JUST PUBLISHED AND FOR SALE AT ALL THE PRINCIPAL BOOKSTORES, PRICE $1, IN RED CLOTH, GILT, A NEW BOOK, ENTITLED I THROUGH AMERICA AND CUBA, BY C. G. ROSENBERG. NOTICES OF THE PRESS. From the Boston Daily Bee, June 24. Above stands the title of a very pretty and exceedingly interesting volume of 226 pages, giving a minute narrative of Mile. Jenny Land's tour of America. The author has acquitted himself of his task in a most creditable manner, and we can only say that all who buy the book will read it with pleasure. From the Boston Daily Courier, June 25. It was written by Mr. Charles Rosenberg, late musical critic of the London Morning Post, who has accompanied the warbler throughout the tour, and the incidents dilated upon, are quite amusing. He begins with Jenny's departure from Liverpool on the 19th of August, in the American steamship Atlantic, and gives a narrative of the voyage, her arrival at Nevy York on the 1st of September, her reception by the Gothamites, her visit to Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Richmond, Havana, Matanzas, New Orleans, Natchez, Memphis, St. Louis, Louisville, the Mammoth Cave, Cincinnati, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, with comments on the "mode of treatment" in each city. The descrip- tion* of the "lady beggars," the "autograph-hunters," and those who called upon Jenny Lind on " particular business," are given in a pleasant vein, and on the whole the book is quite interesting. The interview between the " Defender of the Constitution," (Daniel Webster,) and the " Nightingale" is thus sketched. *>**** The book is embellished with a beautiful likeness of Jenny Lind, which adds much to its value. From the Boston Daily Journal, June 23. The above is the title of a handsome volume, by a gentleman of great literary talent and fine musical taste, connected with the suite of Jenny Lind, and who has made the grand tour as it may emphati- cally be termed with her. The work contains an account of this tour,- written in a lively and off- hand style, and embracing many interesting facts and incidents, some of which are entirely new, and most of" which are now for the first time published in an authentic shape. The musical tour of the Swedish Nightingale is one of the most wonderful, as it has been one of the most successful, ever made by a popula'r singer. The great enthusiasm manifested at every stage of her progress, and the anxiety to see and hear a lady who united unquestioned musical abilities with almost - angelic benevolence, and with an unblemished moral character, have made this tour one continued round of triumphs. The details of the tour cannot, but be highly interesting to the public, and they have been most faithfully recorded by the author of this work. From the Boston Daily Morning Commonwealth, June 27. This is a neatly printed work, elegantly bound in cloth with gilt ornament. It is a graphic and ably written history of the Nightingale's tour through the United States and the Island of Cuba. A more interesting work for a parlor table or a winter fireside has not been issued from the American press for some time. Tlie author has proved himself eminently qualified to perform the task which he has assumed. We think he has dealt fairly with us so far as he has ventured to utter his opinion of Ameri- can character and scenery. His version of Jenny's stay in " young Athens" goes somewhat into detail, and is generally correct, and we think the censure which he administers to certain officials of Boston is quite just. This book contains some very witty anecdotes, sublime scenic descriptions, and inter- esting accounts of all the prominent points of interest visited by the " dueen of Song" and her ac- complished travelling companions. To crown the whole, the work is ornamented with the best portrait of Miss Lind that we have yet seen it is exceedingly correct. For sale by B. If. He wry. Arcade Hall. THIS EVENING, LEE. MA1V1V A- PO ' STEAM No. 5% TREMONT ROW, BOSTON. SOUTHWORTH & HAWED, "OUR CARD," in this form, will be read by the educated and refined those whose disciplined habits of thought, feeling, observation, and action, render them capable of judging and appreciating excellence in art. Such are they who, fur eleven years, have been our friends and patrons. To those who have not seen onr work, we take the liberty of saying that, on examination, they will see in our exhibition rooms, specimens made t/ircc yearn ago, far ahead of any now shown out of them. Our Ap- paratus has never been equalled at nil. The size and variety of onr productions, their artistic and ('plicate finish, the comfortable and suitable arrangement of light to all laces and complexions, and its adaptation to the eye, showing its true, perfect, and pleasing i xpression ; the animation, thought, and filling or soul, manifest in the picture, will convince visitors that we are able to do all we promise and much more, and to surpass by far anything in our line of business. We are familiar with every process, *tyle, and effect ever shown, and Mey are bur own entirely. With us there is nothing new. If you want any thing you ever saw, or heard of, or can imagine, call, and we will try to please arid satisfy, and pledge ourselves to excel in every single department relating to the new, and wonderful, and beautiful art of Daguerreotype. WILLIAM BOGLE, VENTILATING AND GOSSAMER WIG MAKER AND MANUFACTURING PERFUMER, No. 277 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON, Draws attention to his Iartions of the skin, stands unrivalled as a cosmetic, and is to be found at every toilet of elegance and WM. BOGLE, Perfumer, 277 Washington St., Boston. These Perfumeries may be had in New York of A. B. & D. Sands, Fulton St. ; W. H. Cary &. Co., Pearl St. ; in Baltimore, of Win. H. Brown . LA TARANTELLA ROSSINI. SIGNOB. BEIiUBTTI. BALLAD "Homo, Sweet Home," BISHOP- JUD'LLE JKW^Y LirVD. THE MOUNTAINEER SONG (Swedish Melody,) JUD'iLLE Conductor, Mr. JULES CENSDIGT. Doors open ut 612 o'cllt.; Cjnccrt commences at S, "^/r/fH^s^^^^S^^S^ gKjj 1PAVORITE THEMES OF THE ratroian n Itingjii FROM THE OPERA OF "SONNAMBTTLA,' COMPOSED BY BELLINI Vi rffwiso o hioghi ameni, in cui lieti, in cui sereni ; Si tranquillo i di passai', Delia prima gioventii,. Cari luoghi io vi trovai. Ma quei di non trova piii, (ALLEGRO.) Tu non sai eon quei begli ocehijr Come dolce il cor mi tccchi ; Quai richiami ai pensier mieip. Adorabili, belta. Era dessa, ah ! qual tu sei SH-I mattino dell' efel. XX XX 10 3 aim tjrm Jbnts 0n rlmrnitng. (Ft ravviso o faoghi ARIA, FROM THE OPERA OF " SONNAMBULA," s COMPOSED BT BELLINI XX (AXDANTE CANTABILB.) As I view now these scenes so charming, With fond remembrance my heart is warming, Of days long vanish' d O, my breast is filled with pain f Finding objects that still remain, While those days come not again. (ALLEGRO,) Maid, those bright eyes, my heart impressing, Fill ray heart with thoughts distressing, By recalling an earth of blessing, Long since dead and passed away ! She was like thee, ere death oppressing. Slink her beauties to decay. % ktmtn tjjot tut} HUtorair litietjj ORATORIO OF THE MESSIAH, HANDEL I KNOW that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth ; and though worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh 1 shall see God. For now is Christ risen from the dead ; the first fruits of them that sleep. I! A FROM TRANSCRIBED FOR BY PERFORMED BY Jflr. dMto tf ani Ciumtina. A3 SUNG BY CASTA Diva che inargenti, Queste sacre antiche piante, A noi volgi il bel sembiante, Senza nube e senza vel : Tempra, o Diva, i cori ardenti, Tempra ancor lo zelo audace, Spargi in terra quella pace, Che regnar tu fai nel cieL All ! bello a me ritorna Del fido amor primiero ; !E contro il mondo intiero Difesa a te saro. Ah ! be]J.o a me ritorna Del raggio tuo sereno ; E vita nel tuo seno E pace e cielo avro. Ah ! riedi, ancora Qua!' eri allora Quando, ah qiiando II cor ti diedi allor. Goddess, whose light silvers These sacred and ancient