^cl DIMWIT ] m^ \-^: Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueoflibraOOpoorrich Conditions of Sale 1. All bids to be per Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. Goods bought to be removed at the close of each sale. If not so removed they will be at the sole risk of the purchaser and this Company will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. 5. Terms Cash. If accounts are not paid at the con- clusion of each Sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, this Company reserves the right to recatalogue the goods for immediate sale without notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such resale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale at its own option. 6. All goods are sold as catalogued, and are assumed to be in good second-liand condition. If material defects are found, not mentioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects must be given promptly and the goods returned within ten days from the date of the sale. No exceptions will be made to this rule. 7. Sids. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers. We use all bids competitively and buy at the lowest price permitted by other bids. No. 758 _ , PnX'l Catalogue "*^ of tlje iLibrarp of jHrs. Constance €. ^oor 1. ABU ZACARIA lAHIA. Libro de Agricoltura <-0 -£^ tradueido al Castellano y anotado por Don Josef /- *^ "^^io Banqueri. (Text in Arabic and Spanish.) 2 vols, ntempoiary Spanish calf. Madrid, 1802 MS (HENRY). John Randolph. 12mo, new Qr^i^iarter light green levant gold tooled back, gilt top, {V uncut. Bost. 1883 f 4- Choice copy, finely extra-illustrated by the insertion of 25 scarce portraits of Randolph, his friends and contemporaries. / 3. AITKEN (GEORGE A.). The Life and Works of . ^1^ John Arbuthnot. Front, portrait. 8vo, cloth. ' ' • / ' Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1892 4. ALDINE PRESS. Manutius (Paulus). Antiquita- cP i/^ turn Romanarum Pauli Manutii Liber de Legibus. 8vo, full / / ^^\^ ^ maroon levant morocco, extra gilt, Aldine anchor stamped / ^ f ^ in gold on the centre of the front cover, gilt edges, by Stike- > ^ * MAN. Venetiis, Aldus, 1559 Choice copy, with numerous scholarly notes on the margins in a late 16th century hand. 5. ALPHABETS. A Handbook of Lettering, with histo- rical, critical and practical descriptions, by E. F. Strange. With numerous alphabets in various styles of writing and facsimiles from ancient manuscripts and early printed books. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1895 /■/ 6. AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA : a Popular Dictionary of ttrt^v General Knowledge. 16 vols. imp. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1873-76 J 7. AMERICAN GARDENING. Vols. 19-20. Illust. 2 vols. 4to, full morocco. N. Y. 1898 8. AMERICAN PORTRAITS. William Bradford (proof on India paper), by F. S. King, signed by the engraver; William Dunlap, engraved by Max Rosenthal, signed by the engraver (proof on India paper) ; Daniel Webster (proof on India paper before letters), engraved by F. S. King and signed by him. 8vo and folio. (3 pieces.) ^- M752149 ^ // ? / / Y 9- /American revolution, votes of the House of CaHmJons. Number 103. Contains series of Resolutions in relation to the American Colonies of the greatest interest and utmost importance, the refusal of the House of Repre- sentatives of New York to make supplies to the troops, also "That tumults and insurrections of the most dangerous nature have been raised and carried on in several North American Colonies . . . That all the subjects residing in the said Colonies who . . . assist in carrying into execution any acts relating to the British Colonies have acted as loyal subjects, and are entitled to and will surely have the Pro- tection of the House of Commons of Great Britain," also, Resolution '* That the Colonies and Plantations in America are . . . subordinate and dependent upon the Imperial Crown . . . and that the King's Majesty . . . had full power to make Laws and Statutes to bind the Colonies, and people of America." 10 pp., half morocco neat. Lond. : Printed for John Whiston, 1767 An extremely interesting historical document containing details leading to the immediate causes of the Revolution. 10. AMERICAN STATESMEN. A Collection of the Lives of American Statesmen, comprising Washington, Lin- coln, Gallatin, Monroe, Adams, Webster, etc. Each work written by a competent authority. 18 vols. 12mo, cloth, gilt tops. Bost. : Houghton, Miflain and Co., 1898, etc. 11. AMES (OAKES). Orchidaceae: Illustrations and Studies of the Family Orchidacese. Issuing from the Ames Botanical Laboratory. Fascile I. Illust. Royal Svo, boards, cloth back. Bost. 1905 12. AMHERST (ALICIA). A History of Gardening in England. Illusts. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1896 13. AMONG ENGLISH HEDGEROWS [Johnson], 1900; In a Glaustershire Garden [Ellacombe], 1896; Types of British Plants [Colman], 1902; A Glaucestershire Wild Garden [''Curator"], 1903; An Indian Garden [Eggar], 1904; British Wild Flowers [Lubbock], 1882. All illust 6 vQl8.1l2mo, cloth. v. p. 1/14} ANACREON: Sapho, Bion et Moschus, traduction Nouvelle en Prose, suivie de la Veillee des Fetes de Venus par M. M. De Clairfons. Numerous very charming vi- gnettes by Massard after the designs of Eisen. 8vo, fine old calf gilt (joints weak), k Paphos et se trouvea Paris, 1780 The rare Original Edition. y I ( 15J ANDREWS (H. C). The. ^^j?ajm of the Genus Erica, containin descriptions, dissections, etc., of [all that expensive and distinguished tr I-III (should be 6). With 160 c\ one. 8vo, full calf (rubbed and re 4 Heathery; or, A Mono- tin and English known species of e of plant^/ Vols. s. ^ vols, in ). iojm. 1804-06 n 16. ANDREWS (H. C). The Botanist's Repository for new and rare plants: containing colored figures of such plants as have not hitherto appeared in any similar publi- cation, with all their essential characters, botanically ar- ranged, after the sexual system of the celebrated Linnaeus, in English and Latin. To each description is added a short history of the plant, as to its time of flowering, mode of culture, where indigenous, when introduced and by whom. With 664 plates of flowers and plants very finely colored by hand, 10 vols. 4to, half calf (rebacked) uncut. Loud. 1816 >— ~^ Fine copy of this scarce and really magnificent work. YitAnDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). Fanny: a Poem. K^ By-^tz- Greene Halleck. Fine India proof portrait after j^^,^ ^ Rogers. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. N. Y. I866i ^^^*. Edition of 70 copies privately printed for W. L, Andrews- 1 ^ 4^ \y^ Rare. 18. ANCIENT CLASSICS. Petrarch's Sonnets, Festus, Sophocles, Homer, Plato, Tacitus Works, Res Grsecse, Attic Orators, and others. 30 vols. 8vo and smaller, cloth. V. p., V. d. 19. ANNESLEY (THE EARL). Beautiful and rare Trees and Plants With70illusts. 4to, cloth. Lond.,n. d. X Only 300 copies printed. / ^20. ANTHOLOGY OF NEW NETHERLAND ; or, Trans- /• ^ Tations from the Early Dutch Poets of New York, with Me- / moirs of their Lives. By Henry C. Murphy. Portrait of O Jacob Steendam. 8vo, sewed, half morocco, uncut. N. Y. 1865 Edition of 125 copies privately printed for the Bradford Club. Presentation copy from the Club to Evert A. Duyckinck. 21. ARABIAN NIGHTS. Lady Burton's Edition of her husband's Arabian Nights, transl. literally from the Arabic. Prepared for household reading by J. H. McCarthy. Pho- tograph portrait of Lady Burton. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1886 22. ARCH^EOLOGIA. Vols. 7 and 12 (containing articles 7 Gardening). Plates. 2 vols. 4to, calf . Lond. 1785-1796 33. ARCHITECTURE. Serlio (Sebastiano). Architet- tura nellaquale con facile e breve modo si tratta de primi . x^ principii delta geometria. With several hundred fine illusts. f "^^ and diagrams. 4to, vellum. Venice, 1566 Scarce. 24. Architectural Studies in France. By J. L. Petit. Edited by Edward Bell. Illusts. 4to, cloth. Lond. 1890 25. Later Renaissance Architecture in England: a Series of Examples of the Domestic Buildings erected subse- > quent to the Elizabethan period. Edited, with Introductory 'p^ and Descriptive Text, by John Belcher and M. E. Macartney. 6 parts folio, half cloth portfolios. Lond. 1897-1901 5 k 26. ARISTOTLE. The Art of Poetry. With Notes by D'Acier. 8vo, old panelled calf, rebacked. Lond 1705 . ^^T^ARNOLD (MATTHEW). Poems. First and Second ^py,»&rles. 2 vols. 12mo, original green cloth, uncut, ^r First edition of each series. Scarce. Lond. 1853-55 ? 28. ARTISTIC HOUSES: being a Series of Interior Views of a number of the most Beautiful and Celebrated X* Homes in the U. S. , with a description of the Art Treasures contained therein. Plates^ proofs on India paper. 4 vols. thick large folio, half morocco, leather joints, each leaf on a linen guard. N. Y. 1883-84 Limited to 500 copies, printed for subscribers only. Choice COPY of this elegant work. r29. ASTRONOMY. Popular Astronomy [Flammarion and Gore], illusts., 1894; Other Worlds [Serviss], 1901; I I Stellar Evolution [Croll], 1889. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. » '1 Lond. andN. Y. 30. ATKINSON (G. F.). Studies of American Fungi. / . Mushrooms, edible, poisonous, etc. With colored j^lates . Qi and 2S0 illusts. 8vo. cloth. Ithaca, 1901 /^ 31. /TKINS' VOYAGE TO /GUINEA. Atkins (John). (^A^Voyage to Guinea, Brazil ^nd tha, W^st-Indies in His j?^jesty's Ships, the Swallo)f<^ and J^i^^mouth, describing /y the several Islands and SettlemenJa^Maderia, Barbadoes, J Jamaica — Habits, Mannera^-etCj^y^^ the Natives, with Re- / marks on the Gold, Ivos'^^jjir^l^ Woodcut of o ship in full sail on ^i^/Z^[^^i8b in UJiC vol. small 4to, half calf. f ^ Rare. 33. AVEBURY (LORD — Sir John Lubbock). Notes on the Life Historj^ of British Flowering Plants. Illust. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1905 6 f r ^ ACON (LQBOk Sjflva Sylvarum ; or, A Natural History/^ t^^SiJenturies. Whereunto is newly added the History Aalural a^^d Experimental of Life and Death, or of the piioloAgation of Life. Published after the author's death by W. Rawley, D.D. Portrait and en- graved title-page hij Cecil. Small folio, old sheep (neatly rebacked). Lond. 1677 35. An Account of the Life and Times of Francis ^ Bacon. Extracted from the edition of his occasional writ- / ings by James Spedding. Portrait. 2 vols. 12rao, cloth. ^^..x--*^ y y Bost. 1878 ^ ;, [ 36^AILEY (L. H.). Cyclops9dia^yMf(merican Horti- / // ^T^ I ^ . Ottittlre. With over 2,000 engra^^J^ 4Wols. 4to, cloth. / •f^ ..-^ iKllA^Y y/ <>^ N. Y. 1900-2 ^fji P 37. BAKER (RICHARD). X Oftronicle of the Kings of England from the time of the l^mans Government unto the Death of King James. Wh^teunto is added the Reign of King Charles I, with a contihuatiou of the Chronicle to the Coronation of King Charles II. Front, engraved hyW. Mnmlldll "(mounted). Folio, old calf (cracked). Lond. 1665 38. BANCROFT (H. H.). The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft, with portrait, illusts. and maps, 3d vols., 1883-90; Chronicles of the Builders of the Commonwealth, with, nu- merous portraits engraved on steely 7 vols., 1891-92; Index to the Chronicles of the Builders of the Commonwealth, 1892. Together 47 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in half calf, gilt (few of the backs somewhat rubbed or slightly dam- aged), with the exception of the Index, bound in cloth. San Francisco, 1883-92 Complete set of the Works of Bancroft, with the Chronicles of the Builders, which are very seldom found together. S^BANCROFT (JOHN); Henry the Second, King of i-gTand ; with the Death of Rosamond, a Tragedy, acted at /3 the Theatre Royal by their Majesties Servants Small 4to, ' half levant, gilt top. Lond. : Printed f^r Jacob Tonson, 1693 First Edition. The Epilogue was written by Dryden and the VUj->^Dedication by Will Mountfort. ^ ^Ao'yBANNISTER'S MEMOIRS. Memoirs of John Ban- ^.xf^ /yvV OT*fe€r, Comedian. By John Adolphus. Portraits. 2 vols. ( 8vo, half crimson morocco extra, gilt tops. Lond. 1839 *^ First Edition. Presentation copy from the author to John Field. With his portrait, engraved by Ridley, and four auto- graph letters from Adolphus to Field relating to the book, in- serted at end of Vol. I. 41. BARING-GOULD (S.). Historic Oddities and Strange Events. First and Second Series. First edns 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1889-91 42. In Troubadour-Land. A Ramble in Provence ^^ and Languedoc First edn. Illusts. by Rogers. 8vo, -^ S^ cloth, uncut. Lond. 1891 7 z V43. ^ 43. BASKERVILLENEWTES-TAMENT. Novum Testa- mentum. Juxta exemplar Millianum. Grsece. Typis Joannis Baskerville. Royal 8vo, original boards. ^ Oxonii : E Typographeo Clareudoniano, 1763 John Baskerville's famous Greek Testament. Extremely rare in such fine original condition. Baskerville only printed two books in Greek. Choice copy. ^ ^ ^ 1 ^, f ? ,1 44. BASKERVILLE HORACE. Quinti Horatii Flacci / Carminum Libri Quatuor. 12mo, original calf. Birminghamise: Typis S. Baskerville, 1777 45. BATSON (H. M.). A Book of the Country and the ^g,rd«n. With 12 illusts. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1903 BAXTER (RICHARD), yootiosil Fragments : Heart- mployment with God and it selflC ^e Concordant Discord of a Broken Healed Heart. Sorroying^^joycing, Fearing- hoping, Dying-living. 16mo^riam*^rsheep. Lond.: T. WSyt^Jor^B^mmon 1681 First Edition. Rare, the Epistle tojJ^ Reader contains reference to some of th^EnglKh poets — fr ithers, Lord Brooke, Quarles, Abraham Cov^ey, ^Ivester, Sandys, and others — as also mentioning the Net En^and version of the Psalms, the ' Bay Psalm Book. Baxter was one of the London correspond- y ents of John Eliot. ^7. BERKSHIRE CO., Mass. Historic Homes and In- stitutions, and Genealogical and Personal Memoirs of Berk- y shire County. Edited by R. H. Cooke. Profusely illust. ^ with fine steel portraits. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. N. Y. 1906 48. BETAGH (WILLIAM). A Voyage round the World, being an Account of a Remarkable Enterprise begun in 1719, chiefly to Cruise on the Spaniards in the Great South Ocean, relating the true Historical Facts of that whole Affair, etc. With map (usually missing). 8vo, con- temporary calf (neatly rebacked). Lond. 1728 A volume of great interest, giving full particulars regarding Capt. Shelvocke's Famous Privateer Voyage, which the author declares ' ' is the most absurd narrative that was ever given to the publick." The brutality of this famous privateer is described with great freedom, his acts reading more like fic- tion than fact. Contains an account of the famous Jesuit settlement in Para- guay. 49. BEWICK (THOMAS). A General History of Quad- rupeds. The figures engraved on wood by T. Bewick. 8vo, old half sheep. Newcastle, 1792 • Clean, unspotted copy. ^ ^0. BIBLE: BiBLiA Latina. "Incipit epistola beati J^ Hieronymi ad Paulinum presbyterum," etc. Printed in / double columns, 56 lines to a column, with signatures, but no foliation. Large initial letter on folio 1 in gold and colors, and initials throughout painted by hand in red and blue. // I ^ y^i ^ 4to, old leather, with arms of the Comte de Preysin stamped in gold on side, without printer's name, place or date. [Nuremberg, 1491] Although the volume bears no statement as to the printer, there can be little doubt that it was printed by Caspar Hoch- feder at Nurnberg. It is printed in the earliest form of type used by him, and as he commenced printing in 1491, it was )robably issued about that date. An interesting example of an |arly Bible, and very rare. With a Gpu- ation, Mu- Collected by HBLIOGRAPHY. The General Catalogue of Books in England since the Dreadful Fire of London, 1666, to the End of Trinity Term, 1674. Together with the Titles of all Publick and Private Acts of Parliament: Proclama- tions: The Texts of Single Sermons, with the Authors' Names: Play es Acted at both Theat]^s:/Aji4 an Abstract of the General Bills of Mortality sij eral Account of all the Books^ sick, &G With a Catalogue of Robert Clavel. Small folio, eh Lond. : Andrew Cl4rk', for Robert Clavel, 1675 Clavell's list, based on the numbers of The Term Catalogues, issued between the dates mentioned. This particular volume includes, sandwiched in between the books and bordered with heavy black mourning bands, a statistical summary of all the '• Christenings and Burials" in London between the years 1661 and 1673. This includes the "plague " year, when the number of persons who were buried jumped from eighteen thousand in the previous year to over ninety thousand in that. The Index of Authors' names has been filled out. where lapses have been made by the compiler in MS. by some former eighteenth century owner, who has also on some of the margins added the the names of the authors. The list is most valuable for the entries of books now of the utmost rarity, and some quite lost y knowledge of. ^52. Unique Album of Engraved Portraits and con- temporary clippings from New York newspapers describing with many very interesting and curious details the books of well-known American collectors with amusing anecdotes of the collectors themselves. Among the best-known names are those of: Geo. W. Bethune Henry C. Murphy Wm. E. Burton J. Carson Brevoort D. W. Fiske Astor Library, and Astor Dona- tions, Litigation, etc. Lenox Library and Its Dona- tors Boston Public Library Ezra Cornell and Cornell Uni- versity Library Library of Congress New Ridgway Library Bradford Club Brinley Fitz Greene Hal leek Charles Lamb's Library in New York Menzies Odell K. H. Stoddard Bayard Taylor Daniel Webster John Carter Brown John Allan Augustin Daly Fields' Indian Library George Bancroft Samuel F. Dunlap Dr. J. W. Francis r- V J- Among the other miscellaneous articles in the Scrap Book are articles by Henry Harisse, George Philes, Dr. Wynne and other well-known Bibliographers. Some of them describe the libraries of the Poet Gray, H. Perkins, Sir Wm. Tite, the Harleian and British Museum, the Didot Collection. With racy chapters on New York Bookstalls and their surprising bargains: *' Recollections of an Old Cartman, of Books and Book Auctions"; "Scribner's on Broadway"; "Club Books"; "Library Catalogues" ; "Ro- mance of a Bookstall, 1868"; "Pleasant Books by Jospeh Hatton."; "The Visible and Invisible in Libraries"; "His- tory of the Almanac"; "Children of Book Collectors," to- gether with some interesting MS. notes on Thomas Paine. 4to, half red morocco. N. Y. 1848-79 y \0( /^ 53. BINDING BY LE GASCON.— Sylv» Regime Bal- thasaris de Vias. Fine engraved title-page^ containing Me- dallion portrait of Louis XIII by Mellan. Small 4to, fine old French red morocco, the sides tooled with Fleur-de-Lys, elaborate dentelle borders, cross and laurel wreath in centre of each cover, back panels tooled with Fleurs-de-Lys (small piece of top of back supplied). Paris: Nicholas Buon, 1623 An admirable old French Binding, in fine preservation. 54. BINDING, ITALIAN —Expositione di Ageo Pro- >heta, nel Domo de Mantua predicata per il Reverendo Padre Don Callisto Placentino Canonico regulare Lateran- ense, et Predicatore Apostolico. 12mo, green morocco, finely tooled on the sides with a design of interlacing double filets, the compartments being filled with leafy sprays. In Pavia per Giovanni Maria Simonete Cremonese, 1541 An extremely rare book, on the Prophet Haggai, in a beau- Jiful Italian binding. 55. BINDING, IRISH.— Boulter's Monument. A Pane- ial Poem, Sacred to the Menxory c^ that Great and Ex- cellent Prelate and Patriot, tie/Moi^^ev.^Dr. Hugh Boul- ter, late Lord Archbishop of Aid^agh aifd Primate of All ^^ /^ Ireland. 8vo, contemporary ,i?€a momGi^, fine dentelle bor- j,. ders on side, pointille centre and aij^ ornament. Dolphin ^ and Crown in the back pai;ieJsi gilt edges. / Dtfblin : George Faulkner, 1745 ^ Written by Dr. Samuel Madden and revised by Dr. Samuel ' Johnson, to whose influence many fine passages are traceable. i ^ The Dedication Copy bound for Frederick Prince of Wales. J56. /.y .V ^w. BINDING: Lecture de I'Ecriture Sainte contre les ftj Paradoxes extravagans et impies de M. Mallet. 8vo, old , 'V French red morocco, with a panel of three gold lines on the HirlPR Via/irinor at th« mitPiT' onrnfirs n, flpsnrnn tooled and S'ilt. \^ / sides, having at the outer corners a fleuron tooled and gilt, gilt tooled back, and inside borders, gilt edges, by Duseuil. A Anvers, 1680 A very fine specimen of Duseuil's binding, and in the finest condition. 10 y I'i 57. BIRDS. Check-List of North American Birds. 8vo, halLn^orocco, gilt. Amer. Ornithologists' Union, 1889 IIRDS AND MAN, by W. H. Hudson, 1901; Land- ^capff Gardening, by F. A. Waugh, 1901; Lessons with Plants, by L. H. Bailey, 1899; Botany, by the same, 1901; North American Forests and Forestry, by E. Bruncken, 1900; The Fern-Collector's Guide, by W. N. Clute, n. d. ; Familiar Trees and Their Leaves, by F. S. Mathews, 1901 ; Grasses and Forage Plants, by C. L. Flint, 1859; Garden Design and Architects' Gardens, by W. Robinson, 1892; How to Attract the Birds; by N. Blanchan, 1903. Mainly illust. 10 vols. 8vo and infra, cloth. 59. BLACKMORE (RICHARD D.). Fringilla. Some Tales in Verse. First edn. Illusts. and borders by L. F. Muckley and James Linton. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1895 60. BLAINE (J. G.). Twenty Years of Congress: from Lincoln to Garfield. With a Review of the Events which led to the Political Revolution of 1860. Portraits. 2 vols, imp. 8vo, full morocco, gilt edges (cracking). Norwich, 1884 Autograph of Mr. Blaine on the titles. 61. BLAIR'S LECTURES, 3 vols., 1796; Bracebridge Hall, 2 vols., 1822; Human Understanding [Locke], 3 vols., 1759; Scripture History [Howard], illusts.; Beauties of History, 2 vols., 1785; Poems of Shakespeare, 1850. To- gether 13 vols., various sizes and bindings. v. p. 62. BLANCHAN (NELTJE). Birds that Hunt and are Hunted: Life Histories of One Hundred and Seventy, birds of prey, game birds and water- fowls. With ^8 colored plates. 