\ UNIVERSITY a OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY I..,,. 'ivi^ 5t)t?. l)Ji ^^ -isocurlo n . 1 1 1) *■ ' ^' y ^ f^■e^.^i 0< '•*» 'f cATr.A.i^oGijrE: -OF THE— LAW LIBRARY -OF THE— r^ * #9 ¥t —AT— NEW ORLEANS NEW ORLEANS : HK.viiY PowKRS, Book Printer, 409 Carondelet Street. 1900. L93/c \9D0 OFFICERS ^ND EXECUTIVE COMMiUEE OF THE otzi&iana Sclt ^Wssesiaiion. Henry Plauche Dart .President Charles F. Claiborne Vice President William S. Benedict Secretary and Treasurer George Denegre. Charles Payne Fenner. Benjamin Rice Forman. Bernard McCloskky* Charles J. Theard. Library Committee Benjamin Rice Forman Librarian Walter Probst Library is in Civil District Court Building-, Cornar Cliartres and St. Ann Streets, Ground Floor. RULES OF LIBRARY, 1. Ko one but members are allowed to use room or books 2. Members may introduce clients into tlie room, 3. Judges are ex-ofiflcio members. 4. No books shall be taken out of Library, except to Court, aud returned same day. 5. Members may take books in i^erson to Court. If messenger is sent, books are to be delivered only on written or printed orders, signed by member, idedging bis honor that the book is not for any other person. 6. Librarian will see that all books taken during the day shall be returned and placed in proper place on shelves before Library is closed in afternoon of same day. 7. Members will be held responsible for all books taken out and not returned. When not returned, a bill for the value shall be sent to the member at once, and if not paid, turned over to Secretary for suit. 8. Every book taken out shall be charged to the member, on a book kei^t for the purpose, and marked " Returned, N when it is returned. 9. Memoranda shall be kept of books called for not in Library, and reported to Library Committee, 10. Librarian shall attend and keep Library open, see that the porter cleans it, keeps ice water, and in cold weather fires lighted and kept burning, and electric lights and fans in order every legal day from 10 A. M. to 3:30 P. M. 11. Librarian must make no purchases, but report from time to time all supplies needed, such as paper, pens, pencils coal, etc., to Library Committee. RULES OF LAW LABRARY 12. Members are cordially invited to freely make sug- gestions to the Library Committee as to books that ought to be bought, an 1 as to any other matters pertaining to the Li- brary, which suggestions will be complied with, if revenues are sufficient; and, if not, tliey will be reported to Executive Committee for action 13. If all the books desired by members are not bought it is only because the resources are not sufficient. There are but two ways to increase the resources. Bring iu new mem- bers, or increase dues of city members. 14. Lawyers residing out of New Orleans are elegible as full members. They are required to pay only dues of $5 a year, and no initiation fee. 15. Lawyers who have been admitted to bar over three years, residing in I^Tew Orleans, pay $25 initiation fee, and $10 dues a year. Those practicing less than three years- l)ay $5 a year and afterwards the initiation and regular dues 16. Members, on applying to the Librarian, will be furnished with a pass key for 50 cents, with whicli they can obtain access to the Library day or night wlien the Library is not open. NOTK. 1. A complete list of all the United States and State Reports is contained herein, whether these Reports are in the Library or not The broken sets are properly noted, wliile those sets totally lacking are indicated by a (*). 2. The majority of the State Reports are complete oidy up to the West Reporter System ; which see for snbsequent Reports, (Sections 30-32^, i^age 3. The tiers of shelves in the Library, called sections, are luimbered from 1 to 38 as follows : Acts of Louisiana Section 5 American Decisions and State Reports. ..." 33 Digests and Encyclopedias " 10-11 English Reports '' 6-8 French Works '' 1 French Reports " 2 Lawyer's Reports Annotated '* 34 Leading (Jases and Miscellaneous Reports, " 6-8 Criminal Law " 34 Insnrance '• 34 Negligence '^ 34 Railways " 34 Louisiana Reports "' 12-13 State Reports '< 14-32 Text'Books '< 3-4 U. S. Reports,;Uigests and Statutes " 34-39 West Reporter System " 30-32 FRENCH AND ROMAN LAW. (ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY ACCORDING TO AUTHORS.) COTa.Tia.^lNTA.KI-ES-SECTJ.O'N 1. Volumes Alauzet, Code de Commerce. 185G, 4 Volumes 4 Barrau, Traite des Assurances, 1827 1 Becane, Commentaire sur L'Ord.de la Marine, 1841, 2vols 2 Becane, Questions sur le Droit Commercial, 1833 1 Bedariide, Du Dol et de la Frau 1 Laigiiel, Privilege et Ilypotlieques, 1846 1 Laidinbiere, Tbeoiie des Obligations, 1857, 5 vols 5 Laurent. Princii)es de Droit Civil Francais, 1873, (vol. 14 missing) 33 vols 32 Locre, Code ( ivil, 1827, \('> vols 1(J " Code de (JctJiimerce, iM'it. 4 vol.- 4 NEW ORLEANS BAR ASSOCIATION. VolnnniS Locre, Code de Procedure Civil, 1830, 3 vols 3 " Code Crimiiiel, 1831, 4 vols 1 " Discussion du Code Criminel, 1831, 1 " Code Penal, 1831, 3 vols 3 Manuel, Don Joseph, Ilustracion y Continuacion a la Curia Philipica, 1770, 2 vols 2 Marcade, Code Civil, 1850, 6 vols tj " " " Duplicate Vol, 1 1 " Hypotlieques, 185G 1 " Prescriptiou, 1851 1 " Duplicate 1 Merlin, Questions de Droit, 1828, 16 vols 10 " " " 1828, 16 volumes ill 8 8 " Repertoire de Jurisprudence, 1825, 30 vols. .... 36 " Repertoire de Jurisdiction, 1828, 36 vols, in 18 18 '' Index, 1831 1 Micbaux, Traite des Donations, 1873 1 Millet, Traite du Bornaye, 1816 1 Molinier, Traite de Droit Commerce, 1815, Vol. 1 1 Niou, Droit Civil des Auieurs, 1810 1 Nouguier, Tnbuneaux de Commerce, 1844, 3 vols. . . . , 3 '' Des Lettres de Cliange. 183!», 2 vols 2 Pailliet, Manuel Compleinentairedes Codes Francais 1840 1 Paudectes Francaises, Les, 1803, Vols. 1, 8 and 3 Piirdessus, Traite des Servitudes, 1838, 2 vols 2 " Cours de Droit (Ouimercial, 1850, 5 vols. ... 5 Paul-Pont, Hyi)otlieques, Vols. 2 and 3 2 Perrin, Traite des Nullities de Droit, 1810. 1 Persil, Questions snr les Privileges, 1820, 2 vols ... 2 Pezzani, Traite des Impecliement du Marriage, 1838. . . 1 Plasnum, Des Contre-Letters, 1839 1 Poiicelet, Motifs du ( %)de < Mvil, 1841, 2 vols 2 Ponsot, Traite du Cautionnemeiit 1 Potliier, Oeuvres de, 1845, 10 vols 10 " Paudectes, 1818, 24 vois 24 Pouget, Des Droits des Obligations, 1857, 4 vols 4 CATALOGUE OF LAW LIBRARY Volumes Priulhon, Traite des Droits d'Usufiuct, 1836, 8 vols .... 8 " Traite des Droits d'Usufruct, 1836, Vols. 1-5 5 JRigaud et Cbampioiiuiere, Droits d'Enregistreiuent, 1835, 6 vols 6 Eogroii, Code Francais, explique, 1847, 2 vols 2 Rollaiid, Des Sabstitutious Prohibees, 1833 1 Saviguy, Droit Koinain, 1810, 8 vols 8 " Traite de la Possession, ]811 1 Sibille, Jiirisprudeuce et Matiere d'Abordage, 1851 1 Sirey, vide G-ilbert Sirey et Villeneiivre, Jurisprudeiics de cour de la Cassa- tion, Lois et Arrets, 1850-1853 (missing Vol for 1808) 45 Duplicate, 1853 c 1 Digest, Vols. 1800-1830 1 Sigiieuza, De Clausulns Instrumentales, 1767 1 Sourdat, Traite de la Kespousabilite, 1852, 2 vols 2 Toullier, Droit Civil, 7 vols 7 Troplong, Droit Civil, Contionuementet Trausact'ns,1846 1 '' " " de la Contraiute par Corps, 1847. 1 " '• '• du Depot et dn Sequestre, 1845. . . 1 " " " Donations etTestaments,1855, Vol.3 1 " " " deFBchange etduLouage, 1840.. 3 " •' " du Mandat, 1846 1 " " " duContrat de Marriage, 1851, 4vols 4 " " " du Nautissement, 1847 1 " " " de la Prescription, 1838, 2 vols 2 " " " du Pret, 1845 1 " " '• Privileges et Hypotbeques, 1845.. 4 " " '• Societe explique duContratde, 1843 2 " " '' de la Veute, 1845, 2 vols 2 Zacharie, Droit Civil Francais, 1856, 6 Volumes, Vol. 2 missing 5 Dalloz, Jurisprudence du Poyaume, up to 1853, 41 vols. 41 Journal du Palais, 1791—188 1 84 " " 1841 1 " " 1791—1852 62 " " Jurisprudence Generate, 1857 2 " " Repertoire Generale, 1845 12 " " " '• 1845 12 " " " " Vols, 10 and 12 2 TEXT BOOKS. (ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY ACCOKDING TO AUTHORS.) Volumes Abbott's Digest Law of Corporations, 18G9 1 'f Law of Shipping, 1850 1 <• United States Courts Practice, 1809, Vol. 1. . 