BANCROFT LIBRAPCf BIBLIOGRAPHY OF Arizona Books Pamphlets and Periodicals IN THE Library of D,r. J. A. Munk 'Eix Los Angeles, California 1900 ARIZONA BIBLIOGRAPHY ABBOTT, J. S. C. Kit Carson. N. Y., 1875. ABBOTT, L. H. Dan the Tramp. Chicago, 1897. ADAMS, C. C. Our Remaining Territories. Chautauquan, Dec, 1890. ADAMS, E. H. To and Fro in Southern California. Cinn., 1887; Same Illustrated, 1888. ADAMS, J. Destruction of the Catholic Missionn on the Rio Colorado in 1871. So. Cal. Hist. Soc, Loa Angeles, 1893. ALBRIGHT & CO., G. F. The Southwest Illustrated Magazine. Al- buquerque, 1896. ALDEN, H. M. Harpers' Pictorial History of the Great Rebellion. 2 vols., N. Y., 1866. ALDEN, J. B. Arizona and Other Living Topics. The Irving Library. N. Y,, Nov. 23, 1895. ALLEN, E. A. Prehistoric World. Cinn., 1887. ALLEN, B. P. After the Indians. Capital Magazine, Aug., 1891. ALLES, F. L. International Irrigation Congress. Los Angeles, 1893. ANDERSON, A. D. The Silver Country. N. Y., 1877. 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Problems of the Arid Region. Outlook, Oct. 6, 1900. MEARNS, E. A. Ornithological Vocabulary of the Moki Indians. Am. Anthro., Dec, 1896; Description of Six New Mammals from North America. Wash.. 1897. MELICK. P. A. In the Mountains of Arizona. Sports Afield, Sept., 1899. MELINE. J. F. Two Thousand Miles on Horseback. N. Y., 1867. MERRIAM, C. H. Results of a Biological Survey of the San Francisco Mountain Region and Desert of the Little Colorado, Arizona. North Am. Fauna No. 3, Wash., 1890; The Death Valley Ex- pedition. Wash., 1893; Life Zones and Crop Zones of the United States. Wash., 1898. MERRITT, W. Three Indian Campaigns. Harper, April, 1890. MESERVE, C. F. A Tour of Observation Among Indians and Indian Schools in Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Kansas. Phil., 1894. MILES, N. A. Correspondence Relative to the Surrender of Geronimo. 49th Cong., 2nd Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc, No. 117, Wash., 1887; Per- sonal Recollections. Chicago, 1896. MILLER. JOAQUIN. Complete Poetical Works. S. F., 1897. MILLER, J. The Montezuma Castle Repair Expedition. Antiquarian, Sept., 1897. MINDELEFF, C. Aboriginal Remains in Verde Valley, Arizona. Casa Granae Ruin. 13th An. Rep. Bu. of Eth., Wash., 1896; The Repair of Casa Grande Ruin, Arizona. 15th An. Rep. Bu. of Eth., Wash., 1897; Cliff Ruins of Cafion De Chelly, Arizona. 16th An. Rep. Bu. of Eth., Wash., 1897; The Casa Grande of Arizona. New England Magazine, July, 1897. MINDELEFF, V. A Study of Pueblo Architecture in Tusayan and Cibola. 8th An. Rep. Bu. of Eth., Wash., 1891. MITCHELL, S. W. The Poison of Serpents. Century, Aug., 1889. MOFFETT, C. R. A Day in Cheralon Cafion. Overland, Feb., 1889 ; In the Moqui Country. Overland, Sept., 1889. MOLLHAUSE Ji, B. Journey to the Pacific. 2 volg., London, 1868. MOODY, W. G. A Description of the Mining Districts of Narcosarl and Coronilla. S. F.. 1863. MOONEY, J. The Indian Congress at Omaha. Amer. Anthro., Jan., 1899. ARIZONA BIBLIOGRAPHY 19 MOORE, W. L. 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NORTHROP, H. D. Pictorial History of the United States. Los An- geles, 1892. NORTON, J. C. Live Stock Laws of Arizona. Willcox, 1893. NUGENT, C. R. Our American Arabia. Christian Work, Oct. 1, 1896. NYE. W. F. Sonora. S. F., 1861. 20 ARIZONA BIBLIOGRAPHY OATES. J. W. Arizona. Overland. April. 1880. OBER, F. A. Travels in Mexico. Boston, 1885. O'NEILL, W. O. Central Arizona. Prescott, 1887; Prehistoric Irriga- tionists. Irrigation Age, Feb., 1893. ORTON, J. Underground Treasures. Phil., 1896. ORTON, R. H. Record of California Men in the War of the Rebellion. Sacramento, 1890. OSBORN, H. S. Prospector's Field Book and Guide. Phil., 1896. OSBORN, W. J. Celebration of the Third Anniversary of the Society of Arizona Pioneers. Tucson. 1886. OSWALD, F. L. Summerland Sketches. Phil., 1880. OVERLAND MONTHLY. The Apache Race. Sept., 1868; Camp Life in Arizona; and. An Arizona Legend. March, 1870; Crossing the Arizona Desert. June, 1870; Aerolites. July, 1871. OWENS, J. G. 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