QA UC-NRLF $C Ibfi n3 11% LIBRARY OF THE University of California. RECEIVED BY EXCHANGE Class <^" SOME INVARIANTS AND CO VARIANTS OF TERNARY COLLINEATiONS HENRY BAYARD PHILLIPS A DISSERTATION Submitted to the Board of University Studies of the Johns Hopkins University in Conformity with the Requirements FOR the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Press of The new Era Printing Company Lancaster, Pa. U)OT SOME INVARIANTS AND COVARIANTS OF TERNARY COLLINEATIONS BY HENRY BAYARD PHILLIPS A DISSERTATION Submitted to the Board of University Studies of the Johns Hopkins University in Conformity with the Requirements FOR the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Prem of TNC NtW EDA PRINTINQ OOMPAHY UNOASTER, Pa. 1907 SOME INVARIANTS AND COYARIANTS OF TERNARY COLLINEATIONS. Introduction. 1. The analytical basis of the present paper is the form of Grassmann's Liickenausdruck which Gibbs called a dyadic. This, as the sequel shows, is merely a general bilinear function from which the variables are omitted. It may then represent a collineation or correlation and may be manipulated prac- tically like the ordinary symbolical bilinear form. Starting with this as a basis, the object is in the next place to give an inter- pretation by means of the invariant theory of various double products suggested by Gibbs and incidentally to obtain some of the properties of the invariants and covariants involved. The field of operation is plane projective geometry and the products are formed according to the combinatory multiplication of Grassmann. Finally, in the third part, there is considered a skew symmetric function of any number of collineations which is called an alternant. It is a combinant, linear in the coefficients of each collineation, and presenting in some ways for functions of two sets of variables properties analogous to those of the expres- sions resulting from the combinatory multiplication of linear manifolds. Part I. Notation. I. The open product or dyadic. 2. In a space of two dimensions a sum of mixed products of similar construc- tion, each containing a single factor x, may be written in the form A^xB^ + A^xB^ + A^xB^, where the dot is used to show that the order of multiplication is from left to right. A^ , B^ and x are geometric quantities, points or lines of the plane, and all products are formed according to the combinatory multiplication. This may be considered as resulting from the operation of x on the expression A,{yB,^A,{).B, + A,{)-B,, the operation consisting in placing the variable x in the parentheses. This last expression is an example of what Grassman called an open product.* *"Au8dehnung8lehre" (1878), p. 265. 165252 4 SOME INVARIANTS AND (X) VARIANTS OF TERNARY COLLINEATIONS. Gibbs wrote the open product in the form and from the nature of its construction called it a dyadic.* The variable is supposed to operate on the dyadic from the outside and so give as result xA^ • B^ + xA^ ■ B^ + xA^ • B^ or A^- B^x + A^-B^x + A^- B^x according as x is used as prefactor or postfactor. In the present paper the notation of Gibbs will be used and combinatory products will be represented either by placing the letters in parentheses or by placing a bar over them. It is found convenient to use the parentheses when the product reduces to a scalar, or number, and in all other cases to use the bar. Unless otherwise expressly stated the variable will enter the dyadic as post- factor, i, e., the dyadic will operate on the variable. From analogy with the ordinary symbolism for a row product we shall write AB = ^,^j + A^B^ + ^3 J53. It is to be observed that A^ and B^ in this expression have a definite size or intensity. If they are only projectively given the dyadic will have the form AB = \A^B^ + \A^B^ + \A^B,, where the X's are numbers determined when definite intensities are given to A^ and B^. 3. As an operator the dyadic gives a linear transformation of quantities con- tragredient to B^. For, x being such a quantity, since (B^x) is a number, A(Bx) = X,{B,x)A, + \{B,x)A, + \{B,x)A, which as a function of A^ is a simple manifold involving x linearly. There are two cases of present interest. When A^ and B^ are contragredient we have a collineation ; when cogredient, a correlation. A dyadic of the form aa = \a^a^ + \a^a^ + X3a3a3, where the a's are points and the a's lines, represents a point collineation. f In *GlBB8'8 "Vector Analysis" (Wilson), chap. V. t In the notation of Clebsch this is of course (af)(cur) = 2A^(a 4a^ = «! Og + ajttg + 03(1^. From these equations by addition we obtain (4) aj + a2 + a3+a^=0. Multiplying the equations (3) by a. and making use of (2) it is easily seen that (5) (a,a,) = 3, {a,a.)