1 " " ""■ '' " 1871, 2 vols... 2 Adam's Equity, 1859 1 Addison on Contracts, 1875, 3 vols 3 Addison on Torts, 1876, 2 vols 2 Ainswortb's Latin Dictionary 1 Andrews' Latin-Euglisli Lexicon, 18G0 1 American Leading Cases, 1817, 2 vols 2 American Railway Cases, 1802, 3 vols 3 Angell on Fire and Life Insurance, 1854: 1 " on Law of Carriers, 1841 1 " on Limitations, 1846 ....." 1 on Lindtatious, 1870 1 on Tide Waters, 1848 1 on Water Courses, 1850 1 Angell and Ames on Corporations, 1800 1 Angell and Ames on Corporations^ 1809 1 Archbold's Criminal Pleadings and Practice, 1853, 3 vols 3 Arnould on insurance, 1849, 2 vols 2 Azuni's Maritime Law, 1800, Vol. 2. , 1 Bacon's Benefit Societies and Life Insurance,1894,2 vols 2 Beach oji Receivers, 1887 1 Beck's Medical Jurisprudence, 1850, 2 vols 2 Benedict's Admiralty, 1870 1 Benjamin on Sales, 1808 1 Best on Evidence, 1876, 2 vo1.ping, 1853 1 Flemiiiii- and Tibbins' Di(;tionnaire Anglais et Francois, 1860, 2 v. Is 2 Freeman on .hnlgments, 1873 1 Freeman on Judgments, 1881 1 Gluck and Becker's Receivers of Corporations, 1891 .... 1 Gould's Pleadings, 1849 i Graham on Kew Trials, 1834 1 12 CATALOGfUE OF LAW LABRARY VoliiM es Graham and Waterman on ^ew Trials, 18j5, 3 vols. ... 3 Grant on Banking', 1857 1 Green's Briee't^ Ultra Vires, 1875 1 Green leaf's Cruise on Keal Property, 1849, 3 vols 3 Greenleaf on Evidence, 1842, 3 vols 3 Greenleaf on Evidence, lledfield Edition, 1856, 3 vols.. 3 Gresley on Evidence in Courts of Equity, 1849 1 Hijili's Extraordinary Legal Remedies, 1874 1 High on Injunctions, 1874 1 High on Receivers, 1870 1 Hildyard on Marine Insurance, 1847 1 Hill on Trustees, 1840 1 Hilliard's American Jurisprudence, 1848 1 Hilliard on Bankruptcy, (with Act of 1807), 1807 1 Hilliard on Contracts, 1872, 2 vols 2 Hilliard on Torts, 1859, 2 vols 2 Hindmarch on Patent Privileges, 1847. . ; 1 Hirschl's Continuation of Cori)orations, 1890 1 Hotfinan's ( hancery Practice, 1834, 3 vols 3 Hoffman's Legal Studies, 1S30 1 Hovenden on Fraud, 1825, 2 vols 2 James on Baidvrupt Law of 1807 ... 1 Jarman on Wills, 1840, 2 vols 2 Jarman on Wills, (Perkin's Notes), 1850, 2 vols 2 Jeremy's Equity Jurisdiction, 1840 1 Jones on Annuities, 1844, 2 vols 2 Kent's Comment ries, 1844, 4 vols 4 " . " 1848, 4 vols 4 " " 1858, 4 vols., (volume 1 missing), 3 " 1806, 4 vols 4 Land Law in California, Oregon and Texas, 1839, 2 vols 2 Law and Equity Reporter. 1870-77, 2 vols 2 Law Library, 1833 1859 SO LOUISIANA BAR ASSOCIATION. 13 Volumes Law's U. S. (3onrts, 1852 1 Lube's Equity Pleading, 184G 1 Lyman's Diplomacy of United States, 1828, Vol. 2 1 Maddock on Chancery, 1817, Vol, 2 1 Marshall on Insurance, 1810, Vol. 2 1 iMcCrary on Elections, 1887 1 Mitford's Chancery Pleadings, 1811 . 1 Mittord's Chancery Pleadings, 1819 1 Mitford and Tyler's Pleadings & Practice in Equity,1876 1 Morris on the Law ot Keplevin^ 1849 1 Morse on Banks and Banking, 1870 1 Natura Bievium, 1793 1 Niblack's Benefit Societies and Accidentlnsurance, 1894, 1 Owen on Bankruptcy, 1842 1 Duplicate 1 Parsons on Maritime Law, 1859, 2 vols 2 •' on Notes and Bills, 1873, 2 vols.' 2 " on Partnership, 18C7 : 1 Peters' Fugi (,i ve Slave Case, 1842 1 Phillips on Evidence, 1849, 2 vols 2 Phillii)s on Evidence, Cowen, Hill and Edward's Notes, 18.")0, 3 vols 3 Phil ips on Evidence, Cowen, Hill and Edward's Notes, 1859, 3 vols 3 Phillips on Insurance, 1840, 2 vols 2 Piiillips on Insurance, 1853, Vol. 2. 1 Ponieroy on Contracts, 1879 1 Powell on Contracts, 1790 1 Kawle on tlie Constitution. 1825 1 Kedfield on Wills, 1809, 3 vols 3 Itedfield and Bigelow's Leading C'ases upon Bills of Ex- change and Promissory Notes, 1871 1 lieid's Kei)ort of Case of Brig "General Armstrong,''1857 1 Keynolds on Life Insurance, 1853 1 Roberts on Frauds, 1833 ] Roberts' Fraudulent Convey^ances, 1845 ] Roscoe's Criminal Evidence, 1852. ] Russell on Ci'imes, 1824 j 14 CATALOGUE OF THE Volumes Sansuin's Digest of the Law of Insurance, 1870 1 Saunders on Taxation, 1887 1 Sedgwick on Measure of Damages, 1847 1 Sedgwick on Measure of Damages, 1852 1 Duplicate 1 Sellon's Practice, 1813, Vol. 2 1 Sergeant^s Constitutional Law, 1830 1 Duplicate 1 Sliarpstein's Digest of Life Insurance, 1872 1 Shearman and Redfield on 2^egligence, 1869 1 Shiras' Equity Practice, 1889 1 Smith's Chancery Practice, 1839, 2 vols 2 Smith's Chancery Practice, 1842, 2 vols 2 Smitli's Commentaries, 1848 1 Spence's Ecinity Jurisprudence, 1846, 2 vols . . 2 Starkie on Evidence, 1826, Vol 3 1 Stark ie on Evidence, 1828, Vols. 1 and 3 2 Starkie on Evidence, 1828, duplicate ^'ol. 1 i Starkie on Evidence, 1834, Vol. 2 1 Starkie on Slander, 1843, Vol. 1 1 Starkie on Slander, 1852, 2 Vols, in 1 1 Stephen's Nisi Prius, 1844, 3 vols 3 Steven and Benecke on Insurance, 1833 1 Story on .\ gency, 1846 1 Story on Bailments, 1832 1 Story on Bailments, 1846 1 Story on iiailments, 1851 1 Story on Bailments, 1870 1 Story on Bills of Exchange, 1847 1 Story on Contiict of Laws, 1»34 1 Stoiy on Conflict of Laws, 1846 1 Duplicate 1 Story on tlie Constitution, 1873, 2 vols 2 Story's Equity, 1S36, Vol. 2 1 Dni)licate 1 LOITISIANA BAR ASSOCIATION. 15 Volumes 8tory on Equity Pleadings, 1844 1 Duplicate 1 Story's Equity Jurisprudence, 1846, Vol. 2 1 Story's Equity Jurisprudence, 1877, 2 vols 2 Story on Partnership, 1841 , 1 Story on Partnership, 1840 , 1 Story on Promissory Notes, 1845 1 Story oil Sale, 1847 , 1 Sugden on Vendors, 1843, 3 Vols, in 2 ii Sullivan on Land Titles, 1801 1 Tayler"'s Law Glassary, 1833. 1 Thompson on Corporations, 1895, 7 vols, 7 Townsend on Slander and Libel, 1872 1 Toller's Law of Executors, 1815 J Upton's Maritime Warfare and Prize, 18G3 1 Warren's Law Studies, 1846 1 Webster's Dictionary, 1859 1 Welford's Equity Pleadings, 1846 1 Wentworlh on Executors, 1832 1 Wharton's Commentaries on Agency and Agents, 1876, 1 Wharton's Law Lexicon, 1854 , 1 Wharton on Law of I^egligence, 1874 1 Wharton on Law of ]^egiigence, 1878 1 Wharton's StHte Trials of U. S., 1849 1 White's New liecopilacion, 1839, Vol. 2 1 Willcock on Municipal Corporations, 1827. 1 TEXT BOOKS. (ARRANGED ACCORDING TO fcUBJECTS.) SECTIONS 2 A.T^Zi 3- Volumes. ADMIRALTY AND MARITIME LAW. Abbott's Law of Shipping, 1850 1 Aiigell on Tide Waters, 1848 1 Azuni's Maritime Law, 1866 1 Benedict's Admiralty, 1870 1 Brice's Revenue Laws, 1814 1 Bynkershoek's Law of War, 1810 ] Cohen's Admiralty Law, 1883 1 Oonklings TJ. S. Admiralty, 1848, 2 vols, 9 Conkling's TJ. S. Admiralty, Volume 1 1 Conkling's F. S. Admiralty, 1857, 2 vols 2 Curtis' Rights and Duties of Seamen, 1841 1 Desty's Federal Procedure, 1893, 2 vols 2 Flanders on Shipping, 1853 1 Hildyard on Marine Insurance, 1847 1 Parsons on Maritime Law, 1859, 2 vols 2 Reid's Report of Case of Brig 'Gen'l Armstrong,'' 1857 1 Upton's Maritime Warfare and Prize, 18G3 1 AIJENCY. Story on Agency, "184G 1 Wharton's Commentaries on Agency and Agents, 1876 1 ANNUITIKS. Jones on Annuities, 1844, 2 vols 2 ATTACHMENTS. i I )rake on Attachments, 1854 1 BAILMENTS. Edwards on Bailments, 1855 1 Story on Bailments, 1832 1 Story on Bailments, 1846 1 Story on Bailments, 1851 1 Story on Bailments, 1870 1 LOUISIANA BAR ASSOCIATION. 17 Vol am* BANKING. Grant on Banking, 1857 1 Morse on Banks and Banking, 1870 1 BANKRUPTCY. Black on Bankruptcy, 1808 1 Bump's Law and Practice of Bankruptcy, 1874, Dup. 2 Bump's Law and Practice of Bankruptcy, lOtb Edition 1877 1 Hilliard on Bankruptcy, (with Act of 18G7), 1867 1 James on Bankrupt Law of 1807. 