trees, Unveil to us thy bright countenance> Without cloud and without veil Moderate, O Goddess ! these burning hears, Temper with thy softness their audacious zeal. And scatter upon the earth that peace You have diffused through heaven* Ah, sweetly to me returning; With first love's earnest feeling- j Against the world Will I be thy shield and defender, And in thy breast I shall find life country and heaven. Ah ! smile again, AS -when in days gone by, Thou gav'st me thy heart O ! smile a<'ain I mesr " -T2> ffiQ FANTASIA OX S!all Q^^CN fipletttt fnett, Composed and arranged from Original Tyrolean Melodies, By JULES BENEDICT. ^^t^n-ft * Fra un dolce soave deliro Son lieto contento e sospiro, Quel volto grazioso mi place Ma pace nel core non ho. Di belle speranze, Ho pieno il pensiero, E pur quel ch'io spero Conoscer non so. Non so dir se pena sia, Quel ch'io provo, o sia contento Ma s'e pera quel ch'io sento, Oh che amabile penar. E un pena, che consola Che m'invola ogni altro affetto Che mi desta un nuovo in petto Ma soave palpitar. M'avvampa 1'anima D'ardor ignoto, Con dolce moto, Mi trema il cor. Cipledtt f nett, Composed and arranged from Original Tyrolean Melodies. By JULES BENEDICT. 1 How pleasant the hill-side ascending, When evening its mantle is throwing, Around the lone pathway and blending, Its shadow in darkness and night And blending its gloom and its shadow in night And blending, and blending its shadow in night. 2 How pleasant the hill-side descending, At night with the chamois-chase glowing, To meet you and over you bending, To laugh all the darkness to light And bending, to laugh all the darkness to light And over you bending to laugh it to light. 1 As we dream of days departed, 2 Through our souls a sunbeam straying. 1 Makes us glad and open-hearted, 2 Like the dawn of warmer skies 1 And we dream of days yet coming, 2 In new bliss and rapture playing, 1 While through doubts and darkness looming, See a brighter morning rise. Both. Then we dream of joys departed, Ard ot grief and sorrow past And all joy and open hearted, Bid the laughing morrow last. XX XX COMPOSED BY PERFORMED ON THE FROM THE OPERA OF THE CAMP OF SILESIA, Es hummet und schwirrt, und singt, und klingt^ Das Lied aus der Heimath zu uns dringt, Tra la la, Vertraut der Schwester, Die Hand o reicht ilir, Die Zukunft enthullt sie Euch wunderbar. Tra la k. Es hummet und schwlrrt, und singt, und klingt, Der Tanz aus der Heimath zu uns winkt, Tra la la, Auf folgt der Schwester, Auf gruneude Plane, Die Zukunft enthullt sie Euch -wrmderbar. Tra la la. -5< s JHttgt FROM THE OPERA OF THE CAMP OF SILESIA COMPOSED EXPRESSLY / BY MEYERBEER. It chirpeth, it hums, it rings and sings, The Song from my home the East Wind brings TralaJ-u In trust the sister Her hand extending, The future reveals you A wondrous dream. Tra la la. It chirpeth, it hums, it rings and sings, The Dance that comes on the East Wind's wingg Tra la la. Then comes the sister O'er the green plain wending, TLe future reveals you A wondrous dream. Tra la la. la tara t in m* al mn FBOM "LES SOIREES MTJSICALES," COMPOSED BY ROSSINI GIA la luna e in mezzo al mare, Mamma mia si saltera, L'ora e bella per danzare, Chi e in amor non manchera. Presto in danza a tondo a tondo, Donne mie venite qua, Tin garzon bello e giocondo, A ciascuna tocchera. Finche in ciel brilla una Stella, E la luna splendera. II piu bel con la piu bella. Tutta notte danzera. Mamma mia, mamma mia I Frinche, frinche, e galterfe, La, la, ra, la, la, ra ! Salta, salta, gira, gira, Ogni coppia a cerchio va ; Gia s'awanza si ritira, E all'assalto tornera Serra, serra, colla bionda, Colla bruna qua e Ik ; Colla rossa v-a a seconda, Colla smorta fermo sta. Viva il ballo, a tondo, a tondo, | Sono un Re, sono un Bascia ! E il piu bel piacer del mondo, La piu cara vollutta. Mamma mia, mamma mia ! F rinche, frinche, e saltera ! J .a, ra, la, la, ra, la, &o PROM LES SOIREES MUSICALES, _JTJ i_ y r "* 'flFWrjg^ URU!."*-W FROM THK OPERA OF i? sED BY BISHOP. Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home ; A charm from the skies seems to hallow us there, Which seek through the world, is ne'er met with elsewhere. Home, Home, Sweet Home 1 There's no place like home. An exile from home, splendor dazzles in vam, Oh! give me my lowly thatched cottage again: The birds singing gaily that come at my call, Give me this with the peace of mind dearer than all Home, Home, Sweet Home ! There's no place like Home. tfjje JQmtowtf A SWEDISH MELODY, SUNG BY Fjerran, i skog, Langt fran dig skiljd, Djupt i min sjal Stralar diu bild. Hornet min klagao Till Dig nu for; Gerna, ack ! gcrna For dig jag dor. In this song, Mademoiselle Lind introduces on the sustained notes the effect of a horn dying away in the distance. A SWEDISH MELODY, SUNG BY Far in the woods Roam I from thee, Deep in my soul Clings't thou to me. Sound I the horn, love, Ringeth it by? It says, for thee, love, Gladly Id die. Perfect freedom from Cough in ten minutes after use, and a positive cure in a few days, insured by for Couglis, Colds, Influenza, Sore Throat, Asthma, Consumption, and all Pulmonnrv Diseases of the CHEST AI\B L.1JNGS. The medical properties are combined in an agreeable form, and PLEASANT TO THE TASTE, so that any child will readily take them. The convenience of being able to carry in the pocket an agreeable and effectual remedy, which may be taken ;it intervals, is unquestionable, as the irritation of the throat, wnich produces coughing, requires something to be taken frequently. Bryan's Pul- *non;c Wafers are admirably adapted for the purpose, tmd are guaranteed, in ail cases, to be effect UH! and equal to representation. They have been prepared for seven years by the proprietor, and given invariable satisfaction. IMPORTANT CAUTION. The great reputation of Bryan's Pulraonic Wafers, both in Europe and America, has induced several persons to counterfeit them in both countries, and to insure a sale have copied a part of my printed circular nnd labels. The public are therefore particularly c.uitioned against purchasing spurious and worthless imitations, made in the United States by James Johnston, [signed E. Taylor on the label. J JAMES BRYAN, Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer, 104 and 106 State Street, Rochester, N. Y. ROCHESTER STEAM CONFECTIONARY AND FANCY CAKE BAKERY M. O'BRIEJV, anil JSjmbsnk imfr llrfnil Itente IB No. 44 STATE STREET, formerly of 82 Buffalo-st, City Hall. N. B. Parties supplied with Ice Creams, (fee., at the shortest notice. jg^p" Just prepared, a beautiful article of Candy in honor of the Swedish Nightin- gale. All orders promptly supplied, at low rates. . R. WAY & CO., NO. 17 STATE-STREET, ROCHESTER, N. Y. C. R. WAY & Co. beg to inform the gentlemen of this city, and strangers, that they have a larger assortment of fashionable KE4DV-MADE CLOTHING, than any other establishment in 'he city. Those who honor this establishment with a call, will find the Clothes not only elegant in fit, but" du- rable, and cheaper than any o;her house in the trade. 23^ Terms, cash. MP AS Gentlemen's Clothes made as elegantly, as durably and as cheaply, as in London or Paris. E D^TA it D F o x, 216 BROADWAY, Under Barnum's Museum, NEW YORK, Informs gentlemen that fitness and fashion in costume are objects of attention, that he has been for twenty years gradually building up his great Tailoring Establishment, which is now by general consent, not only the largest, but altogether the best in the United States. It has been his object to monopolize the fashionable business of the Union; and he has ralied for success in the attempt, upon employing, frota the great European capitals, the most accomplished artists in the business, with the best assistance in the merely mechan- ical department; and upon the uniformly Low Price which the extraordinary extent of his operations enables him to fix upon his garments. His agents in Europe keep him constantly supplied with every new and elegant fabric, so that the very week of the