4to,'©loth. N. Y. 1898 / Nature's Garden: an aid to knowledge of our wi owers and their insect visitors. With colored plates 1 atid many other illusts. photographed directly from nature. ^'^ Imp. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1900 64. BOHN'S LIBRARY. Chronicles of the Crusades, by De Joinville, illuTYiinated front, 1870; Conversations of Goethe with Eckermann and Sbret, 1882; History of Civili- zation, by F. Guizot, portraits, 3 vols. 1856; Tales of Wil- helm Hauff, 1886; Critique of Pure Reason, by I. Kant, 1881; Works of Daniel De Foe, portrait, 7 vols. 1854-85. Together 14 vols 12mo, cloth. 65. BOILEAU (DE). CEuvres Poetiques de Boileau avec des Notes de tons les Commentateurs. 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1853 66. BOLINGBROKE (HENRY ST. JOHN, VISCOUNT). Works, with the Life of Lord Bolingbroke, by Dr. Gold- smith. Portrait. 8 vols. 8vo, half vellum. Lond. 1809 11 67. BOOK-PLATES. Egerton (Castle). English Book- plates : Ancient and Modern. With numerous facsimiles. 12gao, cloth. Lond. 1893 Edwin Davis French. A Memorial. His Life. /I / His Art. With 2 fine portraits and 10 illusts. , proofs on India paper of his principal bookplates. 8vo, boards, uncut. N. Y. : Privately Printed, 1908 CoDtains Check-List compiled by Ira H. Brainerd of the 299 plates executed by E. D. French, with details of their varieties. Together with lists of the artist's other works. Only a very hmited edition ; privately printed. 69. BOSSE (J. C). Plant Response as a Means of Phy- • ) .^ siological Investigation. Illusts. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 19U6 70. BOTANIST AND PHYSICIAN (The). A Descrip- tion of the Principal Active Medicinal Plants found in the Middle and Northern States of America. 12mo, half sheep (few^ater stains). Scarce. ,• ^ Kingston, 1831 /71. BOYLE (FREDERICK). Th^e 'Woodlands Orchids y^ I X. ^a>eiscribed and illustrated. \\^ith Stories of Orchid-Col- J) . \yMecting. 16 finely colored plates/hyjj. I^^acfarlane. Royal V^JUr^ ^ Svo, cloth, gilt edges. / f Lond. 1901 72. BRISSOT DE WARVILLE (J. P.). Nouveau Voy- age dans les !lStats-Unis de I'Amerique Septentrionale, fait en 1788. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1791 L The th)rd volume has also the following title: " De la France ■ et des Etats-Unis, ou de I'lmportance de la revolution de n I'Amerique pour le bonheur de la France par Etienne Claviere, et J. B. Brissot (Warville)." 73. BRITISH ANTHOLOGY. Including those of Pope, Johnson, Goldsmith, Spenser, Milton, Dryden, Shake- speare, Cowper, Surrey and Wyatt, and Dunbar. 10 vols. 12mo, cloth. / ^ Lond. 1901 y/TlyBRITISH FLORIST; or, Lady's Journal of Horti- (^tUtfre. With 81 finly colored places. 6 vols. 8vo, ►riginal cloth. ^< Lond. 1846 i iw U original ciotn. ■^ V ^- Complete sets are scarce. y *5 75. BRITISH POETS. Jones' Cabinet Edition of Select British Poets. Engraved fronts., portraits a7id vignette titles. 4 vols. 12mo, half calf gilt. Lond. 1827-29 76. BRITTON (N. L.) AND BROWN (A.). An Illustrated Flora of the Northern United States, Canada and the Brit- ish Possessions from Newfoundland to the Parallel of the Southern Boundary of Virginia and from the Atlantic Ocean Westward to the 102d Meridian. Numerous illusts. 3 vols, royal 8vo, half morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1896 12 ^ v/77. BROWN(JOHN— *'of Ossawattomie"). John Brown. With the original French Text by Victor Hugjo and the English Version by Lionel Strachey. With striking fronts, drawn by Hugo. 12mo, boards, uncut. Only 150 copies printed. Ridgewood, N. J., 1902 78. BROWNE (D. J.). The Trees of America, Native and Foreign. Pictorially and Botanically Delineated and Scientifically and Popularly Described. Numerous illusts. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. : Harper [ca. 1850] 79. BROWNING (ROBERT and E. B.). TheLettersof Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Barrett, 1845-46. Portraits and facsimiles. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1899 80. BRYANT (CHARLES). Flora Diaetetica: or History of Esculent Plants, both Domestic and Foreign. 8vo, calf. Lond. 1783 81. BRYANT (WILLIAM CULLEN). Selections from the American Poets, N. Y. 1840 (2 copies); Voices of Na- ture, ih. 1865, First edns. ; Poems (blue and gold edn.), N^Y. 1871. 4 vols. 16mo, cloth and boards. \/82. BRYDGES (SIR EGERTON). The British Biblio- grapher. With numerous portraits. 4 vols. 8vo, full sprinkled calf gilt. Lond. 1810-14 / First Edition. Only 250 copies printed. Very fine set. v/83. - V' 83. Res Literarise. vols. 8vo, vellum. Very rare. Only 75 copies printed teresting collection of bibliographical Bibliographical and Critical. Naples, 1821 A very useful and in- articles, especially on Italian authors of the XVIth Century, with the addition of bibliographical notices, with the author's presentation inscrip- ion to Lord Colchester. . The Pilgrim's Progress from is to come. With 16 illusts. by I ^' URR (AARON). A 'Correct us sources from which the History tion of John Adams was compiled, a suppression by Colonel Burr, with i arrative. By a Citizen of New or of said History. 8vo, half sold for the Author by G. F 13 ins,yi802. i( 1 j^ ^ j^ J 3 UNYAN (JOHN), to that which othard reproduced in permanent photography. 8vo, (cracked). ' N. Y. 1882 BUNYARD (GEO.) and THOMAS (OWEN). The Garden. Numerous illusts.. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1904 URBERRY (H. A.). The Arti^teur Orchid Culti- / / Guide Book. With colof^edr^^d other illusts. 8vo, ' " N. Y. [n. d.] Statement of the of the Administra- tke motives for its rvations on a By John Wood, )'N. Y. : Printed h yT vss ^ ^ 88. BURR (AARON). Nine Letters on the subject of Aaron Burr's Political Defection, with an Appendix. By- James Cheetham. 8vo, half morocco. N. Y. 1803 t^/^^ A rare and very interesting Burr item. j^89. yBURR AND CLINTON. A Full Exposition of the rciip45t)nian Faction, and the Society of the Columbian TTmminati, with an account of the writer of the narrative, and the characters of his Certificate Men, as also remarks on Warren's Pamphlet. By John Wood. Newark : Printed for the Author, 1803 Contains an extraordinary account of a New York Club, then known as the " Theistical Society," and written in the most offensive style of the pamphleteers of the period. y 90. BURTON (ROBERT). The Anatomy of Melancholy. A new edition, to which is prefixed the Life of the Author. Engraved front, (lateral side slightly cut into). 2 vols. 8vo, half vellum. Lond. 1826 91. BUSH FRUITS [Card], 1901; Our Native Trees [Keeler], 1900; Practical Forestry [Gifford], 1902; Eco- nomics of Forestry [Fernow]; With the Trees [Going], 190^; and others. All illust. 10 vols. 8vo to 16mo, cloth. y^2. BUTLER (SAMUEL). Hudibras. In three parts, ^k^'^ritten in the Tim4 of the late Wars. Corrected and ^ -7 Amended, with Adfditions. To which are added Anno- y^ tations, with an Index to the whole. Adorn'd with a new set of cuts, designed and engraved by Mr. Hogarth. Fine portrait of ButUr by Vander Gucht. 12mo, old calf (re- backed). Lond. 1732 Scarce. * Hudibras. With Dryferey's^nnotations. With , ^ t6ioe portraits of Butler., Willicm^-p^illy , the astrologer, and Dr. Grey, and many fiwe^^^m^^cwi vignettes. 3 vols. 8vo, fine old English diamond cal/, wii^^ed labels. Very fine set. / J Wnd.: Baldwin, 1819 ^/ \v i 94. BYRON (LORD). Works, with his Letters and / Journals, and his Life, by Thomas Moore. Engraved titles ^ and portraits. 6 vols. 8vo, full morocco, gilt edges. V^ N. Y. 1836-37 /^ 95. pAMBRIDGE MODERN HISTORY planned by ^^ the late Lord Acton, edited by A. W. Ward, G. W. Prothero, and S. Leathes: Vol. 1, The Renaissance, 1902; Vol. 2, The Reformation, 1904; Vol. 3, The Wars of Religion, 1905; Vol. 5, The Age of Louis XIV, 1908; Vol. 7, The United States, 1903; VoL 8, The French Revolu- tion, 1904; Vol. 9, Napoleon, 1906; Vol. 10, The Restora- tion, 1907; Vol. 11, The Growth of Nationalities, 1909. 9 vols. imp. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1902-09 U 96. CAMPBELL (D. H.). The Structure and Develop- ment of the Mosses and Ferns. Ulust. 8vo, cloth. >r> Lond. 1895 97. CAMPBELL (W. R.). Annals of Tryon County; or, . ^ he Border Warfare of New York during^ the Revolution. . f Folding plate of the ** Siege of Fort Schuyler.^' Svo, origi- •)J^ nal sheep. N. Y. 1831 A'-r-*. An exceptionally fine clean copy. yf98/CARLILE (JAMES). The Fortune Hunters; or, v^-^^ T^m Fools Well Met. A Comedy, as it is acted by His ^^ Majesty's Servants. Small 4to, half levant, gilt top. jf^ Lond. : Printed for James Knap ton, 1689 H C-y First Edition of this "brisk and entertaining Comedy." The principal performers were Mr. and Mrs. Mountfort, Leigh, Kynaston and Nokes. 7- tfd 99. CARLYLE (THOMAS). .ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH CORRESPONDENCE ^^^ THOMAS CARLYLE / WITH His Publishers, Chapman & Hall, 1840-68. 1. Carlyle. Autograph letter signed, asking Mr. Chap- man to use his influence on behalf of Mr. Garnier, a French Exile who proposed to deliver a series of Lectures in England, and also about the Lectures Carlyle himself was then delivering. *' There seems to be one or two reporters doing daily there utmost. Eraser has engaged one whose complete copy of the First Lecture I have not got and read. It will do nothing for printing, it is like the soda-water with the glass out of it. Yet I think it seems nearly made out with me that in some way or other I am to write out these lectures myself, if not what was said yet what might or should have been said," etc. Also mentions his Miscellanies, etc. 4 pp. Svo. Chel- sea, 1840. Refers to his most celebrated Lecture, " Heroes and Hero- WORSHIP." Carlyle. Autograph letter signed relating to his "■ Cromvtell." Thanks for the ray of light you have thrown over that dreary labyrinth of a moulder- ing Necropolis named '* Record Office." How to turn those parchments to account, if not by making glue of them, seems to be a problem at present," etc., etc. 8vo. Chelsea, 1843. 15 3. Carlyle. Autograph letter signed, also in regard to Cromwell. " Leaving aside the question of subsi- dies I am again in a little antiquarian dubiety, from which it lies a little more in your department to deliver me. Noble in his very stupid Memoirs of the Cromwell Family, acquaints us with the interesting fact, if it be one, that Oliver the Protector was a member of Charles first Parliament 1625 for the Borough of Huntingdon. Noble I have found too often to be an ass, to trust him in this matter. I have tried Willis's Notitia Parliamentaria and find Noble indeed to be wrong, but perhaps Willis himself to be wrong also, and the whole matter involved in suitable chiaroscure," etc., etc. 4 pp. 4to. Chelsea, 1844. An exceptionally fine, full and interesting Literary Letter. 4. Carlyle. Autograph Memorandum signed, addressed to the Head Clerk of Messrs. Chapman & Hall. " To send by the first opportunity to J. Harland a copy of the Supplement of the First Edition of Cromwell" — the " first opportunity please," T. Carlyle. 1 page, 8vo. Chelsea, 1851. 5. Carlyle. Autograph letter signed, to Mr. Warren of Chapman & Hall, sending list of books he required for the use on his Frederick the Great. " If Mr. Warren will take pains he may do me a valuable ser- vice. I recommend myself to his loyalty and energy," etc. 1 page, 8vo. Chelsea, 1853. 6. Carlyle. Autographletter signed, thanking Mr. War- ren for sending him " La Saxe Galante," Mirabeau's *'Histoire Secrete de la Cour de Berlin," Vehse's History of Frederick the Great, and other books. 2 pp. 8vo. Chelsea, 1853. 7. Carlyle. Autograph Memorandum signed, asking Mr. Warren to send copies of his French Revolution and Cromwell to Mr. Walsh of Edinburgh, and arranging for an Autograph Copy of Cromwell to be sent to David Lang. 2 pp. 4to. Chelsea, 1857. 8. Carlyle. Autograph note signed, addressed to Mr. Chapman or Mr. Warren, asking for two Copies of Cromw^ell to be sent to Canada and one copy for the " Belgrave Square Quarter." 12mo. Chelsea, 1858. 9. Carlyle. Autograph note signed regarding a letter of Cromwell's, " Mr. Puttick ought to know that the letter has been published nearly 100 years and stands in C. 's letters and speeches (all the Editions) at the proper date, with indications in whose hands it was when last heard of. *' If the American Minister is a literary man he ought to be a bidder for it." 1 page, 8vo. (Chelsea, 1858.) 16 \^ 10. Carlyle Autograph Memorandum signed, addressed to Chapman & Hall, giving them instructions for forwarding volumes of his Cromwell and other works to Charles Butler of 12 Wall Street, New York. 2 pp. 12mo. 1857. 11. Carlyle. Autograph note signed, giving Chapman & Hall the instructions about forwarding Vols. I and II of Frederick the Great to Berlin. 12mo. Chel- sea, 1858. 12. Carlyle. Autograph note to Chapman & Hall asking for 10 copies of Frederick the Great. 12mo. Chelsea, 1858. 13. Carlyle. Autograph letter signed to Mr. Warren of Chapman & Hall, regarding Frederick the Great, '*I also want to see, in good time, directly if there is no reason for delay, the Engraver of Frontispiece to Vol. II. His picture appears to a disgrace to human nature, in its present state it is a pretty exact Por- trait of the Clothes in his original, and as to the man, no more like him than it is to the Emperor of Japan — an engraving calculated to please an ex- tremely juvenile class of mortals. Pray send him and let us see if we cannot put some slight feature of Frederick Wilhelm into it." 2 pp. 4to. Chelsea, 1858. 14. Carlyle. Autograph letter signed, addressed to Moncure D. Conway, and giving him directions how to reach Roslvn Park near Hampstead Heath. 3 pp. 12mo. Chelsea, 1863. 15. Carlyle. A note written on a letter of enquiry from an Admirer of the Author's regarding some verses written by Carlyle on the occasion of his wife's death. Written in Carlyle's usual sarcastic style to the effect that the lines had been suppressed but could be found in the First Edition of Vol. 3 of his Miscellanies. 1868. Folio, full blue levant extra. London, 1840-1808. This fine series of 15 autographs, mostly in relation TO his greatest works, is accompanied by a manuscript summary chronologically arranged of the principle events of Carlyle's life, lists of his works and other interesting memoranda. The manuscript was neatly writ- ten BY one of Carlyle's friends J. O. Westley, who has ADDED to its ALREADY GREAT INTEREST BY ENCLOSING UNDER A GLASS SOME OF CaRLYLE'S HAIR GIVEN HIM BY A DUMFRIES HAIR CUTTTER, AND ANOTHER AUTOGRAPH RELATING TO SOME VERSES WRITTEN BY CaRLYLE AND WRONGLY SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN OCCASIONED BY THE LOSS OF HIS WIFE. 100. CARPENTER (JOSEPH). The Retir'd Gardener. J In Six Parts. Second edn., revised. Full-page and folding ^ copper-plates. 8vo, old calf (joints cracked). Lond. 1717 17 -/ J<^^1 \ ^ y 101. CARROLL (LEWIS). Sylvie and Bruno. First EDN^^^^ illusts. hy Harry Furniss. Crown 8vo, original cIq^^J^^ J^oii^. : Macmillan, 1889 'ujp, J^l^*rts and Flowers, ire p^pagated for sale Sd(gMypf Gardeners. artd^Wmp-per-plates of hy hand. Folio, half Lond. 1730 i^; 102. CATALOGUE of Trees, SI ^ oth fcotic and Domestic, wj in the Gardens near London. Front, engraved hy H. Fletchers ers^ plants, shruhs, etc., eoloi o \ \> / 103. CATALOGUS PLANTARUM circa Cantabrigiara nascentium : in quo exhibentur quot-quot hactenus inventse sunt, quae vel spoute proveniunt, vel in agris seruntur. 12mo, half calf. Cantabrigige: John Field, 1660 With the title-page in dupHcate. 104. CAXTON CLUB. Catalogue of an Exhibition of Nineteenth Century Bookbindings. Facsimiles. 4to, half cloth and boards, uncut. Chicago, 1897 Edition limited to 127 copies on handmade paper. ENTURY CLUB (The) of Gardening. A Com- sive Work for Every Lover of the Q^arden. Edited Cook. Numerous illusts/ Boj^l 4to, decorated cloth extra, gilt edges. /^^J^ /^Ix)nd. [recent] 106. CERVANTES SAAVED^^^MIOTEL DE). The History and Adventures of the Kenowned Don Quixote. Transl. by T. Smollett. Willi 28 copper-plates, engraved after Hayman. 4 vols. 12mo, old calf (rubbed and 2 labels missing, names erased from titles). Lond. 1782 107. The History of the valorous and witty Knight- Errant Don Quixote of the Mancha. Transl. by Thomas Shelton. lllust. 4 vols. 12mo, cloth. Lond. and Phil. 1895 108. CHAMBERS (WILLIAM). A Dissertation on Ori- ental Gardening. Fine vignette on title and a headpiece, hoth engraved hy Bartolozzi, after Cipriani. 4 to, contemporary^ calf (somewhat rubbed). Lond. 1772 One of the few copies printed on Large Paper. 109. CHANLER (WILLIAM ASTOR). Through Jungle and Desert. Travels in Eastern Africa. Numerous illusts. ThdCife,8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1896 Poems of Sixty-Five 2i,ih^i/K. Fym portrait. 12mo, Concord, 1902 ipan paper. AND THE GREAT A RARE AND MOST IN- 'HAND WRITING PF SiR ED- Principal Ki^g of Arms ; •urchaser of rvV^liyCHANNING (EI ^ Yesd^. Edited by F. B original half vellum, gi J^"^^ First Edition v/llly^HARLES I. OF (^^^WELLIAN RJEBEL TERESTING MANUSCRIPT I WARD Walker, Knight ( Secretary to Charles I. Shakespeare's House of Stratford-on-Avon in 1675. The title reads : * ' Historical discourses. Written upon Sev- erall Occasions by Sir Edward Walker, Knight Garter and Principall King-of-Arms." Dedicated "To my Grand- child, Edward Clopton of Cloptou, Esq.," under date Octo- ber 14th, 1664. The entire Manuscript consists of five hundred and sixty-four beautifully written pages, all evi- dently in the handwriting of Sir Edward Walker himself, who has also illuminated his Coat-of-Arms as a frontispiece to the work. The Discourses consist of seven different chapters, as follows: (1) His Majesty's Happy Progresse and Successe from the 30th of March to the 23rd of November, 1644. (2) Briefe Memorialls of the Unfortunate Successe of his Majesty's Army and Affaires in the year 1645. (3) A Short Journall of several! Actions performed in the Kingdome of Scotland after his Majesty's first arrivall there, the 24th of June, 1650, unto the end of October following. (4) A Short View of the Life and Actions of the most Noble and Excellent Thomas Howard, Earle of Arun- dell and Surrey Earle Marshall of England. (5) A full Answer to a Confused Mixture of False, Trai- terous and Contradictory Observations on the Life and Actions of the late King Charles. Published by William Lilly in July, 1651. (6) Observations upon the Inconveniences that have at- tended the frequent promotions to Titles of Honor and Dignity since King James came to the Crowne of England. (7) Observations upon the Annals published by H. L., Esq. , of the Reigne of King Charles. Each chapter is prefaced by a special dedicatory state- ment, and in the contents are also given an account of the occasions at which each piece was written. The author states that his work was revised in part by King Charles himself. Folio, straight-grained brown morocco extra, with double of brown calf containing the Walker Coat-of- Arras inlaid on each cover, gilt edges. Lond. 1644-55 Unique Historical Manuscript, in beautiful condition and preservation, of the highest antiquarian and his- TORICAL VALUE. The later tracts are dated from Amsterdam, where Sir Edward Walker lived after the execution of the King. y ^CHAUCER (GEFFRAY). The Workes of Geffray \y^' (^ haj ^er, newly printed, with dyvers workes which were '^ never in print before; as in the Table more playnly dothe aiTO^re. Fine woodcut border to title, two woodcuts in text V^ 19 and numerous fine initial letters throughout. Black Let- ter, double columns. Folio, old calf, neatly rebacked. Imprynted at London by Rycharde Kele, n. d. The third collected folio published between the editions of 1542 and 1561. Good sound copy, with the names of several V/ early owners written on the title-page. 113. CHAUCER. The Workes of our Ancient and Learned 'y)^ English poet, Geffrey Chaucer, newly printed. To that ^ which was done in the former Impression, this much is now added. 1. In the Life of Chaucer many things inserted. Jk The whole worke by old Copies reformed. 3. Sentences X and proverbs noted. 4. The signification of the old and obscure words proved ; also, Caracters shewing from what Tongue or Dialect they be derived. 5. The Latine and French, not Englished by Chaucer, translated. 6. The Treatise called Tacke Upland, against Friers ; and Chau- cer's A, B, C, called La Priere de Nostre Dame, at this Im- pression added. Black Letter, double columns. With full-length portrait of Chaucer^ as described by Thomas Occleve, his scholar. Old panelled and woodcut border to title-page. Folio, old panelled calf, rebacked. Lond. : Printed by Adam Islip, 1602 An edition of peculiar interest, as containing the first en- graved PORTRAIT OF Chaucer, and a long criticism addressed to Thomas Speght, the Editor, by Francis Beaumont. Rare. 114. CHESTERFIELD (EARL OF). Letters to his son, Philip Stanhope; together with several other pieces on various subjects. Published by Mrs. Eugenia Stanhope, from the original. Portrait. 4 vols. 8vo, old calf (cracked), name on titles. Lond. 1774 115. CLASSIC AUTHORS. The Comedies of Terence. Transl. into Familiar Blank Verse by George Colman. Second edn., revised and corrected. Copper plates. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. Lond. : Becket, 1768 116. CLERKE (AGNES M.). The System of the Stars. IlJy^C^ 8vo, cloth. I ^ Lond. 1890 117. ylfCLEVELAND (JOHN)/ /Po^b. By J. C. With ^_d^itK)ns, never before prin^d/(in<^luding with separate title) A Character of a Lond onjPijrirnal -Maker. Portrait. 