BV ]/\/4 FORTHE UC-NRLF ^B E^S 7flD III] GIFT OF Gladys Isaacson CONGREGATION MOUNT SINAI SIOUX CITY, IOWA ^\\t Cemple Hibrarp PRESENTED BY ff't/ Lessons for the Sunday Kindergarten By Ruth Cole Weatherbee LIBRARY Temple Mt. Sinai, Sioux City, Iowa Boston American Unitarian Association Department of Religious Education 25 Beacon Street Copyright, 1912, by The American Unitariak Associatiok c < c c « c < / c c « 1 l/ c , c QIFX OP diLADYS /SAAOSON Stanbope ifyress F. H. GILSON COMPANY BOSTON, U.S.A. FOREWORD These lessons for the Sunday Kindergarten are the outgrowth of several years' experience in Sunday-school work. There is a topic for each' of the nine months of the Sunday-school year. Each of these topics is sub-divided into four subjects, one for each Sunday in the month. The occasional fifth Sunday is used for review. The lessons take the form of talk, story, memory verse, and outline picture to color. These all correlate, and have an ethical value. It is hoped that they will make a definite im- pression on the child's mind and lay the foundation for character building. R. C. W. Wbllkslby, Mass., August, 1912. {7127835 CONTENTS PAQK Foreword Hi Program . - vii Directions for Teachers ix October, Kindness ' 1 November, Service and Work 5 December, Love 9 January, Obedience 13 February, Courage and Wisdom 17 March, Purity 21 April, Selp-Control 25 May, Honesty and Truth 29 June, Faithfulness and Happiness 33 program Soft Music. Greeting Song. Morning Hymn. Introduction to Prayer. (Repeated together.) " We fold our hands that, we may be From earthly play and work set free; We close our eyes that they may see Nothing to take our thoughts from thee." Prayer. Hymn. (Chosen by the children.) Our Faith. Roll Call. March and Collection. Review. (Show picture of preceding Sunday. Recall talk, memory verse, and story.) Show Picture for the Day. Talk and Memory Verse for teds Day. Coloring. Lesson Story. Hymn. (Chosen in relation to thought of lesson.) Good-By Song. DIRECTIONS FOR TEACHERS The Talk These talks are for teachers' use only. They are written especially for the untrained Sunday-school teacher, but may also help other teachers to understand the thought and action of the picture. The talks are not to be given word for word. They chiefly take the form of question and answer. The answers are given to suggest what we are aiming to draw from the children, and to form the connection with the next point in the talk. The questions can of course be given in direct form. Then if the answer desired is forthcoming, the next question may be taken up. Otherwise the question should be given in suggestive form. The object of the talk is to aid the teacher to draw out her pupils and so to help them express their thoughts freely. The talk often leads the children to tell of their own experiences. From the discussion of the picture they are led to the thought of the lesson for the day. The Story The lists of stories and songs are merely suggestions. The talks and pictures can be used in connection with any set of Sun- day-school lessons or Bible stories for little children. In preparation the story should first be read in the Bible, then in whatever book of stories is used. The story should be care- fully adapted in order to emphasize the thought of the lesson for the day. The stories should always be told, never read, to the children. The books which I have found most helpful, and from which the stories suggested are taken, are the following : Three books by ix X LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN Laura Ella Cragin, "Kindergarten Bible Stories/' "Old Testament Stories/' and "Kindergarten Stories for the Sunday School and Home;" "Children of the Bible," by Lillian B. Poor; the two books by Margaret Cushman Haven, "Bible Lessons for Little Beginners ;" and "The Children's Sunday Hour of Story and Song," by Sara Bullard Moffatt and Julia A. Hidden, and the Bible itself. The songs are for the most part taken from "Songs for Little People," by Frances Weld Danielson and Grace Wilbur Conant, and from "Childhood Songs," by Mira and Mabel Rowland, edited by A. J. Rowland. The Picture In presenting the pictures to her class, the teacher should be very careful not to let them take too prominent a place in the lesson. The pictures are subordinate to the thought of the lesson, and are to help the child fix the thought of the lesson more firmly in his mind, and to aid his memory in review. Show the picture of the previous Sunday at the time of review. Then show the new picture as an introduction to the talk. Place it where it can be seen during the remainder of the session. There are but four pictures and talks given for each month. The occasional fifth Sunday should be the time for review. Show the four pictures of the month and by means of them recall the stories, memory verses (on pictures) and talks. Coloring Each teacher should have a set of the pictures for her own, and should color them. These should be the pictures shown to the children, for they will serve as a guide for the coloring, thus avoiding wrong combinations of color. Only the principal objects are to be colored. In most of the pictures the floors, walls, sky, faces, and hands should not be colored. LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN xi Much depends upon the length