appearance in London, Paris or Vienna, of anything new in CLOTHS, CAS8IMERES AND VSSTINGS, they are displayed upon his counters, subject to the order of his customers. Gentlemen alighting in New York, from the cars or boats, can be instantly, from his stock of READY MADE GARMENTS, served to their perfect satisfaction, and, in his establishment, the ready-made articles will be found to be as faithfully made as the best work offered upon orders. Gentlemen in any part of the United States can have garments carefully boxed and for- warded to them by the Express lines, with safety and speed. MR. FOX suggests to persons abroad, who may withhold their orders ou account of the impracticability of sending cor- rect measures, that the exact height, without boots, and the size of the breast (just below the arms,) and waist, (immediately above the hips,) together with a full description of the form, namely, whether the figure' is erect, or stooping, and if stooping, whether much, or partially, is a sufficient measure and direction to cut all robe?, or fashionable citizens' gar- ments of every description. DEWEYS NEW ARCADE HALL, ROCHESTER. 3fiirllanras Cjrrnp Harpers' Magazine, MAGAZINES AND REVIEWS. SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED FOR Sartain's Union Magazine, International Magazine, The London Piciorials, Harpers' ... _ , Godey's Lady's Book, Graham's Magazine, , ( These Magazines and Papers can all be had by the single number, at Retail A T\J Q R,,,,t ^at is advertised, may be had at my store. The Xew York Illustrated CLARK & GILMAH, The STATE FAIR at Syracuse, and Monroe Co. Fair at Rochester have awarded us DIPLOMAS and SILVER MEDALS for the ATHEN/EUM BUILDING, EXCHANGE PLACE, ROCHESTER, N, Y. This spacious Public Hall is offered to the consideration of those who desire a com- modious and elegant room for Concerts, Lectures, Artistic Exhibitions, AND OTHER POPULAR ENTERTAINMENTS. It is centrally located, of easy access, retired from the noise and bustle of business, and has light and air unobstructed. It is 70 feet wide by 87 long, and 27 high, and, as its name suggests, is finished in the Corinthian order of Architecture. Its passages for ingress and egress are ample, its ante -rooms convenient, and is in the most comfortable and convenient manner, for an audience of 1200 persons, and when occasion requires, can be arranged to accommodate 1600. It is warmed and ventilated by a heating and ventilating apparatus of the most approved construction, arranged for both natural and forced ventilation, and equally adapted for WINTER and SIMMER. BU" This Room has been extensively used for Lectures, Vocal and Instrumental Music, and other Popular Amusements, and its admirable adaptation to the purposes for which it is designed, has elicited the most unqualified encomiums of Musical Professors and Amateurs, of gentlemen ac- customed to address public assemblages, and all who have visited or had occasion to use it. For Terms, &c., apply personally, or by mail, to W. A. REYNOLDS, 11, Third Storv, Arcade. Nos. 14 and 15 Arcade Gallery, ROCHESTER, N. T. Daguerreotypes unrivalled for strength, depth of tone, clearness, softness of light and shade, and artistic excellence, are taken at this establishment* Citizens and stran- gers are respectfully invited to call and examine the pictures in this Gallery, among which may be found likenesses of President Fillmore and his Cabinet, and other dis- tinguished Statesmen. Also, excellent Likenesses of JENNY LIND and her Troupe, taken during her visit at Rochester. The largest and most splendid assortment of Cases and Frames ever in Rochester, is to be found at this Gallery. Likenesses of Children taken in two seconds. Charges moderate, and Pictures in all cases warranted to give satisfaction. R. B. APPLEBY. PIANO FORTE MANUFACTORY, ESTABLISHED AT CORNER OF STATE AND MUMFORD STREETS. The best assortment of CHOICE PIANO FORTES west of New York, in elegant Rosewood cases, and of various patterns, from six to