1 Owen on Bankruptcy, 1812 1 Duplicate. , 1 BILLS AND NOTES. Byles on Bills, 1871 1 Chitty on Bills, 1836 1 Parsons on Notes and Bills, 1873 2 vols 2 Redfleld and Bigelow's Leading Oases Upon Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, 1871 1 Story on Bills of Exchange, 1847 1 Story on Promissory Notes, 1845 1 CARRIERS. Angell on Law of Carriers, 1841 1 CHANCERY, vide Equity. C031MKNTARIES. Bell's Commentaries on the Laws ot Scotlaiul, 1820, 2 vols 2 Blackstoiie, 1768, 4 vols., (vol. 4 missing) 3 " 1872, 2 vols. (Cooley) 2 Bouvier's Institutes, 1851, 4 vols 4 Broom & Hadley's Commentaries, 1875, 2 vols 2 Curtis' Commentaries, 1854, Yol. 1 I Kent's Comment ries, 1844, 4 vols 4 " " 1848, 4 vols 4 " " 1858, 4 vols., (vol.1 missing), 3 '' 1866, 4 vols 4 Smith's Commentaries, 1848 1 m CATALOGfUE Of LAW LABRAKY "Volnme* CONFLICT OF LAWN. Story on ConHict of Laws, 1834 1 " '' '' " " 1846 1 " " " " '^ Duplicate 1 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. Cooley on Constitutional Limitations, 18G8. . ........ 1 Federalist, The (Edited by E. H. Soott) 1896 2 Rawle on tlie Constitution, 1825 1 Sergeant's Constitutional Law, 1830. 1 Duplicate , , % Story on the Constitution, 1873, 2 vols 2 CONTRACTS. Addison on Contracts. 1875, 3 vols .... 3 Coniyu on Contracts, 1809, 2 vols 2 Hilliard on Contracts, 1S72, 2 vols 2 Ponieroy on Contracts, 1879 1 Powell on Contracts, 1790 , 1 CONVEYANCES. Bump on Fraudulent Conveyances, 1872 , . . , , 1 Curtis' Conveyancer, 1847 1 Roberts' Fraudulent Conveyances, 1845 1 CORPORATIONS. Abbott's Digest Law of Corporations, 1869 1 Angell and Ames on Corporations, 1866. . . , 1 Angell and Anws on Corporations 1869 1 Dillon on Municipal Corporations, 1872 1 " "• '' 1873, 2 vols,.. 2 " "• « 1890, 2 vols 2 Grreen's Brice^s Ultra Vires, 1875 .,......., 1 HirsclieH's Combination of Corporations, 1896 1 Thompson on Corporations, 1895, 7 vols 7 Willcock on Municipal Corporations, 1827 1 LOUISIANA BAR ASSOCIATION. 19 Volumes COURTS OF U. S., PRACTICE IN. '• United States Courts Practice, 1869, Vol. 1. . 1 " " '' '' " 1871, 2 vols... 2 Ooiikliug's Treatise U. S. Courts, 1842 1 " *• " " Duplicate 1 *' " <' " 1870 1 Law's U. S. Courts, 1852 1 CRIMINAL LAW. Archbold's Crim. Pleadings and Practice, 1853, 3 vols. 3 Chitty's Criminal Law, 1817, 3 vols 3 Roscoe's Criminal Evidence, 1852 1 Russell on Crimes, 1824 1 DAMAGES. Field on Damages, 1876 1 Sedgwick on Measure of Damages, 1847 1 Sedgwick on Measure of Damages, 1852, Duplicate.. 2 PICTIONAIRIES. (See Page ) ELECTIONS. McCrary on Elections, 1887 1 EQUITY. Adam's Equity, 1859 1 Cooper's Equity Pleadings, 1813 I Daniel's Chancety Pleadings and Practice,! 846, 3 vols. 3 " " " '' Vol. 2 missing 2 " " " " 1871, 3 Vols. 3 Gresley on Evidence in Courts of Equity, 1849. . . . ^ . 1 Duplicate » 1 Hoffman's CHiancery Practice, 1834, 3 vols. 3 Jeremy's Equity Jurisdiction, 1840 1 Law and Equity Reporter, 1876-77, 3 vols 3 Lube's Equity Pleading, 1846 1 Maddock on Chancery, 1817, Vol. 2 1 2(» CATALOGUE OF LAW LIBRARY Tolnmea EQUITY (Continued) MitfortFs Chancery Pleadings, 1844 1 Mitlord's Chancery Pleadings, 1849 1 Mitford and Tyler's Pleadings & Pract. in Equity, 1876 1 Shiras' Equity Practice, 1889 1 Smith's Chancery Practice, 1839, 2 vols 2 Smith's Chancery Practice, 1842, 2 vols 2 Spence's Equity Jurisprudence, 1840, 2 vols 2 Story's Equity, 1836, Vol. 2 1 Duplicate 1 Story on Equity Pleadings, 1844 1 ])uplicate 1 Story's Equity Jurisprudence, 1846, Vol. 2 1 Story's Equity Jurisprudence, 1877, 2 vols 2 Welford's Equity Pleadings, 1846 1 Eb.TOPPi:L. Bigelow on Estoppel, 1872 1 EVIDENCE. Best on Evidence, 1876, 2 vo1. LOUISIANA BAR ASSOCIATION. 23 volumes NISI PRIUS. Stephen's Nisi Prius, 1844, 3 vols 3 PARTNERSHIP. Bisset on Partnership, 1847 1 Collyer on Partnership, 1853 1 Parson's on Partnership, 1867 1 Story on Partnership, 1841 1 Story on Partnership, 1846 1 PATENTS. Curtis on Patents, 1854 1 Hindmarch on Patent Privileges, 1847 1 PLEADINGS, vide Equity. Cross on Pleadings, 1885 1 Estee's Pleadings and Forms, 1870, 3 vols 3 Gould's Pleadings, 1849 1 Seldon's Practice, 1813, Vol. 2 1 N^atura Brevium, 1793 1 PLEDGE. Denis on Contracts of Pledge, 1898 1 PRACTICE.— Vide Courts Equity and Practice. PROHIBITION. High's Extraordinary Legal Eemedies, 1874 1 QUO VARRANTO. High's Extraordinary Legal Remedies, 1874 1 RAILAVAY CASES. American Railway Cases, 1862, 2 vols 2 Duplicate, vol. 1 , 1 Rapalje and Mack's Digest of Railway Law, 1895, 9 vols 9 REAL PROPERTY. Greenleafs Cruise on Real Property, 1849, 3 vols. ... 3 24 CATLOGUE OF LAW LIBRARY, volumes RECEIVERS. Beach on Kecei vers, 1887 1 Gluck and Becker's Keceivers ot Corporatious, 1891. . 1 High oil Receivers, 1870 1 REMEDIES. High's Extiaordiiiary Legal Remedies 1 REPLEVIN. Morris on the Law of Replevin^ 1849 1 SALE. Benjamin on Sales, 1808 1 Story on Sale, 1847 1 SECURITIES. Colebrooke on Collateral Securities, 1883 1 SLANDER. Starkie on Slander, 1843, Vol. 1 1 Starkie on Slander, 1852, 2 Vols, in 1 1 Townsend on Slander and Libel, 1872 1 SLAVERY. Peters' Fugitive Slave Case, 1842 1 SURETYSHIP. Barge on Suretyship, 1847 1 Barge on Saretyship, Duplicate 1 TAXATION. "" Cooley oil Taxation, 1870. 1 Saundeis on Taxation, 1887 1 TAX TITLES. Blackwell on Tax Titles, 1875 1 To:rrs. Addison on Torts, 1870, 2 vols 2 Hilliard on Torts. 1859, 2 vols 2 LOUISIANA BAR ASSOCIATION. 2i) Volumes TRIALS. Graham on New Trials, 1834 1 Graham and Waterman on New Trials, 1855, 3 vols. . 3 Wharton's State Trials of IT. S., 1849. 1 TRUSTEES. Hill on Trustees, 184G 1 VENDORS. Sugden on Vendors, 1843, 3 Vols, in 2 2 WAR. Bynkershoek's Law of War, 1810 1 WATERCOURSES. Angell on Watercourses, 1850 1 WILLS. Jarman on Wills, 184G, 2 vols 2 Jarraan on Wills, (Perkiu's Notes), 185G, 2 vols 2 Eedfleld on Wills, 1809, 3 vols 3 26 CATALOGUE OF LAW LIBEARY ENGLISH REPORTS. SECTIONS 6 TO 8- Adolplius & Ellis, vol. 1, 28 Eiig. Common haw " " "3, 30 " " " " " " 4 & 5 31 " " " a u "7 34 " " " " " "8, 35 " " " " " "0, 36 " " " 't " "10, 37 " " " u 't u 11^ 39 a u u u u <•' 12, 40 " " '' '* " new series, vol. 1... 41 " " " 4t 44 k< u <( o J.O u a u u u u u u 3^^^ 43 a u u tt u a K " 4. . . 45 " " " u u 'i a i. 5^^^ 4*^ a a a u a u u u (j^ _ 51 u u 44 " 44 4* 44 " 7... 53 " " " U 44 44 4. 44 8_^ 55 44 44 44 u 44 44 44 "9... 58 "<■ '' " U 44 44 44 44 4(J _ 59 44 44 44 U 44 44 44 "11... 03 " " " H 44 44 44 4i 42. . ()4 '• " '' 44 44 44 44 44 43 _ (J(; 44 44 44 44 " " '^ "14... 68 " " " '«• " " " " 15. . . ()1> " " '• u 44 a 44 .4 4(J _ 71^ .4 44 " " " " •' 17. . . 70 '' " •' " 44 .« 4> 44 18... 83 " " •• Anstie and Cluiiles, Court of Excliequer Liiw liepoi ts, 186(; to 18688, vols. 2 juul 3. Ji;u-on's Abridgement, 1703, vols. I, 2, 4, 7. Ball & lieatty's elianceiy Itejjoits, vol. 2. Jiai bom's Equity Di}.;est, 1843, 1 vol. liaibour tS: llanington's E<|uity Digest, 1837. LOUISIANA BAR ASSOCIATION 27 Baine\\ all & A (loll) lius, vol.1 '^O Eno-. (Joininon Law << u '> ')•> a u 11 3 ...23 a u (,( (I u 4 ...24 u u a u all & A lulerson ,\0 5 . ..27 i. ii ii 4( Bai'uew 1.3 ... 5 a a (( 4 ... G a ii kC all & C resw •ell, 5 . . . 7 1. 4( n a Bar new 1 ...8 a ii (( u (( -^ • • • • • . .. i( .( (( K Kt <( 3& 4. ...10 <( 44 44 (( <( u o. . .11 & 12 ii 4( « k< (( (( (» ...13 C( (( (< u (C (4 7 ...14 41 44 (( (( ^t a 8 ..l.-) 4( a I. .( li . ..17 44 (4 a ii k c 10 ...21 (( 44 Beaveii a 1 & 2. . ..17 4( Cbaiiceiy. 4 4 (( • • • • • • • • 4 • • • a 7 ..29 ( (( a 4 .110 <( c ; u a ~> .117 4( a (C ^i .118 44 J.5iii;.iliaiii. . li ] . 8 44 a i . 4> . ) 3 cSi 4.. . . 11 . 13 .4 (. 4( .( 4( .1 11 4.i)ts.3, ."» (> 7 4. 15 44 b • a i. . 15 . 10 . 20 44 .. 44 4( i, , ■ « 4 4 8 . 21 4i 28 CATLOGUE OF LAW LIBRARY. (; 9 10.... 1.... ...23 ...25 ...27 Eng. Common Law. (. (( (( (uew series) (( (C (( (( O • • • • ...32 tt 1 (( (( 5.... ...35 i( C( <( (( 6.... ...37 « Blackstoiie's Commentaries, 176G, 3 vols. Blackstone's Reports, 2 vols. Broderip & Bingham, vol. 1 5 Eng. Common Law, « "2 " (c "3 7 •• Browning's Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Law Eeports, 1 vol' Carrington & Kirwan, (Kisi Priiis) vol. 1. 47 E, C. L. " "2 61 " Carrington & Marsliam " 1.... 