12mo, half crushed levant gi^Dj^ltedj^eS on the rough, by the Club Bindery. [Lohd/j : Priifted in the Yeare 1654 ^ >~^ Rare. With Leffertaf'Dooll- label. , \^ /118. iDLUTE (W. N.). Our Fernyand'IbhetfHaunts. A 7^ \l ^ GrHid^ to all the Native Species. Cmored front, and numer- y/ ]y^^ousillusts. Post 8vo, cloth. / ,^ / N. Y. [1901] 119. COCKTON (HENRY). MThe' Life and Adventures of Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist. With numerous humorous engravings by Onwhyn. 8vo, cloth. Lond. : Routledge & Sons, n. d. 20 120. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Confessions of an Enquiring Spirit. Edited by H. N. Coleridge First .2mo, cloth (name on title). Lond. 1840 50L0RED PLATES. View Drawings in the possessioi/of during his Embassy to Q f>tH| A y \ jytCOOPER (ANTHONY ASHLEY— Third Earl of [ha^sbnry). Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions ana Times. Wiilfi a beautiful full-length portrait of the Author^ and 3 engraved title-pages and vignettes^ by S. Gribelin. 3 vols. 8vo, old calf (neatly rebacked). [Lond.] 1733 Of these famous Essays, Pope, in a letter to Bishop Warbur ton, wrote that: " The Characteristics had done more harm to Revealed Religion in England than all tJire Works on Infi- delity put together. " Jr. \'> ^/y 129. COOPER (J. FENIMORE). The Cooper Gallery; or, Pages and Pictures from the Writings of James Feni- more Cooper. With Notes by Susan Fenimore Cooper. IVith 40 fine steel plates engraved by Smillie and others^ after F. O. C. Darley, and 127 choice woodcuts after Bar- ley and others. 4to, original morocco. N. Y. 1865 First Edition. y> 130. COSTUMES OF ALL NATIONS, from the Earliest Times to the 19th Century, exhibiting the Dresses and Habits of all Classes, Regal, Ecclesiastical, Noble, Mili- tary, Judicial and Civil. By Albert Kretschmer and Carl Rohrbach. With 10 4 large and fine colored double plates^ containing in all thousands of figures. Royal 4to, cloth (pp. loose). Lond. 1882 A scarce and useful costume work. A 131. COSTUME OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. >J \^' Illustrated by a series of engravings from original draw- ings, by Thomas Uwins, to which is prefixed a Brief Ac- count of the Members and Officers of that University. 17 large and beautifully colored plates, all life portraits, of the Docj/Ors, Bachelors, Graduates, Scholars, Noblemen, Com- moners and Masters of Oxford University, all finely en- graved on copper by Agar, after Uwins. Folio, calf, neat. Lond. : Ackerman, 1815 An extremely rare English costume work. 11 132. /30TT0N (CHARLES). The History of the Life of ke of Espernon, the great favorite of France. Eng- Tshed by Charles Cotton, E^./ Ip^hree parts, containing twelve books — wherein the Hilto^ of France is continued from the year 1598 — where, I^aVila leaves off, down to our own times, 1642. With 2 very- fine portraits. Folio, orig- ■\ inal calf, gilt. Lond. : Prfiited by E. Cotes and A. Clark for Henry Brome, 1670. J * First Edition. Rare. The Planter's Manual: being Instructions for tft^-HfSising, Planting, and Cultivating all sorts of Fruit- Trees, whether Stone-fruits or Pepin-fruits, with their natures and seasons. Very useful for such as are curious 23 in planting and grafting. Front., engraved by Van Hove, 12mo, original sheep. Lond. : Printed for Henry Brorae, 1075 First Edition. Not only was Cotton an accomplished angler, but he was well skilled in horticulture. The taste which he showed in planting his ground at Beresford is commended by Cockaine. and the above work imparts practical information in a plain and easy style. He tells us that it was originally written " for the private satisfaction of a worthy gentlemau '^ho is extremely curious in the choice of his fruits and has it judgment in planting." toUNTRY DAY BY DAY ; The Flower Garden Fs in My Garden, by A. H. Ja^ len, by Celia Thaxter, 1904; Gardens, 1905; In my Vicarag Canon Ellacombe, 1902; In Austin, 1895; Elizabeth an Mainly illust. 8 vols. 12mo,*clot y ^ K. Robin- 'fnnet, 190^; An Island Gar- in the City of where, by arden, b}^ A. Garden, 1899. 135. COTOTRY LIFE [Copeland], 1859; Forest Trees [Pontey], Jlr814; Gardeners' Dictionary, 1852; F'oundations of Botajay [Bergen], 1901; Mawe's Gardener, 1822; and 10 vols, various sizes and bindings. !OUNTRY-MAN'S RECREATION; or. The Art of Graffing, and Gardening, in three books. The 'irst declaring divers wayes of Planting and Graffing, and the best times of the years; the Second treateth of the JHop-Garden, with necessary Instructions, whereunto is ydded, the Expert Gardener. Small 4to, contemporary sheep (rebacked). Lond. : B. AUsop and T. Fawcet, 1640 First Edition. Very scarce. Illustrated with outs and plans of gardens. ,|y M37 A / 37. COURT MEMOIRS. Louis XIV, et ses Amours, Galerie Historique. Finely printed and illust. with 6 hril- liant portraits of Louis XIV, Mile, de la Valliere, a7id his other mistresses, engraved from their most characteristic portraits by Roger. 4to, original boards, uncut. Paris, 18^4 One of the most interesting publications relating to the times of the "Grand Monarque," as. in addition to the embellish- ments, the text records many intimate anecdotes of the King's favorites not described elsewhere. )OWELL (JOHN). The Curious and Profitable mer, ivith a plate, Lond. 1730; New Improvements of Planting and Gardening, by Richard Bradley, unth plates, Lond. 1717; Paradise Retrieved, plainlj- and fully demon- strating the method of managing and improving fruit-trees against walls or in Hedges contrary to Mr. Lawrence and others upon Gardening, together with a treatise on mellons and cucumbers, plates, Lond. 1717. In 1 vol. bvo, half calf. All scarce and curious treatises. \ ^ ^ 139. COWPER (WILLIAM). The Life and Works of Wm. Cowper. Edited by T. S. Grimshaw. lllusts. 8 vols. 12nio, cloth. Lond. 1885 140. CREEVEY (CAROLINE A.). Flowers of Field, Hill and Swamp, lllusts. Post 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1899 H' 141. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Modern Sinbad. y Kit Barn's Adventures; or, The Yarns of an Old Mariner. By Mary 0. Clarke. 4 full-page etchings hy Q. C. 12mo, cloJJ*-4^cased). Lond. 1854 , ^mWcRUIKSHANK (I. R^. ylegsons of Thrift. Pub- 0^^ lislTed for General Benefit, J^ ^Member of the Save All y^ Club. 12 very humorous MoTj^tMa^ and etched y ^y I' ^' Cruikshank. 8^^7^M1 poihiifed calf, full gilt back, inside borders, gilt top (roint/wealfJT Lond. 1820 First Edition of tl^s very rare colored Cruikshank, 143. CUNNINGHAM (W.). The Growth of English In- dustry and Commerce during the Early and Middle Ages. First edn. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1890 144. CURIOUS. A New Dictionary for the Fashionable World. Front. 12mo, half morocco (rubbed), gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1820 ^ {^ 3c^ 145. CURTIS (WILLIAM). Flora LondincDsis: or Plates and Descriptions of such plants as grow wild in the Envi- rons of London: with their places of Growth and times of flowering, 3 vols., 1777-98; (Continuation) Flora Londin- ensis: containing a history of the plants indigenous to Great Britain, illustrated by Figures of the Natural Size, by W. J. Hooker, 2 vols., 1819-28. With 6^7 finely colored plates of flowers and plants. 5 vols, folio, full russia gilt (cracking). Lond. 1777-1828 These original copies are very scarce. Of the original work, with its 433 plates, the edition pubHshed by the author ^ ' himself is much preferable to that published by Sir William I Hooker ; and when the continuation by the latter is added to Vthe first issue of the original work, as above, they form the best edition of Curtis' Flora Londinensis. Published at £87, 4s. 146. Curtis' Botanical Magazine, continued by J. Sims, S. Curtis, Sir W. J. Hooker and Dr. J. D. Hooker. First Series, 53 vols., 1787-1826; Second Series, /^ 17 vols, (or Vols. 54-70), 1827-44; Third Series, Vols. 1-23 ^ (or Vols. 71-93), 1845-6"^. With thousands of fine colored plates of plants, flowers, etc. 93 vols, royal 8vo, uni- formly bound in three-quarters levant morocco, sjilt tops. Lond. 1787-1867 /N A superb collection of one of the greatest botanical publica- ' tions of all time. \ 24 147. "pvANA (CHARLES A). The Household Book of -*-^ Poetry. Edited b}^ Chas. A. Dana. Illusts. 4ta< cloth, gilt edges. N. Y. 1901 / ya48. DANCE OF DEATH (The). From the original NjVy (lesigns of Hans Holbein. With 33 plates^ engraved hy W. Hollar, finely colored hy a contemporary hand. 8vo, original red morocco, gilt edges. Lond. 1816 Colored copies are very scarce. 149. DARWIN (CHARLES). The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication. Illusts. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : Murray, 1868 150. A Collection of the Writings of Darwin, comprising The Variation of Animals and. Plants under Domestication, 2 vols., 1868; The Descent of Man, 2 vols., 1871; On the Origin of Species, 1869; Journal of Re- searches into the Natural History and Geology, 1870, and The Expression of the Emotions, 1872. With hundreds of illusts. 7 vols 8vo, and 12mo, half morocco (slightly ^ rubbed, ** as is Lond., V. d. 151. A Collection of the Writings of Darwin, com- prising The Descent of Man, 1874; Naturalist's Voyage Round the World, 1873; The Movements of Plants, 1880; The Different Forms of Flowers, 1877; Cross and Self- Fertilization of Plants, 1876; Insectivorous Plants, 1875; Geological Observations, 1876 ; The Origin of Species, 1880 ; The Expressions of Emotions, 1872 — all the foregoing the London editions; The Descent of Man, N. Y., and Charles Darwin, his Life and Work, by C. F. Holder, N. Y., and Charles Darwin, his Life, etc., by F. Darwin, N. Y. With hundjuetTP^f illusts. 12 vols.- 12mo, cloth (varving colors). Lonc^: a^N. Y., V. d TAVIS (L. D.). Orname ' Park Planting, with a •ilities, and adaptations of varieties, native and foreign, cloth. s for Garden, L..of th^ origin, meroiy species and illusjLr Kojul 8vo, ^ N. Y. 1899 153. DAWBER (E. G.). Old CMtages and Farmhouses in Kent and Sussex. With 100 plates. 4to, cloth. Lond. 1900 154. DAWSON (H. B.). Battles of the United States by Sea and Land, embracing those of the Revolutionary and Indian Wars, the War of 1812, and the Mexican War. Illust. with numerous steel engravings^ including battle- scenes and full-length portraits from original paintings^ hy A. Chappel. 2 vols. 4to, ha)f morocco. N. Y. 1858 155. D]gCOR FLORAL. 50 Planches, Bordures et Pan- neaux, Semis, Fonds ornes, etc. Folio, boards, portfolio. Paris, n. d. 25 3 g -^ 1.1 / 156. DEMOSTHENES. Orationes (grfece). Part III. rv/U 8vo, contemporary vellum (back somewhat torn). ^ / Basilese: I. Hervagiiis, 1547 \457. DICKENS (CHARLES). Our Mutual Friend. With UO spirited illusts. hy Marcus Stone. 2 vols. 8vo, half dark brown morocco, tooled backs, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. : Chapman & Hall, 1865 First edition. Handsome copy. ^j y. \^' 158. DOBSON (AUSTIN). Vignettes in Rhyme and Vers de Societe. Nov^ first collected. 12mo, new full royal blue levant, richly gold tooled on sides and back, elabo- rate inside floral borders, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreets. First edition. In a charming binding. Lond. 1873 n/i59. At the Sign of the Lyre. Front, hy E. A. Ky Abbey. 16mo, half blue polished gilt calf, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1887 First edition of many of the pieces. Choice copy. • qVi60^ Eighteenth C^tui^y Vignettes. First and Sec- y^4nd^ries. Illusts. 2 ySls. /sm^ 4to, half vellum, gilt, ^ ihittut. l^LJr^ Lond. 1892-4 /^ O First editions. IjLafW^^papWv com^eT'of which only 250 of ' / each were issued. /C(mtfdns 23* va^y fine plates and portraits ) of Steele, Dr. JcAiusojI, Gol*pith, Chodowiecki, Hogarth, Cowper, Samuel/Richjtrdson,*TIandel and others. Vol. 1 is f signed by Austin Ddbson. V 161. A Postscript/to /Dr^^oldsmith's Retaliation, being an Epitaph on S^ulfL /pHNSON, LL.D. 4to, 4 pp. folded. Printed in JuBfe,^^^^....* ^ V 'V Only a very few/ ^omes pri/a^^ printed, each signed on half title by Austin D^Wson. VB2!/)0D0EUS (REMBERT). a Niewe Herball, or yfi^ Histone of Plantes: wherein is contained the whole dis- course and perfect description of all sortes of Herbes and Plantes : thfeir diuers and sundry kinds : their straunge fig- ures, fashions and shapes: their names, natures, opera- tions. .. .First set foorth in the Doutche or Almaigne tongue, by that learned D. Rembert Dodoeus, Physition to the Emperour: and now first translated out of French into English, by Henry Lyte Esquyer. Title within an histori- ated woodcut portrait, and hundreds of woodcuts of plants and herbs. Folio, contemporary binding in undressed calf (cracked). Title somewhat damaged and remargined and some leaves of the tables cut into in the lateral sides. Im- printed at Antwerpe by me Henry Loe Bookeprinter, and are to be solde at London in Powels Churchyarde, by Ge- rard Dewes, 1578. The rare First edition. ^ yn <\ / 163. DOG AND RABBIT FANCIER, including a General History of Dogs, a description of their properties and an account of the diseases peculiar to them. With the Best Methods of Cure. Also directions for Buying, Breeding, Fattening, Feeding, Handling, Coupling and preventing the Diseases of Rabbits. 12 mo. cloth. Derby [1840] 164. DOLLINGER (JOHN J. I. VON). Fables respect- ing the Popes of the Middle Ages. Transl., with Introduc- tion, etc., by Alfred Plummer. 8vo, half calf, uncut (joints rubbed and loosening). Lond. 1871 165. DONN (JAMES). Hortus Cantabrigiensis; or, A Catalogue of Plants, Indigenous and Foreign, in the Wal- kerian Botanic Garden, Cambridge. Small 8vo, calf. . Cambridge, 1796 Vl66. DOVES PRESS. Cornelii Taciti De Vita et Mori- '^ bus Julii Agricolae Liber. Small 4to, in full light-brown polished levant, tooled in gold at the corners of both sides and backs, broad inside borders; bound by F. F., 1901. The Doves Press, Hammersmith, 1900 Very rare. The first book from this famous press, in beauti- ul binding. 169. Open- Air hardening: The Culture of Hardy Flowers, Fruit an(^ Vegetables. Illusts. 8vo, cloth. Lond. and N. Y. 1901 RAMA. Actors by Daylight; or, Pencillings in t. Containing correct memoirs of upwards of forty of the most celebrated London performers. Original Tales, Poetry and Criticisms, the whole forming a faithful account of the London Stage for the last twelve months. With 55 ^full-page character portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half red morocco ^ extra. , / Lond. 1838 Contains the complete set of v. 55 weekly parts, all that was published of this racy old stage journal. Contains at end of Vol. II, Nos. 1 to 10 inclusive of ' 'Actors by Gaslight; or, 'Boz' in the Boxes" 7 108. DRURY (W. D., Editor)./ The Book of Garden- S A Handbook of Horliciiliure. Fully illust. Thick L^ cloth. , Lond. 1900 #v fV {Yl^/V>\ ^IJJ/DUGMOjfcaT¥R)^^ ^ - aB^Breeding Habits jT^^e Land Birds breeding in the ^T-^^ Eastern Unitea S|ates.^CoZored illusts. 4to, cloth. N. Y. 1900 171. DU MAURIER (GEORGE). Trilby. Illusts. by the author. Royal 8vo, full decorated vellum gilt, gilt top, ^-^ uncut. Lower margins of several leaves at the end and back cover pierced by a nail. N. Y. 1895 Large paper. Limited to 600 copies. 27 [, 6 /^ ^172y^UNLAP (WILLIAM). The Life of George Fred l^ooJ?e (late.of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden). Com- * a) posed prinoroally from Journals and other Authentic Docu- V^ mente left My Mr/ Cooke and the personal knowledge of the author: c0mpi;ismg original Anecdotes of his Theatrical QonteuijSoifarie^' his Opinions on various Dramatic Writ- >ings, e|cV By William Dunlap. Portrait engraved hy Cooper, ^vols. 8vo, half light calf extra, gilt tops, uncut, by R. W. Smith. Lond. : Colburn, 1815 Best edition. Extra-illustrated by the insertion of nine portraits of Mr. Cooke in various characters, including the very rare print of the actor as Lear, drawn by Leslie and en- graved hy Edwin. ARLE (ALICE M.). Old-Time Gardens Newly Set Forth : A Book of the Sweet o' the Year. umerous illusts. Large Svo, half parchment, gilt, uncut. N. Y. 1901 E^APER. No. 13 of only 850 copies printed. un Dials and Roses of Yesterday. Garden displayed in werj truth. -Numerous illusts. Large Svo, half parchment gilt, uncut. N. Y. 1902 Large paper. No. 9 of only 100 copies so printed. ARLE (MRS. C. W.). Pot-Pourri from a Surrey n. Appendix by Lady Constance Lytton. Svo, cloth. Lond. 1897 More Pot-Pourri from a Surrey Garden. Svo, uncut. Lond. 1899 A Third Pot-Pourri. Svo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1903 ARLY PRINTING? Manucius de Quattuor Vir- s. Roman Le™r,;>^5 lines to the page. Small 4to, brown calf gilt, n. p^f^' a. 7 Leipzig: Jacob Thaumer, 1500 Scarce and fine editiolSof these quaint old poems on the rdinal virtues. A few leaves neatly repaired in the margins. Sacrobusto (Joannes De). Sphera mundi noviter r^ognita cum commentariis et authoribus in hoc volumine cofttfintis vz : Cichi Eschulani cum textu, Joannis Baptiste Capuani, Jacobi Fabri Stapulensis, Theodosii de Spheris cum textu, Michaelis Scoti questiones, Petri de Aliaco Cardinalis questiones, Roberti Linconiensis Compendium, Theodosii iterum de spheris cum textu, Tractatus de sphera solida, Theorice planetarum conclusiones cum expositione, Campani tractatus de sphera, etc., etc. Black Letter, with numerous woodcut diagrams. Folio, vellum. Venetijs : Impensis nobilis viri domini Luce antonij de giunta floren- iinl, 1518. Excessively rare. Unknown to Renouard. All editions of this famous work are rare. Brunet has no record of this edi- tion, although he records editions printed later. 28 / ISoJeATON (D. C). The Ferns of North America. Col- ^red^gures and descriptions, with synonymy and geographi- caTdistribution of the Ferns (including the Ophioglossaceee) of the U. S. of America and the British North American ession. t vols. 4to, cloth. Bost. 1893 DEN (F.). A Garden in Venice. With numerous Small 4to, stamped calf. Lond. 1903 DWARDS (EDWARD). Anecdotes of Painters, ave resided or been born in England, with critical remarks on their productions. With a portrait of Edwards r^ engraved by Q 4to, half calf. Lond. 1808 TR A ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of carce portraits, engravings and etchings, Walpole by Vertue, Vertue by Chambars, S. Ireland, Lambert by Bannerman, Francis bzzi, Cipriani by Earlom, Rubens by Cliambars, after Gainsborough, Rembrandt 1750, W. Van- e after Kneller, Samuel Johnson after Northcote, Pous- sin by Girtin, and others, with fine views by Sandby, and por- traits of many literary celebrities. In all, 30 choice prints. > /j^ GAN (PIERCE). Real Life in London; or, the er'Rambles and Adventures of Bob Tallyho, Esq., and his Cousin, the Hon. Tom Dashall, etc., through the Me- tropolis. Exhibiting a living picture of Fashionable Charac- ters, Manners and Amusements, in High and Low Life By an Amateur. Emhellished and illust with a series of colored prints designed and engraved by Heathy Aiken, Dighton, Brooke, Rowlandson and others. 2 vols. 8vo, half light calf extra, uncut. Lond. : Printed for Jones & Co., 1824 Extremely rare in uncut condition. Life in London; or, the Day and Night Scenes Hawthorne, Esq., and Corinthian Tom, accompa- y Bob Logic in their Rambles and Sprees through the Metropolis. With 36 fine colored plates by R. and G. Cruikshank. 8vo, new- three-quarter red levant, gilt top. Very fine copy. ^ ' Lond. [ca. 1824] 185.\iEGEDE'S GREENLAND, 1729. Det gamle Gron- iVi^djt^ye Perlustration ; Eller: en kort Beskrivelse om de gamle Nordske Colouiers Begyndelse ogUndergang i Green- land, grondlands Situation, Lust og Temperament, ag dets istige Indlyggeres Kladedragt, HandtcBring, Spise, Sprog, ^gestab, etc. , forsattet of Dr. Hans Egede. 12mo, wine calf gilt, entirely uncut, by Pratt. Kjobenhavn, 1729 First edition of the First Book by Hans Egede, the famous Missionary, on the Natives of Greenland. The author resided among them for 25 years, and records in this work many valuable historical incidents and descriptions of the manners of the natives of that early period. Very rare. Not in Murphy, Brinley, Barlow or Menzies. 186. ELIOT (CHARLES). Landscape Architect. Por- trait and numerous illusts. 8vo, cloth. Bost. 1902 3 \^'. 1^ n 187.yELLIS (JOHN). A Description of the Mangostan he Bread-Fruit, copper plates^ Lond. 1775; [also], An Historical Account of Coffee, with papers relative to its Iture and Use, etc., front, plain and in colors, Lond. [also], A Description of Rolling Carts and Waggons uilt, by Jas. Sharp (2 11. of text and plate), [Loud. ca. 1770L In one vol. 4to, boards. Lond. 1774-75 OSg/ELLIS (WILLIAM). The Practical Farmer; or, The Hermordshire, containing Many New Improvements in Hus- IJ C ^ baadry. 8vo, calf. Lond. 1759 >/l89. ELZEVIR CICERO. M. Tullii Ciceronis Opera, cum optimis exemplaribus accurate collata. With first im- pressions of the beautiful engraved title and portrait. 10 vols, in 8, 12mo, original vellum. Lugd. Batavorum : ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1642 ^^X^ A tall, clean set of this beautiful Elzevir Classic, with the ^^ best issue of Vol. IX, containing the Consolatio (301 pp. and v\ v/ pages 239-238 repeated). Described by De Bure as remarkable r&f "for the beauty of the paper and brilliancy of the type," and ■ eulogized by Dibdin as " very beautiful and correct." Not a ytall copy. — - " 190. ELZEVIR "PROVINCIAL LETTERS." Les Pro- a)^ vinciales ou les Lettres ecrites par Louis de Montalte k un ^ Provincial de ses Amis, et aux RR. PP. Jesuites; sur le sujet de la Morale et de la Politique de ces Peres. 