seven octaves. The reputation which these instruments sustain, wherever intro- duced, is indisputably very high, and commands for them the respectful consideration of those desirous of procuring a really fine instrument. All instruments from this establishment a*~e fully warranted. Professors and Amateurs are respectfully invited to call and examine. JAMES BRAYLEY. GEORGE FECK, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN .. ANU GAS FIXTURES, JVb. JI Buffalo Street, Rochester, JV. 7. Also on hand a full assortment of Rich China Vases, Ornaments, Colognes, Din- ner and Tea Sets, &c. &c. Hall Lamps, Lanterns, Girandoles, French and Bohemian Glass Ware, Fancy Ornaments, (fee. ; a general assortment of all Fancy Goods usually kept in such establishments, which will be sold at the lowest EASTERN PRICES, ZAX a ZA\ a DENTIST, EMPORIUM BLOCK, Cor. IS". ST. PAUL & MAIN STS., ROCHESTER, N. Y. Ever ready with all the improvements of the day to insert teeth on plate, and fill decaved natural teeth with fine gold, so as to preserve them for life. ANSEL A. MORGAN. HENRY I. IBBOTSON, No. 218 PEARL STREET, ie public are invited to Call as above, and examine the largest Stock of PAPIER MACOIE ia the United States, direct from the manufactory of Messrs. Jennen's & Bettridge, London, Every kind of Furniture is here to bo seen, making the most brilliant display. Articles of this material are as strong and no more expensive than Rosewood. ' Has a varied assortment of the most recherche fabrics, which may fearlessly challenge the closest scrutiny of Connoisseurs in articles of vertu. These, which he offers for tho inspection of the public, will, he natters himself, be generally approved. Such a Drab Beaver as Genin's Dress Style, has not heretofore been seen in this country. In color, material, lightness, finish, set and richness, it is the "Neplus ultra" of its class. His splendid FOUR DOLLAR BLACK HAT is a thing of itself, and its proportions and stamps are faultless. His Stock of UNDRESS HATS FOR GENTLEMEN, Embracing Short-napped Beavers, and every Style of Straws, balances the great list o f CAPS, For Travelling, Lounging, or light Summer wear. French and American sJcill have con- tributed their most elegant and novel fabrics to the Juvenile department. ELEGANT RIDING HATS FOR LADIES. He has both, of light Beaver and Straw, with gracefully drooping plumes. Umbrellas, (Paris made, and Home manufactured.) Of tho extent, variety and excellence of his fabrics, GENIN oourts a comparison with any and every other house in THE UNITED STATES ! GENIN, 214 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Opposite St. Paul's. The Most Valuable and Extensive Collection in the United States. Nos. 205 and 207 BROADWAY, Strangers visiting the City, are requested to call and examine these SPLEN- DID WORKS OP ART, which are allowed to be the Finest Specimens ever pro- duced. The portraits of numerous distinguished Americans, and also of various eminent Foreigners who have visited this Country, are to be seen in this Collection. The First GOLD MEDAL aver Awarded for Daguerreotypes in New York, WAS BESTOWED ON THIS ESTABLISHMENT. iB!RAiDY ? i M A T il INI A L A Nos. 205 and 207 BROADWAY, N. HUTCHING'S VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BITTERS, THE MOST POPULAR FAMILY MEDICINE OF THE AGE ! USED BY PHYSICIANS OF HIGH STANDING. These BITTERS remove all morbid secretions, purify the blood, give great tone and vigor to the Diges Live Organs, fortify the system against all future diseases; can be taken with safety, and at no time debilitating the patient, being grateful to the most delicate stomach, and remarkable for their cheering invigorating, strengthening, and restorative properties, and an invaluable and si FOR THE DYSPEPSIA IN ITS WORST FORMS! Also, Liver Complaints, Jaundice, Heartburn, Costiveness, Faintness, Disorders of the Skin, Liver, and Kidneys, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Nervous Headache, Giddiness, Palpitation of the