=-l (i+j). We have here sixteen equations. From the identity i J it is seen however that seven of these equations are superfluous, their effect being to make a^ and a^ subject to conditions (1) and (4). When one tetrad is given there are then nine conditions to be satisfied by the other. And since a tetrad subject to the conditions (1) or (4) in addition to its eight geometrical constants involves an undetermined intensity it follows that there is a single solution. The equations (5) may therefore be taken as canonically defining a tetrad and counter-tetrad. Their symmetry in a^ and a. indicates the mutuality previously mentioned. From the equations (3) by direct multiplication we obtain (6) ^.= a^-a^, where i,jj h, /is a positive permutation of the numbers ], 2, 3, 4. Multiply- ing by flj^ and making use of (5) (a,a.aj==±4 {i<3olar to express the rela- tion of «i and Of , or «, and Oi . SOME INVARIANTS AND COVAEIANTS OF TERNARY COLLINEATIONS. 11 of the product of any number of collineations Sj, s, •••, s^ by (s^s^- • - s^). Writing the collineations in the form aa, b^ ,cy, etc., it is immediately seen that (14) («1 ---VlS.) =(«.«! •••«r-l)- That is, the linear invariant of the product of any number of collineations is not affected by a cyclic permutation of those collineations. 10. Suppose we have three collineations each of which transforms a 3-line a. into a 3-line /8^ . If a. and 6^ are the points of the triangles a and fi the collineations may be written ^2 = /*1 A«X + f^2^2^2 + /*3^3«8J 0-3 = I/,/3,a^ -I- I'2^2«2 + ^3^3 «3> where \, fi^, and y^are all different from zero. Furthermore let be a non-singular coUineation apolar to cr^, a^, and 0-3. Taking a as reference triangle the conditions required are PlM^^^i) + PM^2<^2) + Pz\i^^<^s) = 0, PlM'l(fil^l) + P2P'2{^2^2) + PzP'A^Z^) = 0, Px "X ( A^l) + P2 ^2(^2^2) + Pz ""ii^A) = 0. These equations can only coexist when either = or Pl(^lOl) = P2i^2'^2) = PlC/^sCs) = 0. The first of these expresses that the collineations are linearly related ; the second that the 3-line /3^ and the 3-point c^ are incident. Hence if a non-singu- lar coUineation is apolar to three linearly independent collineations having a common triangle pair, it transforms the first of those triangles into one incident to the second. In particular, if a. and ^. are identical, their triangle is trans- formed by s into an inscribed triangle and is consequently a Pasch triangle* of s. Suppose a second set of collineations T^ , T^ and T^ which transform a 3-point *F. MOELEY, loc. cit., p. 295. \ \ \ P'l P'2 f^s ^1 ^2 ^3 12 SOME INVARIANTS AND CO VARIANTS OP TERNARY COLLINEATIONS. d. into a 3-point c. . The same is then true of any coUineation of the net Suppose one of these coUineations should transform a^ into a 3-point incident to ^.. By the last paragraph the conditions required are These equations may be satisfied if {S,T,) {S,T,) (S,T,) (15) {S,T,) (S,T,) {S,T,) =0. (S,T,) (S,T,) {S,T,) From the symmetry of this condition in S and T we conclude that if there is a coUineation which transforms d. into c. and a^ into a triad incident to /8^., then there is a coUineation that transforms 6,. into a^ and c^ into a triad incident to B^ . If in the above theorem we take a^ equal to b^ and c^ equal to d^ we have the theorem of Hun that the relation of Pasch triangle and fixed triangle in a nor- mal coUineation is mutual. III. The intermediate.* 11. Take in the next place two cogredient point coUineations aa and 6/3. They have a double product aba^.-f This is a covariant line coUineation which has been called the intermediate of aa and 6/S . The geometric interpretation is easily seen. Let r/ (Fig. 1) be the correspon- dent of any line f two of whose points are x and y - Then by a well known identity (16) r}='^b{a^^) = ab{{ax)ifiy)-{ay){^x)}=¥^"-Wi' in which x' and x", y' and y" are the correspondents of a and y with respect to aa and 6y8. Therefore ?; is a line through the join of x'y" and x"y' j or, as we may say, through the cross-join of the correspondents of x and y. Since x and y are any points on ^, ij is the locus of cross-joins of pairs of points, on |. This from the known construction of a polarity amounts to saying that x'x" envelopes a conic tangent to x'y' and x"y" at their junction with 17. *A. B. Coble, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 4, p. 70. Prof. Morley has used the word Clebschian to represent a form of this kind (IVans., vol. 4, p. 471). t In the symholic notation of Clebsch this would of coarse be written (ate)(ay3f)=0, where f is given and x variable. SOME INVARIANTS AND COVARIANTS OF TERNARY COLLINEATIONS. 13 In case of three points jc , y , s of | the preceding construction involves Pas- cal's theorem for the hexagon inscribed in a two-line. In case the two coUineations are the same, rj is the join of x and y' and the intermediate reduces to the reciprocal or line form. Hence the line equation X V z Fig. 1. of a given coUineation is gotten by taking the double product of the dyadic with itself. 