of the session. Usually ten or fifteen minutes can be allowed for coloring. If the time is limited, give the pictures out at the close of the session, and let the children take them home to color, asking the children to show them to you the next Sunday. Also ask them to finish coloring the picture at home, if they are not able to do so in the given time. Most parents are very willing to provide crayons, and they find that the coloring of pictures makes a very good Sunday afternoon occupation. Use wax crayons for coloring, as they blend well and do not rub. LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN OCTOBER - KINDNESS First Sunday Kindness to Parents What is the little girl doing ? Yes, darning stockings. What else ? She is taking care of the baby at the same time. For whom is she doing this ? She is helping Mother, isn't she ? How else can she help Mother ? What can she do to be kind and helpful to Father ? What can boys do to be kind and helpful at home ? Tell me what you do to help Mother and Father. What are some of the things you can do to be kind to your family ? Second Sunday Kindness to Playmates What are the children in this picture doing ? Yes, the older child is helping the younger one over the high wall. Do you suppose they are playmates ? Perhaps they are neigh- bors. Anyhow they are good friends. The little girl may live on the other side of the wall. 1 2 LESSONS FQfl TTjfJ SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN, Wllat h^H h^j'penfed tp \h^ flower ? It is broken. Perhaps the little girl broke it, but the older girl is not angry with her. She has forgiven her, and is helping her. She is kind to her neighbor, isn't she ? She understands that such a little girl does not know any better than to break flowers in other people's gardens. How can you be kiud to your neighbors, friends, and play- mates ? Tell me some of the things you can do for them. Third Sunday Kindness to Animals What is this little girl doing ? She is going to feed her kit- ten. What do you suppose she has in the saucer ? Do you think it is milk, or fish, or meat? Kittens like catnip, too, don't they? Have you a kitten at home, or a dog, or chickens, or pigeons ? Perhaps you have a large animal like a horse or a cow. Animals do things for us, don't they? Tell me what the chickens and^the^cow do, and what the horse and dog do for you. How can we be kind to them ? Yes, we can feed them and give them a warm place to sleep. We must be careful, too, not to hurt animals and birds. God tells us to be kind to every living thing. Fourth Sunday God's Kindness to Us. What do you see in this picture ? Yes, a little boy. What is he doing ? It looks as if he were picking apples. What else do you see ? The flowers in the grass, the birds flying over, and the water, sky, hill, and trees. Who gives us all these things ? We could not live without them, could we ? LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN 3 They make the earth beautiful, too. We need every one of them, so God gives them all to us. He makes everything grow. He sends the sunshine and the rain to help them grow. God is very kind to us, isn't he ? We should thank him for his goodness to us. LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN OCTOBER — KINDNESS Stories and Songs Stories The Good Samaritan, Luke 10 : 25-S7, Noah and the Ark, Genesis 6-7-8-9, The Lost Lamb, Luke 15 : 3-7, Ishmael and Hagar, Genesis 21 : 1-21. Songs Father, We Thank Thee. Thank Him, Thank Hun. Little Drops of Water. Kind Hearts are the Gardens. All Things Bright and Beautiful. Prater For This New Morning with Its Light. NOVEMBER -SERVICE AND WORK First Sunday Service to Friends and to Parents Tell me about this picture. There are two children in it. One of them has a bunch of flowers. She has brought them to her friend who is ill. The little girl in the chair cannot go out in the sunshine and see the flowers growing, so her friend has picked some for her. What kind of flowers do you suppose they are ? She wants to do something for her friend, because she loves her, and is sorry she is ill. What else can she do for the little girl until she is well again ? Can she serve her friends who are well, too ? How can you serve your friends and Father and Mother ? There are ever so many ways, are there not ? Second Sunday How Can We Serve God? Where do you think these two little girls are to-day ? Doesn't the room look a little like our Sunday-school room ? Why, yes, they are in Sunday school. What are they doing ? Singing a hymn, are they not ? They look as if they enjoyed singing. I know we all like to sing in Sunday school, too. If we all do our part, and sing just as well as we can, what a help it will be when we sing with the whole school at closing time. That is one way we can serve God. 5 6 LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN If each of us does liis part as well as he can, comes to Sun- day school every Sunday, and tries to be good all the week, he will be doing what he knows God wants him to do. Tell me how you can try to serve God with all your heart. Third Sunday Mental Work In our picture to-day, the little girl is sitting very still read- ing. Do you suppose she is studying her lesson ? It might be her Sunday-school lesson. When you are older, you will have lessons to study