Heart, Sinking and Fulness of Weight at the Stomach, and all other Diseases caused by an impure state of the Blood, Liver, &c., which tend to debilitate and weaken the system. FEMALES who suffer from a morbid and unnatural condition will find this Medicine of Inestimable Value. In all cases of General Debility, this Medicine ACTS LIKE A CHARM! THOUSAND* have tested its efficacy, and thousands more are under treatment, and not one solitary case of failure has been reported. Volumes could be filled with Certificates of those who have been permanently cured. LARGE BOTTLES 50 CENTS, to be obtained of Druggists generally throughout the U. States. Principal Office, No. 122 Fulton Street, New York. AGENTS : P. M. Cohen & Co., Charleston, South Carolina; J. Wright & Co., New Orleans; Mrs. E. Kidder& Co., Boston, Mass. ; Haviland, Clark & Co., Mobile. ^^^^r^^^^^^^^f^^ !L Q tB 1 tE ff V AHSON PECK, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN The subscriber continues to make and keep constantly on hand every new and desirable pattern of SHELL, BUFFALO, AND COMMON HORN COMBS; Also, all the variety of Shell, Side, Round, Neck, Puff, and Twist Combs; Buffalo Dress do., Ivory do., fine Ivory, of every size and quality ; fine Cutlery, English and American ; Porte Monnaies, Cigar Cases, Fancy Stationery, Note Paper, Envelopes, Port Folios, &c. . Rosewood Boxes, Dressing Cases, Watch Stands, Backgammon Boards, Games, new Game of Tivoli, Toys in great variety. All of the above will be sold at the lowest prices, at the LIBERTY TREE BLOCK, No. 2 Essex Street, Boston. VERY MANY GENTLEMEN are afflicted with a tenderness of the skin in shaving, and to such GOURAUD'S ITALIAN MEDICATED SOAP must prove invaluable ; it allays all cuticular irritation, removes every pimple, and every roughness, mid renders the skin soft and Smooth. It is the very best shaving compound ever used. To ladies, Gouraud's Soap is recommended as possessing an almost magical power in the creation and conserva- tion of a transparently fair skin ; under its influence the host of cutaneous disfigurements known as Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Ringworm, Eruptions, Spots, Blotches, Sunburn, Freckles, Tun, Sallowness, lledness, Roughness, &c., disappear, and reveal the natural beauty of the complexion, which they have served to hide. GOURAUD'S POUDRES S UBT I LES, designed for the total extirpation of superfluous human hair from any part of the body, are sui generis ; no lady need, henceforth, endure the mortification of wearing a moustache an appendage more properly belonging to a husband, brother, or lover. GOURAUD'S LIQUID HAIR DYE is positively, and without reservation, war- ranted to color red, light, or gray hair, a beautiful brown or black, the instant it is applied, without staining the skin. GOURAUD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE, OR CIRCASSIAN GLOSS . not only restores Hair, but makes harsh and wiry hair rich, silky, and glossy, cures dan- druff, itching, and diseases of the scalp, and is the safest, most efficacious preparation for using on chil- dren's heads. GOURAUD'S LIQUID ROUGE AND LILY WHITE are cqally prized by the ladies. Bear in mind, that Dr. FELIX GOURAUD'S celebrated Toilet preparations can only be obtained genuine at his Depot, 67 Walker Street, first store from Broadway. Agents, T. R. Callender, 88 South Third St., Philadelphia; Bates & Jordan, 129 Washington St. Boston; Green & Co., Worcester ; Cadwell, New Bedford ; A. P. Guild, Bangor ; W. D.Robinson Portland, Me. ; G. Fargue, 20 St. Charles St., N. O. ; A. A. Solomon fc Co., Savannah ; Storrs, Hudson W. &. S. B. Ives, Salem ; Haviland & Co., King St., Charleston, S; C. ; Gaynor it Wood, Richmond Couse, Detroit, Michigan; Carleton & Co., Lowell; Covell, Hartford; Bliss & Havens, Springfield Albert Perry, Manchester, N. H. ; Post & Willis, Rochester; A. H. Douglas, Paterson, N. J.; R. J Taylor, Newport, R. I. ; Peter Smith, corner of Fifth and Walnut Sts., Cincinnati ; Murphy