12. An identity for which we shall find frequent use is obtained by develop- ing (a6as) (otySf ) according to the ordinary rule for multiplication of determi- nants. We thus obtain {aa) (a/3) (a|) {ahx){a^^)= (ba) (b/S) (6f) {xa) (x^) (jc|) 14 SOME INVARIANTS AND CO VARIANTS OF TERNARY COLLINEATIONS. =(ah^)(x^)+{a^){b^)(xa) + (a|)(6a)(x;S) - {aa){b^){xfi) - {b^){a^)(ax). Writing s^ = aa, §2 = 6)8 , and using the notation of Art. 9 for the linear invariants, we have (17) «l«2=(«l«2)+<^l0"2 + °"2°"l-(«l)0'2-(«2)<^l> where the bar over s^s^ is used to signify the operation of forming the inter- mediate. 13. The intermediate belongs to a type of correspondence that occurs in any number of dimensions. And though we are at present concerned with the col- lineation in the plane it may be worth the trouble to indicate the general theory. It is very easy to extend the construction already given for the plane inter- mediate to the case of higher dimensions. Using the equations (16) we have for the intermediate ab ayS where aa and bS are point coUineations in space that to any line | corresponds a linear complex with reference to which xy" and x"y' are polar lines, x and x", y and y", being correspondents with respect to aa. and 6y3 of two points x and y on^. In the same way for the intermediate ahca^fy we have (18) abG{a^y7r) = abc{(au){^yyz) + {ay){^yzx) -\- (az){^y'xy)} where x, y, z are three points of the plane ir . If then we take any triangle on the plane tt, transform its points by the collineation aa, transform the opposite lines by the collineation bc^y , and join the corresponding elements, we get a set of three planes intersecting on the correspondent of tt with respect to the collineation abca^y. If bc^y is the identical line collineation, or quadratic complex to which every line belongs, the preceding construction is readily translated into a descriptive property of two complete four-points in planes in space. Proceeding in this way we may construct intermediates in any number of dimensions. Another method was however presented by Kraus * and Muth.f Consider in the first place the plane intermediate written in the form {abx){afi^) = 0. This expresses the apolarity of the coUineations axa^ and bx^^. For on form- ing the double product we get x{abx){afi^)^ = 0. ♦"Dissertation" (Giessen), 1886. ■fMath. AnncUen, Bd. 33. SOME INVARIANTS AND COVARIANTS OP TERNARY COLLINEATIONS. 15 Now axa^ and bx^^ may be considered as binary projectivities which give for points on | lines joining x to the correspondents with respect to aa and 6y8. Then since two binary apolar projectivities give rise to an involution it follows that if we transform the points of a line | by the collineations aa and 6/3, the correspondent of | with respect to a6a/3 is the locus of points from which the transforms appear in involution. Considering x and | as lines in space it follows from the argument of the last paragraph that the collineation ab a^ in three dimensions gives for a line | the complex consisting of lines which joined to the correspondents of points on f give pairs of planes belonging to an involution. In order to interpret the triple intermediate abooL^y we need a new invariant. Three plane collineations aa, 6/3, and cy have in fact a triple product invariant {abc)(a^y). When this vanishes the collineations have been called harmonic* Its vanish- ing simply expresses that the intermediate of any two of the collineations is apolar to the third. Since we are able to construct the intermediate and to inter- pret the condition of apolarity this harmonic relation may be supposed known. The intermediate of three collineations aa, 6/3, and cy of space may be writ- ten in the form (abcx)( a^yir ) = . This expresses that the three projectivities ax air, bx^ir , and cxyrr are har- monic. For on forming the triple product we have x(abcx) {a^y7r)'7r = 0. But axaTT^ bx^ir , and cxyjr are ternary correspondences which give for points on TT lines joining x to their correspondents with respect to aa, b^, and 07. Therefore if we construct with respect to aa, 6/3, and ey the correspondents of points belonging to a plane tt, the correspondent of tt with respect to abcafiy is the locus of points from which those plane systems appear harmonic. So by a process of continuous induction we may build up intermediates of any degree of complexity. An intermediate of R collineations is reducible to a harmonic invariant of R collineations \n R — 1 dimensions. This may be interpreted as the apolarity of the intermediate oi R —1 collineations and the remaining one. Thus given the knowledge of apolarity the intermediate of jR collineations is reducible to that of i2 — 1 . 