just like the big children. Children have to think when they study, don't they ? If they should think about playing games or riding their bicycles, they would not learn their lessons. If they try hard and think only about the lessons, they will finish them more quickly, and will have more time to play. It is the same way when you practice your music lesson, too. You don't have lessons to study yet ; but sometimes you have to be quiet and think, when you are listening to a story, or when you are trying to remember the lesson of some other Sunday. Sometimes when you have pictures to color, or an errand to do for Mother, you have to think, if you are going to do it well, what you are trying to do. Tell me some other times when you work with your minds, or think. Fourth Sunday Physical Work Well, what is this boy doing ? He is chopping wood, isn't he ? He looks as if he were working hard, and as if he liked the work. LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN 7 I think that his mother will have plenty of kindling. His little dog looks as if he would jump and bark when the hatchet comes down and splits the log in two. You see he is quite a big boy. Of course little boys cannot chop wood ; they are not strong enough. There are lots of other ways in which little boys and little girls can work. When you have anything to do you must try to do it just as well as you can, you know. What are some of the kinds of work you have to do ? Some- times Mother, or Father, or your teachers, or friends ask you to do something for them. Then, whatever you have to do, do it with all your might. 8 LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN NOVEMBER — SERVICE AND WORK Stories and Songs Stories The Little Maid of Israel, // Kings 5 : 1-5, 9-U.\ Dorcas, Acts 9 : 36. Rebekah at the WeU, Gmesis 2Ji : 10-20, 29-31. 1 The Home Life of Jesus, Luke 2 : 61-62. / The Two Builders, Matthew 7 : 2^-27. Songs Serve Him, Serve Him. "All that You Do, Do with Your Might." Can a Little Child Hke Me? 2d Verse.' DECEMBER -LOVE First Sunday Love of Parents What are this little boy and his baby sister doing ? They are taking wood from the wood pile into the house. Whom are they helping ? |Probably Mother wants the wood to make a fire, and so they are bringing it in for her. They love her, and want to show their love by doing something for her. All children love their mothers, and often tell them so, don't they ? But sometimes when Mother asks them to do something for her, they forget that the best way to show their love is to do what she asks. Mother and Father love you so much, and do so much for you, that you ought to try to do all you can for them. Tell me some of the ways you can show Mother and Father and your brothers and sisters that you love them. Second Sunday Love of Playmates and Friends What do you suppose this little girl and boy are going to do ? I think they are going to play tennis. They look as if they liked to play together. Do you think that they may be neighbors, and that the little boy has come over to play with the little girl ? She is older and probably plays tennis better than he can, but she is going to play with him so that he can have a good time. She loves him, so she wants to make him happy. We can all show our neighbors and friends that we love them by trying to make them happy. There are ever so many ways 9 10 LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN in which we can show our love for them. Who can tell me some- ways ? Let us all try this week to love our neighbors. Third Sunday Love op God What time do you suppose it is ? It is night. How can you tell ? The candle is burning on the table, and the covers are turned back all ready for the little girl to get into bed ? What is she doing before she goes to bed ? Yes, saying her prayers. Why do children say their prayers before they go to bed ? Do you think it is because they love God, their Heavenly Father ? They know he has taken care of them all day, and will watch over them while they are asleep. Sometimes children say a prayer in the morning, too. We say prayers in church and Sunday school. We should sit very quiet and close our eyes when we talk to God, shouldn't we ? Do you all say a prayer at night? Tell me some of the prayers. Yes, you ask God to help you to be good, and to bless and to take care of all whom you love. You thank him for all his love and goodness. Fourth Sunday God's Love This is a Christmas picture. Do you see the wreath in the mndow, and the Christmas tree ? What else do you see ? Yes, the little girl in her mother's arms. Do you think the little girl is telling her mother how much she loves her ? LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN 11 I think the mother would rather have her little daughter's love than any other Christmas gift she could have. Can you tell me why people give gifts at Christmas time ? Yes, because they love each other, and also because it is the Christ-child's birthday. God sent him to the world to show people how to be good, and to tell them to love one another. Do you not think that was a beautiful way for God to show his love for us ? 