41 " Carrington & Payne " 1 11 " « U O -to li " "3 14 " (Nisi Prins) " 4 19 " (Nisi Prins) "4 19 " " '' 5 24 " "6 25 *' "7 32 " "8 34 "9 38 Chitty " 1&2 18 Cbitty's Equity Digest, 1853, 4 vols. Clark & Finnelly's House of Lords, vol. 11. Common Law Reports, 1813, 1865, 118 vols. Duplicate, vols. 1-13, 1-13, 15-20. Cooper, vol 1, 8 English Chancery. Cowper's Reports, 1774, 1778, 1 vol. Cox's Chancery Cases, 1783, 1796, vol. 2. Craig & Phillips, vol. 1 18 English Chancery. Crompton & Jarvis, English Exchequer, 2 vols.. Cro:npton & Meesou, English Exchequer, two vols. it LOUISIANA T5AR ASSOCIATION. 29 Orompton^ Meeson & Roscoe, English Exchequer, 2 vols. Deacon & Chitty, 1832-1835, 4 vols. Deacon, 1835-1840, 4 vols. Deacon, 1 Bankruptcy , . , 38 Eug. CoinmouLaw, Douglas, vols. 3&4.,., 26 Dow ling & Eylaiid, " 1-8 U « . (NisiPrius) 10 '• voL 9 22 *' Ellis & Blackburn, vol. 1 72 *' , '^ vol, 2 7-5 « <' vol. 3 77 « « vol. 4 82 " *^ vol. 5 85 " '' vol.. 6 88 « " vol. 7 m *< vok 8,,-,.. 92 " Ellis,Blackarn&Ellis,Q.B. vok 1 96 •<' Ellis & Ellis, Q. B, vok 1 192 " '< << vol, 2 105 *' ^' <' vol, 3 107 " Fish's Equity Digest, 1824-1852, 1 vol Duplicate, Gow vol. 1, part 1 . . , , , , 5 Eng, Com. Law» Haggard, Ecc'l. Reports, vol 1 3 '^ Eccl it *; ■'^ 2..-. ... 5 " " Hare *' 4. 30 ^MJhancery. Hemniing's Chancery Appeals, vols. 2 and 3, Holt, 1st Nisi Prius, 3 Eng. Com. Law Harrison's Digest of All Reported Cases in the House of Lords and Court of Common Law, from 1750-1851, 7 vols, Huristone & Gordon, vols. 10 and 11, English Exchequer, Hurlstone & Norman, 3 vols, English Exchequer. Jacob vol. 1 .4 English Chancery. Jacob's Fisher's Digest, 1756-1880, 11 vols^ 30 CATALOaUE OF LAW LABRARY Keeu vols. 1 and 2 15 English Chanceiy. Law and Equity Eeports, 18j0--1857. 40 vols.; Digest, vols. 1-31, 1 vol. Lee vols. 1 5 Englisli Eccl. Lloyd & Goold vol, 1 10 English Chancery. Manning & Granger, vol. 1 39 Eng. Com. Law. " " 2 40 " " " 3 42 " '< "4 43 " " " a 44 " " " G 40 " " " 7 40 '• Manning,Granger & Scott, " 1 50 '• u "2 52 *' 3 54 " 4.. . 50 '< " " a 57 <' " '' 6 (JO " " " 7...... 02 " " " 8 ,05 ■' " " 07 " Manning »S: Kyland, vols 1 & 2 17 " JMansfleld's Decisions, 1774-1778, 1 vol. Marshall vol. 1 and 2 4 " Meeson & Welsby's Exchequer Eeports, 10 vols. Mills & Holroyd Court of (Queen's Bench Law Reports, 1800- 1868, vols. 2 and .3. Mook's English Reports, 1871- 1888, 38 volumes; Digest, volumes 1- 30, 2 vols, Molloy vols. 1 and 2 12 Eng. Chancery. Montague. Deacon & DeGen, Bankruptcy, volume 3. Moody & .Malkin, vol. 1 22 Eng. Common Law. Moore " 1 to 3 4 " '• •' 4 to 5 10 '< • " to 10 17 " •• " 11 to 12 22 *» LOUISIANA BAR ASSOCIATION. 31 Moore & Payne. Moore & Seott. . a Myliie & Craig'. a " 1 and 2 17 Eiig. Common Law. " 1 and 2 28 " " 3 and 1 30 " '• 1 13 Eng. Chancery. " 2 and 3 U Mylne & Keene u a a a "4 18 ''1 6 " 1 and 2 7 " 2 and 3 8 "3 9 ^= "3 10 Nevile«& Manning, " 1 to 3 28 Eng. Common Law '< "4 30 " " 5 and G 36 " Nevile & Perry... " 1 36 " Practicing Attorney and Solicitor in Eqnity, 1737, 2 vols. Phillimore's Ecclesiastical Reports, 3 volumes in 1. Pritcliard's Library Law and Equity, 1854, vols. 12 and 11 in 1 Ruling Cases, 1894, [A. -N] 18 volumes. Russell vol. 2 and 3 3 Englisli Chancery. 'i u 4. " " 5 Russell & Mylne, "1 u o >c -J Ryan & Moody, 1 Scott 2 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 3 and 4 4 a 5 n 5 it 6 i< 13 te 21 Eng. Common Law. 30 (I 36 a 70 i( 73 a 74 C( 76 li 78 ic 80 (( 81 (C 84 i( 86 ' U 32 CATLOGUE OF LAW LIBRARY. Scott, (uew series)" 1 .,...87 " '^ '^2 89 "■ '<- "3 91 '^ " "4 , 93 " u 't 5 94 " " '-6 95 '' tt '^7 97 't <.' "8 98 <■' '' "9 99 « " 10 lOO " ^t '' 11 103 " " 12 104 ^' "• " 13 106 " fr' '■' 14 108 " tt ^- 15 109 " t- ^' IG Ill " '<■ '' 17 112 " "- " 18 114 " "■ t'- 19 115 " Scott and Bompas' Eeports, Court of Common Pleas, 1 806- 1868^ volumes 2 and 3. Court of CommoM Pleas, 1806-1868^ vols. 2 and 3. Simon vols. 1 and 2 6 English Chancery. t' " 4 and 5 . G " <•' "5 7 '' '^ " G and 7 9 " •'7 10 '' ** ^^8 li '^ '^ 9 and 10 IG " .'"'imons & Stuart,'^ land 2 1 " Starkie,Misiprius,'' i 2 Eng-. Common Law. " 1 ..... 3 " " 3 14 " Styles" Practice Register, 1707, l volume. Taunton vol. 5 and G i Eng-. Common Law. " "7 ..... 2 "^ t' "8 4 " Turner & Russell," 1 ..... ii English Chancery. Viuei-'s Abridgment, 179]^ 8 vols. Digest, 2 vols. AVelsby, Hurlstone & Gerden, Exchequer, 9 vols, Whit,»' & Tudor's Leading Gases in Equity, 1849, 1 voL Williams, Peere, Reports, 1740--1749, vols 1 and 3. Younge & Collyer,vol. 1 20 English Chancery. . 't u 2 2i " Yonnge & Jarvis, Exchequer, 3 vols. LOUISIANA BAR ASSOCIATION. 33 INDEX TO THE LAW LIBRARY. SECTIONS 9- Vol of Law Library Adams' Equity 68 Alluatt on Law of Partition 5 Archibold's Nisi Prius, Vol. 1 49 a u a "2 oO Atlierley on Marriage Settlement 27 Atkinson on Titles to Real Estate 20 Arcliibold's Landlord and Tenant 52 Babington on Auctions 19 Babington on Set Off 6 Batten on Specific Performance 07 Bayley on Chamber Practice 14 Beameson Leading Cases 22 Bell on Contract ot Sale , 50 Bell on Property of Husband and Wife 67 Bennett on Proceedings in Masters' Office in Chancery, 37 Best on Evidence 6() Best on Presumptions of Law and Facts 47 Billings on Awards 5L Bingham on Judgments and Executions L3 Bisset on Estates for Life 42 Blackstone on Sales 57 Blauchard on Limitations to Actions 1 Bower on Universal Public Law, 6 series 11 Brady on Law ot Distreses 1 Broom's Legal Maxims 50 Broom on Parties to Actions 56 Browne on Actions at Law , 45 Bunj'On on Life Assurance, series 6 Burton on Law of Eeal EvState ... 23 Byles on Bills 16 Byles on Bills with Am. Kotes 61 34 (TATALOGUE OF THE Vol of Law Library Calvert on Suits in Eqnitv 7 Carey on Partnersliip 5 Collier on Mines, C series 4 Coniyu on Landlord and Tenant (> Coniy u on Usury 5 Coode on Legislative Expression 60 Cooke on Defamation 53 Coote on Mortgages 18 Cornish on U ses 3 Coventry on Conveyancer's Evidence 26 ('rabb on Real Property, vol. 1 54 Crabb on Keal Property, vol. 2 55 Cross on Lien and Stopage in Transition 34 Deai'slj' on Criminal Process, 6 series 8 Drewry on Injunctions 36 Drewry Supplement to Law of Injunctions, 6tb Series.. 6 Dwarris on Statutes 9 Eden on Bankruptc v, vol 1 34 Eden on Bankruptcy, vol. 2 35 Ellison Eire and Life insurance 4 Fletcber on Estates of Trustees 10 Forsyth on Infants. 68 Gibbons on Law of Fixtures J 3 Gilbert on Bents 20 Goldsmith on Doctrines and Practice of Equity 40 Grady on Law of Fixtures 51 Grant on Corporations, 6th series 7 Harrison on Purchasers and Vendors 12 Hays on Estates 7 Hennell on Forms of Declarations 3 Home on Diplomacy, 6th series 5 Hubback on Evidence of Successions, Part 1 47 Hubback on Evidence of Successions, Part 2 48 Hurlstone on Bonds 9 LOUISIANA BAR ASSOCIATION. 35 T Vol of Law Librat'y Joy on Admissibility of Confession and Challenge of Jurors 40 Kelly on Usury, Gtli series 2 Kerr on Action at Law, Cth series '^ Leading- Cases in Equity (with Ain. Notes) 05 Lee on Abstract of Titles ^i'^ Leigh & Dalzell on Conversion of Property 5 Levi on Mercantile Law, 6th series. - 11 Lewis on Perpetuities 52 Lewis on Perpetuities, supplement <»G Lewis on Trusts and Trustees -5-1 Lock on Law and Practice of Foreign Attachment in the Lord Mayor's Court, under New Eules of Practice, 6th series 6 Long's Discourses 60 Lovelass on Wills 25 Macnaghten Select Ceases in the Court of Chancery, 6th series 1 Macpherson on the Law of Infants 1 1 Macqueen on Husband and Wife, Part 1 59 Macqueen on Husband and Wife, Part 2 (JO Mansel on Dcaiurrers, etc 20 Matthews on ExecutorvS an'd A ministrators. 9 Miller on Equitable .Mortgages. 47 Moore on Instructions for Prei)aring Abstracts of Ti- tles, 0th series . 4 Norman on Letters Patent for Inventions, 0th series. . . 