12mo, /Ts original calf gilt (worn). f^ ( t/ A Cologne: ches Pierre de la Vallee, 1657 ' ^ The rare first Elzevir Edition of Blaise Pascal's famous Let- ters. Printed by Louis and David Elzevir. Contains 108 pages, entitled : ''Avis de Messieurs les Curez de Paris a Messieurs les Curez des autres Dioceses de France, sur le sujet des mauvaises laximes de quelques nouveaux Casuistes." i'> ^ yp^ L9J/EMBLEMS Majeri Emblemata Chymica. With 50 ^mely curious Mystical copper-plate engravings. Small 4to, old calf (rebacked). Frankfort, 1687 Rare and curious. Bound up with J. H. Pott's "Exercita- tioues Chymicse," Berlin, 1738, and Hieranymo Ludolf's " Sie- gende Chymie," Erfurt, 1746-1747, in 4 parts. 192. ENGLISH CITIZEN SERIES. Including Central Government, The State and Education, Justice and Police, The National Budget, The Poor Law, The Land Laws, etc., etc. 14 vols. 8vo, cloth. Lond., v. d. GLISH COUNTRY HOUSES. 100 plates. Royal ' th. Bost. 1898 1^. ■f^. SSEX HOUSE PRESS.— The Psalter or Psalms of from the Bible of Archbishop Cranmer. Handsomely printed in red and black, fine ivoodcut initials throughout, and other decorations. Folio, limp green vellum, with tie- pieces uncut. Lond. 1902 Only 250 copies printed. 80 >; 19yESSEX HOUSE PRESS.— Life and Works of Sir CihiMopher Wren. From the '' Parentalia " or Memoirs by his Son Christopher. Edited by E. I. Enthoven. Illust. ivith 20 drawing.-i of Wren^s Churches by E. H. New, and num- 1 \ ^ eroiis other designs from the Edition of 1750. Imp. 8vo, WT cloth, uncut. Essex House Press, 1903 ' Limited Edition. 196. EUROPEAN AND JAPANESE GARDENS: Ital- ian Gardens, by A. D. F. Hamlin ; English Gardens, by R. C. Sturgis; French Gardens, by J. G. Howard; Japanese Gardens, by K. Houda. Edited by Glenn Brown. 8vo, clotk-s Phil. 1902 /l97/ EVELYN (JOHN). Kalendarium Hortense; or, the GrJrrtlener's Almanac, directing what he is to do monthly ^ throughout the year, and what Fruits and Flowers are in ^ prime._ 12mo, old calf (rebacked). Date and few signa- y tures^ ctjjb into. Scarce. Lond. 1683 /198,^ivELYN (JOHN). Silva; or, A Discourse of /P Fer^st Trees and the Propagation of Timber (etc ). Fourth ^ -^ >^EDN., much Inlarged and Improved. Small folio, old calf. , ^ Lond. 1706 199. EVOLUTION. Experimental Evolution [De Va- rigny], 1892; The Evolutionist at Large [Allen], 1884; The Races of Man [Deniker], 1901; Easy Outline of Evolution [Hird], 1903; The Evolution of Marriage [Letourueau], 1891; The Germ-Plasm, A Theory of Heredity [Weis- mann], 1893; Life of Charles Darwin, 1892. 7 vols. 12mo, cloth. V. p. 200. T^fiNfiLON (FRANgOIS). Les Avantures de ■^ Telemaque. Nouvelle edn. Numerous pretty copper-plates. Thick 12mo, old sheep. Paris, 1735 201. Avantures de Telemaque. Portrait and fine en- grmMplates. 12mo, calf (rubbed, slightlj^ foxed). Paris,1827 02/FERREE (BARR). American Estates and Gardens. numerous fine half-tone plates. Royal 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1904 203. Another copy of the same. / 204. FICTION. Face to Face [Grant]; Plain Tales from ^J the Hills [Kipling] ; John Inglco(3ihfr - [Sboi ' t ) bons e] ; Helback ^ of Bannisdale [Ward]; Wo"Mer Book [Hawthorne]; The ^y Image in the Sand [Benson] ; The Man of Property [Gals- XX. ' worthy] ; Manasseh [ Jokai] ; The Baron's Sons [Jokai] ; ^ The Garden of Allah [Hichens] ; and others. 30 vols. 12rao, cloth. V. p. 205. Vivien [Maxwell] ; The Woman in the Alcove [ [Green] ; The Lake [Moore] ; The Silent Places [White] ; The One I Knew Best of All [Burnett] ; Treasure Island ^'' [Stevenson]; The Wrong Envelope [Molesworth] ; Virgin 31 //^ iP Soil [Turgenief] ; The Five Nations [Kipling] ; Plain Tales from the Hills [Kipling] ; and others. 30 vols. 12mo, cloth. V. p. 206. FICTION. Traffics and Discoveries [Kipling] ; Life's Handicap [Kipling]; The Day's Work [Kipling]; The Undercurrent [Grant] ; On the Eve [Turgenieff] ; From Sea to Sea [Kipling], 2 vols. ; Some Experiences of an Irish R. M. [Somerville] ; and others. 30 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth and half morocco. v. p., v. d. v/^07. FIELD (EUGENE). The Model Primer. With pictures by Hop. Square 16mo, original pictorial wrappers. N. Y. : F. Tredwell, 1882 First Edition- Vfery fine copy. V ^O^'FIELD (MlClHApL). Stephania: a Trialogue. First EDN. Square 12mp,i original boards, uncut. Lond. 1892 y Edition limfite^ to 250 copies. \/w9. FIELDING (HENRY). Amelia. 4 vols. 12mo, green crushed levant extra, gilt edges, by Walters. ^^^^ First Edition. Choice copy. Lond.: A. Millar, 1752 AlO JFILSON (JOHNf^ The Discovery, Settlement, and ]^vresent State of jKentuckyj and an Essay towards the Topography and Nktiiral Iftstory of that important Country, etc. Being a Supplement to Imlay's description of the Western Territory! \rol. II (but Filson's Kentucky com- plete). Map of Kentucky. 12mo, half green morocco, gilt t^^- SStNE COPY. N. Y. 1793 211. FISHES. Gulielmi Rondeletii Doctoris Medici, Ibri de Piscibus Marinis. Quae in toto Piscium historia contineantur, etc. With many remarhahle illusts. of fishes^ including the ^' Monk Fish^' and ^^ Bishop Fish,^^ and ier sea monsters. Folio, boards. Lugduni, 1554 Very scarce. Good sound copy, with interesting MSS. notes i^ an old hand on the margins. 212. FITZGERALD (R. D.). Australian Orchids. Parts 1-2 (all issued). With 15 finely colored plates. 2 vols, folio, wrappers. Very scarce. Sydney \^ca. 1875] 213. FLAGELLATION. Cooper (W. M.). Flagellation and the Flagellants. A History of the Rod in all Countries from the earliest period to the present time. With nu- ^ous illusts. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1877 '214. FLAUBERT (GUST AVE). Bouvard et Pecuchet. 12mo, three-quarter brown levant, gilt top, uncut, original printed covers bound in, by Champs. Paris, 1881 First Edition of Flaubert's famous realistic novel. [ 215. FLETCHER (S. W. ). How to make a Fruit Garden : a Practical and Suggestive Manual for the Home Garden. X niust. Imp. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1906 *1/ 33 ^ / 21^FL0RA DOMESTICA; or, The Portable Flower m, with Directions for the Treatment of Plants in Pot/; and Illustrations from the Works of the Poets. "ront. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1831 a7^L0RICULTURAL CABINET and Florist's Cabi- Cond acted by Joseph Harrison. With hundreds of BfeAlfTTFrLJ^Y COLORED PLATES. 19 VOls. SVO, half Calf, gill., M^/^nd. 1833-1851 \Jt ^SUCH A LONG AND IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF THIS BEAUTIFUL y^X^KlBLICATIGN IS SELDOM OFFERED FOR SALE. /^2r8. FLOWER GARDEN displayed in above 400 curious Representations of the most beautiful flowers. Engraved ml^ and 12 plates of flowers finely colored by hand. 4to, calf (cracked). Very scarce, Lond. 1732 rtt^ f. seco:n:d sessio:n^. 'OORD (EMANUEL). The Famous History of ^Jion Knight of the Oracle. Son to the true Mirrour . , Tinces, the most Renowned Pemicl^ Kjiig of Assyria, L Shewing his Strange Birth, Unfortumlajc^ove, Perilous Ad- ventures in Arms: and how he ^Swh^B mft^nowledge of yO liis parents. Interlaced with vajervuof jfteasant and de- /^y^lightful discourse. Licensed accoraing to Order. Woodcut S 'v^ front. Lond. : Printed for W. Thackeray at the Three ^ Bibles, on London Bridge, 1695. First Edition of this rare old English Black Letter Romance t\ of Chivahy. ^/ 220. FOORD (J.). Decorative Flower Studies for the ^ Use of Artists, Designers, Students and others. A series of JfO. artistic colored plates. Folio, decapated cloth. W/T^ // ^ ^^- ^^^^ (/O i^2l/F0RBES (A. C). English Es^Mt^^^ Illust \ > 8Vo<^loth. Jrr^ ^ Lond. 1904 | 4\ Y 222. FORBES (A. H.). Archit/cViiral Gardens of Italy. A series of 196 photogravure plates from photographs. 3 parts in 1. Royal 4to, cloth portfolios. N. Y. [n. d.] Limited to 750 copies. 223. JFORBES (JAMES). Hortus Woburnj^naj^. A Cata- gup^f upwards of Six Thousand Omamej^yKTlants cul- tivated at Woburn Abbey, with Branfl ^j6^&j:eenhou8es, ete., their management, etc. Nurr^rmiMlum^, plans, etc. ^o, cloth, uncut (somewhat loo8«^. ]/ Lond. 1833 224. FORCING BOOK, Nursery Book, Plant Breeding, Garden Book, all by L. H. Bailey, 1897-1901; Trees of New England [Brooks], 1902; Violet Culture [Galloway], 1899; How to Cut Flowers [Hunt], 1893; and others. Some 0' illust. 13 vols. 12mo, cloth. v. d 33 ^- il f^ 'l4^ ^^ J 225. FORREST THE ACTOR. Edwin Forrest. By yy ^ Lawrence Barrett. 4to, very finely bound in full dark blue v^ V morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. Bost. 1882 Large Paper copy. Only 100 printed. 1 jr J Extra-Illustrated with over 70 portraits, views, etc., inlaid \ ^ J M .to size of volume, including scarce photographs in his various • "* ' characters of King Lear, William Tell, Roman Characters, etc., portraits of G. F. Cooke. Tyrone Power, Edmund Kean, J. R. Scott, Macready, J. H. Hackett, Catherine Sinclair (Mrs. For- rest), Edwin Booth, Joseph Jefferson, E: L. Davenport, views of the Old Bowery Theatre, the Park Theatre, etc., etc. An exceptionally choice collection of American dramatic por- traits. 226. FOUNTAIN (PAUL). The Great Deserts and Forests of North America. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1901 227. The Great Mountains and Forests of South America, lllust 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1902 228. The Eleven Eaglets of the West. 8vo, cloth. M^..,^ y N. Y. 1906 ^Y22^ FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). /poor Richard's Al- ^ manack for 1733. With an lulrcpi/itiqn by John Bigelow and Notes on the 15 rare portraji^^ d^l^Janklin illustrating the work. 12mo, sheets, fold^ lineup N. Y. 1894 /^ One of 12 copies printedN^ vellum, and containing an ^ A extra portrait of Franklin Iw 0\| W. Peale, after David Martin. t? Privately printed for "BThe Duodecimos.'' 230. FREEMAN-MITFORD (A. B.). The Bamboo Gar- denr lllust. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1896 28>r FRENCH XYIIITH CE^fTURY ENGRAVINGS. les. Par M. Boisard. Wim^ ingnei^s on title-pages^ n ^>V 9 full- page plates and 2 charmim^cdi-pieces finely engraved jO ^ by St. Aubin and Schmitz, aT^^^Ionji^et. 2 vols, small f^}/^ 8vo, three-quarter royal bluorle^Jt, gjjjjtops. Paris, 1779 Original edition. Vei^ 232. f^ ALTON (FRANCIS). English Men of Science: ^^ their Nature and Nurture. First edn. 8vo, buckram, uncut. Lond. 1874 233. Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Develop- ment. First EDN. Front. 8 vo, cloth. Lond. 1883 ^ 234. GAMBLE (J. S.). A Manual of Indian Timbers: l/^ an Account of the growth, distribution and uses of the [ ^ y trees and shrubs of India and Ceylon. lllust. 8vo, cloth. »i Lond, 1902 235. GARDEN OF A COMMUTER'S WIFE, 1901; A Garden in the Suburbs [Williams], 1901; The New Earth [HarwoodJ, 1906; Little Gardens [Skinner], 1904; Familiar Flowers of Field and Garden [Matthews], 1901; and others. All illust. 10 vols. 12mo, cloth. 34 Y^y 236. GARDEN OF SIMPLES (A) [Martha B. Flint]; Hardy Perennials and Old-Fashioued Flowers [J. Wood], illusts. ; The Culture of Fruit Trees in Pots [Josh Brace], illtLsts.'y and others. 8 vols. 12ino, etc., cloth, v. p., v. d. 237. GARDEN-CRAFT OLD AND NEW [Sedding], • 1901; Children's Gardens [Cecil], 1902; Lamia's Winter- Quarters [Austin], 1898; Stray Leaves from a Border Gar- vj^ OoK/^ den [Home], 1902; Flowers and Gardens [Watson], 1901; rl/yiand others. All illust. 10 vols. 12mo, cloth. v. p. 238. GARDEN COLOUR: Spring, by Mrs. C. W. Earle; Summer, by E. V. B. ; Autumn, by Rose Kingsley ; Winter, y \\ftyby V. Gibbs. With water-color sketches by Margaret \j yC^ Waterfleld. 4to, cloth. Lond. 1905 239. GARDEN (The) : An Illustrated Weekly Journal. July, 1898-Dec., 1899. With hundreds of illusts. 3 vols. 4to, full morocco. Lond. 1898-9 i Unique copy ; the original text being inlaid to 4to size and mo^t beautifully extra illustrated by the insertion of 118 choice traits of Garrick, Kelly, Yates, Holland, King, Palmer, fernon, Mr and Mrs. Baddeley, Dodd, Barry, Moody, Parsons, [rs. Barry, Miss Pope, Mrs. Yates, Mrs. Abington, Mrs! Pritchard, and other Contemporary Actors. The Collection i. \ ' includes nearly 50 fine portraits and character portraits of David Oarrick, including many of extreme scarcity. 244. GARTON (JAMES). The Practical Gardener and Gentleman's Directory, for every month in the year. Adapted to the stile. With a copper-plate showing how to plant a Fruit-garden. 12mo, old calf [rebacked]. Lond. 1769 85 3 3 240. GARDEN MOSAICS [Simson], 1903; Nature's Calendar [Ingersoll], 1900; The Clock of Nature [Mac- / ^7 J millan], 1902; Round the Year [Miall], 1898; and others. /' f 7 vols. 12mo, cloth. v. p. ■7.7> 241. GARDENS, OLD AND NEW. The Country House and its Garden Environment. Numerous large full-page ^ '^ and smaller views of notable gardens and estates about I England. 2 vols, folio, decorated cloth, gilt edges. / Lond. [recent] 242. GARDINER. Rapin of Gardens. A Latin Poem. In four books. Englished by Mr. Gardiner. Front, en- i graved by Gribelin and Jf plates of plans and views of {J^ gardens. 8vo, contemporary English binding in dark blue ' morocco gilt, gilt edges. Scarce. ^ Lond. : W. Bowyer for B. Lintott, n. d. [18th century] ^243. GARRICK (DAVID). Thespic, or a Critical Ex- j.^ amination into the Merits of all the performers belonging W^ to Drury Lane Theatre. [By Hugh Kelley. ] Imperial 4to, half red morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1766 3^ ryf k m ( ^ \/ 245. GARDENING (W.). The Parks and Gardens of Paris considered in relation to the wants of other cities, and of public and private gardens. Being notes on a Study of Paris Gardens, lllusi. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1878 246. GENTLEMAN'S RECREATION. In two parts: The First being an Encyclopaedy of the Arts and Sciences ; the Second of Horsemanship, Hawking, Hunting, Fowling, Fishing, Agriculture, with a short treatise on Cock- Fighting. Engraved front, and numerous interesting copper-plates. Folio, old calf [rebacked]. Lond. 1686 247. GEIKIE (ARCHIBALD). Geological Sketches at yf Home and Abroad. Tllusts. 8vo, half brown morocco gilt, ^^' gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1882 '^ ^y^ 247*. Text Book of Geology. Second edn. Revised // and enlarged illusts. 8vo, half brown morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1885 248. GENERAL CHRONICLE AND LITERARY ^ MAGAZINE, Sept., 1812; Schiller's William Tell, transl. y^ by R. Talbot, First edn., 1829; The Gentle Shepherd, by /u A. Ramsay, attempted in English by M. Turner, 1790. In O 1 TT^l Ovn half oi^^f y 1 W)l \/241 / \x\ ^ 249. GERMANY. Topographia.Germania Inferioris das ^ 1st Beschreibung und Abbildung der Vornehmsten Statten qvH^ so wohl in grtind als in prospect in den XVII Nieder- landschen provintien. By Caspar Merian. Witlfi nu- merous finely engraved views, maps, etc., mostly folding. Folio, old calf. Frankfort on Main, 1659 Scarce. 250. GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH THE TREES / [McFarland], illusts. j A Guide to the Trees [Alice Louns- / berry], illusts.; Forest Trees and Forest Scenery [Schwarz], i illusts.; The Diseases of Trees, illusts. (back damaged); and others. 9 vols, post 8vo, etc., cloth. v. p., v. d. 251. GILPIN (W. S.). Practical Hints upon Landscape Gardening, with remarks on Domestic Architecture. With numerous full-page plates. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1834 GOETHE (WOLFGANG VON). Works (in Ger- 17 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt. Berlin, 1883 OLDSMITH (OLIVER). The History of Little Twoshoes, otherwise called Mrs. Mapgery/twoshoes, e Means by which she acquired b6r Learnurffe and Wisdom and in Consequence thereof heryE|8ta)^.^^/^5et forth tj lar^e for the benefit of those k\ r Who from a State of Rags and(ra.re And Having Shoes but half a S^ir Their Fortunes and their Fame w( And Gallop in their Coach ^d Si: See the original Manuscript in the A^'atican at Rome and the 36 ^ M- A / / i / / y ti (' / y Cuts by Michael Angelo illustrated with the Comments of our great Modern Criticks. 16mo, half morocco, gilt top. Printed at Worcester, Mass., by Isaiah Thomas and Sold Wholesale and Retail at his Book Store, 1787. Of extreme rarity. Contains the two pages of advertise- ments generally missing. 254. GOODALE (G. L.). The Wild Flowers of America. With SI colored plates. 4to, cloth. Bost. 1894 255. GOOGE (BARNABY). The Whole Art and Trade of Husbandry, contained in foure Bookes. I. Of Earable- ground. Tillage and Pasture. II. Of Gardens, Orchards, and Woods. III. Of Feeding, Breeding and Curing of all manner of Cattell. IIII. Of Poultrie, Fowle, Fish and Bees. Small 4to, original vellum. Lond. : T. S., for Richard More, 1614 Printed in Black Letter. Good copy of this very scarce book. 256/ GOSSE (EDMUND). A Catalogue of a portion of library of Edmund Gosse, of Trinity College, Cam- bridge. By R. J. Lister. Finely illust. Imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : Privately Printed, 1893 First Edition, containing preliminary poems by Lord De Tabley and Arthur C. Benson, and a five-page preface by Gosse. One of 65 copies only. With the autograph signature iV-^of Edmund Gosse on fly-leaf. V ^STpGOUPIL'S HISTORICAL SERIES. Gardner (Sam- uerlSawson) Oliver Cromwell. Fine colored portrait of Croviwell^ from the painting by B. Walker in the Spencer ] Collection and about 50 other fine portraits and illusts. 4to, ! full brown pigskin, handsomely blind tooled with a fine portrait of Cromwell, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1899 Limited edition, in choice binding. 258. Masson (Frederic). Josephine, Empress and Queen. Transl. by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. Beautifully colored portrait of Josephine in 1806 , after Gerard^ s picture, and 40 other portraits and illusts., mostly printed in tints. 4to, brown pigskin, with fine portrait of Josephine in frame of imperial devices, executed by pyrography. Paris, 1899 Limited edition, in handsome binding. 259. GRAY (ASA). Synoptical Flora of North America. Vol. 1, Parts I and II. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y. 1878-84 Scarce. 260. GREAT WORLD'S FARM (The) [Selina Gaye], illusts.; The Folk-Lore of Plants [T. F. T. Dyer]; My Woodland Intimates; Sylvana's yLetters /to an 'Unknown Friend [E. V. B.]Ailluds.; andyothers. iB vols, post 8vo, th. \ 1 y / °' P» ^' ^' REEK TEBTAMENT. Testamfentum Novum sive Fsedus Jesu Cfci:i^, cujus (ifrseco contextui re- , v^us : altera Theodori 37 /. spondent interpretamoi 1^ C>J ti / / 'y T ^ ^/ Beza, nunc quarto diligenter ab eo recognita. Fine wood- cut device of Henry Stephanus on tiUe, printed in three parallel columns. Greek and the Old and New Latin ver- sions. Folio. [Geneva], 1589 Rare edition of Theodore Beza's famous Testament, contain- ing the eight-page dedication to Queen Elizabeth and Henry Stephens' address to the Reader. 262. GREENAWAY (KATE). Language of Flowers. First edn. With illuds. in colors by the authoress. 16mo, original gilt boards. Lond. : Routledge & Son, n. d. 263. GREW (NEHEMIAH). The Anatomj^ of Plants, with an Idea of a Philosophical History of Plants, and several other Lectures read before the Royal Society. Nu- merous copper-plates. Small folio, old calf. Rare. [Lond. :] W. Rawlins, 1682 /. 264. GROLIER CLUB. Transactions of the Grolier Club of the City of New York, from July, 1885, to Feb., 1894. Part II. Numerous head- and tail-pieces and other illusts. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. N. Y. 1«94 Limited Edition. 265. Bronze Medallion Portrait of James R. Lowell, executed by Charles Calverley. (7 in. in diameter.) N.Y.1896 Limited issue. Scarce. / 26y H AGGARD (H. R.)./ A Parmpj?*6 Year: being v^^ his Commonplac/Bo^k^^ 1898. With 36 musts, hy G. L. Little and 2 r/apsl y^iO^ f uiyl)lue crushed levant morocco, gilt toole^AigMe wSv^i^Sf^ gilt top, silk lining, uncut, by Zaehnsdow. / Lond. 1899 \ ^ Large Paper, only yio cop^s printed. 267. A Gardener's Year/ Plan and 25 illusts. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1905 268. HALFPENNY (W. AND I.). Rural Architecture in the Chinese Taste, being Designs Entirely New for the Decoration of Gardens, Parks, Forrests, Insidesof Houses, etc. With full instructions for workmen. Engraved title and 6Jf copper -plates. 8vo, calf (rubbed and cracked). Lond. 1755 269. HALLAM (HENRY). View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1898 ^270. HAMILTON (ALEXANDER). Letter from Alex- / ander Hamilton, concerning the public conduct and char- iQ acter of John Adams, Esq., President of the United States. \ 8vo, new half morocco. N. Y. 1800 This rare attack on Burr and Adams went through six editions in the year 1800. 38 v"W 271. HANDBOOK of Hardy Herbaceous and Alpine Flowers, by W. Sutherland, 1871; The English Flower Garden, by H. A. Bright, 1881; A Year in a Lancashire Garden, by H. A. Bright, 1891; In a Tuscan Garden, 1902; he Formal Garden in England, 1892; The Chronicle of a Ornish Garden, by H. Roberts, 1901 ; Notes from a Lincoln- shire Garden, 1903; A Book of English Gardens, by M. R. Gloag, 1906. Mainly illust. 8 vols. 12mo, cloth. Gardening. Illusts. Lond., V. d. 272. HANDBOOKS of Practical 21 xols. 8vo, cloth. ^^73. HANSON (A. C.) Remarks on the proposed plan of a Federal Government, addressed to the citizens of the United States of America and particularly to the people of Maryland, byAristides. 8vo, half morocco. Annapolis, 1788 The author, Alexander Contee Hanson, was high in the con- fidence of Washington and for some months acted as his Pri- Secretary and was afterwards chosen by Washington as Rare. ^" AF vate one of his aides. ^ \Ai 274. HARDY (THOMAS). Tess of the D'Urbervilles. Pure Woman. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1801 First edition. Richard Le Gallienne's copy, with his poeti- cal bookplate in each volume. Not an ex-library copy, which is unusual. 275. HARRINGTON (JAMES). The Oceana and Other Works of James Harrington. Collected, etc., with account of his life, by John Toland. With appendix containing all Political Tracts omitted. Portrait and front, hy Vander Gucht. Small folio, old calf. Lond. 1747 " The only valuable model of a Commonwealth that has yet been offered to the public." — Hume. "One of the boasts of English literature." — Stewart. A few wormholes. From the library of George Bancroft, the historian, with his beautiful Cherub " bookplate. HARRIS (JOSEPH). The Mistakes; or, The False : a Tragi-Comedy. Acted by their Majesties Ser- The Prologue written by Mr. Dryden, the Epilogue Tate. Small 4to, old half green calf. Lond. : Printed for Jo. Hindmarsh, 1691 First Edition. From the libraries of John, Duke of Rox Ijurgh, and of Alexander Gardiner, with their library stamps on reverse of title, and with the autograph of " Thos. JoUey 1814 on flyleaf." Inserted is a very interesting A. L. S. to Lt.- ol. Jack regarding this particular copy. ARTLIB (SAMUEL). His Legacy of Husbandry, are bequeathed to the Common-wealth of Eng- land, not only Braband and Flanders, but also many more utlandish and Domestick Experiments and Secrets (of Gabriel Plats and others). 4to, contemporary sheep (re- backed). Lond. : J. M. for Richard Wodnothe, 1655 Scarce. 39 ^ I A y A 1^ V r\ i\ ^ 278. HAITSRATH (DR. A.). A History of the New Tes- tament Times. Transl. by L. Huxley. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1895 279. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). The Token; or, Affection's Gift (Contains "Sylph Etherege," "Peter Goldth wait's Treasure," " Endicott and the Red Cross," " Night Sketches beneath an Umbrella," and " The Shaker Bridal," by Hawthorne, and " The Only Daughter," by O. W. Holmes.) Willi plates. 12mo, calf gilt (slightly [d loose in binding). Hartford, 1850 ouse of the Seven Gables : a Romance. ^chly gold tooled and inlaid with nts in the Old English "Cottage" k green levant with mosaic centre by Curtis Walters. Bost. 1851 very charming binding. ' THORNE (NATHANIEL). Wonder Book for With 60 colored designs by Walter Crane. Bost. 1893 crim and style, dou ornaments F 281. HA Boys and Girls 8vo, cloth. r 282. HAYNES (THOMAS). A Treatise on the Improved Culture of the Strawberry, Raspberry and Gooseberry. 8vo, original boards, uncut. Lond. 1812 283. HAZLITT (WILLIAM), lection of Essays on Literature, EDN. 2 vols. 16mo, full russia 284/HEATH (FRANCIS H. tslimmg all the Species of Briti plates. Folio, decorated clot The Round Table: a Col- Men, and Manners. First Edinburgh, 1817 h Portfolio, con- Mne large colored Lond. 1885 V <^' n- ^/ 285. HENDERSON (PETER). Henderson's Handbook of Plants and General Horticulture. Numerous illusts. Royal 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1890 286. HERODOTUS. Nine Books of the History trans- lated from the text of Thomas Gaisford, with Notes, Illus- trative and Critical, and a Geo2:raphical Index. To which are prefixed a Summary of the History and an Introductory Essay. By P. E. Laurent. Map. 8vo, half morocco. /\S I y J^xford, 1846 /287/ kiBBERD (SHIRLEY). ^^^L^J^y^ Beautiful- Dwt^d Plants. With colored platS^pmMSiCk illusts. 4to, clotlj^ / \/ /^Lond. 1870 28a/%ILL (JOHN). The Britisjf ^TO^^- ^^ History of Pl^rfts and Trees, natives of Britain, cumvated for use, or raised for beauty. Engraved fro^ty.dn^. pjates. Folio, old calf (rubbed and cracked). ^eisberger, Missionary among the Indians/ 12nio, oA^al half sheep. Phil. : Printed by Henry Miller, 1776^ Fine copy of this extremely rare little book. From the ibrary of Henry A. Muhlenberg, with his bookplate. 320^1 History of the Mission of the United Brethren aiiftd^rfg the Indians in North America. By George H. Los- kiel. Fine map. 8vo, calf (jreba^^ed). Lond. 1794 An elaborate history of/he ijpimi American Indians, founded on the experience of imeJW«BTOnanes in New York, Penn- sylvania, etc. HisN-mwif^te Mi^i^rf!!^, and includes glimpses of various frontier v^frs o/ the reth Century, massacres, etc. he large map is inyreet^g ; its peculiarity is that all places here Christian InOTansN^ved are indicated. Rare. — The Princess; or, Melo Drame in thre /y y/m \\q Sauvage. An Performed at the By J. N. Barker. id G. Palmer, 1808 'Pocahontas and Captain Smith. Teatres Philadelphia aiid 16mo, new half morocco. First Edition. The st( Rare. Choice copy. ^322. William Weston; or, The Reward of Perse- verance. Very fine woodcut front. 16mo, original boards, with roan back. Hingham, Mass., 1832 A QUAINT LITTLE CHAP BOOK EDITION relating the ravages of ;he Pequods and Mohegans in Connecticut. / 1 / 323V Altowan; or, Life Mountains. By an Ama J. Watson Webb. 2 vols. 12 gilt edges. First Edition. A rare tions, etc., of the Winn dventures in the ler. Edited by own morocco gilt, N. Y. 1846 of tfTe life, character, tradi- Pottawattomies. Fine copy, , ^. .^^ ^^ago / especially bound for presentation purposes y324. INNESS (GEORGE). George Inness, the Painter. A Memorial of the Student, the Artist and the Man. By Al- fred Trumble. Portrait. List of the Artist's pictures and 4to, half morocco. N. Y. 1895 i^ 8 realized at their sale, nly 150 copies printed. ELAND (W. H.). Scribbleomania; or, The Devil's Polichronicon. A sublime poem. Edited Pen-Drag-on. 8vo, full polished calf gilt, gilt Lond. 1815 Finely extra-illustrated by the insertion of numerous fine and rare portraits and caricatures of Southey, Addison, Burns, ley, Lilly, Lady Montagu, Mrs. Trimmer, Mary Anne larke. Fox, Cobbett, Thomas Pennant, Miss Owenson, Dibdin, ielding, and many others, together with some fine old col- " views of London by Ackerman. S^^eT^iRYING (WASHINGTON). Yoyages and Disco sc- enes' of the Companions of Columbus. First edn. 8vo, half cloth and boards, uncut (some pp. spotted). Phil. 1831 44 z' i27//f AMES I. The Works of the Most High and Mighty Prince, James by the Grace of God fig of Great Brittaine, publishyd t^ James (Montague), Bishop of Wintou. With the fine cm^^rare j^trait of the King by Simon Pass, a very hecmtj/n^nitle'j^f^e in compart- • merits^ engraved by EhtrackeJ jkOT'pagQ/xvoodcuts of the ^ » I Royal Arms ^ and 'portrait of JfffcLJSJi^ -^ cation. Folio, old calf (neaJWs|^eba^ed). Lond. : Printed by Ropetil Barker and John Bill, 1016 First Edition. Contains the " Doemonologie " ; the " Basili- con Doron " ; the " Trew Law of Free Monarchie " ; "A Counter- blaste to Tobacco " ; "An Apologie for the Oath of Allegiance," etc. V^8. JAMES I AND CHARLES I. The Annals of King " , James and King Charles the First. Both of happy memory / ^^y containing faithful history and impartial account of the , (o great affairs of State, and transactions of Parliaments in I England, 1612-1642, wherein several material passages re- lating to the late Civil Wars are made known. By Thomas Frankland. Folio, old calf, neatly rebacked. Lond. 1681 I First Edition. k/z'1%. JEFFERSON'S ADMINISTRATION. A Reply to nie Lucius Junius Brutus's Examination of the President's Answer to the New Haven Remonstrance. By Leonidas. 8vo, half morocco, neat. Deniston and Cheetham, 1801 A candid discussion on the advisability of oflBce-holders re- taining their positions under a change of administrations. 330. JEKYLL (GERTRUDE). Wood and Garden Notes and Thoughts, Practical and Critical, of a Working Ama- teur. Illusis, 8vo, buckram, gilt, uncut. Lond. 1899 331. Home and Garden: Notes and Thoughts, prac- tical and critical, of a worker in both. With 53 illusts. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1900 332. Lilies for English Gardens. Ulust. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1901 333. Some English Gardens. Beautifully illust. with an extensive series of finely colored plates after dratv- ings by^ Geo. S. Ellgood. Royal 4to, buckram gilt, gilt torn I uncut. Lond. 1904 330^ ^ Colour in the Flower Garden. Illust. 8vo, cloth. \ ■ Lond. 1908 335. JEKYLL (GERTRUDE) and MAWLEY (EDW.). ^. Roses f op; English Gardens. Numerous illusts. 8 vo, buck- ram, gilt,\uncut. N. Y. 1902 335*. JEFFRIES (RICHARD). Field and Hedgerow, being the Last Essays of Jeffries. First edn. 12mo, three- ^ quarter red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1889 / 45 jy c f 336. JESSE (EDWARD). Favorite Haunts and Rural Studies; including Visits to Spots of interest in the vicinity of Windsor and Eton. First edn. lUust 12rao, half levant morocco gilt, gilt top. Lond. 1847 337. JOHNS (C. A.). The Forest Trees of Britain. Illust. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1899 • V V^SsJloHNSON (DR. SAMUEL). Pio^ziana^or, Recol- ^ lerfekrns of the late Mrs. Piozzi, with r^ajf^^y a Friend ^ (E. Mangin). 8vo, calf. Lond. ij^dvafefi Mox^^ First Edition. With an interest!]^' "Sftogr^W^Tetter of 3 Jourual pages. Svo, from the author to the in reference to the work. 339. JOHNSON'S Gardener's Dictionary: a New Edition /[) thoroughly revised and considerably enlarged, by C. H. . .i ^ Wrj^i^nd D. Dewar. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1896 ..^^340^ONES (JOHN). Ovid's Invective; or. Curse >^jy a^Hfret Ibis, faithfully and fam/iarf^translated into Eng- lish Verse; and the Histories /hei^lr contained, being in number two hundred and fif t^p^JKeleast briefly explained, one by one; with Natural, ]™ral,ytfifiMcal, Political, Mathe- yi y^ raatical and some few TheoJwgic^l^raTications. By John I ^' Jones, M.A., Teacher of a/lYi/ateTSchool in the City of I Hereford. I'/imo, sprinklfed \^lf gilt, rough gilt edges. I Printed by J. G. for Ric Davis in Oxon, 1658 First Edition. Beautiful copy. ¥34 \\ 341. JONSON (BEN). The Works of Ben Jonson, which were formerly printed in two volumes and are now reprinted J in one. To which is added a comedy called the " New Inn. " / • With additions never before published. With beautiful impression of the fine portrait of Jonson by W, Elder. Folio, old calf, newly rebacked. Lond. : Printed by Thomas Hodgkin for H. Herringman, 1692. The first complete folio. Scarce. / 342. JONSSON-ROSE (N.). Lawns and Gardens, how to Plant and Beautify the Home Lot, etc. Illust. Royal Svo, cloth. N. Y. 1897 \/^^ iv /v -.%fWi. TT^EAN (EDMUND). Authentic Memoirs of Ed- Uiy XV niund Kean, of the Theatre Royal, Drury I Lane. Containing a Specimen of his Composition (an ac- count of an Unfortunate Companion, by Edmund Kean). By Francis Piggen. 12mo, half roan. Lond. : J. Roach, 1814 M From the Daly collection. Probably the earliest publica- ^ tion containing an account of Edmund Kean, pages 86 to 111 'contain " Critiques on Richard, Shylock, Hamlet, Othello and lago." 46 344. KEATS (JOHN). Letters edited by Jno. Gilmer r^ Speed. Wiili portraits in colors. 3 vols. 12mo, boards, ^2 ^ uncut. N. Y. 1883 *-^ One of 279 copies printed on Holland paper. 345. KELLY. Le Cambiste Universel, ou traits complet des changes, monnaies, poids et mesures, de toutes les nations commer^antes et de leurs colonies. 2 vols 4to, half callt^Deks torn). Paris, 1823 ^ vp46.^ELMSCOTT PRESS.— The Poems of William nji^ ^ sK^l^pi^eare, printed after the Orijfinal Copies of Venus ^ ^ and Adonis, 1593; The Rape of Lucrece, 1594; Sonnets, '^ S 1609; The Lover's Complaint. Edited by F. S. Ellis. 8vo, original limp vellum, uncut. Printed by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, 1893 ^ 500 copies only issued. Printed with the Golden type, and with borders to the first page of each part. 347. KING (C. W.). Antique Gems and Rings. With upwards of 66 plates of ancient gems, cameos, etc., and numerous text illusts. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, cloth, gilt. Lond. 1872 348. KIPLING (RUDYARD). Departmental Ditties ^ ^^ and other Verses. 12mo, original cloth. Calcutta, 1890 >^ "^ 349. Barrack-Room Ballads and other Verses. 12mo, ^^^ cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1892 '^ 350. The Seven Seas. First edn. 8vo, cloth, gilt ^^ top, uncut. Lond. 1896 » ^^ Large Paper copy of which only 150 were printed on hand- O ^^madft paper. J y' Iz^xA Sixteen Illustrations of Subje^^^^ro Kipling's *^IjM!ifle Book," by Maurice and EdT^flW^eyk)ld. 16 ^^"^ 'beautiful colored plates in mats. ¥o\\oJ(Ko%\LMv\jio\\o. '^ 1 1 Lond. 1903 352. Kim. First English edn. Illusts. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1901 353. KNIGHT (T. A.). A Treatise on the Culture of the Apple and the Pear, and on the Manufacture of Cider and Perry. 12mo, sheep (joints cracked). Lond. 1818 ^ ^54. J A FONTAINE (JEAN DE). The Loves of Cupid (X^ -^-^ and Psyche; in Verse and Prose. From the French of La Fontaine. To which are prefixed a Version of the same Story, from the Latin of Apuleius. By Mr. Lockman. 8vo, old calf, neatly rebacked. Lond. 1744 The very rare First English Edition. 47 3o H- fSBU: ,• '355VLAMB (CHARLES). Original Letters of Sir J^QJa« Falstaff, selected from genuine MSS. which have *»j)' been in the possession of Dame Quickly and her descend- ants near four hundred years, now dedicated to Master Samuel Irelaunde and Patrick Lyon. Curious fronts, eri- ^ / graved on copper, proof impression^ 18mo, half blue J crushed levant, gilt edges, by Bradstreets. Phil. 1813 Choice copy of the extremely rare first American edition, in exceptional condition, and the First Book of Lamb's printed in America. 356. Complete Correspondence and Works, with an Essay on his Life and Genius, by Thos. Purnell, portrait, 4 vols., 1870; Mary and Charles Lamb, Poems, Letters and Remains, now first collected by W. C. Hazlitt, portrait, illusts. and facsimile, 1874. 5 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt. ^^— TV Lond. 1870-74 (357JLANGHAM (WILLIAM). The Garden of Health: A ca»t«ming the sundry rare and hlidtJen' vertues and proper- i ties of all kinds of simples and plants. 4to, contemporary Y\ -^ calf (somewhat rubbed). Lond. :0 360. LATHAM (CHARLES). The Gardens of Italy, ^^ with Descriptions by E. March Phillips. 2 vols, folio, cloth gilt, gilt edges. Lond. [recent] 361. In English Homes, the Internal Character, Furniture and Adornments of some of the most notable Houses of England. With numerous fine half-tone plates illustrating the gardens, etc, etc. Folio, cloth gilt, gilt edges. Lond. [recent] 362. LATHROP (J. M.) Atlas of Orange County, New York, compiled and drawn from Official Records, Public and Private Plans and Actual Surveys. Folio, half calf. Phil. 1903 48 ?^ 363. LEAF COLLECTOR'S HAND-BOOK AND HERB- ARIUM. By Chas. S. Newhall. lllusts. 8vo, cloth. yC^ . N. Y. 1898 Jpm LE BLOND (AL PVft^ice of Gardening; wl relates to fine Gardens, coj consisting of Parterres, Transl. bj^ John James. Oc^dens, Parterres, Groves^ y ..^ <^ i>^ The Theory and handled all that isiire-Gardens, (wling-Greens, etc. engraved plates of plans of ic. 4to, contemporary calf. Vr Lond. 1728 365. LEE (NATHANIEL). Gloriana, or the Court of Augustus CjBsar. Acted at the Theatre Royal, by their Majesties Servants. Small 4to, half levant, gilt top. Lond. : printed for J. Magnes, 1676 First edition of this very curious play founded on the omance of Cleopatra. 36^LE GALLIENNE (RICHARD). The Book-Bills of issus. 8vo, original parchment wrappers, uncut. Derby, 1891 First edition. The author's own copy. One of a very FEW copies on Japan paper. Contains the Book-plates of Richard Le Gallienne and of Mildred Le Gallienne. ^67. English Poems label, uncut. First edition author. 8vo, original boards with Lond. 1892 One of 150 Large Paper copies signed by the 368. LELAND (CHAS. G.). The English Gipsies and their Language, 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1874 369. The Hundred Riddles of The Fairy Bellaria. With over 100 illusts. Sm. 4to, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1892 Edition limited to 100 copies on hand-made paper and con- taining an original illustration by the author. . •3': 370. LE PRINCE'S ETCHINGS. Costume of Rus- ^ SIA. Divers Ajustements et Usages de Riissie. Des- sines d'apr^s Nature et graves k I'Eau Forte par J, Le Prince. A series of 70 splendid etchings by Le Prince, depicting the Costumes of the Peasants, Traders, OflQcials, Military and Clergy of Russia, their Employments and Amusements, etc. 4to, half dark morocco, neat. Paris, 1764-1774 An unusually complete collection of this famous etcher's work. Contains the very rare sets of the " Street Cries " of Merchants of St. Petersburg and Moscow, EWIS AND CLARK EXPEDITION. A Journal Voyages and Travels of a Corps of Discovery under Command of -Capt. Lewis and Capt. Clark, of the Army of the U. S., from the Mouth of the River Missouri, through the interior parts of North America, to the Pacific 49 4 / 3" ^' !<> '^ ^ e. y If) r/ Ocean, during the years 1804-5-6. Containing an Authen- tic Relation of the most interesting transactions during the Expedition, A Description of the Country, and an Account of its Inhabitants, soil, climate, curiosites and Animal and Vegetable Productions. By Patrick Gass, one of the persons emploj^ed in the Expedition. With Geographical and Explanatory notes by the publisher. 12mo, original half roan. Pittsburgh : Zadoc Cramer, 1807 The exceedingly rare First Edition. 372. LIDDELL (H. G.) and SCOTT (R.). A Greek- Engli^ Lexicon. Seventh Edition revised and augmented ut. Thick 4to, sheep. N. Y. 1894 INDLEY (JOHN). Sertum Orchidaceum: a of the most beautiful Orchidaceous Flowers. With 49 i)ldtes hefautifully colored by hand. Folio, full morocco iiti, 'glT9/dges. Lond. 1838 \ ^eautiful and complete copy of this important and very scarce work. 374. The Vegetable Kingdom; or, the Structure, Classification, and LFses of Plants. With upwards of 500 illusts. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1846 375. LINDLEY ( PROF. ). Folia Orchidacea. An Enumeration of the Known Species of Orchids. Vol. 1. 8vo, calf. Lond. 1852-55 376. LITERATURE. Victorian Age of English Litera- ture [Oliphant], 2 vols.; Latin Literature [Mackail]; Ancient Classical Drama [Moulton] ; Commemorative Addresses [Godwin] ; Familiar Studies of Men and Books [Stevenson] ; Essays of John Dry den [Ker], 2 vols. ; and others. 19 vols., 12mo, cloth. v. p., v. d. 377. LOCKYER {J. N.). Contributions to Solar Physics. With plates and text illusts. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1874 378. Stargazing: Past and Present. .ONGFELLOW (HEN^ E^-S^rano De Las Alpujarr Geo. W. Montgomery. Ed fellow] . First edn. , first^ Rare. Illust. Lond. 8vo, 1878 Novelas Espafiolas Cuadro Misterioso [by (wi^ Preface, by Long- 12mo, half cloth. Brunswick, 1830 Youth's Triumph: a Poem, >^80. LONG ISLAND POEM, or Vision, in which pleasure, honor and wealth, make their address to a youth for supreme respect. Virtue interposes by way of address and wins the. Youth, who thereupon Triumphs. 67 four-line verses. 12mo, half morocco, dated at end, "Ex Meo Museo East Hampton, .Jan. 20, 1775." Rare. Not in the Fiske Harris, Brinley, or other large col- lections. Written on half-title is: " Joseph Strong's the gift of Mrs. Jerusha Oardner," who presumably was the author. 50 381. LOUDON (J. C). Observations on the Formation and Management of Useful and Ornamental Plantations, on the theory and practice of Landscape Gardening, and on gaining and embanl<:ing land from rivers or the sea. FiRSjww>N. With copper-plates. 8vo, half calf (cracked). The author's first book. An Encyclopaedia of G and Practice of Horticulture and Landscape Gardenin 8vo, half levant morocc Arboretum et Frnt^p^tum and Shrubs of Brit^nn. With ne folding. 8 vols. 8vo, half 384. — Annuals, clot • The Ladies' Flower-Garde With JfS very fine colored jolate British Wild Flowers Edinburgh, 1804 ing, comprising Arbori- hundred Lond. 1850 or, f plates, mp on 1854 of Ornamental offl,owers. 4 to, Lond. 1844 t) plates of flow - Lond. 1847 y OWE (E. J.). A Natural erns, containing Species and V are included in any of the eight vol and Exotic. Colored plates an - Ferns, Britis plates. 8 vols, roy OWELL (GUY). 'America buckram. ^' cT ^ery finely colored by hand. LOUISIANA. An Oration on the Cession of Louisiana to the United States. Delivered Mar 12, 1804, at Charles- town, S. C. By David Ramsay, 8vo, half morocco, neat, uncut. Newport: R. J. O. Farns worth, 1804 Rare. Top margin slightly damaged without affecting text. \/387. LOUIS XlVth's COPY. Les Veritez de la Religion prouvees et defendues contre les Anciennes Heresies par la Verite de I'Euchariste. Ou Traile pour confirmer les Nou- veaux Convertis dans la Foi de I'Eglise Catholique. 12mo, original red morocco, gilt edges. Paris, 1686 The Dedication Cop}^ bound for Louis the " Great," and with his Arms and Fleurs-de-Lys in gold on the sides, by Boyer, the King's Binder. » With the fine old French Bookplate of >hn Peter de Lorrain. ^.y of New and ne of which erns, British 8vo, cloth. Loud. 1871 ith hundreds of Lond. 1872 i Fully illust. Bost. 1902 A/fcMASTER (J. B.). A History of the People of ^^ the United States, from the Revolution to the Civil War. Vols. I-V. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1883-1902 Forest of Arden. Illust. N, Y. 1898 (1^ 392. MABIE (H. W.). In the 8vo, cloth, gilt. 51 393. MALTHUS (T. R.). An Essay on the Principle of Population; or, A View of Its Past and Present Effects on Human Happiness. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt tops. Lond. 1826 304. MANCHESTER, ENGLAN^VH^ory of the Founda- ion^/4Ti Manchester of Christ'^o^le^jJl^Cheth^ Hospital, et<5r With fine copper-plat^pfifi^fmts a?^ views. 2 vols. 4to, half blue levant, uncutifjoy Rrvi^rtS. / iV Lond. : Pickering, 1834 scarce and valuable wmk, edited by Samuel Hibbert. JQ . ^395. MANLEY (MRS.). Alinyna^or, The Arabian Vow. \ y VvV P Tr^^gedy, as it is acted at the Th/atre Royal in the Hay- ^(^ f\y TVfafket by Her Majesty's Servants. Sniall'4to, half levant, ■/y 1^ ^ •^ gilt top. Lond. : Printet^Jtor William Turner, 1707 First Edition. Written by tliie notorious author of "The New Atlantis," "Secret Memoirs, /eto^ The prologue was spoken by Gibber and the epilogue by B^terton, the latter contains an interesting reference to Shakespeare. J^6. [MARKHAM (GERVASE).] Cheape and good •^^usbandry for the well-ordering of all beasts and fowles, ^^ and for the general cure of their diseases .... together with the use and profit of bees, the making of Fish-ponds, and the 's^ I taking of all sorts of Fish, Lond., 1631; Country Content- I , ments or the Husbandmans Recreations containing the whole- j some experiences .... as namely Hunting, Hawking . . . . , y Bowling, Tennis, Baloone, the whole Art of Angling, and the \ use of the Fighting Cock, by G. M., Lend., 1633 ; the English Housewife, containing the inward and outward vertues which ought to be in a compleate woman, by G. M., Lond., 1637 ; the Inrichment of the Weald of Kent, or a Direction to the Husband-man, for the true ordering, manuring and inriching of all the grounds within the Wealds of Kent and Sussex, )tih cuts, Lond., 1636; Markhams Farwell to Husbandry, Lond., 1638 ; A New Orchard and Garden, or the best way for Y^ j planting, grafting, and to make any ground good, for a rich N- y orchard, with woodcuts, Lond., 1638. In one vol. 4to, full \y russia. AH very scarce treatises and all fine copies. 3y 397. MARRIAGE RITES, Customs and Ceremonies of the >^ Natiojis of the Universe. [By Lp^ Hamilton.] Front. ^ (msLUth vignette. 8vo, ^d half calf, uncut. Lond. 1824 ^398. MARSHALL (NINA L.'). The Mushroom Book. A y Popular Guide to the ide;itification and Study of our com- y moner Fungi, with special Emphasis, on the edible varieties. ^ With' many illusts. in color, and hluck and white. Imp. 8vo, clopir^ ' ^ N. Y. 1901 '399. MAUND (B.). The Botanic Garden^3 vols.; The Fruitist, one vol.; Floral Register, 2/par^s^Kone vol.; The Auctarium of the Botanic Garden, ^Y>^vp0^-^ey6l. With 52 h><^ ^ I j^of w <^ 33 ^ f 1320 figures very finely and artistically colored by hand. To- gether 16 vols. 4to, half morocco. Lond. 1825-50 Large Paper, with the plates wholly colored, instead of partly, as in the inferior state. The ''Fruitist," ** Floral Kegister'' and "The Auctarium" were issued in small portions with the Botanic Garden. In the present copy they have been properly bound separately. 400. MAWSON (THOMAS H.). The Art and Craft of Garden Making. Numerous illusts. 4to, cloth, uncut. yi Lond. 1900 mh MEAGER (LEONARD). The New Art of Garden- into. rue art of dded an th in the slightly cut Lond.: Prinfed for R. Ware [1683] First Edition of this very popular book. The English Gardne^ or/kj^e Guide to Young ing;^ith the Gardener's Almanack, con Gardening, in all its particulars. To /a^ H /^ /Almanack, shewing what is to be dfwi^eve /y^/ year. 12mo, calf. Stained and ^^^ heading! ters and Gardners. In use of all such as delight in need not doubt of ?alf . Rare, a :en and W0m6n Contemporary Tprt Fitted for the ^by the meanest Copper-plates. Small Lond. : J. Dawks, 1699 P THE DAY. A Picture Gal- iture. With over 100 large life \^ /DJIlO C/^old 3 tographs of T£}hglish jirtists, authors, statesmen, actor, oldiers and othr/rs in permane^it photography, by Barraud. 3^vols. 4to, half anoj'occo. Lond. 1888-9 A fine and scarce collection. 404. MERIVALE (CHARLES). History of the Romans der the Empire. Portraits, maps, etc. 7 vols, in 6, post vo^i!!^flj gilt, uncut (some pp. water-stained). N. Y. 1896 J05^IICHAUX (F. A.). orTa Description of the Forest and Nova Scotia, considered wit^ Arts and their introduction FINELY COLORED PLATES. 3 T gilt, gilt edges (slightly rubb^S) ^n"''--'^ Fine copy. Scarce, ( 406^MIDDLETON (THOMAS). Tl VgUegfed, with some account of the ATDyce. Portrait, proof on India p\ polished calf gilt, gilt edges. Large paper. 407. MILLER (ELLEN) and WHITING (M. C). Wild Flowers of the North-Eastern States. Being three hundred and eight individuals common to the North-Eastern United States, drawn and described from life. With 308 illusts. 4to, cloth. N. Y. 1898 5-i American Sylva ; the U. S., Canada *esp^ct to their use in the ito Commerce. Numerous ''0, ^rrt stamped morocco, Phil. : Rutter, n. d. s, now first ' notes, by ^Is. 8vo, full Lond. 1840 H^ si. /z- J rP %1 / / 408yMILLER (PHILIP). The, contftmmg the methods of culti Kitchen, Fruit and Flower Gafd Garden, Wilderness, Conservatory, |d calf (cracking). ILTON (JOHN), from the Holy Sc' from the original iles of Milton's a Large paper copy. Scare INER (HARRI of Plants. Numer decorated cloth, extra. /^^MISCELLANEOUS lot'of exce CTdmng many on Roses. 20 pieces, 8v 412. MISCELLANEOUS AND RELIGIOUS. Religious Systems of the World, Rise of Christianity, Agnosticism. A Commentary on the First Gospel by an Agnostic, Works of Sidney Smith, Notable New Yorkers, Guide Books (7 vols.), and others. About 45 vols., various sizes and bindings. lonary ; 5ving the Physick nd Vineyard. Front. Lond. 1731 Christian Doctrine, By John Milton. ner. With two boards, half red iversity Pjress, 1825 ds. The Royal d plates. Folio, Lond. 1885 phlets, in- wrappers. y 5 '413^/MISSAL. Officium Beatissimae _ 'usum Fratrum Ord. prsedicato copper plates signed M and quaint Printed in red and black throughou antique. Scarce. Fine copy. arise, secun- full-page ial letters. 1 black calf e: Lessa, 1598 '414.yMOLIfiRE (POQUELINDE). L 'Escole des Femmes. lie. Woodcut on title. Engraved frontispiece signed F. C. 12mo, half dark blue calf gilt. A Paris : chez Gabriel Quinet, 1663 The rare Original Edition. Augustin Daly's copy. 415. MONBODDO (JAMES BURNET, LORD). Of the Origin and Progress of Language. Portrait. 6 vols. 8vo, half vellum. Edinburgh, 1774-92 416. MOORE (C. Gothic Architecture. ^ / H.). Development and Character of First Edn. Illust. 8vo, cloth. ...-^, . , Lond. 1890 417. 7 Development and Cnarp^ter of Gothic Architec- ture, -'Second Edition rewritten and enlarged. With 10 plates in photogravure and 242 iUtists. in the text. 8vo, cloth. aN. Y. 1899 MOORE (THOMAS). The Clematis as a Garden . Colored and other plates^ 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1877 >/419. /, ___. MOREAU'S ILLUSTRATIONS. Pygmalion. Scene Lyriqiie de J. J. Rousseau. Mise en Vers par M. Berquin. With numerous charming vignettes engraved hy Ponce and Gaucher after Moreau le Jeune and Marillier. 4to, half crimson levant, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1775 Le Monnyer's beautiful Edition of 1883. One of 100 copies on Japan paper with the plates in three proof states and IN THREE COLORS. /o 'X>^ MORLEY (H ^itj/ many heauti flight calf extr oirs of Bartholomew Fair. engraved hy the Dalziels. backed. Lond. : Chapman and Hall, 1859 First Edition. Scarce. ^421,yMORRELL (WILLIAljt^^^ England; or, a Brief innan-ation of the Ayr^JpJHr^^^r, Fish, and Fowles of Country, with a'^ffiat*d|A "wt^ of the Natures, Orders, Habits, and Religion oytU^^^tivoi. In Latin and English Verse. Small 4to, hal^rdSS, uncrftas issued. Boston, 1895 Only 100 copies prmted on handmade paper for the Boston lub of Odd Volumes, from the London HdiciMT'o^f 1625. ^IS (F. 0.). A History o|/slrm^^utterflies. ID EDN. WitiJZlJi^krred plates. 8yD>Jlotlr Lond. 1870 423. MORRIS (WILLIAM). The Earthly Paradise. Por^ trait. 12 parts, 12mo, boards, cloth back. Lond. 1905 424. MOSHER PRESS. Marius the Epicurean. His Sensations and Ideas. By Walter Pater. Portrait. 2 vols. 4to, stiffened Japan paper wrappers, uncut. Portland, 1900 ^„,,^ Edition limited to 35 copies printed throughout on Japan /^^^"T^er, of which this is No. 22. C42a, x^— Empedocles on Etna, A 1,-jr 0/^ Matthew Arnold. 8vo, stiffened veil oem. By uncut, and, 1900 throughout on Japan Annals of the Early Map. 8vo, half calf Lond. 1883 Edition limited to 50 copies paper. 426. MUIR (SIR WILLIAM). Caliphate. From Original Sources, gilt (joints cracked). 427. MtJLLER (PROF. HERMANN). The Fertiliza- tion of ElDwers. Transl. Preface by Chas. Darwin, lllvsts. 8va. clothj Lond. 1883 APOLEON I. A Circumstantial Narrative of the Campaign in Russia. With two folding plat^g^of the Battles of the MosTJica^ari^ Malo-Jaroslaviiz. retaining a faithful description of tho affecting and inter- esting scenes of which th^antlior was an eye-witness. By Eugene Labaume. 8vo,iM ^^heep (rebacked and piece cut from title). / / J^i^ ' J^^" Conrad, 1815 Rare. Contains at/e^^ verj^tnteresting list of Conrad's publications. 55 if ^ ^ «> P / t ^ ^ 429. NAPOLEON I. Napoleon in the Other World. A y^^ Narrative written by himself and found near his Tomb on Yjr the Island of St. Helena, by Xango-Lee-Foh-Tchi, Mandarin of the Third Class. 8vo, half green levant, emblematic back, gilt top. Lond. 18-47 Original Edition of this very curious work. Fine copy. 430. NASMYTH (JAMES) and CARPENTER (JAMES). The Moon: Considered as a Planet, a World, and a Satellite. Numerous photographic illusts. , many tinted. 8vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1885 431. NATURE SERIES. Popular Lectures and Ad- dresses by Lord Kelvin, 3 vols.; The ApodidsB [Bernard]; Modern Views of Electricity [Lodge] ; Polarization of Li^ht [Spottiswoode]. Allillust. 6 vols, 12mo, cloth. / Loud. 188tJ-1892 V432. NEWCASTLE (WILLIAM CAVENDISH, DUKE OF). The Triumphant Widow, or the Medley of Humours. A Comedy acted by His Royal Highness's Servants. Small 4to, half levant, gilt top. Lond. : Printed by J. M. for H. Herringman, 1677 First Edition. Very scarce. " Shad well had so high an idea of this amusing piece that he has transcribed a great part of it into his own Bury Fair." At pfige GO there is an interesting ;eference to Shakespeare and Fletcher and Beaumont. NEWHALL (C. ^.); .The Shrubs of Northeastern usts. 8vo,yfcloth. ^ ■• N. Y. 1893 The Vine^ of Northeastern America. With us illusts. 8vo, cloth. ' N. Y. 1897 The Shrubs Q05'9J:lneastern America. Illusts. th. f^ y : . N. Y. 1897 The Trees of Nortmeas^rn America. Illusts. %^' oth. / , EW HAMPSHIRE, 1754. ge from Benning Wentwojrth. of New Hampshire in Ne v 1 1: Queries of the Right Honorable ti for Trade and Plantations." Fjri on 15 pages folio, half sprinklqd A fine and interesting hi Governor described the geogn of the State, its Soil, Consti N. Y. 1900 Original Autograph is Majesty's Gov- d to J»he respective orde^ommissioners 'an<3r legibly written ortsmouth, 1754 dociftnent, in which the and historical conditions of the Courts, Fisheries, J>y Trade, Commerce, Mineral Rejpources, the Louisbourg Expe- ITION, Emigration, the Financial Situation, etc. ^38. /NEWPORT. The Case Trevett against Weeden; oivJj>^rmation and complaint for refusing Paper Bills in Payment for Butcher's Meat in Market, at par with Specie. Tried before the Superior Court, Newport. By James N. Varnum, Esq , Major General of the State of Rhode Island. Small 4to, original wrappers. Providence: John Carter, 1787 Rare. Updike, in his Memoj-ies /f the Rhode Island Bar, gives a very long and interest case, and the startling spa >o both sides. the Rhode of this remarkable by the lawyers on THIRD SESSION. r439/ NEW YORK. FiDancial New York. A History by 'en Eyck Hardenbergh. With numerous full-page portraits and hundreds of text illusts.y old New York views, atltographs. Colonial money, etc. Folio, three-quarter crimson levant, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. : Published by the Author, 1899 Vol. I. All published of this magnificent work. Records of the City of New Amsterdam in etherland. Edited by Henry B. Dawson. 8vo, half cj/ upcut. Morrisania, 1867 y 100 copies printed, part I, all printed containing 4 ^* Orders of the Director General and Council of New Nether- nds, 1647-1659." NEW YORK VIEWS In Old New York. A series very fine etchings on India paper, by Samuel Holl- presenting; 1, Bowling Green in Colonial Times; 2, e/Old Beekman House at 50th Street and 5th Avenue; 3, P^raeral Hall at Wall and Nassau Streets; 4, the old Stone ridge Tavern at Canal and Broadway; 5, Tammany Hall t Park Place and Frankfort Street ; 6, the old City Hall in all Street; 7, the old Florence Road House; 8, Martling's in 1778, the first Tammany wigwam at Spruce and Nassau Streets; 9, St. Paul's Church, 1831, at Vesey Street; 10, Broadway between Fulton and Barclay, before the Astor House was built; 11, John Jacob Astor 's house at 85th Street, near the East River; 12, Old Niblo's Garden before the Fire. 4to, original printed wrappers. N. Y. 1900 Only 103 sets issued. Artist's signed proofs. ICHOLS (ROSE S.). English Pleasu hnd upwards of 300 illusts. 8vo, gilt t' CHOLSON (GEORGE). The Illustrated Dic- of Gardening, a Practical and Scientific Eucy- of Horticulture for Gardeners and Botanists. supplement. With plates in colors and numerous otJi£r Ukists. 6 vols. 4to, cloth. N. Y. 1900-1 OLHAC (PIERRE DE). Les Jardins de Ver- saMifiif. Numerous full-page and other illusts. Roj^al 4to, cloth, gilt. Paris, 1906 445. NORTH (MARIANNE), Recollections of a Happy Life, being the Autobiography of . Edited by her sister, Mrs. J. >t*Svmonds. 2 portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Loud. 1892 446/ NORTHUMBERLAND (HENRY, EARL OF). A O ^'fiMesind Summerie Reporte of the declaration of Some ^ parts of the Earle of Northumberland's Treasons, delivered publiquelie i;i the Court at the Starre Chamber . . . together 57 /? with the examinations and depositions of Snndrie persons touching the maner of his most wicked & violent murder committed upon him selfe with his ownehand, in the Towre of London, the 20 daj^ of June, 1585. 4to, boards. In aedibus C. Barker, Lond. 1585 Very rare. Henry Percy, Eighth Earl of Northumberland, was committed by Queen EHzabeth on account of his intrigues in favor of Mary Queen of Scots and was found dead in his )rison. OTES FROM NATURE'S GARDEN [Bardswell], Flowers and Ferns in their Haunts [Mabel O. Tight], illusts.; How to Know the Wild Flowers [W. S. Dana], illusts -, A Guide to the Wild Flowers [Alice Louns- berryL UlusU. ; and others. 8 vols, post 8vo, etc., cloth. •"^S V. p., V. d. {448.yNUTTALL (THOMAS). The Genera of North X I J/T/-^«m.^can Plants, and a Catalogue of the Species, to the year 1817. 2 vols, in one, l2mo, half morocco gilt, gilt top. Phil. 1818 449. r)T>D MECHANICAL BOOKS. Caus (Isaak de). ^^ New and Rare Inventions of Water Works, Shewing the Easiest waies to Raise Water higher then [sic) the Spring. By which Invention the Perpetual Motion is pro- posed, Many hard Labours performed and Varieties of Mo- tions and Sounds produced. A Work both Usefull, Profit- able and Delightfull for all sorts of People. Transl. from the French by John Leak. Engraved title aiid 26 very inter- esting copper-plates. Small folio, rebound in sheep an- tique. Lond. : Jos. Moxon, 1659 / A rare and very interesting work. • \^50. OHIO. Historical Collections of Ohio, containing Ay a Collection of the most interesting Facts, Traditions, Bio- j ^ graphical Sketches, Anecdotes, etc. , relating to its general {^ and local history. By Henry Howe. Numerous ivood ^ engravings, views, etc. Thick 8vo, old sheep (rebacked). Cinn. 1847 \^ 451. OLIPHANT (LAURENCE). Memoirs of the Life of Laurence Oliphant and of Alice Oliphant, his wife, by Margaret O. W. Oliphant. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. / Lond. 1891 : V 452. OMAR-KHAYYAM. Rubaiyat of Omar-Khayyam ^\y the Astronomer Poet of Persia, rendered into English Verse ^ y^ by Edward Fitzgerald. With very elaborate borders to each K page in black and white by W. B. Macdougall. 4to, cloth V gilt, uncut. Lond. 1898 A scarce and beautiful edition dedicated to the members of the Omar-Khayyam Club. 453. OSSIAN. The Poems of Ossian. Transl. by James Macpherson. 2 vols. 8vo, calf (cracking). Lond. 1796 X D 58 • V454. OTWAY (THOMAS). Titus and Berenice: a Tra- .<2>^ /gedy, acted at the Duke's Theatre. With a Farce called / *^^ the Cheats of Scapin. Small 4to, half levant, gilt top. jQ ^ Lond. : Printed for Richard Tonson, 1677 The rare first edition. These plays, altered from Racine and Moliere, appeared on the stage together, and are perhaps some of the earliest " joint performances " such as we have in our theatres of recent years, only in the above case the tragedy ^ f precedes instead of following the farce. y» y/^bb. The Atheist; or, The Second Part of the Sol- / ''V^ r^jy dier's Fortune. Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Small 4to, l^ y^" \ half levant, gilt top. ^ Lond. : Printed for R. Bentley and J. Tonson, 1684 First edition. Founded on Scarron's play of the "Invisible ^^'"NMistress." Otway died in the following year, 1685, in dire pov- Jf"^ Vty, and this was his last performance. >.^0 . fi^56// Alcibiades. A Tragedy, actjrd^^tJne Theatre ^ x^ R«iji«rf; by their Majesties Servants. SmadL^Mfhalf levant, j ^ gilt top. Lond. : Printed fi6in!c/^^tley, 1687 Otway 's first play and written in he/o\Q jenBfj 457. OWEN (J. A.) and BOULGER (d. S.). The Coun- try Month by Month. New edn., with Notes by Lord Lil- ford. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1902 ^. >AGET (JOHN). Paradoxes and Puzzles, Histo- rical, Judicial and Literary. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Edinbm-gh, 1874 X PAPWORTH (J. B.). Hints on lO^nau^tal Gar- consisting of a Series of Designs/fcp flrarden Build- ings, Decorative Gates, Fences, Railin|reJ€tfe^ ^Vwmerot^s fine CO LORED AQUATINT PL ATES. R^aJ 8v^f half rox- burgh glTt^un^Ut. ' Lond. : ^. ^ckermann, 1823 ^6y. Hints on Ornamental Gardening: a Series of I>&«fgns for Garden Buildings, Gates, Fences, etc. With Remarks on Rural Architecture. With 28 colored plates. O^ Royal 8vo, original boards, uncut. Lond. 1823 if- € 461. PARKINSON (JOHN). Paradisi in Sole Paradisus Terrestrls, faithfully reprinted from the Edition of 1629. Ulust. Folio, boards, cloth back, uncut. Lond. 1904 v462. PARSONS (GEORGE PARSONS). The complete jQ y^ Ori^Hial Autograph Manuscript of his very successful ^ ^ ^ ^^^ Novel, '* Gold of Pleasure." Clearly and legibly writ- "7. -^ "" — "^^ ^50 pages. 4to, half red levant, gilt top. n. d. ?his accomplished writer's manuscripts are extremely scarce. AXTON'S Magazine of Botany and Register of ng Plants. With hundreds of beautifully RED plates. 16 vols, royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt s. / Lond. 1834-49 y^ Of THE FINEST WORKS OF ITS KIND EVER ISSUED. SUCH A ^ icwin AND VALUBLE SERIES IS SELDOM OFFERED FOR SALE. //^ 59 s 64. PAXTON'S Flower Garden. By Professor Lindley d Sj/ Joseph Paxton. Revised by Thos. Baines With roUS FINELY COLORED PLATES. 3 VOls. 4t0, cloth. Lond. 1882-84 465. PEPYS (SAMUEL). Diary and Correspondence; the Diary deciphered by J. Smith from the original short- y^ hand MS. in the Pepysian Library. With a Life and Notes y^/* by R. Lord Braybrooke. Portrait 5 vols. 12mo, tree calf \ '^y (broken). Lond. 1848-49 I / \V 466. PETRARCA (FRANCESCO). A Selection of Son- ^J(tr nets from various Authors, with an Introductory Disserta- ^ tion on the Origin and Structure of the Sonnet. Edited y, by George Henderson. With S charming stipple engrav- /^ ings in the style of Bartolozzi hy his pupil P. W. Tomkins. 16mo, three-quarter blue levant extra, gilt top, by Stike- MAN. Lond. 1803 jt^^^First edition. Choice copy. W^67y^HILIPS (MRS. KATHERIN*:). Poems by the mosji/deservedly admired Mrs. Kamierufe Philips, The MIJCtchless Orinda. To which is /dd^^Monsieur Cor- neilles Pompey and Horace, Tragedle^^wiith several other translations out of French. Portrait {aider lower corner of margin repaired) of Orinda hy F!S:ithorne. Folio, half dark calf. Printed by T. N. for/Hepry Harringman, 1678 First edition. The poems of/Mrs^ Philips'were highly com- mended by Jeremy Taylor, Ifeats and others. From the library of the old American comedian, William E. Burton, with his name lettered on back. 468. PHYSICS. Text Book of Physics [Daniell], 1895; Recent Advance in Physical Science [Tait], 1885; Physi- ography [Huxley], 1883; Spectrum Analysis [Roscoe], 1869; Iron Manufacture [Fairbairn], 1869; Electricity [Caillard], 1891. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. v. p. 469. PHYTOLOGIA BRITANNICA, Natales exhibens indigenarum stirpium sponte emergentium. 12mo, old calf. Londini, 1650 With the rare blank leaf signed A and the leaf of license preceding the title. Bound together with the following rare pamphlet: "An English Catalogue of the trees and plants in the physicke garden of the universitie of Oxford." Oxford, 1648. ^ V 470.* PLAT (HUGH). The Garden of Eden; or, An Ac- curate Description of all Flowers and Fruits now growing y in England, with particular rules how to advance their nature and growth, as well in seeds and herbs, as the secret ordering of trees and plants. [PartL] First edn. 12mo, cloth. Lond. J.653 Fine copy of this scarce book. 60 y /^47iyPLAT (HUGH). The Jewel House of Art and VJJaJj*^: containiDg divers rare and profitable inventions, together with sundry new experiments in tke Axtr^f Hus- bandry. With cuts. Small 4to, contempo/ir^^klf. Lond. : Elizafce^iy^lsop, 1653 A very interesting volume The autlwnnimdbled upon the use of steam, and constructed a steam^eJIows^jia also con- trived a use for it to sprinkle abouy bwxhe Iwce of steam, rose-water and other scent. The vol\|fm€falso contains several receipts relative to wine, etc. 472. PLATT (C. A.). Italian Gardens. Numerous plates of views. 4to, cloth. N. Y. 1894 473. PLINY. Caii Plinii Secundi Historiae naturalis libri XXXVII, ex reeognitione J. Harduini et G. Broterii, cum notis selectioribus, front, and engraved title, 8 vols, in 4, 1784-85; Epistolarum Libri X et Panegyricus ex recensione J. M. Gesneri, front, and engraved title, 1786, 2 vols, in one. 5 vols. l2mo, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled dentelle borders on the sides, gilt back and inside borders, gilt edges. Venetiis, 1784-86 474. PLUKS (MARGARET). Rambles in Search of Flowerless Plants. Colored phttes. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1864 475. [POE (EDGAR A.).] Graham's Magazine. (Vols. 20, 21 and 25, 26, containing original contributions by Poe and others. ) Full-page plates., some colored (fashion plates) , etc. 4 vols, in 2. 8vo, half calf. Phil. 1842-44 476. POE (EDGAR A.). The Works, with an Introduc- tion and a Memoir by R. H. Stoddard. With etched fronts. 6 vols. 12mo, cloth. N. Y., n. d. 477. PONTEY (WILLIAM). The Forest Pruner; or, Timber Owner's Assistant. With 8 plates. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1810 478. POOR'S MANUAL OF RAILROADS for 1895 and 1903-5. 4 vols, thick 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1895-1905 479. POORE (B. P.). Perley's Reminiscences of Sixty Yeaj»^ the National Metropolis. With numerous portraits an OS. [1886] Notes old 29 frontis- 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Phil. : Hubbari ^OPE (ALEXANDER). The Dunciad and the Prolegomena of Scribbl f neatly rebacked. Lond. : Printed for Lawt First Edition. With both the " Ass iece. 481./ An Essay on Man, in four Epistles to H. St. 'Ohn, Lord Bolingbroke. To which is add^ tU^Universal Prayer. 18mo. Bost. : John ^^k^tA^om^ 1792 _ The extremely rare First American Edi*on/^W4oy copy, in full red levant morocco, with the origina/ wiapper/bound in and contemporary autograph of Sarah Jewety on half title. 61 ^ r r- 7 oA r y^82. Jf ORTRAITS. Woodburn's Gallery of Rare Por- \ f \^jj^ tl^ait^/consisting of original plates by Cecil, Delaram, 1 I Xy D^Seshout, Elstracke, Faithorne, Loggan, Pass, Vertue, etc., with portraits illustrative of Grai^^er's J^iographical ^/^r y^ H^tory of England, Clarendon's Histo^^f^he Rebellion, */ \ / j^ Pennant's London, etc. Wiih 208 ext'/^vfiefy firie portraits. ^ \ i'^'-l/ ^ vols, folio, old half sheep, boards, u^pcut/** y Lond. 1816 ^/y _ One of a very few copies on Larg^ Paiper, published at $105. ^^^ > RILLIANT IMPRESSIONS. xV Our Celebrities. Biographical Sketches and Tits of Noted English and Foreign Statesmen, Men of Bishops and Celebrated Actors and Actresses, Scientists, Lawyers and Royalties. 108 full-page portraits in permanent photography, by Walery. 3 vols. 4to, half morocco. Lond. 1890 Among the many fine portraits in the collection are those of Lord Salisbury, Chief Justice Hawkins, Sir Frederick Leighton, /Gladstone, Sir Morell Mackenzie, Sir Charles Russell, F C. lyBurnand, Alma Taderaa, Sir Arthur Sullivan, Mme. Albani, V W. S. Gilbert, Huxley, Ellen Terry, Irving, Mrs. Langtry, Lady Randolph Churchill, Tyndal, Christine Nilsson, Ada^Rehan, Du Maurier, Queen Victoria, Edward VII, Queen Alexandra, and many others. 484. POSTERS. Grolier Club Poster for the Exhibition of Japanese Prints; and 2 others. (3 pieces) 485. POUSHKIN (ALEXANDER). The Prose Tales. Transl. by T. Keane. First English edn. 12mo, cloth, Lond. 1894 RATT (ANNE). Wild Flowers. First and Second With 96 finely colored plates. 2 vols. 16mo, cloth. Lond. 1898 487/-^ The Flowering Plants, Grasses, Sedges, and ns of Great Britain. By Anne Pratt. With over 300 colored plates. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. Lond. n. d. ^488. PRINTING. A Short History of f n^li/^ Printing, 1476-1898. By Henry R. Plomer. Frofitja4d,^w6odcuts. , gilt top, uncut. r"^ tJond. 1900 RSH (FREI/ERICK). Flora Anyericag Septen- or, A Systematic Arrangement and ye&^iption e Plants of Norfh America, containing/m^pywjw^ and rare species. JIi^ll page colored plat™^ fe voli^vo, oards, uncut (ciftackeil). ) ^-^"^i LonA/lL814 Scarce./ V' 490. r^UAYLE (WILLIAM A.) \c Numerous illusts. In God's Out-of-Doors. 8vo, cloth, gilt extra. Cinn. and N. Y. 1902 x^ V491. T3 ABELAIS. Master Francis Rabelais. Five ^■- Books of the Lives, Heroic Deeds and Sajings of Gargantua and his Son, Pantagruel. Transl. by Sir Thomas Urquhart and Peter Antony Motteux. With 15 remarkable illusts. by Louis Chalon. 2 vols. 4to, cloth, uncut. Lond. : Lawrence & Bullen, 1892 )d edition of the best and most complete English trans- (JOHN). Flora: SeuDe Florum Cultura; or, AVCona^J«rfe Florilege, furnished with All Requisites belong- ingTlTa Florist. Engraved front, and plates. Small folio, half calf, yellow edges. Lond. 1665 Rare. 493. REED (C. A.). North American Birds' Eggs. With numerous illusts. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1904 494. REPTON (HUMPHRY). Observations on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, including some Remarks on Grecian and Gothic Architecture. Por- trait and NUMEROUS large colored and other aquatint PLATES. Royal 4to, contemporary calf (broken). Lond. 1803 Rare. 495. Rescue of an Old Place [Robbins], 1900; Days and Hours in a Garden, 1898; My Summer in a Garden [Warner], 1900; The Garden's Story [Ellwanger], 1889; and others. 10 vols. 12mo to l8mo, cloth. v. p. 496. RHYMERS' CLUB. The Second Book (with original contributions by E. Dowson, G. A. Greene, R. Le Gallienne, A. Symons, W. B. Yeats, etc.). 16mo, cloth, uncut. Limited to 650 copies. Lond. 1894 496*. ROBERTS (PETER). The Anthracite Coal In- dustry: a Study of the Economic Conditions and Relations of the Co-operative Forces in the Development of the An- thracite Coal Industry of Pennsylvania, with Introduction " "" " N. Y. 1901 for English Lond. 1870 by W. G. Sumner. 8vo, cloth 497. ROBINSON (W.). Alpine Flowers Gardens. Wiih numerous illusts. 12mo, cloth. Out of print and scarce. The English Flower Garden: ngement shown by existing Examples of Design and Gardens in reat Britain and Ireland, followed hy a Description of the Plants for the Open-air Garden and their Culture. Illust. with numerous wood engravings. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1896 499. The English Flower Garden: Design and Arrq/sremftnt shown by existing examples of Gardens in }ain and Ireland, followed by a Description of the mts for the Open-air Garden and their Culture. ist. 8vo, half levant morocco gilt, gilt top. Lond. 1898 500. The Garden Beautiful. Home Woods, Home Landscape. 8vo, half cloth and boards, uncut. Lond. 1906 Y ^1 s -v V 7 i y^ ^eorge I. . V(507/!ROWLANDSON PLATES. The Grand Master; >y oV,,_;draventures of Qui Hi ? in Hindostan. A Hudibrastic rf^ Poem in Eight Cantos by Quiz. With engraved title and 27 humorous colored plates by Rowlandson. 8vo, half olive >y calf. "Lond.: Tegg, 1816 First Edition. Scarce. 508. ROYCROFT PRESS.— The Essay on Friendship, > by R.W. Emerson. 12mo, boards, uncut. East Aurora, 1899 J One of 50 copies specially illuminated by hand. 609. RUGS. The Tiffany Studios Collection of Notable Antique Oriental Rugs. Colored and other illusts. 8vo, boards, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1906 Edition limited to 500 copies, each a presentation copy from e Tiffany Studios. RUSSELL (LORD). An Impartial and full account Life and Death of the late unhappy William Lord eldest Son and Heir of the present Earl of Bed- /Tj ^ FORD who was executed for High Treason July 21, 1683, /^ y in Lincoln's Inn Fields. Together with, the Original and Oi ^ y \ Bise of the Earls of Bedford: giving a brief /cc9nnt of each vA ^ I of them. Fine portrait. 12mo, original \ U Rare. Lond. : Cal^J^yfock, 1684 ^ ^' 64 1 \T 611. RUSSELL (LADY). Swallowfield and its Owners. Numerous full-page portraits, views y facsimiles ^ etc. Royal 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt edges. Lond. 1901 512. RUTTER (JOHN AND DANIEL). Modern Eden; or, The Gardener's Universal Guide. 8vo, calf. Lond. 1759 513. ^ALA (G. A.). America Revisited : from the Bay of New York to the Gulf of Mexico, and from Lake Michigan to the Pacific. Numerous illusts. 2 vols. S^ar^oth. Lond. 1883 itle within ue crushed js. (Name ^ i 5y. SANNAZARO (JACOPO). Arcadi m /ornamental xvoodcut border. 8vo, f ^ant morocco gilt, gilt edges, bj^ Bra on title and last leaves somewhat water Venetia: Bernardifco'defirindoni, 1543 515. SARGENT (C. S.). A Catalogue of the Forest Trees of North America. 8vo, half morocco, gilt. Wash. 1880 516. The Silva of North America; a description of the Trees which grow naturally in North America, exclusive of Mexico. With over 700 plates, which display several y^ THOUSAND SPECIMENS. The figures aad analyses draw ^ from nature hy Charles Edward Faxon and engraved ~}ilihert and Eugene Picart. 13 vols, folio, original boards, "'It. \ J^ ^'^ -^OB^t. : The Riverside Press, 1892-1902 Fine copy of this magnificent work, the greatest con- tribution TO the science of American Silva of our time. 7. Manual of the Trees of North America (ex- clusive of Mexico). With upwards of 600 illusts. and a map. 8vo, cloth. Bost. 1905 518. SCHILLER (F. VON). Sammtliche Werke. Por- traits and engraved plates. 12 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1835-36 519. SCHIMPER (DR. A. F. W.) AND FISHER (WILL- IAM R.). Plant- Geography upon a Physiological Basis. With numerous illusts. Thick royal 8vo, half morocco. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1903 520. SCHLICH (WILLIAM). A Manual of Forestry. (Introduction to Forestry, Sylviculture, Forest Manage- ment, etc.) Second edn.. Revised and Enlarged. 5 vols. 8va,-^oth. Lond. 1896 / ^. V V 521.ySCHNEIDER (GEORGE). The for the Garden, Conservatory ^d ing and giving explicit cultural direct most striking Ferns and Selagiiiellas ^ with colored plates and numerous wo{ prepared for this work. 3 vols. 4tol 65 ly /O ooK or unoice tove. Describ- ^ or th^ best and /j \vings sjpecially y^ ^ ^ // 522. SCHOOL OF THE WOODS, by W. J. Long, 1903; Talks Afield, by L. H. Bailey [1885]; The Garden that I Love, by A. Austin, 1894; How to Know the Ferns, by Mrs. Parsons, 1899; Seven Gardens and a Palace, by E. V. B., 1900; Our Gardens, by S. R. Hole, 1899; My Garden, by E. Phillpotts, 1906; The Garden, by L. Underwood, 1907. All illust. 8 vols. 8vo and infra, cloth. 523. SCIENCE. In Sickness and in Health [Roosevelt], 1896; System of Logic [Mill], 1874; Text Book of Zoology [Claus & Sedgwick], 1885; Biology [Letourneau], 1890; Text Book of Physiology [Foster], 1897; In the Lena Delta [Melville], 1885; and others. 16 vols, royal 8vo and smaller, cloth. V. p. 524. Science in Arcadj^ [Allen], 1892; Beauties of Nature [Lubbock], 1892; Pioneers of Science [Lodge], 1893; Relations of Mind and Brain [Calderwood], 1884; and others. 8 vols. 8vo, cloth. v. p. 525. Physical Geography; Heat as a Mode of Motion; Treasury of Botany; Electricity and its Recent Application ; Organic Evolution ; Charles Darwin ; Degen- eration; Elementary Chemistry; Transit of Venus; and others. 29 vols. 12mo and smaller, cloth. v. p., v. d. 526. SCIENCE LECTURES at South Kensington. By Capt. Abney, Prof. Stokes, etc. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1878 527. SCIENCE OF HORTICULTURE, by J. Hayward, 1818; The Gardeners Kalendar, by Philip Miller, 1760; How Plants Grow, by A. Gray, n. d. ; Practical Floricul- ture, by P. Henderson, 1901; Gardening made Easy, n. d. ; Garden and Farm Topics, by P. Henderson, 1884; A Popu- lar History of British Mosses, by R. M. Stark, 1860; The American Gardener, by W. Cobbett, 1821; The Beautiful Flower Garden, by F. S. Matthews, 1901 ; Home Gardening, by W. D. Drury, 1898; Lessons in Elementary Botany, hy D. Oliver, 1878; Culture of Water Lilies and Aquatics; Your Plants, by J. Sheehan, 1896 ; The British Fruit Gar- dener, by J. Abercrombie, 1781; The Woodsman's Hand- book, Parti, by H. S. Graves, 1903; Flowers and Flower Culture, by H. W. Ward, n. d. Some with illusts. 16 vols. 8vo and infra, cloth, etc. 528. SCIENTIFIC SERIES. Including The New Chem- istry [Cooke] ; Man and the Glacial Period [Wright] ; The Mammalia [Schmidt] ; Man before Metals [Joly] ; Descent and Darwinism [Schmidt]; The Human Species [Quatre- fages]; The Atomic Theory [Wurtz]. 7 vols. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1881-92 529. SCOTT (M. H. B.). Houses and Gardens. With numerous plates in colors and other illusts. 4to, cloth. Lond. 1906 66 ;OTT (WALTER). Lord of thfe JM^ A Poem ^ntos. With beautiful illusts. hj^f^^oM^rCely en- by Heath 4to, new half moro^o^il^Jfp^ uncut. / Ar Edinburgh, 1815 First Edition. Large Paper CQpy,fwil!h brilliant India proof impressions of the plates. 531. The Journal, from the Original Manuscript at Abbotsford. 2 portraits and a map. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1890 532. SCOTT'S ORCHARDIST; or. Catalogue of Fruits, cultivated at Merriott, Somerset. 12mo, cloth. Lond., n. d. 533. SEELEY (SIR J. R.). The Growth of British Policy. An Historical Essay. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. / Cambridge, 1895 . J V53i. SERLE (AMBROSE). Horse Solitarise : Essays upon flK some Remarkable Names and Titles of Jesus Christ occur- ring in the Old Testament. To which is annexed an Essay, chiefly historical, upon the Doctrine of the Trinity. 2 vols, fine old English straight-grained blue morocco, gold and blind-tooled, gilt edges, by C. Lewis. Lond. 1815 An interesting work from the library of William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester, who has written on fly-leaf, " Given to me by Lady Olivia Sparrow" and with his bookplate in Vol. I. 535. SEWELL (C. V. V.). Common Sense Gardens: How to plan and plant them. Numerous illusts. 12mo, clyth. N. Y. 1906 3 Ks^ cloth. N. Y. 1906 /Si >/536. SHADWELL (THOMAS). The Woman Captain: , J a Comedy acted by His Royal Highnesses Servants. Small v. ^ 4to. half levant,, s-ilt ton. 'O \):^ 6 /■ 4to, half levant, gilt top. ^,^- — Lond. : Printed for Samuel Carr, 1680 irst Edition. Contains interesting reference on page 2 to hakespsare and his Fools. 537. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Mr. William Shake- speare's Comedies, Histories and Tragedies. Published ac- ording to the true original copies. Portrait by Droeshout. Folio, half russia, neat. Lond. : Printed by Isaac Jaggard and Ed. Blount, 1623 The scarce 1807 textual reprint of the first folio, printed by yE. & J. Wright. jfi 538. The Dramatic Works of Shakespeare. En- ^^ ,^^ y graved title-page and portrait. 12mo, full green morocco, fi A elaborately blind gold tooled, green silk linings and fly- yj '^ leaves, gilt edges. Lond. : William Pickering, 1826 I Choice copy of Pickering's diamond type edition in a very handsome contemporary English binding. 539. Complete Works, with a Life of the Poet, glos- sarial and other notes, etc., etc., from the Works of Collier, Knight, Dyce, Douce, etc., edited by G. L. Duyckinck. Bound in 3 vols, royal 8vo, half morocco. Phil. 1874 67 N. 540. SHAKESPEARE. Works, edited with a scrupulous revision of the text by Charles and Mary Cowden Clarke. The Leicester Square edition. Engraved portrait and 21 photograph, illusts. from the Boy dell Gallery. 8vo, full levant m^^^co gilt, gilt edges (somewhat rubbed). Lond. 1875 Antony and Cleopatra, with an introduction by P . Rolfe. With 17 fine engravings by Paul Avril. ^ ^cial copy, with plates in two states. Royal 8vo, full ^/ citron morocco extra, with decorated sides and back, gilt inside borders and silk linings, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehns- DORF. Paris, 1891 One of 100 copies on Holland paper, with the plates in two proof states. A very handsome volume, beautifully printed by Jouaust, of Paris. V /. 542. An Inquiry into the Authenticity of certain miscellaneous papers and legal instruments published 1795, and attributed to Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth and Henry j>^ Earl of Southampton. By Edmund Malone. Illust. by a /\j new facsimile of the handwriting of Shakespeare^ etc. 8vo, * ' original half roan, uncut. j Lond. 1796 Rare. With presentation irujc^ption from Edmund Malone r \J j^'^K *^ ^^- Barney, the famous m ^ Jf 543: J SHELLEY (PERCY \ 1° ( CI BtSSHE). The Revolt of ilslam : a Poem, in Twelve Cantos. 8vo, full olive calf gilt. >- /y Lond. : C. & J. Oilier, i818 The rare First Eduiion. An exceptionally choice copy. 544. SHERIDAN (R. B.). A Trip to Scarborough, a Comedy as performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. FiRSTt^DN. 8vo, full red morocco gilt, gilt edges (half title myfein^). Lond. 1781 / V^45. SHIRLEY (JAMES). The Triumph of Peace, a J^ Masque presented, by the Foure Honorable Houses or Inns *v of Court. Before the King and Queenes M^esties, in the Banqueting House at White Hall, February t£^e Tj^rd 1633. Invented and written by James Shirley of Gr^yes Inne, gent. Small 4to, sprinkled calf extra, rougii giU edges. Lond. : Printed by John Norton for William- Coke, 1633 First Edition. " The scene and ornaopent was the act of Inigo Jones. The composition of theftnu^c was performed by Mr. William Lawes." Choice copy. {From the McKee Collec- tion, with book-plate. .^ y ^ //) y % / Y546. SIDNEY (SIR PHILIP). The Countess of Pem- broke's Arcadia. The original 4to edition, 1590, in fac- simile, with a Bibliographical introduction, edited byH. O. Sommer. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Lond. 1891 Edition of 300 copies only. 547. SIEVEKING (A. F.). Gardens, Ancient and Mod- ern. An Epitome of the Literature of the Garden Art. Illusts. Post Svo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1899 68 IX 548. SIGNBOARDS. The History of Signboards By Larwood and Ilotten. Colored front, and numerous illusts. I 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1892 ' 549. SINCLAIR (GEORGE). Hortus Gramineiis Wo- burnensis; or, An Account of the Results of Experiments on the Produce and Nutritive Qualities of Different Grasses and other Plants used as the food of the more valuable domestic animals: instituted by John, Duke of Bedford. Illust. with numerous colored plates. Royal 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1825 550. SINGLETON (ESTHER). Romantic Castles and Palaces, as seen and described by famous writers Witli numerous illusts. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1901 551. >LATER (J. H.). The Library Manual: a Guide to the Pp«si4tion of a Library and the Valuation of Books. l-2ji.T>.^^d^jLsl^ A^occo neat, uncut. Norwich, Conn. : Rob6™oaf& T^mbull, 1776 A Rare Revolutionary Item. Ami^ig wie other officers of the army eulogized are Captains Cheesman, Macpherson. Hend- ricks, Carleton and Gen. Arnold. 556. SNOW (C. H.). The Principal Species of Wood: Their Characteristic Properties. Numerous illusts. Royal 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1903 / 557. SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI, 1802. An Ora- tion delivered at Hartford on the 6th of July before the Society of the Cincinnati for the State of Connecticut as- sembled to celebrate the Anniversary of American Inde- pendence. By Benjamin Silliman. Svo, new half red morocco. Hartford: Hudson & Goodwin, 1802 "The Theory of Modern Philosophy contrasted with the Practical System of New England." Only 300 copies printed. 69 / S^ 1 / % 558. SOUTH CAROLINA. Bloody News from Carolina, or The English Sailors Tragedy ; being a full and true Account of the Horrid, Bloody, Barbarous and Inhuman Murder, com- ^ mitted on the body of James Radford, a sailor on board the a a A ship Cgesar, in South Carolina, by the hands of a desperate \^ PRESS-GANG, ctc, ctc. 8vo, ucw half calf, UNCUT. Very rare, / especially in this state. Lond. 1742 The accounts of how the ghost of the unfortunate sailor appeared to a ''certain great personage" between the hours of twelve and one are told in the extravagant language of the )eriod. OWERBY'S ENGLISH BOTANY. English Bot- r Colored Figures of British Plants. Edited by John 'Boswell Syme, the popular portion by M^. Irankester, the figures by J. Sowerby and John Edward'^^^rby. Third EDITION ENLARGED, REARRANGED ACORDINQF j^>^HE NATURAL ORDERS AND ENTIRELY REVISED, with dcs^j^^pons of all the species by the editor. With thousand/^ CGLofeED figures ON 1,922 PLATES. ]^.yols. thick royal Syo/ half ^een morocco, gilt, gilt tops. y If Lond. 1863-1886 A FINE AND PERFECT SET OF THK LATEST AND BEST EDITION OF THIS FAMOUS WORK, WHICH MUST ALWAYS RANK AS ONE OF THE GREATEST PRODUCTIONS OF ITS KIND FOR ALL TIME. 560. SPANISH AMERICA. The British Sailor's Dis- covery, or the Spanish Pretentions confuted, containing a short History of the Discovery and Conquests of Spain in y^ America, with a particular Account of the Illegal and un- christian means they made use of to Establish their Settle- ments there, etc., etc. 8vo, new half calf. Lond. 1739 The rare original edition. Contains much information re- garding the early history and settlement of the West Indies not to be found elsewhere. Also ^'An exact account of the num- ber of ships, men, etc., employed in the grand intended Invasion of 1588." This copy contains the half-title. 561. SPANISH FREEBOOTERS. Some Observations on Damages done by the Spaniards, or a Representation of our damages in the five Years last past ; Collected out of Pub- Accounts, by some leading Trading Men of the City of who have suffered for want of such a Protection, etc. half calf. Lond. [1728] The rare original edition, with the half-title. Contains many references regarding American commerce and the Spanish freebooters that were such a menace to it and who were ever on the look out for prey. 562. [Bolingbroke (Henry St. John, Viscount).] The Craftsman Extraordinary, being Remarks on a late Pamphlet entitled ' ' Observations on the Conduct of Great Britain, ' ' etc. Published by "Caleb D'Anvers, Esq." Original edition. / 8vo, new half calf, totally uncut and with the half title. / Lond. 1729 Eelates to the Spanish Depredations in the West Indies. Rare in this unusual condition. 70 Damages ( /\ sea damag p^ AJ y^lick Accor f j[ s^ ^r London — ^ \J\ /^ 8vo, new h 563. SPANISH FREEBOOTERS. Another copy of the above, half new half calf, with half title (cut copy). Lond. 1729 564. [Bolingbroke (Henry St. John, Viscount).] The Craftsman Extraordinary, containing an Answer to the De- fence of the Enquiry into the Reasons of the Conduct of Great Britain. In a Letter to the Craftsman. By John Troy, Yeo- man. Original edition. 8vo, new half calf, totally uncut, AND with the half-title and leaf of * * Errata. ' ' Lond. 1729 Fine copy and very rare in uncut state. Relates to the Spanish Depredations in the West Indies. 565. The Anti-Craftsman, being An Answer to the Craftsman Extraordinary, wherein the Clamours of a certain Party are fully Detected and Exposed. Original edition. 8vo, new half calf. Lond. 1729 Refuting certain statements made regarding the Spanish Depredations in the West Indies. 