14. A collineation is singular when there is an element whose correspondent is indeterminate. Thus the intermediate aba^ in the plane is singular when a line ^ can be found such that (19) ^(a/8|) = 0. * J. Keaus, Math. Annalen, Bd. 29, p. 234. 16 SOME INVAMANTS AND COVARIANTS OF TERNARY CX>LLINEATIONS. From the construction of the intermediate it is evident that | must in this case pass by da and b^ into the same line 77. Now (19) is the condition for the correlation to be symmetrical, i. e., to be a polarity. But a(a^^)b sets up a binary corre- lation on rj consisting of pairs of points given by aa and 6/S for points of ^. Therefore since every line of the plane cuts | , it follows that in case of singular intermediate every line of the plane passes by aa and 6/S into a pair of lines apolar to a definite pair of points, i. e., the double points of the binary polarity on the correspondent of f , IV. Apolarity of coUineation and correlation.* 15. A coUineation aa and a contragredient correlation be may be apolar, i. e., may satisfy the condition a6(ca) = 0. The meaning of this is easily seen. Write them aa = \a^a^ + X^a^a^ + \«3«3> be = fi^b^G^ + fM^b^c^ + t^A^zy and take Ac = Aa as reference triangle. The condition of apolarity is then ab{ca)= \ti^aA + X^fi^a^ + X^fM^aA = 0. That equation expresses that the triangles a^ and b^ are perspective. Therefore since they are the correspondents through aa and bo of the reference triangle, it follows that a coUineation and an apolar correlation transform any triangle into a pair of perspective triangles. Conversely if a^ and b. are perspective and aa is given, values ^Ji.^ may be found such that (20) holds. Taking those values as the coefficients in 6c we have a correlation apolar to aa. Therefore if a coUineation a/i transform the points of a triangle a into a triad perspective to b^, there is a correlation apolar to a/x which has a^ and b^ as corresponding pairs. In particular a coUineation and correlation are apolar if they transform respectively the points and lines of a triangle into the same triad of points. The condition that the intermediate ah ayS of two collineations should be apo- lar to a correlation cd is {abc)a^d^ (abc) { a{^d) - fi{ad) } = bc{^d)aa^ac{ad)b^=0. Now bc{^d) = 0, and ac ( ad) = , are the conditions of apolarity of 6y9 and aa with cd. Hence if two collineations are apolar to a correlation, so is their inter- * F. AscHiKBi called snoh correspondences harmonic. Compare his article, " SuUe omografle binarie e ternarie," Bend, del R. Isiituto Lonibardo, (2 J yoI. 24, p. 289. SOME INVARIANTS AND COVARIANTS OF TERNARY COLLINEATIONS. 17 mediate. By an entirely analogous process it follows that if two correlations are apolar to the same coUineation their intermediate is also. The intermediate of a coUineation or correlation with itself is the reciprocal or adjoined form. Hence if a coUineation and correlation are apolar the same relation subsists when either or both are replaced by their adjoined forms. If, for example, two coUineations transform the points of a triangle a into perspective triads we have seen that there is a correlation apolar to both coUine- ations which transforms the lines a^ into either of those triads. The preceding paragraph then expresses that, if two coUineations transform a. into a pair of perspective triangles, the intermediate gives a triangle perspective to both.* 16. A correlation apolar to the identical coUineation transforms any triangle into a perspective one and is therefore a polarity. The condition that 6c be a polarity is then (21) 6c=0. Suppose a coUineation aa. is apolar to a polarity 6c . We then have a6(ac) = 0, (22) 6^=0. Let f be a fixed line of aa given by the root \ of the characteristic equation, i. e., such that (|a)a = X^ Multiplying by | we get from (22) (ac){(|6)a-(^a)6} = (ac)(^6)a - X(|c)6 = 0, (|c)6-(|6)c = 0. Combining these equations we obtain (|c)(6a)a = X(|c)6. For a fixed line of a coUineation, an apolar polarity gives a fixed 'point corre- sponding to the same root of the characteristic equation. If the characteristic equation has three distinct roots the fixed triangle is then self-conjugate or polar with respect to any apolar polarity. From (1 7) we have for the adjoined form of a coUineation s , (23) ss = {is) + 2a^ - 2{s)<7 , where o- is the inverse of s. Since a polarity is symmetrical, if it is apolar to 5, it is apolar to o-. In that case we have also seen that it is apolar to »s and *Cf. MuTH, Math Annalen, Bd. 40, p. 98. 18 SOME INVARIANTS AND CO VARIANTS OF TERNARY COLLINEATIONS. identity. Therefore from (23) it follows that if a polarity is apolar to s it is apolar to <7* . All collineations that are co variants of a are however expressible linearly in terms of o-", o- and o^.