12 LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN DECEMBER — LOVE Stories and Songs Stories Ruth and Naomi, RiUh 1 : 1-19. The Friends of Jesus, John 12 : 1-8. The Birth of the Christ Child, Luke 2 : 1-20. The Visit of the Wise Men, Matthew 2 : 1-12, Songs Lord, Who Lovest Little Children. Love Him, Love Him. The Morning Bright. " He Prayeth Best Who Loveth Best." Christmas Carol. JANUARY - OBEDIENCE First Sunday Obedience to Parents Where is this little girl ? It looks as if she had come to the store on an errand. I guess she hurried, for, you see, her hat has fallen off. She has some money in her hand. She will put a package in the basket on the floor. What is the man doing ? What do you suppose he is get- ting for her ? Who sent the little girl to the store ? Yes, her mother prob- ably. Perhaps she was playing when Mother called her to go. But she left her play and hurried right off, for she was glad to do as Mother had asked her. All of you do errands for Mother, don't you ? Sometimes you go to the store, or perhaps only upstairs to get something. You can do errands for other people, too. There are ever so many ways in which you can obey Mother and Father. Sometimes it is hard to do as we are told; but each time we obey makes it easier to obey again. Tell me how you obey Mother and Father. Will you try to be obedient all this week ? Second Sunday Obedience to Teachers What is this child doing ? She is writing. She is trying to copy a word that is written on the blackboard. Who can tell me what that word is ? It is obey, and that is just what she is doing. She is obeying. 13 14 LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN Where do you think she is ? Doesn't the room look like a school room ? Who do you suppose wrote the word on the board ? Yes, her teacher. The little girl is trying to obey her teacher, and to write the word just as well as she can. Perhaps she will go to her seat soon and write on her paper. Do you think all the other girls and boys are trying as hard as she is trying ? When children are in school, they must try to obey their teachers just as they obey their parents at home. Their parents send them to school and want them to be obedient to their teach- ers. That is the way to learn, for your teachers tell you to do things in the right way. What are some of the things your teachers ask you to do ? How can you be obedient in school? I wish each of you would try to obey your teacher this week and tell me about it next Sunday. Third Sunday Obedience to God in Deed Where are these two little girls going ? Do you think they are on their way to Sunday school ? What is the older girl carrying ? Do you suppose there are some pennies in the purse which the little girl is wearing ? Perhaps both these children are in the kindergarten. Why do children go to Sunday school ? Why do Mother and Father go to church? Yes, to learn about God and to worship him. Sunday is the day on which to worship God and to rest. On Sunday we should not do the things we do the other six days of the week. Father does not go to his business and you do not go to day school. When you keep holy the Sabbath Day, you are obeying God. When you come to Sunday school, you are obeying him, too, and keeping his commandment. LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN 15 Fourth Sunday Obedience to God in Thought What do you see in this picture ? A boy standing in the road with his wagon. At what is he looking ? Yes, he is looking at the apples on that tree. Do you suppose they look red and shiny among the green leaves ? Boys like apples, don't they ? Perhaps this boy has walked a long way and is thirsty, and he thinks how good some of those apples would taste. • The apple-tree does not belong to him, so he knows he would not be doing right if he should pick the apples. Perhaps he is thinking as he stands there that God tells us, " Thou shalt not steal." It would be stealing if he should take the fruit that belongs to someone else, wouldn't it ? Don't you think he will be glad that he remembered to obey God, and did not take the apples ? We should always remember God's commandments. 16 LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN JANUARY — OBEDIENCE Stories and Songs Stories Joseph, Genesis S7 : S-17, Samuel, / Samuel S : 1-19. Josiah, // Kings 22 : 1-10, 23 : 3. Gideon's Army, Judges 6, 7. Obedience of Abraham, Genesis 11 : Sl-92, 12 : 1-7, Songs Little Lambs so White and Fair. Like Obedient Lambs Tick, the Clock Says. FEBRUARY ~ COURAGE AND WISDOM First Sunday Physical Courage What do you see in this picture ? What have these little boys met ? Yes, some geese. They are out for a walk, too, this pleasant day. Did you ever meet any geese when you were out walking ? I did once, and they came along hissing and squawking, and I really thought they were going to hurt me. I think these geese are making a loud noise. The little boy looks afraid, doesn't he ? But his big brother is standing in front of him so that the geese cannot harm him if they try. Big Brother does not quite know whether they will hurt him or not, but he is going to be brave and protect his little brother. Big children should always be like this older brother and protect small children. Then, too, children have to be brave when they are hurt. Brave boys and girls don't cry when they fall down or cut them- selves. Can you think of some brave people who protect us ? Yes, soldiers, and policemen, and firemen, and ever so many others. Second Sunday Mental Courage Where do you suppose this little girl is going ? Why do you think she is going to bed ? 