4 Notes to Recent Leading- Cases 52 Oliphant's Law of Horses 58 Paley's Agency 28 Park on Dower 11 Perpigna on French Law of Patents 4 Petersdoiff on Bail 10 Phillimorc on International Law, 0th series 10 36 CATALOGUE OF LAW LIBRARY Vol of Law Library Pitman on Principal and Surety 40 Piatt on Covenants « 3 Poison on Law of Nations, 6th series 5 Pollock on Power of Courts of Common Law to Compel the Production ot Documents for Inspection, 6tli series 4 Powell on Devices, vol 1 21 Powell on Devices, vol 2 22 Poynter on Ecclesiastical Courts 13 Preston on Merger 42 Pulling- on Accounts 57 Ram on Assets aiul Incumbrances 8 Ram on Judgments 9 Ram on Wills of Landed Property 8 Raymond on Bills of Exceptions 62 Roberts on Personal Succession 12 Roper on Husband and Wife, Part 1 31 Roper on Husband and Wife, Part 2 32 Roscon on Real Actions, vol 1 28 Roscon on Real Actions, vol 2 29 Ross on Bills and Promissory Notes, 6th series 9 Ross on Vendors, 6th series • • • • 12 Russell on Factors and Brokers 48 Russell on Power and Duty of Arbitrators 63 Schultz on Aquatic Rights 24 Sewell on Sheriffs 46 Shelfordon Charitable Uses and Trusts, Mortmain, etc.. Part First , 36 Same, Part Second 37 Shelford on Lunatic 2 Shelford on Marriage and Divorce , 33 Shelfor.l on Mortmain and Charitable Uses and Trusts, 3rd series 26 Sheppard's Touchstone, vol 1 30 LOUISIANA BAR ASSOCIATION. 37 Vol of "Law 'Li'brary SlieppanPs Touchstone, vol. 2 , . , . 31 Smith on Actions , ^>0 Smith on Contracts >5G Smith on Master and Servant, Cth series,. 2 Smith on Mercantile Law 17 Smith's Leading Cases, vol 1 19 Smith's Leading Oases, vol . 2 , 23 SmithV Leading Cases, vol. 3 30 Smith's Leading Cases, with Am. Notes, 1st, , . , 43 Smith's Leading Cases, with Am. Notes, 2nd 44 Stephen's Criminal LaAv 27 Stock on Law of Noii Compotes Mentis 25 Snyder on Law of Property > 64 Snyder on Powers, vol 1 , 15 Snyder on Sales, etc , of Estates , 3 Tamly n on Law of Evidence 51 Tapping on Mandamus, 0th series , , , . . . 3 Theobald on Principal and Surety 1 Ward on Legacies , 18 Warren's Law Studies , 14 Watkins on Principles of Conveyancing 20 Watson on Arbitrators and Awards. , 11 Watson on Arbitration and Awards , 50 Watson on Office and 1 >uty of Sheriff'* . , , , 7 Wharton on Principles of Conveyancing, 6th series 1 Whitworth on Equity Precedents 02 Wigram on Points of Law of Discovery 13 Wiedmau on Institutes of International Law 08 Wilkinson on Limitations of Actions 1 Wilkinson on Practice in the Action of Replevin Willcock on MunicipaJ Corpo -ations. 14 Willcock on Office of Constable, ,,,......., 29 Williamson Personal Property . . .* 02 Willis on Duties and Responsibilities of Trustees 10 38 CATALOGUE OF THE Vol of Lay^ Library Willis on Plefiilings in Equity , , 35 Wilis ou Circumstantial Evidence , . . . , 41 Wilsou on Springing Uses, etc 11 Winslow on Plea of Insanity ..•..- 42 Wooderson's Lectnres , ^S Wooderson's Lectures 30 Woolrych on Law of Waters, 6tli series ....,..., 5 Woolrycb on Ways , 4 Wordsworth on Joint Stock Companies 30 Wordsworth on Joint Stock Companies 40 Wortiiiugton on Powers of Juries 29 W^orthington on Wills CO LOUISIANA BAR ASSOCIATION. 39 DIGESTS AND ENCYCLOPEDIAS. SECTIONS lO .A.NX} 11. volumes American and Engiisli Eucyclopf^diaof Law, 1st edition, 1887, vols. 1-28 28 Same, second edition, 1896, vols. 1-lG IG American Digest, 188C-1899, 13 vols 13 American Digest, 1658-189G (Century Edition) vols. 1-14, 14 Encyclopedia of Pleading and Practice, 1895, vols, 1-17, 17 Lawyers' Reports Annotated, 1888, (sec. 34) vols. 1-44, 44 Digest, vols. 1-40 3 liapalje & Macks Digest of Railway Law, 1805,vols.l-10, 10 U. S. Digest, 1840, 3 vols 3 Same 3 Same, 1847, Supplement, 3 vols 3 Same 3 Same, 1849, Table of Bases 1 Same, 1851, Equity, vol. 2 1 Same, 1847-1869, Annuals, 29 vols 29 Same, 1789-1870, 1st series, 15 vols 15 Same, 1870-1888, new, 19 vols ]9 Same, 1870-1875^ 6 vols 6 DICTIONARIES. SECTION 11. Aiuswortb's Latin Dictionary 1 Andrew's Latin-English Lexicon, 1860 1 B )uvier's Law Dictionary, 1859, 2 vols 2 Same, 1868, 2 vols Fleming and Tibbins' Dictionnaire Anglais et Francais 1860, 2 vols 2 Tayler's Law Glossary, 1833 1 Webster's Dictionary, 1859 1 Wharton's Law Lexicon, 1854 1 o 40' CATALOGUE OF LAW LABRART STATE REPORTS. SECTIONSS 12 rrO 30 LOUISIANA RI-rORTS— Sections 12 anil 13. |Foi' the continuation of State Eeports, refer to the West Kepoiter System, or to the American State Eeports.] Volumes. ALAR AM V KKPOinS— Section U. Minor, 1820-182G 1 Stewart, T82T-1831 .? Stewart & Porter, 1831-1834 r> Porter, 1834-1830 Alabama, 1840-1887 80 ;Missinj;-, vols. 3, 9, 11,12-15,20,21,28-39,44-54, 56- 58, GO -78.) DIGESTS AND S'lATUTKS. Aiken's J>i<«est of Laws, 1835 1 Aiken's 1 )i Metcalf, 1859--18G3 4 Monroe (Ben) 1840--1858 18 [Missing vols. 10, 17 and IS ] Duvall, 1804-1866 2 Basil, 1800-1879 14 Kentucky, 1879-1891 91 DItlKSTS AM) ^TATUTKS. Touhnin's Laws of Ky., 1802 1 Digest of Laws, Monroe & Harlaiiy, ] 793-1853 2 Moorebead & Brown^s Digest of Statutes, 1834- 2 LOUISIANA REl'OKTS.-Seclions 12 to 13. Martin (old series) 1809-1823^ 12 vols, in & Duplicate, vol. 3 , 1 Martin (old series) 1809-1823, (in red) 12 Martin (new series) 1823-1830, 8 vols, iu 5 , i> Duplicatey vols. 3 and 8 . - 2 Martin (new series) 1823-1830, (in red 8 Martin's Condensed Eeports, 1809-1830 , . . , 4 [Vols. 1-12, aid series, and vols. 1-8^ new series^ in 4 vols.] Louisiana, 1830-1841, 19 vols, in 10 lO" Vol 1 missing. Duplicate, vols. 8, 9, 10[2], 11, 13, 14[2J, 16, 17[4|, 18[2], 19 16; Louisiana, 1830-1841, [in red] , lO' Robinson. 1841-1840 12 Robinson, 1841-1840, (In red.) 11? Ui. Annual Reports, 1840-1899, vols. 1-51 49 Missing volumes, 8 and 12. Duplicates, vols. 34-30, 38-51 and 35 1» ."> LOUISIANA BAR ASSOCIATION. 4") Vol litres La. Animal Reports, 1840-1881, (In red.) 3S Manning's Unreported Cases, 1877-1880 1 MeGloin's Appeal Reports, 1881, vol. 1 1 Duplicate > 1 Same, vol, 2^ Part 1. (Pamphlet.) DIGESTS AND STATUTES— Sections 9, 12 and 13. Deslix's Digest, 1809-1813 1 Duplicate , 1 Christy's Digest, 1813-1826 1 Henneii's Digest, (old edition) 1809-1851 <' " 1809-1851 2 '' (new edition, 1809-1800 2 <' '' 1809-1800 2 ^' '" 1809- 1800, (In red) 2 Lauque^s Digest, 1800^-1878 1 Duplicate 1 Robinson's Digest of Penal Law, J811 , 1 Taylors Digest, 1878-1889. 1 Duplicate 1 Walker's Digest, 1800-1870 1 " 1800-1870 [In red]... 1 Lislet's Digeste des Lais de laLouisiane,{in French] LS28, Duplicate, vol. 1, [in French] 1 Duplicate, vol. 1, [in English]. 1 Oreiner's La. Statute Digest, 1804-1811, vol. 1 I Bullard & Curry's Digest of Statutes, 1842 1 Ray's Digest of Statutes, 1870, [In red.] 2 Moreau & Carlton's Partidas, 1820, vol. 1 1 White's New Recopilacion, 1839, vol. 2 1 Old Civil Code, 1808 , 1 Civil Code, 1824 I Oivil Code, 1825 1 Morgan's Civil Code, 1857 , 1 o 40 CATLOGUE OF LAW LIERART. Volumes Cook's Index to Civil Code, ]857 Fnqna's Civil Code 18G7, [In red] a a a Dnplicate » . . Eevised Civil Code [Ray] 1870 Yoorhies' Revised Civil Code [Saunder's Edition] l889. . Greiuei's Code of Practice^ 1844 Morgan's Code of Practice, 1853 " '' J86l Fuqua's Code of Practice, 1807 Code of Practice, 1870 " ^' [lured] „ Voorliies' Code of Practice, 1871 Garland's Code of Practice, l894 Revised Statutes, 1 852 " 1850 Duplicate Revised Statutes, 1870 Voorhies' Revised Statutes, 1870 Wolf's Revised Laws, 1897 City Laws [New Orleans.] 183() First Municipality Laws |N. O.] 1840 Second Municipality Laws [X. O. ] 1848 Levy's City Laws, 1857 Jewell's City Ordinances, 1887 1 Flyun's Digest of City Ordinances, 1890 1 ACTS.— Section 5. Acts of tlie Legislature, 1810-1898 70 [Missing, Acts of 18l8, 1821,1838, 1849,1851, 1803 and 1805| Duplicates, Acts of 1831, 1834, 1841, 1840,1847, 1853, 1859(2), l801[2], 1877, 1880[2], 1890, 1892, 1S^<> 10 :\Iair'i, Index ot Acts of Legislature, 1895 1 o o LOUISIANA BAR ASSOCIATION. 47 Volumes Constitution of l898, with Journal 1 Bertin's Index of Successions, Parish of Orleans, 1805- i84G 1 Villere's Index of Successions, Parish of Orleans [Ed. by Peyroux,] 184G-1880 1 McBee's Index of Successions, I'arish of Orleans, 1880- 1891 1 Cross on Pleadings, 1885 1 Saunders on Taxation, i887 1 Denis on Contracts of Pledge, 1898 1 MAINK REP0RT8.