* Consequently, a 'polarity apolar to a col- lineation is apolar to all of its covariants. If a collineation s transforms the points of a triangle a into a perspective triad, there is a polarity which transforms the lines of a into the same triad. That polarity is obviously apolar to s and to all of its covariants. Further there is a polarity which leaves a fixed and is apolar to s. Therefore we have Muth's theorem that if a collineation s transforms a triangle into a perspective one, then all of the covariants of s transform it into triangles perspective to each other and to the original triangle.f 17. For a correlation to be apolar to a collineation requires the identical vanishing of a line and therefore subjects the coefficients of either to three linear conditions. There is not then in general a correlation apolar to each of three given collineations. The condition for such is the vanishing of the determinant of the nine equations expressing the three apolarities. This invariant, the explicit form of which does not concern us, has been called A.J It is a com- binant symmetrical in the coefficients of the three collineations, and of the third degree in each. We will now consider the peculiarities of a system of three collineations for which A vanishes. In the net (24) S = Pl«l + P2«2+P3«5 there are a single infinity of singular collineations. The singular points lie on a cubic that we may call C; the singular lines envelop a cubic that we may call r . It is well known that the adjoined form of a singular collineation con- sists of the product of singular line and singular point. And we have seen that a correlation apolar tj a collineation is apolar to its adjunct. Therefore, if a correlation is apolar to the collineations s^ , s^ and s^ , the singular lines and points of (24) are correspondents in that correlation and consequently the cubics r and C are reciprocal through it. With a point of C is associated in two ways a line of F . In the first place the point a appears as singular point in a definite collineation of (24) which has a singular line /3. Secondly, it is transformed by those collineations into the points of a definite line 7 . To say that a correlation is apolar to each of three collineations amounts to saying that those collineations operating on the inverse of that correlation give polarities. Such a transformation of the collineations does not afifect the cubic r which is therefore the Cayleyan of the three polarities. We saw above how- * Clebsch, Vorlesungen iiber Geometric, Bd. 1, p. 991. fMuTH, loo. cit., p. 97, % ROSANES, Orelle, Bd. 95, p. 254. SOME INVARIANTS AND CO VARIANTS OF TERNARY COLLINEATIONS. 19 ever that the line yS passes by the inverse of the apolar correlation into the point a . Therefore /S passes by the three polarities into points of 7 and conse- quently j8 and 7 are corresponding lines of T . Conversely, suppose with each point of O are associated a pair of correspond- ing lines of V . Two coUineations^ of (24) whose common polar triangles are not singular may be written The lines yS^ are singular in the collineations whose singular points are a^. The points ttj , a^, a^ pass by the net of collineations respectively into points of Fm. 2. 20 SOME INVARIANTS AND COVARIANTS OF TERNARY CX)LLINEATIONS. 7ij 72> 73 where 7. is incident to 6.. By supposition /Sj7j, P^'y^, and ^8373 are three pairs of corresponding lines with respect to the curve. If we should start with h^ we could construct a complete four-point, all of whose lines touch the curve. It would contain those three pairs of lines as diagonal pairs and therefore 7i, 73, 73 pass through a point (Fig. 2). The triad a^ then passes by two of the coUineations into the triad h^ and by the third into one perspective to 6,.. According to Art. 15, the three coUineations therefore have a common apolar correlation. The vanishing of the invariant A is the necessary and sufficient condition that icith any point, of C should he associated (in the above way) a pair of correspond- ing lines of V , and, dually y with any line of T should be associated a pair of corresponding points of C. The similarity of a set of coUineations for which A vanishes to a net of polarities is noticeable. It is due to the fact that a set of polarities are apolar to the identical coUineation, or, what amounts to the same thing, that a net of coUineations with vanishing A may be transformed into a net of polarities in such a way as to have either the initial or the resultant field invariant. Part III. The Alternant. I. Introduction. 