17 18 LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN Yes, she has just come upstairs, and is all ready for bed. We know it is night because the gas is burning in the hall, and she is going into a dark room. You are not afraid to go to bed in the dark are you ? Some children are, but this little girl doesn't look as if she were afraid. She knows that everything in the room is just the same in the dark as it is in the daylight. And she knows, too, that God watches over her in the dark as well as in the daylight. When Mother and Father are with you, you don't feel afraid, for you know they will take care of you, and your Heavenly Father is always caring for little children. When people are not afraid of things, we say they are ** brave." Can you think of some brave people you have heard about ? Do you remember the ^two brave men who have birth- days this month? Let us all try to be like them, and have courageous hearts. Third Sunday Wisdom What is the little girl in our picture to-day doing ? She is playing the piano. Do you suppose she is practising her music lesson ? Do you think she likes to practise ? I think she must be very glad that she can take music lessons and learn to play. Of course she could not learn if she did not practise over and over very carefully, what her teacher taught her. See how interested her kitten looks. She will probably have a frolic with it later. Do some of you have music lessons to practise? If you try hard to understand what your teacher tells you, you will learn a, great deal. We call people wise who have learned their les- sons well. No one becomes wise until he has learned to study and practise, and to work hard. LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN 19 I know a story about a boy who had to study and work hard. He grew to be a very wise man. His birthday comes near the middle of this month. Can you tell me his name ? Fourth Sunday Wisdom See how interested these two children look. What do yon suppose they are doing ? Yes, the big girl is reading to the little one. Perhaps she is reading the lesson she has just learned in school. I think the little sister likes to be read to, don't you ? Do you suppose she knows some of the words ? Maybe the older sister is helping her learn some new ones. The older girl will remember her lesson much better because she tries to tell someone else about it. Do your brothers or sisters ever help you with your reading or numbers ? Sometimes Mother and Father help your brothers and sisters with their lessons. If we learn things well ourselves, we can help others. Les- sons are not always easy to learn. But all the people we call ** wise " have had to study. Abraham Lincoln was a very wise man. He used his knowl- edge for his country's good, and to help his fellow-men. TeU me what you have heard about him this week. 20 LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN FEBRUARY— COURAGE AND WISDOM Stories and Songs Stories Christ in the Temple, Luke 2 : 41-51. King Solomon's Choice, / Kings 3 : 1-16. David and Goliath, / Samud 17 : 1-63. Daniel in the Lion's Den, Daniel 6. Naboth and the King, / Kings 21 : 1-14- Songs America. Onward Christian Soldiers. My Country is America. What Can Little Hands Do? MARCH-PURITY First Sunday Purity in Deed What are these children doing ? They are sweeping the floor, are they not ? Do you suppose they are sisters, and are helping each other clean the room ? Do you ever brush up the crumbs on the dining-room floor, or pick up the threads in the sitting-room for Mother ? You do it to help her keep the house clean. It takes a great deal of care to keep our houses clean and orderly. Did you ever think that our bodies which God gave us are the houses in which hearts and minds live ? We should try to keep them clean, just as we help to keep our houses clean. We must watch ourselves every day, and take good care of our bodies so that we may keep them well and strong. Second Sunday Purity in Word Just see these two little boys. What are they doing? One of them has his hands over his mouth, and the other boy is looking at him. Why do you suppose he has put his hands over "his lips ? Do you ever do it ? Why do you do it ? Yes, to keep from saying something you were going to say. You see this little boy almost said something he should not say to his little friend. Are you not glad he remembered in time not to say it. Now he himself will soon forget it because he did not repeat it. 21 22 LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN There are ever and ever so many good things to talk about, so we need never soil our lips with unclean words. We must try to keep our lips and our thoughts pure. Third Sunday Purity in Thought Do you like to look at this picture ? Can you tell me at what this little girl is looking ? Yes, the baby in the bassinet. Do you suppose it is the little girPs brother or sister ? Have you a baby at home ? Do you like to watch him when he is asleep, and play with him when he wakes up ? Probably this little girl does, too. When you are with Baby, you always think kind, happy thoughts. Baby's thoughts are good, and when you look at him, your thoughts are good, too. When you were babies, you knew only about