— Section 19. Greenleaf, 1820- 1 832 [Maine, 1-9] 9 Fairfield, l833-l835 [Maine, 10-12] Shepley, 1830-1811, [Maine 13-18 Appleton, 1841, | Maine, 19-20] Shepley, 1812-1819, [Maine, 20-30] 10 Eediiigton, 1819-1 853, [Maine, 31-35] 5 Heath, 1853-1855, [Maine, 36-40] 5 Adams, 1850, [IMaine, 41-42] 2 Ludden, 1857, [Maine, 43-44] Missing, vol. 44 2 Hubbard, 1858-1803, [Maine, 45-51] 7 Virgin, 1803-1806, [Maine, 52 -53] 2 *Maine, 1867-1885, [Maine, 51-77] 77 *^Iissing volnmes, 54- -77. DIGESTS AND STATUTES. Eastman's Digest of Eeports, 1849 1 Kevised Statutes, 1840 I MARYLAND REPORTS.— Section 19. Harris & McHenry, 1058-1799 '. 4 Harris & Johnson, 1800-1820 7 Harris & Gill, 1820-1829 -j Gill and Johnson, 1829-1842 IL' 48 CATALOGUE OF LAW LABRARY Volumes Gili, 1843--1851 9 Maryland, 1851--1885 (Missing, vols. 15 and 35-63.) 03 Bland's Chancery, lSll-1832, vol. 3 missing 3 Maryland Chancery (Johnson) 1S47'-1854 ... 4 DIGESTS AND STATUTES. Maryland Digest of Reports, 1847 1 Eaymond's Digest of Chancery Reports, 1839 1 Maryland Code, 1801 , 2 MISSACHUSETTS UEPORTS.— Settiou 20. *Quincy, 1761-1772 1 Massachusetts, 1804-1822 (Mass 1-17) 1^ Pickering, vol. 7, Missing, 1822-1840, (Mass. 18-41) 24 Metcalf, 1840-1847, (Mass. 42-54) 13 Cnshing, 1848-1853, (Mass. 55-66) 12 Gray, 1854-1800, (Mass. 07-82) 10 Allen, 1861-1867, (Mass. 83-96) M Massachusetts, 1867-1893, (Mass. 97-158) 52 Thaclier's Criminal Cases, 1823-1842 1 *Cushing's Contested Election Cases, 1 780.-1852 1 DlOESl S AND STATUTES. Minot's Digest of Reports, 1844 , 1 Supplement 1 Massachusetts Digest, 1881 3 Metcalf & Mann's Revised Statutes, 1836 1 Supplement, 1836-1853 1 MICHIGAN REPOR IS. -Sections 20 to 21. Douglas, 1843-1847 2 Michigan, 1847-1893 95 Harrington's Chancery, 1838:-1842.. 1 Walkers Chancery, 1842-1845 1 * .=5ro\vn's Nisi Prius, 1869 -1871 1 *Howeirs Msi Prius, 1884 1 LOUISIANA BAB ASSOCIATlo:C^. 4T) volumes DIGESTS AND STATUTES. lievised Stahies, 1838 ..-.-. 1 Jacob's Reference Digest, 1895 » 2 MINNESOTA RE POUTS— Section '^1. Minnesota, 1851--1879 25 MISSISSIPPI REPORTS.— Section 21. Walker, 1818^-1832 , 1 Howard, 1834-1813 7 Smedes & Marshall, 1813-1850.. U Mississippi, 1851--1880, (Missing vols. 44-63.) 63 *Morris' State Cases, (Criminal) 1818-1872 2 ^Freeman's Chancery, 1830-1843 1 *Sinedes & Marsball's Chancery, 1840-1843 I DIGESTS AND STATUTES. Smedes^ Digest, 1818^1847 I Dnplicate ^ 1 George's Digest, 1818-1870 1 Andrews Digest, 1870-^1881 1 Statutes of Miss. Territory, 1810 1 Eevised Code, 1823 I Revised Code, 1857 Hutchinson's Mississippi Cod-e, 1708-1848, ,,..,. 1 Duplicate , 1 Mississippi Code, 1880 1 Annotated Code, 1892 I MISSOURI REPORTS.-Section 22. Missouri, 1821-^1892 , 114 Missouri Appeals. DIGESTS AND STATUTES. Statutes, 1835 , 1 Statutes, 1805 . . . , 1 Revised Statutes, 1845 1 Missouri Digest, 1853 1 Pattison's Digest, (1-07) 1821-1878, 3 vols, in 2 2 50 CATLOGUE OF LAW LIBRARY. Volumes MONTANA REPORIS.— Section 22. Montana, 18GS-1880 3 DIGESTS AND STATUTES. Montana Codes, 1895 2 NEBRASKA REPORTS. ♦Nebraska, 1S54--1879 9 NEVADA REPORJS.— Section 22. iJTevada, 1865-1882 16 DIGESTS AND REPORTS. Lawson's Kevada Digest, vols. 1--20, 1892 1 NEW HAMPSHIRE REPORTS.— Section 22. *Smitli, 1796-1815 1 New Hampsliire, 1816-1850. (Missing-, vols. 16-18, 20).. 20 Foster, 1850-1855. (Missing, vol. 31 ) 11 New Hampshire, 1855-1889. (Missing, vols. 32-16 {)5 DIGESTS AND STATUTES. Gilchrist's Digest, 1816 1 Compiled Statutes, 1853 1 NEAV JERSEY REPORTS— LAW.— Section 23. <3oxe, 1790-1795 1 Pennington, 1806-1813, 2 vols, in 1 1 Southard, 1816-1820 -2 Halstead, 1796-1801, 1821-1831 7 Green (J. S.) 1831-1836 3 Harrison, 1837-1812 4 Spencer, 1842-1816 , 1 Zalbriskie, 1847-1855 4 Dutcher, 1855-1862 5 Vroom, 1862-1886 19 [These volumes are also cited as N. J. Law, vols.l-48.j LOUISIANA BAR ASSOCIATION. 51 Volumes REPORTS.— Equity. Saxtou, 1830- 1832 1 Green, (U. H.) 1833-1845 3 Halstead, 1845-1852. 4 Stockton, 1852-1858, (vols. 2 and 3 missing) 3 Beasley, 1858-18G0 3 McCarter, 18G1 -1862 2 Green, (C. E.) 1803- 187G 12 Stewart, 1877-1889 18 Dickinson, 1889-1898, 11 [These volumes are also cited as X. J. Equity, vols. 1-56.] DI0^8TS AND STATUTES. Elmer's Digest of Laws, 1838 1 NEW MEXICO REPORTS. *New Mexico, 1852, vols. 1 and 2 2 [See Pacific Reporter.] NEtV YORK REPORTS.— Sectious 23 to 26. LAW.-Section 23. •Coleman's Cases, 1794-1800 1 Coleman & Caines' Cases, 1794-1805 1 Johnson's Cases, 1799-1803 3 Caines' Reports, 1803-1805 3 Caines' Cases, 1801 -1805, 2 vols, in 1 1 Duplicate 1 Johnson's Reports, 1806-1823 20 Anthon's Nisi Prius Cases, 1808 -1851 1 Yate's Select Cases, 1811 1 Cowan, 1823- 1828. 9 Wendell, 1828-1841 ..." 26 Hill, 1841-1845 7 Deuio, 1845-1848 5 Lalor's Sup])lemeiit to Hill and Denio, 1842-1844 1 Lock wood's Reversed Cases, 1799-1847 . - 1 *Edmoud's Select Cases, 1834-1853 '^ 52 CATALOGUE OF LAW LABRART Voluraeff CHANCERY.— Section 23. Johnson, 1814 -1823 7 Hopkins, 1823-1826 1 Paige, 1828-1845 11 Edwards, 1831-1850 4 Hoffman, 1838-1840 1 Clarke, 1839-1841 1 Sandlord, 1843-1847 4 Duplicate, vol. 2 1 Barbour 1845-1848 3 COURT OF APPEALS.-Section 2i. Howard^s Cases, 1847-1848 1 Comstock, 1847-1851, (]S^. Y. l^-l.) 4 Selden, 1851-1854, (N. Y. 5-10.) 6 Kernau, 1854-185G, (N. Y. 11-14 ) 4 :Sew York Ai)peals, 1857- 1899, (X. Y. 15-159.) 145 Abbott's Decisions, 1850-1869 4 Keyes, 1803-1808 4 *Selden's Notes, 1852-1854 1 Silvernall. [See New York Supplement.] ^lJPREMK COURT.— Sections 24 and 25: Barbonr,1847-1877 67 Lansing, 1869-1873 7 *Thompson & Cook, 1873-1875 6 Hull, 1873-1833. [Missing, vols. 25-30.] 70 SUPREME COURT, APPELLATE ElY.— Section 25. *Hun, 1896. NEW YORK SUPPLEMENT.-Section 25. N. Y. Supplement. 591 SUPERIOR COURT.— Section 25. Hall, 1828-1829, (N. Y. Sup. Ct., 1-2) 2 Sanford, 1847-1852, (N. Y. Sup. Ct., 3-7) 5 Duer, 1852-1857, (N. Y. Sup. Ct., 8.-13) 6 L'OUISIANA BAR ASSOCIATION. 53 Volumeg Boswortli, 185G--18()3, (N. Y. Sup. Ct,, 14-23) 10 Robertson, 1803-^1869, (N. Y. Sup. Gt, -24-30) T [Missing, vols. 3-7.] * Sweeney, 1869-1870. (N. Y. Sup, Ct , 31-32) 2 K. Y. Superior Court, 1871-1892, (Jf.Y. Sup. (Jt., 33-61.) 29 [Missing, vols. 33,35-61.] ♦Buffalo Superior Court Reports, (Sheldon), 1854 -1875. , 1 COMMON PLEAS.— Section 25. Smith, 1850-1858 4 Hilton, 1855-1860 2 Daly, 1800-1891, (missing, vols. 2-16 16 CUIMINAL— Section 25, Wheeler, 1776-1825 3 Roger's City Hall Recorder, 181 0-1822, vols, in 3 3 Parker, 1839-1868 6 *Cowen, 1868--1883 2 *Counaly, N. Y. Criminal, J883-1892 8 SURROGATE.— Section 25. Bradford, 1849-1857 4 Redfleld, 1857-.1882. (Missing, vol. 1.) 5 Tucker, 1864 -1869 1 ♦Deraarest, 1882-1888 6 Connoly, 1888-1891. [See IS". Y. Supplement] 2 PRACTICE AND CODE RE PORTS. -Section 25. Howard's Practice Reports, 1844- 1884 67 (Missing, vols. 11-28, 30-42, 44-67.) • Howard's Practice, New Series, 1883-1886 3 Code Reporter, 1848-1851 3 Code Reports, New Series, 1851-1852 1 Abbott's Practice, 1854-1865. (Missing, vols. 3-9). . . . 19 " " New Series, 1865-4875 16 (Missing, vols, 1-12, 14-16,) 54 CATALOGUE OF LAW LABRARY Tolimies: *Abbott's Xew Cases, 1876. (Missing, vols. 1--20) 20 *City Court Eeports, (Eobertson) J874--188S 2 *Civil Procedure Eeports, 1881. (Missing, vols 1-13). . . 13 N. Y. Annotated Cases (Benjamin) 1804--1895) 2 DIGESTS AND STATUTES.— Section 26. Abbott's Digest of Eeports, 1794--181>a (Missing vols. 9-10) 10 Danfortli & Miekle's Court of Appeals Digest, 1891. (N. Y. 1- 94) 2 I^ew York Digest, 1850 4 Eapalje's Eeference Digest^, 1794-1878 1 Briglitly's Digest. 1794-1875 2 " " 1875-1880 1 Laws of New York, 1813 3 Eevised Statutes, 1852 2 Yoorliies' Code, 1855 1 NORTH CAKOLINA EKTOUTS.— LAW.— Section 26. Haywood, vol 1, 1789-1797 1 Martin, 1778-1800, two vols, in 1 : 1 Haywood, vol. 2, 1797 -180G 1 Taylor, 1799-1802 1 Conference, (Cameron & Norwood) 18U0-1804 1 IVLurphy, 1804-1819 3 Carolina Law Repository, 1813-1810 2 N. C. Term Eeports, 1816-1818 1 Hawks, 1820-1826 4 Devereux, 1826-1834 4 Devereux & Battle, 1834-1839, 4 vols, in 3 3 Iredell, 1840-1852 13 Busbee, 1852-1853 1 Jones, 1853-1862 8 Winston, 1863-1864 1 n.illips, 1866-1868 1 North Carolina, 1868-1887, (N. C, 63-97) 35 (Missing, vols. 78 and 79.) LOUISIANA BAR ASSOCIATION. 