16. In contrast with the symmetrical forms just considered are a series of combinants that we will call alternants. The alternant of n coUineations s^ is defined by the equation [«i •••«„] = where the determinant is supposed to be developed in the order of its columns, i. e., in each term of the development the first letter is taken from the first row, the second from the second row, etc. This determinant is readily seen to follow the ordinary rules so far as its rows are concerned. If, for example, a linear relation exists between the coUineations Sj, •••, s^, the alternant is zero. Using the ordinary rule of signs, the determinant may be developed as the sum of products by their minors of determinants of rth order in the first r rows. The alternant cannot, however, in general be developed in terms of its columns. Obviously, there will be a marked difference according as the order of the alternant is odd or even. If the order n is even, for every term of the form s^-" s.Sj^ will be a term — «j«. • • • s^ where the intervening letters in both are h «2 • • «» «1 «2 • •• K «1 «2 • •' «„ SOME INVAEIANT8 AND CO VARIANTS OF TERNAEY COLLINEATIONS. 21 the same. The linear invariant is therefore r{(Si---ssJ-(s4«i •••«•)}. The alternant of an even number of collineations is normal. Again if n is even the alternant may be written in the form (26) T,{Ps,Q - Qs,P) where P and Q are products not containing s. . This is harmonic with s. * since The alternant of an even number of collineations is harmonic with each of them. Finally from (26) placing s^ to be identity we see that the alternant of an even number of collineations vanishes when one of those collineations is identity. In case of an odd alternant, since the members of a cyclic group are all of the same sign, we have (27) ([«i---«J) = '^(«x[«3---«„]). If the alternant of an odd number of collineations is normal, each collineaMon is harmonic vnth the alternant of the remaining n — 1 . Write the alternant in the form where 8^ is the minor of s,. in the first row of the alternant. If n is odd and one of the collineations «j is identity, since the first minors are even, all those containing identity vanish and the alternant takes the form [«1 •••««] =«o(«2 •••««] = [«2---«n]- The alternant of an odd number of collineations containing identity is equal to the alternant of the remmning n — 1 . II. The binary alternant. 17. The alternant [sjSg] of two collineations is normal and harmonic with each of the collineations. A binary normal coUineation, or polarity, is apolar to a coUineation s only when the fixed points of s form a pair in that polarity. Therefore [SjSg] is the polarity determined by the common harmonic pair of the fixed points of s^ and s^ .f Consider in the next place the triple alternant s. [«1«2«3] 1 "2 "3 1 ^2 ^3 1 *2 ^3 IJ^^ * See Art. 9, footnote. t Study, " Benare Formen." 22 SOME INVARIANTS AND COVARIANTS OF TERNARY COLLINEATIONS. It is normal when s^ is harmonic with [SgSg] . Therefore the vanishing of the linear invariant of [SiSj^s] expresses the condition that the fixed points of Sj, Sj, and s^ should lie in an involution. The condition that a collineation (28) ^ PiSl + p2^2 + Psh be harmonic with [SiSj^sl ^^ = Pl{(«l«2«3)-(«?«3«2)} +P2{(«2«3«l)-(«2«1»3)}+P3{(«3»l«2)-(«3«2«1)}- Making use of the identity «^ = *s — A , this becomes = { PlM + PiM + PsM} {(«1«2«3) - («3«2«l)} • The alternant is therefore harmonic with all of the normal coUineations of the pencil pi8^ 4- ^2*2 + Psh' ^^ fixed points of [s^s^s^'] give the coUineations of (28) whose dyadics are squares. It is readily seen that the collineation s= [s,s,s,] - 'i {{s^s.s^) - (s^s.s,)} is harmonic with s^,s^, and s^. When s is identity [s^Sg^s] ^^ identity and con- versely. TTie condition that s^, s^, and s^ should be polarities is that the alter- nant l^s^s^s^'j should coincide vnth the identical collineation. When [SjSjSj] vanishes, the invariant ( «j«2 S3 ) — (SjSgS^) also vanishes and hence s is zero. The three coUineations s^, s^, s^ have no definite apolar col- lineation and therefore satisfy a linear identity. The vanishing of [SjSgSj] is the condition for the three coUineations to satisfy a linear identity. From any four linearly independent binary coUineations any other may be linearly derived. In particular to such a set of four belongs the identical collineation. Since an alternant of even order containing identity is zero, it follows that the binary alternant of fourth order vanishes identically. There- fore with the alternant (s^s^^s^) just considered the discussion in the binary domain comes to an end. III. The alternant of two ternary collineoiions. 18. We shall usually write the coUineations in the form Sj = aa , The alternant is then [^1*2] = *i*2~*2*i = {ch)aP — {^a)ha. The CO variants of a collineation « are linear functions of s^, s, and «*, where «j is the identical collineation. Since each of these is commutative with « it SOME INVARIANTS AND COVARIANTS OF TERNARY COLLINEATIONS. 23 follows that the alternant of a collineation and any of its covariants vanishes identically. The invariant relations of the alternant and covariants of s^ and s^ may be summed up in two general theorems. (i). The alternant is apolar to all the covariants of s^or s^. For let cy be any covariant of s^. The condition of apolarity with the alternant is = (a6)(a7)(/3c) - {Pa){hri){ac) = 6)S' [(07)00 — (ac)7a] , where the dot is used to represent the process of forming the double product, or bilinear invariant. Since the expression in brackets is the alternant of aa. and a covariant 07, the function vanishes as was required. (ii). Hie alternant is apolar to the intermediate of one of the coUineations and any covariant of the other. For let 07 again be a covariant of aa . The intermediate of this with b^ is 60)87. The condition of apolarity with the alternant is = {ab'){abc){0'^y) - {^a){b'hG){a^y), where b'^ is a new symbol for 6yS . Interchanging b^ and 6'y8' and adding, the last expression becomes ^ {{fi'/3y)(b'ba- ca) - {b'bc){fi'^a ya)} = l^jSb'b ■ [yaca-ayac] . The expression in brackets expands into [aa)yG — (^ac)ya — (aa)yc + (^ay)ac = (ay)ac — [aG)ya, which is zero since it is the alternant of aa and a covariant. 19. Since all covariants of s are expressible linearly in terms of 5g, s,s^, the alternant is found to be apolar to the eight coUineations (29) ''OJ <^1> «■?? <^2> O'L «lSj> «1«2^ «1«2> where, as in Art. 9, s^ s^ is the intermediate of s^ and s^ and o- is the same connex as s but considered reciprocally. If the eight coUineations are linearly inde- pendent, the eight apolarity conditions are sufficient uniquely to determine the alternant. It is our purpose in the next place to see whether or when such is the case. By the formula (17) we have h4 = {^l) + <^>l-^<^>l-(^l) since by Art. 9 (SiSgSj) and {s^sls]) are equal, both passing by a cyclic permu- tation into (s'Sj). Again we have Since [ s' *i ] is apolar to o-^ , c^ and a^ , by the same argument as before, the apolarity condition of [ Sj «i ] and si s^ is found to be the linear invariant of the collineation {sls,-s,sl)(sls, + s,sl). Expanding and making use of the cyclic permutation we then obtain .„,, [«2«l] • M2 = («2«1«2) + («2«l«2«l) - («1«2«1«2) " i^A^l) [61) = («l«2«f«2)-(«2«l«2«l)- In like manner, making use of the identity M2 = («1«2) + °"l<^2 + <^2°"l -(«l)°"2 - («2)<^U we obtain the apolarity condition of [ s^ Sg ] and s^ s.^ as the linear invariant of («?«2-«2«l)(«l«2+«2«l) under the form (32) [S^SI] •M2=(«l«2«l«2)-(«2«l«2«?)- Since [s^Sj] is a normal collineation the adjoined form is given by (17) as [«i«2] [«i«2] = ( [«i«2] [«i«2] ) + ^[o-xo-j'. The discriminant of [SjSj] is then ^l = K«l«2] • [«1«2] [«1«2] = *[«1«2] • [<^l'^2]' = J( [«1»2]') = i {(«1«2«1«2«1«2) - («l«2«l«2«l) - («1«2«N2) " ('2«f «2«1»2) (33) - (S2«,«2»i*j«i) + («2«i«2«l«2) + («2»l«2«l) + ( «I «2 «1 «a«l )} = («l«2«?«2)-(«2«l«2«f). SOME INVAEIANT8 AND CO VARIANTS OP TERNARY COLLINEATIONS. 25 in which the notation A^^ is used to show that it is the discriminant of an alter- nant involving Sj and s^ each to the first degree. A comparison of (30), (31), and (32) with (33) shows that the various invari- ants there considered are equal to each other and to the discriminant of [s^Sj]. Now suppose that A^^ does not vanish and that there exists a linear relation of the form (34) Po^o + ^i<^i + P20"? + P3<^2 + pA + P5M2 + P6^2 + P7M2 + Ps^l = 0- Since according to (29), [SjSg] is apolar to the first eight collineations in that sequence but by (30) and (33) is not apolar to the last, it follows that Pg is zero. Likewise, operating in turn with [SjSg], [«2*i] and [Si^z]? ^® ^^^ *^** Py = /Og = /jg = . Hence the relation (34) must be of the form (35) Po^o ■^Pi'^i + P2<^1 + PsS + Py2 = Replacing a^ by s^ and forming the alternant with s, we obtain (36) Pd^.s,] +/>,[«,«!] =0. Forming the bilinear invariant with s[ $1 , this gives Hence p^= 0. Likewise on operating with si s^, it is seen that p^ = 0. Simi- larly p, = p^ =/>„= . Hence if the discriminant Aj^ is different from zero no linear relation of the type (34) can exist. If however the discriminant is zero, since the nine colline- ations are apolar to [ «i ^2 ] > ^^^J must satisfy a linear relation. Therefore, the vanishing of the discriminant of the alternant is the necessary and sufficient con- dition for the existence of a linear relation of the type (34). Since in the usual case the discriminant of the alternant is not zero, it follows that in general the apolarity conditions of (29) are independent and give an in- variant determination of the alternant. When the discriminant is zero, all the collineations of the net (37) ^[^1^2] +\[«1«2]+\[*1«2] +\[«^2] satisfy those conditions and the determination is not unique. 