good things. If children want to grow up pure and strong, they should think of the good things and forget the others. That is the way to keep our minds clean and pure. Let us all try to think good thoughts. Fourth Sunday Purity in Heart This looks like an Easter Picture, doesn't it ? See all the Easter lilies ! Perhaps the little girl is in church or Simday school. What is she holding ? Yes, a large lily. What is the color of Easter lilies ? Do you suppose the little girl's dress is white, too ? We always think of everything white as being clean and pure. Don't you know how pure and white the snow looks when it has just fallen ? LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN 23 Don't you think that the little girl looks like a good child ? If her face did not look kind and good we would not think her a good child even if her clothes were white and clean, and the lilies about her were pure and white. She must have a pure heart to have such a lovely face. You know children's thoughts shine out in their eyes, and if their hearts are pure and true, their faces will show it, and everyone will love them. We can try to keep our hearts pure every day. 24 LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN MARCH— [PURITY Stories and Songs Stories The Baptism of Jesus, Matthew 3. The Anointing of David, I Samuel 16 : 1-lS. Children praise Jesus, Matthew 21 : 1-21. The Creation, Genesis I. Songs The Little Flowers Came through the Ground. The Happy Birds with Joy will Sing. Learn " His strength was as the strength of ten Because his heart was pure." {Tennyson.) " Live pure, speak truth, right wrong. Else wherefore bom? " (Robert Browning.) APRIL — SELF-CONTROL First Sunday Selp-Control in- Thought Do you see the clock in the picture ? What time does it tell us it is ? Yes, seven o'clock. Do some of you go to bed at seven o'clock ? Yes, and some go at six, too. Do you always want to go to bed right oif when Mother says it is time ? You might find it hard sometimes to remember to go if there were no one to tell you. These two children seem to be going to bed, don't they ? See the book and the lamp on the table. Do you suppose the big girl has been reading to her little sister ? Perhaps they were in the middle of a story, too, when the clock struck seven. Both the children knew it was bed-time so they closed the book and started up stairs. Clocks tell us to do many things. Can you think of some of them? These children are making themselves do something they do not really wish to do, and they can probably keep from doing things they want to do. That is what self-control means. If we have good control of our thoughts, we shall also have control of our bodies, for our minds control our bodies. 25 26 LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN Second Sunday Self-Control in Wobd Just see what has happened in this picture ! The baby has broken a piece of the dolPs tea set. Do you suppose it is the sugar bowl or a cup or a saucer ? She looks sorry and ashamed. Why do you think she is ashamed? Well, I think her sister has invited her to the tea party, but has asked her to be careful of the new tea set. Do you suppose that while her sister went out to get the food, the baby picked up the cup and then dropped and broke it ? It looks as if that was what had happened. If you were the big sister, how would you feel ? Well, I shouldn^t wonder either if she were angry. See how tightly her hand is closed and how her lips are pressed together. Why do you suppose she does that ? Yes, I think she is trying to control her temper and to keep from saying angry words to her little sister. Let us all try very hard this week to control our tempers, and not to let angry words pass our lips. Third Sunday Self-Control in Deed Do you see two boys in our picture to-day? Where are they? Yes, one is inside the fence, and the other is walking along the road. What is the boy inside doing? He seems to be filling a basket with wood. It looks as if he were just going to carry it into the house. Do you think he is helping his mother ? What is the other boy carrying ? LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN 27 Yes, a fishing rod. See the line and the pail of bait. He is going fishing and has stopped to ask the other boy to go with him. See, he is pointing down toward the river, and we can al- most hear him call, " Come on, and go fishing with me." What do you suppose the other boy says ? Do you think he wants to go ? Boys like to go fishing very much, you know. But he knows his mother does not want him to go to-day. She needs his help at home. So he tells the other boy that he cannot go. Then I think he picks up the basket of wood and carries it in the house. I would like to know that boy, wouldn't you ? We can all try to control ourselves as he does. Then we shall grow up strong and have self-control. Fourth Sunday Self-Control in Body Just see these two little girls. They look as if they were having a party. The little girl who is sitting in the window seat has finished her ice cream. The little girl who is giving the party is offer- ing her some more. She wants all her little guests to be happy and to have all they want. Do you suppose the other child wants the ice cream ? Yes, she probably does. But she knows that one saucerful is all that will be good for her to eat. So she folds her hands, and says << No, I thank you," to her little hostess. Do you ever want more ice cream or cake or candy than you know will be good for you to eat ? Most children do, but they must learn to control their appetites and not to eat too much. All children want to have strong, healthy bodies and so they must eat food that is nourishing and good for them. They must learn, too, not to eat too much of good things, even if they like them. Let us all try to eat wisely so that we may grow to be strong, healthy men and women. 