomerie Estates, Ayrshire and Lanarkshire. Postal address — Southannan, Fairlie, N.B. Clubs — Bachelors', Boodle's. The Late JAMES BROWN MONTGOMERIE - FLEMING, Gentleman, of Kelvinside, Glasgow, Solicitor in Glasgow. Born 1840, being the youngest son of John Park Fleming, Writer, of Kelvinside, and only child by is the Naval Cockade. 980 Q^on his marriai;* wilh Elisabeth Tcnnent. youngest dau. of John Tennent of Wcllpiuk, in the co. of Ijinark. On June 17. 1898, the Lvon King of Aims matriculated his arms of new (as uiuU'r) u|)on his Iwct ming sole owner of the estate of Kclvinside and assuming the surname of his cousins the Misses Eleanor and Kliiabeth Montgomerie from whom he got a large part of the estate. He died June 18. i8<)8. Armorial bearings— Gules, on a chevron between a decrescent and un increscent in chief and a boar's head erased in base or. three fleurs-de-lys arure. Above the shield is a hehnet betilting his degree, with a M a n t lin g gules doubled or; and ui)on a wreath oJ his liviries is set for OrMt, a goat's head erased argent, armed or ; and in an escroU over the same this Motto, " Let the deed shaw." Married, Aug. 7. 1872, Jane Robertson, dau. of William IVichard, M.D.. Piu-tick ; and has Issue —James Brown Montgomerie-Fleming, Junior, Gentleman, h. March 8, 1884 ; Elisabeth Tcnnent ; Jane Prichard ; Margaret Mary; and Eleanor Elizabeth Montgomerie. £j/a/*— Kelvinside, in the parish of Govan and Barony pi\rish of Glasgow. Postal address — Kclvinside House, Glasgow. f/w^J— Junior Carlton, Constitutional, Western Glasgow), Conservative (Glasgow), Junior Conservative (Glasgow). Imperial Union (Glasgow), Blythswood Square (Glasgow), Scottish Conservative (Edinburgh). MONTGOMERY, see LYONS-MONTGOMERY. MONTGOMERY [Arms of Johnston as exemplified U.O. 1813. on assumption of name of Johnston in lieu of Montgomery, which name of Johnston has been discon- tinued]. Argent, a saltire sable, between three shamrocks slipped, and in l)ase a human heart ensigned with an im- perial crown proper, on a chief gules, three cushions or. fr l^ntHng sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a winged spur or, leathered gules. Sons of Richard Thomas Montgomery, Esq., o^ Beaulieu, J.P. (High Sheriff 1855). b. 1813 ; d. 1890; m. 1845, Frances Barbara, d. of St. George Smith of Greenbills, co. Louth. Richard Johnston Montgomery, Esq., J.P.,*. 1855; m. 1890, Maud Helena CoUingwood, only d. of late Sir John Stephenson Robinson, Bart. C.B., of Kokeby Hall. Seats — Beaulieu, nr. Drogheda ; Rokeby Hall, Dunleer, co. Louth. Res. — Killineer House, nr. Drogheda. Willoughby Aston Montgomery, Gentleman, b. 1858; m. Miss Hunter. Res. — Tichbome St. George Roger Montgomery, Gentleman, b. i860. Res.— MONTHERMER, quartered by DU MOULIN - BROWNE, MONTAGU, and MONTAGU-DOUGLAS- SCOTT. MONYPENNY, see GYBBON-MONYPENNY. CHARLTON JAMES BLACKWELL MONYPENNY of Pitmilly, co. Fife. Esquire, J.P. Born Nov. 4, 1867, being the eldest son of the late James Robert Blackwell Mony penny of Pitmilly, Esq., J. P., M.A. (Trin. Coll., Camb.), Hon. Col. 4th Batt. the Buffs (East Kent. Regt.), by his wife Mary Elizabeth, younger dau. of Rev. Charlton Lane, M.A., Vicar of Hampstead, Middlesex. Livery — Dark blue, yellow facings. Armorial bearings and quar- terings as used are not wholly recorded in Lyon Register, but the arms and crest of Monypenny are recorded in the Collie of Arms, and are— Quatterly, i. argent, a dolphin azure, langued g^les (for Monyjjenny) ; 2. azure, three cross crosslets fitch^e issuing out of as many crescents argent (for Cathcart) ; 3. azure, a lion rampant guardant between three escallops argent (for Gybbon) ; 4. or, a lion rampant sable, collared and chained or (for Phillips) ; 5. paly of six argent and azure, on a chief gules, a lion passant guardant or, all within a bordtire ermine (for Blackwell) ; 6. gules, a chev- ron between three swans argent (for Lyte of Lyte's Cary). Crest — On a wreath of the colours, Neptune biestriding a dolphin naiant in waves of the S'.a, holding in his dexter hand the reins, and in his sinister a trident all proper. 6000 Motto — " Imperat SBquor." Married, Aug. 17, i! Emilia Sybil, third dau. of Cecil Algernon Salisbury '"' hall of Stanwich, Higham Ferrers, Northants. Seat- milly, CO. Fife. Club—Kew Oxford and Cambridge. MONYPENNY (H. Coll.). Argent, a dolphin naiani embowed azure. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, Neptune bestriding a dolphin naiant all proper. Motto (over crest)—" Imperat .iCquor." Sons of James Robert Blackwell, Esq., J.P., M.A., of Pitmilly, co. Fife, b. 1835 ; d. 1886 ; m. 1866, Mary Elizabeth, d. of Rev. Charlton Lane. M.A., Vicar c^ Hampstead, Middx. : — Charlton James Blackwell Monypenny, Esq. (if. v.). William Erskine Blackwell Monypenny, Gentleman, 1876. Res.— Yr. son of Revames Isaac J. Monypenny, J.P. , of Pi^ milly, CO. Fife, b. 1799; d. 1881; tn. 1827, Ma Blackwell, d. of Robert Monypenny of Merringto Place :— Rev. Phillips Howard Monypenny, B.A., Vicar ^ Hadlow, b. 1837 ; m. 1S60, Emma Melasina {d. 1896), d. of John M'Munn, M.D., of Rutland Square, Dublin ; and has issue — (i) Monypenny, Gentleman, b. ; (2) Monypenny, Gentleman, b. ; (3) Sinclair Howard Monypenny, Gentleman, b. [m. 1894, Mary Beatrice Blackwell, d. of J. R. B. Monypenny]; and three daus. Res.— The Vicarage, Hadlow, Tonbridge. MOORE, quartered by ADLAM, DU MOULIN- BROWNE, and LUDLOW-BRUGES. MOORE, Baron, see DROGHEDA. MOORE, see DROGHEDA, HUNT. STREAT- FIELD-MOORE, and TUNNARD-MOORE. MOORE, Viscount, see DROGHEDA. H ARTHUR JOHN MOORE, Esquire, J. P., D.L. Born Sept. 15, 1849. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, on a chief engrailed or, a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper, between two mullets pierced of ^ is the Military Cockade. 9^00 ^00 9^1 the third, and impaling the arms of Clifford, namely, chequy or and azure, a fesse gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown proper, a Moor's head also proper, wreathed about the temples argent and azure, and charged in the neck with a rose gules, barbed vert. MottO^" Fortis cadere cedere non potest." Married, 1887, Mary Lucy Clifford, dau. of Sir Charles Clifford, Bart., of Hatherton Hall, in the co. of Stafford ; and has Issue — (i) Arthur Joseph Clifford Moore, Gentleman, b. July 1878, d. July 8, 1900; (2) Charles Joseph Henry O'Hara Moore, Gentleman, b. Nov. 1880; and Edith Mary. Seats — Mooresfort, and Aherlow Castle, Bansha, in the co. of Tipperary. Residence — 64 Princes Gate, S.W. Club — Uevonshire. The Honourabi-E CHARLES MOORE of Moore Court, Springwood, Blue Mountains, in the Colony of New South Wales, Member of the Legislative Council. Born August 29, 1820, being the son of James Moore of Bally- macarne, in the county of Cavan, Ireland, by his wife Catharine, nie Rogers, of Belturbet. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Azure, a cross crosslet or, on a canton argent, a kangaroo sejant proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, out of a mural crown gules, a Moor's head in profile, couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed round the temples or and azure, and charged on the neck with a cross crosslet gold ; Crest— Out of a ducal crest coronet gold, charged with a fleam gules, a Moor's head in profile proper, wreathed about the temples or and azure. Motto— "For lis cadere with the Motto, " Perseverando et cavendo." Married, August 2, 1883, Annie Hill, eldest daughter of A. C. Mont- gomery of Ryde, Isle of Wight, Barrister-at-Law. Postal address — Moore Court, Springwood, Blue Mountains, New South Wales. Sir JOHN WILLIAM MOORE, Knight Bachelor (1900), Doctor of Medicine, Master of Surgery and Diplomate in Public Health of the University of Dublin ; Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (President 1898-1900), ex-Scholar of Trinity College, Dublin, Honorary Fellow of the Swedish Society of Physicians, Senior Physician to the Meath Hospital, Dublin, Professor of the Practice of Medicine, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Born Oct. 23, 1845, being the elder son of William Daniel Moore, M.D. (Dub. et Cantab.), M.R.I. A., by his wife Catherine Mary, eldest dau. of Mark Monsarrat of Dublin. Livery—Blue. Ar- tmorial bearings— Azure, on a chief dancett^e or, a fleam ibetweeen two mullets gules. Mantling azure and or. cedere non potest." Married, firstly, Jan. 4, 1876, Ellie, (d. April 21, 1878), only dau. of the late John Ridley, M.D., of Moore Hall, I'uUamore, King's Co. ; and secondly, March 15, 1881, Louisa Emma, youngest dau. of the late Edmund J. Armstrong, Esq., D.L., of Lismoher, Kilfenora, CO. Clare, and Lower Leeson Street, Dublin ; and has Issue (by first marriage)- Elizabeth Eleanor Mary; Elsie [»?., July 2, 1902, Reginald Arthur Percy Rogers, M.A., Fellow of Trinity Coll., Dublin]; (by second marriage)- (i) William Edmund Armstrong Moore, Esq., B.A, (Dublin), b. June 13, 1882 ; (2) Arthur Robert Moore, Esq., b. July 22, 1883 ; (3) Maurice Sydney Moore, Esq., i^. March 31, 1886; and Nora Gladys. Residence -~ ^o Fitzwilliam Square West, Dublin. C/«(5 — University (Dublin). S JOSEPH HALL MOORE, Esq., J. P. for Derbyshire. Lieut.-Col. Commanding (and Hon. Col.) 3rd Batt. (Mil.) Derbyshire Regt. Born , being the third son of the late William Cameron Moore, Esq. , J.P. , ofBamford, Derby- shire, by his wife Eliza Louisa, eldest dau. of Joseph Hall, Solicitor, of Castleton, co. Derby. Armorial bearings- Azure, a swan argent, wings elevated or, a bordure nebuly of the last, on a chief of the second a lion passant of the first, between two flowers of the cotton-tree slipped proper. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a swan argent, wings elevated, barry of six or and azure, holding in the beak a flower of the cotton-tree as in the arms. Motto — " Mores hoc mutati." Residence— CasXlcion, Derbyshire, via Sheffield. JOSEPH HENRY MOORE, Gentleman, A.I.M. Annorial bearings— Argent, on a fesse azure, three mullets of the field, a bordure gules, charged with eight trefoils slipped or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest^ Out of a naval crown, a Moor's head all proper. Motto^ "Dura patientia frango." Residence— 6^^ Eccles Street, Dublin. Sir THOMAS O'CONNOR MOORE, nth Baronet, of Ross Carbery, co. Cork. Born 1843, being the son of Sir Richard Emanuel Moore, loth Bart., by his wife Mary Ann, dau. of A. Ryan O'Connor of Kilgobbin House, co. Cork ; succeeded his father in 1882, under the creation of is tlie Naval Cockade. 98a 900 ^od June 39, 1681. Armorial bMurlngi — Argent, two bars nbje, tietween nine martlets gules ; the escutcheon charged with hii ludKe of Ulster as a mrom-t. Or««t -An heraldic iij;«'r's hi'.ul iouihhI argi-iit, pierced through with a broken S(xMr jiro^K-r. llotto " Fortis caderc cedere non notest. ' //fir unknown, but there arc l>cheved to lie living male de- sceiitlantii of Charles, son of the 9lh Dart. , who died in the United States. WILLIAM MOORE. Gentleman, late R.N. Bom June 3, 1853, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late William Moore, Esq., J. P. (High Sheriff 1847), I^L.D., liarrister-at-I^w, by his wife Mary Shuldham, eldest dau. of John Hill. Esq., J. P.. of IJell.ighy Castle, Castledawson, co. Dcrry. Ariuorial bearings — Azure, on a chief engrailed or, an annulet between two mullets gules. if*ntier fesse nebuly argent and or, supporting with the sinister paw a lozenge azure. Son of Charles Morgan of Caervorgan, Swansea, and of Lincoln's Inn, b. ; d. ; m. , Caroline Elizabeth, d. of Rev. John James, Rector of Penmaen, nr. Swansea: — Col. Charles Edward Morgan, J. P. Glamorganshire, late 67th Regt. , served in China i'86o, b. 1838. Seat — Caervorgan, Llanrhidian, nr. Swansea. Town res. — 13 Phillimore Gardens, Kensington, London, W. Club — Junior Army and Navy. MORGAN (H. Coll.). Per chevron sable and argent, in chief two boy's heads couped at the shoulders having snakes about their necks ptoper, and in base a cock gules, combed and wattled or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cock as in the arms, charged on the breast with a fleur-de-lis or, and resting the dexter claw on a spear-head or. Motto— " Undeb.'^ Sons of Thomas Morgan,^. 1796; d. 1847; m. , Marianne, d. of William Vaughan, Surgeon R.N. : — Walter Vaughan Morgan, Esq., a Member of the Ccni- mission of Lieutenancy and Alderman of the City of London (Sheriff 1900-1), Treas. Christ's Hospital b. 1831. Res.~i Whitehall Court, S.W. C/«*— Reform. Septimus Vaughan Morgan, Gentleman, b. ; m. 1870, Ellen Sarah Simkin ; and has issue — Gwyn Vaughan Morgan, Gentleman, b. 1872; and Ethel Vaughan. Res. — 37 Harrington Gardens, S.W. C/k*— Reform. Son of Octavius Vaughan Morgan (s. of above Thomas Morgan, d. 1796), b. ; d. ; m. : — Penry Vaughan Morgan, Gentleman, b. 1875. Res.— 7 Park Lane, W. Ciub — United University. Ygst. son of Thomas Morgan, b. 1796; d. 1847; m. Marianne, d. of William Vaughan, Surgeon R.N. :— Edward Vaughan Morgan, Gentleman, b. ; m. ; and has issue. Res.—aa Harrington Gardens, S.W. S ARTHUR JOHN MORGAN, Esquire, commonly known as the Hon, Arthur John Morgan, D.L. for the CO. of Monmouth. Bom 1840, being the son of the Right Hon. Sir Charles Morgan Robinson Morgan, first Baron Tredegar, by his wife Rosamund, only dau. of Godfrey Basil Mundy. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4 or, a griHin scgreant s.-ible (for Morgan) ; a and 3 or, on a chevron Ix-twecn thiee roses azure, as many thistles slipiicd of the field (for Gould). U|K>n the escutcheon is placed a helmet licfuting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, u|X)n a wreath of the colours, a reindeer's head couped or. Postal addresses — 39 Portman Square, W. ; Tredegar Park, Newport, Monmouth. Clubs — Artbtir's, Carlton. CHRISTOPHER HIRD MORGAN. Esq., J.P. for Pembrokeshire. Born 1857, being the eUlest son of the late Howard Spear Morgan, Esq. , J. P. , D. L. , of Tegfynydd, Car- marthenshire, by his first wife Annie, dau. of H. Lloyd. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a pile argent, between two staj^'s' licads cou|)e(l of the last, a dexter arm in armour enilxjwed, iiolding in the hand a tilting-spear all proper. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, ui>on a wreath of the colours, a stag's head couped argent, collared gules, holding in the mouth a tilting-spear lx:ndways proper. Motto — " Fortitudine et prudentia." Married, 1883, Isa- bella Celina Elizaljeth, dau. of Philip Thomas Hlyth. Seat — Tegfynydd, Llanfalteg (R.S.O.), Carmarthenshire. MORGAN-GRENVILLE, see KINLOSS. The Latk Rkv. HANMER MORGAN-STRATFORD, Rector of Athan, Cowbridge, co. Glamorgan, M.A. Ox- ford ; assumed by Royal Licence, dated Oct. 27, 1887, the additional name and arms of Stratford. Born May 19, 1821, being the second son of the late Rev. Hugh Ilanmer Morgan of Swindon, co. Gloucester, B. D. , Chancellor and Canon Residentiary of Hereford Catheriral, by his wife Helen Mary Beale. Armorial bearings— Barry of ten ar- gent and azure, a lion rampant g^les. Mantling azure and argtnt. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexier arm embowed vested argent, the hand grasping a falchion proper, pommel and hilt or. Married, Feb. 12, 1851, Mary, dau. of the Rev. William Rayer, M.A., of Holcombe Court, CO. Devon, Rector of Tiverton ; and has had Issue — Hugh Hanmer Rayer Morgan-Stratford Gentleman, b. Feb. 24, 1856, d. unm. June 9, 1888 ; Helen Jane Essylt [m., Oct. 17, 1877, Rev. William Richard Jenkins of Caercady House, iB f^e Military Cockade. a^or Q^or 985 CO. Glamorgan, M.A. Oxford, and has issue] ; Catherine Frances, d. Feb. 8, 1858 ; Mary Anne Frances Winston ; and Frances Elizabeth. iVa/j— Swindon Manor, Glouces- ter ; and Lubenham Hall, co. Northampton. MORIARTY, quartered by CRUMPE. MORICE (U.O.). Azure, on a fesse or, between three boy's heads couped at the shoulders affrontfe, each en- vironed round the neck with a snake proper, a cock gules, beaked and legged or, between two pheons of the third. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cock gules, beaked, combed, and wattled or, environed round the neck with a snake proper. MottO — " Dum spiro spero." Son of Francis Morice of Springfield, co. Clare, b. 1827; d. 1897; m. 1884, Annie, d. of Richard Dawson, Esq., J. P., of Bunratty, co. Clare : — Francis William Morice, Gentleman, b. 1887. Seat— Springfield, Six- Mile Bridge, co. Clare. MORISON, quartered by ANSTRUTHER-DUNCAN. MORISON, see CAMPBELL-MILLER-MORISON. FREDERICK DE LAMARRE MORISON, Esquire, J. P. and D.L., Banffshire and Aberdeensliire, Lieut. -Col. late Royal Scots Lothian Regt. Born Nov. 17, 1842, being the eldest son of John Morison of Bognie and Frendraught, by his wife Mary Jane, dau. of Thomas Wetherall of Trin. Coll., Camb., Barrister-at-Law. Armorial bearings — Azure, three Saracens' heads conjoined in one neck argent, the uppermost face looking to the cliief, affixed by a wreath argent, and gules to the other two, which turn to the dexter and sinister. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, two hands grasping a dagger. Motto — "Sunt tria haec unum." Married, firstly, 1869, Janet Forbes, dau. of Alexanfier Gordon, Esq., of Newton, J. P. and D.L., co. Aberdeen; by whom he has Is.u/e (i) Alexander Edward Forbes Morison, Gentleman, b. 1875 [w., Feb. 24, 1897, Clementina Graham, dau. of Alexander Stuart of Inchbreck and Isabel Gordon]. Lieut. -Col. Morison m., secondly, 1892, Elsie, dau. of the late William Mair of Furzehill, Berks. Seat— Mountblairy House, Banff, N.B. JOHN WILLIAM MORKILL, Esq., J.P. for West Riding co. York, M.A. (Oriel, Oxon.), Lord of the Manors of Airton, Calton, and Hanlith, co. York. Born May 3, i86i, being the only son of the late John Morkill of Kii- lingbeck, near Leeds, by his wife Mary, only dau. of the late William Greenwood of Leeds. Livery — Black, with gilt buttons, black and yellow waistcoat, drab overcoat. Armorial bearings — Vair, a pale nebuly sable between four martlets, two in chief and as many in base or, im- paling the arms of Hobson, namely, quarterly 1 and 4, per pale azure and sable, two hobbies close in chief proper, and a sun in splendour in base or (for Hobson) ; 2 and 3, azure, a chevron between two fleurs-de-lis in chief and a battle-axe in base argent (for Falshaw). Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours (or and sable), a martlet or between two lilies argent, stalked, leaved, and slipped proper. Motto — " Be true." Married, March i, 1889, Hannah Shaw, youngest dau. of Peter Hobson, of Wintringham Hall, Yorks. , and niece of Sir James Falshaw, Bart., of 14 Belgrave Crescent, Edinburgh; and has Issue — (i) Alan Greenwood Morkill, Gentleman, b. April 21, 1890 ; (2) Ronald Falshaw Morkill, Gentleman, b. Nov. 22, 1891 ; (3) Hugh Bernard Morkill, Gentleman, b. Oct. I, 1896; and Frances Helena. Seats — Newfield Hall, Bell Busk, Yorkshire ; Austhorpe Lodge, near Leeds. Club — New University. MORLEY, quartered by CONYERS and FOX. The Right Honourable ARNOLD MORLEY, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Coun- cil, Postmaster-General 1892-1895, Patronage Secretary to the Treasury j886, Member of Parliament for the East Division of the borough of Nottingham 1880-1895, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Barrister- at-Law, son of the late Samuel Morley, Member of Parlia- ment, of Hall Place, Tonbridge, by his wife Rebekah Maria, daughter of the late Samuel Hope, Banker, of Liverpool. C'/«^^— Reform, Brooks's, National Liberal, Athenaeum. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, a leo- pard's face jessant-de-lis sable, between three griffins' heads erased gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin argent, the wings elevated ermine, holding between the claws a leopard's face jessant-de-Us as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Tenax propositi." Postal address — 7 Stratton Street, Piccadilly, W, SAMUEL HOPE MORLEY, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. for Kent, and D.L. for London, High Sheriff 1893, M.A. Trin. Coll., Camb. Born July 3, 1845, being the eldest son of the late Samuel Morley, Esq., J.P. and D.L., M.P. for Nottingham 1865-66, and for Bristol 1868-85, by his wife Rebekah Maria, dau. of Samuel Hope of Liverpool. Armo- rial bearings— Argent, a leopard's face, jessant de lis sable, between three griffins' heads erased gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi- griffin argent, the wings elevated ermine, holding between the claws a leopard's face jessant de lis as in the arms. Motto — "Tenax propositi." Married, March 6, 1884, Laura Marianne, dau. of Rev. G. Royds Birch, M.A. ; and has Issue — (1) Geoffrey Hope Morley, Gentleman, b. Jan. 28, 1885; (2) Claude Hope Morley, Gentleman, b. June 5, 1887. Seat—HzW Place, Leigh, Tonbridge. Town resi- dence— 2. Grosvenor Square, W. EDMUND MORONY, Esquire, J.P. co. Limerick. Born April 21, 1832, being the elder son of Edmund Morony of Ballyclough, co. Limerick, by his wife Geraldine, dau. of Andrew Castle. Livery —TidLtV. blue. Armorial bearings (U.O., April 23, 1730) — Azure, three cross cross- lets or, between as many boars' heads couped above the shoulders argent, langued gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent holding a sceptre or. Married, March 14, i860, Helena Mary, only child of John Odell of Odell Ville, co. Limerick ; and has /ww«— Eliza Helena \m., Aug. 26, 1884, H. V. L. Morony]; and Geraldine \tn., April 24, 1889, Henry MolonyJ. Seat—OA&Yi Ville, BaUingarry, co. Limerick. Clubs — Limerick, County. 3 GEORGE HERBERT MORRELL, Esquire, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Justice of the Peace is the Naval Cockade. 986 e^ot 9dOV ■nd I>eputy-Lie«t«'n«nt for Ihc county of Ox'ord, High SherifT 1885. Justice of the Fence for the county of Ik*rkshire, Hon. Col. ist Vol. Bait. (Oxford University) Oxfordshire Light InfHntry. V.D.. M.A., B.C.L. (Oxon), Barrister-at- I^w, M.P. VVixnlstock Div. Oxfordshire. Jiorn February so. 1845, being the eldest son of the late Reverend George Kidd Morrell, D.C.L., Vicar of Moulsford, Berks, by his uife Anna I^titia, daughter of David I'owell of Ix>ughton, Essex. Cints — Carlton, Junior Carlton. New Univirsity. /.ivtfy—V>ark blue with black velvet collar, and blue and yellow striped waistcoat. Armorial bearlja^^ — Me Ijears for Amit: Or, a bend invecied gules, between in chief a sprig of three roses gules, leaved and slipped proper, and in base a cross crosslet of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant guardant per pale argent and sable, holding in the dexter paw a stalk of three roses gules, seeded or, barbed and stalked vert, resting the sinister paw on a cross crosslet gules. Motto— " Bono animo esfo." Married, February 4, 1874, Emily Alicia, only daughter and heir of James Morrell, Esquire, of Headington Hill ; and has Issue — (i) James Herbert Morrell, Gentleman, born July 9. 1882; (2) George Mark Morrell, Gentleman, born October 4, 1884. 5. 1868 ; (6) Leonard Cyril Morrell, Gentleman, i. 1870; (7) George Deacon Morrell. Gentleman, 6. 187a; (8) Noel Hay Morrell, d. 1874 ; (9) Walker Morrell, Gentle- man, 6. 1876; Louie Florence; and Violet Winifred. 5^-Kildare Street (Dublin). S GEORGE BYNG MORRIS, Esquire, Deputy-Lieu- tenant and Justice of the Peace. Born March 25, 1816, being the second son of the late Sir John Morris, second Baronet, by his wife Lucy Juliana, commonly known as the Honourable Lucy Juliana, daughter of the Right Honourable John Byng, fifth Viscount Torrington. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, on a saltire engrailed ermine, a bezant, charged with a cross couped gules, and in chief for difference a crescent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant or, charged with a cross couped gules, within a chain in the form of an arch, gold; with the Motto, " Scuto fidei." Married, October 23, 1852, Emily Matilda, daughter of Charles Henry Smith of Derwen Vaur, Swansea, and Tenby; and has Issue— {\) Robert Townsend Morris, Gentleman, born July 9, 1853; (2) Charles Smith Morris, Gentleman, born December 12, 1854 [w., 1888, Maud Mary, dau. of the late Rev. George Alston, Rector of Studland, Dorset]; (3) George Lockwood Morris, Gentleman, born Armorial bearings— Or, on a bend indented gules, between two moorcocks sable, a saltire couped between as many anchors of the first. Mantling gules and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, upon a saltire or, a moorcock sable. Motto ~ ' ' Moderata durant. ' ' Residence — Duke Street , St. James's. W THOMAS HENRY MORRIS, Esq., J.P. D.L., for © West Riding of co. of York, and Capt. and Hon. Major late 2nd W. York. (P.W.O. ) Yeo. Cav. Born 1848, being the eldest son of the late William Morris, Esq., J.P. , D.L. , of The Lodge, Halifax, by Barbara Elizabeth, younger dau. of the late Thomas Johnson, of Wakefield, co. York, Club — Union. Livery— Blue, with gilt buttons. Armorial bearings— Per saltire gules and sable, gutt6e-d'eau, a lion passant argent between tour scaling-ladders, two in pale and two in fesse or. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an heraldic ante- lope sejant argent, gutt6e-de-sang, resting the dexter foot on a scaling-ladder or. Motto—" Res non verba quaeso. " Residence— The Lodge, near Halifax. January 29, 1859 [tn., i88g, Wilhelmina, dau. of T. Cory]; (4) Musgrave Morris, Gentleman, born November 18, 1864 \m., 1892, Edith Marion, dau. of K. Lockhart] ; (5) Thomas Byng Morris, Gentleman, born July 24, 1866 ; (6) Frank Hall Morris, Gentleman, born July 16, 1869 ; Edith Charlotte [ot. , 1887, Francis Montagu Lloyd, Esq.]; Lucy Emily [m. , 1887, Capt. H. S. Goodlake] ; Fanny Matilda [ni., 1882, Harry Bathlirst Christie]; and Rose Herbert. Postal address — Dany-graig, Porthcawl, R.S.O. , Glamor- ganshire. JAMES MORRIS, Gentleman. Born , being the son of the late William Morris of Poplar, co. Middlesex. His Honour Judge WILLIAM O'CONNOR MORRIS, Barrister King's Inns, Dublin, 1854, J.P. for King's Co.; appointed Professor of Law in King's Inns, Dublin, 1861, and Special Commissioner of Irish Fisheries 1863 ; was Judge of Louth County Court 1872-78, and of Kerry County Court 1878-86, since when he has been Judge of Roscommon and Sligo County Court and Chairman of Quarter Sessions. Born Nov. 26, 1824, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Benjamin Morris of Gartnamona, King's Co., by Elizabeth, fourth dau. and coheiress of Maurice Nugent O'Connor of Mount Pleasant. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, gules, two swords saltireways points upward proper, pomnjels and hilts or, between as many garbs in pale or ; 2. argent, a tree eradicated proper ; 3. sable, a bend, and in chief a tower argent. Mantling gules is the Naval Cockade. 988 ^or and or. OrMt— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a boy» head a(fronta/j— Fahagh Court, Beaufort, co. Kerry; Estancia "La Estrella," Gualeguaychu, Argentina. Cyril Charles Morrogh-Bernard, Gentleman, b. 1852; m. 1884. ; and has issue three sons. Res. — Arthur Mary Morrogh-Bernard. Gentleman, b. 1854. Res— Alfred Francis Mary Morrogh-Bernard, Gentleman, b, 1856. Res.— Eustace Mary Morrogh-Bernard, Gentleman, b. 1858 m. 1888, Mary Anne, d. of Samuel James Brown of Loftus Hill, CO. York ; and has issue — (i) John Alexander Morrogh- Bernard, Gentleman, b. 1890; (2) Eustace Anthony Morrogh-Bernard, Gentleman, b. 1893; (3) Francis Mor- rogh-I^rnard/ Gentleman, b. 1896; (4) Joseph George Morrogh-Bernard, Gentleman, b. 1898; Mildred Mary Sophia Rose ; and Mary Anne Matilda. Seat — Curragh- mount, Buttevant, co. Cdrk. Gilbert Mary Morrogh-Bernard, Gentleman, b. 1864; m. 1900, Catherine Reid ; and has issue — Eileen Frances. Res.— ALFRED HERBERT MORSE, Esquire, sometime Capt. 96th Regt. Bom April 30, 1841, being the third son of the late George Morse, Esq., of Catton Park, near Norwich, Justice of the Peace for the co. of Norfolk, by his wife Rebecca Frances, daughter of William Herbert. Club — Army and Navy. Livery — White, with black facings and silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Party per pale argent and sable, two chev- ronek between three mullets all counterchanged, impaling the arms of Gooch, namely, party per pale argent and sable, a chevron between three talbots counterchanged, on a chief gules, as many leopards' faces or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-man in complete armour proper, garnished or, his helmet sur- mounted by a plume of three ostrich feathers azure, on bis breast a cross-belt sable, and in his dexter hand a halberd proper; with the Motto, "Deo non armis fido." Married, May 22, 1866, Diana Anne, second daughter of the late Sir Edward Sherlock Gooch, Baronet, c©or sometime Member of Parliament for the l''.-utcrn Division of Suffolk, by his wife Harriet, third daughter of James Hope-Verc of Craigie, in the county of Linlithgow ; and has /««*— Edward Morse, Esq., Capt. 4lh Batt. Middlesex Militia, born June 38, 1869; Harriet Frances; Rose Diana; and Edith. Postal address — Copdock, Ipswich. The Ri-:v. HERBERT GEORGE MORSE, educated at Eton and at Trinity College. Cambridge. Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, sometime Rector of the parish of Littleham, in the county of Devon. Horn 1839, being the second son of the late George Morse, Esquire, of Catton Park, near Norwich, Justice of the Peace for the county of Norfolk, by his wife Rebecca Frances, daughter of William Herbert. Livery— White, with black facings and silver buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Party per pale argent and sable, two chevronels between three mullets all counter- changed ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-man in complete armour proper, garnished or, his helmet surmounted by a plume of three ostrich feathers azure, on his breast a cross-belt sable, and in his dexter hand a halberd proper; with the Motto, "Deo non armis fido." Estate — Docton, in the parish of Hartland, in the county of Devon. Postal address — 65 Holland Park, London. Club — United University. MORSE (H. Coll.). Party per pale argent and sable, two chevronels between three mullets all counterchanged. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-man in complete armour proper, garnished or, his helmet surmounted by a plume of three ostrich feathers azure, on his breast a cross-belt sable, and in his dexter hand a halberd proper. Motto— "Deo non arrais fido." Sons of Charles Morse, Esq., of Aylsham, Norfolk, Barrister -at -Law, J. P. and D.L. Norfolk, M..A. (Camb.), b. 1820; d. 1883; m. 1854, Mary Harriet, d. of Robert Isacke : — is the Military Cockade. opor e^o0 989 George Henry Morse, Gentleman, 5. 1857; m. 1893, Annie, d. of Henry Pasteui", of Wynches, Much Hadham, Herts ; and has issue — (i) George Geoffrey Morse, Gentle- man, 6. 1896; (2) Francis John Morse, Gentleman, d. 1897; (3) Christopher Charles Morse, Gentleman, d. 1898 ; and Nancy Corona, /ies. — Beech Hill, Thorpe, Norwich. Ciui — Junior Carlton. Arthur Francis Morse, Gentleman, late Inniskilling Dragoons, 6. 1872 ; m. 1898, Annabel Marjory, d. of late William Henry Haig of Broomfield, Midlothian ; and has issue — Arthur Morse, Gentleman, d. 1902 ; and Margery Emily, /ies. — Earlham, Norwich. Clud — Cavalry. FREDERIC AUGUSTUS MORSE-BOYCOTT,Gentle- nian. Born December 22, 1849, ^Ot00'i5OpCOtt late John Hall Morse- Boycott, Gentleman, of Sennowe and Sennoweville, by his wife Matilda, daughter of Thomas Alger. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly I and 4, paly of six or and gules, on a chief engrailed ermine three fire-balls proper (for Boycott) ; 2 and 3 per pale argent and sable, two chevronels between three mullets pierced, all counterchanged (for Morse). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. issuing from a mural crown argent, a dexter arm vambraced, the fist clenched proper, from tiie little finger pendent by a thong gules, an escutcheon^ also argent, charged with a fire-ball, as in the arms (for Boycott) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-man in complete armour proper, garnished or, his helmet surmounted by a plume of three ostrich feathers azure, on his breast a saltire sable, in the dexter hand a halben proper (for Morse). Motto — "Deo non armis fido." Married, February 19, 1879, Octavia Mary, fiftli daughter of the late Matthew John Anketell, Esquire, of Anketell Grove, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Monaghan ; and ha^ Issue — (i) Clarence Haversham Morse-Boycott, Gentleman born December 9, 1879 ; (2) John Haversham Morse- Boycott, Gentleman, born August 7, 1882 ; (3) Guy Havers- ham Morse-Boycott, Gentleman, born July 9, 1889 ; (4) Desmond Lionel Morse- Boycott, Gentleman, born December 10, 1892 ; Hilda Mary Anketell ; and Dorothy Frances Cynthia. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. MORTON, quartered by NIBLETT. Son of Rev. Peploe Paget Mosley, Rector of Rolleston, Staffordshire, b. 1793 ; d. 1868 ; m. 1836, Elizabeth [d. 1888), d. of Francis Bradshaw of Barton Blount, CO. Derby : — Paget Peploe Mosley, Esq., Hon. Col. Derbyshire Yeom. Cav., late Capt. nth Hussars, J. P. co. Derby, b. 1837; m. 1861, Caroline Veronica {d. 1878), d. of William Gerard Walmesley of Westwood House, Wigan, Lancashire. Res. — 27 St. James's Square, S.W^ Son of William Bayley Mosley, late loth Bengal Cav., H.E.L Co.'s Service, b. 1806 ; d. 1848 ; m. 1836, Maria Sarah {d. 1878), d. of Samuel Lowe of The Abbey, Burton-on-Trent : — John Edward Paget Mosley, Esq., Lt.-Col. (ret,) Bengal Staff Corps, b. 1841 ; in, 1871, Anna Katharine, d. of Thomas Crooke Ainsworth of Blackburn, co. Lancaster ; and has issue — John William Paget .Mosley, Gentleman; Barrister-at Law, b. 1872 Sjn. 1904, Mary Constance Adela, eld. d. of G. H. Strutt of Makeney, co. Derby ; and has issue — William George Mosley, Gentleman, b. 1905] ; and Florence Katharine [m. 1892, Frederic Marriner Aston ; and has issue]. 5^a/— HuUand Hall, Hulland Ward, Derbyshire. Son of Rev. Oswald Henry Lambart, Rector of Went- worth, Ely, Cambridgeshire, b. 1846 ; d. 1899 '< ^• 1875, Isabel Hutchinson, third d. of A. Campbell of Culross :— Oswald Feilden Mosley, Gentleman, b. 1880. Res. — May field, Leasingham, Sleaford. Son of Rev. Roland Mosley of Burnaston House, Rector of Egginton, Burton-on-Trent, co. Derby, b. 1830 ; d. 1888 ; in. 1858, Jane Charlotte Rose (d. 1874), second d. of Henry Every of Beaumont Lodge. Windsor : — Arthur Rowland Mosley, Esq.. J. P. Derbyshire, Major late 6th Inniskilling Dragoons, b. 1862; m. Henrietta F., d. of H. Bolden. Godfrey Mosley, Gentlemen, B.A. Oxford, b. 1863. Res.— Ashton Edward Mosley, Gentleman, b. 1868. Res. — Wilfrid Rowland Mosley, Gentleman, b. 1872. Res. — S TON MAN MOSLEY, Esquire, Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Stafford, Barrister-at- Law, Chairman of Derbyshire Quarter Sessions. Born 1850, being the MORVILLE, quartered by CONYERS and FOX. MOSLEY. Quarterly, i and 4, sable, a chevron between three pick-axes argent ; 2 and 3. or, a fesse between three eagles displayed sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— An eagle displayed ermine. Motto — " Moslegem regit." Sons of Sir Tonman Mosley, 3rd Bart., D.L. , late in the Inniskilling Dragoons, b. 1813 ; d. 1890 ; m. 1847, Catherine [d. 1891), d. of the Rev. John Wood of Swanwick, co. Derby : — Sir Oswald Moslev, Bart., of Ancoats, co. Lancaster, J. P. and D.L. co. Stafford (High Sheriff 1894), b. 1848; m. 1873, Elizabeth Constance, second d. of Sir William White; and has issue — Oswald Mosley, Esq., b. 1873 [m. 1895, Maud, d. of Capt. Justinian Edwards- Heath- cote of Apedale Hall, Staffs. ; and has issue — Oswald Ernald Mosley, Esq., b. 1896; Edward Heathcote Mosley, Gentleman, b. 1899 ; John Arthur Noel Mosley, Gentleman, b. 1901] Violet Geraldine {m. 1903, Frank A. Ellison, son of Rev. Charles C. Ellison of Bracebridge, Lincoln] ; and Constance. Seat — Rolleston Hall, nr. Burton-on-Tient, Staffordshire. Club — -Windham. Tonman Mosley, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, J.P. and C.A. for Bucks, Chairman Bucks C.C, late Chairman Quarter Sessions co. Derby, Chairman North Staffs. Ry. Co., and ■D.L. CO. Stafford, b. 1850; m. 1881, Lady Hilda Rose Montgomerie, youngest d. of Archibald William, 13th Earl of Eglinton ; and has issue^(i) Nicholas Mosley, Gentle- man, Lieut. N. Staff. Regt., b. 1882; (2) Edward Hugh Mosley, Gentleman, b. 1884 ; Hildred ; and Hildegarde I Sybil. .S^a^ - Bangors Park, Iver, Bucks. Ernald Mosley, Esq., J.P. Middlesex, b. 1851. Res.— [Monksgate House, Nuthurst, Horsham. second son of the late Sir Tonman Mosley, third Baronet, by his wife Catherine, daughter of the Reverend John Wood. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quar- terly I and 4, sable a chevron between three battle-axes argent ; 2 and 3 or, a fesse between three eagles dis- is tbe Naval Cockaa«, 990 ^OH €0Oj0f played sable, impaling Ihe arms of Eglinton. namely, quarterly i and 4, quarterly i. and iiii. azure, three fleurs- de-lis or ; ii. and lii. gules, three annulets or, gemmed axure. all within a bordure or, charged with the Royal tressure of Scotland aiurc (for Montgomerie, Earl of Kglinton) : a and 3, (juartcrly i. and iiii. azure, three fleurs- de-lis or (for Montgomerie) ; ii. and iii. gules, a two-handed sword in pale proper, hiked and |X)mmelled or, between three annulets or, stoned azure (for Eglinton). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Orest, an eagle displayed ennine. .\tarrieJ, February aa, 1881, Hilda Rose, commonly known as I^dy Hilda Rose, youngest daughter of the Right Honourable the thirteenth Earl of Eglinton; and has Issue — (i) Nicholas Mosley, Gentle- man. Lieut, and North Staffs. Regt., b. July 38. i88a ; (a) Edwanl Hugh Mosley, Gentleman. *. July 16. 1884; Hil- dreoints paleways or. Motto " Non nobis solum." Resi- dence - Rosebank, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. eldest son of the late James Moss and his wife Martha, dau. of John Baguley. Livery — Drab coat, silver buttons, blue MOSTYN, see LLOYD-MOSTYN. HSiR PYERS WILLIAM MOSTYN, ninth Baronet, w of Talacre, in the county of Flint, Justice of the Peace and Deputy - Lieutenant for the county of Flint, High Sheriff 1893. Bom August 14, 1846, being the son of Sir Pyers Mostyn, eighth Baronet, by his wife Hon. Frances Georgiana, daughter of the Rt. Hon. the fourteenth Baron Lovat ; succeeded his father in 1882, under the creation of April a8, 1670. Club — Wellington. Armorial bearings — Quarterly of thirty-seven, i. party per bend sinister ermine and sable, a lion rampant or (for Mostyn); a. azure, a lion rampant per tesse or and argent, within a bordure of the last; 3. ermine, a lion rampant azure; 4. gules, three chevronels argent (for Jestyn ap Gwrgant) ; 5. sable, three nags' beads erased argent ; 6. argent, a chevron between three ravens sable, each holding in the beak an ermine spot (for Llowarch ap Brau) ; 7. argent, a cross engrailed flory between four Cornish choughs sable (for Edwyn, Lord of Tegengle) ; 8. g^les, a chevron argent, between three men's heads, each in a helmet proper; 9. ermine, a lion rampant sable ; 10. gules, a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed or; 11. azure, an eagle dis- played or ; 12. quarterly gules and or, in the first and fourth quarters a lion passant of the second ; 13. azure, a lion passant argent; 14. gules, a chevron argent, be- tween three plates; 15. gfules, a chevron argent, and chief ermine ; 16. argent, a chevron between three boars' heads couped sable (for Ednowian Bendew) ; 17, vert, a lion rampant argent; 18. vert, three eagles displayed in fesse or (for Owen Gwynnedd) ; 19. gules, three lions passant in pale argent (for Griffith ap Cynan) ; 20. gules, a chevron ermine, between three old men's heads coup)ed at the neck profjer; 21. argent, three pallets wavy gules; 22. azure, a stag lodged argent (for Downs) ; 23. argent, six mullets, three, two and one gules ; 24. sable, three bars and in chief as many annulets argent ; 25. sable, three bars or (for Selby) ; 26. per fesse gules and argent, six martlets, three and three counterchanged, in the centre chief point an annulet for difTerence (for Fenwick) ; 27. sable, three lions passant in bend between two double cotises argent, in the sinister chief a mullet for differ- ence (for Browne) ; 28. gules, a lion rampant or, in the centre chief point a mullet for difference (for Fitzalan) ; 29. barry of eight or and gules (for Fitzalan) ; 30. sable a fret or (for Maltravers) ; 31. argent, a chief azure (for Clun) ; 32. gules, a saltire argent, in chief a label of three f)oints chequy of the last and azure (for Neville) ; 33. argent, three fusils conjoined in fesse gules (for Monta- cute) ; 34. argent, an eagle displayed vert; 35. argent, on a fesse the arms of France and England quarterly, within a bordure compony of the first and azure (for Plantagenet) ; 36. per pale azure and gules, three lions rampant argent ; 37. argent, a fesse and a canton gules, and impaling the Arms of Perry, namely argent, on a pile vert, three pears, two and one or, slipped and leaved. is the Military Cockade, 99« a^ot eaou The escutcheon is cbarged with his badge of Ulster as ii Baronet. Mantling laBie and argent; CresU, i. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a lion rampant or; a. upon a wreath of the colours, a trefoil slipped vert; with the Motto, " Morte leonis vita." Married, Novrmber 4, 1880, Anna Maria, tifth daughter of Thomas A. Perry, Estjuire, Justice of the Peace, Deputy-Lieutenant, and High Sheriff (1883), of Bithain House, m the county of Warwick; and has Isstit — Charles Pyers Mostyn, Esq., *. .\ug. 189s; Helen Mary Winifrid ; Clementina Mary; and Agnes Margaret Mary. Seat — Talacre, Holywell, in the county of Flint. ANDREW RICHARD MOTION, Esquire. Justice of the Peace for Essex. Bom May 13, 1857, being the eldest son of Richard William Motion, by his wife Mary Anne, daughter of John Gilbert Smith. Club — Union. Livery — Green. Armorial bearings — He bears for also proper, a mullet lor diflerence. Mantling puU-s and argent. Oreit— On a wreath of the colours, a inillrind Arma : Gules, on a pale argent, between two lions rampant of the last, a lion rampant of the first, a chief or, thereon a badger statant proper between two roses of the field, barbed and seeded, also proper. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with .1 mant- ling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a millrind fesseways or, thereon a badger as in the arms; with the Motto, "Suscipere et finire." Mar- ried, August 31, 1882, Jessie Louisa, daughter of Henry Stephenson Homewood ; and has Issue — Andrew Kenneth Motion, Gentleman, born December 17, 1894 ; Jessie Dorothy ; Marjorie Belle ; Kathleen Mary ; Phyllis Maud ; and Janet Homewood. Seat — Upton House, Banbury. fesseways or, thereon " Suscipere et finire." I badger as in the nrms. Motto Seat — Chadshunt, Warwick. otto-^Hj JOHN STANLEY MOTT, Esq.. J. P. for Norfolk, late Major Prince of Wales' Own Norfolk Militia Artillery. Bom 1838. being the eldest son of the late John Thomas Mott,, Esq.. J. P. and D. L. , of Barninghani, by Caroline, i....di dau. of the late William Sloane-Stanley. Armorial bear- ings — Sable, a crescent argent. Mantling sabk- and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an estoile of eight jx)ints argt-nt. Motto — " Sjiecteinur agendo." Matried, 1867. Cordelia Eujihemia. third dau. of Sir Nor- man Macdonald-Lockhard. third Bart.; and by her (who died 1872) has Issue — Theresa Caroline. Seat Barninghai Hall. Norwich. Club — St. James. S WILLIAM HENRY MOTT. Esquire, late Lieut. 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons. J. P. North Riding Yorkshire, Major ist V.B. Yorks. Regt. Born April 25. 1850. being the only son of William Grady Mott of Manor House. Gunnersbury, Middlesex, by his wife Mary Ann Wiseman. Armorial bearing^ -Or. a crescent gules, between three hillocks vert. Mantling gules and or. Crest— Up)on a mount vert, an estoile or, surmounted by a rainbow prof)er. Married, Dec. 29. 1880. Ellen, youngest dau. of the late J. H. Collins; and has Issue — (i) John Francis Mott. Gen- tleman ; (2) William Frederick Mott. Gentleman ; and Irene Ellen. ^««a/— Castletown, Carlisle. FREDERICK GEORGE MOUNTFORD, Gentleman. Born , being the son of Armorial bearings — Azure, two chevronels between in chief as many ostrich feathers erect and in base a fleur-de- lis argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of two ostrich feathers in saltire argent, a fleur-de-lis azure. Motto — "Quod Deus same this Motto, " Audentes fortuna juvat." Seai—Nae- moor, Perthshire, N.B. MOULIN, DU, see DU MOULIN-BROWNE. MOULTON (H. Coll.). Gules, four bars per pale largent and or, two flaunches of the last each charged with la sun of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — lOn a wreath of the colours, upon a mount a lamb statant Iproper, holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert, the [Whole between four ears of wheat stallted and leaved, two on either side also proper. Motto — " Virtute non astutia." Son of Rev. J. E. Moulton, i5. ; d. ; m. : — John Fletcher Moulton, Esq., K.C., M.A. (Camb.), |F.R.S., F.R.A.S., M.P. Clapham Div. of Battersea -6, S. Hackney 1894-5, and N.E. Cornwall since , Alderman L.C.C. , d. 1844; m. ist, 1875, Clara ^d. 1888), widow of R. W. Thomson of Edinburgh; 2nd, I901, Mary M. , d. of Major Henry Davies of the Villa ?loridiana, Naples. Res.—e^j Onslow Square, London, 5.W. Chambers— 11 King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C. !7/w3j— Reform, Garrick. S GEORGE WILLIAM MOUNSEY- HEYSHAM, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for Cumberland, High Sheriff 1893, Barrister-at-Law, being the eldest surviving son of the 'ate George Gill Mounsey of Castletown, by Isabella, econd dau. of the late Dr. Heysham ; s. his brother 1881. rC/«* — Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings — IChequy or and gules, a chief of the first, thereon between Itwo estoiles sable, a pale also sable, charged with a mullet Igold. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a |wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin gules, collared and 'lained or, holding in the dexter claw a flagstaff in bend proper, therefrom flowing to the sinister a pennon azure, "nd resting the sinister claw on a mullet sable. Motto — vult volo." Postal address — 21 Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park, London, W. MOUNTSANDFORD, quartered by PAKENHAM- MAHON. MOWBRAY, quartered by HOWARD. SThe Right Honourable CHARLES BOTOLPH JOSEPH STOURTON, twenty-fourth Baron Mow- bray, twenty -fifth Baron Segrave, and twenty-first Baron and Lord Stourton of Stourton, co. Wilts, in the Peerage of England, senior co-heir to the Earldom of Norfolk (created 1312), and to the Baronies of Howard, Braose of Gower, Greystock, Ferrers of Wemme, Talbot, Strange of Black- mere, Furnival and Giffard of Brimmesfield, and a co-heir to the Baronies of Dacre of Gillesland, Dagworth, Argen- tine, Kerdestan, Verdon, and Fitz Payne, late Lieutenant 3rd Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment (Militia), Deputy- Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of the CO. of York. Born May 23, 1867, being the eldest son of the Right Honourable the twenty-third Baron Mowbray and twenty- fourth Baron Segrave, and twentieth Baron Stourton, by his wife Mary Margaret, only child and heir of the late Matthew Elias Corbally, Esq., Member of Parlia- ment, of Corbalton Hall, in the county of Meath, by his wife, the Honourable Matilda, daughter of the Right Honourable the twelfth Viscount Gormanstown ; succeeded his father in 1893. Creations — Baron Mowbray, June 28, 1283; Baron Segrave, June 28, 1283; Baron Stourton, May 13, 1448. Livery — Full dress : white coat, black collar, and pockets edged with gold braid, gilt aiguillettes, with badge ; white waistcoat, gilt buttons, black velvet breeches edged with gold braid, and buckle ; white stockings. Armorial bearings — Quarterly of six, i. sable, a bend or, between six fountains proper (for Stourton) ; 2. gules, on a bend between six cross crosslets argent, an escutcheon or, charged with a demi-lion rampant, pierced through the is the Naval Cockade. 3R 994 £0O\XS mouth by an arrow within a double ircssure flory counter- flory of the first (for Howard); 3. gules, a lion rampant arRrni (for Mowbray) : 4- mHc. a lion rampant argent, ducnlly crowned or (for Segrave) ; 5. gules, three lions pftssant gxiartlnnt in pale or, a label of three points argent ffor Plantagenet— Thomas of Brotherton) ; 6. guU-s, a lion rampant or. a border engrailed of the last (for Talbot) ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Hagger- Otley, in the county of York ; and has had /ssut — (i) TiMpf Honourable William Marmadukc Stourton, i. Aug. at, 189s ; (a) The Honourable John Joseph Stourton. d. March S, 1899; The Hon. Winifred Mary. d. ai Aug., 1894, d. 1904 ; and Hon. Charlotte Mary. Jistates—AWcHon Park. Knaresborough, and RothwcU Haigh, near Leeds, both in the West Riding of the county of York ; and Bonbam House, Stourton, in the county of Somerset. ston, namely azure, on a bend cotised argent, three billets sable. Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-monk habited in russet proper, girt or, holding in the dexter hand a scourge of five knotted lashes gold. Snpporters— Dexter, a lion argent, ducally crowned or ; sinister, a sea-dog sable, scaled and finned gold. Motto — "Loyal je serai durant ma vie;" and for his Badg^, a sledge. Married, July 26, 1893, Mary, only child of the late Thomas Angus Constable, Esquire (paternally Haggerston), of the Manor House, 5^a/— Allerton Park, Knaresborough, Yorkshire. Clubs— White's, Carlton, Hurlingham and Yorkshire (York), SJOHN GARDINER MUIR, Esquire, J. P. and D.L, Herefordshire, J. P. Northants, Lord of the Manors of Brigstock and Stanion, and Patron of one Living. Bom April 29, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Matthew Andrew Muir of Ardenvohr, Dumbartonshire, by his wiliB Agnes Clark, eldest dau. of James Bun ten of Glasgow. Armorial beaiings — Per fesse argent and or, on a fesse cotised azure, three mullets of the first. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a Saracen 4 « is the Military Cockade. Qpui a^ui 995 head wreathed with laurel proper. Motto (over the crest) — " Duris non frangor." Married, Sept. 24, 1880, Jessie Agnes, dau. of John Hendrie, Esq., J. P., of Larbert House, CO. Stirling; and has Issite — (i) Matthew Andrew Muir, Gentleman, b. Nov. i, 1883; Muriel Evelyn; Winifred Hilda; Agnes Heather; and Clara Gardiner. 5ea/— Farmingwoods Hall, Thrapston, Northants. Club— Boodle's. Thk Late Sir WILLIAM MUIR, K.C.S.I., LL.D., D.C.L. , Ph.D., Principal of Univ. of Edinburgh, late President of the R. Asiatic Society, and a member of the Indian Council; formerly Lieut. -Governor of the N.W. Provinces, and foreign Secretary and Finance Minister to the Government of India. Born 1819, being the son of the late William Muir of Kilmarnock, by his wife Helen, daughter of John Macfie. Club — University (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, on a fesse engrailed azure, withm a bordure also engrailed ermine, three mullets of the field. Upon the escutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon of the Order of the Star of India, and pendent therefrom the badge of a Knight Commander, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a Saracen's head affront^e, couped at the shoulders, and wreathed about the temples with laurel leaves proper. Motto — "Duris non frangor." Married, Feb. 8, 1840, Elizabeth Huntly, daughter of James Wemyss, Esq., B.C.S. (son of Hon. James Wemyss, by his wife Lady Betty, dau. of the Rt. Hon. the i6th Earl of Sutherland) ; and has Issue— {\) William James Wemyss Muir, Esq., Col. (retired) late I.S.C, b. 1840; \m., first, 1868, Isabella Fanny (rf. 1871), dau. of Col. E. P. Arthur; second, 1874, Alice Christina, dau. of Sir George Wingate, K.C.S. I. ; and has issue by both marriages] ; (2) John Fairlie Muir, Esq. , b. 1845 [;«., 1876, Edith, dau. of the late Sir George Wingate, K.C.S. I., and has issue] ; (3) Archibald Mungo Muir, Esq., Lieut.-Col. I.S.C, b. 1847 [w. and has issue]; (4) Charles 'Vemyss Muir, Esq. , C. I. E. , b. 1850 \m. , 1883, Alice, dau. of Horace Abel Cockerell, Esq., C.S.I., and has issue]; (5) James Thomason Muir, Esq., b. 1856; Caroline Char- lotte [ot., 1859, W. H. Lowe, B.S.C.]; Elizabeth Huntly \in. , 1872, Col. George Frederick Leycester Marshall, CLE., R.E.]; Agnes Jean [;«., 1883, George Andreas Berry, M.B., F.R.C.S.]; Jean Mary [;«., 1893, Col. Andrew Gilbert Wauchope, C.B., C.M.G.l; and Helen Mary \m., 1885, Robert George ArbuthnotJ. Postal address — Dean Park House, Edinburgh. LIONEL BOULTON CAMPBELL LOCKHART MUIRHEAD, Gentleman. Born Jan. 16, 1845, being the eldest son of the late James Patrick Muirhead, Esq., M.A. (Oxon.), D.L. co. of Oxford, Advocate at the Scot- tish Bar, by his wife Katherine Elizabeth, second dau. of Matthew Robinson Boulton of Soho, Staffs and Tew Park, CO. Oxford. Livery —"DztV blue and silver. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend azure, between two galleys with sails furled up and oars in action sable, flags and pinnets flying barry of the third and or, three acorns of the last impaling the arms of Ashhurst of Waterstock, namely, gules, a cross between four fleurs-de-lis argent. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — Upon a vrreath of his liveries, two hands grasping a two-handed sword, and on an escrol above the Motto — " Auxilio Dei." Married, April 19, 1887, Grace Mary, second dau. of John Henry Ashhurst, Esq. , J. P. and D. L. of Waterstock, co. Oxford ; and has Issue — Anthony John Muirhead, Gentleman, b. Nov. 4, 1890; and Charis Elizabeth Fosca. J?esidence—Ua.se:ley Court, Wallingford, Oxon. C/«*— Saville. MULCHINOCK (U.O.). Quarterly or and azure, in the first and fourth quarters a trefoil slipped, and in the second and third a crescent, a bordure gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased proper, charged on the neck with a trefoil slipped or, and holding in the mouth an olive branch also proper. Motto — ' ' Itur ad astra. " Livery — Dark blue, green facings. Son of Edward Mulchinock, Esq., J. P., of Clogher's House, CO. Kerry, and Pembroke Road, Dublin, b. is the Naval Cockade. 996 «ttl i8a( : d. 1880 : m. 1854, Mary, d. of Dominick Rice of ^li&mounl, CO. Kerry: — Major Michael Edward Mulchinock. R.O. . late Connaught Rangen and R.l. Rifles, b. 1856 ; *•. 1886. Margaret Camp- bell, d. of William Linden, of Clifdcn House. Hoiywood, CO. Ikiwn. and widow of Albert Verley of Marble House. Jamaica ; and has issue— (1) Ivan I slay Mulchinock, Gen- tleman, h. 1890; (a) Cvril Edward Mulchinock. Gentleman, h. 1893 ; (3) Henry Matthew Mulchinock. Gentleman, *. 1897 ; Evelyn Mane ; Violet Constance ; and Eileen Doris. .S*ro|>cT, a swan rising argent, chargi-d on eaeli wing with .1 trefoil :>lip|>ed vtrt, in chief a start niguly rrect Ijc- tween two estoiles or. Mantling sable and ardent. OrMt —On a wreath of the colours, in front of a dunu-swan wings i*xpandi*il argont. 5<-m^ of trefoils slipped vert, a staff raguTy fi's-icways i>r. MottO -" Hasis virtutum consi.intia." Mar- rited vert, in chief a staff raguly erect tetween two estoiles or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-swan wings expanded argent, sem(^ of trefoils slipped vert, a staff raguly fesseways or. Motto — " Fortiter sad suaviter." Married, 1859, Rosalie, dau. of Philip Henry Muntz, M.P. , of Edstone Hall, Henley-in-Arden ; and has bad Issue — (i) Gerard Albert Muntz, Gentleman, b. Nov. 27, 1864 \m., June 38, 1893, Katie, eldest dau. of James Prinsep, late Bengal Civil Service] ; (2) Duncan Albert Muntz, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, M.A. Oxen., b. Aug. 26, 1867 ; (3) Cecil Albert Muntz, Gentleman, b. March 2, 1870; (4) Norman Albert Muntz, Gentleman, b. 1876, d. 1895 ; Ethel Frances, d. April 21, 1872 ; Vera Gertrude, d. Jan. 10, 1890; Nora Violet, d. July 1865; and Mildred Rosalie. Residence — Dunsmore, near Rugby. MURDOCH, see BURN-MURDOCH. MURDOCH (1732). Argent, a fesse chequy azure and of the first, surmounted of two ravens hanging paleways sable, with an arrow through both their heads fessways proper. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a lion's head erased gules. Motto — "Omine secundo." Son of : — James Barclay Murdoch, Gentleman, ^w.— Capelrig, Meams, Renfrewshire. WILLIAM MURE. Gentleman. Bom January 17, 1870, being the only son of the late William Mure, Esquire, of Caldwell, by his wife Constance Elizabeth, commonly known as the Honourable Constance Elizabeth, youngest daughter of the Right Honourable George Wyndham, first Lord Leconfield; succeeded his father 1880. Annoilal bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a fesse azure, three mulleU of the field, within a bordure engrailed gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a Saracen's head proi>er. Motto—" Duris non frangor. " 5sa/— Caldwell, by Glas- gow, N.B. MURPHY, see MACMURROGH-MURPHY. WILLIAM BRUDENELL MURPHY, Esq., J.P, Bom 1857, being the only son of the late William Murphv, Esq., of Kilhrew, co. Meath, by his wife Anna Helen, dau. of Maurice Blake of Baliinafad, co. Mayo. Armorial bearings— Per pale argent and gules, on a fesse engrailed, between four lions rampant, two garbs, all countercharged. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a lion rampant gules, bezant^e, holding in the fore-paws a garb or. Motto — " Fortis et hospitalis," Married, 1878, his cousin, Mary Antoinette, dau. of Captain Maiu-ice Lynch Blake, of Baliinafad, co. Ma}o; and has Issue — {\) Reginald Francis HrudeiicU Murphy, Gentleman ; (a) Vere Anthony Evelyn nrualeways, three mullets of six points all counter- changed. Mantling ^les and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the coloius, a demi-lion gules, gutt^-d'or, holding in the dexter paw a mullet of six points or, and resting the sinister on two mascles interlaced of the last Married, July 31, 1888, P'rances Mary, dau. of Ernest Augustus Prideaux- Brune of Glentorr, Devon. Seat — Swanmore House, Bishop's Waltham, Hants. C/«^j - Carlton, Oxford and Cambridge, Wellington. WILLIAM JOSEPH MYERS, Captain King^s Royal Rifles, formerly Aide-de-Camp to General Sir Frederick Stephenson, K.C.B., has medals for the Zulu War and the Nile Expedition, the 4th class of the Order of the Medjide, and the Khedive s bronze star. Lord of the Manor of Shcnley- bury. Bom Aug. 4, 1858, l)eing the son of the late Thomas Borron Myles, Esq., of Porters Park, J. P., by his wfe Margaret stone, dau. of Rev. Henry Melvill, B.D., Canon of St. Paul's. Armorial bearings — Argent, a pale gules, on a liend between four crescents, two and two palcw:\ys, three mullets of six points all counterchanged. Blantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, gutt^d'or, holding in the dexter paw a mullet of six points or, and resting the sinister on two mascles interlaced of the last. The Late WILLIAM BESWICK MYERS-BES- WICK, Gentleman, Lord of the Manor of Gristhorpe. Bom Juljj 2, 1850, only son of W. H. N. Myers of Leeds, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of the late William Beswick, E^q., J. P., of Gristhorpe, co. York; and on succeeding to the Gristhorpe Estate, to which he became heir on the death of his uncle, Thomas Keld Beswick (who died unmarried), he then assumed the additional name of Beswick. Livery — Black, red facings. Armorial bearing^ — Argent, on a fesse sable, cottised gules, between three battering-rams barwise in chief azure, headed and garnished or, and a crow perched on the stump of a tree eradicated and sprouting in base proper, three bezants. Mantling sable and argent ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a dexter hand coujjed at the wrist proper, the palm charged with an estoile radi- ated or, between two antlers proper. Motto — " Denique coelum." Married, June 26, 1876, dau. of John Fraser of Leeds ; and has had Issue — Brian Myers- Eteswick, Gentle- man, b. June 13, 1878, d. Oct. 20, 1896 ; Mary ; Agnes Dorothy ; Joan Fraser ; and Marjorie Beswick. Residences —75 Avenue Road, Regent's Park, N.W, ; Gristhorpe Manor, Filey, Yorks. ^ is the MiUtary Cockade. MYHILL, quartered by LANGRISHE. THOMAS GEORGE MYLCHREEST, Gentleman. Born Sept. 30, 1863, being the only son of Evan Mylchreest of Douglas, Isle of Man, by his wife Louisa, dau. of the late John Firth of Bradford. Yorkshire. Livery— Yi\\xt., with silver buttons. Armorial bearings— Azure, a cross crosslet argent, in chief two larks with wings elevated and addorsed proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, two cross m^ \06% -Ci=3?^ crosslets or, thereon a lark as in the arms. MottO— " My shegin dy ve bee eh." Married, April 24, 1900, Clara, dau. of W. C. Johnson of Douglas, Isle of Man. Estate— Ballagarraghyn, Isle of Man. Residence— ^\\.oi\.'&, Thomer, near Leeds. The Reverend ROBERT SCOTT MYLNE, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts and Bachelor of dVfttllni? ^'^''' ^^^ °^ '^^ University of Oxford, Fellow X^VWvi' of the Society of Antiquaries. Bom April 2, 1854, being the elder son of the late Robert William Mylne, Esquire, Fellow of the Royal Society, Fellow of the Geological Society, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries (London and Edinburgh), Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects, of Great Amwell, Ware, in the county of Hertford, and Whitehall Place, London, S.W., by his wife Hannah, daughter of the late George Scott, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Ravenscourt Park, in the county of Middlesex. Livery — Blue and gold. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a cross moline azure, quarter-pierced of the field, between three mullets of the second. Above the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure, doubled or ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a Pallas's head couped at the shoulders proper, vested about the neck vert, on the head a helmet azure, the beaver turned up, on the top a plume of feathers gules; with the Motto, "Tam arte quam marte." Postal address — Great Amwell, Hert- fordshire. General WILLIAM CHARLES ROBERT MYLNE, of Her Majesty's Indian Staff Corps. Born Feb. 15, 1827, being the fourth but eldest surviving son of Thomas Mylne of Mylnefield, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of John Guthrie of Guthrie Castle, in the co. of Forfar. C7«*— East India United Service, ZzVerv— Dark blue. Armorial bearings — Or, a cross moline azure, pierced lozengeways of the field, betwixt three mullets of the second within a border invected sable. On ane helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantle gules doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his colours is set for his Crest, a dexter hand holding a book proper. The Motto in ane escroll, " Efficiunt clarum studia." [These arms, which were matriculated in the Lyon Office, Edin- burgh, in or about the year 1680, are the arms of Milne or Mylne of Mareton, Muirton or Mylnefield.] Married, Feb. 17, 1859, Sophia, dau. of James Hansbrow of Lan- caster; and has Issue — {1) William Hansbrow Mylne, Gentleman, 6. April 26, 1861 ; (2) Arbuthnot Mackenzie Mylne, Gentleman, 6. April 28, 1868 ; and Elizabeth Douglas. Postal address — Stangrove Park, Eden Bridge, Kent. WILLIAM JOHN HOME MYLNE, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Fellow of the Geological Society. Bom Jan. 12, 1859, being the second son and youngest child of the late Robert William Mylne, Esq. , Fellow of the Royal Society (London and Edinburgh), Fellow of the Geological Society, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries (London and Edinburgh), Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects, &c. , of Great Amwell, Ware, in the county of Hertford, and Whitehall Place, London, S.W., by his wife Hannah (also deceased), daughter of the late George Scott, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Ravens- court Park, in the county of Middlesex. Clui — Junior Constitutional. Livery — Blue and gold. Armorial bear- IngB (of much earlier origin but matric. L.O. 1672 ; re-matric. 1767 and 1891— Ped. L.O.)— Or, a cross moline azure, quartered pierced of the field, between three mullets of the second within a bordure gules for difference. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure doubled or ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a Pallas's head couped at the shoulders proper, vested about the neck vert, on the head a helmet azure, beaver turned up, and on the top a plumaish gules ; and in an escroll over this Motto, ' ' Tam arte quam is tbe Naval Cockade. I004 m^ 8@pt marie." Married, J\xly a, 1890, Jean Ellen, daughter of the law Benjamin Oakley of Freemantle, in the countv of Soutbdmpton ; and has Ax«#— John Everard Home Mylne, Gentleman, bom May 33, 1891 ; and Jean Mary Home. Postal address— Wooddcld, Bristol Road, Weston-super- Mare. MYLTON, quartered by WOODD. MYNORS(R.L., 1797). Sable, an eagle displayed or, beaked and membered gules, on a chief azure, bordured argent, a chevronel of the last between two crescents in chief and a rose in base of the second. Mantling sable andor. (No crest exemplified.) Motto — " Spero ut fidelis. " Son of Robert Baskerville Rickards Mynors, Esq., of Treago and Evancoyd, J.P., D.L. (High Sheriff co. Radnor 1856), d. 1819; d. 1889; m. 1852, Ellen Gray, only child of Rev. Edward Higgins of Bosbury House, CO. Hereford :— Willoughby Baskerville Mynors, Esq., J. P., D.L., and C.C. CO. Hereford, J.P. co. Radnor (High Sheriff 1891), late Capt. Shropshire Yeom. Cav., formerly Lieut. 7th Hussars, 6. 1854 ; m. 1884, Mabel Katherine, eld. d. of William Stevenson of Boquhan, co. Stirling. Seats — Treago, nr. Ross ; Evancoyd, nr. Kington ; Bosbury House, Ledbury. C/«^— Naval and Military. Son of Peter Rickards Mynors, Esq., of Treago and Evancoyd, J. P., D.L. (High Sheriff co. Radnor 1825), i. 1787; d. 1866; m. 1817, Mary Elizabeth, only d. of Edmund Trowbridge Halliday of Chapel Cleeve, Somerset : — Rev. Edmund Baskerville Mynors, late Rector of Ashley, Wilts, i. 1823 ; m. 1855, Horatia Charlotte Canipbell, d. of John Crawfurd, sometime Gov. of Singapore; and has surv. issue — Alice Eleanor [m. 1877, Charles W. Jervis Smith] ; Sybil Agnes [w. Arthur Hoare] ; Margaret Beatrice \m. Rev. C. Griffith] ; and Violet Mary [m. Robert Wake Fret or- Pin ney]. Seat — Stanthill, Dursley, Gloucestersh. Son of Rev. Walter Baskerville Mynors, J.P. , Rector of Llanwame, Ross, d. 1827; a. 1899; m. 1856, Caroline Elizabeth, d. of Henry Clay of Piercefield Park, Chepstow : — Rev. Harry Walter Baskerville Mynors, Rector of Llanwarne, i. 1857. /des. — Llanwame Rectory, Hereford. Rev. Aubrey Baskerville Mynors, Rector of Langley- Burrell, i. 1865; m. 1901, Margery Musgrave, d. of Rev. Charles Musgrave Harvey, Vicar of Hillingdon, Preb. of St. Paul's Cathedral and R.U. ; and has issue— (i| Roger Aubrey Baskerville Mjrnors, Gentleman, d. 1903; (2) Humphrey Charles Baskerville Mynors, Gentleman, i. 1903 ; and Winifred Mary. Res. — The Rectory, Langley- Burrell, Chippenham. Ygst. son of above Peter Rickards Mynors, Esq., i. 1787; d. 1866:— Thomas Baskerville Mynors, Esq., J.P. co. Radnor, i. 1834; m. 1863, Constance Mary (rf. 1889), d. of Sir Richard Green-Price, Bart., M.P. Seat — Ponshony, Aberedw, Builth. MYTTON, formerly of Halston, co. Salop {c. 1370). Quarterly, i and 4, per pale azure and gules, an eagle displayed with two heads or, within a bordure engrailed of the last ; 2 and 3, argent, a cinquefoil azure. Mantling; azure and or. Crest — A ram's head couped argent, horned or. Son of John Fox Mytton, Gentleman (son of John Mytton, Esq. , M.P. for Shrewsbury, by Caroline Mallet, d. of Thomas Giflfard of Chillington), formerly of j Halston,^. 1823; d. ; m. : — John Fox Mytton, Gentleman, b. . Post. add. — C/o Bass & Co., St. Pancras, N.W. Sons of Richard Herbert Mytton, Esq., of Garth, co. Montgomery (High Sheriff 1856), b. i8o8; d. 1869; m. Charlotte, d. of Gen. J. A. Paul MacGregor: — Devereux Herbert Mytton, Esq., J.P. and D.L. co. Montgomery, and J.P. co. Salop, Chrmn. Qr. Sessions, late Capt. 8sth Regt., 6. 9 Sept. 1832, m. 23 Jan. 1873, Emma Lydia, only d. of Edmund Story, Madras Civ. Serv. ; and has issue — (i) George Herbert Mytton, Gentleman, d. 3 Nov. 1873 ; (2) Hugh Frederick Mytton, Gentleman, 6. 17 Jan. 1875 ; (3) Arthur Reignallt Mytton, Gentleman, d. 21 Aug. 1878 ; (4) Philip Aldred Mytton, Gentleman, d. 5 Oct. 1880; (6) Richard Llewellyn Mytton, Gentleman, d. 3 Sept. 1883 ; Dorothy Wynn ; and Gladys Ethel. Seat — Garth, nr. Welshpool, co. Montgomery. C/«^— Carlton. Robert Purrier Mytton, Gentleman, B.A., Barrister-at- Law, i. 23 Sept 1850; m. 26 Aug. 1879, Annie Elizabeth, d. of Stephen Cracknell, Barrister-at-Law ; and has issue^ Richard Devereux Hugh Mytton, Gentleman, d. 7 Feb. 1882. Res.— Richard Mytton, Gentleman, d. 13 March 1856; m. , Florence Edith, d. of E. Thompson Harrison. Res. — Son of Henry Whitehead Mytton, Gentleman, 1840- 1890; tn. 1863, Mary Maria, d. of A. S. Jackson: — Henry Robert Herbert Mytton, Gentleman, i. Res.— Richard Griffith Mytton, Gentleman, k . Res. — Leonard Vincent Mytton, Gentleman, ^ . Res. — Robert Arthur Carlyle Mytton, Gentleman, d. Res.— iB the Military Cockade. jQag il5ap 1005 N NAGLE, quartered by CHICHESTER. LiEUTF.NANT-CoLONEL RICHARD NAGLE. Armo- rial bearing^S — Ermine, on a fesse azure, three lozenges or, a chief embattled vert, thereon a sword proper, pommel and hilt gold, surmounted in saltire by a branch of laurel, ensigned by an Eastern crown, and on a canton of the last an elephant proper, with the word " Assaye " sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an Eastern crown gules, thereon a nightingale or, gorged with a wreath of laurel vert, the dexter paw support- ing a banner of the second, with the word " Assaye" in- scribed thereon sable. Residence — Rosemount, Ramsay, Isle of Man. NAINBY-LUXMOORE(R.L., i88r, H. Coll.). Quar- terly, on a chevron cottised sable, between two martlets in chief of the last and as many oak-branches slipped in saltire in base proper, three billets of the first. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a battle-axe erect sable, in front thereof three billets or. Only son of William Chave Nainby-Luxmoore, Esq., J. P., b. i860; 7n. Mary Anne Waterland : — Charles Chave Nainby-Luxmoore, Gentleman, b. 1892. Seat— GoWon, Shobrooke, Exeter. NAINBY-MANBY (Arms not yet exemplified). Son of Richard Nainby, b. circa 1780 ; d. 1863 ; m. , Margaret, d. of William Simpson: — William Nainby-Manby (formerly Nainby, Lord of the Manor of Barnoldby-le-Beck, i. 1820; m. 1st, 1858, Sarah, d. of John Chave Luxmoore ; 2nd, 1873, Rosaline L., d. , of Joseph Middleton, Esq.. Barrister-at-Law, Recorder of Scarborough ; and has had issue (by ist mar.)— (i) William Chave Nainby-Luxmoore, Esq. (vide Nainby-Luxmoore) ; and (by 2nd mar).— (2) Charles Francis Manby Nainby- Manby, b. 1874; and Margaret Lisette. Estates^ Barnoldby-le-Beck and Inningham, Res. — Thorganby Hall, Grimsby. NAIRN (L.O. , 1904.) Per fesse argent and sable, on a chaplet four escallops all counterchanged. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, three thistles conjoined in stalk entwined with two roses, all slipped proper. Motto — " Usque conabor." Son of Michael Nairn of The Priory, Kirkcaldy, b. 1804 ; d. 1858 ; m. 1834, Catherine, d. of Alexander Ingram : — Sir Michael Barker Nairn, ist Bart. (1904), J. P., b. 1838 ; m. 1866, Emily Frances, d. of Alfred Rimington Spencer of Byfleet, Surrey; and has issue (with seven daus.) — (i) Michael Nairn, Esq., b. 1874 [w. 1901, Mildred Margaret, eld. d. of George Watson Neish ; and has issue] ; (2) Robert Spencer Nairn, Esq., b. 1880. Seats — Rankeilour, Springfield, Fife ; Dysart House, Fife. NAIRN E, quartered by BERRY. NANFANT. quartered by HORDERN. NAPER (U.O.). Argent, a saltire engrailed between four roses gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm erect, couped at the elbow vested gules, turned up argent, grasping a crescent proper. Son of James Lenox Naper, Esq., of Loughcrew, J.P. and D.L. co. Meath (High Sheriff 1853), b. 1825 ; d. 1901 ; m. 1877, Hon. Katherine Frances Rowley, only d. of 3rd Baron Langford : — William Lenox Naper, Gentleman, Lieut. Roy. H. Guards, b. 1879; m. 1902, Adela Mary Charlotte, eld. d. of late Col. Hon. W. R. Trefusis, C.B., Scots Guards. Seat — Loughcrew, nr. Oldcastle, R.S.O. , co. Meath. NAPIER, quartered by STURT NAPIER, see WILLIAMSON-NAPIER. NAPIER (L.O., c. 1673 and 1810). Quarterly, i and 4, argent, a saltire engrailed between four roses gules (Napier) ; 2 and 3, or, on a bend azure, a spur-revel between two crescents of the field within the Royal Tressure of Scotland of the second (Scott of Thirlestane). Mantling gules and ermine. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, a dexter arm erect, couped below the elbow proper, grasping a crescent argent, and over it the MottO, "Sans tache." Supporters (dexter)— An eagle, wings inverted proper ; (sinister) a chevalier in a coat of mail with a steel cap all proper, holding in his exterior hand a spear with a pennon azure. Compartment (below the shield) — The top of an embattled tower argent, masoned sable, issuing therefrom six lances saltireways proper, the pennons azure. Motto (below the arms) — " Ready aye Ready." Son of Francis, loth Baron Napier, K.T., b. 1819 ; d. 1898 ; m. 1845, Anne Jane Charlotte, C.I., only d. of Robert Manners Lockwood : — Rt. Hon. Sir William John George Napier, Baron Napier of Merchiston (Sco. , 4 May 1627), Baron Ettrick of Ettrick, CO. Selkirk (U.K., 16 July 1872), a Baronet of Nova Scotia (22 Aug. 1666), D.L. CO. Selkirk, Sec. to H.M. Legation at Stockholm 1887-88, and at Tokio 1888-91, b. 1846; m. ist, 1876, Harriet Blake Armstrong (d. 1897), d. of Edward Lumb of Wallington Lodge, Surrey, and of Buenos Ayres ; 2nd, 1898, Grace, d. of James Cleland Burns; and has issue — (i) Hon. Frances Edward Basil Napier, Master of Napier, late Lieut. K.R. R. Corps, b. 1876 \m.. 1899, Hon. Clarice Jessie Evelyn, d. of James, 9th Baron Belhaven and Stenton ; and has issue two sons and one dau.]; (2) Hon. Frederick William Scott Napier, b. 1878; (3) Hon. Archibald Lennox Colquhoun William John George, b. 1899. -S^a^— Thirlestane, co. Selkirk. Res. — Ettrick Cottage, Farnborough, Hants. Club — Marl- borough. is the Naval Cockade. 3S ioo6 Jl^ap Ji5ap NAPIER (1869). Pnrteil per fess gules and sable, on a lienil arKeni, three crrscents azure. Mantling k"'("^> doubled argent. OrMt— .^ man's head in profile wrciithcd with laurel proper. MottO — " Virtute gloria parta." Son of : — Robert Twentyman Napier, Gentleman, b. . Res. — 75 Bothwell Street, Glasgow. ARCHIBALD DAVID NAPIER. Gentleman. Writer to the Signet (formerly Archibald David Mutter). Axmoiial bMUlngt -Parted per saltire or and argent, a saltire gules between two roses of the lost, barbed vert, in chief and base. proper, grasping a crescent argent. MottO — " Sans tache." Married, March 16, 1889, Katherine Edith, eldest d.au. of Roljcrt Livcing, M.D. ; and has Issue (i)— CharU-s Scott Napier, Gentleman, b. Feb. 3, 1899; (a) Alexander Napier, Gentleman, b. 1904. Postal address — c/o Messrs. King, King & Co., Bombay. Club — Caledonian. JOHN GARETH NAPIER. Gentleman (formerly John Garth Mutter). Armorial bearings Parted per saltire or and argent, a saltire gules between two roses of the last, barbed vert, in chief and base, and as many thistles proper in the flanks. Mantling gules and or. Crest -Upon wreath of the liveries, two arms in armour enibowed and gauntleted proper, holding a crescent argent. Motto " Sans tache." Residence - Madulkeele, Ceylon. and as many thistles proper in the flanks, all within a bor- dure azure. Mantling gules and or. Crest— Upon a wreath of bis liveries, two arms in armour embowed and gauntleted proper, holding a crescent argent. MottO— " Sans tache," Residence — Edinburgh. ARCHIBALD SCOTT NAPIER, Gentleman,A.M.I.C.E. Bom June 9, 1865, being the fourth son of the late Hon. William Napier, Clerk of the Works, Hong-Kong (second son of the Rt. Hon. William John Napier, 9th Baron Napier of Merchiston), by his wife Louisa Mary, dau. of John Horatio Lloyd, Esq. , K.C. Armorial bearings— Quarterly I and 4, argent, a saltire engrailed gules, cantoned with four roses of the last, barbed vert (for Napier) ; 2 and 3, or, on a bend within a double tressure flowered and counter-flowered azure, a mullet pierced between two crescents of the field (for Scott of Thirlestane), all within a bordure indented gules. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter arm from the elbow in pale GEORGE PATON NAPIER (formerly George Paton Mutter), Lieut, sth Batt. Manchester Regt. Armorial bearings — Farted per saltire or and argent, a saltire gules between two roses of the last, barbed vert, in chief and in base, and two thistles in the flanks, all within a bordure of the third. Mantling gules, doubled or. Crest -On wreath of his liveries, two arms in armour embowed proper, holding a crescent argent. Motto— "Sans tache." Postal [ address— A\AeTs\\o\.. THEODORE NAPIER, Esquire, of Magdala, Essendon, Victoria, Australia, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Born March 29, 1845, being the third son of the late Thomas Napier, Esq., J. P.', of " Rosebank," Essendon, Australia, and formerly of Marykirk, Kincardine- shire, Scotland, by his wife Jessie, dau. of James Paterson of Montrose. Armorial bearings— Gules, on a saltire engrailed between four roses argent, a lion's head affrontde of the first. Mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an arm in chain armour embowed, the hand grasping a battle-axe proper ; and in an escroU above, this Motto, " Pro rege et patria." Married, Dec. 20, 1877, Mary Ann, second dau. of Thomas Noble; ^ is the Military Cockaae. I5ap jf3ap 1007 and has Issue — Archibald Wallace Napier, Gentleman, b. Nov. 30, 1890 ; Zoe Alfreda ; and Winifred Maud Mary. Residence — Balmanno, West Castle Road, Merchiston, Edinburgh. The Rev. JOHN WARREN NAPIER-CLAVERING (formerly John Warren Napier) of Axwell Park, co. Durham, Clerk in Holy Orders, late Vicar of Stretton, co. Stafford, B.A. ; assumed by Royal License for himself and issue the additional surname and arms of Clavering. Born 1832, being the third but the eldest surviving son and heir of the Hon. Charges Napier, a Major in the Army, by Alice Emma, dau. of Roger Barnston. Livery — Black, with silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, quarterly or and gules, over all a bend sable (for Clavering) ; 2 and 3, quarterly i and 4, argent a saltire engrailed, cantoned v^fith four roses gules barbed vert (for Napier of Merchiston) ; 2 and 3 or, on a bend azure, a mullet pierced between two crescents of the field, within a double tressure flory counterflory of the second (for Scott of Thirlestane) ; in the centre of the quarters a crescent sable, for difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled or ; and for his Crests, on the de.xter side, on a wreath of the liveries, a dexter arm from the elbow in pale proper, the hand grasping a crescent argent; and in an escroll over the same, "Sans tache " (for Napier) ; and on the sinister side, on a wreath of the liveries, the top of an embattled tower argent, masoned sable, issuing therefrom four lances disposed saltireways proper, three and three, with pennons azure ; and in an escroll above the same, "Ready, aye Ready" (for Scott of Thirlestane); and under the arms this Motto, "Nil actum si quid agendum." Married, Sept. 30, 1857, Anna Maria Margaret Helen, daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Hunter; and has had Issue-~{\) Charles Warren Napier-Clavering, Esq., Lt.-Col. Somerset Light Infantry, born 1858; (2) Francis Napier-Clavering, Gentleman, M.A., born 1859 ; (3) Rev. Henry Percy Napier - Clavering, Rector of Stella, Blaydon - on - Tyne, born 1861 ; (4) Arthur Lenox Napier, Esq., Capt. Yorks. Regt. , born ^863: (5) Alan Bertram Napier, B.A. , Gentleman, Indian Civil Service, born 1867 ; (6) Claude Gerald Napier- Clavering, Gentleman, born 1869 ; and Edith Elizabeth Alice, deceased. Estate — Axwell. Postal address — Axwell Park, Blaydon- on-Tyne, Durham. NASH (U.O.). Argent, on a chevron engrailed gules, between three trefoils slipped vert, as many doves of the field, each holding in its beak an olive-branch proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a boar passant paly of six argent and gules. Mott— " Vi et virtute." Sons of Thomas James Nash of Rockfield and Tullig, CO. Cork, and Scripplestown and Finnstown, co. Dublin, b. 1827 ; d. 1887 ; 7n. 1856, Juliet Isabella, d, of Richard Grainger of Elswick Hall, Newcastle-on- Tyne : — Richard Grainger Nash, Esq., J. P., b. i860. Seats — Finnstown, Lucan, co. Dublin ; and Howth, co. Dublin. James Nash, Gentleman, b. 1863. Res. — Charles Arundel Nash, Gentleman, b. 1864. Res. — Rev. George Denis Nash M.A., B.D. (Trin Coll., Dub.), Incumbent of St. Jude's, Dublin, b. 1866 ; m. 1904, Lily, widow of late J. D. Bradshaw, M.A., M.B. (Oxon.) of London. Res. — The Rectory, Kilmainham, Dublin. William Henry Nash, Gentleman, b. i868. Res. — Edward Nash, Gentleman, b. 1869. Res. — BENJAMIN ROUND NAYLER, Gentleman. Bom June 9, 1857, being the only son of the late Joseph Nayler, Esq., J. P. for co. Staffs., by his wife Hannah Jane, dau. of Edward Parkes Cartwright of Sedgley, Staffs. Armo- rial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or, on a pile invected between two passion-nails in base azure, a stag's head caboshed argent ; 2 and 3 argent, a fesse raguly gules, be- tween two lozenges sable, as many flaunches of the second. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a greyhound sejant argent, resting the dexter paw on a passion-nail azure, and holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert. Motto — " Celcr et certus. " Married, October 16, 1889, Elizabeth Maria, dau. of Edwin AUdridge of Westwood, Edgbaston ; and has /w/c^— Edward Cart- wright Persehouse Nayler, Gentleman, b. June 5, 1894 ; and Mildred Mary Persehouse. Postal address — Beech- wood, Beech Lanes, near Birmingham. Sir ALBERT EDWARD HERBERT NAYLOR- LEYLAND, 2nd Baronet. Born Dec. 6, 1890, being the eldest son of the late Sir Herbert Scarisbrick Naylor- Leyland, 1st Bart., of Nantclwyd, Denbighshire, by his wife Jeanie Willson, d2u. of William Selah Chamberlain of Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. Armorial bearings — Quarterly 1 and 4, ermine, on a fesse engrailed sable, between nine ears of barley, three, three, and three vert, banded or in chief, and three like ears in base, a lion passant of the last between two escallops argent (for Leyland) ; 2 and 3, per pale or and argent, a pale sable fretty of the first between two lions rampant of the third (for Naylor), the whole within a bordure wavy sable, the escutcheon charged with the badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. a mount vert, thereon an escallop argent, in front of a demi-eagle erminois, wings endorsed azure, bezant^e, and charged with a cross couped wavy or, in the beak three ears of is tlie Naval CocKade. I loeS Jl3ap barley as in (he aims (for Leyland); a. n lion sable, on the bwly two saltires or, resting the dexter forcpaw on nn ewutcbeoo charged in the arms of Nnylor, on the shoulder a cross couped wavy or (for Nnylor). Motto — " Kidus et •udax." Sta/t — Lexden Park, Colchester; Nantclwyd Hall, Denbighshire. Town rtsidemce — Hyde Park House, Albert Gate, W. JOHN NAYLOR-LEYLAND. Esquire. J. P. Bom March ai, 1856, being the third son of the late John Naylor Naylor-I^yland, Elsq., by his wife Georgiana, fourth dau. of John Edwards of Ness Strange, Salop. Armorial bMUrlng* — iVr pale or and argent, a pale sable, fretty gold, between two lions ramfxant of the third. Hantlinf sable and or. Orett -On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant sable, charged on the body with two saltires or, resting the dexter forepaw on an escutcheon of the arms. Married, 1886, Magd.ilen, dau. of the late Archibald Tod of The Grange, Woolton, Liverpool ; and has Issue— (\) John Murray Naylor-I>eyland, Gentlemen, b. July ao, 1888 ; (a) Thomas Humphrey Naylor-Leyland, Gentleman, b. July I. 1890; (3) Hugh Maxwell Naylor-Leyland, Gentleman, i. April as, 1804 ; (4) Rowland Edmund Naylor-I^vland, Gentleman (twin), b. April 25, 1894. Residence— ROWLAND EDWARD LEYLAND NAYLOR-LEY- LAND, Gentleman. Born Jan. 8, 1851, being the second son of the late John Naylor-Leyland, Esq., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1853, by his wife Georgiana, fourth dau. of John lidwards of Ness Strange, Salop. Armorial bear- lnjr» — Per pale or and argent, a pale sable, fretty gold, between two lions rampant of the third. MantUng sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant sable, charged on the body with two saltires or, resting the de.\t«;r forepaw on an escutcheon of the arms. Married, 1875, Mary Elizabeth, younger dau. of Patrick Byrne of Enniscorthy. Residence — NEALE, see VANSITTART-NEALE. JOHN ALEXANDER NEALE, Gentleman, D.C.L. Oxford. Bom June aa, 1848, being the second son of the late Robert Neale of Yate, co. Gloucester, and Corsham, CO. Wilts, by his wife Ann, only dau. of John Roberts of Chipping Sodbury, co. Gloucester, and great-grandson of Jonathan Corbett of Yate, co. Gloucester. Armorial bearings (June a, 1774)— -Argent, a lion rampant between two dexter hands in chief gules debruised by a fesse or, charged with two lions rampant supporting a sinister hand of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On Ji5ee a wreath of the colours, an armed arm cmbowcd proper, brandishing a sword argent, pommel and hilt gold. Motto — "Loyal au niort." Estates — Yate, co. (Jloucester ; and Corsham. co. Wilts. Postal address— ^"i Half Moon Street, Piccadilly, Ix)ndon, W. Club — Junior Athenceum. ARTHUR NEAME. Esquire. J. P. for the Colony of Queensland. Bom 1845, ^'i^K ^^ eldest surviving son of the late Fredi-rick Neame, Gentleman, of Luton, Selling, CO. Kent, by his wife Mary, dau. of the late Robert Tassell, l''sq.. J.l'. CO. of Kent, of East Mailing, in that county. Armorial bearings — Quarterly per fesse raguly erminois and azure, two barrulets between four lions' heads erase all counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest- a wreath of the colours, in front of a staff raguly fesseway azure, a demi-heraldic antelope argent, armed or, gorge with a collar gemel, also azure, and pierced through the neck with an arrow in bend sinister proper. Motto — " Ne al meta oculos avertam." Married, 188a, Jessie, dau. of the] late George Harrisson of Tonbridge, co. Kent ; and ha Issue — (i) Arthur Cecil Lawrence Neame, Gentleman, b,\ 1883; (a) Godfrey John Neame, Gentleman, b. 1886. Res' dence — Woodlands, Selling, Faversham. S ARTHUR THOMAS DIGBY NEAVE. Esquire* late Capt. ist Batt. South Wales Borderers, late' Capt. and Hon. Major 4th Batt. South Wales Borderers, now Lieut.-Col. commanding 3rd Essex Regiment, J. P. for CO. Essex. Bom May 24, 1859, being the third son of the late Sheffield Neave, Esq., Governor of the Bank of England, by his wife Henrica, dau. of David Richard Morier (Minister to Switzerland for Her Majesty). Club — Army and Navy. Livery — Chocolate, with red piping. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a cross sable, five fleurs-de-lis or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a lily stalked and leaved vert, flowered and seeded or. Motto — ' ' Sola proba quae honesta." A/i2r;?Vaf, July 17, 1883, Harriet, dau. of the late P. C, Ralli, Esq. Seat — Hutton Hall, Brentwood, Essex. NECTON, quartered by HALSEY, NEED (H. Coll., 1779). Per chevron or and ermine, in chief two griffin's heads erased sable. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an Eastern coronet or, thereout a griffin's head issuing sable, charged with an estoile gold. Only son of Capt. Walter Need of Woodhouse Castle, Mansfield, Notts, b. 1809 ; d. 1901 ; m. 1857, Emily M'Mahon, d. of Lt.-Col. Lionel John Westropp, S8th Regt :— Walter John Need, Gentleman, b. 1864 ; m. 1902, Evelyn Mary, d. of James J. Dugdale of Sezincot, Moreton-in- ^ U the Military Cockade. J0el Ji5eti 1009 Marsh. Res. — The Moat House, Walsgrave-on-Sowe, Coventry. Sons of Rear-Adm. Henry Need, R.N., b. ; d. 1875 ; m. 1845, Jane, eld. d. of James M'Dowell : — Henry Need, Gentleman, b. 1847. Res. — James Arthur Need, Gentleman, b. 1848 ; m. 1891, Alice, d. of Jonathan Hardcastle of Blidworth Dale, Notts. Res.— THOMAS NELSON, Gentleman. Armorial bearings — Argent, two sinister hands apaumfe couped gules in chief, and a dagger point downwards proper in base, within a bordure azure. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On ■A wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour enibowed proper, the hand grasping a dagger erect also proper, hiked and pommelled or. Motto—" Virtute et votis. " Residence — St. Leonard's, Edinburgh. WILLIAM NELSON, Gentleman. Armorial bearings — Argent, two sinister hands apaum(5e couped giiles in chief, and a dagger point downwards proper in base. Mantling— Gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed proper, the hand grasping a dagger erect also proper, hilled and pommelled or. Motto — " Virtute et votis." Residence — Salisbury Green, Edinburgh. NELSON (H. Coll.). Per pale argent and sable, a cross flory between in the first and fourth quarters a bear's paw erased , and in the second and third quarters a mullet all counterchanged. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from an annulet or, a bear's paw erased gules grasping an escutcheon resting on the paw per pale argent and sable, charged with a cross as in the arms, in the second and third quarters a mullet counterchanged. Motto — " Semper fidelis." Livery — Dark blue, red facings. Sons of John Joseph Nelson, M.A. , of the Inner Temple, m. Mary, d. of John Andrews of Cam- bridge : — Horace Harrington Nelson, Esq., J. P. for Hong-Kong, F. R.G.S. , b. 29 Jan. 1843; /«. 3. Nov. 1887, Emma Rostron, d. of William Macaulay of Lee Park, Kent ; and has issue — (i) Horace Macaulay Nelson, Gentleman, b. 1889 ; (2) John Harwood Nelson, Gentleman, b. 1892 ; and Marion. Seat — Springfield, Godstone, Surrey. Clubs — Conservative, City of London. Charles Somerville Nelson, Gentleman, b. 1856. Res. — Percy Reginald Nelson, Gentleman, b. 1884. Res. — Richard Stanton Nelson, Gentleman, b. 1886. Res. — NELTHORPE, see SUTTON-NELTHORPE. NESBITT, quartered by VERSCHOYLE. NETTERVILLE, see MACEVOY-NETTERVILLE. NEUMANN, quartered by OULD. NEVAY, quartered by CRAUFORD. NEVILE (R.L.). Argent, a saltire gules, a crescent for difference. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bull's head erased sable, differenced as the arms. Motto — " Ne vile velis." Livery — Buff, red facings. Son of John Pate Nevile, Esq., J. P., of Skelbrooke Park, b. 1814; d. 1847; m. 1838, Louisa Mary Slade, d. of John Foster of Ingoldisthorpe Hall, co. Norfolk: — Percy Sandford Nevile, Esq., J. P. West Rdg. Yorks. , b. 1840; m. ist, 1865, Rhoda Marwood (d. 1866), eld. d. of late Harry Farr Yeatman of Manston House, Dorset; and, 1873, Etheline, d. of Charles H. Radcliffe of Salisbury ; and has surv. issue — -(i) Percy Gilbert Nevile, Gentleman, late Lieut. 3rd Batt. York and Lanes. Regt., and Lieut. Northumberland Hussars, b. 1866 \_m. 1897, Violet Ida, d. of John Charles Worsley Montagu ; and has issue — Percy Montagu Nevile, Gentleman, b. 1904 ; Rhoda Violet Mary ; and Dorothy Mabel Thelma] ; (2) Sandford Grant Radcliffe Nevile, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N. , b. 1875; (3) Malhert Martin Huyshe Nevile, Esq., Capt. Yorks Regt., b. 1877 [m. 1904, Evelyn Sophia, d. of James Montagu of Malton Park, Doncaster ; and has issue — Joan Adeline] ; (4) Gervys Charles Nevile, Gentleman, b. 1880; (5) Guy Lister Nevile, Gentleman, b. 1886 ; Maude Ellen ; and Joyce Etheline. Seat — Skelbrooke Park, Doncaster, Yorks. NEVILL, quartered by CONYERS and FLO YER. NEVILLE, quartered by DU MOULIN-BROWNE and MOSTYN. NEVILLE (R.L., H. Coll., 1885). Sable, a chevron invected vair between three lions rampant or, each holding between the paws an escutcheon argent, charged with an eagle's head erased azure. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed sable, on the breast and upon each wing an escutcheon or, charged with a lion's head erased also sable. Son of late Rev. John Neville White of Tivetshall, Norfolk :— James Sewell Neville, Esq. (formerly White), J. P. co. Norfolk, Judge of High Court at Calcutta 1876-1882, b. 1827; m. 1862, Emelyn A., eld. d. of late J. Stogdon of Heavitree. Res. — Sloley House, Sloley, Norwich. NEVILLE (U.O.). Barry of four argent and azure, on a chief gules, a saltire of the first. Mantling azure and argent. Crest--Out of a ducal coronet or, a bull's head pied, attired of the first, charged with a rose as in the arms. Motto—" Ne vile velis." Sons of Rev. William Alexander Neville, b. 1814; d. ; m. 1844, Katherine, d. of Rev. Josiab Crampton, M.A. , Rector of Castle Connel : — William Brent Neville, Esq., Col. (ret.) 4th Batt. Roy. Irish Fus.,^. ; m. , and has issue. Res.^ Richard Neville, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Josiah Philip Crampton Neville, Esq., Major 14th Bengal Lancers, b. . Res.— Yr. son of Brent Neville, b. ; d. 1836 ; m. , Catherine, d. of John Mapas of Killiney Castle, co. Dublin :— Major Robert Neville, formerly sist Regt., served in the Crimea,/^. 1824; m. 1857, Emma Helsham, only surviving child of William Helsham-Caudler-Brown ; and has issue — (i) William Caudler Neville, Esq.. D.S.O., Major ist Batt. Cheshire Regt., b. 1859 [m. 1892, Amy, d. of Colin Ross of Gruinards ; and has issue — Robert Arthur Ross Neville, Gentleman, b. 1896; and Maud Christian]; (2) Rev. Brent Richard Robert Neville, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), Rector of St. Lawrence, Ventnor, b. 1861 [m. 1891, Margaret, d. of Joseph Shaw of Woodleigh, Cheltenham ; and has issue three daus.]; Emma Catherine Alice; and Maud Charlotte Elizabeth Anne [m. 1896, Athelstan Robert is the Naval Cockade, I toio Jf3e\) Ji5eto iVvce, late Capt. 13th Hussars]. Seats. — Ahanure, Co. Kilkenny ; Rocklield, Hallybrack, co. Dublin. MILO VICTOR NEVILLE-BAGOT.Genllem.-in. Horn t88o. being the only son of the late Thomas I'xiward Lloyd Neville- Bagot. Gentleman, of Uiillymoe and Aughrane, in the couniv of Galwny, by his wife Ellen, daughter of Francis Nlraghcr of llallinderry, in the county of Tippe- rary. ArmorUl bMUln^— Quarterly i and 4, ermine, two cbevroncls axure, in the dexter chief point a trefoil slipped vert (for llagol) ; a and 3, argent, on a bend daucett<5e sable, between two plain cotises azure, each chaiKwl with thnc becants, as many tleurs-de-lis or (for CulTe). Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Issuing from a ducal coronet or, a goat's head ermines, horned of the first. Motto — "Anti- quum obtinens." Seats — Bally moe ; Aughrane Castle, Ballygar ; both in the county of Galway. S ROBERT NEVILLE GRENVILLE, Esquire, of But- leigh, Somerset. Educated at Eton and Magdalene Coll., Cambridge (U.A. 1869, M.A. 1873); is a J. P. and D.L. for Somerset (High Sheriff 1900), Patron of two livings, and Captain (retired) W. Somerset Yeo. Cav. Borm Dec. 16, 1846, being the eldest son of Ralph Ne- ville Grenville, Esq., of Butleigh, J. P. and D.L., a Lord of the Treasury, M.P. for Windsor 1841-47, for E. (1865-68) and Mid (1868-78) Somerset (whorf. 1886), by Julia Roberta, fourth dau. of Sir Rol)ert Krankiand Russell, 7th Bart, (she d. 189a). Z-Jt^rv— Blue, with red and white striped vest. Armorial bearuij^— Quarterly i and 4, vert, on a cross argent, five torteaux (for Grenville) ; 2 and 3, gules, on a saltire argent, a rose of the field (for Neville), impaling the arms of Berkeley- Portman, namely, quarterly i and 4, or, a fleur-de-lis azure (for Portman) ; 2 and 3, gules, a chevron ermine, between ten crosses pat(5e argent, six in chief and four in base (for Berkeley). Mantling vert and argent. Crests— 1. on a wreath of ihe colours, a garb vert (for Gren- ville) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a bull stitant argent, pied sable, collar and chain reflexed over the back or (for Neville). Married, 1879, Gertrude Agnes, dau. of the Rev. Fiuharding Berkeley-Portman, Rector of Staple Fitzpaine. /?«/Vtf««— Butleigh Court, Glastonbury. CHARLES WILLIAM NEVILLE- ROLFE, Gentle- man. Bom July 5, 1851, being the fourth son of the late Charles Fawcett Neville-Rolfe, Esq., J. P., of Heacham Hall, by his first wife Martha Holt, eldest dau. of William Chapman of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Armorial bearings-- Quarterly i and 4, gyronny of eight or and azure, on a chitf sable, three annulets argent (for Rolfe) ; 2 and 3, gules, five fusils conjoined in fessc or, each charged with an ermine spot sable, a bordure nebuly argent (for Neville) Mantling; azure and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon issuant out of a crescent gules a rose argent, slipped vert (for Neville) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased argent, fretty gules. Motto — "Cresco crescendo." Married, firstly, Oct. 1882, Fanny Kunigunda Clive, dau. of Frederick Walpole Keppel of I^xham Hall, Norfolk ; and has Issue~{j) Clive Neville- Rolfe, Gentleman, R.N. ; (2) Randolph Neville-Rolfe, Gentleman ; Louisa Ethel ; and Kunigunda. He married secondly, Oct. 30, 1895. Maude Isabel, dau. of G. Colt, Barrister-at-Law. Residence— ERNEST NEVILLE-ROLFE. Esquire, Companion of the Most Hon. Order of the Bath, Rear-Admiral. Born 1847, being the son of the late Charles F. Neville-Rolfe, Esq., J. P., of Heacham Hall, co. of Norfolk ; was created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1884. 67«*— United Service. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gyronny of eight or and azure, on a chief sable, three annulets argent (for Rolfe) ; a and 3 gules, five fusils conjoined in fesse or. each charged with an ermine spot sable, a bordure nebuly argent (for Neville), and pendent below the escutcheon his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and for his Crests, 1. upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon issuant out of a crescent gules a rose argent, slipped vert (for Rolfe) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion s head erased argent, fretty gules (for Neville) ; with the Motto, "Cresco crescendo." Married, 1885, Janet, daughter of the late James Brand of Bedford Hill House, Balham, in the county of Surrey. Postal address — 167 Victoria Street London, S.W. EUSTACE NEVILLE-ROLFE, Esquire, H.M. Consul- General at Naples. M.V.O.. J. P. co. Norfolk. B.A. of the University of Cambridge. Bom 1845. being the eldest son of the late Charles Fawcett Neville-Rolfe, Justice of the Peace, of Heacham, by his wife Martha Holt, eldest daughter of William Chapman, Esquire. Armorial bear- iOffS — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gyronny of eight or and azure, on a chief sable, three annulets argent (for Rolfe) ; a and 3 gules, five fusils conjoined in fesse or, each charged with an ermine spot .sable, all within a l)ordure nebuly argent (for Neville). U|>on the escut- cheon is pLiced a helmet befitting his degree, with a nianiling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon issuant out of a crescent gules a rose argent, slipped vert (for Rolfe) j 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased argent, fretty gules (for Neville) ; with the Motto, "Cresco crescendo." Married, 1867, Emily Aul«;r Frances, youngest daughter of the late Robert Thornhill, Esquire; and has had Issue — Amy [m. Robert Theodore Glinther, Fellow of Magdelen College. Oxford]; Ivy (rf. at Naples, April 189a); and Dorothy [»«. Richard Holme, of Naples], Estate and postal address— HcAchum Hall. King's Lynn. ©HERBERT NEVILLE-ROLFE, Gentleman, Cap- tain R.N. Born June 16, 1854, being the fifih son of the late Charles Fawcett Neville-Rolfe, Est]., J. P., of Heacham Hall, by his first wife Martha Holt, eldest dau. of William Chapman of Newcasile-on-Tyne. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4. gyronny of eight or and azure, on a chief sable, three annulets argent (for Rolfe) ; 2 and 3, gules, five fusils conjoined in fesse or, each charged witli an ermine spot sable, a bordure nebuly (for Neville). Mantling azure and or. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, aj mount vert, thereon issuant out of a crescent gules a ros argent, slipped vert (for Neville) ; 2, on a wreath of th^ colours, a lion's head erased argent, fretty gules. Motto- " Cresco crescendo." Married, Feb. 17, 1896. Matel, only dau. of the Rev. Canon Barff of Naples ; and has /ssui — Guy Neville-Rolfe, Gentleman, d, Nov. 21, i ' lone ; and Dorothy. Residence — Nailsea House, Nailscajj Somerset. S HENRY GERARD FENTON NEWALL, EsquireJ M.ijor, late 3rd Batt. Lane. Fusiliers, J. Pi lOpWiaYI CO. of Bute. /?(/, Oct. 13, 1888, the Hon. Elizabeth Sophia Lucia, dau. of Rt. Hon. 3rd Lord Bagot ; and has Issue — Lucia Charlotte Susan, and Susan Theodora. 6Va/j— Arbury, Astley Castle ; Weston- in-Arden, Nuneaton, co. Warwick; and West Hallam, co. Derby. Town residence — i Tilney Street, Park Lane, W. Clubs — Carlton, Bachelors'. GEORGE NEWDIGATE, Esquire, J. P. cos. Derby, Salop, and Berks, Lieut. -Col. late 3rd Batt. Derbyshire Regt. Born 1826, being the fifth son of the late Francis Newdigate of Kirk and West Hallam, by his wife Lady Barbara Maria Legge, dau. of Rt. Hon. George, 3rd Earl of Dartmouth. Armorial bearings — Gules, three lions' gambs erased argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a fleur-de-lis argent. Residence — 2 Saffron's Road, Eastbourne. Club — United Service. §SiR HENRY RICHARD LEGGE NEWDIGATE, K.C.B., Lieut. -Gen. in the Army (retired), late Rifle Brigade, J. P. co.'of Warwick. Born Dec. 24, 1832, being the seventh son of Francis Newdigate of Kirk and West Hallam, by his wife Lady Barbara Maria Legge, dau. of Rt. Hon. George, 3rd Earl of Dartmouth. Armorial bearings — Gules, three lions' gambs erased argent, impaling § FRANCIS ALEXANDER NEWDIGATE-NEW- DEGATE [assumed the additional name of Newdegate by Royal Licence in 1902, under the will of the late Rt. Hon. C. N. Newdegate], Esquire, M.P. , J. P. for co. Warwick, D.L. for cos. Warwick and Derbyshire. Born Dec. 31, 1862, being the only son of Lieut.-Col. Francis William Newdigate, Coldstream Guards, by his wife Charlotte, dau. of Field- Marshal Sir Alexander Woodford, G.C.B., G.C.M.G. Livery (dress) — White coat, scarlet waistcoat, white stockings ; (undress) — buff coat, black and red striped waist- coat, black trousers. Armorial bearings — Gules, three lions' gambs erased argent, impaling the arms of Bagot, namely ermine, two chevronels azure. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a fleur-de-lis the arms of Shirley, namely, paly of six or and azure, a quarter ermine. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a fleur-de-lis argent. Married, 1886, Phillis, dau. of Rev. Arthur G. S. Shirley of Ettington, late Vicar of Stinsford, Dorchester ; and has Issue — Richard Francis Newdigate, Esq., b. May 17, 1895 ; Violet Phyllis ; Millicent ; and Winifred Mary Augusta. Residence — Gable End, Allesley, near Coventry. Club — United Service. SThe Right Hon. Sir WILLIAM WALLACE HOZIER, Baron Newlands of Newlands and Bar- rowfield, in the co. of the city of Glasgow, and of Mauldslie is tbe Naval Cockade. I loia I5eto Jl3eto Castle, in the co. of I-anark, and a Baronet, Vice-Lieut., J. P., IX I^, and Convenor of the Commissioners of Supply of Lanarkshire. J. P. and D.L. for the co. of the city of Glasgow, and J. P. for Argyllshire ; served as Lieut, in the Royal Scots Greys, and is a Lieut. -Col. (retired list) of the Auxiliary Forces. lh>m Feb. 34, 1825, bi-ing tlie eldest son of the late Janies Hoiicr of Newlands, and Mauldslie Castle, in the co. of Lanark, Esq., j.P. and D.L., by side, a dapple - ^rcy horse, gorged with a riband, anS suspended therefrom an escutcheon gules charged with three bezants in chevron. Married, Aug. i, 1849, Frances Anne, dau. of John O'Hara of Raheen, by his wife Ara- bella, dau. of Sir John Blake. Biirt., of Menlough Castle; and by her (who d. Jan. 13. 1891) h;is Issue— 'Y\\& Hon. James Henry Cecil Hozier, M.P. for Soutli Lan.-irkshire since 1886, J.P. and D.L. for the co. of Lanark, b, April -JlL-^^_^ his wife Catherine Margaret, dau. of Sir William Feilden, Bart., of Feniscowles, for many years M.P. for Black- burn. Clubs — Carlton, Army and Navy, New (Edinburgh), Western (Glasgow). Ztt'tfrv'— Black, with silver buttons and drab great-coat. Creations— ^2ixox\, Jar 19, 1898; Baronet, June 12, 1890. Armorial IsearingB— He bears for Arms — Vair, on a chevron gules, three bezants, a chief gyronny of eight or and sable. Upon the escut- cheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree. MantHtig guJes doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a bloodhound sejant projier ; and on an escroU over the same this Motto, "Aye ready." Supporters— On either 4, 1851 [»«., May 24, 1880, Lady Mary, second dau. of the Most Honourable William Cecil, third Marquess of Exeter]; the Hon. Arabella Rose Evelyn \m., April 3, 1879, Sir William James Gardiner Baird, eighth Bart., of Saughton Hall] ; the Hon. Catherine Rose ; and the Hon. Mary Haughton \m., June 13, 1895, the Rt. Hon. Wallace Cochrane-Baillie, second Baron Lamington, G.C.M.G.]. Residences — Mauldslie Castle, Carluke, N. 15. ; 16 Grosvenor Place, London, S.W. The Reverend GEORGE WILLIAM NEWMAN. Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. Pembroke Coll., Oxon. Born March r, 1850, being the second son of the late Henry Wenman Newman, Esq., of Thornbury Park, by his wife § is the MUltary Cockade. iBeto Bm 1013 Frances Margaret, eldest dau. of the Rev. John Joseph Goodenough, D.D. , Rector of Broughton Pogis, co. Oxford. Armorial beaxing'S — Quarterly sable and argent, in the first and fourth quarters three mullets of the second, in the centre an inescutcheon gules, charged with a portcullis imperially crowned or, being an augmentation granted by Charles II. to Col. Newman for his loyalty at the battle of Worcester. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a swallow rising proper. Motto — " Lux mea Christus." Seat — (In remainder to) Thornbury Park, near Bristol. Postal address — i Priory Terrace, Cheltenham. Clud — Junior Conservative. HENRY ASHBURNHAM TOLL NEWMAN, Gentle- man, late 40th Foot. Born September 27, 1847, being the eldest son of the late Henry Wenman Newman, Es- quire, of Thornbury Park, by his wife Frances Margaret, eldest daughter of the Reverend John Joseph Goodenough, Doctor of Divinity, Rector of Broughton Pogis, in the county of Oxford. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly sable and argent, in the first and fourth quarters, three mullets of the second, in the centre an inescutcheon gules, charged with a portcullis imperially crowned or, being an augmentation granted by Charles II. to Colonel Newman for his loyalty at the battle of Worcester. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a swallow rising proper. MottO — "Lux mea Christus." Married, June 5, 1883, Margaret Greene, daughter of the Reverend Walter McGilvray, Doctor of Divinity, of Aberdeen ; and has had Issue — Ashburnham Walter Goodenough Newman, Gentleman, born May 5, 1884, died March 19, 1888 ; and Margaret Elizabeth. SJOHN ROBERT BRAMSTON NEWMAN, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. co. Cork (High Sheriff co. Cork 1898), B.A. Cantab., Lord of the Manor of Newberry. Born 1871, being the eldest son of the late John Adam Richard Newman, Esq., J. P., D.L., B.A., High Sheriff 1874, by his wife Elizabeth Matilda, second dau. of Col. Bramston- Smith, ^.P., D.L., of Pencraig, Llensefin, Anglesea. Livery — Claret, and red facings. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chief azure, a chevron between three demi-lions passant gules, impaling the arms of Plunket. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — An eagle's head erased azure, charged with a scollop or. Motto— " Fidelitatis vis Magna." Married, 1895, Hon. Olive Anne (who d. 1896), second dau. of his Grace the Most Rev. Lord Plunket, D.D. , Archbishop of Dublin. He m. secondly, 1898, Geraldine, only child of the late Col. William Pretyman, 6oth Rifles. Estates — Newberry Manor, co. Cork. Seat — Newberry Manor, Mallow. Clubs — Isthmian, Kildare Street (Dublin). NEWMARCH, quartered by GORGES. Sir GEORGE NEWNES, ist Baronet, J. P. for Devon, formerly M.P. for Cambridgeshire, E., 1885-95. Born March 31, 1851, being the son of the late Rev. Thomas Mold Newnes of Matlock, Derbyshire. Clubs — Devonshire, National Liberal. Armorial bearings — Per fesse or and azure, a pale counterchanged, in chief a demi-otter couped between two boars' heads couped, and in base a boars' head couped between two demi-otters couped, all counter- changed. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-otter sable, holding in its mouth a roll of paper argent, and resting the sinister paw on a boar's head couped or. Motto — " Festina prudenter." Married, 1875, Priscilla Jenny, dau. of the late Rev. James Hillyard of Leicester; and has Issue — Frank Hillyard Newnes, Esq., b. Sept. 28, 1876. Seats — Hollerday Hill, Lynton, N. Devon; Hesketh House, Torquay. Residence — Wildcroft, Putney Heath, S.W. GEORGE BELLINGHAM NEWPORT, Esquire, of Rockview, co. Kilkenny, J. P. co. Kilkenny, High Sheriff 1900. Bom 1857, being the third son of the late Charles Newport, Esq., J. P. of Waterford, by Priscilla, youngest dau. of the late Joseph Greene, Esq., R.M. for co. Kilkenny, and niece of Sir John Newport, ist Bart. (ext.). Armorial bear- ingfs— Or, a chevron gules, between three leopards' faces sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head erased argent, armed, maned, bearded, and ducally gorged or. Motto — " Ne supra modum sapere." ^*a/— Rockview, Inistiogue. NEWTON, see HAY-NEWTON, is the Naval Cockade. IOI4 j^eU) Jl5elD NEWTON (U.O.). Argent, in chief two lion's rambs ersuetl sable, each KraspinK n key proper, and in base a lion mni|Mint gules, charged with a cross pat6: of the first. ||WP M<"g Siible and argent. OTMt — On a wreath of the colours, ii martlet sable, ch.irged on the breast with a cross pat«!c urgent. Motto — " Faveat fortuna." Sons of Robert Newion of Coagh, co. Tyrone, and Killymeal Mouse, b. 1831 ; d. 1900; m. 1864, bllizabeth, d. of W. 1\ Geoghcgan. M.U. :— Rolicrt Newton, Esq., J. P., b. 1876; m. 190a, Edith KUirence, d. of Charles Roark; ami has issue — Edith Margaret ; .and Norah Alicia. Heat — Killymeal Mouse, CO. Tyrone. John Orr Newton, Gentleman, b. 1880. Seal — Fairlough Lodge, Dungannon. Son of Andrew Willoughby Newton, Esq., J. P., M.A., of Killymeal House, co. Tyrone, b. 1849; d. 1895; m. 1873, Blanche, d. of John Howard of Sampford Peverell, co. Devon : — Courtenay How.nrd Newton, Gentleman, b. 1874 ; m. 1901, Kerthe Eug<5nie Lintilliac. Hes. — The Manor House, Rye, S.O., Sussex. NEWTON (U.O.). Azure, two ostrich feathers in sallire, between three boar's heads erased argent, tusked or, in the centre chief point a cross crosslet of the last. ■ffafitling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, out of a ducal coronet or, a boar's head between two ostrich feathers argent, the neck charged with a cross crosslet azure. Son of Philip Charles Newton, Esq., J. P. co. Carlow (High Sheriff 1869), b. 1837; d. 1902; m. ist, Mary Garrett, d. of John William Bathe: — Henry Philip Newton, Esq., J. P. co. Carlow (High Sheriff 1904), b. 1868. Seat — Mount Leinster, Borris, co. Carlow. Clubs — Junior Constitutional, Bengal, Turf (Calcutta). NEWTON (H. Coll.). Per fesse invected argent and sable, three fusils in chief, each charged with a gjarb, and a castle triple-towered in base all counterchanged. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a roundle fusily argent and sable, an owl proper, holding in the beak an ear of wheat leaved and slipped fesseways between two oak-branches fructed also proper. Motto — " Dirigat sapientia." Sons of Henry Newton, b. 1827; d. 1904; m. 1850, Mary, d. of Joseph Lockyer: — Frederick Newton, Gentleman, b. 1853 ; m. 1880, Barbara Louisa, d. of Joseph Paul; and has issue — (i) Frederick Henry Joseph Newton, Gentleman, b. 1883; (a) George Alban Newton, Gentleman, b. 1884. A'«.— Alver- stoke, Hants. Ernest Newton. Gentleman, b. 1856; m. 1881, Antoinette {ohanna, eld. d. of William Hoyack ; and has issue-(i) larold Alexander Newton, Gentleman, b. 1882; (2) Cecil Arthur Newton, Gentleman, ^ 1884; (3) William Gotlfrey Newion, Gentleman, b. 1885. A'«.— 13 Earl's Terrace, Kensington, S.W. ; Hazeley Heath, Winchfield, Hants. C/«*— Arts. Walter Newton, Gentleman, b. 1862. Res. — Cheniston Gardens, Kensington. NEWTON. Argent, in chief two lions' gambs erased sable, each grasping a key proper, and in base a lion ram- pant gules, charged on the breast with a cross pat(5e of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a martlet sable, charged on the breast with a cross pat<5e argent. Motto—" Faveat fortuna." Son of Robert William Newton, Esq., of Bellevue, co. Londonderry, J. P. cos. Tyrone and Derby, b. i8i8; d. 1894 ; m. 1847, Catherine Johanna Voss, d. of Capt. John Moore Tittle, J. P., late of Farm Hill, Coleraine: — Willoughby Marmaduke Newton, Gentleman, b, 1868. ^«.— Clearwell, Portland Avenue, Exmoulh, South Devon. NEWTON of Mickleover (R.L., 15 Dec. 1789). Sabk two human shin-bones in saltire argent, the sinister su mounted of the dexter. Mantling sable and argent Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a naked man kneeling on his sinister knee, and holding a sword proper, tli Eoint downwards, hilt and pommel or. Motto — " HL abeo non timeo." Son of William Leaper Newton of Mickleover, Esg,| J.P., D.L., d. 1851; m. , Henrietta, d. of Jc" White of The Lawn, Herts : — Charles Edmund Newton, Esq., J. P. and D.L. Derby (High Sheriff 1882), late Major Derby R.V.l b. 6 Jan. 1831 ; m. ist, 19 July 1855, Anne Rosamond {d. 1864), only d. of John Curzon of Breedon, Leics. ; 2nd^ I Feb. 1866 ; Mary Henrietta (d. 1893), only d. of Capt Moore, 17th Regt. ; 3rd, 4 May 1896, Hon. Diana, eld. derick Lewis, Comm. R.N. Clubs — Albemarle, Athenseum. Livery — Dark blue. Ar- morial bearings— Azure, on a fesse humettde between three lions' heads erased or, two eagles rising of the field. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased azure, gorged with a collar gemel or, between two wings paly of six or and azure. Motto— " Labor ipse voluptas." Matrted, ist, 1874, Frances Eliza, dau. of Henry Morgan of Norwich ; 2nd, 1885, Emily, dau. of Clement J. Hawkins of Cheltenham ; and has Issue— [\) John Cradock Morgan Nichols, Gentle- man, b. 1876; (2) Charles Tyssen Nichols, Gentleman, b. 1879 ; Lucy Catherine ; Margery Alice ; Evelyn Frances ; and Cicely Maud. Seat — Holmwood Park, Dorking. NICHOLSON, quartered by SHAW. NICHOLSON, see BADENACH-NICOLSON. NICHOLSON. Per pale dovetailed azure and gules, two bars argent, guttde-de-sang, in chief two suns in splendour argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — A lion's head erased, in front of rays proper. Livery — Blue cloth, canary-coloured facings. Sons of William Norris Nicholson, Esq., M.A. Camb., Barrister-at-Law, Master in Lunacy, b. ; w. , Emily, d. of James Stock Daniel : — Charles Norris Nicholson, Gentleman, b. 1857; in. 1882, Amy Letitia, d. and h. of George Crosfield ; and has issue — George Crosfield Norris Nicholson, Gentleman, b. 1884 ; Dorothea Marian Norris ; and Olivia Joyce Norris. Res. — 35 Harrington Gardens, London, S.W. ; Sawley Hall, Ripon, Yorks. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. Lothian Demain Nicholson, Esq., b. 1858; m. 1882, Frances Laura, second d. of William Squire of Feltham Hill, Middlesex. Post. add. — 4 Sloane Court, Chelsea. Clubs — Reform, Alpine, Golf. NICHOLSON (L.O.). Azure, a triangular castle argent, masoned sable, windows and portcullis gules, on a chief of the second, three laverocks, wings endorsed proper. Mantling azure, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a falcon's head couped proper. Motto — " Adjuvante Deo." Son of Robert Nicholson of Manchester, Merchant, b. 1802 ; d. 1886 ; in. 1840, Margaret (. 1866. Vivian Nickalls, Gentleman, fi. Son of }*atteson Nickalls of Scabrook, Sandgate, Kent, and of Haiieson Court, Redhill, Surrey, d. ; eat — Ballogie, Aboyne in the county of Aberdeen. Residences — 37 Queen's Gate, London, S.W. ; and Ballogie, Aboyne, Aberdeenshire. JOHN TOUP NICOLAS, Gentleman. Born Oct. 23, 1872, being the elder son of the late Granville Toup Nicolas, Esq., Captain in the Royal Navy [only surviving son of the late Rear-Admiral J. Toup Nicolas, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, by his wife Frances Anna, daughter of Nicholas Were of Landcox, in the county of Somerset], by his wife Margaret Elizabeth Graham, dau. of the Very Rev. Peter Colin Campbell, D.D., Princi- pal of Aberdeen University. Armorial bearing^ — He bears for Arms : Gyronny of eight argent and azure, an eagle displayed erminois, on a chief wavy ermine a trident or surmounting in saltire a flagstaff proper, thereon hoisted a pennon gules, both passing through a chaplet of laurel vert, impaling the arms of Campbell, namely, quarterly i and 4, quarterly i. and iiii. gyronny of eight or and sable ; ii. argent, a dexter hand couped in fesse grasping a dagger in pale all proper ; iii. argent, a galley with oars in action sable ; 2 and 3 quarterly or and gules, over all a bend sable, charged with three cross crosslets f^tch(?e argent. Crest — Out of a naval crown or, a demieagle sable, wings ele- vated erminois, each charged with a cross couped gules. Motto — " Patria cara carior fides." [Addition to crest granted to Captain John Toup Nicholas, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and to his descendants, October 18, 1816, the word "Pilot" inscribed on the rim of the naval crown, in commemoration of distinguished services on the east and west coast of Calabria in the sloop "Pilot" in 1810, 1811, and 1812, and for an action in the said sloop with the French ship "La Legere," June 17, 1815.] Married, June 1894, Ramsay, n^e Mackay ; and has Issue — John Toup Nicolas, 6. 1895 ; Moana Lizzie Ram- say. Postal address — Titri Waihola, Otago, N.Z. NICOLAS (H. Coll., 1832). Argent, a fesse engrailed, and in chief three eagles displayed gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a fetter- lock or, the fetter passing through a plume of five ostrich feathers alternately argent and gules. Motto — " Patria cara carior fides." Son of Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas, G.C.M.G., Chan- cellor of the Order of St. Michael and St. George [Sup- porters as G.C.M.G. (granted i Dec. 1840)— On either side the Sept Insular lion, viz. a lion guardant with wings elevated, holding in the forepaw a book and seven arrows, with a glory round the head all or], b. ; d. ; m : — Nicholas Harris Nicolas, Esq., C.B., late Chief Clerk Exchequer and Audit Department, b. 1830 ; m. 1884, , d. of John Bishop of Bath. Res. — 10 Devonport Street, Hyde Park, London, W. Club—Umoa. NICOLLS of Garisker (U.O.). Azure, three pheons points down argent, on a chief of the last, a thistle proper, between two trefoils slipped vert. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a naked arm couped at the elbow and erect proper, charged with a pbeon I5ic BiX 1019 sable and holding in the hand a bow or, stringed argent. Motto — " As an arrow true." Sons of Simon Nicolls, M.D., of Longford, Gentleman, d. ; d. ; m. : — Archibald John Nicolls, IX. B. (Dublin), Barrister-at-Law (King's Inns), b. Res. — 3 Kenilworth Terrace, Rathgar. Baronet, by his wife Margaret, daughter of the late Rev. George Bissett of Edny, co. Aberdeen. Creation — July 2, 1629. Armorial bearings, as matriculated in Lyon Register 1826— Or, three falcon's heads erased gules. Crest — A demi-lion or, armed and langued gules. Sir ARTHUR NICOLSON, nth Baronet, of Carnock (Nova Scotia, Jan. 16, 1637), K.C.B. (1901), K.C.I. E. (1888), K.C.V.O. (1903), C.M.G. (1886). His Britannic Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Tangier, and Consul-General at Morocco since 1895, formerly Agent and Consul-General in Bulgaria, Consul- Gen, for Hungary, Sec. of Legation at Teheran, and Sec. of Embassy at Constantinople. Born Sept. 19, 1849, being the second but only surviving son of the late Admiral Sir Frederick William Erskine Nicolson, loth Baronet, C.B. (d. Dec. 29, 1899), by his first wife Mary Clementina Marian, second dau. of James Loch of Drylaw, M.P. Livery — Brown, yellow facings. Armorial bearings— Or, a lion's head between three falcons' heads erased gules, a bordure azure. Mantling gules, doubled or. Crest— On a wreath Supporters — Two eagles or, armed gules. Motto — " Generositate." Married, July 14, 1881, Annie, eldest daughter of John Rutherford of Bruntsfield Place, Edin- burgh, and formerly of lUillawa, Australia; and has Issue — (i) Arthur John Frederick William Nicolson, Es- quire, born June 8, 1882 ; (2) Harald Stanley Nicolson, Esquire, born October 22, 1883 ; (3) Lionel Rutherford Nicolson, Esquire, born 1887 ; (4) Eardley Willoughby Nicolson, Esq., b. 1896; and Annie Vera Violet. Resi- dence — Brough Lodge, Fetlar, Shetland. Clubs — New (Cheltenham), Zetland (Lerwick). CHARLES WILLIAM NIGHTINGALE, Esquire, Lieut.-Col. Bengal Staff Corps (retired), J. P. for co. of Devon. Bom May 15, 1825, being the third son of the late Alexander Malcolm Nightingale, R. W. Fusiliers (who was son of Sir Edward Nightingale, Bart.), and his wife Marianne, dau. of Major Herbert Beaver, late H.M.'s 19th Regt. Armorial besirings — Per pale ermine and gules, a rose counterchanged. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an ibex sejant argent, tufted, armed, and maned or. Motto — " Pro Rege at patria." Married, Feb 4., 1858, Martha, second dau. of Major James Winfield, Bengal Army ; and has Issue— Marianne Florence. Residence — Landscore House, Teign- mouth, S. Devon. Clubs — Junior Conservative (London), East Devon (Teignmouth). of his liveries, a lion's head erased gules. Motto — " Nil sistere contra." Married, April 20, 1882, Mary Katharine, dau. of the late Capt. Archibald Rowan Hamilton of Killyleagh Castle, Down; and has Issue — (i) Frederick Archibald Nicolson, Esq., b. Jan. 9, 1884; (2) Ersiiine Arthur Nicolson, Esq., b. March 26, 1884; (3) Harold George Nicolson, Esq., b. Nov. 21, 1886; and Clementina Gwendolen Catharine. Residence — British Legation, Tan- gier, Morocco. Club — Travellers'. Sir ARTHUR THOMAS BENNETT ROBERT NICOLSON, tenth Baronet of that Ilk and Lasswade, J. P. Victoria, J. P. and D. L. Orkney and Shetland. Born 1842, being the son of Sir Arthur Bolt Nicolson, ninth NIXON (U.O.). Sable, five bezants, two, two, and one, on a chief engrailed argent, a battle-axe in fesse of the field. Crest — A gamecock proper, charged on the breast with a bezant. Motto — " Toujours prSt.' Sons of late Brinsley de Courcy Nixon, sometime Lieut. CO. Fife Art., b. 1825; d. 190- ; m. 2nd, 1877, Frances Evelyn, d. of Thomas Inglis Hampton : — Fergus Brinsley Nixon, Gentleman, Lieut. 6th Inniskilling Dragoons, b. 1880. Res. — Seafield, co. Devon. Clubs— Cavalry, White's, Bachelors'. Bino Hampton Nixon, Gentleman, b. 1884. Sons of late Rev. Eckersall Nixon, M.A., Rector of Ettagh, King's Co., and Canon of Killaloe, by his wife Constantina Mary Anne, d. of Sir Andrew Arm- strong, Bart., M. P. , of Gallen Priory, King's Co. : — Frederick Eckersall Nixon, Gentleman, Lieut, R.A., b, 1869. Club — Junior Army and Navy, is tlie Na,YaI Cockade, lOtO Ji3fr sSioh Edward Atcberley Eckersall Nixon, Gentleman, I.ieut. R.N.,*. 1878. FREDERIC ECKERSALL NIXON-ECKERSALL, Capi. R. A. B»m Sept. 09, 1869, being the eldest son of the lute Rev. Fckcrsall Nixon. M.A., Rector of Ettagh, King's Co.. and Canon of Killaloe, by his wife Constantina Mary Anne. dau. of Sir Andrew Armstrong, Bart., M.P. . of Ciallon Triory. King's Co. Armorial bearlnjgrs Sable, five bezants, two. two and one, on a chiff iMiRrailed argent, a battle-axe in fesse of the field. Greet A game-cock |)roper, charged on the breast with a bezant. MottO— " Toujours po?t." C/»* -Junior Army and Navy. WICKHAM NOAKES. Esquire. J. P. co. Surrey. Bom Oct. ay, 1840, l)cing the eldcAt son of John Tompsett Noakcs, Gentleman, and his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Humphrey Wickham. Armorial bearinge— Per pale argent and gules, a fesse invected between two leo])ar(ls' faces in chief and a rose in base all counterchangcd. Mantling gules and argent. Greet — On a wreath of the colours, a plate, thereon a leopard's face gules between two roses argent, barbed and seeded proper. Motto — "Nil desperandum." Married, May 4, i86?, Kate Frances, dau. of John Shorter ; and has Issue — (1) Wickham Francis Noakes, Gentleman, b. Feb. 22, 1866 [»»., June 8, 1893, Ed ith Constantia Stephens] ; (2) John Norman Noakes, Gentleman, b. Feb. 3, 1867 [m.. May 27, 1895, Edith E. Burge, and has issue, Eric John Wickham Noakes, Gentleman, b. 1898]; (3) Sydney Neville Noakes, Gentleman, b. Sept. 16, 1872 ; (4) Stuart Bertram Noakes, Gentleman, b. Oct. 3, 1875 ; Mabel Kate ^Sept. 27, 1890, Charles Cowper Austen]; Evelyn trice [m. , Dec. 1 899, Thomas Story] ; Mellicent Eliza- beth [«., May 12, 1900, Dr. Arthur Norman M'Arthur]; and Marie Lilian Claire. iVa/— Selsdon Park, Sander- stead, Croydon. Clubs — Carlton, Union, Constitutional. NOBLE (L.O. and H. Coll.). Argent, three bay- leaves vert. MantfUrg vert, doubled argent. Greet — On a wreath of bis liveries, a dexter band couped holding ^ a dagger all proper. Motto — " Virtute et valorc, Supportere — On either side a wild man wreathed around the bead and waist with bay leaves, supporting with the exterior hand a holly tree eradicated, and resting tl exterior foot on the roots theref)f all pro()er. Son of George Noble of Springkuik, Greenock, some time Lieut. R.N.,^. 1791 ; d. 1847; nt. 1 821, Georgian! Moore, d. of Andrew Donald of Ottercaps, VirginiaJ U.S.A.:— Sir Andrew Noble ist Bart. (1902), of Ardmore and Ardardan Noble, co. Dumbarton, K.C.B. (1893^, F.R.T (Royal Medal), D.Sc. (Oxon., hon. caus.), D.C.L., ha Grand Cordon of Orders of the Medjidie, Osmaniehj and Rose of Brazil, Knight Commander of Crown Italy, of Jesus Christ of Portugal, of Sacred Treasure ofl Japan and Double Dragon of China, and Companion o^ the Order of Charles III. of Spain, J. P. and D.L. fo Northumberland (High Sheriff 1896), formerly Captaia R.A., b. 1832; m. 1854, Margery Durham, d. of Archibald Campbell of Quebec, Canada; and has issue— (i) Georg^ John William Noble, Esq., Maj. Reserve of Officerj and Northumberland Hussars, late Captain 13th HussarsJ b. 1859 [m. 1896, Mary Ethel, d. of Samuel A. Walke Waters, Esq., J. P., of Chute Hall, co. Kerry; and ha issue]— (2) Saxton William Armstrong Noble, Esq., i 1863 [m. 1891, Celia Brunei, d. of Arthur James | and has issue] ; (3) John Henry Brunei Noble, Esq.i b. 1865 [tn. Annie, d. of S. A. Walker Waters, Esq., J.PJ and widow of Hedworth Grogan ; and has issue] ; (4) PhiliB Ernest Noble, Esq., b. 1871 [m. 1895, Mabel, d. of Per<^ Graham Buchanan Westmacott of Benwell Hill, Newjj castle-on-Tyne ; and has issue]; Lilias Hilda Geils; anO Ethel Isobel Virginia [»«. 1895, Alfred Henry John Cochranft M.A.]. Seats— ]esmonA Dene House, Newcastle-on-Tynej Ardmore, Cardross, co. Dumbarton. Res. — Chillinghair Castle, Northumberland. C/w^j- Athenaeum, Army an Navy, United Service, Northern Counties. JOSEPH HORACE NOBLE, Gentleman, Master Arts, New Coll., Oxford. Bom Sept. 7, 1855, being tt only son of Joseph Alfred Noble, Gentleman, of Fortis Greeal Hornsey, in the county of Middlesex, and Selby House Ham, in the county of Surrev, by his wife Emily, daughte of John Palgrave. Armorial bearings— He bears fo Arms : Ermine, two chevronels gules, between three leopards _ faces jessant-de-lys sable ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a leopard passant regardant sable, sem6e of annulets or, holding in the dexter forepaw a battle-axe erect is the Militaiy Gockade. I50lj B0\ '1 02 1 proper; with the Motto, " Loyaut^ n'a peur." Married, September 26, 1885, Sarah, elder surviving daughter of Thomas Sturgess of Penshurst Park House, Tunbridge, in Gentleman, born June 27, 1884; (2) Wriothesley Baptist Noel, Gentleman, born June 21, 1884; (3) Cyril Noel, the county of Kent ; and has Issue — Archibald Francis Noble, Gentleman, born July 4, 1886 ; and Elizabeth Mary. Residence— ^Voy House, Ham, Surrey. WILLIAM JAMES NOBLE, Esquire, M.A. (Oxon.), Barrister- at- Law (Inner Temple), Recorder of Newark (1899). Born July 31, 1855, being the eldest son of the late John Noble, Esq., of Little Over, Derbyshire. Armorial bearings — Ermine, tiiree leopards' faces sable, on a chief indented gules as many annulets or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from a wreath of oak proper, fructed or, a leopard's head coujaed and affronts sable, collared or. Motto — " Nomen at omen." Postal address— \ Paper Buildings, Temple, E.G. Club — Junior Carlton. SHIRLEY NEWCOMBE NOBLE. Born June 7, 1865, being the eldest son of William Henry Noble of Glass- diummond, co. Fermanagh, Major-Gen. Royal Artillery, by his wife Emily, eldest dau. of Frederick Marriott of Taun- ton, Somersetshire (by his wife Mary Anne, only dau. and heiress of Francis Gibbons of Wellingborough). Armorial bearings— Vert, on a fesse or, between three leopards' faces argent, a fleur-de-lis between two annulets sable. Mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dove argent, holding in her beak a ring or, gemmed azure. Motto— " Mortem quam dedecus." Seat — Glassdrummond, co. Fermanagh. Residence — 15 Mor- peth Mansions, Ashley Gardens, London, S.W. NOEL, see KING-NOEL. His Honour ARTHUR BAPTIST NOEL, Judge of the Northern District Court of Queensland, of Brisbane. Bom December 16, 1855, being the eldest son of His Honour Wriothesley Baptist Noel of Melbourne, Judge of the Court of Insolvency and Land Tax Commissioner, by his wife Margaret, daughter of John Mackenzie of Tain, Scotland, Queensland. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, fretty gules, a canton ermine. Upon the es- cutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a buck at gaze argent, attired or ; with the Motto, "Tout bien ou rien." Married, September 25, 1879, Henrietta Augusta Macdonald, daughter of Henry O'Hara; and has /w«^— (i) Leland Virgil Edmund Noel, Gentleman, born December 10, 1889 ; Gertrude Vivian ; Gladys Millicent. Postal address — Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. S CHARLES PERROTT NOEL, Esquire, J. P. and D. L. , formerly 48th Regt. Borti June 12, 1830, being the only son of the late Charles Noel, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , High Sheriff 1853, and his wife Mary, dau. of Rev. John Wylde, Rector of Aldridge, co. Stafford. Armorial bearings — Or, fretty gules, a canton ermine. Mantling gules and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a buck at gaze argent, attired or. MottO— "Tout bieii ou rien." Married, April 3, 1856, Henrietta Margaret, only dau. of Rev. James Nelson Palmer, Rector of Breamore, co. Southampton. Seat — Bell Hall, Belbroughton, Stourbridge, CO. Worcester. Club — Army and Navy. S ERNEST NOEL, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for the co. of Sussex, and J. P. for the co. of Norfolk. Bom August 18, 1831, being the second son of the Reverend Baptist W. Noel, commonly known as the Reverend the Honourable Baptist W. Noel, by his wife Jane, daughter of Peter Baillie of Douchfour, North Britain. Club — Athenajum. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, fretty gules, a canton ermine, impaling the arms of Keppel, namely gules, three escallops argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a buck at gaze argent, attired or; with the Motto, "Tout bien ou rien." Married, firstly, June 24, 1857, Louisa Hope, only daughter of Thomas Milne of Warley House, in the county of York ; secondly, October 15, 1873, Augusta, commonly known as Lady Augusta, youngest daughter of the Right Honourable the sixth Earl of Albemarle. Residences — Hingham Hall, Attleboro, Norfolk ; 51 South Street, Park Lane, W. NOLAN-WHEELAN (R.L., 18 Dec. 1901, U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4, per fesse argent and or, a lion rampant between in chief two garbs gules, banded of the second, and in base as many escallops of the third (Whelan) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a cross engrailed between four swords points upwards gules, a lion passant between as many martlets or (Nolan). Mantling gules and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a gryphon's head erased azure, gorged with a collar gemel and holding in the beak three ears of wheat conjoined on one stalk or (Whelan) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount proper, a falcon argent, holding in the beak a sword point upwards gules (Nolan) ; is tbe Naval Cockade. 3T I tost Jl30t jil3or and above it, on an escrol, " Aondachd inline." MottO — " Vincit amor patriae." &>n of James Nolan, b. ; . May 7, i86o[m., April ai, 1898, Grace Darling, dau. of Uen. the Hon. Sir Percy Roliert Basil Feilding, K.C.B.]; (a) Roger Town- shend North, Clonllenian, *. Jan. 30, 1863, tf. April 13, 1864 ; (3) Marioribanks Keppel North, Gentleman, k Nov. 17, 1865 : (4) Charles Keppel North, Gentleman, d. Dec. 5, 1870, d. Jan. 30, 1881 ; (5) Anthony Dudley Keppel North, Gentleman, i. April aa, 1874, d. Oct. 1886; (6) Thomas Keppel North, Gentleman, Lieut, ist Vol. Batt. Royal Berks Regt, {>. March a8, 1876; Marianne Eva [m., Jan. a8, 1880, Robert Charles Otter of Royston Manor, Clayworth] ; Arabella Valerie Keppel [m., Nov. 7, 1885. Hon. William Frederick North, eldest son of William Ix)rd North] ; Frances Hilda [m., 1889, Capt. P. J. Zigomala, 19th Hussars, and has issue] ; Dora Hermione ; and Louisa Augusta. Sm/— Rougham Hall, Norfolk. C/ut — Prini- rose. NORTH NORTH, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for Westmor- land, J. P. for Lancashire, formerly of the Indian Army. Bom April 1834, being the eldest son of the late John Standfast Burton, H.E.I.C.S., by his wife Mary Anna, only dau. oi Da\id Morgan (by Mary Anna his wife, only dau. of Miles North, Esq. , of >fewton Hall and Thurland Castle, CO. Lancaster). He assumed by Royal License, dated April 14, 1866, the surname and arms of North only, on succeeding to the estates of his great-uncle, Richard Toul- min North of Newton and Thurland Castle, co. Lancaster. C/u6 — Junior United Service. Armorial beaxiogs — Per pale azure and sable, a lion passant between in chief two Heurs-de-lis and in base a quartrefoil or. MnntUng azure and or ; and for his Orest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head erased sable, guttte-d'or, and collared and chained or, in front thereof three mascles interlaced fesse- ways also or. Motto — "Animo et fide." Alarried, May 15, 1856, Alicia Gertrude, only dau. of Major Versturme ; and has surviving Issue — (i) Bordrigge Noith, Esq., b. Oct. 16, t86a, I. P. for Lancashire and Westmorland. Major 4th Bait. Royal Lancaster Kegt. ; served in the Egyptian Campaign 1885; (2) Louis Aylmer North, Gentleman, b. April II, 1866, Lieut. Royal Scots Fusiliers ; (3) Edward Bunbury North, Gentleman, b. March 28, 1869, Lieut. Royal Fusiliers ; (4) Piers William North, Gentleman, b. March 13, 1871, Lieut. Royal Berkshire Regt. ; (5) Oliver Henry North, Gentleman, b. April 28, 1874; (6) Albert Kenlis North, Gentleman, b. Sept. 4, 1876 ; and Alice Helen. Seat — Newton Hall, Kirby Lonsdale. JOHN NORTH-BOMFORD, Esq., J.P. co. Meath, formerly Capt. 29th Regt. Bom 1838, being the eldest son of the late Isaac North-Bomford of Gallow Ferrans, by Belinda Emily, dau. of Abraham John Pilkington of Kilbride Castle, CO. Westmeath ; s. 1866. C/«*— United Service. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure, on a fesse ermine, three cross crosslets fitch^e gules (for Romford) ; 2 and 3 per pale or and azure, a lion passant between three fleurs-de-lis counterchanged (for North). MnTitUng azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. up>on a wreath of the colours, a griffin segreant argent, charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslet fitch^ gules (for Rjmford) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a wyvern's head erased vert, langued gules, collared and chained or. Motto— "Vir tutus et ndelis." Married, ist, 1867, Charlotte, eldest dau. of John Devenish-Meares, Esq., D.L., of Meares Coiu-t, co. West- meath ; 2nd, 1882, Mary Wilhelmina Constance, elder dau. of Sir William S. B. Kaye, Q.C. ; and has Issue— ]ohn George North-Bomford, Gentleman, b. 1883. 5^a/— Gallow Ferrans, Kilcock, co. Meath. GEORGE BARONS NORTHCOTE, Gentleman. Bom Tan. 16, 1845, being the eldest son of the late Rev. George Barons Northcote, M.A., Somerset Court, Somerset, and Buckerell, Devon, Patron and Rector of Feniton, Devon, by his first wife Eleanor, eldest dau. of Hector William Bower Monro of Ewell Castle, Surrey, and of Edmondsham, Dorset. Armorial bearings - Or, a pale engrailed bendy of six argent and azure, between four crosses bottony of the last. Mantling azure and or. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a stag argent, charged on the body with two crosses bottony gules, and resting the dexter fore- foot on an escutcheon or, charged with a pale as in the arms. Motto — "Cito non temere." Married, June 37, 1883, Charlotte Geraldino, dau. of Gen. William Neville Custance, C.B., of Brook Heath, S.ilisbury ; and has Issue— (i) George Barons Northcote, Gentleman, b. Nov. 14, 1884; Gwendolen Eleanor, twin with her brother George ; Sybil Geraldine ; and Spencer Olive. Seats Somerset Court, Brent Knoll, Somerset ; Manor House, Cove, Fam- borough. NORTHCROFT (H, CoU.). Per pale aiure and gules, a horse passant argent, in chief .1 marigold slipped proper, between two Heurs-de-lis or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from a mascle or, an antelope's head erased azure, charged with two fleurs- de-lis of the first. Motto—" Constans." Son of : — Henry Northcroft, Gentleman, b. Res. — Swansfield Lodge, Stone, co. Kent. NORTHRIDGE (U.O.). Argent, on a fesse indented azure, three estoiles of the field between in chief two frets couped and in base a cross pat^e gules. Mantling azure I and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon < with wings endorsed and inverted proper, belled or, the 1 dexter claw resting on a fret gules. Motto — ' ' Fideliter j serva." Son of Benjamin Northridge, by his wife I.,ucy, d. oC| George Cotterill : — John Norihridge, Gentleman, b. 183a ; m. 1855, Marjr] Catherine Lovell, d. of William Young; and has issue — | (i) Benjamin Northridge, Gentleman, b. 1856; (2) Rev.J William Northridge, Methodist Minister, b. 1858; (3) Rev.i John Northridge, B.D., Rector of St. Thomas, Dublin, b. 1862 [m. 1899, Leila, d. of James T. Ward of Belfast ; and \ has issue — Ronald Lovell Ward Northridge, Gentleman, b. [ 1900 ; Mary Nora ; and Helen Maud Lucy J; (4) Rev. George j Northridge, Curate of Christ Church, Salford, b. 1872 \m. 1898, Elizabeth Ann, d. of Edward IBoldof Wigan, Lanes.; ] and has issue, Lucy Mary Barton ; and Kathleen Annie] ; ] Rev. Robert Northridge, M.A., Mil. Chaplain, b. 1875;! Elizabeth Anne; Lucy; and Mary. Res. — The Cottage,] Ballineen, co. Cork. NORTHUMBERLAND, Earls of, quartered byj HUSSEY. NORTON, quartered by RAMSDEN. CECIL WILLIAM NORTON, Esquire, late Captain 5th Lancers, Member of Parliament for the West Division of Newington. Born June 23, 1850, being the eldest son of the late Reverend W. Norton, Rector of Baltinglass, Ireland, by his wife Caroline, daughter of the late George Riddock of Triton Lodge, in the county of Louth. Clubs — Reform, Cobden, National Liberal, Hurlingham, Junior United Service. Armorial bearings — He bears for Anns : Per pale azure and gules, a maunch ermine, on a chief engrailed or, a lion passant sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a tiger's head erased or, charged with a trefoil vert, and holding in the mouth a broken spear proper ; with the Motto, " Frangas non flectes." Married, 1880, Cecilia Lafayette, daughter of James Kennedy of The Limes, in the county of Down, and widow of William Thomas Cavendish of Thornton Hall, in the county of Buckingham, and Crakemarsh Hall, in the county of Stafford; and has Issue — F61icie. Residence — 51 Queen's Gate, S.W. NOTT, see PYKE-NOTT. FREDERICK RICHARD HARDING NOTT, Gentle- man. Born 1864, being the only son of the late Rev. Richard Nott, M.A. , of Gorwell House, Devon, by Annie Arnold, dau. of John Caddy of Bowden, Devon. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, on a bend engrailed or, between tour leopards' taces two and two argent, an estoile of eight ptoints between two martlets of the field (for Nott) ; 2 and 3 or, three martlets in bend between two bendlets, all between two crosses pat^e azure (for Harding). Mantling g^les and or ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, two mascles fesseways interlaced or, thereon a martlet gules, ducally gorged gold, is the Military Cockade. Plate XXXVI. • ■T-2SOCQ-©DS5TBSTKGDHrT-® • IsHraoDgiEs £see@R5 Boto Jf3ug 1025 in the beak a sprig of laurel proper (for Nott) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a rock a Cornish chough proper, collared or, resting the dexter claw on a cross pat6e also or (for Harding). Motto— " Pax vobiscum. " Married, jy^c. Usticke Nowell-Usticke, Esq., of Woodlane, by his wife Lucy E. Marianne, second dau. of the Reverend Robert Stapylton Bree, Vicar of Tintagel, in the co. of Corn- wall. Livery -^\&cV., gilt buttons, red collar, red and black striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Quarterly I and 4, counter-quartered i. and iiii. gules, on a bend embattled counter-embattled, between two plain cotises or, three eagles displayed of the field (for Usticke) ; ii. and iii. per fesse argent and sable, a fesse engrailed counterchanged between a sword in chief, point upwards, and another in base, point downwards proper (for Nowell) ; 2 and 3 per bend sinister dovetail or and sable, six martlets within a bordure, all counterchanged (for Beauchant). Upon an escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed gules, gorged with a plain collar and pendent therefrom an escutcheon or, charged with a water-bouget sable (for Usticke) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour, grasping a sword proper, between the antlers of a stag sable (for Nowell) ; 3. upon a wreatli of the colours, on a mount vert, in front of rays of the sun proper, a martlet sable, holding in its beak an acorn slipped, also proper (for Beauchant). Motto — " Semper paratus." Married, June 22, 1887, Janet, eldest dau. of the Right Reverend Herbert Bree, Doctor of Divinity, Bishop ot Barbadoes ; and has Issue — Robert Stapylton Nowell-Usticke, Gentleman, b. March 2, 1892 ; and Phyllis Evelyn. Seat — Polsue Philleigh, near Gram- pound Road, in the co. of Cornwall. Club — Isthmian. NUGENT, quartered by KINLOSS. 12, 1895, Lelia Elizabeth, youngest dau. of the late Charles Ellis of Oak Villa, Meldreth, Cambs.; and has /w«e — Florence Annie. Seat — Tordown, Swinbridge, Barnstaple. ROBERT MICHAEL NOWELL-USTICKE, Es- quire, J. P. for CO. Cornwall, Captain Cornwall and Devon Miners Artillery, Royal Garrison Artillery. Born Oct. 20, 1859, being the eldest son of the late Stephen NUGENT (U.O.). Ermine, two bars gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cockatrice wings elevated vert, tail nowed, comb and wattles gules. Motto — ' ' Decrevi. " Sons of William St. George, 10th Earl ot Westmeath, b. 1832 ; d. 1883 ; m. 1866, Emily Margaret, d. of Andrew William Blake, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , of Furbough, co. Galway. Rt. Hon. Anthony Francis Nugent, nth Earl of West- meath (Irel., 4 Sept. 1621), Baron Delvin (Irel., i486), a Rep. Peer, P.C. [Supporters — On either side a cockatrice as in the crest], b. 1870. Seat — Pallas, Loughrea, co. Galway. Clubs — Carlton, Wellington, Kildare Street (Dublin). The Hon. William Andrew Nugent, Capt. isth Hussars, b. 1876. lies.— The Hon. Gilbert Charles Nugent, b. 1880. Res.— Yr. sons of Anthony, 9th Earl of Westmeath, b. 180,15 ; d. 1879; m. 1829, Anne Catherine, d. and coh. of Malachy Daly : — Hon. Charles Anthony Nugent, J. P.. b. 1836; m. 1875, Gertrude, eld. d. of Denis O'Conor of Mount Druid, co. Roscommon. 6Va/— Flower Hill, Tynagh, co. Galway. Hon. Richard Anthony Nugent, J. P., b. 1842; m. 1877, Theresa Henrietta, d. of late Richard Gradwell, Esq., J. P., of Dowth Hall, Meath ; and has surv. issue — Richard Francis Robert Nugent, Esq., Lieut. 8th Batt. King's Roy. Rifle Corps, b. 1884 ; Mary Theresa ; Anne Christian ; and Rosa Henrietta Emily. iVa&— Stacunny, Celbridge, co. Kildare; Rockfield, Athenry, co. Galway. C/?<^.— Kildare Street (Dublin). Son of John, Count Nugent, Chamberlam to the Emperor of Austria and Maj.-Gen. Austrian Service, b. 1796; d. 1849; m. Regina, Countess Abriani (d. 1898) :— Laval Jeremy Anthony Nugent, Count Nugent (Austria, created 1848), Chamberlain to the Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary, b. 1843; m. ist, 1866, Emma (d. 1872), d. of Henry Baron Ritter of Zahony ; 2nd, 1876, Marie, d. of Anthony, Count Pallavicini-Fibbia, Marquess of Cen- turione; 3rd, 1885, Caroline, d. of Charles, Baron von Steininger; and has issue (by 2nd mar.) — John Laval Anthony, b. 1877; and (by ist mar.) Eleanora Maria [m. Wilmos, Count Palffy Daun.Prince of Teano] ; and (by 3rd mar.), Margaret, b. 1891. Res.—xzo Via Massaccio Florence. Gdson of Laval, Count Nugent, Magnat of Hungary, Roman Prince, Field - Marshal Austrian Serv., Knt. Grand Cross of Hanover, Golden Fleece, Iron Crown, White Eagle, and St. Andrew, K.C.B. and Knt. Cora- ls the Naval Cockade. 1026 Jf3un mander of Maria TeicMi, 6. \-m\ «/• »86a; m. 1815, lane, only child and h. of Rafiiel. Uuke of Riano Sfurca. bv IWatrix. d. nnd coh. of Francis Xavier, Prim-c of I'ol.ind and Saxony, and son of Albert KuRtnc I^vnl Nuneni, Piincc and Count Nugent, b. i8ib; d. i8. 1899 ; and Marian Catherine Treffania. iVd/— Farren Connell. Mount Nugent, co. Cavan. i:/ubs~Army and Navy, Kildare Street (Dublin). .Sons of Sir Waller George Nugent, and Bart., d. 1827 ; rf. 1893 ; m. i860. Maria More, d. of Rt. Hon. Richard More O'Ferrall : — Sir Walter Richard Nugent, 4th Bart. (30 Sept. 1831), of Donore, Westmeath, J. P. [Arms as above, by R.L., 1831], i. 1865. iV'ca m\ 1029 address — Coolreagh, Bodyke, co. Clare. Cluds — Army and Navy, Kildare Street (Dublin), Clare (Ennis). FREDERIC JOHN CHYSOSTOM JOSEPH LOCKE O'CARROLL, Esquire, Barrister-at-Law, J.P. for co. Dub- lin, of Athgoe Park, Hazlehatch, co. Kildare. Born Jan. 27, 1843, being the only son of Frederic Francis O'Carroll, Gentleman, by his wife Catherine, d. of Joseph MacCarthy. Livery'-B\ne and yellow. Armorial beaxings ( Ped. U . O. ) — Quarterly i and 4, argent, a sword erect in pale proper supported by two lions counter-rampant gules (for O'Carroll); ' 2. per fesse azure and or, a pale counterchanged, three falcons rising, two and one of the second, each holding a fetterlock in the beak sable (for Locke) ; 3. chequy or and azure, on a canton of the second, a saltire of the first (for Warren). Mantling' gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on the stump of an oak tree, a falcon rising proper. Motto— "In fide et in bello fortis." Married, April 29, 1874, Margaret Mary Theresa, dau. of William Thomson of Clare Hall ; and has Issue— (1) Frederic Francis O'Carroll, Esq., Capt. 5th Roy. Dub. Fus., b. April 13, 1876; (2) John MacCarthy O'Carroll, Gentleman, b. Aug. 28, 1877 ; (3) William 'I'homas O'Carroll, Gentleman, b. Dec. 4, 1881 ; (4) Oscar Francis O'Carroll, Gentleman, b. May 27, 1888; (s) Walter Cormac Locke O'Carroll, Gentleman, b. Sept. 14, 1893; Annie Kathleen Marie, d. July 11, 1880; Margaret Mary Frances ; Kathleen Eily ; and Violet Mary. Seat— Athgoe Park Hazelhatch, co. Dublin. Residence — Fox- boro, Bray, co. Wicklow. O'CONNELL (U.O.). Per fesse argent and vert, astag trippant proper, between three trefoils siipfied counter- changed. Mantling vert and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased proper, charged with a trefoil slipped vert. Motto — " Ciall agus Neart." Sons of Maurice O'Connell, M.P. for Tralee, b. 1803; d. 1853; m. 1832, Frances Mary, d. of John Bindon Scott of Cahircon, co. Clare : — Daniel O'Connell, Esq., J, P. and D.L. co. Kerry (High Sheriff i860), formerly R.N., b. 1836; m. 1861, Isabella Ellen (d. 1893), d. of Denis Shine Lawlor of Grenagh House, CO. Kerry; and has issue — Isabella Mary; Kathleen; Margaret Gertrude ; Eileen Mary; and Frances Mary. Seat — Darrynane Abbey, Waterville, co. Kerry. John Maurice O'Connell, Gentleman, ^. 1839; m. 1873, Mary, d. of Daniel M'Cartie of Ardnageeha, co. Cork ; and has surv. issue (with four daus.) — Maurice O'Connell, Gentleman, b. 1888. Res.— Sons of John O'Connell, M.P. for Clonmel and after- wards Clerk of the Hanaper in Ireland, b. 1810; d. 1858; tn. 1838, Elizabeth, d. of Dr. Ryan of Jubilee Hall, CO Dublin : — - John O'Connell, Gentleman, b. ; m. , Mary, d. of Judge Baldwin, Q.C.; and has issue. Res. — Kilkenny. Sons of Daniel O'Connell, M.P. for Tralee, b. 1816 ; d. 1897 ; m. 1866, Ellen Mary, d. of E. Foster of The Elms, Cambridge: — Maurice Francis Foster O'Connell, Gentleman, b. 1874. Res. — Burton-on-Trent. Geoffrey Owen Morgan O'Connell, Gentleman, b. 1876. Res.— Son of Morgan John O'Connell of Ballylean Lodge, CO. Clare, and Barry's Court, co. Cork, M.P. co. Kerry, b. 1811 ; d. 1875; tn. 1865, Mary Anne, only d. of Charles Bianconi, Esq., D.L. , of Longfield, Cashel, co. Tipperary : — John (Charles Coppinger) O'Connell, Esq., J.P. cos. Cork and Clare (High Sheriff co. Clare 1893), b. 1871 ; m. 1894, Arabella, d. of T. P. Hayes of 42 Lansdowne Road, Dublin ; and has issue — Helen ; Mary ; and Una. Seat — Ballylean, Kildysart, co. Clare. SThe Right Honourable CHARLES OWEN O'CONOR, O'CONOR DON, of Belanagare and Clonalis, co. Roscommon, Member of H.M. Most Hon. Privy Council, Lord-Lieut, and Custos Rotulorum of co. Ros- common, M.P. for that co. i860 80, High Sheriff 1884, J.P. CO. Sligo, Hig.i Sheriff 1863. Born May 7, 1838, being the elder son of the late Denis O'Conor Don of Belanagare and Clonalis, M.P. co. Roscommon, by his wife Mary, dau. of Major Maurice Blake of Tower Hill, co. Mayo. Armorial 'beajrings — Argent, an oak-tree eradicated proper. Mant- ling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath, of the colours, an arm vambraced embowed, the hand bare grasping a sword proper, pommel and hilt or. Supporters — Two lions rampant gules, each gorged with an antique crown and charged on the shoulder with a harp of Ireland or. Motto (in Irish characters). Married, firstly, April 21, 1868, Georgina Mary, dau. of Thomas Aloysius Perry, Esq., of Bitham House, co. Warwick ; and by her (who d. Aug. 1872) has had Issue — (i) Denis Charles O'Conor, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for co. Roscommon, B.A. , LL.B. (Lond.), b. 1869; (2) Owen Felim O'Conor, Gentle- man, b. 1870; (3) Charles Hugh O'Conor, Gentleman, i^. 1872 ; (4) Roderick O'Conor, Gentleman, b. 1872, d. 1878. He married, secondly 1879, Ellen, dau. of John Lewis More O'Ferrall, Esq., of Lissard, co. Longford. Seats Belanagare, French Park, and Clonalis, Castlerea, co. Ros- common. C/ai^.f —Reform, Athenaeum. The Right Hon. Sir NICHOLAS RODERICK O'CONOR, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Dis- tinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, P.C., Ambassador at Constantinople. Born 1843, being the son of the late Patrick H. O'Conor of Dundermott, co. Roscommon ; was created C.B. 1886, and Knight Commander 1895, C. .M.G. 1886. Clubs — Travellers', St. James's. Armorial bearings — Argent, an oak tree eradicated proper, supported by two lions rampant combatant sable, in chief an ancient Irish crown or, and in base three lizards passant to the sinister barways vert, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon of the Bath, and the collars and pendent the badges of a G.C. B. and of a G.C.M.G. Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath argent and vert, out of an Irish crown as in the arms, an arm embowed in armour, the hand grasping a sword all proper. Married, 1887, Minna Margaret, dau. of the late James Robert Hope- Scott. Postal addresses — British Embassy, Constantinople ; Dundermott, co. Roscommon. HERBERT FRANCIS EDWARD ODELL, Gentle- man. Born 1874, being the only son of Edward George Herbert Odell, Esq., J.P. and D.L., of Carriglea. Armo- rial bearings— Or, a trefoil slipped vert between three crescents, two and one gules. Mantling vert 'and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed, armed, the hand grasping a naked sword, the blade pass- ing through a chaplet of red roses and trefoils, all proper. Motto—" Quantum in rebus inane." Seat — Carriglea, Dungarvan, co. Waterford. S THOMAS SMIJTH ODELL, Esquire, Major 3rd Batt. Highland Light Infantry, J.P. co. Westmeath. Borti Dec. 16, 1866, being the only son of Thomas Scruton Odell of Kilcleagh Park, co. Westmeath, by his wife Made- line, second dau. of Thomas Roe of Coolfin, Queen's Co. Livery — Light blue and silver. Armorial bearings — Per chevron or and argent, three crescents gules. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand holding a sword all proper, the arm charged w ith two crescents in pale gules. Motto — "Pro patria invictus.'' Man-ied, 1895, Henrietta Cecilia, younger dau. of Maj. David Dunlop Urquhart of Strawberry Hill, King's Co. ; and has Issue — Thomas Urquhart Odell, Gentleman, b. July 22, 1898. Seat — Kil- cleagh Park, Moate, co. Westmeath. Club — Hibernian United Service (Dublin). ODINGSELLS, quartered by COKE. ODLING-SMEE (R.L., H. Coll.). Or, on a chevron azure, between two leopards faces in chief and a cross boton^e fitch^e in base of the second, a leopard's face between two crosses botonfe fitch^e of the field. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion or, in the mouth a cross botony fitched in bend azure holding between the paws an escocheon of the last, charged with a leopard's face also or. Motto — •' ' Vincit omnia Veritas." Livery — Blue, yellow facings. Son of William Odling, F.R.S., b. ; d. ; m. 1872, Elizabeth Mary, d. of .Alfred Smee, F. R.S. : — George Smee Odling-Smee (formerly Odling, R.L., 1902), Gentleman, M.A. (Oxon.), b. 1873; m. 1902, Emma Mary, d. of Theophilus Sigismund Hahn ; and has issue — Charles William Odling-Smee, Gentleman, b. 1904. Res. — The Grange, Wallington, Surrey. Club — Royal Societies. is the Naval Cockade. tojo €)*tJO ©gi ODOGHERTY. quartered by BROWNLOW and MANSKROM. O'DONNKLL (U.O.). Siible, iwo lions rampant com- batant, in chief a sinister hand appaum^ couped at the wrist between two mullets and in base a mullet all argent, Mnnt1<"g sable and argent. Oratt Out of a ducal crest curonet or, a naked arm embowed grasping a dart all pro|K^r. Motto— " In hoc signo vinces." Z./Wry— Black with white facings. Son of late Gen. Sir Charles R. O'Donnell of Trugh, b. \ d. \ m. , Catherine Anne, d. ol Major-G«n. Murray, C.B. :— John Vyse O'Donnell, Esq., Lt.-Col. (ret.) late 37th Inniskillings, J.P. co. Chore, i. . Seat — Trugh House, HIackwater, nr. Limerick. Son of Rev. H. O'Donnell. M.A. (Trin. Coll.. Dub.) of Limerick, by Elizabeth Sarah, d. of George Henry Harrison of Oxendon Magna. Nortliants: — Major Henry O'Donnell. West Yorks Regt., d. 186a ; m. 1900, Agnes Maude, d. of Charles Mac Iver ; and has issue -(i) Hugh .Vlanus O'Donnell, Gentleman, 6. 1901 ; (2) Brian Ivor O'Donnell, Gentleman, i. 1903. Post. add. — Victoria Barracks, Belfast. Son of late Robert Edmund O'Donnell, 6. ; d. ; m. : — Snniuel Perry O'Donnell, Gentleman, Assistant Magistrate and Collector of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh. zees.— S MORGAN WILLIAM ODONOVAN, Esquire ("The O'Donovan"), Chieftain of Ancient Irish sept of Clan Cathal, B.A. Magd.alen Coll., Oxford, J.P. and D.L. CO. of Cork (High Sheriff 1892), Lt.-Col. comdg. and Hon. Col. 3rd Batt. Roy. Munster Fus. Born Feb. 11, 1861, being the only son of the late Henry Winthrop O'Donovan, " The O'Donovan," by his wife Amelia, dau. of De Courcy O'Grady of Killballyowen. C/a^— New Oxford and Cam- bridge. Livery — Silver and blue. Armorial bearings — Argent, a dexter arm from the sinister couped, vested gules, cuffed of the first, the hand grasping a sword in pale, the blade entwined with a serpent descending all proper. Cre«t— On a wreath, gules and argent, a falcon, wings displayed and elevated or. Motto — "Adjuvante Deo in Hostes." Married, July 9, 1892, Mary Eleanor, dau. of Rev. John Yarker Barton, M.A., Chaplain to the Forces; and has hsue — (i) Morgan John Winthrop O'Donovan, Gentleman, b. May 2, 1893; (2) Miles Henry O'Donovan, Gentleman, b. June 26, 1895 ; (3) Victor Trige O'Donovan, Gentleman, b. June 20, 1897 ; and Eleanor Melian Frances. Seat — Liss Ard, Skibbereen, co. Cork. [" The O' Donovan " uses supporters : dexter, a lionguard- ant : sinister, a griffin gules, and substitutes a chapeau for his wreath. There is no U^al authority for either practice. ] O'DOYNE, quartered by DOYNE. OEILLS, quartered by BAINES. CHARLES RICHARD JOHN O'FARRELL, Esquire. J.P. CO. Galway. Born Sept. 22, 1875, being the son of Charles Carroll, Esq., J.P. for co. Galway (nephew of the late Charles Farrell, M.D., of Dalyston. who died 1855), by his wife Kate Mary, only dau. of the late J. W. Mac- Loghlin of Ballyglass; assumed the name of O'Farrell in 1855. on succeeding to this property. Armorial beariags — Per fesse or and vert, a lion rampant counterchanged. on a canton gules, an Irish harp of the first. Mantling vert and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on an Eastern crown or, a greyhound courant p)er pale argent and sable, gorged with a collar, therefrom a broken chain, both gules. Seat — Dalyston, near Loughrea, co. Galway. O'FERRALL, see MORE-FERRALL. OFFALEY, Earl of, see LEINSTER. S ROBERT ALEXANDER OGILBY, Esq., J.P, and D.L., High Sheriff 1887, late Capt. 4th. Regt. Bom 1850, being the son of the late Robert I^slie Ogilby. Esq., D. L., of Ardnargle, by his wife Elizabeth Matilda, dau. of Major William Henry Rainey, H.E. I.C.S. Chtbs — Junior United Service. Athenaeum. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion passant guardant gules, between two crescents, one in chief and the other in liasc azuic. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant gules, supporting a tilting-s|H,'ar entwined with a string of trefoils proper. Married, 1875, Helen Sarah, dau. of Rev. George Bomford Wheeler, M.A.. Recto of Ballysax. co. Kildare. Seats — Ardnargle and Pellip House, CO. Londonderry. OGILVEY, see NISBET-HAMILTON-OGILVY. OGILVIE, quartered by FORBES. Thk Hon. EDWARD DAVID STEWART OGILVII Member of the Legislative Council of New South Wale Australia. Born July 25. 1814. being the second son the late William Ogilvie of Merton, Hunter River, Neij South Wales, by his wife Mary, daughter of Edwar' White of Old Swan Yard, Bishopsgate, London. Armor' bearings — Argent, gutt6e-de-poix, a lion passant guardar gules, holding in the dexter paw a trident in bend siniste or. in chief a chaplet of roses also gules, and in base portcullis sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— C a wreath of the colours, a lion rampart gules, charged ( the shoulders with an anchor gold, gorged with a chaple_ of roses argent, holding in the dexter fore-paw a plumb-rule erect proper, and resting the dexter hind-paw on a saltirr or. Motto — "Toujours." Married, first, Sept. 2, 1858, Theodosia Isabella, dau. of the Rev. William de Burgli of Sandymount, near Dublin, D.D. (Trinity College, Dublin) ; and by her (who d. March 23, 1886, at Torquay, CO. Devon), has had Issue— {\) William Frederick Ogilvie, Gentleman, b. Feb. 6. 1862 [w.. Oct. 31, 1888, Ethel Maude, second dau. of Graham Mylne of Etonswill, Clarence River, and granddaughter of Thomas Mylne of Mylne Field, Perthshire, and has issue, a daughter:]; (2) Edward David Ogilvie, Gentleman, Flag-Lieut. H.M.S. " Imperieuse," b. July 19, 1867; (3) Hubert de Burgh Ogilvie, Gentleman, d. May 1877. and was buried in the private cemetery. Yulgilbar; Mary Isabel [;«., June 20 1888. John Travers Tindal of Karrabil, New South Wales, and has issue]; Florinda Ellen; Theodosia Isabella; Jessie; Maud, twin with her sister; Mabel Harriet [««., July 9, 1888, Charles Alfred Gordon Lillingston of Ranchi, Chota Nagpore, India, and has issue, a dau.]; Emmeline Martha; and is the Military Cockade. ©gi £D*0r lo^t Kathleen Ellen. Mr. E. D. S. Ogilvie married secondly, Dec. 21, 1889, Alicia Gcorgiana Frances, third dau. of Rev. Robert Loftus Tottenham, Chaplain of Legation at Florence, son of Lord Robert Ponsonby Tottenham, Bishop of Clogher, and grandson of the first Marquess of Ely. Residence — Yulgilbar, Clarence River, New South Wales. OGILVY, quartered by SCRYMSOURE-STEUART- FOTHRINGHAM. OGILVY .DALGLEISH, see DALGLEISH. S HENRY THOMAS NISBEI' HAMILTON OGILVY, Esquire, D.L., J.F. co. Haddington, J.P. CO. Lincoln. Born May 3, 1837, being the second son (but the eldest by his second marriage) of the late Sir John Ogilvy of Inverquharity (ninth Baronft), by his second wife Jane Elizabetli, commonly known as Lady Jane Elizabeth, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Thomas Howard, sixteenth Earl of Suffolk. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent a lion passant guardant gules, gorged with an open crown and crowned wiih a close imperial one or (for Ogilvy) ; 2 and 3 argent, an eagle displayed sable, beaked and menibered gules (for Ramsay) ; in chief of the quartered coat a crescent gules for difference; over all, on an escutcheon of pretence, quarterly i and 4, gules a sword paleways argent, hilted and pommelled or, between three cinquefoils of the second (for Hamilton); 2. argent, on a chevron gules, between three boars' heads erased sable, armed and langued of the second, as many cinquefoils of th*; first, the chevron being en- signed on the top with a thistle proper (for Nisbet) ; 3. argent, a lion rampant gules within a bordure ermine (for Dundas) ; above the shield a helmet, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and on wreaths of the proper liveries are set the three following Crests, namely, on the de.xter side a demi-lion rampant gules, armed and langued azure, and in an escroU over the same this motto, "Forward" (for Ogilvy) ; in the centre a horse's head and neck couped argent, bi idled gules, and in an escroll over the same this motto, " Ryde through" (for Hamilton); and on the sinister side, a dexter hand issuing out of a cloud and holding a balance all proper, and in an escroll over the same this motto, " Discite justitiam " (for Nisbet). Upon a compartment below the shield, entwined with an escroll inscribed with this motto, "Tenena Pericula Sperno," are placed for Supporters, two white horses proper, bridled gules. Married, Septeinber 11, 1888, Mary Georgiana Con- stance C. Nisbet Hamilton of Belhaven, Dirleton, Pencait- land, Bloxholm, and Alford, only daughter of the late Right Honourable R. C. Nisbet Hamilton (n^ Dundas), by his wife Mary, commonly known as Lady Mary C. Nisiiet Hatnilton, daughter of the Right Honourable the seventh Earl of Elgin. Estates — Belhaven, Dirleton, and Pencait- land, in the county of E!ast Lothian ; Bloxholm, Well, and Alford, in the county of Lincoln. Postal addresses — Biel, Prestonkirk, Archerfield, Dirleton, and Winton Castle, Pen- caitland. East Lothian, Scotland ; Bloxholm Hall, Lincoln. Clubs — Travellers' and Brooks's ( London ), New ( Edinburgh ). §JOHN HENRY OGLANDER, Esquire, J.P. co. of Southampton, D.L. for the Isle of Wight, Barrister-at- Law, B.A. , LL. B. , F.S.A. ; assumed the surname and arms of Oglander by Royal Licence 1895 in pursuance of the will of Sir Henry Oglander, Bart. , of Nunwell. Born March 7, 1847, being the second son of the late William Anthony Glynn of Fairy Hill, Isle of Wight, by his wife Ann, dau. of F. Goodall. ZiVe/j — Dark blue, brass buttons. Armorial bearings — Azure, a stork between three cross crosslets fitch^e or (R. L. 1895. Arms originally confirmed by Camden Clarencieux ; paternal descent, Glynn. Arms allowed Vn. of Cornwall, 1580; Ped. H. Coll.), and u|5on an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Somerset, namely, quarterly i and 4 France, 2 and 3 England, all within a bordure compony argent and azure, a cres- cent upon a martlet for difference. Mantling azure and or. Crest -Upon a wreath of the colours, a bear's head or, couped, langued, and mouth embrued gules. Motto — " Servare munia vitse." Married, May 20, 1879, Florence, younger dau. and co-heir of Arthur Edward Somerset, Gentleman, Barrister and Steward of the Savoy (second son of Lord Arthur John Henry Somerset, fifth but fourth sur- viving son of the Most Noble Henry, 5th Duke of Beaufort, K.G. ) ; and has had Issue— (1) Denys Arthur Glynn, b. Feb. 27, d. April 10, 1883; and Florence Joan Gertrude Glynn \m. 1904, Capt. Auberon C;. Hegan-Kennard]. Seats — Nunwell Brading and Fairy Hill, St. Helen's, both in the Isle of Wight. C/«iJ-r— New University, Royal Victoria Yacht. OGLE, quartered by CASE. Sir henry ASGILL OGLE, 7th Baronet, of Worthy (cr. 1816), Captain (retired) R.N. Born Sept. 12, 1850, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Sir Edmund Ogle, Bart., General and Col. -Commandant R.E., by his wife Catherine Beverley, dau. of Henry St. Hill of Bradninch Manor House, Collompton, Devon. Livery — Drab with red facings. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, a fesse between three crescents gules, on the fesse a crescent on a mullet for difference ; 2 and 3, or, an orle azure (for Bertram), the escutcheon being charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an heraldic antelope's head erased argent, tufted, maned, and attired gules, differenced as the arms. MottO — " Prenez en gr(§." Clubs— XimXtiA Service, Royal Naval (Portsmouth). S NEWTON CHARLES OGLE, Esquire, D.L. for Northumberland. Boj-n Feb. 19, 1850, being the second but eldest surviving son of the Rev. Edward Chal- oner Ogle of Kirkley Hall, Northumberland, and his wife Sophia, youngest dau. of Admiral Sir Charles Ogle, Bart. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a fesse between three cres- cents gules, a mullet of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, an heraldic antelope's head erased argent, tufted, maned, and attired gules, charged with a mullet. Motto—" Prenes en gr6. '' Married, 1895, Lady Lilian Denison {d. July 31, 1899), second dau. ol the Rt. Hon. the ist Earl of Lon esborough ; and has had Issue— ]o\m. Francis Chaloner Ogle, Gentle- man, h. Dec. I, 1898 ; Marjorie Edith Sophia (5. June 23, 1897). He m. 2nd, 1903, Beatrice Anne, d. of the late Sir John William Cradock Hartopp, 4lh Bart. ; and has issue — Hester Mary. Seat — Kirkley Hall, near Newcastle-on- Tyne, Northumberland. Town residence 59 Green Street, ' Grosvenor .Square, S. W. Clubs— Txxx^, Travellers'. GERALD DE COURCY O'GRADY, Gentleman, being the second son of the late Ven. Archdeacon Gerald de Courcy O'Grady, A. B. , Trinity College, Dublin, of Fort Etna, county Limerick, Ireland, and afterwards Chap- lain of H.M. Forces at Chambly, Province of Quebec, Canada, and Archdeacon of the Diocese of Montreal, by his wife Charlotte Knox, youngest dau. of the late Rev. William Agar Adamson, LL. D. , Chaplain and Librarian to the Legislative Council of Canada. Livery — Black, with red facings, silver buttons, red breeches and waistcoat, silver hat-band. Armorial bearings— Per pale gules and is the Naval Cockade. 103* D'g ©gs nb)e, three lions ptissant per pale argent and or. M ant Un g gules and arfi^nt. Orwrt On a wreath of the colours, a nag's head erased sable, maned or. Motto " Vulncratus non victus " A/arrifii. luno 6. 1883. iJeruUline, yi)ungest dau. of bklw.ird Carter, Ksi)., t.).C., of Montreal, Ciinada ; and has Issue - (i) Gerald de Courcy O'Grady, Cjentleman, *. July a8. 1884; (a) Kdward Waller de Courcy O'Grady, Gonilem.in, *. March 6, 1886; (3) Standish de Courcy O'Grady. Gentleman. />. Sept. 9, 1889; (4) Ilricn de Courcy OCJrady. Gentleman,*. Nov. 5, 1891 ; Kathleen de Courcy ; and fcUiith Gcraldine de Courcy. Postal address— 'Yok Crown Bank of Canada, Toronto, Canada. GILBERT O'GRADY, Esquire, J. P. for co. Clare, late CapUin 78th Highlanders. Horn Feb. 11, 1847. being the eldest son of the late Standisli Thomas O'Griidy, B.A. Trin. Coll.. Camb., Barrister-at-L.iw, by his wife Thomas- ina, dau of Gerald de Courcy, Thf O'CJrady, of Kilballyowen. Armorialbearlngs — Per pale gules and sable, three lions passant ^ardant, per pale argent and or, the centre lion charged on the side with a portcullis azure. MantUnST gules and argent. OreBt — On a wreath of the colours, a horse's head erased argent, charged with a portcullis .azure. Motto " Vulneratus non victus." i>a/ — Kilballyowen, Bruft", co. Limerick. S ALEXANDER MILNE OGSTON, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. CO. Kincardine and co. of city of Aberdeen. Bom Feb. 21, 1836, being the eldest son of the late .Mexander Ogston of Ardoe, by his wife Elliott, dau. of James Lawrence of Aberdeen. Armorial bearings .Argent, fi is the Military Cockade. three mascles sable, on a chief of the second two lions pas-j sant of the first, armed and langued gules. Above the] shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mant-| ling gules doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries j is set for Crest, a lion as in the arms ; and in an cscroril 16, ] the same this Motto, " Vi et animo." Married, April 16, ( 1872. Katherine Anne Mitchell, dau. of Charles Moray Hill) Rennie of Aberdeen ; and has Issue — (i) Alexander Gordon 1 Ogston, Gentleman, b. June 8, 1875 ; (2) Charles Ogston, \ Esq., Capt. Gordon Highlanders, b. Sept. 14, 1877; (3)) James Norman Ogston, Gentleman, b. Feb. 15, 1881; Katherine Emily \m. Capt. A. O. Norman, Gordon High- landers] ; and Elliot Mabel \in. Major Richard James ! Saumerez, R. M.L.I.]. Estates in the co. of Kincardine;! Ardoe, and Heathcot. Postal address — Ardoe House, near j Aberdeen. Club — Northern (Aberdeen). S ALEXANDER OGSTON, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. co. of Aberdeen, M.D., LL.D., and Prof, of Surgery ini the Univ. of Aberdeen, Surgeon in Ordinary to Her latej Majesty Queen Victoria, and Hon. Surgeon in Scotland to] the King. Born April 19, 1844, being the eldest son of the j late Francis Ogston, M.D. , Emeritus Professor of Medical! Jurisprudence in the University of Aberdeen, and his wife! Amelia, dau. of Alexander Cadenhead, Advocate in Aber-j deen. Armorial bearings — Argent, three mascles sable, on j a chief of the last two lions passant of the first, armed and langued gules, a bordure of the last for difference. Mant- ling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his] liveries, a lion passant argent, armed and langued gules. Motto — "Vi et animo." Married, firstly, Sept. 25, 1867,] Mary Jane Hargrave, dau. of James Hargrave (Hudson! Bay Co.'s Service), d. Dec. 1873; and secondly, Isabella,} dau. of James Matthews of Springhill, and late Lord Pro I vost of Aberdeen ; and has Issue of first marriage — (i)| Francis Hargrave Ogston, Gentleman, b. 1869, Trooper Imperial Light Horse, killed in action in the Transvaal, April 17, 1901 ; (2) Walter Henry Ogston, Gentleman, b. 1873 ; and two daus. ; by second marriage (3) Alfred James Ogston, Gentleman ; (4) Alexander Lockhart Ogston, Gen- tleman ; (5) Rannald Frederick Logie Ogston, Gentleman ; and three daus. Estate — Glendavan, Absrdeenshire. Resi- dence — 252 Union Street, Aberdeen. ^ JAMES OGSTON, Esquire, Colonel (retired) ist Aberdeenshire Volunteer Artillery, J.P. for co. Aber- ©'f)a mn 1033 deen. Bom May 29, 1845, being the second son of Alex- ander Ogston of Ardoe, Kincardineshire, and his wife, Elliot, ntfe Lawrance. Armorial bearing^s — Argent, three mascles sable, on a chief two lions passant of the first, armed and langued gules, in the middle chief point a cres- cent also of the first, for difference. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a lion as in the arms ; and in an escroU over the same this Motto, " Vi et animo." Married, Oct. 7, 1875, Anne Leslie Jamieson. Seat — Kildrummy, Aberdeenshire. Clubs — Arts', Royal Northern (Aberdeen), Scottish Conservative (Edinburgh). JOSEPH SYLVESTER O' HALLO RAN, Esquire, C. M.G. , formerly of Adelaide, South Australia, Sec. to the Royal Colonial Institute, Northumberland Avenue, London. Born March 28, 1842, being the eldest son of Capt. William Littlejohn O'Halloran of the 38th Regiment of Foot, late Auditor-General of South Australia, by his wife Eliza Minton, dau. of John Montague Smyth of Cork. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure, a castle of two towers with a curtain wall and portal approach- ment by three steps argent standing on a mound vert, on which is inscribed the word " Hurrehurpore " gold, in chief a sword and an Indian sabre in saltire proper, pommels and hilts or, surmounted by an Eastern crown of the last (for O'Halloran); 2 and 3 gules, a horse passant argent, on grass proper, caparisoned azure, bridled and saddled or, on a chief of the second, three mullets pierced of the third (for O'Halloran, ancient), over all a cross of pearls proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crests — i. for augmentation, out of an Eastern crown or, an arm in armour proper, garnished gold, the hand in a gauntlet also proper grasping a flagstaff, therefrom flowing a standard azure, charged with a monkey statant also or, motto over, " Purswarrie ; " 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lizard passant or, motto over, "Clan Fergail a-boo." Motto— " Lothim agus marbhaim " (I wound and I kill). Married, Aug. 17, 1886, Alice Mary, dau. of the late Henry Simpson of Ridge Park, Adelaide. Club — National. O'HARA (R.L., 27 Nov. i860, U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4, vert, on a pale radiant or, a lion rampant sable (O'Hara) ; 2 and 3, gules, on a bend between six lions rampant or, a crescent sable (Cooper). Mantling vert and or. Crests — I. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant ermine, holding between the paws a chaplet of oak-leaves proper. Motto over — " Laimh nah Saris" (O'Hara); 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a man's bust in profile, couped at the shoulders proper, on the head an Irish crown or, and charged on the neck with a crescent sable. Motto over — " Vincit amor patriae" (Cooper). Motto — "Virtute et claritate." Sons of Charles William O'Hara, Esq., of Annaghmore and Cooper's Hill, co. Sligo, J. P. and D.L. , M.P. co. Sligo 1859-1865 (High Sheriff 1849), b. 1817 ; d. 1898; m. 1858, Annie Charlotte, eld. d. of Richard Shuttle- worth Streatfeild of The Rocks, Uckfield, Sussex : — Charles Kean O'Hara, Esq., H.M.'s Lieutenant and Gustos Rot. for co. Sligo, late Major 3rd York and Lan- caster Regt., b. i860. Seat — Annaghmore, CoUoney, co. Sligo. Chibs — Junior Constitutional ; Kildare Street (Dublin), Roy. St. George Yacht (Kingstown), County (Sligo), Roscommon County (Boyle). Arthur Cooper O'Hara, Esq., J. P. co. Sligo (High Sheriff 1903), b. 1862. Seat — Cooper's Hill, Riverstown, co. Sligo. Richard Edward O'Hara, Gentleman, b. 1863. Res. — Glenelg, Queensland, Austraha. Alexander Perceval O'Hara, Gentleman, b. 1871. Res. — Chicago, U.S.A. Frederick William O'Hara, Esq., J. P. co. Sligo, b. 1875 ; m. 1903, Muriel Helen Isabella Rice, d. of Francis Blackburne Henn of Paradise, Ennis, co. Clare ; and has issue — Donal Frederick O'Hara, Gentleman, h. 1904. Res. — Cromlyn Lodge, Hillsborough. C/?/*— County (Sligo). Erril Robert O'Hara, Esq., Capt. Army Service Corps, b. 1879. Res. — O'KEEFE, see LANIGAN-O'KEEFE. JOHN APPLEYARD O' KELLY, Esquire, of Gurtray, CO. Galway, J. P. BornDec. 21, 1848, being the third but eldest surviving son of Ambros Patrick O' Kelly of Gurtray, J. P. cos. Galway and Roscommon, by his wife Theresa, dau. of Walter Joyce of Mervue, succeeded his brother in 1877. Armorial bearings — Azure, two lions rampant com- batant argent, chained or, supporting a tower triple turretted of the second. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, an enfield vert. Motto— "Turris fortis mihi Deus." Married, Oct. 12, 1886, Mary, dau. of Count O' Byrne of Allardstown, co. Louth, and Corville, Roserea ; and has Issue— [i) John Dominick O' Kelly, Gentle- man, b. Aug. 5, 1887; (2) Ambrose Alexander O' Kelly, Gentleman, b. Aug. 23, 1888; (3) Gerald Edward O' Kelly, Gentleman, b. March 11, 1890; (4) Joseph Henry O' Kelly, Gentleman, b. Jan. 4, 1892; (5) Raphael Patrick O'Kelly, Gentleman, b. Sept. 16, 1893; (6) Alban Anthony O'Kelly, Gentleman, b. Oct. 17, 1897. 5^a^— Gurtray, Portumna, CO. Galway. OLDFIELD, quartered by BARTLETT. CHRISTOPHER CAMPBELL OLDFIELD, Esquire, J. P., Capt. late 8sth Regt. Born Oct. 30, 1838, being the is the Naval Cockade. II «034 Dlb ©m fourth son of the late Henry Swann Oldfield, sometime of Farley Hilt House, Berks, by his wife Laetitia, dau. of Col. Richard Scott. Armorial bearinflr*— Or, on a bend invectcd plain cotised gules, between two catherine-wheels sablr. three crosses patte fitchte argent. MaAtllng gules and ur. OrMt — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed argent, winpsemte of crosses patte filchde gules, in front thereof a demi-catherine-wheel sable. Motto — ' ' In Deo tutamen." Married, Dec. i, 1872, Edith Frances Sheridan (d. 1899), widow of Robert Pearse, and dau. of the late Richard S. Guinness; and has Issue — (t) Bertram Gerald Robert Oldtield, Esq., ('apt. 4th a-itt. Rifle Brigade, b. March 31, 1874; Sybil Christme [m., 1901, Capt. John Sher.xrd Reeve, Grenadier Guards, of Leadenhall House, Lincoln] ; and Norah Edith. /?«trf«i«— South Wam- borougb Lodge, Hants. Thk Rev. GEORGE BISCOE OLDFIELD, Canon of Salisbury. Bom Nov. 13, 1840, being the fifth son of the late Henry Swann Oldfield, sometime of Farley Hill House, Berks, by his wife Letitia, dau. of Col. Richard Scott. Armorial boartngs — Or, on a bend invected plain cotised gules, between two catherine-wheels sable, three crosses pat^ fitch^e argent. Mantling ^les and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed argent, wings scm^ of crosses pat6e fitch^ gules, in front thereof a demi-catherine-wheel sable. MottO — "In Deo tutamen." Married, first, Henrietta Elizabeth, daa of W. H. Bayley, H.E.I.C.Sw (Madras); and by her, who d. April 15, 1871. had Issue— {1) Charles Bayley Oldfield, Gentleman, Bar- rister-at-Law ; (a) Frederick Biscoe Oldfield, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law ; and Gertrude Letitia. He married secondly, Sept. 15, 1874, Edith, dau. of Rev. W. C. Rad- cliffe. Rector of Fonthill, GifFord, Wilts. Postal address — Sedgehill, Shaftesbury. HENRY DOUGLAS OLDFIELD, Gentleman. Bom , being the son of the late Major-Gen. Henry Thomas Oldfield, by his wife Maude Douglas Maitland, third dau. of Charles Lionel Maitland Kirwan, of Gelston Castle, co. Kirkcudbright. Armorial bearings— Or, on a bend in- vected plain cotised gules, between two catherine-wheels sable, three crosses patte fitch^ argent. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed argent, wings sem^e of crosses fiat^e fitchde gules, in front thereof a demi-catherine-wheel sable. Motto — ' ' In Deo tuumen." Seat — Allanton, Auldgirth, co. Dumfries. Sir RICHARD CHARLES OLDFIELD, Knight Bachelor (1889), late Judge High Court of Judicature, Alla- habad, India. Rom 1838, being the eldest son of Henry Swann Oldfield and laetitia, dau. of Col. Richard Scott. Club — East India United Seivice. Livery — Drab and red facings. Armorial bearings— Or, on a bend invected, plain cottised gules, Ixjtweon two Catherine wheels sable, three crosses pat<^e htch wife Bidelia, dau. of Daniel Kelly. Armorial bearings— Gules, a man in armour shooting an arrow from a cross-bow proper ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, Mantling gules and argent, Crest — On a is tbe Naval Cockade. Ik 1036 ©*ma £D'ne ducal coronet or. an anchor erect, entwined with a cable l>roper. Motto— " Aiichora salutis." i»/(irr/Vrf. Sept. 17, 1863. Ella, third dan. of J. M. Sew.ird of Melbourne. Aus- tralia ; and has /x»w— (1) Michael O'l.oghlcn. Ksq.. b. Oct. 16. 1866; {9) t'olman O'Loghlen. fclsci. . b. I>cc. 16, 1869; (3) nryiin OLoghlcn, Ksa.. b. Ian. ao. 1875; (4) Charles Hugh Rois O'Loghlen. lisq.. *. Julv 6. 1881 ; (5) Henry koss O'Loghlen. Esq., b. 1887; Annie Bidelia Margaret ; Lucy Susan Mary ; Ella Maude ; Frances •Mary ; Clare Mary ; and Aitnee Margaret ijulia. Seal— Drumcunora, Ennis, Clare. Residence —Si. Kilda, Mel- bourne. Australia. Sir EDWARD O'MALLEY. Knight Bachelor. J. P. Oxfordshire. Born 184a, being the eldest surviving son of IVter Fnxlorick O'Malley. Esq., one of His Majesty s Counsel l^eanicd in the Law, by his wife Emily, dau. of William Ro'h a mantling gules and or ; and for his OrMt, upon a wreath of the colours, two branches of oak in saltire vert, fructed or. in front of a flag- staff in bend proper, therefrom flowing a banner gules, sur- mounting a trident in bend sinister also proper. Motto "Nihil sine laborc" Postal addresses— i Garden Court, Middle Temple. E.G. ; British Consulate-General, Frank- fort-on-Main. Club—^U James's. SThf. Right Honourable GEOFFREY HENRY BROWNE BROWNE - GUTHRIE, BARON ORANMORE, of Carra Browne Castle, in the co. of the town of Galway, and Baron Browne of Castle McGarrett, CO. Mayo, in the Peerage of Ireland, M.A. Camb., J.P. and D.L. CO. Mayo, and J.P. co. Ayr, formerly Lieut. 4th FORTITERETFIDELITEK- Batt Royal Scots Ftisiliers. A representative Peer for Ireland. Bom Jan. 6, 1861, being the only son of the Right Hon. Dominick Browne, second Baron Oranmore and Browne, by his wife Christina, only surv. child and heir of the late Alexander Guthrie, Esq., J. P., of The Mount, Kilmarnock, and Bourtrie Hill, Irvine. Creation — May 4, 1836. Livery — Blue, with red waistcoat and gilt buttons. Armorial bearing^ — Quarterly i and 4, quar- terly i. and iiii. or, a lion rampant gules, armed and langued aztire, surmounted of a fesse argent, charged with a mount between two edock leaves vert ; ii. and iii. azure, three garbs or (for Guthrie of The Mount) ; a and 3 argent, an eagle displayed with two heads sable, langued gules (for Browne). Upon the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled ermine ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for 0r6St, a dexter hand erect, holding a sword in bend all proper, and in an esiroll above this motto, "Sto pro verilate ; " and for his Supporters, on the dexter side, a knight in chain armour, lilted azure, garnished or, holding in his right hand a battle-axe chained proper, charged on the blade with a cross pat^ or, on his left an ancient pointed shield gules, charged with two lioncels or, and supported by a band from the right shoulder gules, studded and garnished or ; and on the sinister side, a knight also in chain armour, with a surcoat of blue silk, belled gules, leaning his left hand on iin ancient two- handed sword thereon a shield argent, charged with an eagle displayed with two heads sable, langued gules. Motto — " Fortiter et fideliter." Married, Jan. 2, 1901, the Hon. Olwen Verena Ponsonby, eldest dau. of Viscount Uuncannon, C.B. , and granddau. of the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Bessborough ; and has /w//^— Hon. Geoffrey Dominick Edward Browne ; and Hon. Kathleen Murcia. Estates and postal addresses — Castle McGarrett, Clareniorris, co. Mayo; The Mount, Kilmarnock, N.B. ; Bourtree Hill, Irvine, N.B. C/«*j— Bachelors', Carlton, Kildare Street (Dublin). ORCHARD, quartered by SOMERS. ORD, see BLACKETT-ORD. ORDE (H. Coll., 1790.) Sable, three salmon hai per pale argent and or. Mantling sable and argent Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an elk's head erased or, gorged with a collar invected sable. Motto — " Mitis fort is." Sons of Charles William Orde of Nunnykirk, M.A., J. P., D.L. (High Sheriff 1846), b. 1810 ; d. 1875; m. 1853, Frances Isabel (rf. 1900), d. of Shallcross Jackson of Newton Bank, Chester : — William Orde, Esq., J.P. Northumberland, B.A., Major 5th Batt. Northumberland Fus. (Mil.), b. 1854; tn. 1884, Winifred Mary, d. of Rev. Ambrose Jones of Stannington, Northumberland; and has issue (i) Charles William Orde, Gentleman, b. 1884 : (2) John Barwick Orde, Gentleman, b. 1886; (3) Percy Lancelot Orde, Gentleman, b Violet Isabel; Valentine Evelyn; and Hyacinth Eleanor Seat — Nunnykirk, Morpeth, Northumbsrland. Club- Junior Carlton. Edwin Lancelot Orde, Gentleman, b. 1863; m. 189: Evelyn Alice, eld. d. of James Henry Orde of Hoptoi House, Gt. Yarmouth. Res. — Descendants of Rt. Hon. Thomas Orde-Powlett, formerly Orde, first Baron Bolton, bearing arms of Powlett by R.L. , 1795, viz. sable, three swords in pile points downwards argent, pommels and hilts or, on a canton of the second, an escocheon of the field charged with a salmon hauriant proper (Granted 1795), and quartering the arms of Orde as above. Crest (of Powlett — R.L., 1795)— On a wreath of the colours, a falcon rising or, charged on the breast with an estoile gules gorged with a ducal coronet azure, and holding in the beak a salmon proper. Motto— " Aymez loyault^." Son of William Henry, 3rd Baron Bolton, D.L., b. 1818; d. 1895; m. 1844, Letitia, d. of Col. Crawfurd of Newfield : — The Rt. Hon. William Thomas Orde-Powlett, 4th Baron Bolton (20 Oct. 1797), of Bolton Castle, Yorks., late Lt.- Col. Comdg. and Hon. CoL Yorks. (Princess of Wales' Own) Hussars I.Y., J. P., D.L., and C.C. N. Rdg. Yorks., J.P. Hants [Supporters— Dexter, a hind proper gorged with a ducal coronet or ; sinister, a Cornish chough prot>er, each charged with a rose argent, barbed vert, seeded gold], b. 1845 ; m. 1868, Lady Algitha Frederica Mary Lumley, d. of Richard George, 9th Earl of Scarborough ; and has surv. issue — Hon. William George Algar Orde-Powlett, b. 21 Aug. 1869; formerly Lieut. 2nd Batt. King's Roy. Rifle Corps, and Lieut. Yorkshire Hussars Imperial Yeo. ; is Major 1st Vol. Batt. Princess of Wales' Own (Yorkshire Regt.), J. P. and D.L. forN. Rdg. of Yorks. \m. 1893, Hon. Elizabeth Mary Gibson, d. of ist Baron Ashbourne ; and has surv. issue— William Percy Orde-Powlett, Esq., b, 1894; Nigel yc. ' 1 is the Military Cockade. ©tD laDrm 1039 Amyas Orde-Powlett, Gentleman, b. 1900; and Elaine Letitia Algitha] ; and Hon. Myra Rowena Sibell \jn. 1901, the 5th Marquess of Exeter]. Seats — Hackwood Park, Basing- stoke ; Bolton Hall, I^eyburn, R.S.O. , Yorks. Clttbs — Carlton, Junior Carlton, Yorkshire (York). Hon. Henry Robert Orde-Powlett, M.A. Camb., Bar. Inner Temple, b. 1846 ; m. 1877, Henrietta Cathcart, d. of the late John Randolphus de Trafford, Esq. ; and has issue— Kathleen Mary \in. 1902, Sir Leslie Edmund Percy RiggsFalkiner, 7th Bart.] ; and Ivy. Res. — 2 Queensberry Place, S.W. Club Junior Carlton. Hon. Amias Lucien Orde-Powlett, b. 1855. Res. — Leyburn, R.S.O., Yorkshire. Club — Junior Carlton. Sons of the late Rev. the Hon. Thomas Orde-Powlett, b. 1822 ; d. 1894 ; m. 1846, Elizabeth Jane, d. of Marma- duke Wyvill, Esq., of Constable Burton: — Thomas Charles Orde-Powlett, Esq., Col. (half-pay), b. 1849 ; m. 1886, Harriet Georgiana, d. of the late Rev. Plumer Pott Rooper ; and has surv. issue — Beryl Georgina Louise. Res. — Northampton. Club — Naval and Military. Rev. Ernest Orde-Powlett, R. of Wensley, b. 1850 ; m. 1879, Anne Gertrude, d. of the late Rev. Alexander Hunter. Res. — Wensley Rectory, Leyburn, R.S.O. , York- shire. Sons of the late Hon. Amias Charles Orde-Powlett, b. 1828; d. 1899; m. 1852, Anne Martha (ante), only child of the late Christopher Topham, Esq., of Middle- ham Hall, Yorkshire: — Amias Christopher Thomas Orde-Powlett, Esq., b. 1862 ; formerly Lieut. 1st Batt. Manchester Regt., J. P. N. Rdg. of Yorks. , m. 1886, Alice, d. of the late Humphrey Brooke Firman, Esq., of Gateforth Hall, Selby. Res. — Bramley, Guildford; Middelham Hall, Middelham, R.S.O., York- shire. C/«^j— Naval and Military, Yorkshire (York). Descendants of Sir John Orde, ist Bart. [d. 1824), now bearing the name and arms of Campbell-Orde by Royal Licence, 16 Jan. 1883. Anns— Quarterly, i and 4, Orde as above ; 2 and 3, gyronny, of eight or and sable, a bordure compony ermine and vert, a crescent of the last for difference (Campbell). Mantling gules, ^^ doubled argent. Crests — i. Orde as above ; 2. upon ^L a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand proper, holding a ^^v spur or, strap also proper. Mottoes—" Mitis et fortis " ^H: (Orde); 2. "Forget not" (Campbell). Sons of Sir ^H John William Powlett Campbell-Orde, 3rd Bart., b. ^^g 1827 ; d. 1897 ; m. ist, 1862, Alice Louisa, only sister of Sir Arthur Middleton, Bart. : — Sir Arthur John Campbell-Orde, 4th Bart. (G.B. , 9 .^ug. i79o)i J-I^- and D.L. co. Argyll, Major Lovat's Scouts Imp. Yeom., late Lieut. 3rd. Batt. Q.O. Cameron Highlanders, served in S. Africa 1900 i, b. 1865; m. 1892, May Ronald, d. of Capt. John Campbell Stewart of Fasnacloich, Argyllsh. ; and has issue — ^John Vernon Campbell-Orde, Esq. , b. 1894 ; Alice Male ; Winifred Beatrice ; and Muriel Frances. Seat — Kilmory House, Lochgilphead, Argyll, N.B. Clubs — Junior Carlton, New (Edinburgh). Colin Ridley Campbell-Orde, Esq. , Lieut. Lovat's Scouts I.Y. , b. 1867; m. 1896, Winifred Harriet, d. of Capt. John Campbell Stewart of Fasnacloich ; and has issue — (i) Ronald Charles Campbell-Orde, Gentleman, iJ. 1897; (2) Alan Colin Campbell-Orde, Gentleman, b. 1898 ; (3) Bernard Arthur Campbell-Orde, Gentleman, b. 1901. Seat — Tigh-an-ruadha, Ardishaig, Argyllshire. Henry Campbell Campbell-Orde, Esq., b. 1877. Res. — Other descendants of Thomas Orde of Felkington, CO. Durham, d. 1737, bearing name and arms of Orde only. Son of the late Rev. William Jocelyn Shafto Orde, b. 1836; d. 1871 ; in. 1861, Annie Bell [d. 1900), d. of Robert Paxton Green Ackroyd, Esq. : — Leonard Shafto Horace Charles Orde, Gentleman, b. 1864. Res. — Weetwood, Northumberland. William Roden Orde Gentleman, b. 1867 ; m. 1891, Gertrude Maud, third d. of the late John Stephenson, Esq. , of Ballyvaughan, co. Limerick. Res. — Coxhoe, co. Durham. Yr. sons of the late Rev. Leonard Shafto Orde, b. 1807 ; d. 1895 ; m. 1833, Anna Maria Charlotte [d. 1881), d. of Sir Horace David Cholwell St. Paul, ist Bart. (extinct) : — Henry Powlett Shafto Orde, Esq., formerly Capt. 15th Foot, J. P. for Northumberland, b. 1838 ; m. 1861, Rosa Anne Elizabeth Saga (d. 1902), d. of T. G. Repp of Copenhagen ; and has surv. issue — (i) Leonard Henry Orde, Esq., b. 1862, Major and late Adj. ist Batt. E. York- shire Regt., and Adj. 4th Vol. Batt. Prince Albert's (Somersetshire L.I.) \fn. 1895, Caroline Isabella, d. of the late Robert Graham, Esq., of Fintry ; and has surv. issue — (i) Leonard Roden Graham, b. 1900; Dorothy Violet Graham, b. 1898] ; (2) Thorleif Lancelot Maximilian Orde, Gentleman, B.A. , b. 1865 ; (3) Roden Horace Powlett Orde, Gentleman, B.A.,iJ. 1867. A'^j. ~ Shorestone Hall, Chathill, Northumberland. Issue of the late James Henry Orde, Esq., b. 1830; d. 1880 ; m. 1856, Margaret Barclay [d. 1901), d. of Daniel Gurney, Esq., of N. Runcton Hall, Norfolk :— Charles Somerville Orde, Esq., J. P. for Suffolk and Gt. Yarmouth, Mayor of Gt. Yarmouth 1900, formerly Capt. 2nd Vol. Batt. Norfolk Regt., b. 1858 ; m. 1899, Margaret Susan, d. of the Rev. Wiliiam James Stracey-Clitherow ; and has surv. issue Myrtle Evelyn; and Iris Rosalind. Res. — Hopton House, nr. Great Yarmouth. Lancelot Francis Orde, Gentleman, Mayor of Lowestoft 1902, b. 1859; in. 1894, Elizabeth Caroline, d. of Thomas Frederick Burnaby-Atkins, Esq. , of Halstead Place, Seven- oaks ; and has issue living — Ronald Hubert Lancelot Orde, Gentleman, b. 1898; and Violet Elizabeth. Res. — Fox Burrow, Gunton, nr. Lowestoft. Julian Walter Orde, Gentleman, Sec. to Automobile Club, b. 1861 ; m. 1885, Alice Georgiana, d. of Frederick Archdale, Esq., of Baldock ; and has surv. issue — (i) Michael Amyas Julian, b. 1887 ; (2) Cuthbert Julian, b. 1888 ; (3) Herbert Walter J\ilian, b. 1890 ; Elizabeth Susan ; and Mary Margaret. Res. — ai Homesdale Road, Bromley. OREBY, quartered by HULLEY. MYLES GEORGE O'REILLY (" THE O'REILLY "), Esq. , late Capt. North Cork Rifles, J. P. co. Leitrim. Born Oct. 30, 1829, being the eldest son of the late Myles John O'Reilly, Esq., D. L. , of The Heath House, by his wife Elizabeth Anne, elder dau. of the Hon. and Rev. George de la Poer Beresford [son of William, ist Lord Decies, Archbishop of Tuam, by Elizabeth FitzGibbon his wife, sister of Lord Chancellor Clare]. Armorial bearings^ Quarterly i and 4, vert a dexter hand couped at the wrist proper, dropping blood, supported by two lions rampant or. Mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an oak tree eradicated, the trunk entwined by a snake ascending proper. Married, 1858, Elizabeth (who died 1881), dau. of George Brunskill of The Lodge, Turnham Green; and by her had Issue — (i) Myles John O'Reilly, Gentleman, b. Jan. 23, i860; (2) Edmund Adal- bert O'Reilly, Gentleman, b. Dec. 5, 1879; Melanie Geor- gina; Gwendoline Beresford [/«. , 1887, Stanley Mundey]; Brun6hault Mildred Elizabeth \in. , 1890, Dr. Sidney Harvey] ; Guinevere Hilda ; and Elizabeth Beresford. S WILLIAM JOSEPH O'REILLY, Esquire, of Knock Abbey, co. Louth , J. P. and D. L. for that co. Born Feb. 16, i864,being the eldest son of the late Myles William Patrick O'Reilly, Esquire, of Knock Abbey, co. Louth, J. P., D.L., B.A. (Lond.), LL.D. (Rome), High Sheriff co. Louth 1841, M.P. CO. Longford 1862-79, by his wife Ida, second dau. of Edmund Jerningham of 43 Rutland Gate, Hyde Park, London. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, vert, a dexter hand couped proper, dropping blood, supported by two lions rampant or; 2. argent, three torteaux in bend between two cottises gules, a chief sable ; 3. argent, on a mount an oak tree with a snake descending its trunk proper. Mantling vert and or. Crests — i. out of a ducal coronet or, an oak tree with a snake entwined descending proper ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, an arm in armour, couped at the elbow, thegauntletgrasping a daggerall proper. MottO— " Fortitudine et prudentia.' 5^a/— Knock Abbey, Dun- dalk, CO. Louth. ORKNEY, quartered by SINCLAIR. ORME, see CAVE-ORME and GARNETT-ORME. ORME, quartered by MALCOLM, ORME (U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4, azure, an eagle displayed between three pole-axes or; 2 and 3, argent, a chevron between three escallops gules. Mantling azure is the Naval Cockade. I040 ©rm ©rm and or. Omi — On a wreath of the colours, a dolphin •robowvd axurc. fins and tail or, surmounted of a pole-axr as in the arms. Motto — ' ' Fortis et fidelis. " Livery — Dark blue, silver buttons. Sons of Robert Orme, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Owenmore and Enniscrone, b. 1815 ; d. 1877 ; m. 1843, Sidney Frances, d. of Major Christopher Carleton L'Estrange of Market Hill, co. Fermanagh : — Christopher Guy Orme, Esq., J. P. co. Mayo, b. 1858. Seats — Owenmore, Crossraolina, co. Mayo; Inniscrone, Ballina, co. Sligo. C/?/*— Kildare Street (Dublin). Albert L'Estrange Orme, Gentleman, d. 1864; m. 1900, Marie, d. of John Goodwin of Rockside, Derbyshire ; and has issue— Christopher Robert L'Estrange Orme, Gentleman, b. 1903. Res. — The Red House, Matlock Bridge, Derby. Son of John Ormsby Orme, m. Mary Jane, d. of Rev. Richard St. George : — Capt. William Richard Orme, b. . Seat — Drum- largan, Kilcock, co. Meath. ERNEST WILLIAM ORMEROD, Gentleman. Born Nov. 6, 1868, being the eldest son of the late Edward Latham Ormerod, Gentleman, M.D., F.R.C.P. , by his second wife Maria, second dau. of Frederick Millett of Woodhill, near Guildford, sometime Member of the Supreme Council of India. Armorial bearings — Or, three bars and a lion passant in chief gules. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a wolf's head couped, barry of four or and gules, in the mouth an ostrich feather erect proper. Residence — The Rev. GEORGE THOMAS BAILEY ORME- ROD, M.A. Balliol College, Oxford. Bom April i, 1846, being the eldest son of the late Ven. Archdeacon Thomas Johnson Ormerod, M.A., J. P., by his wife Maria Susan, eldest dau. of Sir Joseph Bailey, Bart., M.P., of Glanusk Park (aunt of Rt. Hon. Lord Glanusk). Armorial bearings — Or, three bars and a lion passant in chief gules. Mantling gules and or. Crest—On a wreath of the colours, a wolf's head couped barry of four or and gules, in the mouth an ostrich feather erect argent. Mar- ried, Aug. s, 1875, Kate, fourth dau. of T. D. Hill of Stroud, CO. Gloucester. Residence — Stroud, co. Glouester, ANTHONY ORMSBY, Esquire, j. P. and D. L. co. Mayo. Born April 7, 1855, being the eldest son of the late John Y. Ormsby of Ballinamore House, Kiltimagh, co. Mayo, by Anne, dau. of Croasdailc Howen-Miller, Esq., of Milford, CO. Mayo. Livery Dark green, crimson facings. Armo- rial bearings (u.O. , 1663) i. Gules, a bend or between six cross crosslets fitch6e or (for Ormsby) ; a and 3, azure, sem(^c of cross crosslets, a lion rampant argent ; 4. sable, three ihess-rooks argent, a chief or. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath uf the colours, a dexter arm em- bowed in armour proper, charged with a rose gules, holding in the hand a man s leg couped at the tliigh, also in armour and proper. MottO — " Fortis qui prudens." Seat -Ballinamore House, Kiltimagh, co. Mayo. C/»^— Sack- ville Street (Dublin). S HENRY MAGEE ORMSBY. Esquire, M.A., Queen's College, Oxford, Captain 1st Vol. Batt. Royal Lan- caster Regt. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i. gules, a bend or, between six cross crosslets fitchde or (for Ormsby) ; 3 and 3, azure, sem(^e of cross crosslets, a lion rampant argent (for Kiiiardsley) ; 4. sable, three chess rooks argent, a chief or. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, charged with a rose gules, holding in the hand a mans leg couped at the thigh, also in armour and proper. Motto— " Fortis qui prudens." Residence — SJOHN BliCHER ORMSBY, Esquire, Colonel R.A- Born Jan. 20, 1839, being the only son of the late Rev. Horatio Nelson Ormsby, M.A., Vicar of Carriganleary, Mallow, by his wife Judith Elizabeth, dau. of Becher Flem- ing of Newcourt, co. Cork. Armorial bearingfs Quar- terly I. gules, a bend or. between six cross crosslets fitchde or (for Ormsby) ; 3 and 3. azure, semde of cross crosslets a lion rampant argent (for Kinardsley) ; 4. sable, three chess rooks argent, a chief or. Mantling gules and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, charged with a rose gules, holding in the hand man's leg couped at the thigh, also in armour and properj Motto — " Fortis qui prudens." Residence — Sir LAMBERT HEPENSTAL ORMSBY. Knigb EJachelor (1903). J.P., M.D., Pres. Royal Col. of Surgs., Ire ORMSBY, quartered by BLAKE-DE BURGH. land, 1902-4; oneoftheseniorSurgeons Meath Hospital and CO. Dublin Infirmary, late Surgeon Royal Longford Rifles, being the only son of the late George Owen Ormsby of Onc- ^ is tbe Military Cockade. €)tm HDrp 1041 hunga Lodge, Auckland, New Zealand, by his wife Selina, dau. of Rev. Lambert Watson Hepenstal of Altadore, CO. Wicklow. Livery — Claret colour. Armorial bear- ings Quarterly, I. gules, a bend or, between six croas crosslets fitch6e or (for Ormsby) ; 2 and 3, azure, sem6e of cross crosslets, a lion rampant argent (for Kinardsley) ; 4. sable, three chess-rooks argent, a chief or. Mantling gules and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, charged with a rose gules, holding in the hand a man's leg couped at the thigh, also in armour proper. Motto — " Fortis qui pru- dens." Married, July 16, 1874, Anastasia, dau. of John Dickinson; and has /«//smaston, Rector of (kkkI- nestone, Kent, b. March 29, 1859; Eleanor Agnes [m., Dec. 16, 1880, Commander John Pemljcrton Coote, k.N., third son of Sir Algernon Coote, Bart.] ; and Emily Selina. He married secondly, Dec. 19, 1861, Florence Mary, dau. of the late Edward Royd Rice of Dane Court, Kent ; and has Issue - (3) Basil de Forest Osmaston, Gentleman, b. Dec. 31, 1862; (4) Cecil Alvend FitzHerl)ert Osmaston, Esq., Captain R. M.A., b. July 24, 1866 [m., Feb. 2, 1893, Minnie Buckley, dau. of Gen. Sir Henry Tuson, K.C. B. , R. M.A. , and has issue. Myrtle Florence]; (s) Bertram Beresford Osmaston, Gentleman, India Forest Service, b. Jan. 3, 1868 \m., Sept. 15, 1893, Catherine Mary, dau. of Gen. Hutchinson, and has issue, Bertram Hutchinson Osmaston, Gentleman, b. March 30, 1895; Oswald Camplyon Hutchinson Osmaston, Gentleman, b. Sept. 26, 1898 ; Sylvia Mary, d. young 1895 ; and Olive Mary] ; (6) Osmund Gordon Osmaston, Gentleman, b. Aug. 7, 1869; d. unm. Aug. 31, 1899; (7) Lionel Sherbrooke Osmaston, Gentleman, India Forest Service, b. Oct. 20, 1870 \m., Feb. 26, 1897, Selina Fanny, dau. of the late John Bridges Plumptre of Goodnestone Park, Kent, and has issue, Osmund Eric Osmaston, Gentleman, b. Jan. 15, 1900; and Erica]; (8) John Henry Osmaston, Gentleman, b. Oct. 13, 1881 ; (9) Ulric Ernest Osmaston, Gentleman, b. Sept. 5, 1883; (10) Arthur Edward Osmaston, Gentle- man, b. March 4, 1885; Rosamond Florence [w. , Aug. 14, 1892, Rev. William Henshaw Starling, and has issue] ; Violet Mary \m., April 26, 1899, Benjamin Ernest NiclioUs, and has issue]; and Olive Elizabeth. 5tfa/- Hawkhurst Court, Billingshurst, Sussex. OSMOND. Sable, a fesse dancett^ and in chief an eagle displayed erminois, a bordure wavy or. Mantl sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed as in the arms, charged on the breast with a barrulet wavy azure. fi is the Military Cockade, O0to £Dul 1043 Sons of the late George Wise Osmond, Esq. , Comdr. R.N., h. 1843; d. 1884; 7n. 1869, Julia Augusta, d. of Rev. William Forbes of Yardley Chase, Jamaica : — George William Forbes Osmond, Esq., Paymaster R.N. , b. 1871. Res. — Hern, Benhilton, Sutton, Surrey. Charles Fortescue Osmond, Gentleman, Citizen of London, late of the City Imp. Vols. M.I., b. 1877. Res. — Hern, Benhilton, Sutton, Surrey. Henry Arthur Wise Osmond, Gentleman, b. 1879. Res. — Port Maria, Jamaica. Humphrey Dacres Osmond, Gentleman, Lieut. Imp. Light Horse, b. 1881. Res. — Krugersdrop, Transvaal, S. Africa. OSWALD, see GORDON-OSWALD. SJOHN OSWALD, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for co. of Fife. Born June 12, 1856, being the eldest son of the late James Townsend Oswald, by his wife Ellen Octavia, dau. of P. J. Miles of Leigh Court, Bristol. C/«^— Bachelors'. Armorial bearings— Azure, ane savage proper wreathed with bay leaves, and bearing in the sinister ane batton erected on his shoulder vert, and in the dexter a cross-staff pointing to a star placed in the dexter chief or. Above the shield fane helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantle gules, doubled argent ; with this Motto, " Monstrant astra viam." Seat — Dunnikier, Kirkcaldy, N.B. S RICHARD ALEXANDER OSWALD, Esquire, De- puty-Lieutenant of the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. Vice-Lieut, and Deputy-Lieut, for co. of Ayr. Born June 6, 1841, being the eldest son of the late George Oswald of Auchincruive and of Cavens, by his first wife Lydia Mar- garet, dau. of Frederick Homan of Ardenwood, co. Kildare. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure, a naked man, wreathed about the middle with bay leaves, having a quiver of arrows by his side, bearing a bow in his left hand, all proper, and pointing with his right to a comet, in the dexter chief point or, a border engrailed of the last (for Oswald) ; 2. gules, two leopards passant guardant in pale argent (for Haldane of that Ilk) ; 3. argent, a saltire en- grailed between four roses gules (for Lennox). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for Crests, i. upon a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand issuing out of a cloud and pointing to a star of eight rays proper, with the Motto, "Sequamur" (for Oswald); 2. upon a wreath of his liveries, an eagle's head erased proper, with the Motto, "Suffer" (for Haldane). Married, Nov. 25, 1868, Maude, dau. of James Smith -Barry of Marbury Hall and Fota Island, CO. Cork. Seats — Auchincruive, near Ayr, co. Ayr ; and Cavens, Kirkbean, co. Kircudbright. CHARLES ROBERT OSWALD-BROWN (formerly CHARLES ROBERT BROWN), Esq., Major in H.M. Manchester Regt. Born , being the son of the late James Brown of Orangefield ; and has assumed the addi- tional surname of Oswald. Armorial bearings — Azure, a savage wreathed about the head and middle with bay leaves, having a quiver of arrows by his side, bearing a bow in his left hand proper, and pointing with his right to a blazing star in the dexter chief point or, within an orle of fleurs-de- lis argent. Mantling azure doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a lion rampant parted per fesse argent and azure, holding in his dexter paw a star wavy of six rays or ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Floreat majestas." Postal address — Manchester Regt., Aldershot. OTHER, quartered by CONYERS. OTTER (1873). Or, on a bend gules, gutt^-d'or, between two crosses pat6e of the second, three crescents of the first. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two crosses pat^e surmounted by a crescent or. Motto— " Watch." OTTER-BARRY (R.L., 19 May 1873). Quarterly, I and 4, gules, three bars embattled argent (Barry, orig. grant 1811) ; 2 and 3, or, on a bend gules, gutt^-d'or, between two crosses patfe of the second three crescents of the first (Otter, 1873). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — I. on a wreath of the colours, the embattlements of a tower gules, charged with three roses in fesse argent (Barry) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, two crosses pat6e resting thereon a crescent all or. Motto — "A rege et a victoria." OTTLEY, quartered by FOLJAMBE. S WILLIAM CLIFFORD-BERMINGHAM OTWAY- RUTHVEN, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and De- puty-Lieutenant for the county of Leitrim, and Justice of the Peace for the counties of Galway and Tipperary. Born July 14, 1840, being the only son of the late Thomas Ber- mingham Trotter, by his wife Rosabelle Maria Frances, youngest daughter of Major William Stirling St. Clair of Emma Vale, in the county of Wicklow, and assumed, by Royal License, 1865, the surname and arms of Ruthven only, and in 1887 the additional name of Otway. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Paly of six argent and gules, a canton erminois. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a goat's head erased argent, attired or, charged with a mullet gules. MottO — Over the crest, " Deed Shaw." Married, October 12, 1865, Frances Margaret, only daughter and heir of Vice- Admiral Robert Jocelyn Otway of Castle Otway, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Tipperary; and has Issue — (1) Robert Mervyn Bermingham Otway- Ruthven, Esq., Capt. Royal Artillery, h. Aug. 2, 1867 [?«., April 25, 1900, Margaret, eldest dau. of Julius Casement, Esq. , J. P, , of Cronroe, co. Wicklow] ; (2) Thomas Ormonde Bermingham Otway- Ruthven, Gentleman, b. Feb. 12, 1872; (3) Mervyn Henry Bermingham Otway- Ruthven, Gentleman, b. Sept. 18, 1877 ; Annette Rosabelle Bermingham [»?., July 15, 1896, Capt. Richard Meredith, late Warwickshire Regt.]; Marguerite Frances Bermingham, rf. Sept. 25, 1870; Rosabelle Frances Elizabeth Bermingham ; Edith Mary Bermingham ; and Cecil Harriet Beatrice Bermingham \m., Oct. i, 1898, William Heneage Finch, Esq., Capt. 4th Batt. R. Irish Regt.]. Seats — Invernisk, in the co. of Galway; Castle Otway, Templemore, in the county of Tipperary ; Lis- gillock, in tlie county of Leitrim ; Charleville Cottage, Enniskerry, in the co. of Wicklow ; and Mount Campbell, in the co. of Leitrim. The Rev. FIELDING OULD, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Cantab.). Born Dec. 4, 1870, being the eldest son of Rev. Frederick Fielding Ould and Emma, only surviving child of the late Henry Neumann, E^., J. P. (arniiger. is the Naval Cockade. I044 flDut ©toe Iterliii). of Whicham Hall. Cheshire. /.htrr — Gnen, yellow focings. Aimoiial bearing*— Or, on a saltire vert, live iTosses pat^ fitchural crown or, a dragon's head per fessc wavy ardent and gules, the lower jMirt of the neck transfixed by a liruki-n sjK-ar. in the mouth the rcniaininK (wrt of the spear Ihe ix)int upwards or (for IWesford) ; a. a mural crown argent issumg therefrom a lion's head gules, gorged with a wreath or (for Pock). MoUo — " Nil nisi cruce." Matried, August II, i8yi, Alice Harriet Cromie, only daughter of James Acheson Lyle, Ksquire, Justice of the Peace, of Glandore, in the county of Antrim. Estat* in the county of Corlow, inherited from Field-Marshal l^ord Beresford. Postal ad- drtss—Vtn^gh House, Bagnalstown. PAGE-TURNER (R.I^. 1904, H. Coll.). Quarterly, I and 4, quarterly i. and iiii., argent, a fer-de-moline pierced sable (Turner, Visn. Leics.. 1619) ; ii. and iii., azure, a fesse indented lietween three martlets or (Page, 1775): 9 and 3, vert, on a saltire between four pheons argent, a pomeis, on a chief engrailed or, a lion passant gules, (Blaydes). Mft"^""g sable and argent. Great— On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant guardant argent, ducally crowned or, holding in the dexter paw a fei-de- moline as in the arms. Son of Rev. Henry Marvell Blaydes, LL.D., and his wife Fanny Maria, d. of Sir Edward George Thomas Page-Turner, Bart. : — Frederick Augustus Page- Turner, Esq., J. P. Beds. b. 1845 ; m. 1874. Alice Caroline, d. of William Dyer, Physician- Gen. H.E.I.C.S. ; and has issue — (i) Edward Henry Marvell Page-Turner, Gentleman, b. 1877; (2) Hugh Gregory Page-Turner, Gentleman, b. 1879; (3) Frederick Ambrose Wilford Page-Turner, Gentleman, b. 1882 ; Edith Marguerite ; Maud Winifred Mary ; Dorothy Alice ; Frances Helen ; Margery ; Muriel Agnes ; Cassandra Sophia ; Delia Emily Louisa ; and Barbara Olive. Estates — Am- brosden, Merton, and Bicester, Oxon. ; Streatley, Lunsdon, and Tetsworth. Beds. Hes. — 9 Denmark Terrace, Brighton, Clubs — Constitutional, Westminster. FITZROY RICHARD CLARENCE PAGET, Esquire, formerly Lieut. Grenadier Guards. Born 1853, being the eldest son of the late Admiral the Rt. Hon. Lord Clarence Edward Paget, P.C, G.C.B., by his wife Marthe Stuart, dau. of Admiral Sir Robert Waller Otway, K.C.B. Ar- morial bearingfs Sable, on a cross engrailed between four eagles displayed argent, five lions passant guardant of the field. The escutcheon is encircled by the ribbon and by the collar. Mantling sable and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a demi-heraldic tiger sable, maned, ducally gorged and tufted argent. Residence — HOWARD FRANCIS PAGET, Esquire. Bom April 22, 1858, being the only son and youngest child of the Reverend Francis Edward Paget, Rector of Elford, by his wife Fanny, daughter of the Reverend William Chester. Armorial bearings — He Ijears for Arms : Sable, on a cross engrailed l)etween four eagles displayed argent, five lions passant guardant of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-heraldic tiger sable, maned, tufted, and ducally gorged argent. Married, May 15, 1884, Alice Catharine Jeffcock, eldest daughter of the late Rev. John Thomas Jeffcock, Rector of Wolverhampton, Prebend of Lichfield ; and has Issue— (\) Francis Edward Howard Paget, E^uire, born June 4, 1886; (2) Salisbury Howard Paget, Gentleman, born March 7, 1889 ; (3) John Howard Paget, Gentleman, born September 20, 1890, died July 7, i8<^; (4) I>ewis Michael Howard Paget, Gentleman, born Oct. 19, 1895; (s) George Howard Paget, Gentleman, born Feb. 4. 1897; (6) Patrick Everard Howard Paget, Gentle- man, born Nov. 21, 1903; Mary Frances Howard; Fanny Dfeiree Howard ; Hilda Beatrice Howard; Alice Catharine Howard ; and Charlotte Gabrielle Howard. Estate — The Elford Estate, near Tamworth, in the county of Stafford. Postal address — Elford Hall, Tamworth. THOMAS GUY FREDERICK PAGET, Gentleman. Bom July 29, 1886, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Guy Paget, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Leicester, by his wife Frances Edith Nugent, daughter of the late Thomas Nugent Vaughan. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a cross sable, fretty of the first, in the first and fotirth quarters an escallop of the Pag second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet tx^fitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for hit OlMt, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant sabl I collared or escutcheon the Motto, addresses — shire. resting the sinister forepaw on an antique argent, charged with an escallop sable ; with " Esp^re et pers<5v6re." Estates and posta Humberstone, I^icester; Ibstock, Leioest '"Hi S VICTOR FREDERICK WILLIAM AUGUSTUS PAGET, Esquire, Capt. R.A. Bom 1861, being the eldest son of the late Rt. Hon. Sir Augustus Berkeley Paget, G.C.B. , a Member of Her Majesty's Most Hon- ourable Privy Council, by his wife the Countess Walpurga Ehrengarde Helena, dau. of Count of the Empire de Hohenthal. Armorial bearings — Sable, on a cross en- g^iled between four eagles displayed argent, five lions passant guardant of the field. ManUing sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-heraldic tiger sable, maned, ducally gorged and tufted argent. Clubs— Bachelors', White's. WILLIAM HENRY PAGET, Esquire, Major-General (Retired List) Her Majesty's Indian Army. Born March 13, 1829, being the eldest son of Captain William Paget, commonly known as Lord William Paget, by his wife Fanny, daughter of General the Baron de Rothenburg. Club — Junior United Service. Livery — Blue, with yellow waistcoat, blue and yellow braid. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Sable, on a cross engrailed l^tween four eagles displayed argent, five lions passant guardant of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent; an" for his Cre^, up)on a wreath of the colours, a demi- heraldic tiger sable, maned, ducally gorged and tufted sable; with the Motto, "Per il suo contrario." Married, June 25, 1878, Rosalind Margaret, daughter of the late Peter Northall Laurie of Pax- Hill Park, in the county of Sussex ; and has Issue — Bertha Frances. Postal address— 129 Victoria Street, London. 91 S WILLIAM SMITH PAGET-TOMLINSON, Esquire, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), M.D. (Lond.), M.R.C.P. (Lond.). J. P. for the CO. of Westmorland (High Sheriff 1897, in which year he received the Jubilee Medal), D. L. 1900. Born Nov. 19, 1848, being the youngest son of Thomas Paget of Forton, near Lancaster, by Anne, youngest daughter of Henry Smith of Forton ; and assumed the additional surname and arms of Tomlinson by Royal Licence, Feb. 7, 1890, on succeeding to the estates of Elizabeth Tomlinson of Kirkby Lonsdale. Livery — Dark blue, with red piping. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, per pale nebuly argent and vert, a tilting-sp>ear fesseways between two greyhounds current counterchanged, a chief azure, thereon a greyhound current of the first (for Tomlin- son) ; 2 and 3 quarterly sable and azure, on a cross or bc- is tbe Military Cockade. pafe pafe 1047 tween four eagles displayed argent, a cross engrailed of the first, thereon an heraldic tiger's head erased between four lions passant of the third. Mantling vert and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a man wreathed about the waist with oak, supporting in the dexter hand a tilting- spear, and resting the sinister hand upon an escutcheon per pale nebuly argent and vert, charged with a greyhound current counterchanged (for Tomlinson) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, between two wings gules, a demi-heraldic tiger sable, holding in the mouth a lion's gamb or (for Paget). Motto — "Vincit Veritas." Married, Aug. 12, 1874, Mar- garet Elizabeth, second dau. of J. Llewellyn Price of Stan- dish, Lancashire; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Rothwell Paget-Tomlinson, Esq., B.A. Trinity Hall, Camb. , Capt. West of Scotland Artill. Mil., b. May 12, 1875 '< (2) William Guy Paget-Tomlinson, Gentleman, B.A. (Trin. Hall, Camb.), Lieut. 7th Hussars, b. July i, 1877; (3) Edward Edmondson Paget-Tomlinson, Gentleman, B.A. , b. April 26, 1882 ; and Alice Mabel. EUates in Westmorland, Lancashire, and Yorkshire. Postal address — The Biggins, Kirkby Lonsdale. PAKENHAM, quartered by CONOLLY. GUSTAVUS CONOLLY PAKENHAM, Gentleman. Born Oct. 27, 1856, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late George l3ent Pakenham, Esq., Capt. 4th Bengal Lancers, by his second wife Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. Robert Hume. Armorial bearings -Quarterly, i. quarterly or and gules, in the first quarter an eagle displayed vert, and as an honourable augmentation, on a chief the sea, and on the stern of an antique ship riding thereon Britannia standing, Victory alighting on the prow and placing a wreath of laurel on Britannia's head all proper, being the device, on the medal emblematic of the glorious sea-fight of June r, 1794, wherein Capt. the Hon. Thomas Pakenham commanded H.M.S. " Invincible," 74 guns, and captured " Le Juste," 80 guns, one of the enemy's ships (for Pakenham) ; 2. argent, on a bend indented sable, cotised azure, three fleurs-de-lis of the field each cotise charged with three bezants (for Cuff) ; 3. ermine, a griffin segreant azure (for Aungier) ; 4. per bend crenelle argent and gules (for Boyle). Mantling gules and or. Crest Out of a mural crown or, a demi-eagle displayed gules, beaked of the first. Motto " Gloria virtutis umbra." Married, Nov. 14, 1889, Ella Compton, only dau. of Wil- liam George Bayne of Japan : and has Issue — {1) Compton Thomas Pakenham, Gentleman, b. 1893: (2) Hercules Ivo Pakenham, Gentleman, b. 1897 ; Cynthia Hume Bernard; and Hermione Bayne. Residence - Kobe, Japan. HERCULES ARTHUR PAKENHAM, Esquire, Capt. Grenadier Guards (retired), sometime A.D.C. to the Governor-Gen. of India. Born Feb. 17, 1863, being the elder son of Lieut. -Gen. Thomas Henry Pakenham, by his wife Elizabeth Staples, eldest dau. of William Clarke, New- York. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i. quarterly or and gules, in the first quarter an eagle displayed vert (for Pakenham) ; 2. argent, on a bend indented sable, cotised azure, three fleurs-de-lis of the field, each cotise charged with three bezants (for Cuff) ; 3. ermine, a griffin segreant azure (for Aungier) ; 4. per bend crenelle argent and gules (for Boyle), and impaling the arms of Ashley, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent, three bulls passant sable (for Ashley) ; 2 and 3, gules, a bend engrailed between six lions rampant or (for Cooper). Mantling gules and or. Crest Out of a mural crown or, a demi-eagle displayed gules. Motto -"Gloria virtutis umbra." Married, Nov. 16, 1891, Lilian Blanche Georgiana, dau. of Rt. Hon. Anthony Evelyn Melbourne Ashley, P.C. Residence — JOHN RICHARD ARTHUR PAKENHAM, Gentle- man. Born 1870, being the only son of the late John Augustus Pakenham, Esq., V.C., Lieut. -Col. Coldstream Guards, by his wife Ida Charlotte, dau. of Edwyn Burnaby of Baggrave Hall, co. Leicester. Armorial bearings - Quarterly i. quarterly or and gules, in the first quarter an eagle displayed vert (for Pakenham) ; 2. argent, on a bend indented sable, cotised azure, three fleurs-de-lis of the field each cotise charged with three bezants (for Cuff) ; 3. ermine, a griffin segreant azure (for Aungier) ; 4. per bend crenelle argent and gules (for Boyle). Mantling gules and or. Crest — Out of a mural crown or, a demi-eagle dis- played gules. Motto— " Gloria virtutis umbra." Residence — THOMAS HENRY PAKENHAM, Esquire, Lieut.-Gen. (Retired) Colonel East Lancashire Regt. , formerly M.P. CO. Antrim. Born 1826, being the third son of the late Sir Hercules Robert Pakenham, K.C.B., Lieut.-Gen. in the Army, by his wife Emily, fourth dau. of Rt. Hon. Thomas (Stapleton) Lord le Despencer. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly i. quarterly or and gules, in the first quarter, an eagle displayed vert (for Pakenham) ; 2. argent, on a bend indented sable, cotised azure, three fleurs-de-lis of the field, each cotise charged with three bezants (for Cuff) ; 3. ermine, a griffin segreant azure (for Aungier) ; 4. per bend crenelle argent and gules (for Boyle). Mantling gules and or. Crest — Out of a mural crown or, a demi- eagle displayed gules. Motto — " Gloria virtutis umbra." Married, Feb. 25, 1862, Elizabeth Staples, eldest dau. of William Clarke, New York; and has Issue — (i) Hercules Arthur Pakenham, Esq. (to whom refer) ; (2) Harry Francis Pakenham, Esq., A.D.C, Capt. King's Royal Rifle Corps, b. Nov. 6, 1864. Residence — Langford Lodge, Crumlin, CO. Antrim. Clubs — Army and Navy, Carlton. WILLIAM LAW PAKENHAM, Gentleman. Born May 4, 1869, being the eldest son of Wellington Montagu Pakenham, Gentleman, by his wife Sophia Julia, youngest dau. of George Rust of Cromwell House, Huntingdon. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly i. quarterly or and gules, in the first quarter an eagle displayed vert, and as an honour- able augmentation, on a chief the sea, and on the stern of an antique ship riding thereon Britannia standing. Victory alighting on the prow, and placing a wreath of laurel on Britannia's head all proper, being the device on the medal emblematic of the glorious sea-fight of June i, 1794, wherein Capt. the Hon. Thomas Pakenham commanded H.M.S. " Invincible," 74 guns, and captured " Le Juste," 80 guns, one of the enemy's ships (for Pakenham) ; 2. argent, on a bend indented sable, cotised azure, three fleurs-de-lis of the field, each cotise charged with three bezants (for Cuff) ; 3. ermine, a griffin segreant azure (Aungier) ; 4. per bend crenelle argent and gules (for Boyle). Mantling gules and or. Crest — Out of a mural crown or, a demi-eagle dis- played gules, beaked of the first. Mot'to — "Gloria virtutis umbra." Married, Feb. i, 1894, Ada Mary, dau. of J. B. PhiUips of Llanelly; and has Issue — (i) George Robin Montagu Pakenham, Gentleman, b. Jan. 18, 1895; (2) John Walter Beavan Pakenham, Gentleman, b. Nov. 24, 1898 ; and Emma Joyce. Residence — The Gables, Mouls- ham, Chelmsford. § HENRY PAKENHAM-MAHON, Esq., D.L. co. Roscommon, late Capt. Scots Guards, High Sheriff" 1895. Born July 13, 1851, being the only son of the late Henry Sandford Pakenham-Mahon, Esq., of Strokestown House, CO. Roscommon, J. P. and D. L. , High Sheriff" 1850, [eldest son of Hon. and Very Rev. Henry Pakenham, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin (fifth son of 2nd Baron Longford), by his wife Eliza Catherine, sister and co-heir of Henry, second Baron Mount Sandford (ext.), through whom he succeeded to the Mount Sandford estates in cos. W'estmeath and Roscommon], formerly in the 8th Hussars (who as- sumed by Royal License the additional surname and arms of Mahon)], by iiis wife Grace Catherine of Strokestown House, CO. Roscommon [only dau. and heir of Major Denis Mahon (who s. to the estate of Maurice, last Lord Hartland, in 1845), by his wife Henrietta, eldest dau. of Rt. Rev. Henry Bathurst, Bishop of Norwich]. Clubs — Carlton, Guards', Kildare St. (Dublin). Armorial bearings— Quarterly, i and 8 grand quarters, quarterly i. and iiii. or, a lion rampant azure, armed and langued gules (for Mahon) ; ii. and iii. quarterly or and gules, in first quarter an eagle displayed vert (for Pakenham) ; 2. Paken- ham, as in grand quarters ; 3. per chevron or and ermine, in chief two boars' heads erased sable (for Mountsandford) ; 4. argent, on a bend indented sable, cotised azure, three fleurs-de-lis of the field, each cotise charged with three tezants (for CufQ ; 5. ermine, a griffin segreant azure (for Aungier) ; 6. per bend crenelle argent and gules (for Boyle) ; 7. Mahon, as in grand quarters ; and impaling the arms of Burrard, namely azure, a lion passant between two estoiles in chief and a cross crosslet fitch^e in base argent, on a chief or, two lions rampant respecting each other, supporting a sini- ster hand couped gules. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an heraldic tiger statant, holding in the dexter paw a broken tilting-lance all proper (for Mahon) ; 2. out of a mural crown or, a demi- is tbe Naval Cockade. 1048 pal Pal e*cle displayed gules (for I'akenhntn). Motto — "Gloria virtulis iimlirn." Married, jnn. 13, 1890, May, only dau. of I Jeul -CoL Sidney iiurrard, late urenadier Guards (second son of Sir George Burrard, fourth Bart.); and has Issue — Olive. Residences — 35 St. George's Road, London, S.W. ; and Strokestown, co. Roscommon, Ireland. GEORGE ARTHUR PALEY, Esquire, J.P.. B.A. Cambs. Bom Nov. 14, 1874, being the only son of the late John Paley, Esq., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1889 and 1890, by his wife Hon. Clara Emily Charlotte Strutt, only dau. of the and Lord Rayleigh. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearings — Gules, a bend vaire, double cotiscd or, between eight crosses crosslet of the last. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a stag's head couped proper, a cross crosslet or. Motto — "Cervus non servus." Married, Feb. 22, 1900, Frances Mary, dau. of Percy Bernard, Esq., J. P., D. L. co. Galway. 5M/i— Ampton Hall, near Bury St. Edmunds; and Lang- cliffe, near Settle, Yorks. Club — Wellington. WILLIAM VICTOR PALEY. Gentleman. Bom Nov. 21, 1840, being the third son of the late Rev. George Barber Paley of Lan<,'cliffe, Fellow of St. Peter's Coll. Camb., M.A., B.U., Rector of Frockenham, co. Suffolk, from 1835 till his death. Rural Dean, J. P., bv his .xife Catharine Ann, dau. of William Rol)ertson of Bath, M.D. Armorial bearings — Gules, a bend vaire, double cotised or, between eight crosses crosslet of the last. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a stag's head couped proper, a cross crosslet or. Motto — "Cervus non servus." Married, July 27, 1869, Augusta Harriet, dau. of Rev. Evan Nepean, Canon of Westminster, and Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen ; and has Issue — George Paley, Gentleman. Lieut. Rifle Brigade, b. Jan 27, 1872; and lone Catherine Victoria. Residence — Rev. FRANCIS MILNES TEMPLE PALGRAVE. Born 1865, being the eldest son of Francis Turner Palgrave, Esq., M.A., by his wife Cecil Grenville Milnes, eldest dau. of the late James Milnes Gaskell, Esq., of Thornes House, Wakefield, and of Wenlock Abbey, many years Member of Parliament for Much Wenlock. Armorial bearlngrs — Per pale azure and gules, a lion rampant argent, on a canton or, an escarbuncle of the second. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, between two branches of pKilm proper, a leopard's head affront^e erased argent, charged on the neck with an escarbuncle sable. Motto — " I^udans invocabo Dominum." 5m/— Little Park, Lyme Regis, in the county of Dorset. Thk Latk THOMAS PALCJRAVE, Ksquirc, J.P. Ar- morial bearings — Azure, a lion ramnani guardant between two crescents in fessi- argent. Mantling azure anil argent Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a leoptird's head affront<5c erased argent, gorged with a collar gcmmel azure, a crescent also azure. 5m/— Bryn-y-gynog. Llan- saintffraid, Denbigh. GOHILSHRI MANSINGHJI SURSINGHJI THA- KORE, SAHIB OF PALITANA, in the Empire of India a Ruling Chief, Knight Commander of the Most I'.xalied Order of the Star of India (1896). Born 1862, l)eing the eldest son of the late Thakore Sahib Sursinghji, Thakore of Palitana. at whose death, Nov. 24, 1885, he succe<'ded to the Gadi ; is a descendant of Gohel Shahjee. who founded the (iadi of Palitana, a state in Kathiawar. Educated privately, and possesses one of the largest collections of highbred horses in Western India, author of religious poems, and a warm patron of literature. Armorial beaitogi— Azure, a trident in pale or, surmounted in the fesse point by a crescent argent l)etwecn two Indian swords of the second, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon and pendent the badge of a K.C.S. I. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a horse's head couped sable, charged with an Eastern crown or, an Indian sword as in the arms fesseways point to the dexter. Motto—" Magna est Veritas et prevalebit." Salute— 9 guns. Married, firstly, 1879, a dau. of the Prince of Bansda; secondly, 1887, a Royal lady of the house of Wankaner ; and thirdly, 1898 ; and has Issue — a son, Kumarshri Baha- doorsinghji, b. 1900; and a dau., Bashri Hureebasaheh. Residence — The Durljar Palace, Palitana, Kathiawar, Bombay. The Right Hon. CHRISTOPHER PALLES, B.A LL.D. (Trin. Coll., Dublin), Q.C., a Bencher of Kiny Inns, Dublin, J.P. forco. Meath ; was Sol. -Gen. for Ireland Feb. -Nov. 1872, Attorney-General 1872-1874; appointed Lord Chief Baron of Court of Exchequer, Ireland, 1874; sworn of the Privy Council (England) 1892. Born 1831, being the third son of the late Andrew Christopher PaUes of Little Mount Palles, by Eleanor his wife, eldest dau. of the late Matthew James Plunkett of St. Margaret's, co. Dublin. C/«^— University (Dublin). Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure three liendlets raguly argent, on a fesse gules a cross pat^e fitchde, between two annulets or (for Palles) ; 2, ermine, two bars gules, an annulet for difference (Nugent) ; 3, azure, a gryphon segreant or (Read). Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Up>on a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant azure, bezant^e, holding Ixitween hi' paws a cross patle fitch^e or. Motto — " Deo duce comit is tbe Military Cockade. Pal Pal [049 fortuna." Married, 1862, Ellen (who died 1885), only dau. of Denis Doyle of Dublin ; and has Issue — Christopher Palles, Gentleman, (5. 1863. Postal addresses — Mountanville House, Dundruin, Dublin. PALLES (U.O. ). Quarterly, i and 4, azure, three bend- lets raguly argent, on a fesse gules a cross pat^e fitch^e between two annulets or (Palles) ; 2, ermine, two bars gules, an annulet for difference (Nugent); 3. azure; a gryphon segreant or ( Read). Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant azure, bezantee, hold- ing between his paws a cross pat6e fitch^e or. Motto — " Deo duce comitante fortuna." Son of Andrew Palles, Esq., J. P. co. Cavan, B.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), b. 1829; d. ; m. 1853, Jane, d. of Joseph Bruce of Kingston, Canada West : — Andrew Palles, Gentleman, b. 1864. Res. — PALMER, see WADE-PALMER. PALMER of Reading. Per saltire azure and gules, two palmer's staves in saltire between four escallops or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, in front of a palm-tree proper, three escallops fesscways or. Motto — "Per crucem ad pal- mam." Sons of late George Palmer, Esq. , J. P. , of Marlston and Reading, M.P. for Reading 1878-85, b. 1818 ; d. 1897; m. Sarah Elizabeth, d. of Robert Meteyard of Basing- stoke : — George William Palmer, Esq., M.P. {q.v.). Alfred Palmer, Esq., J. P., b. 1852; m. Alice, d. of late William Exall, Esq., J. P., of Reading; and has issue. Seat — Wokefield Park, Berks. Club — Royal Thames Yacht. Sir Walter Palmer, Bart. (1904), J. P. and D.L. Berk- shire, M.P. Salisbury since 1900, b. 1858; w. , Jean, d. of W. Y. Craig of Alsager, Cheshire ; and has issue. Seat — Frognal, Sunninghill, Berks. Town res. — 50 Grosvenor Square, W. Lewis Palmer, Esq., J. P., Notts, Barrister-at-Law (Inner Temple), b. i860; m. , Emily, widow of B. Foster ; and has issue. Town res. — i Green Street, Gros- venor Square, S.W. C///*j— Hurlingham , Ranelagh. Sons of late Samuel Palmer of Northcourt, Hamp- stead, b. 1820; d. 1903; m. Mary Jane, d. of late Joseph Marsh of Croydon : — Samuel Ernest Palmer Esq., J. P. co. London, one of H.M.'s Lts. for the City of London, b. 1858; m. 1881, Amy, only d. of late Alderman George Swan Nottage, Lord Mayor of London 1884-5 '< ^""^ bas issue. J?es. — 10 Grosvener Crescent, S.W. Club — Junior Carlton. Charles Herbert Palmer, Gentleman, b. i860; m. Ethel, d. of Henry J. Turner of Stockleigh House, Regent's Park ; and has issue. Res. — 62 Porchester Terrace, W. Club — Reform. William Howard Palmer, Esq., J. P. Berks (High Sheriff 1903-4), b. 1865 ; */i. Ada Morgan, d. of W. Reed of Onslow Gardens, S. Kensington ; and has issue. Seal — Heath- lands, Wokingham, Berks. Town res. — 22 Down Street, Piccadilly, W. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Windham. Albert John Palmer, Gentleman, Lieut. Roy. Glos. Hussars (Imp. Yeo.), m. Catherine, d. of late Col. Hugh Chetham Lyle. Seat — Fairford Park, Glos. Clubs — Boodle's, Cavalry. PALMER (U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4, azure, on a fesse between three palmers' scrips or, two palm-branches in saltire proper (Palmer) ; 2 and 3, or, a lion rampant gules, ducally gorged of the first (Colley). Mantling azure and or. Crest—On a wreath of the colours, an arm in armour embowed proper, garnished or, the hand grasping a spear also proper. Motto — ' ' Honor virtutis praemium." Livery — claret. Sons of William Lambe Palmer of Rahan, b. ; d. 1849 ; m. 1841, Elizabeth Emily Anne, d. of Col. James Nugent of Clonlost, co. Westmeath : — Charles Colley Palmer, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Kildare (High Sheriff 1875), ^- ''845 ; in. 1866, May Jane, only d. of Francis Longworth Dames, Esq., D.L., of Greenhill, King's Co. ; and hassurv. issue — (i) Dudley Colley Palmer, Esq., late Capt. 4th Batt. Leinster Regt., b. 1868 {m. 1896, Constance M. A., d. of late Charles Florence Young of Cranley Gardens, S.W. ; and has issue — (1) Charles Dudley Palmer, Gentleman, b. 1897]; (2) Charles Nugent Palmer, Gentleman, b. 1870 ; and Mabel Elizabeth \jn. 1896, Thomas Mansel Longworth Dames]. Seats — Rahan, Edenderry, co. Kildare; Clonlost, Killucan, co. Westmeath. a«3— Kildare Street (Dublin). Hamilton William Palmer, Esq., J. P. Queen's Co., for- merly loth Regt., b. 1846; m. 1877, Henrietta Frances, d. of Robert Smyth, Esq., D.L. , of Gaybrook, and widow of Capt. George Macartney of Lissanoure Castle, co. Antrim. Res. — Farmleigh, Abbeyleix, Ireland. SSiR CHARLES MARK PALMER, first Baronet, of Grinkle Park, Easington, in the North Riding of the county of York, Member of Parliament for the Jarrow Division of the county of Durham, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for that county, and for the North Riding of the county of York. Born November 3, 1822, being the son of the late George Palmer of Newcastle-on- Tyne, by his wife Maria, daughter of Thomas Taylor of Hill House, Monkwearmouth. Creation — August 31, 1886. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, on a chevron between three crescents in chief and a lion passant in base argent, two tilting-spears chevronways proper. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a tilting-spear erect proper, a wyvern or, resting the dexter foot on a crescent argent. MottO — " Par sit fortuna labori." Married, firstly, July 29, 1846, Jane, daughter of Ebenezer Robson of New- castle ; and by her (who died April 6, 1865) has Issue — (i) George Robson Palmer, Esquire, born January 5, 1849 ; (2) Charles Palmer, Esquire, born March 23, 1850 ; (3) Alfred Molyneux Palmer, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, born June 3. 1853 [married, March 31, 1884, Edith Ellen, daughter of Frederick George Younge of London, and has issue, Frederick Charles Palmer, Gentleman, born December 3, 1884 ; PhylUs Adela ; and Evelyn May]. He married secondly, July 4, 1867, Augusta Mary, daughter of Alfred Lambert of Paris, and by her (who died December 2, 1875) has — (4) Claude Bowes Palmer, Esquire, born March 29, 1868 ; (5) Lionel Hugo Palmer, Esquire, late Lieutenant 3rd Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment, born October 22, 1870. He married thirdly, February 17, 1877, Gertrude, daughter of James Montgomery, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant of Cranford, in the county of Middlesex, and by her has — (6) Godfrey Mark Palmer, Esquire, born August 4, 1878 ; and Hilda Gertrude Montgomery. Resi- dences — 37 Curzon Street, W. ; Grinkle Park, Loftus, R.S.O., Yorks. The Rev. CHARLES SAMUEL PALMER, Canon of Hereford, Rector of Eardisley, co. Hereford, Rural is tlie Naval Cockade. 1050 pal pal Dean, and Proctor in Convucalion. Borm May 39, 1830, being the fifth son of the late Rev. Henry Palmer of Withcole Hall, by his wife Kli/atjcth. dau. of the Rev. Sitiiiuol Hcyrick. Armoxiai bearlngB Sable, a chevron or, between three crcsct-nts argent. MantUnsf sable and or. Orett— On a wreath of the colours, a w^vern or, armed and langucd gules. Motto — "Par sit fortuna hilKiri." Married, Nov. 16, 1854, Ellen, dau. of Rev. Canon DougLis of Durham ; and has had Issue — (i) Henry William Palmer, Gentleman, b. Sept. 18, 1856. d. July 31, 1858; Mabel Jane [m., 1881, Richard Crawshay Bailey]; and M.irgaret Eleanor [m., 1891, Charles Christie of Chipping Ongar, Essex]. Postal ant argent (for Hutchin- son) ; a and 3 sable, a stag's head caboshed between two Haunches argent, in the centre chief point a mullet or (for Parker). M»T't^i"g ' gules and or. Oretts— i. out of a ducai coronet or, a cockatrice, wings endorsed proper (for Hutchinswn) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, a stag salient Sropor, charged with a mullet as in the arms (for Parker), [otto — " Fideli ceria merces." Livery — Dark green, yellow facings. Married, 30 Sept. 1903, Mary Elinor, d. of Capt. j. Hill Poe, J. P. Seats — Timoney Park, near Koscrea, Tipperary ; Cardtown, Montrath, Queen's Co. JOHN BERNARD PARKES-BUCHANAN, Gentle- man, Heir-male of Buchanan of Ardoch, Heir-of-line of Buchanan of Ibert, elder brother and co-heir of the great Master George Buchanan, Keeper Privy Seal of Scotland (1571-1578), scholar and historian. Bom June 10, 1869, being the only son of the late Thomas John Buchanan of Ardoch, Lieutenant 52nd Light Infantry, by his wife Janet D'Albedhyl, eldest daughter of Lieutenant- Colonel John Money Carter, 1st Royal Scots [by his wife, a dau. of the 8th Lord Elibank] ; and assumed the addi- tional surname of Parkes in 1869. Cluh — Union. Livery —Blue and gold. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, a lion rampant sable, in dexter forepaw a dagger proper, within the Royal tressure of the second, all withm a bordure invecked gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of his liveries, two hands grasping a two-handed sword proper. Mottoes — " Clariora sequor," "Prosecute or pensh. " Married, April 21, 1896, Hilda, dau. of Colonel Richmond Irvine Crawford, CLE., Indian Staff Corps; and has Issue — Maurice John Parkes- Buchanan, b. Mar. 6, 1897. Postal address — Union Club, S.W. JOHN S. PARKIN, Gentleman. Bom , being the ion of the Rev. John Parkin of Halton Vicarage, Hastings, an eagle displayed sable, charged on the breast with a cross pat^ fiich^e or, two Haunches of the second, each charged with as many billets paleways of the third. Mant- ling sable and argent. Crest- On a wreatli of the colours, an eagle displayed >>al>le, holding in each claw a cross pat6c fitchte or, and charged on each wing with a billet also or. Motto — " Honesta audax." Postal address — 11 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. THOMAS PARKIN, Esquire, J. P. for Sussex, M.A. (Camb.), F.R.G.S., F.R.H.S. Bom Feb. 3, 184^, being the second son of the Rev. John Parkin of Halton Vicarage, Hastings, and Seaton, in the co. of Cumberland, by l-2milia Elizabeth his m ife, dau. of Thomas Sharp. Armorial bear- ings — Argent, an eagle displayed sable, charged on the and Seaton, in the co. of Cumberland, by his wife Eliza- beth, dau. of I'horoas Sharp. Armorial bearings— Argent , breast with a cross pat^e fitch^e or, two flaunches of the] second, each charged with as many billets paleways of the j third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting] his degree, with a mantling sable and argent; and for a] Crest, on a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed sable, f holding in each claw a cross patte fitch^e or, and charged j on each wing with a billet also or ; with the Motto, " Hon- esta audax." Estates — The Tarns, Holme St. Cuthbert, in] the county of Cumberland. Postal address — Fairseat, High j Wickham, Hastings. Clubs — East Sussex (St. Leonards-] on-Sea) ; and Lewesand County (Sussex). S WILLIAM PARKIN-MOORE, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. for Cumberland, High Sheriff 1899; was autho- rised by Royal Licence to continue to bear the arms of Moore and Parkin quarterly. Bom July 12, 1865, being the eldest son of William Parkin of Blaithwaite, Cumber- land, by his wife Margaret, only fiau. of Jos. Barnes. Livery — Light fawn with black facings. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly i and 4, ermine, on a chevron between three moorcocks sable, an escallop between two cross cross- lets argent (for Moore) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a pile sable, between two fir cones erect, slipped and leaved in base proper, an eagle displayed of the field, each wing charged with a cross crosslet of the second (for Parkin). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a Moor's head couped at the shoulders in profile proper, wreathed round the temples or and gules, and suspended from the neck by a double chain gold, an escocheon ^ is the Military Cockade. pat pat 1055 argent, charged with a cross crosslet sable (for Moore) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a fir cone as in the arms, between two wings sable. Motto — " Aut nun- qiiam tentcs aut perfice. " Married, Sept. 12, 1888, Lucy Josephine Cranage (who died Aug. i, 1903), dau. of the late J. E. Cranage, Ph.D., of the Old Hall, Wellington, Salop; and has Issue — George Parkin-Moore, Gentleman, b. June 20, 1903 ; Lucy Agnes; and Eleanor. Seat — White- hall, Mealsgate, Carlisle. S ROBERT JOHN HINMAN PARKINSON, M.A., B. L.C., J. P. for the Parts of Lindsay, co. Lincoln, and D.L. for that co. Born Jan. 8, 1844, being the eldest son of the late Rev. John Posthumous Parkinson, M.A., Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, D.C.L. , F.S.A. (who assumed the name of Parkinson by Royal Sign-Manual on his marriage), by his wife Mary Gilliat, only dau. and heir of Rev. John Parkinson, D. D. Armorial bearingfs — Gules, on a chevron engrailed between three ostrich feathers erect argent, a fleur-de-lis azure between two pellets. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — ^On a wreath of the colours, an antelope trippant proper, in the mouth two ostrich feathers argent. Married, Oct. 17, 1867, Frances, eldest dau. of James Thompson, Esq., of Workington, Cumberland. Seats — East Ravendale, Great Grimsby, co. Lincoln; AUarby, Mablethorpe. WILLIAM HENRY PARKINSON, Gentleman. Bom Jan. 13, 1845, being the son of the late Rev. John Posthu- mous Parkinson, M.A., Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, was Junior Proctor 1841, D.C.L. 1845, and became F.S.A. shortly before his death; assumed the name of Parkinson by Royal Sign-Manual on his marriage, by his wife Mary Gilliat, only dau. and heir of Rev. John Parkin- son, D.D. Armorial bearings— Gules, on a chevron engrailed between three ostrich feathers erect argent, a fleur-de-lis azure between two pellets. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an ante- lope trippant proper, in the mouth two ostrich feathers argent. Married, August 31, 1876, Marion Codd ; and has Issiie — (i) John Wilson Henry Parkinson, Gentleman, b. July 13, 1877; (2) William Gilliat Parkinson, Gentle- man, b. Dec. 27, 1881 ; Mary; and Ellen Christease. Residence — JAMES PARLANE, Esq. , of Craigdhu, Wigtownshire, J. P. for Manchester and for co. Wigtown. Bom 1833, being the only surviving son of the late John Parlane, Esq., of Manchester and Buenos Ayres. Armorial bearings — Per fesse argent and or, a saltire raguly gules, gutt^e-d'eau, between in chief and in base a rose of the third, barbed and seeded proper, and on either side a hedgehog passant, also proper. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, out of a rock a demi-savage affront^e proper, holding in the dexter hand three arrows (two in saltire and one in pale) points upwards or, headed and feathered argent, and in the sinister hand a rose as in the arms, slipped and leaved proper. Motto — "This I'll defend." Married, June 25, 1863, Margaret Carrick, dau. of William Thorburn of Manchester; and has Issue— {1) John Parlane, Gentleman, b. Sept. i, 1867; (2) \\ illiam Parlane, Gentleman, b. Aug. 20, 1870; Mary \m. R. P. Goldschmidt of Manchester], Jane, and Margaret. Seats — Appleby Lodge, Rusholme, Manchester ; Craigdhu, co. Wigtown. JOHN PARLANE, Gentleman. Born Sept. i, i867t being the eldest son of the late James Parlane, Esq., J.P, for Wigtown and for Manchester, by his wife Margare. Carrick, dau. of William Thornburn of Manchester. Ar- morial bearings — Per fesse argent and or, a saltire raguly gules, gutt^e-d'eau, between in chief and in base a rose of the third, barbed and seeded proper, and on either side a hedgehog passant, also proper. Mantling gules and ar- gent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-savage affrontte proper, holding in the dexter hand three arrows (two in saltire and one in pale) points upwards or, headed and feathered argent, and in the sinister hand a rose as in the arms. Motto — "This I'll defend." Seats — Appleby Lodge, Rusliolme, Manchester ; Craigdhu, co. Wigtown. CECIL FRANCIS PARR, Esquire, J.P. for Cheshire. Born 1847, being the sixth surviving son of the late Thomas Parr, Esq., J.P. for the co. of Chester, by his second wife Alicia, dau. of Philip Charlton of Wytheford Hall. Salop. Armorial bearing^ — Argent, between two bars sable, as many roses paleways gules, barbed and seeded proper, within a bordure engrailed of the second, charged with five bezants, and as many pear-leaves alternately or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a maiden's head proper, an escallop or, between two bezants. Motto — " Faire sans dire." Married, 1882, Amy Ursula, dau. of Rt. Hon. Robert, seventh Baron Dimsdale ; and has Issue — Raymond Cecil Parr, Gentleman, b. 1884. Postal address — Kimpton Grange, Welwyn, Herts. Club — Windham. HENRY BINGHAM PARR, Gentleman. Born , being the son of the late Thomas Parr, Esq. , J. P. and D.L. for CO. of Chester, by his second wife Alicia, dau. of Philip Charlton of Wytheford Hall, Salop. Armorial bearings — Argent, between two bars sable, as many roses paleways gules, barbed and seeded proper, within a bordure engrailed of the second, charged with five bezants, and as many pear- leaves alternately or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a maiden's head proper, an escallop or, between two bezants. Motto — "Faire sans dire." Postal address — 27 Rodney Street, Liverpool. JOSEPH CHARLTON PARR, Esq., J.P. co. Chester, and J.P. and D.L. co. Hereford. Bo7~n June 2, 1837, being the third but eldest surviving son of the late Thomas Parr, Esq. , J. P. and D. L. for co. of Chester, by his second wife Alicia, dau. of Philip Charlton of Wytheford Hall, Salop. Clubs — Carlton, Junior Carlton, Constitutional. Armorial bearings — Argent, between two bars sable, as many roses paleways gules, barbed and seeded proper, within a bordure engrailed of the second, charged with five bezants, and as many pear-leaves alternately or, and impaling the arms of Lister- Kaye, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent, two bendlets sable (for Kaye) ; 2 and 3 ermine, on a fesse sable, three mullets or (for Lister), the impalement within a bordure wavy azure. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a maiden's head proper, an escallop or, between two bezants. Motto — " Faire sans dire." Married, Feb. 6, 1872, Jessie Maria, eldest dau. of Col. George Lister- Kaye, 5th West York Militia, formerly loth Royal Hussars ; and has Issue — Roger Charlton Parr, Gentleman, b. Nov. 3, 1874 ; Katherine Agnes \m.. 1903, is the Naval Cockade. ios6 par par Sir H. Archer Croft. Bart.l; ElJinor Jessie ; and Margare Alicia. i:M/j— Grappenhall Hcyes, Warrington ; Staunton Park, Staunton-on-Arrow, Herefordshire; Ashton Heyes, Chester. RAYMOND WILLIAM PARR, Esquire, late Capt. 7Sth Regt. of Foot. Bom 1843, being the fourth son of the late Thomas Parr, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for co. of Chester, by his second wile Alicia, dau. of Philip Charlton of Wythe- ford Hall, Salop. C/«*— Naval and Military. Armorial bearings — Argent, between two bars sable, as many roses paleways gules, barbed and seeded proper, within a bordure engrailed of the second, charged with five bezants, and as many pear-leaves alternately or, and impaling the arms of Plunkett, namely sable, a bend, and in the sinister chief a tower argent. Married, 1881, Hon. Constance Lavinia Harriet Plunkett, dau. of the Rt. Hon. the sixteenth Baron Dunsany ; and has Issue — (i) Lionel Edward Parr, Gentle- man, b. 1882; (2) Bertram Chambre Parr, Gentleman, b. 1884; and Violet Mary. Residence — 71 Chester Square, S.W. PARRY, see WEBLEY-PARRY-PRYSE and JONES- PARRY. The Reverend HENRY DIGBY PA. RY-MIT- CHELL. Armorial bearings- Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erased azure, holding a fret or, between two wings erminois, each charged with an anchor erect of the first (for Mitchell) ; a. on a wreath of the colours, a stag's head couped proper, gorged with a chain gold, suspended therefrom resting upon the wreath an escutcheon azure, charged with a lozenge argent, and between the attires a lozenge or (for Parry). Motto—" Frapf)ez avec raison." Postal address — Merevale Parsonage, Atherstone, Warwickshire. BERNARD WILLIAM PARSONS, Gentleman. Ar- morial bearings — Per pale gules and sable, four chevronels ermine, between two eagles displayed in chief and a leo- pard's face in base or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount proper, an eagle's leg erased or, between two oak-leaves slipped and erect vert. Motto — "Aude et prevalaebis. " Residence — The Wrays, Horley, Surrey. EDWARD PARTINGTON, Esquire, J. P. co. of Derby, Mayor of Glossop 1903-4. Armorial bearings — Sable, on a bend nebuly, between four mullets of six fwints, two in chief and as many in base argent, three Cornish choughs proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Uf)on a wreath of the colours, out of the liattlements of a tower 1 goat's head proper, charged on the neck with a mullet of six points, and between two escallops sable. Married Sarah Alcock of bury, Lanes. ; and hcu Issue— (\) Heiljeri Partington, Es(]., J. P., b. 1868; (a) Oswald Partington, Esq., M.P.. b. 1870; Alice [m. R. B. Sidebottom, M.R.C.S.. L.R.C.P.]; Beatrice [m. C. E. KnowJes]; and Lillie [m. R. B, Ward]. Residences — Easton, Glossop, co. Derby ; Westwood Park, Droitwich, Worcestershire. PARTRICK. quartered by LANE. GEORGE ANTHONY PARTRIDGE, Gentleman. Bom Feb. 5, 1825, being the seventh but only surviving son of the late Henry Samuel Partridge, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for CO. Norfolk, Captain East Norfolk Militia, by his wife Mary Frances, only dau. of the Ven. Luke Heslop, D. D., Fellow of Corpus Christ! College, Cambridge, Archdeacon of Buckingham. Armorial bearings Gules, on a fesse cotised or, between three partridges with wings displayed of the last, as many torteaux. Mantling gules and or. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, a partridge with wings displayed or. Motto -"Dum spiro sjiero." Married, Jan. 22, 1851, Sarah Anne, only dau. of Rev. W. H. Hol- worihy. Rector of Biickling and Erpingham, co. Norfolk. Residence — Bury St. Edmunds, co. Suffolk. HENRY THOMAS PARTRIDGE, Esquire, J. P. for CO. Norfolk. Bom Feb. 12, 1837, being the elder son of the late Henry Champion Partridge, Esq., M.A. (Brasenose Coll., Oxon.), Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple, j.P. and D.L., Chairman of Quarter Sessions for co. Norfolk, by his wife Etheldred Frances, eldest dau. of Lieut. -Gen. Thomas Birch-Reynardson of Holywell Hall, co. Lines. Livery - Dark blue with pink facings. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a fesse cotised or, between three partridges with wings displayed of the last, as many torteaux. Mant- ling gules and or. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a partridge with wings displayed or. Motto—" Dum spiro spero." Married, June 14, 1868, Gertrude Emily, only dau. of the Ven. Richard Kempthorne, Archdeacon of St. Helena, Rector of Elton, co. Huntingdon ; and has Issue — Henry Ralph Champion Partridge, Gentleman, b. March 29, 1873 ; Etheldred Gertrude ; and Eleanor Dorothy. Seat Hockham Hall, near Thetford, Norfolk. Club— United University. The Rev. WALTER HENRY PARTRIDGE. Clerk in Holy Orders, B. A. (Christ's Coll., Camb.), Rector of Caston. and Rural Dean of Thetford and Breckles. Bom April 7. 1844, being the elder and only surviving son of the late Rev. Walter John Partridge, M.A. (Corpus Christi College, Cam- bridge), by his first wife Maria Agnes, youngest dau. of Sir Charles Mansfield Clarke. Bart., M.D.. LL.D., F.R.S., Physician to Queen Adelaide. Armorial bearings— Gules, on a fesse cotised or, between three partridges with wings displayed of the last, as many torteaux. Mantling gules and or. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a partridge with wings displayed or. Motto — " Dum spiro spero." Married, June 25. 1872, Ellen Elizabeth, dau. of William Oliver Dodgson of Oakwood, Crayford, and of the Manor House, Sevenoaks, co. Kent; and has Issue- (\) Rev. Walter Ernest Clarke Partridge, Vicar of AUestree, near Derby \m., July 20, 1898, Alice Maud, dau. of Sydney Foye Shore of Foye Lodge, Eastbourne] ; (2) Edward Richard Walter Partridge, Gentleman, b. Oct. 7, 1875 ; (3) Percival Walter Partridge, Gentleman, b. Aug. 23, 1879 ; (4) Regi- nald Walter Partridge, Gentleman, b. May 31, 1883 ; (S) Heathfield Walter Partridge, Gentleman, b. Sept. 18. 1887 ; Lucy Agnes [«/., Aug. 2, 1899, John Panting, M.A., M.D. (Cantab.), of Harvey House, Watton, co. Norfolk]; Mary; and Mildred Rachel. /'«j(/*«r«— Caston Rectory, CO. Norfolk. PARTRIDGE (H. Coll.). Chequy argent and sable, a horse's head erased between two escallops in bend within four bendlets engrailed all gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon three escallops fessewise gules, a horse's head erased sable. Sons of William Partridge of Beaufort House, Llan- gattock, b. ; d. ; m. : — William Bailey Partridge, Esq., J.P.,*. 1840. Seats — Glancoed, Llandetty, co. Brecknock ; Bacton Manor and The Grange, Bacton, co. Hereford. ^ is the Military Cockade. Plate XXXVII. . QQHeDOGHIsD GDKI-TTHICSRa R)i3ii3eR,- GJhrj:i3@ pa0 Pat 1057 PATRICK. ALEXANDER PASLEY-DIROM, Esquire, of Mount Annan, J. P. for co. Dumfries. Borti 1847, being the only son of the late Rev. John Murdoch, Minister of Kirkpatrick Fleming, co. Dumfries, by his wife Madeline Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Capt. Alexander Dirom, of the 8th Foot. He assumed the surname of Pasley-Dirom under the deed of entail on succeed- ing to the estate of Mount Annan. Livery —Blue. Ar- morial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, counter-quartered i. or, a deer's head erased gules ; il. ermine, three bars erased gules ; iii. gules, three skenes paleways in fesse proper, hiked and pommelled or, surmounted of as many wolves' heads of the last ; iiii. azure, a griffin segreant or (for Dirom) ; 2 and 3 azure, on a chevron between three roses argent, as many thistles slipped vert (for Pasley) ; and for his Crests, i. a buck's head couped proper; and upon an escroll above this Motto, " Ducit dominus " (for Dirom) ; 2. a dexter arm embowed in armour, grasping a dagger all proper; with the Motto over, "Be sure" (for Pasley). Married, April 26, 1899, Nettie, third dau. of the late John Riddick, Brydekirk ; and has /w«e— Francis James Pasley-Dirom, Gentleman, b. and d. 1903 ; (2) John Patrick Alexander Pasley-Dirom, Gentlenam, b. 1904 ; Magdalen Barbara, d. 1900 ; Leonora ; Elizabeth ; and Sophia, d. 1902. Seats — Mount -Annan, and Cleughead, Dumfriesshire. WILLIAM GORDON PATCHETT, Esquire, Lieut.- Col. (retired) late Commanding W.I. Regt. Born 1848, being the only son of the late William Patchett, Esq., of AUt Fawr, Barmouth, Merioneth, and of Greenfields, Shrewsbury, J. P. for Shropshire and Merioneth, High Sheriff 1898, formerly Major in the 3rd Batt. K.S.L.I., by his wife Mercy Emily, dau. of George Townsend of Alcester, \yarwickshire. Armorial bearings -Quarterly per pale indented azure and or, in the first and fourth quarters a sword erect proper, pommel and hilt gold, in the second a leopard's face, and in the third a demi- dragon couped, wings elevated and addorsed gules. Mant- ling azure and or. Crest Upon a wreath of the colours, a ; dexter arm embowed, couped at the shoulder, vested argent, ; resting on a mount vert, the hand grasping a pickaxe proper, j and between two dragons' wings azure, each charged with , a sword as in the arms. Married, 1875, Ellen Mary, only I dau. of Rev. Charles Greene, M. A. , Chaplain to the Forces ; and has with other Issue — Reginald Gordon Patchett, Gen- |tleman, ^. 1875. ^^a^-Broom Hall, Greenfields, Shrews- I bury. Clubs — hxTny and Navy, Constitutional. ^ CHARLES JAMES GEORGE PATERSON, Esquire, , J. P. CO. Perth. Born March 18, 1858, being the second but I eldest surviving son of the late George Paterson of Castle Huntly, by his wife Catherine Jemima Jane, dau. of Joseph Robertson. Armorial bearings Argent, three pelicans feeding their young in nests proper, on a chief embattled azure a bezant between two stars of the field. Mantling azure and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a pelican feed- ing its young in a nest proper. Mottoes (above the crest) - '_' Marui," (below the shield) "Je meurs pour ceux que j'aime." 5*a/— Castle Huntly, Longforgan, Dundee. EDMUND DE HAYA PATERSON-BALFOUR-HAY, Esquire, J. P. cos. Fife and Perth. Born Jan. 7, 1849, being the eldest son of the late Peter Hay Paterson, Esq., J. P., by his wife the Hon. Marianne Murray, youngest dau. of the 8th Lord Elibank. Armorial bearing^ — Quarterly i and 4, ermine, three escutcheons gules ; 2. or, on a chevron sable, between two trefoils slipped in chief and a garb in base vert, banded of the first, an otter's head erased argent ; 3. argent, three pelicans feeding their young proper, in nests vert, on a chief gules, three crescents of the first. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— Upon a vn-eath of his liveries, a half-length figure of a Lowland Scots countryman, vested grey, his waistcoat gules and his bonnet azure, and a feather therein proper, beai ing on his dexter shoulder an ox-yoke also proper, broken at one extremity. Motto— " Primus e stirpe." 5ea/'.f— Carpow, Abernethy, co. Perth; Mugdrum House, Newburgh, co. Fife; Leys, ErroU, N.B. ; Randerstone Castle, Kingsbarns, CO. Fife. Major JAMES PATON, late 4th King's Own Regt., D.L. and County Councillor, Chairman of the Parish Council; served throughout the Crimean War and the Indian Mutiny, for which he received three medals and the Cross of the Legion of Honour. Born Sept. 24, 1831, being the eldest son of the late John Paton of Crailing, by his wife Ellen, only dau. of William Elliot of Harwood. Armorial bearings— Azure, a fleur-de-lis between three crescents or. Mantling gules doubled ar- gent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect, holding a rose stalked and leaved all proper. Motto — " Virtute viget." Married, Aug. 20, 1863, Agnes Alice, dau. of Joseph Chatto Lamb of Ryton Hall, co. Durham ; and has Issue~(i) John Archibald Paton, Esq., Capt. 4th (King's Own) Regt., b. Jan. 31, 1867; (2) George Chester Paton, Gentleman, b. Nov. 5, 1870; (3) William Douglas Paton, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., b, Aug. 13, 1874; (4) Joseph Edward Paton, Gentleman, b. Dec. 10, 1880, d. April 9, 1882 ; Ellen Maude ; Agnes Pauline ; Mabel Jane ; and Evelyn Mary. Residence — Crailing, Jedburgh, N.B. piARMID NOEL PATON, Esquire, M.D. Born , being the eldest son of the late Sir Joseph Noel Paton, Knight Bachelor, Royal Scottish Academician, LL.D. , His Majesty's Limner for Scotland, and a D.L. for co. Edinburgh. Armorial bearings — Aziu-e, a wolfs head erased argent, between two crescents in chief and a fleur- de-lis in base or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree. Mantling azure, doubled argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, between two doves' wings expanded proper, a cubit arm erect also proper, charged on the palm with a passion cross gules. Motto — " Do richt and fear nocht." Postal address — 22 Lynedoch Place, Edinburgh. S WILLIAM ROGER PATON, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for CO. Aberdeen. Born Feb. 1857, being the only son of the late John Paton, Esq., J. P. and D.L., late 91st Highlanders, Major Royal Aberdeenshire Militia, by his first wife Elizabeth Deborah, dau. of Thomas Burnet. Armorial bearings — Azure, three crescents argent. Mant- ling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a sparrow-hawk, with wings expanded. Motto — " Audacia et virtute adepta." Married, 1885, Irene, dau. of Emmanuel Olympiti of Calymnos, 'Turkey ; and has Issue — (i) George Paton, Gentleman, b. 1886; (2) John David Paton, Gentleman, b. 1890 ; and Thetis. Seat — Grandhome, near Aberdeen, N.B. Club — Athenaeum. PATRICK, see STON-PATRICK. COCHRAN-PATRICK and RAL- JOHN PATRICK, Esquire, J. P. for co. Antrim, late Capt. 4th Batt. Royal Irish Rifles. Bom Oct. 31, 1871, being the only son of John Patrick, Esq., J. P., by his wife Augusta Mary, youngest dau. of John Davison of Raceview, Broughshane, co. Antrim. Livery — Blue coat, is the Naval Cockade. 1058 pat Ipat drab brvtfches. ArmorUl bMurtnc* — Argent, a saltire enin^iletl sable, betMi-cn in chief a thistle and in base a trefoil slipjxHl. Uiih proper, on ii cliief of the second three roses of the tirst. upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet bctiltini; his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Onwt, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter hand erect proper, charged with a saltire sable, grasping a dagger also erect proper ; with the MottO, " Ora et labora." ■UarritJ, June 15, 1897, Annie Florence, third dau. of Joseph Clark Rutherfoord. Esq., J.I*, co. Wcstmeath, and late R.M. co. Antrim; and has /««*— John Patrick, Gen- tleman, *. J ne 10, i8<)8; and Horcnce Amy. Estates — Dunminning. Corkey (Middle), liagry, Capccastle, all in co. Antrim, and part of North March, in co. Louth. Postal ^. May 16, 1892, and Ursula Ulalia. Seai — Sandye Place, Sandy. CHARLES PEARCE-SEROCOLD, Gentleman. Born August 28, 1827, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Reverend Edward Serocold Pearce - Serocold of Cherryhinton (who assumed by Royal License, July 30, 1842, the additional surname and arms of Serocold), by his first wife Georgiana Elizabeth, daughter of George Smith. Armorial beaxings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, per chevron argent and sable, in chief two fleurs-de-lis azure, and a castle in base or (for Serocold) ; 2 and 3 per chevron argent and or, in chief two Cornish choughs proper, in base three roses gules growing out of a mount vert (for Pearce). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a castle or, with a fleur-de-lis issuing from the battlements azure (for Serocold) ; 2. upon a wreatli of the colours, in front of a rose gules, a Cornish chough proper (for Pearce). Married, 1859, Marie, daughter of Colonel George St. Leger Gren- fell ; and has Issue — (i) Oswald Pearce-Serocold, Gentle- man, born July 24, 1865 ; (2) Eric Pearce-Serocold, Esquire, Lieutenant King's Royal Rifles, born July 18, 1870; (3) Charles Pearce-Serocold, Gentleman, born 1872 ; (4) Claud Pearce-Serocold, Gentleman, born 1875; Minna; Lucy [married E. Cameron Galton of Shelsley Grange, in the county of Worcester] ; Margaret ; Caroline ; Dorothy ; and Ruth. Residence — Taplow Hill, Maidenhead. PEARKES (H. Coll.). Sable, on a fessc wavy argent, between two stag's heads erased in chief and a squirrel sejant in base or, three fleurs-de-lis of the field. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, out of park pales sable, an oak-tree proper, charged with a squirrel sejant or, gorged with a collar gemel sable between two arrows bendwise also or. Motto^' ' Bene fac. " Livery —Black and white. Sons of William Edward Pearkes (only s. of William Andr6 Pearkes, M.R.C.S., and Mary Blanchard, and gds. of Edward Pearkes of the City of London and Sophia Bignon) of Coniston Lodge, Watford, Herts, m. Mary Ann, d. of John Bartholomew of the City of London : — Walter Pearkes, Gentleman, ^.11 Nov. 1854. George Pearkes, Gentleman, b. 7 Aug. 1856; m. 1887, Louisa, eld. d. of John Blair, C.E.; and has issue — (i) George Randolph Pearkes, Gentleman,^. 1888; (2) William Edward Pearkes, Gentleman, b. 1889; and Hilda Winifred. Res. — Forest View, Minstead, Lyndhurst ; 21 King Street, Portman Square, London, W. Club — Royal London Yacht. Rev. Frederick Pearkes, Clk. in Holy Orders,^, i March i86i. Club — Junior Constitutional. Rev. William Andr^ Pearkes, Clk. in Holy Orders, M.A. (Oxon.), b. 21 Sept. 1864. Clubs — Junior Constitutional; Union (Oxford). JAMES ARCHBOLD PEARS-ARCHBOLI), Gentle- man, formerly of Fenham Hall, Northumberland. Armo- rial beaxings — Crests I. on a wreath of the colours, two lions gambs erased, each encircled with a wreath of oak proper, holding an escutcheon argent, charged with a fleur- de-lis azure (for Archbold) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, a wyvern vert, gorged with a collar gemel or, supporting with the dexter claw an escutcheon of the same, charged with an estoile gules (for Pears). Motto— " Vi et virtute." PEARSE, see KEKR-PEARSE. jpear^e General GEORGE GODFREY PEARSE, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Colonel Commandant Royal Horse Artillery. Born January 4, 1827, being the second son of the late George Pearse, Doctor of Medicine, Honorary Physician to Her Majesty the Queen, by his wife Anne Sarah, only daughter of James McCulloch of Strabane ; was created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1881. Livery— Gveen and gold. Armorial bearings — Vert, a bend nebuly plain cotised or, a canton ermine, thereon a trefoil of the field. Be- low the shield is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a fern-brake, thereon a pelican in her piety, the wings elevated proper, charged on the breast with a trefoil vert ; with the Motto, " Nihil amanti durum." Married, May 6, 1879, Louisa Hester, youngest dau. of the Rev. John Steward, Vicar of Great Kimble, co. Bucking- ham ; and has had Issue — Godfrey Pearse, Gentleman, b. Oct. 28, 1881 ; and Zoe Dorothy, died February 2, 1894. Postal address — Shanklin, Isle of Wight. The Rev. ARTHUR CHARLES PEARSON, M.A., Magdalene College, Cantab., Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Ringsfield, Suffolk, and late Senior Chaplain H.M. Bengal Eccl. Establishment. Born June i. 1846, being the younger son of the late John Pearson, Gentleman, of South Wingfield, co. Derby, and his wife Georgiana Louisa, youngest dau. of Charles Dashwood. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a pile azure, a rose of the first, barbed and seeded proper, between three arrows points downwards or, barbed and flighted argent. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's wing sable, sem^e-de-lis or, pierced by an arrow embrued in bend, point upwards, and vulned proper. Motto — " Ne tentes, aut perfice." Married, April 22, 1885, Katherine Ad61e Madeline \d. 1891), dau. of the Rev. Fred. Montagu Arnold, late Rector of Rings- field, CO. Suffolk, and has Issue — Adele Madeline. Postal address — Ringsfield, Beccles, Suffolk. The Honourable CHARLES HENRY PEARSON, Master of Arts, of Edowie, Williamsroad, Toorak, Victoria, Minister of Public Instruction. Born in London, Septem- ber 7, 1830, being the fourth son of the Reverend John Norman Pearson of Bower Hall, Bumpstead Steeple, in the county of Essex, Incumbent of Holy Trinity, Tunbridge Wells, by his wife Harriet, daughter of Richard Puller of London. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per fesse dovetail gules and azure, three suns in splendour gold, on a bordure dovetail or, four hurts. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the is tbe Naval Cockade. 1064 pea Pea colours, a dfmi-lion rampant Rwles, charged on t»)e neck with tl»n.f liexanls U-twcen a double gemelle or, in ihe dexter paw a shield azure, charged with a sun in splendour gold; with the Motto, "Sol et scutum Ueus." Married, Tvrcemher 10. 187a, at Gawler. South Australia, Kdith Lucilla. daughter of Philip Butler of Teckford Abbey, in the county of Buckingham ; and has /««^— Kdiih Gertrude Hilda ; tvelyn Mary Muriel ; and Maud Oriel Reada. 5m/— Haverhill, near Melrose, South Australia. Fostai atUrtss — Edowie, Williamsroad, Toorak, Victoria. EDWARD PEARSON. Gentleman. Bom Nov. la, 1836. being the second son of the late Benjamin Pearson, by his wife Charlotte IllizaU-th, fifth dau. of Mark Gibeme of Wansteail, Essex. Armorial bearings— Per fesse dove- tailed gules and azure, three suns in splendour or, on a l)or- dure also dovetailed gold four hurts. Mantling gules and or. Oroft — On a wreath of the colours, a dcmi-hon ram- pant gules, ch.irged on the neck with three bezants between a double gemel or, holding in the dexter forepaw an escut- cheon azure, thereon a sun as in the arms. Motto — "Sol et scutum deus." Married, July 31, 1873, Ellen Clare, dau. of William Miller of Millerneld House, Edinburgh ; and has /.wi/r— Edward William Pearson, Gentleman, b. March la, 1878; and Helen Margaret. 5m/— Wilmslow. Cheshire. EDWIN JAMES PEARSON. Esquire, J. P. for co. of Hertford. Bom Feb. 13, 184a, being the eldest son of the late Sir Edwin Pearson, Knight Bachelor, by his wife Hon. Alicia Anne, dau. of Rt. Hon. fourth Viscount LifTord. C/«^— Athenaeum. Armorial bearings— Per fesse dove- Hill, Rector of Timsbury. co. Somerset, and IVllow of Balliul Coll., Oxon : and has /««< — Ch.irlottc ktn.s tailed gules and azure, three suns in splendour or, on a bordure also dovetailed of the last, four hurts. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi- lion rampant gules, charged on the neck with three bezants, between a double gemelle or, holding in the dexter fore- paw a sun iis in the arms. Motto — " Sol et scutum Deus." Married, Jan. 7, 1868, Emily Margaret, dau. of late Richard Valpy, Esq., J. P., of Champness Tring; and has Issue — Mabel Annie ; and Irene Margaret. Seal — Millfield, Berk- hampstead. GEORGE PEARSON, Gentleman. Born Oct. aS, 1835, being the elder son of the late Benjamin Pearson of South- side, Cheshire, by his wife Charlotte Elizabeth, fifth dau. of Mark Giberne of Wanstead, Essex. Armorial bear- ings — Per fesse dovetailed gules and azure, three suns in splendour or, on a bordure also dovetailed gold four hurts. MntitHngr gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, charged on the neck with three bezants between a double gemel or, holding in the dexter forepaw an escutcheon azure, thereon a sun as in the arms. Motto — "Sol et scutum Deus." Married, Sept. 25, 1894, Catherine Elizabeth, second dau. of the late Rev. Richard Seat — The Tythe House, Knutsford, Cheshire. Club— Reform (Manchester). GEORGE PEARSON, Gentleman. Bont January 16, 1845, being the eldest son of George Pearson of Brierii-v Ilill, in the county of Stafford, by his wife Mirah, dauglr of George Holcroft of Niederbronn, Alsace, now in t Empire of Germany. C///^— Junior Constitutional. I Avery —Olive green. Armorial bearings— He bears for Anns; Or, on a pile azure, between two passion nails in bueof the last a sun in splendour of the field ; and for the Crtst, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, in fixmt of two passion nails in saltire azure, a seax erect prppo]. pommel and hilt or ; with the Motto, " Perduret probitas.' Married, May 20, 1882, Amelia Matilda, daughter of William Farrow of Wells, in the county of Somerset. Poslal arfrfrew- Bannerleigh, Clifton, Bristol. HENRY PEARSON, Esquire, J. P. for co. of Derl.y, late Major and Hon. Lieut. -Col. 3rd Batt. Derbyshire Regt.. ^ is the MiUtary Cockade. Pea pea 1065 M.A. Magdalene Coll., Camb. Born Oct. 16, 1844, being the eldest son of the late John Pearson, Gentleman, of South Wingfield, co. Derby, by his wife Georgiana Louisa, youngest dau. of Charles Dashwood. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a pile azure, a rose of the first, barbed and seeded proper, between three arrows points downwards or, barbed and flighted argent. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's wing sable, sem6e-de-lis or, pierced by an arrow embrued in bend, point upwards, and vulned proper. Motto — " Ne tentes, aut perfice." Married, Feb. 20, 1895, Charlotte Elizabeth Catherine Amelia, dau. of the late Wm. Spragge, Supt. of Indian Affairs, Ottawa, Canada. Residence — Wingfield House, South Wingfield, co. Derby. The Late THOMAS HENRY PEARSON, Esquire, J. P., formerly of " Redcliffe," Newton-in-Makerfield, Lanes. Bom , being the son of the late John Pearson of Gol- borne Park, Lanes. Armorial bearings Azure, on a pile nebuly or, between in base two suns in splendour, a lion rampant all counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, in front of a sun rising in splendour proper, a cock's head erased azure, combed and wattled gules, holding in the beak an arrow in bend or. Motto -" Dum spiro spero." The Honourable WILLIAM PEARSON of Kilmany Park, Sale, Tanjil County, and of Craigellachie, St. Kilda, both in the Colony of Victoria, Justice of the Peace and Member of the Legislative Council. Born in Scotland, September 20, 1818, being the eldest son of Hugh Pearson, Commander in the Royal Navy, by his wife Helen, daughter of Thomas Littlejohn of Stirling, Scotland. C///fo— Melbourne, Australian (both in Melbourne). Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, two daggers azure, the pommels divided in chief and the points enjoined, piercing a man's heart in base proper, in the honour point a cinquefoil sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a tower proper ; with the Motto, "Rather die than disloyal." Married vX Sale, August 4, 1859, Eliza Laura, daughter of H. I. Travers, formerly of the Honourable East India Company's Service ; and has had Issue — (i) Hugh Pearson, Gentleman, born June i860, died November 1874 ; (2) Henry Travers Pearson, Gentleman, born July 1861, died March 1880; (3) William Pearson, Gentleman [to whom refer] ; (4) John Benward Pearson, Gentleman, born Dec 9, 1866 ; (5) Alexander Buch- anan Pearson, Gentleman, born Sept. 3, 1869 ; Helen ; and Laura Margaret. Postal adds. — Kilmany Park, Sale, Tanji, County ; Craigellachie, East St. Kilda, both in Victoria. WILLIAM PEARSON, Gentleman. Bom June 25, 1864, being the third but eldest surviving son of the Honour- able William Pearson of Kilmany Park, Sale, Tanjil County, and Craigellachie, St. Kilda, both in the Colony of Victoria, Justice of the Peace and Member of the Legislative Council, by his wife Eliza Laura, daughter of H. I. Travers, formerly of the Honourable East India Company's Service. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Argent, two daggers azure, the pommels divided in chief and the points enjoined, piercing a man's heart in base proper, in the honour point a cinquefoil sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a tower proper ; with the Motto, ' ' Rather die than disloyal." The Reverend WILLIAM CARTER PEARSON, Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Henley, in the county of Suffolk. Born Feb. 11, 1859, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Henry Pearson, Vicar of Henley, by his wife Adelaide Catherine, youngest dau. of the late John Carter, Esq., J. P., D. L. , of Northwold, Norfolk. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a pile azure, a rose of the field barbed ind seeded proper, between three arrows points downwards or, barbed and flighted, also argent. Upon the escutcheon s placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure md argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in eagle's wing sable, sem^e-de-lis or, pierced by an arrow n bend, point upwards, and vulned proper ; with the Motto, ' Ne tentes aut perfice." Estate — Property in the Parish of South Wingfield, in the county of Derby. Postal address — Henley Vicarage, Ipswich, Suffolk. M Sir ALFRED EDWARD PEASE, Baronet, J. P. and © D.L. N. Riding co. York, M.P. for York city 1885- 1892, and for Cleveland 1897-1901, and a Member of the Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London ; ap- pointed May 1903, Resident Magistrate, BaLerton Dis- trict, Transvaal. Born June 29, 1857, being the eldest son of Sir Joseph W. Pease, ist Bart., M.P. , and his wife Mary, dau. of Alfred Fox of Falmouth. Livery — Brown, with black and white striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Per fesse azure and gules, a fesse nebuly ermine, between two lambs passant in chief argent and in base, upon a mount proper, a dove rising argent, holding in the beak a pea-stalk, the blossom and pods also proper, and in pretence the arms of Fowler, namely azure, on a chevron cotised between three lions passant guardant or, a hawk's lure between two crosses pat^e of the first. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon the capital of an Ionic column, a dove rising, holding in the beak a pea-stalk as in the arms, all proper. Motto — " Pax et spes." Married, Feb. 10, 1880, Helen Ann Fowler, third dau. of Sir Robert Nicholas Fowler, Bart., and coheir of Sir Thomas Fowler, Bart. ; and has Issue — (i) Edward Pease, Esq., b. Dec. 15, 1880 ; {2) Christopher York Pease, Esq, , b. June 24, 1886 ; and Lavender Mary. Seat — Pinchinthorpe House, Guis- brough, Yorks. Club — Brooks's. ARTHUR FRANCIS PEASE, Esquire, M.A. Cambs. 1890, J. P. for CO. Durham, County Councillor for co. Dur- ham. Born March 11, 1866, being the eldest son of the late Arthur Pease, Esq., M.P. , and his wife Mary Lecky, dau. of Ebenezer Pike of Besborough, Cork. Livery — Brown under livery, and drab overcoat. Armorial bearings — Per fesse azure and gules, a fesse nebuly ermine between two lambs passant in chief argent and in base, upon a mount proper, a dove rising argent, holding in the beak a pea- stalk, the blossom and pods also proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon the capital of an Ionic column, a dove rising, holding in the beak a pea-stalk as in the arms, all proper. Motto — " Pax et spes." Married, Oct. i, 1889, Laura Matilda Ethelwyn, dau. of Charles Peter AUix of Swaffham Prior House, Cambridge ; and has /jj««— Richard Arthur Pease, Gentleman, b. Nov. 18, 1890 ; Mary Ethelwyn ; Dorothy Laura ; and Elizabeth Frances. Seat — Hummersknott, Darlington. S FRANCIS RICHARD PEASE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the East Riding of the county of York. Born May 25, 1848, being the third son of the late Joseph Walker Pease, Esquire, of Hesslewood, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieu- tenant for the East Riding of the county of York, for- merly Member of Parliament for Hull, by his wife Barbara is the Naval Cockade. I io66 IPea Pec Catherine, eldest daughter of the late Henry Palmer of Withcote Hall, in the county of l^iccster, and brother of the late Sir John I'almcr, seventh Baronet, of Carlton, in the county of Northaniplon. Clubs — Conservative. Yorkshire (York), /.if^/y — Light drab, red waistcoat, black velvet breeches. Armorial bearing*— He bears for Amu : Vert, a chevron between tliroe bucks trippanl or, in the middle chief point a bezant, on a chief per fesse gules and argent, an eagle displayed counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head erased, holding in the beak a slip of pea-haulm proper; with the Motto, " Confide recte agens." Married, December i88s> Isabel Mary, daughter or Captain William Cole- Hamilton of Beltrim, in the county of Tyrone ; and has Issue — (i) Francis Claud Pease, Gentleman, born November 7, 1886; (?) William Geoffrey Pease, Gentleman, bom January 8, 1888 ; and Isabel Cath- erine. Postal address — Hesslewood, Hull. HAROLD ROBINSON PEASE, Gentleman. Bom Dec. 7, 1859, being the second son of the late James Robin- son Pease, M.A., by his wife Louisa Frances, third dau. of the late John Barkworth of Tranby House, near Hull. Armorial bearings -Vert, a chevron between three stags trippant or, in the centre chief point a bezant, on a chief per fesse gules and argent, an eagle displayed counter- changed. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head erased argent, holdmg in the beak or, a peascod vert. Motto—" Confide recte agens." HOWARD PEASE, Esquire, J. P. Northumberland. F.S. A. , Lord of the Manor of Otterburn. Bom 1863, being the eld. son of the late John William Pease, Esq., D.C.L., J. P., by his wife Helen Maria, dau. of Alfred Fox of Fal- mouth, in CO. Cornwall. Armorial bearings — Per fesse azure and g^ules, a fesse nebuly ermine, between two lambs passant in chief argent, and in base upon a mount prop)er, a dove rising argent, holding in the beak a p>ea-stalk, the blossom and pods also proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, upon the capital of an Ionic column a dove rising, holding in the beak a pea-stalk as in the arms all proper. Motto—' ' Pax et spies." Married, 1887, Margaret, dau. of Canon Kynas- ton of Durham ; and has Issue — (i) Valentine John Pease, Gentleman ; (2) Cuthbert Pease, Gentleman ; and Audrey. Seat — Otterburn Tower.Otterburn.R.S.O., Northumberland. M JOSEPH ALBERT PEASE, Esquire, M.P., J. P., 9 D.L.. C.C. M.A. Bom Jan. 17, i860, being the second son of Sir Joseph Whitwell Pease, Bart., M.P., by his wife Mary, dau. of Alfred Fox of Falmouth. Armorial bearing^ — ^Per fesse azure and gules, a fesse nebuly ermine between two lambs passant in chief argent, and in base, upon a mount proper, a dove rising argent, holding in the beak a f>ea-stalk, the blossom and pods also proper, and <'m- p>aling the arms of Havelock- Allan namely, quarterly i and 4, sable, a cross potent quarter-pierced or, charged with four guttes-de-sang, in chief two lions' heads erased of the second, all within a bordure engrailed erminois, a canton ermine (for Allan); 2 and 3, vert, a castle argent between two fleurs-de-lis in chief and a cross crosslet fitch^e in base or (for Havelock). Mantling azure and argent Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon the capital of an Ionic column, a dove rising, holding in the beak a pea-stalk as in the arms. Married, Oct. 18, 1886, Ethel, only dau. of the late Lt.- Gen. Sir Henry Havelock-AUan, Bart., V.C, K.C.B., &c. ; and has Issue — Joseph Pease, Esq., b. March 8, 1889; Miriam Blanche ; and Faith Muriel. Residences — Head- lam Hall, Gainford ; 6 Upper Grosvenor Street, London, W. C/k*j— Brooks's, Turf. JOSEPH ROBINSON PEASE, Gentleman. Bom Jan. 27, 1873, being the eldest son of the late Henry Joseph Robinson Pease, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , by his wife Dora Elizabeth, eldest dau. of John Boulderson Barkworth of Raywell, East Yorkshire. Armorial bearil^gs— Vert, a chevron between three stags trippant or, in the centre chief point a bezant, on a chief per fesse gules and argent, an eagle displayed counterchanged. Mantling vert and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head erased argent, holding in the beak or, a peascod vert. Motto — " Confide recte agens." 5*a/— Hesslewood, near Hull. PERCIVAL HENRY PEASE, Gentleman. Born Atij;. 4, 1857, being the second but eldest surviving son of tlio late Rev. George Clifford, M.A.. Rector of Routli, Hevnr- ley, by his wife Clarissa, youngest dau. of jolm Turner of Gravetye Manor, Sussex. Armorial bearings— Vert, a chevron between three stags trippant or, in the centre chief point a bezant, on a chief per fesse gules and argent, an eagle displayed counterchanged. MantUnfi^ vert and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head tra'til argent, holding in the beak or, a [>eascod vert. Motto "Confide recte agens." Residence— WALTER FELL PEASE, Gentleman. Horn March 18, 1874, being the eldest surviving son of the late Henry P'ell Pease, Esq., M. P. for Cleveland Division of the North Riding of the co. of York, 1885, 1886, 1892. J. P. for co. Durham, J. P. and D.L. for the North Riding of the co. of York, Mayor of Darlington, 1874, 1875, by his wife Eliza- beth, eldest dau. of John Beaumont Pease of North Lodge, Darlington. Livery — Claret colour coat with stri|3ed waisi coat, light brown overcoats. Armorial bearings— Party p>er fesse azure and gules, a fesse nebuly ermine between two lambs passant in chief argent, and in base, upon a mount projjer, a dove rising argent, holding in the lieak a pea-stalk, the blossom and pod also proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the coluurs, upon the capital of an Ionic column, a dove rising holding in the beak a pea-stalk as in the arms, all proper ; with the Motto, "Pax et spes." Estates — Land and Houses in Hrink- burn, Darlington. Postal address — Brinkburn, Darlington. WILLIAM EDWIN PEASE, Gentleman, B.A. (Cambs). Bom June 3, 1865, being the eldest son of the late Edwin Lucas Pease, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Radnor, and J. P. co. Durham, by his wife Frances Helen, dau. and coheiress of William Peter Edwardes of Hindwell, co. Radnor. Armo- rial bearing's — Per fesse azure and gules, a fesse nebuly ermine between two lambs passant in chief argent and in base, upon a mount proper, a dove rising proper, and hold- ing in the beak a jDea-stalk, the blossom and pods also proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon the capital of an Ionic column, a dove rising, holding in the beak a pea-stalk as in the arms, all proper. Motto — " Pax et spes." Seats — Mowden, Uar- lington, and Pentre, Cascob, Presteign, co. Radnor. PECK. (This family has borne arms for at least generations, as appears from documentary evidences con- tained in the Herald's Visitations and other recorded pedigrees in the College of Arms. The quartering is that of the family of Haselden, which became extinct in or about the fourteenth century). Arms- Quarterly, i and 4, argeni m on a chevron engrailed gules, three crosses pat^e of the field (Peck) ; 2 and 3, gules, a cross flory or, on a chief azure, three oval buckles fesseways, tongues to the dexter also or (Haselden). Livery - Buff and red. Sons of Rev. Jasper Peck, M. A., and Eliza Coppendale, d. of Rev. Jeremiah Awdry, M.A. : — Kenrick Peck, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law (Middle Temple), b. 4 June 1836 ; m. 23 Oct. 1862, Elizabeh Jane, d. of Rev. Thomas Marriott- Lodington of Horsington a Is the Military Cockade. pec Peti 1067 CO. Somerset, Rector of Stowell ; and has surv. issue — (i) Kenrick Eyton Peck, Gentleman, of Devonport, Solicitor, b. 8 May 1866 ; (2) Jasper Owen Peck, Gentleman, Solicitor, b. 6 Sept. 1871 ; (3) Francis Leslie Peck, Gentle- man, i5. 12 Aug. 1873; and Margery Elizabeth. Kes. — The Old Rectory, Bathampton, nr. Bath ; 25 Great Russell Mansions, Great Russell Street, London. Clubs — Isthmian, M.C.C. , Bath and County (Bath). Philip Peck, Gentleman, b. 10 Aug. 1845 ; m. 3 March 1881, Margaret Ursula, d. of late Miles Charles Seton ; and has issue — (i) Leonard Jasper Peck, Gentleman, b. 1884; {2) Humphrey Peck, Gentleman, b. 1886; (3) Basil Miles Peck, Gentleman, b. 1888 ; and Ursula Maud. Res.—S\ Randolph Road, Maida Vale, W. Awdry Peck, Gentleman, b. 1847; m. ist, Christina Louisa, d. of late John Bate Cardale of Albury, Surrey ; 2nd, Emily Grace Ethel, d. of David Henry Owen, Registrar of Court of Probate ; and has surv. issue — (i) Michael Awdry Peck, Gentleman; (2) Richard Awdry Peck, Gentleman ; (3) Geoffrey Awdry Peck, Gentleman ; Christina Naomi ; Norah Cicely ; and Geraldine Ethel. Res. — Bridgnorth. PECKHAM (R.L., 1820, H. Coll.). Ermine, a chief quarterly or and gules. Crest — None exemplified. Motto — " Tentanda via est." Only surv. son of Charles Peckham Peckham (formerly Smith), Esq., J. P., of Nyton, Sussex, b. 1801 ; d. 1873; m. 1826, Sybella Jane, d. of Rt. Rev. Robert James Carr, D.D., Lord Bishop of Worcester: — Rev. Harry |ohn Peckham', Vicar of Nutley, Sussex, M.A., b. 1841 ; m. 1876, Edith, d. of Rev. Di vie Robertson, Vicar of Henfield, Sussex ; and has surv. issue — (i) Richard Harry Peckham, Esq., Capt. R.F.A., b. 1877; (2) Arthur Nyton Peckham, Gentleman, b. 1881 ; (3) Walter Divie Peckham, Gentleman, b. 1883. i?«j.— Nutley Vicarage, Uckfield. § ALEXANDER PECKOVER, Esquire, Lord-Lieu- tenant and Custos Rotulorum of the county of Cam- bridge, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, of the Linnean Society, and of the Royal Geographical Society, Honorary Doctor of Laws of the University of Cambridge. Born Aug. 16, 1830, being the eldest and only surviving son of the late Algernon Peckover, Gentleman, of Sibald's Holme, Wisbech, by his wife Priscilla, daughter of Dykes Alex- ander of Ipswich. Livery — Blue coat, yellow and black striped waistcoat, black trousers. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Party per pale gules and sable, a garb or, on a chief nebuly of the last, three lions rampant azure ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant azure, holding in the dexter paw a sprig of oak, leaved, fructed, and slipped proper, and resting the sinister fore- paw on an escutcheon charged with the arms ; with the Motto, " In Christo speravi." Married, April 8, 1858, Eliza, daughter of Joseph Sharpies of Hitchin ; and has Issue — Elizabeth Josephine ; Alexandrina ; and Anna Jane. Estates in several counties. Postal address — Bank House, Wisbecli. Clubs — Royal Society and County (Cambridge). ARTHUR E. PEDDER, Gentleman. Born 1841, being the only surviving son of the late Edward Pedder, Esq. , of Ashton Park, Preston, D.L. for Lancashire, by Amelia, dau. of Edward M. Gawne, Esq., of Kentraugh, Isle of Man, Speaker of the House of Keys. Club — Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings — Quarterly sable and gules, on a bend between two escallops or, a greyhound courant between two qualrefoils of the second. Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, between two branches of olive proper, as many lions' heads erased at the neck and addorsed erm nois, gorged with one collar gules. Motto — " Je dis la veritd." Married, 1883, Eliza, dau. of the Rev. Griffith Boynton of Barmston Rectory, Lowthorpe, Hull, and sister of Sir Griffith H. Boynton, Bart. ; and has Issue — (i) Francis Alban Newsham Pedder, Gentleman, b. 1884; (2) Edward Boynton Pedder, Gentleman, b. Feb. 6, 1889 ; (3) Guy Richard Pedder, Gentleman, b. July 7, 1892 ; Evelyn Mary ; and Madeline Mary. Seat — Brandiston Hall, Norwich. CHARLES EDWARD PEDDER, Gentleman. Born , being the eldest son of the late Col. Charles Denison Pedder, J. P. for cos. Derby and Lancaster, formerly Col. 39th Regt. of Foot (served at siege of Sebastopol), by his wife Catherine, dau. of William Worthington of Newton Park, Burton-on-Trent. Armorial bearings— Quarterly sable and gules, on a bend between two escallops or, a greyhound courant between two quatrefoils of the second. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, between two branches of olive proper, as many lions' heads erased at the neck and addorsed erminois, gorged with onecollar gules. Motto — " Je dis la verity." HENRY NEWSHAM PEDDER, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for Lanes, late Major Lanes Militia. Born 1823, being the fifth son of the late James Pedder, Esq., D.L. , of Ashton Park, co. Lancaster, by Jane, only dau. of R. Newsham Armorial bearings — Quarterly sable and gules, on a bend between two escallops or, a grey- hound courant between two quatrefoils of the second. Mantling sable and or , and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, between two branches of olive proper, as many lion's heads erased at the neck and addorsed erminois, gorged with one collar gules. Motto — " Je dis la verity." Mariied, 1862, Stephanie Henrietta, youngest dau. of the late John Henry Tarlton, and widow of Henry Steele. is tbe Naval Cockade. io68 pen IPee SJAMl-S HENRY WORTMINGTON PEUDER, Ksquirc, Lieut. -Col. 3rd North Lancashire Regiment; senctl ic) S. July 21, 1885 ; (2) Alan Ralph Peel, Gentle- man, i. July 7, 1886 ; (3) Robert Lloyd Peel, Gentleman, 6. June II, 1889; (4) Humphrey Lee Peel, Gentleman, 6. Aug. 16, 1893 ; Eileen Annie ; and Adela Vera. Seais — Brynyhys, Ellesniere, Salop ; and Wallington Hall, Down- ham Market, Norfolk. SHUGH EDMUND ETHELSTON PEEL, Esquire. J. P. and D.L. cos. Flint and Denbigh. Born 1871, being the eld. son of Edmund Peel, Esq., of Bryn-y-pys, co. Flint, J. P. COS. Denbigh, Salop, Montgomery (High Sheriff 1868), and J. P. and D.L. for co. Flint (High Sheriff 1870), by his wife Henrietta Margaret, eld. d. of Sir Hugh Williams, 3rd Bart. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, three sheaves of as many arrows proper, banded gules, on a chief azure a bee volant or (for Peel) ; 2 and 3, azure, on a pile between two cross crosslets in base argent, an eagle displayed purpure (for Ethelston) ; and impaling the arms of Rowley-Conwy, namely, quarterly i. and iiii., sable, on a bend cottised argent, a rose between two annulets gules (for Conwy) ; ii. and iii., argent, on a bend cottised gules, three crescents or (for Rowley). Mantling azure and argent. Crests -1. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent, gorged with a collar azure, charged with three bezants holding between the paws a shuttle or (for Peel) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a ram's head couped sable, charged with three cross crosslets or (for Ethelston). Motto — "Industria." Married, 1892, Gwladys, dau. of the late Capt. Conwy Grenville Hercules Rowley-Conwy of Bodrhyddan, co. Flint; and has Issue —Edmund Owen Ethelston Peel, Gentleman, 6. July 13, 1893. Seats — Bryn-y-pys, EUesmere, Salop ; Wellington Hall, Down- ham Market, Norfolk. §SiR THEOPHILUS PEEL, Bart., J. P., D.L., and Deputy Chairman of Quarter Sessions for the W. R. of CO. York, High Sheriff 1902-3. Born May 23, 1837, being the third son of the late William Peel, Esq., of Ackworth Park, Pontefiact, J. P. for the W. Riding of co. York, and his wife Lucy, youngest dau. of Joseph Wood- head of Wade House, near Halifax. Armorial bearings — Ermine, a sheaf of three arrows proper, banded azure, between two flaunches of the last, each charged with a bee volant or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion couchant argent, charged on the shoulder with a sheaf of arrows as in the arms, resting its dexter paw on an escutcheon azure, charged with a bee volant. Motto — " Meret qui laborat." Married, ]u\y 23, 1S90. Isabella Maria, eldest dau. of Edward Barnes, Esq. , of Windsor, late Capt. 27th (Inniskilling) Regt. Seat— Potterton Hall, Barwick-in-Elmet, Yorks. WILLIAM PEEL, Esquire, J. P. Lancashire and West Riding, Yorks. Born Oct. 18, 1844, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Jonathan Peel, Esq., J. P. co. Lancaster and West Riding, co. York, by his second wife Mary, dau. of Rev. John Wilde of Harnage, Salop, Rector of Pontesbury and Perpetual Curate of Albington Hussy. Armorial bearings— Argent, three sheaves of as many arrows proper, banded gules, on a chief azure, a bee volant or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent, gorged with a collar azure, charged with three bezants, holding between the paws a shuttle or. Motto — "Industria." Married, Sept. 1876, Meliora Sybella, dau. of Henry Philpotts of St. Clare, Torquay; and has Issue— (\) Robert Peel, Gentle- man, b. Feb. 1881 ; (2) Henry Peel, Gentleman, b. Nov. 1882 ; (3) Lawrence Peel, Gentleman, b. Sept. 1884 ; (4) William Ralph Peel, Gentleman, b. May 1887 ; Mary Nina ; and Eleanor Georgiana. .S^a/— Knowlmere Manor, Clithe- roe, CO. York. S WILLIAM CROUGHTON PEEL, Esquire, J. P. co. Cornwall, late Lieut. 3rd Dragoon Guards. Born Oct. 18, 1870, being the elder son of William Henry Peel, Esq., J. P. , Capt. 9th Regt , by his wife Hester A. C. , dau. of William P. Croughton of Heronden, Kent. Armorial bearings- Argent, three sheaves of as many arrows proper, banded gules, on a chief azure, a bee volant or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent, gorged with a collar azure, charged with three bezants, holding between the paws a shuttle or. Motto — "Industria." Married, July 26, 1894, Muriel Adeline Brudenell, second dau. of Admiral Sir Algernon Frederick Rous de Horsey, K.C.B., of Melcombe, Cowes, Isle of Wight ; and has Issue— Gex&vd William Ernest Peel, Gentleman, b. May 14, 1895 ; and Violet Muriel. Seat— Trenant Park, Duloe, Cornwall. C/w(5— Cavalry. PEEL (H. Coll.). Argent, three sheaves of as many arrows proper, banded gules, on a chief azure, a bee volant or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent, gorged with a collar azure, charged with three bezants, holding between the paws a shuttle or. Motto—" Industria." Son of John Peel, Esq., of Danyrallt, co. Carmarthen, J. P., D.L. (High Sheriff 1883 for that co.), b. 1822; d. 1893 ; 7n. 1843, Charlotte Louisa Frances, d. of John William Lloyd of Danyrallt : — Mervyn Lloyd Peel, Gentleman, M.A. , LL.B. (Cantab.), b. 1856 ; m. , Frances Annabella, d. of Ralph Assheton, Esq., of Downham Hall, Clitheroe. Seal — Danyrallt, Llangadock, R.S.O., Carmarthenshire. Res. — 22 Wetherby Place, S.W. C/k3— United University. PEEL {R.L., 1857, H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, argent, three sheaves of as many arrows proper, banded gules, on a chief azure, a bee volant or (Peel); 2 and 3, azure, on a pile between two cross crosslets in base argent, an eagle displayed purpure (Ethelston). Mantling azure and argent. Crests — i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent, gorged with a collar azure, charged with three bezants, holding between the paws a shuttle or (Peel) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a ram's head couped sable, charged with three cross crosslets or (Ethelston). Motto — " Industria." Sons of Edmund Peel (formerly Ethelston), Esq., of Brynypys, co. Flint, and Wallington Hall, Norfolk, J. P. cos. Flint, Denbigh, Salop, and Montgomery (High Sheriff 1858), D.L. co. Flint (High Sheriff 1870), b. 1826; d. 1903; m. 2nd, 1866, Henrietta Margaret, d. of Sir Hugh Williams, 3rd Bart. : — Hugh Edmund Ethelston Peel, Esq., J.P. and D.L. Flint is tbe Naval Cockade. 3Y 1070 pee pel and Denhighsh. , t. 1871 ; m. 189a, Gwladys Freda, d. of t'apl.C. Rowlcy-Conwy, Esq.,J.P. andD.L. ,of Ek>drhyddan Hall.Flintsh.; and has issue— Kdmund Owen Ethclston Peel, Gentlrntnn. b. 1893. 5^n ; Wal- lington Hall. IXtwnhnm Market. 6V«^j— White's, Junior Carlton, Raleigh. Herbert Wicksted Etlielston, Gentleman, b. Ernest Ethclston Peel, Gentleman, b. . Res. Res.— MAXWELL RICHARD WILLIAM PEERS ADAMS, Gentleman, Member of the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law. Born Jan. 15, 1849, being the eldest surviving son of General Henry Augustus Adams, by his wife I. Charlotte, daughter of John Andrew RaW of Simon's Town, Cape Colony. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Gules, a heart l)ctwcen three cross crosslets fitch^e or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a cross crosslct fitch^e or, charged with a bleeding heart gules. HottO — " In cruce salus." MarrieJ, January 3, 1881, Fanny Michell, daughter of William Gay, Her Majesty's Civil Service, of Falmouth and Cheltenham ; and has Issue — Frances Charlotte Gay Peers. Postal address— c/o Henry S. King & Co., 9 Pall Mall, S.W. Col. EDWARD STRELLEY PEGGE-BURNELL. T.P. for Notts, late Col. Coldstream Guards. Born 1835, being the eldest son of the late Edward Valentine IVggi- Burnell, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , ofWinkburn Hall, by Harriet, second dau. of the late Hugh Parker of Woodthorpe, co. York. C/«* J— Guards', Carlton. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, per fesse indented or and argent, a lion rampant sable, a bordure gules, charged with eight plates (for Burnell) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron between three wedges sable (for Pegge). Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests— I. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erect and erased sable, in the paw a bunch of violets proper (for Burnell) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, the sun rising in splendour, the rays alternately sable, or, and argent (for Pegge). Motto — "Caritas fructum habet." Seats— Winkburn Hall, Southwell; Beauchief Abbey, Sheffield. PEGLER (H. Coll.). Per fesse dancett^ erminois and gules, a pale with three lions rampant, two and one, and as many eagles displayed one and two all counterchanged. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed with two heads erminois, holding in each claw a staff raguly and in either beak a raascle gules. Son of William Pegler of The Beeches, Derby, b. d. ; m. : — William Pegler, Esq., J. P. Monmouthsh. , b. 18^ m. 1883, , d. of James Price of The Rhadyr, U Seats — The Cross, Pontypool ; The Mount, Chepstow, !am r the GEORGE THOMAS PEIRSE-DUNCOMBE, Esqu formerly Capt. nth Hussars, Lieut, and Capt. Coldstream Guards. Born June 14, 1825, being the second son of the late Slingsby Duncombe, Esquire, Capt. ist Foot Guan" ~ served in the Peninsular War under Sir John M (Peninsular medal and clasp for Corunna), by his Martha, dau. of Henry EIvy ; assumed by Royal Licen 1887, the additional name and arms of Peirse. Armo: beaJlngs — Quarterly i and 4, per chevron engrailed gul and argent, three talbots' heads erased counterchanged (for Buncombe) ; 2 and 3 azure, a ducal coronet between three cross crosslets fitchfe or, a cross crosslet for distinction (for Peirse) ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence these arms of Peirse, without the mark of distinction. Mantling gules and argent. Crests — i. out of a ducal coronet, the hind leg of a horse sable, the shoe argent (for Duncombe) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a cross crosslet fitchde or, surmounted by a mural crown gules, the crown charged for destinction with a cross crosslet (for Peirse). Motto— "Deo regi patriae." Married, July 27, 1853, Arabella Georgiana, only child of Richard William Peirse of North- allerton, CO. York, formerly Capt. 3rd Dragoon Guards; andhas/jj«« — (i) Henry Slingsby Peirse-Duncombe, Gentle- man, b. April 6, 1856; (2) Charles Slingsby Peirse-Duncomhe, Gentleman, b. May 18, 1870; (3) Richard Slingsby Peirse- Duncombe, Gentleman, b. Aug. 25, 1872 ; Arabella Slingsby, d. unm. Jan. 1891 ; Elizabeth .Slingsby ; Edith Slingsby ; Ethel Slingsby, d. young, Oct. 10, 1862 ; Ruth Slingsby \m.. May 5, 1892, Capt. Richard Nigel Gresley, and has issue]; Mildred Slingsby; and Winifred Slingsby. Seat— Winthorpe Hall, Newark. Town residence — 25 Queen's Gate, S.W. PELHAM, see ANDERSON-PELH.AM, THURSBY- PELHAM, and YARBOROUGH. LEONARD PELLY, Esquire, J. P. for co. Essex. Bom Sept. 19, 1856, being the second surviving son of Percy Leonard Pelly, Esq., J. P. for Surrey, and his wife Eliza Ann, dau. of John Sanderson Rigge, Esq., J. P. for Essex, of Belmont Castle, Grays, Essex. Livery — Light blue, « is the Military Cockade. pern pern 1071 Armorial bearing's — Or, on a bend engrailed azure, between two trefoils slipped proper, three martlets argent ; and im- paling the arms of Leatham, namely, per saltire ermine and or, on a chief engrailed azure, three bezants, each charged with a saltire gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest— Out of a crown vallery or, charged on the rim with three hurts, an elephant's head. Motto — "Deo ducente nilnocet." Married, Oct. 1880, Elizabeth, dau. of Charles A. Leatham of Gunnergate Hall, Yorkshire ; and has Issue — Eric Percy Leonard Pelly, Gentleman, b. Nov. 26, 1894 ; and Christabel. Estate — Gaston, Bishop Stortford. Postal address — Waltons, Ashdon, Essex. Clubs — Constitu- tional and Bath. PEMBERTON, see CHILDE-PEMBERTON. H ARTHUR RALPH PEMBERTON, Esquire, Lieut.- © Col. Rifle Brigade, Barrister-at-Law. Born Jan. 6, 1857, being the only son of Williams Pemberton, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , M.A., Barrister-at-Law (who in 1855 as- sumed by Royal Licence the name and arms of Pem- berton in lieu of Hodgson), and Frances Maria Sophia, only child and heir of the late Col. Francis Charles James Pemberton of Trumpington. Armorial bearings — Ar- gent, a chevron between three buckets sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a boar's head erased sable. Motto — "Nee temere, nee timide." Clubs — Travellers', Army and Navy. BUSICK EDMONDS PEMBERTON, Gentleman. Born May 26, 1851, being the second son of the late Charles Davis Pemberton, by his wife Jane (who died March 18, 1888), youngest dau. of Capt. John Blanshard. Armorial bearings— Per pale vert and argent, on a chevron between three buckets as many pallets, each charged with a cross crosslet all counterchanged. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross crosslet fitch^e argent, a dragon's head couped vert, collared and chained of the first. Motto — -" Dum anima spes est." Residence— \i, Sussex Square, W. CHARLES SEATON PEMBERTON. Gentleman. Born Dec. 5, 1849, being the eldest son of the late Charles Davis Pemberton, by his wife Jane, youngest dau. of Capt. John Blanshard. Armorial bearings— Per pale vert and I argent, on a chevron between three buckets as many pallets, I each charged with across crosslet all counterchanged. Mant- ling vert and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross crosslet fitch^e argent, a dragon's head couped vert, collared and chained of the first. Motto — " Dum anima spes est." Residence— "Z^ Queen Gardens, W. CYRIL WARNER LEE PEMBERTON, Gentleman. Born June 18, 1852, being the third son of the laie Charles Davis Pemberton, by his wife Jane, youngest dau. of Capt. John Blanshard. Armorial bearings — Per pale vert and argent, on a chevron between three buckets as many pallets, each charged with a cross crosslet all counter- changed. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross crosslet fitch^e argent, a dragon's head couped vert, collared and chained of the first. MottO — " Dum anima spes est." Residence — 120 Sloane Street, S.W. SSiR EDWARD LEIGH PEMBERTON, KC.B., late Major East Kent Yeomanry , J. P. and D. L. forco. Kent, M. P. for East Kent 1868-85. Born May 14, 1823, being the eldest son of the late Edward Leigh Pemberton, Esq., M.P., of Torry Hill, by his wife Charlotte, dau. of Samuel Comp- ton Cox, Esq., a Master in Chancery. Armorial bearings — Ermine, an estoile or, between three buckets sable, hoops and handles of the second ; and impaling the arms of Noel, namely or, fretty gules, a canton ermine. Mantling argent and sable. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head ermine, erased gules, ducally gorged or, and transfixed by an arrow fesseways proper. Motto — " Ut tibi sic alteri." Married, August 1849, Matilda Catherine Emma, dau. of Rev. Hon. Francis James Noel ; and has Issue — (i) Robert Leigh Pemberton, Esq., J. P., late Lieut. Grenadier Guards, b. Dec. 25, 1852 \m., June 5, 1883, Edith Selina Hay, dau. of Robert Hay Murray; and has issue, Robert Douglas, Gentleman, b. April 27, 1896; Nora; and Elsie]; (2)Wildred Leigh Pemberton, Gentleman, Barrister- at-Law, b. June 19, i854[/«., Jan. r, 1891, Alice Augusta, dau. of the late Captain David Holland Erskine ; and has issue, Thomas Edward Jeoffrey Pemberton, Gentleman, b. 1893 ; and Phyllis Beauclerk] ; Mary Beatrice ; and Millicent Mary. Seat — Torry Hill, near Sittingboume. Club — Carlton. ERNEST ST. CLAIR PEMBERMON, Esquire, Lt.-Col. Royal Engineers. Born June 3, 1857, being the fifth son of the late Charles Davis Pemberton, by his wife Jane, youngest dau. of Capt. John Blanshard. Armorial bearings— Per pale vert and argent, on a chevron between three buckets as many pallets, each charged with a cross crosslet all connterchanged. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in a front of a cross crosslet fitchfe argent, a dragon's head couped vert, collared and chained of the first. Motto — "Dum anima spes est." Residence — HENRYWILLIAMSPEMBERTON.Esq., J.P.,D.L., CO. Cambridge, Barrister-at-Law, M.A. Born 1819, being the second son of the Rev. Edward Hodgson, by Charlotte his wife, dau. of Francis Pemberton of Trumpington ; by Royal License, dated Oct. 1855, the Queen was pleased to grant to this gentleman and his wife, Francis Maria Sophia, license and authority that they should, in compliance with a proviso contained in the last will of the said Francis Charles James Pemberton, Esq., of Trumpington, take and use the surname and arms of Pemberton only. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron between three buckets sable. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boar's head erased sable. MottO^"Audi alteram partem." Married, 1855, Frances Maria Sophia, only child and heir of Francis Charles James Pemberton of Trumpington, and widow of William Huntly Cambell, Esq., Capt. 20th Regt. Seat — Trumpington, near Cambridge. HORACE CLAUDE PEMBERTON, Gentleman. Born Jan. 21, i860, being the seventh son of the late Charles Davis Pemberton, by his wife Jane, youngest dau. of Capt. John Blanshard. Armorial bearings— Per pale vert and argent, on a chevron between three buckets as many pallets, each charged with a cross crosslet all counter- changed. Mantling vert and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross crosslet fitch^e argent, a dragon's head couped vert, collared and chained of the first. Motto — " Dum anima spes est." Married,]vXy 22, 1893, Maria Jacinta, dau. of Sena Teofilo Sanchez de Bustamant6 ; and has Issue— {\) Horacio Severus Pember- ton, Gentleman, b. Nov. 6, 1898 ; (2) Ernest Roger Pem- berton, Gentleman, b. Nov. 18, 1900; (3) Robert Pember- ton, Gentleman, b. March 23, 1903 ; Maria Jacinta ; and Maria Dora (died an infant, Oct. 13, 1897). Residence — Jujuy, Argentine Republic. The Rev. JOSEPH HARDWICK PEMBERTON. Clerk in Holy Orders. Born Oct. 5, 1852, being the only is the Naval Cockade. io7» jpem Pen ion of the kite Joseph Pemberton, Gentleman, by his wife Amelia Elixabeth, second dau. of John Barnes, Gentleman, /.itvrr— Blue. AimorlAl bearing*— Azure, on a chevron ermine, between in chief two ears of wheat slipped or, and in base a dove rising proper, three griffins' heads erased of the third. Mfcntling azure and argent. Croat- Un a wreath of the colours, upon the trunk of an oak tree eradi- cated and sprouting towards the dexter proper, a griffin passant or, guttle - de - poix. Motto — " Juncti valemus." £s/aUs~Bo*es, Ongar, Essex; Manor of Siapleford Ab- botts, Essex; The Round House, Havering-atte- Bower, Essex. Postal address — The Round House, Havering-atte- Bower, Essex. LOFTUS LEIGH PEMBERTON, Gentleman. Re- gistrar of the Supreme Court since 1875. Bom , being the fourth son of the late Edward Leigh Pemberton, Esq., M.P., by his wife Charlotte, dau. of Samuel Compton Cox, a Master in Chancery. Armorial bearings — Ermine, an estoile or, between throe buckets sable, hoops and handles of the second. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head ermine, erased gules, ducally gorged or, and transfixed by an arrow fesse- w.iys proper. Motto— " Ut tibi sic alteri." Residence— 99 Rutland Gate, S.W. SE.\TON BLANSHARD PEMBERTON, Gentleman. Bom Nov. 17, 1858, being the sixth son of the late Charles Davis Pemberton, by his wife Jane, youngest dau. of Capt. John Blanshard. Armorial bearlnjgTS ~ Per pale vert and argent, on a chevron between three buckets as many pallets, each charged with a cross crosslet all counter- changed. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross crosslet fitch^e argent, a dragon's head coufied vert, collared and chained of the first. Motto — "Dum anima spes est." Residenee—-^ Rosary Gardens, South Kensington, W. The Reverend THOMAS PERCY PEMBERTON, M. A. , J. P. , late Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Camb. , Canon and Succentor Canonicorum of York Cathedral, late Rector of GiUing East, Yorkshire; assumed by Royal Licence, dated Feb. 26, 1900, the surname and arms of Pemberton. Bom Dec. 16, 1832, being the eldest son of the late William Hudson of Ousecliffe, York, Registrar of H.M. Court of Probate, York, by his wife Margarctta, dau. of William Moss of Liverpool. Armorial bearings- Quarterly I and 4, argent, a chevron between three buckets sable, with hoops and handles or ; a and 3, argent, three dragons' heads erect sable, coupcd and langued gules, and (for distinction) in the centre of the quarters a cross paK'c gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dragon's hi*ad erect sable, cou[x;d and langued gules, and (for distinction) charged with a cross fat6eargcnt. Motto— "Nee temere nee timide." Married, une ai, 1870, Patience Frances Sophia, only surviving child and heir of Capt. William Huntley Campbell, by his wife Frances Maria Sophia, only child of Francis Charles iames Pemberton of Trumpmgton, co. Cambridge; and as Issue — Francis Percy Campliell Pemberton, Gentleman, b. April 4, 1885 ; and Viola Patience Campbell. Seat— Trumpington Hall, Cambridge. Clubs — Oxford and Cam- bridge, Pall Mall. WILLOUGHBY ARTHUR PEMBERTON. Gentle- man. Botn March as, 1862, being the eighth and youngest son of the late Charles Davis Pemberton, by his wife Jane, youngest dau. of Capt. John Blanshard. Armorial bear- ings — Per pale vert and argent, on a chevron between three buckets as many pallets, each charged with a cross crosslet all countcrchanged. Mantling vert and ar- gent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross crosslet fitch^e argent, a dragon's head couped vert, collared and chained of the first. Motto — "Dum anima spes est." Married, Jan. 14, 1904, Ruth, dau. of Charles Lethbridge, formerly of Chargot, Dunster, Somer- set. Residence — 1 1 Lower Belgrave Street, S. W. Clubs — St. James's and White's. MWYKEHAM LEIGH PEMBERTON. Esquire, Maj.-Gen. C.B., J.P., formerly Col. 6oth Rifles. Born Dec. 4, 1833, being the fifth son of the late Edward Leigh Pemberton of Torry Hill, Kent, by his wife Charlotte, dau. of Samuel Conipton Cox, a Master in Chancery. Ar- morial bearlngrs — Ermine, an estoile or, between three buckets sable, hoops and handles of the second. ling sable and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colou a dragon's head ermine, erased gules, ducally gorged and transfixed by an arrow fesseways proper. Mot' " Ut tibi sic alteri." Married, July 10, 1884, Jessie, da of John Graham of Skelmorlie Castle, N.B. ; and has A* — (i) Darell Wykeham Graham Leigh Pemberton, Gent) man, b. Oct. 29, 1885 ; Evelyn Graham Charlotte Leig' and Hazel Violet Wykeham Leigh. 5m/— Abbot's Leij Sussex. Club — Army and Navy. PEMBERTON - BARNES (H. Coll.) Quarterly, x and 4, argent, a bear in bend sable between two bendlets azure, on a chief of the last, a rose of the first, barbed and seeded proper, between two estoiles or, a canton ermine for difference (for Barnes) ; 2 and 3, azure, on a chevron ermine, between in chief two ears of wheat slipped or and in base a dove rising proper, three griffins' heads erased of the third (for Pemberton). Mantl£ig sable and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, upon a rock a leopard passant proper, sem6e of estoiles, and charged with a cross crosslet sable for difference (for Barnes) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, upon the trunk of an oak-tree eradi- cated and sprouting towards the dexter proper, a griflin passant or, guttte-de-poix. MottO— " Mutare vel timere sperno." Sons of , by his wife Anne: — W. H. Pemberton- Barnes, Gentleman, b. . Res, — Havering-atte-Bower, Essex. Ernest Pemberton-Barnes, Gentleman, b. PENDARVES (R.L., 1861, H. Coll.). Sable, a falcon rising between three mullets or. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a deini-bear ermine, muzzled, lined, and ringed or. Sons of John Wood of Ashfield, Martock, Somerseti b. ; d. 1872 ; m. 1832, Mary Anne, d. of Rcfc Thomas B. Coleman, Rector of Church StrettOB, Salop : — William Cole Pendarves, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Corn- wall (High Sheriff 1880), Deputy Warden of the Stannerics and Barrister-at-Law, b. 1841 ; m. 1893, Alice Louisa, d. of H. R. Farrer of Green Hammerton Hall, Yorks ; and has issue — John Stackhouse Pendarves, Gentleman, l>. ^ is the Military Cockade, Pen Fen 1073 1894. 5^<7/— Pendarves, Camborne, Cornwall. Town res. —40 Cadogan Square, S.W. Augustus Wood-Acton (q.v.). Sir JAMES PENDER, 1st Baronet (Sept. 3, 1897), of Thornby Hall, co. Northampton, and Linlithgow, B.A. London, Lord of the Manor of Thornby, M.P. for Mid- Northants 1895-1900, formerly Lieut. 2Sth Regt. of Foot. Born 1842, being the eldest son of the late Sir John Pender, G. CM. G.. of Middieton Hall, co. Linlithgow, and Eootscray Place, Kent, by his first wife Marion, dau. of James Cearns of Glasgow. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a bend nebuly argent, between a terrestrial globe in chief proper and a fleur-de-lis in base of the second, two lions' heads erased of the first ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion or, charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslet sable, holding in the de.xter paw a seax proper, pommel and hilt gold, and resting the sinister paw on a globe as in the arms. Motto — " Per- severo." Married, Nov. 7, 1867, Mary Rose, third dau. of Edward John Gregge Hopwood of Hopwood Hall, Hey- wood. Lanes., J. P. and D.L. , for co. Lanes. Seat — Thornby Hall, Northamptonshire. Town residence — 2 Mount Street, W. Clubs — Carlton, Naval and Military, Turf. Sir JOHN DENISON DENISON - PENDER, K.C.M.G., of Erines, Tarbert, Loch Fyne, N.B. By Royal Licence, dated May 8, -1890, he and his issue were authorised to take the surname of Denison in addition to and before that of Pender, and bear the arms of Denison quarterly with their own. Born Oct. 10, 1855, being the third but second surviving son of the late Sir John Pender, G.C.M.G., of Middieton Hall, co. Linlithgow, and Foots- cray Place, Kent, by his second wife Emma, only surviving child and heir of Henry Denison of Daybrook, parish of Arnold, Notts. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, gules, on a bend nebuly argent, between a terrestrial globe in chief proper and a fleur-de-lis in base of the second, two lions' heads erased of the first (for Pender) ; 2 and 3, the arms of Denison. Mantling gules and argent. Crests^ I. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion or, charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslet sable, holding in the dexter paw a seax proper, pommel and hilt gold, and resting the sinister on a globe as in the arms ; 2. the crest of Denison. Motto — "Persevero." Married, Aug. 2,1879, Beatrice Catherine, dau. of the late Cuthbert Ellison, Esq., J. P.; and has Issue— [i] John Cuthbert Denison-Pender, Esq., b. May it, 1882 ; (2) Henry Denison Denison-Pender, Gentleman, b. April 2, 1884. Seat — Erines, Tarbert, Loch- fyne, N.B. Town residence — 6 Grosvenor Crescent, S.'W. PENBRUGE, quartered by CORBET and SLAUGH- TER. PENFOLD, quartered by WYATT. HAROLD PENFOLD, Gentleman. Born Nov. 15, 1850, being the fourth son of the late Oliver Penfold of the Parish of St. Clement Danes, co. Middlesex, by his wife Frances Helen, dau. of M'illiam Johnson of Hackney. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron or, surmounted by another couped sable, between three wood-pigeons proper, each charged on the breast with a pellet. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, out of park pales alternately argent and sable, charged with three escal- lops in fesse or, a pine tree fructed proper. Motto — " Pende valde." Married, Oct. 29, 1881, Mary Louisa, eldest dau. of Thomas Walker of Papcastle, co. Cumberland. Resi- dence — Chiswick, Middlesex. HUGH PENFOLD, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Sussex, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Born 1834, being the eldest son of the late Edward Gieenfield Penfold, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant, of Rustington, formerly Captain Sussex Militia, by his wife Sarah, eldest daughter and co-heir of the late Charles Mar- shall of Steyning, in the county of Sussex. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, a chevron or, surmounted by another couped sable, between three wood-pigeons proper, each charged on the breast with a pellet. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, out of park pales alternately argent and sable, charged with three escallops in fesse or, a pine-tree fructed proper. Estate and postal address — Rustington, Worthing. SMARCHANT PENFOLD, Esquire, Port Captain of Cape Town, J. P., Royal Naval Reserve. Born May II, 1840, being the oldest son of the late Oliver Penfold of the Parish of St. Clement Danes, co. Middlesex, by his wife Frances Helen, dau. of William Johnson of Hackney. Ar- morial bearings — Azure, a chevron or, surmounted by another couped sable, between three wood-pigeons proper, each charged on the breast with a pellet. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, out of park pales alternately argent and sable, charged with three escallops in fesse or, a pine tree fructed proper. Motto — "Pende valde." Married, Feb. 28, 1873, Mary Browne, dau. of Hubert and Caroline Mason of Exeter ; and has Issue. Residence — Cape Town, South Africa. OLIVER PENFOLD, Esquire, J.P., M.R.C.S.E. Born July 15, 1844, being the second son of the late Oliver Pen- fold of the Parish of St. Clement Danes, co. Middlesex, by his wife Frances Helen, dau. of William Johnson of Hackney. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron or, sur- mounted by another couped sable, between three wood- pigeons proper, each charged with a pellet. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, out of park pales alternately argent and sable, charged with three escallops in fesse or, a pine tree fructed proper. Motto — "Pende valde." Married, Feb. 3, 1885, Mary Louisa, dau. of Alexander Bayne of Sandhurst, formerly of Kirk- liston, near Glasgow, N.B. ; and has Issue — Harold Lash- mar Penfold, Gentleman, b. Dec. 20, 1885 ; and Dorothy Mary Helen. Residence — 'View Place, Bendigo, 'Victoria. ROBERT PENFOLD, Esquire, formerly Captain 15th Hussars. Born October i, 1835, being the second son of the late Edward Greenfield Penfold, Esquire, Deputy- Lieutenant, Capt. Sussex Militia, by his wife Sarah, eldest daughter and co-heir of Charles Marshall. Club — Junior United Service. Armorial bearing^ — He bears for Arms : Azure, a chevron or, surmounted by another couped sable, between three wood-pigeons proper, each charged on the breast with a pellet. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, out of park pales alternately argent and sable, charged with three escallops in fesse or, a pine-tree fructed jiroper. Estate and postal address — Roundwyck, Petworth, Sussex. WILLIAM PENFOLD, Gentleman. Born Dec. 2, 1848, being the third son of the late Oliver Penfold of the Parish of St. Clement Danes, co. Middlesex, by his wife Frances Helen, dau. of William Johnson of Hackney. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron or, surmounted by another couped sable, between three wood-pigeons proper, each charged on the breast with a pellet. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, out of park pales alternately argent and sable, charged with three escallops in fesse or, a pine tree proper. Motto — "Pende vaide." Married, Dec. 25, 1875, Clarissa Sophia, only dau. of Stephen Blunden of Polling, co. Sussex ; and has Issue. Residence — YJm^^ViX^ , co. Middlesex. PENFOLD (H. Coll.). Paly of six sable and ermine, three pens fessewise in pale or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant gules, holding in the dexter forepaw a pen in bend sinister or, in front of park pales of the last. MottO— " Mightier than the sword." Sons of : — Rev. William Thomas Penfold, Clk. in H. Orders, b. . Res. — Melrose Cottage, Eastbourne. John Penfold, Gentleman, Solicitor, b. . Res. — Doughty Street, St. Pancras, W. The Late JOHN PENN, Gentleman, M.P. for Lewis- ham. Bom 1848, being the eldest son of the late John Penn, Esq., F. R.S. , of The Cedars, Lee, Kent, by his wife Ellen, dau. of W. English. Armorial bearings— Per pale azure and gules, a cross pat^e erminois between five fleurs-de-lis, three in chief and two in base or. Mantling azure and or. is the Naval Cockade. 1074 Ipen Pen OrMt -On a wreath of the colours, issuant from clouds, a dexter arm embowvd holding a smith's hammer hU proper. MoUo -" Noa sine labor." /i!ttiti*Hce—aa Culion House Terrace. &W. PENNEFATHER. quartered by MOORE. ALFRED RICHARD PENNEFATHER. Esquire. C.B. (Civil 1895). Horn March to, 1845, lieing the elder son of John IVnnefather, Gentleman (second son of the Rt. Hon. Richard Pennefather, IWon of Court of I-lxchequer), by his wife Elizal>cth Jemima, dau. of Edward de Moleyns. Els<|., commonly known as the Hon. Edward de Moleyns. Livtry — Blue, yellow trimmings. Annorial bearings — Per fesse or and gules, a bend ermine. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant argent, the dexter paw resting on an oval shield of the arms. MottO — " I abide my time. Married, May 9. 1867, Thomasina C. Savory. Postal ad- dress — Little Waltham Hall, near Chelmsford. Clubs — Union, Royal St. George's Yacht (Kingstown). Captain CHARLES EDWARD DE FONBLANQUE PENNEFATHER. Governor of the Island of St. Helena. Bom June 23, 1848, being the elder son of the late Kingsmill Pennefather, Esquire, Major Limerick Militia, by his second wife Jane Catherine Patrica, eldest daughter of Thomas de Grenier de Fonblanque, Knight of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order, formerly Her Majesty's Consul-General and Charge d'Affaires in Servia (and granddaughter of Sir Jonah Barrington, Knight Bachelor, Judge of the Admiralty in Ireland). Livery — Drab coat, red plush breeches, and brass buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per fesse or and gules, a bend ermine. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling g^les and or ; and for his Crest, up)on a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant argent, sustaining an oval shield of the arms ; with the Mottoes, " I abyde my tyme." and " Vivite fortes." DE FONBLANQUE PENNEFATHER, Gentleman. Bom 1856, being the younger son of the late Major Kings- mill Pennefather, Esquire, by his second wife Jane Cathe- rine Patrica, eldest daughter of lliomas de Grenier de Fonblanque, Knight of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order, formerly Her Majesty's Consul-General and Charge d'Affaires in Servia (and granddaughter of Sir Jonah Barrington, Knight Bachelor, Judge of the Admiralty in Ireland). Ait/^ry— Drab coat, red plush breeches, and brass buttons. Armorial bearings— He liears for Arms: Per fesse or and gules, a Ix-nd ermine. Ujxm the escuiclicon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant argent, sustaining an oval shield of the arms; with the Mottoes, "I abvde my tyme," and "Vivite fortes." Married, April 28, 1886, Madeleine, daughter of Sir Rolwrt Prescott Stewart, Knight B:\<:helor, Residence — Calveley Hall, TarpKjrley, Cheshire. Captain WILLIAM VAUGHTON PENNEFA- THER. Born January 14, 1862, being the elder son of the late Richard Pennelather, Esquire, of Lakefield, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Emma Elizal>cih, daughter of Robert Darsvin Vaughton of Ashfurlong House, in the county of Warwick. Livery — Dr.ab coat, red plush breeches, and brass buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per fesse or and gules, a bend ermine. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet l)efitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant argent, sus- taining an oval shield of the arms ; with the Mottoes, "I abyde my tyme," and "Vivite fortes." Estate and postal address — Lakefield, Tipperary. PENNEFATHER (U.O.). Per fesse or and gules, a bend ermine. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On wreath of the colours, a lion sejant argent supporting ai oval shield of the arms. Mottoes — " I abyde my tyme," "Vivite fortes." Livery — Drab coat, red plush breeches, brass buttons. Sons of Edward Pennefather, Esq., of Rathsallaghj Q.C., J.P., D.L., *. 1809; d. 1895; m. 1841, Harrii- d. of Richard Hall of Copped Hall, Totterid, Herts :— Capt. Charles Edward Pennefather, late 4th Queen's Own Hussars, J. P. co. Wicklow (High Sheriff 1890), b, 1849. Seat — Rathsallagh, Colbinstown, co. Wicklow. Frederick William Pennefather, Gentleman, Barrister- at-Law, b. 1852. Res. — Son of Rev. William Pennefather, Rector of Callai CO. Kilkenny, b. 181 1 ; d. ; m. 1846, Anne, and coh. of Gen. Hon. John Brodrick :• — Edward Graham Pennefather, Esq., Lt.-Col. Inniskilling Dragoons, b. 1850. Res. — Son of Richard Theodore Pennefather, Esq., Auditor Gen. of Ceylon, b. ; d. 1865; m. 1851, Ariana Margaretta, d. of Col. Shore: — Richard Pennefather, Gentleman, b. . Res. — PENNYMAN (R.L., 1852, H. Coll.; arms originally confirmed and crest granted by Segar, Norroy, i May 1599). Quarterly, i and 4, gules, a chevron ermine between three broken sf)ears or, headed argent (Pennyman) ; 2 and 3, argent, a chief gules (Worsley, temp. Henry VI.). Ma.Tit11llg gules and argent. Crest — On a mural crown gules, a lion's head erased or, pierced through the neck with a broken spear in bend also or, head towards the sinister argent Motto — " Fortiter et fideliter." Sons of James Stovin Pennyman, Esq., of Ormesby Hall, Yorks., J. P., b. 1830; d. 1896; m. 1855, Mary Mackenzie, d. and coh. of William Joseph Coltman, of Naburn Hall, Yorks. : — James Worsley Pennyman, Esq., J. P. and D.L. North Rdg. Yorks., Barrister-at-Law, b. 1856; m. 1882, Dora Maria, d. of H. F. Beaumont, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Whitley Beaumont, Huddersfield ; and has issue — (i) James Beau- mont Worsley Pennyman, Gentleman, ^. 1883; (2) Thomas Henry Pennyman, Gentleman, b. 1892 ; and Mary Dorothy, Seat — Ormesby Hall, Ormesby, R.S.O. , Yorks. Clubs — Carlton, Yorshire (York). Col. Alfred Worsley Pennyman, late 25th Regt. K.O. Scottish Borderers, b. 1858. Res. — The Barracks, Berwick, Rev. William Geoffrey Pennyman, b. 1870. Res. — The Vicarage, Bishopthorpe, Yorks. Sir GEORGE DEVONSHER PENROSE, Knight Bachelor, J. P. for, and late Alderman of, Cork (Mayor 1876), High Sheriff of Cork 1884. Born 1822, being the youngest son of the late William Penrose, merchant, of Cork, and was dubbed Knight Bachelor 1876. Clubs — City (Cork). Armorial bearings — Per bend or and argent, is the MUitary Cockade. Pen Pep 1075 on a bend azure, between three roses gules, barbed and seeded vert, a civic crown of the first. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased or, gorged with a chaplet of red roses and crowned with a civic wreath, both proper. Motto — " Rosa sine spina." Married, first, 1850, Mary, eldest dau. of Keiran MoUoy of Banagher ; second, 1887, Mary Gertrude, dau. of the late Jeremiah Dunne, Esq., J. P. Seats — Bachelor's Quay, Cork ; Banagher, King's Co. PENTON late of Chalfont Park, Bucks (H. Coll.). Per chevron gules and or, two chevronels counterchanged between in chief two towers argent, and in base a lion rampant double-queued azure. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion couchant guardant double-queued azure, bezant^e, collared or, and resting the dexter paw on a tower as in the arms. Motto — ""Tutus his virtute tutior." Son of Henry Penton, Esq., of Pentonville, J. P. and D.L. Middx., J.P. Sussex, Col. 3rd Roy. Middx. Mil, b. 1817 ; d. 1882 ; m. 1839, Eliza Maria, d. of Major Henry Langley of Brittas Castle, co. Tipperary late 2nd Life Guards : — Frederick Thomas Penton, Esq., J.P. cos. Middx., Bucks, and London, D.L. Middx., late Capt. 4th Dragoon Guards, Hon. Col. 21st Middx. R.V. , M.P. for Central Finsbury 1886-92 (High Sheriff Bucks 1886-7), f>- 1851 ; m. 1883, Caroline Helen Mary, eld. d. of Alexander John Robert Stewart, Esq., of Ards, co. Donegal, by Lady Isabel Rebecca Toler, d. of 2nd Earl of Norbury ; and has issue — (i) Henry Alexander Penton, Gentleman, b. 1885 ; (2) Cyril Frederick Penton, Gentleman, b. 1886; Kathleen Winifred; and Dorothy Grace. Res. — Goring Hall, nr. Worthing, Sussex. Clubs — Travellers', Carlton, Army and Navy, Wellington. Sons of Major Thomas Penton, late 8th Hussars, b. 1818; d. 1868 ; m. 1840, Caroline Ratcliffe :— Sons of Major-Gen. John Penton : — Lt.-Col. Richard Hugh Penton, D.S.O., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., has 3rd class Medjidieh, b. 1863; m. 1902, Kathleen Rosa, d. of Lt.-Col. R. S. Green of Dedham, Essex. Address — War Office, Cairo. ANTHONY FRANCIS PENYSTON, Gentleman; assumed the name of Penyston by Royal Licence 1893, in lieu of his patronymic Partridge. Born Feb. 22, 1879, being the eldest son of the late Anthony William Penyston, Esq., Capt. Prince of Wales' Own Norfolk Artillery Militia, by his wife Isabella Emma, dau. of Lieut.-Col. William Tyrwhitt Drake. Armorial bearings — Argent, three Cornish choughs proper, and for distinction in the centre chief point a cross crosslet sable. Mantling gfules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a gryphon statant sable, charged for distinction with a cross crosslet or. Motto— "Virtus in victavigit." Seat — CornwL'll Manor, Chipping Norton. Club — Conservative. JOHN FRANCIS PENYSTON, Esq., of Cornwell Manor, co. Oxford, J.P. Born May 29, 1827, being the son of the late Rev. John Anthony Partridge, Rector of Malpas, CO. Chester, by his wife Louisa Isabella, youngest dau. of Thomas Tyrwhitt Drake of Shardilces, Bucks ; assumed the name of Penyston by Royal License in 1873, in lieu of his patronymic, Partridge. Club — Conservative. Armorial bearings — Argent, three Cornish choughs proper, and for distinction, in the centre chief point, a cross crosslet gules. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a gryphon statant sable, charged for distinction with a cross crosslet argent. Motto—" Virtus invicta vigit." Married, July 20, 1858, Catherine Mary, dau. of the Rev. Thomas John Blofeld of Hoveton House, Norfolk. Seat — Cornwell Manor, Chipping Norton. PEPDIE, quartered by HOME and HEPWORTH- SCOTT. PEPLOE, see WEBB-PEPLOE. § DANIEL HENRY THEOPHILUS PEPLOE, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. for co. Hereford. Born April 24, 1861, being the eldest son of the late Daniel Peploe, Esq., B.A. , J.P. and D.L. , Major 4th Dragoon Guards, M.P. for co. Hereford, by his wife Eliza Debon- naire Theophila, youngest dau. of Sir Thomas Theophilus Metcalfe, 4th Bart., of Fern Hill. Armorial bearings- Quarterly I and 4, azure, on a chevron embattled counter- embattled argent, between three bugle-horns stringed or, a mitre with labels of the field , on a canton ermine a crosier or, and a sword in saltire gules, the former surmounted by the latter (for Peploe) ; 2 and 3, or, a cross paly sable and azure, in the first and fourth quarters an eagle displayed of the second (for Webb). Mantling azure and argent. Crests— I. a ducal coronet or, issuant therefrom a rein- deer's head gules, attired or, charged on the neck with a human eye shedding drops of tears proper (for Peploe) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed sable, sem^e de fleurs-de-lis or, in the mouth a trefoil vert (for Webb). Married, Dec. 11, 1890, Sydney Katherine, eldest dau. of Spencer Chapman of 84 Eccleston Square ; and has Issue~(i) Daniel Spencer Peploe, Gentleman, b. Oct. 3, 1891 ; and (2) Keith Peploe, Gentleman, b. July 26, 1893. Seat — Garnstone Castle, Weobley, Hereford. Clubs^ Bachelors', Carlton. FITZGERALD CORNEWALL PEPLOE, Gentleman. Born Sept. 5, 1862, being the second son of the late Daniel Peploe Peploe, Esq., B.A., J.P. and D.L., Major 4th Dragoon Guards, M.P. for co. Hereford 1874-80, by his wife Eliza Debonnaire Theophila, youngest dau. of Sir Thomas Theophilus Metcalfe, 4th Bart., of Fern Hill. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure, on a chevron embattled counter-embattled argent, between three bugle- horns stringed or, a mitre with labels of the field, on a canton ermine, a crosier or, and a sword in saltire gules, the former surmounted by the latter (for Peploe) ; 2 and 3, or, a cross paly sable and azure, in the first and fourth quarters an eagle displayed of the second (for Webb). Mantling azure and argent. Crests — i. a ducal coronet or, issuant therefrom a reindeer's head gules, attired or, charged on the neck with a human eye shedding drops of tears proper (for Peploe) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed sable, sem^e de fleurs-de-lis or, in the mouth a trefoil vert (for Webb). Residence — S CHARLES PEPPER, Esq., M.A. of Trin. Coll.) Cambridge, J.P. and D.L. for co. Meath (High Sheriff 1887), and (Hon.) Col. of sth Batt. Leinster (Royal Meath) Regt. Born 1845, being the eldest surviving son of the late Col. Charles Pepper, by Matilda Mary, dau. of Arthur St. George, Esq. , and Lady Harriet St. George ; s. his brother in 1848. C/a*— Carlton. Armorial bearings- Gules, on a chevron argent, between three demi-lions rampant or, as many grains of pepper proper, and in chief a trefoil slipped of the second. Majitling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a is the Naval Cockade. k^ 1076 pep Pet demi-lion rampant or. MottO— "Semper erectus." Seat — Ballygarth Castle, Julianstown, Drogheda. PEPPER (H. Coll.). Gules, in chief two demi-lions rampant or. and in hose a sickle erect proper. M a n t lin g gules and or. CTMt— On a wreath of the colours, n stag trippant proper, collared sable, charged on the Moulder with a rose argent, and resting the dexter forefoot on a sickle as in the arms. Motto — " Semper erectus. " Livery — Brown. Only son of William Pepper of Newton Green Hall, Potternewton, Leeds, co. York. , b. 1822 ; d. 1895 ; m. 1852 :— William Frederick Pepper, Esq., J. P. co. Oxford and W.R. Yorks., b. 1853; m. 1882, Harriette Helen, d. of Thomas Lawson of Leeds; and has issue— (i) Wilfred Pepper, Gentleman, b. 1889 ; (2) Cedric William Pepper, Gentleman, b. 1895 ; and Elsie. Seat — Shipton Court, Sh i pton-under- Wy ch wood , Ox fordshire. PERCEVAL, quartered by GRAVES, PERCEVAL, see EGMONT, Sir WEvSTBY brook PERCEVAL, K.C.M.G. (1894), Barrister-at-Law (Middle Temple); Member for Christ- church, N.Z., in House of Representatives 1887-91 ; Chair- man of Committees, House of Representatives, N.Z., 1891 ; Agent-General for New Zealand 1891-96; Agent-General for Tasmania since 1896; Member of Royal Commission for Chicago Exhibition; Member of Royal Commission for Paris Exhibition 1900 ; Representative for New Zealand and Tasmania in Governing Body of Imperial Institute. Bom May 11, 1854, being the only son of the late Westby Hawkshaw Perceval, late of Knightsbrook, in the co. of Meath, Ireland, by his wife Sarah Brook Bailey, youngest dau. of John Bailey of Little Oakley, in the co. of Essex, M.D. Clubs — City of London, St George's. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, sable a horse passant argent, the fore-leg attached to the hind-leg on the near side by a fetterlock gules (Perceval) ; 2. sable, a chevron ermme between three mullets argent (Perceval) ; 3. argent, a chevron gules, on a canton of the last, a spur, leathered, rowel downwards or. Crest — A horse as in the arms. Motto — "Per se valens." Married, May 11, 1880, Jessie M.iry, youngest dau. of Hon. John Johnson, M.L.C.of Willington, New Zealand; and has /ww# — (i) Francis Weslby Perceval, Esq., J. P., *. Jan. 21, 1882 ; (a) Alan John Westby Peter Mary . dresses— 5 Victoria Street, London, S.W. ; St. Ikindons, Wimbledon, Surrey. Dy rercevai, i!.sq., j. r., p. jan. ai, looa ; ^3J man jonn by Pcrcev.1l, Esq.,*. Jan. 18, 1884; (3) Christopher Weslby Perceval, Esq., b. June 11, 1890; Eileen Josephme ; and Mary Margaret Agnes. Postal ad- PERCEVAL (U.O.). Argent, on a chief indented yules, three crosses pat^ of the held. Majitling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a thistle erect, leaved proper. Mottoes (over the crest) —" Yvcry," (under the arms) "Sub cruce Candida." Sons of Philip Perceval, Esq., D.L., *. 1813; d. 1897; m. ist, 1843, Frederica Penelope (d. 1861), d. of Col. Hugh Duncan Baillie of Red Castle, N.B. ; and, 1868. Hon. Ernestine Wellington Sydney, d. of ist Lord de Lisle and Dudley : — Hugh Spencer Dudley Perceval, Gentleman, 6. 1856. lies.— Philip Perceval, Gentleman, b. 1868; m. 1892, Silvia, d. of John Postee Haseltine of Walhampton, Lyminglon. Son of Alexander Perceval of Temple House, J. P. and D.L. CO. Sligo (High Sheriff 1882), *. 1859; d. 1887; m. 1881, Charlotte Jane, d. of Charles Willitim O'Hara of Annaghmore : — Alexander Ascelin Charles Philip Spencer Perceval^i Gentleman, b. 1885. Seat — Temple House, Ballymote, co.f Sligo. M ROBERT PERCEVAL-MAXWELL, Esq., J. P. for ® Waterford (High Sheriff 1864). J. P. and D.L. for co. Down (High Sheriff 1841), was Major R.N. Down Rifles, B.A. (Oxon.). Bom June 24, 1813, being the eldest son of the Rev. William Perceval, by Anne, eldest dau. of the late, I John Waring Maxwell of Finnebrogue. Clubs — Carlton, Union, Sackville Street (Dublin), Ulster (Belfast). Livery — (dress) white with black facings ; (undress) drab with black facings. Armorial bearings —Quarterly i and 4, argent, a saltire sable, on a chief of the last, three pallets of Is tbe Military Cockade. pet per 1077 the first (for Maxwell) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chief indented gules, three crosses pat6e of the first (for Perceval) ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Moore, namely, quarterly i and 4 sable, a swan argent, membered and beaked or, within a bordure engrailed of the second (for Moore) ; 2 and 3, quarterly i. and iiii. argent a cross pat^e concave gules ; ii. sable, a fesse chequy or and vert (for Colvill) ; iii. vert, a fleur-de-lis argent, a mullet on a crescent for difference (for Foulks). Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased proper (for Maxwell). Motto—" Je suis pret." Married, Sept. 19, 1839, Helena Anne, only dau. of William Moore of Moore Hill, co. Waterford (she died 1888) ; and has had Issue— (\) John William Perceval- Maxwell, Esq. (High Sheriff of co. Down 1873), *• 1840 \jn., 1868, Selina Frances Imogene, eldest dau. of the late David Stewart Ker of Montalto, co. Down, and died 1875, leaving, with other issue, Robert David Perceval-Maxwell, Gentleman,^. 1870]; (2) William Perceval-Maxwell, Gentle- man, b. 1841 ; (3) Robert Perceval-Maxwell, Gentleman, b, 1849, died 1873 ; (4) Stephen Richard Nassau Perceval- Maxwell, Gentleman, b. 1850; (5) Henry Spencer Perceval- Maxwell, Gentleman, b. 1861 ; Mary ; Madeline Dorothea ; Helena Anne ; Harriette Louisa ; Isabel Maria ; Anna Caroline ; and Alicia Catherine. Estates — Groomsport House, Bangor, co. Down ; Finnebrogue, Downpatrick ; Bellewstown, co. Meath ; Moore Hill, co. Waterford; and Fermoy, co. Meath. Residence — Finnebrogue, Down- patrick. PERCY, quartered by BAGOT and MURRAY. PERCY, see HEBER-PERCY, LOVAINE, and NOR- THUMBERLAND. AUGUSTUS FREDERICK PERKINS, Gentleman. Bom 1837, being the only son of the late Augustus Samuel Perkins of 54 Old Steine, Brighton, Sussex. Armorial bearings— Argent, two chevronels engrailed gules, between as many escallops in chief of the last and a thistle leaved and slipped in base proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, out of park pales proper, an unicorn's head argent, armed and maned sable, holding in the mouth a thistle as in the arms. Married, 1867, Cecilia Marion, fifth dau. of Rev. Charles Carlos Clark of Esher, Surrey. Seat — Oakdene, Holmwood, Dorking. C/k/J— Junior United Service. JAMES PERKINS, Gentleman, a Member of the (Corporation of the City of London, and Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. Born July 22, 1830, being the third son of Jonathan Perkins of Wiltshire, by his wife Elizabeth Ann, n6e Bowles, of Somersetshire [niece of Admiral Bowles]. C/«*— Constitutional. Livery— Gr&y. Armorial bearings —He bears for Arms ; Per fesse gules and argent, a pale between two unicorns' heads erased in chief and as many fleurs-de-lis in base, the pale charged with a cross crosslet fitch^e in chief and an anchor erect in base all counter- changed ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a ship's rudder fesseways a dexter arm in armour proper, charged with two anchors, the one above and the other below the elbow or, the hand holding a battle- axe also or; with the Motto, "In Deo confido." Postal address — Berkeley House, 69 Kensington Park Road, S.E. WILLIAM LUMLEY PERRIER, Esq. Born 1870, being the eldest son of the late William Lumley Perrier, Esq., J. P., of Maryborough House, co. Cork, by his wife Maria Frances, dau. of William Clarke, Esq., of Farran, co. Cork, and great-grandson of the late Sir Anthony Perrier of Carrigmore, co. Cork. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion rampant gules, debruised by a bend or, on a chief azure, a lion's head couped of the first. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, issuant from a French ducal coronet or, a lion's head proper. Motto — " Consilio et vi." Seat — Ballinure House, Blackrock, co. Cork. S CHARLES WILLIAM DYSON PERRINS, Esquire, J. P. , F. R. A.S. , formerly Capt. 4th Batt. Highland Light Infantry, Esquire of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Mayor of Worcester 1897, High Sheriff co. Worcester 1899- 1900. Born May 25, 1864, being the only son of the late James Dyson Perrins, Esq., J. P., High Sheriff 1885, by his wife Frances Sarah, eldest dau. of James Perrins of Cheltenham. Livery — Dark blue coat, red and blue waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Gules, three piles two in chief and one in base or, each charged with a pomegranate slipped proper, on a chief ermine three leopards' faces of the first. Mantling gules and or. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, a demi-talbot gorged with a collar nebuly gules, charged on the shoulder with two annulets interlaced fessewise of the last, holding between the paws a pomegranate as in the arms. Motto — " Perenne sub sole nihil." Married, Oct. 16, 1889, Catherine Chris- tina, dau. of the late A. A. Gregory of Inverness ; and has Isstte — (i) James Allan Dyson Perrins, Gentleman, b. Nov. 20, 1890 ; (2) Charles Francis Dyson Perrins, Gentle- man, b. March 23, 1892 ; (3) John Stewart Dyson Perrins, Gentleman, b. Nov. 27, 1898 ; Margaret Susan ; and Catherine Elspeth. Seats — Davenham, Malvern ; Ardross Castle, Ross-shire. C/«^— Conservative. PERRINS (H. Coll.). Gules, three piles, two in chief and one in base or, each charged with a pomegranate slipped proper, on a chief ermine, three leopard's faces of the first. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-talbot gorged with a collar nebuly gules, charged on the shoulder with two annulets interlaced fesse- wise of the last, holding between the paws a pomegranate as in the arms. Motto — "Perenne sub sole nihil." Livery — Dark blue coat, red and blue waistcoat. Son of James Dyson Perrins, Esq., J. P., of Davenham, b. 1823 ; d. 1887 :— Charles William Dyson Renins, Esq. iq.v.). Son of Thomas Henry Perrins, Gentleman, b. 1827; d. 1879; m. 1864, Amelia, d. of Hanbury Hopkins: — William Dyson Perrins, Gentleman, b. 1866. Kes. — The Palms, Malvern. S THOMAS ALOYSIUS PERRY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant. Borii June 12, 1820, being the son of the late Thomas Perry, by his wife Mary Ann Budd. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a pile vert three pears stalked and leaved or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin sejant, wings elevated or, the wings fretty vert, and resting the dexter claw upon a mascle or. MottO — " Recte agens confido." Married, September 22, 1840, Helen, only daughter of William Knight of Houghton, in the county of Lancaster; and by her (who died 1875) has had Issue — (i) Joseph Knight Perry, Gentleman, died 1846; (2) William Stanislaus Perry, Gentleman, died 1847 ; Mary [married, January 1870, Roger Joseph Mostyn, Esquire, youngest son of Sir Edward is the Naval Cockade. I 1078 !pcr Iper Mctttyn. scvcnih Baronet, of Talacrc, and died 1884] ; Helen, died 1874; Clcorgina Mary [married. April 21. 1868, the Right Honourable the O Conor IJon, and died 1872]; Agnes Mary [niarriod. April ai. 1868. Wilfrid Francis Tempest, Esquire, of Ackworih Grange, in the county of York, and died 1885] ; Anna Maria (married, Novemlicr 1880, Sir Fyers William Mostyn, ninth llaronct, of Talacre]; and Pauline Marie Therese. Postal adtiress — Bitham House. Avon l>aMctt. Warwickshire. WALTER COI'LAND PERRY. Gentlem.an. Barrister- at-l^w. Bom July 24. 1814, lieing the second son of Isaac I'erryof Roxwell, near Chelmsford, in the county of Essex, by Eli/al)cth his wife, daughter of John Dawson Copland of Wvchingham Hall, in the county of Norfolk. a«iT— Athenar'um, St. James's. Armorial bearinfirs— He ardua stabilis." A/am'ed, July 12, 1884; and has Issut— (1) Percy St. Clair Wilbrahnm Perryman, (JentUrman, *. June aa. 1885 ; (a) Cecil Rudolpli Ernest Wilbraham I'erryl man. Gentleman, Midshipman R. N., b. Dec. 4, 1887; (3) bears for AmiB : Quarterly gules and or, on a bend invected argent, between in the second and third quarters two sprigs of oak fructed vert, three lions passant sable ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a hind's head couped or, holding in the mouth a sprig of oak, with two acorns vert, three caltraps fesseways gules ; with the Motto, " Hold fast." Married, firstly, June 23, 1841, Hep- zibah Elizabeth, second daughter of Samuel Shaen, Esquire, Barrister-at-Law, and Justice of the Peace for the county of Essex, of Crix, Hatfield-Peveril, in the county of Essex (she died November 29, 1880) ; and secondly, November 12, 1889. Evelyn Emma, only daughter of Robert Stopford of 45 Hyde Park Square. London, W.; and has Issue by his first marriage -(i) Frank Walter Shaen Perry, Esquire, late Capt. 88th Connaught Rangers, born May 31, 1842 ; (2) Ottley Lane Perry, Esquire, Major, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, and Justice of the Peace, of Bolton, born Feb. I, 1845; (3) Harold Arthur Perry, Gentleman, born Augiist 21, 1850; (4) Charles Copland Perry, Gentleman, born December 27, 1853 ; (5) Arnold Henry Perry, Gentle- man, born July 17, 1855 ; and Kate Bradstreet (widow of George Blyth) ; and by his second marriage has— (6) Evelyn Walter Copland Perry, Gentleman, born December 4, 1890, Postal address — 5 Manchester Square, London, W, CHARLES WILBRAHAM PERRYMAN, Esq., J.P. CO. of Southampton, Lord of the Manor of Ardley (Oxon.), and Patron of that Advowson. Born Aug. 9, i860. Livery — Blue, and white striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Parted per pale ermine and azure, two bars indented, each charged with three pears slipped all counterchanged. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head ermine, erased gules, charged with a fesse indented azure, surmounted by two jsear branches, leaved, fructed, and slipped in saltire proper. Motto — " Per Herbert Alan Fortescue Wilbraham Perryman, Gentleman, b. June 13, 1890 ; and Marjorie Winifred Evelyn Wilbra- ham, b. Jan. 14, 1893. Seat — Bifrons, Farnborough, CO. Southampton. PERSALL, quartered by FLETCHER-VANE. 1 PERSHALL, quartered by GROSVENOR and TAUNTON. EDMOND HENRY COCKAYNE PERY-KNOX- GORE, Esquire, J.P. for co. Mayo (High Sheriff 1880) (and assumed by Royal Licence, 1891, the additional surnames of Knox-Gore). Born xZ-irj, being the eldest son of the Hon. Edmond Sexton Pery, by Elizabeth Charlotte, tenth dau. of the late Hon. William Cockayne. Armorial bearingfs — Quarterly, i and 4 grand quarters (for Knox- Gore), quarterly i. and iiii. gules, a fesse between three cross crosslets fitch^e or, all within a bordure argent (for Gore) ; 2 and 3 gules, a falcon resting within an orle waved on the outer side and engrailed on the inner argent, a crescent for difference (for Knox) ; 2 and 3 grand quarters, quiirterly i. and iiii., quarterly gules and or, on a bend argent, three lions passant sable (for Pery) ; ii. and iii. per chevron engrailed or and sable, three pellets in chief and in base a stag passant of the first (for Hart- stonge). Mantling: gules and or. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a wolf rampant or (for Gore) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a falcon close perched on a rest proper (for Knox) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, a hind's head erased proper (for Pery). Married, i860, Sarah Jane, is the Military Cockade. pet pet 1079 dau. of the late Sir Francis Arthur Knox-Gore, first Baronet ; and has with other Issue — Edmond Arthur Pery- Knox-Gore, Gentleman, b. 1861. Seats — The Bury House, Cottingham, Rockingham; Coolcronan,Ballina,co. Mayo. HENRY GODOLPHIN PETER-HOBLYN, Gentle- man. Born June 17, i86g, being the third but only surviving son of John Harris Peter-Hoblyn, by his wife Emily, fourtii dau. of the late Rev. John Kingdon, Rector of Michaelstowe, Cornwall. IJvery — Blue, with gold buttons. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure a fesse or, two flaunches ermine (for Hoblyn) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a bend or, between two escallop shells argent, a Cornish chough proper, between two cinqucfoils azure (for Peter). Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two lions' heads erased and addorsed, the dexter azure, collared or, the sinister or, collared azure (for Peter). Motto — "Sans Dieu rien." Seat — Colquite, Washaway, R.S.O., Cornwall. PETHERICK (H. Coll.). Argent, on a pile gules, between two roses in base of the last, a gryphon segreant or, holding tetween the claws a cross pat(5e of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-griflin gules, holding between the claws a cross pat^e argent, a fret or. Son of William Petherick of Porthpean House, St. Austell, Cornwall, b. \ d. ; m. : — • George Petherick, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Porthpean House, St. Austell, Cornwall. ' PETIT, see JELF-PETIT. H Sir HENRY PETO, and Baronet, D.L, co. Dorset ^ (High Sheriff 1897), Barrister-at-Law, M.A. (Cam.), B.A. (Lond.). Born Aug. 10, 1840, being the son of Sir Samuel Morton Peto, ist Bart. , by his wife Mary, dau. of Thomas de la Garde Grissell of Stockwell Common, co. of Surrey. Creation— Y€o. 22, 1855. Armorial bearings t — Barry of six per pale indented or and gules, two annulets in fesse all counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or. Crest — upon a wreath of the colours, on a rock proper, a sinister wing or, charged with three annulets in chevron gules. Motto — "Ad finem fidelis." Married, July 16, 1874, Mary, younger dau. of the Rev. Thomas Fuller, Rector of St. Peter's, Eaton Square. Heir presumptive — His half-brother, Morton Kelsall Peto, Esq., b. 1845 \m., 1884, Olivia Georgiana Elizabeth, dau. of the Hon. Francis Maude. Seat — Chedington Court, Crew kerne. Clubs — Athenasum, Reform, Royal Dorset Yacht. § EDWARD HENRY PETRE, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. for CO. Warwick, High Sheriff 1877. Born Feb. 21, 1831, being the third son of the late Henry William Peter of Dunkenhalgh, co. Lancaster, by his second wife Adelzia Maria, dau. of Henry Howard of Corby. Armorial bear- ings — Gules, a bend or, between two escallops argent, and upon an escutcheon of pietence the arms of Talbot, namely, gules, a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed or. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, two lions' heads erased and addorsed, the dexter or, collared azure, the sinister azure, collared or. MottO — "Sans Dieu rien." Married, Oct. 29, 1857, Lady Gwen- doline Elizabeth Talbot, sister and coheir of Rt. Hon. Bertram Arthur, 17th Earl of Shrewsbury and Waterford ; and has Issue— \\) Oswald Henry Philip Petre, Gentleman, Li2 It. Warwickshire Yeomanry Cavalry, b. May 27, 1862 ; (2) Bertram Edward Petre, Gentleman, b. April 20, 1873 ; Mary Adela ; and Mary Gwendoline \in., Sept. 1887, Sir Henry Alfred Doughty Tichborne, 12th Bart., and has issue]. 5Mi— Whitley Abbey, near Coventry. Town re- sidence — 24 Cadogan Gardens, S.W. C/?/ (J— Travellers'. Sir GEORGE GLYNN PETRE, K.C.M.G., C.B. Born 1822, being the son of Henry William Petre, Esq., by his wife Elizatieth Anne, dau. of Edmund John Glynn of Glynn, Bodmin; created C.B. 1886; and K.C.M.G. 1890. Aiinorial bearing^ — Gules, a bend or, between two escallops argent. Upon the escutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, from which is pendent his badges as a Knight Commander of that Order and a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two lions' heads erased and endorsed, the dexter or, collared azure, and the sinister azure, collared or; with the Motto, "Sans Dieu rien." Married, 1858, Emma Katharine, daughter of Major Ralph H. Sneyd; and has Issue living — (i) George Ernest Augustus Henry Petre, Esquire, born i860 ; (2) Henry Cecil Petre, Esquire, Major Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own), born 1861 ; (3) Algernon Henry Edward Petre, Es- quire, Diplomatic Service, born 1863, d. 1895 ; (4) Alfred William Ralph Petre, Esquire, born 1866; (5) Herbert Arthur Petre, Esquire, born 1868 ; (6) Charles Bernard Petre, Esquire, Captain King's Royal Rifles, born 1870; (7) Walter Reginald Glynn Petre, Esquire, Lieut. Royal Navy, born 1873. Residences — Dunkenhalgh, Clayton le Moors, Lancashire ; Hatchwood House, Winchfield, in the CO. of Hampshire. Clubs — Arthur's, Travellers', St. James's. LAWRENCE JOSEPH PETRE, Esquire, Lord of the Manor of Coptfold Hall and Blunts, Essex. Born Oct. 3, 1864, being the eldest surviving son of Hon. Arthur Petre (son of Rt. Hon. Lord Petre), and his wife Lady Catherine \nie Howard), dau. of the late Earl of Wicklow. Armorial bearings — Gules, a bend or, between two escallops argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two lions erased and addorsed, the dexter, or collared azure, the sinister azure, collared or. Motto — " Sans Dieu rien." Married, Aug. 28, 1890, Jane, dau. of Alonso Williams, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. ; and has Issue — (i) Louis John Petre, Gentleman, b. June 24, 1891 ; (2) Roderick Lawrence Petre, Gentleman, b. August i, 1902 ; and Mildred Mary. Estates — Coptfold Hall, and Blunts. Residence — 22 Durham Terrace, Bayswater, London, W. ROBERT JOHN PETTIWARD, Esq., M.A., J.P. (High Sheriff 1867-68), late Major West Suffolk Militia. Born 1819, being the only son of Robert Russell of Bath, by Frances his wife, dau. of Rev. Henry Eyre of Landford, Wilts; and assumed by Royal License, Jan. 22, 1856, the surname and arms of Pettiward in compliance with the tes- tamentary injunction of Roger Pettiward of Great Fin- borough, deceased. Armorial bearings — Argent, a cross raguly sable, charged with five ^toiles of the first. Mant- ling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cross as in the arms. Married, 1855, Lady is the Naval Cockade. io8o pet) mt FVances Catherine Nelson (who died 1877), dau. of Thomas, md K*t\ Nelson ; and by her has /«i«— Nine daughters, Sm/— Finborough Hall, Slowniarket, SufTolk. PEVER, quartered by TAUNTON and FLOYER. PEVEREL. quartered by HORDERN. Gknkrai. FRANCIS PEYTON. C.B. Bom May a;. 1833. being the fourth son of the Rev. Algernon Peyton, Rector of Doddington, Cambridge, by his wife Isa- bella Anne, dau. of Thomas Hussey of Galtrini, Ireland ; created C. D. 1881. Armorial bearings— Sable, a cross en- grailed or. in the first quarter a mullet argent. Upon the es- cutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet Ijetitting his degree, with a m.-\ntling sable and or ; and for his C^est, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin sejant or. AfarrieJ, 1864, Louisa, dau. of the late Col. G. W. Moscley, C.B. C/«*— United Service. M JAMES REYNOLDS PEYTON, Esquire, J.P. and 9 D.L., CO. I^itrim, High Sheriff 1879. fiorn Dec. 184a, being the third son of the late John Reynolds Peyton of I>aheen, by his second wife Alicia, dau. of Andrew Ennis of Roebuck, co. Dublin. Armorial bearing^ — Quarterly, i. sable, a cross engrailed or, in the first quarter a mullet argent (for Peyton) ; a. argent, three piles wavy meeting in base gules (for Gernon) ; 3. or, a fesse gules (for Colvill) ; 4. or, a chevron gules, on a chief azure, three muUets argent (for Sutton) ; 5. gules, a chevron engrailed ermine, between three falcons argent, legged and beUed or (for Francis); 6. vert, a lion rampant between three escallops or (for Reynolds). Mantling sable and or. Orwt — Upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin sejant or. Motto—" Patior potior." Married, April 4, 1894, Alice Mary, dau. of the late Major John Edward Riley, late 88th Connaught Rangers ; and has Issue —John Reynolds Peyton, Gentleman, b. Jan. 19, 1896. 5m/— Laheen, co. Leitrim. WILLIAM PHELPS, Esquire, J.P. for Gloucestershire, B.A. Trin. Hall (Cantab.), Barrister-at-Law, Inner Temple. Born 1845, being the third son of the late Henry John Clifford (and grandson of Henry Clifford Clifford of Frampton Court), by his wife Marianne, daughter of the Rev. James Phelps, and assumed the name and arms of Phelps by Royal License in lieu of Clifford, on succeeding his maternal uncle, John Phelps, in 18^1. Livery — Dark blue co.at, yellow and black striped waistcoat. iJinorlal bearingt — He bears for Arms : Per pale or and argent, semde of cross crosslets fitchtfe gules, a wolf salient azure : and impaling the arms of Massy, namely, argent, on a chevron between three lozenges sable, a lion {xvssimt or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head azure, languid and erased gules, collared or, thereon a martlet sal>Ic. Motto— " fVangas non flect.is." Married, December 30, 1875, Ger- trude, daughter of Edward Taylor Massy, Esquire, J.P. of Cottesmore, Pembrokeshire; and has Issue — (\) .Arthur William Clifford, Gentleman, Lieut. Gloucester kcgt., b. May s, 1878; (2) Rollo Walter Clifford, Gentleman, *. September 18, 1886; and Alice Gertrude Clifford [m., 1903, Captain McDonell, South African Constabulary]. £f. /a/«— Rangeworthy Manor; Chestal, Dursley; Scarr, Newent; &c., &c. Postal address — Chestal, Dursley, Gloucestershire. PHESANT. quartered by BARTLETT. SJOHN CAPEL PHILIPS, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. CO. Stafford. Bom Oct. 9, 1831, being the only son of the late John Burton Philips of The Heath House, and of Newlands, in the county of Gloucester, by his wife Joanna Freeman, daughter of Capel Cure of Blake Hall, in the county of Essex. Armorial bearings — Per pale azure and sable, within an orle of fleurs-de- lis argent, a lion rampant erminols, ducally crowned, and holding between the paws a mascle or, a canton ermine. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befit- ting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant erminois, collared sable, ducally crowned or, holding between the paws a fleur-de-lis argent, within a mascle or. Motto— "Simplex munditiis." Married, July 14, 1857, Fanny Esther, commonly known as the Honour- able Fanny Esther, second daughter of the Right Honour- able the fifth Viscount Ashbrook ; and by her (who died May 21, i88i) has had Issue — (i) Burton Henry Philips, Esquire, Captain Royal Welsh Fusiliers, born October i, 1858 ; (2) John Augustus Philips, Gentleman, born January I, 1861 ; (3) Montague Capel Philips, Gentleman, born August 30, 1875, died June 2, i88i ; Frances Margaret [married, 1885, Ernest Cure] ; and Bertha Mary [m. 1904, Cecil Anstruther]. Seat — The Heath House, Tean, in the county of Stafford. SJOHN WILLIAM PHILIPS, Esquire, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1861. Born Sept. 29, 1827, being the eldest son of the late Robert Philips of Heybridge, co. Stafford, by his wife Laetitia, youngest dau. of William Hibbert of Harehill, co. Chester. Armorial bearings— Per pale azure and sable, within an orle of fleurs-de-lis argent, a lion rampant erminois, ducally crowned, and holding between the paws a mascle or, a canton ermine. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant erminois, collared sable, duc- ally crowned or, holding between the paws a fleur-de-lis argent, within a mascle or. Motto— " Simplex munditiis." Married, firstly, Jan. 21, 1852, Adelaide Louisa, dau. of Edward Buller of Dilhorn Hall, co. Stafford (afterwards Sir Edward Manningham Buller, Bart. ) ; and by her had Issue — (i) William Morton Philips, Esq., J.P. and D.L., 6. Oct. 19, 1852 [w., Oct. 25, 1882, Caroline Anne Kate, dau. of Greorge Montagu Stopford, Major R.E. , and has issue, Mark Hibbert Philips, Gentleman, b. August 19, 1886 ; Humphrey Burgoyne Philips, Gentleman, b. May 29, 1894; Mary Adelaide ; Christobel Selina ; Rosamund Winifred ; and Joan Lastitia, d. May 6, 1900]; (2) Robert Edward Philips, Esq., Capt. East Kent Regt., d.s.p. Dec. 18, 1896; Evelyn Adelaide [m., July i, 1879, Ven. Ernald Lane, Arch- deacon of Stoke-on-Trent, Rector of Leigh, son of John Newton Lane of King's Bromley Manor, co. Stafford] ; and Nina Margaret [m., Feb. 21, 1889, Major-Gen. the Hon. George Wrottesley), late R.E., son of Rt. Hon. John, 2nd Lord Wrottesley. He married secondly, July 3, 1867, Olivia, dau. of William Dodsworth ; and has Issue— {3) John Cyril Philips, Gentleman, b. April 28, 1868; (4) Arthur g is the Military Cockade. PW mi 1081 Dodsworth Philips, Gentleman, fi. Sept. 6, 1869, d. May 30, 1902 ; (s) Lewis Francis Philips, Gentleman, Lieut. 60th Rifles, 6. Oct. 4, 1870; and Maud Lcetitia. Seai — Hey- bridge, Tean, Stoke-on-Trent, duds — Brooks's, Wind- ham. S WILLIAM MORTON PHILIPS, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. CO. Stafford. Born Oct. 19, 1852, hieing the eldest son of John William Philips and his wife Adelaide Louisa, dau. of Sir Edward Manningham-Buller, Bart. Livery— Drab coat, red waistcoat, black trousers, brass buttons. Armorial bearings — Per pale azure and sabk-, within an orle of fleurs-de-lis argent, a lion rampant erminois, ducally crowned, and holding between the paws a mascle or, a canton ermine. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant erminois, collared sable, ducally crowned or, holding between the paws a fleur-de-lis argent, within a mascle or. Motto — " Simplex munditiis. " Married, Oct. 25, 1882, Caroline Anne Kate, dau. of George Montagu Stopford, Esq., Major R.E. ; and has Jssue — (i) Mark Hibbert Philips, Gentleman, i. Aug. 19, 1886; {2) Humphrey Burgoyne Philips, Gentleman, 6. May 29, 1894; Mary Adelaide; Christobel Selina ; Rosa- mond Winifred ; and Joan Lcetitia, d. May 6, 1900. Postal address — Heybridge, Tean, Stoke-on-Trent. Cliib — Brooks's. PHILLIMORE (1881).^ Sable, three bars indented erminois, in chief an anchor between two cinquefoils or. Mantling sable and or. Crest^On a wreath of the colours, in front of a tower argent, thereon a falcon volant proper, holding in the beak a lure gold, three cinquefoils fesse- wise or. Motto — " Fortem posce animum." Son of John George Phillimore, Esq., Q. C, a Bencher of Lincoln's Inn, M.P. for Leominster 1852-7, b. 1808; d. 1865 ; m. 1839, Rosalind Margaret, yr. d. of Rt. Hon. Sir James Lewis Knight-Bruce, Vice-Chancellor of England, and Lord-Justice of Appeal in Chancery : — Egerton Grenville Bagot Phillimore, Gentleman, M.A. (Oxon.), b. 1856; m. 1880, Susan Eliza, elder d. of late Richard Barnes Roscow, M.R.C.S. , of Church, nr. Accring- ton ; and has issue— John George Phillimore, Gentleman, b. 1880; Rosalind Margaret, and two other daus. Son of Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Joseph Phillimore, ist Bart., Judge of the High Court of Justice, b. 1810; d. 1885 ; m. 1844, Charlotte, d. of John Denison of Ossington Hall, and sister of John Evelyn, Viscotmt Ossington,and of Rt. Rev. Edward Denison, Bishop of Salisbury : — Sir Walter George Frank Phillimore, 2nd Bart. (21 Dec. 1881), a Judge of the High Court of Justice, King's Bench Div. , Bencher of the Middle Temple, D.C.L. (Oxon.), Hon. LL.D. (Edin.), J. P. co. Oxford, b. 1845; m. 1870, Agnes, eld. d. of Charles Manners Lushington, M.P. for Canter- bury; and has surv. issue — (i) Robert Charles Phillimore, Esq., B.A. (Oxon.), Barrister-at-Law, b. 1871 [in. 1895, Lucy, eld. d. of William Fitzpatrick] ; (2) Godfrey Walter Phillimore, Esq., B.A. (Oxon.), b. 1879 ; (3) Stephen Henry Phillimore, Esq., B.A. Oxon., (5. 1881 ; Eleanor Mary [wz. 1895, Francis John Kynaston Cross] ; and Grace Agnes. Seat — The Coppice, Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames. Town res. — Cam House, Campden Hill, W. Clubs — Athenaeum, National Liberal. Sons of late Sir Augustus Phillimore, K.C.B. , Admiral R.N., J. P., D.L. , and a County Alderman for Hants, Commander-in-Chief at Devonport 1884-1887, b. 1822 ; d. 1897 ; m. 1864, Harriet Eleanor, second d. of Hon. George Matthew F'ortescue of Boconnoc, Cornwall, M.P. :— Richard Fortescue Phillimore, Esq., Capt. R.N. , b. 1864. Jies. — Shedfield House, Botley, Hants. Club — United Service. George Grenville Phillimore, Gentleman, B. L.A. and B.C.L. (Oxon.), Barrister-at-Law,^. 1867. Res — Charles Augustus Phillimore, Esq., M.A. (Oxon.),iJ. 1871. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. John Swinnerton Phillimore, Esq., M.A. (Oxon.), Prof, of Greek in Univ. of Glasgow, b. 1873. Fes. — The College, Glasgow. Valentine Egerton Bagot Phillimore, Esq., D.S.O., Lieut. R.N., b. 1875. Res.— Rev. Edward Granville Phillimore, B.A. (Oxon.), b. 1876. Res.— §PAUL WINSLOE PHILLIPPS-TREBY, Esquire, Major-General (retired) late Royal Artillery. Bom August 6, 1824, beingthe eldest son of Thomas John Phillipps of Landue, in the county of Cornwall, by his wife Caroline, second daughter of Paul Treby Treby of Goodamoor, in the county of Devon ; assumed the additional surname and arms of Treby by Royal License, March 15, 1877. Livery — Blue coat, gilt buttons, scarlet waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, sable a lion rampant argent, gorged with a collar vair6, erminois and azure, in chief three bezants (for Treby) : 2 and 3 or, a lion rampant sable, collared, and chain reflexed over the back of the first, and holding between the paws an escutcheon gules, charged with a stag's head erased argent (for Phillipps). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent, gorged with a collar as m the arms (for Treby) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant, tail extended sable, resting the dexter fore-paw upon an escutcheon argent, charged with a chevron also sable (for Phillipps): with the Mottoes, " Renovato nomine," " Ce m'estegal." Married, January 27, 1848, Helen (who died 1889), second daughter of George Shore, Esquire, of Frede- ricton, New Brunswick, Colonel and Adjutant-General of Colonial Militia, and formerly Captain in 104th Regiment of Foot; and has /w«g living — (i) Thomas John Phillipps-Treby, Gentleman, born April 27, 1849 ; (2) Edward Moubray Phillipps-Treby, Gentleman ; (3) Paul GeorgeShore Phillipps- Treby, Gentleman ; Laura Pomery ; Sara Caroline Marion Treby ; Helen ; and Mary. Estate and postal address — Goodamoor, Plympton, Devon. PHILLIPPS-WOLLEY(R.L.,22Aug. 1876). Quarterly, I and 4, argent, on a cross sable, five lions rampant erminois, and for distinction a canton of the second (WoUey, orig. grant 1772); 2 and 3, erminois, a lion f DVClTXnoi^PATW^ rampant sable, gorged with a ducal coronet, and therefrom a chain reflexed over the back or, in chief three crosses crosslet, and in base as many escallops gules (Phillipps). Mantling sable and argent. Crests^i. on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant erminois, charged on the shoulder for distinction with a cross pat^e fitch^e erminois ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, between two oak-branches proper, upon a garb fessewise vert, a lion rampant sable, gorged is the Naval Cockade. loSa mi Pit with a ducal coronet, and therefrom a chain reflexed over the back or, holding lietwren the paws an escallop gules. Motto — " Durit nnior patri.t*." Son of Richard Augustus Ix>ng Phillipps, M.A., F.R.G.S., m. Mary. d. of W. Redfern:— Edward Clive Oldnall I-.ong I'hillipps-Wolley, Esq., J. P.. K.R.G.S.. formerly Capt. 4th Batt. S. Wales IJorderers and Vice-Consul at Kertch. S. 3 Apl. 1853; m. 1879, janie, wcond d. of Re.ir-.Adm. William Henry Fcnwick ; and has ianie — Clive Phillipps- Wolloy, Midshipman R.N..^. 1884; Maude; Madge; and Judith. AVc/^— Woodhall, Hanwood, Shropshire. Itts. — Pier Island, N. Saanich, British Columbia. C/wts — Shropshire County (Shrewsbury), Union (B.C.).. Badminton, (B.C.) PHILLIPS, see FAU DEL-PHILLIPS and LLOYD- PHILLIPS. LIONEL PHILLIPS. Esquire, J.P., D.L. Armorial iM&rill^ -Or, on a pile azure, between two greyhounds current in b.ise sable, a lion rampant of the first, gutttone Hood Phillips, Gentleman , Staff-Surgeon R.N.,^. 1870; (2) Richard Hood Grant Phillips, Gentleman, Paymaster R. N., ^. 1872; (3) Albert Markham Hood Phillips, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., b. 1876; (4) Owen Tudor Hood Phillips, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., 3.1883; ^^^ Eveline. Res, — "Lawrenny," Southsea. HIGHGATE HENRY PHILLIPS-CONN, Esquire, M.D. , M.A. (Dublin), formerly Surgeon 44th East Essex Regiment, J. P. for the county of Kilkenny; who as- sumed the additional surname and arms of Conn by Royal License, 1894. Bom Dec. 5, 1841, being the second son of the late Major Michael Phillips, J. P., of Glenview, Belturbet, co. Cavan, by his wife Mary Anne, dau. of the late Highgate Tench, Esq., J. P., of Ballyhealy, co. Wexford. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearings- Quarterly I and 4, vert a bend engrailed plain cotised argent (for Conn) ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron engrailed be- tween three falcons argent, Iwlled or (for Phillips). Mant- ling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a falcon's head erased proper, armed or, hold- ing in its beak a lure gules. Motto — " Vincit qui patitur." Married, May 4, 1870. Fanny, only child of the late Henry Meredith, of Edgbaston, Birmingham ; and has Issue — Thomas Harry Meredith Phillips -Conn, Gentleman, b. April 28. 1881 ; Mabel Constance ; and Violet Frances. Estates and postal addresses — Mount Ida, co. Kilkenny ; Glenview, Belturbet, co. Cavan. Residence — Earlhain, Kendrick Road, Reading. Club — Royal Societies'. PHI LP, borne upon an escutcheon of pretence by CHRISTIE. The Rev. EDWARD PICKARD- CAMBRIDGE, Clerk in Holy Orders, late Rector of Warmwell-cum- Poxwell. Born Nov. 23, 1821, being the the third but eldest surviving son of the late Rev. George Pickard of Bloxworth House, Dorset, Rector of Bloxworth and Winterbourne Tomson, J. P. (assumed by Royal Licence in 1848 the additional surname and arms of Cambridge in compliance with the will of his relative, Charles Owen Cambridge), by his wife Frances Amelia, second dau. of Martin Whish, Chairman of Excise in England. Armorial beaiiogB — Quarterly x and 4, or, on a pile gules, between six trefoils slipped sable, a cross crosslet of the field (for Cambridge) ; a and 3, gyronnte of eight azure and argent, within a liordure ermine, on a canton gules a fleur-de-lis or (for Pickard). Mantling gules and or. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased sable, sem6e of trefoils, in the mouth a cross botony fitchde or (for Cambridge) ; a. on a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant argent, charged on the shoulder with an ermine spot, and gorged wi h a collar gemelles sable, supporting with the dexter forepaw an escutcheon gules, charged with a fleur- de-lis, within a bordure or (for Pickard). Motto—" Esse quam videri." Married, firstly, May 6, 1852, Harriet Caroline (deceased), dau. of Capt. George Foot, R.A. ; and has had Issue— (i) George Trenchard Pickard-Cam- bridge, Gentleman, 2nd Queen's and 6th Bengal Cavalry (deceased), b. Jan. 7, 1857; (2) Edward Duroure Pickara- Cambridge, Esq., Major Bedfordshire Regt. , b. July 22, 1858 [m. Winifred Mary Catherine, dau. of Adair Pickard, and has issue, Trenchard Duroure Pickard-Camhridge, Gentleman, b. Sept. 8, 1894 ; Edward Adair Pickard-Cam- bridge. Gentleman, b. Oct. ^o, 1897; and Dorothy Cathe- rine J ; (3) Edmund Winn Pickard-Cambridge, Gentleman, b. Dec. 8, 1859 [m. Pauline, dau. of Lieut.-Col. Martin Boileau Whish, and has issue, Herbert Evelyn Winn Pickard-Cambridge, Gentleman]; (4) Rev. Frederick Oc- tavius Pickard-Cambridge, b. Dec. 19, i860; (5) Francis Arthur Pickard-Cambridge, Gentleman, b. Oct. 10, 1868 (de- ceased) ; (6) Herbert Cyril Pickard-Cambridge, Gentleman, b. July 13, 1873 (deceased) ; Caroline Eliza ; Alice Mary \m. John Becher of Southwell, Notts] ; Mary ; Ada ; and Catherine Tyssen. The Rev. E. Pickard-Cambridge married secondly, Dec. i, 1874, Marian Matilda, dau. of Joseph Church (deceased). Residence — 10 Gloucester Row, Wey- mouth. The Rev. OCTAVIUS PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, M.A., F. R.S. , &c. , Rector of Bloxworth and Winter- bourne Tomson. Born November 3, 1828, being the fifth son of the Reverend George Pickard - Cambridge, of Bloxworth House, Dorset, Rector of Bloxworth and Winterbourne Tomson, J. P., by his wife Frances Amelia, second dau. of Martin Whish, Chairman of Excise in England. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or, on a pile gules, between six trefoils slipped sable, a cross crosslet of the field (for Cambridge) ; 2 and 3, gyronn^e of eight azure and argent, within a bordure ermine, on a canton gules a fleur-de-lis or (for Pickard). Mantling gules and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased sable, sem^e of trefoils, in the g outh a cross botony fitch^e or (for Cambridge) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant argent, charged on the shoulder with an ermine spot, and gorged with a collar gemelles sable, supporting with the dexter forepaw an escutcheon gules, charged with a fleur-de-lis within a bordure or (for Pickard). Motto — "Esse quam videri." Married, April 19, 1866, Rose, dau. of tliC late Rev. James Lloyd Wallace of Sevenoaks, Kent; and has Issue — (i) Rev. Robert Jocelyn Pickard-Cambridge, M.A. Oxon. , Rector of Warm- well with Poxwell, Dorset, b. May 10, 1867 ; (2) John Trenchard Pickard-Cambridge, Gentleman, b. April 22, d. May I, 1869 ; (3) Arthur Wallace Pickard-Cambridge, Gentleman, Fellow and Tutor of Balliol Coll., Oxon., b. Jan. 20, 1873 ; (4) Rev. Charles Owen Pickard-Cam bridge. Curate of St. Paul's, Lorrimore Square, London, b. Nov. 9, 1873; (5) Alfred Edward Lloyd Pickard-Cambridge, Gentleman, 3. Nov. 14, 1876; (6) William Adair Pickard- Cambridge, Gentleman, Assist. -Master Winchester Coll., b. Dec. 14, 1879. Postal address — Bloxworth, Wareham, Dorset. BENJAMIN PICKERING, Esquire, J. P. for East Riding of co. York. Born Feb. 28, 1835, being the eldest son of the late Benjamin Pickering of Bellefield, Sutton, by his wife Sarah, dau. of William Johnson of Gains- borough. Livery — Dark blue, with silver buttons and crimson waistcoats. Armorial bearings — Argent, guit^e- de-poix, a lion rampant azure, between two flaunches of the last, each charged with a bear's paw erect and erased argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's paw erect and erased argent, encircled with a of oak vert, a demi-catherine-wheel azure. Motto — "Je garde bien." Married, Aug. i, 1872, Sarah, dau. of Thomas Garton of Kingston-upon-Hull. Estates — Belle- ^ is tbe Military Cockade. Pit field and Sutton House, both in the parish of Sutton, and Boreas Vale, PauU, all in East Riding of co. York; also ms 1083 High Cross, near Windermere, Westmorland. address — Bellefield, Sutton, Hull. Postal HARRY PICKERSGILL-CUNLIFFE, Esq., J. P. for E. Riding of the county of York and for Essex. Born July 5, 1858, being the eldest surviving son of John Cunliffe Pickersgill-Cunliffe, by Helen Hutton, daughter of the Very Reverend Thomas Dale, Dean of Rochester. C/u6 — Junior Carlton. Livery — Dark blue, black and white waistcoat, silver buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, sable three conies courant argent (for Cunliffe) ; 2 and 3 argent, three eagles with wings elevated sable, on a chief gules, three fountains proper (for Pickers- gill). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a greyhound sejant argent, collared sable, and charged on the shoulder with a pellet (for Cunliffe) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a rock proper, an eagle as in the arms, bezantfe, and holding in the beak a cross crosslet fitch^e or (for Pickersgill) ; with the Motto, "Fideliier." Married, November 4, 1880, Arlette Isobel, daughter of the late Charles William Reynolds, J. P., of Ramslade, Bracknell, Berks; and has Issue — John Reynolds Pickersgill-Cunliffe, Gentleman, born May 16, 1895 ; Jill Helen and Saffron Enid. Estates — Staughton Manor, Huntingdonshire; and Addingham, Yorkshire. Postal address — Staughton Manor, Hunting- donshire. Major HENRY HENZELL ERASER PIDCOCK- HENZELL, J. P., C.C, Hants, Captain late 19th P.W.O. Regt., Major 4th Battn. (Mil.) Middlesex Regt. 1886-89. Born 1849, being the eldest son of Henry Pidcock, Esq., of Oakfield, near Worcester, D.L., J.P. Armorial bearings — Per pale sable and gules, a pied cock per fesse or and argent, between three acorns of the third. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bar shot proper, thereon a griffin segreant sable, holding within its claws a grenade fired also proper. Motto — " Seigneur, je te prie garde ma vie." He married firstly, 1880, Elizabeth F. A. (who (/. 1892), dau. of Captain E. E. Turnour, R.N., of Cross Deep Lawn, Twickenham; secondly, 1894, Mary F. , eldest dau. of Rev. J. I. P. Wyatt of Hawley Parsonage, Seats — Pinehurst, Farnborough, Hants; Cross Deep Lawn, Twickenham. C/?/i^— Constitutional. WALTER RUMBOLD PIERS, Gentleman, Civil Com- missioner and Resident Magistrate for the Division of Peddje, Born Jan. 22, 1846, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Henry William Hull Coleman Piers, Deputy Superintendent of Stores (with the rank of Major), by his wife Ann, dau. of Weakley. Armorial bearings — .^zure, three lions passant guardant in fesse be- tween two double cotises argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an arm em- bowed, vested azure, cuffed argent, the hand holding a flag erect. Married, Jan. 27, 1875, Agnes Jane, second dau. of Charles F. Blakeway, Resident Magistrate, of Ohve Cliff, District of Fort Beaufort, and Resident Magistrate at Mquanduli ; and has Issue — (i) Norman Barrington Ross Piers, Gentleman, b. Dec. 16, 1875 ; (2) Harold Henry Ross Piers, Gentleman, b. July 26, 1877 ; (3) Walter Charles Ross Piers, Gentleman, b. Oct. 27, 1878 ; (4) Francis Arthur Piers, Gentleman, b. Sept. 18, 1882 ; (5) Gerald Rumbold Piers, d. in infancy; Evelyn Constance May; Agnes Florence; Etheleen ; and Mary. Residetice—'Y\\Q. Resi- dency, Peddie, Cape Colony, South Africa. Thk Rev. GEORGE JAMES PIERSON, Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Norton, co. Herts. Born April 27, 1816, being the son of the late Joseph Pierson of Kemp- ston, CO. Bedford. Armorial bearings —Per chevron nebuly gules and azure, two clievronels erminois,- between three suns in splendour proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a sun rising in splendour proper, an ostrich's head erased sable, gorged with a collar gemel argent, holding in the beak a Passion- nail proper, and between two feathers also argent. Motto — " Tout viens de Dieu." Res. — Norton Vicarage, Baldock. HENRY PIGE-LESCHALLAS. Bom 1833, being the son of the late Mr. H. Pig6 ; assumed the name of Leschallas in 1874, under the will of his cousin, John Leschallas of Page Green, Tottenham, Middlesex. Armorial bearings — Per bend gules and sable, two hearts conjoined or. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a column or, thereon flames of fire proper, and entwined by a vine branch also proper. Married, 1874, Alice Beaumont, dau. of C. B. Rogers of Kew, Surrey; and has, with other Issue — John Henry Pig6-Leschallas, b. 1875. Seats — Highams, Bagshot ; Boscastle, N. Cornwall, Glenfinart, Argyllshire. PIGOT, quartered by ASSHETON. PIGOTT, quartered by CHAMBRE and CARLETON. PIGOTT, see GRAHAM -FOSTER- PIGOTT and SMITH-PIGOTT. PIGOTT (U.O.). Ermine, three fusils conjoined in fesse sable, the centre one charged with a crescent or for difference. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolf's head erased argent, charged with a crescent gules. Son of Robert Henry Armand Pigott, Gentleman, of Capard, b. 1830; d. 1877; m. 1861, Julia Theresa Eleanor Ellen, d. of Edward, Baron de Sturler, of Berne, Switzerland : — ■ Robert Edward Pigott, Gentleman, b. 1862. Seat — Capard, Rosenallis, Queen's Co. The Rev. EVERSFIELD BOTRY PIGOTT, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of EUisfield. Born May 2, 1848, being the second son of the Rev. Shreeve Botry Pigott, by his wife Eliza MacMahon, youngest dau. of Sir Francis Wilder,M.P.,of Binfield Manor, in the co. of Berks, K.C.B. Livery — Black and orange. Armorial bearings (R.L. , 1836) — Quarterly i and 4, per saltire gules and azure, billety or, a canton ermine for difference (for Conant) ; 2. azure, on a fesse engrailed argent, between three falcons belled or, as many mill-rinds sable (for Stainsby) ; 3. per fesse ermine and sable, three pickaxes counterchanged (for Pigott, 1775). Crests— I. on a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a stag proper, the dexter fore-foot resting on a shield gules, billety or (the shoulder charged with a rose of the second for difference) (for Conant) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a lion rampant ermine, holding between the fore-paws a fleur- de-lis azure, the dexter hind-paw resting on a mill-rind sable (for Stainsby) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, a grey- hound statant per pale sable and ermine (for Pigott). Mottoes—" Lahore et virtute," " Conanti dabitur." Mat' is tbe Naval Cockade. io84 pjff m rittl, July 14, 1874, Hilda, youngest dau. of James Ciimpbell, Esq.. of Hainptun Court House, in the co. of Middlesex, and C'awley Priory, Chichester ; and has /ssue — (i) Chetwynd llotry I'inoit, Cieiitlenian, b. 1877; (a) Uayrcll Botry Figott, Gcnilcnmu, U.A. Canib., Barrisler-at-Law( Middle Temple), ^- 1879: (3) Lancelot Botry Pigott, Gentleman, b. 1888; Christabel [m. , Feb. 14, 1903, Maurice Pascol Everitt]; Ivy ; Hild.i ; Stella ; and Eileen (died Dec. 10, 1903). Estate — Widmoor, in the co. of Hampshire. Postal address — Widn»oor, Basingstoke. Ciub — .Sports. FREDERICK WILLIAM PIGOTT, Esquire. J. P. co. Sussex. Horn 1831, tieing the youngest son of the late Paynton Pigott-Stainsby-Conant of Archer Loeputy-Lieutenant for that county. Bom Jan. 2, 1840, being the eldest son of the Rev. Shreeve Botry Pigott, by his wife Eliza MacMahon, dau. of Sir Francis Wilder of Binfield Manor, in the CO. of Berks. Livery — Black, with orange piping and gilt buttons. Armorial bearings— Quarterly 1 and 4, per saltire gules and azure, billety or, a canton ermine for difference (for Conant) ; 2. azure, on a fesse engrailed argent, between three falcons belled or, as many mill- rinds (for Stainsby) ; 3. per fesse ermine and sable, three pickaxes counterchanged (for Pigott), and impaling the arms of Hartley, namely ermine, on a cross engrailed gules, four qu.itrefoils or, in the first and fourth quarters a martlet sable. Mantling gules and or. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a stag proper, the dexter fore-foot resting on a shield gules, billety or, the shoulder charged with a rose of the second for difference (for Conant); 2. on a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a lion rampant ermine, holding between the fore-paws a fleur-de-lis azure, the dexter hind-paw rest- ing on a mill-rind sable (for Stainsby) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, a greyhound statant per pale sable and ermine. Motto — " Labored virtute." Married , Se^i. 17 , 1868, Eleanor Jane, dau. of John Hartley, Esq., of The Oaks, in the co. of Stafford, and Tong Castle, in the co. of Salop, J. P. and D.L. for the cos. of Stafford and Shrop- shire. Postal addresses — Horsford Hall, Norwich ; County Constabulary, Norwich. PIGOTT-STAINSBY-CONANT, quartered by CARLE- TON. RICHARD NICHOLSON PIKE, Gentleman, Lieut. 6th Batt. Rifle Brigade, N. Nigerian Regiment. Bom May 18, 1880, being the elder son of the late Major Richard James Pike, 12th Regiment, J. P., of Glendarary (who d. 1891), hy his wife Mary Emily, second dau. of the late Charles fodd-Naylor, Esquire. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms: Per pale or and argent, on a chevron azure, between three trefoils slipped vert, an escallop of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Oreit, upon a wreath of the colours, an arm enibowed in armour, gauntleted, grasping a broken pike all pro|)er, and charged with an escallop azure. Motto— " Vrai k la fin." iVa/— Glendarary, Achill Sound, West- port, in the county of Mayo. The Right Hon. Sir THOMAS DEVEREUX PILE, isl Bart. (1900). Lord Mayor of Dublin. Amorfad bearings Azure, three piles argent, the centre one charged with a chaplet proper, on a chief ermine, a castle gules between two roses of the last, barbed vert, seeded or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a crest coronet or, charged with a cross lx)urdonn<5e azure, a pelican argent, holding in the bill a nail or. Motto -"Sine labe nota." Residence— HvXAin. PILKINGTON (H. Coll.). Quarterly argent and gules, a cross flory between two combs in chief and as many bulrushes stalked and leaved in base all counterchanged. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a mower proper, vested, the coat and hat per pale argent gules, supporting with his dexter hand a scythe of the first, and in the sinister a comb of the second, seven bulrushes stalked and leaved also proper. Motto — " Dei dono sum quod sum." Son of R. G. Coombe of Burnham, Essex; b. ; d. ; m. : — Sir George Augustus Pilkington, Knt. Bach. (1893), J.P. Lanes, and N.R. Yorks., M.P. S.W. Div. Lanes. 1885-6, and 1889- 1900, formerly Hon. Col. 3rd Vol. Batt. King's Regt. (MayorofSouthport 1884-5, and 1891-2), b. 1848; m. 1876, Mary Elizabeth, only d. and h. of James Pilkington, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Blackbume (assumed the name of Pilkington in 1880). Res. — Belle Vue, Southport, Lanes. ; Swinethwaite Hall, West Witton, Leyburn, R.S.O., Yorks. FILTER (H. Coll.). Per chevron argent and sable,] two pelts (or hides), in chief of the last, and a cannon mounted on its carriage in base proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a fleur-de-lis or, a dolphin naiant proper. Motto — " Fide patiente labore." Sons of Thomas Filter, Gentleman (son of Rev. Robert Filter) :— John George Filter, Gentleman. .ff«.— Paris. Club— Constitutional. Robert Filter, Gentleman. ^«.— Paris. Club—]nT\\ov Constitutional. Son of Rev. Robert Filter of Robins Hood Bay, Yorks. , tn. Isabella, d. of John Mease : — William Frederick Filter, Esq. C.B. [q.v.). S WILLIAM FREDERICK FILTER, Esquire, Com- panion of the Most Hon. Order of the Bath (Civil ff Div.) (1897), Lt.-Col. (retired), and Hon. Col. The Tyne- mouth R.G.A. (Vols.), has the Volunteer Decoration, J.P. ^ is tbe Military Cockade. Pirn Pit io8q for the CO. of Northumberland. Born 1831, being the fifth son of the Rev. Robert Piker of Robin Hood's Bay, York- shire, by Isabella his wife, dau. of John Mease. Livery — Black. Armorial bearings— Per chevron argent and sable, two pelts (or hides) in chief of the last, and a cannon mounted on its carriage in base proper. Mantling' sable and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, in front of a fleur-de-lis or, a dolphin naiant proper. Motto — "Fide patiente labore." Married, 1863, Elizabeth Fanny, dau. of Ralph Wilson of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Residence — The Grove, Addlestone, Surrey. C/z/^ —Auxiliary Forces. PIM, quartered by DUCKETT. ERLYSMAN PINCKNEY, Esquire, J.P. co. Wilts, Barrister-at-Law. Dorti Dec. 15, 1838, being the only son of Erlysman Charles Pinckney and his wife Jane, dau. of Robert Pinckney. Livery — Blue, edged with yellow cord, gold hatband. Armorial bearings — Or, five fusils con- •ined in fesse gules, each charged with an ermine spot of lie field, on a chief nebuly of the second, three griffins' heads erased of the first. Mantling gules and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, in front of a griffin's head erased gules, collared gold, three fusils or. Motto^" Deus nobis." Married, Feb. 22, 1870, Frances Elizabeth Mary \d. Sept. 21, i88g), dau. of James William Cusack, M.D. , of Knockbane, co. Galway ; and has Issue — (i) Erlysman Charles Pinckney, Esq., J.P. co. Wilts, b. Dec. 23, 1871 ; (2) John Robert Hugh Pinckney, Gentleman, b. May 11, 1876. ^j/iz/e — Assert on , Berwick St. James, Salisbury. Postal arfrfrwj- Wraxall Lodge, Bradford-on-Avon. SJOHN EDWARD PINE-COFFIN, Esquire, Major 2nd Batt. Loyal North Lanes. Regt. Born Dec. 24, 1866, being the eldest son of the late John Richard Pine-Coffin, Esq., J.P. and D.L., late of the 16th Regt., by his wife Matilda, youngest dau. of William Speke of Jordans, Somerset. Livery — Dark blue, buff facings. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure, sem^e of cross crosslets or, three bezants (for Coffin) ; 2 and 3, g^les, a chfcvron ermine between three pine cones slipped or (for Pine). Mantling azure and or. Crests- i. on a wreath of the colours, a martlet azure, charged on the breast with two bezants in pale ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a pine tree proper. Motto (for Pine) — " In tem- pestate floresco." Married, Aug. 22, 1894, Louisa Ger- trude Douglas, youngest dau. of John Barre Beresford, Esq., J.P. and D. L. , of Learmont and Ashbrook, co. Londonderry ; and has /ww?— Edward Claude Pine-Coffin, Gentleman, b. May 25, 1895. AVa/«— Portledge ; Ken- with Alwington ; Goldworthy and Monkleigh Manors, co. Devon. Seat—Y'ox\.\e.Age., near Bideford, co. Devon. PINNELL (H. Coll.). Argent, on a chevron gules, between two falcon's heads erased in chief and a staff raguly fessewise thereon an eagle displayed in base all azure, a lion rampant or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of ihe colours, a staff raguly fessewise thereon an eagle displayed azure, holding in each claw a hawk's bell also or. Motto — " Vultus in hostem." Eld. son of Charles Pritchard Pinnell, b. 1832; d. 1894 ; '>"■• i^SSi Mary Ann, d. of William Honywood : — Henry Pinnell, Esq., J.P. Warwickshire, b. 1857; m. 1879, Mary Ellen, d. of John Hugh Morris ; and has issue — Charles Hugh Pinnell, Gentleman, b. 1886; and Dorothy. Seat — Blythe Hall, Knowle, Warwickshire. Chib — Midland (Birmingham). PINNEY. see PRETOR-PINNEY. PIPE, quartered by SLAUGHTER. SEGERTON STANLEY PIPE-WOLFERSTAN, Esquire, of Statfold, co. Stafford, Lieut. -Colonel 4th North Stafford Regiment, late Major ist South Stafford Regment. Born July 23, i86r, being the eldest son of the late Francis Stafford Pipe - Wolferstan, Esq., of Statfold, J.P. , by his wife Sarah Maria Hill, fifth dau. of William Hallows Belli, H.E.I.C.S. Livery — Dark blue, red facings. Armorial bearings — -Quar- terly I and 4, sable, a fesse wavy between three wolves' heads erased or (for Wolferstan) ; 2 and 3, azure, two organ- pipes in chevron between ten crosses crosslet or (for Pipe). Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a wolf under a tree all proper (for Wolfer- stan) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a leopard's head erased or (for Pipe). Motto— "Que sera sera." Married, Jan. 19, 1897, Eleanor Grace, dau. of H. Cunliffe Shawe, Esq., J.P. , of Weddington Hall, Nuneaton. Seat — Stat- fold, near Tamworth. PIPHOE, quartered by DUCKETT. ALEXANDER CHARLES PIRIE, Gentleman. Born , being the eldest son of the late Alexander Pirie of Waterton, co. Aberdeen, and his wife Charlotte Anne, second dau. of Col. Martin Lindsay, C.B. Armorial bearings — Or, a boar's head sable, between three pears slipped vert, within a bordiu"e gules. Mantling sable. is the Naval Cockadb 3Z I .ow pic proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, ' ' Virtute non astutia.'' Residence — Dunecht, co. Aberdeen. S DUNCAN VERNON PIRIE, Esquire, M.P. for North Division of Aberdeen, formerly Captain 5th Lancers and 3rd Hussars ; served with Egyptian and Soudan Expeditions 1882-84, present at Battles of Kassas- 5in, El Teb, and Tamai (mt^ntioned in despatches, medal with two clasps), and with Nile Expedition 1884-85 (mentioned in despatches, medal with two clasps), was A.D.C. to Gov. of Ceylon 1890-93; is a F.R.G.S. and a D.L. for Aberdeenshire. Born March 22, 1858, being the eldest son of Gordon Pirie of Chateau de Varrenncs, P'rance, by his wife Valentine, dau. of the late Joseph Rousseau de Labrosse. Armorial bearingrs— Or, a boars head erased sable between three fjears slipped vert, within a bordure of the last, a label of three points for difference; and impaling the arms of Forbes-Sempill, namely, quarterly 1 and 4, argent, a chevron chequy gules and of the field, between three bugle-horns sable, garnished and stringed of the second ; 2 and 3, azure, a cross pat^e fitchfe or, between three boars heads couped argent, muzzled gules. Mantling sable and or ; and on a wreath oJ his liveries is set for Crest, a fawn's head with the sprig of a pear-tree in its mouth proper; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Virtute non astutia."' Married, 1894, the Hon. Evelyn Courtenay, dau. of Rt. Hon. William, Baron Sempill ; and has Issue— (i) Patrick Taldo Pirie, Gentle- man, b. 1897 ; (2) a S')n, b. 1899 ; and Evelyn Jean Gordon. Seat — Caskieben, Aberdeenshire. London residence — 35 Eccleston Square, S.W. C/«^j— National Liberal, Bache- lors', Royal Northern. S GORDON PIRIE of Chateau de Varrennes. Saven- nieres, Mainc-et- Loire, France, formerly of Waterton, CO. Aberdeen, Member of Royal Company of Archers, King's Bodyguard for Scotland, Bom June 27, 1825, being the seventh son of the late Alexander Pirie of Water- ton, by his wife Anne, youngest dau. of Francis Logic of pit MiHHli.field Armorial bearinga-Or, a boar's head eras^ «Se. i.w;.nT« iK-ars slipped vert, withm a bordure r*J Bati doubled or ; and on a wreath of ^er 'twn's head, with the sprig of the last. Mantling sable, c' of \nd in an escroll over the his liveries is set for Crest, a f^ propia." Married Valen- a pear-tree in its mouth proper ; a:if ttJ de Labrosse ; a^nd same this MottO, " Virtute non astint Jcan Vernon Pine, tine, dau. of the late Joseph Rousseau 'er]. Restdence— has with other /mk«— An eldest son, Dunn -t-Loire, France. Esq., Capt., D.L. and M.P. [to whom rei Chateau de Varrennes, Savennieres. Maine-PN Born Oct. inder Pine of MARTIN HENRY PIRIE. Genilemati^ 1848. being the second son of the late Alexf. Waterton. Aberdeenshire, and Charlotte Anne his wife, second dau. of Col. Martin Lindsay, C. B. Livery — Black. is tbe Military Cockade. Pit pit 1087 Armorial bearings — Or, a boar's head sable, between three pears slipped vert, within a bordure engrailed gules. Mantling sable, doubled or. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a fawn's head, with the sprig of a pear-tree in its mouth proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Virtute non astutia." Married, Jan, 20, 1883, Lilian Frances, eldest dau. of John Scarlett-Campbell of i Queen's Gate Place, London, S.W. ; and has Issue — (i) Harold Victor Campbell Pirie, Gentleman, b. Sept. 5, 1884 ; (2) Wilfrid Bayley Pirie, Gentleman, b. March 10, 1888. Re- sidence — Inverness Lodge, Porchester Gate, London, W. Clubs — Windham, Junior Carlton. The Right Honourable WILLIAM JAMES PIRRIE of Ormiston, Belfast, in the co. Down, one of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council in Ireland, LL.D., D.Sc. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), High Sheriff co. Down 1899 (and co. Antrim 1898), Lord Mayor of the city of Belfast 1896 and 1897, J. P. and D.L. for the city of Belfast and J. P. for cos. Antrim and Down. Born 1847, being the only son of the late James Alexander Pirrie, Esq., of Little Clandeboye, co. Down (whorf. 1849), by his wife Eliza (who d. 1895), dau. of Alexander Mont- gomery, Esq., of Dundesart, co. Antrim. Clubs — Reform, Kildare Street (Dublin), Ulster (Belfast). Armorlalbearings PIRIE-GORDON (rematric. L.O., 21 Nov. 1903). Quarterly, i and 4, or, a boar's head erased sable between three pears slipped and leaved vert (Pirie) ; 2 and 3, azure, a fesse chequy or and of the field, between three boar's heads erased of the second, with a mullet in chief for difference (Gordon of Buthlaw, matric. c. 1750, cadet of Gordon of Lesmoir, matric. c. 1672). Mantling vert, doubled or. — Argent, a saltire gules, between in chief and in base a bugle-horn stringed sable, and in fesse two sea-horses re- specting one another proper. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon's head erased per saltire argent and gules. Motto — "Deeds, not words." Married, 1879, Margaret Montgomery, dau. of John Carlisle, Esq., M.A. , of the Royal Belfast Academical Institution. Seat — Ormiston, nt^ar Belfast, co. Down. London address — Downshire House, Belgrave Square, S.W. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a fawn's head with a sprig of a pear-tree in its mouth projjer. Motto — "Virtute non astutia." Livery — Dark green, yellow facings. Son of Patrick Pirie-Gordon, Esq., J. P. Aberdeen, m. Anne, d. of John Michell, Esq., J. P., of Forcett, Richmond, Yorks. , and of Glassel House, Kincardine- shire, N.B. :— Edward Pirie-Gordon, Esq., J. P. co. Brecknock, b. 1853, m. 1880, Louisa, d. of Rev. William Handley, M.A. , of Muskham, Rector of Winthorpe, Notts [upon an escutcheon of pretence the Arms of Handley (Granted H. Coll., 25 Feb. 1904), viz. : Argent, a fess invected gules between in chief two goats sable, armed and attired or, and in base a fusil of the second] ; and has issue — Charles Harry Clinton Pirie-Gordon, Gentleman, Member of the Royal Company of Archers, b. 12 Feb. 1883. Seat — Buthlaw, Aberdeenshire. Res. — Gwernvale, Crickhowel, Brecknock- shire, S. Wales. S Colonel DUNCAN GEORGE PITCHER, Indian Staff Corps, formerly of the R. Marine Light In- fantry, Bombay Light Cavalry, and 21st Hussars ; has the Kaiser-i-hind gold medal for public service in India. Born Nov. 2, 1839, being the eldest son of the late Lieut. St. Vincent Pitcher, 6th Madras Light Cavalry, and of Rose Mary, third dau. of Admiral George Le Geyt, C. B. , of Jersey. Armorial bearings — Per chevron ermine and azure, in chief two acorns slipped proper, in base the prow of an antique galley argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head couped, gorged with a wreath of oak proper between two wings each charged with a bezant. Motto — " Perseverentia et labore." Married, Oct. 16, 1867, Rose Elizabeth, third dau. of the late Capt. John Evison, R.N. ; and has Issue — (i) Henry Henderson Pitcher, Gentleman, b. Dec. 6, 1870 \in. Annie, dau. of H. Templar, and has issue]; (2) Duncan Le Geyt Pitcher, Gentleman, Lieut. South Wales Borderers, b. Aug. 31, 1877 ; Rose Ethel \tn. W. B. Gordon, P.W. Dept., India, and has issue]; Elsie Heath \m. Awdry George Hobart- Hampden, Esq., Indian Forest is tbe Naval Cockade. k io88 Pit Pir SenrioF. and has itsue] ; Margaret Beatrice [m. Henry Julius Boas. I.C.S., and has issue]; Gertrude Duncan; Marion Emily ; and Grace Carleton Crouchley. Postal address — Gwalior, Central India. C/ud — United Service. PITCHFORD (H. Coll. ; Vn. Shropshire. 1584). Aiure, a cinquefoil between six martlets or. HantUng azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an ostrich argent, beaked and ducally gorged or. Motto—" Toleranda etspiranda." PITFIELD, quartered by STURT. PITMAN, quartered by FLOYER. PITT, quartered by CONYERS, FOX, and LANE-FOX. ARTHUR PIXLEY. Esquire, J. P. in Queensland. Bom Aug. 17. i86o, being the eldest son of the late Arthur Watt Pixley, Esq., Capt. R.A.. by his wife Jane, dau. of the late William Debonaire Haggard. Armorial laearings— Aitire, a fess engrailed or, gutK^dc-larmes, between two daners points downwards in chief and a cross crosslet fltowe in base or. Mantling azure and or. Orest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross crosslet fiich^e or, a morion proper between two wings azure, each charged with a dagger as in the arms. Motto—" Per vias rectas." Married, Dec. ag, 189a, Florence Anne, dau. of Lieut.- Col. McDonnell, Queensland Defence Force ; and has issue — (1) Arthur John Pixley, Gentkm.in, />. April 6, 1894; (3) Norman Stewart Pixley, tJentlem.Tn, 6. May 3, 1898. /Residence -Prospect, Kangaroo Point. Brisbane, Queensland. C/w*— Queensland United Service Institu- tion. FRANCIS WILLIAM PIXLEY. Esq.. Major ist Cadet Batt King's Roy. Rifles, Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple. Fellow of the Society of .Antiquaries. Registrar of the Standing Council of the Baronetage. Born July 5, 1852. being the only son of the late Thomas William Pixley, Gentleman, of Hill Lodge, Freshwater, Isle of Wight, a Younger Brother of the Trinity House, by his wife Caroline, dau. of Rolxrt Blore of Ashbourne, Derby- shire. Cluis — Conservative, Ranelagh. Livery— B\\it and yellow. Armorial bearings— Azure, a fesse engrailed or, gutt6-de-larmes. between two daggers points downwards in chief and a cross crosslet fitch^e in base or. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross crosslet fitchee or, a morion proper between two wings azure, each charged with a dagger as in the arms. Motto — " Per vias rectas. " Married, April 8, 1880, Eliza- beth Mary, dau. of John Price Simpson ; and has Issue — (i) Jocelyn Francis Renton Pixley, Gentleman, b. Jan. 27, 1881, Lieut. King's Royal Rifles (rf. 1903) ; (2) John Nicol Fergusson Pixley, Gentleman, b. April 7, 1888; (3) Eric William Blore Pixley, Gentleman, b. 22nd, d. Jan. 27. 1891 ; (4) Evelyn Graham Pixley. Gentleman, b. Dec. i. is the Military Cockade. Plate XXXViii. >£^a2ITI3 ^in&UJG'PT^ ©J'oiae.iSif -SjIi^B:13c25SI2H13 I Pfr pa 1892 ; (5) Brodrick Rich Farrar Pixley, Gentleman, b. Nov. 19, 1898 ; Elizabeth Muriel ; Esme Caroline ; and Olive Charlotte Blyth. Reside?ice — 12 Southwell Gardens, London, S.W. PIXLEY (H. Coll.). Azure, a fesse engrailed or, gutte- de-larmes, between two daggers points downwards in chief and a cross crosslet fitchfee in base or. Mantling azure Sable, sem6e of plates, a fret couped or, between four roses in cross argent ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a denii-lion proper, sem^e of plates; holding between the paws a rose argent, an escallop or ; with the Motto, " Virtute et labore." Married, July 29, 1874, Florence Eliza (rf. April 14, 1900), younger daughter and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross crosslet fitchee or, a morion proper between two wings azure, each charged with a dagger as in the arms. Motto — " Per vias rectas." Sons of Stewart Pixley, Esq., J. P., D.L., V.D., *. 1824 ; d. 1899 ; m. 1856, Margaret, dau. of James Aikin, Esq., J. P.:— Stewart Aikin Pixley, Gentleman, V.D. , b. May 3, 1857 [«., Oct. 8, 1884, Harriet te Hindle, dau. of Edward Hewett]. Res. — Woking, Surrey. Arthur Dunbar Pixley, Esq., b. Nov. 7, 1859, Capt. late King's Royal Rifles, now Major 5th Batt. King's Royal Rifles (Huntingdon Mihtia), served in South African War 1881, Transvaal Campaign (battles of Laing's Nek and Ingogo, where he was severely wounded). Res. — 21 Lein- ster Gardens, Hyde Park, W. James Aikin Pixley, Gentleman, LL. B. Camb., Barrister- at-Law, b. Aug. 31, 1863 \jn., Oct. 22, 1891, Beatrice Ada, dau. of John Higson, Esq., J. P., of Oakmere Hall, Cheshire]. PLANTAGENET, otherwise BROTHERTON, quar- tered by HOWARD. PLANTAGENET, quartered by KINLOSS. KNY- VETT, MAINWARING - ELLERKER - ONSLOW, MOSTYN, and MOWBRAY. S FREDERICK PLATT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the North Riding of the county of York, for Parts of Kesteven (Lines.), and for the county of Not- tingham, for which he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1888, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Here- ford, Captain and Honorary Major of the Duke of Lan- caster's Own Yeomanry Cavalry. Borti April 27, 1849, being the third son of the late John Piatt, Esquire, of Bryn- y-neuadd, in the county of Carnarvon, and of Wemeth Park, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, and Member of Parliament for Oldham, by his wife Alice, daughter of the late Samuel Radcliff of Oldham. C/w3— Carlton. Z-zw/j— Blue, with yellow waistcoat. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : of the late Frederick Bedwell of East Moulsey, in the county of Surrey ; and has Issue — (i) Algernon John Frede- rick Piatt, Gentleman, born June ii, 1875; (2) Cecil Sher- man Piatt, Gentleman, born August i, 1877 (d. Jan. 5, 1900); and Brenda Jeannette. Estates — Barnby Manor and Upper Breinton, in the county of Hereford. Postal address — Barnby Manor, Newark. S Colonel HENRY PLATT, C.B., J.P. and D.L., late Colonel 4th Batt. Royal Welch Fusiliers, High Sheriff for Carnarvonshire 1877, and Anglesey 1879. Bom Dec. 26, 1842, being the eldest son of the late John Piatt, is tbe Naval Cockade. 1090 pia Pla Eiq., l.P. and l>. l^., High Sheriff for co. Carimivon 1863. m7|\ fur Oldham, by his wife Alice, only dau. of Samuel KadclilVe of Ixiwer House, Oldham, co. I.iincaster. ▲rmoxlftl tmrlngi Argent, a mount in base vert, thereon an oak tree proper, on a chief arched argent, three escallops or. Mf *""g vert and argent. Oratt - On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion proper, sein<^ of plates, holding between the paws a rose gules, barbed and seeded also proper, an escallop or. MottO •• Virtute et lalwre." Married, Jan. aa, 1868, Eleanor, second dau. of Richard Sykes of Kdgeley House, co. Ohester ; and has Issut (i) Henry John Heylyn Piatt, Ctentleman, b, 1869, late Lieut, lath Koyal Lancers, d. unm. 1893 ; (a) Eric James Walter Flatt, Gentleman, of Ilryn M61, Anglesey, Capt. Denbighshire Hussars I.Y. , b. 1871 [»»., 1895, Klorence Grace, fifth dau. of S;iinuel Perry of Wood- roon, CO. Tipperary, and has is.sue, Eneid Mary Eleanor] ; Nesta Mary \m., Oct. 28, 1897, Captain Richard Edward Lloyd Richards of CaernywnchJ ; and Gladys Violet Eleanor \m., 1903. Douglas Maitland King (late i8th Hussars). 5*a/ Gordding, near Llanfairfechan. CVm^x - Carlton, junior Carlton, Hath. S JAMES EDWARD PL.\TT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Chester, late Captain and Honorary Major Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry Cavalry. Born 1856, being the sixth son of the late John Piatt, Esquire, of Bryn-y-neuadd, in the county of Carnarvon, and of Werneth Park, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, and Member of Parliament for Oldham, by his wife Alice, daughter of the late Samuel R.-idcliffof Oldham. 67 j/^x— Reform, Cavalry, Bad- minton. Armorial bearin^^s— He bears for Arms: Sable, sem^ of plates, a fret couped or, between four roses in cross argent ; and for a Crest, up)on a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion projjer, sem^ of plates, holding be- tween the paws a ro.se argent, an escallop or ; with the HottO, "Virtute et labore." Postal address— Howbury Hall, near Bedford. JOHN PLATT, Gentleman, Justice of the Peace for the borough of Warrington. Bom December 29, 1842, being the eldest and only surviving son of the late James Piatt, by his wife Mary, eldest daughter of John Shepherd. Armo- rial bearing^— He bears for Arms : Azure, on a chevron in the mouth three cinquefoils slipped vert ; with the Motto, " Ncminem metue innocens." Married, Octolier 17, 1867, or, between two fleurs-de-lis in chief and a lamb statant in base of the last, a fleur-de-lis between two cinquefoils of the first ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a lamb or, resting the dexter fore-leg on a fleur-de-lis azure, holding Ellen Jane, daughter of the late John Hunter Whitby. Postal address — Clifton Lodge, Llandudno. SJOHN HAROLD PLATT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Kent, Captain 4th Battalion Royal West Kent Regiment. Bom 1855, being the fifth son of the late John Piatt, Esquire, ol Bryn-y-neuadd, in the county of Carnarvon, and of Werneth Park, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, and Member of Parliament for Oldham, by his wife Alice, daughter of the late Samuel Radcliff of Oldham. Club— )\m\or Carlton. Armorial bearing^ — He bears for Arms: Sable, semte of plates, a fret couped or, between four roses in cross argent ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi- lion proper, sem^e of plaies, holding between the paws a rose argent, an escallop or; with the Motto, "Virtute et labore." Married, 1879, Agnes E. , second daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Roberts of Renny, in the county of Cork. Postal address — 31 Pont Street, London, S. W. S SYDNEY PLATT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for* the county of Carnarvon, for which county he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1888, late Captain in the Denbighshire Yeomanry. Born February 2, 1861, being the seventh son of the late John Piatt, Esquire, of Bryn-y- neuadd, in the county of Carnarvon, and of Werneth Park, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, and Member of Parliament for Oldham, by his wife Alice, daughter of the late .Samuel Radcliffe of Oldham. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Orleans. Livery — Dark blue, with black velvet collar, canary waist- coat with blue strijjes, gilt buttons, drab overcoat. Armo- rial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, sem6e of plates, a fret couped or, between four roses in cross argent ; and for a Crest, tipon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion projjer, sem6e of plates, holding between the paws a rose argent, an escallop or ; with the Motto, "Vir- tute et labore." Married, 1884, Agnes Bertha, daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Marshall, Companion of the Most Hon- ourable Order of the Bath ; and has /«««— Lionel Sydney Piatt, Gentleman, born 1885 ; and Eira Guendolen. Estate and postal address — Wargrave Hill, Wargrave, Berkshire. ALFRED PLATT-HIGGINS, Gentleman, Barrister-at- Law. Born July 9, 1846, being the fourth son of the late James Higgins, Gentleman, Justice of the Peace for Salford is the Military Cockade. Pla Pla 1091 and Borough Reeve in 1848, by his first wife Ann, daughter of William Renshaw, also of Salford, and assumed the addi- tional surname of Piatt and the arms of Piatt quarterly with his own by Royal License in the year 1889. Armorial beaxlngs— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, per fesse vert and argent, a pale counterchanged, three cranes' heads erased of the second, and as many lobsters' claws erased sable (for Higgins) ; 2 and 3 per fesse dancett^e argent and gules, a pale counterchanged, three frets, one and two of the first, and for distinction a canton of the second (for Piatt) ; and for his Crest, i. a griffin's head erased or, gorged with a collar sable, charged with a lozenge argent, between two plates, in the beak a lobster's claw erased gules (for Higgins) ; 2. a demi-wolf gules, semde of plates armed and langued azure, holding in the dexter paw a wreath argent and gules, and charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslet or (for Piatt) ; with the Motto, " Labitur et labetur." ARTHUR PLATT-HIGGINS, Gentleman. Born Sep- tember 26, 1852, being the sixth son of the late James Higgins, Gentleman, Justice of the Peace for Salford and Borough Reeve in 1848, by his first wife Ann, daughter of William Renshaw, also of Salford, and assumed the addi- tional surname of Piatt and the arms of Piatt quarterly with his own by Royal License in the year 1889. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, per fesse vert and argent, a pale counterchanged, three cranes' heads erased of the second, and as many lobsters' claws erased sable (for Higgins) ; 2 and 3 per fesse dancett^e argent and gules, a pale counterchanged, three frets, one and two of the first, and for distinction a canton of the second (for Piatt) ; and for his Crests, i. a griffin's head erased or, gorged with a collar sable, charged with a lozenge argent, between two plates, in the beak a lobster's claw erased gules (for Higgins) ; 2. a demiwolf gules, senile of plates, armed and langued azure, holding in the dexter paw a wreath argent and gules, and charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslet or (for Piatt) ; with the Motto, " Labitur et labetur." CHARLES PLATT-HIGGINS, Gentleman. Born April 20, 1843, being the second son of the late James Higgins, Gentleman, Justice of the Peace for Salford and Borough Reeve in 1848, by his first wife Ann, daughter of William Renshaw, also of Salford, and assumed the additional sur- name of Piatt and the arms of Piatt quarterly with his own by Royal License in the year 1889. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, per fesse vert and argent, a pale counterchanged, three cranes' heads erased of the second, and as many lobsters' claws erased sable (for Higgins) ; 2 and 3 per fesse dancett^e argent and gules, a pale counterchanged, three frets, one and two of the first, and for distinction a canton of the second (for Piatt) ; and for his Crests, i. a griffin's head erased or, gorged with a collar sable, charged with a lozenge argent, between two plates, in the beak a lobster's claw erased gules (for Higgins) ; 2. a demi-wolf g^les, sem6e of plates, armed and langued azure, holding in the dexter paw a wreath argent and gules, and charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslet or (for Piatt); with the Motto, "Labitur et labetur." Married, March 28, 1891, Anna Maria Manziata, daughter of Giosne Vespoli of Naples. EDWARD PLATT-HIGGINS, Gentleman, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Bom July 9, 1844, being the only son of the late John Higgins of Mount House, Cheetham Hill, Manchester, by his wife Mary Jane, daughter of John Hind of The Lodge, in the county of Antrim, and assumed the additional surname of Piatt and the arms of Piatt quarterly with his own by Royal License in the year 1889. Clubs — Junior Constitutional, Ulster (Belfast). Livery — Green, with white facings. Armo- rial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4 per fesse vert and argent, a pale counterchanged, three cranes' heads erased of the second, and as many lobsters' claws erased sable (for Higgins) ; 2 and 3 per fesse dancett^e argent and gules, a pale counterchanged, three frets, one and two of the first, and for distinction a canton of the second (for Piatt) ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a gryphon's head erased or, gorged with a collar sable, charged with a lozenge argent, between two plates, holding in the beak a lobster's claw erased gules (for Higgins) ; 2. a demi- wolf gules, semde of plates, armed and langued azure. holding in the dexter paw a wreath argent and gules, and charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslet or for differ- ence (for Piatt); with the Motto, "Labitur et labetur." Married, ist, October 16, 1872, Martha Elizabeth (d. 1902), dau. of the late James Hind, formerly of Lismara. White Abbey, in the co. of Antrim ; and has had Issue — Francis Meban Platt-Higgins, Gentleman, born October 7, 1874 ; Nora Lilian ; and Mary Edith (deceased). He m. 2nd, Sept. 1904, Amelia Frances, third dau. of the late Capt. Joseph Hind, 104th Bengal Fus. , of Greatwood, Mylor, Cornwall. Estate and postal address — Rathcoole, Fortwilliam Park, Belfast. FREDERICK PLATT-HIGGINS, Esquire, J. P. for the County Palatine of Chester, M. P. for Salford since 1895. Born April 14, 1840, being the eldest son of the late James Higgins, Gentleman, Justice of the Peace for Salford and Borough Reeve in 1848, by his first wife Ann, daughter of William Renshaw, also of Salford, and assumed the additional surname of Piatt and the arms of Piatt quarterly with his own by Royal License in the year 1889. xoo\i%%, Hurling- ham. S WILLIAM FRANCIS PLOWDEN, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. Born June 3, 1853, being the only son of the late William Henry Francis Plowden of Plowden and Aston le Walls, High Sheriff" 1848, by his wife Barbara, eldest dau. of Francis Cholmeley of Brandsby Hall, co. York. Livery — Dark blue and yellow, gilt buttons. Armorial bearings — Azure, a fesse dancett^e, the two upper points terminating in fleurs-de-lis or, impaling the arms of Dundas, namely argent, a lion rampant, within a double tressure flory and counterflory gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a buck trippant sable, attired or. Married, Oct. 12, 1874, Lady Mary Dundas, dau. of Hon. John Charles Dundas, and sister to Most Hon. Lawrence, Mar- quess of Zetland; and has \\2,di Issue — (i) William Edwin Plowden, Gentleman, b. May 21, 1876, d. Feb. 16, 1897; (2I Francis Charles Plowden, Gentleman, b. Sept. 26, 1877 ; (3) Roger Edmund Joseph Plowden, Gentleman, b. June 5, 1879 ; {4) Godfrey Bruce Aloysius Plowden, Gentleman, b. Feb. 9, 1892. Seat — Plowden Hall, Lydbury North, Salop. C/«*— White's. PLOWES (H. Coll.). Quarterly azure and or, in the first and fourth quarters a golden fleece and in the second and third a castle gules, between two fleurs-de-lis in fesse of the first, over all a chief ermine. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin argent, winged or, collared azure, holding an escutcheon gules, charged with an estoile of six points or. Motto — " Unita fort i or." Son of : — Alexr. J. Plowes, Gentleman, b. , Res. — 12 West Halkin Street, Belgrave Square, S.W. PLUMBE, quartered by TEMPEST. ALFRED SAXBY PLUMER, Gentleman. Born March 7, 1828, being the second, but eldest surviving, son of the late Charles Plumer, Gentleman, of Brighton, by his wife Susanna Catherine, dau. of Charles and Isabel Saxby of Rodwell. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per chevron flory counterflory argent and sable, between four martlets fesseways, in chief of the last, and a lion rampant in base of the first ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion gules, gorged with a collar flory counterflory argent, and holding between the paws a garb of the last, surmounted by a martlet sable, the trunk of a tree fesseways eradicated and sprouting proper ; with the Motto, " Loyal." Married, April 15, 1858, Sarah, daughter of John Thomas and Fanny Sophia Billet of Twickenham ; and has /jjw«— Martin Luther Plumer, Gentleman, born January i, 1876; Ellen; Alice; Anna; Jessie; and Ruth. .^«.f.— Elsinore, Dyke Road Avenue, Patcham, Sussex. is the Naval Cockade. • io<)4 Piu Poc JOHN BAGWILL I'LUMEK. Cieiulcman. of Allerton Tomes. /ii>rH March 7, 1830, U-iiig tin- only son of the late John i'lunicr of iA>ndon, by his wife Frances, daughter of KiduutI and i lannnh Sooer of 'I'otnes, in the county of Uevoo. Amiorlal bearing*— He bears for Arms : Per chevron flory counterflory argent and Kible, Ix'twi'cn lour martlets fesspways in chief of the last antl a lion rampant in tmsc of the hrst ; and for his Crest, upon a wreatn of the colours, in front of a demi-lion gules, gorged with a collar rtory countertiory argent, and holding between the paws A garb of the last, sunnounted by a martlet sable, the trunk of a tree fcsseways eradicated and sprouting proper ; with the Motto, "Loyal." Married, February 6, 1875, Jessie Thomson, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Ballan- tyne of Paisley, North Britain. WILLIAM PLUMER, Gentleman, of Hoboken. New Jersey. Bom August 9, 183a, being the fourth son of the late Charles Plumer of Brighton, by his wife Susanna Catherine, daughter of t'harles and Isabel .Saxby of Rod- well. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Per chevron flory counterflory argent and sable, between four martlets fesseways in chief of the last and a lion rampant in base of the first ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion gules, gorged with a collar flory counterflory argent, and holding between the paws a garb of the last, surmounted by a martlet sable, the trunk of a tree fesseways eradicated and sprouting proper ; with the Motto, " Loyal." Married, February 12, 1868, Esther, daughter of Joseph Butcher of Witham, in the county of Essex : and has issue — Catherine Grace. PLUMMER, see SCOTT-PLUMMER. PLUMPTRE of Fredville. Argent, a chevron between two mullets pierced in chief and an annulet in base sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a phoenix or, out of flames proper. Motto — " Sufiicit meruisse." Sons of Charles John Plumptre, Esq., I. P. and D.L. Kent (High Sheriff 1877), M.A., Major and Hon. Lt.- Col. 1st V.B. East Kent Regt., V.D., b. 1835; d. ; m. i86o, Fanny Augusta, fourtlj d. of Rev. Henry Western Plumptre, late Rector of E^twood, Notts: — Henry Western Plumptre, Esq., J. P., late Capt. ist V.B. East Kent Regt., b. 1867. Seat — Fredville, nr. Dover. Rev. Arthur Huntingdon Plumptre, M.A. (Oxon.), b. 1869. Rev. Henry Peniberton Plumptre, B.A. (Oxon.), b. 1870. Sons of late John Bridges Plumptre, Esq., J. P., b. 1832 ; d. 1888 ; m. 1859, Elizabeth, d. of Francis Wright of Osmaston Manor, co. Derby : — Henry Fitzwalter Plumptre, Esq., J. P. and C.C. Kent, a coheir and most probably sole heir (and as such de jure Lord Fitzwalter) to the ancient Barony of Fitzwalter, b. i86o ; m. 1892, Maude Dora Gertrude (rf. 1893), d. of late Capt. T. C. Baird of Flatfields, Ayrshire. 5ody —the title being attninttnl in the person of the ninth Karon j, crtKitod a Count of the I'afvU Stairs, August 19, 1864 (with remainder to heir male), and a Knight of Saint John of Jerusalem (Malta), formerly one of the I*r vale Chamberlains to his Holiness the Pope, /hrn March 6, 1841, tjeing the eldest son of the late John Power, Es(|uire, Member of Parliament, Justice of tho Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of VA'alcrford, by his wife Frances [who obtained, May 14, 1863, a Royal License for herself and her issue by her husliand, then deceased, to revert to the original surname of. de la PoerJ, youngest daughter of Sir John Power, tirst IJaronet of Kilfane. Club — Kildare Street (Dublin). /,n*rv— White with black facings. Ar- morial baarlngTB — lie be.irs for Arms: Argent, a chief indentevi sable ; and im^>aling the arms of Munsell, namely argent, on a chevron between three mullets sable, a trefoil sUppcd or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head caboshed prop<'r, attired or, and between the attires, a crucifix of the last; with the Motto, " Per crucem ad coronam." Mar- ried, June I, 1881, Mary Olivia Augusta, commonly known as the Honourable Mary Olivia Augusta, only daughter of the Right Honourable William Monsell, first Lord Emiy ; and has Issue — (i) John William Rivallon de Poher De la Poer, Gentleman, Lieut. 4th Batt. Royal Irish, b. March 10, 1882 ; (3) Edmond Alain Tr6meur de Poher de la Poer, Gentleman, Sub-Lieut. R.N., *. April 30, 1883; (3) William Stephen Arnold Tr^meur de Poher de la Poer, Gentleman, b. Nov. 8, 1885 ; Elinor Mary Tr6fine de Poher ; Ermyn- garde Berthe Frances de Poher ; and Mary Frances Yseult de Poher. Seat — Gurteen le Poer, Kilsheelan, Clonmel, Ireland. To all and singular to whom these Presents shall come. I, Sir Arthur Edward vicars, F.S.A,, Ulster King <>( Arms and Principal Herald of all Ireland, Knight Attendant and Registrar of the Most Illustrious Order of .Saint Patrick, do hereby certify and declare that the Arms above depicted, that is to say — Argent a chief in- dented sable, do of right belong and appertain unto Edmond de P'lher de le Poer of Gurteen le Poer in the County of Waterford, Esquire, eleventh in male descent from Sir Kichard Power, created by Patent the 13th of September 1535 Baron of le Power and Coroghmore, with remainder to the heirs male of his body for ever, as appears by the Pedigree duly registered in the Office of Arms in Ireland. In witness whereof I have subscribed these Presents and affixed hereunto my official seal this tenth day of February, in the sixtieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Victoria, by the Grace of iioA of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen, Defender of the Faith and so forth, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven. {Signed) Arthur E. Vicars, Ulster. The Supporters of the Barons of Le Poer and Coroghmore, namely, two angels proper, vested ardent, cHned and winged or, each holding in the exterior hand a sword erect proper, pommel and hilt or, are used, but their usage cannot be said to be of legal authority so long as the Barony remains under attainder. POLE, see CHAN DOS-POLE. ALEXANDER EDWARD POLE, Esquire, Barrister- at-Law, J. P. for co. Somerset, Recorder of Newcastle- under-Lyme, Staffs. Born Feb. 23, 1848, being the eldest surviving son of the late Rev. Reginald Pole, Rector of Yeovilton, Somersetshire, by his wife Jane, dau. of the late Alexander Powell of Hurdcott House, Wilts. Armorial bearings —Azure, sem6e of fleurs-de-lis or, a lion rampant argent, armed and langued gules. Motto — " Pollet virtus." Married, July 23, 1873, Joanna, eldest dau. of Rev. Charles Raikes Davy of Tracy Park, Gloucestershire; and has /MM«r —Alexander Charles Reginald Pole, Gentleman, b. 1878 ; Mabel Maria ; and Ethel .Agneta. 5*a/— Weston Park, Bath. Clubs— ]\m\or Conservative, Bath and County. CHARLES EDWARD POLE-CAREW, Gentleman. Born Dec 36, 1854, being the second son of the late William Henry Pole-Carew, Esq., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1854, M.P. for East Cornwall, by his wife Frances Anne, second dau. of John Francis Buller of Morval. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, or, three lions pas- sant in pale sable, armed and langued gules (for Carew) ; 3 and 3, azure, semte-de-lis or, a lion rampant argent (for Pole). Mantling sable and or. Orest - On a wreath of the colours, a mast of a ship siible, on the round top a demi-lion of the last, surrounded with spears proper. Aiar- ried, Sept. i6, 1886, lOllen Henrietta, eldest dau. of William Ayshford Sanford of Nynehead Court, co, Somerset ; and has Issue — (1) Clerald Ayshford Pole-Carew, Gentleman, b. Aug. 7, 1887 ; (a) Charles William Pole-Carew, Gentle- man, b. July 3, 1893 ; (3) Wynmond Nicholas Richard Pole-Carew, Gentleman, b. 1896; and Frances lone. Hesidence — Ceylon. Thk Rev. GERALD POLE-CAREW, M.A. Camb., Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Sheviocke. Bom Feb. 18, 1858, being the fourth son of the late William Henry Pole-Carew, Esq., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1854, sometime M.P. for East Cornwall, by his wife Frances Anne, second dau. of John Frances Buller of MorvaL Livery — Dark blue coat, canary waistcoat, black knee- breeches, white serge stockings. Armorial bearings (Roy. Lie, H. Coll., 1722)— Quarterly 1 and 4, or, three lions passant in pale sable, armed and langued gules (for Carew) ; 2 and 3, azure, sem^e-de-lis or, a lion rampant argent (for Pole). Mantling sable and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a mast of a ship sable, on the round top a demi-lion of the last, surrounded with sfjears proper. Postal address Sheviocke Rectory, St. Germans. H Major-Genkrai, Sir REGINALD POLE-CAREWJ © K.C.B., C.V.O. of Antony, co. Cornwall, J. P. co.l Cornwall, commanded the 9th Brigade at Moddcr RiverJ and afterwards commanded Guards Brigade and iitli Division South African Field Force, late Coldstrean Guards, formerly Military Secretary to the Comm.-in-Chie in India. Born May i, 1849, being the eldest son of thd late William Henry Pole-Carew, Esq., J. P. and D.L.r High Sheriff 1854, M.P. for East Cornwall 1845 M 1852, by his wife Frances Anne, second dau. of John Buller of Morval. Armorial bearings -Quarterly 1 and 4, or, three lions passant in pale sable, armed andj langued gules (for Carew) ; 2 and 3, azure, sem^-de lis or, a lion rampant argent (for Pole) ; the escutJ cheon being surrounded by the ribbon of the Bath, and (jendent his badges of K.C.B. and C.V.O. , and impaling on a second shield the arms of Butler, namely, or, a chief indented azure. Mantling sable and ot\ Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a topmast of ship sable, on the top a demi-lion of the last, siir-3 rounded with spears proper. Married, Feb. 19, 1901, Lad) Beatrice Frances Elizabeth Butler, eldest dau. of the Mos^ Hon. the 3rd Marquess of Ormonde, K.P. ; and has Issu one son and two daus. 5tfa/ -Antony House, Torpoint^ R.S.O., Cornwall. C/«*x— Guards', Travellers', Unitetf Service, Marlborough, Turf, Carlton. The Rev. ARTHUR TWISTLETON POLHILLJ Clerk in Holy Orders, a Missionary in China. Bor Feb. 7, 1862, being the third son of the late Fredericlj Charles Polhill-Turner, Esq., J. P., D.L., and High Sheriff 1885, M.P. for Bedford from 1874-1880, formerly Captain in Carabineers (who assumed by Royal Licence, Feb. 21 J 1853, in compliance with the testamentary injunction of Frances, Lady Page Turner, the surname and arms of Tur- ner), by his wife Emily Francis, dau. of Sir Henry Winston Barron, Bart. Armorial bearings— Or, on a bend gules, three crosses crosslet of the first. Mantling gules and or. Orest — Out of a mural crown or, a hind's head proper, between two acorn branches vert, fructed or. Married, May 9, 1888, Alice, dau. of J. Drake of Gloucester ; and has Issue— [\) Arthur Douglas Polhill, Gentleman,*. Jan. 19, 1889 ; (2) Stanley Philip Polhill, Gentleman, *. 1891 ; (3) Montagu Cecil Polhill, Gentleman, b. 1892. CECIL HENRY POLHILL-TURNER, Gentleman, late Lieut. 2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays) ; left to become a Missionary in China. Bom Feb. 23, i860, be'ng the second son of the late Frederick Charles Polhill Turner, Esq., J. P., D.L., and High Sheriff 1885, M.P. for Bedford from 1874-1880, formerly Captain in Carabineers (who as- sumed by Royal Licence, Feb. 21, 1853, in compliance with the testamentary injunction of Frances, Lady Page Turner, the surname and .arms of Turner), by his wife Emily Frances, dau. of Sir Henry Winston Barron, Bart. Armorial bearings — Or, on a bend gules, three crosses crosslet of the first. Mantling gules and or. Crest— Out ^ is the MiUtary Cockade. Pol Pol 1097 of a mural crown or, a hind's head proper, between two acorn branches vert, fructed or. Married, May 3, 1888, Eleanor, dau. of Dr. Marston ; and has Issue — Charles Cecil Polhill- Turner, Gentleman, b. March 18, 1890. Seat — Howbury Hall, near Bedford. Postal address — Sinins, Kausah, near Thibet. ^ EDWIN JOHN POLLARD, Esquire, Rear-Admiral, ^P (retired 1885) J. P. and D.L. co. Norfolk ; has Crimean and Turkish medals for 1854 and 1855, and clasp for Sevastopol ; has China medal with two clasps for Canton (1857) and Taku Forts (i860), and has Silver Medal Royal Humane Society with thanks on vellum. Born April 21, 1833, being the second but only surviving son of the late Edwin Pollard, Gentleman, of Theresa Place, Gloucester, sometime Sheriff' for the county of that city, by Eliza his wife, daughter of William Henry Hughes of Tewkesbury, in the county of Gloucester. Clubs — United Service (London), Norfolk (Norwich). Livery — Light blue with white patch on collar having white twist crossing it, white and blue waistcoat, blue trousers with white piping. Armorial beaxings (Ped. H. Coll.) — Azure, a chevron ermine between two crosses fleury in chief and a sea-lion's head erased in base or, impal- ing the arms of Hawkins- Whitshed, namely, quarterly 1 and 4, party per pale indented argent and vert, three demi-lions rampant, those in chief respectively gules and or, and the one in base party per pale indented of the third and fourth (for Whitshed) ; 2 and 3 party per chev- ron argent and vert, three hinds trippant (for Hawkins). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a stag trippant proper, gorged with a naval crown and charged on the shoulder with a cross fleury or. Motto — " Fortiter Deo juvante." Married, Nov. 18, 1862, Renira (who died August 30, 1894), daughter of the late Sir St. Vincent Keene Hawkins- Whitshed, Baronet (by his wife Elizabeth, commonly called the Honourable Elizabeth, daughter of the Right Honour- able Baron Erskine) ; and has Issue — (i) James Hawkins- Whitshed Pollard, Esq , Captain Royal Scots Fusiliers, Brigade Major 4th Infantry Brigade Aldershot Army Corps, has medal and clasp for Burmah Expedition 1887, clasp for Chin-Lushai Expedition 1889-1890, clasp for Waziristan Expedition 1894-95, medal and clasp for Chitral Expedition 1894-95, served in South African Campaign 1899, 1900, 1901, and 1902, Queen's medal with clasps, Tugela Heights, Relief of Ladysmith, Cape Colony and Transvaal, and King's medal with clasps 1901-1902, served on Staff in Somaliland 1902-1904, medal and clasp (ment. desp.), b. May 13, 1866 [m., 1899, Clare Evelyn, dau. of the late G. Hamilton Low, Royal Canadian Rifles, and has issue, Hamilton Pollard, Gentleman, b. April 13, 1903] ; (2) Arthur Erskine St. Vincent Pollard, Esq., Captain Border Regt. , served in South African Campaign 1899, 1900, 1901, and 1902, Queen's medal with clasps, Tugela Heights, Relief of Lady- smith, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, and King's medal with clasps, 1901-1902 (Club — Naval and Military), b. July 30, 1869 ; Renira Elizabeth ; Lucy Clara ; Sevilla Florence, served in the South African Campaign 1901-1902, has Queen's medal and King's medal ; Evelyn Hyacinthe ; and Grace Emily. Estate and postal address — Haynford Hall, Norwich. Clubs — United Service, County (Norwich). FRANCIS EDWARD ROMULUS POLLARD- URQUHART, Esquire, J. P. and D.L., Lieutenant- Colonel Royal Artillery (retired). High Sheriff 1901. Born Sept. 8, 1848, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late William Pollard, Esq., M.A. , J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1840, M.P. co. Westmeath from 1852-57, and 1859-71, by his wife Mary Isabella, only dau. and heir of William Urquhart of Craigston Castle, co. Aberdeen ; assumed by Royal Licence the additional surname and arms of Urquhart. Cbibs — United Service, Boodle's, Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or, three boars' heads erased gules, armed and langued azure, a mullet of the last for difference (for Urquhart) ; 2. argent, a chevron between three escallops azure (for Pol- lard); 3. argent, three hemp-brakes sable (for Hampson). Mantling gules and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-otter rampant proper, crowned with an antique crown or, collared or, charged with three crescents gules (for Urquhart) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a stag trippant argent, horned or (for Pollard) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, out of a mural coronet argent, a greyhound's head sable, collared gules, charged with three plates. Motto— " Will well." Married, Nov. 28, 1888, Louisa Henrietta, second dau. of late G. W. Duff of Hatlon Castle, CO. Aberdeen. Seats — Castle Pollard, co. Westmeath, Craigston Castle, Turriff, N.B. DIGHTON NICOLAS POLLOCK, Esquire, Bar- ister-at-Law. Born 1864, being the eldest son of the late Sir Frederick Richard Pollock, Knight Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, J. P. co. Middle- sex, by his wife Adriana, dau. of Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas, G.C.M.G. Armorial bearings — Azure, three fleurs-de-lis within a bordure engrailed or, on a canton er- mine, a portcullis of the second. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a boar passant quar- terly or and vert, pierced by an arrow proper. Motto — Over the crest, " Audacter et strenue." GEORGE POLLOCK, Gentleman. Armorial bearings — Vert, a saltire argent, between two hunting-horns in the flanks of the second, garnished and stringed gules, and a quatrefoil in base or. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a boar passant pierced with a dart bendways or. Motto "Audacter et strenue." Residence — The Rkverend HERBERT CHARLES POLLOCK, M.A., Canon of Rochester. Borti May i, 1852, being the eldest son of the late Hon. Sir Charles Edward Pollock, Knight Bachelor, one of His Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, a Baron of the Court of Exchequer 1873-75, a Judge of the High Court of Justice (Queen's Bench Divi- sion), by his wife Nicola Sophia, second dau. of the Rev. Henry Herbert. Armorial bearings— Azure, three fleurs- de-lis within a bordure engrailed or, on a canton ermine, a portcuUis of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a boar passant quar- terly or and vert, pierced by an arrow proper. Motto — Over the crest, "Audacter et strenue." Married, Oct.- 18, 1883, Flora Grace, dau. of John Turner of Oaklands, Wimbledon Park ; and has Issue — Nora ; and Nicola. Club — Athenaeum. is tbe Naval Cockade. 1098 pol pom HUGH POLLOCK, Uentlcman, Barrister-at • law, I1I.A. Btrm 1859, being (he eldest son of the late George David Pollock, Ksquire. Fellow of the Royal College of Sur- fsonsinEnslAnd, Surgeon in Ordinary to H.R.H. the Prince of Waies, Consulting Surgeon to St. George's Hospital, by his wife Marianne cliarily, eldest dauf^htcr of RoIxti Saun- ders of the IVngal Civil Service. Armorial bearlnift— Axure. three fleurs-de-lis within a bordure embattled or, and for an honourable augmentation in respect of the first Baronet's distinguished services in the Afghan War, on a chief of the S(*cond an Kastern crown gules, superscribed " Khybcr," and on a canton ermine three cannons fesseways in pale sable, a crescent for difference. U pon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling aiureand or ; and for his Cresta, i. of honourable augmen- tation, upon a MTeath of the colours, a lion rampant guar- dant argent, crowned with an Kastern crown or, holding in his paws in liend an Afghan banner displayed gules, bor- dered or and vert, the stafl' broken, and m an escroll over the same the word " Affghanistan ; " 3. upon a wreath of the colours, a boar passant cjuartcrly embattled or and vert, pierceer, a fleur-de-lis or, and on each tower a rose as in the arms. Motto -"Armet nos ultio regum." Married, June 34, 1884, Ethel Leach. Residence— EDWARD ROBERT PORTAL, Esq., J.P. co. Berks, M.A. Christ Church, Oxon., Barrister-at-Law, Major Berks Imperial Yeomanry. Bom April 22, 1854, being the eldest son of the late William Thomas Portal, by his wife Betsy, dau. of George Attenborough. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion rampant sable, tetween a fleur- de-lis on the dexter azure, and on the sinister a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper, on a chief of the second six mullets of as many points, three and three or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, upon a castellated portal, flanked by two towers proper, a fleur-de-lis or, and on each tower a rose as in the arms. Motto — "Armet nos ultio regum." Married, firstly, Jan. 17, 1878, Rose Leslie, dau. of John Moore Napier, and has issue. He married secondly, Aug. 10, 1892, Ellinor Katherine, dau. of Capt. Charles West Hill, late 69th Regt., and by her has further issue. Residence— YAding- ton House, Hungerford. FREDERIC WELCH PORTAL, Gentleman. Bom Feb. 22, 1847, being the second son of the late Bernard Bed- well Portal, by his wife Lucy, dau. of Thomas Welch. Ar- morial bearings— Argent, a lion rampant sable, between a fleur-de-lis on the dexter azure, and on the sinister a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper, on a chief of the second six mullets of as many points, three and three or. Mant- ling sable and argent. Crest On a vireath of the colours, upon a castellated portal, flanked by two towers proper, a fleurs-de-lis or, and on each tower a rose as in the arms. Motto — " Armet nos ultio regum." Married, Aug. 30, 1883, Marian Caroline, dau. of Rev. John Wallace, and has issue. Residence— S MELVILLE PORTAL, Esquire, J.P, and D.L., M.P. for North Hants 1849-57, High Sheriff" 1863, Chairman i)f Hants Quarter Sessions, late Capt. North Hants Yeomanry, representative of the Diocese of Win- chester in the House of I..aymen of the Province of Canter- bury. Born July 31, 1819, being the second son of thf late John I'ortal, Esciuirc, J. P. and D.L., by his second wife Elizabeth, only dan. ol Henry Drununond ol the Grange, Hants, by Anno his wife, dau. uf Henry, Viscount Mel- ville. Anuorial bearings— Per saltire azure and gules, a castellated portal Hanked by two towers argent, on a chief ermine a crescent of the field between two mullets of the second. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a portal as in the arms, each tower charged with a fleur-de-lis azure, and a wreath of laurel in base vert Motto — " Armet nos ultio regum." Married, Oct. 9, 1855, the l^dy Charlotte Mary Elliott, dau. of Gilbert, 2nd Earl of Minto, G.C.B. ; and has /««*— (i| Melville Raymond Portal, Esquire, Capt. L.N. Lancashire Regt., b. Oct. 9, 1856, and d. on special service in Uganda May 37, 1893: (2) Sir Gerald Herbert Portal. K.C.M.G., C.B.. H.M. Consul-General at Zanzibar, British Commissioner to Uganda, b. March 13, 1858 [w., Feb. i, 1890, Lady Alice Josephine Bertie, second dau. Rt. Hon. Montagu, 7th Earl of Abingdon, and d. Jan. 25, 1894] ; (3) Alaric William John Portal, Gentleman, Lieut. R. N., b. June 24, 1861 ; Adela Harriet [m. 1885, Alfred Edward Codrini;ton, Esquire, Major Coldstream Guards, son of Gen. Sir William Cod- rington, G.C.B.]; Ethel Mary; and Katharine Charlotte [m. , April 16, 1896, Francis, eldest son of Lord Walter Scott], Seat — Laverstoke House, near Overton, Hants. Club— Carlton. WILLIAM RICHARD PORTAL, Gentleman, M.A. Oxon. Bom June 29, 1838, being the eldest son of the late Richard Brinsley Portal, by his wife Sarah Harriott, dau. of Thomas Robinson. Armorial bearings ( H. Coll. , 7 July j 1891) -Argent, a lion rampant sable, between a tieur-de- i lis on the dexter azure, and on the sinister a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper, on a chief of the second six mullets of as many points, three and three or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, upon a castellated portal, flanked by two towers proper, a fleur-de-lis or, and on each tower a rose as in the arms. Motto "Armet nos ultio regum." Residence — 'Yougt\ House, York Road, West Norwood, London, S.E. PORTCULLIS WATKIN. PURSUIVANT, see JOSEPH PORTER, quartered by FLOYER. HENRY ROBERT MANSEL PORTER, Esq., J.P. for Worcestershire, formerley Lieut. 1st Royal Dragoons. Born 1857, being the eldest son of the late Capt. Henry . Porter of Birlingham. Club — Naval and Military. Armo- rial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per fesse nebuly sable and ermine, a pale counterchanged and three bells argent is tlie Military Cockade. Pot pot 1103 (for Porter) ; 2 and 3 or, on a fesse dancett^ gules, be- tween two escallops sable, a ducal coronet of the first between two roses argent, barbed and seeded projjer (for Taylor). Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, 1. \ipon a wreath of the colours, uf)on a mount vert, in front of a portcullis with chains or, a tilting-spear fesseways proper (for Porter) ; 2. up>on a wreath of the colours, ' a demi-Iion sable, gorged with a collar and jjendent there- from an escutcheon or, charged with two escallops paleways sable, and holding between the paws a ducal coronet or, (for Taylor). Motto— "Quod vult valde vult." Married, 1881, Justine Henrietie, dau. of Colin George Ross of Gruinards, co. Rosse ; and has Issue — Henry Colin Mansel Porter, Gentleman, h. 1882. Seat — Birlingham, near Per- shore. JOHN PORTER PORTER, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for CO. Longford (High Sheriff 1879), and co. Fermanagh (High Sheriff 1883); assumed the name of Porter under the will of his maternal grandfather in 1876. Born 1855, being the second son of the late Nicholas Montgomery Arch- dale of Crock-na-crieve, by Adelaide Mary, dau. of the late Rev. John Grey Porter of Clogher and Kilskeery, co. Tyrone. Clubs — Carlton, Kildare Street (Dublin). Livery —dark blue, orange and blue - striped waistcoat. Aimo- rial bearings — .^able, three bells argent, a canton of the last, charged with a portcullis proper. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a portcullis proper, therefrom pjendeni by a chain or, an proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a {X)rtcullis proper, therefrom pendent by a chain or, a shield of the arms. Motto — " Et fide et virtute." Married, July 28, 1892, Mary, dau. of Frederick S. Wrench ; and has Issue — (i) Alan Grey Porter, Gentle- man, b. Sept. 20, 1894 ; (2) Arthur Digby Porter, b. June 27, 1697 ; Olga Lavinia ; Guinevere Mary ; Evelyn Kathleen Frances ; and Wanda Eleanor Mae. Residence — Clogher Park, Tyrone. Sir WILLIAM HENRY PORTER, second Baronet (1889), M.A. (Dublin Univ.), Barr. Kings Inn, Dublin ; formerly Capt. 3rd. Batt. Roy. Irish Regt., is Capt. 16th Middlesex (London Irish) Rifle Vol. Born Aug. 23, 1862. being the son of Sir George Hornidge Porter, first Baronet, M.D. . by his wife Julia, Lady Porter, dau. of Isaac Bond of Flimby, Cumberland. C/?/^r— Junior Carlton, Dublin University (Dublin), Royal St. George Yacht. Livery — Green with red piping and silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Sable, on a fesse or, between three church bells argent, a trefoil slipfjed proper, between two annulets gules, the escut- cheon being charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of two cross crosslets fitchte saltireways or, a cherub proper. Motto — "Fear God, honour the King." Estate —Blackball, co. Wexford. Residence — 3 Merrion Square North, Dublin. escutcheon of the arms. Motto — " Et fide et virtute." Married, 1884, Josephine, elder dau. of late Lieut.-Col. Jesse Lloyd of Ballyleck ; and has Issue — (1) John Grey Porter, Gentleman, b. 1886 ; (2) Nicholas Henry Archdale Porter, Gentleman, born 1890 ; (3) William Wauchope Montgomery Porter, Gentleman, born 1894 ; Coralie Ade- laide Mervyn ; and Audley Josephine Ellen. Seat — Belle Isle, Lisbellaw, co. Fermanagh. THOMAS STEWART PORTER, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N. ; assumed by Royal Licence the surname and arms of Porter in lieu of those of Ellison-Macartney. Bom Aug. 19, 1854, being the second son of John William Ellison- Macartney, Esq., late M.P. for co. Tyrone, J. P. and D.L. cos. Tyrone and Fermanagh, and High Sheriff co. Armagh, and his wife Elizabeth Phoebe, eldest surviving dau. of the Rev. John Grey Porter of Kilskeery, co. Tyrone, Belleisle, CO. Fermanagh. Armorial bearings — Sable, three bells argent, a canton of the last charged with a p>ortcullis PORTMAN, quartered by SOMERS. 5 SEYMOUR BERKELEY PORTMAN-DALTON, Esquire, J. P., D.L. Born Jan. 12, 1838, being the second son of the late Wyndham Berkeley Portman, and nephew of Edward, first Viscount Portman ; assumed by Royal Licence in 1887 the additional surname of Dalton. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, azure, sem6e of cross crosslets. a lion rampant argent, a chief barry nebuly of four of the last and sable, and (for distinction) a canton pe.m (for Dalton) ; 2 and 3 or, a fleur-de-lis azure (for Portman) ; and up>on an escuicheon of pretence these same arms of Dnlton without the canton. Mantling azure and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head with wings displayed vert, the outside of the wings or, gorged wiih a collar nebuly of the last, and charged with a cross patte argent for difference; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot sejant or. Married, June 2, 1880, Georgiana Isabella, eldest sister and heir of the late John Dalton of Sleningford Park. SecUs — Sleningford, near is the Naval Cockade. II04 PO0 Po\» Kipon ; FilUnRhAm Castle. Lincoln. Tim»i rfutifnce— i8 Kcclcstun Square, S.W. l»OSTLKTHWAITE. see THWAITE. POrniR. quartered by CASS. THOM . POSTLK- M THOMAS BAYLEY POTTER, Esquire. M.P. for O Rochdale. D.L. and J. P. for County Palatine of I^n- caster, and a J.F'. for the city of Manchpstcr. Horn Nov. ao, 1817. being the son of th«" late Sir Thomas Potter. Knight Bachelor, of Buile Hill. Manchester, by his wife Esther, daughter of Thomas Bayley of Booth Hall, Manchester. C/ii^j— Reform, National Liberal, Cobden, Hurlingham. ArmorUl bearings— He bears for Arms: Sable, on a fesse ermine. lx.'tween in chief two cinquefoils pierced or, and in base a knight's helmet proper, a terres- tri.il glolie also propter, between two garbs of the third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, on a mount vert, a sea-horse erect proper, gorged with a collar gemel sable, and supporting a rudder or ; with the MottO, " Viriuti fortuni comes." Married, firstly, 1846, Mary (who died 1885). daughter of Samuel Ashton of Gee Cross, Hyde ; secondly. 1887, Helena, daughter of the late John Hicks of Bodmin, in the county of Cornwall. Residence — 31 Courtfield Gardens, S.W. Chamben — Reform Club Chambers, 105 Pall Mall, S.W. ELIZABETH POTTS of Hoole Hall, co. Chester, only surviving chiUl and heir of William Wardell, Esq., J. P., of AblKMsfield, ne;u Chester. Armorial bearings are, on a lozenge— Azure, two bars or, over all a bend of the second and on an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Wardell, namely argent, a chevron between three boars" heads couped, sable, on a chief vert, three bezants. Married, Oct. 12, 1854, the late Arthur Potts, Esq., J. P., of Hoole Hall, co. Chester (who died 1888), second surviving son of the late Henry Potts of Glenravon, co. Flint ; and has Issue— An only surviving child, Edith ; who assumed by Royal Licence July 5, 1888, the addition name of Wardell [m.. Jan. ai, 1889, Rev. Oswald Prior Yerburgh (to whom refer), who there> upon assumed by Royal Licence the additional name and arms of WardellJ. Seat — Hoole Hall, co. Chester. POUND (H. Coll.). Argent, on a fesse gules, between two boar's heads erased in chief sable and a pomegranate leaved and slipped in Iwse proper. thr»'« mullets of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a castle of two towers proper, upon the iMttlements thereof a pomegranate as in the arms, and each tower surmounted by a mullet sable. Son of : — John Pound, Esq., Alderman, and a member of the Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London (SherilT 189596, Lord Mayor 1904-5), b. 1829; m. 1856, Harriet, eld. d. of Thomas Lulham. Jies. — " Stanmore," (Jrosvenor Road, Highbury New Park, London, N. POVAH (H. Coll.). Per fesse vert and argent, a pale, three crosses |>at6e fitchee at the foot two and one, and as many wreaths each composed of two branches of palm saltirewise one and two all counterchanged. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a sword in pale point downwards proper, pommel and hilt gold, a cross pat^ fitch^k; at the foot or, between two palm-branches vert. Son of : — Rev. Alfred Povah, M.A. Oxon.. Rector of St. Olav Hart Street, and Pres. of Sion Coll., h. . /?«.— 8 ' Bollons, S.W. POWELL, quartered by CHAMBRfe. POWELL, see BADEN-POWELL and SWEETMAI POWELL. POWELL (U.O.). Or, two chevrons between thri lion's gambs erased gules, in the centre chief point trefoil slipped vert. Mantling gules and or. Crest— Oi of a ducal coronet or. a demi-griffin vert, charged on thi shoulder with a trefoil or. Motto — " Edrych i fynu Son of Capt. Edward O'Donovan, R.M.L.l., 6. 1838; d. 1902; tn. 1873, Mary Elizabeth, d. of Lieut, Jenkin, R.E. : — Henry Jenkin Powell, Gentleman, d. 1878. Res. — Yr. sons of Lt.-Col. Henry Claringbold Powell, J of Bawnlahan, i. 1806; d. 1901 ; m. 1836, Mi Anne, d. of Lt.-Gen. Thomas Hutchesson, R.A. : — Rev. Francis Pery Hutchesson Powell, M.A.. late Vicar of Great Bentley, Colchester, 6. 1843 ; m. 1887, Caroline Eleanor, eld. d. of late William Uniacke Townsend ; and has issue — (i) Fitzhenry Townshend Scudamore Powell. Gentleman, 6. 1888; (2) William Uniacke Pery Powell, Gentleman, d. 1891 ; and Marian Elsie Lilian. Seat— Bawnlahan, Union Hall, Cork. Scudamore Kydley Powell, Gentleman, M.D., late .Surgeon R.N., b. 1844; m. 1877, Ada, d. of George Seymour of Clifton Manor, Yorks. /?«. — Cagedale, Clehonger, Herefordshire. Club — Junior Constitutional. ;ut^^ i POWELL (13 June 1882). Per fesse nebuly or and gules, a lion rampant between three escutcheons, each charged with a sparrow-hawk close all counterchanged. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two arrows in saltire proper, thereon a sparrow-hawk close argent, holding in the beak a sprig of oak slipped and fructed vert. .Son of George Powell, Gentleman, of Rock Dale, Tunbridge Wells, b. 1811 ; d. 1884 :— George Thompson Powell, Gentleman. Post. add. — 28 and 39 St. Swithin's Lane, E. C. Son of William Powell, Gentleman, b. 1799 ; d. 1866; m. 1837, Lucilla Young, d. of Michael Maurice :— Maurice Powell, Gentleman, b. 1838; m. 1864, Florence, eld. d. of William Oke Manning ; and has issue — William Maurice Powell, Gentleman, b. 1872 [m. 1905, Rosamond Alicia, only child of William Thirlwell Bayne] ; Esther Florence ; and Lucilla Frances. Res.— 2 Kensington Palace Gardens, W. C/«Af — Athenaeum, United University, Norfolk (Norwich). I (is tbe Military Cockade. POtD Poto 1 105 ARTHUR CROFTS POWELL, Esquire, J. P. for co. of Surrey, M.A. (Oxford), Commissioner of Taxes and Member of Bradfield College Council. Bom Oct. 22, 1844, being the eldest son of Arthur Powell and his wife Fanny Charlotte, dau. of Rev. Peter G. Crofts of Mailing House, Sussex, Clerk in Holy Orders. Armorial bearings— Per fesse or and argent, a lion rampant guardant gules, between two tilting-s pears erect proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant or, in the paw a broken tilting-spear in bend proper, pendant therefrom by a riband gules, an escocheon resting on the wreatli sable, charged with a pheon or. Maj-ried, firstly, August 4, 1868, Caroline, dau. of Rev. Thomas Stevens, Founder and ist Warden of St. Andrew's College, Brad- field, and Rector of the Parish ; and secondly, July 25, 1885, Margaret, dau. of Hon. J. Hart, C.M.G., of Adelaide, South Australia; and has Issue (first mar.) — (1) Arthur Marriott Powell, Gentleman, b. May 31, 1869; (2) Robert Markham Powell, Gentleman, b. August 13, 1870; (3) Reginald Crofts Powell, Gentleman, b. Mar. 1876 ; and Lucy Caroline ; by his second mar. , Margaret Joyce. Seat — Minnickfold, Holmwood, Dorking. Club — Union. The Rev. CHARLES THOMAS POWELL, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. St. John's College (Cantab.), a Minor Canon and Sacrist of Worcester Cathedral. Bor7i Nov. 18, 1872, being the younger son of the late Edmund Henry Powell of Southampton, by his wife Charlotte, dau. of Joseph King. Armorial bearings— Per fesse indented sable and argent, two roses in chief of the last, barbed and ceded proper, and a lion's gamb erased in bend in base gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erased gules, surmounted by a rose of the last, stalked, leaved, and slipped saltireways proper. Motto— " Per devias vias." AfarrzVrf, August 21, 1902, Beatrice Mary, eldest dau. of Francis Henry Izard, C. E. ; and has Issue — Valence Charles Powell, Gentleman, b. August 23, 1903. Residence ~2 College Yard, Worcester. § CHARLES WATSON POWELL, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for CO. Kent, Lord of the Manors of Speldhurst, Langton and Hollands, M.A. (Oxford), Commissioner of Income Tax, Freeman of the Mercers' Livery Company, Quartermaster istVol. Batt. Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment. Born November 26, 1852, being the only son of Charles Powell, Esquire, Master of Arts, Justice of the Peace, of Speldhurst, in the county of Kent, by his wife Emily Ann, daughter of James Eyre 'Watson, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Fillongley Grange, in the county of Warwick. Clubs — Union, Tun bridge Wells (Tunbridge Wells). .Z^jwry— Claret coat, red waistcoat, silver facings. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Per fesse or and argent, a lion rampant guardant gules between two tilting-spears erect proper. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a lion passant or, in the paw a broken tilting- spear proper, pendent therefrom by a rib and gules, an escutcheon resting on the wreath sable, charged with a pheon or; with the Motto, " Ar nyd yw Pwyll pyd yw." Married, August 22, 1888, Elizabeth Constance, daughter of Colonel Heber Drury ; and has Issue— {i) Charles Baden Drury Powell, Gentleman, born September 15, 1889 ; (2) Gerald Frederick Watson Powell, Gentleman, born April 24, 1891. Estate and postal address — Speldhurst, Tunbridge Wells. The Rev. CLEMENT POWELL, Clerk in Holy Orders, B.A. (Oxon.) 1879. Born Nov. 23, 1855, being the seventh son of the late Arthur Powell, Esq., J. P. for Surrey, by his wife Fanny Charlotte, dau. of Rev. Peter G. Crofts of Mailing House, Sussex. Armorial bearings— Per fesse or and argent, a lion rampant guardant gules, between two tilting-spears erect proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant or, in the paw a broken tilting-spear in bend proper, pendent therefrom by a riband gules, an escocheon resting on the wreath sable, charged with a pheon or. Motto — " Ar nid yw Pwyil pyd yw." Married, June 12, 1883, Anna Carew, widow of Capt. H. J. L. Turnbull, R.A., and only dau. of the late S. S. Davenport of Bognor, Sussex; and has Issue — (\) Geoffrey Davenport Powell, Gentleman, b. May 6, 1884; and (2) Richard Crofts Powell, Gentleman, b. July 11, 1886. Postal address — The Rectory, Newick, Sussex. EDWARD COTTON POWELL, Gentleman. Born April 19, 1846, being the second son of the late Arthur Powell, Esq., J. P. for Surrey, by his wife Fanny Charlotte, dau. of Rev. Peter G. Crofts of Mailing House, Sussex. Armorial bearings -Per fesse or and argent, a lion rampant guardant gules, between two tilting-spears erect proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant or, in the paw a broken tilting-spear in bend proper, pendent therefrom by a riband gules, an escocheon resting on the wreath sable, charged with a pheon or. Motto — " Ar nid yw Pwyil pyd yw." Married, May 22, 1890, Anne Caroline, younger dau. of Rev. Henry M. Ingram, late Rector of Aldrington, Sussex ; and has Issue — Four sons and two daughters. Residence 86 Drayton Gardens, South Kensington, London. ^ Rear-AdmiralSir FRANCIS POWELL, K.C.M.G,, ^^ C. B. , Capt. R.N., Commodore at Hong-Kong 1899- 1902, served in Benin River (clasps), in Ashantee War 1873- 1874 (medal). Born Sept. 15, 1849, being the fourth son of the late Arthur Powell, Esq., J. P. for Surrey, by his wife Fanny Charlotte, dau. of Rev. Peter G. Crofts of MaUing House, Sussex. Armorial bearings— Per fesse or and argent, a lion rampant guardant gules, between two tilting-spears erect proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant or, in the paw a broken tilting- spear in bend proper, pendent therefrom by a riband gules, an escocheon resting on the wreath sable, charged with a pheon or. Motto - " Ar nid yw Pwyil pyd yw." Married, Oct. 26, 1875, Rebecca Wilson, dau. of J. W. Glynn of Cape Town; and has Issue — (1) Frank Powell, Gentleman, Lieut. R. N., b. Aug. 10, 1876; (2) John Glynn Powell, Gentleman, b. Sept. 27, 1884 ; (3) Arthur Powell, Gentle- man, b. Marcli 22, 1897; Mary \in., Jan. 15, 1901, Gerald Geiger, Royal Welch Fusiliers]; Phyllis [/«. , Nov. 9, 1899, Walter Lloyd] ; and Ethel. Residence— Lieut. -Col. HENRY CLARINGBOULD POWELL, formerly in the loth Regt., and Staff Officer at Newcastle- on-Tyne, J. P. for co. Cork. Bor7i 1806, being the second son of the late Major Edward Powell of Banlahan, by Eleanor, dau. of the late James B. Buchanan, Esq. Armo- rial bearings — Or, two chevronels between three lions' gambs erased gules, in the centre chief point a trefoil slipped vert. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, ademi-griffin vert, charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped gold. Motto — " Edrych i fynw." Married, 1836, Mary Ann, dau. of Lieut. -Gen. Thomas Hutchesson, R.A. ; and has, with other /tjw^ — Rev. Francis Percy Hutchesson Powell, M.A. of Durham University, Vicar of Withycombe, Devon, b. 1843 \in. , 1887, Caroline Eleanor, eldest dau. of Wm. Uniacke Townsend of Dublin]. Seat — -Banlahan, near Leap, co. Cork. Residence — 2 Alfred Place, Dover. HUBERT JOHN POWELL, Gentleman. Born May 13, 1858, being the eighth son of the late Arthur Powell, Esq., J. P. for Surrey, by his wife Fanny Charlotte, dau. of Rev. Peter G. Crofts of Mailing House, Sussex. Armorial bearings — Per fesse or and argent, a lion rampant guardant gules, between two tilting-spears erect proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant or, in the paw a broken tilting-spear in bend proper, pendent therefrom by a riband gules, an escocheon resting on the wreath sable, charged with a pheon or. Motto— " Ar nid yw Pwyil pyd yw." Married, June 8, 1886, Mabel, second dau. of C. Francis Trower of 7 Kensington Gate, W. ; and has Issue — W.^xo\A. Osborne Powell, Gentleman, b. Aug. 20, 1888 ; Mabel Primrose ; Violet Joan ; Frances Olive ; and Nancy Margaret. Postal address— 'Le.yies, Sussex. JAMES CROFTS POWELL, Gentleman. Born Aug. 3, 1847, being the third son of the late Arthur Powell, Esq., J. P. for Surrey, by his wife Fanny Charlotte, dau. of Rev. Peter G. Crofts of Mailing House, Sussex. Armorial bearings— Per fesse or and argent, a lion rampant guardant gules, between two tilting-spears erect proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant or, in the paw a broken tilting-spear in bend proper, pendent therefrom by a riband gules, an escocheon resting on the wreath sable, charged with a pheon or. Motto — " Ar nid yw Pwyil pyd yw." Married, Nov. 11, 1884, Edith Purefoy Ellis, third dau. of ¥. J. E. Jervoise of Herriard Park, Hants; and has /w«e— James Jervoise Powell, Gen- is the Naval Codcade. I iio6 PotD tkman, t. June a, 1886 ; and Ethel Mary Purefoy. Xtsi- dtmft 13 Cheaier Sireel, Grosvcnor I'Lice, S.W. SNATHANAEL POWELL, Esquire, Justice of the Ptiice and Deputy- Lieutenant. Born October 15, 1813, beiuK the third son of the late James Powell of Hackney, m the county of Midillesex, by his wife Catharine, daughter of the Kevi-rend Nathanael Cotton of Thornby, ill the county of Northampton. Litvry — Claret and green. Armorial bMuriacs— He Wu-s for Amu : Per fessc or and argent, a lion rampant guardant gules, between two tilting- spears erect proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion p;xssant or, in the paw a broken tiliing-spear in bend proper, pendent therefrom by a riband gules an escutcheon resting on the wreath sable, charged with a pheon or; with the Motto. " At nyd yw Pwyll pyd yw." Married, August aa, 1838. Agnes, seventh daughter of David Powell of EJench House, Loughton, in the county of Essex ; and has with other surviving /.mw^ — Harry James Powell, Gentleman, liachelor of Arts, born January 24, 1853 [married, 1875, Emma Elizalieth, daughter of Major W. S. Suart, Royal Engineers, of Bowles, in the county of Essex, and has issue]. Estate and postal addt ess— Luctons, Buckhurst Hill. Essex. REGINALD HENRY POWELL. Gentleman. Bom Feb. I, 1851, being the fifth son of the late Arthur Powell, Esq., j.P. for Surrey, by his wife Fanny Charlotte, dau. of Rev. Peter G. Crofts of Mailing House, Sussex. Armorial bearings Per fesse or and argent, a lion rampant guardant gules, between two tilting-spears erect proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant or, in the f)aw a broken tilting-spear in bend proper, pendent therefrom by a riband gules, an escocheon resting on the wreath sable, charged with a pheon or. Motto — " Ar nid yw Pwyil pyd yw. ' Married, June 8, 1875, Alice Mary, dau. of Rev. John Tiu"ner of Tiffield, North Hants ; and has Issue Marjorie Helen. Residence - Lewes, Sussex. Sir RICHARD DOUGLAS POWELL, first Baronet 1897), K.C.V.O., Physician in Ordinary to Queen Victoria, Physician Extraordinary to His Majesty the King, Knight of GraceoftheOrderof the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in IPoto England, Doctor of Medicine of the University of London, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. Bom Sept. 25, 184a, being the second but only surviving son of the late Scott Powell, Esquire, Captain a3rd Royal Welch Fusiliers, by his wife Eliza, daughter of Richard Meeke. I.ivi-ry~ Claret. Armorial beaSlngs— He liears for Arms . guar- terlv I and 4, gules a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed or (being the arms of Rhys ap Tewder Mawr, Prince of South Wales), a mullet within an annulet for difference (for Powell) ; a. gules, a bend between six lions' heads erased argent (for Skull) ; 3. argent, a lion rampant double queued purpure, crowned or (for FoUioit). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a manthng gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased argent, gorged with a collar Hory gules : with the Motto, " Anima in amicis una." Married, Oct. 30, 1873, Juliet, second dau. of Sir John Bennett, Knight Bachelor; and has Issue — (i) Douglas Powell, Esq., b. July 8, 1874, B.A. Oxon., R.W. Fusili(-rs; (a) Charles Folliolt Boradaile Powell, Esq., b. Dec. 19, 1879, Kings Own Yorkshire, L.I. (killed in action, South Africa, July 1901) ; (3) Scott Powell, Esq., b. April 10, 1885; Dorothy Juliet [m., 1900, E. A. I^eadam, Solicitor]; and Evelyn Sydney \m., 1900, Malcolm M'llwraith, Esq., C.M.G., Legal Adviser to H. H. the Khedive]. J'ostal address— (a Wimpole Street, S. W. C/«*— Oriental The Reverend SAMUEL HOPPER POWELL, Clerk in Holy Orders. Bom March 4, 1805, being the third son of Samuel Powell of Brandlesome Hall, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, by his wife Frances, eldest daughter of Henry Richmond of Bath. Club — Union. Livery— Dark blue with red facings, and red waistcoat. Annorial bearings — He bears for Aiins : Quarterly i and 4, gules a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed or, a mullet within an annulet for difference (for Powell) ; 2. g^les, a bend be- tween six lion's beads erased argent (for Skull) ; 3. argent, a lion rampant double queued purpure, crowned or (for FoUiott). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased argent, gorged with a collar flory gules ; with the Motto, "Anima in amicis una." Married, October 11, 1832, Louisa Burnaby, daughter of Pitt Biu-naby Greene, Esquire, Captain Royal Navy ; and has had Issue — (i) Samuel Hopper Powell, Gentleman, late 57th Regiment, born Sep- tember 21, 1835 [married, 1865, Frederica, daughter of Richard Marchell Jaques] ; (2) Cottrell Burnaby Powell, Gentleman, Commander Royal Navy, born January 21, 1839, died January 1877 ; (3) Thomas Henry Woodcock Powell, Gentleman, born June 29, 1843, died 1858; (4) William FoUiott Powell, Gentleman, born September 16, 1845 [married, December 13, 1876, Mary Albinia, daughter of Henry Wyndham Phillips]; Amelia, died 1857; Mary, died 1854; and Anna Catherine [married, 1870, Orford Somerville Cameron, Commander Royal Navy]. Estates— Sharow, near Ripon ; Sherburn, in the county of Durham. Postal address — Sharow Lodge, Ripon, Yorkshire. POWER, quartered by FOX, MANSFIELD, BERES- FORD, and DUCKETT. POWER, see O'NEILL-PO WER. AMBROSE WILLIAM BUSHE POWER, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. co. Waterford, High Sheriff 1899, Barrister-at- Law (Middle Temple), late of the Bengal Civil Service. Born Nov. 23, 1844, being the fourth but eldest surv. son of the late Venerable Ambrose Power, Archdeacon of Lismore, CO. Waterford (fourth son of Sir John Power, ist Bart., of Kilfane), by his wife Susan, dau. of John Thacker. Lively —Claret colour, white facings. Armorial bearings- Argent, a bend engrailed gules between two foxes' heads erased poi>er, on a chief of the second three escallops of the field, and on an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Bushc, namely, quarterly i and 4, azure, a wolf rampant argent, collared and chained or, in chief three crosses pat^e fitchfc of the second (for Bushe) ; 2 and 3, barry of six argent and azure, a bend compony or and gules (for Grey). Mantling gules and argent. Crest Upon a wreaih of the colours, a stag's head erased proper. Motto—" Pro patria semper." ^ is the Military Cockade. poto POtD 1107 Married, Nov. 22, 1884, Frances Maria, dau. of Gervase Bushe, Esq., of Glencaini Abbey, Lismore, J. P. and D.L. CO. Waterford, formerly Major 7th Hussars ; and has Issue — Ambrose Grattan Power, Gentleman, h. April 22, 1887; Sylvia ; and Irene Noel. Estate— Barrettstown, co. Tip- perary. 6Va< -Glencairn Abbey, Glencairn, S.O., co. Waterford, Ireland. HENRY POWER, Gentleman, M.B. (Lend.), F.R.C.S. (Eng. ), Vice-President, 1886, Consulting Ophthalmic Sur- geon to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. Born Sept. 3, 1829, being the only surv. son of John Francis Power, Lieut. - Col. in the British Foreign Legion (Commandant at Shorn- cliffe), by his wife Hannah, daughter of Henry Simpson of Meadowfield, Whitby, Yorks. Anuorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Argent, sem^e of cross crosslets, and three cinquefoils azure, a chief indented sable. Upon the "scutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an arm vambraced, embowed, giasping a sword all proper, charged with a cross crosslet as in the arms ; and for the Motto, " Un Dieu, un Roy." Married, December 21, 1854, Ann, youngest dau. of Thomas Simpson of Meadowfield, Whitby, Yorks; and has had Issue — (i) D'Arcy Power, Gentleman, born Nov. 11, 1855 ; {2) Henry Edgar Power, Gentleman, born Feb. 20, 1859 ; (3) Francis Reginald Power, Gentleman, born March 19, 1862 ; (4) Charles Edward Power, deceased ; (5) George Ernest Power, deceased ; (6) Hugh Alexander Power, Gentleman, born March ii, 1870; Ada Frances [married, firstly, Francis Cooper; secondly. Rev. C. E. Hobbes, M.A.] ; Mary Alice; Lucy Beatrice (deceased) ; Hilda Florence [married Leonard Syer Bristowe, Barrister-at-Law, Judge of High Court in the Transvaal]; and Annie Isabel. Seat — Bagdale Hall, Whitby, Yorks. Club — Alhenasum. " Per crucem ad coronam." Seat — Long Orchard, Temple- more, in the county of Tipperary. SThe Right Honourable MERVYN RICHARD WINGFIELD, Viscount Powerscourt of Powerscourt, in the co. of Wicklow, and Baron Wingfield of Wingfield, in the co. of Wexford, in the Peerage of Ireland. Baron Powerscourt of Powerscourt, in the co. of Wicklow, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom. Born 1880, being the son of the Right Hon. the seventh Viscount Powerscourt, by his wife Lady Julia, eldest dau. of the Right Hon. Thomas William Coke, the second and present Earl of Leicester ; succeeded his father in 1904. Creations — Feb. 4, 1743 ; Baron of the United Kingdom, June 27, 1885. Livery— Grten coat with silver buttons, drab waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend gules, three pairs of wings conjoined in lure of the field. Above the escut- cheons is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent. Crest—Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi- eagle rising, wings expanded argent, looking at the sun in its glory. Supporters — Two pegasi argent, winged, maned, and hoofed or. MottO — " Fid61it6 est de Dieu." Estate — Powerscourt, co. Wicklow. Residences— 9.x\i blue, with yellow facings. Armorial bearingrs— Sable, a fesse cotised and couped between five mascles, four in chief and one in base all argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-eagle displayed sable, holding in the beak a mascle argent, three mascles interlaced fesseways also argent. Motto — "Pro Rege." Married, June I, 1895, Ethel Mary, eldest dau. of Col. Norton KnatchbuU of Andover, late 95th Regt.; and has Issue — Beryl Wyndliam. Estates — Brambridge Park, Eastleigh ; Milden Hall, Sudbury, Suffolk. Postal adWr«j«— Brambridge Park, Eastleigh, Hants; 117 Picca- dilly, London, W. C/«*j— Carlton, Guards', Bachelors'. S HARRY LEYCESTER POWYS-KECK, Esquire. J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1871. Bom October 16, 1841, being the eldest son of the late Major Littel- ton Powys-Keck, commonly known as Major the Honour- able Henry Littleton Powys-Keck [who assumed by Royal License the name and arms of Keck, in addition to that of Powys, February 16, i86x, as successor of his uncle by marriage, George Anthony Legh Keck, Esquire, of Stau^h- ton Grange], by his first wife Margarette Matilda, third daughter of John J. Bancho. Clubs — Carlton, National Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, sable a bend ermine, between two cotises ffory counterflory or, and for distinction a canton of the laAt (for Keck) ; a and 3 or, a lion's gamb erased in bend dexter between two cross crosslets fitch«?e in bend sinister gules (for Powys). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet liefilting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. out of a mural crown gules a maiden's head ermine, purfled or, her hair dishevelled and flotant of the same, adorned with a chaplet vert, and garnished with roses proper (for Keck) ; 2, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erased and erect gules, grasping a fleur- de-lis bendways or (for Powys). Mottoes—" En Dieu est nia foy ; " " Parta tueri." Married, August 6, 1891, Agnes Cecil, fourth daughter of the late Cecil Gordon, Esquire, commonly known as Lord Cecil Gordon, and widow of James Milward. Seat — Staughton Grange, in the county of Leicester. Residence — The Knoll, Kingston Hill, in the county of Siurey. S THOMAS CHARLES LEYCESTER POWYS- KECK, Gentleman. Lieut. 60th Royal Rifles. Bom August 12, 187 1, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Bancho Powys-Keck, late Lieut. 60th Regt., by his wife Sarah Matilda, second dau. of James Johnson of Kincar- dine, Perth, N.B. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, sable, a bend ermine, between two cotises flory counterflory or, and (for distinction) a canton of the last (for Keck) ; 2 and 3, or, a lion's gamb erased in bend dexter, between \ two cross crosslets fitch^e in bend sinister gules (for Powys). Mantling sable and argent. Crests— i. out of a mural crown i gules, a maiden's head ermine, purfied or, her hair dis-j bevelled and flotant of the same, adorned with a chaplet] vert, and garnished wiih roses proper ; 2. or, a lion's gamb] erased and erect gules, grasping a fleur-de-lis bendways] or. Mottoes — "En Dieu est ma foy" (for Keck), and] " Parta Tueri " (for Powys). Residence — Clubs — Carlton, National. REGINALD CECIL LYBBE POWYS-LYBBE, Gentle-l man. Born Aug. 12, 1881, being the eldest son of the! late William Reginald Lybbe Powys-Lybbe of The Croft, Wallingford, by his wife Christian Cecilia, youngest dau. of the late James C. Haywood of Dosthill House, co. Stafford. Armorial bearings— Or, a lion's gamb erased in bend between two crosses crosslet fitch^e gules. Mant- ling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a j lion's gamb erased and erect gules, holding a sceptre or. Motto— " Parta tueri." 5tfa/— Rushcourt, Wallingford,] Berkshire. POYNTZ, quartered by SPENCER. CHARLES POYNTZ-STEWART, Esquire, J.P. co. Herts, and M.A. of Trin. Coll., Camb., only child of Philip i Stewart, Judge, &c., E.I.C.S., by his wife Matilda, dau. of I W. Dawson of St. Leonard's Hill, Berks; Settle, co. Yorks.; and Manchester Square, London. Livery — Blue coat, yellow breeches. Aimorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, surmounted of a lion rampant gules ; 2 and 3, azure, three garbs or, all within a bordiire argent, charged with three wolves' heads gules. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a man's head proper. Motto — " Never unprepared." Married, Feb. i, 1882, Caroline Elizabeth, only surviving child of Col. Hindley Wilkinson ; and has Ajk^- Robert Niel Poyntz-Stewart, Gentleman, b. April 23, 1884. Seat — Chesfield Park (Stevenage), co. Herts. C/«3— Oxford and Cambridge. ARTHUR HORATIO POYSER, Gentleman, M.A. Ch. Ch., Oxford, Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple. Bom Jan. 21, 1849, being the second son of the late Charles Poyser of Summer Hill, Gwersyllt, Denbigh, by his second wife Emma, dau. of Edward Jenkins of Ellesmere, Shrop- shire. Armorial bearings — Azure, a fesse erminois be- tween in chief a lion passant to tiie dexter argent, crowned or, and in base a like lion to the sinister. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head ^ is the Military Coclcade. pra pra X109 erased gules, armed or, holding in the mouth a twig slipped vert, and charged on the neck with a crown vallery, also gold. Married, June 6, 1872, Alice, dau. of William Whytehead of Clifton, Yorks. ; and has Issue — Arthur Hampden Ronald Wastell Poyser, Gentleman, b. Sept. 30, 1884 ; Alice lanthe ; Ina Frances ; Irene Grace ; Eleanor Jessie, d. in infancy, April 9, 1878 ; and Gladys Isabella. Residence — Sydenham, Kent. PRAERS, quartered by GROSVENOR and TAUN- TON. PRATT (U.O.). Gules, on a fesse or, three annulets sable between three elephant's heads erased of the second, tusked argent. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an elephant's head erased sable, tusked or. Son of Major Henry Pratt of Sundayswell, Cork, b. 1787; d. 1858; m. 1815, Sarah, d. of Richard Fitton of Gawsworth, co. Cork : — Robert Pratt, Esq., J.P. co. Cork, b. 1835; m. 1855, Anna Maria, d. of Austin Cooper Chadwick of Damerville, CO. Tipperary; and has issue— (i) Henry Pratt, Gentle- man, late Lieut. Munster Fus. , b. 1857 \m. 1898, Annie Hamilton, d. of William Spence of Alloa, N.B.] ; (2) Austin Cooper Chadwick Pratt, Gentleman, b. 1859 ; (3) Robert Pratt, Gentleman, b. i860 \m. 1902, Jane Adela Pope, ygst. d. of late Pope Gray of Woodsgift, Blackrock, CO. Cork ; and has issue — Robert Pope Pratt, Gentleman, b. 1903]; (4) James Edward Pratt, Gentleman, b. 1870; (5) John Pratt, Gentleman, late R.N., L.R.C.S., b. 1880; and eight daus. 5^a/— Gawsworth , Carrigrohane, co. Cork. Sons of late Richard Charles Pratt, Esq., of Kinsale, J.P. CO. Cork, Lieut. 95th Regt., m. 2nd, Mary Del Hoste, eld. d. of Lt.-Col. John Rowley Hayland, 7th Roy. Fus. : — James Arthur Pratt, Esq., Major, late 9th Batt. King's R.R., J.P. CO. Cork, b. 1856. Seat — Kinsale, co. Cork. Charles Percy Pratt, Gentleman, b. 1861. Res. — John Rowley Heyland Pratt, Gentleman, b. 1863 ; m. 1899, Florence Kate, d. of C. Gainsford Dixon of Rayleigh, Essex. Res. — Richard Charles Pratt, Gentleman, b. 1869 ; m. 1896, Charlotte Amyand Powys, d. of Henry Atherton Adams of Wynters, Essex, and widow of Robert Wilkes Heard of Pallastown, co. Cork ; and has issue— (i) Richard Francis Atherton Pratt, Gentleman, b. 1899 ; (2) James Lilford Atherton Pratt, Gentleman, b. 1903 ; and Amyand Mary Atherton. Res. — Sprayfield, Sandycove, Kinsale ; 10 Fisher Street, Kinsale. Cecil William Pratt, Gentleman, b. 1876. Res. — BICKERTON PRATT, Esquire, formerly a Commis- sioned Officer in Volunteer Artillery, J.P. for co. Mon- mouth. Born September 13, 1840, being the eldest surviv- ing son of the late Edward Richard Pratt, formerly of Roughton, in the county of Salop, Yeoman, by his wife Sophia, daughter of Thomas Spencer of Bilston, in the county of Stafford. Livery— Q\3xt\. colour, with white facings. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a pile argent, between two mullets of six points in base or, an elephant's head couped proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wrt- ath of the colours, in front of two javelins in saltire, an elephant's head couped proper, holding in the trunk a mullet of six points or ; with the Motto, " Aut fas aut mors." Married, September 16, 1875, Evelina Maria, daughter of William Adams, Fellow of the Geological Society ; and has Issue — (i) Bickerton Pratt, Gentleman, born May 4, 1880 ; (2) Bernard William Harries Pratt, Gentleman, born July 27, 1881 ; (3) Edward Spencer Pratt, Gentleman, born December 5, 1882 ; Mary Sophia Anne, d. unm. ; Evelina Joanna ; Agnes Margery ; and Dorothy Victoria. Estate — Common, Cefnllwyn, in the county of Monmouth. Postal address — Roughton, Caerleon, Mon- mouth. EDWARD ROGER MURRAY PRATT, Esq., of Ryston Hall, co. Norfolk, J. P., B.A. Trin. Coll., Camb., Col. (retired) Norfolk Artillery. Born Dec. 3, 1847, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Jermyn Pratt of Ryston, by his wife Mary Louisa, fourth dau. of George Murray, Bishop of Rochester [grandson of John, 3rd Duke of Atholl]. Club — Brooks'. Ari^orial bearing^ — Argent, on a chevron sable. between two ogresses, each charged with a martlet of the first in chief and an ogress in base, charged with a trefoil slipped argent, three mascles or ; and impaling the arms of Mul- holland, namely azure, a stag's head erased argent, between three escallops or. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, between a branch of oak and another of pine, each fructed or, a wolfs head per pale argent and sable, languedand erased gules, gorged with a collar charged with three roundels all counterchanged. Motto — " Rident florentia prata." Married, July 12, 1881, the Hon. Louisa Frances, second dau. of the Right Hon. John Mulholland, ist Baron Dunleath of Bally waiter Park, CO. Down ; and has Issue — (i) Edward Roger Pratt, Gentle- man, b. June 2, 1882 ; (2) Jermyn Harold Pratt, Gentleman, b. July 12, 1883 ; (3) Lionel Henry Pratt, Gentleman, b. Dec. 17, 1889; Dorothy Louisa ; and Ursula Frances. Seat — Ryston Hall, near Downham, Norfolk. The Rev. JOHN PRATT, M.A., Rector of Durrus, Rural Dean of Glansalney, and Precentor of St. Fin Barre's Cathedral, Cork, B.A., T.C.D. 1835, M.A. 1868, second son of the late Rev. Robert Pratt, Prebendary and Rector of Desertmore, Diocese of Cork, B.A., T.C.D. 1797, by his wife Emily, only dau. of John Nix of Killiney, co. Meath. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a fesse or, three mullets sable between as many elephants' heads erased of the second, tusked or. Crest — An elephant's head, erased, tusked or. Married, first, 1841, Charlotte Louisa, dau. of Michael Murphy of Newtown, co. Cork; second, Sept. 13. 1893, Eva, dau. of Francis Cole of Blair's Cove, co. Cork. Residence — Durrus, Bantry, Ireland. JOSEPH PRATT, Esq., J.P. and D.L. co. Mayo (High Sheriff 1874), and J.P. co. Cavan (High Sheriff 1894). Born 1843, being the only son of the late Mervyn Pratt, Esq., of Cabra Castle and Enniscoe, by Madaline Eglantine, only dau. and heir of the late Col. Jackson of Enniscoe. Armo- rial bearings — Quarterly i and 6, argent, on a chevron sable, between three ogresses each charged with a martlet of the first, three mascles of the field (for Pratt) ; 2. or, an adder curling and erected on its tail sable (for Coach) ; 3. argent, on a chevron sable, between three hawks' heads erased azure, as many trefoils slipped or (for Jackson) ; 4. argent, on a bend indented sable, between two cottises azure, each charged with three bezants, as many fleurs-de- lis of the field (for Cuff^ ; 5. ermine, a griffin segreant azure, armed or (for Aungier). Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased gules, pierced through the back of the neck with a broken spear proper. Motto — "Virtute et armis." Married, 1870, Madehne Charlotte, only dau. of James Hamilton, Esq., of Cornacassa, Monaghan ; and has, -with other Issue — Mervyn, b. 1873. Seats — Cabra Castle, King's Court, co. Cavan ; Enniscoe, Cross- molina, co. Mayo. ROBERT PRATT, Esquire, of Gawsworth, co. Cork, J.P. for that county. Born 1835, being the eldest son of the late Major Henry Pratt of Sundayswell, Cork, by Sarah, dau. of the late Richard Fitton. Armorial bearing^B — Gules, on a fesse or, three mullets sable, between three elephants' heads erased of the second, tusked argent. Crest — An elephant's head erased sable, tusked or. Married, 1855, Anna Maria, dau. of the late A. C. Chadwick, Esq. ; and has, with other /w«e— Henry, b. 1857. Seat — Gawsworth, Carrigrohane, Cork. WALTER CAULFEILD PRATT, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for Bucks, Hon. Col. 3rd Batt. Oxfordshire Regt., formerly Capt. 67th Regt. Born 1820, being the fourth son of the late Col. Joseph Pratt of Cabra, co. Cavan, by Jemima Roberta, only dau. and heir of Sir James Stratford Tynte, ist Bart. [ext.]. Club — Army and Navy. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a chevron sable, between three ogresses each charged with a martlet of the first, three mascles of the field (for Pratt) ; 2 and 3 or, an adder curling and erected on its tail sable (for Coach) ; and im- paling the arms of Irby, namely argent, fretty sable, on a canton gules, a chaplet or. Mantling sab'e and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased gules, pierced through the back of the neck with a broken spear proper. Motto — "Virtute et armis." Married, 1852, the Hon. Catherine Cecilia, sixth dau. of George, 3rd Lord Boston ; and had, with other Issue — is the Naval Cockade. mo Pre pre Dougtes Walter Joseph Caulfeild, b. 1853, d. x888. Stat— Oving House, Aylesbury. PRENDERGAST (U.O.). Gules, a saltire engrailed vaSr, a bordure or, charged with eight trefoils slipped of the field. Mantling' gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an antelope's head erased proper, charged with a trefoil slipped vert. Motto — " Veritas vincit." Only surv. child of Robert Keating Prendergast, Esq., J. P., of Ardfinnan Castle, Surg.-Gen., b. 1811; d. 1890; m. i860, Julia, d. of Rev. John Kinahan, B.A., Rector of Knock Breda, co. Down: — Capt Robert John Prendergast, R.N., b. 1864; m. 1905, Bertha Janet (Netta), only child of Capt. John Binnie Mackenzie, 1st Royal Scots. Seat — Ardfinnan Castle, Cahir, co. Tipperary. Club — United Service. JOHN GEORGE PRENTICE, Gentleman. Born October 16, 1851, being the only son of Thomas Augustus Prentice, Gentleman, by his wife Mary, dau. of John Johnson of Holbeach, Lord of the Manor of Fleet Fitz- walter, in the co. of Lincoln. Armorial bearings— Party per chevron eng^led or and azure, three greyhounds courant counter-changed, in the centre chief point a trefoil slipped vert. Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-greyhound rampant or, collared, ringed and lined sable, charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped vert. Motto, "Nee timeo nee sperno." Martied, May 24, 1879, Agnes Sophia, younger daughter of Christian Hermann Rohde ; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Alfred Prentice, Gentleman, born June 24, 1883; {2) George Stukeley Prentice, Gentleman, born April 8, 1886; (3) Arthur Augustus Prentice, Gentleman, born Jiily 5, 1887 ; (4) Oscar Prentice, Gentleman (twin with Arthur Augustus) ; Hilda ; Agnes Maud, died Febnaary 7, 1882 ; and Rose. Postal address — Oxton, Cheshire. PRESCOTT (H. Coll.). Sable, a chevron inverted argent, betsvecn two owls in chief of the last and a beacon erect in base fired proper, all within two flaunches of the second. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter cubit arm vested sable, cuff enninois, holding in the band a beacon fired proper, four mascles interlaced fessewise gules. Motto — "Lux mibi Deus." Son of John Barrow Prescott, B.A., of Wilmslow Park, Cheshire, b. 1841 ; d. 1875 ; m. 1865, Lucy Maria, d. of William Haynes Mason, Esq., M.A., D.L., J. P. , of Seedley House, Leintwardine, Hereford- shire : — Charles Barrow Clarke Prescott, Gentleman, Lord of the Manor of Bollen-cum-NorclifTe, b. 1870. Seat — The Manor House, Wilmslow Park, Wilmslow, Cheshire. Clubs— Wellington, Windham. S RICHARD PRESCOTT- DECIE. Esquire, late Colonel 4th Batt Wore. Regt., Commandant June 7, 1883, formerly Captain Royal Engineers, J. P. for co. Worcester, J. P. and D. L. co. Hereford, Chairman Here- fordshire County Council. Born May 28, 1838, being the third son of Henry Decie of Phale, Douglas, co. Cork, by his wife Catherine Hale, dau. of Sir George Beeston Pres- cott, Bart. Livery -Drab with red facings, striped waist- coat (drab and red), red plush breeches, silver buttons and hat-band. Armorial bearings -Quarterly i and 4, argent, a hand coupcd at the wrist fesseways holding a sword erect f)roper, pommel and hilt or, between two towers in chief gules for Decie) ; 2 and 3, sable, a chevron argent, gutt^e-de- poix, between three owls of the second (for Prescott). Mantling gules and argent. Crests- i. on a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect holding in bend sinister a sword proper, pommel and hilt or, between two trefoils vert ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested gules, gutt6e-d'or, holding in the hand proper a beacon sable, fired proper. Motto -"Touj ours prfit." Married, Oct. 2, i860, Arabella, only dau. of William George Pres- cott of Clarence, Roehampton, and 62 Threadneedle Street, London, Banker; and has Issue— (i) Francis Edward Prescott-Decie, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, b. July 19, ' 1861 ; (2) Cyril Prescott-Decie, Esq., Major Royal Field Artillery, b. Aug. 4, 1865 ; (3) Rev. William Prescott-Decie, Clerk in Holy Orders, b. May 13, 1867 ; Ruth ; and Norah. 5tffl^— Bockleton Coiu-t, Tenbury. C/a*— Golfers'. PRESTON (U.O., 1666). Ermines, on a chief argent, three crescents gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a crescent or, between two wings azure. Motto — " Virtus sui ipsius prasmium." Sons of Rev. Arthur John Preston, Canon of Kildare and Preb. of Tullamore, b. 1806 ; d. 1875 ; m. 1837, Harriet Hickman, d. of James FitzGerald Massy of Stoneville, co. Limerick : — Arthur John Preston, Esq., Major late 33rd Regt., B.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), b. 1840; m. 1877, Gertrude Mary, d. of Richard Knight of Bobbing Court, Kent ; and has issue — Arthur John Dillon Preston, Gentleman, b. 1885; Gertrude Mary ; Dorothy Beresford ; and Edith Florence. Res.— is tbe Military Cockade. I J pre pre William Massey Preston, Esq., J. P. co. Cork, C.C. Anglesey, b. 1845 ; m. 1895, Blanche Margaret, d. of late Lt.-Col. James Henry Wyatt, C.B. (by his wife Jane Forbes, d. of William Hogarth); and has issue — (i) William Forbes Amias Preston, Gentleman, b. 1896 ; (2) John de la Poer Beresford Preston, Gentleman, /;. 1901 ; and Blanche MaryGwen. Seats — Lleiniog Castle, Beaumaris ; Llanliana, Ceniaes, Anglesey. Club — ^Junior Conservative. Son of General Richard Preston, b. 1808; d. 1892; m. 1836, Jane, d. of John Ingle, Esq., D.L., of Sandford Orleigh : — Major-Gen. John Ingle Preston, late 45th Regt. , b. 1836. Res. — 6 The Esplanade, Plymouth. Clubs — Army and Navy, Junior United Service, Royal Western Yacht. CHARLES ERNEST RICHARD PRESTON- HILLARY, Gentleman (formerly Preston) ; assumed the surname and arms of Hillary by Royal Licence 1898. Born Aug. 30, 1839, being the youngest son of Christopher Richard Preston, Esq., of Jericho House, co. Essex, J. P. and D.L. , by his wife Elizabeth Mary, only dau. and eventually heir of Sir William Hillary, ist Baronet, and twin sister of Sir Augustus William Hillary, 2nd Baronet. /.jVery— White and black. Armorial l)earings— Argent, Richard (twin with Marcella) ; and Gladys Richard. dence -Park Lodge, Putney, S.W. Resi- three fleurs-de-lis between six cross crosslets, three, two, and one, all within a bordure sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— Out of a mural crown or. a cubit arm in armour proper, garnished gold, encircled by a sash vert, the gauntlet holding a galtrap erect of the first. Motto — " Virtute nihil invium." Married, Dec. 24, 1869, Marcella Mary Ximenes, youngest dau. of the late Colonel Sackville Henry Frederick Gwynne, J. P., D. L. , of Glanbrane Park, CO. Carmarthen; and has Issue— (x) Hillary Richard Preston-Hillary, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, b. May 9, 1874 ; (2) Charles Richard Preston-Hillary, Gentleman, a twin with his brother ; Sophie Antoinette Richard \in. Percy A. N. Thorn] ; Marcella Annie Richard ; Constance Mary SAMUEL ASHTON PRETOR, Esq., J. P. for Dorset, formerly Capt. 9th Lancers. Born 1835, being the eldest son of the late Samuel Pretor, Esq., J. P., of Sherborne House, Dorset, by Frances Dowding of Salisbury. Armo- rial bearing^ — Gules, on a saltire argent, between four bezants, two fasces in saltire proper. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm fesseways, couped, habited, and charged with two roundles holding in the hand a fa.sces. Motto — " Amor patriae." Married, 1877, Ellen, dau. of the late Joseph Godman of Park Hatch, Godalming, Surrey. Seat — Belfield House, near Weymouth. C/«^— Weymouth and County (Weymouth). FEDERRICK WAKE PRETOR-PINNEY, Esquire, J. P. Born May 20, 1834, being the eldest son of the late Charles Pinney, Mayor of Bristol, Gentleman, of Camp House, Clifton, by his wife Frances Mary, fourth daughter of James Charles Still of East Knoyle, in the county of Wiltshire ; assumed the additional surname and arms of Pretor by Royal License, August 22, 1877. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules, three crescents or, issuing from each a cross crosslet fitch(§e argent (for Pinney) ; 2 and 3 or, an eagle displayed with two heads vert, beaked and membered gules, standing on a fasces proper, and holding in each beak a trefoil slipped of the second, and impaling the arms of Smith, namely or, a chevron cotised between three demi-grififins, the two in chief respecting each other sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an arm in armour embowed the part above the elbow in fesse proper, the hand holding a cross crosslet fitch^e argent (for Pinney) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi - eagle couped or, wings endorsed sable, sem^e of trefoils slipped of the first, and holding in the beak a trefoil slipped vert (for Pretor). Motto — "Amor patriae." Married, March 3, 1863, Lucy, fifth daughter of Abel Smith, Esquire, Member of Parliament, of Woodhall Park, in the county of Hertford; and has Issue — (i) Charles Frederick Pretor-Pinney, Esquire, Major 7th Batt. Rifle Bri- gade, b. June 9, 1864 ; (2) Robert Wake Pretor-Pinney, Gentleman, b. October 7, 1867 ; Frances Mary ; Hester is tlie Naval Cockade. Ilia IPre Wti Luct; and Alice Susan. Seat — The Orange, Somerton, £rleish. PRETYMAN (H. Coll. granted 1599. pedigree L.O.). Utiles, a lion passant between three mullets or. M».nt»«g' gules iind or. Oraat — On a wreath of the colours, two lions' ganibs erased or, holding a mullet of the first. MottO — " Vincit Veritas." Son of Rev. Frederic Pretyman, Canon of Lincoln, Rector of Great Carlton and Fellow of Magdalen College (Oxon.), J. P. Lines., i. 1819; d. 1905; m. 1858, Ueorgina Eliiabeth, d. of Edward Knight of Chawton House, Hants : — Ernest George Pretyman, Esq., J. P. and D. L. Lines., J.P. Suffolk, M.P. Woodbridge Div. of Suffolk, Hon. Col. 1st Suffolk Vol. Art., late Capt. R.A., a Civil Lord of the Admiralty 1900-1903, Parly. Sec. to Admiralty since 1903, 6. 1859; m. 1894, Lady Beatrice Adine Bridgeman, eld. d. of George Cecil Orlando, 4th Earl of Bradford ; and has issue — (i) George Marcus Tomline Pretyman, d. 1895; (2) Herbert Ernest Pretyman, 6. 1900; (3) Waller Frederic Pretyman, t. 1901 ; Ida Beatrice ; and Marjorie Elizabeth. Seats — Orwell Park, Ipswich ; Riby Grove, Stallingboro, Lincolnsh. Town res. — 2 Belgrave Square, S. W. Clubs — Carlton, Turf. Son of Arthur Charles I^etyman, Esq., J. P., of Haughley Park, Suffolk, Capt. 74th Highlanders, &c., b. 1830 ; d. 1898 ; m. 1858, Mary, d. and coh. of Henry Baxter of Idvies, co. Forfar : — Frederick Henry Pretyman, Gentleman, b. 1875. Seat — Haughley Park, Suffolk. Club — Army and Navy. THOMAS WILLIAM PREVOST, Esquire, Colonel in Army, J.P. for co. Cumberland. Bom Dec. 23, 182^, being the third son of Rear-Admiral James Prevost, by his wife Mary D'Yranda de Teipsin, dau. of Lewis de Teipsin. Livery — Plain Oxford mixed coat, with crimson waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Azure, a dexter arm in fesse issuing from a cloud in the sinister fesse point, the hand grasping a sword erect proper, pomel and hilt or, in chief two mullets argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion azure, charged on the shoulder with a mural crown or, the sinister paw grasping a sword erect as in the arms. Motto — " J'ai bien servi." Married, June 27, 1850, Thomasina Catherine, dau. of Rev. Edward Dewing of Rainham, Norfolk ; and has Issue — (i) Edward William Prevost, Gentleman, b. Sept. 4, 1851 ; {2) Francis Augustin Prevost, Gentleman, b. March 30, 1861. WILLIAM PREVOST, Esquire, Capt. 14th King's Army. Barrister • at - I^w, F.G.S., by his wife Annie Mason, second dau. of the late Andrew Dow, and of the late Mary Brydie of Montreal, Dominion of Canada, and co-heiress of her uncle, the late William Dow of Montreal. Armorial bearings— Azure, a dexter arm in fesse issuing from a cloud in the sinister fesse point, the hand graspmg a sword erect proper, in chief two mullets argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant azure, charged on the shoulder with a mural crown or, the sinister paw grasping a sword erect as in the arms. Motto —"J'ai bien servi.' Seat Elfords, Hawkhurst, Kent. Club — Cavalry. PRICE, borne on an escutcheon of pretence by LAW. M CHARLES HENRY UVEDALE PRICE. Esquire. \g Captain 27th Bombay Infantry, served in Burmese Expedition 1886-88 (medal and clasp), Tirah Expedition 1898, Uganda 1898 (mentioned in despatches), receiving brevet rank of Major Jan. 25, 1899. for services in Uganda, D.S.O. 1899. Bom June 16. 1862. being the third son of the late General George Uvedale I'rice. by his second wife Harriette Anne Wilhelmina, second dau. of Rev. Charles Robert Gayer of Dingle, co. Londonderry. Armoilal bear- ings -Gules, a lion rampant argent, with many quarterings. Mantling ^ules and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, holding in the dexter paw a rose gules, stalked and leaved vert. Motto -"Vive ut vivas." Married, Oct. i, 1889, Ada Mary, dau. of John Orlando Hercules Norman Oliver, C.S.I. , Deputy Com- missioner of the Punjab ; and has Issue — Ryswynn Uve- dale Price, Gentleman, b. Aug. 14, 1890; and Merlyth Mary. Residence — S EDWARD AUGUSTUS UVEDALE PRICE, Es- quire, Major late 4th Battalion East Surrey Regiment. Bom October 18, 1854, being the second son of the late George Uvedale Price, General Bombay Staff Corps, by his wife Elizabeth Palmer, dau. of James Price, Lieut. 24th F'oot, Hussars. Bom Nov. 6, 1870, being the only son of the late Lewis de Tessier Prevost, Esq., Colonel in the and great-grandson of the late Sir Charles Price, Bart. , of Spring Grove, Richmond, in the co. of Surrey. Livery — Silk hat, Ixjund with silver cord and laced, broad silver band; coat, mulberry-coloured cloth, edged with red piping, silver buttons, crest ; waistcoat mulberry, silver buttons, crest ; trousers black, red piping down the sides ; full dress : red plush knee-breeches, white silk stockings, black shoes. § is tue Military cockade. f Pti silver buckles, and silver shoulder-knots and cords on the coats. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quar- terly of two hundred and twenty-two {vide illustration), i. gules, a lion rampant argent ; 2. argent, a rose gules ; 3. or, a lion rampant gules ; 4. sable, a chevron between three goats' heads erased or, over all in chief a cres- mi III3 heads in profile, couped at the neck projjer ; 15. as number eight ; 16. as number nine ; 17. as number ten ; 18. as number eleven ; 19. sable, a lion rampant or ; 20. ermine, a lion rampant sable ; 21. party per bend ermine and ermines, a lion rampant or ; 22. azure, a lion rampant or, within a bordure argent ; 23. azure, a lion rampant or. W^ W^ ^O ^ w ^ ## «*„«» "r ^u^ w >^ III /^s/fs 1^ ^.I^ >^^ \wy 'WW ^^-^^ 15? cent argent; 5. azure, a lion passant guardant or; 6. or, a griffin segreant, within a bordure gules ; 7. or, a griffin segreant gules ; 8. gules, a Saracen's face affront^e proper, wreathed about the temples argent and azure ; 9. azure, a lion rampant argent; 10. vert, a chevron between three mullets or; 11. azure, three Saxon crowns in pale or; 12. vert, a cross moline or; 13. gules, a chevron argent, three men's heads in helmets and in profile, the vizors up proper; 14. gules, a chevron argent, between three boys' within a bordure argent, pellett^e (?) ; 24. sable, a chevron between three spear-heads argent, imbrued gules ; 25. sable, three roses argent ; 26. sable, three spears paleways in fesse ; 27. as numbers eleven and eighteen ; 28. gules, three lions passant guardant in pale argent ; 29, or, a lion passant guardant gules ; 30. argent, three lozenges conjoined in fesse gules, each charged with an eagle dis- played or; 31. as numbers eleven, eighteen, and twenty- seven ; 32. azure, a cross pat6e fitchte between four Saxon is the Naval Cockade. I III4 mi ptf crowns or ; ^. as number thirty-two ; 34. azure, a cross putie titch<^or ; 35. vert, n stag rampant .argent ; 36. guks, a chevron Ixrtween thret* stags' heads caboshed argent ; 37. as numluT twenty-four ; 38. us nun)lH*r twenty-tive ; 39. as nunitier twenty-six ; 40. as numbers eleven, eighteen, twenty-s<"ven, and thirty-one ; 41. sable, on a chevron in- vecteears for Arms: Party per fesse sable and or, a pale counterchanged, three boys' heads affront^..] coup>ed at the shoulders two and one proper, and as many] serpents nowed one and two vert ; and for his Crest, on a] wreath of the colours, in front of a boy's head affront^, J couped at the shoulders proper, two serpents saltirewise.i heads upward vert, and a spear-head fessewise ; with the! Motto, " Innocentes sicut pueri sagaces sicut serpentes."! Married, ist, June 4, 1885, Mary Catherine (d. March ao, j 1902), only child of William Smith of Greensted House, I in the co. of Essex ; and has Issue — Gwendoline Maryj Vaughan ; Elinor Olive Vaughan ; and Janet Anita Vaughan ; j 2nd, 1904, Dora Maiy, d. of late Robert Gosling, Esq.,! J. P., D. L. , of Harrowl)y. A'.f/a/«— Glynilech, in the parish] of Ystradgynlais, in the co. of Brecon. Postal address- Greensted Hall, Ongar, Essex. HUGH ARTHUR LEWIS PRICE, Gentleman. Born ' 1873, son of Lewis Richard Price of Marrington Hall and Brompton Hall, by Eliza, second dau. of the late John James Turner, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , of Pentreheylin, Montgomeryshire. Livery — Claret, with red facings and collar, brass buttons. Armorial bearings— Quarterly nebuly gules and ermine, in the .first and fourth quarters a lion rampant regardant argent, gorged with a collar sable, in the second and third quarters an escallop between three boars' heads erased of the last. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion erminois, holding between the paws an escallop sable, and transfixed through the mouth by a tilting-sjiear paleways proper. Motto — " Dum spiro spero." Married, 1901, ^ is tbe MiUtary Cockade. mi mi 1115 Medora, dau. of late Edwin Trost Taylor of Sacramento, California. S JAMES NUGENT BLACKWOOD PRICE, Esq., D.L. ami J. P. for co. Down, High Sheriff 1902, late Brevet-Major 6oth Royal Rifles, served in the Afghan War, including the march from Khabul to Khandahar 1880, Marri Expedition 1880. Born 1844, being the second son of the late James Charles Price, Esq., J. P., D.L. , and High Sheriff (1859) for co. Down, by his wife Anne Margaret, eldest dau. of the late Major Patrick Savage of Portaferry, CO. Down. Armorial bearings— Azure, three lions' heads erased or, a bordure of the last. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head as in the arms. Motto — •" Quis timet." Married, 1869, Alice Louisa, eldest dau. of W. R. Ward ; and has Issjte — Conway William Blackwood Price, Gentleman, B.A. Trin. Coll., Camb., b. 1872; Rev. Edward Hugh Black- wood Price, M.A. , b. ; and Ethelwyn Mary[w., R. D. Perceval]. Estate and postal address — Saintfield, co. Down. Clubs — Army and Navy, Ulster (Belfast). Sir JOHN FREDERICK PRICE, K.C.S.I. 1898, Chief Secretary to Government in Political Department, Member of Legislative Council, Madras. Bor7t 1839, being the eldest son of the late John Price, Esquire, by his wife Mary, daughter of Major James Franklin ; entered Madras Civil Service, 1862 (retired 1897) ; created Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, 1893. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, a chevron erminois ■ between three spear-heads argent, imbrued at the points proper. Upon the escut- cheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a grifiin's head vert, erased gules, holding in the mouth a sinister hand erect, couped at the wrist and dropping blood all proper. Motto — "Ar Dwrr y Gyd." Married, 1863, Alice, dau. of the Hon. H. D. PhilUps, Member of Council, Fort St. George, and has issue living. MORGAN PHILIPS PRICE, Gentleman. Born 1885, being the elder son of the late William Edwin Price, Gentle- man, by his wife Margaret, second dau. of the late Robert Needhani Philips, Esq., M.P. , of The Park, Prestwich. co. Lanes. , and Welconibe, co. Warwick; s. his grandfather, 1891. Armorial bearings — Ermine, a lion passant gules, holding in the dexter forepaw a caduceus proper, a chief wavy sable, thereon a cock between two spear-heads argent. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath ot the colours, a dragon's head erased vert, transfixed by a broken spear from the sinister in bend sinister proper, holding in the mouth an eagle's leg erased argent. Motto — " Spe labor levis. " Seat — Tibberton Court, near Gloucester. LLEWELLYN ALBERIC EMILIUS PRICE - DAVIES, Esquire, Capt., son of Lewis Richard Price of Marrington Hall and Brompton Hall, by Eliza, second dau. of the late John James Turner, Esq., J. P. and D.L. of Pentreheylin, Montgomeryshire. Livery — Claret, with red facings and collar, brass buttons. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, on a bend argent, a lion passant between two estoiles sable, in chief a lion's head erased of the second, ducally crowned or (for Davies) ; 2 and 3, quarterly nebuly gules and ermine, in the first and fourth quarters a lion rampant regardant argent, gorged with a collar sable, and in the second and third quarters an escallop between three boars' heads erased of the last (for Price). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, between two antlers or, a lion's head erased argent, ducally crowned gules, and charged with an estoile sable (for Davies) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion erminois, holding between the paws an escallop sable, and transfixed through the mouth by a tilting-spear paleways proper (for Price). MottO — " Dum spiro spero." Residence — STAFFORD DAVIES PRICE-DAVIES, Esquire, J. P. for cos. of Salop and Montgomery (High Sheriff 1898), late a Lieut. R.A. ; assumed by Royal License, 1882, the name and arms of Davies. Born 1866, being the eldest son of the late Lewis Richard Price of Marrington Hall and Brompton Hall, by Eliza, 2nd dau. of the late John James Turner, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , of Pentreheylin, Mont- gomeryshire. Clubs — Naval and Military. Livery — Claret with red facings and collar, brass buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules, on a bend argent, a lion passant between two estoiles sable, in chief a lion's head erased of the second, ducally crowned or (for Davies) ; 2 and 3 quarterly nebuly gules and ermine, in the ist and 4th quarters a lion rampant regardant ar- gent, gorged with a collar sable, and in the 2nd and 3rd quarters an escallop between three boars' heads erased ot the last (for Price). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmef befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, between two antlers or, a lion's head erased argent, ducally crowned gules and charged with an estoile sable (for Davies) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion erminois, holding between the paws an escallop sable and transfixed through the mouth by a tilting-spear paleways proper (for Price). Motto — " Dum spiro sf>ero." Married, November 11, 1891, Ethel, eldest dau. of C. E. Charlesworth of Skellow, Doncaster ; and has Issue — Charles Stafford Price-Davies, Gentleman, b. 1892. Estates — Mar- rington Hall, Chirbury, Salop ; Trafaelgwyn, Radnorshire ; and Brompton Hall, Montgomeryshire. Postal address — Marrington Hall, Chirbury, Salop. CHARLOTTE MARY DENT PRICE-DENT, Widow of Major-General Robert Howard Price-Dent, Bengal Staff Corps. Born Sept. 18, 1830, being the second dau. of Sir Henry Bromley Hinrich, Lieut. Hon. Corps of Gentlemen- at-Arms, by his wife Eliza Susanna, dau. of William Dent of Hallaton, Leicestershire. Livery - Dark blue. Armo- rial bearings On a lozenge, the arms of Price, namely sable, a chevron vair, between three spear-heads or, em- brued proper, in the centre chief point a dragon's head erased argent, holding in the mouth a dexter hand couped at the wrist proper, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Dent, namely, per pale gules and sable, seven fusils conjoined in fesse argent, in chief three escallops or (for Price). Married, March 17, 1859, Major-Gen. Price-Dent; and has Issue -(i) Robert Hinrich Price-Dent, Gentleman, b. Oct. II, 1862 ; (2) Phillip Hampton Price-Dent, Esq., Capt. ist Batt. Devon Regt., b. May 4, 1870, killed during the siege of Ladysmith ; Charlotte Louisa Lyon Bennett ; Georgina Roberta [m. Dr. Irwin Moore] ; Mary Henrietta is tbe Naval Cockade. iii6 mi Pr( Havaird ; Florence Maude ; and Constance Maria, aling tht- arms of Fothergill, namely azure, a stag's head couped in base and a talbot passant in chief or, all within a bordure nebuly of the last. Married, Jan. 3, 1877, Major Sir Rose Lambert Price, 3rd Bart., of Trengwainton, Cornwall, who died 1899, leaving lisue (i) Sir Rose I^ce, ^Xh Bart., b. July 26, 1878; (2) Francis Caradoc Rose Pnce, Esq., Lieut. 3rd Batt. Royal Welsh Fusiliers, b. June 29, i88o; (3) William Vreichvras Rose Price, Esq., b. May 30, 1882. Seat -^tnso\ Castle, co. Glamorgan. The Rev. THOMAS WILLIAM PRICKETT, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. Univ. of Cambridge, and F.S.A. Bom Nov. 30, 1822, being the third but only surviving son of the late Marmaduke Thomas Prickett (born October 33> >774. and died August 23, i86i) of Hull and Boreas Hill, near Hedon, in the E^t Riding of the county of York, by his wife Anastasia, eldest daughter of the Reverend John Armitstead of Cranage Hall, in the County Palatine of Chester, by his first wife Catherine, younger daughter and co- heir of John Fenton of Betley Court, in the county of Stafford, which John Fenton was the son of Thomas Fenton, Esquire, Barrister-at-Law and Recorder of Newcastle-under-Lyme, and grandson of John Fenton of Fenton Park and New- castle, in the county of Stafford, and brother of Elijah Fenton the poet. The above-mentioned Reverend Thomas William Prickett is sixth in descent from Marmaduke Prickett of AUerthorpe, Armiger, whose son George Prickett, Serjeant-at-Law and Bencher of Gray's Inn, and grandson Marmaduke Prickett, Barrister-at-Law, were successively Recorders of York, 1688- 1714. Club — United University. Armorial bearlnfcs — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, or on a cross quarter-pierced azure, four mascles of the field (for Prickett) ; 2 and 3 ermine, a cross voided sable, between four fleurs-de-lis azure, on a canton the arms of Armitstead, namely or, a chevon embatded counter-em- battled sable, between three pheons points downwards azure, all within two flaunches gules, each charged with a tilting- si>ear in pale, point upwards of the field, headed argent (for Fenton). Married, February 4, 1863, Anne, daughter of Humphrey Sandwith, Doctor of Medicine, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, of Hull, who died 1874, and who was the grandson of Humphrey Sandwith of Newton Grange, Oswaldkirk, in the North Riding of the county of York; and has Issue — (i) The Reverend Marmaduke Alan Prickett, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Mogerhanger, Sandy, Beds. ; (2) Francis Fenton Prickett, Gentleman. Estate — The Manor House, Burton Pidsea, and other farms at Bromfleet and Paull, in the East Riding of the county of York. Postal address — Natland, Tennyson Road, Worthing. PRIDEAUX, quartered by HORDERN. S CHARLES GLYNN PRIDEAUX-BRUNE, Esquire, J. P. and D. L. co. Cornwall (High Sheriff 1880). Bom April 2, 1821, being elder son of the late Charles Prideaux- Brune, E^., of Prideaux Place, in co. Cornwall, and of Plumber, in co. Dorset, High Sheriff of Cornwall 1834, by his wife Frances Mary, second daughter and co-heir of Edmund John Glynn of Glynn, in the county of Cornwall. Armorial bearings— He bears for Anna : Quarterly 1 and 4, azure, a cross cerceld or (for Brune) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron sable, in chief a label of three points gules, a mullet for difference (for Prideaux) ; and impaling the arms of Carew, namely or, three lions passant in pale sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a goat passant per pale indented argent and sable, armed and unguled or, pendent from a collar gules, a shield thereon the arms of Brune (for Brune) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an old man's head in pro- file, couped at the shoulders proper, hair and beard or, on the head a chapeau gules (for Prideaux) ; with the Motto, " Toujours pr6t." Married, July 21, 1846, Hon. Ellen Jane, [d. 1902), second dau. of the Right Hon. Robert Shapland Carew, first Lord Carew ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Robert Prideaux-Brune, Esquire [to whom refer] ; (2) the Reverend Edward Shapland Prideaux-Brune, Rector of Rowner, ini the county of Hampshire, born June 14, 1853 [married, July] 14, 1885, Sophia, eldest daughter of William Grant of Monck-| ton House, Anglesey, near Gosport, and has, Humphrey] Ingelrain Prideaux - Brune, Gentleman, born Novem- ber 6, 1885 ; Hugh Treverbyn Prideaux - Brune, Gentle- man, born August 14, 1890; Lancelot Grant Oglanderj Prideaux-Brune, Gentleman, born October 14, 1894;! Amyas Molesworth Prideaux-Brune, Gentleman, b. 1903 M and Cheston Isolda]; (3) Francis Ernest Prideaux-Brune, | Gentleman, born February 5, 1863, accidentally drowned] at Walnut Springs, Texas, United States of America,! May 27, 1885 ; Ellen Frances ; Gertrude Rose ; Mary] Katherine; Beatrice May; Isolda Blanche [/«. Arthur, j Baron Ravensworth] ; Mildred Maria [married, April 17,1 1890, Captain Hervey Alexander, loth Royal Hussars, | and has issue]. Seat — Prideaux Place, Padstow, in the) county of Cornwall. Town house — loGrosvenor Gardens, i S.W. * CHARLES ROBERT PRIDEAUX-BRUNE, Esquire, ! Justice of the Peace for the cos. of Hertford and Cornwall, \ late Lieutenant-Colonel Rifle Brigade, late Commanding 4th ■ Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment. Bom October 10, 1848, being the eldest son of Charles Glynn Prideaux-Brune, Esquire [to whom refer], of Prideaux Place, in the county of Cornwall, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, ; by his wife Ellen Jane, commonly known as the Honourable | Ellen Jane, daughter of the Right Honourable Robert Shapland Carew, first Baron Carew. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure a cross cerceM or (for Brune); 2 and 3 argent, a chevron sable, in chief] a label of three points gules, a mullet for difference (for ■ Prideaux) ; over all a label of three points for difference, and impaling the arms of KnatchbuU-Hugessen, namely quarterly i and 4, argent, on a mount an oak-tree proper, supported by two boars sable (for Hugessen) ; 2 and 3 azure, three cross crosslets fitch6e between two bendlets or (for Knatchbull). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling, azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a goat passant per pale indented argent and sable, armed and unguled or, pendent from a collar gules a shield, thereon the arms of Brune (for Brune) ; 2. upon a wreath of thr colours, an old man's head in profile couped at the shoulders proper, hair and beard or, on the head a chapeau gules (for Prideaux) ; with the Motto, "Toujours pr6t." Married, October 17, 1883, Katharine Cecilia, commonly known as the Honourable Katharine Cecilia, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable Edward Hugessen Knatchbull-Hugessen, first Lord Bra- bourne ; and has Issue — (i) Fulke Knatchbull Prideaux- Brune, Gentleman, bom May 20, 1887 ; (2) Denys Edward Prideaux-Brune, Gentleman, born June 18, 1891 ; (3) Edmund Nicholas Prideaux-Brune, Gentleman, b. Oct. 8, 1898 ; Eva Katharine ; Winifred Annie ; and Sybil Isolda. Postal address — The Grange, Welwyn, Herts. Clubs — Arthur's, Naval and Military. Is tbe Military Cockade. Pti pri III7 The Rev. EDWARD SHAPLAND PRIDEAUX- BRUNE, M.A. Ch. Ch., Oxon., Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Rowner, co. Hants. Bortt June 14, 1853, being the second son of Charles (31ynn Prideaux-Brune, Esq., J. P. and D. L. for Cornwall, High Sheriff 1880, by his wife Hon. Ellen Jane Carew, second dau. of Rt. Hon. Robert Shapland, ist Lord Carew. Armorial bearings - Quarterly, I. azure, a cross cercel^ or (for Brune) ; 2. lozengy ermine and gules (for Rokele) ; 3. argent, a chevron sable, in chief a label of three points gules, a mullet for difference (for Prideaux) ; 4. party per pale argent and gules, three castles countercharged (for Prideaux, ancient). Mantling azure and or. Crests - 1. on a wreath of the colours, a goat pas- sant per pale indented argent and sable, armed and unguled or, pendent from a collar gules, a shield thereon the arms of Brune (for Brune) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, an old man's head in profile, couped at the shoulders proper, hair and beard or, on the head a chapeau gules (for Prideaux). Motto -" Toujours pret." Married, July 14, 1885, Sophia, eldest dau. of William Grant, Esq., J. P., of Monckton House, Alverstoke ; and has Issue - (i) Humphrey Ingelram Prideaux-Brune, Gentleman, b. Nov. 16, 1886 ; (2) Hugh Treverbyn Prideaux-Brune, Gentleman, b. Aug. 14, 1890 ; (3) Lancelot Grant Oglander Prideaux-Brune, Gentleman, b. Oct. 17, 1894 ; (4) Amyas Molesworth Prideaux-Brune, Gentleman, b. April 16, 1903 ; and Cheston Isolda. Resi- dence — Rowner Rectory, Gosport. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. GEORGE ERNEST PRIDEAUX-BRUNE, Gentle- man, late Lieut. 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons. Born Feb. 5, 1867, being the only son of the late Ernest Augustus Prideaux- Brune, late Lieut. 29th Regt., by his wife Frances Josling, second dau. of Rev. George Sayle Prior, Rector of St. Breock , Corn wall. Armorial besuings — Quarterly , 1 . a zure , a cross cercel6 or (for Brune) ; 2. lozengy ermine and gules (for Rokele) ; 3. argent, a chevron sable, in chief a label of three points gules, a mullet for difference (for Prideaux) ; 4. party per pale argent and gules, three castles countercharged (for Prideaux, ancient). Mantling azure and or. Creste — 1. on a wreath of the colours, a goat passant per pale in- dented argent and sable, armed and unguled or, pendent from a collar gules, a shield thereon the arms of Brune (for Brune) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, an old man's head in profile, couped at the shoulders proper, hair and beard or, on the head a chapeau gules (for Prideaux). Motto — ' ' Toujours pr6t. " Residence — PRIESTLEY. Gules, on a chevron engrailed argent, between in chief two towers of the last, issuing out of each a demi-lion rampant or, and in base a grappling-iron of the second, a serpent nowed proper, between two grappling- irons sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount thereon a cockatrice holding an arrow point downwards in its beak, a serpent nowed all proper. Motto — ' ' Ars longa vita brevis." Livery -Dark blue, silver buttons. Sons ofSir William Overend Priestley, M.D., &c.,M.P., b. 1829 ; d. ; m. April 17, 1856, Eliza (Lady of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jeru- salem in England), d. of Robert Chambers, LL.D. , of Edinburgh : — Robert Chambers Priestley, Esq., M.A., M.B. (Cantab.), b. 1857; m. 1884, Ida Mary, d. of Eustace Smith, M. P. ; and has issue- (i) Hugh Wiiliani Priestley, Esq.. b. 1887 ; (2) Edward Overend Priestley, Gentleman, b. 1889 ; and Ella. Res. — ix Linden Gardens, W. ; Sutmer's Court, Chalfont, St. Giles. Clubs — United University, Bath. Joseph Childe Priestley, Esq., B.A. (Cantab.), Barrister- at-Law, m. 1891, Annette Maude Warner, sec. d. of Ralph George Price, Esq. , J. P. FRANCIS ARCHIBALD PRIMROSE, Esquire. Bom 1843, being the eldest son of the late Hon. Bouverie Francis Primrose, C. B. , D.L. for co. Edinburgh, General Royal Company of Archers, by his wife the Hon. Frederica Sophia Anson. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, vert, three primroses within a double tressure flory counter- flory or ; 2 and 3, argent, a lion rampant double-queued sable. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, holding in the dexter paw a primrose or. Married, 1872, Jane, dau. of George King of Sydney, New South Wales ; and has Isszie — (i) Archi- bald Bouverie Primrose, Esq., b. 1881 ; Frederica Jane; Dorothy ; Louisa Wilhelmina ; Evelyn ; Constance Mar- garet ; and Gwendolen Gertrude Maude. Postal address — Carrington, Toowoomba, Queensland. HENRY WILLIAM PRIMROSE, Esquire, C.B. (1895) and C.S.I. (1885). Born 1846, being the second son of the late Bouverie Francis Primrose, Esquire, commonly called the Honourable Bouverie Francis Primrose, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, by his wife the Honourable Frederica Sophia Anson. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, vert three primroses within a double tressure flory counter- flory or (for Primrose) ; 2 and 3 argent, a hon rampant, double-queued sable (for Cressy). Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, holding in the dexter paw a primrose or. Married, 1888, Helen Mary, daughter of the late Gilbert McMicking of Miltonise, in the county of Wigton ; and has Issue living — Archibald Henry Reginald Primrose, Gentleman. Postal address — Brooks's Club, S.W. Club — Brooks's. PRIMROSE (22 June 1903). Parted per fesse argent and ermines, on afess vert between a millrind accompanied by two cross crosslets fitch^e in chief gules, and in base a salmon on its back of the first, holding a ring in its mouth or, three primroses leaved and slipped proper. Mantling vert, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a hand holding a primrose both proper. Motto — " Fide et fiducia. " Son of William Primrose, Merchant in Glasgow, b. 1820; d. 1891 ; m. 2nd, 1846, Anne, d. of John Ure of Glasgow, and sister of late John Ure, LL.D., Lord Provost of Glasgow : — Sir John Ure Primrose, ist Baronet (7 July 1903), of Redholme, Dumbreck, Lord Provost of Glasgow and Lieut. of the county of the city of Glasgow, J. P. and D.L., b. 16 Oct. 1847 ; m. ist, 1877, Margaret Jane {d. 1896), d, of is tbe Naval Cockade. 4B I iii8 ptr Pro lames Adam of Glasgow ; and, 1897, Anna. d. of Alexander Spence Wylie of Glueow : and has issue— William Louis Primrose, Esq., t. i June 1880. /?«.— Redholme, Dum- breck. Renfrewshire ; City Chambers, Glasgow. C/«*— New (Glasgow). PRINGLE. quartered by SCOTT. ALEXANDER PRINGLE, Esquire, Lieut.-Col. Indian Staff Corps. Bom Oct. 27, 1850, being the eldest son of the late Koljert Keith Pringle, Esq., late Bombay Civil Service, Chief Secretary to the Government of Bombay, and Commissioner in Sind, J P. for the co. of Derby, J. P. and D.L. for the co. of Selkirk, formerly Convener of the CO. of Selkirk, by his wife Mary Jane, dau. of the late General Moore of the Bombay Army, late Military Auditor- General. Armorial beaxlngB— Argent, on a saltire en- grailed sable, live escallops or. Mantling' sable and argent. Creat — On a wreath of thon a wreath of the colours, an estoile vert (for Prior). Mottoes — " Tout pour I'Eglise" (for Wandesforde). " Quis audeat luci aggredi " (for Prior). Estates and postal addresses — Crossogne House, co. Tipperary ; Lechlade Manor, co. Gloucester. S RICHARD HENRY PRIOR - WANDESFORDE, Elsquire, J. P. and D.L, co. Kilkenny, B.A. of the University of Cambridge. Born Sept. 15, 1870, being the eldest son of the late Charles Butler Prior, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Dora, daughter of Richard Phillips, Elsquire, of Gaile.in the county of Tipperary, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant ; and assumed by Royal License the additional surname and arms of Wandesforde, 1894. Club — Kildare Street (Dublin). Livery — Blue and yeUow. Armorial bearingB — Quarterly i and 2 or, a lion rampant double-queued azure, armed and langued gules (for Wandesforde) ; 2 and 3, vert, on a bend er- mine three chevronels gules (for Prior). Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a church proper, the spire azure (for Wandesforde) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an estoile vert (for Prior). Mottoes—" Tout pour I'Eglise" (for Wandesforde) ; " Quis audeat luci aggredi" (for Prior). Married, March 1899, Florence Jackson voii Schwartz Pryor, dau. of the late Rev. Ferdinand Pryor of Halifax, Nova .Scotia ; and has Issue — (i) Christopher Butler Prior- Wandesford, Gentleman, born Dec. 15, 1896 ; (2) Richard Ferdinand Charles Priori Wandesforde, Gentleman, born Oct. 23, 1897. Estates — j Castlecomer, co. Kilkenny ; Kirklington, Hipswell, and 1 Hudswell, Yorks. Seats — Castlecomer, in the county ot| Kilkenny ; The Hall, Kirklington, in the county of York. PROBY. Quarterly, i and 4, ermine on a fesse gules,] a lion passant or (Proby, granted H. Coll., 1568) ; 2 and 3, \ argent, two bars wavy azure, on a chief of the second an estoile between two escallops or (Allen). Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an ostrich's & is the Military Cockade. Pto pro 1119 head erased proper, ducally gorged or, in the beak a key of the last. Motto—" Manus haec inimica tyrannis." Only surv. son of Granville Leveson Proby, 3rd Earl of Carysfort, Admiral R.N.,d. 1782; d. 1868; m. 1818, Isabella, d. of Hon. Hugh Howard : — The Rt. Hon. Sir William Proby, 5th Earl of Carysfort (Irel. , 18 Aug. 1789), 6th Baron Carysfort of Carysfort, CO. Wicklow (Irel., 23 Jan. 1752), sth Baron Carysfort of the Hundred of Norman Cross, co. Huntingdon (U.K., 21 Jan. 1801), K.P. , Lord -Lieut, and Cust. Rot. co. Wicklow (High Sheriff 1865), D.L. Hunts, M.A. Cantab. [Supporters — Dexter, an ostrich proper, ducally gorged or, in the beak a key of the last ; sinister, a talbot sable], 6. 1836 ; m. i860, Charlotte Mary, eld d. of Rev. R. B. Heathcote of Friday Hill, Essex. Seais — Elton Hall, Peterborough ; Glen Art Castle, Arklow, co. Wicklow. Tow?t res. — 10 Hereford Gardens, W. Cluds — Carlton, Travellers', Kildare Street (Dublin). Proby (R.L. , 1904, H. Coll.). Arms as those of Proby above. Crest and Motto as above. Only son of Rt. Hon. Lord Claud Hamilton, P.C. , M.P. CO. Tyrone (br. of 2nd Marquess and ist Duke of Abercorn), ^. 1813; and gules an escocheon argent, chargesant between in chief a spear-head between two fleurs-de-lis and in base a fleur-de-lis between two spear-heads azure. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of two javelins in satire proper, a demi-lion azure, holding between the paws a cross pat^ gules charged with a fleur-de-lis or. Motto — " Heb Dduw heb ddim Duw a digon." Son of David Pryce of Trederwen Hall, Mont- gomeryshire, b. 1788; d. 1846; m. 1813, Anne Fan- natt :— Thomas Pryce, Esg. (rf. 1904), J. P. and C.C. co. Monl gomery, formerly a Capt. in Batavia Regt. of Yeo. Caic^ and a Member of the Batavian Board of Trade, b. 1833 m. 1863, Rosalie Susan, only d. of late Jacob Ger Theodore Van Motnian of Dramaga, in the Island of JavaJ and had issue — Thomas Tannatt Pryce, Gentleman, 1886 ; and Mary A R . 5«a/— Pentre Heylin Hal| Llandysilio. Montgomeryshire. Clubs — Thatched Hou Junior Conservative, ALBERT WESTHEAD PRYCE-JONES, Esq., J. CO. Montgomery, B.A. Clare Coll., Camb. Bom Ma 26, 1870, being the third son of Sir Pryce Pryce-Jone Knt., of Dolerw, Newtown, N. Wales, J. P. co. Mon gomery (High Sheriff 1891, M.P. for the Montgome Boroughs 1885-6, and again 1892-5), by his wife Eleano dau. of Edward Rowley Morris of Newtown. Armor' bearlngrs — Gules, on a pale argent, between two cops yarn a shuttle erect all proper, on a chief of the second a cross flory sable, between two Cornish choughs of last. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreati of the colours, a shuttle fesseways proper, thereon a go statant argent, gorged with a collar flory counterflo gules. Motto — " Heb dduw heb ddim, duw a digon.1 Married, July 31, 1895, Rosina Ida, second dau. of Williair Gibson of Normanhurst. Seaton, Devon ; and has Issue- Reginald Ernest Pryce Pryce- Jones, Gentleman, b. Oct. 13 1896. Residence — St. David's, Newtown. S PRYCE EDWARD PRYCE-JONES, Esquire, M. for Montgomery Boroughs since 1895 ; raised 5th Vo Batt. South Wales Borderers, becoming its first Con manding Ofllicer 1897 ; Chairman Newtown Local of Health 1893-95, County Councillor, J. P. and D.I for CO. of Montgomery, Governor of University Collegf of Bangor and Aberystwith, Member of University Cou of Wales, M.A. (Cambridge), Barrister-at-Law, CaptaQ Montgomery Yeomanry Cavalry, retired Hon. Major 1895 Born 1861, being the eldest son of Sir Pryce Pryce-Jone Knight Bachelor, M. P. , 1886-87 and 1892-95. High Sherij 1891, of Dolerw, in co. of Montgomery, by his wife Eleanor, daughter of Edward Rowley Morris of Newtown Clubs — Carlton, Ranelagh. Livery — Dark blue coat, scarlet waistcoat, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms ; Gules, on a pale argent, between two cops of yarn a shuttle erect all proper, on a chief of the second, a cross flory sable between two Cornish choughs of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a shuttle fesseways proper, thereon a goat statant argent, gorged with a collar flory counterflory gules. Married, 1886, Beatrice, second daiijghter of the late Herbert Hardie of Orford House, in the county of Chester; and has, with other Issue — Pryce Victor Pryce-Jones, Esquire, born 1887 ; and Irene Beatrice Postal address — Caerhowel, Montgomeryshire. Sir PRYCE PRYCE-JONES, Knight Bachelor, Member of Parliament for the Montgomery District, Justice of the is the Military Cockade. Plate XXXIX. • "TUJSGDV • KoicsisgiftD^ors -§$T?OK3,e^ Prp Pul II2I Peace for the county of Montgomery (High Sheriff 1891). Born 1834, being the son of the late William Jones, Solicitor, of Newtown, North Wales ; dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1887. Clubs — Carlton, St. Stephen's. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, on a pale argent, between two cops of yarn a shuttle erect all proper, on a chief of the second, a cross fiory sable between two Cornish choughs of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a shuttle fesseways proper, thereon a goat statant argent, gorged with a collar flory counterflory gules. Married, 1859, Eleanor, daughter of Edward Rowley Morris of Newtown ; and has, with other Issue — Edward Pryce- Jones, Esquire [to whom refer]. Postal address — Dolerw, Newtown, North Wales. PRYKE (H. Coll., 1900). Per pale or and argent, on a cross invected azure, two fasces erect in pale and as many niascles in fesse all of the first. Mantliilg azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed, vested azure, cuffs argent, the hands proper, supporting a fasces erect or, each arm charged with a mascle of the last. Livery — Dark blue, white facings. Sons of Richard Reeve Pryke of Bury St. Edmunds, b. \ d. ; in. Emma Louisa, d. of Robert Parkes : — William Robert Pryke, Esq., a Member of the Commis- sion of Lieutenancy for the City of London and Deputy Alderman, J. P. co. Essex, b. 1874; m. 1878, Marguerite, d. of Robert Stiles; and has issue — (i) William Robert Dudley Pryke, Gentlemnn, b. 1882 ; (2) Richard Frederick Norman Pryke, Gentleman, b. 1886 ; (3) Hamer Forest Stanley Pryke, Gentleman, b. 1889; Mabel Marguerite; and Ethel Annie. Res. — Valley Lodge, Wanstead, Essex. C/?^/5— Constitutional. PRYNCE, quartered by CORBET. PRYSE, see WEBLEY PARRY-PRYSE. HENRY LOUIS VANNECK PRYSE, Gentleman, B.A. (Oxon). Bom May 14, 1864, being the only surviv- Robert Jope Neck. Livery— DArk blue, silver buttons. Armorial bearing^ — Azure, on a pale invected argent, plain cottised or, a lion rampant between two crosses botony sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant regardant or, gorged with a wreath of oak vert, holding in the dexter forepaw a cross botony fitch^e in bend sinister, and resting the dexter hind leg on two spears in saltire proper. Motto— " Duw a digon." Residence— Surrey House, Leamington. Club — New Oxford and Cambridge. PUDSEY, see THORN-PUDSEY. PUGH, quartered by LOVELL. PULESTON (R.L., 1904, H. Coll.). Sable, three mullets argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crests (of augmentation) — i. on a wreath of the colours, an oak-tree proper, pendent therefrom by a riband azure, an escutcheon gules charged with three ostrich-feathers argent, in com- memoration of Sir Richard Puleston having had the honour of introducing H.R. H. the Prince of Wales, 9 Sept. 1806, into the Principality ; 2. on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a buck statant proper, attired or. Motto^ " Clariores e tenebris." Son of Henry Bailey, Esq., of Nant-y-glas, J. P. and D.L. CO. Monmouth, b. 1822; d. 1899; m. ist, 1848, Mary Louisa, d. of Sir Richard Puleston, Bart., of Emral Park, co. Flint: — Crawshay Wellington Puleston, Gentleman, b, 1853 ; m. 1891, Edith Elfrida, d. of Rev. Thomas Bacon. Seat — Worthenbury Manor, co. Flint. PULFORD, see GROSVENOR. PULFORD, quartered by GROSVENOR, TAUNTON, and BARTLETT. Sir ROBERT PULLAR, Knight Bachelor (1895), J. P. for Perthshire, F.R.S.E. , and one of the Proprietors of the well-known Dyeworks at Perth. Born 1828, being the son of the late J. Pullar. C/wiJj— National Liberal, Scottish ing son of the late Charles Pryse of Llanbadarn-ffynydd, Radnorshire, by his wife Emma Amelia, eldest dau. of Liberal (Edinburgh). Livery— Claret coat, white breeches. Armorial bearings— Or, three alerions sable, on a chief la the MaTEl Cockade. I II«t Pul put gum, A Holy Lamb passant regardiint, sttifT and cross arscni, with the banner of St. Andrew i>roper. M a n t lin g sable and or. Orast — On a wreath of his liveries, a detni- cngle displayed ur, beaked and memlxred gules. Motto — " Perseverantia ct induslria." Marritd, 1859, a dau. of the late Charles Daniell of Wantage, Berks. Rtsidtnct — Taysidc. Perth. N.B. PULLER, see GILES-PULLER. CHRlSroPHER BERNARD GILES-PULLER, Gen- tleman, of Youngsbury, Herts. Born July 20, 1875, being the eldest son of the late Charles Giles Puller, Esq., of Youngs- bury, Herts, J. P. and D. L. , M. A. , sometinte in Holy Orders, and Ffllow of Trin. Coll. Camb. , and formerly Vicar of Standon, Herts, by his wife Emmeline Maria, second dau. of William Longman of Paternoster Row. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, ;uure a bend invected with pLiin cotises between three escallops or, on a chief of the last, a quatre- foil between two escallops of the first (for I^iller) ; 2 and 3 per chevron ermine and azure, a lion rampant counter- changed, between in chief two crosses clech^e voided of the second (for Giles). Mantling azure and or ; and for his CrMta, I. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount vert, thereon a dove holding in the beak an olive branch proper, three escallops inverted or (for Puller) ; 2. upon a wreath of the coloiu-s, issuant from an annulet or, a lion's gamb erased azure, charged with a cross clech^, voided also or, holding a branch of a peach tree leaved and fructed proper (for Giles). Seat — Youngsbury, near Ware, Herts. The Rev. Canon ELGOOD GEORGE PUNCHARD, D.D. Oxon. (BaUiol Coll.), Vicar of St. Marys, Ely, Cambs., Hon. Canon of Ely (1895) [eleventh in direct descent from William Punchard of Bedingfield, Suffolk, d. 1506]. Bom 1844, being the second and only sur- viving son of John Elgood Punchard of Framlingham, by his wife Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Stephen Piggms of Great Yarmouth. Livery — Black. Armorial bearings- Sable, three plates, on a chief argent, a unicorn's head erased of the first, between two pellets. MnntUng sable and argent Orest — On a wreath of the colours, in front Joseph Johnson of Windsor; and has Issue— (\) Alfred 'unchard. Gentleman, b. Jan. 1886; (a) Edmund Elgoiid Ihinchard, Gentleman, b. Oct. 1890 ; and Rose Elgood. Residence — St. Mary's Vicarage, Ely, Cambs. PURCELL (U.O.). Or. a s.-iltire between four boar's heads cou|)ed sable. Mantling sable and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a hand couped above the wrist erect, holding a sword proper, pommel and hilt or, pierced through the jaw of a boar's head, couped s.Tble, vulned and distillmg drops of blood, the sleeve azure, turned up argent. Motto — " Aut vincam aut iieriam." Son of Rev. James George Purcell, of Glannamore, Vicar of Worminghall, b. ; d. 1843; in. 1820, Letitia, d. of Francis Talbot of Foxboro' House, King's Co. Rev. Francis Talbot Purcell, Vicar of Edstaston, co. Salop,*. 1833; m. 1858, Fanny Jane, d. of Edward Keane, Capt. R.N. ; and has issue — (i) James Edward Purcell, Gentleman, b. 1866; (2) John Norton Purcell, Gentleman, b. 1870; Letitia Sarah [»«. Rev. Victor Reginald Bomford, Vicar of Wigginton] ; Frances Isabella Mary ; Agnes Talbot; and Eleanor. 5*a/j— Foxboro House, Roscrea, King's Co. ; Donoughmore House, Ashbourne, co. Meath. Res. — Edstaston Vicarage, Wem, Salop. Son of Rev. Goodwin Purcell Vicar of Charlesworth, CO. Derby, b. ; d. 1877; m. ist, Sarah, d. of Joseph Lea of Davenham, Chester : — Jame Purcell, Gentleman, b. 1849; m. 1875, Elizaljeth, d. of John Dickinson of Wembrick House, Ormskirk, Lancaster; and has issue — Goodwin Purcell, Gentleman, b. 1876. Seat — Carrigmore House, co. Kerry. GERALD PURCELL-FITZGERALD, Gentleman, of The Island, co. Waterford. Born May 5, 1865, being the second and only surviving son of the late Maurice Noel Ryder Purcell-FitzGerald, by his wife Annie, dau. of James Laurie, and grandson of John Purcell FitzGerald of Boulge, Hall. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent a] of a unicorn's head erased sable, collared vair, three plates. Motto — " Prsemia non sine Proeliis." Married, Feb. 5, 187Q, Catherine Mary, second and only surviving dau. of saltire gules, a mullet on a crescent for difference (for Fitz- Gerald, confir. 1716) ; 2 and 3 argent, a saltire between four boars' heads couped sable (for Purcell). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a monkey proper, environed about the middle and chained or, a mullet on a crescent for difference (for FitzGerald) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm holding a sword proper, pommelled and hilted or, pierced through the jaw of a boar's head couped sable, vulned and distillmg drops of blood, the sleeve azure, turned up argent (for Purcell) ; and over the first crest, on an escroll, this Motto, " Crom a boo." Married, firstly, Alice « is tbe Military Cockade. put Pb6 I123 Louisa, dau. of Very Rev. Anthony La Touche Kirwan, D.D., Dean of Limerick Cathedral ; secondly, March i, 1899, Eleanor Niccolls, dau. of John Nicolls, Uniontown, Pa., U.S.A.; and has Issue— (i) John Purcell-Fitzgerald, Gentleman, d. Oct. 24, 1899; (2) Edward Maurice Purcell- Fitzgerald, Gentleman, 6. Sept. 24, 1900; (3) Gerald Purcell- Fitzgerald, Gentleman (twin with Edward Maurice). Seats —Little Island, co. Waterford. Cluds—Windha.m, Maryle- bone Cricket Club, and Kildare Street (Dublin). PURDON, quartered by UNIACKE. PU REFOY, see BAGWELL- PUREFOY. t RICHARD PUREFOY PUREFOY, Esquire, Capt. R.N. , J. P. CO. of Southampton; assumed the sur- name of Purefoy in lieu of Fitz Gerald, and the arms of Purefoy by Royal Licence Dec. 26, 1897, under the will of the late G. Purefoy Jervoise, Esq., M.P., D.L. Born May 26, 1862, being the eldest son of the late Richard Purefoy Fitz Gerald, Esq., of North Hall, Preston Candover, co. Hants, J. P., Hon. Col. Bucks Yeomanry, formerly Lieut. R.N. , by his wife Henrietta Mary, only child of Rev. Anthony Chester of Chicheley Hall, co. Bucks. Armorial bearings Quarterly i and 4, azure, three stirrups or ; 2 and 3, sable, three pairs of gauntlets argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a dexter gauntlet erect proper, grasping a tilting-spear rompu also proper. Motto — " Purefoy ma joye." Married, Dec. 23, 189s, Mary Lillias, eldest dau. of the late Rev. Francis G. Sandys Lumsdaine of Lumsdaine ; and has Issue -M^ry Lillias Geraldine. 5#a^ — Shalstone Manor, co. Bucks. Clud —Army and Navy. man, d. June 10, 1861 ; (3) Henrv Edmund Lavallin Puxley, Gentleman, d. Feb. 14, 1866; (4) William Waller Lavallin Puxley, Gentleman, 6. Feb. 17, 1867 ; (5) Herbert Hardress Lavallm Puxley, Gentleman, d. May 26, 1868 ; Maria Francis [m., 1884, Robert O'Brien Studdert, Esq., J. P.], Katherine Rosa, and Elizabeth Jane ; second, Dec. 9, 1875, Adeline, youngest dau. of Gen. Charles W. Nepean (grand-niece of the late Sir Evan Nepean, ist Bart. ), and widow of Col. W^illiam Fergusson Hutchinson. Sea/s—Dunhoy Castle, Castleton, Berehaven, and Llangan, St. Clears, co. Car- marthen. PUXON (H. Coll.). Azure, a lion rampant between two quatrefoils in pale argent, and as many flaunches or, each charged with two roses palewise gules, barbed and seeded proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant gules, semi^ of quatrefoils argent, between two roses as in the arms. MottO— " Amica Veritas." Sons of the late Edward William Puxon of Wintons, Croydon, d. ; d. ; m. , Frances Amelia, d. of :— PYDEL, quartered by FLOYER. PYE. quartered by CONYERS and FOX. EDWARD PYKE, Gentleman, J. P., eldest son of the late Joseph Pyke, Gentleman, J. P., of Winckley Square, Preston, in the County Palatine of Lancaster. Armorial bearings— Party per saltire sable and or, two trefoils in JOHN PURVIS. Esquire, J.P. for co. Fife. Born Oct. 16, 1820, being the only son of the late Alexander Purvis of Kinaldy, by his wife Isabella, eldest dau. of James Campbell of Finmont, co. Fife. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a chevron argent, between three mascles or, as many cinquefoils vert. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand pointing upwards to the sun in his splendour proper. Motto — " Per vias rectas." Married, July 1852, Isabella Wilhelmina, eldest dau. of the late William Berry of Tayfield, co. Fife ; and has Issue — (i) Alexander Burridge Purvis, Esq., Major R.A., b. Sept. 21, 1854 [m., Feb. 5, 1894, Mary Bertha, dau. of the late Rev. Edward Rogers Pitman, M.A., and widow of Major W. A. Warren, R.A.]: (2) William Herbert Purvis, Gentleman, b. Nov. 27, 1858 [m., Oct. 15, 1888, Mabel Vida, third dau. of Captain F. Turner, late 79th Highlanders, and has issue] ; (3) Arthur Law Purvis, Gentleman, b. 1862, d. 1872; (4) John Henry Purvis, Esq., Capt. Highland Light Infantry, b. April 4, 1866; (5) Robert Walter Purvis, Esq., of Gilmerton, Fife, Capt. S.E. of Scotland Artillery, b. April 21, 1869; and Ethel Isabella [m., March 9, 1886, Thomas Jeffrey, and has issue]; and Alice Clara. Seat — Kinaldy, St, Andrews, co. Fife. Club — New (Edinburgh). PURY, quartered by CUST. HENRY LAVALLIN PUXLEY, Esq., M.A., J.P. co. Cork, High Sheriff 1865, and High Sheriff co. Carmarthen 1864. Born April 4, 1834, being the second son of the late John Lavallin Puxley, Esq., of Dunboy Castle, by his wife Fanny Rosa Maria, dau. of Simon White, Esq., of Glen- gariff Castle, co. Cork (and niece of first Earl of Bantry). Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, on a bend cotised argent, five lozenges conjoined of the first, in the sinister chief point an annulet or (for Puxley) ; 2 and 3 argent, a fleur-de-lis sable, a chief engrailed azure (for Lavallin). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an arm in armour embowed proper, charged with a lozenge between two annulets in pale gules, the hand grasping a dagger also proper. Motto — "Loyal en tout." Married, first, June 4, 1857, Katherine Ellen, dau. of Rev. William Waller of Castletown, co. Limerick, and by her (who died 1872) has Issue — (i) John Lavallin Puxley, Gentle- man, b. Dec. 21, 1859 ; (2) Edward Lavallin Puxley, Gentle- pale, and in fesse as many talbots' heads erased counter- changed. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a fountain a pike-fish fesseways proper. Motto — "Deo favente progredior." Residence — Merton Bank, Southport, Lanes. JOSEPH PYKE, Gentleman. Born March 3, 1824, being the fourth son of Lewis Eleazer Pyke, by his wife Charlotte, daughter of Abraham Wolff, Doctor of Medicine. Clubs — Grosvenor, Golfers', St. James's, Gallery. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, on a pile invected argent, between two pikes haurient in base proper, a lion rampant of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-wolf proper, holding in the dexter is the Naval Cockade. Ippfe p*w a torch erect or, fired proper, and resting the sinister Mw on a quntrefoil also or; with the Motto, " Id volo Deo votenle." Marritd, January i6, 1850, Sara, second dauglUer of Simon Magnus of Chatham, in the county of Keni; and has Issue— (\) Lionel Edward Pyke, Esquire, one of His Majesty's Counsel Learned in the l^w [m. Mary Rachel, elder dau. of the late Horatio Lucas, and grand-daughter of the late Sir Isaac Lyon Goldsmid, Bart. J ; (a) William Marcus Pylcc, Gentleman, Solicitor [«. Annie Maud, youngest dau. of Frederick Davis of 24 Park Crescent. Wri; (3) Tom Joseph Pvke, Gentleman [md. Hettie, elder dau. of Lewis I-ewisof Brighton] ; (4) I,ararus Simon Magnus Fyke, M.I.E.E., A.M.I.C.E., F.C.S., F.R.L, Gentleman [m, Mildred Emma, eldest dau. of Edward Lucas, and niece of Sir David Salomons, Bart.]; (5) Robert Bond Pyke, Gentleman ; (9) Manuel Castello Pyke, Gentleman ; Charlotte ; and Cordelia [m. Lewis Avigdor- Bimstingl, of the Stock Exchange! Estate— Be&con Lod^e, Luton, in the county of Kent. Postal address — Devonshire Place House, Regent's Park, London, N.W. LIONEL EDWARD PYKE, Esquire, Q.C., B.A., LL.B. Bom 1854, being the second son of Joseph Pyke, Gentleman, by his wife Sara, dau. of Simon Magnus of Chatham. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a pile invected argent, between two pikes hauriant in base proper, a lion rampant of the first. Mantling azure nnd argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-wolf proper, holding in the dexter paw a torch or, fired proper, and resting the sinister paw on a quatrefoil also or ; with the Motto, "Id volo Deo volente." Residences — 2 Corn- wall Gardens, S.W. ; 3 Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C. JOHN MOELS PYKE-NOTT, Gentleman; educated at Eton, Lord of the Manor of Parracombe, co. Devon. Ppm I Bom Feb. 3, 1868, being the eldest son of John Nott Pyke-Nolt, Esq.. B.A., Lord of the Manor, Rector and Patron of Parracombe, by his wife Caroline Isabella, dau. of Frederick W.ird, M. A. of St. John's, Cambridge. I ivery— Claret. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, gules on a I bend engrailed or, between four leopards' faces, two and two argent, an estoile of eight points between two martlets of the field (for Nott) ; 2 and 3, quarterly or and gules, on a chevron barry wavy of four argent and azure, between two trefoils in chief and another in base counterchanged, a pike naiant proper (for Pyke). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling gules and or. Crests — i. upon a wreath of the colours, two mascles fesseways, interlaced or, thereon a martlet gules, ducally gorged gold, in the beak a sprig of laurel proper (for Nott) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a demi-pike haurient proper, between two wings gules, each charged with a trefoil or (for Pyke). Motto—" Res es spes." Married, 1894, Dora Florence Geraldine, third dau. of Bennct Rothes Langton of Langton Hall, co. Lincoln ; and has Issue— (1) John Bennet Langton Pyke-Nott, Gentle- man, b. July 3, 1895; (2) James Grenville Pyke-Nott, Gentle- man. Estates — Bydown, Swimbridge, near Barnstaple, in the county of Devon ; the Manor of Rowley and Estate of Holworthy, and manorial lands in parish of Parracombe; Rundon and Buddlesweek, in Thelbridge and Witheridge; Furze, in West Buckland ; moiety of the demesne of Comb- martin Manor ; Nethercott, in Braunton, &c. PYM, quartered by MARSHAM. is the Military Cockade. £Xua £Xua II2S Q QUAILE, quartered by RAMSDEN. JOHN QUAIN, Gentleman, M.D., son of John Quain of Carrigoon, in the county of Cork, by his wife Mary, dau. of Michael Burke of Mallow. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron engrailed azure, in chief two fers-de- moline gules, and issuant from the base a rock covered with daisies proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, out of the battlements of a tower proper, a demi-hon rampant or, charged on the shoulder with a trefoil vert, and holding between the paws a battle-axe also proper, the blade gold. MottO — " Avorum non immemor." Residence — wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a quail as in the arms between two bulrushes proper ; with the Motto, QUAYLE, quartered by JONES. The Reverend DANIEL FLEMING WILSON QUAYLE, M.A. Ch. Ch., Oxford, late Rector of Trimley St. Martin, in co. Suffolk. Born December 5, 1847, being the fifth but third and youngest surviving son of the late Mark Hildesley Quayle, Esquire, of Crogga, and of Bridge House, Castletown, in the Isle of Man, Her Majesty's Clerk of the Rolls, Chairman Justices of the Peace, and sometime Deputy-Governor of the Island, by his wife Mary Jane Hamilton, eldest daughter of James Spedding, Esquire, of Summer Grove, in the county of Cumberland, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Major in the Militia, and late Captain in the Grenadier Guards. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron sable, gutt^e-d'eau between three quails proper, in the centre chief point a pellet, two swords points upwards of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a lielmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a quail as in the arms between two bulrushes proper; with the Motto, " Qualis ero spero." Postal address — Newnham, Daventry. Clubs — Albemarle, Junior Constitutional. EMILY QUAYLE, third daughter of the late Mark Hildesley Quayle, Esquire, of Crogga, and of Bridge House, Castletown, in the Isle of Man, Her Majesty's Clerk of the Rolls, Justice of the Peace, and sometime Deputy-Governor of the Island, by his wife Mary Jane Hamilton, eldest daughter of James Spedding, Esquire, of Summer Grove, in the county of Cumberland, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Major in the Militia, and late Captain in the Grenadier Guards. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Argent, on a chevron sable, gutt^e-d'eau, between three quails proper, in the centre chief point a pellet, two swords points upwards of the first. Postal address — Bridge House, Castletown, Isle of Man. GEORGE HARRINGTON QUAYLE, Gentleman, Advocate of the Isle of Man, Member of the House of Keys. Born June 30, 1845, being the fourth, but third surviving son of the late Mark Hildesley Quayle, Esquire, of Crogga, and of Bridge House, Castletown, in the Isle of Man, Her Majesty's Clerk of the Rolls, Justice of the Peace, and sometime Deputy-Governor of the Island, by his wife Mary Jane Hamilton, eldest daughter of James Spedding, Esquire, of Summer Grove, in the county of Cumberland, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Major in the Mihtia, and late Captain in the Grenadier Guards. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron sable, guttee- d'eau, between three quails proper, m the centre chief point a pellet, two swords points upwards of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a ' ' Qualis ero spero. " Postal address- town. Isle of Man. -Bridge House, Castle- JOHN QUAYLE, Esquire, a Member of the House of Keys in the Isle of Man, and Justice of the Peace for the Island. Born September 9, 1840, being the eldest son of the late Mark Hilderslev Ouavle of Cro gga. in the parish between two chevronels, the whole between three heads erased or, and for distinction (Norcop) ; 2 boar's and 3, is the Navji cockade. II96 Ctua IRaD colours, upon a mount vert, a quail as in the arms between two bulrushes pro[)er ; with the MottO, " Qualis ero spero." /\>stat at/er, two cross crosslets of the first, the escutcheon Iwinj; charged with his b.adgc of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling g\iles and urgent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, in front of an arm vambraced proper, the hand grasping a battle-axe in bend sinister sable, the head argent, the wrist entwined by a wreath of the third and second, a Cornish chough proper. Motto — " Piutot mourir que changer." Married, 1867, Mar^, daughter of the late John Wheeley Bevinglon of Brunswick Terrace, Brighton; and has Issue — (i) William Eley Cuthbert Quilter, Esq., B.A. (Trin. Coll., Camb.), b, July 17, 187a [»«., 1899, Hon, Gwynedd Dougliis-Pennant, dau. of Rt. Hon. and Baron Penrhyn, and has issue, George Eley Cuthbert Quilter, Esq., b. 1900]; (2) John Arnold Cuthbert Quilter, Esq,, Lieut. Grenadier Guards, b. ; (3) Percy Cuthbert Quilter, Esq., b. 1879; (4) Eustace Cuthbert Quilter, Esq., b. i88i ; Maude Marian {m., 1888, Frederick Anthony Denny] ; Nora Blanche [m. , 1898, William G. P. Millerl Residences — Bawdsey Manor, Woodbridge ; 74 South Audley Street, W. QUINCEY, quartered by FOX. B RACHDALE, quartered by TEMPEST. RADCLIFFE, quartered by GRUBBE, HORDERN. RAMSDEN, and SALVIN. RADCLIFFE, sec DELM^-RADCLIFFE. Sir DAVID RADCLIFFE, Knight Bachelor, J. P. of the city of Liverpool, and Mayor 1884-1886. Born Jan. 8, idward Lucas, and niece of Sir David Salomons, Bart.]; S) Robert Bond Pyke, Gentleman ; {9) Manuel Castello Pyke, jentleman ; Charlotte ; and Cordelia [m. Lewis Avigdor- 3irnstingl, of the Stock Exchange]. Estate— ^t&con Lodge, ^uton, in the county of Kent. Postal address — Devonshu'e 'lace House, Regent's Park, London, N.W, LIONEL EDWARD PYKE, Esquire, Q.C., B.A., LL.B. Bom 1854, being the second son of Joseph Pyke, jentleman, by his wife Sara, dau. of Simon Magnus of Chatham. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a pile invected irgent, between two pikes hauriant in base proper, a lion ampant of the first. Mantling azure and argent; and or his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-wolf woper, holding in the dexter paw a torch or, fired proper, Snd resting the sinister paw on a quatrefoil also or ; with ie Motto, "Id volo Deo volente." Residences— 2 Corn- urall Gardens, S.W. ; 3 Paper Buildings, Temple, E.G. JOHN MOELS PYKE-NOTT, Gentleman; educated It Eton, Lord of the Manor of Parracombe, co. Devon. / >lmond^^H ;njam^^" 1834, being the son of the late Amos Radcliflfe of Almom bury, CO. York, by his wife Olive, dau. of Benjami Jepson of Lindley, co. York; dubbed Knight Bachelor 1886. Armorial bearings— Gules, a bend engrailed or, gutt^e-de-sang, between four roses two and two saltireways argent, stalked, leaved and slipped proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling gules and or. Crest — Out of the battlements of a tower proper, a bull's head sable, armed and gorged with a collar gemel or, holding in the mouth a rose gules, stalked, leaved and slipped proper. Motto—" No thorn no rose." Married, i860, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of George Clark of Wootton Wawin, co. Warwick ; and has with other Iss\ — Frederick Morton Radcliffe, Esq., b. 1861 [m., 188 Maggie, third dau. of Alfred Horsfall]. Postal address Knowsley, Prescot, Lancashire. Club — Conservati' (Liverpool). CHARLES JAMES RADCLYFFE, Esquire, ].?\ High Sheriff 1885. Born Dec. 21, 1839, being the elde son of the late Charles James Radclyffe, Esq., J. P. D.L., High Sheriff co. Dorset, by his first wife And Maria, only dau. and heir of Robert Lillington Stockley, co. Dorset. Livery — Green coat, red waistcoat. Armorial bearings— Argent, two bends engrailed s.able, a label of three points gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bull's head erased sable, ducally gorged and chained or. Motto — *' Caen, Cressy, Calais." Married, April 4, 1872, Blanche, second dau. of Col. Sulivan, late 5th Lancers ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Robert Eustace Radclyffe, late Lieut, ist Life Guards, b. Jan. 15, 1873 \m.., Jan. 30, 1897, Vivia Cori- siande, only- dau. of S. J. Howard] ; (2) Raymond Augustus Edward Radclyffe, Gentleman, b. Jan. 16, 1878 ; (3) Mon- tagu Frederick' Radclyffe, Gentleman, b. Dec. 9,1883; (4) Ralph Arthur Radclyffe, Gentleman, b. Nov. 9, 1890; Evelyn Blanche ; Violet ; Lilian Grace ; Margaret ; and Rosamund Muriel. Seats — Hyde Manor, Wareham, Dorset; Foxdenton Hall, Oldham. C/wd— Piccadilly. WILLIAM FREDERICK RADCLYFFE, Gentleman. Born April i, 1841, being the second son of the late Charles James Radclyffe, Esq., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff co. Dorset, by his first wife Anne Maria, only dau. and heir of Robert Lillington of Stockley, co. Dorset. Armorial bear- ings — Argent, two bends engrailed sable, a label of three points gules. MantUng sable and argent. Crest— On a is the Mtiiitary Cockade. Ban Eati 1127 wreath of the colours, a bull's head erased sable, ducally gorged and chained or. Motto — "'Caen, Cressy, Calais." Married, Sept. 17, 1868, Edith, third dau. of the late Col. Sulivan, late 5th Lancers ; and has Issue— (\) Charles Percy Frederick Radclyffe, Gentleman, b. Oct. 25, 1870 ; (2) Maurice William Radclyffe, Gentleman, b. Oct. 2, 1880; and Emily Florence [ni., Oct. 1894, A. Bingley, Berks Regt.]. Residence — ALFRED JOSEPH VOOGHT RADFORD, Gentle- man. Born Aug. 18, 1865, being the sixth but third sur- viving son of the late Daniel Radford, Esq., J. P. for co. Devon, of Mount Tavy, Tavistock, by his wife Lucy, dau. of William Vooght of East Ogwell, Devon. Armorial bearings — Per pale sable and argent, three lions passant Gentleman, b. Jan. 10, 1894 ; (2) Myles Colbeck Radford, Gentleman, b. Nov, 23, 1897 ( (3) Brian Nicholas Radfprd, in pale, counterchanged with human faces proper, between two flanches also counterchanged, a chief arched ermine (a mullet for difference). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion salient guardant argent, guttde-de-sang, with a human face proper, holding in the dexter forepaw a rose argent, slipped and leaved and resting the sinister on the point of a sword erect also proper, pommel and hilt or. Married, Feb. 10, 1898, Constance Eveleen, dau. of the late Henry Wilson Bridges of Birch, Essex. Estate — Dunchidlock House, Exeter. Residence — Devon. HERBERT GEORGE RADFORD, Gentleman, F.S.A. Born i860, being the eldest sur. son of the late Daniel Rad- ford, Esq., J. P. CO. Devon, of Mount Tavy, Tavistock, by his wife Lucy, dau. of William Vooght of East Ogwell, Devon. Livery — Dark green, with red waistcoat. Armo- rial bearings — Per pale sable and argent, three lions passant in pale counterchanged, with human faces proper, between two flanches also counterchanged, a chief arched ermine. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion salient guardant argent, guttfe-de- sang, with a human face proper, holding in the dexter forepaw a rose argent, slipped and leaved, and resting the sinister on the point of a sword erect also proper, pommel and hilt or. Married, Dec. 1890, Dora, eldest dau. of Nicholas Hardcastle, M.R.C.S., of Newcastle-on-Tyne ; and has Issue — (i) Herbert Daniel Hardcastle Radford, Gentleman, b. May 25, i? East Sheen, S.W. Residence — Park Cottage, RADFORD-NORCOP (R.L., H. Coll., 19 July 1904). Quarterly, i and 4, sable, three ostrich feathers chevronways between two chevronels, the whole between three boar's heads erased or, and for distinction (Norcop) ; 2 and 3, is the Kaval Cockade. I iiaS Bat) mai argrnt, a f«sse engrailed asure, frettv or, between two cltevTons \-air ( Radfratl). MaTitllng sable and or. OrMtt — I. upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a buar s head rnised sable, in Trcmt of two ostrich feathers or, and for distinction (Norcop) ; a. upon a wreath of the colours, a fret or, thereon a partridge proper (Radford). Motto—" Possunt quia posse videntur. ' Livery — Buff, blue facings. Only son of Arthur Radford, Esq., J. P., of Smalley Hall, CO. I>:rby, B.A., late Capt. Derbysh. Yeom. .*. 1848 ; m. 1874, Henrietta Maria, d. of Frances Hurt, Esq., of Alderwasley, co. Derby, J. P. and D.L. co. Derby (High Sheriff i86a) :— John kudford-Norcop (^R.L. , 1904, formerly Radford), Gentleman, Lieut. 8th King's Regt., b. 1877. Seats — Smalley, Derby ; Bctton Hall, nr. Market Drayton. Res. — Bradtield Hall, Berks. The Right Honourable Sir JACOB PLEYDELL- BOUVERIE. 6th EARL OF RADNOR, Viscount Folke- stone of Folkestone ; Baron Longford of Longford, Wilts ; Baron Pleydell-Bouverie, and a Baronet; M.P. for South Wilts 1893-1900, Lt.-Col. ist Wilts V. R.C. , served in S. Africa 190a Bom July 8, 1868, being the elder son of the late Rt. Hon. Sir William Pleydell-Bouverie, Sth Earl of Radnor, P.C., J. P. and D.L. Wilts. J. P. Berks, M.P. for South Wiltshire 1874-85, and for Middlesex 1885-89; Treasurer to H.M. Household 1885-86, and 1886-93; by his wife Helen Matilda, only surviving dau. of the late Rev. Henry Chaplin, Vicar of Ryhall, Rutlandshire. Armorial bearlsj^ — Quarterly i and 4, per fesse or and argent, eagle regardant, wings elevated sable, gorged with a ducal coronet or, charged on the breast with a cross crosslet argent. Motto— " Pairia cara carior lil>ertas." MarrieJ, Jan. 30, 1891, Julian, only dau. of the late Charles Halfour of Newton Don; and has Issue— (i) Hon. William Pley- dell-Bouverie, Viscount Folkestone, b. Dec. 18, 1895 ; (a) Hon. Edward Pleydell-Bouverie, b. Sept. 10, 1899; (3) Hon. Bartholomew Pleydell-Bouverie, b. Ajsril 6, 1902; Lady Jeane; Lady Katharine; Lady Elizabeth; and l.miy Margaret. Am/j- Longford Castle, Salisbury ; and The Manor House, Folkestone. C/«^x— Carlton, St. Stephen's, Constitutional, and Turf. The Right Honourable GRANVILLE AUGUSTU.s WILLIAM WALDEGRAVE, 3rd BARON RADSTOCK, of Castle Town, Queen's Co., in Ireland; M.A. Oxford.' Born April 10, 1833, being the only son of the late Rt. Hon. Granville George Waldegrave, and Baron Radstock, Vice- Admiral of the Red, C.B., by his wife Esther Caroline, youngest dau. of James Puget of Toiteridge, Herts. Ar- morial bearings — Per pale argent and gules, a crescent sable for difference. Mantling gules and argent. Crest- Out of a ducal coronet or, a plume of five ostrich fcMthers per pale argent and gules, a crescent sable for difference. Supporters— Dexter, a talbot regardant sable, eared and navally gorged or ; sinister, an eagle regardant, wings expanded and elevated, holding in the dexter claw a thunderbolt all proper. Motto — " St. Vincent." Married, July 16, 1858, Susan Charlotte, youngest dau. of John Hales Calcraft of Rempstone, by his wife Caroline, dau. of sth Duke of Manchester; and has Issue— (i) Hon. Granville George Waldegrave, B.A. Camb., b. Sept. 1, 1859; (2) Hon. Montagu Waldegrave, b. July 15, 1867 [;«., July 15, 1898, Constance Marian, eldest dau. of the late J. E. J. Brodie of Lethen, Nairne ; and has issue, Rachel Eliza^ beth, d. Jan. 6, 1900 ; and Esther Constance, b. Nov. i| 1900] ; (3) Hon. John Waldegrave, LL.B. Camb., rister-at-Law, b. Dec. 30, 1868, d. whilst serving with tli Imperial Yeomanry at Lichtenburg, S. Africa, April 5, i90f Katherine; Edith Caroline [m., April 10, 1889, AlistJ Gilian Fraser] ; Mabel ; Constance ; and Mary [m. , Ap 35, 1896, Edwyn Robert Bevan, and has issue]. Residen — Mayfield, Woolston, Hants. The Reverend THOMAS STAMFORD RAFFLI heir male and representative of Sir ThomasStamford Raffle Lieut. -Governor of Java, M.A. (Camb.), Rector of Lanj ham, in the co. of Essex. Born July 11, 1853, being th eldest son of the late Thomas Stamford Raffles, Esquire, 1 Liverpool, Barrister - at - Law, by his wife Maria, elde surviving daughter of Edward Cearns, junior, of Liverpool. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Ermine, an eagle with two heads displayed gules, charged on the breast with an Eastern crown or, a chief vert, thereon a cross crosslet fitch^e of the third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, out of an Eastern crown or, a griffin's head purpure, beaked and gorged with a collar gemelle or, a cross crosslet in the mouth. Motto — "Auspicium melioris sevi." Married, Nov. 6, 1884, Cecil Helen, second daughter of Colonel Lovett of Belmont, in the county of Salop; and has Issue — [i] Stamford Cecil Raffles, Gentleman, Lieut. 4th Suffolk Regt., b. August 2, 1885 ; (2) Reginald Lovett Stamford Raffles, Gentleman, b. Dec. 7, 1888. Residence — Langham Rectory, Colchester. an eagle displayed with two heads sable, on the breast an escutcheon gules, charged with a bend vair (being the ancient arms of Bouverie, and confirmed and allowed to be thus borne by Royal Sign-Manual 1798) ; 2 and 3, argent, a bend gules, gutt^e-d'eau, between two ravens sable, a chief chequy or and of the last (for Pleydell) ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle with two heads displayed sable, gorged with a ducal coronet or, charged on the breast with a cross crosslet argent. Supporters — On either side an RAGLAND, quartered by SOMERS. ARTHUR HAMILTON RAIKES, Esquire, J.P co. Westmorland, M.A. (Oxon.), Headmaster Old College, Windermere. Born Feb. 22, 1858, being the second son of the late Rev. Frederick Thornton Raikes, Vicar of Milnthorpe, formerly Lieutenant 62nd Regt., by his second wife Harriet, dau. of James Stubbs, Solicitor, of Lincoln's Inn. Armorial bearing^ — Argent, a chevron engrailed pean, between three griffins' heads erased sable, each charged with an ermine spot gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head as in the arms. Motto—" Honestum prae- ferre utili." Married, April 15, 1886, Minnie Aubrey, is the Military Cockade. A iRai Eat 1 129 dau. of the late Edward Wise, a Judge of Supreme Court, Sydney, N.S.W. ; andhns Issue — Marcus Hamilton Raikes, heads erased sable, each charged with an ermine spot gules Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the Gentleman, d. Sept. 19, 1889. Postal address— Old Col- lege, Windermere. Clud — Junior Conservative. ARTHUR STEWART RAIKES, Esquire, Envoy Extr. and Minister Plenip. of Great Britain to Chile, Sec. to H.M. Legation at Rio de Janeiro from 1896. Born June 18, 1856, being the fifth son of the late Henry Raikes, Esq., of Llwynegrin, Flints., High Sheriff 1851, M.A. (Cantab.) and Barrister-at-Law, by Lucy Charlotte his wife, youngest dau. of Ven. Francis Wrangham, F. R.S. , Archdeacon of East Riding of York. Armorial bearings— Argent, a chev- ron engrailed pean between three griffins' heads erased sable, each charged with an ermine spot gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest^Upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head as in the arms. Motto — " Futuri cautus." Postal address — British Legation, Santiago, Chile, South America. C/«(Jj— Travellers', St. James's. Major-General CHARLES LOWIS RAIKES, Indian S.C. (retd. ). Born July 20, 1837, being the third but eldest surviving son of the late Henry Thomas Raikes, Esq., a Judge of the High Court of Judicature, Calcutta, and his wife Tempe Sophia, dau. of Geo. Udny, Member of the Supreme Council of India. Club — United Service. Armo- rial bearings — Argent, a chevron engrailed pean between three griffins' heads erased sable, each charged with an er- mine spot gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head as in the arms. Motto — " Honestum preferre utih." Married, ]w\y 18, 1893, Maude Caroline, dau. of Henry Day Fowler, Esq., Dep. Surgeon-Gen. ; and has Issue — Eric Udny Raikes, Gentleman, b. Jan. 13, 1895. Postal address — Olivet, Bridge Road, Torquay. FRANCIS WILLIAM RAIKES, Esquire. Q.C., LL.D., MA. (Cantab.), Judge of County Courts, formerly an officer in the R.N. Born Feb. 2, 1842, being the second son of the late Henry Raikes, Esq., of Llwynegrin, Flints., High Sheriff 1851, M.A. (Cantab.), and Barrister- at-Law, by his wife Lucy Charlotte, youngest dau. of Ven. Francis Wrangham, F.R.S., Archdeacon of E. Riding co. of York. Club — Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron engrailed pean between three griffin's colours, a griffin's head as in the arms. Motto — " Hon- estum praeferre utili." Married, Aug. 15, 1878, Diana Mary Howard, elder dau. of the late H. H. Barber, 17th Lancers ; and had Issue — Francis Howard Raikes, Gentle- man, Lieut. King's R. Rifles, born July 4, 1879, killed in action at Ladysmith Jan. 6, 1900. Postal addresses — The Leat House, Malton, Yorks. ; 7 King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C. ; and Beomands, Chertsey. S Lieut. -Col. FREDERICK DUNCAN RAIKES, Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, served as Civil and Political Officer in Upper Burniah 1885-87, Lieut.-Col. I. S.C. from 1894, Commis- is tlxe Nayal Cockade. ii3« mi mai tiooer in Riirmah 1897. ffom Oct. i, 1848, being the fourth son of the late Charles Raikes, Es(|., C.S.I., Judge of the Siuhlcr Court at Agra, and Commissioner of Liihore, J. P. Wilts and Sussex, by his second wife Justina Davidson, dau. of W'iUiam Alves of Enham House, Hants. Clu6 — Naval and Military. ArmorUd bearings — Argent, a chevron engrailed pean between three griffins' heads erased table, each charged with an ermine spot gules, and p>endent below the escutcheon his liadge as C.I.E. HantlInK sable and argent. Great — U|x>n a wreath of the colours, a griffin's bead as in the arms. Motto — ' ' Honestum prse- erre utiU." ResiiieHce — Aberhafcsp Hall, Newtown, North Wales. Club — Naval and Military, S GEORGE ALFRED RAIKES, Esquire, F.S.A., Lieut.-Col. and Vice-Pres. Hon. Artillery Company, late 3rd liatt. York and Lane. Regt. Horn Klay 13, 1850, being the eldest son of the late Robert Raikes, Esquire, of Eastdalc Welton, Yorks., J. P., D.L., afterwards of Hamp- stead, and sometime of Hull, by his second wife Catherine, only dau. of Michael Hart of Belmont, co. Waterford. C/k^— Junior Constiiutiomd. Livery — Dark blue and silver. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron engrailed pean between three griffins' heads erased sable, each charged with an ermine spot gules; and impaling the arms of Morgan, namely, paly of six argent and or, a lion rampant regardant Siible, charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslet of the second between four quatrefoils saltireways of the third. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head as in the arms. Motto — " Hones- tum praeferre utili." Married, Sept. 3, 1895, Caroline Georgina Elizabeth Anna, only dau. of Col. George Manners Morgan of Biddlesden Park, Bucks, late 4th Dragoon Guards, and R. Bucks Hussars, J. P. Bucks, Northants, and Carmarthens, and sister of the late Maj. Morgan- GrenviUe of Stowe and Biddlesden. S HENRY ST. JOHN DIGBY RAIKES, Esquire, J.P., D.L. Flints., B.A. (Cantab.), Barrister-at-Law. Bom 1863, being the eldest son of the late Rt. Hon. Henry Cecil Raikes. P.C, M.P., J. P., D.L., Postmaster-General 1886- 91, by his wife Charlotte Blanche, fourth dau. of Charles Blayney Trevor-Roper of Plas Teg, Flints. Club — Carlton. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chev- ron engrailed pean between three griffins' heads erased sable, each charged with an ermine spot gules. Mantling sable and argent. Orest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a Siffin's head as in the arms. Motto — " Futuri cautus," 'arried, July 25, 1889, Annie Lucinda, dau. of Gen. Dan Mackinnon, i6th Lancers, and granddau. of 4th Haron Dimsdale. Seat — Llwynegrin Hall, Mold; Makem-y Lodge, Derby. Town residence — 13 l^wer Belgrave .Street, London, S.W. M General ROBERT NAPIER RAIKES, General in © the Army, served in Gwalior Campaign at Punniar 1843, and in Burmah 1852, Indian Mutiny 1857. Horn 1813, being the second son of the late Rev. Roliert Napier Raikes, M.A. (Oxon.), Rector of Hellesdon with Drayton, Norfolk (cousin of Thomas Raikes, Governor of the Hank of England), by his wife Caroline, dau. of Very Rev. John Probyn, Dean of Llandaflf. Armorial bearings— Argent, a chevron engrailed pean between three griffins' heads erased sable, each charged with an ermine spot gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head as in the arms. Married, Sept. 25, 1854, Harriet, dau. of Maj. Beckett, Bengal Army ; and has Issue — (i) Robert Haig Napier Raikes, Gentleman, b. April 2, 1861 ; (2) Herbert William Napier Raikes, Gentle- man, b. June I, 1865 ; (3) Reginald Durie Napier Raikes, Gentleman, b. Jan. 28, 1874; (4) Cyril Probyn Napier Raikes, Gentleman, b. Nov. 12, 1875; Mabel; and Ethel Florence. Postal address — Stamford Lodge, Watford. ROBERT TAUNTON RAIKES, Esquire, J. P. Breck- nockshire, M.A. (Oxon.). Bom April 15, 1843, being the only son of the late Robert Raikes, Esq., of Treberfydd, Brecon, J. P., D.L., M.A., by his wife Frances, dau. of Sir William Elias Taunton, a Judge of King's Bench. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron engrailed pean between three griffins' heads erased sable, each charged_ with an ermine spot gules. Mantling sable and argea Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head in the arms. Married, firstly, Aug. 20, 1868, Sophia Ja (d. 1872), second dau. of Henry Munro, M.D. ; by who he has Issue — (i) Frederick Monro Raikes, Gentleman, B./ b. April I, 1872. He married, secondly, Jan. 2, 1878, Ro Margaret, fourth dau. of H. W. Cripps, Esq., Q.C., an has further issue — (2) Cuthbert Taunton Raikes, GentleT] man, b. Nov. 10, 1878; (3) Lawrence Taunton Raikes, Gentleman, R.F.A. , b. May 9, 1882; (4) Geoffrey Taunton Raikes, Gentleman, South Wales Borderers, b. April 7, 1884 ; (s) Robert Henry Taunton Raikes, Gentleman, R.N., b. Aug. 23, 1885; (6) Wilfrid Taunton Raikes, Gentleman, b. July 4, 1892; (7) David Taunton Raikes, R.N., Gentleman, b. Jan. 12, 1897; Margaret Taunton; Hilda Taunton ; and Dorothy Taunton. Residences^ Treberfydd, Brecon ; 171 Victoria Street, London, S.' Club — New University. The Rev. THOMAS DIGBY RAIKES, M.A. (Oxon.), Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Marcham, Berks. Born Nov. 30, 1849, being the only son of the late Maj. -Gen. Thomas Raikes, C. B. , by his first wife Leonora Jane, eldest dau. of Thomas Digb^ of Hull. Armorial bearingrs— Argent, a chevron engrailed pean between three griffins' heads erased sable, each charged with an ermine spot gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head as in the arms. Married, Aug. 4, 1885, Elizabeth, eldest dau. of the late Rev. Samuel Meyrick Higgins, Rector of Icomb, Gloucs. ; and has Issue — John Francis Raikes, Gentleman, b. June 2, 1896. Postal address — The Vicarage, Marcham, Abingdon. The Rev. WALTER ALLAN RAIKES, M.A. (Can- tab.), Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Ide Hill, Kent. Born Oct. 30, 1852, being the second son of the late Richard William Raikes, Esq., Capt. Madras Army, Conidt. Governor's Body Guard, Madras, by his wife Mary Louisa, dau. of Charles Walter, H.E.I.C.S. Armorial bearingB — Argent, a chevron engrailed jiean between three griffins' heads erased sable, each charged with an ermine spot gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head as in the arms. Married, July 9, 1884, Catherine Amelia, dau. of William Cotton Oswell, & is tbe Military Cockade. I iRat Ham 1131 H.E.I.C.S. ; and has Issue— (z) William Oswell Raikes, Gentleman, b. Sept. 3, 1887 ; (2) John Walter Julian Raikes, Gentleman, b. Dec. 29, 1888 ; (3) Humphrey Rivaz Raikes, Gentleman, b. July 14, 1891 ; Frieda Sigrid ; Rosemary Alison ; and Agnes Catherine Monica. Postal address — The Vicarage, Ide Hill, Kent. Major - General ARTHUR JACOB MACAN RAINEY, formerly Madras Cavalry. Born April 1826, being the third and only surviving son of Maj. William Henry Rainey, 4th Bengal Cavalry, J. P. for co. Down, by his wife Margaret, dan. of Robert Macan of Carriff, in the county of Armagh, Ireland. Chib — East India United Ser- vice. Livery — -Steel grey, with scarlet facings and silver lace. Armorial bearing^ — Gules, two flaunches or, over all two eagles' wings conjoined and erect proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from a mnral crown proper, a lion's head or, gutt&-de-larmes. Motto — "Fuimus." Married, August 1854, Caroline Susanna, eldest dau. of the late Rev. William Robinson (second son of Sir John Robinson, first Baronet, of Rokeby Hall, in the co. of Louth) ; and has had Issue — (i) William John Rainey, d. in infancy 1857; (2) Arthur Henry Rainey, b. May 11, i860, d. 1888; (3) Robert Maximilian Rainey- Robinson, Esq., b. April 28, 1861 [to whom refer]; (4) Francis Edward Rainey, Gentleman, b. May 27, 1863 ; (5) Edmund Flower Rainey, Esq., Capt. Indian Staff Corps., b. Feb. 9, 1865 ; Caroline Susanna, died in infancy ; and Esther Sophia. Postal address — Drumboe, Rostrevor, co. Down. ROBERT MAXIMILIAN RAINEY- ROBINSON, Esquire, Lieut. -Col. commanding 62nd Punjabis, Major Indian Staff Corps. Born April 28, 1861, being the eldest surviving son of Major-General Arthur Jacob Macan Rainey, by his wife Caroline Susanna, eldest dau. of the Rev. William Robinson (second son of Sir John Robinson, first Baronet, of Rokeby Hall, co. Louth). Club — East India United Service. ' Armorial bearings— Quarterly I and 4, vert, on a chevron or, between three bucks trippant of the last and pellett^e, as many quatrefoils gules (for Robinson) ; 2 and 3 gules, two flaunches or, over all two eagles' wings conjoined and erect proper (for Rainey). Mantling vert and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a buck as in the arms (for Robinson) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, issuant from a mural crown proper, a lion's head or, gutt6e-de-larmes. MottO — "Fuimus." Married, Dec. 2, 1903, Alice Frances, eldest dau. of Arthur Hidding Hildebrand, C.I.E.C.S., late Superintendent and Political Officer Southern Shore States. Postal address — Trowscoed Lodge, Cheltenham. SPANDELI RALLI, Esquire, J. P. for Surrey and co. of London, D.L. co. Dorset, M.P. for Bridport 1875-80, for Wallingford 1880-85. Born May28, 1845, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Stephen Ralli of London, by his wife Mary, dau. of Pandeli Argenti of Marseilles. Clubs — Athenaeum, Brooks's, St. James's, Bachelors', and White's. Armorial bearings — Azure, alien rampant argent, sem^e of lozenges of the field, in chief a crescent between two roses couped of the second. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, sem^e of lozenges, and holding between the paws a cross couped azure. Seat — Alderbrook, Cranleigh, Guildford. Postal address — 17 Belgrave Square, S.W. WILLIAM RALSTON-PATRICK, Esquire, J. P. for CO. Ayr, late Major Ayrshire Yeomanry. Born 1838, being the second son of John Sheddon Patrick of Trearne and Hessilhead, by his wife Robina Jane, dau. of the late Robert Lee of Greenock, N.B. Armorial bearings- Quarterly 1 and 4, argent, a saltire sable, on a chief of the second two roses of the first, all within a bordure gules (for Patrick) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a bend azure, three acorns or (for Ralston). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand erect, holding a saltire sable (for Patrick) ; 2. on a wreath of his liveries, a falcon looking to the sinister proper (for Ralston). Mottoes — "Ora et labora" (for Patrick); "Fide et Marte " (for Ralston). Married, 1868, Jemima, dau. of James Alison of Stranraer, N.B. ; and has with other Issue — Robert Ral- ston Patrick, Esq., B.A. (Oxon.), Capt. Ayrshire Y.C., b. 1876. Seats — Trearne, Hessilhead ; Roughwood, Ayr- shire. C/«^— County Club, Ayr. ABEL JOHN RAM, Esq., K.C., Bencher of the Inner Temple, Recorder of Wolverhampton, M.A. Oxon. Botn September 21, 1842, being the second son of the late Rev. Abel John Ram of Clonatin, co. Wexford, Rector of Rolleston, Burton-on-Trent, co. Stafford, Hon. Canon of Rochester Cathedral, by his wife Lady Jane, dau. of the Rt. Hon. James George Stopford, 3rd Earl of Courtown, K.P. (by Lady Mary Montagu his wife, eldest dau. of the Most Noble the 3rd Duke of Buccleuch, K.G.). Club — Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bear- ings — Azure, a chevron ermine between three rams' heads erased argent, armed or, and impaling the arms of O'Brien, namely gules, three lions passant guardant in pale, per pale or and argent. Majitling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a ram's head erased argent armed or, charged with a chevron azure. Motto — " Quod tibi vis fieri fac alteri." Married, April 23, 1874, Hon. Mary Grace, third dau. of the Rt. Hon. Lucius O'Brien, 13th Baron Inchiquin ; and has Issue — (i) Abel Ram, Gentleman, b. and d. Oct. 12, 1875 ; (2) Lucius Abel John Granville Ram, Gentleman, b. June 24, 1885 ; Ellen Augusta; and Irene Mary Montagu. Postal addresses — 31 Eaton Square, London, S.W.; 3 Paper Buildings, Temple, London, E.C. ; Palace Chambers, Westminster. The Rev. EDWARD DIGBY STOPFORD RAM, B.A. (Oxon.), Domestic Chaplain to Bishop of Newcastle. Bom Dec. 29, 1868, being the eldest son of the late Rev. George Stopford Ram, M.A. (Oxford), of Clonattin, Vicar of St. Peter's, Bournemouth, by his wife Hon. Charlotte Anne, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Lucius O'Brien, 13th Baron Inchiquin. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron ermine, between three rams' heads erased argent, armed or. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a ram's head erased argent, armed or, charged with a chevron azure. Motto — "Quod tibi vis fieri fac alteri." Married, 1896, Mabel, dau. of the Rev. W. H. Castleman of Wimborne, Dorset, and Rector of Nuneham Courtenay, Oxford ; and has Issue — Mabel Char- lotte and Eileen Isabel (twins). Seat — Clonattin, Gorey, CO. Wexford. Town residence — 59 Courtfield Gardens, S.W. The Rev. ROBERT DIGBY RAM, M.A. Camb., Vicar of Hampton, Middlesex, Prebendary of St. Paul's since 1896. Born January 24, 1844, being the third son of the late Rev. Abel John Ram of Clonattin, Rector of Rolleston, Burton-on-Trent, co. Stafford, Hon. Canon of Rochester Cathedral, by his wife Lady Jane, dau. of the Rt. Hon. James George Stopford, 3rd Earl of Courtown, K.P. (by Lady Mary Montagu Scott his wife, eldest dau. of the Most Noble the 3rd Duke of Buccleuch, K.G.). Club — Oxford and Cambridge Universities. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevion ermine between three rams' heads erased argent, armed or, and impaling the arms of Anson, namely argent, three bendlets engrailed, in the sinister chief point a crescent gules. MantUng azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a ram's head erased argent, armed or, charged with a chevron azure. Motto — "Quod tibi vis fieri fac alteri." Married, Sept. 13, 1877, Mary, only dau. of George Edward Anson, Esq., C.B. , Keeper of the Privy Purse to the Queen (by Hon. Georgiana Mary Harbord his wife, dau. of Rt. Hon. 3rd Lord Suffield, Bedchamber Woman to the Queen), and granddau. of Very Rev. Frederick Anson, D.D., Dean of Chester (brother of ist Viscount Anson) ; and has Issue — (i) George Edward Ram, Gentleman, b. April 25, 1879 I (2) Frederic Montagu Anson Ram, Gentleman, b. Aug. 30, 1885 ; and Emily Jane Sjn. , Oct. i, 1901, Sir John Home Purves-Hume Campbell, Bart., of Marchmont, co. Ber- wick, 2nd Life Guards]. Postal address — The Vicarage, Hampton, Middlesex. S STEPHEN RAM, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Wexford, Lord of the Manor of Ber- mondsey. Born April 15, 1818, being the only son of Abel Ram of Ramsfort, by his wife Eleanor Sarah, sole heir of Jerome William Knapp. Club — Carlton. Livery — Blue, is tbe Naval Cockade. "3« Earn Earn with white fadnn. Armorial bearing!— He bears for Amu : Azure, a chevron ermine, between three rams' heads erased arRent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet bctittinK his dctp-ee, with a nmntling azure and argent ; and for his OrMt, upon a wreath of the colours, a ram's head erased argent, charged with a chevron azure ; with the Motto, "Quod tibi vis fieri fac alteri." Married, August 7, 1839, Mary Christian, second daughter of James Archi- bald Caramayor; and has had Issue — (i) Stephen James Ram, Esquire, Capt. Scots Fusilier Guards, bom 1840 (deceased); (a) Edmond Arthur Ram, Gentleman, bom 1841 (deceased) ; (3) Abel Humphrey Ram, Gentleman, bom 1843; (4) Arthur Archibald Ram, Gentleman, born 1852; Mary Eleanor ; Adela Jane Benedicta Mary ; Elizabeth Augustine Agnes ; and Francos Mary, ^j/a/w— Ramsfort, Gorey, in the county of Wexford ; Manor of Bermondsey, London. Postal address — 19 Egerton Gardens, London, S.W. RAMSAY, quartered OGILVY and BUTT. by NISBET - HAMILTON ■ RAMSAY, RAMSAY. see DALHOUSIE and WARDLAW- RAMSAY (matric. c. 167a). Argent, an eagle displayed sable. Manulo^ gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a unicorn's head erased argent, armed or. Motto — " Ora et labora." Son of John William, 13th Earl of Dalhousie, K.T., Sec. of State for Scotland, b. 1847; d. 1887; m. 1877, Lady Ida Louisa Bennet, d. of 6th Earl of Tanker- ville : — The Rt. Hon. Arthur George Maule Ramsay, i4lh Earl of Dalhousie (Sco., 29 Jan. 1633), Lord Ramsay of Kerington (Sco. , 39 Jan. 1633), and Baron Ramsay of Dalhousie (5 Jan. 1619), Baron Ramsay of Glenmark, co. Forfar (U.K., 13 June 187s), J. P. and D.L. co. Forfar, late Lieut. Scots Guards, served in S. African War 1901-2), b. 1878; m. 1903, Lady Mary Ade^ide Heathcote-Dmmmond-Willoughby, d. of I St Earl of Ancaster ; and has issue Ramsay, Esq., commonly called Lord Ramsay, b. 1904. Seats — Dalhousie Castle, Midlothian ; Panmure House, Carnoustie ; Brechin Castle, Forfarshire. Ygst. son of George, 12th E^rl of Dalhousie, b. 1806 ; d. 1880 ; m. 184S, Sarah Frances, only d. of William Robertson of Logan House, N.B. : — The Hon. Charles Maule Ramsay, J. P. and D.L. For- farshire, M.P. for that co. 1894-5, Major Forfar and Kincardine Art., formerly Lieut. R.A. [Arms (rematric. 1904) — Quarterly, i and 4, Ramsay as above ; 2 and 3, parted per pale argent and gules, within a bordure charged with eight escallops all counterchanged of the same (Maule), the whole within a bordureazure. MantlingTS— Dexter, sable, doubled argent ; sinister, gules, doubled argent. Crests — Dexter (for Ramsay), on a wreath of his liveries, a unicorn's head couped argent, armed or (Motto — " Ora et labora") ; sinister (for Maule), a double-headed wyvern with wings erect spouting out fire before and behind projDer (Motto — " Clementia et animis"], h. 1859; m. 1885, Martha Estelle, (d. 1904) d. of William R. Garrison of New York. C/«^— Carlton. RAMSAY of Balmain(R.L., H. Coll., 1806— arms matric. L.R. , 1806 and 1808). Argent, an eagle displayed sable, charged on the breast with a rose of the field [quartered with the arms of Bannerman, viz. gules, a banner displayed argent, thereon a canton azure, charged with a saltire of the second (Bannerman)]. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a demi-cagle displayed sable. Motto — ' ' Aspiro." Livery — Buff with crimson piping. Son of Sir Alexander Entwisle Ramsay, 4th Bart., b. 1837 ; d. 1902 ; m. ist, Octavia, d. of Thomas Haigh of Elm Hall, nr. Liverpool : — Sir Herbert Ramsay, 5th Bart. (13 May 1806), b. 1868 ; m. 1902, Mabel, eld d. of W.T. Hutchinson of Aldingham, Winton, Australia. Seat — Balmain, Kincardinesh. Res. — St. Anne's, Lewes. Sons of Hugh Francis Ramsay, Esq., b. 1838; d. 1890; m. 1868, Jane Maria, d. of Gen. F.H. Sandys, Bengal Army : — Hugh Entwisle Ranisay, Gentleman, b. 1871. Res. — Noel Bannerman Ramsay, Gentleman, b. 1875. Ri Sons of Sir Alexander Ramsay, 3rd Bart., M. 1813; d. 1875; m. 1835, Ellen Matilda, d. of JohiT Smith Entwisle, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Foxholes, Lanes: — John Ramsay, Esq., late Capt. R.E., J. P. Hants, b. 1843; "•• '876, Florence Mary, only child of kictianl J. Hilton, Esq., J. P. co. Kent, of Preston House, Faveri- ham ; and has issue — (i) Hilton Alexander Ramsay, Esq., c;apt. R.A., b, 1878; (a) Norman Ramsay, Gentleman, late Lieut. R.F.A., b. 1880; (3) John Richard Ramsa* Gentleman, 2nd Lieut. R.F.A., b. 1883; Ethel; Hildaf and Evelyn. Res. — Cams Hall, Fareham, Hants; Preston House, Faversham, Kent. Club — Junior United Service. Berlin Ramsay, Esq., b. 1850; m. 30 June 1881, Kate Graverate, d. of Dr. Daniel Webster King of Green Bay Wisconsin, U.S.A. ; and has issue — Hallie Ellen ; am Ethel. Res. — Appleton, Wisconsin, U.S.A. Son of Francis Ramsay, Esq., b. 1815; d. 1867; 1848, Georgina Hay, d. of William Foreman Home Wedderburn : — William Alexander Ramsay, Esq., Col. comdg. gtli Regtl. Dist. , late 4th Hussars, b. 1848 ; m. 1873, Susan New combe, d. of William Minchener of Clontarf, co. Dublin ; and has issue — (i) Frank William Ramsay, Esq., Capt. Middx. Regt., served in S. Africa 1901-2, b. 1875; (2) Alexander Fitzgerald Ramsay, Gentleman, Lieut. Chesti. Regt. , served in S. Africa 1900-2, b. 1880 ; (3) Bertram Home Ramsay, Gentleman, Sub-Lieut. R.N., b. 1883 ; Georgina Frances [m. 1900. Capt. H. E. Garstin, R.A.]; and Elizabeth Grace. Res. — Son of Sir Alexander Ramsay, and Bart., b. 1785; d. 1852; m. 2nd, Hon. Elizabeth, d. of William, Lord Panmure, and sister of nth Earl of Dalhousie: — Sir George Dalhousie Ramsay, Knt. (t90o), C.B. (1882), late of the War Office, b. 1828 ; m. 1864, Eleanor Julia Charteris, d. of John Crawford, F. R.S. ; and hassurv. issue —Elizabeth Edith [m. 1894, Rev. Barton R. V. Mills]. Res.— 7 Manson Place, Queen's Gate, S.W. Son of Col. Marmaduke Ramsay, Bengal Staff Corps, b. 1837; d. 1893; m. 1858, Anne, d. of Lt.-Gen. James Charles Innes: — Alexander Charles Ramsay, Gentleman, b. 1866 ; m. 1893 ; Mary Amelia, d. of Alfred John Elkington of Selly Oak, Birmingham. Res, — Son of Capt. Robert Ramsay, 14th Regt. Foot, b. 1787; d. 1846; m. 1817, Margaret, d. of Patrick Cruikshank of Stratathro : — Robert Ramsay, Gentleman, b. 1818 ; m. 1855, Susan, d. IV, ^ is tbe Military Cockade. Kam Kam 1133 of W. F. Lindsay Carnegie of Spynie and Boysack ; and has surv. issue — (i) Marmaduke Francis Ramsay, Gentleman, b. i860 [m. 1895, Alice Katherine, d. of O. C. Waterfield of Nackington, Canterbury; and has issue — John Marma- duke Ramsay, Gentleman, b. 1897 ; and Dorothy Christian]; (2) Robert Christian Ramsay, Gentleman, b. 1861 ; (3! Edward Lauderdale Ramsay, Gentleman, b. 1865; (4) Arthur Douglas Ramsay, Gentleman, b. 1868 ; (5) Norman Ramsay, Gentleman, b. 1869; Agnes Mabel Alice; Nina Mary ; and Edith Patricia. lies. — The Howletts, Canter- bury. JAIN RAMSAY of Kildalton, Islay, co. Argyll, Esquire, J. P. CO. Argyll. Born , being the eldest son of the late John Ramsay of Kildalton, sometime M.P. for Falkirk District of Burghs. Armorial beaxings — Parted per fesse argent and sable, an eagle displayed, beaked gules, charged on the breast with a galley, sails furled, all counter changed. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a unicorn's head couped argent, armed and crined or. Motto — " Nunquam sine spe." Seat — Kildalton, Islay, CO. Argyll. Club — Junior Carlton. Sir henry WILLIAM RAMSAY-FAIRFAX-LUCY, 3rd Baronet, J. P. and D. L. cos. Roxburgh and Warwick, Lieutenant in the Reserve Forces, late of the 2nd Life Guards. Bom September 25, 1870, being the eldest son of Sir William George Herbert Taylor Ramsay-Fairfax, Baronet, of Maxton, in the county of Roxburgh [to whom refer], by his wife Mary Ann Pawson Hargrave, only daughter of the late W. J. Pawson of Shawdon, in the county of Northumberland. Clubs — White's, New (Edinburgh). Livery — Claret colour, with white facings. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly, first and fourth grand quarters, gules, semfe of cross crosslets, three lucies haurient argent, a canton of the last for distinc- tion (for Lucy) ; second and third grand quarters, quarterly I and 4, argent three bars gemelles sable, surmounted of a lion rampant gules, armed and langued azure (for Fairfax) ; 2. party per pale argent and or, an eagle displayed sable, armed, beaked, and membered gules (for Ramsay) ; 3. counter-quartered i. and iiii. , azure a branch of palm be- tween three fleurs-de-lis or, ii. and iii. gules, three annulets or, stoned azure, in the centre of these counter-quarter as crescent or for difference (for Montgomerie), and for and in right of his wife, upon an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Lucy, namely gfules, semde of cross crosslets, three lucies haurient argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crests, i. out of a ducal coronet gules, a boar's head argent, gutt^e-de-poix, between two wings sable, billett^e or, and for distinction charged upon the neck with a cross crosslet sable (for Lucy); 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant guardant proper (for Fairfax); with the Mottoes, "By trwthe and diligence," " Fare fac." Married, 1892, Ada Christina, eldest daughter and heir of Henry Spencer Lucy, Esquire, of Charlecote (who died 1890), by his wife Christina Cameron, eldest daughter of the late Alexander Campbell of Monzie, and then assumed by Royal License the additional surname and arins of Lucy; and has Issue — (1) William George Thomas Spencer Ramsay-Fairfax-Lucy, Gentleman, b. April 7, 1895; (2) Henry Montgomerie Ramsay-Fairfax-Lucy, Gentleman, b. Oct. 20, 1896 ; (3) Brian Fulke Ramsay- Fairfax- Lucy, Gentleman, b. Dec. 18, 1898 ; (4) Ewen Aymer Robert Ranisay-Fairfax-Lucy, Gentleman, b. Dec. 31, 1899 ; Alianore Mary Christina ; Sybil R. J. ; and Cecily Alys [d. Feb. 24, 1902). Seats — Charlecote Park, Warwick; Maxton, St. Boswell's, N.B. WILLIAM RAMSAY L'AMY, Esquire, J. P. co. Ber- wick. Born August 11, 1850, being the eldest son of the late John Ramsay L'Amy, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Forfar, and J. P. CO. Berwick, by his first wife Mary Riche M'Leod, only dau. of William Mitchell Innesof Ayton, co.Berwick. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure, three crosiers paleways in fesse or, and in base a saltire couped argent ; 2 and 3, argent, an eagle displayed sable, beaked and membered gules, charged on the breast with an escut- cheon of the last, a boidure of the second. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— dn a wreath of his liveries, a dex- ter hand erect proper, holing a crosier or. Motto — " Per verios casus. " Supporters Two naked savages wreathed about the head and middle with laurel, and holding oak batons over their shoulders all proper. Married, May 29, 1878, Christian, dau. of Alexander Mitchell-Innes of Ayton and Whitehall ; and has Issue — Mary Winifred ; Mabel Christian ; and Sybil Fanny. Seat — Dunkenny, near Forfar. Town residence — 20 Warwick Square, S. W. RAMSDEN, quartered by FAWKES. ALGERNON FEILDEN RAMSDEN, Gentleman. Bom Sept. 11, 1850, being the fourth son of the late Robert John Ramsden, Esq., J. P., M.A. Camb., by his wife Mary Matilda, eldest surviving dau. of Rev. Henry Gipps of Elmley, Kent, Vicar of St. Peter's, Hereford, by Emma Maria his wife, second dau. of John Plumptre of Fredville, Kent. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron be- tween three fleurs-de-lis sable, as many rams' heads erased of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crests — On a wreath of the colours, an armed arm couped at the elbow and erect proper, holding in the hand a fleur-de-lis sable. Motto — " Audaces fortuna juvat.'' Married, May 4, 1892, Mary, dau. of T. Purdom of Hawick, N.B. ; and has Issue — Edward Feilden Ramsden, Gentleman, b. 1893. Resi- dence — 22 Avenue Road, Scarborough. § ARTHUR JOHN RAMSDEN, Esquire, Captain ist Battalion Royal West Kent Volunteers. Bom June 10, 1855, being the eldest son of Arthur Charles Ramsden, Esquire, Colonel ist West Kent Volunteers, Justice of the Peace for the county of Kent, by his wife Frances Elizabeth, daughter of John Deacon. Club — Junior Constitutional. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Argent, on a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis sable, as many rams' heads couped of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an armed arm erect, holding in the gauntlet a fleur-de-lis sable. Married, April 26, 1883, Ehzabeth Alice, daughter of H. W. Hawkins of Rew House, in the county of Dorchester ; and has Issue — Arthur Geoffrey Frances Ramsden, Gentleman, born August 13, 1887 ; Elizabeth Joan ; and Frances Honor. Estate — CHARLES ARTHUR RAMSDEN, Gentleman. Born April 4, 1849, being the third son of the late Robert John ^ is the Naval Cockade. 4C "34 Ram Kam R«msden, Esq., J.P., M.A. Camb., by his wife Uuj Matilda, eldest sur\'iving dau. of Rev. Henry Gipps of Klmley, Kent, Vicar of St. Peters, Hereford. ArmorUl bearing* Argent, on a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis sable, as m.tny rams' heads erased of the first. Man t lin g sable and argent. OrMt - On a wreath of the colours, an armed arm cou|)ed at the elbow and erect proper, holding in the hand a fleur-de-lis sable. Motto—" Audaces fortuna juvat.'" Afat-ried, Sept. 15, 1875, Elizabeth, dau. of John Leckenby of Scarborough ; auA has Issue— (1) John Arthur Ramsden, Gentleman, b. Nov. 6, 1881 ; (a) Francis Samuel Ramsden, Gentleman ; {3) Kennedy Ramsden, Gentleman ; Edith ; Emily ; and Maud. Postal address— CHARLES HAMILTON RAMSDEN, Gentleman. Rom March 27, 1847, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Charles Henry Ramsden, M.A., Vicar of Chilham, Kent, by his wife Mary Hamilton, second dau. of Rev. Henry Hamilton Beamish of Mount Beamish. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis sable, as many rams' heads erased of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an armed arm couped at the elbow and erect proper, holding in the hand a fleur-de-lis sable. Motto — "Audaces fortuna juvat." Married Caroline Augusta, dau. of James M'Ewen of San Francisco; and has /««* — (i) Harold Lowther Ramsden, Gentlemen, b. 1883 ; (a) Percival Scott Webber Ramsden, Gentleman, b. 1885. Residence — EDWARD PLUMPTRE RAMSDEN, Gentleman. Bom March 21, 1848, being the second son of the late Robert John Ramsden, Esq., J.P., M.A. Camb., by his wife Mary Matilda, eldest surviving dau. of Rev. Henry Gipps of Elmley, Kent, Vicar of St. Peter's, Hereford, by Emma Maria his wife, second dau. of John Plumptre of Fredville, Kent. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis sable, as many rams' heads erased of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an armed arm couped at the elbow .ind erect proper, holding in the hand a fleur- de-lis sable. Motto — "Audaces fortuna juvat." Married, Sept 3, 1875, Frances Elizabeth, dau. of W. Kelly of Blackheath ; and has Issue, with five daus. — (i) John Edward Cecil Ramsden, Gentleman, b. July 5, 1881 ; (2) William Eustace Ramsden, Gentleman, b. July 4, 1882. Postal address — 5 FRANK RAMSDEN, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. West Riding co. York, B.A. 1862, Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple. Bom January 1840, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Captain Frank Ramsden, R.N., by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel Smith, D.D., Dean of Christ Church, Oxford. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis sable, as many rams' heads couped at the neck of the first, impaling the arms of Acheson, namely argent, an eagle with two heads displayed sable, on a chief vert, two mullets or. MftTitHngr sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the coloiu's, a cubit arm in armour proper, the gauntlet holding a fleur-de lis sable. Motto— "Audaces fortuna juvat." Married, 1894, Norah Sybella, second dau. of Major- General the Hon. Edward Archibald Brabazon Acheson. Seat — Hexthorpe, Doncaster. C/«d— Oxford and Cam- bridge. FREDERIC JAMES RAMSDEN, Esquire, M.A. Trin. ColL, Cambs., J. P. for co. Lancashire. Bom 1859, being the only son of Sir James Ramsden, Knight, of Abbot's Wood, and his wife Annie Mary, dau. of Robert Edwards of Liverpool. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a chevron or, between in chief two rams' heads couped and in base a fleur-de-lis argent, a bee volant between two arrows chev- ronways, points upwards proper. Mantl^g azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, from the battlements of a tower or, a cubit arm in armour, the hand in a gauntlet proper, holding a fleur-de-lis argent, suspended from the wrist by a chain gold an escocheon azure charged vnth a ram's head coupwd argent. Seat — Abbots Wood, Furness Abbey, Lancashire. Residence — 105 Pall Mall, S. W. Clubs — Reform, Oxford and Cambridge. § HERBERT FRECHEVILLE SMYTH RAMSDEN. Esquire, Lieut. -Col. Indian Army. Bom March 6, 1856, fourth son of the late Rev. Charles Henry Ramsden, Vicar of Chilham, Kent, by his wife Mary Hamilton, second dau. of Rev. Henry Hamilton Beamish. Armorial bear- ings—Argent, on a chevron between three Heiirs-de-lis sable, as many rams' heads erased of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an armed arm couped at the elbow and erect proper, holding in the hand a fleur-de-lis sable. Motto -" Audaces fortuna juvat." Married, Aug. 20, 1889, Hon. Edwyna Susan Elizabeth, second dau. of 14th Baron Saye and Sele ; and has /««*— Geoffrey Charles Krescheville Ramsden, Gentle- man ; and Mary Edwyna. Postal address — Frescheville, Baden Lodge, Meads, Eastbourne. 8 JOHN CHARLES FRANCIS RAMSDEN, Esquire, late Captain Royal .Artillery, Deputy-Lieutenant for the West Riding of the county of York, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Surrey. Bom December 13, 1835, being the second son of Captam Henry James Ramsden, third son of Sir John Ramsden, Baronet of Byram, by his wife Frederica Selina, daugh- ter of Lord Chief Justice EUenborough. Clubs — Junior United Service. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly of forty-six, i. argent, on a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis sable (for Ramsden) ; 2. azure, a bend between six escallops argent (for Frecheville) ; 3,^ or, two chevronels azure (for Muzard) ; 4. gules, thre plates argent, each charged with an annulet gules (fo Muzard) ; 5. argent, on a chevron sable, three cross pat^ or (for Beaufoy) ; 6. gules, six cocks, three, two and one or (for Tothill) ; 7. gules, three fleurs-de-lis argent a chief vair (for Palmes) ; 8. argent, on a chevron azurej between three demi-lions passant guard, gules, crowne or, three covered cups of the last (for Butler) ; 9. ancient-^ argent, on a chevron azure, three covered cups or (fo Butler) ; 10. or, six annulets, three, two and one sabV (for Lowther) ; 11. ermine, on a canton azure a cros pat^e fitch6e on three steps argent (for Quaile) ; 12. Sable three escallops and a bordure engrailed argent (for Strick^ land) ; 13. or, two bars gules, on a canton of the last mullet of the field (for Lancaster) ; 14. argent, three bugle horns sable, stringed gules (for Bellingham) ; 15. argent three bendlets gules, on a canton of the last a lion rampanti of the field (for Burnshide) ; 16. azure, a maunch erminfl over all a bendlet gules (for Conyers alias Norton) ; 17^ argent, a chevron between three lozenge shaped cushion sable (for Norton) ; 18. argent, a bend engrailed betwe six martlets sable (for Tempest) ; 19. argent, a chevroa between three martlets gules (for Waddington) ; 20. argent, two bars gules, in chief three mullets of the last (fo Washington) ; 21. argent, a bend engrailed sable, in chie an escallop of the last (for Radcliffe) ; 22. sable, a saltir argent (for Rilleston) ; 23. argent, a fesse between thre escallops sable (for Rilleston) ; 24. azure, a chevron tween three mullets or (for Hildyard) ; 25. argent, two ba azure, over all a fleur-de-lis or (for Hylton) ; 26. vert, thre lions rampant argent, crowned, collared and chained (for Tyson) ; 27. argent, three chaplets gules (for Lascellesjl 28. argent, three escallops in bend gules, between twfl bendlets sable (for De la Hay) ; 29. azure, two bars nebulj argent (for Del See) ; 30. argent, a cross moline engraile sable (for Cotys) ; 31. gules, a cross moline or (for Monn_ ceux) ; ^2. azure, three swans argent a chief ermine (for Hansby) ; 33. azure, two bars or, over all a lion rampant gules (for Hawcliffe) ; 34. or, six annulets, three, two and one sable (for Lowther) ; 35. as No. 11 (for Quaile) ; 36. as No. 12 (for Strickland) ; 37. as No. 13 (for Lancaster) ; 38. as No. 14 (for Bellingham) ; 39. as No. 15 (for Burn- shide) ; 40. per pale argent and sable, a chevron counter- changed (for Lawson) ; 41. argent, two bars azure, in chief three hurts (for Carnaby) ; 42. per pale gules and azure, a lion rampant guardant or (for Hatton) ; 43. ermine, on a fesse gules three escallops or (for Ingram) ; 44. azure, a chevron or, between three lions passant of the last, gutt^e-de-sang (for Ingram) ; 45. sable, three greyhounds in pale, courant argent, collared or, within a bordure of the second (for Machell) ; 46. or, a chevron between three towers gules (for Scarborough). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm in armour proper, the gauntlet grasping a fleur-de-lis sable in pale ; with the Motto, "Audaces fortuna juvat." Married, April 14, 1863, Emma Susan {d. 1867), second daughter of the Reverend is the Military Cockade, ii laam Earn 1135 Edward Buncombe, late Rector of Barthomley, in the county of Chester ; and has Issue — (i) Frederick William Ramsden, Gentleman, born February 17, 1864 ; (2) Richard 1871 ; (5) Josslyn Vere Ramsden, Gentleman, born Decem- ber I, 1876. Estate and postal ai/rfre.s-j- — Willinghurst, Guildford. Henry Ramsden, Gentleman, born November 10, 1866 ; (3) Caryl John Ramsden, Gentleman, born December 18, 1868 ; (4) Henry Ramsden, Gentleman, born March 14, JOHN PEMBERTON RAMSDEN, Gentleman. Bom Jan. 28, 1854, being the fifth son of the late Robert John Ramsden, Esq., J. P., M.A. Camb. , by his wife Mary is the Naval Cockade. 113* Earn Ran Matilda, eldest surviving dau. of Rev. Henry GIpps of Elm- ley. Kent, Vicar of St. Peter's. Hereford, by Emma Maria his wifp, second dau. of John Plumptre of Kredville. Kent. Armorial bearings Ardent, on a chevron between three Heurs-de-lis sable, as nmnv rams' heads erased of the first. Mantling Siiblc and argent. CrMt - On a wreath of the colours, an armed arm couped at the elbow and erect proper, holding in the hand a fleur-de-lis sable. Motto — " Audaces fortuna juvat." Married, Aug. 23, 1883, Alice Louisa, dau. of Arthur Melet, late Bombay Civil Service; and has Issue — (i) Arthur Ramsden, Gentleman; (a) Ralph Ramsden Ramsden, Gentleman; Evelyn; Alice; and Gwendolen. Residence — RICHARD RAMSDEN. Esquire. J.P. for co. Warwick 1867, Barrister-at-Law Inner Temple. M.A. Trinity College. Cambs.. F.R.G.S. Bom Nov. 4, 1841, being the only son of Richard Ramsden, by his wife Mary, dau. of James Clark. Z.»iYr)^— Dark blue. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a cheNTon invected sable, between two rams' heads erased in chief and a fleur-de-lis in base, a ram's head erased between two fleurs-de-lis. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter arm in armour embowed, holding in the hand a ram's head erased, three fleurs-de-lis fesseways. Motto — "Nil desperandum." Married, June i, 1870, Elizabeth Frances, dau. of John Stokes Salmon of BagdaJe, Jamaica son of the Hon. John Salmon, late President Privy and Legislative Councils, Jamaica) ; and has Issue — (1) Richard Elmslie Ramsden, Esq., b. Nov. 1875, Capt. 129th Batt. of R.F.A. , served in the South African Campaign in the de- fence of I^dysmith ; (2) Hugh Clifford Herschell Ramsden, Gentleman, h. May 10, 1881 ; (3) Bernard Vivian Ramsden, Gentleman, b. Aug. 26, 1885, Royal Mil. Coll. ; (4) Vincent Basil Ramsden, Gentleman, b. March 25, 1888; Edith Mary; Elsie Noel \nt., 1902, Major Auberon Howell, Indian Army]; Lilyan Frances [tn., 1896, Thomas Cross of Malvern Park, Solihull] ; Dorothy Margaret \m. Capt. James H. Thresher] ; and Gladys Mabel [m. 1904, Thomas Otto Bower]. 5m/— Sydenhnrst, Witley, Surrey. Clubs — New University, Constitutional WILLIAM JOHN FRESCHVILLE RAMSDEN, Es- quire. J.P. forW. R. of CO. York, late Lieut.-Col. Cold- stream Guards. Bom May 22, 1845, being the fourth son of the late Henry James Ramsden, Esq., J.P. and D.L., Captain 9th Lancers, by his wife Frederica Selina, fourth dau. of the ist Baron Ellenborough, Lord Chief-Justice of England. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis sable, as many rams' heads erased of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an armed arm couped at the elbow and erect proper, holding in the hand a fleur-de-lis sable. Motto — "Audaces fortuna juvat." Married, Feb. 13, 1877. Mabel, second dau. of Gen. the Hon. Sir James Lindsay, K.C.M.G., second son of the Earl of Crawford. Seat — Rogerthorpe Manor, co. York. WALTER RANDLES, Gentleman. Bom , being the only surviving son of the late Edward Randies of Port Natal, South AfHca. Armorial bearings — Or, a chevron wavy azure between three pairs of elephants' tusks in saltire proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a springbok or South African antelope statant in front of an assegai erect all proper. Motto — "Semper in tempore. " Residence — RANDOLPH, quartered by STEWART. SSiR JAMES RANKIN, ist Baronet (1898), of Bryn- gwyn, in the co. of Hereford, Justice of the Peace, Deputy-Lieutenant (High Sheriff 1873), Chief Steward for the city of Hereford, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Member of Parliament for Leominster, or Northern Division of the county of Hereford. Born December 25, 1842, being the only son of the late Robert Rankin of Bromborough Hall, in the county of Chester, by his wife Ann, daughter of John Strang, Esquire, of St. Andrew's, Canada. Clubs — Carlton, St. Stephen's, New University. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a cinquefoil gules, in chief a battle-axe erect between two boars' heads couped, and in base a boar's head couped between two battle-axes erect sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting bis degree, with a mantling gules and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm holding a batlle-axe proper, three cinquefoils gules. Motto — " Prudeniia et virtute." Married, January 12, 1865, Annie Laura, second daughter of Christopher Bushell, Esquire, Justice of Peace, of Hinderton, in the county of Chester ; and has Isstm, — (i) James Reginald Lea Rankin, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for CO. of Hereford, Barrister-at-Law (Inner iTemple), Major ist Herefordshire Rifle Vols., served in South Africa (1900), b. Aug. 31, 1871 \m., July 1896, Hon. Nest Rice, second dau. of Rt. Hon. 6th Baron Dynevor, and has issue, Hubert Charles Rhys Rankin, Esq., b. 1899]; (2) Charles Herbert Rankin, Esq., Capt. 7th Hussars, b. May 26, 1873; (3) Edwyn Christopher Rankin, Esq., *. Jan. 3, 1879 ; (4) Robert Rankin, Esq., b. Oct. 16, 1883 ; Annie Beatrice [m., Jan. 12, 1887, Claude Arthur Cuthbert of Bryn Garth, Herefordshire ; Margaret Ethel [m., April 4, 1888, Thomas Raymond Symons of Mynde Park, co. Hereford]; Mary Sybil [««,, July 16, 1903, to Charles Francis Kynaston Mainwaring, of Oteley, Shropshire] ; and Veronica. Seat — Bryngwyn, co. Hereford. Town residence — 35 Ennismore Gardens, S.W, RANKINEOF Orchardhead, quartered by GORDON- GILMOUR. CAPTAIN WILLIAM MACBEAN RANKINE, Gentleman. Armorial bearings — Or, a Lochaber axe fesseways sable, between two boars' heads couped gules. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand proper, holding a spur or, the strap also proper. MottO — " Forget not." Residence — Dudhope, Forfarshire. DEVEY FEARON DE L'HOSTE RANKING, Gentle- man, Master of Arts and Doctor of Laws of IRAtlbitllY the University of Oxford. 5orw 1848, being Jl^uUnlU^ the sixth son of the late Robert Ranking of Hastings, Surgeon, by his second wife Isa- bella Eliza Hannah, daughter of Archibald Alexander Speirs of the Honourable East India Company's Service, Surgeon. Armorial bearingrs — He bears for Aims : Party per pale indented gules and argent, three boars' heads erased be- tween two tiaunches, tnat on the dexter charged with a tilting-spear, and that on the sinister with a pole-axe all counterchanged ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a tilting-spear in bend and a pole-axe in bend sinister {xoper, a boar's head erased gules ; with the Motto, " Fortiter et recte." Married, April 4, 1877, Caro- ls tbe Military Cockade, laan Ban 1137 line Charteris, daughter of J. C. Brown, A.R.S.A. ; and has had Issue — (i) Robert Montgomery de L'Hoste Ranking, Gentleman, b. March 2, 1879, killed in action Oct. 4,1891; (2) John Crawford Speirs Ranking, Gentleman, b. Dec. 4, 1883 ; (3) George Lancaster Ranking, Gentleman, b. March 1888 ; Caroline Margaret Isabella (died an infant) ; Agnes Anna ; Alice Mary ; Mary Charteris ; Florence ; and Gladys. He married secondly, July 13. 1900, Annette Eleanor, dau. of Henry Appleby. Postal address — 9 Overstrand Mansions, Battersea Park, S.W. § GEORGE SPEIRS ALEXANDER RANKING, Es- quire, Lieut. -Col. in His Majesty's Indian Army, Doctor of Medicine of the University of Cambridge, and Member of the Royal Asiatic Society. Born January 7, 1852, being the eiglith son of the late Robert Ranking of Hastings, Surgeon, Fellow of the Linnean Society, by his wife Isabella Eliza Hannah, daughter and co-heir of Archibald Speirs of the Honourable East India Company's Service, Surgeon. Livery — Undress : drab, blue facings, silver buttons ; full dress : white, peach-coloured facings, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per pale indented gules and argent, three boars' heads erased between two flaunches, that on the dexter charged with a tilting-spear, and that on the sinister with a pole-axe, all counterchanged ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a tilting-spear in bend and a pole-axe in bend sinister proper, a boar's head erased gules; with the MottO, " Fortiter et recte." Married, August 18, 1875, Elizabeth Maunsell, daughter of John Duncan, Inspector-General of the Royal Irish Constabulary, of Phoenix Park, Dublin ; and has had Issue — (i) George Speirs Duncan Harcourt Ranking, Gentleman, b. Septem- ber 19, 1876, and died April 19, 1877 ; (2) John George Maunsell Ranking, Gentleman, b. January 22, 1878, and died September 5, 1893 ; (3) James Gabriel Lancaster Ranking, tientleman, born October 14, 1883 ; (4) Robert Philip Lancaster Ranking, Gentleman, b. Nov. 26, i8g6. Postal address — c/o H. S. King & Company, 9 Pall Mall, London, W. ; c/o King, Hamilton and Company, Calcutta. JOHN EBENEZER RANKING, Gentleman, Doctor of Medicine of the University of Oxford, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. Born April 16, 1850, being the seventh son of the late Robert Ranking of Hastings, Surgeon, Fellow of the Linnean Society, by his second wife Isabella Eliza Hannah, daughter and co-heir of Archibald Speirs of the Honourable East India Company's Service, Surgeon. Livery — Undress : drab, blue facings, silver buttons ; full dress : white, peach-coloured facings, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per pale indented gules and argent, three boars' heads erased between two flaunches, that on the dexter charged with a tilting-spear, and that on the sinister with a pole-axe, all counterchanged ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a tilting-spear in bend and a pole-axe in bend sinister proper, a boar's head erased gules ; with the Motto, " Fortiter et recte." Married, June 29, 1874, Eliza- beth, daughter of Robert Duncan of Tonbridge Wells, Doctor of Medicine; and has Issue — (i) Robert Maurice Ranking, Gentleman, born February 15, 1876; (2) George Lancaster Ranking, Gentleman, born May 27, 1877; Mar- garet Lucy ; Mary Constance ; and Marjorie Isabel. Estate and postal address — Hanover House, Tonbridge Wells. ROBERT ARCHIBALD RANKING, Gentleman. Born July 5, 1843, being the fourth son of the late Robert Ranking of Hastings, Surgeon, Fellow of the Linnean Society, by his second wife Isabella Eliza Hannah, daughter and co-heir of Archibald Speirs of the Honourable East India Company's Service, Surgeon. Livery — Undress : drab, blue facings, silver buttons; full dress: wliite, peach- coloured facings, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per pale indented gules and argent, three boars' heads erased between two flaunches, that on the dexter charged with a tilting-spear, and that on the sinister with a pole-axe, all counterchanged ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a tilting- spear in bend and a pole-axe in bend sinister proper, a boar's head erased gules; with the Motto, "Fortiter et recte." Married Eliza Lindsay, daughter of Donald M'Intosh MacEwan of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Doctor of Medicine. Postal address — Rock- hampton, Queensland, Australia, WALTER ALFRED ELLIS RANKING, Gentleman. Born Dec. 13, 1853, being the second and youngest son of the late James Lancaster Ranking, Esq., Surgeon-General in the Indian Medical Department (retired), by his wife Sophia Elizabeth, dau. of the late William Bannister, Siu-geon in the Madras Army. Armorial besulngs — Party per pale indented gules and argent, three boars' heads erased between two flaunches, that on the dexter charged with a tilting-spear, and that on the sinister with a pole-axe, all counterchanged. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a tilting^ spear in bend and a pole-axe in bend sinister proper, a boar's head erased gules. Motto — "Fortiter et recte." Residence — WILLIAM LANCASTER RANKING, Esquire, Col. in the Madras Army. Born May 8, 1841, being the elder son of the late James Lancaster Ranking, Esq., Surgeon- General in the Indian Medical Department (retired), by his is tbe Naval Cockade. I 1 138 IRan mat wife Sophia Eliiabeih, dau. of the late William Bannister, Surgeon in the Madras Army. Armorial bearlngB — Party per pale indented gules and argent, three boars' heacu erased between two flaunches, that on the dexter charged with a tilting-spear, and that on the sinister with a pole-axe, all counterchanged. M ant lin g gules and argent. Or««t - On a wreath of the colours, in front of a tilting- spear in bend and a pole-axe in bend sinister proper, a boar's head erased gules. Motto— " Fortiter et recte." Rtsidenct — RANSOM, quartered by CUST. HERBERT HENRY RAPHAEL. Esquire, J.P. for co. Essex, Barrister-at-I-aw, LL.B. Born 1859, being the eldest surviving son of Henry L. Raphael and Henrietta Raphael, dau. of John Raphael. C/«w— Devonshire, New OxK)rd and Camtiidge. Livery — Green. Armorial bear- ing! — Arure, three annulets in bend within two bendlets, the whole between as many tulips leaved and slipped, all or. MawtUng azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon an eagle's head erased azure, gorged with a collar gemel or, and between two tulips as in the arms. MottO — " Esse quam videri." Married, 1884, Rosalie Coster, only dau. of G. F. Coster, Esq., J.P. Seats— G\6ie,z. Hall, Romford ; Rosecourt, Havering-atte- Bower. Town residence — 23 Berkeley Square. SSiR COLMAN BATTIE RASHLEIGH, 3rd Baronet (Sept. 30, 1831), of Prideaux, co. Cornwall, Hon. -Col. (late Lieut.-Col.) Cornwall and Devon Miners' Artillery, W. Div. R.A., J.P. and D.L., Deputy- Warden of the Stannaries, Mayor of Lostwilhiel 1891-94. Bom May 4, 1819, being the son of Sir Colman Rashleigh, 2nd Bart. , by his first wife Mary Anne, dau. of Nicholas Kendall, M.P., of Pelyn, co. Cornwall. Armorial bear- Ingfs — Sable, a cross or, between in the first quarter a Cornish chough argent, beaked and legged g^les ; in the second a text ^ ; in the third and fourth a crescent all argent ; the escutcheon charged with his badge oj Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling sable and or. Married, firstly, Oct. 10, 1872, Geraldine Frances, eldest dau. of Lieut. -Gen. Sir Robert Walpole, K.C.B., by whom (who died Dec. 24, 1876), he has Issue — (i) Colman Battie Wal- pole Rashleigh, Esq.,*. Nov. 7, 1873; (2) Spencer Robert Rashleigh, Esq., b. April 20, 1876. He married secondly, Sept. 21, 1878, Amy Young, dau. of James Young Jamie- son of Gainford House, co. Durham, and by her has (3) Harry Rashleigh, Esq. , b. May 22, 1880 ; (4) Philip Rash- leigh, Esq., b. 1881; (5) Herbert Battie Rashleigh, Esq., b. 1887, 5«a/— Prideaux Par Station, in the co. of Com- walL Club — Junior Conservative. GEORGE BURVILL RASHLEIGH, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law. Bom Aug. 31, 1848, being the eldest son of Rev. Henry Burvill Rashleigh and Sarah Maria his witc, eldest dau. of the Rev. James King, Rector of Hcnlcyon- Thames (son of Walker King, Bishop of Rochester). Armo- rial bearing^ Sable, a cross or, between a Cornish chough argent, beaked and legged gules, in the first <]uartcr, a text ^ in the second quarter, and two crescents in the third and fourth all argent; impahng the arms of Bligh, namely azure, a gryphon segreant or, armed and langued gules, between three crescents argent. Married, Aug. 17, 1882, Lady Edith Louisa Mary Bligh {d. 1904), eldest dau. of Right Hon. John Stuart, sixth Earl of Damley; and h.i /«K« -Henry Pelham Rashleigh, Gentleman, b. June 21, 1883; Isabel Mary; Beatrice Mary; Mary Elizabeth Joan ; and Katherine Maria Theodosia. A'wxrf^wc* — RLseley, Horton Kirby, Dartford. Chambers — 5 Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. S JONATHAN RASHLEIGH, Esquire, B.A., J.P. and D. L. for CO. Cornwall. Bom Jan. 1820, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late William Rash- leigh, Esq., M.P. for the Borough of Fowey, High .Sheriff CO. Cornwall 1818, by his second wife Caroline, eldest dau. of Henry Hinxman of Ivychurch, Wilts. Armorial bear- lngB — Sable, a cross or, between in the first quarter, a Cornish chough argent, beaked and legged gules; in the second quarter, a text CL' ; and in the 3rd and 4th quarters a crescent all of the third. Married, firstly, Aug. i, 1843, Mary Pole, dau. of William Stuart of Aldenham Abbey, Herts, and Tempsford Hall, Beds (eldest son of the Hon. and Most Rev. William Stuart, D. D. , Archbishopof Armagh, son of Rt. Hon. John, 3rd Earl of Bute, K.G.) ; and had Issue — (i) Jonathan Rashleigh, Gentleman, b. May 26j_ 1845 \m., Nov. I, 1872, Mary Frances, dau. of John bouchere of Broome Hall, Surrey, brother of Rt Hoij Henry, Lord Taunton, and d. Dec. 8, 1872, leaving a so John Cosmo Stuart Rashleigh, Gentleman, b. July 2, 187a] (2) Evelyn William Rashleigh, Esq., C.C. and J.P. Cornwall, b. Jan. 6, 1850 [»». , April 29, 1879, Jane Eliz beth, dau. of Onley Savill Onley of Stisted Hall, Essex, i has had issue, Jonathan Onley Rashleigh, Gentleman, June 2, 1880, d. Dec. 7, 1880] ; (2) William Stuart Ras| leigh. Gentleman, b. June 17, 1882 ; and Jane Henrietta| Caroline Mary Stuart \m., Nov. 21, 1867, Major Chark Poore Long, 13th Regt. Light Infantry, who d. Nov. 1871, leaving issue by her, who d. Jan. 3, 1880, Ahce He rietta; and Mary Anna. He married secondly, Aug. 1869, Jane Elizabeth, only dau. and heir of Arthur Pugh ( Lissadrone, co. Mayo, and Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin and has Issue— {^■^ Arthur Rashleigh, Gentleman, b. Jua 24, 1871 ; Eleanor Elizabeth \tn., 1897, John Claude Le* Tremayne] ; Kathleen ; and Rachel Jane. Seat — Men billy. Par Station, Cornwall, and Feniton Court, near Hon ton, Devon. Town resid — 3 Cumberland Terrace, N.W.j HUGH REYNOLDS RATHBONE, Gentleman. Bo April 1863, being the eldest son of the late Richarcl Reynolds Rathbone, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for co. Anglesey, and High Sheriff in 1885, by his second wife Frances Susannah, second dau. of Hugh Roberts of Glan-y-Menai, D.L. CO. Anglesey. Armorial bearings— Ermine, on a fesse azure, between two roses in chief gules, barbed and seeded, and the Roman fasces erect in base proper, three bezants. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, the Roman fasces fesseways in front of a lion's head prop)er, gorged with a collar argent, charged with two roses gules. Motto — " Suaviter et fortiter." Mar- ried, Oct. 20, 1888, Emily Evelyn, second dau. of William Rathbone of Greenbank, Liverpool ; and has Issue— {\) Richard Reynolds Rathbone, Gentleman, b. Feb. 23, 1891 ; (2) Edward Reynolds Rathbone, Gentleman, b. Aug. 18, 1892 ; (3) Hugh Ponsonby Reynolds Rathbone, Gentle- man, b. Jan. 22, 1895 ; and Hannah Mary Reynolds. Residence — Oakwood, near Liverpiool. Club -Savile. S WILLIAM RATHBONE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Lan- caster, Member of Parliament for North (or Arvon) Divi- sion of the county of Carnarvon since December 1885. Bom February 11, 1819, being the eldest son of the late William Rathbone, Esquire, of Greenbank, in the is the Military Cockade. mat EaU) "39 county of Lancaster, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Greg of Quarry Bank, in the county of Chester. Clubs — Reform, Athenaeum, Devon- shire. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, on a fesse azure, between two roses in chief gules, barbed and seeded, and the Roman fasces erect in base proper, three bezants. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, the Roman fasces fesseways, in front of a lion's head proper, gorged with a collar argent, charged with two roses gules. Motto — " Suaviter et fortiter." Married, firstly, 1847, Lucretia, daughter of S. S. Gair ; and has had Issue — (i) William Rathbone, Gentleman, born 1849 [mar- ried, June 7, 1877, Blanche Marie, eldest daughter of Charles Luling of New York] ; (2) Thomas Ashton Rath- bone, Gentleman [married, January 18, 1893, Christabel, daughter of the late Reverend Gerard Barton of Funden- hall Grange, in the county of Norfolk] ; (3) Henry Gair Rathbone, Gentleman ; (4) Edward L. W. Rathbone, Gentleman, deceased ; and Lucretia Elizabeth. He mar- ried secondly, 1862, Emily, daughter of Acheson Lyle, Esquire, of The Oaks, in the county of Londonderry ; and has had — (5) Cyril Rathbone, Gentleman, deceased ; (6) Acheson Lyle Rathbone, Gentleman ; (7) Bertram Eric Rathbone, Gentleman ; (8) Francis Warre Rathbone, Gentleman ; Emily Evelyn ; and Eleanor Florence. Seat — Greenbank, Liverpool. Residence — 18 Prince's Gardens, S.W. RATHDOWNE, Baron of. see CHETWYND. S JAMES JOSEPH LOUIS RATTON, Esquire, Lieut.- Col. Indian Army Medical Staff, M.D. and M.Ch., late Fellow of Madras University. Born May 16, 1845, being the eldest son of Surg. -Major James Alban Ratton, I. M.S., of the 3rd Madras Light Cavalry, by his wife Frances, dau. of Marcus Supple, Bachelor of Arts of Trinity College, Dublin. Club — Blackheath. Livery — Blue and silver. Armorial bearings (granted in France 1783 ; recorded in H. Coll.) — Azure, in base the sea argent, and thereon a tunny sable, on a chief of the second a rat passant of the third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, an ibex statant guardant proper, charged on the body with two fleurs-de-lis fesseways azure, and resting the dexter foreleg on a shield argent charged with a passion cross sable. Motto — "In Deo spero." Married, December 7, 1875, RATTRAY, see CLERK-RATTRAY. RAVENSCROFT, quartered by BARTLETT. RAW (H. Coll.). Argent, gutt^-de-poix, two escallops fessewise gules, on a chief of the last as many escallops or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand proper holding an escallop, six annulets fessewise and interlaced or. Motto — " Recta tene." Livery — Green with green facings, drab coats. Marie Adolphine, only daughter of Lieutenant - Colonel John Holroyd Doveton, 3rd Madras Light Cavalry ; and has Issue — (i) Joseph Holroyd Ratton, Gentleman, Lieut. Royal Garrison Artillery, born February 2, 1882 ; {2) Marcus Holroyd Ratton, Gentleman, born October 15, 1887; (3) Wilfrid Holroyd Ratton, Gentleman, born October •9, 1890; and Mary Holroyd \m. 1904, John E. F. D'Apice, Lieut. R.G.A.]. Postal address— i^ Cresswell Park, Black- heath, London, S.E. Son of James Raw, b. 1820 ; d. 1890 ; m. 1845, Sarah Jane, d. of Capt. John Humble, 42nd Regt. :— George Henry Raw, Gentleman, b. 1853; m. 1874, Edith Sarah, d. of William Garbutt Taylor, M.R.C.S. (Eng.); and has surv. issue— (i) Rupert George Raw, Esq., D.S.O., b. 1880 ; (2) Rowland Raw, b. 1884 ; Ivy Christian Theresa ; May ; Eileen Kate Nesta ; and Naomi Joan. /?«.— Albert Court, Kensington Gore, S.W. C/«*x— Constitutional, Sports', Gresham, Victoria (Pietermaritzburg, Natal). is tbe Naval Cockade. II40 laab) EaU) RAWDON. quartered by CLIFFON. Thk Honourabi^ PAULYN FRANCIS CUTHBERT RAWDON - HASTINGS (formerly Abney - Hastings) ; assumed by Royal Licence the name and arms of Rawdon- Hastings in 1887 ; formerly Major 3rd Batt. Leicestershire Rcgt. Born Oct. ai, 1856, being the second son of the late Rt. Hon. Charles Frederick Abney- Hastings (formerly Clifton), 1st Baron Donington, of Donington, co. I^icester, by his wife the late Rt. Hon. Edith Maud Abney-Hastings, SMO jurt Countess of Loudoun, Baroness of Loudoun, Baroness Tarhnzean and Mauchline in Scotland, Baroness Botreaux, Hungerford, Oe Moleyns, and Hastings in England, dau. of the Most Hon. George Augustus Francis Rawdon - Hastings, second Marquess of Hastings, &c. , by his wife the Rt. Hon. Barbara Yelverton, suo jure Baroness Grey de Ruthyn. Armorial beartoffs - Quarterly I and 4, argent, a maunch sable (for Hastings) ; 2 and %, argent, a fesse between three pheons sable (for Rawdon), impaling the arms of Grimston, namely argent, on a fesse sable, three mullets of six points pierced or, in the dexter chief point an ermine sp)ot. Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a bull's head erased sable, armed and ducally gorged or (for Hastings) ; 3. on a mural crown argent, a pheon sable with a laurel branch issuant thereout proper. Motto — "Trust winneth troth." Married, Dec. 20, 1881, Lady Maud Grimston, dau. of the late Rt. Hon. James Walter Grimston, and Earl of Verulam ; and has Issue — (i) Paulyn Charles James Reginald Rawdon-Hastings, Esq., h. Nov. 27, 1889 ; (2) Edward Hugh Hastings Rawdon- Hastings, Gentleman, b. Aug. 31, 1895; Edith Maud; Betty Frances; Flora Anne; and Isabel Jacqueline. Seat — Towersey Manor, Thame Oxon. M Lieutenant -Colonel HENRY DE COURCY RAWLINS, Scottish Rifles. Bom Nov. 4, 1851, being the only son of the late Henry William Rawlins, Esq., J. P., Lieut. -Col. Madras Staff Corps, by his wife Emma Matilda, dau. of the late Commander Thomas Patton, R.N. Armoiial bearings .Sable, on a pale ar- gent, between two swords points downwards proper, pom- mels and hilts or, a sword point upwards of the the field, on a chief indented of the second, three cross crosslets of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, in front of an arm embowed in armour, the hand grasping a sword in bend point downwards proper, pommel and hilt or, a like sword fesseways point to the dexter, between two roses argent. MottO — " Non timidus pro patria mori." Married, June 2, 1900, Rosabelle Clare, dau. of Theobald Walsh of Tyrrelstone, and widow of Halswell M. Kemeys-Tynte of Cefn Mably. Residences — Manor House, near Taunton ; Stoke Courcy, Somerset. RAWLINSON, quartered by ASKEW. ABRAM CRESWICKE RAWLINSON, Gentleman. Born Jan. 7, 1838, being the second but only surviving son of the late Abram Lindow Rawlinson, by his wife Sarah, dau. of Brooke Smith of Bristol. Armorial bearings— Sable, three swords paleways, the centre one point down- wards, the other two points upwards proper, pommels and hilts gold, a chief nebuly or, thereon two crosses pat6e gules. Mantling sable and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, issuant from a wreath of oak a cubit arm in armour, the hand in a gauntlet charged with a cross pat^e gules, and grasping a sword in bend all proper, pommel and hilt or. A/arried, firstly, Aug. 6, 1867, Laura Eliza- beth Anne, only dau. of Rev. Arthur Farwell, Rector of Stoke Fleming, Devon; by whom he had Issue— {1) Abram Leonard Rawlinson, Gentleman, 6. May 20, 1868 ; (2) Abram Creswicke Rawlinson, Gentleman, 6. Aug. 2X, 1869 id. April 4, 1870) ; Maude ; Pauline ; Violet ; Ruby ; and Ivy. He married secondly, the only dau. of F. Barton. Residence— RAWLINSON (H. Coll., 1891). Sable, three swords palewise, the centre one point downwards, the other two points upwards proper, pommels and hilts gold, a chief embattled or, thereon an Eastern crown gules. Mantling sable and or. Crest — Issuant from an Eastern crown or, a cubit arm in armour, the hand in a gauntlet encircled with a wreath of laurel and grasping a sword in bend all proper, pommel and hilt gold. Motto — " Festina lente." 1 Sons of Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson, ist Bart., G.C.B., M.F., Member of the Council of Sec. of State for India, b. 1810; d. 1895; m. 1862, Louisa Caroline Harcourt, d. of Henry Seymour of Knoyle, Wills : — Col. Sir Henry Seymour Rawlinson, 2nd Bart. (7 Feb. 1891), C.B., 4th class Medjedieh, served in Nile Exped. 1898 and S. African War 1899-1902, present during siege of Ladysniith, d. 1864 ; m. 1890, Meredith Sophia Frances, only d. of Coleridge John Kennard. Res.— 21 Charles Street, Berkeley Square, London, W. Alfred Rawlinson, Esq., late Lieut. 17th Lancers, i. 1867; m. 1890, Margarita, d. of W. B. Greenfield ; and has issu»-« Alfred Frederick Rawlinson, Gentleman, d. 1900; Honoor Louisa; and Irene Margarette. Res. — la Queen's Gate Place, S.W. Rawlinson (H. Coll., 1891). Same arms, but the chief ^ " nebuly or, thereon two crosses pat(5e gules." Crest— On a wreath of the colours, issuant from a wreath of oak, a cubit arm in armour, the hand in a gauntlet charged with a cross pat^ gules and grasping a sword in bend all proper, pommel and hilt or. Son of Abram Lindon Rawlinson (eld. bro. of ist Bart.), 6. 1805 ; d. 187s ; m. 1832, Sarah, d. of Brooke Smith of Bristol : — Abram Creswicke Rawlinson, Gentleman, t. 1838 (g.v.). Sons of Rev. George Rawlinson, M.A. , Canon of -I Canterbury, 6. 1812; d. 1902; m. 1846, Louisa Wild- man, d. of Sir Robert Alexander Chermside : — Lionel Seymour Rawlinson, Gentleman, i. 1864 ; m. 1893, Anna, d. of Col. Cochran of Folly Mills, Virginia, U.S.A. Res.— Charles Brooke Rawlinson, Esq., Capt. I.S.C, 6. 1866; m. 1891, Wilhelmina Cruikshank, d. of David Forrester of] Glasgow. Res. — RAWSON, see TRAFFORD-RAWSON. ARTHUR PELHAM RAWSON, Gentleman. Born Oct. 2, 1849, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Arthur] Rawson, by his wife Charlotte Elizabeth, dau. of Castel: William Clay of Liverpool. Armorial bearings— Per fesse i wavy sable and azure, gutt6e-d'or, a quadrangular castle with four towers argent, on a chief or, three ravens' heads erased of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, issuant from an annulet or, a • raven's head erased sable, gutt^e-d'or, holding in the beak ra is the Military Cockade. I mm Eato 1141 an annulet gold. sidence — Motto — " Laus virtutis actio." Re- Annie Constance, dau. of Rev. Philip Doyne Dwyar, M.A., sometime Rector of Ennis, and Canon of Killaloe; and a Admiral Sir HARRY HOLDSWORTH RAWSON, K.C.B. (1897), R.N., Commander-in-Chief on the South African Station. Bo7-n Nov. 5, 1843, being the second son of the late Christopher Rawson, Esq., J. P. co. Surrey, late Capt. and District Paymaster of Lower Canada, by his wife Ellen Frances, dau. of John Naylor Wright of Liverpool and Beaumaris. Armorial beaxiugs — Per fesse wavy sable and azure, gutt6e-d'or, a quadrangular castle with four towers argent, on a chief or three ravens' heads erased of the first, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon of the Bath, and pendent therefrom his badge as a K.C.B. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from an annulet or, a raven's head erased sable, gutt^e-d'or, holding in the beak an annulet gold. Motto — " Laus virtutis actio." Married, Oct. ig, 1871, Florence Alice Stewart, dau. of John Ralph Shaw of Arrowe Park, Cheshire; and has had Issue — (i) Harry Hugh Rawson, Gentleman, b. Jan. 18, d. July 21, 187s ; (2) Henry Christopher Shaw Rawson, Gentleman, b. Feb. 21, 1876; (3) Hugh Wyatt Hay Rawson, Gentle- man, b. Sept. II, 1887; Alice Evelyn; and Muriel Edith Florence (d. 1882). Postal address — United Service Club. JOHN SELWYN RAWSON, Esquire, J. P., West Riding. Born March 20, 1858, being the second son of the late Frederick Edward Rawson of Thorpe, Yorks, by his wife Harriet Susannah, dau. of John Priestley of Thorpe. Armorial bearings — Per fesse wavy sable and azure, gutt6e-d'or, a quadrangular castle with four towers argent, on a chief or, three ravens' heads erased of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, issuant from an annulet or, a raven's head erased sable, guttfe-d'or, holding in the beak an annulet gold. Motto — "Laus virtutis actio." Married, June 6, 1888, has /rj«c—(i) Frederic Philip Selwyn Rawson, Gentleman, b. March 14, 1891 ; (2) Selwyn Gerald Cayhill Rawson, b. March 8, 1902 ; Constance Priestley ; and Dorothy Florence. 6Va^— Mill House, and The Haugh End, near Halifax, co. York. Sir RAWSON WILLIAM RAWSON, K.C.M.G., C.B., formerly Governor of the Bahamas, and of the Wind- ward Isles. Bortt 1812, being the eldest son of Sir William Rawson, Knight Bachelor (formerly Adams), and his wife Jane Eliza, dau. of Col. Rawson, M.P. Livery (dress) — White, with green facings ; (undress), chocolate. Armorial bearings — Quarterly, ist and 4th grand quarters, per fesse sable and azure, a castle with four towers in prospective azure, in base two bars wavy of the last (for Rawson) ; 2nd grand quarter, quarterly i. and iiii. , the same arms of Rawson ; ii. , azure, on a chevron between two mullets in chief and a ferret passant in base argent, a mullet between two ferrets passant gules (for Bygo) ; iii. , per pale azure and gules, three lions rampant argent, a bordure gobony of the last and sable, in chief a rose argent (for Herbert) ; 3rd grand quarter, per is tbe Naval Cockade. 1 14a iaa\B lElea fease azure and sable, on a pale between two mullets in chief argent, a mullet between two crescents of the second (for Adams). OrMtt— i. un a wreath of the colours, issuant out of clouds proj)er, a cubit arm vested ajsure, cuffed gules, the hand in a glove mure, holding an anchor fesseways, the flukes towards the dexter or, the arm charged for dis- tinction with a rose argent (for Rawson) ; a. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an eagle standing the reverse way and regardant towards the dexter, wings expanded proper, armeid or, holding in the beak a nmllet sable, and restmg the sinister claw on a crescent reversed or (for Adams). Motto—" Arx et anchora mihi Deus." Married, March i, 1850, Marianne Sophia, dau. of the Hon. and Rfv. Henry Ward of Killinchy, co. Down ; and has with other Issue — ti) Henry Gilbert Rawson. Elsq., b. March 18, 1851 ; (a) Ierl)ert Edward Rawson, Esq.. M^or R.E., b. Sept. 3. 183a ; (3) Wlilliam Stepney Rawson. Gentleman, b. Oct. 14, 1854 ; 4 Crosbie Hamilton Rawson. Gentleman, h. Dec. 14, 1857, deceased ; (5) Frederick Laurence Rawson, Gentle- man, b. Iulya7. 1859; Kathleen Sophia ; and Norah Louisa, twin with her sister. JOHN WILLIAM RAWSON-ACKROYD, Gentleman, B.A. (Cantab.). Bom 1854, being the eldest son of John Rawson of Bradford, co. York, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of William Ackroyd of Dean Grange ; assumed the name of Ackroyd on intieriting this property in 1875. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, ermine a chevron between four stags' heads erased, three in chief and one in base gules (for Ackroyd) ; 3 and 3 per pale azure and sable, a quad- rangular castle with four towers argent, between three annu- lets or (for Rawson). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of two tilting-spears saltireways proper, the battlements of a tower argent, thereon a stag's head erased gules (for Ackroyd) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an eagle's head erased sable, holding in the beak an annulet or, three annu- lets interlaced fesseways gold. Mottoes (above the crests) — "Satis quod sufficit;" (below the arms) — "In veritate victoria." Seat — Dean Grange, near Kimbolton. RAYDEN (H. Coll.). Azure, a saltire between two lymphads in pale, sails furled and flags flying, and as many anchors in fesse all or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of rays of the sun. the stump of a tree sprouting proper, thereon a fleur-de-lis aziure. Son of John Rayden of Oakleigh, Finsbury Park (son of Benjamin Rayden of Deptford), b. \ d. ; m. : — Arthur Robinson Rayden. Esq.. J. P. Kent and Cinque Ports, b. 1845 ; m. 1870, Emma (rf. 1898). d. of late Edward Weatherley of Hounslow. Middx. RAYMOND-BARKER (H. Coll.. 1789, R.L.). Azure. 6ve escallops in cross or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a hawk or. perched on a rook argent. Motto — " Virtus tutissima cassis." Sons of Percy Fitzhardinge Raymond-Barker. Esq.. J. P.. of Fairford Park. b. 1843 ; d. 1895, m. 1874, Morna Georgina, d. of Sir Joseph Hawley. ^xt. : — Reginald Henry Raymond-Barker. Gentleman, b. 1875. Seat — Fairford Park, Fairford, Glos. Res. — The Ferns, Tetbury, Glos. Hugh William Heneage Rajmiond- Barker, Gentleman, b. 1876. JOHN RAYNER, Gentleman, Doctor of Medicine, formerly Assistant-Surgeon 4th Middlesex Horse Artillery, Bom May 2. 1819, being the second but eldest surviving son of Thomas Rayner. Livery — Black. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Azure, on a chevron or. between three demi-lions rampant of the last, five cross crosslets of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion ram- pant or, holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet azure, a serpent nowed proper ; with the Motto, " Facta non verba." Married, firstly. June 15, 1844, Emily (who died 1866). daughter of Thomas Gould ; secondly, July 2, 1869. Frances Sarah (who died 1870). only child of Captain Coles. Hon- ourable East India Company's Service ; and thirdly. July 3. 1872. Emma Katharine, daughter of the Reverend William Hyde. Master of Arts, Rector of St. Mary Donyatt. in th. , county of .Somerset. By his first marriage has Issue — John 1 Alexander Rayner. Gentleman. B.A. , Lond. , born August I 9. 1845. and four daughters ; and by his third marriage three | daughters. A'i/a/w— Freehold and leasehold house-property] in London. Postal address — Swaledale House. Highbury] Quadrant. London. N. READ, quartered by FLOYER. READ, see CREWE-READ. READE, quartered by FLOYER. The Reverend CHARLES DARBY READE, Clc in Holy Orders, late Rector of Stow-Bedon, Norfolk. J.P.I London and Middlesex. Bom March 16. 1820. being the ' third son of the late John Reade. H.E.I.C.S. . of Hol- brook, Suffolk ; by his wife, a dau. of the late Gen. Gowdie, Commander-in-Chief of Madras Forces in 1810. Livetyl — Green. Armorial bearings — quarterly i and 4, argentj a saltire vair^, azure, and or, between four Cornish chough proper (for Reade) ; 2 and 3 erminois, on a chevron eml battled gules, three estoiles or, all within a bordurr engrailed sable (for Revell). Mantling sable and argent Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon between two reeds proper a Cornish chough wings elevated also proper. Motto — " Cedant arma togae." Married, first. 1847, Elizabeth Laurence, dau. of late John Aitken. H.E.I.C.S.. of Carshalton Park, Surrey; and secondly. 1895. Maud, youngest dau. of George Higinbotham. late Chief-Justice of Victoria; and has Issue— {\) Arthur Revell (1^ U the Military Cockade. Bea IRee 1 143 Reade, Esq., Major Welsh Regt., b. Dec. 4, 1855; (2 Edward Revell Reade, Esq., Major, Dept. Governor H.M. Convict Prison, Princetown, Dartmoor, East Lancashire Regt., b. July 20, 1862; and (3) Charles Revell Reade, Gentleman, b. March 19, 1897; (4) Hugh Revell Reade, Gentleman, b. April 2, 1901 ; (5) George Aitken Revell Reade, Gentleman, b. June 29, 1904. Postal addresses — 83 Holland Road, Kensington, W. ; and Hill House, Shotley, Ipswich. Club — Constitutional. § JAMES COLQUHOUN REVELL READE, Esquire, M.A. Christ Church, Oxon., Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple, J. P. for cos. Suffolk and Glamorgan, Lieut.-Col. Commanding 3rd Batt. Welsh Regt. 1886-96, late Capt. Suffolk Yeomanry, and formerly Lieut. 14th Hussars, Patron of Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk. Born May 13, 1840, being the eldest son of the late John Page Reade, Esq., J.P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1865), B.A. Exeter Coll., Oxford, by his first wife Helen, dau. of Sir James Col- quhoun, Bart., of Colquhoun and Luss. Armorial bear- ings—Quarterly I and 4, argent, a saltire vair(5 azure and or, between four Cornish choughs proper (for Reade) ; 2 and 3 erminois, on a chevron embattled gules, three estoiles or, all within a bordure engrailed sable (for Revell). Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon between two reeds proper a Cornish chough, wings elevated, also proper. Motto — " Cedant arma togae." Married, Feb. 4, 1891, Florence Sophia, eldest dau. of M. Hardy Voss of De Montfort House, Surrey ; and has Issue — Margaret Colquhoun. Seat — Crowe Hall, Stutton, Suffolk. Town residence — 57 Cromwell Road, S.W. C/k(Jj— Brooks's, New University, Ipswich. READE (U. O. ). Azure, a pelican in her piety vulning herself proper, in chief three garbs or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert an eagle, wings expanded and inverted, holding in the beak a thistle slipped all proper. Motto— "Cedant arma togae." Son of : — Robert Henry Sturrock Reade, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for county of city of Belfast, b. . Res. — Wilmont, Dunmurry, co. Antrim. READING, quartered by LANGRISHE. REBOW, see GURDON-REBOW. REDLYNCH, Baron of, see ILCHESTER. REDMAN, quartered by BUTLER. REDMOND, quartered by ROWAN. GABRIEL O'DONNELL FITZSIMON REDMOND, Gentleman, M.R.C.P.I. Born Oct. 15. 1850, being the eldest son of Henry Edward Redmond, Gentleman, formerly a Lieut, in 2nd Queen's Royals or 2nd Regiment of Foot, by his wife Mary O'Connell, eldest dau. of Christopher FitzSimon, Esq., of Glencullen, Golden Ball, co. Dublin, formerly M.P. for co. Dublin, J.P. and Clerk of the Hana- per Office, /.jf^ry -Chocolate with red facings. Armo- rial bearings— Gules, a castle with two towers, between three woolpacks or. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a beacon, fired proper, a ladder or. Motto— " Pie vivere et Deum et Patriam diligere." Mar- ried, firstly, Oct. 30, 1873, Catelina Netterville, third dau. of Edward Netterville Barron, Esq., J.P. , of Ballynecourty House. Dungarvan, co. Waterford ; and secondly, Sept. i 1881, Helen Josephine, eldest dau. of John Quinlan Quinlan, Esq., J. P., of Cloukerdin House, co. Waterford; and has Issue (by f\Tst marriage)— Mary Louisa Gabriella ; and (by second marriage)— (i) Henry Edward Redmond, Gentle- man, b. June 28, 1882 ; (2) John Raymond Redmond Gentleman, b. June 4, 1883 ; (3) Robert FitzSimon Red- mond, Gentleman, b. March 12, 1887 ; (4) Gabriel Reginald Redmond, Gentleman, b. Feb. 17, 1898 ; Clarissa Ellen ; Margaret Matilda ; and Helen Maria. Residence— REDWARE, quartered by HUSSEY. REDWOOD (2 June 1856). Paly of six or and er- mine, a lion rampant sable, on a chief azure, an embattled gateway proper, between two mullets of six points of the first. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a rock, therefrom an eagle rising proper, charged on each wing with a mullet of six points, in the beak a staff raguly or. Motto — " Lumen sevimus antique." Sons of Theophilus Redwood, Ph.D., of Boverton, Glamorganshire, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, b. 1806 ; d. 1892 ; m. Charlotte Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Newborn Robert Morson : — Sir Boverton Redwood, Knt. (1905), Chevalier of the Order of Leopold (R.L. , 19 June 1899), a Roy. Commnr. St. Louis Exhibition, Hon. D.Sc, F.R.S. (Edinburgh), A.M.I.C.E., Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry, the Chemical Soc. , and the Geological Soc. , b. 26 April 1846 ; in. 17 April 1873, Mary Elizabeth, [d. of Frederick Letchford; and has issue — Bernard Boverton Redwood, Esq. b. 21 Nov. 1874 ; Ethel Mary ; and Gwenifryd Gwladys. Res. — Wadham Lodge, Wadham Gardens, Hampstead, London, N.W. ; Crowstone, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex. Clubs — Savage, Royal Thames Yacht, City of London, Automobile, Constitutional, Automobile Club de France (Paris). Robert Redwood, Gentleman. Res. — Tophill, Loughton, Essex. REED, quartered by BAKER-CRESSWELL. Sir EDWARD JAMES REED, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Fellow of the Royal Society, Justice of the Peace for the county of Glamorgan, and Member of Parliament for Cardiff". Born September 20, 1830, being the son of John Reed of Sheerness, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of J. Arney ; was created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath 1868, and advanced to the rank of Knight Com- mander of that Order 1880. Armorial bearings— Within two pallets azure, a fleur-de-lis of the last between two roses in pale gules, barbed and seeded proper, all between two eagles displayed sable, the escutcheon being encircled by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and pendent his badge as a Knight Commander. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-man in profile, looking to the sinister, supporting in his dexter hand a hammer resting on an anvil, and holding in the sinister is tbe Naval Cockade. 1 144 IRce hand an iron ship, all proper; with the Motto. "Jucundi acti labores." Married, 1851. Rosfita. eldest daughter of the late Nathaniel Barnaby of Sheerness. Kesidenctt — 19 FitiGeorge Avenue. West Kensington. The Lodge, Ascot Oficti — Broadway Chambers. Westminster, S.W. WILLIAM REEU. Gentleman. Bom 1831, being the youngest son of the late Silvester Reed of the city of York, by Ann, dau. of the late George Briggs of Thorner, York. Annorikl boarlngs Or, five reeds leaved and Howered, issuing from water in base proper, on a chief sable, a ntascle twtween two roses of the held. Mantling sable and or. CTMt Upon a wreath of the colours, a greyhound's head erased sable, thereon a rose argent, leaved and slipped proper, between two reeds as in the arms. Motto -" Esse 3uam videri." Married, i860, Mary Anne Vaughan, only au. of the late Thomas Morgan of Glasbury and Marianne, dau. of the late William Vaughan of Brecon ; and has Issue — Leicester Morgan Reed, Gentleman, b. 1861 ; Maria Halse Morgan ; Alice Morgan ; Clara Morgan ; and Ada Morgan. REED (H. Coll.). Per pale wavy argent and sable, a chevron between two crescents in chief and as many javelins in saltire in b.-ise all counterchanged. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect, pendent from the wrist a wreath of oak, the hand graspinga javelin in pale all proper, between two crescents gules. Motto — " Esperance en Uieu." Son of Joseph Reed of Sithney, Cornwall, b. ; d. ; m. : — Frederic Nicholas Reed, Gentleman, b, . Res. — Streets Heath, Brookwood, Woking. DAVID REES of Llanelly, co. Carmarthen, and of East London, Cape Colony, Gentleman, J. P. for East London, and twice Mayor of that town. Axmorial bearing^— Per chevron or and argent, two gnus' heads erased in chief and a rock in base, thereon a dragon statant, wings elevated and addorsed all propwr. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a demi-dragon wings elevated and addorsed proper, holding in the dexter claw a fleur-de-lis or, and supp)orting with the sinister claw an escocheon gules, charged with an annulet gold. Motto — " A barcho a berchir." Residences— XA^'ox^y, co. Carmarthen; East London, Cape Colony. WILLIAM REES-MOGG, Gentleman, of Cholwell House, Somerset. Bom April 29, 1815, being the younger son of the late Rev. John Rees-Mogg of Trowbridge, Wilts, by his wife Mary, only child and heir of William Wool- dridge. Armoxial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a fesse pean, between three ermine spots, each sur- mounted by a crescent gules, a cock or (for Mogg) ; 2 and 3 gules, a chevron engrailed erminois, between three swans argent, wings elevated or (for Rees). Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, 1. upon a wreath of the colours, between two spear- heads erect sable, a cock proper (for Mogg) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a swan argent, wings elevated or, holding in the beak a water-lily slipf)ed proper (for Rees]. Motto — ' ' Cura pii Diis sunt. " Married, July 13, 1847, Ann, dau. and eventually heir of William Coxeter James, Esq., of Timsbury, Somerset, J. P. and D.L. for that co. ; and by her (who died Jan. 23, 1892) has' Issue — (i) William Wooldridge Rees-Mogg, Gentleman, b. Nov. 21, 1848, \tn., 1884, Emily Walcott, third dau. of Rev. Henry Stiles Savory, Rector of Camely, Somerset, and has issue] ; (2) Rev. Henry James Rees-Mogg, b. March 31, 1851 \m., 1877, Charlotte Elizabeth Sarah, eldest dau. of the late Henry Newton of Mount Leinster, co. Carlow, and widow of Thomas John Mitchell, Esq., Captain King's Dragoon Guards, and has issue] ; (3) Leyson Rees-Mogg, Gentleman, b. Jan. 29, 1855 \tn., 1889, Mary Swete Ad- monition, second dau. of Walter Coplestone RadclifFe of Warleigh, Devon, and has issue] ; (5) Charles Baker Coxeter Rees-Mogg, Gentleman, b. Nov. 27, 1857, d. Aug. 5, 1888; Anna Maria Elizabeth ; Catharine ; and Mary Ann. Seat — Cholwell House, Temple Cloud, Bristol. REEVE, quartered by BROOKE and KATER. Lieutenant-Colonel ELLIS PHILIP FOX REEVE, late Coldstream Guards, J. P. for Kesteven Div. co. Lin- coln. Born Nov. 1838, being the eldest son of the late Ellis Reeve, by his wife Charlotte Frances, dau. of IRee William Wninwright. Clubs — Carlton, United Service. Amiorlal bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, a chevron engrailed vair6e or and azure, cotised argent, between three roses of the last, barbed and seeded proper ; 2 and 3 ^\ bend or and argent, two bendlets ermmes. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a horse's head erased per fesse nebuly argent and gules, charged on the neck with two mullets in pale counterchanged. Motto — " Revera pro Regina." Married, 1864, Hon. Fanny Dundas (ark blue with gold facings. Armorial bearings —Azure, a stag's lssue—St\\\t Reid, Gentleman, b. June 30, 1873 ; Mary Caroline [»». , 1808, Charles Pretvman Haves]; Violet [«., 1896, Harold Muir Evans. M.D.l; Caroline Nevile; Margaret Nevile [»i., 1899, Major C. W. Napier-Clavering]; head erased or, between two torches inflamed proper. Above the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a baronet and encircled by the ribbon and motto of the Royal Victorian Order and pendent therefrom his badges as a G.C.V.O. and K.C. B. (Civil), is placed a helmet befitting his degree. Mantling azure, doubled or. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a pelican in her nest feeding her young proper. MottO— " Nihil amanti durum." Snppoiters (granted by Royal Warrant to descend with the Baronetcy) — On either side a royal stag or, gorged with a chain proper, suspended therefrom an escutcheon azure charged with a representation of the Imperial crown also proper. Married, Nov. 28, 1899, the Hon. Susan Baring, late Maid of Honour to H.M. Queen Victoria, youngest dau. of the Rt. Hon. Edward Charles, ist Lord Ravelstoke ; and has Issue — (i) Edward James Reid, Esq. (to whom His Majesty the King stood sponsor in person), b. April ao, 1901 ; (a) John Peter Lome Reid, Esq., b, 1903 ; and Margaret Cecilia. Postal addresses — 72 Gros- venor Street, London, W. ; The Chestnuts, Ellon, Aber- deenshire. NEVILE REID of Shandwick, Ross and Cromarty, Gentleman. Bom 1839, being the only sur. son of the late Nevile Reid of Runnymede, Berks, by his wife the Hon. Caroline Napier, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Francis, 8th Lord Napier. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, an eagle displayed sable, beaked and membered gules, on the breast an escutcheon of the first, charged witn a bordure en- grailed of the third ; 2 and 3, gules, three lions rampant argent, a bordure engrailed parted per pale or and azure. Mantling sable, doubled argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of his liveries, a cubit arm issuing out of clouds, holding the Holy Bible expanded all proper, leaved or. Motto — " Pro veritate." Married, 1866, Caroline, elder dau. of Rev. Henry Vigne, Vicar of Sunbury-on-Thames ; and has and Elsie Lilias. Seat — Shandwick, Ross and Cromarty. Residence — The Oaks, Hanworth, Middlesex. The Reverend JOHN EDWARD REID-CUDDON, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Ashow, co. Warwick, ^ is the Military Cockade. M.A., Worcester College, Oxford, only son of the late Reverend John Reid, Master of Arts, of Tregony-Pomeroy, Ken Een "47 Rector of St. James's, Tregony, and Vicar of Cuby, in the county of Cornwall, by his wife Fanny, eldest daughter of William George Porter of the Manor House, Fletton, in the county of Huntingdon ; and assumed by Royal License in the year 1893 the additional surname and arms of Cuddon, as being the representative of the ancient Suffolk family of Cuddon of Shaddingfield Hall. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a chevron gules, on a chief azure, three bezants (for Cuddon) ; 2 and 3 argent, an eagle displayed sable, charged on each wing with a tower or, and between four saltires couped in cross gules (for Reid) ; and for his Crests, t. upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed.the hand supporting a crossbow in pale, all proper, with an arrow therein ready to fly gules (for Cuddon) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, between four roses gules, two on either side, a tower argent (for Reid) ; with the MottO, ' ' Fortiter et suaviter." Postal address — The Rectory, Ashow, near Kenilworth, Warwickshire. SSiR JOSEPH RENALS, ist Baronet, a Member of the Commission of Lieutenancy and Justice of the Peace for the city of London, and an Alderman of that city, High Sheriff 1892-3, and Lord Mayor 1894-5, Hon. Col. 4th Vol. Batn. Roy. W. Surrey Regt. Botn 1843. being the son of William Renals of Nottingham, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Joshua Burton of Nottingham. Club — Reform. Armorial bearings — Per pale gules and sable, on a fesse nebuly argent, between in chief two lozenges and in base as many fleurs-de-lis or, a fasces fesseways proper. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a rock a fox regardant supporting with its dexter foot a fasces erect proper, and charged on the shoulder with a lozenge or. Motto — " Cavcndo tutus." Married, 1870, Marie, dau. of Alfred Wilson of Notting- ham ; and has Issue — (i) James Herbert, Esq., b. 1870; (2) John Burton, Esq., b. 1872; (3) Alfred William, Esq., b. x^Tj. Postal adderss — The Poplars, Bickley, Kent. FRANCIS SHUTTLEWORTH RENDALL, formerly Lieut. Derbyshire Yeo. Cav. Born 1852, being the youngest son of the late Edward Anthony Holden, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , of Aston Hall, co. Derby, by Susan Drummond, only dau. of the late George Moore, Esq., of Appleby Hall, co. Leicester, and of Bentley, co. Warwick ; assumed his present name and arms by Royal License on his marriage, when his wife inherited the estate of the late Charles E. Rendall. Armorial bearings —Quarterly i and 4, gules, on a cross cotised flory or, a horse-shoe between four mullets pierced of the first, and (for distinction) a cross crosslet in canton of the second (for Rendall) ; 2 and 3 sable, a fesse engrailed erminois, between two chevrons ermine (for Holden). Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an antelope's head couped or, gorged with a collar gemel, holding in the mouth a horse- shoe, and charged (for distinction) with a cross crosslet all gules (for Rendall) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a heathcock rising sable, winged or. Married, 1877, Rachel Frances, dau. of John Pinckney of Great Durnford, Wilts ; and has Issue — A dau. Seat — Brigmer- ton House, near Amesbury. Sir ALEXANDER MEADOWS RENDEL, Knight Commander of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, Master of Arts. Born 1829, being the son of fames Meadows Rendel, Fellow of the Royal Society, by his wife Katharine Jane, daughter of W. J. Harris of Ply- mouth ; created Knight Commander of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, 1887. Clubs — Athenaeum, Garrick, National Liberal. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per fesse nebuly sable and argent, a pale, three denii-lions erased, two and one, and as many slaves raguly, one and two, all counterchanged ; the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, and pendent his badge as a Knight Commander. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock proper, a staff raguly fesseways vert, thereon a wolf passant azure, collared argent, supporting with the dexter foreleg a flagstaff' proper, therefrom flowing a banner sable, charged with a demi-lion as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Lahore et consilio." Married, 1853, daughter of Captain W. Robson, Royal Navy, Governor of New Zealand. Postal addresses — 44 Lancaster Gate, W. ; 8 Great George Street, Westminster. The Right Honourable STUART RENDEL, Baron Rendel of Hatchlands, in the county of Surrey, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom, Member of Parliament for the county of Montgomery 1880- 1894, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford. Born July 2, 1834, being the third son of the late James Meadows Rendel, Fellow of the Royal Society. Creation— March 30, 1894. Clubs — Athenaeum, Garrick. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Per fesse nebuly sable and argent a pale, three demi-lions erased two and one, and as many staves raguly one and two all counterchanged. .'\bove the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock proper, a staff raguly fesseways vert, thereon a wolf passant azure, collared argent, supporting with the dexter foreleg a flagstaff" proper therefrom flowing a banner sable, charged with a demi-lion as in the arms. Supporters — On either side a wolf azure, collared argent, on the shoulder a plae charged with a demi-lion erased sable and holding in the mouth a staff raguly also argent. Motto — "Lahore et consilio." Married, 1857, Ellen, daughter of William Egerton Hubbard of Leonardslee, Horsham, brother of first Baron Addington. Country residence — Hatchlands, in the county of Surrey. Town residence — 23 Princes Gardens, S.W. GEORGE HENRY RENNY, Gentleman. Armorial bearings— Per pale gules and ermine, two wings conjoined in leur counterchanged, two thistles leaved and slipped in is the Naval Cockade, II48 Ben Hep chief proper, all within n bordure nebuly per pale also counterchanRcd. Mantling giiles and argent. Crert On n wreath of the colours, i&suant from clouds, a cubit arm erect proper, holding a balance or, between two wings gules, each charged with a thistle, leaved and slipped, also or. Motto " kecte faciendo." /fesideMce D'lcu Isl Cnax Abbey, l.«ek, StafTordshire. The Hon. Sir ARTHUR RENWICK. Km.. M.L.C., J. P.. F.R.C.S.E.. RA. (Sidney), M.D. (Edinburgh), of Clarendon House. Elizabeth. Born May jo. 1837. being the eldest son of George Renwick. Esq., J. P.. of Argjrle Terrace, Pitt Street, Redfern, Sydney, by his wife Christina Conde. C/assant or. Motto — ' ' Mums abeneus esto." Only son of John Reynell, Esq.. J. P., b. 1809; m. Mary. d. of Francis Lucas of co. Armagh, Ireland : — Walter Reynell, Esq., J. P. in South Australia, b. 1846; m. 1877. Emily, d. of William Bakewell. Crown Solicitor^ and has issue— (i) Carew Reynell, Gentleman, b. 1883J (a) Walter Rupert Reynell, Gentleman, b. 1885; Lenoreg Emily Lucy; and Gladys. Seal — Ogwell. Post. add.~ Reynella, South Australia. Club — Adelaide Club (Adc laide. S.A.). REYNELL (U.O.). Argent, masonry sable, a chie indented of the last. Mantling sable and argent. Cre8t->| On a wreath of the colours, a fox passant or. Mottoc " Murus oeneus esto," " Indubitata rides." Sons of Richard Winter Reynell, Esq.. J. P.. of Killy non. b. 1804 ; d. 1887; m. 1830. Frances Alexandrina,j d. of James Sanderson, Esq., D.L., of Clover Hill, Cavan : — Richard Reynell, Esq.. J. P., b. 1831 ; m. 187J. Louis Anna (d. 1881), d. of Rev. Thomas Smyth of Coole. ce Westmeath ; and has issue — Richard Reynell, Gentleman,| b. 1879; and Louisa Anna. Seat — Killynon. Killucan. co Westmeath. Rev. William Alexander Reynell, b. 1836. Res. aa Eccles Street. Dublin. ARTHUR DENIS HENRY HEBER REYNELI PACK, Elsquire, J. P. for Northampton, late Lieut. Northampton and Rutland Militia. Bom Oct. 22, ifi being the only son of the late Arthur John Reynell-Pack Esq., J. P., Lieut. -Col. 7th Fusiliers, C. B. , and Knight the Legion of Honour, by his wife Frederica KatherineJ second dau. of Col. the Hon. Henry Hely Hutchinson Weston, Towcester, co. Nortliampton. Clubs — CarltonJ Royal Yacht Squadron. Armorial bearings — Quar^ terly, sable and erminois ; in the ist quarter a sword it bend sinister argent, pommel and hilt or, encircled by wreath of the last ; in the 4th, a cinquefoil of the third Pendent from a crimson ribtion, bordered blue, in th centre chief, a representation of the golden cross and clasf presented to Major-Gen. Pack by H.M. George III., testimony of his royal approbation of the signal valour dis played by the said Major-Gen. Pack in divers actions wit^ the enemy in the Peninsula of Spain. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mural crown argent, issuing therefrom a lion's head gules, gorged with 1 wreath or. Motto — "Fidus confido." Afar/iVrf, March 8,| 1894, Florence, widow of Sir Henry Wrixon-Beecher, Bart.^ of Castle Hyde and Ballygiblin, co. Cork, and dau. of the late J. Walker of The Priory, Bath. 5 Knli'!>. a pile issuing from the dfxter of the first. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his OtMt, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased or. charged with an escallop gules, holding in the mouth a trefoil vert. MottO— " Re alta inodestas." iVii/— Anncr- ville, Clonmel. M.\jOR FRANCIS IGNATIUS RICARDE-SEAVER. F.R.S.E., F.R.G.S.. F.G.S., A.M.I.C.E., Knight Com- mander of the Royal Military Order of Christ of Portugal, Knight Commander of the Royal and Distinguished Order of Isabel the Catholic of Spam, and Knight Officer of the Imperial Order of the Rose of Brazil, Member of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, Officer of the French Academy. Horn 1836, being the youngest son of the late Thomas Ricarde of Hand Park, Rush. co. Dublin, by his wife Anne M'Grane Seaver ; assumed the additional surname of Seaver by Royal Licence dated April 21, 1881. Armorial bearings— Azure, a chevron embattled between two wreaths of oak in chief or and a pickaxe and sword in base proper, surmounted by a tower or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a pickaxe erect, a Moor's head affront^e, couped at the shoulders proper, the turban argent, pierced through the head by a sword fesseways point to the dexter also proper. Motto—" Malo mori quam fcedari." Married, firstly, 1863, Juliet Heurtley of Hampton Court House, Middlesex ; and has Issue — Marmaduke Francis Julian Ricarde-Seaver, Gentleman. He married secondly, H.S.H. the Princess Doiia Maria Louisa Christina de Looz et Corswarem (d. 1880), tt^e Princess de Godoy de Bassano, granddau. of H.S.H. Don Manuel de Godoy, Prince of Peace, Duke de la Alendia, Grandee of Spain. He married thirdly, Marie Antoinette de Villiers de la Laurencie- Charras, Marquise de Charras, France. Residence— 16 Grafton Street, Piccadilly, W. C/k*j— Athenaeum, Con- servative. [Major Ricarde-Seaver has not as yet received any Royal Licence to use kis Orders of Knighthood in this country.] RICE, quartered by WINGFIELD. RICE, see SPRING-RICE, RICH, quartered by EDWARDES. RICHARDS. Argent, on a fesse sable, cottised gules. l)eiween two lambs passant of the second, seven lozenges conjoined of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, in front of park pales proper, a lamb passant sable, supporting with the dexter foot a flagstaff or. therefrom fiowmg a banner argent, charged with a lozenge gules. Motto — "Vis unita fortior." Son of late Samuel More Richards of Sutton. Surrey, Esq., J. P.. d. \ m. his cousin Maria, d. of Rev. William Richards: — Albert O. More Richards. Gentleman, i. , etlucated at Charterhouse and St. John's College (Oxon.). AVv,— Gen. SOLOMON RICHARDS. J. P. for co. Wexford, and a General Bengal Staff Corps. Born 1817, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Solomon Richards of Solsborougli. by Elizabeth, eldest dau. of the late Thomas Bermingham Daly Henry .Sewell (senior coheir to the Barony of Allunry ). Livery — Drab and scarlet. Armorial bearings— Sable, a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis argent. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased argent. Motto — " Honore et amore." Seat — Solsborough, Enniscorthy. Clubs — E. I, United Service, St. George's Yacht (Kingstown). WALTER GUYON RICHARDS. Esquire, B.A B.M. (Camb.), M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Capt. in the Indian Medical Service. Born July 10, 1869, only son of Frederick William Richards. M.B., F.R.C.S., of Winchester, b. 1840; d. 1870; m. 1868, Marion, d. of Rev. William Robbins, M.A. (Oxon.). Armorial bearings— Ermine, a chevn ml^^ engrailed with plain cotises azure, and in base a hon ram- pant of the second, gorged with a wreath of oak-leaves or ; Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a fleur-de-lis argent, a lion rampant azure, gorged with a wreath of oak-leaves, as in the arms. Motto — " Honore et amore," Married, 1903, Ethel Ruth, d. of Rev, Jeremiah Chaffers- Welsh ; and has Issue — Walter Frederick Richards, Gentle- man, b. 1904, Postal address — ra is the Military Cockade. i, Etc Eic "SI RICHARDSON, see CASTLE-STUART. RICHARDSON (H. Coll.). Gules, three piles argent, two issuant from the chief and one in base, each charged with a cross raguly of the first, on a chief of the second, three lion's heads erased ermines. Son of late Albert Joseph Richardson of Havelock Park, Southsea :^ Adolphus Joseph Richardson, Gentleman, MA., M.B. , M.R.C.P. (Lond.), M.R.C.S, RICHARDSON of Lambeg (U.O.). Argent, on a fesse engrailed per saltire azure and gules, between in chief a bull's head couped of the third and in base a galley proper, four escallops two in fesse and two in pale or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — ^On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, armed and langued gules, holding between the paws a laurel garland proper. Motto — " Virtute acquiritur honos." Livery — Light drab, blue plush breeches. Son of John Richardson of Lambeg House, b. 1833 ; d. 1899 ; m. 1862, Emily Margaret, only d. of late Rev. George M. Black of Stranmillis, co. Antrim : — Robert Airth Richardson, Gentleman, Lieut. Warwicksh. Imp. Yeom., b. 1864 ; m. 1888, Elizabeth Evelyn, eld. d. of John Doherty Barbour. Esq., J. P., D.L. , of Hilden, co. Antrim ; and has issue — Daphne Elizabeth Airth ; Phyllis Evelyn Airth ; Marjorie Eunice Airth ; and Yvonne Patricia Airth. Seats — Lambeg House, Lisburn ; "The Wolds," Snitterfield, Stratford-on Avon. Son of Jonathan Richardson, Esq., J. P., M.P., of Lambeg House, co. Antrim, b. 1804; d. 1894; m. 1828, Margaret, d. of Alexander Airth of Craigs, co. Dumfries : — Alexander Airth Richardson, Esq., J. P. co. Antrim,^. 1835; m. 1863, Susan, d. of Richard Grubb of Cahir Abbey, CO. Tipperary ; and has issue — (i) Alexander Monteith Airth Richardson, Gentleman, b. 1865 ; (2) Jonathan Oswald Richardson, Gentleman ; (3) Richard Henry Richardson, Gentleman; (4) Philip Frederick Richardson, Gentleman. Seats — Aberdelghy, Lambeg, Lisburn ; Bun- crana Castle, co. Donegal. RICHARDSON of Ralston (1858). Or, on a fesse azure, between a bull's head couped in chief and a galley in base, oars in action sable, flagged gules, a saltire couped between two unicorns trippant argent. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries. The Representatives of James Richardson of Ralston, who died i860. Richardson of Hartfield [same arms, with addition (rematric. 1869) of " a bordure of the second " (i.e. azure)]. Son of David Richardson, Gentleman, of Hartfield and Hallhill, Renfrewshire, d. 1890; in. Agnes, d. of Charles Dunlop of Carlibar, co. Renfrew: — David Bruce Richardson, Gentleman, i5. 1865; m. 1894, Marion Margaret Seaton, second d. of John Wilson of Aucheneck, co. Stirling. Seat — Hartfield Honse, Dum- barton, N.B. Richardson of Kirn [same arms, with addition (rematric. 1878) of " a bordure of the fourth "* {i.e. gules)]. Son of : — George Wood Richardson, Gentleman, of Kirn, co. Argyll, b. . Res. — CHARLES EDWARD RICHARDSON, Gentleman. Born , being the fourth son of the late Thomas Richard- son of CO. Durham, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for co. Durham and the N. Riding of co. York, M.P. , by his wife Maria, dau. of Richard Greenwell. Armorial bearings— Per fesse azure and barry wavy of six argent and of the first, a stag statant at gaze or, on a chief arched of the last, two lions heads erased sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon, in front of the battlements of a tower, a lion's head erased sable, gorged with a collar vair. MottO — "Virtute acquiritur honos." Residence — CHARLES TRUSTED RICHARDSON, Esquire, of Monkton Lodge, in the co. of Durham, J. P. Born April 21, 1853, being the eldest son of the late William Henry Richardson, Esq., J. P. and County Alderman for the co. of Durham, by his wife Lucy Smart, dau. of Thomas Trusted of Ross, in the co. of Hereford. Armorial bearings- Sable, gutt6e-d'eau, a pale ermine, charged with a lion's head erased ermines, on a chief indented argent, two anchors saltireways sable, between two lions' heads erased ermines. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, upon the battlements of a tower or, in front of an anchor in bend sinister sable, a lion's head erased ermines. Motto — " Potius ingenio quam vi." Mar- ried, April 8, 1892, Elizabeth Stuart Richter. ELIZABETH HELEN RICHARDSON, Spinster, only daughter of John Richardson of Ravensfell and Bromley House, in the county of Kent, by his wife Ehzabeth, fourth daughter of William Ridley of Felstead, in the county of Essex, and sixth in descent from Christopher Richardson of Lascelles Hall, Rector of Kirkheaton, both in the county of York, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Sable, two hawks belled or, on a chief indented ermine, a pale ermines and three lions' heads erased counterchanged. Postal address — Ravensfell, Bromley, Kent. GEORGE WOOD RICHARDSON, Gentleman. Armorial bearings — Or, on a fesse azure, between a bull's head couped in chief and a galley oars in action in base sable, flagged gules, a saltire couped between two unicorns trippant argent, within a bordure of the fourth. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a unicorn's head argent, horned and maned or. Motto — " Virtute acquiritur honos." HARRY LEO SIDNEY RICHARDSON, Gentleman, Doctor of Laws, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Born February 24, 1862, being the fourth but only surviving son of Albert Joseph Richardson, by his wife Mary, second dau. of John Whitcher. Z-iWrv— Brown. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, three piles argent, two issuant from the chief and one in the base, each charged with a cross raguly of the first, on a chief of the second three lions' heads erased ermines.- Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, encircled by an annulet or, the hand holding a sword erect, also proper, transfixing a lion's head as in the arms ; with the Motto, "Virtute acquiritvu" honos." Married, April 13, 1895, Mary, only daughter of the late Joseph Crimble ; and has Issue — Leo Aylwin Richardson, Gentleman, b. 1902. Postal address — Warham Road, South Croydon. C/wiJ— City Carlton. HENRY RICHARDSON, Gentleman. Born , being the second son of the late Thomas Richardson of co. Dur- ham, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for co. Durham and the N. Riding of co. York, M.P. , by his wife Maria, dau. of Richard Greenwell. Armorial bearings - Per fesse azure and barry wavy of six argent and of ,the first, a stag statant at gaze or, on a chief arched of the last, two lions' heads erased sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon, in front of the battlements of a tower, a lion's head erased sable, gorged with a collar vair. Motto— "Virtute acquiritur honos." Married, , Margaret Harner ; and has Issue. Residence — JOHN RICHARDSON, Esq., J. P. for co. Antrim. Born 1833, being the eldest son of Jonathan Richardson, Esq., J. P., of Lambeg, by Margaret, dau. and heir of Alexander Airth of Craigs, co. Dumfries. Armorial bear- ings—Argent, on a fesse engrailed per saltire azure and gules, between in chief a bull's head couped of the third and in base a galley proper, four escallops, two in fesse and two in pale or. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, armed and langued gules, holding between the paws a laurel garland proper. Motto— ' ' Virtute acquiritur honos. Married, 1862, Emily Margaret, only dau. of the late Rev. George M. Black of Stranmillis, co. Antrim ; and has Issue —Robert Airth Richardson, Gentleman, b. 1864 [w., 1888, is tbe Naval Coc^de. I US' IRlC Etc EUiabeth Exvlyn, eldest daa of John D. Barbour, Esq., of Hilden, D. L. co. Anlrim], Stat— Ijitnbcg, Lisburn. M JOHN MAUNSELL RICHARDSON. Esquire. J. P. O and D, L. co. Lincoln, late Lieut, ist Lincolnshire L. H. Vols., M.P. for Brigg Division of Lincolnshire 1894-95, Board of Trade Commissioner of the River Humber Con- servancy, fforit 1846, being the second son of William Richardson of Limber, co. Lincoln, by his wife Mary, dau. and heir of Thomas Maunsell of Limerick. /-iWry— Black, with amber collars and facings. Armorial bearm^rs— Per pale sable and or. a pegasus rampant between three lions' heads erased all countcrchanged, impaling the arms of Hare, namely gules, two bars or, and a chief indented of the last. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a pegasus seiant sable, resting the dexter foot Tipping of Ronferry, co. Fermanagh, and of Bolton-le- Moors. 00. LMMister, I^rd of the Manor of Little lV)lton ; and has Issue— {i) Henry Sacheverell Carleton Richardson, on a pheon or. Motto — " Honorantes me honorabo." Married, July 16, 1881, Lady Victoria Alexandrina Hare (to whom Her Majesty Queen Victoria stood sponsor), dau. of the Rt. Hon. Sir William Hare, 2nd Earl of Listowel, K.P.. and widow of the Rt. Hon. Charles Anderson- Pel- ham, 3rd Earl of Yarborough ; and has /ssue— John Beres- ford Cyril Richai^son, Gentleman, d. May i. 1886. Seat— Edmondthorpe Hall. Oakham. Club — Carlton. SJOHN MERVYN ARCHDALL CARLETON RICHARDSON. Esquire, J. P. and D.L. co. Fermanagh, High Sheriff 1868, Col. (retired) 3rd Batt. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, High Sheriff co. Tyrone 1885, and for co. Armagh 1888. Jiorn Jan. 3, 1836, being the elder son of the late Henry Mervyn Richardson, Esq.. D.L., High Sheriff 1834, by his wife Mary Jane, widow of John Johnston of Crockna Crieve, co. Fermanagh, and second dau. of Charles Ovenden, M.D., of Enniskillen, and Mayfield, Sussex. Livery — Drab and scarlet. Ar- morial bearingrs— Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a chief sable, three leopards' heads erased of the first, a crescent for difference (for Richardson); 2 and 3, ermine, on a bend sable, three pheons argent (for Carleton). Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an armed arm, holding in the hand a sword with a bunch of thorns at the end, all proper. Motto — " Pro Deo et Rege." Married, Sept. 22, 1880, Mildred Harriet Gartside. third dau. of the late Gartside Gartside- Gentleman, b. Jan. 18, 1883 ; (2) Guy Carleton Richardsoa Gentleman, b. May 4, 1885 ; Jane Mary ; and Mildred Cic " Carleton. Seat — Rossfad, Ballinamallard, Fermanagli Clubs — Constitutional, Sackville Street (Dublin). H JOSEPH RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace for tt © North Ridingof the county of York, Justice of the Pe and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Durham, Justic of the Peace and an Alderman of Stockton-on-Tees, formerl] M.P. for the South- East Divison of Durham. Born Ja 15, 1830, being the son of the late Caleb Richardson West Lodge, Sunderland, by his wife Mary, daughter of Job Driver of Leeds. Clubs — Reform, National Liberal. Armo rial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, guttte-d'eau, pale ermine charged with a lion's head erased ermines, on 1 chief indented argent, two anchors in saltire sable, betwe as many lions' heads erased also ermines. Up>on the escut' cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantlinj sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of th colours, upon the battlements of a tower or, in front of i anchor in bend sinister sable, a lion's head erased erminesj with the Motto, " Potius ingenio quam vi." Married firstly, 1856, Anne (who died 1866), daughter of the lab Frederick Backhouse ; and secondly, 1893, Flora (d. 1897)1 youngest daughter of the late James Macdonald of Enne dale Lodge, Birkenhead; and thirdly, 1900, Yda StancomI Wills, dau. of the late George P. Stanconibe of Trowbridg Wilts, and niece of Sir W. H. Wills, first Bart.. Posta address — Potto Hall, Northallerton. RALPH RICHARDSON, Esquire, H.M. Commissarjr^ Clerk of the County of Edinburgh, and Probate Registrar - for Scotland, Writer to the Signet, F.R.S.E., F..S.A. Scot., Hon. Secy. Royal Scottish Geographical Society. Born i845> being the eldest son of James Richardson and Alison, dau. of Adam Black, Lord Provost of and M.P. for the City of Edinburgh (and nephew and heir of the laie Ralph Richard- son). Armorial bearings — Or, on a fesse engrailed azure, between a bull's tiead couped in chief and a galley oars in saltire in base sable, two fleurs-de-lis argent, all within a bordure gules, charged with eight bezants. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter arm in armour, the hand grasping a broadsword erect in pale proper. Motto — "Virtute acquiritur honos." Married, 1879, Melville Elizabeth, dau. of Deputy-Surgeon- is the Military Cockade. Plate XL. Soocs^nrr D?3:rle, Ix^zant^, and in front thereof an anchor entwined with a cable fesseways or. 5P[R0iHrfST15-nETyfl'5ltyilO' Motto — "Sjjero infestis metuo secundis." Married, April 30, 1887, Andalusia Louisa Charlotte Georgina, commonly known as the Honourable Andalusia Louisa Charlotte Georgina, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable and Reverend Samuel Molesworth, eighth Viscount Moles- worth ; and has Issue — (i) Laurence Athelstan Molesworth Riley, Gentleman, b. April 10, 1888; (2) Christopher John Molesworth Riley, Gentleman, b. Feb. 20, 1894 ; (3) Hubert Cecil C^iarles Riley, Gentleman, b. Sept. 19, 1896; (4) John Harold Douglas Riley, Gentleman, b. Aug. 30, 1897 ; and Morwenna Mary Andalusia. Postal addresses — 2 Kensington Court, W. ; and St. Petroc Minor, St. Issey, Cornwall. Clubs — Junior Carlton, United University. RILEY (H. Coll.). Paly wavy of six ermine and azure, a stag statant at gaze in base proper, in chief two cross crosslets or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, a stag at gaze or, charged on the body with two pales wavy azure and supporting with the dexter foreleg a tilting-spear in bend proper. Motto — "Quo fas et gloria ducunt." Son of Benjamin Farquhar Riley of Coventry, b. 1839; d. 1894; m. : — Capt. Rupert Farquhar Riley, D.S.O. (1900), Yorks. L.L ; served with Tirah Exped. Force 1897-8 (medal with clasp) ; in S. African War 1899-1900, actions at Belmont, Enslin, Modder River, Magersfontein, Driefon- tein, Houtnek, Vet River, Zand River, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Diamond Hill (despatches, medal), b. 1873 ; m. 1903, Violet Louise, d. of late Ernest St. G. Cobbold of Ipswich. Res. — " Holmleigh," Paignton, Devon, RILEY (H. Coll.). Or, on a chevron between in chief two crosses patte fitch^e azure and in base on waves of the sea a ship in full sail proper, three bees volant of the field. Mantling azure and or. OtMt — On a wreath of tfa colours, a dragon's head couped sable, bexant^e, and front thereof an anchor entwined with a cable fesseways i Motto — "Sans Dieu rien." Sons of Thomas Riley, Esq., J. P., of Ewood Ha Yorks. , b. ; d. ; m. , Esther, eld. d. i James Fawcett of Greenfield, Mytholmroyd: — Thomas Riley, Gentleman, b. . Post. add. — E« Hall, Mytholmroyd, Yorks. Herbert Riley, Gentleman, b. ; is m. Post, add.- Ewood Hall, Mytholmroyd, Yorks. James Julian Allan Riley, Esq., J. P. West Riding Yorks.^ b. 1864. AVa/— Ewood Hall, Mytholmroyd, Yorks. RILLESTON, quartered by RAMSDEN. HENRY RIMINGTON-WILSON, Gentleman, B.A. Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple. Born March a; 1854, being the second son of the late James Wilson Rii ington- Wilson, Est]., of Broomhead Hall and Newsi Hall, J. P. for W.R. York, Lord of the Manor of Bolster, stone (by Royal Licence, dated July 24, 1840, he and his issue were authorised to assume the name of Wilson in addition to and after that of Rimington, and to bear tlic arms of Wilson), by his wife Jane, dau. of Robert Wallas of Madeira. Armorial bjarijagB— Sable, a wolf salient, in chief three estoiles or (for Wilson). Married, March 2. 1897, Ethel Mary, second dau. of the Hon, Henry Edmund Butler of Eaglehall and Nidd Hall, co. York, J. P. and D.L., by Mary Eleanor his wife, youngest dau. of St. John Chiverton Charlton of Apsley Castle, co. Salop. REGINALD HENRY RIMINGTON RIMINGTO WILSON, Esquire, J.P, for West Riding co. York, Lord the Manors of Bolsterstone and Hemsworth, co. York, for- merly Lieut. Inniskilling Dragoons. Born November 3, 1852, being the eldest son of the late James Wilson Riming- ton-Wilson, Esquire, of Broomhead Hall and Newstead Hall, J.P. for W.R. York, Lord of the Manor of BolsK stone (by Royal Licence dated July 24, 1840, he and issue were authorised to assume the name of Wilson, addition to and after that of Rimington, and to bear the arms of Wilson), by his wife Jane, dau. of Robt. Wallas of Madeira. Armorial bearingB — Sable, a wolf salient, inchie] M three estoiles or (for- Wilson). Motto — " Factis non verbis." Seats — Broomhead Hall and Newstead Hall, co. York. RINSY, quartered by CONYERS. RISSELEY. quartered by DE TRAFFORD. RITCHIE, quartered by COOPER and WALLACE. DANIEL NORMAN RITCHIE, Gentleman, of The Holmes, St. Boswells, second son of the late ?lltf"ffl!l> Daniel Ritchie of Blackwood, Penshurst, Ji\lVVlJlv Victoria. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Vert, on a chevron invected, between two lions' heads erased in chief or, and a ram's head caboshed in base proper, horned of the second, a crescent of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ifl the Military Cockade. mft mit 1159 befitting his degree, with a mantling vert, doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a cubit arm and hand proper, holding a cross fleury or ; with the Motto, " Ostendo non ostento." Postal address — The Holmes, St. Boswells, N.B. Town address — 28 Wellington Court, Knightsbridge. JAMES RITCHIE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace. Born June 8, 1858, being the eldest son of the late Simon yellow facings. Armorial bearing:s — He bears for Arms : Vert, a chevron engrailed between two lions' heads erased in chief or, and a ram's head caboshed in base proper, horned of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert doubled or ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a cubit arm and hand proper, holding a cross fleury or ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Ostendo non ostento." Estate — Blyth, New Zealand. Postal address — 14 Sussex Gardens, Hyde Park, London, W. JANE RITCHIE, Widow, daughter of James Sanderson of the county of Peebles. Livery — Green, with yellow facings. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Vert, a chevron engrailed between two lions' heads erased in chief or, and a ram's head caboshed in base proper, horned of the second. Married, June 26, 1857, Simon Ritchie, who died September 4, 1886. Of the above marriage there is Issue — (i) lames Ritchie, Esquire [to whom refer]; (2) Hugo Ritchie, diea unmarried ; (3) Arthur Ritchie, Lientie- man. Lieutenant ist Battalion of the Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), born December 13, 1868 ; (4) Blyth Ritchie, Gentle- man, 3rd Battalion Royal Irish Rifles ; Mary Agnes ; Lily ; and Alice. Estate — Woodhouse, Victoria, Australia. Postal address — 14 Sussex Gardens, Hyde Park, London, W. ROBERT BLACKWOOD RITCHIE, Gentleman, of Blackwood, Penshurst, Victoria, eldest son of the late Daniel Ritchie of Blackwood. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Vert, a chevron invected, between two lions' heads erased in chief or, and a ram's head caboshed in base proper, horned of the second. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a cubit arm and hand proper, holding a cross fleury or; with the Motto, "Ostendo non ostento." Postal address — Blackwood, Penshurst, Victoria. SUTRICK ALEXANDER RITSON, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. , and Alderman for the co. of Durham High Sheriff 1899-1900), J. P. for the city and co. of New- Ritchie, by his wife Jane [to whom refer], daughter of James Sanderson of the county of Peebles. Liverv — Green, with castle-on -Tyne. Armorial bearings — Sable, a falcon close and belled, and in chief two lions' heads erased all argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the is tbe Naval Cockade. ii6o mit) mv colours, tasuant from the battlements of a tower or, a lion's head sable, in front thereof a hawk's lurr fesseways also or. Motto — "Virtute ac(|uiriiur hoiios." Rfsidtnces — i Jes- n>ond Gardens, Newcastle-on- Tyne ; Calf Hall, Muggles- wick Park, co. Durham. Club — Constitutional. RIVERSDALE, quartered by ALCOCK STAWELL- RIVERSUALE. Sir JAMES HENRY SPROULE RIVETT-CARNAC, Baronet, of l>crby and of Warlwrne, co. Hampshire (March 13, 1836). //«r« June 37, 1846, being the eldest son of the late Sir John Rivett-Carnac, snd Itart., J. P., D. L., and M.P., by his wife Anne Jane, only chilil of Samuel Sproule, M. D. , E. I.e. S. Medical Staff. Armorial bearings— Quar- terly argent and azure, two swords in saltire proper, be- tween three mullets, one in chief and two in fesse, and a crescent in base counterchanged ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling azure and argent. Great — On a wreath of the colours, a sword erect, pommel and hilt or, issuant from a crescent ermine, the internal |)art gules. Mottoes — " Sic itur ad astra," " Holdfiist." Married, Aug. 1870, Mary Jcannie, dau. of Mr. Ambrose Henderson of Bodmin, co. Cornwall ; and has Isfue — Claud Jame> Rivelt-Carnac, Esq., b. Dec. 21, 1877; Beatrice Hilda Sproule \m., April 28, 1900, Dr. Harry Percival Foulerton, youngest son of late Capt. Alex- ander Foulerton, Indian Navy]; and Muriel Edith Frances. Kesidtnce — 39 Ovington Square, S.W. SJOHN HENRY RIVETT-CARNAC, Esquire, Com- panion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Em- pire (1878), V.D., F.S.A., Knight Grand Commander of the Order of Francis Joseph of Austria, and of the North Star of Sweden (but has as yet obtained no Royal Licence to wear these Orders in England), Fellow of the University of Bombay, the Royal Academy of Sweden, Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries of Denmark, and Hon. Fellow of many Foreign Antiquarian Societies, Hon. Col. Ghazipur Light Horse and Rifle Volunteers, Aide-de-Camp to Her late Majesty Queen Victoria (1891), and to the King (1901). Born Sept. 16, 1839, being the second son of the late Ad- miral J. Rivett-Carnac, R.N. (son of James Rivett, who assumed by Royal Sign-Manual in 1801 the additional name and the arms of Carnac under the will of General Carnac, M.P. , who had married his sister, the dau. of Thomas Revett, Esq., M.P., and High Sheriff Derbyshire, of the ancient Suffolk family. Livery — Dark blue and yellow. Armorial bearings (of Carnac) — Quarterly argent und azure, two swords in saltire proper, between three nuillcts, one in chief and two in fesse, and a crescent in Ijaw coun- terchanged, inip.iling the arms of Dur.ind, namely nzurc, five fusils conjoined in fesse within a Ixsrdure or, on a chief embattled of the last a jiair of manacles of the first. Mant- ling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a sword erect proper, issuing from a crescent ermine, the inner part gules. Motto— " Sic itur ad astra." [Arm^ are quartered, and a second crest is borne, for Rivett, but the arms and crest 0/ Carnac alone mere exemplified at the time of their assumption , and the Rivett descent has not yet been officially recorded.] Married, Dec. 28, 1868, Annie Marion, dau. of Gen. Sir Henry Marion Durand, K. C.S.I. , (.H., R. E. Residences — 40 Green Street, Park Lane ; Schloss Wildeck, Aargau, Switzerland, 6'///*— United Service. CHARLES ROBERT RIVINGTON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Westmorland. Born December 7, 1846, beinj; the fifth son of Charles Rivinglon of London, by his wife Emily, daughter of William Chadwell .Mylni! of Great Amwell, in the county of Hertford. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Argent, a boar's head couped sable, pierced by a sword paleways point downwards proper, pommel and hilt or, in chief two falcons close proper, belled gold ; and for his Crest, on a crown vallery or, a mount vert, thereon a falcon cksse as in the arms, holding in the beak a hawk's lure reflexed over the back azure ; with the MottO, " Deum timete et Regem favete." Married, firstly, August 12, 1869, Fanny Anne (who died 1875), daughter of Duncan Campbell of Adpar, in the county of Cardigan ; and secondly, October 12, 1881, Amy, daughter of William Chippindale of Dulwich, in the county of Surrey; and has Issue— (i) Robert Campbell Rivington, Gentleman, born July 11, 1870; (2) Gerald Chippindale Rivington, Gentleman, born December 13, 1893 ; (3) John Mylne Rivington, GentljS- man, born March 24, 1897 ; and Florence Mary Hill [/«., 1903, Charles John Holmes]. Estates at Appleby and Warcop, in the county of Westmorland ; and Middlcton in-Teesdale, in the county of Durham. Postal address- Castlebank, Appleby, Westmorland. C/«i5— Conservati\' RIX (H. Coll.). Gules, on a fesse or, between tw. unicorn's heads erased in chief ermine, and a lion rampant double-queued in base of the second, a cross pat6e of the first. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-unicorn or, gorged with a collar nebuly azure, with a chain reflexed therefrom argent, resting the (1^ la the Military Cockade. I Eoa Bob f i6i sinister leg on a cross pate6 within an annulet also azure. Motto — " Rix in min mod." Son of tlie late Henry William Rix of The Grove, Thorpe Hamlet, Norwich : — Arthur Henry Geoffrey Rix, Gentleman. Club — New Oxford and Cambridge. ROACH, quartered by CORBET and HEYWOOD- JONES. ROBERTS, quartered by MANSERGH and RIALL. ROBERTS, see ATKIN-ROBERTS. ALEXANDER FOWLER ROBERTS, Esquire, J. P. CO. Selkirk. Born Aug. 3, 1844, being the third son of the late George Roberts, Chief Magistrate and Provost of the burgh of Selkirk 1848-64, and the eldest son by his third wife .^gnes, dau. of Alexander Fowler of Selkirk. Armo- rial bearings — Gules, a hawk's lure argent, between two cushions or, in chief and in base a ram's head proper, horned gold, all within a bordure of the second. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a demi-lion rampant azure, holding in the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis or. Motto — " Industria et probitate." Married, June 14, 1871, Elizabeth, dau. of the late Wilham Paterson, Galashiels. Estate — Fairnilee, Selkirkshire. Res. — Thorn- field, Selkirk, |N.B. Clubs — Devonshire. Union (Edinburgh). ELLIS WILLIAM ROBERTS, Gentleman, A.R.C.A., Mem. of the Soc. of Portrait Painters. Born Oct. 27, i860, being the second son of Thomas Roberts of Burslem. Ar- morial bearings -Gules, a saltire parted and fretty argent, between four Roman lamps or, fired proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest -Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-Greek maiden vested azure, crined or, on her head a cap of the first, holding in her dexter hand four ears of barley stalked and leaved or, and in her sinister hand a painter's palette and brushes proper. Motto — ' ' Per artem lumen." Married Eliza Glover; and has Issue — Robert Ellis Roberts ; and a dau. Postal addresses — 6 William Street, Lowndes Square, London, S.W. ; Swansdean, Kew. C/«^— Arts. GRIFFITH WILLIAMS ROBERTS, Gentleman, M.D. Born Aug. 9, 1841 .being theeldest son of the late Hugh Roberts, [the son of William Roberts, Lieut. R.N. (the natural son of H.R.H. William, Duke of Cumberland, by the Hon. Anne Williams, Maid of Honour to Queen Caroline, and only daughter of Sir Griffith Williams, Bart, of Marl, co. Carnar- von)], by his second wife, Esther, youngest daughter of the late John Davies. Livery — Claret with yellow collar anc' cuffs, gilt buttons, and gold hat-band. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Gules, a chevron erminois, in chief an anchor erect or between two mens' heads in profile, couped at the neck proper, crined of the third, and in base a like man's head between two anchors erect also or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a Saracen's head affront^e erased at the neck proper, wreathed about the temples or and gules five annulets interlaced fessewise, of the last. Motto — " Nee temere nee timide." Married, September 23, 1864, to Ellen Rebecca, only child of Samuel Sharpe ; and has had Issue — (i) Lincoln Williams Roberts, born June 26, died July 3, 1865 ; (2) Lincoln Wil- liams Roberts, Gentleman, M.A. Cantab., born October 14, 1866; (3) Hugh Sharpe Williams Roberts, Gentleman, born February 5, 1869; Purcell Horatia Leigh, born March 25, died Sept. 29, 1875 ; and Irene lanthe Williams. Postal arfrt'rgw— Vale Street, Denbigh. JOHN RICHARDS ROBERTS, Esq., J. P. for co. Meath. Born 1838, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Lewis Roberts, Esq. , J. P. , of Dormstown , by Anna Matilda, eldest dau. of Robert Richards. Armorial bearings— Vert, on a chevron, between three eagles displayed with two heads or, an estoile sable. Mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head couped or, charged with an estoile sable. Motto — " Eu ner a folant." Married, 1863, Mathilde Barbara Eliza, eldest dau. of the late Capt. Richard Nugent Everard of Randles- town : and has, with other Issue — Thomas Herbert Roberts, Gentleman, b. 1870. Seat — Dormstown Castle, Navan, co. Meath. JOHN ROBERTS, Esq., C.M.G. Born 1845, being the fourth surviving son of the late George Robert^, Chief Magistrate and Provost of the burgh of Selkirk 1848-64, and the second surviving son by his third wife Agnes, dau. of Alexander Fowler of Selkirk. Armorial bearing^ — is the Naval Cockade. I ii6> Hob BolJ Gules, a hawk's lure argent , between two cushions or in chief, in base a ram's head proper, horned gold, all within a bor- dure azure. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a demi-lion rampant azure, holding in the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis or. Motto — " Industria et ?robitate." Married, 1870, Louisa Jane, d. of late Charles lenry Kettle of Dunedin, New Z^land ; and has issue. Residence — Littleboume House, Dunedin, New Zealand. SSiR OWEN ROBERTS, Knight Bachelor (1888), M.A. of the University of Oxford, D.C.L., J. P. and D.L. CO. of Carnarvon, J. P. and D.L. co. of London, and one of His Majesty's Commissioners of Lieutenancy for the City of London, Barrister - at - Law (Inner Temple). Clerk of the Worshipful Company of Clothworkers. Bom 183s, being the eldest son of the late Owen Roberts of Dinas, in the county of Carnarvon. Ar- morial bearings — Party per fesse sable and or, a lion rampant counterchanged, holding between the fore-paws a Knight's helmet proper, and in chief two leopards' faces jessant-de-lis of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant f)er fesse sable and or, gfuttte, counterchanged, holding in the dexter fore-paw a branch of three roses argent, stalked and leaved proper, and resting the dexter hind-paw on two annulets interlaced of the second ; with the Motto, " Dum spiro spero." Married, firstly, 1867, Jane Margaret, dau. of Rowland Stagg of Stoke New- ingion ; secondly, 1872, Mary Ann, dau. of Richard Porter, of Whitehall, Highgate ; and thirdly, August i88i, Louisa, dau. of John Chadwick, Esq., Justice of the Peace, Deputy-Lieutenant, of Woodville, Stockport ; and has Issue — Margaret Elizabeth [m. Robert Jones, Doctor of Medicine]; Beatrice Mary [m. William Henry Davison, M.A., Barrister-at-Law] ; and Muriel Lucy [»?. % Henry Owen Knox, Esq., Capt. A.S.C.l Postal ad' dresses — 44 Albert Court, Kensington Gore, London, S. W. ; Leybourne, Witley, Surrey ; Plis Dinas, Carnarvon, North Wales. Clubs — Athenaeum, Reform, Albemarle. THOMAS JAMES SCOUGAL ROBERTS. EsquireJ J. P. for COS. of Roxburgh, Berwick, and Selkirk. Borii\ 1850, being the seventh but the fifth surviving son of the late George Roberts, Chief Magistrate and Provost of the burgh of Selkirk 1848-64. and the third surviving son his third wife Agnes, dau. of Alexander Fowler of Selkirk.] Armorial bearfiigs— Gules, a hawk's lure argent, betweeni two cushions or, in chiet and in base a ram's head proper, horned gold, all within a bordure vert. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a demi-lion rampant azure, holding in the dexter paw a fleur- de-lis or. Motto — "Industria et probitate." Married, 1875, Hyndmer Rutherford, dau. of Alexander Crawfgjd ; Is the Blilitary Cocl^ade, Eob moti II63 and has /^«^tf— Alexander Thomas Roberts, Gentleman, d. 1885. ^d'rt/— Drygrange, Melrose, N. B. C/«*j— Constitu- tional, Conservative (Edinburgh). WILLIAM EDWARD ROBERTS, Esquire, B.A. (Trin. Coll., Dublin), Lieut. -Col. late Commanding and Batt. Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. Born April 15, 1 84 1, being the second son of the late Thomas Levt^is Roberts, Esq., J. P., of Dormstown Castle, co. Meath, by his wife Matilda, dau. of Robert Hewetson Richards, Assistant Barrister for co. Wexford ; he succeeded in 1897 his aunt Marianne, widow of Rev. William Birch- Wolfe of Wood Hall, Essex. Armorial bearings Vert, on a Fourth son of James Roberts of Haworth, Yorks., i. 1808 ; d. 1888 ; m. 1828, Jane, d. of William Hartley :— James Roberts, Esq., J. P. West Rdg. Yorks., i. 1848; t. 1873, Elizabeth, d. of William Foster of Harden, chevron between three eagles displayed with two heads or, an estoile sable, a crescent on a martlet for differ- ence. Mantling vert and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head couped or, charged with an estoile sable. Motto — " Eu ner a folant." Seats — Hendre, Killiney, co. Dublin ; Mortlocks, Radwinter, Essex. Cluds— junior Constitutional, Royal St. George Yacht (Kingstown). WILLIAM ROBERT ROBERTS, Esquire, J. P. co. of Pembroke, Barrister-at-Law. Born 1856, being the eldest surviving son of the late Thomas Roberts, Esq. , J. P. and D.L. for CO. Pembroke, by Jane, dau. of the late John Ralph. C/«3— Constitutional. Armorial bearings — Er- minois, a lion rampant guardant gules, in chief two square castles towered and domed proper, all within a bordure indented of the second. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant guardant gules, gorged with a collar engrailed gold, holding in the dexter paw a dagger proper, and resting the sinister forepaw upon a shield or, charged with a bull's head caboshed, between three mullets of six points gules. J?esi- dence — Hamilton House, Milford Haven. W; R ROBERTS, Gentleman. Armorial bearings— Vert, on a chevron between three eagles dis- played with two heads or, an estoile sable. Mantling vert and or. Crest Upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head couped or, charged with an estoile sable. Motto— " Eu ner a folant." Residence ~e,-i Cambridge Street, Hyde Park. ROBERTS (H. Coll.). Vert, on a pile or, between two saltires in base of the last, an Angora goat slatant proper. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon two millrinds fessewise or, an Angora goat as in the arms. Motto — " Diligenter et firmiter. " Livery — Green. Bingley, Yorks.; and has issue — (i) Bertram Foster Roberts, Gentleman (The Knoll, Baildon, Yorks.), b. 1876 [is m. and has issue — James Denby Roberts, Gentleman, b, 1904] ; (2) Joseph Henry Nicholson Roberts, Gentleman, b. 1887 ; Lilly May Aykroyd, and Alice Maud Mary Ruther- ford. Seat — Milner Field, Bingley, Yorks. ROBERTS (U.O., 1809). Azure, on a chevron argent, cottised or, three mullets of six points sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an eagle displayed azure, wreathed round the neck with ivy proper. Motto — "Post funera virtus." Livery — Blue, silver facings (undress claret colour). Sons of Sir Thomas Howland Roberts, 3rd Bart., b. 1804; d. 1864 ; m. 2nd, 1842, Anne Elliott, d. of Hon. William Langdon, Comdr. R.N., M.L.C. Tasmania: — Col. Sir Howland Roberts, 5th Bart. (20 Sept. i8og, claims also to have succeeded to the ancient Baronetcy of Glassenbury, cr. 1620, and to be entitled to the arms of that family), V.D. , Lt-Col. comdg. and Hon. Col. 3rd (London Irish) V.B. Rifle Brig.,^. 1845; m. 1895, Elizabeth Maria, d. of William Tell La Roche, M.D., of Harrington Park, New Jersey ; and has issue — (i) Thomas Langdon Howland Roberts, Esq., h. 1898; (2) Gilbert Howland Roberts, Esq., b. 1900. Res. — 31 Argyll Road, Kensingfton, W. Clubs — St. Stephen's, Royal Cork Yacht. His Honour Judge Walworth Howland Roberts, a Judge of County Courts, b. 1855 ; m. 1890, Katherine, d. of John Gibson Thomson of Aitechuan, co. Argyll; and has issue — (i) Walter St. Clair Howland Roberts, Gentleman, b. 1893 ; and Winifred Elliott. Res. — Dunston House, nr. Stafford. Club — Savile. Son of Rev. Edmund Gilbert Roberts, B.D. , Rector of Paul's Cray, Kent, and afterwards of Glanville, Wootton, Dorset, b. 1810; d. 1856; m. 1836, Elizabeth Anne, d. of Major Joyce of Teignmouth : — Herbert Roberts, Gentleman, b. 1847. Res. — Sons of Michael Roberts of Kilmoney Abbey, Sen. Fell. Trin. Coll., Dub., b. 1817; d. 1882; m. 1851, Kate (Seat — Kilmoney Abbey), d. of John Drew Atkin of Castle Park, co. Dublin : — Michael Randal Roberts, Gentleman, b. 1861. Res. — Kilmoney Abljey, co. Cork. Rev. John Drew Roberts, Gentleman, b. 1863. Res. — St. Swithin's Vicarage, Hither Green, Lewisham. Walter Theobald Pepper Roberts, Gentleman, /'. 1868. Res.— is the Naval Cockade, 1 164 Eob Bob Son of Rrv. William Roberts. Senior Fellow Trin. Coll.. DuU.A. 1817; eing the second and youngest son of the late James Roberts- West, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co, Gloucester, and Hi^h Sheriff 1845, by his wife Kli/;il)ndon, S.E. Clubs— SU Stephen's. Arts. JOHN ALEXANDER ROBSON-SCOTT, Gentleman. Bom 1858, being the eldest son of Thomas Robson-Scott of Newton, by his wife Mary, dau. of the Rev. J. Wight. Armorial bearings~Or, on a bend azure, a mullet between ROCHE, quartered by LONGUEVILLE and WILL- DING-JONES. ROCHFORT, see BOYD-ROCHFORT and MARLAY- ROCHFORT. ROCHFORT (U.O.). Azure, a lion rampant argent. Mantling azure and argent. Great— On a wreath of the colours, a robin proper. Motto — " Vi vel suavitate." Sons of Horace William Noel Rochfort, Esq., of Clogrenane, B.A. , J. P. and D.L. (High Sheriff co. Carlow 1839, and Queen's Co. 1845), b. 1809 ; d. 1891 ; m, ist, 1837, Frances Elizabeth (d. 1841), d. of Thomas Phillips Cosby of Stradbally Hall, Queen's Co. ; and, 1845, Hon. Charlotte Hood, d. of and Baron Brid- port :— John Burgh Rochfort, Gentleman, late Lieut. R.H.A., b. 1838 ; m. 1863, Hilare Charlotte, d. of Henry Hall of Barton Abbey, co. Oxford; and has issue — (i) Horace Cosby Rochfort, Gentleman, b. 1877; (2) Oswald John Rochfort, Gentleman, b, 1883 ; Catherine Frances [m. 1895, Joseph Henry Garratt of Herbertston, co. Uublm]; Eva Blanche ; Hilare Gertrude ; and Grace. Seat — Clogrenane, CO. Carlow. Horace William Rochfort, Esq., Capt. (ret.) R.N., b. 1839; m. 1882, Elizabeth, d. of Marriott R. Dawlay, M.P.. of Bella Hill. co. Antrim ; and has issue — Horace Marriott Thomas Rochfort. Gentleman, b. 1883; and Dorothy Frances Elizabeth. Res. — William Robert Hood Rochfort, Esq. , J.P. co. Tipperary, F. Surv. Inst., formerly Lieut. R.A., b. 1847; m. 1875, Helen Blanche, d. of Robert S. Palmer of Dromquinna, CO. Kerry. Seat — Cahir Abbey, Cahir, co. Tipperary. Alexander Nelson Rochfort, Esq., C.B.. Bt. Col. R.A., b. 1850. Hes. — K Colonel CHARLES AUGUSTUS ROCHFORT- BOYD, C.M.G., late R.E. Born Oct. 4. 1850, being the second son ofthelateG. A. Rochfort- Boyd, D.L.,of Middleton Park, Westmeath ; served in Egyptain Campaign 1882, Brevet-Major, and in S. African Campaign 1899-1900 (C.M.G.). Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, azure, a fesse chequy argent and gules between three crescents of the second (for Boyd) ; 2 and 3, azure, a lion rampant argent, in chief two robin redbreasts proper (for Rochfort). Mantling azure and argent. Crests— 1. out of a ducal coronet or, a dexter hand pointing upwards, with the third and fourth fingers folded proper (for Boyd) ; 2. on a mural crown or, a robin redbreast proper, charged with a cross patfe or (for Rochfort). Mottoes—" Confido " (for Boyd) , " Candor dat viribus alas " (for Rochfort). Married, 1874, Adeline (d. 1902), dau. of the late Mountifort Longfield, D.L., of Castle Mary, co. Cork ; and has Issue— (i) Robert Mountifort Rochfort- Boyd, b. 1875, d. 1884; (2) Henry Charles Rochfort- Boyd, Lieut. R.H.A.. b. Oct. 13, 1887. Postal address — c/o Messrs. Cox & Co., 16 Charing Cross. C/«*f— United Service, Kildare Street (Dublin), RODDAM (R.L., 6 Nov. 1864, H. Coll.). Gules, on a bend ermine, three cinquefoils sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — (None exemplified.) Motto — " Nee deficit alter." Livery — Blue and red. Son of Roddam Falder, b. 1822; d. i860; m. 1851, Eiizabelh Scott, d. of William Wyse of Glasgow : — Roddam John Roddam, Esq., J.P. co. Northumberland, B.A. Camb. , Major 5th Batt. Northumberland Fus. (Mil.), b. 1857 ; m. 1879, Helen Fredericka, d. of Capt. Alexander Taubman Goldie, R.N., of The Hermitage, Isle of Man; and has issue — Robert Collingwood Roddam, Gentleman, b. 1890 ; Helen Mary Goldie ; and Olive Mar^ret Rickman. Seat — Roddam Hall, Alnwick. Club — Constitutional. two crescents of the first, within a bordure of the third ; on a chief gules, a stag trippant also of the first, between two boars' heads couped argent. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a stag trippant proper. MottO— " Patriam amo." Married, 1BB7, l/lax- garet Suter, second dau. of the late William Lang of Sel- kirk, N.B., and Wargram. N.S. Wales; and has with other Issue — Thomas Selby Robson-Scott, Gentleman, b. 1894. 5. 181^; J. 1878; M. i8(i, Charlotte Victoria, d. of Rev. hrancis Stonehewcr Newbold, D.D. : — Charles Coltiiinn Rogers, lisq., M.A., J. P. cos. Radnor, Salop, and Hereford (^ligh Sheriff co. Radnor 1883, and D.L. for that CO., M.P. for Radnor 1884-5), ^- ^^?4'> '"■ *^^^> Muriel Augusta Gillian, d. of M.-yor Frederick Barclay Chapman, late 14th Hussars, of Stonehouse Court, co. Gloucester ; and has issue— (i) Guy Coltman Rogers, Gentleman, i. 1891 ; (a) Julian Coltman Rogers, Gentle- roan, i. 1898, Gwladys Muriel ; and Audrey Hester. Seat — Stanage Park. Brampton Bryan, co. Radnor. Cluts — Brooks's, New University. Edward Powys Rogers, Gentleman, d. 1855 ; m. 1881, Charlotte, second d. of John Michael Williams of Caerhayes Castle .and Burncoose ; and has issue— (i) Charles Michael Rogers, Gentleman, d. ; (2) Henry Powys Rogers, Gentleman t. ; Charlotte Harriet ; and Clara Coltman, A'es.— John Davenport Rogers, Gentleman, d. 1857. /?«. — George Frank Vanzollen Rogers, Gentleman, d. 1864. A*«. — Sons of Rev. John Rogers, Lord of Home, Wentnor, Salop, d. 1789 ; d. i8c6 ; m. 1816, Marianne, eld. d. of John Bodenham of Grove House, co. Radnor : — Edward Rogers, Gentleman, 6. 1818 ; m. 1866, Ada, eld. d. of Thomas Deane, Knt. ; and has issue — (i) Edward Thomas Percy Rogers, Gentleman, i. ; (2) Francis Bodenham Rogers, Gentleman, i. ; Harriet Ada ; and Olive Mabel. Jfes. — Inverness Terrace, Kensington Gardens. Rev. Thomas Percival Rogers, M.A., d. 1821 ; m. ist, 185a, Katherine (d. 1856), eld. d. of T. Mackerness ; 2nd, Mary, d. of Edmund Broome, of Elmhurst, Batheaston ; and has issue — (i) Percy John Rogers, Gentleman, d. ; (2) Edmund de Norbury Rogers, Gentleman, 6. ; (3) Arthur Rogers, Gentleman, d. ; (4) George Herbert Rogers, Gentleman, d. ; Emily Katherine ; Katherine ; and Mary. J^es. ~ Batheaston , Somerset. ROGERS of Bosvarren (H. Coll.). Argent, a chevron nebuly sable, in chief a rose gules between two stags trippant of the second, and in base a stag trippant also of the second, between two like roses. Mtmtllng sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a stag trippant sable, three roses gules, slipped and leaved one in pale and two in saltire proper. Motto — ' ' Nos nostraque Deo." Sons of George Boulderson Rogers of Bosvarren, co. Cornwall, a Commissioner of Taxes, d. 1824 ; d, 1900, w. 1859, Mary Amelia , d. of Thomas Rogers of Helston : — George Edward Boulderson Rogers, Gentleman, Solicitor, *. i860; m. 1891, Florence Jane, eld. d. of Charles Wills Hoffmann of Reading; and has issue— (i) Charles Edward IVjuUlerson Rogers, Gentleman, d. 1894 ; (a) Lewis George Boulderson Rogers, Gentleman, d. 1897. /fes. — Kendrick Rise, Reading. Constantine Frederick Rogers, Gentleman, fi. i86a. zees.— Rev. Ernest I>eslie Rogers, Vicar of Woodland, Devonsh., i. 1864; m. 1891, Alexandra Palmer, d. of Rev. Trimer Bennett , Vicar of St. Levan, Cornwall ; and has issue -Irene Leslie, /fes. — The Vicarage, Woodland, Devonsh. ROGERS of Yarlington (H. Coll. , 1836). Ermine, three bucks trippant s.ible, on a chief wavy azure as many acorns slipped or. Blantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a buck's head erased sable, attired or, on the neck a bendlet wavy gold, charged with three acorns vert, holding in the mouth a slip of oak fructed proper. Motto — "Justum perficito nihil timeto." [This ■ family has for icpyears claimed and still claims to represent the family of " Rogers of Bristol and Eastwood," and has ' always used their arms on bookplates and plate, but the ' pedigree has not been entered in the Heralds' College.^ Son of Francis Rogers, Esq., of Yarlington, Capt. ist East Somerset Vols., b. 1784; d. 1863; m. 1815, Catherine Elizabeth, d. of Benjamin Bickley of Bristol, and Ettingshall Lodge, co. Stafford : — Thomas Englesby Rogers, Esq. , J. P. and D.L. , Barrister- at-Law, Recorder of Wells, Chancellor of the Diocese of Bath and Wells, and Dep. Chairman of Somerset Qr, Sessions, M.A. (Oxford), b. 1817; m. 1853, Elizabeth Hannah [d. 1900), d. and h. of John Stanger of Strawberry Hall, TyddSt. Mary, Lines. ; and has issue — Eliza Stanger ; and Helen Woodd. Seat — Yarlington House, nr. Win- canton, Somerset. C/«*— Oxford and Cambridge. John Francis Rogers, Gentleman, formerly an Assistant Commissary-Gen. to the Forces, b, 1826; m. ist, 1862, Marianne {d. 1869), d. and coh. of Robert Wadsworth Bartell of Swanington Lawn, Norfolk; and, 1871, Maria Holmes, eld. d. of Hon. John Young of Montreal ; and has surv. issue — (i) Basil Englesby Rogers, Gentleman, b. 1874; (2) Gerard Rogers, Gentleman,^. ; (3) Harry is the Military Cockade. KOff Eol 1171 Rogers, Gentleman, b. ; (4) Hugh Rogers, Gentleman, b. ; (5) Gordon Rogers, Gentleman, b. ; (6) Bruce Rogers, Gentleman, b. ; and daus. Seat— The. Lawn, Swanington, Norfolk. Benjamin Bickley Rogers, Gentleman, Barrister at- Law, M.A., and late Fellow of Wadham Coll. (Oxon.), b. 1828 ; m. 1861, Ellen Susanna, d. of Robert Herring of Cromer ; and has issue — (i) Francis Robert Bickley Rogers, Gentle- man, b. 1869; (2) Richard Bickley Rogers, Gentleman, b. ; and three daus. Res. — ROGUS, quartered by FLOYER and SOMERS. ROHAN, quartered by CONYERS.CORBET.andFOX, The Late JOHN ROHDE, Gentleman, late of the Madras Civil Service (retired). Born jMarch 31, 1812, and d. April 29, 1899, being the eldest surviving son of Major Rohde of Oakley, Bromley, Kent, and his wife Sarah, who was a dau. of Joseph Cotton, Deputy-Master of the Trinity House, Chairman of the East India Dock Company and the Copper Company, Director of the London Assurance and of the Hon. East India Company. Armorial bear- ing's — Argent, on a chevron embattled azure, between two falcons rising in chief proper, belled or, and an anchor erect in base sable, the cable of the third, an escallop of the field between two bezants. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed per pale or and purpure, charged on the breast with a cross pat^e. Married, firstly, Sophia Catharine [d. Sept. 15, 1846), dau. of P. J. Truter, M.D., Civil Commissioner, of Wor- cester, Cape Colony. He married secondly. Patience (eck, CO. Inverness. Armorial bearings — Argent, a cinqucfoil sable, on a chief gules a lion passant guardant or, a crescent for difference. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head erased proper, beaked or, with a crescent for diflerence. Motto — " Ainsi et pcut estre mcilleur." Married, Feb. 25, 1883, Lady Charlotte Emma Maud Dalzell, sister of Robert, 15th Earl of Carnwath. Seat — Watnall, co. Nottingham. Thk Hon. WILLIAM ROLLESTON of Kapunatiki. Rangitata, Canterbury, New Zealand. Born Sept. 19, 1831, being the third son of the late Rev. George Rolleston, Vicar of Maltby and Stainton, Yorkshire, by his wife Anne, dau. of jotin Nettleship of Gainsborough, co. Lincoln. Armo- rial bearings — Argent, a cinquefoil sable, on a chief gules a lion passant guardant or, a crescent for difference. llaTitltllg sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an e«^le's head erased proper, beaked or. with a crescent for difference. Motto — " Amsi et peut estre mcil- leur." Married , May 24, 1865, Elizabeth Mary, dau. of Joseph Brittan of Lin wood, Canterbury, New Zealand ; and as Issue — (1) Arthur Cecil Rolleston, Gentleman, b. 1867 ; (a) Lancelot William Rolleston, Gentleman, b. 1869 ; (3) George Hector Fitzgerald Rolleston, Gentleman, b. 1871 ; (4) Francis Joseph Rolleston, Gentleman, b. 1873; (s) John Christopher Rolleston, Gentleman, b. 1877; Rosamund Mary ; Dorothy Josephine ; Margaret Florence ; and Helen Mary. Res. — Kapunatiki, Rangitata, Canterbury, N.Z. General ROBERT ROLLO, commonly known as General the Honourable Robert RoUo, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, third son of the Right Honourable John, eighth Baron Rollo, by his wife Agnes, daughter of William Greig of Edinburgh ; was Assistant- Adjutant-General in Canada, 1855-1858, and Military Secre tary to Commander-in-Chief in Canada, 1858-1865. Club — United Service. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a chevron between three boars' beads erased azure, impaling the arms of Ferguson-Davie, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent a chevron sable, between three mullets pierced guleS ; a and 3 azure, three cinquefoils or, on a chief of the last a lion passant gules. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honour- able Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his cS'est, up>on a wreath of the colours, a stag's head couped proper. Married, 1851, Harriet Anne, eldest daughter of General Sir Henry Robert Ferguson-Davie, first Baronet. Postal address — Strathearn, Bournemouth. ROLLS, see LLANGATTOCK, JOHN WILLIAM ROLT, Esquire, J.P. co. Gloucester, late Captain Gloucestershire Yeomanry Cavalry. Born Jan. 12, i860, being the son of the late John Roll of Ozle- worth, CO. Gloucester, by his wife Sarah, eldest dau. of John Osborne, Q.C. C/«*j— Boodle's, Pratt's, Orleans. Armorial bearing^ — Argent, on a pile azure, three dolphins embowed two and one or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stork, in the beak a bulrush, and resting the dexter claw on a fountain all proper. Motto — "Be and not seem." Married, Nov. 1, 1882, Constance Emily, eldest dau. of the late Sir Charles Heniy Johnes Cuyler, Bart. 5m/ — Ozleworth Park, Wooton- under-Edge, co. Gloucester. ROM AINS. Azure, a passion cross or, on a chief of the last two thistles slipped and leaved proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, in front of a thistle slipped and leaved proper, a passion cross or. Motto — " Per incena certus amor. Son of : — Rev.W. F.J. Remains. -ff«.— Charterhouse, Godalming. GEORGE ERNEST ROMANES, Gentleman, of Pitcal- zean and Nigg, Ross-shire, N.B. Born May 1881, being the eldest son of the late George John Romanes, LL.D., F.R.S., *. 1848; d. 1894; m. 1879, Ethel, dau. of . Armorial bearings — Gules, two boars' heads erased in chief argent, langued azure, and a fleur-de-lis in base of the second. M an tlin g gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a l>oar's head .as in the arms. Motto — "Sero scd serio." Married, 1905, Mima Alexundar Allan, only dau. of Rev. Walter Scott. Seat — Pitcalzean, Nigg, Ross-shire, N.B. JOHN ROMANS, Esq., J.P. co. Midlothian, a Coun- cillor and a Commissioner of Supply, Chairman of the School Board of Newbattle, and a Free Burgess of Edin- burgh. Born March i, 1819, being the eldest son of John Romans, by his wife Marion, dau. of William Thomson, Laird of Newton-Grange. Armorial bearings Gules, two boars' heads erased argent, armed and langued azure, and in chief and in base a dexter arm in armour, couped below the elbow erect, the hand naked, and the forefinger pointing upwards proper. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, an eagle rising, holding in its beak a flaming torch all proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Pergo Sursum." Mar- ried, Aug. 23, 1848, Jane, second dau. of Thomas Samson, Accountant to the H.E.I.C., India House, London ; and has Issue— (i) Duncan Purves Romans, Esq., b. July 31, 1856; Cordelia; Marion; Helen Jane; and Isabella Blanche. Seat — Newton-Grange House, Newbattle, Midlothian. ROMILLY (1866). Argent, in base a rock with nine points, issuant from each point a lily proper, on a chief azure, a crescent between two mullets of the field. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a rock proper, a crescent argent. Motto — " Persevere." Sons of late Francis John Romilly, Capt. R.E. (eld. son of George Thomas Romilly of Bromley, Kent), m. 1872, Mary, d. of Denis De Berdt Hovell of Clapton : — Arthur Hovell Romillv, Esq., Capt. D. of Cornwall's Lt. Inf., b. 1877. Res.— Francis Henry Romilly, Gentlem.m, Lieut. Welsh Regt,, b. 1878. Res.— Yr. sons of late George Thomas Romilly, Gentleman, of Bromley, Kent, m. 1848, Margaret Philip, only child and h. of John Mirrieless of Aberdeen : — Samuel Joseph Maclean Romilly, Gentleman, b. 1854. Res. — Widmore Road, Bromley, Kent. Rev. Cuthbert Edward Reynolds Romilly, M.A. (Cantab.), b. 1858; m. 1898, Mary Luisa, d. of Edward Stenning of Bromley, Kent ; and has issue — (i) Cuthbert George Romilly, Gentleman ; (2) Philip Francis Romilly, Gentleman ; (3) Maurice Romilly, Gentleman. Res. — Arthur George Romilly, Gentleman, b. 1866 ; m. Mar- garet Noel, d. of John Coleridge Frampton May of Creech St. Michael, Somerset. Res. — ^ is the MiUtary Cockade. Son of 2nd Baron Roniilly, 1835-1891, m. 1865, Emily Idonea Sophia, d. of Lt.-Gen. Sir John Gaspard le Marchant, K.C.B., G.C.M.G. :— John Gaspard le Marchant Roniilly, 3rd Baron Romilly (3 Jan. 1866), late Capt. Coldstream Guards [Supporters (1866) — On either side a greyhound argent, gorged with a collar fleury and counterfleury azure, and charged on the shoulder with a lily slipped proper], b. i March 1866 ; m. 3 Aug. 1897, Violet, d. of Sir Philip Grey Egerton, Bart. ; and has issue — Hon. William Gaspard Guy Romilly, b. 8 March 1899. Seat — Porthkerry House, Barry, Gla- morganshire. Town res. — 49 Charles Street, Berkeley Square, W. Clubs — Brooks's, Guards'. SAMUEL HENRY ROMILLY, Esq., J.P. and D.L. CO. Glamorgan, and J.P. co. Hereford, M.A. (Camb.), Barrister-at-Law. Bot-n Sept. 4, 1849, being the eldest son of the late Colonel Frederick Romilly, J.P. and D.L., M.P. for Canterbury (sixth son of Sir Samuel Romilly, Knt.), by his wife Lady Elizabeth Amelia Jane, third dau. of the Rt. Hon. Gilbert, 2nd Earl of Minto. Armorial bearings — Argent, in base a rock with nine points, issuant from each a lily all proper ; on a chief azure, a crescent between two mullets of the first, impaling the arms of Carnegie, namely argent, an eagle displayed azure, armed, beaked, and mem- bered gules, on its breast an antique covered cup or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, a crescent argent. Motto — "Persevere." Married, Feb. 7, 1878, Lady Arabella Char- lotte Carnegie, dau. of Jamss, 9th Earl of Southesk, K.T. ; and has /wae — (i) Bertram Hfinry Samuel Romilly, Esq., D.S.O. , Capt. Scots Guards, b. Nov. 6, 1878; (2) Frederic Carnegie Romilly, Gentleman, b. Sept. 10, 1886; Cicely Elizabeth ; Dorothea Katharine ; and Constance Felicity. 6Va^— Huntington Park, Kington, Herefordshire. Estate ^Barry, Glamorganshire. Town residence — 56 Eccleston Square, S.W. Clubs — Brooks's, Travellers'. The Rev. JAMES CUSACK RONEY-DOUGAL, B.A. St. John's Coll., Camb., Vicar of Castle Donington. Bom July 22, 1852, being the eldest son of Lieut. -Col. Richard Roney, Major to the 1st Jaeger Corps (British German Legion) for service in the Crimea ; he assumed by Royal Licence in 1871 the name and arms of Dougal, by his wife Rose Anne Dougal, second dau. of John Dougal of Ratho, Midlothian, and Balnageith, Morayshire, J.P. and D.L. Armorial bearings — Argent, a mountain vert, on a chief gules, a cross moline of the field, between two lozenges vair, and (for distinction) a cross crosslet or. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bull's head caboshed proper, charged (for dis- tinction) with a cross crosslet or. Motto — "Stand fast." Married, July 15, 1884, Juliana Lucy, dau. of the late Rev. George William Sanford, Rector of Weddington. Postal address — Castle Donington, Derby. CABEL ROOPE, Gentleman. Born Aug. 5, 1852, being the eldest son of Cabel Roope of Oporto and bis Bop "73 wife Elizaljeth Frederick Maria Roope, dau. of Frederick Whitaker, Esq., J. P., of The Manor House, Bampton, Oxon. (and great-grandson of Roope Harris, who assumed by Royal Licence in 1771 the name and arms of Roope). Armorial bearings Argent, a lion rampant per fesse gule. and vert, between seven pheons azure. Residence- Oporto, Portugal. Clubs — \Jmon, Bath, British Association (Oporto). ROOS, quartered by HORDERN, (EDWARD CHARLES) ROBSON ROOSE, Gentle- man, M.D., LL.D., F.R.C.P. (Edin.), &c. Born 1848, being the third son of the late Francis Finley Roose, Esq. , by his wife Eliza, dau. of John Ilderton Burn of North- umberland, and the grandson of the late Sir David Charles Roose, Knight Bachelor, High Sheriff of the City of Dublin 1827. /.iVerf — Red, with white facings. Armorial bear- ings—Gules, three water-bougets in pale between two flaunches invected argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a peacock in his pride proper, gorged with a collar and pendent therefrom a four- leaved shamrock or. Motto — "Jene change qu'enmourant." Married, 1870, Edith {d. 1901), dau. of Henry Huggins. Esq., D.L. ; and has Issue — (i) Henry Edward Robson Roose, Gentleman, b. Oct. 1871 [/«. , 1895, Florence, dau. of T. Hood, and has issue, Elena Mary] ; (2) Bertrand Charles Robson Roose, b. 1874 (rf. 1896) ; (3) Fitzroy Owen Jonathan Roose, Gentleman, b. July 1881 ; (4) Hubert Francis Gardner Roose, Gentleman, b. Feb. 1882 ; and Katharine Edith. Seat — Dorman's Park, East Grinsiead, Sussex. Residence — ^49 Hill Street, Berkeley Square, W. Clubs — St. James's, Junior Carlton. • ROPER, see TREVOR-ROPER. SSiR EMiL HUGH OSCAR ROBERT ROPNER, Knight Bachelor (1902), J.P. and D.L. co. of Durham (High Sheriff 1896), J. P. N. Riding of co. York, formerly Lieut. -Col. and Hon. Col. ist Vol. Batt. Durham Light Infantry (V.D. ), M.P. for Stockton-on-Tees since 1900. Born Dec. 16, 1838, being the eldest son of John Henry Ropner of Magdeburg, Prussia, by his wife Emilie, dau. of Alfred Bessel. Armorial bearings — Party per fesse dan- cett^e sable and or, a pale, three mullets pierced two and one, and as many stags' heads erased one and two all counterchanged. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon three mascles interlaced fesse- is tbe Naval Cockade. "74 EOt iao$ ways, and in front of three tiliing-spears one in pale and two in saltire or, a stag's head erased Siible, attired gold. Motto—" Fideset fortitude." Married, 1859. Mary Anne, dau. of John CnUk of Newton Stewart, Wigtonshirc. S*eland, Yorkshire. C/«*j— Carlton, Constitutional. JAMKS ROKIE, Gentleman, Doctor of Medicine of the University of Edinburgh. Horn April 4, 1838, being the second son of James Roric of Arbroath, by his wife Juli.-i (irant, dau. of Patrick Cochran of Arbroath. Armo- rial bearing*— .Argent, on a chevron between three dexter hands couped tesscways gules, each holding a cross crosslet fitchfe azure, a crescent of the first for difference. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a M^ntUny gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreaih of his liveries is set for Crest, a galley, oars in action sable, flagged gules ; and in an escrol over the same this Motto, ' ' Terra Battalion North Staffordshire) Regiment, born January II, 1866; Catherine Isaliclla Kllen [married the Reverend Arthur Frederick Pope of The Furlong, Tring] ; and Eliza- marique." Married, August 26, 1872, Margaret, daiL of Thomas Handyside Baxter of Dundee ; and has had Issue — (i) James Baxter Rorie, b. August 18, 1873, d. June 28, 1876; (2) Thomas Handyside Baxter Rorie, Gentleman, C.A., b. March 24, 1875 ; (3) George Arthur Rorie, Gentle- man, M.B., Ch.M., b. Aug. 2, 1876; (4) Reginald Rorie, Gentleman, b. April 2, 1879 (d. Nov. 21, 1899). Resi- dence — 4 Roxburgh Terrace, Dundee, N.B. Club — Eastern (Dundee). S JAMES ROSE, Esquire, Major Indian Army, late Lord- Lieutenant of the county of Nairn. Born March 21, 1820, being the fourth but eldest surviving son (and the eldest by his second marriage) of the late Hugh Rose Kilravock, Vice-Lieutenant of the county of Nairn, and Colonel of the Nairnshire Militia, by his second wife Catherine, daughter of Mackintosh of Farr. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Or, a boar's head couped gules, between three water - bougets azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his de- gree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a harp azure ; and in an escroll above this Motto, "Constant and true." Married, January 15, 1850, Anna Maria, daughter of Lieutenant- General George Twemlow, Royal Artillery, by his wife Anna Maria D'Oyly ; and by her (who died May 13, 1867) had Issue — (i) Hugh Rose, Esquire, Major 42nd Regi- ment, Black Watch (Royal Highlanders), born August 10, 1863; (2) John Rose, Esquire, Captain 98th (2nd beth Margaret [m. Ronald Baillie]. Seat — Kilravock Castl in the county of Nairn. RICHARD DE ROS ROSE, Esq., D.L., High Sheriff 1902. Bom May 1879, being the eldest son of the late Robert de Ros Rose, Esq., J. P. for co. Limerick, High Sheriff 1882, by his wife Agnes Eliza, second dau. of the late Benjamin Bun bury Frend, Esq., J.P., of Boskill, co^ Limerick. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, pale argent and or, a chevron gules, between three wata bougets sable (for Rose) ; 2. Per chevron argent and guk in chief two eaglets displayed azure (for Stephens); argent, a saltire between two mullets in chief and in gules, and two boars' heads erased in fesse sable (fd Anderson). Mantling gules and argent. Crests— i. c a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent, holi ing in the dexter paw a rose gules, slipped vert ; 2. on 1 wreath of the colours, an eagle wings elevated sable, pre^ ing on a lion's gamb erased proper ; 3. on a wreath of tfi colours, an oak-tree proper. Motto— "Non sine ser rosa." Married, 1902, Gladys Mary, eldest dau. of Re F. G. Johnson of Gosport, Hants. 5^a/— Ardhu, Limerick. WILLIAM ROSE, Gentleman. Born Nov. 25, 184 being the second son of the late William Rose of Carnij dale House, Barnstone, Cheshire, and of Mancheste by his wife Esther, dau. of T. Marsden of Mancheste Armorial bearings — Per pale argent and gules, three ros in fesse between two lions rampant in pale, all counte changed. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On wreath of the colours, a lion rampant sable, gorged with a" collar vair, holding between the fore-paws a lyre or, and resting the dexter hind-leg on a rose argent. Motto^ "Armat spina rosas." Married, June 23, 1875, Helen Maria, second dau. of the late John Blake of Tuttington Hall, Norfolk; and has Issue — Two daus., Leslie and Dorothy Muriel Bateman. Seat — Ballbrook House, With- ington, Lancashire. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Royal London Yacht, Conservative (Manchester). WILLIAM MOLYNEUX ROSE, Esquire, J. P., Patron of Whilton, CO. Northampton, late Lieut. 32nd Light In- fantry. Born 1842, being the eldest son of the late William George Rose, Esq. , J. P. , an Officer in the 60th Rifles, by his wife Charlotte, dau. of Edward Blackburne. Chief- Justice of the Mauritius. Club — Arthur's. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a chevron azure, be- tween three roses gules, a water-bouget, between two mullets of six points pierced of the field (for Rose) ; 2 and is tlie Military Cockade. Bo0 3 vert, a fesse erminois, between two pheons points up- wards in chief, and a bugle-horn in base argent (for Holden). Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a riexter cubit arm vested sable, the hand proper, holding a cross crosslet fitch^e or, from the wrist a pile ermine, the arm charged with a bugle-horn stringed or. Motto— " Et teneo et teneor." Married, i8y2,V\6\ei, dau. of David Stewart Ker of Montalto, co. Down. Seat— Wolston Grange, near Rugby. S THOMAS GILZEAN ROSE-INNES of Netherdale, CO. Banff, Advocate, J. P. , D. L. for co. Banff. Born 1831, being the son of the late James Rose-Innes. Armo- rial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or, a boar's head couped gules between three water-bougets sable, a bordure azure, charged with three garbs and as many boars' heads couped ahernately of the field ; 2 and 3 argent three mullets azure within a bordure chequy of the second and first. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. dexter, on a wreath of his liveries, a branch of palm slipped proper ; Motto, " Or- natur radix fronde ; " 2. on a wreath of his liveries, a rose gules, stalked and leaved proper; Motto, " Armat spina rosas." Married, 1853, Grace L., second dau. of the late W. J. Eraser of Ladhope, co. Roxburgh. £jto/e— Nether- dale, CO. Banff. Residence — Kinellan, Murrayfield, Mid- lothian. ROSEHILL, Baron, see NORTHESK. ROSEMAR, quartered by FOX. ROSHER, borne on an escutcheon of pretence by MILROY. ROSMEAD, see ROBINSON. ROSS, quartered by BAILLIE, BOYLE, DALRYMPLE, and ERASER. ROSS, see LEITH-ROSS and ROBERTSON-ROSS. CHARLES CAMPBELL ROSS, Esquire, J.P. for Corn- wall, M.P. for St. Ives. Born 1849, being the youngest son of the late Archibald Colquhoun Ross, Esq. , M. D. , of Madeira, by his wife Mary, dau. of the late Joseph Came, F. R.S. Armorial bearings — Parted per chevron gules and argent, three lions rampant within a bordure all counter- changed, in the middle chief a mullet of the second. Mant- ling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a hand holding a garland of laurel proper. Motto — " Spem successus alit." Married, 1870, Isabel Emily, dau. of the late Edward Holland (she d. 1888). Colonel Sir EDWARD CHARLES ROSS, Knight Bachelor, Companion of the Most Illustrious Order of the Star of India, served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-58 (medal with clasp), was employed in Indian Poli- tical Dept. as Assist. Political Agent at Gwadur, Political Agent and Consul at Muscat, Resident in the Persian Gulf, and Consul-General for Fars, &c. , 1863-1891. Born 1836, being the fifth son of the late David Robert Ross, Esq., of Rosstrevor, co. Down, J.P. and D.L. for that co. (High Sheriff 1837), and M.P. for Belfast, by his wife Harriet Jane, dau. of the Hon. and Rt. Rev. Edmund Knox, D. D., Bishop of Limerick. Armorial bearings— Or, a chevron embattled counter-embattled between three water-bougets sable. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an arm embowed in armour, the hand grasping a dagger all proper. Motto — " Per aspera virtus." Mar- ried, 1862, Sarah M. C, dau. of Col. Charles S. White- hill ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Edmond Ross, Gentleman, b. Sept. 9, 1863 ; (2) William Robert Ross, Gentleman, b. Feb. 9, 1875 ; (3) George Whitehill Ross, Gentleman, b. June 6, 1878 ; Sarah Emma ; Charlotte Mary ; Jessie Adele ; and Kathleen. Residence — 8 Beaufort Road, Clifton, Bris- tol. Club — Primrose. The Rev. JAMES COULMAN ROSS, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. Trin. Coll., Camb. (Classical Honours 1867), and Esquire, Vicar of Loversal, in the Diocese of York. Born September 15, 1844, being the eldest son of Rear-Admiral Sir James Clark Ross, Kt. , F. R. S. , D. C. L. &c. , by his wife .Anne, EO0 "75 dau. of Thomas Coulman of Whitgift Hall, Goole. Ajmo- rial bearings — Gules, three estoiles in chevron between as many lions rampant argent ; and for an honourable aug- mentation, a chief or, thereon a portion of the terrestrial globe proper, the true meridian described thereon by a line passing from north to south sable, with the Arctic circle azure, within the place of the magnetic pole in latitude 70° 5' 17" and longitude 96° 46' 45" west, designated by an inescutcheon gules, charged with a lion passant guardant of the first ; the magnetic meridian shown by a line of the fourth passing through the inescutcheon with a corre- spondent circle, also gules, to denote more particularly the said place of the magnetic pole ; the words following in- scribed on the chief, viz., "Arctasos Numine Fines." Mantling gules and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, on a rock a flagstaff erect, thereon hoisted the Union Jack, inscribed with the date June i, 1831 (being that of discovering the place of the magnetic pole), and at foot, and on the sinister side of the flagstaff, the dipping needle, showing its almost vertical position, all proper ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a fox's head erased proper. Motto — "Spes aspera levat." Married, Jan. 5, 1870, Elizabeth, younger dau. of the Rev. William Senior Salman, M.A., late Rector of Brougham, Westmorland; and has Issue — (i) Basil James Ross, Esq., b. June 9, 1874 ; (2) Cyril John Ross, Gentleman, b. July 17, 1877 ; (3) Arthur Vernon Ross, Gentleman, b. March 11, 1879 ! (4) Reginald Welling- ton Ross, Gentleman, b. June 18, i88o; Hilda Charlotte Marion ; Katharine Agnes ; and Evangeline Edith Mary Seat — Wadworth Hall, Doncaster. Major JOHN JAMES ROSS. Armorial bearings- Parted per chevron gules and argent, three lions rampant, within a bordure all counterchanged. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a hand holding a garland of laurel proper. Motto — " Work and wait." Residence — JOSEPH CARNE ROSS, Gentleman, M.D., F.R.C.P. (formerly of Shian Lodge, Penzance, Cornwall). Armorial bearings — Parted per chevron gules and argent, three lions rampant, within a bordure all counterchanged, in the middle chief a crescent of the second. Mantling gules and argent. is the Naval Cockade. 1176 iaoiBf iao0 OrMt On a wreath of his liveries, a hand holding a gar- land of laurel proper. MottO — " Work and wait." H WALTER CHARTERIS ROSS, Esquire. C.R O (1901), J. p. COS. Ross and Cromarty. Lieut.-CoL (half-pay). Bom August 5, 1857. being the third but only surviving son of the late George William Holmes Ross. Esq., Colonel, J. P. and D.L,. Convener co. Cromarty, by his wife Adelaide Lucv, third dau. of Duncan Davidson of Tulloch. CO. Ross, by his first wife Diana, dau. of Godfrey, vd Lord Macdonald of the Isles. Armorial beariogv— Gtdes. three lions rampant argent, armed and langued azure, in the centre a mullet of the second for difference. Mantling gules and argent. Creit— On a wreath of the colours, an eagle with wings closed proper. Motto - •' Dread God." Married, first. June 8. 1887. May (d. June 1891). dau. of Field-Marshal Sir Donald Martin Stewart, Bart. ; and has Issue — Pamela May. He married secondly. 1897, Gertrude May Gathorne, dau. of C. Hill of Clevedon Hall. Somerset; and Y\as Issue — George Duncan Noel Ross. Gentleman, b. 1903 ; Jean Marina ; Meriel Diana ; and Shiela Mary. Seat — Cromarty House, Cromarty. Clubs — Naval and Military, Highland (Inverness). WILLIAM ROSS, Gentleman. Bom Dec. i, 1853, being the eldest son of James Ross, Gentleman, of Driffield, and his wife Mary, dau. of George Harrison of NafTerton. Livery — Black, with light drab facings. Armorial bear- ln£r8'(L.O. 1882)— Parted per pale sable and gules, two water-bougets in chief and a boar's head couped in base argent. Mawtitngr gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a water-bouget argent. Motto— "Agnoscar eventu." Married, Sept. 24, 1878, Mary Hannah, dau. of William Barker of Driffield ; and has Issue— (i) James Alfred Ross, Gentleman. B.A. (Camb.), b. Oct. 19. 1881 ; (2) William Gordon Ross, Gentleman, b. March 21, 1888. A'«/rf#««— The Villa, NafTerton. Yorks. C/«*— Junior Constitutional. and |x>mmelled of the field. Mantllnfi^ gules, (loul)lcd or j and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a sta trippant gules, attired and ungulcd or ; and on :im cscrol] over the same this Motto, " Agnoscar eventu." Residenct- ROSS of Rosstrevor (U.O. ). Or. a chevron embattle counter -cmbttllled between three water-bougets sablfl Mantling: sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of tb WILLIAM GORDON ROSS, late Lieut. -Col. Royal Engineers. Bom . being the second surviving son of Alexander Ross of the Indian Civil Service. Armorial bearings— Or. a boar's head couped gules, between three water-bougets sable, all within a bordure engrailed of the last, charged in chief and base with three padlocks argent, and in the flanks with two swords erected proper, hilted colours, an arm embowed in armour, the hand graspin a dagger all proper. MottO — " Per aspera virtus." Son of Major David Ross, b. 1828 ; d. 1888 ; m. 1851,' Mary, d. of Dr. William Austin, Insp.-Gen. of Army' Hospitals : — William Levingston Ross, Gentleman, L. R.C.S., L.R.C.P.I., b. 185s ; m. 1896, Laura, d. of G. M. Felton, C.C., of Cripplegate, London; and has issue — (i) Austin Felton Ross, Gentleman, b. 1897; (2) George Levingston" Ross, Gentleman, b. 1898 ; (3) David Robert Ross, Gentle- man, b. 1900 ; and Laura Kathleen. Res. — Burslem, Staffs. Sons of late David Robert Ross, Esq., of Rosstrevor, CO. Down, J. P., D.L. (High Sheriflf 1837), b. 1799; d. 1851 ; m. 1819, Harriet Anne, d. of Hon. and Rt. Rev. Isdmond Knox, Bishop of Limerick : — Edmond Ross, Gentleman, b. . Res. — 145 Langdale Road, Thornton Heath. Sir Edward Charles Ross, Knt. Bachelor, CS. I. {f.v.). Sons of David Ross-of-Bladcnsburg, bearingthe Bladens- burg augmentation : — Lt.-Col. Sir John Foster George Ross-of-Bladensburg, K.C.B. (f.v.). Col. Edmund James Thomas Ross-of-Bladensburg (^.v.). ROSS of Limavady (Confd. U.O., 10 Dec. 1902). Or, a chevron chequy sable and argent, between three water-bougets gules, on a chief of the last, as many cross crosslets of the field. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a hawk's head erased proper, holding in the beak a cross crosslet fitchde or. Motto— ' ' Andeo. " Sons of Rev. William Ross of Limavady, Vicar and Rural Dean of Dungiven, co. Londonderry, Canon of St. Columb's Cathedral, Londonderry, b. ; d. 1891 ; m. 1851, Caroline Matilda, d. of Arthur Luce Trelawny Collins of Ham, Devon, Lieut. R.A. : — Rev. John Trelawny Ross (assumed name of Trelawny- Ross by Deed- Poll 1903), D.D. , Vicar of Paignton since 1892 ; Rural Dean of Ipplefen 1898-1902 ; Surrogate of Diocese of Exeter, b. 17 Sept. 1852; m. ist, 1881, Emma Mary Katharine {d. 1886), d. of Alexander Bassett of is tbe Military Cockade. Eoief iao0 1177 Baynton House, Glamorgan ; 2nd, 1894, Mary Frederica Cecilia, d. of Capt. George Somerville Digby, Grenadier Guards ; and Lady Emily Jane Digby ; and has issue — (i) William Edwin Trelawny Ross, Gentleman, b. 1883; (2) Alexander Hamelin Trelawny Ross, Gentleman, h. 1884 ; (3) Stephen Matthew Trelawny Ross, Gentleman, b. 1894 ; Mary Trelawny ; Caroline Sophia ; Addis Emily Trelawny ; Katharine Lucy Trelawny. Seats — Limavady, Ireland ; Ham, Devon. Res. — The Vicarage, Paignton, Devon. Arthur William PoUexfen Ross, Gentleman, b. ; m. ; and has issue. Res. — Liverpool. Robert Leslie Marcus Ross, Gentleman, b. : m. ; and has issue. Res. — Fort Las Vegas, New Mexico, U.S.A. SEDMOND JAMES THOMAS ROSS-OF-BLAD- ENSBURG, Esquire, Lieut. -Col. R.E. Born Aug. 17, 1849, being the third but second surviving son of the late David Ross-of-Bladensburg, Esquire, by his second wife Harriet Margaretta, commonly known as the Honourable Harriet Margaretta, daughter of the Right Honourable Thomas Henry Foster, Viscount Ferrard, by his wife the Right Honourable Harriet, Viscountess Massereene. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per fesse embattled argent and or, in chief issuant a dexter arm embowed, vested gules, the cuff azure, encircled by a wreath of laurel, the hand grasping a flag-staff, broken in bend sinister, there- from flowing the colours of the United States of America proper, in base the arms of Ross of Ross-Trevor, namely or, a chevron embattled counter-embattled between three water-bougets sable, on a canton of the third, pendent from a riband, a representation of the cross presented by command of His Majesty to the late Major-General Ross, in testimony of his Royal approbation of his services, with the Motto, " Bladensburg ; " and impaling the arms of Lindsay, namely, quarterly i and 4, gules a fesse chequy azure and argent, in chief a cross crosslet fitch^e of the second ; 2 and 3 or, a lion rampant gules, debruised by a ribbon sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for a Crest of honourable augmentation, out of a mural crown or, a dexter arm grasping the colours as in the arms ; in addition to the crest of the family of Ross of Ross-Trevor, namely, upon a wreath of the colours, an arm vambraced and embowed, the hand grasping a dagger all proper. Married, July 3, 1878, Alexina Frances (d. 1897), youngest daughter of the late Colin Lindsay, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Colin Lindsay, of Deer Park, in the county of Devon, by his wife Frances, commonly known as Lady Frances, late eldest surviving daughter and co-heir of the late Right Honourable William Forward Howard, fourth Earl of Wicklow, Knight of the Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick ; and has Issue — Mary Angela ; Olive Mary ; Kathleen ; and Mary Josephine. S Lieut. -CoL. Sir JOHN FOSTER GEORGE ROSS- OF-BLADENSBURG, of Rosstrevor, in the co. of Down, K.C.B., J. P. and D.L., late Coldstream Guards. Bom Julyzy. i848,being the second but eldest sur. son of the late David Ross-of-Bladensburg, Esq., J. P., by his wife Harriet Margaretta, commonly known as the Honourable Harriet Margaretta, dau. of the Right Honourable Thomas Henry Foster, Viscount Ferrard, by his wife the Right Honourable Harriet, in her own right Viscountess Masse- reene, and sister of the Right Honourable the tenth Viscount Massereene and Ferrard, Knight of the Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick; created K.C.B. 1903. C/ub — Guards'. Amorial bearings —Per fesse embattled argent nnd or, in chief issuant a dexter arm embowed vested gules, the cuff azure, encircled by a wreath of laurel, the hand grasping a flagstaff broken in bend sinister, there- from flowing the colours of the United States of America proper, in base the arms of Ross of Ross-Trevor, namely or, a chevron embattled counter-embattled between three water- bougets sable, on a canton of the third pendent from a riband a representation of the cross presented by command of His Majesty to the late Major-General Ross, in testimony of his Royal approbation of his services. Motto — ' ' Bladens- burg," and impaling the arms of Foster-Skeffington, namely, quarterly, i and 4, argent, three bulls' heads erased sable, armed or (for SkeflSngton) ; 2 and 3, azure, a chevron be- tween three ch.iplets or (for Clotworthy). Upon the es- cutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; Crest — Of honourable augmentation, out of a mural crown or, a dexter arm grasping the colours as in the arms ; in addition to the crest of the family of Ross of Ross-Trevor, namely, upon a wreath of the colours, an arm vambraced and embowed, the hand grasping a dagger all proper. Married, January 6, 1870, Blanche Amelia, conunonly known as the Honourable Blanche Amelia, youngest dau. of the Right Honourable the tenth Viscount Massereene and Ferrard. Seat— Ross-Trevor House, Ross-Trevor, co. Down. The Rev. GEORGE HARRISON ROSS-LEWIN, Clerk in Holy Orders, M. A. (Durham), Vicar of Ben- fieldside, Hon. Canon of Durham and Rural Dean of Lanchester, in the Diocese of Durham, Surrogate for the Diocese of Durham. Born Dec. 18, 1846, being the second but eldest surviving son of the Rev. George Ross-Lewin, M.A., J. P., of Ross Hill, co. Clare, by his wife Grace, dau. of Henry Sargint of Castleview, Cahir, co. Tipperary. Ar- morial bearings— Argent, a bend engrailed sable, between two trefoils slipped vert. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion sable holding between the paws a trefoil slipped vert. Motto^ " Consilio ac virtute." Estates — Ross Hill, Kildysart, and Coolsippine, co. Clare ; Gortakilleen and Garrane, cos. Limerick and Tipperary. Postal address — Benfieldside Vicarage, Shotley Bridge, Durham. The Rev. RICHARD SARGINT SADLEIR ROSS- LEWIN, B.A., Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Kilmurry, CO. Limerick. Born Aug. 17, 1849, being the third son of the late Rev. George Ross-Lewin, M.A., J. P., formerly in the R.N., by his wife Grace, dau. of Henry Sargint of Castleview, co. Tipperary. Armorial bearings— Argent, a bend engrailed sable, between two trefoils slipped vert. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion sable, holding between the paws a trefoil sHpped vert. Motto —" Consilio ac virtute." Married, Aug. 16, 1877, Louisa, dau. of Frederick Maun- sell. Postal address — The Rectory, Kilmurry, co. Limerick. SThe Rev. ROBERT O'DONELAN ROSS-LEWIN M.A., Chaplain R.N., Rector of Wark-on-Tyne, Northumberland. Born March 26, 1850, being the fourth son of the Rev. George Ross-Lewin of Ross Hill, co. Clare, M.A., J.P.. formerly in the R.N., by his wife Grace, dau. of Henry Sargint of Castleview. co. Tipperary. Armorial bearings — Argent, abend engrailed sable,' between two trefoils slipped vert. Mantling sable and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion sable, holding between the paws a trefoil slipped vert. Motto — "Consilio ac virtute." Married, May 8, 1897, Katherine Marv Beatrice, eldest dau. of John W. Walton Wilson, Esq.', J. P., of Shotley Hall, Northumberland; and has Issue — Francis Henry Westropp Ross-Lewin, Gentleman, b. March 3, 1898 ; and Lucy Marion. Postal address— The Rectory, Wark-on-Tyne, Northumberland. SIMPSON ROSTRON, Esq., J. P. co. Surrey. Barrister- at-Law (Middle Temple). Born 1833, being the only son of Laurence Rostron of Acres House, Edenfield, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, and Bowdon, in the County Pala- tine of Chester (b. 1800; d. 1854), m. 1829, Mary, eldest surviving daughter of James Simpson, Esquire, of Foxhill Bank, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, and of Branches Park, in the County of Suffolk, Justice of the Peace. Club — Windham. Livery — Blue, with gilt buttons: blue and yellow striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, a tower triple-towered argent, within an orle of crescents or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the coloiu-s, a cubit arm vested azure, the cuff argent, charged with a saltire or, holding in the hand two branches of red- thorn proper; with the Motto, "Semper vigilans." Mar- ried, 1868, Christina Jane, only daughter of the late William Riley of the Outwoods, in the county of Warwick ; and has Issue — (i) Laurence William Simpson Rostron, Gentleman, of New College, Oxford, M.A. and B.C.L , and of Lin- coln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law, b. 1872 ; (2) Hubert James Cecil Rostron, Esq., Capt. late Northumberland Fus., b. 1875 ; (3) Philip Simpson Rostron, Gentleman, Lieut. R.F.A., b. 1878; Christina Mary Simpson; Beatrix Mar- garet \m., 1899, George Hudson Pile, of New College, Ox- is the Naval Cockade. II78 Hot Hon ford. M.A., Solicitor, onlv son of the late Hon. Archibald rite, Barbados] ; Mildred Eliial)cth ; Dorothy Katharine ; and Margery Alice. Postal addresses — Riverside, Bedding- ton, Surrey ; i Hare Court, Temple, London, E.C. ROTHE, quartered by BURTCHAELL. GEORGE WALTER CHARLES ROTHE, Esq., Col. (retired) Royal Artillery, J. P. co. of Oxford. Bom May 10, his wife Harriet, dau. of Lieut. -General Charles Turner. 6V«^— Naval and Military. Armorial bearing!— Or, on a mount in Ikisc vert, a stag trippaiit arf^ent, under ani oak-tree of the second. Man^itpy vert and or ; .ind fori his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, ' a stag lod^d argent, attired or; with the Motto, "Solo salus servire Deo." Estate of 600 acres in CoUitrim, Bawngame, near Skibbereen, co. Cork. Postal address— Neithrop House, Banbury, Oxon. ROTHESAY HERALD, see GRANT. ROUGE DRAGON PURSUIVANT, see GREEN. 1841, being the eldest and only son of the late Rev. Richard Jephson Rot he, B.A., Rector of Macloneigb, co. Cork, by FRANCIS RICHARD ROUND, Esquire. C.M.G. (1887), M.A. (Oxon.), Clerk in the Colonial Office since 1869. Horn Jan. 2a, 1845, being the second son of lai Rev. James Thomas Round, Bachelor of Divinity, Reel of All Saints, Colchester, Rural Dean and Honorary Pre bendary of St. Paul's, by his wife Louisa, dau. of the Rev. George Francis Barlow, Rector of Burgh, in the co. Suffolk. C/tf3— United University. Armorial bearings Argent, on a chevron cotised sable, three p.iUets or, each charged with an annulet of the second ; and impaling the arms of Tufnell, namely azure, on a fesse between three feathers erected argent, as many martlets sable, and pendent below the escutcheon his badge as a C.M.G. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a lion couchant argent, charged on the body with three annulets interlaced sable, holding in the mouth a swon' in bend (joint downwards proper, pommel and hilt or, Motto — " Esse quam videri." Married, April 21, 1881, Frances Emily, dau. of J. JoUiffe Tufnell, Esquire, of Langleys, Essex ; and has with other/««tf— Douglass Gray Round, Gentleman, b. April 23, 1882. Postal addresses— Sutton Court, Sutton, Surrey; East Hill House, Col, Chester. JAMES ROUND, Esquire, of Birch, in the county Essex, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, Maste of Arts of the University of Oxford, Barrister - at - LawJ Member of Parliament for the Harwich Division of EssexH Bom April 6, 1842, being the eldest son of the late Reve rend James Thomas Round, Bachelor of Divinity, Recto of All Saints', Colchester, Rural Dean and Honorary Pre bendary of St. Paul's, by his wife Louisa, daughter of th^ Reverend George Barlow, Rector of Burgh, in the county of Suffolk. C/«^— Carlton. Armorial bearings (Dec. 4,] 1871) — Argent, on a chevron cotised sable, three pallet or, each charged with an annulet of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, withi a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon wreath of the colours, a lion couchant argent, charged on| the body with three annulets interlaced sable, holding inl the mouth a sword in bend, point downwards proper,! pommel and hilt or; with the Motto, " Esse quam videri." Married, August 25, 1870, his cousin, Sibylla Joanna, fourthl daughter of the Reverend Henry Freeland, Rector ot Hasketon, in the county of Suffolk ; and has Issue — Al son, born 1885; Sibyl Mary; Eleanor Douglass; Emma' Margaret ; Lucy Frances Gray ; Edith Creffeild ; Katheren Tayspil; and Joyce Freeland. Seats — Birch Hall, near Colchester; The Elms, Acton, in the county of Middle- sex. Town residence — 31 De Vere Gardens, Kensing- ton, W. JOSEPH ROUND, Gentleman. Born December 28, 1833, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late John Round of Daisy Bank, in the county of Stafford, by his wife Phoebe, elder daughter of Isaac Chaddick of Wednes- bury Oak, in the same county. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms ; Or, a garb vert, between three mill-rinds sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a falcon rising, standing on a plough proper ; with the Motto, "Deo favente." Married, October 20, 1875, Emma Caroline, daughter of Edwin Alldridge of West wood, Edgbaston ; and has Issue — Violet Caroline Phoebe. Seats — The Hange, Tividale, Tipton, in the county of Stafford ; Lindenhurst, Richmond Hill, Edgbaston; and The Grove, Knowle, in the county of Warwick. Residence — i Is the Military Cockade. iaou Eou 1179 Lindenhurst, Richmond Hill, Edgbaston, in the county of Warwick. GEORGE HENRY ROUND-TURNER. Gentleman. Born Feb. 11, 1877, being the eldest son of the late Henry Lewes Round-Turner, Esq., J. P., Lord of the Manor of Woodhall, Capt. R.N., by his wife Clara, dau. of Capt. Samuel Strong, R.N. Livery — Dark blue, black and yellow striped waistcoat, silver buttons. Armorial bearings— Quar- terly I and 4, sable, gutt^e-d'eau, on a cross engrailed ar- gent, quarter-pierced of the field, four mill-rinds of the first, in first quarter a cross pat6e fitch^e or (for Turner) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron cotised sable, three pallets or, each charged with an annulet of the second (for Round). Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a lion passant argent, gutt6e-de-poix, holding in the dexter paw a mill- rind sable, and in the mouth a cross pat6e fitch^e in bend or (for Turner) ; 2. a lion couchant argent, charged on the body with three annulets interlaced fesseways sable, hold- ing in the mouth a sword in bend point downwards proper, pommel and hilt or (for Round). Motto—" Esse quam videri." Married, April 17, 1901, Irene, dau. of Lieut.- Col. George Hobart. Postal addresses — Grundisburgh, near Woodbridge, Suffolk ; North Grange, Sibton, Yox- ford ; Bramfield, Halesworth. CHARLES SAVILE ROUNDELL, Esquire, J. P. co. Cheshire, M.P. for Grantham 1880-85, ^"d for the Skipton Div. W. R. Yorks. 1892-1895, M.A., and late Fellow Merton Coll., Oxford, Barrister-at-Law, and Governor of Harrow School. Bom July 19, 1827, being the fifth son of Rev. Danson Richardson Roundell of Gledstone, J. P. and D. L. , M. A. , by his wife Hannah, eldest dau. of Sir William Foulis, 7th Bart., of Ingleby Manor, co. York. Armorial bear- ings — Or, a fesse gules, between three laurel branches vert, impaling the arms of ToUemache, namely argent, a fret sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a sword in pale argent, hilt and pommel or, grip gules. Married, May 10, 1873, Julia Anne Elizabeth, eldest dau. of the late Wilbraham Spencer ToUemache of Dor- fold Hall, CO. Chester ; and has Issue — Christopher Foulis Roundell, Gentleman, late of the Coldstream Guards, B.A. Balliol Coll. , Oxon. , ^. July 11, 1876. /?«z£/^«fe— 32 Sussex Square, Brighton. CHARLES SELBOURNE ROUNDELL, Gentleman. Born Nov. 1872, being the second son of the late William Roundell, M.A. , of Gledstone, co. York, by his wife Harriet Jane, dau. of Frances Benyon Hacket of Moor Hall. Ar- morial bearings— Or, a fesse gules, between three laurel branches vert. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a sword in pale argent, hilt and pommel or, grip gules. Residence — RICHARD FOULIS ROUNDELL, Gentleman. Born Oct. 21, 1881, being the eldest son of the late William Roundell, M.A., by his wife Harriet Jane, dau. of Frances Benyon Hacket of Moor Hall. Armorial bearings — Or, a fesse gules, between three laurel branches vert. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a sword in pale argent, hilt and pommel or, grip gules. Seat — Gledstone, near Skipton, co. York. Sir CHARLES HENRY ROUSE - BOUGHTON, Baronet, of Lawford Hall, in the county of Warwick. Bom January 16, 1825, being the son of the late Sir William Edward Rouse- Boughton, Baronet, by his wife Charlotte, youngest daughter of Thomas Andrew Knight of Wormsley Grange ; and succeeded his father. May 22, 1856 ; inherits two Baronetcies : of one he is the eleventh in succession, of the other the third. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, sable two bars engrailed argent (for Rouse) ; 2. argent, on a chevron between three trefoils slipped sable, as many bucks' heads caboshed or, on a chief gfules, a goat passant of the field (for Boughton of Lawford) ; 3. sable, three crescents or (for Boughton). Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, the bust of a man proper, hair, beard, and whiskers sable, the head surrounded and crossed by a riband knotted at the top, and the ends flowing from either temple argent (for Rouse) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a stork's head erased chevronny of four sable and argent, in the beak or, a snake proper (for Boughton). Motto — "Omne bonum Dei donum." Married, August 23, 1852, Mary Caroline, second daughter of John Michael Severne of Thenford, in the county of Northampton ; and has Issue — (i) William St. Andrew Rouse- Boughton, Esquire, born September 23, 1853 [married, October i, 1878, Eleanor Frances, eldest daughter of the Reverend Frederick H. Hotham, Rural Dean, Rector of Rushbury, in the county of Salop] ; (2) Edward Shuckburgh Rouse- Boughton, Esquire, born July 24, 1858 ; and Catherine Mary [married, Janu. 29, 1885, Sir Offley Wakeman, third Baronet, of Rorrington]. S ANDREW JOHNES ROUSE - BOUGHTON - KNIGHT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Hereford. Born May 26, 1826, being the second son of Sir William Edward Rouse- Boughton, tenth Baronet of Lawford, in the county of Warwick, by his wife Charlotte, youngest of the three daughters and co-heirs of Thomas Andrew Knight, late of Downton Castle aforesaid ; and assumed by Royal License, January 28, 1857, the surname of Knight, in compliance with a direction contained in the will of his maternal grand- father, Thomas Andrew Knight. Z/wry— (dress) blue coat, red waistcoat, blue plush breeches ; (undress) Oxford grey coat and trousers , red and white striped waistcoat. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly, i. argent, three pallets gules, withm a bordure indented azure, on a chief of the last three spurs or (for Knight) ; 2. argent, on a chevron between three cross crosslets fitch^e sable, as many bucks' heads caboshed or, vulned in the forehead proper, on a chief gules a goat passant of the field (for Boughton of Loughton) ; 3. sable, three crescents or (for Boughton) ; 4. sable, two bars en- grailed argent (for Rouse). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, on a spur lying fesseways or, an eagle wings expanded proper, supporting in the beak a spear erect gold (for Knight) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a stork's head erased chevronny of four sable and argent, holding in the beak or, a snake proper (for Boughton) ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, the bust of a man affront^e couped at the shoulders proper, hair, beard, and whiskers sable, the head surrounded and crossed by a riband knotted at the top, the ends flowing from either temple argent (for Rouse). Motto — " Eques sit semper sequus." Married, Sept. 28, 1858, Eliza, youngest dau. of the late John Michael Severne of Thenford House, in co. Northampton, and of Wallop Hall, in co. Salop ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Andrew Rouse - Boughton - Knight, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for co. is the Naval Cockade. ii8o Eou Boto Hereford, late Lieut. ScoU Guards, *. Nov. 17, 1859 (m., 1903, Helen, dau. of Robert Orr Wilsonl; (a) Andrew Greville Rouse- Boughton- Knight, Esq., J. P. for CO. Hereford, b. Feb. 13, 1869 [•»., Sept. a, 1891, Isabel Harriet, dau. of A. C. Heber Percy of Hodnet, in co. 1888. . in CO. North- ampton] ; Katharine Emily \m., Jan. a6, 1899, Elliot G. Martin, eldest son of G. E. Martin of Ham Court, co. Worcester]; Mary Georgiana ; and Florence. Seat — Downton Ctutle, near Ludlow. Rev. Robert Strettell Rowan. M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.). Viciir of St. James's, Wardleworth, b. . A'es. — The Vicarage, Wardleworth, Rochdale. Shropshire]; Anna Lily Frances (m., Nov. 7, W. O. Peareth, Esq., of Thorpe Mandeville, ROUTLEY (H, Coll.). Argent, on a bend gules, be- tween a Cornish chough close in chief proper and an escallop in base sable, a Cornish chough close between two escallops all or. Mantling gules and argent. Orest — On a wreath of the colours, a Cornish chough close proper, gorged with a collar vair, holding in the beak a mullet pierced and resting the dexter leg on a caltrap both or. Motto — •' Agmine certo." Son of William Routley of Tower Lodge, Bramcord, Speke, Devon, 3. 1818 ; rf. 1865 ; m. 1843, Elizabeth, d. of William Edwards of Hennock, Devon : — Robert William Routley, Gentleman, d. 11 Oct. 1853 ; m. 24 July 1879, Louisa Mary, d. of late James Lowe, Esq., M.A. , J. P., of Churchfield House, Chorlton-cum- Hardy ; and has issue — (i) Gerald Standish Routley, Gentle, man, d. 8 Dec. 1880; (2) Robert Henry Cecil Routley, Gentleman, 6. 15 Oct. 1883; (3) William Follett Routley, Gentleman, 3. 16 Nov. 1884; and Maud Evelyn. Jfes. — Greenbank House, Bowdon, Cheshire; Tower Lodge, Bramford Speke, Devon. Clubs — Constitutional, Con- servative (Manchester). ROWAN (U.O., 1808 and 1814). Quarterly, i and 4, vert, a fesse cheqtiy or and gules, between in chief a trefoil slipped and in base three crescents out of each a cross crosslet fitch^e all of the second (Rowan, 1808) ; 2. or, a fesse chequy argent and azure, between two dexter hands couped at the wrist and erect gules, a double tressure flory counter- flory of the last (Stewart) ; 3. gules, three cushions erminois, tasselled or, a crescent for difference ( Redmond). Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a naked arm coujied at the elbow and erect, holding a sword projjer. pommel and hilt or. Motto — " Cresco per crucem." Son of Rev. Robert Willson Rowan, J. P., of Mount Davys, co. Antrim, 1810-1886 ; m. Anna, second d. of Joshua Minnitt of Anaghbeg, co. Tipperary : — John Joshua Rowan, Esq., of Mount Davys (^. t^. ). Robert Kerr O'Neill Rowan, Gentleman, b. 17 Jan. 1849. Xes.— Son of Hill Willson Rowan, Gentleman, b. ; d. ; m, Eliza Jackson : — Son of Devonsher John Rowan, Gentleman, rf. 1901 ; ! m. Elizabeth Francis, d. of Admiral Purcell of Bath : — ' Hill Willson Rowan, Gentleman, b. 1869; m. 1902, Annabella Ellen, d. of Charles Monck Wilson, 14th Regi. ; and has issue — Eileen Hill Wilson. Pos/. add. — Savage Club, Adelphi Terrace, London, W.C. E— — Willson Rowan, Gentleman, b. . Hes. — Fonthill, East Grinstead, Sussex. SJOHN JOSHUA ROWAN. Esquire, J. P. and D.L. CO. Antrim, Lieut. -Col. 4th Batt. Royal Irish Rifles, and served in the 62nd Regt. Bom Dec. 12, 1838, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Robert Willson Rowan, J. P. CO. Antrim, by his wife Anna, second dau. of Joshua Minnitt of Anaghbeg, co. Tipperary. Armorial bearings (U.O. 1808) — Vert, a fesse chequy or and gules, between a trefoil slipped in chief and three crosses crosslet fitch^e, issuant as many crescents in base of the second. Mantling vert and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a naked arm couped at the elbow, grasping a dagger proper. Motto — " Cresco per cnicem." Z-jV^rj/— green and gold. Married, firstly, 1866, May Amelia (d. 1879), eldest dau. of George Wright, sometime Colonial Treasurer of Prince Edward Island. He married secondly, 1881, Ellen Augusta, dau. of Rev. Edward W. Vaughan, Rector of I.lantwit Major, co. Glamorgan. Seat - Mount Davys, Cullybackey , co. Antrim. ROWAND of Linthouse (1829). Gules, two cross crosslets fitch^e in chief or, and an otter's head erased in base argent, on a chief gyronny of eight or and sable four galleys of the last, flagged of the first. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a lion couchant proper. Motto — " Benigno nuniine." Son of Michael Rowand of Linthouse, d. 1856 : — Michael Rowand, Gentleman, b. . Res. — 7 Jane Street, Glasgow. ROWBOTHAM (H. Coll.). Per fesse azure and gules, a roebuck trippant between five fleurs-de-lis three in chief and two in base or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a roebuck or, on the body a pale azure, thereon a fleur-de-lis of the first between two fleurs- 18 tbe Military Cockade. IRoto Eoto 1181 de-lis, and resting the dexter foreleg on a fleur-de-lis fessewise head to the dexter of the second. Sons of : — Thomas Rowbotham, Esq., J. P. co. Worcs. , b. 5tfa/— Giibertstone Grange, South Yardley, Birmingham. EDWARD LEE ROWCLIFFE, Gentleman. Bom Sept. 30, 1869, being the second son of William Rowcliffe, Esq., J. P. cos. Hants and Somerset, by his wife Matilda Frances, youngest dau. ofThomas Brown, Esq., D.I>., J. P., of Ebbw Vale, Monmouthshire (and nephew and successor to Edward Lee Rowcliffe, Esq., J. P., D.L.,of Hall Place). Armorial bearingfs- Argent, on a chevron engrailed be- tween three lions' heads erased gules, a mullet of six points between two chess-rooks of the first, all within a bordure of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased gules, in front thereof two chess-rooks argent. Motto ' ' Volens et valens. ' ' Married, Jan. 11, 1898, Clementina Elizabeth Hope, eldest dau. of Gen. Sir Edward Charles Sparshott Williams, K.C.I.E.. R.E.; and has had Issue -(1) Edward Rowcliffe, Gentleman, b. July 8, 1899, d. same day ; (2) Edward Hugh Lee Rowcliffe, Gentleman, b. March 12, 1902 ; and Dorothy Clementina. Seat — Hall Place, Cranleigh, Surrey. WILLIAM CHARLES ROWCLIFFE, Gentleman, M.A. Oriel Coll., Oxford. Born Sept. 2, 1867, being the eldest son of the late William Rowcliffe, Esq., J. P. for cos. Hants and Somerset, by his wife Matilda Frances, youngest dau. of Thomas Brown, D.L. , of Ebbw Vale, Monmouth- shire. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron en- grailed between three lions' heads erased gules, a mullet of six points between two chess-rooks of the first, all within a bordure of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased gules, in front thereof two chess-rooks argent. Motto — "Volens et valens." Seat — -Halsway Manor, Taunton, Somerset. Clubs — Devonshire, Oxford and Cambridge. ROWE, quartered by HILL. ROWE, see FISHER-ROWE. ROWLANDS (H. Coll.). Per chevron or and argent, on a chevron raguly gules between two wolfs heads erased in chief and a fleur-de-lis in base of the last, a wolf's head erased between two fleurs-de-lis of the second. Crest — ^On a wreath of the colours, upxan three fleurs-de-lis fessewise gules, a wolf passant proper, holding in the mouth a staff raguly in bend also g^les. Motto — " Y blaidd yn y blaen." Son of : — Jacob Rowlands, Gentleman, b. 1832 ; w. 1862, Julia Burton ; and has issue — (i) Frederick Rowlands, Gentle- man, b. 1865; (2) Arthur John Rowlands, Gentleman, b. 1867; (3) William Herbert Rowlands, Gentleman, b. 1869; (4) Richard Reginald Rowlands, Gentleman, b. 1874 ; (5) Reverend Percy Rowlands, b. 1876 ; and Mary Julia. Res. — Hollyhurst, South Yardley, Birmingham. ROWLET, quartered by CONYERS. ROWLEY, see LANGFORD and TOLER-ROWLEY. ROWLEY (U.O., 1634). Or, on a bend cottised gules, three crescents argent. Vide Rowley, Lord Langford, Rowley-Conway, and Toler-Rowley. Rowley (R.L. , 1800). Same arms (quartered with the paternal arms of Taylour, viz. : Ermine, on a chief gules, a fleur-de-lis between two boar's heads erect or.) Crest — A wolf's head couped at the shoulder proper, collared argent. Motto — " Bear and forbear." Sons of Clotworthy Wellington William Robert Row- ley, 3rd Baron Langford, 1825-1854, fii. 1846, Lousia Augusta, d. of Col. Edward Michael Conolly, M.P., of Castletown :— Sir Hercules Edward Rowley, 4th Baron Langford (31 July 1800), K.C.V.O., State Steward to Lord-Lieut. Ireland 1886-1892, Comptroller 1895- 1902, late Lt.-Col. Gren. Gds. , J.P. co. Meath [Arms as above. Supporters — Dexter, a figure of Pallas holding in her exterior hand a spear ; sinister, a figure of Temperance holding a bridle in her exterior hand proper], b. 1 June 1848; m. 11 July 1889, Georgina Mary (d. 1901), sixth d. of Sir Richard Sutton, 4th Bart. ; and has issue — (1) Hon. John Hercules William Rowley, b. 16 Dec. 1894 ; (2) Hon. George Cecil Rowley, b. 18 Aug. 1896 ; Hon. Noel Maud. Seat — Summerhill House, Enfield, co. Meath. Clubs— C&rhon, Kildare Street (Dublin). Hon. William Chambr6 Rowley, Major late R.A., member of H.M. Hon. Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms, b. 30 Aug. 1849; m. 27 July 1889, Hon. Mabel Maud Legh, d. of ist Lord Newton. Hes. — 26 Chester Street, S.W. Club — Naval and Military. Hon. Randolfe Thomas Rowley, late R.N., b, 22 Dec. 1852; m. 4 Oct. 1883, Rosetta, d. of Thomas Henry Fletcher of Homewood, Kati Kati, N.Z. , and Addison "Lodge, Dublin ; and has surv. issue — Clotworthy Welling- ton 'fhomas Edward Rowley, Esq., b. i June 1885. Res. — Wanganui, New Zealand. Sons of Hercules Langford Rowley, 2nd Baron Lang- ford, 1795-1839, m. 1818, Louisa Augusta, d. of William Rhodes :— Hon. Hercules Langford Boyle Rowley, Hon. Col. 5th Batt. Leinster Regt., J.P. and D.L. co. Meath (High Sheriff 1856), formerly Capt. 6th Dragoons, b. 19 June 1828; m. 3. Nov. 1857, Lousia Jane, d. of Archibald Campbell of Mains and sister of ist Lord Blythswood ; and has surv. issue^(i) Hercules Douglas Edward Rowley, Esq., J.P. co. Dublin, late Lieut. 5th Batt. Leinster Regt., b. i Aug. 1859 \m. 7 Oct. 1884, Agnes Marion, only d. of A. Allen of Devizes, Wilts ; and has issue — Ivy Mabel Armine Douglas ; and Monica Evelyn Douglas] ; (2) Arthur Sholto Langford Rowley, Vice-Consul at Valparaiso, late Lieut. 5th Batt. Leinster Regt., b. 10 Dec. 1870; and two daus. Res. — Marlay Grange, Rathfarnham, co. Dublin. a CHARLES JOHN ROWLEY, Esquire, Admiral, and formerly a Naval Aide-de-Camp to her late Majesty Queen Victoria, J.P. Born Dec. 24, 1832, being the second son of Capt. Richard Freeman Rowley, R. N., by his wife Elizabeth Julia, dau. of John Angerstein, M.P. , of Weeting Hall, in co. Norfolk. Livery — White, with black collars and cuffs. Armorial bearings — .'\rgent, on a bend engrailed sable, between two Cornish choughs pro- per, three escallops of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree. MaJitling sable and argent. Crest^ — Upon a wreath of the colours, a mullet pierced or. Motto — " Ventis secundis." Married, Ma.y g, 1867, Alice Mary Arabella, youngest dau. of George Cary Elwes, Gentleman ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Pelham Rowley, Gentleman, B.A. (Oxford), Lieut. R.A. , b. April 26, 1877 ; (2) Windsor Angerstein Rowley, Gentleman, b, Aug. 2, 1878; and May. Estate — Holmesland, Botley, in CO. Southampton. Postal address — Holmesland, Botley, is the Naval Cockade. 4F* fvS» mo\x> Bop Hants. C/ni>s — United Service, Royal Southern Yacht (Southampton), Navy (Portsmouth). H C.EORGF. FYDKl.L ROWI.KY, Esquire. J. P. and 9 i>.L. COS. Rutland and Huntingdon. |.P. co. Uncoln, High Sheriff for Rutl.ind 1891. /lorm July ai. 1851. lieing the only child of the late tieorife Dawson Rowley. Esq.. M.A. of Trin. Coll.. Caml>riflge. High Sheriff for Rutland 1870, by his wife Caroline Frances, only dau. of Archdeacon Lindsay. Armorial bMurlnffs— Argent, on a bend sable, lielwcen two Cornibli choughs proper, three escallops of the held ; ini|«iling the arms of Corbet, namely or, a raven sable. Mantllog ^able and arj^ent. Cr«8t On a wreath of the colours, a mullet pierced argent. A fart mi, Sept. 30, 1884, Alice, eldest dau. of Sir Vincent Corbel of Moreton Corljet. Salop. Bart.; and has /tsut-{i) Owsley Vincent Fydell Rowley, Gentleman, d. Sept. 10. 1885; (a) George Richard Francis Rowley. Gentleman. K Feb. 1. 1889. Stats-Vriory Hill. St. Neols; Morcett Hall. Rutland. C/«*j— C'arlton, Junior Carlton. ROWSON. qu-irtered by LINGARU-MONK. FRANCIS ROXBURGH, Esquire, B.A. and Master ol l^ws of the Univ. of Camb., Harrisler-at-Law. Assistant Judge of the Lord Mayor's Court. 1887-190}. Bof» 1850, being the only surviving son of the late Sir Francis Rox- burgh, Knight Bachelor, one of His Majesty's Counsel Le^ed in the Law. Judge of County Courts, by his wife Mary. dau. of the late Rev. Henry Walker. Armorial beann^— Argent, on a pile azure a horse's head couped of the hrst. in base two saltires couped of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Creat— Upon a wreath of his liveries, a horse's head as in the arms. Motto — " Tam audax quam fidelis." Married, 1887, Annie Ger- trude, dau. of the Rev. Edward Thomas Mortlock ; and has /ssue — Ronald Francis Roxburgh, Esq., *. Nov. 19, 1889. Postal address— 42 Leinster Gardens, Hyde Park. W. CIu6 — Oxford and Cambridge. ROYDEN (H. ColL). Vert, three stag's heads erased in pale between two-hunting horns in fesse or. Mantling^ vert and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased or. collared gemel vert, and pendent from the mouth a shield of the arms. Motto — "Au roy donne devoir." Livery — Dark green, gold facings. Son of Thomas Roydcn of Fraokby. b. 1792 ; d. 1868 ; m. 1835. Nancy, d. of Thomas Dean of Scale Lancaster : — Sir Thomas Bland Rovdcn. Bart.. J. P. and D.L. ( Sheriff co. of Chester). *. ao FeK 1831 ; m. 4 July iBfiJs, ' Alice Elicalieth. d. of Thomas Dowdall ; and has issue— (i) Thomas Royden, Esq.. h. 33 May 1871 ; (3) Ernest Hland Royden, Esq.. h. 30 Jan. 1873 \m. ujoi, Rachel Mary, d. of Jerome Smith]; Alice Nancy [iti. P. L. Rooper] ; Ethel Martha ; Mary .Catherine ; Mabel ; Evelyn , Mary [m. Hadden Todd] ; and Agnes Maud. Stat-~i Frankby Hall, Cheshire. T/wAi— Carlton, Constitutional J Palatine (Liverjwol). ROYDS, quartered by FLETCHER-TWEMLOW. ROYDS, see BESWICKE-ROYDS. Rev. CHARLES CRADOCK TWEMLOW ROYDSj Clerk in Holy Orders. Bom Aug. 9, 1877, Iwing the thira son of the late Rev. Ch.irles Twemlow Royds of Heysham, j Lancaster, and Haughton, co. Stafford, Rector and Patron! of Heysham. J. P.. by his wife I^uisa, dixu. of William 1 Hudson of Ousecliff, co. York. Armorial baarings— Er- mine, on .1 cross engrailetl between four lions rampant gules, I a spear in (mIc pro|')er, Ijetwccn four bc/ants. Mantling I gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colDurs, a leopard sejant sable licKintfe, gorged with a collar argent,! resting his forepaw on a pheon or. Motto — "Semper] parat us. ' ' Resiaenee — SCo!,ONEL CLEMENT MOLYNEUX ROYDS, C.R.l D.L. and J. P. for the County Palatine of Lancaster,] for which he served the office of High Sheriff in 1889,! Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, late Col. commanding the Duke 1 * Lancaster's Own Imp. Yeom., Hon. Col. 2nd V.B. Ijanc Fusiliers, M.P. for Rochdale. Bom April 3, 1842, being] the eldest son of the late William Edward Royds ofl Greenhill, in the aforesaid county, and Danehill Park, [ Sussex, by his wife Mary Anne, dau. of Anthony Molyneux of Newsham House, County Palatine of Lanes. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a cross engrailed between four lions rampant gules, a tilting-spear erect or, and four bezants. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a leopard sejant sable, bezant^e, gorged with a collar argent, the dexter forepaw resting on a pheon or. Motto — "Sempwr paratus." Mar- ried, February 31, 1883, Annette Nora Jane (Lady of ^ is the Military Cockade. Kop iROc 1183 Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England), dau. of Thomas Littledale, Esq., D.L. , of Highfield, Lanes. Estate and postal address — Greenhill, near Rochdale. Clubs — Carlton, United Service. FRANCIS TWEMLOW ROYDS, formerly Curate of Heysham, Lanes., Justice of the Peace for the county of Lancaster. Received into the Roman Catholic Church, Oct. 4, 1901. Born March 20, 1863, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Charles Twemlow Royds, Rector of Heys- ham, by his wife Louisa, dau. of William Hudson of Ouse- cliff, CO. York. Armorial bearings— Ermine, on a cross igrailed between four lions rampant gules, a tilting-spear jct or, and four bezants ; and for the Crest, on a wreath the colours, a leopard sejant sable, bezant6e, gorged with , collar argent, the dexter forepaw resting on a pheon or ; ^th the Motto, "Semper paratus." Married, June 7, |., Katharine Howard, fifth daughter of F. W. Grafton Heysham Hall, Lancashire, sometime Member of Parlia- lent for North-East Lancashire. Postal address — 7 Ade- ide Road, Leamington. JOHN FLETCHER TWEMLOW ROYDS, Esquire, J.P. CO. Cheshire, Barrister-at-Law. Born March 14, 1867, being the second son of the late Rev. Charles Twemlow Royds, by Louisa, dau. of William Hudson of Ousecliff, co. mYork. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a cross engrailed ' between four lions rampant gules, a tilting-spear erect or, Ind four bezants ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the Bolours, a leopard sejant sable, bezant^e, gorged with a collar argent, the de.xter forepaw resting on a pheon or ; prith the Motto, "Semper paratus." Married, July 6, 1897, Ada, dau. of Richard Holt Briscoe of Chillington Hall, Brewood, Staffs. ; and has Issue — Charles Royds, Gentleman, b. Nov. 11, 1901 ; and Violet Anastasia. Postal address — The Hill, Sandbach, Cheshire. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. JOHN MACDONALD ROYSE, Esq., J.P. cos. Dublin, K-ildare, and Wicklow. Born 1840, being the eldest son of liomas Henry Royse of Nantenan. Club — Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings — Per saltire or and argent, a griffin segreant azure, in chief a rose gules, between two trefoils proper, all within a bordure vert, and impaling the arms of Monck, namely gules, a chevron between three lions' heads erased argent. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant, barry argent and gules. Married, 1875, the Hon. Elizabeth Louise Mary, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Charles Monck, 4th Viscount Monck, and has issue. Estate — Nantenan, co. Limerick, and Brannoxtown, co. Kildare. Residence — Thornton, Dimlavin, co. Kildare. RUBIE. impaled by GEORGE, see Appendix. JOHN RUBIE, Gentleman, Alderman, and (in 1895-96) Mayor of the city of Bath. Born July 24, 1832, being the second surviving son of the late George Rubie of Bursledon, Hants, Gentleman, who was third son of the late Edward Rubie, also of Bursledon, Shipbuilder. Armorial bearings — Gules, a warship, the sails ftu'led, in chief three escar- buncles all argent ; a crescent on a crescent for cadency. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an anchor erect, the shank enfiled by a garb, all or. Motto — " Que les rubis brillent." Married, Nov. 26, 1856, Emily, second and youngest surviving dau. of the late John George of Manvers Street, in the city of Bath, and formerly of Bury, Abingdon, co. Berks, Gentleman, and sister of John Daniel George, Gentleman [to whom refer] ; and has Issue — John Edwin Rubie, Esq. , a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Tin Plate Workers of London, and formerly a Capi. 22nd Lanes. R.V. (now 6th Batt. Manchester Regt.), b. Nov. 11. 1857. Postal address — Bath. RUCKER (Granted H. Coll., 1901, with some modifica- tions to arms previously in use in England, since 1760, such being of German origin and not recorded in this country). Ermine, on a rock a female figure in profile projjer, vested vert, crined or, holding in the dexter hand a dove close looking to the sinister aJso proper, and supporting with the sinister hand an anchor erect sable. MaVi t ling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a bezant, a female figure affrontte proper, vested from the waist vert, crined or, holding in the dexter hand a dove as in the arms between two wings also or. Motto — " Dum spiro spero." is the Naval Coc^de. ii84 RuD ]RU0 Sons of Daniel Menry RUcker of Errington, Clapham Park, S.\V., ^. 1815: a. 1890; m. 1847, Mary Antoinette, d. of John Digntim Williams : — Sir Arthur WilVinm RUcker, Km. Bach. (190a), M.A., LL.1>.. D.Sc., F.K.S.. Pres. of the British Association (ivoi), Fellow and Principal of the University of lx>ndon since 1901, t. 1848; m. ist, 1876, Marian {d. 1878), d. of John Deakin Heaton, M.D., F.R.C.P., of Leeds; and, 189a, Therria Charlotte, d. of Mervyn Herbert Nevil Story- Maskelvnc, Ksq., J. P. and D.L.. F.R.S., of Bassi-t Down, Wilts [Arms of Story- Maskelync imiialed, f.v.]; and has issue (by second mar.)— Arthur Nevil KUcker, Esq., i. 1895 ; and (by ist mar.) Olive Marian, /fes. — 19 Gledhow Gar- dens, London, S.W. C/ui — Athenaeum. Edward Augustus RUcker, Gentleman, ^. 1850 ; m. 1886, Mary Farmer; and has issue — (x) John Hamilton RUcker, Gentleman, t. 1886; (a) Charles Sigismund RUcker, Gentle- man, A. 1894; (3) Robin RUcker, Gentleman; d. 1898; i4) Patrick Ruckcr, Gentleman, i. 1900; Marguerite; Doris iileen Therera ; and Kathleen, /ies. — Cudhani Hall, Sevenoaks. Reginald Wynn RUcker, Gentleman, i. 1885 ; m. 1881, Frances Harrod; and has issue — (i) Frank Wynn RUcker, Gentleman, A. 1888 ; (a) Reginald Franklin Wynn RUcker, Gentleman, f>. 189a; and Gladys Wynn. Xes. — Maesllwyn, Amlwch, Anglesey. RUDING. quartered by LANE. RUDINGE, quartered by MANSERGH and MARTIN. RUDSTON, see CALVERLEY-RUDSTON. RUNDLE (H. Coll.). Argent, on a fesse embattled counter-embattled sable between three branches of laurel fructed proper, an anchor erect or, between two bezants. jfantllng sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a woirs head erased sable, gorged with a collar gemel argent, and supporting in the mouth an anchor erect or. Motto — " Mererc." Son of Capt. Joseph Sparkhall Rundle, R.N., *. ; d. ; m. : — Lt.-Gen. Sir Henry Macleod Leslie Rundle, K.C.B. (1898), K.C.M.G. (1900), C.M.G. (1896), D.S.O. (1887); Pasha in Egypt, served during S. African War 1879-81, Zulu Campaign, Battle of Ulundi (ment. desp., medal, clasp), Transvaal Campaign, defence of Potchefstroom (ment. desp.); with Egyptian Exped. 1882; present at battle of Tel-el-Kebir (medal, clasp, bronze stars) ; with Sudan Elxped. 1884-5, employed with Egyptian Army (ment. desp. clasp) ; with Sudan Exped. 1885, operations of the Frontier Field Force (3rd class Medjidie), A.A.G., and in command of Mounted Troops at action of Sarras (ment. desp. , 3rd class Osmanieh), in command of Artillery at action of Toski 1889 (ment. desp., clasp), present at capture of Tokar 1891 (ment. desp., clasp) ; with Dongola Exped. 1896, as Chief of Staff, present at action of Ferkeh and Hafir (ment. desp.), with Sudan Exped. 1897-8 as Chief of Staff, present at battle of Omdurman (ment. desp. , thanked by both Houses of Parliament) ; in South African War 1899-1901, in command of 8th Div. (wounded, desp., medal with two clasps, K.C.M.G.) ; commanded Egyptian Artillery 1888-92, A.G. of Egyptian Army 1893-8 (and class Medjidie); commanded S.E. Dist. 1898, sth Div. 2nd Army Corps 1902-3, N.E. Dist. from 1903, d. 6 Jan. 1856 ; m. 1887, Eleanor Georgina, eld. d. of the late Capt. H. J. Montgomery Campbell, R.A. , of Thurmaston Hall, Leicestershire. C/k*— Army and Navy. ALGEMAN ST. GEORGE WILLIAM RUSHOUT RUSHOUT, Esquire. Bom Feb. 20, 1843. being the third son of the late Sir Charles Rushout, second Baronet, by his wife Cecilia Olivia Geraldine, dau. of the Right Hon. Thomas Foley, third Lord Foley. Armorial beuing^s— He bears for Amu : Quarterly i and 4, sable two lions passant guardant within a bordure engrailed or (for Rushout) ; 2 and 3 or, a leopard's face azure, encircled by a wreath of laurel, between two cockerels in pale proper two flaunches gules (for Cockerell). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, 1. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant guardant or (for Rushout) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, withm a crescent argent, a tiger's face proper, crowned with an Eastern crown or (for Cockerell), Married, 1884, Clara Essex (rf. 1896), daughter of W. Selby Lowndes of Whaddon Hall, in the county of Bucking- ham, and widow of T. Wright of Hill Top, liolion. /'ostal address — Bourton House, Moreton-in-Marsh. Cluhi— Arthur's. RUSSELL, quartered by GORGES. RUSSELL, sec WAITS-RUSSELL. RUSSELL (H. Coll.). Gules, two swords saltiieways proper, between as many cinquefoils in pale argent, on a chief of the last two bomljshells, fired proper. ifEintling gules and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, ujxjii a mount vert, an antelope lodged proper, gorged with a collnr Dei BeNeFIClO SUM QUOD 5UM gemel or, supporting a lance proper, therefrom flowing^! pennon argent, charged with a bombshell also proper. Motto — " Dei beneficio sum quod sum." Sons of Andrew Hamilton Russell, Esq., Lt.-Col. late 22nd and 58th Regts., formerly of Manga Kuriy. Hawkesbay, New Zealand, J. P. and M.L.C. (1862) m that Colony, *. 1811 ; d. 19 ; m. 1835, Eliza Ann, d. of John Howlett of the Cherry Garden and Atxjukir Estates, Jamaica: — Andrew Hamilton Russell. Gentleman, b. 1837. Res.— Fonthill, Torquay. William Russell, Gentleman, b. 1838. Res. — Frederick Howlett Russell, Gentleman, b. 1842. Res.— Arthur Edward Russell, Gentleman, b. 1845. Res.— Herbert Henry Russel), Gentleman b. 1847. Res.— Gerald Walter Russell, Gentleman, b. 1850. Res.— RUSSELL of Handsworth (29 May 1835). Quarterly, I and 4, argent, a fess dancetty ermines, between threi- crosses crosslet fitchte in chief and two in base sable. Mantling sable and argent (Russell) ; 2 and 3, argent, od a chevron gules, between two martlets in chief sable and a book closed in base proper, three pheons or (Ikist, 1835). Cjrest -On a wreath of the colours, in front of two palm- branches saltireways vert, a fret or, thereon a martlet i^biA Motto — " Quo fata vocant." ^ is the Military Cockade, Plate XLI. Boi2^^ISOI2 Sii^neisis HlsOS/E) I iau0 iau0 1185 Sons of Thomas Henry Russell, Gentleman : — Francis Henry Russell, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Albert Hannington Russell, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Australia. His 'Honour Judge RUSSELL (the Honourable ARTHUR RUSSELL), M.A. Oriel Coll., Oxford, Barrister (Inner Temple) ; appointed a Judge of County Courts, Circuit 45 (1900). Born 1861, being the eldest son of the late Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Russell, Baron Russell, of Kill- owen. Lord Chief-Justice of England, a Lord of Appeal in Ordinary and a Life Peer, P.C, G.C.M.G., LL.D., by his wife El'.en, dau. of the late J. S. MulhoUand, Esq., M.D. , of Belfast. Armorial beaxing^s —Argent, a lion rampant gules, on a chief sable, three escallops of the first, the whole within a bordure engrailed vert. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a goat passant argent, armed or, charged on the body fesse- ways with three trefoils vert. Married, 1891, Florence, only dau. of the late Prof. James Cunning, M.D., of Belfast. Residence— 16 Norfolk Square, W. Ciub —Nevf University. The Honourable CHARLES RUSSELL, Solicitor in United Kingdom for Canadian Government, Solicitor for the Stewards of the Jockey Club ; unsuccessfully con- tested Hackney, Central Division. Born 1863, being the . second son of the late Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Russell, Baron Russell, of Killowen, Lord Chief-Justice of England, a ! Lord of Appeal in Ordinary and a Life Peer, P.C, G.C.M.G., LL.D., by his wife Ellen, dau. of the late J. S. MulhoUand, Esq. , M. D. , of Belfast. Armorial bearings— . Argent, a lion rampant gules, on a chief sable three escallops I of the first, the whole within a bordure engrailed vert. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a goat passant argent, armed or, charged on the body fesseways with three trefoils vert. Married, 1889, Adah, eldest dau. of the late William Williams, Esq., of Glanmawddach, Dolgelly, N. Wales; and has Issue— A l daughter. Residence— 5 Hans Mansions, S.W. Clubs— I Reform, Garrick, Ranelagh. I The Honourable CYRIL RUSSELL. Born 1866, • being the third son of the late Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Russell, i Baron Russell, of Killowen, Lord Chief-Justice of England, ' a Lord of Appeal in Ordinary and a Life Peer, P.C, 1 G.C.M.G.. LL.D., by his wife Ellen, dau. of the late J. S. i MulhoUand, Esq. , M. D. , of Belfast. Armorial bearings— ■ Argent, a lion rampant gules, on a chief sable, three escallops i ofthe first, the whole within a bordure engrailed vert. Mant- ling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, ' a goat passant argent, armed or, charged on the body fesse- ways with three trefoils vert. Married, 1894, Helen, dau. I of Alexander George Pirie, Esq., of Leckmelm, Ross-shire; and has surviving /ij?/e — Ason, ^. 1894; ason,/5. 1895; and a dau. /?«jrf««fe— 13 Hyde Park Street, W. Club— Garrick. §Major-General FRANCIS SHIRLEY RUSSELL, C.M.G., J. P., D.L., late M.P. for Cheltenham (1895), ■ Col. (late) com. ist Royal Dragoons, late Military At- tach6, Berlin. Born Dec. 13, 1840, being the third son of the late James Russell, Esq., J. P., D.L. , by his wife Miss Caroline Lambton. Armorial bearings— Quarterly, i. argent, a lion rampant gules, and in chief two crescents ' sable (for Russell) ; 2. gules, three dirks paleways proper, hiked and pommelled or, surmounted with as many wolves' ' heads of the last ; 3. azure, a chevron argent, between three ;, suns in splendour proper ; 4. gyronny of eight or and sable. 1 "Below the escutcheon his badge as a C.M.G. Mantling : gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter hand issuing from a cloud brandishing a sword proper. Motto (over the crest)— " Promptus." Married, \ Sept. I, 1888, Philippa, dau. of the late Rt. Hon. Henry i Baillie of Redcastle, by his wife Hon. Philippa, dau. of the 6th Viscount Strangford; and has Issue — (i) Alexander Duncan Cumine Russell, Gentleman, b. Nov. 30, 1889 ; (2) Drostan Arthur Cumine Russell, Gentleman, b. Aug. 29, 1891 ; (3) Sydney Russell, Gentleman, b. April 16, 1895 I Philippa Caroline Cumine ; and Helen Winifred Cumine. Seats — ■ Aden House, Kininmonth House, Mintlaw, co. Aberdeen. Clubs — Carlton, Arthur's, Army and Navy. § GEORGE WILLIAM ERSKINE RUSSELL, Es- quire, M.A. Oxford, LL.D. St. Andrews, sometime M.P. for Aylesbury and for North Bedfordshire, D.L. for the CO. of the City of London. Bom February 3, 1853, being the second son of Lieut. -Col. Charles James Fox Russell, commonly known as Lord Charles James Fox Russell, by his wife Isabella Clarissa, dau. of the late William Davies of Penylan, co. Carmarthen. Armorial bearings— Argent, a Hon rampant gules, on a chief sable, three escallops of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a goat passant argent, armed or. Motto — "Che sara sara." Postal address— 18 Wilton Street, S.W. Clubs- Reform, Eighty. HAROLD JOHN HASTINGS RUSSELL, Esquire, Barrister-at-Law Inner Temple. Born Jan. 23, 1868, eldest son of the late Lord Arthur Russell and his wife, Laura, dau. of Vicomte de Peyronnet. Livery — Brown, red and white striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings— Argent, a lion rampant gules, on a chief sable, three escallops of the field, and impaling the arms of Leveson-Gower, namely, quarterly i and 4, barry of eight argent and gules, a cross flory sable (for Gower) ; 2 and 3, azure, three laurel leaves or (for Leveson). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a goat statant argent, armed or. Married, Sept. 8, 1896, Lady Victoria Alberta Leveson Gower, elder dau. of 2nd Earl Granville ; and has Issue^ Anthony Arthur Russell, Esq., b. 1904 ; Elizabeth Frances ; and Rachel Georgiana. Postal address— \6 Beaufort Gar- dens, London, S.W. Clubs — Brooks's, Athenaeum. Major-General JOHN CECIL RUSSELL, C.V.O. Served inAshantiWar 1874, Kaffir War 1878-79, Zulu War 1879, Extra Equerry to the Prince of Wales from 1878, and to the King since 1901. Born 1839, being the son ofthe late A. J. Russell, W.S., of Edinburgh. Armo>' rial bearings — Argent, a chevron between three powits sable, a bordure gules, impaling the arms of Thornhill, namely gules, two bars gemelles and a chief argent. Mant- ling gules doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a fountain proper. Motto— "Agitatione purgatur." Married, 1869, Hester F. , dau. ofthe Rev. C Thornhill of Milesdown, Castle Bellingham. Residence^Ba,rton Court, Canterbury. Clubs— Marlhorough, Army and Navy. RICHARD HAROLD RUSSELL, Gentleman, B.A. Camb. , Barrister-at-Law. Bom 1869, being the only son of the late Rev. Richard Norris Russell, Clerk in Holy Orders, sometime Rector of Beachhampton, co. Bucks, M.A. Camb., J. P. for cos. Buckingham and Northampton, Hon. Canon of Christ Church, Oxford, by his wife Lady Mary Perceval, only dau. of the Rev. and Hon. C'harles George Perceval, M.A. , Rector of Calverton, co. Bucking- ham, and sister of the Earl of Egmont. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings — Per pale argent and or, a lion rampant gules, charged on the shoulder with a fleur- de-lis of the second, on a chief sable a castle between two escallops of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a goat passant holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped all proper. Motto — " Che sara sara." Residence —The Grange, Radclive, Buckingham. HERBERT ARTHUR RUSSELL-PAVIER, Gentle- man. Born June 2, 1872, being the eldest son of the late William Adey Russell-Pavier, Esq., of Hammerwich, co. Stafford, and Newlands, Heaton Moor, co. Lancaster, Major i6th Lancashire R.V., by his wife Mary Ellen, dau. of Joseph Sale of Lit church Lodge, Derby. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, sable three fusils in fesse or, be- tween two flaunches of the last, each charged with a mallet of the first, a chief chequy of the second and gules (for Pavier) ; 2 and 3 argent, a fesse dancette^ ermine, between three crosses crosslets fitch^e in chief and two in base sable (for Russell). Mantling sable and or; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed proper, vested above the elbow argent, that on the dexter holding a chisel, and that on the sinister a mallet, also proper, (for Pavier) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of two palm branches saltireways vert, a fret or, thereon a martlet sable (for Russell). Motto — "Quo fata vocant." WILLIAM ADEY RUSSELL-PAVIER, Esquire, Major i6th Lancashire R.V. Assumed by Royal Licence the additional name of Pavier in 1874, on succession to the Hammerwich estates, being the only son of the late is tlie Naval Cockade. ii86 IRU0 Addison Russell of Bloxwich, by his wife Susan, dau. of William Adey of Chocley Place, Lichfield. Armorial beairlniT* -i^Hianerly i and 4, sable, three fusils in fesse or. Iwtween "two (launches of the last, each charged with a mallet of the first, a chief cliequy of the second and gules (for I'avier) : a and 3, argent, a fesse danceitde ermine between three cross crosslets fitch^ in chief and two in base sable (for Russell). Mantling sable and or. Cresta— i. on a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed proper, vestcil above the elbow argent, that on the dexter holding a chisel, and that on the sinister holding a mallet also proper (for Pavier) ; a. on a wreath of the colours, in front of two p.-\lin branches saltireways vert, a fret or, thereon a martlet sable (for Russell). Motto— "Quo fata vocant." Married, April 7, 1870, Mary Ellen, dau. of Joseph Sale of Litchurch Lodge, Derby, and graiiddau. of William Sale of Barrow, CO, Derby; and has lisue—{x) Herbert Arthur Russell- Pavier, Gentleman, of Newlands, Heaton Moor, Stockport, CO. Lancaster, b. June a, 187a; (a) Douglas Sale Russell- Pavier, Gentleman, b. March 19, 1874; (3) Gordon Somer- ville Russell-Pavier, Gentleman, ^. April 18, 1885; Gertrude Ellen ; and Edith Mary. S JOSEPH SEWARD RUSTON, Esquire, J.P. for the Parts of Lindsey, Lines., Capt. ist V.B. Lines. Regt. Bom .Aug. I. 1869. being the eldest son of the late Joseph Ruston, by his wife Jane, dau. of William Brown of Sheffield, Armorial bearings— Or, a lion passant sable, gutt^-d'eau, on a chief indented gules, an escallop between two leopards' faces argent Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion ermine, holding between the paws an escallop gules, a leopard's face between two roses of the last, barbed vert, seeded or. Motto — "Have patience and endure." Seat — Monks Manor, Lincoln. ANDREW RUTHERFURD, Esquire, lateSherifTof the Lothians and Peebles, only son of Major James Hunter But (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings— He bears for Amu Argent, an orle, and in chief three martlets gules, all wilhi a bordure ermine. Above the shield is placed a heli befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argeni and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a merm holding in her dexter hand a mirror, and in her sinister comb, all proper ; and upon an escroll above the crest Motto, " Per mare per terras," Married, 1863, Mary Anne, daughter of Abraham Logan of Burnhouses, in (hr county of Berwick ; and has had lasue — (i) James HuntL-r Rutherfurd, Gentleman, Writer to the Signet, l)orn 1864; (a) Andrew Rutherfurd, Gentleman, M.B. , born 1867; Agnes Sophia ; Mary Georgina [d. 1895) ; and Elizabel Susan Grace. Postal address — 14 Great Stuart Sin Edinburgh. ni: ihij^^ 7h^P RUTHVEN, see OTWAY-RUTHVEN. HENRY RUTSON, Esquire. B.A. (Cantab.), J.P North Riding of York. Bom July 35, 1831, being the third son of the late William Rutson, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for Newby Wiske, by his wife Charlotte Mary, dau. of William Lwart of Mosley Hill, Liverpool. Club — United University. Armorial bearings — Per fesse indented or and sable, three bulls' heads couped counterchanged, the two in chief each charged with a bezant, and that in base with a pellet. Mantling sable and or. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head couped p)er lx:nd sable and or, and entwined by a serpent proper. Motto— " Spwctemur agendo." Estate — Warlaby Grange, North- allerton. Postal address — The Hall, Newby Wiske, Northallerton. I ir^^ Rutherfurd (R.E.). by bis wife Elizabeth, dau. of Alexander Young of Harburn, co. Midlothian. Club — University JOHN RUTSON, Esquire, B.A. (Cantab.), J.P, North Riding of co. York. Born Oct. 28, 1829, beii the second but eldest surviving son of the late William Rutson, Esq., J.P. and D. L. for Newby Wiske, by his wife Charlotte Mary, dau. of William Ewart of Mosley Hill. Liverpool. Armorial bearings — Per fesse in- dented or and sable, three bulls' heads couped counter- changed, the two in chief each charged with a bezant, and that in base with a pellet. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head couped pier bend sable and or, and entwined by a serpient proper. Motto — " Spectemur agendo. " Residences — Newby Wiske, Northallerton ; Nunnington Hall, York. Club — United University. DAVID KNOX RUTTLEDGE, Esquire, J.P. Bom June 29, 1866, being the eldest son of the late David Rutt- ledge, Esq., J.P. for Galway. Hon. Major Connaught Rangers, by his wife Sarah Knox, second dau. of the Rev. Edward Leet of Otranto, Kingstown. Armorial bearings — Argent, a stag trippant proper, on a chief engrailed azure, three estoiles or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an oak-tree proper, pendent from a dexter branch thereof by a riband azure, an escutcheon or. Motto — " Verax atque probus." Mar- ried, June 30, 1891, Hon. Meta Handcock, fourth d.iu. of Lord Castlemaine. Seats — Barbersfort, and Cahergal House, Tuam, co. Galway, S THOMAS HENRY BRUEN RUTTLEDGE, Gentle- man. Born 1852, being the only son of the late Robert Ruttledge, Esq., J.P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1864), Lieut. -Col. South Mayo Militia, by his wife Katharine, dan. of Peter Low (by Louisa his wife, dau. of Sir Richard Butler, 7th Bart., of Ballintemple). Armorial bearings- Argent, a stag trippant proper, on a chief engrailed azure, three estoiles or. Mantling azure and argent ; and for bis Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an oak tree proper, pendent from a dexter branch thereof by a riband azure, an escutcheon or. Motto — "Verax atque probus." Mar- ried, firstly, 1883, Florence Rose ( in armour holding a sword erect, between four ears of rye leaved and two on either side all proper, a ; cross Ixjtony gules. Married, 1887, Amy Elizabeth, younger^ dau. of Robert F'alkner, of Kersal, Manchester ; and ha Issue: two daus. Seats — Calder Abbey, via Carnforth.j Cumberland ; Letton Lodge, Broughton Park, Manchester. JAMES FLEETWOOD RYND, Esq., Barrister-at- Law. B.A. (Irin. Coll., Dublin), late Hon. Col. 8th Ratt.^ Rifle Brigade (Leitrim Militia). Born 1834, being the onlj son of the late Robert Fleetwood Rynd, Esq., J. P., Ryndville, by Maria, dau. of the late Thomas L. Dames * of Greenhills, King's Co. Armorial bearings— Ermine, on a cross gules, a cross crosslet fitch^e or, the sinister chief qujuter argent, charged with two mullets in fesse azure, in i the centre chief point a crescent of the third. Mantling^ 1 gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the] colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, holding in the paws 1 cross crosslet fitch^e or, and charged on the shoulder witli] a crescent as in the arms. Motto — "Fideet fortitudine.' 5w/— Ryndville, Enfield, co. Meath. ROBERT FLEETWOOD WILLIAM RYND, Esq.J J. P. CO. Kildare, late Hon. Major Kildare Rifle Militia,] formerly Capt. 22nd Foot. Bom 1842, being the eldest soa| of the late Christopher Rynd, Esq., D.L., of Mount Arm- strong, CO. Kildare, by Helena Maria, only surviving child! and heir of the late Peter Wolfe of Blackhall, co. Kildare^J Armorial bearingB — Ermine, on a cross gules, a crossi crosslet fitch^e or, the sinister chief quarter argent, chargedl with two mullets in fesse azure, in the centre chief point a] crescent of the third. Mantling gules and argent ; and for j his Crest, up>on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion ram- f)ant gules, holding in the paws a cross crosslet fitch^e or,j and charged on the shoulder with a crescent as in the arms.] Motto — " Fide et fortudine." Married, 1892, Hatty, eldest! dau. of the late H. A. Cowper of Trudder, ^lewtownj Mount Kennedy, co. Wicklow. Seat — Blackhall, Naas, co.j Kildare. RYSHWORTH, quartered by TEMPEST S SACHEVERELL, quartered by COKE. SACKVILLE, quartered by HULLEY. SACKVILLE, see STOPFORD-SACKVILLE. SADLEIRJU.O.). Or, a lion rampant per fesse azure and gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest—On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion azure, ducally crowned or. Motto — " Servire Deo sapere. " Son of Thomas Sadleir, Esq. , J. P. , of Castletown and Ballinderry, co. Tipperary (High Sheriff' 1859), b. 1796 ; d. 1863 ; m. 1825, Eleanor Elmina, d. of Owen Saunders of Largay, co. Cavan : — Thomas Owen Saunders Sadleir, Gentleman, of Castle- town, CO. Tipperary, b. 1835. Res. — South Terrace, Borrisokane. Sons of William Woodward Sadleir, Gentleman, of Cannonstown, co. Meath, b. 1803 ; d. 1875 ; m. 1828, Eliza Isabella, d. of John Rothwell of Cannonstown . — John Martley Sadleir, Gentleman, late Lieut. R.M.L.I., b. ; m. ; and has issue — Arthur Sadleir, Gentleman, Res.— William Martley Sadleir, Gentleman, b. ; m. 1872, , d. of Mitchell of Nenagh ; and has issue— (1) William Sadleir, Gentleman, b. ; (2) Lancelot Sadleir,,] Gentleman, b. ; and Violet. Res. — Son of Edwin Sadleir, Gentleman, of Oakwood, King's] Co., Secretary to the Grand Jury co. Tipperary, b.\ 1810 ; d. 1875 ; m. 1837, Jane, d. of James Willington,j of Castle Willington, co. Tipperary : — James Willington Sadleir, Gentleman, b. ; m Maria Jane, d. of Samuel Sheldon Dudley of Mount Dudleyl and Tenderry, co. Tipperary ; and has issue — Edwin j Sadleir, Gentleman, b. • and Lilian. Res. — Son of Francis Prittie Sadleir, Gentleman, b. 1844; d. 1887 ; m. 1873, Frances, d. of Sir Edward Synge, Bart.:— Francis Hutchinson Synge Sadleir, Gentleman, b. 1874. j Res.— Edward William FoUett Sadleir, Gentleman, b. 1879. Res.— EDGAR BROOKSBANK SAGAR - MUSGRAVE, Gentleman. Born March 11, 1864, being the second son of John Musgrave Sagar-Musgrave, Esq. [to whom refer], by his wife Clara Kate, only dau. of Robert Collinson Brooksbank of Sydenham Hill, co. Kent. Armorial bearings— Quar- terly I and 4, argent on a pile party per pale azure and gules, six annulets, three, two and one or (for Musgrave) ; 2 and 3 party per bend or and azure, a cross moline counter- is the Military Cockade. ^ag: ^ai 1191 changed, a chief paly of six of the first and gules (for Sagar), impaling in right of his wife the arms of Grantham, namely, ermine, a griffin segreant gules, holding between the claws an escutcheon or, charged with a cross crosslet sable, in chief two cross crosslets of the second ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed proper, holding an annulet or, encircling a tilting-spear erect also proper (for Musgrave) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, an eagle re- gardant or, each wing charged with three bendlets gules, resting the dexter claw upon a cross moline azure (for Sagar); with the Motto, " Valde et sapienter." Mar- ried, September 21, 1892, Constance Mary, daughter of the Honourable Sir William Grantham, Judge of the High Court of Justice, of Barcombe Place, Lewes, co. Sussex. JOHN MUSGRAVE SAGAR-MUSGRAVE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of the county of York, and for the city of Leeds, Lord of the Manors of Round- hay, Seacroft, and Shadwell, late Captain 2nd West York- shire Yeomanry Cavalry. Bom July 15, 1835, being the only son of the late Richard Hartley Sagar of Bramley, Leeds, by his wife Margaret, daughter of John Musgrave, also of Bramley, Leeds ; and assumed the surname and arms of Musgrave in addition to his own by Royal License in the year 1863. C/«fo — Carlton, Junior Carlton. Livery — Dark blue coat, crimson waistcoat, silver buttons. Armo- rial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a pile party per pale azure and gules, six annu- lets, three, two and one or (for Musgrave) ; 2 and 3 party per bend or and azure, a cross moline counterchanged, a chief paly of six of the first and gules (for Sagar) ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, two arms em- bowed proper, holding an annulet or, encircling a tilting- spear erect also proper (for Musgrave) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, an eagle regardant or, each wing charged with three bendlets gules, resting the dexter claw upon a cross moline azure (for Sagar) ; with the Motto, "Valde et sapienter." Married, August 23, i860, Clara Kate, only daughter of Robert Collinson Brooks- bank of Sydenham Hill, in the county of Kent; and has Issue — (1) Abraham Musgrave Sagar-Musgrave, Esquire, Honorary Lt.-Col. 3rd Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment, born July 17, 1861 [married, December 12, 1894, Hon. Annie, third daughter of the Right Hon. Baron Allerton ; and has issue, Cecil Lawies Sagar-Musgrave, Gentle- man] ; (2) Edgar Brooksbank Sagar-Musgrave-Brooksbank, Gentleman [to whom refer] ; (3) Robert Malcolm Sagar- Musgrave, Gentleman, born December 30, 1871 ; (4) William Noel Sagar-Musgrave, born January 18, 1876 ; and Clara Gertrude [married, April 23, 1896, Walter Mathews of York House, Chertsey, and has issue]. Estates — Little Stainton, near Gargrave, Brogden, Barnoldswick, and Bramley, near Leeds, all in the county of York. Postal address — Red Hall, Shadwell, Leeds. ST. AUBYN, see MOLESWORTH-ST. AUBYN. ST. CLAIR, see SINCLAIR. ST. CLAIR-ERSKINE, see ROSSLYN. ST. CLERE, quartered by GAGE, S Captain ACHESON WHITMORE ST. GEORGE, of the 14th Regt. Born Aug. 9, 1856 , being the second son of the late William Whitinore St. George, Gentleman, of Birkenhead, by his wife Mary Ann, dau. of David Cram. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chief azure, over all a lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, armed and langued azure. Motto, " Firmitas in coelo." ARCHIBALD ST. GEORGE, Gentleman, of Camma, in the county of Roscommon. Born June 5, 1813, being the second son of the late Lieutenant-Colonel John St. George, by his wife Frances, youngest daughter of Archibald Campbell, Doctor of Medicine, of Stafford. Armorial bearings^He bears for Arms : Argent, a chief azure, over all a lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, armed and langued azure ; with the Motto, "Firmitas in coelo." Married, December 22, 1862, his cousin Katherine, second dau. of Archibald St. George of Dublin ; and has had Issue — Frances Millicent, who died January 25, 1900. ARCHIBALD HENRY ST. GEORGE, Gentleman. Born October 2, 1859, being the third and youngest son of the late George St. George, Gentleman, of Hemmingford, Terrace, Birkenhead, by his wife, Annie Gibson, dau. of Richard Bryans, Esq. , of Parkfield, in the co. of Chester, J. P. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chief azure, over all a lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, armed and langued azure. Motto — " Firmitas in coelo." ARTHUR BALDWIN ST. GEORGE, Gentleman. Born July 30, 1858, being the second son of the late George St. George, Gentleman, of Hemmingford Terrace, Birken- head, by his wife Annie Gibson, dau. of Richard Bryans, Esq., of Parkfield, in the eo. of Chester, J. P. Armorial beaiings — Argent, a chief azure, over all a lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, armed and langued azure. Motto — " Firmitas in coelo." S Captain BALDWIN JOHN ST. GEORGE, of the 4th Dragoon Guards. Born February 16, 1862, being the only son of the late General Sir John St. George, Commandant Royal Artillery, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, by his wife Elizabeth Marianne, dau. of Thomas Evans, Esquire, J. P., of Lyminster, in the co. of Sussex, by his wife Margaret, nee Harris. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chief azure, over all a lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, armed and langued azure. Motto — " Firmitas in ccelo." CHARLES HENRY ST. GEORGE, Gentleman. Born April 8, i860, being the fifth and youngest son of the late William Whitmore St. George, Gentleman, of Birkenhead, by his wife Mary Ann, dau. of David Cram. Armorial bearings— Argent, a chief azure, overall a lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, armed and langued azure. Motto — " Firmitas in ccelo.'' GEORGE EDWARD ST. GEORGE, Gentleman. Born July 17, 1857, being the eldest son of the late George St. George, Gentleman, of Hemmingford Terrace, Birken- head, by his wife Annie Gibson, dau. of Richard Bryans, Esquire, of Parkfield, co. Chester, J. P. Armorial bear> ings — Argent, a chief azure, over all a lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, armed and langued azure. Motto — " Firmitas in coelo." la the Naral Cockade. 119' ^ai GEORUK HERBERT ST, GEORGE. Gentleman. Bom April 8, i860, being the Tourth son of the Ute William Whitmore St. George. Gentleman, of Birkenhead, by his wife Mary Ann, dau. of David Cram. Armorial bear- la|^ -.Arfjient. a chief aiure, over all a lion rampant K^les, ducally crowned or. Oreit— Upon a wreath of the colours. a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, armed and langued azure. Motto— "Firmilas in ccelo." HOWARD ST. GEORGE, Gentleman, liom April 6. 1858. being the third son of the late William Whitmore St. George. Gentleman, of Birkenhead, by his wife Mary Ann. dau. of David Cram. Armorial bearlntrs— Argent, a chief azure, over all a lion ram[)ant gules, ducally crowned or. Cr*it— On a wreath of the colours, a denii-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, armed and langued azure. Motto—" Firmitas in coelo." ST. HILARY, quartered by HULLEY. ST. JOHN, quartered by SANDILANDS. ST. JOHN, see SHAW-LEFEVRE-ST. JOHN- MI LDM AY. Sir FREDERIC ROBERT ST. JOHN, K.C.M.G., late H.M. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipo- tentiary in Switzerland. Bom 1831, being the fourth son of Ferdinand St. John, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Ferdinand St. John, by his wife Selina Char- lotte, dau. of Maurice Bagnal St. Leger Keating. Armorial beazings — Argent, on a chief gules, two mullets or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a falcon rising or, ducally gorged gules. Married, 1882, Isabella, dau. of Captam James Fitzmaurice, commonly known as Captain the Honourable James Fitzmaurice, Royal Navy ; and has Issue— (i) Oliver St. John, Gentleman, b. 1886; (2) Roland St John. Gentleman, b. 1888; Terence Alexander St. John, Gentleman, b. 1896 ; Violet ; Dorothy ; and Natalie. Postal address— The Cottage. Shanklin. Isle of Wight. C/«*— Travellers'. ST. JOHN-MILDMAY, Argent, three lions rampant azure, armed and langued gules, and impaling the arms of Neville, namely gules, on a saltire argent, a rose of the field. MantUnjT azure and argent, (^est — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant guardant azure. Motto — " Alia ta Hara." Livery — Dark blue, white and blue waistcoat. Sons of Rev. Charles Arundell St. John-Mildmay, M. A. , J. P.. b. 1820; d. 1904; m. 17 Jan. 1854, Harriet Louisa Neville, d. of Hon. and Very Rev. George Neville Granville : — Wyndham Paulet St. John-Mildmay, Gentleman, b. 185s ; m. Hon. Alice Hamilton Russell, d. of Viscount Boyne. 5^a/— Hazlegrove, Sparkford, Bath. George St. John-Mildmay, Gentleman, b. 1856 ; m. Grace Hambro. Arundell Glastonbury St. John-Mildmay, Gentleman, b. 1859 ; m. Alice, d. of the late Phillip Pleydell-Bouverie. Walter Hervey St. John-Mildmay, Gentleman, b. i860. Paulet Bertram St. John-Mildmay, Gentleman, b. 1862; m. Selina Jane Harcourt Vernon. The Rev. Aubrey Neville St. John-Mildmay, Clerk in Holy Orders, b. 1865. CHARLES BEAGUEST. JOHN-MILDMAY, Esquire, J. P. CO. Somerset, late Capt. Royal Artillery and Royal Horse Artillery. Born Jan. 13, 1861, being the eldest sur- viving son of Arthur George St. John-Mildmay, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Charlotte Mary, daughter of Charles Heard Beague of Hollam, Dulverton. Clubs — Naval and Military, Cavalry. Livery — Blue and white. Armorial bearincni are really : Argent, three lions ram- pant azure. Crest — A lion rampant azure. Motto — " Alia ta hara." Married, Aug. 22, 1892, Evelyn Augusta, dau. of Capt. Eklmond Henry St. John-Mildmay, late 5th Radetzky's Hussars, in the Austrian Imperial Service, Equerryto H.R.H. the Duke of C-ambridge ; and.has Issue — Dorothy, and Le- titia. Postal address — Hollam, Dulverton, Somerset. ^af WYNDHAM PAULET ST. JOHN - MILDMAY.J Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Somerset,.! late Captain Rifle Brigade and North Somerset Yeomanry. Bom January 1855, l«:ing the eldest son of Arundell St. John-Mildmay, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Hazlegrove, 1 ni the county of Somerset, by his wife Harriet Louisa, I daughter of the Honourable and Very Reverend George] Neville Grenville, Dean of Windsor. Clubs — Whitc's,/| Naval and Military, Bibury. &c. Livery — Blue and silver. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, three] lions rampant azure, impaling the arms of Hamilton-] Russell, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent l)etwwn two! chevronels a cinquefoil, all between three cross crossletaJ fitch^e sable (for Russell) ; 2 and 3 gules, three cinquefoilsl pierced ermine (for Hamilton). Upon the escutcheon is| placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azurel and argent ; and for his Crest, a lion rampant guardantj azure; with the MottO, "Alia ta hara." Married, Julyl 27, 1889, Alice Katharine, commonly known as the Hon. ourable .Mice Katharine, eldest daughter of the Righ^ Honourable the eighth Viscount Boyne. Postal address- Hazlegrove, Sparkford. Bath. ST. LEGER. quartered by CONYERS. HL JOHN ST. LEGER, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for W.J ™ Riding co. of York, Col. late 53rd Regt. Born Mayl 6, 1823, being the eldest son of the late Lieut. -Gen. Johr Chester, R.A. (fourth son, by his wife Catherine, dau. of thei Hon. Heneage Legge, of Charles Bagot, Esq.. who as-| sumed by Act of Parliament the surname and arms ofj Chester, and whose eldest brother. Sir William Bagot, was created Baron Bagot), by his wife Sophia Elizabeth, dau. of Charles Stuart. He succeeded to the St. Leger estates in England and Ireland at the death of his cousin, Antony F. Butler St. Leger, Esq., of Park Hill, and Berkeley Square, Oct. 31, 1862, and assumed by Royal Licence the surname and arms of St. Leger. Livery — Blue. Armorial bear- ings—Quarterly I and 4, azure, fretty argent, on a chief or a cross crosslet of the first for distinction (for St. Leger) ; 2 and 3, ermine, two chevronels azure (for Bagot). Mant- ling azure and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a griffin passant or, charged with a cross crosslet as 1b the Military Cockade. fl ^ai %ai i'93 in the arms (for St. Leger) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, a goat's head argent, attired or (for Bagot). Mottoes— (Over the crests) " Antiquum obtinens ; " (below the arms) " Haut et bon. " Married, April 8, 1858, Philippa, dau. of John B. Rooper of Abbot's Ripton Hall; and has Issue — (i) Arthur John Bonfoy St. Leger, Esq., late Capt. King's Royal Rifle Corps, J. P. for West Riding, b. Nov. 25, 1859 [;«. , April 9, 1896, Hilda Geraldine, second dau. of Sir Gerard Smith, K.C.M.G., Governor of West Australia]; (2) Henry Berners' St. Leger, Gentleman, B.C.S. , al %am •en. Gentleman, t. Aug. 30, 1891 ; (3) Frederick Malcolm Ross Salvesen, Gentleman, t. Nov. 36, 1896; Dorothy; Eleanor Amalie ; and Frances Isabelle. Postal address — 40 Drumshcugh Gardens, Kdinburgh. C/k^j ---Consti- tutional, University (Edinburgh), Union (Edinburgh. CHARLES FRANCIS SALVIN. Gentleman. Bom March aS, 1841, being the second son of the late Gerald Salvin, Esq., J. P., by his wife Winefred, second dau. of Henry Tliomiis Maire Witham of Lartington Hall, co. York. ArmorlJLl iMaringa Argent, on a chief sable, two mullets or ; quartering, among many others, l)e Ros, Bruce, Lancaster, Tempest, Unifreville, 1 hornioii, Radcliffe, Der- wentwater, Claxton, Menvill. MantHng sable and argent. OrMt — On a wreath of the colours, a dragon vert, wings elevated and endorsed proper. MottO — "Je ne change qu'en mourant." Married, Jan. 10, 1870, Louisa, sister of Thomas Reaveley of Kinnersley Castle, co. Hereford ; and has /««*— William Thornton Joseph Salvin, Gentle- man, b. Sept. 1$, 1875 ; Winifred Mary ; and Claire Muriel. Rtsidence — SALVIN {temp. Edward 1.). Argent, on a chief sable, two mullets or, with many qunrterings. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wyvem vert, wings elevated and endorsed proper. Hotto — " Je ne change qu'en mourant." Sons of Henry Thomas Thornton Salvin, Esq., J. P., of Croxdale, lateCapt. Durham Fus. Mil., formerly Lieut. Roy. Canadian Rifle Regt., b. 1838; d. 1897; m. 1876, Agnes Jane, d. of Herman Julius Schier : — Gerard Thornton Salvin, Gentleman, b. 1878. Seat— Croxdale Hall, Durham. Herman Charles Joseph Salvin, Gentleman, b. 1882. Res.— Son of Marmaduke Charles Salvin, Esq., J. P., D.L., b. 1812 ; d. 1855 ; m. 1845, Caroline, d. of Sir Charles Wolseley, 7th Bart. , of Wolseley, Staffs :— (Marmaduke) Henry Salvin, Esq., D.L. co. Durham, b. 1849; m. 1897, Annette Mary, d. of Sir William Vavasour, 3rd Bart, of Hazlewood Castle, Yorks. Seat — Bum Hall, co. Durham. Clubs — Turf, Arthur's. Son of Anthony Salvin, Gentleman, b. 1827; d.v.p. 1881 ; m. 1865, Emily Marianne, eld. d. of Charles Albert Darley of Burtonfield, co. York : — Anthony Gerard Salvin, Esq., late Capt. Yorks. Art. (Roy. Garrison Art.), Hon. Capt. in the Army, b. 1866; m. 1892, Philippa Beatrice, d. of Rev. Walter Brooksbank of Thornbarrow ; and has issue — Philippa Malorie. Seat — Hawksfold, Fernhurst, Sussex. Res. — Woodfold, Fern- hurst, Sussex. Club — Junior United Service. S ROGER SALWEY, Esq., J.P, Salop, b. 1869, being the only son of the laie Alfred Salwey, Esq., J.P. and D. L., late Chairman of County Council, and formerly Chairman of Quarter Sessions, co. Salop, and J.P. co. Hereford, and his wife Margaret Frances, youngest dau. and co-heir of Edward Salwey of The Lodge. Armorial bearings— Sable, a saltire engrailed or. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-Moor proper, wreathed about the temples argent and sable, a belt firom the sinister shoulder to the dexter hip azure. Motto—'* Fiat voluntas Dei." Seat — The Lodge, Overton, Ludlow. EDWARD ARTHUR SALWEY, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N. Bom March 1865, being the eldest son of the late Arthur Salwey, Comm. R. N. , by his wife Elizabeth Con- stance, dau. of Col. Salwey. Armorial bearings— Sable, a saltire engrailed or. MaTitllTig sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-Moor proper, wreathed about the temples argent and sable, a belt from the sinister shoulder to the dexter hip azure. Motto — " Fiat voluntas Dei." Married, Sept. 30, 1888, Mary, dau. of Col. J. Waddell-Boyd, s6th Regt. ; and has Issue— KwCa. Resi- dence — HERBERT SALWEY, Gentleman, Bom June 9, 1852, being the eldest son of Herbert Salwey, by his wife Emilia Robert, dau. of Capt. Waugh of Foxhall, co. Linlithgow, Scotland. Armorial bearings — Sable, a saltire engrailed or. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-Moor proper, wreathed about the temples argent and sable, a belt from the sinister shoulder to the dexter hip azure. dence — Motto— "Fiat voluntas Dei." Rest- HERBERT AUGUSTUS SALWEY, (Jentleman. Bom Sept 1848, being the fourth but eldest surviving sun of the late Henry Salwey, Esq., Lieut. -Col. Coldstream Guards, and his wife Elizabeth I'hilippa, onl^ dau. and heir uf John Hooper Holder of Stanton Lacy, Salop. Armorial bearings— Sable, a saltire engrailed or. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-Moor proper, wreathed about the temples argent and sable, a belt from the sinister shoulder to the dexter hip azure. Motto — " Fiat voluntas Dei." Residence — REGINALD ERNEST SALWEY, Gentleman. Born April 1852, being the fifth but second surviving son of the late Lieut. -Col. Henry Salwey, and his wife IClizabeth Philippa, only dau. and heir t)f John Hooper Holder of Stanton Lacy, Salop. Armorial bearings - Sable, a saltire engrailed or. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-Moor proper, wreathed about the temples argent and sable, a belt from the sinister shoulder to the dexter hip azure. Motto— "Fiat voluntas Dei." Married, 1882, Charlotte Maria, dau. of Samuel Hirch, LL.D,, and widow of W. P. Weston. Residence— THEOPHILUS JOHN SALWEY, Esq., J.P. Shrop- shire. Born Oct. 18, 1848, being the only son of the late Humphrey Salwey, by his wife Louisa Rebecca, dau. of John Johnstone of Mainstone Court, co. Hereford. Ar- morial bearings — Sable, a saltire engrailed or. Mant- ling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-Moor proper, wreathed about the temples argent and sable, a belt from the sinister shoulder to the dexter hip azure. Motto — " Mat voluntas Dei." Residence — Ludlow^ SAMBORNE, see PALMER-SAMBORNE. S EDWARD SAMPSON, Esquire. M.A., J.P. D. L. Bom May 12, 1810, being the only son of th late Edward Sampson, Esq., of Henbury.by his wife Joanr youngest daughter of George Daubeny, Senior Alderma of the city of Bristol. Armorial bearliags— He bears fo Arms : Per Ijend or and gules, a cross flory between tv escallops in bend dexter, and as many billets in ben sinister, all counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gule and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colour a fret or, thereon a wyvern's head erased gules, collare and sem^e of billets or. Motto—" Pejus letho flagitium,' Married, September 12, 1839, Belinda (who died i88ij fourth daughter of Benjamin Way, Esquire, of Denha Place, in the county of Buckingham, and niece of S^ John Smyth, fourth Baronet of Ashton Court, in the count of Somerset. Seat — Henbury, Bristol. Sir EDWARD LEVIEN SAMUEL, 2nd Barone Bom Aug. 28, 1862, being the elder son of the late Saul Samuel, ist Bart., K.C.M.G., G.B., by his wife Sa Louise, dau. of Edward Isaacs, Esq., of Auckland, Ne< Zealand. Armorial bearings — Party per chevron arge and gules, two wolves' heads erased in chief sabie, and base as many squirrels, sejant addorsed, each cracking 1 nut of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, on a rock in front of thre spears, one in pale and two in saltire proper, a wolf courar sable, pierced in the breast by an arrow argent, flighted or. Married, 1891, Ray, dau. of A. Cohen; and has Issue— Edward Louis Samuel, Esq., b. 1896; and Vera. Resi- dence — The Grange, Strathfield, Sydney, N.S. W. Sir MARCUS SAMUEL, Bart. (1903), Lord Mayor of London 1902-3, Grand Officer of the Legion of Honour, Commander of the Order of Leopold, Commander of the Rising Sun, Sheriff of the City of London for the year 1894-1895, Lord of the Manor of Mote, J.P. for Kent, a Commissioner of Lieutenancy for City of London, knighted 1898. Bom 1853, being the second son of Marcus Samuel of 18 Upper Bedford Place. Armorial bearings — Gules, a chevron between two lions' heads erased in chief or, and as many battle-axes saltireways in base of the last, encircled by a wreath of oak verts banded and frucled of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ^ is the Military Cockade. ^am %am 1197 ling gules and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed proper, charged with two fleurs-de- lis gold, grasping a battle-axe proper, suspended therefrom by a chain an escutcheon or, thereon a shell also projDer. Motto— " Facta non verba." Married, 1881, Fanny Eliza, both, daughter of the late B. Benjamin of Stranraer House- in tlie county of Middlesex; and has Issue— (1) Walter Horace Samuel, Esquire, b. March 13, 1882 ; (2) Gerald George Samuel, Esquire; Nellie [m., 1903, Walter Henry Levy] ; and Ida Marie. Postal addresses — 20 Portland Place, W. ; The Mote, Maidstone, Kent. Club— VArXion. STUART MONTAGU SAMUEL, Esquire, J. P. co. of London, M. P. for the Whitechapel Division of the Tower Hamlets. Born Oct. 24, 1856, being the son of the late Edwin Louis Samuel, Banker, of 9 Kensington Gore, Lon- don, W. , by his wife Clara, dau. of the late Ellis Samuel Yates of Liverpool. Z.iVen'— Black, with green facings. dexter a banner azure, charged with a lion rampant or. Motto — " Swift yet sure." Married, March 5, 1862, Ellen, dau. of Louis Cohen of Gloucester Place, Portman Square, London ; and has Issue — (i) Louis Samuel Samuel-Montagu, Esq., b. Dec. 10, 1869 [m., Feb. 9, 1898, Gladys Helen Rachel, elder dau. of Colonel Albert E. W. Goldsmid, and has issue, Stuart Albert Samuel-Montagu, Esq., b. Dec. 19, 1898]; (2) Edwin Samuel-Montagu, Esq., b. Feb. 6, 1879; (3) Gerald Samuel-Montagu, Esq., b. Sept. 29, 1880; (4) Lionel Samuel-Montagu, Esq. , b. Sept. 8, 1883 ; Henrietta [w. , Oct. 7, 1885, Ernest Louis Franklin of Pembridge Gardens, London, and has issue]; Florence \m., July 15, 1889, Montefiore Simon Waley of Dawson Place, Bays- water, London, and has issue]; Marian; Ethel [m., April 12, 1893, Henry D'Arcy Hart of Pembridge Gardens, Bayswater, and has issue] ; Lillian Helen ; and Elsie. ^Va/— South Stoneham House, Southampton. Town re- sidence — 12 Kensington Palace Gardens, W. Clubs— Reform, National Liberal. and fawn overcoat. Armorial bearings — Vert, two bars between seven bees volant, four in chief and three in base or, on a chief nebuly of the last, three roses sable. Mantling vert and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a rose argent, barbed, seeded, stalked and leaved proper, between two bees volant also proper. Motto — "Excel." Married, April 10, 1893, Ida Bessie Evaline, dau. of Alphonse Mayer of London ; and has Issue — Vera Evelyn ; and Eileen Victoria. Residence — 12 Hill Street, Berkeley Square, London, W. Sir (MONTAGU) SAMUEL -MONTAGU. 1st Baronet (June 23, 1894), of South Stoneham House, [Southampton, and of Kensington Palace Gardens, London, I M. P. for the Whitechapel Divisions of the Tower Hamlets j 1885-1900, J. P. and D.L. for London, and J. P. for co. Southampton. Sir Samuel was authorised by Royal Licence [to assume the surname of Montagu in addition to Samuel. IBorn Dec. 21, 1832, being the son of the late Louis Samuel lof Hunter Street, Brunswick Square, Middlesex, formerly lof Liverpool, co. Lancaster, by his wife Henrietta, dau. of Israel Israel of Bury Street, St. Mary Axe, London. Armorial bearings — Or, on a pile azure, between two palm-trees eradicated in base proper, a tent argent ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, , stag statant, holding in the mouth a sprig of palm proper, in front of a flagstaff erect gold, therefrom flowing to the ARTHUR WARREN SAMUELS, Esquire, K.C. LL.D. Univ. of Dublin, Bencher of the Hon. Society of the King's Inns, Barrister-at-Law (England), J. P. co. of Dublin. Bom May 19, 1852, being the second son of the late Arthur Samuels, Gentleman, of Langara, Kingstown, co. Dublin, M.A., Joint-Registrar of the United Dioceses of Dublin, Glendalagh, and Kildare, by his wife Catherine, youngest dau. of the late Owen Daly, Esq., J. P., of Mornington, co. Westmeath. Ar- morial bearings — Argent, two squirrels sejant and ad- dorsed gules, between two crosses forra^e fitch^e in pale sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, on the stump of a tree couped proper, sprout- ing on each side vert, a squirrel sejant gules, cracking a nut or, stalked and leaved also proper, charged on the shoulder with across formte fitch^e gold. Motto — " Licet ex multo parvum." Married, Aug. 10, 1881, Emma Margaret {d. 1904), second dau. of the late Rev. James William Irwin, M.A., of Sharon, co. Donegal, and Florine Griffith Lloyd, only sister of the late Major-General Sir Herbert Edwardes, K.C. B. , K. C.S.I. ; and has Issue — Arthur Purefoy Irwin Samuels, Gentleman, b. Feb. 14, 1887; Koy Florine; and Dorothy Helen. Residences — 80 Merrion Square, Dublin ; -Cloghereen, Howth, co. Dublin. Club — Uni- versity (Dublin). is tbe Naval Cockade. 4G 1198 ^am ^an JOHN OWEN HENRY SAMUELS, Gcnllemnn. Born , ticing the eldest son of the late Arthur Samuels, 0«ntlenutn, of I^ngnra, Kingstown, co. Dublin, M.A.. joint Registrar of the United Dioceses of Dublin, Gli-n- dalogh, und Kildure, by his wife Cnlhcrlne, youngest dau. of the late Owon Daly, Ksc|. , of Mornington. co. West- meath. Armorial bearin^fa Argent, two squirrels sejant and addorsed gules, l)etwecn two crosses formic fitchde in pale sable. Mantling gules and argent. Great — On a wreath of the colours, on the stump of a tree couped proper, sprouting on each side vert, a squirrel sejant gules, crack- ing a nut or, charged on the shoulder with a cross fornide (itch^ gold. Motto " Licet ex multo parvum." Mar- ritti, , Elizabeth, dau. of the late Jerome Tisdall ; and has /xiM—(i) Arthur Samuels, Gentleman; (a) Chenevix Samuels, Gentleman ; Mary ; and Maud. Rtsidenct -West Kirby, Cheshire. Sir BERNHARD SAMUELSON. first Rironet (1884), of Bodicote Grange, in the county of Oxford, M. P. for Banbury, F. R.S., J. P. Bom November 22, 1820. being the son of the late Samuel Henry Samuelson of Liverpool, by his wife Sarah, nie Hertz. Armorial bearlnga— Sable, three piles wavy, two issuant from the Henry Bernhard Samuelson, Gentleman, b. Feb. 22, 1800; Gertrude Evelyn Frances ; and Phyllis Mary] ; (j) Godfrey Blundell Samuelson, Estjuire, b. June 3, 1863 \m., Sept. aa, 18B7, Annie, ihird dau. of the Rev.W. Brocklesby Dmvis, M.A., and has issue, Bernard (iodfrey Samuelson, (iciitle- man, b. Oct. 17, i888 ; (Juy Weston Samuelson, (Gentle- man, b. Dec. IS, 1890; Carol Hubert Francis Samuelson, Gentleman, b. 1899] ; (4) Herl)ert Walter Samuelson, Esq., b. Jan. 23, 1865; Caroline \m.. May 19, 1875, J. R. P. Goodden of Over Compton, and has issue] ; Camilla [«., {an. 2, 1883, Con)mander A. S. Phillpotts, Royal Navy]; Horence Adelaide, d. Oct. 14, 1881 ; and Alice (lenrmle fw.. Oct. 8, 1890, Captain Henry Pennell 'lute, Royal Marines]. He married, secondly, April 6, 1889, Leila Mathilda, daughter of the late Chevalier Leon Serena, and widow of William Denny of Dumbarton. Residences— xft Prince's Gate, London, S.W. ; Bodicote Grange, Banbury. S HENRY BERNHARD SAMUELSON, Esquire. J. P. cos. of Somerset and Devon, Capt. (retired) 3rd Batt. Gloucestershire Regt., M.P. Cheltenham 1868 74, Frome 1876-85. Born Sept. 30, 1845, being the eldstficl(l, Hayling Island, by his wife Elisabeth, dauf;hter of Alljert Forster of (Juerasey. C/nit— Army and Navy, junior United Service. Union (Brighton), Liverpool Racquet (Liverpool), Royal St. GeofKC Yacht (Kingstown). Armorial b«ar- Ingl— Argent, the emblem of Truth, a naked woman proper, and a veil around hor middle of the field, a Ixjrdure mdcnted azure, charged with four crosses pat6:, and ns many mullets alternately or. Mantling azure doiiMi-d argent ; and ui>on a wreath of his liveries is set for a Crest, a rock pro[xu'. Motto — "Stat verit.is." Seat — Hornlirook, Horsham, Sussex. C/ud — Junior Carlton. standing on a terrestrial globe, issuing out of the base in her dexter hand an open book, in her sinister, which is elevated above her head, a branch of palm, on her breast the sun in his splendour all proper, and a veil across her middle of the first, within a bordure engrailed gules, charged with three fleurs-de-lis, and as many trefoils alternately also of the first. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a rock proper ; and in an escroU over the same this MottO, "Stat Veritas," and under the arms, "Olim cruore nunc candore." Married, August 26, 1862, at Hayling, Eliza Victoire Cormick, eldest daughter of Captain Henry Lynch of Galway and Leigh Park, Havant ; and has Issue — (i) Victor Staunton Sandeman, Esq., Major 17th Lancers, d. May i, 1866; (2) Henry George Glas Sandeman, Gentleman, Com. R.N., d. June 18, 1868 ; Ella Victoire Glas ; Florence Maud Lynch-Staunton [m. , Col. Howard Fairtlough of Hurtmoor Holt, Godalming] ; and Ina Kathleen [m., 1900, Edward Carey Tyndale, Biscoe, Lieut, (retired) R.N.]. Estate— Whin-Hurst. Hayling Island. Postal address— 'Wbin-Hvrst, Hayling Island. WILLIAM ROBERT HOLMES SANDEMAN, Gen- tleman. Bom , being the eldest son of the late William Barclay Sandeman, Gentleman, by his wife Mary, third dau. of George Bax Holmes of Pleystowe. Livefy— Bine and white. Armorial bearings — Argent, the emblem of Truth, a naked woman standing on a terrestrial globe issuing out of the base, in her dexter hand an open book, in her sinister, which is elevated above her head, a palm-branch, on her breast the sun in his splendour, all SANDERS, quartered by LEE-DILLON. ROBERT MASSY DAWSON SANDERS, Esq., J. P. fforn May 19, i86a, being the son of the late Thomas Sanders, Esq., of Charleville, co. Cork, LL.U. , Harrister- at-I^w, J. P. cos. Cork and Limerick, by his wife Mary Charlotte, dau. of Richard Duckworth Dunn, Ks(|., Capt. Queen's Bays, of Surbiton, Surrey. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron gules between three elepiiants' heads erased sable, on a chief azure a sword erect proix-r, |x)m- mel and hilt or, within two bezants. Mantling gules and argent; and for his Crest, out of a mival crown, an elephant's head proper, charged with a bezant. Motto— " Nil conscire sibi nullft pallescere culp/l." Married, Feb. r, 1899, Hilda, youngest dau. of Francis H. Beaumont of Buckland Court, Belchworth, Surrey ; and has /ssue — (1) Charles Craven Sanders, Gentleman, d. 1899; (2) Terence Rolxsrt Beaumont Sanders, G»-ntleman, fi. 1901. Seat — Charleville Park, Charleville, co. Cork. Town resi- dence — 35 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin. Clui — Kildare Street (Dublin). SANDERSON, see BURDON-SANDERSON. The Rev. ALFRED POYNTZ SANDERSON, M.A. (Camb.), Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Aspenden, Herts. Bom April 24, 1825, being the son of the Rev. Stephen Sanderson, M.A. (Oxon.K late of Norwood, Clerk in Holy Orders. Armorial beanngs — Paly of six argent and or, on a Ijend nebuly azure, between four annulets two and two interlaced paleways gules, a dexter cubit arm bendways, the hand clenched proper, vested in a sleeve rolled up argent. Mantling azure and argent. Cres' Upon five annulets interlaced fesseways or, a talbot sabfc resting the dexter foreleg on a dagger in bend point dov wards proper. Motto— "Sans Dieu rien." Residence The Rectory, Aspenden, Herts. S SAMUEL SANDERSON, Esq.. J. P. and D.L. Cavan, High Sheriff 1876. Bom 1834, being tt third son of the late Samuel Winter of Agher, co. Meatb by Lucy, second dau. of the late James Sanderson of Clovfl Hill ; and assumed the name and arms of Sanderson by Rot Lie. 1873. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, arge three bends azure, the centre one charged with a crescen between two estoiles or (for Sanderson) ; 2 and 3 chequy ( and azure, on a fesse argent, a crescent gules (for Winterj Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon 1 wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an estoile or (foj Sanderson) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a martlet 1 charged with a crescent gules (for Winter). Motto — ' ' To jours profice." Married, i860, Anne, dau. of the late Job Armytage Nicholson of Balrath, co. Meath. Seat — Clov Hill, Belturbet. C/«/>— Sackville Street (Dublin). SANDERSON (H. Coll.). Argent, four bendlets nebuly between a demi-eagle displayed in chief and a fret in base all sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of an eagle displayed gules, guti6-d'eau, holding in the be.Tk a billet in bend dexter or, a fret fessewise of the last. Motto — " Veritas et honor.' Son of Francis John Sanderson of Holly Lodge, Hampstead: — Frank Sanderson, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Carberry, Richmond, Surrey; Dormy, Frinton-on-Sea, Essex. SANDERSON ( H. Coll. ). Paly of six argent and azure, on a bend sable, a square buckle between two mullets pierced argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolf's head erased paly of four azure and argent, pendent from the mouth an annulet or. Motto — "Sans Dieu rien." Sons of George Samuel Sanderson, C. E. , of Greenbank ^ is the Military Cockade. ^ait ^an I20t Birkenhead, b. 1818 ; d. 1870; m. 1841, Jane, d. of John Haddock of Warrington : — Hugh James Sanderson, b. 1849 ; m. ist, 1877, Margaret, (d. 1879), d. of James Keys Parkinson of Milverton, co. has Issue — John Gough Sandes, Gentleman, b. Dec. 12, 1903 ; Gladys Maud ; and Doris Aphra. Seat — Greenville, Somerset ; 2nd, Lucy Beatrice, d. of Robert Fawcus of Norbiton, co. Surrey; and has issue — (i) George Robert Sanderson, Gentleman, b. 1883 ; (2) Hugh James Sanderson, Gentleman, b. 1884; and Lucy Evelyn Fawcus. Res. — Surbiton, Surrey. Son of George Samuel John Sanderson of Sourabaya, Java (son of George Samuel Sanderson, d. 1870; see above), b. 1855 ; d. 1888 ; m. 1881, Johanna Sophia, d. of Christiaan Van der Moore, Resident of Preanger : — George Christian Sanderson, Gentleman, *. 1882. Res. — Yr. son of George Samuel Sanderson, d. 1870 (see above) : — John Haddock Sanderson, Gentleman, b. 1857 ; m. 1886, Lillias Fane, d. of John Murray Bate of Sydney. Res. — Dargai, Killara, near Sydney, New South Wales. Sons of John Sanderson of Ealing, b. 1825 ; d. 1896 ; m. 1861, Elizabeth, d. of Thomas M'Whinneyof King- ston, Jamaica : — John Sanderson, Gentleman, B.A. Oxon., Barrister-at- Law, b. 1864 ; m. 1896, Emma Frances, d. of William Lloyd Cabell of Ealing, Barrister-at-Law ; and has issue — Thyra Louise. Res. — Grange Cote, Tunbridge Wells. Club — United University. Thomas Hugh Sanderson, Gentleman, b. 1866. Club — Conservative. James Augustus Sanderson, Gentleman, b. 1868. Res. — Anthony Ambrose Sanderson, Gentleman, B.A. (Oxon.), Barrister-at-Law, b. 1871. Club — United University. SANDES, see COLLIS-SANDES. JOHN SANDES, Esquire, of Greenville, co. Kerry, J. P. CO. Kerry, late Capt. in 4th Batt. R. Munster Fusiliers, Barrister-at-Law. Born Sept. 25, 1868, being the second and only surviving son of the late George Sandes of Green- ville, Esquire, J. P. (High Sheriff 1887-88), by his wife Anna, dau. of Capt. Charles John Whyte, 9Sth Regt., of Loughbrickland, co. Down. Armorial bearlng^s — Argent, a fesse dancett^e between four cross crosslets fitch^e, three in chief and one in base gules. Mant- ling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a griffin segreant or, collared fleurett^e gules. Motto — "Virtus fortunae victrix." A/a rr/erf, April 30, 1896, Maud Tudor, dau. of Richard Sale, Esq., J. P., 9f The Manor House, Barrow-on-Trent, co. Derby ; and Listowel, CO. Kerry. Clubs — St. George's, United Service (Dublin). SANDFORD, see WILLS-SANDFORD and WILLS- SANDFORD-WILLS. SANDFORD (Vn. of Salop, 1623). Quarterly, i and 4, per chevron sable and ermine, in chief two boar's heads couped close or ; 2 and 3, vert, a fesse, and in chief a chevron argent, in the centre of the quarters a mullet for is the Naval Cockade. laoa ^an ^an difl'eiencr. Mantling stible and argent. Croat— On a wresith of the colours, a boar's head cou()ed close or, hold- ing in the mouth a phcon argent, and charged with a mullet for difference. MottO— " Nee leniere nee tiinide. " Littiy — Light drab coat, yellow and black striped waist- coat, brass Duttons. Soiu of Humphrey Sandford, Esq., J. P. for co. Salop and for borough of Shrewsbury, Barrister-at-Law (Middle Temple), i. 1811 ; d. 1903; m. 185a, Anne T.iylor, d. of Joseph Armilage, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Mifnsbridge House, Huddersneld : — Humphrey Sandford, Gentleman, d. 1856 ; m. 1B86, Phoebe Isabella, eld. d. of James l£vans of PwUmeyric I.,odge, Mon. ; and has issue— Humphrey Sandford, Gentleman, *. 1887; and Phcjulie Mary Klizaljeth. Seats— The Isle of Kossall, Shrewsbury ; Edgton, Aston-on-Clun. Richard Sandford, Gentleman, b. 1863. Kes. — Udding- ston, Shrewsbury. Sons of Rev. (ieorge Sandford, M.A., Vicar of Ecclcsall, Sheffield, b. 1816 ; d. 1898 ; m. i860, Elizabeth, d. of Rev. Henry Barlow, M.A. : — Rev. FoUiott George Sandford, M.A. (Camb.), Vicar of E>oncaster, b. 1861 ; m. 1888, Rosamond Mary Blakelock, d. of Ralph Blakelock Smith of Bents Green Lodge, Sheffield; and has issue — (1) Folliott Hugh Blakelock Sandford, Gentleman, b. 1889; (2) Clement Richard P'olliott, Gentleman. 6. 1893 ; Rosamond Dorothy ; Mary Frances Catharine ; and Hilda Millicent. Hes. — The Vicarage, Uoncaster. Henry Barlow Sandford, Gentleman, b. i86a ; m. 1886, Eleanor, d. of Charles Anthony Branson of Sheffield ; and has issue — Victor Henry Sandford, Gentleman ; and Constance Armine. Res. — Oakdale, Sheffield. Francis Berkeley Sandford, Gentleman, b. 1864; m. 189a, Margaret Wingate, d. of William Ritchie ; and has issue — (1) George Ritchie Sandford, Gentleman, b. 1892; (a) Francis Rossall Sandford, Gentleman, b. 1898. Jies. — Blencowe, Penrith. Herbert Edward Sandford, Gentleman, b. 1869. Res. — William Courtenay Sandford, Gentleman, b. 1870. Res.— Charles Sidney Sandford, Gentleman, b. 1873. Res. — Sons of Rev. Edward Sandford, Vicar of Denford and Ringstead, Northants, b. i8r8 ; d. 1898 ; m. 1848, Mary, d. of Joseph Armitage : — Rev. Edward Armitage Sandford, M.A., late Vicar of Denford and Ringstead, b. 1851 ; m. 1882, Mira Isaljella, d. of Rev. Robert Mandeville Rodwell, Rector of High Laver, co. Essex. Res. — 18 Hallam Road, Clevedon. Henry Rossall Sandford, Gentleman, b. 1852; m. 1890, Annette, d. of John Whitaker, Esq., J. P., of Broadclough, Lanes. , and of Winsley Hall, Salop ; and has issue- Francis Edward Rossall Sandford, Gentleman, b. 1891. Res. — Westbury, Salop. Sons of Rev. Wilham Sandford, M.A., Vicar of Bicton, Salop, b. 1827; d. 1893; m. 1861, Emma, d. of Thomas Calrow : — Francis Folliott Sandford, Gentleman, b. 1866. Res.— Grove Cottage, Port Hill, Shrewsbury. George Calrow Sandford, Gentleman, b. 1869. Res.— Stoke, Devon port. The Right Rev. CHARLES WALDEGRAVE SAND- FORD, D.D., Bishop of Gibraltar 1874. Born Feb. 13, 1828, being the second but eldest surviving son of Ven. John Sandford, B.D., Archdeacon of Coventry, Honorary Canon of Worcester,and RectorofAlvechurch.co. Worcester, by his first wife Elizabeth, only dau. of Richard Poole. Ar- morial bearingB— Quarterly per fesse indented ermine and azure, the escutcheon being surmounted by his mitre. Mar- ried, Nov. II, 1885, .Alice Emily Jane, dau. of Sir George Baker, Bart., of Loventor. Residences — Bishopsbourne, Cannes, France ; 48 Woodstock Road, Oxford. Club— Athenaeum. The Right Rev. DANIEL FOX SANDFORD, LL.D., consecrated Bishop of Tasmania 1883, Assistant-Bishop of Durham 1889, and Rector of Boldon, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Porn Jtily 25, 1831, being the third son of Sir Daniel Keyte, D.C.L., Oxon., sometime M.P. for Paisley, and Professor of Greek in the University of Glasgow, by his wife Cecilia Catherine, only dau. of John Charnock. Armorial bearings— Quarterly per fesse indented ermine and azure, the escutcheon being surmounted by a mitre. Married, August 30, 1855, Elizabeth Barret, eldest dau. of lames Rae ; and has Issue— (i) Francis Erskine Douglas Sandford, Gentleman, b. Dec. i, 1856; (a) Daniel Char- nock Sandford, Gentleman, b, Aug. 5, 1864; (3) Leslie Gordon Sandford, Gentleman, b. I^c. 6, 1866 ; Ethel Ogilvy, d. April 3, i860 ; Edith Charnock Edmonstone ; Mabel Le Gnx, d. March 7, 1875 ; Alice Ramsay [w., Sept. 17, 1891, Alfred Dobson, B. L. , Solicitor-Gen., Tasmania]; and Muriel Elphinstone, d. July 27, 1889. Residence— Boldon, Newcastle-on-Tyne. The Venerable ERNEST GREY SANDFORD. M.A. , Canon and Archdeacon of Exeter. Born Aug. i6, 1839, being the sixth son of the Ven. John Sandford, B.D., Archdeacon of Coventry, by his first wife Elizalxuli, only dau. of Richard Poole. Armorial bearings — Quarterly per fesse indented ermine and azure. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon, wings endorsed, preying on a partridge all proper. Hotto — " Nee temere nee timide." Married Ethel, dau. of Gabriel Poole of Brent Knoll ; and lias issue. Postal address — The Close, Exeter. FRANCIS MARMADUKE HENRY SANDFORD, Es- quire, formerly Capt. Grenadier Guards. Born i860, being the only son of the late George Mont.agu Warren Sandford, Esq., M.P. for Maldon, J. P. and D. L. , M.A., Barristcr-at- Law (who assumed by Royal Licence, 1866, the surname and arms of Sandford), by his wife Augusta Mary, dau. of Algernon Greville. Armorial bearing^— Quarterly i and 4, quarterly i. and iiii. , quarterly per fesse indented ermine and azure ; ii. and iii. , p>er chevron sable and ermine in chief, two boars' heads couped or, and in base a mullet azure (for Sandford) ; 2 and 3, quarterly or and azure, over all four lozenges conjoined in cross, between as many annulets all counterchanged (for Peacocke). Mantling azure and argent. Crests — 1. on a wreath of the colours, a falcon with wings endorsed preying on a partridge all proper (for Sandford) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a boar's head couped argent, armed and langued gules, and charged with a trefoil slipped vert (also for Sandford) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, a cockatrice, wings erect vert (for Peacocke). Motto—" Nj temere nee timide." Residence — 5 RICHARD FORMAN MAINWARING SAN| FORD, Esquire, Lieut. -Col. R.E. Born Dec. 1834, being the fifth son of the Ven. John Sandfo B. D. , Archdeacon of Coventry, Hon. Canon of Eastm^ ster, and Rector of Alvechurch, co. Worcester, by his wife Elizabeth, only dau. of Richard Poole. Armor bearings — Quarterly per fesse indented ermine and azu Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of colours, a falcon, wings endorsed, preying on a partrid all proper. Motto — " Nee temere nee timide. " Marr' April 7, 1863, Mary Isabella, dau. of Captain Edwa Grant, 17th Regt. ; and has Issue— [\) John Erskine Gra Sandford, Gentleman, b. Feb. 23, 1864; (2) Charles Douj las Sandford, Gentleman, b. June 5, 1865, drowned at Oct. 17, 1892 ; (3) Harry Coddington Sandford, b. Mard 8, 1869 ; and Ada Helen Ernestine. Residence — WILLIAM GRAHAM SANDFORD, Esquire, son time Captain Royal Peeblesshire Rifles, unpaid Attac at Paris from April 1859 to May i860, specially employ at Frankfort till Sept. i860, transferred to Turin Sept iS Member of the Royal Body Guard of Scotland, Secoi| Secretary of Legation at the Court of Stockholm. Bo Nov. 30, 1834, being the second surviving son of Erskir Douglas Sandford, Esq., Sheriff of Galloway, and his wife Joanna Grace, third and youngest dau. of William Grahara of Mossknow, co. Dumfries. Armorial bearings — Quar- terly per fesse indented ermine and azure. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a falcon, wings endorsed, preying on a partridge all proper. MottO — " Nee temere nee timide." Residence — SANDHAM, quartered by GRIFFITH. SANDYS, quartered by SPEIR. EDWIN WILLIAM SANDYS, Esquire. J. P. for East Riding of co. York, late Major R.A. Born March 21, 1838, being the eldest son of the late Rev. William Travis Sandys, Rector of Burton-le-Coggles, Grantham, by his is the Military Cockade. ^an ^an 1203 wife Catherine, dau. of Capt. William Wotton Abney of Measham Hall, co. Derby. Armorial bearings— Or, a fesse dancett^e between three crosses crosslet fitch^e gules. Mantling gules and or. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, a griffin segreant per fesse or and gules. Motto — ' ' Probum non poenitet." Married, firstly, June 29, 1865, Frances Anne Sandys, elder dau. of Edwin Sandys Bain, Serjeant- at-Law, of Easter Livelands, co. Stirling ; and has had Issue — (i) William Bain Richardson Sandys, Escj., Major R.F.A. , b. May 20, 1868; (2) Henry Myles Sandys, Gentleman, of Easter Livelands, co. Stirling, b. March 30, 1871 ; (3) Edward Seton Sandys, Esq., Capt. R.E. , b. Sept. 17, 1872; Frances Catherine Mary Sandys (deceased) ; and Agnes Elizabeth Abney (deceased). He married secondly, April 17, 1879, Eliza Ridley, eldest dau. of late Rev. Henry B. Carr, M.A. , Hon. Canon of Durham; and has a dau., Dorothy. JResidence—YvMoxA. House, co. York. Club — Yorkshire (York). § THOMAS MYLES SANDYS, Esquire, Lieut. -Col. Comdt. 3rd Batt. Loyal North Lancashire Regt. (retired with Hon. rank of Colonel), formerly Capt. 7th Royal Fusiliers (20 years' service), M.P. for the Bootle Div. of Lancashire since 1885, and D. L. for co. Lancaster. Born May 12, 1837, being the only son of Capt. Thomas Sandys, R. N., subsequently H.E. I.C.S. , by his wife Frances, dau. of Capt. Thomas Sanders, H.E. I.C.S. Clubs — Naval and Military, Carlton, Wellington, United Service. Livery — Undress : drab with scarlet cuffs and collar ; full dress : coat and waistcoat drab, breeches scarlet plush. Armorial bearings — Or, a fesse dancettfe between three cross cross- lets fitch^e gules. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a griffin segreant per fesse or and gules. Seat — Graythwaite Hall, Ulverston, Lancashire. SANDYS. Or, a fesse dancett^e between three cross crosslets gules. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a griffin segreant per fesse or and gules. Motto — " Probum non poenitet." Son of late Rev. William Travis Sandys, Rector of Burton - le • Coggles, Grantham, b. ; d. ; m. , Catherine, d. of Captain William Wotton Abney of Measham Hall, co. Derby : — Henry Stair Sandys, R.N., i^. . Res. — 48 Hartington Street, Derby. SANGUSZKO, quartered by LUBIENSKI. Major MATTHEW HENRY SANKEY, late R.E. Born 1853, being the eldest son of the late Lieut. -Gen. William Sankey, C. B. , of Bawnmore, by Hannah Maria, third dau. of the late John Roe of Rockwell, co. Tipperary. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend sable, three salmon of the field. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested sable, holding in the hand a fish proper. Motto — " Sancta clavis coeli fides." Married, 1876, Elizabeth, dau. of Major- Gen. Edward Lawes Pym. MATTHEW VILLIERS ELRINGTON SANKEY, Gentleman, formerly Lieut. P.W.O. Regt., late Lieut. 5th Dragoon Guards. Born 1846, being the only son of the late Capt. Jacob Hiram Sankey, R. N., J. P., of Cool- more, by Melita Anne, only dau. of the late Capt. G. W. Rowan Hamilton, R.N., of Killyleagh, co. Down. Armo- rial bearings— Argent, on a bend sable, three salmon of the field. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested sable, cuffed argent, holding in the hand a fish proper. Motto — "Sancta clavis coeli fides." Seat — Coolmore, Fethard, Tipperary. Sir RICHARD HIERAM SANKEY, Knight Com- mander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Chairman of Board of Works, Ireland, Fellow of Madras University. Born 1829, being the son of Matthew Sankey, J. P. of Bawnmore, co. Cork, by his wife Eleanor, dau. of Colonel O'Hara, J. P., of O'Harabrook, Ballymoney, co. Antrim; created C. B. 1879, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander 1892. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a bend sable, three salmon of the field, the escutcheon being encircled with the ribbon of the Bath, and pendent therefrom his badge as a K. C. B. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested sable, cuffed argent, holding in the hand a salmon of the field. Motto — "Sancta clavis coeli fides." Married, ist, 1858, Sophie Mary, dau. of W. H. Benson, I.C.S. (she died 1882) ; 2nd, 1890, Henrietta, dau. of Pierce Creagh, Esq., J. P., of Mount Elva, co. Clare, and widow of Edward Browne, Esq., J. P., of Cosloe, co. Galway. Postal address — 68 Merrion Square, Dublin. JAMES SANT, Esquire, a Member of the Royal Academy, Principal Painter in Ordinary to Her Majesty the Queen, a Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy Raffaelle in Urbino. Born 1820, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late William Sant of Duppa's Hill, Croydon, by his wife Sarah Sherwood, n^e Baker is tbe Naval Cockade. II tt04 ^ap %)au Armorial bearings — Sable, on a chevron cotised or, between Ihrw; roses argent, barlxxi and seeded proper, as numy escallops of the field. Oreat — Upon a wreath of the colours, a denii-lion rampant gules, gorged with a collar vair, holding in the niuuth a rose argent, barbed, slipped and seeded proper, and holding between the paws an escallop or; with the Motto, "Si sit sanctus felix." A/arritJ, 1853, Eliza, daughter ol Doctor R. M. M. Thomson, Statl-SurRtxjn, Ikingal Presidency ; and has /ssttt — (i) James William Sant, Gentleman, m the Diplo- matic Service, Altachd to the British Legation at Stockholm (deceased) ; (a) Mowbray Lees Sam, hsc|uirc, Captain 5lh Fusiliers ; Mary Edith ; Lilla Maria ; Sarah Fanny Con- stance ; Ada Grace ; and Hilda Julia Frances. Poiial addrtss — 43 Lancaster Gate, Hyde Paik. M BENJAMIN BECKHAM SAPWELL, Esquire, Col. O (retired) 3rd Vol. Batt. Norfolk Regt. Bom Jan. 39, 1843, being the seventh son of John Sapwell and Louisa Esther his wife, dau. of John Sparrow. Armorial bear- logi — Vert, a garb or, between four fountains in cross, itawtung vert and or. Greet— On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, in front of a passion cross or, a well between two branches of oak proper. Married, firstly, Oct. 6, 1864, I)orc;is Gay, second dau. of George Thomas Hald- win of Fakenham, Norfolk ; and has Issue — (i) Benjamiu Beckham Sapwell, B.A., LL.B., M.B., B.C. (Cantab,), Barrister-at-Law, b. Jan. 30, 1866 ; and Dorcas Gay (de- ceased). He married secondly. Sept so, 1B69, Rosamond Cubitt, fifth dau. of the above-named G. T. Baldwin ; and has Issue — (a) Cedric Gay Sapwell, *. Aug. 30, 1870 (de- ceased) ; (3) Baldwin Sparrow Sapwell, b. July 13, 1889 ; Dorcas Rosamond ; Mary Baldwin ; and Joyce Meers. 5asc argent, a hawk's lure of the field ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising proper ; with tta Motto, ' ■ Spero. " Married, January 1 1 , 1886. Ada Cheve youngest daughter of the Reverend Henry Charles Desha late Vicar of Teign mouth. Postal address — Teignmou^ Devon. SCHOMBERG, quartered by LANE-FOX. SCHOMBERG. (A coat of foreign origin confirmed : England by grant, H. Coll., 1816; limitations being su sequently extended by a later grant). Gules, in chief fo escarbuncles or, in base two chevronels of the last, each charged with seven mullets azure, tetween twelve esco- cheons, six, four, two. in chief and a lamb passant in liase argent. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, out of a naval crown or. the sails argent, a demi-Uon gorged with a wreath of laurel proper, support- ing a flagstaff on which a pennon gules, charged with an anchor or. Motto— " Persevere." Livery— Y)ra.h yellow collar, cuffs, waistcoat, breeches, and black stockings. Sons of late Joseph Trigge Schomberg. Esq.. Q.C., of Seend Lodge. Melksham, Wilts. Bencher of Lincoln's Inn and Recorder of Aldborough. b. 1805 ; d. 1878 ; m. 1834, Elizabeth Mary, d. of Rev. William Carpenter Ray:— Arthur Schomberg. Gentleman, b, 1847. Post, add.— Seend. Melksham. Wilts. Reginald Brodrick Schomberg. Gentleman, Barrister-at- Law (Lincoln's Inn), b. 1849 ; m. 1879. Frances Sophia, d. of Thomas Charles Morris. Esq.. J. P.. of Bryn Myrddin and Llanstephan Castle, Carmarthenshire ; and has issue- Reginald Charles Francis Schomberg, Gentleman. B.A., 2nd Lieut. Seaforth Highlanders, /^w.— East Sheen. Surrey. ,,,., Edmund Clerke Schomberg, Esq., J. P. and D.L. Wilts (High Sheriff 190a), b. 1852 ; m. 1894, Violet Louise, yr. d. of Martin Bryan Stapylton, Esq., J. P.. of Myton Hall, ^ is tbe Military Cockade. %tt %to 1209 Yorks. Seais—Seend Lodge, Melksham, Wilts; Brow- foot, Devizes. Sons of late Rear.-Adm. Herbert Schomberg, m. Sarah Bayton of Chichester :— Major-Gen. Herljert St. George Schomberg, C.B. (1897), served with Egyptian Expedition 1882-84, present at bom- bardment of Alexandria (medal wtih clasp, bronze star, Brevet Major), and in Soudan 1884, present at battles of El Teb and Tamai (two clasps, fourth class Osmanieh), i. 184s ; m. 1881, Sophia Elizabeth, second d. of the late William Barry Hoare, Esq., J. P., of Monkstown, co. Cork ; and has issue— (1) Edward St. George Schomberg, Esq., 6. 17 April 1882 ; and (2) Harold St. George Schomberg, Gentleman, 6. 24 Aug. 1886. Res.— Rear-Adm. Anson Schomberg, b. 1846; m. Caroline, ygst. d. of Bartiiolomew Clifford Lloyd, Esq., Q.C. , of Waterford, Ireland. Club United Service. Stepney Schomberg, Gentleman, Solicitor, b. 1853 ; m. 1889, Mary. d. of Arthur Vincent of Shanagolden House, CO. Limerick. Res. — Holmwood, Seabord, Sussex. Son of Admiral Alexander Wilmot Schomberg : — Gen. Sir George Augustus Schomberg, K.C.B. (g.v.). General Sir GEORGE AUGUSTUS SCHOMBERG, K.C.B. (Military) 1896 (C.B. 1867), served on the Coast of Africa 1844-46, in Baltic 1855, commanded R.M.A. in China 1857 - 59, was Commandant Royal Marine Artillery, 1867-70, D.A.G. of R.M. 1872-75, retired list 1886. Born Oct. S, 1821, being the youngest son of the late Admiral Alexander Wilnot Schomberg, by his wife Anne, dau. of Admiral Richard Smith of Poulton, Cheshire (and nephew of the late Capt. Sir Charles Marsh Schomberg, K.C.H., CB.,R.N.) <:/«3— United Service. Annorial bearings — Gules, in chief four escarbuncles or, in base two chev- ronels of the last, and charged with seven mullets azure, between twelve escutcheons, six, four, and two, and a lamb Ipassant in base argent, the escutcheon being surrounded by ■he ribbon and star of a K.C.B. Mantling gules and or. rest — On a wreath of the colours, out of a naval crown r, the sails argent, a demi-lion gorged with a wreath of aurel proper, supporting a flagstaff, thereon hoisted a ennon gules, charged with an anchor or. MottO — " Per- severe. ' Married, 1853, Mary, dau. of Charles Wright of St. Clare, Southsea, Hants. Postal address — United Service Club, Pall Mall, London, W. Sir JOHN HENRY WILLIAM SCHRODER, ist Baronet (Dec. 8, 1892), C.V.O., of The Dell, Old Windsor, Berks. Born Feb. 13, 1825, being the son of Baron John Henry Schroder of Holstein, Mecklenburg, and Hamburg, by his wife Henriette von Schwartz. Armorial bearings— Argent, a fesse gules, between in chief three roses issuant gules, seeded or, slipped and leaved vert, and in base three mul- lets of six points (two and one) azure ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Out of a foreign ducal coronet proper, a rose as in the arms, between two buffalo-horns argent. Motto — " Vincet Veritas." Married, Sept. 19, 1850, Miss Dorothea Evelina Schliisser of St. Petersburg. Seats— The Dell, Old Windsor, Berks. ; Schwansa, in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenberg-Schwerin, Germany. SCHULDHAM. quartered by BARKER. SCICLUNA (H. Coll.). Gules, on a rock proper, a horse rampant ermine, in chief a cross of eight points be- tween on the dexter a decrescent and on the sinister an increscent argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Issuant from a crown vallery or, a demi-horse argent, sem6 of crescents gules, holding between the legs a cross as in the arms. Son of Emanuel Scicluna, ist Marquess Scicluna (Holy Roman Church), Banker and Pres. of Malta Chamber of Commerce : — Guiseppe Scicluna, 2nd Marquess, Knight of the Most Holy Sepulchre, b. 1855. Seat — Palarzo Hompesch. Valetta, Malta ; Naxaro, Malta. SCOBIE of Keoldale (1885). Azure, on a bend or, between two bear's heads couped argent, muzzled gules, three escallops sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand holding a dagger erect proper. Motto — " Bi treun." Son of John Scobie, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Keoldale :— James Scobie, Gentleman, b. . Res, — Keoldale, Durness, Lairg, co. Sutherland. SCONE, Baron, see MANSFIELD. SCOT, see GOLDIE-SCOT. SCOTLAND, quartered by HUSSEY, STUART. STUART- RICHARDSON, and VERSCHOYLE. SCOTT, see MACMILLAN-SCOTT and ROBSON- SCOTT. SCOT r, quarterly with LAURENCE and STUART, borne on an escutcheon of pretence by ORMSBY BLAKE. SCOTT of Thirlestane, quartered by NAPIER-CLA- VERING. S CHARLES NORMAN LINDSAY TOLLEMACHE SCOTT, Esquire, J. P. for the Stewartry of Kirkcud- bright, and a J. P. and D.L. for Leicestershire (High Sheriff 1895). Born 1852, being the eldest son of John Lindsay Scott of Mollance, by his wife Mary, dau. of Charles Gill- ham. Armorial bearings— Parted per pale or and azure, on a bend a mullet between two crescents allcounterchanged, in the sinister chief a horse-shoe of the first, impaling the arms of ToUemache, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent, a fret sable ; 2 and 3, azure, an imperial crown or between three mullets argent, within the Royal Tressure of Scotland of the second. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a stag trippant gules, attired and unguled or, charged on the shoulder with a horse-shoe also or. Motto — " Amo." Married, 1882, Lady Agnes Mary ToUemache, sister of Rt. Hon. William, 9th Earl of Dysart ; and has /ssue — A dau. Postal address — British Embassy, St. Petersburg. Sir CHARLES STEWART SCOTT, K.C.M.G. 1896, C.B. (Civil) 1886, Envoy and Minister Plenipotentiary to Denmark since 1893. Bom 1838, being the third son of the ^ is the Naval Cockade. laio ^CO late Mi^ Thomas Scott. J. P.. D.L., of Willsborough. ca Londonden7. by his second wife Katharine Elizabeth, eklrst diiu. of Rev, I huni.is kich.irdson. Clubs — Travel- lers", St James's. Armorial bearings— Or, on a bend ature. a mullet between two crescents of the field, within a bordure eiiRiuileti pcan, a mullet for difference. The es- cutcheon is surrounded with the ribbon and pendent there from the iNidRc of a K.C.M.G. and a CM. Mantling axure and or. Oreat On a wreath of the colours, an escal- lop shell sable, chart;cendcnt his badges :is a Knij^ht Commander thereof, and as a ComiKinion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Crest— A stag lodged proper. Motto — "Amo prol)os." Married, 1859, .Mary Olivia, eldest daughter of the late Reverend Edward Ward. Master of Arts, Rector of East Clandon, in the county of Surrey; and has Issue — Carteret Cunningliani Scoti, Esquire, iMirn 1862 ; Florence Emily Cunningham ; and Ethel Mary Cunningham. Seats — Malleny House, Halerno, in the county of Midlothian ; .and Bramford Hall, Ipswich, in the county of Suffolk. Residence — Accra, Gold d Club — United Service. 1 hoj^^ JAMES ROBERT SCOTT, Gentleman. Born Oct 1864, being the only son of the late John Charles Add Scott, Esq., of Great Barr, co. Stafford, and of Ratlingh and Norbury, co. Salop, M.A., J. P. cos. Stafford and Salop, and Fellow of Univ. Coll., London, by his wife Mahlah [now of Great Barr, co. Stafford, and Ratlinghop<^ and Norbury, co. Salop], dau. of Jesse Homer of Birfield Cot- tage, CO. Worcester. Armorial bearings Argent, on a mount of bulrushes in Ixise proper, a bull [jassant sable, a chief pean, billett^ or. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upcjn a mount of bidnishos, a stag couchant proper, the dexter foreleg resting on a billet or. Motto — " Nunquain libertas gratior." Married, No 8, 1890, Kate, dau. of Charles Castelli of West Hill, Putni and has Issue — Reginald Addyes Scott, Gentleman, b. L 3,1891; and Dorothy Catherine. Residence — 6Cambrii Gate, Regent's Park, London, N.W. Sir JOHN EDWARD ARTHUR MURRAY SCOT ist Baronet (Feb. 23, 1899), of Castle House, Lisburn, Antrim, and 5 Connaught Place, W. , Barrister-at-~ Trustee of the National Gallery and Trustee of the Walls Collection, J. P. co. Antrim, Private Secretary to the Sir Richard Wallace, Bart., M.P., 1871-1890. Born Fa 23, 1847. being the eldest son of the late John Scott Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, W. , M.D. , F. R.C.I D. L. and Bach. 6s Sciences. Paris, by his wife Alicia Luq dau. of George St. Vincent Thomas Nelson Murray. D.' Df Chichester, Sussex, and granddau. of Vicf-Adm. George Murray, K C. B. , Capt. of the Fleet to Lord '. Armorial bearing — Per fesse argent and azure, on a 1 an estoile between two crescents, all counterchanged ; escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Barone Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of " colours, a stag trippant profxjr. Motto (over the crest) " Fidus et fortis." Seat Castle House, Lisburn, Anttig Town residence -5 Connaught Place, W. Clubs — Tt[ vellers'. Junior Carlton, Marlborough. SJOHN HENRY FRANCIS KINNAIRD SCOT Esquire, of Gala, in the county of Selkirk, Justic the Peace for the counties of Selkirk and Roxburgh, Uepu Lieutenant for the county of Selkirk. Born May 10, 185 being the eldest son of the late Hugh Scott, Esquire, Gala, by his wife Elizabeth Isabella, eldest daughter heir of Cfaptain Charles Kinnaird Johnstone Gordon, Knig of the Order of the Lion and Sun. Armorial be He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4 or, on a bend azu a star of six points between two crescents of the field, in th sinister chief point a rose gpiles, stalked and leaved vert 1" Scott) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a saltire engrailed sable, df escallops or (for Pringle of Galashiels). Upon the escu' cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of I liveries is set for Crest, a lady richly attired, holding in th dexter hand a rose proper. Mottoes — " Prudenter amo; ^ under the shield, "Sursum." Seat — Gala House, Gala-* shiels, in the county of Selkirk. MAHLAH SCOrr, Widow, dau. of Jesse Homer of Birfield Cottage, co. Worcester, and widow of the late John Charles Addyes Scott, Esq., of Great Barr, co. Stafford, and of Ratlinghope and Norbury, co. Saloj), M.A. and J. P. for COS. Stafford and Salop. Armorial bearings, on a lozenge — Argent, on a mount of bulrushes in base pro\ier a bull passant sable, a chief pean, billettde or. Manifd 1863 ; and has Issue— An only son. James Robert Scott [to whom refer]. Seat — Ihe Red House, Great Barr, co. ^ is the Military CockMe, I ^co ^co Stafford. Residences — The Manor House, Ratlinghope 6 Cambridge Gate, Regent's Park, N.W. ROBERT THOMAS CHARLES SCOTT, Gentleman. Born July i6, 1864, being the only son of Robert Thoma- Charles Scott, Staff Surgeon, R.N., Deputy- Inspectors Gen. Hospital of Fleets, D. L. for Zetland, by his wife Agnes, dau. of Alex. Watson, C.E. Armorial bearlngrs —Quarterly i and 4, or, on a bend azure, a star between two crescents of the field, within a bordure engrailed gules, a crescent for difference ; 2 and 3, azure, three boars' heads couped within a bordure indented or. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of the liveries, a boar's head couped or, holding in his mouth four arrows gules, feathered and headed argent. Married, July 25, 1885, Agnes, second dau. of Laurence Georgeson ; and has Issue — (i) Robert Thomas Charles Scott, Gentleman, b. Dec. 13, 1886 ; (2) Alexander James Scott, Gentleman, b. April 4, 1888 ; Agnes Robina Mary ; Edith Margaret ; Catherine Watson ; Georgiana Josephine ; and Ella Ethel Laura Jane. Residence— MeXhy , Lerwick. SYDNEY LOUISA SCOTT, Widow, of Betton Strange, only surviving daughter of the late George Jonathan Scott, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Betton Strange, by his wife Augusta Frances, youngest daughter of William Wynne of Peniarth, in the county of Merioneth. Armorial beartogs are, upon a lozenge : Gules, three piles invected argent, two issuant from the chief and one from the base, each charged with a catherine-wheel of the first. Married, February 25, 1868, William Edington Stuart, Esquire, late Major isth Hussars, who died 1887 ; and she assumed by Royal License, 1891, the name and arms of Scott. Of the above marriage there is Issue — George John Scott, Gentle man, born November 3, 1870 ; and Marie. Estates — Betton Strange, in the county of Shropshire ; Peniarthuchaf, in the county of Merioneth. Postal address — Betton Strange, Shrewsbury. The Reverend THOMAS LUCAS SCOTT, M.A., Incumbent of St. George's, Dublin, Canon of St. Patrick's Cathedral, and formerly Rector of Lower Moville. Chaplain to H.E. the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland. Born Aug. 22, 1834, being the second surviving son of the late Major Thomas Scott of Willsborough, J. P., D.L., by his second wife Anne, dau. of the Rev. Edward Lucas. Armorial bearings — Or, on a bend azure, a mullet between two crescents of the field, within a bordure engrailed pean, a crescent for difference. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an escallop shell sable, charged with a trefoil or. Motto — " Perge." Married, Feb. 4, 1864, Frances Maria, dau. of the Ven. John Russell, Arch- deacon of Clogher ; and has had Issue — (i) Thos. Arthur Scott, b. 1865, d. i8gi ; (2) John Russell Scott, Gentleman, B.A., b. April 16, 1866; (3) William Lucas Scott, Gentle- man, b. July 25, 1870 ; Frances Elizabeth ; Mary Monica ; Norah Leslie ; Agnes Geraldine ; and Kathleen Verena Story. Postal address — St. George's, Dublin. WILLIAM EDWARD SCOTT, Esquire, J. P., D.L. CO. Londonderry (High Sheriff 1857), Capt. and Hon.-Major Londonderry Militia. Born Jan. 11, 1833, being the eldest son of the late Major Thomas Scott of Willsborough , J. P., D.L. , by his second wife Catherine Elizabeth, eldest dau. of the Rev. Thos. Richardson. Armorial bearings— Or, on a bend azure, a mullet between two crescents of the field, within a bordure engrailed pean. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an escallop shell sable, charged with a trefoil or. Motto — " Perge. " Married, 1861 , Catherine Georgina, dau. of the Ven. Alexander Stuart, Archdeacon of Ross; and by her (who d. 1865) has had /ww^— Thomas George Stuart Scott, d. 1868 ; Catherine Elizabeth ; and Anne Frances Emily, d. 1891. Seat— Willsborough, co. Londonderry. SCOTT (R.L. , 1830, H. Coll). Argent, on a mount of bulrushes in base proper, a bull passant sable, a chief pean, billett6 or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount of bulrushes, a stag couchant proper, the dexter fore-leg resting on a billet or. ■"otto — " Nunquam libertas gratior." Son of John Charles Addyes Scott, Esq. , J. P., of Great Barr, Ratlinghope, and Norbury, b. 1830 ; d. 1888 ; m. 1863, Mahlah (now of Great Barr, Ratlinghope, and Norbury), d. of Jesse Homer of Birfield Cottage, Worcester : — James Robert Scott, Gentleman, b. 1864; m. 1890, Kate, d. of Charles Castelli of West Hill, Putney ; and has issue — (i) Reginald Addyes Scott, Gentleman, b. 1891 ; Dorothy Catherine ; and Vera Gladys. SCOTT (7 May 1835). Erminois, three Catharine-wheels sable, a bordure engrailed azure, in chief pendent by a riband gules, a representation of the silver medal presented to Sir Hopton Stratford Scott, K.C.B., in approbation of his services at the siege and capture of Seringapatam, over all a chief of the fourth, thereon a hill with lines of defence all proper, superinscribed " Seetabuldee" in letters of gold. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a gryphon passant sable, gorged with an Eastern crown or, supporting with the dexter fore-claw a flagstaff proper, there- on flowing to the sinister a banner swallow-tailed gules, inscribed " Nagpoor " in letters of gold. Motto — " Amo." Son of late Sir Hopton Stratford Scott, K.C.B. , b. ', d. ; fn. : — Colonel Scott. ^«.— Shankhill, co. Dublin. SCOTT (L.O.). Or, a lymphad, sails furled and oars in action sable, flagged gules, surmounted of a bend azure, charged with a mullet between two crescents argent. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a stag trippant proper. Motto — " Ready, aye ready. " Eld. surv. s. of James Scott, Esq., of Kelly, D.L. cos. Renfrew, Dumbarton, and Lanark, b. 1810; d. 1884; m. 1848, Jane Martha, d. of Andrew Galbraith, Esq., D.L. :— Andrew Corbet Scott, Gentleman, b. 16 May 18 ; m. 1886, Amy Evelyn Alston-Stewart, eld. d. of Capt. Benjamin Hallowell-Boxer, R.N. , and Frances Louisa Alston-Stewart, Lady of the Barony of Urrard, Perthshire, Res. — Barassie House, Barassie, Troon, Ayrshire; Dalmonach House, Alexandria, N.B. Clubs — Raleigh, County (Ayr), Western (Glasgow), Prestwick Club (Prestwick). [Heirs, his brother James Black Scott, Gentleman, and Capt. Charles Inglis Scott.] SCOTT (U.O). Or, on a bend azure, a mullet between two crescents of the field , a bordure engrailed pean. Mant- ling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an is the Naval Cockade. Itif ^co ^co escallo|>-shcli sable, charged with a trefoil or. MottO — '• Perge." Sons of 'Hiomas Scoii, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , of Wills- boro*. ^. 1783; d. 187a; N». and, 1827, Anne, d. of Rev. Edward Lucas of Katltconnell : — William Edward Scott, Esq., of Willsboro" (g.v.). Rev. Thomas Lucas Scott, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), Canon of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Rector of St. George s Parish, formerly Rector of Lower Moville, b. 1834 ; m. i86d. Frances Maria, d. of Ven. Jojin Russell, Archdeacon of Clogber; and has surv. issue (with four daus.) — (i) John Russell Scott, Gentleman, h. 1866; (a) Wilfiam Lucas Scott, Gentleman, b. 1870. Jies. — 60 Mountjoy Square. Dublin. Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Stewart Scott, G.C.B., G.C.M.G.. P.C. , Ambassador at St. Petersburg 1898-1904; b. 1838; m. 1875, Chrisii.an Crawford, d. of James Macknight. W.S. . of Edinburgh ; and has issue — Charles Edward Stewart Scott, Esq., ^. ; Vera Helen; Alice M.iud ; Margaret Aimte [m. 1903, Herbert William Davis-Goff]; Marie Christian ; and Eileen Agnes. Res. — 19 Elvaston Place, Queen's Gate, S. W. C/«?j— Travellers', St. James's. SCOTT (H. Coll.). Descending from an early Scotch settler in Germany, the name being spelt Scott or Schott. In ancient Latin documents now in possession of the family the name is Scotus. Col. Scott, mentioned below, is eleventh in descent from Emerich Schott or Scott of Braunfek, " Receveur et Conseiller " to his Sovereign Prince 1451-1474, who was, according to MSS. commenced in 1587 by Johann Schott von Scbottenbom (and still remaining in the possession of the family), seventh in descent from Heinrich Schott or Scott living at Eysenrodt in Nassau in the 1 2th century. The family have by Royal Licence and Dt-ed-Poll reverted to the original spelling of their name as Scott. ArmB — Quarterly argent and gules, the first and second quarters each charged with a Catherine - wheel counterchanged. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a catberine-wheel gules between two ox-horns, party per fesse argent and gules and gules and argent. Motto — " Le Dieu le Fort I'etemel parleray." Livery — Drab with red facings. Son of John George Scott (son of John Daniel Scott or Schott, and grandson of John Daniel Scott or Schott, a Major in the Regt. of White Hussars of the Army of Catherine H. of Russia circa 1768), b. 1815; d. 1858 ; m. 1840, Sarah Anne, d. of James Kinder of Manchester: — George Frederick Scott, Esq., late Major and Hon. Lt.-Col. 3rd Batt. The Cheshire Regt., J. P. and D.L. co. Merioneth (on the Roll for High Sheriff 1907-8), b. 1854 ; m. 1885, Beatrice M.iry, only surv. child of John I^igh Taylor, Esq.. J.P., D.L. (Higi, sheriff co. Merioneth '89s), of Penmaenucha, Dolgelfey ; and hiis issue— Sybil Mary Gella. .S>ndon. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, gules, on a chevron argent, between in chief a crescent and in base a buck's head erased or, three mullets of the field, a border azure (for Kerr) ; a and 3. or, on a bend azure, a star of six pomts between two crescents of the field, in the sinister chief a rose gules, stalked and barbed proper, sur- mounted by a martlet argent (for Scott). Mantling gules and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of his liveries, the sun proper. Motto (over)— " Regulier et vigoureux." a. on a wreath of his liveries, a stag trippant armed and ten tynes proper. Motto (over)— " Pacem amo." Married, 1899, Charlotte Eleanor, dau. and co-heir of William Wyndhani Lewis, Esq., J. P., D.L. ; and has /w««— Patrick Wynd- ham, b. 1904. 5«a/— Fingask Castle, Perthshire. S WILLIAM SCOTT-MONCRIEFF, Esquire, Major Middlesex Regt. Bom June 15, 1858, being the eldest surviving son of the late Rev. William Scott-Moncrieff, M.A., J.P. cos. Edinburgh and Perth, Rector of Easington, and Hon. Canon of Ehirham Cathedral, by his wife Hannah, dau. of Robert Overton of Leicester. Armorial bearings — Quainerly i and 4, argent, a pheon azure, between three lions' heads erased gules, langued of the second (for Scott) ; a and 3, argent, a lion rampant gules, a chief ermine, within a bordure engrailed azure (for Moncrieff ). Mantling gult s and argent. Crest- On a wreath of his liveries, three stalks of wheat growing out of the ground proper. Motto— " Inde spes." Married, July 14, 1886, Alice Margaret, dau. of the late John Cassels, formerly of Bombay ; and has Issue— (i) Robert Scott-Moncrieff, Gentleman, b. May 4, 1887; (a) William Scott-Moncrieff, Gentleman, b. April 27, 1888. 5m/— Fossaway, Dollar, N.B. Residence — The Barracks, Hounslow. M CHARLES HENRY SCOTT-PLUMMER, Esquire, O J.P. and D.L. Selkirkshire, Convener of the county. Bom Oct. i8, 1859, being the eldest son of (Jharles Scoit- Plummer of Middlestead and Sunderland Hall, and Sopliia, dau. of Joseph Goff of Hale Park, Hants. /-/Trry— bark blue, with silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Ai\m, on a chevron between three lions' heads erased or, gutt(?e- de-sang, as many martlets of the field (for I'luinmer of Middlestead) ; gules, on a chevron argent, three stars of the first, in base a stag's head erased (for Ker of Sunderland Hall) ; or, on a bend azure, a star of six points hetwicn two crescents of the field, and in the sinister chief point a rose gules, stalked and barbed vert, surmounted by an annulet (for Scott). Crest (of Plummer)— A lion issuing argent, holding a twig of palm in his dexter paw. Motto — "Consulto et audacter.' Crest (of Scott of Woll) A slag trippant, armed with ten tynes proper. Motto— "Pacem amo." [These arms are separately on record in Lyon Register, but they have never been marshalled or re-matriculated, as they really should be, by Mr. Scoit- Plummer.] Seat — Middlestead and Sunderland Hall, Selkirk. Club — Army and Navy. Sir OWEN HENRY PHILIPPS SCOURFIELD. and Baronet (Feb. 18, 1876), of The Mote, and William ston, CO. Pembroke, M.A. Oxford, J.P. and D.L. for Haverfordwest, J.P. for Pembrokeshire and Carmarthen- shire, High Sheriff for the former co. 1881, Hon. Col. Pembroke Yeomanry Cavalry. Born Oct. 10, 1847, being the elder and only surviving son of the late Sir John Henry Scourfield, ist Bart, (was Lord-Lieut, and Custos Rotulorum of the CO. of the town of Haverfordwest, M.P. for Haver- fordwest from 1852 to 1868, and for the co. of Pembroke from 1868 to the time of his death), by his wife Augusta Lort, second dau. of John Lort Phillips of Lawrenny Park, CO. Pembroke. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per saltire sable and gules, three greyhounds courant in pale argent, collared or (for Scourfield) ; a and 3, argent, fretty azure, a lion rampant sable gorged with a wreath of oak or (for Phillipps) ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling sable and gull ~ Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount v(' a trunk of a tree eradicated fesseways proper, thereon greyhound courant argent, collared or (for Scourfield) ; 2. a lion rampant sable, gorged with a wreath of oak, and resting a sinister paw upon a fret or (for Phillipps). Mottoi Over the crest of Scourfield, " Fideliter fortiter feliciter over that of Phillipps, " Animo et fide." Livery — Cli scarlet piping. Married, firstly, March 6, 1877, Gerti Katherine, only dau. of Seymour Philips Allen of Cresse! CO. Pembroke, by his wife Lady Catherine Wallop, sister the slh Earl of Portsmouth. He married secondly, Jan. 1896, Frances Katharina Harriet, dau. of the late Rev. J Turner Lea of Orchardlea, Droitwich, Vicar of Far Foi Bewdley. Seats — Williamston, Neyland, R.S.O., and Mote, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire. Clubs — Caiiti Windham, Boodle's, United University. SCRASE, quartered by DICKINS. SCRASE-DICKINS (R.L., 1855). Quarterly. 1 and",, ermine, on a cross flory sable, a leapord's face or (Dickins— granted by Segar, 1625) ; 2 and 3, azure, a dolphin naiant argent, fins or, between three escallops of the last (Scrase— arms confirmed and crest granted by Segar, 1616). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a jf lion sejant sable, holding in the dexter paw a cross flory or (Dickins) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on the stump of a tree entwined by a serpent proper, a falcon volant also proper, beaked, membered, and belled or (Scrase). Sons of Charles Spencer Scrase-Dickins, Esq., of Coolhurst, J.P., D.L., b. 1830; d. 1884; m. 1855. Anna Maria, d. of Robert Aldridge of St. Leonard's Forest, Horsham : — Charles Robert Scrase-Dickins, Esq., J.P. and D.L. CO. Sussex, M.A. (Oxon.), b. 1857. Seats— CooWwasi . Horsham ; Currawn, Achill, co. Mayo. Col. Spencer William Scrase-Dickins, Highland Light Inf., b. i86a. Res.— Alwyne Frederick Scrase-Dickins, Gentleman, b. 1864. Res.— Compton Beauclerk Scrase-Dickins, Gentleman, h. 1870. Res.— is tbe Military Cockade. %tt %tt I2I5 Ygst. son of Charles Scrase-Dickins, Esq., of Coolhurst, J. P., D.L. (High Sheriff Sussex i860), d. 1794; d. 1875 ; m. 1829, Lady Frances Elizabeth Compton, d. of Charles, ist Marquess of Northampton : — • Major-Gen. William Dnimmond Scrase-Dickins, J. P., late 31st Regt., served in Indian Mutiny and Crimea, 6. 1832 ; m. 1880, Anne Matilda Catherine, d. of Gen. Sir George Townshend Walker, Bart., and widow of Major Henry William Paget. Seui — Collingwood, Hawkhurst, Kent. S SIMON CONYERS SCROPE, Esquire, Major York- shire Artillery (Militia), and claims the ancient Earldom of Wiltes (created 1397). Born October 16, 1857, being the eldest son of Simon Thomas Scrope, Esquire, of Danby Hall, by his wife Emily Jane, third daughter of Robert Berkeley, Esquire, of Spetchley, in the county of Worcester. Livery — Dark blue with silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Azure, a bend or, with very many illustrious quarterings. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his de- g[ree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a plume of ostrich feathers proper; with the Mottoes, " Devant si je puis;" "En espoir je vive attendant grace." Estates — Danby, co. Yorkshire; Cockerington, co. Lincoln. Postal address — Danby-on-Yore, Middleham, R.S.O. , Yorks. S HENRY SCRYMGEOUR- WEDDERBURN, Es- quire, of Wedderburn and Birkhill, co. Fife, Heredi- tary Stardard Bearer of Scotland, D.L. and J. P. for the CO. of Fife, and J. P. for co. of Forfar, formerly Capt. in the 17th and S2nd Regts. Born April 18, 1840, being the eldest son of the late Frederick Lewis Scrymgeour- Wedderburn , Esq., J. P. and D.L., by his wife the Hon. Helen, fifth dau. of the Rt. Hon. John Arbuthnott, 8th Viscount Arbuth- nott. Livery — Drab, with crimson facings and silver lace. Armorial bearings - Quarterly i and 4, argent, a chevron between three roses gules (for Wedderburn) ; 2 and 3, gules, a lion rampant or, armed and langued azure, holding in the dexter forepaw a broadsword proper (for Scrymgeour), Mantlings - Dexter, gules, doubled argent ; sinister, gules. doubled or. Crests On the dexter side, an eagle's head erased proper, with the Hotto, " Non degener " (for Wed- derburn) ; on the sinister side, a lion's gamb erased in bend, holding a cutlass both proper, with the Motto, " Dissi- pate" (for Scrymgeour). Supporters — On either side a grey- hound argent, collared gules. Married, March 31, 1869, Juliana, youngest dau. of Thomas Braddell of Coolmelagh, CO. Wexford; and has Issue ~{i) Henry Scrymgeour- Wed- derburn, Esq., Capt. Gordon Highlanders, b. June 28, 1872; (2) Frederick Lewis Scrymgeour- Wedderburn, Gentleman, b. June 27, 1874 ; (3) Charles Kenneth Scrymgeour- Wedder- burn, Gentleman, b. May 29, 1887 ; (4) William Ogilvy Scrymgeour- Wedderburn, Gentleman, b. Nov. 22, 1894 ; Helen Margaret ; Mary Turner ; Anne Grizel ; Katherine Elspeth ; Juliet; and Maud Kathleen, ^j/a/w— Wedder- burnand Kingennie, in the co. of Forfar ; Birkhill, in the CO. of Fife. 5^a/— Birkhill, Cupar, Fife, N.B. Clubs — Junior United Service, New (Edinburgh). SCRYMSCOURE, quartered by STEWART-FOTHER- INGHAM. S WALTER THOMAS JAMES SCRYMSOURE- STEUART-FOTHRINGHAM, Esquire, of Pourie, Fothringham, and Tealing, Forfarshire, D.L. for Perthshire and for Forfarshire, late Lieut. Scots Guards, formerly Lieut. Forfar and Kincardine Artillery Militia. Bom Dec. 7, 1862, being the only son of Thomas Frederick Scrymsoure-Fothringham, Esq., of Pourie, &c. , who died 1864, by Lady CharlotteCarnegie, sister of James, 9th Earl of Southesk. Succeeded as heir of entail to the estates of Grantully and Murthly, co. Perth, 1890, when he assumed the additional name of Steuart. Armorial bearings— Quarterly, I. ermine, three bars gules (for Fothringham) ; 2. gules, embordured a lion rampant or with a scimitar in his dexter paw proper (for Scrymsoure) ; 3. argent, a lion passant guardant gules, crowned or, in the middle chief a crescent, all within a bordure of the second (for Ogilvy) ; 4. quarterly i. and iiii., or, a fesse chequy azure and argent ; ii. and iii. , argent, a galley, oars in action, sable, the fourth grand quarter all within a bordure azure, charged with eight buckles or (for Steuart). Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crests — I. on the dexter side, on a wreath of his liveries, a griffin segreant proper, and on an escrol above this MottO, "Be it fast"; 2. on the sinister side, on a wreath of his liveries, a lion's gamb erased holding a scimitar all proper, and on an escrol above this Motto, "Dissipate." Sup- porters — On either side a savage wreathed about the head and middle with laurel, and holding in his exterior hand a club resting on his shoulder all proper. Seats— GxAnfaWy Castle, Aberfeldy, N.B. ; Murthly Castle, Perthshire; Fothringham, Forfar, N.B. ; Tealing, Dundee. C/k^j— Guards', Carlton, is the Naval Cockade. I2l6 ^CU %th SCUDAMORE, quartered by LLANDAFF. SCUDAMORE. se« LUCAS^CUDAMORE. VINCENT SCULLY. Esquire. Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford. Bom August i, 1846. being the eldest son of the late Vincent Scully. Esquire, of Mantle Hill, in CO. Tipperary. one of His Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law. by his wife Susanna, daughter of John Grogan of Harcourt Street. Dublin. Barrister-at-Law. and sister of Sir Edward Grogan, Baronet, Member of Parliament for the city of Dublin, 18.11-1864. Clui — Ox- ford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings — He bears for Amu : Vert, a cross botonn«5 between two mullets in chief and a fleur-de-lis in base or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix-fitling his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown proper, a pha-nix. also proper, charged on the breast with a cross botonn^ or. Motto— "Sine laberesurgens." Bookplate Motto— " ®n bookrs for to rrtt 5 me liflgtt, auti to thtm gibt 5 frptf) nnlj full rrrttnrr." Married, firstly, November 21, 1871. Emma Eliza Mary Clare, daughter of Pierse Marcus Barron, Esquire. of Belmont of Owen Putland Meyrick of Bodorgan, Anglesey. Ar- morial bearings Or, two barrulets azure, between three wolves' heads erased sable, in the fesse point a mural crown gules; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling azure and or. Crest — Out of a Park, Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Waterford ; and by her (who died April 7, 1890) has had Issue— (1) Vincent Bernard Scully, Gentleman, bom September i, 1872, died November 10, following ; (2) Denys Vincent Arthur Scully, Gentleman, born September 6, 1873; (3) Vincent Marcus Barron Scully, Gentleman, born July 2. 1881 ; Katherine Juliet Mary ; Manuella Beatrice Mary ; and Louise Frances. He married secondly, July 22, 1897. Amy, youngest dau. of the late John Netterville Barron, foriiierly of the sgth Regt. 5ea/s — Maiden Bradley, Bath; Berry Pomeroy, Totnes; Burton Hall, Longhborough, Leics. Ciuis — Carlton, Army and Navy, R.Y. Squadron. Lord Percy St. Maur, Major ist Batt. R. Fus., 6. 1847; m. 1899, Hon. Violet White, ygst. d. of and Baron Annaly ; and has issue— Helen Violet; and Lettice. /?«. — Burton Hall, Loughborough ; 28 Berkeley Square, London, W. Ciuis— Nava\ and Military, Boodle's, Junior Carlton. Lord Ernest St. Maur, a twin with his brother Percy, 6. 1847. Xes. — 2 Chester Street, London, S.W. Ciuis — Wellington, New University. Lord Edward St. Maur, late Lieut. 6oth Rifles, i. 1849 I m. 1879, Lilian, d. of John Stanhope. Ciuis — Badminton, New. Son of Rev. Francis Payne Seymour, Rector of Havant, i. 1815; d. 1870; m. 1st, 1848, Jane Margaret, ygst. d. of Rev. Alexander Robert Charles Dallas: — Major Edward Hamilton Seymour, Army Ordnance Dept. , late Roy. Dub. Fus., i. i860; tn. i88r, Rowena, d. of George Wall ; and has issue — Evelyn Francis Edward Seymour, Esq., Lieut. Roy. Dub. Fus., i. 1882. /fes. — Son of Henry John Hyde Seymour, Gentleman, i. 1795; d. i860; m. 1821, Charlotte, d. of Sir Samuel Whitcombe : — Rev. Henry Seymour, Rector of Holme Pierrepont, Notts, i. 1825; m. ist, 1851, Susannah Biscoe (d. 1889), d. of Rev. Robert Tritton, Rector of Morden, Surrey; 2nd, 1892, Emmeline Millicent, d. of late James Walker of Nevill Park, Tunbridge Wells; and has surv. issue — (i) Henry Sydney Seymour, Gentleman (24 Cheshani Place, S.W.), i. 185s [»«. 1896, Hon. Helen Smith, d. of Rt. Hon. W. H. Smith, P.C. , and Viscountess Hambleden ; and has issue — Edward William Seymour, Gentleman, i. 1897] ; (2) Evelyn Stuart Seymour, Gentleman, late Lieut. 4th Batt. Sherwood Foresters (The Cottage, Mote Park, Maidstone), i. 1864 [m. 1897, Henrietta, d. of late Turner A. Macan of Elstow, Bedford, and Cardiff, co. Armagh] ; Emily Gertrude ; Julia Mary ; Emmeline St. Maur [m. 1885, 8th Visct. Torrington]; Madeline St. Maur [m. 1885, Francis Abel Smith]; Lilian Octavia [m. 1896, Rev. L. H. Wellesley Wesley]. ^«.— The Rectory, Holme Pierrepont, Notts. Sons of Francis George Hugh Seymour, sth Marquess of Hertford, G.C.B., P.C, Equerry to the Prince Consort and Groom-in-Waiting to Queen Victoria, &c., i. 1812; d. 1884; m. 1839, Lady Emily Murray, d. of William, 3rd Earl of Mansfield : — The Most Hon. Hugh de Grey Seymour, 6th Marquess of Hertford (5 July 1793), 6th Ekirl of Yarmouth (5 July 1793), 6th Elarl of Hertford (3 Aug. 1750), 6th Viscount Eteau- champ of Hache (3 Aug. 1750), all in the Peerage of Great Britain. 7th Baron Conway of Ragley (Eng., 17 March 1703), and 7th Baron Conway of Killultagh, co. Antrim (Irel., 16 Oct. 1712), A.D.C. to the King, J.P., C.C.and D.L. co. Warwick, J. P. co. Antrim, M.P. co. Antrim 1869-1874, and for S. Warwicksh. 1874-1880, late Capt. Gren. Gds., now Col. Warwicksh. LY., Comptroller H.M.'s Household 1879-1880 [SapportetB — Two blacka- moors wreathed about the temples or and sable, habited |in ^ep I m short garments and buskins gold, adorned .-ilx)ut the w.iisi with green and red feathers, each holding in his exterior hand a shield .izure, giirnished or, the dexter char^^ed with the sun in splendour of the last, the sinister with a cro^ccnt argent. Motto— " Fide ct amore"], i. 1843; m. 1868, Hon. Mary Hood, d. of Visct. Bridport ; andf has issue— (i) George Francis Alexander Seymour, commonly called Earl of Yarmouth, D.L. co. Warwick, Lieut. Warw. ImH^I Yea., formerly Lieut, vd Ikitt. Bl.ick Watcl), i. 1871 [fHH 1903, Alice Thaw]; (2) I^ord Henry Cliarle* Seymo^^D Lieut. Gren. Gds., i. 1878; (3) Lord Edward Bcauchanip Seymour, i. 1879 ; (4) Lord George Kredcrick, Lieut. R.N.. i. 1881 ; Lady Emily Mary [m. Rev. Reginald Walker]; Lady Victoria Frederica (m. Charles Alan Cathcart oe I Tranord]; Lady Jane Edith [m. Major Hugh Dudley 1 Carleton, D.S.O.J. 6Va/—Ragley Hall. Alcester, Warwick- shire. Ciuis — Cailton, Cavalry, Constitutional. Sons of Lord Albert Charles Seymour, Col. (r^ Scots Guards, i. 1847 ; d. 1891 ; m. 1872, Sarah 1901), only d. of the lateCapt. John Moore Napier^ Charles Hugh Napier Seymour, Esq., Capt. Kin^T Royal Rifle Corps, i. 1874. Jfgs. — William Walker Seymour, Gentleman, Lieut. Rifle Brigade, i. 1878. /fes.— Edward Victor Francis Seymour, Gentleman, i. 1887. Sons of the Most Hon. Francis George Hugh, J^H| Marquess of Hertford, G.C.B., P.C, D.L. for Warwi^Bf Gen. in the Army, Equerry to the Prince Consort 1 and Groom-in-Waiting to Queen Victoria, Deputy Ranger of Windsor Cfreen Park, Lord Chamberlain 1874-79, i. i8ia; d. 1902; m. 1839, Lady Emily Murray, d. of Rt. Hon. William, 3d Earl of Mans- field :— Lord Ernest James Seymour, late Capt. and Hon. Major Warwickshire Yeo. Cav., formerly sub-Lieut. R.N., J. P. CO. Warwickshire, i. 1850; m. 1877, Lady Georgina Seymour Fortescue, d. of 3rd Earl of Fortescue ; and has issue — (i) Francis Ernest Seymour, Esq., Lieut. R.N.,^. 1878; (2) Reginald Guy Seymour, Gentleman, i. 1880; (3) Arthur George Seymour, Gentleman, Midshipman R.N. , i. 1884; Ruth; Eleanor Alice: and Constance Emily Mary. Jfes. — The Rev. Lord Victor Alexander Seymour, M.A. Christchurch (Oxon.), Vicar of St. Stephen's, South Ken- sington, formerly Rector of Carshalton, i. 1859 (for whom Queen Victoria stood Sponsor) ; m. 1885, Elizabeth Margaret, eld. d. of Albemarle Cator of Woodbastwick Hall, Norfolk ; and has issue — (1) Conway Hugh Seymour, i Esq., i. 1886; (2) William John Seymour, Gentleman, i. 1900; Jane; and Anne Christian. ^«. — 78 Cornwall I Gardens, S.W. Ciui — Travellers'. Son of Henry George Seymour, Esq., Vice-Adm. R.N., M.P. for CO. Antrim, a Lord of the Admiralty, i. 1818 ; d. 1869: m. i86r, Sophia Margaret, elder d. Derick Hoste of Barwick House, Norfolk : — Charles Derick Seymour, Esq., J. P. Norfolk, Major Norfolk Imp. Yeo., i. 1863 ; m. 1903, the widow of Major Ralli, i2th Lancers, n^e Scaramanga. Seat — Barwick, King's Lynn, Norfolk. Town res.— 66 Cadogan Place, S.W. Son of Sir George Francis Seymour, Adm. of the Fleet, G.C.H. and G.C.B., i. 1787; d. 1870; m. 1811 Georgiana Mary, d. of Adm. Hon. Sir G. C. Berkeley, G.C.B. :— Lord William Frederick Ernest, K.C.V.O., Gen. in the ^ Army, Lieut, of the Tower of London since 1902, Acting Mil. Secretary at Headquarters 1901-2, late Commanding the Troops in Canada, i. 1838 : m. 1871, Hon. Eva Anna Caroline, seventh d. of 1st Lord Penrhyn ; and has surv. issue — Mabel Louisa ; Hazel Georgina ; Dorothy Nina ; and Mary Freda. Mes. — Son of Hugh Horatio Seymour, Gentleman, i. 1821 ; d. 1892 ; m. 1846, Georgiana, d. of Gen. Robert Ellice :— Hugh Francis Seymour, Gentleman, i. 1855 : m. 1884, Rachel Blanche, d. of Hon. and Rev. James Walter Lascelles; and has issue — (i) Horace James Seymour, Gentleman, i. 1885; (2) Francis Seymour, Gentleman, i. 1886; Mabel Katheleen Georgiana ; and Mary Gwendolen. Jfes. — Son of Frederick Charles William Seymour, Gentle- man, i. 1797; d. 1856; m. 1822, Lady Mary Gordon {d. 1825), d. of Most Hon George, 9th Marquess of is tbe Military Cockade. ^ep ^fta I22I Huntly; 2nd, 1832, Lady Augusta Hervey, eld. d. of Most Hon. Frederick, ist Marquess of Bristol : — Conway Frederick Charles Seymour, Esq. , Gentleman Usher of the Privy Chamber, late Capt. 85th Regt. Kcs. — F'rederick Horace Arthur Seymour, Esq., Major-Gen. (ret.). Rifle Brigade, b. 9 Nov. 1836. Hes. — Son of Sir Horace Alfred Darner Seymour, K.C.B. , formerly Private Secretary to the Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, Prime Minister, and a Commissioner of Customs 1885-90, Deputy Chairman 1890-4, Deputy Master of the Mint 1894-1902, B.A. Camb. , nominated K.C.B. 1902, but died before receiving the honour of knighthood, b. 1843 ; d. 1902 ; m. 1880, Elizabeth (who was granted by Royal Warrant, 1902, the same title, place, and precedence to which she would have been entitled had her husband survived to be invested and knighted), d. of Col. Frederick Romilly (brother of ist Lord Romilly) : — Ralph Frederick Seymour, Esq., b. 1886. Res. — Son of Rt. Hon. Sir George Hamilton Seymour, G.C.B., G.C.H., P.C., Envoy Extraordinary and Ministsr Plenipotentiary to the Court of Austria, b. 1797; d. 1880; m. 1831, Hon. Gertrude, d. of Rt. Hon. Henry, 21st Lord Dacre : — Arthur Henry Seymour, Gentleman, Second Sec. H.M.'s Diplomatic Service 1861-75, ^- 1838. Res. — Sons of Leopold Richard Seymour, Esq., late Lieut. - Gen. Gren. Guards, b. 184 1 ; in. 1871, Mary Hubbard, d. of Russell Sturgis : — Conway Russell Seymour, Gentleman, b. 1874 \fn. 1897, Louisa Mary, d. of Gen. J. A. Street, C.B.j. Richard Sturgis Seymour , Gentleman, Third Sec. H. B. M. 's Diplomatic Service, Attach^ at Tehran, Persia, b. 1875. Edward Seymour, Esq., M.V.O., Lieut. Gren. Guards, b. 1877. Beaucharap Seymour, Gentleman, 2nd Lieut. K.R. Rifle Corps, b. 1878. Lionel Seymour, Esq., b. 1889. Son of Alfred Seymour, Gentleman , Lieut. Rifle Brig. , b. 1843; d. 1897; m. 1870, Jessie Madelene, d. of Hon. William Macdougall, C.B., of Toronto: — Ralph Seymoui', Gentleman, Lieut. 3rd Hussars, b. 1875. Res.— Claude Seymour, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., b. 1876. Res.~ Hugh Seymour, Gentleman, b. 1877. Res. — Vere Seymour, Gentleman, b. 1879. Res. — Sons of George Evelyn Seymour, Gentleman, b. 1848 ; d. 1884 ; m. 1874, Evelyn Elizabeth, d. of Archibald J. Campbell of Belgrave Square : — Archibald George Seymour, Gentleman, Lieut. 2nd Dragoon Scots Greys, b. 1875. ^^^- — Reginald Henry Seymour, Gentleman, Lieut. King's Royal Rifle Corps, b. 1877. Res. — Charles Seymour, Gentleman, b. 1882. Res. — Seymour (R.L., 1869, H. Coll.). Arms as above, all within a bordure wavy ermine. Crest as above, de- bruised by a bendlet sinister wavy or. Motto — " Foy pour devoir. " Son of Gen. Sir Francis Seymour, 1st Bart., K.C.B., Groom-in- Waiting and Master of the Ceremonies to Queen Victoria, b. 1813; d. 1890; m. 1869, Agnes Austin, d. of Rev. Hill Dawe Wickham, M.A., Rector of Horsington : — Sir Albert Victor Frances Seymour, 2nd Bart. (28 Oct. 1869), Lieut. 3rd Batt. K.O. Royal Lancaster Regt., served in South Africa 1900, formerly Page of Honour to Queen Victoria, b. 1879. Res. — 31 Eccleston Street, S.W. St. Maur (R.L., T902, H. Coll.). Arms as above, but within a bordure wavy, quarterly of the second and first. Crest as above, debruised by a bendlet sinister wavy gules. Richard Harold St. Maur, Esq., J. P. andD.L. co. Devon, late 14th Hussars, Capt. 1st R. Devon I.Y. , served in S. African War, b. 1869; m. 1891, Elisabeth, only d. of late Capt. W. Hollingworth F. Palmer, 14th Hussars ; and has issue — (i) Richard William Maxwell St. Maur, Gentleman, b. ; (2) Edward Ferdinand St. Maur, Gentleman b. ; (3) Frederick Percy St Maur, Gentleman, b. . Seat — Stover, Newton Abbot, Devon. Town res. — 112 Priors House, St. James's Court, Buckingham Gate, S.W. Clubs — Marlborough, Cavalry, Hurlingham. 0V1CE-ADMIRAL Sir EDWARD HOBART SEY- MOUR, G.C.B.; served in the China Campaign 1900. Born 1840, being the son of the late Reverend Richard Seymour, by his wife Frances, daughter of Charles Smith of Suttons, in the county of Essex ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1887. Clubs —United Service, Wellington. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Azure, a pair of wings conjoined in lure, surmounted of a naval crown or, on a canton argent, an anchor sable. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or; and for his Crest, on a naval crown or, two brands in saltire, inflamed at the ends proper, thereon an eagle rising, also proper, looking at the sun or. EBENEZER SHACKLETON, Gentleman, B.A. (Trin. Coll , Dublin). Born April 2, i866, being the eldest surviv- ing son of Richard Ebenezer Shackleton, Gentleman, M. A. (Gold Medallist Trin, Coll., Dublin), by his wife Elizabeth Anne, dau. of Major Henry Holland, by Mary, dau. of William Bell of Bellview, Queen's Co. Livery — Claret with gold facings. Amiorial bearings— Or, on a fesse gules, three lozengy buckles tongues paleways geld, on a canton of the second a cross humett^ of the third. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a poplar tree proper, charged with a buckle as in the arms. Motto — " Fortitudine vincimus." Married, Aug. 16, 1898, Mary Ellen, dau. of John Gailey, Esq., J. P., of Palmerstoun House, CO. Dublin ; and has Issue — Richard Ebenezer Shackleton, Gentleman, b. 1899; and Enid Mary. Estates ^" Belan " and "Glen Mona," co. Kildare. Postal address — Belan Lodge, Moone, co. Kildare. HENRY SHACKLETON, Gentleman, B.A., M.D- (Medallist, Trin. Coll., Dublin), M.R.C.S. (England). L.M.K.Q.C.P.L Born Jan. i, 1847, being the fourth son of Ebenezer Shackleton of Fuller's Court and Moone, co. Kildare, Gentleman, by Ellen, dau. of William Bell of Bellview, Queen's Co. Livery — Claret, with gold facings. Armorial bearings — Or, on a fesse gules, three lozengy buckles tongues paleways gold, on a canton of the second a cross humett(5 of the third. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a poplar tree proper, charged with a buckle as in the arms. Motto— " Fortitu- dine vincimus." Married, Feb. 28, 1872, Henrietta L. S., the only dau. and heir of Henry John Gavan, Esq., by Caroline Mary, dau. of John Fitzmaurice, Esq., and Hen- is the Naval Cockade. laaa ^l)a ^l)a rietu t'ary, his wife; and has /«**— (i) Ernest Henry Shackleton, Gentleman, b. Feb\ 15, 1874 ; (a) Francu Richard Shackleton, Gentleman, b. Sept. 19, 1876; Ger- trude Alice ; Amy Vibert ; I'Uhel Rose ; Eleanor Hope ; Clara Lilian ; Helen ; Kathleen ; and Gladys Maybelle. Postal address — Aberdeen House, Sydenham, S,E^ JOSEPH FISHER SHACKLETON, Gentleman. Bom Dec. 19, 1832, being the second son of George Shackleton of Griesemount, Ballitore, co. Kildare, and Hannah his wife, dau. of Joseph Fisher of Limerick. Armorl&l bearings Or, on a fesse gules, three lozengy buckles tongues palewise gold, on a canton of the second, a cross huniettte of the third. Mantling gules and or. Greet - On a wreath of the colours a poplar tree proper, charged with a buckle as in the arms. Motto - " Fortitu- dine vincimus." Married, i866, Jane Wigham, eldest dau. of Joshua Edmundson of Dublin ; and has Issue -(1) William Edmundson Shackleton, Gentleman, b. May 36, 1867 [m., Sept. 25, 1895, Edith Annie, dau. of Thomas Smithson, Elsq., J. P., of Facit, Rochdale] ; (2) George Shackleton, Gentleman, b. June 27, 187a ; (3) John Wigham Shackleton, Gentleman, b. June 28, 1875; Mary Edmundson [«., Sept. 27, 1894, Frederick Carr of Silloth] ; Rebecca Harvey ; and Jane Christine. 5m/ -Griesemount, Ballitore, co. Kildare. /Residence -Anna, Liffey House, Lucan, co. Dublin. SHADWELL, see LUCAS-SHADWELL. SHAEN, quartered by BINGHAM. JOHN CAMPBELL SHAIRP, Esquire, J.P., B.A. (Oxon.), Sheriff-Substitute for co. Ayr at Ayr. Bom June 1858, being the younger but only surviving son of the late John Campbell Shairp, Principal of the United College of St. Salvator and St. Leonard, in the University of St. Andrews, LL.D., Professor of Poetry in the University of Oxford, formerly Professor of Humanity in the University of St. Andrews, by his wife Eliza, eldest daughter of Alexander Henry Douglas, Esquire, younger brother of the Most Hon- ourable the fifth Marquess of Queensberry. C/ub — New (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Argent, on a fesse azure, between two cross crosslets fitch^e sable in chief and a dexter hand couped holding a sword in pale proper in base, three mullets of the first ; and impaling the arms of Erskine of Cambo, namely, quarterly 1 and 4, gules an imperial crown within the Royal tressure of Scotland or ; 2 and 3 argent, a pale sable, the whole within a bordure wavy ermine. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a steel helmet in profile, with a plumage of feathers proper. Motto — "Vivit post funera virtus." Married, 1890, Caroline Harfiet, third daughter of Sir Thomas Erskine, Baronet, of Cambo, in the county of Fife ; and has Issue — (i) Norman Shairp, Gentleman, b. March 19, 1891 ; (2) John Walter Shairp, Gentleman, b. Oct. 12, 1894 ; and Christian Helen. Seai — Houstoun House, Up- hall, in the county of Linlilhgew, North Britain. SSiR WALTER GEOFFREY SHAKERLEY. 3rd Baronet (July 30, 1838), of Somerford Park, Cheshire, Lieut.-Col. sth Vol. Batt. Cheshire Regt., late Lieut. King's Royal Rifle Corps. Bom Nov. 26, 1859, being the eldest son of Sir Charles Watkin Shakerley, 2nd Baronet, by his wife Georgiana Harriott, elder dau. and coheir of George Holland Ackers of Moreton Hall, co. Cheshire. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron vert between three hillocks of the second ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a hare proper, resting her forefeet on a garb or. Motto — " Moriendo vivam." Married, Jan. 7, 1885. Hilda Mary, only dau. of Henry Hodgson of Cur- rarevagh, co. Galway; and has Issue— Ma.\x\ Beatrice; Marguerite Irene ; Sylvia Mary ; and Moira Veronica. Seat — Somerford Park, Congleton, co, Cheshire, SHAND, see SMITH-SHAND. JAMES SHANKS, Gentleman. Armorial bearings- Azure, on a fesse between in chief two lures and in base a hawk's leg erased, jessed, and belled argent, three cinquefoils gules. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mural crown proper, an eagle rising argent, each wing charged with a trefoil slipped gules. Motto— " Spero. Postal address — 79 Merrion Square, Dublin. ALFRED SHANN, Gentleman. Bom July i, 1850, being the fourth son of the late George Shann, Gcntlem.-in, of York, M.D., by his wife Jane, dau. of the Rev. William Gray, Vicar of BrafTerton, and Canon of Ripon. Armorial bearings— Vair, on a pile or, three escutcheons azure, each charged with an annulet of the second ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an annulet gold, a hand erect holding a dagger all proper ; with the Motto, "Fideliter." CHARLES SHANN, Esquire, J. P. for West Riding of CO. York. Bom May 31, 1810, being the youngest son of the late Thomas Shann, Gentleman, of Tadcasler, by his wife Honor, daughter of John Kendal ot Hatfield, in the county of York, by his wife Honor, daughter of John Raper, sometime Town Clerk of York. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Vair, on a pile or, three es- cutcheons azure, each charged with an annulet of second ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an annulet gold, a hand erect holding a dagger all proper; with the Motto, " Fideliter." FREDERICK SHANN, Gentleman. Bom April 22, 1849, being the third son of the late George Shann, Gentle- man, of York, Doctor of Medicine, by his wife Jane, daughter of the Reverend William Gray, Vicar of Braffer- ton, and Canon of Ripon. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Vair, on a pile or, three escutcheons azure, each is the Military Cockade. I ^f)a ^6a 1223 charged with an annulet of the second ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an annulet gold, a hand erect holding a dagger all proper ; with the Motto, " Fideliter." GEORGE SHANN, Gentleman. Bom July 22, 1846, being the eldest son of the late George Shann, Gentleman, of York, Doctor of Medicine, by his wife Jane, daughter of the Reverend William Gray, Vicar of Brafferton, and Canon of Ripon. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Vair, on a pile or, three escutcheons azure, each charged with an annulet of the second ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an annulet gold, a hand erect holding a dagger all proper ; with the Motto, " Fideliter." HENRY CHARLES SHANN, Gentleman. Born February 21, 1852, being the fifth son of the late George Shann, Gentleman, of York, Doctor of Medicine, by his wife Jane, daughter of the Revenmd William Gray, Vicar of Brafferton, and Canon of Ripon. ArmoriEil bearing^ — He bears for Arms : Vair, on a pile or, three escutcheons azure, each charged with an annulet of the second ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an annulet gold, a hand erect holding a dagger all proper; with the Motto, "Fideliter." Married, July 23, 1885, Caroline Mary, daughter of W. H. Flower, Esquire, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and has Issue — (i) Edward Warington Shann, Gentleman, born September 6, 1886 ; (2) Gerald Davenant Shann, Gentleman, born December 23, 1888. Reverend REGINALD SHANN, Rector of Chenies, M. A. of the Univ. of Cambridge. Born July 18, 1854, being the sixth son of the late George Shann, Gentleman, of York, Doctor of Medicine, by his wife Jane, daughter of the Reverend William Gray, Vicar of Brafferton, and Canon of Ripon. Armorial bearings —He bears for Arms : Vair, on a pile or, three escutcheons azure, each charged with an annulet of the second ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an annulet gold, a hand erect holding a dagger all proper; with the Motto, "Fideliter." Mar- ried, September 11, 1879, Ehzabeth, daughter of the Reve- rend Edward Hoare, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Vicar of Holy Trinity, Tunbridgc Wells, and Canon of Canterbury ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Brodie Shann, Gentleman, born December 8, 1885 ; (2) Reginald Arthur Shann, Gentleman, born June 26, 1891 ; Lettice Mary ; and Ethel Katharine. Residence — Chenies Rectory, Rickmansworth. THOMAS LAURENCE SHANN, Gentleman. Bom November 13, 1858, being the eighth son of the late George Shann, Gentleman, Doctor of Medicine, by his wife Jane, daughter of the Reverend William Gray, Vicar of Braffer- ton, and Canon of Ripon. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Vair, on a pile or, three escutcheons azure, each charged with an annulet of the second ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an annulet gold, a hand erect holding a dagger all proper ; with the Motto, " Fideliter." WILLIAM ARTHUR SHANN, Gentleman. Born June 10, 1857, being the seventh son of the late George Shann, Gentleman, of York, Doctor of Medicine, by his wife Jane, daughter of the Reverend William Gray, Vicar of Brafferton, and Canon of Ripon. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Vair, on a pile or, three escutcheons azure, each charged with an annulet of the second ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an annulet gold, a hand erect holding a dagger all proper ; with the Motto, "Fideliter." S ROBERT GORDON SHARMAN- CRAWFORD, Esquire, M.A. , formerly Capt. 16th Lancers, and pre- viously served in the isth Hussars, late Col. 3rd Batt. Royal Irish Rifles (North Down Militia), J. P. and D.L. for CO. Down (High Sheriff 1895) Vice-Commodore Royal Ulster Yacht Club. Born Sept. 10, 1853. being the third son of the late Arthur Johnston Sharman-Crawford of Crawfords- burn and Rademon, co. Down, and of Stalleen, co. Meath, _by his wife Louisa Alicia, dau. of William Crawford of ikelands, co. Cork. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, on a fesse ermine, between three mullets argent, two crescents interlaced or (for Crawford) ; 2. or, a dove rising, holding in the beak a laurel sprig proper (for Shar- man) ; 3. gules, a lion rampant argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a swan close proper ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a dove as in ^Vxixm patientia ftap^oj i the arms. Motto — " Durum patientia frango." Married, Sept. 12, 1882, Annie Helen, eldest dau. of Ernest Arbouin of Beckworth, Lindfield, co. Sussex ; and has Issue — Terence Sharman-Crawford, Gentleman, b. Aug. 31, 1892 ; and Helen. Seats — Crawfordsburn and Rademon, co. Down ; Stalleen, co. Meath. SHARP, see JELF-SHARP. HERBERT SHARP, Gentleman. Born , being the son of the late Alfred Sharp, Gentleman, J. P., of Myrtle Grove, Bingley, W.R. co. of Yorks. Armorial bearing^— Per chevron argent and sable, a chevron per chevron between two greyhounds' heads erased in chief and an eagle's head erased in base all counterchanged. Mantling sable and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, upon three pheons argent, an eagle's head erased sable, gorged with a crown vallary also argent. Residence —Myriie Grove, Bingley, Leeds. HENRY BIRCH SHARPE, Gentleman, Barrister-at- Law. Born March 22, 1855, being the second son of William Henry Sharpe Sharpe, Esq., J. P. for the co. of Cumberland, Lieutenant ist Royal Regiment, Adjutant and Captain Royal Cumberland Militia, by his wife Hannah Ida, fifth dau. of Edward Kennedy of Bantis and Coolnamona, &c. , in the co. of Tipperary, Ireland. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, three rose, fesseways gules, leaved, barbed, and seeded proper, between as many eagles' heads erased sable, a mullet for difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a wolfs head erased per pale sable and or, gorged with a collar vair, three roses fesseways, as in the arms. MottO — " Knowledge is power." Married, July 11, 1900, Dagmar Ida, second dau. of the late Henry Levy of 52 Queens- borough Terrace, London, W. ; and has Issue — John York Birch, Gentleman, b. 1904. Postal address — 22 Walton Street, S.W. Clubs — Boodle's, Conservative. is tbe Naval Cockade. "•4 ^t)a ^f)a JAMES WILLIAM SHARPE. Genllcman, M.A., hie Fellow Gonville and Caiut Coll.. Camb. Born April I. 185a, being the eldest son of William Henry Sharpe Sharpe, Esq.. J. P. for Western Cumlx^rland. Lieui. ist Royal Regt., Adjutant and Captain Royal Cumberland Militia, by his wife Hannah Ida. fifth dau. of Edward Kennedy of Ikintis and Icxjinamoiia, co. of Tipperary. Ireland. Armorial bearinars — Argent, three roses fesseways gules, leavetl, Uarlx-d, and seeded proper, between as many eagles' heads erased sable, a mullet for difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Great, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a wolfs head erased per pale sable and or, gorged with a collar vair, three rosr Shaw). Oroits— i. on a wreath of the colours, in front of two battle-axes in saltire, an oak tree fructed all proper, the trunk transfixed with a frame-saw or (for Hamilton) ; a. on a wreath of the colours, a pelican in her piety projier, charged with a covered cup gules (for Shaw). Mottoei— For the first crest, "Through"; over the seeond crest, " I die for (hose I love." Married, Feb. 6, 1873, MiU7 Jane Hamilton, dau. of Robert Cope Hardy of Armagh; and has Issue— {i) Warham Jemmett Shaw- Hamilton, Gentleman, b. Jan. ao, 1874 [m.. 1901, Alice Beatrice, dau. of John Louis Emil Dreyer [whom see], and has issue, Robert Jemmett Sha« -Hamilton, Gentleman, b. 190a; John Dreyer Shaw- Hamilton, Gentleman, b. 1904]; (a) Robert Cope Hardy Shaw-Hamilton, Gentleman, b. Sept. 7, 1877 [m., X902. Helen Marguerite, dau. of Col. H. W. Brackenbury, R.A., and has issue, Robert Oswald Herbert Shaw-Hamilton, Gentleman, b. 1904]; and Isa- bella Hardy [«r., 1896, Benjamin Banks Ferrar, M.D.]. Residences — 5 Charlemont Place, Armagh ; Greenhill, Kil- liney, co. Dublin. C/«3— University (Dublin). THOMAS BRADNEY SHAW-HELLIER, Esq., J. P. COS. Middlesex, Stafford, and Worcester, Col. 4th R. Irish Dragoon Guards, and Commandant R. Military School of Music (Hounslow). Bom 1836, being the only son of the late Thomas Shaw-Hellier of the Wodehouse. Club — Windham. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, azure a chevron argent, gutt^de-sang, between three mullets or (for Hellier) ; 2 and 3 or, a chevron invected f)ean between three eagles displayed sable (for Shaw). Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a cock argent, guttte-de-sang, combed and wattled gules (for Hellier) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a hind's head quarterly argent and or, pierced through the neck with an arrow, headed azure, the feather broken and dropping argent (for Shaw). Seat — The Wodehouse, Wombourne, Wolverhampton. (for Mildmay) ; a. on a wreath of the colours, si| interlaced saltirewuys three and three proper within an annulet or (for Lefevre) ; 3. on a wreath of the colour a tallxst ermines, charged on the body with two cross crosi, lets fesseways or, holding in the mouth a cross crosslet fitchtel sable, and resting the dexter foreleg on Hn escutcheon of the arms of Shaw. Motto — "Alia ta Hara." Afarried, Oct. 19, 1892, Isabel Emily, dau. of the Rev. Charles Aruiiddl St. : SJOHN SHAW-KENNEDY, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for the county of Ayrshire, late 43rd Regt. Light Inf. Born June 9, 1826, being the eldest son of the late General Sir James Shaw-Kennedy, K.C.B. , Col. 47th Regt. C/ubs — Army and Navy, Ayr County (Ayr), New (Edinburgh). Livery— Red and silver. Armoiial bearin'gs— Argent, a chevron gules, between two cross crosslets fitch^e in chief and a boar's head in base sable. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a palm-branch projjer. Motto (on an escroll above) — " Malim esse probus quam haberi." Married, firstly, 1848, Eleanor Green, dau. of J. Green Wilkinson ; and secondly, 1875, Louisa A., eld. dau. of late J. W. Ogle of Beckenham, Kent ; and by his first marriage has /ssue—(i) James Frederick Shaw- Kennedy, Gentleman, b. 1848; (2) Henry John Shaw- Kennedy, Gentleman, b. 1850; (3) Vernon Primrose Shaw- Kennedy, Gentleman, b. 1855 ; (4) Frederick David Charles Shaw-Kennedy, Gentleman, b. 1858; Mary; and Eleanor. Seat — Kirkmichael, Maybole, N. B. Town residence — I South Eaton Place, S.W. GERALD ANTHONY SHAW-LEFEVRE-ST. -JOHN- MI LDM AY, Esquire. Assumed by Royal Licence 1900, the additional surnames and arms of Shaw-Lefevre. Born Oct. 30, i860, being the second son of Sir Henry Bouverie Paulet St. John-Mildmay, Bart., by his wife, the Hon. Helena Shaw-Lefevre, dau. of the late Rt. Hon. Viscount Eversley. ZiVery— Dark blue and silver. Ar- morial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, three lions rampant azure, armed and langued gules (for Mildmay) ; 2. sable, a chevron argent, between two trefoils slipped in chief and a bezant in base surmounted by a cross pat^e or (for Lefevre); 3. argent, a chevron invected ermines on a chief sable, twotalbots" heads erased or (for Shaw), impaling the same arms of Mildmay, namely argent, three lions rampant azure. Mantling azure and argent. Crests— \, on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant guardant John-Mildmay of Hazlegrove, Somerset ; and has /wj/«— ] Anthony Shaw-Lefevre-St. John-Mildmay, Gentleman, *.i Aug. 12, 1894; and Helena. Residence — Trewsbury House,] Cirencester, Clubs — Travellers', Isthmian. Sir MICHAEL HUGH SHAW-STEWART, dghtl Baronet, of Greenock and Blackball, in the co. of Renfirew,^ M.P., D.L. Bom July 11, 1854, being the son of Sii Michael Robert Shaw-Stewart, seventh Baronet, by hij wife Lady Octavia, sixth dau. of the Most Hon. Siri Richard Grosvenor, second Marquess of Westminster,! K.G. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or a^ fesse chequy azure and argent, over all a lion rampant gules (for Stewart of Blackball) ; 2 and 3 azure, three covered cups or (for Shaw of Greenock). Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent by an orange-tawny ribbon his badge as a Baronet of Nova Scotia, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon wreaths of his liveries are set for Crests, i. a lion's head erased gules, armed and langfued azure ; 2. a demi-savage wreathed about the head and middle with laurel, and holding a club over his shoulder proper. Supporters — On the dexter a lion rampant gules, armed and langued azure, gorged with a collar chequy argent and azure ; and on the sinister, a savage wreathed round the head and middle with laurel leaves, and holding a club over his shoulder all proper. Mottoes (over the crests) — " Spero meliora, " and " I mean well." Married, Nov. 14, 1883, Lady Alice Emma, dau. of the Most Hon. the Marquess of Bath. Resi- dences — 20 Mansfield Street, London, W. ; Ardgowan, Greenock. ERNEST BENTLEY SHAW-YATES. Bom 1870, being the eldest son of the late Robert Bentley Shaw- Yates, is the Military Cockade, ^6a %it 1227 Esq., of Oakwood Grange, by Elizabeth Ellen, only child of James Yates of Oakwood Hall, and grandson of the late Bentley Shaw of Woodfield. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a chevron engrailed erminois, between two goats' heads erased in chief argent and a goat in base of the last, three pellets. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a goat's head erased argent, armed or, charged on the neck with a pellet, and surmounting two branches of oak in saltire proper, fructed or. Captain LAURENCE PAULET SHAWE-STOREY, late R. M. , who assumed by Royal Licence in 1873 the name of Storey. Born , being the son of Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, quarterly indented argent and sable, three falcons counterchanged, and for distinction in the first quarter a cross crosslet of the second (for Storey) ; 2 and 3, argent, a chevron ermine, cotised sable, between three lozenges in chief, and one in base of the second (for Shawe). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a falcon sable, within a chaplet of laurel proper, charged on the breast with an Eastern crown or, and for distinction charged also with a cross crosslet gold ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a hind's head couped argent, charged with three lozenges, one and two ermine, holding in the mouth an arrow in pale or, flighted argent. Motto — " Sola virtus reddit nobilem." Married, 1872, Emmeline Anne, eldest dau. of the late Henry Shum-Storey of Arcot. Seat — Arcot Hall, Cram- lington, Northumberland. tower triple-towered argent, masoned sable. Blantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a garb or, banded with a serpent proper. Motto — "Vive ut postea vivas." Residence — Simla, India. GEORGE SHEDDEN, Esquire, J. P. for the co. of Southampton, Lord of the Lordship of Pauler's Pury. Born Oct. 27, 1856, being the eldest son of Roscow Cole Shedden, by his wife Charlotte Joanna, dau. of James Fitchett Burrell. Clubs— KoyzX Victoria Yacht (Ryde). Livety — Blue and silver. Armorial bearings— Azure, on a chevron between three griffins' heads erased argent, as many cross crosslets fitch^e gules, on a chief of the second an escallop shell of the first, between two cinque- foils of the third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantUng gules doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his Jlveries is set for Crest, a hermit proper, couped below the shoulders, vested russet, his hood pendent at the back; with the Motto, " Fidem meam observabo." Matried October 7, 1880, Alice Sarah, daughter of Ca!eb Hammond Gater; and has Issue— [\) Roscow George Shedden, Gentleman, born May 13, 1882 ; (2) Edward Claude Shedden, Gentleman, born Jan. 12, 1885 ; (3) Graham Percival Shedden, Gentleman, born July 27, 1886 ; Ahce Katharine Beatrix ; Constance Evelyn ; and Mary Eleanor Goodrich. Estates — Spring Hill, East Cowes, Isle of Wight ; Pauler's Pury Park, in the county of Northampton ; Hardmead, in the county of Bucking- ham. Postal address — Spring Hill, East Cowes, Isle of Wight. Lieutenant-Colonel JOHNSTON SHEARER. Bom — , being the son of the late Johnston Shearer of Aber- deen, by his wife Margaret Miller. Armorial bearings — Gules in chief two reaping-hooks proper, and in base a The Rev. THOMAS SHEEPSHANKS, M.A. (Camb.), of Arthington Hall, co. York, Lord of the Manor and Patron of the living of Arthington. Born March 24, 1819, being the son of the late WiUiam Sheepshanks of Arthing- ton, near Otley, co. York, by his wife Sarah, dau. of Lucas Nicholson of Leeds. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron erminois, between in chief three roses and in base a sheep passant argent. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a sheep passant argent. Motto — " Perseverando. " Married, first, Aug. 16, 1849, Margaret, third dau. of Nathaniel Milner of Wragby , co. York ; and by her (who died July 21, 1880) has Issue — WiUiam Sheepshanks, Esq., M.A. Trin. Coll., Cam., J. P. and County Councillor, Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple, b. Jan. 26, 1851 \m., Oct. 12, 1876, Emily Florence, elder dau. of Rev. Henry G. S. Blunt, Rector of St. Andrew's, Holborn, and has issue] ; Catherine Sarah Eleanor, d. Sep. 4, 1855. He m. secondly, Dec. 14, 1882, Julia Maria Anne, elder dau. of Andrew Grieve, Esq., W.S., and J. P., of Edinburgh; and by her has— Richard Hasell Sheepshanks, Gentleman, b. Feb. 19, 1885; Charles JohnHarcourt Sheepshanks, Gentleman, b. March 31, 1886 ; Dorothy Agnes, b. March 15, 1888. Seats — Arthington Hall, Leeds ; Park Place, Harrogate ; and Stokelake House, Chudleigh, Devon. Postal address — Harrogate. Club — National. SHEFFIELD, quartered by LANGRISHE. SHEFFIELD (H. Coll.). Ermine, on a chevron azure, with two cotises engrailed between three garbs gules, an anchor erect or, between two bezants. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a garb in fesse or, surmounted with a boar's head and neck erased azure, langued and crined or. Motto — " Divino tuta- mine." Son of : - Henry James Sheffield, Gentleman, b. . Pes. — 57 Ferntower Road, Highbury New Park, London, N. CHARLES EDWARD SHEFFIELD, Gentleman, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries. Bom Dec. 2, 1859, being the only son of Charles Sheffield, Gentleman, b. 1828, d. 1873, m. 1854, Emma, dau. of Edward Archer. Armorial bearings— Ermine, on a chevron azure, with two cotises engrailed between three garbs gules an anchor erect or, between two is the Naval Cockade, I I8S8 ^fje ^6c beiftnts. Il>ntl1ny gules and argent. Creit— On a vrreath of the colours, a garb in fesse or, surmounted with a boar's hcnd and neck erased azure, langued and crined or. Motto- " Divine tutaniine." Afarried, May ai, 1885, Edith Elizabeth, dau. of William Watkinsof Pan- lyffynon, Pembrokeshire ; and has Isstu — (i) Ronald Fraser Sheffield, Gentleman, b. June 2, 1893 ; (2) Alan MacGregor Sheffield, Gentleman, b. Oct. 23, 1895 ; Vera Helen ; Isabel Emma ; Margaret Edith ; and Joan Eleanor. Residence— Romford, Essex. C/«*— Junior Constitutional. SHELDON, quartered by LANE. SHIELDS, see WENTWORTH-SHIELDS. HENRY JAMES SHELDON, Esq., B.A. Camb., J. P. COS. Worcester and Warwick, High Sheriff co. Worces-ter i860. Born Sept. 12. 1823, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Edward Ralph Charles Sheldon, Esq., J. P. and D.L.. M.P. for South Warwickshire, and Major of the Warwickshire Militia, by his wife Marcella. only child of Thomas Meredith Winstanley of Lisson Hall. CO. DubHn. Armorial bearings — Sable, a fesse argent, between three sheldrakes proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crert— On a wreath of the colours, a sheldrake profier. HottO — "Optimum pati." Married, April 3, 1852, Alicia Mary, widow of William Oakeley of Oakeley, Salop, and dau. of Gen. Sir Evan Lloyd, by his wife the Dowager Lady Trimleston. 5m/— Brailes House, Ban- bury, CO. Warwick. WATSON SHENNAN, Gentleman. Bom Jan. 29. 1837, being the sixth son of the late Robert Shennan of Lairdlaugh, by his wife Catherine, dau. of James M'Millan. Armorial bearings— Parted per bend vert and or. in ths sinister chief a ram's head caboshed argent, armed of thq second, and in dexter Imse a lion rampant sable. Hant vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, on dexter gauntlet or, a falcon close perched projier. Mot (over the crest) — " Virtute duce." Married, June 17, i88j Grace, dau. of Rev. William Burnett, Minister of Ha Morton, co. Dumfries; and has Issue — (i) Watson Dougla Shennan. Gentleman, b. June 30, 1887 ; (a) Launcclot Stua Burnet Shennan, Gentleman, b. Oct. 12, 1891 ; Grace Burnet. Residence — Conical HiLs, Otago, Ne Zealand. HERBERT SHEPHERD- CROSS, Esq., M.P. fa Bolton-le-Moors, formerly Major Duke of I^ancaster's Ov Yeo. Cav. , J.I', for Lancashire and Herts, and Countl Councillor for Herts. Hadham Division. Assumed the ad ditional name and arms of Shepherd by Royal Licene 1884. Bom 1847, being the son of the late Thomas Cro« ILsq.. J. P. of Ruddington Hall, Notts, and Mortfield, cashire, by his wife Ellen, dau. of Joseph Mann of Live pool. Armorial bearings- Quarterly i and 4, quarterljj argent and gules, a fount.un proper between four cro crosslets counterchanged of the field (for Cross) ; 2 and ; azure, within two chevronels a fleur-de-lis between two mu lets, all between two fleurs-de-lis in chief, and a mullet base or (for Shepherd). Mantling gules and argent Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a stork proper, rest ing the dexter foot on a fountain, and holding in the bea" a cross crosslet all between eight bulrushes, four on eithe side (for Cross) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on a moun^ vert, a ram passant in front of a gate, and all between twcj trees. Married, firstly. 1870, 1-ucy Mary Shepherd, dau. i the late Rev. John Shepherd Birley, M.A., J. P. of Kirlc^ ham. Lancashire ; secondly, 1895. P. Penelope, dau. James Hortor of Edinburgh. Residences — 19 Queen'i^ Gate Gardens, S.W. ; Hamels Park, near Buntingford Herts. Clubs — Carlton, Junior Carlton. THEOPHILUS SHEPSTONE, Esquire, Companiotf of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Sain^ George. Bom 1843. being the son of the late Sir Theophilu Shepstone, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguishe Order of Saint Michael and Saint George ; was created Com^ panion of the Most Distinguished Order of .Saint Michael and^ Saint George, 1880. Clubs — Verulam, Victoria (Pieter«^ maritzburg), Natal (Durban). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a fesse vert, a lion couchant or J a chief azure, thereon an anchor erect with cable of the thirdJ between two assegais in saltire proper ; and for his CrestJ upon a wreath of the colours, a demi- eagle displaye argent, gorged with a wreath of oak vert, in front of t\v( assegais in saltire proper. Married, \^b-j, Helen Louis Maude, daughter of General Sir J. J. Bisset, Knight Com4 mander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Micha and Saint George. Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Postal address — PietermaritzburgJ Natal. The Right Honourable EDWARD LEN03_ DUTTON, Baron Sherborne of Sherborne, in the count! of Gloucester, Bachelor of Arts. Justice of the Peace for the county of Gloucester. Born April 23. 1831, beings the son of the Right Honourable the third Baron Sher^ borne, by his first wife Elizabeth, commonly called Lady Elizabeth Howard, daughter of the Right Honourable the sixteenth Earl of Suffolk ; succeeded his father in 1883. under the creation of May 20. 1784. Armor bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly argent and gules, ■" in the second and third quarters a fret or, a crescent sable for difference. Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a plume of five ostrich feathers argent, azure, or. vert and purpure ; and for Supporters, on either side of the escutcheon a wolf argent, gorged with a collar azure, charged with three garbs or. Motto — " Ser- vabo fidem." Married, July 5, 1894, Emily Theresa. daughter of the late Baron de Stern. Heir presumptive — His brother, the Reverend Canon Frederick George is the Military Cockade. ^6e %f)Z 1229 Dutton, commonly known as the Reverend the Honourable Frederick George Dutton, Canon of Gloucester Cathedral, Master of Arts, Vicar of Bibury, born 1843. Residences — a wreath of the colours, a pelican in her piety proper, charged on the breast with a fleur-de-lis azure. Motto — " Prest pour mon pais." Married, October 17, 1874, 4 Hyde Park Gate, S.W. ; Sherborne House, near Northleach, in the county of Gloucester. SHERLOCK (U.O.). Per pale argent and azure, three fleurs-de-lis counterchanged. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a pelican in her piety. Sons of David Sherlock of Stillorgan Castle, co. Dublin, Serjeant-at-Law, M.P. , Q.C., b. i8i6 ; rf. 1884; m. 1843, Elizabeth, d. of John Thierri :— Thomas Thierri Sherlock, Gentleman, b. 1844 ; m. 1873, Letitia Mary, d. of Sir John Nugent, 3rd Bart., of Ballin- lough ; and has issue— David Thomas Joseph Sherlock, Gentleman, b. 1881. Res. — David Sherlock, Esq., J.P., D.L., Barrister-at-Law, b. 1850; m. 1873, Mary Elizabeth, d. of Edward Murphy of Castle Connell ; and has issue— (i) David Christopher Eustace Sherlock, Gentleman, b. 1879 ; (2) Gerard Lourdes Sherlock, Gentleman, b. 1884; (3) Edward Mary Sherlock, Gentleman, b. 1886. .Sra^— Rahan Lodge, King's Co. Res. — 71 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin. WRIGHT SHERLOCK, Esquire, Lieutenant-Colonel (retired) late i8th Regiment. Born September 8, 1838, being ihe eldest son of the late George Sherlock of Carrigduve and Barradaw, in the county of Cork, and Loskearin, in the county of Waterford, by his wife Elizabeth Mary, daughter of Thomas Perrott, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Upland, Fermoy, in the county of Cork. Club — Army and Navy. Livery — Azure blue with white facings, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per pale argent and azure, two fleurs-de- lis counterchanged, on a canton gules a pelican proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon Ellen Edith Lloyd, daughter of John Stratford Collins, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Wythall, Walford, in the county of Hereford (she died May 16, 1892) ; and has Issue— {\) George Wright Strat- ford Sherlock, Gentleman, Lieut. 6th Gurkha Rifles, b. Feb. 16, 1877 ; (2) John Kyrle Perrott Sherlock, Gentleman, b. Dec. 26, 1887 ; Eleanor Edith Lloyd ; Elizabeth Mary Kyrle ; Amy Annie Patten Collins ; Hester Stratford Pole ; and Ellen Collins, fij/a/e— Barradaw, near Killeagh, co. Cork. Postal address— Army and Navy Club, Pall Mall, S.W. Major CHARLES DAVIS SHERSTON, J.P. for co. Somerset, late Rifle Brigade. Born Feb. 16, 1852, bemg the eldest son of the late John Davis Sherston, Esq., Capt. late 6th Dragoon Guards, J.P. cos. Lincoln and Somerset, by his wife Innes Eliza, only dau. of the late Major Hamilton Maxwell, H.E.I.C.S., of Ardwell, co. Wigtown. Armorial bearings— Sable, a cinquefoil or. between three buglehorns argent, stringed of the second. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stag lodged reguardant or, armed and hoofed gules, charged on the shoulder with a cinquefoil vert. Alar- ried, 1878, Edith, dau. of Admiral Sir Charles Talbot, K.C.B. 5m/— Evercreech House, Bath, co. Somerset. Club— Army and Navy. § OLIVER CATON SHERWOOD, Esq., Capt. West India Regiment. Born , being the second son of Thomas Caton Sherwood, sometime a Captain in the Army, Inspector of Army Schools in India, and Staff Paymaster at Vizagapatam. Armorial bearings— Per chevron or and vert, two olive trees eradicated in chief proper, and as many bill-hooks addorsed in base of the first. Mantling is the Naval Cockade, 4I 1230 «Di %ln vert and or. Oroit On a wreath of the colours, in front of an olive tree eradicated proper, two bill-hooks n saltire or. Motto— " In via sternerc.' HtsitUHce Col- chester, CO. Kssex. SHIPPARD. qiuunered by CARUS-WILSON. SHIRLEY. KER-ONSLO SHIRLEY, ouartcrcd by MAINWARING-ELLER- SSEWALLIS EVELYN SHIRLEY. Esquire. J. P. for CO. of Warwick, and J.P, and D.L. for co. of Monaghan. Horn July 15. 1844, being the eldest son of the late Evelyn Philip Shirley, Esquire, of Ettington Park. Doctor of I.41WS of the University of Dublin, by his wife Mary Clara KliKibeth, d.aughter of Sir Ednmnd Hunger- ford Lechmere, second liaronet. Clubs — Junior Carlton, National. Armorial bearings— He bears for AntiB : Paly of six or and azure, a quarter ermine. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, the head of a Saracen couped at the neck proper, wreatned about the temples or and azure. Badges — I. a horse-shoe argent (for Ferrars) ; 2. a Bourchier knot or (for Bourchier). Mottoes—" Honor virtutis prajmium," and " Loyal suisje." A/iarnVrf, September 23, 1884, Emily Jane, eldest daughter of the late Colonel William Colquhoun Farquharson Macdonald of St. Martin's Abbey, in the county of Perth, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant. Seats — Ettington Park, Stratford on -Avon, in the county of Warwick ; Lough Fea, Carrickmacross. in the county of Monaghan. HARRINGTON OFFLEY SHORE, Esquire. J.P., B.A. Trinity Coll. (Camb.). Bom 1833, being the eldest son of the late Offley Shore of Norton Hall and Castle Hill (who sold these estates, and resided subsequently on the Mearsbrook Estate, near Sheffield, exchanging the old family property at Blore, co. Stafford, for that of Lindridge House, CO. Leicester), by his wife Eliza, dau. of John Brewin of North Deighton, co. York. Armorial beaiings — Argent, two chevronels sable, between three holly leaves vert. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stork regardant argent, beaked and membered gules, holding in its dexter foot a jjebble. gorged with a collar gemel sable, and holding in its beak a holly leaf slipped vert. Motto — " Non dormit qui custodit." Married, first, Dec. 21, 1861, Isabel Emma, dau. of Col. D'Ewes Coke of Debdale Hall, near Mansfield ; and has Issue — Janet Diana. He married secondly, Nov. 9, 1865, Eleanor Anna, dau. of Thomas Thomson. M.D., of Leamington, by whom he has Issue — (i) Harring- ton Offley Shore. Gentleman, b. Nov. 24. i868 ; (2) Sidney Foye Shore, Gentleman, b. Nov. 18. 1871 ; Caroline Foye [m., Sept. 23, 1896, David Hugh Lindsay] ; Eleanor Maye ; and Constance Aimee. Postal address — OFFLEY BOHUN SHORE. Gentleman. Bom]a.n.zt, 1839. being the third son of the late Offley Shore of Norton Hall and Castle Hill (who sold these estates, and resided subsequently on the Mearsbrook Estate, near Sheffield, exchanging the old family property at Blore. co. Stafford, for that of Lindridge House, co. Leicester), by his wife Eliza, dau. of John Brewin of North Deighton, co. York. Armorial beaxings — Argent, two chevronels sable, between three holly leaves vert. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stork regardant argent, beaked and membered gules, holding in its dexter foot a jjebble, gorged with a collar gemel sable, and hold- ing in its beak a holly leaf slipf)ed vert. Motto — " Non dormit qui custodit." Married, Oct. 17, 1862, Anna Maria, dau. of John Leishman of Edinburgh ; and has Issue — Offley Bohun Stovin Fairless Shore, Esq., Capt. Indian Staff Corps, b. Aug. 9. 1863 ; Florence Nightingale ; and Urith Beresford Foye. SIDNEY FOYE SHORE, Gentleman, second son of the late Offley Shore of Norton Hall and Castle Hill (who sold these estates, and resided subsequently on the Mears- brook Estate, near Sheffield, exchanging the old family property at Blore. co. Stafford, for that of Lindridge House, CO. Leicester), by his wife Eliza, dau. of John Brewin of North Deighton, co. York. Armorial bearings — Argent, two chevronels sable, between three holly leaves vert. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stork regardant argent, lioaked and mem- bered gules, holding in its dexter fed| and fructed proper. Motto — " In Domino confido."j Livery — Chocolate, yellow collar and cuffs, silver. Son of Charles George Horatio Shorting, B.A. (Oxon.),J b. 1840; d. 1897; m. 1881, Constance Mary Anne, | d. of Rev. Henry James Cotton. Rector of DalburyJ Cheshire : — Horace Arthur Shorting, Gentleman, b. 1894. Res.—X Humberstone. Boscombe, Hants. Sons of late Rev. Charles Shorting, M.A., Fellow ofl Peterhouse Coll., Camb., Hon. Canon of NorwichI Cathedral, Rural Dean and Rector of Stonham Aspal,] Suffolk, b. 1810 ; d. 1864; m. 1837, Elizabeth Harriot,} d. of Robert Knipe Cobbold, late of Bredfield Hall,] Suffolk :— Henry Francis Shorting, Gentleman, late Lieut. 46th| Regt. , b. 1847; m. ist. 1870, Susan Jane id. ), d. ofl Rev. John Rowlandson ; 2nd, Agnes, d. of Rev. Thomas! Preston ; and has had issue (by ist mar.) — Edith Katherine] and Ethel Margaret (d. 1891). Res. — Los Angeles, J California. Ernest Walter Shorting, Gentleman, M.A. Cantab., J.P. j borough of Wenlock, b. 1848 ; m. 1872, Emily Margaret, d. of William Nicholas. J. P., late of Field House, Broseley;! and has issue — (i) Charles-Ernest Nicholas Shorting,! Gentleman, b. 1873 ! (2) Rev. George Herbert Cobbold] Shorting, (J. 1874; (3) Ernest Hastings Hamilton Shorting,! Gentleman, b. 1876; and Constance Emily. Res. — The Lawn, Broseley. R.S.O. , Salop. The Right Honourable CHARLES HENRY J0HN.1 CHETWYND-TALBOT. Earl of Shrewsbury, in the! Peerage of England, Earl of Waterford. in the Peerage ofl Ireland, and Earl "Talbot. Viscount Ingestre, and BaronJ Talbot of Hensol, in the county of Glamorgan, in thcl Peerage of Great Britain, Premier Earl of England, and! Hereditary Great Seneschal (Lord High Steward) of J Ireland, and Lord-Steward of the Borough of Stafford. Bom\ November 13, i86o, being the only son of the Right Honour- 1 able Charles John Chetwynd-Talbot, nineteenth Earl ofl Shrewsbury, by his wife Anna Theresa, eldest dau. of Capt. Richard Howe Cockerell. Royal Navy ; succeeded his father] in 1877. Creations — Earl of Shrewsbury (English), May 20, 1442; Earlof Waterford (Irish), July 17, 1446; Baron Talbot, Dec. 5, 1733 ; Earl Talbot and Viscount Ingestre, July 3, 1784. Clubs — Carlton, Marlborough.- /.jV^rj - Claret, trimmed scarlet and gold. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed or (for Talbot) ; 2 and 3 azure, a is the Military Cockade, %\)t ^f)U I23I chevron between three mullets or (for Chetwynd), and impal- ing the arms of Palmer-Morewood, namely, quarterly i and 4, vert a tree eradicated argent, in the dexter chief point a trefoil of the last (for Morewood) ; 2 and 3 argent, two bars sable, the upper charged with two and the lower with one trefoil slipped of the field, in chief a greyhound courant of the second, collared or ; and in pale behind the escutcheon is placed the white wand appertaining to the office of Great Seneschal of Ireland. Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for Barnston, Brimstage, Raby, Oxton, Mickle Trafford, co. Chester. Seats — Ingestre Hall, in the county of Stafford ; Alton Towers, Stoke-on-Trent. SHRUBB (H. Coll.). Azure, on a chevron engrailed between a lion passant guardant in chief and an escallop in base argent, three roses gules, barbed and seeded proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — ^On a wreath of the colours, an eagle regardant , perched on an oak-branch fructed all proper, charged on the breast with an escallop gules. Motto — " Sub cruce semper viridis." I his Crests, i. on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant, tail extended or (for Talbot) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a goat's head erased argent, attired or (for Chetwynd). Supporters — On either side of the escutcheon a talbot argent. Motto — " Prest d'accomplir." Badge — A talbot passant argent. Married, 1882, Ellen Mary, daughter of Charles Rowland Palmer-Morewood, Esquire, of Ladbroke Hall, in the county of Warwick, and Alfreton Hall, in the county of Derby; and has Issue — Charles Alton John Chetwynd Chetwynd-Talbot, Esquire, com- monly called Viscount Ingestre, Lieut. Royal Horse Guards, born September 8, 1882 ; and Lady Neilie Viola Castalia Florence. Estates — Ingestre, Tixall, Hopton, Sah, Great Haywood, Kingstone, Gratwich, Alton, Denston, Bradley, Farley, Cotton, Stanton and Brereton, with the Brereton Collieries, all in the co. of Stafford ; Albrighton, co. Salop ; Grafton Manor. Upton Warren, and Huddington, in the CO. of Worcester ; Little Budworth, Dunham, Delamere, Sons of John Lane Shrubb, Gentleman, Verderer of the New Forest, b. 1840; d. 1884; w. 1861, Sibylla Mary, d. of Charles Fluder of Lymington, Hants : — John Peyto Charles Shrubb, Gentleman, b. 1862 ; m. i896, Alice Maude, d. of Rev. F. W. Peel ; and has issue — Sibylla Audrey Maude. Seat — Boldre Grange, Hants. Res. — The Grove, Lymington. Clubs — Conservative, Automobile. Henry Arthur Beverley Shrubb, Gentleman, R.N., b. 1867 ; m. , Louisa Milne, d. of E. Buchanan of Drum- mond Place, Edinburgh ; and has issue. Res. — SHUCKBURGH, quartered by FOLJAMBE. RICHARD HENRY SHUCKBURGH, Esquire, of B jurton Hall and Bilton Manor, in the county of Warwick, Justice of the Peace. Born 1837, being the second son of Richard Wood of Rugby, in the county of Warwick, by his is the Naval Cockade. ia3« ^fiu ^i)u wife Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Blencowe of Marston, St. l^wrencr, in the county of Northampton, and sister of the Kevorcnd Charles BlenLX)we Shuckburgh of liourton Mall, and assumed the name of Shuckburgh by Royal License in 1876, under the will of his maternal uncle, the Reverei»d Charles Blencowe Shuckburgh, on succeeding to the estate of liourton. Armorial bearing*— He bears for Amu : Sable, a chevron indented or, Iwtween three nmllets pierced argent, a Iwrder of the ;-econd. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet lx:titting his degree, with a mantling sable and or : and for his Oreit, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-Moor proper, wreathed about the temples or and sable, habited argent, semfe of nmllets pierced, also sable, and holding in the dexier hand an arrow, point downwards proper. Motto — " Vigilate et orate." Married, 1866, Ellen Clara, daughter of Archibald Webb of Trafalgar Lodge, Chelsea ; and has Issue — (i) Charles James Shuckburgh, Gentleman, born 1867 [married, December 1892, Blanche Cobham, second daughter of John Bell Chirnside of Clifton Hall, Rugby, in the county of Warwick] ; (2) Henry Frederick Blencowe Shuckburgh, Gentleman, born 1870; Rhoda Elizabeth Ella ; and Florence Mary Ellen. Seats — Botirton Hall, and Bilton Manor, Rugby. EDMUND ANDERSON SHULDHAM, Esquire, M.A., J.P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1871), Lieut.-Col. late South Cork Militia, formerly A. D.C. to his Excellency the Lord-Lieut, of Ireland. Bom May 12, 1826, being the elder son of the late Edmund William Shuldham, Esq., Lieut. - Gen. H.E.I.C.S., by his wife Harriet Eliza Bonar, dau. of Dr. Rundell of Bath. Armorial bearings— Gules, an eagle displayed or. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a griffin passant argent. Motto — "Post nubila Phoebus." Residence — Coolkelure, Dunmanway, co. Cork. FRANK NAUNTON QUANTOCK SHULDHAM, Esq., of Norton Manor, Somerset, is a J.P. for Somerset, CapL W. Somerset I. Yeo., formerly I^ieut. 13th Hussars. Bom 1868, being the only son of the late Rev. N. L. Shuldham, by Sophia Frances, only dau. of the late Joh Matthew Quantock, formerly 4th Dragoon Guards. A morial bearings Gules, an eagle displayed or, a crescent! for cadency. Mantling gules and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a griffin passant argent, charged with crescent for cadency. HOttO -" Post nubila Phoebus." Married, 1890, Emily, elder dau, of Wm. Macalpine l^njf of Dalswinton, co. Dumfries ; and has, with other Issue- Walter Frank (^)uantock Shuldham, Cientleman, f>. 18994 Seat Norton Manor, Stoke-under-Ham. Club Naval anJl Military. MOLYNEUX WILLIAM SHULDHAM, Gentlemanj late Lieut. N. Irish Div. R.A. Born 1870, being the eldes son of the late Alexander Shuldham, Esq., of Flowerfieldj CO. Derry, of the 6th Foot, Capt. Derry Militia, Hig Sheriff co. Londonderry 1873, by his wife L.ctitia MaryJ eldest dau. of George Knox of Prehen, co. Derry. Armo rial bearing^ Gules, an eagle displayed or, a crescent fo cadency. Mantling pules and or. Crest On a wreatti of the colours, a griffin passant argent, charged with crescent for cadency. Motto— "Post nubila Phoebus."] Married, 1896, Augusta Georgina, younger dau. of ColJ George Knox of Prehen, co. Derry. SHUTTLEWORTH, quartered by HOLDEN. M ASHTON JOHN SHUTTLEWORTH, Esquir 9 J. P. , Col. late R.A. Born Nov. 4, 1840, being the onlj son of the late Lieut. -Gen. Ashton Ashton Shuttleworth R.A. , by his wife Mary, dau. of George Alderson of FerryJ bridge. Livery — Dark blue, gilt buttons, and (for dressj red plush breeches. Armorial bearings — Argent, thre weavers' shuttles sable, tipprnd and furnished with quills yarn, the threads pendent or. Mantling sable and argent Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm in armou proper, grasping in the gauntlet a shuttle of the arms Motto — '' In Domino confide.'" Married, Oct. 5, 1876I Elizabeth Ellen (d. 1901), dau. of Edmond Gabbett, Riverview, Corbally, co. Limerick ; and has Issue — (xl Ashton Ashton Shuttleworth, Gentleman, b. July 4, 1878J (2) Edmond John Ashton Shuttleworth, Gentleman, May 19, 1880 ; (3) William Gabbett Ashton Shuttleworth Gentleman, b. July 8, 1883 ; and Mary Ashton. married, secondly, his cousin, Isabella Ashton, dau. the late J. S. A. Shuttleworth, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Hathe sage Hall. 6Va/— Hathersage Hall, Sheffield. Club- Primrose. SHUTTLEWORTH (H. Coll.). Per fesse argent an^ sable, a pale and three weaver's shuttles counterchange " the latter tipfied and furnished with quills of yarn Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of th colours, issuing from a chaplet of roses gules, a cubil arm in armour, the hand in a gauntlet proper, holding shuttle in bend sinister sable, tipped and furnished or;j Motto — ' ' Isto velocior vita." Livery — Black, white facing Sons of late Joseph Shuttleworth, Esq., of Hartsholn Hall, Lines., and Old Warden, Beds., J.P., D.l (High Sheriff of Lincolnshire 1881), b. ; d. 1888 j tn. Sarah, Grace, d. of Henry Clayton : — Alfred Shuttleworth, Esq., J.P. and D.L. LincolnshL (High Sheriff 1889), b. 1843; m. 1869, Mary (d. 1880), of Nathaniel Clayton of Eastcliff, Lincolnshire. Res. Eastgate House, Lincoln. Clubs — Arthur's, White's, James's, Wellington. Lt.-Col. Frank Shuttleworth (q.v.). FRANK SHUTTLEWORTH, Esquire, J.P. Lincoln and Bedford, High Sheriff 1891, late Major Ttll Hussars, Lieut.-Col. commanding Bedfordshire Imp. Yeo.i which regiment he raised in 1901. Born Fet). 16, 1845^ being the second son of the late Joseph Shuttleworth, Esq, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff of Lincolnshire 1881, by hL first wife Sarah Grace, dau. of Henry Clayton. Livery- Black, with white facings. Armorial bearings— Per fess argent and sable, a pale and three weavers' shuttles counter- changed, the latter tipped and furnished with quills of yarn or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Issuing from a chaplet of roses gules, a cubit arm in armour, the hand in a gauntlet proper, holding a shuttle in bend sinister sable, tipped and furnished or. Motto — "Isto velocior vita." Married, June 3, 1902, Dorothy Clothilda, youngest dau, § is the Military cockade. ^|)U ^iD 1233 of the Rev. Robert Lang of Old Warden Vicarage. Seats — Old Warden Park, Biggleswade ; Goldington Bury, Bed- ford. Town residence — 17 Berkeley Square, W. Clubs — Jane, dau. of Bernard Paul Phelan, Esq., J. P., of Clonmel ; and has Issue— (1) William Graham Sibbald, Esq., b. Oct. 25, 1866; (2) Bernard Ian Graham Sibbald, Esq., b. Feb. Carlton, Turf, Army and Navy, Arthur's, Naval and Military, Cavalry, Bachelors', Royal Yacht Squadron. SThe Right Honourable Sir UGHTRED JAMES KAY-SHUTTLEWORTH, Baron Shuttleworth, 2nd Bart. (Dec. 22, 1849), of Gawthorpe Hall, co. Lanes., Mem. of His Majesty's Most Hon. Privy Council, J. P. co. Lancashire, J. P., D.L. co. Westmorland, formerly M.P. for North-East Lancashire. Bo?-n 1844, being the eldest son of Sir James Kay-Shuttleworth, ist Bart., D. C.L., who died 1877, by his wife Janet, dau of Robert Shuttle- worth. ArmoriaJ. beaxings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, three shuttles sable (for Shuttleworth) ; 2 and 3, argent, three ermine spots between two bendlets sable, all between as many crescents azure (for Kay) ; and impaling the arms of Parish, namely argent, on a chevron between ten cross crosslets, six in chief and four in base sable, a cross crosslet fitch^e of the field, on a chief azure, a demi-sun in splen- dour issuant or ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling sable and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm in armour proper, grasping in the gauntlet a shuttle of the arms (for Shuttleworth) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on a crescent azure, a goldfinch proper (for Kay). Mottoes — " Kynd kynn knawne kepe," " Prudentia et justitia." Married, July I, 1871, Blanche Marion, youngest dau. of Sir Wood- bine Parish, Knight Commander of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order; and has Issue — (i) Hon. Lawrence Ughtred Kay-Shuttleworth, b. Sept. 21, 1887 ; (2) Hon. Edward James Kay-Shuttleworth, b. March 16, 1890 ; Angela Mary ; Nina Louisa ; Rachel Beatrice ; and Catherine Blanche. Seats — Gawthorpe Hall, Burnley ; Barbon Manor, Kirkby Lonsdale. Town residence — 28 Prince's Gardens, S.W. Clubs — Reform, Athenasum, Reform (Manchester). Sir JOHN SIBBALD, Knight Bachelor (1899), M.D., F.R.S.E., a Commissioner in Lunacy 1878-99. Born 1833, being the eldest son of the late William Sibbald of Edin- burgh and of Clonmel, Ireland, by his wife Jane, dau. of John Graham of Closeburn, Dumfries-shire, and of Hawick. Armorial bearings^Gules, a cross moline within an orle of crescents and mullets alternately argent. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand couped at the wrist holding a scroll all proper. Motto —" Sursum specto." ^1/arWerf, 1864, Sarah 4, 1872 ; Emmeline Sarah Graham ; Mary Graham ; Mil- dred Graham ; Harriet Graham ; Caroline Althea Graham. Residence — 18 Great King Street, Edinburgh. Club — Uni- versity (Edinburgh). SCONINGSBY CHARLES SIBTHORP, Esq., M.A., J. P. andD.L., High Sheriff for Lincoln 1877. Born Oct. 27, 1846, being the eldest son of the late Gcrvaise Tottenham Waldo-Sibthorp, Esq., J.P. and D.L., M.P. for Lincoln, Major of the Royal South Lincoln Militia, by his wife Louisa, third dau. of Robert Cracroft (afterwards Amcotts) of Hackthorn, co. Lincoln ; s. his father Oct 13, 1861. Club — Oriental. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, ar- gent two bars gules, a bordure sable (for Sibthorp) ; 2 and 3 or, a bend azure between three leopards' faces gules (for Waldo). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-hon erased argent, collared, and holding in the de.xter paw a fleur-de- lis sable (for Sibthorp) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-leopard guardant proper, debruised with two bend- lets azure (for Waldo). Motto — "Nil conscire sibi." Mar- ried, February 8, 1876, Mary Georgiana, eldest dau. of Reverend Robert Sutton and Charlotte his wife (sister and heir of Sir John Nelthorpe, 8th Bart., of Scawby, in CO. Lincoln). Seals — Canwick Hall and Sudbrooke Holme, Lincoln. SIBTON, quartered by CORBET. JOSEPH WATSON SI DEBOTH AM, Esquire, J.P. for Cheshire, formerly M.P. for Cheshire (Hyde Division), 1886- 1900, Member of Council of Royal Coll. of Music, and Joint Patron of St. Anne's, Haughton. Born 1857, being the eldest son of the late Joseph Sidebotham , Esq. , J. P. , F. S. A. , of Erlesdene, Bowdon, by Anne, only dau. of the late Edward Coward, Esq., of Bowdon, Cheshire. Armorial bearings — Ermine, an eagle with two heads displayed vert, betwen four escallops in saltire or, and charged upon the breast with a like escallop. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant, gorged with a collar and pendent therefrom an escutcheon charged with a , and holding between the paws a . Motto — " Ab sidera tendo." Married, 1886, Marian, youngest daughter of the late is tbe Naval Cockade. L 1934 ^iD ^{e Reverend Edward l^jwling, M.A.. Vicar of Timperley. Cheshire. ^«i«^i»« — Merlewood, Bowdon, Cheshire. C/«*— Carllon. M TOM HARROP SIDEBOTTOM. Esq.. J. P. for cos. O Chester and Derby, and D. L. for the latter co.. M.P. for Siiilybridge and Dukinfield from 1874 to 1880, and from 1885 10 Sept. 1000, when he retired, was presented with the freedom of the borough of Stalybridge 1897, Patron of Christchurch, Tintwistle. Bom April 16, 1826, being the eldest .son of the late William Sidebottom of Etherow House, by his wife Ai;nes, dau. of Jonah Harrop of Bardsley House, co. Lancaster. Clubs — Carlton, Junior Carlton. Armorial b«arl2i£f8 — Or, on a chevron en- grailed sable, between three bugle-horns of the last, stringed gules, as many bees volant of the first. Mantling sable and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a talbot regardant sable, gorged with a collar vair, resting the dexter forefoot on an escut- cheon argent, charged with a bugle-horn sable. Blotto — " Labor ipse voluptas." Married, June 23, 1886, Edith Elira, eldest dau. of the late James Murgatroyd, F.R. I., B.A., of Warley, Didsbury. Seats — Etherow House, Holl- ingworth, Cheshire. S WILLIAM SIDEBOTTOM, Esquire. J. P. for Cheshire. Derbyshire, and Glossop ( Mayor 1873-74), Col. 4th Vol. Batt. Cheshire Regiment, and M.P. for High Peak Div. of Derbyshire from 1885-1900, being the third son of the late William Sidebottom, by his wife Agnes, dau. of Jonah Harrop of Bardsley House, co. l..ancaster. Armorial bearings— Or, on a chevron engrailed sable, PSe VOLUPTAS between three bugle-horns of the last, stringed gules, as many bees volant of the first. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a talbot regardant sable, gorged with a collar vair, resting the dexter fore-foot on an escutcheon argent, charged with a bugle-horn sable. Hotto — " Labor ipse volup- tas." Seat — Harewood Lodge, Mottlam-in-Longdendale, Cheshire. The Right Honourable WILLIAM WELLS ADDINGTON, VISCOUNT SIDMOUTH of Sidmouth, CO. Devon (Jan. 11, 1805), D.L. Born March 25, 1824, being the eldest son of the second Viscount, by his wife, the dau. of the Rev. John Young ; succeeded his father in 1864. Armorial beajings — Per pale ermine and ermines, on a chevron five lozenges all counterchanged, between three fleurs-de-lis or, impaling the arms of Pellew, namely gules, a lion passant guardant, in chief two chaplets oi laurel or, on a chief of augmentation wavy a representatio of Algiers, with a British man-of-war liefore it all prop Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of tfa colours, a cat-a-mouniain sejant guardant proper, bezant^ his paw resting upon a shield azure, charged with a ma erect, surmounted with a regal crown or, within a bordur engrailed argent. Supporters— On either side a stag, tfc dexter ermines and the sinister ermine, each attired 1 gorged with a chain, pendent therefrom a key all or. Mo — " LilK'rtas sub Rege pio." Married, Sept. 28, 184 Georgiana Susan, eldest dau. of the Very Rev. (and con monly called the Honourable) George I'ellew, D. D. , Dea of Norwich; and has had Issue — (i) Honourable Gera' Anthony Pellew Bagnall Addington, b. Nov. 29, 1854 [«i July 27, 1881, Ethel Mary, only dau. of Capt. L. C. Ton^e, R.N., of Stonehouse, Newbury, and has, Ger William Addington, Esq., b. Aug. 19, 1882; Raymon Anthony Addington, Gentleman, b. Jan. 24, 1887 ; Ursu Mary; and Marjorie Ruth]; (2) Honourable Herl)ert Hiley Stafford Addington, Major Royal Garrison Regt. , b. March 12, 1859 ; (3) Honourable Harold William Addington, Majc Royal Artillery, b. May 24, i860 [m., 1887, Constance, dau of A. J. Clairmonte] ; (4) Honourable Francis Chark Bathurst Addington, Capt. R.N.,*. June, 14, 1861; Hon ourable Alice Mary ; Honourable Ursula Georgiana r«i.j Feb. 12, 1879, Francis John Helyar, and has issue] ; Hon ourable Eveline [»»., Sept. 15, 1875, Francis Arkwright Coton Hall, co. Warwick, late M.P. for East Derby]] Honourable Mabel [w., Oct. 30, 1879, Sir Archibald Erne Orr-Ewing, Bart, Ballikinrain Castle, Balfron, and ha issue] ; and Honourable Gertrude Rose (rf. May 30, 1858)1 Residences — 78 Eaton Place, S.W. ; U pottery Mane Honiton, co. Devon. FREDERICK EDWARD SIDNEY, Gentleman, F.S.i Armorial bearing^— Gules, on a pile ermine, a pheon azu Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of th colours, upon a mount vert, a porcupine statant or, ser of mullets azure. Motto — " Quo fata vocant. " Residen — Moreton, Frognal, London, N.W. Clubs — Junior Ca ton, Authors'. ROBERT STANDISH SIEVIER, Gentleman. Bor May 30, i860, being the only son of Robert Moore Sievie by his wife Alicia Maria, dau. of Henry Stephen Sutton| late of The Manor House, Fyfield, Hants. Livery — Blacky ^ is the Military Cockade. ^il %>m 1235 red, and yellow. Armorial bearings — Party per pale or and sable, a fleur-de-lis between two mullets of six points in fesse, and in base two ostrich feathers saltireways, all counterchanged , and impaling the arms of Brudenell- Bruce, namely, quarterly i and 4, or a saltire and a chief gules, on a canton argent, a lion rampant azure (for Bruce) ; 2 and 3 argent, a che\Ton gules, three morions azure (for Brudenell). Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a rock proper, a mullet of six points gules between two ostrich feathers argent. Motto — " Ne cede malis." Married, Sept. 24, 1892 Lady Mabel Emily Louisa Brudenell-Bruce (Patent of precedence as dau. of a marquess, 1887), dau. of the late George John Brudenell-Bruce, Esq., and sister of the late Most Hon. Marquess of Ailesbury; and has Issue — Robert Bruce Sievier, Gentleman, b. Oct. 1894 ; Mabel Henrietta Louisa ; and Barbara Brudenell-Bruce. Residence — Elston House, Shrewton, Wilts. S ARTHUR ONSLOW SILLIFANT, Esquire, J. P., D. L. , and County Alderman co. Devon, High Sheriff 1894, Capt. Royal ist Devon Yeomanry Cavalry. Born at sea Oct. 1851, being the eldest son of the late John WoollcombeSillifant, Esq., of Coombe, J. P., B.A. , by his wife Charlotte Catherine, dau. of John Mackay. Armorial bearings — Per pale sable and argent, on a fesse between two boars passant, the one in chief towards the dexter, the other in base towards the sinister, two cross crosslets all counterchanged. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, at the foot of a cross calvary or, a lizard proper. Motto — " Mens conscia recti." Married, April 7, 1880, his cousin, Gertrude Caroline Emma, eldest dau. of the Rev. Charles William Sillifant, of Wear Gifford, Devon. Seat — Coombe, near Coplestone, North Devon. FANNY GERTRUDE SILLIFANT - HAMLYN, Widow, eldest dau. of the late Shilston Calmady Hamlyn, Esq., J. P., D.L., and High Sheriff 1878, of Leawood and Paschoe, Lord of the Manor of Willesworthy, by his wife Sarah, dau. of R. Carter of Neston, co. Chester. She married. May 16, 1878, Francis Synge Sillifant, Surgeon- Major in the Indian Medical Service, who died without issue, July 26, 1894, and on succeeding, Sept. 2, 1897, at the death of her brother, Vincent Waldo Calmady Hamlyn, to the family estates, she assumed by Royal Licence the additional surname and the arms of Hamlyn. Armorial bearings are — On a lozenge, per fesse indented sable and argent, two swords in saltire, between as many griffins' heads erased in pale, all counterchanged. Seats — Paschoe, Bow, Devon ; Leawood, Bridestowe, Devon. FRANCIS SOMERLED SILVERTOP, Gentleman. Born Aug. i, 1883, being the eldest surviving son of the late Henry Thomas Silvertop, Esq., J. P. for cos. Nor- thumberland and Antrim, b. 1853 ; d. 1893 ; m. 1882, Rachael Mary Josephine, dau. of Alexander M'Connell of Kilmore, co. Antrim. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a fesse gules, between three bombshells sable, bursting and inflamed proper, a plate. Mantling argent and gules. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased argent, langued gules, pierced with a broken spear embrued proper. Seats — Minster-Acres, Riding-Mill-on-Tyne ; Lar- tington Hall, Yorks. C/z/*^— Bachelors. SIM (1858). Gules, on a chevron argent, between two spur-revels in chief and a halbert in base or, a boar's head erased between two hands each holding a dagger proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a Moor's head proper, banded argent. Motto — " Quod verum tutum." Son of John Coysgarne Sim, Esq., of Combe Wood, Surrey, J. P., D.L., d. 1875 ; m. Harriet, d. of Charles Lambert of Blendon Hall, Kent : — Frederick William Sim, Esq., J. P. Sussex, Barrister-at- Law (Inner Temple), M.A. (Oxon.), b. 1847. 5<;n/ -Rock, Washington, Pulborough, R.S.O. , Sussex. Club^ — Wind- ham, Union (Brighton). SIMCOE, see VOWLER-SIMCOE. SAMUEL PALMER SIMCOE, Gentleman. Born April 5, 1830, being the only surviving son of the late Rev. Henry Addington Simcoe of Wolford Lodge, co. Devon, Penheale, co. Cornwall, and Old Court, co. Hereford, M.A. (Oxon.), by his first wife Anne, second dau. of Rev. Edward Palmer, M.A., Vicar of Moseley, co. Worcester. Armorial bearings — Azure, a fesse wavy ermine between two stars of twelve points in chief and a cannon barways in base or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Out of a naval coronet or, a demi-sea-lion proper, holding in his forefin a dagger erect argent, the pommel and hilt gold, and charged on the shoulder with a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper. Motto — " Non sibi sed patriae." SIMCOX (16 May 1821, H. Coll.). Ermine, a fesse vert, fleury, counterfleury or, between three bear's heads couped sable, muzzled or. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mount vert thereon a beaver proper, pierced in the body by a trident in bend the staff broken azure. Motto — ' ' Fiat justitia ruat coelum." is tbe Naval Cockade. 19$6 ^im %in\ Only son of Rev. Thomas Orecn Simcox, l«ord of the Manor of H«r»iornc, Vicar of North Harlxirne. B'ham., iSjS-yi.^. 1809; d. 1876; m. 1838, Hannah Nicholson, A. of Rev. T. H. Kingdon, Rector of Pyworthy, Devon :— Rev. Henry Kingdon Simcox, M.A. (Oxon.), Lord of the Manor of Harlwrne, formerly Rector of I'atney, Wilts, and Rector of biwelme, Oxon., A. la June 1839; m. 1868, Elizabeth .^nne, eld. d. of late Rev. Edward Addenbrooke of The I>ea ; and has issue— (i) Arthur Henry Addenbrooke Simcox. Gentleman, B.A. (Oxon.), I.C.S., Kaisar-i-Hind medal (1900), t. 1870 [m. 1804, Margaret Emily, eld. d. of late Capt. James Loch, R. H.A. ; and has issue — one son .ind two daus. C/ud — E.l. United Service]; (a) Christopher Edward Kingdon Simcox, Gentleman, i. 187a ; {3) Charles Thomas Simcox, Gentleman, Lieut. East Surrey Kegt. , and Batt. (medal. S. Africa) fi. 1875; (4) Joseph Philip Simcox, Gentleman, d. 1879 ; (5) Theodore John Simcox, Gentleman, i. 1886; Eliraljeth Homfray ; and Anna Mary. Estate — Harborne Manor, Staffs. Kes. — Belmont. St. John's, Worcs. C/«^— Worcestershire County (Worcester). Son of the late George Simcox, b. \ d. ; M. : — George Augustus Simcox, Gentleman, M.A. , Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford, b. . Res. — Queen's College, Oxford. SFiei.ij-Marshai, Sir JOHN LINTORN ARABIN SIMMONS, K.G.C.B.. K.G.C.M.G. Born i8ai, being the fifth son of the late Thomas Frederick Simmons, Esq., Capt. R.A., of Langford, co. Somerset, by his wife Mary, dau. of the Hon. John Perry, Judge at Jamaica, K.G.C.B. (1878). Armorial bearings— Sable, gutt^e-d'eau, a dolphin naiant embowed or, vorant a fish argent, a canton ermine, charged with a mural crown gules. Upon the es- cutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and by the collars and pendent therefrom the badges of a Knight Grand Cross of that Order and of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St George, is placed a helmet befitting his degree. Mant- Ung sable and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a stump of an oak-tree sprouting, in front thereof a mount, thereon a branch of laurel fructed in bend sinister all proper. Supporters — On the de.\ter side an eagle sable, and on the sinister side a stork proper, each gorged with a mural crown or, and holding in the beak a rose argent, slipped and leaved proper. Motto — " Stabilitate et Victoria." Married, firstly, 1846, Ellen Lintorn (rf. 1851), dau. of the late John Lintorn Simmons ; secondly, 1856, Blanch (rf. 1898), di\u. of the late Samuel Charles Weston. Postal address — Hawley House, Blackwater, Hants. Clubs — Athenaeum, United Service. WINSLOW CHURCHILL SIMMONS, Gentleman, of Churchill, Richmond, Tasmania, formerly Warden of the Municif>ality of Richmond, and for twenty years Chair- man of General Sessions. Born Nov. 18, 1827, being the eldest son of James Simmons of Champigny, Hobart, Tas- mania, by his wife Jane Ryvie, nee Hall. Armorial bear- ingrs— Sable, gutt^e-d'eau, a dolphin naiant embowed or, vorant a fish argent, a canton ermine, thereon a mural crown gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree. Mantling sable and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a slump of an oak-tree sprouting, in front thereof a mount, thereon a branch of laurel fructed in bend sinister all proper. Motto — " Stabi- litate et Victoria." Married, firstly, May 22, 1862, Mary Ida, dau. of Alexander Goldie, of Laburnam Park, Rich- mond, Tasmania; secondly, Jan. 26, 1871, Isabella, dau. of WiHiam Gunn, M.P., of Launceston, Tasmania. By his first wife he has Issue— (\) Frank Churchill Simmons, Gentleman, b. Dec. 7, 1863 ; (2) Charles Vivian Simmons, Gentleman, b. Feb. 11. 1864; and by his second wife he has (3) Cecily Ryrie Simmons, Gentleman, b. April 16, 1872 ; Mary Lintorn ; Lilian ; and Isabel. Postal address —Churchill, Richmond, Tasmania. SIMPSON, quartered by HICKS. CHARLES HENRY SIMPSON, Gentleman, Patron of West Keal, ro. Lincoln. Bom June 10, 1845, being the fourth son of the late Edward Thornhill Simpson, of Thornhill House, Walton, Wakefield, by his wife Ann, third dau. and co-heiress of William Beckett of Rough Birchworth. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, ; gules, three biirs gemelles argent, on a chief ermine be- tween two doves proper, an unicorn's head erased of the j first (for Simpson); 2 and 3, gules, a fesse between three! boars' heads couped erminois (for Beckett). Mantling gules and .irgent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in i front of a maiden's head proper, vested gules, wreathed! round the temples with oak-leaves, also proper, a fret argent. Married, July 18, 1866, Amy Julia, second dau. | of Thomas Pearson I'earson of Scarborough ; and has j Issue— (i) Charles Henry Simpson, Gentleman, b. June 25, ■ 1867 [d. Aug. 15, 1867) ; (a) Cecil Harold Simi)son, Gentle- man, b. Nov. 15, i868[»i., Oct. 13, 1897, .Annie Elizabeth. [ dau. of James Mackintosh of I^manche, Perthshire ; (3! Ronald Hugh Simpson, Gentleman, b. Feb. a9, 187a ; (41 Eustace Edward Smpson, Gentleman, b. Aug. i, 1875 ; (5) Gerald Hemploe Siinp.soii, Gentleman, b. March 31, 1877 ; ' (6) Go. Caithness, Vice-Lieut, and D.L., for thnt co., M.I'. 1869 1885. formerly Page to H.M. Quern Adelaidf. t. 1825 ; m. 1853. Knima {tf. 1889), d. of late Williani Standish Standish, lisq., of Duxbury Park; and has had issue — (i) Lt.-Col. Clarence Granville Sinclair, ^. 1858 ; (/. 1895 (m. 1890, Mabel (ery — Blue and black, with white and yellow facings], '. 1853 ; m. 1893, ^lara Sophia, only d. and h. of John Dearman Birchall, Esq., J. P., of Bowden Hall, Glos. ; and has issue— (i) Ronald Sutherland Brook Sinclair, Gentle- man, d. 1894; (a) John Alexander Sinclair, Gentleman, A. 1897 ; Diana Clara; and Margaret. /?«. — The Vicarage, Cirencester; Yew Tree, Winchelsea, Sussex. Ciuds — Oxford and Cambridge, Gloucester County (Gloucester). Lt.-Col. Hugh Montgomerie Sinclair, R.E., d. 1855, Cluds — Junior United Service, Wellington. S FREDERICK GRANVILLE SINCLAIR. Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Caithness. Born 1858, being the youngest son of the Reverend Robert Boothby Heathcote, Rector of Chingford, in the county of Essex, by his second wife Elizabeth Bridget, daughter of Captain William Wells, Royal Navy, of Holme House, in the county of Huntingdon ; assumed in 1891, by Royal License, the name and arms of Sinclair, on succeeding to the estates of the fifteenth Earl of Caithness, in lieu of his paternal name of Heathcote. Ciui — United University. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, quarterly i. azure, a ship at anchor, oars in saltire or, flagged g^les within a double tressure flory counterflory of the second ; ii. and iii. or, a lion rampant gules ; iiii. azure, a ship under sail or, sails argent, flags gules ; a and 3 grand quarters, ermine three pomies, each charged with a cross or, over the fourth grand quarter, dividing the coats a cross engrailed sable, within a bordure chequy azure and argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a swan argent, ducally gorged and chained or. Married, 1888, Agnes Charlotte, daughter of Thomas J. Barnes, Barrister-at-I.aw, of the Middle Temple. Seats — Barrogill Castle, Thurso, North Britain ; and The Manor House, Brabster, Thurso. Residence— ^^yrlon Hall, in the county of Cambridge. S ROGER SINCLAIR-AYTOUN, Esquire, M.A. (Trin. Coll.. Camb.), J. P. and D.L., M.P. for Kirkcaldy Dis- trict i86a to 1874. Born Feb. i8, 1823. being the eldest son of the late John Aytoun, by his wife Margaret Ann Jeflray, heiress of Milton, co. Lanark, and Craigton, co. Renfrew, only child of James Jeffray, M.D. , Professor of Anatomy in Glasgow. Armorial bearinjfs— Argent, a cross engrailed between four roses gules, differenced with a crescent of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a hand holding a rose proper (for Aytoun). Motto — " Decerptae dabunt odorem." Seat — Inchdairnie, Kirkcaldy, co. Fife. Club and postal address — Brooks's. SThe Late Maj.-Gkn. Sir GR^ME ALEXANDER SINCLAIR-LOCKHART, loth Baronet (Sinclair- Nova Scotia. June 18. 1635), C.B. (Mil. 1861). late Col. 78th Regt. , served in Persian Campaign and in the Indian Mutiny, J. P. and D.L. co. Lanark; resumed the original patronymic of his family 1899. Bom Jan, 33, iSao, teing 1 the fifth hut eldest surviving son of the late Robert Lock- hart of Castle Hill (who assumed the surname of Lockhart in lieu of Sinclair), by his wife Charlotte Simpson, dau. of Capt. William Mercer. Armorial bearingfs— Qu.irierlv i and 4, argent, a man's heart proper, within a fetterlock sable, on a chief azure three boars' heads erased argent, all within a bordure ermine, charged with three crosses pat^e gules; 2 and 3, argent, on a saltire engrailed gules, five bezants. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest On. wreath of his liveries, a boar's head erased argent. Ho — " Corda seralo pando." Seat — Cambusnethan Hos Wishaw, N.B. Cluds—New (Edinburgh), Conservaq (Glasgow). Rear-Admiral UVEDALE CORBET SINGLET (retired 1893), Companion of the Most Honourable of the Bath. Born Sept. 14, 1838, being the third son the late Henry Corbet Singleton, ICsq., of Aclare, J. P. and D.L. for the county of Meath. by his wife Jane Percival Compton, daughter of Genera! Loftus ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Hath, 1892. Ctufis — United Service, Kildare Street (Dublin), Livery — Blue with brass buttons. Armorial bearings- Quarterly I and 4, argent, three chevronels gules, between as many martlets sable (for Singleton) ; 2 and 3 or, a raven close proper (for Corbet). Crests — i. on a wreath argent and gules, an arm embowed in armour, grasping a sceptre, terminated by an estoile or ; 2. on a wreath or and sable, an elephant argent, armed or, on his back a tower of the last, the trappings gules, garnished or. Motto--" Bona fide sine fraude. " Married, firstly, 1877, .Vlatilda Josephine, daughter of the late Edward Beauman of Furness, in the county of Kildare (she died 1878) ; secondly, 1885, Adelaide Mary, daughter of the late Major-General John H. Taylour, commonly known as Lord John H. Taylour ; and has Issue — Monica Virginia Corbet. Estate — Aclare, in the county of Meath, Ireland. Postal address — Aclare House, Ardee, Ireland. SINGLETON (U.O.). Argent, three chevronels gules, between as many martlets sable. Mantling gules and ia the Military Cockade. %)tn ^it 1239 argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an arm eni- bowed in armour the hand proper, grasping a sceptre terminating in an estoile or. Motto — " Bona fide sine fraude." Son of Henry Sydenham Singleton, Esq., of Mell, co. Louth, and Hazely Heath, Hants (High Sheriff co. Louth 1862, CO. Cavan 1867), b. 1819 ; d. 1893; m. 1864, Mary Montgomerie, sister of Sir Archibald Lamb, 7th Bart. :— John Rolland Singleton, Esq. (High Sheriff co. Cavan 189s), h. 1869 ; m. 1893, Frederica Julia, only d. of Rev. Julius Henry Rowley ; and has issue — (i) John Henry Philip Archibald Singleton, Gentleman, b. 1894; (2) Mark Rodney Singleton, Gentleman, b. 1896. Seats — Hazely, Winchfield, Hants ; Mell, co. Meath ; Piers Court, co. Cavan. Sons of Major-Gen. John Henry Singleton, b. ; d. 1877; m. 1848, Sarah Frances, d. of John Vance of Jersey : — Mark Singleton, Esq. (High Sheriff co. Louth 1900), formerly 87th R.L Fus. , ^. 1849; /;:. 1893, M B , d. of Thomas James ; and has surv. issue — Edward John Fowke Singleton, Gentleman, b. . Seats — CoUon and Belpatrick, co. Louth. Rev. James Sydenham Fowke Singleton, Rector of Theale, b. 1851 ; m. 1881, Mary, d. of John Norman. A'e.v.— The Rectory, Theale, Somerset. John Singleton, Gentleman, b. 1853. Son of Col. George Singleton, Indian Army, b. ; d. ; m. : — Sydenham Singleton, Gentleman, iJ. EDWARD JOSEPH ARTHUR SIRR, Gentleman. Being the only son of the late Richard Theodore Howard Sirr, Esq., Capt. Royal Indian Navy, by his wife Phcebe, dau. of Miles, who was ninth and only son with issue of the Rev. Joseph D'Arcy Sirr, D.D. , Rector of Kilcolman, co. Galway, and of Morstead, Winchester, througl) his wife Elizabeth, dau. of the Rev. Edward Henry Hoare, Rector of Thursington, co. Lincoln (cousin of Sir Joseph Hoare, Bart., of co. Cork, and of Lady Synge Hutchisson of co. Dublin). Armorial bearings— Azure, two chevronels interlaced argent, between three estoiles or, in chief a harp of Ireland, above it the Imperial Crown both proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a , wreath of the colours, an estoile or as in the arms, within ^wo olive branches proper ; above, on an escroU, the Motto, " Nautae Fida"; and for the Motto beneath the arms, " Lyrae nervos aptavi." Married, May 1899, Agnes, dau. of the late Major William Mate of Sandwich, Kent ; and has Issue — Hubert Hoare Francis Sirr, Gentleman, b. 1900. /'c.r/a/arf£^r«j— Sandwich, Kent. HARRY SIRR, Gentleman, Associate of the Royal In- stitute of British Architects. Born i860, being the elder son of the late Henry Charles Sirr, M.A. , Barrister-at- Law, formerly Lieut, in the Royal Westminster Militia, by his wife Louisa, dau. of the late William Ri.x of Stratton Strawless, Norfolk, grandson of Major Henry Charles Sirr of Dublin Castle and Elm Park, Cullenswood, co. Dublin, through his wife Elizabeth, eldest dau. of James D'Arcy of Hyde Park, co. Westnieatli (Representative of Lord D'Arcy, who was Viceroy of Ireland for life, by his second marriage with Joan, widow of the Earl of Kildare). Ar- morial bearings —Azure, two chevronels interlaced argent, between three estoiles or, in chief a harp of IreLind, above it the Imperial Crown, both proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, an estoile or, as in the arms, within two olive branches proper. Above, on an escroll, the Motto, " Nautae Fida" ; and for Motto (beneath the arms), ''Lyrae nervos aptavi." Residence — 50 Trisden Road, Highgate. The Rev. WILLIAM SIRR, Clerk in Holy Orders, Assistant Priest St. Philip's, Plaistow, E., Theological Associate King's College, London. Bo7-n 1862, being the younger son of tiie late Henry Charles Sirr, M.A., Barrister- at-Law, and formerly a Lieut, in the Royal Westminster Militia, by his wife Louisa, dau. of the late William Rix of Stratton Strawless, Norfolk. Armorial bearings -Azure, two chevronels interlaced argent, between three estoiles or, in chief a harp of Ireland, above it the Imperial Crown, both proper, a crescent for difference. Mantling azure and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, an estoile or, as in the arms, enclosed within two olive branches proper. Above, on an escroll, the Motto, " Nautae Fida" ; and for the Motto (beneath the arms), " Lyrae nervos aptavi." Residence —iiu Philip's Mission House, Plaistow, E. SISTERSON (H. Coll.). Per chevron or and sable, two clarions in chief and a sun in splendour in base all counterchanged. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a sun in splendour, a maiden's head affront^e couped at the shoulders proper, vested and crined sable. Motto — " Sis terror sontibus." Son of George Sisterson of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, b. ; d. ; tn. : — Edward Sisterson, Esq., J. P. Northumberland, b. 1850. Seat -'WooAley Field, Hexham. SIT WELL, see HURT-SIT WELL. CECIL FREDERICK SITWELL, Gentleman, for- merly Secretary and A.D.C. to the Governor of Windward Islands, now Govt. Commr. to the Gambia Tribes. Born May 26, i860, being the second son of the late George Frederick Sitwell, Esq., late Capt. 3rd Dragoons, by his wife Cecilia Fanny, dau. of H. Fitzroy, grandson of His Grace the Duke of Grafton. Armorial bearings Quar- terly I and 4, barry of eight or and vert, three lions rampant sable (for Sitwell) ; 2 and 3, sable, a fesse between three cinquefoils, each within a chaplet of roses all or (for Hurt). Mantling vert and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant erased sable, holding between the paws an escutcheon jjer pale or and vert. Residence — S CLAUDE GEORGE HENRY SITWELL, Esquire, D.S.O. (1889), Lieut.-Col. Royal Dublin Fusiliers, late Capt. Manchester Regt., Vice-Consul for Uganda. Born Oct. 18, 1858, being the eldest son of the late George Frederick Sitwell, Esq. , late Capt. 3rd Dragoons, by his wife Cecilia Fanny, dau. of H. Fitzroy, grandson of 3rd Duke of Grafton. Armorial bearings Quarterly i and 4, barry of eight or and vert, three lions rampant sable (for Sitwell) ; 2 and 3, sable, a fesse between three cinquefoils, each within a chaplet of roses all or (for Hurt). Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi- lion rampant erased sable, holding between the paws an escutcheon per pale or and vert. Married, 1887, Amy Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Barrington Cooke of Scarborough ; and has Issue — Dorothy Cecilia. Seat — is the Naval Cockade. ia4o mt «it Thk Kkv. DEGGK WILMOT SIIVVKLI.. Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A., Vicar of l^rninington-Hastinf^s, co. Warwick, /iom July 17, 1838, l>eing the fourth son of the latir Robert Sacheverell WiliuotSitwcU of Morlcy, CO. l)rrl)y, by his wife Charlotte Ann, ilau. of Francis Hradshaw of liarton Blount, co. Derl>y. Armorial iMar- Isgl— Quarterly i and 4, barry of eight or and vert, three lions rautpitnt sable; a and 3, sable, on .1 fesse or, l)etN»een three eagles' heads couped argent, as many escallops gules. Mantling vert and or. Oresta— i. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant, erased sable holding Ijetween the paws an escutcheon per pale or and vert ; a. on a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head couped argent, holding in the beak an escallop gules. Xfarried, April 16, 1863, Rosamond Shuttleworth, dau. of Edward Anthony Holden of Aston Hall, co. Derby; and has Issue— (1) Hervey WhelerSitwell, Gentleman, b. July 9, i86s[»«., Oct. 3, 1894, Alice Mary, dau. of Charles Schwind of Broomfield, Derby; and has issue, Hervey DeggeSitwell, Gentleman, b. Oct. 35, 1896 ; and George Charles Sitwell, Gentleman, b. Feb. 3, 1898J ; (a) William Sacheverell Sitwell, Gentleman, b. Dec. 18, 1870; (3) |ohn Knightley Sitwell, Gentleman,^. June aS, 1874 ; (4) Richard Degge Sitwell, Gentleman, b. Feb. 15, 1877; (5) Arthur Trevor Sitwell, Gentleman, b. June as, 1878; (6) Ralph Sacheverell Sitwell, Gentleman, b. April 5, 188a; (8) Henry Shuttlewortii Sitwell, Gentle- man, twin with Edward Holden ; Rosamond Maud, d. unm. Oct. 1893; Eleanor Wilnrot [m., Aug. 1893, Henry Edward Donald, and has isbuel ; Susan Charlotte ; Dorothea Mary [»»., John Lea. son of the late Rev. Simcox Lea, Prebendary of Hereford, and has issuej ; and Harriet Wilmot. 5m/— The Manor House, Leamington- Hastings, CO. Warwick. EDWARD SACHEVERELL SITWELL. Esquire, J. P. CO. Derby. Born Oct. 18, 186a, being the eldest son of Robert Sacheverell Wilmot Sitwell, Esq., of Stainsby House, by his wife Mary Blanche, dau. of John Senior of Rrooklands, Birkenhead. Armoiial bearings — Quarterly 1 and 4, barry of eight or and vert, three lions rampant sable ; a and 3, sable, in a fesse or, between three eagles' heads couped argent, as many escallops gules. Mantling vert and or. ^«8ts — i. on a wreath of the colours, a denii- lion rampant erased sable, holding between the paws an escutcheon per pale or and vert ; a. on a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head couped argent, holding in the beak an escallop gules. Married June 24, 1885, Caroline Agnes, eldest dau. of Major Edward Levett, late loth Hussars, of Rowsley, co. Derby ; and has Issue — (i) Sacheverell Edward Sitwell, Gentleman, b. July 13, 1886, d. Aug. 11, 1891 ; (2) Jacinth Sacheverell Sitwell, Gentleman, b. March, 26, 1895; Caroline Margaret ; Joyce Maud ; and Blanche Ella. Seat — Cattistock Lodge, Dorchester. S FRANCIS HONORIUS SISSON SITWELL, Enquire, Capt. ist Batt. Durham Lt. Inf. Born Dec. 2, 1861, being the second son of the late Francis Henry Massey Sitwell of Barmoor Castle, by his wife Eliza- beth Maria D'Olier. Armorial bearings - Barry of eight or and vert, three lions rampant sable (for Sitwell) ; 2 and 3, sable, a fesse between three cinquefoils, each within a chaplet of roses all or (for Hurt). Mantling vert and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant erased sable, holding between the paws an escutcheon per pale or and vert. Married, firstly, Jan. 28, 1889, Maria Corinna, eldest dau. of Hon. John P. Vereker; and has Issue— (i) William George Sitwell, Gentleman, b. April 10, 1890. He m. , secondly, Margaret, dau. of Matthew Culley of Coup- land Castle, Northumberland ; and has Issue — (2) A son, b. Aug. 9, 1898; and Margaret Francis. Residence — FRANCIS STAUNTON SITWELL, Gentleman. Born Sept. 21, 1865. being the second son of Robert Sacheverell Wilmot Sitwell, Esq., of Stainsby House, by his wife Mary Blanche, dau. of John Senior of Brooklands, Birkenhead. Armorial bearings —Quarterly 1 and 4, barry of eight or and vert, three lions rampant sable ; 2 and 3, sable, in a fesse or, between three eagles' heads couped argent, as many escallops gules. Mantling vert and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant erased sable, holding between the paws an escutcheon per pale or and vert ; a. on a wreath of tlie colours, an eagle's head couped argent, holding in the beak an escallop gules. Married, Jan. 31, 1894, Mary Innes, elder dau. of Capt. Charles £. Fartjuharson, late aist Hussars ; and has Issue — (1) Roh Hradshaw Sitwell, Gentlen)an, ^. Nov. 18, 1894; (ajStant Degge Sitwell, (Gentleman, b. July 35, 1896; (3) Fran Ethelbert .Sitwell, Gentleman, b. Oct. 13, 1898. kesidenc SSIR GEORGE RERESBY SITWELL, Bart., J. for Scarborough and Derbyshire, late Capt. Vorkshi Dragoons, now Capt. and Vol. Batt. Yorkshire Regt.^ M.P. for .Scarl)orough 1885-86, and 1893-95, High Sheriff co. Derby, 1898. Born Jan. 37, i86o, being the only son of the late Sir Sitwell Reresby Sitwell, soi time a Lieut, in the ist Life Guards, by his wife Loi Lucy, fourth dau. and co-heir of Col. the Hon. Henry H Hutchinson, by his wife Harriet (deceased), and sole event heir of William Wrightson of Cusworth Park, by Henriei _ dau. and eventual heir of Richard Heber of Hodnet. Livery — (Dress) dark green, with yellow waistcoat and yellow plush breeches; (undress) dark green, with yellow ai black striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings— Quarter! I. barry of eight or and vert, three lion rampant sa! (for Sitwell); 2. sable, a fesse between three cinquefoi each within a chaplet of roses all or (for Hurt) ; 3. Reresf 4. Deincourt; (5) Norman ville ; (5) Normanville (anciei and impaling the arms of Denison. Mantling vert and Crest On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampi erased sable, holding between the paws an escutcheon pale or and vert. Married Nov. 23, 1886, Lady Ida Ei Augusta Denison, dau. of Larl of Ixmdesborough ; and Issue — (i) Francis Osbert Sacheverell Sitwell, Esq., b. 6, 1892 ; (3) Sacheverell Sitwell, Esq., b. Nov. 15, 1897 ; Edith Louisa. 5'|)ectant wings elevated and add<>rst>ient gules. MottO — "Ad majorcni Dei gloriam." /.I'trry— Blue. Sons of late Robert Skect, Gentleman, of Wind Hill House. Bishop's Stortford. f>. 1833; d. 1889 ; m. 1868. Alison Jane, d. of late Thomas Wilby of Wind Hill House : — Francis John Angus Skeet, Esq., Capt. 4th Batt. Roy. Dublin Fusiliers (served in S. Africa — a medals, 4 clasps), t>. 10 March 1869 ; m. 8 April looa, Ada Beatrice Zolila, d. of bte Lt.-Col. Edward Kent Strathearn Murray, K. St. P.. K.I.C. /f^s. — Cross Bush, nr. Arundel, Sussex. Post. add. — Cross Bush, Arundel ; and Bishop's Stortford, Herts. a«^-New. Frederick William Skeet, Gentleman, b. 187a ; m. 1903, Ada Teal. Res. — Havelock Road, Hastings, New Zealand. Charles Antony Skeet. Gentleman, ^. 1877. ^w.— Wind Hill, Bishop's Stortford. SKELTON, quartered by FLOYER. SKENE, see GORDON-CUMING-SKENE. SKENE-TYTLER (rematric. 26 Sept. 1902). Quarterly. I and 4, gules, between three crescents or, a lion's head erased argent, langued azure, within a bordure of the second ( Tytler of Woodhouselee, 1768) ; 2 and 3, gules, a chevron argent, between three skenes of the second, bafted and pommelled or, surmounted of as many wolfs heads coup>ed of the third, tusked proper, within a bordure engrailed ermine (cadet of Skene of that Ilk, matric. c. 1672-7). Mftiltl<"g gules, doubled or. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, the rays of the sun issuing from behind a cloud proper. Motto — " Occulius non extinctus." Son of George Michael Fraser-Tytler, Esq., J. P. and D. L., late .Sec. Bank of Scotland, b. 1822 ; d. 1905 ; m. 1864, Jane Georgiana, d. of George Skene of Rubis- law, CO. Aberdeen, Professor of Universal History, Edinburgh, 1837-41, Sheriff of Glasgow 1841, and Pro- fessor of Law, Glasgow, 1855-1866 : — Maurice William Skene-'Tytler, Gentleman, b. 18 June 1869 ; m. 17 Sept. 1902, Charlotte Caroline, d. of Lt.-Col. Henry Lonsdale Hallewell, C.M.G. Res. — Keith Maris- chal, Pencaitland, East Lothian. C/ub — 'Neyf (Edin- burgh). SKIPTON, see KENNEDY-SKIPTON. GEORGE ALEXANDER KENNEDY SKIPTON.I Gt-ntleman, formerly Lieut. 19th Regt. Horn 1849, beingj the eldest son of the late Henry Stacy Skipton, by Klizal)etn| M'Causland, dau. of Charles Stewart ; s. liis cousin, George] Skipton of Beecliill, 1877. Armorial bearingB— Argent, J an anchor sable. MantUllg sable and argent ; and for hisj Crest, up>on a wreath of the colours, an armed arm holdingl a dagger proper ; with the Motto, " Pro patria." SKIPWITH, quartered by FLOYER. SKRINE of Warleigh (H. Coll., 1682). Azure, in the! dexter chief and sinister base points a tower argent, in the] sinister chief and dexter base points a lion rampant crminois, ; ducally crowned or. Mantliiig azure and argent. Crest — | On a wreath of the colours, a tower argent, on the battle- j ments thereof a lion couchant erminois, ducally crowned or. Motto — " Tutamen." Livery — Dark blue, silver buttons. Sons of Henry Duncan Skrine, Esq., of Warleigh and] Claverton Manors, J. P. and D.L. co. Somerset (High I Sheriff 1876), b. 1815 ; d. 1901 ; m. 1843, Susanna Caro- j line, d. of William Mills of Saxham Hall, Suffolk. Henry Mills Skrine, Esq., J. P. co. Somerset, V.D., Hon. Col. ist Somerset R.V., b. 1844; m. 1872, Lady Mary] Jane Gore-Langton, sister of 4th Earl Temple ; and has issue — Henry Langton Skrine, Gentleman, Lieut. Somerset J Lt. Inf., b. 1880; Anna Dorothea Mary; Mary Alice i Caroline ; Margaret Cicely ; and Francis Ethel Rosamond. Seats — Warleigh Manor, Bath ; Claverton Manor, co. Somerset. Clubs — Athenaeum, Constitutional, Bath andj County (Bath). Duncan William Hume Skrine, Gentleman, b. 1846;] m. 1875, Amy, d. of Capt. John Hanham, 9th Regt.,i sister of Sir John A. Hanham, 9th Bart. ; and has issue— j (i) .Mexander Duncan Skrine, Gentleman, b. 1877; (2)! Ralph Hanham Skrine, Gentleman, b. 1881 ; (3) Arthur] Wallace Skrine, Gentleman, b. 1885; Catherine Ursula;! and Amy Edith. Seat — Stubbings House, Berks. Res. — 1 Hinton House, Hurst. Club — New University. Rev. John Huntley Skrine, M.A., Vicar of Itchen Stoke,| sometime Warden of Trin. Coll., Glenalmond, and Canoaj of St. Ninian's Cathedral, Perth, b. 1848; m. 1878, Maryl Jessie Hammond, d. of Rev. T. H. Tooke, Rector of I Monkton Farleigh, Wilts; and has issue — Margaret [ Susanna; and Inez Elizabeth Res. — The Rectory, Itchen] Stoke, nr. Alresford. Edward Harcourt Skrine, Gentleman, b. 1849 ; m. 1889, Mary Mitchell of Dublin ; and has issue. Res. — Inwoods, I Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts. Sholto George Douglas Skrine, Gentleman, b. 1850;] m. 1882, Edith Clara, d. of Hon. Sholto James Douglas, | Adv. -Gen. Mauritius ; and has issue. Res. — Furzecroft, ; Maidenhead. Rev. Vivian Eccles Skrine, M.A.,Rector of Leadenham, j b. 1850 (twin with his brother) ; m. 1888, Minna Frances, , d. of late George Vivian of Claverton Manor, Bath ; and has issue — Cecilia Marjory. Res. — The Rectory, Leaden- ham, Lines. Osmund Percie Skrine, Gentleman, b. 1857; m. 1893, Mary Wilhelmina, d. of Edward Talbot Day Foxcroft of j Hinton House, Somerset. Res. — Walter Clarmont Skrine, Gentleman, b. i860; m. 1895,! Agnes Shakespear Higginson. Res. — Kilnamoragh, Clanej Sallins, co. Kiidare. Sons of Rev. Wadham Huntley Skrine, M.A., Vicar j of Stubbings, b. 1818 ; d. 1887 ; m. 1847, Clara Maryj Anne, d, of William Mills of Saxham Hall, Suffolk: — Rev. Herbert Henry Skrine, M.A. Oxon. , Vicar ofl Stubbings, ^.1852; and has issue— Esther Evelyn. Res. — [ The Vicarage, Stubbings, nr. Maidenhead. Edward Chalie Skrme, Gentleman, b. 1854. Res. — i 10 Duke Street, St. James's. Sons of Rev. Clarmont Skrine of Warleigh Lodge, Wimbledon, sometime Capt. 78th and 47th Regts., b. 1820; d. 1886; m. 1846, Mary Anne Auchmuty, d. of Major Charles Butson Bennett, late 64th Regt. : — Francis Henry liennett Skrine, Gentleman, Bengal C.S., b. 1847 ; m. 1887, Helen Lucy, d. of Col. John Stewart, R.A. , of Ardvorlich ; and has issue — Clarmont Percy Skrine, Gentleman. Res. — 147 Victoria Street, West- minster, S.W. Clubs — Garrick, St. Stephen's, Authors'. Charles Huntley Skrine, Gentleman, b. 1848. Res. — is the Military Cockade. ^Iiu ^la 1243 Clarmont Alfred Skrine, Gentleman, *. 1850. Res. — Tryon James Skrine, Gentleman, b. 1854. Jies. — Clarmont William Skrine, Gentleman, b. 1855. J?es. — Rev. Walter De Vere Skrine, b. 1863 ; tn. i88g. Amy Rosa Roberta Kermode ; and has issue —Walter Francis Skrine, Gentleman, b. 1889; and Gladys Margaret Rosa. A'w. — Swyui bridge, Barnstaple. SKULL, quartered by POWELL. SLACK of Derwent Hill. Arms — Quarterly, i and 4, azure, on a cross form^e throughout ermine, between four crescents or, a human heart gules (Slack) ; 2 and 3, argent, a cross vert (Upton). Crest — In front of a crescent or, a snail proper. Motto—" Lente sed certe." Sons of Robert Slack, M.D., of Derwent Hill, Cumber- land, and Armathwaite House, Warwickshire, 1822- 1893 ; m. 1853, Anne Ainsworth, d. of Henry Kelsall, Esq., J. P., of Rochdale : — Robert Slack, Gentleman, b. 21 Jan. 1857 [Anns as above, and in pretence the arms of Henderson, viz. (L. R. ) : Parted per bend indented sable and or, on a chief argent. a rose gules, barbed and seeded vert, between two ermine- spots, a bordure gules]; m. 15 Aug. 1894, Maude, second d. of Lt.-Col. Sir Edmund Yeamans Walcot Henderson, K.C.B., R.E. ; and has issue — Anne Elizabeth Henderson ; Catherine Maud Henderson ; and Elizabeth Angela Henderson. Seats — Derwent Hill, Keswick. Clubs — Bath, Prince's. Rev. Austin Ainsworth Slack, M.A. (Cantab.), Rector of Brampton Ash, b. 25 July 1863 ; tn. 28 Sept. 1892, Maria, only d. of Gradwell Bagot Pearson of Kirby Lonsdale ; and has issue — Aiden Ainsworth Slack, Gentleman, b. 1895 ; and Mary Kelsall. Res. — Brampton Ash Rectory, Market Harboro'. Eric Slack, Gentleman, b. 30 Dec. 1873. Res. — Sir OWEN RANDAL SLACKE, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, late Divisional Com- missioner for Ireland, J. P. for co. Waterford. Born 1837, being the son of the late Rev. W. Randal Slacke of Ashleigh, CO. Down; created C.B. 1893, and Knighted Jan. 1897. Clubs — Cavalry, Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bear- ings — Azure, a cross pat^e tliroughout per bend sinister ermine and or, a quatrefoil counterchanged, in the centre chief point a mullet gules. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion couchant proper, resting the dexter forepaw on a quatrefoil as in the arms. Motto— "Lente sed certe." Married, firstly, 1863, Katlierine Anne (who died 1872), eldest dau. of the late Sir Charles Lanyon of The Abbey, White Abbey, in the county of Antrim ; and secondly, 1875, Fanny Rose, dau. of the late Peter Connellan, Esq., D.L., of Coolmore, in the co. of Kilkenny. Postal addresses — Barrington Hall, Harlow, Essex ; and 31 Chesham Street, S. W. WILLIAM RANDAL SLACKE, ' Esquire, Colonel R.E. Bom Oct. 9, 1839, being the second son of the late Rev. William Randal Slacke, by his wife Mary, dau. of Jacob Owen. Armorial bearings— Azure, a cross pat^e throughout per bend sinister ermine and or, a quatrefoil counterchanged, in the centre chief point a mullet gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion couchant proper, resting his dexter forepaw on a quatre- foil of the arms. Motto — "Lente sed certe." Married, Dec. 6, 1866, Henriette Earl, dau. of Major-Gen. White, R. E. ; and has Issue. Residence — SSiR CUTHBERT SLADE, 4th Baronet (Sept. 30, 1831), of Maunsel House, co. Somerset, Capt. (retired) (late Adj.) Scots Guards, J. P. co. Somerset. Born April 10, 1863, being the son of Sir Alfred Frederick Adolphus Slade, 3rd Bart. , by his wife Mary Constance, dau. of William Cuth- bert of Beaufront Castle, co. Northumberland. Armorial bearings — Per fesse argent and sable, a pale counterchanged and three horses' heads erased two and one of the second, a chief ermine, thereon two bombs fired proper ; the escut- cheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling sable and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a horse's head erased sable, en- circled with a chain in the form of an arch gold. Mottoes — " Fidus et audax," "A Bon Droit." Married, Dec. 2, i8g6, Kathleen, dau. of Rowland Scovell of Fairholme, co. Dublin ; and has Issue — (i) Alfred Fothringham Slade, Esq., b. Jan. 17, 1898 ; (2) Michael Nial Slade, Esq., b. July 30, 1900 ; and Barbara Constance. 5faA— Maunsel House, Bridgwater. Clubs — Guards, Carlton. SMajor-General FREDERICK GEORGE SLADE, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (1893), 'las fourth class of the Osmanieh and Medjidie, F.R.G.S. Born Dec. 17, 1851, being the third but second surviving son of Lieut. -Gen. Marcus John Slade, by his wife Charlotte, dau. of Andrew Ramsay, Esq. , commonly called the Honourable Andrew Ramsay, fifth son of 8th Earl of Dalhousie. Livery — Dark green. Armorial bearings — Party per fesse argent and sable, a pale counterchanged and three horses' heads erased of the second, on a chief ermine, two bombs fired proper. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the is the Naval Cocliade. It 1244 ^la ^la Moat Honourable Order of the Bath and his badges of the Osniunieh and Mrdjidie, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling s;ible and argent. Creit— On a wTCiUh of i\w colours, on a mount vert, a horse's head enised suU]c. within n cluiin in arch gold. Married, 1885. Kmmcline Charlotte I)elap, dau. of the late Major Wadham Wyndhnni Itond of .\rmagh ; and has Issue living— Marie Ruby Kileen; and Victoria Olna Kdwinc. Ptulai address — 49 Stanhope Gardens, S. W. Club — United Service. .Majok-Oknkkai, JOHN RAMSAY SLADE, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (iSSiV, knight of the Order of St. Maurice ami St. I^azarus ( 1896), late Aide-ile-Camp to Her Maiestv Queen Victoria, and .MiUtary Attacht* at Rome, Grand Officer of the Order of the Crown of Italy (1900). Born March 16, 1843. being the eldest son of the late Lieut. -Gen. Marcus John Slade, by his wift? Charlotte, dau. of the Honourable Andrew Ramsay. /,«ir/T— Green edged with red piping, gilt buttons. Ar- moriJU bearings -Parly per fesse argent and sable, a pale counterchanged, and three horses' heads erased of the second, on a chief ermine, two bombs fired proper. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting bis degree. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a horse's head erased sable, within an arch of chain gold. Married, firstly, 1871, Lucia Aurora (who died 1872), dau. of Senor Don Vicente di Ramos y Marin of Madrid ; and secondly, 1882, Janet Little, daii. of the late General Robert Blucher Wood, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and has Issue living (bjr second marriage) — Lucia. Postal address— % Lowndes Street. Clubs — United Service, St. James's, Boodle's. WYNDHAM SLADE. Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for CO. Somerset, B.A. Balliol Coll. (Oxon), Metropolitan Police Magistnite 1877- 1901, formerly Capt. West Somer- set Yeomanry Cavalry late Recorder of Penzance. Born Aug. 27, 1826, being the second son of Gen. Sir John Slade, Ban., G.C. H., by his second wife Matilda Ellen, dau. of James Dawson of Fork Hill, co. Armagh. Ltvery —Green coat , silver buttons. Armorial bearings— Per fessc argent and sable, a pale counterchanged, ami three horses' heads erased, two and one of the second, a chief ermine thereon two Iximbs fired pro|x^r, impaling tiie arms of Neave. namely argent, on a cross sable, five fleurs-de-lis or. M a n t l i n g sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a horse's head crasod sable encircled with a chain in form of an arch gold. Motto— " Fidus et audax." Married, Feb. 10. 1863, Cicely, dau. of Sir Digby Neave, Bart., of Dagnam Park, Essex (and Mary, dau, of Lord Arundell of Wardour) ; and has /«««— Wynd- hani Neave Slade, Gentleman, M.A. Balliol Coll.. Oxon, Barrister-at-Law, Recorder of Bridgwater, b. Sept. 17, 1867 ]m. , Nov. 16, 1895, Evelyn Mary, dau. of William Clarenci' Watson of Colworth Beds.] ; Cicely Maud \in., June i, i8f" Lieut-Col. W. Kenyon Mitford of Pitshill, Petworth, J.I and has issue] ; Mary Arundell \m. , Feb. 17, 1877, Row- land Burdon, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Castle Eden, Durham, and has issue] ; and Olive [w. , July 28, 1894. Major Charles James Anstruther, 17th Lancers, and has issue]. Seat Montys Court, Taunton. Town address — 88 Ches; Square, S.W. Clubs — Carlton, Arthur's, Somerset Couul^ FREDERICK ST. BARBE SLADEN, Gentl Bom May 24, 1842, being the third son of the late ' \ Sladen, Gentleman, of Hartsbourne Manor, in the co. of Hertford, by his wife and cousin Etheldred, second dau. of Is tbe Military Cockade. I ^la ^la "45 John Baker Sladen, Esquire, of Ripple Court, J. P. and D.L. /,/Vcrv — Blue, with white facings, silver buttons. Ar- morial beaxings — He bears for Arms : Barry of six azure and argent, a horse's head erased between three crescents or, with many quarterings as illustrated. Mant- ling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath SJOHN RAMSAY SLADEN. Esq., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1875, Major-Gen. late R.A. Born July 17, 1823, being the son of the late Ramsay Sladen, Esq., Physician-Gen. H.E. I.C.S. , by his second wife Emma, dau. of Col. Paul Bosc, Commissioner in Mysore. Armorial bearings — Barry of six azure and argent, a horse's head ' the colours, on a mount vert, between two branches ;' palm proper, a lion's gamb erect and erased sable, hold- g a plume of five ostrich feathers gules ; with the Motto, Vive ut vivas." Married, 1876, Elizabeth, only child of e Reverend William Jones, Master of Arts, Vicar of Bas- lurch, in the county of Salop; and has Issue — Maud theldred St. Barbe ; and Winifred Margaret. Postal idress — Stanmore, near Bridgnorth. erased between three crescents or. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, between two branches of palm proper, a lion's gamb erect and erased sable, holding a plume of five ostrich feathers gules. Motto — "Vive ut vivas." Married, firstly, 1859, Maria, dau. of Rev. J. N. Kinchant of Nantiago, Salop, J. P.; and by her (who died i860) has Issue — (i) John Ramsay Frederick Sladen, Esq., East Yorkshire Regit. , is tbe Naval Cockade. 4K I 1346 ^la ^!f Brevet Lieut.-Col. commanding 6th Reg^. Mounted In- fantry, South African Field Force. 6. Aug. 30, i860 [m. Ada, dau. of John Mellor. He married secondly, 1863, Amelia Corcyra, daiL of Capt. John Bcwes, late 73rd Regt ; and by her (who died 1864) has, Ethel [m., 18^, G. H. Collie of Woodville, New Zealand]. He niiuried thirdly, Jan. 35, 1866, Anne, only sur\'iving child of Thom.is Oliver of Rhydoldog: and by her has, (a) David Ramsny Sladen, Elsq., D.S.O.. Capt. King's Own Scottish Borderers, i. Feb. 7, 1869; (3) Thomas Oliver Ramsay Sladen, Gentle- man, Lieut. Cardigan Art., atuched to 6th Regt, Mounted Infantry, South African Field Force, 6. April ai, 187a ; Alice Amelia ; and Mary Dorothea. Seat — Rhydoldog, CO. Radnor. C/ui — East Indian United Service. S JOSEPH SLADEN, Esquire, of Ripple Court, co. Kent, J. P. and D. L. . Lieut.-Col. (retired) R. A. Bom Aug. 17, 1840, being the only son of the late Joseph St. Rirbe Sl.-iden of Ripple Court, by his wife Elizabeth Sladen, dau. of Lawrence Hanks of Boys Hnll, co. Kent. Armorial bearings Barry of six azure and argent, a horse's head erased, between three crescents or, impaling the arms of Lambart, namely gules, three narcissus flowers pierced argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, between two branches of palm projjcr, a lion's gamb erect and erased sable, holding a plume of five ostrich feathers gules. Motto — " Vive ut vivas." jVamVrf, firstly, Novem- ber I, 1864, Caroline Mary, daughter of Sampson Towgood Wynne French of Cuskinny, in the county of Cork ; and by her (who died 1873) had, with three younger sons (i) Arthur French Sladen, Gentleman, born April 30, 1866 ; (2) Laurence Banks Sladen, Gentleman, born April 6, 1867 ; (3) Sampson Sladen, Gentleman, bom December 14, 1868. He married secondly, July 14, 1875, Sarah Sophia, commonly known as Lady Sarah Sophia, second daughter of the Right Hon- ourable the eighth Earl of Cavan ; and by her has /stue — (4) Frederick William Lambart Sladen, Gentleman, born May 30, 1876; (5) Reginald John Lambart Sladen, Gentle- man born July 24, 1877 ; (6) Hugh .Alfred Lambart Sladen, Gentleman, born December 9, 1878 ; (7) Alexander George Lambart Sladen, Gentleman, born February 17, 1880 ; (8) Charles Augustus Lambart Sladen, Gentleman, born Sep- tember 9, 1883; (9) Algernon Ryder Lambart Sladen, Gentleman, born September 20, 1885 ; and five daus. Estate and postal address — Ripple Court, Dover. SLANE. Viscount, see CONYNGHAM. SLANEY, see KENYON-SLANEY. SLATOR, see WILSON-SLATOR. The Very Rev. Monsignor EDWARD HENRY SLAUGHTER. Private Chamberlain at the Court of the Vatican. Bom Jan. 13. 1846, being the eldest son of Edward Slaughter, by his wife Frances, dau. of Sir Edward Mostyn, Bart., ofTalacre. Livery — White and blue. Armorial bear- ing"— Quarterly, 1. argent, a saltire azure (for Slaughter) ; a. ermine, on a chief dancett^e gules, three ducal crowns or (for Leech); 3. argent, a fret sable (for Vernon); 4. barry of six or and azure (for Pembruge) ; 5. argent, a lion ram- pant gules, collared or (for Pipe) ; 6. argent, three bugle- horns sable, stringed or (for Bellingham) ; 7. bendy of six argent and gules, on a canton sable, a lion passant argent (for Bellingham) ; 8. argent, a cross engrailed gules (for Wiltshire) ; 9. paly of six argent and sable, on a bend or, three pheons of the second (for Hathway). Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-eagle argent, wings expanded azure. Motto — " Despicio terrena." WILLIAM EDMUND SLAUGHTER. Gentleman. Bom April 8, 1847, being the second son of Edward Slaughter, by his wife Frances, daughter of Sir Edward Mostyn, Baronet, of Talacre. C/u6 — Junior Carlton. Livery — White, blue facings. Armorial bearings — Quarterly, i. argent, a saltire sable (for Slaughter); 2. ermine, on a chief indented gules, three ducal coronets or (for Leech) ; 3. argent, a fret sable (for Vernon) ; 4. barry of six or and azure (for Pembridge) ; 5. argent, a lion rampant gules, collared or (for Pipe); 6. argent, three bugle-horns sable, stringed or (for Bellingham) ; 7. bendy of six argent and gules, on a canton sable, a lion passant argent (for Bellingham); 8. argent, a cross engrailed gules (for Wiltshire) ; 9. paly of six argent and sable, on a bend or, three pheons of the second (for Hath- way). Crest — Out a ducal coronet or, a demi-eagle argent, with wings expanded azure. Motto— " Despicio terrena.^ Married, April 27, 1870, Teresa, dau. of Joseph Coverda of Ingatestone, co. Essex; and has Issue — (1) Edwa Slaughter, b. Jan. 15, 1872 ; (2) William Slaughter, Dec. 8, 1872; (3) Reginald Slaughter, b. 1874; (4) Ba Slaughter ; Mary Frances ; and Constantia. Estate- Widcombe Lodge, East Harptree, co. Somerset. Post address — 7 Arundel Street, Strand, London. SLEIGHT, quartered by FLOYER, The Reverend CHARLES SLINGSBY SLINGSB1 (formerly Atkinson), Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Oxon.) J. P. for West Riding co. York, formerly Rector of Kirby Sigston. CO. York ; assumed by Royal Licence the name is tbe Military Cockade. ^ft %mi 1247 and arms of Slingsby, Dec. 1899. Bom Nov. 27, 1842, being the eldest son of the Rev. Thomas Atkinson, by Henrietta Jane, dau. of Capt. G. W. Willes, R.N. Livery — Claret, gold buttons. Armorial bearingB — Argent, a gryphon segreant sable, surmounted by a fesse gules and (for distinction) a canton of the last. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion statant vert, charged on the shoulder (for distinction) with a cross patfe fitch^e or. Motto — " Veritas liberavit." Married, Feb. 12, 1873, Susan Ann, dau. of Charles Rey- nard of Beverley; and has Issue -{\) Charles Henry Rey- nard Slingsby, Gentleman, R.N., b. Aug. 3, 1874; (2) Thomas William Slingsby, Gentleman, 2nd Punjab Cavalry, b. 1876 ; (3) Alan Peter Slingsby, Gentleman, b. 1885 ; (4) John Slingsby, Gentleman, b. 1898 ; and Frances Dorothy \_m., July 12, 1901, William Hopper Williamson, late 1 8th Hussars, of Wickham and Sockburn Hall, co. Durham]. Estates -'&cx\s&n. Moor Monkton, Harswell, and Kirby Sigston, all in co. York. Seats -'Sicxwew. Park, Knaresborough ; The Red House, Moor Monkton, York ; Loftus Hill, Knaresborough. Clubs — Windham, York- shire (York). THOMAS SLINGSBY, Esquire, J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1886, Captain in the Army, late Royal Horse Guards ; served in the Crimea on Lord Raglan's Staff, present at Alma (severely wounded), Balaklava, and In- kerman. Born 1829, being the third son of the late Col. Charles Powell Leslie of Glaslough, sometime M.P. for co. Monaghan, by his wife Christiana, youngest dau. of George Fosbery of Clorane, co. Limerick. Armorial bearings — Argent, a gryphon segreant sable, surmounted by a fesse gules, and (for distinction) a canton of the last. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion statant vert, charged on the shoulder (for distinction) with a cross crosslet or. Motto — "Veritas liberavit." Married, July 19, i860, Emma Louisa Catherine, only sister and heir of Sir Charles Slingsby, loth Bart., of Scriven, and assumed by Royal Licence, April 9, 1869, the name and arms of Slingsby. Residence — 24 Portland Place, W. Clubs — Carlton, White's. CHARLES GORDON SLOAN E, Gentleman. Born , being the son of the late John Sloane Sloane. Ar- morial bearings — Gules, on a pile or, between two lions' heads erased in base a lion rampant, on the head a crown vallary all counterchanged. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased gules, between two escarbuncles or. Residence — William Henry Sloggett of Tremabyn, Paignton, in the county of Devon, by his wife Elizabeth Clarke, eldest dau, of Thomas Crossing, Esquire. Livery — Blue. Armo- rial bearings — Or, on a bend sable between two pellets, a bezant within a bordure of the second, charged with annulets of the field and bezants alternately, on acanton argent, gutte^- de-poix, a dragon passant sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dragon sable, sem6e of annulets or, and resting the dexter claw on a bezant; with the Motto, " Bethon dur." Married, June 25, 1881, Helen Sophia, youngest daughter of John Robert Boyson, Esquire, late Solicitor-General for Madras, by his wife Matilija Margaret, daughter and co- heiress of General Blair-Adam ; and has Issue — Arthur John SLOGGETT, see TRESLOGGETT. SLOGGETT (H. Coll.). Or, on a bend sable between two pellets, a bezant, within a bordure of the second, charged with -annulets of the field and bezants alternately, on a canton argent, guttd-de-poix, a dragon passant sable. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dragon sable, sem6 of annulets or, resting the dexter claw on a bezant. Motto— " Bethon dur." Livery —Blue. Son of Rev. Charles Sloggett, M.A. , Rector of Chiddingfold, Surrey, b. ; d. ; m. 1855, Mary, d. of .(Eneas Cannon, M.D. : — Henry Maxwell Sloggett, Esq., Major R.A.M.C., b. 1858. Res.— Sons of William Henry Sloggett, Esq., Insp.-Gen. of Hospitals and Fleets R.N., b. 1820; d. ; m. 1848, Elizabeth Clarke, eld. d. of Thomas Crossing, Esq., J. P., of Stoke Damerell, Devon : — Henry Charles Sloggett, Gentleman, formerly Sub-Lieut. R.N., b. 1852. Seat — Tremabyn, Paignton, co. Devon. Arthur Thomas Sloggett, Esq., C.M.G. {q.v.). § ARTHUR THOMAS SLOGGETT, Esquire, C.M.G. (1901), Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, Col. R.A.M.C., Associate of King's Coll., London, F.Z.S. (this family was formerly called Tresloggett). Born November 24, 1857, being the second son of the late Inspector-General Henry Sloggett, Gentleman, Lieut, ist Batt. Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own), b. May 4, 1882; Minnie Mar- garet Helen ; and Dorothy Carmynow. Postal address — Tremabyn, Paignton, Devon. Club — Army and Navy. S HENRY GEORGE SMALLMAN, Esquire, Alder- man for the Ward of Cheap, a Member of the Com- mission of Lieutenancy for the City of London, and the last Chairman of the Commissioners of Sewers of London. Armorial bearings Per pale or and azure, a chevron between two acorns leaved and slipped in chief, and a falcon wings elevated in base all counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, the stock of an oak-tree eradicated and sprouting on either side proper, thereon an heraldic antelope sejant gules, bezant^e, and armed or, the dexter forefoot supporting a beehive also proper. Motto — " Industria premium incidit." Resi- dence— V^x&^sW Lodge, Wimbledon Common, Surrey. SMEE, see ODLING-SMEE. SMILES (H. Coll.). Argent, on a pile gules, between two griffin's heads erased in base, a tower all counter- changed. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a rock proper, a griffin passant argent. is the Naval Cockade. II ia48 %mi %mi holding in the beak a trefoil slipped vert, and supporting wiih the dexter fore-leg a caduoius erect also proper. Son of Kdward Smiles, of Newcaslle-on-Tyne :— William Smiles. Gentleman, 3. . ^«.— St. Martha's Lodge, Stoke, Surrey. Saint Michael and Saint GeorRc, 1880. advanced to th rank of Knight Commander of that Order, 1886, and to tha of Knight Grand Cross. 189a. CVk^j— National, Spor Armorial bearings — He bears for Arm* : Per fe Sir HUGH HOUSTON SMILEY, Bart., J. P. cos. Antrim and Renfrew, High Sheriff co. Antrim 1899. Ar- morial bMJings— Per bend azure and or, a lion rampant ermine, between three pheons counterchanged. M a n t lin g tuurc and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erased, holding by a shaft a pheon point downwards or. Motto — " Industria virtus et fortitude." Married, Sept. 9, 1874, Elizabeth Anne, only child of Peter Kerr of Gallowhill, Paisley ; and has Issue — (1) John Smiley, Esq., Capt. North of Ireland Imp. Yeom. , 6. Oct. 28, 1876 [»»., Nov. 26, 1903, Valerie, dau. of Sir Claude Champion de Crespigny, Bart., of Champion Lodge, Maldon, Essex]; (2) Peter Kerr Smiley, Esq., i. Feb. 22, 1879; (3) Hubert Stewart Smiley, Esq. , d. June 5, 1883 ; and Eileen Margaret Kerr. Seats — Drumalis, Lame, co. Antrim ; Gallowhill, Paisley, Renfrewshire. Clud — Devonshire. SMITH, otherwise CARINGTON, see CARRINGTON. SMITH, see BOWDEN-SMITH. CUSACK-SMITH, DUFF-ASSHETON-SMITH, HORTON-SMITH, LAW- SON -SMITH, LEADBITTER - SMITH, LINDSAY - SMITH, and TAYLOR-SMITH. SMITH, quartered by VERNON. Sir CECIL CLEMENTI SMITH, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Bom 1840, being the fifth son of the Reverend J. Smith, late Rector of Buckhurst Hill, in the county of Essex, by his wife Cecilia Susannah, daughter of Muzio Clementi ; was created Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of azure and gules, a fess flory counterflory argent, betwe three mullets in chief or, and a rock, thereon a dove in b proper. Upon the escutcheon, which is encircled by ribbon of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael i Saint George, and by his collar and pendent therefrom badge as a Knight Grand Cross of that Order, is placed j helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure aa argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, : front of a lion's head erased argent, gorged with a coU flory counterflory azure, on the head a crown vallery three mullets fessewise or ; with the Motto, ' ' Perseverando Married, June i, 1869, Teresa, daughter of the late Arthd Newcomen of Kirkleatham Hall, Redcar ; anrl has /ssue^ (1) Arthur Clementi Smith, Esquire; (2) Hubert Clemen Smith, Esquire; (3) Eustace Clementi Smith, Esquird Beatrice Clementi [m., 1896, Com. Sir Douglas Brownrig| Bart., R.N.], ; Edith Clementi [m., 1898, Capt. H. £ Talbot] ; Cecilia Teresa Clementi ; and Katharine Ali^ Clementi. Postal address— The Garden House, Whe" hampstead. SSiR CLARENCE SMITH, Knight Bachelor, one( His Majesty's Lieutenants for the City of Londo J. P. CO. Kent, M.P. for E. Div. of Kingston-upon-Hu (1892-95). Bom June 16, 1849, being the son of the la Reverend Gervase Smith, Doctor of Divinity, Clui — Reform, National Liberal, City Liberal. Armor bearings He bears for Arms : Sable, a dexter arm bowed and couped at the shoulder proper, holding the hand a lamp suspended by three chains or, betwe two ivy leaves in pale also or, on a chief of the last thr mullets of six points gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed ^ is tbe Military Cockad«. Plate XLIII. CD2SITG ODisiTei O'GeilsH CDhbb I I ^mf %mi 1249 [ a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two pick- axes in saltire sable, thereon an eagle wings expanded or, ' eacii wing charged with a mullet of six points gules ; with , the Motto, "Quoerendo." Married, 1875, Mary, daughter j of William Webster of Highbury, N. Posiai address- Falcon Wood, Shooters Hill, Kent. I Hon. Sir EDWIN THOMAS SMITH, K.C.M.G., ; M.P., J. P., was Mayor of Kensington and Norwood 1868, . 1869, 1870, 1872, and 1873, and of Adelaide 1880, 1881, 1882, 1887, and 1888, Minister of Education 1884, Com- ; missioner of International Exhibitions at Philadelphia ; 1876, at Paris 1878, at Sydney 1880, and at Melbourne ; 1881, Colonial and Indian Exhib. 1886, and at Melbourne • Centennial Exhib. 1888, Vice.-Pres. and Promoter of , Adelaide Jubilee Exhib. 1887, Member of the House of : Assembly for South Australia 1872-93, has been M.L.C. of i South Australia since 1894. Born April 6, 1830, being the son i of the late Edwin Smith of Walsall, co. Stafford ; created I K.C.M.G. , 1888. Armorial beaxings— Per pale gules and ' azure, on a chevron nebuly counter-nebuly or, between I two bezants in chief and a cross crosslet fitch(5e in base of the ^ third, a pellet between two cross crossletsfitch^e of the second. i Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, , with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a goat's head couped argent, gorged with a collar gemelltJe azure, and between two bezants ; with the Motto, " Dum spiro spero." Married, firstly, 1857, Florence, daughter of Robert Stock of Clifton (she died 1862) ; secondly, 1869, Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Spicer of Adelaide. Postal address — The Acacias, Marryat- ville, Adelaide, South Australia. C/«^j— Adelaide, German, Commercial Travellers'. ERIC CARRINGTON SMITH, Esquire, a Commis- sioner of Lieutenancy for the City of London. Born 1828, being the second son of the late Oswald Smith of Blendon Hall, Kent, by his wife Henrietta Mildred, dau. of the Very Rev. Robert Hodgson, Dean of Carlisle. Armorial bearings— Or, on a chevron cotised sable, between three demi-griffins couped of the last, the two in chief respecting each other. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an elephant's head erased or, charged on the neck with three fleurs-de-lis sable. Motto — "Tenax in fide." Married, June 28, 1849, Mary, third dau. of J. Maberly; and has Issue — (1) Lindsay Eric Smith, Gentleman, b. 1852; (2) Algernon Fox Eric Smith, Gentleman, b. 1857 ; (3) Beilby Eric Smith, Gentleman, b. 1864; Gertrude Mary [m. Lieut. -Col. A. C. H. Stewart, 2nd Life Guards) ; (2) Virginia Katherine [m. , June 28, 1876, Hon. Francis Hyde Villiers) ; (3) Margaret Rose \m. Alfred Fitzroy, Coldstream Guards] ; Mildred Frances [m., June 2, 1881, Charles Thomas Lucas of Warnham Court, Sussex]. 5«a/— Stonewick, Warninglid. Clubs— Travellers', Gresham, Sussex. ERNEST OCTAVIUS SMITH, Esquire, J. P. for New South Wales, being the fifth son of the late Rev. John Jennings Smith, M.A. (Cambs.), first Incumbent of St. Paul's, Paterson, New South Wales, by his wife Anne Tim- berlake. Armorial bearings— Quarterly sable and argent, a cross parted and fretty, counterchanged, between in the first and fourth quarters three martlets one and two or, and in the second and third a lion rampant gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion gules, charged on the shoulder with a passion cross, two trefoils in saltire slipped or. Motto— "Mens conscia recti." Residence — Sydney, New South Wales. FRANCIS PATRICK SMITH, Gentleman. Born July 21, 1835, being the third son of the late William Smith, Esquire, of Barnes Hall, in the county of York, by his wiie Mary Anne, only surviving daughter and heiress of the Reverend Alexander McKenzie, Master of Arts, of Finegand in (jlenshee. Livery — Dark green with scarlet piping, the collar trimmed with red and white lace, scarlet waistcoat. Armorial bearing^s — He bears for Arms: Erminois, a chevron gules, on a chief engrailed of the last a rose argent, barbed and seeded proper, between two martlets or, quarter- ing Green and McKenzie, a crescent for difference, and impaling the arms of Gatty, namely, party per fesse sable and azure, in chief a demi-cat issuant guardant argent, and in base a shin bone in bend, surmounted by another in bend sinister between four fleurs-de-lis or. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, issuant from a chaplet of roses argent, a rock proper, thereon a martlet rising or, holding in the beak a rose as in the arms, leaved and slipped proper. ^ is the Naval Cockade. • IS50 ^mi 'Suaviier wd fortiter." Marritd, May 14, 1868, MoTKAfet Scott, eldest daughter of the Reverend Alfred tlntty, Doctor of Diviniiy, Vicar of licclcsfield, in the county of Yin-k, and Sub-lHsm of York ; and has Issue — (1) William McKenxie Smith, Ijsq., born April 27, 1869, Major York- shire I>ragoons ("Quct'n's Own") Yeomanry Cavalry [*«., July 29, 1899, Hon. Mabel Florence Harriet Wentworth- Fitzwilliam, second dau. of Viscount Milton] ; (a) Francis Scott Smith, Gentleman, born September 8, 1870 [«., January a?, 1898, IJeatrice Maud, youneest dau. of Rev. \. L. Walsh of Richmond, Surrey]; (3) Stephen Alex- ander Smith, Esq., Capt. Yorkshire Dragoons, born September 12, 1872 ; (4) Philip Gatty Smith. Gentleman, B.A. Oxon., Lieut. Yorkshire Dragoons, born January 27, 1875; (s) Leonard Kirke Smith, Esq., Capt. "Royal ScoU" Regt., born January 24, 1877; (6) Rev. Godfrey Scott Smith, Gentleman, B.A. Oxon,, born July 14, 1878; (7) David Thurstan Smith, Gentleman, born December 8, 1879; (8) Gilbert Kirke Smith, Gentleman, born June 20, 1881 ; (9) George McKenzie Smith, Gentleman, bom May a6, 1883. iVa/— Barnes Hall, near Sheffield. GORDON SMITH, Gentleman, M.R.C.S. of England. Bom Jan. 11, 1829, being the second son of the late Samuel Montgomery Smith, by his wife Georgina, dau. of Richard Neale of Bristol. Armorial bearings— Azure, a saltire parted and fretty between four martlets argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount vert a serpent nowed thereon an owl all proper. Motto— " Coenobio salvus." Married, June 12, 1855 Henrietta Alice, dau. of John Gutsole of Dover ; and has Issue— {i) Samuel Gordon Smith, Gentleman. M.R.C.S., b. June 20, 1858; (2) Anderson Francis Smith, M.R.C.P. and M.R.C.S., Edinburgh, b. Dec. 14, 1859; Eleanor Landewarneck [«., Sept. 21, 1882, Rev. Alfred Longman Wilson of Southgate, Middlesex, and has issue] ; Henriette Jesse Georgina. Residence — Richmond Road, Bamsbury, Middlesex. HENRY FLESH ER SMITH, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the Colonies of New South Wales and Queens- land. Born August 18, 1838, being the fifth son of the late John Smith of the Manor House, Quinton, and Green's Park, in the county of Northampton, by his wife Sarah Ann, daughter of Thomas Hill. Armorial bearings— Gules, a chevron cotised between three cinquefoils ermttt« all within a bordure engrailed argent. Orest— Upon wreath of the colours, in front of a talbot's head coup gules, a cinqucfoil couped ermine, between two trefi _ slipped vert. Married, Jan. 18, 1877, Sophia Susannah, second dau. of Edward Charles Close of Morixjlh, in the Colony of New South Wales ; and has Issue — Thomas Close Smith, Gentleman, B.A. (Exeter Coll., Oxford), Barrisiter-at-Law, b. June 19, 1878. Estate and posU address — Gordon Brook, Grafton, New South Wal( Clubs — Oriental, Union, and Warrigal (Sydney, New Soul Wales). H Right Hon. JAMES PARKER SMITH, P.C. w Fellow of Winchester Coll., sometime a Fellow of Trinity Coll. , Camb. , Barrister-at-Law, J. P. and D. L. for the CO. of the city of Glasgow, J. P. and D. L. for co. Renfrew, J. P. for the CO. of Lanark, M.P. for Lanarkshire (Partick Div. ) since 1890. Born August 30, 1854, being the eldest son of the late Archibald Smith, Fellow of the Royal Society, of Jordanhill, in the county of Renfrew, by his wife Susan Emma, daughter of the late Sir James Parker, Vice- Chancellor, of Temple Rothley, in the county of Leicester. Armorial bearings — Gules, a chevron ermme between two crescents in chief and a garb in base or, all within a bordure engrailed of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for CSrest, an eagle's head erased proper, gorged with a ducal coronet or ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Macte." Married, 1882, his cousin, Mary Louisa, daughter of William Hamilton ; and has Issue — (i) Architeld Colin Hamilton Smith, Gentleman, Ijorn October 1883; (2) Wilmot Babington Smith, born July 1885 ; and Kathleen Marj. Estate and postal address— Jordanhill, Glasgow. Town residence — 20 Draycott Place, S.W. Clubs— K^loxm, Western (Glasgow), New (Edin- burgh). JOSEPH SMITH, Esquire, J. P. co. Palatine of Lan- caster, and for the Borough of Oldham, Mayor of Oldham 1893-94. Born Sept. 22, 1844, being the second son of the late John Smith of Holyrood, Oldham, by his wife Hannah, dau. of Joseph Senior of Shelley, Yorkshire. Armorial bearings— Per chevron invected sable and erminois, two owls in chief argent and a rose in base gules, barbed las I d)^ 1 is the Military Cockade. Dmi and seeded proper. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper, thereon an owl argent. Motto— " Labore et dili- gentia." Maj-ried, Sept. 29, i86g, Ann Maria, dau. of John Jackson of North Moor, Oldham ; and has Issue^ Annie Adeline. /Residence —Plus Parciau, Old Colwyn, N. Wales. MICHAEL EDWARD SMITH, Esquire, late Major in the Army. Born , being the fifth son of the late Henry Jeremiah Smith, D.L. , of Beabeg and Annesbrook, by his second wife Elizabeth, dau. of William Radcliffe of Tinnekilly, co. Wicklow, by Catherine his wife, dau. of Sir Michael Cox, Bart. Anuorial bearings— Argent, on a bend between two bulls' heads erased azure, armed or, three lozenges of the last. Mantling azure and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a demi-bull salient azure, armed and unguled or. Motto -" Delectat amor patrias." Married, Sept. 8, 1847, Jane Grace, second dau. of the late William Ireland Syme of Ryedale, co. Kirkcud- bright. PERCY MACAN SMITH, Gentleman. Born i860, being the only son of the late Ven Benjamin Frederick Smith, M. A. Trin. Coll., Camb. , Archdeacon of Maidstone, and Canon of Canterbury Cathedral, by his wife Harriet Anne, only dnu. of Thomas Ward of Moreton Morrell, co. Warwick, J. P. for that co., and has issue. Armorial bearings — Quarterly or and gules, a fret between three fleurs-de-lis, all counterchanged. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuing out of a fret gules, a fleur-de-lis or. Motto — " Dabit qui dedit." RICHARD CLIFFORD SMITH, Esquire, F.G.S., J.P. cos. of Derby and Manchester. Born June 12, 1846, being the only son of George Samuel Fereday Smith, F.G.S., F.R.G.S., of Grovehurst, Kent, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1884, and J.P. for cos. Kent, Sussex, and Lancaster, M.A. (Queen's Coll.), Oxford, Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple, by his wife Mary Jane, dau. of Richard Hampson of Manchester. Armorial bearings— Gules, a bend engrailed argent, between two salamanders in flames proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, in front of a rock, a chamois proper. Motto — " Per saxa per ignes. " Married, June I, 1870, Alice Maude, second dau. of Thomas Lever Rushton of Moor Piatt, co. Lancaster. Seat — ^Grovehurst, Tunbridge Wells. Residence — Ashford Hall, Bakewell. Club — Junior Carlton. ROANDEU ALBERT HENRY BICKFORD SMITH, Esquire, F.S.A., M.A. (Cantab.), Barrister-at-Law (Innef Temple), late Capt. Cornwall Rifle Rangers. Born May 3, 1859, being the eldest son of the late William Bickford Smith, Esq., J.P. co. Cornwall, and late Capt. ist Cornwall Rifle Vol., of Trevarno, Helstone, M. P. for Truro Div. of CO. Cornwall 1885-1892, by his first wife Margaret Leaman. only dau. of William Venning of Broadhempstone, Devon, Livery -Black, with yellow facings. Armorial bearings— Per chevron or and sable, two tridents erect in chief and a thunderbolt winged and inflamed in base all counter- changed. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a thunderbolt winged argent and inflamed proper, a representation of a Cyclops' head affront^e also proper. MottO — "Mine eye is single." Married, July 30, 1891, Caroline Louisa Marianne, only dau. of the late J. E. Hilary Skinner, Barrister-at-Law ; and has /j.i-Ke — (i) William Nugent Venning Bickford Smith, Gentleman, b. May 14, 1892; (2) John Allan Bick- ford Smith, Gentleman, b. April 23, 1895. Seats —Trevarno, Helstone, Cornwall ; Young House, Broadhempstone, Devon. Residence — 29 Ladbroke Grove, London, W. Clubs — Reform, Savage. ROBERT THOMAS SMITH, Gentleman. Armorial bearings —Vert, a saltire or, between a cup in chief argent, entwined by a serpent proper, two dexter gauntlets in fesse of the last, and a sun rising from the base of the second. Mantling vert and or. Crest -On a wreath of the colours in front of an anvil, thereon a falcon wings endorsed and inverted proper, belled and jessed gule^, resting the dexter %mi 1251 leg on an escutcheon vert, charged with a serpent nowed or, two swords in saltire point downwards, pommels and hilts gold. Motto — " Prudentia et constantia." Residence — Burrage Road, Plumstead, Kent. SAMUEL MONTGOMERY CHARLES ALFRED ANDERSON SMITH, Gentleman, F.R.C.S. Born June 15, 1825, being the elder son of the late Samuel Mont- gomery Smith, by his wife Georgina, dau. of Richard Neale of Bristol. Armorial bearings— Azure, a saltire parted and fretty between four martlets argent (for Smith of Kilburn). Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On on a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount a serpent nowed, thereon an owl all proper (for Smith of Kilburn). Motto—" Coe-nobio salvus." Married, Apri 8, 1858, Jessie, youngest dau. of Henry Kendall of Newmarket, co. Cam- bridge, and sister and co-heir of Walter Norton Kendall of Newmarket. Postal addresses— FsxAAKe: House, Kilburn ; 76 Richmond Road, Barnsbury, London. SIDNEY SMITH, Gentleman. Armorial bearings— Gyronny of eight gules and sable, four pheons in saltire is the Naval Cockade. list ^mt ^rnt pointo to the centre. OrMt - U pon a wreath of the colours on a Roman fasces, a pheon point upwards or, between two laurel branches frucled proper. Motto— " Concedat laurea hnKtue." /fesiJfme*—Broo\i\nnds, 58 West End Lane, West Hampstead, N.W. Sm THOMAS SMITH, ist Baronet (Sept, 6, 1897). of Stratford Place. London, K.C. V.O., F. R.C.S. Bifm March ai, 1833. being the sixth son of the late Uenjamin Smith of Great Ltxlge.Tunbridge, andofBlackhcath,lx)thinco. Kent, by his wife Susann.ih, dau. of Apsley I'ellatl of The Friars, I^wes. Armorial bearings— Quarterly or and gules, a fretlietween three tknirs-de-lisallcounterchanged ; the escut- cheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantlins: gules .nnd or. Great— On a wreath of the colours, a fret gules, issuant therefrom a fleur-de-lis or. MottO— " Dabit qui dedit." Married, Aug. 27, 1862, Ann Elisa, secon'l dau. of Frederick Parbury of Lancaster Gate, Hyde Park; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Rudolph Hampden Smith. Esq., M.B. Camb. Univ., and F.R.C.S., *. Jan. 24. 1869 [*»., June 14, 1897, Ann Ellen, dau. of Joseph Waiiam Sharp]; (2) Gilbert Smith, Esq., F.R.C.S., *. Nov. 28, 1874 [m., Aug, I, 1900, Elizabeth Adeline, third dau. of William Carson of Bryn Estyn, co. Chester]; (3) Martin Turner Smith, Esq. , b. June 29, 1876 ; Laura Eliza- beth [m. Archibald Edward Garrod, M.D., of Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, W. (son of Sir Alfred Baring Garrod, M.D., F.R.S., a physician-extraordinary to the Queen, and has issue]; Annie Parbury [«., 1896, Charles Percival Crouch, F.R.C.S., of Weston-super-Mare, and has issue] ; Ada Marion [m., 1895, Charles Ernest Baker, M.B., F. R.C.S , of Gledhow Gardens, South Kensington, S.W., and has issue] ; Gertrude ; Grace Margaret ; and Mildred. Town residence — 5 Stratford Place, W. M WILLIAM SMITH, Esquire, Lieut.-Col. 3rd Vol. 9 Batt. Black Watch. V.D., J. P. co Forfar, and for CO. of city of Dundee. Born March 1844, being the eldest son of the late David Smith of Dundee, and his wife Isobel, dau. of Gabriel Ramsay. Club — Scottish Conserva- tive. Armorial hearings — Argent, a bend azure, between three horse-shoes interlaced sable in chief and an eagle displayed of the third in base, beaked and membered gules. Mantling azure doubled argent. Crest- Upon a wreath of the liveries, a fleur-de-lis argent, interlaced wi a horse-shoe sable ; and on an cscroll over same this Motto, " Ready and fit." Married, June 1866, Susan Roberts, only surviving dau. of John Cable ; ami has Jssue — (i) Alexander Duncan Smith, Gentleman, Member of the Faculty of Advocates fw«. 1898, Helen Gordon Fullerton] ; (2) John Smith, b. and d. 1870; (3) John Cable Smith, *, and. 189a; Marion Frances Edith; and Joan Elisabeth MarrArel. EstaUs—Loueit, Li&lynchahan, and C'ortob«sr, co. NIonaghnn. i'ra/— Belmont, Raheny, co. Uuljlin. SJOHN ANSTRUTHliR SMITH-CUNINGHAME. ICsquire, of C^prington Castle, Lieut. -Cul. and Life GiKirds. Horn Nov. 15. 1852, beinj; the oldest son of the late William Ciiihcart Smiih-Ciininghamc, Esq., of Cap- rington Castle, J. F. and D.L. for Ayrshire, and j.P. for Major HORACE LOCKWOOD SMITH-DORRIEl^i Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Boni 1858, being the fifth son of the late Colonel Robert Algernon, Smith-Dorrien, Justice of the I'eace, of Harcsfoot, in tha county of Hertford, by his wife Mary, second daughter of Thomas Dorrien ; created Companion of the Distin^ guished Service Order, 1886. Armorial bearings — H« be.nrs for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, urgent, issuant from mount in base ihret; trefoils slipped vert, in chief a rinj gules, gemmed of the first (for Doriien) ; 2 and 3 or, Lanarkshire, by his wife Maria, dau. of James Anstruther. Livery— White. Armorial bearings— Quarterly x and 4, argent a shakefork sable, within a bordure ermine ; 2 and 3 ermine, a fesse azure, between two mullets in chief and a hart's head erased in base, attired with ten tynes gules. Crests — i. a dexter hand holding a plumb-rule proper, and in an escroU over the same this motto, "Ad Amussim;" 2. a ship in distress proper, and in an escroll over this motto, "At spes infracta." Sapporters — Two horses at liberty argent, maned and hoofed or. HottO — " Via tuta virtutis." Mar- ried, Nov 2, 1887, Violet Mary, dau. of Sir Alfred Slade, Baronet, of Marmsel, Somerset, and has issue, William Wallace Smith-Cuninghame, Gentleman, 6. May 18, 1889 ; and Alfred Kieth Smith-Cuninghame, Gentleman, 6. April 20, 1891I. 5m/5— Caprington Castle. Kilmarnock; and Fairlie House, Kilmarnock. chevron cotised sable between three demi-griffins couped of the last, the two in chief respecting each other (for Smith) ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, the battlements of a tower argent, therefrom issuant a dexter cubit arm erect proper, holding three trefoils slipped vert (for Dorrien) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an elephant's head erased or, charged on the neck with three fleurs-de-lis sable (for Smith) ; with the MottO, " Preignes haleine lire fort." MARY ANNE SMITH-DORRIEN, Widow, daughter of the late Thomas Drever, Doctor of Medicine, and grand- daughter of Thomas Dorrien of Haresfoot, in the county of Hertford. Married, March 26, 1845, Robert Algernon Smith, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Here- ford, Captain 3rd Light Dragoons and i6th Lancers, who is the military Cockade. %mi ^mi 1257 died 1879. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge ; Quarterly i and 4, argent issuant from a mount in base three trefoils slipped vert, in chief a ring gules, gemmed or the first, a canton gules for distinction (for Dorrien) ; 2 and 3 or, a chevron cotised sable between three demi-grififins couped of the last, the two in chief respecting each other (for Smith). Of the above marriage there is Issue— (i) Thomas Algernon Smith-Dorrien, Esquire [to whom refer] ; (2) Henjy Tlieophilus Smith -Dorrien, Gentleman, born May 8, 1850; (3) Walter Montgomery Smith-Dorrien, Gentleman, born June, 13, 1851 ; (4) Arthur Hale Smith- Dorrien, Gentleman, born 1856 ; (5) Horace Lockwood Smith-Dorrien, Gentleman, born 1858; Frances Anne Isabella [married, August 4, 1874, Thomas William Tyr- whitt-Drake] ; Marian ; Amy ; Edith ; Alma Paulina ; Mary Beatrice ; Maud Charlotte ; Louisa Mildred ; and Dora Helen. Estate and postal address — Haresfoot, Great Berk- hampstead. S THOMAS ALGERNON SMITH - DORRIEN- SMITH, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. co. Cornwall, J.P. co. Hertford, late of the loth Hussars. Born Feb. 7, 1846, being the eldest son of the late Col. Robert Algernon Smith- Dorrien, of Haresfoot, co. Hertford, J.P. for that co. , by his wife Mary Ann, daughter of Thomas Drever, Doctor of Medicine, grand-daughter of Thomas Dorrien of Hares- foot ; and has assumed by Royal License the name of Smith-Dorrien-Smith, in lieu of Smith-Dorrien. Clubs — Carlton, Pratt's, Cavalry. Livery — Blue, with a blue and yellow waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Mr. Smith-Dorrien- Smith has assumed an additional "Smith" to that which he inherited from his father ; but Colonel Robert Algernon Smith-Dorrien in the year 1845, when he assumed the surname of Dorrien by Royal License, had the following exemplified to him for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent, issuant from a mount in base three trefoils slipped vert, in chief a ring gules, gemmed of the first, a canton gules for distinction (which will not, however, be borne by his descendants) (for Dorrien) ; 2 and 3 or, a chevron cotised sable between three demi-griffins couped of the last, the two in chief respecting each other (for Smith) ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, the battlements of a tower argent, therefrom issuant a dexter cubit arm erect proper, holding three trefoils slipped vert (for Dorrien) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an elephant's head erased or. charged on the neck with three fleurs-de-lis sable (for Smith) ; with the Motto, " Preignes haleine tire fort." Married, April 8, 1875, Edith, youngest daughter of the late Christopher 'lower, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the counties of Buckingham, Bedford, ■Essex, and Middlesex, by his wife. Lady Sophia Frances, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable John Cust, the first Earl Brownlow ; and has Isstie—{\) Arthur Algernon Smith-Dorrien-Smith, Esq., D.S.O., Capt. Rifle Brigade, b. Jan. 28, 1876 ; (2) Edward Pendarves Smith-Dorrien- Smith, Esq., D.S.O., Lieut. K.O. Shropshire L.I., b. Feb. 26, 1879; Mary Sophia [?«. , 1902, Townshend Evelyn Boscawen] ; Edith Innis ; Cicely Frances ; Gwendolen ; and Charlotte. Estates — Ashlyns, in the co. of Hertford ; and Tresco Abbey, Isles of Scilly, in the co. of Cornwall. Postal address —Tresco Abbey, Scilly. Sir LIONEL ELDRED SMITH-GORDON, 2nd Baronet (July 19, 1838), late Capt. 71st Light Infantry, served in the Crimea and Indian Mutiny (medal and clasps) ; assumed by Royal Licence, Feb. 5, 1868, the additional surname and arms of Gordon. Born April 2, 1833, being the only son of the late Sir Lionel Smith, ist Baronet, G.C.B. and G.C.H., by his second wife Isabella Curwen, youngest dau. of Eldred Curwen Pottinger of Mount Pottinger. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, per fesse azure and gules, two barrulets engrailed ermine, between three boars' head erased or (for Gordon) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a bend cotised, between two unicorns' heads erased azure, three fusiis or, a canton gules, thereon a sword elect proper, pommel and hilt gold, the blade en- circled by an Eastern crown of the last (for Smith) ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — i. on a wreath of the colours, issuant from the battlements of a tower, a stag's head affrontte proper between two palm branches vert (for Gordon) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a representation of the ornamental silver centre-piece of the service of plate presented to Lieut. -Gen. Sir Lionel Smith by his European and native friends at Bombay all proper (Smith of Augmen- tation) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, out of an Eastern crown or, a dexter arm embowed in armour encircled by a wreath of laurel, the hand gra-^ping a sword all proper (for Smith). Mottoes — Over the first crest, " Animo non astutia;" over the third crest, " Mea spes est in Deo." Married, April 12, 1854, his cousin Fanny, dau. of Thomas Pottinger of Mount Pottinger, co. Down ; and has Issue— (i) Lionel Eldred Pottinger Smith-Gordon, Esq., b. March 22, 18^7 [m., T883, Sophia Annie, only dau. of Robert James Scott, B.C.S., and has issue, Lionel Eldred Pottinger Smith-Gordon, Esq., b. 1889] ; Eliza Isabella [m., Aug. 10, 1876, William Moss of Oak Braes, Godalming, Surrey ; and d. Sept. 10 1898, leaving issue] ; Charlotte Maria [m. George Barnes, L.R.C.P., of Castle Hill House, Ax- nunster] ; and Julia Anne. Residence — Richmond House, Caterham Valley, Surrey. WILLIAM ALLAN SMITH-MASTERS, Esq., J. P.. M.A. (Oxford), formerly Lieut. West Kent Yeomanry. Born March 13, 1850, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Allan Smith-Masters of Camer, M.A., formerly Vicar of Tidenham, co. Gloucester, by his wife Rebe Mary, dau. of the Ven. James Randall, Archdeacon of Berks. Club— United Universities. Livery— Buff with yellow facings. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per saltire argent and sable, a chief of the first, therefrom issuant a lion ram- pant double-queued sable, holding a rose gules, slipped proper (for Masters) ; 2 and 3 per pale or and azure, a plain fesse cotised wavy, between three martlets in chief and one in base counterchanged (for Smith). Mantling siible and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant double-queued argent, charged with three roses gules, and holding betwien the paws a cross flory also gules (for Masters) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot sable, collared and lined and charged with three cross crosslets fitchfe argent, and resting the dexter foot upon an escutcheon or, thereon a martlet azure (for Smith). Motto — " Manet intemerata fides." Married, Oct. 19, 1876, Mary, dau. of Philip Smith Coxe of Ladbroke Grove, Ken- sington ; and has Issue — Edith Monica. Seat — Camer, near Gravesend, Kent. EUSTACE ALFRED SMITH-REWSE, Gentleman. Bor7i April 15, 1863, being the third son of the late Henry Gilbert Smith, sometime of Fairlight, Manly Beech, near Sydney, by his second wife Anne Margaret, second daughter of the Reverend John Thomas, Master of Arts ; and assumed the additional surname of Rewse and the arms of that family quarterly with his own by Royal License in the year 1889. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Quar- terly I and 4, sable a fes?e dancett^e ermine, between three crescents or (for Rewse) ; 2 and 3 gules, a chevron cotised between three cinquefoils ermine, all within a bordure engrailed argent (for Smith); and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant ermine, hold- ing in its paws a branch of laurel slipped vert (for Rewse) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a talbot's head couped gules, a cinquefoil ermine, between two trefoils slipped vert (for Smith). Thk Reverend GILBERT FLESHER SMITH- REWSE, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of St. Margaret's, Harleston, Member of the East Suffolk County Council. Born July 15, 1861, being the second son of the late Henry Gilbert Smith, Esq., of Fairlight, Manly Beech, in the Colony of New South Wales, and Brighton, in the county of Sussex, some- time Member of the Legislative Assembly and afterwards of the Legislative Council of the Colony of New South Wales, by his second wife Anne Margaret, daughter of the Reverend John Thomas, Master of Arts. ZjV^/j— Black, grey, and gold. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, sable a fesse dancett^e ermine, between three crescents or (for Rewse) ; 2 and 3 gules, a chevron cotised between three cinquefoils ermine, all within a bor- dure engrailed argent (for Smith) ; and for his Crests, i. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion ermine, holding in the paws a Ijranch of laurel slipped vert (for Rewse) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, in front of a talbot's head couped gules, a cinquefoil ermine, between two trefoils slipped vert (for Smith). Married, August 4, 1886. Augusta, daughter of the Reverend Rose Fuller Whistler, Rector of Elton, in is the Naval Cockade, ias8 ^mi %n\i the county of Huntingdon ; and has /ssut—Htnry Gilbert Smith- KcwK. Gentleman, born Augml 7, 1887 ; and Osyth Mary. Estate — Land at Manly, in the Colony of New South Wales. Postal address — St. Margaret's Rectory, Harleston, Norfolk. HENRY STINTON SMITH - REWSE, Gentleman. Bom November ^, 1857, being the eldest son of the late Henry Gilbert Smith, sometime of Fairlight, Manly Beech, near Sydney, by his second wife Anne Margaret, second daughter of the Reverend John Thomas, Master of Arts ; and assumed the additional surname of Rewse and the arms of that family quarterly with his own , by Royal License, in the year 1889. Club — Conservative. Armorial bearings — He bears for AmiB : Quarterly i and 4, sable a fesse dancett^e ermine, t)etween three crescents or (for Rewse) ; 2 and 3 gules, a che%Ton cotised between three cinquefoils ermine, all within a bordure engrailed argent (for Smith) ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant ermine, holding in its paws a branch of laurel slipped vert (for Rewse) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a talbot's head couped gules, a cinquefoil ermine between two trefoils slipped vert (for Smith). Married, March 16, 1878, Julia Grieve, second daughter of Edward Collingfwood of Hyde Cliffe, Blackheath, in the county of Kent ; and has Issue — Ethel Helen Annie. Jistates—iA&nXy and Wollon- j gong, Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales. Postal \ address — 18 Southwell Gardens, South Kensington, London, S.W. CHARLES ALSTON SMITH-RYLAND, Esquire, J. P. CO. Warwick (High Sheriff 1894). Bom Aug. 14, 1859, being the only son of the late Henry Smith, Esq., Justice of the Peace, of Birmingham and Leamington, by ' his wife Maria Louisa, d.iughter of the late J. Phipson of j Edgbasion, and assumed by Royal License the additional ' surname and arms of Ryland. Club — Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure on a cross nebuly ermine, between four garbs of j rye or, a rose gules (for Rylands); 2 and 3 party per] fesse or and sable, three ravens tv\o and one, and as manyj saltires couped one and two, all counterchanged (for Smith) ; f and for his Crests, i. issuing from a mount vert, a dexter] arm embowed in armour proper, garnished or, the hand! also proper, holding a rose gules, slipp)ed and leaved of the! first, and three ears of rye gold (for Ryland) ; 2. a talbotf passant or, resting the dexter forepaw upon an escutcheon! sable, charged with a saltire couped also or, and holding in the mouth an acorn slipped and leaved projjer (for Smith) ; with the Motto, "Not the last." Married, October 13, 1887, Edith, eldest daughter of W. F. Richards of Folke- stone; and has Issue — (i) Henry Dennis Smith-Ryland, Gentleman, bom September 13, 1891 ; (2) Charles Ivor Phipson Smiih-Ryland, Gentleman, b. Jan. 8, 1898 ; Adria Noel ; and Evelyn Mary. Estates — Sherbourne and Bar- ford, Stratford-on- Avon , Harbury, in the county of War- wick ; and in Birmingham and Northfield, in the county of Worcester. Postal addresses — Barford Hill, near War- wick ; 100 Ashley Gardens, S.W. ALEXANDER KENNETH SMITH - SHAND of Templeland, co. Aberdeen, Gentleman, M.B.,Ch. B. (Edin.). Born Feb. 28, 1876, being the only son of the late James William Eraser Smith-Shand, Esq., J. P., M. D. , of Temple- land, CO. Aberdeen, Professor of Medicine, Aberdeen Uni- versity, by his wife Barbara Sangster Shar|5e Shand, dau. of Alexander Sharpe Shand of Templeland. Armorial bear- ings—Azure, a boar's head coupjed argent, on a ciiief of the second , a mullet between two chess-rooks sable. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries is the Military Cockade. ^mi ^m^ "59 a dove volant over the waters with an olive branch in its beak proper. Motto — "Virtute duce comite fortuna." Estates — Templeland and Drimmies, co Aberdeen. Postal address — Ramsay Lodge, Ramsay Gardens, Edinburgh. FREDERICK SMITH SHENSTONE (formerly SMITH), Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for cos. Stafford and Sussex, and J. P. for co. Worcester, Hon. Major Queen's Own Worcestershire Hussars, Barrister-at-Law, High Sheriff of Sussex 1886. Second son of the late Richard Smith, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of The Priory, in the co. of Worcester by his first wife Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Fereday of Ettingshall Park, co. Stafford. Livery — Dark blue, with red and white edging. Armorial bear- ings (of Smith) — Gules, a bend engrailed argent, between two salamanders in flames proper, a crescent for difference. Crest — On a mount vert in front of a rock proper, a chamois charged with a crescent; with the Motto, "Per saxa per ignes." Married, Feb. 6, 1873, Augusta Emma Grace, dau. of Hambley Knapp, Esq., late Capt. sth Fusiliers ; and has /wKe— Adela Caroline. Estate — Sutton Hall, co. Sussex. Postal address — Sutton Hall, Barcombe, Lewes. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. SMOLLETT, see TELFER-SMOLLETT. Sir PHILIP CRAMPTON SMYLY, Knight Bachelor (1892), Surgeon in Ordinary to Her late Majesty in Ireland (has Household medal in honour of Her Majesty's 6oth year). Surgeon to His Majesty the King in Ireland (1901), President Royal Coll. of Surgeons in Ireland 1878, Rys. Gen. Med. Council for R. C.S.I. 1893, 1900, Member of Senate Dublin University, Surgeon to the Meath Hospital 1861, President Irish Medical Association 1900- 1901. Born June 17, 1838, being the eldest son of Josiah Smyly, Surgeon to the Meath Hospital (and grandson of John Smyly, Esq., K.C.), by his wife Ellen, dau. of M;ithew Franks of Merrion Square, Dublin. Livery — Dark blue, with gilt buttons. Armorial bearings— Azure, a chevron ermine, between three pheons argent, and im- paling the arms of Plunket, namely sable, a bend argent between a tower in chief and a portcullis in base or. Mant- ling azure and ar<,rent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an armed arm embowed in armour proper, the hand hold- ing a pheon by the point thereof gules. MottO — " Viribus virtus." Married, Feb. i, 1864, Hon. Selina Maria (Nina), dau. of Rt. Hon. the third Baron Plunket (sister of the late Archbishop of Dublin and of Lord Rathmore) ; and has Issue — (i) Hon. Sir Philip Crampton Smyly, Knt. (1905), Chief-Justice of Sierra Leone, ^. 1866, LL.D., Chief- Justice Sierra Leone ; (2) Josiah Gilbart Smyly, Esq., h. 1867, Fellow Trinity Coll. Dublin; (3) William Cecil Plunket Smyly, Esq., b. 1883; Charlotte Blanch \m. Joseph Shaw, B. L., April 1885, d. June 1897] ; Mabel Emmeline \m., 1902, Dermod O'Brien of Cahirnogle, and 42 M'Joy Square, Dublin] ; Sylvia Mildred \m., 1900, Rev. Mortimer Weir, B. A.] ; Nina Ellinor, deceased ; Constance Isabel ; and Philippa Nona. Postal address — 4 Merrion Square, Dublin. His Honour Judge WILLIAM CECIL SMYLY, one of His Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, J. P. co. Derby. Born Jan. 2, 1840, being the third son of John George Smyly, Esq. , one of His Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, J. P. and D.L., of Castledere and Camus, in co. Tyrone, by his wife Eliza John, fourth dau. of Sir Andrew Ferguson, Bart., M. P. for Londonderry, and sister and co- heiress of Sir Robert Ferguson, Bart., Lord- Lieut, of co. Londonderry, and M.P. for Londonderry City. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron ermine between three pheons argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an armed arm embowed proper, the hand holding a pheon by the point gules. Motto — " Viri- bus virtus." Married, Jan. 2, 1884, Alice Mary, only dau. of Samuel William Brooks; and has Issue — (il Cecil Fer- guson Smyly, Gentleman, b. Nov. 2, 1884 ; (2) Alexander Ferguson Smyly, Gentleman, b. Sept. 15, 1886 ; Alice Eileen ; and Sylvia Mary. Postal address — 84 St. George's Square, S.W. Clubs — New University, Alpine. GEORGE EDWARD SMYTH, Gentleman. Bom June 7, 1877, being the third but second surviving son of James Smyth, Gentleman, of Norton Hall, near Baldock, Herts, and Georgiana Margaret his wife, dau. of John Bowman of Barkway, co. Herts, and Charlotte his wife. Armorial bearings — Azure, three horseshoes fesseways or, between three horses' heads erased argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a horse's is tbe Naval Cockade. ia6o ^m^ hMd aritent. erued axure, within a horseshoe or. Motto — "Ferrum equilis aalus." Jis/att— Lord of the Manor of ^mp Helen Constance (a I^dy of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England), dau. of j. W. Greaves, Kendals, otherwise Wrestlingworih, co. Beds. Seat- Northfield House, Henlow, Beds. G. E. SMYTH, Gentleman, formerly of West Drayton. Bom , being the son of Hugh Smyth of Edworth and Altwich, CO. Beds. Armorial bearings -Azure, three horse-shoes in fesse or, between as many horses' heads two and one erased argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, within a horse-shoe or, a horse's head erased per fesse argent and azure. General Sir HENRY AUGUSTUS SMYTH, K.C.M.G., served during Crimean Campaign 1855-56 (medal with clasp, Turkish medal), conducted decisive Of>erations against Rebellion in Zululand i888, was in command of R.A. in South Dist. 1877-81, a Member of Ordnance Committee 1881-83, '" command of Woolwich Dist. 1883 87, and of Troops in S. Africa 1888-90, and Gov. and Com. -in-Chief of Malta 1890-93, J. P. for Bucks., Hon. Col. Malta Militia, F.R.G.S., F.S.A. Bom Nov. 25, 1825, being the third son of the late .Admiral W. H. Smyth, K.S.P\, D.C.L. Armorial bearings— Vert, a chevron erminois, charged with a chevron gules, between three Saracen's heads habited in profile couped at the neck proper, and for augmentation a chief argent, thereon a mount vert inscribed with the Greek letters K Y P A gold anri issuant therefrom a representation of the plant Silphium proper. Crests— t. of augmentation on a wreath of the colours, a mount vert inscribed with the aforesaid Greek letters and issuant therefrom the Silphium as in the arms ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, an anchor fesseways sable, thereon an ostrich erminois holding in the beak a horse- shoe or. Motto — "Vincere est vivere." Married, 1874, Esq., of Plas Weunydd, Merionethshire. Residence — St. John's Lodge, Stone, Aylesbury. Clubs — United SJervice, Athenaeum, HUGH SMYTH, Gentleman. Armorial bearings- Azure, three horseshoes fesseways or, between three horses* heads erased argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a horse's head argent, erased azure, within a horseshoe or. Motto -" Ferrum equitis salus." Residence — Quickswood, near Baldock, Herts. SHUGH LYLE SMYTH, Esq.. J.P. and D.L., and High Sheriff 1895 for co. Chester. Born 1834, being the second son of Ross Thompson Smyth of Ardmore, by his wife Sarah, dau. of Hugh Lyle of Jackson Hall, Cole- raine. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend engrailed between two unicorns' heads, erased azure, three lozenges erminois. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— Out of a ducal crest coronet or, a unicorn's head azure, charged with a lozenge as in the arms. Motto— " Exaltabit honore." Married, firstly, 1862, Eliza, eldest dau. of James Turner of Rusholme, Manchester; and has Issue — 'i) Hugh Lyle Smyth, Gentleman, Lieut. Shropshire L.I., b. 1870; (2) Godfrey Lyle Smyth, Gentleman, b. 1878 ; (3) Maxwell Lyle Smyth, Gentleman, i^. 1883; Esther Beatrice ; Mary Lyle [w., 1892, Rev. H. A. Arnold, M.A., Rector of Great Barrow, co. Chester]; Ethel Agnes, d. 1880; Kathleen Hyde, d. 1882; Nora Veronica Lyle ; Georgina Elinor Lyle ; and Dorothea Maxwell Lyle, d. 1883. Mr. Smyth married secondly, Isa- bella Maxwell, eldest dau. of the late Thomas Miller Mackay. Seats — Barrowmore Hall, Chester ; Drumahoe, co. Derry. JAMES HUGH SMYTH, Gentleman. Bom Sept. 22, 1870, being the eldest son of the late James Smyth, Gentle- man, of Norton Hall, near Baldock, Herts, and Georgiana Margaret his wife, dau. of John Bowman of Barkway, co. Herts. Armorial bearings — Azure, three horseshoes fesse- ways or, between three horses' heads erased argent. Mant- ling azure and or. Crest— on a wreath of the colours, a horse's head argent, erased azure, within a horseshoe or. Motto -" Ferrum equitis salus." Seat — Noij^ Hall, near Baldock, Herts. JOHN WATT SMYTH, Esquire, Barrister-at-Law of Lincoln's Inn, J.P. for co, Antrim. Formerly of the Bengal Is the Military Cockade. %>m^ ^mp 1 26 1 Civil Service, and one of the Judges of the Chief Court of the Punjab. Born Mnrch i, 1836, being the second son of John Smyth of Duneira, co. Antrim, by his wife Agnes, dau. of James Watt of Ballycraigy, co. Antrim. Ciu3 — East India United Service. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a saltire between three crescents, one in chief and two in fesse, and a leopard's face in base azure, an Eastern crown or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm couped below the elbow and erect, charged with a palm branch, and holding in the hand a scimitar all proper. Motto — "With thy might." Married, Sept. 14, 1871, Annabella Charlotte, second dau. of Rev. the Hon. Henry O'Brien ; and has Issue — (i) Henry John Watt Smyth, Gentleman, B.A. (Oxon.), l>. June 16, 1872; (2) Gerald James Watt Smyth, Esq., Capt. Royal Engineers, 6. March 29, 1874 ; (3) Austin Edward Arthur Watt Smyth, Gentleman, M.A. (Cantab.), 3. May 28, 1877 ; and Norah Aimfe Geraldine Watt Smyth. Postal address —Duneira, Larne, co. Antrim. S Colonel JOHN HENRY GRAHAM SMYTH, C.M.G. (1901), J. P. ; commanded 3rd Battalion Prince of Wales' Leinster Regiment in South Africa IQ00-1901, and with his wife assumed by Royal License, June 3, 1892, the surname and arms of Smyth in lieu of Holroyd ; served in New Zealand 1864-65 (medal), and in Egypt 1883-87 (Medijdieh), commanded the Irish Mihtia Brigade at H.M. Jubilee 1897 (Jubilee medal). Armo- rial bearings — Argent, on a bend, between two uni- corns' heads erased azure, armed, crined, and tufted or, three lozenges of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi- bull salient argent, armed and unguled or, and charged with a crescent gules for difference. Motto — " Cum plena niagis." Married, October 17, 1872, Harriette Gertrude Isabella, commonly known as Lady Harriette Gertrude Isabella, of Ballynatry, in the county of Waterford, dau. of the Right Honourable the sth Earl of Mountcashell ; and has Issue — (i) Roland Henry Tyssen Smyth, Esq., Capt. 3rd Batt. Prince of Wales' Leinster Regt., born 1874; (2) Charles Edward Ridley Smyth, Gentleman, Lieut. 3rd Dragoon Guards, b. 1882 ; (3) William Baker Smyth, Gen- tleman, b. 1885; Isabelle Charlotte Sophie Wilmot \in., 1894, Col. Herbert Martin, C.B., ist Batt. P. of W. Leinster Regt.]; Helena Anna Mary More; Harriette Gwendolin ; Sophia Beryl Sheila ; and Victoria Penelope Minna. Seats — Ballynatry, Youghal, and More Park, Kilworth, co. Cork. Club — Army and Navy. PERCY SMYTH, Esquire, B.A., J.P., High Sheriff 1872. Born Oct. 8, 1839, being the only son of the late Rev. Percy Smyth of Headborough and Monatrea, by his wife Catherine, dau. of John Odell of Carringlea, co. Waterford, by Catherine his wife, dau. of Matthew Young, D.D., Bishop of Clonfert. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a bend, between two unicorns' heads couped azure, three lozenges or, a mullet for difference. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-buU salient sable, armed and unguled or, a mullet for difference. Motto — "Cum plena magis." Married, June 27, 1865, Mary, eldest dau. of Robert Perceval Maxwell of Finnebrogue and Groomsport House, co. Down, by Helena Anne his wife, only dau. of William Moore of Moore Hill, co. Waterford; and has Issue — (i) William Crofton Smyth, Gentleman, b. Jan. 25, and d. Feb. 19, 1868 ; (2) Percy Robert Edward Smyth, Gentle- man, b. Nov. 4, 1870; (3) Cecil Ernest Smyth, Gentle- man, b. Dec. 19, 1871 ; (4) Robert Riversdale Smyth, Gentleman, b. Dec. 8, 1875; Ethel Maud; and Louisa Mary Kathleen. Seats — Headborough, Tallow ; and Monatrea, CO. Waterford. S RANDAL CHARLES EDWARD SKEFFINGTON SMYTH, Capt. Coldstream Guards. Born , being the elder son of the late Edward Skeffington Randal Smyth, Esq., D.L. and J. P. for Queen's Co., High Sheriff 1865, by his wife Hon. Gertrude Valentine Fitz-Patrick, dau. of Rt. Hon. John, ist Lord Castletown, of Upper Ossory. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a bend azure between two imicorns' heads erased sable, three lozenges or, a unicorn's head couped sable. Mantling azure and argent. Married, Dec. 27, 1889, Beatrice Virginia Louisa, dau. of the late Col. the Rt. Hon. T. Edward Taylor of Ardgillan, M.P. for Dublin. 5^a/— Mount Henry, Portarlington. SROSS ACHESON SMYTH, Esq., Capt. R. Irish Regt. Bom Sept. 3, 1862, being the eldest son and heir of the late John Acheson Smyth of Ardmore, by his wife Alice, dau. of Robert M'Clintock, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Dunmore, Carrigans, co. Donegal. Z?V«7— Dark blue, white facings. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend engrailed between two unicorns' heads erased azure, three lozenges erminois. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal crest coronet, a unicorn's head azure, charged with a lozenge as in the arms. Motto — " Exaltabit honore." Married, Feb. 11, 1892, Edith, dau. of Thomas Malcomson of Minella, Clonmel, co. Tippe- rary ; and has Issue — John Ross Smyth, Gentleman, b. June 10, 1896. Postal address — Ardmore, co. London- derry. THOMAS SMYTH, Gentleman. Born Sept. 12, 1828. being the fifth son of Hugh Fossey Smyth, and Mary his wife, dau. of Simeon Leete. Armorial bearings — Azure, three horseshoes fesseways or, between three horses' heads erased argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a horse's head argent, erased azure, within a horseshoe or. Motto — " Ferrum equitis salus." Married, July 18, 1867, Louisa, dau. of James Kidman ; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Hugh Smyth, Gentleman, b. Nov. 30, 1870; (2) George Elliott Smyth, Gentleman, b. July 19, 1872 ; (3) Edward James Smyth, Gentleman, b. Nov. 9, 1879 ; Mary Louisa ; Annie Elizabeth ; and Edith Clara. Residence — 'E.A-^axih, near Baldock, Herts. THOMAS SMYTH, Gentleman. Armorial bearings ^Azure, three horseshoes fesseways or, between three horses' heads erased argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a horse's head argent, erased azure, within a horseshoe or. Motto — "Ferrum equitis salus." ^«?rfe«ce— Stretley, Beds. SMYTH (R.L., IS Dec. 1808, U.O.). Gules, a Hon rampant argent, on a chief of the second, a mullet azure, between two torteaux. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head couped argent. Motto — " Miseris succurrere." Son of : — Rev. William Augustine Blood Smyth, M.A., Rector of Kilkee and Canon of Killaloe, b. . Res. — The Rectory, Kilkee, co. Clare. SMYTH-PIGOTT (R.L., 31 March 1824). Quarterly, I and 4, ermine, three lozenges conjoined in fesse sable (Pigott) ; 2 and 3, gules, on a chevron between three cinquefoils argent, as many leopard's faces sable (Smith). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a wolf's head erased proper, collared or ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased gules, gorged is tbe Naval Cockade. ia6« ^m? ^ne MoUOM— with a collar gemelle and beaked and eared or. •• yui capit capitur," " Touies foys prest." Sons of Cecil Hugh Smyth- Pigott, Esq.. J. P., of Brodcley HiUl, Somerset, b. i860; d. 1803; m. i88a, Mary Agnes, d. of Joseph Ruscombe Poole :— John Hugh Smyth-Pigott, Gentleman, b. i88a. Seats— Brockley Hall and Brocklcy Court, West Town, R.S.O., Somerset. Ciut—Hew. liernard Cecil Smyth • Pigott, Gentleman, d. 1884. Xfs.— Joseph Ruscombe Wadham Smyth-Pigott, Gentleman, *. 1889. /fes.— Ygst. son of John Hugh Wadman Smyth-Pigott, Esq., J.P. and D.L., of Brockley Hall. Somerset, d. 1819 ; d. 189a; *». 1857, Blanche Mary, d. of Henry Raymond Arundell : — Bertram Joseph Arundell Smyth-Pigott, Gentleman, !>. 1874. Nes.— Sons of Henry Thomas Coward Smyth-Pigott, Gentle- man, b. 1823; d. 1858; m. 1845. Elizabeth, d. of James Mells Nairne of Dunsinnan : — Henry Drumniond Smyth-Pigott, Gentleman, b. 1848. Res.— James William Smyth-Pigott, Gentleman, b. 1850. Res.— John Hugh Smyth-Pigott, Gentleman, b. 1852. Res. — Sons of Rev. George Octavius Smyth-Pigott, Rector of Kingston Seymour, Somerset, b. 1827 ; d. 1892 ; m. 1855. Maria Ricketts: — Rev. George Herbert Smyth-Pigott. Rector of Kingston Seymour, b. 1856. Res, — The Rectory, Kingston Seymour, Bristol. Alfred Cyril Smyth-Pigott, Gentleman, b. 1862, Res. — Charles Gerald Hugh Smyth-Pigott, Crentleman, b. 1868. Res.— S DAVID MURRAY SMYTHE, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for CO. Perth, late Lieut.-Col. 3rd Batt. Royal Highlanders. Bom Nov. 17, 1850. being the eldest son of the late William Smythe, Esq., J.P. and D.L., and Convener of the CO. for thirty-four years, by his second wife Emily, dau. of Gen. SirJohn Oswald, G.C.B., K.C.M.G., of Dunnikier, CO. Fife. Armorial bearingB — Azure, a burning cup be- tween two chess-rooks in fesse or. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dolphin haurient proper. Motto—" Mediis tranquillus in undis." Married, 1898, Hon. Katherine Jane, dau. of Lord Bagot; and has /«««— Barbara. 5on n wrcsith of ihe colours, a dcnu-lion per pale or and jjules, holding in the mouth a trefoil slip^>ed, vert and supiKirtinp a torch erect tired nroper. Married, i860, Kfaria, clau. ol (Jeorgc Davis of Cheshunt, Herts. Seat— Harestone, Calerham. SOPPER (H. Coll.). Or, gutt«J-de-poix, three swords erect in fesse proper, between two bulls passant s;\ble. itantHtiy sable and or. CrMt— U|x)n a wreath of the colours, a domi-buU regardant sable, gorged with a collar vair, resting the sinister paw on an escutcheon or, charged with two swords saltirewise proper. Son of William Sopper of London, b. ; d. ; m. : — William Sopper, Esq., J. P., b. 1853; m. 1878, Sarah Annie, d. of Ralph Lowe of Brauncewell, Lines. Seats — Dunmaglass and Easter, Aberchalder, Inverness-shire. Town res. — 3 Upper Belgrave Street, London, S.W. Club — Devonshire. SOTHEBY (H. Coll., granted 1563 to Robert Sotheby of Byrdshall). Argent, on a fesse vert, between three cross crosslcts sable as many talbots of the first. Mantling gules. doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-talbot proper. Motto—" Ou bien ou rien." Son of Charles Sotheby, Esq. , Rear-Admiral of the Blue \a descendant of Thomas Sotheby, brother of Robert Sotheby of Byrdshall, but not within the limitations of the grant of arms), b. ; d. 1854 ; m. 1st, Hon. Jane Hamilton, d. of William, 7th Lord Belhaven and StentoH ; 2nd, 1830, his cousin Mary Anne, d. of Ad- miral Thomas Sotheby, by Lady Mary Anne Bourke, d. of the 3rd Earl of Mayo, Archbishop of Tuam :— Major-Gen. Frederick Edward Sotheby, J. P., Lt.-Col. late Rifle Brigade, commanded Staffs. Inf. Vol. Brigade 1888-1892, b. 1837; m. 1876, Edith Marion, eld. d. of Thomas Macmtllan-Scott of Wauchope. Seat — Ecton, Northampton. The Right Honourable GEORGE THOMAS JOHN SOTHERON-ESTCOURT, Baron Estcourt of Estcoiu^t, CO. Wills and Darrington, Yorks. (1903), M.A., J. P. and' D.L. CO. Wilts, and j.P co. Gloucester, M.P. for North | Wilts 1874-8S1 Hon. Col. and Lieut. -Col. Commanding R. Wilts Yeomanry. Born Jan. 1839, being the only son of I the late Rev. Edmund Hiley Bucknall Esicourt, co. Glou- cester, M.A. Merton Coll., Oxford, Rector of Eckington, formerly Vicar of Wolford, co. Warwick, by his wife Ann Elizabeth, second dau. of Sir John Lowther Johnstone, Bart., of Westerhall, co. Dumfries. Armorial beariug^^ Quarterly i and 4, ermine, on a chief in dented gules, three estoiles or (Estcourt) ; a and 3 gules, on a Ixjnd indented between six cross ctosslels argent, three eagles displayed sable, a canton ermine for distinction (Sotheron). Majlt- ling gules and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, out of a mural crown per pale azure and gules, a ' demi-eagle with wings displayed proper, beaked or ; 2. an eagle displayed with two heads per p.ile argent and gules, the wings sem6 of cross crosslets counterchanged, murally crowned, beaked and membered or. Married, April 14, 1863, Monica, dau. of the late Rev. Martin Stapylton, Rector of Barlborough, co. Derby. Seat — Estcourt, near Tetbury. Residence — 82 Eaton Place, S.W. Clubs — Carlton, Turf, and Boodle's. SOUCH, quartered by PLOVER. SOUTHCOTE, quartered by MANSERGH. SOUTHWELL, quartered by MORE-OFERRALL. SPAFFORD. Gules, a pile vair, lietween two eagle's heads erased in base argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-gryphon re- gardant argent, charged on the breast with a pheon and resting the sinister claw on an escallop both azure. MottO — " Fidelis ad extremum." Son of George Spafford, Esq., J.P. Lanes., of Wilders- pool House, by Caroline, d. of James Frost : — Frederic Spafford, Gentleman, M.A. , LL.M. (Cantab.), b. 1853 ; m. 1876, Christiana Corban, d. of Lewis Lang- worthy; and has issue — (1) Frederic Christian Spafford, Gentleman, b. 1877; (2) Arthur Langworthy Spafford, Gentleman, b. 1879 ; (3) Harold George Spafford, Gentle- man, b. 1885 ; (4) Christopher Howard Noel Spafford, Gentleman, b. 1887; (5) Kenneth Edward Alexander Spafford, Gentleman, b. 1897; Violet Ethel; Marguerite; Irene May; Phyllis Enid; Christiana Vera; and Mignon Eileen Langworthy. Seat — Wilderspool Hall, Urmston, Lancashire. Club — Conservative (Manchester). SPAIGHT, see GARTSIDE-SPAIGHT. M WILLIAM FITZHENRY SPAIGHT, Colonel R.E., W J.P. CO. Cork. Born 1842, being the eldest son of the late Henry Spaight. ArmoriJEd bearings — .Argent, on a fesse sable, three pheons of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a jay proper. Motto — "Viet virtute." Married, firstly, 1868, Ellen (d. 1870), second dau. of Thomas Crowe, Esq., D.L. CO. Clare ; and secondly, 1878, Lucy, only child of the late , John Limrick, Esq., J. P., of Union Hall, co. Cork; and has with other Issue — Thomas Spaight, Gentleman. Resi-\ dence — Union Hall, Leap, co. Cork. SYDNEY THOMAS SPALDING. Born 1858, being the eldest son of the late Samuel Spalding, Esq., F.S.A., J.P. for Kent, by Sarah Daviss, only dau. of the late George Stanton. Club — Authors'. Armorial bearings — Or, on a cross azure, quarterly pierced of the field, four cross crosslets of the first, in the first and second quarters a thistle, leaved and slipped proper. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, between two thistles as in the arms, an escocheon azure, charged with a cross crosslet or. Motto — " Hinc mihi salus." Married, 1882, Annie Caroline (who d. Jan. 1900), youngest dau. of ^ the late Garlics Allinson ; and has, with other Issue — Sydney Leonard Spalding, b. 1886. Married, secondly, April 1902, Lilian Catherine, third dau. of William Ramsay Scott, formerly of Singapore. Seat — Avenue House, South Daren th, Kent. SPAR, quartered by SINCLAIR. SPARROW, see HANBURY-SPARROW. is the Military Cockade. ^pa ^pe 1267 ALAN BERTRAM HANBURY HANBURY-SPAR- ROW, Gentleman, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford ; assumed the additional surname and arms of Hanbury by Royal License dated April 4, 1899. Born Feb. 23, 1863, being the fourth and youngest son of Arthur Sparrow, Esq., of Preen Manor, co. Salop, and Tenby, in South Wales, J. P. for cos. of Stafford and Salop, and D.L. for CO. Salop, by his wife Emma Ruth, dau. of William Ingham Gratrix of Hope View, Eccles, near Manchester, by his vv ife Ruth, n6e Hodgson. Armorial beaorings - Quarterly 1 and 4, per fesse azure and argent, in chief three roses of the last, barbed and seeded proper, and in base an arrow in pale proper (for Sparrow) ; 2 and 3, or, on a bend engrailed vert, between two cotises sable, three bezants (for Hanbury) ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, upon the battlements of a tower proper, a unicorn's head argent, armed and crined or, .sem(5e of pheons azure (for Sparrow) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, out of a mural crown sable, a demi-lion or, charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped gules, and supporting a battle-axe erect or (for Hanbury) ; with the Motto, " In Deo solo salus est." Married, May 26, 1891, Christina Annie Margaret, eldest dau. of Major-Gen. Charles Jocelyn Cecil Sillery, by his wife Christina, dau. of Archibald Smith of HobartTown ; andhas/j-.9Wf— (i) Arthur Alan Hanbury Hanbury-Sparrow, Gentleman, b. April i, 1892; (2) Brian Hanbury Hanbury-Sparrow, Gentleman, b. Oct. 7, 1896; and Ruth Margaret Sillery. Estates — Eaton-under-Heywood and Rushbury, Salop. Residence — The Uplands, Tettenhall, Wolverhampton. SPARROW. Quarterly i and 4, per fesse azure and argent, in chief three roses of the last, barbed and seeded proper, and in base an arrow in pale proper (for Sparrow) ; 2 and 3 or, on a bend engrailed vert, between two plain cotises sable, three bezants (for Hanbury). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, upon the battlements of a tower proper a unicorn's head argent, armed and crined or, semiSe of pheons aziu"e. Motto — " In Deo solo salus est." Sons of Arthur Sparrow, Esq., of Preen Manor, J. P., D.L., F.S.A., High Sheriff co. Salop 1886, b. 1826; d. 1898; m. 1851, Emma Ruth, d. of William Ingham Gratrix of Hope View, Eccles, near Manchester, by his wife Ruth, d. of William Hodgson of Wigton : — Cecil Blair Sparrow, Gentleman, of Somerton Court, in the CO. of Somerset, Barrister-at-Law, b. June 18, 1859 \in. April 15, 1890, Cara Mary, d. of Charles Evan Thomas of Gnoll, Neath, and has issue]. Seats — Preen Manor, in the county of Salop ; Nyth Aderyn, Tenby, South Wales. Alan Bertram Hanbury Sparrow, Gentleman, of Tetten- hall, in the CO. of Stafford, b. Feb. 23, 1863 [w. May 26, 1891, Christina Annie Margaret, dau. of Major-General Charles Joscelyn Cecil Sillery, late 12th (Suffolk) Regt., and has issue]. CECIL BLAIR SPARROW, Gentleman, of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law, Bachelor of Arts of the Uni- versity of Oxford. Dor7i June 18, 1859, being the third son of Arthur Sparrow, Esquire, of Preen Manor, in the county of Salop, and "Tenby, in South Wales, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Stafford and Salop, and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Salop, by his wife Emma, daughter of William Ingham Gratrix of Hope View, Eccles, near Manchester, by his wife Ruth, n^e Hodgson. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, per fesse azure and argent, in chief thrte roses of the last, barbed and seeded proper, and in base an arrow in pale proper (for Sparrow) ; 2 and 3 or, on a bend engrailed vert, between two cotises sable, three bezants (for Hanbury) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon the battlements of a tower proper, a unicorn's head argent, armed and crined or, sem^e of pheons azure ; with the Motto, "In Deo solo salus est." Married, April 15, 1890, Cara Mary, daughter of Charles Evan-Thomas of Gnoll, in the county of Meath, by his wife Caroline, daughter of Henry Shepherd Pearson ; and has Issue — Arthur Sparrow, Gentleman, born December 20, 1892; Cara Cecil Audrey. FREDERICK HENRY SPARROW, Gentleman. Born January 6, 1853, being the second son of the late Frederick Turton Sparrow of Habberley Hall, in the county of Salop, by his wife Elizabeth Anne, daughter of Henry Crane of Graisley, in the county of Stafford. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per fesse azure and argent, in chief three roses of the last, barbed and seeded proper, and in base an arrow in pale proper (for Sparrow) ; 2 and 3 or, on a bend engrailed vert, between two plain cotises sable, three bezants (for Hanbury). Crest — Upon the battlements of a tower proper, a unicorn's head argent, armed and crined or, sem^e of pheons azure ; with the Motto, " In Deo solo salus est." Married, October 30, 1872, Elizabeth, only daughter of Sidney Flavel of Leaming- ton ; and has Issue— (^i) Frederick William Sidney Sparrow, Gentleman, born August 13, 1873 ; (2) William Henry Sparrow, Gentleman, born May 31, 1876; (3I Charles Sparrow, Gentleman, born October 24, 1877; (4) Stuart Flavel Sparrow, Gentleman, born September 6, 1880; (5) Arthur John Sparrow, Gentleman, born May 12, 1887 ; (6) Frank Sparrow, Gentleman, born August 12, 1889 ; and Ethel Elizabeth. Seat — Habberley Hall, co. Salop. WILLIAM ARTHUR SPARROW, Esquire, J. P. co. of Salop, Lord of the Manors of Albrighton and Acton Beauchamp. Born Feb. 19, 1847, being the elder son of George Gwynn Brown of Stourport, and Louisa his wife, dau. of William Hanbury Sparrow, Esq., J. P., D.L. for the CO. of Stafford. Assumed, in accordance with the will of his uncle, William Mander Sparrow, the name and arms of Sparrow by Royal Licence dated May 18, 1881. Armorial bearings — Per fesse azure and argent, in chief three roses of the second, and in base an arrow in pale proper. Mantling argent and azure. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, out of the battlements of a tower proper, a unicorn's head argent, horned and crined or, sem6e of pheons azure. Motto — " In Deo solo salus est." Married, Aug. 13, 1873, Amy Ellen, elder dau. of the late George Baldwin of Wolverhampton ; and has Isstie — (i) George William Sparrow Sparrow, Gentleman, B.A. (Oxford), b. Sept. 25, 1876; (2) John Arthur Gwynn Sparrow, Gentleman, B.A. Oxford, iJ. Aug. 31, 1880; (3) Stanley Cyril Wellesly Sparrow, Gentleman, h. June 18, 1882 ; Margaret Alice Marion ; and Amy Louisa Con- stance. Estates — Albrighton and Great Wollaston, co. Salop ; Acton Beauchamp, co. Worcs. Seat — Albrighton Hall, Shrewsbury, Salop. SPEARMAN, quartered by WILKINSON. SSiR JOSEPH LAYTON ELMES SPEARMAN, 2nd Baronet (April 28, 1840), J.P. and D.L. for co. Gla- is the Naval Cockade. 1968 %9t ^pe ■norKAit, High ShcrifT i88a, J.I', co. i^alop, lute Capt. Welsh Div. R.A, /Wn Sfpicmbcr aa, 1857, Uring llic eklut sun of the la(c Alexangrr Young Spearman, by his firit wife Mary Anne lirrth.i, youngest dau. of Sir Joseph Bailey, ist Baronet. Armorial bear Infill— Azure, on n chevron ermine between three tiiting-s|)ears argent, headed or, a revl deer's head erased projier ; the escutcheon charged with his Uidgc of Ulster as a liaronet. Mantnng azure and argent. OrMt — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant proper gorged with a collar gemellc or, supporting a tilting-spear also proper, entiled with a mural crown or. Motto -" Dum spiro spero. " Afarried, October 31, 1878, Ktltel, dau. of WiUi.im Leask of 87 Queen's Gale ; and has luM* — (i) Joseph William Spearman, Esq., late Lieut. 3rd Batt. Suffolk Kegt., h. August aa, 1879; (a) Alexander Young Spearman, Esq., b. June 19, 1881; (3) Robert Henry Spearman, Esq., Midshipman R.N., b. Nov. IS, i88a ; Ethel Nest ; Gwendoline Anne ; Sybil Mary ; Margaret Eileen ; and Constance Isobel. 6Va/— 'Ihe Spring, H.-inwell, Middlesex. Residence — The Hall, Wem, Salop. C/m^j— Carlton, Junior Carlton. SPECKFORD. quartered by FLOYER. JAMES WYNDHAM HARRINGTON PERCY SPEDDING. Gentleman. Bom April 18, 1849, being the elder son of the late James Dykes Spedding, Esq., Capt. Westmorland Militia, by his wife Emily, youngest dau. of the late Hon. William Frederick Wyndham, and grand-dau. of Ch.orles, second Earl of Egremorit. Armorial bearin^^s — Gules, on a fesse engrailed, between three acorns slipped or, a mural crown between two roses of the field. Mant- ling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath ol the colours, out of a mural crown or, a dexter arm embowed in armour, the right hand grasping a scimitar, and the arm charged with three acorns, one and two. and entwined by a branch of oak, all proper. Motto— " Utile dulci." 5*a/— Summer- grove, near Whitehaven. SPEDDING (Confd. U.O.). Vert, on a fesse or be- tween three boars' heads erased, as many oak-slips proper, on a canton of the second, a battle-axe erect of the third. M antling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of two battle-axes in saltire proper, a boar's head as in the arms. Motto — " Prompte sed astute." Sons of the late Robert Deey Spedding, Esq., M.A,, J. P.. of the Bengal Civil Service, late Commissioner of Revenue and Police for the Agra Division, and ex-officio Fellow of the Allahabad University, b. i Nov. 1839, d. ; m. 1863, Mary dau. of the late Thomas Cun- ningham : — Rev. Trevor Wolfe Deey Spedding, M.A. (St. John's Coll., Oxon.), b. 19 Feb. 1875; m. 1901, Ethel Helen Aoait, OOlyjd. of Henry Stintoii .Smith-Rewse [q.vX and haiiaM-^elM Mary beey. A'«. — Humlierstonc Road, L^eicester. John Carlisle Deey Spedding, Esq., Capt. llorder Regt., b. 3 Aug. 1876; m. 1904, Caroline Delitia, d. of Major Montagu Barton, J. P., late 8sth King's Lt. Inf. AVx.— a Pemberton Villas, S. Farnlxjrough, Hants. Son of late Benjamin Henry Spedding, M.D., of Glastry Villa, Belfast, m, Rachel, eld. d. of late Thomas Cunningham : — Charles Rodney Spedding, Esq., D.S.O., served in S. African War i899-i9oa (two medals, five" clasps, twice mcnt. desp.), b. 1871, tV«*— Grosvenor. ALFRED ERNEST SPEER, Esquire, late Capt. 3rd Worcestershire Regiment, educated at Wellington and Cambridge, F.Z.S., has Order of Mercy. Bom Sept. 20, 1867, being the second surviving son of Alfred Miles Speer, by his wife Margaret Anne, dau. of H. C. Mil- ford of Truro, Cornwall, /^/wry— Buff, red collar. Armo- rial bearings Or, a fesse gules, between in chief two trefoils slipped vert, and in base a lymphad with three masts and oars in saltire all profKir. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an arm embowed, vambraced, the hand bare, and grasping a spear point downwards all proper, and charged on the arm with a thistle slipped or. Motto ^" Dum spiro spero." Married, July 27, 1892, Edna Critchley, fourth dau. of William Benson Clegg of Altrincham, Cheshire ; and has had /jj«tf— Benson Temple- man Speer, Gentleman, b. and d. 1900 ; Gladys Maive ; Elaine Margaret ; and Rhona Milford. Seat—'Y\\^ Priory, Malvern, co. Worcester. Residence — Sandown Lodge, Esher, Siurey. C/«d— Zoological Society of London. HANNIBAL SPEER, Gentleman. Born 1826, being the eldest son of tlie late Hanibal Sandys of Brompton, by Cecilia, dau. of the late William Speer of Weston ; suc- ceeded his aunt, 1870, and assumed by Royal License the name and arms of Sjaeer. Armorial bearings — Quarterly I and 4, or a chevron azure, surmounted by another vair6 argent and gules, between three trefoils slipped vert (for Speer) ; 2 and 3 erminois, on a fesse dancett<5e per pale gules and azure, between three cross crosslets fitch^e of the second, as many escallops or (for Sandys). Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests — i. upon a wreath of the colours, a garb per fesse or and argent, banded vert, a spear erect issuing from the centre proper (for Speer) ; 2. uf)on a wreath of the colours, a griffin segrcant per fesse erminois and azure, holding between the claws a cross crosslet fitch^e as in the is the Military Cockade. ^pe ^pe 1269 arms. Postal addresses — The Manor House, Thames Ditton ; 26 The Grove, Boltons, S.W. SPEER (U.O.). Or, a fesse gules, between in chief two trefoils slipped vert, and in base a lymphad with three masts and oars in saltire all proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an arm embowed vambraced, the hand bare and grasping a spear point downwards all proper, and charged on the arm with a thistle slipped or. Motto — " Dum spiro spero." Livery — Buff, red collar. Sons of Alfred Miles Speer, b. ; d. ; m. , Margaret Anne (Seat — The Priory, Malvern), d. of H. C. Milford of Truro, Cornwall : — William Henry Speer, Gentleman, M.A., Mus. Bac, b. 1863 ; m. 1887, Marion Lilford Loraine Estridge ; and has issue — Alfred Henry Loraine Templeman Speer, Gentleman, b. 1894; and Viola Marion Loraine. Res. — Powyscourt, Bexhill. Alfred Ernest Speer, Esq. § ROBERT THOMAS NAPIER SPEIR, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for cos. Perth and Renfrew. Born Oct. 15, 1841, being the only son of the late Robert Speir, Esq., J. P., by his wife Mary, eldest dau. of Sir William Milliken Napier, 7th Bart., of Milliken, co. Renfrew. Armorial bearings — Azure, two tilting spears in saltire, between four boars' heads couped or, on a chief argent, a mullet between two crescents gules impaling the arms of GifFord, namely azure, a chevron between three stirrups with leathers or, within a bordure engrailed argent, charged with eight pellets. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries a dexter arm in armour embowed , wielding a tilting-spear all proper. Motto — "Advance." Married, June 2, 1868, Hon. Emily Gifford, third dau. of Robert Francis, 2nd Lord Gifford, by Frederica his wife, dau. of Maurice, Lord Fitzhardinge ; and has Issue — (i) Guy Thomas Speir, Gentleman, b. Feb. 26, 1875 ; (2) Kenneth Robert Napier Speir, Gentleman, b. April i, 1877 ; (3) Evan Berkeley Speir, Gentleman, b. March 22, 1882, (/. Feb. 15, 1884; (4) Malcolm Scott Speir, Gentle- man, b. Feb. 6, 1887; (5) Ronald Fitzhardinge Speir, Gentleman, b. March 9, 1888 ; Gwendolen Mary ; and Mar- jorie Gifford. Seats — Guides, Muthill, co. Perth, Black- stoun ; Burnbrae, co. Renfrew. S ALEXANDER ARCHIBALD SPEIRS, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, Deputy - Lieutenant. Born (posthumous) June 3, 1869, being the only son of the late Archibald Alexander Speirs, Esquire, of Elderslie, Captain Scots Fusilier Guards, by Anne his wife, commonly known as Lady Anne, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable Jacob Pleydell-Bouverie, fourth Earl of Radnor. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, a ship in full sail argent, flags gules, between three bezants. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an arm in armour embowed, wield- ing a lance all proper. Motto — " Salvet me Deus. " Seats — Eldershe House, in the county of Renfrew; Houston House, in the county of Renfrew. SPEIRS of Culcreuch (matric. 28 Sept. 1810, cadet of Elderslie, matric. 1767 [q.v.)). Azure, a ship in full sail argent, ensigns flying gules between three bezants, in the middle chief point a crescent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, an arm in armour embowed wielding a lance all proper. Motto — " Salvet me Deus." Livery — Dark blue and white. Son of Archibald Speirs, H.E.I.C.S., b. 1805; d. 1859 ; m. 1839, Mary Anne, d. of late William Alex- ander Pringle, Bengal Civil Service, s. of Alexander Pringle of Yair : — Peter Alexander Speirs, Esq., J.P., D.L., B.A. (Camb.), Advocate and late Sheriff - Substitute cos. Roxburgh, Berwick, and Selkirk, b. 1842 ; m. 1880, Florence, d. of late Richard Cooke of Woodford, Essex ; and has issue— (i) Archibald Douglas Speirs, Gentleman, b. 1882 ; (2) Alexander Graham Speirs, Gentleman, b. 1884 ; (3) Ronald Patrick Speirs, Gentleman, b. 1897, and Helen Margaret. Seat — Bonjedward House, Jedburgh, N.B. Club — Wellington, New (Edinburgh), Royal and Ancient (St. Andrews). S WILLIAM SPEKE, Esquire, of Jordans, in the CO. of Somerset, J. P. for that co. , and for the co. of Wiltshire, and D.L. Born Sept. 20, 1825, being the eldest son of the late William Speke, Esquire, of Jordans, J. P. and D.L. , by his wife Georgina Elizabeth, daughter of William Hanning of Dillington House, near Ilminster, and the elder brother of the late John Hanning Speke, Esquire, the celebrated African explorer. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, two bars azure, over all an eagle displayed with two heads gules, and as an honourable aug- mentation (granted by Royal License, dated July 26, 1867, to commemorate the discoveries of the said John Hanning Speke), a chief azure, thereon a representation of flowing water proper, superinscribed with the word "Nile " in letters gold, and impaling the arms of Ethelston, namely azure, on a pile between two cross crosslets in base or, an eagle dis- played purpure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. (of honourable augmentation) upon a wreath of the colours, a crocodile proper ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a porcupine proper ; and as a further augmenta- tion for Supporters (granted by Royal License as above to the said William Speke, Esquire, for and during his life) — on the dexter side, a crocodile ; and on the smister side, a hippopotamus both proper ; with the Motto, ' ' Super isthera virtus." Married, April 1850, Eliza Anne, daughter of the Reverend C. Wicksted Ethelston of Uplyme, in the county of Devon ; and Wicksted, in the County Palatine of Chester. Seat — Jordans, near Ilminster. is Uie Naval Cockade. IS70 %)pe %)pe SPENCE-JONES (R.L., 1904. H, Coll.). Quarterly. I and 4, arKent, on a mount vert, a representation of a Pembrokeshire ox statant pro|)er, a chief gules, thereon a falcon lURent, t>elled. lieiw'een two stag's heads erased or (J'-nes); a and 3. or, a lion rampant gules, on a Ijcnd emUittlrd counter -eniUit tied azure, three mascles of the field (Spence). Mantling vert and argent. CretU— I. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, $1 repre- sentation of a IVmbrokeshire ox's head in profile proper. beianKS; (Jones) ; a. on a wreath of the colours, a maltster babiteut the loins with a plaid skirt, sust.-iining with both hands a mall shovel erect proper (Spence). MottO— •• Da ci flydd." I.ivety—Daxk blue, brass buttons, striped blue and white waistcoat. Son of George Spence, Esq., Q.C., M.P., i. 1786; d. 1849; m. i8ao, Caroline, d. of W. Kelsall, Solicitor, of Chester : — Very Rev. H Donald M Spence-Jones (formerly Spence), Dean of Gloucester, J.P., i. 1836; m. 1871. Louise Madeline Maria, ygst. d. and coh. of late David Jones. Esq. , of Pantglas, D. I^. , J. P. , M. P. Carmarthenshire ; and h.-is issue — Cecil John Herbert Spence-Jones, Esq. , Capt. Penjbrokesh. Yeom., formerly Capt. Rifle Brigade {C/ui — Boodle's), i. 1873. Seat — Pantglas, Golden Grove, Car- marthenshire. /?«. — The Deanery, Gloucester. Club— Athenaeum. SPENCER, quartered by GARY. S FREDERICK SPENCER, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. CO. of Somerset. Bom 1837, being the son of the late John Plummer Spencer of Oakhill, Somerset. Armo- rial bearings - Per chevron nebuly azure and or, three acorns leaved and slipped in chief, and as many foun- tains one and two in base all proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, in front of a dragon's head erased azure, holding in the mouth an acorn leaved and slipped or, between two wings per bend argent and azure, a fountain between two escallops of the third. Motto — " No hope, no endeavour." Married, 1874, Jamesina C, eldest dau. of the late James Mac- Pherson, Esq., J. P., of Biallid, Inverness-shire. Seat — ondsmead, Oakhill, Somerset ; Southill, W. Cranmore. Somerset. WILLIAM FRANCIS SPENCER, Esquire. Justice of the Peace for the county of Worcester, late Captain 46th Regiment. Bom October 10, 1838, being the eldest son of the Reverend William Henry Spencer, commonly known as the Honourable the Reverend William Henry Spencer, by his wife Elizabeth Rose, daughter of Thomas Thornhill of Woodleys, in the county of Oxford. Club — Travellers'. Armorial beatings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, quarterly argent and gules, in the second and third quarters a fret or, over all, on a bend sable, three escallops of the first ; 2 and 3 sable, a lion rampant argent, on a canton of the last a cross gules (for Churchill). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal comet or, a griffin's head between two wings ex- panded argent, gorged with a collar gemelle gules, beaked gold; with the Mo^O, " Dieu defend le droit." Alarried, January 17, 1874, Margaret Georgiana, daughter of Walter Hemming ; and has Isiue — John Almeric Spencer, Esquire, bom July 21, 1881 ; arftt Sybil Frances. Seat — Eardisland, Pembridge, Herefordsifire. Club — "Travellers'. SPENCER-CHURCHILL, see MARLBOROUGH. SSiR WALTER THOMAS WILLIAM SPENCER- STANHOPE, K.C.B., J. P. and D.L. for the West Riding of the co. of York. Bom Dec. 21, 1827. being the eldest son of the late John Spencer-Stanhop»e, Esq. , of Cannon Hall, by his wife Elizabeth Wilhelmina, commonly known as Lady Elizabeth Wilhelmina, third dau. of the Right Hon. Thomas William Coke, first Earl of Leicester. Ar- morial bearing^s — Quarterly ermine and gules (for Stan- hope). MaJitllng gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a tower azure, with a demi-lion rampant issuing from the battlements or, ducally crowned gules, holding between his paws a grenade fired proper (for Stan- hope). Mottoes — "ADeoetrege" (for Stanhope), " Dieu defend le droit" (for Spencer). Married, January 17, 1856, Elizabeth Julia, dau. of Sir John Jacob Buxton, Baronet, of Shadwell Court, in the county of Norfolk ; and by her (who died September 30. 1880) has Issue— [\) John Mon- tague Spencer-Stanhc|)e, Gentleman, born Decemljer 31. i860 [married, April 15. 1890, Ida Mary, second d.aughter of Sir Lionel Pilkington, Baronet]; (a) Walter Spencer- Stanhope, Gentleman, l)orn Novemljer 17, 1861 ; (3) Edward Collingwood Spencer-Stanhope, Gentleman, born March a. 1863 ; (4) Hugh Robert Spencer-Stanhope, Gentleman, born April 21, 1864, died January 6, 1865; (5) Philip Bertie Spencer-Stanhope. Gentleman. l)orn December 17, 1868; Mary Gertrude Elizabeth ; Cecily Winifred [married Lieut.- Col. Fitzgerald Wintour. and died 1904] ; Margaret Isabel ; Alice Mildred [married, March 31, 1891, Charles A. Fellowes of Shotesham, in the county of Norfolk, and died August 10, 1892] ; Winifred Julia ; and Mary, died February 7, 187c. 6Va/f — Cannon Hall, near Barnsley ; Horsforth Hall, in the county of York. Thk Ven. Archdeacon ANDREW NATHANIEL WADHAM SPENS (Archdeacon of Lahore). Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, or a lion rampant gules, within a bordure of the last, charged with eight roses argent, in the dexter chief point a heart consigned with an Imperial crown, both proper, for difference ; 2 and 3 gyronny of eight or and sable, the whole within a bordure or, for difference. M antling gules doubled or. Crest— Upon a wreath of his liveries, a hart's head erased proper. Motto — "Si Dens quis contra." Postal address — ARCHIBALD LOCKHART SPENS, Esquire, formerly ofLathaIlan,Stirlingshire,J.P.co.Devon,formerlyH.E.I.C.S. Born 1834, being the eldest son of Archibald Spens, Esq., of Lathallan, J. P. cos. Stirling and Fife, who d. 1869. by his wife Henrietta, dau. of the late Sir Thomas Valiant, K. C. B. and K. H. Armorial bearings - Quarterly i and 4 , or, a lion rampant gules within a bordure of the last, charged with eight roses argent (for Sf)ens) ; 2 and 3, gyronny of eight or and sable (for Campbell of Glendouglas). Mant- ling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a hart's head erased proper. Motto— "Si Deus quis contra?" Married, 1859, Caroline, dau. of Thomas Waller, Esq. ; and has, with other Issue — Archibald Thomas Spens, Gentleman, b. 1876. Residence — Dun- ruadh, Paignton, Devon. is tbe Military Cockade. ^pe ^po 1271 JOHN ALEXANDER SPENS, Gentleman, Writer. Bor7i July 11, 1847, being the third surviving son of the late William Spens, Actuary, Glasgow, by his wife Janet Hill, dau. of Walter Cook, W.S., Edinburgh. Armorial bearings (L.O., matric. 1780, rematric. 1895)— Quarterly I and 4, or, a lion rampant gules within a bordure of the last, charged with eight roses argent, in dexter chief point a heart ensigned with an imperial crown both proper ; 2 and 3, gyronny of eight or and sable, the whole within a bor- dure invected, parted per pale azure and ermine. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a hart's head erased proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Si Deus quis contra." Married, July 20, 1881, Sophie Nicol, daughter of Hugh Baird ; and has Issue — William Spens, Gentleman, 1885; (2) Robert Francis Connal Spens, Gentleman, born Oct. II, 1890; Emily Jessie Campbell; Janet Dorothy; born May 31, 1882; (2) Hugh Baird Spens, Gentleman, born January i, 1885; (3) John Ivan Spens, Gentle- man, born February 22, 1890 ; (4) Thomas Patrick Spens, Gentleman, born July 10, 1894. Postal addresses — 25 Park Circus, Glasgow ; Kippendavie Lodge, Dunblane, Perth- shire. Clubs — Western (Glasgow), University (Edinburgh), County (Stirling). NATHANIEL SPENS, Gentleman. Born April 22,1850, being the fifth son of William Spens, Actuary, Glasgow, by his wife Janet Hill, daughter of Walter Cooi<, W.S., Edin- burgh. Clubs — Junior Carlton, County (Stirling), Western (Glasgow). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, or, a lion rampant gules, within a bor- dure of the last, charged with eight roses argent, in the dexter chief point a heart ensigned with an imperial crown both proper ; 2 and 3, gyronny of eight or and sable, the whole within a bordure invected, parted per fesse ermine and azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a hart's head erased proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, ' ' Si Deus quis contra." Married, July 26, 1882, Emily Jessie, daughter of William Connal of Solsgirth ; and has Issue — (i) William Patrick Spens, Gentleman, born August 9, and Mary Helen. London, S.W. Postal address — 13 Queensgate Terrace, Sir PETER SPOKES, Knight Bachelor (1872) J. P. for the borough of Reading, and sometime Mayor (1869- 1871). Born 1830, being the elder son of the late Peter Spokes of Wallingford, in the co. of Berkshire, by his is the Naval Cockade. ^po %Pt wife Mary. Hnu. of the late John Hunt of Cholsey. Armorial tioartnfl — Azure, on a pile, bctwt-cn two fasces erect or. thr«?e cathcrine-whcels pules. Uj>on the cscut- cbeon is placed a ht-lmet IjelUting his dcgrw. with a manl- Ung aaure and or ; and for his Oreit, u fasces in pale, between two ostrich feathers; with the MottO, "Fiat justitia niat coelunn." Married, 1852, Rebecca Sarah, dau. of the late William John Silverthornc of Brighton ; and has witlj other Issue— (\) I 'etcr Sin a serpent nowrd nroper (for Spry) ; a. on a wreftth of the colours, r dcnii-lion rampant gules, cluc.-«lly crownrd or, holding between the paws a beiant. Motto— " Soyez sage et simple." 5^«/— Witherdon, Germansweelc, CO. Devon. C/«*j— Windham, Isthmian. STABLE (Ped. H. Coll.). Argent, a saltire between four acorns slipped giiles, on a chief of the last three mullets pierced of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Sons of late Roliert Scott Stable, Gentleman, m. Katherine IJarrett. d. of Major Wintringham I^s- combe : — Daniel Wintringham Stable, Esq., J. P. co. Montgomery, LL.B., Barrister-at-Law [Arms as above, impaling the arms of Law, namely — Quarterly, i and 4. argent, an eiigle displayed with two heads vert, charged on the breast with a sun in splendour, and each wing with a pale or, between in the first and fourth quarters an olive branch slipped proper, and in the second and third a rose gules Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion gules, holding between the paws a mullet of six points pierced argent, an acorn between two mullets pierced fesse- ways of the last. Motto— ' ' Virtute. ' * (Law) ; 2 and 3, sable, gutt^-d'eau, three roses argent (Still)], i. 1856 ; m. 1884, Gertrude Mary, d. of George Still Law of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law, M.A. Oxon. ; and has issue — (i) Loscombe Law Stable, Gentleman, i. 1886 ; (2) Wintringham Norton Stable, Gentleman, i. 1888 ; and Enid Gertrude. Estate — Gellidywyll, Llanbrynmair, in the CO. of Montgomery. Post. add. — Wanstead, Essex. Club — Constitutional. Ernest Robert Stable, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, M.A. Cantab., b. 1857. Alfred Henry Stable, Gentleman, M.A. (Oxon.), b. 1859; m. 1891, Ada Louisa Huntington, d. of the late Rev. Henry John Huntington, B.A. Ch. Coll., Cambs., Chaplain to H.B.M. Consulate at Leghorn, Marseilles, and Malaga; and has issue— (i) Geoffrey Scott Stable, Gentleman, b. 1891 ; (2) Robert Henry Stable, Gentleman, b. 1893; (3) Hugh Huntington Stable, Gentleman, b. 1896 ; and Olive Louise. Post. add. — Minterne, Swanage, Dorset. Capt. Russell Loscombe Stable, Capt. and Brevet-Major in Loyal North Lancashire Regt., b. 1866; in. 1896, Marian Emma Campbell, who died 7 Sept. 1900, only d. of Daniel Colin Campbell, Esq., of Rosewood, Ascot, Berkshire ; and has issue — (i) Russell Colin Stable, b. 1897. Post. add. — Glenhurst, Fulwood, Preston, Lancashire. Club — Naval and Military. Son of Benjamin Penfold Stable, Gentleman, m. Marian Annie, d. of Jeremy Dionnell of Melbourne, Australia : — Jeremiah Joseph Stable, Gentleman, b. 1883. JOHN PERCY LISTER DURELL STABLES, Gentle- man. Armorial bearings -Argent, on a saltire gules, a mullet of six points between four acorns slipped saltireways or, a chief invected of the second, thereon an acorn slipped between two mullets of six p>oints of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, semde of acorns slipped or, holding between the paws a plate charged with a mullet of six points azure. 18 tbe Military Cockade. ^ta ^ta "75 STABLES (H. Coll.). Per pale gules and sable, a pillar or, between two flaunches argent, on each a cliaplet of oak vert. Mantling gules and argent. Crest^On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock a castle with two towers proper, surmounted by as many branches of oak fructed and in saltire vert. Motto — " Per ardua stabilis." Son of Henry Stables, Gentleman, b. ; d. ; m. , Mary Elizabeth, d. of Eccles Haigh of Bemerside, Freshfield ; — Harold Rolleston Stables, Gentleman, d. i July 1886. J?es. — Apsley Paddox, Oxford. Yr. sons of James Stables, Esq., J. P., 6. 1814; d. 1901 ; m. , Mary Ann, d. of Charles Dey : — Ashley Stables, Gentleman, d. 22 Nov. 1848 ; m. i Sept. 1887, Caroline, d. of Christopher Bracewell. J?es. — 30 Bramham Gardens, South Kensington, London, S. W, Clud — National. Rev. Walter Howard Stables, M.A. (Camb.), Mus. B. (Oxon.), Vicar of Far Headingley, Leeds, 6. 28 Nov. 1861 ; VI. 9 July 1889, Harriet Emily, d. of Rev. Canon Francis Morse, Vicar of St. Mary's, Nottingham ; and has issue— (i) James Howard Stables, Gentleman, 6. 27 June 1885 ; (2) Francis Hugh Anthony Stables, Gentleman, d. 29 Nov. 1889 ; and Katharine Audrey. Has. — St. Chad's Vicarage, Far Headingley, Leeds. Clui — Leeds Club (Leeds). STAFFORD, quartered by JERNINGHAM, EDWARD CHARLES STAFFORD- KING- HAR- MAN, Gentleman, of Rockingham, Boyle, co. Roscommon. Born April 13, 1891, being the eldest son of Thomas Joseph Stafford, Esq., F.R. C.S.I. , Commissioner of Local Govern- ment Board, Ireland, by his wife Frances Agnes, only surviving child and heir of the late Col. the Rt. Hon. Edward Robert King-Harman, M.P. (by his wife Emma Frances, dau. of Sir William Worsley, ist Baronet) ; and assumed the additional surnames and arms of King-Harman by Royal Licence dated Feb. 3, 1900. Armorial bearing — Quarterly i and 4, quarterly i. and iiii., sable, a chevron between three rams passant argent, attired or (for Harman) ; ii. and iii., gules, two lions rampant combatant, supporting a dexter hand couped at the wrist and erect argent (for King) ; 2 and 3, or, a chevron engrailed gules, between in chief two fleams sable, and in base a trefoil slipped vert, a bordure of the last (for Stafford). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. out of a ducal crest coronet or, a dexter arm, armed and erect in pale proper, cuffed argent, the hand also proper, grasping two slips of roses, one gules. the other argent, stalked, seeded, and leaved proper (for Harman) ; 2. out of a ducal crest coronet or, a dexter hand erect, the third and fourth fingers turned down proper (for King) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, a swan's head couped at the neck, holding in the bill a fleam or (for Stafford). Seai — Rockingham, Boyle, Ireland. Residence — 9 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin. The Late Sir JOHN STAINER, Knight Bachelor (1888), M.A., Mus. Doc. (Oxon.), Honorary Fellow of Magdalen Coll., Hon. D.C.L. and Mus. Doc. (Durham). Born June 6, 1840. Armorial bearings— Per chevron gules and or, in base a stork proper, a chief of the second, thereon two branches of laurel saltirewise and slipped between two reed-pipes proper. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm erect, the hand holding a reed-pipe in bend sinister, a wreath of laurel all proper. Motto — " Onerari est honorari. " Married, 1865, only surviving child of Thomas Randall, J. P., of Oxford; and has Issue — (i) John F. R. Stainer, Esq., B.C.L., M.A. (Magd. Coll., Oxon.), Barrister-at-Law, b. t866; (2) Edward Stainer, Esq., B.M., M.A. (Magd. Coll., Oxon.), b. 1869 ; (3) Charles L. Stainer, Esq., M.A. (Ch. Ch., Oxon.), b. 1871; (4) William E. Stainer, Esq., M.A. (Ch. Ch., O.xon.), b. 1873; E. Cecie ; and Ellie [m., 185s, F- P- M. Schiller, B.A., Barrister-at-Law]. Residence — 10 South Parks Road, Oxford. Clubs — Athe- naeum, United University. STAINFORTH (H. Coll.). Ermine, three bars indented azure, each charged with a mascle in pale or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount vert, thereon an arm in armour, couped at the elbow and fessewise, the hand in a gauntlet holding a sword erect proper, pommel and hilt or, five mascles interlaced and fesseways of the last. Motto — " Non deficit alter." Sons of Richard John Stainforth of Hutton Lodge, Sheriff Hutton, co. Yorks, b. ; d. ; m. , Juliana Maria (residing in Brussels), d. of : — STAINSBY. quartered by CARLETON and PIGOTT- CARLETON. STAINTON, see GILLESPIE-STAINTON. STANCOMB. Azure, on a chevron argent, between three lambs' heads couped proper, as many roses gules, on a chief of the second three garbs of the third. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, upon a rock a paschal lamb proper, supporting with his sinister fore-foot a garb vert. Motto — "Do right, fear not." Livery — Dark blue, silver braid. is the Naval Cockade. %ta ^ta Son of William Stancombe, Esq., J. P. and D.L. Wilts (High Sheriff 1879), ^. i8ia; 8S7. "o"- Mal>ella Gtraldinc, eldest dau. and coheiress of the Kt. Hon. Henry Vesey-Filrgerald, last Baron Fitz- gerald and N'esey (extinct). Postal address— The Rectory, Arrow, near Alcester. GERALD WALTER JAMES FITZGERALD STAN- NUS, Gentleman, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Walter Trevor Stannus, Esq., of Lisburn, CO. Antrim, and Moneymore, co. Londonderry, LL.D., D.L. CO. Antrim, and J. P. cos. Down, Tyrone, and Lon- donderry, by his wife the Hon. Catherine Geraldine Vesey Fitzgerald, fourth dau. of Henry, Rt. Hon. 3rd and last Lord Fitzgerald and Vesey. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a fesse l)etween three pigeons rising azure, a tiger's face proper Ixjiween two mullets of the first (Stannus) ; a and ,1 or, on a cross sable, a patriarchal cross of the field (for Vesey). Mantling azure and argent. Or««t— On a wreath of the colours, a talbot's head proper, collared and lined or, holding in the mouth a martlet sable. Motto— "Et vi et virtute." Married, 1904. Margaret Evelyn, dau. of Duncan Cameron of Canterbury, N.Z. J^esidence— The Manor House, Lisburn, co. Antrim. JAMES JOHN STANNUS, Esquire, J.P., being the third son of the late Thomas Stannus, an Officer in the 9th lancers, by his wife Catherine Sophia, dau. of Robert Hamilton of Consilla. Armorial bearings- Argent, on a fesse between three pigeons rising azure, a tiger's face prop)er between two mullets of the first. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a talbot's head proper, collared and lined or, holding in the mouth a martlet sable. Motto — " Et vi et virtute." Married, 1867, Rose Mary, dau. of John Armstrong of Graigaveme, Queen's County; and has /ssue — (i) Thomas Robert Alexander Stannus, Gentleman, d. Sept. 29, 1870 [m., March 5, 1895, Elizabeth Graydon, only dau. of John Graydon Smith, Esq., Capt. 7th Royal Fusiliers, of Baltiboys, Blessington, co. Wicklow, and has issue, Rose Thelma, and LetitiaCatherine], He married secondly, Julia Sophia, dau. of William Blosse Armstrong, late 9th Lancers, of Lisnagrough, co. Tipperary, and has had issue), (2) William Trevor Stannus, Gentleman, deceased. Residence — The Elms, Portarlington, Queen's County. THOMAS ROBERT STANNUS. Esquire, J.P. co. Antrim. Bom Sept. 21, 1818, being the eldest son of the late Very Rev. James Stannus, Dean of Ross, by his wife Eliza- beth, third dau. of Sir Erasmus Dixon Borrowes, 6th Bart., of Gilltown, CO. Kildare. C/«3— Kildare Street (Dublin). Livery — Dark chocolate or brown. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a fesse between three pigeons rising azure, a tiger's face proper between two mullets of the first. Uf>on the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot's head prop>er, collared and lined or, in the mouth a martlet sable. MottO — " Et vi et virtute." Married, December i, 1869, Margaret Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Wayne, Esq. , late of Glan- dare, Aberdare, in the county of Glamorgan ; J.P. for that CO. and for co. of Brecon ; and has Issue— An only child, Rowena Elizabeth Dorothy [m., 1894, Harold W. S. Gray]. Estate — Maghraleave, Lisburn, in the county of Antrim. Postal address — Maghraleave, Lisburn, Ireland. STANSFIELD (H. Coll.). Vert, a rose between four goats statant, two in chief and as many in base all argent. man t lin g vert and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, an ibis close, between two branches of a date-tree fructed all proper. Sons of Thomas Stansfield of Roomfield, Halifax, co. York :— Thomas Edward Knowles Stansfield, Gentleman, b. Res. — Baldwyn's Park, Dartford, co. Kent. STANTON, quartered by CORBET. S EDWIN WILFRID STANYFORTH, Esquire, Major Yorkshire Hussars Yeomanry Cavalry, J.P. ^ta for CO. York (by Royal Licence, dated Dec. 7, 1887, he and his issue were authorised to take the surname of Stanyforth instead of, and in substitution of, that of Green- wood, and to bear the arms of .Stanyforth, in accordance with the will of his great-uncle, the Rev. Thomas Stany- forth). Born June 28, 1861, being the son of John Green- woodf, Elsq., of Swarcliffe Hall, co. York, M.P., J. P., and D.L., W Louisa Elizabeth his wife, eldest dau. of Nathaniel Clark Barnardiston of The Ryes, co. Suffolk. Armorial bearings — Erminois, on a fesse wavy gules, three lions rampant argent. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a lion sejant ermine, gorged with a collar azure, thereon three plates. MottO — " Suivez raison." Married, March 12, 1888, Mary Evelyn, only child and heir of Admiral Thomas Barnardiston ; and has /w«^— Ronald 1 homas Stanyforth, Gentleman, b. May 30, 1892 ; and Madge. Seat — Kirk Hammerton Hall, co. York. C/«*j— White's, Orleans, Wellington. SYDNEY FRANCIS STAPLES, Esquire. Bom Dea 26, 1866, being the second son of the late Sir John Staples, K.C.M.G., by his wife Mary Anne Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Gillett of Hampstead. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron engrailed azure, guttde-d'eau, between three escutch- eons sable, each charged with a staple of the first. Mant- ling azure and argent. Crest — Upon the battlements of a tower or, a swan rising argent, beaked and legged proper, ducally gorged or, in the beak a staple sable. Married, June 6, 18^, Violet Maud Margaret, dau. of Sir Albert Altman ; and has Issue -Dorothy Violet Alice ; and Muriel Maud Mabel. C/k3 — Camera. FREDERICK JOHN STAPLES- BROWNE, Esq., J. P., Barrister-at-Law. Born Nov. i, 1844, being the only son of the late Richard I homas Staples-Browne of Launton, Oxon, by Ann, dau. of the late Robert Brettle Bate. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, sable, a bend en- grailed ermine, on a chief argent an escallop gules, between two torteaux (for Browne) ; 2 and 3 ermine, on a bend azure, between two fleurs-de-lis gules, three leopards' heads jessant-de-lis or (for Staples). Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed sable, wings fretty, resting each claw on a mullet or (for Browne) ; 2. out of a crown vallery argent, a lion's ^ is tbe Military Cockade. ^ta ^ta 1279 head affrontde gules, sem^e-de-lis, and ducally crowned or (for Staples). Motto — "Sans Dieu rien." Married, April 25, 1867, Mary Jane, only dau. of Charles Edward Molineux, Esq., J. P., of Oakley House, Penkridge, co. Stafford ; and has Issue — Richard Charles Staples-Browne, Gentleman, b. June 29, 1881 ; and Mary Frederica. Seat — Brashfield House, Bicester ; and the Elms, Bampton, Ox- fordshire. FREDERICK ANNESLEY STAPLETON - BRE- THERTON, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. Lanes., and J.P. Hants; assumed by Royal Licence, dated June 23, 1884, the additional surname of Stapleton, in compliance with a clause in the will of Mary Stapleton-Bretherton (Marchesa Staple- ton-Bretherton), widow, firstly, of William Gerard, and secondly, of Hon. Gilbert Siapleton (brother of Miles Thomas, Lord Beaumont), and only dau. and heiress of Bartholomew Bretherton of Rainhill. Club — Windham. Armorial bearings — Per chevron indented sable and argent, in chief two lions passant and in base a cross raguly flory counterchangd, and impaling the arms of Petre, namely gules, a bend or, between two escallops argent. Mantling' sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-unicorn argent, a portcullis sable. Married, Sept. 14, 1869, Hgn. Isabella Mary, second dau. of Rt. Hon. William Bernard, twelfth Lord Petre; and has Issue— (\) Frederick Bartholomew Joseph Stapleton-Bretherton, Gentleman, Lieut. Lancashire Hussars Yeomanry Cavalry, b. Feb. 5, 1873 [m. , Aug. 29, 1894, Bertha Mary, third dau. of the Hon. Albert Stourton] ; (2) Robert Charles Lucius Stapleton-Bretherton, Gentleman, 2nd Lieut. Royal Fusiliers, b. Aug. 31, 1875 ; (3) Edmund Joseph Stapleton-Bretherton, Gentleman, b. Dec. 19, 1881 ; Mary Isabella ; Evelyn Mary ; Agnes Mary ; Edith Mary ; Wini- fred Mary ; and Ethel Mary. Seats — Heathfield House, Fareham, Hants ; The Hall, Rainhill, Lanes. STAPYLTON, see CHETWYND-STAPYLTON. SMILES JOHN STAPYLTON, Esquire, J.P. and D.L., North Riding, co. of York, Lord of the Manor of Eston, Captain Yorkshire Hussars, late 21st Lancers. Born March 28, 1869, being the eldest son of the late Martin Bryan Stapylton, Gentleman, B.A., Oxon., and Barrister- at-Law, by his wife Mary Jane, eldest dau. of John Brymer of Ilsington House, Dorset. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion rampant sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a Saracen's head proper. Motto — "Fide sed cui vide." Married, Feb. 14, 1900, Norah Evelyn, second d2u. of J. Horatio Love, Esq., J.P. of Hawkhilis, Easingwold ; and has Issue — Miles Henry Stapylton, Gentleman, h. Jan. 29, 1901 ; and Ursula Evelyn Mary. Estates — Myton and Eston, near Middles- borough, both in the co. of York. Seat — Myton Hall, Helperby, York. Clubs — Cavalry, Yorkshire (York). STARKE, see HAMILTON-STARKE. STARKEY, see BARBER-STAR KEY. ARTHUR STARKEY, Esquire, J.P. for co. Chester, of Wrenbury Hall, co. Chester. Born June 6, 1847, being the eldest son of the late Samuel Cross-Starkey, Esq., J.P-. Major H. E.I.C.S. (retired), by his first wife Henrietta Suft, dau. of General Manson, H. E.I.C.S. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, a stork sable, beaked and legged gules, a canton sable (for Starkey) ; 2 and 3 quarterly, ermine and gules, in the first quarter a cross crosslet of the last, and in the fourth quarter a plummet sable (for Cross). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — i. a stork's head erased per pale azure and gules, crowned and gorged with two bars gemel, and charged with an annulet also or, in the mouth a snake proper, crowned gold (for Starkey) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a stork ermine, beaked and legged gules, the foot resting on a cross crosslet of the last, in the mouth a plummet sable (for Cross). Seat — Wrenbury Hall, Nantwich, co. Chester. EDWARD CHARLES STARKEY, Gentleman. Born Nov. 25, 1840, being the second son of the late Thomas Starkey, Esq.. J.P. for the West Riding, by his wife Char- lotte, dau. of William Stanton of the Thrupp, Stroud. Armorial bearings — Argent, a bend engrailed vair between six storks sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stork argent, semfe of estoiles azure. Motto — "Homo proponit, Deus disponit." Matried, July 1888, Eveline, dau. of R. Henty. Resi- dence^ SJOHN FREDERICK STARKEY, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. for CO. Oxon., High Sheriff, late Captain War- wickshire Yeomanry. Born April 11, 1839, being the second son of the late John Starkey, Esq., J.P. for West Riding of Yorkshire, by his wife Sarah Anne, eldest dau. of Joseph Armitage, Esq., of Milns Bridge House, near Huddersfield, J.P. and D.L. for West Riding, co. York. Armorial bearings — Argent, a bend engrailed vair between six storks sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a stork argent, sem^e of estoiles azure. Motto — "Homo propondit, Deus disponit." Married, Sept. 1877, Mary Margaret, third dau. of Rev. H. Snow, late Vicar of Bibury, near Cirencester ; and has Issue— ]dhr\ Henry Starkey, Gentleman, Lieut. Rifle Brigade, b. 1881; Jane Margaret ; Emily Mary; Rosamond Agnes; and Olive Grace. Seat — Bodicote House, Banbury, Oxon. Club — Windham. § LEWIS RANDLE STARKEY, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. for CO. York, M.P. for .Southern Division West Riding 1874-80, and J.P. and D.L. for co. Notts, and High Sheriff for that co. 1891-92, Patron of one Living (St. Thomas', Huddersfield), formerly Captain 2nd West York Yeomanry Cavalry. Born March 13, 1836, being the eldest son of the late John Starkey, Esq., J.P. for West Riding, by his wife Sarah Anne, eldest dau. of Joseph Arniiiage, Esq., of Milns Bridge House, near Huddersfield, J.P. and D.L. for West Riding, co. York. Armorial bearings- Argent, a bend engrailed vair between six storks sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a stork argent, sem^e of estoiles azure. Motto — " Homo proponit, Deus disponit." Married, May 5, 1858, Constance Margarette, dau. of Thomas Starkey, Esq., J.P. West Riding of Yorkshire ; and has Issue — (i) John Ralph Starkey, Gentleman, b. March i, 1859 [m., Oct. 31, 1888, Emily, second dau. of Sir Charles Seeley, Bart., of Sher- wood Lodge, Notts, and Brook House, Isle of Wight, and has issue]; (2) Lewis Edward Starkey, Esq., Major 4th Hussars, b. Nov. 23, i860; (3) Thomas Randle Starkey, Gentleman, b. April i, 1864; (4) Arthur Henry Starkey, Gentleman, b. May 31, 1865; Constance Agnes; Margarette Eveline \m., Sept. 12, 1895, Rev. John Frederick Lord, M.A., eldest son of the late John Pickup Lord of Hallow Park, Worcester] ; and Laura Beatrice. Seats — Norwood Park, Southwell, Notts ; Spring Lodge, Huddersfield, co. York. is the Naval Cockade, laSo ^ta ^ta « WALTER HENRY STARKEY, Esquire, Captain 3rd Hussars, J. P., third son of the late John Starkey, Esq., J.F.. of Spring Ixidge, Huddersfield, co. York, by his wife Sarah Anne, eldest dan. of Joseph Armitago of Milns Hridge House, near Huddersfield. AXB^^uI beaiiaga— Argent, a bend engrailed vair be- tween six storks sable. Minntllng sable and argent. Crest —On a wrcatii of the colours, a stork argent, semtk; of estoiles azure. Motto — " Homo proponit, l)eus disiwnit." iUamW Augusta Maria, eldest dau. of Archibald Dymock, Es<^., J. P., M.R.C.P., of Loulh, co. Lincoln. Reiidence— Bencote, near Leamington. Clubs — Army and Navy, Navy and Military. H EDMUND ARTHUR LE GENDRE STARKIE, O Esquire, J. P. for co. Lancaster, Patron of four Livings. Itom Feb. 10, 1871, being the eldest son of the late Le Qendre Nicholas Starkie, Esq., of Huntroyde, co. Lancas- ter, J. P. and D.L. for co. Lancaster, M. I\ for Clitheroc, Hon. Col, ist Vol. Batt. East Lancashire Regt., and for- merly Col. Commanding 3rd Bait, same Regt. , v . D. , by his wife Jemima Monica Mildred, second dau. of Henry Tempest of Lostock Hall, co. Lancaster (by Jemima, second dau. of Sir T. J. de Trafford, Bart., of Trafford Park). Livtry — Full dress, yellow and white ; undress, dark blue, blue and yellow waistcoat. Armorial bear- ing* — Argent, a bend sable, between six storks proper. Ifan t HTig sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a stork proper. Motto — ' ' Patriae amicisque fidelis. " A/a; nW Maud Margaret Dolores Anna, youngest dau. of Major William Michael Ince Anderton of Euxton Hall, co. Lancaster. J. P. and D.L. 5^a/j— Huntroyde, Padiham, Lancaster ; Lovely Hall, Blackburn, co. Lancaster. FRANCIS CHAMBERLAIN LE GENDRE STAR- KIE, Gentleman. Bom March 30, 1863, being only son of John Piers Chamberlain Starkie, Esq., LL.B., J. P., M.P. for North-East Lancashire 1868-80, by his wife Anne Charlotte Amelia, dau. of Harrington Hudson of Bessing- ton, CO. York. Armorial bearings— Argent, a bend sable, between six storks proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stork proper. Mar- ried Ellen Coojjer. STAUNTON, see LYNCH-STAUNTON. 8 GEORGE STAUNTON, Esquire. Capt. gand High- landers. Bom , being the eldest son of the late Gen. George Staunton, C. B., Col. 9and Highlanders, by his wife I hnricttii, dau. of Bransby Cooper, F.R.S. Ar- morial bearings — Argent, two chevrons sable, within a iMirilure engrailed of the last. MuntiUng sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a fox statant proper. Mottoes - Under the arms, " En Dieu ma foy" ; above the crest, " Modcrata durant." Murried, Dec. 18, 1895, Lilian Margaret, second dau. of John H. N. Graham of Larbert. Residence — HENRY CHARLTON STAUNTON, Gentleman. Bom August 6, 1868, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Francis Staunton of Staunton Hall, M.A., Patron and Rector of Staunlon-cum- Flaw-borough, by his wife Lucy Ada, only dau. of the Rev. Henry Spelman Marriott, M.A., Rector of Felsham, in the co. of Suffolk. Armorial bearing*— Argent, two chevrons sable, with a quatrefoil on a canton azure for distinction. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent. Crest — A fox passant proper. THOMAS TUFNELL STAUNTON, Esquire, J.P. Bom April 11, 1844, being the only surviving son of Thomas Staunton, by his wife Frances Mtiria, dau. of Samuel T. Barrett of Bath. Armorial bearings— Argent, two chevrons sable, within a bordure engrailed of the last. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a fox statant proper. Mottoes — Under the arms, " En Dieu ma foy " ; above the crest, " Moderata durant." Married, Nov. 25, 1875, Anne Elizabeth Snow, eldest dau. of the late John Staunton of Longbridge. Residence — Longbridge, near Warwick. The Reverend ROBERT STAVELEY. Canon of the Cathedral of Holy Trinity, commonly called Christchurch, Dublin, Prebendary of St. Michael in the same city, B.D. (Trin. Coll., Dublin). Born Dec. 3, 1828, being the eldest son of the Rev. Robert Staveley, M.A. , Rector and Pre- bendary of St. Munchin's, Limerick, by Sarah Frances his wife, dau. of the Rev. Henry Crofton, M.A. (brother of Sir Hugh Crofton, Bart., of Mohill, co. Leitrim). Armorial beauringB Argent, on a chevron, between three lozenges gules, as many bucks' heads caboshed or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest —Upon a wreath of the colours, a buck's head caboshed per pale gules and azure. Motto — " Fidelis ad urnam." Married, Aug. 2, 1854, Sara Letitia, dau. of the Most Rev. and Rt. Hon. Joseph Henderson Singer, D. D. , Bishop of Meath ; and has had Issue - (i) Robert Staveley, Gentleman, R.N., M.A. (Cantab.l, b. June 10, 1857 [is m., and has issue, a son, Robert] ; (2) Rev. Joseph Henderson Singer Staveley, Clerk in Holy Orders, B.A. (Trin. Coll., Dublin), b. Oct. 9, 1861, d. June 6, 1891 ; and Margaret Frances ffolliott. 5(1(7/— Saintville, Killiney, co. Dublin. ROSEBERRY MARY STAVELEY, elder dau. and co-heir of Thomas Kitchingham Staveley, by his wife Anne Elizabeth, daughter ot Michael Andrew Burmester, Doctor of Medicine, Surgeon to the Forces. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Per pale embattled gules and argent, on a chevron engrailed between three mascles, two bucks' heads all coimterchanged. Estates — Stainley, and Old Sleningford Hall, near Ripon, in the county < of York. ARCHIBALD STAVERT, Esquire, of Hoscote, co. Selkirk, J.P. co. Selkirk and co. Roxburgh. Born Jan. i, 1828, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late William Stavert of Brcck, co. Lanes., and Marion his wife, dau. of Archibald Park, co. East Lothian. Livery — Buff, blue facings. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a fesse azure, between three falcons' heads erased sable, a star of six points between two crescents or. Mantling azure doubled argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the liveries, a hand grasping a club prop)er ; and in an escroll above the crest this Motto, "Stat Veritas." Married, April 9, 1857, Rosina, dau. of William Hope (a cadet of the family of Hope of Craighall) ; and has Issue — (i) Rev. William James Stavert, Clerk in Holy Orders, of New College, Oxford, M.A., Chaplain to the Earl of Craven, Rector of Burnsall, Yorks, b. Jan. 25, 1858; (2) 'I"homas Hope Stavert, Esq., Major Leinster Regiment, b. July 7, 1859; (3) Herbert John Brownell Stavert, Gentleman, b. May 26, 1861 ; (4) Rev, is tbe Military Cockade. Plate XLIV. • ffiHR,eisS®. CDiiBiDisgign aC551BT25§JHB SaRxseisis -HiTze^RSiisD %ta ^te Archibald Arthur Stavert, Clerk in Holy Orders, of Univ. Coll., Durham, B.A., d. Aug. 29, 1864; (5) Francis Edward Vose Stavert, Gentleman, 6. Aug. 16, 1870; and Mary Elizabeth. Estates — Hoscote, co. Selkirk ; Philogar and Cunzierton, co. Roxburgh. Postal addresses — 34 Palmer- ston Place, Edinburgh ; Hoscote, Hawick, Scotland. STAWELL, see ALCOCK-STAWELL. The Late JOHN JAMES STEEL, M.B., Ch.B. (Melbourne), L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. (Edin.), SurgeonN.S.W. of the Rev. Robert Steel, M.A., Ph.D., D.D., of St. Stephen's Church, Sydney, and Mary his wife, dau, of John Allardyce of Tullochbeg, Huntly, Aberdeenshire. Armo- rial beai*iii£^s — Or, on a bend sable, between two furisons azure, a book expandea argent. Mantling sable doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a lion's head erased gules ; and in an escroll above this Motto, "Ferro non furto." Married, Oct. 7, 1878, Frances Mary, dau. of John Murdoch ot Inverness. Seat — 3 Lyons Terrace, Hyde Park, Sydney, N.S.W. S WILLIAM STRANG STEEL, Esquire, D.L. and J. P. for the CO. of Selkirk. Born Oct. 6, 1832, being the second son of John Steel, Merchant in Glasgow, by his wife Grace, dau. of James Strang of Westhouse, East Kilbride, in the co. of Lanark. Livery — Claret colour, with red facings. Armorial bearings— Argent, a bend chequy sable and ermine, between two lions' heads erased gules, on a chief azure, two billets or, a crescent of Naval Brigade, of 3 Lyons Terrace, Hyde Park, Sydney, N.S.W. Born Aug. 31, 1854, being the eldest son the first for difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a lion's head erased gules ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Prudentia et animis." Married, October 25, 1881 ; and has Issue — Samuel Strang Steel, Gentleman, born Aug^t i, 1882 ; and Grace Niven Strang. Estate and postal address — Philiphaugh, Selkirk. Clubs — Reform, Oriental. STEEL (4 June 1903). Parted per fess vert and argent, in chief a pair of open compasses points downward or, between two furisons of the second, in base on a rock proper, a castle sable, triple - towered and embattled, masoned silver, portcullis and windows gules. Mantling vert, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a Doric column argent. Motto — " Firmiter et durabile." Son of James Steel of Cambusnethan, co. Lanark, b. lygi ; d. 1871 ; m. 1821, Marion, d. of Robert Reid of Muirhouses, Cambusnethan : — Sir James Steel, ist Bart. (6 July 1903), of Murieston, Midcalder, Lord Provost of the city of Edinburgh 1903, b. 1830; m. 1883, Barbara Joanna, d. of Rev. Alexander Paterson, Presbyterian Minister at Dairy, co. Kirkcudbright. jRes. — 32 Colinton Road, Edinburgh. LAWRENCE EDWARD STEELE, M.A. Trin. Coll., Dublin, Barrister-at-Law, Gentleman. Born 1855, being eldest son of William Edward Steele, M.D. , Director of Science and Art Museum, Dublin, by his second wife Susan, dau. of Garrett Wellesley Parkinson, M.D,. Cabircalla, is the Naval Cockade. II ia8» %tt ®»te Ennli, CO. Clare. Armorial bewixkgi - Or. a l)cnd compony counter-comwny swblc and argent, between two lions* hr*(ls erased Rules, on a chief \ieT (xile azure and of the fi>urth. two billets of the field. Mantling sable and or. Orest On a wreath of the colours, a denii-cagle with winK's elevated, holding a serpent in the Ixiak all projjer, and charged on each wing with a billet as in the arms. Motto "Semper tidelis. IffsuUnce — 18 Crosthwaite Koad, E. Kingstown. tVj/*— University (Dublin). m WILLIAM HENRY STEELE. Esquire. Lieut.-Col. © Royal Army Medical Corps, M.D. (Dublin). F.R.C.S. (Ireland). Hum April. 4, 1844, being the eldest son of William Edward Steele, Gentleman, M.D., Director of Science and Art Museum, Dublin, by his wife Frances Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. John Toler, Rector of Kentstown, CO. Meath. Armorial bearings Or, a bend compony counter-compony sable and argent, between two lions' heads erasca|gules, on a chief per pale azure and of the fourth, two billets of the field. M antling sable and or. Orest On a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle with wings elevated, holding a serpent in its beak all proper, and charged on each wing with a billet as in the arms. Motto — "Semper fidelis." Afarried, April 11. 1877, Mary Mor- phew. dau. of Joseph May of Devonport. J.l'.. M.R.C.S. ; and has /««*— William Lawrence Steele, Esq., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. (Eng.), Capt. R. Army Medical Corps, b. May 5. 1878 ; Muriel May ; and Margaret Mary Frances. Resi- dence— li Mortimer Road. Clifton, Bristol. The Honourable Sir JAMES GEORGE LEE STEERE. Knight Bachelor, of Perth and of Jayes, Black- wood, in Western Australia, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of that Colony, and Member of Federal Council of Australasia. Bom July 4, 1830, being the third son of Lee Steere, Esquire, of jayes Ockley, Dorking, in the county of Surrey, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for that countjr. and Justice of the Peace for the county of Sussex, by his wife Anne, daughter of James Keiro Watson of Hesslemount, in the county of York, and of Ockley. in the county of Surrey, England ; knighted by Letters Patent, dated June 20, 1888. Armorial bearings —He bears for Amu : Per pale sable and gules, three lions passant argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and $irgent ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown per pale gules and sable a lion's jamb erect argent ; vrith the Motto, " Tu ne cede mails." Married, June 16, 1859, at Hamp- stead, in the county of Middlesex. England, Catherine Anne, only daugbtei; of Luke Leake of Perth, in Western Australia; and has Issue— [i) John Edward Lee Stecre.l Esquire, born l-'ebruary a, 1863 ; (a) Charles James Le«| Steere, Elsquire, born June 9, 1868 ; (3) Huljert Arthur ' Steere, Esquire, born June 4. 187a; (4) Wilfred Lee Steere,| Esquire, born July 36, 1878 ; Edith Anne l^e ; Louis Kate Lee [married, 189a, Frederick Charles Faulkner]; Marion Rose Lee [married, September ai. 1887, Alexande Paterson Turnbulf); Alice Maude Lee; Mabel Constanc Lee ; Bertha Mary Lee ; and Amy Florence I^ee [married^ 1896. William Elger]. Postal addresses — Elderslie, St, George's Terrace. Perth ; Western Australia. VIVIAN DENMAN STENHOUSE, Gentleman, lior June 3, 1870. being the only son of the late Edward Ster house and his wife Catherine, dau. of Thomas Denman i Bevercoates, Nottinghamshire. Livery — Black, with yellon facings. Armorial bearings— Sable, three sjjear-heads ig fessc or, two roses in chief argent, l»rbed and seeded proper^ and issuant from the base as many piles of the third Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colour a mount vert, thereon a rose as in the arms between iwfl demi-spears erect sable. Motto— "Mel ioraprobo." Man ried, Jan. 4. 1899, Amy Kathleen, only dau. of Thewlir Johnson, Esq., J. P. co. Derby, of Oakhurst, Derbyshire Residence — Courtlands. Norton Filzwarren, Taunton^ Somerset. Club — Isthmian. ALEXANDER EDWARD STEPHEN, Gentleman Born July 21. i86r, being the eldest son of the late Alex-j ander Stephen. Esquire, of Linthouse. M.I.N. A., J. P. ca Lanark and co. of city of Glasgow, by his wife Mary, dau of James Templeton. Livery — Claret colour, with silve buttons. Armorial bearings (1877)— Argent, on a chevro azure, between two crescents in chief and a dexter han^ couped in base gules, three mullets of the first. Abov the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath his liveries, a ship under sail proper ; and in an escroll ove the same this Motto, " Vi et arte." Postal addresses- Kelly, Wemyss Bay ; 8 Prince's Terrace, Dowanhill^ Glasgow. STEPHEN, descending from Ardendraught, Aberde shire (H. Coll. 1891). Argent, on a chevron betwee two crescents in chief and a sinister hand couped at th wrist in base gules, an escallop between two mullets of th first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath 1 the colours, an eagle displayed with two heads sable, restini the dexter claw on an increscent and the sinister on decrescent both or. Motto — " Sursum." Sons of Rt. Hon. Sir James Fitzjames Stephen, is Bart.. K.C.S.I., D.C.L.. LL.D., a Judge of the Hig" Court, b. 1829 ; d. 1894 ; m. 1855. Mary Richenda, 1 of Rev. John William Cunningham. Vicar of Harrov on-the-Hill :— Sir Herbert Stephen, 2nd Bart. (29 June i8gi), LL.l (Cantab.), Barrister-at-Law, b. 1857. i?«.— 33 Dors Square, N.W. Clubs — Athenaeum. Savile. Harry Lushington Stephen, Esq., LL.B. (Cantab.| Barrister-at-Law, Judge of the High Court of Calcut since 1901, b. i860. Sons of Sir Leslie Stephen. K.C.B.. M.A. (CanUb,J b. 1832; d. 1904; m. ist, Harriet Marian (d. 187S yr. d. of William Makepeace Thackeray ; 2nd, 187 Julia Prinsep, d. of John Jackson, M.D. : — ? sons. Stephen, also descending from Ardendraught, Ab deenshire (H. Coll.). Argent, on a chevron invecte between two crescents in chief and an escallop in base gules, a sinister hand couped at the wrist between two mullets or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed with two heads sable, between on the dexter a decrescent and on the sinister an increscent holding in either beak an estoile all or. Motto— " Vi et armis. ' Son of George Alexander Stephen, Gentleman, of Gelong. nr. Sydney, N.S. Wales, b. ; d. \ tn. Elizabeth Johnston : — Rev. Reginald Stephen. i?«.— Christchurch. St. Kilda, Melbourne, Victoria. Son of Oscar Leslie Stephen, Gentleman, b. ; d. ; nt. , Isabella Birkmyre :— Sir Alexander Condie Stephen, K.C.M.G. (1894). is the Military Cockade. %tt %>tz 1283 I K.C.V.O. (1900), C.B. (1884), formerly Sec. of Legation in the Diplomatic Service, Minister Res. at Dresden and Coburg 1897-1900, Groom-in-Waiting to the King since 1901, 6. 1850. Jies. — 124 Knightsbridge, S.W. Ciuds — Marlborough, St. James's, Beefsteak. STEPHENS, quartered by BROWNE, ROSE, and WOGAN-BROWNE. FREDERICK STEPHENS, Esquire, J. P. cos. Hants and Huntingdon, late Capt. 2nd Life Guards. Born Feb. 4, 1836, being the son of the late John Stephens of Cavers- ham Place, CO. Oxon, by Ellen his wife, dau. of J. T. Hinds ofDundalk. Livery — Yellow and blue. Armorial bearings — Or, on a chevron engrailed azure, three crosses crosslet of the field, between two demi-lions in chief, and a griffin segreant in base gules, impaling the arms of Byng, namely quarterly, sable and argent ; in the first quarter, a lion rampant of the second. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle sable, wings elevated erminois, charged on the breast with a cross crosslet or, in the beak an amulet gold. Motto — "Je vis en espoir." Married, Jan. 13, 1869, Cecilia Mary, dau. of the late Capt. H. Byng, R.N., of Quendon Hall, Essex; and \v3s Issue — (i) Reginald Byng Stephens, Esq., Capt. Rifle Brigade, b. Oct. 10, 1869 ; (2) Berkeley John Byng Stephens, Gentle- man, b. July 22, 1871 ; (3) Lionel Frederick Byng Stephens, Gentleman, b. July i, 1873; {4) Gerald Edmund Byng Stephens, Gentleman, Lieut. Rifle Brigade, b. May 28, 1875 ; (5) Evelyn Edward Byng Stephens, Gentleman, b. Feb. 9, 1877; (6) Frederick Geoffrey Roger Byng Stephens, Gentleman, b. May 27, 1886 ; Mabel Byng [d. 1870) ; and Cicely Mary Byng. Seat — Bentworth Lodge, Alton, co. Hants. Clubs — Arthur's, Oxford and Cambridge. STEPHENS (U.O.). Per bend azure and gules, on a liend or, three oak chaplets proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cock statant or, holding in his bill a trefoil vert. MottO — " Vigilans et audax." Son of late E. Bell Stephens, of Harcourt Lodge, co. Dublin, and of Madrid : — Pembroke Scott Stephens, Esq., K.C., Barrister-at-Law, Bencher of Lincoln's Inn, J. P. co. Bucks, b. ; m. 1898, Pauline E., eld. d. of Walter Mallaby Townsend of Montreal and of Crawley Hall, Stanhope, co. Durham ; and has issue — Philip Pembroke Stephens, Gentleman, b. Res. — Missenden House, Amersham, Bucks; 30 Cumber- land Terrace, Regent's Park, London, N.W. Clubs — Carlton, Kildare Street (Dublin). Sons of late Thomas William Stephens of Dublin : — William Robert Stephens, Gentleman, b. 1873. Res. — 21 Ormonde Road, Rathmines, co. Dublin. Rev. David F. Stephens, B.A. (Trin. Coll., Dublin), b. 1875. Res. — Clones, co. Monagan. STEPHENSON, see STEPHENSON - FEATHER- STONHAUGH. STEPHENSON. Vair, on a pale between two pallets gules, three leopards' faces or, two flaunches of the second. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a rock thereon a falcon's head erased proper, gorged with a collar vair, pendent therefrom an escutcheon vert, charged with two arrows saltireways, points downwards or. Livery — Dark red (claret) coat, with scarlet vest, gilt buttons. Son of Sir Henry Stephenson, Knight Bachelor, J. P. for W. Riding co. York, an Alderman of the city of Sheffield, Mayor 1887, b. 2 Dec. 1826; d. 1904; m. 1862, Emma, second d. of late Thomas James Parker of Endcliffe Crescent, Sheffield, Solicitor: — Henry Kenyon Stephenson, Esq., Major 4th West York- shire Vol. Artil., J. P. W. Riding Yorks., b. 16 August 1865 \m. 10 Jan. 1894, Frances, eld. d. of Major Blake Myln- hurst, Sheffield]. Estates — The Glen, Sheffield (Residence and adjoining property). Post. add. — The Glen, Sheffield. C/a3— The Sheffield (Sheffield). Sir AUGUSTUS FREDERICK WILLIAM KEPPEL STEPHENSON, K.C.B., Q.C., M.A. (Caius Coll., Cambs.), Recorder of Bedford, Barrister-at-law, Lincoln's Inn, 1852, Solicitor to Treasury 1876-94, late Director of Public Prosecutions, and late H.M. Procurator-General, 1877-94. Born Oct. 18, 1827, being the eldest son of the late Henry Frederick Stephenson, late M.P. for Westbury, and Commissioner of Inland Revenue, LL.B. Cambridge, Barrister-at-Law, Falcon Herald Extraordinary, by his wife Mary, third dau. of William Charles, Rt. Hon. fourth Earl of Albemarle. Armorial bearings — Vert, a chevron be- tween in chief two roses and in base a lion sejant guardant all argent, on a canton of the last, a canton nzure, thereon the letter "A" or, within a ring of the last, jemmed proper. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon with wings expanded argent, beaked and legged or, within a herald's collar of SS proper. Married, Dec. 6, 1864, Eglantine, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Edward Pleydell-Bouverie ; and has Issue — (i) Guy Stephenson, Gentleman, b. Nov. 5, 1865 ; (2) Frederick W. Stephenson, Gentleman, b. 1872 ; (3) Pleydell Keppel Stephenson, Gentleman, b. 1883 ; Janie, d. Aug. 1870 ; Rachel Janie ; and Katharine Janie. Residence — 46 Ennismore Gardens, S.W. GEORGE ROBERT STEPHENSON, Esquire, Past President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Lieut.- Colonel of the Engineers' Volunteer Staff Corps (retired). Born October 20, 1819, being the only son of Robert Stephenson, Engineer, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, and his wife Ann. Club — Royal Yacht Squadron. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron between two fleurs-de-lis in chief and a cross flory in base gules, a chief azure, thereon three mullets of the first ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, between two fleurs-de-lis argent, a cubit arm vested azure, cuffed, also argent, the hand holding a roll of paper proper. Motto — ' ' Fidus in Arcanies." Married, firstly, Jane, dau. of Thomas Brown of Whickham, Northumberland ; and secondly, Sarah Isabella, dau. of John Harrison of Swalwell, Northum- berland ; and has Issue — (1) Robert Stephenson, Gentle- man, b. June 1848 ; (2) Georee Stephenson, Gentleman, b. May i, 1852 ; (3) Henry Stephenson, Gentleman, b. Feb. 13, 1855 ; (4) Thomas St. Lawrence Stephenson, Gentleman, b, Sept. 12, 1859; Isabel; and Jane. Postal address — 17 Victoria Street, Westminster. Vice-Admikal HENRY FREDERICK STEPHEN- SON, R.N., C.B. ; served in the Crimea 1854-55, '" 'he China Expedition 1857, Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-58, Capt. of Royal Yacht "Victoria and Albert" 1870-73, and of the "Discovery" in the Arctic Expedition 1875-76, Egyptian Campaign 1882, Naval A.D.C. to H.M. 1888-90, and Equerry to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales 1878-93, since when he has been an Extra Equerry. Borti June 7, 1842, being tiie third son of the late Henry Frederick Stephenson, late M.P. for Westbury, and Commissioner of Inland Revenue, LL. B. Cambridge, Barrister - at - law, Falcon Herald Extraordinary, by his wife Mary, third dau. of Rt. Hon. William Charles, fourth Earl of Albemarle. Clubs — United Service, Marlborough. Armorial bear- ings — Vert, a chevron between in chief two roses, and in base a lion sejant guardant all argent, on a canton of the last, a canton azure, thereon the letter "A" or, within a ring of the last, jemmed proper. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon with wings expanded argent, beaked and legged or, within a herald's collar of SS proper. Postal address — United Service Club. MAJOR KEPPEL STEPHENSON, R.H.A. (retired) Born May 13, 1847, being the fifth son of the late Henry Frederick Stephenson, late M.P. for Westbury, and Com- missioner of Inland Revenue, LL.B. Cambridge, Barrister- at-Law, Falcon Herald Extraordinary, by his wife Mary, third dau. of William Charles, Rt. Hon. 4th Earl of Albemarle. Armorial bearings — Vert, a chevron between in chief two roses and in base a lion sejant guardant all argent, on a canton of the last, a canton azure, thereon the letter "A" or, within a ring of the last gemmed proper. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon with wings expanded argent, beaked and legged or, within a herald's collar of SS projier. Postal address — RUSSELL MAULE STEPHENSON, Gentleman. Born Jan. 3, 1844, being the fourth son of the late Henry Frederick Stephenson, late M.P. for Westbury, and Com- missioner of Inland Revenue, LL.B. Cambridge, Barrister- is the Naval Cockade. ia84 ^te ^te aNl^w, Falcon Herald Extrnordinar)'» ^Y ''•s wife Mary, third dau. of William Charles, Kt. Hon. 4th Mirl of Albe- marle. Annoxlal bMXlagl— Vert, a chevron, Ijetwcen in chief two roses and in base a lion sejant gtmrdant all argent, on a canton of the last, a canton azure, thereon the letter " A " or, within a ring o( the last gemniecllettd. Eld. son of the late Kev. Thomas Stevens of Brad- field:— iienry Ste\-cns, Escj., educated at Bradfield Coll. and Trin. Coll., Cambridge, B.A. 187a, liarristcr-al- Law of the Inner Trniple, appointed a Cieneral Inspector of the l.oc;il tlovernmcnt Iloard 1890, d. 1847; m. 1878, Ellen Miuy rowcll, eld. d. of Francis Holhcd, Esq., of The Limes, Harbledown, Kent; and has, with other issue — (i) Henry John Henley Stevens, i. 30 June 1883; (2) Paul Richard Bradfield Stevens, d. 14 Jan. 1887. Nes.— STEVENS (H. Coll.). Per chevron nebuly azure and argent, four ears of wheat two and two chevronwise and in saltire between three eagles rising all counterchanged. |t^nt»Tig azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-eagle displayed or, on each wing a cinquefoil between two bendlets gules, holding in the beak two ears of wheat prop)er, slipF>ed and leaved vert, a stirrup- iron azure. Livery — Blue coat, silver buttons, drab over- coat, red waistcoat. Sons of Henry Stevens, Barrister-at-Law, b. 1814 ; d. 1867 (son of Christopher Stevens of Pallant House, Havant) : — Rev. H. C. Stevens, b. 1852; m. 1895, Mrs. J. H. Urquhart. Res. — Ingledene, Kingsbridge, S. Devon. F. C. Stevens, Gentleman. Post. add. — Wilts and Dorset Bank, Bristol. Edward Tunstall Chicheley Stevens, Gentleman, b. 1863 ; m. 1888, Mary Russell ; and has issue — Henry Clowes Chicheley Stevens, b. 1898. Res. — 707 Hoyt Street, Port- land, Oregon, U.S.A. Sons of Joseph Stevens (son of Christopher Stevens) : — William Stevens, Gentleman. Res. — Estancia, Santa F^. Haverfield Stevens, Gentleman. Res. — Estancia, Santa F6. Yr. son of Christopher Stevens, late of Pallant House, Havant, b. 1779 ; d. 1843 ; m. 1813, Mary Isabella Haverfield : — Christopher James Stevens, Gentleman, b. 1819, m. Jessy Emma Scott. Res. — Bolton Gardens, London, S.W. Son of Major-Gen. Arthur Stevens, b. 1821 ; d. 1895 (son of Christopher Stevens) : — Montague Farquhar Stevens, b. 1859; m, 1896. Res. — Texas. Sir CHARLES CECIL STEVENS, K.C.S.I., B.A. (London), successively Commr. of Chota Nagpore and of Bhagalpur, Officiating Ch. Sec. to Govt, of Bengal, and Commr. of Patna, Member of Bengal Board of Revenue, Additional Member of Viceroy's Council, and Chm, of Calcutta Port Comma., officiated as Lieut.-Gov. of Bengal. Born 1840, being the son of the late Charles Green Stevens, Merchant, of Melbourne, Victoria. Armorial bearingrs— Per chevron gfules and argent, in chief two lotus flowe slipped proper, and in base a demi-eagle displayed sabl(| the escutcheon Iwing surrounded by the riblK)n and pende the Uidge of a K. C. S. I . Crest - On a wreath of the colou Iwtween two sprigs of oak fructed proper, a demi-eagle 1 played sable, charged on each wing with an I'lastern coron^ or. Motto -"Fac et spera." Married, i86a, Mary Caroline, dau. of the late Capt. John Turner, H.£.I.C.| Residence — Honiton , Devon. JAMES COCHRAN STEVENSON, Esquire, M.i for South Shields (1868-9^), J. P. co. Durham and for Sou^ Shields, Life Member smce 1850, Chairman (1880-190? of the Tyne Commissioners. Botn October 9, 1825, bein the eldest son of the late James Stevenson, Merchan of Glasgow, by his wife Jane Stewart, daughter of the la Alexander Shannan, Merchant, of Greenock. Armor' bearings — Argent, a chevron between throe fleurs-de-1 gules, on a chief sable three mullets or. Mantling gule doubled argent. Crest — a dexter hand holding a wreath ( laurel pro|)er ; and in an escroU over the same this MO " Sic curre ut comprendas." Married, 1855, Elisa RamsaJ daughter of the late Reverend James Anderson, Docti of Divinity, of Morpeth. Postal address — Eltham Cou Eltham, Kent. JOHN HORNE STEVENSON, Esquire of the Ord of St. John of Jerusalem in England, Gentleman, M. Edin., Unicorn Pursuivant of Arms, Member of King's Bodyguard for Scotland, Member of the Sco Bar. Born July 2, 1855, being the eldest son of tt late Very Rev. R. H. Stevenson, D.D., St. Georgei Edinburgh, and Frances his wife, dau. and co-heire of Robert Cadell of Ratho, Midlothian (and nepbe and heir male of the late Alexander Stevenson). morial bearings — Argent, a chevron azure, between thr falcons' heads erased gules. Mantling gules, double argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter ha couped, holding a laurel wreath proper. Motto—" Coelu non solum." Residence — 9 Oxford Terrace, Edinburg Clubs — Conservative (Edinburgh), Caledonian. ^ is tbe Military Cockade. ^te @)te 1287 I JOHN JAMES STEVENSON, Gentleman, M.A., F.S.A. (Lond. ), F. R.S. (Edin.), third son of James Steven- son. Armorial bearing's — Argent, a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis gules, on a chief invected sable three mullets or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a Mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand holding a wreath of laurel proper ; with the Motto, " Sic curre ut comprendas." Postal address — 4 Porchester Gardens, London, W. Club — Savile. STEVENSON (H. Coll., 11 Nov. 1902). Per chevron or and gules, two clarions in chief of the last, and a chaplet of roses in base also gules, barbed and seeded proper, leaved or. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a falcon wings elevated and addorsed, belled and jessed or, hooded gules, between two lures also gules. Only Son of William Stevenson , by his wife Elizabeth Sheppard : — George Stevenson, Gentleman, b. 1834; tn. ist, 1862, Caroline [d. ), d. of Edward Wheatcroft ; 2nd, 1893, Ellen Lucy Julia Arthur (of Glanomera, co. Clare), d. of Rev. Lucius Arthur of Glanomera; and has issue — (i) George Edward Stevenson, Gentleman, b. 1865; (2) Percy Stevenson, Gentleman, b. 1871 ; (3) Bertram Stevenson, Gentleman, b. 1878 [;«. 1904, Evelyn St. Austin Tindal- Atkinson] ; Elizabeth Sjn. 1891, Samuel Bell]; Caroline Ellen [;/;. 1897, Rev. Edward John Cottrill Smith] ; and Helena \_m. 1900, James Bowes Brook]. Seat— Tor House, Matlock. Jies. — 84 Cambridge Gardens, Kensington, London, W. STEVENSON (U.O.). Azure, on a fesse argent, between in chief three mullets or, and in base as many arrows of the last flighted of the second, a fleur-de-lis gules, between two roses barbed and seeded proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, three roses in front of a falcon rising all proper. Motto — " Sapientia." Son of late William Cochran Stevenson of Knockan : — James Stevenson, Esq., J. P. co. Londonderry. Seat — Knockan, Londonderry. S JAMES STEVENSON-HAMILTON, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. county of Lanark, F.R.G.S., Major 6th Inniskilling Dragoons. Born October 2, 1867, being the eldest son of James Stevenson, Esquire, of Braidwood, by his wife Eliza, the heiress of Fairholm, eldest daughter of James Hamilton (third son of Charles Hamilton), and suc- ceeded his mother as heir ot entail on attaining his majority in 1888. Clubs — Army and Navy, New (Edinburgh). Live>y~RQd and silver. Armorial bearings — He bears for .Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules a mullet argent, between three cinquefoils ermine within a bordure of the last (for Hamilton) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron between three fleurs- de-lis gules, on a chief sable, three mullets of the field (for Stevenson). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon wreaths of his liveries are set for Crests, i. a hawk rising proper, belled or, holding in the dexter foot a sword also proper, hilted and pommelled or (for liamilton) ; 2. a dexter hand issuing from a cloud and hold- ing a wreath of laurel all proper (for Stevenson). Mottoes — "Thankful" (for Hamilton), " Coelum non solum " (for Stevenson). Seat — Fairholm, Larkhall ; and Kirkton, Car- luke, N.B. STEWARD, see FALCON-STEWARD. STEWART, borne on an escutcheon of pretence by Lord ASHTON. STEWART, quartered by CAMPBELL, DOUGLAS, ERSKINE, HAMILTON, HOME, MURRAY, and NAIRNE. STEWART, see ALSTON - STEWART, FALCO- NAR-STEWART, GRAINGER-STEWART. HAMILL- TON -STEWART, JOHNSTON - STEWART, MUR- RAY-STEWART, SHAW- STEWART, and VANE- TEMPEST-STEWART. ALEXANDER ARTHUR GRAINGER STEWART, Esquire, Advocate, M.A. . LL.B. Born July 1. 1867, being the eldest son of the late Sir Thomas Grainger Stewart, M.D., LL. D. , Professor of Medicine (Edinburgh Univ.), Physician to Her late Majesty Queen Victoria in Scotland, by his second wife Jessy Dingwall Fordyce, dau. of the Rev. Robert Macdonald, D.D. Armorial bearings— Or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, between two cross crosslets fitchde in chief, and a garb in base gules, banded of the first. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two hands proper, grasping a man's heart or. MottO^ " Corde et manu." Married, April 4, 1895, Emily Frances, dau. of the Hon. Lord Adam, Senator of the College of Justice, Scotland ; and has Issue — Thomas Grainger Stewart, Esq., b. Jan. 12, 1896; and Catharine Emily. Residence — 23 Northumberland Street. Edinburgh. Clubs — University (Edinburgh), Liberal (Edinburgh). S ALEXANDER CHARLES HECTOR STEWART, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. co. Donegal, High Sheriff 1881, Hon. Major-Gen. (retired), late Col. commanding 2nd Life Guards. Born Nov. 15, 1838, being the eldest son of the late John Vandeleur Stewart, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , by his wife Lady Helen Toler, third dau. of Rt. Hon. 2nd Earl of Norbury. Livery — Dark blue, silver lace. Armorial bearings — Or, a bend compony azure and or, between two lions rampant gules (for Stewart). Mantling azure and or. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a dragon statant or. Motto -" Metuenda corolla draconis." Mar- ried, April 25, 1872, Gertrude Mary, eldest dau. of Eric Carrington Smith of Ashfold, Sussex ; and has Issue — Kathleen. 5^a/~Rock Hill, Letterkenny, co. Donegal. Postal address - 23 Lennox Gardens. London. Clubs — Carlton, Bachelors'. CHARLES EDWARD STEWART, Gentleman, Bar- rister-at-Law. Born , being the only son of the late Charles Stewart, Barrister-at-Law, sometime M.P. for Penrhyn, by his wife Emily (god-dau. of the Emperor of Russia), dau. of J. Parlam of St. Petersburg. Arms — Quarterly i and 4, or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, sur- mounted of a lion rampant gules ; 2 and 3 azure, three garbs or, all within a bordure argent, charged with three wolves' heads gules. Crest — On. a wreath of the colours, a man's head coujjed proper. Motto—" Never unprepared." Married, 1887, Mary, only child of P. Jennings of The Hayes, Salop ; and has Issue — Kenneth Stewart, Gentle- man, b. 1893 ; Marjorie ; and Katherine. Postal address — Temple, E.C, CHARLES FREDERICK STEWART, Esquire, B.A., J. P., High Sheriff 1871. Born March 10, 1845, being the third but eldest surviving son of the late Rev. Charles Frederick Stewart, Esq., J. P. for co. Donegal, by his wife Anne, only dau. of Col. Robert Stirling, H.E. l.C.S. Ar- morial bearings- Quarterly i and 4, azure, three fleurs-de- lis within a bordure engrailed or ; 2 and 3, or. a fesse chequy azure and argent, within a bordure gules, charged with eight buckles of the first, over all in the centre chief point a mullet counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a bull's head sable, vomiting flames proper, and charged with a mullet or. Motto — " Avant Darnly." Married, firstly, Aug. 12, 1869, Elizabeth Frances [d. March 4, 1881), second dau. of Rev. Thomas Lindesay, Rector of Upper Curriber, co. Derry ; and by her had Issue— {i) Charles Frederick Stewart, Gen- tleman, b. July 12, 1870; (2) William Stewart, Gentleman, b. Aug. 2, 1871, d. Jan. 22, 1895; (3) Thomas Francis Stewart, Gentleman, b. Oct. 9, 1872 ; (4) Walter Edward Stewart, Gentleman, b. June 14, 1876, d. Oct. i. 1883 ; Ann Elizabeth Frances \m., 1900. Henry Eliot Harward] ; Nicola Mary, d. April 1891 ; Eleanor Louisa ; and Elizabeth Frances, d. April 1891. He married secondly, May 6, 1884, Georgina Sophia, youngest dau. of Blackwood Hamilton of Highnam, Bray; by whom he has Issue— (,^) Bertram Robert Stewart, Gentleman, b. Jan. 14, 1886; (6) Richard Arthur Stewart, Gentleman, b. Sept. 17, 1888 ; and Georgina Sophia. Seat — Horn Head, Dunfanaghy, co. Donegal. CHARLES BALFOUR STEWART, Gentleman, M.A., M.B., B.C. (Cantab.), M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), Past Lecturer in School of Tropical Medicine, University College, Liverpool, and Sanatory Commissioner to the Gold Coast, West Africa, Born July 12, 1864, being the elder son of the is the Naval Cockade. laSS ^te ^te bte Balfour Stewart of nnllymargarvev. co. Meath, M.A., LL.D.. F.R.S.. Profcvsor of Natural rhilosophy. Owens College. Manchester, and sometime Pirector of Kew Uni- versity, by his wife Katharine, only chiUI of the late Charles Stevens of Kensington tJore, London, Solictor. Armorial btaxlngt— Quarterly i and 4 grand quarters, quarterly i. and iiii. or, a lion rampant within a double tressure flory and counterflory gules, debruised by a ribbon sable ; ii. and iii. azure, a ship with her sails trussed up or (for Orkney), the whole within a bordure compony argent and azure (for Stewart) ; 2 and 3 grand quarters, argent, a chevron sable, charged with an otters head erased of the field (for Balfour of Pharay). Mantling gules, doubled or. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a king enthroned, holding in his dextt-r hand a sword, and in his sinister a falcon all proper. Motto— "Sic fuit est et erit." Estate — Ballymagarvey, co. Meath. Postal address — Huntspill, Somerset. CHARLES JOHN STEWART, Gentleman, formerly Clerk London County Council. Bom 1851, being the fourth son of the late John Vandeleur Stewart, Esq., J.P, and D.L., by his wife Lady Helen, third dau. of Rt. Hon. Hector John, 2nd Earl of Norbury. Armorial bearings — Or, a bend compony argent and azure, between two lions rampant gules (for Stewart), impaling the arms of Graham- Toler, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent, a cross fleurett^e gules, charged with a plain cross couped of the field between four leaves vert, a crescent for difference (for Toler) ; 2 and 3, argent, a trefoil slipped vert, on a chief sable, three escallops or (for Graham). Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dragon statant or. Motto — "Metuenda corolla draconis." Married, Oct 11, 1884, I^dy Mary Catherine, eldest dau. of Rt. Hon. He John Graham-Toler, 3rd Earl of Norbury ; and has /m — (i) tJerald Charles Stewart, Gentleman, b. March 1888 ; (a) John Maurice Stewart, Gentleman, b. 1895 Helen Margaret ; Eirene Mary ; and Marjorie Alice. /?«( dence—yi Eccleston Square, S.W. Club — Junior Carlton CHARLES MONTAGUE DUNCAN STEWARl Esquire, formerly Capt. Colonial Forcps, served in tb Transv;ial 1878 79, and in Secococni War, in the Zu War, and in the Boer War 1880-81. Horn March 14 1849, being the eldest son of Alexander Stewart Achnacone, b. 1809; d. 1893; m., 1844, Mary Montagu dau. of Daniel Wilson Davison of the Brand Hall, Salo LUg Armorial bearings (L.O., June 12, 1772; rematric. Pel 12, 1900) — Quarterly 1 and 4, or, a fesse chequy azure and argent (for Stewart) ; 2 and 3, argent, a galley sable, sails furled, oars in action proper, flagged gules (for Lorn), all within a bordure of the last. Mantling azure, doubled or. Crest — On a wreath of his liverii a unicorn's head couped argent, armed and crined and in an escroll over the same this MottO, " Quhidd will zie." Married, April 3, 1894, Amy Eveleen, dai of Major-Gen. Michael Bruce. Residence — 34 Palace Mansions, Kensington, W. m Sir DAVID STEWART, Knight Bachelor (1896), Lord Provost of the city of Aberdeen, 1889-1895, D. L. and J.P. for the cos. of Aberdeen and Kincardine, and CO. of the city of Aberdeen, Master of Arts and Honorary Doctor of Laws of the University of Aberdeen. Born July 29, 1835, being the eldest son of the late John Stewart, Esquire, J.P. for co. of Aberdeen, of Banchory Devenick and Leggart, by his wife Mary, daughter of Patrick Irvine. Livery— %\\xe. and gold. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, between two leopards' faces in chief gules and a galley in base sable, flagged of the fourth. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure doubled or ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a pelican in her piety proper; and over it an escroll with this Motto, "Salus per Christum." Married, July 19, i860, Margaret Dyce, daughter of the Reverend David Brown, Master of Arts, Doctor of Divinity and Honorary Doctor of Laws, Prin- cipal of the Free Church College, Aberdeen, one of the is tbe Military Cockade. ^te ^te 1289 Revisers of the New Testament ; and has had Issue — (i) John Irvine Stewart, Gentleman, born April 12, 1861, died March 15, 1869 ; (2) David Brown Douglas Stewart, Esquire, born August 3, 1862 [m., 1899, Isabella, dau. of the late A. Brown of Bombay, sometime Minister of the Indian Council] ; (3) Wiliam Dyce Stewart, Esquire, born October 28, 1864 ; (4) George Irvine Thompson Stewart, Esquire, M.A., B.Sc, M.B., CM., born May 23, 1872; (5) Charles Stewart, Esquire, born August 14, 1876, died April 13, 1892 ; Alexandra Catherine Dyce ; Mary [m., 1886, Professor Charles Niven, M.A., F.R.S., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Senior Wrangler] ; Lucy Margaret (deceased) ; Julia Charlotte ; Margaret Isobel ; and Jessie Josephine [m., 1897, Louis Slade Winsloe of Liverpool. Estates — Banchory Devenick and Leggart, in co. Kincardine. Postal address — Banchory House, Banchory Devenick, N.B. Clubs — Carlton, Cale- donian, Royal Northern (Aberdeen). The Reverend EDWARD HAMILTON STEWART, M.A., Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Cro.xdale, near Durham. Burn June 13, 1862, being the only son of the late Rev. Henry Stewart, D.D. , by his wife Martha Angelina, only dau. of Rev. Edward M. Hamilton, and niece of the late Lord Clermont. Armorial bearings — Or, a fesse chequy argent and azure between three lions rampant gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head couped proper. Motto— "Forward." Postal address — Croxdale Rectory, Durham. HECTOR BRABAZON STEWART, Esquire, Rear- Admiral (retired) R.N. Born Dec. 13, 1841, being the second son of the late John Vandeleur Stewart, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , by his wife Lady Helen Toler, third dau. of Rt. Hon. Hector John, 2nd Earl of Norbury. Armorial bearings Or, a bend compony azure and argent, between two lions rampant gules (for Stewart). Mantling azure and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a dragon statant or. Motto — " Metuenda corolla draconis." Resi- dence —x^ Warwick Square, S.W. Club — United Service. The Reverend HENRY WILLIAM STEWART, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), Rector of Knockbreda, co. Down, Chancellor of the Cathedral of Holy Trinity, Dio. Down, land Rural Dean. Born Sept. 24, 1834, being the eldest son [of the late Rev. Edward Michael Stewart, M.A., of Bally- ) menagh, by his wife Jane Renwick, dau. of John Jeffrey. Livery — Blue and white. Armorial bearings — Or, a fesse chequy argent and azure, between three lions rampant gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head couped proper. Motto — " Forward. " Married, April 10, i860, Fanny, dau. of the Venerable Arthur Palmer, B.D., Archdeacon of Toronto; and has Issue— (1) Edward Michael Stewart, Gentleman, b. 1864 ; (2) Arthur Henry Stewart, Gentleman, b. 1869 [ni., 1891, Alice Mosse]; (3) Pakenham Thomas Stewart, Gentleman, B.A., B.E., b. 1871 [m., 1901, Mary Dupr<5 Fennell]; (4) Rev. William Stewart, B.A., Clerk in Holy Orders, b. 1876; (5) James Robert Stewart, Gentleman, b. 1878 ; (6) John Alexander Stewart, Gentleman, b. 1881 [;«., 1904, Lydia Christina Malcolm]; Frances Mary; Jane Charlotte [tn., 1884, Jonas Sealy Poole, M.D.] ; Hester Madeline [m., 1894, Commander O. H. Daniel, R.N.]; Katharine Elizabeth Martha, d. 1892 ; and Elizabeth Margaret Anne Palmer. Estates — Ballymenagh, co. Tyrone; Corcam, co. Donegal; Ballitibbott, co. Cork. Residence— KsiockhreAii. Rectory, CO. Down. S JAMES STEWART, Esquire, late Captain Royal (Madras) Horse Artillery, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Cardigan, Justice of the Peace for the county of Carmarthen. Born August 9, 1830, being the second son of Alexander Stewart of Grove House, Woodford. Club — East India United Service. Livery — Blue and Yellow. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, a fesse chequy between two mullets in chief and a crescent in base gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-lion rampant proper, holding between his paws a mullet gules ; and upon an escroll over the same this Motto, " Hinc Orior.'' Married, 1857, Louisa Charlotte, daughter of W. Butler of the Madras Army ; and has Issue — (i) James Logan Stewart, Gentleman, 7th Hussars, born 1866 [married Eveline Mary, daughter of the late Hon. Sir J. C. Dormer, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and died June 20, 1898] ; (2) William Edmond Logan Stewart,. Esq., D.S.O. , Capt. ist Welsh Regt. , born 1873 ; Louisa Evelyn [married H. P. Wardell] ; and Margaret Ker [married J. C. Vaughan- Pryse-Rice]. ^'j/a/^— Alltyrodyn, in the county of Car- digan. Postal address — Alltyrodyn, Llandyssil, South Wales. JAMES STIRLING STEWART, Gentleman. Bom June 10, 1871, being the eldest son of James Stewart, Esq., is tbe Naval Cockad^. ia90 ^te formerly MP. for Greenock. J. P. and D.L. cos. Ayr and Renfrew, by his second wife Margaret Sandilands, sixth 1887, Francis Henry Bennet Skrinc, Bengal Civil Service, and has issue]. Seat — Ardvorlich, Locheamhead, in the co. dau. of William Stirling and g^anddau. of John Stirling of Kippendavie. Armorial bearings — Or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, between a horseshoe sable in chief and a lymphad sails furled, oars in action, flags pennon flying, all proper in base. Mantillng azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion or, holding in the paws a battle-axe proper. Motto — " Audax in recto." Married, March 3, 1897, Margaret Augusta Sofia, only dau. of Henry Peters; and has Issue — James Henry Stewart, Gentleman, b. Dec. 19, 1897; and Aileen. Seat — Black- house, Skelmorlie, Ayrshire. JOHN STEWART, Esquire, Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, Justice of the Peace CO. of Perth, Colonel Royal (late Bengal) Artillery (retired). Bom March 24, 1833, being the third but eldest surviving son of the late William Murray Stewart, Esquire, Major 22nd Bengal Native Infantry, by his wife Charlotte Athanas, eldest daughter of Major Robert Joseph Debnam, 13th Light Infantry. Armorial hearings— He bears for Arms : Quar- terly I and 4, or, a lion rampant within a double tressure flory counterflory gules ; 2. or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, in chief a mullet gules ; 3. argent, a saltire engrailed between four roses gules, barbed and seeded vert, all within a bordure engrailed compon^e azure and of the first. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Com- panion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter naked arm issuant, grasping a sword in bend sinister, all proper, pommel and hilt or. Motto (in an escroU above the crest) -"Deo juvante vinco." Married, July 14, 1857, Elizabeth Magdalen Amelia, fourth dau. of General Thomas Webster of Balgarvie, in the co. of Fife ; and has/«K*-(i) William Stewart, Esquire, Major, late loth Bengal Lancers, Governor H.M. Prisons, Scotland, b. Oct. 8, i859[»»., 1891, Lily, dau, of A. C. MacLaren, Esq., and has issue, William Debnam Maclaren Stewart, Gentleman, b. April 15, 1893]; (2) John Lindesay Stewart, Gentleman, Lieut, nth Royal Lancers, *. October 24, 1875,//. June 2, 1902; (3) Augustus Baird Stewart, Gentleman,^. Oct. i, 1877, rf. 1893; Mabel; LihanfOT., Jan. 20, 1885, Charles Pardey Lukis, Bengal Medical Service, and has issue] ; Ethel Mary [m., November 2, 1887, Ernest James Medley, Esq., Major 17th Bengal Lancers]; Helen Lucy [»/. , Jan. 25, of Perth. Clubs — Junior Constitutional, Caledonian (Edin- burgh), Conservative (Edinburgh). SSiR MARK JOHN MACTAGGART STEWART, first Baronet, of Southwick, in the Stewarlry of Kirk- cudbright, and of Ardwell and Blairderry, in the county of , Wigtown ; educated at Winchester and Christ Church, ' Oxford. B.A. 1858, M.A. i860; called to the Bar of the Inner Temple 1862 ; Hon. Col. First Administrative Brigade : Ayr and Galloway Artillery Volunteers, V.D. , J. P. and D. L. for the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, and D. L. for Wig- tonshire ; represented the Wigtown Burghs in Parliament i as a Conservative 1874 to 1880, has represented the j Stewartry of Kirkcudbright in Parliament since 1885. In accordance with the will of the late Sir John Mac Tag- giirt, Bart., of Ardwell, Sir Mark and Lady MacTaggart- Stewart assumed the additional surname and arms ofj MacTaggart on succeeding to Ardwell in 1895. Born Oct. 12, 1834, elder son of Mark Hathorn Stewart of South-1 wick, who died December 3, 1878 (youngest son of Robert ' Hathorn Stewart, Esq., of Physgill, by Isabella, dau. of Sir Stair Agnew, sixth Bart., of Lochnaw), by his wife^ Janet, daughter of John Sprot, Esquire, of Riddell, Rox- burghshire. Clubs— Carlton, Athenaeum, New (Edin- burgh), Conservative (Edinburgh). Creation — October 13, 1892. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 I and 4, or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, surmounted ' of a bend engrailed gules, charged with three salmon of : the first, in the sinister chief point a buckle, all within a double tressure flowered and counterflowered of the fourth (for Stewart) ; 2 and 3 argent, a bend sable be- j tween two owls proper (for MacTaggart). Upon the escut- cheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet tefitting his degree, with a mantling azure , doubled or ; and uixjn a wreath of his liveries is set for Crestj j a demi-lion rampant, holding in his dexter paw a buckle] or. Motto (over the crest) — " Suflibulatus majorcs scquor." j Married, July 26, 1866, Marianne Susanna, only child of | is the Military Cockade. ^te ^te 1291 John Orde Ommanney by his wife the dau. and heiress of Sir John MacTaggart, Bart., of Ardwell, in accordance with whose will Sir Mark and Lady Stewart assumed the addi- tional surname and arms of MacTaggart ; and has had Issue — (i) A son, b. Mar. 10 and d. Mar. 13, 1868 ; (2) John Frances Mark Stewart, Esq., b. June 21, 1869, d. 1870; (3) John Mark Stewart, Esq., b. May 23, 1875, d. 1B78; (4) Edward Orde Stewart, Esq. ,3, Jan.31, 1883, Lieut. 3rd Batt. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders ; Janet Gertrude argent, a galley, her sails trussed up and oars in action sable (for Lorn). Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling gules, doubled [m. , 1899, Robert George Seton] ; Sarah Blanche ; Frances Emily [m., 1903, the Earl of Cassilis, vide Ailsa] ; Susanna Mary \m., 1901, the 17th Baron Borthwick]; and Margaret Anna. Seats — Southwick, Dumfries, N.B. ; Ardwell, Wigtonshire, N.B. ; and Knockishee, Glenliice, N.B. Town residence— 1 Whitehall Gardens, London, S.W. Sir NORMAN ROBERT STEWART, 2nd Baronet (June II, 1881), Colonel Indian Staff Corps, Major-General, local General Commanding a Brigade in China, served in the Afghan War and Soudan Expedition 1885. Born Sept. 27, 1851, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Field-Marshal Sir Donald Martin Stewart, ist Bart., G.C.B., G.C.S.L, CLE., D.C.L., LL.D., Governor of Royal Hospital, Chelsea (was Field-Marshal Commander- in-Chief of H.M. forces in India 1881-85, and a member of the Council of the Secretary of State forlndia 1885 to 1900), by his wife Marina Katharine (C.I.), dau. of Thomas Dymock Dabine, Commissioner R.N. Armorial bearings — Or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, between in chief two garbs of the second and in base an Indian crown gules ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Banmet. Mantling azure and or. Crest—On a wreath of ihe colours, a dexter arm couped below the elbow and erect, vested gules, holding in the hand a dagger proper, hiked or. Motto (over)—" Pro Rege et Lege." Married, March 30, 1875, Ada, dau. of P. W. Hewitt of Bombay; and has /w«e— Douglas Law Stewart, Esq., b. July i, 1878; Elsie; and Kathleen Seymour. C/k3— Junior Army and Navy. ROBERT BRUCE STEWART, Gentleman, B.A., Magdalen College, Oxford, Representative of the Stewarts of Lorn, Appin, and Ardsheal. Born April 23, 1863, being the eldest surviving son of the late John Stewart of Lincoln s Inn, Barrister-at-Law, by his wife, fourth dau. of the late Thomas Forbes Winslow. Livry — Light blue, with gold facings. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, a fesse chequy azure and argent (for Stewart) ; 2 and 3, argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a unicorn's head issuing out of a wreath argent, maned, horned, and bearded or ; on a scroll above, this Motto, " Quhidder will Zie"; and on a compartment below its shield are placed for Supporters— Two roebucks proper. Residence — 73 Vanbrugh Park, Blackheath. S ROBERT HATHORN- JOHNSTON -STEWART, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for co. Wigton, formerly Capt. 13th Light Dragoons. Assumed the additional sur- name of Johnston in accordance with the conditions of the entail of his uncle's (James Johnston) estates. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, a chevron gules, between three hunting-horns vert, garnished of the second ; 2 and 3, or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, surmounted of a bend engrailed gules, in the sinister chief point a buckle of the fourth, all within a double tressure flory counterflory, also of the fourth. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion ram- pant gules, armed and langued azure, grasping a hawthorn tree fructed, and in the dexter paw a scimitar defending the same proper. Mottoes (over the crest) — " Fidelitate et amore ; " (under arms) — " Suffibulatus majores sequor." Married, firstly, August 1851, Eleanor Louisa, youngest dau. of Archibald Douglas of Glenfinart ; and has Issue^ (i) Stair Hathorn-Johnston-Stewart, |Esq., Capt. 20th Hussars, b. June 2, 1852 [nt., July 12, 1883, Helen Con- stance, third dau. of Sir Edward Hunter-Blair, 4th Bart.]; Ellen Douglas [w., April 15, 1873, James Francis Dalrymple Hay, eldest son of Rt. Hon. Sir John- Dalrymple Hay, 3rd Bart., K.C.B. , and has issue]. He married, secondly, April 24, 1856, Anne Murray, second dau. of Sir William Maxwell, 6th Bart, of Monreith, by Helenora his wife, youngest dau. of Sir Michael Shaw Stewart, 5th Bart, of Greenock and Blackball, and has issue (i) Robert Hathorn- Johnston-Stewart, Gentleman, Comm. R.N., b. May 20, 1858 ; (2) William Maxwell Hathorn-Johnston-Stewart, Esq., Capt. Royal Marines, b. Dec. 16, 1865, d. May 31, 1896 ; (3) James Hathorn-Johnston-Stewart, Gentleman, second Lieut. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, b. 1871 ; (4) Herbert Eustace Hathorn-Johnston-Stewart, Gentle- man, b. July 15, 1880; Mary [»/., Oct. 6, 1887, G. R. V. Hume, Esq., Capt. Seaforth Highlanders, eldest son of Sir Gustavus Hume, K.C.B.]; Nora; Anne [ot., April 1898, G. F. Scott Elliott, B.A., F.R.G.S.]; Margaret [m. H. Broadhurst]; Blanche [m. Arthur Broadhurst, Esq., Capt. 14th Hussars] ; Constance Alice ; Agnes Catherine, d. unm. Jan. 11, 1895; and Edith. Seats — Glasserton and Physgil!, Whithorn, co. Wigton, and Champfleurie, Linlithgow, N.B. STEWART of Balnakeilly (L.O.). Quarterly, i and 4, or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, surmounted by a lion rampant gules, armed and langued of the second ; is the Naval Cockade. bk tit)* !&te ^te a and 3, ature, three gmrbs or. the whole within n bordura pnrtrd per saltire argent and sable. M a n tl in g gules, doubled or. Or«tV-On a wreath of bis liveries, a dexter band couped at the wrist holding a dagger ^rect in pale proper. Motto — "Nunquam non paratus." Livery — Dark blue, white facings. Eld. s. of Henry Black Stewart, Esq., of Balnakeilly, J, P., *. 1808; d. 1881 ; m. 1846, Mary Forbes Kinloch, d. of Capt. James Hood, Q3rd Highlanders : — Alexander Blair Stewart, Esq., J. P. Perthsh., late Hon. Maj. 3rd Batt. Roy. Highlanders (" Black Watch"), b. 26 Nov. 1849. 5«ra/— Balnakeilly, Pitlochry, N.B, Clubs — Bachelors', New (Edinburgh). STEWART of Calderpark (1868). Parted per bend 01 and argent, a fesse chequy azure and of the second, in chief a stag's head couped of the third. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a pelican in her piety feeding her young gules. Motto — " Vulnere viresco." Son of the late James Reid Stewart, Esq., of Calder- park, J. P., D.L., Hon. Col. Lanarksh. Vol. Art., d. 1896 ; m. 1850, Jane, ygst. d. of James Murdoch : — Stanley Reid Stewart, Gentleman, b. 1863. Post, add.— C/o Mrs. Reid Stewart, 19 Park Terrace, Glasgow. STEWART (U.O.). i and 4, or, a bend compony argent and azure, between two lions rampant gules ; 2 and 3^argent, a saltire gules. Mantling gules and argent. OrMt — On a wreath of the colours, a dragon statant or. Motto — " Metumda corolla draconis." Livery — Dark blue, orange facings. Sons of Alexander John Robert Stewart, Esq., J. P., D.L. , High Sheriff co. Donegal 1853, and co. Down 1861, b. 1827; d. 1904; tn. 1851, Isabella Rebecca, sixth d. of Rt. Hon. Hector John Graham Toler, 2nd Elarl of Norbury : — Alexander George John Stewart, Gentleman, b. 13 Feb. 1852 [m. 10 April 1883. Julia Blanche, d. of Charles Pingwall, d. 5 Dec 1897, leaving issue, Ena Dingwall Tosca; and Muriel], Seats— AvAi House, Litterkenny, CO. Donegal ; Lawrcncetown House, Gilford, co. Down. Charles Hector Stewart, Gentleman, b. 23 May 1853. George Lawrence Stewart, Gentleman, b. Sept. i86i. Henry Moore Stewart, Gentleman, b. 29 March 1863. Cecil George Graham Stewart, Gentleman, b. 14 June 1868. STEWART (U.O.). Or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, between three lions rampant gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, ;i griffin's head couiied proper. Motto — " Forward." Son of Rev. Henry Stewart, D.D. , of Mount Blakency, b. 1836; d. 1896; m. 1861, Martha Angelina, only d. of Rev. Edward Michael Hamilton : — Rev. Edward Hamilton Stewart, M.A., Rector of Crox- dale, CO. Durham, b. 1862; m. 1896, Constance, eld. d. of late John Henry Gilchrist Clark of Speddoch, Dum- friesshire; and has issue— Henry Robert Stewart, Gentle- man; Emily Hilda; Margaret Louisa; and Eileen Con- stance. Seat — Mount Blakeney, co. Limerick. Jies. — The Rectory, Croxdale, Durham. Yr. sons of James Robert Stewart, Esq.,of ('.ortliln-u'li and Mount Blakeney, J. P., D.L., *. 181 ,; m. 1835, Martha Eleanor, d. of Rich 11 Warren, Serjeant-at-Law : — Col. Richard Warren Stewart, late R.E., ^. 1837. lies.— The Cottage, Bryansford, co. Down. Capt. Edward Pakenham Stewart, late 78th Regt., b. . Res. — Laragh, Killiney, co. Dublin. William Thomas Stewart, Gentleman, b. . Res. — 6 Leinster Street, Dublin. George Francis Stewart, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Leitrim (High Sheriff 1892), b. 1851 ; m. 1881, Georgian.-i Lavinia, d. of Rear-Adm. Richard Robert Quin ; and has issue — (i) Clements George Stewart, Gentleman, Lieut. R. Inniskilling Fus. , b, 1882; (2) Robert Henry Kynn Stewart, Gentleman, b. 1883; Mary Selina ; and Ethel Georgiana. Seat — Summerhill, Killiney, co. Dublin. JAMES ALEXANDER FRANCIS HUMBERSTON STEWART-MACKENZIE of Seaforth, Esquire, F. R.G.S. , J. P., D.L,, and Vice-Lieut, for Ross and Cromarty, and Col. late Comm. 9th Lancers. Bom 1847, being the only son of the late Keith William Stewart-Mackenzie, Esq. , J. P. and D.L., by his first wife Hannah Charlotte, dau. of the late I. J. Hope-Vere. Livery — Blue and yellow. Armorial bear- ings— Quarterly I and 4, azure, a stag's head caboshed or (for Mackenzie of Seaforth and Kintail) ; 2 and 3, or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, surmounted of a bend engrailed gules, within a double tressure flory counterflory of the last (for Stewart, Earl of Galloway). Mantling azure and or. Crests — 1. on a wreath of his liveries, on the dexter side, a mountain in flames proper (for Mackenzie) ; 2. on a wreath of his liveries, a pelican in her piety proper (for Stewart). Mottoes— " Luceo non uro"; " Virescit vulnere virtus." Married, July 14, 1899, Mary, only dau. of E. Steinkopff of Lydhurst, Hayward's Heath. Seat — Brahan Castle, Conon Bridge, co. Ross, N.B. Town res. — 4 Upper Grosvenor Street, London, W. Clubs — Carlton, Army and Navy, Turf, St. George's Yacht. S JAMES STEWART-ROBERTSON, Esquire, D.L. J. P. for CO. Perth, late Hon. Major 3rd Batt. R.H. Born Nov. 14, 1856, being the only son of James Stewart- Robertson, Esq., D.L. and J. P., of Edradynate, in theco. of Perth, by his wife Mary Jane, daughter of Robert Cunning- hame of Balanorris, Isle of Man. Club — New (Edinburgh). Livery — Blue, bordered with yellow. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly, first grand quarter, counterquartered i and 4, or a fesse chequy azure and argent, in chief a label of three points gules ; 2 and 3 azure, three garbs or (for Stewart) ; second and third grand quarters gules, three wolves' heads erased argent, in chief a crescent of the second for difference (for Robertson) ; third grand quarter, a shake-fork sable, between three roses gules (for Cunninghame). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent. Crests — On the dexter side a griffin passant proper ; with the Motto, "Never unprepared" (for Stewart); on the sinister side an arm erect, the hand holding an imperial crown proper; with the motto, " Virtute gloria merces" (for Robertson). Married, Sept. 11, 1880, Janet Beatrice, dau. of Thomas William Murray Allan, Esq., D.L., J. P., & is tbe Military Cockade, ^te ^ti 1293 of Glenfeochan, Argyllshire; and has Issue — Dorothy Campbell. Estates — Edradynate, Cluny, and Colquhalzie, all in the county of Perth. .Sra/— Edradynate, Strathtay, Perthshire. STEWART-SAVILE, see SAVILE. STIFFE, see EVERITT. STIFFE (H. Coll.). Per chevron raguly aziu'e and or, in chief two estoiles of the last and in base as many spears in saltire, banded together with a ribband gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi- eagle rising or, winged sem^e of estoiles azure, in the beak a billet also azure. Motto — " Recte et firme." Sons of William Stiflfe of Stuttgart, Wiirtemburg, b. c. 1786 ; d. i860 ; m. c. 1827, Elizabeth, d. of Sir John Everitt, Knt. Bach. , Sheriff of Bedfordshire : — Arthur William Stiffe, Esq., late Lieut. Indian Navy and Capt. Roy. Indian Marine, b. 1831 ; m. 1863, Henrietta, d. of John Stone, Esq., J. P. and D.L. Bucks; and has issue — (i) Archibald Francis Everitt, Esq., Capt. R,A. , b. 1867; (2) Norman Cecil, Gentleman, b. 1872. Res. — 49 Drayton Gardens, London, S.W. Club — East India United Service. Rev. Charles Everitt (Stiffe), M.A. (Oxon.), b. ; m. ; and has issue — (i) John Everitt, Gentleman, b. ; (2) James Everitt, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Llangollen. STILGOE (Ped. H. Coll.). Argent, a chevron cotlised gules, between three falchions (or curtilaxes) proper, hilts and pommels or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, an arm embowed proper, holding in the hand a falchion (or curtilaxe) as in the arms, and tied at the elbow with a ribbon gules. Motto — " Malo mori quam foedari." [Proved "user" of arms, and ped. regd. at H. Coll. since 1668]. Sons of Zachariah Walden Stilgoe, Gentleman, of Adderbiiry, co. Oxford, b. 1829 ; d. 1878 ; 7n. 1857, Ann Biggs, d. of William Denchfield of Burston House, nr. .'Aylesbury, Bucks: — Hugh William Stilgoe, Gentleman, b. 1861 ; m. 1897, Mary Margaret, d. of late Rev. Edward William Cory, M.A. , Vicar of Meldreth, Cambs. , and Rural Dean; and has issue^Hugh Cory Stilgoe, Gentleman, b. 1901. Res. — The Grounds, Adderbury, nr. Banbury. Henry Edward Stilgoe, Gentleman, of Deddington, co. Oxford, M.Inst.C.E., b. 1867; m. 1895, Henrietta Stitt, d. of late Archibald Cleland Tweedie, City Treasurer of Liverpool ; and has issue — Vera Frances. Res. — Castle Knoll, Dover. C/?^^.f— Whitehall, Dover Club (Dover). Wilfred Hamilton Stilgoe, Gentleman, Solicitor, b. 1870; m. 1899, Margaret Hope, yr. d. of laie Sir James Kirk- patrick of Closeburn, Bart. ; and has issue — Roger Kirk- patrick Stilgoe, Gentleman, b. 1904. Res. — " Thriepmuir," Claygate, Surrey. Son of late Nathaniel Page Stilgoe of Adderbury, Gentleman, b. 1852 ; d. 1894 ; m. 1876, Betsey Anne, d. of Matthew Savidge of Sarsden, Oxford : — Nathaniel Gordon Stilgoe, Gentleman, b. 1892. Res. — Adderbury, nr. Banbury, Oxon. STILL [temp. Eliz. , Ped. H. Coll.). Sable, guttfe d'eau, three roses argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a kingfisher proper. Motto — ■" Tempus et patientia." Son of James Charles Still, Esq., Capt. 3rd Dragoon Guards, d. 1902: — Charles John Gundry Still, Gentleman, b. i86i ; m. 1887, Sybil, d. of John Hardy. Post. add. — The Limes, Dalerie, Crieff, N.B. Clubs — Royal Thames Yacht, Marylebone C.C. , Royal North Devon Golf. JOHN PAKENHAM STILWELL, Esquire, J.P. for CO. Southampton. Born Nov. 4, 1832, being the elder son of John Gilliam Stilwell, Esq., of Bregsells, in the parish of Capel, co. Surrey, J.P. for co. Middlesex and for the city of Westminster, by his wife Ellen Mary, eldest dau. of John Tingcombe of Hartley, co. Devon. Livery — White with gi^een facings, brass buttons. Ar- morial bearings — Argent, a bend nebuly azure, between three escocheons of the last, each charged with an escallop of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, on a viTeath of the colours, upon water, a swan proper, holding in the beak an anchor or; with the Motto, " Hold fast." Married, February 21, i860, Georgina Elizabeth, only child of William Stevens, Esquire, of Hilfield, in the parish of Yateley, in the county of Hampshire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Berk- shire ; and has Issue — (1) Geoffrey Holt Stilwell, Esq., M.A. Oxford, Major ist Volunteer Batt. Hanip.':hire Regt. , b. July 4, 1865 [/«., May 17, 1893, Elizabeth Grant, dau, of Charles Grant Tindal of Fir Grove, Eversley, and has issue]; (2) John Bernard Lethbridge Stilwell, Esq., Capt. is the Naval Cockade. 4N * 1*94 %U itt Volunteer Batt. »am|>shire Rcgt.. *. Sept. ^. 1873; (t) William Bvron Stilwell. Gentleman. Lie»it. isi Volunteer Bkil Hants Rrgt. *. April a, iMo; Norah Georgina ; Alice EUabeih; Kihel Mary; and Beatrice Ellen, /i.ttates— BrcKsells, in the (lorish of Cajwl, in tlie county of Surrey ; Hilheld, in the jxuish of Yateley, in the county of South- ampton. Postal address — Hilficld, Yateley, Blackwater, Hants. STIRLING, see CRAWFURD-STIRLING-STUART. STIRLING of Keir ovc, with the supporters, 1903], t. 14 Sept. 1867. Seat— Keir, Dunblane, rerih!>hire. Stirling of Kippcndavie (rematric 1883), John Alexander Stirling {f.v.). STIRLING (H. Coll.). Or, three round buckles in bend between two bendlets. all Iwtween as many swan's heads erased azure. Mantling^ azure and or. Onst — On a wreath of the colours, a lion statant or, charged on the body with two estoilcs in fesse azure, and resting the dexter paw on a buckle as in the arms. Motto — " Tenax." Sons of Rev. James Stirling of Aberdeen : — Rt. Hon. Sir James Stirling {f.v.). Hugh Stirling, Cjentleman, d. . R^s. — 8 Vanburgh Park Road, Blackhealh. S.E. Right Hon. Sir JAMES STIRLING. Knt. Bachelor, F.R.S., Hon. LL.D. Aberdeen. B.A., Sen. Wrangler (i860). M.A. (1863) Trin. Coll., Camh. ; was Junior Equity Counsel to Treasury 1881-86, and a Judge of High Court of Justice (Chancery Div.) May 1886 to Oct. 1900, since when he has i^en a Lord Justice of Appeal; knighted 1886; P.C. 1900. Horn i836,l)ciiigthesonof the Rev. James Stirling, Al)erdecn. Armorial bflarlngs -Or, three round buckles in bend be- tween two bendlets, all between as many swans' heads erased azure. Maaulng azure and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a lion statant or, charged on the body with two estoilcs in fesse azure, and resting the dexter paw on a buckle as in the arms. Motto -"Tenax." A/a > ried, 1868, .-\by, eldest dau. of John Thomson Renton of Bradstone Brook, Shalford, Surrey. Nesidfucfs — 3 Hans Crescent, S.W.; Finchcocks, Goudhurst, Kent. Chambers — 630 Royal Courts of Justice, W.C. Club -Athenaeum. JOHN ALEXANDER STIRLING, Gentleman, and Lieut. Scots Guards. Pom Sept. ao, 1881, being the eldest son of the late Lieut. -Col. Patrick Stirling of Kip- pcndavie and Kippenross, by his wife Marj;arel Mary, eldest dau. of Rear- Admiral John Lcith. Armorial bear- ing^— Argent, on a l)end sable three buckles of the first, in chief a crescent of the second. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of his liveries, a Moor's head s;\ble, banded about the temples argent. Motto — "Gang forward." iVa/— Kippenross, near Dunblane. S HENRY EDWARD STIRLING-HOME-DRUM MOND, Esquire, J. P. and D.L., Captainand Lieut.- Col. late Scots Guards. M.P. for Perthshire 1878 to 1880. Bom Sept. 15, 1846, being the eldest son of the late Charles Stirling-Home-Drummond-Moray of Blair Drummond, Ardoch, Abercairny, and Mille;u-ne, J. P. and I). L., for- merly of the and Life Guards and 15th Hussars, by his wife Lady .Anne Georgina, youngest dau. of Charles, 5th Marquess of Queensbcrry , K. T. Armoiial bearings — C)r, three bars wavy gules, each charged with an escallop of the field, impaling the arms of Seymour, namely quarterly i and 4, or, on a file gules, between six Heurs-de-lis azure, three lions of England passant guardant or ; 2 and 3, gules, two wings conjoined in lure or. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a WTcath of his liveries, a sleuthhound's head proper. MottO -'* E cura quiss." MarrUd, Jan. 23, 1877, Lady Georgina Emily Lucy Seymour, fourth dau. of Francis Hugh George, sth Manjuess of Hereford, G.C.B. 5m/j— Blair Drummond, Stirling ; Ardoch, Braco, both co. Perth. Clubs — Guards', Carlton. S JAMES HENRY STOCK. F^uire, Captain Lanca- shire Hussars Yeomanry Cavalry, Barrister-at-I^w (Inner Temple. M.P. for Walton Division of Liver|K)ol. Bom Dec. 17, 1855. lieing the son of the late John Slock of Knolle I'ark, Wtxjlton, near IJverpool. Arinorlal bear- ings —Argent, on a pile azure, between two flowers of the cotton-tree slipped projier, a hawk rising argent, belled or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a gauntlet fesseways or, thereon a hawk azure. is the Military Cockade. ©to ^to "95 holding in the beak an annulet also or. Motto—" Cele- riter et audacter." Married, 1880, May Sabina, dau, of the late Rt. Hon. Arthur MacMurrough Kavanagh, P.C, Lord-Lietit. of co. Carlow. Seat'-'V\\c White Hall, Tar- jorley, Cheshire. Town residence -^ Lowndes Square, C/«^j— Carlton, Arthur's, Wellington. 3.W. Sir GYSBERT HENRY STOCKENSTROM, and Baronet (Marcli 29, 1840), of Maastrom, (.'ape of Good Hope, M.L.C., Into oflicer 6ist Foot. Horn March 11, 1841, being the eldest son of Sir Andrics Stockcnstrom, ist Bart., by his wife, tiie dau. of Gysbert Henry Maasdorp of the Cape of Ciood Hope. Armorial beaxingB— Per fesse argent and or, a fesse wavy azure, between a sword and branch of laurel in snltire proper, passing through the ring of the astronomical chanactcr of Mars sable in chief, and in base the stiunp of a tree, one branch sprouting from the dexter side thereof, issuing from water proper ; the escut- cheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Bart. Mant- ling a/.iire and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of alike stump of a tree, two swurds in s«., Jan. 7, 1890, Lieut. J. Hamilton Allen, R.N., only son of Col. Allen of Errol Park, co. Perth, and great grandson of the first Earl of Camperdown]. He married secondly, June II, 1872, Emma Sophia Christina, elder dau. of Christopher Mercer Durrant, Esq., M.D., J. P. co. Suffolk, and relict of Capt. Maynard, 20th Regt. ; and has Issiie — (i) Ralph Durrant Sadleir Stoney, Gentleman, Lieut. Royal Irish Fusiliers, b. April 8, 1873 '< (2) Franc Aubrey Sadleir Stoney, Gentleman, B.A. Trin. Coll., Dublin, b. May 23, 1875 '< (s) Leigh Sadleir Stoney, Gentleman, b. April 19, 1878 ; (4) George, d. in infancy ; Emma Geraldine ; Mary Moor- house ; and Ruth, d. in infancy. The Rev. FRANC SADLEIR STONEY, Clerk in Holy Orders. Born Dec. 10, 1865, being the fourth son of the late Sadleir Stoney, Esq., M.A. , Barrister-at-Law, J. P. CO. Dublin, by his wife Eleanor, dau. of Rev. Thomas Luby,D.D., Senior Fellow of Trin. Coll.,DubHn. Armorial bearings — Or, on a bend cotised azure, three escallops of the field. Mantling azure and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours out of a mural crown proper, a demi-lion or, holding between the paws a spur erect argent, winged gules. Motto -" Nunqnam non paratus." Married, 1893, Eliza, dau. of the Rev. W. Noble, Rector of Tashanny, CO. Longford. FRANCIS GOOLD STONEY, Gentleman. Bom April 1837, being the third son of the late John George Stoney, Esq., J. P., by his wife Anna Henrietta, only dau. of Thomas Waller, Esq., J. P., of Finoe House, Borrisokane. Armorial bearings — Or, on a bend cotised azure, three escallops of the field. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, out of a mural crown proper, a demi-lion or, holding between the paws a spur erect argent, is tbe Naval Cockade. I ia99 ^tO %to winced gules. MottO— " Nunquani non paratus." Mar- ritJ, Aug. lo, 1865, Annie Kli«ibe(h, onl^ dau. of Alex- ander Duncan, C.R. ; and has /ixw*-— Edward Duncan Sloncy. Gentleman, b. July 31, 1868. Postal address— Ipswich. FRKDERICK MARQUEITE STONEY. Gentleman. Born 190a, being the second son of the late Frederick Wetherall Stoney, by his wife Gertrude, dau. of Senator Marquette, U.S.A. Armorial IwariDgB— Or, on a bend coti'sed ature, three escallops of the field. Mantling azure and or. OrMt On a wreath of the colours, out of a mural crown proper, a demi-lion or, holding between the paws a spur erect argent, winged gules. Motto '* Nunquam non ftaratus." A/iirnVrf Margerette. Residtncf - GEORGE FREDERICK STONEY, Gentleman, UR.C.P.. L.R.C.S. Edin., L.F.P.S. Glas. Born Aug. 36, 1869, being the fifth and youngest son of the late S:idleir Stoney, Esq., M.A. , Barrister-at-Law, J. P. co. Dublin, by his wife Eleanor, dau. of Rev. Thomas Luby, D.D., Senior Fellow of Trin. Coll., Dublin. Armorial bearing* Or, on a b^nd cotised azure, three escallops of the field. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, out of a mural crown proper, a demi-lion or, holding between the paws a spur erect argent, winged gules. Motto — "Nunquam non paratus." Residence — II Corrig Avenue, Kingston, co. Dublin. GEORGE JOHNSTONESTONEY, Gentleman, F.R.S., late Secretary to the Queen's University, being the eldest son of the late George Stoney of Oakley Park, by his wife Anne, dau. of Bindon Blood of co. Clare. Armorial bear- ings — Or, on a bend cotised azure, three escallops of the field. Mantling azure and or. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, out of a mural crown proper, a demi-lion or, holding between the paws a spur erect argent, winged gules. Motto — " Nunquam non paratus." Married, 1863, Margaretta, only dau. of Robert J. Stoney of Parsonstown ; and has Issue — (i) George Stoney, Gentleman, C. E. ; (2) Robert Stoney, Gentleman, M.D. ; and three daus. JOHNSTONE THOMAS STONEY, Esquire, J. P. Born July 28, 1849, being the son of the late James John- stone Stoney, Esq., of Emell Castle, Cloughjordan, King's Co., J. P., M.A., by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. W. Minchin of Greenhills, co. Tipperary. Livery — Dark blue, piped with gold. Armorial bearings — Or, on a bend cotised azure, three escallops of the field. Mant- ling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, out of a mural crown propnir, a demi-lion or, holding between the paws a spur erect argent, winged gules. Motto — "Nunquam non jjaratus." il/arr»Vrf, firstly, Dec. S, 1872, Rebecca, only dau. of Edward C. Minchin of Canterbury, New 2^aland ; and by her (who d. March 7, 187s) had Issue — Rebecca Sarah Minchin. He married secondly, March 12, 1878, Arabella Louisa, only surviving child of Percy W. Cornwallis Lipyeatt of Dawlish, Devon ; and had Issue — (i) Johnstone Percy Lipyeatt Stoney, Gen- tleman, 2nd Lieut, and Batt. Worcestershire Regt., b. April 27, 1881 ; (2) Raleigh Cecil Watson Stoney, Gentleman, b. Feb. 17, 1883 ; (3) Gerald Johnstone Lipyeatt Stoney, Gentleman, b. June 17, 1884; (4) Edward Bowes Stoney, Gentleman, b. March 30. 1886 ; and three daughters. Seat — Emell Castle, Cloughjordan, King's Co. PERCY BUTLER STONEY, Gentleman, third son of lames Butler Stoney of Ross-y-Vera, in the county of Mayo, by his wife Mary Frances, daughter of James Elwood, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Knockadoo, Boyle, in the county of Roscommon. Livery- Blue and yellow. Armo- rial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, on a bend cotised azure, three escallops of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown proper, a demi-lion or, holding between the paws a spur erect argent, winded gules; with the Mottoes — "Nunquam non para- tus, ' " Audax." Married, April 18, 1872, Mary, daughter of Thomas Briggs, Honourable East India Company's Ser- vice ; and has Issue~{i) Elkin Percy Stoney, Gentleman, born January 3, 1880 ; (2) Malcolm Percy Stoney, Gentle- man, bom January 31, 1883 ; Mary Jessie ; Annie Frances ; Fanny Sophia ; and Leonora. ^j/a/«— Rylstone, in the CO. of Lancashire. Postal address — Millom, Cumberland. RALPH STONEY. Gentleman, M.D. Born Ijeing the third son of the late Sadleir Stoney, Esery — Drab cuat, rcat«Je argent. Son of Isaac Storey of Bardsea, Lanes. : — Edward Storey. Esq., J.P. Lanes., b. 1829; m. ; and has issue — William John P.itrickson Storey, Esq., J.P. Flints [Preswylfa, Rhyl, N. Wales. tV//*— Constitutional], b. i860. Seat — Crosslands, Lancaster. STORY-MASKELYNE (R.L., 1902, H. Coll.). Quar- terly, I and 4, sable, a fesse engrailed or, between three escallops argent (Maskelyne, Vn. Wilts. 1623, and pro- bably earlier) ; 2 and 3, argent, a lion rampant double- queued purpure, between four bugle-horns stringed sable in saltire (Story). Mantling sable and or. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion sable, holding between the paws an escallop argent (Maskelyne) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed, habited purpure, cuffed argent, the hands proper, grasping by the attires a stag's head caboshed or, pierced by an arrow in pale argent (Story). Motto — " Bis vivitur virtute." Sons of Anthony Mervin Reeve Story (who adopted, 1845, the surname of Story-Maskelyne) of Basset Down House, and of Glanwysk, co. Brecknock, Esq.,M.A. (Oxon.), F.R.S.. J.P. and D.L. eo. Brecknock, Barrister-at-Law, h. 1791 ; d. 1879; m. 1819, Margaret, only child and heir of Rev. Nevil Maskelyne, D.D., F.R.S., of Purton, Wilts, Astronomer- Royal :— Mervin Herbert Nevil Story-Maskelyne, Esq., M.A., Hon. D.Sc. (Oxon.), F.K.S., J.P. cos. Wilts. Gloucs., and Brecon. D.L. co. Brecon. Nl. P. for Cricklade 1880-5,1 and N. Div. of Wilts 1885-02, Hon. Fell, of Wadhamj Coll., &c. , b. 1823; m. 1858, Thereza Mary, eld. d. of late', John Dillwyn Llewelyn. F. R.S. , of l^enllergare, co. Gla«J morgan, and sister of Sir John Dillwyn Llewelyn, Bart. ;f and has issue — Margaret Emma ; Mary Lucy \m. 1885,] Rt. Hon. Hugh Oakeley Arnold-Foster, M.P.]; and] Thereza Charlotte \m. 1892, Sir Arthur Ruckcr, F.R.S.].! Seats — Basset Down House, Swindon, Wills; Salthropj Lodge, Wroughton, Wilts. Club — Alhen;»'um. Edmund Mervin Booth Story-Maskelyne, Esq., B.A. \ (Oxon.), Barrister-at-Law, b. 1829; m. i860, Marthaj Banger, eld. d. of Thomas Russell of Beaminster, Dorset;] and has issue — Anthony St. John Story-Maskelyne, Gentle- j man, b. ; and Agnes Mary. Scat — The Manor House, Lydiard Millicent, Wilts. /?«.— Hatt House, Box, Wilts. STOUGHTON. Azure, a cross engrailed ermine, in the dexier canton a mullet or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a robin redbreast proper. Son of Charles William Stoughton, Esq.. J. P.. D.L., of Ballynoe, co. Kerry, b. 1823; d. 1889; m. 1854, Percy Georgfina Laura, d. of George Bagot Gossett : — Charles Cecil Percy Stoughton, Esq., late Capt. 14th Hussars, b. 1856 ; m. 1890, Alice Eleanor, d. of John Kirkjjatrick of Monks Horton, Kent; and has issue — Maud Eleanor ; and Violet Georgina. Res. — Herbert Lionel Stoughton, Gentleman, b. 1859. Res. — William Anthony Stoughton. Gentleman, b. 1862. Res. — STOURTON. see MOWBRAY. STOURTON. quartered by DAUBENEY. WILLIAM CLIFFORD TOWNSHEND STOVELD, Gentleman, formerly of Gravesend. Armorial bearings — Or, on a pile engrailed azure, between two stags' heads couped at the neck and affront^e of the last, a feather erect of the first. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head coup>ed at the neck and affronts J azure, between two feathers or. Motto — " Eimi o eimi.'' S GILBERT HARDINGE STRACEY, Esquire, J.P.J D.L. , and C.C. co. Norfolk, formerly Capt. Prince Wales' Own Norfolk Artillery. Born May 30, 1844, being the fifth son of Sir Henry-Josias Stracey, Bart.. High Sheriff 1871, by his wife Charlotte, only dau. and heiress o| George Denne. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a eros engrailed between four eagles displayed gules, five cinque foils or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreatk of the colours, a lion rampant erminois. ducally crownedi gules, supportitig a cross pat6e fitchfe of the last. Married^ Oct. 10, 1867, Louisa, Anne, only dau. of Richard Grou- cock, Esq.; and has Issue — (i) Gilbert-Foard Stracey, Gentleman, late Lieut. 3rd Batt. Durliam Light Infantry, b. July 29, 1868 ; (2) Hardinge-Graham Stracey, Gentleman, b. Jan. 16, 1870, d. 1896; (3) Ernest Henry Denne Stracey. Esq.. Capt. Norfolk Regt.. A.D.C., Lieut. Gov. N.W.P. of India, b. April 13, 1871 ; (4) Reginald George Stracey, Gentleman, Lieut. Scots Guards, b. 1881 ; and Hildaj Marguerita. Seat — Sprowston Lodge, Rackheath, Nor-^ wich. Clubs — Carlton, Marlborough, Junior Carlton. The Rkverend WILLIAM JAMES STRACEY,J CLITHEROW, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. of the Univ.j of Cambridge, late Fellow of Magdalen Coll., formerly Vicar of Buxton, and Rector of Oxnead and of Skeyton, cotj Norfolk. Born Aug. 8, 1821, being the second son of the late John Stracey, Esq. , of Sprowston, co. Norfolk (fifth son! of Sir Edward Stracey, ist Bart. , of Rackheath), by his wife] Emma Elizabeth Clitherow, third dau. of the late Cliristo-I pher Clitherow, Bird's Place, Essendon, Herts. ; assumed! by Royal Licence, Oct. 27, 1900, the additional surname andj arms of Clitherow, in compliance with the testamentary in-| junction of James Clitherow of Boston Houfe, Middlesex. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent , on a chevron j gules, between three eagles displayed, wings inverted sable, j five annulets or (for Clitherow) ; 2 and 3, ermine, on a cross] engrailed, between four eagles displayed gules, five cinque- foils or (for Stracey). Mantling gules and argent. Cresti] — I. out of a castle or, a demi-lion rampant sable (for ' Clitherow) ; 2. a lion rampant erminois, ducally crowned ^ is tbe Military Cockade. ^tr ^tt 1301 and supporting a cross pat6e fitch^e gules (for Stracey). Married, Aug. 8, 1849, Maria Diana, eldest dau. of Lieut. - Gen. James Claud Bourchier of Lavant House, Chichester ; and has Issue — (i) Col. John Bourchier Stracey-Clitherow, late Major Scots Guards, h. May 31, 1853 [;«. , 1897, Alice, dau. of Hon. Toby Henry Prinsep, and widow of Charles Henry Gurney ; (2) Claud Edward Stracey-Clitherow, Esq. , late Capt. late Scots Guards, b. March 29, 1855 [;^«., Oct. 25, 1897, Alice Maud, sixth dau. of Gen. Lord Alfred Henry Paget, C.B.] ; (3) Eustace William Clitherow Stracey-Clithe- row, Esq., l.P. for Middlese-v, late Lieut. R.N.,i^. March 29, 1864 \ni., Feb. 7, 1900, Frances Evelyn Veronica, dau. of J. B. E. Stansfeld] ; Emma Maria \jn. Col. Birch Reynardson of Holywell Hall, co. Lincoln] ; Alice Harriot Argyll \m. , 1872, Rt. Hon. Henry James, ist Lord Hothfield] ; Evelyn [m. , 1879, Hon. Arthur ( -hichester, and ci. 1883] ; Margaret Susan [m., 1889, Charles Sommerville Orde of Hopton House, Suffolk] ; and Ida Marion. Seat — Boston House, Middlesex. Town residence—ya Portland Place, W. STRACHAN of Glenkindie, quartered by LEITH- ROSS. Lieutenant-general Sir RICHARD STRACHEY, G.C.S.I. (1897), (Royal Engineers), Fellow of the Royal Society, Doctor of Laws. Born 1817, being the son of Edward Strachey, Esquire, of the Bengal Civil Service, by his wife Julia, daughter of General William Kirkpatrick ; created Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, 1866. C/?/i5— Athenaeum. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Argent, a cross between four eagles displayed gules, and impaling the arms of Grant, namely, quarterly i and 4, gules three antique crowns or (for Grant) ; 2. or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, between three wolves' heads couped sable (for Stevk-art of Athol) ; 3. azure, a dexter arm vambraced, grasping a sword erected in pale argent, between three boars' heads couped or, langued gules (for Gordon), all within a bordure wavy or. Upon the escutcheon, which is surrounded by the ribbon and the collar of the Star of India, from which is pendent his badge as a G.C.S.I., is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed gules, charged on the breast with a cross pat^e fitch^e argent. [A quartering for Hodges is always used, namely, or, three crescents sable, on a canton of the last, a ducal crown or. This quartering is noted in the Visitations, but without tinctures, which renders a certificate of the same impossible]. Married, firstly, 1854, Caroline, daughter of the Reverend George Bowles, who died 1855 ; secondly, 1859, Jane Maria, daughter of Sir John Peter Grant, Knight Grand Cross of the ' Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, of Rothiemurchus, North Britain; and has Issue living (by second marriage) — (i) Richard John Strachey, Esq,, Captain Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own), served in Burma Campaign, 1887-1889, born 1861 [married, 1896, Alice Grace Norman, dau. of General Sir Henry Norman, G.C.B. , G.C.S.I.]; (2) Ralph Strachey, Esq., born 1868 ; (3) Oliver Strachey, Esq., born 1874 ; (4) Giles Lytton Strachey, Esq., born 1880 ; (5) James Beaumont Strachey, Esq. , born 1887 ; Elinor [married, 1882, James Meadows Rendel, Barrister-at-Law, of 4 Stone Buildings, W.C. , and has issue living, Richard Meadows Rendel, Gentleman, born 1887; Andrew James Rendel, Gentleman, born 1888 ; William Vincent Rendel, Gentle- man, b. 1898 ; EUzabeth, and Frances Elinor] ; Dorothea ; Philippa ; Joan Perncl ; and Marjorie Colvile. Postal ad- dress— tx) Lancaster Gate, W. JOHN COPPIN COPPIN-STRAKER, Esquire, J.P. CO. Northumberland, Lieut. -Col. Northumberland Hussars. Bom Dec. 16, 1847, being the eldest son of the late John Straker, Esq., J.P. , by his wife Isabella, dau. of John Coppin. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearings (R.L. H. Coll.) — Quarterly i and 4, azure, on a chevron, between in chief a mullet between two arrows barbed and feathered in pale point downwards, and in base a mullet argent, a like arrow between two mullets of the field (.Straker) ; 2 and 3 or, on a pile gules, a cock of the field (Coppin). Mantling azure and argent. Crests — (i) On a wreath of the colours, in front of an arrow in pale point downwards, barbed and feathered argent, a horse courant of the last, semee of quatrefoils azure (Straker) ; (2) on a wreath of the colours, on two escallops inverted gules, a cock or, holding in the beak an escallop also gules (Coppin). MottO — " Deus est super domo." Married, Oct. 2, 1884, Alice Wittingham, dau. of Rev. James Allgood of Nunwick and Ingram, Northum- berland ; and has Issue — (i) Ian Allgood Coppin-Straker, Gentleman, b. Aug. 25, 1888 ; (2) Roy Merlin Coppin Straker, Gentleman, b. Dec. 30, 1894, d. May 1895; Kath- leen Alice ; Helen Isabella ; Vida Williamson ; Daphne Eyre ; and Phyllis Loraine. Seats — Stagshaw, Corbridge, and Leazes, Hexham. Club — Union. STRANGE, quartered by BUSHE, MURRAY, and CORBET. STRANGMAN. Quartered by Hancock. STRANGMAN (Confn. U.O.). Per bend sable and argent, a bend embattled counter-embattled between two trefoils slipped all counterchanged. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant is the Naval Cockade. i30« ^tr ^tr table, plain collared or, pendent therefrom a harp, and hoidint: lietwecn the paws a ragged staff of the last. Motto •• Verhum vir fortis niilli succumbii (lolori." Sons of Jostiuii Stranginan of Walerford, b. 27 Sept. 1787; J. 3 March 1837; m. 1819, Anna Wakeheld, d. of James I'iiii of MuuntmcUick : — James Pim StranKnuin. Gentleman, b. 1832; m. ist, 18O3, liUuiibelh (J. 1881), second d. of George Stephenson, Seneschal of Hillsborough, co. Down ; and, 1883, Mary Catherine I'cake, d. of late Rev. Henry Peake, B.A. Rts.—^ Clydesdale Koad, Notting Hill, W. Clubs— Automobile (Paris). Royal Ulster Yacht (Belfast). Joshua George Sirangman, Gentleman, b. 1833; m. 1895, Eleanor, d. of Capt. William H.irdie of R.ithmines, DubUn, late Dublin Fusiliers. /'«.— The Mall, Water- ford. Son of Joshua John Strangman, b. 1800 ; d. 1871 ; m. i8a6, Elizabeth l^cky, d. of John Watson of Kilconner, co. Carlow : — T. Wilson Strangman, Gentleman, b. 1842 ; m. 1874, Sarah lA>uisa, d. of libenezer Pike of Besborough, co. Cork ; and has issue— (1) Wilson Strangman, Gentleman, b. 1879; (2) John Robert Strangman, Gentleman, b. 1881. /?«. — Kinoith, Shanagarry, co. Cork. Sons of John Strangman, *. 1807; r/. ; m. : — Augustus Strangman, Gentleman. Res. — Melbourne. Douglas Howard Strangman, Gentleman. Res. — New Zealand. Sons of Thomas Handcock Strangman, b. 1809 ; d. ; m. : — George Martin White Strangman, Gentleman. Res. — Waterford. Joshua William Strangman, Gentleman. Res. — Water- ford. Cecil Lucius Strangman, Gentleman, M.D., b. Ret. — Orroroo, S. Australia. Thomas Handcock Strangman, Gentleman, M. D. , *. Res. — Seymour, Victoria, Australia. Sons of Samuel Strangman of Waterford, b. 1813 ; d. 1882; tn. 1848, Maria, d. of Joshua Chaytor of Heathville, Monkstown, co. Dublin: — John Strangman, Gentleman, b. 1851 ; m. 1876, Catherine Gertrude, d. of William Lloyd of Lloydsborough , co. Tipperary ; and has issue — ^Hubert William Strangman, Gentleman, b. 1889. Res. — Summerland, Waterford, Ireland ; Altona, Dunmore East, co. Waterford. Club — Constitutional. Samuel Strangman, Gentleman, b. 1855; m. ist, 1880, Jane Newport (d. 1895), d. of M. Barron ; and has issue — Samuel William Strangman, Gentleman, b. 1881 ; 2nd, 1901, Charlotte Elizabeth, d. of late J. Gilbert Cockburn, only s. of John Cockburn, R.E. A'w.— Suirville, Waterford. Sons of Edward Strangman of " Kilcop," co. Water- ford, and afterwards of " Laurenceford," S. Africa (s. of John Strangman of Summerland, Waterford), b. 1815 ; d. 1874 ; m. 1841, Anna Amelia, d. of Fade Goff of Prince Edward Island, and granddau. of Richard Goff of Tottenham Green, co. Wexford: — Charles Strangman, Gentleman, b. 1855 ; m. 1884, Amelia Anna, eld. d. of Hon. John Gofif of Woodville, Prince Edward Island, and great-granddau. of Richard Goff of Tottenham Green, co. Wexford. Res. — 66 M'Tavish Street, Montreal; " Stonehurst," Sault au RecoUet, nr. Montreal. Fade Goff Strangman, Gentleman, b. . 'Res. — Worcester, S. Africa. Frederick William Strangman, Gentleman, 6. Res. — Somerset West, S. Africa. Walter Herbert Strangman, Gentleman, b. , Res. — Augusta, U.S.A. Edward Strangman, Gentleman, M.A. (Camb.), b. Res. — J ohannesburg. STRANGWAYES, see SWAINSTON - STRANG- WAYES. JAMES HOWARD PERCY STRANGWAYS, Gentle- man. Horn June 18, i860, being the third son of the late Rev. James Michael Henry Strangways, M. A. T. CD., some- time Rector of Baronstown, co. Louth, and for many years Vicar-Choral of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Armagh, by his wife Isabella Margaret, dau. of the late Alexander Robinson, M. B., &c. , Resident Surgeon, County Infirmary, Armagh, Ireland. Armorial bearings — Sable, two lions passant. p:\ly of six argent and gules, within a bordure engrailed ( MantUnfi: sable and argent. Great -On a wreath of tli colours, a lion as in the arms, gorged with a ducal coronc or. Motto— " Soys joyeux et ne double pointe." Marriei May 28, 1887, Amy Maud, third dau. of the late Rob Howard Shout, F.R.I.M.A., late of " IVeherne," We« Hampstead, N.W. , by his wife .Siuah, dau. of the lat John Lord of Paddington Green, W. ; and has Issue- Norah Winifred Noel ; and Olga Ho|)e. Postal address- The Shanty, Westclifr-on-S«'a, I'Lssex. LEONARD RICHARD FFLEMING STRANGWAYS Classical University Scholar of Dublin Univ., B.A. M.A. 1883, Head Master of St. Stephen's Green Scho and President (1897) Irish Schoolmasters' Association Born Oct. 2, 1857, being the second son of Rev. lame Michael Henry .Strangways, Clerk in Holy Orders, M./ Rector of Baronstown, co. Louth, Ireland, by his secon wife Isabel Margaret, dau. of Alexander Robinson, Esqj M.B., of Armagh. Clubs— RojaX Irish Yacht (Kingstown)| Royal Dublin Society (Dublin). Livery — Black, with gol< facings. Armorial bearlngfs -Sable, two lions pa paly of six argent and gules, within a bordure engraile or. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of tb colours, a lion as in the arms, gorged with a ducal coron4| or. Motto — "Soys joyeux et ne double pointe." Mat July 12, 1884, Alice Helen Beatrice, elder dau. of Jan George Robertson of Kilkenny (by his wife WilhelmiB Margaret Alicia Strangways) ; and has Issue— (1) Guy Erne- Alan Strangways, Gentleman, b. Nov. 4, 1885 ; (2) Leona- Francis Percy Strangways, Gentleman, b. Jan. 1886, d. Di 1890 ; (3) James Godfrey Victor Strangways, Gcntlema b. May 24, 1898; Juliet Marion Alice; Lilian Isabel; a«_ Beatrice Violet Mary, b. and d. 1896. Postal address^ — Merton, Cullenswood, co. Dublin ; and The Dor Skerries, co. Dublin. STRATFORD, see MORGAN-STRATFORD. The Right Honourable HALLYBURTO] GEORGE CAMPBELL, Baron Stratheden of Cupar, the CO. of Fife, Baron Campbell of St. Andrews, in tt CO. of Fife, Master of Arts. Born October 18, 1829, beir the son of the first Baroness Stratheden, by her husba John, first Baron Campbell ; succeeded his brother 18 Creations— 'Raxony of Stratheden, January 22, 1836 ; Baron of Campbell, June 30, 1841. Armorial bearings— P bears for Arms : Gyronny of eight or and sable, with is the Military Cockade. ^tr ^tr 1303 a borduie engrailed quarterly or and azure, charged with eight buckles counterchanged. Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled ermine ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a boar's head erased, gyronny of eight or and sable. Supporters as Lord Stratheden — On either side a buck argent, attired and hoofed or, that on the dexter gorged with a collar compony gules and of the second, therefrom pendent an escutcheon gyronny of eight or and sable ; and that on the sinister gorged with a collar therefrom pendent an escutcheon gold, charged with three chaplets of laurel two and one proper. Supporters as Lord Campbell — On either side a lion guardant gules, that on the dexter gorged with a collar or, pendent therefrom an escutcheon azure, charged with a saltire argent, and that on the sinister gorged with a wreath of shamrocks proper, pendent therefrom an escutcheon chequy or and gules. Motto — " Audacter et aperte." Married, August 24, 1865, Louisa Mary, eldest daughter of the Right Hon- ourable A. J. B. Beresford Hope, Member of Parliament ; and has Issue — (i) Hon. John Beresford Campbell, Lieu- tenant Coldstream Guards, b. June 20, 1866 [m., Jan. 15, 1895, the Hon. Alice Susan, second dau. of the Rt. Hon. Baron Hamilton of Dalzell ; (2) Hon. Cecil Arthur Camp- bell, b. April 3, i86g ; (3) Hon. Kenneth Hallyburton Campbell, b. May 21, 1871 ; and the Hon. Mildred Louisa. Residences — 17 Bruton Street, Berkeley Square, London, W. ; Hartrigge, Jedburgh, N.B. STRATH Y (1882). Or, on a chevron azure, between three crescents gules, a stag's head erased of the first. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, an eagle displayed holding in his beak a thistle all proper. Motto — " Audax justum perficere." Eld. son of Major James Brakenridge Strathy of Kingston, J.P., b. 1813 ; d. 1896; m. 1844, Elvira, d. of Hiram Davis Lee, M.D. , of London, Canada: — Edwin William Strathy, Gentleman, b. 29 Dec. 1844 ; m. 27 June 1872, Geraldine Alicia (deed.), d. of Edwin Van Cortlandt, M.D., of Ottawa; and has issue— (i) Edward James Van Cortlandt Stratliy, Gentleman, b. ; (2) Kenneth Gordon Strathy, Gentleman, b. ; Harriet Geraldine May ; Louise Brakenridge [m. 1895, Robert Boteler Kenrick]; Muriel; and Frances Olive. Res. — 2 Emily Street, Macdonald Park, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. ALEXANDER M'NEILL STREATFEILD-MOORE. Esquire, J. P. Born 1863, being the eldest son of the late Alexander Edward Champion Streatfeild-Moore, Esq., J. P. (assumed by Royal Licence, 1885, the additional sur- name of Moore under the will of his kinsman, Frank John Moore of Woodcock Hill), by his wife Helen, dau. of Capt. Alexander M'Neill of Colonsay, N.B. Armorial bear- ings Quarterly I and 4, per fesse gules and sable, three bezants (for Streatfeild) ; 2 and 3, azure, on a pale argent, a Moor's head proper, over all, on a chief dancette6 or, three mullets azure (for Moore). Mantling gules and sable. Crests I. on a wreath of the colours, an arm in armour proper, bent from the elbow, the forearm encircled with a band tied in knot gules, supporting a spear with a pennon showing argent, St. George's cross on the dexter side of the spear, and gules, three bezants fesseways on the sinister, the pennon being turned round the spear to show part of both sides (for Streatfeild) ; 2. in front of a crown vallary or, a Moor's head in profile proper, wreathed azure and argent, a mullet azure (for Moore). Seat— V\looAcoc\i Hill, Berkhampstead, Herts. STREETEN (H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, per pale or and azure, on a bend between a lion rampant in chief and an estoile in base, a lion rampant between two estoiles all counterchanged (Streeten) ; 2 and 3, sable, a cross invected between two escallops in chief and as many cinquefoils in base all argent (Paget). Mantlng azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion or, charged with two escallops in pale, holding in the dexter paw an estoile and supporting with the sinister a cinquefoil all azure. Sons of William Warren Streeten, Esq., C.M.G. , b. 1834 ; d. 1890 ; m. 1865, Sarah Henrietta Anne, d. of Francis Nicholas Orborne : — Francis Osborne Streeten, Gentleman, b. 1868; m. 1902, Cecilia, d. of Col. St. John Michell Fancourt, C.B. ; and has issue — Francis Paget Streeton, Gentleman, b. 1903, Tonbridge, co. Kent. STRICKLAND, quartered by RAMSUEN. ALGERNON AUGUSTINE DE LILLE STRICK- L.AND, Esquire, J. P. for Devon, M.A. Merton Coll., Oxford. Born Jan. 1837, being the eldest son of the late Augustine Edmund Christopher Strickland of Oaklands, Devon, by his wife Susan Caroline, younger dau. of Henry Deacon of Longcross House, co. Glamorgan. Armorial bearings — Gules, a chevron or, between three crosses patt^e argent, on a canton ermine, a buck's head erased sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a turkey cock in his pride proper. Motto — " A la volonte de Dieu." Married, Jan. 28, 1863, Charlotte Anne, younger dau. of Peter Richard and Lady Sophia Hoare of Luscombe, Devon ; and has Issue — (i) Algernon Henry Peter Strickland, Gentleman, b. 1863 [/«. , Jan. 28, 1890, Mary Selina, youngest dau. of Walter Drummond ; and has issue, Algernon Walter Strickland, Gentleman, b. 1891 ; and Mary Barbara] ; (2) Augustine Cecil Strickland, Gentleman, b. 1864 ; (3) Hubert Arthur Strickland, Gentleman, b. 1867 \m., Jan. 16, 1890, Rose Cecil, eldest dau. of Cecil Russell] ; (4) Claud High Strickland, Gentleman, b. 1871 [»i., 1895, Maud Mary, youngest dau. of the late Patrick Robert Gordon-Canning of Hartpury ; and has issue, Walter Claud Strickland, Gentleman, b. 1896] ; Hilda Rachel [/«. , Nov. 23, 1893, Arthur Stanley Clarke, Lieut. i8th Bengal Lancers] ; and Gwendolen Mary. Seat — Apperley Court, Tewkesbury. Town Residence — 23 Warwick Square, London. Sir GERALD STRICKLAND, K.C.M.G.,6th Count Delia Catena, B.A., LL. B. Camb. , Barrister-at-Law of the is the Naval Cockade. «304 «tt ^tr Inner Temple. Chief Secretary to the Government of Malta, Maior Kcynl Malta Mililin, formerly Lieut. Cambridge Universiiy'Rifle Volunteers. Horn May 04, 1861, Ix'ing the eldest son of the late Capi. Waller Strickland, R. N., bjr his wife I^uisa, dau. of ihe Cavaliere Peter Paul Bonici Mompaiao, LL.I)., of Malta, and niece and heiress of Sir Nicholas Sceberras Bt)logna. 5th Count della Catena. ArmorlAl baarlnga —Sable three escallops or, a mullet for diftrrence, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon and pendant of the Ixulge of a K..C.M.G., and impaling the arms of S;ickville-\N'est, namely, quarterly i and 4 argent, a fesse damelt^e sable ; a and 3 (juartcrly or and gules, a bend vair. M^wtUny sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bundle of holly vt-rt, friicted gules banded round the middle with a wreath argent and sable. MottO — "Sans mal." Married, Aug. a6, 1890, Lady Edeliiie Sackville, dau. of Kt. Hon. Reginald, 7th Earl Uelawarr ; and has hsue — Mary Christina ; Cecilia Victoria ; and Mabel Edeline. Seats — Sizergh Castle, Westmorland; Villa Bologna, Malta. Clubs — Constitutional, Westmor- land, Royal Mersey Yocht. WALTER CECIL STRICKLAND, Esquire, late Capt. 83rd Regt., J. P. Devon. Born May 25, 1839, being the second son of the late Augustine Edmund Christopher Strickland of Oaklands, Devon, by his wife Susan Caroline, younger dau. of Henry Deacon of Longcross House, co. Glamorgan. Livery — Maroon, with yellow facings. Armo- rial bearings — Gules, a chevron or, between three crosses patte argent, on a canton ermine, u buck's head erased sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a turkey cock in his pride proper. MottO — " A la volonie de Diea" Married, July 31, 1867, Mary Blanche, second dau. of the late Major-General Polglase James, H.E. l.C.S. , of Helston, Cornwall, at one time com- manding the northern division of the Madras army ; and hos/jjw^— (i) Dudley Herbert Cecil Strickland, Gentleman, b. 1869 ; (2) Cecil St. I^eger Strickland, Gentleman, b. 1876 ; Ethel Beatrice; Augusta Blanche \m., 1897, Capt. Louis Jean Bolls, Devonshire Regt.] ; and Lillian Grace. Resi- dence — The Rise, Dawlish, Devon. Club~]\xx\\ox United Service. M WALTER CHARLES STRICKLAND, Esquire, O J. p. and D.L. Born Sept. 5, 1825, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Strickland of Sizergh, by his wife Mademoiselle Gasparine Ursule Ida, youngest dau. of the Baron de Fingerlin Bischingen. Armoiial bearings — Sable, three escallops argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a bundle of holy vert, fructed gules, banded round the middle with a wreath argent and sable. Motto — "Sans mal." Married, 1866, Rosetta Emmeline, 3rd dau. of Charles Medex of Brussels ; and has Issue — (i) Roger Walter Strickland, Gentleman, formerly Lieut. 5lh Batt. R.I. Fusiliers, b. Nov. i, 1867; Ida Matilda; Mabel Susan, d. unm. , April 6, 1897; Henrietta Maria ; and Mary Emma. Seat — Sizergh Castle, Kendal, Westmorland. C/«*— Junior Carlton, S.W. HENRY STRICKLAND-CONSTABLE, Esq., B.A. of Trin. ColL (Cantab.), and J. P. for E. Riding of the co. of York. Bom 1821, being the younger son of the late Sir George Strickland, 7th Bart., of Boynton, by Mary, only child and heir of the late Rev. Charles Constable of Was- sand (whose name he has assumed). Livery (dress) — Dark blue coats and breeches, yellow waistcoats ; (undress) — Dark blue, with yellow collars. Armorial bearings — Quarterly 1 and 4, gules and vair, over all a bend or (for Constable) ; 3 and 3 gules, a chevron or, between three crosses patte argent, on a canton ermines, a stag's head couped proper (for Strickland). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a ship with tackle, guns, and apparel, all or (for Constable) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a turkey- cock in his pride sable, membered and wattled gules (for Strickland). Married, 1859, Cornelia Charlotte Anne, voungest dau. of the late Col. and Lady Sophia Dumaresq (sister of George, sth Earl of Lanesborough) ; and has had Issue — (1) Frederic Charles Strickland-Constable, Esq., J. p. for E.R. Vorks, late Capt. R. H. Guards, b. March 16, i860 \m., 1898, Margaret, dau. of Admiral Hon. T. A. Pakenham] ; (a) Marmaduke Strickland-Constable, Gentle- man, Secretary of H.M. Legation at Stockholm, *. March 4, i86a, d. Dec. 29, 1898; Ethel \m., 1880, Capt. Hon. Francis Johnstone, and d. 1891, leavmg issue] ; Rosamond ; Mary Sophia \m., 1897, John Bulteel of Pamflete]; and Lucy Winifred. S^Z-Wassand Hall, Hull. STRINGER, quartered by HALSEY. STRIVELIN, quartered by HEVWOOD - JONES. LONGUEVILLE, and WILLDING-JONES. STRONG (H. Coll.). Per fesse or and argent, a cross pat6e between a leopard's face in the first and fourth qu.irters, and a martlet in the second and third all azure. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, a griffin sejant azure, semd of crosses pat^ argent, supiwrting with the dexter fore-claw an annulet or, encircling a portcullis with chains of the second. Motto — " Dominus fortitudo mea." Sons of Thomas Banks Strong of St. John's Road, Putney, late of the Adj. -Gen's. Dept. of the War Office, b. 1825; d. 1904; m. 1857: — The Very Rev. Thomas Banks Strong, D.D. (Oxon.), Dean of Christchurch, Oxford, b. 1861. Res. — Oxford. S. Arthur Strong, Gentleman, M.A., Librarian to the House of Lords (d. 1904), b. 1863 ; m. 1897, Eu^eni^ Sellers, LL.D. Res. — 36 Grosvenor Road, London, b.W. Club — Burlington Fine Arts. Rowland Strong, Gentleman, b. 1865. Res. — Paris. ANTHONY ALOVSIUS STRONG- HUSSEY. Esq., J. P. CO. Dublin. Bom 1850, being the eldest son of the late Malachi Strong - Hussey, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , of Westown House, by Charlotte Isabella, second dau. of the late R. A. Fitzgerald. Armorial bearings— Barry of six ermine and gules, on a canton of the last a cross or. Mant- ling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a hind passant argent beneath a tree proper. Motto — "Cor immobile." Married, 1884, Mary, only dau. of the late Richard Henry Shell. Seat — Westown, Bal- briggan, Dublin. SSiR JAMES HENRY STRONGE, sth Baronet (June 22, 1803), of Tynan Abbey, co. Armagh, M.A. Oxon., Barrister -at- Law, High Sheriff co. Tyrone 1880, and of CO. Armagh 1885, Major late 4th Batt. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Bom Dec. 8, 1849, being the elder son of the late Sir John Calvert Stronge, 4th Bart., by his wife Lady Margaret Zoe Caulfeild, only dau. of the Hon. Henry Caulfeild, and sister of Rt. Hon. James Molyneux, 3rd Earl of Charlemont, K.P. Armorial bearingu— Quar- terly I and 4, argent, a chevron wavy sable between three lozenges azure, in the centre chief point an estoile gules (for Stronge); 2. argent, an eagle displayed or (for Manson); 3, quarterly i. and iiii. , or, a ship of one mast sable ; ii. and iii., gules, a fesse chequy argent and azure (for Echlin) ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling sable and argent. Crests -i. on a wreath of the colours, an eagle with two heads displayed sable, beaked and legged azure, langued gules. Motto— "Ten- tanda via est." Married, Oct. 7, 1885, Ethel Margaret, dau. of Col. Ynyr Henry Burges, co. Tyrone ; and has I /«w*— James Matthew Stronge, Esq., b. Jan. 10, 1891;! Zoe Edith ; Daphne Helen ; Rose Ethel ; Jessy ; and Joy I Winifred. 5^a/j — Tynan Abbey and Fellows Hall, co. Armagh ; Mulnavar Lodge, co. Tyrone. § GEORGE HERBERT STRUTT, Esquire, J.P. and] D.L. Bom April 21, 1854, being the eldest son ofj the late George Henry Strutt, Esq., J.P- and D.L., by] his wife Agnes Anne, only dau. of Edward Ashton of West ' End, Prescot, in the co. of Lancaster. Armorial bearings as recorded in the College of Arms — Per pale sable and azure, two chevronels engrailed between three cross crosslets fitch^e or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befit- ting his degree. Mantling sable and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of rays of the sun, a cubit arm erect vested bendy of six or and sable, cuffed argent, holding in the hand a roll of paper proper. Motto — "Pro- positi tenax." Armorial bearingis as used, but for which no authority has been officially established, are — Sable, a chevron ermine between three cross crosslets or. Crest — A dexter cubit arm habited proper, charged with a cross cross- let JitcMe, the cuff ermine, holding in the hand a roll of \ is the Military Cockade. ^tu ^tu 1305 paper. Married, firstly, 1876, Edith Adela (d. 1897), eldest dau. of Major Charles Yelverton, Balguy ; and has Issue — With five daughters, two sons, George Ashton Strutt, Gentleman, b. 1878 ; and Anthony Herbert Strutt, b. 1895. He married secondly, Emily, dau. of the late Rev. R. Hind, formerly Chaplain R.N. Seat — Makeney House, near Derby. STUART, quartered by ADAMSON and VERS- CHOYLE. STUART, see CONSTABLE-MAXWELL-STUART, CRAWFURD- STIRLING-STUART, HARINGTON- STUART, MONTAGU-STUART-WORTLEY, MONTAGU - STUART - WORTLEY - MACKENZIE, NIBLOCK-STUART, and VILLIERS-STUART. S ALEXANDER STUART, Esquire, of Inchbreck, in the CO. of Kincardine, and Laithers, in the co. of Aber- deen, J. P., D.L. , M.A. , head and present representative of the families of Stuart of Inchbreck and Sibbald of Kair. Born Junes, 1832, being the only son of the late Alexander Stuart, Esquire, of Laithers and Inchbreck, by his wife Isabella, second daughter of John Lawson, Esquire, Captain Royal Navy. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, a fesse chequy azure and argent between a lion passant in chief and a rose in base gules, all within a bordure en- grailed and gobonated compond of the second and third, and impaling the arms of Arbuthnott, namely azure, a crescent between three mullets argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his hveries is set for Crest, a civet-cat couchant proper. Motto^ "Semper paratus." Married, June 21, 1864, the Hon- ourable Clementina Arbuthnott, daughter of John, ninth Viscount Arbuthnott ; and has Issue — (i) John Stuart, Gentleman, born April 20, 1877; (2) Murray Stuart Stuart Gentleman, born September 27, 1878 ; and Clementina Graham [ot., 1897, A. E. F. Morrison, junr. , of Bognis]. Residence — Laithers House, Turriff, in the county of Aber- deen. CHARLES GORDON STUART, Gentleman. Born 1862, being the son of James Meliss Stuart, Esq., F. R.G.S. and F.S.A. (Scot.), of Eriska, J. P. for co. Argyll, and formerly a merchant in New Zealand, by his wife Mary, eldest dau. of the late John Gordon of Glasgow. Armorial bearings -Pe fesse or and argent, a fesse chequy azurer and of the second, surmounted of a bend gules, in base a galley oars in action sable. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a pelican feeding her young or, in a nest azure. Blotto — " Vulnere vires- cens." S Major - General Sir EDWARD ANDREW STUART, 3rd Baronet (May 5, 1841), Col. Royal Scots Lothian Regt., Lieut. -Gov. of Chelsea Hospital Born Dec. 20, 1832, being the second but elder surviving son of the late Sir James Stuart, ist Bart., LL.D., by his wife Elizabeth, dau. and heir of Alexander Robertson. Armorial bearings- Or, a fesse chequy azure and ermine, between in chief two crosses patt6e gules, and in base a thistle proper, all within a bordure of the second ; the es- cutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a Roman fasces fesseways, therefrom issuant a demi-lion rampant, holding in the dexter paw a thistle. Motto —" Justitiae propositique tenax." Residence — 98 Eaton Square, S.W. Clubs— kxmy and Navy, United Service. GEORGE JOHN STUART, Gentleman. Born Novem- ber 3, 1870, being the only son of the late Major W. Edington Stuart, late of the isth Hussars, by his wife Sydney Louisa, now Scott [to whom refer], only surviving daughter of the late George Jonathan Scott, Esquire, and who assumed by Royal Licence in the year 1891, the name and arms of Scott. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules three piles invected argent, two issuant from the chief and one from the base, each charged with a catherine-wheel of the first (for Scott) ; 2 and 3 or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, in base a savage's head couped proper (for Stuart). Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- hng gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-griffin sable, beaked gules, holding between the claws an escarbuncle or, a demi-cath- erine-wheel argent; with the Motto, " Recte faciendo neminem timeas." Married, Oct. 22, 1898, Bessie, dau. of the late Norman Torquil Macleod of Drynoch, Isle of Skye, and widow of Walter Paterson Dick. Postal ad- dress — Betton Strange, Shrewsbury ; Peniarthuchaf, Towyn, Merioneth. THOMAS PETER ANDERSON STUART. Gentle- man, of the Univ. of Sydney, New South Wales, M.D. and LL.D. of Edinburgh and Sydney Univs., Prof, of Physiology, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Fellow of the Senate of the Univ., Chairman of the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Member of the Medical Board of the Colony. Bom 1856, being the only son of the late Alexander Stuart of Cromwell House, Dumfries, Scotland, by his wife Jane Anderson. Armorial bearings — Per fesse or and argent, is the Naval Cockade. II t3o6 %tu ^tU a fBSSe chMuy aiure and of the second, between a lym- phad ns of Thomas Troubridge Stubbs of Ballyshannon, CO. Donegal, b. i8oa; d. 1873; m. 1839, Elizabeth Chinnery, d. of Joseph Folingsby, and grand-dau. of Sir Broon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion ram- pant double-queued ermine, charged with a m.ascle azure. fi Motto — "Fortitudine et fidelitate." Married, April 1865, Mary, daughter of the Reverend Thomas Prowse Leth- bridge, son of Sir Thomas Buckler Lethbridge, Baronet, of Sandhill Park, in the county of Somerset ; and by her has Issue — Phyllis Julia [m. C. F. Pinney, Rifle Brigade] ; and Olive Mary [m. Joseph Gundry of the Hyde, Bridport]. 5«a/— Hill House, Langport, in the county of Somer- set. SSiR (WILLIAM) LEWIS STUCLEY, and Baronet (April 26, 1859), of Affeton Castle and Hartland Abbey, co. Devon, J. P., D.L. for co. Devon, Lieut. -Col. late Grenadier Guards, served in Crimea. Born Aug. 17, 1836, being the eldest son of Sir George Stucley Stucley, ist Bart., by his wife Lady Elizabeth O'Bryen, dau. and coheir of the Most Hon. William O'Bryen, the and Marquess of Thomond, K.P. Armorial bearings— Quar- terly I and 4, azure, three pears or (for Stucley) ; 2 and 3, per fess embattled argent and sable, three bucks' attires, each fixed to the scalp cotmterchanged (for Buck) ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, between a buck's attires as in the arms, sable, a lion ram- pant or, the sinister paw holding a b Utle-axe, resting on the shoulder proper. .Ifarried, firstly, April 15, 1869, Rosamond Head (d. Sept. 29, 1877), only dau. of H. P. Best of Donnington Grove, co. Berks ; secondly, Feb. 5, 1879, Maria Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Lieut-Col. Hamlyn Fane of Clovelly Court, co. Devon, and Avon Tyrrel, co. Hants. Seats — Hartland Abbey, and Affeton Castle, co. Devon. EDWARD FAIRFAX STUDD, Gentleiuan, of Oxton. in the county of Devon, and Banchor, Moy,in the county of Inverness, Master of Arts, Bachelor of Civil Law, Barrister- is the Military Cockade. ^tu ^tu 1309 at -Law. Born November 26, 1855, being the eldest son of the late Major-General Edward Studd of Oxton, by his second wife Beatrice Emma, daughter of Charlton Bayly of Sidmouth. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, a lion rampant between three crescents argent, on a chief embattled of the last a tiltmg-spear in fesse, the head to the sinister, the staff encircled by a chaplet of oak, all proper, and impaling the arms of Chi- chester, namely, chequy or and gules, a chief vair. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown two arms embowed in armour, the hands in gauntlets, holding a tilting-spear encircled by a chaplet of oak, as in the arms, all proper. Married, April 3, 1877, Evelyn, third daughter of Sir Arthur Chichester, eighth Baronet, of Youlston, in the county of Devon ; and has Iss2ie — (i) Edward Arthur Chichester Studd, Gentleman, born March 13, 1880 ; (2) Francis Cyril Rupert Studd, Gentleman, born 1881 ; (3) Ernest George Studd, Gentle- man, born 1883 ; (4) Eric Fairfax Studd, Gentleman, born 1890 ; (5) Theodore Quintus Studd, Gentleman, born 1893 ; (6) Charles Kynaston Studd, Gentleman, born 1895 ; Gladys Mary ; Sybil Daphne ; Cynthia Evelyn ; Enid Eulalie ; and Dorothy Grace. Seat — Oxton , near Exeter. AUGUSTINE FITZGERALD STUDDERT, Gentle- man, being the seventh son of the late Thomas Studdert, Esq., J. P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1825), by his wife Alicia, dau. of George Studdert of Kilkishen. Armorial bearings — Per pale azure and gules, three mullets argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— A demi-horse rampant sable, environed round the body by a ducal coronet or. Motto — " Refulgent in tenebris." Married Margaretta, dau. of John Ferguson of Glenmore, Bute ; and has Issue — (i) Thomas de Clare Studdert, Gentleman ; (2) Augustine Fitzgerald Studdert, Gentleman ; (3) Richard Studdert, Gentleman ; (4) John Fergusson Studdert, Gentleman ; Anna ; and Margaretta. Residence — RICHARD STUDDERT, Esquire; served in Royal Marine Artillery in Crimea and China, and as Capt. and Adjutant of London .Art. Brigade. Born 1835, being the second son of the late Ad miral John Fitzgerald Studdert , J. P. , of Pella, by his wife Anne, dau. of Rev. Richard Welsh of Newton House, co. Clare. Armorial bearings — Per pale azure and gules, three mullets argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — A demi-horse rampant sable, environed round the body by a ducal coronet or. Motto — " Reful- gent in tenebris." Married, i860, Maria Isabella, youngest dau. of William Ansdale Leech of Ratheran, co. Mayo. RICHARD STUDDERT, Esquire, J. P. (High Sheriff 1874), Captain R.N. (retired), being the third son of the late Thomas Studdert, Esq., J. P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1825), by his wife Alicia, dau. of George Studdert of Kil- kishen. Armorial bearings — Per pale azure and gules, three mullets argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — A demi-horse rampant sable, environed round the body by a ducal coronet or. Motto — "Refulgent in tenebris." Married, 1877, Helen, dau. of James Denniston of Greenock, CO. Renfrew ; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Studdert, Gentle- man, b. 1880; (2) Richard Studdert, Gentleman; Alicia Agnes ; Helen Anne Fitzgerald ; and Jane Fairrie Den- niston. Seat — Bunratty Castle, co. Clare. ROBERT O'BRIEN STUDDERT, Esquire, J.P., co. Clare. Born 1842, being the eldest son of Robert Wogan Studdert, Esq., J. P., by his wife Kate, dau. of Admiral O'Brien. Armoilal bearings — Per pale sable and gules, three mullets argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-horse rampant sable, environed round the body by a ducal coronet or. Motto — "Refulgent in tenebris." Marned, firstly, Feb. 12, 1874, Marianne, dau. of Rev. Lord Adam Loftus ; and has Issue — Thomas George Herbert Studdert, Gentleman, b. 1875. He married secondly, 1884, Maria Frances, eldest dau. of Henry L. Puxley of Dunboy, co. Cork. Seat — ROBERT WOGAN STUDDERT, Esquire, J. P. Born 1815, being the eldest son of the late Charles Fitzgerald Studdert, by his wife Maria, dau. of Robert Wogan of Dublin. Armorial bearings — Per pale azure and gules, three mullets argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — A demi-horse rampant sable, environed round the body by a ducal coronet or. Motto — "Refulgent in tenebris." Married, 1840, Kate, dau. of Admiral O'Brien ; and has (with another son)— Robert O'Brien Studdert, Esq., J. P. CO. Clare, b. i842[»?., firstly, Feb. 12, 1874, Marianne, dau. of Rev. Lord Adam Loftus; and secondly, 1884, Maria Frances, eldest dau. of Henry L. Puxley of Dunboy, co. Cork ; and has issue, by the first marriage, Thomas George Herbert Studdert, Gentleman, b. 1875]. Seat — Cullane, Kilkishen. WILLIAM STEELE STUDDERT, Esquire. Bom Nov. 8, 1821, being the fourth son of the late Chas. Fitzgerald Studdert, by his wife Maria, dau. of Robert Wogan of Dublin. Armorial bearings — Per pale azure and gules, three mullets argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — A demi-horse rampant sable, environed round the body by a ducal coronet or. Motto — " Refulgent in tenebris." Married, July 6, 1854, Constance, dau. of Robert George Massey of Avondale (son of Hon. George Massey) ; and has Issue— (i) Charles Henry Thompson Studdert, Gentleman, b. Sept. 13, 1856; (2) William John Massey Studdert, Gentleman, b. Dec. 16, 1857 ; (3) Hugh Samuel Studdert, Gentleman, b. April 30, 1861 ; and Constance Helen. Seat— Keeper View, O'Brien's Bridge, co. Clare. STUDDY (H. Coll., c. 1780). Azure, on a saltire wavy or, between three estoiles of the second, one in chief and two in fesse, and a fish naiant in base argent, a leopard's face of the field. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath af the colours, a demi-tiger proper, collared azure, supporting between the paws an anchor erect azure. Motto — " Fide sed cui vide." Son of Commdr. Henry Studdy, R.N., of Coombe House, Ipplepen, b. 1794 ; d. 1834 ; m. 1819. Harriet, d. of R. Bray of Winchelsea : — Henry Studdy, Esq., J. P., D.L. , late Capt. S. Devon Mil., b. 1820 ; m. ist, 1842, Eleanor Frances, d. of Rev. Robert Holdsworth, J. P., Prebendary of Exeter, and for fifty years Vicar of Brixham ; 2nd, 1893, Sarah Penelope, d. of Henry Granger, and widow of the Rev. E. J. Hayton ; and has surv. issue — (i) Robert Wright Studdy, Esq., Col. late Manchester Regt. , b. 1847 [tn. 1896, Edith Mary, d. of Joseph Beckton of Didsbury : and has issue — Frances Robert Studdy, Gentleman, b. 1897] ; (2) John Studdy, Gentleman, b. 1849 \jn. Ada Mary Needham] ; (3) Ernest Holdsworth Studdy, Esq., Capt. late 32nd Regt., b. 1851 [m. 1874, Constance, d. of late Rev. H. G. Hayter-Hames, Rector of Chagford ; and has issue^George Ernest Studdy, Gentleman ; Hubert Charles Studdy, Gentleman ; and Ernes- tine Constance] ; (4) Thomas Edward Studdy, Gentleman, b, 1855 [m. 1883, Mary Fannie, d. of Bertram Francis Barton of Woolton Hill, Hants ; and has issue — Robert Studdy, Gentleman; Margaret Everina ; Violet Mary ; and Frances Eleanor] ; Harriet Elizabeth ; Eleanor Sarah | m. 1869, J. Babington Macaulay] ; and Georgina Frances \jn. 1873, Martin Leslie-Leslie, s. of Countess of Rothes]. Seat — Waddelon Court, Brixham, Devon. STUDHOLME (U.O.). Vert, a horse argent, capari- soned or, on a chief of the second, three spur-rowels gules. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a horse's head couped argent, bridled or. Son of John Studholme of Studholme, Cumberland, b. ; d. ; m. , Elizabeth Nixon :— Joseph Studholme, Esq., J. P. King's Co. (High Sheriff 1891), b. ; m. 1878, Mary Hastings, only d. of James Robert Davis ; and has surv. issue — Launcelot Joseph Moore Studholme, b. 1884 ; Elizabeth Charlotte Anne ; Mary Hastings ; and Rosalind. Seat — Ballyeighan, Par- sonstown. King's Co. § CHARLES SHEPPEY STURT, Esquire, Major- Gen. H.M. Indian .Army. Born September 21, 1838, being the second son of the late Charles Sturt, Esq., the Australian explorer, Capt. of the 39th Regt., by his wife Charlotte Christiana, dau. of Colonel WiUiam Sheppey Greene, Military Auditor-Gen. , Calcutta. Armorial bear- ings — Vert, on a fesse or, between three colts courant argent, as many roses gules (quartering (for Napier) argent, a saltire engrailed between four roses gules ; and (for Pitfield) azure, a bend engrailed between two cygnets argent, ducally gorged and chained or). Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules holding a banner also gules, charged with a rose argent, staff and fringe or. Married, firstly, Aug. 15, 1865, is the Naval Cockade. O i3»o ^tU %m I^uisa Caroline, third dnu. of the laie Stephen Lawson of Longhirst. Northumberland, of the 7th (yuern's Own) Hus.sars ; and secontlly. Aug. 85, 1870. Horentia. elder dau. of Col. Roljcrt Ssile, of H.M. Indian Army ; and has a dau. , Evelyn Caroline. Hesidence— GEOFFREY CHARLES NAPIER STURT, Esquire, Bom 1884, being the eldest son of the late Col. Napier George Sturt, R.E., by his wife Beatrix Marion, elder dnu. of James Patrick Muirhead, Esq., D. L, , M.A. (Oxon.), of Haseley Court, Tetsworih, co. Oxford. Ar- morial bearings— Vert, on a fesse or, between three colts courunt argent, as many roses gules quartering (for Napier) argent, a saltire engrailed between four roses gules ; and (for Pitfield) azure, a bend engrailed between two cygnets argent, ducally gorged and chained or). Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-Iion rampant gules holding a banner also gules, charged with a rose argent, staff and fringe or. Motto-" Major provi- dentia fato. " Residence — Winterdyne, Bewdley, Worcester, S ROBERT RAMSAY NAPIER STURT, Esquire, Lieut.-Col. C.B. (Mil. 1902) Bengal Staflf Corps. i?t/rw May 13. 1852, being the second son of the late WiUiam Milner Neville Sturt, Esq., Lieut.-Col. in the H,E.l. Co.'s service, and Deputy Secretary to the Government Military Department, Bengal, by his wiff Margaret, daughter of Rear-Admiral Robert Ramsay, R.N., C.B. Armorial bearings (1691)— Vert, on a fesse or, between three colts courant argent, as many roses gules, quartering (for Napier) argent, a saltire engrailed be- tween four roses gules ; and (for Pitfield) azure, a bend engrailed between two cygnets argent, ducally gorged and chained or. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules holding a banner also gules, charged with a rose argent, staff and fringe or. Married, July 25, 1894, Ethel Harrietle, youngest dau. of Major Spence Turner, late Bengal Army, of Melbury Lodge, Wimborne ; and has /jj««— Napier Pitfield Sturt, Gentleman, b. Feb. 24, 1902 ; and Freda Maude Charlotte. Residence — Sandhayes, Warminster, Wilts. Club - Union. WILLIAM NEVILLE STURT, Gentleman. Born April 13, 1843, being the eldest son of the late William Milner Neville, Lieut.-Col. in the Hon. E.I. Co.'s Service, and Deputy Secretary to the Government Military Depart- ment, Bengal, by his wife Margaret, dau. of Rear-Admiral Robert Ramsay, R.N., C.B. Armorial bearings— Vert, on a fesse or, between three colts courant argent, as many roses gules, quartering (for Napier) argent, a saltire engrailed between four roses gules ; and (for Pitfield) azure, a bend engrailed between two cygnets argent, ducally gorged and chained or. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules holding a banner also gules, charged with a rose argent, staff and fringe or. Residence — FREDERICK HERBERT SUCKLING, Gentleman. Born May 10, 1858, being the eldest son of Frederick Herbert Suckling of the loth Hussars and S2nd Regt., by his wife Elizabeth Ann, dau. of Dr. William Lathom. Armorial bearings— Per pale gules and azure, three bucks trippant or. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a buck courant or, holding in the mouth a branch of honeysuckles proper. Married, Feb, 10, 1880, Harriet Jane, youngest dau. of Peter Heaven ; and has Issue — (i) Edwin Nelson Suckling, Gentleman, b. Sept. 23, 1887; (2) Horatio Maurice Suckling, Gentleman, b. Feb. i, 1891 ; and Winifred Maud. Postal address — HORACE SUCKLING, Gentleman. Bom May 20, 1822, being the eldest son of Major Horace Suckling, 90th Regt., by his wife Mary Laura, dau. of Patrick Maron. Armorial bearings — Per pale gules and azure, three bucks trippant or. Mn.Tit.HTig gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a buck courant or, hold- ing in the mouth a branch of honeysuckles proper. Postal address — The Rev. ROBERT ALFRED JOHN SUCKLING, Lord of the Manors of Barshaw and Shipmeadow, Vicar of St. Alban the Martyr, Holborn. Born 1842, being the elder son of the Rev. Robert Alfred Suckling, Incumbent of Bussage, co. Gloucester, by his wife Anna Maria, dau. of John Yelloly of Cavendish Hall, Suffolk. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per pale gules and azure, three bucks trippant or (for Suckling) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron paly of ten alternately of the first, charged with an ermine spot and gules cotised and between three boars' heads erased of the last (for Fox). Mantling gules and or. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a buck courant or, holding in the mouth a branch of honeysuckles (or Suckling) proper (for Suckling) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, the battlements of a tower projjer charged with four ermine spots, thereon a boar's head as in the arms (for Fox). Motto — "Mora trahit periculum." Residence — St. Alban's Vicarage, Holborn, London, E.C. THOMAS SUCKLING, Esquire, Capt. R.N., J.P. co, Southants. Born 1844, being the second son of the Rev. Robert Alfred Suckling, Incumbent of Bussage, co. Gloucester, by his wife Anna Maria, daughter of John Yelloly of Cavendish Hall, Suffolk. Livery— TizxV blue. Armorial bearings (Roy. Lie, H. Coll., 1821)— Quarterly 1 and 4, per pale gules and azure, three bucks trippant or (for Suckling, confirmed by Cooke, Clarenceux, 1578) ; 2, and 3 argent, a chevron paly of ten alternately of the first, charged with an ermine spot and gules, cotised and between three boars' heads erased of the last (for is the Military Cockade, ^ul @)ur 1311 Fox) ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Suckling. Mantling gules and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a buck courant or, holding in the mouth a branch of honeysuckles (or suckling) proper (for Suckhng, granted 1617) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, the battlements of a tower proper, charged with four ermine spots, thereon a boar's head as in the arms (for Fox). Motto — "Mora trahit periculum." Married, 1876, Florence Horatia Nelson, only child of Admiral William Benjamin Suckling of Highwood, Romsey, Hants ; and had Issue — Robert William Shelton Suckling, Gentleman, b. June 22, 1877, d. Aug. 27, 1877. Seats — Highwood, near Romsey, Hants, and Henwick Grange, near Worcester. Sir EDWARD SULLIVAN, 2nd Baronet (Dec. 29, 1881), of Garryduff, co. Cork, Bachelor of Arts of Trinity College, Dublin, Barrister-at-Law. Born Sept. 27, 1852, being the son of the Rt. Hon. Sir Edward Sullivan, ist Bart. , by his wife Bessie Josephine, dau. of the late Robert Bailey of Cork. Armorial bearings - Per pale gules and azure, on a fesse between in chief a bonr passant and in base another boar counter-passant or, three cross crosslets sable ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, the Roman fasces fesseways proper, banded gules, thereon a robin redbreast also proper. Motto -"Tot praemia vitae." Heir presumptive — His brother, William Sullivan, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Re sident Magistrate co. Cavan, b. in Dublin, Feb. 23, i860; m., 1886, Charlotte Anna, second dau. of the Rt. Hon. Richard Dowse, Baron of the Court of Exchequer in Ire- land. Residence — 32 FitzWilliam Place, Dublin, and Ox- ford Mansions, W. Chtb — Reform. Admiral Sir FRANCIS WILLIAM SULLIVAN- sixth Baronet (May 22, 1804), of Thames Ditton, K.C.B. (1879), C.M.G. (1878), J. P. cos. Hertford and Bedford. Born May 31, 1834, being the third but eldest surviving son of the Reverend Frederick Sullivan, late Vicar of Kimpton, in the county of Hertford (who was fourth son of Sir Richard Sullivan, first Baronet), by his wife Arabella Jane, only child of Valentine Wiimot of Cove Manor, Farnborough ; succeeded his cousin. Sir Edward R. Sullivan, 5th Baronet (July 28, 1899) ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1864, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of that Order, 1879. Armorial bearings— Per fesse, the base per pale in chief or, a dexter hand couped at the wrist, grasping a sword erect, pommel and hilt gules, the blade entwined by a serpent proper, between two lions rampant respecting each other of the second ; the dexter base vert, charged with a buck trippant or ; the sinister base per pale argent and sable, a boar passant counterchangcd ; the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and pendent his badge as a Knight Commander thereof, and as a Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest , on a ducal coronet or, a robin holding in the beak a sprig of laurel. Married, 1861, Agnes, daughter of Sir Sydney Bell, Chief-Justice of the Cape of Good Hope ; and has Issue — (i) Rev. Frederick Sullivan, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Southrepps, Norwich, b. April 28, 1865 \m., June 13, 1901, Hon. Judith Harbord, dau. of Rt. Hon. 5th Lord Suffield]; (2) Richard Sullivan, Esq., Com- mander R.N., b. Aug. 17, 1866 ; Gertrude Agnes [nt., Dec. 20, 1892, John Lionel Lyster]. Residence—!^ Seymour Street, Portman Square, W. Clubs — United Service, Army and Navy. S Colonel CHARLES FREVILLE SURTEES, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1873, M.P. for South Durham 1865-68, and Hon. Col. of the Durham Fusilier Militia, late Capt. loth Hussars. Born Nov. 13, 1823, being the eldest son of the late Robert Surtees, Esq., J.P. and D.L. , High Sheriff co. Durham, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Isaac Cookson of Whitehill. Armorial bearings— Ermine, a bordure or, on a canton gfules, an orle of the second, in the centre chief point a crescent sable, quartering for Crozier, azure, on a fesse argent, between three crosses of St. Julian placed saltireways or, as many Cornish choughs sable ; and for Lambton, sable, a fesse between three lambs passant argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, three ostrich feathers argent, interlaced by an orle or, the centre feather charged with a crescent as in the arms. Motto — " Malo mori quam foedari." Married, Aug. 25, 1855, Bertha, dau. of Nathaniel Snell Chauncey of Green End, Herts ; and has Issue — Herbert Conyers Surtees, Esq. [to whom refer]. FREDERICK RICHARD SURTEES, Gentleman, of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law, being the third son of the late William Villiers Surtees, Gentleman, Barrister-at- Law, Cursitor of Middlesex, a Commissioner of Bank- rupts, and Secretary to Lord Chancellor Eldon, by his wife Harriet, dau. of William Samuel Towers, Barrister-at-Law. Armorial bearings— Ermine, on a canton gules, an orle or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, out of an orle or, a plume of three feathers proper. Motto— "Malo mori quam foedari." Married, Jan. 3, 1843, Anne Jane (dec), eldest dau. of Hon. and Rev. Charles Douglas, brother of the 19th Earl of Morton, by the Lady Isabella Gore, dau. of the 2nd Earl of Arran, and sister to the Duchess of Inverness. Postal address — GORDON AMELIUS SURTEES, Gentleman. Bom , being the fifth son of the late William Villiers Sur- tees, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Cursitor of Middlesex, a Commissioner of Bankruptcy, and Secretary to Lord Chan- cellor Eldon, by his wife Harriet, dau. of William Samuel Towers, Barrister-at-Law. Armorial bearings— Ermine, on a canton gules, an orle or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, out of an orle or, a plume of feathers proper. Motto— "Malo mori quam foedari." Married, Feb. 16, 1858, Jane, elder dau. of William Chapman of Wimpole Street ; and has Issue— A son. Postal address — ©HERBERT CONYERS SURTEES, Esquire, D.S.O., J.P. CO. Durham, Col. late Coldstream Guards, has the is the Naval Cockade, 1^13 ^ur ^ut Onlers of the Metljidic and the Osmanieh. Horn Jan. 13, 1858. lieinR the only son of Col. Charles Freville Surtees of Mainsforth Hall, co. Durham. J. P. and D.L. co. Durham, fornicrlv M.!'. for South Durham, by his wife Dertha, dau. of Nathaniel SncU Chuuncey of Green End, Herts. Livery — Dark blue, yellow facings. Armorial bearings— Ermine, a bordure or, on a canton gules, an orle of the second, in the centre chief point a crescent sable ; quartering for Crozier, azure, on a fesse argent, between three crosses of St. Julian placed saltireways or, as many Cornish choughs sable ; and for Lambton, sable, a fesse between three lambs passant argent. WaTit.ling gules and argent. Motto — " Malo mori quam foedari." Married, June 27, 1887, Madeleine Augusta, dau. of Edward Crabbe; and has Issue— T>OTO\hy Cynthia ; and Bertha Etelka. Clubs — Carlton. Guards', White's. JOHN RALPH SURTEES, Gentleman. Bom , being the son of the late Nathaniel Surtees, Gentleman, by his wife Fanny, only child of Thomas Bidwell of the Foreign Office. Armorial bearings— Ermine, on a canton gules, an orle or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, out of an orle or, a plume of three feathers proper. Motto — " Malo mori quam foedari. " Seat — Dinsdale-on-Tees, Darlington. WILLIAM ERNEST SUTCLIFFE, Esquire, J. P. for CO. Lancaster. Born 1870, being the eldest son of the late James Smith Sutcliffe, Esq. , J. P. co. Lancaster, of Beech House, Bacup, co. Lancaster, by his wife Lucy Heald, dau. of the late Peter Wood, M.D., and niece of the late James Heald, Esq., M.P., of Parrs Wood, co. Lancaster. Ar- morial beaiings— Argent, on a mount in base a hind lodged, holding in the mouth three ears of wheat slipped proper, on a chief engrailed azure, a sprig of oak leaved and fructed between two garbs or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a stag proper, gorged with a collar gemel, holding in the mouth three ears of wheat slipped, and resting the dexter forefoot on a garb fesseways or. Motto— " Tout en foy." Seat— Beech House, Bacup. SEVAN CHARLES SUTHERLAND Esquire, Vice- Lieutenant for the county of Sutherland, Deputy-Lieu- tenant and Justice of the Peace for the county of Inverness, and Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of the county of York. Bom October 12, 1835, being the only surviving son of the late George Mackay Sutherland, Esquire, of Aber- arder, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of John Walker, Esquire, of Crow Nest, in the county of York. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per pale gules and or, a boar's head erased, between in chief a cross crosslet fitch^e between two mullets of six points, and in base a mullet of six points Iwtween two cross crosslets fitch^e within a Ixirdure engrailed, the whole counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cat sejant guardant proper, gorged with a collar dancett(5e gules, and holding between the paws a mullet of six points, also gules. Motto — " Sans peur." Married, February 3, 1859, Alice Sophia, daughter of Henry Tudor of Portland Place, London; and has Issue — (i) William Sutherland. Gentleman, born June 17, and died August 3, 1861 ; (2) William Tudor Sutherland, Gentleman, born Oc- tober II, 1862; (3) Alic Sutherland, Gentleman, born Sep- tember 20, 1863 ; (4) Ewen Mackay Sutherland, Gentleman, born February 21, 1867; (5) Kenneth Sutherland, (ientle- man. born May 21. 1869; (6) Reay Mackay Sutherland. Gentleman, born September 23. 1875 ; Alice, died Septem- ber 18, 1872 ; and Marion. Seat — Skibo Castle, in the county of Sutherland. K GEORGE SUTHERLAND, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. O for CO. Caithness (formerly of Forse House, Lybster). Bom 1827, being the second son of the late John Campbell Sutherland of Forse, by his wife Margaret Munro. Armo- rial bearings— Gules, three stars or, a bordure of the second. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a cat salient proper. MottO— " Sans peur." Married, 1848, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of William G. Sheppard of Lamogue, in the county of Waterford ; and has with other Issue— ]ohn William Sutherland, Gen- tleman, b, 1 851. ROBERT MACKAY SUTHERLAND, Esquire, J.P. and Commissioner of Supply co. Stirling, being the second but eldest surviving son of George Sutherland, Latheron, CO. Caithness, and his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Mackay, Forse, co. Caithness. Clubs — Conservative (Edinburgh), New (Glasgow), Royal Clyde Yacht. Armorial bearings — Or, on three lozenges conjoined in fess, between as many mullets gules, the same number of bears' heads couped argent, muzzled of the second. Mantling gules doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a cat salient proper, charged on the shoulder with a lozenge & is the Military Cockade. Plate XLV. Ho caKSR^BaR/ron V Bt^j^isjs • ;3l£T2— Gules, on a chevron engrailed or, between three swans argent, as many bees volant proper. M a ntlin g gules and or. Cr«8t— On a wreath of the colours, a castle gules, fired pro|>er, in front of three arrows, one in fesse, the pheon towards the dexter, and two in s.iltire, the pheons downward or. Motto -"Vera tropcEa fides." Seat— Langley Marish, Slough, Bucks. The Right Reverend WILLIAM PROCTOR SWABY, D.D., F.R.M.S., F.R.G.S., Bishop of Barbados and the Windward Islands since 1899. formerly (1893-99) Bishop of British Guiana, South America, Vicar of St. Mark, Millfield (1884-93). ■^'"" ^844, being the eldest son of Joseph Swaby of Tetney. co. Lincoln, by his wife Rebecca, dau. of William Proctor. Armorial bearings (for 1836, being the only surviving son of the late Edward Swainston-Strangwayes, Es(|.. J. P. and D. L.. of Alne Hall, by his first wife Ann Susanna, dau. of the late Henry Kam, Club — ConstiiutioDal. Annorlail bearings — Quarterly i Swaby) -Gules, on a chevron nebuly or, gutt6e-de-sang, between three swans with wings addorsed of the second, a mitre of the field between two bees volant proper. Crest (for Swaby) On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a swan regardant, wings addorsed sable, guttde-d'eau, on the nead a crown vallary gules, and supporting with the dexter foot a crosier erect or. Motto — " Perseverantia." Marritd, 1868. Sarah Jane, dau. of George Birbeck ; and has Issue — (i) William Percy Swaby, Gentleman, b. 1871 ; (2) Sydney Temple Swaby, Gentleman, b. 1874. Residence —Bishop's Court, Barbados. C/ad- Royal Societies'. SJOHN SWAINSTON-STRANGWAYES, Esq., J.P. and D. L. for the N. Riding of co. of York. Bom ll] Hstoi)gaa-ct -"ng • doubtcro || and 4, sable two lions passant, paly of six argent and gules,, a canton of the second (for Strangwayes) ; 2 and 3 azure,| a fesse or, charged with three maidens' heads veiled prop (for Swainston). Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion as in the arms (for Strangwayes) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, boar's head sable Ijetween two wings azure, billety or (for Swainston). Motto — " Ystoyeau et ne doubtero." Mat ried, 1868, Martha Elizabeth, only surviving child of Capt.i James Golden Heap of Dringhouses, co. York ; and has,] with other Issue — D'Arcy Edward Swainston-Strangwayes,! Esq.. J. P., and Capt. 4th Batt. W. Yorks. Regt., b. 1869.I Seat — Alne Hall, Easingwold, Yorks. PERCIVAL SYMES SWAN, Gentleman. Born 1841J being the eldest son of the late Richard Waddy Swan < Baldwinstown, by his first wife Barbara, only dau. of thfl late Sandham Symes. Armorial bearings — Azure, on fesse wavy argent, between three swans disjjlayed properJ crowned or, a trefoil vert. Mantling azure and argent f and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a swa proper, ducally crowned or, and charged with a trefoil vertJ Motto — "Sit nomen decus." Married, 1877, Elizabeth Sarah, second dau. of the late John Johnston ; and ha Issue — Four daus. Seats — Baldwinstown, Bridgetown^ Wexford ; Garville Avenue, Rathgar. ROBERT CLAYTON SWAN, Esquire, late Capt. y6^ Batt. (Mil.) Lincoln Regt., J.P. co. of Northumberland" Born 1864, being the eldest son of the late Robert SwanJ Esq., of The Quarry, Lincoln, J. P., M.A. (Camb.). Ar^ morlal bearings -Azure, a chevron wavy argent, gutt6e-l de-poix, in chief a fountain proper between two swans of the second, and in base a swan of the last between two fountains, and impaling the arms of Elliot, namely or, on a fesse engrailed cottised wavy gules, an annulet between two fleurs-de-lis of the first, in chief three roses of the second, barbed and seeded proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest Onawreathof the colours, amidst bulrushes proper, a demi-water-spaniel argent, gorged with a collar azure, and holding between the paws a fountain. Mar- ried, 1892, Mildred Mary, dau of the late Sir George W. is the Military Cockade. ^toa ^toa 1317 liUiot, 2nd Bart. C/«^— Boodle's. Seat — Caythorpe Court, Grantham. The Rev. HENRY BIDDALL SWANZY, Clerk in Holy Orders, MA. (Trin. Coll., Dublin). Born Oct. 5, 1873, being the second son of the late Rev. Thomas Biddall Svvanzy {d. May 12, 1884), M.A. , Vicar of Newry ; by his wife Elizabeth Anne, fourth daughter of the late Rev. Henry Swanzy, M.A. , Prebendary of Subulter in Cloyne Cathedral, Rm-al Dean of Bothon, and Rector of Kilshan- nig, Diocese of Cloyne. Armorial beaxings — Gules, a fesse argent, between two unicorns counter-courant or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head or, collared with a bar gemel gules. Motto — " Per Deum et ferrum obtinui." Residence — Ivy Lodge, Newry, co. Down. The Rev. ROBERT ARCHIBALD SWANZY, Clerk in Holy Orders, B.A. (Pern. Coll., Cambridge). Bor?i Nov. 9, 1875, being the third son of the late Rev. Thomas Bid- dall Swanzy, M.A. , Vicar of Newry, by his wife Elizabeth Anne, fourth dau. of the late Rev. Henry Swanzy, M.A. , Prebendary of Subulter in Cloyne Cathedral, Rural Dean of Bothon, and Rector of Kilshannig, Diocese of Cloyne. Armorial bearings — A fesse argent, between two unicorns counter-courant or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head or, collared with a bar gemel gules. Motto — "Per Deum et ferrum obtinui." Residence — 415 Cleethorpe Road, Grimsby, Lincolnshire. The Rev. THOMAS ERSKINE SWANZY, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (St. John's Coll., Oxford), B.A. (Trin. Coll., Dublin), Vicar of Hibaldstow. Born Nov. 25, 1869, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Thomas Biddall Swanzy (d. May 12, 1894), M.A. , Vicar of Newry, by Elizabeth Anne, fourth dau. of the late Henry Swanzy, M.A. , Prebendary of Subulter in Cloyne Cathedral, Rural Dean of Bothon, and Rector of Kilshannig, Diocese of Cloyne. Armorial bear- ings — Gules, a lesse argent between two unicorns counter- courant or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head or, collared with a bar gemel gules. Motto — " Per Deum et ferrum obtinui." Residences — Ivy Lodge, Newry, co. Down, Ireland ; Hibaldstow Vicarage, Brigg, Lincolnshire. SWAYNEofTillington Court, Herefordshire (H. Coll.). Azure, a chevron between three pheons or, on a chief argent, as many roses gules, barbed and seeded proper. Majitling azure and or. Crest^On a wreath of the colours. a demi-dragon azure, holding in the dexter claw an arrow in bend sinister, point downwards argent, and resting the sinister on a rose as in the arms. Motto— " Metuenda corolla draconis." Livery — Blue. Sons of Rev. George Carless Swayne, B. D. , Fellow of Corpus Christi Coll. (Oxon. ), b. 1818; d. ; 7n. 1851, Margaret Sarah, d. of Rev. John Eagles, M.A. : — Harald George Carlos Swayne, Esq. , Major R. E. , F.G.S. , C.M.Z.S., b. i860; m. 1894, Katherine Aimte, d. of Sir William Holmes of British Guiano ; and has issue a dau. Res. — Aden. Eric John Eagles Swayne, Esq., C. B. Bt. Lt.-Col. Indian Armyand local Brig.-Gen., H.B. M.'s Commissioner, Consul- General and Commdr.-in-Ch. Somaliland Protectorate, b. 1863. Res. — Berbera. Club — United Service (Simla. ) Son of Joseph Griffiths Swayne, M.D. (Lond.), Gold Medallist Univ. of London, Emeritus Prof. Univ. Coll., Bristol, b. 1819 ; d. 1903; m. 1846, Georgina Emily, d. of Rev. George Gunning, Rector of West Deeping : — Joseph Quicke Swayne, Gentleman, b. 1847 ; m. ist, Mary Rudson {d. 1895), d. of Capt. Courtney Trower, 9th Lancers; 2nd, 1896, Catherine Henrietta Sophia, (d. 1902), d. ofG. H. Styles of Chippenham. Club^nnior Constitutional. Son of John Champeney Swayne, M.R.C.S. , of Puckle- church, b. 1786 ; d. 1852 ; m. 1817, Martlia Christiana, eld. d. of Thomas Griffiths, M.D., of Bristol:— Rev. William John Swayne, M.A. (Oxon.), formerly Vicar of Heytesbury ; and now Custos of St. John's Hospital, Heytesbury, b. 1833; in. 1861, Diana (d. 1892), d. of WiUiam Shuckburgh, Esq., J. P., of The Moot, Downton, Wilts ; and has issue — (i) Rev. William Shuck- burgh Swayne, M.A. (Oxon.), Vicar of St. Peter's, Cranley Gardens, S. W., b. 1862 [tn. 1886, Emma Louise, d. of J. des Reaux of Jersey ; and has issue — John George des Reaux Swayne, Gentleman, b. 1890] ; (2) Edward Hopton Swayne, Esq., Bt. -Major P.A.S.L. Inf., b. 1863 [ot. 1898, Muriel, d. ot C. Ashworth of Cranley Gardens, S.W. ; and has issue one dau.] ; (3) Edgar John Swayne, Gentleman, Solicitor (Denbigh), b. 1863 (twin with his brother) [w. 1894, Katherine Alexandra, d. of R. Lloyd- Williams of Denbigh ; and has issue — Roderic Swayne, Gentleman, b. 1897]; (4) Rev. Charles Noel Swayne, M.A. (Oxon.), Curate of Stratton, nr. Micheldever, b. 1868 [;«. ist, 1894, Constance Arabella {d. 1896), d. of Charles Clay of Whitchurch ; 2nd, is the Naval Cockade. I. IJIS %\X}t %\3}i 1899. Kathleen Louisa, d. of Col. Netterville Barron ; and has issue — Charles BrouKhtoii Clay Swayne, Gentleman, *• 1895; »nd William lliirron Guy Swayne, Gentleman, *. 1900]. /f«.— Stratton, nr. Michcldever. Sons of Walter Thomas Swayne, Solicitor, of Glaston- bury, h 1835; J. 1897; <••. 1868, Agnes jane, d. of Rev. Canon Coney, Vicar of Pucklechurch, Glos. : — Harry Walter Swayne, Gentleman, i. 1869; m. 1894, Maude Isobel, d. of Capt. Harris ; and has issue — (i) Cecil Walter Harris Swayne, Gentleman, d. 1805; (a) Eric Evelyn Swayne, Gentleman, d. 1905. J^es. — Behar, India. Herbert tarless Swayne, Gentleman, d. 1873. Res.— Ynyswvtryn, Glastonbury. Phihp Coney Swayne, Gentleman, b, 1877. Res.— Ynyswy tryn , Glastonbury. Son of John Champeney Swayne, M.R.C.S., of Puckle- church, b. 1786 ; d. 185a ; m. 1817, Martha Christiana, eld. d. of Thomas Griffiths, M.D.. of Bristol :— Robert Arthur Swayne, Esq., J. P. cos. Worcester and Herefordshire, b. 1837; m, 1861, Grace Pyke, d. of William Wickham of Bideford ; and has issue— (i) Walter Carless Swayne, Gentleman, M.D. (Lond.), Obst. Phys. to Bristol Roy. Infirm., b. 186a [m. 1894, Louisa Margaret, d. of Rev. R. F. Heath ; and has issue two daus. J ; (a) Rev. Arthur Wickham Swayne, M.A. (Oxon.), Vicar of St. Aidan's, Leeds, b. 1863 [m. 1897, Eva Margaret, d. of James Kitson of Elmeet, Leeds ; and has issue— Arthur Christopher Carless Swayne, Gentleman, b. 1900]; (3) Francis Griffiths Swayne, Gentleman, M.B. (Cantab j, b. 1864 [m. 1900, Etta Ellen, widow of George Lyon, I.C.S., and d. of Sir Warren Hastings D'Oyley, Bart.] ; (4) Rev. Robert Carless Swayne, M.A. (Oxon.), Curate of Newport Pagnell, b. 1874 ; (5) George Champeney Swayne, Gentle- man, Solicitor (Glastonbury), b. 1876 \m. 1901, Agnes Evelyn, d. of Walter Thomas Swayne of Glastonbury ; and has issue one dau.]; (6) Oswald Rocke Swavne, Esq., D.S.O., Lieut. R.G.A., b. 1879; (7) Thomas Edward Griffiths Swayne, Gentleman, Lieut. A.S.C., b. 1883. Res. — Tarrington House, nr. Hereford. JOHN MICHAEL SWEETMAN-POWELL, Esquire, J. P. (High Sheriff 1884), late Capt. Queen's Co. Militia; assumed by Royal Licence 1874, the additional surname and arms of Powell in compliance with the will of his maternal grandfather. Born June i, 185a, being the eldest son of the late Michael James Sweetman, Esq., J. P. (High Sheriff 185a), by his wife Mary Margaret, only child and heir of Michael Powell of Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin. Armorial bearinsrs — Per pale gules and chequy azure and argent, on the dexter an eagle displayed dimidiated or, in dexter chief a mullet of the last. Man'tiling gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, out of an? antique crown or, a gpriffin's head gules, charged with a mullet or. Motto — "Spera in Deo." Married, Oct. 28, 1879, Adela Jane, second dau. of Hon. Arthur and Lady Catharine Petre. Seat — Lamberton Park, Queen's Co. CLEMENT WILLIAM SWETENHAM, Esquire, J. P., late Lieut. R.N. Bom Sept. 21, 1852, being the eldest son of the late Clement Swetenham, Esq., J. P., High Sheriff i860, by his wife Louisa Catherine Sophia, dau. of St. John C. Charlton of Apley Castle, Salop. Armorial bearings -Paly of six argent and gules, on a bend vert, three sp>ades of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a porcupine's head erased azure, gutt^e-d'eau, chained and collared or. Motto— "Ex sudore vultus." Married, Nov. 16, 1888, Louisa, youngest dau. of the late Ralph Creyke of Raw- cliffe Hall and Marton, co. York; and has /jjk«— Edmund Swetenham, Gentleman, b. April 30, 1890. SeatSonxr- ford Booths, Congleton, co. Chester, possessed by the family since a.d. iioo. C/k*— Naval and Military. SWETTENHAM, see WARREN-SWETTENHAM. S GODWIN BUTLER MEADE SWIFTE, Esquire, J. P., D.L. CO. Kilkenny, High Sheriflf 1892. Bom March 24, 1864, being the only son of the late Godwin Meade Pratt Swifte of Swiftsheath and Lionsden, by his second wife Mary Jane, dau. of Robert Hare Clarke, Esq. , J. P., of Bansha, co. Tipperary. Livery —"DsixV green, yellow facings, gilt buttons, buff overcoat. Aimoilal bearingB (as on record in Ulster's Office) are— Sable, an anchor in pale or, timbered azure, the stem entwined with a dolphin descending argent. Mantling sable and Crest- A sinister arm embowed, vested azure, cuffed argen in the hand a sheaf of five arrows or, barbed azure, flight ^' argent. Motto — ' ' Festina lente virtute et sanguine. ' ' [Mr;\ Swifte quarters— as will be seen from the above reproductiot of his bookplate—" Or, a chevron vair between three buck m full course proper." This coat is that of the family 6 Swifte of Allergill, co. Durham, and Rotherham, co. YorkX from whom descent is claimed and could probably be sub' stantiated. The coat, however, is not officially recorded («|| Ireland, and the descent and consequent right to the arms \ not recorded in the College of Arms in England. For th crest and supporters as used there does not appear to be an} authority, as the original crest of Swifte of Allergill and Rotherham is the crest recorded in Ulster's Office as abo quoted. The supporters are probably intended for those the Viscounty of Carlingford, an Irish Peerage held by member of the Swifte family, but extinct in 1634]. Seats- Swiftsheath, Jenkinstown, co. Kilkenny; Lionsden, Castle rickard, CO. Meath. C/K^—Kildare Street (Dublin). Sir JOHN SWINBURNE, seventh Baronet, of Cap heaton, in the county of Northumberland, Justice of the Peace. Born 1831, being the son of Edward SwinbumeJ Esquire, of Calgarth, Windermere (who was eldest son the sixth Baronet, by his first wife Anna Antonia, daughte of Robert Nassau Sutton ; succeeded his grandfather seventh Baronet, September 26, i860, under the creation of September 26, 1660. Armorial bearings— He bears fo Arms: Per fesse gules and argent, three cinquefoils counter-^ changed. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for hL Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-boar rampan| argent, crined of the first, langued gules. Motto — " Seme et semper." Married, January i, 1863, Emily Elizabethj only daughter of Rear- Admiral Henry Broadhead, Roya Navy ; and by her (who died July 23, i88i) has had Issue- (i) Hubert Swinburne, Esquire, born January 24, 1867 j (2) Umfreville Percy Swinburne, Esquire, born Novemt 24, 1868 ; (3) Robert Swinburne, Esquire, born February loJ 1871 ; (4) Henry Arthur Swinburne, Esquire, born June iSJ died July 2, 1878 ; Marguerite ; and Rameh Theodora [marH ried, July 19, 1887, Richard Chamberlain of Oak Mount, Birmingham]. Seat — Capheaton, in the county of North umberland. SMajor-General JOHN EDWARD SWINDLEY;! served in the Kaffir War 1852-1853, in the Crimea iSSSnj was at Sebastopol, served in the Indian Mutiny Campaig 18S8-1859, and commanded isth Hussars during the Afgha War 1878-1879, and retired 1884. Armorial bearii^- Or, on a pile vert, between two wreaths of oak in base of the last, six boars' heads erased, three, two and one! of the field. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours/ a sword erect proper, pendent from the hilt by a chain orj an escutcheon vert, charged with a boar's head erased alsd or. Motto — " Acuspide honos. " Postal address — 60 Pall Mall, London, S.W. Club— Army and Navy. is the Military Cockade. %>M ^tDt 1319 SWINEHEAD, quartered by HULLEY. SWINTON, see CAMPBELL-SWINTON. "J'Espere," (below) "Je pense." Supporters (personal to head of the family)— Two boars rampant sable, armed, crined, and unguled or, langued gules. SWINTON of that Ilk (in use since circa 1271, matric. on user 21 Feb. 1903, but matric. by cadet line c. 1680-7). Sable, a chevron or, between three boar's heads erased argent. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a boar chained to a tree proper. Mottoes — (Above) Only s. of John Edulphus Swinton, Esq., of Swinton Bank, J. P., Capt. Indian Army, d. 1832 ; d. 1871 ; m. 1863, Frances Jane, d. of Daniel Ainslie of The Gart, CO. Perth : — John Edulf Blagrave Swinton of Swinton Bank, Esq., is tbe Naval Cockade. 13*0 ^toi %})h Chief of his imme, Lieut. Ix>thians and Berwicksh. Imp. Yeo., ^. 1864. 6Vit/— Swiittoii Bank, cu, I'eebles. Son of Robert Hepburn Swinton, Esq.. Capl. K. N. : — Robert Hepburne Swinton- Hunter of Hapton, Gentleman ((/. 1904) (v-f- )• [i''()r details of arms see his entry.] Sons of Archibald Campbell-Swinton, Esq., of Kiin- racrghame, J.l*., D.L. , Advocate, LL. D., F.R.S.E., F.S.A.S., Brig.-Gen. Roy. Company of Archers, d. i8ia ; (/. 1S90 ; m. ist, Katharine Margaret (\\ie and scarlet. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Or, two bars nebuly azure, gutt6e-d'or, on a chief ermine, a bugle-horn sable, stringed gules, garnished or, between two grenades also sable, fired proper ; and for his Crest, upon! a wreath of the colours, out of the battlements of a towerj argent a demi-dragon issuant, wings displayed proper,] holding between the claws a grenade as in the arms, pen- dent from its neck by a ribbon gules, a bugle-horn also asl in the arms. Motto—" Froena, vel aurea, nolo." Married,\ October 23, 1883, Amy, daughter of James Crossley Eno of Wood Hall, Dulwich ; and has Issue — Crossley Swithin- bank, Gentleman, born November 16, 1884; Enid; and] Isobel. Estate and postal address — Denham Court, Denham J Buckinghamshire. The Rev. HERBERT SPENSER SWITHINBANKJ Master of Arts (Oxon.), Vicar of Kingston Vale. Bon^ 1853, being the son of George Edwin Swithinbank, LL.D. F.S.A. , and Constantia Anne, his wife. Armorial bear-l iugps — Or, two bars nebuly azure, gutt6e-d'or, on a chief] argent, a bugle-horn sable, garnished or, stringed gules,] between two grenades also sable, fired proper. Mantl azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, out of the battlements of a tower argent, a demi- dragon issuant, wings displayed proper, holding between the claws a grenade as in the arms, pendent from its neck] by a ribbon gules, a bugle-horn also as in the arms. Motto — " Fama semper viret." Married, 1884, Amy, dau. Admiral George Winthrop ; and has Issue — (i) BernardJ Winthrop Swithinbank, Gentleman, Scholar of Balliol Coll.,] Oxford, b. Oct. 4, 1884; (2) Cuthbert Winthrop Swithin- bank, Gentleman, Midshipman H.M.S. "Illustrious," b,\ Feb. 22, 1886; Hilda Spenser; and Mildred. Postal address — Kingston Vale Vicarage, Putney, London, S.W. SYDSERFF, see BUCHAN-SYDSERFF. SYKES. quartered by MITCHELL. is the Military Cockade. ^pfe ^pfe 1321 SYKES (H. Coll.). Argent, on a chevron sable, guttd- d'eau, between three tufts of grass vert, as many fountains proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon the trunk of a tree eradicated fessewise and sprouting to the dexter proper, a swan with wings addorsed argent, beaked and legged sable, and charged on the breast with a fountain also proper. Motto—" Puritas fons honoris." Livery {dress) — White, black facings ; (un- dress), claret scarlet waistcoat, brass buttons. Son of Edmund Howard Sykes, Esq., J. P. Lanes, and Cheshire, of Brookfield, co. Chester, d. 1827; d. 1896; m. 1856, Frances Anne, d. of late George Peel of Brookfield : — Frank Sykes, Esq., J. P. Cheshire, d. 1856; m. 1892, Beatrice Caroline, d. of G. W. Mould of Cheadle. Seat— Brookfield, Cheshire. I^es. — Brookfield, Cheadle, Cheshire; Borrobol, Kinbrace, Sutherland, N.B. Son of Rev. William Sykes, Hon. Mil. Chaplain to Queen Victoria, i. 1829; ci. 1893; m. Mary, eld. d. of late Capt. Molesworth, R.A. : — Percy Molesworth Sykes, Esq., C.M.G., Consul in Persia, Temporary Maj. in the Army, Capt. 2nd Dragoon Gds. , i. 1867; is m. and has issue. Estate — Elcombs, Lyndhurst, Hants. Res. — Britisti Consulate, Meshed, Persia. Sons of Thomas Hardcastle Sykes, Esq., J. P., D.L. , of Cringle House, Cheadle (High Sheriff Cheshire 1899), formerly Capt. 20th Cheshire R.V. , ^. 1833; d. 1901 ; m. 1864, Mary, eld. d. of John Piatt, M.P. for Oldham :— Harold Piatt Sykes, Esq., Lt. -Col. Denbighsh. Hussars Imp. Yeo. , late Capt. 2nd Dragoon Gds., b. 1865 ; w. ist, 1895, Frances Fowke (d. 1902), d. of late D. P. M'Donald of KepDoch ; 2nd, 1903, Winifred Charlotte Jane, d. of late Col. W. H. Wellesley, Roy. Fus. ; and has issue — Peter Thomas Sykes, Gentleman. Res. — Longford Hall, Newport, Salop. Alan John Sykes, Esq., late Major 3rd V.B. Cheshire Regt., J. P. Cheshire, M.A. Oxon., b. 1868. Seat— Cr'mgle House, Cheadle. yPw.— South View, Cheadle. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Bath, Union (Manchester). Yr. sons of Richard Sykes of Edgeley, b. 1793 ; d. 1876 ; m. 1825, Jane, d. of Thomas Hardcastle of Firwood, Bolton-le-Moors, Lanes. : — Richard Sykes, Gentleman, b. 1839 ; m. 1904, Miss Walton. Res. — Santa Barbara, California. Arthur Henry Sykes, Esq., of Lydham, J. P. and D.L. CO. Chester, J. P. co. Salop, Lord of the Manor of Lyd- ham, b. 10 Jan. 1841 ; m. 17 Sept. 1868, Harriett Ehzabeth, d. of the late Thomas Lever Rushton of Bolton-le-Moors ; and has issue— Herbert Rushton Sykes, Gentleman, b. 12 Oct. 1870; and Mabel. Lively —CXdael. Estates — Lydham Manor, co, Salop ; Edgeley, Stockport, co. Ches- ter ; Ollerenshaw Hall, co. Derby. Seat — Lydham Manor, Bishop's Castle, Shropshire. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Con- servative (Manchester), Shropshire (Shrewsbury). Walter Harry Sykes, Esq., Lt-Col. late R.E., *. 1848; ni. 1880, Cecilia Louisa Jane, d. of Col. William Henry Charles Wellesley; and has issue — (i) Claud Walter Sykes, Gentleman, b. 1883 ; (2) Philip Hector Sykes, Gentleman, b. 1894 ; (3) Edmund Arthur Sykes, Gentleman (twin with Philip), b. 1894; Esme Cecilia Jane ; and Doreen Evelyn Wellesley. Seat — Firfield, Merrow, Guildford. FRANK SYKES, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Chester. Born 1856, being the only son of the late Edmund Howard Sykes, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the same county, and for the County Palatine of Lancaster, by his wife Frances A. , daughter of George Peel of Brookfield. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron sable, gutt^e-d'eau, between three mounds or tufts of grass vert, as many sykes or fountains proper ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon the trunk of a tree eradicated fesseways, and sprouting to the dexter proper, a swan with wings addorsed argent, beaked and legged sable, and charged on the breast with a fountain also proper ; with the Motto, " Puritas fons honoris." Married, 1892, Beatrice, second daughter of G. W. Mould of Cheadle. Postal addresses— Y^rooVfieXA, Cheadle, Cheshire, and Borrobol, Kinbrace, Sutherland, N.B. FREDERICK WILLIAM SYKES, Gentleman, J. P. for the Borough of Huddersfield. Born March 5, 1858, being the eldest son of the late William Sykes, J. P., of Green Lea, Lindley, Huddersfield, by his second wife Mary, daughter of Miles Mayall. Club — Reform. Livery is tbe Naval Cockade. I3*s ^P* —Blue and silver. Armorial bearinK* — He bears for Araia : Argent, three chcvronels sable between two foun- tains in chief proper and a bugle-horn stringed in base of the s<^x>nd. v\K>n the escutclieon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his OrMt, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-man in profile, holding in the dexter hand a fountain and resting the sinister hand on a whelk-shell sable. Married, , Catherine, daughter of John Whitley, J. P., of West House, Halifax, Yorks ; and has /siug — Stanley William Sykes, Gentleman, bom May 17, 1884 ; Mary Winifred ; and FVeda. Pasta/ otid res s — Grtcn I^a, Lindley, Hudders- field. JAMES NIELD SYKES, Esquire, J. P. for the West Riding of the County of York and the Borough of Hud- dersiield. Bom 1825, being the sixth son of John Sykes of Lindley, Huddersiield. by his wife Charlotte, daughter of John Bray. C/«*— The Huddersfield Club. Huddersfield. Livery — Green coat, scarlet waistcoat, silver buttons, drab over<»at, green collar. Armorial bearings— Argent, three SYKESTON. quartered by BARTTELOT. SYLVESTER, quartered by HULLEY. SYMONDS, quartered by CHAMBRit SYMONDS, see LODER-SYMONDS. CAROLINE ELIZABETH SYMONDS, Spinster, only dau. and heir of the late Thomas P. Symonds, Esq., of Pengethly, J. P. and D.L. for the co. of Hereford (High Sheriff 1874), by his wife Anna, third dau. of the Rev. Peter Cotes, Rector of Litchfield, in the co. of Southampton. Armorial bearings are. upon a lozenge : Sable, a dolphin naiant enibowed vorant, a fish in chief, three trefoils slipped all argent. Estate and postal address — Pengethly, near Ross. S RICHARD HERBERT TAYLER SYMONDS- TAYLER. Esquire, Major 4th Batt. (The King's) Shropshire Light Infantry (Herefordshire Militia), B.A. of the University of Cambridge. Bom July 27, 1867, being the sixth son of J. F. Symonds, Esquire, of Okeleigh, in the county of Hereford, Ju.stice of the Peace, Clerk of the Peace, Clerk to County Council of Herefordshire; and assumed the additional surname of Tayler and the arms of that family quarterly with his own, by Royal Licence, in the year 1886. Armorial bearings -He bears for Arms : *$*♦!» «$> m <^; ^ 'CcuH'' chevronels sable between two fountains in chiet proper, and a bugle horn stringed in base of the second, for distinction, in the honour point a fleur-de-lis azure. Mantling sable and argent. Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi- man in profile proper charged on the breast with a fleur-de-lis azure, holding in the dexter hand a fountain, and resting the sinister hand on a whelk shell sable. Married, April 29. 1852, Ann Fox, daughter of John Fox of Daisy Lea, Lindley, Huddersfield ; and has /«««— Sarah Ann [married William Alfred Whitehead, Baildon, Shipley] ; Lucy Jane ; and Mary Alice. Postal address— Field House, Lindley, Huddersfield. The Late JOHN SYKES. Gentleman, M.D. (Edin.), J. P. for Borough of Doncaster. Born July 16. 1816, being the only son of Rev. George Sykes. by his wife Ellen, dau. of John Wilson of St. Laurence's. York. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend sable, between two fountains, a serpent nowed proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a bull's head erased sable, a fountain proper. Motto — "Fontes sint limpidi." Postal address — 23 South Parade, Doncaster. Quarterly i and 4, or on a chevron between two lions passant in chief and a lion rampant in base sable, a lozenge between two annulets of the field (for Tayler) ; 2 and 3 sable, a dolphin naiant embowed, devouring a fish, in chief three trefoils all argent (for Symonds) ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, the battlements of a tower, and issuant therefrom a demi-lion rampant sable, collared and charged upon the shoulder with a lozenge within an annulet all argent, and holding in his dexter paw an arrow point downwards proper (for Tayler) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a well sable, a dolphin as in the arms (for Symonds); with the Motto, " Miseris succurrere disco." Married, January 17, 1894, Edith Sarah, fifth daughter of the late Henry Kingsley, M.D., of Strat- ford-on-Avon ; and has Issue — 'Two sons and one daughter. Residence— Beechwood, Hereford. SYMONS. see SOLTAU-SYMONS. S THOMAS RAYMOND SYMONS. Esquire, J, P. and D.L. for CO. Hereford, Lieut. N. Somerset Yeomanry, and Capt. 48th Company Imperial Yeomanry. Born March 30, i86i5, being the eldest son of Thomas George Symons is tbe Military Cockade. ^pm ^pn 1323 of The Mynde Park (who died 1868), by his wife Mary Hayley, dau. of the Rev. Thomas Edward Allen. Livery — White coat, brass buttons, green plush breeches, white stockings, green and yellow waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Party per fesse azure and erminoisf a pale counter- changed, and three trefoils slipped two and one, all within a bordure also counterchanged, and impaling the arms of Rankin, namely or, a cinquefoil gules, between in chief a hatchet between two boars' heads erased, and in base a boar's head erased between two hatchets all sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a wolf statant, holding in the mouth a rose, slipped, leaved, and stalked all proper; with the Motto, "Nil admirari." Married, 1888, Margaret Ethel, dau. of Sir James Rankin, Baronet, Member of Parliament ; and has /s-j«(?— Thomas Edward Raymond Symons, Gentleman, b. April 23, 1889. Estate and postal address — The Mynde Park, Tram Inn, R.S.O. , Herefordshire. JOHN FREDERICK SYMONS-JEUNE, Esquire, J. P. for CO. of Oxford, Barrister-at-Law, Chief Committee Clerk in the House of Lords, late Lieut. West Somerset Yeo- manry. Born 1849, being the third but second surviving son of the late Rt. Rev. Francis Jeune, Lord Bishop of Peterborough, D.C. L. , by his wife Margaret Dyne, of Arlington Manor, Newbury, only child of Henry Symons of Axbridge ; and assumed by Royal Licence in 1878 the additional surname of Symons in accordance with the will of his maternal great-uncle, Rev. B. P. Symons, D.D., Warden of Wadham Coll., 0.\on. Armorial bear- ings — Sable, a stag trippant between four estoiles all argent : and impaling the arms of Bunbury, namely argent, on a bend sable, three chess-rooks of the field. Mantling' sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, between the attires of a stag, affixed to the scalp an estoile all argent. Motto — " Faire sans dire." Married, 1873, Frances Susannah, dau. of Capt. Richard Hanmer Bun- bury, R.N. (and granddau. of Gen. Sir Henry Edward Bunbury, 7th Baronet, K.C.B.); and has Issue — (i) Ber- tram Hanmer Bunbury Symons-Jeune, Gentleman, b. 1883 ; and Effield Dorothy Cecil. 5^^^— Watlington Park, Tets- worth, Oxon. EDWARD MANSEL SYMPSON, Gentleman, M.A., M.D. Cantab. Bom March 22, i860, being the only child of Thomas Sympson, F. R.C.S., of Lincoln, by his wife Caroline, dau. of Rev. E. Peacock, M.A. , Fifehead Magda- lene, Dorset (and granddau. of Right Rev. W. L. Mansel, D.D. , Master of Trin. Coll., Cam., and Lord Bishop of Bristol). Livery — Dark green, with silver buttons, dark green overcoat. Armorial bearings (Ped. H. Coll.)— Or, a lion rampant sable, guttfe-d'or, between two peacocks' heads erased in chief proper, and a serpent nowed in base vert. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant or, gutt^e-de-poix, holding between the paws a maunch sable, and resting the dexter hind leg on a serpent nowed vert. Motto — " Lsetus sorte mea. " Mar- ried, Oct. 10, 1888, Florence Mabel, younger dau. of Joseph Knight, Barrister-at-Law, F.S.A., of 27 Camden Square, N.W. ; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Mansel Sympson, Gen- tleman, b. July 13, 1889; and (2) Reginald Hilary Sympson, Gentleman, b. March x^, 1891. Residence — Deloraine Court, Lincoln. Club — New Oxford and Cambridge. SYNGE, see BROWN-SYNGE and HUTCHINSON. SYNGE(H. Coll., Vn. Shropshire, 1623). Quarterly, i and 4, azure, three millstones proper (Synge, originally Millington) ; 2 and 3, argent, an eagle displayed with two heads sable, beaked and legged gules (Synge, originally Millington). Mantling azure and argent. (Srest — Out of a ducal coronet an eagle's claw all proper. Motto — " Coelestia canimus." Son of Sir Robert Synge, sth Bart., b. 1812 ; d. 1894; m. and, 1846, Laura, d. of John Hart : — Sir Francis Robert Millington Synge, 6th Bart., of Lislee Court, CO. Cork (12 Aug. 1801), Major late S. Lanes. Regt. , b. 1851 ; m. 1876, Frances Elizabeth, d. of Robert Evans of Rock Ferry, co. Chester; and has issue — (i) Robert Millington Synge, Esq., b. 1877; (2) Neale Hutchinson Synge, Esq., b. 1880; (3) Edward Synge, Esq., b. 1882 ; Francis Helen Millicent ; Laura Eileen ; and Lilian. Seat — Syngefield, King's Co. Yr. son of Sir Edward Synge, 2nd Bart., b. 1786; d. 1843 ; m. 1809, Mary Helena, d. of P.obert Welsh :— Major-Gen. Millington Henry Synge, late R.E. , b. 1823; m. 185s, Jane, d. of Thomas Bannerman of Hazelhead. Res. — 61 High Street, Portsmouth. Son of Major Robert Follett Synge, ist West India Regt., b. 1821 ; d. i860; m. 1855, Catherine Waddell Boyd, d. of David Miller, Barrister-at-Law: — Major Robert Follett Muter Foster Millington Synge, late Highland Lt. Inf. , b. 1857 ; m. 1884, Charlotte Gran- ville, d. of Maj.-Gen. William James Stuart, R.E. ; and has issue — Alan Hamilton Stuart Synge, Gentleman, b. 1886. Res. — C/«3— Naval and Military. Sons of William Webb Follett Synge, Esq. , Consul- General in Cuba, b. 1826 ; d. 1891 ; m. 1853, Henrietta Mary, d. of Col. Robert Dewar Wainwright, U.S. Marine Corps : — Robert Follett Synge, Esq., C.M.G., Deputy-Marshal of Ceremonies to H.M. King Edward, b. 1853; m. 1881. Laura Mary, d. of John Fletcher of Dale Park, Sussex, Res. —7 Chester Square, London, S.W. Club — St. James's. Francis Julian Synge, Gentleman, Chancery Registrar's Dept. , Law Courts, b. 1856; m. 1890, Mary Auchmuty, d. of R. Sands Tucker of New York and Lenox, U.S.A. ; and has surv. issue — (i) Robert Millington Synge, Gentleman, b. 1894; (2) Allen Francis Synge, Gentleman, b. 1898; and Violet Montresor. Res. — 30 Sloane Court, London, S.W. Club — St. James's. Capt. William Makepeace Thackeray Synge, late R.A.. Gov. of Walton Prison, Liverpool, b. i860; m. ist, 1892, Ethel Elais {d. 1895), d. of Alfred Wilkinson of Harrow; and, 1898, Ethel Rose, d. of H. Bramwell of Crown E^st Court, Worcs. ; and has surv. issue — (i) William Alfred Thackeray Synge, Gentleman, b. 1893 ; (2) Michael Robert Synge, Gentleman, b. 1902 ; and Ethel Mary. Res. — Walton Prison, Liverpool. Sons of Rev. Alexander Hamilton Synge, Vicar of St. Peter's, Ipswich, b. 1820 ; d. 1872 ; m. 1855, Eugenia, d. of Rev. Edward Bishop Elliott of Brighton . — Alexander Hamilton Synge, Gentleman, Lieut. Northum- berland Art. Mil., b. 1856. Res.— Edward Elliott Synge, Gentleman, b. 1868. Res.— Percy Hamilton Synge, Gentleman, b. 1872. Res. — Sons of John Hatch Synge, Gentleman, Barrister-at- Law, b. 1824; d. 1872; m. 1856, Kathleen, d. of Rev. Robert Traill of Schull, co. Cork : — Robert Anthony Synge, Gentleman, b. 1858. Res. — Edward Synge, Gentleman, b. 1859. Res. — Samuel Synge, Gentleman, b. 1867. Res. — Edmund John Millington Synge, Gentleman, b. 1871. Res.— is tbe Naval Cockade. I3»4 %pn Cat Son of Richard Synge of Australia, *. 1835 : d. 1874 ; M. 1866:— Henry Synge ClenUeman, *. /fes. — SYNOE-HUTCHINSON (R.L.. 3 April 1813. U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4. per pale azure and pules, a lion ramiMnt ermine betwct-n eight cross crosslets or (Hutchin- son); 9 and 3. quarterly i. and iiii., aiure, three millstones; ii. and iii., argent, an i-agle displayed with two heads sahle, beaked and legged gules (both for Synge. originally Milling- ton. Vn. Shropshire, 1633). M a n t lin g azure and or. Oreati— I. out of a ducal coronet or, a cockatrice with wings endorsed vert (Hutchinson) ; a. out of a ducal coronet or, an eagle's claw proper. Motto — "Non sibi scd toti." Only surv. son of Francis Synge-Hulchinson, Esq., of Taney, co. Dublin, d. iBoa ; d.v.p. 183a ; »/. i8a4, Louisa Frances, d. of Hon. P'rancis Hely-Hutchin- son : — Sir Edward Synge-Hutchinson, 4th Bart. (8 Oct. 1782), formerly 6th and Sth U.G., 6. 1830. ^«,— Fawnagh, Kathgar, co. Dublin. Clui — Army and Navy. SYMERTON, quartered by FOX. SZEMBEK, quartered by LUBIENSKI. T TAAFFE (U.O.). Gules, a cross argent, fretty azure. Mant.Hng r gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed, holding a sword proper, hilt and pommel or. Motto — " In hoc signo vinces." Son of Edward Francis Joseph, nth Viscount Taaffe, Knt. of the Golden Fleece, &c., d. 1833; d. 1895; m. i860, Maria Francesca, Countess Czaky von Keresztceg und Adorjan : — Rt. Hon. Henry Taaffe, 12th Viscount Taaffe (Irel., I Aug. 1628), Baron of Ballymole, Ireland, Count of the Holy Roman Empire, Lieutenaut Kaiser Franz Josef's Regt. of Dragoons [Arms borne on the double eagle of the Roman Empire. Supporters — Dexter, a horse argent, sem^ of estoiles sable; sinister, a wyvern, wings' expanded proper], i. 1872 ; tn. 1897, Maria Magda Fuchs ; and has issue— Hon. Edward Charles Richard Taaffe, d. 1898. Seats — EUischan Castle and Kolinetz Castle, Bohemia. Son of Stephen Taaffe, Esq., J. P., of Glenkeiran, co. Meath, 6. 1828 ; d. 1894 ; tn. 1865, Mary Aliaga, d. of Patrick William Kelly of Kingstown, co. Dublin : — Capt. George Joseph Taaffe, late 4th Batt. Roy. Lanes. Regt., J. P., d. 1866; m. 1895, Alice Catherine Trevor, d. of B. T. Griffith Boscawen, Esq., D.L. , of Trevalyn, co. Denbigh ; and has issue — (i) George Randal Joseph Taaffe, Gentleman, d. 1897 ; (2) Rudolph Trevor Aloysius Taaffe, Gentleman, d. 1901. Sea/s — Smarmore Castle, Ardee, and Gl.nkeiran, co. Meath. LIONEL RICHARD PLUNKET TABUTEAU, Gentleman. Bom March 12, 1869, being the second son of Richard Mayne Tabuteau, Gentleman, by his wife Con- "stance Gertrude Maria, only dau. of the late Hon. Patrick Plunket. Armorial bearings— Argent, a fosse gules, be- tween three ermine spots. HantUng gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an ermine spot sable. Motto — "Toujours sans tache." Married, April 21, 1893, Eva Hamilton, eldest dau. of Keith Hamilton Hallowes; and has /ssue — Muriel Flora ; Nora Constance ; and Ruth Eva. Residence — 48 Park Avenue, Sandymount, Dublin. CHARLES TACON, Solicitor, Gentleman, Mayor of Eye 1896, 1897. 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905. Born Aug. 1833, being the eldest son of Charles Tacon of Hinton Hall, Suffolk, by his wife Mary Ann Girling of Yoxford. Armorial bearings — Azure, a cross flory between in the first and fourth quarters a martlet, and in the second and third a dexter arm embowed in armour, coup)ed at the shoulder and fesseways, all or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter arm as in the arms, gauntleted all sable, holding a flagstaff proper, therefrom flowing to the sinister a banner argent, charged with a lyre also sable, three escallops fesseways or. Motto — " Aut vincani aut p>eribo. " Residence— ^yt, co. Suffolk. The Reverend RICHARD JOHN TACON, Clerk in Holy Orders, J. P. Norfolk, M.A. Camb. Rector and Patron of Rollesby. Bom March 26, 1847, being the third son of Charles Tacon of Hinton Hall, Suffolk, by his wife Mary Ann Girling of Yoxford. Armorial bearings — Azure, a cross flory between in the first and fourth quarters a martlet, and in the second and third a dexter arm embowed in armour, couped at the shoulder and fesseways, all or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter arm as in the arms, gauntleted all sable, holding a flagstaff proper, therefrom flowing to the sinister a banner argent, charged with a lyre also sable, three escal- lops fesseways or. Motto — "Aut vincam aut perido." Married, May 7, 1878, Caroline Ballard, only dau. of John Ballard Pitt, M.D., of The Grove, East Dereham, Norfolk; by whom he has Issue — (1) Richard Charles Tacon, Gentle- man, b. May 5, 1881 ; (2) Waveney Pitt Tacon, Gentleman, b. Oct. 3, 1882; (3) Dudley George Tomline Tacon, Gentleman, b. Siept. 24, 1886 ; (4) Thomas Henry Warcup Tacon, Gentleman, b. Jan. 18, 1890; (5) Ernest John Ballard Tacon, Gentleman, b. Jan. 16, 1895 ; Ethel Safford ; Mabel Dacre ; and Caroline Ada Chute. Residences —The Rectory, Rollesby ; 5 Park Mansions, Lowestoft ; Mansion House, Eye. SSiR THOMAS HENRY TACON, Knight, J. P. and D.L. CO. Suffolk, High Sheriff 1898, and J. P. for the borough of Eye, Alderman of the East Suffolk County Council since its foundation. Deputy Chairman County Finance Committee, Mayor of Eye 1893-94. Born March 14, 1838, being the second son of Charles Tacon of Hinton Hall, Suffolk, by his wife Mary Ann Girling of Yoxford. Livery — Green, with white facings. Armorial bearings . (H. Coll., June 14, 1898) — Argent, a cross flory between in the first and fourth quarters a martlet, and in the second and third a dexter arm embowed in armour, couped at the shoulder and fesseways all or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter arm g is the Military Cocka4e. Caf Cal 1325 as in the arms, gauntleted all sable, holding a flagstaff proper, therefrom flowing to the sinister a banner argent, charged with a lyre also sable, three escallops fesseways or. Motto — " Aut vincam aut peribo." Married, Sept. 10, 1868, Catherine Elizabeth, eldest dau. of the late Rotert Baker Orford of Occold Hall, Suffolk ; and has had Issue — Kate Constance, deceased ; Harriet Bertha ; and Maude Mary. Residence — Red House, Eye. TAFFITER, quartered by SOMERS. TAILBOYS, quartered by FI.OYER. 5 WILLIAM WARD TAILBY, Esquire, M.A., Barrister-at-Law, J. P. and D. L. for co. Leicester, and J. P. for co. Northampton. Born Jan. 18, 1825, being the only son of the late William Tailby of Humberstone, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of R. Stevens of Hallaton. Armorial hearings - He bears for Arms : Ermine, a saltire gules, on a chief azure, a garb between two escallops or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a bull passant ermine, gorged with a wreath of laurel proper, the sinister foot resting on an escallop or. Motto — " Certum pete finem." Married, October 9, 1850, Mary, daughter of William Taylor of Humberstone Lodge. Seat — Skeflfington Hall, Billesdon, in the county of Leicester. TAITHWELL, quartered by CONYERS. TALBOT, Baron, see SHREWSBURY. TALBOT, Earl, see SHREWSBURY. TALBOT (CHETWYND-TALBOT), see SHREWS- BURY. TALBOT, quartered by CORBET and MOWBRAY. TALBOT, DE CARDONNEL, quartered by WING- FIELD. LiKUTKNANT-Coi.ONEL SiR ADELBERT CECIL TAL- BOT, K.C.I. E. (1895), Lieutenant-Colonel Indian Army. Born 1845, being the eldest son of the late Rev. the Hon. William Whitworth Chetwynd-Talbot, by his wife Eleanora Julia, daughter of the Hon. William James Coventry. C/«*— East India United Service. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed or (for Talbot) ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron between three mullets or (for Chetwynd). Upon the escutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon, and from which is pen- dent his badge as a K.C. I.E. , is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, I. upon a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant, tail extended or (for Talbot) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a goat's head erased argent (for Chetwynd). Married, 1870, Agnes Mary {d. 1894), daughter of the Rev- erend W. Clarke ; and has Issue living— Adelbert William James Talbot, Esquire, Indian Civil Service, born 1876 ; Guendolen Nesta Beatrix [w. , 1896, Major Stuart Hill God- frey] ; Muriel Agnes Eleanora ; and Esm6 Mary Dorothea [/«., 1900, Capt. Armine Brereton Dew]. Postal address — The Cottage, Glenhurst, Esher, Surrey. CHARLES HENRY TALBOT, Esquire. Born Feb- ruary 2, 1842, being the only son of the late William Henry Fox Talbot, Esquire, of Lacock Abbey, Doctor of Laws, by his wife Constance, daughter of Francis Mundy of Markeaton, in the county of Derby. Armorial bearings— (H. Coll, June 19, 1778) — Gules, a lion ram- pant within a bordure engrailed or, a crescent for differ- ence. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion pas- sant or, differenced as the arms. Seat — Lacock Abbey, Chippenham. W EDMUND BERNARD TALBOT, Esquire, com- W monly known as Lord Edmund Bernard I'albot. Born 1855, being the son of the Most Noble Henry Gran- ville Fitzalan-Howard, fourteenth Duke of Norfolk, by his wife Augusta Minna Catherine, commonly known as the Honourable Augusta Minna Catherine, second daughter of the Right Honourable Sir Edmund Lyons, first Baron Lyons, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; assumed by Royal License the surname and arms of Talbot in lieu of Fitzalan-Howard 1876. C/«*j— Carlton , Naval and Military, White's. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed or, and impaling the arms of Bertie, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent three battering-rams barways in pale proper, headed and garnished azure (for Bertie) ; 2 and 3 sable, a shattered castle triple-turreted argent (for Willoughby). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant or, the tail extended. Married, 1879, Mary Caro- line Bertie, commonly known as Lady Mary Caroline Bertie, daughter of the Right Honourable the seventh Earl of Abingdon; and has Issue — Henry Edmund Talbot, Esquire, born 1883 ; and Mary Caroline Magdalen. Resi- dence~-\ Buckingham Palace Gardens, S.W. S EDWARD LISTER KAY TALBOT, Esquire, J. P. for CO. Dublin, Lieut, formerly of 2nd Durham Light Infantry. Born Feb. 10, 1859, being the second but only surviving son of the Hon. R. G. Talbot, J. P. and D.L. CO. Dublin, by his wife Anne C. , dau. of E. Cunliffe Lister Kay, Esq., M.P. Livery — Maroon. Armorial bearings — Gules, a lion rampant or, within a bordure en- grailed erminois. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a talbot dog argent, langued gules. Motto — "Forte et fidele." Seat — Ballinclea House, Killiney, co. Dublin. GEORGE TALBOT, Esq., Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, J. P. for Wexford. Born 1823, being the son of the late Captain James Talbot, Grenadier Guards; created C. B. , 1883. C/wi5— Royal St. George Yacht. Armorial bearings — Gules, a lion ram- pant witliin a bordure engrailed or. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant or, the tail extended. MottO — " Prest d'accomplir." Married, 1852, Mary, eldest dau. of Frances O'Beirne, Esq., D.L., J. P., of Garnetstown House, in the CO. of Leitrim. S WILLIAM JOHN TALBOT, Esquire, J.P. cos. Gal- way and Roscommon, D.L. for Roscommon (High Sheriff for Roscommon 1886), late Capt. 7th Brigade South Irish Division, R.A. Born July i, 1859, being the only son of the late John Talbot, Esq., J.P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1857), formerly of the 35th Regt., by his second wife Gertrude Caroline, dau. of Lieut. -Col. Bayly of Ballyarthur, CO. Wicklow. C/tti5— Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed gules (for Talbot) ; 2. argent, a lion rampant sable, arm and langued gules, in chief two dexter hands apaumte of the third (for Crosbie) ; 3. gules, three cinquefoils, two and one ermine (for Hamilton). Mantling gules and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, on a cup of maintenance azure, turned up ermine, a lion passant gules (for Talbot) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, three swords, one in pale with point upwards, and two in saltire with points downwards, entwined with a serpent all proper (for Crosbie). Motto — " Pret d'accomplir." Married, August 14, 1897, Julia Elizabeth Mary, only child of Captain Sir Capel Molyneux, Bart., D. L. , of Castle Dillon, CO. Armagh. Seat — Mount Talbot, co. Ros- common. SLINDSEY TALBOT-CROSBIE, Esquire, I. P. and D.L. CO. Kerry (High Sheriff 1903), Lieut. R.N. (retd.). Born August 11, 1844, being the second but eldest sur- viving son of the late William Talbot Talbot-Crosbie, Esq., J. P., D.L. CO. Kerry (High Sheriff 1848), by his wife Susan Anne, daughter of Hon. Lindsey Merrik Peter Burrell [second son of Peter, ist Lord Gwydyr, and brother of Peter Robert, igth Lord Willoughby d'Eresby] ; is heir-general to the Earls of Glandore. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, a lion rampant sable, in is the Naval Cockade. 4P I3a6 Cat ^at chief two dexter hands coupfd at the wrist gu\cs (for Cros- bie) ; a and 3. gules, three cinqucfoils two and one ermine (for Hamilton). "awtUny sable and argent. Great— On a wreath of the colours, three swords, namely, two in saltire the pommeb uowards and one erect the pommel down- wards proper, nilted or, enwrapped by a snake proper. Motto — " Iiidignante invidia iiorcbit Justus." Married, March 29, 1871. Anne, dau. of Col. Coke of Trusley, lierbyshire ; and has bad with other Issue — (i) Hugh Talbot-Crosbie, Gentleman, b. Feb. 8, 1872, died of wounds received in action in South Africa, July 27, 1901 ; (2) John Durrell Talbot-Crosbie, Gentleman, b. July 8, 1873. iVd/— Ardfcrt Abbey, co. Kerry, Club — Kildare Street (Dublin). CHARLES WILLIAM TALBOT-PONSONBY. Es- quire, J. P., Lieut. Royal Navy (retired). Horn May 29, 1843, bieing the eldest son of the late Admiral Sir Charles Talbot, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, by his wife Charlotte Georgiana, widow of Lieut. -Col. Stapleton, dau. of Major-General Sir William Ponsonby, commonly known as the Honourable Sir Willi.am Ponsonby, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and assumed by Royal License, 1866, the additional surname and arms of Pon- sonby. Clubs — Carlton, S.W. ; Naval and Military, W. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly I and 4, gules a chevron between three combs argent (for Ponsonby) ; 2 and 3 gules, a lion rampant within a border engrailed or (for Talbot). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet bentting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. on a ducal coronet or, three arrows, (Mints downwards, one in pale and two in saltire, shafts or, feathered and pointed argent, entwined by a serpent proper (for Ponsonby) ; on a cap of maintenance gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant, tail extended or (for Talbot). Hottoes — i. "Pro Rege, lege, grege ; " 2. (over second crest), " Prest d'accomplir. " Married, Jan- uary 15, i868, Constance Louisa, youngest daughter of F. P. Delm^Radcliffe, Esquire, of Hitchin Priory, in thecounty of Hertford ; and has had Issue— (x) William Charles Frances Talbot-Ponsonby, Esquire, born October 14, 1868, died June 6, 1870 ; (2) John Seymour William Talbot-Ponsonby, Esquire, Lieutenant Royal Navy, born May i, 1870; (3) Edward Frederick Talbot-Ponsonby, Gentleman, Lieuten- ant Royal Artillery, bom October 21, 1872 ; (4) Charles George Talbot-Ponsonby, Gentleman, born May i, 1874; (S) Frederick William Talbot-Ponsonby, Gentleman, bom January 19, 1879; (6) Arthur Hugh Brabazon Talbot- Ponsonby, Gentleman, bom September 4, 1885 ; Evelyn Mary Georgiana ; and Constance Emma. Seats— \nch\- quin, near Youghal; Langrish House, Petersfield, in the county of Hampshire. The Rt. Hon. DANIEL TALLON, Lord Mayor of Dublin 1897-98, High Sheriff of city of Dublin 1894. Club — National Liberal. Livery — Dress : blue and scarlet and gold ; undress : blue, scarlet, and yellow. Armorial bear- ugs — Barry of eight or and azure, three eagles' legs erased at the thigh proper, a bordure ermine, and on a canton gules, a civic cap of maintenance proper. Mantling azure and or ; Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed vested borry or and azure, cuffed of the last, the hand proper, grasping an eagle's leg as in the arms. Motto — "Deo Gloria." Married, and has Issue — Mary. Postal addresses — The Mansion House, Dublin; 136 Leinster Road, Rathmines, Dublin, &c. S GEORGE TANCRED, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for the CO. of Roxburgh, J. P. for the North Riding of the CO. of York, late Captain Royal Scots Greys and 17th Lancers. Bom October 16, 1831, being the eldest son of the late George Cleghorn of Weens, by his wife Maria Cath- erine, third daughter of Colonel John Dalton of Sleningford Park, in the county of York, and Fillingham Castle, in the county of Lincoln ; and assumed the name and arms of Tancred by Royal License, September 8, 1885, in lieu of that of Cleghorn, in compliance with the will of his maternal uncle. Captain James R. Dalton, Royal Navy. Clubs — Army and Navy, New (Edinburgh). 'Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, a chevron between three escallops gules, and (for distinction) in the centre chief point a cross crosslet also gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an olive-tree fructcd proper, charged (for distinc- tion) on the tnmk with a cross crosslet gold. Married, June 10, i86a, Mary Anne Hay, third daughter of Colonel Thomas Lumsden, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, of Belhelvie Lodge, in the county of Aberdeen ; and has Issue— (1) George Harry Luinsdcn Tancred, Gentleman, lx)rn May 22, 1863 ; (2) James Charles Tancred, Gentleman, Commander Royal Navy, born Sep- tember 17, 1864 ; (3) Thomas Angus 'Tancred, Gentleman, Captain Royal Artillery, torn September 16, 1867 ; (4) Richard Fairfax Tancred, Gentleman, torn March 31, '875 ; (s) Edward Meynell Tancred, Gentleman, born March 26, 1877 ; (6) John Yule Tancred, Gentleman, Lieut. Indian Staff Corps, torn April 16, 1879 ; (7) Walter Cecil Tancred, Gentleman, Midshipman, torn February 11, 1885 ; Mary Norcliffe ; Katharine \Vray ; Frances Madeline ; and Edith Dalton, died July 13, 1890. Seats — Weens House, Hawick, N.B. TANKERSLEY, quartered by TEMPEST, TANNER, quartered by TAUNTON. TANNER, see FARNCOMBE-TANNER. The Late JOHN SAMUEL TANQUERAY. Esquire, J. P. for Middlesex. Born 1817, beingtheson of the late Rev. Edward Tanqueray of Tingrith, Beds. Armorial bearingns — Per pale or and ermine, on a fesse embattled vert, be- tween three roses gules, barbed and seeded proper, four ermine spots argent. Mantling vert and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, out of a mount vert, in front of two battleaxes in saltire, a pine apple proper. TANTIFER, quartered by FLOYER. S ALFRED HENRY TARLETON, Esquire, M.V.O,, and has Order of Mercy, J. P. and D.L. for co. of is the Military Cockade. Cat Cas 1327 Middlesex, Sheriff 1903, Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, Lord of the Manor of Cranfield, co. Bedford, Lieut. Royal Navy. Born May 16, 1862, being the only son of the late Admiral Sir J. Walter Tarleton, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and Aide- de-Camp, by his wife Finetta Esther, third daughter of Thomas Robert Dimsdale, 4th Baron Dimsdale, of Cam- field Place, CO. Hertford. Livery — Dark blue, with silver buttons, and blue and white striped waistcoat ; and for full dress, with white piping, black stockings, and silver braid. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, a chevron erminois between three cinquefoils or (for Tarle- ton) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a fesse dancett^e, between three mullets azure, as many bezants (for Dimsdale, 1769), and on an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Tennyson- D'Eyncourt, namely, quarterly i and 4, azure a fesse dan- cett^e between ten billets or, four in chief and six in base, three, two, and one (for D'Eyncourt) ; 2 and 3 gules, three leopards' faces or, jessant-de-lis azure, over all a bend of the last (for Tennyson). Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mural crown, thereon a leopard's face, all between two ostrich feathers proper. Motto — "Post nubila phcebus." Married, February 8, 1888, Henrietta Charlotte, only child and heir of the late Admiral Tennyson-d'Eyncourt, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, of Bayons Manor, in the co. of Lincoln, by his wife Henrietta, com- monly known as Lady Henrietta, fourth and youngest dau. of the Most Noble Sir Henry Pelham-Clinton, the fourth Duke of Newcastle, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter ; and has Issue — Freda Henrietta : Vera Constance ; and Helen Maud. Estates — Breakspears, Uxbridge ; Cranfield, CO. Bedford ; The Tarleton Estate, Brockley, S. E. , London. .9«a^— Breakspears, Uxbridge. Town residence — 58 War- wick Square, S.W. Clubs — Marlborough, Constitutional, Royal Naval (Portsmouth). HARRY HOLMES-TARN, Esq., Capt. 7th (Mil.) Batt. King's Royal Rifle Corps, late 2nd Lieut. 13th Hussars. Arthy. Armorial bearings— Parted per saltire or and gules, two terns naiant in tarns or lochs undy proper, one in chief and one in base. Mantling gules, doubled or. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, on a garb fesswise, a raven all proper ; and on an escrol over the same this Motto, " Viret in asternum." Married, 1895, Nora Adelgunde, youngest dau. of Henry Martini, K.D., Consul for Den- mark at Glasgow ; and has Issue — (i) Donald Cuninghame Holmes-Tarn, Gentleman, b. April 23, 1896; (2) Kenneth Archibald Holmes-Tarn, Gentleman, b. Feb. 11, 1898. Residence — Kininvie House, Dufftown, Banffshire. Club — Cavalry. WILLIAM (BERNARD) KINGSLEY TARPEY, Gentleman, Barrister -at-Law. Born Dec. 18, 1857, being the eldest surviving son of Hugh Tarpey, Esq., J. P. co. Clare, and Jane Brennan. Annorial bearings — Azure, on a bend engrailed argent, between in chief a castle of the last, flammant proper, and in base a rock also proper, three cross crosslets gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— Out of a mural crown gules, a demi-eagle displayed or, in the beak a civic crown proper. Motto — " Firm as a rock." Married, Nov. 5, 1892, Jessie Marion Toler Kingsley third dau. of John Kingsley of Manchester. Residence — 162 Portsdown Mansions, Maida Vale, W. Chib — National Liberal. WILLIAM STEWART TARRATT, Gentleman. Born April 9, 1897, being the eldest son of the late Joseph Fox Tarratt, Esq., J. P., by his wife Mary Georgiana Helen, second dau. of Capt. Duncan MacNeill of Oronsay Priory, Argyllshire. Armorial bearings — Argent, three piles azure, two issuant from the chief and one from the base, each charged with an eagle's head erased of the field. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed argent, the wings vair, holding in the beak an ostrich feather argent. MottO — " Per ardua stabilis." 5^a/— EUary, Argyllshire. Born 1871, being the son of the late William Tarnjof Fan Court, Surrey, by his wife Frances, dau. of Charles The Right Reverend HENRY HUTCHINSON MONTGOMERY, D.D., M.A. (Camb.), BISHOP OF TASMANIA, anda member of the Council of the University of Tasmania, formerly Vicar of St. Mark's and Rural Dean of Kennington, co. Surrey, and Examining Chaplain to the Bishop of Rochester from 1879-89. Born Oct. 3, 1847, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Sir Robert Montgomery, G.C.S.I., K.C.B., LL.D., of New- park, Movile, CO. Donegal, and of 7 Cornwall Gardens, Queen's Gate, London, a Member of the Council of India and Lieut-Governor of the Punjaub from 1859-65, by his second wife Ellen Jane, second dau. of William Lambert, B.C.S. Annorial bearings (of the See of Tasmania) — Azure, a crozier in bend dexter, surmounting a key in bend sinister'^or, between four stars of eight points argent, the escutcheon surmounted by his mitre. Martied, July 28, 1881, Maud, third dau. of the Ven. Frederick William Farrar, D.D., F. R.S., Dean of Canterbury; and has sur- is the Naval Cockade. I3«8 Cat Cau viving JssM-{i) Harold Robert Montgomery, *. May 8, 1884; (a) DoimUl Stanley Montgomery. i>. May a, 1886; (3) Hcnmrd I^w Montgomery. f>. Nov. 17, 1887 ; and Una. ^rt/— Nfwpark. Moville, co. Donegal. Ircl.ind. Kesidence — Bishopscourt. Hobart, Tasmania. C/«^j— Athenneum. Tunanian (Hobart). JOHN BULLEN TATCHELL TATCHELL- SUL- LEN, Esq., I. P. Dorset, late Captain Dorset Militia. Bom X847, being the son of John Tatcbell-BuUen, Esq., of Marshwood, Dorset. J. P. and D.L.. by his second wife Ann, daughter of W. Hoey, and relict of Capt. Forster, R.N., of Alnwick, Northumberland. Armorial baaxings— He bears for Amu : Quarterly i and 4, ermine on a chevron azure, between three bulls' heads erased sable, two swords proper, pommels and hilts or, the points saltireways, encircled by a wreath of laurel gold (for Bullen) ; a and 3 azure, a cross nebuly or, the 1st in and 4th quarters a lion rampant, and in the and and 3rd a cross pat(?e argent (for Tatchell). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. out of a naval crown or, the sails argent, a bull's head of the ist, charged on the neck with an anchor sable, between two wings azure (for Bullen) ; a. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, in front of an oak tree fructed proper, a bow and arrow in saltire or, surmounted by a lion's face gules (for Tatchell). HottO — " A rege et victoria." Married, 1870, Annette, 4th dau. of Vincent Trevanion Langworthy of Ilniinster, co. Somerset, and has Issue — Two daughters. Seat — Marshwood Manor, Whitchurch, near Cbarmouth, Dorset. Grenville Cholmondeley ; and has Issue— ^oimri Henry Urcnville Talton, Gentleman, born March 3, 1883 ; Alice ; Sir WILLIAM HENRY TATE, and Baronet (June 27, 1898), of Park Hill, Streatham Common, London, J. P. Lanes. Bom Jan. 33, 1842, being the eldest son of the late Sir Henry Tate, ist Bart. , of Park Hill, Streatham Common, London, J. P. for cos. Surrey, London, and Denbigh, a Trustee of the National Gallery, by his first wife Jane, dau. of John Wignall. Armorial bearings— Ermine, on a pale invected sable, between four Cornish choughs proper, two roses argent ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed, vested azure, cuff argent, the arm charged with two roses as in the arms, the hand holding a pineapple erect slipped and two ears of wheat saltireways, all proper. Motto — "Thincke and Thancke." Married, Nov. 18, 1863, Caroline Hill Rigby Glasgow, adopted dau. of the late John Glasgow of Old TrafFord, Manchester ; and has Issue — (i) Arthur Glasgow Tate, Esq., b. Dec. 23, 1864 (d. May 16, 1866; (2) Ernest William Tate, Esq., b. Jan. 7, 1867 \m., April 20, 1892, Mildred Mary, second dau. of Frederick Herbert Gossage of Camp Hill, Woolton, Liver- pool, J. P. Lanes., and has issue, Mildred ("lara, and Joan]; (3) Alfred Herbert Tate, Esq., b. May 3, 1872; Ethel Carolme \m., June 11, 1896, William Winwood Gossage of Woolton, Liverpool]; Helen Frances [«., June 11, 1896, Guy Winwood Gossage] ; Agnes Mary ; Isabel Marion ; Caroline Beatrice ; Winifred ; and Beatrice Maud. Resi- dence — Highfield, Woolton, Liverpool ; and Downing, Holywell, Flints. TATHAM, see WARTER-TATHAM. THOMAS EGERTON TATTON, Esquire, J.P. for the CO. of Chester, formerly Lieut, of Earl of Chester's Yeo- manry Cavalry. Bom May 31, 1846, being the eldest .son of the late Thomas William Tatton, Esq., J.P- and D.L., by his wife Harriet Susan, eldest daughter of the late Robert Townley Parker of Cuerden Hall, in the County Palatine of Lancaster. Clubs — Wellington, Boodle's, St. Stephen's, Conservative (Manchester). Livety — Drab, scarlet collar and waistcoat. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly argent and gules, in the first and fourth quarters a crescent sable, and in the second and third a crescent of the first ; and for his Crest, ujxjn a wreath of the colours, a greyhound sejant argent, collared and tied by a line gules to an oak-tree proper, fructed or ; with the Motto, " Cres- cent." Married, February 6, 1877, Essex Mary, second daughter of the late Colonel Thomas Grenville Cholmondeley, commonly known as Colonel the Honourable Thomas and Eva Beatrice. Estate and postal address— V^y\.\\en- shawe, Northenden, Cheshire. TAUBMAN (H. Coll.). Per fesse argent and sable, on a bend cottised between six lozenges counterchanged, a sword the point upwards proper, pommel and hilt or, between four escallops also counterchanged. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an escallop inverted argent, charged with a wolfs head erased sable. Livery — Light drab, black facings. Sons of Sir John Senhouse Goldie Taubman of The Nunnery, Speaker of the House of Keys, b. 1838 ; d. 1898 ; m. i860, Amelia Donald Ankerville, d. of Capt. J. J. Grove-Ross : — John Leigh Goldie Taubman, Esq., J.P. for Isle of Man, *. 1861. .S^a/— The Nunnery, Isle of Man. Capt. Ernest Harcourt Goldie Taubman, b. 1868. Club — Junior United Service. Gerald Goldie Taubman, b. 1873. Son of late Lt.-Col. John Goldie Taubman of The Nunnery, Isle of Man, sometime Speaker of the House of Keys, m. Caroline, d. of John E. Hovenden of Hemingford : — Rt. Hon. Sir George Dash wood Taubman Goldie, P.C, K.C.M.G., F.R.S., D.C.L., LL.D., late R.E., founder of Nigeria, b. 1846; m. 1870, Maude Catherine (d. 1898), d. of John William Elliott of Wakefield. Nes.—\2. Queen's Gate Gardens, S.W. Clubs — Aih&nxnm, Naval and Military. The Reverend FREDERICK TAUNTON, Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of the Parish of Kingswood, Epsom, in the CO. of Surrey. Born Sept. 12, 1815, being the eldest sur. son and representative of Thomas Henry Taunton, Esq., of Grandpont House, in the co. of Oxford, Clerk of the Peace for the CO. of Oxford, by his wife Jane, dau. of Stephen Davis. Armorial bearings — Quarterly of twenty-five, namely, i and 25 or, on a chevron cotised gules, between three Cornish choughs proper, five lozenges of the field (for Taunton) ; 2. argent, on a chief sable, three Moors' heads or, wreathed gules (for Tanner) ; 3. argent, a chevron between three escallops sable (for Tregarthyn) ; 4. azure, a lion rampant within an orle of eight escallops or (for Hender) ; 5. argent, a lion rampant gules, within a bordure engrailed sable, charged with eight bezants (for Cornwall) ; 6. argent, on a bend sable, five bezants (for Chamberlayne); 7. argent, on a chevron gules, three fleurs-de-lis or (for Pever) ; 8. azure, a garb or, between three bezants (for Grosvenor) ; 9. azure, a garb or (for Grosvenor) ; 10. azure, a bend or (for Grosvenor) ; 11. argent, two chevronels gules. i is the Military Cockade. Cau Cau 1329 on a canton of the last a cross crosslet fitch^e or (for Moberley) ; 12. azure, a stag lodged argent (for Downes) ; 13. sable, a cross patonce argent (for Pulford) ; 14. azure, passant in pale or (for Knighton) ; 18. azure, fretty argent, a fesse gules (for Caverswell) ; 19. azure, a chevron between three mullets or (for Chetwynd) ; 20. gules, three pheons three pheasants or (for Fesant) ; 15. argent, a cross patee flory sable, on a canton gules, a wolf's head erased of the field (for Pershall) ; 16. argent, a cross pat6e flory charged with an escutcheon sable (for Pershall) ; 17. vert, two lions argent (for Malpas) ; 21. gules, a scythe, the blade in chief and the handle in bend sinister within a bordure argent (for Praers) ; 22. argent, a Moor's head in profile couped at the neck proper (for Blackenhall) ; 23. gules, two scythes in is the Naval Cockade. II «33o Cau Cap NUlirc, i\\e blades in chief argent (for Prayers) ; 24. gules, two lions nunpant combatant argent (fur Winstanton); and for his OrMt, upon a wreath of the colours, live lorenges conjoimtl fesscwisc or, thereon a Cornish chough projxsr ; with tl»c Motto, " Virtus non steinma." Married, firsllv, at St. Hellers, February i, 184a, Anne RoUo, daughter of the Reverend WillkimGarnett, Rector of Bridgetown, I^badocs; aiul secondly, at Croydon, in the county of Surrey, January 6. 1870. Flora Charlotte, daughter of Commander-General VNild ; and has Issue — (i) William Garnelt Taunton, Gentle- man [to whom refer]; (a) Edward Willoughby Taunton, Gentleman, bom at Merton, in the county of Norfolk, April 7. 1874; Ethel Flora Jane; Alice Mary; Mabel Gertrude ; l^ilian Frances ; and Agatha Grosvenor. Postal address — Kingswood Vicarage, Epsom, Surrey. GEORGE EDWIN TAUNTON, Gentleman. Born March 10, i8aa, being the second surviving son of Thomas Henry Taunton, Esquire, of Grandpont House, in the county of Oxford, Clerk of tlie Peace for the county of Oxford, by his wife Jane, daughter of Stephen Uavis. C7«*— Junior Carlton. Armoiial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly of twenty-five, namely, i and 25 or, on a chevron cotised gules, between three Cornish choughs proper, five loienges of the field (for Taunton) ; 2. argent, on a chief sable, three Moors' heads or, wreathed gules (for Tanner) ; 3. argent, a chevron between three escallops sable (for Tregarthyn) ; 4. azure, a lion rampant within an orle of eight escallops or (for Hender) ; 5. argent, a lion rampant gules, within a bordure engrailed sable, charged with eight besants (for Cornwall); 6. argent, on a bend sable, five bezants (for Chamberlayne) ; 7. argent, on a chevron gules, three fleurs-de-lis or (for Pever) ; 8. azure, a garb or, between three bezants (for Grosvenor) ; 9. azure, a garb or (for Grosvenor); 10. azure, a bend or (for Grosvenor); 11, argent, two chevronels gules, on a canton of the last a cross crosslet fitch^e or (for Moberley) ; 12. azure, a stag lodged argent (for Downes) ; 13. sable, a cross patonce argent (for Pulford) ; 14. azure, three pheasants or (for Fesant) ; 15. argent, a cross patde flory sable, on a canton gules, a wolfs head erased of the field (for Pershall) ; 16. argent, a cross patte flory charged with an escutcheon sable (for Pershall) ; 17. vert, two hons passant in pale or (for Knighton) ; 18. azure, fretty argent, a fesse gules (for Caverswell) ; 19. azure, a chevron between three mullets or (for Chetwynd) ; 20. gules, three pheons argent (for Malpas) ; 21. gules, a scythe, the blade in chief and the handle in bend sinister within a bordure argent (for Praers) ; 22. argent, a Moor's head in profile couped at the neck prop>er (for Blackenhall) ; 23. gules, two scythes in saltire, the blades in chief argent (for Prayers) ; 24. gules, two lions rampant combatant argent (for Winstanton) ; and for his Crest, upwn a wreath of the colours, five lozenges conjoined fesseways or, thereon a Cornish chough proper; with the Motto, "Virtus non stemma." Married, January 8, 1845, at St. Mary Abbot's, Kensington, Susannah Maria, daughter of James Rixon Oliver of Clapton, in the county of Essex ; and has Issue — Helen Jane [married Colonel Noel Allix, late Grenadier Guards] ; Mary Adela [married Colonel Napier Sturt] ; Emily Marion ; and Frances Stewart. WILLIAM GARNETT TAUNTON, Gentleman. Born December 26, 1851, being the eldest son of the Reverend Frederick Taunton [to whom refer], Vicar of Kingswood, by his first wife Anne Rollo, daughter of the Reverend William Garnett, Rector of St. Michael's, in the Island of Barbadoes. Clubs — Grosvenor, New (Jersey). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly of twenty-five, namely, i and 25 or, on a chevron cotised gules, between three Cornish choughs proper, five lozenges of the field (for Taunton) ; 2. argent, on a chief sable, three Moors' heads or, wreathed gules (for Tanner) ; 3. argent, a chevron between three escallops sable (for Tregarthyn) ; 4. azure, a lion rampant within an orle of eight escallops or (for Hender) ; 5. argent, a lion rampant gules, within a bordure engrailed sable, charged with eight bezants (for Cornwall); 6. argent, on a bend sable, five bezants (for Chamberlayne) ; 7. argent, on a chevron gules, three fleurs- de-lis or (for Pever); 8. azure, a garb or, between three bezants (for Grosvenor) ; 9. azure, a garb or (for Grosvenor); 10. azure, a bend or (for Grosvenor) ; 11. argent, two chevronels gules, on a canton of the last a cross crosslet fitchtk: or (for Molierlev) ; la. azure, a stag lodged arnnt (for Downes) ; 13. sable, a cross patonce argent (for Pul* ord) ; 14. azure, three pheasants or (for Fesant) ; 15. argent, a cross pat6e flory sable, on a canton giiles a wolFs head erased of the field (for Pershall) ; 16. argent, a cross patde flory, charged with an escutcheon sable (for Pershall) ; 17. vert, two lions passant in jmle or (for Knighton) ; azure, fretty argent, a fcsse gules (for Caverswell) ; 19. azure, a chevron liclween three mullets or (for Chetwynd) ; 20. gules, three pheons argent (for Malpas); ai. gules, a scythe, the blade in chief and the handle in bend sinister, within a bordure argent (for Praers) ; 22. argent, a Moor's head in profile, couped at the neck proper (for Blackenhall) ; 23. gules, two scythes in saltire, the blades in chief argent (for Prayers) ; 24. gules, two lions rampant combatant argent (for Winstanton) ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, five lozenges conjoined fesseways or, thereon a Cornish chough proper; with the MottO, "Virtus non stemma." Married, May 20, 1891, Eleanor Juliana, dau. of the late Major William Henry De Salis of the 9Sth Regi- ment; and has IssUe — Raufe Grosvenor Taunton, Gentle- man, b. March 16, 1892 ; and Hugh Lupus Taunton, Gentle- man, b. December 29, 1893. TAYLER, see SYMONDS-TAYLER. TAYLOR, PORTER. quartered by CLERK, MARSH, and TAYLOR, see CLOUGH - TAYLOR, TAYLOR, and WORSLEY-TAYLOR. WATSONI The Reverend ARNOLD DAWES TAYLOR, Cle in Holy Orders, B.A. (Cambs.), Patron and Rector Church Stanton in co. Devon. Born Nov. 13, 1852, being the third but only surviving son of the late James Taylor, Esq., of Todmorden Hall, in the County Palatine of Lan- caster, and Culverlands, in co. Berkshire, J. P., by his second wife Mary Anne, dau. of John Jones of Liverpool and Berwyn Hall, in co. Denbigh. Armorial bearingfs — Party per pale argent and or, an escarbuncle azure, on a chief nebuly of the last a ducal coronet between two escallops of the second. Crest— Upon a vweath of the colours, a derai-lion rampant azure, charged on the shoulder with a bezant, and holding between his paws an escutcheon or. & is the Military Cockade. Cap Cap 1331 charged with a tau gules. Motto—" Natale solum dulce." Married, 1876, Marian, only dau. ofR. T. Prichett of Esher, in CO. Surrey, F.S.A. ; and has Issue — Three daughters. Postal address — Church Stanton Rectory, Devon. ARTHUR JAMES TAYLOR, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, late Lieutenant 3rd Dragoon Guards. Born Octo- ber 20, 1857, being the only surviving son of the late James Arthur Taylor, Esquire, of Strensham Court, in the county of Worcester, by his wife Maria Theresa, daughter of George Rush of Elsenham Hall and Farthingoe Lodge, in the county of Northampton. Club — Naval and Military. Armorial bearings— He bears for Anus : Argent, gutt6e de poix, on a chief dancett^e sable, a pale between two escallops of the first, charged with an escallop of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant proper, sem6e of escallops sable, holding be- tween the paws a saltire also sable, surmounted by an escallop argent. Motto — " Fidelisque ad mortem. " Mar- ried, Feb. 1890, Annie Mabel, dau. of Sir E. W. Greene, Bart., of Nether Hall, in the county of Suffolk ; and has Issue — (i) John Walter Taylor, Gentleman, b. Aug. 14, 1891 ; (2) Charles Taylor, Gentleman, b. July 26, 1892 ; (3) Arthur G. Taylor, Gentleman, b. Dec. 2, 1903 ; An- gelica ; and Philippa Mabel. Seat — Strensham Court, near Worcester, in the co. of Worcester. CHARLES HOWARD TAYLOR, Esquire, J. P. West Riding. Born May 7, 1864, being the eldest son of the late Francis Howard Taylor, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for W. R. co. York, by his wife Emily, dau. of James Wells Taylor of Wolvers, Reigate, Surrey. Armorial bearings —Quarterly ermine and or, in the first quarter a wolfs head couped sable, on a chief invected gules, three escallops argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand in a gauntlet grasping a flaming sword all proper, a shield ermine charged with a wolfs head couped sable. Motto — " Pro Deo, Patria, et Rege." Married, Nov. 13, 1889, Gertrude Mary, third dau. of Humphrey Carpenter Ward of Forest Lodge, Essex; and has Issue ~[\) Eric Francis Howard Taylor, Gentleman, b. Jan. i, 1891; (2) Ronald Humphrey Howard Taylor, Gentleman, b. Oct. 29, 1898; (3) Harold Charles Howard Taylor, Gentleman, b. Oct. 17, 1899 ; and Phyllis Thelma Howard. 5ea^— Middlewood Hall, near Barnsley. Club — Junior Carlton. S EDWARD RICHARD TAYLOR, Esquire, Captain Grenadier Guards. Born Sept. 21, 1863, being the eldest son of the late Rt. Hon. Thomas Edward Taylor, P.C, J. P. and D.L., M.P. for Co. Dublin from 1841 till his death, Capt. 6th Dragoon Guards (retired 1846), Lieut.- Col. Royal Meath Militia 1847-1874, Hon. Col. of that Regt. , by his wife Louisa Harrington, second dau. of the Hon. and Rev. Hugh Francis Tollemache, Rector of Har- rington, CO. Northampton. Club — Guards'. Armorial bearing^ — Ermine, on a chief gules, a fleur-de-lis between two boars' heads couped and erect or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a naked arm embowed holding an arrow all proper. Motto — ' ' Prose- quitur quodcunque petit." Seat — Ardgillan Castle, near Balbriggan. JAMES BENJAMIN TAYLOR, Gentleman. Born December 20, i860, being the second son of the late Isaac Rowland Taylor by his wife, Jane Dorothea, daughter of Peter Hellett. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Boodle's. Livery — Dark green with red facings. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : per pale argent and or, a saltire parted and fretty gules, on a chief of the last a billet erect within an annulet between two fleurs-de-lis of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon the capital of an Ionic column an arm embowed proper, encircled above the elbow with an annulet or, the hand grasping a sword in bend sinister, also proper, pommel and hilt gold, with the Motto — "Semper fidelis." Married, March 10, 1891, Mary, daughter of Charles Gordon, M.D. , of Edinburgh, and has Issue — (1) Alfred Gordon Taylor, born December 29, 1891 ; (2) Lance Gordon Taylor, b. 1901 ; Frances Daphne ; and Iris. Seats — Sherfield Manor, Basingstoke, Hants ; and Badanloch, Kinbrace, Sutherland. S General Sir RICHARD CHAMBRE HAYES TAYLOR, Knight Commander of the Most Honour- able Order of the Bath. Born 1819, being the son of the late Reverend the Honourable Edward Taylor, by his wife Marianne, daughter of the Honourable R. St. Leger ; created C. B. , 1857, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander, 1882. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a chief indented gules, a fleur-de-lis between two boars' heads couped and erect or, the escutcheon encircled by the ribbon of the Bath, and suspended therefrom the badge of a K.C.B. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a naked arm embowed holding an arrow all proper. Married, 1863, Lady Jane Hay, dau. of the Most Honourable the 8th Marquess of Tweeddale. Postal addresses — 16 Eaton Place, London, S.W. ; Dowes- town, Navan, co. Meath. TAYLOR (H. Coll.). Ermine, on a bend sable, three escallops or, a chief nebulyof the second, thereon four escallops of the third. Mantling sable and argent. Crest is the Naval Cockade. »JS« Cap Cap —On a wrciitli uf the colours, in front ofndcini-lion argent, holding between the paw& an annulet encircling tin escallop both sable, five annulets interlaced fessewise gules. Motto — " Industria et spe." Livery— Green, with canary yellow piping. Sons of Thomas Taylor, Esq., of Southfield, Great Lever, Lanes, and Arthog Hall and Penmaenucha, co. Merioneth (High Sheriff 1876), b. 1799; d. 1876; m. 1837, Mary Anne, d. of John Rostron of Edgeworth and Bolton-le-Moors, Lanes. : — John Leigh Taylor, Esq., J. P. and D.L. (High Sheriff CO. Merioneth 1895), b. 1829 ; m. 1859, Mary Jane, d. of John Brazil of Birchfield House, Manchester ; and has surv. issue— Beatrice Mary [m. 1885, Major and Hon. Lt.- Col. George Frederick Scott, J. P., D.L., Major and Hon. Lt.-Col. late 3rd Cheshire Regt. ; and has issue]. Seats — Penmaenucha, Dolgelly ; Arthog Hall, Merioneth. Club— Junior Carlton. Sons of late William Taylor (eld. son of Thomas Taylor of Southfield, d. 1876), b. 1828 ; d. 1901 ; m. 1859, Emily, d. of William Burd: — Walter Theodore Taylor, Gentleman, b. i860. Kes.— Westgate Avenue, Bolton. Club — Union (Manchester). Arnold William Taylor, Gentleman, b. 1861. Res. — Arthur Leopold Taylor, Gentleman, b. 1865; m. 1895, Edith, d. of late John Morley of Thornton Heath, Surrey, Res. — Little Kingshill, Great Missenden, Bucks. Percy Edgworth Leigh Taylor, Gentleman, *. 1867; m. 1896, Evelyn Mabel, d. of S. T. Day, Esq., D.L. ; and has issue— Sydney Leigh Taylor, Gentleman, b. 1901 ; and Iris Emily. .^«.— Westcott, nr. Dorking. Frank Taylor, Gentleman, b. 1868 ; m. 1897, Mildred, d. of George Payne of Rochester. ^«.— Craig Wen, Menai Bridge, N. Wales. Sidney Burd Taylor, Gentleman, b. 1870; m. 1904, Kathleen Emilia, d. of George R. Browne, of Cahirdown, CO. Kerry; and has issue -Francis Kathleen Sidney. Wilfred Henry Taylor, Gentleman, b. 1871. Res.— Gilbert John Taylor, Gentleman, b. 1873. Res.— TAYLOR (H. Coll). Quarterly ermine and or, in the first quarter a wolfs head couped sable, on a chief invected gules, three escallops argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand in a gauntlet grasping a flaming sword all proper, a shield ermine, charged with a wolfs head couped sable. Motto—" Pro Deo, patria et rege." Son of Francis Howard Taylor, Esq., J. P. and D.L., b. 1822 ; d. 1898 ; m. i860. Emily, d. of James Wells Taylor : — Vincent Thornely Taylor, Gentleman, b. 1871 ; m. 1898, Hilda Octavia, d. of Humphrey Carpenter Ward ; and has issue — Maurice Humphrey Taylor, Gentleman, b. 1903 ; and Hilda Marjory. Res. — Hanipole Priory, nr. Donciister. TAYLOR (H. Coll.). Party \>er fesse raguly argent and sable, a lion rampant counterchanged, on a chief invected gules, a f^eur-de-lis between two boars' heads coutied and erect or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant per fesse raguly sable and argent, holding Ijctwcen the fore-paws a pheon, and resting the dexter hind leg on three fusils con- joined or. Motto — " Ccnfigen a ladd ei hunan." Sons of the Vcn. William Francis Taylor, D.D., D.C. L. , Archdeacon of Liverpool, Rural Dean of Walton, and Chaplain to the Bishop of Liverpool, of Dolhyfryd, co. Denbigh, by his wife Anne, d. of the Rev. Hugh Evans, Vicar of Plemonstall, co. Chester, and of Bettws, co. Denbigh : — William Francis Kyffin Taylor, Esq., K.C, Barrister- at-Law of the Inner Temple, Recorder of Bolton (looi and ^903). appointed Presiding Judge of the Liverpool Court of Passage by Royal Warrant (i Oct. 1903), b. 9 July 1854; m. 6 Sept. 1883, Mary Fleming, only d. of the late Robert Crooks of Rosemount, nr. Liverpool ; and has issue — Ermine Mary Kyflfin. Post. add. — Dolhyfryd, Abergele ; 4 Harcourt Buildings, Temple, E.C. ; 30 Hyde Park Street, London, W. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Conservative, Con- servative (Liverpool). Austin Taylor, Gentleman, M. P. for Toxteth Div. of Liverpool since 1902, B.A. (Camb.), b. 1858 ; m. 1886, Lucia, d. of late Edward Whitaker of Liverpool. Res. — 179 Ashley Gardens, London, S. W. Gerald Kyffin Taylor, Gentleman. Res. — Central Build- ings, North John Street, Liverpool. Harold Taylor, Gentleman. Res. — Sefton Park, Liver- pool. S WILLIAM TAYLOR, Esquire, Colonel, Doctor of Science, upon whom the Volunteer Decoration has been conferred. Lord of the Manors of Chalvington and Withersfield. Born May 4, 1837, being the third son of John Taylor. Livery — Blue and Yellow. Armorial bearings — Or, three annulets azure, on a chief of the last, two lions passant of the field. Upwn the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a grey- hound sejant or, gorged with a collar gemel and resting is tbe Military Cockade. cap Cea 1333 the dexter foot on three annulets interlaced one and two azure; with the Motto. " Invictus in arduis. " Married, July 29, 187^, Winifred Mary Letitia Schill, only child of Louis Schill of Germany, and Rose Cottage, Hankhani, Hastings ; and has hs.ue~{i) Glenleigh John Schill Taylor, Gentleman, born January 1877 ; (2) Egbert Louis Tom Taylor, Gentleman, born June 10, 1878; (3) Edward Llewellyn Ferguson Taylor, Gentleman, born May 22, 1891 ; Winifreda Frederica Rosina Georgina ; and Dorothy Rose Hannah. Estates — Glenleigh, in the parish of West- ham ; Chalvington Manor and Cleavers, in the parishes of Chalvington and Rype, and The Pages Estate, Bexhill, all in the county of Sussex ; Withersfield Hall Estate, in the county of Suffolk. Postal address — Glenleigh, near Hastings. Club — Constitutional. TAYLOR-SMITH. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, party per pale gules and azure, on a chevron en- ViGllrANS grailed between three bezants, each charged with a cross pat(5e fitch<^e of the last (for Smith) ; 2 and 3 argent, a saltire engrailed gules, between two cinquefoils in pale vert, and as many hearts winged in fesse of the second. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a stag lodged argent, sem6e of estoiles azure, gorged with an Eastern crown, a chain therefrom reflexed over the back or ; 2. on a wreatli of the colours, a horse's head couped sable, gorged with a plain collar, and pendent therefrom a shield argent, charged with a cinquefoil vert. Motto — " Vigilans." [Exemplified 1843 to Edward Taylor-Smith, grandfatlier to Mrs. Mary Edith Piercey Taylor Smith. ] Mary Edith, only dau. and heir of George Garry Taylor Smith of Colepike Hall and Partridge Close House, by Clare, dau. of James Holdforth, Esq., J. P., of Bur ley, near Leeds (first Roman Catholic Mayor in England since the Reformation). Livery — Dress: red, with gold facings; undress : blue, with drab facings. Married, June 12, 1895, John Douglas Piercey {son of Dr. W. Piercey); who assumed the surnames of Taylor Smith in addition to his own on his marriage, but has received no Royal Lice?ice to do so. Seats — Colepike Hall and Partridge Close House, Lanchester, Durham. S SMITH TAYLOR-WHITEHEAD, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. co. Derby (High Sheriff 1894), M.A. of the University of Cambridge, Barrister-at-Law. Born May 21, 1836 (and assumed by Royal License, in the year 1865, the surname of Whitehead, in addition to and after his patro- nymic). 67k(Jj— Magistrates', County (Derby). Livery — Dark blue and scarlet with silver buttons. Armorial bear- ing^s — He bears for Arms : Argent, a fesse dancettde azure. between in chief two taus, and in base a pheon gules ; and for a Crest, in front of a tau gules, a pheon argent ; with the Motto, " Cruce non hasta." Married, firstly, Alice Jane, daughter of James Whitehead, Gentleman, niece and heiress of W. Whitehead of Dobcross, in the county of York ; and secondly, Julia, daughter of the late Grosvenor Hodgkinson, Gentleman, late Member of Parliament for Newark ; and has Issue— George Henry Taylor-Whitehead, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law [married, July 31, 1890, Cicely Taylor, of which marriage there is issue, two sons, born October 18, 1891, and May 28, 1893]. Estate — Burton Closes, in the county of Derby ; and has also property in the counties of York and Lancaster. Postal addresses — Burton Closes, Bakewell; 21 Upper Phillimore Gardens, Kensing- ton 1-ondon, W. THOMAS PRIDGIN TEALE, Gentleman, Master of Arts and Bachelor of Medicine of the University of Oxford, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (England), Fellow of the Royal Society. Born June 28, 1831, being the eldest son of Thomas Pridgin Teale, Gentleman, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Fellow of the Royal Society, by his wife Frances Anne, daughter of the Reverend Charles Isherwood of Brotherton, in the county of York ; formerly Fellow of Magdalen College, Cambridge. Armorial bear is tbe Naval Cockade. »334 Ceb Cem Ibc«— Piuly per pale argent and or, a wyvem sable, on a cbief Ruiei, two fleurs-dc-Iis of the second. M a n t lth g sal>lc and arfjent. Cr««t— Ujjon a wreath of the colours, a ereyhouiid sejant arfjent, gutt^-de-poix, resting the dexter lure-paw on an escutcheon gules, chared with a tieur-de-lis or. Married, first. Sept. i6, i86a, Alice (d. 1891), dau. of the Rev. William Teale, M.A., Rector of Devizes, and Rural I)can ; and h.is Issue— (i) Lionet Henry Teale, Gentleman, b. Sept 7, 1866 ; (a) Michael Aubrey Teale, Gentleman, h. Sept 89, 1867 ; (3) Rev. Kenneth William Pridgin leale, Gentwman, *. Aug. 10, 1876, Clerk in Holy Orders ; (4) Christopher Corlill Teale, Gentleman, b. July 9, 1887; Margaret Frances ; Alice Kathleen ; Gertrude Mary ; and Reniie Verena. He married secondly, Sept. 9, 1899, Jeanie, dau. of the late D. Charles Jones of Tamworth. Postal addresses— 1% Cookridge Street, Leeds; North Grange, Headingley, Leeds. C/k*— Leeds (Leeds). TEBB (H. Coll.). Or, on a fesse nebuly between three cross crosslets fitch^e in chief and as many in base, two in saltire surmounted by another in pale azure, a lion passant argent. Maiititiig azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a sword erect proper, pommel and hilt or, within a chain in arch of the last. Motto — " Ne tentes aut perfice." Livery — Dark blue, yellow facings. Son of William Tebb, F.R.G.S., of Winchmore, Middx., b. 1800; d. 1885; m. 1837, Eleanor, eld. d. of Bent Hewitson of Kendal, Westmorland : — William Tebb, Gentleman, F.R.G.S., b. 1830; m. 1856, Mary Elizabeth, d. of William Scott of Hopedale, Mass., U.S.A. ; and has issue— William Scott Tebb, Gentleman, M.A., M.D. Cantab., b. 1862 [m. 1890, Mary Maxwell, d. of Henry Dalston] ; Florence Joy [m. 1883, Walter Frank Raphael Weldon, M.A., F.R.S.]; Mary Christine; and Beatrice Hewitson. 5«a/— Rede Hall, Burstow, Surrey. Club — Devonshire. SIR ROBERT TEMPEST TEMPEST, third Baronet. Born December 7, 1836, being the second but eldest sur- viving son of the late Admiral Sir Comwallis Ricketts of The Elms, in the county of Gloucester, and Beaumont Leyes, in the county of Leicester, by his first wife Henrietta Plumbe, daughter of^ Colonel John Plumbe Tempest (formerly John Plumbe, assumed the name of Tempest in addition to, and the arms quarterly with his own, by Royal License, May 20, 1824), of the ist Royal Lancashire Militia, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the counties of I .ancaster and York, by his wife Sarah, second daughter and co-heiress of the Reverend William Plumlie, Rector of Aughton. By Royal License, dated April 23, 1884, he was authorised to take the name and arms of Temijcst in lieu of Ricketts; succeeded as third Baronet, January 30, 1885, under the creation of February 15, 1828. Clubs — Carlton Junior Carlton, Conservative. Armorial bearlll£^ — He be.ars for Antu : Quarterly of twenty-five, i. argent, a bend between six martlets sable (for Tempest) ; 2. argent, on a chevron azure, between three roses gules, barbed and seeded proper, two swords in saltire, the dexter surmounted of the sinister also proper, pommels and hilts gold, the points passing through a chaplet of laurel of the last, a chief of the second, thereon a naval crown between two anchors erect or (for Ricketts) ; 3. or, on a fesse wavy gules, three mullets argent, a canton vert, charged with a fleur-de-lis of the field (for Gumbleton) ; 4. (for Plumbe-Tempest) quarterly i. and iiii. argent, a bend between six martlets sable (for Tempest) ; ii. and iii. ermine, a bend vair, cottised sable, on a canton argent, a rose gules (for Plumbe) ; 5. argent, a bend between six martlets sable (for Tempest) ; 6. argent, a chevron between three martlets gules (fori Waddington) ; 7. gules, a bend ermine (for Rye); 8., ermine, five lozenges conjoined in fesse gules (for Hebden) ;j 9. sable, an inescutcheon ermine, within eight martlets in] orle argent (for Boiling) ; 10. argent, two lions passant iai pale vert (for Mirfield); 11. azure, a bend argent, cottisedf or, between six martlets, of the last (for Tonge) ; 12. argent, [ on a bend sable, three owls of the field (for Savile) ; 13. gules, a cross pat^e or (for Golkar) ; 14. argent, on a bend I gules, three escallops or (for Tankersley) ; 15. sable, an I inescutcheon within eight martlets in orle argent (for Rach- 1 dale) ; 16. or, on a chief indented azure, three plates (for Lathom) ; 17. argent, a bend sable, between a sable rising vert in chief, and a cross paton^e of the second in base (for Ryshworth) ; 18. gules, two bars between eight martlets, three, two and three argent (for Eland) ; 19. argent, on a bend gules, three escallops or (for Tankersley) ; 20. ermine, three chevronels gules (for Pictavensis) ; 21. argent, a fesse double cottised gules (for Thornhill) ; 22. gules, a crescent is tbe Military Cockade. Cent Cent 1335 ermine, and between the horns thereof a fleur-de-lis or, between in chief two esquires' helmets proper, and in base a garb of the third (for Cholmeley) ; 23. gules, three mullets or (for Belward) ; 24. argent, a cross flory azure (for Mal- pas) ; 25. argent, on a fesse gules, three plates (for Eyton). Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased per pale argent and sable, langued gules ; with the Motto ' ' Loywf as thow fynds." Married, July 26, 1861, Amelia Helen, eldest surviving daughter and co-heiress of John Steuart, Esquire, of Dalguise, in the county of Perth [arms of the Steuart which her son is entitled to quarter are : Or, a lion rampant gules, armed and langued azure, surmounted of a fesse chequy argent and of the third, accompanied by three nmllets, two in chief and one in base also azure], by his wife Janet Oliphant, commonly known as the Honourable Janet Oliphant, daughter of the Right Honourable Alexander Murray, eighth Lord Elibank ; and by her (who died in 1869) has had Issue — Tristram Tempest Tempest, Esquire, born January 10, 1865 ; and Henrietta Frances May [mar- ried, January 12, 1886, John Hicks Graves]. Estates — Tong Hall, in the county of York ; Aughton, in the county of Lancaster ; Beaumont Leyes, in the county of Leicester. Postal address — Tong Hall, Bradford, Yorkshire. WILFRID FRANCIS TEMPEST, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of the county of York. Born October 22, 1846, being the third surviving son of the late Joseph Francis Tempest, Gentleman, by his wife Frances Bridget, daughter of John Hercy of Crutchfield House, in the county of Berks. Armorial beaxiug'S — He bears for Anus : Quarterly 1 and 4, argent on a bend between six martlets sable, an annulet or (for Tempest) ; 2. argent, a fesse between six martlets sable (for Gilliot) ; 3. argent, a lion rampant gules, within a bordure of demi-fleurs-de-lis azure (for Thorpe). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased per pale argent and sable, beaked and crined gules, charged with an annulet of the last. Married, firstly, April 21, 1868, Agnes Mary, fourth daughter of Thomas A. A. Perry, Gentleman, of Bitham House, Avon Dasselt, in the county of Warwick; and by her has Issue — (i) Aelred Joseph Tempest, Gentleman, born March 31, 1877 ; (2) Aidan Joseph Temjjest, Gentleman, born December 25, 1879; (3) Norbert Joseph Tempest, Gentleman, born June 3, 1882 ; (4) Arthur Joseph Tempest, Gentleman, born October 19, 1885 ; Agnes Mary ; Maude Mary ; and Ethel Mary Frances. He married secondly, July 30, 1888, Florence Helen, only daughter of Vincent Lesassier O'Rourke of Rathga, in the county of Dublin ; and by her has, (5) Wilfrid Norman Tempest, Gentleman, born June 8, 1889 ; (6) Wulstan Joseph Tempest, Gentleman, born January 22, 1891 ; (7) Edmund Roger Tempest, Gentle- man, born October 30, 1895 ; (8) Francis Basil Tempest, Gentleman, born July 5, 1900 ; Audry Claire ; and Monica Helen. Seat — Ackworth Grange, Pontefract. Club — Junior Conservative. TEMPLE, quartered by KIN LOSS. ARTHUR ERNEST (HARRIS) TEMPLE, Esquire, commonly called the Hon. Arthur Ernest (Harris) Temple, J. P. CO. Westmeath, late Capt. 43rd Foot ; assumed by Royal Licence, dated at Dublin April 25, 1900, the surname of Temple only in lieu of Harris, and the arms of Temple as his first or principal arms, quarterly with the arms of Harris, Born Feb. 1835, being the fourth son of the Rt. Hon. William George Harris, 2nd Baron Harris, of Seringapalam and Mysore, and his second son by his second wife Isabella Helena, only child and heir of Robert Handcock Temple of Waterston, co. Westmeath. Livery HaxV. blue with dark green facings. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, two bars sable, each charged with three martlets or, a crescent gules for difference (for Temple) ; 2 and 3, vert, upon a chevron embattled erminois between three hedgehogs or, as many bombs sable, fired proper, upon a chief of augmentation, a representation of the gates and fortress of Seringapatam all proper (for Harris). Mantling' sable and argent. Crest Out of a ducal crest coronet, a martlet or, charged with a crescent gules for difference. Motto—" Templa quam dilecta." Married, July 25, 1871, Jane, dau. of the Rev. Richard Butler-Brian, and widow of Capt. Arthur Chaigneau of Benown House, co. Westmeath; and has /w«e— Arthur Reginald (Harris) Temple, Esq., b. Aug. i, 1874 [;«. Clare, fifth dau. of Allen Cameron, Esq., Assistant Inspector-General R.I.C. , and has issue]. Seats — Waterston, and Benown, co. West- meath. TEMPLE. Quarterly, 1 and 4, or, an eagle displayed sable ; 2 and 3, argent, two bars sable, each charged with three martlets or. Crest — On a ducal coronet, a martlet or. Daughters and coheirs of the Most Noble Richard Plan- tagenet Campbell Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos- Greville, 3rd Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, Earl Temple, Viscount Cobham and Baron Kinloss, b. 1823 ; d. 1889; w. 1st, Caroline, only d. of Robert Harvey of Langley Park, Bucks : — The Rt. Hon. the Baroness Kinloss (q.v.). [Arms, vide Kinloss.] The Lady Caroline Jemima Elizabeth Temple- Nugent- Brydges- Chandos -Greville. [Arms of Temple- Nugent- Brydges-Chandos-Greville, vide under Kinloss.] Temple- Gore -Langton (R.L., 12 March 1892). Quarterly, i and 4, quarterly sable and or, a bend argent (Langton) ; 2. gules, a fesse between three cross crosslets fitch^e or (Gore, 17th cent.); 3. Temple subquarterly as above. Mantling sable and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, an eagle or and wyvern vert, their necks entwined regardant (Langton) ; 2. on a mount vert, an heraldic tiger salient argent, collared gules (Gore) ; 3. Temple as above. Mottoes — "Templa quam dilecta" (Temple); " Frangas ne flectes " (Gore) ; and (under arms) " In hoc signo vinces" (Langton). Sons of William Stephen, 4th Earl Temple of Stowe, b. 1847; d. 1902; m. 1870, Helen Mabel, d. of Sir Graham Graham-Montgomery, Bart. : — Rt. Hon. Algernon William Stephen Temple-Gore- Langton, 5th Earl Temple of Stowe (4 Feb. 1822), J. P. Somerset, B.A. (Oxford), Capt. 3rd Batt. Somersetsh. Lt. Inf., late Lieutenant Coldstream Guards [Supporters — Dexter, a lion rampart per fesse nebuly or and gules, sus- pended from the neck by a ribbon gules, a shield of the arms of Langton; sinister, a horse argent, sem6 of eagles displayed sable, suspended from the neck by a ribbon gules, a shield of the arms of Gore], b. 1871. Seats — Newton Park, nr. Bath ; Wotton, nr. Aylesbury. C/«^^ — Bachelors' , St. James's, Arthur's, Windham. is the Naval Cockade. «336. Cent Cem The Hon. Cliandos Graham TcmpleGore-l^ngton, Capt. late ist Dragoon Guards, b. 1873. /its.— The Hon. Evelyn Arthur GrenvillcTenoplc-Gorc-Langlon. Lieut. R.N..*. 1884. Rts.— Gore-Langton (R.L.. 1783. H. Coll.). Quarterly, I and 4, Langton (as above) ; a and 3, Gore (as above). OrMta — I. L^gton (as above) ; a. Gore (as above). Motto — (of Laneton^ Yr. sons of Willuim Henry Powell Gore-Langton, Esq., D.L., of Newton Park and Hatch Park, d. 1873; m. , Ijkdy Anne Eliai Mary, d. of and Duke of Buckingham and Chandos : — The Hon. Henry Powell Gore-Langton (^.f.). The Hon. Edward Grenville Gore-Langton (Patent of Prccwlcnce, 1890), i. 1858 ; m. 1888, Hon. Florence Emily Miu^ray (r.n .iixi trousers black, vest yellow, ^ilt buttons). Armo- rial l)«»rlllgB— Or, sem^-de-lis gules, two lions passant in pale sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a dragon passant proper, resting the dexter fore-claw on a fleur-de-lis gules. MottO (in Irish characters)— " Bradhach." Married, firstly, 1873, Laura (rf. 1877), dau. of William Henry Workman of Harpsden, Oxon. ; secondly, 1880, Julia, dau. of William Baker of Bristol; and has issue— (i) Henry Augustus Breffney Ter- nan, Esq., Capt., />. 1876; (2) Arthur Gore Breffney Ternan, Gentleman, 3. 1883; Laura Maud Breffney, 6. 1874; and Kathleen Elizabeth Breffney, i. 1881. Residence— Ashley Cottage, Hersham Road, Walton-on-Thames. SMajor-General ASTLEY FELLOWES TERRY, formerly Commanding ist Batt. 6oth Rifles, a Knight the late I.,t.-Col. Thomas Henry Clarke Terry of Burvalc, J. P. CO. Surrey, by his wife Charlotte, dau. of Henry Fellowes. Esq.. J. P. CO. Hants. Livery B\\ie, silver buttons. Armorial bearing^ -Argent, gutt^de-larmcs, on a pile gules a leopard's face jessant-de-lys or, within a l)ordure engrailed sable, charged with eight roses of the first. Mantling azure and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased argent, guttear. Armorial bearings — Vert, two garbs or, in base an arrow point downwards argent, on a chief purpure, a cherub's head proper between two estoiles of the third. Mantlin^^ vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle, wings elevated, on the breast a like cherub's head, and holding in the beak nn arrow as in the arms. Motto — " Resolve well, persevere. " Married, Aug. 9, i860, Louisa Katharine, dau. of the late Rev. Andrew Irvine of St. Margaret's, Leicester. Residence — Maple- durham Vicarage. Reading. S FREDERICK RENNELL THACKERAY, Esquire, J. P. CO. Norfolk, late Captain 74th Highlanders. Bom 1830. being the eldest son of the late Frederick Rennell Thackeray, Esq., Gen. RE., C.B. , by his wife Elizabeth Margaret Carnegie, third dau. of William, Rt. Hon. seventh Earl of Northesk, Rear-Admiral of Great Britain. Ciuis — New (Edinburgh), Naval and Military. Armorial bearingB — Vert, two garbs or, in base an arrow point downwards argent, on a chief purpure. a cherub's head proper, between two estoiles of the third. Mant- ling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle, wing^ elevated proi>er, charged on the breast with a like cherub's head, and holding in the beak an arrow as in the arms. Motto — "Nobilitas sola virtus." Married, 1853, Elizabeth, dau. of W. Ayton ; and has /w«a.x\i blue, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Argent, in chief five doves, wings elevated proper, three and two, and in base issuing from a mount vert, seven ears of wheat stalked and leaved proper. Mantling vert and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, upon a garb fesseways or, an eagle displayed proper, holding in the beak a staff or, entwined by a serpent vert. Motto — " Egni a Iwydd." Married, Nov. 1879, Ellen, dau. of the late R. H. Richards, Newport, Monmouth; and has /j5««— Noel Garrod Thomas, Gentleman, b. Dec. 1884; Dora; and Mildred. Seat—QXyxhs. Park, Newport, Mon. Club— National Liberal. S ALGERNON EVAN THOMAS, Commander R.N., J.P. Breconshire and Radnorshire. Born Nov. 15, 1852, being the eldest son of Charles Evan Thomas of GnoU Neath and his wife Caroline, dau. of Henry Shep- heard Pearson. Armorial bearingB — Party per pale argent and gules, on a chevron engrailed two gryphons passant combatant, countercharged on a chief wavy azure, three cinquefoils argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Out of a mural crown argent, a demi-seahorse gules crined or, charged on the shoulder with a cinquefoil argent, and in his paws an anchor erect sable, resting on the mural crown. Married, Feb. 12, 1885, Lilian, dau. of Captain William Lee, formerly R. M. L. I. ; and has Issue— {i) Henry Algernon Evan Thomas, Gentleman, b. Aug. 9, 1895; (2) Charles Marmaduke Evan Thomas, Gentleman, b. Nov. 1897 ; Clara Gwyneth ; Lilian Myfanwy ; Cara Phyllis ; and Kathleen Mary. Residence— (Zz&cvinon Builth, R.S.O., Breconshire. Club — Naval and Military. DAVID COLLET THOMAS, Esquire, J.P. co. of Sussex. Born 1826, being the son of the late David Thomas of Highgate, Middlesex. Armorial bearings- Gules, two chevronels argent between two plates in chief, each charged with a fleur-de-lis of the field, and a wolfs head erased in base of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-unicorn gules, charged with two chevronels argent, and resiing the sinister leg on a plate, thereon a fleur-de-lis as in the arms. Motto — " Equus in arduis." Married, 1857, Anne, dau. of John Lloyd of Hampstead, Middlesex, and Langwm, CO. Merioneth. Residence — 21 Second Avenue, Hove, Sussex. S EDWARD DAVID THOMAS, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. cos. Radnor and Brecon (High Sheriff, Radnor, 1895), B.A. Born Oct. 8, 1839, being the eldest son of the late Edward David Thomas, Esq., M.A., J.P. and D.L. for the COS. Brecon and Radnor (High Sheriff 1843), by his wife Arabella Emma, dau. and co-heir of John Sanmel Gowland of Cagebrook, CO. Hereford. Armorial bearings — Per pale argent and gules, on a chevron engrailed, two griffins passant combatant counterchanged, a chief wavy azure, charged with three cinquefoils argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the coloiu-s, out of a mural crown argent, a demi-seahorse gules, crined or, charged on the shoulder with a cinquefoil argent, and in the paws an anchor erect sable, resting on the mural crown. Motto—" I Dduw bo'r diolch." Married, April 7, 1869, Caroline Louisa, eldest dau. of Charles W. Greenly of Titley Court, co. Hereford ; and has /jj-?/cr |>iUe or and sable, on « clicvron ncbuly between three bugles stringc*!, as many martlets all counterchanged, and (for distinction) in the centre chief point a cross crosslet jUso counterchanged (for Stanford); a and 3, gules, two che\Toncls argent between in chief as many plates, each charged with a fleur-de-lis of the field, and in base a wolfs Ijcad erased of the second (for Thomas). Mantling sable and or. Crerta— i. on a wreath of the colours, a buffalo's head caboshed sable within a chain in arch or, the head charged, for distinction, with a cross crosslet also or (for Stanford) ; a. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-unicorn gules, charged on the body with two chevronels as in the arms, and supporting with the sinister forepaw a plate CHARLES THOMAS -STANFORD charged with a fleur-de-lis of the first. Motto— "./Equus in arduis." Married, May 19, 1897, Ellen, only child and heir of William Stanford of Preston Manor, Sussex, and widow of Vere Benet-Stanford, M.P. Estates— Preston Manor, Sussex ; Pyt House, Tisbury, Wilts. Residence — 3 Ennismore Gardens, London, S.W. Club — Brooks's. THOMPSON, see ARNALL-THOMPSON. GEORGE RODIE THOMPSON, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for the county of Berkshire (High Sheriff 1896), Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Barrister- at-Law. Born November 4, 1846, being the third son of Samuel Henry Thompson, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Thingwall, in the county of Lancaster, by Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Brooks Yates of Liverpool. Cluds—Nevr University, Albemarle, Sandown Park. Livery — Dark blue, vest blue and yellow vertical stripes. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Perfesse argent and azure, on a fesse nebuly between three falcons alllcounterchanged , a liire fesseways or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Great, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant per fesse nebuly argent and sable, holding between the paws a lure or; with the MottO, " Nosce teipsum." Married, firstly, April 19, 1876, Alice Howard, daughter of Captain Henry Howard Barber, 17th Lancers ; and has Issue — (i) Cecil Henry Farrer Thompson, Gentleman, born December] 16, 1882; Alice Rose; Nina Margaret; Mary Elizabeth! Howard (a twin with Agnes Diana Howard). He married] secondly, 1890, Ezit Eliza Jane Parsons, daughter of William j Parsons Peters of South Petherton and Barrington Court, ; Somerset ; and by her has — (2) George Samuel Rodie I Thompson, Gentleman, born October 2, 1893. Estate and] postal address — Lynwood, Sunninghill, Berks. Sir HENRY FRANCIS HERBERT THOMPSON,^ and Bart. (Feb. 20, 1899), of Wimpole Street, London, B.A. Camb., F.R.C.S., M.B. (London), Surgeon Extra- ordinary to the King of the Belgians, Professor of Clinical Surgery and Consulting Surgeon University College Hospital. Born 1859, being the only son of the late Sir Henry Thompson, ist Bart., by his wife Kate Fanny, dau. . of George Loder of Bath. Armorial bearing^s- Sable, on a fesse flory counterflory between three falcons jessed and ^ belled argent, a torch fesseways of the field, fired proper ;< the escutcheon charged with his badge as a Baronet. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of thej colours, in front of an arm embowed in armour, the handj in a gauntlet holding a broken tilting-spear, a staff fesse- ways, entwined by a serpent all proper. Motto — " Je veux de bonne guerre." Jies. — 9 Kensington Park Gardens, London, W. Ciuds — Athenasum, Reform. JOHN TROUGHTON THOMPSON, Gentleman.J Born January 2, 1834, being the only son of John Catoq Thompson of Bazil Grange, Lanes., and Mary his wifej second daughter of John Troughton, Esq., of Chapel' Street House, Preston, and of Leach Hale, Lanes, [and grandson of Commander John Thompson, R.N., of H.M.S. "Indefatigable," wounded in an action with "Droit de I'homme" off Ushant 1797]. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a lion rampant between three swans' heads erased azure, all within a bordure invected of the last, charged with four annulets of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant azure, gorged with a collar vair, holding in the dexter forepaw a swan's head erased argent, and resting the dexter hind leg on three annulets interlaced fessew ise or. Married Sarah M'Connell; and has Issue — (i) Frederick William Thompson, Gentleman, b. July 13, 1858 [m., May 25, 1885, Mary Alice, youngest dau. of Jonas Heaton of Brantford, Ontario, and has issue, Frederick Bruce Thompson, Gentleman, b. Feb. 14, 1888, and Eric Edmund Thompson, Gentleman, b. Jan. 1897] ; (2) Arthur Living- ston Ihompson, Gentleman, b. Sept. 17, i860 ; (3) John ^ is tbe Military Cockade. / Cfjo Cfio 1347 Troughton Thompson, Gentleman, b. Sept. 30, 1868 ; {4) James Craig Thompson, Gentleman, b. May 17, 1870 ; and Gertrude Elizabeth [;«,, 1896, John Lewis Day, M.A.. M.D.]. The Reverend Sir PEILE THOMPSON, 2nd Baro- net (April 18, 1890), of Park Gate, Guiseley, co. York , M. A. Camb. Born July 19, 1844, being the son of Sir Matthew Thompson, ist Bart., by his wife Mary Ann, dau. of Ben- jamin Thompson of Park Gate, Guiseley. Armorial bear- ings — Azure, a bridge of three arches proper, in chief a sun in splendour between two mullets of six points pierced or, and in base an eagle displayed with two heads argent ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling azure and or. Crest—On a wreath of the colours, in front of the battlements of a tower proper a cubit arm vested azure, charged with a mullet as in the arms, the cuff argent, the hand proper holding five ears of wheat slipped or. Motto — " Wheare vertue lys, love never dys." Mar- ried, May 17, 1871, Jessie Clare, dau. of Joseph Beaumont of Huddersfield, co. York; and has Issue — (i) Matthew William Thompson, Esq., b. June 28, 1872 ; (2) Peile Beau- mont Thompson, Esq., b. Feb. 4, 1874 , (3) Miles Atkinson Thompson, Esq., b. July 7, 1888; and Dorothy Noble, Seat — Park Gate, Guiseley, Leeds. ROBERT WADE THOMPSON, Esquire, B.A. Trin. Coll., Dublin, Barrister-at-Law, J. P. for co. Dublin, late Capt. Dublin Artillery Militia. Born 1845, being the eldest son of Thomas Higinbotham Thompson, Esq., J. P., of Clonskeagh Castle, and of Mayne, co. Meath, by his wife Martha, dau. of the late Thomas Wallace, Esq., Q.C., M.P. for Carlow, of Belfield, Donnybrook, co. Dublin. Armorial bearings — Or, a fesse indented azure, charged with three estoiles gold, on a canton of the second, a sun in his glory, in the centre base point a trefoil vert. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an arm embowed in armour proper, holding in the hand, also proper, five ears of wheat or, the arm charged with a trefoil vert. Motto — " In lumine lucem." Married, 1876, Edith Isa- bella, youngest dau. of Rev. William Jameson of Roebuck Grove, Donnybrook ; and has Issue — Three sons and five daus. 5^a^— Clonskeagh Castle, Dublin. C/«— Royal St. George's Yacht. THOMPSON (L.O., 20 Jan. 1902). Argent, a fesse between two falcons sable, belled and jessed proper, in chief and in base a boar's head erased of the second. Mantling sable, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, an arm embowed in armour gules, holding in the gauntlet or, the truncheon of a broken lance proper. Motto— "Dum spiro spero." Livery — Light drab, black facings. Son of James Thompson of Appleby, Westmorland, b. 1820; d. 1861 ; m. 1841, Agnes, eld. d. and coh. of William Sandford of Askham, co. Westmorland : — William James Sandford - Thompson, Esq., J. P. co. Kincardine, b. 7 Oct. 1843 ; m. 20 Aug. 1879, Alice Mary, eld. d. of Rev. Arthur Childe-Freeman of Gaines, co. Hereford, Rector of Edwyn Ralph, Herefordsh. [impales quarterly, i and 4, Childe ; 2 and 3, Baldwyn] ; and has issue — (i) William Arthur Cecil Sandford Thompson, Gentleman, b. 29 Oct. 1880; (2) Lionel Edwyn Baldwyn Sandford Thompson, Gentleman, b. 18 Feb. 1884; (3) Reginald Keith Garioch Sandford Thompson, Gentleman, b. 26 May i88g ; Daisy Gwendoline Mary ; and Kathleen Muriel. Res. — The Villa, Montrose, N.B. ; Balmanno House, Marykirk, Kincardinshire, N.B. GEORGE HUNTER MACTHOMAS THOMS, F.R.S.E., F.S.A. (Scot.). Born June 3, 1831, being the elder son of the late Patrick Hunter Thoms, Esq., J. P. and D. L. co. Forfar, Provost of Dundee 1847-53, by his wife Grace Scott, second dau. of the late Thomas Watt, Lieut. 71st Royal Forth Highlanders, of Demmylne, Fife- shire. Club — University. Armorial bearings— Or, a lion rampant gules, armed and langued azure, debruised of a chevron sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-unicorn ermine, armed, crined, and unguled 01, supporting a shield also gold. Motto — " Virtutis prsemium." Residences — Aberlemmo, co. Forfar; 26 Ebury Drive, Edinburgh. THOMSON, see WHITE-THOMSON and MIT- CHELL-THOMSON. JOHN EDWARD THOMSON, Esq., J. P., High Sheriff 1865. Born Jan. 1841, being the second but eldest surviving son of John Thomson, Esq., of Clonfin, J. P. and D.L. , High Sheriff 1820, by his wife Catherine, dau. of Robert Blackall of Coolamber Manor, co. Longford. Club — Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings— Or, a fesse indented azure, charged with three estoiles or, on a canton of the second, a sun in glory, and in the centre base point a trefoil vert. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an arm embowed in armour proper, holding in the hand, also proper, five ears of wheat or, the arm charged with a trefoil vert. Motto — "In lumine is the Naval Cockade. L 1348 C&o C!)o lucem." Married, 1861, Kinily Grace, fldcst dau. of Rev. John James Fox of Kinawley, co. Fermanagh (by Harriett Louisa his wife, daa of Rev. Charles Cobfe Bcrcsford of Termon. co. Tyrone); and has had hsue—(i) John Frederick Wensley Thomson, Gentleman, b. 186a ; (2) Frederick Thomas E»l\vard Thomson, Gentleman,^. April 1864; (3 Bercsford Osborne Thomson, Genileman, b. Aug. 1865 ; (4 Guy Robert M.ixwell Thomson, Gentleman, b. 1867 ; (5 Francis St. John Thomson, Gentleman, b. March and d. Sept. 1868 ; (6) Richard Hercules Thomson, Gentleman, b. 1871 ; and llarrictte Catherine. Seats— C\onfin, Granard, CO. Longford ; Welmonah House, Shankill. STAMFORD RAFFLES THOMPSON, Gentleman. Bom 1844, being the son of Acheson Quintin Thompson, Esq., J. P., of Annaverna, by his wife Isabella, dau. of the late Rev. D. M. Madden. Armorial bearings— Or, a sword erect proper, between three estoiles azure, on a can- ton of the last, the sun in splendour of the first. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect, vested gules, cuffed ermine, and charged with an oriental crown or, the hand grasping five ears of wheat proper. Hotto— "In lumine lucem." Seat — Annaverna, near Ravensdale, co. Louth. Res. — 44 Campden Hill Square, Kensington, London, W. Club — Junior Athenaeum. THOMPSON (H. Coll.). Per fess argent and sable, a fess emlialtled and counter-embattled between three falcons counterclianged, belled and jessed or, in the centre chief point an anchor erect azure, cable proper, all within a bordure engrailed counterchanged. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Out of a naval crown or, an arm enibowed in armour proper, garnished gold, the hand supporting a lance erect also proper. Motto—" Non quo sed quomodo." Sons of Sir Thomas Raikes Thompson, 3rd Bart., b. 185a ; d. 1904 ; m. 1880, Alice Maude Lovett, d. of William Ix)chiel Cameron, E.I.C.S. : — Sir Thomas Raikes Lovett Thompson, 4th Bart., b. 1881. Seal —'Wonh Hall, Crawley, Sussex. William Probyn Thompson, Esq., b. 1882. Lionel Graham Cameron Thompson, Esq., b. 1895. ROBERT CHARTERIS THOMSON, Gentleman, of Amisfield, Hamilton, Canada. Bom 1834, being the eldest son of the late William Thomson of Hamilton, Canada. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Argent, a fesse azure, between two martlets in chief gules and a stag's head caboshed in base proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an arm in armour issuing out of a cloud, the hand holding a dagger proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Non gladio sed gratia." Married, Sept. 1, 1863, to Annie Laurence, dau. of Joseph Van Every of Mount Van, Stamford, Ontario, Canada ; and has Issue — Joseph James Charteris Thomson, Gentleman, b. 1864. Postal address — Amisfield, Hamilton, Canada. SAMUEL JOHN THOMSON, Esquire, Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, Lieut. - Colonel Indian Medical Service, J. P. for Kent, Fellow of the Royal Institute of Public Health, Sanitary Commissioner with the Government of the North- West Provinces of India, &c, Lord of the Manor of Pelham, Kent. Born 1853, being the eldest son of the late John Buck Thomson, by his wife Margaret, dau. of Samuel Alderson Plumbe, M.D. Armorial bearings— Gules, two bars argent, a chief ermine, and a canton of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a grey- hound sejant argent, eared sable, gorged with a collar azure, studded or, therefrom reflexed over the back a leash gold, and charged upon the shoulder with a cross crosslet gules. Married, 1885, Isabel Gordon, dau. of Surgeon-Gen. A. J. Cowie of the Indian Army ; and has with other Issue— Richard Edward John Thomson, Gentleman, ^. 1892. Estate — Kenfield. 5«a/— Kenfield Hall, near Canterbury. SPENCER CAMPBELL THOMSON, Esquire, B.A. Qintab., J. P. for the co. of the city of Edinburgh. Bom <>:t. 16, 1842, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late WilUam Thomas Thomson of Bonaly, co. Midlothian, by Christian Ann Seaman his wife, dau. of William B. Seaman, 18th Royal Irish Rejjt. /./rr/j— Dark blue, with white facings. Armorial bearings —Argent, a stag's head caboshed azure, attired or, on a chief gules, three mullets of the first. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand proper, holding a cross crosslet fitch^e erect azure ; and in an escroll over the same the MottO, " Vincit omnia Veritas." Married, Jan, ao, 1869, Georgina Maria Joanna, dau. of j George Ferguson Cockburn of the Bengal Civil Service (and granddau. of the Rt. Hon. Lord Cockburn of Bonaly, CO. Midlothian); and has Issue — (i) George Cockburn Thomson, Gentleman, b. Feb. 4, 187a; (2) Spencer Aubrey Thomson, Gentleman, b. June 14, 1873; (3) Alan Graham Thomson, Gentleman, b. Oct. 6, 1880; and Ethel Winifred. Residences — Eilean Shona, Acharacle, Inverness-shire; 10, Eglinton Crescent, Edinburgh. Clubs — New University, New (Edinburgh). THOMSON (H. Coll.). Or, on a pale nebuly azure, between two eagles close respecting each other sable, a sun in splendour of the field. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon the capital of an Ionic column proper, between four ears of wheat leaved and slipped, two and two or, an eagle close sable. Sons of Surg.-Col. Sir George Thomson, K.C.B., of Aberdeen, b. 1843 ; d. 1903 ; m. 1^77, Catherine Mac- Donald, d. of John Ferguson, Advocate, of Aberdeen ; — John Ferguson Thomson, Esq., b. 1880, Res. — 14 Mow- bray Road, Upper Norwood, S.E. George Macdonald Thomson, Esq., b. 1882. Res, — 14 Mowbray Road, Upper Norwood, S.E. Alister Ralph Thomson, Esq., b. 1886. Res. — 14 Mow- bray Road, Upper Norwood, S.E. (Jlaude Lindsay Thomson, Esq., b. 1888. Res,— 14 Mow- bray Road, Upper Norwood, S.E. THOMSON (L.O., 1760). Argent, a stag's head ca- bossed gules, attired with ten tynes or, on a chief wavy azure, a cross crosslet of the first between an anchor in the dexter and a billet in the sinister of the third. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand holding stalks of lint under bloom proper. Motto — " Industriae munus." Livery — Grey and silver. Son of George Thomson, M.D., b. 1807 ; d. 1849 ; m. 1834, Marion, d. of John Lang: — George Graham Thomson, Gentleman, b. 1836; m. 1862, Catherine, d. of James Thomson of London ; and has surv. issue — (i) George Graham Thomson, Gentleman, b. 1863; (2) John Leonard Thomson, Gentleman, b. 1868 ; (3) Robert Dixson Thomson, Gentleman, b. 1880; and Kate Helen Josephine. Res. — 13 Clifford Street, Glasgow. THORN-PUDSEY of Seisdon Hall, Staffs. (R.L., 1902, H. Coll.). Vert, a chevron between three mullets or, a canton argent, thereon (for distinction) a lozenge sable, charged with a cross crosslet of the second. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain passant guardant proper, charged on the shoulder (for distinction) with a lozenge or, thereon a cross crosslet vert. Motto — ' ' Fortuna favente." Livery — Dark green. Son of late Alfred Onions Thorn of Whitehall, Broseley, Salop, m. Jane Elizabeth, d. of Edward Glover Bartlam, F.R.C.S., of Broseley:— Alfred Henry Thorn-Pudsey, Esq., Solicitor, late Capt. ist Vol. Batt. King's Shropshire L. Inf., b. 1864; m. 1895, Mary Elizabeth, eld. d. and coh. of late George Pudsey Aston-Pudsey, Esq., J. P., of Seisdon Hall ; and has issue — Frances Eileen. Res. — Seisdon Hall, Seisdon, Wolver- hampton. EDWARD DENMAN THORNBURGH-CROPPER, Gentleman. Born May 23, 1854, being the second son of Edward Cropper of Swaylands, J. P. cos. Lancaster and Kent, by his third wife Margaret, fourth dau. of Rt. Hon. Thomas, first Lord Denman, and widow of Henry William Macaulay (brother of Lord Macaulay). Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly i and 4, or, two spears in saltire azure, on a chief dovetailed of the last, as many cropper pigeons of the first (for Cropper) ; 2 and 3 ermine, fretty gules, on a chief indented of the last, a fox of the first (for Thorn- burgh) ; and on an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Thornburgh. Mantling azure and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, in front of is the Military Cockade. C|)o ClJO 1349 two spears in saltire azure, a cropper pigeon or (for Cropper) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, an heraldic tiger argent, semfe of torteaux, collared and chain reflexed on the back sable, resting the dexter paw on a fret also sable (for Thomburgh). Motto — " Love every man, fear no man." Married, 1874, Virginia Shepherd, dau. of William Thornburgh of Virginia, and consequently assumed by Royal Licence the additional surname of Thornburgh. The Right Reverend GEORGE THORNELOE, Bishop of Algoma, in the Province of Ontario, Canada, since 1897. Armorial bearings (of Thorneloe) —Argent, a hawthorne tree eradicated proper between three buckles, the tongues erect sable. [Crest (of Thorneloe) -On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a hawthorn tree eradicated proper, between two buckles as in the arms. Motto — " Deus noster refugium."] Residence — Saulte St. Marie, Algoma, Ontario, Canada. THORNEWILL (H. Coll.). Per fesse argent and or, a thistle slipped and leaved proper, between three billets vert. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock a thorn tree proper, thereon an escutcheon argent, charged with a hart's head erased also proper. Son of late Edward Thornewill, of Dove Cliff, Burton- on-Trent :^ Edward John Thornewill Gentleman, b. . Res. — Liverpool. THORNHILL, quartered by TEMPEST. THORNHILL, see BADHAM - THORNHILL, CLARKE-THORNHILL, and M'CREAGH-THORN- HILL. THORNHILL [Temp. Edward III., recorded H. Coll., c. 1560). Gules, two bars gemelles and a chief argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, the bust of a woman prof>er, vested gules, fimbriated or, crined and ducally crowned also or, issuant from the crown five thorn-leaves vert. Motto — " Be fast." Sons of George Thornhill, Esq., of Diddington, J. P. and D.L. co. Huntingdon (High Sheriff 1869), b. 1811 ; d. 1875; ;«. 1845, Elizabeth Mary, d. of Robert H. Wilkinson : — ■ Arthur John Thornhill, Esq., J, P., D.L., Huntingdon, b. 1850. Livery — Drab coat, yellow waistcoat. Seat — Diddington Hall, Buckden. Club — Junior Carlton. Francis Herbert William Thornhill, Gentleman, b. 1851 ; m. 1880, Helen Georgina, d. of Rev. Charles Thornhill of Milesdown, co. Louth; and has issue — (i) Noel Thornhill, Gentleman, b. 1881 ; (2) Leslie Thornhill, Gentleman, b. 1885. Res. — Vale House, Loose, Maidstone. Edmurtd Henry Thornhill, Esq., J.P. Cambs. , MA. ,^. 1856; m. 1896, Violet Nina, only d. of late Lieut.-Col. C. H. Campbell, R.A. ; and has issue — (i) Edmund Basil Thornhill, Gentleman, b. 1898 ; (2) Arthur Henry Thornhill, Gentleman, b. 1900; (3) Walter David Thornhill, Gentle- man, b. 1904. Res. — Manor House, Boxworth, Cambridge- shire. Sons of Rev. Charles Thornhill of Milesdown, Clerk in Holy Orders, sometime Capt. 14th Light Dragoons, b. 1812 ; d. 1881 ; in. 1838, Margaret, d. of John Woolsey, Esq., of Milestown, Castle Bellingham, Ireland, late Capt. in the Army : — Col. Charles Thornhill, R.A. (retired), b. 1839; m. 1866, Anna Maria, eld. d. of Stephen Charles Moore. Esq., D.L. , of Barne, Clonmcl, co. Tipperary ; and has issue — (i) Charles John Thornhill, Gentleman, b. 1868 ; (2) Stephen Robert Aden Thornhill, Gentleman, b. and d. 1869. 5tf(i/— Ashling, Denmead, Coshani, Hants. Res. — The Crescent, Castle Bellingham. Clubs — Junior Army and Navy, Hibernian United. Frederick William Thornhill, Esq., B.A. (Trin. Coll. , Dub.), formerly J.P. co. Antrim, b. 1849; m. 20 Nov. 1883, at Parish Church, Kensington, Alice Mary, d. of Sir William Howard Russell ; and has issue — Evelyn Con- stance Antoinette, b. 15 Sept. 1885. /?«.— Paget House, Ipswich. Club — Pratt's. Francis Evelyn Thornhill, Esq., J.P. co. Kildare, b. 1852 ; m. 1879 ; Marjory Anne, d. of John Jameson of St. Marnocks, Malahide, Ireland ; and has issue — (i) John Evelyn Thornhill, Gentleman, Seaforth Highlanders, b. 1880; (2) George Robert Thornhill, Gentleman, b. 1891 ; Diones Margaret ; Anne Marjory ; Magdalene ; and Janet Isabella. Res. — 13 Lunden Road, Bedford. John Henry Thornhill, Esq., J.P. for Suffolk, b. 1850; m. 1888, Rosie, d. of Edmund Fowler of Abberley, Edgbaston ; and has issue — Cecily ; and Muriel. Livery — Red and white. Seat — Plum ton House, Bury St. Edmunds. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Kildare Street (Dublin). Son of Bryan Thornhill : — Col. Bryan Thornhill, b. . Res. — Bowerham, Craw- ford Rise, Maidenhead. Sons of Rev. William Thornhill, M.A. (Camb.) (fourth son of George Thornhill, Esq., J.P. and D.L., M.P.), 6. 1822 ; d. 1872 ; m. 1856, Helen Jameson, d. of John Woolsey, Esq., of Milesdown, Castle Bellingham, late Capt. in the Army: — William Blundell Thornhill, Gentleman, b. 1857; tn. 1882, Florence Beatrice, eld. d. of Joseph William War- burton by Lady Frances King, d. of the 7th Earl of King- ston ; and has issue — Henry Elliott Blundell Thornhill, Gentleman, b. 1887; and Helen Frances Beatrice. Res. — Castle Cosey, Castle Bellingham, Ireland. John Cecil Thornhill, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Rath- mullen, Drogheda. Sons of Henry Thornhill, b. ; d. ; m. : — Reginald Thornhill, Gentleman, b. . Res. — Child's Bank, Fleet Street, E.G. Alfred Thornhill, Gentleman, b. . Res.— 82 War- wick Gardens, W. SSiR ANTHONY JOHN COMPTON-THORNHILL, second Baronet, Capt. Prince of Wales' Own Norfolk Art., J.P. Suffolk and Oxon. Born Aug. 2, 1868, being the second but only surviving son of the late Sir Thomas Thorn- hill, Bart., and Katherine Edith Isabella, only child of Richard Hodgson Huntly of Carham Hall, Northumberland. Ar- morial bearings (R. L. 1901)— Quarterly i and 4, per pale is tbe Naval Cockade. II >3So C6o C6o gules and argent, two bars gcmellcs countcrchanged, on a chief ermine, a fleur-de-lis between two roses of the first (lliomkill, 1885) ; a and 3, per pale indented Si«ble and axure, a lion passant guardant or, gutt^-dc-siing between in chief two helmets and in base a l>eacon fired proper (Comp- ton, 1901), the escutcheon Iwing charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling gules and argent. Crests — (1) On a wnath of the colours, in front of a woman's head coup)ed at the shoulders, vested gules, crined, and on the head a crown vallery or, and issuing from thfe crown five Ihom-leaves erect proper, three fleurs-de-lis or (Thomhill) ; (a) on a wreath of the colours, on a rock a beacon fired, m front thereof a helmet all proper (Compton). Motto—" Be fast." Afarrieii, Sept. a, 1891, Ethel Margaret Maria, only dau. of Lieut. -Col. Miller of Shotover, Oxon. ; and has /w«^— Richard Aniliony Compton-Thornhill, Esq., b. June 39, 189a. Residence — Shotover Lodge, Oxford. Clubs — Bachelors' and Carlton. THORNTON, quartered by ASTELL. COMBER. CONYERS, FOX, DE TRAFFORD, HULLEY, and WELCH-THORNTON. THORNTON, see TODD-THORNTON. The Right Honourable Sir EDWARD THORN- TON, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (Civil Division), Member of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, second Conde de Cassilhas in the Kingdom of Portugal, Master of Arts and Hon. Fellow of Pembroke Coll. Camb., D.C.L. Oxford, LL.D. (Harvard, U.S.A.). Bom July 13, 1817, being the fifth and only surviving son of the late Right Honourable Sir Edward Thornton, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (Civil Division), one of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, who was created Conde de Cassilhas in the Kingdom of Portugal (which title the late Sir Edward was authorised to accept), the limitations thereof extending to three lives. The present Sir Edward was attached to the Mission at Turin, April 1842 ; appointed Paid Attach^ at Mexico, February 1845 ; Secretary of the Legation there, December 1851 ; Secretary to Sir Charles Hotham's Special Mission to the River Plate, from April 1852, to October 1853; Charge d' Affaires and Consul-General to Granada in 1854, but before proceeding there was transferred to the Republic of Uruguay ; Minister to the Argentine Confederation, September 1859 ; Minister Plenipotentiary to Brazil, August 1865, and appointed in the same capacity to the Court at Lisbon, September 1867, but instead of proceeding to Portugal, became Envoy Extra- ordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Washington ; was AmbassadoratSt.'Petersburg, 1881-1884; at Constantinople, 1884-1887. Clubs — Athenaeum, Marlborough, St. James's. Live>y — Dark green with gilt buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, a chevron sable between three hawthorn trees eradicated proper, a canton or, thereon the Swedish bird Tjader or Cock of the Wood also proper, and en surtout an escocheon of honourable augmentation being or, thereon an arm embowed vested azvffe, cuff gold, the hand supporting a flagstaff, therefrom flowing the Royal Standard of Portugal all proper, the said escocheon en- signed with the coronet of a Conde of Portugal ; the whole vrithin the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath; bearing the motto of the Order, " Tria juncta in uno ; " and the collar, from which is pendent the badge of the said Most Honourable Order. Above is placed a helmet affront^e suitable to his rank, the lambrequin being of sable, lined with argent. On the dexter side is placed, i. the Crest of honourable augmentation, namely, out of the coronet of a Conde of Portugal proper, an arm embowed supporting a flagstaff, therefrom flowing the Royal Standard of Portugal as in the arms ; and in an escroll over the said crest the Motto, "Pro Rege Pio;" and 2. on the sinister side his own family Crest, namely, out of an Eastern crown or, between two dragons' wings, a dragon's head ermine, ducally gorged gold ; and upon an escroll under the arms the Motto, " Fit manus aliena sua." Married, August 15, 1854, Mary, vridow of Andrew Melville of Dumfries, and daughter of John Maitland of Edinburgh ; and has had Issue — Edward Thornton, Esquire, born June 19, 1856, died 1904 ; Mary Grace ; and Frances Evelyn. Postal address— t, Tedworth Square, London, S.W. THORN! ON (H. Coll.). Quarterly, 1. argent, on a bend gules, three escnrbuncles or (Thornton, c. 1348) ; a. Newnham ; 3. Dacres ; 4. Thornton of Downham ; 5. Ward ; 6. Lee ; 7. Saunders. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, charged on the shoulder with an escar- buncle or. Sons of Rev. William Thornton, M.A., of Kingslhorpe Hall, Northants, b. 1806; d. 1881; m. 1846, Anne Georgiana Frances, d. of Gen. Sir William Anson, ist Bart., K.C.B. :— Thomas William Thornton, Elsq., J. P. Northants (High Sheriff 1886), late Capt. Northants and Ruiland Mil., b. 1850 ; tn. 1883, Evelyn Margaret, d. of Edmund Charles Burton of The Lodge, Daventry ; and has issue— (i) Thomas Anson Thornton, Gentleman, b. 1887 ; (2) Ronald Edmund Thornton, Gentleman, b. 1889 ; (3) John Burton Thornton, Gentleman, b. 1891 ; Rosamond Fremeaux ; and Violet Eleanor. 5*a/— Brockhall, nr. Weedon, Northants. Club — Junior Carlton. Francis Hugh Thornton, Esq., J. P. Northants, LL.B., Cambs., Barrister-at-Law, b. 1853; m. 1886, Adelaide Ethel, d. of W. Burcliell; and has issue — (i) Henry Gerard Thornton, Genileman,^. 1892; (2) Peter Fremeaux, Gentle- man, b. 1903. /?«.— Kingsthorpe Hall, Northampton. Club — New University. ALBERT THORNTON - WODEHOUSE, Esquire, Colonel (retired) Royal Artillery, J. P. co. Devon. Bom 1840, being the only son of the late Vice-Admiral the Hon. Edw. Thornton- Wodehouse (third son of the Rt. Hon. the and Baron Wodehouse), by his wife Diana, dau. of Lieut.- Col. Thornton of Falconer's Hall, Yorkshire. Club — United Service. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, sable a chevron or, gutt^e-de-sang, between three cinque- foils ermine, a crescent argent for difference (for Wode- house) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron azure, between thre hawthorn-trees erradicated vert, as many roses of the firstJ barbed and seeded prooer (for Thornton), impaling tb^ arms of Edgcumbe, viz. gules, on a bend ermines, cotised or, three boars' heads argent. Married, 1874, Elizabeth^ Katherine, dau. of the late Hon. George Edgcumbe. Resi- dence — 4 Wingfield Villas, Stoke, Devonport. CHARLES EDWARD THORNYCROFT, Esquire, J. P. cos. Chester and Flint. Bom May 19, 1849, being the . eldest son of Rev. John Thornycroft of Thornycroft Hall, J. P., MA., by his wife Charlotte Blanche, dau. of John , Beaumont Swete of Oxton Hall. Armorial healings- j (Reg. 1831, orig. granted 1687) — Vert, a mascle or, be- tween tour crosses crosslet argent. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mural crown gules, a falcon volant proper, jessed, membered, and beaked or, 1 between two palm-branches or. Married, 1875, Edithj Frances Louisa, youngest dau. of Francis Joseph Cresswell^' and Charlotte his wife, dau. of Rt. Hon. fourth Baron Calthorpe of King's Lynn, Norfolk; and has Issue — (i)j Charles Mytton Tiiornycroft, Gentleman, b. Aug. 6, 1879 i^ (2) Francis John Mytton Thornycroft, Gentleman, b. 1886 ; Muriel Blanche ; Ruth Edith Sophia ; Gwendolin Agnes ; and Frederica Frances. Seat — Thornycroft Hall, Chelford, Cheshire. THORNYCROFT (R.L., 29 Oct. 1831; original grant, 1687). Vert, a mascle or, between four crosses crosslet argent. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a mural crown gules, a falcon volant proper, jessed, membered, and beaked or, between two palm-branches gold. Son of Rev. John Mytton Thornycroft, 1856-1886; m. 1883, Frances, d. of Rev. John Penrose of Woodhill, CO. Cork : — John Ralph Thornycroft, Gentleman, b. 1886. Res. — Sir JOHN ISAAC THORNYCROFT, Knight, F.R.S., LL.D. Born 1843, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Thornycroft of Gawsworth , Cheshire, by his wife Mary , second dau. of John Francis of Thornham. Armorial bearings — Per pale vert and azure, four mascles interlaced in fesse or, between four cross crosslets saltireways argent. Mant- ling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon the battlements of a tower gules, a falcon rising proper, belled and jessed or, the whole between two branches of a is the Military Cockade. CftO C!)o 1351 thorn-tree also or. Motto — " Fortis qui sevincit." Mar- ried, 1871, Blanch Ada, second dau. of Frederick Coules of Gloucester; and has /wwe- (i) John Edward Thornycroft, Marguerite \m. Hon. Maurice R. Gifford, C.M.G., and has issue]. 5e(j^ — Boothby Hall, Grantham. MONTAGUE THOROLD, Esquire. Bom August 23, 1845, being the second son of Sir John Charles Thorold, eleventh Baronet, by his wife Elizabeth Frances, daughter of the late Colonel Thomas Blackborne Thornton-Hildyard of Flintham, in the county of Nottingham. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, three goats salient argent ; and for his Crest, a roebuck passant ermine, attired or; with the Motto, " Cervus non servus." Married, July 2, 1881, Emmeline Laura, otherwise Baroness Rivers [to whom refer], daughter of Captain John Pownall William Bastard, and widow of the Right Honourable Horace Pitt- Rivers, sixth and last Baron Rivers. Postal address — 47 Wilton Crescent, London, S.W. The Rev. CHARLES FENWICK THORP of Ryton, CO. Durham, Vicar of Beadnell, Northumberland. Born 1858, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Charles Thorp of Ryton, sometime Vicar of EUingham, by his wife Isabella Frances, only dau. of Andrew Robert Fenwick of Whitton, Northum- berland. Armorial bearings — Per pale argent and or, within an orle often fleurs-de-lis azure, a lion rampant gules, gorged with a plain collar and pendent therefrom an es- cutcheon of the second, charged with a cross pat^e quadrate of the fourth. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant gules, holding in tiie dexter paw a fleur-de-lis azure, gorged with a plain collar, and pendent therefrom an escutcheon as in the arms. Postal addiess — Beadnell Vicarage, near Chathill, Northumberland. EDWARD ELLERTON ELLERTON - THORP. Gentleman. Born Jan. 18, 1851, being the second son of Rev. Charles Thorp, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Oxon.), Rector of Nymphsfield, Glos. , by his wife Jane Ellerton, dau. of Thomas Hubbuck of London. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a fesse indented azure, between two reindeers' beads caboshed in chief proper and a trefoil slipped in base vert, a reindeer's head caboshed between two trefoils slipped or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a reindeer lodged proper, holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert, and resting the dexter leg on an escut- Esq., b. 1872; (2) Thomas Thornycroft, Esq., b. 1882; Edith Alice ; Blanch Coules ; Mary Beatrix ; Ada Frances ; and Eldred Elizabeth. Residences — Steyne, Isle of Wight ; Eyot Villa, Chiswick, London, W. Club — St. Stephen's. WILLIAM HAMO THORNYCROFT, Esquire, R.A., Hon. Member of Royal Academy, Munich. Borri March 9, 1850, being the second son of the late Thomas Thornycroft of Gawsworth, Cheshire, by his wife Mary, second dau. of John Francis of Thornham. Armorial bearings — Per pale vert and azure, four mascles inter- laced in fesse or, between four cross crosslets saltireways argent, a crescent for difference. Mantling vert and or. Crest^On a wreath of the colours, upon the battlements of a tower gules, a falcon rising proper, belled and jessed or, the whole between two branches of a thorn-tree also or. Motto — "Fortis qui se vincit." Married Agatha, second dau. of Homersham Cox, Tonbridge ; and has Issue — Oliver Thornycroft, Gentleman, i5. 1885; Joan; Rosalind; and Elfrida. Residences— ■lA Melbury Road, Kensington ; and "One Oak," Redington Road, Hampstead, London, N,W. C/«^— Athenaeum. THOROLD, see GRANT-THOROLD. CECIL THOROLD, Esquire, late Capt. ist Life Guards. Born 1846, being the third son of the late Sir John Charles Thorold, Bart., by his wife Elizabeth Frances, dau. of Col. Hildyard of Flintham, Notts. Livery— 'Rhie.. Armorial bearings — Sable, three goats salient avant. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a roebuck passant argent, attired or. Motto — " Cervus non servus." Married, 1875, Annie Charlotte, dau. of the late Gieneral Edward Stopford Claremont, C. B. ; and has Issue — cheon of the arms. Motto — "Semper fidelis." Married, Jan. 3, 1884, Florence Jane, dau. of Rev. William Gore Lyster of Gasp6, Province of Quebec, Canada ; and has Issue — (i) Edward Ellerton Ellerton-Thorp, Gentleman, b. Jan. 24, 1885 ; (2) William Lyster Ellerton-Thorp, Gentle- is tbe Naval Cockade. «»• Lii iim U »yMt Bi^ LT. ILU. kM MK cataBk^a cack fat fak «r aai c>iK. daacai wHi « ■!■■— Mw>iga4.iKifc>fcwkm— «fl1» OOSm ^ B. H G«^^b^ Kild: a^ »Mii»;«.«rifec« ~~ — ~* .Lk at «ri •rv 1^. at «.... C:J)t Cf)u 1353 late Theoilore Thring, Esq., of Alford House, Somerset, H.A. , J. P., D.L. , IX'puty-Chairinan of Quarter Sessions, R\rrister-at-l^\v, and lalo Commissioner of Bankruptcy at Liverpool, bv his wife Julia lane, fourth dau. of William Mills of Sax'ham Hall. SutToik. C/»*— Oxford and Cam- bridge. Armorial bearinfi:s — Erminois, on a fesse plain azure, another wavy or, charged with three escallops sable, a bordure inwcted gules. Mantling azun' and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cock per pale or and gules, charged with two escallops counterchanged, in the beak an ear of barley proper. Married, 1890, Malx>l, only dau. of I. D. Sherston, Esq., J. P., of Evercnwch, Somerset; and has Issue — Winifred May; .ind Ethel. Seat — Alford House, near Castle Gary, Somerset. JOHN GALE THRING, Gentleman, M.A. (Cantab.). Bom Oct. I, 1854, l)eing the elder son of the late Rev. Edward Thring, M.A. (King's Coll., Camb.), Head Master of Uppingham School, by his wife Caroline Marie Louise, dau. of the late Karl Johann Koch of Bonn-on-lhe- Rhine. Armorial bearings (Her.ilds* College, 1798)— Erminois, on a fesse plain azure, another wavy or, charged with three escallops sable, a bordure invected gules. Mant- ling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cock per pale or and gules, charged with two escallops countercharged, in the beak an ear of barley profjer. Residence — Farleigh, Uppingham, Rutland. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. LAWRENCE THEODORE THRING, Gentleman, M..A. Oxon. Bom April 16, 1863, being the fifth son of the late Theodore Thring, Esq., of Alford House, Somerset, B.A., J. P., D.L. , Deputy-Chairman of Quarter Sessions, Barrister-at-Law, and late Commissioner of Bankruptcy at Liverpool, by his wife Julia Jane, fourth dau. of William Mills of Saxham Hall, Suffolk. Club — New University. Armorial bearings — Erminois, on a fesse plain azure, another wavy or, charged with three escallops sable, a bor- dure invected gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cock per pale or and gules, charged wi*h two escallops counterchanged, in the beak an ear of barley proper. Postal address — New University Club. THRING (H. Coll., 1798). Erminois, on a fesse plain azure, another wavy or, charged with three escallops sable, a bordure invected gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wTeath of the colours, a cock per pale or and gules, charged with two escallops counterchanged, in the beak an ear of barley proper. Son of Rev. Godfrey Thring, *. 1823; rf. 1903; m. 1870, Mary Jane, d. of Charles Pinney of Clifton, Bristol:— I^onard Godfrey Pinney Thring, b. 1873; m. 1904, Harriett Edith, d. of late Col. Howard, R.A. Seat— Plonck's Hill, Shamley Green, Guildford. Post add.— Bathampton House, nr. Bath. TAMES WILLIAM THOMAS THUNDER, Esquire, J. P. CO. Meath. Horn April 21, 1848, being the third surviving son of the late Michael Thunder, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for CO. Meath, by his wife Charlotte, onlv dau. of the late General D.ilton. I.it'ery White and black, with silver buttons. Armorial bearings Argent, on a chevron engrailed between three trumpets sable, a mullet of the first, and impahng the arms of Plowden, namely azure, a fesse dancett<5e, the two upper points terminating in fleurs-de-lis or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm projxjr, grasping a trumpet sable. Motto -" Certavi et vici. " Married, July 16, 1873, Laura Mary, youngest dau. of the late William Henry Plowden, Esq., of Plowden Hall, J. P. .and D.L. for CO. Salop; and \\as Issue (i) Cyril Joseph Thunder, Gentle- man, b. July 27, 1875 ; (2) Bernard William Thunder, Gentleman, b. Aug. 15, 1877 ; (3) Wilfrid Michael Thunder, Gentleman, b. Nov. 15, 1881 ; Hilda Mary ; Constance Maria ; and Mary Annette. Residence — Bellewstown House, Drogheda. MICHAEL HARMAN D'ALTON THUNDER, Esquire, J. P., late Lieut. s8th Regt. Bom 1842, being the second son of the late Michael Thunder, Esq., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1850, by his wife Charlotte Mary, da\i. of Col. Denis H. D'Alton, H.E.I.C.S. Armorial bearing^ .Argent, on a chevron engrailed, between three trumpets sable, a mullet of the first, impaling the arms of Knill, namely gules, sem(Se of crosses botonn(k! fitch^ and a lion rampant all or, on a chief of the last a fasces fesseways, head to the dexter all proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm proper, grasping a. trumpet sable. Motto— "Certavi et vici." Married, 1878, Mary, eldest dau. of Sir Stuart Knill, Bart. ; and has Issue — (1) Stuart Harman Joseph Thunder, Gentleman, Lieut, ist Batt. Northamptonshire Regt. , b. 1879 ; (2) Francis Dalton Thunder, Gentleman, b. 1885, d. March 8, 1887. 5*a/-Seneschalstown, co. Meath. PATRICK THUNDER, Esq., J.P. and D.L. co. Meath. Born Jan. 21, 1838, being the eldest son of Michael Thunder, Esq., of Lagore, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1850, by his wife Charlotte Mary, dau. of Colonel Denis H. D'Alton, H.E.I.C.S. Armorial bearing^s— Argent, on a chevron engrailed, between three trumjjets sable, a mullet of the first. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm proper, grasping a trumpet sable. Motto — " Certavi et vici. " Married, 1871, Mary Anne, youngest dau. of Peter de Penthony O' Kelly of Barretstown, co. Kildare ; and has Issue — Michael Pen- thony Thunder, Gentleman, 6. 1874; and Mary Anne Char- lotte. Seat — Lagore, near Dunshaughlin, co. Meath. THURCASTON, quartered by HUSSEY. CECIL FIENNES THURSBY, Esquire, C.B., Com- mander R.N. Bom Jan. 17, 1861, being the second son of the Rev. Walter Thursby, by his wife Mary Catherine Louisa, only child of the Rev. Thomas Stephen Hodges, Rector of Little Waltham, Essex. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron between three lions rampant sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant sable, holding a battle-axe erect or. Married, Sept. 14, 1899, Constance Ann, dau. of Cressett Thursby-Pelham. Residence — CHARLES RADCLIFFE THURSBY. Gentleman. Born Dec. 31, 1857, being the sixth son of the late Rev, Matthew William Frederic Thursby, by his wife Elizabeth Sophia, only dau. of Thomas Beckwith of Eaton Place, London. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron between three lions rampant sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant sable holding a battle-axe erect or. Married, June 12, 1888, Alice, dau. of Albert Brisbane of New York. Residence — ^ is the Naval Cockade. 1354 Cl)U CfjU FORTESCUE THURSBY. Gentleman. Bom June V7, 1855, being the fourth but eldest surviving son of the late Rev. Matthew William Frederic Thursby. by his wife Elizabeth Sophia, only dau. of Thomas Beckwith of Eaton Place. London. Armortal bearings— Argent, a chevron between three lions rampant sable. M an t lin g sable and argent. OrMt On a wreath of the colours, a lion ram- pant sable, holding a battle-axe erect or. Residence — FRANCIS DEHANEY THURSBY. Gentleman. Born Aug. ao. 1858. being the eldest and only surviving son of the late Francis Thursby. Gentleman, by his wife hlirabeth VVilholniina, only child and heir of T. Dehaney. Armorial bearings— Argent, a chevron between three lions rampant sable. M fr"*""g sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant sable, holding a battle-axe erect or. Residence — FREDERICK CHARLES NEVILLE GOSPATRICK THURSBY, Gentleman. Bom Jan. 3, 1895, being the only son of the late Percy Thursby, Gentleman, by his wife Litiie, eldest dau. of T. Braddock. Armorial bearings- Argent, a chevron between three lions rampant sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant sable, holding a battle-axe erect or. The Rev. HERBERT EDWARD THURSBY, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Castle Rising with Roydon, King's Lynn, Norfolk. Bom Nov. 9, 1858, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Walter Thursby, by his wife Mary Catherine Louisa, only child of the Rev. Thomas Stephen Hodges, Rector of Little Waltham, Essex. Ar- morial bearings — Argent, a chevron between three lions rampant sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant sable, holding a battle-axe erect or. Married, Aug. 29, 1889, Elinor Eulalia, dau. of Samuel Martyn, M.D. ; and has Issue — (i) Walter Thursby, Gentleman, b. July 29, 1890; (2) Miles Herbert Thursby, Gentleman, b. Aug. 17, 1893 ; (3) Samuel James Thursby, Geutleman, b. Sept. 25, 1902 ; Katharine Gwenllian ; Dorothy Guenilda ; Mary Victoria ; and Marjorie Christina Emelie. Postal address — Castle Rising, Norfolk. HUGH THURSBY, Gentleman. Bom Oct. 27, 1862, being the third son of the late Rev. Walter Thursby, by his wife Mary Catherine Louisa, only child of the Rev. Thomas Stephen Hodges, Rector of Little Waltham, Essex. Armorial bearings— Argent, a chevron between three lions rampant sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant sable, holding a battle-axe erect or. Married, July 4, 1888, Lucy Adeline, dau. of Abdy Williams ; andhas/wK? — (1) Charles Pelham Thursby, Gentleman, b. Sept. 14, 1900; and Phyllis Cecil. SSiR JOHN HARDY THURSBY, 1st Baronet (1887), J. P. CO. Lancaster, D.L. for the County Palatine of Lancaster. Born Aug. 31, 1826, being the son of the late Rev. William Thursby, by his wife Eleanor Mary, dau. of Col. Hargreaves of Ormerod House, Burnley. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron between three lions rampant sable ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a curlew with wings expanded argent, beak and legs proper. MottO— "In silentio fortitude." Married, firstly, April 21, i860, Clara, youngest dau. of Col. Williams, Royal Engineers, and niece of Mr. Justice Wil- liams, by whom (who died March 21, 1867) he had Issue — John Ormerod Scarlett Thursby, Esq., of Bank Hall, co. Lancaster, J. P., *. April 27, 1861 {m., Nov. 28, 1888, Ella Beatrice, dau. of Col. Crosse of Shaw Hill, and has, Clara] ; Violet [m., Feb. 19, 1889, Willoughby Aston Littledale, youngest son of Henry Anthony Littledale of Bolton Hall, co. York, and has, Eleanor Violet]. He married secondly, Nov. 26, 1868, Louisa Harriet, dau. of Col. Smyth of Heath Hall, M. P. ; and has Issue — George James Thursby, Esq. , b. Nov. 17, 1869 [m., Dec. II, 1894, Mary Augusta, elder dau. of Thomas Hardcastle, Esq., J. P., of Bradshaw Hall, Bolton- le-Moors]; and Mary Eleanor. Seats— Orm&roA House, Burnley ; Holmhurst, Christchurch, co. Southampton ; Pan- mure House, Carnoustie, N.B. Residence -y; Ennismore Gardens, S.W, Clubs — Carlton and Yorkshire. PERCY THURSBY. Gentleman. Born Feb. 4, 1851, being the eldest son of the late Rev, Matthew William Frederic Thursby, by his wife Emily, dau. of Matthew Fortescue of Stephenstown, co. I^uth. Armorial bear- ings — Argent, a chevron between three lions rampant sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant sable, holding a battle-axe erect or. Married, Nov. 2, 1891, Lizzie, eldest dau. of T. Brad- dock. Residence— JAMES AUGUSTINE HARVEY THURSBY-PEL HAM, Esq., J. P. for cos. Salop and Warwick, D.L. co. Salop (High Sheriff 1901), Lord of the Manors of Clee, Felhampton, Holgate, Upton Cressett, and Cound. Born Jan. 21, 1869, being the second and only surviving son of Walter Thursby-Pelham, Esq., J. P., by his wife Emily Sarah Fitzgerald, eldest dau. of the Hon. James Butler (and granddau. of James, 22n(l Lord Dunboyne). Livery — Blue, and red piping. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, counter-quartered i. and iiii. , azure, three pelicans argent, vulning themselves proper; ii. and iii. gules, two belts in pale issuing from the base argent, with buckles and studs or (for Pelham) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron between three lions rampant sable (for Thursby). Maniling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a peacock in his pride argent (for Pelham) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a curlew with wings expanded argent, beak and legs proper. Mottoes — " Vincit amor patrias " (for Pelham) ; " In silentio fortitude " (for Thursby). Married, 1890, Alice, youngest dau. of Admiral Sir Arthur Farqnhar, K. C. B. , of Drum-na-gesk, Aboyne, co. Aberdeen ; and has Issue — Mary Audley Nina ; and Emily Synolda. Seats — Coimd Hall, and Harnage House, near Shrewsbury ; Fel- hampton Court, Church Stretton ; Upton Cressett, Holgate, and Clee, all in co. Salop; Manor House, Kineton, War- wickshire. Residences — Cound, Shrewsbury, Manor House, Kineton, Warwickshire. Clubs — Arthur's, White's, Hur- lingham. THURSFIELD. Azure, a lion rampant or, charged with a crescent issuant therefrom a mullet of the field, in chief a mullet between two crescents and the like in base ?| of the second. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a horse's head erased sable, holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert, a mullet between two crescents fessewise or. Motto — " Certavi et vici." Son of William Thursfield, b. 1795 ; d. 1866; m. 1837, Anne, d. of Edward Eddowes of Minsterley, Salop : — Thomas Howells Thursfield, Esq., J. P. co. Salop and is the Military Cockade. Cftu €:ih 1355 for the borough of Wenlock, d. 13 Apl. 1838; m. 15 June 1865, Ella, eld. d. of Charles Stanier of Uppington, co. Salop. J?es. and Estate — The Grange, Much Wenlock, Shropshire. BASSET THURSTON, Esquire. Born Sept. 18, 1891. being the third and youngest son of the late Sir John Bates Thurston, K.C.M.G., F.R.G.S., &c.. Governor of Fiji, High Commissioner and Commander-in-Chief for the Western Pacific, by his wife Amelia, dau. of John Berry of Albuiy, New South Wales. Armorial bearings — Sable, three mullets of six points in fesse, between three bugle- horns stringed or, banded azure. Mantling' sable and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a stork proper, resting the dexter claw upon a mullet as in the arms, sur- mounted by a rainbow issuing from the clouds also proper. EDWARD THOMAS THURSTON, Esquire. Born June 4, 1889, being the second son of the late Sir John Bates Thurston, Knight Commander of the Most Dis- tinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, F. R.G.S., &c. , Governor of Fiji and High Commissioner and Com- mander-in-Chief for the Western Pacific, by his wife Amelia, dau. of John Berry of Albury, New South Wales. Ar- morial bearings — Sable, three mullets of six points in fesse, between three bugle-horns stringed or, banded azure. Mantling sable and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a stork proper, resting the dexter claw upon a mullet as in the arms, surmounted by a rainbow issuing from clouds also proper. Residence — JOHN HORATIO THURSTON, Esquire. Born Oct. 20, 1887, being the eldest son of the late Sir John Bates Thurston, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, F.R.G.S., F.L.S., &c. , Governor of Fiji, High Commissioner and Comr.-in- Chief for the Western Pacific, by his wife Amelia, dau. of John Berry of Albury, New South Wales. Armorial bear- ings — Sable, three mullets of six points in fesse, between three bugle-horns stringed or, banded azure. Mantling sable and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a stork proper, resting the dexter claw upon a mullet as in the arms, surmounted by a rainbow issuing from clouds also proper. Estates — St. Heliers, Taviuni ; Thornbury, Viti Levu ; all in Fiji. Postal address— Residence — THWENG, quartered by WITHAM. THWENGE, quartered by WESTROPP. The Rev. ARTHUR CHRISTOPHER THYNNE, Master of Arts, Honorary Canon and Treasurer of Truro Cathedral, Rector of Kilkhampton, J. P. co. Corn- wall, Chaplain to the Bishop of Truro, and Proctor in Convocation. Born Nov. 9, 1832, being the second son of the Rev. John Thynne, commonly known as the Rev. Lord John Thynne, D.D. , Canon and Sub- Dean of Westminster, by his wife Anne Constantia, dau. of the Rev. Charles Cobbe Beresford. Armorial bearings — Quarterly 1 and 4, barry of ten or and sable; 2 and 3 argent, a lion rampant, tail nowed and erected gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a reindeer statant or, collared sable ; with the Motto, "J'ay bonne cause." Married, June 28, 1859, Gwenllian Elizabeth Fanny Isabel, daughter of Russell Kendall; and has Issue — (i) William Francis Gran- ville Thynne, Gentleman, b. 1862 ; (2) John Granville Thynne, Gentleman, b. 1865 [married, and has issue] ; (3) Arthur Granville Thynne, Gentleman, b. 1867 [married] ; (4) Denis Granville Thynne, Gentleman, Lieut. Royal N,avy, b. 1875, became a Midshipman 1892 ; (5) Richard Granville Thynne, Gentleman, b. 1878; (6) Hugh Edward Granville Thynne, (jcntleman, b. 1881 ; Sophie Gwenllian Granville ; Mary Granville ; Anne Constantia Granville ; Grace Gran- ville ; and Margaret Ethel Granville. Postal address — Penstowe, Kilkhampton, Bude, Cornwall. Club — Authors'. CHARLES ERNEST THYNNE, Esquire, Barrister-at- Law, and Assistant Solicitor to H.M. Customs. Born Feb. 26, 1849, being the second but only surviving son of the Rev. Charles Thynne, commonly known as the Rev. Lord Charles Thynne, by'his wife Harriet Frances, dau. of the Right Rev. Richard Bagot, Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, barry of ten or and sable ; 2 and 3 argent, a lion rampant, tail nowed and erected gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a reindeer statant or, collared sable; with the Motto, "J'ay bonne cause." Married, June 8, 1880, Annie Harriet, dau. of Sir Francis Seymour Haden, Bart., F. R.C.S., President of the Royal Society of Painters and Etchers ; and has Issue — Roger Charles Seymour Thynne, Esq., b. Jan. 19, 1885 ; and Mary Harriet. Postal address— lo^ Queen's Gate, S.W. Club — United University. Major -General Sir REGINALD THOMAS THYNNE, K.C.B., Grenadier Guards 1862-89, A.A.G South Africa, D. A.G. Malta, A.A.G. Home District, General commanding North-Eastern District 1894- 1902. Born 1843, being the son of the late Lord John Thynne, D.D., by his wife Anne Constantia, dau. of the Rev. Charles Cobbe Beresford. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, barry of ten or and sable ; 2 and 3 argent, a lion rampant, tail nowed and erect gules. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a reindeer statant or, collared sable. Married, 1890, Louise, dau. of the late Douglas Dubois, and widow of Major William Ewing ; and has Issue living— Katharine Angela, and Beatrix EUaine. Post. add. —24 Park Crescent, W. Clubs— Gazxds' , Travellers'. SJOHN BORLASE MAUNSELL TIBBITS, Esq., J. P., D.L., and Lord of the Manor and Hundred of Rothwell, formerly Captain 12th Lancers. Born 1822, being the fourth son of Col. Thomas Philip Maunsell, M.P. , of Thorpe Malsoi co. Northampton, by his wife the Hon. Caroline Elizabeth Cockayne; and assumed the surname and arms of Tibbits, by Royal License, 1858. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, ermine three cats passant is tbe Naval Cockade. »3S6 Cic Ctff fiardani uure (for Tibbits) ; a and 3 argent, a chevron be- twwn three maunches sable (Tor Maiinsell) ; and the same i of Tibbits upon nn escutcheon of pretence. MantUsg I and argent ; and for his OrAstS, i. upon a wre.ith of the eolours, a demi-cnt mmpant guardant azure (for Tibbits); 3. upon a wreath of the colours, a falcon rising proper (for Maunsell). Married, June 17, 1858, Marv Isabella. Vis- countess Hood, dau. and heir of Richard John Tibbits, Esq., of Barton Seagfrave, and widow of Viscount Hood. .Sm/^— Barton Seagrave, and RothwellGrange, nr. Kettering. TICHBORNE. quartered by MONTGOMERY. TICHMERSH. quartered by FOX. EDWARD JAMES TICKELL, Esquire. D.S.O., Major 14th Hussars, J. P. co. Kildare. Bom Feb. 9, 1861, being the eldest son of the late Commander Thomas Tickell, R. N,. by his wife Louisa Emily, eldest dau. of Rev. James T. C. Saunders. Armorial bearlngrs— Quarterly i and 4, gules, a maunch argent ; 2. sable, on a bend argent, three escallops gules ; 3. gules, a saltire or (for Eustace). Mantling gules and argent. 0T6Bt — On a wreath of the colours, an arm coupcd below the elbow and erect, vested gules, charged with three fleurs-de-lis or, cuffed argent, holding; in the hand proper a fleur-de-lis gold. Motto — "Vita posse priore frui.'* Married, 1902, Eliza, dau. of Major Thomas Maxwell, R.M., Natal. Estate— Co. Kildare. Residence — The Lypiatts, Cheltenham. Clubs — Naval and Military, Cavalry, Kildare Street (Dublin). TICKLE (H. Coll.). Per pale gules and sable, a maunch argent, on a chief arched or, two crosses moline sable. M^ntUng gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed vested gules, the upper part encircled by an annulet and charged with three fleurs-de-lis or, the hand proper, grasping a cross moline also or. Son of : — Japheth Tickle, Gentleman, b. . .^«.— Montpelier Road. Brighton ; HoUycroft, Homersham Road, Norbiton ; Crown Court, Cheapside, E.G. RICHARD HENRY TIDSWELL. Esquire, J.P. co. Suffolk, Barrister-at-Law. Born Dec. 27, 1848, being the C"/«*j— United University, Wellington. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms: Party per pale, un the dexter side, azure, two lx;ndlets nebuly or, gutt6e-de-poix. Iiclwecii four escallops argent, three in chief and one in ixise, im- paling on the sinister side the arms of Brooke, namely argent, a cross nebuly per pale gules and sable, in the first and fourth quarters a boar s head erased of the last ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-linti rampant per pale nebuly or and azure, holding in the dexter paw a cross moline and resting the sinister upwn an escallop of the last ; with the Motto, " Certum pete hnem." Married, June ai, 1876, Helen Maud, daughter ol John William Brooke. Esquire, of Siblon Park, in the county of Suffolk, Justice of the Peace and Deuuty-Lieulenant ; and has Issue — Cecil Robert Tidswell, Cientleman. born 1880 ; Maud Elizabeth ; Jannette Katharine ; Eleanor ; Margaret Aline ; Alice Constance ; and Emily Beatrice, fistate — \\:\~. property in the parishes of Greeting and Coddenham, in the county of Suffolk. Postal addresses — Bosmere Hall, Needham Market, Suffolk ; 49 Wilton Crescent, London , S.W. ROBERT INGHAM TIDSWELL, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. for CO. of Gloucester (High Sheriff 1899). M.A. of the University of Oxford, Barrister-at-Law. Born 1846, being the elder son of the late Robert 'Tidswell of Denmark Hill, London, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Ingham of Leeds. Club — United University. Armorial bearlngrs — He bears for Arms : Azure, two bendlets nebtily second son of Robert Tidswell of Denmark Hill. London, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Ingham of Leeds. or, gutt6e-de-poix, between four escallops argent, three in chief and one in base ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant per pale nebuly or and azure, holding in the dexter paw a cross moline and resting the sinister upon an escallop both of the last. Married, April II, 1883, Aline (who died March 29. 1884), dau. off the Rev. Maurice William Ferdinand St. John, B. D., CancMH of Gloucester ; and has Issue — A dau. , Aline. He marriedfl secondly. Jan. 30, 1894, Katharine Anne, youngest dau. of the late John Curtis Hayward of Qucdgeley House, in the CO. of Gloucester. Estate and postal address — Haresfield Court, Stonehouse, in the co. of Gloucester. TIFFIN, quartered by IRWIN. TIGHE, see BUNBURY-TIGHE. S Lieutenant-Colonel JAMES STUART TIGHE, late Major 8th Madras Cavalry, J. P. and D. L. for co. Wicklow, High Sheriff 1876, and Lt.-Col. retired. Born 1831, being the second son of the late Daniel Tighe of Rossanagh, by liis wife Frances, dau. of the Hon. Sir Edward Crofton, 3rd Bart. Armorial bearings — Per chevron embattled argent and sable, nine crosses crosslet, five in saltire in chief, and four in cross in base counter- Is tlie Military Cockade. Cil Cil 1357 changed. Maoatling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolf's head erased proper, gorged with a plain collar azure, thereon a cross crosslet or, between two bezants. Motto — "Summum nee metuam diem nee optem." Married, 1857, Charlotte, youngest dau. of the Very Rev. John T. de Burgh of Oldtown, Dean of Cloyne ; and has with other /ssue--{i) Walter Stuart Tighe, Gentleman, late Lieut. Wicklow Art. Mil., i. 1861 [m., 1894, Adelaide Margaret, dau. of Major David Philip Brown, 7th Hussars] ; (2) Wilfred Tighe, Gentleman, d. 1868 [m., 1898, Lucy Emily, dau. of F. J. Lewin, Esq., D. L. , of Castle Grove, co. Galway ; and has issue, Daniel Charles Frederick]. Seat — Rossanagh, Ashford, co. Wicklow. sable, three mullets or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a dexter hand couped proper, grasping a mascle in bend sinister sable. Motto — "Audi, vide, sile." Married, July 25, 1859, Ehza Scott, dau. of Gen. George Palmer Whish, Bengal Staff Corps; and has had Issue -{1) Henry Percy Tillard, Gentleman, b. April 17, i860; (2) Philip George Tillard, Gentleman, R.N., b. Jan. 30, 1862; (3) Robert Penton Tillard, Gentleman, b. Oct. 31, 1866; (4) Arthur Basil Tillard, Esq., D.S.O., Lieut. LS.C, b. June 10, 1870 ; Emily Mabel [fn. W. B. de Win ton] ; Constance Gertrude, d. unm. 1866 ; Florence Mary \m. Major R. T. Crowther, LC.S.]. Residence — Caerlaverock, Ootacamund, Madras. CHARLES TILLARD,'Gentleman. Bor?t April 18, 1851, being the second son of the Rev. Richard Henry Tillard, M.A., Rector of Blakeney, co. Norfolk, by his wife Anna, second dau. of Rev. Joseph Cottcrill. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a pale per pale dancettte point in point gules and azure, between two mascles in fesse sable, three mullets or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a de.xter hand couped proper, grasping a mascle in bend sinister sable. Motto^"Audi, vide, sile." Married, Aug. 28, 1879, Annie Theresa, dau. of Rev. E. W. Dowel), Vicar of Dunton ; and has Issue ^ (i) Elliot Dowell Tillard, Gentleman, b. July 22, 1880; (2) Arthur Kenneth Tillard, Gentleman, b. May i, 1882; (3) Stephen Dowell Tillard, Gentlemen, b. May 17, 1884; Ruth Mary ; Theresa Norah ; and Bertha Elizabeth. GEORGE HENRY TH.LARD, Esquire, Col. late 40th Madras N. Inf. Born May 25, 1840, being the second son of the late Rev. James Arthur Tillard, M.A. (St. John's Coll., Camb. ), Rector of Conington, Cambs., by his wife Ellen, eldest dau. of Rev. Joseph Cotterill, M.A., Rector of Blakeney, co. Norfolk. Ajnnorial bearings- Argent, on a pale per pale dancett^e point in point gules and azure, between two mascles in fesse sable, three mullets or. Mant- ling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a dexter hand couped proper, grasping a mascle in bend sinister sable. MottO — "Audi, vide, sile." Married, firstly, April, 17, 1873, Louisa Fanny (d. 1884), dau. of Rev. Arthur Ansley, by whom he had Issue —Violet Ellen Ansley. He married secondly, June 1885, Lilias, dau. of Rev. Stephen Hilliard ; and by her has Issue— Georgina Gwendoline ; and Lilian Irene. Residence — The Reverend JAMES TILLARD, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. St John's Coll., Camb. Born March 22, 1839, being the eldest son of the late Rev. James Arthur Tillard, M.A. (St. John's Coll., Camb.), Rector of Coning- ton, Cambs., by his wife Ellen, eldest dau. of Rev. Joseph Cotterill, M.A. , Rector of Blakeney, co. Norfolk. Armo- rial bearings — Argent, on a pale per pale dancett(5e point in point gules and azure, between two mascles in fesse sable, three mullets or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a dexter hand couped proper, grasping a mascle in bend sinister sable. Motto — " Audi, vide, sile." jl/arwrf, Feb. 5, 1868, Jane (d. 1888), dau. of Rev. Henry Snow, Vicar of Bibury, CO. Gloucs. ; by whom he had Issue — (i) Ernest Henry James Tillard, Gentleman, b. July 10, 1871 ; (2) Arthur George Tillard, Gentleman, Lieut. Manchester Regt. , b. Nov. 10, 1874; (3) Philip Snow Tillard, Gentleman, b. May 23, 1876 ; (4) Alfred Richard Tillard, b. and d. Sept. 15, 1880; (5) Percy Leonard Tillard, Gentleman, b. July 29, 1882 ; Lilian Margaret Mary ; Ellen ; and Winifred Agnes. Residence— The. Glebe, Penshurst, Kent. Major-General JOHN ARTHUR TILLARD, C.B. (1887), served in the Afghan War 1878-80 (three times mentioned in despatches, medal with two clasps and bronze star), and with Burmah Expedition 1886-87 (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp). Born Sept. 13, 1837, being the third but second surviving son of the late Philip Tillard, Esq., of Stukeley Hall, J. P., D.L. co. of Huntingdon, by his wife Philippa Julia, eldest dau. of John Thomas Baum- gartner, M.D. , of Godmanchester, co. Huntingdon. Ar- morial bearings — Argent, on a pale per pale dancett^e point in point gules and azure, between two mascles in fesse § PHILIP EDWARD TILLARD, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. CO. Huntingdon, Barrister - at - Law (Inner Temple). Born July 3, 1836, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Philip Tillard, Esq., of Stukeley Hall, J. P., D.L. CO. of Huntingdon, by his wife Philippa Julia, eldest dau. of John Thomas Baumgartner, M.D., of Godmanchester, co. Huntingdon. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a pale per pale dancett^e point in point gules and azure, between two mascles in fesse sable, three mullets or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a dexter hand couped pro- per, grasping a mascle in bend sinister sable. Motto — " Audi, vide, sile." Married, Oct. 5, 1871, lona Mary, eldest surviving dau. of the late John Bonham Carter of Adhurst St. Mary; and has surviving Issue — (i) Edward Rosslyn Tillard, Gentleman, h. Jan. i, 1874 ; (2) Philip Henry Tillard, Gentleman, b. May 20, 1880; (3) John Arthur Stuart Tillard, Gentleman, b'. Nov. 24, 1889 ; Mary Emily ; Edith lona ; Laura Julia ; and Olive Marjorie \m. , 1903, Arthur Taylor]. Seat — The Holme, Godmanchester, Huntingdon. PHILIP FRANCIS TILLARD, Esquire, Capt. R.N. Born Sept. 17, 1852, being the third son of the Rev. Richard Henry Tillard, M.A., Rector of Blakeney, co. Nor- folk, by his wife Anne, second dau. of Rev. Joseph Cotterill. is the Naval Cockade. 4R »358 €i\ tHin Annoiial iMarlnffS — Argent, on n pale per p.ile dancettte point in jwint Rules and azure, between two niasclcs in fesse sable, three mullets or ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Brooks, namely argent, three l»ars wavy azure, a cross Heury crminois, in chief a fountain. Mantling gules ami argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, ujK>n a mount vert, a dexter hand couped pro|x?r, grasping a mascle in bend sinister sable. Motto "Audi, vide, silc." Mar- ritii, April a6, 189a. Edith, dau. and coheir of the late Sir William Cunliflfo Brooks, Bart., and widow of Lord Francis Horace Pierrepoint Cecil, R.N. (second son of the 3rd Marquess of Exeter) ; and has Issue — Esterel Edith iPhilippa l.«uise. Seats — Stocken Hall, Oakham, Rutland ; Fasnadarach, Dinnet, Aberdeenshire. Club — United Service. RICHARD TILLARD, Esquire, Civil Commissioner, Re!>ioth hands a flail or, uplifted over a g.irb on the dexter side ; and over the crest, upon an escroll, the Motto, "Now thus," and below the arms, "Gripe gryphon, hold fast." Married, January 6, 1876, Emily, daughter of John Dunning of the United States of America ; and has Issue — Lionel Guy Trafford, Gentleman, born May 24, 1885. Postal address — Windham Club, St. James's Square, S.W. 5 GUY RAWSON TRAFFORD, Esquire, J. P. co. Hereford, B.A. Oxford. Born March 4, 1863, being the fourth son of Charles Guy Trafford, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , of Michaelchurch Court, in the county of Hereford. Livery — Dark snuff colour, with silver but o ns. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly it and 12, argent, a griffin segreant gules (for Trafford) ; 2. NicoUs ; 3. Lowe ; 4. Walker; 5. Trafford; 6. Venables of Bolyn, quarterly, with Venables of Kinderton ; 7. Fitton ; 8. Massey of Dunham; 9. Whitney; 10. Thornton; 11. Kingsley (see E. G. Trafford). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a thrasher proper, his coat, breeches, and stockings per pale argent and gules, on his head a cap quarterly of the same, holding in both hands a flail in the attitude of striking, a garb or ; and above the Motto, "Now thus," and below, "Gripe gryphon, hold fast." Postal address — Hill Court, Ross, Herefordshire, C/a^— Oxford and Cambridge. is tbe Military Cockade. era era 1369 § HENRY RANDOLPH TRAFFORD, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the county of Hereford (High Sheriff 1896). Born December 8, 1853, being the second son of Charles Guy Trafford, Esquire, of Michaelhucrch Court, J. P. and D.L. , by his wife Caroline Anne, daughter of the Reverend John Hopton, J. P., D. L. , of of Canon-Ffronie Court, in the county of Hereford. Livery — Dark snuff colour, with silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 12, argent, a griffin segreant gules (for Trafford); 2. Nicolls; 3. Lowe; 4. Walker; 5. Trafford; 6. Venablesoi^ Bolyn, and Venables of Kinder- ton ; quarterly 7. Fitton ; 8. Massey of Dunham ; 9. Whit- ney ; 10. Thornton ; 11. Kingsley (see E. G. Trafford). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a thrasher per pale argent and gules, on his head a cap quarterly of the same, holding in both hands a flail or, uplifted over a garb on the de.xter side ; and over the crest, upon an escroll, the Motto, "Now thus," and below the arms, "Gripe gryphon, hold fast." Married Bettina Maud, dau. of William Bailey Partridge of Bacton, co. Hereford, and Llanfoist, co. Mon. ; and has Issue — Clare Margaret. Estate — Michaelchurch Court, in the county of Hereford. Postal address — The Court, Michaelchurch, Eskley, Hereford. Clubs — Conservative, Windham. S HENRY TRAFFORD-RAWSON, Esquire, Major and Hon. Lieut.-Col. 3rd Batt. (Militia) W. Yorks Regt., J. P. for CO. of Suffolk. Born 1852, being the son of the late Capt. Henry Trafford Trafford ; and assumed by Royal Licence the additional surname and arms of Rawson in the year 1892. Club — Windham. Armorial bearings — Quarterly of 12: i. quarterly i. and iiii., per fesse sable and azure, a quadrangular castle between three martlets argent (for Rawson) ; ii. and iii. argent, a griffin segreant gules (for Trafford) ; 2. sable, three pheons, points downwards, and a canton argent ; 3. gules, a wolf passant argent ; 4. argent, a griffin segreant gules ; 6. barry of four azure and argent ; 7. barry of four azure and argent, in chief two mullets pierced of the last ; 8. argent, on a bend azure, three garbs or ; 9. quarterly gules and or, in the first quarter a lion passant argent ; 10. paly of six argent and gules, a chief vaire ; 11. argent, on a bend gules, three escarbuncles ; 12. vert, a cross engrailed ermine. Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head erased per fesse sable and azure, gutt^e-d'or, holding in the beak two annulets interlaced or (for Rawson) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a thrasher proper, his coat, breeches, and stockings party per pale argent and gules, holding in his hands a flail proper, the head or, over a garb fesse- ways of the last ; and in an escroll over the same the Motto, "Now thus" (for Trafford). Married, 1892, Julia, younger dau. of the late John Richards Welstead, formerly Capt. 7th Dragoon Guards, of Kimbolton, Hunts. Seats — Coldham Hall, Bury St. Edmunds ; The Old Hall, Yafforth, near Northallerton. TRAILL, formerly of Holland (Matric. 12 Feb. 1902, but recorded by a cadet line c. 1680-7). Azure, a chevron between two mascles in chief or, and a trefoil slipped in base argent. Mantling azure, doubled or. Crest—On a wreath of his liveries, a beacon tower issuing from waves of the sea proper. MottO^" Discrimine salus." Eldest son of late Thomas Traill, 7th of Holland, Esq., J. P., D.L. ((/. 1896), by Margaret, second d. of Robert Menzies, Commissioner to 7ih and 8th Earls of Elgin : — George Traill, Esq., J. P. Orkney, 8th of Holland, b. 1847. Seat — Holland House, Orkney. Nes. — Kirklands, Gullane, East Lothian. TRAILL (Rematric. 26 Nov. 1903). Quarterly, i. azure, a chevron between two mascles in chief or, and a trefoil slipped in base argent, within a bordure engrailed of the second (Traill, recorded by another cadet line 1680-7); 2. argent, on a chevron gules, between three flames of fire proper, a lion rampant accompanied with two estoiles of six points of the field (Baikie of Tankerness, c. 1680-7); 3. argent, on a chevron sable, an otter's head erased of the field, a crescent of the second for difference (Balfour, c. 1672) ; 4. ermine, a man's heart proper, on a chief azure, three mullets argent (Douglas). Mantling azure, doubled or. Crest — On a wreaih of his liveries, a column issuing from waves of the sea proper. Motto — " Discrimine salus." Livery — ^Blue and gold. Second son of Gilbert Traill, Esq., J. P. co. Orkney, Lieut. R.N. (ygst. son of Traill of Frotoft), b. 1788 ; d. 1849 ; 7n. 1818, Frances, d. and coh. of Robert Baikie, 7th of Tankerness : — Thomas William Traill, Esq., Fleet Engineer R.N. , b. 13 Aug. 1829; m. 10 June 1879, Sarah Ann Glasgow, is the Naval Cockade, i « I370 era Cre d. of Willintn Mct^orkindalc; and has issue— Robert Francis Traill. IJfntlenmn, i. aa Fi'U 1881. J?es. — Tomnna, I'tie Chase. C lapham Common, London, S.W. t.Vj»^— Junior Conservative, Primrose. TRAILL (U.O.). Ature, a chevron between two mascles in chief or, and a trefoil slipped in Iwse argent. Mantling axure and or. Creit — On a wreath of the colours, a column set in the sea proper. MottO— " Dis- criniinc salus." .S(in of William Tr.iill of Ballvlou^h, B.A., M.D., d. 1791 ; d. ; m. and, 1836, Louisa Henrietta, d. of Rol)ert French of Monivea Castle, co. Galway, by Nichola his wife, sister of Sir Edward O'Brien, 4th Bart., of Dromnland : — Anthony Traill, I'lsq., J. P. andD.L., co. Antrim (High Sheriff i88a), LL.D.. M.D., Provost of Trin. Coll., Dublin (1904), Hon. LL.D. Glasgow, Hon. Fellow Roy. Coll. of Surgeons Mrela nil), Hon. Ft-Uow Roy. Coll. of Physicians ( Ireland), Commissioner of Flducational Endowment (Ireland) 1885 -9a, fi. 1838; m. 1867, Catherine Elizabeth, d. of James Stewart Moore, Esq., D. L. , of Ballydivity, co. Antrim ; and h.-is issue -(i) William Stewart Traill, Esq., Capt. R.E., d. 1868 [/«. 1896, Selina Margaret, d. of Charles Frizell of C:.istle Kevin; and h.as issue— Anthony O'Brien Traill, Gentleman, i. 1897]; (a) Henry Edward O'Brien Traill, Gentleman, Lieut. R.A., d. 1876; (3) Edmund Francis Tarleton Traill, Gentleman, Lieut. A.S.C., i. 1878; (4) Alexander Frederick Traill, Gentleman, t. 1891; Frances Catherine [m. 1898, Leslie Dennyl ; Harriet Agnes [m. 14 April 1896, Alfred Edward Brett]; and Annie Margaret. Seat — Ballylough House, Bushmills, co. Antrim ; Provost's House, Dublin. TRAILL (L.O., rematric. 1905). Quarterly, r. azure, a chevron between two m.ascles in chief or, and a trefoil slipped in base argent, within a plain bordure or (iVaill, orig. recorded by another cadet line 1680-87) I 2. argent, on a chevron gules, between three flames of fire proper, a lion rampant accompanied with two estoiles of six points of the field (Baikie of Tankemess, c. 1680-87) ; 3. argent, on a chevron sable, an otter's head erased of the field, a crescent of the second for difference (Balfour, c. 1672); 4. ermine, a man's heart proper, on a chief azure, three mullets argent (Douglas). Mantling azure, doubled or. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, n column issuing from waves of the sea proj)cr. Motto — " Discrimine salus." Eld. son of Gilbert Traill, Esq., J. P. co. Orkney, Lieut. R.N. (ygst. son of Traill of Frotoft), d. 1788 ; rf. 1849; m. 1814, Frances, d. and co-h. of Robert Baikie, 7th of Tankerness : — Gilbert Francis Traill, Gentleman, ^. . Ifes. — Broad- lands, Tunbridge Wells. TRAPAUD, quartered by ADLERCRON. TRASK (H. ColL). Argent, gutt. 1844. /fes. — Critchells, Lockerley, Romsey, Hants. The Honourable JOHN TRAYNER, Lord Trayner, Doctor of Laws of the University of Glasgow. Born April 19, 1834, being the second son of Hugh Trayner, by his wife Agnes, dau. of James Eraser of Glasgow ; Advocate, 1858 ; Sheriff for the county of Forfar, 1881-85 ; Lord of Session, with title of Lord Trayner, 1885 ; Lord Commis- sioner of Justiciary, 1887, ex officio Railway Commissioner for Scotland 1889-99. Livery — Blue and white. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a fesse, between two Esquires' helmets plumed in chief and a fraise in base argent, a saltire sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of his liveries, a lion sejant gules, armed and langued azure. Motto- "Par loi et droit." Mar- ried, August 4, 1863, Frances Elizalaeth Maxwell, eldest daughter of Robert Stodart Wyld, Writer to the Signet, Doctor of Laws, of Gilston, in the county of Fife ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Hugh Maxwell Trayner, Gentleman, His Britannic Majesty's Consul in Corunna, b. March 3r, 1867; (2) Robert Wyld Maxwell Trayner, Esq., formerly Capt. 1st Royal Dragoons, b. Dec. 25, 1870 ; Isabel Georgine Maxwell \m., 1886, E. T. Salvesen, Esq., K.C., Advocate]; and Frances Agnes Marie Camille Maxwell. Postal address — 27 Moray Place, Edinburgh. Clubs — Athenocum, Royal Societies', University (Edinburgh). TREACHER, quartered by BOWLES. TREBY, see PHILLIPPS-TREBY. CHARLES EBENEZER TREFFRY, Esquire, J. P. for CO. Cornwall, High Sheriff 1886. Born May r, 1842, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Rev. Edward John Treffry, D.C.L. of Place (who assumed by Royal Licence, May 16, 1850, the surname and arms of TrefiVy), by his wife Anne, dau. of Charles Steel, R.N. Armorial bearings— Sable, a chevron between three trees eradicated argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a Cornish chough's head erased sable, in the beak a sprig of laurel vert. Married, Aug. 30, 1866, Udney Maria Blakeley, dau. of Joseph von Bretton, Baron von Bretton; and has had Issue— {i) Blakeley von Bretton Treffry, Gentleman, b. Aug. 11, 1867 (d. Aug. 23, 1879); (2) Edward Treffry, Gentleman, b. March i, 1869; (3) Dormer Kierulff Bretton Treffry, Gentleman, b. May 7, 1877; Florence; and Vandah Louisa Bretton. Seat— Place, Fowey, Cornwall. The Rev. EDWARD LAMBERT TREFFRY, Rector of Blankney, co. Lincoln. Born April 29, 1854, being the seventh son of the late Rev. Edward John Treffry, D.C. L., of Place (who assumed by Royal Licence, May 16, 1850, the surname and arms of Treffry), by his wife Anne, dau. of Charles Steel, R.N. Armorial bearings — Sable, a chevron between three trees eradicated argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a Cornish chough's head erased sable, in the beak a sprig of laurel vert. Married, 1885, Evelyn, only dau. of Thomas Henry Pares of Hopwell Hall, Derby; and has Issut— is the Military Cockade. ^vz Cre 1371 Thomas Justin Treffry, Gentleman, 6. March 31, 1886; Mary Evelyn ; and Katharine. Postal address — Blankney, CO. Lincoln. JOSEPH THOMAS TREFFRY, Esquire, J. P. co. of Devon. Born Dec. 29, 1851, being the sixth son of the late Rev. Edward John Treffry, D.C.L. , of Place (who assumed by Royal Licence, May 16, 1850, the surname and arms of Treffry), by his wife Anne, dau. of Charles Steel, R.N., Inspecting Commander of H.M. Coastguard. Livery — Drab coats, blue and white trimmings, blue plush breeches, silver lace and buttons. Armorial bearings — Sable, a chevron between three trees eradicated argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a Cornish chough's head erased sable, in the beak a sprig of laurel vert. Motto— " Whyle God wy 11." Married, 1874, Ada (who died Jan. 6, 1904), fifth dau. of Colonel John Whitehead Peard, J. P., of Trenython. /Residence — Clud — Royal Western Yacht (Plymouth). The Rev. REGINALD HEBER TREFFRY, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of St. Endollion, Cornwall. Born March 30, 1846, being the fourth son of the late Rev. Edward John Treffry, D.C.L. , of Place (who assumed by Royal Licence, May 16, 1850, the surname and arms of Treffry), by his wife Anne, dau. of Charles Steel, R.N. Armorial bearings— Sable, a chevron between three trees eradicated argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a Cornish chough's head erased sable, in tlie beak a sprig of laurel vert. Married, Jan. 23, 1889, Blanch, elder dau. of Henry Peach Keighley, Esq., Capt. Indian Army; and has Issue — Roger Carpenter, Gentleman, b. Dec. 31, 1892; and Anne. Postal address — St. Endellion, Port Isaac, Cornwall. TREGARTHIN, quartered by FLOYER. TREGARTHYN, quartered by TAUNTON, SJOHN SIMMONS TREGONING, Esquire, J.P. CO. Cornwall, J.P. and D.L. for the co. of Car- marthen, High Sheriff 1904-1905. Born Sept. 10, 1842, being the eldest and only surviving son of John Simmons Tregoning of Landue, in the co. of Cornwall, by his wife Elizabeth Avery, dau. of John Langford of Boscastle, in the same county. Liveiy — Blue coat, with silver buttons, drab trousers, &c. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a mount vert, a stag lodged in front of three oak-trees proper, a chief azure, thereon a passion cross between two mullets of the field ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock proper, thereon a castle argent, a stag lodged or ; with the MottO, "Semper paratus, semper tutus." Married, September 26, 1866, Sophia, daughter of Edward Norris of Liverpool ; and has Issue — (i) John Simmons Tregoning, Esq., J.P. co. Carmarthen, M.A. Camb., b. Feb. 16, 1868; (2) William Edward Cecil Tregoning, Gentleman, M.A. Camb. b. Feb. 17, 1871 \jn., Nancy, youngest dau. of John Beavan Phillips, Esq., J.P. , and has issue, a son]; (3) Arthur Langford Tregoning, Gentleman, B.A. Camb., b. Sept. 5, 1874; (4) Wynn Harold Tregoning, Gentleman, B.A. CamlD. , b. June 6, 1876; (5) Geoffrey Norris Tregoning, Gentleman, B.A. Camb., b. Sept. 25, 1881 ; (6) Edgar Avery Tregoning, Gentleman, b. Feb. 11, 1884; Sophie Elizabeth ; Emily Grace ; and Dorothea. Estates — Lan- due, near Launceston ; Bryn Hafod, near Uanelly, &c. Postal address — Landue, near Launceston, Cornwall. Club — St. Stephen's. TREGOR. quartered by BARTTELOT. M HORACE DORMER TRELAWNEY, Esquire. J.P. ^ and D.L. for co. Chester, late Captain Royal Horse Guards. Born 1824, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Harry Brereton Trelawney, Esq., of Shot- wick, Captain Grenadier Guards, by his wife Caroline, dau. of Captain Monk, R.N. Armorial bearings— Argent, a chevron sable, between three oak leaves slipped proper, impaling the arms of Walsh, namely argent, a fesse sable, cotised wavy gules, between six martlets of the second. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a wolf passant proper. Motto— "Sermoni con- sonafacra." Married, 1859, Hon. Maria Katharine Walsh, eldest dau. of Rt. Hon. John, ist Lord Ormathwaite ; and has /w«e— Florence ; Maud; Hilda \m., July 13, 1892, John Herbert Upton-Cottrell-Dormer, Lieut. 4th Batt. Oxfordshire Light Infantry, fourth son of Clement Cottrcll- Dormer of Ingmire Hall, co. York, and has issue] ; Lilian ; and Miny. 6V<2/— Shotwick Park, co. Chester. Clubs— Carlton, Army and Navy, and Marlborough. TRELAWNY, see JAGO-TRELAWNY, § Alderman Sir WILLIAM PURDIE TRELOAR, Knight Bachelor (1900), a Commissioner of Lieuten- ancy for the City of London, Alderman of Farringdon Without since 1892, Sheriff of London 1890-1900, J.P. for the counties of London, Surrey, and Kent. Born 1843, being the second son of "Thomas Treloar of Helston, Corn- wall. Livefy— Bine and gold. Armorial bearings— Or, on a mount vert, an oak tree proper, fructed gold, on a chief nebuly gules, three hawks' lures of the first. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed, vested azure, cuffed or, the hands grasping a fasces fesseways, head towards the dexter proper, pendent therefrom, by a chain or, an escutcheon sable, charged with a bezant. Motto — " Honestate vetustas stat." Married, 1865, Annie, dau. of George Blake. Residence— Gra.r\ge Mount, Norwood, Surrey. Clubs— ]nn\or Carlton, Authors', Press, Savage, Bath, Whitefriars. § ARTHUR TREM.AYNE, Esquire, J.P. and D.L., and Christ Church, Oxford, M.P. for Truro 1878-80, served in the 13th Light Dragoons in the Crimea, and commanded them as Lieut. -Colonel 1860-61; has Legion of Honour and 3rd Class Medjidie. Born May 15, 1827, being the fifth son of the late John Hearle Tremayne, Esq., of Heligan and Sydenham, by Caroline Matilda his wife, dau. of Sir William Lemon, ist Baronet, of Carclew. Livery — Blue and silver. Armorial bearings — Gules, three dexter arms, conjoined at the shoulders and flexed in triangle or, fists proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed, holding between their hands a man's head proper, on the head a high-crowned hat sable. Motto—" Honor et honestas." Married, firstly, Sept. 22, 1858, Lady Frances Margaret Hely-Hutchinson (rf. April 11, 1866), second dau. of Rt. Hon. John, 3rd Earl of Donoughmore, K.P. ; and has Issue— (i) Arthur Richard Tremayne, Gentleman, b. Sept. 17, 1861, d. Jan. 30, 1862; (2) William Francis Tremayne, Gentleman, late 4th Dragoon Guards, b. Oct 25, 1862 [tn. , Aug. 19, 1890, Zoe Anna Judith, third dau. of Baron de Robeck of Gowran Grange, Naas, and has issue, Charles Henry Tremaney, is the Ni^val Cockade. »37a Cre Ontlcman, b. 1893]; (3) Charles Lewis Tremayne, Gentle- man, *. Feb. 14, 1664. d. Feb. 25. 1876; (4) John Hearle Tremayne, Esq.. Major 13th Hussiirs, b. March ir, 1865 ; Carohne Mary [*»., Jun. 31. 1883. Francis .Mexander, Lieut. R.N., eldest surviving son ofCaledon Dupre Alex- ander of Calmont I'ark, Reading, and of 30 Belgrave Square! Colonel Tremayne married, secondly, Sept. ist 1870, F.nuna Penelojie, tifth dau. of Rev. Thomas Phill- potts of PorihgwiihU-n, Cornwall ; and has issue, (5) Arthur Hughes Treniayno, CJentlenian, b. Oct. 19, 1872 ; and Alice Opre. AVd/— Carclew, Perran-as-Worthal. Clubs—Army and Navy, Cavalry. HENRY HAWKINS TREMAYNE. Esquire, J. P. Born March 24, 1830, being the third son of the late John Hearle Tremayne, Esq., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff of Cornwall 1831, and M.P. for that county 1806-26, by his wife Caroline Matilda, youngest dau. of Sir William Lemon, ist Baronet of Carclew. Armorial bearings— Gules, that; de.xter arms, conjoined at the shoulders and flexed in triangle or, fists proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed, holding between their hands a man's head proper, on the head a high-crowned hat sable. Motto— " Honor ct honestas." Married Charlotte Jane, third dau. of John BuUer of Morval, and has issue, seven children. Residence — JOHN CLAUDE LEWIS TREMAYNE, Esquire. J. P. CO. Cornwall. Born Aug. i, 1869, being the eldest son of John Tremayne, Esq., of Heligan, Cornwall, by his wife Hon. Mary Charlotte Martha Vivian, dau. of Rt. Hon. Charles Crespigny, and Lord Vivian of Glynn. Armorial bearing^— Gules, three dexter arms, conjoined at the shoulders and flexed in triangle or, fists proper. MantUng gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed, holding between their hands a man's head proper, on the head a high-crowned hat sable. Motto—" Honor et honestas." Seat — Heligan, St. Austell. TRENCH, see CHEVENIX-TRENCH and COOKE- TRENCH. CHARLES O'H ARA TRENCH. Esquire, J. P. . late 14th Regt. Bom March 19, 1846, being the second son of John Eyre Trench, by his wife Grace, third dau. of Rev. John Burdett, Rector of Banagher, King's Co., and Ballygarth, CO. Meath. Club — Hibernian United Service (Dublin). Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion passant gules, between three fleurs-de-lis azure, on a chief of the last, a sun in splendour or, impaling the arms of St. George, namely argent, a chief azure, over all a lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, a crescent for difference. Mantling gules and argent. Crest, on a wreath of the colours, an arm in armour embowed, holding a sword all proper. Motto — "Virtutis fortuna comes." Married, April 14, 1874, Elizabeth Olivia, third dau. of Robert St. George (and grand-dau. of Sir Richard Bligh St. George, Bart., of Woodsgift, co. Kil- kenny; and has Issue— (1) John Arthur Burdett Trench, Gentleman, b. Aug. 21, 1884 ; (2) Charles Frederick Trench, Gentleman, b. July 29, 1885 ; Grace Eulalie St. George ; Violet Madeleine Maud ; and Moira Sophia. Seat — Clon- fert, Eyrecourt, co. Galway. S FREDERICK CHARLES TRENCH-GASCOIGNE, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for the cos. York and Limerick, High Sheriff for the latter co. 1863, and for the former 1864, J. P. CO. Argyll, late Capt. 66th Regt., Lieut.-Col. ist W.R. Yorks. Volunteer Artillery, Hon. Col. 2nd Leeds R.E. Volunteers. Bom May 15, 1814, being the only son of the late Charles Trench, who was fifth son of Fiederick Trench of Moate and Woodlawn. Armorial bearings — Quarterly I and 4, argent, on a pale sable, a conger's head couped and erect or, and for distinction, upon a canton gules, a cross crosslet of the third (for Gascoigne) ; 2 and 3 argent, a lion passant gules, between three fleurs-de-lis azure, on a chief of the last, a sun in splendour or (for Trench). Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a conger's head couped and erect or, charged for distinction with a pellet (for Gascoigne) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an arm in armour embowed, the hand grasp- Cre ing a cutlass all proper (for Trench). Married Mary Isabella (who died Oct. 25, 1891), elder dau, and coheir of the late Richard Oliver Gascoigne of Parlington and Castle Oliver ; and bv her has Issue — Frederick Richard Thomas Trench-Gascoigne, Esq., of Lotherton, Aljerford, Leeds, late Capt. Royal Horse Guards, Hon. Col. Yorkshire Hussars, J. P. for the West Riding, b. July 4, 1851 [/«., Feb. 26, 1892, Laura Gwendolen Douglas, younger dau. of Sir Douglas Galton, K.C. B. , of Ilimbleton Manor, co. Wor- cester. Seats — Parlington Park, Aberford, Yorkshire. TRENCHARD, see DILLON-TRENCHARD. TRENOUTH, quartered by CONYERS and HOR- DERN, TRESURTHIEN. quartered by HORDERN. The Right Honourable Sir GEORGE OTTO TRE- VELYAN. 2nd Baronet (March 13, 1874), of Wallington, Northumberland, P.C, M.A., LL.D., D.C.L., D.L., M.P. for Tynemouth 1865-68, for the Border Burghs r868-86, and for Glasgow 1887-97, ^ I^ord of the Admiralty 1869-70, Parliamentary Secretary of the Admiralty 1880 82, Chief Secretary of State for Ireland 1882-84, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster with a seat in the Cabinet 1884-85. and Secretary for Scotland Feb. to April 1886, and 1892-95. Born July 20, 1838, being the only son of the late Sir Charles Edward Trevelyan, ist Bart., of Wallington, K.C.B., by his wife Hannah Moore, dau. of Zachary Macaulay, and sister of Lord Macaulay. Armorial bearings — Gules, a demi-horse argent, hoofed and maned or, issuing out of water in base proper, with due difference ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two arms counter-embowed proper, habited azure, holding in the hands a bezant. MottO — " Ty me tryeth troth." Mar- ried, Sept. 29, i86q, Caroline, dau. of Robert Needham Philips, M.P. , of The Park, Manchester, and Welcombe, Stratford-on-Avon ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Philips Trevelyan, Esq., M.P. for Elland Div. co. York since 1899, M. A. Camb. , late Assistant Private Secretary to Lord-Lieut, of Ireland, b. Oct. 28, 1870 [/«., Jan. 6, 1904, Mary Katha- rine, third dau. of Hugh Bell, Esq., J. P., of Red Barns, Coatham, Redcar] ; (2) Robert Calverley Trevelyan, Esq., b. June 20, 1872 [m., June 7, 1900, Elizabeth, dau. of the late Ian des Amorie van de Hoeven] ; (3) George Mac- aulay Trevelyan, Esq., Fellow of Trin. Coll., Camb., b. Feb. 16, 1876. .S'^aA— Wallington, Cambo, Northumber- land ; Welcombe, Stratford-on-Avon. Town house — 8 Grosvenor Crescent, S.W. Clubs — Brooks's. Athenaeum, National Liberal, and Reform. SYDNEY VYVYAN TREVENEN, Gentleman. Bom Jan. 2, 1894, being the only son of the late Sydney William Trevenen, Gentleman, by his wife Jessie Atkinson, dau. of Thomas King Atkinson of Reston Hall, Westmorland, Esq., J. P. for Cumberland and Westmorland. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a fesse gules, between two chevrons azure, an escallop and two fleurs-de-lis of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a stag quarterly vert and erminois, attired or. Motto — " In se teres." Postal address — Carlisle. TREVES (H. Coll., 1902). Argent, on a cross couped gules, a tower triple-towered or, between in the first and fourth quarters a dexter hand couf)ed and erect proper, and in the second and third quarters a tent purpure, garnished, and the pole of the third. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an opinicus statant or, wings elevated and addorsed purpure, resting the dexter paw on a fleam fessways argent. Motto — " Fortiter, fideliter, feliciter." Livery— l&XviC and yellow. Son of William Treves of Dorchester, b. 1812 ; d. 1867; m. 1842, Jane, d. of John Knight of Honiton : — Sir Frederick Treves, Bart. (30 July 1902), G.C.V. 0.(1905), K.C.V.O. (1901), C.B. (1901), F.R.C.S., Hon. LL.D. (Aberdeen), Serjeant-Surgeon to the King, Surgeon in Ordinary to the Prince of Wales, formerly Surgeon Extra- is the Blilitary Cockade. Cre tl!:ti ms ordinary to Queen Victoria, Knt. of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, Con- sulting Surgeon to the Forces in S. Africa 1899-1900, with Ladysmith Relief Column (medal, three clasps), Hon. Col. Roy' Army Medical Corps (Mil.), i. 1853 ; m. 1877, Anne Elizabeth, d. of Alfred Samuel Mason of Dorchester ; and has surv. issue — Enid Margery [m. 1902, Lt.-Col. Charles Delm^ Radcliffe]. Res.—b Wimpole Street, W. Clubs— Reform, Hurlingham. TREVOR, quartered by HUTCHINSON - LLOYD- VAUGHAN and LLOYD-VAUGHAN. CHARLES EDMUND AUGUSTINE TREVOR TREVOR-BATTYE, Esquire, Hon. Capt. in the Army, late Capt. 3rd Batt. East Lanes. Regt. ; served in Zulu, Basuto, and Boer campaigns (three medals and clasp). Born 1853, being the eldestsonof the late Rev. William Wilberforce Battye of Tingrith House, in co. Bedford, Rector of Hever, in CO. Kent, Lord of the Manors of Tingrith and Little Hampden, by his wife Harriet Dorothea, only dau. of Edmund Wakefield Meade- Waldo, Esq., of Stonewall, in CO. Kent, and of Hever Castle, J. F. and D. L. for that county. Mrs. Battye was authorised by Royal License, dated Sept. 23, 1890, in conjunction with the issue of her late husband, to assume the additional surname Trevor [to be used before that of Battye] and the arms of Trevor and Battye quarterly. Z.«'tvj— Black, white facings. Armorial bearings— Quar- terly I and 4, sable a chevron argent, between three goats passant of the last, each charged with two pellets fesseways, a chief invected or, thereon a demi-man couped and af- front6e, holding over his dexter shoulder a club proper be- tween two cinquefoils gules (for Battye) ; 2 and 3 party per bend sinister erminois and pean, a lion rampant counter- changed (for Trevor). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — I. upon a wreath of the colours, upon a club fesseways proper, a stork argent, collared and lined sable, holding in the beak a roach proper (for Battye) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, the trunk of an oak-tree, a branch sprouting from its dexter side, acorned proper, upon the trunk a wyvern, tail nowed sable, wings elevated er- minois (for Trevor). Motto — "Ducat amor Dei." Mar- ried, 1902, Maude Jessie Sowerby, dau. of the late Capt. Henry Sowerby Middleton ; and has Issue — \higo Rochfort Hampden Trevor-Battye, Gentleman, b. June 2, 1904. Residence — Tingrith Manor, Beds. Club — Grosvenor. CHARLES CADWALLADER TREVOR-ROPER, Gentleman. Born Feb. 9, 1884, being the eldest son of the late George Edward Trevor-Roper, by his wife Harriette, dau. of Richard Trevor-Roper. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per fesse azure and or, a pale and three roebucks' heads erased counterchanged (for Roper) ; 2 and 3, per bend sinister ermine and ermines, a lion rampant or, and for distinction a canton sable, thereon an escallop argent, charged with a cross flory of the fourth (for Trevor). Mantling azure and or. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant sable, holding in his right paw a ducal cornet or (for Roper) ; 2. on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a wyvern, wings elevated sable, and for distinc- tion on the breast an escallop, charged as in the arms (for Trevor), Motto — " Spes mea in Deo. " Residence— CHARLES JAMES TREVOR-ROPER, M.A., J. P. and D.L. for co. Flint, High Sheriff 1878, Hon. Col. 6th Batt. King's Royal Rifle Corps. Born Oct. 29, 1823, being the eldest son of the late Charles Blaney Trevor- Roper, Esq., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1835, by his wife Mary, only dau. of Samuel Knight of Manchester. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per fesse azure and or, a pale and three roebucks' heads erased counterchanged (for Roper) ; 2 and 3, per bend sinister ermine and ermines, a lion rampant or, and for distinction a canton sable, thereon an escallop argent, charged with a cross flory of the fourth (for Trevor). Mantling azure and or. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant sable, holding in his dexter paw a ducal coronet or (for Roper) ; 2. on a chapeau gules, turned up erm'ine, a wyvern, wings elevated sable, and for distinction on the breast an escallop, charged as in the arms (for Trevor). Motto — "Spes mea in Deo." Married, firstly, Nov. 30, 1854, Lucy Anne, youngest dau. of Samuel Aldersey of Aldersey Hall, co. Chester ; and secondly, July 8, 1873, Julia Maria, eldest dau. of Sir Cor- nelius H. Kortright, K.C. M.G. , Governor of British Guiana. Seat — Plas Teg Park, co. Flint. C/«^— Junior Carlton. CLAUDE HENRY TREVOR-ROPER, Gentleman. Born July 26, 1869, being the eldest son of the late Richard Henry Trevor-Roper, by his wife Grace Carr, dau. of Henry Messena, M.D. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, per fesse azure and or, a pale and three roebucks' heads erased counterchanged (for Roper) ; 2 and 3, per bend sinis- ter ermine and ermines, a lion rampant or, and for distinc- tion a canton sable, thereon an escallop argent, charged with a cross flory of the fourth (for Trevor). Mantling azure and or. Crest — i. on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant sable, holding in the right paw a ducal coronet or (for Roper) ; 2. on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a wyvern, wings elevated sable, and for distinction on the breast an escallop, charged as in the arms (for Trevor). Motto — " Spes mea in Deo." Residence — CYRIL HENRY TREVOR-ROPER, Gentleman. Born May 13, 1877, being the eldest son of the late Henry Pellew Trevor-Roper, by his wife Amy Juliet, youngest dau. of Rev. George Preston. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per fesse sable and or, a pale and three roebucks' heads erased counterchanged (for Roper) ; 2 and 3, per bend sinister ermine and ermines, a lion rampant or, and for distinction a canton sable, thereon an escallop argent, charged with a cross flory of the fourth (for Trevor). Mantling azure and or. Crests— i. a lion rampant sable, holding in his dexter paw a ducal coronet or (for Roper) ; 2. on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a wyvern, wings elevated sabie, and for distinction on the breast an escallop, charged as in the arms (for Trevor). Motto — "Spes mea in Deo." Residence — DACRE TREVOR-ROPER, Gentleman. Born Jan. 12, 1839, being the fifth son of the late Charles Blaney Trevor- Roper, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , High Sheriff 1835, by his wife Mary, only dau. of Samuel Knight of Manchester. Armo- rial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per fesse azure and or, a pale and three roebucks' heads erased counterchanged (for Roper) ; 2 and 3, per bend sinister ermine and ermines, a lion rampant or, and for distinction a canton sable, thereon an escallop argent, charged with a cross flory of the fourth (for Trevor). Mantling azure and or. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant sable, holding in his right paw a ducal coronet or (for Roper) ; 2. on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a wyvern, wings elevated sable, and for distinction on the breast an escallop, charged as in the arms (for Trevor). MottO — " Spes mea in Deo.'' Married, Aug. 25, 1875, Louisa, dau. of William Wanklyn ; and has Issue — (i) Lennard Carew Trevor-Roper, Gentle- man, b. July 22, 1876; (2) Hubert Trevor-Roper, Gentleman, b. Dec. 5, 1877 ; (3) Henry Blayney Trevor-Roper, Gentle- man, b. Sept. 1881, d. April i, 1882; (4) Ranulph Dacre Trevor-Roper, Gentleman, b. April 13, 1893 ; and Mary and Margaret Roper. Residence — S GEORGE DACRE TREVOR-ROPER, Gentleman, Surgeon R.N. Born Sept. 17, 1862, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late George Trevor-Roper of Fern Park, Cheshire, M.D. , by his wife Amelia, dau. of Captain Archibald Macdonald, R.N. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per fesse azure and or, a pale and three roebucks' heads erased counterchanged (for Roper) ; 2 and 3, per bend sinister ermine and ermines, a lion ram- pant or, and for distinction a canton sable, thereon an escallop argent, charged with a cross flory of fhe fourth (for Trevor). Mantling azure and or. Crests — i. a lion ram- pant sable, holding in his right paw a ducal coronet or (for Roper) ; 2. on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a wyvern, wings elevated sable, and for distinction on the breast an escallop, charged as in the arms (for Trevor). Motto — " Spes mea in Deo." Residence — TRICKETT, quartered by DENT. TRICUBBE, quartered by BRACKENRIDGE. TRIST of Tristford (H. Coll.). Azure, a cinquefoil, between an estoile between two ears of wheat leaved and is tbe Naval Cockade. 4S •374 Cro Cro •lipped, in chief as many cstoilcs in fesse, and a like ear of wheat in base all or. MantUng azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, two cinquefoils fessewise or, thereon a crow close sable. Motto — ' ' Nee triste nee trepide." Only s. of William Samuel Gwatkin Trist, Esq., Capt. and West India Regt., b. 1850; d. 1882; m. Amy Jane, d. of P. J. Margary of Wingfield Villa, Stoke, and gd. of Sir William Russell, 1st Bart., of Charlton Park, Cheltenham : — Francis Warren Trist, Gentleman, b. 24 Feb. 1882. Seats— TTisliotd, Harberton, South Devon, Behan Pare, St. Veryan, Grampound Road, Cornwall. Club— 'Sew Oxford and Cambridge. TROLLOP, quartered by LANE. TROTMAN (i6i6). Argent, a cross gules between four roses of the same, barbed vert. Crest — A garb bound up with a band argent and azure, between two ostrich-feathers. Son of Rev. Fiennes Samuel Trotman, by his wife Mary, d. of Rev. Nicholas Earle : — Rev. Edward Fiennes Trotman, B.C.L. (Oxon.), V. of Marshfield and Hon. Canon of Bristol, b. 1828 ; m. 1859, Anne Symes, d. of Peter Cox of Beaminster, Dorset ; and has issue — (i) Fiennes Trotman, Gentleman, b. 1862 ; (a) Edward Trotman, b. 1863 ; (3) Charles Newsham Trotman, Gentleman, b. 1864; (4) William Wykeham Trotman, Gentleman, b. 1865; (5) Henry Leigh Trotman, Gentleman, b. 1867 ; (6) Francis Earle Trotman, Gentleman, t. 1869. /fes. — Marshfield Vicarage, Chippenham. ERNEST BALFOUR TROTTER, Gentleman. Born March 24, 1851, being the sixth son of the late William Trotter, Esq., J. P. (who assumed by Royal Licence, Dec. 3, 1868, the surname of Trotter in lieu of that of Browm. and was permitted to bear the arms of Trotter quarterly with those of his own family, such surname and arms to be used by his issue), by his wife Mary Elizabeth, only dau. and heir of George Welbank of St. James's Place, Middlesex. ArmorlJd bearings — Quarterly i and 4. argent, a crescent gules, on a chief indented azure, three mullets pierced of the field (for Troiti-r) ; a and 3. azure, a chevron chcciuy argent and sable, between three Heurs-de-lis of the second (for Brown). Mantling gules and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a horse trotting argent (for Trotter) ; a. on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant gules, in his dexter forepaw a fleur-de-li:> argent (for Brown). Mottoes Over the crest of Trotter, " Fcstina lente" ; over the crest of Brown, " Fortitudine et fidelitate." Married, April la, 1883, Katherine Isabella, eldest dau. of H. S. Patteson of Cringleford, co. Norfolk. Residence— 10 Granville Place, South Kensington, S. W. SSiK HENRY TROTTER. K.C.V.O. (1901), Major- General in the Army, and Commanding the Home District, late Grenadier Guards. Born January 5, 1844, being the elder son of the late Richard Trotter of Morton- hall, CO. Midlothian, J. P. and D.L. , by his wife Mary, dau. of General Sir John Oswald, G.C. B. , of Dunnikier. Livery — Dark blue coat, broad blue and white striped waistcoat silver buttons. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent a fesse gules, Ixjiween three nmllets in chief sable and a crescent in base azure ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron gules between three boars' heads couped sable, impaling the arms of Gifford, namely azure, a chevron between three stirrups with leathers or, within a bordure engrailed argent, pellett^e. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a knight in armour proper, holding his courser argent, caparisoned gules; and m an escroll over the same this Motto, " Im- promptu ; " and for his Supporters, on the dexter side of the escutcheon, a lion rampant gules, and on the sinister side a horse argent, maned, and unguled or. Married, May 24, 1866, Eva, commonly known as the Honourable Eva, daughter of the Right Honourable Robert Francis Gifford, second Baron Gifford ; and has Issue — (1) Algernon Richard Trotter, Esq., D.S.O., b. June 20, 1870, Capt. 2nd Life Guards ; (2) Gerald Frederic Trotter, Esq. , D.S.O., b. July 21, 1871, Capt. Grenadier Guards; (3) Edward Henry Trotter, Esq., D.S.O., b. Dec. i, 1872, Capt. (Jrenadier Guards ; (4) Reginald Baird Trotter, Esq., Lieut. Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, b. March 25, 1874; and Meta. Estates — Mortonhall, Liberton, co. Midlothian ; Charterhall, Duns, co. Berwick, N.B. Postal address — Mortonhall, Liberton, Edinburgh. Town residence — 33 Cadogan Square, S.W. Clubs — Guards', Carlton, United Service. The Rev. HENRY EDEN TROTTER, M.A., Rector of Whitchurch, Oxon; Hon. Canon (Ch. Ch. Oxford). Born June 2, 1844, being the fourth son of the late William Trotter, Esq., J. P. (who assumed by Royal Licence, Dec. 3, 1868, the surname of Trotter in lieu of that of Brown, and was permitted to bear the arms of Trotter quarterly with those of his own family, such surname and arms to be used by his issue), by his wife Mary Elizabeth, only dau. and heir of George Welbank of St. James's Place, Middlesex, by Anne his wife, eldest dau. of James Trotter of Horton. Armorial bearings -Quar- terly 1 and 4, argent, a crescent gules, on a chief indented azure, three mullets pierced of the field (for Trotter) ; 2 and 3, azure, a chevron chequy argent and sable, between three fleurs-de-lis of the second (for Brown). Mantling gules and argent. Crests — 1. on a wreath of the colours, a horse trotting argent (for Trotter) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant gules, in his dexter forepaw a fleur-de-lis argent (for Brown). Mottoes— Over the crest of Trotter, " Festina lente " ; over the crest of Brown, " Fortitudine et fidelitate." Married, April 19, 1877, Mary Hodgson, only dau. of W. S. Gillett of Harefield, Southampton. Postal (7on an anchor. Sons of Henry Trower Gentleman, b. 1814 ; d. 1899 ; m. 184a, Helen, d. of William Seymour: — Henry Seymour Trower, Gentleman, b. 1843 ; m. 1871, iuliet, d. of M. M. Salomons. Res. — 9 Bryanston Square, lyde Park. W. Percy Bence Trower, Gentleman, b. 1846 ; m. 1876, Agnes, d. and coh. of late H. Alexander Bence, Esq., of Thorington Hall, Suffolk (High Sheriff of that county ) [Arms of Bence, borne on escutcheon of pretence, viz.: Argent, on a cross between four frets gules, a castle or] ; and has issue — (i) Alfred Bence Trower, Gentleman, b. 1880 ; (a) Richard Alexander Bence Trower, Gentleman, b. i88a ; (3) Guy Bence Trower, Gentleman, b. 1887 ; (4) Edward Bence Trower, Gentleman, b. 1890; (5) Henry Bence Trower, Gentleman, b. 1893 ; Agnes Helen ; and Muriel Bence. Res. — . Club — Conservative. TROYTE, see ACLAND-TROYTE. HUGH LEONARD TROYTE, Esq., J.P. co. Devon. Lieut. 20th Hussars, 1894-1898, Major 3rd Vol. Batt. Devon Regt. Born 1870, being eldest son of the late Col. Charles Arthur Williams Troyte of Huntsham Court, J.P. and D.L. for Devon (High Sheriff 1881), Patron of Huntsham, Hon, Major ist. R. Devon Yeo. Cav., and Col. Comm. 3rd Vol. Batt. Devon Regt., by his wife Katharine Mary, eldest dau. of Sir John Walrond Walrond, 1st Bart. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or, an eagle displayed with two heads proper, a bordure invected ermine, and for distinction in chief a cross crosslet sable (for Troyte) ; 2 and 3, chequy argent and sable, a fesse gules (for Acland). Mantling gules and or. Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's wing sable, charged with five estoiles or, environed with a snake proper, the wing charged for distinction with a cross crosslet gold (for Troyte) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a couped arm lying fesseways to the sinister, habited azure, gloved argent, thereon a falcon perched proper, beaked, membered, and belled or (for Acland). Motto — "A Deo in Deo." 5ea/— Huntsham Court, Bampton, Devon. Club — National. S GEORGE TROYTE -CHAFYN- GROVE, Esquire, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Deputy-Lieu- tenant and Justice of the Peace for the counties of Somerset and Dorset, Justice of the Peace for the county of Wiltshire, High Sheriff for the county of Dorset 1888, Patron of four livings. Born October 16, 1829. being the only son of the late George Bullock, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of North Coker House, in the county of Somerset, by his wife Caroline, youngest daughter of Charles Grove, Doctor of Medicine. In compliance with the provi- sions of the will of his maternal relative, the Reverend Edward Berkeley Troyte, Doctor of Laws, of Huntsham Court, in the county of Devon (who died 1852), he assumed, by Royal License, the surname of Troyte, in addition to and before that of Bullock, and the arms of Troyte quarterly with his own arms ; and in 1892, upon inheriting the Zeals estates at the death of his cousin Miss Chafyn-Grove, who died 1891, under the will of his cousin William Chafyn- Grove of the Coldstream Guards, who died 1865, he assumed. by a further Royal License, the name of Chafyn-Grove in lieu of that of Bullock, and the arms quarterly. Club— Boodle's. /.jWrK— (dress) white and scarlet ; (undress) claret, white and scarlet striped waistcoat. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly, 1. ermine, on a chevron engrailed eulcs, an escallop or, between two escallops argent (for Grove); 2. gules, a talbot passant or, a chief ermine (for Chafyn) ; 3. or, an engle displayed with two heads proper, within a Iwrdure invected ermine (for Troyte) ; 4. gules, on a chevron between three bulls' heads caboshecl argent, armed or, another chevron ermine charged with as many annulets azure (for Bullock) ; and impaling the arms of Welby, sable, a fesse between three fleurs-de-lis argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, 1. in the centre, upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot passant sable, collared argent (for Grove) ; 2. on the dexter side the crest of Troyte, namely, wpon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's wing sable, charged with five estoiles or. the wing environed by a snake projser ; and on the sinister side the crest of Bullock, namely, on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert five blacks bills erect, banded with a wreath of olive proper, therein p>endent an escutcheon azure, charged with a cross crosslet or. (The arms of Chafyn being set forth without a crest, there not appearing any recorded to that family in the College of Arms. The crest in use was a talbot passant or.) Motto, " Ny dessux ny dessoux." Married, firstly, July 30, 1856, Emily Lucy (which lady died at Geneva, November 8 following), eldest daughter of Henry William Berkeley Portman, Esquire, of Dean's Court, in the county of Dorset ; secondly, Septemfjer 19, i860, Alice, third daughter of Sir Glynne Earle Welby-Gregory, Baronet, of Denton Hall, in the county of Lincoln ; and has Issue — ( 1 ) Edward George Troyte-Bullock, Esquire, late Capt. Royal Dragoons, born September 17, 1862 ; (2) Hugh Ambrose Troyte-Bullock, Gentleman, born July 27, 1867 ; (3) Cecil John Troyte- Bullock, Esq., Capt. ist Somerset Light Infantry, born May 17, 1869 ; Mabel Cicely ; Evelyn Mary ; and Alice Christine. Estates — Zeals House, near Mere, and .Sedgehill, in the county of Wiltshire ; North Coker House, Yeovil, in the county of Somerset ; Silton, Waddon, Chelborough Park, and Corscombe, in the county of Dorset. Postal addresses — North Coker House, Yeovil, Somerset ; Boodle's Club, .S.W. Major-GenekAL ROBERT HOLT TRUELL. Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, J.P. for ^ is tbe Military Cockade. Plate XLVIL leprae -Box, • Hst-a>-T«Rp >oRjsaj5iis:a Cru Cue 1377 CO. of Dorset, served in 53rd Regt. throughout Indian Mutiny 1857-1859, including relief and capture of Luck- now ; in Egypt 1882, and Suakim 1885. Born 1837, being the eldest son of the late Reverend W. Truell of Clon- manon, in co. Wicklow ; created C.B. 1885. Club — United Service. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion rampant, and in chief two hearts gules, and pendent below the escutcheon his badge as a C. B. Mant- ling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a heart gules, between two palm branches vert, and above it on an escroU, "Semper fidelis." Motto — "Diligentia fortior." Married, ist, 1884, Elizabeth (who died 1889), daughter of the late Reverend Charles Onslow, Honorary Canon of Salisbury ; 2nd, 1890, Harriet, dau. of the late George Churchill of Alderholt Park, in co. Dorset. Postal address — Onslow, Wimborne. Rev. WILLIAM HENRY AUGUSTUS TRUELL, late Incumbent of Wall, Staffs. Born May 21, 1843, being the second son of the late Rev. William Truell, Rector of Tyne- ham, Dorset, by his wife Jane, dau. of John Hawkesworth of Forest, Queen's Co. Armorial bearings— Argent, a lion rampant, and in chief two hearts gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a heart gules, between two palm branches vert. Mottoes — Above the crest, "Semper fidelis"; below, "Diligentia fortior." Married, July 29, 1873, Lady Cornelia, only dau. of the late Rev. Edmund Stuart, formerly Rector of Houghton, Dorset, and sister of the 15th and i6th Earls of Moray ; and has Issue— {,\) Robert Holt Stuart Truell, Gentleman, b. Dec. 6, 1875 ; (2) Edmund Gray Stuart Truell, Gentleman, b. Aug. 14, 1878 ; (3) William Henry Stuart Truell, Gentleman, b. Feb. 28, 1890; Mary Louisa \m. 1903]; Cornelia Isabel \m. June 1900] ; Kathleen Augusta ; Gertrude Margaret ; and Constance Elizabeth. 5^a/— Clonmannon, Rathnew, CO. Wicklow. TRUSBUT, quartered by HORDERN. S GEORGE WYATT TRUSCOTT, Esquire, a Com- missioner of Lieutenancy and Alderman of the City of London, the eldest surviving son of the late Sir Francis Wyatt Truscott, Knight Bachelor, by his wife Eliza, dau, of James Freeman of Turnham Green. Livery — Claret, with crimson edge. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, three chevronels gules, between two mullets in chief of the last, pierced of the field, and a knight's helmet in base proper, a chief chequy of the second and first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a fasces erect surmounted by a palm-branch slipped, and an arrow saltire- ways, all proper; with the Mottoes— " Gwir yn erbyn y byd," "In untrumque paratus." Married, Oct. 26, 1889, Jessie Guthrie, eldest dau. of G. Gordon Stanham of Grove Park, Chiswick ; and has Issue — (i) Francis George Trus- cott, Esq., b. Aug. 12, 1894 ; (2) Eric Homewood Truscott, Gentleman, b. Feb. 16, 1898; Mary Guthrie; and Nancy Wyatt. Seat — Oakleigh, East Grinstead. Residence — Greatwood, Chislehurst. Clubs — Constitutional, City Carlton. HENRY NORWOOD TRYE, Esquire. M.A. (Oxon.), J. P. CO. Warwick. Born Feb. 4, 1835, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Charles Brandon Trye of Leckhampton Court, M.A. , J. P., and Hon. Canon of Gloucester, J. P. co. Gloucester, by his wife Jane Ryland, only child of Edward Pickard of Aston, co. Warwick. Armorial bearings— Or, a bend azure. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a buck's head caboshed gules. Mar- ried, Feb. 2, 1865, Mary Elizabeth, only child of the late Richard Roberts Jee, Esq., J. P., of Hartshill, co. Warwick ; and has Issuq — -(i) Charles Brandon Trye, Gentleman, b. April 2, 1867 [ot., June 18, 1898, Mary, youngest dau. of the late Vice-Adm. Benjamin Spencer Pickard of Black- heath, CO. Kent; issue, Charles Brandon, b. June 12, 1900] ; (2) Richard Norwood Trye, Gentleman, b. June 6, 1873 '< (3) John Henry Trye, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N. ,(5. June i, 1875 [?«., Sept. 22, 190Q, Elsie Marguerite, third dau. of Richard Hewitt of 28 Westbourne Gardens, London] ; (4) Edward Hutchins Trye, Gentleman, b. Feb. 26, 1880 ; and Mary Alice Jane. Seat — Hartshill, near Atherstone. The Rev. REGINALD EDWARD, TRYE M.A. (Oxon.), Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Leckhampton. Born June 5, 1843, being the third son of the late Rev. Charles Brandon Trye of Leckhampton Court, J. P. co. Gloucester, by his wife Jane Kyland, only child of Edward Pickard of Aston, co. Warwick. Armorial bearings — Or, a bend azure. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a buck's head caboshed gules. Mar- ried, firstly, April 9, 1872, Charlotte Kate Pascoe, dau. of Edward Glover of Lyniington, Hants ; and by her (who d. March 2, 1879) has Issue— {\) Reginald Brandon Trye, Gentleman, b. Aug. 10, 1874; (2) Philip Charles Edward Trye, Gentleman, b. Dec. 8, 1877 ; and Kathleen Mary. He married secondly, Feb. 22, 1881, Edith Loveday, dau. of Rev. R. D. Alexander, Rector of Southpool, Devon; and by her (who d. Dec. 3, 1891) has Issue — (3) Henry Norwood Trye, Gentleman, b. Feb. 9, 1883 ; (4) Edward Cecil Clare Trye, Gentleman, b. May 1888, d. young ; Mary Gertrude ; Edith Janet Maude ; and Catherine Gladys. He married thirdly, Nov. 27, 1894, Elizabeth, third dau. of Thomas Rees of Haverfordwest. Kesidenec — The Rectory, Leck- hampton, CO. Gloucester. TUCKER (Granted H. Coll., 1538, by Hawl.ey, Claren- ceux). Barry wavy argent and azure, on a chevron em- battled and counter-embattled or, between three sea-horses naiant of the first, five gouttes-de-poix. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erased gules, charged with three billets in pale or, and holding a battle-axe or, head azure. Motto — ' ' Auspice teucro." is tbe Naval Cockade. «378 Cue Cuf Sons of Samu«l Ward Tucker, Gentleman, Solicitor, h. i8as ; d. 1877 ; m. 1870, Kllen Marie, d. of Marquis de Normanville:— Pierce Joseph Tucker, Gentleman. A.M.I.C.E., b. 1871 ; m. 1901. Hilda Mary, d. of Richard Henry E>awson. lies. — Molescroft, Beverley, Host Yorks. John Michael Tucker, Gentleman, Solicitor, b. 187a. Rts.— Son of Thomas Elliot Tucker, Gentleman, b. 1791 ; d. 1852:— Major Thomas John Tucker, b. 1827. /fes.—Uindon, Wilts. TUCKER (H. Coll.). Azure, on a chevron between three sea-horses argent, as many hearts gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crert— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-sea-horse regardant argent, holding in his paws a heart gules. Hotto — " Auspice teucro." Sons of Mar wood Tucker, Gentleman, M.A. ,ofCoryton Park, Devon, b. 1836: m. 1st, 1862, Margaret Anne, d. of F. T. Burcham of Burhill, Surrey : — Charles Marwood Tucker, Esq., J.P, co. Devon, Lieut. R. Devon Yeo. Cav., b. 1864; m. 1894, Ada Geraldine, d. of Michael Henry Williams, Esq., J.P. and D. L. , of Pencalenick, co. Cornwall. Seat — Huckworthy Lodge, Horrabridge, R.S.O. , Devon. Ciub — Oxford and Cam- bridge. CHARLES TUFNELL. Gentleman, being the eldest son of the late Rer. John Charles Fowell Tufnell, Rector of Edburton, Sussex, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Hugh Penfold. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a fesse argent, between three ostrich feathers erect proper, as many mart- lets sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, holding in the gauntlet a cutlass argent, a hilt or. Residence — S EDWARD TUFNELL, Esquire, Major Royal Irish Regt. Bom June 13, 1848, being the second son of Edward Carleton Tufnell, Barrister, by his wife Honoria Mary, only dau. of Col. Macadam, K. H. Armorial bearings— Azure, on a fesse argent, between three ostrich feathers erect proper, as many martlets sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, holding in the gauntlet a cut- lass argent, hilt or. Married, Feb. 3, 1883, Catherine, third dau. of Gilbert McMicking of Miltonise, Wigton- shire. Residence — EDWARD A. MURRAY TUFNELL, being the third son of the late John Jolliffe Tufnell, Esquire, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1870, by his second wife Eleanor Margaret, youngest dau. of the late Rt. Rev. George Murray, Lord Bishop of Rochester. Armorial bearii^rs- Azure, on a fesse argent, between three ostrich feathers erect proper, as many martlets sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, holding in the gauntlet a cutlass argent, hilt or. Married, Ethel Cicely Harriet, dau. of Robert Wood- house of Writtle, Essex. Residence - Thk Reverend FREDERICK TUFNELL, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. Oxford, Rector of Sudbury, Derby- shire. Born October 21, i860, being the third son of E. Carleton Tufnell, Barrister-at-Law, of 26 Lowndes Square. London, S.W. , by his wife Honoria Mary, dau. of Col, Macadam, Knight of the Hanoverian Guelphic Orders. Livery — Light drab. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a fesse argent between three ostrich feathers erect proper, as many martlets sable ; and impaling the arms of Erskine, quarterly i and 4 argent, a pale sable (for Erskine), 2 and 3 azure, or bend between six cross crosslets fitch^e or (for Mar). Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, tied about the wrist azure, holding in the gauntlet a scimitar argent, hilted or. Motto, " Manus haec inimica tyrannis." Married, first, Aug. 4, 1887, the Hon. Margaret Vernon [d. Dec. 27, 1888), dau. of the Rt. Hon. Augustus Henry, 6th Lord Vernon ; and has Issue — Honoria Margaret. He married secondly, July 29, 1899, Lady Frances Elisabeth Erskine, dau. of the Ri. Hon. Walter Henry, nth Earl Mar and iilh Earl of Kellie; and has further Issue— {\ Henry Frederick Erskine Tufnell, Gentleman, b. May 1903 ; and Mary Louisa Victoria. Postal address — Sudbur Rectory, Derby. Clubs — Oxford and Cambridge, Wc lington. HENRY ARCHIBALD TUFNELL, Gentleman. Bor May 15, 1854, being the only son of the late Rt. Hon. Henr Tufnell, Q.C., M.P., by his second wife Hon. Franc Byng, dau. of Gen. John, ist Lord I>ord, afterwards Earl ( Strafford. Armorial bearings— Azure, on a fesse argent between three ostrich feathers erect proper, as many mar lets sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armou proper, holding in the gauntlet a cutlass argent, hilt Residence — HUGH RICHARD TUFNELL, Gentleman. Bor Oct. 13, 1857, being the son of the late Rev. Georgl Cressner, M.A., Rector of Little Easton, Dunmow, by hif wife Gratiana Fanny, dau. of the Rev. Thomas CoUingwoo ' Hughes. Armorial bearing^s — Azure, on a fesse argent between three ostrich feathers erect proper, as many mar lets sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armou proper, holding in the gauntlet a cutlass argent, hilt Residence — ROBERT HUTCHISON CAMPBELL TUFNELI Esquire, Major (retd.). Born May 8, 1852, being the elde^ son of the late Thomas Robert Tufnell, by his wife Franc Howard, dau. of Major J. W. Hutchison, 7th Highlande Armorial bearing^s — Azure, on a fesse argent, bet wee three ostrich feathers erect proper, as many martlets sabli Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of th. Oct. 26, i85i;[w., firstly, Sept. 8. 1875, Mary Wilson, dau. of Andrew Robertson of Elm- liank, Montreal, Canada, and by her (who ei. Aug. 7, 1876) he had an only child, Marie Stewart. He tn. secondly, lune 9, 1880, Ada Campbell, dau. of Sir Thomas Gait, Ontario, and by her has, Charles Stewart Tupper, Esq., *. Aug. 8, 1884 ; Jessie Campbell ; and Frances] ; (2) Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper, K.C.M.G. [to whom refer]; (3) William Johnston Tupper, Esq., of Winnipeg, Barrister-at- Law, />. June 29, 1862 [w., July 6, 1887, Margaret, dau. of the Hon. James McDonald of Blink Bonnie, Chief-Justice of Nova Scotia, and has issue, Charles William Tupper, Gentleman ; Katherine Gladys ; Frances Amelia ; Emma Lilian; and Edith Margaret]; Emma [m., July 22, 1869, Major General Donald Roderick Cameron, C.M.G., Com- mandant Royal Military College, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, and has issue] ; Elizabeth Stewart, died an infant, Nov. I, 1850 ; and Sophie Almond, d. Aug. 17, 1863. Seat — Armadale, Halifax, Nova Scotia. GASPARD LE MARCHANT TUPPER, Esquire, Lieu- tenant-General (retired). Bom August 26, 1826, being the eldest son of Daniel Tupper of Guernsey, by his wife Anna Maria, daughter of Major-General Le Marchant (killed at Salamanca). Clui — Army and Navy. Livery — Blue. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, on a fesse engrailed between three boars passant or, as many escallops gules, a canton ermine, thereon pendent from a chain a medal bearing the profiles of "William and Mary," gold. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a greyhound passant ermine, charged on the shoulder with a slip of oak fructed propwr, the dexter forepaw resting on an inescut- cheon azure, charged with a medal pendent from a chain as in the arms; with the Motto, "L'Espoir est ma force." Married, May 13, 1861, Mary Charlotte, daughter of Sir Charies Smith, Bart., of Suttons, Essex; and has Issue— Florence le Marchant. Postal address — 24 Cornwall Gardens, London, S.W. TURBUTT. quartered by DE UPHAUGH. The Rev. JOHN LAUNCELOT TURBUTT (for- merly ERRINGTON), Clerk in Holy Orders, M. A. (Oxon.), Vicar of Midgham, Berkshire; assumed the name and arms of Turbuit by Royal Licence 1895. Bom Sept. i8a8, being the second son of the late George Henry Errinj ton, Esq., of Chadwell Hall and Lexden Park, Essex, Ashbourne, Derby. J. P.. D.L. (High Sheriff i860), Hig Steward of Colchester, by his wife Fanny, eldest dau. John Fletcher Mills of Lexden Park. Livery — Dark bli white facings. Armorial bearlngfs —Azure, three Heurs-de lis in fesse, between as iiKiny tiubuts all argent. Mantlt azure and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours in front of a dexter arm embowed proper, grasping a Ir dent in bend sinister or, a fountain. Motto — " Non sibi ! suis." Married, Feb. 10, i860, l*"rances Isabella Turbut dau. of the Rev. Henry John Cioodwin of Hinchley Wc and Belmont, co. Derby ; and has /w;/ing the eldest so of the late Edmund Henry Turton, Esq., J.P. and D.L. fo the North Riding of Yorkshire, late Capt. 3rd Dragoa Guards, by his wife Lady Cecilia Mary Leeson, second dau and co-heiress of Joseph, Rt. Hon. fourth Earl of Miltown| K.P. Clubs — Brooks's, Si. James's, Yorkshire. Armo rial bearings — Ermine, nine trefoils slipped, four, thre and two alternately vert and azure, in base a cross crosslc fitchde sable, a canton gules. Mantling vert and argent Crest — Out of park pales gules, a dexter cubit ai habited vert, cuffed argent, the hand holding a banner pale argent and azure, the fringe or, charged with a tre'foS slipped fesse ways, counterchanged. Motto — " Formosa qua honesta." Married, Aug. 9, 1888, Clementina Sarah second dau. of the Rt. Hon. Sir Spencer Ponsonby Fane G.C.B., P.C., of Brympton Park, co. Somerset; and ha Issue — Edmund Spencer Turton, Gentleman, b. May i^ 1889. 5ea/5— Upsall Castle, Thirsk ; Ugthorpe Lodg CO. York. SPHINEAS BARRETT TUTHILL, Esquire, Lieut.| Col. (retired pay Royal Army Medical Corps), M.DJ and has Diploma in State Medicine (University Dublin), F.R.C.S.I. Born Nov. 4, 1850, being the onl| is the Military Cockade. Ctoe Ctoe 1383 son of John Tuthill, formerly of Kilmore, co. Limerick, ^- 1793; '^- 1876; m. 1846, Margaret, his second wife, eldest daughter of Robert Lloyd, M.D. (brother of Rev. Bartholomew Lloyd, D.D. , Provost Trinity College, Dub- lin). Livery — Undress : chocolate coloured coat, red waistcoat, silver buttons ; and for full dress : azure blue plush breeches. Armorial bearings — Quarterly, i. azure, on a bend argent, cotised or, a lion passant sable (for Tuthill, 1563) ; 2. argent, on a cross gules, five escallops or (for Villiers) ; 3. azure, three bars argent, on a chief of the second three annulets gules (for Cooke) ; 4. sable, a cross engrailed or, in the first quarter a mullet argent (for Peyton) ; 5. argent, three piles wavy gules meeting in the base point (for Gernon); 6. or, a fesse gules (for Colvile) ; 7. or, a chevron gules, on a chief azure three mullets argent (for Sutton) ; 8. gules, a chevron engrailed ermine between three falcons rising argent, beaked, legged, and belled or (for Francis) ; 9. argent, on a chevron between three demi-lions rampant gules three bezants (for Fisher) ; 10. azure, a fesse ermine between three leopards passant regardant or (for Woodcocke) ; 11. gules, a lion rampant or between two flaunches and a pile in point ermine (for King) ; 12. per fesse wavy sable and azure, a quadrangular castle argent (for Rawson, afterwards Viscount Clontarf) ; 13. or, on a chevron vert, three raven's heads erased argent (for Craford) ; 14. per fesse argent and sable, a cross patonce between four mullets counterchanged (for Colman) ; 15. argent, a chev- ron gules between three greyhounds courant sable (for Gaynsford) ; r6. argent, a saltire gules, on a border sable twelve bezants (for De la Poyle) ; 17. argent, a chevron engrailed between three bugle-horns sable (for Wirley) ; 18. azure, three lozenges or (for Stopford) ; 19. argent, a fesse between three boar's heads conped sable (for Alseyn or Alscn) ; 20. or, a lion rampant regardant sable, on a canton azure a cross pat^e fitchfe of the first (for Lloyd). Mant- ling gules, doubled argent. Crest — -On a wreath of the colours, argent and sable, on a mount vert, a turtle-dove proper, holding in her beak an olive branch vert, fructed or. Motto — " Pacis ac legis jure." Residence — Summersdale, Chichester, Sussex. Club — Junior United Service. MICHAEL FORBES TWEEDIE, Gentleman. Born March 30, i860, being the eldest son of the late Alexander Forbes Tweedie, J. P. for co. Kent, of " Rawlinson," Rol- venden, Kent, and of Alice (now of Rawlinson), dau. of the late Robert Bell. Armorial bearings (rematric. L.0. 1899) — Quarterly i and 4, argent, a saltire engrailed gules, a chief also engrailed azure, the latter charged with a fraise of the first (Tweedie, 1542) ; 2 and 3, counter quartered i. and iiii. , azure, three bears' heads, couped argent, muzzled and langued gules ; ii. and iii. argent, three unicorns' heads erased sable (Forbes of Tolquhoun, 1542). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a boar's head erased proper. Motto — " Thole and think on." Married, July to, 1890, Marian Amelia Clari, dau. of the late Arthur Ellis, Indian Civil Service; and has Issve — Doyne Forbes Tweedie, Gentleman, b. March 21, 1896; and Christian Forbes. Residence — 32 Onslow Gardens, London, S.W. ARTHUR HEARNE TWEEDY, Gentleman, formerly British Vice-Consul and Actmg Consul-General from 1890- 93 to Republics of Haiti and Santo Domingo, Lord of the Manors of Kempston Greys, otherwise Hastingsbury and Kempston Hardwick, and formerly a Lieut. 5th Vol. Batt. Rifle Brigade (i8th Middlesex). Born 1850, being the only surviving son of John Newman Tweedy of Widmore House, Bromley, Kent, and Montagu Square, W., by his wife Dorothea Esther Henrietta, only dau. of Capt. W. T. Turpin Fellowes, 2nd Life Guards. Livery — Black, with gold buttons. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, Argent, a saltire engrailed between two escallops in fesse gules, on a chief azure an escallop of the field (for Tweedy) ; 2 and 3, g^les, on a bend flory and counterflory between two increscents argent, three lions' heads erased sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a prick-spur fesseways, a peewit rising projjer, holding in the beak a trefoil slipped vert. Estates — The Hoo, Kempstone, Bedford ; Widmore Lodge, Kent. Residence — Widmore Lodge, Bromley, Kent. Club — Wellington. The Late DOROTHEA ESTHER HENRIETTA TWEEDY, Widow, only surviving child of Capt. W. T. Turpin Fellowes, 2nd Life Guards, by his wife Charlotte Mary, dau. of John Newman, Esq., J. P. and D. L. Bucks. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge — Argent, a saltire engrailed between two escallops in fesse gules, on a chief azure an escallop of the field, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Fellowes, namely gules, on a bend flory and counterflory between two increscents argent, three is the Naval Cockade. «384 Ctne CUiC lions" heads crnswl sable. Married, 1837, John New- man Tweedy (son of Hugh Tweedy); and has Jstue — (i) Hugh d'Oyly 'I'weedy, Gentleman ; (a) Arthur Heame Tweedy, Gentleman ; Charlotte Mary [m. John Balfour Inglis]; Violet Sarah ; and Elizabeth Harriott [»«. William Ridley Richardson], Seat — Widmore House, Bromley, Kent. GEORGE ALFRED TWEEDY, Gentleman, a member of the Bengal Civil Service, and a District and Sessions Judge in the N.W. Provinces. Bom July 28, 1856, being the eldest son of the late Hugh Tweedy, of H.M. Civil Service, by his wife Anne Jane, dau. of the late Captain Pottinger, R.N., of Lerwick, Shetland. C/a*— East India United Service. Armorial bearings — Argent, a saltire engrailed between two escallops in fesse gules, on a chief azure, an escallop of the Held. Mantling gules and argenti Orert— Upon a wreath of the colours, on a prick-spur fes ways, a peewit rising proper, holding in the beak a trefo slipped vert. Married, Aug. 5, 1884, Margaret, dau. Dr. R. Pottinger, R.N., Inspector-General of Hospitals' and Fleets; and l>as Issue — (i) Hugli Clirislopher Newman Tweedy, d. 1885, d. 1886 ; (3) Robert Pottinger Tweedy, Gentleman, b. June 7, 1887; (3) George John Drumel""' Tweearroquet stand- ing on the stump of a tree, a branch sprouting therefrom all proper. Married, firstly, 1878, Evelyn Harriet, youngest daughter of Sir John Thomas Duller Duckworth, second Baronet (extinct), she died 1880 ; secondly, 1882, Annie Mary Gertrude, only child of the Reverend Edward Lewis ; and has a daughter, Evelyn Dorothy. Estate and postal address — Peatswood, Market Drayton. TYACK (H. Coll.). Or, a fesse wavy between three boars' heads couped sable, two flaunches of the last, each charged with as many roses in pale argent, barbed and seeded proper. Only dau. and heir of Jonathan Higgs Tyack of Cam- borne, Cornwall : — Mary Annie, m. Richard Samuel Parker, deceased, and has issue two daughters. ^«.— Abingdon Court, Ken- sington. TYDD (U.O.). Argent, a fesse between three bleeding hearts gules. M antl ing gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an arm embowed vambraced, the hand grasping a tilting-spear all proper. Son of Francis Prittie Tydd of Clonmell :— Francis Edward Tydd, Gentleman, LL.B. (Dublin). Res. — Clonmell, co. Tipperary. S ARTHUR HENRY TYLDEN-PATTENSON, Es- quire, Capt. (the Buffs) East Kent Regt., served in the African War 1879, and Zulu Campaign (medal with clasps), and was present at the battle of Ginginhlovo. Horn Sept. 30, 1856, being the second son of the late William Hodges Tylden-Pattenson of Iborncien, Kent, J. P. and D.L., late Capt. unattached, served in the 25th King's Own Borderers, by his wife Eliza Matilda, only child of the late Rev. James Boys, Rector of Biddenden, Kent, and late chaplain H.E.I.C. Madras Establisiiment. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a fesse sable, a bugle-horn strineed of the field, between two fleurs-de-lis or (for Paltenson). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a camel's head erased sable, bczant«5e. Mottoes— " Finem respice," and "Truth and Liberty." Mar- ried, Feb. I, 1893, Alice Maud Mary, elder dan. of ihe late Cyrus] Andrews of Alverton Grange, Notts ; and has Issue — A son, b. March 27, 1894. Club — Naval and Military. S WILLIAM BOYS TYLDEN-PATTENSON, Es- quire, J. P. and D.L. Born May 31, 1855, being the eldest son of the late William Hodges Tylden-Patten- son, Esq., J. P. and D. L., by his wife Eliza Matilda, only child of the late Rev. James Boys, Rector of Biddenden, Kent, and late Chaplain H.E.I.C. Madras Establishment. Armorial bearings — argent, on a fesse sable, a bugle-horn stringed of the field, between two fleurs-de-lis or (for Pat- tenson ). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — On a wreath of the colours, a camel's head erased sable, bezantde (for Pattenson). Mottoes — " Finem respice," and " Truth and Liberty." Seats — Ibornden and Dashmonden, Bid- denden, Cranbrook, Kent. C/«^— Conservative. EDWARD WILLIAM EGERTON TYLDEN- WRIGHT, Esquire, Capt. 4th Notts and Derbyshire Rifle Volunteers, County Councillor, Notts. Born May 20, 1868, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Charles Collins Onley Tylden- Wright, Esq., J. P. for cos. Notts, Worcester, and Stafford, F.G.S., is the Military Cockade. Cpl Cpt 1387 M. I.C.E. , Lieut. Sherwood Rangers 1861-77; who as- sumed the additional surname of Tylden by Royal Licence i860, by his first wife Jane Elizabeth, only dau. and heir of the late Sir John Maxwell Tylden, Knight Bachelor, J.P., D.L., of Milsted, Kent, formerly Lieut. -Col. in command 52nd Regt. Livery — Dark blue, gold piping. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per fesse azure charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling^ sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi- cat-a-mountain or, charged on the shoulder with two cross crosslets fitch^e in saltire gules, holding between the paws a rose argent. MottO — " Solo Deo salus. " Club — Junior Constitutional. e GEORGE WILLIAM TYLER, Gentleman, Lieu- tenant of Royal Navy. Born July 22, 1852, being the eldest son of the late Charles Frederick Tyler, Esquire (second son of the late Sir George Tyler, Knight of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order, of Cottrell). Club — Naval and Military. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, on a fesse wavy or, between three tigers passant guardant erminois, a cross patde of the first between two crescents gules, in the centre chief point, pendent from a ribbon, a representation of the gold medal presented to the late Sir Charles Tyler by command of the Sovereign for his services at the battle of Trafalgar (in which he commanded the ' ' Ton- nant"), and underneath the word "Trafalgar," in letters of gold. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a tiger salient guardant proper, navally crowned or, in the dexter paw a flagstaff, therefrom flying the French tri-coloured flag depressed and reversed. Married, October 6, 1887, Juliet Alice, only surviving daughter of Major-General John Wood, Bombay Staff Corps; and has Issue — (i) George Edward Tyler, Gentle- man, born October 29, 1888 ; (2) Trevor St. Vincent Frederick Tyler, Gentleman, born June 21, 1891. Seat — Cottrell, Cardiff. TYNDALE, quartered by BISCOE. and or, two barrulets between five leopards' faces, two in chief and three in base all counterchanged (for W^right) ; 2 and 3, azure, on a saltire ermine, between two pheons in pale and as many serpents nowed in fesse or, a pheon sable, a chief engrailed argent (for Tylden). Mant- ling azure and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, issuant from the battlements of a tower or, a dragon's head proper, charged with two barrulets, and holding in the mouth an escallop both also or (for Wright) ; 2. on a mount vert, in front of a battleaxe erect, entwined by a serpent proper between two pheons, a pheon or (for Tylden). Motto — "Treu und fest." Married, June 20, 1903, Ruth Ellen, dau. of William Allen of Creswell Holme, Worksop. 5ea/— Woodlands, Worksop. Cltibs — Isthmian, County (Nottingham). Lieutp:nant-Colonel CHARLES JOHN ROPER TYLER, J. P., Major late 80th Foot, served in Crimean China, and South African Campaigns, and in Perak Expedi- tion. Bor?i 1835, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Charles Henry Tyler, Esq., D.L. , Lieut. -Col. East Kent Militia, by his wife Delilah Benwell. Armorial bearings — Sable, on a fesse wavy or, between three tigers passant guardant erminois, a cross patde of the field, between two crescents gules. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a tiger salient guardant proper, navally crowned or. Married, 1865, Catharine, dau. of W. F. Dobson of Beerstead House, near Maid- stone ; and has Issue — Charles William Roper Tyler, Gentleman, b. Dec. 1, 1866; and Mabel. Seat — Lodge- Linsted, co. Kent. Sir FREDERICK CHARLES TYLER, 2nd Baronet, of Queenhithe, in the City of London. Born May 17, 1865, being the younger but only surviving son of the late Sir George Robert Tyler, ist Bart., Lord Mayor of London; by his wife Augusta, eldest dau. of Frederick William Stein of Elgin Road, Kensington. Armorial bearings — Sable, on a fesse invected or, I etween three cats-a-mountain passant guardant argent, a fasces in bend surmounting a sw ord in bend sinister proper, between two crescents gules, in the centre chief point a rose of the third ; the escutcheon TYNTE, see KEMEYS-TYNTE. SFORTESCUETYNTE, Esquire, Major Dublin Fusi- liers. Born 1841, being the elder son of the late Joseph Tynte Tynte, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Tynte Park, Dublavin, co. Wicklow, who assumed by Royal Licence 1836 the surname of Tynte, in lieu of his patronymic Pratt, by his wife Geraldine, second dau. of the late William Richard Hopkyns Northey of Suffolk Lawn, Cheltenham. Armorial bearings ~ Gules, a lion dormant between six crosses crosslet argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn sejant argent, horned and crined or. Married, 1884, Mary, dau. of T. H. May-Somerville of Whitecroft, co. Dumfries, and widow of Charles Gustavus Rochfort of Rochfort Bridge, co. Westmeath. Residence — Tynte Park, Dunlaven, co. Wicklow. TYNTE, (R.L. , 1836, U.O.). Vert, a lion dormant between six cross crosslets argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn sejant argent, horned and crined or. Sons of Joseph Pratt Tynte (formerly Pratt), b. 1815; d. 1896 ; m. 1840, Geraldine, d. and coh. of William Richard Hopkins Northey of Suffolk Lawn, Chelten- ham : — Fortescue Joseph Tynte, Esq. {q.v.). Mervyn Chaloner Stephen Tynte, Esq., Lt.-Col. late 4th D.G. , R. M. CO. Londonderry, b. 1846; in. 1878, Alice Elise, d. of Arthur Latham of Weaste Hall, Manchester ; and has issue — (i) Mervyn Patrick Arthur Tynte, Gent., Lieut. 2nd Batt. Roy. Munster Fus., b. 1878; (2) Audley Fortescue Tynte, Gentleman, Lieut. Wicklow Art., b. , Elise Geraldine Katie \in. 1903, Hardress E. Waller of Troy] ; and Norah Ina Violet. Res. — Tynte Lodge, CO. Leitrim. TYRELL, see TUFNELL- TYRELL. ROGER WILLIAM GIFFARD TYRINGHAM, Es- quire. Born August 5, 1870, being the only son of the late is tbe Naval Cockade. 1388 Cpr Cpr Willuun Backwell Tyringham, Esq., of Tyringham and Trevethoe, by his wrife Fanny Adda, second dau. of Col. W. Wilby. Commanding ist Batt. 4th King's Own Regiment, ▲rmorl&l bMurlngs— Me l>ears for Arms : Azure, a saltire engmilcd argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet behtting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Orett, upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot's head cou|>e>l gules, billctt^ or. AVa/j— Tyringham, in the county of Buckingham ; Trevethoe, in the county of Cornwall. TYRRELL (R.L., 11 Oct. 1892. U.O.). Vert, two pallets ermine, on a chief or, a demilion rampant gules, between two crosses putie of the field, a bordure argent, charged with eight trefoils slipped of the first. Mantling vert and ardent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion rampant gules, holding between the paws a cross pat6e vert, a garb fessewise or. Son of : — Thomas Francis Tyrrell (formerly ), Gentleman, i. ; m. 22 Aug. 1889, Bridget Agnes, d. of Patrick Dillon Tyrrell of Annagh. Seat — Annagh, Ballyhaunis, CO. Mayo. ©HUGH TYRWHITT, Esquire, commonly called the Hon. Hugh Tvrwhitt, Capt. R.N. Bofn July 14, 1856, being the third son of the late Sir Henry Thomas Tvrwhitt, Bart., by his wife the Rt. Hon. Emma Harriet Tyrwhitt, Baroness Berners. Armorial bearings Gules, three tyrwhittsor, and impaling the arms of Foster, namely, party per pale argent and sable, on a chevron a pheon between two escallops, in chief as many pheons, and in pale two escallops all counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a woodman wreathed with oak, holding a club all proper. Married, Aug. 10, 1882, Julia Mary, dau. of William Orme Foster, Esq. , of Apley Park, Salop ; and has Issue —Gerald Hugh Tyrwhitt, Esq., b. Sept. 18, 1883. Residence TYRWHirr-DRAKE (R.L., 1796). Quarterly, i and 4, argent, a wyvern wings elevated gules (Drake, ante 1620, probably c. Henry V.); 2 and 3, gules, three tyrwhits (i.e. lapwings) or (Tyrwhitt, temp. Edward IV.). Mantling gules and argent. Crest— A dexter arm erect, in the hand a battle-axe all proper (for Drake, there being no crest for Tyrwhitt). Sons of Thomas Tyrwhitt-Drake, Esq., J.P., D.L., of Shardeloes and St. Donat's Castle (High Sheriff Bucks 1859), b. 1818; d. 1888; m. 1st, Elizabeth Julia, d. of John Stratton and widow of Col, Wedder- burn : — William Wykeham Tyrwhitt-Drake, Esq., J. P., b. 1851 ; m. 1883, Augusta, d. of Rev. Herbert Richard Peel of Thornton House, Bucks; and has issue — (i) Herbert William Tyrwhitt-Drake, Gentleman, b. 1855 ; (2) Edward Thomas Tyrwhitt-Drake, Gentleman, b. 1887 ; and two daus. Seat — Shardeloes, Amersham, Bucks. Club — Arthur's. Guy Percival Tyrwhitt-Drake, Gentleman, b. 1859. Res. — Scawby, Lincolnshire. Son of Lt.-Col. William Tyrwhitt-Drake, Royal Horse Guards, b. 1785 ; d. 1848 ; m. 1832, Emma, d. of Joseph Thompson Halsey of Great Gaddesden, Herts:— Rev. William Thomas Tyrwhitt-Drake, M.A., Vicar of Great Gaddesden, b. 1835; m. 1872, Harriet, d. of William Trotter of Bishop Auckland ; and has surv. issue— (i) Charles William Tyrwhitt-Drake, Gentleman, b. 1879 ; (2) Wilfrid Dale Tyrwhitt-Drake, Gentleman, b. 1881 ; (3) Barnard Halsey Tyrwhitt-Drake, Gentleman, b. 1882 ; Kathleen ; Lilian Mary ; Violet Harriet ; Margaret Emma ; and May Gladys. Res.— The Vicarage, Great Gaddes- den. Sons of Reverend John Tyrwhitt-Drake, Rector of Amersham, b. 1790 ; d. i860 ; m. 2nd, 1830, Emily, daiL of Charles Drake-Garrard of Lanier Park, Herts :— John Charles Tyrwhitt-Drake, Esq., Capt. late 2nd Queen's Regt., Chief Constable of Bucks, b. 1834 ; m. 1st 1851, Emily Harriet, d. of Major-Gen. D'Urlxm; 2nd 1873, Lydia Mary, d. of A. H. Hamilton of The Retreat Topsham, Devon, and Hullerhirst, co. Ayr ; and has issue Res. — Dulas Court, Pontrilas, Herefordshire. Arthur Frederick Tyrwhitt-Drake, Gentleman, b. m. , Jane Stewart, and has issue one dau. Res. — Dogdene, Salisbury. Hugh William Tyrwhitt-Drake, Gentleman, b. m. , d. of Archdeacon Hopper and widow of Lacon ; and has issue a son, b. . Res. — Cobtree, Sandling, Maidstone. Sons of Rev. George Tyrwhitt-Drake, Rector of Malpas, 3. 1794; d. 1840; tn. 1827, Jane, d. of Joseph Halsey, M. P. , of Gaddesden Park : — Rev. Frederick Edward Tyrwhitt-Drake, M.A. (Oxon.), late Rector of Pulham, Dorchester, b, 1828 ; m. 1859, Maria Diana Charlotte, d. of Nathaniel and Lady Charlotte MIcklethwaite of Taverham Hall, Norfolk ; and has issue— (1) Rev. Algernon Frederick Tyrwhitt-Drake, B.A. (Camb.), b. i860 ; (2) Arthur Tyrwhitt-Drake, Gentle- man (Holnest, Sherborne, Dorset), b. 1861 [m. 1896, Lucy Caroline, eld. d. of Francis Stanier, Esq., D.L., of Peplow Hall; and has issue — Thomas Victor Tyrwhitt- Drake, Gentleman, f>. 1897 ; and Frances Joyce] ; (3) Ernest Tyrwhitt-Drake, Gentleman, b. 1863 [m. 1903, Agnes Caroline, d. of C. W. Goode, M.A. (Oxon.), late of Twickenham] ; and Ethel Gertrude Maria. Res. — Sher- borne, Dorset. Montague William Tyrwhitt-Drake, Esq., a Judge of the Supreme Court of Victoria, B.C., ^. 1830; in. , Johanna Tolmy. Res. — Victoria, B.C. Sir RAYMOND ROBERT TYRWHITT-WILSON, commonly known as the Honourable Sir Raymond Robert Tyrwhitt - Wilson, fourth Baronet, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Born July 22, is the Military Cockade. C?0 1855, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Sir Henry Thomas Tyrwhitt, third Baronet, by his wife the Right Honourable Emma Harriet, in her own right Baroness Berners [to whom refer] ; and assumed the additional sur- name and arms of Wilson by Royal License, September 13, 1892. Creation — October 3, 1808. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, sable a wolf salient or, in chief a fleur-de-lis argent, between two bezants (for Wilson) ; 2 and 3 gules, three tyrwhitts or. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for the Crest of Tyrwhitt, a woodman wreathed with oak, holding a club all proper. Estate and postal address — Stanley Hall, Bridgnorth. GEORGE WALTER TYSER, Esquire, J. P. for the county of Berks. Born 1841, being the eldest son of tlie late George Dorman Tyser of Gloucester Square, Padding- ton. Armorial bearings — Per chevron or and azure, two dexter gloves in chief and a falcon close in base proper, belled and jessed of the first. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreatli of the colours, upon a cotton hank fesseways or, a falcon as in the arms, collared, also or. Motto — " Deo volente surgam." Married, 1864, Annie, eldest dau. of the late Sir Thomas George Augustus Parkyns, Bart.; and has had Issue — (i) Walter Parkyns Tyser, Gentleman, b. 1867 \vt., 1894, Gertrude Elinor, youngest dau. of the late Charles Langton of Barkhill, Liverpool] ; (2) Hugh Tyser, Gentleman, b. 1868 \rn., 1899, Clare Lem- priere, third dau. of Hon. Henry Dobson of Elboden, Hobart, Tasmania] ; (3) Lionel Robert Tyser, Gentleman, b. 1875, d. Aug. 10, 1901 ; (4) George Beaumont Tyser, Gentleman, b. 1877 ; Violet Mary \m., 1899, Rev. Granville Gore Skipwith (see Skipwith, Bart.)] ; Mabe lAnnie, d. in infancy ; Madeleine Amy \m. , 1897, Major Douglas Wilfrid Churcher, 87th Regt. R. Irish Fusiliers]. Residence — Oakfield, Mortimer, Berks. Clubs — Union, City of London. Mni 1389 vigilanter." Estate— VJood. Hall, Cockermouth. Postal TYSON, quartered by RAMSDEN. EDWARD THOMAS TYSON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Cumberland. Born April 23, 1847, being the eldest and only surviving son of the late Edward Tyson, Gentleman, by his wife Isabella Birkett, daughter of the late Thomas Scaife of Liverpool, Shipowner and merchant, second son of Robert Scaife of Birkby Lodge, near Maryport, Yeoman. Livery — Sage green with silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Vert, gutt^e-d'eau, three lions rampant argent, each holding in the dexter paw a torch erect, fired proper. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant vert, gutt^e-d'eau, holding in the dexter paw a torch as in the arms, and resting the sinister upon a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper. Motto — "Fortiter et address — Wood Hall, Cockermouth. Club — County Club (Carlisle). TYTLER, see ERASER- TYTLER and SKENE- TYTLER. Major-Gen. ROBERT FRANCIS CHRISTOPHER ALEXANDER TYTLER, late Deputy Judge-Advocate- General of Bombay Presidency. Born •, being the son of the late Col. Robert Christopher Tytler, late H.E.I.C. Armorial bearings — Gules, a dagger in pale proper, on its point a wolfs head couped of the last, armed and langued argent, between three crescents of the third, a bordure ermine. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — Rays of the sun issuing from behind a cloud proper ; and in an escroU over the same this Motto, " Occultus non extinctus." u SJOHN HENRY FULLARTON UDNY, Esquire, oJ Udny and Dudwick, in the co. of Aberdeen, J. P. and D.L. Born May 9, 1853, being the only surviving son of the late John Robert Fullarton Udny of that Ilk and Dudwick, by his second wife Anne, dau. of J. Allatt. C/«i5— White's. Armorial bearings — Gules, a stag's head with ten tines caboshed or, between two greyhounds counter-salient argent, collared of the field, in chief and base three fleurs-de-lis, two and one of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a fleur-de-lis gules. Supporters — Two savages, wreathed head and middle with oak, and holding in their exterior hands gigantic batons resting on their shoulders proper. Motto — "All my hope is in God." Married, July 8, 1874, Amy Camilla, elder daughter of Sir John George Tollemache Sinclair, third Baronet, of Ulbster and Thurso Castle, in the county of Caithness. Seat — Udny Castle, in the county of Aberdeen. UMFRAVILLE, quartered by FLOYER. UMFREVILLE, quartered by SALVIN. NORMAN COMPTON FITZGERALD UNIACKE, Lieut. R.N. (retired). Bom 1848, being the only son of the late Norman James Biggs Uniacke, Esq., of Mount Uniacke, by Mary Elizabeth, dau. of the late Col. Drink- water Bethune of Balfour, co. Fife. Armorial bearings — Argent, a wolf passant proper, a chief gules. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm erect, gauntleted proper, hold- ing a hawk's lure or. Married, 1882, Louisa, youngest is tbe Naval Cockade. 4T 111 I390 Uni Vim dau, of Willinm Garde of Bilberry, co. Cork. 5w/— Mount Uniacke, co. Cork. S NORMAN JAMES FYFE UNIACKE, Gentleman. Lieut. 19th (Princess of Wales' Own) Hussars. Horn Kfb. 34, 1865. being the second son of the late Norman Fitzgerald Uniacke. 60th Rifles, by Mary Augusta his wife. dau. of Capt. James Winsloe Phillipps. 7th Hussars. Ciit^— Cavalry, /.ixfery— Light drab, red facings. Armo- rial bearing!— .Argent, a wolf passant proper, a chief gules (for Uniacke); a and 3 argent, a leopard's face be- tween a chevron and a chief s.-iblc (for Purdon). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit armed arm erect, gaunlleted proper, holding Laml)ert FitzGerald Uniacke, Gentleman, born Aupfust 30, 1894 ; (a) Desmond Percival EitzGerald Uniacke, Gentle- man, born December 18, 1895 ; Helen Monica Geraldine, died November 7, 1893. /Residence and postal address — ROBERT UNIACKE FITZGERALD UNIACKE. Bom 1821, being the elder son of the late Norman Uniacke, Esq., of Castletown, by Elinor, dau. of Col. Robert Uniacke Fitzgerald. Armorial bearings — Argent, a wolf passant proper, a chief gules. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm erect, gauntleted proper, holding a hawk's lure or. Married, 1854, Florence Elizabeth, dau. of the late Norman Uniacke, Esq., of Mount Uniacke; and ha.s Issue — Robert FitzGerald Uniacke, b. 1858. Residences — Castletown, Kil- leagh, CO. Cork ; 3 Pennsylvania Road, Exeter. a hawk's lure or. MottO— " Unicus est." Married, Nov. 29, 1893, Kathleen Mary Josephine, eldest dau. of the late James Cassidy of Monasterevan, co. Kildare. Postal address — C/o Cox & Co. , Charing Cross. RICHARD GORDON FITZGERALD UNIACKE, Gentleman, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, Fellow of the Royal Society of Antiquaries, Ireland. Born August 19, 1867, being the eldest son of the Reverend Robert FitzGerald Uniacke, Master of Arts, Vicar of Tandridge, in the county of Surrey, by his wife Hannah, daughter of Thomas Salmon, Gentleman, of St. Hilda's, in the county of Durham. Livery — Light drab coat, red collar. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, a woll passant proper, a chief gules ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron and chief sable, in the honour point a leopard's face of the last, and impaling the arms of Lambert, namely gules, three narcissus flowers argent, a canton or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — A dexter cubit armed arm erect, gaunleted proper, holding a hawk's lure or. Married. August 31, 1892, Cecilia Monica, daughter of Frederick Lambert, Gentleman, of Garratts Hall, Banstead, in the county of Surrey; and has had Issue — (i) Bernard Sir ROBERT UNIACKE UNIACKE-PENROSE- FITZGERALD, ist Baronet (Aug. 4. 1896). M.P. for Cambridge since 1885, J. P. and D.L. for co. Cork, LL. B. Trin. Hall, Camb., 1863, and LL.M. 1872, Hon. Col. 9th Batt. King's Royal Rifle Corps. He assumed by Royal Licence, June 26, 1896, the additional surname and arms of Uniacke. Born July 9, 1839, being the eldest son of the late Robert Uniacke Penrose-Fitzgerald, by his wife Frances Matilda, eldest dau. and coheiress of Rev. Robert Austen, LL.D., Prebendary of Cloyne Cathedral. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, ermine, on a saltire gules, a crescent or (for FitzGerald) ; 2. argent, six roses pro- per, three and three, between three bendlets sable (for Pen- rose) ; 3. argent, a wolf passant proper, a chief gules, charged with a crescent of the field for difference (for Uniacke) ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a knight in complete armour, his sword drawn and Ijeaver up all proper, mounted on a horse courant argent, the whole charged with a crescent or. Motto— " Fortis et fidelis." Married, Sept. 13, 1867, Jane Emily, eldest dau. of General Sir William John Cod- rington, G.C.B. Seats — Cork Beg and Lisquinian, co. Cork. Town address — 3sGrosvenor Road, S.W. Clubs— Carlton, Kildare Street (Dublin). is the Military Cockade. am api) 1391 CLEMENT WILLIAM JOSEPH UNTHANK. Es- quire, Capt. in 17th Lancers, J. P. for co. of Norfolk (High Sheriff 1893). Born Aug. 18, 1847, being the elder son of Clement William Unthank, Esq., of Intwood Hall, J. P. and D.L. for Norfolk, and of Mary Anne, dau. of Joseph Salusbury Muskett of Intwood Hall, J. P. for Norfolk. Club — Naval and Military. Livety — Dark green coat, crimson waistcoat, and crimson breeches. Armorial bear- ings — Or, a saltire gules, between two crescents in pale of the last and as many griffins' heads erased in fesse sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased gules, gorged with a collar flory and ducally crowned or, in the beak an increscent or. Motto — " Esto semper fidelis. " Married, May 20, 1873, Judith Sarah, dau. of Onley Savill-Onley, Esq. , of Stisted Hall, J. P. and D.L. for Essex ; and has Isstie — (i) Clement William Onley Unthank, Gentleman, Lieut. 3rd Hussars, b. March 1874, d. at Lucknow from an accident at Polo, Jan. 16, 1900; (2) John Salusbury Unthank, Esq., Capt. Durham Light Infantry, b. July 1875 ; (3) Ralph Arthur Unthank, Gentleman, b. Feb. 1880; Judith Marian, d. at Lucknow, Dec. 9, 1899; Maria Janet ; Marjory Eliza- beth ; Ursula Clementine ; Dorothy Mary ; Cicely May ; and Amy Violet. Seat — Intwood Hall, Norwich. UN WIN (H. Coll.). Per pale sable and gules, two tilting-spears in saltire or, between as many fleurs-de-lis in pale of the last, and two crescents in fesse argent. Mant- ling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, two tilting-spears in saltire proper, surmounted by an escutcheon pendent by a chain both or, charged with a rose gules, leaved proper. Son of • : — John Unwin, Esq., J. P. Lanes., sometime Mayor of Southport, b. . Res. — East Cliffe Lodge, North Meols, Lanes. The Rev. ARTHUR HAMILTON UPCHER, M.A. of Trin. Coll. , Camb. , Rector of Baconsthorpe, co. Norfolk. Bom Oct. 5, 1855, being the fourth surviving son of the late Henry Ramey Upcher, Esq., J. P., D.L., M.A., of Shering- ham Hall, co. Norfolk, by his wife Caroline, dau. of Joseph Morris of Ampthill House, co. Bedford. Armorial bear- ings — Argent, on a chevron azure, between three foxes' heads erased gules, as many pears or. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a plume of five ostrich feathers alternately argent and or, a unicorn's head couped azure, gorged with a ducal coronet or. Motto— " Prasstat opes sapientia." Married, Sept. 10, 1884, Johanna Elizabeth, only child and heir of Rev. Nicholas Simons, M.A. , Vicar of Bramfield, co. Nor- folk ; and has Issue — (i) Nicholas Upcher, Gentleman, b. Dec. 4, 1885; (2) Edwyn Harold Upcher, Gentleman, b. 1888, d. 1893; and Muriel Joan. Postal address — The Rectory, Baconsthorpe, co. Norfolk. The Rev. ARTHUR WILSON UPCHER, M..A. of Trin. Coll. , Camb. , Rector of Ashwellthorpe with Wrening- ham, CO. Norfolk. Born April 7, 1815, being the third son of the late Abbot Upcher of Sheringham Hall, co. Nor- folk, M.A., by his wife the Hon. Charlotte, dau. of the Rt. Hon. and Rev. Henry Wilson, Baron Berners. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron azure, between three foxes' heads erased gules, as many pears or, and impaling the arms of Wodehouse, namely sable, a chevron or, gutt6e-de- sang, between three cinquefoiis ermine. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a plume of five ostrich feathers alternately argent and or, a unicorn's head couped azure, gorged with a ducal coronet or. Motto— " Prsestat opes Sapientia." Married, Oct. 7, 1845, IsaVjella Jane, dau. of the Ven. Charles Nourse Wodehouse, Archdeacon of Norwich [by Lady Dulcibella Jane Hay, dau. of isth Earl of Erroll] ; and has Issue — (i) Rev. Arthur Charles Wodehouse Upcher, M.A. , Rector of Hingham, co. Norfolk, b. Aug. 29, 1846 [m. , July 9, 1881, Margaret Ada Barham, dau. of the Rev. John Barham Johnson, Rector of Welborne, co. Norfolk, and has issue] ; (2) Herbert Wodehouse Upcher, b. and d. 1847 ; (3) Alfred Wodehouse Upcher, b. 1848, d. 1857 ; (4) Somerville Hay Upcher, b. 1850, d. 1868 ; (5) Ven. James Hay Upcher, B.A. , Archdeacon of Mashonaland, b. Jan. 17, 1854; Jane Charlotte \m., 1873, Robert Harvey Mason, Esq. (to whom refer)]; and Emma Mary. Postal address — Hingham, Norfolk. The Reverend HARRY BERNERS UPCHER, B.A., J. P. for Leicestershire. Born Aug. 14, 1845, being the third surviving son of the late Henry Ramey Upcher of Shering- ham Hall, CO. Norfolk, M.A. , by his wife Caroline, dau. of T. Morris, Esq. , of Ampthill. Armorial bearings- Argent, on a chevron azure, between three foxes' heads erased gules, as many pears or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a plume of five ostrich feathers alternately argent and or, a uni- corn's head couped azure, gorged with a ducal coronet or. Motto — "Prasstat opes sapientia." Married, 1867, Frederica Lucy, third dau. of John Thomas Mott of Barningham Hall, Norfolk; and \\&s Issue — (i) Howard Berners Upcher, Gentleman, b. Jan. ir, 1870; (2) Ronald Berners Upcher, dentleman, b. April 19, 1874; (3) Gerald Frederick Upcher, Gentleman, b. May 3r, 1878; and Constance Gertrude, Postal address — Broom Hall, Watton, Norfolk. HENRY MORRIS UPCHER, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for Norfolk. Born Dec. 15, 1839, being the eldest son of the late Henry Ramey Upcher, Esq., J. P., D.L., M.A. (Cantab,), by his wife Caroline, dau. of Joseph Morris of Ampthill House, Bedfordshire. Armorial bearings- Argent, a chevron azure, between three fo.xes' heads erased gules, as many pears slipped or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a plume of five ostrich feathers alternately argent and or, before them a unicorn's head couped azure, gorged with a ducal coronet or. Motto — " Praestat opes Sapientia." Married, June lo, 1869, Maria Hester, only child of Rev. Edward Bowyer Sparke, Canon of Ely and Rector of Feltwell, Norfolk ; and has, with other Issue — Henry Edward Sparke Upcher, Gentleman, B.A. (Cantab.), b. March 27, 1870. Postal address— She.nnghd.m Hall, Norfolk. C/«*.f— Conservative, Sports'. UPHAUGH. see DE UPHAUGH. is tbe Naval Cockade. »39» Upt Hte UPTON, see TEMPLETOWN. FLORENCE ANNE UPTON- COTTRELL DOR- MER, Widow, dau. of the late Thomas Upton of Inemire Hall, by his wife Eliza, second daughter of Benjamin Way of Dentiam Place ; and with her husliand assumed the name and arms of Upton, in addition to and before those of Cottrell-Dormer, by Royal License, dated June 1876. Armozlal bearings are, upon a lozenge : Quarterly I and 4, azure ten billets, four, three, two, and one or, a chief of the last, therefrom issuant a demi-lion rampant sable (for Dormer) ; 2, argent, a bend nebuly guttte-d'eau, between three escallops of the second (for Cotlrell); 3. sable, a cross moline argent (for Upton). and| impaling the arms of Upton. Married, April aa, 1858. Clement Cottrell- Dormer, Esq., of Rousham, co. Oxford, J. P. and U.L. co. Oxford, and J. P. co. York (who d. Dec 29, 1880). Seal— Ingmire Hall, Sedbergh. URQUHART, see POLLARD-URQUHART. USHER of Norton and Wells (1899). Gules, a saltire between four batons argent, garnished sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of bis liveries, a dexter arm couped lielow the elbow, vested azure, cuffed argent, holding in the hand a baton as in the arms. Motto — " Ne vile velis." Sons of Sir John Usher, ist Bart., J.P., D.L., LL.D., b. i8a8 ; d. 1904 ; m. 1853, Mary Anne, d. of Thomas Balmer : — Sir Robert Usher, and Bart., of Norton and Wells (28 Aug, 1899) [AmiB as above, charged with the in- ^tcheon of Ulster as a Baronet], b. i860 ; tn. 1890, Katherme Scott, d. of James TurnbuU of Edinburgh : and has issue— (i) John Turnbull Usher, Esq.. b. 1891- (2) Ronald James Usher. Esq.. b. 1892; (3) Robert Stuart Usher, Esq. ^ 1898; (4) Alexander Balmer Usher, Esq.. b 1902; (s) William Dove Usher, Esq., b. 1904. Seat7~ Norton. Ratho, Midlothian; Wells, Hawick, Res.~ 27 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh. Clubs-Conxrya- tive. University (Edinburgh). Frederick Usher, Esq., J. P. Midlothian [Arms as above. and (rematnc. 7 Dec. 1901) "a bordure of the second." Crest (in lieu of above)— On a wreath of his liveries, a dcmi-fox proper, holding in its paw a Ixiton argent garnished sable. Motto .is above], b. 1862; m. 1901 Rose Emily, eld. d. of Kev. W. J. Knox-Little. Canon of \\orcester Cathedral; .and has issue— Neil John William Heriot Usher, Gentleman, b. 1003. A'«.— Ingliston, Mid- lothian. C/tt^f— Scottish United Service (Edinburgh) University (Edinburgh). USSHER (U.O.). Azure, a chevron ermine, betwetn three batons or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, an arm coujxxl bflow the elbow and erect vested, bendy or and azure, holding in the hand proper a baton or. Motto—" Ne vile velis." Sons of Christopher Ussher, Gentleman, of East well b. 1833 ; d. 1884 ; m. , Olivia, d. of David Ruttledi;.' of Barbersfort, co. Galway :— William Arland Ussher, Gentleman, b. 1876. Sea/~ Eastwell, Kilrickle, Loughrea, co. Galway. Henry Ingham Ussher, Gentleman, b. 1879. A'«.— Son of Christopher Musgrave Ussher, Gentleman, of Camphire, co. Waterford, rf. 1880; m. Eleanor, d. of Thomas O'Grady (niece of ist Viscount Guillamore) :— Thomas O'Grady Ussher. Gentleman, b. 1838 ; m. 1869, Henrietta M.iry (d. 1902), d. of Thomas Harris, Esq., Q.C. • and has issue— (i) Christopher Arthur Ussher. Gentleman, b. 1872 ; (2) Thomas Harris Ussher, Gentleman, b. 1878 • Gertrude Elizabeth ; Eleanor Melian ; and Henrietta Anne. Sea/—F\owerh}]\, co. Waterford. Son of Richard Kelly Ussher, Gentleman, of Cappagh, b. 1778; d. 1854; m. 2nd, Isabella, d. of Col. Jasper Grant. Gov. of Upper Canada :— Richard John Ussher. Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Water- ford (High Sheriff 1901), b. 1841 ; m. 1866, Elizaberh Owen, d. of Rev. John W. Finlay, J. P., of Corkagh House, co. Dublin; and has issue— (i) Beverley Grant Ussher, Gentle- man, b. 1867 [»«• 1898. Emily Horseley, d. of late Arthur Trevor Jebb of The Lyth, Ellesmere. .Salop; and has issue -Perceval Arland Ussher. Gentleman, b. 1899]; 2) Percy John Ussher, Gentleman, b. 1868; (3) Arthur Hamilton Ussher, Gentleman, b. 1869 ; and Isabella Mary Grant [m. 1901, Capt. William Odell]. Seat— CappARh House, Cappagh, S.O., co. Waterford. USTICKE, see NOWELL-USTICKE. REGINALD JOHN GUTHRIE UTERMARCK. § is tbe Military Cockade. Esquire, retired Paymaster. Major, formerly Capt. 96thl Regt. Born 1856, being the only son of the late John! Oati eal 1393 de Havilland Utermarck, Bailiff of Guernsey, by his wife Helen Douglas, dau. of the late John Guthrie of Guthrie, Forfarshire. Armorial bearings— Per fesse or and azure, in chief a sprig of three rose leaves slipped vert, and in base a mullet of six points of the first, pierced of the field. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a sprig of three rose leaves slipped vert, between two buffalo horns per fesse or and azure. Motto — " Va outre marque." Clubs — Junior United Service, Hyde Park. V HENRY SPENCER VADE-WALPOLE, Esquire, assumed by Royal Licence, Oct. 27, 1892, the surname of Vade before that of Walpole. Born March 10, 1837, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Thomas Walpole, M.A. , Oxford, Rector of Alverstoke, Hants, Hon. Canon of Winchester, by his wife Margaret Harriet Isabella, eldest dau. of Col. Henry Hugh Mitchell. Armorial bearings — Or, on fesse between two chevrons sable, three crosslets of the first. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, the bust of a man in profile, couped at the shoulders proper, ducally crowned or, and from the coronet flowing a long cap, turned forwards gules, tasselled gold, charged with a Catherine wheel of the last. Motto — " Fari quae sentiat." Married, July 19, 1877, Frances Selina, second dau. of Tiiomas Bourke, and widow of Denzil Thomas Chamberlayne ; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Henry Bourke Vade- Walpole, Esq., b. Sept. 2, 1879; (2) Horatio Spencer Vade- Walpole, Gentleman, b. July 19, 1881. Seat — Stagbury, Surrey. Clubs — St. James's, Royal Albert Yacht (Southsea). LAWRENCE WILLIAM VAILE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Kent, the Cinque Ports, and Borough of Ramsgate. Born December 4, 1823, being the eldest son of William Phelps Vaile, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of John Malyn. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, on a bend between two bendlets azure, each charged with three cross crosslets fitch^e or, three calves statant argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon in front of two cross crosslets fitchte in saltire gules, a wolf's head erased azure, in the mouth three ears of wheat; with the Motto, "Semper paratus." Married, May 7, 1851, Laura Eleanor, sixth daughter 01 John Golding of Ditton Place, in the county of Kent ; and has Issue — (i) Lawrence William Vaile, Gentleman, born December 11, 1855; (2) the Reverend Arthur Vaile, M.A., Vicar of Exning with Landwade, Suffolk, born March 16, 185R [tn. Jeannette Stuart Jones, and has issue, Laurence Edward Stuart Vaile, Gentleman ; Maurice Arthur Stuart Vaile, Gentleman ; and Laura Rowena Stuart] ; Caroline Sophia ; and Elizabeth Malyn. Postal address — South Cliff House, Sion Hill, Ramsgate. VAIZEY. Azure, a cross engrailed between four cross crosslets crossed argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm in armour, the hand in a gauntlet holding an oak- branch slipped and erect all proper, a cross crosslet crossed argent. Motto — "Sub hoc signo vinces." Sons of John Robert Vaizey, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Attwoods, Essex, Alderman for co. of Essex (High Sheriff 1877), B.A. (London), LL.M. (Trin. Coll., Camb.), Barrister-at-Law, late Major and Essex R.V., b. 1839; d. 1900; m. 1865, Alice, d. of Edward Hornor, Esq., J. P., of The Howe, Halstead, Essex: — Robert Edward Vaizey, Esq., J. P. co. Essex, b. 1868 ; m, 1897, Eleanor Frances, d. of Julius Cxsar of Stratford House, Tunbridge Wells ; and has issue — (i) John Theodore de Home Vaizey, Gentleman, b. 1898; Alice Evange- line; and Alexandra Winifred. Seat — "YWhwy Hall, Halstead, Essex. Club — Constitutional. Francis Arthur Vaizey, Esq., J. P. for Essex, b. 1870. /?«.— Bentalls, Halstead, Essex. C/?^*— Constitutional. H HENRY EDWARD MARTINDALE VALE, Esquire, ^ Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Hereford, Major 3rd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment. Born 1825, being the third son of William Vale, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, Lieutenant Royal Navy. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, or within two bendlets dancett^e gules, between six eaglets displayed, three cross crosslets in bend sable (for Vale) ; 2 and 3 argent, two escallops azure between as many bars gules, over all a bend sable, charged with three martlets or (for Martindale). Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a swan's head Couped at the neck argent, gutt6e-de-poix, surmounting two crosses pat^e fitch^e in saltire gules ; with the Motto, " Semper valens." Married, firstly, 1851, Elizabeth Anne, dau. of John Bur- ton ; secondly, Frances Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Burton, and granddaughter of Sir Richard Burton, 3rd Dragoon Guards and the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms ; and has Issue— {\) The Reverend Harry Burton Martin- dale Vale, Master of Arts, Clerk in Holy Orders, born 1852 ; (2) Octavius Scarlett Martindale Vale, Esquire, Lt.-Col. 4th Battalion Worcestershire Regiment, born 1861 ; (3) Harvey Arnott Martindale Vale, Gentleman, born 1865 ; (4) Hugh Carr Wildman Martindale Vale, Gentleman, born 1866. Estate and postal arfrfr^w— -Coddington Court, near Led- bury. VALETORT, quartered by MALET. is tlie Naval Cockade. «394 Qan Oan VAN MALEN, ancient form of tlie surname HALLEN [lo which refer]. VANCE, see BALBIRN IE- VANCE. BOYLE VANDELEUR. Esquire. Colonel late 5th Lancers, being the son of the late Rev. William Vandeleur. Annorilil tMarlngl— Or, a trefoil vert between three mullets pierced purpure. Mantling vert and or. Oreat — On a wreath of the colours, a martlet purpure, holding in the beak a trefoil or. Motto — "Virtus astra petit." Married, 1876, Sarah Christiana, only dau. of Major Henry I'each Keigley of Idlicote, and widow of Capt. the Hon. Lucius Cary, only son of loth Viscount Falk- land ; and has Issue — Dorothy ; Alice ; Emily ; and Frances. Jtesidtnce — CROFTON TOLER VANDELEUR, Esquire, late Capt 7th Dragoon Guards. Born March 7, 1840, being the second son of the late Crofton Moore Vandeleur, Es^q., J. P. and D.L., Col. of the Clare Regt. of Militia, Hi^h Sheriff 183a, M.P. for co. Clare 1859 to 1874, by his wife Lady Grace Toler, second dau. of the Rt. Hon. Hector Jolm, and Earl of Norbury. Armorial bearings — Or, a trefoil vert between three mullets pierced purpure. Mant- ling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a martlet purpure, holding in the beak a trefoil or. Motto — " Virtus astra petit." Married Charlotte Mary, youngest dau. of Rev. R. Bury of Carrigrenane, co. Cork. Resi- dence — HECTOR STEWART VANDELEUR, Esq., J.P., and D.L. co. Clare (High Sheriflf 1873), late Capt. Rifle Brigade. Bom Jan. 18, 1836, being the eldest son of the late Col. Crofton Moore Vandeleur, D.L., of Kilrush, formerly M. P. for co. Clare, by Lady Grace, second dau. of the Right Hon. Hector John Toler, and Earl of Norbury. Clubs— CziXton, Arthur's. Armorial bearings — Or, a tre- foil vert, between three mullets pierced two and one purpure, and impaling the arms of Foster, namely, per pale argent and sable, on a chevron a pheon between two escallops, in chief as many pheons, and in pale two escallops all counterchanged. Mantling vert and or ; and for h.s Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a martlet purpure, holding in the beak a trefoil or. Motto — " Virtus petit astra." Married, July 18, 1867, Charlotte, eldest dau. of William Orme Forster, Esq., J.P,, D.L., of Apley Park, co. Salop ; and has hsue — (i) Cecil Seymour Vandeleur, Esq., D.S.O. , Lieut. Scots Guards, d. July II, 1869; (a) Alexander Moore Vandeleur, Gentleman, 6. Dec. 35, 1883; Isabel Grace; and Evelyn Norah. Postal addresses — Kilrush House, co. Clare ; 73 Cadogan Square, London, S.W. JOHN ORMSBY MOORE VANDELEUR, Esquire, Lieut. -Col. Gordon Highlanders (retired). Born July 5, 1841, being the third son of the late Crofton Moore Vande- leur, Esq.. J.P. and D.L., Col. of the Clare Regt. of Militia, High Sheriff 1832, M.P. for co. Clare, 1859 to 1874, by his wife Lady Grace Toler, second dau. of Hector John, 3nd Earl of Norbury. Armorial bearings — Or, a trefoil vert between three mullets pierced purpure. Mant- ling vert and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a martlet purpure, holding in the beak a trefoil or. MottO — *' Virtus astra petit." Residence — MALETFA VANDELEUR, commonly known as the Honourable Maletta Vandeleur, dau. of the Right Hon. Barry John Yelverton, 3rd Viscount, Avonmore, by his second wife Cecilia, dau. of the late Charles O'Keefe, Esq., of HoUybrook Park, co. Dublin, Chief Register of Court of Chancery. Armorial bearing^s are, upon a lozenge : Or, a trefoil vert, between three mullets pierced two and one purpure; and impaling the arms of Yelverton, namely argent, three lions rampant and a chief gules, charged with a crescent. Married, 1868, Captain Crofton T. B. Vande- leur, i2th Lancers, of Wordenstown, co. Westmeath, and Moyvula, co. Galway, J.P. (High Sheriff co. Westmeath 1880), who died 1881. 5ieut. 3rd Batt. Oxfordshire L.I. ; (a) Francis Luther Fane, Gentleman, b. 1865; (3) Sydney Algernon Fane, Gentleman (Bentfield Bower, Stansted, Essex. Club — Windham), b. 1867 [in. 1894, Selina Violet, d. of Loftus Fitz-Wygram ; and has issup living — Aubrey Francis Sydney, b. 1895 ; Gerard William Reginald, b. 1898 ; Kenneth Cecil, b. 1902 ; Nigel Loftus Henry, b. 1904] ; Catherine Elizabeth Agnes, b. 1862 [m. 1887, Albert Butter, Esq.]; Lsabel, b. 1864 [m. 1885, Brig-Gen. Francis Hugh Plowden, comdg. a 2nd class Dist. Mandalay ; and Amy Eleanor, b. 1868. Seat — Wormsley, Stokenchurch, Wallingford. Town res. — 9 Belgrave Road, S.W. Henry George Fane, Esq., formerly Capt. sand Regt., b. 1846 ; m. 1876, Blanche Louisa, d. of the late Hon. Robert Charles Henry Sfsencer ; and has issue living — (i) Hubert William Fane, Gentleman, b. 1878; (2) Almeric Cecil Fane, Gentleman, b. 1880; (3) Arthur George Cecil Fane, Gentleman, I.P.W.D., b. 1880; (4) Robert Gerald Fane, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., b. 1882 ; (5) Horatio Alfred Fane, Gentleman, b. 1884; (6) Francis John Fane, Gentle- man, b. 1885; (7) Octavius Edward Fane, Gentleman, b, 1886. Res. — Bicester House, Bicester. Club — Junior Carlton. Frederick William Fane, Gentleman, b. 1857 ; m. 1880, Lady Annie Henrietta, d. of the late Col. the Hon. Charles Grantham Scott. Res, — 3 Chesham Street, S.W. Club — Junior Carlton. Cecil Fane, Gentleman, b. 1859 ; in. 1892, Alice Mary, is tbe Military Cockade. 23an dan 1395 {(/. 1899), d. of the Rev. Thomas Ward Goddard, V. of Nazeing, Essex; and has issue living — Valentine Cecil, d. 1893. C/;<^— Junior Carlton. Sons of the late Rev. Frederick Adrian Scrope Fane, d. 1810 ; d. 1894 ; m. 1834, Joanna (rf. 1870), d. of Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, ist Bart. : — Frederick John Fane, Esq., d. 1840; is Col. (ret.); m. 1873, Annie, d. of Thomas Abbott of Halifax, N.S. ; and has issue living — Frederick Luther Fane, Gentleman, 6. 1875. J?es. — Priors, nr. Brentwood. Sons of late George Augustus Scrope Fane, Gentleman, 6. 1817 ; d. i860 ; tn. 1843, Frances Sophia Pole Phillips :— Charles Augustus Fane, Gentleman, /;. 1846. Nes.— Carnarvon, Western Australia. Augustus Fane, Esq., Capt. R.N., b, 1847. Club~ Constitutional. Vane. Arms as above. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm in armour, the hand in a gauntlet proper, holding a sword argent, pommel and hilt or. Motto — " Nee temere nee timide." Sons of Sir Henry Morgan Vane, Sec. to Charity Commission, b. 1808 ; d. 1869 ; m. 1853, Louisa, d. and coh. of Rev. Richard Farrer of Ashley, North- ants : — Rt. Hon. Henry de Vere Vane, 9th Baron Barnard (25 July 1698), of Barnard Castle, co. Durham, B.A. (Oxon.), Hon. D.C.L. (Durham), J. P. and D.L. co. Durham [Supporters— Dexter, a griffin or, collared azure, thereon three dexter gauntlets or ; sinister, an antelope or, collared azure, thereon three martlets or], b. 1854 ; m. 1881, Lady Catherine Sarah Cecil, d. of 3rd Marquess of Exeter ; and has issue— (i) Hon. Henry Cecil Vane, Lieut. 3rd Batt. Durham Lt. Inf., b. 1882; (2) Hon. Christopher William Vane, b. 1888 ; (3) Hon. Ralph Frederick Vane, b. 1891. Seats — Raby Castle, Darlington. Town res. — 20 Belgrave Square, S.W. C/«^j— Brooks's ; Oxford and Cambridge. Hon. and Rev. Gilbert Holies Farrer Vane {q.v.). Hon. William Lionel Vane, Major late 1st Batt., now Lt.-Col. and Hon. Col. comdg. 2nd Vol. Batt. Durham Lt. Inf. b. 1859. Clubs — Carlton, Junior United Service. Vane - Tempest - Stewart (R.L., 23 Aug. 1855). Quarterly, i and 4, or, a bend counter-compony azure and argent, between two lions rampant gules (Stewart, 1789); 2. argent, a bend engrailed between six martlets sable (Tempest), temp. Edward III.) ; 3. Vane as above. Mant- ling azure and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a dragon statant or (Stewart) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased per pale argent and sable (Tempest); 3. Vane as last above. Motto — " Metu- enda carolla draconis. " Son of 5th Marquess of Londonderry, K.P., b. 1821 ; d. 1884; tn. 1846, Mary Cornelia, only d. and h. of Sir John Edwards, 1st and last Bart. , of Garth : — The Most Hon. Sir Charles Stewart Vane - Tempest- Stewart, 6th Marquess of Londonderry (Irel. , 13 Jan. 1816), Viscount Castlereagh (Irel., 1 Oct. 1795), Baron Londonderry (Irel., 20 Sept. 1789), 3rd Earl Vane (U.K., 8 July 1823), and Viscount Seaham (U.K., 8 July 1823), 4th Baron Stewart (U.K., i July 1814), K.G. (1888), P.C, G.C.V.O. (1903); Hon. LL.D. Dublin 1887 and Durham 1902, Col. Comdt. 8th Vol. Brig. N. Div. R.A. (V.D.), Hon. Col. 4th Batt. Durham L.I., and 3rd Batt. Roy. Irish Rifles, A.D.C. to H.M., J. P. and D.L. for CO. Durham, Lieut, of co. Down and a D.L. of Montgomery, appointed Chm. of London Sch. Board 1895, Postmaster-Gen. 1900, first Pres. of Board of Education 1902, and also Lord Pres. of the Council 1903, M.P. for CO. Down 1878-84, was Lord-Lieut, of Ireland 1886-9, and Lord - Lieut, of co. of city of Belfast 1900-1903 [Supporters — Dexter, a Moor, wreathed about the temples argent and azure, holding in the exterior hand a shield of the last, garnished or, charged with the sun in splendour gold ; sinister, a lion or, collared sable, the collar charged with three mullets argent], b, 1852; m. 1875, Lady Theresa Susey Helen Chetwynd -Talbot, eld. d. of 19th Earl of Shrewsbury ; and has surv. issue — Charles Stewart Henry Vane-Tempest-Stewart, commonly called Viscount Castle- reagh, M.V.O., Lieut, and Adj. Royal Horse Guards, b. 1878 \m 1899, Edith, d. of the Rt. Hon. Henry Chaplin, P.C, M.P. ; and has issue — Edward Charles Stewart Robert Vane- Tempest -Stewart, commonly called Lord Stewart, b. 1902, and Hon. Maureen Helen] ; and Lady Helen Mary Theresa \in. 1902, Lord Stavordale, eld. son of Earl of Ilchester. Seats — Seaham Hall, Seaham Harbour, CO. Durham ; Wynyard Park, Stockton-on-Tees ; Mount Stewart, Newtownards, co. Down. Town res. — London- derry House, Park Lane, W. Clubs — Carlton, Marlborough, Turf, Sackville Street, Ulster, Hurlingham, Yorkshire. Vane-Temi'EST (R.L., 1851.) Quarterly, i and 4, Tempest as above; 2 and 3, Vane as above. Crests — i. Tempest as above ; 2. Vane as above. Motto — Yr. sons of sth Marquess of Londonderry (see above) : — Lord Henry John Vane- Tempest, J. P. and D.L. cos. Merioneth and Montgomery, formerly Lieut. 2nd Life Guards, Lt.-Col. 2nd Durham Seaham Vols., V.D., b. 1854. Seat — Machynlleth, Montgomeryshire. Lord Herbert Lionel Henry Vane-Tempest, late Major Durham Artil. Vols., b. 1862. AVj. — Sons of Lord Adolphus Frederick Charles William Vane-Tempest (s. of 3rd Marquess of Londonderry), Lt.-Col. Scots Gds., M.P., b. 1825; d. 1864; m. i860, Lady Susan Pelham-CIinton, d. of 5th Duke of New- castle : — Francis Adolphus Vane-Tempest, Esq., *. 1863; w. 1901, Gertrude, d. of late F. A. Elliot. lies.—- Sons of Charles Henry Vane-Tempest, Esq., b. 1877; d, 1899 ; m. 1893, Florence Mary, eld. d. of William Kirk, Esq., J. P., of Norton, Stockton-on-Tees : — Ernest Charles William Vane-Tempest, Esq. , b. 1894. Charles Stewart Vane-Tempest, Gentleman, b. 1896. Fletcher-Vane of Hutton. (Quarterly of twenty, I and, 20 or, three sinister gauntlets azure, a canton gules (Vane of Hutton) ; 2. azure, three gauntlets or (Vane of Hadlow Castle and Raby Castle) ; 3. argent, a chevron engrailed sable between three pellets (De la Dene) ; 4. azure, a chief argent, over all a lion rampant crowned or (De la Leke) ; 5. gules, a cross argent, in the first quarter an inescutcheon or, charged with three chevrons of the field (De Saint Owenl ; 6. argent, a bend between six fleurs-de-lis (Fltz-Ellis) ; 7. quarterly, i. and iiii., or, two pallets azure; ii. and iii. , ermine, within a bordure azure (Persall of Tudley) ; 8. or, a cross engrailed gules (Hawte of Bishopsbourne) ; 9. per pale gules and azure, over all a lion rampant ermine ( (?) Nor- wich of Norwich) ; 10. sable, two bars or, a chief argent (Froggenhall of Froggenhall) ; 11. argent, three cinque- foils gules (D'Arcy) ; 12. argent, on a fesse cotised sable, a fesse ermine (Harleston) ; 13. gules, a goat passant argent (Bardwell) ; 14. argent, a fesse sable, and in the dexter chief an annulet for difference (Warton) ; 15. argent, a fesse between six oak -leaves gules (Fitz- Langley) ; 16. argent, two battle-axes addorsed in saltire sable ( Maddiston of Partney) ; 17. argent, on a chevron between three martlets sable, a mullet pierced of the field (Marley of Unthanke Hall) ; 18. sable, a cross engrailed argent, between four plates, each charged with a pheon point upwards of the field (Fletcher of Hutton) ; 19. as number two. Crests — i. upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed holding in the hand a sword proper, hilt and pommel or ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a gauntlet holding a dagger proper, hilt and pommel or. Motto — " Nee temere nee timide." Son of Sir Francis Fletcher- Vane, 3rd Bart., b. 1797; d. 1842 ; m. 1823, Diana Olivia, d. of Charles George Beauclerk : — Sir Henry Ralph Fletcher- Vane, 4th Bart. (27 June 1786) (q.v.). Son of Frederick Henry Vane, Esq., b. 1807 ; d. 1895 ; m. 1859, Rose Linda, d. of John Moore of Prospect House, Galway : — Francis Patrick Fietcher-Vane, Esq. [q.v.). The Reverend the Honourable GILBERT HOLLES FARRER VANE, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Camb.), F. S. A. , Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Wem. Born Sept. 26, 1855, being the second son of the late Sir Henry Morgan Vane, Knight Bachelor, by his wife Louisa, dau. of Rev. Richard Farrer, Rector of Ashley, Northants, and received a Patent of Precedence as the son of a Baron, dated Sept. 16, 1892, on his elder brother succeeding to the Barony of Barnard. Livery — Blue coat, waistcoat of blue and yellow stripes. Armorial bearings— Azure, three sinister gauntlets is tbe Naval Cockade. «39« Oan ([Ian or. M»""**y azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter hand in n gauntlet pro()cr, holding a sword argent, pommel and hilt or. MoitO— "Nee temere ncc tiniide." Married, June 24, 1891, Mary, dau. of the late Hldward B. Steednian of High Krcall Hall ; and has IssM — Marv Louisa. ResidtHce — The Rectory, Wem. Clubs — Oxford and Cambridge, Shropshire (Shrews- bury). S FRANCIS PATRICK FLETCHER-VANE, Esquire, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, Capt. Re- serve P'orces, and late Lieut. Scots Guards, heir presumptive to the Baronetcy of Vane of Hutton. Born Oct. 16, 1861, being the only son of the late Frederick Henry Vane, Esq. by his wife Rosa Linda, d.-iu. of John Moore, Esq., J. P. for the CO. of Galway. Club — Boodle's. Livery — Blue, with gold facings. Armorial bearings — Quarterly of twenty, I and 30 or, three sinister gauntlets azure, a canton gules (for Vane of Hutton) ; a. arure, three gauntlets or (for Vane of Hadlow Castle and Raby Castle) ; 3. argent, a chevron engrailed sable between three jiellets (for De la Dene) ; 4. azure, a chief argent, over all a lion rampant crowned or (for De la Leke) ; 5. gules, a cross argent, in the first quarter an inescutcheon or, charged with three chevrons of the field (for De Saint Owen) ; 6. argent, a bend between six fleurs-de-lis (for Fitz-Ellis) ; 7. quarterly i. and iiii. or, two pallets azure, ii. and iii. ermine, within a bordure azure (for Persall of Tudley) ; 8. or, a cross engrailed gules (for Hawte of Bishopsbourne) ; ^. per pale gules and azure, over all a lion rampant ermme (for (?) Norwich of Norwich) ; 10. sable, two bars or, a chief argent (for Froggenhall of Froggenhall) ; 11. argent, three cinque- loils gules (for D'Arcy) ; 12. argent, on a fesse cotised sable, a fesse ermine (for Harleslon) ; 13. gules, a goat passant argent (for Bardwell) ; 14. argent, a fesse sable, and in the dexter chief an annulet for difference (for Warton) ; 15. argent, a fesse between six oak-leaves gules(forFitz- Langley); i6. argent, two battle-axes addorsed in saltire sable (for Maddison of Partney) ; 17. argent, on a chevron between three martlets sable, a mullet pierced of the field (for Marley of Unthanke Hall) ; 18. sable, a cross engrailed argent, between four plates, each charged with a pheon point upwards of the field (for Fletcher of Hutton) ; 19. as number two, the whole differenced by a crescent, im- paling the arms of Da Costa Ricci ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed, holding in the hand a sword proper, hilt and pommel or ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a gauntlet holding a dagger proper, hilt and pommel or; with the Motto, " Nee temere nee timide." Married, December 15, 1888, Donna Anna Da Costa Ricci, daughter of His Excellency Baron Da Costa Ricci. Postal address — Gidea Hall, Essex. SSlR HENRY RALPH FLETCHER-VANE, Baronet, of Hutton-in-the-Forest, in the county of Cumberland, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the cos. of Cumberland and Westmorland (High Sheriff in the vear 1856), Honorary-Colonel Westmorland and Cumber- land Yeomanry Cavah-y. Born January 13, 1830, being the elder son of the late Sir Francis Fletcher- Vane, third Baronet, by Diana Olivia his wife, daughter of Charles George Beauclerk, Esquire, and succeeded as fourth Baronet at the decease of his father, February 15, 1842. Clubs— Carlton, Arthur's. Livery— ^Xwe. with gold facings. Armo- rial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly of twenty. I and 20 or, three sinister gauntlets azure, a canton gules (for Vane of Hutton) ; 2. azure, three gauntlets or (for Vane of Hadlow Castle and Raby Castle); 3. argent, a chevron engrailed sable between three pellets (for De la Dene) ; 4. azure, a chief argent, over all a lion rampant, crowned or (for De la Leke); 5. gules, a cross argent, in the first quarter an inescutcheon or, charged with three chevrons of the field (for De Saint Owen) ; 6. argent, a bend between six fleurs-de-lis (for Fitz Ellis) ; 7. quarterly i. and nii. or, two pallets azure, ii. and iii. ermine, a bordure azure (for Persall of Tudely) ; 8. or, a cross engrailed gules (for Hawte of Bishopsbourne) ; 9. per pale gules and azure, over all a hon rampant ermine (for Norwich of Norwich) ; 10. sable, two bars or, a chief azure (for Froggenhall of Froggenhall); 11. argent, three cinq^iefoils gules (for DArcy); 12. argent, on a fesse cotised sable, a fesse 1 ermine (for Harleston) ; 13. gules, a goat passant argent (for Bardwell) ; 14. argent, a lesse sable, and in the dexter chief an annulet for difference (for Warton); 15. argent, a fesse Ijctween six oak-leaves gules (for Fitz I^nglev) ; 16. argent, two battle-axes addorsed in saltire sable (for Maddi- son of Partney) ; 17. argent, on a chevron between three martlets sable, a mullet pierced of the field (for Marley of Unthanke Hall) ; 18. sable, a cross engrailed argent lieiween four plates, each charged with a pheon point upwards of the field (for Fletcher of Hutton) ; 19. as number two, impaling tlie arms of Gladstone, namely, argent, a savage's head aflVontc'e, gutt(*e de sang, wreathed about the temples with holly proper, within an orle flory gules, all within an orle of martlets sable. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, are placed two ; helmets befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed, holding in the hand a sword proper, hilt and pommel or, 2. upon a wreath of th«i colours, a dexter gauntlet holding a dagger in bend sinister proper, hilt and pommel or ; with the Motto, " Nee temere nee timide." Married, April 12, 1871, Margaret, eldest siu-viving daughter of Thomas Stewart Gladstone of Capenoch, in the county of Dumfries. Seats — Hutton- in-ihe-Forest, Penrith, and Scarness Cottage, Bassen- thwaite. VAN RAALTE (H, Coll.). Per fesse wavy azure and erminois, an ancient ship of three masts in full sail colours flying in chief or, and a pale gules, between six bones couped, two, two, and two barwise in base of the last. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a plume of three ostrich-feathers. Only son of Marcus Van RaaJte of 40 Brook Street, W., b. 1835; m. 1856, Ramah, d. of Charles Mendes da Costa : — Charles Van Raalte, Esq., J. P. Dorset, F.S.A., b. 1857; m. 1887, Florence, d. of Leonard Clow of Great Eastern, Leicestersh. ; and has issue — Noel Marcus van Raalte, Gentleman, b. 1888; Margherita Dorothy ; and Gwendolen Violet. Seat — BrownseA Island, Poole, Dorset. Res. — 46 Grosvenor Square, London, W. Clubs — Carlton, St. James's, Wellington. EDEN VANSITTART, Esquire, Major Indian Staff Corps, and of the ist Batt. 5th Gurkha Rifles. Bom is the Military Cockade. SIR HENRY RALPH FI.ETCHER-VANE, BART. 1398 (Han (Hau April 19, 1856, being the fourth son of the late Henry Vansittort of Bareilly, Civil and Session jud^e Il.li^.I.C.S., by his wife Mary, dau. of Thomas Dobbie. Armorial bearing (H. Coll., 8 Nov. 1697) -Ermine, an eagle displayed sable, on a chief gules, a ducal coronet or, lift ween two crosses patte argent, and impaling the arms of S[)eddinR, namelv vert, on a fesse or, between three boars' heads erased close proper, as many oak -slips also proper, on a canton of the second a battle-axe of the third. Mantling gules and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head couped at the neck between two wings elevated and displayed sable, the whole resting on two crosses patte argent. Motto - "Fata viam invenient." Married, Dec. 16, 1889, Ethel May, dau. of R. Deey Spedding, Esq., B.C.S. [to whom refer], late Commissioner of Revenue and Police for the Agra Division, North- West Provinces, India; and has/w«« —A dau., Vera Mary Eden. Residtnce — Ah\>olia.haLd, Punjab, India. HENRY JAMES VAN SITTART-NEALE, Esquire, C.B., J. P. for Berks and Westminster, Assistant Secretary to the Admiralty 1896. Bom Nov. 30, 1842, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Edward van Sittart-Neale of Bisham Abbey, Berks, and of Allesley Park, CO. Warwick, by his wife Frances Sarah, dau. of James William Farrer of Ingleborough, co. York. Armorial bearings -Quarterly I and 4, per pale sable and gules, a lion passant guardant argent (for Neale) ; 2 and 3, ermine, an eagle displayed sable, on a chief gules a ducal coronet between two crosses pat^ argent (for Van Sittart). Mant- ling sable and gules. Crests— i. out of a mural crown or, a demi-lion rampant per fesse ermine and gules, charged on the shoulder with an escallop counterchanged (for Neale) ; X on two crosses pat^ argent, a demi-eagle displayed sable (for Van Sittart). Married, April 16, 1887, Florence, dau. of the Hon. Judge Shelley Eddis, Q.C. ; and has /w«<— George Kenneth van Sittart- Neale, Gentleman, b. 1890; Phyllis Mary; and Elizabeth Frances. Seat— Bisham Abbey, Marlow, Berks. Tawn address— 1 Mon- tagu Place, Montagu Square, W. VAUGHAN, see GWYNNE-VAUGHAN and HUT- CH INSON-LLOYD-VAUGH AN. VAUGHAN. Baron, see LISBURNE. VAUGHAN (3 May 1875). Ermines, two chevronels argent, between three boy's heads affront^e couped at the shoulders proper, crined or, around the neck of each a snake nowed also proper, a bordure of the second. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, in front of a boy's head affront^e couped at the shoulders proper, crined or, a snake nowed also proper. Motto — " Asgre Ian diogel ei pherchen." Livery — Dark blue coat and trousers, scarlet waistcoat. Son of the late John Vaughan or Williams Vaughan (formerly Jones) [by his second wife Jane, third d. of William Vaughan of Penymaes I^lanvillo, co. Brecon, and gd. of William Gwynne of Cynghordy, co. Car- marthen]; b. 1810; d. 1897; m. 1845, Elizabeth Fortune Mary, only child and h, of John Williams of The Skreen, co. Radnor, and of Velinewydd, co, Brecon. John Williams Vaughan, Esq. , J. P. and D. L. Radnorshire (High Sheriff 1885), J. P. Breconshire, Lord of the Manors of Rhiew, Gwaincoedowen, Velinewydd, Crikadarn, and Llanvillo, b. 26 Aug. 1853; m. 30 Nov. 1887, Elizabeth, eld. d. of Rev. Walpole Mohun Harris, Rector of Llandi- falle-cum-Crikadarn, and gd. of Christopher Arthur Mohun Harris of Hayne, Devonshire; and has issue— (i) John Christopher Arthur Vaughan, Gentleman, b. 23 July 1891 ; (2) Francis Herbert Mohun Vaughan, Gentleman, b. 27 June 1893 ; and Dorothy Edith Nissa. 5«rt/^— Velinewydd House, Brecon ; The Skreen, Erwood, co. Radnor, Club— Union. VAUGHAN (U.O.), Per pale sable and azure, on a chevron engrailed argent, between three boys' heads couped at the shoulders and entwined round the necks with snakes all projier, a cross gules. Mantling sable ami argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a l>oy's head gules as in the arms, charged on the neck with a cross gules. Motto — " Honeste audsx." Sons of George Montgomery Vaughan, Esq., J. P., B.A. (Trin. Coll., Dublin), b. 1825; d. 1902; m. 1st, 1850, Frances St. Lawrence, d. of Gen. Hon. Arthur Grove-Annesley of Annes Grove, co. Cork, third son of Richard, second Earl Annesley ; 3rd, June 1884, Caroline Ann (d, March 4, 1901), eld. d. of J. Wykeham Dickenson : — Rev, George Henry Vaughan, M.A. Camb., Curate of St. Michael's, Dublin, ^.11 Feb. 1854. K'es. — Quilly House, Dromore, co. Down ; and 45 Wellmgton I'lace, Clyde Road, Dublin. Francis Warden Arthtir Annesley Vaughan, Gentleman, b. 6 Sept. 1863. Ernest Llewellyn Vaughan, (Sentleman, I.C.S., b. 26 March 1866 ; m. 19 Sept. 1894, Ethel Ada Helen, d. of Thomas Thornton, and has issue. Ralph Montgomery Vaughan, Gentleman. VAUGHAN of Nannau. Sons of John Vaughan, Esq., J. P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1880) Merionethshire, 1829-1901, m. 1863, Elinor Anne, d. of Edward Owen of Garthongard, Merioneth : — Robert Vaughan, Gentleman, b, . Seat — Nannau, Dolgelly. John Vaughan, Esq., Capt. and Bt. -Major 7th Hussars, b. . Jies.— FRANCIS BAYNHAM VAUGHAN, Esquire, D.L. and J. P. CO. Hereford, J, P. co. Monmouth, late Colonel Com. Royal Monmouthshire Engineers (Militia). Born 1844, being the fifth son of Col. John Francis Vaughan of Courtfield, J. P. and D.L. (who died 1880), by his first wife Eliza Louisa, daughter of the late John Rolls, Esquire, of The Hendre. Club—Unhed Service. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per pale azure and gules, three lions rampant azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; andj for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a child's head,J coujaed at the shoulders proper, crined or, and entwined round the neck with a snake vert. Mottoes — " Duw digon," "Simplices sicut pueri sagaces sicut serpentes.'l Married, 1871, Caroline, daughter of C. A. Pope ; and has^ with other /w«e— Charles Jerome Vaughan, Gentleman J Lieutenant 7th Dragoon Guards, b, 1873. Seat — Courtfieldj Ross, Hereford, HUGH VAUGHAN VAUGHAN, Gentleman, of Th Castle, Builth, in the county of Brecon. Born Aug 6, 1852, being the son of the late Reverend Thoma Thomas, Rector of Disserth, in the county of Radnor, by his wife Ann Eliza, daughter of the late Hugh Vaughan o^ Llwynmadoe, in the county of Radnor (and sister of Jame Vaughan, Esquire, of The Castle, Builth, sometime Higlj Sheriff for the county of Brecon, and formerly a Surgeon4 Major, Honourable East India Company 'sService); assumeec) ; a. in front of a boy's head affrontt^ around his neck a snake entwined proper, a bugle-horn sable (for Vaughan). Motto — " Fortiter sed suaviter." S*ats — Dillington Park, Ilminster, Somerset ; L^nelay, near CardifT. C/«^j— Arthur's, Carlton, I'urf. JOSIAH VAVASSEUR.Ksquire,C.B..M.I.C.E. Born 1834, Iwing the son at tici)rj»e Vavasseur, fornierly of Ik)ck- ing, Essex. Armorial beaiinj^— Tarty per chevron and in chief two grenades, and in base, upon a mount vert, a machine-gun upon a Vavasseur mounting, and below the escutcheon his badge as a C. B. Crest— Upon a wreath of tlie colours, in front of a dexter cubit arm holding in the hand a , two swords in saltire projser. Motto—" Tout par faveur divine." Married, 1865, Ruth Clifton, dau. of Thomas Theobald of Norwich. Residences — Rothbury, Blackheath Park. S.E.; Kilverstone Ha)l, Thetford, Nor- folk. C/k*j— Whitehall and Junior Carlton. VENABLES, quartered by CONYERS, FOX, DE TRAFFORD, HULLEY, HUSSEY, TR AFFORD, VERNON, and VERNON-HARCOURT. VENABLES, see BORLASE-WARREN-VENABLES- VERNON DILLWYN-VENABLES-LLEWELYN, and WHITE-VENABLES. VENABLES-VERNON, see VERNON. VENNING (H. Coll.). Per saltire argent and gules, two fleurs-de-lis in pale and as many stag's heads caboshed in fesse counterchanged. Matit.iltigr gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-stag regardant resting the sinister foot on an escutcheon gules, clmrgcd with a fleur-de-lis argent and gorged with a colhu' vair. Motto — " Nitcmur in advcrsum. Son of Samuel Black:dler Venning of Clapham Park, Surrey, b. i8oa ; d. 1848; m. 1835, Emma Jane, d. of {ohn Marshall, Esq., Capt. H.E.I. Co.'s Navy and Ves. of Govt. Bank, Cape Town : — William Marshall Venning, Gentleman, D.C.L. , M.A. (Oxon.), Barrister-at-Law, *. 1841; m. 1883, Maud Henri- etta, d. of late Rev. Rolxrt Seppings Beloe, M.A. , Rector of Holton St. Peter, Suflblk. A'w.—" Worcester," aa Thrale Road, Streatham Park, London, .S.W. Club— Junior Conservative. Sons of Walter Charles Venning, Gentleman, Solicitor, of London, b. 1806; d. 1897; m. 1836, Anne, d. of Tames Esdaile, Escj. (eld. s. of Sir James Esdaile) :^ Walter Charles Venning, Gentleman, b. 1837. James Esdaile Venning, Gentleman, b. 1840. Edward Venning, Gentleman, A.M.I.C.E. , lale Finan- cial Assistant to Dir. of Pub. Works, Ceylon, b. 1842 ; m. 1879, Mary Welleslena, d. of William King, D.Sc, Prof. Queen's Coll., Galway ; and has issue — Walter King Venning, Gentleman, Lieut. D. of Cornwall's Lt. Inf., b. 1882 ; and Jane Esdaile. Res. — Adstone, Towcester. Frederick K. Venning, Gentleman, late Judic. Commnr. Cent. Prov. , India, b. 1844; m. 1876, Leonora Cockrem. Res. — Villa Leonora, Nice, France. Club — East India United Service. Alfred Reid Venning, Gentleman, Federal Secretary Malay States, b. 1846 ; m. Katherine H. Reeves ; and has issue — (i) Francis Esmonde Wingate Venning, Gentleman, Lieut. Indian Army, *. 1882; (2) Gilbert Esdaile Venning, Gentleman, Midshipman R.N., b. 1886; (3) Arthur Noel Venning, Gentleman, b. 1895 ; (4) Douglas Claude Venning, Gentleman, b. 1897. William Esdaile Venning, Gentleman, b. 1852. Arthur Kennedy Venning, Gentleman b. 1852. SSiR JOSEPH VERDIN, ist Baronet (July 24, 1896), J.P., D.L., and C.A. for co. Chester, and J. P. for Herefordshire, High Sheriff 1903, life trustee of the River Weaver. Bom Jan. 4, 1838. being the third but eldest surviving son of the late Joseph Verdin of Highfield House, Wharton, co. Chester, by his wife Margaret, dau. of Wharton Sadler of Northwich. Ar- morial l)earlngs — Argent, on a pile sable, between two towers in base of the last, a lion passant of the first ; th« escutcheon charged with his badge of U Ister as a Baronet^ Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the is the Militajy Cockade. Utt Utt 1 40 1 colours, upon a mount vert, between six ears of wheat stalked and bladed, three on either side or, a tower sable, issuant from the battlements thereof a demi-lion argent, gorged with a collar gemel, also sable. Seats — Garnstone Castle, Weobley, Herefordshire ; and The Brockhiirst, Northwich, Cheshire. C/«^— Constitutional. S WILLIAM HENRY VERDIN, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. Cheshire (High Sheriff 1897), received Jubilee Medal, Lord of the Manors of Darnhall and Wetten- hall. Born 1848, being the sixth son of the late Joseph Verdin, Esq., of Highfield House, Wharton. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a pile sable, between two towers of the city of Dublin, by his wife Hannah Louisa, daughter of George Medlicott. C/«/*—Kildare Street (Dublin). Ar- morial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, Azure, on a chevron or, a chaplet vert (for Vereker) ; 2 and 3 gules, a saltire vair6e or and azure (for Prender- gast). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown gules, a stag's head proper ; with the Motto, "Coloony." Married, October 13, 1887, Frances Gore, daughter of Robert Manders; and has Issue — (i) George Gordon Medlicott Vereker, Esquire, born 1889 ; (2) Robert Humphrey Medlicott Vereker, Gentleman, born October 1892 ; and Corinna Katherine. Estate — Abbey- feale, in the county of Limerick. Postal address — 72 Merrion Square, Dublin. in base of the last, a lion passant of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, between six ears of wheat stalked and bladed, three on either side or, a tower sable, issuant from the battlements thereof a demi-lion argent, gorged with a collar gemel also sable. Motto — " In omnia fidelis." Married Emily Jane, youngest dau. of Thomas Harrison, Esq., J. P., of Aigburth, co. Lan- caster; and has /M«dr — Richard Norman Harrison Verdin, Esq., J. P. CO. Chester, Lieut. E. C. Yeom. Cav., b. 1877; and Emily Gwendoline. 5?rt/— Darnhall Hall, Winsford, Cheshire. Club — Junior Carlton. VERE, quartered by TOWNSHEND. VERE, see DE VERE and HOPE-VERE. GEORGE MEDLICOTT VEREKER, Esquire. Born January 11, i860, being the eldest son of John Prendergast Vereker, Esq., commonly known as the Honourable John Prendergast Vereker, Master of Arts, Barrister-at-Law, Justice of the Peace for the county of Limerick, Lord Mayor S HARRY WILLIAM VERELST, Esquire, J. P. for the West Riding co. York, co. Derby, D.L. co. of the city of York, late Captain and Hon. Major York- shire Dragoons Yeomanry. Born July 2, 1846, being the eldest son of the late Charles Verelst, by his wife Anne Jane, dau. of John Willacy. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a mount in front of an oak-tree fructed proper, a bull passant sable, in chief two estoiles of the last. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a mount a rudder with tiller proper, between two elephants' trunks or. Married, April 18, 1888, Mary, only dau. of the late William Wilson of Dore, co. Derby ; and has Issue — (i) Harry Wilson Verelst, Gentleman, b. Aug. 9, 1890; (2) Rodney William Verelst, Gentleman, b. Dec. 19, 1898 ; Mary Madge ; and Nancy Wilson. Seat — Aston Hall, Rotherham. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Boodle's, and Cavalry. JOHN VERITY, Esquire, J.P. for the county of War- wick, High Sheriff of the county of London 1900. Born July 22, 1863, being the eldest son of John Verity, by his wife Anne Florence, daughter of Benjamin Bridger. Ar- is the Naval Cockade. i4oa aer Oer morial beuingt— Axure, a chevron engrailed or, plain coliscd arRcnt l)ctween two crosses florv in chief and a sun in splendour in Uise of the second, and im(xiling the arms of I.ublxxrk, namely, argent, on a mount vert, a stork close ermine a chief*^ gules, charged with three cstoiles of the field Mantltny azure and or. CrMt— Upon a wreath of the colours, on a rock proper, in front of a sun rising or, an eagle's head erased sable. Motto — "Verity et foy." Married, May 26, 1897, Evelyn Mary, eldest dau. of Henry J. Lubbock, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Newberries, Herts, and Lombard St. , London ; and has Issue — John Lub- bock Verity, Gentleman, b. June 2, 1898 ; and Pamela. 5^a/— Sandbridge, Bury, near St. Albans, Herts. Club — Wellington. SSiR EDWARD WINGFIELD VERNER, sth Baro- net (June 22, 1846), of Verner's Bridge, co. Armagh, Capt. Norfolk Regt. Boi^ Nov. 22, 1865, being the son of Sir Edward Wingfield Verner, 4th Bart., by his wife Selina Florence, dau. of Thomas Vesey Nugent. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a fesse sable, between three boars' heads of the second, fretty or, a trefoil slipped of the last ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a boar's head as in the arms. Motto — " Pro Christo et patri^" Seat — Corke Abbey, Bray, co. Dublin. m HARRY FELIX VERNER, Esq., J.P., and High W Sheriff co. Armagh 1896. Armorial bearings — Per pale argent and or, on a chevron wavy sable, a trefoil of the second between three bears' heads couped of the third, muzzled of the second. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, ufxm a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a bear proper, muzzled as in the arms, the dexter fore- paw supported by an escutcheon of the arms. Motto — "Pro Christo et patria." Postal address — Churchill, co. Armagh. VERNEY, see HOPE-LLOYD-VERNEY. VERNON, quartered by BARTLETT, CONYERS, FOX, HUSSEY. and SLAUGHTER, VERNON, see BORLASE-WARREN-VERNON and HARCOU RT-VERNON. VERNON (U.O.). Argent, a fret sable. Mantling aaUe and argent. Orest— On a wreath of the colours, a boar's head erased sable, ducally gorged or. Motto— " Ver non semjjer viret." Sons of John Edward Vernon, Esq., of Erne Mill, J.P., D.L.. M.A. (High Sheriff 1864). a Land Com- missioner for Ireland, b. 1816 ; d. 1887 ; m. 1st, 1846. Harriet (rf. 1853). d. of Rt. Rev. John Leslie, D.D., Bishop of Kilmore ; 2nd, 1857, Maria Esther, d. of Hon. George Francis Colley of Ferney : — John Fane Vernon. Esq., J. P. and D. L. co. Cavan (High Sheriff 1890), J.P. co. Dublin, M.A. (Camb.), Barrister-at-Law, b. 1849 ; m. 1882, Thomasina Georgiana. d. of Rev. Henry Joy Tombe, D.D., Canon of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin ; and has issue — John Edward Vernon, Gentleman, b. 1888. i'«o/— Erne Hill, co. Cavan. Edward Saunderson Vernon, Gentleman, b. 1851. Jtes.~ George Arthur Pomeroy Vernon, Gentleman, b. 1865. Res.— Walter Pomeroy Vernon, Gentleman, b. 1867. Res. — VERNON (temp. Edward III.). Argent, fretty sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a boar's head erased sable, ducally gorged or. Motto — " Ver non semp>er viret." Sons of Henry Charles Vernon, Esq., of Hilton Park. J.P., D.L. (High Sheriff 1867), b. 1805 ; d. 1886; m, 1828, Catherine, d. of Richard Rice Williams of Hendredenny, co. Glamorgan : — Augustus Leveson Vernon, Esq.. J. P., D.L. (High Sheriff Staffs. 1899), b. 1836 ; m. 1864, Selina Anne, d. of Walter Peter Giffard of Chillington ; and has surv. issue — Walter Bertie William Vernon, Gentleman, b. 1871 ; [m. 1897, Esther Hodgson, widow of F. R. H. Atcherley of Marton Hall, Salop, and d. of John Mills]; Henrietta Catherine ; and Selina Mary. Seat — Hilton Park, Wolver- hampton. Clubs — Carlton, Junior Carlton. Rev. Frederick Wentworth Vernon, b. 1839; m. ist, 1867. Ellen Mary Woodhouse (rf. 1883). d. of Henry Wood- house Acland ; 2nd, 1885, Edith Serena Hill, d. of Rev. William Henry Boothby ; and has surv. issue (by first mar.) — (i) Hugh Woodhouse Vernon, Gentleman, b. 1872; (2) (Charles Percy Vernon, Gentleman, b. 1873 ; (3) Richard Francis Vernon, Gentleman, b. 1874 ; and Beatrice Mabel ; and (by second mar.) (4) Evelyn Vernon, Gentleman, b. 1889 ; (5) Roger Vernon, Gentleman, b. 1893 ; (6) Peter Wentworth Vernon, Gentleman, b. 1895; and Millicentj Eleanor. Res. — Clyde. Clevedon, Somerset. Rev. William George Vernon, Vicar of St. John's,! Kenilworth, b. 1840 ; m. 1866. Alexandrina Adelaide. d.| of late William Davey Sole of Devonport ; and has issue— I Cecil Charles William Vernon, Gentleman, b. 1868 [m, 1893. Charlotte Isabel Leane. d. of R. W. Flick of Ban- bury ; and has issue — Eric Cecil Wentworth Vernon,j Gentleman, b. ; and Leveson George Wentworth Vernon, Gentleman, b. ]. Res. — St. John's Vicarage,| Kenilworth. Warwick. Edward Hamilton Vernon. Gentleman, b. 1844 ; m. ist^ Fanny Ibbotson ; 2nd, Miriam, d. of Rev. Henry Fisher ( Leamington. Res. — 48 St. John's Road, Clifton, Bristol. Son of Lt.-Col. George Augustus Vernon. Coldstrean Gds.. J.P., D.L., of Harefield Park, Middx., b. 181 ij d. 1896 ; m. 1842. Louisa Jane Frances, d. of Admirs ' Bertie Cator, R.N. :— Bertie Wentworth Vernon, Esq., late R.N., J.P. coj Northants (High Sheriff 1892), b. 1846; m. 1873. Isat Caroline Eiiza, only d. of Lt.-Col. Henry Atkyns Bowye of The Grange, Steeple Aston. Seats — Harefield Park nr. Uxbridge, Middx. ; Stoke Bruerne Park, TowcesterJ Clubs — Arthur's, United Service. Sons of Herbert Charles Erskine Vernon. Gentleman,! I.C.S., b. 1851 ; d. 1893; m. , Helen, d. of Genera^ Liptrot : — Henry Albemarle Vernon. Gentleman, b. . Res.- Grenville Bertie Vernon, Gentleman, b. . Res. — VERNON (H. Coll.). Or, on a fesse indented per pak azure and sable, between a cross moline in chief and a mill^ rind in base both gules, three garbs of the field. Mantl' azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in fron^ of a demi-female figure affront^ proper, vested azure, arounc § is tbe Military Cockade, mv Utt 1403 the temples an oak-wreath vert, holding in the dexter hand a sickle and in the sinister two ears of wheat slipped also proper, a garb fessewise or, between two millrinds as in the arms. Motto— "Ver non semper viret." Livery — Blue, gilt buttons. Son of John Vernon, (who was a descendant of James Vernon of Utkinton, nr. Tarporley (1570-1627) and of the Vernons of Haslington, Cheshire), d. 1803; d. 1887; w. 183s, Elizabeth, d. of John Allen : — William Vernon, Gentleman, 6. 1835; m. 1857, Jane Margaret, d. of Thomas Cooper of Fulford Hall, Staffs. ; and has issue— (i) John Herbert Vernon, Gentleman, l>. 1858 ; (2) William Allen Vernon, Gentleman, d. i860 ; (3) Thomas Thornycroft Vernon, Gentleman, d. 1862 ; (4) Rev. Henry Richard Cooper Vernon, M.A. , d. 1865; and Elizabeth Cooper. I^cs. — Wyborne Gate, Birkdale, Lanes. ; Tean Hurst, Checkley, Staffs. ; Woodland Hall, Uttoxeter, Staffs. C/uds — Royal Societies', Exchange (Liverpool), S EDWARD VENABLES VERNON. Esquire, J. P. and D. L. for co. Dublin, J. P. for co. Kerry, High Sheriff co. Dublin 1904, and Lieut-Col. and Hon. Col. Sth Batt. Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Born 1838, being the eldest son of the late John Edward Venables Vernon of Clontarf, by his first wife Louisa Catherine, only dau. of Charles Proby Bowles. Armorial bearings- Argent, a fret sable, a mullet azure for difference, with sixty-three quarterings, and impaling the arms of Brinkley, namely azure, a cross potent engrailed, in chief three estoiles or. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boar's head and neck erased sable, ducally gorged and charged on the neck with a mullet or, for difference. Married, 1862, Jane, dau. of Matthew Brinkley of Parsonstown, co. Meath ; and has, with other Issue — Edward Kingston Vernon, Gentleman, b. i86g. Seat — Clontarf Castle, Dublin. Clubs — Carlton ; Kildare Street. M Sir HARRY FOLEY VERNON, ist Baronet (July w 23, 1885), of Hanbury Hall, co. Worcester, J. P. and D.L., M.A. Oxford, late Lieut. -Co). Worcestershire Yeo- manry Cavalry, formerly Col. 2nd Vol. Batt. Worcestershire Regt. , V.D. Born April 11, 1834, being the son of the late "Thomas Tayler Vernon, by his wife Jessie Anna Letitia, youngest dau. of John Herbert Foley of Ridgeway, CO. Pembroke. Armorial bearings— Or, on a fesse azure, three garbs of the first, in chief a cross crosslet fitch^e gules, impaling the arms of Baillie-Hamilton, namely, quarterly first and fourth grand quarters, quarterly gules, on a chevron between three cinquefoils argent, a buckle azure, between two spots of ermine, all within a bordure or, charged with eight thistles vert (for Hamilton) ; 2 and 3, argent, a fesse wavy between three roses gules, barbed and seeded proper (forMelross); second and third grand quarters, sable, the sun in his splendour betwixt nine stars, three, two, three and one argent (for Baillie) ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-woman proper, habited in purple and gold, hair or, wreathed about the temples with wheat and holding in her arms a garb also or. Motto — " Ver-non semper viret." Married, Oct. 17, 1861, Lady Georgina Sophia, youngest dau. of the Rt. Hon. George Baillie-Hamilton, loth Earl of Haddington ; and has Issue — (i) Bowater George Hamilton Vernon, Esq., b. Sept. 12, 1865 ; (2) Hubert Edward Vernon, Esq., D.S.O. , Capt. and Brevet-Major 4th Batt. Prince Consort's Own Rifle Brigade, b. May 9, 1867, d. 1902 ; Auda Lsetitia ; and Evelyn Georgina, d. 1864. Seat — Hanbury Hall, Droit- wich. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. SThe Honourable WILLIAM JOHN BORLASE- WARREN VENABLES VERNON, D.L. county Stafford, J. P. for counties of Derby and Stafford, Acca- demico Corrispondente della Crusca at Florence, Cavaliere di S. Maurizio e Lazzaro in Italy, and Knight of the Royal Order of St. Olaf in Norway, assumed the addi- tional name of Borlase- Warren by Royal Licence 1856. Born April i, 1834, being the second son of the Rt. Hon. George John, 5th Baron Vernon, and Isabella Caroline his wife, eldest daughter of Cuthbert Ellison, Esq., of Hepburn, county Durham, and formerly M.P. for Newcastle for twenty years. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i, quarterly i. and iiii. argent, a fret sable ; ii. and iii., or, on a fesse azure, three garbs of the field (both for Vernon) ; 2. azure, two bars argent (for Venables). 3. chequy or and azure, on a canton gules, a lion rampant argent, between the forepaws a crescent of the first (for Warren) ; 4. ermine, on a bend sable, two arms issuant from clouds proper, the hands also proper, rending a horse- shoe or (for Borlase). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a boar's head erased sable, ducally gorged or (for Vernon) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a wyvern argent, standing on a weir of the last, banded azure, pierced through the body in fesse by an arrow, and devouring a child proper (for Venables) ; 3. out of a ducal crown or, a double plume of ostrich feathers argent, in the centre an eagle's leg inverted sable (for Warren) ; 4. on a wreath of the colours, a wolf passant regardant argent, in the mouth an arrow or, vulning the neck proper. Married, firstly. May 8, 1855, Agnes Lucy, third dau. of Sir John P. Boileau of Tacolriestone, Bart., and Lady Catherine Sarah, dau. of ist Earl of Minto ; secondly, 1884, Annie Georgiana, second dau. of Charles Eyre of Welford Hall, Newbury, and has issue by first marriage, (i) Reginald William Borlase- Warren-Venables- Vernon, Esq., b. Jan. 27, 1856 \m., i%T), Edith Georgiana, dau. of William Smith Cowper Cooper of Toddington Park, Hartlington, co. Bedford, and has issue, Agnes Ada and Mabel Eveline] ; by second marriage, (2) Arnold Borlase- Warren- Venables- Vernon, Gentleman, b. Oct. 18, 1887 ; and Mary Anne Alice. Residences — 47 Courtfield Gardens, London, S.W. Clubs — Travellers', Athenaeum. AUGUSTUS GEORGE VERNON - HARCOURT, Gentleman. Born Dec. 24, 1834, elder son of Admiral Frederick Vernon-Harcourt, by his wife Marcia, dau. of Admiral Richard Delap Tollemache. Armorial beaiings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, two bars or (for Harcourt) ; 2 and 3 quarterly, i. and iiii. argent, a fret sable (for Vernon) ; ii. or, on a fesse azure, three garbs of the field (for Vernon of Haslington) ; iii. azure, two bars argent (for Venables) ; and impaling the arms of Bruce, namely or, a saltire gules, on a chief of the last a martlet of the field. Mantling gules and or. Crest — Upon a ducal coronet or, a peacock close proper. Motto — " Lebon temps viendra." Married ,'&e:p\.. 10, 1872, Hon. Rachel Mary Bruce, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Henry Austin, ist Lord Aberdare ; and has Issue — (i) Bernard Francis Vernon-Harcourt, Gentleman, b. Dec. 23, 1877 ; (2) Simon Evelyn Vernon-Harcourt, Gentleman, b. Jan. 19, 1882 ; Mildred Edith ; Mabel Frances ; Cecil Violet ; Helen Dorothea ; Janet Isabel ; Doris Margaret ; Winifred Rachel ; and Isabel Marcia. Seat — St. Clare, Ryde. C/k^j— Athenaeum, Pall Mall. VERRALL (H. Coll.). Or, a lion rampant guardant sable, holding in the dexter fore-paw three ears of wheat, stalked and leaved proper, on a chief nebuly azure, a pale between two covered cups of the field, charged with a covered cup of the fourth. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath ot the colours, an antelope argent, holding in the mouth three ears of wheat stalked and leaved vert, and resting the dexter fore-leg on a covered cup fessewise azure. Motto — " En avant toujours." Son of Henry Verrall of Steyning, Sussex : — Henry Verrall, Esq., J. P. Res. — Brighton. VERSCHOYLE, see GOOLD-VERSCHOYLE. VERSCHOYLE (U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4, argent, on a chevron between three boar's heads couped gules, langued azure, a cross patde or (Verschoyle) ; 2 and 3, barry of six or and azure, on a fesse chequy argent and sable, three martlets of the first (Curtis). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a boar's head couped gules, langued azure, charged with a cross, patde or. Motto — " Temperans et constans." Son of Lt.-Col. Henry William Verschoyle of Kilberry, b. 1835 ; d. 1870 ; m. 1856, Lucy Clarissa, d. of Am- brose Goddard, Esq., D.L., of The Lawn, Swindon: — Arthur Robert Verschoyle, Esq., J. P., F.R.G.S., Lieut. 4th Batt. Lincoln Regt., b. 1859, m. 1886, Mary [d. 1899), d. of Frederick Brown of The Manor House, Langley, Bucks; and has issue — Terence Verschoyle, Gentleman, b. 1894. Seats — Kilberry, co. Kildare ; Mountain, co. Westmeath ; The Grange, Chalfont St. Peter's, Bucks. Club^ — Carlton, Arthur's, Wellington, R.Y.S. is the Naval Cockade. I404 Oer (Ke0 FREDERICK THOMAS VERSCHOYLE. Esquire. tP. CO. Liiiterick, late Capt. 2nd Brigade Southern Div. oyal Artillciry. /torn 1854, being the fourth but second surviving son of the Right Rev. Ilainihon Verschoyle of Cashelshannghan. in ihe county of Donegal, Hishop of Kil- more, by his wife Catherine Margaret, daughter and eventu- ally co-l»eir of the Very Reverend Thomas Hawkins of Ballytxxlonnell, in the county of Donegal, Dean of Clonfert. C/uis — Junior United .Service, Kilaare Street (Dublin), County (Limerick). Armorial bearlngfi— He bears for Amu : Quarterly i and 4, argent on a chevron between three lioars' heads couped gules, u cross p.-it^ or (for Verschoyle); a. argent, a chevron gules between three boars' be.-ids erased sable (for Nesbitt) ; and on a canton the following arms, quarterly i. or, a lion rampant gules within a double tressure tlory and counterflory of the last (for Scotland) ; ii. or, a fesse chequy argent and azure, in chief a label of three points gules (for Stuart) ; iii. argent, a saltire between four roses gules (for Lennox) ; iiii. azure, a lion rampant argent (for Macduf!) ; the canton within a bordure componte argent and azure ; 3. party per chevron argent and vert, three hinds at gaze proper (for Hawkins). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boar's head coui^ed gules, charged with a cross pat6e or ; with the HottO, " Temperans et constans." Married, October 26, 1891, Hilda Caroline Hildyard, youngest daughter of the late Robert Blair of Blacicdales, in the county of Ayr ; and has Issue — Frederick Hildyard Hawkins Stuart Verschoyle, Gentleman, b. Nov. 31,1894; Hilda Caroline Gwendoline; and Moyra Hamilton. Postal address — Castle Troy, Limerick, Ireland. The Reverend HAMILTON STUART VERS- CHOYLE. Born 1844, being the eldest son of the Right Reverend Hamilton Verschoyle of Cashelshanaghan, in the county of Donegal, Bishop of Kilmore, by his wife Catherine Margaret, eldest dau. and eventually co-heir of the Very Rev. Thomas Hawkins of Ballybodonnell and Dunkineely, in the county of Donegal, Dean of Clonfert. Armorial bearinjrs— Quarterly i and 4, Argent on a chevron be- tween three boars' heads couped gules, a cross pat6e or (for Verschoyle) ; 2. argent, a chevron gules between three boars' heads erased sable (for Nesbitt); and on a canton the following arms, quarterly i. or, a lion rampant f;ules within a double tressure flory counterHory of the last for Scotland) ; ii. or, a fesse chequy argent and azure, in chief a laliel of three points gules (for Stuart) ; iii. argent, a saltire between four roses gules (for Lennox) ; iiii. azure, a lion rampant argent (for Macduff); the whole of the canton within a bordure compon«Se argent and azure ; 3. per chevron argent and vert, three hinds at gaze projjer (for Hawkins) ; and on an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Goold, namely azure, on a fesse or, l>etween live gold- finches, three in chief and two in base proper, three mullets of the field, in the dexter chief point a crescent of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befittinj; his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Orest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boar's head cou[>e. 1848; m. 1st, 1873; Kathleen Hannah Murray (rf. 1887); d. and h. of late John Alexander of Caw, Londonderry ; and, 1888, Adelaide Ann, d. and h. of late James Strain, C.L, R.LC. ; and has surv. issue (by ist mar.) — (i) Eustace de Burgh Agmondisham Vesey, Gentleman, l>. 1875 ; Maude Murray ; and Geraldine Ethel Georgina Beatrice [m. 1904, John Lees Casson] ; and (by 2nd mar.) (2) Norman Agmondisham Vesey, Gentleman, i>. 1889. lies. — The Rectory, Marske, Richmond, Yorks. VIALL, quartered by BELLASIS and DALGLISH- BELLASIS. Sir ARTHUR EDWARD VICARS, K.C.V.O. (1903), Knight Bachelor (1896), C.V.O. (1900), Ulster King of Patrick, a Government Trustee of the National Library of Ireland, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, President of the Ex Libris Society to 1900, and since that date Vice- President. Third and youngest son of the late Col. W. H. Vicars of the 6ist Regt., by his wife Jane, third dau. of Robert Gun-Cuninghame, Esq., D. L. , of Mount Ken- nedy, in the co. of Wicklow. Livery — Blue and white. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a cross sable, five estoiles of the field, impaled by the arms of Ulster King of Arms, namely or, a cross gules, on a chief of the last, a lion passant guardant between a harp and a portcuHis, all of the field. Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet ot a King of Arms, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a lambrequin azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dove holding in its bill an olive-branch all proper ; with the Motto, " Vincit omnia virtus." Postal address — Office of Arms, Dublin Castle. 6/«*— Kildare Street (Dublin). VICARS (U.O.). Argent, on a cross sable, five estoiles of the field. Mantltag sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dove holding in its bill an olive- branch all proper. Motto — •' Vincit omnia virtus." Sons of Col. W. H. Vicars, 6ist Regt., b. ; d. 1869; m. 1856, Jane, d. of Robert Gun-Cuninghame, Esq., D.L. , of Mount Kennedy, and widow of Pierce K. Mahony of Kilmorna : — William Henry Vicars, Esq., Major Reserve of Officers, late Lieut. 90th Lt. Inf., b. 1858. Res. — Frederick George Vicars, Gentleman, M.D. , b. i860; m. ist, 1884, Dorothea Ida [d. 1885), eld. d. of Mons. Adolf Janasz, Plochocin, nr. Warsaw ; and has issue — Dora ; 2nd, 1894, Eugenie Maiilde, d. of Capt. Haskett Smith of Hyde, Weston, Bath. Res.~ Sir Arthur Edward Vicars, K.C.V.O., Ulster King of Arms {q.v.). ALBERT VICKERS, Gentleman. Bom Sept. 16, 1838, being the third son of Edward Vickers, sometime of Tapton, Arms and Principal Herald of all Ireland, Registrar of, and Knight Attendant on, the Most Illustrious Order of Saint in the parish of Sheffield, and .Tfterwards of Goldicott, co. Warwick, J. P. for the borough of Sheffield, by his wi'e Ann, dau. and final heir of George Naylor of Si.effield. is the Naval Cockade, 4U i4o6 mt mt Annorial bMurlagi— Argent, on a crocs florv gules, five mullets of six points of the first, a chief sable, thereon three ruillrinds or, and impaling the arms of Foster, namely ermine, a biigle-horn vert, garnished and stringed or, on a chief arched gules, two roses argent. Mantling gules and argent. OrMt — On a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed, >'ested gules, cuffed argent, the hands proper, holding a millrind or. Afarried, firstly, Mav i6, 1861, Helen Horton (d. July 9, 1873), only child and heir of John Ga^ of Boston, U.S.A. ; and secondm Jan. a, 1875, Edith, second dau. of the late John Foster of Newhall Grange, Maltby, co. York ; and has Issue (by his first marriage) — (i) Edward Vickers, Gentleman, b. May xt, 1863, and d. unm. ; Almyra (wife of Edwin Gray of Gray's Court, in the city of York) ; and Maude (wife of Alan Gray, Mus. Doc. of Cambridge) ; and by his second mar- riage— (a) Vincent Cartwri^ht Vickers, Gentleman, b. Jan, 9, 1879 ; Edith Dorothy (wife of the Hon. Stuart Pleydell- Bouverie, younger brother of the present Earl of Radnor) ; and Izme Mary. Residence — i4Cadogan Square, London, S. W. Club -Junior Carlton. CHARLES WILLIAM VICKERS. GenUeman, Bar- rister-at-Law. Bom , being the son of the late Charles Kirsop Vickers, Gentleman, of Redgate Hall, Wolsingham, Durham, by Mary, dau. of the late William Kirsop of Redgate Hall, Durham. Armorial bearings— Gules, on a cross patte quadrate or, five mullets of eight points of the first, on a chief arched ermine, two Cornish choughs prop>er. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-leopard proper, charged with three mullets of eight points paleways, and holding between the paws an increscent or, a mount vert. Motto — " Vulneror non vincor." SCUTHBERT BAINBRIDGE VICKERS, Esquire, late Kent Artillery Militia, Lieut. -Col. commanding and Hon. Col. 1868-87, and City of London Rifle Brigade, Bom July 25, 1837, being the second son of the late James Vickers of Stanhope Cottage, Brixton, by Mary, dau. of the late Cuthbert Bainbridge of Eastgate, co. Durham. Livery — Green, with yellow vest and piping. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a cross pat^e. quadrate or, five mullets proper, charged with three mullets of eight points pale- ways, and holding between the paws an increscent or, • mount vert. Motto — "Vulneror non vincor." Married, May 9, 1863, Lydia Ellen, only child of the late Henry Hilton of Spring Bank, Darwen, Lanes. ; and has Issue— (i) Hilton Vickers, Esq., Major a3rd Madras Light Infantry, I.S.C,, b. June 30, 1865 \m., , Winifred Kate, dau. of the late W. W. Holswonhy, Esq., Capt. A.S.D., and has issue, Wilmot Gordon Vickers, Gentleman, b, June 8, 1890; and Kathleen Olga]; (a) Rev. Muschamp Vickers, B.A. (Oxon.), Clerk in Holy Orders, b. Dec. ar, 1867; (3) Cuthberi Vickers, Esq., Capt. 13th Bengal Infantry, I..S.C., b. Sept. a8, 1870; (4) Aubrey Vickers, Gentleman, Lieut. 48th Bengal Infantry, I.S.C, b. Sept. a8, 1878; Julia; Lydia [m., 1889, W. Prior, Esq., Major I.S.C, 13th Bengal Infantry]; and Maria Eugenie, d. Oct. 18, 1903. £j/a/« — Spring Bank, White Hall, and Hall Moss, Darwen, Lanes. Residences — Falkland House, Tor- quay, and 5 Lansdown Terrace, Cheltenham. Club — Royal Torbay Yacht, New (Cheltenham). JAMES MUSCHAMP VICKERS, Gentleman, Bar- rister-at-Law (Inner Temple). Born June 34, 1839, being the third son of the late James Vickers of Stanhop)e Cot- tage, Brixton, and Mary, dau. of the late Cuihljert Bain- bridge of Eastgate, co. Durham. Livery — Green, yellow waistcoat and piping. Armorial bearings— Gules, on a of eight points of the first, on a chief arched ermine, two Cornish choughs proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-leopard cross pat6e quadrate or, five mullets of eight points of th< first, on a chief arched ermine, two Cornish choughs pre per. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-leopard proper, charged with three mullets of eight points paleways, and holding between the paws an increscent or, a mount vert. Motto — "VuH neror non vincor." Married, Dec. 9, 1874, Annie Eliza beth, dau. of the late Emerson Muschamp BainbridgeJ Esq., J. P., of Eshott Hall, Felton, Northumberland; anrf^ has Issue — (i) Noel Muschamp Vickers, Gentleman, *J Dec. 22, 1880; (2) Hugh Gordon Muschamp VickersJ Gentleman, b. May 18, 1886 ; and Maude Muschamp [ml 1900, Maxwell Jackson]. Residence — Waltham HouseJ Great Waltham, Essex. Clubs— ]\.\n\or Athenjeum, Roya London Yacht. KIRSOP BAINBRIDGE JAMES VICKERS, Gentle man, M.B. London. Born 1869, being the son of thj late Charles Kirsop Vickers, Gentleman, of Redgate Hallf & is tbe Military Cockade. mt Oigf 1407 Wolsingham, Durham, by Mary, dau. of the late Wilham Kirsop of Redgate Hall, Durham. Armorial beaiing's — Gules, on a cross pat^e quadrate or, five mullets of eight points of the first, on a chief arched ermine, two Cornish choughs proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-leopard proper, charged with three mullets of eight points paleways, and holding between the paws an increscent or, a mount vert. Motto — " Vulneror non vincor." Residence — Wellington, Shropshire. STROMAS EDWARD VICKERS, Esquire, C.B., V.D., Honorary Colonel ist (Hallamshire) Volunteer Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment, Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of Yorks, and the city of Shef- field. Bor7i July 9, 1833, being the second son of Edward Vickers, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Anne, daughter of George Naylor. Clubs — Constitutional, The Sheffield Club (Sheffield). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a cross flory gules, five mullets of six points of the first, a chief sable, thereon three millrinds or, a crescent for difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, bearings — Quarterly i and 4, g^ules, a cross fliory argent, on a chief or, a crescent between two quatrefoils of the first, in base on the dexter side a battle-axe, and on the sinister a a fleur-de-lis of the second (for Vickers) ; 2 and 3, vert, a lion rampant between three annulets argent, on a chief gules, a fleur-de-lis or, between two towers of the second (for Playfair). Mantling gules and argent. Crest- On iDeLis ercoNSTANs: a wreath of the colours, a dove holding in its bill an olive branch and standing on a cornucopia fesseways all proper. MottO^'Tidelis et constans." Married, Feb. 4, 1895, May, dau. of Charles James Houghton of Leyton, Essex, and Las Palmas, Grand Canary ; and has Issue— (i) Thomas Bernard Vickers, Gentleman, b. Nov. 6, 1896 ; (2) Henry Charles Vickers, Gentleman, b. April 5, 1901 ; (3) William Alexander Vickers, Gentleman, b. April 24, 1902 ; and Mar- garet Mary. Seat — Coolroe House, Graiguenamanagh, co. Kilkenny. VIERVILLE, quartered by CHAMPION DE CRES- PIGNY. two arms embowed, vested gules, cuffed argent, the hands proper, holding a millrind or ; with the Motto, "Vigore." Married, June 5, i860, Frances Mary, dau. of late Joseph Douglas ; and has Issjie — (i) Douglas Vickers, Esquire, J. P. for Derbyshire, born July 24, 1861 \ni., 1893, Katherine Adelaide, second dau. of Capt. the Hon. H. W. Chetwynd, R.N.]; (2) Ronald Vickers, Gentleman, M.A. (Oxon), born May 3, 1869 ; Mabel Frances (deceased) ; Clara Mildred \jn. firstly, 1895, C. W. Parry (who d. 1900), and secondly, 1904, Robert Windsor Skipwith] ; Florence Evelyn \m.. , 1890, W. H. Hamilton-Gordon] ; and Bertha. Postal ad- dress — 12 Stanhope Place, London, W. WILLIAM HENRY PLAYFAIR VICKERS, Gentle- man, M.D., B.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.). Born March 6, 1865, being the eldest son of the late Henry Thomas Vickers, Barrister-at-Law, by his wife Margaret Isabella, dau. and coheir of Robert Playfair, Secretary to the Carnatic Board, H.E.I.C.S. ZjV^ry— Blue with white piping. Armorial VIGORS (U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4, argent, three stag's heads erased gules, attired or (Vigors) ; 2. ermine, on a fesse between three wolfs heads erased sable, a trefoil between two mullets or (Cliffe) ; 3. azure, a chevron between three estoiles argent (Carr). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased as in the arms. Motto — " Spectemur agendo." Son of Bartholomew Urban Vigors, B.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), Acting Advocate - Gen. for Colony of West Australia, b. 1817; d. 1854; m. 1852, Charlotte Elizabeth, d. of Col. John Bruce: — Thomas Mercer Cliffe Vigors, Esq., J. P. co. Carlow, b. 1853 ; m. 1877, Mary Louisa Helen, eld. d. of Col. the Hon. Robert French Handcock, R.A. ; and has issue^ (i) Edward Cliffe Vigors, Gentleman, b. 1878 ; (2) Ashmead Ludlow Cliffe Vigors, Gentleman, b, 1884 ; Kathleen Mary ; and Eileen Edm^e. Seat — Burgage, Leighlin Bridge, co. Carlow. Sons of Thomas Mercer Vigors, M.I.C.E. , BA. , b. 1819 ; d. 1881 ; w. 1857, Sophie, d. of Rev. Charles William Doyne, Preb. of Fethard : — Charles Thomas Doyne Vigors, Gentleman, Ceylon C.S. is the Naval Cockade. i4o8 (Hi? ain *. 1857: m. 188a. Robina Margaret, d. of William Fereuson, F.US., of Kelvin Grove. Colombo ; and has issue— Nicrvyn Doyne Vigors. Gentleman, d. 1886; Esmfe Innes; and EUinor May. Kes.— Thuni.u Mercer Vigors. Esq.. Major (ret.) A.P.D., formerly Capt. 4ih (King's Own) Regt..^. 1859; tn. 189a. Nellie /o»ephine. d. of J. Rhattisan. Jies.— Philip Urban Waller Vigors. Esq.. D.S.O., Major late nth (North Devon) Regt., served in S. Africa and at the relief of Ladysmith. b. 1861 ; m. 1891. Anna Louisa Hyacinth, d. of late Rev. Hyacinth Talbot D'Arcy of Clifden Castle, co. Galway ; and has issue— Hyacinth D'Arcy Vigors. Gentleman, b. 1894 ; and Evelyn Maude. lies.— Cliffe Henry Vigors, Esq., Capt. Roy. Irish Regt., b. 1864. Jies.— The Rev. RICHARD WILLIAM VIGORS. Clerk in Holy Orders. M. A. (Trin. Coll. , Dublin), late Rector of Llan- wenarth Citra, co. Mon. Armorial bearings— Quarterly I and 4, argent, three stags' heads erased gules, attired or (for Vigors) ; a. ermine, on a fesse between three wolves' he.ids erased sable, a trefoil between two mullets or (for Cliffe) ; 3. azure, a chevron between three estoiles argent (for Carr). Mantlliij: gules and argent. CreBt— On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head as in the arms. Motto — "Spectemur agendo." Residence — NcwfK>rt Hall, Almeley, Eardisley, Herefordshire. VILLIERS, quartered by TUTHILL and BATH- URST. S HENRY JOHN RICHARD VILLIERS-STUAR T. Esq., J. P. and D.L., late a Capt. 68th Light Infantry, and Lieut.-Col. Waterford Militia. Bom March 3, 1837. being the son of Col. William Villiers-Stuari by Catherine his wife, dau. of Michael Cox, and sister and heiress of Sir Richard Cox, Bart. , of Castletown. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, within a double tressure flory and counterflory gules, a martlet for difference (for Stuart) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a cross gules, five escallops or (for Villiers). Mant-Ung azure and or. Crests -i. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, and above the Motto, " Nobilis ira ; " 2. on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, ducally crowned or. MottO — " Aviio viret honore." Mat May 4, 1870, Jane Rifiby, eldest dau. of H. Rigby Murraj of Parton Place. Kirkcudbrightshire ; and has Issue — (ii William Desmond Villiers-Stuart. Gentleman. Lieut, i/j Gurkha Rifles, P.F.F.. b. April ii, 187a; (2) Charles He bert Villiers-Stuart, Gentleman, Lieut, and P.I., P.F.F.j *. Sept. a. 1874 ; (4) John Patrick Villiers-Stuart. Gentl man, and Lieut. I.S.C., b. March i, 1876; Kathleen Jane] Gertrude Elsie ; and Marie Violet. Seat — Castletown, Kilkenny. Clubs — Army and Navy, Kildare Street (Dublin)! VINCENT. ST.. see CAPE ST. VINCENT. SSiR CHARLES EDWARD HOWARD VINCENT K.C.M.G. (i88c)). C.B. (1885), J. P. for Westminste and the counties of Middlesex and Berkshire. Deputy-LieuM nant for London. Member of Parliament for the Centr Division of Sheffield since November 1885. Born 184 being the son of the Reverend Sir Frederick Vincent eleventh Baronet, by his wife Maria Copley, daughter the late R. Herries Young of Auchenskreugh, in tl county of Dumfries. Clubs — Carlton, Marlboroughj Naval and Military. Armorial bearings— He bears fo Arms : Azure, three quatrefoils argent ; and for his out of a ducal coronet or, a bear's head proper. Marrie 1882, Ethel Gwendoline, daughter of the laie Georj Moffatt, Esquire, Member of Parliament, of Goodric Court, in the county of Hertford. Residences — i Grosveno Square, W. ; Villa Flora, Camies. Sir EDGAR VINCENT. Knight Commander of tli Most Distinguished Order of Samt Michael and Sain George. Born August 19, 1857, being the son of tb Reverend Sir Frederick Vincent, eleventh Baronet, by " second wife Maria Copley, daughter of the late RoLe Herries Young of Auchenskrugh, in the county of Dur fries. Clubs — Carlton, St. James's. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Azure, three quatrefoils argent, th escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon of the Mc Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint GeorgeJ and pendent below his badge as a Knight Commander that Order, and impaling upon a second escutcheon tt arms of Duncombe, namely, i^er chevron engrailed gule and argent, three talbots' heads erased counierchanged Upon the escutcheons is placed a helmet befitting bu degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for hid Crest, out of a ducal coronet or. a bear's head profjerj with the Mottoes, " Vincenti dabitur," and " Non nil vincenti." Married, 1890, Helen Venetia, common known as Lady Helen Venetia, daughter of the Righ Honourable the first Earl of Feversham. Residence — Esh Place, Esher. JOHN VINCENT. Esq., late Capt. 76ih Foot. Bo June 15, 1830, being the second son of the Kate Willian Read Vincent. Esq., Capt. 3rd West York Militia, by T " wife Sarah, dau. and coheir of John Clarke of Boston Lodg Armorial bearings -Azure, tliree cinquefoils argent, and) bordure or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — Out of i ducal coronet or, a griffin's head gules, charged with trefoil or. Motto — "Vincent qui se vincent." Marr' 1862, Ann, dan. of Rev. James Linton of Hemingfod House, CO. Huntingdon ; and has /wwe — (i) William Hen Hutchinson Vincent, Gentleman, b. April 28, 1863 ; {i Thomas Montngu Vincent, Gentleman ; (3) Charles Vid cent. Gentleman ; Ada Cecile ; and Alice Mary. Re. ' dence — SJOHN MATSON VINCENT, Esquire, late Cap 3rd Batt. York and Lane. Regt., J. P. for We Riding of Yorkshire. Born 1849. being the eldest son the late John Read Vincent, Esq., Major 4th Foot, by I wife Lucy, dau. of Robert Longson of Longstone, Dert shire. Livery — Blue, with white facings, itjmorial bea ing^S — Azure, three cinquefoils argent within a Iwrdure Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a griffin's head gule charged on the neck with a trefoil slipped of the firs Motto — "Vincent qui se Vincent." Married, 1891, Ethe second dau. of the late Rev. C. Duberly of Wolsinj ham, CO. Durham ; and has Issue — John Exham Vincen| Gentleni.-m, b, 1893. ^^'^^ — Hemsworth, I^ne Ends, ne Wakefield. is tlie Military Cockade. Plate XLVIII. Bour^Tora • jtCiii3ei=5-a^€r ZzG^sz^ie, ^in ait) 1409 WILLIAM CLARKE VINCENT, Gentleman. Bom December 11, 1828, being the eldest son of Willian Read Vincent, Captain 3rd West York Militia, by his wife Sarah, eldest daughter and co-heir of John Clarke of Boston Lodge and Wakefield. /,«'?;/— Blue and silver. Armo- rial bearings— He bears for Anns— Azure, three cinque- foils argent, a bordure or. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a griffin's head gules, charged on the neck with a trefoil George Malise Avenel Vipont, Gentleman, b. Feb. 21, 1903 ; Olga Florence Gladys Vipont ; Helena Frances Cliarteris Avenel ; and Ermyntrude Rose Muriel Soulis Morville. Postal address — Lilliehill House, Townhill, Dunfermline. slipped gold; with the MottO, "Vincent qui se vincent." Estates— ^os\.on Lodge, and various places in the West Riding of the county of York. Postal address— Boslon Lodge, Boston Spa, Yorkshire. VINER, see ELLIS- VINER. VIPONT, quartered by WISE. TfiE Rev. DAVID AVENEL VIPONT, Clergyman of the Church of Scotlmd. Dorji March 5, 1864, bging the only son and surviving child of the late Rev. Andrew Anderson, Free Church clergyman at Cowdenbeath, co. Fife, and Eliza Vipont, only surviving daughter and child of Thomas Whyte, cotton merchant, Glasgow, and assumed the surname of Vipont in lieu of Anderson in 1899, with authority of Lyon King of Arms. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, a saltire engrailed sable between a lion rampant in chief and two crescents in flanks gules (for Anderson) ; 2 and 3, gules, three mascles interlaced between as many quatrefoils or (for Whyte). Mantlings sable, doubled argent, and gules, doubled or. Crests— I. on a wreath of his liveries, on the dexter side, a thistle slipped proper, with the Motto, in an escroll above, " Per aspera ad alta ; " 2. on a wreath of his liveries, on the sinister side, a demi-eagle displayed gules, charged on the breast with a mascle or (for Whyte), with the Motto on the escroll, " Vinculis fortior." Married, April 21, 1897. Jane Florence Clark, only surviving child of Rev. George Mackay, M.A., Minister of Presbyterian Church, Whitehaven, co. Cumberland; and has Issue— (i) Roland Seaward Alan Avenel Vipont, Gentleman, b. Feb. 21, 1903 ; (2) Francis SSiR ARTHUR PENDARVES VIVIAN, K.C.B., D.L. and J. P. co. Glamorgan, J. P. co. Cornwall (Sheriff 1889), Deputy- Warden of the Stannaries, Hon. Col. 2nd Vol. Batt. Welsh Regt. from 1895, ^^^ tJol. 1872-95, appointed to command of S. Wales Vol. Brigade since 1895, M.P. for West Cornwall 1868-1885. Born June 4, 1834, being the son of John Henry Vivian, Esq., of Single- ton, CO. Glamorgan, Major Royal Stannary Artillery, J. P. and D.L. , by his wife Sarah, eldest dau. of Arthur Jones, late of The Priory, Reigate, and formerly of Caervallack, co. Flint. Armorial bearings — Or, on a chevron azure, between three lions' heads erased proper, as many annulets of the field, on a chief embattled gules, a wreath of oak of the first between two martlets argent, and impaling the arms of Dalrymple, namely, quarterly i and 4, or on a saltire azure, nine lozenges of the field (for Dalrymple) ; 2 and 3 or, a chevron chequy sable and argent between three water-bougets of the second (for Ross). Mantling azure and or; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased proper, charged with two bezants paleways, and gorged with a collar gules, thereon three annulets or, with a chain of the last ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from a bridge of one arch embattled, and at each end a tower proper, a demi-hussar of his Majesty's i8th Regiment of Dragoons habited, armed, and accoutred, holding in his dexter hand a sabre all pro- per, and in his sinister a pennon flying to the sinister gules ; with the Motto, ' ' Vive revicturus. " Married, firstly, March 4, 1867, Augusta Emily, commonly known as Lady Augusta Emily, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable Sir Edwin Wyndiiam-Quin, third Earl of Dunraven, Knight of the Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick ; and by her (who died February 11, 1877) has surv. Issue— G^raXA William Vivian, Esq., J. P. co. Glamorgan, I^ieutenant K. N. , b. June 10, 1869 ; Caroline Mabel ; and Clarice Gertrude. He married secondly, March 10, 1880, Lady Jane Georgiana, is the Naval Cockade. I4IO am daughter of the RiKht Honourable the tenth Earl of Stair, and by her has — Edith Evelyn ; nnd Lilian Ursula. Postal aJJrtsstt — aj Buckingham Gate, S.W. ; Bosahan, St. Martin, R.S.O.. Cornwall duds — Brooks's, Travellers', Royal Yacht Squadron. apief dexter per fesse argent and gules, the sinister per fesse gule and argent ; with the Motto, " Spes mca in Deo." Afarrie Eleanor Beatrice, «/? Thomson ; and has Issue — (i) Edg Walter Thomson von Stieglitz, Gentleman, bornFebr VIVIAN, fonnerlyofPencalenick(R.L., i8ao). Erminois, on a chfXTon sable, between three lion's heads erased purpure, as many plates, a chief engrailed gules, thereon three martlets or. Mantling sable and or. CrMt— On a wreath of the colours, between two roses gules, slipped vert, a dexter cubit arm, vested aiure, charged with five plates in saltire, cufTarpfnt, the hand proper, grasping an anchor m fesse. the fluke towards the dexter. Mottoes — " Non rolwre sed sne," " Vive ut vivas." Son of John Vivian of Pencalenick, Cornwall : — Rev. Francis Henry Vivian, M.A. (Cantab.), S. 1828; m. i860, Margaret, d. of William Charles Henry of Haffield, I^dbury ; and has issue— Herbert Vivian, Gentleman, M..\. (Cantab.). (/?w.— The Pleasaunce, Woking), ^. 3 April 1865 [m. 1897, Olive, d. of Frederick Walton of Cwmlle- ctwdiog, Montgomeryshire] ; and Margaret Cordelia, . A'«. — Chinewood, Bournemouth Ekist. VON HERKOMER (31 Oct. 1899; Heralds' Office. Munich). Von Gold and Roth schraglinks geteilt ; ol)en Ewei ^ekreuzte schwarze Meissel dariiber ein Schlagel unten eine silberne Malerpalette mil drei durch dieselbe gesteckte, aufrecht stehende Pinsel. Auf dem gekronten Turnierhelm ein offener adlerflug, der rechte Fliigel von Gold and Schwarz schragrechts, der linke Fliigel von Roth and Gold schraglinks getdeilt ; zwischen den Fliigeln eine nattirliche Hand aus schwarzem, goldgesiiumten Aermel, der Zeige- finger und der Daumen nach oben, die iibrigen Finger eingebogen. Helmdecken rechts schwarz golden, links roth-golden. Unten ein Spruchband mit der Devise " Pro- priis Alis." [Per bend or and gules, in chief two sculptor's chisels in saltire sable, in base a sculptor's mallet of the last surmounted by a painter's palette sable, through which are placed three brushes in bend sinister. Mantling — Dexter side, or and sable ; sinister side, gules and sable. Crest — Out of a coronet between two eagle's wings displayed, the dexter per bend or and sable, the sinister per bend sinister gules and or. a cubit arm proper, habited sable, decorated with gold, the thumb and first finger raised, the other fingers closed. Motto — " Propriis alis."] Only son of Lorenz Herkonier, d. 1888, by his wife Josephine Niggl : — Hubert von Herkomer, Esq., C.V.O. (1901). R.A. (1890). Officer of the Legion of Honour, foreign Knight of Prussian Order pour le M6rite; Ritter Kreuz des Kgl. Verdienst-Ordens (1899), i. 1849; m. ist, 1874, Anna. (d. 1883). d. of Albert Weise of Berlin ; 2nd, Lulu (d. 1885), d. of T. Griffiths of Ruthin, N. Wales; 3rd, Margaret, another d. of T. Griffiths of Ruthin ; and has issue — (1) Siegfried Hubert, d. 1874; (2) Lorenz Hans, 6. 1889; Elsa; and Gwenddydd. J?es. — Lululaund, Bushey, Herts; Mutterturm. Landsberg-am-Lech, Bavaria. C/uds — Athenaeum, Arts, Burlington Fine Arts. EDGAR BOYNE VON STIEGLITZ, Gentleman, of Wambo, Brisbane, Queensland. Born July 1. 1846. being the second son ot Francis Walter von Stieglitz. Esquire, of lona, Stewart Street. Launceston. Tasmania. Justice of the Peace, by his wife Anne (« the colours, issuant from the battlements of a tower argen^ a demi-lion gules, holding in the dexter paw a cross cros let. and resting the sinister on a decrescent, both als argent (for Vowler). Motto — "Non sibi sed patriae.' Estates — Penheale Manor, co. Cornwall ; Parnacott, co Devon. Seat — Penheale, Egloskerry, Cornwall. VYSE, see HOWARD- VYSE. is the Military Cockade. mat} man 1411 w JOHN WADDINGHAM, Esq., M.A. of Oriel Coll., Oxford, J. P. CO. Gloucester. Born Dec. 21, 1838, being the eldest son of the late John Waddingham, Esq., of Guyting Grange and Hafod, J. P. cos. Gloucester and Cardigan, High Sheriff i86i, by his wife Margaret, dau. of James Wilkinson. Clu6 — New University. Armorial bearings (c. 1860-1865) — Azure, a fesse between in chief two stags' attires, and in base an unicorn passant argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a stag's head caboshed proper, between the attires a rose argent, barbed and seeded also proper. Motto — "Prospicio." Married, 1883, Emma Octavia, dau. of Michael Belcher. Seat — Guyting Grange, Lower Guyting, Cheltenham, co. Gloucester. S THOMAS JAMES WADDINGHAM, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. Bom Feb. 27, 1840, being the second son of John Waddingham, by his wife Margaret Wilkinson, dau. of James Wilkinson. Livery — Blue with white piping, silver buttons with stag's head caboshed and rose between horns. Armorial bearing^ [e. 1860-1865)— Azure, a fesse WADDINGTON. Quarterly, i. argent, on a fesse sable between three fleurs-de-lis azure, a lion passant or (Wad- dington, 11 Dec. r788) ; 2. argent, a cinquefoil azure, on a chief gules two crosses flory vair (Ferrand, Vns. Yorks.); 3. argent, a chevron azure between three fountains (Sykes, II Dec. 1788); 4. or, on a chevron sable between three stag's heads erased proper, an acorn slipped and leaved (Rigmaiden, 11 Dec. 1788). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed proper, holding a battle-axe in bend, the handle or, the blade argent, charged with a fleur-de-lis as in the arms. Motto — " Redde suura cuique." Livery — Dove colour, light blue facings. Son of Major-Gen, Charles Waddington, C.B. , b. 1795 ; d. 1858 ; m. \^'2'z, Anne Rebecca, d. of John Pinchard : — Horace Waddington, Gentleman, Oxon. , Barrister-at-Law, late one of H.M. Inspectors of Schools, b. 26 Jan. 1834 ; m. 1st, 1863, Adelaide Mary (rf. 1896), d. of late David Thomas, Esq., J. P., of PwUywrach, Glamorgan ; 2nd, 1899, Emily, d. of late Frederick North ; and has surv. issue — (i) Horace Penderel Waddington, Gentleman, b. 1865; (2) Evelyn de Burgh Waddington, Gentleman, b. 1869 ; Millicent Valentine \m. 1899, E. E. Fletcher, Barrister-at-Law] ; and Mildred Ferrand. Res. — Roseneath, Godalming. between in chief two stags' attires, and in base an unicorn passant argent, impaling the arms of Davies, namely, quar- terly or and gules, a dragon rampant counterchanged, holding in its dexter claw a spear proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a stag's head caboshed proper, between the attires a rose argent, barbed and seeded also proper. Motto — " Prospicio." Married^ Dec. 13, 1893, Sarah, dau. of James Davies, Esq., J. P. and D.L. Seat — Hafod, near Aberystwyth. Club — New University. WADDINGTON, quartered by RAMSDEN and TEMPEST. SJOHN WADDINGTON, Esquire, one of H.M. Lieuts. for City of London, J. P. cos. Sussex and Yorks. Bom April 5, 1855, being the second son of John Waddington of Clarendon House, Leeds (son of Richard Waddington, Balksi House, Wortley, near Leeds), by his wife Mary Anne, dau. of William Sugden of Bradford, Yorks. Livery — Light drab and red facings. Armorial bearings — Per pale argent and gules, a fesse between two fleurs-de-lis in chief, and a battle-axe fesseways in base, blade upwards, and head to the sinister all counterchanged. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed, holding in the hand a tilting-spear in bend, is the Naval Cookade. i4»« mat mat and a battle-axe in bend sinister, all proper, the hand sur- mounted bv a fleur-de-lis gules. HottO — " Pro recto semper." Afarried, Oct. 29, 1879, Evaline, dau. of George Shenton of Perth, Western Australia, anti sister of Sir George Shenton; and has IssHe—(i) Albert Edward John Wad- dington, Gentleman, b. Nov. 9, 1883 ; Ida Annie ; and Gladys Victoria. Rtsidtnces — Ely Grange, Frant, co. Sussex ; Waddington Old Hall, co. York. 67«*.f— Sports, Autmubile, Tunbridgc Wells Club (Tunbridge Wells) ; Devonshire (Eastbourne), Union (Brighton), Lewes and County ( l^wes). RICHARD ANDERSON WADDY, Esquire. Bom 1844, being the eldest son of Gen. Sir Richard Waddy, K.C.D. , of Clougheast Castle, by his wife Anne Elizabeth, dau. of the late W. Cordeaux. Armorial bearings- Argent, a bend between a crescent in chief, and a mullet in base gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a naked arm embowed projjer, grasping a sword argent, pommelled and hilled or. MottO — "Ob ducem ob patriam." Manied, 1870, Elizabeth, dau. of J. E. Stacy, M.D., F.R.C.S.L. ; and has Issue — (ij Rev. Percival Stacy Waddy, b. 1875; (2) Edgar Lloyd Waddy, Gentleman ; (3) Ernest Frederick Waddy, Gentle- man ; (4) Richard Granville Waddy, Gentleman ; Florence May ; and Catherine Ann Cordeaux. Seats — Morpeth, N.S. Wales ; Clougheast Castle, co. Wexford. Residence — Morpeth, N.S. Wales. His Honour Judge SAMUEL DANKS WADDY, Barrister Inner Temple 1858, a Q.C. Feb. 1874, a Bencher Dec. 1877, Reader and Master of the Library 1895, and Treasurer 1896, M.P. for Barnstaple 1874-79, for Edin- burgh City 1882-85 ; appointed Recorder of Sheffield 1894, and a Judge of tlie County Courts 1896. Born June 27, 1830, being the son of the late Rev. Samuel D. Waddy, D.D., formerly Principal of Wesley College, Sheffield. Armorial bearings — Per pale gules and arg-ent, a bend wavy between a mullet of five points pierced in chief, and a crescent in base all counterchanged. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed, habited argent, charged with three bars wavy gules, holding in the hand a sword f>oint downwards proper, all between two mullets pierced gules. Motto — " Sequor ut ducam." Married, i860, Emma, who d. 18^8, dau. of the late S. A. Garbuit of Hull. Residence ~ZC\^x&mon^, Sheffield. C/«^j— National Liberal, Sheffield Club (Shef- field). WADE (U.O.). Azure, on asaltire between four escallops or, a dragon's head erased gules, gorged with a bar gemel argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an arm in armour embowed, the hand grasping a sword all proper, the arm charged with an escallop gules. Motto — " Pro fide et patria." Son of :— Surgeon-General Frederick William Wade, L.R.C.S.I., b. . Res S HAMLET DALTON WADE-DALTON, Esquire, Patron of the Living, and Lord of the Manor of Haiix- Well, J. P. (1894) N.R. Yorks, Lt.-Col. Middlesex Regt, on retired pay, son of the late Colonel Hamlet C. Wade- Dalton jwho assumed by Royal Licence the additional sur- name of Dalton in pursuance of the testamentary injunction of his wife's aunt. Miss Anne Gale of Hauxwell Hall), by his wife Mary, eldest dau. of Colonel Foster Lechmere Coore of Scruton, co. York, and granddaughter of Francis Dalton, Esq. Armorial bearingrs— Quarterly i and 4, azure, crustily or, a lion rampant guardant argent, a chief nebuly of four of the last and sable, and for distinction a canton ermine (for Dalton) ; 2 and 3, azure, on a satire indented between four escallops or, an escallop of the field, a canton of the second, charged with a mullet of six points pierced of the first (for Wade). Mantling— azure and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head couf>ed vert, wings elevated or, gorged with a collar nebuly gold, and charged on the neck for distinction with a cross crosslet argent ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, gar- nished or, holding in the gauntlet a sword also proper. pommel and hilt gold, and pendent from the gauntlet by a chain also gold, an escutcheon azure, charged with an escallop also or. 6Va/ -Hauxwell Hall, Fingall R.S.O. , N.R. Yorks. C/ub —Army and Navy. CHARLES ROBERT WADE-GERY, Esq., J. P. co. Beds., M.A. Cambs. Born Sept. 1838, being the eldest son of the Rev. Robert Wade-Gery, Rector of Colniwortli, CO. Bedford, by his wife Harriet, dau. of William Day of St. Neot's, CO. Huntingdon. Clubs — New Oxford and Cam- bridge. Livery — Brown coat turned up with yellow, waist- coat black and yellow vertical stripxss. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : (Quarterly 1 and 4, gules two bars argent, each charged with three mascles of the field, on a canton or, a leopard's face azure (for Gery) ; 2 and 3 ermine, a saltire argent charged with a battle-axe sable Ijetween four escallops or (lor Wade). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet liefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath ( the colours, an antelope's head erased quarterly argent an sable, charged with four mascles counterchanged (for Gerj' 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a rhir ceros proper, charged with a battle-axe sable (for Wadel Married, May 23, 1871, Emily, only daughter of Jan Hayes, Esquire, Major in 5th Dragoon Guards ; and ha Issue — (i) Charles Hugh Wade-Gery, Gentleman, born " tember 5, and died October 18, 1872 ; (2) Robert Tov end Wade-Gery, Gentleman, born December 4, Sydney Florence ; Hester Beatrice ; Brenda Katharine ; an _ Fanny Cecil. Property ^X Colmworth and Wootton, in the county of liedford ; and at Great Staughton, St. Neot's, and Kimbolton, in the county of Huntingdon. Postal addresses — Wornditch Hall, Kimbolton, St. Neot's, Hunts. WILLIAM HUGH WADE-GERY, Gentleman. Born 1832, being the eldest son of the late William Hugh Wade- Gerry, Esq., J. P., of Bushmead Priory, by his wife Anne Beckingham, eldest dau. of the late John Milnes. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, gules, two bars argent, each charged with three mascles of the field, on a canton or, a leopard's face azure (for Gery) ; 2 and 3, ermine, a saltire argent, charged with a battle-axe sable between four escal- lops or (for Wade) ; upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling, gules and argent, and for his Crests — 1. Upon a wreath of the colours, an ante- lope's head erased quarterly argent and sable, charged with four mascles counterchanged (for Gery) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a rhinceros proper, charged is the Military Cockade. ma\} mafe 1413 with a battle-axe sable (for Wade). Married, 1862, Rebecca, dau. of the late John Hardwicke ; and has with other /«//<; — Richard Wadc-Gery, Gentleman, 6. 1865 [«/., 1894, Margaret Hogarth, younger dau. of John Morrison, and has a dau. , Hester Margaret]. FAIRFAX BLOMFIFLD WADE-PALMER, Esquire, J. P. CO. Berks, F. R.I.B.A. Born July 16, 1851, being the fifth son of Rev. Nugent Wade, late Rector of St. Anne's, Soho, and Canon of Bristol, by his wife Louisa, dau. of Charles Fenwick, late British Consul-General at Elsinore ; assumed the additional surname and arms of Palmer by Royal Licence dated 1900. Armorial bearings guardant between two roses gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon the battlements of a tower, a stork holding in the dexter claw a stone as in the arms, gorged with a chain reflexed over the back sable. Son of Julius Leonard Waechter of Stettin : — Sir Max Leonard Waechter, Knight Bachelor (1902), J. P., D,L. (High Sheriff co. Surrey 1902), i. 1837; m. 1873, Harriet Shallcrass, d. of late Thomas Cave, Esq., J. P., M.P., of Queensberry House, Richmond, Surrey, /^es. — The Terrace House, Richmond, Surrey. CHARLES FREDERICK WAHL, Gentleman. Ar- morial bearings — Lozengy paly bendy argent and azure, on a chief sable, two horses stiitant respecting each other of the first. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a horse argent, on the body a lozenge azure, supporting with the dexter foreleg an escocheon also argent, charged with a wyvern wings elevated and addorsed vert. Motto — " Vincit Veritas." Residence — " Lorely," 119 Broadhurst Gardens, Hampstead, London, N.W. WAILESFAIRBAIRN (R.L., 1901). Quarterly, i and 4, argent, on a chevron between three boar's heads couped gules, three bezants (Fairnbairn, 1839); 2 and 3, per fesse gules and sable, a stork argent, in chief three s-purs rowels up, leathered or (for Wailes). Mantling gules and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of his liveries, a dexter cubit arm holding in the hand the worm of a lever-screw in bend all proper (Fairbairn) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, two spurs interlaced rowels upwards and leathered or, between as many wings proper, each charged with a quatrefoil azure. Motto — ' ' Ne cede arduis. " Livery — Dark chocolate, red facings. Son of William Wailes of Leath, formerly of Leeds ; b. 1829 ; Tit. 1859, Ehzabeth Yorstoun, eld. d. of Sir Peter Fairbairn of Leeds : — William Fairbairn Wailes-Fairbairn , Gentleman, M.A. (Cantab.), 2nd Lieut, Derbysh. Imp. Yeo., b. 1861 ; m. 1892, Katherine Lilian, d. of George Alderson Smith of Wheat- croft Cliff, Scarborough ; and has issue - (i) Neville William Wailes-Fairbairn, Gentleman, b. 1892; Dorothy Lilian; and Hilda Lorna. Seat — Askham Grange, York. Clubs — Boodle's, Devonshire. WAKE, quartered by DU MOULIN-BROWNE. Quarterly i and 4, azure, a talbot's head erased argent, in chief two mullets or, all within a bordure counter-compony of the third and first, and (for distinction) in the centre chief point a cross crosslet or (for Palmer) ; 2 and 3, azure, on a saltire between four escallops or, a dragon's head erased gules, gorged with a bar gemel argent (for Wade), and upon an escutcheon of pretence quarterly i and 4, the arms of Palmer as above but without the mark of distinction ; 2 and 3, sable, on a fesse or, between two owls in chief and a cross crosslet in base of the last, an owl between two cross crosslets of the first all within a bordure ermine (for Pym). Mantling azure and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, three mullets fesseways azure in front of a talbot's head erased argent, charged on the neck (for distinction) with a cross crosslet also azure (for Palmer) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, an arm in armour embowed, the hand grasping a sword all proper, the arm charged with an escallop gules (for Wade). Motto — " Pro Deo et Rege." Married, Dec. 4, 1877, Harriet Ruth, elder dau. and coheir of the late Robert Ruthven Pym, Esq., of Devon- shire Place, London, J. P. and D.L. co. of Middlesex and J. P. CO. of Berks (fifth son of Francis Pym of the Hasells, Beds. , by his wife Lady Jane Leslie Melville) ; and has Issue — (i) Robert Reginald Fairfax Wade- Palmer, Gentle- man, b. Oct. 14, 1878; (2) Aubrey Nugent Wade-Palmer, Gentleman, b. May 24, 1882. Seat -Holme Park, Sonning, CO. Berks. WADHAM, quartered by FLOYER. WAECHTER (H. Coll.). Azure, issuant from the base the battlements of a tower proper, thereon a stork close argent, holding in the dexter claw a stone proper, on a chief in arch per pale or and of the third, a lion statant His Honour Judge JOHN WAKELY, M.A., K.C., Bencher (King's Inn, Dublin), J. P. for King's Co. Born Sept. 30, 1861, being the eldest son of the late John Wakely, late of Ballyburly, Edenberry, King's Co., Esq., is the Naval Cockade. MM ^ak mn\ M.A.. J. P. and D.L.. *. i8ao; d. 1896; m. 1853. Mary Catherine, daa of the Rev. Richard ( Jeorge, Rector of Kents- town, ca Mealh. C/wA— University (Dublin). Livery— Dark blue. Armorial bMurlngs (U.O., 1637)— Gules, a chevron between thnv cross crossli-ts .irgent, on a chief of the second, a staff's head cal»oshed of the first. Marritd, July 31, 1888, Rebecca I^w Monl&errat, eldest dau. of the lev. Morgan Jellett, LL.D., Rector of St. Peter's and Canon of Christ Church Cathetiral. Dublin ; and has Isiut —Nina Catherine ; Ruby Clare jelU-lt ; Olive Ivan Mont- serrat. ^j/a/r—Ballyburly. King's Co. Postal addresses — B.tllyb«irly, Edenderry, King's Co. Club University (Dublin). H KDWARD MALTBY WAKEMAN. Esquire, J.P. w for CO. Salop, Major anil Honorary Lieut. -Col, 3rd Battalion the King's Shropshire Light Infantry. Bom November 19, 1846, being the third son of the Reverend Edward Ward Wakeman, Clerk in Holy Orders, by his wife Louisa, second daughter of Allan Thompson of Cheltenham. Club — United University. Livery — Green and white striped waistcoat, green coat, drab overcoat with green velvet collar. Armoilal bearln^^ — He bears fur Amu : Paly wavy of six vert and argent, a saltire engrailed ermine, and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, between two palm branches projjcr, a lion's head erased argent, emitting flames, gorged with a collar engrailed and cotised vert, thereon three ermine spots or ; with the Motto, " Nee temere nee timide." Married, June 16, 1874, Edith Mary, elder daughter of Phillips Buchanan, Esquire, of Hales Hall, Market Drayton, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Salop and Stafford ; and has Issue — Gladys Louisa, only surviving child. Estate and postal address — Coton Hall, Bridgnorth. M Sir OFFLEY WAKEMAN, 3rd Baronet, of Perdis- © well, CO. Worcs. , M.A., D.L. Born Nov. 15, 1850, being the son of Sir Offley Penbury Wakeman, the 2nd green plush breeches. Armorial bearings— Paly wavy of six vert and argent, a saltire engrailed ermine, impaling the arms of Rouse- Ik>UKhton, namely, quarterly i and 4, sable two bars engrailed argent (for Rouse) ; 2. argent, on a chevron, Iwlween three trefoils slipDed sable, as many bucks' heads calK)shed or, on a chief gules, a goat passant of the field (for IV)ughton of I.,onghton) ; 3. sable, three crescents or (for Boughton). Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet iKfiiting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, between two palm branches proper, a lion's head erased argent, vomiting flames, gorged with a collar engrailed and cotised vert, and charged with three ermines pots or. Mottoes — ' ' Nee temere nee timidf, Pout sans faillir et sans lucre." Married, January 29, 1885, Catherine Mary, daughter of Sir Charles Henry Rouse- Itoughton, eleventh Baronet, of I^wford Hall ; and has Issue — (i) Offley Wakeman, Esquire, born October 19, 1887 ; (2) Edward Offley Rouse Wakeman, Esquire, bom January 15, 1889. Seats — Yeaton-Peverey, Shrewsbury ; Rorrington Lodge, Chirbury, in the county of Salop. S CHARLES THOMAS WALCOT, Gentleman, Com- missariat Staff, ^orn Nov. 1821, being the second son of the late Rev. Charles Walcot, J. P., Rector and Patron of Bitterley, by his first wife Anne, eldest dau. of Major William Walcot of The Moor, near Ludlow. Armorial bearlnjfs— Quarterly i and 4, argent, a chevron between three chess rooks sable ; 2 and 3, argent, on a cross flory gules, five fleurs-de-lis or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a buffalo's head erased argent, ducally gorged gold. Motto — " Nullius in verba magistri.'' Married, Dec. 15, 1847, Fanny, eldest dau. of the Rev. Agar Adamson, D.D., Chaplain of the Hon. the Legis- lative Council of Canada ; and has Issue— (\) Henry Talbot Walcot, Gentleman, b. Oct. 28, 1848 \in.. Dec. 10, 1877, Florence Margaret, sixth dau. of James Foster Bradshaw of Quebec, Canada ; and has issue, Basil Walcot, Gentleman, and Margery Kate] ; (2) Charles William Agar Walcot, Gentleman, b. Nov. 9, 1858 ; Constance Isabel Ann ; Edith Maud Mary ; and Sarah. Residence — Bart., by his wife, the only dau. of Thomas Adlington of Bradenham, co. Norfolk ; succeeded his father in 1858, under the creation of Feb. 20, 1828. Livery — White coat with green facings and cufis, silver lace and buttons, and OWEN CHARLES BAMFYLDE WALCOT, Esquire, J.P. CO. Salop, Capt. 4th Batt. (Mil.) Worcestershire Regt. , Patron of Bitterley. Born 1846, being the eldest son of the late Rev. John Walcot, B.A., of Bitterley Court, Rector and Patron of Bitterley, by his first wife Mary Sophia Bamfylde Foster, second dau. of Sir Thomas Philipps, Bart. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, a chevron between three chess-rooks sable ; 2 and 3, argent, on a cross flory gules, five fleurs-de-lis or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a buffalo's head erased argent, ducally gorged gold. MottO — "Nullius in verba magistri." Married, Dec. 14, 1869, Charlotte Mary, second dau. of J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps, F.R.S., and grand-dau. of Sir Thomas Phillipps, B.irt., of Middlehilll 5fa^— Bit- terley Court, near Ludlow, Salop. Jiesiaence—Mytton House, near Shrewsbury. WALDECHEF. quartered by HUSSEY. WALDO, quartered by SIBTHORP. WALDO, see MEADE- WALDO. WALERAN, quartered by FLOYER. His Royal Highness Prince GEORGE FREDE- RICK ERNEST ALBERT, PRINCE OF WALES (Nov. 9, 1901), Duke of Cornwall (1337), in the Peer- age of England, Duke of York, Earl of Inverness, and Baron Killarney, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom (May 24, 1892), Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Carrick, Baron of Renfrew, Lord of the Isles and Great Steward of Scotland (by Act of the Scottish Parliament 1469), is Uie Military Cockade. mal m^\ 1415 K.G., K.T.. K.P., G.C.V.O., G.C.M.G., Knight of the Order of the Black Eagle of Prussia, St. Andrew of Russia, Golden Fleece of Spain, Imperial Turkish Order of the Osmani^, the Annunciation of Italy, the Ele- phant of Denmark, and Maha Chakri of Siam, Admiral Royal Navy, Capt. ist Prussian Dragoon Guards, Hon. Col. 3rd liatt. West Yorkshire Regt., 3rd Middlesex Rifle Vols, and Suffolk Yeomanry Cavalry. Born at Marl- borough House, June 3, and baptized at Windsor Castle, July 7, 1865, being the second but only surviving son of their Majesties King Edward VI i. and Queen Alexandrina, eldest dau. of His Majesty Christian IX., King of Den- mark. Z./V^ry— Scarlet and gold. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, England, 2. Scotland, 3. Ireland, in chief a label of three points argent, in the centre of the said Royal Arms an escutcheon of the august House of Saxony, namely, barry of ten or and sable, a crown of rue in bend vert, the escutcheon being encircled with the Garter and with tiie collar, and pendent therefrom the badge of that Most Noble Order, and upon a second escutcheon the arms of Teck, namely, party per pale, the dexter argent, three stags' attires fesseways in pale sable, the sinister argent, three lions passant in pale sable, and on an escutcheon of pre- tence paly bendy sinister sable and argent, and pendent below the escutcheon the badge of the Imperial Order of the Crown of India. Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, which is composed of crosses pat^e and fleurs-de-lis, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling' of cloth of gold, lined with silver ; and for his Crest, upon a like coronet, a lion statant guard- ant and crowned with a similar coronet or, and differenced by a label as in the arms. Badges — i. on the dexter side, a plume of three ostrich feathers enfiled by his coronet ; 2. on the sinister side, on a mount vert, a dragon gules, differenced by a label as in the arms. Supporters— On the dexter side, a lion guardant or, crowned and differenced as the crest, and on the sinister side a unicorn argent, armed, crined, tufted, and unguled or, gorged with a like coronet, thereto a chain passing between the forelegs, and reflexed over the back also or, and also differenced with a label as in the arms. Married, July 6, 1893, at the Chapel, St. James's Palace, Her Serene Highness Princess Victoria Mary Augusta Louise Olga Pauline Claudine Agnes, dau. of Her Royal Highness the Duchess of I eck and of His Highness the Duke of Teck, G.C.B. ; and has Issue-{\) H.R.H. Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David, b. June, 23, 1894 ; (2) H.R.H. Prince Albert Frederick Arthur George, b. Dec. 14, 1895 I (s) H.R.H. Prince Henry William Frederick Albert, b. March 31, 1900; and H.R.H. Princess Victoria Alexandra Alice Mary. Postal addresses — York House, St. James's, S.W. ; York Cottage, Sandringham. Clubs — Marlborough, United Service, Junior Naval and Military, Royal Yacht Squadron. WALFORD, quartered by BELLAIRS. WALKER, quartered by TRAFFORD and AYLES- BURY. WALKER, see AYLESBURY and KERRICH- WALKER. ALFRED OSTEN WALKER, Gentleman. Born Nov. 6, 1832, being the fourth son of Thomas Walker, by his wife Constantia E. Beresford, dau. of John Claudius Beres- ford of Dublin. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a chevron gules, between two anvils in chief and an anchor in base sable, a bee between two crescents or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, a mount thereon a serpent encircling a dove proper. Married, Jan. 10, 1863, Constance Anne, second dau. of Charles Millett. C/«^.f— Windham, St. James's Square. FREDERICK EDMUND WALKER, Esquire, J. P. North Riding Yorks, B.A. (Merton Coll., Oxon.). Born March 29, 1871, being the second son of the late Edmund Walker of Harlsey Hall, Yorks, by his wife Charlotte Frances, dau. of Rev. Canon Charles Johnstone of Sutton Hall, Thirsk. C/?^^ — Yorkshire (York). Livery — YiXxxe:, with silver buttons, and yellow waistcoat. Armorial bear- ings — Argent, on a chevron gules, between two anvils in chief and an anchor in base sable, a bee between two crescents or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a mount, thereon a serpent en- circling a dove all proper. Married, June 6, 1894, Aim^e Janet (d. i8g8), youngest dau. of Henry David Anderson of Shenley, Herts, and 24 Lombard Street, E.C. ; and has Issue — Charlotte Aim6e. Estates — Ravensthorpe Manor; Holme Lodge Estate, both in co. Yorks. Seat — Ravens- thorpe Manor, Thirsk. SSiR GEORGE FERDINAND RADZIVILL FOR- ESTIER- WALKER, 3rd Baronet (March 28, 1835), of Castleton, co. Monmouth, Depnty-Lieutenant co. Mon- mouth, Major (retired) and Batt. Roynl Welsh Fusiliers. Born , being the eldest son of Sir George Ferdinand- Radzivill Forestier- Walker, 2nd Bart, by his wife the Hon. Fanny Henrietta Morgan, third dau. of the ist Lord Tre- degar. Armorial bearings — Erminois, on a pile embattled azure, a mural crown charged with the word "Badajoz," between two galtraps in pale or ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, Mantlng azure and or. Crest— On a mural crown or, encircled by a wreath of laurel thereon an ostrich proper, resting the dexter foot on a grenade fired all proper. Supporters — Dexter, a lion regardant proper, gorged with a ribbon gules, fimbriated azure, therefrom pendent a representation of the medal and clasps, inscribed " Badajoz," presented to Sir George Townshend Walker, ist Bart., by His Majesty's com- mand, for military services in the Peninsula, in the mouth a broken flagstaff reversed with the eagle and tricoloured flag proper, the latter inscribed with the word " Orthes" ; sinister, an ostrich proper, supporting the colours of His Majesty's soth, beingthe regiment commanded by Sir George Walker at Vimiera, thereon an escroU gules, inscribed with the word, "Vimiera" in letters of gold. Motto — "Nil desperandum. " Married, Aug. 26, 1897, Georgina, youngest dau. of Robert Deane Chamberlain, formerly of the 31st is tbe Naval Cockade. t4i6 ma\ mai Regt. ; and has /jm« -George Ferdinand Foreslier- Walker, Esq., ^. Mar ao, 1899; and Nesta. Sea/ — Castleton, near CiirdifT. CMt—Caiiton, Naval and Military, Wellington, and Hyde Park. GEORGE LAURIE WALKER of Crawfortlton, Es- quire, Captain late Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, J.P. ,co. l>umfries. Bom Aug. i, 1857, being the eldest son of the late Col. Sir George Ciustavus Walker, K.C.B. , A.D.C. to the Queen, of Crawfordton, co. Dumfries, and his wife Anne Murray, only dau. of the late Admiral George tjustavus I^nnock. Armorial bearings — I'aly of six or ami gules, a saltirc sable, <>i) :i chief azure, a garb between two mullets of the first. Mantling gules, liouulcd argent. Orest - On a wreath of his liveries, a cornucopia lyoper. Motto — " Cura et industrix" Married, 1893, I.,iiian Mary, only dau. of Rev. Spencer Fellows, Rector of Pulham, Norfolk ; and has Issue (i) George Gustavus Walker, Gentleman, i. July 4, 1897 ; (2) Gerald Spencer Walker, Gentleman, d. Sept. 9, 1B99. Seats — Crawfordton, I'hornhill. C/ui — Army and Navy. The Rkv. GEORGE SHERBROOKE WALKER, Clerk in Holy Orders. IJifrn March 16, 1854, being the eldest son of the Rev. George Edmund Walker, Rector of Doddington, d. 1825, d. 1886 (son of George James Alex- ander Walker of Norton Villa, Worcestershire), by his wife Harriet, dau. of John I'Mrratt of Moseley Hall, Bushbury, ne;ir Wolverhampton. Livery — Black, silver buttons. Ar- morial bearings (H. Coll., June 10, 1840) - Per ])ale azure and vert, on a fesse dancettde between three mural crowns or, a crescent gules between two torteaux. Mant- ling azure and vert. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erect and erased gules, charged with a mural crown or, between two plates in pale. Motto " In Deo confido." Married, July 6, 1886, Jessie Elizabeth, dau. of Exlward Carter of Hazelwood, Cheltenham ; and has Issue — (i) Eric George Sherbrooke Walker, Gentleman, b. July 4, 1887 ; (2I Edmund Basil Walker, Gentleman, b. August 8, i888 ; (3) Laurence Harington Walker, Gentle- man, b. July 4, 1891 ; (4) Ronald Draycot Walker, Gentle- man, b. April I, 1897 ; and Marjorie Chamberlayne. Postal address — Cl\\x\s\. Church Vicarage, Summerfield, Birming- ham. HENRY ROSENBACH WALKER, Gentleman, B.A. (Camb. ). Armorial bearings — Per fesse nehuly azure and sable, a sun in splendour in chief or, and a crescent reversed betweeen two estoiles in base argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a sun in splendour or, between two estoiles azure. Motto — " Ambula in luce." SJOHN CHARLES ARTHINGTON WALKER, Esquire, of The Priory, Bathwick, in the county of Somerset, Captain 19th Hussars. Born May 23, 1859, being the only son of the late Frederick John Walker of The Priory, Bathwick, in the county of Somerset, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, by his wife Lydia, daughter of Samuel Harwood of Barton Hill, in the county of Glou- cester. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, two chevronels between as many crescents in chief azure and a moor-cock in base sable, combed and wattled gules, and impaling the arms of Hogg, namely argent, three boars' heads erased azure, between two Haunches of the second, each charged with a crescent of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, amidst fern proper, a moor-cock, as in the arms, charged on the breast with a billet or. Motto — " Vincit Veritas." Married, August 20, 1890, Lucy Isabel, youngest daughter of Sir Stuart Hogg, Knight Bachelor, of 14 Southwell Gardens, S. W. ; and has had /«««— Cyril Henry Arthington Walker, Gentleman, born April 17, died August 9, 1892. JAMES DOUGLAS WALKER, Esquire, one of His Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, M.A. Oxford, J.P. for CO. of Somerset. Bom March 4, 1841, being the eldest son of James Walker, E.I.C.S., and of Blairtown, Aberdeen- shire, Chairman of the Madras Railway Co. , by his wile Jane Charlotte, second dau. of Richard Holden Webb. Clubs — Reform, Brooks's. Livery — Claret coat, yellow waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Or, three pallets gules, surmounted of a saltire ermine, on a chief azure, a lion rampant argent, between two buckles of the field. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of the liveries is set fori Crest, an eagle displayed azure; and in an escroll over,! the Motto, " Deus mihi adjutor." Married, 1871, Susaaj Matilda, fourth dau. of John Forster of Malverleys, Hamp-j shire; and has Issue — (i) James Ronald Walker, Gentle-j man, Barrister-at-Law, b. Feb. 5, 1873; (2) Kenneth] Walker, Gentleman, b. March 2, 1874; (3) Nigel Ouchter- lony Walker, Gentleman, b. July 15, 1877; and Gladys Hope. Postal address — 20 Queen's Gate Gardens,j London, S. W. The Honourable LANCELOT WALKER, of Fourl Peaks, Geraldine, New Zealand, Member of the Legislative! Council for that Colony. Bom November 26, 1829, being the son of Thomas Walker, late of the Royal Scots Greys,! of Ravenfield Park, in the county of York, by his wife! Constantia Anne, daughter of John Claudius Beresford, ' Esquire, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable! Privy Council in Ireland, and an Alderman, at one time Lord Mayor of Dublin. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Argent, on a chevron gules, between two anvils in chief and an anchor in base sable, a bee between two crescents or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount within a wreathed serpent a dove statant all proper ; with the Motto, " Junct valemus." Postal address — Four Peaks, Geraldine, Canterbury, New Zealand. is the Military Cockade. mal mal 1417 LEASOWE WALKER, Esquire, J. P. for the N. Riding of the co. of York and for the borough of Scar- borough. Born 1832, being the son of the late Ard Walker of Scarcroft Hill, co. York. Livery — Oxford grey, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron cotised azure, between two crescents in chief of the last and three ears of wheat leaved and slipped, one in pale and two in saltire in base vert. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon an increscent azure, a moorcock proper, holding in the beak an ear of wheat Club — Eastern (Dundee). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a saltire sable, on a chief ermine, a cross moline of the second between two pallets gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a staghound's head couped leaved and slipped or. Motto — " Cede nullis. " Married, 1873, Fanny Hall, dau. of John Robson of Durham ; and has Issue — Kathleen. Seats — Morningside, Scarborough ; Scarcroft Hill, Thorner, near Leeds. SSiK PETER CARLAW WALKER, 2nd Baronet (I'eb. 12, 1886), of Gateacre, co. Lancaster, and Osmaston Manor, co. Derby, D. L. , High Sheriff 1896, Major Derbyshire Yeomanry Cavalry. Born May 7, 1854, being the son of Sir Andrew Barclay, ist Bart. , by his wife Eliza, dau. of John Reid of Limekilns, in the county of Fife. Armorial bearings Or, three pallets gules, sur- mounted of a saltire argent, charged with a stag's head erased proper, on a chief azure, a garb between two stars of six points of the first ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wre.ith of his liveries is set for Crest, a cornucopia proper. Motto — " Cura et industria," Married, May 30, 1899, Ethel Blanche, dau. of Haughton Charles Okeover of Okeover ; and has Issue — A daughter. Seats — Gateacre Grange, near Liverpool ; Osmaston Manor, Ashbourne. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Boodle's, Marl- borough. ROBERT CR.A.WFURD WALKER, Esquire, Hon- orary Sheriff- Substitute and J. P. for Forfarshire, Solici- tor, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Scotland, proper, collared or ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Sapere aude." Married, Aug. 9, 1876, Jane K. , dau. of Thomas K. Kinmond of Hermon Hill, Broughty Ferry ; and has lss7ie — (i) Charles Ernest Crawfurd Walker, Gentleman, Lieut, ist Vol. Batt. Royal Highlanders, served in South Africa (medal with three clasps), b. June i, 1877 ; (2) Norman Crawfurd Walker, Gentleman, b. Sept. 12, 1881 ; Mary Catherine Crawfurd (d. Jan. 16, 1903) ; and Eleanor Crawfurd. Postal address — Wingate Place, Newport, Fifeshire. Sir ROBERT JAMES MILO WALKER, 4th Baronet (Dec. 9, 1868) of Sand Hution, co. York. Born March 18, 1890, being the eldest son of the late Sir James Heron Walker, 3rd Bart., by his wife Violet Maud Cecil, dau. of Maj.-Gen. Cecil Robert St. John St. Ives of Moyns Park, Es ex. Armorial bearings Argent, on a chevron gules, between three crescents azure, as many annulets or ; the escutcheon cliarged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling gules and argent. Crest- -On a wreath of the colours, out of a battlement argent, a dexter arm embowed in armour, in the hand proper a lizard vert. Motto — " Honesta quam magna." Seat — Sand Hiitton, York. WALKER (L.O., 22 Apl. 1829). Argent on a St. Andrews cross gules, two long bows in saltire of the first, and on a chief of the second three lozenges or. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a Scottish fir-tree eradicated proper. Motto (below shield) — " Passus rege meos." Livery — Blue. Son of Thomas Walker, M.D., Physician to the Forces, 7n. Charlotte Augusta, d. of Frederick William Wistinghausen of Ropsha, Russia : — Thomas Walker, Esq., Col. lateLt.-Col. R.A., formerly, Insp.-Gen. of Ordnance in India, b. 11 Feb. 1841; m. 20 Dec. 1869, Emily, ygst. d. of Edward William May, R.N., Commdr. R.M.S.P. Co.; and has surv. issue — (r) Edward William May Walker, 'Esq., Capt. R.A., b. 1 May 1871 [m. 25 Feb. 1901 ; Mary Agnes Kelly; and has issue — Ethel Mary] ; (2) Thomas Malcolm Walker, Gentleman, F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., b. 9 July 1872; Mary Augusta ; and Ethel Louise \tn. 1897, H. F. E. Freeland, Esq., Capt, R. E.]. Res. — Polmont Bank, Exntonth, Devon, is the Naval Cockade, II I4i8 mti\ m^i WALKER (lo June 1840). Per pale azure and vert, on a fesse danceit^ between three mural crowns or, a crescent B[ules tietween two torteaux. MmUIng azure and or. OrMt — On a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erect and erased gules, chargi'd with a mural crown or, between two plates in pale. Motto — "In Domino confida" Son of late Charles Walker, Gentleman. Barrister-at- Law, sometime Fellow of Trin. Coll., Camb. (son of George James Alexander Walker of Norton Villa, Worcs., m. and, Gertrude Mary Cornwall, d. of late Rev. Henry Cornwall Legh, Rector of Welsh Hampton, CO. Salop: — Charles Henry George Walker, Gentleman, d, 5 June 1876; M. 19 Jan. 1901, Geraldine Maud, d. of Lt.-Col. Arthur James Shuldham of Upper Norwood, late Roy. Inniskilling Fusiliers. Jfes. — Mount Erica, Norwood, S.fc,. WALKER-HENEAGE (R.L. 1818, H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, or, a greyhound current sable, between three leopard's faces azure, within a bordure engrailed gules, a mullet charged with a crescent for difference (Heneage) ; a and 3, azure, a chevron engrailed ermine between three plates, each plate charged with a trefoil slip{>ed vert (Walker). Mantling sable and or. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a greyhound current sable, differenced as the arms (Heneage) ; a. on a wreath of the colours, a demi heraldic tiger per pale indented argent and sable, maned and tufted or. Motto — "Walk in the fear of God. " Son of George Heneage Walker-Heneage (formerly Wyld), Esq., J.P., D.L.. M.A. (High Sheriff Wilts 1839), Hereditary Chief Usher of the Court of Ex- chequer and Chief FVoclamator of the Court of Common Pleas, d. 1799; d. 1875; m. 1824, Harriet Sarah, d. of William Webber of Binfield Lodge : — Major Clement Walker-Heneage, V.C., late 8th Hussars, J.P. and D.L. (High Sheriff Wilts 1887), i. 1831 ; m. 1865, Henrietta Letiiia Victoria, d. of late John Henry Vivian, M.P., of Singleton, co. Glamorgan. Seat — Compton Bassett, Calne, Wilts. Lt.-Col. Michael Walker-Heneage, late Coldstream Gds., 6. 1835. Jfes. — BETHUNE GEORGE WALKER-MORISON, Gentle- man, of Falfiled, in the county of Fife, and Bogley, in the county of Perth. Bom September i, 1857, being the son of Bethune James Walker, Officer Royal Navy, by his wife Johanna, daughter of the Reverend George Wright, Doctor of Divinity, Minister of Kingsbarns. Armorial bearing^s — He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, argent three Moors' heads coujjed sable, banded or, and in the centre a lion rampant gules (for Morison) ; 2 and 3 or, three pallets gules surmounted of a saltire wavy argent, on a chief azure a demi-lion holding in his paws a fleur-de-lis of the third between two anchors of the field (for Walker). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and for his Crests, 1. three Saracens' heads conjoined in one neck erased, wreathed about the temples with laurel proper (for Morison) ; 2. a greyhound courant proper (for Walker). Mottoes — Over the Mprison crest, " Proetio prudentia praestat ; " and over the Walker crest, " Fac et spera." Sea/ — Falfield, in the county of Fife. S ARTHUR WALL, Esquire, Hon. Maj. 3rd V.B. Lan- cashire Fus. Born Dec. 28, 1856, being the second son of the late Thomas Leatham Wall of Beechfield, Broughton Park, co. I^ncaster, by his wife Susannah, dau. of William Hall. Livery — Daik green, crimson facings, brass buttons. Armorial bearings — Party per fesse in- dented vert and or, in chief a lymphad sail furled of the last, and in base a bugle-horn stringed gules, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Sutton, namely argent, a chaplet of oak vert, frucled or, on a chief azwe, a ser- pent nowed or and a dove argent respwcting each other. Man t ling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-boy affronts resting his dexter hand on a human heart, two torches in saltire fired all proper. Motto— "Tuto celeriter et jucunde." Married, Aug. 15, 1877, Mary Gertrude Maule, younger dau. and coheir of John Maule Sutton, Esq., J. P., D.L. for co. Pembroke; and has Issue— Arthur Maule Sutton Wall, Gentleman, *. Sept. a, 1878. Sea/s—Coci\ Mawr Hall, near Conway, N. Wales ; Redcliffe, Deganway, N. Wales ; Pengenin, Pembrokeshire. C/ud — Brasenose (Manchester). WALLACE, quartered by BREW-MULHALLEN and CAMPBELL. WALLACE, see BURGOYNE- WALL ACE. CATHARINE MARY JOSEPHINE WALLACE, Spinster, younger daughter of the late Robert Cyril Wallace, sometime Secretary to the Earl Marshal. Armorial bear- ings are, upon a lozenge : Gules, semi?e-de-lys or, a lion rampant argent, within a bordure compHsny azure and of the third. Postal address— ■ib The Mansions, Richmond Road, South Kensington, London, S.W. SHUGH ROBERT WALLACE Esquire, of Busbie and Cloncaird, both in co. Ayr, late Capt. and Hon. Major 4th Batt. Argyll and Sutherland High- landers (R. Renfrew) Militia, J.P. and D.L. co. Ayr. Born Aug. 31, 1861, being the son of Henry Ritchie Wallace, Esq., late Captain 92nd Gordon Highlanders, and his wife Fanny, dau. of the late Rev. W. Parker. Livery — Blue, with red waistcoat. Armorial bearing^ — Quarterly i and 4 grand quarters, gules, a lion rampant argent, within a bordure compony of the last and azure (for Wallace of EUerslie) ; 2. grand quarter, quarterly i. and iiii. gules, a lion rampant argent, ii. and iii. gules, a fesse chequy argent and azure (for Wallace of Craigie) ; 3. grand quarter, quarterly i. and iiii. argent, on a chief gules, three lions' heads erased of the first, ii. and iii. azure, a crescent or between three cross crosslets argent (for Ritchie of Craigton) ; over all an escutcheon of pre- tence gyronny of eight or and sable, on a chief azure, a galley, oars in action, f)ennons flying, between two mullets of the first (for Campbell of Cammo). Mantling gules, is tbe Military Cockade. mal mal 1419 doubled argent. Crests— Dexter, on a wreath of the hveries, a dexter arm vambraced, the hand brandishing a sword all proper ; and in an escroll over same this Motto, " Pro libertate " (for Wallace of Ellerslie) ; sinister, on a wreath of the liveries, an ostrich head and neck couped, holding a horse-shoe in his beak all proper. Wallace. Estates — Busbie and Cloncaird. Seats — Clon- caird Castle, Maybole, Ayrshire ; Cranston Lodge, Ayr, N.B. Clubs — Carlton, Orleans, New (Edinburgh). WALLER (Grant, H. Coll. under R.L., 1814). Sable, on a bend engrailed argent, with plain cottises or, three Motto (over) — " Speranduni est." Supporters — Two savages wreathed about the head and middle with laurel, each carrying over his exterior shoulder a club all proper. Married, Oct. 14, 1886, Matilda Christie (d. 1905), dau. of the late Archibald Campbell, Esq. , younger of Cammo ; and has Issue — (i) Hugh Harry Ritchie Wallace, Gentleman, b. July 14, 1887 ; (2) Archibald Malcolm Wallace, Gentleman, b. Oct. 23, 1888 ; (3) Charles John Wallace, Gentleman, b. Feb. 6, 1890 ; and Matilda Frances Ritchie Wallace walnut-leaves proper. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a walnut-tree fructed proper, pendent therefrom by a ribbon gules, a shield azure charged with a fleur-de-lis or. Mottoes — Below the arms, ' ' Haec fructus virtutis ; " over the crest, Sons of Maj.-Gen. Sir Geoige Henry Waller, 3rd Bart., b. 1837; d. 1892; m. 1870, Beatrice Katharine Frances, d. of Christopher Tower :— Sir Francis Ernest Waller, 7ih Bart. (30 May 1815), Lieut. is tlie Naval Cockade. 14*0 mai ma\ Roy. Fus. lSupport«r« (srantcd L.O., 1816)— "Dexter, an ancient warrior, f.icf pro|xT, habited in gold armour, on his breast a surcoiU azure, charged with three tleurs-de-hs or, in chief a label of three points argent, his hehnet lying at his feet also or. and holding in his sinister hand a sword by the point proper; sinister, a man in complete armour proper, garnished or, his helmet adorned with a plume of three feathers sable, or, and sable, receiving the sword of the dexter supporter with his right hand and with his sinister sup(>ortmg an escutcheon of the ancient arms of Waller, being sable, three walnut-leaves or, between two bendlets argent, and behind the escutcheon his battle-axe proper, the said supporters being intended to commemorate the surrender of Charles, Duke of Orleans, at the memorable Uittle of Agincourt in the year 1415, to Richard Waller of Groombridge in Kent, from which Richard the said Sir Jonathan Wathen Waller is according to the tradition of his family descended"], i. 1880. Seat — Woodcote, Warwick. Wathen Arthur Waller, Esq. , *. 1881. /?«.— Woodcote, Warwick. Son of Rev. Adolphus Waller, M.A., Vicar of Hun- stanton, King's Lynn. Norfolk, 6. 1838 ; d. 1890; m. 1866, Jamesina, d. of Henry L'Estrange Styleman- Le Strange of Hunstanton Hall, Norfolk : — Rev. Wathen Henry Waller, M.A. Camb.. Chaplain R.N..*. 1867. Jfes.— Sons of Rev. Ernest Adolphus Waller, d. 1807 ; d. 1845 ; m. 1835, Louisa, d. of Rev. Henry Wise of Offchurch, CO. Warwick : — Rev. Ernest Allured Waller, M.A.. Rector of Little Packington, C^oventry. and Hon. Canon of Worcester, i. 1836; m. 1864. Mary Louisa, d. of Henry Barton of Rangomore. co. Stafford; andhassurv. issue — (i) Edmund Waller, Gentleman, d. 1871 ; (2) Richard Waller, Gentle- man, d. 1884; Louisa Jane Marion; Ella Nutcombe ; Margarette; Katharine Louisa [m. Jan. 5, 1899, Henry Arthur Heywood ; and has issue] ; Beatrice Mary ; and Constance Harriet. J^es. — Little Packington Rectory, Coventry. Stanier Waller, Esq., Col. late R.E., 4th Class Medjidie, Hon. Equerry-in-Waitingto H.R.H. the Duchess of Albany. d. 1844 ; m. 1879, Sophia Louisa (d. 1893), d. of William Willes of Astrop Honse, co. Northampton ; and has issue — (i) Stanier Edmund William Waller, Gentleman, Lieut. Roy. Fus. d.- 1881 ; (2) Wathen Ernest Waller, Gentleman, i. 1886 ; (3) Michael Henry Waller, Gentleman, i. 1888 ; Louisa ; and Dorothy. Xes. — * WALLER (U.O.). Sable, three walnut-leaves or, be- tween two bendlets argent. Mantling' sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a walnut-tree proper, on the sinister side an escutcheon pendent, charged with the arms of France, with a label of three points argent. Motto — " Hie fructus virtutis." Sons of Rev. William Waller of Castletown, co. Limerick. J. P., />. ; d. 1863; m. 1820, Maria, d. of James O'Grady, and niece of ist Viscount Guillamore : — ■ Rev. John Thomas Waller, B.A. (Trin. Coll.. Dub.), Rector of Kilcornan. d. 1827; m. 1855, Frances, d. of John Lavallin Puxley of Dunboy Castle, co. Cork ; and has issue — (i) William Waller, Esf|. (Castlegrey, co. Limerick). J.P.. D.L. (High Shei iff 1884). (5. i8s7[w. 1886. Louisa Mary. d. of late Samuel Hana ; and has issue — John Thomas Waller. Gentleman ; William Hardress Waller, Gentleman ; and Elizabeth Grace] ; (2) Rev. Edward Hardress Waller, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub. ). Rector of Athy, d. [m. 1885, Florence Mary Butler, d. of late Lucius Deering of Dublin ; and has issue — Hardress William Lucius Waller, Gentleman, 6. 1886 ; and Edmund Standish Waller. Gentleman, 6. 1889]; (3) Rev. Bolton Waller, Rector of St. Munchiss, Limerick, d. [m. 1889, Jane Dorothea, d. of Charles Garfit of Queenstown ; and has issue — Bolton Charles Waller. Gentleman, i. ; and [Dorothy Catherine] ; (4) Rev. John Thomas Waller, B.A. Trin. Coll., Dub.). Rector of Drumbanagher, i. 1869 {m. i8q9, Alice Evelyn, d. of Maxwell C. Close of Drumbanagher] ; (5) Henry Waller, Gentleman ; Rosa Maria ; Elizabeth ; Kate [m. 1898. Rev. Robert Pulleine] ; Mary Isabella ; Francis Winifred ; and Grace. Seat — Castletown Manor. Pallaskenry. co. Limerick Major-Gen. Hardress Edmund Waller. late 40th Regt. Bengal Native Inf.. 6. ; m. 1857. Charlotte, d. of John Mackenzie; and lias issue— (i) William Bolton Waller, Gentlemen. *. ; (a) John Waller, Gentleman, 6. ; <3) Hardress Waller, Gentleman, !>. ; (4) Edmund Waller, Esq., Major Indian Army, />. 1864; (5) Richard Waller. Gentleman.*. . /fes. — Son of Bolton John Waller of Moystown, King's Co. , d. \ d. ; m. , Jane Anne. d. of Jonathan Ackroyd of Woodsidc. Halifax, Yorks. : — Hardress John Waller. Gentleman, b. 1867; m. 1899, Hon. Margaret Georgina Curzon, d. of Lord Scarsdale; and has issue — Joyce Margaret. Res. — 45 Stanhope Gardens, S.W. Yr. sons of John Waller, Barrister-at-Law, of Shannon Grove, Pallaskenry. m. Mary. d. of Matthew Franks : — Major-Gen. John Edmund Waller, b ; m. 1881, Hon. Harriette Mary Ward, d. of 5th Viscount Bangor. Res. — Anghnacloy. Killiney, co. Dublin, Richard Maunsell Waller. Cientleman, Indian Civil Service, b. ; m. Fanny, d. of Sir Richard M'Causland ; and has issue. Res. — WALLER (R.L., 1809, U.O.). Sable, three walnut- leaves or, between two bendlets argent. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a walnut-tree proper, pendent from the dexter side an escutcheon charged with the arms of France, thereon a label of three points. Motto — " Haec fructus virtutis. " Sons of James Noble Waller, Esq., J.P. , D.L. (High Sheriff 1845 6), b. 1800; d. 1874; m. ist, 1838, Julia, d. of Charles Arthur Tisdal of Charlesfort, co. Meath : — William Newcombe Waller, Esq.. J.P. and D.L. co. Meath (High Sheriff 1880), b. 1839. 5ra/— AUenstown, Kells, CO. Meath. Edmund Noble Waller, Gentleman, b. 1846; m. 1877, Marie Louisa, d. of Rev. Robert Noble. Res. — WALLER (Orig. Warren, temp. Eliz. ; H. Coll. and U.O.). Chequy or and azure, on a canton gules, a lion rampant double-queued of the first. Mantling azure and or. Crest — Out of a ducal crest coronet or. an eagle's leg and thigh erect gules, in front of a plume of live ostrich - feathers alternately argent and azure. Motto — " Honor et Veritas." Sons of John Francis Waller, Esq.. J.P. . LI.,.D. . of Finoe House, Barrister-at-Law, b. 1809; d. 1894; m. 1835, Anna, d. of William Hopkins: — Thomas Francis Waller, Esq.. J.P. .Sydney, Sydney Harbour Trust Commissioner,*. 1844; tn. 1874, Caroline Jane, d. of Aim^ Cudnod Churchill of Vevey, Switzerland, and widow of James Hester, M.D. ; and has issue — Francis Aim6 Waller, Gentleman, b. 1874 [»/. 1901, Marguerite Amelie, d. of Maxime Labat de Lambert of Paris ; and has issue — Marguerite Caroline de Varrenne ; and Edith Selina Eastermorn. Seat — Finoe, co. Tipjserary. Res. — Poynton, Billyard Avenue, Elizabeth Bay, Sydney, N.S.W. John Edward Hopkins Waller, Gentleman, M.I.C.E. , b. 1856; m. 1887, Annette Elizabt'th, d. of Adolplie Naud^ ; and has issue — (1) Lawrence Arthur Waller, Gentleman, l>. 1888; (j.) Horace Edmund Waller, Gentle man, b. 1891; Mabel Selina Grace; and Eileen Anneite. Seat — Rockvale, Newport, co. Tipperary. Res. — The Nook. Westgate-on-Sei ; 69 Ennismore Gardens, London,j S.W. Clubs — St. Stephen's, Automobile. GEORGE ARTHUR WALLER. Esq.. J.P. for co of Leitrim and for Tasmania, M.A. (Dublin). Bor Sept. I, 1835, being the eldest son of the late Williar Thomas Waller. Esq.. J.P. . of Prior Park, co. Tipperary, bf his first wife Eliza Augusta, dau. of Ri^v Hosea Guinnes^ LL.D. . Rector of St. Werburgh, and Chancellor of St Patrick's, Dublin. Armorial bearings Chequy or anendeid from a gold chain round the neck an escutcheon argent, charged with a Saracen's head erased at the neck prop>er, and wreathed round the temples argent and azure (for Walsham). Motto — "Sub libertate quietem." Afar- ried, March 5, 1867, Florence, only dau, of the Hon. P. (;. Scarlett, C.B. ; and has Issue— (x) John Scarlett W.^lshanl, Esq., b. Oct. 15, 1869; (2) Percy Romilly Walsham, Esq., b. 1871 ; and Sybil Alice, d. Aug. 20, 1876. Seat — Knill Court, CO. Hereford. Residence — British Embassy, Bucha- rest Clubs — Brooks's, Travellers', St. James's. ROBERT WALTERS. Esquire. M.A. of the University of Oxford. Barrister-at-Law, J. P. for the co. of Hertford, formerly Lieut, Worcestershire Militia. Born April 9, 1832, being the eldest siu-. son of Robert Walters, Barrister-at- Law, by his wife Catherine Delicia, eldest dau. of the Rev. James Robinson Hayward, formerly Fellow of All Souls', Oxford, Rector of Harrietshnm, in the co. of Kent and St. Mary's-le-Strand, Westminster. Clubs — Athenaeum, Garrick, United University, Alpine. Z./Wry— Invisible green, with silver buttons. Armorial bearings— Per pale argent and erminois, on a fesse indented azure, between three eagles displayed gules, a serpent nowed proper. Crest — Up>on a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased erminois gorged with a collar indented sable, thereon three plates, all between two demi-lances proper. Motto — "Lahore." Married, Feb. 19, 1881, Florence Serena, dau. of Stephen Collins, formerly of Butleigh Wootton, near Glastonbury (deceased). Estate — Ware Priory, Ware, in the co. of Hertford. Postal address — Ware Priory, Ware, Hertford- shire. EDWARD CHARLES WALTHALL DELVES WAL- THALL. Gentleman. Bom April 24. 1874, being the eldest son of the late Edward Walthall Delves Walthall, Esq. , J. P. and D.L. for co. Flint, and High Sheriff 1889, who assumed the surname and arms of Walthall in lieu of Broiighton, by Royal License, in 1887, by his wife Caroline Marian, youngest dau. of Charles Augustus Stewart of West Hall, High Leigh, co. Chester. Annorial bearings —Argent, a chevron vert between three Cornish choughs close sable, quartering Broughton, Delves, Hammond, Wal- thall, Crewe, Alexander, Tilston. and others. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, an arm couped at the shoulder, vested gules, cuff argent, the hand clenched, and thereon a falcon close proper, beaked or, with lure gules stringed gold. Motto—' ' A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." Estates and postal addresses— Wistasioa Hall, Nantwich ; The Cottage, St. Asaph. S HENRY WALTHALL WALTHALL, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. co. Derby, M.A. Oxford, Barrister-at-Law. Bom Sept. 36, 1829, being the eldest son of James Milnes, Esq., J. P., of Alton Manor, by his wife Anne, dau. and heir of Peter Walthall. Esq.. J.P. and D.L., of Weldons. Darley Dale. CO. Derby ; assumed bv Royal License, 1853. the sur- name and arms of Walthall. Livery — Blue coat, yellow waistcoat, brass buttons. Armorial Ibearings — Quar- terly I and 4. or a chevron vert between three ComL choughs proper (for Walthall) ; 2 and 3 ermine, a millrin^ paleways between two flaunches sable (for Milnes). Upc the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, wit a mantling vert and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreatl of the colours , a dexter arm embowed , cou ped at the shoulder^ vested gules, cuffed ermine, the hand clenched, thereon falcon close proper, beaked or, with lure gules stringed gold (for Walthall) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a ga "" erminois between two trefoils vert (for Milnes) ; with th Mottoes, "Dimidium qui coepet habet," "A bird in tb hand is worth two in the bush." Estates — Alton, &c., the county of Derby. Postal address — Alton Manor, Derh Club — Oxford and Cambridge. WALTHEOF, Earl of Northumberland, quartered \A HUSSEY. WALTON, quartered by BARTTELOT. HAROLD ARTHUR GORDON WALTON. Bor March 18, i886, being the eldest son of Oriel Fame Walton, Esq., of Maperton House, M.A. Oxford, Barriste at-I^w Inner Temple, Capt. North Somerset Yeomanr Cavalry, by his wife Augusta, eldest dau. of Lord Cec Gordon (fifth son of the 9th Marquess of Huntly). rial bearing^s — Per pale azure and sable, on a chevro indented between three swans argent, as many buckles the first. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crea upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased oB sem^e of buckles azure, pierced through the mouth a sp)ear in bend sinister point upwards gold. Motto- " Murus aeneus virtus." is tbe Military Cockade. mal mat 1425 HENRY CRANE WALTON, Gentleman. Armorial beaxings— Sable, three swans argent, on a chief of the last as many pallets gules, each charged with a buckle or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a wild man wreathed about the temples and waist with oak leaves over the dexter shoulder, a chain in bend sinister, supporting with the dexter hand an axe head downwards, and holding in the sinister hand an oak sapling eradicated and sprouting all proper. Residence — Preston, CO. Lancaster. WANDESFORD, see PRIOR-WANDESFORD, WANDSWORTH, see STERN. WANSEY, quartered by FLETCHER. WARBURTON, quartered by SOMERVILLE. WARBURTON, see EGERTON- WARBURTON. JOSEPH WILLIAM WARBURTON, Esquire, late H.B. M. Consul-General at .San Francisco, formerly of Foreign Office, and sometime Consul-General at Valparaiso and Charge d'Affaires in Chili. Born April 2, 1837, being the second son of the Very Reverend William Warburton, Dean of Elphin, Ireland, by his wife Emma Margaret, dau. of Major-Gen. Stovin. C/«i5— National. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron between three cormorants sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a Saracen's head affront^ couped at the shoulders proper, round the temples a wreath argent and gules, issuing therefrom three ostrich feathers or. Married, 1862, Lady Frances Isabella Ann [d. 1891), only dau. of Rt. Hon. sixth Earl of Kingston ; and has Issue — William Francis Henry Warburton, Gentleman ; Florence Beatrice ; Emma Frances; Augusta Maye; Evelyn Mary; and Norah Muriel. S RICHARD WARBURTON, Esquire, Deputy- Lieu- tenant for King's County, and Justice of the Peace for King's and Queen's Counties, High Sheriff for Queen's County, 1869, and High Sheriff for King's County, 1872. Born March 18, 1846, being the eldest son of Richard Warburton, Esquire, by his wife Mary, daughter of Lieu- tenant-Colonel Kelly of Millgrove, King's County. Livery — White (light drab) coat and scarlet waistcoat. Armorisd bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a chevron between three cormorants sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head affront^e couped at the shoulders proper, round the temples a wreath argent and gules, and issuing therefrom three ostrich feathers or. Married, firstly, July 18, 1867, Georgina Wilhelmina Henrietta (d. 1890), dau. of William Henry Hutchinson of Rockforest, in the county of Tipperary ; secondly, Bridget Mary, daughter of J. M'Namara. By his first marriage he has had Issue— Richard Hutchinson Dutton John Warburton, Gentleman, b. 1877, d. 1894; Mary, d. 1871 ; and Jessie Georgina [m., first, 1894, H. G. Whitton ; second, 1901, Percy Heanly]. He married secondly Miss M'Namara; and has -Olga Victoria. Estates — Garryhuich. Postal address — Garry- huich, Portarlington, Ireland. WARD, see BANGOR and DUDLEY. WARD. Per saltire azure and sable, a cross pat^e between four pheons, two in pale and two in fesse or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm proper grasping an arrow in bend sinister or, three crosses pat^e also or. MottO — " Spes mea in Deo." Livery— Vark blue, gilt buttons. Sons of Henry Ward, Esq., J. P., D.L. Staffs. (High Sheriff 1872), l>. 1828; d. 1904; m. 1855, Jane, second d. and co-heiress of John Bagnall of West Bromwich, CO. Staffs. : — Henry Herbert Ward, Esq., J. P. co. Staffs., i. 24 April 1857. Seat — Bearnett House, Wolverhampton. William Leonard Ward, Gentleman, d. 24 June i860. George Ernest Ward, Gentleman, d. 27 Feb. 1866. WARD (H. Coll., 7 April 1834). Quarterly, i and 4. azure, a cross patonce or, a bordure of the last, charged with eight hurts (Ward) ; 2. or, three bendlets azure, on a chief ermine, two crosses patfe gules (Hawkes) ; 3. ermine, on a chevron vert, between three bugles stringed sable, an escallop or (Foster). Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased or, gorged with a collar azure, thereon an escallop gold between two bezants. Motto — " Garde la croix." Son of Thomas Rawdon Ward, Esq., J. P., ofOgbourne St. Andrew and Draycot Foliat, Wilts, 6. 1788 ; d. 1863; m. 1815, Ann, d. and h. of Thomas Clark of Greenham, Berks : — Col. Michael Foster Ward, J. P. co. Wilts, late 90th Light Inf., F.R.A.S., F.R. Met. S., late Col. Commandant N. Wilts Vols. (V.D.), ». 1826; m. 1854, Helen Christina, d, of Robert Clerk-Rattray of Craighall- Rattray, co. Perth ; and has surv. issue — Major Thomas Rawdon Rattray Ward, Major 14th (P.O. W.O., West Yorks.) Regt., 6. 1861 ; Helen Mary ; and Gertrude Anne Christina [tn. 1899, Alfred Henry Hobhouse] ; Ada Margaret ; and Sophie Ondine. Seats — Ogbourne St. Andrew, Marlborough, Wilts; Draycot Foliat, Wilts. Hes. — Bannerdown House, Batheaston, Somerset; Upton Park, Slough. Club — Carlton. Sons of John Ward, Comdr. R.N., of Greenham, Berks, i. 1827; d. 1888 ; m. 1853, Anne Huskisson, d. of Sir Roger Keating Therry, a Judge of the Supreme Court at Sydney : — Thomas Rawdon Ward, Gentleman, Ceylon C.S., i. 1859. Res. — Fiji. Roger Leycester Charles Ward, Gentleman, d. 1865 ; m. 1891, Grace, d. of J. Dickinson of Queensland. Res. — George Decimus Ward, Gentleman, Cape Mounted Rifles, 6. 1870. Res. — Unitaia, S. Africa. John Stuart Ward, Gentleman, Cape Mounted Rifles, i. 1873. Res. — Zeerut, Transvaal. Sons of Samuel Hawkes Foster Ward, Gentleman, of Stramshall, Staffs, and of Brixton, 6. 1834 ; d. 1891 ; m. 1865, Harriet Emma (d. 1891), d. of William Gilbert :— Charles Foster Ward, Gentleman, 6. 1866. Res. — John Francis Ward, Gentleman, d. 1871. Res. — is tlie Naval Cockade. I 1436 (TOat t^ar Gilbert Merriman Ward, Gentleman, i. 1874. Ifes. — Robert Gerald Ward, Gentleman. ». 1878. /fes.— Yr. son of Rev. John Ward. R.D., M.A. of Stramshall, Rector of Wath, d. 1795 ; d. 1861 ; m. ist, 1823, Ann, d. of Samuel Merriman, M.D., of Rodborne Cheney, Wilts :— George Ernest Ward. Gentleman, A. 1837; m, 1861, Agnes, d. of Charles Finch; and has surv. issue — (i) Ernest Ward, Gentleman, i. 1863 [m. 1893, Eleanor, d. of J. A. Ransome ; and has issue— Donat Ernest Ward, Gentleman, />. 1896; and Phyllis Agnes] ; (a) Arthur Ward, Gentleman, Bengal S.C., formerly 17th Foot, i. 1866 [m, 189a, May Elizabeth, d. of Howlett Quilter]; (3) George Ward. Gentleman, i. 1870 {m. 1898, Maud Margaret Keighley]; (4) Francis Ward, Gentleman, ^. 1873; Helen; and Rose. jKei. — Sons of Rev. Charles Bruce Ward, MA., V. of St. James's, Glossop, d. 1838 ; d. 190a ; m. 1863, Hannah Maria, d. of John Michael Blagg of Cheadle, co. Stafford :— Cyril Halcombe Ward, Gentleman, B.A. (Camb.), 6. 1863. /fes.— The. Hut, Puckeridge, Ware. Rev. Leonard Foster Ward, B.A. Camb., d. 1866. Xes. — Whitfield, Derby. Robert Bruce Ward, Gentleman, B.A. Oxford, d. 1868; m. 1897, Lillie Jane, d. of E Partington, Esq., J. P., of Easton, Glossop, and West wood Park, Droitwich ; and has issue— Edward Bruce Ward, Gentleman, d. 1904; and Geraldine Amy Beatrice. J?es. — Arthur Gordon Ward, Gentleman, d. 1870. Post add. — Hong-Kong Club, Victoria, Hong-Kong. Augustine Melliar Ward, Gentleman, *. 1871 ; m. 1899, Margaret, d. of Rev. H. T. Dudley, M.A., Vicar of Whit- field, Glossop. Jdes. — Lakeside, Dartford. Rev. Charles John Selwyn Ward, Vicar of Moulton, nr. Spalding, since 1900, i. 1873; m. 1900, Agnes Gabrielle, only d. of Henry Woods Packard, Esq., J. P. Suffolk, late Col. comdg. ist Suffolk V.B. ; and has issue — Charles Reginald Ward, Gentleman, d. 1901 ; and Winsome Agnes. /fes. — The Vicarage, Moulton, nr. Spalding. Bernard Michael Ward, Gentleman, d. 1875. jRes. — 44 Upper Parliament Street. Liverpool. Harold Ambrose Ward, Gentleman, d. 1876. /?es. — 30 Faraday Road, Acton, W. Frederick William Rawle Ward, Gentleman, i. 1879. /["«. — Yokohama, Japan. Basil Vernon Ward, Gentleman, d. 1881. J?es. — 51 Osborne Road, Levenshulme. Sons of Rev. Philip Gordon Ward, B.A., Vicar of Braughing, d. 1848 ; d. 1902 ; m. 1870, Sarah Matilda, d. of John Woodard of Wells : — Charles Gordon Ward, Gentleman, 6. 1875. Arthur Augustin Ward, Gentleman, d. 1883. Son of Rev. Charles Ward, M.A., R.D., Rector of Maulden.co. Bedford,^. 1799; d. 1879; m. and, 1844, Elizabeth, only d. and h. of Rev. Aaron Foster, Vicar of Lyng and Kingston, Somerset : — Reginald Foster Ward, Gentleman, 6. 1850; m. 1875, Agnes, d. of Walter Strickland. Jfes. — Hexham. Ward. Arms and Crest as above, but without the quarterings. Son of John William Ward, Gentleman, of The Grove, Hadnall, Salop, 6. 1809 ; d. ; m. 1834, Matilda Octavia, d. of George Franklyn of Bristol : — George Franklyn Ward, Gentleman, i. 1835; m. 1858, Mary Anne, d. of James Boydell ; and has issue — (i) William Edward Trevor Ward, Gentleman, 6. 1859; (2) Harry Dacre Michael Ward, Gentleman, d. 1864; (3) Charles Cecil Ernest Ward, Gentleman, 6. 1866; (4T Thomas Henry Bernard Ward, Gentleman, d. 1868 ; (5) Edmund Arthur Francis Ward, Gentleman, d. 1870; Marian Ellen ; and Susan Ada. J?es. — Sproston Wood, Salop. Admiral THOMAS LE HUNTE WARD, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Bom August 4, 1830, being the third and youngest son of the late Reverend Bernard John Ward, by his wife Isabella Frances, daughter of Robert Phillipps of Longworth ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1882. Clui — United Service. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, a cross patonce or. Pendent below the escutcheon is his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Crest — A man's head couped at the shoulders affront^e proper, wreathed about the temples or and azure, and adorned with three ostrich feathers. Married, April ag, 1869, Helen Mary, daughter of George Maconchy of Rathmore, county I^ongford ; and has issue living — John Richard Le Hunte Ward, Esquire, Lieutenant Royal Navy, born 1870 ; .Sophia Louisa ; and Alice Mary I^ Hunte. WILLIAM ERSKINE WARD, Esquire, Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, entered Bengal Civil Service 1861, is Chief Commander of Assam. Born 1838, being the son of the late Honourable John Petty Ward of the Bengal Civil Service, by his wife Elinor, daughter of John Erskine of York. Armorial bearings - He bears for Arms : Azure, a cross patonce or. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, up>on a wreath of the colours, a man's head coup>ed at the shoulders affronts proper, wreathed about the temples or and azure, and adorned with three ostrich feathers. Married, 1866, Alicia Caroline, daughter of Edward Palmer of Calcutta; and has Issue living — (il George Louis Steuart Ward, Gentleman, born 1869 ; (2) John Petty Ward, Gentleman, born 1871 ; (3) Noel Edward Ward, Gentleman, born 1872 ; (4) Launcelot Banfjor Ward, Gentleman, born 1884 ; and Mabel Erskine. Postal address — The Rev. BRIDGEMAN GEORGE WARD-BOUGH- TON-LEIGH, M.A. Trin. Coll., Camb., Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Harborough Magna, co. Warwick.- Born Sept. 7, 1855, being the second but eldest surv. son of the Rev. Tlieodosius Ward-Boughton-Leigh, M.A., by his wife Elizabeth, only surv. child and heir of the late Thomas Cotterell, Esq., J. P., D.L., Sheriff for the co. of Middle- sex. Is great-great-grandson of Sir Edward Boughton, Bart., and ^reat-grandson of Sir Egerton Leigh, Bart., and fourteenth m descent from Henry VII. through Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk. Armorial bearings— Or, a lion rampant gules (for Leigh) ; 2. argent, on a chevron between three crosslets bottonne fitch^e sable, three .stags' heads caboshed or, on a chief gules, a goat passant of the field (for Boughton) ; 3. sable, three crescents or (for Bougliton) ; 4. azure, gutt6e-d'or, a cross fiory of the last (for Ward). Mantling gules and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested or, cuffed argent, the hand proper, grasping a broken tilting-spear or (for Leigh) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a stork's head erased chevronny of four pieces sable and argent, in the beak a snake proper (for Boughton) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased or, gutt^e-d'eau, gorged with a collar gemel azure (for Ward). Residence -Harborough Magna, co. Warwick. S HENRY ALLESLEY WARD-BOUGHTON- LEIGH, Esq., J. P. CO. Warwick, 2nd Lieut. War- wickshire I.Y. Bom May 23, 1877, being the only son of the late Edward Allesley Boughton Ward-Boughton- Leigh, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for both cos., High Sheriff for Warwick, by his wife Ellen Caroline, dau. of Hon. Charles Lennox Butler, youngest son of the 22nd Lord Dunboyne. Armorial bearings -Quarterly, i. or, a lion rampant gules (for Leigh) ; 2. argent, on a chevron between three cross- lets bottonne fitch6e sable, three stags' heads caboshed or, on a chief gules, a goat passant of the first (for Boughton) ; 3. sable, three crescents or (for Boughton) ; 4. azure, gutt(5e- d'or, a cross flory of the last (for Ward). Mantling gules and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested or, cuff argent, the hand proper, grasping a broken .1 tilting-spear or (for Leigh) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a stork's head erased chevronny of four pieces sable and | argent, in the beak a snake proper (for Boughton); 3. on J a wreath of the colours, a wolf^s head erased or, gutt6e- d'eau, gorged with a collar gemel azure (for Ward). Seats \ — Brownsover Hall, near Rugby ; Guilsborough Hall, Northampton. JOHN HUGH WARD-BOUGHTON-LEIGH, Esquire, ] late Hon. Major 4th Batt. Royal Warwickshire Regt. Born Feb. 29, i860, being the fourth son of the Rev. Theo- i dosius Egerton Boughton Ward-Boughton-Leigh, M.A., by his wife Elizabeth, only surviving child of the late Thomas Cotterell. Armoiial bearings — Or, a lion rampant gules j (for Leigh) ; 2. argent, on a chevron between three crosslets bottonne fitch^e sable, three stags' heads caboshed or, on a ' ^ is the Military Cockade. m^v 32lat 1427 chief gules, a goat passant of the field (for Boughton) ; 3. sable, three crescents or (for Boughton) ; 4. azure, gutt^e- d'or, a cross flory of the last (for Ward). Mantling gules and or. Crests i. on a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested or, cuffed argent, the hand proper, grasping a broken tilting-spear or (for Leigh); 2. on a wreath of the colours, a stork's head erased chevronny of four pieces sable and argent, in the beak a snake proper (for Boughton) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased or, gutt^e- d'eau, gorged with a collar gemel azure (for Ward). Mar- ried, June I, 1892, Alice Mary, widow of Sir Peyton d'E. Skipwith, loth Bart., and only dau. of Maj.-Gen. B. B. Herrick, H. M.L.I. ; and has Issue— Egerton Ward- Bough- ton-Leigh, Gentleman, 6. Nov. 2, 1897; and Mona de Malsburgh. J?esi(ience - 67 Albert Hall Mansions, S.W. Ciud— Junior Carlton. Thk Rev. THEODOSIUS WARD - BOUGHTON- LEIGH, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. Trin. Coll., Camb., Vicar of Newbold-on-Avon, co. Warwick.. Bom , being the third son of the late John Ward- Boughton- Leigh of Brownsover Hall and Guilsborough (who assumed by Sign-Manual, 1831, the additional surnames and arms of Boughton and Leigh), by his wife Theodosia de Mals- burg, only dau. of Sir Edward Boughton, Bart. Armorial bearings — Quarterly, i. or, a lion rampant gules (for Leigh); 2. argent, on a chevron between three crosslets bottonne fitch^e sable, three stags' heads caboshed or, on a chief gules, a goat passant of the field (for Bough- ton) ; 3. sable, three crescents or (for Boughton) ; 4. azure, gutt<5e-d'or, a cross flory of the last (for Ward). Mant- ling gules and or. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested or, cuff argent, the hand proper, grasp- ing a broken tilting-spear or (for Leigh) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a stork's head erased chevronny of four pieces sable and argent, in the beak a snake proper (for Bough- ton) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased or, guttfe-d'eau, gorged with a collar gemel azure (for Ward). Married, 1853, Elizabeth, only surviving child of the late Thomas Cotterell of 50 Eaton Square, Ex-Sheriff of London and Middlesex ; and has Issue— (i) Rev. Theo- dosius Ward-Boughton-Leigh, M.A. [to whom refer] ; (2) Rev. Bridgman Ward-Boughton-Leigh, M.A. [to whom refer]; (3) Cotterell Ward-Boughton-Leigh, Gentleman, M.A. Trin. Coll., Camb.; (4) John Hugh Ward Ward- Boughton-Leigh, Esq., [to whom refer]; (5) Percy W. Ward-Boughton-Leigh, Gentleman, Jesus Coll., Camb. ; Alice ; Ethel B. ; and Lelia Annette [m. , April 30, 1898, William Edward Manley, R.A. , fourth son of William Lambert Manley]. Residence — Newbold-on-Avon, co. Warwick. ALi:- ANDER JOHN WALTER WARDE, Gentle- man. Born March 19, 1855, being the fourth son of the late General Sir Edward Charles Warde, K.C. B. , by his wife Jane, eldest dau. of Rev. Charles Lane, M.A., for- merly Rector of Deal, co. Kent, Rector of Wrotham. Armorial bearings — Azure, a cross flory or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased or. Motto — "Licet esse beatis." 'Married, Oct. 30, 1882, Enriqueta Petronilla, dau. of James Fair of Brighton, Sussex ; and has Issue — (i) Richard Edward Warde, Gentleman, b. Dec. 20, 1884; (2) Basil Charles Conroy Warde, Gentleman, b. Feb. 28, 1892 ; Enriqueta Roseta Jenny ; Edith Dora Helen ; and Francis Dorothy. Residence— 'De&n Lodge, Sevenoaks, co. Kent. AUGUSTUS WALTER FRANCIS WARDE, Gentle- man. Born August 17, 1859, being the third son of Rev. Augustus William Warde, M.A. , Rector of Little Horsted, CO. Sussex ; by his wife Catherine, eldest dau. of William Woodgate, Esq., of Swaylands, co. Kent, J. P. and D. L. Armorial bearings — Azure, a cross flory or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased or. Motto — "Licet esse beatis." Married, Oct. 27, 1882, Gertrude, dau. of Rev. Canon Hugh George Robinson, M.A. , Prebendary of York, and one of Her Majesty's Charity Commissioners ; and has Issue — Gertrude Doris Catherine. Residence — § CHARLES ARTHUR MADAN WARDE, Esquire, Lieut.-Col. Royal (late Bengal) Artillery, D.L., J.P. for Kent. Born April 8, 1839, being the fourth son of Admiral Charles Warde, R. H. , by his wife Mariana, eldest dau. of Arthur William Gregory of Styvechall, Warwick- shire. C/?/^j— Junior Carlton, East India United Service. Livery— C\!iVfi\. coat, blue vest, gilt buttons, black trousers. Armorial bearings — Azure, a cross flory or, impaling the arms of O'Brien, namely, quarterly i and 4, gules, three lions passant guardant in pale per pale or and argent ; 2. argent, three piles in point, issuing from the chief gules ; 3. or, a pheon azure. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased or. Motto — " Licet esse beatis." Married, Oct. 23, 1879, the Hon. Anastatia Kathleen Lucia O'Brien, sixth dau. of thirteenth Baron Inchiquin ; and has Issue— John Roberts O'Brien Warde, Gentleman, b. March 2, 1899 ; Mary Kathleen ; Dorothy Louisa ; Blanche Theresa ; and Evelyn 'Victoria. Seat — Squerryes Court, Westerham, Kent. CHARLES EDWARD WARDE, Esquire, J. P., Col. Commanding West Kent Yeom., M.P. for Mid- Kent since 1892. Born Dec. 20, 1845, being the eldest son of General Sir Edward Charles Warde, K.C.B., by his wife Jane, eldest dau. of Rev. Canon Lane, M.A. Clubs— Carlton, Naval and Military, Hurlingham. Armorial bearing^s — Azure, a cross flory or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased or. Motto — "Licet esse beatis." Married, July 10, 1890, Helen, dau. of the late Viscouut de Stern. Residence — Barham Court, Maidstone, Kent. HAMILTON FRANCIS WARDE, Gentleman. Born February 15, 1857, being the second son of the Rev. Augustus William "Warde, M.A., Rector of Little Horsted, CO. Sussex, by his wife Catherine, eldest dau. of William Woodgate, Esq., of Swaylands, co. Kent, J.P. and D.L. Armorial bearings — Azure, a cross flory or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolf 's head erased or. Motto — " Licet esse beatis." Mar- ried, July 18, 1889, Eleanor Dalrymple, third dau. of Col. Peregrine Madgwick Francis, R.E., by Emma his wife, dau. of James Thomas of the Madras Civil Service ; and has Issue — Dorothy Francis Hamilton. Residence — HENRY JOHN WARDE, Gentleman. Born Dec. 31, i860, being the fourth son of Rev. Augustus William Warde, M.A., Rector of Little Horsted, co. Sussex, by his wife Catherine, eldest dau. of William Woodgate, Esq., of Swaylands, co. Kent, J.P. and D.L. Armorial bearings — Azure, a cross flory or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased or. Motto — ' Licet esse beatis." Married, July 18, 1888, Eleanor Harriet, dau. of Rev. John George Hodgson, Rector of Sal twood, Kent, and Hon. Canon of Canterbury, by Matilda Georgiana his wife, dau. of Robert Matthew Isacke of North Foreland Lodge, co. Kent ; and has Issue — Geoffrey Hodgson Warde, Gentleman, b. Aug. 23, 1889. Residence — is tbe Naval Cockade. I4a8 mat mnt HENRY MURRAY ASHLEY WARDE. Esquire. Lieut. -CoL 19th Hussars (rei. June 10. 1893). Bom t>epi. «, i8co, being the second son of the late Gen. Sir Edward Charles W'arde, K.CB., by his wife lane, eldest dau. of Rev, Charles Lane. M.A.. formerly Rector of Deal, co. Kent, Rector of Wrotham. Armorial bearing— Azure, a cross flory or. Mantling azure ami or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a wolf's head erased or. Motto -- " Licet esse bfuitis." Married, March 31, 1880, Louisa Anne, only dau. of Wilmot Lane of the Bengal Civil Service, by I..ouisa Anna his wife, eldest dau. and coheir of Charles Patten Vale ; and has Issue — l>ouisa Kathleen Alice ; Dorothy Mary ; and Gladys Joan. Jiesidtnce — ST. ANDRIiW BRUCE WARDE Esquire, Major, Royal .Artillery (retired March 14, 1894), Chief Constable for CO. Hants from 1894. Born Nov. 33, 1852, being the third son of the late General Sir Edward Charles Warde, K.C. B. , by his wife Jane, eldest dau. of Rev. Charles Lane, M.A., formerly Rector of Deal, co. Kent, Rector of Wrotham. Armorial bearings— Azure, a cross flory or. MantUng' azurc and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased or. Motto — " Licet esse beatis." Married, April i8, 1882, Olivia Louisa, dau. of Col. George M'Call, 8th Hussars, of Elibank Lodge, co. Berks; and has Issue — Clare Frances Mary ; and Jeana Winifred Mary. Residence — West Hill, Winchester, co. Hants. Club — Junior United Service. S WALTER ELDRED WARDE, Esquire, Capt. 4th Battalion the Devonshire Regiment. Born April 11, 1856, being the second son of the late Col. Walter Warde, by his wife Augusta, third surviving dau. of Lieut. -Gen. Sir Lionel Smith, Bart., G.C.B., G.C.H., Governor-General of Jamaica, and Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Mauritius. Armorial bearings — Azure, a cross flory or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolf's head erased or. Motto— " Licet esse beatis." Married, Nov. 22, 1894, Charlotte Jane Mary, elder dau. of the Rev. Clement Moody, Vicar of Newcastle- on-Tyne ; and has Issue — Nancy Marian. Residence — WILLIAM HENRY WARDE, Gentleman. Born Sept. 22, 1855, being the eldest son of Rev. Augustus William Warde, by his wife Catherine, eldest dau. of William Woodgatem of Swaylands, Kent. Armorial bear- ings — Azure, a cross flory or. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased or. Motto — " Licet esse beatis. " Postal address — S WILLIAM WRIGHT WARDE-ALDAM, Esquire, D.L. and J. P. for the West Riding of the co. of York. Bom 1853, being the only son of the late William Aldam, and before his patronymic, and the arms of Warde quarterly with his own V>y Royal License in the year 1878. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, party p>er fesse azure and ermine, in the sinister chief and dexter base an eagle dis- played or, in the dexter canton issuant towards the sinister Ixise seven rays, the centre one gold, the others argent (for Aldam) ; 2 and 3 azure, a cross flory or, and for distinction in the dexter chief point a cross crosslet of the last (for Warde) ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from a mount vert, four ostrich feathers argent, con- joined at the points by a millrind or (for Aldam) ; 2. a wolfs head erased or, charged for distinction with a cross crosslet azure (for Warde). Married, April 30, 1878, Sarah Julia, of Hoolon Pagnell, in the county of York, daughter and co-heir of the late Reverend William Warde of Hooton Pagnell; and has had Issue — (1) William St. Andrew Warde-Aldam, Gentleman, born 1882 ; (2) John Ralph Patientius Warde-Aldam, Gentleman, b. Aug. 15, 1892 ; and Marion Juliet, b. 1897, d. an infant. Estates and postal addresses — Frickley Hall and Hooton Pagnell Hall, Doncaster, both in the county of York; Healey Hall, Riding Mill-on-Tyne, Northumberland ; Ederline, Lochgilphead, Argyllshire, N.B. Rev. OSWALD PRYOR WARDELL-YERBURGH. M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dublin), Vicar of the Abbey Church of St. Mary, Tewkesbury, Rural Dean of Winchcombe, and Hon. Canon of Gloucester Cathedral. Born 1858, being the sixth son of Rev. Richard Yerburgh, Vicar of Slea- ford, and Rector of High Bickington, by his wife Susan, dau. of John Higgin of Wenning Cottage and Greenfield, CO. Lancaster ; and assumed, on liis marriage, by Royal Licence the additional surname and arms of Wardell. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per pale argent Esq., of Frickley Hall, in the co. of York, J. P. and D.L., by his wife Mary Stables, daughter of the Rev. Godfrey Wright of Bilham Hotise, near Doncaster, and assumed upon bis marriage the surname of Warde in addition to and azure, on a chevron between three chaplets all j counterchanged, an annulet for difference (for Yerburgh) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron between three boars' heads couped sable, on a chief vert, three bezants (for War- dell) ; upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of j Wardell-Potts, namely, quarterly i and 4, or, two bars azure, over all a bend of the second (for Potts) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron between three boars' heads couped close sable, on a chief vert, three bezants. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon close or, belled of the last, preying on a mallard proper. Married, Jan. 21, 1889, Edith, formerly (by Royal Licence, dated July 5, 1880) Wardell-Potts, only surviving child and heir of the late Arthur Potts, Esq., J. P., of Hoole Hall, by his wife Elizabeth [to whom refer], only surviving child and heir of William Wardell of \ Abbotsfield ; and \\z.s Issue — (i) Arthur Wardell- Yerburgh, Gentleman, b. July 13, 1891 ; (2) Geoffrey Basset Wardell- is the Military Cockade. mat 2jfl3ar 1429 Yerburgh, Gentleman, 6. Sept. 28, 1893 ; and Hilda. I?esi- dence — The Abbey, Tewkesbury. Club — Wellington. S ROBERT GEORGE WARDLAW-RAMSAY, Es- quire, J. P. and D.L. for Midlothian and J. P. for CO. Clackmannan, Lieut.-Col. and Hon. Col. 6th Vol. Batt. the Royal Scots, late Capt. Highland Light Infantry. Born Jan. 25, 1852, being the eldest son of the late Robert Balfour Wardlaw-Ramsay, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Edin- burgh, by liis wife Lady Louisa Jane Hay, third dau. of Rt. Hon. George, 7th Marquess of Tweeddale, by Lady Susan Montagu his wife, dau. of the Most Noble William, 5th Duke of Manchester. Livery — Drab. Armorial beaxings — Quarterly i and 4, grand quarters argent, an eagle displayed sable, beaked and membered gules, within a border of the last charged with eight roses argent (for Ramsay) ; 2 and 3, grand quarters, i. and iiii. azure, three mascles or; ii. and iii. azure, three water bougets or, a crescent argent for difference. Mantling sable and argent. Crests— I. on a wreath of his liveries, a unicorn's head erased argent, charged with a rose gules; 2. on a wreath of his liveries, an estoile or. Mottoes — "Semper victor ; " (over the crests) — "Familias firmat pietas." Married, Feb. 17, 1885, Mary Alice, eldest dau. of the late Charles Swinton Hogg; and has /wz/e— (i) Arthur Balcarres Ram- say, Gentleman, b. Dec. 13, 1887 ; (2) David Ramsay, Gentleman, b. June 11, 1890; (3) Ernest Ramsay, Gentle- man, b. Feb. 22, 1892; Louisa Mary; and Erica Violet. Seats — Whitehill, Rosewell, co. Edinburgh ; Tillicoultry, CO. Clackmannan ; and Balcurvie, Fife. Clubs — Carlton, Army and Navy. WARDWICK, quartered by HEYWOOD -JONES, LONGUEVILLE, and WILLDING-JONES. WARE, see CUMBERLEGE-WARE. WARE (H. Coll.). Argent, on a bend wavy cottised vert, between six crosslets fitch^e at the foot gules, three crosiers in bend or. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion azure, between the paws a mullet within an annulet or, issuant from a basket proper, a cross crosslet fitch^e at the foot of the second. Sons of Martin Ware, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law (son of late Martin Ware of Tilford, b. 1789 ; d. 1872), b. 1818 ; d. 1895 ; tn. : — Rev. Martin S. Ware, Vicar of St. George's, Camber- well, *. 1871. .Ej^a/^— Tilford, Surrey. Res. — St. George's Vicarage, Camberwell, Surrey. Arthur Maitland Ware, Gentleman, M. D. , b. 1874. Res. — 13 Sussex Villas, London, W. Surv. sons of Martin Ware of Tilford, Surrey, b. 1789 ; d. 1872:— Charles Tayler Ware, Gentleman, b. 1820; m. ; and has issue -(i) C. M. Ware, Gentleman, b. ; (2) F. H. Ware, Gentleman, b. . Res. — 11 Phillimore Gardens, London, W. Rt. Rev. Henry Ware, Bishop of Barrow-in-Furness, D.D., M.A. (Trin. Coll., Camb.), was Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trin. Coll., Camb., 1855-62, Vicar of Kirkby Lonsdale 1862-88, Rural Dean thereof 1867-88, Hon. Canon of Carlisle 1870-79 and 1883-88, Canon of Carlisle 1879-83 and again 1888, consecrated Bishop of Barrow-in-Furness (Suffragan for Diocese of Carlisle) 1889, b. 1830 ; m. ist, 1865. Elizabeth S. {d. 1884), d. of E. G. Hornby of Dalton Hall ; and 2nd, 1887, Ellen King, d. of the late Rt. Rev. Harvey Goodwin, Lord Bishop of Carlisle, D.D. Res. — The Abbey, Carlisle ; How Foot, Grasmere, Westmorland. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. S HENRY WARING, Esquire, J.P. (HighSheriff"i888), Lieut.-Col. Railway Engineers Volunteer Staff Corps. Born 1822, being the second son of the late John Waring of Haworth Hall, Rotherham, by his wife Mary Fletcher. Armorial bearings — Gules, a bend engrailed chequy or and azure, between two bugles stringed of the second. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, up)on a mill-rind fesseways or, a dragon gules, charged on either wing with an annulet gold. Motto — " Toujours prest. " Married, 1855, Sarah Milnes, dau. of John Wheat of Norwood Hall, and Treetown, co. York ; and has Issue— William Wheat Waring, Esq., Capt. late nth Hussars, b. May 29, i860 [m., 1882, Sophia Annie, eldest dau. of the late Col. Scobel of The Abbey, Pershore, co. Worcester, and has issue, Charles Henry Waring, Gentleman, b. 1888 ; Edward Robert Waring, Gentleman, b. 1893 ; Mellony Mary ; and Irene Margaretta] ; Maud Mary \_m. Major Thomas Baker, Suffolk Regt.] ; Edith Elizabeth [m. Charles Lane Sansom, M.D.]; Rosamund Ruth; Alice Ada; and Beatrice Bertha. Seat — Beenham House, Reading. S THOMAS WARING, Esquire, Barrister-at-Law, Master of Arts of Trinity College, Dublin, Justice of the Peace for the county of Armagh, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the County of Down (High Sheriff' 1868-1869), and late Colonel 5th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles, Member of Parliament for North Down. Bom October 17, 1828, being the fourth but eldest sur- viving son of the late Major Henry Waring of Warings- town, by his wife Frances Grace, daughter of the Very Reverend Holt Waring, Dean of Dromore. Clubs — Carlton, Kildare Street (Dublin), Ulster (Belfast). /,?'z/«rv— White, with black facings and silver lace. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a bend sable, three mascles of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a crane's head couped at the neck proper. Motto — " Nee vi necastutia." Married, firstly, April 22, 1858, Esther, third daughter of Ross Thompson Smyth of Ardmore, in the county of Derry (she died March 26, 1873) ; and secondly, August 6, 1874, Fanny, fourth daughter of Admiral John Jervis Tucker of Trematon Castle, in the county of Cornwall ; and by her (who died November 13, 1883) has Issue — (1) Holt Waring, Gentleman, born May 26, 1877 ; (2) Ruric Henry Waring, Gentleman, born August 16, 1879 ; Esther Marian ; Mary Theresa ; and Frances Joan Alice. He married thirdly, July I, 1885, Geraldine, third daughter of Alexander Stewart of Bally Edmond. Seat — Warringstown House, Lugan, in the county of Down. Estates — Waringstown, Kilmore, and Lisnafiffy. Postal address — Waringstown, county Down. The Late WILLIAM WARING, Gentleman, for- merly of Tombland, Norwich. Armorial bearings — Sable, a chevron between three storks' heads erased argent, within a bordure wavy of the last. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stork's head erased sable, on the neck a saltire wavy argent, between two wings displayed of the first. is tbe Naval Cockade. M30 mat soar WARNER, quartered by FINNY. WARNER, see LEE-WARNER. S EDWARD HANDLEY WARNER. Esauire. J.P. andD.L. co. LeicesUT, High Sheriff 1897, J.P. North Ritiing tx). York, l.itc Capt. LciccNtershire Yeomanry. Horn Aug. ao, 1850, being the second but elder surviving son of the late Edward Warner, Esq., of Quorn Hall and the Elms Park. CO. Leicester, and of Kepwick Park, co, York, J. P.. High Sheriff 1874, by his wife Marianne, fourth dau. of the Rev. J. W. R. Boyer, Clerk in Holy Orders. Rector of Swe[>stone-cuni-Snare>ton. Livery — IMue. with blue and yellow waistcoat. Armorial bearlngfs— Quarterly argent and or, a cross quarterly azure, and gtiles, in the first and fourth quarters a bend invected between four roses, two and two paleways. in the second and third quarters three bendlets between an escallop in chief and a fleur-de-lis in base all of tlie fourth. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a squirrel sejant proper, holding in the paws a rose gules, slipped and leaved of the first. l)etween two escallops of the second. Motto—" Non nobis tantum nati." Married, June 21, 1877, Jessie Nancy, dau. of Thomas Brooks of Barkby Hall, co. Leicester, and of Manchester; and has Issue — (1) Edward Guy Warner, Gentleman, Lieut. 8th K. R. L Hussars, b. March 27. 1881 ; (a) Christopher Brooks Warner, Gentleman, b. June 15, 1885; Dorothy Kate; Grace; and Amy. Seats— Qaorn Hall, Leicester ; Elms Park, Loughborough ; Kepwick, Northallerton, co. York. H THOMAS COURTENAY THEYDON WARNER, W Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the co. of Somerset, High Sheriff of Essex 1891, Major and Hon. Lieut.- Colonel 4th Batt. Oxfordshire Light Infantry, M.P. of the CO. of Somerset 1892-95, and M.P. for Lichfield Div. , CO. Stafford, since 1896. horn July 19, 1857, being the only son of the late Edward Warner, Esquire, of Highams, Wood- ford, in the co. of Essex, Deputy- Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for that county, and Justice of the Peace for the co. of Middlesex, sometime M.P. for Norwich, b. 1818, d. 1875, by his wife Maria, daughter of Thomas Carr of New Ross, in the co. of Waterford. Clubs — Bachelors', Reform, Union, National Liberal. Livery — Dress: white coat, crimson waistcoat, and knee breeches ; undress : black coat and trousers, crimson waistcoat and piping. Armorial bear- gemelles sable, over all a lion rampant gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head affront(5e couped at the shoulders proper, vested gules, on the head a cap chequy argent and of the second, and in front thereof three roses fesseways of the third ; with the MottO, "Spero." Married, December 6, 1883, Leucha Diana, commonly called I.,ady I.«ucha Diana, sixth daughter of the Right Honourable the first Earl de Montalt ; and has Issue — (i) Edward Coiirtenay Thomas Warner, Gentle- man, b. Jan. 4, 1886; (a) Cornwallis John Warner, Gentle- man, b. Feb. 1, 1889 ; (3) Thomas Seymour Marius Warner, Gentleman, b. Nov. 5, 1903 ; Leucha Mary ; and Lillian Georgina. Estates — Highams, Woodford, and other pro- perty in Walthamstow and Lcyton, including the Manors of West Mersea, of Higham Hills, all in the co. of Essex ; and Manor of Brettenham, in the co. of Suffolk. Postal addresses — Brettenham Park, Suffolk ; 56 Cadogan Square, S.W. S WILLIAM POCHIN WARNER, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. CO. IvCicester, High Sheriff 1898, late i8lh Hussars. Born Feb. i, 1854, being the third but second younger surviving son of the late Edward Warner, Esq., of t^hiorn Hall and the Elms Park, co. Leicester, and of Kep- wick Park, CO. York, J.P. , High Sheriff 1874, by his wife Marianne, fourth dau. of the Rev. J. W. R. Boyer, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Swepstone-cum-Snareston. Livery — Blue, with blue and yellow waistcoat. Armorial bear- ing's — Quarterly argent and or, a cross quarterly azure and gules, in the first and fourth quarters a bend invected between four roses, two and two paleways, in the second and third quarters three bendlets between an escallop chief and a fleur-de-lis in base all of the fourth. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, squirrel sejant proper, holding in the paws a rose gules, slipped and leaved of the first, between two escallops the second. Motto— " Non nobis tantum nati." Seat— Langton Hall, Market Harborough. Club — Army and Navy. S WILLIAM EDMUND WARRAND, Esquire, Major. General in the Royal Engineers, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Nottingham and Inverness, Deputy- lags— He bears for Arms: Per bend argent and gules, two bendlets between six roses all counterchanged, and impaling the arms of Maude, namely, quarterly i and 4, azure a lion rampant argent ; 2 and 3 argent, three bars Lieutenant for the county of Inverness. Born January 2' 1831, being the eldest son of the late Robert Warrand, Esquire, Major Inniskiliing Dragoons, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Nottingham, by is tbe Military Cockade. mtit Mat 1431 his wife Sara Sophia, daughter of the Rev. William Claye of Westhorpe. Cluds — Arthurs', County (Nottingham). Livery — Plain dark claret, with scarlet waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Sable, a chevron chequy or and azure, between three lions passant argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter arm in armour, holding in the hand a sword all proper; with the Motto, "Fortiter." Married, firstly, November 15, 1859, Isabella Mary, daughter of the Reve- rend Henry Houson of Brant Broughton, in the county of Lincoln; by whom (who died 1873) he had Issue — (i) William Hugh Munro Warrand, Gentleman, Lieutenant Royal Marines, born June 11, 1863; (2) the Reverend Henry Kenneth Warrand, born March 11, 1865; Katha- rine Mary, died 1884 ; Sara Judith ; and Frances Louisa Victoria. Secondly, 1875, Katharine Munro, widow of Duncan Grant, and daughter of Alexander Warrand, Honourable East India Company's Service ; and thirdly, September 28, 1892, Helena, daughter of Major Perceval- Maxwell of Finnebrogue, in the county of Down, and Moor Hill, in the county of Waterford. Estate — Westhorpe, in the county of Nottingham. Postal address — Westhorpe, Southwell, Nottingham. WARREN, quartered by DU MOULIN-BROWNE, HOWARD, NORFOLD, and O'CARROLL. WARREN, see BORLASE-WARREN-VENABLES- VERNON, CORBOULD- WARREN, and DETABLEY. WARREN. Quarterly, i and 4, per chevron gules and sable, a chevron chequy or and azure, between three ele- phants' heads erased argent, in the centre chief point a mascle of the third (for Warren) ; 2 and 3 ermine, two battle-axes in chief and a castle in base sable, on a chief of the last three estoiles or (for Hicks). Mantling gules and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, out of a crescent argent, an elephant's head sable, the tusks proper, charged on the neck with a mascle as in the arms. Motto — "Crescenti luce resurgit." Sons of Rev. John Maturin Warren, M.A., Rector of . Bawdrip, co. Somerset, b. d. m., 1873, Margaret Burnett, d. ofSir James Dalrymple-Horne-Elphinstone, Baronet : — John Maxwell Dalrymple Elphinstone Warren, Gentle- man, Lieut. Royal Navy, b. June 22, 1874 James Grasme Hepburn Warren, Gentleman, b. August 30. 1875- William Henry Farrington Warren, Gentleman, R.N. R., b. October ig, 1877. Frederick Drummond Warren, Gentleman, b. August 23, 1881. The Rev. SAMUEL PERCIVAL WARREN, Incum- bent of Balbriggan. Born April 15, 1828, being the third son of the late Robert Warren of Ballydonarea, co. Wicklow, and Killiney Castle, co. Dublin, by his wife Alicia, dau. of Athanasius Cusack of Laragh. Armorial bearings — Chequy or and azure, on a canton ermine, a trefoil vert. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a wyvern argent, wings expanded chequy or and azure, on the breast a trefoil vert. Motto — "Be just and fear not." Married, March 8, 1859, Judith Frances, dau. of T. Somerville Fleming of Derry Lea, co. Kildare ; and has Issue — (i) Robert Somerville Warren, Gentleman, b. March 23, 1865 ; (2) Percival Becher Warren, Gentleman, b. April 9, 1871 ; Frances Alicia \m., April 25, 1885, Richard John Baker, Indian Medical Service, and d. 1898, leaving issue] ; Ahcia Judith Dagmar ; and Judith Pitcairn. Residence — Balbriggan. HENRY WARREN-DARLEY, Gentleman. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, six fleurs-de-lis, three, two, and one argent, within a bordure ermine, on a canton of the second a trefoil slipped vert (for Darley) ; 2 and 3, chequy or and azure, on a canton of the second a saltire of the first (for Warren). Mantling gules and argent. Crests— I. on a wreath of the colours, a horse's head argent, armed proper, bridled gules (for Darley) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, from a plume of five ostrich feathers gules, an eagle's claw proper (for Warren). Mottoes— "Dare;" and (below the arms) "Per mare per terras." Residence— \^ Pembroke Road, Dublin. S ROBERT WARREN - SWETTENHAM. Esquire, Colonel 4th Batt. Cheshire Regt., J. P. for the co. of Chester. Born 1836, being the second son of the late Michael Warren of Sandford's Court, in the county of Kilkenny, by his wife Sarah Eaton, daughter of the late Millington Eaton Swettenham of Swettenham, and assumed the surname and arms of Swettenham by Royal License, 1877, under the will of his uncle, Thomas J. W. Swettenham, on the death of his widow, March 9, 1876. C/?/3— Naval and Military. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent on a bend vert, three spitting-shovels (or half-spades) of the field (for Swettenham) ; 2 and 3 chequy or and gules, on a canton azure, a cross of the first (for Warren). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his de- gree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, against a tree proper a lion rampant azure (for Swettenham) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, an eagle's talon or, holding a crescent gules in front of a plume of five ostrich feathers argent (for Warren). Mottoes — "Ex sudore vultus" (Swettenham), " Mox virtute se tollit ad auras " (Warren). Married, 1865, Amelia Marion, daughter of the late J. W. Wybault of Sion, CO. Kilkenny; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Robert Eaton Wybault Warren - Swettenham, Captain East Yorkshire Regiment, born October 10, 1867 ; (2) Albert Willis Warren-Swettenham, Gentleman ; (3) George Mill- ington Warren-Swettenham, Gentleman; Amelia Frances Josephine ; Berthia Marie ; and Helen Cicely. Seat — Swettenham Hall, Congleton, in the co. of Chester. Resi- dence — SSiR GEORGE WARRENDER, sixth Baronet, of Lochend, in the county of East Lothian, D.L. for the COS. of Haddington and Edinburgh, late Capt. Cold- stream Guards. Born Oct. 7, 1825, being the only son of Sir John Warrender, fifth Baronet, by his first wife, dau. of the Rt. Hon. James Maitland, eighth Earl of Lauderdale ; suc- ceeded his father in 1867, under the creation of June 2, 1715. Armorial bearings — Quarterly 1 and 4, argent, on a bend wavy between six roses gules, three plates (for War- render) ; 2 and 3 or, a lion rampant gules, couped in all points of the field, within a double tressure flory counter- flory azure (for Maitland) ; on an escutcheon of pretence quarterly, first grand quarter, quarterly i and 4, vert, a lion rampant argent ; 2 and 3 argent, three papingoes vert, beaked and membered gules (for Hume) ; second grand quarter, gyronny of eight or and sable, within a bordure gules, charged with eight escallops of the first, and a canton also gyronny of eight gules and ermine (for Campbell of Carnock) ; third grand quarter, azure, on a fesse between three mascles, as many cinquefoils of the first (for Purves of Purves) ; fourth grand quarter, quarterly i and 4, gules three piles engrailed argent (for Polwarth of that Ilk) ; 2 and 3 argent, a cross engrailed azure (for Sinclair of Her- mistoun) ; en surtout of the grand quarters, an inescutcheon argent, charged with an orange imperially crowned and slipped all proper. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a hare sejant proper. Motto — " Industria evehit." Married, July 13, 1854, Helen, only child of Sir Hugh Hume Campbell, seventh Baronet, of Marchmont ; and by her (who d. March 11, 1875) has Issue — (i) John Warrender, Esq., Capt. late Grenadier Guards, b. March 5, 1859, d. July 12, 1894 ; (2) George John Scott Warrender, Esq., Com. R.N., b. July 31, i860; (3) Hugh Valdave Warrender, Esq., Lieut. Grenadier Guards, b. Sept. 14, 1868 ; Julian Margaret Maitland ; Alice Helen ; and Eleanor Charlotte. Seat — Bruntsfield House, Edinburgh. The Hon. Sir THOMAS ROLLS WARRINGTON, Knight Bachelor, Judge of the High Court of Justice, M.A. (Cantab.). Born 1851, being the only son of Thomas Warrington of London. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend invected gules, between two bulls' heads erased sable, three eagles displayed of the first. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed and erased sable, charged on the breast with a shield argent, thereon a bull's head as in the arms, and holding in the beak a cross pat^e fitch^e gules. Motto — " Constantia et labore." Married Emma Maud, eldest dau. of Decimus Sturges, Barrister-at-Law. Postal addresses — 10 Montagu Square, London, W. ; Clyffe Hall, Market Lavington, Wilts. Clubs — Athenaeum, United University. is the Naval Cockade. I Mja Wat mat ERNEST ARTHUR BRAGGE WARRY. Esquire. Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, Capt. 4th Battalion Somerset Light Infantry. Bom 1867, being the only son of the late William Worry, Ksquirc, Major in the 34tn Cumberland ReRiment, by his second wife Kmma Augusta, daughter of Colonel Bragge of Sadborow, in the county of Dorset. Armorial bearl^^s— He bears for Amu : (Quarterly, nebuly ermine and sable, on a bend gules, be- tween two horses' heads couped argent, a griffin's head couped between two mullets of six points of the last ; and for his OrMt, on a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head couped sable, between two horse-shoes or. Pos/a/ address — Mona Lodge, Batheaston, Bath. THOMAS WILLIAM WARRY, Gentleman. Born Aug. 13, 1864, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Warry ; Esq., formerly Major 3rd Bait. (Militia) Somerset Light Infantry, by his wife, Christina Fowler, dau. of John Fairweather. Livery — Buff, with blue facings. Armorial iMariSffS — Quarterly, nebuly ermine and sable, on a bend gules, between two horses' heads couped argent, a griffin's head couped between two mullets of six points of the last ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head couped sable, between two horse-shoes or. Postal address — Weston-super-Mare. Married, 1902, Ellen Hartley, second dau. of the late Philip William Richardson Feck, formerly of Templecombe House, Somerset, and Exmouth, S. Devon. WILLIAM JOHN ELLIS WARRY-STONE, Gentle- man, M.A. of the University of Oxford. Born Nov. 29, i860, being the only child of the late William Warry, Es- quire, Major of the 34th Cumberland Regiment, by his first wife Catherine, only surviving child and sole heiress of John Stone of Sydney House, Bath, and Lower Upham, in the county of Wiltshire ; assumed the additional sur- name of Stone in the year 1886. Cliibs — Oxford and Cam- bridge, Reform. Aiinorial bearing's — Quarterly i and 4, quarterly nebuly ermine and sable, on a bend gules, between two horses' heads couf>ed argent, a griffin's head couped between two mullets of six points of the last (for Warry) ; 2 and 3 gules, a chevron ermine, between three lozenges or, each charged with an ermine spot sable (for Stone) ; and for his Crest, upxjn a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head couf>ed sable, between two horse-shoes or (being the crest of Warry) ; with the Motto, " Cave et felix esto.' Estates — Lower Upham, Badbury Manor, and Day House, all in the county of Wiltshire. Postal address — 72 Elm Park Gardens, London, S. W. HENRY DE GREY WARTER, Gentleman. Born 1885, being the son of the late Colonel Henry De Grey Warter, R.H.A., and his wife Annette Louisa, only dau. of the late Norcliffe Bendyshe Walton of Bower Hall, Essex. Armorial bearings — Sable, on a chevron engrailed be- tween three chess-rooks argent as many crosses crosslet fitch^e of the first. Mawt.Htig sable and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a lion rainpiint sable, collared argent, holding between his forepaws a chess-rook, also argent. Motto— "Vi victus non coactas." Estate — Vx^ perty at Cruck Meole. Res. - Gravenor, near Shrewsbury. HENRY DE (iREY WARTER WARTER-TATHAM, Gentleman. Bom Feb. aa, 188a, being the only surviving son of the late Meabiu'n 'I'atham, M.A., and his wife Mary Elizabeth, only dau. of the late Henry De Grey Warter Tatham, Esq., D.L. and J. P. for Salop, High Sheriff 1879. Armorial bearing^s — Quarterly i and 4, (for Tatham) ; 2 and 3, sable, on a chevron engrailed be- tween three chess-rooks argent, as many crosses crosslet fitch^e of the first (for Warter). Mantling Crests— I. (for Tatham) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a lion ramp.int sable, collared argent, holding between his forepaws a chess-rook also argent (for Warter). MottO — " Vi victus non coactus." Residence — WARTON, quartered by FLETCHER- VANE. WASHINGTON, quartered by RAMSDEN. EUGENE WASON, Esquire, J. P. for co. of Ayr, formerly M.P. Southern Div. of the same co. , and now M. P. for Clackmannan and Kinross, Barrister - at - I^w (Middle Temple), M.A. Oxford. Born January 26, 1846, being the son of the late Peter Rigby Wason, Esq., J. P., of Corwar, co. Ayr, by his wife Euphemia, dau. of the late Peter M'Tier. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a bend argent, a saltire couped between two crescents sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a lion rampant argent, armed and langued gules, holding between his fore-paws a saltire coufjed sable ; and in an escroU over the same this Motto, " Timere sperno." Married, 1870, Eleanor Mary, eldest daughter of Charles Reynolds Williams, Esquire, of Dol- melynllyn Hall, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Merion- eth ; and has, with other Issue — Rigby Wason, Gentleman, born 1871. Residences — Blair, Girvan, North Britain ; 8 Sussex Gardens, Hyde Park, W. Clubs — Reform, Union, Liberal (Edinburgh), Liberal (Glasgow). WATERFALL (formerly of Tollard Royal). Sable, gutt^-d'eau, on a pale argent, between two pallets wavy of the last, three fountains. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi- eagle wings addorsed sable, holding in the beak an escallop or, a fountain. Motto — " Aqua cadit resurgere." Son of Rev. George Howard Waterfall, M.A. , Rector of Tollard Royal, Salisbury, Wilts: — Waterfall, Gentleman, b. ; m. . Res. — Minnedosa, Manitoba, Canada. WATERHOUSE, quartered by MADDEN. WATERHOUSE, see DOHERTY-WATERHOUSE. 5 HERBERT JAMESON WATERLOW, Esq.. Sheriff of London and Middlesex 1880-1, one of H.M.'s Lieu- tenants for the City of London, late Hon. Capt. Hon. Artillery Co. of London, 1882-6. Born 1846, being the son of the late Alfred James Waterlow, Esq., J. P., of Great Doods, Reigate. Clubs — Gresham, National Conservative. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion rampant within a bor- dure nebuly azure, on a chief sable two shin-bones saltire- ways, the dexter surmounted by the sinister or. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion guardant azure, in the mouth a shin- bone in bend, and holding between the paws a human skull both or. Motto — "Per mortem vinco." Married, 187a, Mary Hannah, dau. of J. Hill. Seat — SSiR SYDNEY HEDLEY WATERLOW, ist Baronet (August 4, 1873), of Wrotham, co. Kent, Com- missioner of Lieutenancy for London. Born Nov. i, 1822, being the fourth son of the late James Waterlow of Huntingdon Lodge, co. Surrey, by his wife Mary, daughter of William Crakell of London. Armorial bearings — Azure, a demi-eagle displayed and erased or, holding in the beak a cross crosslet fitch^e argent, on a chief is the Military Cockade. mat mat 1433 of the last, three wolves' heads erased sable ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount an oak tree, in front thereof a plough all proper. Motto — " Labor omnia vincit." Married, firstly. May 7, 184s, Anna Maria, youngest dau. of William Hickson of Fairseat, co. Kent ; and by her (who d. January 21, 1880) has had Issue — (i) Frank William Waterlow, b. July 9, 1846, d. ujim. at Genoa, Dec. 4, 1871 ; (2) Philip Hickson Waterlow, Esq., Commissioner of Lieutenancy for London, b. Oct. 30, 1847 \jn., June 10, 1869, Amy Grace (d. Jan. 29, 1897) second dau. of Edgar Lutwyche, and has issue, Edgar Lutwyche Waterlow, Esq., b. June 15, 1870; Ken- neth Lutwyche Waterlow, Gentleman, b. May 19, 1883 ; Emily Lutwyche ; Grace Evelyn Lutwyche ; Irene Lut- wyche ; and Gladys Maud Lutwyche. He married secondly, July 7, 1898, Laura Marie, dau. of the late F. K. Jones] ; (3) Walter Waterlow, b. March 21, d. Sept. 30, 1849; (4) George Sydney Waterlow, Esq,, D.L. , Commissioner of Lieutenancy for London, b. April 12, 1852 \tn., Aug. i, 1876, Chaddie, dau. of H. H. Beauchamp of Belsize Avenue, Hampstead, and has had issue, Sydney Philip Waterlow Gentleman, b. Oct. 24, 1879; John Beauchamp Waterlow, Gentleman, b. March 15, 1880 ; Guy Walleron Waterlow, Genileman, b. April 18, 1884 ; Cecil Beauchamp Waterlow, Gentleman, b. December 4, 1887; Zoe, d. 1877 ; and Margery]; (5) Charles Hickson Waterlow, Esq., b. Aug. 9. 1854 \jn., Nov. 19, 1881, Fanny, granddau. of Thomas Latimer of E.xeter] ; (6) Sydney Albert Waterlow, b, Jan. 10, d. April 22, 1856 ; (7) David Sydney Waterlow, Esq., b. Dec. i8, 1857 [m., June 2, 1883, Edith Emma, eldest dau. of Frederick Maitland of 18 Primrose Hill Road, and has issue, Clive Maitland Waterlow, (jentleman, b. Sept. 9, 1885 ; Mervyn Maitland Waterlow, Gentleman, b. Jan. 31, 1887; Margaret Maitland; Joan Maitland; and Sylvia Maitland]; (8) Albert Waterlow, Esq., b. April 21, d. Sept. 5, 1859; (9) Paul Langbourn Waterlow, Esq., b. Feb. 4, 1863 [in., June 16, 1892, Kathleen, dau. of T. B. Holmes of Elin Lodge, Hornsea, co. York]; Ruth [m., May 7, 1873, Francis Wilkes Homan, son of Ebenezer Homan of Friern Watch, Barnet, and by him (who (/. Jan. 4, 1880) has issue; Hilda Marie \_m., May 12, 1886, Alfred Bernard Ford] ; and Celia Agnes. 5^a/j—Trosley Towers, Wrotham, Kent, Monterey, Cannes, France. Town house — 29 Chesham Place, S.W. Clubs — Reform, City Liberal, Hurlingham. WATERS, see DUN-WATERS. WATERTON, quartered by CON VERS. JOSEPH WATERTON, Gentleman. Bom Nov. 18. 1893, being the eldest son of the late Charles Edmund Maria Joseph Aloysius Pius Waterton, by his wife Josephine, dau. of the late John Rock of Northbank, Shepton Mallet. Armorial bearings — Barry of six ermine and gules, over all thiee crescents sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an otter passant, holding in its mouth a pike all proper. Motto — "Better kinde frembd than fremd kyne." Seat — Deeping Waterton Hall, Market Deeping, Lincolnshire. WA'IKIN, see JOSEPH-WATKIN. SSiR ALFRED MELLOR WATKIN, 2nd Bart. (May 12, 1880), D.L. for CO. Middlesex, J. P. for co. Kent. Born 1846, being the only son of Sir Edward William Wat- kin, ist Bart., J. P., D.L., M.P., of Rose Hill, Northenden, Chester, by his wife Mary Briggs, dau. of Jonathan Mellor, Esq., J. P., of Oldham. Armorial bearings — Argent, gutt6-de-poix, a leopard's face jessant-de-lis azure, between three harvest flies volant proper ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cock's head coufsed, transfixed through the mouth by a tilting- spear paleways, all proper. MottO — "Sale and doe." Married, June 10, 1876, Catherine Elizabeth, dau. of the Very Rev. Robert Payne Smith, D.D., Dean of Canterbury. Residences — The Chalet Beddgelert, North Wales ; Dunedin Lodge, Folkestone. Clubs — Reform, City Liberal, Auto- mobile, Union (Buxton). DANIEL WATNEY, Gentleman. Bom May 23, 1835, being the second son of the late John Watney of Mitcham, in the county of Surrey, by his wife Susannah, only daughter of Peter Dormay of Thanet House, Lambeth, in the county of Surrey. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, azure a cress engrailed ermine, in the first and fourth quarters a dove argent, and in the second and third a garb or (for Watney) ; 2 and 3 quarterly argent and or, a cross fleurett^e gules, in the first and fourth quarters a lion rampant of the last, charged with three bars of the second (for Galpin) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert in front of a garb erect or, a greyhound courant sable, gorged with a collar, therefrom pendent a bugle- horn of the second ; with the Motto, " Auxilium ab alto." Married, September 20, i860, Ellen Sarah, second daughter and co-heir of Stephen Dendy of Leigh Place, in the county of Surrey; and has Issue — (i) Walter Daniel Watney, Gentleman, born December 4, 1861 ; (2) Montague Watney, Gentleman, died young; (3) Dendy Watney, Gentleman, born November 20, 1865 [married, December 4, 1890, Ethel Zina, daughter of Ambrose Philip Boyson, and has issue] ; (4) Arthur Watney, Gentleman, born January II, 1868; and Ida. Postal address — 2 Endsleigh Street, London. The Reverend HENRY JAMES WATNEY, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Cam bridge, Vicar of Canwick. Born August 16, 1866, being the eldest son of the late Reverend James Watney, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Cam- bridge, Vicar of Canwick, by his wife Marianne Brook [to whom refer], eldest daughter of the Reverend Mark Richard Jukes of Maumee City, Ohio, United States of America. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure a cross engrailed ermine, in the first and fourth quarters a dove argent, and in the second and third a garb or (for Watney) ; 2 and 3 quarterly argent and or, a cross fleurettde gules, in the first and fourth quarters a lion rampant of the last, charged with three bars of the second (for Galpin) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert in front of a garb erect or, a grey- hound courant sable, gorged with a collar, therefrom pendent a bugle-horn of the second ; with the Motto, "Auxilium ab alto." Married 1895, Blanche, third dau. of Rev. Joseph Simpson, Rector of Waddingham, Lines. ; and has Issue — Henry Bryan Watney, Gentleman, b. April 13, 1901 ; Marjorie Joan. Postal address — The Vicarage, Canwick, Lincolnshire. SSiR JOHN WATNEY, Knight Bachelor (1900), Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, one of His Majesty's Lieutenants of the City of London. Born Jan. 27, 1834, being the eldest son of the late John Watney of Mitcham, co. Surrey, by his wife Susannah, only dau. of Peter Dormay of Thanet House, Lambeth, co. Surrey. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, azure a cross engrailed ermine, in the first and fourth quarters is the Naval Cockade. Il »434 Wat (KHat a dove argent, and in the socond and third a garb or (for Watney) ; a and 3 gow ; Braco Castle, Perthshire. WATSON (H. Coll.). Per pale argent and or, on a chevron azure, between in chief a crescent of the last between two martlets sable and in base a crescent of third, a martlet between two crescents of the secon j^ is the Military Cockade. mat mat 1437 Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a gryphon's head erased argent, charged with two crescents in pale azure between as many passion-nails sable. Motto — " Esto quod esse videris." Son of William Gordon Cunningham Watson of Edin- burgh, m. Charlotte Madeline, d. of Capt. James Donald : — William Clarence Watson, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Bed- ford (High Sheriff 1902), Lord of the Manors of Colworth and Souldrop, and has Coronation Medal, d. 1844; m. 1869, Mary Louisa, d. of Rev. Campbell Bassett Arthur Grey Hulton ; and has issue — (i) William Donald Paul Watson, Gentleman, />. 1872 ; (2) Hugh Gordon Watson, Gentleman, fi. 1874 ; Edith Campbell ; Margaret Louise ; Evelyn Mary ; Sylvia Maud ; Helen Lilias ; Cicely Grant ; and Violet Cunninghame. Seai — Colworth, Sharnbrook, S.O. , Beds. Cluds — Junior Carlton, Wellington. WATSON (H. Coll.). Barry wavy of six sable and ermine, an anchor erect, and two towers in chief or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, issuant from waves of the sea, a dexter arm embowed proper, the hand grasping an anchor in bend sinister or, entwined by a cable sable between two coral- branches gules. Motto — " Fac et spera." Son of : — Arthur Toward Watson, Gentleman, 6. . Res. — Burnopfield House, Burnopfield, Tanfield, Durham. Town res. — Chapel Street, London, W. S Right Honourable WILLIAM HENRY ARM- STRONG FITZPATRICK WATSON - ARM- STRONG, Baron Armstrong of Bamburgh and Craigside, J. P. and D.L. for Northumberland, High Sheriff 1899, Major in Northumberland Hussars (Imp. Yeo.), C.C. for Rothbury Div. of Northumberland, and Chairman of Rothbury Rural and Urban District Councils, M.A. (Camb.), Hon. D.C.L. (Durham), has Grand Cordon of Mejidieh. Born May 3, 1863, being the eldest and only son of John William Watson, Esq., of Adderstone, Nor- thumberland (eldest son of the Hon. Sir William Henry Watson, Baron of the Exchequer), by Margaret Godman, dau. of J. P. Fitzpatrick ; assumed by Royal Licence the name and arms of Armstrong, in accordance with the wish of his great-uncle, the Rt. Hon. Lord Armstrong, C. B. , in 1889, in addition to those of Watson ; created Baron 1903. Livery — Brown coat, yellow and black striped waistcoat ; dress : brown coat, yellow plush breeches. Armorial bear- ingfS — Quarterly i and 4, gules, in fesse a tilting-spear or, headed argent, between two dexter arms embowed in armour, couped at the shoulder fesseways proper, the hand extended also proper (for Armstrong, 1887) ; 2 and 3 argent, a fesse embattled counter-embattled gules, between two crosses bottony in chief gules and a martlet in base gules (for Watson, 1889). Mantling gules and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour, couped at the shoulder and encircled at the elbow by a wreath of oak, the hand grasping a hammer all proper (for Armstrong) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, in front of an arm embowed in armour proper, garnished or, holding a palm branch vert, a martlet between two crosses bottony gules. Mottoes — " Fortis in armis" (for Armstrong); " Deum time regem honora" (for Watson). Supporters — On either side a smith holding over his exterior shoulder a sledge-hammer. Married, June 15, 1889, Winifreda Jane, dau. of Gen. Sir John Adye, G.C.B. ; and has Issue — Hon. William John Montagu Watson-Armstrong, b. Oct. 10, 1892; and Hon. Winifreda Margaret. Seats — Cragside, Rothbury ; Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland. Clubs — Athenoeum, Isthmian, Constitutional, United University, and Northumberland. WATSON-TAYLOR (R.L., 1815, H. Coll.). Quarterly I and 4, argent a saltire wavy sable, between two hearts in pale gules, and as many cinquefoils in fesse vert (for Taylor) ; 2 and 3 argent, a tree growing out of a mount in base vert, surmounted of a fesse azure, charged with three mullets of the field (for Watson). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. out of a ducal coronet or, a dexter cubit arm erect proper, the hand holding a cross crosslet fitch6e gules (for Taylor) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, the stump of a tree sprouting branches proper (for Watson). Mottoes — " In hoc signo vinces," " Insperata floruit." Sons of Simon Watson-Taylor, Esq., J. P.. D.L., b. 1811; d. 1902; m., 1843, Lady Hannah Charlotte, d. of the eighth Marquess of Tweeddale, K.T. : — George Simon Arthur Watson- Taylor, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for the co. of Wilts., late Capt. Wiltshire Yeomanry [Supporters — On either side a leopard proper, armed and langued gules, collared and chained or (granted to the late George Watson Taylor, Esq., and the heirs male of his body, under Royal Sign-Manual, by a warrant of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, bearing date 28 Sept. 1815)], b. 5 Oct. 1850; m. 16 Dec. 1895, Evelyn Matilda, ygst. d. of the late Henry Fitzroy, Esq., of Salcey Lawn, Northants (who was grandson of 3rd Duke of Grafton). Seat — Erlestoke Park, Devizes. Arthur Wellesley Watson-Taylor, Esq. , J. P. , of Haughton Grove, Jamaica, and of 33 Kensington Court Mansions, London, W., ^. 17 Feb. 1853; m. 5 Sept. 1883, Mary Emmeline, younger' d. of Thomas Murthwaite of Stewart Castle, in the Island of Jamaica ; and has issue— Arthur Simon Watson-Taylor, Gentleman, b. 18 June 1884; Harry Gerald Watson-Taylor, Gentleman, b. 31 Aug. 1885 ; Alfred Cyril Watson-Taylor, Gentleman, b. 12 Dec. 1886 ; Felix John Watson-Taylor, Gentleman, b. 6 Dec. 1887 ; Eric George Watson-Taylor, Gentleman, b. 18 Jan. 1896. John Arthur Watson-Taylor, Esq., J. P., b. 15 Nov. 1857. William Arthur Watson-Taylor, Gentleman, b. 20 May 1859. WATT, see GIBSON-WA IT. JOHN BROWN WATT, Esquire, of Eynesbury, Wool- lahra, N.S. Wales, Member Legislative Council of New South Wales. Born -, being the son of late Alexander Hamilton Watt, Merchant, who resided at Grange Road, Edinburgh. Armorial bearings - He bears for Anns : Gules, on a pile between three mullets two and one in base argent, an oak tree eradicated proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, on a dex- ter glove lying fesseways, tasselled, a peregrine falcon close proper, belled or, holding in the beak a falcon's hood gules ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Fide et fiducia." Postal address — Eynesbury, Woollahra, New South Wales. JAMES WATTS, Esquire. Born June 28, 1845, being the only son of Sir James Watts, Knight Bachelor and JAMES -WATTS ^iftt(^y '^11 Cheadle HM J. p., sometime Mayor of Manchester, High Sheriff of the County Palatine of Lancaster, 1871, by his wife is the Naval Cockade. 4Y 1438 mat (EOap MargKTCt Ann. daughter of Nathaniel Buckley. Livery Dark grey coal, scarlet vest, drab Ixjx-coat, with silver buttons. Annoxi»lb«*riiig«— He bears for Arm»: Ermine, on a chief sable, a garb between two bees or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet liefitting his degree, with a mantling sable and ardent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a denii-gnffin sable, with wings extended chequy or and sable, the sinister claw resting on a garb or. Motto—" Fide sed cui vide." Married, Sept. 12, 1877, AnneJHadfield, daughter of Henry Browne, Doctor of Medicine, of Manchester ; and has Issue— (\) James Watts, Esq., born Augiist 8. 1878 [married Margaret Miller, and has issue, James Watts, Gentleman] ; (a) Humphrey Watts, Gentleman, born September 15, 1880; (3) Henrv Lvonel Watu, Gentleman, bom September 5, 1884; (4) Miles Buckston Watts, Gentleman, born September 14, 1886 ; and Anne Hadtield. Estates — Abney Hall, Cheadle, in the county of Chester; Upper House, Hayfield, in the county of Derby. Postal addresses — Abney Hall, Cheadle, Man- chester; Portland Street, Manchester. WILLIAM HENRY WATTS, Esquire, J. P.. Lord Mayor of Liverpool, 1894, 5. Born Feb. 24, 1827, being the second son of the Reverend Isaac Watts, by his wife, Eliza- beth Small. Clubs — National Liberal ; Reform (Liverpool). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, a lion rampant argent, holding in the mouth a sprig of oak leaved fructed and slipped proper, in chief two portcullises or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a greyhound sejant or, gorged with a collar gemel azure, holding in the mouth a sprig of oak as in the arms, and resting the dexter fore leg on an antique shield of the second, charged with a |X)rtcullis of the first. Motto — " Lahore gaudeo. " Married, May 2, 1850, Harriett, daughter of William Suter; and has Issue — (1) William Henry Watts, Gentleman, born Feb. 8, 1851 ; (2) Alfred Isaac Watts, Gentleman, born May 14, 1852 ; (3) Herbert Watts, Gentleman, torn April 7, 1856 ; (4) Luther Watts, Gentleman, born October 6, 1861 ; Helena ; Lilian ; Annie ; and Marion. Estate and postal address — Elm Hall, Waver- tree, Liverpool. ARTHUR EGERTON WATTS-RUSSELL, Gentle- man. Armorial bearingps— Quarterly i and 4, ermine, a lion rampant gules, collared argent, on a chief azure, three roses of the third (for Russell) ; 2 and 3, azure, a bend engrailed erminois lietween two crescents or, a canton gules (for Watts). Mantling gules and argent. Crests - 1. on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a goat passant ermine, collared gules (fur Russell); 3. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant or, charged on the shoulder with a cross pat^e azure, the paws supporting an escutcheon of the last, thereon a fesse erminois between three fieurs in chief and a cross patde in base of the first, on an escroU issuant from the escocheon the word " Amici." and in the mouth of the lion a slip of oak proper. Residence Biggin Hall. CO. Northants. MARY NEVILLE WATTS- RUSSELL of Biggin Hall, in the county of Northampton, daughter of John Smith Wright. Esquire, of Rempstone Hall, in the county of Nottingham. Armorial bearing^ are, up>on a lozenge : Quarterly i and 4. ermine a lion rampant gules, collared argent, on a chief azure, three roses of the third (for Russell) ; a and 3 azure, a bend engrailed erminois between two crescents or, a canton gules for difference (for Watts). Miirried, June 4. 1835, Jesse David Watts- Russell, Es- quire, of Biggin Hall, Justice of the Peace, Member of Parliament for North Stafford. 1841-1847; and by him (who died 1879) had Issue — (i) David Grey Neville Watts- Russell. Elsquire. Captain 60th Rifles, born 1840. died un- married ; (2) Charles Watts-Russell. Gentleman, died 1873; Josephine [married. May 29. 1873. Sir Arthur Birch. Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, and died November 4, 1893]; Susan Helen [married, June 7, 1869, T. H. BurroughesJ; Mary [married, December 12, 1876, Sir William Assheton Eardley-Wilmot, third Baronet); and Lucy [married, Oc- tober 16, 1878, the Reverend Edward Marsham Moore, Master of Arts, Rector of Benefield]. Seat — Biggin Hall, Oundle, in the county of Northampton. CECIL WAUDBY, Gentleman. 2nd Lieut. Royal Garrison Regt., only surviving son of the late Major Sidney James Waudby, by Mary Alice, dau. of the late Edward Anthony Allwood, of Ripley, co. Derby. Ar- morial bearings — Per chevron gules and sable, two lotus flowers stalked, leaved, and shpped prof)er, and as many swords in saltire in base also proper, pommels and hilts or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, collared vair, holding in the dexter paw a lotus flower as in the arms, and support- ing with the sinister paw a sword point downwards proper, pommel and hilt or. Motto- " Usque ad mortem fidelis." Residence — Malta. WAVERTON. quartered by DAVENPORT. WAWTON . quartered by WITHAM. EDWARD WILLIS WAY, Gentleman, L.R.C.P. Bom , being the younger son of the late Rev. James ~ Way of Adelaide, by his wife Jane, second dau. of Edward Willis of Chatham. Armorial bearings — Azure, three salmon haurient argent, on a chief ermine, a balance or, between two crosses pat^e of the field. Mantling azure and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed gules, each wing charged with a passion cross, and holding in the beak a balance or. Motto " Fit via vi." 6m^j— Montefiore, North Adelaide; Kadlunga, Mintaro. S. Australia. The Right Honourablk Sir SAMUEL JAMES WAY. ist Bart. (1899), one of H.M.'s Most Hon. Privy Council and one of her Counsel Learned in the Law, Chief Justice of South Australia, and a Member of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, Hon. D.C.L. (Oxford). Born April 11, 1836, being the elder son of the late Rev. James Way of Adelaide, by his wife Jane, second dau. of Edward Willis of Chatham. Armorial bearings .Azure, three salmon haurient argent, on a chief ermine, a balance or, between two crosses pat(5e of the field, the escutcheon being charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed gules, each wing charged with a passion cross, and holding in the Ijeak a balance or. Motto -"Fit via vi." Residence hA€a\A^, South Australia. is the Military Cockade. mn^ mtb 1439 HERMAN WAYNE, Esquire, Lieut. -Colonel (retired). Royal Welsh Fusiliers, J. P. for Much Wenlock. Born 1838, being the third son of the Rev. W. H. Wayne of Quorndon House, Derbyshire, Vicar of Much Wenlock, and his wife Jane, dau. of Samuel Henry Milford, Esq., J. P. and D. L. of cos. Devon and Sussex. Livery — Dark blue, with yellow facings. Armorial bearings — Gules, a chevron ermine, between three dexter gauntlets or ; and impaling the arms of St. John, namely argent, on a chief gules, two mullets or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a pelican feeding her young or, col- lared gules, on the body an ermine spot, nest azure. Mar- ried, firstly, Aug. 20, 1862, Theresa Louisa Catherine, dau. of the late Sir William Rouse- Boughton, Bart., M.P. , of Downton Hall, Shropshire, and Rouse Lench, Worcester- shire ; and has Issue — Francis Herman Milford Wayne, Gentleman, M.A. Magd. Coll., Cambs., b. July 14, 1863; Theresa Sophia Charlotte {nt., June 4, 1890, George J. Brodie, W.S.] ; and Frederica Laura. He married secondly, Jan. 21, 1874, the Hon. Eleanor Louisa St. John, eldest dau. of the Rt. Hon. St. Andrew Beauchamp, 14th Baron St. John of Bletsoe ; and has Issue — Rev. St. John Wayne, M..^., Vicar of Wilburton, b. June 8, 1877 [tn. 1903, Dorothy Ann, dau. of Theodore Williams, and has issue]. Seat — Kelso House, Bath. Clubs — Army and Navy, Beaconsfield. ROBERT SEWALLIS WAYNE, Esquire, J. P., Bar- rister-at-Law. Born 1840, being the fourth son of the Rev. W. H. Wayne of Quorndon House, Derbyshire, by his wife Jane, dau. of Samuel Milford, Esq., J. P. and D. L. of cos. Devon and Sussex. Livery — Dark blue, with yellow facings. Armorial bearings —Gules, a chevron ermine, between three dexter gauntlets or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a pelican feeding her young or, collared gules, on the body an ermine spot, the nest azure. Afarried, and has Issue — (i) Robert Hamilton Wayne, Gentleman ; (2) Edward Dal- rymple Wayne, Gentleman ; (3) Philip Grant Wa^ne, Gentleman ; Georgina Milford ; Mary Susan ; and Lilian Sewallis. i'^aZ—Bryn Llwyn, Corwen, N. Wales. Club — Junior Carlton. The Reverend WILLIAM HENRY WAYNE, Clerk in Holy Orders. Born Aug. 21, 1832, being the eldest son of William Henry Wayne of (,)uorndon, co. Derby, and Armorial bearings— Gules, a chevron ermine, between three dexter gauntlets or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a pelican feeding her young or, collared gules, on the body an ermine spot, nest azure. Married, firstly, Nov. 18, 1856, Eliza, dau. of Henry Foskett, Esq., Captain 15th Light Dragoons; secondly, July 25, 1893, Harriette Aim6e de Venoix, dau. of the Rev. John Dawson, Vicar of Trinity Church, Weston-super-Mare; and has /jj//^ — (r) William Henry Foskett Wayne, Gentleman, b. April 9, 1862 ; (2) Herman George Wellington Wayne, Esq., Captain East Yorkshire Regt. ; Mary Geraldine ; and Lilian Gertrude Frederica. Residence — Willey, near Broseley, Salop. Club — Junior Conservative. JAMES WILLIAMSON WEARING, Esquire, J. P. for the County Palatine of Lancaster, M.A. (Oxon.), Barrister- at-Law. Born April 27, 1864, being the eldest son of the late Stephen Wright Wearing of Lancaster, J. P., Aber Artro, Merionethshire, and his wife Jane, dau. of Samuel Frederick Milford, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for cos. Devon and Sussex. Livery — Dark blue, gilt buttons. by Jane Hannah his wife, only daughter of the late James Williamson of Parkfield, Lancaster, J. P. Club — New Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings— He hears for Arms : Argent, gutt6e-de-larmes, on a bend nebuly azure between two mullets of eight points sable, a like mullet • between as many crescents all or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head couped proper, sem(5e of crescents argent, hold- ing in the mouth two ostrich feathers in saltire of the last ; with the Motto—" Tenez le droit." Postal address — Fleet Square, Lancaster. WEAVER, quartered by HULLEY. WEBB, quartered by CONYERS, FOX and PEPLOE. W CHARLES BOYER WEBB, Esquire, J.P. Staffs. W and Warwick, late Captain 4th North Stafford Regiment. Bo>n August 31, 1870, being the only son of the late Colonel C. J. Webb, and his wife Emma, daughter of E. Boyer, of Brooklands, Lanes. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearings—Per chevron flory and ia the Naval Cockade. I440 mtb mtb coumerflory cnuiiie and a/ure, in chief two martlets of the last, aiul in lK\se three mullets, one and two arRcnt. Mant- Uai: axurc and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm in bend grasping a sword in bend sinister all proper, pommelled and iiilted or, and pendent from the hilt and resting u|)on the wreath, an escutcheon azure, charged with a cross patte argent. Motto -"Tien & la verit**." Marned, April ao, 1893, Adela Dorothy, dau. of ihc late Col. Blundell. 3rd l-^t Kent Regt., Buffs; and has hxye — John Boyer Webb, Gentleman, b. June 8, 1804. Eslatts — Elford, Staffordshire; Aughton, Lanca- shire. Postal addrtsi — Elford House, Tamworth. CHARLES CALEB COOTE WEBB, Esq., J. P. Bom Nov. 18, 1859, being the third but eldest surviving son of the late Charles Daniel Henry Webb, Esq., of Woodville, CO. Tipperary, J. P., by his wife Elizabeth Lucy, dau. of Rev. M. Lloyd Apjohn of Linfield House, co. Lim- erick, and Rector of Ballybroad, same county. Livery — Dark grey, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Krminois, a cross coupwd sable charged with a mullet argent, on a chief gules, a heron between two crosses crosslet fitch<5e of the third. Mantling sable and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a demieagle displayed gules, wings erminois, in the beak a cross crosslet fitch«?e or, on the breast a mullet argent. Motto — " Quid prodest," and over the crest, " Ne proterantur. " Mai-ried, Nov. 18, 1885, Amy Simla, second dau. of Lieut. -Gen. Charles Edward Parke Gordon, C.B. ; and has Issue — (i) Stuart Napier Charles Webb, Gentle- man, b. Aug. 22, 1886 ; {2) Marshall William Treheme Webb, Gentleman, b. Nov. 19, i888 ; (3) Daniel James Gordon Webb, Gentleman, b. July 25, 1898 ; Anna Eliza- beth ; Eva Ix)uisa Oglander ; and Amy Frances, b. and d. 1891. Seat — Kilmore, Nenagh, co. Tipperary, Thk Reverend HANMER WILLIAM WEBB- PEPLOK, Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of St. Paul's, Onslow Square, and Prebendary of St. Paul's Cathedral. Born Oct. I, 1837, being the third but only surviving son of the Rev. John Birch Peploe, formerly Webb, owner of Garnstone Castle, Herefordshire, Vicar of Weobley, who assumed the surname of Peploe, by his wife Annie, dau. of John Molyneux. Armorial bearings - Quarterly i and 4, azure, on a chevron embattled, counter-embattled argent, between three bugle-horns stringed or, a mitre with labels of the field, on a canton ermine a crozier or, and a sword in saltire gules, the former surmounted by the latter (for Peploe) ; 2 and 3, or, a cross paly sable and azure ; in the first and fourth quarters an eagle displayed of the second (for Webb). Mantling azure and argent. Crests— i. a ducal coronet or, issuant therefrom a reindeer's head gules, attired or, charged on the neck with a human eye shedding drops of tears proper (for Peploe) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed sable, sem6e de fleurs-de-lis or, in the mouth a trefoil vert. Married, April 11, 1863, Frances Emily, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Lush ; and has Issue — (i) John Harold Webb-Peploe, Gentleman, b. March 9, 1864 [wi. , May 1887, Laura, dau. of Col. Hammond of Virginia, and has issue, Hanmer Webb-Peploe, Gentleman, b. Nov. 9, 1888, and Robert Webb-Peploe, Gentleman, b. July 22, 1894] ; (2) Rev. Robert Murray Watkin Webb- Peploe, b. Nov. 13, 1865 \m., April 30, 1891, Evelyn Maud Georgina, dau. of Major Malan, The Buffs, E. Kent Regt., and has issue, Murray Hamilton Webb-Peploe, Gentleman, b. 1896 ; and Godfrey Webb-Peploe, Gentleman, b. April 1901] ; (3) Rev. Francis Hanmer Webb-Peploe, b. May 1, 1867 [/«., Feb. 1895, Frances Emily, dau. of Dr. Hughes, M.D. , of Carmarthen, and has issue, Gwendoline] ; (4) Guy Henry Webb-Peploe, Gentleman, (J. Nov, 4, 1868, d. young, 1876 ; (s) Rev. Howard Melville Webb-Peploe, h. Feb. 13, 1870; (6) Edward Alec Webb-Peploe, Gentleman, b. Feb. 14, d. Sept. 1874 ; Elizabeth Maude ; and Constance Annie, d. Feb. 1887. Residence— ^S Onslow Gardens, S.W. WILLIAM DOWNES WEBBER, Esquire, J. P. for Queen's County and co. Cork, B.A. Trin. Coll., Dublin. Born July 19, 1834, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Thomas Webber. Rector of Castle-Macadam, co. Wick- low, by his wife Frances, dau. of the late Rev. I homas Kelly of Kellyville, Queens County, and grand-daughter of the Rt. Hon. Justice Kelly of the Court of Common Pleas, Ireland. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a chevron engrailed azure, between three hurts as many annulets of the field, in the centre chief point a trefoil slipped vert. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head couj>ed per pale argent and jjiilrs, charged with an annulet counterchanged. Motto— " I-'a] ■ i - ance." Married, July 29, 1873, Rt. Hon. Anna, Coumess of Kingston (widow of Rt. Hon. James, 5th Earl of King- ston), dau. of the late Matthew Brinkley of Parsonstown, CO. Meath. iVa/i— I^eckfield, co. Sligo; Kellavil, Queen's County. Postal arfrf/rw — Michaelstoun Castle, co. Cork. C/«*,f— Kildare Street Club and Cork County. WEBER (H. Coll.). Per fes.se argent and or, three mul- lets of six points in fesse gules, a walnut-tree eradicated in chief proper, and an eag^ displayed in base all within a bordure of the third. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a walnut-tree projier, the stem enfiled by a chaplet of roses gules, between two mullets of six points sable. Motto — "Treu und fest." Son of Louis Christian Weber of Bronzell, Landed Proprietor in Hesse-Cassel, b. X794 ; d. 1854; m. 1818, Maria Ruperti of Fulda, Germany : — Sir Hermann Weber, Knt. Bach. (1899), Knt. Commdr. of the Order of the Crown of Prussia, M.D. (Bonn), F.R.C.P, (Lond.), b. 1823; m. 1854, Matilda, d. of John F. Gruning of Grove House, Highbury; and has issue — (i) Frederick Parkes Weber, Esq. , M.D. (Camb.), F. R.C.P. (Lond.),*. 1863; (2)W. H.F.Weber, Esq., Capt. R.H.A., b. 1875; Hilda; Linda; Meta; Edith; and Frida. Res. — 10 Grosvenor Street, London, W, S EDWARD JOHN WEBLEY-PARRY-PRYSE, Esq., late Capt. 41st Foot. Bom 1862, being the second son of Sir Pryse Pryse, Bart,, by his wife Louise Joan, dau. of Col. Lewes, Hanlear, Cardiganshire. Clubs — Junior Army and Navy. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearing^ — Quarterly i and 4, or, a lion rampant regardant sable (for Pryse) ; 2. sable, a lion rampant argent, a canton or, thereon an anchor (for Parry) ; 3. or, on a bend between three mullets of six points pierced two and one sable, an anchor of the field, on a canton gules, a sword erect proper, and for dis- tinction, in the centre chief point, a cross crosslet of the second. Mantling sable and or; and for his Crests, i. on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant regardant sable, holding a fleur-de-lis or (for Pryse) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent, gorged with a wreath of oak fructed proper, on the head an Eastern crown or, the dexter paw resting on an escutcheon azure, thereon a cross pat^ fitch^e gold, charged for distinction on the shoulder with a cross crosslet sable (for Parry) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, between a branch of oak and another of palm, a cubit arm in armour prop>er, garnished or, the hand grasping a sword also prof>er, the arm charged for distinction with a cross crosslet sable (for Webley). Married, Nov. 19, 1891, Nina Katherine Angharad, dau. of D. K. Webley Parry, Esq., D. L., J. P., of Noyadd, Trelawr, Cardiganshire. Postal address — Noyadd, Trefawr, Beneath, South Wales. ARTHUR AUGUSTUS WEBSTER- WEDDER - BURN, Esquire, Inspector Jamaica Constabulary. Born Oct. 2, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Charles Francis Webster- Wedder burn, Esq., an Officer in the Army (eldest surviving son of Sir James Webster- Wedder- burn, by his wife Lady Frances Caroline Annesley, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Arthur, ist Earl of Mountinorris), and his wife knx\, dau. of William Helyar of Coker Court, Somerset. Armorial bearings Quarterly i and 4, argent, a fesse between three weavers' shuttles gules, tipped and furnished with quills of yarn or (for Webster) ; 2 and 3, argent, a chevron between three roses gules (for Wedderburn), Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crests— On a wreath of his liveries, an eagle's head erased propwr ; and above it on an escroll this Motto, "In Deo spero," and below the arms, " Non degener. " Supporters (Dexter) a lion rampant ; (sinister) a stag proper, both collared gules, and thereto affixed a chain passing between their forelegs and reflexed over their backs of the same, each holding in its mouth a thistle proper. Married, 1888, Katherine Elspeth Maude, sixth and youngest dau. of the late Henry Charles Hamilton, Esq., C.S.I. , of the Bengal Civil Service (fourth son of Sir Frederick Hamilton, 5th Bart., of Silverton Hill). Residence Jamaica. is the Military Cockade. Plate XLIX. (3-XBSOI5 I^OR."T[^:& •■ mtD met! 1441 WEDDERBURN, quartered by ST. CLAIR -ER- SKINE. WEDDERBURN, see HAMILTON- WEDDER- BURN, SCRYMGEOUR-WEDDERBURN, and WEB- STER-WEDDERBURN. ALEXANDER DUNDAS OGILVY WEDDER- BURN, Esquire, one of His Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, Barrister-at-Law (Inner Temple), Recorder of Gravesend since 1897, B.A. (Oxon.). Born Aug. 7, 1854, being the only surviving son of the late James Alexander Wedderburn, Madras Civil Service, by his wife Marion, dau. of Sir James Cosmo Melvill, K.C.B. , and grandson of the late John Wedderburn of Auchterhouse, co. Forfar, Gentleman, by his wife Lady Helen Ogilvy, youngest dau. of the Rt. Hon. Walter, 7th Earl of Airlie. Livery - Drab, with red facings and silver buttons. Armorial beaxingB (as rematric. in L.O.)— Argent, on a chevron, invected (for Willingdon, Sussex. Chambers — Farrar's Buildings, Temple, E.C. ; Palace Chambers, Westminster. Clubs — Travellers', St. Stephen's, Ranelagh. CHARLES DAVID ST. CLAIR WEDDERBURN, Gentleman. Born Feb. 7, 1864, being the younger son of the late John Walter Wedderburn, Esq., late Capt. 42nd Regt. , by his wife Margaret Anne, dau. of T. Whaite, late Lieut. 94th Regt., and grandson of the late John Wedderburn of Auchterhouse, co. Forfar, Gentleman, by his wife Lady Helen Ogilvy, youngest dau. of the Rt. Hon. Walter, 7th Earl of Airlie. Armorial bearings Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a chevron gules, between three roses of the second, barbed vert a crescent of the first for ditTerence (for Wedder- burn) ; 2 and 3, vert, on a chevron argent, three mullets azure between two garbs argent, banded gules, in chief, and in base a cock flapping his wings or (for Bedward). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head erased proper. Motto— "Non degener." Married, 1898, Louisa Mary, dau. of Major J. E. Whaite; and has Ajz^e- David Walter Wedderburn, Gentleman, b. Aug. 8, 1899; and Patricia Eileen Margaret. Residence -Jamalpur, Bengal, India. The Reverend JOHN WALTER MAURICE WED- DERBURN, Clerk in Holy Orders. Botn March 17, 1855, being the elder son of the late John Walter Wedder- burn, Esq., late Capt. 42nd Regt., by his wife Margaret Anne, dau. of T. Whaite, late Lieut. 94th Regt., and grandson of the late John Wedderburn of Auchterhouse, CO. Forfar, Gentleman, by his wife Lady Helen Ogilvy, youngest dau. of the Rt. Hon. Walter, 7th Earl of Airlie. Armorial bearings - Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a chev- ron gules, between three roses of the second, barbed vert a crescent of the first for difference (for Wedderburn) ; 2 and 3, vert, on a chevron argent, three mullets azure between two garbs argent, banded gules, in chief, and in base a cock flapping his wings or (for Bedward). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head erased proper. Motto— " Non degener." Residence — St. Bride's Rectory, Nether Lochaber, N. B. Sir WILLIAM WEDDERBURN, loth Baronet, of Ballindean (Nova Scotia), Aug. 9, 1704, and 4th Baronet of Ballindean (United Kingdom, Aug. 10, 1803), late Bombay Civil Service, J. P. co. of Gloucester, M.P. co, Banff 1893-1900, succeeded his brother 1882. Born March 25, 1838, being the third but only surviving son of the late Sir John Wedderburn, 8th and 2nd Baronet, by his wife Henrietta Louisa, dau. of the late William Milburn. Ar- morial bearings — Argent, a chevron between three roses gules, barbed vert, the escutcheon being charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet of the United Kingdom, and pendent below by an orange-tawny riband his badge as a Baronet of Nova Scotia. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, an eagle's head erased proper; and in an escroU above this Motto, "Non de- gener," and below the arms, " Aquila non captat muscas." Married, Sept. 12, 1878, Mary Blanche, only dau. of Henry William Hoskyns of North Perrott Manor; and has Issue — Dorothy Hope ; and Margaret Griselda. Seats — Inver- esk Lodge, Midlothian ; Meredith, Gloucester. Town- address— Z^ Palace Chambers, S.W. Clubs — Reform, New (Edinburgh). difference) between three roses gules, barbed vert, a crescent of the first (all within a bordure engrailed of the second, for difference). Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, an eagle's head erased proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Non degener," and below the arms, "Aquila non captat muscas." (Mr. Wedderburn is entitled to bear the quartered coat as in the following two entries, that being on record in the College of Arms.) Married, April 13, 1887, Mathilde (d. 1898), only child of Henry William Segelcke ; and has Issue — Alexander Henry Melvill Wedderburn, Gentle- man, b. July I, 1892; and Margaret Griselda. Residences — 47 Cadogan Place, London, S.W. ; and The Hoo, JAMES ANDREW COLVILLE WEDDERBURN- MAXWELL, Esquire, Major (retired) Bengal Staff Corps, Justice of the Peace and a Commissioner of Supply for the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. Born Feb. 5, 1849, being the eldest son of tlie late Andrew Wedderburn-Maxwell, Esq. , J. P., formerly in the Madras Civil Service, by his wife Joanna, dau. of the late James Keir, M. D. Armorial bear- ings—Quarterly 1 and 4, argent, a saltire sable, in chief a mullet gules, within a bordure azure (for Maxwell) ; 2 and 3, argent, a chevron between three roses gules, barbed vert (for Wedderburn). Mantling gules and argent. Crests— 1. on a wreath of his liveries, a stag lodged in front of a holly tree proper (for Maxwell) ; 2. on a wreath of his liveries, an eagle's head erased proper (for Wedderburn). Mottoes — " Reviresco " (for Maxwell); "Non degener" (for Wedderburn). Married, 1891, Helen Mary, dau. of is the Naval Cockade. 144* mte mti the Rev. HenryGodfrey Godfrey-Faussett Osborne of Hartlip Place. Kt-nt; and has /««*<■ -(i) John Wodderburn-Max- well. Gentleman, *. July ao. 1894; (a) Henry Godfrejr !man, l>. July Weddcrburn- Maxwell, Gentleman, 3». »897; (3) James Wedderburn Maxwell, Gentleman, 6. March 22, 1899 ; Dorothy Helen ; and Maud. 6Va/— Glenlair, Dalbeattie, N. B. Clui — Junior Army and Navy. S FRANCIS RICHARD WEGG-PROSSER, Esquire, of Belmont, in the county of Hereford, Bachelor of Arts, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, High of William Parry of King Street, co. Hereford ; and assume by Royal License, 1849, the surname and arms of Weg Prosser, on succeeding to the estates of the Re Doctor Richard Prosser of Belmont, Prelx:ndary Durham, l.ivfry — Claret colour coat and trousers, and white striped waistcoat. Armorial beariiigB (Roy l..ic., 1849) — Quarterly i and 4, f|uarterly i. aiul sable, a cross double - parted and frclty engrailed between four spear-heads argent, imbrued proper (fa Prosser) ; ii. and iii. argent, a fesse engrailed sabk between three escutcheons of the last, each charg with an annulet or (for Wegg) ; 2 and 3, argent, thr fleurs-de-lis lietween two Ijendlets nebuly gules (fgi Ilaggitt). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet fitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and f(| his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a woll head erased sable, sem(?e of spear-hcads argent, pierc through the mouth with a sword proper (for Prosser) ; ujjon a wreath of the colours, a sinister hand in a gauntl( proper holding an escutcheon sable, charged with annulet or (for Wegg) ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, ^ demi-lynx proper, sem<5e-de-lis gules, holding a branch olive also proper (for Haggitt). Married, April 22, 185 Harriet Catherine, commonly known as Lady Har ' Catherine, second daughter of the Right Honourable Job Somers Somers-Cocks, second Earl Somcrs ; and by he (who died May 6, 1893) has Issue — (i) John Francis Wegfl Prosser, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, Major late Riff Brigade, born August 22, 1854 [married, July 16, i8q Florence Isabel, daughter of Colonel Thomas B. Brook and had, Cecil Francis Joseph Wegg-Prosser, Gentlema born November 22, 1892] ; (2) Charles Edward Wegj Prosser, Esq., Capt. Reserve of Officers, born Septcmljer 1869 ; Cecilia Lucy ; and Catherine Mary. Seat — Belmonj in the county of Hereford. Postal address — Merry Hil House, Hereford. Club — Carlton. WEIL (H. Coll.). Argent, on a mount vert, a sta trippant between two stags erect respecting each othe browsing, and resting their forelegs against as many oli\ trees all proper. Mantling vert and argent. Crest- Sheriflf 1855, and Member of Parliament for the county of Hereford from 1847 to 1852, late Lieutenant-Colonel ist London Artillery Vol. Born June 19, 1824, being the only son of the late Rev. Francis Haggitt, D.D., Chaplain loKing George III., Rector of Nuneham Courtenay, co. Oxford, and Prebendary of Durham, by his wife Lucy, dau. a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, two stags ere respecting each other, browsing, and their forelegs restia against an olive-tree all proper. Sons of late Louis Weil of Portsdown Road, Padding ton, VJ., b. ; d. ; m. : — Julius Weil, Gentleman, b. , J?es.—Ca.i\ton Hou Terrace, London, S.W. § is the Military Cockade. mti mt\ 1443 Myer Weil, Gentleman, d. . Res.— 2 Kensington Gardens Terrace, Hyde Park, London, W. Benjamin Burtie Weil, Gentleman, b. . Res. — 45 Grosvenor Place, S.W. Samuel Weil, Gentleman, b. . Res. — 3 Kensington Gardens Terrace, Hyde Park, W. ARCHIBALD MUNDAY WEIR of St. Giles, Malvern Link, CO. Worcester, and of Hampton Loade, near Bridg- north, Salop, Esquire, L.R.C.P. (Edin.) and L.R.C.S. (Edin. ), and of Univ. of Paris. Born , being the second son of Archibald Weir, M.D., of St. Mungho's, Great Malvern, co. Worcester. Armorial bearings — Or, on a fesse between two cotises sable, three stars of six points of the field, in chief a crescent of the second. Mantling sable, doubled or. Crest — On a! wreath of his liveries, a demi-horse sable, saddled and bridled or, the sinister hoof resting on a star of six points of the last. Motto—" Nihil verius." Married Edith Rosa, dau. of Richard Price Hill of Goodrest, Great Malvern ; and has Issue — Neil Archibald Campbell Weir, Gentleman. Postal addresses — St. Giles, Malvern Link, Worcs. ; Hampton Loade, near Bridgnorth, Salop. JOHN CAMPBELL WEIR, Gentleman. Born , being the eldest son of the late Archibald Weir, M.D. , of St. Mungho's, Great Malvern, co. Worcester, by his wife Fanny Elizabeth, dau. and heir of John Munday of Howick House, Howick, Lanes. Armorial bearings — Or, on a fesse between two cotises sable, three stars of six points of the field. Mantling sable, doubled or. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a demi-horse sable, saddled and bridled or, the sinister hoof resting upon a star of six points of the last; on an escroU above same the Motto, " Nihil verius." Estate ~Ua.mY)\on Loade, in the parish of Chelmarsh, Shropshire. Residence — Malvern, co. Worcs. S ALFRED CHOLMELEY EARLE WELBY, Esquire, late Lt.-Col. Royal Scots Greys, M.P. for Taunton. Born Aug. 22, 1849, being the seventh son of the late Sir Glynne Earle Welby- Gregory, third Bart., by his wife Frances, youngest dau. of Sir Montagu Cholmeley, Dart., of Easton Hall, Grantham. Armorial bearings (H. Coll., 1562)— Sable, a fesse between three fleurs-de-lis argent. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest -Upon a wreath argent and sables, an armed arme the hande charnell, yssuinge out of a clowde azure, in a flame of fyre. Motto —"Per ignem per gladium." Married, 1898, A. D^sirte, second dau. of A. E. Copland-Griffiths of Meadowbank Grange, Melksham ; and has /w«d— Rannulf Alfred liarle Welby, Gentleman, b. 1902 ; Helen Cicely D6sin5e (d. 1902) ; Amyse Mary ; and Eda D^sirde. Postal address — 26 Sloane Court, S.W. C/w^j— Carlton, Garrick. JOHN EARLE WELBY, Esquire, J. P. cos. Lincoln and Leicester, M.A. Oxon. Born 1820, being the eldest son of the late John Earle Welby, by his wife FeUcia Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. George Hole of Chumleigh. Armorial bearings — Sable, a fesse between three fleurs- de-lis argent, and impaling the arms of Hutton, namely or, on a fesse sable, surmounted by a pale invected of the last, pierced of the field, three stags' heads caboshed counterchanged. Mantling sable and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, issuing in bend from clouds in the sinister, and holding in the hand a sword proper, pommel and hilt or, over flames of fire issuant from the wreath also proper. Married, 1873, Catherine Mary, dau. of the late Rev. G. Hutton, Rector of Gate Burton, Gains- borough, Lines. 6'ea/^Allington Hall, near Grantham. C/wd— Carlton. The Reverend WALTER HUGH EARLE WELBY, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Justice of the Peace for the county of Leicester. Born August 19, 1833, being the third but second surviving son of the late Sir Glynne Earle Welby-Gregory, third Baronet, by his wife Frances, daughter of Sir Montagu Cholmeley, Baronet. Club — Grosvenor. Livery — Brown, with yellow waistcoat and silver buttons. Armorial bear- ing^ — He bears for Arms : Sable, a fesse between three fleurs-de-lis argent (for Welby). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm in armour issuing fesse ways from clouds proper, holding a sword over flames issuant from the wreath proper; with the Motto, "Per ignem per gladium." Married, firstly, 1861, Frances, daughter of the' Right Reverend Alfred Ollivant, Doctor of Divinity, Lord Bishop of Llandaff ; secondly, 1878, Florence Laura, daughter of the Reverend G. Sloane-Stanley ; and by his first marriage is the Naval Cockade. i I ^444 mt\ (Kiel has /mm -Frances Alice. George's Lodge. Rydc. /istaU and fostal iitUress—Si. SKim-AKU KVhRAkl) EARLE WELBY-EVER- ARD.Clentlciimn. M.A. {Oxon.).Capt. istW.R. Yorks. Vol. EiiRinwrs; assiimt-d tlu- nddition.nl surname and arms of Everard by Royal Licence April 6, 1894. Jhrn Dec. aa, 1870, l«ing the eldest son of Edward Montague Earle Wriby, Esq.. J. P. co. of Lincoln, M.A.. Barristcr-at-Law, Police Magistrate for Sheflield (fourth but third surviving son of Sir Glynne ICarlc Wclby-Gregory, 3rd Bart. . by his wife Francos, dau. of Sir Montague Cholmeley, ist Bart.), by his wife Sarah Elizabeth, only child and heir of Robert Evi'r.\rd, l's(|., J. P., D.L., of Kulney House, co. Lincoln. Annorial beaiiiigs (Jiuarterly i and 4, argent, three bars wavy , couped bet wc-en as many estoilesall gules (for Everard) ; 3 and 3, sable, a fosse between three fleurs-de-lis argent (for Welby). Mantling gules and argent. CrestB— i. on a wre.Ath of the colours, a man's head in profile, couped at the shoulders proper, on the head a long cap argent, semde of estoiles gules, lietween a branch of palm and another of olive both or (for Everard) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, an arm embowed in armour issuing fesseways from clouds projier in front of flames of fire issuing from the wreath also proi)er (for Welby). Seats— Gosherion House, Gosberton, Spalding ; Fulney House, Spalding. Ciui — New Uni- versity. WELCH (H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, azure, on a fesse engrailed between six mullets or, a lion passant of the first (Welch) ; 2 and 3, per pale argent and or, a chevron engrailed cbequy gules and of the second, between three roses of the third, on a canton azure, a fleur-de-lis (White). Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an antelope's head erased azure, billett^ or, holding in the mouth a cross crosslet fitch<5e. Livery — Dark blue lined with red, red waistcoat. Sons of George Asser White Welch, b. 1800 ; d. 1874 '< m. 1828, Anne Catherine Gardiner, d. of Lt.-Col. Francis Mannoch : — Capt. George Asser White Welch, R.N., Lord of the Manors of North Shoebury and Southchurch, Essex, J. P. CO. Essex, b. 1829; m. 1864, Mary Catherine, d. of Major England, and niece of Gen. Sir Richard England, G.C.B., K.H. ; and has issue— n a helmet befitting his ilegree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent, gutteed-Poll 1904), Gentleman, R.I., b. 187a; m. 1900, Florence Winifred, d. of George Cawthorne Sykes. A-w.— 8 Bedford Park Mansions, Bedford Park, W. SSiR ARTHUR SPENCER WELLS, and Baronet (May II, 1883). Born June aj, 1866, being the son of the late Sir Thomas Spencer Wells, ist Baronet, by his wife Elizabeth Lucas, dau. of James Wright of Sydenham. Armorial bearing^ — Azure, a lion rampant argent, holding between the paws a horseshoe or, in chief a serpent nowed of the last ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling azure and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-osirich dis- played argent, holding in the Ijeak a horseshoe or, a serpent nowed proper. Motto — "In scientia Veritas, in arte honestas." C/< the arms of Hrskine of Dunos matric. Lyon Register, <■. 1673-7. HftntUng sable and argent. Ctreit—Out of a ducal crest coronet or, charged with a crescent gules, a gritfin's head argent. Motto — " jour de ma vie." Sons of Rev. William James West, M.A. Dublin, of Edemey, co. Fermanagh, and Balix and I>egcloghfin, CO. Tyrone, Rector of l>elgany, co. Wicklow, />. 1809 '< d. 1859; m. 1838, EIniina, second d. and coh. of late Alexander Erskine of Balhall, co. Korfar, l^onghaven, CO. Aberdeen, and Bryanston Square, W. , last heir male of the ancient baronial family of Erskine of Dun :— Augustus George West, Gentleman, formerly Lieut. H.M. 76th Foot [impales the arms of Eyre of Eyre Court vii. argent, on a chevron sable, three quatrefoils or], b. 1841 ; m. 1867, Sitra, d. of late Rev. Canon Richard Booth Eyre, M.A., Prebend of Clonfert and Rector of Eyre- court, CO. Galway (by his wife Sarah, eld. d. of the late Robert Persse, Esq., of Roxborough, co. Galway, D.L.); and has surv. issue— (i) Erskine Eyre West, Esq., b. 1868, Barrister-at-Law, and late Capt. Londonderry Artillery, S.D. R.G.A. [m. 1899, Annette Aileen Maude, elder d. of Cuthbert Henry Cooke Huddart, M. B., of Shoyswell Manor, Sussex, and Brynkir Hall, Carnarvonshire ; and has surv. issue — Augustus Cuthbert Erskine West, Gentle- man, b. 1900 ; and Dudley Somerset Erskine West, Gentle- man, b. 1904] ; (2) Augustus William West, Esq., b. 1871, M.R.A.C., late Assistant Land Commissioner \ni. 1900, Fanny Madeline Jane, only d. of the late Thomas Hanmer of Bodnod Hall, co. Denbigh, and widow of Col. George Leonard Thomson, late ist Batt. R. Sussex Regt. ; and has issue — Denys Maida Hanmer ; and Joan Valerie Hanmer] ; (4) Richard Annesley West, Gentleman, Lieut. Transvaal Horse Artill., b. 1878 ; Adeline Elizabeth ; Sara Elmina Erskine ; and Greorgiana Geraldine de Blaisy. Estates — Balix and Legcloghfin, co. Tyrone ; White Park, CO. Fermanagh. Seat — White Park, Brookeborough, co. Fermanagh, Ireland. Rev. Henry Matthew West, M.A. Dub., Rector of Sacombe, Herts, b. 1842 ; m. 1874, Helen Mary, d. of Robert Foster Dunlop of Monasterboice, co. Louth ; and has surv. issue — (i) Alexander Henry Delap West, Gentle- man, Lieut. R. H.A. , *. 1877 ; (2) Charles Skeffington West, Gentleman, .Midshipman R.N., b. 1886 ; Anne Elmina Blanche ; Jessie Georgiana Rachel ; Kathleen Violet ; and Eileen Myrtle. Res. — Sacombe Rectory, Herts. Son of Frederick John West, late of Glenelg, South Australia, b. 1848 ; d. 1895 ; m. 1877, Laura Mary, d. of Charles Swinden : — William Alfred Augustus West, Gentleman, b. 1878. Reu— Ygst. son of above Rev. William James West, b. 1809 ; d. 1859:— Alfred Edward West, Gentleman, late Lieut. Wicklow Rifles, b. 1851 ; m. 1877, Florence, d. of Charles E. Levey of Cataraqui, Quebec ; and has issue — (i) Cyril Charles West, Gentleman, Lieut. Black Watch, 3. 1878; (2) Harold Richard Alfrey West, Gentleman, b. 1884 ; (3) Aubrey Fenton West, Gentleman, b. 1888; and Hazel Valerie. iVa/— Kilcroney Abbey, Bray, co. Wicklow. Club — Kil- dare Street (Dublin). The Right Honourable RICHARD LUTTRELL PILKINGTON BETHELL, Baron Westbury of West- bury, in the county of Wiltshire, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom. Born April 25, 1852, being the eldest son of the Right Honourable the second Baron Westbury, by his wife Mary Florence, youngest daughter of the Reve- rend Alexander Fownes Luttrell, Rector of East Quantox- head, in the county of Somerset ; succeeded his father in 1875, under the creation of June 27, 1861. Armorial bear- iO£r8 — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron engrailed azure, between three boars' heads couped sable, an estoile or, all within a bordure of the third, impaling the arms of Tollemache, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent a fret sable (for Tollemache) ; 2 and 3 azure, an imperial crown or, between three mullets argent, within a double tressure flory counterflory of the second (for Murray). Above the escut- cheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and •rgent ; and for his Great, out of a crown vallery or, ao Mgle's head sable, In-tween two wings azure, charged the breast with an estoile as in the .irms. Supporters — C either side an eagle wings addorsed azure, ducally crowned^ collared, and charged on the breast with an estoile orJ ITHEL Motto — "Ap Ithel." Married, July 24, 1882, Agathaj Manners Tollemache, commonly known as Lady Agatha] Manners Tollemache, sister of the eighth Earl of Dysart ;| and has Issue — Richard Bethell, Esquire, commonly known] as the Honourable Richard Bethell, born April 26, li Residence — 30 Hill Street, W. S FRANCIS VANDELEUR WESTBY, Esquire, J.P.J cos. Dublin and Clare, and D.L. and High Sheriff for j CO. Clare. Born June 15, 1859, beingjthe second but only sur- viving son of the late Edward Perceval Westby, Esq., D.L, and High Sheriff 1854, by his first wife Elizabeth Mary, dau. of the late Rt. Hon. Francis Blackburne, Lord Chancellor of J Ireland. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent,] on a chevron azure, three cinc]uefoils pierced of the first ; argent, on a chief indented gules, three cross crosslets fitch^e j of the field ; 3. or, three garbs vert ; over all in the centre of j the shield a mullet gules for difference. Mantling azure ] and argent. Crest— Uf)on a wreath of the colours, aj martlet sable, holding in the beak a stalk of wheat projjer, [ with three ears or, charged on the breast with a mulletl gold. Motto — "Nee volenti nee volanti." MarriedA i888, Janet Louisa, second dau. of George Orme of Castle] Lacken, co. Mayo; and has Issue — (i) Perceval St. George] Charles Westby, Gentleman, b. Nov. 20, 1888; (2) Horace} William Turner Westby, Gentleman, b. Dec. 22, i8gi ; (3) Granville Nicholas Francis Westby, Gentleman, b. March 18, 1894. Seats — Roebuck Castle, Dundrum, nearj Dublin, and Kilballyowen, co. Clare. Club — KildareJ Street, Dublin. & is the Military Cockade. me0 me0 1449 SSiR THOMAS CHARLES CALLIS WESTERN, 3rd Baronet (Aug. 20, 1864), of Rivenhall, co. Essex, J. P. and D.L. , late Lieut, and Life Guards. Born Aug. 29, 1850, being the only son of Sir Thomas Western, 2nd Bart., by his wife Giuletta Romana, eldest dau. of Sir Edward Manningham Buller, Bart., of Dilhorne Hall, co. Stafford. Armorial bearings — Sable, a chevron between two crescents in chief and a trefoil slipped in base or ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the col- ours, a demi-lion or, in its dexter paw a trefoil slipped vert. Motto — "Nee temere nee timide. " AJarried, July 12, 1883, Elizabeth Ellen, dau. of Isaac Newton. Residence — 6 St. George's Square, S.W. WESTHALL, quartered by HULLEY. WESTHEAD, see BROWN-WESTHEAD. WESTMACOTT. Gules, a chevron cottised argent between three bees volant or, a chief of the last. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount, a column of the Tuscan order fessways, thereon a bee passant all proper. Motto — ^" Extremes pudeat rediisse." Son of : — Uenham Westmacott, Gentleman. /?«.— 54 West Cromwell Road, London, S.W. WESTON, see HUNTER- WESTON. WESTON (R.L., 1880, H. Coll. and L.O.). Quarterly, 1 and 4, or, an eagle displayed regardant sable, charged on the breast with a crescent of the first, in chief two crescents of the second (Weston) ; 2 and 3, or, three hunting-horns vert, stringed gules (Hunter). Mantling sable and or. Political and Staff Employ, Capture of Durriabad Forts 1850 ; Outbreak of Indian Mutiny 1857 ; De- fence of Lucknow Residency 1857 (Brevet Majority), Alumbaghs, Capture of Lucknow 1858 (ment. desps. and in "London Gazette"; medal, clasps, and one year's extra service); assumed by R.L. in the year 1880 the additional name and arms of Hunter, under the deed of entail conveying the estate of Hunterston [of the family of Weston of Weston under Lyzard and Hagley Hall, co. Stafford], b. 1823 ; tn. 2ndly, 1863, Jane, Lady of Justice of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, d. and h. of the late Robert Hunter of Hunterston, co. Ayr: — Aylmer Gould Hunter- Weston, Esq., D.S. O. (1900), Bt. Lt.-Col., R.E., J. P. CO. Ayr, Knt. of Justice of the Order of Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, served in the Miranzai and Waziristan Expeditions and in the Egyptian and South African Wars (frequently nient. desp. ), now Lt-Col. General Staff, Eastern Command, b. 1864. Post. add. — St. James' Court, S.W. ; Hunterston, West Kilbride, Ayrshire. Club — Athenaeum. Reginald Hugh Hunter- Weston, Gentleman, late Lieut. Seaforth Highlanders, b. 1869 ; m. 1899, Agnes, d. of John Roberts, Esq., C.M.G., of Littlebourne, Dunedin, N.Z. (to whom refer) ; and has issue— Robert Gould Hunter- Weston, Gentleman, b. 1902 ; Pursell- Reginald Hunter- Weston, b. 1904. Res. — Cottesbrook, Middlemarch, New Zealand. HENRY MACGREGOR WESTON, Esquire, J. P. CO. of Surrey, and County Councillor, Lord of the Manor and Patron of West Horsley. Born May 3, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Henry Weston, Esq., of West Horsley Place, J. P. co. Surrey, by his wife Harriet, dau. of Augustus Hubbard La Fargue of Husband Bosworth, co. Leicester. Armorial bearings— Sable, a chevron or, be- tween three lions' heads erased argent, langued gules. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolf passant argent, ducally gorged or. Motto — "Gloria sat Deus unus." Married, 1885, Daisy Violetta Henrietta, dau. of the late Henry William Oliphant. Seat — West Horsley Place. WESTROPP, see O'CALLAGHAN-WESTROPP. Crests — I. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising regardant sable, charged on the breast and on each wing with a crescent or (Weston) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a greyhound sejant proper, gorged with an antique crown or (Hunter). Mottoes — " Aquila non capit muscas," " Cursum perficio." Livery — Dark blue or Oxford mixture trimmed with yellow lace, on which eagles displayed sable and hunting-horns are alternately woven ; yellow and black waistcoat, black breeches. Sons of Lt.-Col. Gould Read Hunter- Weston of Hunterston, F.S.A., J. P. and D.L. co. Ayr, Knt. of Justice and Hon, Commander Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England ; served on GEORGE RALPH COLLIER WESTROPP, Esquire, Major-General Indian Staff Corps (retired). Borti May 23, 1834, being the third son of the late Capt. Amos Freeman Westropp, R.N., and his wife Catherine, dau. of the Ven. James Kenny, Archdeacon of Kilfenora. Armorial bear- ings—Quarterly I and 4, sable, a lion rampant ermine, ducally crowned or (for Westropp) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a fesse gules between three popinjays vert, collared gules, three escallops or (for Thwenge). Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a falcon's head ermine. Motto— "Post funera virtus." Married Ellen Blanche, dau. of George Bell, Barrister-at-Law ; and has Issue— (i) Rev. Henry Amos Westropp, Clerk in Holy Orders, Incumbent of St. Alban's, Berbice, British Guiana [m., Nov. 15, 1894, Mary Charlotte, second dau. of Robert Woodman, M.D., of The Firs, Ormesby, co. Norfolk]; (2) George Ralph Collier Westropp, Esq., Capt. Indian Staff Corps ; (3) Simpson Hackett Westropp, Gentleman (twin with John Gibbings his brother), d. March 24, 1891 ; (4) John Gibbings Westropp, Gentleman (twin with his brother Simpson Hackett), b. March 11, i868, d. June 13, 1892 ; (5) Frederick Malcolm Westropp, Gentleman, Lieut. Royal Engineers ; (6) Alexander Sligo Anderson Westropp, Gentleman, b. April 11, 1872. Seat — HENRYCHARLES EDWARD WESTROPP, Esquire, Adjutant 5th Batt. Lancashire Fusiliers, formerly Capt. ist Batt. Manchester (63rd) Regt. Born May 26, 1861, being the second son of the late Sir Michael Roberts Westropp of Ballyvolane, co. Cork, and his first wife Elizabeth, eldest dau. of John William Anderson of Fermoy, CO. Cork. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, sable, a lion rampant ermine, ducally crowned or (for Westropp) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a fesse gules between three popinjays vert, collared gules, three escallops or (for Thwenge). Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the is the Naval Cockade. 1450 mtm mta colours, a Mcon's head ermine. MottO — "Post funera virtus." Mam fit Mary Frances Anne, younger dau. of Lieul.-Colonel John Henry Lowndes, J. P. Braunston, co. Northanis, one of Her Majesty's Gentlemen-at-Arms ; and has luk* — (i) Lionel Henry Mountifort Westropp, Gentle- man, y Feb. ao, 1896 ; (a) Victor John Eric Westropp, Gen- tleuian, i. May 04, 1897. .SVa/— Bally vulane, co. Cork. HUGH MASSY WESTROPP, Esquire, J.P. co. Clare. Borm May 23, 1847, being the fourth son of the late John Westropp. Esq., J. P., of Allyflin, in the co. of Limerick, and Cloninoney, in the co. of Clare, by his first wife Georgina Wilhelmina, second dau. of Col. George William Stamer of Carnelly, in the co. of Clare, and Mary West- ropp his wife. Livery — Dark blue, turned back witli red. Armorial beaiins^ — Sable, a lion rampant ermine, ducally crowned or, langued and armed gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon's he.id ermine. Motto — "Je me tourne vers I'occident." Married, firstly, March 3, 1869, Helena, third dau. of Rev. Thomas Westropp, M.A. , Rector of Ardcanny, Limerick ; and has Issue — (i) John Ralph Westropp, Gentleman, b. Nov. 24, 1869; (a) Hugh Gerald Westropp, Gentleman, b. June 20, 1874; (3) Thomas George Westropp, Gentle- man, b. Nov. 10, 1875 ; and a daughter. He married secondly, April 14, 1885, Elizabeth Jane (d. 1902), dau. of William Stacpoole (eldest son of Richard John Stacpoole of Edenvale, co. Clare), and has issue — Two daughters. Seat — Deerpark, Clonlara, co. Clare. WESTROPP (Vn. Yorks., 1585). Sable, a lion rampant ermine, ducally crowned or, langued and armed gules. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon's head ermine. Motto — "Je me tourne vers I'occident." Livery — Dark blue turned back with red. Sons of John Massy Westropp, Esquire, J. P., B.A., Capt. 1st Royal Lancashire Regt., and Colonel in Volunteers, b. 1837 ; d. 1903 ; m. June 1859, Mar- garet, dau. of Thomas Wilson Ffrance of Rawcliffe Hall, in the co. of Lancashire (she died 1 Jan. 1885) : — John Massy Westropp, Esq. , Capt. 12th Lancers (retired), b. 28 April i860 ; m. 16 June 1890, Georgina, d. of Frederick Kennedy, Esq. ; and has issu— ejohn Francis Ralph, Gentleman, b. 6 April 1891 ; Ralph Frederick Hugh, Gentleman, b. 2 Sept. 1892. Estates — Attyflin and Bally- bronogue, in the co. of Limerick ; Doonuss, Clonmoney, Moveens, and Killard, in the co. of Clare. Postal address — Attyflin, Patrickswell, co. Limerick. Ralph Henry Westropp, Gentleman, Civil Engineer, b. 23 April 1864. Francis Stamer Westropp, Gentleman, b. 10 Feb. 1867. LIONEL ERSKINE WESTROPP, Esquire. Born August 26, 1866, being the son of the late Sir Michael Roberts Westropp of Ballyvolane, co. Cork, and his second wife Eliza, eldest dau. of Lieut.-Col. Lionel John Westropp. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, sable, a lion rampant ermine, ducally crowned or (for Westropp) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a fesse gules between three popin- jays vert, collared gules, three escallops or (for Thwenge). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon's head ermine. Motto — "Post funera virtus." Residence— 60 Holland Park, London. Club — New University. Major General ROBERTS MICHAEL WESTROPP, of the Bombay Army (retired), served in the Indian Mutiny. Bom Nov. 19, 1824, being the eldest son of the late Capt. Amos Freeman Westropp, R.N., by his wife Cathe- rine, dau. of the Ven. James Kenny, Archdeacon of Kilfenora. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, sable, a lion ramp>ant ermine, ducally crowned or, langued and armed gules (for Westropp) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a fesse gules between three popinjays vert, collared and mem- bered of the second, three escallops or (for Thwenge). MantUng sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath or and vert, a falcon's head ermine. Motto — " Post funera virtus." Married, Aug. 7, 1852, Eliza, fourth dau. of General George Twemlow of the Bengal Artillery. Resi- derue — Southsea, co. Hants. Clubs — Junior United Ser- vice, Royal Albert Yacht (Southsea). THOMAS JOHNSON WESTROPP, Gentleman, M.A. (Trin. Coll. , Dublin) 1885, M.R.I.A., F.R.S.A.I., Vice-Pres. (190a), and Curator to Royal Soc. of Antiquaries of Ireland, on the Senate of the University of Dublin, and on Council of Royal Irish Academy, 1898-1903. Bom Aug. 16, i860, being the fifth son of the late John W'eslropp, Esq., J. P., ol Atty- flin, in the co. of Limerick, and Clonmoney, in the co. of Clare, by his second wife Charlotte Louisa, eldest dau. of Lieut.-Gen. Sir I'homas Whitehead, K.C.B., of Uplands Hall, Lancashire. Livery — Dark blue, turned back with red. Armorial bearing^B (Vn. Yorks, 1585)— Quarterly 1 and 4, sable, a lion rampant ermine, ducally crowned or, langued and armed gules. Mantling sable and argent (for Westropp) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a fesse gules, between three popinjays vert, collared and memliered of the second, as many escallops of the field (for Thweng). Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a falcon's head ermine. Motto — " Je me tourne vers I'occident." Postal addresHS — Lune- burg, Sandymount, Dublin ; Royal Dublin Society, Kildare Street. S WILLIAM KEILY WESTROPP, Esquire, retired Major 68th Durham Light Infantry, Hon. Lieut.- Col. 1882 ; served in Bhootan Expedition, 1865, Afgha- nistan 1879-80; late 68th Durham Light Infantry, J.P. for the borough of Folkestone. Born Oct. 21, 1839, being the second son of the late Robert Westropp, by his wife Anne, dau. of William Colclough of Clonmel, and grand- son of Robert Westropp of Fort Anne, co. Clare. Liveiy — Dark blue, turned back with red. Armorial bearings- Quarterly I and 4, sable, a lion rampant ermine, ducally crowned or, langued and armed gules (Westropp, 1585) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a fesse gules between three popinjays vert, collared and membered of the second, three escallops or (Thweng, 1369). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath or and vert, an eagle's head proper, issuing from a ducal coronet or. Motto — "Je me tourne vers lOcci- dent." Married, Oct. 6, 1882, Marie Jone, dau. of Adolphus Banner Sutherland, M.D. , of Richmond, Virginia, and & is tbe Military Cockade. i mz& mtt 145^ widow of Harry Thornhill of Slant on-in-Peak, co. Derby. Postal address — 6 Shorncliff Road, Folkestone. Cluds — Junior United Service, and Radnor (Folkestone). S FRANCIS WALTER WESTHOPP- DAWSON. Esquire, J. P., formerly Lieut. 4th Batt. East Surrey Regiment, Captain 3rd Royal Irish Regiment, Wexford Militia. Born 1859, being the eldest son of the late Walter Montiford Walter Westropp-Dawson of Charlesfort (who assumed the surname and arms of Dawson by Royal License in 1859), and his wife Laura Felicia Susan, youngest dau. of the late Sir William Clay, ist Bart., M.P. C/«^— Carlton. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, azure, on a bend between two estoiles or, three daws sable (for Dawson) ; 2 and 3 sable, a lion rampant argent, ducally crowned or, in the dexter chief point an annulet of the last (for Westropp). Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, on clouds proper, an estoile as in the arms, anescroll above, with the Motto, " Toujours propice" (for Dawson) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head couped ermine, charged with an annulet gules (for Westropp). Motto — "Tourne vers roccident." Married, 1889, Charlotte, only surviving child of the late John Crichton Gray, Esq., J. P., of Upton, co. Carlow ; and has Issue — (i) Walter Henry Montiford Westropp- *Dawson, Gentleman, fi. 1893 ; (2) Robert Gray Westropp- Dawson, Gentleman, *. 1895 ; and Laura Frances. Seats — — Charlesfort, Ferns, co. Wexford ; Upton Bagnalstown, CO. Carlow. WESTWOOD, quartered by CHAFY-CHAFY. WESTWORTH (H. Coll.). Per chevron sable and or. in chief two estoiles argent, each within a chaplet of roses WETHERED (H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, gules, on a chevron between three fleshpots or, as many mullets of the field (Wethered) ; 2 and 3, ermine, on a bend gules, three eagles displayed or (Badger). Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a goat's head per gules, leaved of the second, and a sun rising from the base gules. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a feather erect or, between two roses gules, stalked and leaved vert. Motto — " Ubique fidelis." Livery — Grey with black velvet facings. Sons of William Westworth of Preston , Lanes. , b. 1842 ; d. \ m. , Margaret, d. of William Fletcher : — Arthur Westworth, Gentleman, 6. 1871 ; tn. 1896, Henrietta, eld. d. of late Richard Harrison ; and has issue — (i) Arthur Bertram Westworth, Gentleman, i. 1897; (2) Harold Westworth, Gentleman, />. 1899 ; Kathleen Doris ; and Edith Margaret. J?es. — " Brooklands," Broughton, nr. Preston, Lanes. bend embattled or and gules. Motto — ' ' Virtute et labore. " Livery — Light drab, green facings. Sons of Owen Wethered , Esq. , J. P. , of Remnantz, Mar- low, Bucks, b. 1798 ; d. 1862 ; fit. 1830, Anne, d. of Rev. Giles Haworth Peel, late Vicar of Ince, Chesh. : — Thomas Owen Wethered, Esq., J. P., M.P. for Marlow 1868-1880, b. 1832 ; m. 1856, Edith Grace, only d. of Rev. Hart Ethelslon of St. Mark's Vicarge, Cheetham Hill, Manchester ; and has issue— Edith Ethelston \m. 1891, John Danvers Power] ; Constance Anne Ellen \tn. 1883, W. G. Steuart-Menzies of Culdnres and Cardney, co. Perth] ; and Laura Sophia \ni. 1886, Francis W. Grubbe of Shellon, Essex]. Seats — Owen Peel Wethered, Esq., Hon. Col. Bucks R.V.. M.A. Oxon. , b. 1837 ; m. 1863, Francis Alice, d. of G. T. Ellison of Seymour Street, Portman Square ; and has issue — (i) Francis Owen Wethered, Gentleman (Remnantz, Marlow), b. 1864 \nt. 1899, Adeline Harris (d. 1900), d. of W. F. MacTier, M.D. , of Kinnesburn, St. Andrews; and has surv. issue — Owen Francis MacTier Wethered, Gentleman, b. 1900; and Adeline Alice (twin with her brother)] ; (2) Owen Henry Wethered, Gentleman, b. 1867 ; (3) Walter Percival Wethered, Gentleman, b. 1869; (4) Hugh Ellison Wethered, Gentleman, /'. 1889; Alice Mary \vi. 1891, Rev. Herbert O. Fearnley-Whittingstall, Vicar of Great Marlow] ; Evelyn Annie ; and Cicely Edith Esbel. Res.— Son of Rev. Florence James Wethered, Vicar of Hurley, Fellow of King's Coll., Camb. , b. 1807; d. 1867; m. 1839, Esther Ellen, d. of Rev. Giles Haworth Peel, late Vicar of Ince, Chesh. : — Rev. Florence Thomas Wethered, Vicar of Hurley, M.A. Oxon., b. 1840; m. ist, 1862, Grace Emma, d. of late Rev. the Hon. Samuel Best, R. of Abbot's Ann, and sister of 5th Lord Wynford ; 2nd, 1867, Mary Josephine, d. of late Joseph Bonsor of Belgrave Square; and has issue — (1) Rev. Edmund Peel Wethered, Vicar of Hollinfare, nr. Warrington, b. 1863 \tn. 1896, Adelaide Constance, d. of Rev. George Alfred Foyster, late R. of All Saints, Hastings ; and has issue— Harold Edmund Wethered, Gentleman, b. 1901 ; Geraldine Emma ; and Ursula Marion] ; (2) Rev. Arthur James Wethered, M.A., Vicar of Kingswood, b. 1869 \m. 1899, Sydney Alice, d. of Robert O'Brien Furlong. Esq., C. B. , of Cloneevin, Killiney; and has issue — Courtney Harold Wethered, Gentleman, iJ. 1903; Frances Alice ; and Hilda Constance]; (3) Harold Francis Wethered, Esq., Capt. East Lanes. Regt., b. 1870; d. 1898; (4) Joseph is the Naval Cockade. • M5» mtt Robwt Wetbered, Esq., Capt. Glos. Regt., i. 1873; (5) Broett Wetbered, Gentleman, M.D. Lond., i. 1875; (6) Herbert L*urence Wethcred, Gentleman, Lieut. East Lanes. Rest., *. 1877; Marion Grace [m. 1890, E. H. Godsal]; Alice Lilian ; and Dora Mary. /fes. — The Vicar- age, Hurley, nr. Morlow. WETHEY. Ermine, a lion rampant holding between the paws an escallop reversed, and in chief two passion crosses all gules. Mantling gules and argent. Oreit^ On a wreaih of the colours, in front of a [wssion cross gules, an escallop reversed argent, between two wings borry of six argent and gules. MottO — ' ' Fortis in veritatis causam. " Sons of Edward Wethey, Gentleman, i. ; d. ; m. ist, Mary Ann, d. of William Canes of Exeter; and, : — Edwrard Canes Wethey, Gentleman, b. 1829 ; m. ist, 185a. PhcEbe (d. 1890), d. of Malachi Harvey of Shaldon ; and, 1891, Tryphena, d. of late William Norsworthy of Teignmouth; and has surv. issue — (i) Edward Brewer Wethey, Gentleman, b. 1853 ; (a) Ernest Harold Wethey, Gentleman, b. 1859 ; (3) Arthur Harvey Wethey, Gentleman, b. 186a ; Harriet Elizabeth Phoebe Emma ; Mary Vere ; and Eugenie Emily. Res. — The Green, Shaldon, Devon. Eugene Wethey, Esq., J. P.,*. . /["w.— The Green, Shaldon, Devon. Charles H. Wethey, Gentleman, b. . Post. add. — Post-Office, Little Metis, Quebec, Canada. WETTENHALL, quartered by HULLEY. WHADCOCK, quartered by LANE. The Rkverf.nd GEORGE CAIRNCROSS WHAL- LEY, M.A., Clerk in Holy Orders, of Holy Trinity. Pad- dington. Armorial bearlngB — Argent, between three whales' heads erased sable, a banner displayed bendways gules, thereon two lions passant guardant in pale or. Hant- Ung sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a whale's head erased and erect p>er pale gules and sable. Motto — "Gloria Deo in profundis." Residence — 120 Queen's Road, Bayswater, W. WHARTON, quartered by KEMEYS-TYNTE. WILLIAM HENRY ANTHONY WHARTON, Es- quire, J. P. Born Nov. 14, 1859. being the only son of the late John Thomas Wharton, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for N.R. of CO. York, by his wife Charlotte, eldest dau. of Henry Walter Yeoman of Woodlands, co. York, by his wife Lady Margaret Bruce, dau. of the Rt. Hon. the ist Earl of Zetland. IMitry — Claret coat, crimson waistcoat, with silver buttons. AlBOrial bearings — Sable, a maunch argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, ujxsn a wreath of the colours, a bull's head erased argent, armed or, crined sable. Married, first, July ao, 1888, Emily Harriott [d. 1894), second dau. of the Rev. C. B. Yeoman, Vicar of Manfield, co. York; and has /««*— Margaret Winsome. He married secondly, Elizabeth Sophia Mytton, dau. of the late Rev. R. J. Harrison of Caer How el. Montgomeryshire. £Va/w— Skehon in Cleveland, and Gilling, in Richmondshire, both in the North Riding of the county of York. Postal rtrfrfrwj— Skelton Castle, Skelton in Cleveland. WHATELEY. quartered by HALSEY. WHEATLEY (Arms exhibited Vn. 1687, but not allowed ; arms as under confirmed 1847). Per fesse azure and erminois, a pale counterchanged, three lions rampant guardant or. Mantling azure and or. Crest— Out of a mural crown or, two ixrms embowed vested azure, holding between the hands proper a garb also or, enfiled with a ducal coronet azure. Motto — " I trust in my God." Livery — Blue and yellow. Son of Thomas Randall Wheatley, Gentleman, some- time Assistant Privy Purse to Queen Victoria, m. Eliza, d. of Major William Morton, Bengal Engineers : — Moreton John Wheatley, Esq., C.B. (1901), Col. late R.E., sometime I^iliff of the Royal Parks, m. Jan. 1864, Eklith Frances, ygst. d. of Charles Millett of Maiden Erleigh ; and has issue — (i) Evelyn Moreton Wheatley, Gentleman, b. 29 Oct. 1866 \in. 19 June 1894, Frances Mary, eld. d. and coh. of Arthur Edward Whieldon, Esq., J. P. (Arms of Whieldon — Gules, on a chevron argent, between three jjears stalked and leaved or, as many crosses sable, on a chief ermine, a lion passant of the fourth)] ; (2) Cyril Moreton Wheatley, Esq., Capt. 3rd Essex Regt., b. I Aug. 1870; (3) Basil Moreton Wheatley, Gentleman, b. 15 Dec. 187s ; and Mabel Edith Moreton \m. Col. RichardFrancis Johnson, CM. G., R.A.]. 6Va/— Gwersyllt Park, Denbighshire. Town res. — 11 Buckingham Palace Gardens. S.W. Clubs — Union, Junior United Service. WHEELAN, see NOLAN-WHEELAN. The Reverend WILLIAM CHESLIN WHEELER, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dublin), Clerk in Holy Orders, formerly Vicar of Pollington, Yorks. Armorial bearings— Per pale or and azure, three chevronels indented between as many wheels with six spokes, in the centre chief point a millrind all counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a gryphon's head argent, gutt^e-de- sang erased gules, gorged with a wreath of laurel proper, and holding in the beak a wheel with six spokes per pale or and azure. MottO — " Non oninis moriar." Residences — Ridgeway Gardens, Wimbledon, S.W. ; .Southborough, Tun bridge Wells. JOSEPH WHEELWRIGHT, Gentleman. Armorial bearings Or, giitt(5e-de-sang, a gryphon segreant gules, on a chief indented of the last, two lions passant argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a gryphon's head couped gules, gorged with a collar vair, between two trefoils slipped vert. Motto -" Age et tace. " Residence-— y Nevill Park. Tunbridge Wells, Kent. EDWARD GALTON WHELER, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Northumberland, Com- missioner to the Duke of Northumberland. Born June 12, 1850, being the eldest son of the late Edward Wheler, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Warwick, by his wife Elizabetli Anne, daughter of the late Samuel Tertius Galton of Duddeston, in the county of Warwick. Armorial bearing^ — He bears for Arms : Or, a chevron between three leopards' faces sable, and impaling the arms of Dugdale, namely ermine, a cross moline gules between four hurts. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, wiih a mantling sable and or; and for fi is tbe Military Cockade. mu m'bi 1453 his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, an eagle displayed gules. Married, 1890, Mary Louisa, daughter of the late James Dugdale, Esquire, of Wroxall Abbey, in the county of Warwick. Postal address — Swansfield House, Alnwick. WHELER (R.L., 1845, H. Coll.). Quarterly, i and 4, vert, on a fesse or, three lions rampant of the first (Wheler c. 1590) ; 2 and 3, paly of six gules and argent, on a canton or, a martlet of the first (Medhurst). Mantling' vert and or. Crests — i. out of a mural crown or, a griffin's head issuant argent (Wheler) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a martlet gules charged with a fleur-de-lis gules, and holding in the beak an acorn slipped and leaved vert. Sons of Charles Wheler Wheler, Esq., of Otterden Place, Kent, and Ledston Hall, Yorks., J. P. West Rdg., J.P. andD.L. Kent (High Sheriff 1891), /^. ; d. 1899 ! '"'■• 1869, Elizabeth Townsend, eld. d. of William Hall of Syndale, Kent :— Granville Charles Hastings Wheler, M.A. Oxon. , J.P. and D.L. Kent, and J.P. West Rdg. Yorks., Barrister-at- Law, b. 1872. Seats -'Ledslon Hall, Yorks.; Otterden Place, Kent. C/u6s— junior Carlton, Oxford and Cam- bridge. George Bevil Hastings Wheler, Gentleman, M.A. Oxon., Lieut. 2ist Lancers, 6. 1874. Clud — Cavalry. Charles William Gilborne Hastings Wheler, Gentleman, Lieut, sth Batt. Northumberland Fus., i. 1880. Clu6 — Junior Naval and Military. WHETEMBALE, quartered by LEE- WARNER. THOMAS WHEWELL, Gentleman. Bom June 28, 1840, being the second son of the late Richard Whewell of Blackburn, by his wife Ellen, daughter of William Crabtree of Clayton-le-Moors, Lancashire. Cluis — Con- servative (Blackburn), Union (Blackburn). Livery — Blue with yellow facings. Armorial bearings — Vair6 argent of the colours, a wyvern, wings elevated proper, gorged with a collar gemel or, supporting with the dexter leg a torch erect sable, fired also proper. Motto — "For faith and for fatherland." Married, July 7, 1864, Mary Ann, second daughter of Councillor James Briggs of Black- burn ; and has Issue — William Briggs Whewell, Gentleman, b. Oct. 15, 1872; Marianne [»/. Rev. E. J. Wood, B.A., Vicar of Whiston, Prescot] ; Medora ; Louise ; and Nellie. Residence — Fair Elms, Blackburn. ARTHUR EDWARD WHIELDON, Esquire, of Wyke Hall, CO. Dorset, J.P. co. Denbigh. Born May 2, 1820, being the sepond but eldest surviving son of the late George Whieldon, Esquire, of Springfield House, in the county of Warwick, and of The Grove, in the county of Hampshire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Stafford, Warwick, and Northampton, and Deputy - Lieutenant of the first, High Sheriff for the county of Warwick 1847, by his second wife Mary, third daughter of the late Richard Brettell of Finstall House, and of Stourbridge, in the county of Wor- cester. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, on a chevron argent, between three pears stalked and leaved or, as many crosses sable, a chief ermine, thereon a lion passant of the fourth. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, between two branches of oak proper, a fer-de-moline fesseways sable, thereon perched a parrot vert, collared gules, holding in the dexter claw a pear stalked and leaved also proper. Motto — "Virtus prsestantior auro." Married, 1862, Helena, daughter and co-heiress of John Ratcliffe of The Grange, Leyland, in the county of Lancaster ; and by her (who died 1889) has Issue — Frances Mary ; Georgina ; Eveline Annie ; Eleanor Marguerite ; and Cecile Violet. Seats — Wyke Hall, near Gillingham, in the county of Dorset ; Ashe Grange, Farnham, in the county of Surrey. Residence — Lillington, Leamington. EDWARD WHINERAY, Gentleman. Born March 25, 1840, being the fourth son of James Whineray, Gentleman, by his wife Mary Corbison, only dau. of John Corbison, Gentleman. Armorial bearings— Per chevron or and vert, two chevronels couped between as many pheons in chief. and gules, on a bend cottised sable, a crescent or, between two Diana's heads crined and horned of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath and an anchor erect in base all counterchanged. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mast with a sail hoisted proper, the sail charged with an anchor is the Naval Cockade. 4Z «454 mti raw erect rules between on the dexter side a branch of oak (hicted of the first and on the sinister a coral branch of the second. Motto— " In solo Deo salus. " Atarried, Aug. 31, 1865. lane, third dau. of Thomas Hodgson ; and has Issue— (1 ) Willi.im Edward Whineray, Gentleman ( Leighton Court. Neaton, Cheshire), *. June 35, 1866 ; aly of six or and azure, a bordure gobony of the first and gules, on a chief ermine, a lion passant gules, between two spurs rowels upwards gold (for Whinyates) ; a. sable, a stag's head caboshed between two flaunches argent (for Parker) ; 3. vert, three horses courant argent, bridled or (for Frye). Crest-— On a wreath of the colours, in front of an anchor erect sable, a cubit arm holding a sword proper, pommel and hilt or. Motto — " Malignum spernere vulgus." Martied, Nov. 23, 1882, Marie Louise Sarah, eldest dau. of Major John T. Ashton, Madras Horse Artillery ; and has Issue— (x) Guy Whinyates, Gentleman, b. Jan. 18, 1884 ; (2) Ralph Whinyates, Gentleman, b. July 12, 1885 ; Cecily ; and Amy Seymour. Postal address — The Rectory, Fretherne, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire. Colonel FRANCIS ARTH UR WHINYATES ; served in Crimean Campaign, and has medal and clasp for Sebas- topol and Indian Mutiny, being present at battle of Cawn- pore, Kala Nuddie, Kunkur, and the capture of the Fort of Sandre. Born Nov. i8, 1837, being the third son of the late Major-General Frederick William Whinyates, by his wife Sarah Marianne, daughter of Charles Whalley of Stow-on- Wold. Club — United Service. Livery — Blue and yellow. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, p>aly of six or and azure, a bordure gobony of the first and gules, on a chief ermine, a lion passant gules, between two spur-rowels upwards gold (for Whinyates) ; 2. sable, a stag s head caboshed between two flaunches argent (for Parker) ; 3. vert, three horses courant argent, bridled or (for Frye) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an anchor erect sable, a cubit arm holding a sword proper, pommel and hilt or ; with the Motto, ' ' Loyal en tout." Married, June 10, 1886, Emma Sophia Caroline, daughter of Colonel Charles Bingham, Deputy-Adjutant- Generalofthe Royal Artillery. Postal address— BemngXovi House, Tenbury, Worcestershire. 5 FREDERICK THOMAS WHINYATES, Esquire. Major-General and Pacha, has Crimean War Medal with three clasps (Turkish medal), and fifth class of the Order of the Medjidie. Born March 28. 1833, being the eldest son of the late Major-General Frederick William Whinvates, by his wife Sarah Marianne, dau. of Charles Whalley of Stow -on -Wold. Livery — Blue coat and waistcoat, gilt buttons. Armorial beaiings- He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, paly of six or and azure, a bordure gobony of the first and gules, on a chief ermine, a lion passant gules, between two spurs rowels upwards gold (for Whinyates) ; 2. sable, a stag's head caboshed between two flaunches argent (for Parker); 3. vert, three horses courant argent, bridled or (for Frye) ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an anchor erect sable, a cubit arm holding a sword proper, pommel and hilt or; with the Motto, "Malignum spernere vulgus." Married, July 30, 187a, Constance Georgina, fifth daughter of Matthew liell. Esquire, of Bourne Park, Canterbury, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Kent, ^j/a/*— Property in Cumberland. Postal ad- dress — Abbotsleigh, Bournemouth. C/tt3— United Service. WHISTON, quartered by CON ANT. WHITAKER, see MASTER-WHITAKER. WHIT.\KER (H. Coll.). Sable, three mascles argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect grasping a sword all prop Livery — Black and white. Sons of John Whitaker, Esq., of Broadclough, Lanes., and Winsley Hall, Salop, J. P. co. Salop, Lord of the Manor of Westbury, b. 1829 ; d. 1899 ; m. 1858, Elizabeth Anne, d. of Robert Munn of Heath Hill, Stackheads, nr. Manchester ;— • is the Military Cockade. mf^i mu 1455 Capt. James Whitaker, late 20th Hussars, d. 1863. Seats — Broadclough, Bacup, Lanes. ; Winsley, Shropshire. C/uis — Naval and Military, Cavalry. John Whitaker, Gentleman, d. 1865 ; m. 1896, Lisle Wyman Smith of Cheyenne, U.S.A. J^es. — Dugald Robert Whitaker, Gentleman, d. 1869. Ides. — Norman Munn Whitaker, Gentleman, d. 1878. J?es. — Yr. sons of James Whitaker, Esq., J. P., of Broad- clough, d. 1789 ; d. 1855 ; m. 1826, Harriet, d. of John Ormerod of Bankside, nr. Manchester : — James Whitaker, Esq., J. P. co. Salop, 6. 1831 ; m. 1863, Elizabeth, d. of Lt.-Col. Every Clayton of Rowley, nr. Burnley, Lanes. ; and has issue — (i) Henry Ernest Whitaker, Gentleman, d. 1869 [tn. 1899, Margaret Louisa, d. of John Whitaker, Esq., J. P., of Broadclough] ; (2) Bernard Whitaker, Gentleman, d. 1873 [m. 1900, Mabel, d. of John Whitaker, Esq., J. P., of Broadclough]; Agnes Vere [m. 1890, George H. Holt] ; and Edith. Seai — Hampton Hall, Worthen , Salop. William Henry Whitaker, Esq., J.P. and D.L. cos. Salop and Montgomery (High Sheriff co. Salop 1896), M.A., 6. 1833; m. 1873, Mary, d. of William John Bovill, Esq., Q.C. ; and has issue — William Harold Bovill Whitaker, Esq., J.P. CO. Salop, d. 1878 ; and Winifred Bovill. Seat— Totterton Hall, co. Salop. WHITAKER (H. Coll.). Per fesse argent and or, two mascles in chief g^les and a serpent nowed in base proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a stag's head erased argent, gorged with a collar vair6 gules and or, a serpent nowed as in the arms. Son of George Whitaker, late of Highbury : — Roy Henry Rollinson Whitaker, Gentleman, F.R.C.S. S BENJAMIN INGHAM WHITAKER, Esquire, pf Hesley Hall, in co. Nottingham, late Lieut, ist West York Yeom. Cav., J.P. and D.L. for co. Nottingham (High Sheriff 1893), and J.P. for the West Riding of co. York. Born Aug. 16, 1838, being the eldest son of the late Joseph Whitaker of Hesley, by his wife Eliza Sophia, only daughter of William Sanderson. Clui — Conservative. Livery — Blue with silver facings. Armorial bearings — Per pale argent and azure, a chevron embattled between three mascles counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a horse passant argent, gorged with a collar gemel, and rest- ing the dexter foreleg on a mascle azure. Motto — " Spes et fides." Married, January 26, 1871, Caroline Lucy, only daughter of Frederick William Hudson of Scar- borough, in the county of York. Seat — Hesley Hall, Tickhill, Rotherham. CHARLES JOSEPH SOFER WHITBURN, Gentle- man, of Addington Park, in co. Kent, Lord of the Manors of Addington and Trotterscliffe in that county. Born Nov. 24, 1836, being the only son of the late Charles Whitburn, Gentleman, by his wife Mary Ann, only dau. and heiress of Joseph Sofer. Livery — Dark green, with brass buttons; yellow and black striped vest. Armorial bearings — Azure, a lion rampant argent, holding between the paws a bezant, on a chief or, between two nmllets of six points of the first, a pale gules, thereon two swords in saltire proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head erased azure, holding in the beak a bezant, and charged on the neck with a mullet of six points argent. Motto — "Virtus difHcilia vincit." Married, October 1863, Fanny, daughter of John Hales of Malvern House, in the county of Surrey ; and by her has Issue — Charles William Sofer Whitburn, Gentleman, Second Lieutenant West Kent Queen's Own Yeomanry, born June 29, 1867 ; and Mary Florence [married 1889]. Estate — Addington Park, West Mailing, in the county of Kent. Postal address — 16 Ennismore Gardens, S. W. Club — Conservative. WHITBY, quartered by FORSTER. WHITCHURCH, quartered by CHAMBRE. WHITCOMBE, quartered by NIBLETT. WHITE, quartered by BATTEN, RIDLEY, and WELCH. WHITE, see BARRINGTON - WHITE, DAL- RYMPLE- WHITE, JERVIS - WHITE, JERVIS- WHITE-JERVIS, and LEIGH-WHITE. WHITE (U.O., 17 Feb. 1863). Argent, on a chevron engrailed between three rose gules, a cross crosslet or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm proper, charged with a chevron engrailed gules, thereon a cross crosslet or, in the hand three roses gules, slipped proper. Motto — " Vi et virtute." Sons of Luke, 2nd Baron Annaly, K.P., b. 1829; d. 1888 ; m. 1853, Emily d. of James Stuart : — Rt. Hon. Luke White, 3rd Baron Annaly of Annaly and Rathcline, co. Longford (U.K., 19 Aug. 1863), D.L. CO. Longford, late Capt. Scots Guards, served in Egyptian Campaign 1882 (medal, clasp, and bronze star), Lt.-Col. comdg. Northants Imp. Yeom. [Supporters — Dexter, a horse argent, caparisoned with the trappings of the 14th Regt. of Light Dragoons proper; sinister, an Irish wolfhound proper, gorged with an antique crown and chained or], b. 1857; m. 1884, Hon. Lilah Georgiana Augusta Constance Agar-Ellis, d. of Henry, 3rd Visctount Clifden ; and has issue — Hon. Luke Henry White, b. 1885; Hon. Lilah Charlotte Sarah; and Hon. Lucia Emily Margaret. Seats — Luttrelstown, Clonsilla, co. Dublin ; Gowran, co. Kilkenny ; Holdenby House, North- ampton. Town house — 43 Berkeley Square, S.W. Clubs — Marlborough, Turf, Guards'. Hon. Charles James White, Chief Commissioner of Police in Rhodesia 1892-5, Capt. Reserve of Officers, late Capt. Roy. Fus., served in Matabeleland Campaign 1893 and 1896 (medal and clasp), b. i860 ; m. 1901, Evelyn, d. of F. B. Bulkeley-Johnson ; and has issuc-^ Margaret Lucia. Club — Naval and Military. Hon. Robert White, Major Reserve of Officers, Lieut. Roy. Bucks Yeom. , late Capt Roy. Welsh Fus. , served in Nile Exped. 1884-5 (medal, clasp, and bronze star) and in S. Africa 1900 (medal and five clasps), b. 1861. Clubs — Naval and Military, Turf, Travellers', Bachelors'. Son of William Henry White, Esq., of Cloone Grange, J.P., D.L. (High Sheriff 1883), *. 1855; d. 1892; m. 1st, 1876, Audley Harriett, d. of John Reynolds Dickson of Woodville, co. Leitrim : — George White, Gentleman, b. 1881. 5(ra/ — Cloone Grange, co. Leitrim. Son of Luke White of Chandos, b. 1832; d. 1890; m. 1859, Elizabeth Mary, d. of Alexander Richey of Mount Temple, co. Dublin: — William Alexander White Esq., J.P. co. Longford (High Sheriff 1891), Capt. 6th Batt. Rifle Brig., B.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub.), b. 1864; m. 1891, Adelaide Gray, d. of Rev. J. J. Newbold, Vicar of Clonbroney ; and has issue— Luke William Newbold White, Gentleman, b. 1894. Seats— The Shrubbery, Kilcock, co. Kildare ; Chandos, co. Longford. is the Naval Cockade. ?456 mm mti WHITE (H. Coll.. 1904). Barry wavy of six argent and amre, n lymphad sable, on n chief of the second, two roses of the first. MantliBff azure and argent. Creit— On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a beacon fired proper, pendent therefrom a sail nzure. charged with a rose iis in the arms. HottO — " Ever watchful." Livery — Dark green coat, gill buttons, yellow and green striped waistcoat. Sons of Henry White of Bristol, b. 1815 ; d. 1872 ; m. 1843, Eliza, d. of John Tippetts: — Sir George White, ist Bart. (26 Aug. 1904), J. P. for Bristol, b. 1854 ; m. 1876, Caroline Rosena, d. of William Thomas of Bristol ; and has issue— George Stanley White, Esq., b. 1882, and Daisy May \m. 1902, Ernest John Hudson of Weybridge, Surrey, late Q.O. Roy. West Kent Regt.]. Seat — Cotbam House, Bristol. Clubs — Constitu- tional, Constitutional (Bristol), and Clifton Club. Henry White, Gentleman. Res. — San Paulo, Brazil. Samuel White, Gentleman, b. i86i. Res. — Dorset House, Clifton, Bristol. WHITE (U.O.). Gules, an annulet or, within a bordure sable, charged with estoiles of the second, on a canton ermine, a lion rampant of the third. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stork argent, beaked and membered or. Motto — "The noblest motive is the public good." Son of Capt. Robert Hedges Eyre White of Glengariffe Castle, CO. Cork, b. 1809 ; d. ; m. 1834, Charlotte Mary, d. and h. of Raffeen House, co. Cork : — Robert Hedges Eyre White, Gentleman, b. 1836 ; m. i860, Mary Anne d'Esterre, d. of John Roberts of Ardmore, CO. Waterford ; and has issue — (i) Robert Hedges Eyre White, Gentleman, b. 1862 ; (2) Simon White, Gentleman, b. 1863; (3) Edward White, Gentleman, b. 1869; Anna Mary ; and Frances Dorothy [m. 1883, Robert William Delacour]. Seat — Raffeen House, co. Cork. WHITE, formerly of Hursley (1750). Vert, a fesse cuppa argent and erminois, between three narcissus flowers of the second. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an olive-branch issuing from a mount thereon a dove holding in the beak a narcissus flower slipped and leaved all proper. Motto — ' ' Ficta tanquam flosculi decidunt." Sons of Rev. John White of Ampfield, b. 1817 ; d. 1885 ; m. 186^, Martha, d. of Rev. John Fisher :— Joseph John Fisher White, Gentleman,. B.A. (Oxon.), b. I May 1865 ; m. 18 July 1895, Edith Rhoda, d. of John Blackwood ; and has surv. issue — Hilary Fisher White, Gentleman, b. 25 Nov. 1902. AV*//*— Ampfield House, nr. Romsey, Hants. Res. — 69 Parliament Hill Mansions, London. N.W. (lilliert Benjamin Mower White, Gentleman,*. 29 March 1866; m. 18 April 1900, Alicia Wolfe, d. of Matthew Henry Towgood ; and has issue — GiU)ert John Mower White, Gentleman, b. 5 July 1902; and Alicia Margaret Mower. Res. — 112 Harley Street, London, W. Rev. William Edward White, M.A. (Oxon.), b. 10 March 1867; m. 29 April 1896, Ethel Adelaide, d. of Rev. Walter John Drought ; and has issue — (i) Edward Willoughby White, Gentleman, b. 18 June 1899 ; (2) Wil- fred Hyde White, Gentleman, b. 1903 ; and Ethel Vera. Res. — The Rectory, Bourton-on-the- Water, Gloucs. Henry Thomas White, Gentleman, b. 22 Feb. 1869 ; m. 21 Dec. 1898, Adriana, d. of Lachlan M'Beaii ; and has issue — Godfrey M'Bean White, Gentleman, b. 17 Oct. 1899; Henry Lachlan White, Gentleman, b. 1905; and Margaret Moore. Res. — 13 Kedleston Road, Derby. WHITE (H. Coll.). Gules, a chevron nebuly, between three boar's heads coup)ed, two flanches argent, each charged with a cross pat^e of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crests— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-tower gules, issuant therefrom a boar's head argent, tusked and maned or, charged on the neck with a cross pat^e also gules, three crosses pat6e also argent. Motto — " Non sibi sed aliis." Son of Robert Holmes White, Gentleman, of Boulge Hall, Suffolk, b. 1834 ; it. 1901 ; m. 1862, Elizabeth Sarah, d. of late John Griffith Frith, Esq., of Highlands, Glos., J. P. :— Robert Eaton White, Esq., J.P. co. Suffolk, b. 1864; m. 1903, Rose Dorothy, d. of late Charles Pearce-Serocold, Gentleman, of Taplow Hill, Bucks ; and has issue — Robert Charles Meadows White, Gentleman, b. 1904. Seat — Boulge Hall, Woodbridge, Suffolk. C/w*— Windham. Son of : — Rev. Lewis Meadows White, b. . Res. — Horning Rectory, Norwich. WHITE (Confd. U.O.). Per fesse argent and gules, in chief six roses three and three of the second, and in base an eagle displayed or. Mantling gules and argent. Cresl^— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed vam- braced, charged with two four-leaved shamrocks vert, hold- ing in the hand a sprig of three roses slipped and leaved proper. Motto — " Honeste parta." Sons of James Robert White of White Hall, co. Antrim, b. ; d. 1872 ; m. , Frances, d. of George Stuart of Donachy, co. Tyrone : — Field-Marshal Sir George Stuart White, V.C,, G.C.B., is the Military Cockade. mfii ma 1457 G.C.S.I.,G.C.M.G., G.C.I.E., G.C.V.O., J.P. and D.L. CO. Antrim, Col. Gordon Highlanders, Hon. Col. 2nd V. B. Somcrsetsh. Lt. Inf., LL.D. (Camb. and Dublin), D.C.L. (Oxford), served in Indian Mutiny 1857-9, Afghan War 1879-80, Soudan Exped. 1884-5, Burmese Exped. 1885-9, Zhob Field Force i8go, South African War 1899-1900 (commanded during siege of Ladysmith), Commander-in- Chief in India 1893-8, Q.M.G. of the Forces 1898-9, Lt.- Gen. in Natal 1899-1900, Gov. and Commander-in-Chief at Gibraltar 1900-5, Gov. of Chelsea Hospital since 1905, 6. 1835 ; m. 1874, Amelia Mary (Lady of Imp. Order of Crown of India), d. of Ven. Joseph Baly, Archdeacon of Calcutta; and has issue— James Robert White, Esq., D.S.O. , Capt. Gordon Highlanders, served in S. African War 1899-1901, i. 1879. Seat — White Hall, Ballymena, co. Antrim. Jies. — Chelsea Hospital, S.W. C/«^j-— United Service, Army and Navy. John White, Esq., C.B., M.A. (Oxon.), Barrister-at-Law Principal Assist. Sec. in Educ. Dept. 1900-3, d. lies.— 2 Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C. Club — United University. SHANS THOMAS FELL WHITE, Gentleman, Com- mander in the Royal Navy. Born May 7, 1856, being the younger son of the late Major Hans Thomas Fell White of the 40th Regiment, and of Kilbyrne, Doneraile, in the county of Cork, by Amelia Carey his wife, daughter of Colonel Edward James White of the 70th Regiment. Ar- morial bearing's — ^He bears for Arms ; Quarterly i and 4, argent on a chevron gules, between three roses of the last barbed vert, seeded gold, a cross pat6e or (for White) ; 2 and 3 ermine, on a chevron engrailed gules, three escallops argent (for Grove) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed, holding in the hand a dagger all proper, the arm charged with a cross patde or ; with the Motto, ' ' Nourissez I'esp^rance. ' ' Married, July 16, 1885, Mary Beatrice, eldest daughter of the late Charles Nichols of Dunedin, in the Colony of New Zealand ; and has Issue — Hans Grove White, Gentleman, born Sep- tember 8, 1890 ; Mirabel Grace Grove ; Beatrice Mary Grove ; Kathleen Whitefoord Grove ; and Ion Whitefoord Grove. Estate — Nursetown. Postal address — Bismark Street, 17", Weimar, Germany. S JAMES GROVE WHITE, Esquire, Col, late com- manding 1st Batt. the Duke of Cambridge's Own Middlesex Regt., late Assistant Quartermaster - General 2nd Div. First Army Corps, and J.P. for the co. of Cork. Born October 21, 1852, being the eldest son of the late Major Hans Thomas Fell White, 40th Regiment, and of Kilbyrne, Doneraile, in the county of Cork, by his wife Amelia Carey, daughter of Colonel Edward James White, 70th Regiment. Clubs — Army and Navy, Pall Mall, London. Livery — Claret colour, with white facmgs and silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms ; Quarterly i and 4, argent on a chevron gules, between three roses of the last, barbed vert, seeded gold, a cross pat6e or (for White) ; 2 and 3 ermine, on a chevron engrailed gules, three escallops argent (for Grove). Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour, holding in the hand a dagger all proper, the arm charged with a cross pat^e or. Motto — "Nourissez I'esp6rance." Married, July 1, 1880, Constance, eldest daughter of A. Fitz-Gibbon of The Rookery, Great Stanmore, and niece to Maurice Fitz- Gibbon, Esquire, of Crohana, Stoneyford, in the county of Kilkenny, styled the Mac An Tsen Riddery and White Knight ; and has Issue — (i) Pierce Grove White, Gentleman, 2nd Lieut. 1st Batt. Duke of Cambridge's Own Middlesex Regt., born Oct. 13, 1882; (2) Maurice Fitz-Gibbon Grove White, Gentleman, born Dec. 7, 1887; (3) Eric Grove White, Gentleman, born April 11, 1892; (4) Terence Grove White, Gentleman, b. July 5, 1901 ; and Constance Geraldine Grove \tn. 1904, Capt. C. S. Collison, 2nd West India Regt.]. Estates — Kilbyrne, Doneraile, in the co. of Cork ; and Rockfield, Cappagh, in the co. of Waterford. Postal address — Kilbyrne, Doneraile, county Cork. JOSEPH HENRY LACHLAN WHITE, Esquire, B. A. Trin. Coll. ,Cambs., Capt. late Northumberland Fusiliers, served with Soudan expedition 1898, including battle of Khartoum, J. P., D.L. (High Sheriff 1904) for Queen's Co., J. P. CO. Suffolk. Born Jan. 7, 1859, being the son of the late Joseph White, Gentleman, of Bredfield House, Wood- bridge, CO. Suffolk, by his wife Emily, dau. of the late Robert Henry Lachlan of Gloucester Gardens, Hyde Park, London, W. Livery — YiSifk blue, g^lt buttons. Armorial bearings — Argent, two escallops in fesse sable, in base a seDULe €7 pR.GSPeRe buck trippant proper, attired or, on a chief azure a bezant between two bees volant, also proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a buck trippant per pale argent and proper, attired or, the dexter fore-leg, bearing a flagstaff in bend sinister also proper, thereon hoisted a banner, gold, fringed and charged with an escallop gules. Motto — " Sedule et pro- spere." Married, Oct. 5, 1886, Pansy Frances Mary, dau. of the late Richard Grace, Esq., D.L., and grand-dau. of the late Oliver Dowell Grace, V.L., of Mantua, co. Ros- is tlie Naval Cockade. 1458 mti mu common, and Graoefield, Queen's County. 5#a Thomas Whittaker, Gentleman, b. 1865 \m. 1897, Victoria, d. of Andrew Knowles of Pendle- bury, Manchester] ; (2) John Dronsfield Whittaker, Gentle- man, b. 1866 ; (3) Robert Linney Whittaker, Gentleman, b. 1867; (4) James Gilbert Whittaker, Gentleman, b. 1870, d.s.p. ; (s) Arthur Whittaker, Gentleman, b. 1872; (6)Myles Aspinall Whittaker, Gentleman, b. 1874 ; Mary Hannah [»«.] ; Anne Christabel [ oro(hea Marriott. Armorial bearlns:> -Argent, thrcr brndlets wavy azure. Mantling azure and argent. Orwt On a wreath of the colours, a wolf's head erased argent. MottO— " In portu quies." Rtsidtnce— K HUGH EDWARD WILBRAHAM, Esquire, Capt. 9 Inte Sand Regt. and 3rd Batt. E. Lancashire Regt. Bom June aa, 1857, bein^ the second but eldest surviving •on of the late Ro^er William Wilbraham, Esq., J. P., by his wife Louisa, third dau. of Robert Gosling of Botley's Hark, Surrey. Armorial bearings -Argent, three bend- lets wavy azure. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a wolf's head erased argent. Motto — "In portu quies." Married, 1887, Lilla, eldest dau. of Rev. 'rhomas Coney of Braywick, Berks ; and has litM€—{\) George Hugh de Vernon Wilbraham, Gentle- man, b. 1890; (2) Ralph Venables Wilbraham, Gentleman ; Vere May ; Rhoda Joan ; and Barbara Francesca. Seat— Delaroere House, Northwich. Club — Naval and Military. S RALPH JAMES WILBRAHAM, Esquire, Major Duke of Cornwall's L.L Bom April 27, 1858, being the eldest son of the late Col. Thomas Edward Wilbraham of The Old Palace, Richmond, Surrey, by his wife Julia Catherine, dau. of CoL Thomas Walter Powell, Rifle Brigade. Armorial bearings — Argent, three bendlets wavy azure. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a wolf's head erased argent. Motto — " I n portu quies. " Residence — WILBY (H. Coll., 1868). Azure, on a pale within a lx>rdure engrailed argent, a millrind sable. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent, issuant from a wreath of laurel proper, gorged with a collar gemelle sable, and holding between the paws a millrind as in the arras. Motto — " Nulla pallescere culpa." Daus. and coheirs (entitled to bear the above arms in pretence) of late General W. Wilby (son of Lt.-CoL Wilby of Wind Hill House, Bishop's Stortford) :— Mrs. Satherwaite. Mrs. Morgan. WILD, see BAGNALL-WILD. EDWARD GODFREY WILDE, Esquire. Born Nov. 18, 1867, being the eldest son of the late Lieut. -Gen. Sir Alfred Thomas Wilde, K.C.B., C.S.I., A.D.C. to the Queen, Member Indian Council (brother of Lord Penzance and nephew of Lord Truro), by his wife Ellen Margaret, third dau. and co-heiress of Col. Godfrey Thomas Greene, C. B. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, ermine, on a cross sable, a plate, on a chief of the second, three martlets argent (for Wilde) ; 2 and 3 vert, three stags trippant or, each gorged with a ducal coronet gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a stag lodged proper, in the mouth a rose gules, slipped verL Motto — " Veritas victrix." Rev. HENRY BEAUFOY WILDER, M.A., L.S.A., M. R.C.S. Bom 1834, being the son of the Rev. Henry Watson Wilder of Purley Hall, Rector of Sulham, by his wife Augusta, sister of Sir Charles Joshua Smith, second Baronet, of Suttons. Armorial bearings— Gules, from a fesse or, charged with two barrulets azure, a demi-lion ram- pant issuant of the second. Mantling gules and or. Crest — UfKjn a wreath of the colours, a savage's head affront^e coup>ed at the shoulders, the temples entwined with wood- b.nes all proper. Motto—" Virtuti moenia cedant." Mar- ried, 1858, Augusta (d. 1892), dau. of Langham Christie of Preston Deanery, Northants ; and has Issue — (i) Rev. Henry Charles Wilder, Rector of Farnham Royal, Bucks, b. iibo[m., 1893, Cicely Helen, dau. of Rev. Arthur Bour- cliier Wrey, and has issue] ; (2) Francis Langham Wilder, Gentleman,^. 1863 [m., 1903, Beatrice, dau. of Frederick Drummond Hibbert, and has issuej ; and three daughters. Seats— ^Mi\ey Hall, and Sulham House, Reading, in co. Berkshire. FRANCIS JAMES WILDMAN-LUSHINGTON, Es- quire, J. P. CO. Kent. Born June 22, 1852, being the eldest son of the late James Lushington Wildman-Lushington, Esq., J. P. CO. Kent, who with his issue was authorised to assume the additional surname (and arms) of Lushington in addition to and after that of Wildman by Royal Licence, dated Dec. 27, 1869, by his wife Cliarlotte Anne, dau, of Robert Bushc of Dubhn city and of the Island of 'I'rinidad. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or, on a fesse wavy l)ctween three lions' heads erased vert, as many ermine s|X)ts gold (for Lushington) ; 2 and 3, azure, on a chevron argent, between two eagles displayed in chief and a lion passant in base or, two ermine spots between three estoiles of the held (for Wildman). Mantling vert and or. Crests — 1. on a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased vert, ducally gorged or (for Lushington) ; 2. out of a mural coronet chequy or and azure, a demi-lion rampant argent, sup[x>rting a battle-axe gold, blade proper, distilling drops of bloo. 1899. WILLIAM-STEPHENS. Quarterly gules and vert, a fesse nebuly argent, gutt(5-de-sang, between two eagles displayed in chief or, and a lion rampant in base argent, gutt6-de-sang. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant as in the arms, holding between the fore-paws an eagle's head erased gules, and resting the dexter hind-leg on a torteau charged with a gutt6 or. Motto — " Amore virtutis." Son of : — William Henry Stephens William-Stephens, Gentleman, 6, . Res. — Kensington Lodge, Oatlands Park, Walton- on-Thames. WILLIAMS, see JONES-WILLIAMS. ARTHUR EDWARD WILLIAMS, Esquire. Born Aug. 20, 1832, being the fourth son of the late Sir William Williams of Tregullow, co. Cornwall, and Heanton Court, CO. Devon, ist Bart.. Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Cornwall, for which county he served the office of High Sheriff in 1851, by his wife Caroline, younger daughter of Richard Eales of Eastdon House, in the county of Devon. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Vair, three crescents or, two and one ; and for his Crest, upon a vtreath of the colours, a demi- eagle displayed azure, winged sable, each wing charged with four bezants; with the Motto, "Nil desperan- dum." ARTHUR SCOTT WILLIAMS. Esq., J.P., M.A. of the University of Oxford, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. Born September 5, 1864, being the fourth and youngest son of the late Montague Williams, Esquire, of Woolland (died 1890), Justice of the Peace, Deputy-Lieu- tenant, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, Master of Arts, High Sheriff 1878, by his wife Sophia Elisabeth, eldest daughter of the late Reverend L. Foot, Prebendary of Salisbury, and Rectoj' of Longbredy. Livery — Green, with red facings. Armor' bearings- Quarterly i and 4, argent a greyhound couranti base or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a column fesseways the top to the in fesse sable between three Cornish choughs proper, withir a bordure engrailed gules charged with crosses pat^e and bezantsalternately (for Williams); 2. gules, three stags' heads couped argent (for de la Lynde) ; 3. gules, three herrings 5 i« the Military cockade. I mil mil 1467 haurient in fesse or (for Herring) ; 4. gules, three covered cups argent, a bordure or (for Argenton). Crest— An arm couped at the elbow habited sable, charged with a cross pat^e or, the hand proper, holding an oak branch vert, fructed gold. Mottoes — "Nil solidum ; " " Tant que je puis. " Married, December 16, 1891 , Louisa Beatrice, second dau. of the late Sir John W. Powlett Campbell-Orde, Bart., of Kilmory, Lochgilphead, and North Uist ; and has Issue — Alice Louisa ; Beatrice Elisabeth. Estate and postal address — Hill House, Yetminster, Dorset. Clubs — Junior Constitutional, Royal Dorset Yacht. BERTRAM LEOPOLD WILLIAMS, Esquire. Born May 27, 1878, being the ninth and youngest son of the late Sir Frederick Martin Williams, second Baronet, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Corn- wall, by his wife Mary Christian, daughter of the Reverend Robert Vanburgh Law, Master of Arts, Rector of Christian Malford, in the county of Wilts, and Prebendary and Treasurer of Wells. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Vair, three crescents or, two and one ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed azure, winged sable, each wing charged with four bezants ; with the Motto, " Nil desperandum. " The Reverend CHARLES ECCLES EDMOND WILLIAMS, Clerk in Holy Orders, D.D. (Oxon). Born Sept. 15, 1851, being the third but eldest surviving son of Rev. Edward George Williams, Clerk in Holy Orders, of Glasfryn, Swansea, co. Glamorgan, by his wife Catherine, dau. of William Rickard. Livery — Drab, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Argent, three piles, two in chief and one in base azure, each charged with a wing of the first. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours three arrows, one in pale and two in saltire or, barbed and flighted proper between two wings argent, each charged with an annulet azure. MottO — " Fidusin finem." Married, April 16, 1879, Mabel, eldest dau. of Archibald MacLaren of Summertown, near Oxford ; and has Issue — (i) Cyril Archibald Eccles Williams, Gentleman, b. Aug. 4, 1884 ; Hilary Evelyn Eccles Williams, Gentleman, b. Sept. 10, 1892 ; and Gertrude Katharine Eccles. Residence — Summer Fields, near Oxford. EDWARD HARVEY WILLIAMS, Esquire. Born February 2, 1865, being the third son of the late Sir Frederick Martin Williams, second Baronet, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Cornwall, by his wife Mary Christian, youngest daughter of the Reverend Robert Vanburgh Law, Master of Arts, Rector of Christian Malford, in the county of Wiltshire, and Pre- bendary and Treasurer of Wells. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Vair, three crescents or, two and one ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed azure, winged sable, each wing charged with four bezants; with the Motto, "Nil desperandum." Married, Oct. 19, 1897, Annie Caroline, second dau. of Rev. St. A. H. Molesworth St. Aubyn, of Clowance, Camborne, Corn- wall. Residence — Four Burrows House, Scorrier, Cornwall. S EDWARD WILMOT WILLIAMS, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for co. Dorset, formerly H.E.I.C. Bengal Cavalry. Born Nov. 24, 1826, being the eldest son of the late James Wilmot Williams, Esq., Capt. 7th Hussars, by his wife Elizabeth Anne, second dau. of Col. Richard Magenis of Waringstown, co. Down, sometime M.P. for Enniskillen. Armorial bearings— Argent, a greyhound courant in fesse sable, between three Cornish choughs proper, within a bordure engrailed gules, charged with crosses pat6e or, and bezants alternately. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a man's arm couped at the elbow habited sable, charged with a cross- pat^e or, the hand proper holding an oak-branch vert, fructed gold. Motto — " Nil solidum." Married, Feb. 6, 1862, Hon. Sophia O'Grady, eldest dau. of Standish, 2nd Viscount Guillamore; and has Issue — (i) Berkeley Cole Wilmot Williams, Gentleman, P.W.O., Yorkshire Regt., b. May 4, 1865 ; (2) Ashley Paget Wilmot Williams, Esq., Capt. Hants Artillery, b. Jan. 7, 1867 ; Meriel Gertrude Wilmot [/«., Aug. 8, 1885, Capt. Cecil H. D. Fetherston Haugh of Bracklyn Castle, co. Westmeath, and has issue] ; and Huldah Gwladys Wilmot. Seat — Herringston, Dor- chester. Club — Carlton. ERNEST MARTYN WILLIAMS, Esquire. Born December 17, 1871, being the sixth son of the late Sir Frederick Martin Williams, second Baronet, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Cornwall, by his wife Mary Christian, youngest daughter of the Reverend Robert Vanburgh Law, Master of Arts, Rector of Christian Malford, in the county of Wiltshire, and Pre- bendary and Treasurer of Wells. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Vair, three crescents or, two and one ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi- eagle displayed azure, winged sable, each wing charged with four bezants ; with the Motto, "Nil desperandum." S FREDERICK LAW WILLIAMS, Esquire, Lieuten- ant ist Battalion Dorsetshire Regiment. Bom May ID, 1862, being the second son of the late Sir Frederick Martin Williams, second Baronet, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Cornwall, by his wife Mary Christian, youngest daughter of the Reverend Robert Vanburgh Law, Master of Arts, Rector of Christian Mal- ford, in the county of Wiltshire, and Prebendary and Treasurer of Wells. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Vair, three crescents or, two and one ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed azure, winged sable, each wing charged with four bezants ; with the Motto, " Nil desperandum." Sir GEORGE WILLIAMS, Knight Bachelor (1894). Born 1 82 1, being the son of Amos Williams of Dulverton, Somerset. Armorial bearings — Gules, a dove, wings ele- vated argent, encircled around the breast with an olive branch proper, a chief or, thereon three roses of the field, barbed and seeded of the third. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a dove with wings elevated argent, each wing charged with a rose as in the arms, and encircled around the breast with an olive branch proper. Motto — " Semper fidelis. " Married, 1852, Helen Jane Maunder, dau. of George Hitchcock. Residence — 13 Russell Square, W.C. S HERBERT SCOTT WILLIAMS, Esquire, V.D., Justice of the Peace for the county of Dorset, M.A. of the University of Oxford, late Capt. ist (Oxford Univer- sity) Volunteer Battalion the Oxfordshire Light Infantry, is tbe Naval Cockade. I I4<8 mil mil Major ist Volunteer Battalion the Dorsetshire Regiment. B»m September 4, i860, Ixring (he second son of the late Montague Williams of WouUand House, near Blandford, in the county of Dorset, Justice of the Peace, Deputy- Lieu- tenant, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Fellow of the Royal GfOKraphical Society, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, High Shfrirtof Dorset 1878. by his wife Sophia Elisabeth, eldest daughter of the late Reverend L. Foot, Prebendary of Salisbury, Rector of Longbredy, in the county of Dorset, owner of Seskin Ryan, Carlow, and formerly of HuUy Park, Wicklow, Ireland. Ciui — Dorset County (Dor- chester). Livtry — Undress : green with red facings ; state : whitish drab with red facings. Armorial bearing^ — He bears for Amu : Quarterly i and 4, argent a greyhound courant in fesse sable, between three Cornish choughs proper, within a bordure engrailed gules, charged with crosses p&l6e and bezants alternately (for Williams) ; a. gules, three stags' heads couped argent (for de la Lynde); 3. gules, three herrings haurient in fesse or (for Herring) ; 4. gules, three covertid cups argent, a bordure or (for Argenton), Crest — A man's arm couped at the elbow, habited sable, charged with a cross p>at^ or, holding in the hand proper an oak branch vert, fructed gold. Mottoes — " Nil solidum," "Tant que je puis." Postal address — Rothesay House, Dorchester, Dorset. SThe Late JAMES WILLIAMS. Esquire, J. P. co. of Monmouth, Major and Hon. Lieut. -Col. ist Mon- mouthshire Volunteer Artillery since 1894. Armoiial bearings - Argent, two chevronels nebuly sable between as many fleurs-de-lis in chief gules, and a rose in base of the last, barbed and seeded proper. Mantling sable and argent. CSrest On a wreath of the colours, two roses surmounted by a third gules, barbed and seeded projser, between two branches of laiu-el of the last. Motto ^" In Deoconfido." Was married, and had issue. 6'«a/~Bryn G14s, near Newport, Mon. Cluis Constitutional, Mon- mouthshire County (N ewport). Sir JOHN WILLIAMS, Baronet (Oct. 30, 1894), K.C.V.O., Knight Grand Cross of Dannebrog, M.R.C.S., M.D., F.R.C.P., LL.D. (Edin. and Glasgow). Physician to T.R. H. the Princess of Wales and Princess Beatrice (Princess Henry of Battenberg). Bom Nov. 6, 1840, being the third son of the late David Williams of Blaenllynant. Llangadock. by his wife Eleanor, dau. of David Jones of Bailey Gwynfe. Llangadock. Ariaorial bearing^s — Azure, a stag trippant argent, attired or, between the attires a rose of the second or, on a chief of the last a torch erect, fired proper, between two eagles' heads erased of the first ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a stag as in the arms, resting the dexter foot on a serpent nowed proper. Married, April 3, 1872, Mary Elizabeth Anne. dau. of Richard Hughes, Esq , J. P., of Ynystawe, Swansea. Postal address — Plas Llanstephan, Carmarthenshire. Club — Athenaeum. The Hon. JOSHUA STRANGE WILLIAMS. M.A., LL.M. Cambridge, Judge of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, and Chancellor of the University of Otago ; District Land Registrar, Canterbury, New Zealand, 1871-72 ; Registrar-General of Land under the Land Transfer Act. 1872-75 ; and appointed Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of New Zealand. 1875. Bom Sept. 19. 1837, being the eldest son of the late Joshua Williams of Lincoln's Inn. CO. Middlesex. Barrister-at-Law. Q.C.. author of "Williams on Real Property." and other well-known legal works, by his wife Lucy, only dau. of William Strange of Upton. West Ham, co. Essex. Armorial bearings— Argent, two chevronels engrailed sable, between three cocks gules, on a chief dancett^e of the second three sf)ear-heads of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested or, charged with a pile sable, thereon three spear-heads argent, the cuff also or, the hand holding an oak branch slipped and fructed proper. Motto — " Deo adjuvante non timendum." Married, first, July 26, 1864, Caroline Helen, dau. of the late Thomas Sanctuary of Horsham, Sussex, England ; and by her has had Issue — (i) Joshua Sanctuary Williams, Gentleman, b. March 8. 1870; (2) Beauclerc Williams. Gentleman. b. Feb. 23, 1872 ; (3) Norman Williams. Gentleman, *. March 30, 1873 1 (4) Cecil Williams, Gentleman, b. Jan. 30, i87<; : Helen Lucy ; Lilian (died in infancy) ; and Mary. . He married secondly. Feb. 15. 1877, Amelia Durant, dau. of Thomas Wesley Jago of Dunedin. New Zealand; and has Issue — Theodora; Constance; and (iwcnda. Residence — Anderson's Bay. Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand. MICHAEL WILLIAMS, Esquire, Master of Arts, Justice of the Peace for the county of Cornwall. Born January 10, 1839, being the sixth and youngest son of the late Sir William Williams of Trcgullow, in the county of Cornwall, and Heanton Court, in the county of Devon, first Baronet, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Cornwall, for which county he served the office of High Sheriflf in 1851, by his wife Caroline, younger daughter of Richard Eales of Eastdon House, in the county of Devon. C/w^i- United University, Oxford and Cambridge, New University, Junior Carlton. Armo- rial bearings — He bears for Arms : Vair, three crescents or, two and one ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed azure, winged sable, each wing charged with four bezants; with the Motto, "Nil desperandum. " Postal address— \o Old Burlintrlon Street, W. S MONTAGUE SCOTT WILLIAMS, Esquire, J. P. for the CO. of Dorset (High Sheriff 1894), Lieut. -Col. Dorset Yeomanry. Born August 6, 1858, being the eldest son of the late Montague Williams, Esquire, Master of Arts, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (died 1890), by his wife Sophia Elisabeth, eldest daughter of the late Reverend Lundy Foot, Rector of Longbredy, in the county of Dorset, Pre- bendary of Salisbury and Riu-al Dean, late of Holly Park, in the county of Dublin, and Seskin Ryan, in the county of Carlow, Ireland. Clubs — United University, Auxiliary Forces. Z-iV^ry— Undress : green with red facings ; dress : white with black facings. Armorial bearings — Quar- terly I and 4, argent a greyhound courant in fesse sable, between three Cornish choughs proper, within a bordure engrailed gules, charged with crosses patte or and bezants alternately (for Williams); 2. gules, three stags' heads couped argent (for de la Lynde) ; 3. gules, three herrings haurient in fesse or (for Herring) ; 4. gules, three covered cups argent, a bordure or (for Argenton). Crest — A man's arm couped at the elbow, habited sable, charged with a cross patde or, the hand proper, holding an oak branch vert, fructed gold. Mottoes— " Nil solidum;" "Tant que je puis." Married, June 19, 1889, Audrey Mary, fourth dau. of Edward Leigh Kindersley-Porcher of Clyffe, in the co. of Dorset ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Montague Williams, Gentleman, b. June 9, 1890; (2) Edward Jeffery Williams, Gentleman, b. Jan. 28, 1892 ; (3) Richard John Wilhams, Gentleman, b. June 17, 1893 ; (4) Herbert Farrer Williams, Gentleman, b. June 2. 1895 ; (5) Rashleigh Henry Williams. Gentleman, b. June 2,1897; (6) Robert Cyril Williams, Gentleman, b. Jan. 20, 1899; (7) Eric George Williams, Gentleman, b. Dec. 16, 1900; (8) Eustace Maitland Williams, Gentleman, b. Oct. 17, 1902. Estate — WooUand. Postal address — Woolland House, near Bland- ford. Dorset. § ROBERT WILLIAMS, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for co. Dorset, a Director of Williams' Deacons Bank, and of the Wilts and Dorset Bank, Col. ist Batt. Dorset Vol., M.P. West Dorset 1895, and D.L. City of London. Bom Junej 15, 1848, being eldest son of the late Robert Williams, Esq., I J. P. and D.L., a Banker in London and Dorchester, High! Sheriff Dorset 1855, formerly M.P. for Dorchester, by his J first wife Mary Anne, dau. of Rev. J. W. Cunningham, I Vicar of Harrow. Armorial bearings— Argent, a grey-l hound courant in fesse sable, between three Cornish choughs] proper, within a bordure engrailed gules, charged with! crosses-pat^e or, and bezants alternately. Mantling sablej and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours a man's} arm couped at the elbow habiied sable, charged with aj cross-pat^e or, the hand proper holding an oak-branch vert,} fructed gold. Motto — "Nil solidum." A/arr?>rf, Sept. 7,] 1869, Rosa Walker, dau. of Nathaniel Simes of StroodI Park, Horsham; and has Issue~(\) Robert Williams,! Gentleman, b. Sept. 10, 1874, d. May 22, 1881 ; (2) John! Nathaniel Williams, Gentleman, b. Jan. 24, 1878 ; (3)1 Philip Francis Cunningham Williams, Gentleman, b. Julyl 6, 1884; Mary Anne Frances \m., Jan. 2. 1896, the Rt. is the Military Cockade, mil mil 1469 Rev. John Wordsworth, Bishop of Salisbury] ; (2) Margaret Emily Jane [m.. Oct. 23, 1894, the Rt. Rev. Frederick Wallis, D.D., Bishop of Wellington, New Zealand]; Rosa Ruth, il in infancy ; Rachel Sophia ; and Dorothy Rhoda. 6V(Z/~-Bridehead, Dorchester. Town Residence— \ Hyde Park Street, W. C/«/!>j-— Carlton and National. S ROBERT AP HUGH WILLIAMS, Esquire, Captain and Honorary Major Royal Anglesey Engineer Militia, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Anglesey, High Sheriff 1884. Born October 25, 1849, being the third son of Sir Hugh Williams, third Baronet, of Bod Elwyddan, in the county of Flint, who died 1876, by his wife Henrietta Charlotte, only daughter of Sir Watkin Williams Wynne, fifth Baronet, of Wynnstay Rhuabon. C/«i^— Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, two foxes counter-salient, the dexter surmounted of the sinister gules, a crescent azure for difference; with the Motto, "Y cadarn ar cyfrwys." ^Ti/rt/c^— Plasgwyn, in the parishes of Llanedwen, Llanidan ; Tregaian and Llaneugrad, in the county of Anglesey. The Reverend SAMUEL BLACKWELL GUEST WILLIAMS, M.A. (Oxon.), Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Pittington, co. Durham. Born Oct. 23, 1851, being the eldest son of the late John Guest Williams, formerly of the city of Manchester, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of the late Edward Kirkham of Ruthin. Armorial bearings — Per pale or and gules, a gryphon segreant between two chaplets of oak in chief and as many annulets interlaced fesseways in base, within a bordure invected all counterchanged. Mant- ling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock two chaplets of oak interlaced and fructed all proper. Motto— " Tangnefedd i'r t^." Married, Aug. 5, 1884, Katharine, third dau. of William Gray, formerly of York; and has Issne—[i) Warren Kirkham Guest Williams, Gen- tleman, h. Nov. II, 1886; (2) Alyn Arthur Guest Williams, Gentleman, b. Jan. 22, 1888; (3) Wynne Austin Guest Williams, Gentleman, b. Aug. 10, 1889 ; (4) Richard Howard Guest Williams, Gentleman, b. Feb. 27, 1892 ; and Mary Elizabeth Guest. Residences — '^X'as Rackery, Painswick, Gloucestershire ; The Vicarage, Pittington, Durham. VICTOR GEORGE WILLIAMS, Esquire. Born April 8, 1874, being the seventh son of the late Sir Frederick Martin Williams, second Baronet, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Cornwall, by his wife Mary Christian, youngest daughter of the Reverend Robert Vanburgh Law, Master of Arts, Rector of Christian Mal- ford, in the county of Wiltshire, and Prebendary and Treasurer of Wells. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Vair, three crescents or, two and one ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed azure, winged sable, each wing charged with four bezants ; with the Motto, " Nil desperandum." § WILLIAM PHILLPOTTS WILLIAMS, Esquire, Lieutenant 2nd Brigade Royal Artillery. Born August S, i860, being the eldest son of the late Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Michael Williams of the 3rd Hussars, by his wife Georgiana Sophia, third daughter of the Reverend Thomas Phillpotts of Porthgwidden, Vicar of Feock, in the county of Cornwall, Canon of Truro, Justice of the Peace. Ar- morial bearings— He bears for Arms : Vair, three crescents or, two and one ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed azure, winged sable, each wing charged with four bezants; with the Motto, "Nil desperandum. " SSiR WILLIAM ROBERT WILLIAMS, 3rd Baronet (Aug. 4, 1886), of TreguUow, and of Upcott and Heanton Court, J. P. and D.L., late Captain 3rd Brigade Western Division Royal Artillery. Born June 20, i860, being the eldest son of the late Sir Frederick Martin Williams, 2nd Baronet, J. P. and D.L. co. Cornwall, by his wife Mary Christian, youngest dau. of the Rev. Robert Vanburgh Law, Master of Arts, Rector of Christian Mal- ford, CO. Wiltshire, and Prebendary and Treasurer of Wells. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, vair, three crescents or, two and one (for Williams) ; 2 and 3, sable, a tilting- spear fesseways point to the dexter between three crescents argent (for Harris) ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed azure, winged sable, each wing charged with four bezants. Motto — "Nil desperandum." Married, July 13, 1881, Matilda Frances, eldest dau. of Edmund Beauchamp of Trevince, co. Cornwall; and \\'xs Issue — (i) William Frede- rick Williams, Esq., b. May 17, 1886; (2) Frederick William Williams, Esq., b. Jan. 15, 1888; (3) Burton Robert Williams, Esq., b. July , 1889; and Frances Maria. 5^a/— Upcott, Barnstaple, North Devon. Clnbs— Carlton and Bachelors'. The Reverend WILLIAM SELLAR GUEST WIL- LIAMS, M.A. (Oxon.), Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Great Rollright, co. O.xon. Bor?i Aug. 17, 1853, being the second son of the late John Guest Williams of the city of Manchester, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of the late Edward Kirkham of Ruthin. Armorial bearings— Per pale or and gules, a gryphon segreant between two chaplets of oak in chief and as many annulets interlaced fesseways in base, within a bordure invected all counterchanged. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock two chaplets of oak interlaced and fructed all proper. Motto "Tangnefedd i'r t^." Married, July 21, 1891, Ruth Ellen, dau. of William Motley, formerly of Streatham. Surrey. Residence —The Rectory, Great Rollright, Chip- ping Norton. WILLIAMS (H. Coll.). Per pale ermine and sable, a gryphon segreant or, two bull's heads caboshed in chief, that on the dexter of the second, that on the sinister argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a stag argent, holding in the mouth three ears of wheat proper, and supporting with the dexter fore-foot an escutcheon sable, thereon a bull's head caboshed also argent. Son of late Enoch E. Williams of Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorganshire, b. ; d. ; m. : — Benjamin Frances Williams, Esq., K.C. , Barrister-at- Law, a Bencher of the Middle Temple, J. P. co. Monmouth, Recorder of Carmarthen 1878-1890, and of Cardiff since 1890, b. 1845; m. 1869, Williameta A. (d. 1886), only d. of late John Hughes of Aberclyn, co. Brecon. Res. — 38 Craven Hill Gardens, Hyde Park, London, W. Chambers — Goldsmith Bldg. , Temple, E.C. Clubs — Oxford and Cambridge. WILLIAMS-FREEMAN (R.L., 1822). Quarterly, i and 4, azure, three lozenges or (Freeman) ; 2 and 3, gules, a cave proper, therefrom issuing a wolf at full speed regardant argent (Williams). Mantling azure and or. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, charged with a lozenge or (Freeman) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant, gorged with a chaplet of oak-leaves proper, navally crowned or (Williams). Motto— " Libertas et natale solum." Sons of William Peere Williams-Freeman, Esq., of Clapton, Secretary H.M. Diplomatic Service, b. 1834; d. 1884; m. 1863, Isabella Frances Sophia, d. of Herman Merivale, Esq., C.B., Permanent Under- Sec, of State for India : — Augustus Peere Williams-Freeman, Gentleman, B.A. (Camb. ), Barrister-al-Law, b. 28 Sept. 1865. Seat — Clapton, Thrapston, Northampton. Town res. — 3 Egerton Gardens, London, S.W. Club— St. James's. Rev. Lionel Peere Williams- Freeman, B.A. (Camb.), Vicar of Exwick, b. 1867 ; m. 1896, Louisa, d, of Charles Hope of Gorleston Priory, and The Mount, Lamberhurst ; and has issue — Mary Leonora ; and Dorothy Frances. Res. — The Vicarage, Exwick, Exeter. Son of Rev. Henry Peere Williams-Freeman, M.A. , Rector of Turner's Puddle and Vicar of Affpuddle, CO. Dorset, b. 1838; m. i86g, Mary Louisa, d. of Rev. Clement Francis Broughton: — Arthur Peere Williams- Freeman, Gentleman, Duke of Cornwall's Light Inf., b. 1877. Res. — Francis Peere Williams-Freeman, Esq., late Lt.-Col. R.A., b. 1841 ; m. 1869, Ada, d. of late Capt. Leonard Charles Rooke, R.N. ; and has surv. issue — (i) Francis Clavering Peere Williams-Freeman, Esq., Capt. Warwicksh. Regt. , b. 1876 ; (2) Harry Peere Williams-Freeman, Gentle- is the Naval Cockade. 5 A 147© mil ma man, A. 1880 ; and Beatrice Ada. ^«.— 39 Selborne Road. How. Rev. Ernest Peere Williams-Freeman, M.A. (Oxon.). Reclor of Clapton, *. a8 July 1845. A'«.— The Rectory, Clapton. Thrapston, Northamplonsh. Herbert Peere Williams-Freeman, Gentleman, i. ao June 1847. /fes.— Sons of Frederick Peere Williams-Freeman, Gentleman, of Greatham, Sussex, d. 1814 ; d. 1870; m. 1853, Augusta Sarah, d. of Capt. Henry Edward Napier, R.N.,F.R.S. :— Frederick Henry Peere Williams-Freeman, Esq., Capt. (ret.) R.N.. ». 1 May i8cc. C/«*— United Service. George Charles Peere Williams-Freeman. Esq. , late Capt. ist Batt. Roy. Sussex Regt., Chief Constable of Shrop- shire, F.R.G.S.,*. II Aug. 1856; m. 1883, Lavinia Augusta Charlotte, d. of Gen. Sir Arthur A. Cunynghame. G.C.B. ; and has issue — (i) Anthony Peere Williams-Freeman, Gentleman, i. 1888; (a) Frederick Arthur Peere Williams- Freeman, Gentleman, R.N., i. 1889; (3) George Napier Peere Williams-Freeman, Gentleman, d. 1891 ; Rose Emily ; and Eleanor Augusta. lies. — The Barn Field, Radbrook, nr. Shrewsbury. C/uis — Roy. Societies', Shropshire (Shrewsbury). John Peere Williams-Freeman, Gentleman, M.D., l>. 1858 ; m. 1897, Mabel Christiana, d. of Charles George Napier, F.G.S. ; and has surv. issue — Flora Elizabeth; and Griselda Mary Olga I?es. — Weyhill House, Andover, Hants. Clud — Royal Societies'. WILLIAMSON, see ASHTON. 5 DAVID ROBERTSON WILLIAMSON, Esq., of Lawers, co. Perth, D.L., J. P., Col. ist Batt. Perth R.V., formerly Lieut. Coldstream Guards. Bom Feb. 13, 1830, being the only son of Charles A. Williamson of Balgray, co. Dumfries, by Catherine Harriet his wife, dau. of Thomas Bayard Clarke ; s. to Lawers at the death of his grand-aunt, Mrs. Robertson Williamson, widow of Lord Balgray, 1852. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, ermine a saltire cantoned with a boar's head erased in chief and three mullets in the flanks and base sable (for Williamson) ; 2 and 3 gules, three crescents inter- laced or, between as many wolves' heads erased argent, a border of the third charged with three mullets in chief and five crescents of the field (for Robertson). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a hand erect holding a dagger ppr. Motto — " In defence." Married, Jan. 5, 1853, Hon. Selina Maria, and dau. of Rt. Hon. Charles Morgan, Baron Tredegar ; and has a son and heir — Charles David Robertson Williamson, Gentleman, b. Oct. 24, 1853, 5?a^— Lawers House, Comrie, Perthshire. Sir HEDWORTH WILLIAMSON, 9th Baronet, of East Markham, co. Nottingham (June 3, 1642). Born May 23, 1867, being the eldest son of the late Sir Hedworth Williamson, 8th Eta.rt., by his wife Lady Elizabeth Jane Liddell, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Henry Thomas, ist Earl of Ravensworth. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or, a chevron gules, between three trefoils slipped sable (for Williamson); 2. argent, an escutcheon sable, within an orle of eight cinquefoils gules (for Hedworth) ; 3. gules, a fret argent (for Huddleston) ; the escutcheon being charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling gules and or. Crest — Out of a mural crown gules, a demi- wyvern or. Seat — Whitburn Hall, Sunderland. Clubs — Brooks's, Marlborough. VICTOR ALEXANDER WILLIAMSON, Esquire, Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Barrister-at-Law. Born. June 28, 1838, being the fourth son of the late Sir Hedworth Williamson, seventh Baronet, by his wife Anne Elizabeth, commonly known as the Honourable Anne Elizabeth, third daughter of the Right Honourable Thomas Henry Liddell, f&st Baron Ravensworth ; created Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1882. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or, a chevron gules between three trefoils slipped sable (for Williamson); 2. argent, an escutcheon sable, in an orle of eight cinquefoils gules (for Hedworth) ; 3. gules, a fret argent (for Huddleston) ; pendent below the escut- cheon is his badge as a Companion of the Most Dis- tinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown gules, a demi- wyvern or. Postal address — 32 Lower Belgrave Street, London, S.W. Clubs — Brooks's, Travellers', Fox. JAMES WILLIAMSON-NAPIER, Gentleman (formerly James Williamson), present representative of Napier of Kilmahew. Born January 25, 1855, being the eldest son of| late Thomas Williamson, M.D., Leith, by Mary Anne his is the Military Cockade, mil mn 1471 wife, dau. of the late Francis Howden, Edinburgh. Ar- morial bearings — Parted per pale gules and azure, on a bend argent three crescents of the second, and in the sinister canton a spur-revel of the third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a man's head adorned with laurel proper ; and in an escroU over the same this Motto, " Virtute gloria parta." Married, March 23, 1885, Albertina Elizabeth, daughter of J. D. J. Schott of Arnheim, Holland ; and has Issue — (i) Maxwell Napier Williamson-Napier, Gentleman, born February 2, i88g ; (2) Albert Napier Williamson- Napier, Gentleman, born October 5, 1894; Jane Napier; Jacobina Johanna Napier ; and Mary Welsh Napier. Postal address — Velperweg 52, Arnheim, Holland. WILLIAMSON-ROSS of Pitcalnie (L.O., matric. 18 Oct. 1904). Gules, three lions rampant argent. Eld. d. of John Hugh Ross Williamson, b. 1837 ; d. 1872 ; m. 1865, Fanny Georgiana, d. of Rev. Theophilus Clarke, V. of Tadcaster : — Ethel Frances Sarah Williamson-Ross. Seat — Pitcalnie, CO. Ross, N.B. Res.— The. Cottage. Tain, N.B. WILLIS (R.L., H. Coll.). Argent, a fesse between three lions rampant gules, within a bordure ermines. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two lion's paws erect and erased ermines, holding a human heart gules. Motto — " Virtus tutissima cassis." Son of Capt. Henry Rodolph D'Anyers Willis of Halsnead, J. P., D.L. , late 92nd Highlanders, Lord of the Manor of Whiston, b. 1834; d. 1902; tn. 1862, Alice, d. of Rev. Robert Hornby, M.A., of Lythwood Hall, Salop :— Richard Atherton de Anyers Willis, Gentleman, Lord of the Manor of Whiston, late Lieut, isth Hussars, b. 1871. Seat — Halsnead Hall, Prescot, Lanes. SJOHN WILLIAM WILLIS-BUND, Esquire, J. P., D. L. , and Chairman of Quarter Sessions and of the Law. Born August 8, 1843, being the only son of John Walpole Willis, Esq. , J. P. and U. L. for the co. of Worcester, by his second wife Ann Susanna Kent, dau. of Col. Thomas Henry Bund, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Worcester; assumed the additional surname and arms of Bund by Royal License in the year 1864. Livery — White, scarlet collar, cuffs, and facings. Armorial bearings — Ermine, three piles gules, two issuing from the chief and one in base, each charged with an eagle's leg erased at the thigh or ; and impaling the arms of Temple, namely, quarterly i and 4, or an eagle displayed sable ; 2 and 3 argent, two bars sable, each charged with three martlets or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, two lions' gambs erased and erect or, holding a griffin's head erased. Motto, " Optivo floreo nomine." Married, firs\., April 1872, Harriette Penelope Temple (d, 1895), dau. of Richard Temple, Esq., D.L., J.P., of The Nash, co. Wor- cester, sister of Sir Richard Temple, Bart. ; and has Issue — Henry Dewi Hampton Willis- Bund, Gentleman, b. 1882 ; Margaret [m. 1894, John Henry Milward] ; Mary Susanna [m. 1904, John L. Macarthy] ; and Penelope Ann. He married secondly, 1896, Mary Elizabeth, youngest dau. of Gen. Reynell Thackeray, C.B. , and Lady Elizabeth Thacke- ray, widow of Col. Holcombe, ist Royals. Estates — Wick, CO. Worcester. Postal addresses — Wick, Episcopi, Worces- tershire ; IS Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. Chibs — Oxford and Cambridge, Constitutional. The Late CHARLES WILLIAM WILLOCK- DAWES, Gentleman, M.A. (Balliol Coll., Oxon.). Born 1820, being the only son of the late Alexander Charles Willock, Lieut. R.A. , by Harriet Maria, only dau. of the late John Dawes ; and assumed the additional surname and arms of Dawes by Royal License 1870, under the will of his maternal uncle. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, sable, on a chevron between in chief two mullets and in base an acorn slipped or, a mullet of the first, between two acorns slipped vert (for Dawes) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a fesse gules, between in chief two eagles' heads erased of the last, and in base a padlock sable, a martlet between two escallops of the first (for Willock). Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount be- tween two acorns slipped and leaved proper, an arm em- bowed vested sable, cuffed or, holding in the hand a sprig of myrtle proper (for Dawes) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head erased gules, gorged with a collar gemel argent, suspended from the beak a padlock sable (for Willock). Motto — "Fear not." Married, 1846, Maria, only dau. of Richard Gosling. Seats — Burton Hill, Pet- worth ; 2 Courtenay Terrace, Hove. Club — Union. WILLOUGHBY, quartered by BERTIE and CARING- TON. SYDNEY BEAUMONT WILLOUGHBY, Gentleman. Born March 29, 1859, being the fourth son of the Reverend Percival George Willoughby, by his wife Sophia, eldest daughter of Edward Blackett Beaumont, Esquire. Armo- rial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, or fretty azure (for Willoughby of Parham) ; 2 and 3 or, two bars gules, thereon three water- bougets, two and one argent (for Willoughby of Middleton) ; impaling the arms of Er- skine, namely, quarterly i. argent, a pale sable (for Erskine) ; 2. azure, a bend between six cross crosslets fitch^e or (for Mar) ; 3. or, a fesse chequy azure and argent (for Stuart) ; 4. argent, three bars gemelles gules, surmounted by a lion rampant sable (for Fairfax). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a man's head couped at the shoulders and affront^e proper, ducally crowned or. Married, June 7, 1887, Margaret Katherine, commonly known as the Honourable Margaret Katherine, daughter of the Right Honourable John Erskine, fourth Baron Erskine ; and has Issue — Christopher John Willoughby, Gentleman, born 1889. County Council of the co. of Worcester, and J. P. and Chair- man of Quarter Sessions of the co. of Cardigan, Barrister-at- The Honourable Sir ALFRED WILLS, Knight Bachelor, Bar. Middle Temple 1851, Q.C. 1872, and Trea- surer 1892-93 ; a Judge of High Court of Justice (Queen's Bench Div. ) 1884 ; was Pres. of Railway and Canal Commis- is tbe Naval Cockade. I M7« mn mn sion 1888-1893; was Recorder of Shcflield 1880-84. Rom i8a8, being the second son of the Intc William Wills, Solicitor, of Uimiingham. Armorial bearing— Aiure, on a rock issuing from the dexter Ixise an eagle proper, on a chief erniioe, a Italance or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a sword resting upon the hilt and |x>int, an eagle, and [Hjndent from its neck by a ribbon an escutcheon charged with a balance. Motto — "Supra nives et rupes." Married, firstly, 1854, Lucy, who d. i860, dau. of George Martineau of Tulse Hill ; secondly, 1861, Bertha, dau. of Thomas Lombe Taylor of Starston, Norfolk. Residence — Saxholm Bassett, Hants. Chambers— f>*fl Royal Courts of Justice, W.C. Club — Athenaeum. Sir FREDERICK WILLS, ist Baronet (Feb. 15, 1897), of Manor Heath, Bournemouth, Hants, and of Northmoor, Dulverton, Somerset. J. P., M.P. for North Bristol since 1900. Bom Nov. 21, 1838, being the son of the late Henry Overton Wills of Bristol, by his wife Isabella, dau. of William and Isabella Board of Bristol. Armorial bearings — Gules, three suns in splendour fesseways between two griphons passant all or ; the escutcheon charged with his badge or Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from an annulet or, a demi-grryphon gules charged with a sun in splendour and holding in the dexter claw a battle-axe also or. Motto — "Quo lux ducit." Married, July 3, 1867, Anne, eldest dau. of Rev. James Hamilton, D.D,, of Stonehouse, co. Lanark ; and has Issue — (i) Arthur James Hamilton, Esq., b. May I, 1868 \m., July 15, 1895, Evelyn M'Donald, youngest dau. of Philip Albert Myburgh, K.C., and has a dau., Evelyn Irene Hamilton]; (2) Gilbert Alan Hamilton Wills. Esq., b. March 28, 1880; (3) Frederick Noel Hamil- ton Wills, Esq., b. Feb. 25, 1887; Edith Annie Hamilton ; Margaret Hamilton ; and Kathleen Mary Christina Hamil- ton. Residence — 9 Kensington Palace Gardens, W. Club — Reform. WILLIAM ARTHUR WILLS, Gentleman. Bom , being the son of the late William Myers Wills of Lancaster Road, West Norwood. Armorial bearings- Argent, gutt6e-de-poix, three gyphons passant in pale sable, between two fiaunches of the last, each charged with a chevron argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Uf)on a wreath of the colours, a demi-gryphon azure, gorged with a collar gemel argent, holding in the dexter claw a battle-axe erect proper, and resting the sinister on an escut- cheon of the second, charged with a quatrefoil vert. Motto — "Sursum." Sir WILLIAM HENRY WILLS, 1st Baronet (Aug. 12, 1893), of Blagdon, Somerset, of East Court, Isle of Thanet, and of Hyde Park Gardens, London, J. P. and D.L. Somerset, J. P. Kent and Bristol, High Sheriff 1877-78, M.P. for Coventry 1880-85, and for East Bristol 1895-1900. Bom Sept. i, 1830, being the younger but only surviving son of the late William Day Wills of Portland Square, Bristol, by his wife Mary, third dau. of Robert Steven of Glasgow, and of Camberwell, Surrey. Ar- morial bearing^ — Gules, three suns in splendour fessewise, between two gryphons passant all or; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, issuant from an annulet or, a demi-gryphon gules, charged with a sun in splendour, and holding in the dexter claw a battle- axe also or. Motto — " As God wills." Married, ]a.n. 11, 1853, Elizabeth, youngest dau. of John Stancomb of The Prospect, Trowbridge, Wilts. She died Feb. 10, 1896. Residences — Coomlos Lodge, Blagdon, Somerset ; East Court, St. Laurence-on-Sea, Thanet. Town residence — as Hyde Park Gardens, W. Clubs— Refotm, National Liberal, Royal Thames Yacht. ARTHUR PAKENHAM WILLS-SANDFORD. Gen- tleman. Bom 1856, being the eldest son of the late William Sandford Wills-Sandford, Esq., J. P., of Garryglass, Queen's Co., by Julia his wife, youngest dau. of William Foster of Stourton Court, Worcestershire. Club — Arthur's. Armo- rial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per chevron or and ermine, in chief two boars' heads erased sable, langued gnles (for Sandford) ; 2 and 3 argent, three griffins jiassant in pale sable, a l>ordiire of the second, liczant^e. Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. out of a ducal coronet, a boar's head and neck or, langued gules (for S.indford) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-gritnn segreant sable, holding in the claws a battle-axe proper (for Wills). Motto — "Cor unum via una." A'j/afe— Garryglass, Queen's Co. Postal address — 'Ilie Priory House, Sherborne, Dorset. THOMAS GEORGE WILLS-SANDFORD, Gentle- man. Bom 1879, being the son of the late William Robert Wills-Sandford, Esq., of Willsgrove and Castlerea, J. P., Capt. 2nd Dragoons, by his wife Adelaide Elizabeth, 2nd dau. of the late Henry Jephson of Glenbrook, co. Wicklow (and grand-dan. of Sir Philip Crampton, Bart.). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, per chevron or and ermine, in chief two boars' heads erased sable, langued gules (for Sandford) ; 2 and 3 argent, three griffins passant in pale sable within a border of the second bezantte (for Wills). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. from a ducal coronet a boar's head and neck or, langued gules (for Sandford) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin segreant sable, holding in his claws a battle-axe proper. Mottoes — "Cor unum via una," " Patria et amicus." Seats — Castlerea and Wills- grove, CO. Roscommon. Club — Isthmian. WILLS -SANDFORD -WILLS (R.L., 12 Jan. 1889, U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4, argent, three griffins passant in pale sable within a bordure of the second, bezant^e (Wills); 2 and 3, per chevron or and ermine, in chief two boar's heads erased sable, langued gules (Sandford). Mantling sable and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin segreant sable, holding in his claws a battle-axe proper (Wills) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet, a bear's head and neck or, langued gules (Sandford). Mottoes— " Patria et amicis" (Wills); "Cor unum via una " (Sandford). g is the Military cockade. Plate L. Huii^i^ -I3oBrivi3 ■Q^HiSBy O^HeTOR. 15. J2o:rjt-t?, ma mil M73 Sons of Thomas GcorRe Wills-Sandford iu'c R.L. of 1859), Esq. , of Willsprove and ('asllcrca, J. P. and D.L. (lujjli SlicrilT CO. Kosconinion), /». 1817; d. 1887; m. 1841, 'I'lieodosia lileanor ULiKiicn, d. of RoIm^iI Iila>;don I laic of Aldeilcy, (ilos. ; i)y I.,i»dy 'riicodosin, d. of 3rd l''ail of Mayo: — I'^dward Wills-Sandford-Wills (formerly Wills-Sandford), Ks(|., J.l'. CO. Rosconinion (High Sheriff 1904), fi. 1851; M. 1889, Amy Henrietla, d. of Henry Guinness of llurton Hall, Stillorgan, co. Dublin ; and has Issue — Lucy I'Meanor ; and Mary Grace. Sea/ — Cashlicve, Hallinlough, co. Roscommon. 6Vw*— Kildare Street (Dublin). Godfrey Rolxirt Wills-Sandford, (ientloman [Arms (R.I.,. 1859)— Quarterly, i and 4, .Sandford as abalewise of the second, two Haunches of the last, each charged with a mullet of six points of the tirst. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-wolf or, gutl<5-de-poix, hold- ing in the dexter (>aw a mullet as in the arms, and resting the sinister on an escutcheon sable, charged with an estoile or. Son of : — George Hannway Wilson, Gentleman, d. . /ies. — Longwood, Tor Mohun, co. Devon. WII.SON of Bannercross (H. Coll.). Azure, two chevronels argent, between as many mullets in chief of the last, and a wolf salient in base or. Mantling azure and argent. Orest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from flames proper, a demi-lion azure, gorged with a collar gemel and holding in the dexter paw a mullet both argent. Son of the late George Wilson of Bannercross (eld. s. of George Wilson of Haughmill House) : — Wilson, Gentleman, 6. . Res. — East Keal Manor, Spilsby. Yr. son of George Wilson of Haughmill House, Milton in Balgonie, co. Fife, b. 1800; d. 1868; m. 1826, Isabella, d. of Henry Ralph of Strathmigle : — Sir Alexander Wilson ist Baronet (26 Aug. 1897), J. P. for Sheffield and W. R. Yorks., Consul for Chili at Sheffield [Arms (granted L.O., 1897) — Gules, a chevron wavy between two mullets in chief argent, and eight arrows in saltire points downwards in base proper, feathered and banded of the second. Crest — A demi-lion rampant gules, charged on the shoulder with a star of six points argent], b. 1836 ; m. 1866, Edith Hester, d. of Henry Vickers of Holmwood, Eccleshall. Seat — Archer House, Eccleshall, Yorks. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Whitehall, Scottish Con- servative. ARTHUR BROMBY WILSON- BARKWORTH, Gentleman, Doctor of Laws of the University of Cam- Frances Mary, daughter of the late Reverend John Healey Bromby, Vicar of Hull, and Miisier of the Charter House there ; assumed the additional surname of Bark- worth, and the arnis of Barkworth (juarterly with his own, by Royal License. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, checjuy or and gules, on a liend cotised .azure, an estoile between two lions ramjiant argent (for Barkworth) ; 2 and 3 sable, a wolf rampant lx:tween two estoiles in fesse and a fasces in chief fessewise, all argent (for Wilson). Crests — i. up)on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent, holding in the dexter paw a clarion, and resting the smister paw on an estoile both gules (for liark- worth) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi- wolf sable, gorged with a colLir gemel, a fasces argent (for Wilson). Motto — " Esto quod esse videris." Marriea Emily, heir to her father, George Barkworth of Thearne, in the county of York ; and has Issue — Kenneth Arthur Wilson - Barkworth, Gentleman. Estates — The Elms, Kirkella, in the county of York. Postal address — The Elms, Kirkella, near Hull. S WILLIAM HENRY WILSON - FITZGERALD, Esquire, of Inchoveagh, co. Clare, and Chacombe, co. Northampton, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant CO. Clare, and High Sheriff 1882, Justice of the Peace for the county of Northampton, Barrister-at-Law. Bom April 22, 1844, being the second son of the late Richard Bassett Wilson of Cliffe Hall, in the county of York, by his wife Anne, second daughter of the late William Fitzgerald, Esquire, of Adelphi, J. P., High Sheriff of County Clare 1842 ; and assumed by Royal License in 1872 the addi- tional surname and arms of Fitzgerald, in compliance with the will of his maternal grandfather. Livery — Chocolate and buff. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, bridge, second son of Exiward Shimells Wilson of The Grange, Melton, in the county of York, by his wife ermine on a saltire gules, a boar's head couped or (for Fitzgerald) ; 2 and 3 per pale argent and azure, on a fesse cotised three lions' gambs fesseways, all counterchanged (for Wilson), and impaling the arms of Stanhope, namely, quarterly ermine and gules, in the centre a crescent on a crescent for difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a boar passant gules, bristled and armed or, charged with a saltire gold (for Fitzgerald) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert in front of a lion's head erminois, a lion's gamb erased argent (for Wilson). Motto — " Shan- net a boo." Married, 1885, Isabella Olave, only daughter of the late Russell C. Stanhope, Esquire, of Parsontown Manor, in the county of Meath ; and has Issue — (i) Francis is tbe Military Cockaule. i mil mux 1479 William Wilson-Fitzgerald, Gentleman, born December 8, 1886 ; and Olave Clare. Seat — Chacombe, near Banbury. Cluds — New University, Kildiire Street (Dublin). JOHN WILSON -HAFFENDEN, Esq. Born 1836, being the eldest .and only surviving son of the late William Wilson of Scarborough, co. York, by Mary, only dau. and heiress of William Reed. Armorial bearings— Quarterly I and 4, chequy argent and sable, on a bend azure, three escutcheons of the first, each charged vk'ith a mullet of the second (for Haffenden) ; 2 and 3 sable, a wolf salient or, collared of the field, in chief a cross pat^e between two estoiles, and in base an estoile of the second (for Wilson) ; and on an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Haffen- den. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a gryphon's head erased sable, pendent from the beak an escutcheon argent, charged with a mullet sable (for Haffenden) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-wolf or, guttfe-de-sang, holding between the paws a cross pat^e gules. Married, 1870, Charlotte Isabella, dau. and coheir (with her sister Catherine Harriett Caroline) of the late A. Haffenden (whose name and arms he has assumed by Royal License) ; and has, with other Issue — James Wilson-Haffenden, Gentleman, b. 1871. HENRY BEVAN WILSON -SLATOR, Gentleman. Bom Dec. 20, 1884, being the third but eldest surviving son of the late George Warren Wilson-Slator, Esq., J. P. CO. Meath, J. P. and D. L. co. Longford, High Sheriff co. Longford 1877, by his wife Harriette Yokes, only dau. of James Yokes Mackey, Esq. , J. P. of Scrippletown, co. Dublin. Armorial bearing^s— Argent, a saltire azure, between four trefoils slipped vert. Mantling vert and azure. Crest ~ On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant per pale gules and sable, holding in the dexter paw a trefoil slipped, as in the arms. Motto — " Garde la loi. " Seats — Belville House, Dunshaughlin ; White Hill, Edgeworthstown. S WILLIAM HENRY WILSON-TODD, Esquire, formerly Captain 39th Regiment, J. P. and D.L. for the North Riding of the county of York, Member of Parliament for the Howdenshire Division. Born April 17, 1828, being the son of the late Colonel J. Wilson, 74th Regi- ment, of Roseville, in the county of Wexford, by his wife Frances, daughter of the late Honourable John Robinson. Clubs — Army and Navy, Carlton, Constitutional. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a mascle pierced between three foxes' heads couped gules, on a border vert four martlets of the first (for Todd) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron between three mullets gules, as many pallets or, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Todd (for Wilson). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, on a trunk of an oak-tree fesseways a fox sejant proper collared or (for Todd) ; 2. out of a mural coronet or, a demi- lion rampant gules, holding in the dexter paw a trefoil gold, motto over, "Semper vigilans" (for Wilson). Motto — " Oportet vivere." Married, 1855, Jane Marian Ruther- ford, daughter and heiress of the late John Todd, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Tranby Park, and Halnaby Hall, in the county of York, whose surname and arms he assumed by Royal License in 1855, in addition to his patronymic ; and has, with other Issue — An only son, William Pierrepont Wilson- Todd, Esquire, born 1857, late Captain 4th Hussars [married, 1887, Catharine Crawford, daughter of the late James Russel of Blackbraes, in the co. of Stirling, and has, James Henry Wilson-Todd, Gentleman, born 1891]. Postal address — Tranby Park, Hull; Halnaby Hall, Darlington. S CHARLES RANALD DAYIDSON - WILSONE, Gentleman, Lieut. 5th Yol. Batt. Argyll and Suther- land Highlanders. Born Sept. 6, 1867, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Charles Henry Haldane Wilsone, Esq., of Dalnair, Stirlingshire, J. P. for cos. Stirling and Dumbarton, by his wife Fannie Marshall Sarle of Westness, Orkney. Livery — Dark blue and white. Armorial bearings (Matric. L.O. , 1777) — Argent, a chevron between three stars gules within a bordure of the last. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a tnlbot's head erased argent, langued gules. Motto — "Semper vigilans." Married, April 25, 1886, Augusta Aimte Davidson, only child of the late James Davidson of Balgray (second son of the late James Davidson of Ruchill and Balgray). Residence — Campfield, Glassel, R.S.O., Aberdeenshire. WILTSHIRE, quartered by SLAUGHTER. GEORGE WINCH, Gentleman, First Mayor of the Borough of Chatham. Born Sept. 20, 1842, being the fourth son of Edward Winch of Chatham and Eliza his wife. Armorial bearings— Gules, on a chevron between two escallops in chief and an eagle displayed in base all or, an ancient ship with three masts proper, sails argent, colours flying of the first, between two roses of the last, barbed and seeded proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed or, charged on the breast with an escallop, and holding in each claw a rose gules, leaved and slipped proper. Motto — " Yive ut vivas." Married, Aug. 22, 1866, Mary Clarke Bluett; and has Issue — (i) George Bluett Winch, Gentle- man, b. June 14, 1868; (2) Richard Bluett Winch, Gentle- man, b. July 5, 1869 ; (3) Edward Bluett Winch, Gentleman, b. Aug. 27, 1873; (4) Arthur Bluett Winch, Gentleman, b. Sept. 27, 1874 ; (s) Gordon Bluett Winch, Gentleman, b. Dec. 26, 1876 ; Mary Bluett ; Eliza Bluett \in. the Rev. Chas. John Todd, M.A., R.N.]; Agnes Bluett; and Laura \fn. Frank Toller Whinney, of 46 Wynstay Gardens, Ken- sington]. Estates — Wigniore, Gillingham, Kent; Hol- combe, Chatham, Kent. Residence — Holcombe, Chatham, Kent. Club — Junior Carlton. WINDER, see CORBETT-WINDER. CHARLES WINDHAM, Esquire, Capt. R.N., served in the Abyssinian Expedition 1868, and with the Naval Brigade in Ashanti War 1873-74, present at battles of Amoaful, Ordahsu, and capture of Coomassie ; served in H.M.S. " Monarch " during the Egyptian Expedition 1882 ; landed with the Naval Brigade at Port Said ; Captain of His Majesty's Royal Yacht " Osborne" since Oct. 26, 1896. Born March i, 1851, being the eldest son of the late Lieut.- Gen. Sir Charles Ashe Windham, by his first wife, Marianne Catherine Emily, youngest dau. of Sir John Poo Beresford, Bart., K.C.B., G.C.H., K.T.S., Admiral of the White. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron between three lions' heads erased or. Mantling azure and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased within a fetter- lock, both or, the bow compony counter-compony or and azure. Motto -" Au bon droit. " Postal address — JOHN WINDHAM, Esquire. Born March 24, 1854, being the second son of Lieut. -Gen. Sir Charles Ashe Windham, by his first wife, Marianne Catherine Emily, youngest dau. of Sir John Poo Beresford, Bart., K.C. B., is the Naval Cockade. 1480 min min O.C.H.. K.T.S.. Admiral of the White. Armorial bear- ings — Atun.". a chevron Iwtwcen three lions' heads erased or. My"*"''g azure and or. Great— On a wreath of the colours, a lions head erased within a fetterlock, both or, the liow compony counter-compony or and azure. MottO — " Au bon droit. " Postal address — REGINALD WINDHAM. Esquire. Bom April 11, 1864, being the fourth but third surviving son of the late Lieut. -Gen. Sir Charles Ashe Windham, by his first wife, Marianne Catherine Emily, youngest diiu. of Sir John Poo Bcresford, Bart., K.C.B., G.C.H., K.T.S., Admiral of the White. Armorial bearings— Aziu-e, a chevron between three lions' heads erased or. Mantling azure and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased within a fetterlock, both or, the bow compony counter- compony or and azure. Motto — " Au bon droit. " Postal address — WINDHAM (R.L., 2a May 1823, H. Coll.). Quarterly, I and 4, azure, a chevron between three lion's heads erased or (Windham, temt. Henry VI.) ; 3 and 3, sable, a fessc dancetttJe argent, billet^, between three lioncels ram- jKint reguardant of the second, each supporting an altar or, flaming proper (Smijth). Mantlings — i. azure and or ; 2. sable and argent ; 3. gules and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours (azure and or), on a fetterlock or, within the double chain thereof twisted of the last and azure, a lion's head erased of the first (Windham) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours (sable and argent), a salamander in flames of fire projier (Smijth) ; 3. an eagle rising sable, holding in his right claw a pen argent, issuing thereout flames of fire set upon a wreath argent and azure (also for Smijth. Gts. i, vol. iv. p. 24). Badge — A fetterlock or, from the loop a twisted chain in orle of the last and azure, encom[>assing a lion's head erased of the first (Windham, temp. Henry VIII.). Mottoes— "Abon droit" (Windham) ; "Qua pote lucet" (Smijth). Livery — XizxV. blue, yellow facings, blue and yellow striped waistcoat. Son of Capt. Joseph Smijth- Windham (formerly Smijth), 10th Hussars, b. 1792 ; d. 1857 ; m. 1824, Katherine, d. of John Trotter of Dyrham Park, Herts : — Ashe Windham, Esq. [assumed the name of Windham only by R.L., 1888], b. 1830; m. 1859, Juliet Alexa, d. of Col. Hugh Maclean, late Scots Guards, XVth Laird of Coll, CO. Argyll; and has issue— (i) Ashe Windham, Esq. (of Waghen Hall, Yorks. Clubs — Active Service, Albe- marle, Yorkshire (York)), J.P. East Rdg. Yorks., B.A., Capt. 3rd Batt. E. Yorks. Regt. , served in S. Africa 1900-2 (two medals, five clasps), h. 1863 \m. 1903, Cora Ellen Sowerby, d. of late Capt. Henry Sowerby Middleton ; and has issue— Ralph Windham, Gentleman, b. 1905 ; and Joan]; (2) William Windham, Gentleman, Sec. for Native Affairs. Transvaal, b. 1864 \in. Blanche, d. of Achille Titren of Durban, Natal ; and has issue— William Evan Windham, Gentleman, b. 1904; and Alba]; (3) John Windham, Gentleman, b. 1867 ; and Katharine Jane \m. 1889, Major- Gen. Hon. George Tall)Ot Devercu.x ; and has issue .cc Devereux]. 5m/— Waghen Mall, Hull (Yorks). George Smijth-Windham. Esq., late Major Rifle Brigulc, served m Crimea and Indian Mutiny, b, 1833; m. 1865, Clarissa Elizabeth, d. of I^rd Charles James Fox Russell ; and has issue— (i) Charles Joseph Smijth-Windham, Esq., Major Indian Army, Pol. Assist, in Foreign Dept., India, b. 1867 \m. 1893, Mildred Bayntun, d. of late John Bayntvm Starky, of Spye Park, Wilts ; and has issue — Ashe Wadhani .Smijth-Windham, Gentleman, #. 1894: and John Bayntun Russell Smijth-Windham, Gentleman, b. 1897]; (2) Walter George Smijth-Windham, Gentleman, King's Foreign Service Messenger, late Lieut. Roy. Indian Manne, b. 1868 ; {3! Claude Seymour Smijth-Windham, Gentleman, b, 1869 ; (4) Edward John Smijth-Windham, Gentleman, b. 1871 ; (s| James Ashe Smijth-Windham, Gentleman, b. 1873; (6) Henry Steuart Smijth-Windham, Gentleman, b. 1873 (twin with his brother) ; (7) Arthur Russell Smijth-Windham , b. 1874 [;«. 1901, Brenda Helen, d. of Gerald Hall, Esq., J. P., of Anstey Manor]; and Evelyn \m. 1903, Francis Hoof)er Rawlin] ; and has issue — Cosmo Windham Hooper Rawlin?, Gentleman, b. 1904I. Res, — Bembridge, Isle of Wight. Joseph Charles Smijth-Windham, Esq., Lt.-Col. R.A. (ret.), b. 1838 ; m. 1st, 1876, Emily Harriet (rf. 1878), d. of Sir Claude William de Crespigny, Bart. ; 2nd, 1896, Frances Helen, widow of G. Fordati ; and has issue (by first mar.) — Katherine Emily ; Mary ; and (by second mar. ) Violet Agnes. Res. — Ridgway, Farnham, Surrey. Francis Wentworth Smijth-Windham, Gentleman, b. 1847; m. ; and has issue a son, ^. . Res. — WINDLE (H. Coll.). Gules, on a pile between two crosses pat6e in base or, three martlets of the field. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head caboshed proper, between two crosses patde or. Motto — " Non omnis moriar." is the Military Cockade. min min 1481 Sons of Rev. William Windle, i. 1818 ; d. 1899: — Rev. William Edward Windle, Vicar of Ugborough, Ivy bridge, i. Ernest Windle, Gentleman, 6. Percival Windle, Gentleman, l>. Alfred Windle, Gentleman, 6. . Res. — Winstone House, Compton, Wolverhampton. Rev. Theodore Windle, b. Sons of Rev. Samuel Allen Windle, B.D., Vicar of Market Rasen, Lines,, b. 1827; d. i88o; m. 1854, Sydney Katherine, d. of Vice-Adm. Sir Josiah Coghill Coghill, Bart. :— Bertram Goghill Alan Windle, Esq., F.R.S., Pres. Queen's Coll., Cork, D.Sc, M.D., M.A., F.S.A.,late Prof, of Anatomy and Dean of the Medical Faculty in Univ. of Birmingham, b. 1858; 7n. ist, 1886, Madoline Mary {d. 1900), d. of William Hudson ; 2nd, 1901, Edith Mary, d. of O. Nazer ; and has had issue— Laurence Alan Ignatius Windle, b. 1896 (deceased) ; Dorothea Mary Katherine ; and Honora Mary Florence. Res. — Queen's Coll., Cork. Reginald Joscelyn Windle, Esq., M.B., Major R. A.M. C, b. i860 ; m. 1893, Louise, d. of Ralph Dalyell Welch. Res. — 18 Burlington Road, Dublin. Club — Naval and Military. Son of : — Rev. Henry Edward Windle, b. 1834 ; m. 1858, Mira, d. of Thomas Bates ; and has issue — Rev. William Henry Windle, M.A. (Odiham Vicarage, Winchfield, Hants), b. 1859 [m. 1891, Mary Isabel, d. of Richard Hobbes Taun- ton ; and has issue— Michael William Maxwell Windle, Gentleman, b. 1892 ; Richard Henry Cairnes Windle, Gen- tleman, b. 1894; Christopher Gervase Windle, Gentleman, b. 1902 ; and Hannah Frances Mira]. WINDLEY (H. Coll.). Azure, on a bend nebuly erminois between two wolf's heads erased or, gutt6-de- larmes, three fleurs-de-lis of the first. Mantling azure and CO. Westmorland, and of Broughton, Sulney, co. Notts; 2nd, 1862, Frances, d. of Edward Crosland : — Rev. Thomas Wilson Windley, M.A. (Cantab.), Vicar of All Saints, Nottingham, b. 1850; m. 1886, Clara, d. of Rev. Francis Morse, Preb. of Lincoln and Vicar of St. Mary's, Nottingham ; and has issue — Francis Morse Windley, Gentleman ; Gladys Elizabeth Mary ; and Ursula Marjorie Clara. Res. — All Saints' Vicarage, Not- tingham. John William Windley, Gentleman, b. 1852 ; m. 1900, Margaret Bennie, d. of Henry Atkins Newell-Atkins of Warrenpoint, co. Down. Res. — Sherwood, Nottingham. William Windley, Gentleman, M.A. (Cantab. ), M. R.C. S. , b. 1859; m. 1885, Katharine Barbara, d. of Lawrence Hill, C.E. , of Hillhead, Glasgow; and has issue — Dorothy, Katharine Muriel ; Elizabeth Marjorie ; Laura Frances ; Mary Hill ; and Nina Catherine Jean. Res. — Colston Bassett, Bingham, Notts. Edward Crosland Windley, Gentleman, b. 1863 ; m. 1902, Florence, d. of Daniel Cloete of Newlands, Cape Colony; and has issue— Rudolph William Cloete. Res. — Clyst Hazel, Wynberg, S. Africa. Rev. Francis Windley, M.A. Oxon., Vicar of Dethick, Lea, and HoUoway, b. 1865 ; m. 1892, Ethel Justice, d. of Henry Webb of Hartlip, Kent ; and has issue— Irene Stella Justice ; and Frances Agnes Joyce. Res. — The Vicarage, Lea, nr. Matlock, Derbyshire. Club — Westminster. Rev. Henry Chadwick Windley, M.A. (Cantab.), Vicar of St. Chad's, Gateshead, b. 1870. Res. — St. Chad's, Gateshead. Club—'Ra.Xh. WINDSOR, quartered by DUCKETT and CONYERS, WINDSOR HERALD, see LINDSAY. WINGATE (L.O.) Gules, a portcullis with chains pendent or, a chief embattled of the last. Mantling gules, or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a wolfs head erased or, gorged with a collar nebuly azure, three fleur-de-lis also azure. Motto — " Stat sua cuique dies." Sons of William Windley, Esq., J. P., of Fernleigh, Nottingham, b. 1822 ; d. 1877 ; m. ist, 1849, Elizabeth {d. i860), d. of Rev. John Wilson of Ravenstonedale, doubled or. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a port- cullis as in the arms. Motto — "Win." Son of Andrew Wingate of Broadfield, Renfrewshire, b. 1813 ; d. 1862 ; »2. 1845, Bessie, d. of Richard Turner of Dublin : — Sir Francis Reginald Wingate, K.C.B. (Mil., 1900), K.C.M.G. (1898), D.S.O. (1889), has ist class Osmanieh and Medjidie, the 2nd class Iron Crown of Austria, and is tbe Naval Cockade. I48> min min ihe and class Stw of Ethiopia, served with Nile Exped. 1884-5 (nieiit. desp., medal, clasp, lironze star, 4th class Mctljidie). at nctioas of Toski 1889 (ment. desp., clasp, I).S.O. ) ami Tokar and capture of Afant 1891 (ment. desp. , clasp to l>ronte star, 3rd class Medjidie), and with Dongola Kxjieil. 1896. present at actions of Firket and Hafir (ment. desp. , medal, two clasps), in Soudan cimpaign 1897 (clasp), look part in the liatllos of Atbara and Omdurman and Fashoda exped. (medal, two clasps, ment. desp., K.C.M.G., and receive*! thanks of both Houses of Parliament), followed up and finallv defeated the Khalifa, who was killed in the tiattle 1899 (K..C.H., two clasps, and and class Osmanieh), acted as Gov. and Oflicer commdg. Troops in Suakin Dist. 1894, A.D.C. to Queen Victoria 1^7. A.G. Egyptian Army and Director of Mil. Intelligence, Chief of the Sirdar s Staff 1899, Sirdar and Govemor-Gen. of the Soudan since 1899, t. 1861 ; m. 1888, Catherine Leslie, d. of Capt. Joseph Sp-orkhall Rundle, R.N. ; and has surv. issue — (i) Ronald Evelyn Leslie Wingate, Esq., d. 1889; (a) Malcolm Roy Wingate, Esq., i. 1893; and Victoria Alexandrina Cathe- rine (to whom Queen Victoria was sponsor). lies. — Stafford House, Dunbar; War Office, Cairo; The Palace, Khartoum. Ciuis — Army and Navy, Beefsteak, Turf (Cairo), Sudan (Khartoum). WINGFIELD, see POWERSCOURT. WINGFIELD, Baron, see POWERSCOURT. WINGFIELD. Quarterly, i, argent, on a bend gules, cotised sable, three pairs of wings conjoined in leure of the field, with a mullet for distinction (for Wingfield) ; 2. argent, a chevron between three ravens sable (for Rice) ; jFlDEUTEiyPEDlEUi 3, gules, a lion rampant within a border engrailed or (for Talbot); 4. argent, two chevronels azure between three trefoils slipped vert (for De Cardonnel). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi- eagle rising, wings expanded argent, looking at the sun in its glory. Livery — Dark green coat, black velvet collar ; for dress, yellow waistcoat. Sons of Edward Rhys Wingfield, Esq., J. P., n I, , of Darrington Park, Oxon., />. 1849; d. 1901 ; m. iM;i, Edith Caroline, d. of the Rev. Peter A. L. Wood, Canon of Middleham, Yorks : — Mervyn Edward Georce Rhys Wingfield, Esq,, J. P. Oxon., Hon. Capt. in the Army, Hon. Major 4th Glos. Mil,, of and Life Guards, d. 187a. Seat — Barrmgton Park, Bur- ford, Oxon. William Jocelyn Rhys Wingfield, Esq., Capt. 19th Hussars, d. 1873. Charles John Fitzroy Rhys Wingfield, Esq. , Third Secre- tary H.M. Diplomatic Service, d. 1877. Maurice Ffolliott Wingfield, Gentleman, late Oxford L. I. , i. 187^. Cecil John Talbot Rhys Wingfield, Gentleman, Lieut. King's Royal Rifles, d. 1881. ANTHONY HENRY WINGFIELD. Esquire, J. P. for CO. of Bedford, High Sheriff 1893. Born Sept. 8, 1857, being the eldest son of the late George John Wingfield (son of the Hon. Edward Wingfield), by his wife Sophia, dau. of Philip Pauncefort Duncombe of Brickhill Manor ; sister of late Sir Philip Duncombe, Bart. C/ud — Junior Carlton. Livety — Dress: green, with gold facings and aigrettes, white waistcoat, green plush breeches with gold band, black stockings; undress: green coat, brass buttons, plain white waistcoat, black trousers. Armorial bearings- Argent, on a bend gules, three pairs of wings conjoined in leure of the field, impaling the arms of Benyon, namely, ' quarterly i and 4, vair^e, sable, and or, on a chief wavy of j the last, an Eastern crown between two mullets gules ; a . and 3 azure, a fesse dancettfe ermine, between three lions' heads erased or, murally crowned argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi- eagle rising, wings expanded argent, looking at the sun in his glory. Motto — "Fidelite est de Dieu." Married, Feb. 9, 1888, Julia, youngest dau. of the late Richard Benyon of Englefield House, Berks; and has Issue — (i) Anthony Edward Foulis Wingfield, Gentleman, b. Sept. 12, 1892 ; (2) Cecil Andrew Foulis Wingfield, Gentleman, b. Is tbe Military Cockade. OTin rain 1483 Nov. 30, 1895. '^^^^ — Ampthill House, Ampthill. address — 11 Queen's Gardens, Hove, Sussex. Postal CHARLES HUMPHREY WINGFIELD, Gentleman. Born May 20, 1855, being the second son of the late Rev. George Wingfield, Rector of Glatton, Hunts, J. P., by his second wife Persis, dau. of Rev. J. Standly, Rector of Southoe. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend gules, cotised sable, three pairs of wings conjoined of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cap per pale ermines and argent, charged with a fesse gules, between two wings expanded, the dexter of the second, the sinister of the first. Motto — "Posse, nolle nobile." Residence — Sir EDWARD WINGFIELD, K.C.B., B.C.L., Assist- ant Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies 1878-1897, Permanent Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies 1897 to Feb. 1900. Born March 6, 1834, being the fourth son of the late Jolm Muxloe Wingfield, Esq. , of Tickencote, Rut- land, J. P. and D.L. , High Sheriff 1833, by his wife Catherine Ann Harriet, only dau. and heir of Harry Lancelot Lee, of Coton Hall, Salop. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend gules, cotised sable, three pairs of wings conjoined of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cap per pale ermines and argent, charged with a fesse gules, between two wings expanded, the dexter of the second, the sinister of the first. MottO — "Posse, nolle nobile." Married, AY>ri\ 2, 1872, Mary Georgina, eldest dau. of Ven. Archdeacon J. W. Shering- ham, M.A. , Canon of Gloucester. Postal address — 40 Albion Street, W. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. GODFREY LEE WINGFIELD, Gentleman. Born Nov. 28, 1882, being the only son of Rev. Charles Lee Wingfield, Rector of Welwyn, Herts, M.A. , Hon. Canon of St. Albans, by his wife Mary Charlotte, dau. of the late Colonel Frederick Blake, C.B. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend gules, cotised sable, three pairs of wings conjoined of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cap jjer pale ermines and argent, charged with a fesse gules between two wings expanded, the dexter of the second, the sinister of the first. Motto — " Posse, nolle nobile." Residence — HARRY ROBERT SHAW WINGFIELD, Gentle- man. Born Aug. 22, 1859, being the eldest son of Rev. Harry Lancelot, Rector of Market Overton, Rutland, by his wife Sophia Anna, dau. of Rev. Canon R. W. Shaw, Rector of Cuxton, Kent. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend gules, cotised sable, three pairs of wings con- joined of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cap per pale ermines and argent, charged with a fesse gules, between two wings expanded, the dexter of the second, the sinister of the first. Motto — " Posse, nolle nobile." Residence^ SJOHN MAURICE WINGFIELD, Esquire, Captain Coldstream Guards, F.R.G.S., F.Z.S. Born Feb. i, 1863, being the eldest son of the late John Harry Lee Wingfield, Esq., J. P., High Sheriff 1871, by his wife Eliza- beth Anne, eldest dau. of Maurice Johnson of Ayscoughfee Hall, CO. Lincoln. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend gules, cotised sable, three pairs of wings conjoined of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cap per pale ermines and argent, charged with a fesse gules, between two wings expanded, the dexter of the second, the sinister of the first. Motto — "Posse, nolle nobile." Seats — Tickencote Hall, near Stamford, and Market Overton, Oakham, Rutland. Clubs — Guards', Junior Carlton, and Wellington. The Reverend GEORGE PRESTON KELSALL WINLAW, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Morden, M.A. (Camb. ), educated at Winchester College and at St. John's College, Camb. Bom March 11, 1873, being tlie elder son of the late Rev. William Winlaw, B.D. (Camb.), Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Morden, co. Surrey , by his wife Jane, dau. and heir of Preston Kelsall, Esq., late of Lytham, co. Lancaster. Armorial bearings— Argent, fretty sable, two salmon naiant proper, on a chief arched gules, as many crosses patde or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a hillock vert three jave- lins, one in pale and two in saltire proper, suspended therefrom by a ribbon or an escutcheon sable, charged with an acorn leaved and slipped also or. Motto — " What I win I keep." Married, July 17, 1901, Minnie, youngest dau. of the late S. J. Ashley of Kidlington, Oxon. dence — The Rectory, Morden, Surrey. Resi- WILLIAM WILLOUGHBY WINLAW, Gentleman. Born Sept. 20, 1874, being the younger son of the late Rev. William Winlaw, B.D. (Camb.), Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Morden, co. Surrey, by his wife Jane, dau. and heir of Preston Kelsall, Esq. , late of Lytham, co. Lancaster. Armorial bearings — Argent, fretty sable, two salmon naiant proper, on a chief arched gules, as many crosses pat6e or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a hillock vert three javelins, one in pale and two in saltire proper, suspended therefrom by a ribbon or an escutcheon sable, charged with an acorn leaved and slipped alsoor. MottO — " What I win I keep." Married, Dec. 17, 1901, Vera Annie, heiress of William Hall Russell Atkinson of Newcastle-on-Tyne ; and has Iss7ie — Middleton Willoughby Winlaw, Gentleman, b. Feb. 25, 1903. Residence — Hill House, Morden, Surrey. Postal address — The Rectory, Morden, Surrey. WINSTON, quartered by CONYERS. WINTER, quartered by SANDERSON. S JAMES SANDERSON WINTER, Esq., M.A. (Trin. Coll. , Dublin), J. P. and D.L. forco. Meath, and High Sheriff 1872, and High Sheriff of co. Cavan 1871, lateCapt. Royal Meath Militia. Bom 1830, being the eldest son of the late Samuel Winter, Esq. D. L., of Agher, by Lucy, dau. of the late James Sanderson. Club — Sackville Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings — Chequy or and azure, on a fesse argent, a crescent gules. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a martlet or, charged with a crescent gules. Seat — Agher, Summer- hill, CO. Meath. The Honourable WILLIAM IRVING WINTER- IRVING of Noorilum, Goulburn River, Moira, Victoria, Justice of the Peace, Member of the Legislative Council for is the Naval Cockade. 1484 min that Colony. A>n« in Scotland February 90, 1840, being the second son of Jol»n Winter of Edinburgh, by his wife Janet M;»rgnrct. dauRhter of John Roliert Irving of Bon- shaw. in the county of Dumfries; assumed the additional surname and arms of Irving. CJuis — Australian, Melliourne. Armorial bearlngt— He l>ears for Arms : Qu-irterly i and 4, argent three holly leaves vert (for Irving) ; a and 3 che(|uy or and sable, a fesse argent, charged with a saltire coupetl gtiles, two fliiunches of the last, each charged with two trefoils slipped of the first (for Winter). Upon the escutcheon is pLaccd a helmet Ijefitling his degree, with a mantling vert and argent; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm in armour, hold- ing in the gauntlet a branch of holly consisting of seven leaves and fructed all proper; motto over, " Haud ullis labentia ventis" (for Irving); a. upon a wreath of the colours, a hind trippant argent, supporting with the sinister forefoot a saltire gules, gorged with a collar flory counter- flory, with chain affixed thereto and reflexed over the back sable, and charged on the body with two trefoils slipped of the last (for Winter) ; with the MoUo, "Sub sole sub umbra virens. " Married'm Victoria, June 30, 1868, Frances Amelia, daughter 01 William Drayton Taylor, Esquire, of Timmering, Rodney, Victoria; and has Issue — (i) John Irving Winter-Irving, Gentleman, born August 10, 1872 ; (a) William Irving Winter-Irving, Gentleman, born January 4, 1876 ; (3) Oliver Irving Winter-Irvmg, Gentleman, born September 14, 1878 ; (4) Cyril Nasmyth Irving Winter- Irving, Gentleman, born December 30, 1886 ; (5) another son, born November 13, 1890 ; Frances Irving [married Dr. Henry Fitz-Gerald Powell] ; Margaret Irving ; Amy Irving ; Elsie Irving ; Laura Irving ; and Florence Irving. Estates — Stanhope ; Mount Scobie, in the county of Rodney ; Noorilum, in the county of Moira; Tirrengower, in the counties of Heytesbury and Polwarth, all in Victoria. Postal address — Noorilum , Goulburn River, county Moira, Victoria. THOMAS HENRY RICKETTS WINWOOD, Esquire, M.A., of Wellisford Manor, in the county of Somerset, J. P. for that county and for the county of Cardigan, High Sheriff 1883. Bom Sept. 14, 1852, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Henry Winwood, Esquire, of Tyglyn Ayron, in the county of Cardigan, J. P., High Sheriff 1856, by his wife Phoebe Anne, dau. of David Henderson, Doctor of Medicine, of Montrose. C/«*— Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Gules, on a pile argent, between two roses in base of the last, barbed and seeded proper, a cross botonny mm sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, in front of an eagle's head erased sable, holding in thi- beak a wreath of laurel proper, two wings s.iltiri\v;iv argent. Married, July ii, 1878, Mabel Louisa I'my, daughter of William Parry-Okeden, Esquire, Justice ol the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Turnworth House, in the county of Dorset; and has had lssue--(i) Thomas Ralph Okeden Winwood, Gentleman, l)orn May 19, 1885 ; (a) John Montague Winwood, Gentleman, lx)rn April 30, 1886; Marian Phoebe, died September 4, 1880; Gladys Mabel (d. 1904) ; and Christine Mary. Seat — Wellisford Manor, Wellington, in the county of Somerset. STRAVERS BARTON WIRE, Esquire, one of H.M. Lieutenants for the City of London, son of the late David Williams Wire. Armorial bearings— Argent, five mullets of six points in fesse, between two barrulcts azure. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-bay horse saddled and bridled azure, the face and mane covered with armour projser, resting the sinister foot on an escutcheon argent, charged with a mullet of six points, also azure. Motto — ' ' Vincet qui patitur. " Residence — Blakes, Lyming- ton, Hants. WISDEN. Per fesse gules and argent, a pale with three falcons close, belled and jessed, two and one, and as many quatrefoils, one and two, all counterchanged. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a falcon close, belled and jessed argent, hold- ing in beak a trefoil slipped vert, between two roses gules. leaved and slipped proper. Motto — "Virtus invicta gloriosa." Sons of Lt. -Col. Thomas Faulconer Wisden, Esq., J. P., D.L. Sussex (High Sheriff' 1887), b. 1835 ; d. 1904 ; nt. ist, March i860, Caroline Anna [d. 1869), ygst. d. and coheir of Lt.-Col. Cornelius Cuyler Philip Mair of Bognor; and, 1872, Edith Isabel, d. of Robert Moseley Thomas of Calcutta : — Thomas Faulconer Mair Wisden, Esq., Lieut, and Batt. Royal Sussex Regt. , *. 27 Nov. 1866. Postal address — Broadwater, Sussex. is the Military Cockade. mi0 mit 1485 WISE (H. Coll.). Argent, three chevronels per pale gules and sable, between four fleurs-des-lis, three in chief and one in base of the last. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a Cornish chough proper, charged with three chevronels or, holding in the beak three trefoils slipped vert, and resting the dexter claw on a fleur-de-lis or. Son of Samuel Wise of the North Lodge, Ripon, d. d. m. : — Francis Dickson Wise, Gentleman, Clerk of the Peace for the Liberty of Ripon, and Registrar of Ripon Diocese, b. ; m. 1891, Mary Ellen, eld. d. of late Thomas Dugdale of Cross Hill, Blackburn. Res. — The Red House, Ripon. WISE (H. Coll., 1720). Sable, three chevronels ermine, between as many adders erect or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent, holding in the paw a rose-branch proper, in the mouth a snake vulnerating him in the shoulder and entwined about the body vert. Motto — " Conserva me Domine." Livery — Drab, green collar and cuffs, green and white striped waistcoat, silver buttons. Sons of Henry Christopher Wise, Esq. , of Woodcote, J. P., D.L. , M.P. for South Warwickshire, and Major Warwicksh. Yeo. Cav., b. 1806; d ; m. ist, 1828, Harriet, d. of Sir Gray Skipwith, 3rd Bart. ; 2nd, 1863, Jane Harriet, d. of Sir Edward Cromwell Disbrowe, G.C.M.G. :— Augustus Wise, Gentleman, b. 1840. Res. — Henry Edward Disbrowe Wise, Gentleman, b. 1868. Res. — Walton Hall, Burton-on-Trent. Sons of Matthew Wise, Esq., of Shrubland, Leam- ington, J. P., D.L., b. 1802; d. 1864: m. 1834, Elizabeth, d. of William Staunton of Longbridge, Warw. : — Rev. William George Wise, M.A., Vicar of St. John the Baptist, Leamington, b. 1851 ; m. 1900, Anne Mary, d. of Rev. W. Wilson of Over Norton, Oxon. 5m/— Shrubland Hall, Leamington. Club— ]\inior Constitutional. Henry Edward Wise, M.A., b. 1856. Res. — WILLIAM THOMAS WISEMAN, Gentleman, D.D., LL.D. (U.S.A. 1893), Member of the British Chronological and Astronomical Association, Pres. of the 60th century British-Ephraim Coll. and British-Israel Bible Mission, Author of various literary essays, lectures, reviews, poems. &c., F.R.G.S. (Life Fellow), F.B.P., Member of the Society of Arts. Born May 19, 1837, being the eldest son of the late William Richard Wiseman, by his wife Elizabeth in^e Davis). Armorial bearings — Per chevron sable and gules, on a chevron invected ermine, be- tween two cronels in chief argent and a fleur-de-lis in base or, two arrows chevronwise points upwards proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, the battlements of a tower argent, issuant there- from a demi-man affront^e proper, vested, holding in the dexter hand two arrows in saltire points downwards, and resting the sinister hand on a trefoil slipped, and in front of the man a fleur-de-lis all or. Motto — " Sapit qui Deo sapit." Married, March 28, 1858, Ellen Eugenie (deceased), fifth dau. of the late John Atkinson; and has Issue — (i) William Wiseman, Gentleman, b. Feb. 14, 1859; (2) Vincent Wallace Wiseman, Gentleman, b. Dec. 15, 1865 (deceased) ; (3) Victor Emmanuel Wiseman, Gentleman, b. May 2, 1872 (deceased); (4) Walter Stanley Wiseman, Gentleman, b. Nov. 21, 1874 [m., Dec. 9, 1899, Emily, youngest dau. of the late James Bartlett, and has issue, a son and dau.] ; Ellen Eugenie ; Florence ; Clara Maud ; Lilian [»?. Frederick Henry Bartlett] ; and Grace. He married secondly, Aug. 20, 1900, Catherine Home. Estates — Property in Streatham, Lambeth, and Rother- hithe, Surrey. Postal address — Canfield, 10 KnoUy's Road, Streatham, London, S.W. WISHART, quartered by HAMILTON and ERASER. WISTANTON, quartered by GROSVENOR and by TAUNTON. WITH AM (Vn. Yorks., 1584). Quarterly, i. or, a bendlet gules between three eaglets close sable (Witham) ; 2. perfesse argent and gules (Wawton) ; 3. argent, on a fesse gules, between three popinjays vert, collared and membered of the second, as many escallops (Thweng) ; 4. argent, a chevron gules between three popinjays vert (Cliffe) ; 5. argent, a chevron sable between three cross crosslets gules (Wycliffe) ; 6. argent, on a chevron sable, three stag's heads caboshed of the field (EUerton) ; 7. azure, three bars gemelle and a chief or, a canton gules for difference (Mey- nell) ; 8. argent, on a fesse engrailed sable, three quatrefoils or (Catterick) ; 9. chequy argent and sable, a bordure gules (Catterick) : 10. argent, a bend between six martlets sable, a crescent for difference (Tempest); 11. quarterly argent and gules, in the first quarter a mullet sable (Massey) ; 12. argent, on a bend sable, three covered cups of the field (Rixton) ; 13. argent, a squirrel sejant gules cracking a nut is tbe Naval Cockade. 5B I486 mit mo\ proper (Morton). Mantling gules and or. Crest— Out of R ducai coronet or. a demi-woman, her hair dishevelled proper, in her dexter hand a gem-ring or. Motto — "Oplimc merenti." Sons of the late Robert Shaw James Maxwell-Witham (formerly Witham), E^. . J. P.. D.L., of Kirkconnell House, CO. Kirkcudbright, i. 1819 ; d. 1893; m. 1843, Dorothy Mary, d. and h. of James Maxwell of Kirk- connell : — Lt. -Col. James Kirkconnell Maxwell-Witham, C.M.G., I. P.. D.L., Lt.-Col. comdg. 3rd Batt. K.O. Scottish Borderers [Armi — Quarterly, i and 4, Witham ; 3 and 3, quarterly i. and ilii., argent, an eagle displayed sable, beaked and membered gules, on its breast an escochcon of the first charged with a saltire of the second (Maxwell) ; ii. and iii., azure, two crosiers addorsed in saltire and in chief a mitre or (Kirkconnel)], ^. 1848. Seat — Kirkconnell House, New Abbey, co. Kirkcudbright. Robert Bernard Maxwell-Witham, Gentleman, 6. 1856. /?«. — Kirkconnell House, New Abbey, co. Kirkcudbright. Sons of Sir Charles Witham, Knt., R.N., 6. 1791 ; d. 1853; m. 1829, Jane, d, of John Hoy of Stoke-by- Nayland : — Thomas Maxwell Witham, Esq.,*. 1837. 5*a/— Stoke Priory, Suffolk. Ifes. — 5 Gray's Inn Square, London, W.C. John Davey Witham, Esq., i. 1839. Ifes. — Sydney, N.S.W. Phihp Witham, Esq., 6. 1842; m. 1878, Louisa, d. of Marmaduke C. Salvin of Burn Hall, co. Durham ; and has issue — Charles Witham, Gentleman, d. 1882. Seat — Sutton Place, nr. Guildford, Surrey. /?es. — Whitmoor House, Guildford, Surrey; 2 Hall Road, London, N.W. WITHER, quartered by BEACH. WODEHOUSE, see THORNTON-WODEHOUSE, EDMOND ROBERT WODEHOUSE, Esquire, M.A. (Oxford), M.P. for Bath, Barrister-at-Law. Bom 1835, being the only son of the late Sir Philip Edmond Wode- house, K.C.B. , by his wife Catherine Mary, dau. of the late Francis J. Templer. Armorial bearings — Sable, a chevron or, gutt6e-de-sang, between three cinquefoils ermine, and impaling the arms of Bagot, namely ermine, two chevronels azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm proper, vested argent, and grasping a club in bend sinister or ; and above it the Motto, " Frappe fort," and below the arms, " Agincourt." Married, 1876, Adela, daughter of the late Reverend Charles Walter Bagot, Chancellor of Bath and Wells, and Rector of Castle Rising, in the co. of Norfolk. Ciuis — Travellers', Oxford and Cambridge, Brooks's. HENRY ERNEST WODEHOUSE. Esquire, Com- panion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Police Magistrate and Coroner, Hong- Kong. Bom 1845, being the son of the late Colonel Philip Wodehouse, by his wife Lydia, daughter of Joseph Lea ; created Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1886. Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms: Sable, a chevron or. gutt6e- de-sang. between three cinquefoils ermine. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Com- panion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm couped below the elbow, vested argent, and grasping a club or ; and over it the Motto, "Frappe fort." Married, 1877, Eleanor, daughter of the late Reverend J. Bathurst Deane, Rector of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, London ; and has /wk? living— (i) Philip Peverel John Wodehouse, Gentleman, born 1877 ; (2) Ernest Armine Wodehouse. Gentleman, born 1879 ; (3) Pelham Grenville Wodehouse, Gentleman, born 1881 ; (4) Lancelot Richard Wodehouse, Gentleman, born 1892. Postal address — Hong-Kong. Colonel JOSCELINE HENEAGE WODEHOUSE, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Royal Artillery. Born 1852, being the son of Vice-Admiral George Wodehouse, by his wife Eleanor Charlotte, daughter of Andrew Mortimer Drummond ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1889; Companion of the Most Dis- tinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1890, C/«*— United Service. Armorial bearings — He Tiears for Arms : Sable, a chevron or, guttte-de-sang, Ix-tween thrci- cinquefoils ermine. Upon the escutcheon, from which are pendent his badges as a Companion of the Most Honour- able Order of the Bath and a Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a manthn^; sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm vested argent, and grasp- ing a club in bend sinister or ; and over the crest tin- Motto, "Frappe fort." Married, 1885, Constance (who died 1886), daughter of General Sir Charles D'Aguilar, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. S FRANCIS WILLIAM NICHOLAS WOGAN BROWNE, Esquire, Col. late Comdg. 3rd King's Ow n Hussars. Born Feb. 17, 1854, being the eldest son of the laic F'rancis Browne of Castle Browne, Major 7th Hungarian Hussars, Austrian service, by his wife Charlotte, dau. of Gen. Baron de Keredern de Trobriand of the French army. Armo- rial bearing^— Quarterly I and 4, sable, a chevron between three cranes argent (for Browne) ; 2. per pale ermine and gules a saltire counterchanged (for Stephens) ; 3. or, on a chief sable, three martlets of the field (for Wogan). Mant- ling sable and argent. Crest -Upon a wreath of tin- colours, an heraldic tiger azure, maned. tufted, and armed or. Motto — "Qui non ciconia tigris." Married, Aug. ii, 1879, Beda, third dau. of J. Costello of Fox Hall, co. Dublin. GEORGE WOLFE, Esquire, J. P. co. Kildare (High Sheriff 1900), late Lieut. 8th Hussars, formerly Lieut. R. Irish Fusiliers. Bom Dec. 16, 1859, being the second but only surviving son of the late Theobald George Samuel Wolfe, Esq., J. P., of Forenaghts and Bishopland, by Elizabeth Henrietta, dau. of the late Henry Moreland Ball of Kersiebank House, co. Stirling, and Tipperkevan, CO. Kildare ; succeeded his brother 1885. Livery — Green. Armorial bearings — Argent, three wolves' heads erased sable, ducally gorged or. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crset, upon a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased sable, ducally gorged or. Motto — "Pro patria mori." Married, 1888, Emily Maud Mary, widow of J. J. Leeman, Esq., D.L., sometime M.P. for York, and only child of the late R. Smethurst, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Ellerbeck Hall, Chorley (High Sheriff 1874) ; and has /wae— Emily Maud Charlotte. 5tfa/j— Forenaghts, near Naas; Bishopland, Ballymore Eustace; Acomb Priory, York. Clubs— Army and Navy, Naval and Military. WOLFF (H. Coll. ). Vert, a wolf current proper, between four escallops, three in chief and one in base or. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mount in front of a demi-wolf proper, charged on the shoulder with an escallop or, and supporting with the sinister leg an escutcheon vert, thereon an escallop also or. Motto— " Res non verba." Sons of Arnold Julius Wolff of Greenheys Hall, Hulme, Lanes. , b. ', d. ; m : — Arnold Holford Wolff, Gentleman, b. . 5^a^— Green- heys Hall, Hulnie, Lanes. The Reverend RICHARD ROBBINS WOLFE, M.A., T.C.D. and Oxon., Prebendary of Exeter Cathedral, Born Oct, 10 1819, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late John Wolfe, Solicitor, of Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin, by his wife Margaret, dau. of Mr. Bennet of Teniplemore, Ireland. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Ar- gent, on a chevron between three wolves' heads erased sable, as many bezants, each charged with a cross moline of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a wolf's head erased sable charged with a bezant, thereon a cross moline of the first. Motto— " Lupus non lepus." Married, June 20, 1848, Louisa Ann, dau. of Thomas Benson Pease of Chapelallerton Hall, Yorkshire, formerly of Darlington, Durham ; and had Issue— (i) Francis Richard Wolfe, Gentle- man, b. May 5, 1849, B.A., Cambridge, and Ex-Scholar Sydney Sussex Coll., Cambridge, Solicitor, Dublin [m. Aug. ^ is the Military Cockade. mo\ moi 1487 1888, Sophia R. MacMurrogh Murphy, and died April 18, 1890]; (2) John Edward Wolfe, Gentleman, 6. April 19, 1850 [m. Nov. 18, 1891, at Pernambuco, Mary Edith, dau. of the late William George Fennelly of Pernambuco] ; (3) Robert Ormston Wolfe, Gentleman, 6. Aug. 14, 1851, rf. Jan. 30, 1852; (4) Walter Proudfoot Wolfe, Gentle- man, i. May 16, 1862. 5if(2/.v— Arthington and Leighon, Devon. Postal address — Arthington, Torquay. SSiR JOHN WOLFE WOLFE -BARRY, K.C.B. (1897), LL.D., Past Pres. Inst. C.E., F.R.S., Lt.-Col. Engineer and Railway Vol. Staff, D.L. co. of London, Member Senate, Univ. of London. Bor?i 1836, being the fifth son of the late Sir Charles Barry, R.A.. by Sarah his wife, dau. of Samuel Rowsell ; by Royal Licence dated Feb. II, 1898, he and his issue were authorised to take the sur- name of Wolfe in addition to and before his and their sur- name of Barry. Armorial bearings— Or, three bars gemel azure, over all a pale invected ermine, thereon a portcullis with chains sable, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon, and pendent the badge, of a K.C.B. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a gryphon gules, wings elevated and addorsed, barry of six or and azure, in its mouth a rose argent, leaved and slipped proper, resting the de.xter claw on a portcullis as in the arms. Motto — " Boutez an avant." Married, 1874, Rosalind G., dau. of the Rev. E. E. Rowsell, Rector of Hambledon, Surrey; and has Issue— {z) Bernard John Wolfe Wolfe- Barry, Esq., b. 1877; (2) Kenneth Alfred Wolfe- Barry, Esq., b. 1879; (3) Alexander Edward Wolfe- Barry, Esq., b. 1882; (4) Eric Gordon Wolfe- Barry, Esq., b. 1886 ; Rosalind Mary ; Ida Violet ; and Sylvia Grace. Postal address — 23 Delahay Street, Westminster, London, S.W. Clubs — Athenaeum, Reform. WOLFERSTON, see PIPE-WOLFERSTON. WOLFERTON, quartered by HEYWOOD-JONES and WILLDING-JONES. ARTHUR NAYLOR WOLLASTON, Esquire, C.I.E., J. P. CO. Kent, Registrar and Superintendent of Records at India Office since 1898. Born Oct. 14, 1842, being the second son of the late Henry Francis Wollaston, Gentleman, of Southsea, co. Southampton, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Oliver Naylor of the Audit and Excise Office. Armorial bearings— Argent, three mullets sable, pierced of the field, and impaling the arms of Woods, namely or, on a mount vert, a lion statant guardant in front of an oak-tree proper, fructed of the first, a chief azure, thereon on a pale argent between two circlets of the crown of a King of Arms also of the first, a cross of Saint George gules, and pendent below the escutcheon his badge as a Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire ; with the Motto, " Ne quid falsi." Married, September 6, 1873, Caroline Marianne, only daughter of the late Sir Albert William Woods, G.C.V.O., K.C.B., K.C.M.G., Garter Principal King of Arms ; and has Issue— G&rzlA Woods Wollaston, Esq.,M.V.O. , Barrister-at-Law, b. June 2, 1874. Postal address— Glun Hill, Walmer, Kent. Clubs — Junior Constitutional, Northbrook Society. WOLLEY, see PHILIPS-WOLLEY. The Rev. CHARLES WOLLEY-DOD, J. P. for co. Chester, M. A. of King's Coll. , Camb. , formerly an Assistant Master at Eton, 1850-1879. Bom 1826, being the only surviving son of the late Rev. John Wolley of Allen Hill, by Mary, dau. of Adam Wolley of Matlock, co. Derby ; and assumed the additional surname and arms of Dod by Royal License in 1868. Armorial bearing^s— Quarterly I and 4, argent, on a fesse gules, between three barrulets wavy sable, three crescents or, and (for distinction) a canton of the second (for Dod) ; 2 and 3 sable, a chevron vairfe or and gules between three maidens' heads affront^e, couped at the bust proper, crined gold (for Wolley). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a garb argent, banded gules, environed by a snake, the head issuing from the middle of the garb proper, and (for distinction) a cross crosslet of the second (for Dod) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a man's head facing to the dexter in chain-mail, couped at the shoulder proper (for Wolley). Motto — "In copia cautus." Married, 1850, Frances Lucy, only surviving child of the late Rev. Pelly Parker, Rector of Hawton, Notts, and maternal granddau. of the late Thomas Crewe Dod of Edge Hall ; and has, with other Issue — Francis Wolley-Dod, Gentleman, b. 1854 [m., 1887, Annette Mary, dau. of F. F. Clarke of Aldridge Lodge, CO. Stafford, and has issue, a son, b. 1890]. Seat— Edge Hall, Malpas. WOLMER, Viscount, see SELBORNE. S HENRY WOLRIGE-GORDON, Esquire, M.A.,D.L. and J. P. for co. Aberdeen, and V.D., Hon. Colonel 2nd Volunteer Batt. Gordon Highlanders, Barrister-at-Law. Born May 14, 1831, being the son of Colonel John Wolrige by Mary Ann his wife, dau. of David Knox, and added after his marriage the surname of Gordon. Armorial bear- ings—Azure, a fesse between three boars' heads couped or. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest— Issuing from an Earl's coronet or, a hart's head proper (for Gordon). Motto — " Bydand." Married, May 27, 1856, Anne, only child of Robert Gordon of Hallhead and Essle- mont; and had Issue — (x) Robert Gordon-Gilmour [to whom refer]; (2) John Gordon Wolrige-Gordon , Esq., Lieut. -Col. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, b. Dec. 20, 1859 [m., April 1889, Isabel Harvey, only child of William Hervey Woodhouse of Irnham Park, co. Lincoln]; (3) Walter Gordon Wolrlge-Gordon, Esq., Major Black Watch, b. Jan. 29, 1861 ; (4) Henry Gordon Wolrige- Gordon, Esq., Captain Cameron Highlanders, b. Jan. i, 1863 [m.. May 9, 1895, Lady Florence Hay, younger dau. of 17th Earl of Errol]; Mary; Anne, d. an infant, July 1864 ; Ethel, d. an infant, October 1866; Edith; and Margaret, d. an infant, Dec. 25, 1869. 5^a/— Esslemont, Ellon, Aberdeen- shire. Town address— 53 Queen's Gate, S.W. Club— Carlton. S FRANCIS ALEXANDER WOLRYCHE- WHIT- MORE, Esquire, educated at Eton, and B.A. of the Univ. of Oxford, J. P. for the counties of Chester and Salop. Bom 1845, being the eldest son of the Reve- rend Francis Henry Wolryche-Whitmore of Dudmaston, in the county of Salop [to whom refer], by his wife Isabella, daughter of Captain Henry Bazeley of the Royal Navy. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, vert, fretty or (for Whitmore) ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron between three swans rising argent, a cross crosslet or in chief for difference (for Wolryche), and impaling the arms of Darby, namely, per chevron embattled azure and erminois, three eagles displayed, each charged on the breast with an escallop, all counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, i>pon the stump of an oak-tree sprouting to the dexter proper, a falcon close also proper, beaked and belled or (for Whitmore) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an oak-tree fructed proper, charged for difference with a cross crosslet gold (for Wolryche). Motto — ' ' Incorrupta fides." Married, 1871, Alice Mary, daughter of the late Alfred Darby, Esquire ; and has with other Issue — Geoffrey Charlton Wolryche-Whitmore, Gentleman, born 1881. Postal address — Dudmaston Hall, near Bridgnorth. The Reverend FRANCIS HENRY WOLRYCHE- WHITMORE, Master of Arts, of Dudmaston Hall, in the county of Salop, Justice of the Peace, formerly Rector of Quatt, Malvern. Born 1820, being the only son of the Reverend Francis Laing of The Myrtle, in the county of Gloucester, by his wife Mary, daughter of William Whit- more, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Dudmaston ; assumed by Royal License, 1864, on succeeding to the estates of his uncle, William Wolryche Whitmore, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, the surnames and arms of Wolryche- Whitmore in lieu of his patronymic. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, vert, fretty or (for Whitmore) ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron between three swans rousant argent, in chief a cross crosslet for difference (for Wolryche). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, upon the stump of an oak-tree sprouting to the dexter, a falcon close all proper, beaked and belled or (for Whitmore) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an oak-tree fructed proper, charged for difference with a cross crosslet gold (for Wolryche). Motto — "Incorrupta fides." Mar- is the Naval Cockade. 1488 mo\ moiy ried, 1845;, Isabella, youngest daughter of Captain H. Bazeley, Royal Navv ; and has Issue — (i^ Francis Alex- ander VN'olryche-Whitmon-, Esquire [to wliom refer] ; (al Malcolm Wolryche-Whitmore, Gentleman, torn 1849; (3) the Ktverend ilenrv liaieley \\'olryche-Whitmore, Master of Arts, Rector of Quatt, Malvern, in the county of Salop, bom 1856 [married, 1881, Harriet Douglas, daughter of Douglas Robinson]; and Isabel Ix>uisa [married Robert Otter Barry]. Seat — Dudmaston Hall, Bridgenorth. Estate and postal address — Dudmaston Hall, near Bridgnorth, Shropshire. WOLSDEN. quartered by BOGER. SLiKUT. -General Sir GEORGE BENJAMIN WOLSELEY, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Major-General command- ing the Forces, Punjaub, late Aide-de-Camp to the Queen. Bom 1839, being the fourth son of Major Garnet Joseph Wolseley, by his wife Frances Anne, daughter of William Smith, Esquire, of Golden Bridge House, in the county of Dublin. Clubs — United Service, Army and Navy. Ar- morial bearings— He bears for Arms: Argent, a talbot passant gules, a crescent for difference. Upon the es- cutcheon, which is surrounded by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and pendent therefrom his badge as a Knight Commander thereof, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a wolfs head proper ; with the Motto, " Homo homini lupus." Married, 1867, Louisa E., daughter of William Andrews of Monkstown, in the county of Dublin ; and has had Issue— Garnet Joseph Wolseley, Esquire (died 1896). Postal addresses— Meicain Meer, Punjaub, India. S Major CHARLES BRADFORD HARRIES WOL- SELEY-JENKINS, Major 19th Hussars. Bom March 17, 1856, being the youngest son of the late General Charles Vanbrugh JenWns, J. P., of Charlton Hill and Cruckton, by his wife Annette Louisa Robertina, eldest dau. of Horace Aylward ; and assumed by Royal License the additional surname and arms of Wolseley, 1894. Ar- morial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, barry of six azure andl ermine, on a pile between three annulets or, a lion rampant j regardant sable; a and 3 argent, a talbot passant gules,' with marks of distinction ; and upon an escutcheon of pre- tence the same arms of Wolseley, namely argent, a talbot passant gules, a crescent for difference ; and for his Crests, I. on a mural coronet sable, a lion passant regardant or, supporting with the dexter paw an escutcheon ^rry of six azure and ermine, charged with an annulet or (for Jenkins); 3. out of a ducal coronet or, a wolfs head proper, with marks of distinction (for Wolseley) ; with the Motto, " Perge sed caute." Married, June 16, 1885, Ada Frances Alice, daughter of Sir John Richard Wolseley, sixth Baronet, of Mount Wolseley, and has issue. WOLVEDON, quartered by HORDERN and by LONGUEVILLE. WOOD, see HALIFAX. M ALBERT WOOD, Esq., J. P. for co. Chester, and J. P. and D.L. for co. Carnarvon (High Sheriff 1884, 1885). Born 1838, being the second son of the late Henry Wood of Chester, by Harriet, dau. of James Lomax of Dawstone, CO. Chester. Club — Reform. Armorial bearings — Or, three mullets of six points in bend between two bendlets nebuly, the whole between three roses all gules. Mantling gules and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount, thereon an oak-tree fructed proper, three bezants. Seat — Bodlondeb, Conway. ARTHUR HERBERT EDWARD WOOD. Gentle- man, of Sudboum Hall, Orford, co. Suffolk. Born April I, 1870, being the eldest son of the late Edward Herbert Wood, Esquire, of Raasay, Isle of Raasay, in the county of Inverness, and Newbold Revel, in the county of Warwick, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Inverness, and Justice of the Peace for the county of Warwick, Captain Warwickshire Yeomanry Cavalry, by his wife Evelyn Anne, daughter of Major- General Valiant. Livery — Oxford blue coat, velvet collar, red vest, black trousers. Armorial bearings— Per fesse or and sable, a wolf rampant counterchanged between two trees eradicated in chief proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent, sem^e of is the Military Cockade. moo ([Ooo 1489 buckles sable, the sinister paw resting on a shield also sable, charged with a wolfs head erased also argent. Motto — " Virtute et labore." Married, 1893, Mary Olive, daughter of Major Bevil Granville, late 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers, of Wellesbourne in the co. of Warwick ; and has Issue — (i) Edward Guy Wood, Gentleman, 6. 1894; (2) Richard Oliver Wood, Gentleman, 6. 1896 ; Evelyn ; Sybil ; and Alice Ava. Seat — Sudbourn Hall, Orfofd, co. Suffolk. Ciuis — Windham, Orleans. S CHARLES HARCOURT GAM WOOD, Esquire, Captain Yorks. Dragoons (Yeomanry), late Captain 15th Hussars, J. P. Brecknockshire and W. R. co. York. Born Aug. 17, i866, being the eldest son of Captain Charles Arthur Watkins Harcourt Wood, by his wife Maria Louisa, n^e Eldridge, of Carleton, Yorkshire. Clubs — Naval and Military, Wellington. Livery — Chocolate colour, scarlet waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Sable, a bull passant argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant or, gorged with a wreath. Motto — "Virtus incumbet honori." Married, Jan. 22, 1898, Emmeline, eldest dau. of Hamon le Strange, Esq., of Hunstanton Hall, co. Norfolk; and has Issue — Beris Harcourt Wood, Gentleman, b. May 18, 1902. Seats — Carleton Lodge, Pontefract ; Caer Beris, Builth, Brecknockshire. S CHARLES PAGE WOOD, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for CO. of Essex. Born 1836, being the fourth son of the late Rev. Sir John Page Wood, 2nd Bart., of Rivenhall, Essex, by Emma Caroline, dau. of S. Mitchell. Armorial bearings — Quarterly argent and or, the mace of the Lord Mayor of London in pale between an oak tree on a mount vert fructed proper in the first and fourth quarters, and a bull's head erased sable, charged on the neck with a bezant, in the second and third. Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown argent, a demi-wild man wreathed about the temples with oak fructed proper, in the dexter hand an oak tree eradicated and fructed, and in the sinister a club all proper. MottO — "Defend." Married, 1864, Minna, dau. of the late Thomas White of Wethersiield, Essex ; and has, with other Issue — Hatherley Page Woodi Gentleman, b. 1869. Seat — Wakes Hall, Wakes Colne, near Halstead. SCOLLINGWOOD LINDSAY WOOD, Esquire, of Freeland, in the parish of Forgandenny and co. of Perth, J. P. and D.L. for co. Perth, J. P. for co. Pal. of Durham. Born 1830, being the eldest son of the late Nicholas Wood, by his wife Maria, dau. of Collingwood Foster Lindsay, Esq. Clubs — Carlton, Junior Carlton, New (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Ermine, a wolf salient sable, collared or, on a chief of the third three acorns slipped and leaved vert ; and impaling the arms of Hotham, namely, barry of ten argent and azure, on a canton or, a Cornish chough proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a wolf's head erased sable, collared and ringed or, the collar charged on the band with three oak-leaves vert ; and in an escroll above, this MottO, " Loyal en tout." Married, ist, 1870, Dulcibella, 3rd dau. of the late S. G. Barrett; and by her (who d. 1879) has issue ; 2nd, 1882, Frances Charlotte Agnes, eldest dau. of Beaumont Hotham, Esq., and has issue. Seat — Freeland, Forgandenny, Perthshire, N.B. FRANCIS HUGO LINDLEY WOOD, Esquire. Born 1880, being the eldest son of the Hon. Frederick George Lindley Wood, by his wife Lady Mary Susan Felicie Lindsay, daughter of 25th Earl of Crawford and Bal- carres. Armorial bearings— Three naked savage men of the wood embulant in fesse proper, each holding in his sinister hand a club resting on his shoulder all proper, and on his dexter arm a shield argent, charged with a cross gules, on a canton ermine, three lozenges conjoined in fesse sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— A savage as in the arms, the escutcheon sable charged with the griffin's head erased argent. Residence— Y{.02XQ.xo%?>, Burton-on- Trent. The Reverend FREDERICK JOHN WOOD, M.A. Camb., Vicar of Headingly, Leeds, Hon. Canon of Ripon, Chaplain to the Bishop of Chester, and Proctor in Con- vocation for the Archdeaconry of Ripon. Born June 15, 1834, being the second and only surviving son of the late Western Wood of London, Merchant, M.P. for the City is tbe Naval Cockade. 1490 moo moo of lx)ndi>i>, by his wife Sarah Ixstitia. youngL-st dau. of John Morris of Rikcr Street. Armorial beaxtags -(Quar- terly argent and or, the niiicc of the Lord Mayor of London in jxile between an o;ik-trce on a mount vert, fructed proper, in the first and fourtli quarters, and in the second and third a bull's head erased sable, charged on the neck with a bciant. Mantling vert and argent. Crest- Out of a mural crown argent, a demi-wild man, wreathed about the temples with oak fructed, in the dexter hand an oak-tree eradicated and fructed, and in the sinister a club all proper. MottO— " Defend." Married, June 6, 1883, Rose Lucy. dau. of Major-Gen. Charles Trigance Franklin, C.B., R..A. Ciu^ — Oxford and Cambridge. GEORGE ORME WESTERN WOOD, Gentleman. ffam Nov. 19, 1868, being the only son of the late Western Wood. Gentleman, by his wife Lucy Elizabeth, only dau. of Frederick Orme Darvall, late 41st Foot. Armorial bearings -Quarterly argent and or, the mace of the Lord Mayor of London in pale between an oak-tree on a mount vert, fructed proper, in the first and fourth quarters, and in the second and third a bull's head erased sable, charged on the neck with a bezant. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — Out of a mural crown argent, a demi-wild man wreathed about the temples with oak fructed. in the dexter hand an oak-tree eradicated and fructed. and in the sinister a club all proper. Motto — "Defend." Residence — GEORGE SWINFORD WOOD, Gentleman, of Bodlon- deb, in the county of Carnarvon. Bom April 8, 1836. being the eldest son of the late Henry Wood of Chester, by his wife Harriet, daughter of James Lomax of Dawstone, in the county of Chester. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, three mullets of six points in bend between two bendlets nebuly gules, all between three roses of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount thereon an oak- tree proper, three bezants. Motto — " Sicut serimus, sic metimus." Married, Septenfiber 18, 1867, M. J. E., daugh- ter of Enoch Gibbon Salisbury of Glan Aber, in the county of Chester; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Henry Wood, Gentleman, born May 8, 1869 ; (2) Albert Salisbury Wood, Gentleman, born April i, 1871 ; (3) Arthur Philip Lomax Wood. Gentleman, born October 29, 1876. Seat — Bodlon- deb, Conway. North Wales. GEORGE WILLIAM RAYNER WOOD, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Lancaster, L'cutenant- Colonel, late 4th Volunteer Battalion Manchester Regi- ment. Bom May 23, 1851, being the elder son of William Rayner Wood. Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, by his wife Sarah Jane, daughter of James McConnel. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chief sable, an open book proper, binding and clasps or, between two millrinds of the first. U]x)n the escutcheon is placed a helmet Iwfitling his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Chrest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon in front of an oak-tree proper a boar regardant sable, hoofed, tusked, and gorged with a collar, therefrom a chain reflexed over the l>ack and affixed to the tree or. Married, August 11, 1886. Margaret, eldest dau. of David Martineau, Esq., J. P., of 4 South Road, Clapham Park ; and has /xj«^— Humphrey Rayner Wood, Gentleman, b. Nov 18. 1888 ; and Dorothy. Postal ad- dress — Singleton, Manchester. SFiei.d-Marshal Sir (HENRY) EVELYN WOOD. G.C.B. (1891). G.C.M.G. (1882). V.C. ; served in Crimean Campaign. Indian Mutiny. Ashanti War, South African War. Egyptian Expedition, and Soudan Expedition, Adjutant-General to the Forces 1897 to Oct. 1901. com- manding Second Army Corps at Salisbury 1901-4. Bom 1838, lx:ing the son of the late Rev. Sir John Pajp;e Wood, Bart. , by his wife Emma Caroline, youngest dau. of Sampson Michell of Croft West, in the county of Cornwall. Clubs — Army and Navy, United Service. Armorial bearingps — Quarterly argent and or, the mace of the Lord Mayor of the City of London in pale between an oak-tree on a mount vert, fructed proper, in the first and fourth quarter, and in the second and third a bull's head erased sable, charged on the neck wtth a bezant, the escutcheon being encircled by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and by the collars and pendent therefrom the badges of a Knight Grand Cross of that Order, and of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, and his Victoria Cross. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown argent, a demi-wild man wreathed about the temples with oak fructed, in the dexter hand an oak tree eradicated and fructed, and in the sinister a club all proper. Motto — "Defend." Married, Sept. 19, 1867. Hon. Mary Paulina (who died 1891), sister of the Right Hon. the fourth Viscount Southwell; and has Issue livmg — (i) Evelyn FitzGerald Michell Wood, Esq., Capt. Devonshire Regt.. b. 1869 [w. . 1893, Lilian, dau. of the late Charles Edward Hutton, and has issue]; (2) Charles Michell Wood, Esq., Capt. Nor- thumberland Fus. , b. 1873 ; (3) Arthur Herbert Wood, Esq. . 2nd Lieut. Scottish Rifles, b, 1877 [m., 1900, Ethel, dau. of A. Duncan]; Anna Paulina Mary [m., 1894, Lieut. -Col. Hew Dalrymple Fanshawe, and has issue] ; Marcella Caro- line Mary [m. 1902. Edward Blount] ; and Victoria Mary Eugenie. Residence — Millhurst, Harlow. HENRY JOHN LINDLEY WOOD, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Henry John Lindley Wood. Bom 1843, being the son of the Right Honourable the first Vis- count Halifax; appointed Lieutenant loth Hussars May 1870, Captain 12th Lancers, and to the brevet of Major March 1874, retired 1885 with Honorary rank of Lieutenant- Colonel. Clubs — Athenceum, Boodle's, Brooks's, Travellers'. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, three naked savage men of the wood ambulant in fesse proper, each holding in his sinister hand a club resting on his shoulder all proper, and on his dexter arm a shield argent charged with a cross gules, on a canton ermine, three lozenges conjoined in fesse sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a savage as in the arms, the shield sable charged with a griffin's head erased argent. Postal address — Hickleton, Don caster. Sir HENRY TRUEMAN WOOD, Knight Bachelor, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Born 1845, being the eldest son of William Burton Persse Wood, by his wife Emily, daughter of James Morris ; dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1890. Armorial bearings— Quarterly argent and or, a cross flory gules, between in the first and fourth quarters an oak-tree on a mount fructed proper, in the second and third a bull's head erased sable, charged with a bezant. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown argent, a demi-wild man wreathed with oak fructed. in the dexter hand an oak-tree eradicated and fructed. and in the sinister a club all proper. Martied, & is the Military Cockade. I moo moo 1491 1873, Marian, daughter of J. Oliver; and has Issue — William Vincent Wood, Esquire, born 1875; Freda Muriel; and Dorothy Kathleen. Postal address — 16 Leinster Square, W. Club — Athenaeum. HERBERT WOOD, Gentleman, Clerk in War Office. Born July 10, 1840, being the only son of the late William Charles Wood, by his wife Marian, dau. of Charles Williams of Dublin. Armorial bearing's — Quarterly argent and or, a cross flory gules, between in the first and fourth quarters an oak-tree on a mount vert, fructed proper, and in the second and third a bull's head erased sable, charged on the neck with a bezant. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — Out of a mural crown argent, a demi-wild man wreathed with oak fructed, in the dexter hand an oak-tree eradicated and fructed, and in the sinister a club all proper. Motto — "Defend." Married, June 29, 1868, Emily, dau. of John Benson of London ; and has Issue — Constance Maida. Postal address— SJOHN WOOD, Esquire, J. P. cos. Hereford, Derby, and Suffolk, D.L. co. Hereford and High Sheriff for Hereford 1900, Barrister-at-Law (Inner Temple). Born Sept. 8, 1857, being the only son of the late John Hill Wood, Esq., J. P. CO. Derby, of Whitfield, co. Derby, and Gate- head, CO. York, by his wife Emma, eldest dau. of William Sidebottom, Esq., J. P. co. Chester, of Etherow House, CO. Chester. Armorial bearings — Sable, on a bend en- grailed argent, between two roses of the last, barbed and seeded proper, three fleurs-de-lis gules, impaling the arms of Bateman - Hanbury, namely, quarterly i and 4, or, a bend engrailed vert, plain cotised sable (for Hanbury) ; 2 and 3, or, on a fesse sable between three Muscovy ducks proper, a rose of the field (for Bateraan). Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a mount in front of an oak tree fructed, the trunk of a tree fessways eradicated, and sprouting all proper. Motto— "Omne bonum Dei donum." Married, firstly, April 30, 1883, Estelle, daiL of Henry Benham of Roland Gardens, S.W. ; by whom he had Issue— (i) John Arthur Haigh Wood, Gentleman, b. May 22, 1888; Marjorie Haigh ; and Gwendolen Haigh. He married secondly, Feb. II, 1892, Hon. Gertrude Emily Bateman-Hanbury, third dau. of William, 2nd Lord Bateman ; and by her has Issue— ifi) Edmund Walter Hanbury Wood, Gentleman, b. Nov. 16, 1898 ; 3. Geoffrey Edward Fitzroy Wood, Gentleman, b. Nov. 9, 1900, d. Jan. i, 1901. Estates- Hengrave, co. Suffolk ; Ivington, co. Hereford ; Whitfield, in CO. Derby; Gatehead, in co. York. Seats — Hengrave Hall, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk ; Whitfield, Derbyshire, Clubs— Ca.T\lon, Junior Carlton, Bachelors', New Uni- versity. JOHN BADDELEY WOOD, Esquire, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, J. P. and Dep.-Lieut. co. Salop, High Sheriff 1897. Born March 21, 1849, being the eldest son of Edmund Thomas Wedgwood Wood, Esquire, J. P. for the cos. of Salop and Stafford, by his wife Sophia, daughter of G. F. Schmidt, Esquire, of Hamburg, by his wife, the Baroness Emilie von Dickman- Secherau. Armorial bearings (H. Coll., 1833)— Or, a lion rampant between three boars' heads erased sable, impaling the same arms of Wood. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-man wreathed about the temples and waist with oak leaves fructed, the dexter hand holding a club in bend all proper, the sinister arm ex- tended, the hand grasping a wolfs head erased sable ; with the Motto, " Deus robur meum." Married, 1876, his cousin, Elizabeth Marianne, only child and heiress of Nicholas Price Wood, of The Hall, Wirksworth, in the county of Derby; and has Issue— ii) Nicholas Price Wood, Esq., Capt. 12th Lancers, b. 1877; (2) Ed- mund Baddeley Wood, Gentleman, b. 1884; (3) Herbert Victor Wedgwood Wood, Gentleman, b. 1897, d. 1900; Mary Dorothy ; and Agnes Evelyn. Estates — Henley Hall, Ludlow, in the county of Salop ; The Hall, Wirksworth, in the county of Derby. Postal address — Henley Hall, Ludlow. Clubs — Windham, Orleans, Boodle's. SJOHN GATHORNE WOOD, Esquire, of Thedden Grange, Alton, co. Hampshire, J. P. and D.L. for co. Southampton. Bor7i July 17, 1839, being the eldest son of the late John Wood, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Thedden Grange, by his wife Annis Elizabeth, eldest dau. of John Hardy, Esq., M.P., J. P., of Dunstall Hall, co. of Stafford. Armorial bearings— Gules, three naked savages proper, each holding m the smister hand a shield argent charged with a cross flory gules, and in the dexter a club resting on the shield of the second, on a chief invected or, an estoile between two fleurs-de-lis azure, and impaling the arms of is tlie Naval Cockade. U9« ^00 ^00 Hewitt, namely gules, a chevron engrailed between three owls ardent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a hehnct befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his 0r«8t, u|H)n a wreath of the colours, a naked arm em- iKiwcd louix-d at the shoulder, holding a club all proper, |>endent from the wrist a shield as in the arms. MottO — " Non ligno cruce." Afarried, firstly, i86a, Susan Mary, only daughter of Edward Pennefather, Escjuire, King's Council, Justice of the Peace, of Rathsalla, in the county of Wicklow ; and by her (who died 1864) had Issue — Evelyn Emily [married, December a, 1886, Laurence Hardy, Esquire, Member of Parliament, younger son of the late Sir John Hardy, Baronet]; and Edith Susan Mary [married, 189a, the Reverend F. E. Frcese], He married secondly, 1866, Mary Anne, commonly called the Honour- able Mary Anne, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable James VK'witt, fourth Viscount Lifford; and has — (i) Archilxxld Henry Wood, Esq., J. P. co. Hants, born Keb. 13, 1868 ; (a) Ernest Gathorne Wood, Gentleman, born July 19, 1869; (3) Wilfrid Edward Wood, Gentleman, lx)rn May ai, 1871, d. May as, 1900; Gertrude Mary; and Mary Millicent. Seats — Thedden Grange, and .Shalden Manor, Alton, in the county of Hampshire. Club — Junior Carlton. JOSEPH SNELL WOOD, Gentleman, Born Jan. 4, 1853, being the eldest and only surviving son of the late Joseph Wood, by his late wife Elizabeth, dau. of Andrew Sncll of Sandford, Crediton, Devon. Clubs — Junior Carl- ton, Cecil, Savage. Livery — Purple, with primrose facings. Armorial bearins^ — Aiure, a chevron nebuly or, between two 0.1k trees eradicated in chief and a hand erect holding a pen in bend sinister in base proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-man affront^e, holding over his dexter shoulder a club all proper, and resting his sinister hand upon a saltire or, and issumg from the wreath on the dexter side iin acorn slipped and leaved also proper. MottO— " Non sibi sed aliis." Married, Aug. 26, 1875, Elena Maria Umilta, dau. of Torello Ambuchi of Florence; and has Issue~(i) Harold Charles Putney Wood, Gentleman, b. Feb. 24, 1881 ; Florence Elena Elizabeth ; Ethel Violet Elise ; and Mabel Fanny Louise. Kesidtnce — ag Kensington Court, W. SiK LINDSAY WOOD, ist Baronet (Sept. 27, 1897), of The Hermitage, Durham, M.A., J. P. and D.L. co. Durham, (High Sheriff 1889). /y^r// June ai, 1834, being the fourth son of the late Nichohis Wood, Esq., J. P. co. Durhnin, by his wife Maria Forster, dau. of Collingwood Forster Lindsay of Alnwick. Armorial bearings —Ermine, a wulf rampant sable, collared or, on a chief indented gules, an oak leaf be- tween two acorns slipp>ed and leaved proper ; the escutcheon I charged with his badge of Ulster as a B;ironet. Mantling J sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a] wolfs head erased sable, gorged with a collar or, the collar j charged on the band with three oak leaves vert, between] two acorns slipped and leaved proper. Motto - " Loyal en I tout." Married, Sept. 25, 1873, Emma Barrett, fourth dau.j of Samuel Goodwin Barrett of Heighington, co. Durham; and has Issue -{1) Arthur Nicholas Lindsay Wood, Esq. J b. March 23, 1875; (2) Henry Lindsay Wood, Esq., b,l Oct. 28, 1878; (3) Collingwood Lindsay Wood, Esq., b.\ Nov. 19, 1881 ; (4) Robert Lindsay Wood, Esq., b. Feb. 8,1 1884 ; Maria Lindsay [tn. Hon. Claude Hamilton Russell,! third son of Viscount Boyne, and has issue) ; and ElsiQ Emma Lindsay. Residence -The Hermitage, Chester-le- Street. Clubs — Carlton, Junior Carlton. Sir MATTHEW WOOD, 4th Baronet (Dec. 16, 1837),! of Hatherley House, co. Gloucester. Born Sept. 21, 1857, being the son of Sir Francis Wood, 3rd Bart., by his wife, the eldest dau. of Robert Hodgson of Appleshaw, co. Hamp-j shire. Armorial bearings— Quarterly argent and or, the] mace of the Lord Mayor of London in pale, between anl oak-tree on a mount vert, fretted proper, in the first and I fourth quarters, and in the second and third a bull's headj erased sable, charged on the neck with a bezant ; theescut-j cheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet.! Mantling vert and argent. Crest— Out of a mural crown j ^ is the Military Cockade. moo moo 1493 argent, a demi-wild man wreathed about the temples with oak, fructed, in the dexter hand an oak-tree eradicated and fructcd, and in the sinister a club all proper. Motto — "Defend." Married, July 31, 1894, Maud Mary, widow of Francis P. Leon, and dau. of Thomas Raynor Brown. Residence — 83 Piccadilly, London, S.W. Clubs — Brooks's, Raleigh, Hurlingham. § RICHARD HENRY WOOD, Esquire, of Bilton Park, in the county of Warwick, and of Pantglas, in the county of Merioneth, Justice of the Peace and Deputy - Lieutenant for the counties of Warwick and Merioneth, and High Sheriff" for the latter county 1889, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. Born 1820, being the son of the late Charles Wood of Northen House, by his wife Catha- rine, daughter of M. Rose of Northen House, in the County Palatine of Chester. C/wiJ— Conservative. Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms : Per fesse gules and sable, a lion rampant argent, and in chief two crosses tau of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a blackamoor's head in profile, couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed with cinquefoils or, in front thereof three mascles interlaced fesse- ways also or. Married, 1854, Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Hatton, Esquire, of Belle Vue, Hartford, in the county of Chester. Estates — Bilton Park, in the county of War- wick ; Pantglas, in the county of Merioneth ; Hatton, in the County Palatine of Chester. Postal address — Belmont, Sidmouth. S AUGUSTUS WOOD- ACTON, Esquire, J. P. for the cos. of Somerset, Salop, and Hereford, and also a D.L. for the last named county. Born November i, 1842, and is the younger son of the late John Wood of Martock, in the county of Somerset, by his wife Mary Anne, daughter of the Reverend Thomas Coleman, Rector of Church Stretton, in the county of Salop, and niece of Thomas Pendarves Stackhouse-Acton of Acton-Scott ; and assumed the surname of Acton in addition to and after his patronymic, with the arms of Acton, by Royal License in the year 1874. C/a^— Arthur's. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, two lions passant argent, between nine cross crosslets fitch^e or. Married, July 15, 1880, Laura Charlotte, daughter of the Reverend Richard Surtees, Rector of Holtby, in the county of York. Estate and postal address — Acton-Scott, Church Stretton, Shropshire. [/« Burke's " Landed Gentry" the following crest is men- tioned, namely, " a human leg and thigh in armour proper, garnished or, couped and dropping blood;" but there is really no crest belonging to the Acton family.'\ The Late E. H. WOOD-BESLEY, Gentleman. Ar- morial bearings- Crests — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a tower triple-towered argent, the trunk of a tree fessways eradicated and sprouting to the dexter proper (for Besley) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, upon the stump of a tree eradicated proper, a wolf's head erased paly of six argent and gules, holding in the mouth a staff raguly in bend sable (for Wood). S WILLIAM GREGORY WOOD-MARTIN, Esquire, late Col. commanding Duke of Connaught's Own Sligo Artillery, S.D., A.D.C. to the King, and previously to Queen Victoria, J. P. and D.L. co. Sligo, High Sheriff 1877. Born July 16, 1847, being the only son of James Wood, Esq., J. P., of Woodville, co. Sligo, by his wife Anne, eldest dau. of Abraham Martin, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Cleveragh, co. Sligo; assumed the additional surname and arms of Martin by Royal Licence in 1874. Club — Army and Navy. Livery — Dark blue, braid facings. Armo- rial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, sable, a chevron between three crescents argent (for Martin) ; 2 and 3, argent an oak tree fructed growing out of a mount in base all proper, in the dexter chief point a crescent gules (for Wood). Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant proper, holding in the dexter paw a crescent or (for Martin) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-savage proper, wreathed about the temples and loins vert, and charged on the breast with a crescent gules, in his dexter hand an oak-tree fructed, and in his sinister a club resting on his shoulder all also proper. Mottoes — Under the arms, ' ' Hinc fortior et clarior " ; above the second crest, " Fructu cognoscitur arbor." Married, Nov. 1873, Frances Dora, eldest dau. of Roger Dodwell Robinson, Esq., J. P., of Wellmount, co. Shgo ; and has Issue — (i) James Isidore Wood-Martin, Esq., Capt. Northants Regt., and Major in the Egyptian Army, b. Sept. 3, 1874; (2) Henry Roger Bromhead Wood-Martin, Gentleman, b. Oct. 3, 1875 ; (3) Gregory Gonville Cuff Wood-Martin, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., b. April 2, 1878; (4) Francis Winchester Wood- Martin, Gentleman, Lieut. Suffolk Regt., b. Feb. 27, 1880 ; Nora ; and Kathleen. £j-/a/«— Woodville, Cleveragh, and Bloomfield, co. Sligo. Address — Cleveragh, Sligo. WOOD-RYDER (R.L., 1875). Quarterly, i and 4, per fesse azure and gules, three crescents or, a canton of the last (Ryder) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a mount, a lion sejant in a wood all proper, on a chief wavy gules, a harp between two anchors or (Wood). Mantling azure and or. Crest — I. on a wreath of the colours, a lion passant or, holding between the paws a shield of the Ryder arms ; motto (over crest) " Timet pudorem " (Ryder) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, two wings in saltire argent, surmounted by a cherub's head proper (Wood). Motto (under arms) — ' ' Vincit Veritas. " Son of Col. Andrew Jordaine Wood, D. L. : — Andrew Richard Wood-Ryder, Gentleman. Res. — Sidney Place, Cork, WOODCOCK, quartered by CUST. WOODCOCKE, quartered by TUTHILL. BASIL AUBREY HOLLOND WOODD, Esquire, J. P. West Riding Yorks, Barrister- at -Law (Inner Temple). Bor7i May 27, i86g, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Basil Kiivington Woodd, LL.M., by his wife Esther Harriet, dau. of Rev. Edmund HoUond, Benhall Lodge, Saxmundham. Club — Constitutional. Livery — Claret coat, scarlet waistcoat, black trousers, drab overnoat. Armorial bearings — ^Quarterly i and 4, gules three demi-savages argent, holding clubs over their dexter shoulders or (for Woodd) ; 2. sable, a griffin segreant ermine (for Ballard) ; 3. party per pale gules and azure, an eagle displayed with two heads or, a bordure counterchanged of the field (for is the Naval Cockade. 1494 (DdlOO Mytton). Mantling (^iles and argent ; and for his Oreit, upon a wri-ath of the colours, a dcnii-savage as in the arms ; with the Motto, "Non nobis." Married, Dec. la, 1895, Rosalie, youngest dau. of John Dyson, J. P., of Moorlands, Cr«wkerne, late Judicial Commissioner of Oudh ; and has Atm^— Iris Rosalie; and Elaine Joan. Seat — Conyngham Hall, Knaresborough. /fesideitce—^s Tite Street, London, S.W. WOODROFFE (U.O.) Gules, on a chevron argent, between three roses of the last, barbed and seeded proper, as many stag's heads erased sable, a chief nebuly per fess of the third and of the second charged with a trefoil slipped vert. Maatltng gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an open dexter hand between two branches of honeysuckle all proper. Mottoes (over crest) — "Cor ac manus concordant," (under arms) "Sit dux sapientia." Livery — Dark olive green and orange, with brass buttons. Sons of the late Very Rev, John Nunn, Canon Wood- roffe, Rector of Glanmire, and Canon of St. Fenhan's, — ~ Cork ; b. 1810 ; d. 1892 ; m. ist, Elizabeth Phair ; 2nd, niW Anna Sandes ; 3rd, Catherine Warren : — James Tisdall Woodroffe, Esq., B.A. (Dublin), Bar- rister-at-Law, formerly His Majesty's Advocate-General of Bengal, and Member of the Supreme and Bengal Legis- lative Councils ; created Knight Commander of St. Gregory by His Holiness Leo XHI.; b. 1838; tn. 1863, Florence (d. 1894), d. of late James Hume, Esq., Senior Magis- trate of Calcutta; and has issue — (i) John George Wc«d- roffe, Esq., M.A. and B.C.L. (Oxford), one of His Majesty's Judges of the High Court at Calcutta, b. 1865 [tn. 1902, Ellen Elizabeth Grimson ; and has issue, Agnes Elizabeth]; (2) Francis Edmund Denman Woodroffe, Gentleman, b. 1868, formerly Lieutenant in His Majesty's Royal Welsh Regiment ; (3) Alban James Woodroffe, Gentleman, b. 1875 [m. 1903, Annette Laura Mary Talbot] ; (4) Philip Henry Joseph Woodroffe, Gentleman, a Lieu- tenant in the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, b. 1884 ; Florence Cecily Mary ; Agnes Elizabeth Anna ; and Barbara Mary. Res.—Waie, Uplyme, Devon. Club— Reform. Rev. John Nunn Blacker Woodroffe, M.A. (Dublin), b. 1841 ; m. i868, Mary Sophia Henrietta, d. of Frederick Bashford; and has issue— (i) John Frederick Launcelot Woodroffe, Gentleman, *. 1869 ; (2) James Henry Blacker Woodroffe, Gentleman, b. 1870; (3) Francis Percy Lake Woodroffe, Gentleman, b. 1875; (4) Cyril Atwell Wood- roffe, Gentleman, b. 1883 ; Amy Adela Magee ; Mary Elizabeth Anna ; Zoide Isabel ; Eva Grace Violet ; Kathleen Anastasia Mewburn ; and Dora Eveline. ^«.— All Saints' Vicarage, Forest Gate, London, E. ^00 Frands Henry Woodroffe, late Madras Civil Service, b. 1841 ; m. 1866, Lilly Denman ; and d. 2^ October 1882 ; leaving issue— (i) Arthur James Woodroffe, Esq., a Major of the Royal Lngincers, b. 1871 ; (a) Paul Vincent Wood- roffe, Gentleman, b. 187?; (3) Louis Woodroffe, Clerk in Holy Orders, b. 1880 ; (^) Bernard Wootlroffe, Gentleman, b. 1883; Lillian Rosa Elizabeth ; Isabel Anna; Mary; and Francis Gertrude. Sandes Crosbie Woodroffe, Gentleman, b. 1855 ; m. , Florence Hearne ; and has issue — John. J?es, — Bel Marino, Sandycove, co. Dublin. Sons of Ven, Henry Joseph Woodroffe, M.A., Arch- deacon of Ross, b. 1811; d. 1889; m. 1849, Jane Stewart, d. of Capt. Henry Warren : — Latham James Woodroffe, Gentleman, M.A. (Dublin), b. 1851 ; m. 1st, 1882, Amy Julia, d. of late Dobr^e Bell of Guernsey ; 2nd, Edith Charlotte, d. of late Rev. Charles D. P. Robinson, Rector of St. Martin's, Guernsey. A'«. — Eversley, Park Avenue, Sandymount, co. Dublin. John F. Woodroffe, Gentleman, M.D. (Dub.), b. 1853 '< "*• and has issue, /fes. — 23 Craven Park, Harlesden, London, N.W. Augustus Warren Woodroffe, Gentleman, M.D. (Dub.), b. 1857; m. 1886, Florence, d. of late John Lewis, formerly of Burton Hall, Denbighshire; and has issue — (i) Henry I-ewis Warren Woodroffe, Gentleman, b. 1888 ; (2) Lionel Warren Woodroffe, Gentleman, b. 1903 ; Violet Florence ; and Zoe Annette. /?es. — The Lodge, 'Ficehurst, Sussex. WOODS (L.O., 1812, and H. Coll.). Azure, a wood- man proper, wreathed about the temples and the middle with laurel vert, holding in his dexter hand a club head downwards in pale or, his sinister arm extended and jxjint- ing upwards, and his right foot resting on a bezant, on a chief or, a lion passant guardant gules. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest (H. Coll.) — Issuing out of a ducal coronet or, a mount vert, thereon a lion statant guardant of the first in front of an oak-tree proper, fructedor. Motto — " Robur." Son of Gen. William George Woods, C.S.I, (s. of Sir William Woods, Garter King of Arms), b. 1804; d. 1880; m. 1833, Sarah, d. of Andrew Clark : — James Andrew Woods, Esq., Lt.-Col. (ret.) Roy. Dub. Fus. , b. 1836; m. ist, 1862, Catherine Louisa, widow of Capt, T. Walter Still, K.D.G. ; 2nd, 1902, Fanny, eld. d. Capt. W. F. Grey, R. H.A. ; and has issue an only surv. son, James Albert Woods, Esq., b. 1875. '^"- — Hove, Sussex. WOODS (H. Coll., 1896). Or, on a mount vert, a lion statant guardant in front of an oak-tree proper, fructed of the first, a chief azure, thereon a pale argent, between two circlets of the crown of a King of Arms, also of the first, a cross of St. George gules. Only surv. child and sole heir of William Francis (Q la tbe Military Cockade. moo moo 1495 Woods, Esq. (only son of the late Sir Albert William Woods, G.C.V.O., K.C.B., K.C.M.G., Garter Princi- pal King of Arms) : — Frances Harriet Helen Woods. J?es. — WOODS (H. Coll.). Argent, on a mount in base an oak-tree eradicated, fructed proper, a chief gules, thereon a pale or, charged with a demi-wildman affront^e, in the dexter hand a club and in the sinister an acorn stalked and leaved all also proper. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an oak-tree eradicated, fructed proper, therefrom a demi-wildman as in the arms. Sons of Charles John Woods of Godalming, one of H.M.'s Coroners for co. of Surrey, 6. 1811 ; d. 1868 ; m. 1840, Caroline, d. of Benjamin K.idd, Banker, of Lana- way, Godalming : — Henry Charles Woods, Esq.,C.V.O. (1901), C.B. (1902), M.D., Hon. Physician to the King since 1901, and Med. Officer to Royal Yacht "Victoria and Albert " 1887-1901, Inspector-Gen. of Hospitals and Fleets (ret.), 6. 1841 ; m. 1868, Elizabeth Maria, d. of late Col. G. R. Kennedy, R.A. ; and has issue. Jies. — Alverstoke. Percy Woods, Esq., C.B. (1902), formerly of the Admir- alty and Treasury (ret. 1902), 6. 1842; m. 1881, Helen Maria (d. 1888), d. of late Rev. Robert Trimmer, Rector of Guildford, Hon. Canon of Winchester ; and has issue — Helen Douglas ; and Edith Mary Caroline. Jies. — Ennis- more Avenue, Guildford. Bernard Woods, Gentleman, 6. 1846 ; m. 1870, Lydia Isabella, d. of David Moline ; and has issue. J?es. — Raynes Park, Wimbledon. Ernest Woods, Gentleman, d. 1855 ; w. i8go, Constance Ada, d. of Edward John Brown Jellicorse ; and has issue — (i) Edward Ambrose Woods, Gentleman, d. 1891 ; (2) Charles Humphrey de Meuron Woods, Gentleman, b. 1894 ; (3) Robert Barnard Woods, Gentleman, d. 1900. I?es. — Warren Wood, Bexley Heath. Clu6 — Constitutional. Arthur Biddle Woods, Gentleman, i. 1857; m. 1886, Mary Agnes, d. of William Holt MidgTey ; and has surv. issue — (i) Eric Evelyn Woods, Gentleman,^. 1888; (2)Denys Woods, Gentleman, d. 1891 ; (3) Rex Woods, Gentleman, d. 1894 ; (4) Draycot Berkett Woods, Gentleman, 6. 1896 ; and Una. Hes. — 14 Sinclair Gardens, Kensington, W. Alfred Wadham Woods, Gentleman, d. 1858. — Jies. ; MATTHEW SNOOKE GROSVENOR WOODS, Es- quire, late Fellow of Trin Coll., Cambridge, K.C. , Bencher of Lincoln's Inn ; adopted the name of Woods in com- pliance with directions in his father's will, 1863. Born March 14, 1838, being the only son of Matthew Snooke, Gentleman, of Chichester, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Francis Smith of Maidstone, M.D. C/u6 — New University. Armorial bearings (of Snooke) — Azure, on a chevron argent, between two eagles displayed in chief and a lion rampant in base or, three fleurs-de-lis gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a rock proper, thereon an eagle regardant, wings elevated or, the dexter claw resting on an escutcheon argent, charged liWTEGBlTytfETtlTC with a fleur-de-lis gules. Motto — " Integritate tutus." Married, Aug. 14, 1897, Mary Amabel, dau. of John Vincent Thompson, Esq., Sergeant-at-Law ; and has Issue — Matthew Grosvenor Woods, Gentleman, b. Sept. 4, 1878. Postal address — Mountfield, Bonchurch, Isle of Wight. S THOMAS WOODS, Esquire, J. P. Glamorganshire, Major and Hon. Lieut.-Col. Glamorganshire Artil- lery 1871-88 (V.D.). Born 1820, being the eldest son of John Jex Woods of Oulton, Suffolk. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a fesse engrailed erminois, between two chaplets of roses argent, three escallops sable. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a horse's head couped argent, maned or, issuant from a chaplet of roses gules, and holding in the mouth a broken spear in bend also or. Motto — " Ora et labora. " Married, xibo, ¥\iz&- beth H., dau. of Rev. Charles Hardwick, Rector of St. Michael's, Gloucester. Estate — Blundeston Hall, near Lowestoft. Residences — Rose Cottage, Lowestoft, Suffolk ; Llandaff Place, Llandaff. WILLIAM WOODS, Gentleman, of Warnford Park, in the county of Hampshire, Major Hampshire Yeomanry Cavalry, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Born December 2, 1855, being the eldest son of the late Henry Woods, Esquire, of Warnford Park, in the county is tbe Naval Cockade. 1496 moo moo of Southampton, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieu- tenant for the county of I^ncnster, Member of i'ariiamcnt for Wi|;un 18^7 1874, by his first wife Hannah, onlv child of Charles Mindley, Member of Parliament for Ashton- under-Lvne, in the county of I^ncaster, 1832-1859. Ar- morial bearings- He liears for Arms : Argent, a chevron nebuly Kelt's, K"ttt'c-d'eau, between three martlets sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet bctitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Oreit, upon a wreath of the colours, a staff raguly fesseways sable, thereon a martlet, wings elevated of the last, guttde-d'eau. Motto — " Lahore et perseverantift. " Married, Septemlwr ao, 1879, Emma Agnes, daughter of Sir Edmund Samuel Hayes, third Iku'onet, of Drumboe Castle, in the county of Donegal ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Henry Woods, Gentle- man, born June 17, 1881 ; (a) Edmund William Woods, Gentleman, born January 6, 1886. Hea/s — Warnford Park, Bishop's Waltham ; Whitley Hall, Wigan. /Residence— 3 Whitehall Court, Ixjndon, S.W. JULIA LUCY WOODWARD, Spinster, dau. of the late Richard Woodward of "The Knoll," Clevedon, Somer- set. Armorial bearings — On a lozenge, argent, two bar- rulets gules, between as many stags' heads caboshed in chief and a pheon in base sable, on a chief of the last, a wolf passant or. Residence —The Knoll, Clevedon. LAWRENCE WOODWARD, Gentleman. Armorial bearings— Per chevron nebuly argent and azure, in chief two trees and in base a stag's head and neck affront(5e all proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head and neck erased, gorged with a mural coronet between two rose sprigs all proper. Motto ^" ^quo animo." BENJAMIN MINORS WOOLLAN, Gentleman. Armorial bearings— Per chevron per pale azure and gules and argent, gutt6e-de-p)oix, two ingots of gold fesseways in chief and a fleece in base propmr. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a ptalm tree on a rock proper, a lion couchant regardant per pale indented azure and gules, supporting with the dexter forepaw an ingot of gold erect. MottO — " Laborare et tempus aucupari." Residence — GEORGE ARTHUR LEY WOOLLCOMBE. Esq., J. P. CO. Devon, M.A. Camb. Born 1864, being the son of Rev. George Ley WooUcomlje, M.A. , Rector of St. Mewan, Cornwall, 1871-1889, J. P. for Cornwall, d. ic,o2 ; m. 1859, Edith, dau. of Henry Lambe. Armorial bear ings — Argent, three bars gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon proper, the wings displayed argent, charged with three bars gules, belled and jessed or. Livery — White, with red facings. Seat — Hemerdon, Plympton, Devon. ©Vice-admiral HENRY BEDFORD WOOLL- COMBE. Born April 25, 1831, being the second son of the late Vice- Admiral George Woollcombe, J. P. co. Devon, of Hemerdon, Plympton, South Devon, by his wife Mary Elizabeth, dau. of the late George Ley of Cockington, South Devon. Livery — White, with red and white striped waistcoat. Armorial bearing^ — He bears for Arms : Argent, three bars gules, impaling the arms of Eden, namely gules, on a chevron Ijetween three garbs or, banded vert, as many escallops sable. Crest — A falcon rising proper, each wing charged with three bars ^ Is the Military Cockade. i ^00 moo 1497 gules. Married, December 18, 1879, Eleanor Agnes, third daughter of the Reverend Arthur Eden [eldest son of the late Hon. William Eden, who was the second son of Rt. Hon. first Lord Henley and the Baroness Grey de Ruthyn] ; and has had Issue— Wzxxy Eden WooUcombe, b. 1880, d. 1887 ; and Eleanor Mary. Postal address — Longridge Road, S. Kensington, S.W. C/tt3— United Service. Lieutenant-Colonel EDWARD WOOLLCOMBE- ADAMS, late R.A., J. P. and D.L. co. Warwick. Bom April II, 1842, being the son of Vice-Admiral Woollcombe of Hemerdon, Devon, by his wife Mary Elizabeth, second dau. of George Ley of Cockington, near Torquay ; assumed the additional surname of Adams by Royal Licence 1893. Armorial hearings — Quarterly i and 4, vert, on a cross or, an estoile sable, in the first quarter a bezant; 2 and 3 argent, three bars gules. Mantling vert and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a talbot azure bezant^e, gorged with a collar and ring attached argent, and resting the dexter paw on an estoile or ; 2. a falcon, wings expanded proper, each charged with three bars gules. Motto — "Sub cruce Veritas." Married, June 6, 1872, Emma Louisa, dau. of Capt. George Curtis Adams, R.N., of Ansty ; and has Issue — Cecil Edward George Woollcombe- Adams, Gentleman, Lieut. Royal Horse Artillery, b. July i, 1873 ; Gwendoline Mary [w. , Nov. 15, 1899, Capt. R.' J. E. Oliver Bellasis, late 20th Hussars] I Dorothy Katherine Adams ; and Hilda Margaret. Seat — Ansty Hall, near Coventry. The Rev. WILLIAM WOOLLCOMBE- BOYCE, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. Trin. Coll., Cantab., late Rector of Elkstone, co. Glos. Born Dec. 5, 1820, being the fourth son of the Rev. Henry Boyce of Queen's College, Cantab., Chaplain to the Dowager Lady de Clifford, by Mary Anne, dau. of John Jacob of Roath Court, co. Glamorgan, sister of Major-General Sir George Le Grand Jacob, K.C.S.I., C.B. ; assumed the additional surname and arms of Woollcombe by Royal Licence dated Aug. 25, 1899. Livery— Green, white facings. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, vert, fretty argent, a cross of the last, thereon three acorns leaved and slipped in fesse of the field (for Boyce) ; 2 and 3, argent, three bars gules, in the centre chief point for distinction a cross crosslet of the last (for Woollcombe), such mark of distinction not being borne by his descendants. Mantling vert and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-griflfin argent, holding in the beak an acorn as in the arms, and resting the sinister claw on an escutcheon vert, charged with two cross crosslets fitch^e in saltire also argent (for Boyce) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a falcon, wings expanded and in- verted proper, belled and jessed or, on each wing three bars gules, and charged on the breast for distinction with a cross crosslet of the last (for Woollcombe), such mark of distinction not being borne by his descendants. Motto — "Cruce robur." Married, April 10, 1849, Jane Vivian, only dau. of the Rev. William Woollcombe, B.D. , Fellow of Corpus Christi Coll. , Oxon. , Vicar ofChristowe and also of Hennock, co. Devon, by Elizabeth, dau. of Rear- Admiral Robert Carthew Reynolds of Penair, near Truro, CO. Cornwall, and sister to Sir Barrington Reynolds, G.C.B. , Admiral of the Blue; and has Issue — (i) Arthur Cour- tenay Woollcombe Woollcombe- Boyce, Gentleman, late Lieut. 49th Regt. , b. April 19, 1852; (2) William Frederick Reynolds WooUcombe-Boyce, Gentleman, M.A. (B.N.C. Oxon.), of the Inner Temple, b. Dec. 20, 1857; (3) Hugh Woollcombe Woollcombe- Boyce, Esq., late Captain 6th (Carabiniers) Dragoon Guards, b. March 20, 1861 ; Mary Vivian ; Julia Reynolds ; and Annie Elizabeth Jacob. Residence — Lake House, Prestbury, R.S.O. , Glos. Postal address — 26 Imperial Square, Cheltenham. WOOLLS (H. Coll.). Azure, a fleur-de-lis between two woolpacks in pale or, as many flaunches argent, each charged with a wolf passant. Son of the late Edward Woolls of Uxbridge : — Alfred D. Woolls, Gentleman, 6. . Pes. — Fairlight, Uxbridge, Middlesex. WOOLRINGTON, quartered by MALET. WOOLRYCH, formerly of Dudmaston, Shropshire. Quarterly, i and 4, azure, on a chevron between three swans, wings elevated argent, beaked and legged gules, a crescent sable (Woolryche, 1403) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a bend between two ravens sable, three escallops argent (Rowley). Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an oak-tree proper. Livery — Blue and silver. Sons of Rev. Humphry Fitzroy Woolrych, M.A. , 1 — Xrlate Vicar of Oare, Faversham, b. 10 Feb. 1823; d. W!" 1904 ; m. 1862, Mary Katherine, d. of J. H. Watson : — Humphry Stephen Woolrych, Esq., Major 8th King's Regt. , b. 1868 \m. 1892, Sophie Clara, ygst. d. of C. W. CoUis of Hagley House, Stourbridge ; and has issue — Humphry CoUis Woolrych, Gentleman, b. 1893; Mary Joyce ; and Honor Dorothy. niWI Yr. sons of late Humphry William Woolrych, Esq., of Croxley, J.P. , Sergeant-at-Law, b. 1795; d. 1871 ; 7n. 1817, Penelope, ygst. d. of Francis Bradford of Great Westwood, Herts: — Francis Benson William Woolrych, Gentleman, b. 1826; 7n. 1859, Frances Emily Sherrington ; and has issue. Res. — Verner, Grosvenor Street, Croydon, N.S.W. William Richard Woolrych, Esq., J.P. and C.C. Herts, Barrister-at-Law, b. 6 Jan. 1837 ; m. 18 May 1870, Dorothea Louisa, ygst. d. of Humphrey Harper Burchell- Herne, Esq., of Bushey Grange, Watford, J.P. and D.L. Seat — Croxley House, Herts. 3BOWEN POTTINGER WOOSNAM, Esquire, of Tyn-y-graig, in the co. of Brecknock, J.P, and D.L. for that CO. and J.P. for the co. of Montgomery, High Sheriff for the former 1893, B.A. of the University of Oxford, Bar- rister-at-Law. Born March 30, 1850, being the eldest son of the late Richard Woosnam, Esquire, of Glandwr, in the co. of Montgomery, and Tyn-y-graig, in the co. of Brecknock, J. P. for both cos. , by his wife Margaret, dau. of William Bell of Bellview, near Abbeyleix, in Queen's County. Armorial bearings — -Per pale sable and azure, a lion passant argent, between four pheons, three in chief and one in base or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent. Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in a fern brake proper, a snake nowed or, thereon preying an eagle also proper, gutt^e- de-larmes. Married, August 15, 1876, Kate, daughter of William Evans of The Fields, in the county of Monmouth ; and has Issue — Richard Bowen Woosnam, Gentleman, born November 17, 1880 ; Kate Marjorie ; Mary Dorothy ; and Florence Gwendolen. Seat — Tyn-y-graig, Builth, in the county of Brecknock. The Rev. CHARLES MAXWELL WOOSNAM, M.A. Trin. Coll., Cantab., Hon. Canon of Chester, is the Nayal Cockade. I49« (DSlOO (RHor Vicar of St. Margaret's, Dunham Massey. Bom Aug. 6, 1856, being the second son of Miijor-Ucncral James Bowcn Woosnani. Bornlwy R. H.A., of Bicknor Court, Coleford, by Agnes, tlau. of William IWU of Itellview, Queen's County, Ireland, Esq., J. P. Armori&l bearings -Per pale sable and azure, a lion passant argent, between four pheons, three in chief and one in base or. Mantling sable and argent. Greet -Upon a wreath of the colours, in a fern brake proper, a snake howed or, thereon preying an eagle also proper, gutt6-de-larmes. Married, Nov. 3, i886, Mary Seely. dau. of Hilton Philipson of Tynemouth ; and has Issue — (r) Charles Hilton Woosnam, Gentleman, b. June 19, 1889; (a) Maxwell Woosnam, Gentleman, b, Sept. 6, 189a ; Monica ; and Gaynor. Postal address — St. Margaret's Vicarage, Dunham Massey, Cheshire. CHARLES WILLIAM WOOSNAM, Esq., J. P. for Montgomeryshire, B.A. (Oxon). Boni 1853, being the third son of the late Richard Woosnam of Glandwr, Llan- idloes, CO. Montgomery, and of Tyn-y-graig, co. Brecon, by Margaret, dau. of the late William Bell of Bellview, Queen's Co. Club — Constitutional. Armorial bearing^ — Per pale sable and azure, a lion passant argent, between three pheons in chief and one in base or. Mantling sable and argent ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in a fern-brake proper, a snake nowed or, preying on an eagle also proper, gutt^e-de-larmes. Married, 1883, Minnie Sophia, dau. of William Daniel Allen, Esq., of Endcliffe, near Sheffield ; and has, with other Issue — Ralph William Woosnam, Gentleman, b. 1887. Seat — Cefnllysgwynne, Builth. HENRY BURGASS WOOSNAM, Gentleman. Bom Sept. 19, 1851, being the second son of the late Richard Woosnam, Esq., J. P. for cos. Montgomery and Brecknock, by his wife Margaret, dau. of William Bell of Bellview, near Abbeyleix, in Queen's Co. Armorial bearings— Per pale sable and azure, a lion passant argent between four pheons, three in chief and one in base or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in a fern brake projaer, a snake nowed or, thereon preying an eagle also proper, gfutt^e-de-l'armes. Married, Dec. 10, 1874, Harriette Hamilton, dau. of John Partington Gray of Bally- roan, Queen's Co. Residence— JAMES BOWEN WOOSNAM, Gentleman, B.A. St. John's, Cantab. Born Dec. 8, 1853, being the eldest son of Major-General James Bowen Woosnam, Esq., J. P., Bombay R.H.A., of Bicknor Court, Coleford, by Agnes, dau. of William Bell of Bellview, Queen's County, Ireland. Armorial bearings— Per pale sable and azure, a lion passant argent, Ix-'tween four pheons, three in chief and one m liase or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest —Upon a wreath of the colours, in a fern brake proper, a snake nowed or, thereon preying an eagle also proper, guttd-de- larmes. Estates — Bodaioch, 'I'refeglws, Montgomeryshire. Postal address — Borjan, Moheema, Assam. SSiR FRANCIS EDMUND WORKMAN - MAC- NAGHTEN, 3rd Baronet (July 16, 1836), of Dunda- rave, Bushmills, co. Antrim, Lord-Lieut, co. Antrim, Hon. Col. 4th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles, Lieut. -Col. late 8th Hussars. Bom July 9, 1828, lieing the eldest son of Sir Edmund Charles Workman-Macnaghten, and Bart., by his wife Mary, only dau. of Edward Gwatkin. Armorial bearings — Quarterly 1 and 4, quarterly i. and iiii. argent, an arm issuant from the sinister proper, the hand grasping across crosslet fitch(?e iwure; ii, and iii. argent, a tower gules, all within a bordurc ermine (for Macnaghten) ; a and 3, or, three martlets sable between two bars wavy gules, in chief three crescents, and in base a f)ortcullis of the second (for Workman) ; the escutcheon charged with his b.'ulge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crests— I. on a wreath of the colours, a tower gules; a. on a wreath of the colours, out of a crescent quarterly argent and sable, a lictor's fasces, rods or, axe proper. Supporters— Two roebucks proper. Mottoes — Under the arms, " I hope in God ; " over the crests, " Non pas I'ouv- rage, mais I'ouvrier." Married, June 6, 1866, Alice Mary, eldest dau. of William Howard Russell, D.L. [which mar- riage was dissolved] ; and by her has had Issue — (i) Edmund Francis Macnaghten, Esq., Lieut. i6th Lancers, b. Nov. 14, 1870, d. unm. Oct. la, 1899; (2) Kenneth William Mac- naghten, Esq., Capt. Royal Fusileers, b. March 20, 1875; Mary Alice \m. , Aug. 28, 1893, William Robert Young of Galgorm Castle, co. AntrimJ; and Hilda Margaret [m., Nov. 14, 1892, Henry Cecil Phillips of Ballyhooly House, CO. Cork]. Residences— Dundara.ve and Bushmills, co. An- trim. Club — United Service. Sir STEUART WORKMAN - MACNAGHTEN, Knight Bachelor. Bom 1815, being the sixth son of Sir Francis Workman-Macnaghten, first Baronet, of Dundarave, in the county of Antrim, Judge of the Supreme Court of Bengal, by his wife Letitia, daughter of Sir William Dunkin ; dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1890. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, quarterly i. and iiii. argent, an arm issuant from the sinister proper, gfrasping a cross crosslet fitch6e azure ; ii. and iii. a tower embattled gules, all within a bordure ermine (for Mac- naghten) ; 2 and 3 or, three martlets sable between two bars wavy gules, in chief three crescents, and in base a portcullis of the second (for Workman). Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a tower gules (for Macnaghten) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, out of a crescent quarterly sable and or, a Roman fasces erect proper (for Workman) ; and above the crests the Motto, " Non pas I'ouvrage mais I'ouvrier," and under the arms, " I hof)e in God." Married, firstly, 1848, Agnes, daughter of J. Eastmont, and widow of Captain Lewis Sheddon (she died 1863) ; secondly, 1864, Emily Frances, commonly known as Lady Emily Frances, daughter of Vice-Admiral Mark Kerr, commonly known as Lord Mark Kerr, by his wife the Right Honourable Charlotte, in her own right Countess of Antrim (she died 1874) ; thirdly, 1877, Amy Katharine, daughter of the Reverend Arthur Thomas ; and by his third marriage has Issue — Angus Charles Rowley Steuart Workman-Mac- naghten, Esquire, born 1883 ; Letitia Julia Hanah ; and Laura Maud Amy. Residence — Bittern Manor House, in the county of Southampton. Club — Carlton. HARRY WORMALD WORMALD. Born 1820, being the second son of William Armitage, Esq., of Ainderby Hall, CO. York, by Charlotte, dau. of the late Harry Wor- mald, Esq., of Woodhouse ; and assumed by Royal License, in 1871, the name and arms of Wormald, under the will of his great-uncle. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or, a fesse ermines between two bears' heads erased in chief and three mascles interlaced fesseways in base sable (for Wor- mald) ; 2 and 3 quarterly per fesse indented azure and gules, a wolfs head erased between four crosses crosslet argent (for Armitage). Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. ^ is tlie Military Cockade. i mot mot .1499 upon a wreath of the colours, on three mascles interlaced fesseways or, a boar's head erased sable (for Wormald) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an arm embow'ed, vested azure, cuffed argent, the hand grasping by the blade a sword in bend sinister proper, pommel and hilt or, a gauntlet fesseways gold (for Armitage). Motto— "Noli me tangere." Married, 1842, Helena, daughter of Peter Trellsen. £j^a/w— Sawley and Cookridge, York- shire. WORMS, see DE WORMS. WORRALL (H. Coll.). Argent, on a plain chevron cottised engrailed between three lions rampant all azure, two bear's paws erased chevronwise of the first. Mantling Married, Aug. 16, 1871, Harriette Sayer, only dau. of Sir Edward William Watkin, Bart., M. P. ; and has Issue — (i) James Worsley-Taylor, Esq., Capt. 4th Batt. King's Own Royal Lancaster Regt., b. July 10, 1872; (2) Francis Ed- azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon the trunk of a tree eradicated fessewise and sprout- ing to the dexter proper, a bear's paw erect and erased argent. Sons of James Worrall, Esq., J. P., of Wing, Oakham, Rutland, of Whalley Range and of Ordsall.i Man- chester, and of Midge Hole, Halifax, b. 1811 ; d. 1890; m. Annie, widow of Denis Leigh : — James Worrall, Esq., J. P. Lanes, b. 1844; m. 1875, J^ne (rf. 1897), yr. d. of late Sir S. J. Gibbons, ist Bart. Seat— Westwell, Tenterden, Kent. Club — Conservative, Edward Worrall, Esq., J. P. co Rutland (High Sheriff 1890). Seat — Wing, Oakham, Rutland. WORSLEY, see TINDAL-WORSLEY-CARILL. S HENRY WILSON WORSLEY-TAYLOR, K.C., of Moreton Hall, co. Lancaster, J. P. and D.L. for that CO., and J. P. for the West Riding of Yorkshire, Chaiiinan of the Lancashire County Sessions (held at Preston), and formerly Recorder of the borough of Preston, M. P. for the Blackpool Div. of Lancashire since Dec, 1900, B.A. Oxford, Barrister -at -Law. Born July 25, 1847, being the only son of the late James Worsley, Esq., J. P., by his wife Alice, dau. of Henry Clegg of Haughton House ; assumed by Royal Licence 1881, in accordance with the will of his cousin Miss Margaret Pilling-Taylor, the additional sur- name of Taylor. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, ermine, on a chief dovetailed gules, a mallet between two escallops or ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron flory counter- flory or, between in chief two falcons and in base a wolf's head erased. Mantling gules and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant sable, sem^e of mallets or, holding between the paws an acorn gold, slipped vert ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a wolf's head erased, encircled by a wreath of oak, and pierced by a tilting-spear fesseways. Motto— " Annoso robore quercus." ward Worsley-Taylor, Gentleman, b. July 4, 1874 ; Mary Beatrice; and Margaret Ursula. Seat — Moreton Hall, Whalley, Lancashire. Clubs — Carlton, Conservative, Rane- lagh. § ALBERT OCTAVIUS WORTHINGTON, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for the county of Stafford, for which county he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1889-1890, Captain and Honorary Major of the Queen's Own Royal Regiment Staffordshire Yeomanry, Lord of the Manor of Pype-cum-Membris, Patron of Seals, Leices- tershire. Born Nov. 20, 1844, being the third but only sur- viving son of the late William Worthington, Esq. , of Newton Park and Burton, J. P. for the cos. of Stafford and Derby, by his wife Mary Anne, second dau. of the late Francis is the Naval Cockade. I500 mot mot CaJvert of Houndhill, co. Stafford. /.iMrrK — Blue coat, scarlet waistcoat, with silver lace and buttons, blue and silver aigiilettes, black plush breeches. Armorial be&rlnj^ — Party per fesse tlancettik* argent and sable, a pale counler- chan^ed, and three tridents erect of the second ; and for his OrMt, on a wreath of the colours, upon the trunk of a tree fesseways eradicated and sprouting proper, a goat passant argent, gorged with a collar gemelle sable, holding in the mouth a spng of oak fructed also proper, with the Motto, " Virtute dignus avorum." Afarried, Feb. i6, 1871, Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of John Etty of Malton, co. York; and has Issue — William Worthington Worthington, Esq., J. P. Staffs., M.A. Oxon., b. Dec. ai, 1871 [m., July 27, 1901, Lady Muriel Gladys Finch, youngest dau. of the 8th Earl of Aylesford, and has issue, William Greville Worth- ington, Gentleman, b. Feb. 26, 1903 ; and Albert Ronald Worthington, Gentleman, b. 1904]; Evelyn Mabel [m., Jan. 12, 1898, Edward Arthur Field Whittell Herbert, Esq., J. P., D. L. , of Glanhafen, Montgomeryshire] ^ Wini- fred Florence [m., 1896, Hon. Alexander Parker, son of sixth Earl of Macclesfield] ; Dorothy Hilda [tn. , April 20, 1903, Lieut. -Col. Francis Edward Fitzherbert, D.S.O., eldest son of Basil Thomas Fitzherbert, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Swynnerton Park, Staffs., and heir-presumptive to the Barony of Stafford] ; and Muriel Esm(5. Estate and postal address — Maple Hayes, Lichfield, Staffordshire. Club — Junior Carlton. ARTHUR MASON WORTHINGTON, Esquire, C.B., F.R.S.. Prof, at the Royal Naval Engineering Coll. , Devon- port. Bom June 11, 1852, being the eighth son of the late Robert Worthington of Sale Hall, co. Chester, by his second wife Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Brewin of Birstall, CO. Leicester. Armorial bearings — Or, three acorns chevronwise proper, between as many tridents sable. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a trident sable a goat passant argent, in the mouth an acorn as in the arms. Married, Aug. lo, 1877, Helen, dau. of Thomas Solly, Barrister-at-Law ; and has Issue — Robert Alfred Worthington, Gentleman, b. June 18, 1878 ; Charlotte Elizabeth ; and Margaret Clare. Resi- dence — Mohuns, Tavistock. Club — Royal Societies'. CHARLES JAMES WORTHINGTON, Gentleman. Bom Aug. 30, 1843, being the eldest son of the late Robert Worthington, Gentleman, of Sale Hall, co. Chester, and of Ardwick, Manchester, by his second wife Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Brewin, Gentleman, of Birstall, co. Leicester. Armorial bearings — Or, three acorns chevron\\ise proper, between as many tridents sable. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a trident erect sable, a goat passant argent, in the mouth an acorn as in the arms. Motto — " Mihi parent .(Equoris Undce." Married, first, July 22, 1874, Elizabeth Ann, second dau. of Edward Gittins of Church Gate, Leicester (who d. Nov. 21, 1880); and has Issue — (1) Robert Edward Worthington, Gentleman, b. Oct. 18, 1878; (2) Frank Worthington, Gentleman, b. June 15, 1880 ; and Mary. He married secondly, April 30, 1884, Emily, second dau. of the late John Edward Clift of Redditch, co. Worcester, and Chelten- ham, CO. Gloucester, and widow of Rev. William Walnie^ley White of Leicester. Residence — Lancaster Road, Birkdale, Southf)ort, CO. Lancaster. GODFREY WORTHINGTON, Gentleman. Bom Feb. 22, 1849, being the fifth son of the late Robert Worthington of Sale Hall, co. Chester, and of Ardwick, Manchester, by his second wife Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Brewin of Birstall, co. Leicester. Aimorial bearings — Or, three acorns chevronwise proper, between as many tridents sable. Mantling vert and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a trident erect sable, a goat passant argent, in the mouth an acorn as in the arms. Married, April 6, 1880, Fanny, only dau. of George Jevons of Liverpool; and has Issue — Hugh Worthington, Gentle- man, b. Jan. 29, 188 1 ; and Elizabeth. 5ears' heads gules, in chief two unicorns' heads erased argent, armed and maned or, in base on a pile of the last, issuing firom the chevron. Wixi a unicorn's head erased of the first. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, and out of a crescent or, a unicorn's head argent, erased gules, armed and maned or. Married, June q, 1852, Blanche Louisa, eldest daughter of the late Henr) Corles Bingham, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieu- tenant, of Wartn.aby Hall, near Melton Mowbray ; and has bad Issue— (i) Ichabod Denman Wright, Esquire, born April 4, 1853, died December 29, 1879 (Royal Artillery), killed in the Afghanistan War ; (2) Charles Bingham Wright, Gentleman, born November 19, 1854; (3) Nevil Wright, Gentleman, born November 26, 1857; Blanchi- Theodosia ; Rosamond Frances [married Major E. I . Webb]; and Grace Henrietta [married Richard Campbell Davys]. Estates — Watcombe Park, Torquay ; land and property at Basford, near Nottingham. Postal address — Watcombe Park, Torquay. EDWARD PERCEVAL WRIGHT. Esquire, J. P. forco. of Dublin, M.A., M.D. (Dub.), M.A. (Oxford), F.R. CS.l. « is tbe Military Cockade. mti mil 1503 F. L.S. , Professor of Botany in the University of Dublin (1869-1904), a Trustee of the National Library of Ireland, President of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, igoo-1903. Bom Dec. 27, 1834, being the eldest son of Edward Wright, LL.D. , Barrister-at-Law, of Floraville, CO. Dublin, by his wife Chnrlotte, dau. of Joseph Wright of Beech Hill, co. Dublin. Armorial bearings— Per pale sable and azure, on a chevron between three unicorns' heads couped or, as many tilting-spear-heads gules. Mantling; sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an arm in armour embowed proper, holding in the hand a broken tilting-spear azure, headed or. Motto — " Honor virtute praemium." Married 1872, Emily, second dau. of Colonel Ponsonby Shaw. Postal address — 5 Trinity College, Dublin. C/«*— Reform. The Rev. ERNEST ALEXANDERSON WRIGHT, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dublin), Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of St. John's, Hull. Bom 1865, being the fifth son of the Rev. Charles Henry Hamilton Wright, D.D. (Trin. Coll. Dub.), M.A. (Oxon.), Ph.D. (Leipzig), by his wife Ebba, dau. of Nicholas William Almroth, Knight of the Royal Order of the North Star, Governor of the Royal Mint of Sweden. Ar- morial bearings — Per pale sable and azure, on a chevron between three imicorns' heads couped or, as many tilting- spear-heads gules. Mantling sable and or. Crest — An arm in armour embowed proper, holding in the hand a broken tiltiiig-spear azure, headed or. Motto — " Honor virtutis prasmium." Married, Nov. 7, 1894, Agnes, dau. of Joseph Hall Worthington , Esq. , F. R. G. S. , J. P. , of Oxton , Cheshi re ; and has /w«^- Ruthven Alexanderson Wright, Gentleman, b. Dec. 6, 1897 ; Kathleen Alexanderson ; and Honor Brooke Alexanderson (d. 1904). Postal address — 154 Aulaby Road, Hull. Club — Dublin University Union (Dublin). 5FITZHERBERT WRIGHT, Esquire, V.D., J. P. and D.L. , High Sheriff 1902 for co. Derby, late Lieut. - Col. ist Derbyshire Rifle Volunteers. Born June 26, 1841, being the fourth son of the late Francis Wright of Osmas- ton Manor, co. Derby, by his wife Selina, dau. of Sir Henry FitzHerbert of Tissington. Armorial bearings — Sable, on a chevron argent, three spear-head gules, in chief two unicorns' heads erased of the second, armed and maned or, in base on a pile of the last, issuing from the chevron, a unicorn's head erased of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head argent, erased gules, armed and maned or, charged on the neck with three spear-heads, one and two also gules. Motto — " Ad rem." Married, Aug. 4, 1865, Louisa Char- lotte Rudolphine, dau. of Ernst Christopher Friedrich von Beckman, Pastor of Holzendorf, Mecklenburg-Schwerin ; and has Issue — (i) Henry FitzHerbert Wright, Esq., J.P., CO. Derby, Barrister-at-Law, b. Oct. 9, 1870 [m., Sept. 13, 1894, Muriel Harriet, third dau. of Col. Henry Charles Fletcher, and has issue] ; (2) Ernest B^resford FitzHerbert Wright, Gentleman, b. Feb. 28, 1875 [m., Nov. 23, 1899, Lucy Adeline, fourth dau. of Sir Charles Douglas Fox, and has issue] ; (3) Francis Evelyn FitzHerbert Wright, Gentleman, b. Nov. 20, 1882; Emihe Augusta \m., April 24, 1889, Rev. W. H. Draper] ; Louisa Adelina ; Judith Frances [/«., April 25, 1895, Godfrey Acheson Thornhagh Foljambe, second son of Rt. Hon. Francis Savile Fol- jambe of Osberton]; and Ursula Mary Victoria. Seal — The Hayes, Swanwick, co. Derby. Clubs — Arthur, Junior Carlton. FRANCIS BERESFORD WRIGHT, Esquire, M.A. of the University of Cambridge, J. P. cos. of Derby and Warwick. Born December 30, 1837, being the third son of the late Francis Wright, I'^sq., of Osmaston Manor, in the CO. of Derby, D.L. and J. P., by his wife Selina, eldest dau. of Sir Henry Fitz- Herbert, Bart., of Tissington Hall, in the CO. of Derby. Livety — Black coat with gilt buttons, striped gold and black waistcoat, black plush breeches, white stockings. Armorial bearings — Sable, en a chevron argent, three spear-heads gules, in chief two unicorns' heads erased argent, armed and maned or, in base on a pile of the last issuant from the chevron, a unicorn's head erased sable, and impaling the arms of Fitz-Herbert, namely gules, three lions rampant or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent. Crest —A unicorn's head argent, erased gules armed and maned or, on the neck chevron wise three spear- heads gules. Motto — "Ad rem." A/arr/sa', June 20, 1862, Adeline Frances Henrietta, eldest dau. oi the late Lieut. -Col. Richard Henry Fitz-Herbert (second son of Sir Henry Fitz- Herbert, Bart.) of Somersal Herbert, in the co. of Derby ; and has Issue — (i) Arthur Fitz-Herbert Wright, Esq., J. P. for the CO. of Derby, of Aldercar Hall, b. 1865 \m., Dec. 12, 1900, Daisy Isabel, eldest dau. of Hon. and Rev. Robert Chichester Moncrieff, and has issue, Adeline Nora] ; (2) Kenneth Hepburn Wright, Gentleman, of Yelvertoft Manor, Rugby, b. 1868; (3) Richard Beresford Wright, Gentleman, of Bilton Hill, Rugby, b. 1870 \rn., July 26, 1899, Mary Gwladwys, eldest dau. of Henry Donne of The Abbey Ruins, Bury St. Edmunds ; and has issue, Richard Donald Wright, Gentleman, b. Aug. 12, igoo ; and Margaret Irene]; (4) Ivan Fitz-Herbert Wright, Gentleman, b. 1875 ; and Adeline Francesca. Estate and postal address — Wootton Court, Warwick. GEORGE HENRY CORY WRIGHT, Gentleman, of Sigglesthorne Hall, in the co. of York, B.L. , B.A. of the University of Cambridge. Born March i, i860, being the son of Sir William Wright, K. B. , of Sigglesthorne Hall, J. P. and D.L., by his second wile Jane Eliza, dau. of the Rev. Charles Cory, Vicar of Skipsea. Armorial bearings— Or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, between in chief two eagles' heads erased, and in base a feather of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or. Crest—Upon a wreath of the colours, a unicorn passant per pale or and azure, gorged with a collar gemel, and holding in the mouth a feather azure. Motto— " Meritez." Married, 1886, Ellen, dau. of J. A. Wade, Esq., J. P., of Hornsea, in the co. of York; and has Issue — George Sigglesthorne Wright, Gentleman, *. 1888. HARRIET ELIZABETH WRIGHT and EMILY PRISCILLA WRIGHT, daus. and (with their sisters Mary Berry, wife of Frederick Poyton Weaver, M. D. , and Julia Lees, widow of the late George Garratt) co-heirs of the late Edward Abbott Wright, Esq., J. P. for the cos. of Lancaster and Cheshire, and for Oldham, by his wife Mary, dau. of Henry Berry of Golden Square, Westminster. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Azure, two bars nebuly, in chief a leopard's face jessant-de-lis between two pears ajl is tbe Naval Cockade. • IS04 mti or. Estatt and postal tuUreu — Castle Park, Frodsbam, Cheshire. HENRY SMITH WRIGHT. Gentleman. B.A. Cam- bric!^. Rarrisler-at-Law Inner Temple, M.P. for South Nottingham 1886-1895. Horn 1839. being the third son of the late Ichabod Charles Wright of Mappeiley Hall, Notts, and the Hon. Theodosia. eldest dau. of the ist Lord Denman. Lix-ery — Dark blue, yellow facings. Anuoilal beartogs — Sable, on a chevron argent, three spear-heads gules, in chief two unicorns' beads erased argent, armed and maned or. in base or. a pile of the last, issuing from the chevron, a uni- corn's head erased of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, out of a crescent or, a unicorn's head argent, erased gules, armed and maned gold. Married, firstly, 1865, Mary Jane, only child of the late William Cartledge of Woodlhorpe, Notts ; secondly, 1869. Josephine Henrietta, only dau. of the late Rev. John Adolphus Wright, formerly Rector of Ickham. Kent ; and has Issue— (1) Henry Adolphus Smith Wright. Esq., Capt. and Royal Fusiliers, b. 1869; (a) George Lewis Smith Wright, Gentleman, b. 187a ; (3) Edward Henry Smith Wright, Gentleman, b. 1875 ; (4) John Harold Smith Wright. Gentleman. Lieut. R.N.. <5. 1882; Edith Mary Smith (by first marriage) [»»., 1888. Donald Campbell, Esq., and has issue]; and Alice Dorothea Smith [»»., 1894, Richard Manders, Esq., K.C.. Irish Office, Barrister-at-Law]. Resi- «&««-Averley Tower, Famham, Surrey. C/«*j— Carlton, Hiu'lingharo. PHILIP WRIGHT, Esquire High Sheriff 1884, J. P. cos. Derby, Montgomery, and Salop, Bom Sept. 24, 1846, being the youngest son of the late Francis Wright, Gentleman, Osmaston Manor, co. Derby, and Selina his wife, dau. of Sir Henry FitzHerbert, Bart., of 1 issington. Armorial bearings— Sable, on a chevron argent, three spear heads gules, in chief two unicorns' heads erased of the second, armed and maned or, in base on a pile of the last, issuing from the chevron, a unicorn's head erased of the first. MantliTi g sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head argent, erased gules, armed and maned or, charged on the neck with three spear heads. one and two also gules. Motto— "Ad rem." Married, Nov. 25. 1868, Alice Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. William Bury, Rector of Pimperne, co. Dorset; and has Issue— (1) Rev. William Aden Wright, Clerk in Holy Orders, b. Nov. 2a, 1869 ; (a) Philip Nithsdale Wright, Gentleman, Com- mander R.N. b. Feb. 3, 1871 ; (3) Maurice Beresford Wright. Gentleman, b. Jan 30, 1872 ; (4) Francis Anthony Cedric Wright, Gentleman, b. April 18, 1873 ; (5) Godfrey FitzHerbert Wright, Gentleman, b. Dec. 11, 1874; (6) Edward AUeyne Wright. Gentleman, b. June i, 1877; (7) Hugh Estere! Wright. Gentleman, b. April 13, 1879. Seat — Mellington Hall, Churchstroke. co. Montgomery. Club— National. S PHILIP CHETWOOD WRIGHT, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. CO. Lincoln, B.A. (Oxon.), Hon. Major 3rd Batt. Lincolnshire Regt. Bom May 10. 1866, being the eldest surv. son of Samuel Wright Wright, Esq. , J. P. and D. L. , of Nettleton House, near Caistor, and of Brattleby and North Kelsey. co. Lincoln, by his wife Constance Mary, dau. of Peter Freeland Aiken, Banker, of Bristol. Livery— Bhx, buff facings, and silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a fesse engrailed between three eagles' heads erased azure, as many martlets of the field. Upon the es- cutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert a unicorn passant regardant argent, sem^ of estoiles azure, armed, maned, and unguled or, gorged with a collar also azure, the dexter foot resting upon a cross pat6e gold. Motto, " God guard my right." Married, Oct. 17, 1901, Josephine Agneta Mary, only dau. of the late Rev. Richard Chichester of Drewsteignton Rectory. Devon; and has /««assant regardant argent, sem6e of estoiles azure, armed, maned, j and hoofed or, gorged with a collar also azure, the dexter ' foot resting on a cross patt^e gold. 5«a/— Wold Newton Manor, near North Thoresby, S.O.. in the county of Lincoln. WRIGHT (R.L., 1796. H. Coll.). Azure, two bars argent, in chief as many leopard's faces or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm couped and embowed, habited azure, purpled or, cuffed argent, the hand proper, brandishing a sword is the Military Cockade. s Plate LI. PlTCSrsHOK^D • • Bocci;-By I5ai2TSR, - ffisS-T>OI3 ^^ I mti mvi 1505 also argent, pierced through a leopard's face as in the arms. Only son of John Wright, Esq., of Hatfield Priory, J. P., D.L. (High Sheriff Essex 1869), 6. 1821 ; d. 1882 ; m. 2nd, 1873, Jane Charlotte Bazette, only d. of Thurlow Dowling of Lower Belgrave Street, S.W. :— John Wright, Gentleman, d. 1879. Seat — Hatfield Priory, Essex. ■» > Ygst. son of John Wright, Gentleman, 6. 1794 ; d.v.p, 1836; m. 1820, Mary, d. of Sir John Tyrell, Bart., of Boreham House : — William Henry Wright, Gentleman, Commander R.N. , b. ; m. 1853, Kate, d. of Abraham Hargrave of Ballyno, Queenstown, co. Cork ; and has issue. Res. — mural crown chequy or and gules, a dragon's head vert, on the neck three leopards' faces as in the arms, between two bars gemel a trefoil slipped or. Motto—" Invictus maneo." Married, November 14, 1883, Margaret, daughter of William Leader of Rosnalee, in the county of Cork ; and has Issue— (i) William Fortescue Wright-Armstrong, Gentleman, born August 13, 1885 ; (2) Michael Richard Leader Wright- Armstrong, Gentleman, born November 27, 1889 ; (3) Henry Maxwell Wright- Armstrong, Gentleman, born February 12, 1891 ; (4) James Robert Bargrave Wright - Armstrong, Gentleman, b. April 6, 1893 ; (5) Christopher Wyborne Wright-Armstrong, Gentleman, b. May 22, 1899 ; Frances Margaret Alice ; l3orothea Gertrude ; and Margaret Helen Elizabeth. Estate and postal address — Killylea, county Armagh. WRIGHT of Guayaquil (Confirmed U.O.). Per pale sable and azure, on a chevron between three unicorn's heads couped or, three spear-heads gules. MaxLtling sable and or. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, an arm em- bowed in armour proper, holding a broken tilting-spear azure, pointed or. Motto — " Honor virtute prasmium." Son of Gen. Thomas Charles Wright (1799-1870), formerly Midshipman H.M.S. " Newcastle," afterwards in the service of Colombia, being promoted General of Brigade 1830, General of Division 1835, and Com- mandant-General of the Province of Guayas, and receiving sundry medals, the bust of the Liberator, and the Star of Boyaca ; m. 1832, Angela Rico of Rocafuerte : — Thomas Charles Wright, Gentleman, b. 1836; tn. 1868, Aurora M. de Ycaza (d. 1897) ; and has surv. issue — (i) I'homas Charles Wright, Gentleman, b. 1873; (2) Albert Angelo Wright, Gentleman, b. 1876; (3) William Hugh Wright, Gentleman, b. 1877 \jn. 1900, Elena Vallarino] ; Rosa \m. 1899, Leonard Stagg] ; Carolina Alexandra [/«. 1900, Luis de Orrantia]. Res. — Guayaquil, Ecuador. Sons of Edward Wright, Gentleman, 1839-1892 (s. of Gen. Thomas Charles Wright) ; m. 1876, Teresa Aguirre : — Edward Wright, Gentleman, b. 1877. Res. — Charles Wright, Gentleman, b. 1882, Res. — Robert Wright, Gentleman, b. 1883. Res.— WRIGHT (U.O.). Per pale sable and azure, on a chevron between three unicorn's heads couped or, as many spear-heads gules, a mullet for difference. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an arm cmbowed in armour proper, charged with a mullet for difference, holding a broken tilting-spear azure, point or. Motto — " Honor virtutis prsemium." Sons of : — Rev. William Heber Wright, M.A., b. . Res.—'S>X. George's Vicarage, Worthing. Major Warren Wright, M.A. (Dub.), b. 1845. Res.— Hilcote House, Campden, Glos. HENRY BRUCE WRIGHT-ARMSTRONG, Esquire, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, High Sheriff 1875 and 1894, Barrister-at-Law. Bom July 27, 1844, being the younger but only surviving son of the late William Jones Armstrong, Esquire, of Killylea, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieu- tenant, High Sheriff 1840 (who assumed in 1868, by Royal License, the name and arms of Wright under the will of Lady Frances E. Wright-Wilson), by his wife Dame Frances Elizabeth, relict of Colonel Sir Michael M'Creagh, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Knight Commander of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order, &c. , and only daughter of Captain Christopher Wilson of the 22nd Foot. Clubs — Carlton, Kildare Street (Dublin). Armo- rial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, per pale gules and vert, three dexter armed arms couped at the shoulders and embowed, the hands clenched proper (for Armstrong) ; 2 and 3 argent, three bars gemel gules, on a chief azure three leopards' faces or, a canton ermine for distinction (for Wright). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. out of a mural coronet or, an armed arm embowed, the hand grasping an oak-tree eradicated proper (for Armstrong) ; 2. out of a WRIGHTSON, see BATTIE-WRIGHTSON. JOHN WRIGHTSON, Gentleman, President of the Downton College of Agriculture, near Salisbury, third and youngest son of the late Thomas Wrightson of Neasham Hall, in the co. of Durham, by his wife Rebecca Gilchrist, dau. of William Potter of Walbottle House, in the co. of Northumberland. Armorial bearings — Or, a fesse in- vected chequy azure and argent between two eagles' heads erased in chief sable, and a saltire couped in base gules ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a saltire gules, a unicorn salient or ; with the Motto, " Veritas omnia vincit." Married, July 23, 1872, Maria Isabella, only daughter of the late Charles Norleigh Hulton ; and has Issue — (i) John Frederick Hulton Wrightson, Gentleman, born February 6, 1875 ; (2) Thomas Reginald Wrightson, Gentle- man, born June 7, 1878 ; (3) Edmund Gilchrist Wrightson, Gentleman, born August 25, 1879 ; (4) Archibald Ingram Hulton Wrightson, Gentleman, born July 30, 1882 ; (5) Roger Armstrong Wrightson, Gentleman, born March i, 1888 ; (6) Philip Blethyn Hulton Wrightson, Gentleman, born Novem- ber 17, 1890 ; (7) Cerdic William Wrightson, Gentleman, born October 18, 1892 ; Rebecca Elena; Alyne Garmonds- way ; Hilda ; and Georgiana Maria Hulton. Postal address — The College of Agriculture, Downton, Hants. ROBERT GARMONDSWAY WRIGHTSON. Gentle- man, Barrister-at-Law, M.A. (Ctmbridge), b. April 6, 1869, being the eldest son of the late Rev. William Gar- monsway Wrightson, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, by his wife Priscilla Anne, eldest dau. and coheiress of the late Alfred Head of London. Armorial bearings — Or, a fesse invected chequy azure and argent, between two eagles' heads erased in is tbe Naval Cockade. 1506 mti mi^si chief lable and a saltire couped in Ixise gules ; and for a Orwt, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a saltire gules, a unicorn salient or; with the Motto, "Veritas omnin vincit." Estate — Spring House, Middleton-one-Row. in the CO. of Uurham. Postal address — Ockenden, Cuck- fkld, Sussex. Sir THOMAS WRIGHTSON, ist Baronet (1900), J.P. CO. Durham, M.P. for Stockton-on-Tees 1892-1895, and for East St. Pancras since 1899. Bom March 31, 1839, being the second son of the late Thomas Wrightson of Neas- bam Hall, in the county of Durham, by his wife Rebecca Gilchrist, daughter of William Potter of Walbottle House, in the county of Northumberland. C/u6s — Carlton, Junior Carlton, St. Stephen's. Armorial bearinfira— He bears for Arms: Ur, a fesse invected chequy azure and argent, between two eagles' heads erased in chief sable and a saltire cou[)ed in base gules, the escutcheon being charged with the badge of Ulster as a Baronet ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a saltire gules, a unicorn salient or, with the Motto, "Veritas omnia vincit. " Married, June 23, 1869, Elizabeth, daughter of the late Samuel Wise, Solicitor, of Ripon, in the county of York ; and has issue — (i) Thomas Garmondsway Wrightson, Esq., Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, born August 21, 1871 ; (3) Charles Archibald Wise Wright- son, Esq., Lieut, of the Royal Navy, born July 17, 1874; (3) Wilfrid Ingram Wrightson, Esq., born February ao, 1876; Mary Isabella Edith [married, October 18, 1893; George Frederick Mortimer, Master of Arts and Barrister- at-Law] ; Lucy Elizabeth Wise ; Margaret Justina ; Grace Evelyn Spencer ; Rebecca Hope Gilchrist ; and Jocelyn Bruce. Seat — Neasham Hall, Darlington. S CHARLES EDWIN WRIGLEY. Esq., J.P. and D.L. for Lanes. Bom i860, being the eldest son of the late Edwin Gnindy Wrigley, Esq., J.P. and D.L., of Timberhurst, by his wife Mary, dau. of Edmund Potter of Camfield Place, Herts. Armorial bearings — Or, on a chevron sable, three mullets of the field between two flaunches gules, each charged with a stag's head erased of the first. MjLTit.iiTigr g3ble and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased or, sem6e of mullets sable, holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert. Motto^ " Aquiret qui tuetur." Married, 1886, Blanche, second dau. of the late E. C. Potter ; and has, with other /ssue — A son, *. 1891. Seats — Howick House, Preston; Holme Island, Grange-over-Sands. OSWALD OSMOND WRIGLEY, Esq., J.P. for co. Lanes. Bom 1836, being the second son of the late Thomas Wrigley, Esq., D.L., of Timberhurst, by his wife Hannah, dau. of the late Edmund Grundy of Bury, co. Lancaster, Armorial bearings— Or, on a chevron sable, three mullets of the first between two flaunches gules, each charged with a stag's head erased of the field. Ma.Tit11ng sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased or, senile of mullets sable, liokiing in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert. Motto —" Aquiret qui tuetur." Seat — Bridge Hall, Bury, Lancashire. WRIGLEY (H. Coll.). Or, on a pale azure, between two stag's heads erased of the last, an oak leaf slipped between two escallops of the first. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, three quatrefoils fessewise or, thereon a stag's head erased azure, holding in the mouth a sprig of a cotton tree slipped and fructed proper. Son of : — Edward Wright Wrigley, Esq., J.P. Lanes., 6. Res. — Thomeycroft, Prestwich, Lancashire. SSiR JOHN WRIXON-BECHER, 3rd Baronet (1831) of Ballygiblin, co. Cork, M.A. (Camb.), D.L. and J.P. for that CO., High Sheriff 1867. Bom 1826, beinsj the second son of the late Sir William Wrixon-Becher, ist Bart. , by his wife, n^e O' Neill. Armorial bearings - Vair6 argent and gules, on a canton or, a buck's head coujied sabk, im- paling the arms of Hare, namely gules, two bars and a chief indented or ; the escutcheon charged with his bad of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling gules and argent. Cr< ■ Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-lion ermine, gorg with a plain collar vairii. Motto — "His vivit qui l>ene.| Marriea, 1857, Emily Catherine, commonly called Lad Einily Catherine, dau. of the Right Hon. the and Earl Listowel; and has Issue — (i) Eustace William Windha Wrixon-Becher, Esq., *. 1859; (2) Edgar Wrixon-Bech« Esq., b. 1863 ; (3) Henry Wrixon-Becher, Esq., b, i86a; (i Arthur Nicholas Wrixon-Becher, Esq., b. 1868; Victoii Emily ; Mary ; Cecil Eleanor [w., 1894, Percy Hope Murra| M.B.]; Barbara Elizabeth; Adelaide Maud [w., June 1,189 William Norton Barry; Alice Elizabeth [m., June 28, i8g Hon. Horace George Lysaght, only son of George \S illiaii 1st Lord Lisle]; Evelyn; Georgiana Victoria [»». , April al 1898, Capt. Edward Wilfrid Spedding, R.A.J; atid HiltT Mary. Seats Ballygiblin, near Mallow; and Creagb, ne Skibbereen, both in co. Cork. WROTH, quartered by LANE. WROTHE, quartered by ACLAND-TROY TE. WROTHAM, quartered by LANE. ARTHUR NORRIS WYATT, Gentleman, late Lieu 4th Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Born October 1 i860, being the second son of Arthur Wyatt, Esq., Earls wood Park, Gorey, and late of Tanybryn, Banga J.P. Carnarvonshire {d. 1887), by his wife Margaret Louis daughter of Rev. John Bonham of Ballintaggart, in th CO. Kildare, J.P. Livery — Claret colour, with yello facings and gilt buttons. Armorial bearings— He Ijea for Arms : Gules, on a fesse or Ijetween three boars' he erased argent, two lions passant sable. Upon the escu cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, out of a muraT coronet argent, a demi-lion rampant sable, charged on the shoulder with an estoile also argent, and holding in the e is the Military Cockade. ( 323p taipa 1507 dexter paw an arrow proper ; with the Motto, " Vi attamen honore." Married, July 7, 1892, May, fourth daughter of the late Captain Sylvan us Reynolds of Raddon Court, Latchford, Cheshire, J. P. for that county ; and has Issue — (i) Arthur Guy Norris Wyatt, Gentleman, born March 8, 1893; (2) Myles Dermod Norris Wyatt, Gentleman, ^. July 2, 1903 ; Barbarina Joan ; and Margaret Reynolds. Postal addresses — Earlswood Park, Gorey, county Wexford, Ire- land ; Whitegate, near Northwick, Cheshire. EDWARD GERALD WYATT, Gentleman. Born Feb. 17, 1869, being the fourth son of the late Rev. John Ingram Penfold Wyatt, VI. A., Perpetual Curate of Hawley, Hants, by his wife Harriet, younger dau. of John W. Tipping, and granddau. of Thomas Tipping of Ardwick Hall, CO. Lancaster. Armorial beaxing'S— Gules, on a fesse or, between three boars' heads couped ermine, a lion passant between two pheons azure. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant erased azure, holding in his dexter paw an arrow proper, headed with a pheon argent. Married, April 23, 1894, Margaret Anne, dau. of Orme ; and has Issue — Wilfrid Wyatt, Gentleman ; and Agnes. Residence — Whitacre Tipping, and granddau. of Thomas Tipping of Ardwick Mall, co. Lancaster. Armorial bearings Gules, on a fesse or, between three boars' heads couped ermine, a lion passant, enclosed by two pheons azure. Mantling gules and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant erased azure, holding in his dexter paw an arrow proper, headed with a pheon argent. Married, 1889, Grace Evelyn, dau. of the late G. J. Graystone Reid of St. Pierre, Tunbridge Wells ; and has with other Issue (i) Hugh Gray- stone Penfold Wyatt, Gentleman, b. Nov. 11, 1890; (2) Richard John Penfold Wyatt, Gentleman, b. April 7, 1892 ; (3) Geoffrey Wilfrid Penfold Wyatt, Gentleman, b. February 6, 1896 ; (4) Oliver Evelyn Penfold Wyatt, Gentleman, b. March 7, 1898 ; (s) Eric Thomas Penfold Wyatt, b. 1905 ; and Joane Miriam Penfold Wyatt. Seat — Cissbury, \Vorthing, Sussex. JAMES WILLIAM WYATT, Gentleman, Assoc. Mem. of the Institute of Civil Engineers, Fellow of Cooper's Hill. Born Dec. 17, 1857, being the eldest son of the late Lieut.- Col. James Henry Wyatt, C B. , J. P. co. of Carnarvon, of Bryn Gwynan, Beddgelert, N. Wales, by his wife Jane Forbes, eldest dau. of William Hogarth of Aberdeen. Ar- HUGH RICHARD PENFOLD WYATT, Esq., J.P. CO. of Sussex, M.A. (Christ Church, Oxon.), Barrister- at-Law. Born March 5, i860, being" the eldest son of Rev. John Ingram Penfold Wyatt, M.A., Perpetual Curate of Hawley, Hants, by his wife Harriet, younger dau. of John morial bearings — Gules, on a fesse or, between three boars' heads erased argent, two lions passant sable. Crest — Out of a mural coronet argent, a demi-lion rampant sable, charged on the shoulder with an etoile of the first, and hold- ing an arrow proper. Motto — "Vi attamen honore." Seats — Bryn Gwynan, Beddgelert, North Wales. Club — Alpine. JOHN ARTHUR WYATT, Gentleman. Born July 8, 1862, being the second son of the late Rev. John Ingram Penfold Wyatt, M.A., Perpetual Curate of Hawley, Hants, by his wife Harriet, younger dau. of John W. Tipping, and granddau. of Thomas Tipping of Ardwick Hall, co. Lan- caster. Armorial bearings Gules, on a fesse or, between three boars' heads couped ermine, a lion passant between two pheons azure. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant, erased azure, holding in his dexter paw an arrow proper, headed with a pheon argent. Married, Oct. 2, 1889, Mabel Baird, dau. of Boycott ; and has Issue— Mmaxa ; Violet ; Barbara ; and Janet Sarah. Residence- is the Naval Cockade. »5o8 ^Ipa mvk JB ARTHUR WYATT-EDGELL, Ksquire. D.L., J.P. O for I)evun, B.A. (Cantab.), late Lieut. -Colonel ist IVvon Eirig. Vol. R.A.. and late Lieut, loth Hussars and W, Somerset Yeomanry, /font July 5, 1837, lieing the only son of the late Richard Wyatt-Edgell, Es<|., D.L., of Milton Place, Surrey, by Jane, dau. of the late George Sullivan Marten of Marshal's Wick, Herts. I.htiy — Blue, yellow collar. Armorial bearings — (Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a chevron sable, between three cinquefoils gules, as many bezants (for Edgell) ; 2 and 3 sable, a fesse dancett^ argent between three eagles dis- played or, a chief of the last (for Wyatt) ; and impaling the arms of I>eveson-Gower, namely, quarterly i and 4, harry of eight argent and gules, a cross patonce sable (for Gower) ; 3 and 3 ;izure, three laurel leaves erect or (for l^veson). yfantiing s;iblc and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colouis, a demi-Uon rampant holding in the dexter paw a cinquefoil gules, slipped and leaved vert (for Edgell) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion per pale crenellde or and sable, holding in the dexter paw an arrow gules, headed and feathered argent (for Wyatt). Motto — " Honesta bona." Married, July 30, 1868, Frances Albinia Gresham. dau. of the late Wm. I^veson-Gower, Esq. , of Titsey Place; and has Issue — (i) Merrik Richard Arthur Wyatt-Edgell, Gentleman, b. July 23, 1872 ; (2) Cecil Stafford Charles Wyatt-Edgell, Gentleman, b. Dec. 20, 1881 ; and Lucy Priscilla. Seat — Cowley Place, Exeter. Club — Brooks's. WYBERGH of Clifton Hall, Westmorland (H. Coll.) Quarterly, 1 and 4, sable, three bars or, in chief two estoiles of the second (Wybergh, temp. Edw. HI. ) ; 2. gules, a fesse dancett^e between three cross crosslets fitch6e (d'Eugayne, '365) ; 3- sable, three annulets argent, in chief two saltires coupedofthe second (Hilton, 1715). Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased or. Motto — " Hominem te esse memento." Sons of Peter Wybergh, Commander R.N., b. 1795; d. ; m. 1828, Jane, d. of Archibald Tod of Dry Grange, Roxburghshire; — William Wybergh, Gentleman, b. 1834. Res. — Archibald Wybergh, Esq., Hon. Col. in the Army, b, 1834 (twin with his brother); m. i860, Emily Toldewy. Res. — Borrans Hill, Cumberland. Son of Sir Wilfrid Wybergh Lawson, ist Bart, (name and arms of Lawson assumed without Royal Licence), ^- 179s; '^- 1867; m. 1821, Caroline, d. of Sir James Graham, ist Bart. , of Netherby : — Sir Wilfrid Lawson, 2nd Bart. (U.K., 30 Sept. 1831), J.P., M.P. for Carlisle 1859-1865 and 1868- 1885, Cocker- mouth Div. of Cumberland 1886-1900, and Camborne Div. of Cornwall since 1903, b. 1829 ; m. i860, Mary d. of Joseph Pocklington-Senhouse of Netherhall, Cumberland ; and has issue — (i) Wilfrid Lawson, Esq., D.L. , b. 1862 \m. 1891, Mary Camilla, d. of late Turner Macan of Elstow, Beds., and Cariff, co. Armagh]; (2) Arthur Lawson, Esq., b. 1866; (3) Mordaunt Lawson, Esq., b. 1868 [»«. 1894, his cousin Adelaide, d. of Col. Archibald Wybergh; and has issue — Hilton Lawson Gentleman, b. 1895; and Peter Lawson, Gentleman,*. 1898] ; (4) Godfrey Lawson, Esq., *. 1880; Ellen [;«. 1884, Hon. Arthur H. Holland-Hilbert] ; Mabel \m. 1895, Alan de Lancey Curwen]; Lucy [/«. Edmund Heathcote Thruston] ; and Josephine. Seat — Brayton, Carlisle Isel Hall, Cockermouth. Clubs — Reform, Wellington. William Lawson, Esq., b. 1836: tn. 1870, Emily Jane Tyler of Warwick, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Res. — Son of Rev. Christopher Hilton Wybergh, Vicar of Isell, b. 1799; d. 1876; m. 1826, Anna Maria, d. of Rev. Francis Minshull and gd. of Rt. Rev. Samuel G od- enough. Bishop of Carlisle : — Francis Wybergh, Gentleman, d. 1829; m. 1865, Eliza- beth, d. of P. Atkinson of Coniston, Lanes. ; and has issue— (i) Hilton Wybergh, Gentleman, b. 1866; (2) Francis Minshull Wybergh, Gentleman, b. 1870 ; and Anna Mary. Res. — Sons of Rev. Christopher Wybergh, Vicar of Scraying- ham, Yorks., b. 1831 ; d. 1881 ; m. 18&7, Frances Anne, d. of late John Swann of Askham Hall, Yorks. :— Wilfrid John Wybergh, Gentleman, b. 1868. Res.— Cecil Hilton Wybergh, Gentleman, b. 1871. Res.— 18 Hartington Place, Carlisle. WYBRAN TS, see HIGGINBOTHAM-WYBRANTS. WYCLIFFE, quartered by WITHAM. S PHILIP JAMES DIGBY WYKEHAM, Esquire. J.P. for cos. of Oxford, Gloucester, and Bucks; D.L. for Oxford (High Sheriff 1887). B.A. Exeter Coll., Oxon., formerly Capt. R. North Gloucester Militia. Born 1839, licing the younger son of the late Aubrey Wennian Wyke- ham of Swalcliffe Park, Oxon., by his wife Georgina, dau. of the late Sir James Musgrave, eighth Bart, (extinct), of Barnslcy Park. Club — Carlton. Lhery — Dark blue, red facings, and red waistcoat ; dress : silver lace facings, dark blue plush breeches. Armorial bearings— Argent, two chevronels sable, between three roses gules, seeded or, barbed vert, and impaling the arms of Henley, namely azure, a lion rampant argent, supporting a rudder or, on a chief of the second, an anchor sable between two trefoils slipped proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — A bull's head sable, armed or, charged on the neck with two chevronels argent. Motto — "Manners maketh man." Married, Sept. 12, 1871, Georgiana Caro- line, second dau. of Joseph John Henley of Waterperry, Oxon. ; and has Issue — (i) Aubrey Augustus Henley Wyke- ham, Gentleman, b. June 22, 1873 \m. 1901, Sylvia Ruth, dau. of Sir Charles Seely, ist Bart., and has issue]; (2) Philip Herbert Wykeham, Gentleman, b. July 11, 1880; Evelyn Georgiana \m., April 1897, Francis Tyringham Higgins Bernard, Winchendon Priory, Bucks] ; Constance Agnes \ni., Oct. 1897, Frederick William Beresford, Cripps] ; Adela Emily \tn. 1900, John Dearman Birchall] ; Elsie Caroline ; and Hester Mary. Estates — Tythrop, Emmington. Seat — Tythrop House, Thame. CORNWALLIS PHILIP WYKEHAM - MARTIN, Esq., J.P. CO. Kent, Capt. ist Kent R.V. Bom March 19, 1855, being the son of the late Philip Wykeham Martin, Esq., of L*eds Castle, &c., J.P. and D.L. for Kent and co. Warwick, and sometime M.P. for Rochester, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of John Ward. C/w*- United University. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules a lion rampant within an orle of crosses crosslet and mullets alternately or (for Martin) ; 2 and 3 argent, two chevronels sable between three roses gules (for Wykeham. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, Is tbe Military Cockade. mvk W^n 1509 a martin entwined by a serpent proper, in the beak a cross crosslet fitchte or (for Martin) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a bull's head erased sable, armed or, charged with two che vronels argent (for Wykeham ). Motto — ' ' Manners Makyth Man." Married, June 29, 1876, Anna Bertha, eldest dau. of Major William Pitt DrafFen. §WENMAN AUBREY WYKEHAM-MUSGRAVE Esq., Capt. Oxfordshire Militia, J. P. and D.L. for Oxon. (High Sheriff 1884), J.P. for co. Gloucester, Lay Rector of Thame ; assumed the additional surname and arms of Musgrave in 1879. Borti July 1837, being the elder son of the late Aubrey Wenman Wykeham, Esq., of Swalcliffe Park, Oxon. , by Georgiana, dau. of Sir James Musgrave, 8th Bart, (extinct), of Barnsley Park. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearings -Quarterly, i and4, azure, six annulets, three, two, and one or, and for distinction a can- ton argent (for Musgrave) ; 2 and 3 argent, two chevronels sable between three roses gules (for Wykeham) ; and im- paling the arms of Gray, namely, quarterly i and 4, gules, a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed argent, in the dexter chief point a mullet of the last ; 2 and 3, barry of six argent and azure, on a bend gules a bezant. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed in armour, the hands in gaunt- lets proper, grasping an annulet or, each arm charged for distinction with a cross crosslet argent (for Musgrave) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a buffalo's head sable, armed or, charged on the neck with two chevronels argent. Mottos — "Sans changer," "Manners makyth man." Married, May 1870, Jane, third dau. of Admiral the Hon. George Grey; and has surviving Issue — (i) Herbert Wen- man Wykeham-Musgrave, Gentleman, b. 1871 [m. 1894]; (2) Humphry Philip Wykeham-Musgrave, Gentleman, b. 1883 ; (3) Aubrey George Wykeham-Musgrave, Gentle- man, b. 1888 ; Maude Louisa Georgina ; Helen Mary ; Sybil Jane ; Violet Ethel. Seats— 'Rz.rnsXey Park, Ciren- cester ; Swalcliffe Park, Banbury ; Thame Park, Oxon. tVaiJj— Carlton, Junior Carlton. WYNDHAM, see BELL-WYNDHAM. PLEYDELL-BOUVERIE-CAMP- ALEXANDER WYNDHAM, Gentleman. Born 1840, being the sixth son of the late George Wyndham of Dal- wood, New South Wales, by his wife Margaret, dau. of John Jay. Armorial bearings — ^Azure, a chevron, between three lions' heads erased or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased within a fetterlock or. Motto — " Au bon droit." Mar- ried, 1867, Fanny Loetitia, eldest dau. of Charles Codring- ton ; and has Issue— (i) Alexander Codrington Wyndham, Gentleman, b. 1862, d. 1877; (2) Geoffrey Wyndham, Gentleman, b. 1871. Residence — ALFRED WYNDHAM, Gentleman. Born 1836, being the second son of the late Alexander Wadham Wyndham, Esq., Capt. Scots Greys, by his first wife Emma, daa of Sir John Trevelyan, Bart. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron between three lions' heads erased or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased within a fetterlock or. Motto — " Au bon droit." Married, 1859, Caroline Elizabeth Stuart; and has Issue — (i) Alexander Wyndham, Gentleman, b. i860 ; (2) Walter Wyndham, Gentleman, b. 1864 ; (3) Ernest Alfred Wyndham, Gentleman, b. 1868 ; Agnes Stuart ; and Ethel Emma. Residence — ALWARD WYNDHAM, Gentleman. Born 1828, being the eldest son of the late George Wyndham, Gentleman, of Dalwood, New South Wales, by his wife Margaret, dau. of John Jay. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron between three lions' heads erased or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased within a fetterlock or. Motto — " Au bon droit." Married, 1858, Annette, dau. of William Keene ; and has Issue — (i) Alward Wyndham, Gentleman, b. 1859; (2) William Wyndham, Gentleman, b. i860 ; (3) Egbert Wynd- ham, Gentleman, b. 1863 ; (4) Edward Wyndham, Gentle- man, b. 1872; Margaret; Julia; and Letitia. Resi- dence — The Rev. EDMUND WYNDHAM, Clerk in Holy Orders. Bom Sept. 20, 1835, being the second son of Wil- liam Wyndham, Esq., J.P. andD.L., M.P. for South Wilts, by his wife Ellen, eldest dau. of Rev. Samuel Heathcote of Bramshaw Hill, Hants. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron between three lions' heads erased or. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased within a fetterlock or. Motto — "Au bon droit." Married, 1865, Augusta Margaret, dau. of Rev. William Moore Harrison of Clayhanger, Devon. Resi- dence — EDWARD SANDFORD WYNDHAM, Gentleman. Bom Feb. 18, 1842, being the eldest son of the Rev. John Wyndham, Rector of Sutton Mandeville, Wilts, by his first wife Mary, eldest dau. of Rev. William Sandford Wap- share, Vicar of Chitterne St. Mary's, Wilts. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron between three lions' heads erased or. Mantling azure' and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased within a fetterlock or. Motto — " Au bon droit." Married, August 1873, Exlith, d.-iu. of Philip W. Wright of Bickham, New South Wales ; and has with other Issue— Anhva Percy Wyndham, Gentle- man, b. August 1874. Residence— GEORGE WYNDHAM, Esquire, M.P. for Dover, J.P. for the CO. of Chester, Captain Cheshire Yeomanry Cavalry. Born August 29, 1863, being the eldest son of Percy Sea wen Wyndham, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Percy Sea wen Wyndham, by his wife Madeline Caroline Frances Eden, daughter of Major- General Sir Guy Campbell, first Baronet. C/k^j— Carlton, Travellers', Marlborough, Cosmopolitan. Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms: Azure, a chevron between three lions' heads erased or, within a bordure wavy of the last, impaling the arms of Lumley, namely argent, a fesse gules, between three parrots vert, collared of the second ; and for his Crest, a lion's head erased or, within a fetterlock, the lock gold and the bow counter-compony or and azure, the lion's head charged with a saltire wavy gules ; with the Motto, " Au bon droit." Married, February 7, 1887, Sibell Mary, commonly known as Countess Grosvenor [to whom refer], daughter of the Right Honourable Richard George Lumley, ninth Earl of Scarborough, and widow of is tbe Naval Cockade. I5IO (TdJpn (M3pn Victor Alexuider Orosvenor, Escjuire, commnnly known as Earl Grosvonor; »nd has Issue — Percy Lnilph Wyndham, Ksanc, London. W. GEORGE WYNDHAM, Gentleman. Bom 1831. bemg the second son of the late George Wyndham of Dalwood. New South Wales, by his wife Margiiret, dau. of John Jay. Armorial boarlngs — Azure, a chevron between three lions' heads erased or. MantHng azure and or. Motto — "Au bon droit. " Married, 1856, Elizabeth Louisa, dau. of Kicharil Greenup, M.D. ; and has Issue — {\) George Wyndham, Gentleman, h. 1857 ; (a) Wilfrid Wyndham, Gentleman ; Ella ; Maud ; and Edith. Residence — GEORGE DOMINICUS WYNDHAM, Gentleman. Horn . bein^ the eldest son of George Wyndham. Gentleman, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of George Domi- nicus of East Farleigh. Kent. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron between three lions' heads erased or. MnntUng azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased within a fetterlock or. Motto-^ " Au bon droit." Married, 1858, Fanny, dau. of Rev. J. Adams of Ashmore, Dorset. Residence — HUGH WYNDHAM. Gentleman. Born Oct. 8, 1839, l)eing the fifth son of the late William Wyndham, Esq., J. P. and D.L., M.P. for South Wilts, by his wife Ellen, eldest dau. of Rev. Samuel Healhcote of Bramshaw Hill, Hants. Armorial bearings— Azure, a chevron between three lions' heads erased or. Mantling azure and or. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased within a fetterlock or. Motto — " Au bon droit." Married, 1868, Maria, youngest dau. of Col. William Arthur Heath- cote of Rollestone, Wilts; and has had Issue — (i) Hugh Wyndham. Gentleman, d. an infant; (2) Wadham Wynd- ham, Gentleman ; (3) Edmund Wyndham, Gentleman ; Edith ; Mary ; Katharine ; and Constance, d. 1880. Re- sidence — HUGH WYNDHAM, Gentleman. Born 1836, being the fourth son of the late George Wyndham, Gentleman, of Walwood, New South Wales, by his wife Margaret, dau. of John Jay. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron between three lions' beads erased or. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased within a fetterlock or. Motto— "Au bon droit." Married, 1862, Celia, dau. of Dr. Haylock ; and has Issue — (i) Hugh Wyndham, Gentleman, b. 1865 ; Eleanor ; Alice ; Weeta ; and Celia. Residence — JOHN WYNDHAM, Gentleman. Born 1833, being the third son of the late George Wyndham of Dalwood, New South Wales, by his wife Margaret, dau. of John Jay. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron between three lions' heads erased or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased within a fetter- lock or. Motto— "Au bon droit." Married, firstly, July 28, 1858, Lucy Ellen, dau. of Dr. Henry Glennie, and by her had Issue — Harry Wyndham, Gentleman, b. Feb. 27, 1863; {2) John Percy Wyndham, Gentleman, b. April 25, 1866 ; (3) Harold Edward Wyndham, Gentleman, b. Sept. 16, 1869; Amy; Florence Isabella; Ethel; and Linda Lucy. He married, secondly, Florence Isabella, only dau. of Augustus Thomas Mathew of Cape Town, Cape of Good Hof)e, and has further issue — (4) Francis Llandaff Wynd- ham, Gentleman ; (5) Augustus Llandaff Wyndham, Gentleman, b. Feb. 8, 1876; (6) Ernest Llandaff Wyndham, Gentleman, b. Feb. 17, 1878 ; and Eleanor. Residence — Dalwood, near Branxton, New South Wales. The Rev. JOHN WYNDHAM, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Sutton Mandeville, Wilts. Bom March 30, 1812, being the fifth son of the late William Wyndham of Dinton and Norrington, Wilts, by his wife Lastitia, dau. of Alexander Popham, one of the Masters in Chancery. Ar- morial bearings— Aztire, a chevron between three lions' beads erased or. MayitUng azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased within a fette lock or. Motto — " Au bon droit." Married, firstly. Sept J a6, 1840, Miuy, eldest dau. of Rev. William Sandfordi Wapshare, Vicar of Chitterne, St. Mary's, Wilts ; and haii Issue — (i) Edward Sandford Wyndham, Gentleman [loj whom refer]; Catherine Louisa [w., 1868, Rev. Jamesl Rimington Ward, Rector of Puddleston] ; Anna[/«. , 1874,] Rev. George Allen Vander Meulen, Rector of West Knoyle, I Wilts]; Alice Mary \rn., 1875, Percy Wrigjht, New South J Wales]; Frances Emma[»«., 1870, Rev. William FrederickJ Newman of Hockworthy, Devon! He married, secondly,] Oct. II, 1849, Catherine, widow of William Lowndes-Stone.l only son of William Lowndes - Stone of Brightwell, co.j Oxford. He married, fourthly, 1863, Pauline MargaretilT dau. of Col. Lewis, by whom he has further issue -(2) JohnJ Reginald Wyndham, Gentleman ; Eleanor Mabel ; Am^ Paulina; and Rhoda Margaret. Postal address — Suttoaj Mandeville, Wilts. JOHN EVELEIGH WYNDHAM, Esquire, M.A., J.P.3 Born May 25, 1814, being the only son of the late Rev.] John Heathcote Wyndham, Rector of Corton, by his wife Jane Dorothy, only dau. of the Rev. Dr. Eveleigh, ProvostI of Oriel Coll., Oxford. Armorial bearing^ — Azure, chevron between three lions' heads erased or. Mant azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion'sJ head erased within a fetterlock or. Motto — "Au boal droit." Married, April 1840, Elizabeth Geraldine, elder| dau. of Col. Fitzgerald of Maperton, Somerset, and Tur-; lough Park, co. Mayo; and has Issue— (^i) Thomas Heatb«J cote Gerald Wyndham, Gentleman, M.A. , Fellow of Merton Coll., b. 1842 (rf. Nov. 11, 1876) ; (2) Edward Johal Eveleigh Wyndham, Gentleman, b. i8r6; (3) Charleal Hugh Wyndham, Gentleman, late 21st Fusiliers, b,\ 1848 ; (4) Francis Wadham Wyndham, Gentleman, b^ 1851 ; Mary Geraldine, d. young 1851 ; Jane Florence;] Alice; Blanche; Eva; Isabel; and Geraldine. Resi'\ dence — S PERCY SCAWEN WYNDHAM, Esquire, commonlyj called the Hon. Percy Sea wen Wyndham, J. P. andj D.L. CO. of Sussex, D.L. co. Wilts. (High Sheriff 1896), late Capt. Coldstream Guards, M.P. for West Cumberland 1860-85. Born Jan. 30, 1835, being the third but second j surviving son of the Rt. Hon. George Wyndham, ist Baron 1 Leconfield, by his wife Mary Fanny, only dau. of the Rev, William Blunt of Crabbelt, Sussex. Livery — Blue and yel- j low. Annorial bearings — Azure, a chevron between three lions' heads erased or, a bordure wavy of the last, a crescent I for difference, and impaling the arms of Campbell, namely, 1 quai terly 1 and 4, gyronny of eight or and sable ; 2. argent, ' a lymphad sable, sails furled and oars in action ; 3. or, a j fesse che<)uy azure and argent, all within a bordure em- 1 battled ermine. Mantling azure and or. Crest— Upon a j wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased or, within a • fetterlock, the lock gold and the bow counter-compony or ' and azure, the head charged with a saltire wavy gules. Motto — " Au bon droit." Married, Oct. 16, i860, Made- line Caroline Frances Eden, dau. of General Sir Guy ' Campbell, ist Bart., C.B., by his wife Pamela, dau. of Edward FitzGerald, Esq., commonly called Lord Edward FitzGerald; and has Issue — (i) George Wyndham, Esq., late Capt. Coldstream Guards, and Capt. Cheshire Yeo- manry Cavalry, M.P. for Dover since 1889, Under-Secretary of State for War since 1898, b. Aug. 29, 1863 \m., Feb. 7, 1887, Lady Sibell Mary, commonly called Countess Gros- ! venor, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Richard George Lumley, 9th Earl of Scarborough, and widow of Victor Alexander : Grosvenor, Esq., commonly called Earl Grosvenor, and has issue, Percy Lyulph Wyndham, Esq., b. Dec. 5, 1887] ; (2) Guy Percy Wyndham, Esq., Major and Brevet Lieut. -Col. i6th Lancers, b. Jan. 19, 1865 \m.. May 14, 1892, Edwina Virginia Joanna, widow of John Monck Brooke and dau. of Rev. Frederick Fitzpatrick, late Rector of Cloone, co. Leitrim ; and has issue, George Heremon Wyndham, Gentleman, b. Oct. 25, 1893 ; Guy Richard Charles Wynd- ham, Gentleman, b. 1896 ; and Olivia Madeline Grace Mary]; Mary Constance \m., 1883, Hugo Richard Char- teris Douglas, Esq., commonly called Lord Elcho, and has issue] ; Madelina Pamela Constance Blanche \m. , 1888, Charles Robert Whorwood Adeane, Esq., J. P., D.L. , of & is the Military Cockade. (KCIpn rapt) 1511 Babraham, co. Cambs.] ; and Pamela Genevieve Adelaide [m., 189s, Edward Priaulx Tennant, Esq.], Seai — Clubs — Marlborough, Travellers', Bur- Clouds, Salisbury, lington. The Rev. THOMAS HEATHCOTE WYNDHAM, Clerk in Holy Orders. Born Feb. 14, 1845, being the sixth son of William Wyndham, Esq., J. P. and D.L., M. P. for South Wilts, by his wife Ellen, eldest dau. of Rev. Samuel Heathcote of Bramshaw Hill, Hants. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron between three lions' heads erased or. Mantling azure and or. Crests— On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased within a fetterlock or. Motto — " Au bon droit." Married, i88o, Ellen Kate, dau. of Rev. William Law of Marston Trussell, Northamptonshire. Residence — Wadhani Wyndham, Esq., Capt. Scots Greys, by his wife Anne, dau. of the Rev. R. Salkeld. Armorial bearings- Azure, a chevron between three lions' heads erased or. Mantling azure and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased within a fetterlock or. Motto — "Au bon droit." Married, 1857, Anne, dau. of the Rev. R. Salkeld; and has Issue— {i) William Gwydyr Wynd- ham, Gentleman, b. 1865 ; (2) Walter Yarfowick Wyndham, Gentleman, b. 1870; Emma Editha ; Bessie Ida; Letitia ; and Agatha. Residence — W WINDHAM HENRY WYNDHAM-QUIN, Esquire, W C.B., D.S.O., M.P. for South Glamorgan, Major (retired) late i6th Lancers ; served during Transvaal Cam- paign 188 1, was A.D.C. and Mil. Sec. to Gov. of Madras 1886-89, and Adj. Roy. Gloucestershire Yeo. Cav. 1890 95, Commanded Glamorgan Coy. Imperial Yeo. in S. African Campaign 1899-1900, now Lieut. -Col. commanding the Glamorgan Regt. of Imperial Yeomanry. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, vert, a pegasus ermine, a chief or ; 2 and 3, azure, a chevron, between three lions' heads erased or, impaling the arms of Bourke, namely, per fesse ermine and or, a cross gules; in the first quarter a lion r.nmpant, and in the second a dexter hand, couped at the wrist, both gules. Mantling vert and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a wolf's head erased t-rmine. Martied, 1885, Lady Eva Constance Aline Bourke, dau. of the 6th Earl of Mayo ; and has two sons, b. 1887 and 1890. Residences Seymour Street, W. C/7^*j— Turf, White's, Carlton, Naval and Military. WYRLEY, quartered by LANE. WYSE (U.O.). Quarterly, i and 4, sable, three chevrons ermine (Wyse) ; 2 and 3, argent, a chevron between three Cornish choughs sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, gutt^-d'eau, holding in the dexter paw a mace proper. Motto — "Sapere aude." Sons of William Charles Bonaparte Wyse, Esq., J. P. (High Sheriff co. Waterford 1855), Capt. Waterford Mil., b. 1826; d. 1892; m. 1864, Ellen Linzee, d. of W. G. Prout of St. Mabyn :— Andrew Nicholas Bonaparte Wyse, Esq., Lord of the Manor of St. John's, co. Waterford, M.A. (Lond.), Insp. of National Schools, b. 1870 ; m. 1896, Marie, d. of Count de Chripounoff of Bielevetz, Eletz, Orel, Russia ; and has issue— Helen Victoria. Seats— 'I'hc Manor of St. John's, Waterford ; Palazzo Bonaparte, Viterbo, Italy. Lionel Harry Bonaparte Wyse, Gentleman, b. 1874. Res. — 67 Rue Lecourbe. Napoleon Estelle Bonaparte Wyse, Gentleman, Lieut. Waterford Art., b. 1876. j??«.— Lindula, Ceylon. S WILLIAM WYNDHAM, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for Wilts. Born Jan. 12, 1834, being the eldest son of the late WiUiam Wyndham, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , M.P. for South Wilts, by his wife Ellen, eldest dau. of the Rev. Samuel Heathcote of Bramshaw Hill, Hants. Armorial bearings —Azure, a chevron between three lions' heads erased or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased within a fetterlock or. Motto — "Au bon droit." Married, Nov. 7, 1867, Frances Ann, second dau. of the Rev. Charles James Stafford, Vicar of Dinton ; and has Issue— [i] William Wyndham, Gentle- man, b. Oct. 9, 1868; (2) Alward Wyndham, Gentleman, b. Sept. 17, 1877 ; (3) John Wyndham, Gentleman, b. Sept. i, 1879; (4) Hugh Wyndham, Gentleman, b. April 5, 1882; Marion; Frances; Ann; Ellen; and Hilda. Seats — Dinton, Salisbury; Orchard Wyndham, Somerset. WILLIAM TREVELYAN WYNDHAM. Gentleman, Born 1831, being the eldest son of the late Alexander SMARMADUKE D'ARCY WYVILL, Esquire, J. P. for N. and E. R. Yorks., and D.L. for W. R. Yorks., M.P. for Otley Division W. Riding of Yorkshire 1895-1900, Alderman N. Riding County Council. Born March 5, 1849, being the eldest son of the late Marmaduke Wyvill, Esq., J. P. and D L. for North and West Ridings, M.P. for Richmond 1847-65 and 1866-68, by his wife Laura, dau. and heiress of Sir Charles Ibbetson, Bart., of Denton Park, CO. York. Armorial bearings— Gules, three chev- ronels interlaced vair, and a chief or. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wyvern argent. Motto— "Par la volonte de Dieu. Married, firstly, June 2, 1871, Isabella (who d. March 8, 1895), eldest dau. of John Banner Price; and by her has /««f— Marmaduke Iboetson Wyvill, Gentleman, b. June 8, 1882 ; Laura Louisa; Ethel; and Edith. He married, secondly, March 19, 1898, Elizabeth, dau. of Sir W. H.Wilson-Todd, Bart., M.P. 5tfa^^— Constable Burton, Finghall, R.S.O.; Den ton | Ben Rhydding, Leeds. Clubs— C&vhon, Travellers'. is the Naval Cockade. i5ia fim m X HENRY COCKRURN MILNE XIMENES, late of Bear Place, co. Uerks, formerly i6th Regl. Jiorri March ig, 1819, being the son of the late Lieut. -General Sir David Ximenes, K.C. H., of Bear Ash, Berks, and his wife Eliza Mary, dau. of the late Admiral Fitzherbert Evans. Clui — Royal Albert Yacht (Southsea). Armorial bearings— Or, two bars gules, over all a pale counterchanged, within a border azure. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown or, an arm embowed in armour proper, garnished gold, the hand also proper, supporting a trumpet erect and issuant also gold. Marri«d, July la, 1841. Annie, second dau. of William Winstanly of Wigan, CO. Lancaster; and has Issue — Ida Eliza Anne [m., 1866, John Mabsonj; Alice Georgina [»»., 1873, John Powell Williams]; Solita Henrietta {m., 1882, Charles Edward de la Poer Beresfordol, Esq., Lieut. -C, Military Attache, St. Petersburg]; and Thekla [m., July 26, 1899, Jamei Douglas Stoddart Douglas Archer, Esq., Major late 4th Batt. P. W.O. Yorks. Regt.]. ^«tm June 30, 1893. ^j/a/« — Brocklesby and Manliy. .^/. May ai, 1869: (3) Charles Joseph Yorke, Gentleman, h June 84, 187a ; (4) Ralph Maximillian Yorke, Gentle- man, t. Oct. aa, 1874 ; and Dorothv Constance Emily. Stat — Forthampton Court, near 1 ewkesbury. Town rtsidtHct — a Chcsham Street, London, S.W. Clubs— Carlton, Oxford and Cambridge. THOMAS EDWARD YORKE, Esquire. Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of the county of York, for which county he served the office of High Sheriff in 1889, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambrid|^. Bom August 4, 183a, lieing the younger but only surviving son of the late John Yorke, Esquire, of Hewerley Hall, by his wife Mary, eldest daughter of Ichatod Wright of \Iapperley, in the county of Nottingham. Livery — Light blue, with silver lace and buttons. Armorial bearln^fs — Quarterly, i. argent, a saltire azure ; 2. ermine, on a fesse sable, three mullets or; 3. azure, a chevron argent, between in chief two mullets between as many arrows in pale points downwards or, and in base a mullet also or ; 4. argent, a water-bouget between four fleurs-de-lis sable ; 5. argent, on a bend sable, three roses of the field ; 6. gules, on a saltire or, another saltire vert, and impaling the arms of Walsham, namely, quarterly 1 and 4, per pale azure and gules, a griffin segreant or, supporting a tilting-spear bendy argent and sable, there- from a banner flying to the dexter of the fourth, charged with a cross couped of the fifth (for Garbett); 2 and 3 sable, within a cross voided, five crosses patde fitch^ or (for Walsham). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a monkey's head erased proper. Motto — "Per meum Deum transilio murum." Married, firstly, 1863, Augusta Margaret, eldest daughter of the late Reverend John Baillie, commonly known as the Honourable and Reverend John Baillie, Canon of York (she died 1879) ; and secondly, 1883, Fanny, younger daughter of the late Sir John Walsham, IJaronet ; and has Issue — (i) John Cecil Yorke, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, b. Nov. 10, 1867 [«. 1903, May, dau. of J. H. I>:. Stansfeld, M.A., and has issue, John Edward Evelyn Yorke, Gentleman, b. 1904]; (a) Henry Reay Yorke, Gen- tleman, b. Jan. 26, 1875 \tn. Dora, elder dau. of H. K. Bateman. Esq., of Chute Hill, Tralee] ; (3) Arthur Edward Yorke, Gentleman, b. March 23, 1879 (deceased); Mary Augusta ; Helen Margaret ; Louisa Caroline ; Katherine Elizabeth; and Ethel Lilian. Estates— l^v/crXcy , Halton West, in Craven ; Hunwick, in the county of I)urham. Postal address— YiewcT\ey Hall, Pateley Bridge, Yorkshire. Clubs — Constitutional, Grosvenor (London), Yorkshire Gentleman's (York). YORSTOUN. see CARTHEW-YORSTOUN, YOUNG, quartered by CORBET. JOHN KIRKPATRICK YOUNG, Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple, M.A. Oxon. Born Aug. 29, 1857, Ix-ing the eldest son of the late William Young of Stanhill Court, Chartwood, SuiTey, Esq., J. P. for Surrey, by his wife Frinces Wallace, dau. of George Galbraith of Narriga, New South Wales. Club — New University. Livery — Black, with white collar and cufTs. ArmorlaJ bearing^ — He bears for Arms : Argent, three piles sable, on a chief .izure, a cushion between two annulets or, and on an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Elliot, namely or, on a fosse engrailed cotised wavy gules, an annulet, between two fleurs-de-lis of the first in chief, three roses of the second, barbed and seeded proper. Mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an anchor or ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Dum spiro Sf)ero." Married, April 19, 1887, Anna McClean, eldest dau. and co-heiress of the late Ralph Elliot, Esq.( eldest son of Sir George Elliot, Bart.); and has Issue — (i) William Wallace Young, Gentleman, b. July 1889 ; (2) Llyle Elliot Young, Gentleman, b. Sept. 1891 ; Anna Margaret Kirkpatrick ; and Lilias Galbraith. Residence — 25 Earls Terrace, Ken- sington, W. j^ OLIVER YOUNG, Esquire, M.P, Wokingham Divi- ^P sion of Berkshire, Commander R.N. (retired); served at Bombardment of Alexandria and during Egyptian War 1882 (medal with clasp, bronze star), and in H.M.S. "Condor "during Soudan Campaign 1884, J. P. and a County Councillor (Wargrave Division of co. Berks). Barn July 11, 1855, being the eldest surviving son of the late Adolphus William Young, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for Hare Hatch, Berks, M.P. for Great Yarmouth 1857-59, and for Helston 1865-66 and 1868-80, by his wife Jane, dau. of Charles Throsby of Throsby Park, near Sydney, N.S. Wales. Ar- morial bearings — Ermine, on a bend cotised sable, three griffins' heads erased or. Mantling sable and argent. (Jrest— On a wreath of the colours, a boar's head and neck erased vert. Married, 1888, Mabel, dau. of the late William Lansdowne Beale, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , of Manor House, Waltham St. Lawrence. Residence — Hare Hatch House, Twyford, Berks ; and 31 Haus Mansions, S.W. Clubs — Junior Army and Navy, St. Stephen's. OWEN WALLER O'GRADY YOUNG, Gentleman. Born 1864, being the eldest son of the late James Young, Esq., J. P., of Harristown, by Grace Elizabeth, dau. of the late Hon. Waller O'Grady of Castlegarde, co. Limerick. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a fesse or, a trefoil vert, in chief three lioncels rampant of the second. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal corenet or, an ibex's head argent, horned and tufted gold, and charged on the neck with a trefoil vert. Motto — " Victoria fortitude virtus." Seat — Harristown, Castlerea, co. Roscommon. S WILLIAM YOUNG, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. Queen's Co. (High Sheriff 1875), J. P. co. Galway. Bom April 4, 1831, being the only son of the late John Young, Esq., J. P. for Queen's Co., by his wife Jane, dau. of David Brown of Belfast. Armorial bearings (U.O.)— Argent, three piles sable, each charged with a rose or, on a chief engrailed azure an annulet of the third. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect proper, charged with an annulet or, the hand is tbe Military Cockade. gou »ou I5I7 grasping an arrow point downwards, also proper. Motto — "Press through." Married, Dec. 22, 1859, Margaret Emily, dau. of William Kirk of Tatham House, co. Dur- ham ; and has Issue — John William Young, Gentleman, B.A. of Trin. Coll., Oxon. , b. Jan. 1861 ; and Jane Agnes Emily. Seats — Brockley Park, Stradbally, Queen's Co. ; DohuUa Lodge, Clifden, co. Galway. WILLIAM YOUNG, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Surrey, one of the Governors of the College of God's Gift at Dulwich, and a Governor of the Central Foundation Schools of London. Born January 6, 1825, being the fourth son of the late John Young, Esquire, of Rowmore, in the county of Dumbarton, Justice of the Peace for that county, by his wife Agnes, daughter of John Tennent of Wellpark, Glasgow. Clubs — Reform, City of London. Livery — Black, with white collar and cuffs. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Argent, three piles sable, on a chief azure, a cushion between two annulets or. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an anchor or ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, ' ' Dum spiro spero." Married, November 28, 1856, Frances Wallace, only daughter of the late George Galbraith ; and has Issue — (i) John Kirkpatrick Young, Gentleman, born 1857 [married, 1887, Anna Maclean Elliot, daughter of the late Ralph Elliot, Esquire, and has issue! ; (2) William Robertoun Young, Gentleman, born 1864 [married, 1893, Viva Ther^se, only daughter of Major-General John Martin, and has issue] ; (3) Francis Gordon Young, Gentleman, born 1868 ; Anna Wallace [married Alan Macpherson of Blair- gowrie] ; Agnes Christian Mary [married Ewan Macpherson of Edinburgh, Advocate] ; and Violet Isobel. Estate and postal address — Stanhill Court, Charlwood, Surrey. WILLIAM MACKWORTH YOUNG, Esquire, Com- panion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Born 1840, being the third son of Captain Sir George Young, Royal Navy, second Baronet, by his wife Susan, daughter of William Mackworth Praed, Esquire, Sergeant - at - Law ; created Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, 1890. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per fesse sable and argent, in chief two lions rampant guardant, and in base an anchor erect with a cable all counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-unicorn couped ermine, armed, maned, and unguled or, gorged with a naval crown azure, supporting an anchor erect sable. Married, firstly, 1869, Isabel Maria (who died 1870), daughter of the late Reverend Charles Boileau Elliott, Fellow of the Royal Society, Rector of Tattingstone, in the county of Suffolk; secondly, 1881, Frances Mary, daughter of Sir Robert Eyles Egerton, Knight Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India. By his first marriage he has Issue — Isabel Mary ; and by his second marriage — (1) Gerard Mackworth Young, Gentleman, born 1884 ; (2) Hubert Winthrop Young, Gentleman, born 1885 ; (3) Mark Aitchison Young, Gentleman, born 1886; (4) Norman Egerton Young, Gentleman, born 1892. Postal address — Lahore, Punjaub. YOUNG {L.O., matric. Nov. 1904). Or, three piles conjoined in point, in the dexter and sinister base points two escallops sable, on a chief of the last invected a cinquefoil argent, between two annulets of the field. Mantling sable. doubled or. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand grasping a lance proper. Motto — " Press through." Son of late John Young of Gockston, and Wester Fulwood, CO. Renfrew, b. 1810; d. 1880; m. 1839, Marion, d. of Robert Carruth of Nether Mains, Beith, Renfrewshire : — John Young, Gentleman, Gen. Manager Metropolitan District Railway, b. 1845 ; m. 1880, Jessie Currie, d. of John Graham of Rowanlea, Glasgow; and has issue — (i) John Graham Young, Gentleman, b. 1882; (2) William Alexander Young, Gentleman, b. 1884; (3) Mungo Robert Caruth Young, Gentleman, b. 1891. Res. — Ravenscroft, Woking, Surrey. Club — New (Glasgow). GEORGE YOUNGER, Esquire, Valleyfield, in the parish of Culross, co. Fife, J. P. and D. L. for co. Clack- mannan. Born October 13, 1851, being the eldest son of the late James Younger, Brewer, of Alloa, co. Clack- mannan, by Janet his wife, daughter of John M'Ewan, Shipowner, Alloa. Armorial bearings — Parted per saltire or and gules, a rose countercharged, m base a martlet sable, on a chief azure three covered cups or. Above the shield is placed an Esquire's helmet, with a mantling gules doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an armed leg couped at the thigh proper, garnished and spurred or; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Celer et audax." Married, June 10, 1879. Lucy, younger daughter of Edward Smith, M.D., F.R.S., of Harley Street, London, and of Heanor, in the is the Naval Cockade. 5D •i5i8 gou county of Derby, Medical Officer to the I.ocal Government Board; and has /ssite—{i) James Younger, Gentleman, gou Arthur Johnston Younger, Gentleman, bom February 18, 1878; Janet Hester; Edith Georgina May; and Grizel B.A. (Oxon), 6. May 19, 1880; (2) Edward John Younger, Gentleman, and Lieut. i6th (Queen's) Lancers, i. July i, 1882 (killed in action near Calvinia, Cajje Colony, Dec. 23, 1901); (3) Charles Frearson Younger, Gentleman, d. Sept. 9, 1885. Postal addresses— AWoa, N.B., or Valleyfield, Culross, Fife. C/uis — Carlton, Conservative, University (Edinburgh), Western (Glasgow), County (Stirling). S HENRY JOHNSTON YOUNGER, Esquire, of Ben- more and Kilmun, in the county of Argyle, Justice of the Peace and Deputy - Lieutenant for that county. Com- missioner of Supply. Born October 5, 1832, being the second son of the late William Younger, Esquire, of Craige- lands, in the county of Dumfries, by his wife Isabella, third daughter of Henry Johnston, Doctor of Medicine, of Corstorphin House, near Edinburgh. Cluds — Reform, Western (Glasgow), University (Edinburgh). Livery — Dark blue and gold. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, on a bend engrailed azure, between two mart- lets sable, three roses argent, barbed and seeded vert, on a chief gules, a crescent between two mullets of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure doubled or; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand holding a lance in bend proper ; and in an escroll above this Motto, "Tout prest." Married, firstly, Emma, daughter of Richard Lowman ; and by her (who died March 9, 1874) had Issue — (i) Harry George Younger, Gentleman, bom February 13, 1866 [married, October 29, 1890, Annette Emily Berkeley, eldest daughter of Major Charles Lewis Atterbury Far mar, late Royal Marines, and has issue, John William Henry Berkeley Younger, Gentleman, *. Sept. i, 1895, and Gwendoline Atterbury]; (a)William Johnston Younger, Gentleman, born June 17, 1868 [»»., Oct. 9, 189s, Kate, younger dau. of the late Henry Cockburn Richardson, Bengal Civil Service, and has issue, Hope Janet] ; (3) John Archibald Campbell Younger, Gentleman, bom July 4, 1871 ; Amy [married, October 6, 1891, Robert McKenzie Johnston, Doctor of Medicine, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, and has issue] ; and Alice Margaret. He married secondly, 1876, Jane Edith, eldest daughter of T. Richardson of Wentworth House, Mill Hill, London ; and by her has— (4) Charles Cochrane Rein6. Seats — Benmore and Kilmun, both in the county of Argyll. Postal address — Kilmun, by Greenock, N.B. JAMES YOUNGER, Esq., of Arnsbrae, in the parish of Alloa, CO. Clackmannan. Bom 1856, being the third son of late James Younger, Brewer, of Alloa, by Janet his wife, daughter of John M'Ewan, Shipowner, Alloa. Armo- rial bearlng^s- He bears for Arms : Parted per saltire or 1^ Is the Military Cockade. fou Zou 15^9 and gules, a rose countercharged, in base a martlet sable, on a chief engrailed azure three covered cups or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an armed leg couped at the thigh proper, garnished and spurred or ; and in an escroU over the same this Motto, " Celer et audax." Postal address — Arnsbrae, Alloa, N.R. SJOHN YOUNGER, Esquire, Colonel Royal Artillery, J. P. CO. Dumfries. Born June 7, 1840, being the third son of the late William Younger of Craigelands, in the county of Dumfries, by his wife Isabella, third dau. of Henry Johnston, M D., of Corstorphine House, near Edin- burgh. Armorial bearings— He bears fur Arms : Or, on a bend embattled counter-embattled azure, between two martlets sable, three roses argent, barbed and seeded vert, on a chief gules, a crescent between two mullets of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling azure doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand holding a lance in bend proper ; and in an escroU above the Motto, "Tout prest." Married, January 3, 1878, Caroline Isabella, fifth daughter of Major-General George Bucknal Shakespear, Royal Artillery ; and has Issue — (i) Arthur Allan Shakespear Younger, Gentleman, born June 3, 1881, Lieut. R.F.A. ; (2) John Edward Talbot Younger, Gentleman, born November 2, 1888. Postal address — Langshaw Bush, Moffat, N.B. Clubs — Naval and Mili- tary, Caledonian United Service (Edinburgh), Dumfries and Galloway Club. ROBERT YOUNGER, Esquire, K.C. Born Sept. 12, 1861, being the fifth son of James Younger, Brewer, of Alloa, CO. Clackmannan, by Janet his wife, dau. of John M'Ewan, Shipowner, Alloa. Armorial bearings— Parted per saltire or and gules, a rose countercharged, in base a martlet sable, on a chief indented azure three covered cups or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an armed leg couped at the thigh proper, garnished and spurred or ; and in an escroll over the same this MottO, " Celer et audax." Postal address — 16 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. Clubs — New University, and Bachelors'. WILLIAM YOUNGER, Esquire, of Auchen Castle, in the county of Dumfries, J. P. for co. Dumfries, M.P. for Stamford Div. of Lincolnshire since 1895, late Lieutenant i6th Lancers. Born June 28, 1862, being the only son of the late William Younger, Esquire, of Auchen Castle, J. P., Commissioner of Supply for the county of Dumfries, for- merly Lieutenant Edinburgh Queen's Regiment of Light Infantry Militia, by his wife Margaret, eldest daughter of John Wyld Brown of Sydney, New South Wales. C/«(5j— Carlton, Naval and Military. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, on a bend azure, between two martlets sable, three roses argent, barbed and seeded vert, on a chief gules, a crescent between two mullets of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand holding a lance in bend proper. Motto — "Tout prest." Married, January 24, 1888, Helen Caroline Benyon, eldest daughter of Colonel Robert Gunter of Wetherby Grange, in the county of York ; and has Issue — (i) William Robert Younger, Gentleman, born 1888 ; (2) John Malcolm Younger, Gentleman, born 1889. 5«a/— Auchen Castle, Moffat, N.B. WILLIAM YOUNGER, Gentleman. Born , being the son of the late James Younger, Brewer, of Alloa, CO. Clackmannan, by Janet his wife, daughter of John M'Ewan, Shipowner, Alloa. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Parted per saltire or and gules, a rose countercharged, in base a martlet sable, on a chief invected azure three covered cups or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an armed leg couped at the thigh proper, garnished and spurred or ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Celer et audax." Postal address — 29 Moray Place, Edinburgh. ANDREW BUCHANAN YUILLE, Gentleman, of Darleith, in the county of Dumbarton. Born 1867, being the eldest son of the late Archibald Buchanan Yuille, Gentleman, by his wife Janet Ritchie, eldest daughter of Hubert Buchanan of Brandon Place, Glasgow. Armorial bearing^— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a fesse between three crescents sable, a garb or, banded gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of the liveries is set for Crest, an ear of wheat proper. Motto — " Numine et virtute." YVERY, quartered by CONYERS FOX-. z ZOUCHE, quartered by CORBET and FOX is the Naval Cockade. A PPEN DIX BLAKE of Gortnaniona (U.O.). Argent, a fret gules. ffyn ^ Un g - gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a mountain cat passant guardant proper. Motto — • ' Virtus sola nobilitas. " Son of Valentine Blake, Esq., J. P., h. 1831 ; d. 1870; m. 1865, Ellen Smith : — Valentine Blake, Esq., Capt. 4th Scottish Rifles, served in S. African War, b. 1870; m. Alison, d. of late Robert Skeet. Seat — Gortnamona, co. Galway. Res. — Bishop's Stortford. C/«*j— Junior Naval and Military, United Service (Dublin), BRUCE (U.O.). Or, a saltire and a chief gules, in the dexter chief a mullet argent, and in base a cinquefoil of the second. Mantling gules and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a horse's head argent, bridled gules, and charged on the neck with a cinquefoil as in the arms. Motto — " Do well, doubt not." Sons of William Robert Bruce of Rockford, co. Dublin, Master of the Queen's Bench, Ireland, b. 1833 ; d. 1902 ; m. 1870, Florence Helen, d. of Alexander Osborne: — Thomas Robert Bruce, Gentleman, b. 1885. Seat— Rockford, Blackrock, Dublin. Reginald James Bruce, Gentleman, b. 1887. Yr. sons of Samuel Bruce of Thorndale, co. Antrim, b. 1789; d. 1845; m. Annette, d. of James Ferguson of White Park, co. Antrim : — James Bruce Esq. (q.v.). Samuel Bruce Esq. (q.v.). Sons of Henry Bruce of Demerara and London, b. 1798; d. 1864; m. Mary, d. of John Swanwick : — Henry Michael Bruce, Gentleman, b. . Res, — South America. William Wallace Bruce, Esq., V.D., Lt.-Col. late 20th Middx. ("Artists'") R.V., b. 1846; m. 1885, Agnes Mabel, d. of T. F. Johnson, Esq., J. P., of Brookfield, Leicester; and has issue — Marjorie ; Geraldine ; Rosalind ; Eileen ; Beatrix ; and Elfreda. Post. add. — 9 Airlie Gardens, Campden Hill, London, W. Clubs — Reform, Arts'. CARNEGY-DE BALINHARD (R.L., 1832). Or, an eagle displayed azure, beaked and membered gules, within a double tressure flory counterflory of the second. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a cap of maintenance gules, doubled ermine, a lion statant guardant sable, crowned with a German prince's coronet or. Motto — " Tache sans tache." Son of John Allan Carnegy-de Balinhard, late 13th Light Dragoons (son of James Carnegy of Lower, Forfar, Scotland), by Ellen, d. of Joseph Halford : — William Carnegy-de Balinhard, Esq., late Capt. 47th Loyal North Lanes. Regt., b. 18^5; m. i860, Julia, d. of John Condor ; and has issue — (i) Edward Allan Carnegy- de Balinhard, Gentleman, b. 1864; (2) William John Camegy-de Balinhard, Gentleman, b. i866 ; (3) John McKinlay Carnegy-de Balinhard, Gentleman, b. 1873; Ellen Alice; and Kathleen May. Res. — Broddoiesse, Assa, Canada. CARTWRIGHT (H. Coll.). Erminois, on a fesse em- battled g^les, between three bombs fired proper, a catherine- wheel between two escallops or. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased per fesse embattled or and gules, pierced through the neck with a spear argent between two branches of laurel in orle proper. Motto—" Defend the fold." Son of : — George Cartwright, Gentleman, *^. . Res. — i Campden House Terrace, Kensington. CORBLE (\\. Coll.). Vert, a chevron argent, Ijetween in chief two fountains projaer, and in base a lymphad of the second. Mantling vert and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a rock an otter statant proper, collared or, holding in the mouth a trout also proper. Son of : — George Corlile, Gentleman, Clerk to the Lee Conservancy Board and Upper Warden (1904-5) of the Worshipful Company of Gardeners, b. ; m. ; and has issue. ^«.— Bridge House, Waltham Cross, London N. DAY (U.O.). Per chevron argent and azure, three mullets counterchanged. Mantlll^ azure and argent. Crest— Two dexter hands clasped together proper, each from a wing expanded quarterly or and azure counter- changed. Motto — " Sic itur ad astra." Son of late Very Rev. John Godfrey Day, Dean of Ardfert, b. ; d. ; m. , Eleanor, d. of Sir John Godfrey, Bart., of Busfield, co. Kerry :— Veiy Rev. Maurice Day, M.A. (Dub.), Dean of Ossory, formerly Rector of St. Matthias's, Dublin (1894-1905), Canon of Christ Church, Dublin, 1901, Dean of Ossory 1905, b. ; m. , Charlotte, d. of Richard Ottley ; and has issue— (i) Rev. John Godfrey Fitz Maurice Day, B.A. (Camb.), b. , Res.— The Deanery, Kilkenny. is the Military Cockade. 1520 Hppennir 1521 FARMER (H. Coll., Jan 1855; Ped. 16 D. 14. 307). Per chevron dovetailed gules and argent, in chief tvifo lion's heads erased of the last, and in base a salamander in flames proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, an antelope argent, sem6 of estoiles sable, armed and unguled or, resting the dexter forefoot upon a fountain proper. MottO — ^" Agendo honeste." Sons of Joseph Farmer of Sydney, New South Wales, and of Chapel Hill House, Margate, m. Caroline, d. of Edward Harley of Cleobury Mortimer [Arms of Harley — Azure, two bendlets or between as many swan's heads erased argent. H. Coll. , 1855] : — Joseph Harley Farmer, Gentleman, h. ; is m. and has issue. Kes. — Queensland. William Farmer, Gentleman. Res. — Paris. Son of Samuel Farmer of Moor Hall, Belbroughton, Worcs., d. 1874; m. 1822, Elizabeth, d. of Thomas White of The Quinton, Worcs. : — Sir William Farmer (q.v.). IVEY (H. Coll.). Per fesse raguly argent and gules, in chief two annulets, and in base a lion rampant counter- changed. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, within a circular chain argent, a lion rampant supporting a staff raguly. Motto — " Fidus ad extremum." Son of : — Frederick George Ivey, Gentleman, Master of the Worshipful Company of Gardeners, b. ; tn. . Res. — " St. Olave's," 33 Nightingale Lane, Clapham Common, S.W. Club — Conservative. JONES of Ardnaglass, co. Sligo (U.O.). Per bend sinister ermine and ermines, a lion rampant or, armed and langued gules, a bordure engrailed of the third. Mantling sable and argent. Crest^On a wreath of the colours, a lion couchant or, armed and langued gules, charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped vert. Motto — " Periculum ex alus facito." Son of : — Loftus E. P. Jones, Gentleman, b. . Post, add, — c/o The Union Bank of Australia, Limited, Collins Street, Melbourne. THOMAS JOSEPH KENNA, Gentleman, second son of the late James Kenna of Larch Hill, co. Meath, and Oakfield, Liverpool, by Julia his wife, dau. of Patrick Kearney of Ethelstown, CO. Meath. Armorial bearings- Azure, on a chief engrailed or, three garbs of the field, banded argent, a crescent for difference. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a ruined castle in flames proper. Motto — " Age quod agis." ADAM STEINMETZ KENNARD, Esquire, J. P. Hants (Sheriff 1885). Born 1833, being the son of the late J. P. Kennard of Hordle Cliffe, Hants. Club — Carlton. Armorial bearings — Per chevron gules and azure, a chevron engrailed argent between two keys in chief, the wards downwards or, and a sword erect in base proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm in armour proper, charged with a buckle gules, grasping in the hand a key or in bend, and a broken sword in bend sinister proper. Motto — " At spes non fracta." Married, 1883, Alice Jane, eldest dau. of H. Lomax Gaskell of Kiddington Hall, Oxon. Seat — Crawley Court, Winchester. Sir COLERIDGE ARTHUR FITZROY KENNARD, first Baronet. Born May 12, 1885, being the son of Hugh Coleridge Kennard, Lieutenant Grenadier Guards, who died 1886, by his wife Helen, daughter of James Wyllie of Eilenroe, Antibes, France ; was created a Baronet February 6, 1891, in recognition of the public services of his grandfather, who was created a Baronet 1890, but died before the Patent had passed the seals. Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms: Per chevron gules and azure, a chevron engrailed argent, between two keys in chief, the wards downwards or, and a sword erect in base proper. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect in armour proper, charged with a buckle gules, grasping in the hand a key or in bend, and a broken sword in bend sinister proper. Motto — "At spes non fracta." Residences — 54 Hans Place, London ; Fernhill, Southampton. M HAUGHTON CHARLES OKEOVER, Esquire, J[.P. © for Stafford and Derby, and D.L. for co. Warwick, High Sheriff co. Derby 1862. Born Nov. 13, 1825, being the son of the late Rowland Farmer Okeover of Oldbury Hall, by his first wife Bridget, dau. of James Langton of Bedford Square, London. Armorial bearings -Ermine, on a chief gules, three bezants, impaling the arms of Caven- dish, namely sable, three bucks' heads caboshed or, a bor- dure argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, ademi-wyvern ermine, langued gules, issuing out of a coronet or. Motto — " Esto vigilans." Married, July 12, 1859, Hon. Eliza Anne Cavendish, eldest dau. of Rt. Hon. Henry Manners Cavendish, 3rd Lord Waterpark, of Doveridge Hall, Derby ; and has Issue— (1) Haughton Ealdred Okeover, Gentleman, Lieut. 7th King's Royal Rifle Corps, b. May 10, 1875 ; Mabel Alice ; Hon. Maude, late Maid of Honour to the Queen [m., Oct. 11, 1887, Sir Andrew Barclay Walker, Bart., of Osmaston Manor, co. Derby, who d. Feb. 27, 1893 ; she married secondly, July 1895, John Frederick Lort Phillips of Law- renny Park, co. Pembroke] ; Ruth Isabel ; Edith Mary \ni. , August II, 1891, Captain the Hon. Herbert T. Allsopp, late loth Hussars] ; and Ethel Blanche ; Lilian Mercy Mary [m. , July 20, 1897, Hon. Assheton Nathaniel Curzon, youngest son of Lord Scarsdale of Kedleston, co. Derby] ; Mary Beatrice, d. 1887 ; and Victoria Alexandrina. Seat — Okeover Hall, Ashbourne, co. Derby. Residence — 6 Upper George Street, Bryanston Square, W. THOMAS AUGUSTUS PRENTICE, Gentleman. Born March 8, 1815, being the only son of George Prentice, by his wife Eliza Jane, eldest daughter of the Reverend Archibald Kidd, Master of Arts, Rector of Jonesborough, in the county of Armagh. Livery — Blue coat, silver buttons, black and yellow striped waistcoat, with silver buttons, Oxford grey breeches, top boots, silver band round hat. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Party per chevron engrailed or and azure, three greyhounds courant counter- changed, in the centre chief point a trefoil slipped vert ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-grey- hound rampant or, collared, ringed, and lined sable, charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped vert. Motto — " Nee timeo nee sperno." Married, December 8, 1847, Mary, second and only surviving daughter of John Johnson of Holbeach, Lord of the Manor of Fleet Fitzwalter, in the county of Lincoln ; and has Issue— ]ohn George Prentice, Gentleman, born October 16, 1851 [to whom refer]; Mary Georgina, died 1866 ; Elizabeth Catherine ; Frances Augusta ; and Susan Alexandra. Postal address — Armagh. SMYLY (U.O. ). Azure, a chevron ermine between three pheons argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an armed arm embowed in armour proper, the hand holding a pheon by the point thereof gules. Motto — " Viribus virtus." Son of late Josiah Smyly, Surgeon to the Meath Hospital (son of John Smyly, Esq., K.C.), b. ; d. ; m. , Ellen, d. of Matthew Franks of Merrion Square, Dublin : — Sir William Josiah Smyly, M.D., Pres. of Roy. Coll. of Physic, Ireland, b. 1850; m. 1881, Eleanor Colpoys, d. of Henry Tweedy, M.D., M.R.C.S. ; and has issue— Joscelyn Henry Smyly, Esq., b. 1882. Res.—efi Merrion Square, Dublin. S JAMES STEVENSON, Esquire (formerly James Stevenson Hamilton), of Braidwood, co. Lanark, Colonel Commanding 9th Lanark Rifle Volunteers, late Capt. i2th Royal Lancers, A.D.C. to His Majesty the King, J. P. for Lanarkshire, V.D. Born 1838, being the eldest son of Nathaniel Stevenson, Esq., of Braidwood, J. P. for Lanarkshire, by Margaret Jane his wife, daughter of Thomas Rennie Scott, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for Lanarkshire. Club— Army and Navy. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis gules, on a chief sable, three mullets of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand issuing from a is tbe Naval Cockade. i5»t appcnDir cload and holding a wreath of laurel all proper ; and in an esctoll over the same this Motto. " Cot-lum non solum." hiarrud, iirslly, 1866, Klita Hamilton of Fairholni [who succeeded her uncle, ^ohn Hamilton, Esq., of Fairholm, J.P., D.L., and who died 1875], daughter of James Hamil- ton ; and secondly, July a, 1879, Fmnces, daughter of Frederick Richards Leyland of Woolton Hall, Lanes. He bas lisut — (i) James Stevenson Hamilton, Esquire, bom Oct. a, 1867 [to whom refer]; (a) Olmar Charles John Stevenson Hamilton, Gentleman, born Sept. 15, 1875; (3) Francis Herbert I^yland Stevenson, Gentleman, born Feb- ntary 39, 1880; and Eliza Margaret Grace. Estate and poitat address — Braidwood, l.,anarkshire, N.B. TECON, quartered by CONYERS and WITHAM, TEMPhST. quartered by CONYERS, RAMSDEN, and SALVIN. TEMPEST, see VANE-TEMPEST and VANE-TEM- PES 1 -STEWART. « ARTHUR CECIL TEMPEST, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for CO. of Lincoln, and J. P. for W.R. co. of Yorks, Major (retired) nth Hussars. Bom June 3, 1837, being second son of the late Henry Tempest, Esq., of Heaton, Co. Palatine of Lancaster, J. P. for that co., by his wife Jemima, second dau. of Sir Thomas de Trafford, Bart., of 'I'rafford, in the aforesaid co. Livery — (undress) black coat and trousers, black and white striped vest ; (full dress) white coat and vest with black cuffs and braid and silver aigiiilettes, black plush breeches, silver garters and buttons. Armorial bearings (Vn. Yorks. 1585)— Quarterly i and 4, argent on a bend between six martlets sable, an annulet or (for Tempest); 3. argent, a fesse between six martlets sable (for Gilliot) ; 3. argent, a lion rampant gules within a bordure of demi - flours - de - lis azure (for Thorpe), and other quarterings since inherited. Mant- ling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased f)er pale argent and sable, beaked and crined gules, charged with an annulet of the last, with the Motto, " Loyouf as thow fynds." Married, April 38, 1873, Eleanor Blanche, second dau. of the late Edward Horner Reynard of Sunderland- wick and Hobgreen, in the co. of York, J. P. and D.L. ; and has Issue — Roger Stephen Tempest, Esq., Capt. 3nd Batt. Scots Guards, b. 1876 ; and Blanche Cecil. Estates — Broughton Hall, Craven, in co. York; Coleby Hall, in co. Lincoln. Postal address — Broughton Hall, Skipton in Craven. Clubs — ^Army and Navy, Boodle's. WHYTE(U.O.). Argent, a chevron engrailed between three roses gules, seeded or, barbed vert. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi- lion rampant gules, holding between the paws a flagstaff proper therefrom a flag flying argent, charged with the cross of St. George. Motto — " Uchiel y Goring." Sons of John Lewis Auriol Whyte, Esq., J. P., Major R. South Down Mil., b. 1833; d. 1885; m. 1864, Rosina Alice, d. of William Pegge of Birchgrove, Swansea : — John William Charles Whyte, Gentleman, b. 1866; m. 1903 / Elizabeth Ellen, d. of Charles Hills of Norwich. Res.— Walter Cecil Whyte, Gentleman, b. 1876. Res. — Joseph Ormonde Whyte, Gentleman, i. 1880. Res. — Son of Capt. Charles Whyte, 6th Roy. Regt. , b. 1836 ; d. 1889 ; m. 1871, Gertrude Minna, d. of John Shiell of Kelly Castle, Arbroath : — William John de Burgh Whyte, Gentleman, b. 1875. Res.— Sons of Benjamin de Burgh Whyte, Gentleman, b. 1850; d. 1884; m. 1875, Isabella, d. of William Middleton, M.D., of Mullingar: — Cecil de Burgh Whyte, Gentleman, b. 1878. Res. — Henry Lewis Whyte, Gentleman, b. 1879. Res.— Lucas Whyte, Gentleman, b. 1881. Res.— Son of Capt. Nicholas Charles Whyte, R.N., of Loughbrickland, J. P., D.L., b. 1783; d. 1845; m. 1835, Mary Louisa, d. of Thomas Scgrave of Cabra :— John Joseph Whyte, Esq., J. P. and U.L. co. Down (High Sheriff 186a), b. 1836; m. ist, Ellen Mary (d. 1857), d. of Thonjas LafTan Kelly of Dublin ; 3nd. 1863, Caroline Letitia, d. of George Ryan of Inch House, co. Tipperary ; and has with other issue (by second mar.)— John Nicholas Whyte, Esq., D.S.O., Major Lanes. Ftis., b. 1864. Seal— Loughbrickland, co. Down. Thk Reverend TREVOR BASIL WOODD, M.A.. LL. B. , Clerk in Holy Orders. Bom 1866, l)eing the eldest son of the late Charles Henry Lardner Woodd, Esq., J. P. for W. Riding of the co. of York, by his wife Jane, only daughter of Joseph Harris, Gentleman, of West- cotes, CO. Leicester. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. Z-iWry— Ckiret colour piped with scarlet, scarlet facings and silver lace collar, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, gules tliree dcnii- savages argent, bearing clubs over their dexter shoulders or (for Woodd) ; a. sable, a griffin segreant ermine (for Bal- lard) ; 3. per pale gules and azure, an eagle displayed with two heads or, a bordure counterchanged of the field (for Mitlon). Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-savage argent, bearing a club or. Motto — "Non nobis." Estates — OughtershawandStarbotton Farm, Lang- strothdale, Skipton. Postal address— 16 Eccleston Street. Chester Square, London. S HENRY WOODHEAD, Esquire. Major in the Duke of Edinburgh's Own Volunteer Rifle Corps. Born , being the eldest son of the late Sir John Woodhead of Holmfirth, Sea Point, Cape Town, Knight Bachelor, four times Mayor of Cape Town. Armorial bearings — Per chevron nebuly argent and azure, two oak trees in chief and an African bush buck's head and neck aff"ront^e and erased in base, all proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — UfKin a wreath of the colours, an African bush buck's head couped proper, gorged with the battlements of a tower or, between on the dexter side an oak branch fructed proper, and on the sinister a rose argent, stalked and leaved vert. Motto — "^quo animo." 5*a/— The Gardens, Capetown, Cape of Good Hope. CURRAN OBIAS WOODHOUSE, Gentleman. Ar- morial bearings — Sable, on a chevron or, gutt(?e-de-sang, between three cinquefoils ermine, a griffin;|passant of the field. Mantling sable and or. Crest -Upon a wreath of the colours, issuing from clouds, a cubit arm vested argent, and charged with a cinquefoil gules, the hand grasping a club all proper. Motto -" Agincourt." Seat OmeMh Park. Newry. SSiR WILLIAM HENRY ARTHINGTON WORS- LEY, 3rd Baronet (Aug. 10, 1838). of Hovingham Hall. CO. York, J. P., B.A. (New Coil., Oxon.), formerly Major 2nd Vol. Batt. Yorks. Regt. Born Jan. 12, 1861, being the son of Arthington Worsley, Esq.. by his wife Marianne Christina Isabella, dau. of Hon. Henry Hely-Hutchinson of Weston. Northamptonshire. Livery (dress) — Light buff" and red. silver braid ; (undress) black, red collar, silver braid. Armorial bearingTS — Argent, a chief gules ; the escutcheon charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wyvern vert. Motto -"Quam plurimis prodesse." Married, Oct. 6, 1887, Augusta Mary Chivers, dau. of Edward Chivers Bower, Esq., of Brox- holme, Scarborough; and has Issue — (i) William Arthing- ton Worsley, Esq., b. April 5, 1890; (2) Edward Marcus Worsley, Esq., b. June 13, 1891 ; Winifred Mary; Ethel Isabel; and "Victoria. .SVa/ — Hovingham Hall, co. York. C/«^— Junior Carlton. is tbe Military Cockade. HppenDir 1523 The following are those bearing hereditary Peerage titles, whose right to the same, or to their Armorial bearings, has not been established or is open to question : — Lord Acton has no Crest. The Earl of Antrim is entitled to the Arms of M'Donnell only, the Arms of Kerr being of no authority. Lord Basing has neither Arms, Crest, nor Supporters. The Earl of Berkeley has no Supporters. The Arms of Lord Blantyre have not been matriculated in Lyon Register. The Arms of the Earl of Caithness are not matriculated in Lyon Register. The Arms of Viscount Canterbury are those of Manners, and not of Manners-Sutton. The Arms of Earl Cathcart are not matriculated in Lyon Register. 1 ,ord Colville of Culross has no Supporters. Lord Cottesloe has no Supporters. The Earl of Coventry has no Supporters. The Arms of the Earl of Dalhousie are those of Ramsay only. The Arms of Lord de Ros are those of Fitzgerald only, and neither the Arms as used nor the Crest of De Ros have been exemplified. The Arms of the Earl of Dunmore have not been matricu- lated in Lyon Register. The Earl of Dysart has no Supporters. Viscount Esher has established no right to the quarterings given under his name in all the Peerages. Lord Ffrench has no right to Arms. Lord Fitzhardinge has no Arms. Earl Fortescue has no Supporters. The Arms of the Earl of Galloway are not matriculated in Lyon Register. The Barony of Gardner is dormant, and none of those assuming the title have established any right thereto. Lord Gwydyr has no Crest. The present claimant to the Earldom of Landaff has not established his right before the Committee for Privileges. The Arms of the Marquess of Lothian are not matricu- lated in Lyon Register. The Arms of Lord Manners are those of Manners only, and not of Manners-Sutton. The Arms of the Earl of Mansfield are not matriculated in Lyon Register. Lord Massy has no Supporters. The Earldom of Miltown is dormant, and neither of the claimants thereto has established any right before the Com- mittee of Privileges. Lord Monteagle has no Supporters, and only one Crest. There are no Arms for the See of Newcastle. The Arms of the Earl of Orkney are not matriculated in Lyon Register. The Earl of Portarlington is entitled to the Arms of Dawson only. The Arms of the Earl of Portsmouth are those of Fellowes and not those of Wallop. The Arms of Lord Reay are not matriculated in Lyon Register. The right to the Barony of Ruthven has not been estab- lished before the Committee for Privileges. Lord St. Leonards has no Arms or Supporters. Lord Sandhurst has no Supporters. The Arms of Lord Sinclair are not matriculated in Lyon Register. The Arms of Viscount Strathallen are not matriculated in Lyon Register. Lord Thring has no Supporters. The Arms of the Marquess of Tweeddale are not matricu- lated in Lyon Register. There are no Arms for the See of Wakefield. The Earl of Winchilsea has one Crest only, and the Arms of Hatton should be in the second quarter. The following Irish Peerages have not been established, and the Peers whose names are under- mentioned do not vote in the election of Irish Peers : — George Augustus Hamilton Chichester, Marquess of Donegal. Geoffry Thomas Taylour, Marquess of Headfort. Rudolph Robert Basil Aloysius Augustine Feilding, Earl Desmond (Earl of Denbigh). Frederick Edward Gould Lambert, Earl of Cavan, K.P. Richard Henry Boyle, Earl of Shannon. Henry Wellesley, Earl of Mornington (Duke of Welling- ton). William Ulick Tristram St. Lawrence, Earl of Howth, K.P. Henry Edwyn King Tenison, Earl of Kingston. William Frederick le Poer Trench, Earl of Clancarty. Archibald Brabazon Sparrow Acheson, Earl of Gosford, K.P. Henry North Holroyd, Earl of Sheffield. Arthur Annesley, Viscount Valentia. Henry Taaffe, Viscount Taaffe. George Henry Hugh Cholmondeley, Viscount Choi mondeley (Marquess of Cholmondeley). William Geoffry Bouchard de Montmorency, Viscount Mountmorres. Henry Charles Gage, Viscount Gage. Algernon William Yelverton, Viscount Avonmore. Edward Henry Trafalgar Digby, Baron Digby. Castell Sherard, Baron Sherard. Algernon William George Evans-Freke, Baron Carbery. Somerset Henry Maxwell, Baron Farnham. John Arthur Lysaght, Baron Lisle. William Charles Wynn, Baron Newborough. Charles George Lyttelton, Baron Westcote (Viscount Cobham). Clarence Edward Graves, Baron Graves. Alexander Nelson Hood, Baron Bridport, G.C.B. (Vis- count Bridport Charles Andrew Vanneck, Baron Huntingfield. Charles Robert Carrington, Baron Carrington, G.C.M.G. (Earl Carrington). Charles A.T.R.LL Ffrench, Baron Ffrench. Errol Augustus Blake, Baron Wallscourt. Robert Shapland George Julien Carew, Baron Carew. Chichester Samuel Parkinson - Fortescue, Baron Cler- mont, K.P. (Baron Carlingford). James Herbert Gustavus Meredyth Somerville Baron Althumney. ) IS»4 appentiir Proof is required of the due and legal creation of the following Baronetcies, or else proof of the descent and the consequent rijjht to inherit : — Bored. Broun. Burton. Campbell of Auchenbreck. Campbell of Ardnamurchan. Cathcart. Clifton. Cockburn. Colleton. Cox. Crawfiird-Pollok. Cumming. Cuninghame of Robertland. Dalyell. Dick. Dunbar of Northfield. Elphinstone. Fleetwood. Fletcher (1812). Foulis of Woodhall. Foulis of Ingleby Manor. Gibb. Gordon of Letterfourie. Gordon of Lesmore. Graham of Esk. Grant of Dalvey. Hamilton of Silverton Hill. Hamilton of Preston, county Had- dington. Hay of Smithfield. Innes of Balveny. Innes (i6a8). Knowles. De Burgh- Lawson, Leslie of Wardis. Livesey. Mackenzie of Gairloch. Mackenzie of Scatwell. Moncrieff. Howell-Murray. Murray of Philiphaugh. Milliken-Napier. Palmer (i6ai). Payne (1737). Perrott. Reade (1641). Richardson (1630). Sinclair of Dunbeath. Skipwith. Stapley. Steele. Swale. Taylor. Temple of Stowe. Lushington-Tilson. Agne w- Wallace. Wardlaw. Wasteneys. Wemyss. Griffies- Williams. Wright. The following Baronets either possess no Armorial bearings, or their right to those attributed to them is doubtful, and awaiting substantiation : — Sir Ralph Anstruther, Bart., of Bal- caskie. Sir Francis James Graham Blake, Bart. Sir Horace Blakiston, Bart. Sir John Ralph Blois, Bart. Sir William Blunt, Bart. Sir William Boreel. Sir Robert Augustus Colleton, Bart. Sir Charles Algernon Coote, Bart. Sir Uthred Duntiar Bart., of Moch- rum. Sir George Alexander Duntze, Bart. Sir Archibald Edmonstone, Bart., of Duntreith. Sir Edmund H. Elton, Bart. Sir Richard Farmer, Bart. Rev. Sir George Ralph Fetherston, Bart. Sir William H. B. Ffolkes, Bart. Sir Frederick F. ('. Fowke, Bart. Sir John F. Godfrey, Bart. Sir Hume Seton Gordon, Bart. Sir L. J. Grant, Bart., of Dalvey. Sir A. H. Grant, Bart., of Mony- musk. Rev. Sir John Caesar Hawkins, Bart. Sir H. J. Hawley, Bart. Sir Lewis John Hay, Bart. , of Park. Sir Joseph W. O. Hoare, Bart. Sir Fenton J. Hort, Bart. Sir Alfred Hughes, Bart. Sir Stanhope William Jephson, Bart., C.B. Sir Charles Knowles, Bart. Sir Wilfrid Lawson, Bart. Sir Charles Fitzroy Mac Lean, Bart. Sir William Robert Murray, Bart. , of Clermont. Sir Richard John Musgrave, Bart., of Turin. Sir George Prescott, Bart. Sir Charles Cunliffe Smith, Bart. Sir John Stirling Maxwell, Bart. Sir Watkin Williams- Wynne, Bart, Sir William Lawrence Young, Bart. Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson &• Co. 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