55 volumes EQUITY Devereux, 1826-1834 - 2 Devereux & Battle, 1834-1830 2 Iredell, 1840-1852 8 Busbee, 1852-1853 1 Jones, 1853-18G2. (Missiug, vols. 2 and 3.) 6 Winston, 1864 1 ♦Phillips, 1866-1868 1 DIGESTS AND STATUTES. Iredell's Digest of Eeports, 1840 3 Martin's Laws of N. C, 1804, 2 vols, in 1 1 Iredell's Statutes of N. C, 1837, vol. 1 1 NORTH DAKOTA KKPORTS.— Section 26. [See Northwestern Eeporter.J OHIO REPORTS.— Section 26. Tai)pan, 1816-1819 1 Ohio. 1821-1851 20 Ohio State, 1852-1892 49 Wright, Nisi Prius, 1831-1834 1 Handy's Ginnti. Snper. Ct., 1854-1856 2 Disney's " " 1854-1859 2 Cincinnati Superior Court Eeporter, 1870-1873 2 Goebel's Probate Eeports, 1885-1890 1 DIGESTS AND STATUTES. Nash's Digest of Eeports, 1853 1 Geney's Chancery Code, 1860 1 Wilcox's Digest of Eeports, 1840 1 Chase's Statutes, 1833 3 OKLAHOMA REPORTS.— Section 27. [See Pacific Eeporter. | 56 CATALOGUE OF LAW LIBRARY Volumes OREGON REPORTS.— Section 27. Oregon, 1853-1897 30 Hill's Anuotated Laws, 1892 2 PENNSYLVANIA REPORTS.-Sectioii 27. SUPREME COURT. Dallas, 1754-180C 4 Addison, 1791-1799 1 Yeate's 1791-1808 4 Binuey, 1799-1814 6 Alden^s Condensed Eeports, 1754-1844 3 Vol. 1—1, 2, 3, 4 Dallas; 1 Yeates. Vol. 2—2, 3, 4 Yeates ; 1, 2 Biuney. Vol. 3—3, 4, 5, Binney; 1 Addison. Sergeant & Rawle, 1814-1828 17 Eawle, 1828-1836 5 Penrose & Watts, 1829-1832.- 3 Watts, 1832-1840 10 Wharton, 1835-1841 6 Watts & Sergeant, 1841-1845 9 Pa. State, 1844-1885- (Missing, vols. 81 *) 109 MSI PRIUS. Brightly, 1809-1851 1 *Pennypacker, 1881-1884 4 COMMON PLEAS. Browne, 1801-1814 3 Ashmead, 1808-1841 2 Parson's Select Cases, 1843-1850, vol. 1 2 *Pearson, 1850-1880 2 DISTRICT COURT. Miles, 1835-1841 2 VARIOUS COURTS. Grant's Cases, 1852-1803 3 Philadelphia Beports. (Legal Intelligencer.) 1850-1891, (Missing, vols. 6-20) 20 LOUISIANA BAR ASSOCIATION. 57 Vwlumes DIGESTS AND STATUTES. Wharton's Dio-est. 1853 2 Briglitly's Digest, 1754-1877 2 Burdoii's Abridgment of Laws, 1811-1853 1 Dunlop's Laws, 1700- 1853 1 RHODE ISLAND REPOR'rS.—Section 28, ♦Rhode Ishind, 1828-1885 14 SOUTH CAROLINA REPORTS— LAW.— Section 28. *Bay, 1783-1804 2 *Brevard, 1793--I81G 3 Tread way, (Con.stitutional) 1812-1816 2 * Mills Constitutional) 1817-1818 2 Nott & McCord, 1817-1820 2 MeCord, 1821-1828, 4 Harper, 1823-182C 1 Bailey, 1828-1832 „ 2 Hill, 1833-1837. (Missing-, vols. 2 and 3.) 3 *Eiley, 1836-1837 1 *Dudley, 1837-1838 I Rice, 1838-1839 1 (^heves, 183D -1840 1 McMullan, 1840-1842. (Missing, vol. 1.) 2 Speers, 1842-1844 2 Richardson (1 -3) 1844-1846 S Strobhart, 1846-1850 5 Richardson (4-12) 1850-1860. (Missing, vols. 9 -12) 9 ♦Richardson, (vol. 13 Law, and vol 12. Equity, in 1 vol., 1860-1866 1 Richardson, (14, 15,) 1866-1868. Missing, vol. 15 2 ^Sonth Carolina, 1868-1887. (Missing, vol. 1-25.) 25 CHANCERY. Desaussure, 1784-1813 4 Harper, 1824 1 58 CATLOGfUE OF LAW LIBKARY. Volumes McCord, 1825-1827 2 Bailey, 1830-1831 1 Eicbardson^s Cases, 1831-1832 1 *Hill, 1833-1837 2 *Eiley, 1836-1837 1 *Dudley, 1837-1838 1 Eice, 1838-1839 1 Cheves, 1839-1840 1 MeMullen, 1840-1842 , . . 1 Speers, lcS42-1844 1 Eicluirdsoii (1, 2) 1844-184G 2 StrobUart, 1846-1850 4 Eichardson (3 -11.) 1850-1860 (Missiug-, vols. 8-11) 9 *Eicbardsoii, (vol. 12.) 1860-1866.(See Eicbardsoii Law.) 1 ♦Eichardson (13-14) 1866 -1868 2 DIGESTS AM) STATUTES. Eice's Digest, 1838 2 Eice's Digested Index of Statutes, 1838 I SOUTH DAKOl A llEPORTS. Section 28. [See Northwestern Eeporter,] TENNESSEK REPORTS. -SecUon 2S. Overton, 1791-1817, 2 vols in 1 1 Oooke, 1811-1814 1 Haywood, ISI6-18I8 5 [Vols. 1 and 2 are North Carolina Eeports; vols. 3, 4 and 5 are Tennessee Eeports.] Peck, 1822-1824 1 Martin & Yerger, 1825-1828 1 Yerger, 1818- i837 10 Meigs, 1838-1839 1 Humphreys, 1839-1851 11 Swan, 1851-1853 2 Sneed, 1853-1858. (Missing, vol. 3.) 5 LOUISIANA BAR ASSOCIATION. 59 Volumes Head, 1858-1859 3 *Cald\vell, 18G0-1870 7 *Heiskell, 1870-1874 12 ♦Baxter, 1872-1877 9 ^Lea, 1778-1886 10 *Tennessee Chancery Eeports, (Cooper) 1872-1878 3 DIGESTS AND STATUTES. Statute Laws, 1836 1 TEXAS REPORTS.— Sections 28 and 29. *Dallam's Decisions, 1810-1844 1 Texas, 1846. [Missing, vols. 14, 18-21, 24, 25 Sup., 29, 30, 34-65] .' 65 Texas Appeals, 1876-1886 20 " [Civil.] 1876-1897 15 " " [Criminal.] 1 *Texas Unreported Cases, 1886 1 DIGESTS AND STATUTES. Hartley's Digest of Laws, 1850 1 Duplicate 1 Laws of Republic of Texas, 1836 1 Laws of Texas, 1876 , • 1 Revised Statutes 1 879 1 UTAH REPORTS.— Section 29. ♦Utah, 1850, vols. 1 and 2 2 I See Pacific Reporter.] VERMONT REPORTS.— Section 29. Chipman, N., 1789 -1791 1 Chipman, D, 1789-1825 2 Tyler, 1800-1803. 2 Brayton, 1815-1819 1 Aiken, 1825-1827 2 Vermont, 1826 -1885. [Missing, volumes 9, 44, 47, 48.] 57 60 CATALOGUE OF LAW LABRARY Volumes DIGESTS AND STiTUTES. Wasliburii's Digest, 1845 1 Compiled Statutes, 1851 1 TIRGIMA.— Section 21). * Jefferson, 1730-1772 1 Wythe's Cliaucery, 1788-1799 1 Washington, B,, 1790-1796 2 Virginia Cases, 1789-1826, 2 vols in 1 1 Call, 1779-1825 6 Heuning & Munford, 1806-1810 4 Munford, 1810-1820 6 Gilmer, 1820-1821 1 Randolph, 1821-1828 6 Leigh, 1829-1842 l2 Robinson, 1842-1844 2 Grattan, 1844-1880. (Missing, vols. 20, 21, 28, 29, 31, 32 and 33.) 33 * Virginia, 1881-1887. (75-82 Va.) 8 *Patton, Jr. & Heath. (Special Court of Appeals,) 1855- 1857 2 DIGESTS AND STATUTES. Tate's Analytical Digested Index, 1847. . 2 Revised Code, 1803 I " 1819 2 Supplement, 1833 1 Code of Virginia, 1849 1 WASHINGTON REPORTS.— Section 29. Washington Territory, 1854-1888 3 Washington State. [See Paeitic Reporter.[ DIGESTS AND STATUTES. Ballinger's Code and Statutes, 1897 2 LOUISIANA BAR ASSOCIATION. CI Voluaes WKST VIRGINIA REPORTS -Section 20. * West Virginia, 1803-1887 '2S WISCONSIN REPORTS —Section 30. Pinney, 1839-1852 4 Duplicates, 1849-1852 2 Wisconsin, 1853-1892 81 Duplicates, vols. 1, 2, 3, 21 and 22 5 DIGESTS AND STATUTES. Revised Statutes, 1849 1 Wisconsin Reference Digest (Starr.) vols. 1-54 1 " " " " (Burnell.) vols. 55-73 1 WYOMING REPORTS.— Section 30. ♦Wyoming, 1870. vols. 1-21. [See Pacific Reporter.] 2 62 CATALOGUE OF THE WEST REPORTER DIRECTORY. Every Casein Official Reporter Where Kepoits rroni. Found. 81 Alabama, page 1 SOUTHERN 1 Arizona, page 1 P A CIFIC 47 A rkaiisas, page 1 SOUTH WESTERN 64 California, page 1 PACIFIC 7 Colorafto, page 1 1 Colorado A pp. , pase 1 53 Con/iecticHt, page 1 A TL A NTIC 1 Dakota, page 1.' NORTHWESTERN 6 Delaware Ch. 7 Houst , ATLANTIC 23 Florida, page 1 SOUTHERN 77 Georgia, page 794 SOUTHF iSTERN 2 Idaho, page'] PACI FIC 114 Illinois, page 1 NORTHEASTERN 1 Indian T., page 1 SOUTHWESTERN 102 Indiana, page 1 NORTHEASTER^f 1 Indiana App , page 1 ■ 51 Iowa, page 1 NORTH WESTERN 30 Kansas, page 1 PACIFIC 1 Kansas App., page 1 84 Kentncky, page 202 SOUTHWESTERN 39 Louhsiana Ann , page 1 SOUTHERN 77 Maine, page 408 ATx^ANTlC 64 Maryland, page 1 " 139 Ma.-^sachusetts, page 1 NORTHEA STERN 41 M ehigan, page 1 NORTH WEST KRN 26 Mini'esota, page 1 64 Mississippi, page 1 SOUTH F.RN 89 Missouri, )iage 1 SOUTH WESTERN 4 Montana, page 1 PACIFIC 5 Nebraska, page 294 - >.()K i HWE'-TERN 17 Nevada, page I PACIFIC 63 Ne w Hajiipshiie, page 446 ATLANTIC. 47 K e \v J ersey Law, pa^e 349 40 New Jersey Fqnity, page 345- 3 New Mexico, page 1 PACIFIC 99 New York, page 1 NORTHEASTERN 21 Abb , Noitli Carolina | 1 App I li V, . page 1 j 14 Civil Practice | 1 Con. Sar , page 1 I 14 Daly, page 497 I 6 De'ni. >ur., page 413 ) NEW YORK 48 Hnn., page 304.'. l SUPPLEMENT 1 ISlisc., page 1 | 6 New YorK Cr. R I 56 New York Superior Court, page 1 | 1 Silv email, page 1 I 96 ^orth Carolina, page 1 SOUTHEASTERN 1 North D.kota, page 1 NORTHWESTERN 43 Oliio Statutes, page 1 NORTHEASTERN 1 ( )klalioina, page 1 PACI FIC 11 Oiegon, page 1 110 Pen'nsylvi-nia Statutes, page 1 ATLANTIC 15 Rhode Island, page 1 '' 26 Sonth Carolina, page 1 SOUTHEASTERN 1 Soath Dakota, page 1 NORTHWESTERN 85 'i'ennessee Sup., page 1 SOUTH WE STE R N 66 Texas, page 1 ' 21 Texas App , page 1 " 31 Texas Cr R , page 1 ' ] Texas Civ. App.. page 1. . . .■ '• 106 United States, page 1 SUPRKME COURT 1 C. C. A. pagel, and 1 U. S. App,, page 1 FEDKRAL U. S. Cir, aiul Dist. Cts. since March 1st, 1880, (No ollitial rcpts.) FKDKRA L 3 Utah, page 1 IM CIF I (,^ 58 Vermont, page 1 ATL >NTTC 82 Virginia, page 964 S' iFTH EASTERN 1 Wasliington'statutes, page 1 PACIFIC 2 Wasliingtou Territorv. i>age 1 ■' 29 West Virginia, pagel SOUTHEASTERN 46 Wisconsin, page! NORTHWESTERN 3 Wyoming, page 1 PACIFIC LOUISIANA BAR ASSOCIATION. 03 WEST REPORTER SYSTEM. SECTIONS 30 XO 32. volumes Atlantic Eeporter, 1885-1899 43 Digest, vols. 1--10 1 Connecticut, vol 53. Delaware, Law. 7 Houston. " Chancery, vol. 0. Maine, vol. 78. Maryland, vol. 64. New Hampshire, vol. 64. New Jersey, Law, vol. 48. " Equity, vol. 41. Pennsylvania, vol. 110. Rhode Island, vol. 35. Vermont, vol. 58. North Eastern Eeporter, 1885-1899 54 Digests, vols. 1-10 1 Illinois, vol. 114. Indiana, vol. 102, " Appeals, vol. 1. Massachusetts, vol. 139. New rork, vol. 99. Ohio, Vol 43. Northwestern Reporter, 1879-1899 80 Digest, vols. 1-20 1 " vols 21-30 1 [Dakota, vol. 1,] Iowa, vol. 51. Michigan, vol. 41. Minnesota, vol. 26_ Nebraska, vol. 9. North Dakota, vol. 1 South " vol. 1, Wisconsin, vol. 46. 64 CATALOGUE OF LAW LIBRARY Volumes Pacific Reporter, 1883-1899- 58 Digest, vols. 1-10 1 Arizona, vol. 1. California, vol. 64. Colorado, vol. 7. " Appeals, vol. 1. Idaho, vol. 2. Kansas, vol. 30. " Appeals, vols. 1. Montana, vol. 4. Kevada, vol. 17- New Mexico, vol. 3. Oklahoma, vol 1. Oregon, vol. 11. Utah, vol. 3. Washington Territory, vol. 2. " State, vol. 1. Wyoming, vol. 3. Southern Reporter, 1887-1899 25 Alabama, vol. 81. Florida, vol. 23. Louisiana Annuals, vol. 39. Mississippi, vol. 64. Southeastern Reporter, 1887-1899 33 Georgia, vol. 78. North Carolina, vol. 96. South " vol. 26. Virginia, vol. 83. West Virginia, vol. 29. Southwestern Reporter, 1886-1899 53 Arkansas, vol. 47. Indiana Territory, vol. 1. Kentucky, vol. 85. Missouri, vol. 89. Tennessee, vol. 85. Texas, vol. 66. " Appeals, vol. 21. '• Civil Appeals, vol 1. " ("riminal Appeals, vol.31. LOUISIANA BAR ASSOCIATION, 65 SELECTED STATE REPORTS, SSCTION 33. Voinmes American Decisions, Earliest Times to 1SG9 100 Freeman's Digest, vols. 1-20 1 " " " 1-30 1 " " " 31-45 I American Keports, iSGO-lSST 00 Thom])SDn's Digest, vols. 1-12. 1 '• ' " 1-21 1 Browne's " " 25-30 1 *' *' '^ 1 -GO 1 Kapalje's Digest of American Decisions and Reports, 17G0-18S7 3 Index and Table of Oases of American Decisions and Reports, 1888 1 American State Reports, 1887-1899., G9 Mack's Digest, vols. 1-24 1 Ohnrcli's Digest, vols. 25-48. 1 La\v\ ers Reports Annotated and Digests 45 MISCELLEOUS REPORTS. SECTION' 34. American Criminal Cases, 1883--189S, 10 vols 10 " Leading " 1847, 2 vols 2 "■ Negligence'^ 1895-1899, 9 vols 9 " '' Reports, 1897-1899, 5 vols 5 " Railway Cases, 18G2, 2 vols 2 Bigelow's Life and Accident Insurance Reports 3 Smith's Leading Cases, 18GG, 12 vols 2 66 CATALOGUE OF LAW LABRART U S, BEPCRTS,, DIGISTS AKD STATI'TES. SECTIONS 34 TO 33. REPORTS.— ^Sections U to 37. Volumes U. S. SUPREME (OURT— Section 34 Supreme Court Eeporter, 1882-1898, (106-174* U. S.) vols. 1-10 10 SECTION 35. r>allas;A. J., 1781-180.") 4 Crancli, Wm., 1801-1815 9 Wheaton, Henry, 1816 -1827 12 Peters, Ricliard, 1828-1812 17 Howard, B. C, 1813-1860 24 Blaek, J. S., 1861-1862 2 Wallace, Joliii Wm., 1863-187.5 23 Otto, Wm. T. 1875-1882 (91-107, IT. S.) 17 U. S., 1882-1898 (108- 174, U. S.) 67 U. S. CIRCUIT COURT OF A PPE.ILS.— Section See Federal Eeporter, page U. S. CIRCUIT AND DISTRICT COUHT.-Seclion 36, Bruuer's Collected Cases, 1791-1860 1 Abbott, Benj. V., 1863-1871, vol. 2 missiu., 1828-1836 1 Crabbe, VV. H. 183G-1846 1 DISTKIll OF COLUMIJIA. Crancli, Win. 1801-1840, (vol. 2 missing) G SOUTH CAllOLiN4. Bee, Thos., Admiralty, 1792- 1809 1 Duplicate 1 ARKANSAS. Hempstead, S. H., 183(j-1850 1 ^VKSTfRN 1)1 ST HI CIS. *Xe\vberry, J. S. Admiralty, 184:2-18.")7 1 Brown, H. B., Admiralty, 1859-1875 1 rSee also Bond, Flippin & Bissell Gtli and 7tli Circuits.] PACIFIC DISTRICT^. *E[offman Land Cases, 1853-1858 1 [See also Deady and Sawyer. Kintli C ircuit.] COURT OF CLAIMS. *Devereux, J. C, i855-lS5G 1 *Conrt of Claims Reports, 18G3 -1893 28 *Xott & Hopkins' Digest, 18G3-1875 1 PArUNT RKPORTS. *ilol)le's Patent Cases, (Sui)ieme and Ci cuit Conrts) 1789-1850 2 *Wliitnmn's Patent Bepoi ts, 1810-1874 2 *Fislier's Patent Reports, (Supreme and Circuit Courts) 1821-1850 1 *Fislier's Patent Cases, (Circuit Courts) 1848-1^73 G ♦Banning & Arden's Patent Cases, (Circuit Courts) 1874-1881 5 *McArtliur's Patent I ases,(Dist of Columbia) 1841-1859 *Brodix's American and E iglisli Patent Cases, 1754- 1888 18 70 CATALOGUE OF LAW LABRARY Volumes *Crosweirs Collection of Patent Cases, 1789--1888 1 *Decisions of tlie Commissioner of Patents, 1869-1889, 21 *Patent OfiSce Gazette, 1872-1899 63 * Law's Digest, Patent, Copyright and Trade Mark Cases, 1789-1868 1 *Simmon's Digest of Patent Cases, (State and Federal Courts) 1 789-1888 1 *Preble's Patent Case Index, 1789-1881 1 *Rice's Patent Digest, (Patent Office) 1869-1880 1 *Beacli's Patent Digest, " " 1880-1890 1 BANKHUPTCY KEPORTS. *:N^ational Bankruptcy Eegister, 1807-1878 18 *Digest of Same, 1875 1 OPINIONS OF ATTORNEY GENERAL— Section 38. Opinions of Attorney--General, 1789-1860 9 Digest, 1866 1 INTERIOR DEPARTMENT.— Section 38. Decisions Department of tlie Interior, Eclating to Pub- lic Lands, 1881-1897 25 Digest, vols. 1-22 1 TREASURY DEPARTMENT.— Section 38. Synopsis of Decisions of Treasury Department. 1889- 1897 12 First Comptroller's Decisions, 1882-1884, vols 3-5 3 Report of Comptroller, 1896, (Section 35) 1 U. S. STATUTES— Section 38. Laws of U. S. 1789-1815, (vol. 1 missing) 5 '' -' 1833-1839, vol. 9 i Statutes at Large, Comprising Public and Private Stat- utes ami Treaties, 1789-1S!)(>, vols. 14-17 missing, 29 Duplicate vols. l-lO 10 Synoptical Index of the Laws of U.S., 1789-1852 1 Two Duplicates 2 LOUISIANA BAR ASSOCIATION. 71 Volumes Kevised Statutes oi XJ. S., 1789-1875 1 Duplicate 1 Same. . . .1789-1878 1 Duplicate. 1 Sauie, 1874:-]897, Suppleuieut 4 Revised Statutes Eelatiug to Distiictof Columbia and Post Roads, With Public Treaties, 1789-1873. ... 1 Duulap's Digest of Laws of U. S., 1780-185G 1 Story's Laws of U. S., 1828-1830 1 Digest of Reveuue I^aws, 1830 1 Curtis' Admiralty Digest, 1839 1 Gordon's Digest of Laws of U. S. , 1844 1 Abbott's National Digest of IT. S. Reports and Stat- utes, (section 3a) 1789-1807 5 Brightly's Digest of Laws ot U. S., 1789 -1857 1 Duplicate. , 1 Same, 1857-1805 1 Duplicate 1 Same, 1857-1809 1 Gould aiul M'ucker's N"otes on the Revised Statutes of the U. S., and the Subsequent Legislation of Congress, to July 1, 1889 1 U. S DKiKSTS.— Sections 10 to 11. [The Digests follow the Reports ] U. S. Digest, 1840 3 Dujdicate 3 Supplement, 1847 2 Duplicate 2 U. S. Table Cases, 1849 1 " Equity Cases, 1851, vol. 2 1 '' Annuals, 1847-1809 29 " First Series, 1789-1870 15 " New " 1870-1888 19 " " " 1870-1875 American Digest, 1887-1899, (Annual) 13 1058-1890, (Century Edition) 14 .( 72 CATLOGUE OF LAW LIBRARY. / A^oluniea SKCTION 34. Digest, vols. 1 to 40 3 SKCTION 35. Abbott's National Digest of IT. S. Reports and Statutes, 1789-J867 5 Daiifortb's Indexed Digest of Supreme Court llejiorts, 1789-1891, 1-14L U. S 2 Kinney's U. S. Sui)renie Court Digest, 1790--1885, 1-115 U. S 2 *Luek & Clarke's Table of Cases, 1790-1882 3 Myer's Federal Decisions, 1789-1884 2 Lawyer's Co-operative Pub. Co's. U. S. 8upreii;e Court Indexed Digest, 1789-1897, 1-171 IT. S 4 Notes on IT. S. Reports 4 Digf'st National Baidv Decisions, (See Report Comp- troller of the Currency, 189G, vol. 1, p. 337 1 SECTION 38. Desty's Federal Procedure, 1893 2 Old Federal Digests : 1 .— Brigbtly, 1789-1809 1 1868-1870 1 2.— H(dcombe, 1789-1847 1 3.— Peters, 1789-1847 3 ■ AMkMLCI DnNL,-!- I Manufactured by f \ GAYLORDBROS. Inc | 1 Syrocuse, N.Y. , I ^t cV-ton Cali'f. i