28 LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN APRIL — SELF-CONTROL Stories and Songs Stories Abraham and Lot, Genesis 13 : 1-9. Isaac and the Wells of Water, Genesis 26 : 1-6, 12-38. David spares Saul, / Samuel 24 • 1-8. Daniel, Daniel I. Songs Little Brown Seed. The Little Plant. The Golden Rule. O Father Keep the Children. MAY -HONESTY AND TRUTH First Sunday Honesty in Deed What is this little girl giving her playmate ? It looks like a cooky. See the little dog. He looks as if he wanted a cooky, too ! Do you think the little girl will give him a piece ? Where do yon suppose the little girl got the cookies ? Yes, I think her mother gave them to her, and told her to give one to her little friend and to keep one herself. Once I knew a little boy whose mother gave him two cookies, one for himself and one for his brother ; and he ate them both himself. That was not right, was it ? No, it was not honest, and it was selfish, too. Perhaps the little girl would have liked both cookies herself, but she wants to be honest. Sometimes we want to do something wrong, and we think no one will know. Then something within us tells us it would not be honest and right. That is the voice of God speaking to us in our hearts, and he knows when we even think of doing wrong. If we obey that voice we will do what it tells us is right and honest. We all want to be honest with ourselves and with our friends. Second Sunday Honor To-day we have just one little girl in our picture, and where do you think she is going ? Yes, she is going to Sunday school. See the church steeple overlhe tree top. 30 LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN When she was all ready to go I think Mother gave her some pennies for the collection, and she put them into the little purse she is wearing. The little girl has just passed a store. What kind of a store ? What do you see in the window ? Yes, candy. Do you suppose she wanted to go in and buy some of the candy. She probably looked in the window and decided just what kind she wanted most. Then she remembered that the pennies in her purse which she was going to spend for the candy were not given her for that. They were given her to put into the collec- tion. She knows it would not be honest to use them for any- thing else. Aren't you glad she has gone past the store without going in ? She will be glad, too, I think, that she remembered in time. Do you suppose it was that same voice in her heart that helped her to remember ? Will you all try to listen for that voice and do what it tells you is right ? If you obey the voice, you will be upright and honest. Third Sunday Truthfulness in Word Just see this little girl ! What has she in her hand ? Yes, a plate. But what has happened to it ? Yes, a piece has been broken out of it. See, she is showing it to her sister. Do you suppose she broke the plate ? Yes, perhaps she was carrying it and dropped it. It was an accident, but the piece is broken out just the same. No one saw her do it, and she could have put it away and waited for some one to find it, but she is not that sort of a little girl. She has taken it right to her older sister and is telling her about it. If her mother were at home, she would tell her, too. Mother will not feel so badly about the broken plate, because she will tell LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN 31 about it herself. That is what all children should do. When they break anything, they should tell that they have done so, even if they are ashamed to say they did such a thing. That is the truthful, honest way to do. If we tell the truth to our parents and teachers and friends, we will be believed and trusted by everyone. Let us all try to be truthful and trustworthy. Fourth Sunday Truthfulness in Thought What is happening in this picture ? Two children are run- ning a race. See the line they have drawn on the ground. I suppose they are trying to see who will reach the line first ? They are side by side now. Which do you think will cross the line first ? It is going to be pretty close, I think. The little girl who is standing with her hat in her hand is going to decide who wins. She will have to watch very carefully, won't she ? She must be sure which one really comes in first, whether it is the one she wants to win or not ? Do you ever run races ? Sometimes it is pretty hard to be fair and honest. When we start on a race, we must be sure that our toes are just on the line, not over it, and that we do not start a second before we hear the " Go." In all games we must try to play fair and be honest and truthful. It is not so bad to lose a race or a game, but it is wrong to lie about it. We know in our own minds who really has won, and it takes away the joy of victory if we have not won