566. [Bolingbroke (Henry St. John, Viscount).] Some Farther Remarks on a late Pamphlet entitled Obser- vations on the Conduct of Great Britain, particularly with Relation to the Spanish Depredations and Letters of Re- prisal. By "Caleb D'Anvers of Gray's-Inn, Esq." 8vo, new half buff calf. Lond. 1729 Original edition. Rare. The Postscript is ''In Vindication of the West India Merchants against a late charge op theft AND PYRACY.'' 567. [Bolingbroke (Henry St. John, Viscount).] The Second Craftsman Extraordinary, being Farther Remarks on a ^Pamphlet lately published, entitled ' ' Observations on the Conduct of Great Britain." Published by Caleb D'Anvers, Esq. Original edition. 8vo, new half calf. Lond. [1730] With the half-title. 568. The Cases of some English Ships taken by the Spaniards, wherein is set forth the unwarrantable Manner in which they were seized, the illegal Manner of declaring them Prizes, etc. Taken from Spanish Documents. The rare original edition. 8vo, new half calf. Lond. 1731 Detailed declarations of the masters of English vessels . . "which were lawfully proceeding on their Voyages for our Plantations in America,'' and which were seized by Spanish PIRATES. 569. SPANISH WEST-INDIES. The Works of James Houstoun, containing Memoirs of his Life, and Travels in Asia, Africa, America and most parts of Europe from the year 1690 to the giving a particular Account of the Scotch expedition at Darien in America, the great Advantages to Gt. Britain from the Union, the Rise, Progress and Fall of the two great African and South-Sea Companies, the late Ex- 71 -vA^ / \ aJ, / pedition to the Spanish West-Indies, the Taking and Resti- tution of Cape Breton. Some Curious Anecdotes of the Spanish Court, a short Hint for expunging the Errors and Superfluous Jargon and hyperbolical Mysteries of — Divinity, Physic and Law, etc. The rare original edition. With the author's Coat-of-Arms as fronts. 8vo, cont. calf (neatly re- backed). Lond. 1753 A curious feature about this interesting volume is that it . . ^'is entered according to Act of Parliament, and subscribed by THE AUTHOR IN HAND-WRITING " the autograph being at the end of the ''Apology." 57Q/ sport. The American Shooter's Manual, comprising jigji^lain and simple Rules as are necessary to i»troduce the Inexperienced unto a full knowedge of all inaJJrelates to the Dog, and the Correct use of the Gun ; silfio k description of the Game op this Country. By a Gentlefaaii o^^hiladelphia County. (Dr. Lee Kester.) With full-'j^emlM^ ^ Kearney of Birch, of Duck Shooting, etc. 12mo, Jnranal bWrds, uncut MAINLY UNOPENED. / i/ Phil. 1827 The Second American Sporting B*)k Mnd the First Work on American Game Birds. In the A^ertfeements at end is a fine copper plate engraving of Shooters, Dogs and Birds, issued by " G. TV. Tryons Gun Manufactory. 165 N. Second St., Phila." Of extreme rarity in boards, uncut. 571. Riding and Hunting. By M. Horace Hayes. Numerous illusts. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1901 572. STANFIELD (CLARKSON). Coast Scenery. A Series of Picturesque Views in the British Channel and on the Coast of France. Full-page engravings with text. Square Svoj cloth gilt, gilt edges. N. Y. 1879 v/573. STEAMBOAT DISASTERS AND RAILROAD ACCIDENTS in the U. S. To which is appended accounts of Recent Shipwrecks, Fires and Sea-thrilling Incidents. By S. A. Howland. Profusely illust. with full-page and text engravings. 8vo, original sheep. Worcester, 1840 Very scarce. The illustrations include some very quaint views of a ''Collision between a Lumber and a Passenger Train, '* ' ' Explosion of a Locomotive on the Harlem Eailroad, " ' ' Wreck ©f the Mexico at Hampstead, L. I." ''The Seminole Indians burning the Cape Florida Lighthouse," "Conflagration of the Lexington," etc. 574. STEUART'S Planters' Guide, 1828; Lindley's Theory of Horticulture, 1840; Marshall's Practice of Gardening, 1813; Gushing 's Exotic Gardener, 1814; Doyle's Practical Gardening, 1839 ; and others. Some illust. 11 vols., various sizes and bindings. v. p. 575. STEVENSON (ROBERT L.). The Works of Steven- son. Edited by C. C. Bigelow and Temple Scott. Illust. 10 vols, post 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1906 576. STILLINGFLEET (BENJ.). Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Natural History, Husbandry and Physick. With the Calendar of Flora. 8vo, calf. Lond. 1791 577. STRACHEY (SIR JOHN). Hastings and the Rohilla W^j^fT^vo, cloth. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1892 STRADA'S WARS OF FLANDERS. Histoire de la J de Flandre, escrite en Latin par Famianus Strada. yiv en Francois par P. Du Rier. With many very fine ^ ^ ^ copper-plate portraits of Phili p II of Spain, William ^f » ^ Nassau, Prince of Orange, D'Amtap Governor of Antwerp, [^ Comte d'Aremherg, the Duke of Alba', Alexander Farnese, and other's. 2 vols, folio, old sprinkled calf neatly rebacked. A Paris, chez Augustin Courbe, 1659-61 Fine copy. ■ ' 579. STRICKLAND (AGNES). Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest. With portraits. 8 vols. 12mo, full calf gilt, marbled edges (few of the labels missing). Lond. 1854 ^ (I 580. STRUTT (JOSEPH). Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, including the Rural and Domestic Re creations. May games, Mummeries, Shows, Processions, Pa geants, and Pompous Spectacles from the earliest period the present Times. Illust. by 140 engravings, in which are represented most of the Popular Diversions. Royal 8vo, half olive green morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond. : Tegg., 1845 One of 50 Large Paper copies, with the cuts finely colored. X to ^-> s/. 581. SUFFOLK (LORD). Miscellanies in Prose and ^flLV Verse. 8vo, old calf, neatly rebacked. r^ ^ Printed in the year 1741 ^ ^ First Edition. The ''Familiar Letters" and "Poetical Miscellanies" contain some highly facetious pieces. ' «, V^582. SURTEES (R. S.). Jorrocks's Jaunts and Jollities; ^ 'Ky or, the Hunting, Shooting, Racing, Driving, Sailing, Eating, *» -^ A Eccentric and Extravagant Exploits of that Renowned Sport- ^jy^ I ing Citizen, Mr. John Jorrocks. 2 vols. 12mo, original boards, * with cloth backs and paper labels. Phila. : Carey and Hart, 1838 First American Edition of these racy Sporting Memoirs. J B»**emely rare. Fine 'copy. ^ ^ Y583. Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour. By the Author ^^ of Handley Cross. Illust. with 13 spirited colored plates and numerous comic woodcuts by John Leech. 8vo, three-quarter light brown levant, gilt top, uncut by Bradstreets. Choice copy. Lond. : Bradbury, Evans Co., n. d. 73 /T^ \^ 584. SUTTON & SONS. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers, from Seeds and Roots. Illust. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1906 585. SWEET (ROBERT). The Hothouse and Green- house Manual, or Botanic Cultivator. Thick 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1839 586. SWINBURNE (A. C). Tristram of Lyonesse and Other Poems. First edn. Post 8vo, half polished morocco gilt, gilt top. Lond. 1882 ., \/587. The Heptalogia, or Seven against Sense. Small pS^ 4to, full dark green levant, with thin gold rules round edges of sides and back, with broad inside borders richly tooled in gold, by TooF. Portland : T. B. Mosher, 1898 Mosher's First and very limited Edition in beautiful binding. 588. SWITZER (STEPHEN). Ichnographia Rustica; or, the Nobleman, Gentleman and Gardener's Recreation. With copper-plates of views and plans of gardens, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, >orary calf. Lond. 1718 589. The Practical Fruit- Gardfe^fer. ^ng the best id newest method of raising, planting, and pruning all sorts fruit-trees, agreeably to the expedience and practice of the most eminent Gardeners and nu'ysery-men. /With copper- plates of plans of gardens. 8vo, ebnttemporary calf. ^ 4 Lond. 1724 590. SYMONDS (MARGARET). Days Spent on a Doge's Farm. Illust. 12mo, half calf. Lond. 1893 591. nPAINE (H. A.). History of English Literature. -^ Transl. by H. Van Laun. (Vols. 1 and 2 only.) 2 vols. 8vo, tree calf (broken) . ^ Edinburgh, 1873 592. TEMPLE (WILLIAM). Works. Engraved por. trait. 4 vols. 8vo, full calf (cracking). Lond. 1770 593. TENNYSON (A.). Gareth and Lynette. First edn. 16mo, full green crushed levant morocco*, gilt tooled inside borders, gilt top, by the Club Bindery. Lond. 1872 594. THACKERAY (W. M.). The History of Henry Es- / ji mond, Esq. First edn. 3 vols. 12mo, half calf gilt, marbled lU /^ ^ edges. Upper comer of a leaf of Vol. Ill torn, with damage Cf^ C , of the text. Lond. 1852 / f y 595. THEURIET (ANDRE). Contes pour les Soirs d'Hiver. With designs in color hy De S. Bejchan. Royal 8vo, ornamented cloth (loose in binding), gilt edges. Paris, n. d. 74 IRLWALL (CONNOP). PrimitiaB/ or, Essays bems, on various Subjects, Religious, Mot^Vand Enter- y taming. Portrait. 16mo, three-quarter ait top, by Stikemajst. Lond. : Printed f o; jC / Connop Thirlwall, the Historian of ^f^ y wards became Bishop of St. Davids, p ^ collection in the eleventh year of his evant, extra, Aut^r, 1809 ce a^^d who after- above singular 597. THOMSON (JAMES). VanflT^s Story, Weddah and Om-El-Bonain, and other Poems. First edn. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1881 598. THOMSON (WILLIAM). A Practical Treatise on the Cultivation of the Grape Vine. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1863 599. THOREAU (H. D.). Friendship. lum paper. 12mo, cloth. Portrait on veU N. Y. [1906] 600. TREES, SHRUBS AND VINES, by Parkhurst, 1903 ; The Gateless Barrier, by L. Malet, 1900; In the Garden of Peace, by Mrs. Crooton, 1900 ; Some Familiar Trees, by C. S. Boulger, n. d. ; Talks on Manures, by J. Harris, 1900 ; John- son 's Cottage Gardener's Dictionary, 1863; Our Northern Shrubs, by H. L. Keeler, 1903 ; The Wild Flowers of Selbome, by J. Vaughan, 1906. Mostly illust. 8 vols. 12mo, cloth. 601. TRICKER (WILLIAM). The Water Garden, em- bracing the Construction of ponds, adapting natural streams, planting, hybridizing, ^eed saving, propagation, building, etc. With 9 plates, 18 full-page descriptive views and numerous ketches in the text. 4to, cloth. |602. /TRIGGS (H. I.). FormayO? S(3QtJ«nd, their planning and arr/ngj ornamental features. Illust. hy^ the author and 53 reproducec folio, boards portfolio. N. Y. 1897 *dpns in England and it, architectural and ^rom drawings hy lotographs. 3 parts Lond. 1901 603. The Art of Garden Design in Italy. Illust. hy 73 photographic plates reproduced in collotype, 27 plans and numerous sketches in the text taken from original surveys andvlans especially made hy the author, and 28 plates from pl^og^phs. Folio, buckram. Lond. 1906 Remarks Sons of neat. many 604VTRINITY-GARDEN, a poem. Wit Scurrilous Pamphlet, lately publishe mess. By A. G. [Barber] . Thin 4 Lond.: Printed for Mynheer Hibergin^ parts by many people, 1754. First Edition of this very humorous t)uf coarse satire. 605. TWISS (TRAVERS). The Law of Nations con- sidered as Independent Political Communities. On the Rights and Duties of Nations in time of peace. New edition revised and enlarged. 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1884 75 z r^ ^^ 3> Xf I ^ (^ Y 606. T/"ANBRUGH (SIR JOHN). The False Friend, a ^ Comedy, as it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. By His Majesty's Servants. Small 4to, half levant, gilt top. Lond. : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1702 First Edition. In the Prologue the author speaks of abating the immorality which had been charged against contemporary- plays, but in this piece, he addresses himself to the task in the most cautious fashion. The Confederacy. A Comedy as it is acted at tlia^ueen's Theatre in the Hay-Market. By Her Majesty's Sworn Servants. By the author of The Relapse, Provok'd Wife, and ^sop. Small 4to, half levant, gilt top. Lond. : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1705 First Edition. The most vivacious of Vanbrugh's plays, and perhaps of English comedies before Sheridan; however, it has also been described as the lowest in point of morality to which ^glish comedy ever sank. VANDAM (A. half morocco. D.). Amours of Great Man. 2 Lond. vols. 1878 ^AN RENSSELAER (MRS. S.). English Cathe- drals: Canterbury, Peterborough, Durham, Salisbury, Lich- field, Lincoln, Ely, Wells, Winchester, Gloucester, York, Lon- don. Illust. with 154 woodcuts from drawings hy Joseph Pen- nell, and with plans and diagrams. 2 vols. imp. 4to, boards, uncut. N. Y. 1892 Only 250 copies printed. /e 610. VIERGE'S ILLUSTRATIONS. Pablo de Segovia, the Spanish Sharper. Transl. from the Original of Francisco de Quevedo-Villegas. Illust. with 110 drawings hy Daniel Vierge. Together with comments on them by Joseph Pennell. 4to, cloth. Lond. 1892 First Edition, now extremely scarce. 611. WALFORD (CORNELIUS). Gilds: Their Origin, ^^ Constitution, Objects, and Later History. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1888 612. [WALPOLE (HORACE).] Observations on Modern Gardening. Illustrated by Descriptions. Second edn. 8vo, calf (name on title). Lond. 1770 613. Essays on Moderning, with a faithful translation into French by the Duke of Nivemois. A Reprint in type facsimile of the edition printed by Mr. Walpole at Strawberry Hill 1785. To which is added an Introductory Note by Alice M. Earle. 4to, boards, uncut. Canton : The Kirgate Press, 1904 Only 300 copies printed. 76 y 6: 614. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). Epistles Domestic, Confidential and Official from General Washington, written about the Commencement of the American Contest, when he entered on the Command of the Army of the United States. With an interesting series of his letters, particularly to the y^ritish Admirals, to Gov. Sir Henry Clinton, Lord Cornwallis, ty(/ Marquis de La Fayette and others, none of which have been printed, in the two volumes published a few months ago. 'With portrait of Washington, hy Bollinson after Savage. 8vo, hal blue levant, gilt top, original wrappers bound in, uncut. 179) Rare. The portrait is in the very rare second state of the plate (line over stipple), and on the right breast of his Uniform Washington is wearing the Order of the Society of the Cincin- J^\ nati. w61^ An Address in Latin, by Joseph Willard, Presi- dlm ; and a discourse in English, by David Tappan, delivered before the University in Cambridge, Feb. 21, 1800, in solemn Commemoration of Gen. George Washington. Fine proof h V j^ portrait inserted. 4to, original black wrappers. IV Cambridge : E. Typis Samuel Etheridge, 1800 » / A presentation copy ''From the President and Fellows of r y presentation copy Harvard College to John Nichols, Esq., LL. D. " Very scarce. '\ \f 616. Biographical Memoirs of the Illustrious Gen. G. Washington, late President of the U. S. of America, contain- ing a History of the principal events of his Life,v.with Extracts from his Journals, Speeches to Congress and Public Ad- dresses ; also a Sketch of his Private Life. Rare portrait and plate. 16mo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. Phil. : R. Folwell, 1800 The very rare First Edition of this fine Memoir, and up to the time of publication the most complete History of Washing- ton published. Written by Thomas Condie. 617. The Life of George Washington, compiled under the inspection of the Honourable Bushrod Washington from original papers, by John Marshall. Portrait of Washington engraved hy D. Edwin. 5 vols. 8vo, full sheep (rubbed). P^^t badly foxed. Phil. 1804 The History of the Centennial Celebration of the iration of George Washington as First President of the 'S. Edited by Clarence W. Bowen. Numerous portraits, views, etc. Thick 4to, full brown morocco gilt, gilt edges. y"^\ No. 137 of a limited issue. N. Y. : Appleton, 1892 ^19./ George Washington (In Masonic costume), en graverf by Charles B. Hall from an original painting, by Gil bert Stuart. In three states: 1. Artist's proof on Japanese Paper signed by the ^ graver. xj ^ y 2. Proof on India Paper, with scratched inscription. ^ -^ 3. Open letter proof on India Paper. N. Y. Only 35 sets privately printed. 77 Dt 1 62a/\^ASHINGTON (GEORGE). 'jwLmi^ON Deliv- ekiiig^n Eulogy on Lafayette," engraved bt Carles B. Hall, y from the original painting. Three jnr^pi^i^m/ Artist's ^^ proof on Japanese paper; signed by engravei:. Proof on India paper, with scratched inscription : nnd ope^ letter proof. Only 36 sets privately issued for subscribers. 621. 'WASHINGTON'S MOUNT VeRNON LIBRARY. ^ (fhe First Principles of Chemistry. By "William Nicholson. 8vo, sheep. Lond. 1796 Autograph of "Bushrod Washington, Mount Vernon," on _^^ half title. Also Certificate from Laurence Washington certifying to same; also that it was probably from Gen. Washington's ersonal library. / yn^Jy22. JWATBON (P. W.). Dendrologia Britannica; or, A , \ YK^Trees^nd Shrubs that will live in the open air of Britain Z' A ^ >^ ^ tm«eWATSON (W.)> Orchids: Their Culture and Man- t. Ne^ Edition revised and greatly enlarged by H. J. Chapman. With numerous illusts. in colors. Svo, cloth. Lond. 1903 3 625. WEATHERS (JOHN). A Practical Guide to Garden Plants, containing Description of the hardiest and most beau- .y tiful annuals and biennials, hardy herbaceous and bulbous yk/O perennials, etc. With 163 illusts. Svo, cloth. Lond. 1901 -^ 626. WEBBER (THOS. W.). The Forests of Upper India and their Inhabitants. With maps. Svo, cloth. ^.^ Lond. 1902 . f p2pWEED (CM.). The Flower Beautiful. Illust. Svo, fl/ r ^ clM^ Bost. 1903 i^45/ ^EIDENMANN (J.). Beautifying Country Homes. ^ ^ x^y^^^vxuook of Landscape Gardening . Colored plans. Small \^ l>Ofoliorcloth. N. Y., n. d. ^"^ ^ 629. WELLS (CHARLES). The Literature of the Turks. A Turkish Chrestomathy. Facsimiles. Svo, cloth. Lond. 1S91 629.* WOODES ROGERS' PIRATICAL VOYAGE. (Capt. Woodes). A Cruising Voyage round the World, first to the South-Seas, thence to the East Indies and homewards by the Cape of Good Hope begun in 170S and finished in 1711 — a Journal of all the remarkable Transactions — ^the tak- ing of Puna and Guiaquil, of the Acapulco ship and other 78 / Prizes; an Account of Alexander Selkirk's living alone POUR YEARS AND POUR MONTHS IN AN ISLAND. Introduction relating to the South-Sea Trade. With maps. 8vo, cont. calf, rebacked. Lond. 1712 Rare. This expedition fitted out by Danipier, who accom- panied it as Pilot, produced £170,000, half of which went to the proprietors: They surprised Puna and Guyaquil and got much booty, took several prizes, and sailing towards Acapulco cap- tured the Spanish galleon, also a rich ship from Manila off the coast of CaJifornia. The famous Selkirk was rescued from his lonely habitation and appointed by Rogers as mate of his ship. 630. VERNEY FAMILY. Memoirs of the Vemey Family during the Seventeenth Century. By Frances and Margaret Vemey. Numerous portraits. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1904 631. WESTELL (W. P.). Country Rambles. A Field Naturalist's and Country Lover's Note Book for a Year. Ulusts. from, nature. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1903 632. WESTERMARCK (EDWARD). The History of Human Marriage. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1891 633. WHARTON (EDITH). Italian Villa's and their Gardens. With numerous plates of views, several in colors, "2^ ^"'^ Imp, 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1904 634. WHERE TO FlJI^Dv£l^^, by F. G. Heath, 1885; Selorct Ferns and LyconOdaf by^ S/^illiams, 1873; Ferns -^ j^/Hieir Homes and OiAy^J^^jR^inson, 1878; Disease in <3 Plants, by H. M. Wa^fl^ ^&0f7)How to Grow Chrysanthe- ^^ mums, 1899; Practi/{/ Farm Drainage, by C. G. Elliott, ^'^ 1903; Grasses, by C/li. Johns, 1893; The Culture of Green- house Orchids, by F. Boyle, 1902; Seed Dispersal, by W. J. Beal, 1898. With illusts. 9 vols. 12mo, cloth. 635. WHIST. Whist Scores and Card Table Talk, Whist or Bumblepuppy, Laws of Short Whist, Theory of Whist, American Whist Illustrated, Cavendish on Whist, Whist in Diagrams, Whist Perception, and others. 13 volgjj^2mo and smaller, cloth. v. p., v. d. ^ WHITE (J P.). A Complete Catalogue of Garden ure and Garden Ornament. Numerous illusts. 4to, '^T-* (\y^ clotji. [Lond.] 1906 "^ V/C7. WHITMAN (WALT.). Lafayette in Brooklyn. Introduction by John Burroughs. Portrait and facsimile. •8vo, boards and label, uncut. N. Y. 1905 First Edition. No. 2 of 15 copies on Japan paper. 638. WILSON (DANIEL). Prejiistoric Man. Re- /"^ searches into the Origin of Civi^za^mi in the Old and the ^^^^ New World. Frontis. and nupieimcs illusts. 2 vols. 8vo, ^2^ cloth. 7 A-"1 Lond. 1876 \ ^ n /^ vVILpAMS (HENRY). The Orchid- Grower's Man- ^ ntaining descriptions of the best species and varieties ^ rchidafceous ^Plants in cultivation. With numerous v/ ilhli^ p:'L|ck 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1894 64/ WINSTANLEY (WILLIAM). Poor Robin, 1671. Almanack after a New Fashion, wherein the reader may see (if he be not blind) many remarkable things worthy of observation. Being the third after the Bissextile or Leap Year. Containing a two-fold Kalendar, viz. : The Jnlian or English; and the Roundheads, or Fanaticks; with their several Saints days and observations upon every moneth, written by Poor Robin, Knight of the Burnt Island, a well wilier to the Mathematicks. 16mo, half red morocco, gilt edges. Lond. 1671 First Edition. Extremely rare. The author gives his name in the form of an acrostic on the back of title. fi41. WITH THE WILD FLOWERS [Going]; Flowers of the Field [Johns], 1899; Field, Forest and Wayside Flowers Going]; How to Know the Wild Flowers [Dana], 1899; According to Season [Parsons], 1902; Wild Life of Orchard and Field [Ingersoll]; and others. 12 vols. 12mo, cloth, v.d. 6^ WILLIAMS (B. S.). Choice Stove and Greenhouse /^ ^ ering Plants and Ornamental-leaved Plants. Tllust vo>^12mo, cloth. 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