20. When the discriminant vanishes there is always a collineation of (37) that vanishes identically, i. e., the four alternants satisfy a linear relation. For since all the collineations of (37) are apolar to all those in (34) it follows that the two sets must contain four linear relations. If one of these belongs to (37) the point at issue is settled. If not there must be four equations of the type (34). Either one of those is of the form (35) and the collineation in question is (36), or it is possible to solve for one of the intermediates and so obtain 26 SOME INVARIANTS AND COVARIANTS OF TERNARY COLLINEATIONS. an equation Developing s^s^ by (17), inverting, and forming the alternant with s^, gives [5j«J -(«l)[«l«2] =\[«1«2] +^4[Sl«2'] which is the relation desired. Suppose conversely that the four alternants satisfy a linear relation In this equation there must be at least one coefficient, for instance X^ , that is different from zero. Operating on the equation with s^sl we see that A^j must then vanish. Therefore, the vanishing of the discriminant is the necessary and sufficient condition for a linear relation between the four alternants. 21. The symmetry resulting when Aj^ vanishes suggests that it is an invar- iant common to the four alternants. In order to prove that such is the case, take in the first instance the alternant [ «f Sj ] . According to (33), the discrim- inant has the form ^21 = («lVt«2)--(«2«l«2«J)- From the characteristic equation for s^ we have 4 = \ + \^i + \4' Substituting this value for s* we have (38)^ . A,,=.\{(sls,s,sl)-{s,slsls,)]^-\A,,. Making use of «2 = /*0 + /*l«2 + A*2«2 and following out the same argument we obtain the discriminants of [^i^j] and [SjSj] ^° *^^ form (39) |^. = -''.An. If \j is zero the characteristic equation for sj is {sir = \ + \sl. The equation is quadratic and hence the collineation is a perspectivity. There- fore \ and fij are respectively the invariants whose vanishing expresses that sj and si are perspectivities. From (38) and (39) we see then that tlie altemarU of a perspectivity and any collineaiion is singular. If Xj and ^l^ are not zero Ajj is a combinant of the two systems \Sq 4- \j8j + X.2*i ^^^ f^o^o + A''i^2 + ^2*2- -^^ ""^^^^ ^^®" express a property of the fixed triangles of those systems. What that property is we shall see later. SOME INVARIANTS AND COVARIANTS OF TERNARY COLLINEATIONS. 27 22. The alternant [s^Sj] ^^ ^ combinant of the net (40) \s^ + fis^+vs^. In forming it any two independent collineations may then be chosen. Let s be a singular collineation, x its singular point, and | its singular line. The alter- nant may be written where s^ is some other collineation of the net. Since sx is zero the correspondent of X with respect to the alternant is Now s transforms every point (and in particular Sj x) into a point on f . There- fore the alternant transforms the singular point of any collineation of (40) into a point of the associated singular line. For varying X, the singular points and lines obtained are the fixed points and associated fixed lines in the collineation /xSj -|- i/Sg. Therefore the fixed triangles of all the collineations of the pencil fis^ + vs^ are JPasch triangles of the alternant. The significance of the apolarity relations satisfied by the alternant is here suggested. In fact two collineations (one in points, the other in lines) that send a triangle into a pair of incident triangle are apolar. Now if s is any colline- ation in (40) the triangle that s leaves fixed is sent by the alternant into an inscribed triangle. Therefore the alternant is apolar to s and to all of its covariants. Two collineations have in general a common pair of polar triangles. In terms of these they may be written s^ = /^i^iOCj + fi^\a^ + fi^h^s- Their adjoined forms and intermediate are respectively «i«i = 2 { W^^a^ + W^i^i + W^iCii } > «2«2 = 2 { /^i^a/^a^a + ^2^3A«i + /*3/*i^2«2 } f «1«2 = {\f^2 + \/*l)^3«3 + (\/*3 + \f^2)^l^l + {\f^l + \f^3)^2^2' Hence s^^s^, s^s^, and s^s^ have a common pair of polar triangles, i. e., the com- mon pair of Sj and s^ considered contragrediently. Since [s^Sg] is apolar to each of those collineations, according to Art. 10, it transforms the triad a^ into one incident to /3^. Taking any two collineations and the associated interme- diate belonging to (29), we obtain a pair of polar triangles such that the points of the first pass by the alternant into a triad incident to the second. These relations are therefore the geometric equivalent of the eight apolarity conditions. 28 SOME INVARIANTS AND COVAEIANTS OP TERNARY VARIANTS OF TERNARY COLLINEATIONS. VITA. Henry Bayard Phillips was born at Yadkin College, N. C, September 27, 1881. He received his preliminary and part of his collegiate education at that place. In 1898 he entered Erskine College, Due West, S. C, and graduated, B. S., in June, 1900. After teaching for one year at Linwood, N. C, he entered the Johns Hopkins University, attending courses in mathematics, physics, and philosophy. There he was successively scholar and fellow and graduated, Ph.D., in June, 1905. 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