honestly. Let us all try to be honest in our play. 32 LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN MAY — HONESTY AND TRUTH Stories and Songs Stories The Ark Captured and Returned, / Samuel 4, H SamudB^ 1-16, King Darius, Apocrypha, / Esdras 3, 4 • 1-4^. The Israelites in Canaan, Joshua 9. Joseph and his Brothers, Genesis J^. Songs Heavenly Father, Lead Us On. God the Father in Heaven. There is a Still, SmaU, Holy Voice. Prayer " Help us, Lord, throughout the day." JUNE -FAITHFULNESS AND HAPPINESS First Sunday Faithfulness This little girl is watering her flowers. Do you suppose it is her owii garden she is taking care of ? Perhaps she planted the seeds herself, and has watched for the tiny green shoots to come up. Don't you suppose she was glad when the sun shone on her garden, and the rain gave it a cool drink ? Perhaps the rain has not fallen for a long time, and the flowers look thirsty, so she is watering them herself. She does not want them to wither and dry up. She wants them to make a bright border for the path. It is a little thing to do, but she does it faithfully every day when the rain does not fall. Because she does this little task well I think she would be faith- ful if she had some very hard thing to do. Do any of you have a garden ? Perhaps you help Mother with hers ? You know that faithful care every day makes the plants grow and keeps the garden watered and weeded. If we try to be faithful and do little things well every day, when we are older we shall be faithful in the great things of life. Second Sunday Faithfulness. What do you see in this picture ? A little baby sitting on a blanket in the grass and a big dog near by. Do you suppose the baby's mother has left her for a while for the dog to take care of ? He looks as if he were proud to 33 34 LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN be taking care of Baby. He loves her, and will not let any harm come to her while she is in his care. He is a faithful dog, isn't he ? Perhaps some of you have a faithful dog friend at home. What do you suppose this dog's name is ? He is faithful to his duty, and a faithful friend to Baby and her mother. If a dog can be so true to his trust, surely we ought all to try to be faithful to our duty. Even if our duty is not pleasant, we must do it cheerfully and faithfully. We can all try to be faithful and loyal to our friends, too. What are some of your duties ? How can you be faithful to duties and to your friends ? Third Sunday Happiness Making Others Happy What do you see in this picture ? Yes, two little girls playing dolls together. They are having a very good time, are they not ? See how happy they look ! Do you think both children are well ? No, one of them is in bed. Perhaps she has been ill and is nearly well now, or she may have hurt her foot and cannot walk for a while. The other little girl has come to play with her. She knows her little friend must feel lonely staying in bed all the time, so she has brought her doll and is trying to make her little friend just as happy as she can. Probably she is telling her all about what she and the other children are doing in school, and what they are playing, too. What do you suppose she is telling her to make her laugh so ? I think when the doctor comes again, he will find the little girl much better. Her little friend is helping her get well by making her so happy. People who are happy are usually well. We can all try to be happy, and so make those around us happy and well, too. LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN 35 Fourth Sunday Happiness ( In ourselves) Wliat do you suppose these two children are looking at ? Yes, the squirrel up in the tree, and he is looking at them. Do you suppose they come to see him often and sometimes bring him nuts ? See the bird flying to the tree. Do you think she has a nest hidden away among the leaves ? Perhaps there are some little blue eggs in it, or some baby birds. These two little girls have taken their dolly out for a walk, but there are so many interesting things to see that they have not gone very far. Do you ever go for a walk in the fields and woods, or in the park ? What do you see ? Yes, the birds and squirrels, and flowers and trees. ' And what else? The bees and butterflies. Does Father or Mother ever go with you to tell you about them ? There is ever so much to learn about them, isn^t there ? Tell me some of the things you know. If we know about these things in nature we enjoy our walks ever so much more. It is the same with other things we learn. We make ourselves and others happy with our knowledge. Our minds and the beautiful things we see through our minds make us happy. Then we have happiness in ourselves. 36 LESSONS FOR THE SUNDAY KINDERGARTEN JUNE — FAITHFULNESS AND HAPPINESS Stories and Songs Stories Moses and Miriam, Exodus 2 : 1-10. David and Jonathan, / Samud 20. The Birth of Isaac, Genesia 18: 1-16, 21 : 1-8. Jesus Blessing Little Children, Matthew 19 : 13-15. (Children's Sunday) David the Shepherd Boy, / Samuel 16. SONQB God is There. I Cannot Do Great Things. I Think when I Read. Happy as a Robin. The World is so Full of a Number of Things. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. -D 21-100m-ll,'49(B7146sl6)47G YB 2915 |y!27835 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY